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German Pages 377 [380] Year 1981
Bertrand Russell A Bibliography of his Writings Eine Bibliographie seiner Schriften 1895-1976
Compiled by / Zusammengestellt von Werner Martin
K G Saur München • New York • London • Paris 1981 Linnet Books • Hamden, Connecticut
CIP-Kurztitelaufnahme der Deutschen Bibliothek Martin, Werner: Bertrand Russell : a bibliogr. of his writings ; 1895 - 1 9 7 6 / compiled by Werner Martin. — München ; New York ; L o n d o n ; Paris : Saur, 1981. I S B N 3-598-10348-4 NE: HST
© 1981 by K . G. Saur Verlag K G , München Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany by Pera-Druck K G , Gräfelfing b. München I S B N 3-598-10348-4
A successful theatrical production is easily enjoyed; the troublesome detailed work of the producer, however, which chiefly makes success possible, remains concealed. The same also applies to a bibliography, that indispensable scien= tific instrument of scholarly investi= gation: A bibliography is consulted with ease, but the painstaking accuracy of its compilation which enters into the most minute detail and which alone makes a bibliography useful,remains concealed. Eine erfolgreiche Theateraufführung genießt sich leicht, aber die mühevolle Kleinarbeit des Regisseurs, die ihren Erfolg erst möglich macht, die bleibt verborgen. Ähnliches gilt auch von der Bibliographie, dem unentbehrlichen Arbeitsinstrument wissenschaftlicher Studien: Eine Bibliographie benutzt sich leicht, aber die mühevolle bis ins kleinste Detail gehende Akribie ihrer Zusammenstellung, die sie erst brauchbar macht, die bleibt verborgen.
C O N T E N T S In Lieu of a Foreword Preliminary Remarks Introduction B i b l i o g r a p h y Appendix: 1. Chronological Index of Main Works 2. Synopsis of the Translations in language-Groups 3. Secondary Literature 4. Index of Works 5. List of Sources
261 263 281 285 331
I N H A L T Statt eines Geleitwortes IX Vorbemerkungen XI Einleitung XV B i b l i o g r a p h i e 1 Anhang: 1. Chronologisches Verzeichnis der Hauptwerke . . . 261 2. Zus ammen fas sung der Übersetzungen in Sprachgruppen 263 3. Sekundär-Literatur 281 4. Alphabetisches Werkverzeichnis . 285 5. Quellennachweis 331
- VII -
In Lieu of a foreword Prom a letter of the historian Professor Dr. Golo Mann of 15 June 1979, with permission to publish as presented here "Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you as regards your request. I cannot write a foreword for your Russell-Bibliography, which, by the way, is excellently, even ingeniously produced. Por all of the foreseeable future I am overburdened with work projects of many different kinds." With friendly regards yours Golo Mann
Statt eines Geleitwortes Aus einem Brief des Historikers Herrn Prof. Dr. G o l o M a n n vom 15.6.1979 mit erlaubter Veröffentlichung in vorliegender Porm: "Leidermuß ich Sie, was Ihre Bitte betrifft, enttäuschen. Ich kann ein Geleitwort für Ihre übrigens vorzüglich, Ja geistvoll gemachte Russell-Bibliographie nicht schreiben. PUr alle absehbare Zelt bin ich von Arbeit der verschiedendsten Art überwältigt." Mit f r e u n d l i c h e n Griissen Ihr
- IX -
Preliminary Remarks It should be emphasized at the outset that the BertrandRussell-Bibliography (BRB) presented here offers the complete explanatory text (introductions to and comments on most of the main titles) in German and English so as to cater for a larger range of users. These actual introductions and title commentaries are an indispensable extension of the BRB, intended to elucidate Russell's dominant role as a thinker of the West and as an independent universal intellect. Russell left behind a voluminous literary œuvre, including more than sixty books, many pamphlets and countless contributions to journals and newspapers. Attention to the latter is drawn here through a typical selection. All reprints and translations, In as far as they are listed in the extensive source materials, are recorded in the BRB and in each case occur after the listing of the first publication of individual titles. If, in the case of reprints or translations, the remarks "Excerpt" or "Auszug" is missing, the user is always dealing with the main title which first appeared under ".01" or (if an American title version is involved) under ".02". A compelling reason for the inclusion of reprints was that it offers important material for research into Russell's reception, while the listing of translations evidences the worldwide resonance occasioned by Russell's literary production. The listing of Russell' s chief works — editions in English as well as the German translations - includes, for the greater part, their tables of contents in order to demonstrate, over and above the mere title entry, Russell's universal knowledge. Within the bibliography and the alphabetical index of works, the titles of Russell's main writings are reproduced exclusively in capital letters while all other publications appear in normal style. Each independent title is accompanied by its own bibliographical number (BN). The figure before the period counts as the collective bibliographical number whereas the current number after the period indicates the (frequently multiple) subordination under the main title. In so far as a relationship between titles had to be established, this was achieved with the aid of the BNs. Because the original titles of non-English miscellanies, if recorded independently, can be fitted into the alphabetically arranged index only with difficulty the following title transformation was uniformly adopted: "Miscellany/Sairjr.el'band in German (or other languages) under the title ' "*. The final manuscript of the BRB was produced by myself in its present form. By utilizing the typographic possibilities of the typewriter I have endeavoured not only to arrive at an aesthetically satisfying overall form but also to arrange the necessary groupings and the individual line endings in such a way that, if possible, they correspond with the contents. This was done in order to make optically for a greater legibility than one usually encounters in bibliographies. - XI -
The confidence that I was closing a gap with this BRB for the German speaking area and, moreover, for the science of letters has encouraged me not let up in the attempted longterm accomplishment of such a task in spite of all its laborious demands. I hope, in all modesty, to have achieved the goal. In this I received support by many to whom I would like to express my gratitude at this point. Above all I have to thank Mr. Werner Schlick, my German literary friend in faroff Australia (University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane) for his devotion of time to translate part of the explanatory texts from Germ a n into English and vice versa, and for his consultative interest in my BRB to the end, despite his taxing preparations for a doctorate at a German university. To authors, editors and publishers, as recorded inter alia in the list of sources accompanying relevant titles, I have to give thanks for the opportunity to evaluate materials, to quote and to partially reprint (a fact especially referred to in the Introduction, in the 1st to 4th Compensation). To the Embassies of the Federal Republic of Germany in Istanbul and Peking I am grateful for their assistance in the search for information particularly difficult to obtain. The same thanks go to the Lenin University of Moscow for special and helpful information. A comprehensive correspondence of inquiries with universities and Institutions in Germany and abroad yielded much valuable information about many indispensable details for which I would like to thank a host of unknown helpers even if this can be done summarily only.
Abkürzungen und eine kleine Wörterliste Abbreviations and a small list of words Auszüge = Excerpts Auszug aus = Excerpt from Bd. = Band / vol. = volume Bde. = Bände / vols. = volumes BN = Bibliographie-Kummer = bibliographical number B R B ™ Bertrand-Russell-Bibliographie hrsg. = herausgegeben / ed. =-edited Hrsg. = Herausgeber / E d . = Editor ill. = illustriert illus. = illustrated Inhalt = Contents Kommentar = Commentary Neudrucke, Nachdrucke = Reprints rev. Ausg. = revidierte Ausgabe rev. ed. = revised edition - XII -
Vorbemerkungen Die hier vorliegende Bertrand-Russell-Bibliographie (BRB) bringt, dies sei eingangs besonders hervorgehoben, den gesamten erklärenden Text (Einleitungen und Kommentare zu den meisten Haupt-Titeln) in Deutsch und Englisch, um damit einem größeren Benutzerkreis entgegenkommen zu können. Die eigentliche Einleitung und die Titelkommentare sind eine unverzichtbare Erweiterimg der BRB, um Russell's dominierende Rolle als Denker des Abendlandes und unabhängiger universeller Geist zu verdeutlichen. Russell hinterließ ein umfangreiches schriftstellerisches Werk, darunter mehr als 60 Bücher, viele Broschüren und zahllose Beiträge in Zeitschriften und Zeitungen. Letzteres wird hier in einer charakteristischen Auswahl zur Kenntnis gebracht. Alle Neudrucke und Übersetzungen, soweit sie in dem umfangreichen Quellenmaterial nachgewiesen sind, wurden in die BRB aufgenommen und jeweils den Erstveröffentlichungen der einzelnen Titel nachgeordnet. Wenn bei den Neudrucken oder Übersetzungen der Vermerk Auszug oder Excerpt fehlt, dann handelt es sich stets tun den Haupt-Titel, der erstmalig jeweils unter ".01" oder (handelt es sich um amerikanische Titel-Versionen) unter " .02" aufgeführt wird. Für den Nachweis der Neudrucke ergab sich als zwingender Grund, daß damit wichtiges Material für die Rezeptionsforschung angeboten wird, während der Nachweis der Übersetzungen augenfällig macht, welche weltweite Wirkung dem Schaffen Russell's beizumessen ist. Die Hauptwerke Russell's, sowphl die englischen Ausgaben wie auch die deutschen Übersetzungen, werden größtenteils mit ihren Inhaltsverzeichnissen nachgewiesen, um damit mehr noch als nur durch die Titelangabe Russell's üniversalwissen erkennen zu lassen. Pur die Hauptwerke Russell 1 s erfolgt die Titelschreibung innerhalb der Bibliographie und des alphabetischen Werkregisters ausschließlich in Großbuchstaben und für alle anderen Veröffentlichungen in der normalen Schreibweise. Jeder selbständige Titel führt eine eigene BibliographieNummer (BN). Als Bibliographie-Sammelnummer gilt die Zahl vor dem Punkt, während die laufende Nummer nach dem Punkt die oft mehrfache Unterordnung unter den Haupt-Titel deutlich macht. Soweit eine Bezogenheit der Titel untereinander herzustellen war, wurde dies mit Hilfe der BN erreicht. Da die Original-Titel außerenglischer Sammelbände, wenn sie selbständig geführt werden, in der alphabetischen Registerordnung schwer unterzubringen sind, wurde folgende einheitliche Titel-Umbildung gewählt: "Miscellany/Sammelband in Deutsch (oder andere Sprachen) under the title ' '". Das Reinschrift-Typoskript für diese BRB wurde in der vorliegenden Form von mir selbst hergestellt. Unter Ausnutzung der typographischen Möglichkeiten der Schreibmaschine bemühte ich mich nicht nur um eine ästhetisch befriedigende Gesamtform, sondern auch darum, notwendige Gruppierungen und den einzelnen Zeilenbruch möglichst inhaltsgemäß durchzuführen, u m damit optisch eine leichtere Lesbarkeit zu erreichen, als man sie gemeinhin in Bibliographien anzutreffen pflegt. - XIII -
Die Zuversicht, mit dieser BRB für den deutschen Sprachbereich und darüber hinaus eine literaturwissenschaftliche Lücke zu schließen, hat mich trotz aller mühevollen Anforderungen ermutigt, in der langfristigen Bewältigung einer solchen Aufgabe nicht nachzulassen. Ich hoffe in aller Bescheidenheit, daß ich diese Aufgabe erfüllt habe. Hierbei habe ich vielfache Unterstützung gefunden, für die ich an dieser Stelle meinen Dank aussprechen möchte. Insbesondere habe ich Herrn Werner Schlick, meinem deutschen literaturfreund aus dem fernen Australien (University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane) dafür zu danken, daß er sich, trotz anstrengender Promotions-Vorbereitung an einer deutschen Universität, die Zeit dafür absparte, u m mir einen Teil der erklärenden Texte aus dem Deutschen ins Englische und umgekehrt zu übersetzen und auch bis zuletzt an meiner BRB beratenden Anteil nahm. Verfassern, Herausgebern und Verlegern, so wie sie u.a. im Quellennachweis bei den entsprechenden Titeln angeführt werden, habe ich für die Möglichkeit der Materialauswertung, des Zitierens und teilweisen Nachdrucks (auf den in der Einleitung beim 1 . - 4 . Ausgleich besonders hingewiesen wird) zu danken. Den deutschen Botschaften in Istanbul und Peking danke ich dafür, daß sie mich bei besonders schwierigen Ermittlungen unterstützt haben. Desgleichen danke ich der Lenin-Universität in Moskau für besondere hilfreiche Auskünfte. Eine umfangreiche Anfragen-Korrespondenz mit in- und ausländischen Universitäten und Instituten brachte über manche unverzichtbare Einzelheit wertvolle Information, für die ich vielen unbekannten Helfern danken möchte, wenn es auch nur summarisch geschehen kann. Lingen (Ems) Frühjahr 1980
Werner Martin
Abkürzungen und eine kleine Wörterliste ( Forts. T Abbreviations and a small list of words (Cont'd.) Sammelband = Miscellany S. = Seite, Seiten / p. = p a g e , pp. = pages s.a. = siehe auch / see also Teil = Part Ü.: Übersetzer / Tr.: = Translator Übersetzungen = Translations u.d.T. = unter dem Titel / under the title Verlagsrecht = (c) copyright veröffentlicht = published " M i n d " = A quarterly review of philosophy In Oxford erscheinende Quartals-Zeitschrift der Philosophie Proceedings Aristotelian Society / Oxford Berichte der Aristotel. Gesellschaft - XIV -
I n t r o d u c t i on Einleitung
Bertrand Russell was born In 1872, on 18 May; he died at the age of ninetyseven on 2 February 1970. Among his public honours were the Order of Merit in 1949 (the most exclusive honour, which it is in the King' s George VI. power to bestow), the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950, in 1957 the UNESCO Kalinga Prize, and in 1960 the Danish Sonning Prize for contributions to European Culture. Russell, an upright moralist and, in the words of his biographer Alan Wood, a "passionate sceptic" constantly participated in the discussion of worldwide problems and of topical questions; he protested against anything which to him seemed wrong or dangerous. This resulted not only in great popularity for him but also in his being simplistically labelled as "leftist" , which gives acompletely distorted picture if one compares it with his role as a thinker of the western world and as an independent spirit of universal interests. Russell is a mathematician, a philosopher,a natural scientist, sociologist, educationist, psychologist, political scientist, historian, moralist and philanthropist. In other words, he is a phenomenon in many areas of science and philosophy, and in all of these he has performed with distinction. In each field by itself, his achievements would have sufficed to earn him greatness. With his works Russell not only addressed the academicians or the professional philosopher but many of his books, written in a brilliant near-scholarly style, were directed at an interested lay-public. During his whole life he was moved by two impulses: to discover if definite cognition was possible, and to do everything in his power to make this world a happier one (see also BN 617.06). The reprints of many titles, the new publications of miscellanies and of secondary literature (for example "The Life of Bertrand Russell" by Ronald W. Clark, London, 1975, 750 pp.) all confirm to this very day, that Russell as a thinker of the western world is as important now as he used to be during his lifetime. This has to be emphasized clearly in order to counteract the distortion of Russell's image referred to above which is responsible for erroneous opinions of him voiced at the level of daily politics, and for the occasional misuse of Russell's name. As mentioned before, such misguided practices tend to distort and darken the true image of Russell as a thinker of the western world. To place that image in its true perspective, and to do so emphatically, is a task to which this bibliography would like to contribute.
- XVI-
Bertrand Russell wurde am 18. Mai 1872 geboren; erstarb in Alter von 97 Jahren, am 2. Februar 1970. Unter seinen öffentlichen Ehrungen waren 1949 der "Order of Merit" (die exklusivste Ehrung, die der König George VI. zu verleihen hatte), 1950 der Wobelpreis für Literatur, 1957 der Kalinga-Preis der UNESCO und 196.0 der dänische SonningPreis für Beiträge zur europäischen Kultur. Russell, aufrechter Moralist und, in der Formulierung seines Biographen Alan Wood, "Skeptiker aus Leidenschaft", hat in ständiger Anteilnahme an weltbewegenden Problemen und Tagesfragen, gegen alles protestiert, was ihm falsch oder gefährlich erschien. Hieraus resultierte nicht nur seine große Popularität, sondern auch seine simplifizierte Einengung als "Linker", was gegenüber seiner dominierenden Rolle als Denker des Abendlandes und unabhängiger universeller Geist ein vollkommen falsches Bild ergibt. Russell ist Mathematiker, Philosoph, Naturwissenschaftler, Soziologe, Pädagoge, Psychologe, Politologe, Historiker, Moralist und Philanthrop. Mit anderen Worten: Er ist ein Phänomen auf vielen Gebieten der Wissenschaft und Philosophie und hat auf allen Hervorragendes geleistet. Jedes für sich allein hätte genügt, ihn Größe erreichen zu lassen. Russell wandte sich mit seinen Werken nicht nur an Akademiker und Berufsphilosophen, sondern mit vielen seiner in glänzendem Stil geschriebenen populärwissenschaftlichen Büchern auch an ein interessiertes Laienpublikum. Er war sein ganzes Leben hindurch von zwei mächtigen Impulsen bewegt: zu entdecken, ob sichere Erkenntnis möglich sei, und alles nur mögliche zu tun, um diese Welt glücklicher zu machen (siehe auch BH 617.06). Die bis in die jüngste Zeit erfolgten Neudrucke vieler Titel, die Neuerscheinungen von Sammelbänden und Sekundär-Literatur (z. B. "The Life of Bertrand Russell" von Ronald W. Clark, London, 1975, 750 S.) bestätigen, daß Russell's Bedeutung als Denker des Abendlandes nach wie vor Geltung hat. Dies sei sehr deutlich unterstrichen, um jenem oben erwähnten falschen Russell-Bild entgegenzuwirken, dem ja u.a. auch Tatsachen zuzuschreiben sind, die oft auf einer tagespolitischen und für viele Irrtümer anfälligen Ebene liegen oder gelegentlich auch in einer mißbräuchlichen Ausnutzung von Russell's Namen bestehen. Solche abseitigen Tatsachen verdunkelten, wie 1 schon mit anderen Worten ausgesprochen, das Bild Russell s als Denker des Abendlandes. Es wiedernachdrücklich aufzuhellen, dazu möchte auch diese Bibliographie ihren Beitrag liefern.
- XVII -
The introduction of a bibliography cannot offer, of course, an exhaustive commentary on Russell's multilayered philosophical œ u v r e . To make up for this lack, it appeared necessary to make a compensation in four different ways: 1st by a general philosophical startingpoint, 2nd by an insight into Russell's workshop of thinking, 3rd by an insight into Russell's world of ideas, and 4th by orientative aids on individual titles. 1st compensation by a general philosophical startingpoint: Reprint of Russell's interpretation of "Philosophy" (excerpt from the Introduction to "A History of Western Philosophy"; 1945, New York: Simon 4 Schuster; 1946, London: Allen & Unwin) "Philosophy" is a word which has been used in many ways, some wider, some narrower. I propose to use it in a very wide sense, which I will now try to explain. Philosophy, as I shall understand the word, is something intermediate between theology and science. like theology, it consists of speculations on matters as to which definite knowledge has, so far, been unascertainable; but like science, it appeals to human reason rather than to authority, whether that of tradition or that of revelation. All definite knowledge - so I should contend - belongs to science; all dogma as to what surpasses definite knowledge belongs to theology. But between theology and science there is a No Man's Land, exposed to attack from both sides; this No Man's Land is philosophy. Almost all the questions of most interest to speculative minds are such as science cannot answer, and the confident answers of theologians no longer seem so convincing as they did in former centuries. Is the world divided into mind and matter, and, if so, what is mind and what is matter? Is mind subject to matter, or is it possessed of independent powers? Has the universe any unity or purpose? Is it evolving towards some goal? Are there really laws of nature, or do we believe in them only because of our innate love of order? Is man what he seems to the astronomer, a tiny lump of impure carbon and water impotently crawling on a small and unimportant planet? Or is he what he appears to Hamlet? Is he perhaps both at once? Is there a way of living that is noble and another that is base, or are all ways of living merely futile? If there is a way of living that is noble, in what does it consist, and how shall we achieve it? Must the good be eternal in order to deserve to be valued, or is it worth seeking
Es ist selbstverständlich, daß man in einer BibliographieEinleitung keinen annähernd erschöpfenden Kommentar über das vielschichtige philosophische Werk Russell's zu geben vermag. Deshalb erscheint es zwingend notwendig, für dieses Unvermögen einen vierfachen Ausgleich anzubieten: 1. durch einen allgemeinen philosophischen Ausgangspunkt, 2. durch einen Einblick in Russell's Denkwerkstatt, 3. durch einen Einblick in Russell's Gedankenwelt und 4. durch Orientierungshilfen zu Einzel-Titeln. 1. Ausgleich durch einen allgemeinen philosophischen Ausgangspunkt: Nachdruck von Russell's Interpretation der 'Philosophie' (Auszug aus der Einführung zur "Philosophie des Abendlandes"; 1950, Zürich, Europa Verlag). "Philosophie" ist ein Wort, das in mannigfaltiger Weise verwendet worden ist, zuweilen umfassender, zuweilen enger begrenzt. Ich beabsichtige, es in sehr weitem Sinne zu gebrauchen, was zu erklären ich nun versuchen will. Die Philosophie ist nach meiner Auffassung ein Mittelding zwischen Theologie und Wissenschaft. Gleich der Theologie besteht sie aus der Spekulation über Dinge, von denen sich bisher noch keine genaue Kenntnis gewinnen ließ; wie die Wissenschaft jedoch beruft sie sich weniger auf eine Autorität, etwa die der Tradition oder die der Offenbarung, als auf die menschliche Vernunft. Jedö,sichere Kenntnis, möchte ich sagen, gehört in das Gebiet der Wissenschaft; jedes Dogma in Fragen, die über die sichere Kenntnis hinausgehen, in das der Theologie. Zwischen der Theologie und der Wissenschaft liegt jedoch ein Niemandsland, das Angriffen von beiden Seiten ausgesetzt ist; dieses Niemandsland ist die Philosophie. Fast alle Fragen von größtem Interesse für spekulative Köpfe vermag die Wissenschaft nicht zu beantworten, und die zuversichtlichen Antworten der Theologen wirken nicht mehr so überzeugend wie in früheren Jahrhunderten. Besteht die Welt aus Geist und Materie, und wenn ja, was ist dann Geist und was M a terie? Ist der Geist an die Materie gebunden oder wird er von unabhängigen Kräften beherrscht? liegt dem Universum etwas Einheitliches zugrunde? Wohnt ihm ein Zweck inne? Strebt es in seiner Entwicklung einem Ziel zu? Gibt es tatsächlich Naturgesetze, oder glauben wir nur dank der uns eingeborenen Ordnungsliebe daran? Ist der Mensch, wie die Astronomen meinen, nur eine Winzigkeit aus unreinem Kohlenstoff und Wasser, die ohnmächtig auf einem kleinen, unbedeutenden Planeten u m herkriecht? Oder ist er das, was Hamlet in ihm sieht? Ist er vielleicht beides zugleich? Kann man ein edles oder ein minderwertiges Leben führen, oder ist es überhaupt belanglos, wie m a n lebt? Wenn es eine edle Lebensführung gibt, woraus besteht sie und wie können w i r dazu kommen? Muß das Gute unvergänglich sein, um Wertschätzung zu verdienen, oder ist es erstrebenswert,
- XIX -
even if the universe ia inexorably moving towards death? Is there such a thing as wisdom, or is what seems such merely the ultimate refinement of folly? To such questions no answer can be found in the laboratory. Theologies have professed to give answers, all too definite; but their very definiteness causes modern minds to view them with suspicion. The studying of these questions, if not the answering of them, is the business of philosophy. Why, then, you may ask, waste time on ouch insoluble problems? To this one may answer as a historian, or as an individual facing the terror of cosmic loneliness. The answer of the historian, in so far as I am capable of giving it, will appear in the course of this work. Ever since men became capable of free speculation, their actions, in innumerable important respects, have depended upon their theories as to the world and human life, as to what is good and what is evil. This is as true in the present day as at any former time. To understand an age or a nation, we must understand its philosophy, and to understand its philosophy we must ourselves be in some degree philosophers. There is here a reciprocal causation: the circumstances of men's lives do much to determine their philosophy, but, conversely, their philosophy does much to determine their circumstances. This interaction throughout the centuries will be the topic of the following pages. There is also, however, a more personal answer. Science tells us what we can know, but what we can know is little, and if we forget how much we cannot know we become insensitive to many things of very great importance. Theology, on the other hand, induces a dogmatic belief that we have knowledge where in fact we have ignorance, and by doing so generates a kind of impertinent insolence towards the universe. Uncertainty, in the presence of vivid hopes and fears, is painful, but must be endured if we wish to live without the support of comforting fairy tales. It is not good either to forget the questions that philosophy asks, or to persuade ourselves that we have found indubitable answers to them. To teach how to live without certainty, and yet without being paralysed by hesitation, is perhaps the chief thing that philosophy, in our age, can still do for those who study it.
selbst wenn das Universum sich unerbittlich seinem Untergänge nähert? Gibt es so etwas wie Weisheit oder ist das, was uns als Weisheit erscheint, nur letzte, höchste Torheit? Die Antwort auf derartige Fragen finden wir nicht im Laboratorium. Die Theologen haben behauptet, sie allesamt mehr als genau beantworten zu können; aber eben ihre Entschiedenheit veranlaßt moderne Köpfe, solche Antworten mißtrauisch zu betrachten. Die Untersuchung dieser Fragen, wenn schon nicht ihre Beantwortung, ist Sache der Philosophie. Warum aber, wird der Leser vielleicht fragen, Zeit an derartige unlösbare Probleme verschwenden? Darauf kann man als Historiker antworten oder als Mensch, der sich in seinem entsetzlichen kosmischen Verlassensein sieht. Was der Historiker darauf zu antworten hat, wird sich im Verlauf dieses Werkes zeigen, soweit ich eine solche Antwort zu geben vermag. Seit die Menschen fähig wurden, unabhängig zu denken, war ihr Handeln stets in zahllosen wichtigen Punkten durch ihre Weltund Lebensanschauung, ihre Ansichten über Gut und Böse bedingt. Das gilt für die Gegenwart wie für die gesamte Vergangenheit. Um ein Zeitalter oder ein Volk verstehen zu können, müssen wir seine Philosophie verstehen, und tun seine Philosophie zu begreifen, müssen wir selbst bis zu einem gewissen Grade Philosophen sein. Wir haben es hier mit einer wechselseitigen U r sächlichkeit zu tun: die Lebensumstände der Menschen bestimmen weitgehend ihre Philosophie; während umgekehrt auch ihre Philosophie in hohem Maße ihre Lebensumstände bedingt. Diese Wechselwirkung durch die Jahrhunderte zu verfolgen ist das Thema der nächsten Seiten. Es gibt jedoch auch eine persönlichere Antwort. Durch die Wissenschaft erfahren wir, was wir wissen können, doch ist das nur wenig; wenn wir aber vergessen, wieviel wir nicht wissen können, werden wir unempfänglich für viele Dinge von sehr großer Bedeutung. Die Theologie andererseits vermittelt die dogmatische Überzeugung, daß wir wissen, wo wir in Wahrheit nicht wissen, und züchtet auf diese Weise so etwas wie eine Anmaßung dem Universum gegenüber. Bei lebhaften Hoffnungen und Befürchtungen ist Ungewißheit qualvoll; sie muß Jedoch ertragen werden, wenn wir ohne die Unterstützung tröstlicher Märchen leben wollen. Es tut weder gut, die v o n der Philosophie aufgeworfenen Fragen zu vergessen, noch uns selbst einzureden, wir hätten über Jeden Zweifel erhabene Antworten darauf gefunden. Wie man ohne Gewißheit und doch auch ohne durch Unschlüssigkeit gelähmt zu werden, leben kann, das zu lehren ist vielleicht das Wichtigste, was die Philosophie noch für die Jenigen tun kann, d i e s i c h m i t ihr beschäftigen.
- XXI -
2nd compensation by an insight into Russell's workshop of thinking: Excerpts from "Russell's Philosophy: a Study of its Development" by Alan Wood (appended to "My Philosophical Development" by B. Russell; 1959, London: Allen 4 Unwin) and from "Bertrand Russell. The Passionate Sceptic." by Alan Wood; 1956, London: Allen & Unwin. The further Russell's thoughts advanced, the more was found of increasing subtle distinction and complex changes of viewpoint. One cannot sum up his philosophy by attaching his name to one single specific doctrine. In spite of all the apparently conflicting statements to be found in the total of Russell's philosophical writings, in spite of the number of cases where he champions different opinions at different times, there is throughout a consistency of purpose and direction, and a consistency of method. "I wanted certainty", Russell wrote in retrospect, "in the kind of way in which people want religious faith." I believe the underlying purpose behind all Russell's work was an almost religious passion for some truth that was more than human, independent of the minds of men, and even of the existence of men. And there may be a subsidiary explanation, once again, in human and easily understandable terms. Less than halfway through his career he had already achieved immortality; his place was secure as a thinker who had made the greatest advances in logic since Greek times. He was therefore under no incentive, conscious or unconscious, to create some distinctive Russellian doctrine to be made secure against all attacks. It may now be easier to understand why Russell's writingsare so complex, subtle and intricate. In fact there is no great philosopher since Plato whose ideas are harder to sum up in a short space. His philosophy was a battleground on which he fought a losing battle against himself; sometimes going one way, sometimes another. A. N. Whitehead once described Russell as a Platonic dialogue in himself.
- XXII -
2. Ausgleich durch einen Einblick in Russell' s Denkwerkstatt: Auszüge aus "Die Philosophie Bertrand Russell's, Fragmente einer Studie über ihre Entwicklung" von Alan Wood (im Anhang zu "Philosophie. Die Entwicklung meines Denkens" von'B. Russell; 1973, München, Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung) u n d aus "Bertrand Russell, Skeptiker aus Leidenschaft" von Alan Wood; 1959, Ott-Verlag, Thun/München. Je weiter sich Russell's Gedanken entwickelten, desto mehr feindifferenzierte Unterscheidungen und komplex begründete Änderungen von Auffassungen fanden sich. Man kann nicht eine Summe aus seiner Philosophie ziehen und seinen Namen mit einer einzelnen besonderen lehre verknüpfen. Ungeachtet all der scheinbar widersprüchlichen Äußerungen, denen man in Russell's Gesamtwerk begegnet, und ungeachtet der zahlreichen Fälle, in denen er zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten miteinander unverträgliche Standpunkte hat, durchläuft das Ganze doch ein roter Faden - die konsequent durchgehaltene Zielsetzung, die einheitliche Ausrichtung, die innere Konsistenz (Beständigkeit) der Methode. "Ich hatte das Bedürfnis nach Gewißheit" heißt es bei Russell in einem Rückblick, "und zwar auf die gleiche Weise wie ein religiöser Mensch, der in seinem Glauben gefestigt sein möchte." Ich glaube, daß seinem ganzen Werk ein von einer nahezu religiösen Inbrunst getragenes Streben zugrundeliegt, zu einer Wahrheit zu kommen, die über das Maß des bloß Menschlichen hinausreicht und vom Bewußtsein, ja sogar von der Existenz des Menschen völlig unabhängig ist. Und daneben mag es noch eine weitere, ganz.einfach menschliche und leichtverständliche Erklärung geben. Weniger als die Hälfte seines Weges war durchschritten, als er schon Unsterblichkeit erlangt hatte. Sein Platz war gesichert als der eines Denkers, der seit dem griechischen Altertum die größten Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Logik gemacht hatte. Er stand daher, weder bewußt noch unbewußt,unter keinem Anreiz, irgend eine hervorragende Russellsche Lehre zu schaffen, tun sich gegen alle Angriffe zu sichern. Yielleicht ist es für den Leser jetzt schon etwas leichter einzusehen, warum Russell's Schriften so komplex, subtil und intrikat (heikel, knifflig) sind. Tatsächlich gibt es seit Plato kaum einen bedeutenden Philosophen, dessen Ideen sich so schwer auf eine Formel bringen lassen. Russell's Philosophie ist ein Schlachtfeld, auf dem er gegen sich selbst gekämpft hat, einmal in dieser Richtung einmal in einer anderen. A. N. Whitehead hat Russell einmal einen platonischen Ein-Mann-Dlalog genannt.
3rd compensation by an insight into Russell's world of ideas: Reprint of a table of contents consisting of 81 individual titles, and of the brief commentaries accompanying his XVII summary titles, taken from "The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell"; 1961, New York: Simon & Schuster; London: Allen & Unwin; 736 pp. A complete rendering of this book in German does not exist. In connection with each of the 81 individual titles the corresponding number in the bibliography is referred to: those titles which have been translated into German are identified by the additional symbol (g). I. Autobiographical Asides The clarity and succingtness one expects from the works of Russell are well illustrated by his own reference to his attempt to advance the demonstrative methods of mathematics and science into regions conventionally assigned to vague speculation. As Russell says by way of characteristic autobiographical aside: "I like precision. I like sharp outlines. I hate misty vagueness." He reveals that even at the age of eleven he refused to accept what tradition had made appear as indestructible as granite. His brother consented to teach him geometry which, Russell had heard, "proved things". When his brother told him that'Euclidian axioms cannot be proved, his hopes to find some certain knowledge all but vanished. 1. 2. 3. 4.
My Religious Reminiscences My Mental Development Adaption: An Autobiographical Epitome Why I Took to Philosophy
432.02 495.03 617.04 617.04
II. The Nobel Prize Winning Man of letters (Essayist and Short Story Writer) Few Nobel Prize winners in literature have set forth so revealing an account of how they write as we have here. Russell ever displays a mastery of detail and a precision of presentation that leaves no doubt of his position whether one agrees or disagrees. The clarity of thinking of an ever lucubrating mind is apparent in all he has done. The characteristic style follows naturally. Recognition through the Nobel Prize thus came as no surprise.
- XXIV -
3. Ausgleich durch einen Einblick in Russell 1 s Gedankenwelt: Nachdruck des aus 81 Einzel-Titeln bestehenden Inhaltsverzeichnisses und der seinen XVII Sammel-Titeln beigegebenen KurzKommentaren aus "The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell"; 1961, New York: Simon & Schuster; London: A l l e n & U n w i n ; 736 S. Von diesem Buch gibt es keine deutsche Gesamtausgabe. Bei allen 81 Einzel-Titeln wird auf die entsprechende Bibliographie-Nr. verwiesen, und diejenigen Titel, die ins Deutsche Ubersetzt worden sind, erhielten ein (d)Kennzeichen. I. Autobiographisches Die Klarheit und Prägnanz, die man von Russell's Arbeiten erwartet, werden durch seinen eignen Hinweis auf seinen Versuch verdeutlicht, die anschaulichen Methoden der Mathematik und Wissenschaft auf Gebiete zu übertragen, auf die gewöhnlich eine vage, spekulative Betrachtung angewandt wird. Eine charakteristische autobiographische Aussage lautet: "Ich liebe Präzision. Ich liebe scharfe Umrisse. Ich hasse verschwommene Unklarheiten." Er berichtet, daß er schon im Alter von elf Jahren sich weigerte, etwas hinzunehmen,was Tradition so unzerstörbar wie Granit erscheinen ließ. Sein Bruder hatte eingewilligt, ihm Geometrie zu lehren, die, so hatte Russell gehört, "Dinge bewiese". Als sein Bruder ihm erklärte, daß Euklid 1 s Axiome nicht bewiesen werden können, verschwand beinahe seine ganze Hoffnung, einiges zuverlässiges Wissen zu finden. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Meine religiösen Erinnerungen . . . . Meine geistige Entwicklung Anpassung: Ein autobiographischer Abriß Warum ich mich mit Philosophie befasse
II. Der Nobelpreisträger für Literatur (Essayist und Kurzgeschichtenschreiber) Wenige Nobelpreisträger für Literatur haben eine so aufschlußreiche Darstellung von der Art lind Weise ihres Schreibens gegeben, wie es hier geschieht. Russell entfaltet immer wieder eine Meisterschaft des Details und eine Präzision der Darstellung, die keinen Zweifel an seinem Standpunkt erlaubt, ob man übereinstimmt oder nicht übereinstimmt. Die Klarheit des Denkens seines allzeit gelehrten Verstandes ist, in allem was er getan hat, offenkundig. Der charakteristische Stil geht daraus wie natürlich hervor. Die Anerkennung durch den Nobelpreis kam also nicht überraschend.
- XXV -
While Russell asserts that he no longer thinks well of his most popular essay, "A Free Man's Worship", no Russell anthology would be complete without it and an anthology of the best twentieth-century prose would he hard put to justify its exclusion. 5. How I Write 6. A Free Man's Worship (g) 7. An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish: A Hilarious Catalogue of Organized and Individual Stupidity (g) . . . 8. The Metaphysician's Nightmare . . .
036.22 486.03 608.04
III. The Philosopher of language Closely related to the advances made in contemporary thought in the fields of logic and mathematical philosophy are the increasingly important strides made in semantics and the philosophy of language. Russell has played a prominent and pivotal part in this advance, although he is not in accord with some of the lengths to which the analytic philosophers have gone. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Language (g) 316.08 Sentences, Syntax, and Parts of Speech 455.06 The Uses of language (g) 536.06 The Cult of "Common Usage" 617.04
IV. The Logician and Philosopher of Mathematics The impact of "Principia Mathematica" on twentieth-century mathematics, logic, and philosophy was both enormous and paradoxical. On the one hand, this ten-year cooperative labour (Russell/Whitehead), in its aim to. codify relational inferences, is viewed as one of the world's greatest contributions to knowledge and, on the other hand, there are few, outside of professional specialists, who have read, much less understood, particularly the latter parts of this work. At Russell's own suggestion, we include here none of the symbolic expositions, but merely introductory sections which are explanatory of the scope and aim of the work. The reduction of mathematics to logic and the critical view of traditional logic are the theme of Russell's other important works in the field as illustrated here. We have also given one side of one of the most provocative running debates in contemporary philosophic literature, that between Russell and J.Dewey.
- XXVI -
Während Russell behauptet, daß er sein populärstes Essay "Eines freien Mannes Gottesdienst" nicht mehr für gut hält, würde keine Russell-Anthologie ohne dieses Essay vollständig sein und eine Anthologie der testen Prosa des 20. Jahrhunderts könnte sein Pehlen schwer rechtfertigen. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Wie ich schreibe Eines freien Mannes Gottesdienst (d) . 172.22 Zur Genealogie des Unsinns (d) . . . . 567.15 Der metaphysische Alptraum
III. Der Sprachphilosoph Nah verwandt mit den Portschritten, die im zeitgenössischen Denken im Bereich der Logik und der mathematischen Philosophie gemacht wurden, sind die zunehmend wichtiger werdenden Schritte in der Semantik und der Sprachphilosophie. Russell hat bei diesen Portschritten eine prominente und angelpunktbildende Rolle gespielt, obwohl er mit mancher Ansicht, zu der analytische Philosophen kamen, nicht übereinstimmte . 9. 10. 11. 12.
Sprache (d) Sätze, Satzlehre und Wortart Der Gebrauch der Sprache (d) Der Kult des "Allgemeinen Sprachgebrauchs"
316.12 536.13 . . . .
IV. Der Logiker und Philosoph der Mathematik Die Einwirkung der "Principia Mathematica" auf die Mathematik, Logik und Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts war sowohl enorm als auch paradox. Einerseits wird diese zehnjährige Zusammenarbeit (Russell/Whitehead) , in ihrer Absicht, Beziehungsschlüsse zusammenzufassen, als einer der Welt größten Beiträge zum Wissen angesehen, andererseits gibt es wenige, außer professionelle Spezialisten, die besonders die letzten Teile dieses Werkes gelesen, geschweige denn es verstanden haben. Auf Russell' s eigenen Vorschlag hin bringen wir hier keine der symbolischen Darstellungen, sondern lediglich einführende Teile, die den Bereich und das Ziel des Werkes erklären. Die Rückführung der Mathematik zur Logik und die kritische Sicht traditioneller Logik sind das Thema von Russell's anderen Hauptarbeiten in dem hier aufgezeigten Bereich. Außerdem geben wir eine der herausfordernsten Debatten in der zeitgenössischen philosophischen Literatur wieder, die zwischen Russell und John Dewey. - XXVII -
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Symbolic Logic 037.12 On Induction (g) 118.16 Preface to "Principia Mathematica" (g) 101.06 Introductuion to "Principia Mathematica" (g) 101.06 Summary of Part EI, "PM" 101.06 Summary of Part IV, "PK" 101.06 Summary of Part V, "PM" 101.06 Summary of Part VI, "PM" 101.06 Introduction to the 2nd Ed., "PM" (g) 101.06 Mathematics and Logic (g) 191.11 The Validity of Inference (g) . . . . 316.08 Dewey's New "Logic" 443.02 John Dewey (g) 504.07
V. The Epistemologist Since ancient Greece, theories of knowledge have run the gamut between the crudely simple and the ultra imaginative. Before the nineteenth century, the attempt to humanize the cosmos had been the preoccupation of almost every major philosopher. The impact of science has changed this view. Modern theories of knowledge are no longer concerned with inventing comforting answers but rather with the problem of gaining new insights. A study of Russell's theories in the field of epistemology reveals an important aspect of his philosophic contributions. His concern in this area is indicative of his continued interest in the variety of views presented in this century as is evidenced by the three contributions which follow, taken from works spanning over forty years. They also show once more the dynamics of continued reflection as opposed to static adherence to a view originally advanced. 26. Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description (g) 27. Theory of Knowledge (g) 28. Epistemological Premisses
. . 118.16 648.04 455.06
VI. The Metaphysician Since the beginning of Western Civilization philosophers have been vitally concerned with the enormous questions raised by metaphysics. Few philosophers have, however, supplied even a brief glimpse of the vast problems to be explored. Perhaps Russell's most distinctive contribution to metaphysics is his novel view of "Atomism".
13« 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Symbolische Logik Über Induktion (d) Torwort zur "PrincipiaMathematica" (d) Einleitung zur "Principia Mathematica" (d) Kurze Zusammenfassung der "PM", Teil IH Kurze Zusammenfassung der "PM", Teil IV Kurze Zusammenfassung der "PM", Teil V Kurze Zusammenfassung der "PM", Teil VI Einleitung zur 2. Auflage der "PM" (d) Mathematik und Logik (d) Die Gültigkeit des Schließens (d) . . Dewey's neue "Logik" John Dewey (d)
118.23 101.07 101.07
101.07 191.19 316.12 504.18
V. Der Erkenntnistheoretiker Seit dem alten Griechenland wetteifert alles von der unreif-einfachen bis zur übertrieben ideenreichen Theorie des Wissens miteinander. Vor dem 19. Jahrhundert war der Versuch, den Kosmos menschlicher zu machen, die Haupttätigkeit von fast jedem bedeutenden Philosophen gewesen. Die Einwirkung der Wissenschaft hat diese Sicht geändert. Moderne Theorien des Wissens befassen sich nicht länger damit, tröstliche Antworten zu finden, sondern vielmehr mit dem Problem, neue Einsichten zu erringen. Ein' Studium von Russell's Theorien im Bereich der Epistemologie (Erkenntnistheorie) enthüllt einen wichtigen Aspekt seiner philosophischen Beiträge. Seine Beschäftigung mit diesem Bereich zeigt ein fortgesetztes Interesse an der Vielfalt der Ansichten dieses Jahrhunderts, wie die drei folgenden Beiträge beweisen, entnommen aus Werken einer Zeitspanne von über vierzig Jahren. Sie zeigen noch einmal die Dynamik fortgesetzter Überlegungen im Gegensatz zum statischen Pesthalten an ursprünglich formulierten Ansichten. 26. Erkenntnis durch Bekanntschaft und durch Beschreibung (d) 118.23 27. Erkenntnistheorie (d) 648.08 28. Erkenntnistheoretische Voraussetzungen VI. Der Metaphysiker Seit dem Beginn westlicher Zivilisation haben sich die Philosophen intensiv mit den von der Metaphysik aufgeworfenen bedeutungsvollen Prägen befaßt. Wenige Philosophen jedoch haben auch nur einen flüchtigen Einblick in die zu erforschenden riesigen Probleme vermittelt. Vielleicht ist Russells neue Ansicht des "Atomismus" sein bezeichnendster Beitrag zur Metaphysik. - XXIX -
While critics have taken him to task for his refusal to abandon this view, none has yet succeeded in finding convincing arguments against his logical atomism. The last of the three selections which follow is particulary searching and revelatory of Russell's fundamental approach. 29. Materialism, Past and Present . . . . 286.03 30. Language and Metaphysics 455.06 31. The Retreat from Pythagoras (g) . . . 648.04 VII. Historian of Philosophy "Many histories of philosophy exist and I should not wish to add one the their number", wrote Russell in the preface to his own "A History of Western Philosophy", but he wrote that monumental survey and followed it by the more recent ,more current, "Wisdom of the West". In both of these volumes and in other essays in the field, he not only ably expounds what each philosopher thought but also exhibits what a leading philosopher thinks of each philosopher reviewed. Historians of philosophy in the past have been prone to make philosophy even more dull in its historical setting than it already appeared in its technical attire. Russell's works succeed in showing that philosophy can be both interesting and instructive to the general reader. 32. 33. 34. 35.
Philosophy in the Twentieth Century (g) 278/04 Aristotle's Logic (g) 504.07 St Thomas Aquinas (g) 504.07 Currents of Thought in the Nineteenth Century (g) . . . . 504.07 36. The Philosophy of Logical Analysis (g) 504.07 VIII. The Psychologist Certainly no psychologist today takes seriously the Platonic doctrine that there is a sharp and irreducible dichotomy between mind and matter. The ancient view that there is an absolute division between these two entities finds no support in modern physics and psychology. Both mind and matter ars outmoded terms which should be abandoned. Russells own view is that both are composed of groups or series of events.
- XXX -
Während Kritiker ihn wegen seiner Weigerung, diesen Standpunkt aufzugeben, Vorwürfe machten, hat bislang keiner ein überzeugendes Argument gegen diesen logischen Atomismus gefunden. Der letzte von den drei folgenden Abschnitten ist besonders tiefgründig und erschließt Russell' s fundamentale Methode. 29. Materialismus in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart . . . . 30. Sprache und Metaphysik 31. Der Abschied von Pythagoras (d) . . . 648.07 VII. Historiker der Philosophie "Es existieren viele Geschichten der Philosophie, und es sollte nicht meine Absicht sein, noch eine hinzuzufügen", schrieb Russell im Vorwort seiner eigenen "Philosophie des Abendlandes", jedoch - er schrieb diesen monumentalen Überblick und ließ das neuere, aktuellere "Denker des Abendlandes" folgen. In beiden Werken und in anderen Essays über dieses Gebiet erklärt er nicht nur gekonnt, was jeder Philosoph dachte, sondern zeigt auch, was ein führender Philosoph über Jeden der besprochenen Philosophen denkt. Historiker der Philosophie haben in der Vergangenheit dazu geneigt, die Philosophie in ihrer historischen Entwicklung noch schwerverständlicher darzustellen, als sie in ihrem fachlichen Gewand schon ist. Russell's Arbeiten zeigten erfolgreich, daß Philosophie sowohl interessant als auch lehrreich für den allgemeinen Leser sein kann. 32. 33. 34. 35.
Die Philosophie im 20. Jahrhundert (d) Die Logik des Aristoteles (d) . . . . Thomas von Aquino (d) Geistige Strömungen , im 19. Jahrhundert (d) 36. Die Philosophie der logischen Analyse(d)
331.19 504.18 504.18 504.18 504.18
VIII. Der Psychologe Sicherlich nimmt kein heutiger Psychologe die platonische Doktrin ernst,daß es eine scharfe und nicht verwandelbare Zweiteilung zwischen Geist und Materie gibt. Die alte Ansicht, daß es eine absolute Trennung zwischen diesen beiden Bereichen gibt, findet in der modernen Physik und Psychologie keine Unterstützung. Sowohl Geist als auch Materie sind unmoderne Begriffe, die man aufgeben sollte. Russell's eigene Ansicht ist, daß beide aus Gruppen oder Serien von Ereignissen zusammengesetzt sind.
- XXXI -
A mind and a piece of matter, therefore, are structurally the same. The only significant difference is that there is a variance in arrangement, like considering people according to geographical order or chronological order. Some samples of his application of psychological theory follow. 37. Psychological and Physical Causal Laws (g) 213.06 38. Truth and Falsehood (g) 213.06 39. Knowledge Behaviouristically Considered (g) . . 316.08 IX. The Moral Philosopher Perhaps no philosopher in modern times has been sub ject to more scathing criticism of his views on ethics than Russell.Pew major thinkers have, however, dared to utter opinions that were so out of tune with current stereotyped beliefs. Whether history will later confirm or deny the wisdom of Russell's views on ethics, his desire to champion unpopular ideas and to question any idea which seemed irrational deserves admiration. Those who see morality as a settled body of knowledge will obviously derive no pleasure from reading Russell's terse criticism of traditional beliefs, many of which have deep roots in ancient superstitious. It is, of course, on the topic of sex that Russell has encountered most unfavourable criticism for here he strikes deeply at superstitions. But sex is not the whole subjectmatter of ethics as the selections which follow amply demonstrate. Russell, as a scientific humanist, has had deep concern for the problems of human conduct and the theories of their solution for the individual and society, the more so since he finds these solutions outside of organized religion. In this field of moral theory, we finde once more a gradual change and development of viewpoint as his ideas of language, logic and philosophy in general have altered over the years. 40. Styles in Ethics 41. The Place of Sex Among Human Values (g) 42. Individual and Social Ethics (g)
267.03 347.10 . . 554.04
Ein Seist und ein Stück Materie sind daher strukturell das Gleiche. Der einzige bedeutsame Unterschied ist, daß es eine Abweichung in der Anordnung gibt, wie es z. B. Menschen nach geographischer oder chronologischer Ordnung zu betrachten. Einige Proben von Russell's Anwendung der psychologischen Theorie folgen. 37. Kausale Gesetze der Psychologie und Physik (d) . . . . 213.15 38. Wahrheit und Falschheit (d) . . . . . 213.15 39. Wissen in behaviouristischer Betrachtung (d) . . 316.12 (Behaviourismus= amerikanische sozialpsychologische Forschungsrichtung) IX. Der Moralphilosoph Wahrscheinlich ist in neuerer Zeit kein Philosoph wegen seiner Ansichten über Ethik mehr Gegenstand verletzender Kritik gewesen, als Russell. Wenige bedeutende Denker haben es jedoch gewagt, Meinungen zu äußern, die mit dem zeitgenössischen stereotypen Glauben so wenig Ubereinstimmten. Ob nun die Geschichte später die Weisheit der Ansichten Russell 1 s über Ethik bestätigt oder verneint, sein Verlangen, unpopuläre Ideen zu verteidigen und jede Idee, die vernunftwidrig erscheint, zu bezweifeln, verdient Bewunderung. Jene, die Moral als einen festen Bestandteil des Wissens ansehen, werden offensichtlich wenig Freude daran haben, Russell 1 s starke Kritik an traditionellen Glaubensäußerungen, von denen viele ihre tiefen Wurzeln in altem Aberglauben haben, zu lesen. Es ist natürlich, daß Russell bei dem Thema Sex auf die meiste ungünstige Kritik gestoßen ist, d a e r h i e r auf tiefen Aberglauben trifft. Aber Sex ist nicht das ganze Thema der Ethik, wie die folgende Auswahl ausführlich demonstriert. Russell, als wissenschaftlicher Humanist, zeigte tiefes Interesse für die Probleme menschlichen Verhaltens und für die Theorien über deren Lösung für das Individuum und die Gesellschaft, um so mehr, als er diese Lösungen außerhalb der institutionellen Religion fand. In diesem Bereich der Moraltheorie finden noch einmal eine allmähliche Änderung und Entwicklung von Ansichten statt, weil sich im Laufe der Jahre seine Ideen über Sprache, Logik und Philosophie im allgemeinen geändert haben. 40. Stile der Ethik 41. Der Rang der Liebe unter den menschlichen Werten (d) . . 347.20 42. Individualethik und Sozialethik (d) . 554.10
43. "What I Be live" (g) 293.09 44. The Expanding Mental Universe (g) . . 643.03 X. The Philosopher of Education Theories and practices in education h a w been both varied and numerous. Any philosophy of education will, however, ultimately be tested by the degree to which it coincides with objective evidence of the worth of its proffered ideal. The selections that follow are indicative of the import of Russell's philosophy of education and the great value Russell places upon the function of a teacher and the vital significance of a sound education in a troubled world. 45. 46. 47. 48.
Education (g) The Aims of Education (g) Emotion and Discipline (g) The Functions of a Teacher (g)
159.16 308.16 378.06 . . . 452.03
XI. The Philosopher of Politics Pew technical philosophers have shown such keen insight and astute observance of political theories and trends as Russell. The title of his Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech was "Politically Important Desires", and as the "New York Times" observed, it was "as witty as it was penetrating". Russell, even in his earliest writings, displayed an uncanny foresight in being able to predict with remarkable accuracy events that would follow. In his first book, "German Social Democracy", published in 1896, he acutely observed the seeds which later developed into Germany's future of dictatorship and war. This book showed what was to become Russell's most characteristic asset, his ability to discuss any problem in a scientific, objective and dispassionate way. When Russell changed his views, as he frequently did, he always held steadfastly to the belief that any approximation Of truth can only be obtained by examining the available evidence at the moment. The analysis of power has been Russell's key concept in the theory of politics. To his thinking in this area he has brought to bear his critical acumen which serves to point to the fallacious theories that abound in Fascism and Communism.
43. Woran ich glaube (d) . 44. Das sich ausdehnende geistige Universum (d)
625.12 643.04
X. Der Pädagoge Theorien und Praktiken der Erziehung waren sowohl unterschiedlich als auch zahlreich. Gleichwohl wird jede Erziehungsphilosophie zu guter letzt daran gemessen, inwieweit sie durch objektiven Beweis mit dem Wert des von ihr angebotenen Ideals übereinstimmt. Die folgenden Abschnitte sind bezeichnend für die Bedeutung von Russell's Erziehungsphilosophie und für den großen Wert, den Russell der- Funktion einer lehrperson zuschreibt sowie für die vitale Bedeutung einer soliden Erziehung in einer unruhigen Welt. 45. 46. 47. 48.
Erziehung (d) 159.23 Die Ziele der Erziehung (d) 308.23 Gefühl und Disziplin (d) 378.11 Die Aufgaben eines Lehrers (d) . . . . 567.15
XI. Der Politologe Wenige Fachphilosophen haben eine so große Einsicht in und scharfsinnige Beobachtung von politischen Theorien und Richtungen gezeigt wie Russell.Der Titel seiner Rede anläßlich der Annahme des Nobelpreises lautete "Politisch bedeutsame Wünsche" und war, wie die 'New York Times1 bemerkte, "ebenso geistreich wie eindringlich" . Schon in seinen frühesten Schriften entfaltete Russell eine unheimliche Fähigkeit, kommende Ereignisse mit bemerkenswerter Genauigkeit vorauszusagen. In seinem ersten Buch "Die Deutsche Sozialdemokratie", 1896 publiziert, bemerkte er scharfsinnig den Keim, aus dem später in Deutschland Diktatur und Krieg hervorgehen sollte. Dieses Buch zeigte, was Russell1 s charakteristischer Aktivposten werden sollte, seine Fähigkeit, jedes Problem in einer wissenschaftlichen, objektiven und leidenschaftslosen Weise zu diskutieren. Wenn Russell seine Ansichten änderte, was er häufig tat, hielt er stets an dem Glauben fest, daß jede Annäherung an die Wahrheit nur durch das Untersuchen der augenblicklich verfügbaren Beweise erreicht werden kann. Die Analyse der Macht war Russells Schlüsselkonzept in der Theorie der Politik.Bei seinen Gedanken auf diesem Gebiet hat er seinen kritischen Scharfsinn angewandt, der dazu diente,die trügerischen Theorien hervorzuheben, die im Faschismus und Kommunismus reichlich vorhanden sind.
- XXXV -
He has long been outspoken not only as a political theorist but as an analyst of the practical import of these theories in the daily political scene. 49. The Reconciliation of Individuality and Citizenship (g) . ' 378.06 50. Philosophy and Politics (g) 516.04 51. Politically Important Desires (g) . . 566.04 52. Why I am not a Communist 391 .04 XII. The Philosopher in the Field of Economics Despite the fact that Russell has made no major contribution to economic theory his views on economics have not gone unnoticed. As far back as 1896, when his first hostile criticism of Marx was published, Russell had shown a keen interest in economic problems.He has repeatedly stressed the fact that an exclusively economic point of view is an oversimplification. Although some of his views have undergone "repeated changes", as he admits in his preface to this volume ("The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell"), he has at times held steadfast to some of his earlier views. For example, he has always disagreed with Marx 1 s theory of surplus value and his rigid doctrine that all historical events have been motivated by class conflicts. The selections that follow indicate his recognition of the psychological and other factors which bear upon man's activities in the economic as well as other spheres. 53". Property (g) 159.16 54. Dialectical Materialism (g) 395.07 55. The Theory of Surplus Value (g) . . . 395.07 XIII. The Philosopher of History1 Despite Russell s own admission that he is not a professional historian and that he approaches the subject with "considerable trepidation", he does show keen insight into some of the crucial problems of history. Russell was intensely interested in history as a youth and ever kept alive this fascination in later life. With such an intense interest in the panorama of history, it is not surprising to find the philosopher early turning to the philosophy of history.
Schon frühzeitig war er freimütig, nicht nur als politischer Theoretiker, sondern auch als Analytiker der praktischen Bedeutung dieser Theorien in der Tagespolitik. 49. Versöhnung voh Individualität und Bürgerdasein (d) 50. Philosophie und Politik (d) 51. Politisch bedeutsame Wünsche (d) . . . 52. Warum ich kein Kommunist bin
378.11 567.15 609.09
XII. Der Philosoph auf dem Gebiete der Wirtschaft Trotz der Tatsache, daß Russell keinen bedeutenderen Beitrag zur Wirtschaftstheorie geleistet hat, ist seine Meinung darüber nicht unbemerkt geblieben. Zurück bis 1896, als seine erste feindliche Kritik an Marx publiziert wurde, zeigte Russell ein eifriges Interesse an wirtschaftlichen Problemen. Er hat wiederholt die Tatsache unterstrichen, daß ein ausschließlichwirtschaftlicher Gesichtspunkt eine übertriebene Gleichmacherei sei. Obwohl sich manche seiner Auffassungen •Wiederholt änderten", wie er im Vorwort dieses Buches OThe Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell") zugibt, gab es Zeiten, in denen er unerschütterlich an einigen früheren Standpunkten festhielt. Zum Beispiel hat er mit der Mehrwerttheorie von Marx und dessen starrer Doktrin, daß alle historischen Ereignisse durch Klassenkonflikte motiviert sind, nie übereingestimmt. Die folgende Auswahl zeigt seine Anerkennung von psychologischen und anderen Einwirkungen, die menschliche Aktivitäten sowohl in der Wirtschaft als auch auf anderen Gebieten beeinflussen. 53. Besitz (d) 54. Dialektischer Materialismus (d) 55. Die Mehrwerttheorie (d)
. . .
159.23 395.13 395.13
XIII. Der Geschichtsphilosoph Trotz Russell's eigenem Zugeständnis, daß er kein professioneller Historiker sei und sich dem Thema mit "beträchtlichem Zittern" nähert, zeigt er einen scharfen Einblick in einige entscheidende Probleme der Geschichte. Rusjaell war als ¡Junger Mensch an Geschichte sehr interessiert und ihre Faszination hielt auch in seinem späteren Leben an. Bei einem so intensiven Interesse am Geschichtspanoramaüberrascht es nicht, daß sich der Philosoph früh der Geschichtsphilosophie zuwandte.
In addition to this interest in history for philosophers of history, Russell thinks that history should he of concern not only to academicians but that it should be "an essential part of the furniture" of any educated mind. The man whose interests are governed by the short span between his birth and death has a myopic vision and limitation of outlook. On the other hand, one with a sense of history caul foresee the tragedy of repeated blunders and face with stoic endurance the follies of the present. The selections that follow also show Russell's critical appraisal of theories of history and the practice of the writing of history. 56. On History 041..02 57. The Materialistic Theory of History . 207.09 58. History as an Art 617.04 XIV. The Philosopher of Culture: East and West Philosophers for the most part are not world travellers. Pew have observed, first hand, the atmosphere of even their own continent; Kant, for instance, never travelled more than forty miles beyond the limits of his native Königsberg. Among the major philosophers of the twentieth century, few have travelled as extensively and understood so well the diverse economic and political problems of culture East and West. Russell has taught and lectured on four continents. Following his travels in Russia, Japan and China in the early twenties and his frequent trips and extended stays in the United States, he wrote informatively of what he saw and critically of what each civilization boded. 59. Chinese and Western Civilization Contrasted (g) 60. Eastern and Western Ideals of Happiness (g)
238.05 331.12
XV. The Philosopher of Religion The finest minds will always be attracted to ultimate questions that remain unsolved. Lesser minds are content with "answers" to questions for which there is no evidence. Since his youth, Russell has found no reason to change his agnostic position in religion. It was while reading John Stuart Mill's "Autobiography" at the age of eighteen that he became convinced of the fallacy in the argument of the First Cause.
Außer diesem Interesse der Geschichtsphilosophen an Geschichte, ist es Russell' s Ansicht, daß Geschichte nicht nur eine Angelegenheit für Akademiker ist, sondern daß sie auch "ein wesentlicher Teil der Ausstattung" jedes gebildeten Geistes sein sollte. Dem Menschen, dessen Interessen durch die kurze Spanne zwischen Geburt und Tod gelenkt werden, bleibt für seine Auffassungen nur eine kurze Einsicht und Begrenzung. Andererseits kann ein Mensch mit Sinn für Geschichte die Tragödie wiederholter Fehler voraussehen und den Torheiten der Gegenwart mit gleichmütiger Geduld entgegensehen. Die folgende Auswahl zeigt auch Russell's kritische Abschätzung der Geschichtstheorien und die Praxis der Geschichtsschreibung. 56. Über Geschichte 57. Die materialistische Geschichtstheorie 58. Geschichte als eine Kunst XIV. Der Kulturphilosoph: Ost und West Philosophen sind meist keine Weltreisenden. Wenige haben die Atmosphäre selbst ihres eigenen Kontinents beobachtet. Kant z. B. reiste niemals weiter als vierzig Meilen außerhalb der Grenzen seiner Heimatstadt Königsberg. Unter den größten Philosophen des 20. Jahrhunderts sind wenige ausgedehnt gereist, um die verschiedenen wirtschaftlichen und politischen Probleme der östlichen und westlichen Kultur gut zu verstehen. Russell hat in vier Kontinenten gelehrt und Vorlesungen gehalten. Im Anschluß an seine Reisen nach Rußland, Japan und China in den frühen 20er Jahren und an seine häufigen Trips u. ausgedehnten Aufenthalte in den ÜSA, schrieb er informativ von dem, was er sah, und kritisch von dem Zukünftigen jeder Zivilisation. 59. Chinesische und westliche Kultur gegenübergestellt (d) 238.08 60. Ostliche und westliche Glücksideale (d) 331.19 XV. Der Religionsphilosoph Die gebildesten Geister werden immer durch letzte, ungelöst gebliebene Fragen .angezogen. Kleinere Geister sind mit "Antworten"zufrieden, für die keine Beweise vorliegen. Seit seiner Jugend fand Russell keinen Grund, seinen agnostischen Standpunkt über Religion zu ändern. Als er im Alter von achtzehn Jahren John Stuart Mill's "Autobiographie" las, wurde er von dem Irrtum in der Beweisführung über die erste Ursache überzeugt. - XXXIX -
His concern with religious problems and the philosophy of religion has been active over the years. Any critic of religion is, of course, prone to attack from all sides. What is particularly significant perhaps is that religious apologists are especially fervent in their attacks upon eminent intellectuals. Philosophers in the twentieth century have, for the most part, tended to avoid expressing any view which touched the core of religious sensitivity. Whether thinkers like Russell are right or wrong, perhaps only history can decide. Anyone who can keep an open mind, or who is permitted to keep an open mind, in this controversial area can gain much from the frank and fearless articles Russell has contributed to the subject. 61. 62. 63. 64.
The Essence of Religion What is an Agnostic? Why I am not a Christian (g) . . . . Can Religion Cure our Troubles? (g) .
113.02 596.04 314.11 602.03
XVI. The Philosopher and Expositor of Science Philosophers in our time are no longer concerned with inventing vast systems of philosophy from crude imagination. Since the seventeenth century science has gradually whittled away the mortar between the bricks of the foundations erected by the dogmatic philosophers. Perhaps philosophic progress will always lag behind scientific achievements because of the kind of problems with which philosophy is concerned. But one thing now seems clear: advance in philosophy will probably be based upon the same kind of evidence that has made science so successful.In the beginning philosophy prodded science, now science prods philosophy. Russell, as the selections that follow indicate, has ever been conscious of this relationship between science and philosophy, but he also has ever been mindful of the limitations of science and the ethical import of its application. He is one of our most lucid expositors of the far reaches of contemporary scientific theory. 65. Physics and Neutral Monism (g) . . . 315.06 66. Science and Education 328.03 67. limitations of Scientific Method (g) 372.10
- XL -
Sein Interesse an religiösen Problemen nnd der Religionsphilosophie war über Jahre hinweg aktiv. Jeder Kritiker der Religion ist natürlich Angriffen von allen Seiten ausgesetzt. Besonders bedeutend i3t vielleicht, daß Religionsverteidiger in ihren Angriffen gegen hervorragende Intellektuelle außergewöhnlich heiß sind. Philosophen des 20. Jahrhunderts haben zumeist jede Ansicht vermieden, die den Kern religiöser Empfindlichkeit berührte. Ob Denker wie Russell recht oder unrecht haben, kann vielleicht nur die Geschichte entscheiden. Jeder, der einen offenen Geist bewahrt, oder dem erlaubt ist, einen offenen Geist zu bewahren, kann von den freien und furchtlosen Artikeln, die Russell diesem strittigen Gebiet gewidmet hat, viel lernen. 61. 62. 63. 64.
Das Wesen der Religion Was ist ein Agnostiker? Warum ich kein Christ bin (d) Kann die Religion unsere Sorgen beseitigen? (d)
. . . .
. . . .
XVI. Der Philosoph und Naturwissenschaftler Philosophen unserer Zeit befassen sidi nicht mehr damit, weite philosophische Systeme aus unreifen Einbildungen zu ersinnen. Seit dem 17. Jahrhundert hat die Wissenschaft nach und nach den Mörtel zwischen den durch dogmatische Philosophen errichteten Fundamentsteinen geschwächt. Vielleicht wird philosophischer Fortschritt immer hinter wissenschaftlichen E r kenntnissen zurückbleiben aufgrund der Problemart, mit der die Philosophie sich befaßt. Aber eines scheint jetzt klar: Fortschritt in der Philosophie wird wahrscheinlich auf derselben Art von Beweisen basieren, die die Wissenschaft so erfolgreich machten. In ihren Anfängen trieb die Philosophie die Wissenschaft voran, jetzt treibt die Wissenschaft die Philosophie voran. Russell hat, wie die folgende Auswahl zeigt, immer bewußt auf diese Verwandtschaft zwischen Philosophie und Wissenschaft hingewiesen, aber er war sich auch immer der Begrenzung der Wissenschaft und der ethischen Bedeutung ihrer Anwendung bewußt. Er ist einer unserer klarsten Darsteller der großen Reichweite heutiger wissenschaftlicher Theorien. 65. Physik und neutraler Monismus (d) . . 315.09 66. Wissenschaft und Erziehung 67. Die Grenzen der naturwissenschaftlichen Methode (d) . 372.14
- XLI -
68. The New Physios and Realtivity (g) . 264.06 69. Science and Values (g) 584-.04 70. Non-Demonstrative Inference (g) . . . 648.04 XVII. The Analyst of Internatinal Affairs Any cursory attempt to assess international affairs is, of course, only indulged in by the uneducated. The analyst of world problems in the second half of the twentieth century is faced with a peculiar dilemma. The turbulence of the period and the unpredictability of human behaviour make even the most exhaustive attempt exceedingly uncertain. Mistakes in science and business are both costly and deplorable but continued mistakes in international affairs today could result in the destruction of civilization as we know it. Russell has,perhaps more than other thinkers in our time, successfully seen through the maze of conflicting fanaticisms, and with his characteristic sobriety pointed out fallacies in the arguments of proposed saviours. He was among the earliest of severe critics of Marxism and of its Soviet manifestations, but not without a recognition of the realities which require a world perspective for the solution of the problems confronting us in this nuclear age. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79.
The Taming of Power (g) If We are to Survive this Dark Time . What Would ^Help Mankind Most? . . . . Current Perplexities (g) World Government (g) The Next Half-Century (g) life Without Pear (g) Science and Human life Open Letter to Eisenhower and Krushchev (g) . . . 80. Man's Peril 81. Methods of Settling Disputes in the Nuclear Age (g)
- XLII -
436.12 559.02 595.02 582.07 582.07 582.07 582.07 612.02 626.04 617.04 647.05
68. Die neue Physik und die Relativitätstheorie (d) . . . 264.07 69. Wissenschaft und Werte (d) 584.10 70. Schlüsse, die nicht absolut zwingend sind (d) . 648.08 XVII. Der Analytiker internationaler Affären Jede oberflächliche Einschätzung internationaler Vorgänge geschieht natürlich nur durch Ungebildete. Der Analytiker von Weltproblemen wird in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts einem seltsamen Dilemma gegenübergestellt. Die Turbulenz der Zeit und das unberechenbare menschliche Verhalten machen selbst den erschöpf endsten Versuch außerordentlich unzuverlässig. Irrtümer in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft sind sowohl kostspielig als auch beklagenswert, aber fortgesetzte Fehler in internationalen Affären könnten heute die Zerstörung der uns vertrauten Zivilisation zur Folge haben. Russell hat, vielleicht mehr als andere Denker unserer Zeit, erfolgreich durch das Labyrinth fanatischer Auffassungen geblickt, und mit seiner charakteristischen Nüchternheit wies er auf die Trugschlüsse in den Argumenten erhoffter Retter hin. Er war einer der frühesten ernsthaften Kritiker des Marxismus und seiner sowjetischen Manifestationen, aber nicht ohne Anerkennung der Realitäten, die für die Lösung der Probleme, denen wir in diesem Atomzeitalter gegenübergestellt sind,Weltperspektiven verlangen. 71. Die Zähmung der Macht (d) 436.21 72. Wenn wir diese dunkle Zeit überleben wollen 73. Was hilft der Menschheit am meisten? . 74. Allgemeine Verwirrungen ' ' ~ enwartsprobleme) (d) 582.13 582.13 76. Die nächsten fünfzig Jahre (d) . . . . 582.13 77. Leben ohne Furcht (d) 582.13 78. Wissenschaft und menschliches Leben 79. Offener Brief an Eisenhover und Chruschtschow (d) . 626.05 80. Der Menschheit Gefahr 81. Methode der Beilegung von Streitigkeiten im Atomzeitalter (• Die gemeinsamen Interessen) (d) . . 647.10
c o m p e n s a t i o n
by orientative
Commentaries to some of the main titles within the following bibliography and was compiled from "Bertrand Russell. The Passionate Sceptic." by Alan Wood (London 1956) with the exception of a few other sources. Russell himself mentions the book by Alan Wood in his prefatory note to his work "My Philosophical Development" (London 1959) : "Mr. Alan Wood, whose book 'The Passionate Sceptic' won widespread and well-deserved applause ..."
- XLIV -
A u s g l e i c h
durch Orientierungshilfen zu Einzel-Titeln: Kommentare zu einigen Haupt-Titeln innerhalb der nachfolgenden Bibliographie, bis auf wenige Ausnahmen zusammengestellt aus "Bertrand Russell, Skeptiker aus Leidenschaft" von Alan Wood (Thun, München 1 9 5 9 ) . Russell erwähnt das Buch von Alan Wood in seiner Vorbemerkung zu seinem Werk "Philosophie. Die Entwicklung meines Denkens." (München 1973): "Mr. Alan Wood, dessen Buch 'Skeptiker aus Leidenschaft' so verbreiteten und verdienten Beifall fand ..."
- XLV -
1895/1896 Review of G. Heymans1 "Die Gesetze und Elemente des Wissenschaftlichen Denkens" 1895 in "Mind", vol. 4, p. 245-249 German Social Democracy aa a lesson in Political Tactics 1896 (Feb. 14) Lecture to the Fabian Soc., London. Unpublished manuscript in Russell Archives, McMaster University, Hamilton/Ontario. 18 pp. T r ä n s l ä t i o n s Deutsch 1972 in BN 703/1:1 . . . .
002.01 002.02
The A Priori in Geometry 1896 in "Proceedings Aristotelian Society", vol. 3, p. 97-112 London: Williams 4 Norgate
The Logic of Geometry 1896 in "Mind", vol. 5, p. 1-23
Review of G. Lechalas "Ëtude sur l'espace et le temps" 1896 in "Mind", vol. 5, p. 128
Review of A. Hannequin's • "Essai critique sur l'hypothese des atoms dans la Science contemporaine" 1896 in "Mind", vol. 5, p. 410-417
GERMAN SOCIAL DEMOCRACY 1896 London, New York, Bombay: Longmans, Green & Company. 204 pp C o n t e n t s I. Marx and the Theoretic Basis of the Social Democracy. II. lassalle. III. History of German Socialism from the Death of Lassalle to the Passing of the Exceptional Law, 1878. IV. Social Democracy under the Exceptional Law, 1878-1890. V. Organization, Agitation, Tactics, and Programme of Social Democracy since the Pall of the Socialist Law. VI. The Present Position of Social Democracy. Appendix: Social Democracy and the Woman Question in Germany by Alys Russell. C o m m e n t a r y Russell and his wife made two visits to Germany in 1895, and the second was largely with the object of studying the German Socialist movement. This was a rather unconventional. -
1896 if not shocking, interest for a young English aristocrat. After returning to England he reported his conclusions in a lecture to the Fabian Society (BN 2), and in a series of six lectures to the newly-foundet "London School of Economics" (Feto./Mar.1896) the latter toeing published in 1896 as "German Social Democracy", the first on the long list of Russell's books. These different lectures still have a fascinating interest to-day. It is not only that they foreshadow, with uncanny foresight, Germany's future of dictatorship and war. They are a characteristic example of the attempt to discuss any political problem in a scientific, rational and dispassionate way. K o m m e n t a r Russell und seine Frau reisten 1895 zweimal nach Deutschland, das zweitemal hauptsächlich in der Absicht, die deutsche sozialistische Bewegung zu studieren. Das war ein recht ungewöhnliches, wenn nicht sogar empörendes Interesse für einen jungen englischen Aristokraten. Nach seiner Rückkehr nach England berichtete Russell der Fabian Society in einer Vorlesung (BN 2) über seine Schlußfolgerungen. In der neugegründeten "London School of Economics" hielt er eine Reihe von sechs Vorträgen (Februar/März 1896); diese letztgenannten wurden 1896 als "German Social Democracy" veröffentlicht, das erste auf der langen Liste von Russell's Kichern. Diese verschiedenen Vorlesungen sind auch heute noch von packendem Interesse. Nicht nur, weil sie in geheimnisvoller Vorahnung die Schatten von Deutschlands diktatorischer und kriegerischer Zukunft sichtbar machen. Sie sind ein scharf geprägtesBeispiel für den Versuch, ein politisches Problem in wissenschaftlicher, vernünftiger und leidenschaftsloser Art zu diskutieren. R e p r i n t s 1965 Londons Allen & Unwin 1965 New York: Simon & Schuster T r a n s l a t i o n s Chinesisch: "Deguo shehui minzhudang" (Im Bestand des Instituts für Philosophie der Akademie für Sozialwissenschaften in Peking. Erscheinungsort und -Jahr waren nicht zu ermitteln.)
- 4
007.02 007.03
1896/1897 Deutsch: Auszüge 1972 in BN 703/1:2 "Die deutsche Sozialdemokratie" Herausgegeben und vollständig übersetzt von Achim von Borries 1978 Bonn: Verlag J. H. Vi. Dietz Nachf. I n h a l t Einleitung. I. Marx und die demokratische Grundlage der Sozialdemokratie. II. Lassalle. III. Die Geschichte der deutschen Sozialdemokratie vom Tode lassalles bis zum Erlaß des Ausnahmegesetzes. IV. Das Ausnahmegesetz. V. Organisation, Agitation, Taktik und Programm der Sozialdemokratie seit dem Fall des Sozialistengesetzes. VI. Die derzeitige Position der Sozialdemokratie. Anhang: (a) Die Sozialdemokratie und die Frauenfrage in Deutschland von Alys Russell, (b) Die deutsche Sozialdemokratie in englischer Beleuchtung von Eduard Bernstein. Italienisch: "La Socialdemocrazia Tedesca" Tr.: Jean Sanders 1970 Rom: Newton Compton Editor! . . . Russisch: "Germanskaja social-demokratija" 1906 St. Petersburg: Nevskij kn. skl. "Odferki iz istorii germanskoj socialdemokratiieskoj raboiej partii: Jest lekcij." 1906 St. Petersburg
007.07 007.08
Review of L. Couturat's "De l'infini mathematique" 1897 in "Mind", vol. 6, p. 112-119
On the Relations of Number and Quantity 1897 in "Mind", vol. 6, p. 326-341
AN ESSAY ON THE FOUNDATIONS OF GEOMETRY 1897 Cambridge: University Press. XVI, 201 pp. . C o n t e n t s Introduction. Our Problem Defined by its Relation to Logic, Psychology and Mathematics. I. A Short History of Metageometry. II. Critical Account of Some Previous Philosophical Theories of Geometry. Ill: A. The Axioms of Projective Geometry. B. The Axioms of Metrical Geometry. IV. Philosophical Consequences. -
1897/1898 C o m m e n t a r y In 1896 the Russells went to America for some months. He visited Walt Whitman's house and gave lectures at the John Hopkins University and Bry Mawr, based on his Dissertation on "The Poundationsof Geometry" (Aug. 1895). Russell revised nad published the Dissertation under the title "An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry" in 1897. After his travels in Germany and America he settled down in England, living mostly in a small cottage in Sussex, and continued the laborious and austere work on mathematical philosophy which was the foundation of his fame. K o m m e n t a r Im Jahre 1896 gingen die Russells für einige Monate nach Amerika. Er besuchte das WaltWhitman-Haus und hielt Vorlesungen an der John-Hopkins-Universität und am Bryn Mawr College; als Basis dieser Vorlesungen benutzte er seine Dissertation über "Die Grundlagen der Geometrie" (August 1895). Russell überarbeitete und veröffentlichte die Dissertation 1897 unter dem Titel "An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry". Nach seinen Reisen in Deutschland und Amerika ließ er sich endgültig in England nieder; meist lebte er in einem kleinen Häuschen in Sussex und setzte dort die mühsame und spröde Arbeit an seiner mathematischen Philosophie fort, die später seinen Ruhm begründete. R e p r i n t s 1956 New York: Dover Publications. Forword by Morris Kline. XVI, 201 pp. . T r a n s l a t i o n s Französisch: "Essai sur les fondements de la Géométrie" Tr.: Albert Cadenat 1901 Paris: Gautier-Villars Spanisch: "Ensayo sobre los Fundamentos de la Geometria" 1973 in BN 706 Les Axiomes Propres à Euclide Sont-Ils Empiriques? 1898 in "Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale", vol. 6, p. 759-776 Review of A. E. H. love's "Theoretical Mechanics: an Introductory Treatise on the Theory of Mechanics" 1898 in "Mind", vol. 7, p. 404-411 - 6 -
1898/1899/1900 Review of E. Goblot's "Essai sur le Classification des sciences" 1898 in "Mind", vol. 7, p. 567-568
Sur les Axiome3 de la Gfeomfetrie 1899 in "Revue de Mfetaphysique et de Morale", vol. 7, p. 684-707
Review of A. Meinong's "Uber die Bedeutung des Weberschen Gesetzes" 1899 in "Mind", vol. 8, p. 251-256
The Classification of Relations 1899 Unpublished manuscript in Russell Archives, McMaster University, Hamilton/Ontario. 20 pp.
Necessity and Possibility 1900 (ca.) Unpubl. manuscript in Rüssel Archives, McMaster University, Hamilton/Ontario. 33 pp.
Review of J. Schulz*s "Psychologie der Axiome" 1900 in "Mind", vol. 9, p. 120-121
A CRITICAL EXPOSITION OP THE PHILOSOPHY OP LEIBNIZ: With an Appendix of leading Passages. 1900 Cambridge: University Press. XVI, 311 pp. . London: Clay C o n t e n t s Preface. I. Leibniz's Premisses. II. Necessary Propositions and the Law of Contradiction. III. Contingent Propositions and the Law of Sufficient Reason. IT. The Conception of Substance. V. The Identity of Indiscernibles and the Law of Continuity, Possibility and Compossibility. VI. Why Did Leibniz Believe in an External World? VII. The Philosophy of Matter: (a) As the Outcome of the Principles of Dynamics. VIII. The Philosophy of Matter: (b) As Explaining Continuity and Extension. IX. The Labyrinth of the Continuum. X. The Theory of Space and Time and Its Relation to Monadism. XI. The Nature of Monads in General. XII. Soul and Body. XIII. Confused and Unconscious Perception. XIV. Leibniz's Theory of Knowledge. XV. Proofs of the Existence of God. XVI. Leibniz's Ethics. Appendix. C o m m e n t a r y Russell's main approach to philosophy remained through mathematics. Next there was a -
019.01 019.02
1900 fortunate accident. McTaggart, who was going to lecture on Leibniz at Cambridge in 1899, wanted to v i s i t his family in New Zealand: and Russell acted as deputy, his lectures being published as "A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz" ( l a t e r : "The Philosophy of Leibniz"). By sheer i n t e l l e c tual analysis in his study, he offered a completely original interpretation of Leibniz's philosophy; and soon afterwards had the happy experience of having his views confirmed by the discovery of some of Leibnisis manuscripts which had never been published. K o m m e n t a r Russell's wichtigster Weg zur Philosophie blieb die Mathematik. Als Nächstes kam ein glücklicher Zufall. McTaggart, der 1899 in Cambridge Vorlesungen über Leibniz halten s o l l t e , wollte gern seine Familie in Neuseeland besuchen, und Russell wirkte als sein Vertreter. Seine Vorlesungen wurden als "A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz" (später: "The Philosophy of Leibn i z " ) v e r ö f f e n t l i c h t . Einzig durch sein analysierendes Denken beim Studium bot er e i ne vollkommen originelle Darstellung djer Leibnizschen Philosophie. Bald danach hat'te er das beglückende Erlebnis, seine Auffassungen durch die Entdeckung einiger bisher unv e r ö f f e n t l i c h t e r Manuskripte von Leibniz bestätigt zu sehen. R e p r i n t s 1937 London: Allen & Unwin, under the t i t l e "The Philosophy of Leibniz" 1937 New York: Macmillan . . . 1951 New York: Humanities Press 1959 London: Allen & Unwin . . 1967 " : " " " 11 " 1975 " : " T r a n s l a t i o n s Französisch: "La philosophie de Leibniz" T r . : J. et R. Ray 1908 Paris: Alcan 1970 Paris, New York: Gordon & Breach Italienisch: "Esposizione c r i t i c a della f i l o s o f i a di Leibniz" T r . : Elena Bonna Cucco 1971 Mailand: Longanesi "La f i l o s o f i a di Leibniz" T r . : Roberto Cordeschi 1972 Rom: Newton Comton Editori . . . -
019.03 019.04 019.05 019.06 019.07 019.08
019.09 019.10
019.11 019.12
1900/1901 Japanisch: "Leibniz no tetsugaku" Tr.: Tadasu Hosokawa 1959 Tokio: Kobundo Spanisch: "Exposición Critica de la Filosofia de Leibniz" 1973 in BN 706
Recent Works on the Principles of Mathematics 1901 (July) in "The International Monthly", vol. 4, p. 83-101 1917 under the title "Mathematics and the Metaphysicians" in "Mysticism and Logic": V (BN 172) . T r & n s 1 ä "t i o n s Deutsch 1952 in BN 172.22 Französisch ... 1922 in BN 172.23 Italienisch ... 1964 in BN 172.24 Japanisch 1959 in BN 172.27 Portugiesisch . 1957 in BN 172.29 Schwedisch .... 1954 in BN 172.30 Spanisch 1973 in BN 172.31 = 706 . . Sp./Catalanisch 1969 in BN 172.32 Türkisch 1970 in BN 172.34 l'idée de l'ordre et la position absolue dans l'espace et dans le temps 1901 Paris: Colin. III, p. 241-277 (1st International Congress of Philosophy, Paris, 1900) On the Notion of Order 1901 in "Mind", vol. 10, p. 30-51
020.01 020.02 020.03 020.04 020.05 020.06 020.07 020.08 020.09 020.10 020.11
Review of P. Boutroux's "L'imagination et les mathématiques selon Descartes" 1901 in "Mind", vol. 10, p. 274
Is Position in Time and Space Absolute or Relative? 1901 in "Mind", vol. 10, p. 293-317
Review of W. Hastie's translation of Kant's "Cosmogony" 1901 in "Mind", vol. 10, p. 405-407 Recent Italian Work on the Foundations of Mathematics 1901 Unpublished manuscript in Russell Archives, McMaster University, Hamilton/Ontario. 28 pp. -
1901/1902/1903 Sur la logique des relations avec des applications à la théorie des séries 1901 in "Revue de Mathématiques" (Turin), vol. 7, p. 115-148 1956 under the title "The logic of Relations? in "logic and Knowledge" (BN 616) . . !F r ä Q s X si ^ i o n s Italienisch ... 1961 in BN 616.08 Portugiesisch . 1974 in BN 616.09 Spanisch 1966 in BN 616.10
027.01 027.02 027.03 027.04 027.05
Geometry. Non-Euclidean. 1902 in "The New Volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britanica". 10th ed., IV, p. 664-674 London: Black; New Yorks Encyclopaedia Britanica
On finite and infinite cardinal numbers (Section III of "On Cardinal Numbers" by A. N. Whitehead) 1902 in "American Journal of Mathematics", 24, p. 378-383
Théorie générale des séries bien-ordonnées 1902 in "Revue de Mathématiques" (Turin), vol. 8, p. 12-43
Letter to Frege 1902 in "From Frege to GSdel: A Source Mathematical Logic, 1879-1931", ed. van Heijenoort. Cambridge, Mass.: University Press, 1967, p. 124-125
Book in by Jean Harvard . . . .
The Teaching of Euclid 1902 in "Mathematics Gazette", vol. 2, p. 165-167 Recent Works on the Philosophy of Leibniz
1903 in "Mind", vol. 12, p. 177-201 Critical notice of L. Couturat's "La Logique de Leibniz d'après des documents inédits" and E. Cassierer's "Leibniz 1 System in seinen wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen.". Review of K. Geissler's "Die Grundsätze und das Wesen des Unendlichen in der Mathematik und Philosophie"
1903 in "Mind", vol. 12, p. 267-269 Definitions of "cause"."contenu"."convergence". 1903 in "Société Française de Phil., Bulletin". Paris, vol. 3, p. 163, 192-193, 197 . . . .
1903 A/THE FREE MAN'S WORSHIP 1903 (Dec.) in "The Independent Review", vol. 1, p. 415-424 036.01 C o m m e n t a r y For a time he was an Imperialist and supported' the Boer War. But early in 1901, according to one of hia broadcasts: "I had an experience not unlike what religious people call conversion. ... In the course of a few minutes I changed my mind about the Boer War, about harshness in education and in the Criminal Law, and about combativeness in private Delations." - Russell's "conversion" in 1901 followed from his becoming "suddenly and vividly aware of the loneliness in which most people live, and passionately desirous of finding ways of diminishing this tragic isolation". The result of this feeling, on the personal side, was reflected in what is probably the best known of all Russell's essays, his "A Free Man's Worship". - In Russell's later years he became more and more of a preacher, using the word in the best but not the conventional sense. He surprised some of his hearers on his lecture tour of Australia (1950), for instance, by saying that: "The root of the matter is a very simple and oldfashioned thing, a thing so simple that I am almost ashamed to mention it, for fear of the derisive smile with which wise cynics will greet my words. The thing I mean, is love, Christian love or compassion." It was not a conventional case of a sceptic softening with advancing years. Russell was merely repeating in different words what he had preached in "A Free Man's Worship" in 1903, and in his "Principles of Social Reconstruction"in 1916. K o m m e n t a r Einige Zeit lang wax Russell Imperialist und unterstützte den Burenkrieg. Doch zu Beginn des Jahres 1901 geschah etwas, wie er selbst einmal am Radio sagte: "Ich machte eine Erfahrung, so etwa wie das, was religiöse Leute Bekehrung nennen Innerhalb weniger Minuten änderte ich meine Ansicht über den Burenkrieg, über Strenge in der Erziehung und im Strafgesetz und über Machtkämpfe in privaten Beziehungen." - Russell's "Bekehrung" 1901 war eine Folge davon, daß "ihm plötzlich und sehr lebhaft die Einsamkeit, in der die meisten Menschen leben, bewußt wurde und er leidenschaftlich wünschte, Wege ausfindig zu machen, um diese tragische Vereinsamung zu - 11 -
1903 verringern". In persönlicher Beziehung spiegelt sieh das Ergebnis dieses Gefühls in Russell's "A Free Man's Worship" , dem wahrscheinlich bekanntesten aller seiner Essays. - Im Alter wurde Russell immer mehr ein Prediger, der das Wort im besten, nicht aber im konventionellen Sinne verwendete. Er überraschte zum Beispiel etliche seiner Hörer, als er auf seiner Vortragsreise in Australien (1950) sagte : "Die Wurzel der Dinge ist eine sehr einfache und altmodische Sache, eine Sache, so einfach daß ich mich fast schäme, sie hier zu erwähnen, aus Angst vor dem abschätzigen lächeln, mit dem weise Zyniker meine Worte begrüßen werden. Die Sache, die ich meine, ist Liebe, christliche Liebe oder Mitleid." Es war nicht der übliche Fall des Skeptikers, der im voreriickten Alter milde wird. Russell wiederolte nur in anderen Worten, was er 1903 in "A Free Man's Worship" und 1916 in seinen "Principles of Social Reconstruction" gepredigt hatte. - Siehe auch Golo Mann's aufschlußreichen "Versuch über Bertrand Russell" als Nachwort zur deutschen Ausgabe von R.'s "Autobiography I" ("Mein Leben", I, 1872 1914. Zürich: Europa Verlag, 1967, S. 332). In diesem siebenundzwanzig Seiten umfassenden Nachwort bringt Golo Mann auch eine relativ ausführliche Würdigung von Russell's Essay, das zu "seinen berühmtesten und am höchsten bewunderten Schriften gehört."
R e p r i n t s 1904 under the title "An Ethical Approach" in "Ideals of Science and Faith", New York: Longmans, Green & Co. ... London: George Allen, p. 157-169 . . . 1910 in "Philosophical Essays": II (BN 100) 1917 in "Mysticism and Logic": III (BN 172) 1923 "A Free Man's Worship", with a special preface by B. Russell. Portland, Maine: Mosher, XVII, 28 pp. (2nd ed. 1927) 1927 in "Selected Papers of Bertrand Russell" (BN 317) 1927 "What Can A Free Man Worship?" Girard, Kansas: Haldeman-Julius Publ. 1928 in "Further Adventures in Essay Reading" New York: Harcourt, p. 517-528 . . . . 1929 in "Essays from Five Centuries", Boston: Houghton Mifflin, p. 404-412 . 1929 in "Essays toward Truth", New York: Henry Holt & Co., p. 175-185 . 1930 in "Familiar Essays", New York: Prentice-Hall, p. 498-508 . - 12
036.02 036.03 036.04 036.05
036.06 036.07
036.08 036.09
036.10 036.11
1903 1930 in "Modern Writers at Work", New York: Macmillan, p. 9-22 1933 in "Fifty Modern English Writers", New Tork: Doubleday, p. 1294-1302 . . 1934 Excerpt in "Golden Book Magazine", vol. 19, Feb., p. 156 1935 in "Pageant of Prose", New York: Harper, p. 257-263 1936 in "Fifty Essays", New York: Little Brown è Co., p. 320-331 1936 in "Modern Reader", New York: Heath, p. 417-424 1948 in "Toward liberal Education", New York: Rinehartft Co., p. 625-631 . . 1957 in "Why I AM Not a Christian and Other Essays" (BN 625) 1959 in "Two Modern Essaya on Religion", Hanover, New Hampshire: Westholm Pubi. 1961 in "The Basic Writings of B. Russell": II/6 (BN 659) 1972 "What Can A Free Man Worship?" in "Atheism. Collected Essays." (BN 700) T r a n s l a t i o n s Dänisch 1966 in BN 625.11 Deutsch 1952 in BN 172.22 Französisch ... 1922 in BN 172.23 Italienisch ... 1960 in BN 625.19 " ... 1964 in BN 172.24 " ... 1972 in BN 100.10 Japanisch 1959 in BN 172.27 " 1959 in BN 625.21 Koreanisch .... 1960 in BN 625.23 Niederländisch 1966 in BN 625.26 Norwegisch .... 1947 in BN 172.28 = 519 . . Persisch 1970 in BN 625.28 Portugiesisch . 1957 in BN 172.29 " . 1960 in BN 625.30 Schwedisch .... 1954 in BN 172.30 " 1958 in BN 625.32 Spanisch 1958 in BN 625.33 " 1968 in BN 100.12 " 1973 in BN 172.31 = 706 . . Sp./Catalanisch 1969 in BN 172.32 Türkisch 1966 in BN 625.36 " 1972 in BN 172.34 THE PRINCIPLES OF MATHEMATICS 1903 Cambridge: University Press. XXIX, 534 pp. C o n t e n t s Part I. The Indefinables of Mathematics. I. Definition of Pure Mathematics. II. Symbolic Logic. III. Implication and Formal Implications. IT. Proper Names, Adjectives and Verbs. V. Denoting. VI. - 13 -
036.13 036.14 036.15 036.16 036.17 036.18 036.19 036.20 036.21 036.22 036.23 036.24 036.25 036.26 036.27 036.28 036.29 036.30 036.31 036.32 036.33 036.34 036.35 036.36 036.37 036.38 036.39 036.40 036.41 036.42 036.43 036.44 036.45 037.01
1903 Classes. VII. Propositional Functions. Till. The Tariable. IX. Relations. X. The Contradiction. Part II. Number. XI. Definition of Cardinal Numbers. XII. Addition and Multiplication. XIII. Finite and Infinite. XIT. Theory of Finite Numbers. XT. Addition of Terms and Addition of Classes. XTI. Whole and Part. XTII. Infinite Wholes. XTIII. Ratios and Fractions. Part III. Quantity. XIX. The Meaning of Magnitude. XX. The Range of Quantity. XXI. Numbers as Expressing Magnitudes: Measurement. XXII. Zero. XXIII. Infinity, The Infinitesimal, and Continuity. Part IT. Order. XXIT. The Genesis of Series. XXT. The Meaning of Order. XXTI. Asymmetrical Relations. XXTII. Difference of Sense and Difference of Sign. XXTIII. On the Difference between Open and Closed Series. XXIX. Progressions and Ordinal Numbers. XXX. Dedekind's Theory of Number. XXXI. Distance. Part T. Infinity and Continuity. XXXII. The Correlation of Series. XXXIII. Real Hunters. XXXIT. Limits and Irrational Numbers. XXXT. Cantor's First Definition of Continuity. XXXTI. Ordinal Continuity. XXXTII. Transfinite Cardinals. XXXTIII. Transfinite Ordinals. XXXIX. The Infinitesimal Calculus. XL. The Infinitesimal and the Improper Infinite. XLI. Philosophical Arguments Concerning the Infinitesimal. XLII. The Philosophy of the Continuum. XLIII. The Philosophy of the Infinite. Part TI. Space. XLIT. Dimensions and Complex Numbers. XLT. Projective Geometry. XLTI. Descriptive Geometry. XLTI. Metrical Geometry. XLTM. Relation of Metrical to Projective and Descriptive Geometry. XLIX. Definitions of Tarious Spaces. L. The Continuity of Space. LI. Logical Arguments against Points. LII. Kant's Theory of Space. Part Til. Matter and Motion. LIII. Matter. LIT. Motion. LT. Causality. LTI.Definition of a Dynamical World. LTII. Newton's Laws of Motion. LTIII. Absolute and Relative Motion. LIX.Hertz's Dynamics. - 14 «•
1903 Appendix. A. The Logical and Arithmetical Doctrines of Frege. Hi The Doctrine of Types. C o m m e n t a r y Russell planned his "Principles of Mathematics", to establish his thesis that mathematics nad logic are fundamentally the same. The book was to be in two volumes, the second consisting of a riged argument worked out in symbols, the first a kind of commentary and introduction in ordinary language. The first volume was published in 1903. By this time Russell and A. N. Whitehead had decided to collaborate in their future work. The result turned out to be, not simply a second volume" of the "Principles of Mathematics", but the three massive volumes of "Principia Mathem a t i c a l the first of which was not published until 1910 (BN 101.01). K o m m e n t a r Russell entwarf seine "Principles of Mathematics", um seine These festzulegen, daß Mathematik und Logik grundsätzlich das gleiche sind. Das Buch war in zwei Bänden geplant, wovon der zweite in einer strikten, in mathematischen Zeichen ausgeführten Beweisführung bestehen sollte; der erste war als eine Art Erläuterung und Einführung in gewöhnlicher Sprache gedacht. Der erste Band wurde 1903 veröffentlicht. Inzwischen hatten Russell und A. N. Whitehead beschlossen in Zukunft zusammenzuarbeiten. Was dann dabei herauskam, war allerdings nicht einfach ein zweiter Band der "Principles of Mathematics", sondern die drei gewaltigen Bände der "Principia Mathem a t i c a l deren erster erst 1910 erschien (BN 101.01). R e p r i n t s 1937 London: Allen & Unwin, with a new introduction, p. V-XIV . . 1937 New York: Norton & Co 1938 » » : » » " 1943 " " : " " " 1948 » " : " " " 1948 London: Allen & Unwin 1950 " : " " " 1950 New York: Norton & Co 1953 " " : " " " 1956 London: Allen & Unwin 1961 Excerpt: "Symbolic Logis" (l:II) in "The Basic Writings of B. Russell": IV/13 (BN 659) - 15 -
037.02 037.03 037.04 037.05 037.06 037.07 037.08 037.09 037.10 037.11
1903/1904 1964 London: Allen & Unwin 1964 New York: Norton ft Co 1972 London: Allen & Unwin T r a n s l a t i o n s Chinesisch: "Shuli l u o j i " 1921 Peking Italienisch: " I p r i n c i p i d e l l a matematica" T r . : L. Geymont 1951 Mailand: Longanesi 1963 " : " 1970 " : " 1971 Rom: Newton Compton E d i t o r i . . . Spanisch: "Los P r i n c i p i o s de l e Matemàtica" 1948 Madrid, Buenos A i r e s : Espasa Calpe 1967 " , " " : " " 1973 in BN 706
037.13 037.14 037.15
037.17 037.18 037.19 037.20 037.21 037.22 037.23
L i t e r a t u r e of the F i s c a l Controversy 1904 ( J a n . ) in "Independent Review", v o l . 1, p . 684-688 Review o f Ashley's "The T a r i f f Problem" and P i g o u ' s "The Riddle of the T a r i f f " . Mr. Charles Booth's
f o r F i s c a l Reform
1904 ( F e b . ) in "Contemporary Review", v o l . 85, p . 198-206
Review of G. E. Moore's " P r i n c i p i a Ethlca" (The Meaning o f Good) 1904 (Mar.) i n "Independent Review", v o l . 2, p . 328-333
On History 1904 ( J u l y ) i n "Independent Review", v o l . 3 , p. 207-215 1961 in "The Basic Writings of B. R u s s e l l " : XIII/56 (BN 659)
041.01 041.02
The Axiom of I n f i n i t y 1904 ( J u l y ) in "Hibbert Journal", v o l . 2, p . 809-812 1973 in "Essays i n A n a l y s i s " : V/11 (BN 705)
042.01 042.02
Non-Euclidian Geometry 1904 (Oct. 29) in "Athenaeum", no. 4018, v o l . 124, p. 592-593 Reply R u s s e l l ' s to c r i t i c i s m of his "Essay on the Foundation of Geometry" (BN 10).
1904/1905 Review of I, Couturat's "Opuscules et fragmenta infedits de Leibniz" 1904 in "Mind", vol. 13, p. 131-132
Review of I. J. Delaporte's "Essai philosophique sur les geometries non-Euclidleimes" 1904 in "Mind", vol. 13, p. 132-133
Meinong's Theory of Complexes and Assumptions 1904 in "Mind", vol. 13, p. 204-219, p. 336-354, p. 509-524 1973 in "Essays in Analysis": II/1 (BN 705)
046.01 046.02
Review of C.H.Hinton's "The Fourth Dimension" 1904 in "Mind", vol. 13, p. 573-574
Tariff Controversy: Blbllog. 1904 in "Edinburgh Review" (Published anonymously) vol. 199, p. 149-196
Letters to Meinong 1904-1907 in "Philosophenbriefe aus der w i s s e n schaftlichen Korrespondenz von Alexius Meinong", ed. by Rudolf Kindinger. 1965 Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, p. 150-153
On Functions. Classes and Relations 1904 Unpublished manuscript in Russell Archives, McMaster University, Hamilton/Ontario. 18 pp.
On Meaning and Denotation 1905 (?) Unpubl. manuscript in Russell Archives, McMaster University, Hamilton/Ontario. 100 pp.
Points about Denoting 1905 (?) Unpubl. manuscript in Russell Archives, McMaster University, Hamilton/Ontario. 17 pp.
On the Meaning and Denotation of Phrases 1905 '(?) Unpubl. manuscript in Russell Archives, McMaster University, Hamilton/Ontario. 24 pp.
The Existential Import of Propositions 1905 in "Mind", vol. 14, p. 398-401 1973 in "Essays in Analysis": III/4 (BN 705)
- 17 -
054.01 054.02
1905 Review of H. Poincarl's "Science and Hypothesis" 1905 in "Mind", vol. 14, p. 412-418 (see also BN 68)
ON DENOTING 1905 in "Mind", vol. 14, p. 479-493 C o m m e n t a r y Russell's most important single contribution to philosophy was the Theory of Descriptions. "'The Theory of Description'", said G.E.Moore, "was something quite new. It was R. 's greatest philosophical discoversy." The false assumption, exposed by Russell, was that a sentence about golden mountains was saying something about golden mountains, and that there fore such things must have being, or they could not be talked about. Russell's analysis proved this assumption wrong: and it also suggested that there may be many other ways in which we can be misled by words and the form of sentences. The theory was put forward in an article called "On Denoting", first published in 1905 in "Mind", the leading British philosophical journal.
K o m m e n t a r Russell's bedeutendster, ganz allein erarbeiteter Beitrag zur Philosophie war die Theorie der Beschreibungen. "'Die Theorie der Beschreibungen'", sagte G.E.Moore, "war etwas ganz Neues. Es war Russell's größte philosophische Entdeckung." Die von Russell aufgedeckte irrige Annahme war, daß ein Satz über goldene Berge etwas Uber goldene Berge aussagte und daß darum etwas derartiges existieren müßte, sonst könnte man nicht darüber sprechen. Russell's Analyse erwies diese Annahme als falsch, zugleich legte sie den-Gedanken an mancherlei andere Möglichkeiten nahe, durch die wir von Worten und Satzformen irregeführt werden können. Die Theorie wurde bekannt gemacht in einem Artikel "On Denoting" , der zuerst 1905 in "Mind", der führenden philosophischen Zeitschrift Englands, veröffentlicht wurde. R e p r i n t s 1949 in "Readings in Philosophical Analysis". New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, p. 103-115 1956 in "Logic and Knowledge" (BN 616) . . 1973 in "Essays in Analysis": III/5 (BN 705)
056.02 056.03 056.04
1905/1906 T r a n s l a t i o n s Deutach 1971 in BN 696 Französisch: "De l a dênotation" in "L'Age de la science" 1970 Paris, p. 171-185 Italienisch 1961 in BN 616.08 Portugiesisch 1974 in BN 616.09 Spanisch 1962 in BN 665 1966 in BN 616.12 Tschechisch 1967 in BN 680/A:1
056.06 056.07 056.08 056.09 056.10 056.11
. . . .
On Fundamentals 1905 Unpublished manuscript in Russell Archives. McMaster University.Hamilton/Ontario. 4-0 pp. (Russell also noted: "Pp. 18ff. contain the reasons for the new Theory of denoting." = Russell bemerkt: "Pp. 18 ff. enthalten die Gründe für die neue Theorie der Bezeichnung. " )
Review of A. Meinong's "Untersuchungen zur Gegenstandstheorie und Psychologie" 1905 in "Mind", vol. 14, p. 530-538 1973 in "Essays in Analysis": II/2(BN 705)
058.01 058.02
Sur l a relation des mathématiques à la logistique 1905 in "Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale", vol. 13, p. 906-917 1973 under the title "On the Relation of Mathematics to Logic" in "Essays in Analysis": V/12 (BN 705)
059.01 059.02
Definition of "evidence" 1905 in "Société Française Paris, vol. 5, p. 235
Phil., Bulletin".
On Substitution 1905 (Dec.) Unpublished manuscript in R. Archives, McMaster University, Hamilton/Ontario. 13 pp.
Review of G. Santayana's "Reason in Science" 1906 (Apr. 7) in "Speaker", vol. 14, p. 14-15
Freethought, Ancient and Modern 1906 in "Speaker", vol. 14, p. 402-403
On Substitution 1906 (Apr./May) Unpubl. manuscript in R. Archives, McMaster University .Hamilton/Ontario. 1 46 pp. -
19 -
1906 The Paradox of the Liar 1906 (Sept. )Unpublished manuscript in R . Archives, McMaster University, Hamilton/Ontario. 120 pp.
The Theory of Implication 1906 in "American Journal of Mathematics", vol. 28, p. 159-202
O n Some Difficulties in the Theory of Transfinite Numbers and Order Types 1906 in "Proceedings London Mathematical Society", series 2, vol. 4, p . 29-53 1973 in "Essays in Analysis": IV/7 (BN 705)
067.01 067.02
Reply to Poincaré's Letter. Note. 1906 in "Mind", vol. 15, p. 143 (see also BN 55)
Review of H . MacColl's "Symbolic Logic and Its Applications" 1906 in "Mind", vol. 15, p. 255-266
Review of A . Pastore's "Logica formale dedotta dalla considerazione di modelli meccanici" 1906 in "Mind", vol. 15, p. 277 Review of A. Meinong's "Über die Erfahrungsgrundlagen unseres
070.00 Wissens"
1906 in "Mind", vol. 15, p. 412-415
The Nature of Truth 1906 in "Mind", vol. 15, p. 528-533 1910 a revised version in "Philosophical Essays" (BN 100), first two sections as "VI. The Monistic Theory of Truth" and third section rewritten as "VII. On the Nature of Truth and Falsehood" Les paradoxes de la logique 1906 in "Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale", vol. 14, p. 627-650 1973 under the title "On 'Insolubilia' and their Solution by Symbolic Logic" in "Essays in Analysis": IV/9 (BN 705)
- 20
1906/1907/1908 Religion and Metaphysics 1906 in "Independent Review", vol. 9, p. 109-116
Review of H. H. Joachim's "The Nature of Truth" 1906 in "Independent Review", vol. 9, p. 349-353
On the Nature of Truth 1907 in "Proceedings Aristotelian Society", vol. 7, p. 28-49
The Study of Mathematics 1907 (Nov.) in "New Quarterly", vol. 1, p. 29-44 1910 in "Philosophical Essays": III (BN 100) 1917 in "Mysticism and Logic": IV (BN 172) T r ä n s l s t i o n s Deutsch 1952 in BN 172.22 Französisch ... 1922 in BN 172.23 Italienisch ... 1964 in BN 172.24 " ... 1972 in BN 100.11 Japanisch 1959 in BN 172.27 Portugiesisch . 1957 in BN 172.29 Schwedisch 1954 in BN 172.30 Spanisch 1968 in BN 100.13 " 1973 in BN 172.31 = 706 . . Sp./Catalanisch 1969 in BN 172.32 . . . . . Türkisch 1972 in BN 172.34 Review of A. Meinong's "Über die Stellung der Gegenstandstheorie im System der Wissenschaften" 1907 in "Mind", vol. 16, p. 436-439 1973 in "Essays in Analysis": II/3 (BN 705)
077.01 077.02 077.03 077.04 077.05 077.06 077.07 077.08 077.09 077.10 077.11 077.12 077.13 077.14
078.01 078.02
The Development of Morals 1907 in "Independent Review", vol. 12, p. 204-210
Metaphysics for the Man of Action 1907 in "Nation" (London), vol. 1, p. 44-45
. .
Transatlantic "Truth" 1908 (Jan.) in "Albany Review", vol. 2, no. 10, p. 393-410 1910 under the title "William James's Conception of Truth", in "Philosophical Essays": V (BN 100) T r a n s l a t i o n s Italienisch ... 1972 in BN 100.11 Spanisch 1968 in BN 100.13 " 1973 in BN 100.14 = 706 . . -
081.01 081.02 081.03 081.04 081.05
1908/1909 Liberalism and Women's Suffrage 1908 (July) in "Contemporary Review", vol. 94, p. 11-16
Determinism and Morals 1908 (Oct.) in "Hibbert Journal", vol. 7, p. 113-121 1910 u n d e r the title "The Elements of Ethics" in "Philosophical ": I
083.01 (BN 100)
T r si n s 1 ä t i o n 9 Italienisch ... 1972 in BN 100.11 Spanisch 1968 in BN 100.13 " 1973 in BN 100.14 = 706 . . Mathematical Logic as Based on the Theory of Types
083.03 083.04 083.05
1908 in "American Journal of Mathematics", vol. 30, p. 222-262 1956 i n "Logic and Knowledge" (BN 616) T r 3 n s 1 s ti Deutsch Italienisch ... Portugiesisch . Spanisch
i o n s 1976 in 1961 in 1974 in 1966 in
. .
711 616.08 616.09 616.10
084.01 084.02 084.03 084.04 084.05 084.06
M r . Haidane on Infinity 1908 in "Mind", vol. 17, p. 238-242
"If" and "Imply" 1908 in "Mind", vol. 17, p. 300-301 (A reply to Mr. MacColl, see also BN 69)
Space and Mathematical reasoning 1908 in "Mind", vol. 17
Review of L. Bloch's "La Philosophie de Newton" 1908 in "Nature", vol. 78, p. 99-100 (Unsigned, but verified as Russell's)
Review of "Essays Philosophical and Psychological in Honor of William James'" 1908 in "Hibbert Journal", vol. 7, p. 203-204
. .
Pragmatism 1909 (Apr.) in "Edinburgh Review", vol. 209, p. 363-388 1910 i n "Philosophical Essays": IV (BN 100)
090.01 090.02
1909/1910 RôViSW of James 5The Will to Believe and Pragmatism", of P. C. S. Schiller's "Philosophical Essays" and "Studies in Humanism" of Dewey's "Studies in Logical Theory" and "Columbia University Essays, Philosophical, and Psychological in Honor of William James", 1908. T r a n s l a t i o n s Deutsch 1971 in BN 696 Italienisch ... 1972 in BN 100.11 Spanisch 1968 in BN 100.13 " 1973 in BN 100.14 = 706 . . Review of Paul Carus's "The Foundations of Mathematics" 1909 in "Mathematical Gazette", vol. 5, p.103-104 1910 in "Monist", vol. 20, p. 64-65 . . . .
090.03 090.04 090.05 090.06
091.01 091.02
Review of A. Reymond's "Logique et Mathématiques" 1909 in "Mind", vol. 18, p. 299-301
Anti-Suffragist Anxieties 1910 London: "People's Sufrage Federation" . . . Ethics 1910 in "New Quarterly", vol. 3, (Feh.) p. 21-34, (May) p. 131-143 1910 under the title "The Elements of Ethics" in "Philosophical Essays": I (BN 100) 1952 in "Readings in Ethical Theory", ed. by W. Sellars and J. Hospens. New York, p. 1-34 T r* â n s 1 ftt i o n s Italienisch ... 1972 in BN 100.11 Spanisch 1968 in BN 100. 13 " 1973 in BN 100.14 = 706 . . The Philosophy of William James 1910 (Oct.) in "Living Age", vol. 267, p. 52-55 1910 in "Nation" (London), vol. 7 , p . 793-794 Some Explanations in Reply to Mr. Bradley 1910 in "Mind", vol. 19, p. 373-378 (Reply to a review of "The Principles of Mathematics", 1903/BN 37)
- 23 -
094.01 094.02 094.03 094.04 094.05 094.06 095.01 095.02 096.00
1910 Review of G. Mannoury's "Methodologisches und Philosophisches zur Elementar-Mathematik" 1910 in "Mind", vol. 19, p. 438-439
La thfeorle des types loglques 1910 in "Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale", vol. 18, p. 263-301 1910 under the title "Theory of Logical Types" in "Principia Mathematica": Introd./II (BN 101.01) 1973 under the title "The Theory of Logical Types" in "Essays in Analysis":IV/10 (BN 705) T r ä n s l & t f i oris Deutsch 1932 in BN 101.07:11 . . . Tschechisch ... 1967 in BN 101.09 = 680:A/3 Spinoza 1910 in "Nation" (London), vol. 8, p. 278, 280
PHILOSOPHICAL ESSAYS 1910 London: Allen & Unwin London, New York, Bombay and Calcutta: Longmans, Green & Co., VI, 185 pp C o n t e n t s I. The Elements of Ethics (1908/83) II. The Free Man's Worship (1903/36) III. The Study of Mathematics ... (1907/77) IV. Pragmatism (1909/90) V. W. Jame's Conception of Truth (1908/81 ) VI. The Monistic Theory of Truth (1906/72) VII. On the Nature of Truth and Falsehood (1906/72) R e p r i n t s 1917 Excerpts: "The Free Man's Worship" (II) "The Study of Mathematics" (III) in "Mysticism and Logie": III, IV (BN 172) 1961 Excerpt: "The Free Man's Worship" (II) in "The Basic Writings of B. Russell": II/6 (BN 659) 1966 London: Allen & Unwin, rev. ed. . . . 1966 New York Simon & Schuster 1967 11 " 1968
- 24 -
098.02 098.03 098.04 098.05 099.00 100.01 100.02
100.04 100.05 100.06 100.07 100.08
1910 T r a n s l a t i o n s Deutsch: "Was der freie Mensch verehrt" (II) "Das Studium der Mathematik" (Iii) 1952 in BN 172.22 "Der Pragmatismus" (IV) "Über die Natur von Wahrheit und Falschheit" (VII) 1971 in BN 696 Italienisch: "Filosofia e scienza" Tr.: Chiara Lefons 1972 Rom: Newton Compton Editori . . . 1974 » : » » " . . . Spanisch: "Ensayos Filis&ficos" 1968 Madrid: Alianza Editorial . . . . 1973 in BN 706
100.11 100.12 100.13 100.14
PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA in collaboration with Alfred North Whitehead 1910 Cambridge: Univ. Press, vol. I, XLVI,674 pp. 1912 " : " « , " H , XXXI,742 pp. 1913 " : " " , 11 m , VIII,491 pp. C o n t e n t s : vol. I Preface. Alphabetical list of Propositions Referred to by Names. Introduction. I. Preliminary Explanation of Ideas and Notations. II. Theory of Logical Types (1910/98). m . Incomplete Symbols. Part I. Mathematical Logic. Summary of Part I. A. The Theory of Deduction. B. Theory of Apparent Variables. C. Classes and Relations. D. Logic of Relations. E. Products and Sums of Classes. Part II. Cardinal Arithmetic. Summary of Part II. A. Unit Classes and Couples. B. SubClasses, Sub-Relations and Relative Types. C. One-Many, Many-One, and One-One Relations. D. Selections. E. Inductive R e lations. Appendix. A. The Theory of Deduction for Propositions Containing Apparent Variables. B. Mathematical Induction. C. Truth-Functions and Others. List of Definitions. C o n t e n t s : vol. II Prefatory Statement of Symbolic Conception. Part III. Cardinal Arithmetic. Summary of Part III. A. Definition and Logical Properties of - 25 -
101.01 101.02 101.03
1910 Cardinal Numbers. B. Addition, Multiplication and Exponentiation. C. Finite and Infinite. Part IT. Relation Arithmetic. Summary of Part IV. A. Ordinal Similarity and Relation Numbers. B. Additions of Relations and the Product of Two Relations. C. The Principle of First Differences and the Multiplication and Exponentiation of Relation. D. Arithmetic of Relation Numbers. Part V. Series. Summary of Part V. A. General Theory of Series. B. On Sections, Segments, Stretches, and Derivatives. C. On Convergence, and the Limits of Function. C o n t e n t s : vol. Ill D. Well Ordered Series. E. Finite and Infinite Series and Ordinals. F. Compact Series, Rational Series, and Continuous Series. Part VI. Quantity.Summary of Part VI. A. Generalization of Number. B. VectorFamilies. C. Measurement. D. Cyclic Families. C o m m e n t a r y Russell and A. N. Whitehead had decided to collaborate in their future work. The result turned out to be, not simply a second volume of Russell's "Principles of Mathematics" (BN 37), but the three massive volumes of "Principia Mathematica", the first of which was not published until 1910. - The collaboration was arranged in this way: Russell had mapped out the general scheme of the work in a course of lectures at Cambridge. Different parts were then divided between himself and Whitehead. As for Whitehead, it seems that he was Russell's superior as an ordinary mathematician, and he was more adept at the art of inventing logical symbols. But, since Whitehead was only free from fulltime University teaching during vacations, the bulk of the work inevitably fell on Russell, and I think it is fair to say that, but for Russell, "Principia Mathematica" would never have been completed. - There is little doubt about it being one of the supreme achivements of the human mind, into which Russell poured his most intense intellectual energy over a period of many years; but probably not more than twenty people have ever read it
1910 right through. Like most classics, it is now taken for granted rather than studied, even by those who should he professionally concerned with it. - The enormous importance of the knowledge gained for contemporary philosophy in "Principia Mathematica" will be found, above all, in Russell's proof that all mathematical axioms can be traced back to logical principles. By this the identity is proved of logic and mathematics and a clear answer is given to the old question as to the character of mathematics. According to Russell mathematics is a system of purely analytical clauses, e. g. they are valid for all possible worlds - just as the logical clauses - independent of existence and reality and of any real being generally. K o m m e n t a r Russell und A. N. Whitehead beschlossen, in Zukunft zusammenzuarbeiten. Was dann dabei herauskam, war allerdings nicht einfach ein zweiter Band von Russell's "Principles of Mathematics" (BN 37), sondern die drei gewaltigen Bände der "Principia Mathematica", deren erster erst 1910 erschien. - Die Zusammenarbeit wurde auf folgende Art organisiert: Russell hatte den allgemeinen Plan der Arbeit im Laufe einer Reihe von Vorlesungen in Cambridge skizziert. Die verschiedenen Teile wurden dann zwischen ihm und Whitehead aufgeteilt. Bei Whitehead scheint es, daß er Russell als reiner Mathematiker überlegen war und gewandter in der Kunst, logische Symbole zu erfinden. Doch da Whitehead nur während der Ferien von seiner vollamtlichen Lehrtätigkeit an der Universität frei war, fiel die Hauptmasse der Arbeit Russell zu; und ich denke, es ist richtig zu betonen, daß ohne Russell die "Principia Mathematica" nie fertig geworden wäre. - Unzweifelhaft handelt es sich um eine der großartigsten Schöpfungen des menschlichen Geistes; viele Jahre hindurch ließ Russell seine aufs höchste angespannten Geisteskräfte in dieses Werk einströmen, Doch, wahrscheinlich haben es nicht mehr als zwanzig Leute jemals vollständig gelesen. Wie die meisten Klassiker wird es jetzt zwar als gesichert hingenommen, nicht aber wirklich studiert; das gilt sogar für solche, die sich eigentlich berufsmäßig dafür interessieren sollten. - Die große Bedeutung der in der "Principia Mathematica" gewonnenen Erkenntnisse für die Philosophie der Gegenwart liegt vor allem in Russell's
- 27 -
1910 Beweis, daß sämtliche mathematischen Axiome auf logische Principien zurückgeführt werden können. Damit ist die Identität von Logik und Mathematik nachgewiesen und eine eindeutige Antwort auf die alte Frage nach dem Wesen der Mathematik gegeben. Die Mathematik ist nach Russell ein System rein analytischer Sätze, das heißt, sie gelten, wie die logischen, unabhängig von Dasein und Wirklichkeit und von jeder wirklichen Welt überhaupt, für alle möglichen Welten. R e p r i n t s 1925-1927 with e new introduction. Cambridge: University Press 1959-1960 Cambridges University Press . . . 1961 Excerpts: "Preface" from vol. I "Introduction" from vol. I "Summary of Part HI" from vol. II "Summary of Part IV" from vol. II "Summary of Part V" from vol. II "Summary of Part VI" from vol. Ill "Introduction to the 2nd ed." (1925) in "The Basic Writings of B. Russell": IV/15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 (BN 659) . T r a n s l a t i o n s Deutsch: Auszug aus Bd. I: "Einführung in die Mathematische Logik" (Einleitung der "Principia Mathematical Ü.: Hans Mokre 1932 München: Drei Maskenverlag . . . I n h a l t Vorwort. Einleitung. I. Vorläufige Erklärungen über Begriffe und Zeichen. II. Die Theorie der logischen Typen. III. Unvollständige Symbole. Einleitung zur zweiten Auflage (1925). Spanisch: Excerpts from vol. I: "Prefacio" "Introducción" "Resumen de la parte I - VI" "Intrucción a la segunda edición" 1973 in BN 706 Tschechisch: Excerpt from vol. I: "Theorie logick^ch typu" (Introduction: II.) 1967 in BN 680
101.04 101.05
1911 Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description 1911 in "Proceedings Aristotelian Society", vol. 11, p. 108-128 1912 in "The Problems of Philosophy": V, (BN 118) 1917 in "Mysticism and Logic": X (BN 172) 1961 in "The Basic Writings of B. Russell": V/26 (BN 659) T r a n s l a t i o n s Arabisch 1960 in BN 118. 19 Chinesisch .... 1920 in BN 118. 20 1926 in BN 118. 23 Deutsch n 1952 in BN 172. 22 n 1976 in BN 711. 00 1969 in BN 118. 28 Französisch ... 1922 in BN 172. 23 n 1923 in BN 118. 29 Hebräisch 1938 in BN 118. 32 Italienisch ... 1922 in BN 118. 34 " 1964 in BN 172. 24 1959 in BN 172. 27 ii ..... 1964 in BN 118. 37 Koreanisch .... 1958 in BN 118. 39 Niederländisch. 1967 in BN 118. 40 Norwegisch .... 1964 in BN 118. 41 Polnisch 1913 in BN 118. 42 Portugiesisch . 1957 in BN 172. 29 n 1959 in BN 118. 43 Russisch 1914 in BN 118. 44 Schwedisch .... 1922 in BN 118. 45 i» .... 1954 in BN 172. 30 1928 in BN 118. 49 706 " 1973 in BN 172. 31 Sp./Catalanisch 1969 in BN 172. 32 Türkisch 1936 in BM 118. 53 it 1972 in BM 172. 34
102.01 102.02 102.03 102.04 102.05 102.06 102.07 102.08 102.09 102.10 102.11 102.12 102.13 102.14 102.15 102.16 102.17 102.18 102.19 102.20 102.21 102.22 102.23 102.24 102.25 102.26 102.27 102.28 102.29 102.30 102.31
The Basis of Realism 1911 (Mar. 16) in "Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Method", vol. 8, no. 6, p. 158-161
l'importance philosophique de la logistique 1911 in "Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale", vol. 19, p. 281-294 (Lecture delivered in French at Ecole des Hautes Etudes Sociales, Mar. 22, 1911) 1913 (Oct.) under the title "The Philosophical Importance of Mathematical Logic" in "Monist", vol. 23, p. 481-493 . . .
- 29 -
1973 under the t i t l e "The Philosophical Implications o f Mathematical l o g i c " in "Essays in A n a l y s i s " : V/14 (BN 705)
Review of Williams James's "Memories and Studies" 1911 (Nov. 16) in "Cambridge Review", v o l . 33, p. 118 . . .
Le réalisme analytique 1911 in " S o c i é t é Française de P a r i s , v o l . 11, p. 55-82
Sur l e s axiomes de l ' i n f i n i e t du t r a n s f i n i 1911 i n " S o c i é t é mathématique de France. Comptes rendus des Séances de 1911", no. 2, p. 22-35
Review of C. M e r c i e r ' s "A New L o g i c " 1912 (Mar. 23) in "The Nation" (London), v o l . 10, p'. 1029-1030 (Unsigned)
Review of F. C. S. S c h i l l e r ' s "Formal L o g i c " 1912 (May 18) in "The Nation" v o l . 11, p. 258-259
The Philosophy o f Bergson 1912 ( J u l y ) in "Monist", v o l . 22, p. 321-347 . . 1913 (Mar. 11) Read before the Heretics in T r i n i t y College 1913 (Apr. 26) "Mr. Wildon Carr's Defence of Bergson" in "The Cambridge Magazine" (Reply to C a r r ' s A r t i c l e in "The Cambridge Magaz i n e " , Apr. 12, 1913) 1914 "The Philosophy of Bergson" (with BN 110.03) London: Macmillan Glasgow: MacLehose Cambridge: Bowes ft Bowes. 36 pp. . . . Published f o r "The H e r e t i c s " 1945 reprinted in "History of Western Philosophy": Book Three/XXVIII (BN 504) T r a n s l a t i o n s see BN 504.13 f f . C o m m e n t a r y One event worth mentioning here i s R u s s e l l ' s celebrated lecture on Bergson, to the Cambridge s o c i e t y called "The H e r e t i c s " . Bergson's mystical philosophy of evolution was - 30 -
110.01 110.02
110.03 110.04 110.05 110.06 110.07
1912 then en joying a tremendous vogue, which Russell set out to demolish; there was an eager audience to hear him, and everyone had a sense of a great occasion. The lecture can be found reprinted in Russell's "History of Western Philosophy" (BN 504); to enjoy its savour, the reader must imagine it delivered in Russell's dry, precise and ironic voice, and punctuated by the laughter and applause which greeted his sallies. It was an event of some importance in Russell's life, helping to reestablish him as one of the leading figures in Cambridge; and especially because it was his first big success as a public speaker. K o m m e n t a r Ein erwähnenswertes Ereignis ist hier noch Russell's berühmter Vortrag über Bergson vor einer Cambridger Gesellschaft mit dem Namen "The Heretics". Bergsons mystische Evolutionsphilosophie erlebte damals einen gewaltigen Modeerfolg, und Russell machte sich daran, ihn zu vernichten. Eine eifrig interessierte Zuhörerschaft hatte sich eingefunden, und jedermann hatte das Gefühl eines großen Ereignisses. Der Vortrag findet sich im Druck in Russell's "History of Western Philosophy" (BN 504); um seinen Reiz voll zu genießen, muß der Leser ihn sich in Russell's trockener, exakter, ironischer Stimme vorgetragen denken, akzentuiert von dem Gelächter und dem Beifall, die seine witzigen Seitensprünge begrüßten. In Russell's Leben war es ein Geschehnis von einiger Bedeutung; einmal verhalf es ihm dazu, seine Stellung als einer der führenden Köpfe von Cambridge neu zu festigen, dann aber auch, weil es sein erster großer Erfolg als öffentlicher Redner war. Review of H. S. Macran's "Hegel's Doctrine of Formal Logic" 1912 (Aug. 17) in "The Nation" (London), vol. 11, p. 739-740 (Unsigned) When Should Marriage Be Dissolved? x 1912 (Aug.) in "The English Review", vol. 12, p. 133-141 The Essence of Religion 1912 (Oct.) in "Hibbert Journal", vol. 11, p. 46-62 1961 in "The Basic Writings of B. Russell": XV/61 (BN 659) T r a n s l a t i o n s Italienisch ... 1968 in BN 686
- 31 -
112.00 113.01 113.02 113.03
1912 On the Relation of Universale and Particulars 1912 in "Proceedings Aristotelian Society", vol. 12, p. 1-24 1956 in "Logic and Knowledge" (BN 616) . . T r a n s l a t i o n s Deutsch 1976 in BN 711 Italienisch ... 1961 in BN 616.08 Portugiesisch . 1974 in BN 616.09 Spanisch 1966 in BN 616.10
114.01 114.02 114.03 114.04 114.05 114.06
Review of W. James's "Essays in Radical Empiricism" 1912 in "Mind", vol. 21, p. 571-575
Response a M. Koyre 1912 in "Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale", vol. 20, p. 725-726; in response to Koyre's "Sur les nombres de B. Russell", p. 722 - 724
Review of H. Bergson's "Laughter" (The Professor's Guide to Laughter) 1912 in "The Cambridge Review", vol. 33, p. 193-194
THE PROBLEMS OP PHILOSOPHY 1912 London; Williams & Norgate. VIII, 255 pp. . New York: Henry Holt & Co London: Oxford University Press C o n t e n t s Preface. I. Appearance and Reality. II. The Existence of Matter. III. The Nature of Matter. IV. Idealism. Y. Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description (1911/ 102). VI. On Induction. VH. On Our Knowledge of General Principles. VEL. How "a priori" Knowledge Is Possible. IX. The World of Universals. X. On Our Knowledge of Universals. XI. On Intuitive Knowledge. XH. Truth and Falsehood. XIII. Knowledge, Error and Probable Opinion. XIV. The Limits of Philosophical Knowledge. XV. The Value of Philosophy. Index. C o m m e n t a r y Russell's own philosophical views at this period were explained with marvellous lucidity in his "Problems of Philosophy", written for the Home University Library at Gilbert Murray *s suggestion. It was an important book in its own right, which also remains by far and away the best introduction to the subject. It is somewhat disappointing to the beginner, however, when he has read it and been - 32 -
118.01 118.02 118.03
1912 delighted to discover that he can understand it all,to find that Russell completely changed his mind afterwards about many points in it. There is no similar short statement of his later ideas available, because the further his thoughts advanced, the more-was found of increasing subtle distinction and complex changes of viewpoint. One cannot sum up his philosophy by attaching his name to one single specific doctrine. K o m m e n t a r Russell 's eigene philosophische Auffassungen in jener Zeit wurden mit bewundernswerter Klarsichtigkeit in seinen "Problems of Philosophy" auseinandergesetzt, die auf Gilbert Murray's Veranlassung für die Home University Library geschrieben wurden. Es war ein an sich wichtiges Buch, das zu dem weit und breit die beste Einführung in den Gegenstand bleibt. Es ist jedoch für den Anfänger einigermaßen enttäuschend, wenn er es gelesen und hocherfreut entdeckt hat, daß er alles verstehen kann, schließlich zu finden, daß Russell über viele Punkte darin hinterher seine Ansicht völlig geändert hat. Von seinen späteren Ideen gibt es keine ähnlich knappe Zusammenstellung; denn je weiter sich seine Gedanken entwickelten, desto mehr feindifferenzierte Unterscheidungen und komplex begründete Änderungen von Auffassungen fanden sich. Man kann nicht eine Summe aus seiner Philosophie ziehen und seinen Namen mit einer einzelnen besonderen Lehre verknüpfen. R e p r i n t s 1919 New York: Henry HoltftCo.Rev. edition. 118.04 London: WilliamsftNorgate. " " 118.05 1921 London:" "" 118.06 1929 London: Butterworth 118.07 1943 London, New York: Oxford nUniv. nPress . 118.08 1946 " , " » : " . 118.09 11 1948 » , " " : " " . 118.10 1950 " , " " : " " " .118.11 1951 " , " " : " " " .118.12 1952 " , " " : " " " .118.13 1956 " , " " : " " " .118.14 1959 " , " " : " " " .118.15 1961 Excerpts: "On Induction" (VI) "Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description" (V) in "The Basic Writingsof B. Russell" : IV/14, V/26 (BN 659) 118.16 1967 London, New York: Oxford Univ. Press . 118.17 1973 " , " " : " " " . 118.18 - 33 -
1912 T r a n s l a t i o n s Arabisch: n A l - f a l s a f a h binaçrafc ' i l m i y y a h " T r . : ZakI N a j l b Mahmud 1960 K a i r o : Maktabit al-Anglo al-Mi§riyyah . Chinesisch: "Zhexue w e n t ! " 1920 Peking 1935 Shanghai 1959 Peking Deutsch: "Die Probleme der Philosophie" Ü: Paul Hertz 1926 L e i p z i g : F. Meiner Erlangen: Weltkreis Ü::Amethe Gräfin Zeppelin 1950 Wien, S t u t t g a r t : Humboldt-Verlag Ü: Eberhard Bubser 1967 Prankfurt: Suhrkamp ( e d . s . 207) 1976 " : » 6. Auflage . I n h a l t Vorbemerkung. 1. Erscheinung und Wirklichkeit. 2. Die Existenz der Materie. 3. Die Natur der Materie. 4. Der Idealismus. 5. Erkenntnisformen: Bekanntschaft und Beschreibung. 6. Über I n duktion. 7. Unsere Erkenntnis a l l g e meiner P r i n z i p i e n . 8. Wie apriorische Erkenntnis möglich i s t . 9. Die Welt der Universalien. 10. Unsere Erkenntnis von Universalien. 11 . I n t u i t i v e Erkenntnis. 12. Wahrheit und Falschheit. 13. 14. Die Grenzen philosophischer Erkenntnis. 15. Der Wert der Philosophie. Nachwort von E. Bubser. Pinnisch: " F i l o s o f i a n ongelmat" T r . : P e l l e r v o Oksala 1969 H e l s i n k i : Otava Französisch: "Les problèmes de l a philosophie" T r . : J. F. Renauld 1923 P a r i s : Alcan T r . : Solange-Marie Guillemin 1965 P a r i s : Payot ( P e t i t e B i b l i o t h . 79) 1975 " : " (" " 79) Hebräisch: "Baayot h a - f l l o s o f y a " T r . : M. Sternberg 1938 Jerusalem 1966 Jerusalem: Magnes Press
- 34 -
118.19 118.20 118.21 118.22
118.23 118.24 118.25 118.26 118.27
118.29 118.30 118.31
118.32 118.33
1912 Italienisch: "I problemi d e l l a filosofia" Tr.: B. Ceva 1922 Mailand: Sonzogno Tr.: E l e n a Spagnol 1959 Mailand: Feltrinelli 1965 " : " Japanisch: "Tetsuga nyflmon" Tr.: N a k a m u r a Hidekichi 1964 Tokio: Shakai Sisosha Tr.: Ikimatsu Keizft 1965 Tokio: K a d o k a w a Shoten Koreanisch : "Cheolhak iran mueosinga" Tr.: Kang Bong Sik 1958 Seoul: Sinyangsa Niederländisch: "Problemen der Filosofie" Tr.: J. de Vries 1967 Meppel: Boom en Zoon Norwegisch: "Filosofiens problemer" Tr.: K . E. Tran^y 1964 Oslo: Gyldendal Polnisch: "Zagnadnienia Filozofii" Tr.: Ludwig Silberstein 1913 Warschau: E. Wende i Ska . Portugiesisch: "Os problemas d a filosofia" Tr.: Antònia Sèrgio 1959 (2nd ed.) Coimbra: A. Amado Russisch: "Probltmy filosofii" 1914 St. Petersburg Schwedisch: "Filosofins problem" 1922 Stockholm: Tiden Tr.: Andres Byttner 1958 Stockholm: Natur och Kultur 1968 " : " " « 1974 " : " " Spanisch: "Los problemos de l a filosofia" Tr.: Joaquin Xirau 1928 Barcelona, Buenos Aires : Ed. 1937 " , " " :" B 1953 " , " :" 1970 " : Labor 1973 " : " 1973 in BN 706
118.34 118.35 118.36
118.37 118.38
. . .
. . .
118.43 118.44 118.45
. . . . . . . . .
118.46 118.47 118.48
Labor " "
118.49 118.50 118.51 118.52 118.53 118.54
1913 Türkisch: "Felsefe meseleri" Tr.: Abdiilhak Adnan-Adivar 1936 Istanbul: Remzi Kitabevi . . . . 1963 (3rd ed.) Istanbul: Remzi Kitabevi On the Notion of Cause 1913 in "Proceedings Aristotelian Society", vol. 13, p. 1-26 1917 in "Mysticism and Logic": IX (BN 172) . 1965 in "On the Philosophy of Science": V/I (BN 672) 7 & 11 s 1 3. t i 0 n s Deutsch 1952 in BN 172.22 Französisch ... 1922 in BN 172.23 Italienisch ... 1964 in BN 172.24 Japanisch 1959 in BN 172.27 Portugiesisch . 1957 in BN 172.29 Schwedisch .... 1954 in BN 172.30 Spanisch 1973 in BN 172.31 = 706 . . Sp./Catalanisch 1969 in BN 172.32 Tschechisch ... 1967 in BN 172.33 = 680/C:7 Türkisch 1972 in BN 172.34
118.55 118.56
119.01 119.02 119.03 119.04 119.05 119.06 119.07 119.08 119.09 119.10 119.11 119.12 119.13
The Place of Science in a Liberal Education (Orig. title: "Science As An Element in Culture") 1913 (May 24, 31) in "The New Statesman and Nation" vol. 1, p. 202-204, 234-236 120.01 1917 in "Mysticism and Logic": II (BN 172) . 120.02 1929 in "Contemporary Essays" New York: Scribner, p. 250-262 . . . . 120.03 1931 in "Essays for Our Day" New York: W. W. Norton, p. 249-258 . . 120.04 1965 in "On the Philosophy of Science": TI/I (BN 672) 120.05 T r st 11 8 1 si t i o n s Deutsch 1952 in BN 172.22 120.06 Französisch ... 1922 in BN 172.23 120.07 Italienisch ... 1964 in BN 172.24 120.08 Japanisch 1959 in BN 172.27 120.09 Norwegisch .... 1947 in BN 519.00 120.10 Portugiesisch . 1957 in BN 172.29 120.11 Schwedisch .... 1954 in BN 172.30 120.12 Spanisch 1973 in BN 172.31 = 706 . . 120.13 Sp./Catalanisch 1969 in BN 172.32 120.14 Türkisch 1972 in BN 172.34 120.15 The Nature of Sense-Data (A Reply to Dr. Dawes Hicks) 1913 in "Mind", vol. 22, p. 76-81
- 36 -
1913/1914 Metaphysics and Intuition 1913 in "Cambridge Review", vol. 34, p. 376 - 377
Review of A. Ruge's "Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences" 1913 in "Cambridge Review", vol. 35, p. 161 1914 in "The Nation" (London), vol. 14, p. 771-772 Preface to Henri Poincaré's "Science and Method" 1914 London, New York: T. Nelson 4 Sons, p. (Tr.: Francis Maitland)
. .
123.01 123.02
On the Nature of Acquaintance 1914 in "Monist"; vol. 24; Jan.: p. 1-16, Apr.: p. 160-187, July: p. 435-453 . . . . 1956 in "Logic and Knowledge" (BN 616) . . T r & n s l & t i o n s Deutsch 1976 in BN 711.00 Italienisch ... 1961 in BN 616.08 Portugiesisch . 1974 in BN 616.09 Spanisch 1966 in BN 616.10
125.01 125.02 125.03 125.04 125.05 125.06
Mr. Balfour's Natural Theology 1914 (Mar. 4) in "Cambridge Review", vol. 35, p. 338-339 Mysticism and Logic 1914 (July) in "Hibbert Journal", vol. 12, p. 780--803 . . . 1917 in "Mysticism and Logic": I (BN 172) . 1927 in "Selected Papers of Bertrand Russell" (BN 317) . T r a n s l a t i o n s Deutsch 1952 in BN 172 .22 Französisch ... 1922 in BN 172 .23 Italienisch ... 1964 in BN 172 .24 Japanisch 1959 in BN 172 .27 Portugiesisch . 1957 in BN 172 .29 . * . . . Schwedisch .... 1954 in BN 172 .30 Spanisch 1973 in BN 172 .31 = 706 . . Sp./Catalanisch 1969 in BN 172 • 32 • « • • • Türkisch: "Mistilik ve mantik" Tr.: Yusuf Serif 1935 Istanbul. 55 pp Türkisch 1972 in BN 172.34
- 37 -
127 .01 127 .02 127 .03 127 .04 127 .05 127 .06 127 .07 127 .08 127 .09 127 .10 127 .11
127.12 127.13
19U The Relation of Sense-Data to Physics (July) in "Scientia" vol. 16, P. 1 -27 . . 1917 in "Mysticism and Logic": VIII (BN 172) T r a n s l a t i o n s Deutsch 1952 in BN 172 .22 • • • • " 1976 in BN 711 .00 • • • • Französisch ... 1922 in BN 172 .23 • • * • Italienisch ... 1964 in BN 172 .24 « • • * Japanisch 1959 in BN 172 .27 Portugiesisch . 1957 in BN 172 .29 • * » « Schwedisch .... 1954 in BN 172 .30 • • • • Spanisch 1973 in BN 172 .31 = 706 . . Sp./Catalanisch 1969 in BN 172 .32 Türkisch 1972 in BN 172 .34
128.01 128.02 128.03 128.04 128.05 128.06 128.07 128.08 128.09 128.10 128.11 128.12
Definitions and Methodological Principles in Theory of Knowledge 1914 (Oct.) in "Monist", vol. 24, p. 582-593 . . Scientific Method in Philosophy 1914 Oxford: The Clarendon Press. 30 pp (Delivered Nov. 18, 1914, as a Herbert Spencer Lecture) 1916 in "Decennial Volume", Oxford, at the Clarendon Press 1917 in "Mysticism and Logic": 71 (BN 172) T r a n s l a t i o n s Deutsch 1952 in BN 172.22 Französisch ... 1922 in BN 172.23 Italienisch ... 1964 in BN 172.24 Japanisch 1959 in BN 172.27 Portugiesisch . 1957 in BN 172.29 Schwedisch .... 1954 in BN 172.30 Spanisch 1973 in BN 172.31 = 706 . . Sp./Catalaniach 1969 in BN 172.32 Türkisch 1972 in BN 172.34
129.00 130.01
130.02 130.03 130.04 130.05 130.06 130.07 130.08 130.09 130.10 130.11 130.12
Why Nations Love War 1914 (Nov.) in "War and Peace" 1916 in "Justice in War-Time": 4 (BN 158) .
131.01 131.02
War, the Offspring of Fear. 1914 London: Union Pamphlets no. 1915 London: 1916 " : T r a n s Deutsch: "Der Ü.: 1915
of Democratic Control. 3. 11 pp Union of Democratic Control " " " »
132.01 132.02 132.03
l a t i o n s Krieg, ein Kind der Furcht" Fei. Beran Zürich: Rascher. 22 S
- 38 -
1914 OUR KNOWLEDGE OP THE EXTERNAL WORLD AS A FIELD FOR SCIENTIFIC METHOD IN PHILOSOPHY 1914 London: Allen ft Unwin Chicago, London: Open Court. IX, 245 pp. . . C o n t e n t s Preface. I. Current Tendencies. II. Logic as the Essence of Philosophy. III. On Our Knowledge of the External World. IV. The World of Physics and the World of Sense. V. The Theory of Continuity. VI. The Problem of Infinity Considered Historically. VII. The Positive Theory of Infinity. T M . On the Notion of Cause, with Application to the Free-Will Problem. Index. C o m m e n t a r y Russell's "Our Knowledge of the External World" was written for the Lowell Lectures in Boston in 1914; hut he gave the lectures first in Cambridge (Mass.), at the beginning of the year, as a kind of preliminary try-out. At that time C. K. Ogden was the editor of the "Cambridge Magazine". He saw that people knew about Russell's lectures in advance, with the result that sixty or seventy people came to hear them, Russell, only used to tiny classes for his ordinary University lectures, was still so shy and diffident as a speaker that, when he arrived and saw the size of his audience, he was seen to hesitate and nearly retreat. When Russell got going, the reception which greeted some early touches of wit gradually put him at his ease; and the lectures had the same success later at Harvard. K o m m e n t a r Russell's "Our Knowledge of the External World" wurde für die 1914 in Boston (Mass.) gehaltenen Lowell Vorlesungen geschrieben; er hielt aber die Vorlesungen das erstemal schon Anfang 1914 in Cambridge (Mass.) als eine Art Generalprobe. Damals war C.K.Ogden Herausgeber des "Cambridge Magazine". Er sah,daß die Leute vorher von Russell' s Vorlesungen erfahren hatten, mit dem Erfolg, daß sich nun sechzig bis siebzig Hörer einstellten. Russell, der von seinen üblichen Universitätsvorle — sungen her nur an kleine Hörergruppen gewöhnt war, zeigte sich immer noch so scheu und wenig selbstsicher als Redner, daß er beim Hereinkommen, als er die große Menschenmenge gesehen hatte, einen zögernden Eindruck machte - fast als wollte er sich zurückziehen. Als Russell in Gang kam und seine bald aufsprühenden Geistesblitze den Kontakt herstellten. - 39 -
133.01 133.02
1914 lockerte er sich allmählich; in Harvard später hatten die Vorlesungen den gleichen Erfolg. R e p r i n t s 1920 New York: W. W. Norton 1922 Londons HAllen 4 Unwin 1926 " : " " , rev. ed. ... 1927 Excerpt: "Current Tendencies" (I) in "Selected Papers of Bertrand Russell" (BN 317) 1929 New York: W. W. Norton 1929 Londons Allen ät Unwin 194-9 " : " " " 1952 " : " " " 1953 New York: Humanities Press 1960 " " : New American Library1961 London: Allen & Unwin . . . . 1965 Excerpt: "The World of Physics and the World of Sense" (IV) in "On the Philosophy of Science": II/l (BN 672) 1972 London: Allen A Unwin T r a n s l a t i o n s Chinesisch: "Zhexue zhong zhi kexue fangfa" 1921 Shanghai Deutsch: "Unser Wissen von der Außenwelt als Gebiet wissenschaftlicher Methodik in der Philosophie" Ü.: Walter Rothstock 1926 Leipzig: F. Meiner I n h a l t Vorwort des Verfassers. I. Tendenzen der gegenwärtigen Philosophie. II. Die Logik als wesentlicher Bestandteil der Philosophie. III. Über unser Wissen von der Außenwelt. IV. Die Welt der Naturwissenschaft und die Sinnenwelt. V. Die Kontinuitätstheorie. VI. Die Geschichte des Unendlichkeitsproblems. VII. Die positive Theorie des Unendlichen. VIII. Über den Ursachbegriff und seine Anwendung auf das Problem des freien Willens. Register. Französisch: "Lamfethode scientifique en philosophie et notre connaissance du monde exterieur" Tr.: Philippe Devaux 1929 Paris: Vrin 1971 Paris: Payot - 40 -
133.03 133.04 133.05
133.06 133.07 133.08 133.09 133.10 133.11 133.12 133.13
133.14 133.15
133.18 133.19
1914/1915 Italienisch: "La conoscenza del mondo esterno Tr.: Maria Camilla Ciprandi 1966 Mailand: Longanesi Tr.: Maurizio Destro 1971 Rom: Newton Compton Editori . . . Portugiesisch: "Nosso conhecimento do mundo exterior". Tr.: R. J. Haddock, Lobo Netto 1966 Sao Paulo: Edit. Nacional . . . . Spanisch: "Nuestro conocimiento del mondo e x t e m o " Tr.: R. J. Velzi 1946 Buenos Aires: Àteneo "Conocimiento del mundo exterior" Tr.: Maria Teresa C&rdenas 1964 Buenos Aires: Fabril "Nuestro conocimiento del mundo exterior corno campo para el mètodo cientiflco en filosofia" 1973 in BN 706
133.20 133.21
133.23 133.24
Sensation and Imagination 1915 (Jan.) in "Monist", vol. 25, p. 28-44 . . .
The Ethics of War 1915 (Jan.) in "International Journal of Ethics" vol. 25, p. 127-142 1916 in "Justice in War-Time": 2 (BN 158)
135.01 135.02
Is a Permanent Peace Possible? 1915 (Mar.) in "Atlantic Monthly", vol. 115, p. 127-142 1916 in "Justice in War-Time":
(BN 158)
136.01 136.02
1915 (Apr.) in "Monist", vol. 25, p. 212-233 . .
On the Experience of Time The Ultimate Constituents of Matter 1915 (July) in "Monist", vol. 25, p. 399-417 . . 1917 in "Mysticism and Logic": VII (BN 172) T r a n s l a t i o n s Deutach 1952 in BN 172.22 Französisch ... 1922 in BN 172.23 Italienisch ... 1964 in BN 172.24 Japanisch 1959 in BN 172.27 Portugiesisch . 1957 in BN 172.29 Schwedisch .... 1954 in BN 172.30 Spanisch 1973 in BN 172.31 - 706 . . Sp./Catalanisch 1969 in BN 172.32 Türkisch 1972 in BN 172.34 - 41
138.01 138.02 138.03 138.04 138.05 138.06 138.07 138.08 138.09 138.10 138.11
1915/1916 The Future of Anglo-German R i v a l r y 1915 ( J u l y ) in " A t l a n t i c Monthly", v o l . 116, p. 127-133 1916 in "Justice i n War-Time":
5 (BN 158)
139.01 139.02
War and. Non-Resistance 1915 (Aug.) in " A t l a n t i c Monthly", v o l . 116, p. 266-274 1915 ( O c t . ; in " I n t e r n a t . Journal of E t h i c s " v o l . 26, p. 23-30 1916 in "Justice i n War-Time": 3 (BN 158)
140.01 140.02 140.03
On Justice in War-Time. An Appeal to the I n t e l l e c t u a l s of Europe. 1915 in " I n t e r n a t i o n a l Review", v o l . 1, no. 4, 5, p. 145-151, 223-230 . . . 1916 i n "Justice i n War-Time": 1 (BN 158) ü r ä n s 1 3. ~t i o n s Deutsch 1972 in BN 703/11:3 . . . . The Philosophy o f Pacifism A paper read at the Conference upon the P a c i f i s t Philosophy of L i f e , Caxton H a l l , London, July 1915 1915 London: League of Peace and Freedom. 16 pp. T r & n s 1 & *t i o u s Deutsch 1922 in BN 239/11:4 . . . .
141.01 141.02 141.03
142.01 142.02
The Nature o f the State in View of the External Relations 1915-16 in "Proceedings A r i s t o t e l i a n S o c i e t y " , v o l . 16, p. 301-310 Danger to C i v i l i z a t i o n 1916 (Mar.) in "Open Court", v o l . 30, p. 170-180 1916 in "Justice i n War-Time": 7 (BN 158) R e l i g i o n and the Churches 1916 ('Apr.) in "Unpopular Review", v o l . V, p. 392-409 # 1916 in " P r i n c i p l e s o f Social Reconstruction" V I I (BN 159) . T r a n s l a t i o n s Chinesisch . . . . 1959 in BN 159.21 Deutsch 1921 in BN 159.23 Französisch . . . 1924 in BN 159.27 Ind./Hindi . . . . 1963 in BN 159.28 Ind./Marathi . . 1969 in BN 159.29 I t a l i e n i s c h . . . 1968 in BN 159.30 = 686 . . Japanisch 1966 in BN 159.32 Polnisch 1932 in BN 159.33 Portugiesisch . 1958 in BN 159.34 Spanisch 1975 in BN 159.35 - 42 -
143.00 144.01 144.02
145 .01 145 .02 145 .03 145 .04 145 .05 145 .06 145 .07 145 .08 145 .09 145 .10 145 .11 145 .12
1916 The Case of Ernest F . Everett 1916 Pamphlet: "No Conscription Fellowship" . . (The discussion of the case of a conscientious objector w h i c h led to the prosecution of Bertrand Russell)
Letter to the Times of London 1916 (May 17) Letter refering to the Everett case pamphlet 1942 in "Bertrand Russell: A College Controversy of the Last War" by G. H. Hardy, Cambridge, at the Univ. Press, p. 33 .
147.01 147.02
W a r as an Institution 1916 (May) in "Atlantic Monthly", vol. 117, p. 603-613 1916 in "Principles of Social Reconstruction" III (BN 159) T r a n s 1 a Chinesisch .. Deutsch Französisch . Ind./Hindi .. Ind./Marathi Italienisch . Japanisch ... Polnisch .... Portugiesisch Spanisch ....
l o n s 1959 in 1921 in 1924 in 1963 in 1969 in 1968 in 1966 in 1932 in 1958 in 1975 in
159.21 159.23 159.27 159.28 159.29 159.30 159.32 159.33 159.34 159.35
. . . . . = . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 686 . . . . . . . .
148.01 148.02 148.03 148.04 148.05
148.07 148.08 148.09 148.10
148.11 148.12
Rex versus Bertrand Russell 1916 Pamphlet: "No Conscription Fellowship", 23 pp. Speech i n own defense. A suppressed pamphlet. (Report of the Proceedings before the Lord Mayor at the Mansion House Justice Room, 5 -June 1916) 1919 in "Living Age" (Feb. 15), vol. 300, p. 385-394 Education as a Political
1916 (June) in "Atlantic Monthly", vol. 117, p . 750-757 1916 in "Principles o f Social Reconstruction V (BN 159) 1927 in "Selected Papers of Bertrand Russell (BN 317) 1928 in "Essays of O u r Times", N e w York: Century Comp., p. 359-374 1933 in"Challenging Essays in Modern Thought New York: Century Comp., p. 182-199
- 43 -
150.01 150.02 150.03 150.04 150.05
1916 1950 in "The World's Best" New York: Dial Press, p. 447-456 . . . 1961 in "The Basic Writings of B. Russell": X/45 (BN 552) T r ä n s X 21 "t i o n s Chinesisch 1959 in BN 159.21 Deutsch 1921 in BN 159.23 " 1974 in BN 707.00 " 1975 in BN 710.00 Französisch ... 1924 in BN 159.27 Ind./Hindi 1963 in BN 159.28 Ind./Marathi .. 1969 in BN 159.29 Italienisch ... 1968 in BN 159.30 = 686 . . Japanisch 1966 in BN 159.32 Polnisch 1932 in BN 159.33 Portugiesisch . 1958 in BN 159.34 Spanisch 1975 in BN 159.35 Marriage and the Population Question 1916 (July) in "International Journal of Ethics" vol. 26, p. 443-461 1916 in "Principles of Social Reconstruction" VI (BN 159) 1925 in "Selected Articles on Marriage and Divorce", reprinted in part as 'Marriage' New York: H. W. Wilson Comp., p. 51-54 T r s n s l ä t i o n s Chinesisch .... 1959 in BN 159.21 Deutsch 1921 in BN 159.23 Französisch ... 1924 in BN 159.27 Ind./Hindi .... 1963 in BN 159.28 Ind./Marathi .. 1969 in BN 159.29 Italienisch ... 1968 in BN 159.30 = 686 . . Japanisch 1966 in BN 159.32 Polnisch 1932 in BN 159.33 Portugiesisch . 1958 in BN 159.34 Spanisch 1975 in BN 159.35 Freedom of Speech in England 1916 (Oct. 21) in "School & Society", vol. 4, p. 637-638
150.06 150.07 150.08 150.09 150.10 150.11 150.12 150.13 150.14 150.15 150.16 150.17 150.18 150.19
151.01 151.02 151.03 151.04 151.05 151.06 151.07 151 .08 151.09 151 .10 151 .11 151 .12 151 .13
Open Letter to President Wilson 1916 (Dec. 30) in "Survey", vol. 37, p. 372-373
Personal Statement 1916 (Dec.) in "Open Court", vol. 30, p. 766-767 154.00 Making Martyrs of "Conscientious Objectors" in England 1916 in "Current Opinion", vol. 61, p. 257 . . . 155.00 (Quoting from Russell's "Defense". BN 149.1) - 44 -
1916 Bertrand Russell's Plea for the Child as the Vital Factor In Modern Education 1916 in "Current Opinion", vol. 61, p. 46 Policy of the Entente, 1904-1914. A Reply to Professor Gilbert Murray. 1916 Manchester, London: The National Labour Press. 86 pp 1916 in "Justice in War-Time": 8 JUSTICE IN WAR-TIME
. . .
(BN 158)
1916 Chicago, London: Open Court. IX, 243 pp. . . London: Allen & Unwin C o n t e n t s 1. An Appeal to the Intellectuals of Europe (1915/141) 2. The Ethics of War (1915/135) 3. War and Non-Resistance (1915/140) 4. Why Nations Love War (1914/131; 5. Future of Anglo-German Rivalry (1915/139) 6. Is a Permanent Peace Possible? (1915/136) 7. The Danger to Civilization .. (1916/144) 8. The Entente Policy of 1904-1915 (1916/157) R e p r i n t s 1917 Chicago: Open Court 1924 London: Allen & Unwin 1974 New York: Haskell 1975 Nottingham: B. R. Peace Foundation . . T r a n s l a t i o n s Chinesisch: "Zhanshi zhi zhengyi" (Im Bestand des Instituts für Philosophie der Akademie für Sozialwissenschaften in Peking.Erscheinungsort und-jähr waren nicht zu ermitteln.) Deutsch: Auszug: "Ein Appell an die Intellektuellen Europas" (1) 1972 in BN 703/11:3 PRINCIPLES OF SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTION 1916 London: Allen & Unwin. 251 pp 1917 under the title "Why men fight; a Method of Abolishing the International Duel" New York: The Century Co. 272 pp. . . C o n t e n t s I. The Principles of Growth. II. The State. III. War as an Institution (1916/148). IV. Property. V. Education (1916/150). VI. Marriage and the Population Question (1916/ 151). VII. Religion and the Churches (1916/ 145). VIII. What We Can Do.
- 45 -
157.01 157.02 158.01 158.02
158.03 158.04 158.05 158.06
158.08 159.01
1916 C o m m e n t a r y Russell continued with his pacifist propaganda: preparing for publication, under the title "Principles of Social Reconstruction", a series of lectures delivered in the begining of 1916. In these he had put forward radical ideas not only about the war, but also about education, marriage, and other subjects. He insisted that a book like his "Principles of Social Reconstruction" "was not intended as a contribution to learning, but had an entirely practical purpose". He did not write it as a philosopher, but "as a human being who suffered from the state of the world". The book is still of outstanding importance today. The publication of the book was something of a landmark in Russell's career, because it was the first to show he could have a wide sale among ordinary readers. For the rest of his life he was not only a philosopher writing books for dons, but a prophet appealing to the people and pleading for human happiness. K o m m e n t a r Russell setzte seine pazifistische Propaganda fort: eine Reihe von Vorlesungen, die er Anfang 1916 gehalten hatte, bereitete er unter dem Titel "Principles of Social Reconstruction" zur Veröffentlichung vor. Darin trat er mit radikalen Ideen nicht nur über den Krieg hervor, sondern auch über Erziehung, Ehe und andere Fragen. Er betonte, daß ein Buch wie seine "Principles of Social Reconstruction" "nicht einen Beitrag zur Bildung liefern wollte, sondern einen durchaus praktischen Zweck hätte". Er schrieb es nicht als Philosoph, sondern "als ein Mensch, der unter dem Zustand der Welt litt". Das Buch ist auch heute noch von überragender Bedeutung. Die Veröffentlichung dieses Buches war eine Art Grenzstein in Russells Laufbahn, denn es zeigte sich zum ersten Male, daß er breiten Absatz beim großen lesepublikum finden konnte. Für den Rest seines Lebens war er nicht mehr allein der Philosoph, der Bücher für Akademiker schrieb, er war zugleich ein Prophet, der Bich an das Volk wandte und für das Glück der Menschen kämpfte. R e p r i n t s 1917 London: Allen & Unwin •) 9 9 w . n n 11 1920 " : " " "
- 46 -
159.03 159.04 159.05
1916 1920 New York: The Century Co 1925 Excerpt: "Marriage" (VI) in "Selected Articles on Marriage and Divorce". New York: H. W. Wilson Comp., p. 51-54 1927 London: Allen ft Unwin 1927 Excerpta: "The State" (II) "Education" (V) in "Selected Papers of Bertrand Russell" (BN 317) 1930 New York: A. ft C. Boni 1946 Excerpt: "The State as Organized Power" (II) in "Leviathan in Crisis" New York: Viking Press, p. 44-55 . . . 1950 Excerpt: "Education" (V) in "The World's Best" New York: Dial Press, p. 447-456 . . . 1950 London: Allen ft Unwin 1954 " : " " " 1960 " : " " " 1961 Excerpts: "Property" (IV) "Education" (v) in "The Basic Writings of B. Russell": XII/53, X/45 (BN 659) 1971 London: Allen ft Unwin 1971 New York: Garland Pubi Freeport, N. Y. : Books for Libraries Pr. 1972 London: Allen & Unwin T r a n s l a t i o n s Chinesisch: "Shehui gaizao de yuanli" 1959 Shanghai "Shê Hui Ch'ung Chien Yüan Li" Tr.: Chêng Wei Min 1973 Taipeh: Horizon Deutsch: "Grundlagen für eine soziale Umgestaltung" Tr.: Margarete Hethey 1921 München: Drei Masken Verlag . . . I n h a l t Vorwort des Verfassers. I. Das Prinzip der Entwicklung. II. Der Staat. III. Krieg als Institution. IV. Besitz. V. Erziehung. VI. Ehe und Bevölkerungsfrage. VII. Religion und die Kirchen. VIII. Was wir tun können.
- 47 -
159.07 159.08
159.09 159.10
159.12 159.13 159.14 159.15
159.16 159.17 159.18 159.19 159.20
159.21 159.22
1916/1917 Deutsch: Auszüge: "Grundlagen für eine soziale Umgestaltung" 1972 in BN 703/11:4 Auszug: "Erziehung als politische Institution" (V) 1974 in BN 707/11:1 1975 in BN 710/1 Französisch: "Principes de reconstruction sociale." Tr.: E. de Clermont-Tonnerre 1924 Paris: Payot Ind./Hindi: "Samajik punarnirman ke siddhant" fr.: Munis Saksena 1963 Delhi: Rajkamal Prakaáfan . . . . Ind./Marathi: "Samajik punarrachanechi mulatattve" Tr.: Suman Dabholkar, L. M. Bhingare 1969 Poona: Samaj prabodhan samstha . Italienisch: "Principi di reforma sociale" 1968 in BN 686 Tr.: R. Zangari 1970 Rom: Newton Compton Editori . . . Japanisch: "Shakai kaizft no sho genri" Tr.: Ichii Saburft 1966 Tokio: Kawade shobö shinsha . . . Polnisch: "Przebudowa Spozeczna" Tr.: Antoni Panski 1932 Warschau: Roj Portugiesisch: "Principios de reconstruyo social" Tr.: Lólio Lourenso de Oliveira 1958 Sao Paulo: Ed. Nacional Spanisch: "Principios de reconstrucción social" 1975 Madrid: Espasa-Calpe
159.24 159.25 159.26 159;27 159.28 159.29 159.30 159.31 159.32 159.33 159.34 159.35
For Conscience Sake 1917 (Jan. 15) in "Independent", vol. 89, p.101-103 160.00 Two Ideals of Paclflsm 1917 (Jan.) in "War and Peace", vol. 4, no. 40, p. 58-60 161.00 Polltical Ideals 1917 vol. (Feb.) in p. "North American Review", 205, 248-259 162.01 1917 in "Political Ideals": I (BN 171) . . 162.02 - 48 -
1917 1931 in "Essays in Contemporary Civilization" New York: Macmillan, p. 464-477 . . . 1933 in "Modern Essays", Lahore: Careers, p. 141-155 T r a n s l a t ions Chinesisch ,... 1927 in BN 171.09 . . Deutsch 1922 in BN 239/IV:17 Französisch: "Ideals politiques" Tr.: Roger Lêvi in "Les Forgerons" 1917 Paris, 16 rue Monsieur-le-Prince 1966 in BN 171.13 Ind./Marathi Italienisch . 1963 in BN 171.14Japanisch . 1963 in BN 171.15 Schwedisch 1963 in BN 171.16 Spanisch .. 1963 in BN 171.17 Türkisch „. 1966 in BN 171.18
162.03 162.04 162.05
162.09 162.10 162.11 162.12 162.13
Liberty and National Service 1917 (Feb. 22) in "Tribunal", no. 48, p. 2 .
The Position of the Absolutists 1917 (Mar. 1) in "Tribunal", no. 49, p. 2
1917 (Mar. 8) in "Tribunal", no. 50, p. 2 . T r a n s l a t i o n s Deutsch: "Krieg und persönliche Freiheit" 1922 in BN 239/11:5
War and Individual Liberty
Resistance and Service 1917 (May 3) in "Tribunal", no. 57, p. 2 . . National Independence and Internationalism 1917 (Mai) in "Atlantic Monthly", vol. 119, P. 622-628 1917 in "Political Ideals": V (BN 171) T r a n s l a t ions Chinesisch . 1927 in BN 171.09 Ind./Marathi 1966 in BN 171.13 Italienisch 1963 in BN 171.14 Japanisch .. 1963 in BN 171.15 Schwedisch . 1963 in BN 171.16 Spanisch ... 1963 in BN 171.17 Türkisch ... 1966 in BN 171.18 Individual Liberty and Public Control 1917 (July) in "Atlantic Monthly", vol. 120, p. 112-120 - 49 -
165.02 166.00 167.01 167.02 167.03 167.04 167.05
167.07 167.08 167.09
1917 1917 i n " P o l i t i c a l I d e a l s " : T r a n s l a t i o n s Chinesisch . 1927 in BN Ind./Marathi 1966 in BN Italienisch 1963 in BN Japanisch . 1963 in BN Schwedisch 1963 in BN Spanisch . . 1963 in BN Türkisch . . 1966 in BN
IV (BN 171) . . 171.09 171.13 171.14 171.15 171.16 171.17 171.18
168.02 168.03 168.04 168.05 168.06 168.07 168.08 168.09
P a c i f i s m and Revolution 1917 (July 19) in "Tribunal",Suppl., no. 67 T r a n s l a t i o n s Deutsch: "Pazifismus und Revolution" 1922 in HN 239/11:6
. .
Idealism on the Defensive 1917 i n "Nation" (London), v o l . 21, p. 588, 590.
POLITICAL IDEALS 1917 New York: The Century Co., 172 pp C o n t e n t s I . P o l i t i c a l Ideals (1917/162) I I . Capitalism and the Wage System (1917/171) I I I . P i t f a l l s in Socialism (1917/171) IV. I n d i v i d u a l Liberty and Public Control (1917/168) V. National Independence and Internationalism (1917/167) R e p r i n t s 1919 New York: The Century Co 1931 Excerpt: " P o l i t i c a l Ideals" ( I ) in "Essays in Contemporary C i v i l i z a t i o n " New York: Macmillan, p. 464-477 . . . 1933 in "Modern Essays", Lahore: Careers, p. 141-155 1963 London: Allen & Unwin 1963 New York: Barnes & Noble 1964 " " : Simon & Schuster 1977 London:'Allen & Unwin T r a n s l a t i o n s Chinesisch: "Zhengzhi l i x i a n g " 1927 Shanghai Deutsch: Auszüge : "Politische Ideale" ( I ) 1922 in BN 239/IV:17 - 50 -
171.03 171.04 171.05 171.06 171.07 171.08
1917 Deutach: Auszüge: "Der Kapitalismus u.d. Lohnsystem" (Ii) "Schwächen des Sozialismus" (III) u. d. Titel. "Politische Ideale" 1972 in BN 703/11:5 Französisch: Auszug: "Ideals politiques" (i) Tr.: Roger L&vi in "Les Forgerons" 1917 Paris, 16 Rue Monsieut-le-Prince. Ind./Marathi: "Rajkiya dhyeye" Tr.: Suman Dabhölkar 1966 Poona: Samaj Prabodhan Samstha . Italienisch: "Le mie idee politiche" Tr.: Adriana Pellegrini 1863 Mailand: Longanesi Japanisch: "Seiji risö" Tr.: Tsutomu Makino 1963 Tokio: Risft-sha Schwedisch: "Politiska ideal" Tr.: Anders Byttner 1963 Stockholm: Natur og Kultur . . . Spanisch: "Ideales pollticos" Tr.: Juan Novella Domingo 1963 Madrid: Aguilar Türkisch: "Siyasal idealler" Tr.: Mehmet Harmanci 1966 Istanbul: May Matbaasi
171.17 171.18
MYSTICISM AND LOGIC AND OTHER ESSAYS 1917 London: Allen & ünwin, VII, 234- pp . . . . 172.01 Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 226 pp . . . 172.02 1918 New York: Longmans, Green ft Co., VII, 234 pp 172.03 C o n t e n t s I. Mysticism and Logic (1914/127) II. The Place of Science in a Liberal Education ... (1913/120) III. A Free Man's Worship (1903/036) IV. The Study of Mathematics .. (1907/077) V. Mathematics and the Metaphysicians .... (1901/020) VI. On Scientific Methods in Philosophy (1914/130) VII. The Ultimate Constituents of Matter (1915/138) - 51 -
1917 v m . The Relation of Sense-Date to Physics (1914/128J IX. On the Notion of Cause .... (1913/119) X. Knowledge by Acqaintance and Knowledge by Description (1911/102) C o m m e n t a r y This is the great paradox of Russell: All his instincts were on the side of the "rationalists": his greatest hatred was for those who exalted emotion, or any sort of mystic intuition, at the espense of reason. But because Russell was the greatest rationalist of all, he had to admit that reason cannot prove the mystics wrong. In fact, in some private moods he was a mystic himself. (Though one of a most unusual kind: a mystic who hated mysteries, and devoted his lif to dispelling them.) This side of his nature was often unsuspected, although he wrote in "Mysticism and Logic" that "The greatest men who have been philosophers have felt the need both of science and of mysticism". - When Russell's "Mysticism and Logic" was published towards the end of the First World War, he declared that the only review of it which showed any understanding was that by T. S. Eliot in the "Nation". K o m m e n t a r Das ist der große Widerspruch bei Russell: Alle seine Instinkte waren auf Seiten der "Rationalisten"; sein größter Hass galt denen, die auf Kosten der Vernunft Gefühle odler irgendeine mystische Intuition verherrlichten. Aber weil Russell der größte aller Rationalisten war, mußte er zugeben, daß die Vernunft den Irrtum der Mystiker nicht beweisen kann. J a manchmal in gewissen Stimmungen war er selbst ein Mystiker. (Obwohl ein recht seltsamgearteter: ein Mystiker, der mystische Vorstellungen haßte und es sich zur Lebensaufgabe machte, sie zu zerstören.) An diese Seite seines Wesens dachte man meist nicht, obwohl er selbst in "Mysticism and Logic" schrieb: "Die größten unter den Philosophen haben gefühlt, daß beides nottut: Wissenschaft und Mystizismus". - Als Russells "Mysticism and Logic" gegen Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges erschien, erklärte er, daß T.S.Eliots Besprechung in "Nation" die einzige Kritik sei, die Verständnis zeigte.
- 52 -
1917 R e p r i n t s 1927 Excerpts: "Mysticism and logic" (I) "A Free Man's Worship" (III) in "Selected Papers of Bertrand Russell" (BN 317) 1929 New York: Norton & Co., VII, 234 pp. . 1932 London: Allen & Unwin 1936 » : " " " 1949 " : " " " 1950 " : " " " 1951 " : " " " 1953 Baltimore: Penguin 1957 Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday 1959 London: Allen & Unwin 1959 New York: Barnes & Noble 1961 Excerpts: "A Free Man's Worship" (III) "Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description" (X) in "The Basic Writings of B. Russell": II/6, V/26 (BN 659) 1963 London: Allen & Unwin 1965 Excerpts: "The Place of Science in a Liberal Education" (II) "On the Notion of Cause" (IX) in "On the Philosophy of Science": VI/I, V/I (BN 672) 1969 London: Allen & Unwin 1970 " : " " " 1971 New York: Barnes & Noble 1976 under the title "A Free Man's Worship and Other Essays." London: Allen & Unwin T r a n s l a t i o n s Deutsch: "Mystik und Logik". Ü: Erwin Heinzel. 1952 Wien,Stuttgart: Humboldt-Verlag . I n h a l t I. Mystik und Logik. II. Die Stellung d. Naturwissenschaften in einer modernen Erziehung III. Was der freie Mensch verehrt. IV. Das Studium der Mathematik. V. Die Mathematik u.d. Metaphysiker. VI. Über die wissenschaftliche Methode in der Philosophie. VII. Die letzten Bestandteile d. Materie V m . Das Verhältnis der S i n n e s w a h m e h mungen zur Physik. IX. Über den Begriff der Ursache. X. Kenntnis durch Bekanntschaft und Kenntnis durch Beschreibung. - 53 -
172.04 172.05 172.06 172.07 172.08 172.09 172.10 172.11 172.12 172.13 172.14
172.15 172.16
172.17 172.18 172.19 172.20 172.21
1917/1918 Französisch: "le mysticisme et la logique" Tr.: Jean de Menasce 1922 Paris: Payot Italienisch: "Misticismo e logica e altri saggi" Tr.: L. Tavolini 1964 Mailand: Longanesi Tr.: Jean Sanders, Leonardo Breccia 1970 Rom: 1Newton Compton Editori . . . 1972 " : 1 " " . . . Japanisch: "Shiupi Shugi to Ronri" Tr. : Minosxike Emori 1959 Tokio: Misuzu-shobo Norwegisch: Excerpts: "Vitenskapens plase i en fri oppdragelse" (il) "En fri marma tro" (III) in "Frihet og fornuft" 1947 in BN 519 Portugiesisch: "Misticismo e lògica" Tr. : Wilson Velloso 1957 Sao Paulo: Ed. Nacional Schwedisch: "Mystik och logik och andra essäer" Tr.: A. Byttner 1954 Stockholm: Natur och Kultur . . . Spanisch: "Misticismo y Lògica" 1973 in BN 706 Sp./Catalanisch: "Misticisme i logica" Tr.: Francesco Forceisas 1969 Barcelona: Edicions 62 Tschechisch: Excerpt : "0 pojmu pfiiiny" (IX) 1967 in BN 680/0:7 . . . . . Türkisch: "Mistisizm ve mantik" Tr.: Ayseli Usluata 1972 Istanbul: Varlik Kitabevi . . . . The German Peace Offer 1918 (Jan. 3) in "Tribunal", no, 90, p. 1 . . . The basis for the second prosecution of B. Russell as a result of which he was imprisoned for six months, during which time he wrote his "Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy". 1968 in "Autobiography II". London: A. & U. - 54 -
172.24 172.25 172.26
172.30 172.31
172.34 173.01
1918 Pure Reason at Konlgsberg Review of Norman Kemp Smith's "A Commentary to Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason"' 1918 vol. (July 23, 20) no. in "The Nation" 16, p. 4-26 and(London), 428
Review of C. D. Broad's "Perception. Physics and Reality" 1918 in "Mind", vol. 27, p. 492-498
Man's War with the Universe in the Religion of Bertrand Russell 1918 in "Current Opinion", vol. 65, p. 45-46 . . (Contains quotations from "A Free Man's Worship" - 1903/BN 36)
ROADS TO FREEDOM: SOCIALISM. ANARCHISM AND SYNDICALISM 1918 London: Allen & Unwin, XVIII, 215pp. . . . 177.01 C o n t e n t s Preface. Introduction. Part I. Historical. I. Marx and Socialist Doctrine. II. Bakunin and Anarchism. HI. The Syndicalist Revolt. Part II. Problems of the Future. IV. Work and Pay. V. Government and Law. VI. International Relations. VII. Science and Art Under Socialism. VIE. The World as It Could Be Made. Index. R e p r i n t s 1919 London: Allen & Unwin 177.02 1919 under the title "Proposed Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism and Syndicalism" New York: Holt & Co. XVIII, 218pp. . . 177.03 1920 London: Allen & Unwin 177.04 1927 Excerpts: "Science and Art under Socialism"(VII). "The World as It Could Be Made" (VIII) in "Selected Papers of Bertrand Russell" (BN 317) 177.05 1931 New York: Blue Ribbon Book 177.06 1933 London: Allen & Unwin 177.07 n 11 1949 " : " 177.08 1954 " : " " " 177.09 1966 " : " " " 177.10 1966 New York: Barnes & Noble 177.11 1977 London: Allen & Unwin 177.12
- 55 -
1918 T r a n s l a t i o n s Arabisch: "Soboi Al Horria" Tr.: Abd El Kerim Ahmed 1957 Kairos Dar Al Kahira Liltiba'at . Chinesisch: "Ziyou zhi lu" 1959 Peking Deutsch: Auszug: "Kunst, Wissenschaft und der Sozialismus" (VII) 1921 Berlin: 'Der Syndikalist', 15 S. Unter dem Titel "Politische Ideale" (BN 177.01: I-VIII) 1922 in BN 239/111:7-10, IV:12-16 "Wege zur Freiheit: Sozialismus, Anarchismus, Syndikalismus." 1971 Frankfurt: edition suhrkamp, 447. I n h a l t Vorbemerkung. Einleitung. Teil I. Geschichte. 1. Marx und der Sozialismus. 2. Bakunin und der Anarchismus. 3. Die syndikalistische Revolte. Teil II. Fragen der Zukunft. 4. .Arbeit und Lohn. 5. Regierung und Gesetz. 6. Internationale Beziehungen. 7. Wissenschaft und Kunst im Sozialismus. 8. Wie die Welt gemacht werden könnte. Französisch: "le Monde qui pourrait ètre" Tr.: M. de Cheveigné 1973 Paris: Denoél Ind./Tamil: "Sudhandira cuvadugal" Tr.: K. S. Srinivasen .... Madras: Sudhandiva prasuralayam Italienisch: "Socialismo, Anarchismo, Sindicalismo" Tr.: Camillo Pellizzi 1946 Mailand: Longanesi "Strade per la libertà" Tr.: P. Stampa 1971 Rom: Newton Compton Editori . . . Japanisch: "Jiyfl eno michi" Tr.: Takeo Kurihara 1953 Tokio: Kadokawa shoten Polnisch: "Drogi DoWolnosci. Socializm, Anarchizm, Syndykalizm." Tr.: Amelja Kurlandzka 1935 Warschau: Roj
- 56 -
177.13 177.14
177.15 177.16 177.17
177.20 177.21
1918/1919 Portugi e s i s ch: "Caminhos para a liberdade" Tr.: Brenno Silveira 1955 Sao Paulo: Ed. Nacional Spanisch: "Los ¿aminos de la libertad: el socialismo, el anarquismoy el sindicalismo" Tr.: Garcia Paladini 1932 Madrid: Aguilar 1966 Buenos Aires PHILOSOPHY OF LOGICAL ATOMISM (See also "Logical Atomism", 1924/BN 265) 1918 (Oct.) in "Monist", vol. 28, p. 495-527 1919 (Jan.) " " , " 29, " 33- 63 (Apr.) " " , 11 29, " 190-222 11 (July) " " , " 29, 344-380 . . C o n t e n t s I. Pacts and Propositions. II. Particulars, Predicates and Relations. III. Atomic and Molecular Propositions. IV. Proposition and Pacts with More and One Verb, Belief, etc. T. General Propositions and Existence. VI. Descriptions and Incomplete Symbols. VII. The Theory of Types and Symbolism. VIII. Excursus into Metaphysics: What there Is. C o m m e n t a r y Russells "Philosophy of Logical Atomism" is the first attempt at a theory of an ontological description of the world taking into account the demands mathematical logic (which itself is strongly influenced by Russell) would make upon such a description. Central to it are the relationships between the world which is viewed as the aggregate of all facts, and a logically perfect, or ideal, language. Russell developed his theory initially in "Our Knowledge of the External World" (1914/ BN 133), then more fully in "Philosophy of Logical Atomism" (1918/19) and, finally, once again in a more concise form and with certain modifications, in "Logical Atomism" (1924/ BN 265). In "My Philosophical Development" (1959/BN 648) he says, however, that he had taken the view of logical atomism as early as his renunciation of idealism around 1900, and that all later modifications in his thinking had been merely of an evolutionary nature as against this fundamental change from idealism to realism. The Atomism, in the narrower sense of the abovementioned publications of 1914, 1918/19 and 1924, is the result of discussions between Wittgenstein
- 57 -
177.25 177.26
1918/1919 and Rusaell in the field of philosophical logic on the accassion of the appearance of the "PrincipiaMathematical vol. I(1910/BIT 101). The logical atomism of Russell and Wittgenstein has become the model for a series of theories. Special questions of logical atomism concerning the theory of language such as denotation, proper nouns or types are, now as before, the subject of discussions. K o m m e n t ar Russells"Philosophy of Logical Atomism" ist der e,rste Versuch einer Theorie einer ontologischen Beschreibung der Welt unter Berücksichtigung der Ansprüche, die die von Russell selbst stark beeinflußte mathematische Logik einer solchen Beschreibung stellen würde. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Beziehungen zwischen der Welt, die als die Menge aller Tatsachen betrachtet wird, und einer logisch perfekten oder idealen Sprache. Russell entwickelte diese Theorie erstmals in "Our Knowledge of the External World" (1914/BN 133), dann ausführlicher in "Philosophy of Logical Atomism" (1918/19) und schließlich noch einmal in kürzerer Form und mit gewissen Modificationen in "Logical Atomism" ('1924/BN 265). In "My Philosophical Development" (1959/BN 648) sagt er allerdings, daß er den Standpunkt des logischen Atomismus bereits seit seiner Abkehr vom Idealismus um 1900 vertrete und daß alle späteren Modifikationen gegenüber diesem grundlegenden Wandel vom Idealismus zum Realismus in seinem Denken lediglich evolutionärer Natur gewesen seien. Der Atomismus im engeren Sinne jener angeführten Publikationen von 1914, 1918/19 und 1924 ist das Ergebnis von Diskussionen zwischen Wittgenstein und Russell auf dem Gebiete der philosophischen Logik anläßlich des Erscheinens der "Principia Mathematica", vol. I (1910/BN 101). Der logische Atomismus von Russell und Wittgenstein ist das Vorbild für eine Reihe von Theorien geworden. Spezielle sprachtheoretische Fragen des logischen Atomismus,wie die Beschreibungen, Eigennamen oder Typen, stehen nach wie vor zur Diskussion. R e p r i n t s 1956 in "Logic and Knowledge", BN 616 . . . 1959 (ca.) Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Department of Philosophy. 65 pp. 1972 in "Russell's Logical Atomism", BN 697
- 58 -
178.02 178.03 178.04
1918/1919 T r a n s l a t i o n s Deutsch: "Philosophie des logischen Atomiamus" Ü.: Johannes Sinnreich 1976 in BN 711 I n h a l t 1. Tatsachen und Aussagen. 2. Individuen, Prädikate, Relationen. 3. Atomare und molekulare Aussagen. 4. Tatsachen und Aussagen mit mehr als einem Verb. 5. Generelle Aussagen und Existenz. 6. Beschreibungen und sonstige unvollständige Symbole. 7. Typen,Symbole, Klassen. 8. Zur metaphysischen Präge: Was gibt es? Italienisch ... 1961 in BN 616.08 Portugiesisch . 1974 in BN 616.09 Spanisch 1966 in BN 616.10 Spanisch: "La filosofia del atomismo lògica" in"Conception analitica de la filosofia" 1974 Madrid: Alianza Editorial. 2 vols. (vol. I, p. 139-211)
178.06 178.07 178.08
On Propositions: What They Are and How They Mean 1919 in "Proceedings Aristotelian Society", Sup. vol. II, p. 1-43 1956 in "logic and Knowledge", BN 616 . . . T r ä n s l ä t i o n s Italienisch ... 1961 in BN 616.08 Portugiesisch . 1974 in BN 616.09 Spanisch 1966 in BN 616.10
179.01 179.02 179.03 179.04 179.05
Review of J. Dewey's "Essays in Experimental Logic" 1919 (Jan. 2) in "The Journal of Philosophy", vol. 16, no. 1, p. 5-26
Note on C. D. Broad's "A General Notation for the Relation of Numbers" 1919 in "Mind", vol. 28, p. 124
Democracy and Direct Action 1919 (May) in "English Review", vol.28, p.396-403
Economic Unity and Political Division 1919 (June 28) in "Dial", vol. 66, p. 629-631 Democracy and Efficiency 1919 in "Athenaeum", p. 270
- 59 -
183.00 184.00
1919 Philosophy and Virtue 1919 in "Athenaeum", p. 270
The Mystio Vision 1919 In "Athenaeum", p. 487-488, 599
Review of N. 0. Lossky's "The Intuitive Basis of Knowledge" 1919 in "Athenaeum", p. 524-525
Review of C. E. M. Joad's "Essays In Common-Sense Philosophy" 1919 in "Athenaeum", p. 652-653
A Microcosm of British Philosophy Review of "Proceedings of Aristotelian Society" 1919 (Nov. 7) in "Athenaeum", vol. 19, no. 4671, p. 1149-1150
The Anatomy of Desire 1919 in "Athenaeum", p. 1340-1341, 1372-1373, 1402-1403
. . . .
INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL PHILOSOPHY 1919 London: Allen & Unwin, VIII, 2 0 8 p p Sew York: Macmillan, VIII, 208 pp C o n t e n t s Preface. Editor's Note. 1. The Series of Numeral Numbers. 2. Definition of Number. 3. Finitude and Mathematical Induction. 4. The Definition of Order. 5. Kinds of Relations. 6. Similarity of Relations. 7. Rational, Real and Complex Numbers. 8. Infinite Cardinal Numbers. 9. Infinite Series and Ordinals. 10. Limits and Continuity. 11 .Limits and Continuity of Functions. 12. Selections and the Multiplicative Axiom. 13. The Axiom of Infinity and Logical Types. 14. Incompatibility and the Theory of Deduction. 15. Proposition Functions. 16. Description. 17. Classes. 18. Mathematics and Logic. Index. C o m m e n t a r y I will mention what I think was the most important idea which Wittgenstein shared with Russell at this time, and which I think must undoubtedly be attributed to Russell, since its origin can be found in "Principia Mathematica" and earlier. This is the emphasis on -
191.01 191.02
1919 "structure". .. One example, previously mentioned, is the theory about a sentence having the same structure as the reality which it describes. But the idea is of wider importance than this. To quote from Russell's "Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy": "It is often said .... that phenomena (or "appearances") are subjective, but are caused by things in themselves. ... Where such hypotheses are made, it is generally supposed that we can know very little about the objective counterparts. In actual fact, however, if the hypotheses as stated were correct, the objective counterparts would form a world having the same structure as the phenomenal world, and allowing us to infer from phenomena the truth of all propositions that can be stated in abstract terms, and are known to be true of phenomena." This idea was not so important from the point of view of Russell' s philosophy at the time; but it became of great importance on reverting: to the ordinary view of an external world which causes our perceptions. Such knowledge as we have from our perceptions is knowledge of its structure, only expressible in abstract mathematical formulae. Here again we are in the fascinating realm where philosophy and science meet. K o m m e n t a r Ich möchte auf die meines Erachtens wichtige Idee hinweisen, die Wittgenstein damals mit Russell teilte und die, wie ich glaube, zweifellos Russell zuzuschreiben ist, da ihre Anfänge schon in "Principia Mathematica" und selbst noch früher zu finden sind. Das ist das Gewicht, daß er auf die "Struktur" legt. Ein früher erwähntes Beispiel ist die Theorie, daß ein Satz dieselbe Struktur hat wie die Wirklichkeit, die er beschreibt. Doch die Idee hat eine weiterreichende Bedeutung. Ich zitiere aus Russells "Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy": "Es wird oft behauptet ... daß Phänomene (oder "Erscheinungen" ) subjektiv sind, aber durch Dinge an sich verursacht werden ... Wo solche Hypothesen aufgestellt werden, wird allgemein angenommen, daß wir über die objektiven Entsprechungen sehr wenig wissen können. In Wirklichkeit aber würden die objektiven Entsprechungen, falls die aufgestellten Hypothesen richtig wären, eine Welt von der gleichen Struktur bilden, wie die Welt der Erscheinungen sie besitzt. Das würde uns gestatten, aus den Erscheinungen die Wahrheit aller Sätze abzuleiten, die -
1919 in abstrakten B e g r i f f e n a u f g e s t e l l t werden können und von denen man weiß, daß s i e auf die Erscheintingen z u t r e f f e n . " Diese Idee war von Russells damaligem philosophischen Standpunkt aus nicht so w i c h t i g ; aber s i e gewann an Bedeutung, sobald man sich wieder der ü b l i chen Ansicht von einer äußeren Welt zuwandte, die unsere Wahrnehmungen verursacht. Die aus unseren Wahrnehmungen gewonnene Kenntnis i s t eine Kenntnis der Struktur, ausdrückbar in abstrakten mathematischen Formeln. Hier kommen wir wieder auf das fesselnde Gebiet, wo Philosophie und Naturwissenschaft sich begegnen. R e p r i n t s 1920 London: A l l e n & Unwin 1924 " : " " " 1924 New York: Macmillan 1927 Excerpt: " D e f i n i t i o n of Number" ( 2 ) i n " S e l e c t e d Papers of Bertrand R u s s e l l " (BN 317) 1948 London: A l l e n & TJnwin 1951 " : " " " 1952 " : " " " 1956 " : " " " 1961 Excerpt: "Mathematics and Logic" (18) in "The Basic Writings o f B. R u s s e l l " : IV/22 (BN 659) 1965 Excerpt: "Mathematic and L o g i c " (18) i n "On the Philosophy o f Science": I / I I (BN 672) 1967 London: Allen & Unwin 1970 " : " " " 1971 New York: Simon & Schuster 1975 London: A l l e n & Unwin T r a n s l a t i o n s Arabisch: " U f f l l al-Riy5 • 0 A Selection of His Correspondence with the General Public, 1950-1968, ed. by B. Feinberg and R. Kasrils. 1969 London: Allen & Unwin. 196 pp Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1970 New York: Simon & Schuster 1970 London: Allen & Unwin T r a n s l a t i o n s Deutsch: "Briefe aus den Jahren 1950-1968" Ü.: Burkhardt Kiegeland 1970 Prankfurt: Josef Melzer. 198 S. . Hebräisch: "Bertrand Russell ha-yaqar; misvhar mittokh halifat ha-mikhtavim shello im ha-qehal ha-rahav, 1950-1968" Tr.: Arye Shor 1971 Jerusalem: Y. Marcus Italienisch: "Caro Bertrand Russell" Tr.: Rosanna Pelà 1971 Mailand: Longanesi Niederländisch: "Beste Bertrand Russell .... een keuze uit zi jn correspondentie met het publick
690.01 690.02 690.03 690.04
Tr.: Marluee Goos 1971 Antwerpen, Utrecht: A. W. Bruna . Schwedisch: "Bäste Bertrand Russell ... Urval ur hans b r e w ä x l i n g . " Tr.: Roland Adlerberth 1970 Stockholm: Natur och Kultur . . . Open Letter to U Thant (1969. Dec. 1) 1970 (May) in "Bertrand Russell. 1872-1970" Nottingham: B. Russell Peace Foundation (The Spokesman) On American Violence 1970 (Mar.) in "Ramparts", vol. 8, p. 55-57
691.00 . .
The Good Citizen's Alphabet (1953/598) and History of the World in Epitome (1962/663) 1970 London: Gaberbocchus 1972 in "The Collected Stories of B.R." (BN 701) Miscellany/Sammelband in Italienisch under the title "Linguaggio e realtà" 1970 Bari: Laterza. 222 pp. Antologia a cura di Massimo A. Bonfantini . -
693.01 693.02
1970 The Rusaell Memorandum Private Memorandum concerning Ralph Schoenman 1970 (Sept. 5) in "Black Dwarf", vol. 14, p. 7-10 (Sept. 11) in "New Statesman", vol. 80, p. 292-296 1970 Brisbanes Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation (Queensland Branch) . . . . C o m m e n t a r y Russell dictated the private memorandum on 8 Dec. 1969, about two months before his death. He furnished it with the following signed note: "This is my memorandum. I told my wife what I wished her to type and she has typed it. I have raed it over to myself twice carefully and she has read it aloud to me once. I entirely endorse it as being mine and what I wished to say." - Russell 1 s memorandum clarifies the history of his relationship with Ralph Schoenman. Russell writes in his "Autobiography III" :"Towards the end of July, 1960, I received my first visit from a young American called Ralph Schoenman. I had heard of some of his activities in relation to CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament = Kampagne für Nukleare Abrüstung) so I was rather curous to see him." The result was a close co-operation concerning Vietnam, the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation and other matters, which, however, was broken off with a letter by Russell of 19th July 1969. K o m m e n t a r Russell diktierte das private Memorandum am 8. Dez. 1969, ungefähr zwei Monate vor seinem Tod. Er versah es mit der folgenden signierten Notiz: "Dies ist mein Memorandum. Ich sagte meiner Frau, was sie schreiben sollte und sie schrieb es. Ich habe es mir zweimal sorgfältig durchgelesen und sie las es mir einmal laut vor. Ich erkenne es vollständig als mein an und als das, was ich zu sagen wünschte." Russell's Memorandum bringt Klarheit in die Geschichte seiner Beziehung mit Ralph Schoenman. Russell schreibt in seiner "Autobiography III": "Ende Juli 1960 besuchte mich erstmalig ein junger Amerikaner namens Ralph Schoenman. Ich hatte einiges über seine Tätigkeiten im Zusammenhang mit der CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament = Kampagne für Nukleare Abrüstung) gehört und war deshalb neugierig, ihn zu treffen." Die Folge war eine enge Zusammenarbeit betreffend Vietnam,
- 247
695.01 695.02 695.03
1970/1971/1972 Bertrand Russell's Friedensstiftung und anderes, die aber mit einem Brief Russells vom 19. Juli 1969 abgebrochen wurde. Miseellany/Saimnelband in Deutsch unter dem Titel "Philosophische und politische Aufsatze" 1971 Stuttgart: Reclam. 222 S. (RUB 7970-72) . . I n h a l t "Uber das Kennzeichen" (On Denoting 1905/056) "Der logische Atomismus" (logical Atomism 1925/265) "Über den Gegenstand der Physik. Aus: Antwort auf Kritik." (Reply to Criticism 1944/496) "Der Pragmatismus" (Pragmatism .. 1909/090) "Über die Natur von Wahrheit und Falschheit"'(On the Nature of Truth and Falsehood 1910/100) "Die geistigen Väter des Faschismus" (The Ancestry of Fascism; also: The Revolt Against Reason 1935/396) "Was für den Sozialismus spricht" (The Case for Socialism 1935/401) "lob des Müßiggangs" (in Praise of Idleness t932/376) "Ethik" (Ethics 1927/316) "Über d. Verbindlichkeit ethischer Urteile.Aus:Antwort auf Kritik" (Reply to Criticism 1944/496) Russell's logical Atomism 1972 london: Fontana, ed. by David Pears . . . . C o n t e n t s The Philosophy of logical Atomism (1918/178) logical Atomism (1924/265) The life of .Bertrand Russell in pictures and his own words Compiled by Christopher Farley and David Hodgson for the Bertrand Russell Centenary 1972 Nottingham: B. Russell Peace Foundation (Spokesman Books)
My Own Philosophy 1972 Hamilton, Ont.: McMaster University library Press
Atheism Collected Essays, 1943-1949 1972 New York: Arno Press
- 248 -
1972 C o n t e n t s Am I An Atheist or an Agnostic? An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish Can Men he Rationalist? The Faith of a Rationalist Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind Ideas That Have Helped Mankind On the Value of Scepticism The Value of Free Thought What Can A Free Man Worship? ...
(1949/553) (1943/486) (1923/262) (1947/517) (1946/509) (1946/510) (1928/327) (1944/497) (1903/036)
THE COLLECTED STORIES OF BERTRAND RUSSELL Compiled and edited by Barry Feinberg 1972 London: Allen & Unwin. 349 pp 1973 New York: Simon & Schuster C o n t e n t s Preface Notes for a speech to the Authors' Club, 11 February 1953 (1972/701) Part I: Longer Stories The Perplexities of J. Forstice (1972/701) Satan in the Suburbs (1953/599) Zahatopolk (1954/608) Faith and Mountains (1954/608) Part II: Short Stories The Corsican Ordeal of Miss X (1952/585) The Infra-redioscope (1953/599) The Guardians of Parnassus .. (1953/599) Benefit of Clergy (1953/599) The Right Will Prevail or The Road to Lhasa (1961/660) Part III: Nightmares The Queen of Sheba's Nigthmare (1954/608) Mr. Bowdler's Nightmare 11954/608) The Psychoanalyst's Nightmare (1954/608) The Metaphysician's Nightmare (1954/608) The Existentialist's Nightmare (1954/608) The Mathematician's Nightmare (1954/608) Stalin's Nightmare (1954/608) Eisenhower's Nightmare (1954/608) Dean Acheson's Nightmare .... (1954/608) Dr. Southport Vulpes's Nightmare (1954/608) The Fisherman's Nightmare .... (1961/660) The Theologian's Nightmare ... (1961/660) Part IV: Anecdotes Family, Friends and Others .. (1972/701) Reading History As It Is Never Written ... (1972/701) Part V: Medley Dreams (1961/660) Parables (196l/66o) Cranks (1961/660) - 249 -
701.01 701.02
1972 The Boston lady Children's Stories Newly Discovered Maxims of La Rochefoucauld A Liberal Decalogue "G" is for Gobbledygook The Good Citizen's Alphabet and History of the World in Epitome Auto-Obituary
(1972/701) (1972/701) (1961/660) (1951/576) (1972/701) (1953/598) (1962/663) (1936/406)
Miscellany/Sammelband in Türkisch under the title "Düsünceler" 1972 Istanbul: Cem Yayinevi. 247 pp. Tr.: Sabahattin EyUboglu, Vedat Giinyol
. .
Miscellany/Sammelband in Deutsch unter dem Titel "Politische Schriften I. Was wir tun können." 1972 München: Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung (Russell Studienausgabe. Dialog 110) . . . I n h a l t Einleitung I. Marxismus und Kapitalismus 1. Die deutsche Sozialdemokratie und das Problem der politischen Strategie (German Social Democracy as a Lesson in Political Tactics 1896/002) 2. Die deutsche Sozialdemokratie: Auszüge (German Social Democracy 1896/007) II. Der erste Weltkrieg 3. Ein Appell an die Intellektuellen Europas (An Appeal to the Intellectuals of Europe 1915/141) 4. Grundlagen für eine soziale Umgestaltung(Principles of Social Reconstruction 1916/159) 5. Politische Ideale (Political Ideals 1917/171) III. Das bolschewistische Rußland 6. Praxis und Theorie des Bolschewismus (The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism 1920/207) IV. Kapitalismus - Sozialismus Demokratie 7. China und das Problem des fernen Ostens (The Problem of China 1922/238) 8. Die Kultur des Industrialismus und ihre Zukunft (The Prospects of Industrial Civilization ... 1923/263
- 250 -
1972/1973 9. Der Bolschewismus und der Westen (Bolshevism and the West 10. Scylla und Charybdis oder Kommunismus lind Paschismus (Scylla and Charybdis or Communism and Fascism 11. Die Zähmung der Macht (The Taming of Power V. Das Zeitalter der Vernichtungswaffen 12. Atomwaffenu. automare Kriegsführung / Rede im Oberhaus am 28. Nov. 1945 (Speech on Atomic Weapons and Atomic Warfare .. 13. Aufruf zur Zusammenarbeit nichtkommunistischer und kommunistischer Wissenschaftler (From "Scientists and the H Bomb" in "Has Man a Future?" 14. Offener Brief an Eisenhower und Chruschtschow (Open letter to Eisenhover and Krushchev .... 15. Für ein neues politisches Denken (New Outlook Needed before Negotiations 16. Freiheit oder Tod? (Liberty or Death? 17. Handeln oder zugrunde gehen: Aufruf zum gewaltlosen Widerstand - 1960, BN 654 / Das Verhängnis ist so gut wie sicher / Irregeführte Öffentlichkeit / Handeln wird zum dringenden Gebot / Verfassungsmäßige Aktion genügt nicht / Dem Weltfrieden entgegen (Excerpts from "Autobiography III" 18. Appell an das Gewissen Amerikas (Appeal to the American Conscience 19. Offener Brief an Wladyslaw Gomulka (Open Letter to Wladyslaw Gomulka
1935/401) 1938/436)
1961/661) 1957/626) 1959/647) 1961/661)
1969/682) 1966/674) 1968/684)
Bertrand Russell's America, hla transatlantic travels and writings A documented account by B. Feinberg and R. Kasrils Vol. I, 1896-1945^ (see also BN 708) 1973 London: Allen & Unwin. 356 pp 1974 under the title "Bertrand Russell's America" New York: Viking Press
- 251
704.01 7C4.02
1973 ESSAYS IN ANALYSIS Edited by Douglas lackey 1975 London: Allen & Unwin. 345 pp New York: G. Braziller C o n t e n t s I. Introduction II. Russell's Critique of Meinong 1. Meinong's Theory of Complexes and Assumptions 2. Review of: A.Meinong, "Untersuchungen zur Gegehstandstheorie und Psychologie" 3. Review of: A. Meinong, *ßber die Stellung der Gegenstandstheorie im System der Wissenschaften" III. Descriptions and Existence 4. The Existential Import of Propositions 5. On Denoting 6. Mr. Strawson on Refering ... IV. Classes and the Paradoxes 7. On Some Difficulties in the Theory of Transfinite Numbers and Order Types 8. On the Substitutional Theory of Clases and Relations .... 9. On "Insolubilia" and their Solution by Symbolic Logic . 10. The Theory of Logical Types V. Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics 11. The Axiom of Infinity 12. On the Relation of Mathematics to Logic 13. The Regressive Method of Discovering the Premises of Mathematics 14. The Philosophical Implications of Mathematical Logic 15. Is Mathematics Purely Linguistic? VI. Appendix: Pour Papers by Hugh Maccoll Symbolic Reasoning (1905) Three Notes from "Mind" (1905). VII. Bibliography A. Historical background B. Russell's Writings on Logic, published and unpublished C. Secondary material
- 252
705.01 705.02
(1904/046) (1905/058)
(1907/078) (1905/054) (1905/056) (1957/620)
(1906/067) (1973/705) (1906/073) (1910/098) (1904/042) (1905/059) (1973/705) (1911/104) (1973/705)
1973/1974 Misceallany/Sammelband in Spanisch •under the title "Obras complétas" 1973 Madrid: Aguilar. II vols.f 1073, 1390 pp. . 706.00 C o n t e n t s I. Historia de la Filosofia "Historia de la Filosofia Occidental" (History of Western Philosophy 1945/504) "La Sabiduría de Occidente"(Wisdom of the West 1959/649) II. Ciencia y Filosofia 1897- 1919 "Ensayo sobre los Fundamentos de la Geometria" (An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry 1897/010) "Exposición Critica de la Filosofia de Leibniz" (A Criticai Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz 1900/019) "Los Principios de la Matemàtica" (The Principles of Mathematics 1903/037) "Ensayos Filosóficos" (Philosophical Essays 1910/100) "Misticismo y Lògica" (Mysticism and Logic 1917/172) "Principia Mathematica" / Excerpta (Principia Mathematica 1910/101) "Los Problemas de la Filosofia" (The Problema of Philosophy .. 1912/118) "Nuestro Conocimiento del Mundo Exterrior" (Our Knowledge of the Extern World 1914/133) "Introducci&na la Filosofia Matem&tica" (Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy 1919/191) Miscellany/Sammelband in Deutsch unter dem Titel "Erziehung ohne Dogma" 1974 Münchens Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung (Russell Studienausgabe. Dialog 108) . . . I n h a l t I. Erziehung und Gesellschaft: 16 Unter-Titel siehe BN 378.11 (Education and the Social Order 1932/378) II. Probleme der Erziehung 1. Erziehung als politische Institution (Education as a Political Institution 1916/159) 2. Sozialismus und Erziehung (Socialism and Education 1925/292) 3. Die Ziele der Erziehung (The Aims of Education 1926/308) - 253 -
1974/1975 4. Liebe und Sympathie (Affection and Sympathy 5. Freiheit oder Autorität in der Erziehung? (Freedom versus Authority in Education 6. Erziehung und Disziplin (Education and Discipline 7. Die Aufgaben des Lehrers (The Function of a Teacher 8. Erziehung für eine schwierige Welt (Education for a Difficult World III. Beacon Hill 1. Freie Rede in der Kindheit (Free Speech in Childhood 2. Moderne Tendenzen in der Erziehung (Modern Tendencies in Education 3. In unserer Schule (in Our School 4. Dora Russell: "Beacon Hill" (Beacon Hill Bibliographische Anmerkungen Bibliographische Hinweise Nachwort Quellennachweis
1926/308) 1928/331) 1935/401) 1940/452) 1961/660) 1931/365) 1931/366) 1931/369) 1934/394)
Mortals and Others Bertrand Russell's American Essays 1931-1935 Edited by Harry Ruja. Volume I. 1975 London: Allen & Unwin. 176 pp (see also BN 704) C o m m e n t a r y In the arly 1930 s , the "New York American'' and other newspapers owned by W. R. Hearst published a literary page to which a large number of writers and artists contributed. Bertrand Russell was one of the regulars, contributing a total of 156 essays from 22 July 1931 to 2 May 1935. His essays made frequent reference to the events and problems of the day, but to a large extent the themes are perennial. They were written by a philosopher, by a m a n w h o b y t h e end of his long and full life had pursued with vigour and even distinction five or six careers in addition to that of philosopher: mathematician, logician, educator, moralist, propagandist for social reform, and agitator for peace and all these roles to a degree find expressionin these essays. - When the essays first appeared, Lord Russell was no stranger to America. He had first visited the United States in 1896 with his first wife, herself - 254 -
1975 an American, staying for three months, meeting her relatives and lecturing at Bryn Mawr cßollege and at Johns Hopkins University. He had come to the States again in 1914, 1924, 1927, 1929, and 1931 (From the Preface). K o m m e n t a r In den frühen 1930er Jahren publizierten die "New York American" und andere Zeitungen im Besitz von W. R. Hearst eine literarische Seite, hei der eine große Anzahl Schriftsteller und Künstler mitwirkten. Bertrand Russell war einer der regelmäßigen, der eine Gesamtzahl von 156 Essays beisteuerte, in der Zeit vom 22. Juli 1931 his 2. Mai 1935. Seine Essays bezogen sich häufig auf Ereignisse und Probleme des Tages, aber zu einem großen Teil waren es immerwährende Themen. Sie wurden von einem Philosophen geschrieben, von einem Mann, der am Ende seines langen und reifen Lebens mit Kraft und Würde fünf oder sechs Laufbahnen zusätzlich zu der des Philosophen verfolgt hat: Mathematiker, Logiker, Erzieher, Moralist, Propagandist sozialer Reformen und Agitator für Frieden - und alle diese Rollen finden ihren deutlichen Ausdruck in diesen Essays. - Als die Essays zum erstenmal erschienen, war Lord Russell den Amerikanern kein Fremder mehr. Er hatte die USA 1896 zum erstenmal besucht zusammen mit seiner ersten Frau, selbst Amerikanerin, und blieb drei Monate, tun Verwandte zu treffen und Vorlesungen am Bryn Mawr College und an der Johns Hopkins Universität zu halten. 1914, 1924, 1927, 1929 und 1931 kehrte er jeweila in die Staaten zurück. Bertrand Russell - An Introduction which is a school book containing selections ffom Russell's Writings as a basis for group discussion classes in secondary schools and comparable institutions. Edited by Brian Carr, Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Exeter. (... ist ein Schulbuch enthaltend eine Auswahl aus Russell 1 s Schriften als Basis für Diskussionsgruppen in Oberschulklassen und vergleichbaren Institutionen.) 1975 London: Allen & Unwin. 149 pp
Miscellany/Sammelband in Deutsch unter dem Titel "Freiheit ohne Furcht" 1975 Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt rororo Sachbuch 6900. Hg.: Achim von Borries
- 255 -
1975/1976 I n h a l t Einleitung I. Gesellschaft/Poltik/Erziehung "Erziehung als politische Institution" (Education as a Political Institution "Erziehung in der Industriegesellschaft" (Education "Bürgerbewußtsein oder Individualität" (The Individual versus the Citizen "Erziehung zu Nationalismus u. Militarismus" (Patriotism in Education "Destruktion oder Kooperation? (Reconciliation of Indivuduality and Citizenship "Die Aufgaben des Lehrers" (The Function of a Teacher II. Erziehung zur Freiheit "Furchtlose Freiheit" (Conclusion "Sexuelle Erziehung" (Sex Education "Die Erziehung junger Kinder" (Training of Young Children . "Freiheit oder Autorität in der Erziehung?" ( Freedom versus Authority in Education? "In unserer Schule" (In Our School "Freie Rede in der Kindheit" (Free Speech in Childhood ... "Die emotionale Umwelt des Kindes" (Emotion and Discipline . "Erziehung und Disziplin"(Education and Discipline Anhang A. S. Neill an B. Russell (1926) B. Russell a n H . G. Wells (1928) Dora Russell: Beacon Hill ... Quellennachweise Ii t e raturhinwe i s e
1916/150) 1923/263) 1932/378) 1932/378) 1932/378) 1940/452) 1926/308) 1926/308) 1927/311) 1928/331) 1931/369) 1931/365) 1932/378) 1935/401)
Miscellany/Sammelband in Deutsch unter dem Titel "Die Philosophie des Logischen Atomismus" 1976 München: Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung (Russell Studienausgabe. Dialog 104) . . . Hg.: Johannes Sinnreich I n h a l t Vorwort Einleitung - 256 -
1976 "Mathematische Logik auf der Basis der Typentheorie" (Mathematical Logic as Based on the Theory
of Types
"Erkenntnis durch Bekanntschaft u. Erkenntnis durch Beschreibung" (Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description 1911/102) "UniVersalien und Individuen" (On the Relation of üniversals and "Sinnesdaten und Physik" (The Relation of Sense-Data to Physics 1914/128) "Über die Natur der Bekanntschaft" (On the Nature of Acquaintance 1914/125) "Philosophie des logischen Atomismus" (The Philosophy of Logical Atomism 1918/178) Anmerkungen Literaturverzeichnis Register
- 257 -
1. Chronologisches Verzeichnis der Hauptwerke Chronological Index of Main Works 1896 1897 1900 1903 1903 1905 1910 1910 1912 1914 1916 1916 1917 1917 1918 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1923 1924 1924 1925 1925 1926 1927 1927 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1934 1935 1935 1936 1937 1938 1940 1945 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1954
German Social Democracy An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry .. The Philosophy of leibniz A Free Man's Worship The Principles of Mathematics On Denoting Philosophical Essays 1912 1913 Principia Mathematics The Problems of Philosophy Our Knowledge of the External World Justice in War-Time Principles of Social Reconstruction Political Ideals Mysticism and logic Roads to Freedom 1919 Philosophy of logical Atomism Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy .. The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism .... The Analysis of Mind The Problem of China Prospects of Industrial Civilization The ABC of Atoms logical Atomism Icarus or the Future of Science What I Believe The ABC of Relativity On Education Especially in Early Childhood Why I Am Not a Christian The Analysis of Matter An Outlinie of Philosophy Sceptical Essays Marriage and Morals The Conquest of Happiness The Scientific Outlook Education and the Social Order Freedom and Organisation 1814-1914 Religion and Science In Praise of Idleness Which Way to Peace? The Amberley Papers Power: A New Social Analysis An Inquiry Into Meaning and Truth A History of Western Philosophy Human Knowledge: Its Scope and limits .... Authority and the Individual Unpopulars Essays New Hopes for a Changing World The Impact of Science on Society Satan in the Suburbs and Other Stories ... Nightmares of Eminent Persons Human Society in Ethics and Politics -
BN / S. 007/003 010/005 019/007 036/011 037/013 056/018 100/024 101/025 118/032 133/039 158/045 159/045 171/050 172/051 177/055 178/057 191/060 207/066 213/069 238/076 263/081 264/083 265/085 283/088 293/090 294/091 308/095 314/099 315/101 316/104 331/109 347/113 363/119 372/124 378/127 395/133 400/138 401/140 415/145 426/148 436/149 455/155 504/162 536/175 554/180 567/184 582/188 584/191 599/197 608/200 609/200
1956 1956 1957 1959 1959 1959 1960 1961 1961 1961 1967 1967 1969
logic and Knowledge Portraits from Memory Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare My Philosophical Development Wisdom of the West Bertrand Russell Speaks His Mind The Basic Writings of B. Russell 1903-1959 Pact and Fiction Has Man a Future? War Crimes in Vietnam 1968 1969 The Autobiography of B. Russell Dear Bertrand Russell .... a Selection of His Correspondence with the General Public, 1950-1968 1972 The Collected Stories of Bertrand Russell 1973 Essays in Analysis
616/205 617/207 625/210 647/217 648/220 649/222 655/226 659/228 660/228 661/230 678/236 682/241 690/246 701/249 705/252
2. Zusammenfassung der Übersetzungen in Sprach-Gruppen Synopsis of the Translations in Language^Groups A r a b i s c h BN/S. The Problems of Philosophy 118.19/034 Roads to Freedom 177.13/056 Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy . 191.17/062 The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism ... 207.15/068 The ABC of Relativity 294.18/092 Marriage and Morals 347.15/115 The Conquest of Happiness 363.12/120 " » " " 363.13/120 Power: A New Social Analysis 436.17/151 A History of Western Philosophy 504.13/166 Philosophy and Politics 516.05/172 Authority and the Individual 554.08/181 New Hopes for a Changing World 582.10/189 The Impact of Science and Society 584.08/192 Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare 647.07/218 My Philosophical Development 648.07/221 Has Man a Future? 661 .09/230 War Crimes in Vietnam 678.04/239 » » " » 678.05/239 " " " " 678.06/239 B i r m a n i s c h (Burma) Marriage and Morals 347.16/115 Has Man a Future? 661 .10/230 Unarmed Victory ... 668.05/234 War Crimes in Vietnam 678.07/239 C h i n e s i s c h German Social Democracy "007.01/003 The Principles of Mathematics 037.16/016 The Problems of Philosophy 118.20/034 " " " " 118.21/034 •» " " " 118.22/034 Our Knowledge of the External World 133.16/040 Justice in War-Time 158.07/045 Principles of Social Reconstruction 159.21/047 " " " " 159.22/047 Political Ideals 171.09/050 Roads to Freedom 177.14/056 Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy . 191.18/062 The Analysis of Mind 213.11/071 11 " " " 213.12/071 " " " n 213.13/071 " " " " 213.14/071 Philosophy in the Twentieth Century 278.06/087 Ikarus or the Future of Science 283.08/088 " " " " " " 283.09/088 On Education Especially in Early Childhood 308.21/097 " " " n ii n 308.22/097 An Outline of Philosophy 316.11/105 Sceptical Essays 331.16/110 - 263 -
C h i n e s i s c h Marriage and Morals M " " " " " The Conquest of Happiness The Scientific Outlook Education and the Social Order Freedom and Organization 1814-1914 Power: A New Social Analysis " : 11 " " " n : " " " " A History of Western Philosophy " " " " " Unpopular Essays New Hopes for a Changing World Portraits from Memory Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare Has Man a Future The Autobiography of B. Russell (i) ..... Miscellany/Sammelband D ä n i s c h The Conquest of Happiness " » " " A History of Western Philosophy 11 » " " " Authority and the Individual Unpopular Essays New Hopes for a Changing World The Impact of Science on Society Satan in the Suburbs and Other Stories .. n n II II II II II Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare Wisdom of the West Has Man a Future? " " " " War Crimes in Vietnam D e u t s c h German Social Democracy as a lesson in Political Tactics German Social Democracy (Excerpts) " " " (complete) On Denoting Mathematical logic as Based on the Theory of Types Pragmatism On the Nature of Truth and Falsehood .... Principia Mathematica (is Introduction) . Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description On the Relation of Universals and Particulars The Problems of Philosophy " " " » " " » » - 264 -
BN/S. 347.17/115 347.18/115 347.19/115 363.14/120 372.13/125 378.10/129 395.12/135 436.18/151 436.19/151 436.20/151 504.14/166 504.15/166 567.13/185 582.11/189 617.07/208 647.08/218 661 .11/230 682.14/242 687.00/245 363.15/120 363.16/120 504.16/166 504.17/166 554.09/181 567.14/185 582.12/189 584.09/192 599.05/198 599.06/198 625.11/212 647.09/218 649.06/224 661 .12/231 661 .13/231 678.08/239 002.02/003 007.05/005 007.06/005 056.05/019 084.03/022 090.03/023 100.10/025 101.07/028 102.09/029 114.03/032 118.23/034 118.25/034 118.26/034
D e u t s c h BN / S. On the Nature of Acquaintance 125.03/037 The Relation of Sense-Data to Physics ... 128.04/038 War, the Offspring of Pear 132.04/038 Our Knowledge of the External World 133.17/040 On Justice in War-Time. An Appeal to the Intellectuals of Europe. 1 41.03/042 The Philosophy of Pacifism 142.02/042 Education as a Political Institution .... 150.10/044 11 " " " " .... 150.11/044 Principles of Social Reconstruction 159.23/047 " it ii it (Excerpts) 159.24/048 Political Ideals 162.06/049 War and Individual Liberty 165.02/049 Pacifism and Revolution 169.02/050 Capitalism and the Wage System 171.11/051 Pitfalls in Socialism 171.11/051 Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays .... 172.22/053 Science and Art Under Socialism 177.15/056 Roads to Freedom 177.16/056 " " " 177.17/056 Philosophy of Logical Atomism 178.05/059 Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy . 191.19/062 » » " " . 191.20/062 » " " " . 191.21/063 The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism (Excerpts) 207.16/068 The Analysis of Mind 213.15/071 Introduction to Ludwig Wittgenstein's "Tractatus logico-philosophicus" 237.09/075 " 237.10/075 The Problem of China 238.08/077 " » " " (Excerpts) 238.09/077 Mlscellany/Sammel'band 239.00/078 The Prospects of Industrial Civilization 263.09/082 » " " " " (Excerpts) 263.10/083 " (Excerpt: Education) 263.11/083 The ABC of Atoms 264.07/085 Logical Atomism 265.05/085 Icarus or the Future of Science 283.10/088 Bolshevism and the West (Excerpt) 285.03/089 Socialism and Education 292.02/090 The ABC of Relativity (Excerpt) 294.19/092 The ABC of Relativity 294.20/092 " • M " 294.21/092 " " " " 294.22/092 On Education Especially in Early Childhood 308.23/097 tt tt tt 11 11 11 308.24/098 On Education ...(Excerpts) 308.25/098 " " ...(Excerpts) 308.26/098 Why I Am Not a Christian 314.14/100 The Analysis of Matter 315.09/103 11 " " " 315.10/103 An Outline of Philosophy 316.12/105 " " " " (Excerpts Ethics) 316.13/106 The Value of Scepticism 327.09/108 - 265 -
_ , . D e u t 3 c h On the Value of Scepticism Psychology and Politics Sceptical Essays " » Freedom versus Authority in Education ... " » » " " ... Marriage and Morals " » " (Excerpt) » " " » " " The Conquest of Happiness » " » » Free Speech in Childhood " " " " Modern Tendencies in Education In Our School " « " The Scientific Outlook The Scientific Society Education and the Social Order The Individual Versus the Citizen Emotion and Discipline Patriotism in Education The Reconciliation of Individuality and Citizenship Dora Russell: "Beacon Hill" " " : " " Freedom and Organization 1814-1914 The Ancestry of Fascism (BN 696) In Praise of Idleness " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " » (Excerpts) " " " " (Excerpt) " " " " (Excerpt) " " " " (" ) Power: A New Social Analysis " : " " " " The Taming of Power Reply to Criticism (Excerpts) Speech on Atomic Weapons and Atomic Warfare i. n n ti ii it n A History of Western Philosophy 11 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Physics and Experience " " " " " " The Existence of God Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits ... " " : " " " " ... Authority and the Individual " " » " " " " » -
/ S. ' 331.17/110 331.18/110 331.19/110 331.20/110 331.21/110 331.22/110 347.20/115 347.21/115 347.22/115 347.23/11 5 363.17/120 363.18/120 365.02/123 365.03/123 366.02/123 369.02/124 369.03/124 372.14/125 372.15/126 378.11/129 378/12/129 378.12/129 378.12/130 378.12/130 394.02/133 394.03/133 395.13/135 396.06/137 401.16/141 401.17/141 401.18/141 401.19/141 401 .20/141 401.21/141 401 .22/141 401 .23/141 436.21/151 436.22/151 436.23/152 496.04/161 502.03/162 502.04/162 504.18/167 504.19/167 504.20/167 504.21/167 512.05/171 512.06/171 512.07/171 535.04/174 536.13/177 536.14/177 554.10/181 554.11/181 554.12/181
D e u t 8 c h Unpopular Essays » « The Function of a Teacher " " " " » New Hopes f o r a Changing World The Impact of Science on Society Satan in the Suburbs and Other Stories .
BN / S. 567.15/185 567.16/185 567.18/185 567.19/185 582.13/189 584.10/192 599.07/198
Human Society in Ethics and P o l i t i c s . . . . » " " » » " l o g i c and Knowledge (Excerpts) " " " (Excerpts) Reflections on My Eightieth Birthday . . . . Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays n II II II n II it II II n n n II n II II n n 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 n Open Letter to Eisenhover and Krushchev . The Expanding Mental Universe Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare New Outlook Needed before Negotiations . . My Philosophical Development Wisdom of the West » " " " Act or P e r i s h - A Gall to Non Violent Action
609.09/203 609.10/203 616.05/206 616.06/206 617.08/208 625.12/212 625.13/212 625.14/212 625.15/212 626.05/214 643.04/217 647.10/218 647.11/219 648.08/221 649.07/224 649.08/224 654.03/226
11 11
6 5 4 . 0 4 / 2 2 6
Bertrand Russell Speaks Mb Mind 655.06/227 On C i v i l Disobedience 656.03/227 Education f o r a D i f f i c u l t World 660.05/229 Has Man a Future? 661 .14/231 " " " " (Excerpt) 661 .1 5/231 " " " " (Excerpt) 661 .16/231 » " " " (Excerpt) 661 .17/231 C i v i l Disobedience 667.03/233 War and Atrocity in Vietnam 673.03/235 Appeal to the American Conscience 674.04/236 " " " " " 674.05/236 War Crimes'in Vietnam (Excerpt) 678.09/239 11 " " " (Excerpt) 678.10/239 " " " " (Excerpt) 678.11/239 " " " " (Excerpt) 678.12/239 " " " n (Excerpt) 678.13/239 The Autobiography of B.Russell 682.16/242-682.21/243 Open l e t t e r to Wladyslaw Gomulka 684.02/245 " " " " " 684.03/245 Dear Bertrand Russell 690.05/246 Miscellany/Sammelband 696.00/248 " /" 703.00/250 " /" 707.00/253 " /" 710.CO/255 " /" 711 .00/256 F i n n i s c h The Problems of Philosophy 118.28/034 Why I Am Not a Christian 314.16/100 - 267 -
P i n n i s c h Marriage and Morals The Conquest of Happiness H " " " "
A History " " Authority Unpopular
BN/S. 347.24/116 363.19/121 363.20/122 •
of Western Phlilosophy " " " and the Individual Essays
504.22/168 504.23/168 554.13/182 567.20/185 11 n 567.21/185 " " 567.22/185 New Hopes for a Changing World (Excerpt) 582.14/190 Human Society in Ethics and Politics .... 609.11/203 Portraits from Memory 617.09/208 The Autobiography of B.Russell 682.23/243-682.25/243 F r a n z ö s i s c h An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry . 010.03/006 The: Philosophy of Leibniz 019.09/008 " " " " 019.10/008 On Denoting 056.06/019 The Problems of Philosophy 118.29/034 11 " " » 118.30/034 " " " " 118.31/034 Our Knowledge of the External World 133.18/040 " " » » » n 133.19/040 Principles of Social Reconstruction 159.27/048 Political Ideals 162.07/049 " " 171.12/051 Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays .... 172.23/054 Roads to Freedom 177.18/056 Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy . 191.23/063 n " " " . 191.24/063 The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism ... 207.17/068 n " " " " " ... 207.18/068 The Analysis of Mind 213.16/071 Introduction to Ludwig Wittgenstein's "Tractatus logico-philosophicus" 237.11/075 " 237.12/075 The Problem of China 238,10/077 The ABC of Relativity 294.23/092 The Analysis of Matter 315.11/104 Sceptical Essays 331.23/110 " " 331 .24/110 What Is Western Civilization? 340.02/113 Religion and Science 400.12/139 11 " " 400.13/139 An Inquiry Into Meaning and Truth 455.11/156 A History of Western Philosophy 504.24/168 " " " " " 504.25/168 New Hopes for a Changing World 582.15/190 The Impact of Science on Society 584.11/193 " " " " " 584.12/193 Satan in the Suburbs and Othher Stories . 599.09/198 Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays Excerpts: (3), ('4), (5) ... 625.16/213-625.18/213 -
F r a n z ö s i s c h My Philosophical Development Wisdom of the West Bertrand Russell Speaks His Mind »
, o. 648.09/222 649.09/224 655.07/227 6 5 5 . 0 8 / 2 2 7
Has Man A Future? 661 .18/231 War Crimes in Vietnam 678.14/239 The Autobiography of B.Russell 682.26/243-682.25/243 r i e c h i s c h Marriage and Morals 347.26/116 " " " 347.27/116 The Scientific Outlook 372.17/126 A History of Western Philosophy 504.26/168 e b r ä i s c h The Problems of Philosophy 118.32/034 " » " " 118.33/034 Marriage and Morals 347.28/116 The Conquest of Happiness 363.25/121 » " " " 363.26/121 Power: A New Social Analysis 436.24/152 Authority and the Individual 554.14/182 Unarmed Victory 668.08/234 Dear Bertrand Russell 690.06/246 nd. / A s s a m e s e The Conquest of Happiness 363.27/121 nd. / B e n g a l i On Education Especially in Early Childhood 308.27/098 n h n n it it 308.28/098 n n it ii n ii 308.29/098 The Conquest of Happiness 363.28/121 n " " " 363.29/121 Satan in the Suburbs and Other Stories .. 599.10/198 Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare 647.12/219 n d . / S u j a r a t i On Education Especially in Early Childhood 308.30/098 The Conquest of Happiness 363.30/121 Power: A New Social Analysis 436.25/152 Bfertrand Russell Speaks His Mind 655.09/227 Has Man a Future? 661 .19/231 nd. / H i n d i Principles of Social Reconstruction 159.28/048 The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism ... 207.19/068 The Scientific Outlook 372.18/126 Education and the Social Order 378.13/130 Authority and the Individual 554.15/182 The Impact of Science on Society 584.13/193 Has Man a Futur? 661 .20/231 n d . / K a n n a d a The Conquest of Happiness 363.31/121 nd. / M a l a y a l a m The Conquest of Happiness 363.32/121 Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare 647.13/219 - 269
I n d . / M a r a t h i P r i n c i p l e s of Social Reconstruction P o l i t i c a l Ideals The ABC of R e l a t i v i t y On Education E s p e c i a l l y i n Early Childhood The Conquest of Happiness Authority and the Individual The Impact of Science on Society I n d . / O r i y a Satan in the Suburbs and Other S t o r i e s . . I n d . / T a m i l Roads to Freedom The Conquest of Happiness The Impact of Science on Society I n d . / T e l u g u Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare I n d . / U r d u The Analysis of Mind Education and the Social Order " » " " " The Impact of Science on Society I n d o n e s i s c h Authority and the Individual I t a l i e n i s c h German Social Democracy The Philosophy of Leibniz « » " « The P r i n c i p l e s of Mathematics " " » " " " " 11 11 " » " Philosophical Essays " " The Essence of R e l i g i o n The Problems of Philosophy " " " " " " " " Our Knowledge o f the External World » » " " " " P r i n c i p l e s of Social Reconstruction 11 " " " P o l i t i c a l Ideals Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays . . . . " " " »' " " " " " " " » Roads to Freedom " " " Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy . n 11 " " . " " » " . The P r a c t i c e and Theory o f Bolshevism . . . " " " " " " ... - 270 -
BN/S. 159.29/048 171.13/051 294.24/092 308.31/098 363.33/121 354.16/182 584.14/193 599.11/198 177.19/056 363.34/122 584.15/193 647.14/219 213.17/072 378.14/130 378.15/130 584.16/193 554.17/182 007.07/005 019.11/008 019.12/008 037.17/016 037.18/016 037.19/016 037.20/016 101.11/025 101 .22/025 113.03/031 118.34/035 118.35/035 118.36/035 133.20/041 133.21/041 159.30/048 159.31/048 171.14/051 172.24/054 172.25/054 172.26/054 177.20/056 177.21/056 191 .25/063 191 .26/063 191.27/063 207.20/068 207.21/068
I t a l i e n l s c h The A n a l y s i s of Mind " " " " The P r o s p e c t s of I n d u s t r i a l C i v i l i z a t i o n The ABC of R e l a t i v i t y On E d u c a t i o n E s p e c i a l l y i n E a r l y Childhood The A n a l y s i s of M a t t e r An O u t l i n e o f P h i l o s o p h y " » " " S c e p t i c a l Essays » " » " M a r r i a g e and Morals 11 11 » " " " The Conquest of H a p p i n e s s The S c i e n t i f i c Outlook E d u c a t i o n and t h e S o c i a l Order » » " " " Freedom and O r g a n i z a t i o n 1814-1914 »n ii n n » " » » » R e l i g i o n and S c i e n c e 11 " " I n P r a i s e of I d l e n e s s " " " " Power: A New Social Analysis n » : " " " An I n q u i r y I n t o Meaning and T r u t h A H i s t o r y of Western P h i l o s o p h y " " " " " Human Knowledge: I t s Scope and L i m i t s . . . " " . ii n n it A u t h o r i t y and t h e I n d i v i d u a l " " » " Unpopular E s s a y s New Hopes f o r a Changing World The Impact of S c i e n c e on S o c i e t y S a t a n i n t h e Suburbs and O t h e r S t o r i e s . . N i g h t m a r e s of Eminent P e r s o n s Logic and Knowledge P o r t r a i t s from Memory " " " Why I Am Not a C h r i s t i a n and O t h e r E s s a y s " ii it n it n n ii n The V i t a l L e t t e r s of R u s s e l l , K r u s h c h e v , D u l l e s ... Bertrand R u s s e l l ' s Best " " " Common Sense and N u c l e a r W a r f a r e My P h i l o s o p h i c a l Development Wisdom of t h e West " " " " B e r t r a n d R u s s e l l Speaks His Mind P a c t and F i c t i o n " " " - 271 -
BN / S. 213.18/072 213.19/072 263.12/083 294.25/092 308.32/098 315.12/104 316.14/106 316.15/106 331.25/111 331 .26/111 331 . 2 7 / 1 1 1 347.29/116 347.30/116 347.31/116 363.35/122 372.19/126 378.16/130 378.17/130 395.16/136 395.17/136 395.18/136 400.14/139 400.15/139 401.24/141 401 . 2 5 / 1 4 1 436.26/152 4 3 6 . 2 7 / 1 52 455.12/156 504.27/168 504.28/168 536.15/178 536.16/178 554.18/182 554.19/182 567.23/186 582.16/190 584.17/193 599.12/198 608.06/200 616.08/206 617.10/208 617.11/208 625.19/213 625.20/213 627.03/214 639.08/216 639.09/216 647.15/219 648.10/222 649.10/224 649.11/224 655.10/227 660.06/229 660.07/229
I t a l i e n i s c h na / ¡>. Has Man a Futur? 661 .21/231 Unarmed V i c t o r y 668.07/234 War Crimes in Vietnam 678.15/239 Mlacellany/Samnielband 679.00/240 The Autobiography of B . R u s s e l l 682.29/243-682.31/243 Miscellany/Sammelband 686.00/245 " /" 689.00/245 Dear Bertrand Russell 690.07/246 Miscellany/Sammelband 694.00/246 J a p a n i s c h The Philosophy of Leibniz 019.13/009 The Problems of Philosophy 118.37/035 11 " " " 118.38/035 P r i n c i p l e s of Social Reconstruction . . . . . 159.32/048 P o l i t i o a l Ideals Mysticism and l o g i c and Other Essays . . . . Roads .to Freedom I n t r o d u c t i o n to Methematical Philosophy . The P r a c t i o e and Theory o f Bolshevism . . . The Problem of China The ABC of R e l a t i v i t y On Education E s p e c i a l l y i n Early Childhood
171.15/051 172.27/054 177.22/056 191.28/063 207.22/068 238.11/077 294.26/092 308.33/098
3 0 8 . 3 4 / 0 9 8
3 0 8 . 3 5 / 0 9 8
An Outline of Philosophy S c e p t i c a l Essays (Excerpts) » » » " " " Marriage and Morals " " " " " " " " " The Conquest of Happiness 11 " " " " " " " 1 1 " " " Education and the S o c i a l Order Freedom and Organization 1814-1914 R e l i g i o n and Science 11 " " In P r a i s e of Idleness Power: A New Social Analysis » : " » " " A I n q u i r y Into Meaning and Truth A H i s t o r y of Western Philosophy 11 " " " " 11 " " " " " '* " " " Human Knowledge: I t s Scope and l i m i t s . . . Authority and the I n d i v i d u a l ( E x c e r p t s ) . Unpopular Essays New Hopes f o r a Changing World -
316.16/106 331.28/111 331 .29/111 331 .30/111 331.31/111 347.32/116 347.33/116 347.34/116 347.35/116 363.36/122 363.37/122 363.38/122 363.39/122 378.18/130 395.19/136 400.16/139 400.17/139 401.26/141 436.28/152 436.29/152 455.13/156 504.29/169 504.30/169 504.31/169 504.32/169 536.17/178 554.20/182 567.24/186 582.17/190
J a p a n i s c h "" ' The Impact of Science on Sciety 584.18/193 Satan in the Suburbs and Other Essays . . . 599.13/198 P o r t r a i t s from Memory 617.12/208 " n i l 617.13/208 Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays 625.21/213 n n n n n n n n it 625.22/213 Bertrand R u s s e l l ' s Best 639.10/216 Miscellany/Sammelband 646.00/217 Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare 647.16/219 My Philosophical Development 648.11/222 Wisdom of the West 649.12/224 Bertrand Russell Speaks His Mind 655.11/227 Pact and F i c t i o n 660.08/230 What i s Freedom? What i s Democracy? 660.09/230 Has Man a Future? 661 .22/231 Unarmed V i c t o r y 668.08/234 War Crimes in Vietnam 678.16/240 The Autobiography of B . R u s s e l l 682.32/243-682.34/243 K o r e a n i s c h The Problems of Philosophy 118.39/035 On Education Especially in Early Childhood 308.36/098 Marriage and Morals 347.36/116 " " " 347.37/116 The Conquest of Happiness 363.40/122 " " " " 363.41/122 " " " " 363.42/122 Power: A New Social Analysis 436.30/152 A History of Western Philosophy 504.33/169 " n " " » 504.34/169 Authority and the Individual 554.21/182 Unpopular Essays 567.25/186 " " 567.26/186 New Hopes f o r a Changing World 582.18/190 " " " " " " 582.19/190 The Impact of Science on Society 584.19/193 Human Society in Ethics and P o l i t i c s . . . . 609.12/203 Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays 625.23/213 n n n n n n n n u 625.24/213 n n n n n n n n n 625.25/213 Wisdom of the West 649! 13/224 n " " " 649.14/224 Has Man a Future? 661 .23/232 The Autobiography of B. Russell ( I ) 682.35/243 " " " " " (I) 682.36/243 N i e d e r l ä n d i s c h The Problems of Philosophy 118.40/035 Marriage and Morals 347.38/116 The Conquest of Happiness 363.43/122 " " " " 363.44/122 Education and the Social Order 378.19/130 R e l i g i o n and Science 400.18/139 " " " 400.19/139
- 273 -
N i e d e r l ä n d i s c h ' ' A History o f Western Philosophy 504.35/169 " " " " " 504.36/169 " » " » « 504.37/169 " » » " " 504.38/169 » " " " " 504.39/169 Human Knowledges I t s Scope and l i m i t s . . . 536.18/178 Authority and the I n d i v i d u a l 554.22/182 New Hopes f o r a Changing World 582»2Q/190 Satan in the Suburbs and Other S t o r i e s . . 599.14/198 Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays 625.26/213 n ii n n it n it it tt 625.27/213 Miscellany/Sammelband 658.00/228 Has Man a Future? 661 .24/232 War Crimes i n Vietnam 678.17/240 The Autobiography of B . R u s s e l l 682.38/244-682.39/244 Dear Bertrand Russell 690.08/246 H i / A f r i k a a n s Why I Am Not a Christian 314.22/101 N o r w e g i s c h The Problems o f Philosophy 118.40/035 The Place o f Science i n a l i b e r a l Education 120.10/036 Mysticism and l o g i c (Excerpts) 272.28/054 The ABC o f R e l a t i v i t y 294.27/093 S c e p t i c a l Essays (Excerpts) 331.32/111 The Conquest o f Happiness 363.45/122 In Praise of Idleness (Excerpts) 401.27/141 Power: A New Social Analysis 436.31/152 Miscellany/Sammelband 519.00/173 The Existence of God 535.05/175 Authority and the I n d i v i d u a l 554.23/182 New Hopes f o r a Changing World 582.21/190 The Impact o f Science on Society 584.20/193 Wisdom o f the West 649.15/225 Bertrand Russell Speaks His Mind 655.12/227 War Crimes in Vietnam 678.18/240 The Autobiography of B . R u s s e l l 682.40/244-682.42/244 P e r s i s c h The Analysis of Mind An Outline o f Philosophy Marriage and Morals « » i t The Conquest of Happiness In Praise o f Idleness A History of Western Philosophy Human S o c i e t y in Ethics and P o l i t i c s . . . . " " " " II ir Understanding History and Other Essays . . Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays it it ti II it n ii ii it
213.20/072 316.17/106 347.39/116 347.40/116 363.46/122 401.28/141 504.40/169 609.13/203 609.14/203 624.02/210 625.28/213 625.29/213
P o l n i s c h The Problems of Philosophy P r i n c i p l e s o f Social Reconstruction Roads to Freedom
118.42/035 159.33/048 177.23/056
- 274 -
P o l n i s c h I n t r o d u c t i o n to Mathematical Philosophy . The P r o s p e c t s of I n d u s t r i a l C i v i l i z a t i o n . On E d u c a t i o n E s p e c i a l l y i n E a r l y Childhood Why I Am Not a C h r i s t i a n " » » " "it it " » it "i» n it it it » An O u t l i n e of P h i l o s o p h y S c e p t i c a l Essays " " M a r r i a g e and Morals The Conquest of Happiness The S c i e n t i f i c Outlook " " » " " » E d u c a t i o n and t h e S o c i a l Order ( E x c e r p t s ) Freedom and O r g a n i z a t i o n 1814-1914 In P r a i s e of I d l e n e s s Which Way t o Peace? My P h i l o s o p h y Development War Crimes i n Vietnam The A u t o b i o g r a p h y of B. R u s s e l l ( I ) P o r t u g i e s i s c h The Problems of P h i l o s o p h y Our Knowledge of t h e E x t e r n a l World P r i n c i p l e s of S o c i a l R e c o n s t r u c t i o n Mysticismus and l o g i c and Other E s s a y s . . Roads t o Freedom I n t r o d u c t i o n to Mathematical Philosophy . The A n a l y s i s of Mind The ABC of R e l a t i v i t y " " " " 11 " " " " " " " On E d u c a t i o n E s p e c i a l l y i n E a r l y Childhood n n it it n ii An O u t l i n e of P h i l o s o p h y 11 " 11" " " " S c e p t i c a l Essays M a r r i a g e and Morals 11 " " The Conquest of H a p p i n e s s " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " The S c i e n t i f i c O u t l o o k " " " " " " E d u c a t i o n and t h e S o c i a l Order Freedom and O r g a n i z a t i o n 1814-1914 I n P r a i s e of I d l e n e s s Power: A New S o c i a l A n a l y s i s " : " " " " - 275 -
BN/S. 191.29/063 263.13/083 308.37/098 314.24/101 314.25/101 314.26/101 314.27/101 316.18/106 331.33/111 331 .34/101 347.41/116 363.47/122 372.20/126 372.21/126 372.22/126 378.20/130 395.20/136 401.29/142 415.04/146 648.12/222 678.19/240 682.43/244 118.43/035 133.22/041 159.34/048 172.29/054 177.24/057 191.30/063 213.21/072 294.28/093 294.29/093 294.30/093 294.31/093 308.38/099 308.39/099 316.19/106 316.20/106 316.21/106 331.35/111 347.42/117 347.43/117 363.48/122 363.49/122 363.50/122 363.51/122 363.52/122 372.23/126 372.24/126 372.25/126 378.21/130 395.21/136 401.30/142 436.32/152 4 3 6 . 3 3 / 1 52
P o r t u g i e s i s c h ™ / o. A History of Western Philosophy 504.4-1/169 n " " " " 504.42/169 Human Knowledge: Its Scope and limits ... 536.19/178 Authority and the Individual 554.24/182 Unpopular Essays 567.27/186 New Hopes for a Changing World 582.22/191 " " " " " " 582.23/191 The Impact of Science on Society 584.21/193 Human Society in Ethics and Politics .... 609.15/203 logic and Knowledge 616.09/206 Portraits from Memory 617.14/208 Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays 625.30/213 » n ii it it n it» n 625.31/213 Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare 647.17/219 My Philosophical Development 648.13/222 Pact and Fiction 660.10/230 Has Man a Future? 661 .25/232 The Autobiography of B.Russell 682.44/244-682.46/244 R u m ä n i s c h The Autobiography of B.Russell (I) 682.47/244 R u s s i s c h Q-erman Social Democracy 007.08/005 " " " 007.09/005 The Problems of Philosophy 118.44/035 Icarus or the Future of Science 283.11/088 Why I Am Not a Christian 314.28/101 A History of Western Philosophy 504.43/169 Human Knowledge: Its Scope and limits ... 536.20/178 R u s s . / A r m e n i s c h Why I Am Not a Christian 314.29 S c h w e d i s c h The Problems of Philosophy 118.45/035 • * " " » 118.46/035 11 " » " 118.47/035 " " » " 118.48/035 Political Ideals 171.16/051 Mysticism and logic and Other Essays .... 172.30/054 The ABC of Relativity 294.32/093 On Education Especially in Early Childhood 308.40/099 " " " " » " 308.41/099 An Outline of Philosophy 316.22/106 Sceptical Essays 331.36/111 Marriage and Morals 347.44/117 The Conquest of Happiness 363.53/123 Religion and Science 400.20/139 In Praise of Idleness 401.31/142 Which Way to Peace 415.05/146 Power: A New Social Analysis 436.34/152 A History of Western Philosophy 504.44/169 Authority and the Individual 554.25/182 Unpopular Essays 567.28/186 11 " 567.29/186 New Hopes for a Changing World 582.24/191 - 276
S c h w e d i s c h BN/S. The Impact of Science on Society 584.22/193 Satan in the Suburbs and Other Stories .. 599.15/198 Human Society in Ethics and Politics .... 609.16/203 Portraits from Memory 617.15/208 Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays 625.32/213 My Philosophical Development 648.14/222 Wisdom of the West 649.16/225 " " " n 649.17/225 Pact and Fiction 660.11/230 Has Man a Future? 661 .26/232 The Autobiography of B. Russell 642.48/244-682.50/244 Dear Bertrand.Russell 690.09/246 S e r b o l c r o a t i s c h The ABC of Relativity 294.33/093 The Conquest of Happiness 363.53/123 A History of Western Philosophy 504.45/169 Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits ... 536.21/178 Satan in the Suburbs and Other Stories .. 599.16/198 Wisdom of the West 649.18/225 S i n g h a l e s i s c h (Ceylon) Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare 647.18/219 Has Man a Futur? 661 .27/232 Unarmed Victory 668.09/234 S l o v e n i s c h Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare 647.19/219 Wisdom of the West 649.19/225 S p a n i s c h An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry . 010.04/006 The Philosophy of Leibniz 019.14/009 The Principles of Mathematics 037.21/016 " " " " 037.22/016 " " " " 037.23/016 On Denoting 056.09/019 " " 056.10/019 Philosophical Essays 100.13/025 " " 100.14/025 Principia Mathematica (Excerpts from I) . 101.08/028 The Problems of Philosophy 118.49/035 " " " " 118.50/035 » " " » 118.51/035 " " " " 118.52/035 " " " " 118.53/035 " " " " 118.54/035 Our Knowledge of the External World 133.23/041 " " n u n II 133.24/041 " " II n n n 133.25/041 Principles of Social Reconstruction 159.35/048 Political Ideals 171.17/051 Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays .... 172.31/054 Roads to Freedom 177.25/057 " " " 177.26/057 Philosophy of Logical Atomism 178.09/059 - 277
S p a n i s c h Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy " " " " M " " " The P r a c t i c e and Theory of Bolshevism . . . The Analysis of Mind " " " " » " " « Introduction to Ludwig W i t t g e n s t e i n ' s T r a c t a t u s logico-philosophicus" The Prospects of I n d u s t r i a l C i v i l i z a t i o n l o g i c a l Atomism " " Philosophy in the Twentieth Century " ii i. n n The ABC o f Atomism " " " " On Education E s p e c i a l l y in Early Childhood The Analysis o f Matter " » " " An Outline of Philosophy " " " " " » » " " " " " 11 » " " S c e p t i c a l Essays (Excerpts) " " (Excerpts) " " (Excerpts) " " Marriage and Morals The Conquest o f Happiness " " " " The S c i e n t i f i c Outlook " " " Education and the S o c i a l Order Freedom and Organization 1814-1914 " " " " " R e l i g i o n and Science M » " In Praise o f Idleness " " " " Power: A New Social Analysis n " : " " » An Inquiry Into Meaning and Truth A History of Western Philosophy " " » " " " " " " " Human Knowledge: I t s Scope and Limits . . . " " . ii n ii .1 ... " " : " " " " ... Authority and the I n d i v i d u a l " " " " " " " " Unpopulars Essays New Hopes f o r a Changing World " " " " " •» -
BN/S. 191.31/063 191.32/063 191.33/063 207.23/068 213.22/072 213.23/072 213.24/072 237.13/075 263.14/083 265.08/085 265.09/085 278.14/087 278.15/087 294.34/093 294.35/093 308.42/099 315.13/104 315.14/104 316.23/106 316.24/106 316.25/106 316.26/106 316.27/106 331.37/111 331.38/111 331.39/111 331 .40/111 347.45/117 363.55/123 363.56/123 372.26/126 372.27/126 378.22/130 395.22/136 395.23/136 400.21/139 400.22/139 401.32/142 401 .33/142 436.35/152 436.36/152 455.14/156 504.46/169 504.47/169 504.48/169 536.22/178 536.23/178 536.24/178 554.26/183 554.27/183 554.28/183 567.30/186 582.25/191 582.26/191
S p a n i s c h BN/S. The Impact of Science on Society 584.23/194 « « " " " » 584.24/194 " » " " " « 584.25/194 « " " " " " 584.26/194 Satan in the Suburbs and Other Stories .. 599.17/198 n it n n n it n .. 599.18/198 Humafi Society in Ethics and Politics .... 609.17/204 Miscellany/Sammelband 615.00/205 Logic and Knowledge (On Denoting) 616.10/206 " it n (Logical Atomism) ... 616.11/206 " " " 616.12/206 Logic and Knowledge (The Philosophy of Logical Atomism) .. 616.13/206 Portraits from Memory 617.16/208 n " " 617.17/208 Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays 625.33/213 iiittiittttt tin ii 625.34/213 Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare 647.20/219 " » » " " (Excerpt) 647.21/219 My Philosophical Development 648.15/222 " " " (Excerpt) .. 648.16/222 " " " 648.17/222 Wisdom of the West 649.20/225 " ti n 1» 649.21/225 The Basic Writings of B.Russell 1903-1959 659.05/228 Has Man a Future? 661 .28/232 Miscellany/Sammelband 665.CO/233 War Crimes in Vietnam 678.20/240 11 " " " 678.21/240 The Autobiography of B.Russell 682.51/244-682.53/244 Miscellany/Sammelband 706.00/253 S p . / C a t a l a n i s c h Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays .... 172.32/054 A History of Western Philosophy 504.49/169 Unpopular Essays 567.31/186 The Impact of Science on Society 584.27/194 My Philosophical Development 648.18/222 11 " " 648.19/222 T s c h e c h i s c h On Denoting 056.11/019 Theory of Logical Types 101.09/028 On the Notion of Cause 172.33/054 Description / Mathematics and Logic 191.34/064 Logical Atomism 265.10/085 Freedom and Organization 1814-1914 395.24/137 Language / Scientific Concepts (Excerpts) 536.25/179 Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays (Excerpts) 625.35/214 Miscellany/Sammelband 680.00/240 T ü r k i s c h The Problems of Philosophy 118.55/036 " " " " 118.56/036 Mysticism and Logic 127.12/037 - 279 -
T ü r k i s c h P o l i t i c a l Ideals Mysticism and Logic anf Other Essays . . . . The P r a c t i c e and Theory of Bolshevism . . . On Education E s p e c i a l l y in Early Childhood Marriage and Morals " " " " » " The Conquest of Happiness " " " » n " » " The S c i e n t i f i c Outlook " " " Education and the S o c i a l Order Freedom and Organization (E.s Socialism) n n o (" : » ) R e l i g i o n and Science " " " " " " I n Praise of Idleness Power: A New Social Analysis A History o f Western Philosophy " " " " " Human Knowledge: I t s Scope and Limits . . . n " . n ii it it ... Satan in the Suburbs and Other S t o r i e s . . Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays it ti it it « ti n n it Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare Has Man a Future? " " " " " " » Miscellany/Sammelband War Crimes in Vietnam Miscellany/Sammelband U n g a r i s c h Why I Amt Not a Christian Freedom and Organization 1814-1914 My Philosophical Development The Autobiography o f B. Russell ( I )
BN/S. 171.18/051 172.34/054 207.24/068 308.43/099 347.46/117 347.47/117 347.48/117 363.57/123 363.58/123 363.59/123 372.28/126 372.29/126 378.23/130 395.25/137 395.26/137 400.23/140 400.24/140 400.25/140 401.34/142 436.37/152 504.50/170 504.51/170 536.26/179 536.27/179 599.19/199 625.36/214 625.37/214 647.22/219 661 .29/232 661 .30/232 661 .31/232 664.Q0/233 678.22/240 702.00/250 314.34/101 395.27/137 648.20/222 682.54/244
3. Sekundär-Literatur / Secondary Literature (SL) Die Nachweisungen des Schrifttums über Bertrand Russell, d. h. die Sekundär-Literatur, beschränkt sich auf eine charakteristische Auswahl von Büchern über Russell 's Werke und Wirkungen; sie dürfte zunächst als erster Zugang zum Werk und zur Persönlichkeit Russell's ausreichend sein. Durch eine solche Auswahl soll andererseits indirekt angedeutet werden, daß eine optimal vollständige Erfassung der Sekundär-Literatur, wegen ihres großen und schwer überschaubaren internationalen Umfanges, allzuoft Wunschgedanke bleiben muß. The recording of writings on Bertrand Russell, i. e. of secondary literature, has been limited to a representative selection of books about Russell's works and effects; it should suffice for a first approach to Russell ' s work and personality. By such a selection it is indicated, that the complete registration of secondary literature is likely to remain a disederatum because of its vast and hardly surveyable international volume. 1918 Jourdain, P. E. B. "The Philosophy of Mr. Bertrand Russell" ... SL 01 1928 Wood, Herbert G. "Bertrand Russell Is Not a Christian" London: Student Christian Movement SL 02 1931 Thalheimer, Ross. "A Critical Examination of the Epistemological and Psycho-physical Doctrines of Russell" Baltimore, Md.: John Hopkins Press SL 03 1941 Dewey, J. and Kallen, H. M. (eds.) "The Bertrand Russell Case" Essays by various writers on the revocation of B. Russell's appointment to a chair of philosophy in the College of the City of New York. New York: The Viking Press SL 04 1942 Hardy, G. H. "Bertrand Russell and Trinity" (Siehe SL 31) Cambridge, Engl.: Author SL 05 1944 Schilpp, Paul A. (ed.) "The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell" (A Collection of Critical Essays) Evanston, Chicago: Northwestern University 1951 la Salle, 111.: Open Court 1949 Darbon, André "La philosophie des mathématiques; étude sur la logistique de Russell" Paris: Presses Universitaires de France .... SL 07
1949 Leggett, Harry W. "Bertrand Russell, 0 . M . " London: Lincolns-Prager 1950 N e w York: Philosophical 1950 Toronto: MyLeod
1951 Dorward, A l a n "Bertrand Russell; a Short Guide to His Philosophy" London: Longmans 1952 Fritz, Charles A., Jr. "Bertrand Russell's Construction ternal World" London: Routledge & K e g a n Paul N e w York: Humanities
S I 08
SL 09 of the E x -
1952 Gotlijid, Erik "Bertrand Russell's Theories of Causation" Uppsalla: Almquist & Wiksell
SL 10
SL 11
1957 Edwards, Paul "How Bertrand Russell Was Prevented from Teaching at the College of the City .of New York." In Russell: " W h y l A m N o t a Christian", p . 207-259. London: Allen & Unwin SL 12 N e w York: Simon & Schuster D o n Mills (Ontario): Thomas Nelson 1957 Wood, Alan "Bertrand Russell, the Passionate Skeptic" London: Allen & Unwin 1958 N e w York: Simon & Schuster 1959 Deutsch: "Bertrand Russell, Skeptiker aus Leidenschaft" Thun: Otto Verlag 1958 Clark, Cecil H. D. "Christianity and Bertrand Russell" London: Butterworth
SL 13
SL 14
1958 Warnock, Geoffrey J. "Bertrand Russell" 'English Philosophy Since', Chap. 3 N e w York, London: Oxford University Press .. SL 15 1959 Wood, Alan "Russell's Philosophy: a Study of its Development" I n Russell 'My Philosophical Development', p. 255-276. London: Allen & Unwin SL 16 N e w York: Simon & Schuster Toronto: Nelson 1973 Deutsch: "Die Philosophie B. Russell's. Fragmente zu einer Studie über ihre Entwicklung." Siehe BN 648.08. -
1960 Purcell, Victor (Myra Buttle, pseud.) "Bitches' Brew; or, The Plot Against Bertrand Russell" New York: Watts 1962 Gottschalk, Herbert "Bertrand Russell" Berlin: Colloquium Verlag 1965 Englisch: "Bertrand Russell, a Life*1 London: Baker 1966 New York: Roy 1963 Aiken, Lillian W. "Bertrand Russell's Philosophy of Morals" New York: Humanities 1963 Park, Joe "Bertrand Russell on Education" Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press 1965 London: Allen & Unwin
SL 17 SL 18
SL 19 SL 20
1967 Devaux, Philippe "Bertrand Russell ou la paix dans la vèritè" Parie: Seghers SL 21 1967 Edwards, Paul; Alston, W. P. and Prior,A. N. "Russell, Bertrand Arthur William" In 'The Encyclopedia of Philosophy', vol. 7, p. 235-258 New York: Macmillan & Free Press SL 22 London: Collier-Hacmillan 1967 Feinberg, Barry (ed.) "The Archives of Bertrand Russell" London: Continuum. (Siehe BN 681.00) 1967 Pears, David F. "Bertrand Russell and the British Tradition in Philosophy" New York: Random House London: Collins 1972 2nd ed. 1967 Schoenman, Ralph (ed.) "Bertrand Russell, Philosopher of the Century" London: Allen & Unwin 1968 Boston: Little Brown 1968 Lewis, John "Bertrand Russell : Philosopher and Humanist" London: Lawrence & Wishart New York: International Publishers 1969 Clack, Robert J. "Bertrand Russell's Philosophy of Language." The Hague: Martinus Ni;joff 1969 Eames, Elizabeth R. "Bertrand Russell's Theory of Knowledge" London: Allen & Unwin
- 283 -
SL 23
SL 24
SL 25
SL 26
SL 27 SL 28
1969 Ready, W. "Necessary Russell" Toronto 1970 Crawshay-Williams, Rupert "Russell Remembered" Oxford University Press 1970 Hardy, G. H. "Bertrand Russell and Trinity" Cambridge University Press A College Controversy of the Last War, i. e. 1914-1 918, byG.H.Hardy, Cambridge (1942, siehe SL 05). The story of the controversy about pacifism between B. Russell and the Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge, as a result of which he was ejected from his Lectureship. 1970 Klemke, E. D. (ed.) "Essays on Bertrand Russell" Urbana, 111.: University of Illinois Press . 1970 Watling, John "Bertrand Russell" Oliver & Boyd 1971 Ayer, A. J. "Russell and Moore: The Analytical Heritage" London: Macmillan Cambridge: Harvard University Press 1972 Ayer, A. J. "Russell" (Fontana Modern Masters) London: Fontana (Collins) 1972 Jager, Ronald "The Development of Bertrand Russell's Philosophy" London: Allen & Unwin 1972 Pears, D. F. (ed.) "Bertrand Russell: A Collection of Critical Essays." (With a Bibliography by Harry Ruja) New York, Toronto: Doubleday and Co. . 1974 Nakhnikian, George (ed.) "Bertrand Russell's Philosophy"
SL 29 SI 30
SL 31
SL 32 SL 33 SL 34
SL 35
SL 36
SL 37
SL 38 1975 Carr, Brian "Bertrand Russell. An Introduction" London: Allen & Unwin (siehe BN 709.00) .... SL 39 1975 Clark, Ronald W. "The Life of Bertrand Russell" London: Jonathan Cape and Weidenfeld und Nicoisen. 750 S SL 40 1975 Thomas, J. E. and Blackwell, Kenneth (eds.) "Russell in Review, The McMaster Russell Centenary Celebrations, 1972." Toronto: SL 41 - 284 -
4» Alphabetisches Werkverzeichnis / Index of Works
Normalsohrift s Titel eines kleineren Werkes, b) Inhalts-Titel zum Titel eines Hauptwerkes, wenn vor der Bibliographie-Nummer (BN) ein "in" steht. Großbuchstaben: Titel eines Hauptwerkes. Normalschrift eingeklammert: Kein Russell-Titel, sondern Titel eines rezensierten Werkes oder eines Werkes mit einer Einleitung oder einem Torwort von Russell. Standart letters: a) Title of a smaller work. b) Title of the contents to a main work, incase "in" before bibliographical number (BN). Big letters: Title of a main work. Standart letters in brackets: No Russell title, but title of a reviewed work or of a work with a introduction or with a preface by Russell.
ABC OF ATOMS:, THE ABC OF RELATIVITY, THE Abolition of "Force", The XIII Absolute and Relative Motion VII:LVIII Abstractness of Physics, The I:XIV Act or Perish A Gall to Non Violent Action Adaption: An Autobiographical Epitome " : " " " 1:3 Addition and Multiplication IIjXII Addition, Multiplication and Exponentiation III:B Addition of Terms and Addition of Classes II:XV Additions of Relations and the Produot of Two Relations ... IV:B Affection II:XII Affection and Sympathy II:XI Aims of Education, The I:II " " " , " » » " , " X:46 Alliances V Alphabetical List of Propositions Refered to by Names Preface AMBERLEY PAPERS , THE American and British Nationalism American Democracy I
- 285
BN / S. 264/083 294/091 in 294/091 in 037/014 in 315/101 654/226 in 617/207 in 659/228 in 037/014 in 101/026 in 037/014 in in in in in in in
101/026 363/119 308/096 308/095 317/107 659/228 415/145
in 101/025 426/148 498/161 in 593/195
BN / S. American Intelligentsia, The 277/087 Americans Are ... "The Impact of America Upon European Culture" 547/179 Am I an Atheist or an Agnostic? 553/180 Analogy VI:VIII in 536/175 Analysis XXIV in 455/155 315/101 ANALYSIS OF MATTER, THE 213/069 ANALYSIS OF MIND, THE Analysis of Problems Concerning Propositions, An XII in 455/155 Anatomy of Desire, The 190/060 Anaxagoras I:VIII in 504/162 Ancestry of Fascism The V in 401/140 11 n n n in 464/157 " in 638/216 Ancient Philosophy Hook One in 504/162 Ancient Philosophy Book Ones Part III in 504/163 after Aristotle ..... in 701/249 Anecdotes: Family, Friends and Others ..., Anecdotes: Reading History As It Is Never Written in 701/249 Answer to Questions 534/174 Anti-Suffragist Anxieties 093/023 674/236 Appeal to the America Conscience it it it it n In 678/238 ........... iii 141/042 Appeal to the Intellectuals of Europe, An it it n it n it it 158/045 Appearance and Reality I in 118/032 Approach to an International Authority .. IX in 647/218 Approach to Capitalism, The .... III:B:XXVII in 395/134 003/003 A Priori in Geometry, The Architecture and Social Questions Ill in 401/140 Arbiters of Europe, The IVsXXXII in 395/134 681/241 Archives of Bertrand Russell, The 575/187 Are Human Beings Necessary? 334/112 Are Insects Intelligent? 351/117 Are Parents Bad for Children? Are the World's Troubles Due to Decay of Faith? 605/199 Argument for the Remedying of Injustice, The . in 314/100 Argument from Design, The in 314/099 Aristocracy, An in 202/065 Aristocracy, The II:A:V in 395/133 Aristocratic Rebels: Byron and the Modern World .. 427/148 Aristocrats, Democrats, and Bureaucrats ... VI in 378/128 504/163 Aristotle's Ethics Book One:II:XX in 504/163 " Logic Book One:II:XXII in 659/228 " " VII: 33 in 504/163 " Metaphysics .... Book One:II:XIX in 504/163 " Physics Book One:II:XXIII in 504/163 " Politics Book One:II:XXI in 101/026 Arithmetic of Relation Numbers IV:D in 207/066 Art and Education by Miss D. W. Black .. I:IV in 372/125 Artificially Created Societies .... Ill : XII in 475/158 Art of Drawing Inferences, The 685/245 " " " " , " in -
Art of Philosophizing and Other Essays, The ... Art of Rational Conjecture, The " " " » , " in Art nof Reckoning, The " " , " in As Internationalists in Asymmatrioal Relations IVsXXVI in Atheism. Collected Essays, 1943-1949 Athens in Athens in Relation to Culture . Book OnesIsVII in Atom Bomb, The 2 in Atom Bomb and the Problems of Europe, The Atomic and Molecular Propositions Ill in Atomic Bomb and the Prevention of War Atomic Energy and the Problems of Europe Atomists, The Book One: I:IX in AUTHORITY AND THE INDIVIDUAL Authority in Ethics I:X in Autobiographical Remarks AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BERTRAND RUSSELL, THE Auto-Obituary - The Last Survivor of a Dead Epoch n " in " " in Axiom of Infinity, The " " " , " 11 in Axiom of Infinity and Logical Types, The . 1 3 in Axioms of Metrical Geometry, The III:B in Axioms of Projective Geometry, The ... Ill:A in Axioms Propres A Euclide Sont-Ils Empiriques?, Les Background to the American Involvement (Vietnam) Introduction in Bacon, Francis Book Three:I:VII in Bakunin and Anarchism I:II in Balfour on Methodological Doubt, Lord Balfour's Natural Theology, Mr Basic Propositions X in BASIC WRITINGS OF BERTRAND RUSSELL, THE Basis of Realism, The (Beacon Hill by Dora Russell) Before Socrates in Beginnings of Scientific Technique ... II:VI in Behaviourism and Values VII in Behaviourism: Its Effect on Ordinary Mortals Should It Become a Graze Belief XII in Belief in General Laws, The II:XXII in Beliefs: Discarded and Retained in Benefit of Clergy in " " " II in Bentham IIsBsIX in Benthamite Doctrine, The II:B:XI in (Bergson's Doctrine of Intuition) Berkeley Book Three:I:XVI in Best Answer to Fanaticism - Liberalism, The ... Biological Evolution I:IV in Biology and Religion - 287 -
BN / S. 685/245 4-74/158 685/245 476/158 685/245 202/065 037/014 700/248 649/223 504/162 661/230 538/179 178/057 507/170 537/179 504/162 554/180 609/201 564/183 682/241 406/143 567/184 701/250 042/016 705/252 191/060 010/005 010/005 011/006 678/236 504/163 177/055 240/078 126/037 455/155 659/228 103/029 394/133 649/223 372/124 331/109 306/095 213/069 315/101 617/207 599/197 701/249 395/133 395/133 229/074 504/163 576/187 536/175 254/080
Biology of Organizations, The XI Bismarck and German Unity IV.-XXIX Blueprint for an Enduring Peace Bohr's Theory of the Hydrogen Appendix Bold Experiment in Education Bolshevik Criticism of Democracy .... II:III Bolshevik Theory " " II Bolshevism and the International Situation . Bolshevism and the West Bolshevism: Practice and Theory Bolshevist Theory II Books that Influenced Me in Youth ... Part I Booth's Proposals for Fiscal Reform, Mr. Charles Boredom and Excitement I:IV Boredom or Doom in a Scientific World Boston Lady, The V Bowdler's Nightmare, Mr " " ," Ill Bring Us Peace - On Nationalism Britain's Shrunken Economy Makes Her Dependent on U. S British Empiricism British Folly in China British Foreign Policy British labor and Chinese Brigands British Labor Lesson British Policy in China Broadcast on National Liberation Front Radio American Soldiers Byron and the Modern World Byronic Unhappiness I:II
BN / S. in 436/149 in 395/134 458/156 in 264/083 320/107 in 207/066 204/065 in 207/066 in 202/065 285/089 207/066 in 203/065 in 660/228 039/016 in 363/119 527/174 in 701/250 in 608/200 in 701/249 220/073 in 483/159 in 649/223 309/099 405/143 279/088 281/088 290/090 to 678/237 447/154 in 363/119
Calculus of Probability, The V:II in 536/175 Came the Revolution 557/183 Can Americans and Britains Be Friends? 492/161 Can a Scientific Society be Stable? .... VII in 584/191 Can Men Be Rational? 262/081 " " " " IV in 331/109 " " " " in 464/157 " " " " in 638/216 " " " " in 700/249 Can Power Be Humanized? 441/153 Can Religion Cure Our Troubles? 602/199 " " " " " in 625/210 11 " " n n ...... XV: 64 in 659/228 Cantor's First Definition of Continuity*. XXXV in 037/014 Can War Be Abolished? IV:X in 660/229 Can We Afford To Keep Open Minds? 558/183 Capitalism and the Wage System II in 171/050 Capitalism or What? 301/094 Cardinal Arithmetic .....Summary of Part II in 101/025 Cardinal Arithmetic .... Summary of Part III in 101/025 " " IV: 17 in 659/228 Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" 472/158 -
BN / S. Carr's Defence of Bergson, Mr. Wildon 110/030 Case for British Neutralism, The IV:IX in 660/229 Case for Neutralism, The 652/225 Case for Socialism, The VII in 401/140 Case for United States Neutrality, The If War Comes, Shall We Participate or Be Neutral? 439/153 Case of Ernest F. Everett, The 146/043 Case of Margaret Sanger, The 241/079 Catalogue, The III:V:5 in 660/229 Catholic Philosophy Book Two in 504/163 Causality VII:LV in 037/014 Causality and Interval III:XXXV in 315/102 Causal Laws IV:IX in 536/175 Causal Laws in Physics II:XI in 316/104 Causal Lines III:XXX in 315/102 " " VI:V in 356/175 Causal Theory of Perception, The II:XX in 315/101 Causes of Happiness Part II in 363/119 Causes of nPresent 11Chaos 1:1 in 263/081 " " in 317/107 Causes of Unhappiness Part I in 363/119 Characteristics of Mental Phenomena XV in 213/069 Characteristics of Scientific Method .. IsII in 372/124 Character of Christ, The in 314/100 Cheerful and Otherwise XVII in 331/109 Children's Stories V in 701/250 China and Chinese Influence 243/079 China and History 574/187 China and the Western Power Ill in 238/076 China Before the 19th Century II in 238/076 China's Philosophy of Happiness 348/117 Chinese and Western Civilization Contrasted ... 216/072 " n it n it XI in 238/076 it n i. n it i n 317/107 « » » » " XIV:59 in 659/228 Chinese Character, The XII in 238/076 " " , " in 317/107 Chinese Civilization and the West 216/072 Christian Ethics V in 347/114 " " 621/209 Christianity during the First Pour Centuries .. Book Two:I:II in 504/163 (Chu Hsi and His Masters) 255/080 Citizenship in a Great State 484/160 Civile Disobedience 657/228 " " 667/233 Classes I:VI in 037/014 " 17 in 191/060 Classes and Relations I:C in 101/025 Class-Feeling in Education XI in 378/128 Classification of Relations, The 016/007 Clocks and Foot Fules IV in 294/091 Cohen, Morris R 330/108 Cohesion and Rivalry II:V in 609/201 COLLECTED STORIES OF BERTRAND RUSSELL, THE .... 701/249 - 289 -
BN / S. Collective Security IV in 415/145 (Columbia University Essays, Philosophical, and Psychological in Honor of William James) ... 090/023 (Commentary to Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason", A) 174/055 Comments on J. Z. Young's "Doubt and Certainty in Science" 562/183 COMMON SENSE AND NUCLEAR WARFARE 647/217 Common-sense Inference 111:111 in 536/175 (Common Sense of the Exact Sciences, The) 513/171 Communism and the Soviet Constitution in 202/065 " " " " " .. Ill in 203/065 " " " " " .. IsV in 207/066 Communlsmo y Capitalismo 666/233 Compact Series, Rational Series, and Continuous Series V:? in 101/026 Competition I:III in 263/119 " XIV in 436/149 Competition and Monopoly in America .. III:B in 395/134 Competition in Education XII in 378/128 Competitive Capitalism III:B:XXVI in 395/134 Conception of Substance, The IV in 019/007 (Concept of Mind, The) 636/215 Conclusion IIIsXIX in 308/096 " XXI in 347/114 " X in 400/138 Conditions for Permanent Peace X in 415/145 Conditions for the Success of Communism II sVII in 207/066 Conflict of Passions, The II in 609/201 Conflict of Technique and Htunan Nature, The IV in 554/180 Conflicts of Manners of life II :X in 582/188 Confused and Unconscious Perception ... XIII in 019/007 Congress of Scientific Philosophy, The 411/144 Congress of Vienna 1:11 in 395/133 Conquest? IIsVIII in 609/201 CONQUEST OF HAPPINESS, THE 363/119 Consciousness? III:XX in 316/104 Consciousness and Experience 12 in 648/220 Construction of Points, The III:XXVIII in 315/102 Constructiveness II:VI in 308/095 Contemplation 388/131 Contemporary in 649/223 Contingent Propositions and the Law of Sufficient Reason .... Ill in 019/007 Continuity of Space, The VI:L in 037/014 Contradiction, The I:X in 037/014 Control and Initiative: Their Respective Spheres V in 554/180 Conventions and Natural Laws XII in 294/091 Conversations With Bertrand Russell 501/162 Cooperate with Soviet Russia 488/160 Copernican Revolution, The II in 400/138 Correlation of Series, The V:XXXII in 037/014 Corsican Adventures/Ordeal of Miss X, The 585/194 t. n n •• nf n i n 599^97 " " " " " II in 701/249 - 290 -
Cosmic Purpose VIII in Country Life II:A:VI in Cranks Ill:I in Creeds and Ideologies IltXIII in Critical Account of Some Previous Philosophical Theories of Geometry ... II in CRITICAL EXPOSITION OP THE PHILOSOPHY OF LEIBNIZ, A Critical notice of E. Cassierer's "Leibniz's System in aeinen wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen" ... Critical notice of L. Coutourat's "La Logique de Leibniz d'après des documents inédits" Cuban Crisis, The II in Cult of "Common Usage", The " " " " , " " " " " , " 111:12 in Current Perplexities 1:1 in » " XVII :74 in Currents of Thought in the Nineteenth Century .... Book Three:II:XXI in " VII:35 in Current Tendencies I in " " in Cyclic Families VI:D in Cynics and Sceptics Book One:III:XXVI in Daily Life in Moscow I:VII Danger in South-East Asia 4 Danger of Creed Wars, The XVI Dangerous Idolatry V Danger to Civilization " " " Data, Inferences, Hypotheses, and Theories XIX:II Day Schools and Boarding Schools .. III:XVIIDean Acheson's Nightmare " " " Ill DEAR BERTRAND RUSSELL (Correspondence) Deciding Forces in Politics II: II " " " " Dedekind's Theory of Number IV:XXX Defect in Christ's Teaching Definition and Logical Properties of Cardinal Numbers Ill:A Definition of a Dynamical World .... VII:LVI Definition of Cardinal Numbers II:XI Definition od "evidence" Definition of Number 2 " " " Definition of Order, The 4 Definition of Perception, The VII Definition of Pure Mathematics 1:1 Definition of "Truth", The 15 - 291
BN / S. 400/138 395/133 701/229 582/188 010/005 019/007 033/010 033/010 668/233 597/196 617/207 659/228 582/188 659/228 504/163 659/228 133/039 317/107 101/026 504/163
in in in in
207/066 678/237 331/109 593/195 144/042 in 158/045
in in in in in in in in
315/101 308/096 608/200 701/249 690/246 207/066 317/107 037/014 314/100
in 101/025 in 037/014 in 037/014 060/019 in 191/060 in 317/107 in 191/060 in 213/069 in 037/013 in 648/220
BN / S. Definitions and Methodological Principles in Theory of Knowledge 129/038 Definitions of "cause", "contenu", "convergence". 035/010 Definitions of Various Spaces VIJXLIX in 037/014 Degrees of Credibility VsVI in 536/175 (De l'infini mathematique) 008/005 Democracy I in 593/195 Democracy and Direct Action 182/059 Democracy and Economics 444/153 Democracy and Efficiency 184/059 Democracy and Imperialism 276/087 Democracy and liberty IV in 593/195 Democracy and Nationalism Ill in 593/195 Democracy and Plutocracy in America .... Ill in 395/133 Democracy and Revolution 200/065 Democracy and Scientific Technique .IV in 584/191 Democracy and the West VI in 593/195 Democracy and War II in 593/195 Democracy in America Ill:A in 395/133 Democracy in England II:B:XIII in 395/133 Democratic Freedom II in 593/195 Demonology and Medicine IV in 400/138 Denoting I:V in 037/013 Descartes Book Threes I:IX in 504/163 Descartes' "Discourse on Method" 470/158 Description 16 in 191/060 Descriptions and Incomplete Symbols VI in 178/057 Descriptive Geometry VI:XLVI in 037/014 Desire and Peeling Ill in 213/069 Detailed catalogue of The Archives of Bertrand Russell, A 681/241 Determinism VI in 400/138 Determinism and Morals 083/022 Determinism and Physics 402/142 Development of Morals, The 079/021 (Development of the logical Method in Ancient China, The) 252/079 Dewey, John Book Three:II:XXX in 504/164 " , " IV:25 in 659/228 Dewey's New Logic 443/153 " " " IV:24 in 659/228 Dialectical Materialism II:C:XVIII in 395/133 " •* XII: 54 in 659/228 (Dialogues of A.N. Whitehead) 603/199 Dictionary of Mind, Matter and Morals 591/195 Difference of Sense and Difference of Sign IV:XXVII in 037/014 Difficulties of Bishops, The 225/074 Dimensions and Complex Numbers VI:XLIV in 037/014 Diminution of liberty V in 593/195 Disarmament VI in 647/218 " 9 in 661/230 Disenchantment 338/113 Disgust and Its Antidote I:IV in 660/228 Distance IV:XXXI in 037/014 Distribution of Power, The II:XI in 263/081 - 292
Divertissements Ill in Divorce XVI in Divorce as I See It " by Mutual Consent Divorce of Science and Culture, The Doctrine of Types, The Appendix:B in Does Ethics Influence life? Dogmas of Naturalism, The Dogmatic and Scientific Ethics Do I Preach Adultery? Do Men Want Children? Dominion of the Father, The Ill in Do Science and Religion Conflict? (Doubt and Certainty in Science) Do We Survive Death? " " " " (6) in Dreams 111:7 in " 7 in Dreams and Facts " " " II in
BN / S. 660/229 347/114 358/118 358/118 630/215 037/015 266/085 289/090 269/086 451/154 353/117 347/113 606/199 562/183 414/144 625/210 660/229 701/249 195/064 331/109
Early Christianity in 649/223 Early Greek Mathematics and Astronomy Book 0ne:II:XXI7 in 504/163 Early Trade Unionism II:C:X7I in 395/133 Eastern and Western Ideals of Happiness .. 7III in 331/109 " • " " " " XIV:60 in 659/228 Ecclesiastical Reform in the Eleventh Century .. Book Two:II:IX in 504/163 Eclipse of the Papacy, The .... Book Two:II:X7 in 504/163 Economic Co-operation and Competition . II:XI7 in 582/188 Economic Development of the German Empire, The I7:XXX in 395/134 Economic Freedom II in 592/195 Economic Organization and Mental Freedom XIII in 263/081 Economic Power 7III in 436/149 Economic Unity and Political Division 183/059 Education IIsXII in 263/081 Education After the War 482/159 Education and Civilization 385/131 Education and Discipline XII in 401/140 Education and Economics XI7 in 378/128 Education and Heredity Ill in 378/127 Education and the Good Life Part I in 308/095 Education and the Modern World 378/127 EDUCATION AND THE SOCIAL ORDER 378/127 Education as a Political Institution 150/043 " n n n .. v i n 159/045 " 1» « n n i n 317/107 B " " " " .. X:45 in 659/228 Education for a Difficult World IIsIX in 660/229 Education for Democracy 440/153 Education for Freedom Ill in 592/195 Education in America 481/159 Education in a Scientific Society ... III:X7 in 372/125 Education in History, An 1:7 in 660/228 - 293 -
Education in International Understanding Education of Character Part II in Education under Vommunism XIII in Education Without Sex-Taboos Effective Intolleranoe: Noting More Encouraging Than the Eminence of Mr. Bernhard Shaw Effect of Science on Social Institutions, The . Effects of Scientific Technique II in " " " " , General II in Effort and Resignation II:XVI in Egocentric Particulares VII in " " II:IV in Einstein and the Theory of Relativity (Einstein on Peace) Einstein's Law of Gravitation VIII in Eisenhower's Nightmare in " " Ill in Electrons and Nuclei Ill in Electrons and Protons I till in Elements of Ethics, The I in Eminent Men I Have Known XI in Emotional Factor, The in Emotion and Discipline IV in " n n X:47 in (Emotion as the Basis of Civilization) Emotion, Desire, and Will Ill:XXI in Emotions and Will XIV in Empedocles Book 0ne:I:VI in (Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences) . Englands Duty to India Enlightement and Romanticism in Entente Policy of 1904-1915 8 in Envy I :VI in Epicureans Book One:III:XXVII in Epilogue in Epistemological Premisses IX in " " V:28 in Erasmus and More Book Threes I :IV in (Essai philosophique sur les geometries non-Euclidiennes) (Essai sur le classification des sciences) .... (Essai critique sur l'hypothese des atoms dans la Science contemporaine) ESSAY ON THE FOUNDATIONS OF GEOMETRY, AN ESSAYS IN ANALYSIS (Essays in Common-Sense Philosophy) (Essays in Experimental Logic) (Essays in Radical Empiricism) Essays in Scepticism (Essays Philosophical and Psychological in Honor of William James; Essence of Law, The Essence of Religion, The " " " , " XV:61 in Ethical Approach, An Ethical Controversy I:VIII in - 294 -
BH / S. 493/161 308/095 378/128 313/099 318/107 274/087 583/191 584/191 363/119 455/155 536/175 539/179 653/225 294/091 608/200 701/249 264/083 315/101 100/024 567/184 314/100 378/127 659/228 336/112 316/104 213/069 504/162 123/037 397/137 649/223 158/045 363/119 504/163 649/223 455/155 659/228 504/163 045/017 013/007 006/003 010/005 705/252 188/060 180/059 115/032 331/109 089/022 380/131 113/031 659/228 036/012 609/201
BN / S. Ethical Sanctions IsXIII Ethics " Ill:XXII " Part I Ethics of Power, The XVII Ethics of War, The " " " , " 2 Ethos of Violence, The (Etude sur l'espace et le temps) Eugenics XVIII Events, Matter, and Mind IV:XXVI Evil of the Revolutionary Theory Evils of Power II Evolution of Bolshevism, The Examples of Scientific Method 1:1 Exceptional M a n Excess of Government IV Excursion into Idealism 4 Excursus into Metaphysics: What There Is . VIII Existence of God, The " " " , " Existence of Matter, The II Existential Import of Propositions, The " " " " , " 111:4 Existentialist's Nightmare " " Ill Expanding Mental Universe, The " " " , " IX: 44 Experiences of a Pacifist i n the First World War Ill Extensionality and Atomicity XIX External Reference of Ideas and Bliefs IltVII External World, The 9 Extrinsic Causal laws IIIsXXXI PACT AND FICTION Fact, Belief, Truth, and Knowledge ... II:XI Facts and Propositions I Factual Premisses XI Failure of Russian Industry, The VI F a i t h and Mountains " " " I F a i t h of a Rationalist, The: No Supernatural Reasons Needed to Make M e n Kind False and True Family, The IIsXIII Family and the State, The XV Family at the Present Day, The XIII Family in Individual Psychology, The ... XIV Far Eastern Imperialism Fate of Thomas Paine, The (11) Fathers, The Book Two:I Fatigue I:V Fear II: IV " Ill:XVII
- 295 -
in 609/201 094/023 i n 316/104 in 609/201 in 436/149 135/041 in 158/045 670/234 005/003 in 347/114 i n 316/104 in 202/065 in 593/195 in 202/065 in 372/124 545/179 in 593/195 in 648/220 in 178/057 in 314/099 535/174 in 118/032 054/017 in 705/252 in 608/200 in 701/249 643/217 in 659/228 in in in in in
617/207 455/155 536/175 648/220 315/102
in in in in in in
660/228 536/175 178/057 455/155 207/066 608/200 701/249
in in in in in in in in in
517/172 675/236 363/119 347/114 347/114 347/114 409/144 625/210 504/163 363/119 308/095 582/188
Pear of Public Opinion IsII in Fearst Tear, The II:III in Pear the Foundation of Religion in Pifth and Sicth Centuries, The .. Book TwosIsV in Finite and Infinite 11:1111 in " " " IIIsC in Finite and Infinite Series and Ordinals ... V:E in Finite-Frequency Interpretation, The . VsIII in Pinitude and Mathematical Induction 3 in First Cause Argument in First Efforts 3 in First Steps Towards Secure Peace 8 in Fisherman's Nightmare, The Ill:IV in " » , " Ill in Food Parcels Still Needed For and Against Being 90 For Conscience Sake Porethought and Skill lis III in Foreword to James Feitleman's "An Introduction to Pierce's Philosophy" ... (Formal Logic) Forms of Power, The Ill in Fortitude Ill:XVIII in (Foundations of Geometry and Induction) (Foundations of Mathematics) (Foundations of Mathematics and other Logical Essays) Four Power Alliance: Step to Peace (Fourth Dimension, The) Franciscan Schoolmen Book TwosIIsXIV in Freedom and Government FREEDOM AND ORGANIZATION 1814-1914 Freedom and/in Society " " " XIII in Freedom and the Colleges " " " " (15) in Freedom in a Timme of Stress Freedom in Education: A Protest Against Mechanism Freedom of Speech in England Freedom of the Group I in Freedom or Authority in Education Freedom versus Authority in Education .. XIV in Freedom versus Organization 1812-1914 Freedom versus Organization 1776-1914 FREE MAN'S WORSHIP, A/The n n " II in " Ill in " in " (8) in " 11:6 in What Can A in Free Speech in Childhood " " " " Freethought, Ancient and Modern
BN / S. 363/119 308/095 314/100 504/163 037/014 101/026 101/026 536/175 191/060 314/099 648/220 661/230 660/229 701/249 500/162 662/232 160/048 609/201 508/170 109/030 436/149 582/188 362/119 091/023 370/124 494/161 047/017 504/163 453/155 395/133 299/094 331 /-109 450/154 625/210 467/157 245/079 152/044 592/195 280/088 331/109 395/133 395/135 036/011 100/024 172/051 317/107 625/210 659/228 700/248 365/123 367/123 063/019
Free Thought and Official Propaganda » » " » " ... XII " " ii ii ii " " " " " Free Trade IIsBsXIV Free World Barbarism 3 (Freud and Marx) From Common Sense to Physics II:XVI From Ethics to Politics IIsi From logic to Politics IV From Primitive Perception to Common Sense II:XV From Rousseau to the Present Day Book Three :II From the Reanaissance to Hume ... Book Three:I Functions of a Teacher, The " i»nn vill f n " n n ii X:48 Future of Anglo-German Rivalry, The n 11 " " " 5 Future of Democracy, The Future of Freedom, The IV Future of Mankind, The Ill Future of Pacifism Future od Science, The General Beliefs XVIII General Characteristics I:II General Characteristics Book Three:I:I General Ideas and Thought XI Generalization of Number VI:A General Knowledge II:X (General Notation for the Relation of Numbers, General Principles Ill:XIV General Propositions and Existence V General Theory of Relativity, The .... I:VI General Theory of Series V:A Genesis of Series, The IV:XXIV Genesis of Space-Time, The III:XXXVI Geodesies I:VIII Geographical Problem, The Ill (Geometrie dans le Monde Sensible, La) Geometry, Non-Euclidean German Peace Offer, The GERMAN SOCIAL DEMOCRACY German Social Democracy as a Lesson in Political Tactics (Gesetze und Elemente des Wissenschaftlichen Denkens, Die) "G" is for Gobbledygook V God III:V:2 God Is Not a Mathematician Gold War, The: A New Phase? 5 Good and Bad I:IV Good Citizen's Alphabet " " " " " " V
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in in
in in in in in in
BN / S. 236/074 331/109 464/157 638/216 395/133 678/237 424/147 315/101 609/201 617/207
in 315/101 in 504/163 in 504/163 452/154 in 567/184 in 659/228 139/042 in 158/045 420/147 in 592/195 in 567/184 487/160 263/088 in in in in in in A) in in in in in in in in
455/155 207/066 504-/163 213/069 101/026 536/175 181/059 308/096 178/057 315/101 101/026 037/014 315/102 315/101 593/195 268/086 028/010 173/054 007/003 002/003
001/003 in 701/250 in 660/229 463/157 in 678/237 in 609/201 598/196 in 693/246 in 701/250
Government and Law IIsV in Government and Liberty III in Government By Propaganda Great Mystery, The: Do Men Survive Death Grounds of Conflict I in (Grundsätze und das Wesen des Unendlichen in der Mathematik und Philosophie, Die) .... Guardians of Parnassus, The in " " " , " II in Guide For Living in the Atomic Age, A
BN / S. 177/055 592/195 282/088 618/208 400/138 034/010 599/197 701/249 544/179
Haldane on Infinity, Mr 085/022 (Hanoi sous les bombes) 676/236 Happiness 433/149 Happiness of China, The 208/069 Happy Man, The XVII in 363/119 " " , " IIIsXX in 582/188 Happy World, The III:XXI in 582/188 Harm That Good Men Do?, The 305/195 " " " " " , " IX in 331/109 HAS MAN A FUTURE? 661/230 Has Religion Made Useful Contribution to Civilization? 357/118 " (4) in 625/210 H-Bomb, The 3 in 661/230 Heads or Tails 352/117 Hegel Book Three: II:XXII in 504/163 (Hegel's Doctrine of Formal Logic) 111/031 Hegel'a Philosophy of History 462/157 Hellenism in 649/223 Hellenistic World, The .... Book One:III:XXV in 504/163 Henry the Navigator III:V:3 in 660/229 Heraclitus Book 0ne:I:IV in 504/162 Herd in Education, The VII in 378/128 Hertz's Dynamics VIIsLIX in 037/014 High Cost of Survival, The 548/180 Highter Education in China 211/069 " » " " XIII in 238/076 Historical Part I in 177/055 (Historical Materialism) 303/094 History as an Art 607/199 " •' " " in 617/207 " " " » XIII: 58 in 659/228 History of German Socialism from the Death of Lassalle to the Passing of the Exceptional Law, 1878 .. Ill in 007/003 (History of Materialism, The) 286/089 History of the World in Epitome 663/232 " " » " » " in 693/246 " " " " " " V in 701/250 HISTORY OF WESTERN PHILOSOPHY, A 504/162 Hobbe's Leviathan Book Three:I:VHI in 504/163 Holy Alliance, The I:III in 395/133 Homogeneous America 349/117 Hopes and Fears as Regards America 215/072 -
BN / S. Hopes: Realized and Disappointed VI in How "a priori" Knowledge Is Possible ... VIII in How Can Internationalism Be Brought About? .... How I Came by My Creed How it Began I in How I Write in " » " 11:5 in How Near is War? How Science Has Changed Society How the Churches Have Retarded Prograss .... in How to Achieve World Government How to Avoid the Atomic War (How to Be a Celebrity) How to Become a Logician: The Art of Drawing Inferences " in How to Become a Mathematician: The Art of Reckoning " in How to Become a Philosophers: The Art of Rational Conjecture " in How to be Free and Happy How to Grow Old in How to Read and Understand History: The Past as the Key to the Future " in How Washington Could Help China How Will Science Change Morals? HUMAN KNOWLEDGE: ITS SCOPE AND LIMITS Human life is in Danger IV:XI in HUMAN SOCIETY IN ETHICS AND POLITICS Hume Book Three:I:XVII in Hydrogen Spectrum, The IV in
617/207 118/032 219/073 341/113 593/195 617/207 659/228 588/194 377/127 314/100 521/173 4-99/161 564/183
ICARUS OR THE FUTURE OF SCIENCE Idealism IV in Idealism for Children Idealism on the Defensive Idea of Progress, The Ideas and Beliefs of the Victorians Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind n " " » " X in 11 " " " " in Ideas That Have Helped Mankind n " " " " IX in » " " " " in Ideas Which Have Become Obsolete ... III:XVI in idèe de l'ordre et la position absolue dans l 1 espace et dans le temps, L' Identity. of Indiscernibles and the Law of Continuity, Possibility and Compossibility .... V in "If" and "Imply" If Brinkmanship Continues I in If I Had Only One Sermon to Preach If Nuclear War Comes II in
283/088 118/032 344/113 170/050 594/196 520/173 510/170 567/184 700/249 509/170 567/184 700/249 582/188
- 299 -
475/158 685/245 476/1 58 685/245 474/158 685/245 284/088 617/207 485/160 624/210 214/072 322/107 536/175 660/229 609/200 504/163 264/083
021/009 019/007 086/022 647/218 333/112 647/218
If We Are to Prevent the Next War If We Are to Survive This Dark Time n n n n n it n n XVII: 72 in Images III:XVII in Imagination and Memory Ill:XVIII in (imagination et les mathématiques selon Descartes, I') (Immediate Experience and Mediation) Imminent Danger of War, The I in Impact of Science on Society, The IMPACT OP SCIENCE ON SOCIETY, THE Impact of Wittgenstein, The 10 in Imperialism IV:XXXI in Impersonal Interests XV in Implication and Formal Umplications .. I:III in (Implication and Linear Inference) Importance of Other Children II:X in Importance of Shelley, The 1:1 in Importance of Structure in Scientific Inference II:XXIV in importance philosophique de la logistique, L 1 . Impressions of Bolshevik Russia Impulse to Power, The I Incompatibility and the Theory of Deduction 14 Incomplete Symbols Introduction:III Inconsistency? Appendix:II Indefinables of Mathematics, The .... Part I (Indian Philosophy) Indian Situation ... VI Individual and Social Ethics IX: 42 Individual and Social Knowledge 1:1 Individual and the Whole, The IIIsXIII Individual Freedom I Individual liberty and Public Control it it it it it _ jy Individual Pacifism !!*XII Individual Versus the Citizen, The I .. individu et l'état moderne, L 1 Inductive Relations II :E in Industrialism II:A:VII in in Industrialism and Private Property ... I:III in Industrialism in China XIV Industry in Undeveloped Countries Inference as a Habit I:VII Infinite Cardinal Numbers 8 Infinite Series and Ordinals 9 Infinitesimal and the Improper Infinite . V:XL Infinitesimal Calculus, The V:XXXIX Infinite Wholes IIjXVII Infinity and Continuity Part V Infinity, The Infinitesimal, and Continuity Ill:XXIII in Influence and Thought of G-.E. Moore, The ...... Influence of Past History on Present Occurences in Living Irganisms IV in - 300
BN / S. 275/087 559/183 659/228 316/104 316/104 023/009 192/064 415/1 45 583/191 584/191 648/220 395/134 363/119 037/013 198/064 308/096 660/228 315/101 104/029 202/065 436/149 191/060 101/025 647/218 037/013 255/080 468/157 554/180 659/228 536/175 372/125 592/195 168/049 171/050 415/145 378/127 551/180 101/025 395/133 263/081 238/076 209/069 316/104 191/060 191/060 037/014 037/014 037/014 037/014 037/014 642/217 213/069
BN / S. Influence of Sparta, The ... Book OnesIIsXII in 504/163 Infra-redioscope, The in 599/197 " " , " II in 701/249 Inherent Tendencies of Industrialism .. IsII in 263/081 In Our School 369/124 In Praise of Idleness 376/127 " " " " I in 401/140 IN PRAISE OF IDLENESS AND OTHER ESSAYS 401/140 INQUIRY INTO MEANING AND TRUTH, AN 455/155 Instinct and Habit II in 213/069 (Instinct and Intelligenz) 334/112 Instinct and the Unoonscious 223/073 Intellectual Education Part III in 308/096 Interaction VIsYII in 536/175 Interactions of Industrialism and Nationalism IsIV in 263/081 International Policy I:IX in 207/066 International Relations II:VI in 177/055 International Significance of the Indian Problem, The 477/158 International Situation, The T i n 203/065 International War Crimes Tribunal, The in 678/238 Interpretation . IV:I in 536/175 Intervale in Space-Time VII in 294/091 INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL PHILOSOPHY 191/060 Introduction to "Principia Mathematica" in 101/025 " n n it IV: 16 in 659/228 Introduction to the 2hd ed., "PM" (101.04) . in 101/028 n " » " " " , .... IV:21 in 659/228 Introduction to "The New Generation" 356/118 " it n n n ( 1 5 ) i n 625/210 11 " Ernest Gellner's "Words and Things" 645/217 " " Mrs. Stan Harding's "The Underworld of State" .287/089 " " P. A. Lange's ' "The History of Materialism" .. 286/089 " " Ludwig Wittgenstein's "Tractatus logico-philosophicus?1 237/075 Introductory Outline 1 in 648/220 Introspection VI in 213/069 Introspective Analysis of Perception, The IIIsXIX in 316/104 (Intuitive Basis of Knowledge, The) 187/060 Invariants and their Physical Interpretation I:IX in 315/101 Is a Permanent Peace Possible? 136/041 11 " " " " 6 in 158/045 Is a Third World War Inevitable? 555/183 Is Euthanasia Justifiable? 382/131 Is Happiness Still Possible? II:X in 363/119 Is Materialism Bankrupt? Mind and Matter in Modern Science 511/171 Is Mathematics Purely Linguistic? V:15 in 702/252 Is Modern Marriage a Failure? 359/118 Isolationism Ill in 415/145 - 301
BN / S. Is Position in Time and Space Absolute or Relative? Is Science Superstitious? " " " Ill in " " " i n 464/157 + in Is Security Increasing? Is the N o t i o n of Progress an Illusion? Is there Ethical Knowledge? I:IX in Is the Universe Finite? XI in Italian Renaissance, The ... Book Three si:II in
024/009 304/094 331/109
in in in in in ... in in in ,..
395/133 100/024 238/076 238/076 238/076 409/144 395/133 504/163 660/229 158/045
..... in in in in
025/009 174/055 037/014 536/175 561/183 536/175 536/175 191/060 436/149
in in in in
504/163 617/207 316/104 659/228
.. in in in in in in
102/029 118/032 172/052 659/228 118/032 536/175 536/175
in in in in in in in in in
688/245 678/237 019/007 316/104 536/175 648/220 659/228 455/155 659/228 455/155 412/144
Jacksonian Democracy III:A:XXIII James's Conception of Truth, William V J a p a n and C h i n a Before 1914 VII Japan and C h i n a During the W a r VIII Japan Before the Restoration V (Japan's Feet of Clay) Jeffersonian Democracy III:A:XXI John the Scot Book Two:II:VIII Jowett 111:7:1 JUSTICE IN WAR-TIME (Kant's "Cosmogony") (Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason") .... Kant's Theory of Space 7I:LII Keynes's Theory of Probability 7:7 Kind of Fear We Sorely N e e d , The Kinds of Knowledge 71:1 Kinds of Probability 7:1 Kinds of Relations 5 Kingly Power 7 Knowledge and Perception in Plato Book One:II:XVIII Knowledge and Wisdom Knowledge Behaviouristically Considered VIII n n it 7111:39 Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description 7 " X " 7:26 Knowledge, Error and Probable Opinion . XIII Knowledge of Facts and Knowledge of laws III:I Knowledge Transcending Experience .... 7 1 : 1 7 Labour's Goldwater Labour Party's Foreign Policy, The Labyrinth of the Continium, The Language " " " Language and Metaphysics " " " Language as Expression (language, T r u t h and Logic)
- 302 -
7 XI 1:17 Part II 13 111:9 XX7 71:30 XI7
in in
638/216 677/236 609/201 294/091 504/163
BN / S. Lassalle II in Late School Years III:XVI in (Laughter) Law IISIX in Law of Excluded Middle, The XX in Leaders and Followers II in Legitimacy versus Industrialism, 1841-1848 .... Leibniz Book Three:I:XI in Leibniz's Ethics XVI in Leibniz's Premisses I in Leibniz's Theory of Knowledge XIV in (Leibniz System in seinen wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen) ... Leisure and Mechanism Lenin as Internationalist in Lenin, Trotzki and Gorki in " , " " " IV in " , " " " I:III in Let's Stay Off the Moon Letter on "The Bertrand Russell Case" Letters to Meinong Letter to Frege Letter to the Times of London Let the People Think V Liberal Decalogue, A Liberalism and Women's Suffrage Liberal View of Divorce, A Liberation of Women, The VII Liberty and Ideas Ill Liberty and National Service Liberty or Death? 4 Life as an Art Life in the nMiddle Ages » » " " ('10) (Life of John Stuart Mill, The) (Life of Reason) Life of Bertrand Russell in pictures and his own words, The Life Without Pear Ill:XIX XVII:77 Limitations of Scientific Method . .. Is III n n n n . XVI:67 Limitations of Self-Help Limits and Continuity 10 Limits and Continuity of Functions 11 Limits and Irrational Numbers .... V: XXXIV Limits of nEmpiricism, The VI:X " " , The I:IV Limits of Human Power, The XIV Limits of Philosophical Knowledge, The . Ill Limits of Tolerance III:A:XXV Lincoln and National Unity List of Definitions vol.1 Appendix Literature of the Fiscal Controversy Little Wisdom in the World Today
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in in in In in
in in in in in in in in in in in in in
007/003 308/096 117/032 582/188 455/155 436/149 395/135 504/163 019/007 019/007 019/007 033/010 256/080 202/065 202/065 203/065 207/066 632/215 449/154 049/017 671/234 031/010 147/043 464/157 701/250 082/022 346/113 347/114 592/195 163/049 661/230 258/080 288/089 625/210 600/199 247/079 698/248 582/188 659/228 372/124 659/228 389/132 191/060 191/060 037/014 413/144 536/175 582/188 118/032 592/195 395/133 101/025 038/016 560/183
living in an Atomic Age living Philosophy, Revised Locke's Influence Book Three:I:XV in Locke's Political Philosophy » " :I:XIV in locke* s Theory of Knowledge " " :I:XIII in (logica formale dedotta dalla considerazione di modelli meccanici) . logical Analysis logical Analysis of Physics, The .... Part I in logical and Arithmetical Doctrines of Frege, The Appendix:A in logical Arguments against Points VI:II in LOGICAL ATOMISM " » (8) in logical Positionen logical Positivism " " (10) in logical Technique in Mathematics 6 in logioal Words V inlogical Words and Falsehood II:IX in LOGIC AND KNOWLEDGE Logic and Ontology Logic as the Essence of Philosophy II in Logic of Geometry, The Logic of Relations, The " " " IsD in " " » , " (1) in (Logique de Leibniz d'après des documents inédits, La) (Logique et Mathématiques) Long-term Conditions of Human Survival ... 6 in Long Time Advocate of Peace Approves Present War Machiavelll Book Three:I:III in Machines nand the Emotions » " " VI in Making Martyrs of "Conscientious Objectors" in England .... Malthus II:B:VIII in Man and Himself Part III in Man and his Environment I:II in M a n and Man Part II in Man and Nature Part I in Manchester Adress IV:VII in Man From Within Part III in Man From Without Part I in Man's Diary in Sticks and Stones Man's Peril in " " XVII:80 in Man's Peril from the Ifydrogen Bomb Man's Place in the Universe IV:XXVII in Man's War with the Universe in the Religion of Bertrand Russell March of Mind, The Part II in Marriage X in Marriage and Children - 304 -
BH / S. 573/187 442/153 504/163 504/163 504/163 070/020 514/171 315/101 037/015 037/014 265/085 616/205 644/217 503/162 616/205 648/220 455/155 536/175 616/205 623/209 133/039 004/003 027/010 101/025 616/205 033/010 092/023 661/230 457/156 504/163 272/086 331/109 155/044 395/133 582/188 316/104 582/188 582/188 660/229 316/104 316/104 421/147 617/207 659/228 604/199 316/104 176/055 395/133 347/114 393/133
BN / S. MARRIAGE AND MORALS 347/113 Marriage and the Population Question 151/044 B " " " " TI in 159/045 Marx and Engels II:C:XVII in 395/133 Marx and Socialist Doctrine 1:1 in 177/055 Marx and the Theoretic Basis of Social Democraoy I in 007/003 Mass, Momentum, Energy and Action X in 294/091 (Mastery of Words, The) 248/079 Mastery Over Physical Nature I:III in 582/188 Materialisms Past and Present 286/089 " : " " " VI:29 in 659/228 Materialistic Concept/Theory of History .. I in 204/065 " " " " II:I in 207/066 " " " " XIII:57 in 659/228 Mathematical Induction Vol. I:Appendix:B in 101/025 Mathematical Infinity 637/216 Mathematical Logic Summary of Part I in 101/025 Mathematical Logic as Based on the Theory of Types 084/022 " C3) in 616/205 Mathematical Philosophy 206/066 Mathematician's Nightmare, The in 608/200 n " , " Ill in 701/249 Mathematics and Logic 18 in 191/060 " " " IV:22 in 659/228 Mathematics and the Mataphysician V in 172/051 Matter VIIrLIII in 037/014 Matter and Motion Part VII in 037/014 Matter and Space I:XIII in 315/101 (•Meaning of Good, The) 040/016 Meaning of Magnitude, The III:XIX in 037/014 Meaning of Meaning, The 205/066 Meaning of Order, The IV:XXV in 037/014 Measurement VI:C in 101/026 " IsXII in 315/101 Mechanism and the Individual Ill in 204/065 " " " " II :V in 207/066 (Medieval People) 288/089 Meinong's Theory of Complexes and Assumptions . 046/017 n It n H n n 11:1 in 702/252 (Memories and Studies) 105/030 Memory IX in 213/069 Memory Objectively Regarded I:VI in 316/104 Mental Freedom II in 592/195 Mental Health and the School A Teacher's View 361/119 Mentalism versus Materialism in 624/210 Men versus Insects 390/132 " " " XI in 401/140 11 " " in 464/157 " " " in 638/216 (Metaphysical Foundation of Modern Physics,The) 304/094 (Metaphysics in Logic) 622/209 Metaphysician's Nightmare, The in 608/200 " " , " 11:8 in 659/249 " " . " Ill in 701/249 - 305 -
B N / S. Metaphysics and Intuition 122/037 Metaphysics for the Man of Action 080/021 Method of Tensors, The IsVII in 315/101 (Methodologisches und Philosophisches zur Elementar-Mathematik) 097/024 Methods of Settling Disputes in the Nuclear Age III in 647/218 n XVII : 81 In 659/228 Metrical Geometry VIsXIVII in 037/014 Microcosm of British Philosophy, A 189/060 Milesian School, The Book 0ne:I:II in 504/162 Mill, James HSBJX in 395/133 Mill, John Stuarts "On Liberty" 578/187 Mind 641/217 (Mind and Its Place in Nature, The) 298/093 Mind and Matter 291/090 " " " III:VII in 536/175 " " » in 617/207 Minimum Vocabularies IV:II in 536/175 Miscellany/Sammelband in Chinesisch 687/245 " /" " Deutsch 239/078 " /•• » " 696/248 /" " " 703/250 " /" " 707/253 » /" » » 710/255 " /'• " " 711/256 » /" " Italienisch 679/240 " /" " " 686/245 » /" " " 689/245 " /" " n 694/246 » /" " Japanisch 646/217 » /" " Niederländisch 658/228 " /" " Norwegisch 519/173 " /» » Spanisch 615/205 n " /" " 665/233 " /» » " 706/253 " /» " Tschechisch 680/240 " /" " Türkisch 664/233 " /•• " " 702/250 Mises and Reichenbach Frequency Theory V:IV in 536/175 Misfortune of Being Out-of-Date ... III:VI:2 in 660/229 (Misus of Mind, The) 227/074 Modern China 210/069 » " IV in 238/076 (Modern French Philosophy) 232/074 Modern Homogeneity X in 401/140 " " in 464/157 » " in 638/216 Modern Japan VI in 238/076 Modern Midas, The 379/130 " " , » IV in 401/140 Modern Philosophy Book Three in 504/163 (Modern Temper, The) 338/113 Modern Tendencies in Education 366/123 Mohammedan Culture . and Philosophy Book One:II:X in 504/163 -
BN / S. Monistic Theory of Truth, The " " " " , 11 VI Moral Argument for Deity, The Moral Codes I:II Morality as an Means IsIII Moral ObligationI:VI Moral Problem, the Moral Standarts and Social Well-Being II:IX 11 " " " " " Mortals and Others B. Russell's American Essays 1931-1935 Motion VII:1IV Motley Pantheon, A M u n i c h Rather than W a r Murderer's Fatherland III:VI:3 M y Debt to German Learning My Faith in the Future My First Eighty Years My Mental Development " " " 1:2 My Own Philosophy My Own View of Marriage My Philosophical Development MY PHILOSOPHICAL DEVELOPMENT My Present View of the World 2 M y Religious Reminiscences n " " 1:1 Mysticism VII Mysticism and Logic " " " I " " " MYSTICISM AND LOGIC AND OTHER ESSAYS Mystic Vision, The M y t h and Magic II:IV
in in in in in in in in
708/254 in 037/014 273/087 438/153 in 660/229 611/204 577/187 590/195 495/161 in 659/228 699/248 321/107 640/216 648/220 in 648/220 432/149 in 659/228 in 400/138 127/037 in 172/051 in 317/107 172/051 186/060 in 609/201
Naked Power VI in Napoleon's Successors 1:1 in National Freedom I in National Independence and Internationalism .... 11 " " " V in Nationalism and Imperialism Part IV in Natural Law Argument, The in Nature and Otigin and Scientific Method Nature of Matter, The Ill in Nature of Monads in General, The XI in Nature of Our Knowledge of Physics ... II:XV in Nature of Sense-Data, The Nature of the Next War, The II in (Nature of the Physical World, The) Nature of the Problem, The Preface:I in Nature of the State in View of the External Relations, The Nature of Truth, The (Nature of Truth, The) Necessary Propositions and the Law of Contradiction II in
- 307 -
072/020 100/024 314/100 609/201 609/201 609/201 314/100 263/081 317/107
436/149 395/133 592/195 167/049 171/050 395/134 314/099 580/187 118/032 019/007 3T6/104 121/036 415/145 337/112 315/101 .143/042 072/020 075/021 019/007
Necessity and Possibility Need for Political Scepticism " " " " XI i n Negative Theory of Education, The II in (New Generation, The: The Intimate Problems of Modern Parents and Children) New Generation, The (13) in NEW HOPES FOR A CHANGING WORLD New Life That Is America's, The (New Logic, A) Newly Discovered Maxims of l a Rochefoucauld 111:111 in " V in New Morals for Old: Styles in Ethics New Outlook N e e d e d before Negotiations ... V in (New Pathways in Science) New Philosophy of America, The New Physics and Relativity, The XIII in " " " " , " XVI: 68 in New Physics and the Wave Theory of Light, The XII in Newton's Laws of Motion VIIsLVII in Next Eighty Years, The Next Half-Century, The II:XV in " " " , " XVII:76 in Nice People " " (12) in Nietzsche Book Three:II:XXV in Nightmares III:IV in NIGHTMARES O F EMINENT PERSONS AND OTHER STORIES No Funk, No Frivolity, No Fanatism Non-Demonstrative Inference 16 in " " " XVI:70 in Non-Euclidian Geometry Non-Materialistic Naturalism Non-Mental Analogues to Perception II:XXVI in Note nfecrologique (Wittgenstein) Note on C. D . Broad's "A General Notation for the Relation of Numbers" Notes for a Speech to the Authors' Club, 11 February 1953 Preface in Notes on "Philosophy", January, 1960 Number Part II in Numbers as Expressing Magnitudes Measurement III:XXI in Nursery School, The IIsXIII in Obituary (Auto-Obituary) " " Object-Language, The Old and Young Cultures On American Violence On Being M o d e r n Minded " " " " On Catholic and Protestant Sceptic " " " " "
- 308 -
BN / S. 017/007 270/086 331/109 378/127 356/118 625/210 582/188 310/099 108/030 660/229 701/250 267/085 647/218 399/137 323/107 264/083 659/228 264/083 037/014 589/194 582/188 659/228 368/123 625/210 504/164 660/229 608/200 572/187 648/220 659/228 043/016 473/158 315/102 571/187 181/059 701/249 650/225 037/014 037/014 308/096
406/143 567/184 701/250 455/155 660/228 692/246 417/146 VI in 567/184 335/112 (9) in 625/210
inV in IV in II:VIII in
On On " " On
Civil Disobedienoe Cometa XIV in " in " in Convergence, and the limits of Function V:C in ON DENOTING " " (2) in B " Ill : 5 in ON EDUCATION ESPECIALLY IN EARLY CHILDHOOD .... One-Many, Many-One, and One-One Relations II : C in On Finite and Infinite Cardinal numbers On Functions, Classes and Relations On Fundamentals On History " " XIII: 56 in On Induction VI in " " IV: 14 in On "Insolubilia" and their Solution by Symbolic Logic IV:9 in On Intuitive Knowledge XI in On Justice in War-Time. An Appeal to the Intellectuals of Europe. .. " 1 in Only Honourable Policy, The 9 in On Meaning and Denotation On Non-Euclidean Geometries On Order in Time " " " n (9) in On Our Knowledge of General Principles .. VII in On Our Knowledge of the External World ... Ill in On Our Knowledge of Universale X in On Propositions: What They Are and Bbw They Mean t i n
(On Refering) .! On Russian Science On Scientific Methods in Philosophy VI On Sections, Segments, Streches and Derivatives V:B On Some Difficulties in the Theory of Transfinite Numbers and Order Types " IV:7 On Substitution " " On the Difference between Open and Closed Series IV:XXVIII On the Evils Due to Fear On the Experience of Time On the Importance of Logical Form On the Meaning and Denotation of Phrases On the Meaning of Life On the Nature of Acquaintance n " " " " (5) On the Nature of Truth On the Nature of Truth and Falsehood " " " " " " " ... VII
- 309 -
BN / S. 656/227 401/140 464/157 638/216 101/026 056/018 616/205 705/252 308/095 101/025 029/010 050/017 057/019 041/016 659/228 118/032 659/228 705/252 118/032 141/042 158/045 678/237 051/017 295/093 410/144 616/205 118/032 133/039 11 8/032 179/059 6 1 6 / 2 0 5
620/209 543/179 in 172/051 in 101/026 067/020 in 705/252 061/019 064/019 in 037/014 333/112 137/041 429/148 053/017 373/127 125/037 in 616/205 076/021 072/020 in 100/024
O n the Notion of Cause " " " " " IX in On the Notion of Cause with Application to the Free-Will Problem VIII in O n the Hotion of Order On the Relation of Mathematics to Logic 11 " " " " " " V:12 in On the Relations of Number and Quantity On the Relations of Universale and Particulars n " " " " B " (4) in On the Substitutional Theory of Classes and Relations IV:8 in On Vagueness On Verification On Youthful Cynism IX in " " " in » " » in Open Letter to Eisenhover and Krushchev » 1 1 n n n 11 XVII s79 in n " " Wladyslaw Gomulka " » " U Thant » » » President Wilson Opinion About the Sacco-Vanzetti Case (Opuscules et fragments inédits de Leibniz) ... Order Part IV in Ordinal Continuity V:XXXVI in Ordinal Similarity and Relation Numbers IVsA in Organization, Agitation, Tactics, and Programme of Social Democracy since the Fall of the Socialist Law V in Organizations and the Individual XIII in Ostensive Definition II:II in Ostrich Code of Morals Our Knowledge of Particular Matters of Fact .. IIsXVIII in OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE EXTERNAL WORLD Our Problem Defined by its Relation to Logic, Psychology and Mathematics .... in Our Sexual Ethics » " " (14) in Our World after the War: A Plan for International Action Outline of Intellectual Rubbish, An n " " " , » VII in " " " " , " 11:7 in OUTLINE O F PHILOSOPHY, AN Outlook for China, The " " " , " XV in Outlook for Mankind, The Owen and Early Socialism II:C:XV in
BN / S. 119/036 172/052 133/039 022/009 059/019 705/252 009/005 114/032 616/205 705/252 244/079 423/147 401/140 464/157 638/216 626/214 659/228 684/245 691/246 153/044 345/113 044/017 037/014 037/014 101/026 007/003 436/149 536/175 325/108 315/101 133/039 010/005 404/142 625/210 483/159 486/160 567/184 659/228 316/104 222/073 238/076 532/174 395/133
Pacifism and Revolution 169/050 Pacifism as a National Policy VIII in 415/145 Paine, Thomas 392/132 Papacy in the Dark Ages, The . Book TwosIIsVII in 504/163 Parables Ill:VI in 660/229 " V in 701/249 - 310 -
B N / S.
Paradoxes de la logique, Lea Paradox of the liar, The Parentage Versus School V in Parmenides I:V in Partial and General Goods I:V in Particulars and Events IIIjXXVII in Particulars, Predicates and Relations ... II in Patriotism in Education X in Peace and Current Politics XI in Peace and War Part IV in Peace Through Resistance to US Imperialism 8 in Perception Perception and Knowledge VIII in Perception and Objectivity II:XXI in Perception and Physical Causal laws . IIsXIV in Perception from the Standpoint of Physics II:XXV in Perception Objectively Regarded 1:7 In (Perception, Physics and Reality) Periodicity and Qualitative Series HI:XXXIII in Periodic Law, The II in Perplexities of J. Forstice, The I in Persecution Mania I:VIII in Personal Liberty Ill in Personal Statement Phallic Worship, Asceticism and Sin IV in (Philosophical Analysis: Its Development Between the Two World Wars) Philosophical Arguments Concerning the Infinitesimal V:XLI in Philosophical Consequences IV in " " XV in Philosophical Consequences of Theory of Relativity PHILOSOPHICAL ESSAYS (Philosophical Essays) (" " ) Philosophical Implications of Mathematical Logic, The (104.03) Philosophical Importance of Mathematical Logic, The (104.02) Philosophical Liberalism .. Book Three:I:XII in Philosophical Radicals. The II:B in (Philosophical Studies) Philosophic Doubts I in Philosophic Idealism and Bay Philosophy (316.02) Philosophy and Common Sense Philosophy and Politics H " " I in " " " XI:50 in Philosophy and Virtue (Philosophy for a Modern Man, A) Philosophy for Laymen II in Philosophy for Our Time, A in Philosophy for You in These Times, A - 311
073/020 065/020 378/128 504/162 609/' ' 315/ 178/057 378/128 415/145 660/229 678/237 307/095 455/155 315/101 316/104 315/102 316/104 175/055 315/102 264/083 701/249 363/119 592/195 154/044 347/114 613/204 037/014 010/005 294/091 297/093 100/024 090/023 601/199 104/030 104/029 504/163 395/133 227/074 316/104 228/074 316/104 435/149 516/172 567/184 659/228 185/060 434/149 567/184 617/207 461/157
B N / S. Philosophy in I n d i a and China Philosophy in the Twentieth Century ft tttttt ft
255/080 278/087 V-t-n 331/109 • •«••• » 111 659/228 n n n # VII:32 ill 110/030 Bergson, The 233/074 Conservatism, The 095/023 William James, The 019/008 Leibniz, The (019.03) .. ».
n n Philosophy of Philosophy of Philosophy of Philosophy of Philosophy of logical Analysis, The Book Three:II:XXXI " VII: 36 PHILOSOPHY OP LOGICAL ATOMISM " " " " (6) Philosophy of Matter, The: (b) As Explaining Continuity and Extension VIII (a) As the Outcome of the Principles o f Dynamics VII Philosophy of Pacifism, The Philosophy of Santayana, The Philosophy of the Continium, The .... V:XLII Philosophy of the Infinite, The .... VsXLIII Philosophy's Ulterior Motives " " " IV Physical and Perceptual Space II:XIII Physical and Perceptual Space-Time/Ill:XXXII Physical World, The Part II Physics and Experience n " " Ill:IV Physics and Metaphysics Physics and Neutral M o n i s m III:XXXVII Physics and Perception " " " Part II n " " II-.XII Physics and Theology Physiology of Sensation and Volition, The I:V Pioneer Ethics Ill Pitfalls in Socialism Place of Love in Human Life, The IX Place of Science in a Liberal Education,The H n it n u n n ^n jj Place of Sex Among Human Values, The .... XX " it ii ii n ii IX: 41 f « Planetary Effulgence III:VI:1 Plato in M o d e r n Dress Plato's Cosmogony Book One:II:XVII Plato's Guardians Plato's Theory of Immortality/Book One:II:XVI Plato's U t o p i a " " :II:XIV Play and Fancy II :V P l e a for Clear Thinking, A (514.02) n it n n ii » Plotinus Book One:III:XXX Points about Denoting Policy of the Entente, 1904-1914 Policy of Expedients, The VI -
in 504/164 in 659/228 178/057 in 616/205 in 019/007 in 019/007 142/042 454/155 in 037/014 in 037/014 418/146 in 567/184 in 316/104 in 315/102 in 316/104 512/171 in 536/175 324/107 in 31 5/102 224/073 in 315/101 in 316/104 337/112 in 536/175 383/131 in 171/050 347/114 in 120/036 ¿n 171/051 347/114 in 659/228 in 660/229 in 425/147 504/163 in 202/065 in 504/163 in 504/163 in 308/095 in 514/171 i _ 617/207 in 504/163 in 052/017 157/045 415/145 in
Political and Cultural Influence, The Political Freedom POLITICAL IDEALS Political Ideals Politically Important Desires " n »
BN / S. 579/187 II in 592/195 171/050 I in 171/050 566/184 II:II in 609/201
Politics and Education Part II in Politics and Theology Politics of Marxism II:C:XX in Population XVII in " I :V in Population Pressure and War IV:V in PORTRAITS FROM MEMORY AND OTHER ESSAYS Position of the Absolutists, The Positive Theory of Infinity, The YII in Possible States of the Hydrogen Atom V in Postulate of Natural Kinds or of Limited Variety, The VI:III in Postulates of Modern Educational Theory 1:1 in Postulates of Scientific Inference Part VI in n " " " Power - Ancient and Modern Power and Moral Codes XV in POWER: A NEW SOCIAL ANALYSIS Power over Opinion IX in Power Philosophies XVI in Powers and Forms of Government XII in PRACTICE AND THEORY OF BOLSHEVISM, THE Pragmatism " IV in Preface to "Principia Mathemathica" (vol. I) .. " n n R IX:15 in Preface to Wilfred Burchett's "Hanois sous les bombes" Preface to William K. Clifford's "The Common Sense of the Exact Sciences" ... Preface to "Einstein on Peace" Preface to Jean Nicod's "La Geometrie dans le Monde Sensible" Preface to Henri Poincaré "Science and Method". it
Prefatory Statement tif Symbolic Conception vol. II Preliminary Explanation of Ideas and Notations ... Introduction:! Pre-Relativity Physics I:II Present Condition of Russia, The .... Part I Present Forces and Tendencies in the Far East X Present Position of Social Democracy .... VI Pre-Socratics, The Book One: Part I Press and Vietnam, The 1 Priestly Power IV Prince Napoleon Louis III:V:4 principe d 1 individuation, Le - 313 -
660/228 360/119 395/133 347/114 582/188 660/229 617/207 164/049 133/039 264/083 536/175 308/095 536/175 550/180 419/147 436/149 436/149 436/149 436/149 436/149 207/066 090/022 100/024 101/025 659/228 676/236 513/171 653/225 268/086 124/037 586/194
in 101/025 in 101/025 in 315/101 in 207/066 in in in in in in
238/076 007/003 504/162 678/236 436/149 660/229 565/183
BN / S. (Principia Ethica) 040/016 PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA 101/025 Principia Mathematica: Mathematical Aspects 8 in 648/220 " " : Philosophical Aspects 9 in 648/220 Principle of Differential Law, The .... I:XI in 315/101 Principle of First Differences and the Multiplication and Exponentiation of Relation, The IV:C in 101/026 Principle of Individuation, The .... IV:VIII in 536/175 Principle of Nationality, The .... IV:XXVIII in 395/134 Principles of Growth, The I in 159/045 Principles of Legitimacy, The Part I in 395/133 (Principles of Mathematics) 375/127 PRINCIPLES OF MATHEMATICS, THE 037/013 Principles of Mathematics, The 096/023 PRINCIPLES OF SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTION 159/045 Probability Part V in 536/175 Probability and Induction V:VII in 536/175 Problem, The (Soviet Russia) I in 203/065 PROBLEM OF CHINA, THE 238/076 Problem of Infinity Considered Historically, The VI in 133/039 Problem of Universals, The 506/170 PROBLEMS OF PHILOSOPHY, THE 118/032 Problems of the Future Part II in 177/055 (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society) 189/060 Process of Learning in Animals and Infants, The I s III in 316/104 Production and Distribution I:XI in 609/201 Products and Sums of Classes I:E in 101/025 (Professor's Guide de Laughter, The) 117/032 Programme of Steps towards Peace IV in 647/218 Progressions and Ordinal Numbers ... IV:XXIX in 037/014 Progressive Education 491/160 Projective Geometry VI:XLV in 037/014 Prologue in 649/223 Prologue or Epilogue? II :X in 609/201 n " " 1 in 661/230 Promoting Virtuous Conduct 610/204 Proofs of Einstein's Law of Gravitation . IX in 294/091 Proofs of the Existence of God XV in 019/007 Propaganda in Education XV in 378/128 Proper Names VI in 455/155 " " II:III in 536/175 Proper Names, Adjectives and Verbs .... I:IV in 037/013 Property IV in 159/045 " XII:53 in 659/228 Proposals for an International University 466/157 Proposed Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism and Syndicalism (177.3) 177/055 Propositional Functions I:VII in 037/014 Proposition and Facts with More and One Verb, Belief, etc IV in 178/057 Proposition Functions 15 in 191/060 Pros and Cons of Nationalism II:V in 660/228 PROSPECTS OF INDUSTRIAL CIVILIZATION, THE 263/081 - 314 -
Prostitution XI Protagoras Book 0ne:I:X Psychoanalyst's Nightmare, The " " , " Ill Psychological and Physical Causal laws ... V " " " B n YIII:37 (Psychologic der Axiome) Psychology and East-West Tension IVsI Psychology and Politics " " " XV Punishment II:IX Pure Reason at KBnigsberg Puritan Parallel, The Pursuit of Truth, The " " " , " I:VI Pythagoras Book One:I:III Quantity Part III Quantity. Summary of Part VI to "Principia Mathematica" " IV:20 Questions (China) I " Queen of Sheba's Nightmare, The " " " " , " Ill
in in in in in in in in in in in in
BN / S. 347/114 504/162 608/200 701/249 213/069 659/228 018/007 660/229 271/086 331/109 308/096 174/055 202/065 619/208 660/228 504/162
in 037/014 in in in in in in
101/026 659/228 238/076 317/107 608/200 701/249
Racial Antagonism IIsXII in Radio-Activity X in Range of Quantity IIIsXX in Rational, Real and Complex Numbers 7 in Ratios and Fractions IIsXVIII in Rays IX in rfealism analytique, Le Real Numbers V:XXXIII in Reason and Passion Reasoning of Europeans, The II:VI in (Reason in Scienc«) Recent Criticisms of "Consciousness" I in Recent Italian Work on the Foundations of Mathematics ('Recent Philosophy) Recent Works on the Philosophy of Leibniz Recent Works on the Principles of Mathematics . Reconciliation of Individuality and Citizenship, The XVI in • XI:49 in Recrudescence of Puritanism, The " " " , " X in Redressing Grievances VI in Refinements of the Hydrogen Spectrum ... VII in Reflections on My Eightieth Birthday in Reformation and Counter-Reformation, The Book Threes I:V in Reformulation of the Nature of Mind Regressive Method of Discovering the Premises of Mathematics, The V:13 in
582/188 264/083 037/014 191/060 037/014 264/083 106/030 037/014 587/194 660/228 062/019 213/069
- 315 -
026/009 408/144 033/010 020/009 378/128 659/228 259/080 331/109 593/195 264/083 617/207 504/163 374/127 705/252
BN / S. Relation Arithmetic. Summary of Part IV to "Principia Mathematica» in 101/026 " " IV: 18 in 659/228 Relation of Metrical to Projective and Descriptive Geometry VIsXIVIII in 037/014 Relation of Sense-Data to Physics, The 128/038 n 11 n " " " , VIII in 172/052 Relations I:IX in 037/014 Relativity II:X in 316/104 Relativity and Religion 302/094 Relativity, Scientific and Metaphysical 230/074 Relativity Theory of Gravitation 193/064 Relevance of Psychology to Logic, The 431/149 Religion and Happiness 355/117 Religion and Metaphysics 074/021 Religion and Morals 17 in 625/210 RELIGION AND SCIENCE 400/138 Religion and the Churches 145/042 " " " " VII in 159/045 Religion in Education VIII in 378/128 Religious Development of the Jews, The Book Two:I:I in 504/163 Religious Evolution 197/064 Reply to Criticism 496/161 Reply to Inquiry: Should U. N. Meetings Open With Prayer or Meditation? 541/179 Reply to Poincaré's Letter. Note 068/020 (Report from North Vietnam; Appendix in 678/238 Representative Government I in 593/195 Resistance and Service 166/049 Respect for Law 634/215 Response a M. Koyre 116/032 Retreat from Pythagoras, The 17 in 648/220 " " » , " VI: 31 in 659/228 R e v i e w of Ashley's "The Tariff Problem" 038/016 of A. J. Ayer's "Language, Truth and Logic" 412/144 of A. J. Ayer's "Philosophical Essays" 601/199 of H. Bergson's "Laughter" 117/032 of L. Bloch's "La Philosophie de Newton" 088/022 of B. Bosanquet's "Implication and Linear Inference" 198/064 of B. Boutroux's "L'imigination et les mathématiques selon Descartes" 023/009 of John Bowie's "The Unity of European History" 531/174 of C. D. Broad's "Perception, Physics and Reality" 175/055
m/s. R
e v i e w of C. D. Broad's "A General Notation for the Relation of Numbers" (Note on ...) of C. D. Broad's "The Mind and Its Place in Nature" of J. Percy Bruce's "Chu Hsi and His Masters" of N. Bukharin's Historical Materialism" of Burrt's "The Metaphysical Foundation of Modern Physics" of Paul C a m s ' s "The Foundations of Mathematics" of E. Cassierer's "Leibniz' System in seinen wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen"(Critical notice ...) . of L. Couturat's "De l'infini mathématique" of L. Couturat's "La Logique de Leibniz d'après des documents inédits" (Critical notice ...) of L. Couturat's "Opusculus et fragments inédits de Leibniz" of L. J. Delaporte's "Essai philosophique sur les gèometries non-Euclidiennes" of J. H. Denison's "Emotion as the Basis of Civilization" .. of J. Dewey's "Studies in Logical Theory" of J. Dewey's "Columbia University Essays, Philosophical and Psychological in Honor of William James" of J. Dewey's "Essays in Experimental Logic" of A. S. Eddington's "The Nature of the Physical World" of A. S. Eddington's "New Pathways in Science" of K. Geissler's "Die Grundsätze und das Wesen des Unendlichen in der Mathematik und Philosophie" of E. Goblot's "Essai sur le classification des sciences" of J. A. Gunn's "Modern French Philosophy" of A. Hannequin's "Essai critique sur l'hypothese des atoms dans la Science contemporaine" of W. Hastie's translation of Kant's "Cosmogony" of G. Heymans' "Die Gesetze und Elemente des Wissenschaftlichen Denkens" - 317 -
181/059 298/093 255/080 303/094 304/094 091/023 033/010 008/005 033/010 044/017 045/017
090/023 180/059 337/112 399/137 034/010 013/007 232/074 006/003 025/009 001/003
BN / S. R e v i e w of C. H. Hinton 1 8 "The Fourth Dimension" of Johan Huizinga's "The Waning of the Middle Ages" of Hn Shih's "The Development of the Logical Method in Ancient China" of "Essays Philosophical and Psychological in Honor of William J a m e s " of W. James's "The Will to Believe and Pragmatism" .... of W. James's "Memories and Studies" of W. James's "Essays in Radical Empiricism" of H. H. Joachim's "The Nature of Truth" of H.H. Joachim's "Immediate Experience and Mediation" .... of C. E. M. Joad's "Essays in Common-Sense Philosophy" of J. M. Keynes's "A Treatise on Probability" of Josef Wood Krutch's "The Modern Temper" of John Laird's "Recent Philosophy" of G. Lechalas "Etude sur l'espace et le temps" of H. Levy's "A Philosophy for a Modern Man" of N. 0. Lossky's "The Intuitive Basis of Knowledge" of A. E. H. Love's "Theoretical Mechanics: an Introductory Treatise on the Theory of Mechanics" .... of A. Luce's "Bergson's Doctrine of Intuition" of H. MacColl's "Symbolic Logic and Its Applications" ... of H. S. Macran's "Hegel's Doctrine of Formal Logic" of G. Mannoury's "Methodologisches und Philosophisches zur Elementar-Mathematik" of A. Meinong's "Über die Bedeutung des Weberschen Gesetzes" of A. Meinong's "Untersuchungen zur Gegenstandstheorie und Psychologie" dasselbe / the same 11:2 in of A. Meinong's "Über die Erfahrungsgrundlagen unseres Wissens" -
047/017 288/089 252/079 089/022 090/023 105/030 115/032 075/021 192/064 188/060 226/074 338/113 408/144 005/003 434/149 187/060 012/006 229/074 069/020 111/031 097/024 015/007 058/019 705/252 071/020
BN / S. R
e v i e w of A. Meinong's "Uber die Stellung der Gegenstandstheorie im System der Wissenschaften" dasselbe / the same 11:3 in of C. Mercier's "A New Logic" of G. E. Moore's "Principia Ethica" of G. E. Moore's "Philosophical Studies" of C. K. Ogden's "The Meaning of Meaning" of R. Osborn's "Freud and Marx" of M. St. J. Packe's "The Life of John Stuart Mill" of A. Pastore's "Logica formale dedotta dalla considerazione di modelli meccaniei" .... of Pigou's "The Riddle of the Tariff" of H. Poincarè's "Science and Hypothesis" of Eileen Power's "Medieval People" of L. Price's "Dialogues of A. N. Whitehead" of "Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society" of S. Radhakrishnan's "Indian Philosophy" of E. P. Ramsey's "Foundations of Mathematics and other Logical Essays" of A. Reymonds's "Logique and Mathématiques" of I. A. Richards' "The Meaning of Meaning" of A. Rugeâ "Encyclopaedia of the Phisophical Sciences" of Gilbert Ryle's "The Concept of Mind" of G. Santayana's "Reason in Science" of G. Santayana's "Soliloquies in England" of G. Santayana's "Life of Reason" of G. Santayana's "Scepticism and Animal Faith" of F. 0. S. Schiller's "Philosophical Essays" "Studies in Humanism" of F. C. S. Schiller's "Formal Logic" of J. Schulz's "Psychologie der Axiome" - 319 -
078/021 705/252 108/030 040/016 227/074 248/079 424/147 600/199 070/020 038/016 055/018 288/089 603/199 189/060 255/080 370/124 092/023 248/079 123/037 636/215 062/019 234/074 247/079 250/079 090/023 090/023 109/030 018/007
BN / S. R
e v i e w of H e r m a n K e m p Smith's "A Commentary to Kant's 'Critique of Pure R e a s o n . . . . of K. Stephen's "The Misuse of Mind" of P. F. Strawson's "On Refering" dasselbe / the same 111:6 in of J. 0 Urmson's "Philosophical Analysis: Its Development Between the Two W o r l d Wars" of F r e d a Utley's "Japan's Feet of Clay" of Gr. P. Warnock's "Metaphysics in Logic" of Weiss's "Principles of Mathematics" of A. N . Whitehead's "Science and the M o d e r n World" dasselhe / the same of G. Williams' "The Sanctity of Life and the Criminal Law" of J. Z. Young's "Doubt and Certainty in Science" (Comments on •••.) •»••••»•»• Revival o f Puritanism, The Revolt Against Reason, The Revolt in the Abstract I:III in Revolt into Pluralism 5 in Revolution Ill in " IV in Revolution and Dictatorship II in " " " II: IV in Revolutionary Power VII in Rewars of Philosophy Rex versus Bertrand Russell Ricardo II:B:XI in (Riddle of the Tariff) Right Will Prevail or The Road to Lhasa, The Ill:II in " II in Rings of Electrons VIII in Rise of Greek Civilization, The Book One:I:I in Rise of M o d e r n Philosophy in Rise of Science, The Book Three:I:VI in ROADS TO FREEDOM: SOCIALISM, ANARCHISM AND SYNDICALISM Road to Happiness, The in Role of Individuality, The Ill in Role of Induction, The VI:II in Role of Police, The I in Role of Science in Society, The Role of the Intellectual in the M o d e r n World .. Romance of Revolt, The I:II in
- 320 -
174/055 227/074 620/209 705/252 613/204 409/144 622/209 375/127 302/094 304/094 635/215 562/183 257/080 396/137 660/228 648/220 400/138 593/195 204/065 207/066 436/149 523/173 149/043 395/133 038/016 660/229 701/249 264/083 504/162 649/223 504/163 177/055 617/207 554/180 536/175 593/195 631/215 437/152 660/228
BN / S. Roman Empire in Relation to Culture, T h Fook One:III:XXIX in Romantic Love VI i n Romantic Movement, The . Book Three:II:XVIII in Rousseau Book Three:IIsXIX in Rule of Force, The lisVIII in Rule of the Proletariat, The in Rusaell (Bertrand) - An Introduction Russell Memorandum, The Russell fBertrandJ o n Religion Russell (Bertrand) o n the Afterlife Russell (Bertrand) o n the Philosophy of Science Russell (Bertrand; Prophesies the Speedy Triumph of Socialism Russell's (Bertrand; America, his transatlantic travels and writings Russell's (Bertrand) Best, Silhouettes in Satire Russell's Logical Atomism RUSSELL (BERTRAND) SPEAKS HIS MIND Russell's (Bertrand) Plea for the Child as the Vital Factor i n Modern Education .... Russell (Bertrand) Urges Creation of World Federation Controlling All Armaments (Russell, Dora: "Beacon Hill") Russell, Lord John in Saint Agustine's Philosophy and Theology ... Book Two:II:IV in Saint Benedict and Gregory the Great Book Two:I:VI in Saint Thomas Aquinas Book Two:II:XIII in " " " VII: 34 in (Sanctity of Life and the Criminal Law, The) .. SATAN IN THE SUBURBS AND OTHER STORIES Satan In the Suburbs or Horrors Manufactured Here in " I in (Scepticism and Animal Faith) Scepticism and Tolerance Schillers Analysis of "The Analysis of Mind" , Dr. Scholasticism in School and the Very Young Child School Curriculum Before Fourteen, The / III :XV in Schoolmen, The Book Two:Part II in Schopenhauer Book Three:II:XXIV in Science Science and Art U n d e r Socialism II:VII in " " " " " in Science and Education " " " XVI: 66 in Science and Ethics IX in Science and Human Life " " " " XVII: 78 in (Science and Hypothesis) Science and Metaphysics (Science and Method) (" " " )
- 321 -
504/163 347/114 504/163 504/163 582/188 202/065 709/255 695/247 342/113 683/245 672/234 194/064 704/251 639/216 697/248 655/226 156/045 460/156 394/133 617/207 504/163 504/163 504/163 659/228 635/215 599/197 599/197 701/249 250/079 581/188 235/074 649/223 326/108 308/096 504/163 504/164 329/108 177/055 317/107 328/108 659/228 400/138 612/204 659/228 055/018 251/079 124/037 586/194
BN / S. Science and Perception Part III Science and Religion I:V Science and Social Institutions (Science and the Modern World) Science and Tradition I " ". « I Science and Values IIIsXVII " " " III " » " VI " " " XVIs 69 Science and W a r V Science as an Element in Culture Science as a P r o d u c t of Western Europe Science of M i n d , The I:VI Science's Goal Science To Save U s Prom Science, The Scientific Concepts Part IV Scientific Government III:XIV Scientific Knowledge Part I Scientific Metaphysics I:IV Scientific M e t h o d in Philosophy SCIENTIFIC OUTLOOK, THE Scientific Reproduction IIIsXVI Scientific Society, The Part III » " Scientific Technique Part II Scientific Technique and the Future .. II:VI Scientific Technique in an Oligarchy ... Ill Scientists and the H-Bomb 5 Scientists P l e a for Democracy, A .... II till Scylla and Charybdis, or Communism and Fascism VI Seems, Madam? N y , It Is (7) Selected Papers of Bertrand Russell Selection of Targets in China, The 6 Selections II:D Selections and the Multiplicative Axiom . 12 Selfishness and Property IisVII Self-Observation IIIsXVI Semantics and the Gold W a r Sensation and Images VIII Sensation and Imagination Sense of Sin, The IsVII Sentences IisVI Sentences Describing Experiences Ill Sentences, Syntax and Parts of Speech ... II " , " " " " " IIIs10 Series. Summary of Part V to "Principia Mathematica" " IV:19 Series of N u m e r a l Numbers, The 1 Settlement of the West, The IIIsAsXXII Sex and Individual Weil-Being XIX Sex Education IIsXII Sex in Education IX Shall the Home be Abolished? -
i n 536/175 i n 372/124 430/149 302/094 i n 583/191 in 584/191 i n 372/125 i n 583/191 i n 584/191 i n 659/228 i n 584/191 120/036 526/173 i n 536/175 387/131 556/183 in 536/175 in 372/125 i n 372/124 in 372/124 130/038 372/124 in 372/125 in 372/125 381/131 in 372/124 in 609/201 in 584/191 i n 661/230 i n 660/228 in 401/140 in 625/210 317/106 in 678/237 in 101/025 in 191/060 i n 308/095 in 316/104 669/234 in 213/069 134/041 in 363/119 in 536/175 in 455/155 in 455/155 in 659/228 in in in in in in in
101/026 659/228 191/060 395/133 347/114 308/096 378/128 371/124
BN / S. Short History of Metageometry, A I.in Should Russia Share in the Control of the Ruhr? Significance and Verifiability XXII in Significance of Sentences, The XIII in A. General B. Psychological Analysis of Significance C. Syntax and Signifincance Similarity of Relations 6 in Sin I:VII in Sino-Indian Dispute, The Ill in Six Autobiographical Essays in (Six Theories of Mind) Size of Social Units, The II:VII in Sketches of Modern China Slavery and Disunion III:A:XXIV in Slavery or Self-Exterminations A Forecast of Europe's Future Social Background, The .II:A in Social Cohesion and Government II in Social Cohesion and Human Nature I in (Social Democracy and the Woman Question in Germany by Alys Russell) .... Appendix in Social Democracy under the Exceptional law IV in Social Harmony and Government Socialism ,II:C in Socialism and Education Socialism and Liberal Ideals Socialism in Advanced Countries VII in Socialism in Undeveloped Countries n " " " VI in Social Responsibilities of Scientists IV:IE in Social Units II:VI in Socrates Book 0ne:II:XI in Socrates, Plato, Aristotle Book One:Part II in (Soliloquies in England) Solipsism Ill:II in Some Cambridge Dons of the Nineties I in Some Explanations in Reply to Mr. Bradley Some Great Philosophies of the Past/lV:XXIII in Some Necessary Changes in Outlook X in Soms of My Contemporaries at Cambridge ...II in Some Philosophical Contacts II in Some Problems of the Post-War World Some Prospects: Cheerful and Otherwise XVII in Some Replies to Criticism 18 in Some Traits in the Chinese Character Some Warlike Pallacies Soul and Body V in Source of Plato's Opinions, The Book 0ne:II:XIII in Sources of Ethical Beliefs and Feelings 1:1 in Sources of Power " " " II :X in n 11 " X in Sous 1'influence de Voltaire
- 323 -
010/005 505/170 455/155 455/155
191/060 609/201 668/233 617/207 374/127 582/188 210/069 395/133 253/080 395/133 554/180 554/180 007/003 007/003 552/180 395/133 292/090 201/065 263/081 218/073 263/081 660/229 582/188 504/163 504/163 234/074 536/175 617/207 096/023 316/104 647/218 617/207 617/207 478/159 331/109 648/220 212/069 415/145 400/138 504/163 609/201 246/079 263/081 436/149 629/215
BN / S. Southport Vulpes's Nightmare, Dr in 608/200 Soviet Russia - 1920 203/065 Space Part VI in 037/014 Space and Mathematical reasoning 087/022 Space in Classical Ohysics IV:VI in 536/175 Space in Psychology Ill:VI in 536/175 Space-Time V in 294/091 B " IVsVII in 536/175 Space-Time and Causality IV:X in 536/175 Space-Time Orders IIIsXXIX in 315/102 Spanish Conspiracy 407/144 Speaking of Liberty 459/156 Special Theory of Relativity, The VI in 294/091 " " " " , " I:V in 315/101 Speech on Atomic Weapons ans Atomic Warfare ... 502/162 Speech to the National Conference of Solidarity 678/238 Sphere of liberty, The 386/131 Spinoza 099/024 " Book Three:IsX in 504/163 Spinoza's Ethic 471/158 Stable World, A 11 in 661/230 Stalin's Nightmare in 608/200 " " Ill in 701/249 State, The II in 159/045 " , " in 317/107 State and the Army, The I in 593/195 Steps Toward Peace in 617/207 Steps Towards a Stable Peace II:IX in 609/201 Steps Towards-Conciliation VII in 647/218 Still Time for Good Sense 515/172 Stoicism Book One:III:XXVIII in 504/163 Stoicism and Mental Health XIII in 401/140 " " " " in 464/157 " " » " in 638/216 Story of Colonization, The II:IV in 660/228 Structure IV:III in 536/175 Structure and Causal Laws VI:VI in 536/175 Structure and Minimum Vocabularies ... IV:IV in 536/175 Structure of the Atom, The II:IX in 316/104 Structure of Nuclei, The XI in 264/083 Structure of the Physical World, The/Part HI in 315/102 (Studies in Humanism) 090/023 (Studies in Logical Theory) 090/023 Study of Mathematics, The 077/021 " " n" , " Ill in 100/024 11 " , " IV in 172/051 Styles in Ethics 267/085 " " " IX: 40 in 659/228 Sub-Classes, Sub-Relations and Relative Types II :B in 101/025 Substance II:XXIII in 315/101 Summary and Conclusion III:XXXVIII in 315/102 Summary of Part I to "Principia Mathematica" in 101/025 " " " II " " " in 1o1/025 n it n m * " " in 101/025 •» « • 1 » • " IV:17 in 659/228 - 324 -
Summary " » " it
of Part IV to » " 17 » u n y • n n y » n
"Principle Mathematica" in " " IV:18 in « n in " " IV:19 in n
l n
BN / S. 101/026 659/228 101/026 659/228 101/026
n n II V I II It It IV:20 in 659/228 Summary of Postulates VI:IX in 536/175 Superior Virtue of The n it t i nthe Oppresed, n n .....Vln 422/147 567/184 Superstitious Ethics ! !!i:XII in 609/201 Sur la logique des relations avec des applications à la théorie des séries 027/010 Sur la relation des mathémetiques à la logistique 059/019 Sur les Axiomes de la Géométrie 014/007 Sur les axiomes de l'infini et du transfini ... 107/030 Suspended Reactions: Knowledge and Belief II :V in 536/175 Symbolic logic 1:11 in 037/013 » " IV: 13 in 659/228 (Symbolic Logic and Its Applications) 069/020 Symptoms of Orwell's "1984" in 617/207 Syndicalist Revolt, The I : m in 177/055 Taboo on Sex Knowledge, The VIII in 347/114 Taming Economic Power 428/148 Taming of Power, The XVIII in 436/149 " " " , " XVII: 71 in '659/228 Tariff Controversy: Bibliog 048/017 (Tariff Problem, The) 038/016 Teaching of Euclid, The 032/010 Teaching of History, The Ill in 593/195 Teaching Philosophy 518/172 Technique for Politicians, The 384/131 Technique in Biology II:VIII in 372/125 Technique in Inanimate Matter II:VII in 372/124 Technique in Physiology II:IX in 372/125 Technique in Psychology II:X in 372/125 Technique in Society II:XI in 372/125 Ten Years Since the War Began 542/179 Territorial Adjustments VIII in 647/218 Territorial Problems 10 in 661/230 (Theoretical Mechanics: an Introductory Treatise on the Theory of Mechanics; 012/006 théorie des types logiques, La 098/024 Théorie générale des séries bien-ordonnées .... 030/010 Theory of Apparent Variables I:B in 101/025 Theory of Continuity, The V in 133/039 Theory of Deduction, The I:A in 101/025 Theory of Deduction for Propositions Containing Apparent Variables .... vol. I:Appendix:A in 101/025 Theory of Finite Numbers IIsXIV in 037/014 Theory of Ideas, The Book One:II:XV in 504/163 Theory of Implication, The 066/020 Theory of Knowledge 296/093 " " " 11 in 648/220 " " " V:27 in 659/228 - 325 -
BN / S. Theory of Logical Types .. vol. I: Introd.sII " " " " IV: 10 Theory of Quanta, The VI " " " , " IsIV Theory of Space and Time and Its Relation to Monadism, The X Theory of Surplus Value, The IIsCsXIX B " " " , " XII:55 Theory of Types and Symbolism, The VII Things That Have Mouled Me Thirteenth Century, The .... Book Two:II:XII Thirty Years from Now Three Doctors of th& Curch .... Book Two si: III Three Essentials for a Stable World .. IV:IV Three Kinds of Conflict I:II Three Ways to the World Time in Experience IIIsV Time, Public and Private IVsV To End the Deadlock in India To Face Danger Without Hysteria Tolerance in Democracy Ill Toleration Tolstoy's Domestic Problems To Replace Our Pears W i t h Hope Tortoise Touch and Sight: The E a r t h and the Heavens .. I " " " : " " » " " Toward and Understanding of China Toward World Federation - Too Optimistic Town and Country " " » VI " " » VIII (Tractatus logico-philosophicus) Training of Young Children, The Transatlantic "Truth" Transfinite Cardinals V:XXXVII Transfinite Ordinals V:XXXVIII Transition to Internationalism, The .... I:V (Treatise o n Probability, A) Trial Marriage XII Truth and Experience XVII T r u t h and Falsehood XII " " " XIII " " " IVsXXIV " " " VIII:38 Truth and Falsehood: Preliminary Discussion XVI Truth and Verification XXI Truth: Elementary Forms IIsVIII Truthfulness IIsVIII Truth-Functions and Meaning-Functions Turning-Point in My Life, A Twelfth Century, The Book Two:II:XI Twilight of Metternich, The IsIV Twilight of Science, The: Is the Universe Running Down? -
in In in in
101/025 705/252 264/083 315/101
in in in in
019/007 395/133 659/228 178/057 312/099 504/163 354/117 504/163 660/229 582/188 332/112 536/175 536/175 465/157 569/186 593/195 524/173 242/079 563/183 319/107 294/091 317/107 221/073 448/154 202/065 203/065 207/066 237/075 311/099 081/021 037/014 037/014 263/081 226/074 347/114 455/1 55 118/032 213/069 316/104 659/228
in in in in in in in
in in in in in
in in in in in in in in in in in in in
455/155 455/1 55 536/175 308/095 261/081 533/174 in 504/163 in 395/133 339/113
BN / S. Two Ideals of Pacifism Two Prophets Types of Physical Occurences
161/048 424/147 III:XXXIV in 315/102
(Über die Bedeutung des Weberschen Gesetzes) .. (Über die Erfahrungsgrundlagen unseres Wissens) (Über die Stellung der Gegenstandstheorie im System der Wissenschaften) " 11:3 in Ultimate Constituents of Matter, The . n " " " , " . . . VII in Unarmed Victory Understanding History and Other Essays (Underworld of State, The) Unilateral D i s a r m a m e n t Appendix:I in Unit Classes and Couples lis A in (Unity of European History, The) Unity of Western Culture Universals and Particulars and Names .... 14 in Universe, The Part IV in Universe of Astronomy, The IsII in University, The IIIsXVIII in University Education IIsX in University Education: What It Ought to Be UNPOPULAR ESSAYS '('Ühtersuchungen zur Gegenstandstheorie u n d Psychologie) " 11:2 in "Useless" Knowledge II in " " in " " in Uses of Language, The II:I in " " » , " 111:11 in Utilitarianism and since in Utilitarians, The Book Three:II:XXVI in valeur de 1'individuality humaine, La Validity of Inference, The IV:XXV i n " " " , " IV:23 in Value of Free Thought, The: How to Become a Truth-Seeker and Break the Cains of Mental Slavery " in X V in Value of Philosophy The Value of Scepticism The n Ii n " I in n n ii " in N II II " in n it II " in Values in the Atomic Age Variable, The I:VIII in . VI:B in Vector-Families Velocity of Light, The Ill in Victors and Vanquished Vienna Adress IV:VI in Vital Letters of Russell, Krushchev, Dulles, The
- 327 -
015/007 071/020 078/021 705/252 138/041 172/051 668/233 624/210 287/089 647/218 101/025 531/174 540/179 648/220 316/104 536/175 308/096 660/229 651/225 567/184 058/019 705/252 401/140 464/157 638/216 536/175 659/228 649/223 504/164 571/187 316/104 659/228 497/161 624/210 118/032 327/108 331/109 464/1 57 638/216 700/249 549/180 037/014 101/026 294/091 490/160 660/229 627/214
(Vailing of the Middle Ages, The) War and Atrocity in Vietnam " " " " " 2 in War and Individual liberty War and Non-Resistance " " " » 3 in War and Peace in My Lifetime IT:II in War as an Institution " " " " Ill in WAR CRIMES IN VIETNAM Warranted Assertibility XXIII in Wars of Principle VII in War, the Offspring of Pear Washington Conference, The IX in Way of the World, The Weekly Diary, A Well Ordered Series VsD in Western Civilization VIII in Western Hegemony in Post-War Asia Weyl's Theory I:X in What about India? What Can A Free Man Worship? (36.08) " " " " » » (36.23) " " " " " " in What Constitutes Intelligence What Happens and What is Observed II in What I Believe " " " (5)' in " " " IX:43 in What I Believe What I Believe What I Etat What is a Christian? in What is an Agnostic? " " " " XV: 62 in What is an Empirical Science? IIsXVII in What is a Word? I in What is Democracy? " " » II:II in What is Freedom? » " " II: I in What is Hoped for from Bolshevism 1:1 in What is Matter? XIV in What is Means? I in What is Morality? What Is the Soul? XV in " " " " in " " " " in What Is Western Civilization? What Makes a Scial System Good or Bad? " " " " " I. H n II:VIII in What Makes People Unhappy •••••••••••••• 1:1 in What Neutrals can do to Save the World II:VIII in What Sentences "Indicate" XV in What Shall We Do With Germany?
BN / S. 288/089 673/235 678/236 165/049 140/042 158/045 660/229 148/043 159/045 678/236 455/155 415/145 132/038 238/076 528/174 398/137 101/026 401/140 489/160 315/101 469/158 036/012 036/013 700/249 249/079 294/091 293/090 625/210 659/228 342/113 364/123 199/064 314/099 596/196 659/228 315/101 455/155 593/195 660/228 592/195 660/228 207/066 294/091 593/195 231/074 401/140 464/157 638/216 340/113 217/072 263/081 363/119 660/229 455/155 479/159
BN / S. What Shall We Educate For? An Inquiry into Fundamentals What's Wrong With Americans What We Can Do What We Must Do What Would Help Mankind Most? •
300/094 570/186 VIII in 159/045 in 314/100 595/196
XVII:73 in 659/228
When Should Marriage Be Dissolved? 112/031 Where Fatherhood is Unknown II in 347/113 Where Is Industrialism Going? 260/080 WHICH WAY TO PEACE? 415/145 Which Way to Peace 416/146 Whitehead and Principia Mathematica 522/173 Whole and Part II:XVI in 037/014 Why and Wherefore of Wishing for Things 196/064 Why a Sexual Ethic is Necessary I in 347/113 Why Did Leibniz Believe in an External World?/Vl in 019/007 Why Fanaticism Brings Defeat 530/174 WHY I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN 314/099 n n ii n nn XV:63 in 659/228 WHY I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN AND'¿THER*ESSAYS* 625/210 Why I Am Not a Communist 341/132 " " " " " " in 617/207 " " " " » " XI: 52 in 659/228 Why Is Modern Youth Cynical 350/117 Why I Took nto Philosophy I in 617/207 " " " " 1:4 in 659/228 Why men fight; a Method of Abolishing the International Duel 159/045 Why Nations Love War 131/038 " " " " IV in 158/045 Why Radicals Are Unpopular 403/142 Why Russian Communism Failed IIsVI in 207/066 Why World Government is Disliked 7 in 661/230 Will Religious Faith Cure Our Troubles? II:VII in 609/201 (Will to Believe and Pragmatism, The) 090/023 Will to Doubt, The 638/216 WISDOM OF THE WEST 649/222 Words and Meaning X in 213/069 " " " in 317/107 (Words and Things) 645/217 Work II :XIV in 363/119 Work and Pay II:IV in 177/055 World and the Observer, The 628/215 World as It Could Be Made, The II:VIII in 177/055 " » " " " " , " in 317/107 World Government II:XI in 582/188 "
XVII: 75 in 659/228
World Government IV World Government - By Force or Consent? World I Should Like to Live in, The .... II:VII World Man LiVes In, The World of Physics, The I:III World of Physics and the World Sense, The ... IV - 329 -
in 593/195 529/174 in 660/228 332/112 in 536/175 in 133/039
BN / S. W o r l d of Science, The W o r l d of Universals, The
Part I i n 536/175 IX in 118/032
Zahatopolk " Zero Zest Zionism and the Peace Settlement
- 330 -
in 608/200 I in 701/249 Ill:XXII in 037/014 II:XI in 363/119 480/159
5. Quellennachweis / Liât of Sources Periodika 1. National Union Catalog a) Pre 1956 London: Mansel Information The American library Association b) 1956-1967 Totawa, N.J..: littlefield, Adams&Co. c) 1968-1972 AimArbor, Mich.: J. W. Edwards d) 1973 ff. Washington: library o'f Congress 2. Cumalative Book Index a) 1928-1932 The United Statee Catalog b) 1933 ff. World list of books in the English language 3. British National Bibliography a) 1950-1970 london: The Council of the British National Bibliography b) 1971 ff. London: The British library, Bibliography Services Division 4. British books in print london: J. Whitaker & Son 5. Répertoire Bibliographique de la Philosophie. Publié sous les auspices de l'Institut International de Philosophie avec le patronage de l'Unesco. löwen (Belgien): Institut supérieur de Philosophie 6. Index translationum Paris: les Presses de l'Unesco 7. Bibliographie de la Philosophie Paris: librarle Philosophique, J. Vrin 8. Deutsches Bücherverzeichnis (Leipzig) 9. Deutsche National-Bibliographie (Leipzig/DDR) 10. Deutsche Bibliographie (Frankfurt/BRD) Einzelwerke / Individual works 11. a) B. Russell: "A History of Western Philosophy" 1945 New York: Simon ft Schuster (Introduction) 1946 London: Allen ft Unwin (" ) b) B. Russell: "Philosophie des Abendlandes" 1950 Zürich: Europa Verlag (Vorwort) 12. a) Alan Wood: "Bertrand Russell, the Passionate Sceptic" 1957 London: Allen & Unwin b) Alan Wood: "Bertrand Russell, Skeptiker aus Leidenschaft" 1959 Thun: Otto Verlag 1 3 . a) Bertrand Russell: "My Philosophical Development" 1959 London: Allen Sc. Unwin (Appendix: "Russell's Philosophy. A study of its Development." by Alan Wood) b) Bertrand Russell: "Philosophie. Die Entwicklung meines Denkens." 1973 München: Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung (Anhang: "Die Philosophie Bertrand Russell's. Fragmente zu einer Studie über ihre Entwicklung." von Alan Wood.) - 331 -
14. a) Bertrand Russell: "Wisdom of the West" 1959 London: Maodonald and Jane's (Foreword) b) Bertrand Russell: "Denker des Abendlandes" 1962 Stuttgart: Belser (Vorwort) 15. "The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell" 1961 London: Allen & Unwin New York: Simon & Schuster 16. "Complete Catalogue" 1977 London: Allen & Unwin 17. Paul A. Schiljp (ed.) "The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell" 1944 Evanston, Chicago: Northwestern University. 1951 La Salle, 111.: Open Court (Bibliography by Lester E. Denonn) 18. "Encyclopaedia Britanica% vol.19 1962 London 19. "Essays in Analysis by Bertrand Russell" 1973 London: Allen & Unwin (Bibliography) 20. D. F. Pears (ed.) "Bertrand Russell. A Collection of Critical Essays" 1972 New York, Toronto: Doubleday and Co. (Bibliography by Harry Ruja) 21. "Philosophen Lexikon", Bd. 2 1950 Berlin: W. de Gruyter. 2. Auflage 22. Herbert Gottschalk: "Bertrand Russell" 1962 Berlin: Colloquium Verlag 23. Bertrand Russell "Autobiography I - III" 1967 ff. London: Allen & Unwin "Autobiographie I - III" 1967 ff. Zürich: Europa V., Frankfurt: Insel V. 24. Kindlers Literatur-Lexikon 1974 München: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag
- 332 -
saur Ingrid Heinrich-Jost
Literarische Publizistik Adolf GlaBbrenners (1810-1876) Die List beim Schreiben der Wahrheit 1980. 399 Seiten, 19 Abbildungen. Broschiert DM 36,Dortmunder Beiträge, Band 31 ISBN 3-598-21281-X Adolf Glaßbrenner, einer der bedeutensten Publizisten des 19. Jahrhunderts, ist ein prägnantes Beispiel eines engagierten Dichters, Schriftstellers, Redakteurs und Verlegers, der sich für den Kampf des Bürgertums um politische Emanzipation einsetzt. Ingrid Heinrich-Jost weist nach, wie ein Publizist und seine Periodika im Zeitalter der bürgerlichen Revolution nicht nur auf gesellschaftliche Veränderungen reagierten, sondern sich in deren geistige Avantgarde einreihten. Darüber hinaus werden erstmals Glaßbrenners politisch-satirische Groschenhefte vorgestellt - Medien, die auch Leser »unterhalb« des bürgerlichen Lesepublikums erreichen konnten. Die brechtische Volkstümlichkeit von Glaßbrenners Schriften wird in diesem Buch durch Analyse, Textbeispiele und einen umfangreichen Bildanhang belegt.
Martin Buber A Bibliography of his Writings. Eine Bibliographie seiner Schriften 1897-1978 Zusammengestellt von Margot Cohn und Raphael Buber 1980. IV, 160 Seiten, Br. D M 5 6 , (Coproduktion mit The Magnes Press, The Hebreur University Jerusalem) ISBN 3-598-10146-5 Englisch Diese neue und aktuelle Bibliographie der Schriften von Martin Buber enthält etwa 1500 Eintragungen von 1897 bis einschließlich 1978 (dem 100. Geburtstag Martin Bubers). Grundlage für dieses umfangreiche Werk war das Material des Martin-Buber-Archivs der Jüdischen National- und Universitätsbibliothek Jerusalem, das durch Materialien von anderen Sammlungen und Instituten vervollständigt wurde Die Veröffentlichungen sind chronologisch geordnet und getrennt gegliedert nach Texten in lateinischer, kyrillischer und hebräischer Schrift In allen drei Teilen werden zunächst die selbständigen Buchveröffentlichungen erfaßt, danach die Sammelschriften und Artikel aus Zeitungen und Zeitschriften.
K * a * S a u r H U n c h c n • New l f e r l e London • P a r i s K-G Saur Verlag KG • Postfach 711009 -8000 München 71 • Tel. (0 89) 79 8 9 01 K- G • Saur Publishing, Inc. • 1995 Broadway • New York, N. Y. 10023 • Tel. 212 873-2100 K-G -Saur Ltd. • 1-19 New Oxford Street • London WC1A1 NE Tel. 01-404-4818 K G - Saur Editeur S.A.R.L. • 38,rue de Bassano • 75008 Paris • Téléphone 723 55-18
Background Material on the International Reception of Hegel within the Context of the History of Philosophy
Materialien zur Geschichte dar internationalen HegelRezeption und zur Philosophie-Geschichte
Compiled by / Zusammengestellt von Kurt Steinhauer Keyword Index by / Stichwortregister von Gitta Hausen 1980. X V I , 894 S. Lin. DM 2 4 8 . - . ISBN 3-598-03184-X Die vorliegende Bibliographie ist der bisher umfassendste Nachweis der weltweit erschienenen Werke und Ausgaben von Georg Friedrich Hegel, der Arbeiten der zeitgenössischen Philosophen und Nachfolger, besonders des deutschen Idealismus, und der Literatur über Hegel. Die Bibliographie ist in zwei Teile gegliedert. Die Werke Hegels (Gesamtausgaben Ausgewählte Werke — Einzelausgaben — Briefe von und an Hegel), insgesamt 874 Titeleintragungen vereinigend, und die Bibliographie der Sekundärquellen zu Hegels Philosophie und der Philosophie seiner Epoche, 1802— 1975, mehr als 11 000 Nachweise erfassend. Verzeichnet wurden in chronologischer
Folge nach dem Erscheinungsjahr Originalwerke, Monographien, Zeitschriftenaufsätze, Dissertationen und, in Auswahl, Zeitungsartikel und Rezensionen, veröffentlicht in 29 Sprachen. Der chronologisch und nach dem Alphabet der Autoren und anonymen Titel geordnete Teil wird ergänzt durch das Register der Autoren, Herausgeber und Übersetzer und ein detailliertes Register nach deutschen Stichwörtern, die den erfaßten Titeln und Untertiteln entnommen wurden und dem Benutzer das Titelmaterial sachlich und systematisch erschließen. Diese erste grundlegende Personalbibliographie ist ein unschätzbarer Beitrag für die internationale Forschung zur Geschichte der Hegel-Rezeption und zur Geschichte der Philosophie des deutschen Idealismus.
K*G*Saur MUnctien • Mew York* London • Paris K • G • Saur Verlag KG • Postfach 7110 09 • 8000 M ünchen 71 • Tel. (0 89) 79 89 01 K •' G • Saur Publishing, Inc. • 1995 Broadway • New York, N. V. 10023 • Tel. 212 873-2100 K G Saur Ltd. • 1-19 New Oxford Street • London WC1A1 NE -Tel.01-404-4818 K G Saur Editeur S.A.R.L. - 38,rue de B a s s a n o • 7 5 0 0 8 Paris-Téléphone 723 55-18