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English Pages [117] Year 1966
Copyright Canada 1966 by McGill University Press. All rights reserved. Printed in Canada. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 66-19764
While I was on a visit to Switzerland early in October 1954, Henry Sigerist called me into his study at Casa Serena. He was in the midst of writing an eloge of Arturo Castiglioni which he had delivered a few weeks before in Rome at the Fourteenth International Congress of the History of Medicine. Commenting that such obituaries were often so numerous that people grew tired of them, he expressed the hope that this would not happen after his death and added that he thought the best possible memorial to a man was the publication of his bibliography, pointing to the Cushing bibliography* as an admirable example of a complete testimonial and record of a man's achievement. Aware that his own health was rapidly declining, he said that whatever should happen to him in the future, he felt that his life had already been very full. Two weeks later he was stricken with the first cerebral accident which impaired his speech; two and a half years later came the second which took his life on March 17, 1957. This bibliography thus fulfills Henry Sigerist's own desire, and it was with a deep sense of privilege that I accepted the invitation of his wife and daughters to prepare it for publication. As a disciple, former research secretary, and associate of Henry Sigerist at Johns Hopkins, my obligation to this man who possessed true greatness of spirit shall never cease. I would hope that in addition to memorializing the man, this bibliography will help to make the versatile range of his thought accessible to everyone. The bibliography is essentially Sigerist's own work. The general form and style of citation imitates the Cushing bibliography which he had himself proposed. In fact, his personal copy contains the following dedica*A bibliography of the writings of Harvey Cushing prepared on the occasion of his seventieth birthday April 8, 1939 by the Harvey Cushing Society. Springfield,
III.: Charles C. Thomas, 1939.
tion: "To Henry B. [sic] Sigerist who suggested this Bibliography from one of the editors John Fulton, May 7, 1939." He was very systematic in recording each new publication in his file, and each item was separately bound in his library. He sought to reproduce accurately the pertinent information on the title page and to indicate the size, pagination, and number of illustrations. Abbreviations of journal titles approximate those in the World List of Scientific Periodicals. In editing his work I have not been concerned with changing it to conform with any particular bibliographic set of rules, as that would have been contrary to Sigerist's own editorial philosophy. An individualist, he had repeatedly expressed a dislike of the current tendency to rewrite and standardize material. My task was chiefly to check his descriptions for accuracy and to establish a definitive numbering system. Most of the annotations are his; the few which I have added are initialed [G.M.]. I abandoned his plan to put the book reviews in a separate section, since most of the earlier reviews were really articles, and by inserting them chronologically with the papers one can see at a glance what subjects occupied him in any given year. My principal contribution is the index, which I hope will be a helpful guide to the contents of his books and articles. The bibliography contains 520 items, more than the number with which Sigerist had credited himself in his last summary made on January 1, 1957. His figures were as follows: 25 books in 61 editions; 353 papers in 414 publications. My total shows 27 books in 64 editions and 455 papers. This does not include the many publications he edited which are listed in section V. I am very indebted to Mrs. Emmy Sigerist for her cordial hospitality at Casa Serena during August, 1958 when I began work on the bibliography. My task was facilitated greatly by the systematic arrangement of the publications which had been done before my arrival by Erica Sigerist Campanella and Nora Sigerist Beeson. Staff members of the Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine and of the Department of the History of Medicine, Yale Medical School were most cooperative, and the McGill University Press provided useful editorial advice. The following publishers courteously supplied pertinent information: Cornell University Press, Oxford University Press, Yale University Press, G. C. Sansoni, Florence, Italy, and the Baltimore Sun. Clerical and other expenses were partially provided by a Public Health Service grant [RG6393 (A)] awarded by the Division of General Medical Sciences. Cleveland, Ohio October 9, 1963
Editor's Preface PAGE V
Introduction by Erwin H. Ackerknecht PAGE 1
I Vita PAGE 9
II Books and Monographs PAGE 15
III Edited Works, Translations, and Facsimiles PAGE 29
IV Papers, Addresses, Prefaces, Reports, and Reviews PAGE 35
V Editorial Work PAGE 93
Index PAGE 97
INTRODUCTION Erwin H. Ackerknecht
Henry E. Sigerist was the leading medical historian of his generation. In this specialized field he showed an originality and a creativity which will make his name long remembered. I hope that I can give at least a glimpse of the medico-historical achievement of a man whom I remember with profound gratitude and with whom I was united in friendship for thirty years, in spite of many political disagreements, by a common enthusiasm for medical history. Only a few biographical facts are needed here for orientation. Born in Paris in 1891 of Swiss parents, Henry E. Sigerist graduated from the Gymnasium at Zürich in 1910, studied oriental languages at the Universities of Zürich and London from 1910-1911, and medicine at Munich and Zürich between 1911 and 1917. After graduation he began work in medical history and became Privatdozent (Assistant Professor) of Medical History at Zürich in 1921. In 1925 he was called to Leipzig as full Professor and successor to Karl Sudhoff. Seven years later in 1932 he succeeded William H. Welch as Professor and Director of the Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine. In 1947 he retired to Pura, a village in the Italian part of Switzerland near Lugano, where he died in 1957. His first serious medico-historical publication was an article on a medieval manuscript "Cirurgia Eliodori" which appeared in 1920 in Sudhoff's Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin [80]*. Dozens of such manuscripts were published during the next twenty-five years. They deal mostly with medical material from the so-called Dark Ages, that is, materials written before the flowering of the School of Salerno. They are the subject of his first book, Studien and Texte zur frühmittelalterlichen Rezeptliteratur [2], which was published in 1923 and had been his Habilitations*Figures refer to items in the bibliography. 1
schrift for his appointment to the University of Zürich. A second book written in collaboration with the classicist Ernst Howald, a critical edition of the Herbarius of Pseudo-Apuleus [55] published in 1927, won even more acclaim from specialists. The James Bryce Memorial Lecture delivered at Somerville College, Oxford, in 1950 [519] summarized his studies on medieval medicine. That Sigerist should engage first in this field resulted from his original philological training as well as from the influence of his teacher Karl Sudhoff. Sigerist remained an enthusiastic philologist to the end. It may surprise many of his admirers that the "artistic" Dr. Sigerist enjoyed and excelled in these painstaking, detailed studies of the transmission of fragments of ancient knowledge. If we accept Owsei Temkin's differentiation of Sigerist's analytical and synthetic work, the greater part of his analytical contribution was made during these early years when he was working on medieval manuscripts. Using the categories Sigerist himself employed when discussing Julius Pagel's contribution, we can classify this part of his æuvre as "Research Materials and Tools," a category as unspectacular as it is long-lived. It is sad that Sigerist never found time really to use the enormous amount of material he collected in this field. In 1923 he also published the very interesting letters which the famous Bemese physiologist, Albrecht von Haller, wrote to Johannes Gesner of Zürich between 1728 and 1777 [54]. There were 550 letters, with several thousand explanatory footnotes. This is the most substantial of Sigerist's many studies on Swiss medical history. It was apparently a compromise between his desire to write a Haller biography and Sudhoff's insistence that he publish texts. His attraction to the eighteenth century was not accidental. For him it was the century of "flowering", as opposed to "development" and "decadence" in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. George Rosen has rightly called him a "philosophe in the twentieth century." Even his "Sinophilia," his "Chinoiseries"—he occasionally wrote poems in the Chinese manner—are of the eighteenth century. Within this period his favorites were first Haller, John Hunter, and Auenbrugger; later, when his interest in preventive medicine had become more pronounced, Bernhard Christoph Faust and Johann Peter Frank. Haller was the only author he collected systematically (his Haller collection is now in the Yale Historical Library), and Haller's biography offers enough parallels with his own for a probably unconscious identification. It was under Sigerist's influence that Stephen d'Irsay later wrote his interesting little book on Haller. The first substantial synthetic effort of Sigerist was his essay "Die Geburt der abendländischen Medizin" [104] which appeared in 1924 in the Festschrift which he and Charles Singer published for Sudhoff's seventieth 2
birthday. It exhibits for the first time his characteristic style in a more pronounced form. That the development of anatomy, "der anatomische Gedanke," was the decisive orientation for the evolution of modern medicine, had been distinctly asserted before by Rudolf Virchow. Sigerist succeeded in reintroducing this idea in a new and convincing form and applied it with good results to new problems like the history of surgery, for which, as a pupil of Ferdinand Sauerbruch, he always had a certain interest. In the course of these Renaissance studies he also translated Ambroise Pare's treatise on gunshot wounds [51]. Synthetic work came into the foreground in Sigerist's Leipzig period. Its orientation was dubbed "philosophical" by its initiator, and the famous triangular symbol of the Leipzig Institute represented the union of medicine, history, and philosophy. One of his last papers [166] published in Leipzig states, "Research in the history of ideas is the most attractive part of the history of medicine." Temkin has indicated the strong esthetic elements of this orientation, while Rosen has emphasized Sigerist's life-long devotion to his countrymen, Jacob Burckhardt and Heinrich Wölfflin, two historians strongly influenced by art as well as philosophy. Sigerist's studies on Sebastian-Apollo in 1927 [127] and on William Harvey as part of the Baroque [136] are the best known of his works inspired by art history and are as original as they are famous. Sigerist's eminently successful Einführung in die Medizin of 1931 [6] was translated into six languages, the English version being called Man and Medicine [8]. In addition to the medical material it contains as many philosophical ideas as historical ones, ending not accidentally with a quotation from Nietzsche. Its best historical chapter, "On Constitution," as well as the philosophical one on "The Special Position of the Sick" were first published as articles [141, 143]. The following year 1932 saw the publication of Sigerist's second general book, Grosse Aerzte [14], which is regarded by many as his best work and of which a fourth edition was published after the author's death [17]. It is a non-technical history of medicine consisting of sixty short biographies. Unlike Carlyle he was not obsessed, as the title might suggest, with "great men." Instead the biographies are used as mosaic stones to compose a fresco of great events in which ideas are still the most prominent actors. In the 1920's in Germany political and literary history had been written successfully in this vein by authors like Herbert Eulenberg, Ricarda Huch, and Wilhelm Schaefer. Sigerist applied the technique with great talent to medical history. Along with these books I would like to mention a short paper "Psychopathologie and Kulturwissenschaft" [168] published in 1931, because it also shows how extremely gifted Sigerist was, being able to produce on 3
the occasion of a more or less command performance new insight in a field in which he did not often work. In this article he demonstrated that traits which are considered psychopathological in our culture can be perfectly normal in another earlier culture, an idea which was developed later in greater detail by Ruth Benedict and other American anthropologists and psychiatrists who were not aware of his paper. Sigerist's migration to the United States in 1932 had a profound effect on his work. Some of his projects like the medieval manuscript studies he continued, others which he had planned, such as the translation of Hippocrates or a work on the history of diseases, he dropped or never started. Yet the essential change does not consist of such details: it consists of a new orientation in his basic thought. After the philological and the philosophical period, he entered the third and final one which he called "sociological." This new orientation had slowly matured under the influence of the great depression as well as from close contacts with such Leipzig sociologists as Hans Freyer and Joachim Wach. Now he began to expound on the "crisis of medicine." In 1931 he began to put the "social environment" beside the natural one as a cause of disease. He dreamed of the "Asclepios politicos" and urged that the physicians should "keep pace with society." Sigerist always saw in medical history the bridge between the old humanities and the new science. To him the history of medicine was always both history and medicine; the medical historian always remained a physician who could contribute something to his profession. The environment of the United States, where most scholars place a high value on the social usefulness of their work, could only strengthen these tendencies. In his new sociological orientation he believed that he had found the ideal instrument for the realization of these goals. The new orientation might not have shifted toward philosophical materialism if the author had not moved to the United States. Sigerist was by formation a philosophical idealist. In 1927 he spoke despairingly of the materialism of the nineteenth century which had broken down. His remedies for the crisis in 1930 were research on the human constitution, psychoanalysis, and philosophical anthropology. In spite of his developing devotion to the Soviet Union, Sigerist never became a rigid Marxian materialist. In his opinion the anti-revolutionary Taine remained of all men the one theoretician who had come closest to understanding the historical process. In the introduction to his magnum opus, his History of Medicine [44], there is still in 1951 the idealistic statement, "The philosophers are the most powerful makers of history." On the other hand it is undeniable that around 1935 economic and class conditions, which had not been mentioned before, became very important to him. 4
Sigerist called his new orientation "sociology," but it had little in common with what is usually understood by this term in the writings of Durkheim, Max Weber, or Georg Simmel. The greater part of what he called "sociology" has been correctly defined by Milton Roemer as "the current patterns and problems of medical care in different countries," or social medicine. Sigerist collected a large amount of literature on this subject (which he called his "sociology collection") and studied conditions directly in the United States, Canada, Russia, South Africa, and India. The announcement of a first course at Johns Hopkins on "The Social Aspects of Medicine" in 1934 marks the beginning of these activities which absorbed a great deal of his time and interest, and made him a public as well as a controversial figure. Much of his sociology was and remained medical history, and is perhaps more precisely defined as "social history of medicine." In Leipzig, the city of Lamprecht, he had written medical history as part of the total history of a period, as Kulturgeschichte of medicine. In Baltimore and Pura he tried to write social history of medicine, that is the history of medicine as part of the history of a period with special emphasis on economic and class conditions. This was unquestionably caused by the great depression which seemed to show that the so-called crisis of medicine had been only one aspect of the crisis of society. It was also an effect of his newly acquired interest in Marxism and of the environment of the United States where economic motivations have been generally assumed and imputed long before Karl Marx. The first book Sigerist wrote in the United States, American Medicine [23], is a combination of history and sociology. It is now outdated, as medical conditions in the United States have changed and our knowledge of American medical history has advanced a great deal since 1933, but it was a valiant pioneer effort and surprisingly enough is still the only short history of medicine of the United States available. Sigerist's 1937 work on Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union [24] is entirely sociological. It shows a naive faith in Soviet statistics, and presents accomplishments in the health field without referring to the dark background of totalitarian oppression and poverty in Soviet society. Medicine and Human Welfare [34], published in 1941, develops the historical chapters on "Disease" and "The Physician" from Man and Medicine [8] in terms of the new sociological orientation. A new chapter on "Health and Society" was added. Civilization and Disease [38], which appeared in 1943, shows the historical connection between disease and economics, the life of a society, law, history, religion, philosophy, science, literature, the arts, and music. The book is as informative as it is lively 5
and displays a unique talent and catholicity of tastes and knowledge in bringing these aspects together. During his Baltimore years Sigerist applied his new approach in numerous papers such as "The Physician's Profession through the Ages" [186], "The Philosophy of Hygiene [185], a subject he took up again in his Heath Clark Lectures of 1952 [47], and "The Social History of Medicine" [279], perhaps succeeding best in his essays on the history of occupational diseases [232] or of gynaecology [297]. Unfortunately only a first chapter of a book on the history of compulsory health insurance which would have been called "From Bismarck to Beveridge" appeared [327]. Between 1942 and 1946, in the midst of World War II and innumerable other tasks, Sigerist developed a new interest in the history of spas which resulted in several papers [307, 328, 385, 386, 387]. In 1947 Sigerist retired from his academic position at Johns Hopkins and went to Pura, Switzerland, to spend his entire time in the preparation of an eight-volume history of medicine which was to use an approach quite new in medical history and was to summarize the studies of his entire life. This was intended to be the incarnation of his sociological approach to medical history and, in the parts which have appeared, is its best illustration. It was to be followed by a four-volume sociology of medicine. Unfortunately failing health prevented the attainment of his goal, and when Sigerist died in 1957 only the first volume of this work had appeared [44]. In 1961 the incomplete manuscript of the second volume was published [45]. The first volume begins with a programmatic introduction concerning the problems and methods of medical history: "Medical history will study health and disease through the ages, the conditions for health and disease, and the history of all human activities that tended to promote health, to prevent illness, and to restore the sick, no matter who the acting individuals were." An excellent thirty-page survey of paleopathology follows, and a hundred-page chapter on primitive medicine which supports Sigerist's old thesis that in primitive medicine magic, religious and empirico-rational principles are inextricably combined. In the section on Egyptian medicine Sigerist's new approach is systematically used. Chapters on the geography, chronology, and the socioeconomic conditions of ancient Egypt lead up to a thorough discussion of the magico-religious and empirico-rational principles of Egyptian medicine. The medicine of ancient Mesopotamia is dealt with in the same vein. The second volume was to contain both Greek and Hindu medicine. This was a most praiseworthy attempt to overcome the traditional European-centred approach of medical historians. In its present form the 6
second volume begins with very lively chapters on Homer's Greece and its medicine, followed by a discussion of the early Indus civilizations and Vedic medicine. A brilliant description of life in the Greek city states leads up to Hippocratic medicine. In the midst of this subject the discussion unfortunately stops. The result of Sigerist's new method is impressive indeed, and the book will not be easily superseded. It is all the more sad that it had to remain a fragment. Sigerist was not only a great creative medical historian. His extraordinary work as an organizer was at least as important and should be mentioned here. He built up model departments in Germany and in the United States. He was the soul of medico-historical associations in Switzerland, Germany, and the United States. In the last country where Shryock has paid tribute to his accomplishments he kept up this work under great difficulties even during World War II. He thought a great deal about the university as a centre of research and teaching, and published in 1946 a volume of essays on The University at the Crossroads [42]. His medico-historical surveys and reports as well as his syllabus [197] furthered work and teaching in the field. He edited and translated more than a dozen medical classics. He was the dynamic editor of Sudhoffs Archiv f ür Geschichte der Medizin and of the Bulletin of the History of Medicine which he founded. As Walter Pagel has stated so well, he was the friend and helper of his students. How much work of others was published through his efforts at Leipzig and Baltimore! The death of this incredibly gifted and active man was an irreparable loss to medical history.
VITA HENRY ERNEST SIGERIST Born, 42 rue d'Hauteville, Paris, April 7, 1891, son of Ernst Heinrich Sigerist (1860-1901) and Emma Sigerist née Wiskemann (1865-1954)
Student: Cours Delarbre, Paris, 1897-1901 Family moved to Zürich, 1901 Student: Von Beust'sche Privatschule, Zürich, 1901-1904 Literargymnasium, Zürich, 1904-1910 Maturitat, Zürich, 1910 Student of oriental philology: University of Zürich, 1910-1911 University of London, 1911 Student of medicine: University of Zürich, 1911-1914 University of Munich, 1914 University of Zürich, 1914-1917 Doctor of medicine, University of Zürich, 1917 Licensed to practise medicine, 1917 Periodic service in the Medical Corps of Swiss Army, 1912-1922 (Lieutenant 1917, First Lieutenant 1919) Postgraduate student under Karl Sudhoff in Leipzig, 1919 University of Zürich: Privatdozent of the History of Medicine, 1921-1925 Titular-professor, 1924 University of Leipzig: Professor of the History of Medicine and Director of the Institute of the History of Medicine (successor to Karl Sudhoff), 1925-1932 9
Johns Hopkins University: Visiting Lecturer, 1931 William H. Welch Professor of the History of Medicine and Director of the Institute of the History of Medicine, 1932-1947 Acting Librarian, William H. Welch Medical Library, 1942-1945 Yale University: Research Associate in the History of Medicine (professional rank), 1947-1957 Moved to Pura, Ticino, Switzerland, 1947 Died at Casa Serena, Pura, on March 17, 1957
1917 Member, Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft. 1919 Member, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften (Treasurer, 1925-1927; expelled, 1937; Honorary member, 1952). Member, Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften (Secretary-Treasurer, 1921-1925; Honorary member, 1926). 1920 Member, Antiquarische Gesellschaft in Zürich. Member, Societe Francaise d'Histoire de la M6decine. 192I Member, Allgemeine Geschichtsforschende Gesellschaft der Schweiz. Member, Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Zürich (Corresponding member, 1946). Member, The Royal Society of Medicine, Section of History of Medicine (Honorary member, 1940). Member, Societe Internationale d'Histoire de la Médecine (Vice-president, 1938-1941). 10
1923 Membro perpetuo, Istituto Storico Italiano dell'Arte Sanitåria, Rome. 1924 Member, History of Science Society (Delegate to American Council of Learned Societies, 1935-1938; President, 1939-1940; Member of Council, 1941-1944). 1928 Member, International Academy of the History of Science. 1929 Corresponding member, Royal Society of Medicine in Budapest.
1930 Honorary member, Greek Society of Medical History. Honorary member, Rumanian Society of Medical History.
1932 Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow, 1933; Vice-president for Section L, 1943). Member, Kaiserlich Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, Halle.
1933 Awarded Karl Sudhoff Medal of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaften und Technik, November 26, 1933. Honorary member, Alpha Upsilon chapter of Alpha Kappa Kappa.
1934 Member, American Association of the History of Medicine (President, 1937; Secretary, 1939-1943; Editor, 1939-1947; Honorary member, 1948) .
'935 Miembro correspondiente, El Colegio de Doctores de Madrid. Doctor honoris causa, University of Madrid, October 31, 1935. 11
1937 Corresponding fellow, Mediaeval Academy of America.
1938 Dwight H. Terry Lecturer, Yale University, November 2-4, 1938. Membre honoraire, Societe Yougoslave d'Histoire de la Culture Sanitaire "Hippocrate". Socio honorario, Academia Nacional de Medicina, México.
1939 Honorary member, Section on the History of Medicine of the Richmond Academy of Medicine. Litterarum doctor honoris causa, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, November 15, 1939. Member, Advisory Board, American Council of Learned Societies, 19391942. Member, Alpha chapter of Delta Omega Society. Member, Tudor and Stuart Club of The Johns Hopkins University. Miembro honorario, Sociedad Peruana de Historia de la Medicina. South African Universities' Visiting Lecturer, August-December, 1939.
1940 Honorary member, The History of Medicine Society of Tulane University. Messenger Lecturer, Cornell University, October-November, 1940. 1941 Corresponding member, Rudolf Virchow Medical Society of the City of New York. Honorary member, Alpha chapter of Michigan of Alpha Omega Alpha. luris utriusque doctor, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, October 17, 1941. Member, Historical Section of Svenska Läkaresällskapet. Miembro de honor, Ateneo de la Cåtedra de Historia de la Medicina, Buenos Aires. Honorary member, Rumanian Academy of Science. Miembro correspondiente extrangero, Sociedad Argentina de Historia de la Medicina. Miembro honorario, Sociedad de Historia de la Medicina de La Plata. 12
1942 Miembro correspondienie, Sociedad de Geografia e Historia de Guatemala.
1943 Chief Consultant, Board of Economic Warfare, Washington, D.C., January 1943-April 1944.
1944 Advisor, Health Survey and Development Committee, Government of India, November-December, 1944. Commissioner, Saskatchewan Health Services Survey Commission, September-October, 1944. Söcio correspondente, Sociedade Paulista de Historia da Medicina, Säo Paulo, Brazil.
1945 Member, American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. 1946 Honorary member, Instituto Brasileiro de Historia de la Medicina, Rio de Janeiro.
1947 Corresponding member, Genootschap voor Geschiedensis der Geneeskunde, Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen. Honorary fellow, The New York Academy of Medicine. Honorary member, Chinese Medical History Society. Membre associe, Comite Belge d'Histoire des Sciences. Offered chair of the History of Medicine, University of Jena. Offered chair of the History of Medicine, University of Zürich. Offered chair of the History of Medicine and Science, University of Berlin.
1948 Permanent guest of honor of the University of Zürich. 13
1949 Membro onorario, Societå Italiana di Storia delle Scienze Mediche e Naturali. 1950 Awarded William Henry Welch Medal of American Association for the History of Medicine, May 22, 1950. Offered chair of the History of Medicine, University of Leipzig.
'95' Festschrift: Gesnerus, 1951, 8:1-194. Foreign honorary member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston. Honorary member, International Society for the History of Pharmacy. Honorary member, Israel Society for the History of Medicine and Science. Member, Panel of Experts on Social Medicine and Occupational Health, World Health Organization, Geneva, November, 1951. 1952 Heath Clark Lecturer, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, November 10-14, 1952. 1953 Doctor of Science honoris causa, University of London, November 27, 1953. 1954 Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, London. Honorary member, Societe Turque d'Histoire de la Medecine. 1955 Honorary fellow, American Public Health Association.
1917 INAUGURAL DISSERTATION 1. Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Einwirkung chronischer Kampherzufuhr auf das normale und pathologische Herz. InauguralDissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich vorgelegt. Zürich: Diss.-Druckerei Gebr. Leemann & Co., 1917. 8vo, 21 pp., 10 figures in text. Privately printed. The result of experiments carried out as a senior medical student from 1916 to 1917 in the Pharmacological Institute of the University of Zürich. The title-page reads: "Aus dem Pharmakologischen Institut der Universität Zürich. Direktion: Prof. Dr. M. Cloetta." An abstract of the dissertation was published in KorrespBl. schweiz. Aerzte [See No. 70].
1923 FRUEHMITTELALTERLICHE REZEPTLITERATUR 2. Studien und Texte zur frühmittelalterlichen Rezeptliteratur. Studien zur Geschichte der Medizin herausgegeben von der Puschmann-Stiftung an der Universität Leipzig, Heft 13. Leipzig: Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1923. 4°, viii, 220 pp. 15
The title-page reads: "Arbeit aus dem Leipziger Institut für Geschichte der Medizin." The study was begun at the Leipzig Institute in 1919 and was completed in Zürich in the spring of 1921 when it was submitted to the University of Zürich in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Venia legendi. The publication was long delayed because of post-war conditions. 3. The same. Two hundred copies for the University of Zürich with special title-page bearing the statement: "Habilitationsschrift zur Erlangung der Venia Legendi der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich eingereicht."
1927 ANTIKE HEILKUNDE 4. Antike Heilkunde. München: Ernst Heimeran Verlag, 1927. 12mo, 48 pp. Half-title: Siebtes Heft der Tusculum Schriften. Neue Wege zur antiken Welt. Picture of Achilles applying a dressing to Patroclus on the cover. The booklet grew out of a paper read before the Verein für Altertumswissenschaft at Leipzig, on February 12, 1926. 5. The same. A later printing with a new title-page: Antike Heilkunde von Henry E. Sigerist. Ernst Heimeran in München, n.d. No half-title. The verso of the title-page reads: "7. Heft der Tusculum-Schriften. Kulturgeschichte des Altertums in Einzeldarstellungen."
'93 I EINFUEHRUNG IN DIE MEDIZIN 6. Einführung in die Medizin. Leipzig: Georg Thieme Verlag, 1931. 8vo, viii, 405 pp. The book developed from a course of lectures given every summer beginning in 1927. It was written in one year, 1929-1930, in Leipzig, Paris, and on the island of Hiddensee. The beginning of chapter IV, Part I (pp. 126 ff.) was reprinted with the title "Magie und Krankheit" in Neue Leipziger Zeitung, March 14, 1931, 5. 16
7. Medicinens grundvalar. En bok för blivande läkare och for lekmän. Till svenskan av C. D. Josephson. Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Förlag, 1931. 8vo, 334 pp. The translator added a foreword (pp. 7-8), and an appendix to the last chapter: "Ett intermezzo: Den svenska läkaren av C. D. Josephson" (pp. 314-320). In the original edition the author's name was given as Henry M. [sic] Sigerist. When the mistake was noticed a new title-page and cover were printed, but there must be a number of copies in circulation with the wrong middle initial. 8. Man and medicine. An introduction to medical knowledge. Introduction by William H. Welch. Translated by Margaret Galt Boise. New York: W. W. Norton Company, Inc., 1932. 8vo, x, 340 pp. Passages from the chapter "Mind and spirit" were reprinted in condensed form under the title "Delving into the mind" in Science Digest, June 1938, 3, (No. 6) : 91-93. 9. The same. British edition, cancel title bears imprint London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1932. 10. Introduction å la medecine. Traduction par Maurice Tepine. Preface du Dr. F. Gidon. Paris: Payot, 1932. 8vo, 362 pp. The text ends on p. 354 with the Table of Contents on p. 355. On pp. 357-362 the publisher reprinted reviews of the book from various countries. The book appeared in the series Bibliotheque Scientifique. 11. Geneeskunde. Encyclopaedisch overzicht, bewerkt door Dr. J. G. de Lint, naar Prof. Dr. H. E. Sigerist's Einführung in die Medizin. Inleiding van Prof. Dr. J. A. J. Barge. Leiden-Amsterdam: H. E. Stenfert Kroese's Uitgevers-Maatschappij N. V., 1933. 8vo, 360 pp. 12. len Yii I Hsueh. Translated from the English edition by Ku Chien-chi. With an introduction by Hu Shih and a foreword by G. Canby Robinson. Shanghai: The Commercial Press, 1936. 8vo, 305 pp. The Chinese translation was undertaken in 1933 on the initiative of Mr. Roger S. Greene, Acting Director of Peiping Union Medical College, after consultation with Dr. Hu Shih who was chairman of the Translation Committee of the China Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture. Dr. Hu took a great interest in the book, 17
selected the translator, revised the translation himself, and contributed a long and warm introduction. The translation is in Pai Hua, the semicolloquial language which Dr. Hu did so much to popularize. The translator, who was not a physician, was helped by Dr. C. U. Lee and Dr. V. S. Kiang, both members of the faculty of P.U.M.C. Dr. G. Canby Robinson, visiting professor of medicine at P.U.M.C. in 1935, was invited to contribute a foreword. Since the author's and Dr. Welch's prefaces were also translated, the book actually appeared with four introductions. On the title-page the author's name is given in Latin characters as Henry S. [sic] Sigerist. The book was sold bound in cloth for $2.20 Chinese currency, the equivalent of $.66 in U.S. currency. 13. Introduzione alla medicina. Traduzione dal tedesco e introduzione di Gustavo Barbensi. Firenze: G. C. Sansoni, 1938-XVI. 8vo, x, 365 pp., 14 illus. The book is volume VII of the series Biblioteca Moderna. The illustrations representing medico-historical subjects were added without consultation with the author. The book was reprinted in 1945 and 1947, the later edition being issued as volume III of the Biblioteca Enciclopedica Sansoniana.
1932 GROSSE AERZTE 14. Grosse Aerzte. Eine Geschichte der Heilkunde in Lebensbildern. München: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, 1932. 8vo, 310 pp., frontispiece and 67 illus. The book was part of a series that included Grosse Biologen, Grosse Naturforscher, etc., so that the general plan was dictated by previous volumes in the series. It was written in seven months, between January and July 1931; large sections were written in a hotel room in Paris in March and April. The manuscript was written in longhand up to the chapter on Bichat, from then on it was dictated. The printing began before the manuscript was completed, because the book had to be finished before the author sailed for America. The last page proofs were corrected in a hotel room in Hamburg on the eve of his departure in September 1931. 18
Dedication: "Dem unbekannten Arzt, der in selbstloser, stiller Arbeit die Lehren der Grossen Aerzte verwirklicht, sei dieses Buch gewidmet." The biographies of Hippocrates, Galen, Paracelsus, Vesalius, Harvey, van Helmont, de la Boe (Sylvius), Boerhaave, van Swieten, de Haen, Jenner, Claude Bernard, Helmholtz, Virchow, Semmelweis, Pasteur, Koch, Lister, Billroth and Ehrlich were reprinted with a German-English glossary and notes in Anthony Eugene Sokol and Helena May Nye, Berühmte Forscher und ihre Beiträge. Ein wissenschaftliches Lesebuch. New York, Cincinnati: American Book Company, 1938. 8vo, pp. 1-187, frontispiece portrait of Pasteur. 15. The same. Zweite, vermeh rte Auflage. München: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, [1933]. 8vo, 316 pp., frontispiece and 68 illus. The first edition of 4000 copies sold out in one year. Besides minor alterations the second edition had an additional chapter on Osler with a portrait (pp. 292-298) and a short new preface (p. 8). On the titlepage of the first edition the author is designated as "Professor an der Universität Leipzig," on that of the second edition as "Professor an der Johns Hopkins-Universität in Baltimore, Maryland." 16. The same. Dritte, durchgesehene und vermeh rte Auflage. München: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, 1954. 8vo, 440 pp., frontispiece and 73 illus. A revised edition with five new biographies (pp. 370-418) and a new preface (pp. 11-12). The bibliography was also brought up to date. New copies of the illustrations were used, since the original cuts were destroyed in the war. The chapter on William Harvey, (pp. 115-122), was translated by M. and G. Nicole, in Progr. med., June 10, 1957, 85: 235-236. Dedication: "A la memoire d'Henry Sigerist." [G.M.] 17. The same. Vierte, durchgesehene und vermeh rte Auflage. München: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, 1959. 8vo, 495 pp., frontispiece and 77 illus. A revised edition with two new biographies: August Bier by K. Vogeler (pp. 430-440), and Rene Leriche by F.-J. Beer (pp. 440457), a new preface by Leo Norpoth (p. 7), and a biographical sketch and portrait of Henry E. Sigerist: "Nachwort über den Verfasser" by L. Norpoth (pp. 460-473) . Additions were also made to the bibliography (pp. 481-482). [G.M.] 19
18. Great doctors. A biographical history of medicine. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1933. 8vo, 436 pp., 69 illus. The translation was made from the second German edition. Dedication: "To the Unknown Doctor who in unselfish and inconspicuous activities fulfils the teachings of the Great Doctors I dedicate this book."
19. The same. American edition with cancel title bearing imprint New York: W. W. Norton & Company Inc., 1933. This issue is identical with the British edition except that the title of the book was changed by mistake to The great doctors. The biography of Harvey was reprinted in condensed form in Science Digest, June 1939, 5 (No. 6) : 87-91. The biographies of Paracelsus and Vesalius were reprinted with the title "Two medical pioneers" in Harold Ward, ed., New worlds in science. An anthology. New York: Robert M. McBride and Company, 1941, pp. 115-132.
20. The same. Second American edition. Doubleday Anchor Book A 140. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1958. Small 8vo, xviii, 422 pp., 1 figure in text. Page iii contains a brief biographical sketch of the author, whose death date is given incorrectly as 1956. [G.M.]
21. Los grandes medicos. Historia biogrdfica de la medicina. Traducciön del alemin por el Dr. Francisco Arasa y Manuel Scholz Rich. Barcelona: Ediciones Ave, 1949. 8vo, 310 pp., 56 illus. The book was published in the series Coleccidn Conocimiento. The verso of the title-page reads: "Titulo de la obra original: Grosse Aerzte. Apéndice por el Dr. Francisco Arasa." The appendix (pp. 279-302) includes biographies of Santiago Ramon y Cajal, Otfried Foerster, Ludwig Aschoff, and an epilogue. Dedication: "Dedico este libro al medico desconocido, el cual pone en pråctica, con silencioso trabajo, las ensenanzas de los grandes medicos.,, 20
1933 AMERIKA UND DIE MEDIZIN 22. Amerika und die Medizin. Leipzig: Georg Thieme Verlag, 1933. 8vo, 352 pp., 30 illus., 2 maps. This book was the result of several years of study and of a seven months' tour through the United States in 1931-1932. The author began writing it in Leipzig in May, 1932 and completed the manuscript in Baltimore in May, 1933. The proofs were corrected in Italy and Switzerland during the summer of 1933. Dedication: "Fielding H. Garrison dem Pionier der Medizingeschichte in Amerika dem Mitarbeiter und Freund." The biographies of Oliver Wendell Holmes and Sir William Osler were reprinted with a German-English glossary and notes in Anthony Eugene Sokol and Helena May Nye, Berühmte Forscher und ihre Beiträge. Ein wissenschaftliches Lesebuch. New York, Cincinnati: American Book Company, 1938, pp. 198-218. 23. American medicine. Translated by Hildegard Nagel. New York: W. W. Norton Company, Inc., 1934. 8vo, xx, 316 pp., frontispiece and 29 illus. This translation was published with a new introduction dated May, 1934. There was little interest in the book in England and no British edition was issued. Dedication: "To Fielding H. Garrison pioneer in medical history in the United States co-worker and friend." Pp. xi-xii reprinted in Autobiographical Writings [See No. 50].
1937 SOCIALIZED MEDICINE IN THE SOVIET UNION 24. Socialized medicine in the Soviet Union. New York: W. W. Norton & Company Inc., 1937. 8vo, 378 pp., 26 illus. The book was the result of four years of study and two summers of extensive travelling in the USSR in 1935 and 1936. The introductory chapters were written in Switzerland immediately after the second tour, and the book was completed in Baltimore on June 1, 1937. Dedication: "To the young medical workers in whose hands the future of medicine lies I dedicate this book." 21
Motto: "In such great developments twenty years are but as one day—and then may come days which are the concentrated essence of twenty years. Marx to Engels, April 9, 1863." 25. Socialised medicine in the Soviet Union. With a foreword by Sidney Webb. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1937. 8vo, 397 pp., 24 illus. inserted in text as pp. 193-216. The British edition differs from the American one. It was set in type and printed in England, and has English spelling. In addition to the foreword by Sidney Webb, it contains a few passages that were left out of the American edition at the request of the publisher. Only 24 illustrations could be included and figures 1 and 26 of the American edition were omitted. 26. The same. Special edition marked on the cover: "Left Book Club edition. Not for sale to the public." This was not a regular monthly issue of the Left Book Club, but a special volume which sold for 3s.6d. As a result of this edition the book had a far greater distribution in the British Empire than in the United States. A condensed version of the book was published by the Belgian underground under the title Dr. Antoine, A propos d'une cas d'ulcus duodenal. 28 mimeographed pp., folio. Over 4000 copies were issued, of which 500 were seized by the Gestapo. Two workers were killed in the ensuing fight. 27. La medicina socializada en la Union Sovietica. Traducido por el Doctor José Lopez Sanchez. La Habana: Editorial Paginas, S.A., 1944. 8vo, 348 pp. The Spanish edition was published under the auspices of the Sociedad Cubano-Soviética de Ciencias Médicas. Introduction of the translator (pp. xi-xvii); the author's introduction to the English edition (pp. xviii-xxvlii) ; a new introduction written by the author for the Cuban edition (pp. xxix-xxxi). In the appendix (pp. 335-346) the translator added statistics recently published by the Commissariat of Public Health of the USSR. Bibliography (pp. 347-348). Dedication: "Dedico este libro a los jövenes trabajadores de la ciencia médica en cuyas manos esta el futuro de la medicina." 28. The same. Three hundred numbered copies on heavier paper issued for the members of the Sociedad Cubano-Sovietica de Ciencias Medims. 22
29. Medicine and health in the Soviet Union. With the cooperation of Julia Older. New York: The Citadel Press, 1947. 8vo, xx, 364 pp. Dedication: "I dedicate this book to The American-Soviet Medical Society whose program I have long advocated the cooperation of American and Soviet physicians for the good of both our peoples." The preface (p. xvi) states: "The book has been rearranged so as to be brought into a more logical order. Some chapters have been enlarged considerably, and a new chapter on war medicine has been added. The book now appears under the title which I originally intended it to have, but which was changed at the request of the American publisher of the first edition." [G.M.] 30. The same. One thousand copies with special binding and with titlepage reading: "Special autographed edition for the members of The American-Soviet Medical Society." 31. The same. Cancel title bears imprint Bombay, India: Jaico Publishing House. [1947]. Copyright in the Dominion of India, Burma and Ceylon, 1947, by Jaico Publishing House. 32. Su lien to yin hsüeh ho pao Chien chu. Chinese translation by Gung Naichuan. Shanghai: 1950. Small 8vo, 327 pp. Five thousand copies were printed in June, 1950. A second printing of 5000 copies with a different cover was published the same month. A third printing of 12,000 copies was issued in March 1951, a fourth printing of 3000 copies, May 1951. The translator, Dr. Gung Naichuan, was Deputy Minister of Health for East China. 33. Japanese translation by Yasushi Tsudo. Osaka: Sogensha Press, 1952. Small 8vo, 406 pp., frontispiece portrait of author with autograph.
1941 MEDICINE AND HUMAN WELFARE 34. Medicine and human welfare. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1941. Small 8vo, xiv, 148 pp., 20 illus. 23
Three lectures delivered under the Dwight H. Terry Foundation at Yale University on November 2 to 4, 1938. The lectures were given from notes, and the author began writing them during the winter but left for Europe and South Africa in May 1939 before the manuscript was completed. The work was resumed after the author's return in January 1940, and the manuscript was ready for the press in June 1940. The first printing was issued on March 4, 1941, the second unchanged printing in December 1944, the third printing in September 1947, the fourth in January 1951. 35. La medicina y el bienestar humano. Traducido del inglés por el Prof. Vicente P. Quintero. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Iman, 1943. Small 8vo, 163 pp., 5 illus. The book was published in the series Panorama Cientifico. 36. Mens sans in corpore sano. Das Gesundheitsideal im Wandel der Jahrhunderte. Stuttgart: Hippokrates-Verlag Marquardt & Cie., 1952. Small 8vo, 64 pp., frontispiece. A German translation by Gertrud Hübner of part of chapter II of Medicine and human welfare. Privately printed for the associates and friends of Hippokrates-Verlag Marquardt & Cie. for Christmas 1952. 37. Die Heilkunst im Dienste der Menschheit. Stuttgart: Hippokrates Verlag, 1954. Small 8vo, 116 pp., 4 illus. German translation by Gertrud Hübner. New preface by the author (pp. 7-8) dated September 1954. Pages 83-85 were reprinted under the title "Der Arzt" in Medizin Heute für die Praxis Morgen, April 1955, 4: 183-184, portrait of author.
1943 CIVILIZATION AND DISEASE 38. Civilization and disease. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1943. 8vo, xii, 255 pp., 52 illus. The book is based on the six Messenger Lectures on the Evolution of Civilization, delivered at Cornell University on October 30, November 1, 6, 8, 13, and 15, 1940. Ever since writing paper No. 132 the 24
author had planned such a book, and the Messenger Lectures gave a welcome opportunity to carry out the plan. The lectures were given from notes, and the book was written during the year 1941-1942. The manuscript was delivered in September 1942 but as a result of war conditions the printing took over a year. The book was the January 1944 selection of the Scientific Book Club, and the first printing of 1500 copies was sold within six months. A second printing of 1000 copies was issued in June 1944. It was unchanged except for the binding which was a different color. A third printing of 2000 copies was issued in July 1945. In March 1945 the book was selected as one of the "Fifty Books of the Year" by the American Institute of Graphic Arts. Jose Lopez Sanchez translated chapters II and IX into Spanish: "Las enfermedades y la economia," appeared in La Tribuna Medica (Havana), July 1944, 17: 10-12, 28-32, 6 illus., "La enfermedad y la literatura," ibid., Dec. 1944, 17: 10-13. Chapter XI, "Disease and Music," was reprinted with minor changes under the title "The Story of Tarantism" in Music and Medicine, edited by Dorothy M. Schullian and Max Schoen. New York: Henry Schuman, 1948, pp. 96-116, 7 illus. 39. The same. Second American edition. Phoenix Science Series 511. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962. Small 8vo, xii, 255 pp., 52 illus. 40. Civilizaciön y enfermedad. Version espanola de Ramon Aguirre Davila. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Econbmica, 1946. 8vo, 287 pp., 52 illus. 41. Krankheit und Zivilisation. Geschichte der Zerstörung der menschlichen Gesundheit. Frankfurt am Main-Berlin: Alfred Metzner Verlag, 1952. 8vo, 264 pp., 52 illus. Preface by the translator, Emilie Marie Mostert (pp. 9-10).
1946 THE UNIVERSITY AT THE CROSSROADS 42. The university at the crossroads. Addresses and essays. New York: Henry Schuman, 1946. Small 8vo, xii, 162 pp. 25
In this volume papers No. 270, 306, 320, 341, 330, 351, 346, 359, 287, 365 are reprinted with slight changes. Two essays are new: "Failure of a generation" (pp. 3-10) and "The social sciences in the medical school" (pp. 127-142) . An edition of 3000 copies was issued. Dedication: "To Alan Gregg in admiration and gratitude." 43. Tsai shih tzu lu k 'ou ti to hsüeh chiao yu. [Chinese translation of The university at the crossroads, by Y. T. Chiang, with a preface by Li Ch`ang-chih] [Peking, 1949]. Small 8vo, 194 pp., frontispiece portrait of author.
1951 HISTORY OF MEDICINE 44. A history of medicine, vol. 1, Primitive and archaic medicine. New York: Oxford University Press, 1951. 8vo, xxii, 564 pp., 104 illus. Publication No. 27, Historical Library, Yale Medical Library. Preface (pp. vii-viii) by John F. Fulton. Dedication: "To the Memory of Karl Sudhoff, William H. Welch, Harvey Cushing whose Teachings and Encouragement made this Work possible." The first volume of a projected eight volume History of Medicine which would have included the following: vol. 1, Primitive and archaic medicine; vol. 2, Ancient Greek, Hindu, Persian, and Roman medicine; vol. 3, Medieval medicine; vol. 4, Renaissance medicine; vol. 5, The seventeenth century; vol. 6, The eighteenth century; vols. 7 and 8, Medicine from the Industrial Revolution to the Second World War. [G.M.] 45. A history of medicine, vol. 2, Early Greek, Hindu, and Persian medicine. New York: Oxford University Press, 1961. 8vo, xvi, 352 pp., frontispiece portrait of author, 85 illus. Publication No. 38, Department of the History of Medicine, Yale University. Preface (pp. v-vii) by John F. Fulton; editor's foreword (pp. viii-x) by Ludwig Edelstein. The manuscript for this volume was not completed when the author died on March 17, 1957 as he had planned to include the later Greek and Roman periods. He realized that he could not finish it, for he had 26
attached to the last page of the typed manuscript a handwritten note saying "Here my legacy ends." His friend and former colleague at Johns Hopkins, Dr. Ludwig Edelstein prepared the manuscript for publication with the assistance of Dr. Miriam Drabkin in selecting and arranging the illustrations. [G.M.] 46. Anfänge der Medizin. Von der primitiven und archaischen Medizin bis zum Goldenen Zeitalter in Griechenland. Vorwort von Professor Dr. Erwin H. Ackerknecht. Zürich: Europa Verlag A.G., 1963. 8vo, xiv, 783 pp., 189 illus. This German edition of A history of medicine, vols. 1 and 2 (see Nos. 44 and 45) is published in one volume. [G.M.]
1956 LANDMARKS IN THE HISTORY OF HYGIENE 47. Landmarks in the history of hygiene. London, New York, Toronto: Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press, 1956. 8vo, x, 78 pp., 4 illus. University of London, Heath Clark Lectures, 1952, delivered at The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
1960 ON THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE 48. On the history of medicine. Edited and with an introduction by Felix Marti-Ibanez, M.D. Foreword by John F. Fulton, M.D. New York: MD Publications, Inc., 1960. 8vo, xviii, 316 pp. A reprint of papers No. 186, 185, 279, 297, 232, 180, 307, 503, 198, 282, 384, 210, 329, 194, 299, 347, 136, 254, 248, 322, 321, 413, 270, 460, 366, 339, 509. [G.M.] ON THE SOCIOLOGY OF MEDICINE 49. On the sociology of medicine. Edited by Milton I. Roemer, M.D. Foreword by James M. Mackintosh, M.D. New York: MD Publications, Inc., 1960. 8vo, xiii, 400 pp. 27
A reprint of papers No. 173, 143, 195, 229, 243, 392, 218, 253, 327, 333, 188, 355, 261, 278, 364, 361, 387, 179, 258, 271, 367, 182, 211, 231, 292, 323, 397, 505. Also included are three previously unpublished essays: "An introduction to the economics of medicine" (pp. 54-64); "Report on India" (pp. 288-296); "Remarks on social medicine in medical education" (pp. 360-368). [G.M.]
1966 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL WRITINGS 50. Autobiographical writings of Henry E. Sigerist. Edited with a preface and notes by Nora Sigerist Beeson. Montreal: McGill University Press, 1966. 8vo, xii, 486 pp., frontispiece portrait. The volume contains: the unfinished Autobiography (Prelude, Paris as I remember it, Education in Zurich); Biographical Papers consisting of excerpts from the essay "University education" No. 270]; the essay "The medical literature of the early Middle Ages: A program and a report of a summer of research in Italy" No. 193]; translation of excerpts from "Erinnerungen an meine Leipziger Tätigkeit" No. 515]; excerpts from American Medicine [No. 23]; Diaries: entries from September 16, 1931-October 14, 1954. [G.M.]
1923 PARE ON GUNSHOT WOUNDS 51. Ambroise Pari, Die Behandlung der Schusswunden (1545). Eingeleitet, übersetzt und herausgegeben. Leipzig: Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1923. 12mo, 87 pp. Klassiker der Medizin, hrsg. von Karl Sudhoff, Band 29. The volume contains introduction (pp. 3-11); German translation (pp. 12-48); reprint of the first French edition (Paris, 1545) (pp. 49-87). BRUNSCHWIG'S SURGERY 52. The book of cirurgia by Hieronymus Brunschwig. Strassburg, Johann Griininger, 1497. With a study on Hieronymus Brunschwig and his work. Milano: R. Lier & Co., 1923. 4to, 272 pp. facsimile, xvii pp. In 1911 Gustav Klein published a facsimile edition of Brunschwig's Surgery in the series Alte Meister der Medizin and Naturkunde (vol. 3) . After the war the series was discontinued. R. Lier purchased the loose sheets of the facsimile which were left and used them for a new edition to which the author contributed a study on Brunschwig and his work (pp. iii-xvii). The study was written in German and was translated into English by a translator employed by the publisher. 53. A fifteenth century surgeon: Hieronymus Brunschwig and his work. New York: Ben Abramson Publisher, 1946. 4to, 48 pp., 8 illus. 29
Page 48 states: "This is the revised version of an Essay that was originally published in 1923 with a Facsimile of Brunschwig's Book of Cirurgia of 1497, by R. Lier & Co., in Milan, Italy."
HALLER'S LETTERS TO GESNER 54. Albrecht von Hallers Briefe an Johannes Gesner (1728-1777). Herausgegeben, eingeleitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1923. 8vo, viii, 576 pp. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse, Neue Folge Bd. XI, 2. The volume contains 549 Latin letters from the original manuscripts of the Zentralbibliothek Zürich. Presented to the Göttingen Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften at the session of March 10, 1922.
1927 PSEUDO-APULEI HERBARIUS 55. Antonii Musae de herba vettonica liber. Pseudoapulei herbarius. Anonymi de taxone liber. Sexti Placiti liber medicinae ex animalibus etc. ediderunt Emestus Howald et Henricus E. Sigerist. Lipsiae et Berolini: In aedibus B. G. Teubneri, 1927. 8vo, xxvi, 348 pp., 2 inserted folding plates, 131 illus. Corpus medicorum Latinorum, vol. IV. This was the first critical edition of these texts. Dedication: "loanni R. Schinz, radiologo Universitatis Turicensis, scientiae amabilis ex hereditate amatori, amico nostro, hoc opus medico-botanicum dedicavimus." EIN GUT ARTZNEI DIE HIE NACH STEET 56. Ein gut artznei die hie nach steet: das frawen unnd mann an geet. [Leipzig: Privately printed, 1927]. Folio, 6 leaves, 1 illus. A facsimile of an early sixteenth century treatise, a German translation of Ketham's Gynecology, which was privately printed and pre30
sented to the members of the 6th International Congress of the History of medicine. One page [p. 12] of explanatory text. Page [2] states: "Dieses Faksimile wurde im Auftrag des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin an der Universität Leipzig nach dem Exemplar der Zürcher Zentralbibliothek in 300 numerierten Exemplaren hergestellt und wurde den Teilnehmern am 6. Internationalen Kongress für Geschichte der Medizin in Leyden und Amsterdam am 18. bis 23. Juli 1927 überreicht vom Direktor des Instituts Henry E. Sigerist." [See No. 100]. [G.M.]
1928 THE SEVEN DEFENSIONS OF PARACELSUS 57. Drey Bücher, Durch den Hochgelerten Herrn Theophrastum von Hohenheim, Paracelsum genant ... Das erst Buch, die verantwortung uber etzlich verunglimp f ung seiner missgünner ... Gedruckt zu Cöln, Durch die Erben Arnoldi Byrckmanni, Anno 1564. [Leipzig: Privately printed, 1928]. 12mo, x, 52, 2 pp. A facsimile of the first edition of the Defensions (Sudhoff Bibliographica Paracelsica 64), and one page of explanatory text. Page [iii] states: "Dieses Faksimile wurde im Auftrag des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin an der Universität Leipzig in der Spamerschen Buchdruckerei in Leipzig in 300 numerierten Exemplaren hergestellt und wurde den Mitgliedern, Förderern und Freunden des Instituts als Neujahrsgabe überreicht von Henry E. Sigerist, Leipzig, am Neujahrstag 1928 Talstrasse 38." [G.M.]
1929 DIE RECHT KUNST UND ART DES RINGENS 58. Hye in disem büchlin findt man die recht künst und art des Ringens, mit vil hüpschen stücken und figuren. Dardirch sich ein ytlicher wol geben mag, und solliches ringen lernen. [Leipzig: Privately printed, 1929]. 12mo, 13 leaves, 23 illus. A facsimile of an early pictorial sports book printed around 1500. When the German Society of the History of Medicine and Science held 31
its annual meeting at Budapest in 1929 the Hungarian government appropriated special funds to enable students of the Leipzig Institute to participate in the meeting. The booklet was published as a token of appreciation to Dr. Joseph Vass, Minister of Public Welfare, who was particularly interested in physical culture. Folio [131 states: "Dieses Faksimile des um 1500 erschienenen ältesten gedruckten deutschen Sportbuches wurde im Auftrag des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin an der Universität Leipzig in 200 numerierten Examplaren in der Spamerschen Buchdruckerei in Leipzig hergestellt und wurde S. Exzellenz Herrn Dr. Joseph Vass, Minister für Volkswohlfahrt, Herrn Unterstaatssekretär Prof. Dr. Tiberius von Györy, sowie den Teilnehmern an der 22. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften in Budapest vom 5. bis 9. September 1929 überreicht von Henry E. Sigerist und den anwesenden Mitgliedern des Instituts in Dankbarkeit für die gastliche Aufnahme in Budapest." [G.M.]
1936 AUENBRUGGER ON PERCUSSION OF THE CHEST 59. On percussion of the chest, being a translation of Auenbrugger's original treatise entitled Inventum novum ex percussione thoracis humani, ut signo abstrusos interni pectoris morbos detegendi [Vienna, 1761], by John Forbes, M.D. [London, 1824]. Introduction. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1936. 8vo, [ii], 31 pp., frontispiece portrait, 1 illus. Introduction pp. 1-5. Reprinted from Bull. Hist. Med., May 1936, 4: 373-403, with independent pagination, bound in boards.
1941 PETTENKOFER: THE VALUE OF HEALTH TO A CITY 60. The value of health to a city. Two lectures delivered in 1873 by Max von Pettenkofer. Translated from the German, with an introduction. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1941. 8vo, [ii], 52 pp., frontispiece portrait. 32
Introduction, pp. 1-14. Reprinted from Bull. Hist. Med., Oct. 1941, 10: 473-503; Nov. 1941, 10: 593-613, with independent pagination, bound in boards.
1943 ARTHUS' PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION 61. Maurice Arthus' philosophy of scientific investigation. Preface to De l'anaphylaxie a l'immunite, Paris, 1921. Translated from the French, with an introduction. Foreword by Warfield T. Longcope. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1943. 8vo, [ii], 26 pp. Foreword, pp. 1-2; introduction, pp. 3-7. Reprinted from Bull. Hist. Med., Oct. 1943, 14: 366-390, with independent pagination, bound in boards. 62. Filosofia de la investigatidn cientifica. Por Maurice Arthus. Version at espanol del doctor Jose Lopez Sanchez de la traducciön at ingles. Tribuna Med., Dec. 1945, 18: 59-64. Reprinted in Rev. Med. Cuban, July-August 1960, 71: 337-349.
ARNALD OF VILLANOVA'S BOOK ON WINE 63. The earliest printed book on wine. By Arnald of Villanova, physician, surgeon, botanist, alchemist & philosopher [1235?-1311]. Now for the first time rendered into English and with an historical essay. With facsimile of the original edition, 1478. New York: Schuman's, 1943. 8vo, 44, [30] pp., frontispiece portrait. Introduction and translation, pp. 1-44; facsimile 30 pp. unnumbered. A limited edition of 350 copies, designed and printed by A. Colish, New York. The title-page of translation reads (p. 21) : "Arnald of Villanova's Book on Wine. Translated into English from the German version of Wilhelm von Hirnkofen by Henry E. Sigerist, M.D. Followed by a facsimile of the editio princeps, Esslingen, Konrad Fyner, 1478." 33
1950 LETTERS OF JEAN DE CARRO TO ALEXANDRE MARCET 64. Letters of Jean de Carro to Alexandre Marcet, 1794-1817. Edited with an introduction and notes. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1950. 8vo, viii, 78 pp., frontispiece portrait. Supplements to the Bulletin of the History of Medicine, No. 12. Preface, pp. v-vi; introduction, pp. 1-16. Dedication: "For Max Neuburger, The Letters of a Swiss Physician in Vienna."
1910 65. Ein Besuch auf San Lazzaro. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Aug. 30, 1910, No. 239. Signed "H.S." 1911 66. Neues vom chinesischen Geistesleben. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Jan. 28, 1911, No. 28. Signed "H.S." (under "Feuilleton"). A review of Richard Wilhelm, Kungf utse-Gespräche (Lun Yü) (Jena 1910); and Wilhelm Grube, Religion und Kultus der Chinesen (Leipzig, 1910). [G.M.] 1915 67. Das negative Nachbild. Neue Ziircher Zeitung, June 7, 1915, No. 706. Signed "Henry E. Sigrist" [sic] (under "Feuilleton") . 68. Deutsche Invalidenfürsorge. Neue Ziircher Zeitung, Aug. 15, 1915, No. 1060 (under "Feuilleton") . 1916 69. Die künstliche Hand. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, May 25, 1916, No. 831. Signed "H.S." (under `Feuilleton"). A review of F. Sauerbruch, Die willkürlich bewegbare künstliche Hand (Berlin. 1916) . I.G.M.I 35
1917 70. Ueber die Einwirkung chronischer Kampherzufuhr auf das Herz. KorrespBl. schweiz. Aerzte, Dec. 22, 1917, 47: 1748-1752. An abstract of the author's inaugural dissertation, prepared at the request of Professor Cloetta [See No. 1]. 1918 71. Läuse und Entlausung im 2. Villmerkerkrieg 1712. Dtsch. med. Wschr., Feb. 14, 1918, 44: 189. Reprinted under the title "Entlausung vor 200 Jahren" in Basler Nachrichten, Feb. 28, 1918, No. 99. 72. Aus einem Lazarett im zweiten Villmergerkrieg 1712. Die Schrift des Johann Kupfferschmid "De morbis praeliantium", Basel 1715. KorrespBl. schweiz. Aerzte, July 27, 1918, 48: 1000-1007. 73. Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Aug. 13, 1918, No. 1061 (under "Feuilleton") . 74. Zur Geschichte der epidemischen Grippe. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Oct. 29, 1918, No. 1436 (under "Feuilleton"). 1919 75. Die Handschrift der Juliana Anicia. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, April 27, 1919, No. 617 (under "Feuilleton"). 76. Schweizer Aerzte des 17. Jahrhunderts. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Oct. 15, 1919, No. 1580; Oct. 16, 1919, No. 1586 (under "Feuilleton"). A review of Conrad Brunner and Wilhelm von Muralt, Aus den Briefen hervorragender Schweizer Aerzte des 17. Jahrhunderts (Basel, 1919). [G.M.] 1920 77. Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Jan. 18, 1920, No. 92. Signed "H.S." 36
An announcement of the change of name of the Korrespondenzblatt für Schweizer Aerzte to Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift. [G.M.] 78. Aerzte-Briefe aus vier Jahrhunderten. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Jan. 23, 1920, No. 123 (under "Feuilleton") . A review of Aerztebriefe aus vier Jahrhunderten. Hrsg. von Erich Ebstein (Berlin, 1920). [G.M.] 79. Das neue Röntgen-Institut am Kantonspital. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Feb. 20, 1920, No. 291. Signed "S-st." A report on opening of the new Institute under the direction of Dr. Hans R. Schinz. [G.M.] 80. Die "Cirurgia Eliodori." Arch. Gesch. Med., Feb. 1920, 12: 1-9. The text of MS. Bibl. Nat. Latin. 11219, S. IX/X, fol. 36v-38v. [G.M.] 81. Meister Blumentrosts Arzneibuch. Arch. Gesch. Med., Feb. 1920, 12: 70-73. An analysis of MS. Zürich B. 245, S. XV, fol. lr-54r. [G.M.] 82. Was lehrt uns das Auge? Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Nov. 8, 1920, No. 1835. Signed "S-ist" (under "Feuilleton"). A report on the Antrittsvorlesung of Professor Dr. E. Sidler, held in the Aula of the University of Zürich, October 30, 1920. [G.M.] 83. Review of J. L. Heiberg, Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Medizin im klassichen Altertum (Teubner, 1920). Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Nov. 14, 1920, No. 1874. Signed "S-st." 84. Eine Zürcher Festgabe für Eiselsberg. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Nov. 25, 1920, No. 1945. Signed "-st" (under "Feuilleton"). A review of volume 159 of Deutscher Zeitschrift für Chirurgie (Leipzig, 1920), dedicated to Anton von Eiselsberg. [G.M.] 37
1921* 85. Zur Geschichte der Pockenschutzimpfung. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, May 28, 1921, No. 778. 86. Tradition und Naturbeobachtung in der mittelalterlichen Medizin. Schweiz. med. Wschr., Aug. 11, 1921, 2: 745-748. Presented at the spring convention of the Medical Society of the Canton of Zürich on May 10, 1921. The English translation, "Tradition and nature observation in medieval medicine," appeared in Med. Life, June 1923, 30: 283-290. 87. Zur Frühgeschichte der Syphilis. Minch. med. Wschr., Sept. 30, 1921, 68: 1257-1258. 88. Die "Leccionas Heliodori." Arch. Gesch. Med., Nov. 1921, 13: 145-156. The text of Glasgow MS. Hunterian. T. 4. 13, S. IX/X, fol. 48r52r. [G.M.] 89. Die Prognostica Democriti im Cod. Hunterian. T. 4. 13, S. IX/X. Arch. Gesch. Med., Nov. 1921, 13: 157-159. Folio 172v-173r. [G.M.] 90. Review of Hans R. Schinz, Das Ulkusleiden im Röntgenbild und seine Kontrolle durch den Operationsbefund (Hamburg, 1921). Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Nov. 30, 1921, No. 1708. Signed "-st." 91. Zur Geschichte der Geschlechtsprognostik. Fortschr. Med., Dec. 14, 1921, 39: 965-966. 92. Die Verdienste zweier Schaffhauser Aerzte (Joh. Conr. Peyer und Joh. Conr. Brunner) um die Erforschung der Darmdrüsen. Verh. schweiz. naturf. Ges., 1921, 153-154. An abstract of a paper read at the annual convention of the Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Section of Zoology in Schaffhausen on August 27, 1921. *Also published were a few brief book announcements in Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, vol. 20, 1921. 38
1922* 93. Aufgaben und Ziele der Medizingeschichte. Schweiz. med. Wschr., March 30, 1922, 3: 318-322. Inaugural lecture delivered at the University of Zürich on November 26, 1921. 94. Neue Literatur zur Geschichte der Zahnheilkunde. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnheilk., April 1922, 32: 157-164. Contains reviews of the following: various Leipzig dissertations of 1920-21; Karl Sudhoff, Geschichte der Zahnheilkunde, ein Leitfaden für den Unterricht und für die Forschung (Leipzig, 1921) ; Rudolf Weise, Geschichte der Zahnheilkunde und Zahntechnik (Berlin, 1921) ; Curt Proskauer, ed., Kulturgeschichte der Zahnheilkunde in Einzeldarstellungen. 3 vols. (Berlin, 1913, 1915, 1920); Walter Bruck, Zahnärztliche Darstellungen aus alter Zeit (Berlin, 1921); Curt Proskauer, ed., Quellen und Beiträge zur Geschichte der Zahnheilkunde. [G.M.] 95. Die Bekämpfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten in frühern Zeiten. Schweiz. Z. GesundhPfl., 1922, 2: 183-198. A paper read at the annual convention of the Schweizerische Gesellschaft zur Bekämpfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten in Berne on January 22, 1922. 96. Conrad Heingarter, de Zürich, et la medecine astrologique au XVe siecle. In Int. Congr. Hist. Med. 2. Paris, 1921, (Evreux, 1922), pp. 323-329. A paper read at the congress, July 4, 1921. 97. Louis Pasteur (Zu seinem 100. Geburtstag, 27. Dezember). Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Dec. 27, 1922, No. 1672 (under "Feuilleton"). 1923 98. Schweizerische Medizin im Mittelalter. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, April 15, 1923, No. 503. Signed "H.S." A review of Conrad Brunner, Ueber Medizin und Krankenpflege im Mittelalter in schweizerischen Landen (Zürich, 1922). [G.M.] *Also published were a few brief book announcements in Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, vol. 21, 1922. 39
99. L'origine della sifilide. Rass. Studi sess., May-June 1923, 3: 161-168. Reprinted in Arch. Stor. Sci., June 1923, 4: 163-170. 100. Eine deutsche Uebersetzung der Kethamschen Gynäkologie. Arch. Gesch. Med., Dec. 1923, 14: 169-178, 1 illus. [See No. 56]. 101. Der anatomische Gedanke in der Medizin. Verh. schweiz. naturf. Ges., 1923, Part II, 201. An abstract of a paper read at the annual convention of the Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften in Zermatt on August 30, 1923. 102. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaft und Medizin in der Schweiz: 1. Zwei Briefe von Michell. du Crest an Johannes Gesner; 2. Ein Brief von Johann Melchior Eppli an Johannes Gesner. Vjschr. naturf. Ges. Zürich, Dec. 1923, 68: 554-569, 4 illus. 103. The confect between the 16th century physicians and antiquity. In Int. Congr. Hist. Med. 3. London, July 17-22, 1922, (Antwerp, 1923), pp. 250-252. Read at the congress, July 20(?), 1922. Reprinted in Med. Life, May 1924, 31: 171-175. 1924 104. Die Geburt der abendländischen Medizin. In Charles Singer and Henry E. Sigerist, eds., Essays on the history of medicine presented to Karl Sudhoff on the occasion of his seventieth birthday November 26th 1923. London: Oxford University Press; Zürich: Verlag Sedwyla, 1924, pp. 185-205. 105. Bibliographie der medizingeschichtlichen Arbeiten von Karl Sudhoff, nach Materien geordnet. In Charles Singer and Henry E. Sigerist, eds., Essays on the history of medicine presented to Karl Sudhoff on the occasion of his seventieth birthday November 26th 1923. London: Oxford University Press; Zürich: Verlag Sedwyla, 1924, pp. 389-418. 106. Karl Sudhoff, sein siebzigster Geburtstag, 26. November 1923. Arch. Stor. Sci., June 1924, 5: 139-147, 2 illus. 40
107. Englische Chirurgie. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Sept. 15, 1924, No. 1368. Signed "H.E.S." (under "Feuilleton"). 108. Des Galenos Heilkunst. Verh. schweiz. naturf. Ges., 1924, Part II, 234. An abstract of a paper read at the annual convention of the Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften in Lucerne on October 3, 1924. 109. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaft und Medizin in der Schweiz: 3. Die Briefe von Johann (II.) Bernoulli an Johannes Gesner. Vjschr. naturf. Ges. Zürich, Dec. 1924, 69: 326-341, 1 illus.
1925 110. Beiträge zur Geschichte der griechischen Medizin: I. Verlauf und Wesen der griechischen Medizin; II. Die Medizin im untergehenden Altertum. Schweiz. med. Wschr., Feb. 26, 1925, 6: 188-192. Two lectures, the first of which was delivered at the spring convention of the Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften in Zürich on May 3, 1924. The second was delivered to the Gesellschaft der Aerzte in Zürich on December 13, 1923. 111. Die Rolle der Schweiz in der Entwicklung der Medizin. Schweiz. med. Wschr., Oct. 8, 1925, 6: 929-932. An address presented to the annual convention of the Swiss Medical Association in Zürich on May 16, 1925. 112. Kulturdokumente. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Aug. 4, 1925, No. 1220 (under Kleine Chronik). A protest against the exclusion of German delegates to the Fifth International Congress for the History of Medicine held in Geneva, July 20-24, 1925. [G.M.] 113. Der Bestiarius von Sextus Placitus. Verh. schweiz. naturf. Ges., 1925, Part II, 184. An abstract of a paper read at the annual convention of the Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften in Aarau August 10, 1925. 41
114. Deutsche medizinische Handscriften aus Schweizer Bibliotheken. I. Die Handschrift 297 der Einsiedler Stiftsbibliothek. Arch. Gesch. Med., Dec. 1925, 17: 205-240, 1 illus.
1926 115. Kräuterbücher des 15. Jahrhunderts. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, March 16, 1926, No. 419. A review of A catalogue of early herbals. With an introduction by Dr. Arnold C. Klebs (Lugano, 1925). [G.M.] 116. Die historische Betrachtung der Medizin. Arch. Gesch. Med., March 31, 1926, 18: 1-19. Inaugural lecture, delivered at the University of Leipzig on January 13, 1926. 117. Kassenärzte im Altertum? Mitt. Gesch. Med. Naturw., 1926, 25: 65-67. 118. Zur Leipziger Kraftdroschkenfrage. Leipziger Neueste Nachrichten, May 9, 1926, No. 127. Signed "S." A complaint at the high cost of taxi fares in Leipzig and the difficulty of getting a cab by phone on Sunday evening between 7 and 8. [G.M.] 119. Kritische Betrachtungen über die Frühgeschichte der Syphilis. Dtsch. med. Wschr., June 18, 1926, 52: 1050-1052. 120. Das Institut für Geschichte der Medizin an der Universität Leipzig. Forsch. Fortschr. dtsch. Wiss., July 15, 1926, 2: 119. 121. L'origine della sifilide. Atti del III Congresso Nazionale della Societå Italiana per lo Studio delle Questioni Sessuali, Torino, 1925. Supplement to Rass. Studi sess., 1926, 6: xxvii-xxxvii. A paper read at the congress in Turin on June 1, 1925. Reprinted in Arch. Stor. Sci., 1926, 7: 243-255. 122. Der Arzt und sein Buch. Introduction (pp. i-xii) to a catalogue of Georg Thieme Verlag. Leipzig, 1926, 11 illus. 42
1927 123. Leonardo da Vinci: Die Gehirn-Ventrikel. Dtsch. med. Wschr., Jan. 1, 1927, 53: [unnumbered page inserted between pp. 4 and 5], 2 illus. The heading at the top of the unnumbered page reads "Bildersammlung aus der Geschichte der Medizin, Neue Folge, Blatt 2;" at the bottom under the two illustrations "Kunstblatt zur Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 1927, Nr. 1." The one page text describing the illustrations is on the verso. [G.M.] 124. Worte an die medizinische Jugend. Dtsch. med. Wschr., Feb. 4, 1927, 53: 261-262. This paper appeared in the section Praemedicus, 1927, No. 3. 125. Die historische Entwicklung des Entzündungsbegriffes. Dtsch. med. Wschr., Feb. 25, 1927, 53: 349-352. The Leyden Lecture, delivered to the Berliner Verein für Innere Medizin und Kinderheilkunde on June 7, 1926. 126. Die Geschichte der Medizin im Rahmen der Universitas litterarum. Dtsch. med. Wschr., April 29, 1927, 53: 777-779; May 13, 1927, 53: 864; May 27, 1927, 53: 949-950. A paper presented before the Fachgruppentagung der Medizinischen Fachgruppe der Deutschen Studentenschaft in Leipzig on December 19, 1926, and before the Berliner Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaft, Medizin und Technik in Berlin on February 4, 1927. It appeared in the section Praemedicus, 1927, Nos. 9-11. An Italian translation by Vincenzo Rocchi "La storia della medicina nell'ambito dell'universitas litterarum," appeared in Boll. Ist. stor. ital. Arte sanit., May-June 1928, 8: 93-99. The author's name is spelled Siegerist. 127. Sebastian-Apollo. Arch. Gesch. Med., Oct. 1, 1927, 19: 301-317, 10 illus., 2 figures in text. 128. Zur Frage unseres medizinischen Doktortitels. Munch. med. Wschr., Nov. 25, 1927, 74: 2024. 43
129. With H. Scheer. Zur Geschichte der Scilla-Verwendung. Schweiz. med. Wschr., Dec. 3, 1927, 8: 1168-1169. 130. Preface (pp. iii-iv) to Martin Müller, Ueber die philosophischen Anschauungen des Naturforschers Johannes Müller. Leipzig: Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1927.
1928 131. Preface to Kyklos, 1928, 1: 5-6. Dedication: "Karl Sudhoff dem Gründer des Instituts in Verehrung und Dankbarkeit." 132. Kultur und Krankheit. Kyklos, 1928, 1: 60-63. Reprinted with minor changes in Der Bund, Feb. 19, 1931, No. 83. 133. Die Geschichte der Medizin im akademischen Unterricht. Ergebnisse einer Rundfrage des Instituts. Kyklos, 1928, 1: 147-156. An English translation by Emilie Recht, "History of medicine in academic teaching: Results of a questionnaire of the Institute," appeared in Med. Life, Jan. 1929, 36: 41-55, portrait of the author. 134. Bericht über die Tätigkeit des Instituts im Jahre 1926/27. Kyklos, 1928, 1: 160-169. Annual report on the Leipzig Institute for the year 1926-27. 135. Preface (p. 5) to Henry E. Sigerist, ed., Grundlagen und Ziele der Medizin der Gegenwart. Vorträge des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin an der Universität Leipzig, vol. 1. Leipzig: Georg Thieme Verlag, 1928. 136. William Harvey's Stellung in der europäischen Geistesgeschichte. Arch. Kulturgesch., 1928, 19: 158-168. An address delivered at Gründungsfeier der Universität Leipzig, July 7, 1928. An English translation appeared in On the history of medicine, pp. 184-192 [See No. 48]. 44
137. Hollands Bedeutung in der Geschichte der Medizin. Dtsch. med. Wschr., Sept. 7, 1928, 54: 1489-1492, 7 illus. 138. Johann Georg Zimmermann. Schweiz. med. Wschr., Dec. 8, 1928, 9: 1200-1202. A paper read at the Zimmermann Commemoration of Aerzteverein der deutschen und italienischen Schweiz in Brugg on October 28, 1928. 139. Enzyklopädie und Methodologie der Medizin. In Internationale Beiträge zur Geschichte der Medizin. Festschrift Max Neuburger gewidmet. Wien: Verlag des Fest-Komitees, 1928, pp. 273-277. 140. Volksglaube und Wissenschaft in der Heilkunde. Heimat. Voralberger Monatsh., 1928, 9: 283-285.
1929 141. Wandlungen des Konstitutionsbegriffs. Karlsbad. ärztl. Vortr., 1929, 10: 97-108. A paper read at the Internationaler ärztlichen Fortbildungskursus mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Balneologie und Balneotherapie at Carlsbad on September 25, 1928. 142. Preface to Kyklos, 1929, 2: 5-7. Dedication: "William H. Welch und dem Institut für Geschichte der Medizin an der Johns Hopkins Universität in Baltimore, Maryland sei dieser Band gewidmet." 143. Die Sonderstellung des Kranken. Kyklos, 1929, 2: 11-20. An English translation appeared in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 9-22 [See No. 49]. 144. Bericht über die Tätigkeit des Instituts im Jahre 1927/28. Kyklos, 1929, 2: 287-292. Annual report for the year 1927-28 on the Leipzig Institute. 145. Preface (pp. 5-6) to Henry E. Sigerist, ed., Der Arzt und der Staat. Vorträge des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin an der Universität Leipzig, vol. 2. Leipzig: Georg Thieme Verlag, 1929. 45
146. Preface (pp. iii-iv) to Angelo Celli, Die Malaria in ihrer Bedeutung für die Geschichte Roms und der Römischen Campagna, herausgegeben von Anna Celli-Fraentzel. Leipzig: Georg Thieme Verlag, 1929. 147. Preface to "Ausgewählte Abhandlungen von Karl Sudhoff." Sudhoffs Arch. Gesch. Med., 1929, 21: v-vi. 1930 148. Heilkunde. In Sachwörterbuch der Deutschkunde, vol. 1. LeipzigBerlin: B. G. Teubner, 1930, pp. 524-526. 149. Forschungsinstitute für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften. In: Ludolph Brauer, Mendelssohn Bartholdy und Adolf Meyer, eds., Forschungsinstitute, ihre Geschichte, Organisation und Ziele, vol. 1. Hamburg: Paul Hart ung Verlag, 1930, pp. 391-405.
150. Fragment einer unbekannten lateinischen Uebersetzung des hippokra tischen Prognostikon. Sudho ffs Arch. Gesch. Med., Jan. 15, 1930, 23: 87-90. The text of Codex Sangallensis 44, S. IX/X, fol. 220-223. [G.M.] 151. Zum Herbarius Pseudo-Apulei. Sudhof fs Arch. Gesch. Med., April 1, 1930, 23: 197-204, 1 illus. 152. Eine ill ustrie rte Handschrift von Heinrich Louffenbergs Gesundheitsregiment. Z. Bücherfreunde, 1930, 22: 41-48, 11 illus., 2 facsimiles.
A description of Codex C 102b, fol. 58r-143r of the Zürcher Zentralbibliothek. [G.M.] 153. Internationale Organisationen für die Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften. Forsch. Fortschr. dtsch. Wiss., Sept. 1, 1930, 6: 332. 154. Das Bild des Menschen in der modernen Medizin. Neue Blätter, Berlin, 1930, 1: 97-106.
155. Der Krankheitsname Syphilis. Munch. med. Wschr., Aug. 15, 1930, 77: 1418. An English translation, "The disease called syphilis" appeared in Med. Life, June 1931, 38: 381-382. 46
156. Wandlungen des Arztideals. Soz. Med., Sept. 1930, 665-670. 157. Emile Littre über Charles Daremberg. Sudhois Arch. Gesch. Med., Oct. 1, 1930, 23: 382-384. A French translation, "Littre sur Daremberg. Une note manuscrite," appeared in Le Siècle Medical, June 1, 1932, and an English translation by Emilie Recht "Emile Littr6 on Charles Daremberg," in Med. Life, 1932, 39: 592-596. 158. Die St. Galler Han dschriften und ihre Bedeutung für die Ueberlieferung der antiken Medizin. Verh. schweiz. naturf. Ges., 1930, 111: 372-373. A paper read at a meeting of the Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, on September 13, 1930. 159. Preface to Kyklos, 1930, 3: v. Dedication: "Georg Sticker zum 70. Geburtstag." 160. Masse und Gewichte in den medizinischen Texten des frühen Mittelalters. Kyklos, 1930, 3: 439-444, 1 illus. The tables on weights and measures (pp. 443 and 444) were reproduced in Miriam Drabkin, "Select pages from mediaeval medical manuscripts," in Bull. Hist. Med., April 1942, 11: 435-436. 161. Bericht über die Tätigkeit des Instituts im Jahre 1928/29. Kyklos, 1930, 4: 445-452.
162. Preface (pp. 5-6) to Henry E. Sigerist, ed., Philosophische Grenzfragen der Medizin. Vort räge des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin an der Universität Leipzig, vol. 3. Leipzig: Georg Thieme Verlag, 1930. 163. Preface (pp. v-vi) to Stephen d'Irsay, Albrecht von Haller, eine Studie zur Geistesgeschichte der Aufklärung. Arbeiten des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin an der Universität Leipzig, vol. 1. Leipzig: Georg Thieme Verlag, 1930. 164. Preface (pp. iii-iv) to Walter Deuchler, Juan de Cårdenas, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der spanischen Naturbetrachtung und Medizin in Mexiko während des 16. Jahrhunderts. Berne and Leipzig: Paul Haupt, 1930. 47
1931 165. Vom hippokratischen Eid zur deutschen ärztlichen Standesordnung. Dtsch. Aerztebl., Jan. 1931, 22-24. 166. Probleme der medizinischen Historiographie. Sudhofs Arch. Gesch. Med., Jan. 10, 1931, 24: 1-18. A paper read at the Eighth International Congress of the History of Medicine in Rome, September 23, 1930. An abstract appeared in Int. Congr. Hist. Med. 8. Rome, September 22-27, 1930 (Pisa, 1931), pp. 119-121. 167. Berichtigungen. 1. Fabrizio Bartoletti. Sudho ffs Arch. Gesch. Med., Jan. 10, 1931, 24: 127-130. 168. Psychopathologie und Kulturwissenschaft. Abh. Neurol. Psychiatr. Psychol., 1931, 61: 140-146. A paper read at the 1. Internationale Tagung für angewandte Psychopathologie und Psychologie in Vienna June 6, 1930. 169. Die Geschichte der Medizin in ihrer Bedeutung für die Gegenwart. Lijeen. Vijesn., 1931, 53: 315-319. The paper is followed by a summary in Croatian. 170. Wohltäter der Menschheit: Edward Jenner, der Entdecker der Kuhpockenimpfung. Neue Leipziger Zeitung, March 1, 1931, No. 60, 1 illus. A radio talk published in the supplement Hochschule für Alle. 171. Volksglaube und Wissenschaft in der Heilkunde. Der Bund, March 12, 1931, No. 119. A radio talk that was syndicated and published in a number of papers. Reprinted in Leipziger Neueste Nachrichten, Jan. 9, 1932, No. 9. 172. Wohltäter der Menschheit: Louis Pasteur. Neue Leipziger Zeitung, April 12, 1931, No. 102, 1 illus. A radio talk published in the supplement Hochschule für Alle. 48
173. Der Arzt und die Umwelt. Dtsch. med. Wschr., June 19, 1931, 57: 1049-1051. An English translation appeared in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 3-8 [See No. 49]. 174. Die ärztliche Kosmetik im Wandel der Jahrhunderte. Med. Welt, 1931, Nos. 47-49, 1696-1697, 1732-1733, 1765-1766. 175. Preface (p. 5) to Henry E. Sigerist, ed., Das Problem der Kultur und die ärztliche Psychologie. Vorträge des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin an der Universität Leipzig, vol. 4. Leipzig: Georg Thieme Verlag, 1931.
1932 176. Preface to Kyklos, 1932, 4: iii. 177. Bericht über die Tätigkeit des Instituts in den Jahren 1929/31. Kyklos, 1932, 4: 81-88. 178. Preface (pp. 5-6) to Tadeusz Bilikiewicz, Die Embryologie im Zeitalter des Barock und des Rokoko. Arbeiten des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin an der Universität Leipzig, vol. 2. Leipzig: Georg Thieme Verlag, 1932. 179. Der Aussatz auf den Hawaiischen Inseln. Verh. schweiz. naturf . Ges., 1932, 452-453. An abstract of a paper read at the annual convention of the Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, in Thun on August 7, 1932. An English translation appeared in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 259-260 [See No. 49]. 180. The historical development of the pathology and therapy of cancer. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med., Nov. 1932, 2nd Series, 8: 642-653. A paper delivered before the New York Academy of Medicine, Oct. 20, 1932. Reprinted in Centaur of Alpha Kappa Kappa, Nov. 1942, 48: 33-38; On the history of medicine, pp. 57-64 [See No. 48]. 49
1933 181. Introduction. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., Jan. 1933, 1: 1. 182. Problems of historical-geographical pathology. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., Jan. 1933, 1: 10-18. Read at a joint meeting of the Baltimore City Medical Society and the Osler Historical Society on November 4, 1932. Reprinted in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 299-307 [See No. 49]. 183. A collection of nineteenth century autographs, being a contribution to the history of anesthesia. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., April 1933, 1: 107-117, 7 illus. A paper read before the Johns Hopkins Medical History Club on January 30, 1933. 184. With students. An exhibit illustrating the history of anatomy. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., July 1933, 1: 193-236, 10 illus. 185. The philosophy of hygiene. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., Oct. 1933, 1: 323331. The Sedgwick Memorial Lecture, delivered at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, December 1, 1931. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 16-24 [See No. 48]. 186. The physician's profession through the ages. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med., Dec. 1933, 2nd Series, 9: 661-676. A paper delivered before the New York Academy of Medicine on October 18, 1933. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 3-15 [See No. 48]. 187. Foreword (pp. v-vi) to Theodor Billroth, Historical studies on the nature and treatment of gunshot wounds from the fifteenth century to the present time. C. P. Rhoads, trans. New Haven: Published for the Nathan Smith Medical Club, 1933. 50
1934 188. Medical societies, past and present. Yale J. Biol. Med., Jan. 1934, 6: 351-362. Read at the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the New Haven County Medical Association, in New Haven, January 5, 1934. Reprinted in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 157-168 [See No. 49]. 189. The medical profession and the public. Historical developments. European experience in medical organisation. Trans. Coll. Phycns. Philad., Feb. 1934, 4th Series, 2: 31-37. Read at a joint meeting of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia and The American Academy of Political and Social Science, in Philadelphia, February 7, 1934. 190. A celebration of the eightieth birthday of Professor Karl Sudhoff. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., March 1934, 2: 1-2, 2 illus. The celebration was held as a special meeting of the Johns Hopkins Medical History Club on November 26, 1933. 191. Karl Sudhoff, the man and the historian. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., March 1934, 2: 3-6. Read before the Johns Hopkins Medical History Club on November 26, 1933. 192. Karl Sudhoff the mediaevalist. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., March 1934, 2: 22-25. Read before the Johns Hopkins Medical History Club on November 26, 1933. 193. The medical literature of the early Middle Ages. A program and a report of a summer of research in Italy. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., March 1934, 2: 26-50. Pp. 26-30 reprinted in Autobiographical Writings [See No. 50]. 194. The foundation of human anatomy in the Renaissance. Sigma Xi Quarterly, March 1934, 22: 8-12. 51
The Sigma Xi Address, delivered at the ninety-third meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Boston on December 28, 1933. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 155-161 [See No. 48]. 195. Trends towards socialized medicine. In Problems of health conservation. Proceedings of the twelfth annual conference of the advisory council of the Milbank Memorial Fund held on March 14 and 15, 1934, at the New York Academy of Medicine. New York: Milbank Memorial Fund, 1934, 78-83. Reprinted in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 23-27 [See No. 49]. 196. Faust in America. Med. Life, April 1934, 41: 192-207, 5 illus. 197. On the teaching of medical history. A tentative syllabus for a course in the history of medicine. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., April 1934, 2: 123-139. 198. On Hippocrates. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., May 1934, 2: 190-214. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 97-119 [See No. 48]. 199. William H. Welch (1850-1934). Archeion, April-June 1934, 16: 216-219. 200. William H. Welch. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., Aug. 1934, 2: 345-346. 201. Address of welcome. Bull. med. Libr. Ass., Aug. 1934, New Series, 23: 23-28. An address delivered on May 22, 1934 at a session of the thirtysixth annual meeting of the A.M.L.A., held at the Welch Medical Library. 202. On some further editions of Faust's "Catechism of Health." Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., Aug. 1934, 2: 392-401, 4 illus. 203. A summer of research in European libraries. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., Dec. 1934, 2: 559-610, 20 illus. 204. Epilogue to volume II. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., Dec. 1934, 2: 611-613. 205. The Plague. In Keeping well. The first hundred radio talks broadcast by the Baltimore City Health Department and the Medical and 52
Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland from Station WBAL January 12, 1932-November 14, 1933. Baltimore: Published by the Baltimore City Health Department Bureau of Public Health Education, 1934, pp. 108-109. Broadcast on February 14, 1933. 206. Preface (pp. v-xiv) to Arturo Castiglioni, The renaissance of medicine in Italy. Publications of the Institute of the History of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University, 3rd Series, The Hideyo Noguchi Lectures, vol. 1. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1934. 207. Preface (pp. vii-viii) to Benjamin Spector, One hour of medical history, vol. 3. Boston: Tufts College Medical School, 1934.
1935 208. An institute for the history of science in Leningrad. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., Jan. 1935, 3: 92-93. 209. A doctor's family in the fifteenth century. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., Feb. 1935, 3: 159-162. 210. Sidelights on the practice of medieval surgeons. Proc. an. Congr. med. Educ. Hosp. Licens., Feb. 18-19, 1935. An address delivered at the annual dinner of the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, in Chicago, February 18, 1935. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 141-145 [See No. 48]. 211. The history of medical licensure. J. Am. med. Ass., March 30, 1935, 104: 1057-1060. A paper read before the Annual Congress on Medical Education, Hospitals and Licensure in Chicago, February 18, 1935. Reprinted in Diplomate, 1935, 7: 229-236; Centaur of Alpha Kappa Kappa, Nov. 1939, 45: 17-23, 70; and On the sociology of medicine, pp. 308-318 [See No. 49]. 212. Franklin Paine Mall. Johns Hopk. Hosp. Bull., March 1935, 56: 139-144. Review of Florence Rena Sabin, Franklin Paine Mall, the story of a mind (Baltimore, 1934). [G.M.] 53
213. Surgery at the time of the introduction of antisepsis. J. Mo. med. Ass., May 1935, 32: 169-176. The Hodgen Lecture, read before a joint meeting of the St. Louis Surgical Society and the Medical Fund Society, January 9, 1935. Reprinted in Diplomate, Jan. 1936, 8: 1-11. 214. Fielding H. Garrison. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., June 1935, 3: 403-404. 215. Stephen d'Irsay, 1894-1934. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., June 1935, 3: 431-442, portrait. 216. The correspondence of Max von Pettenkofer. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., July 1935, 3: 607-609. 217. With students. A student's exhibit illustrating the history of physiology. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., Oct. 1935, 3: 641-696, 9 illus. 218. L'inquietude actuelle dans le monde medical. Schweiz. med. Wschr., Oct. 19, 1935, 65: 1007-1010. An address, delivered in the Château of Nyon, September 10, 1935, on the occasion of the First International Medical Week in Switzerland. The last sentence was added by the Swiss editor. Reprinted in I. Internationale medizinische Woche in der Schweiz. 9. bis 14. September 1935, Montreux. Basel: Benno Schwabe & Co., 1936, pp. 157-168; also in part in Le Sikle Medical, Feb. 1, 1936; Russian translation by I. D. Straschun, "Trevoga v sovremennom meditsinskom mire," in Sovetsk. Vrach. Zh., 1936, No. 13: 93-110; English translation in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 77-88 [See No. 49]. 219. Le Roy Crummer. In A. Gaylord Beaman, A doctor's odyssey. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1935, 143-148. 220. Soziologische Faktoren in der Medizin. In Festschrift Heinrich Zangger. Zürich: Rascher & Cie. A.-G. Verlag, 1935, 749-758. 221. Richtungen und Strömungen in der Medizin der Vereinigten Staaten. Schweiz. med. Jb., 1935, xci-xcvii. 222. Preface (pp. vii-x) to Gregory Zilboorg, The medical man and the witch during the Renaissance. Publications of the Institute of the History of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University, 3rd Series, vol. 2. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1935. 54
1936 223. The history of medicine and the history of science. An open letter to George Sarton, editor of Isis. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., Jan. 1936, 4: 1-13. Published as the Preface to volume 4 in reply to Sarton's preface to volume 23 of Isis, "The history of science versus the history of medicine." 224. A 15th century text on the medicinal virtues of madder (rubia tinctorum). Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., Jan. 1936, 4: 57-60 [See No. 230]. The text of MS. Montpellier 277, saec. XV, fol. 118v-119r. [G.M.] 225. An autograph note of Louis Pasteur. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., Feb. 1936, 4: 153-157, 2 illus. A facsimile and transcription of a laboratory note of Pasteur, presented by Dr. Pasteur Vallery-Radot to Dr. Henry Barton Jacobs. 226. The historical aspect of art and medicine. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., April 1936, 4: 271-297, 27 illus. A paper read before the Boston Medical History Club and the Boston Medical Library on January 20, 1936. Repeated before the Johns Hopkins Medical History Club on March 2, 1936. 227. A fee bill of the Georgia Medical Society, revised in 1863. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., April 1936, 4: 333, 1 facsimile. 228. Rare books in the Welch Medical Library: 3. The Crummer manuscript. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., April 1936, 4: 335-338, 1 illus. A description of a thirteenth century MS. of Constantine of Africa presented to the Institute in 1934 by Mrs. Le Roy Crammer. 229. The medical student and the social problems confronting medicine today. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., May 1936, 4: 411-422. An address delivered before the Third Eastern Medical Students Conference in New Haven, March 15, 1936. Reprinted in Med. Bull. N.Y. Univ. Coll. Med., April 1936, 1: 3-10; On the sociology of medicine, pp. 28-38 [See No. 49]. 55
230. Herba momordica. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., June 1936, 4: 511-513. A passage from Mattioli which identified the herba momordica described in No. 224 as madder. It is actually balsamina. [G.M.] 231. An outline of the development of the hospital. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., July 1936, 4: 573-581. An address, delivered on the occasion of the two hundredth anniversary exercises of the Department of Hospitals of the City of New York at the New York Academy of Medicine, May 12, 1936. Reprinted in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 319-326 [See No. 49]. 232. Historical background of industrial and occupational diseases. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med., Nov. 1936, 2nd Series, 12: 597-609. The Wesley M. Carpenter Lecture delivered at the New York Academy of Medicine, October 19, 1936. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 46-56 [See No. 48]; also in part in Health and Hygiene, March 1937, 5: 75-79, 1 illus. 233. Die Pflege der Naturwissenschafts- und Medizingeschichte in der Sowjet Union. Verh. schweiz. naturf. Ges., 1936, [no volume given], 376-377. An abstract of a paper read at the annual convention of the Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften in Solothurn, August 29, 1936. 234. Review of A. Wolf, A history of science, technology and philosophy in the 16th and 17th centuries (New York, 1935). Science, 1936, 83: 262-264.
1937 235. William Osler's first printed paper. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., Jan. 1937, 5: 91-93, 2 illus. 236. Fielding H. Garrison memorial number. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., April 1937, 5: 299, portrait. 56
237. Closing address of the convention. J. Ass. Med. Stud., May 1937, 19-20. An address delivered at the fourth annual conference and the first annual convention of the Association of Medical Students in Baltimore, April 18, 1937. 238. Why academies were founded. Trans. Coll. Phycns. Philad., 1937, 4 (supplement) : 83-88. An address at the celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, May 15, 1937. 239. All-Union health. Soviet Russia Today, Nov. 1937, 23-24, 92. 240. Letters of Fielding H. Garrison. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., Dec. 1937, 5: 947.
1938 241. The history of medical history. In Milestones in medicine. Laity lectures of the New York Academy of Medicine. New York, London: D. Appleton-Century Company, 1938, pp. 163-184. A paper delivered at the New York Academy of Medicine on March 15, 1937. 242. The development of medicine and its trends in the United States, 1636-1936. New Engl. J. Med., Feb. 24, 1938, 218: 325-328. A paper presented at the medical profession's observance of the tercentenary of the founding of Springfield, May 18, 1936, at Springfield, Mass. 243. Socialized medicine. Yale Rev., March 1938, 27: 463-481. Reprinted in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 39-53 [See No. 49]. 244. The anti-tuberculosis campaign in the Soviet Union. Bulletin on the Soviet Union, March 15, 1938, 3: 17, 20. 245. John Shaw Billings memorial number. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., April 1938, 6: 223-224. 57
246. Science and democracy. Sci. & Soc., summer, 1938, 2: 291-299. A paper read at a joint meeting of the History of Science Society and Section L of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Indianapolis, December 30, 1937. 247. Report of the activities of the Institute of the History of Medicine of the Johns Hopkins University during the academic year 1937-38. Bull. Inst. Hist. Med., July 1938, 6: 858-881, 5 illus. 248. Boerhaave's influence upon American medicine. Ned. Tijdschr. Geneesk., Oct. 1, 1938, 82: 4822-4828. A paper read at the University of Leiden, September 23, 1938, at the commemoration of the two hundredth anniversary of the death of Boerhaave. Reprinted in Memorabilia Herman Boerhaave optimi Medici. Haarlem: De Erven F. Bohn N. V., 1939, pp. 40-45; On the history of medicine, pp. 202-208 [See No. 48]. 249. Protecting the health of a nation. Soviet Russia Today, Nov. 1938, 21, 64, 1 hlus. 250. Albrecht von Haller. In Grosse Schweizer. Zürich: Atlantis Verlag, 1938, pp. 250-255. French translation, "Albert de Haller," appeared in Grands hommes de la Suisse. Zürich: Editions Atlantis; Lausanne: Librairie Payot, 1945, pp. 139-145, portrait (p. 138). 251. The future of the Association of Medical Students. The 1938 convention book of the Association of Medical Students, Philadelphia, [1938], pp. 18, 30, 32.
1939 252. Preface to volume VII. Bull. Hist. Med., Jan. 1939, 7: 1-5. Announces the change of title of the Bulletin and that the journal will in the future be published as the joint organ of the American Association of the History of Medicine and of the Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine. [G.M.] 58
253. Yugoslavia and the XIth International Congress of the History of Medicine. Bull. Hist. Med., Jan. 1939, 7: 93-147, 26 illus. Reprinted in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 89-117 [See No. 49]. 254. A Boerhaave pilgrimage in Holland. Bull. Hist. Med., Feb. 1939, 7: 257-275, 14 illus. A paper read before the Johns Hopkins Medical History Club, November 14, 1938. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 193-201 [See No. 48]. 255. Kagan's Garrison. Bull. Hist. Med., March 1939, 7: 357-362. A review of Solomon R. Kagan, Life and letters of Fielding H. Garrison (Boston, 1938). [G.M.] 256. Materia Medica in the Middle Ages. A review. Bull. Hist. Med., April 1939, 7: 417-423. 257. Albrecht von Haller aus Bern, 1708-1777. In Eduard Fueter, ed., Grosse Schweizer Forscher. Zürich: Atlantis Verlag, 1939, pp. 120122, 1 portrait. 258. Socialized medicine abroad. J. Ass. Med. Stud., April 1939, 3: 116-118, 128, portrait of author. Reprinted in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 261-266 [See No. 49]. 259. The history of science and its place in contemporary civilization. In W. Edwards Deming, ed., Ten lectures and discussions on Science: Its history, philosophy, and relation to democracy. Held at the Department of Agriculture Graduate School under the chairmanship of M. L. Wilson. Washington: The Graduate School, The Department of Agriculture, 1939, pp. 111-132, mimeo. A lecture delivered April 4, 1939. 260. Medical history in the medical schools of the United States. Bull. Hist. Med., June 1939, 7: 627-662. The presidential address, delivered at the thirteenth annual meeting of the American Association of the History of Medicine at Atlantic City on May 3, 1937. Chinese translation by C. L. May appeared in Nat. med. I. China, Oct. 1939, 25: 144-156. 59
261. The realities of socialized medicine. Atlantic Monthly, June 1939, 163: 794-804. Reprinted in Edwin R. Clapp and Sydney W. Angleman, eds., A free man's forum. College readings in democracy. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1941, pp. 521-537; W. Earl Britton, Carl E. Burklund, William H. Egly, Ivan H. Walton, eds., Patterns and perspectives. Essays for college use. New York: F. S. Crofts & Co., 1942, pp. 283299; On the sociology of medicine, pp. 180-196 [See No. 49]. Reprints from the Atlantic Monthly were issued as a pamphlet by the People's National Health Committee under the title A health program for the American people. The Wagner Health Bill and the National Health Program, and were sold for five cents. A condensation of the article by Lida G. Gottsch was published under the title, "A health program for the American people," in Medentian, April 1940, 8: 5, 18-19. 262. Tribute to the Soviet pavilion. Soviet Russia Today, June 1939, 8: 47. 263. Baglivi et la doctrine iatromechanique. Scalpel (Brussels), 1939, 93: No. 7, 101-104. A paper read at the Baglivi Commemoration held on the occasion of the Eleventh International Congress of the History of Medicine in Dubrovnik, September 13, 1938. A Spanish translation, "Baglivi y la doctrina iatromecånica," by Juan B. Lastres appeared in Reforma med. (Lima), 1 April 1940, 25: 226-228. 264. Preface to Transactions of the fifteenth annual meeting of the American Association of the History of Medicine held at Atlantic City, N.J., April 30-May 1, 1939. Bull. Hist. Med., July 1939, 7: 669670. 265. Karl Sudhoff, 1853-1938. Bull. Hist. Med., July 1939, 7: 801-804, 1 portrait. 266. Report of the activities of the Institute of the History of Medicine of the Johns Hopkins University during the academic year 1938-1939. Bull. Hist. Med., July 1939, 7: 847-873, 8 illus. 267. Medical history in medical education. Leech, Oct. 1939, 10: 8-12. Leech is the official journal of the Students' Medical Council of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. 60
268. With Erica Sigerist. Soviet medicine, 1938. Soviet Russia Today, Nov. 1939, 8: 36-37, 40; Dec. 1939: 24-26, 29; Jan. 1940, 9: 2527, 34; March 1940: 24-26, 34, illustrated. A report of a study tour through the Soviet Union in the summer of 1938.
1940 269. Preface to volume VIII. Bull. Hist. Med., Jan. 1940, 8: 1-2. 270. University education. Bull. Hist. Med., Jan. 1940, 8: 3-21. An address delivered at Selborne Hall in Johannesburg on November 15, 1939 on the occasion of the conferment of the degree of Doctor of Literature honoris causa by the University of the Witwatersrand. The address was given from notes and was written in December 1939 on board the "City of New York" during the passage from Cape Town to New York. The South African reprint was distributed among the members of the faculty of the University of the Witwatersrand. Reprinted as a pamphlet: Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press, 1940, 19 pp. Also in The university at the crossroads, pp. 11-29 [See No. 42]; On the history of medicine, pp. 251-268 [See No. 48]. Partly reprinted in: George Rosen and Beate CaspariRosen, eds., 400 years of a doctor's life. New York: Henry Schuman, 1947, pp. 139-142, 292-294; pp. 5-12 in Autobiographical Writings [See No. 50]. 271. A physician's impression of South Africa. Bull. Hist. Med., Jan. 1940, 8: 22-27. A farewell address broadcast from the Cape Town studio of the South African Broadcasting Corporation on December 11, 1939. Reprinted in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 267-272 [See No. 49]. 272. Does America need compulsory health insurance? Town Meeting, Jan. 22, 1940, 5: 4-8. Broadcast from Town Hall, New York City, January 18, 1940. Reprinted in Interne, July 1940, 6: 208-209, 221. 61
273. Medical history in the medical schools of Canada. Bull. Hist. Med., Feb. 1940, 8: 303-308. 274. Congratulatory epistle to Arnold C. Klebs. Bull. Hist. Med., March 1940, 8: 319-328, 5 illus. 275. What happened to the health program? New Masses, June 18, 1940, 14-16. 276. Preface to Transactions of the sixteenth annual meeting of the American Association of the History of Medicine. Bull. Hist. Med., July 1940, 8: 855. 277. Report of the activities of the Institute of the History of Medicine of the Johns Hopkins University during the academic year 1939-1940. Bull. Hist. Med., July 1940, 8: 1127-1134. 278. Articles on eighteen medical service plans published in the New York newspaper PM on the following group health plans in the United States: [1] Health service of the Endicott-Johnson Corporation, July 15, 1940. [2] Mutual benefit associations of Dunn and McCarthy Corporation, Spaulding Bakeries, Agfa Ansco, in Binghamton, New York, July 17, 1940. [3] Medical and Surgical Care, Inc., Utica, New York, July 19, 1940. [4] Medical Plan of Bassett Hospital, Cooperstown, N.Y., July 22, 1940. [5] Greenbelt Health Association, July 24, 1940. [6] Medical Research Institute of UAWA in Detroit, July 26, 1940. [7] Paul de Kruif's non-controversial health program, July 30, 1940. [8] Chicago Maternity Center, Aug. 2, 1940. [9] Detroit's anti-tuberculosis campaign, Aug. 19, 1940. [10] Medical service plan of the Milwaukee Medical Society, Aug. 23, 1940. [11] Chicago Civic Medical Center, Aug. 26, 1940. [ 12] Milwaukee Medical Center, Aug. 30, 1940. 62
[13] Group Health Association and Group Health Mutual in St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 16, 1940. [14] Farmers' Union Cooperative Hospital in Elk City, Okla., Part I, Sept. 20, 1940; Part II, Sept. 23, 1940. [15] Ross-Loos Medical Group, Los Angeles, Part I, Sept. 30, 1940; Part II, Oct. 4, 1940; Part III, Oct. 8, 1940. [16] California Physicians' Service, Part I, Nov. 8, 1940; Part II, Nov. 11, 1940. [17] Health service system of San Francisco, Part I, Nov. 12, 1940; Part II, Nov. 13, 1940. [18] Agricultural Workers' Health and Medical Association, Part I, Nov. 14, 1940; Part II, Nov. 15, 1940. Articles No. 14 and 15 were reprinted in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 197-208 [See No. 49]. 279. The social history of medicine. West. J. Surg., Dec. 1940, 48: 715722. Read before a meeting of the California Academy of Medicine in San Francisco, March 11, 1940. Reprinted in CAMSI, J. Canad. Ass. med. Stud. Internes, March 1942, 1: 37-41; On the history of medicine, pp. 25-33 [See No. 48]. A Spanish translation, "La historia social de la medicina," appeared in Prensa med. mex., 1941, 6: 59-61 . 280. Foreword (pp. ix-xi) to Emily Walcott Emmart, The Badianus manuscript. An Aztec herbal of 1552. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1940. 281. Preface (pp. vii-ix) to Iago Galdston, Progress in medicine. A critical review of the last hundred years. New York, London: Alfred A. Knopf, 1940. 282. Medieval medicine. In University of Pennsylvania bicentennial conference: Studies in the history of science. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1941, pp. 43-54. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 120-130 [See No. 48]; Robert M. Palter, ed., Toward modern science, vol. 1. New York: The Noonday Press, 1961, pp. 188-201. 63
283. The reorganization of medical care. In Science in the service of the consumer. Fifteen addresses delivered at the Conference of Consumers Union and the Boston-Cambridge branch of the American Association of Scientific Workers, Massachusetts State College, Amherst, June 17 and 18, 1940. New York: Consumers Union, 1941, pp. 45-52. 284. Waste and economy in the publication of research. Bull. Hist. Med., Jan. 1941, 9: 1-7. Published as the preface to volume 9. [G.M.] 285. The people's misery: mother of diseases. An address, delivered in 1790 by Johann Peter Frank. Translated from the Latin, with an introduction. Bull. Hist. Med., Jan. 1941, 9: 81-100, portrait. 286. Medicine and society. J. Ass. med. Stud., Jan. 1941, 5: 235-237, 262. Reprinted in Interne, 1941, 7: 434-435, 442-443. 287. Trends in medical education: A program for a new medical school. Bull. Hist. Med., Feb. 1941, 9 :177-198, 1 illus. Reprinted in The university at the crossroads, pp. 106-126. [See No. 42]. 288. Medical history in Central and South America. Bull. Hist. Med., March 1941, 9: 342-360. A Spanish translation, "La historia de la medicina en America Central y America del Sud," appeared in Publicaciones de la Catedra de Historia de la Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1942, 5: 160-191. Also in part in "La historia de Ia medicina en la Republica Argentina," Rev. argent. Hist. Med., 1942, 1: 37-53. 289. Alexandre Ricord's dissertation of 1824. Bull. Hist. Med., April 1941, 9: 468-474. 290. Laudanum in the works of Paracelsus. Bull. Hist. Med., May 1941, 9: 530-544. 291. Preface (pp. 545-547) to [Genevieve Miller, ed.], The Paracelsus Collection of the St. Louis Medical Society [Robert E. Schlueter Collection]. Bull. Hist. Med., May 1941, 9: 545-579. 64
292. Developments and trends in dentistry. Washington Univ. dent. J., May 1941, 7: 131-141. Reprinted in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 327-336 [See No. 49]. 293. Supplements to the Bulletin of the History of Medicine. Bull. Hist. Med., June 1941, 10: 1-4. Published as the preface to volume 10. [G.M.] 294. Early mediaeval medical texts in manuscripts of Montpellier. Bull. Hist. Med., June 1941, 10: 27-47, 3 illus. Describes Montpellier MSS. H 185, H 450. [G.M.] 295. Preface to Transactions of the seventeenth annual meeting of the American Association of the History of Medicine. Bull. Hist. Med., July 1941, 10: 115-122, 2 illus. 296. The Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine during the academic year 1940-1941. A report. Bull. Hist. Med., July 1941, 10: 364-416, 16 illus. 297. Developments and trends in gynecology. Am. I. Obstet. Gynec., Oct. 1941, 42: 714-722. Read by invitation at the sixty-sixth annual meeting of the American Gynecological Society at Colorado Springs, May 27, 1941. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 34-45 [See No. 48]. 298. Winning the battle against tuberculosis once and for all. Med. Rec., N.Y., Nov. 19, 1941, 154: 395-396. 299. Paracelsus in the light of four hundred years. In The march of medicine. New York Academy of Medicine Lectures to the Laity, 1941. New York: Columbia University Press, 1941, pp. 28-51. Read at the New York Academy of Medicine, January 23, 1941, in the series Lectures to the Laity. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 162-176 [See No. 48]. A Portuguese translation appeared in A marcha da medicina. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Gertum Carneiro, 1946 and Mario Rangel, trans., "Paracelso å luz de quatrocentos anos," in Brasil med.-cirürg., Feb. 1946, 8: 15-30, 2 illus. 65
300. The word "bombastic." Bull. Hist. Med., Dec. 1941, 10: 688-689. 301. Preface (pp. vii-xii) to Henry E. Sigerist, ed., Four treatises of Theophrastus von Hohenheim called Paracelsus. Publication of the Institute of the History of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University, 2nd Series. Texts and Documents, vol. 1. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1941. 302. A book on nymphs, sylphs, pygmies, and salamanders, and on the other spirits. By Theophrastus von Hohenheim called Paracelsus. Translated from the German with an introduction. In Henry E. Sigerist, ed., Four treatises of Theophrastus von Hohenheim called Paracelsus. Publications of the Institute of the History of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University, 2nd Series. Texts and Documents, vol. 1. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1941, pp. 213-253. 303. A hundred years in medicine. In Queen's University. A centenary volume, 1841, 1941. Toronto: The Ryerson Press, [1941], pp. 6990. An address delivered at the centenary of Queen's University at Kingston on October 17, 1941. The author received the honorary degree of iuris utriusque doctor. [G.M.] 304. Review of George W. Gray, The advancing front of medicine (New York, 1941). Baltimore Sun, Dec. 27, 1941. 305. Review of Simon and James Thomas Flexner, William Henry Welch and the heroic age of American medicine. (New York, 1941) . The author's notes indicated that this review was written and published, but did not mention where. A cursory search has failed to produce this information, but I am listing the review nevertheless in the hope that the missing data will eventually be supplied. [G.M.] 306. War and culture. Bull. Hist. Med., Jan. 1942, 11: 1-11. Reprinted in Chicago med. Sch. Quart., March 1942, 2: 4-5, 3537; Centaur of Alpha Kappa Kappa, May 1943, 48: 301-307; The university at the crossroads, pp. 30-40 [See No. 42]. 307. American spas in historical perspective. Bull. Hist. Med., Feb. 1942, 11: 133-147. 66
Read before the Johns Hopkins Medical History Club, November 3, 1941. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 66-79 [See No. 48]. 308. Review of Franz Goldmann, Prepayment plans for medical care (New York, 1941) . Am. J. publ. Hlth., Feb. 1942, 32: 213. 309. The Sphere of Life and Death in early mediaeval manuscripts. Bull. Hist. Med., March 1942, 11: 292-303, 4 illus. 310. An autograph letter of Alexandre Ricord. Bull. Hist. Med., April 1942, 11: 475-477. 311. Review of Henry E. Sigerist, ed., Four treatises of Theophrastus von Hohenheim called Paracelsus (Baltimore, 1941). Baltimore Sun, April 12, 1942. 312. The term "Plasmodium falciparum." A note in defense of Dr. Welch. Bull. Hist. Med., May 1942, 11: 587-588. 313. Soviet medicine in wartime. Soviet Russia Today, June 1942, 11: 12-13, 30. Reprinted in part in CAMS!, J. Canad. Ass. med. Stud. Internes, March 1943, 2: 20-23. 314. Preface to Transactions of the eighteenth annual meeting of the American Association of the History of Medicine. Bull. Hist. Med., July 1942, 12: 135-136. 315. The Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine during the academic year 1941-42. Bull. Hist. Med., July 1942, 12: 445-463, 5 illus. 316. The significance of history in a period of emergency. Virginia Med. Monthly, Aug. 1942, 69: 409-411. A guest editorial. 317. War medicine in the Red Army. Soviet Russia Today, Nov. 1942, 18, 37. Reprinted in part in CAMSI, J. Canad. Ass. med. Stud. Internes, March 1943, 2: 20-23. 67
318. Foreword (pp. 5-6) to F. Sherwood Taylor, The conquest of bacteria: From salvarsan to sulphapyridine. New York: Philosophical Library and Alliance Book Corp., 1942. 319. Review of Helen Clapesattle, The Doctors Mayo (Minneapolis, 1941). Amer. Hist. Rev., July 1942, 47: 901-903.
1943 320. On the threshold of another year of war. Bull. Hist. Med., Jan. 1943, 13: 1-9. Reprinted in part in Conn. St. med. J., April 1943, 7: 225-227. Also in The university at the crossroads, pp. 41-48 [See No. 42]. 321. A literary controversy over tea in 18th century England. Bull. Hist. Med., Feb. 1943, 13: 185-199, 3 illus. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 218-229 [See No. 48]. 322. An Elizabethan poet's contribution to public health: Sir John Harington and the water closet. Bull. Hist. Med., Feb. 1943, 13: 229243, 4 illus. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 209-217 [See No. 48]. 323. War and medicine. J. Lab. din. Med., Feb. 1943, 28: 531-538. Read before the Washington Academy of Medicine, April 22, 1942. Reprinted in Centaur of Alpha Kappa Kappa, March 1944, 49: 211-217; On the sociology of medicine, pp. 337-347 [See No. 49]. 324. Two fifteenth century anatomical drawings. Bull. Hist. Med., March 1943, 13: 313-319, 2 illus. 325. Review of Howard B. Adelmann, The embryological treatises of Hieronymus Fabricius of Aquapendente (Ithaca, 1942). Bull. Hist. Med., March 1943, 13: 358-360. 326. Review of Bernard Aschner, The art of the healer (New York, 1942). Bull. Hist. Med., March 1943, 13: 360-362. 68
327. From Bismarck to Beveridge. Developments and trends in social security legislation: I. The period of Bismarck. Bull. Hist. Med., April 1943, 13: 365-388. The first article of a projected series which unfortunately was never continued. [G.M.] Reprinted in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 118-138 [See No. 49]. 328. The early medical history of Saratoga Springs. Bull. Hist. Med., May 1943, 13: 540-584, 8 illus. 329. Impotence as a result of witchcraft. In T. Cowles, comp., Essays in biology in honor of Herbert M. Evans. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1943, pp. 539-546. Text of Constantine of Africa's chapter in Pantechne, "De his qui coire non possunt," from Montpellier MS. H 227, fol. 60v. [G.M.] Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 146-152 [See No. 48]. 330. The university's dilemma. Bull. Hist. Med., June 1943, 14: 1-13. Reprinted in Centaur of Alpha Kappa Kappa, Jan. 1944, 49: 107-113, 125; also in The university at the crossroads, pp. 54-65 [See No. 42]. German translation, "Das Universitätsdilemma," in Physis, Beiträge zur naturwissenschaftlichen Synthese. Stuttgart, Hippokrates-Verlag Marquardt, 1949, vol. 2-3, pp. 139-149. 331. Early mediaeval medical texts in manuscripts of Vendome. Bull. Hist. Med., June 1943, 14: 68-113, 6 illus. 332. The Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine during the year 1942-1943. Bull. Hist. Med., July 1943, 14: 250-270. 333. Twenty-five years of health work in the Soviet Union. Amer. Rev. Sov. Med., Oct. 1943, 1: 66-78, 1 chart. Reprinted in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 139-153 [See No. 49]; also under the title "The organization of Soviet medicine" in Soviet culture in wartime, No. 2. San Francisco: American Russian Institute, 1944, pp. 24-29. This version was reprinted with the title "Medicine. Russia," in J. S. Roucek, ed., Slavonic Encyclopaedia. New York: Philosophical Library, 1949, pp. 765-770; under the title "Public health in the Soviet Union" in Harold Ward, ed., New 69
worlds in medicine. New York: Robert M. McBride & Co., 1946, pp. 669-684; under the title "The organization of Soviet medicine" in B. J. Stern and S. Smith, eds., Understanding the Russians: A study of Soviet life and culture. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1947, pp. 113-122. Reproduced photographically in 1956 by the University of Buffalo as a Commonwealth Fund supported project devoted to the training of medical teachers [See No. 349]. 334. Review of Eduard Fueter, Geschichte der exakten Wissenschaften in der Schweizerischen Aufklärung (1680-1780) (Aarau-Leipzig, 1941). Bull. Hist. Med., Oct. 1943, 14: 405-407. 335. Reviews of Past and present trends in the tuberculosis movement, Transactions of the 38th Annual Meeting of the National Tuberculosis Association, 1942; Dorothy White Nicolson, Twenty years of medical research (National Tuberculosis Association, 1943) . Bull. Hist. Med., Oct. 1943, 14: 410-412. 336. Review of Paul de Kruif, Kaiser wakes the doctors (New York, 1943) . Bull. Hist. Med., Oct. 1943, 14: 413-416. 337. A tribute to Max Neuburger on the occasion of his 75th birthday, December 8, 1943. Bull. Hist. Med., Nov. 1943, 14: 417-421. 338. A Salernitan student's surgical notebook. Bull. Hist. Med., Nov. 1943, 14: 505-516. The text of Vendome MS. 174, S. XII, fol. 16v-18r. [G.M.] 339. The spelling of proper names, or the importance of being Ernest. Bull. Hist. Med., Nov. 1943, 14: 521-524. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 291-294 [See No. 48]. 340. Review of Max Neuburger, British medicine and the Vienna school. Contacts and parallels (London, 1943). Bull. Hist. Med., Nov. 1943, 14: 538-539. 341. Commemorating Andreas Vesalius. Bull. Flist. Med., Dec. 1943, 14: 541-546. Reprinted in The university at the crossroads, pp. 49-53 [See No. 42]. 70
342. Albanus Torinus and the German edition of the Epitome of Vesalius. Bull. Hist. Med., Dec. 1943, 14: 652-666. 343. Medical care through medical centres in the Soviet Union. Amer. Rev. Sov. Med., Dec. 1943, 1: 176-190, 6 charts. 344. Introduction (pp. ix-x) to George Rosen, The history of miners' diseases. A medical and social interpretation. New York: Schuman's, 1943. 345. Introduction (pp. 3-4) to Die heilende Schweiz. Sondernummer der Zeitschrift Die Schweiz. Zürich, 1943. The article was also published in the French, Italian, English, Spanish, and Dutch editions of the journal. Also (in French) in Amerikanische Schweizer Zeitung, Feb. 2, 1944 .
1944 346. The study of medicine in wartime. Bull. Hist. Med., Jan. 1944, 15: 1-13. An address to the entering class of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, delivered on November 30, 1943, as introductory lecture to a course "Use of the Library." Reprinted in The university at the crossroads, pp. 80-91 [See No. 42]. 347. Ambroise Pares onion treatment of burns. Bull. Hist. Med., Feb. 1944, 15: 143-149. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 177-183 [See No. 48]. 348. A fifteenth-century treatise on wine. Bull. Hist. Med., Feb. 1944, 15: 189-200, 2 illus. The text of Tractatus de vino et eius proprietate, after the editions Vicenza (?) ca. 1480 and Rome, ca. 1495, with 2 facsimile pages. 349. Rural health services in the Soviet Union. Amer. Rev. Sov. Med., Feb. 1944, 1: 270-280, 2 charts. Reprinted in Sov. med. Chron., Sept. 1944, 1-7, mimeo. Reproduced photographically in 1956 by the University of Buffalo [See No. 333]. 71
350. Preface (pp. ix-xiv) to Harry Friedenwald, The Jews and medicine. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1944. 351. The university at the crossroads. Bull. Hist. Med., March 1944, 15: 233-245. Reprinted in The university at the crossroads, pp. 66-79 [See No. 42]. 352. Review of C. D. Haagensen and Wyndham E. B. Lloyd, A hundred years of medicine (New York, 1943) . Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., March 1944, 74: 227-228. 353. Section L looks forward. A.A.A.S. Bull., March 1944, 3: 19-20. 354. Epistola dedicatoria. To Arturo Castiglioni on his seventieth birthday, April 10, 1944. Suppl. Bull. Hist. Med., 1944, No. 3, 1-7. Reprinted in Yale J. Biol. Med., Dec. 1944, 17: 413-420. An Italian translation by Andrea Corsini appeared in Riv. Stor crit. Sci. med. nat., Jan.-June, 1946, 35-37: 33-38. 355. The cost of illness to the city of New Orleans in 1850. Bull. Hist. Med., May 1944, 15: 498-507. Read before the Johns Hopkins Medical History Club on April 3, 1944. Reprinted in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 169-179 [See No. 49]. 356. Review of George Urdang, The apothecary chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele (Wisconsin, 1942). Bull. Hist. Med., May 1944, 15: 548549. 357. Psychiatry in Europe at the middle of the nineteenth century. In J. K. Hall, ed., One hundred years of American psychiatry. New York: Columbia University Press for the American Psychiatric Association, 1944, pp. 29-43. 358. Foreword (pp. vii-viii) to William Frederick Norwood, Medical education in the United States before the Civil War. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1944. 359. Classics of medicine. Bull. Hist. Med., June 1944, 16: 1-12. Reprinted in The university at the crossroads, pp. 92-105 [See No. 42]. 72
360. Review of James V. Ricci, The genealogy of gynaecology (New York, 1943) . Am. J. Obstet. Gynec., June 1944, 47: 863-865. 361. Medical care for all the people. Canad. I. publ. Hlth, July 1944, 35: 253-267. A paper based on an address given at a meeting sponsored by the Health League of Canada and held in the Railway Committee Room of the House of Commons, Ottawa on February 10, 1944. The meeting was arranged through the Voluntary Committee on Health of the Senate and the House of Commons. Reprinted in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 229-247 [See No. 49]. An adaptation of the address was published in Health, Official publication of the Health League of Canada, spring 1944, 12: 5-7, 23-25, 5 illus. 362. The Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine during the year 1943-1944. Bull. Hist. Med., July 1944, 16: 193-213, 1 illus. 363. Lina S. Stern. Amer. Rev. Sov. Med., Aug. 1944, 1: 557-561, portrait. This short profile was written in Ithaca while the author was teaching in the Course on Contemporary Russian Civilization at Cornell University at the end of July, 1944. 364. Saskatchewan Health Services Survey Commission. Report of the Commissioner. Presented to the Minister of Public Health, October 4, 1944. Regina: Thos. H. McConica, King's Printer, 1944, 14 pp. Reprinted in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 209-228 [See No. 49]. Abstracted in Canad. Hosp., Dec. 1944, 21: 29, 70-72. Discussed in an article by W. K. Bryden, "Recent social legislation in Saskatchewan," in Public Affairs (Halifax), winter 1945, 8: 116117. 365. The history of science in postwar education. Science, Nov. 10, 1944, 100: 415-420. An address on the author's retirement as vice-president of Section L, American Association for the Advancement of Science, presented at the meeting in Cleveland on September 12, 1944. Reprinted in The university at the crossroads, pp. 143-153 [See No. 42]. 73
366. American truffles. A Thanksgiving fantasia. Bull. Hist. Med., Nov. 1944, 16: 402-409. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 282-290 [See No. 481.
1945 367. The need for an Institute of the History of Medicine in India. Bull. Hist. Med., Feb. 1945, 17: 113-126. Reprinted in Report of the Health Survey and Development Committee, vol. III, appendices. Simla: Government of India Press, 1946, pp. 204-213; On the sociology of medicine, pp. 273-287 [See No. 49]. 368. Review of Gesnerus. Vierteljahrsschrift, herausgegeben von der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften. Jahrgang 1 (Aarau, 1943) . Bull. Hist. Med., Feb. 1945, 17: 209-210. 369. Review of Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, The art of falconry, being the De arte venandi cum avibus (Stanford, 1943). Bull. Hist. Med., Feb. 1945, 17: 211-213. 370. Reviews of Hans Fischer, Briefe Johann Jakob Wepfers (1620-1695) an seinen Sohn Johann Conrad (1657-1711) (Aarau, 1943) ; Bernhard und Heinrich Peyer, Bildnis und Siegel des Arztes Johann Conrad Peyer, 1653-1712 (Schaffhausen, 1943) . Bull. Hist. Med., Feb. 1945, 17: 214-215. 371. Staffing science departments after the war. Science, March 9, 1945, 101: 246-247. 372. Review of La raccolta Vittorio Putti, antiche opere di medicina, manoscritte e stampate, lasciate all'Istituto Rizzoli di Bologna (Milano, 1943) . Bull. Hist. Med., April 1945, 17: 421-427. 373. Men in medicine. Interne, May 1945, 11: 103, 118, portrait of author. 374. Medical history at Johns Hopkins. Hist. Bull., Calgary Associate Clinic, May 1945, 10: 5-9. 74
375. Review of James F. Ballard, A catalogue of the medieval and renaissance manuscripts and incunabula in the Boston Medical Library (Boston, 1944). Bull. Hist. Med., May 1945, 17: 527-528. 376. Review of Bernhard J. Stern, American medical practice in the perspectives of a century (New York, 1945). Am. J. pub. Hlth., June 1945, 35: 654-655. 377. The Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine during the academic year 1944-1945. Bull. Hist. Med., July 1945, 18: 228-238. 378. The Welch Medical Library. Between Librarians, J. Maryland Libr. Ass., Sept. 1945, 12: 3. A summary of an address delivered at the Maryland Library Association spring meeting on May 12, 1945. 379. Protection of health in the U.S.S.R. In Responsibility of victory. Report of the New York Herald Tribune Annual Forum on current problems. New York: Herald Tribune, 1945, pp. 78-82, portrait of author. Reprinted in Medical Economics, Jan. 1946, 93-99. 380. Medicine and health. In Encyclopedia Americana. New York: Americana Corporation, 1945. Reprinted in Ernest J. Simmons, ed., USSR, a concise handbook. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1947, pp. 312-319.
1946 381. Beginning a new year. Bull. Hist. Med., Jan. 1946, 19: 1-8. 382. With Genevieve Miller. A welcome to the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences. Bull. Hist. Med., Jan. 1946, 19: 115117. 383. Preface (pp. ix-x) to Edmund P. Kremer, ed., Im Zeichen des Aeskulap, ein wissenschaftliches und kulturelles Lesebuch für angehende Studierende der Medizin. New York: F. S. Crofts & Co., 1946. 75
384. Bedside manners in the Middle Ages. The treatise De cautelis medicorum, attributed to Arnald of Villanova. Quart. Bull. Northw. Univ. med. Sch., spring 1946, 20: 136-143, 1 illus. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 131-140 [See No. 48]. 385. European spas through the centuries. Ciba Symp., April-May 1946, 8: 302-312, 9 illus. 386. Rise and fall of the America spa. Ciba Symp., April-May 1946, 8: 313-326, 10 illus. 387. Towards a Renaissance of the American spa. Ciba Symp., April-May 1946, 8: 327-336, 5 illus. Reprinted in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 248-255 [See No. 49]. 388. Translation of N. A. Semashko, "Friedrich Erismann, the dawn of Russian hygiene and public health." Bull. Hist. Med., June 1946, 20: 1-9. The article originally appeared in Russian in Sovetskoe Zdravookhranenie, 1944, No. 4-5, 26-32. 389. Review of Paul Hauduroy, Microbes. De la naissance et de la vie de quelques decouvertes illustres en microbiologie (Lausanne, 1944). Arch. Biochem., June 1946, 10: 339. 390. The Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine during the academic year 1945-1946. A report. Bull. Hist. Med., July 1946, 20: 379-385. 391. Foreword (pp. vii-viii) to Harry Friedenwald, Jewish luminaries in medical history. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1946. 392. The place of the physician in modem society. Proc. Amer. phil. Soc., Sept. 1946, 90: 275-279. A paper read at the annual general meeting of the American Philosophical Society on April 18, 1946, as part of a "Symposium on Present Day Social and Economic Aspects of National Health." Reprinted in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 65-74 [See No. 49]. 76
393. Review of Opuscula selecta Neerlandicorum de arte medico. Fasc. 16 and 17 (Amsterdam, 1942-1943) . Bull. Hist. Med., Nov. 1946, 20: 598-599. 394. Serving through science. Science and history. A radio talk. One of a series, broadcast by American scientists, on the New York Philharmonic-Symphony Radio program sponsored by the United States Rubber Company, Rockefeller Center, New York 20, N.Y., [1946] 4 pp. Broadcast on November 10, 1946. H.E.S.'s notation: "This was the most profitable talk I ever gave because I received $300 for the script and $200 for reading it." [G.M.] Reprinted in Warren Weaver, ed., The scientists speak. New York: Boni and Gaer, 1947, pp. 345-348.
1947 395. Surgery before anesthesia. Bull. Sch. Med. Univ. Maryland, Jan. 1947, 31: 116-119. A lecture given on October 16, 1946 in a celebration commemorating the centenary of anesthesia at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. 396. Preface to volume XXI. Bull. Hist. Med., Jan.-Feb. 1947, 21: 1-4. 397. Nationalism and internationalism in medicine. Bull. Hist. Med., Jan.Feb. 1947, 21: 5-16. The Second Annual Charles Sumner Lecture of the MedicoChirurgical Society of the District of Columbia, delivered at Washington, D.C., on May 23, 1946. The lecture was repeated in somewhat enlarged form to the Association of Internes and Medical Students of the Johns Hopkins Medical School on December 12, 1946. Two hundred reprints were presented to the Medico-Chirurgical Society of the District of Columbia for distribution among the members. About a hundred reprints were distributed and sent abroad by the Association of Internes and Medical Students. Reprinted in On the sociology of medicine, pp. 348-359 [See No. 49]. 77
398. Preface (pp. 7-9) to S. S. Keiner, Doctor, don't let me die! Boston: Meador Publishing Company, 1947. 399. Review of Harold Thomas Hyman, An integrated practice of medicine (Philadelphia, 1946). New York Herald Tribune Weekly Book Review, July 13, 1947, 23 (No. 47) : 17. 400. The world in 1847. Bull. Hist. Med., July-Aug. 1947, 21: 461-469. Part of a symposium, "One Hundred Years Ago," presented by the Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine at the twentieth annual meeting of the American Association of the History of Medicine at Cleveland, Ohio on May 25, 1947. 401. The Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine during the academic year 1946-1947. Bull. Hist. Med., July-Aug. 1947, 21: 556-572. 402. Review of James B. Conant, On understanding science, an historical approach (New Haven, 1947). Bull. Hist. Med., July-Aug. 1947, 21: 625-628. 403. Review of Lynn Thorndike, ed., The herbal of Rufinus (Chicago, 1945). Bull. Hist. Med., July-Aug. 1947, 21: 628-630. 404. Review of Ignacio Chavez, Mexico en la cultura medica (México, 1947) . Bull. Hist. Med., Sept.-Oct. 1947, 21: 847-852. 405. Review of Morris Fishbein, ed., A bibliography of infantile paralysis, 1789-1944 (Philadelphia, 1946). Bull. Hist. Med., Sept.-Oct. 1947, 21: 855-857. 406. Review of Bertram M. Bernheim, A surgeon's domain (New York, 1947). Bull. Hist. Med., Sept.-Oct. 1947, 21: 858-860. 407. Our debt to Soviet medicine. Soviet Russia Today, Nov. 1947, 16: 22-23, 39, 2 illus. 408. Translation of D. M. Rossiski, "The study of the history of medicine in Russia. An historical outline." Bull. Hist. Med., Nov.-Dec. 1947, 21: 959-965. The translation was made from an unpublished manuscript. [G.M.] 78
409. Review of A. Francesco La Cava, Liber regulae S. Spiritus (Regola dell'Ordine Ospitaliero di S. Spirito) (Milan, 1947) . Bull. Hist. Med., Nov.-Dec. 1947, 21: 969-972. 410. Introduction (pp. vii-x) to Sylvan M. Shane, Out of this world; Anesthetics and what they do to you. New York: Creative Age Press, 1947.
1948 411. On American-Soviet medical relations. Amer. Rev. Sov. Med., 1948, 5: 4-8, portrait of author. 412. A farewell dinner for Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Sigerist, the Plaza Hotel, New York City, 9 May, 1947. Response. Bull. Hist. Med., Jan.-Feb. 1948, 22: 34-46. 413. Medical history in the United States, past, present, future; a valedictory address. Bull. Hist. Med., Jan.-Feb. 1948, 22: 47-64. A paper read before the Johns Hopkins Medical History Club in Hurd Memorial Hall of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, May 14, 1947. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 233-250 [See No. 48]. 414. With Genevieve Miller. A bibliography of the publications of the Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine, 1929 to 1947. Bull. Hist. Med., Jan.-Feb. 1948, 22: 65-93. 415. Review of Pierre Fauchard, The surgeon dentist, or treatise on the teeth (London, 1946). Bull. Hist. Med., Jan.-Feb. 1948, 22: 105108. 416. An open letter to UNESCO. Bull. Hist. Med., March-April 1948, 22: 213-218. A reply by E. J. Carter was published in Bull. Hist. Med., Nov.Dec. 1948, 22: 833-836. 417. Review of Galen, Obras de Galeno. Translation and notes by R. P. Julio B. Lafont and Anibal Ruiz Moreno (La Plata, 1947) . Bull. Hist. Med., March-April 1948, 22: 224-225. 79
418. Review of Georges Duhamel, Paroles de medecin (Monaco, 1946). Bull. Hist. Med., March-April 1948, 22: 225-229. 419. A tribute to Victor Robinson. In Solomon R. Kagan, ed., Victor Robinson Memorial Volume; Essays on history of medicine. New York: Froben Press, 1948, pp. xi-xii. 420. Sigerist and Neuburger. In Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag Max Neuburgers. Vienna: Wilhelm Maudrich, 1948, pp. v-vi. 421. Review of Galen, Obras de Galeno, T.I. (Buenos Aires, 1947). Bull. Hist. Med., May-June 1948, 22: 342. 422. Review of Jacques Schwetz, L'evolution de la medecine au Congo belge (Bruxelles, 1946). Bull. Hist. Med., May-June 1948, 22: 358360. Reprinted in part in 1. Amer. med. Ass., Feb. 5, 1949, 139: 375376. 423. Report of Dr. Henry E. Sigerist. In Report of the Historical Library 1947-1948, Yale University, School of Medicine [New Haven, 1948], Appendix B, pp. 35-41. 424. Review of Erik Iversen, Papyrus Carlsberg No. VIII with some remarks on the Egyptian origin of some popular birth prognoses (Copenhagen, 1939). Bull. Hist. Med., July-Aug. 1948, 22: 493494. 425. Review of Rene Verrier, Etudes sur Arnaud de Villeneuve (Leiden, 1947). Bull. Hist. Med., Sept.-Oct. 1948, 22: 719-720. 426. Review of Morris Fishbein, A history of the American Medical Association 1847 to 1947 (Philadelphia and London, 1947). Bull. Hist. Med., Sept.-Oct. 1948, 22: 723-724. 427. Review of Pierre Montet, La vie quotidienne en Egypte au temps des Ramses (XIIIe-XIIe sikles avant J.-C.) (Paris, 1946). Bull. Hist. Med., Nov.-Dec. 1948, 22: 843-844. 428. Editorial. Amer. Rev. Sov. Med., 1948, 5: 162. 80
429. The broadening concept of health. Red Cr. World, Dec. 1948, 29: 12-13, portrait of author. Reprinted in part in Gloucestershire Red Cross News, June 1949, 5-7. Translations: (French) "L'6volution de la notion de sant6," in Le Monde et la Croix-Rouge, 1948, 30: 12-13, 15, portrait; (Spanish) "Evoluciön de la nociön salud," in El Mundo y la Cruz Roja, Dec. 1948, 29: 12-13, 15, portrait; (Serbo-Croatian) "Evolucija pojma zdravlje," in Narodno Zdravlje, 1951, 7: 1-2.
1949 430. From Bismarck to Beveridge. In Iago Galdston, ed., Social medicine, its derivations and objectives. The New York Academy of Medicine Institute on Social Medicine, 1947. New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 1949, pp. 44-52. 431. Review of Castalia. Rivista di storia della medicina, vols. 1-2; Castalia, La medicina nella storia e nell'arte, vols. 3-4 (Milan, 19451948) . J. Hist. Med., winter 1949, 4: 117-118. 432. Review of G. Barbensi, ed., Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum (Florence, 1947). Bull. Hist. Med., Jan.-Feb. 1949, 23: 107-108. 433. Aufgaben und Ziele der Medizingeschichte. Mitt. naturf. Ges. Bern, 1949, Neue Folge, 6: xxii-xxiii. An abstract of a lecture delivered before the Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Berne on November 26, 1948. 434. Foreword (pp. v-vii) to Ilia Veith, Huang Ti Nei Ching Su Wen. The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine. Baltimore: The Williams & Wilkins Company, 1949. 435. Jean Rouelle, un m6decin-naturaliste frangais aux Etats-Unis, au XVIIIe si6cle. Verh. schweiz. naturf. Ges., 1949, 210. A paper read at the Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften at Lausanne, September 3-4, 1949. 436. Review of Nicola Latronico, I vini medicinali nella storia e nella scienza (Milano, 1947). J. Hist. Med., spring 1949, 4: 247-249. 81
437. Reviews of Frans Jonckheere, Autour de l'autopsie d'une momie. Le scribe royal Boutehamon (Bruxelles, 1942); Frans Jonckheere, Une maladie egyptienne; L'hematurie parasitaire (Bruxelles, 1944); Frans Jonckheere, Le papyrus medical Chester Beatty (Bruxelles, 1947) . Bull. Hist. Med., May-June 1949, 23: 309-312. 438. Review of Max H. Fisch, Nicolaus Pol Doctor 1494 (New York, 1947). Bull. Hist. Med., July-Aug. 1949, 23: 430-433. 439. Reviews of Gustavo Barbensi, Borelli (Trieste, 1947) ; A. Francesco La Cava, Assalini (Trieste, 1947). J. Hist. Med., autumn 1949, 4: 479-481. 440. Reviews of Madge E. Pickard and R. Carlyle Buley, The midwest pioneer. His ills, cures, and doctors (New York, 1946); Daniel Drake, Pioneer life in Kentucky, 1785-1800 (New York, 1948). Arch. int. Hist. Sci., Oct. 1949, 2: 1233-1236. 441. Reviews of E. Hintzsche, Zur geschichtlichen Entwicklung anatomischer Arbeit in Bern bis zur Gründung der Hochschule (Bern, 1942); Albrecht Haller, Tagebuch der Studienreise nach London, Paris, Strassburg und Basel 1727 bis 1728 (Bern, 1942) ; Albrecht Haller, Tagebücher seiner Reisen nach Deutschland, Holland und England (1723-1727) (St. Gallen, 1948) ; Albert Haller, Recit du premier voyage dans les Alpes (1728) (St. Gallen, 1948). Bull. Hist. Med., Nov.-Dec. 1949, 23: 620-622. 442. Report of Dr. Henry E. Sigerist. In Yale Medical Library. First Annual Report including the Ninth Annual Report of the Historical Library, 30 June 1949, Yale Medical Library. [New Haven, 1948], Appendix A, pp. 28-32.
1950 443. Letter from Pura. Bull. Hist. Med., Jan.-Feb. 1950, 24: 77-83. 444. Review of Robert 0. Steuer, Whdw. Aetiological principle of pyaemia in ancient Egyptian medicine (Baltimore, 1948). Bull. Hist. Med., Jan.-Feb. 1950, 24: 94-96. 82
445. Dr. med. Karl Reucker zum 60. Geburtstag am 1. März 1950. Schweiz. med. Wschr., Mar. 1950, 80: 217-218, portrait. Portuguese translation appeared in Rev. Brasil. Hist. Med., 1950, 1: 309-311, portrait. 446. Review of Arturo Castiglioni, A history of medicine (New York, 1947). Bull. Hist. Med., March-April 1950, 24: 200. 447. Review of P. Diepgen, Geschichte der Medizin. Die historische Entwicklung der Heilkunde und des ärztlichen Lebens. I. Band (Berlin, 1949). Dtsch. med. Wschr., April 21, 1950, 75: 559. 448. Review of Rüdiger Robert Beer, Der grosse Haller (Säckingen, 1947) . Bull. Hist. Med., May-June 1950, 24: 298-300. 449. Report of Dr. Henry E. Sigerist. In Tenth Annual Report of the Historical Library, 1949-1950, Yale University School of Medicine. [New Haven, 1950], Appendix A, pp. 22-25.
1951 450. On the hundredth anniversary of Julius Pagel's birth, 29 May 1851. Bull. Hist. Med., May-June 1951, 25: 203-206. 451. Reviews of Richard Harrison Shryock, The development of modern medicine (New York, 1947) ; Richard Harrison Shryock, American medical research, past and present (New York, 1947). Bull. Hist. Med., March-April 1951, 25: 193-195. 452. Review of Fritz Ernst, Vom Heimweh (Zürich, 1949). Bull. Hist. (%4ed., March-April 1951, 25: 196-198. 453. Reviews of Girolamo Fracastoro, Il contagio, le malattie contagiose e la Toro cura (Florence, 1950); Francesco Pellegrini, La dottrina Fracastoriana del contagium vivum (Verona, 1950). Centaurus, 1951, 1: 282-283. 454. Review of Rene Sand, Vers la medecine sociale (Paris-Liege, 1948). Bull. Hist. Med., May-June 1951, 25: 302-303. 83
455. Review of K. Hansen, Lesebuch flir Aerzte (Berlin, 1950). Dtsch. med. Wschr., June 8, 1951, 76: 782. 456. Reviews of Henry M. Pachter, Paracelsus, magic into science (New York, 1951); John Hargrave, The life and soul of Paracelsus (London, 1951). Arch. int. Hist. Sci., Oct. 1951, 4: 1046-1049. 457. Prof. Dr. Hans R. Schinz zum 60. Geburtstag am 13. Dezember 1951. Schweiz. med. Wschr. 1951, 81: 1189-1190. The preface to an anniversary number. 458. Introduction (p. vii-xi) to R. M. Green, A translation of Galen's Hygiene (De Sanitate Tuenda). Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, 1951. 459. Report of Dr. Henry E. Sigerist. In Annual Report including the Report of the Historical Library 30 June 1951, Yale Medical Library. [New Haven, 1951], Appendix A, pp. 30-34.
1952 460. Living under the shadow. Atlantic Monthly, Jan. 1952, 189: 25-30. Reprinted in Max Pinner and B. F. Miller, eds., When doctors are patients. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1952, pp. 3-17; On the history of medicine, pp. 269-281 [See No. 48]. A Portuguese translation "Vivendo na sombra," appeared in Rev. Brasil. Med., Feb. 1953, 10: 120-126; and a German translation "Das Leben unten dein Schatten," in Was Aerzte als Patienten erlebten. Stuttgart: Gustav Kilpper Verlag, 1953, pp. 19-38. The section on Saratoga was reproduced in A tribute to the Saratoga Spa and its mineral waters, State of New York, The Saratoga Springs Authority [n.d.], 4 pp. 461. Wandlungen des Arztideals. Praxis, Jan. 3, 1952, 41: 10.
An abstract of a lecture delivered as opening address of the Berner Klinische Tage 1951 on September 20, 1951. 462. Review of René Verrier, Etudes sur Arnaud de Villeneuve, 1240(?)1311 (Leiden, 1949). Bull. Hist. Med., Jan.-Feb. 1952, 26: 97-98. 84
463. The autonomy of the history of medicine and its place in the university. Acta med. scand., Suppl. 266, "Papers on medicine and the history of medicine dedicated to Erik Warburg," 1952, 109-113. 464. The history of medicine in Switzerland. Bull. Hist. Med., MarchApril 1952, 26: 187-190. 465. Dr. Sigerist's report. In First Annual Report of the Department of the History of Medicine 30 June 1952, Yale University. [New Haven, 1952], pp. 17-21. 466. Review of Enciclopedia Medica Italiana, vol. 1, A-AZ. (Florence, 1950). Dtsch. med. Wschr., July 18, 1952, 77: 926-927. 467. Die Welt des Hippokrates. Verh. schweiz. naturf. Ges., 1951 [1952], 185-186. An abstract of a paper presented before the annual meeting of the Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften at Lucerne, Sept. 30, 1951 [For fuller text see No. 485]. 468. Hommage å Xavier Bichat. Progr. med., July 1952, 80: 323. Written on the occasion of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Bichat's death. 469. Review of P. Diepgen, Geschichte der Medizin, II. Band. 1. Hälfte. (Berlin, 1951). Dtsch. med. Wschr., Aug. 1, 1952, 77: 965. 470. Review of Martha Teach Gnudi and Jerome Pierce Webster, The life and times of Gaspare Tagliacozzi, surgeon of Bologna, 15451599 (New York, 1950) . Centaurus, 1952, 2: 260-261. 471. La storia della medicina negli studi medici universitari. Riv. Stor. crit. Sci. med. nat., 1952, 43: 182-192. A lecture given in the Aula Voltiana of the University of Pavia, 2 October, 1949, on the occasion of the fifth Italian National Congress of the History of Medicine. 85
472. Alkmaion von 'Croton und die Anfänge der europäischen Physiologie. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1952, 82: 964. A special issue in honor of the sixtieth birthday of Professor A. Fleisch. 473. Italian Society of the History of Medicine and Natural Sciences. Bull. Hist. Med., Sept.-Oct. 1952, 26: 483-486.
1953 474. Douglas Guthrie "Die Entwicklung der Heilkunde." Büchergilde, Monatschrift der Büchergilde Gutenberg, Jan. 1953, 12-14, 1 illus. Signed "H.E.S." An announcement of the German translation of Guthrie's book. [G.M.] 475. Auf dem Weg zur Sozialen Medizin. In Die Neue Weltschau. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1953, pp. 100-118. A lecture held at the Handelshochschule St. Gallen on January 29, 1952. 476. Bernard Aschner zu Ehren. Z. Heilk. Heilw., April 1953, 3: 1. 477. Review of C. E. A. Winslow, Man and epidemics (Princeton, N.J., 1952). Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci., 1953, 287: 209-210. 478. Erinnerungen an Karl Sudhoff. Sudhoffs Arch. Gesch. Med., 1953, 37: 97-103. 479. Dr. Sigerist's report. Second Annual Report of the Department of the History of Medicine 30 June 1953, Yale University. [New Haven, 1953], pp. 13-15. 480. Medical history in medical education. Practitioner, Aug. 1953, 171: 188-194. An address delivered before the Osler Club in London on November 21, 1953. 481. Arturo Castiglioni, 10th April 1874-21st January 1953. Bull. Hist. Med., July-August 1953, 27: 387-389. 86
482. Review of E. Kremers and G. Urdang, History of pharmacy, a guide and a survey (Philadelphia, 1951). Arch. int. Hist. Sci., AprilSept. 1953, 6: 353-354. 483. Review of Miriam F. and Israel E. Drabkin, eds., Caelius Aurelianus, Gynaecia (Baltimore, 1951). Bull. Hist. Med., Sept.-Oct. 1953, 27: 490-491. 484. Zur Einführung (pp. 3-4) to H. Buess, ed., Basler Veröffentlichungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Biologie, Fasc. I. Basel: Benno Schwabe, 1953. Fasciculus I contains Beate Moeschlin-Krieg, Zur Geschichte der Regenerationsforschung im 18. Jahrhundert. [G.M. ] 485. Die Welt des Hippokrates. Gesnerus, 1953, 10: 19-25. An abbreviated version of a lecture given at Lucerne on September 30, 1951 at the annual meeting of the Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften. An abstract of the lecture was published previously [See No. 467]. 486. Johannes Hartlieb's gynaecological collection and the Johns Hopkins Manuscript 3(38066). In E. Ashworth Underwood, ed., Science, medicine and history, Essays ... in honour of Charles Singer, vol. 1. London: Oxford University Press, 1953, pp. 231-246, 4 illus. 487. A message from Dr. Henry E. Sigerist. Bull. Isaac Ray med. Libr., Oct. 1953, 1: 96-97, facsimile signature. 488. Girolamo Fracastoro. Zu seinem vierhundertsten Todestag. Verh. schweiz. naturf. Ges., 1953, 136. An abstract of a lecture given at the annual meeting of the Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, in Lugano, September 6-7, 1953.
1954 489. Dem ewig jungen Bruno Hauff zum Geburtstag. In Freunde halten Rückblick zum 70. Geburtstag ihres Verlegers, Dr. med. H. C. Bruno Hauff. 16. Februar 1954. [Privately printed], 1954, pp. 58-63. 87
490. Review of Erwin H. Ackerknecht, Rudolf Virchow, doctor, statesman, anthropologist (Madison, 1953). Isis, March 1954, 45: 121122. 491. Review of J. Jaramillo-Arango, The British contribution to medicine (Edinburgh, 1953). Dtsch. med. Wschr., April 23, 1954, 79: 730731. 492. Review of W. C. Dampier, Kurze Geschichte der Wissenschaft (Zürich, 1946). Dtsch. med. Wschr., April 30, 1954, 79: 764. 493. Dr. Sigerist's report. Third Annual Report of the Department of the History of Medicine 30 June 1954, Yale University. [New Haven, 1954], pp. 12-14. 494. Review of Richard H. Shryock, The unique influence of the Johns Hopkins University on American medicine (Copenhagen, 1953). Isis, July 1954, 45: 208-209. 495. Reviews of Roland H. Bainton, Michel Servet, heretique et martyr, 1553-1953 (Geneva, 1953); B. Becker, ed., Autour de Michel Servet et de Sebastien Castellion (Haarlem, 1953) . Isis, Sept. 1954, 45: 311-313. 496. Review of John Farquhar Fulton, I. Vesalius four centuries later; II. Medicine in the 18th century (Lawrence, Kansas, 1950). Centaurus, 1954, 3: 276-277. 497. Review of Chauncey D. Leake, The old Egyptian medical papyri (Lawrence, Kansas, 1952). Centaurus, 1954, 3: 269-270. 498. Review of Walter Artelt, ed., Index zur Geschichte der Medizin, der Naturwissenschaft und Technik, vol. 1 (München und Berlin, 1953). Sudhoffs Arch. Gesch. Med., 1954, 38: 188-189. 499. Osservazioni intorno ai prognostici antichi. In Scritti in onore di A. Pazzini, [Rome], Minerva Medica, 1954, 5 pp. 500. The rise of preventive medicine in the world. In La prophylaxie en gynecologie et obstetrique. Geneva: Georg & Cie., 1954, pp. 19-27. A paper read before the International Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Geneva, July 26, 1954 (French resume, pp. 26-27). 88
501. Frage: Was ist über das Leben des Hippokrates bekannt? Dtsch. med. Wschr., 27 Aug. 1954, 79: 1310. 502. Frage: Wie kann man sich die viele Jahrhunderte überdauernde Wirkung der medizinischen Lehren Galens erklären? Dtsch. med. Wschr., Oct. 22, 1954, 79: 1608.
1955 503. Science and history. Lectures on the scientific basis of medicine, vol. 3, 1953-54. London: The Athlone Press, 1955, pp. 1-16. A lecture given to the British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, on November 26, 1953. Reprinted in On the history of medicine, pp. 80-93 [See No. 48]. 504. The beginnings of American medicine. Int. Forum Ther. Notes, 1955, 3 (No. 3): 73-76. 505. What medicine has contributed to the progress of civilization. Int. Rec. Med., June 1955, 168: 383-391. An address delivered at the Fourteenth International Congress of the History of Medicine at Rome, September 17, 1954. This was the author's last public address. In October 1954 he suffered a cerebral accident which permanently affected his speech. [G.M.] Reprinted in Int. Cong. Hist. Med. 14. Rome, September 13-20, 1954, [1960], vol. 2, pp. 825-833; and On the sociology of medicine, pp. 369-380 [See No. 49]. Spanish translation, "Contribuciön de la medicina at progreso de la civilizatiön," in Rev. Conf. med. Panamericana, May 1955, 2: 252-259; also in Rev. Med. Cubana, June 1960, 71: 281-290. Serbo-Croatian translation, "Sta je medicina doprinela napretku civilizacije," in Medicinski Glasnik, 1956, 10: 5254, 89-91. 506. Preface (English: pp. ix-xi; Spanish: pp. xiii-xvi) to J. J. Izquierdo, Montana y los origenes del movimiento social y cientifico de Mexico. Mexico, D. F.: Ediciones Ciencia, 1955. 507. Como and the Plinii. Bull. Cleveland med. Libr., July 1955, New Series, 2: 53-58, 2 illus. This was the first paper which the author wrote after his cerebral accident in October 1954. [G.M.] 89
508. Eloge du Professeur Arturo Castiglioni. Int. Cong. Hist. Med. 14 Rome, September 13-20, 1954 [1955], vol. 1, pp. 75-77. Read at the Fourteenth International Congress of the History of Medicine at Rome, on September 14, 1954. 509. Thoughts on the physician's writing and reading. Int. Rec. Med., Oct. 1955, 168: 609-615. Reprinted in "Medical Writing," MD Int. Symp., No. 2, 1956, pp. 1-7; On the history of medicine, pp. 295-303 [See No. 48]. 510. Review of Ronald Hare, Pomp and pestilence: infectious disease, its origins and conquest (New York, 1955). Ann. Amer. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sd., Nov. 1955, 302: 177. 511. Review of Salvatore P. Lucia, Wine as food and medicine (New York and Toronto, 1954) . Bull. Hist. Med., Nov.-Dec. 1955, 29: 582. 512. Review of Antonio Benivieni, De abditis nonnullis ac mirandis morborum et sanationum causis, Charles Singer, trans. (Springfield, Ill., 1954). Centaurus, 1955, 4: 175-176. 513. Message du Professeur Henry E. Sigerist. Bernard Lafay and Jacques Parisot, eds., Somme de la medecine contemporaine. La medecine dans la vie moderne. [Nice], 1955, p. 23. A hand-written letter reproduced in facsimile. [G.M.]
1956 514. A letter from Pura. In W. W. Francis, Tributes from his friends. Montreal: Osler Society, 1956, pp. 19-22. 515. Erinnerungen an meine Leipziger Tätigkeit. Wiss. Z. Karl-MarxUniv. Leipzig, Math.-Naturwiss. Reihe, 1955/56, 5: 17-21. Pp. 17-20 translated in Autobiographical Writings [See No. 50]. 516. Review of E. H. Ackerknecht, A short history of medicine (New York, 1955). Bull. Hist. Med., May-June 1956, 30: 278-279. 90
1957 517. Review of Hermann Grapow, Grundiss der Medizin der alten Aegypter, vols. 1 and 2. (Berlin, 1954-1955). Dtsch. LiteraturZ. April 1957, 78: 348-350. 518. Review of Erna Lesky, Arbeitsmedizin im 18. Jahrhundert. Werksarzt und Arbeiter im Quecksilberbergwerk Idria (Wien, 1956). Sudhogs Arch. Gesch. Med., 1957, 41: 180-181.
1958 519. The Latin medical literature of the early Middle Ages. J. Hist. Med., April 1958, 13: 127-146. The James Bryce Memorial Lecture delivered at Somerville College, Oxford, June 1, 1950. [G.M.]
1. JOURNALS 1922 With Hans Schinz. Notizen zur Schweizerischen Kulturgeschichte. In Viertel jahrsschri f t der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich, 1922, vol. 67, pp. 394-429; 1923, vol. 68, pp. 550-596; 1924, vol. 69, pp. 308-363. 1926 Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften. 1926, vol. 25. With Karl Sudhoff. Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin, 1926-1928, vol. 18-20. 1929 Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin, 1929-1933, vols. 21-26.
1933 Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 1933-1947, vols. 1-21. Published under the title Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine as a Supplement to the Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin from 1933 to 1934, vol. 1-2; independently under the same title from 1935 to 1938; vols. 3-6; and under the title Bulletin of the History of Medicine from 1939, vol. 7 on; two volumes a year from 1941 on. 93
American Review of Soviet Medicine, 1943-1944, vols. 1-2; consultant editor from 1945-1948, vols. 3-5, when publication ceased. Bulletin of the William H. Welch Medical Library, 1943-1945, vols. 1-3.
2. BOOK SERIES 1923 Monumenta Medica, vols. 1-5. Milan-Florence: R. Lier & Co., 19231928. A series of facsimiles of medical books. 1925 Beiträge zur Geschichte der Medizin, vols. 1-3. Zürich, Leipzig, Berlin: Orell Fussli, 1925-1926. 1926 With Karl Sudhoff. Studien zur Geschichte der Medizin, vols. 15-21. Leipzig: Verlag Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1926-1931.
1928 Kyklos. Jahrbuch des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin an der Universität Leipzig: 1928-1932, vols. 1-4.
1929 Vorträge des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin an der Universität Leipzig, vols. 1-4. Leipzig: Georg Thieme Verlag, 1929-1931.
1930 Arbeiten des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin an der Universität Leipzig, vols. 1-2. Leipzig: Georg Thieme Verlag, 1930-1932. 94
1934-1947 Publications of the Institute of the History of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 19341947. First Series: Monographs, 1942-1945, vols. 1-4. Second Series: Texts and Documents, 1941-1945, vols. 1-2. Third Series: The Hideyo Noguchi Lectures, 1934-1946, vols. 1-5. Fourth Series: Bibliotheca Medica Americana, 1937-1943, vols. 1-4. Supplements to the Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 19431947, Nos. 1-9.
3. SINGLE VOLUMES 1924 With Charles Singer. Essays on the history of medicine, presented to Karl Sudhoff on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, November 26, 1923. London: Oxford University Press; Zürich: Verlag Seldwyla, 1924. 8vo, 418 pp. 35 illus. 1929 Ausgewählte Abhandlungen von Karl Sudhoff, mit einer autobiographischen Skizze, zum 75. Geburtstage herausgegeben. Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin, vol. 21, 1929, 394 pp.
INDEX This index furnishes two kinds of information. The bold-face figures provide a guide to the topics which Sigerist discussed in his books and articles. The other figures refer to material in the bibliography itself. All figures refer to the bibliographic item numbers.
ABORTION, in Soviet Union, 24-33 Academies, scientific, 238 Ackerknecht, Erwin H., 46; Rudolf Virchow, doctor, statesman, anthropologist (review), 490; A short history of medicine (review), 516 Adelmann, Howard B., The embryological treatises of Hieronymus Fabricius of Aquapendente (review), 325 Aerzteverein der deutschen and italienischen Schweiz, 138 Aesculapius, 14-21 After-image, negative, 67 Agfa Ansco, Mutual Benefit Association, 278 Agricultural Workers' Health and Medical Association, 278 Al-Jazzar, Ibn, Viaticum peregrinantis, 228 Albertus Magnus, De secretis mulierum, 486 Alcmaeon of Croton, 472 American Academy of Political and Social Science, 189 American Association for the Advancement of Science, 194, 246, 365 American Association for the History of Medicine, 252, 260, 400; 15th annual meeting, 264; 16th annual meeting, 276; 17th annual meeting, 295; 18th annual meeting, 314
American Association of Scientific Workers, 283 American Gynecological Society, 297 American Institute of Graphic Arts, 38 American Medical Association, 22-23 American Medical Library Association, 201 American medicine, 23 (see also Medicine, American) American Philosophical Society, 392 American Review of Soviet Medicine, cessation, 428 American-Soviet Medical Society, 29, 30, 411 Amerika and die Medizin, 22 Anatomy, 6-13, 101, 104; 15th century, 324; history of, 184; Renaissance, 48, 194 Anesthesia, 183, 395, 410 Anfänge der Medizin, 46 Angleman, Sydney W., 261 Anthropology, medical, 154 Antidotaria, medieval, 2, 256 Antike Heilkunde, 4-5 Antisepsis, 213 Antoine, A propos d'une cas d'ulcus duodenal, 26 Apollo, and St. Sebastian, 127 Arasa, Francisco, 21 Argentina, medical history in, 288 Arnald of Villanova, 47; The earliest printed book on wine, 63; De cautelis medicorum, 48, 384 97
HENRY E. SIGERIST Art, and disease, 38-41; and medicine, 127, 226 Artelt, Walter, ed., Index zur Geschichte der Medizin, der Naturwissenschaft und Technik, vol. 1 (review), 498 Arthus, Maurice, Filosofia de la investigacidn, 62; Philosophy of scientific investigation, 61 Aschner, Bernard, 476; The art of the healer (review), 326 Aschoff, Ludwig, 21 Asclepiades of Prusa, 14-21 Association of Internes and Medical Students, 397 Association of Medical Students, 237, 251 Astrology, medical, 96 Auenbrugger, Leopold, 14-21; On percussion of the chest, 59 Austria, medical licensure, 49, 211 Avicenna, 14-21 BADIANUS MANUSCRIPT, 280 Baglivi, Giorgio, 14-21; iatromechanical doctrine, 263 Bainton, Roland H., Michel Servet, heretique et martyr (review), 495 Ballard, James F., A catalogue of the medieval and renaissance manuscripts and incunabula in the Boston Medical Library (review), 375 Balneology (see Spas) Balsamina oil, 224, 230 Baltimore City Health Department, 205 Baltimore City Medical Society, 182 Bamberger antidotarium, 2 Barbensi, Gustavo, 13; Borelli (review), 439; ed., Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum (review), 432 Barge, J. A. J., 11 Bartholdy, Mendelssohn, 149 Bartoletti, Fabrizio, 167 Basler Veröffentlichungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Biologie, 484 Bassett Hospital, Cooperstown, N.Y., medical plan, 278 Beaman, A. Gaylord, 219 Beaumont, William, 22-23
Becker, B., ed., Autour de Michel Servet et de Sebastien Castellion (review), 495 Beer, F. J., 17 Beer, Rüdiger Robert, Der grosse Haller (review), 448 Benivieni, Antonio, De abditis nonnullis ac mirandis morbortun et sanationum causis (review), 512 Berlin antidotarium, 2 Berliner Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaft, Medizin und Technik, 126 Berliner Verein für Innere Medizin und Kinderheilkunde, 125 Bern, Klinische Tage, 461; Naturforschende Gesellschaft, 433 Bernard, Claude, 14-21 Bernheim, Bertram M., A surgeon's domain (review), 406 Bernoulli, Johann II, letters to Johannes Gesner, 109 Berry, Gerard du, 228 Beust, Fritz von, 42-43, 48, 270 Bichat, Xavier, 14-21, 468 Bilikiewicz, Tadeusz, 178 Billings, John Shaw, 22-23; memorial issue of Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine, 245 Billroth, Theodor, 14-21, 187 Binghamton, N.Y., Mutual Benefit Associations, 278 Biochemistry, 6-13 Biographies, medical, 373 (see also Great Doctors) Biology, 6-13 Bismarck, and social insurance, 49, 327, 430 Blood, circulation, 14-21, 48, 136 Blumentrost, Meister, Arzneibuch, 81 Boe, Franz de le, 14-21 Boerhaave, Herman, 14-21, 48, 254; influence in U.S., 248 Boise, Margaret Galt, 8 Boll, Franz, 155 Book of cirurgia by Hieronymus Brunschwig, The, 52 Books, collecting, 350; medical, 122, shipping, 417 Boston Medical History Club, 226 Boston Medical Library, 226 98
Botany, medieval, 55 Brauer, Ludolph, 149 Brazil, medical history in, 288 British Postgraduate Medical Federation, 503 Britton, W. Earl, 261 Broussais, Francois Joseph Victor, 1421 Bruck, Walter, Zahnärztliche Darstellungen aus alter Zeit (review), 94 Brunner, Conrad, Ueber Medizin und Krankenpflege im Mittelalter in schweizerischen Länden (review), 98; and Wilhelm von Muralt, Aus den Briefen hervorragender Schweizer Aerzte des 17. Jahrhunderts (review), 76 Brunner, Johann Conrad, research on intestinal glands, 92 Brunschwig, Hieronymus, The book of cirurgia, 52, 53 Bryce, James, Memorial Lecture, 519 Bryden, W. K., 364 Buess, H., 484 Buffalo, University of, 333, 349 Buley, R. Carlyle (see Pickard, Madge E.) Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 181, 204, 252, 269, 284, 396; Supplements, 293 Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine (see Bulletin of the History of Medicine) Bulletin of the Isaac Ray Library, 487 Burklund, Carl E., 261 Burns, onion treatment of, 48, 347 CAELIUS AURELIANUS, Gynaecia (see Drabkin, eds.) California Academy of Medicine, 279 California Physicians' Service, 278 Cambridge antidotarium, 2 Camphor, effect on heart, 1, 70 Canada, Health League, 361; Voluntary Committee on Health of the Senate and the House of Commons, 361 (see Saskatchewan) Cancer, pathology and therapy, 48, 180 Caranza, 224, 230 Cårdenas, Juan de, 164
Care, medical, 49, 261, 361; changes in, 47; improvement in, 286; reorganization, 283; in Soviet Union, 24-33, 343 Carpenter, Wesley M., Lecture, 232 Carro, Jean de, Letters to Alexandre Marcel, 64 Carter, E. J., 416 Caspari-Rosen, Beate, 270 Castalia, Rivista di storia della medicina, vols. 1-4 (review), 431 Castiglioni, Arturo, 206; 70th birthday, 354; A history of medicine (review), 446; obituary, 481, 508 Celli, Angelo, 146 Celli-Fraentzel, Anna, 146 Central America, medical history in, 288 Ch'ang-chih, Li, 43 Chavez, Ignacio, Mexico en la cultura medica (review), 404 Chemotherapy, 318 Chiang, Y. T., 43 Chicago Civic Medical Center, 278 Chicago Maternity Center, 278 Chien-chi, Ku, 12 Child care, in Soviet Union, 24-33 Chile, medical history in, 288; socialized medicine in, 49, 258, 261 Chiropractic, 22-23 Christian Science, 22-23 Cirurgia Eliodori, 80 Civilizaciön y enfermedad, 40 Civilization, and disease, 38-41, 132; influence of medicine on, 49, 505 Civilization and disease, 38, 39 Clapesattle, Helen, The Doctors Mayo (review), 319 Clapp, Edwin R., 261 Clark, Heath, Lectures, 47 Classics, medical, 42-43, 359 Clinic, American medical, 22-23 Cloetta, M., 1, 70 Clothing, 38-41 Colour theory (see After-image) Como, and the Plinii, 507 Conant, James B., On understanding science (review), 402 Condom, 95 Congress of Medical Education, Hospitals and Licensure, 211 99
HENRY E. SIGERIST Congresso Nazionale della Societå Italiana per Studio delle Questioni Sessuali (3rd), 121 Constantinus Africanus, 14-21, 228; Pantechne, 48, 329 Constitution, human, 141, 154 Consumers Union, 283 Cornaro, Luigi, 47 Cornell University, 38 Corsini, Andrea, 354 Corvisart, Jean Nicolas, 14-21 Cosmetics, medical, 174 Cretzschmar, Philipp Jakob, 310 Crummer, Le Roy, reminiscences of, 219 Crummer, Mrs. Le Roy, 228 Culture, and disease, 132; and war, 42-43, 306, 320 Cushing, Harvey, 16-17, 44 W. C., Kurze Geschichte der Wissenschaft (review), 492 Daremberg, Charles, Emile Littre on, 157 Davila, Ramon Aguirre, 40 De Kruif, Paul, health programme, 278; Kaiser wakes the doctors (review), 336 Delousing, in 1712, 71 Deming, W. Edwards, 259 Democritus, death prognosis of, 89 Dentistry, 49, 94, 174, 292 Detroit, Anti-tuberculosis campaign, 278 Deuchler, Walter, 164 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, 58 Deutscher Zeitschrift für Chirurgie, 84 Diagnosis, 6-13 Diepgen, P., Geschichte der Medizin, vol. 1 (review), 447; vol. 2 (review), 469 Diodes of Carystus, 14-21 Dioscorides, Materia medica, medieval texts, 256 d'Irsay, Stephen, 163; obituary and bibliography, 215 Disease, attitudes to, 34-37; causes of, 6-13; and culture, 132; and econoDAMPIER,
mics, 38-41; geography of, 44, 46, 49, 182; history of, 241; prevention of, 49, 392 Diseases, occupational, 48, 232, 344; in Soviet Union, 24-33; venereal, 95 Dissertations, doctoral, value of, 128 Dohi, on syphilis, 119 Drabkin, Miriam F., 45, 160; and Israel E., eds., Caelius Aurelianus, Gynaecia (review), 483 Drake, Daniel, 22-23; Pioneer life in Kentucky (review), 440 Duhamel, Georges, Paroles de medecin (review), 418 Dunn and McCarthy Corporation, Mutual Benefit Association, 278 EBSTEIN, Erich, ed., Aerztebriefe aus vier Jahrhunderten (review), 78 Economics, disease and, 38-41; medical, 49, 218, 237, 355 Edelstein, Ludwig, 45 Edinburgh, University of, 48, 248 Education, medical, 42-43, 49, 139, 218, 346; programme for a new medical school, 42-43, 287; in Soviet Union, 24-33, 268; in U.S., 22-23, 48, 248, 358; value of history in, 260, 267 Egly, William H., 261 Ehrlich, Paul, 14-21 Einführung in die Medizin, 6 Eiselsberg, Anton von, 84 Elk City, Okla., Farmers' Union Cooperative Hospital, 49, 278 Embryology, 178 Emmart, Emily Walcott, 280 Enciclopedia Medica Italiana, vol. 1, A-AZ (review), 466 Endicott-Johnson Corporation, health service, 278 Epidemics, effects of, 38-41; in Soviet Union, 24-33 Eppli, Johann Melchior, letter to Johannes Gesner, 102 Erasistratus, 14-21 Erismann, Friedrich, 388 Ernst, Fritz, Vom Heimweh (review), 452
Essentuki, medical services, 268 Ethics, medical, 6-13, 237; German code, 165 Evans, Herbert M., 329
Fulton, John F., 44, 45, 48; I. Vesalius four centuries later. II. Medicine in the 18th century (review), 496
Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Einwirkung chronischer Kampherzufuhr auf das normale und pathologische Herz, 1
GALDSTON, Iago, 281, 430 Galen, 14-21, 502; Art of healing, 108; Hygiene, 47, 458; Obras de Galeno (review), 417, 421 Garrison, Fielding H., 22, 23, 214; letter of, 240, memorial issue of
Pierre, The surgeon dentist (review), 415 Faust, Bernhard Christoph, Catechism of health, U.S. ed., 196, 202 FAUCI-sARD,
Fees, Georgia bill (1863) , 227 Fifteenth century surgeon, A: Hieronymus Brunschwig and his work,
53 Fisch, Max H., Nicolaus Pol Doctor 1494 (review), 438 Fischer, Hans, Briefe Johann Jakob Wepfers an seinen Sohn Johann
Conrad (review), 370 Fishbein, Morris, ed., A bibliography of infantile paralysis, 1789-1944 (review), 405; A history of the American Medical Association 1847 to 1947 (review), 426
Fleisch, A., 472 Foerster, Otfried, 21 Folk medicine, 140, 171 Food, in Soviet Union, 24-33 Forbes, John, 59 Fracastoro, Girolamo, 14-21, 488; Il contagio, le malattie contagiose e la Toro cura (review), 453
France, medieval manuscripts in, 203 Francis, W. W., 514 Frank, Johann Peter, 14-21, 47; The people's misery: mother of diseases,
285 Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, The art of falconry, being the De arte venandi cum avibus (review), 369 Freud, S., Unbehagen in der Kultur, 175 Friedenwald, Harry, 350, 391 Fueter, Eduard, 257; Geschichte der exakten Wissenschaften in der Schweizerischen Aufklärung (1680-1780) (review) , 334
Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine, 236 Geneeskunde, 11
Georgia (U.S.S.R.), medical services, 268 Georgia (U.S.A.) Medical Society, fee bill, 227 German, value of, 383 Gesner, Johannes, letters from Johann Bernoulli II, 109; from Albrecht von Haller, 54; from Barthelemi Micheli du Crest and Johann Melchior Eppli, 102 Gesnerus (review), 368 Gidon, F., 10 Glands, intestinal, 92 Glasgow antidotarium, 2 Gnudi, Martha Teach and Webster, Jerome Pierce, The life and times of Gaspare Tagliacozzi (review), 470 Goldmann, Franz, Prepayment plans for medical care (review), 308 Goldsmith, Oliver, on tea, 48, 321 Göttingen Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 54 Gottsch, Lida G., 261 Grandes medicos, Los, 21 Grapow, Hermann, Grundriss der Medizin der alten Aegypter, vols. 1-2 (review), 517 Gray, George W., The advancing front of medicine (review), 304 Great Doctors, 18-20 Greece, ancient, 4-5, 14-21, 45-46, 110, 467, 472, 485 (see also Hippocrates) Green, R. M., 458 Greenbelt Health Association, Greenbelt, Md., 278 Greene, Roger S., 12
Gregg, Alan, 42 Heilkunst im Dienste der Menschheit, Gross, Samuel David, 22-23 Die, 37 Grosse Aerzte, 14-17 Heingarter, Conrad, Regimen saniGrube, Wilhelm, Religion und Kultus tatis, 96 der Chinesen (review), 66 Heliodoros, 80, 88 Guatemala, medical history in, 288 Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig FerdiGuthrie, Douglas, Die Entwicklung nand von, 14-21 der Heilkunde, 474 Helmont, Jan Baptista van, 14-21 Gynecology, 48, 297, 486; Ketham Hehle, Jakob, 14-21 on, 56, 100 Henri de Mondeville, 48, 210 Gyory, Tiberius von, 58 Heraclides of Tarentum, 14-21 Herbal, Aztec, 280; A catalogue of HAAGENSEN, C. D. and Lloyd, Wyndearly herbals (review), 115 ham, E. B., A hundred years of Herbarius Pseudo-A pulei, 55, 151 medicine (review), 352 Herophilus, 14-21 Haen, Anton de, 14-21 Hildebrand, on syphilis, 119 Haller, Albrecht von, 14-21, 163, 250, Hintzsche, E., Zur geschichtlichen 257; Briefe an Johannes Gesner, Entwicklung anatomischer Arbeit 54; Recit du premier voyage dans in Bern (review), 441 les Alpes (1728) (review), and Hippocrates, 14-21, 45-46, 467, 485, Tagebuch der Studienreise nach 501; Oath, 165; Prognostics, 150; London, Paris, Strassburg und scholarship on, 48, 198 Basel 1727 bis 1728 (review), 441 Hirnkofen, Wilhelm von, 63 Hammurabi, code of, 49, 211 Historiography, medical, 149; history Hansen, K., Lesebuch für Aerzte (reof, 126, 241; programme of, 166; view), 455 task of, 93 (see also Medical Hanway, Jonas, Essay on tea, 48, 321 history) Hare, Ronald, Pomp and pestilence: History, disease and, 38-41; medical infectious disease, its origins and (see Medical history); psychologiconquest (review), 510 cal interpretation of, 168; and Hargrave, John, The life and soul of science, 48, 394, 503; social, 48, Paracelsus (review), 456 279; in wartime, 316 Harington, Sir John, 47; Metamor- History of medicine, A, vol. 1, Primiphosis of Aiax, 48, 322 tive and archaic medicine, 44; vol. Hartlieb, Johannes, gynecological col2, Early Greek, Hindu, and Persian lection, 486 medicine, 45 Harvey, William, 14-21, 48, 136 History of Science Society, 246 Hauduroy, Paul, Microbes (review), Hodgen, John Thomson, 213 389 Hohenheim, Theophrastus von (see Hauff, Bruno, 515; birthday greetings, Paracelsus) 489 Holland, Boerhaave pilgrimage in, 48, Health, broadening concept of, 429, 254; contributions to medicine, 137 430; social aspects of, 34-37 (see Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 22-23 also Public health) Hosack, David, 328 Health insurance (see Insurance, Hospitals, American, 22-23; in New health) York, 49, 231 Heart, effect of camphor on, 1, 70 Hot Springs, Arkansas, 386 (see also Blood) Housing, 38-41; in Soviet Union, 24Heiberg, J. L., Naturwissenschaften, 33 Mathematik und Medizin im klass- Howald, Ernest, 55 ischen Altertum (review), 83 Howe, Timothy, 328 102
Huang Ti, Nei Ching Su Wen, 434 Hübner, Gertrud, 36, 37 Humanism, medical, 237 Hunter, John, 14-21 Hye in disem büchlin findt man die recht künst und art des Ringens, 58 Hygiene, 174; ancient, 34-37; Galen on, 47, 458; philosophy of, 48, 185 (see also Public health) Hyman, Harold Thomas, An integrated practice of medicine (review), 399 IATROMECHANICS, 263 Imhotep, 14-21 Impotence, 48, 329 Incunabula, catalogue of Army Medical Library, 443; Boston, 375 India, health plan for, 49; need for institute of history of medicine, 49, 367 Inflammation, theories on, 125 Influenza, 74 Institute for the history of medicine and science, 149 Institute of the History of Medicine (see Johns Hopkins) Insurance, health, 6-13, 22-23, 34-37, 47-49, 186, 189, 218, 243, 275, 361, 430; in antiquity, 117; in Chile, 49, 261; in Germany, 49, 327; need for in U.S., 272; in New Zealand, 49, 261; in Soviet Union, 24-33 (see also Public health and Socialized medicine) International Congress for the History of Medicine, 2nd, 96; 3rd, 103; 5th, 112; 6th, 56; 8th, 166; 11th, 253; 14th, 508 International Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 500 International Medical Week (1st), 218 Internationale Tagung für angewandte Psychopathologie and Psychologie, 168 Internationaler ärztlichen Fortbildungskursus, 141 Introduction a la medecine, 10 Introduzione alla medicina, 13
Isidore of Seville, on weights and measures, 160 Isis, 223 Italian National Congress of the History of Medicine (5th), 471 Italian Society of the History of Medicine and Natural Sciences (1949 meeting), 443; (1952 meeting), 473 Italy, malaria in, 146; medieval manuscripts in, 50, 193, 203 Iversen, Erik, Papyrus Carlsberg No. VIII (review), 424 Izquierdo, J. J., 506 JACOBS, Henry Barton, 225 Jaramillo-Arango, J., The British contribution to medicine (review), 491 Jen Yü I Hsueh, 12 Jenner, Edward, 14-21, 170 Johns Hopkins Hospital, 413 Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine, 48, 142, 201, 252, 267, 378, 400, 413, 471, 480; annual reports: (1937-38), 247, (1938-39), 266, (1939-1940), 277, (1940-41) , 296, (1941-42) , 315, (1942-43), 332, (1943-44), 362, (1944-45), 377, (1945-46), 390, (1946-47), 401; bibliography of publications, 414; collections of, 296; Hideyo Noguchi Lectures at, 296; Medical History Club, 48, 183, 190, 191, 192, 226, 254, 296, 307, 355, 374, 413 (see also Welch Medical Library) Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, 346, 374, 397 Johnson, Samuel, on tea, 48, 321 Jonckheere, Frans, Autour de l'autopsie d'une momie (review), Une maladie sgyptienne: l'hematurie parasitaire (review), and Le papyrus medical Chester Beatty (review), 437 Josephson, C. D., 7 Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 382 Journals, medical, in Soviet Union, 24-33
HENRY Juliana Anicia Codex, move from Vienna to Italy, 75 KAGAN, Solomon R., 419; Life and letters of Fielding H. Garrison (review), 255 Ketham, Johannes de, Ein gut artznei die hie nach steet: das frawen unnd mann an geet (facsimile), 56; Fasciculus medicinae, gynecological section, 100 Kharkov, medical services, 268 Kiang, V. S., 12 Kiev, medical services, 268 Kislovodsk, medical services, 268 Klebs, Arnold C., 70th birthday, 274; introd., A catalogue of early herbals (review), 115 Klein, Gustav, 52 Koch, Robert, 14-21 Krankheit und Zivilisation, 40 Kremer, Edmund P., 383 Kremers, E. and Urdang, G., History of pharmacy (review), 482 Kuppferschmid, Johann, De morbis praeliantium, 71, 72 Kyklos, 131, 159, 176 LA CAVA, A. Francesco, Assalini (review), 439; Liber regulae S. Spiritus (review), 409 Labour, in Soviet Union, 24-33 Ladanum (see Laudanum) Laennec, Rene Theophile Hyacinthe, 14-21 Lafay, Bernard, 513 Lafont, R. P. Julio B., 417 Lambertus de Monte, 324 Landmarks in the history of hygiene, 47 Lang, Arnold, 42-43, 48, 270 Lastres, Juan B., 263 Latronico, Nicola, I vini medicinali nella storia e nella scienza (review), 436 Laudanum, 290 Law, disease and, 38-41 Leake, Chauncey D., The old Egyptian medical papyri (review), 497 Lecciones Heliodori, 88
Lee, C. U., 12 Left Book Club, 26 Leiden, University of, 248 Leipzig, Institute for the History of Medicine, 2, 50, 56-58, 106, 120, 126, 131, 149, 515; annual reports: (1926-27), 134, (1927-28), 144, (1928-29), 161, (1929-31), 177; Medizinische Fachgruppe der Deutschen Studentenschaft, 126; taxis in, 118; University of, 116, 136; Verein für Altertumswissenschaft, 4 Leningrad, medical services, 268 Leningrad Institute for the history of science, 208 Leonardo da Vinci, 48, 194; drawings of ventricles, 123 Leprosy, in Hawaii, 49, 179 Lesky, Erna, Arbeitsmedizin im 18. Jahrhundert (review), 518 Letters of Jean de Carro to Alexandre Marcet, 1794-1817, 64 Liber de diversis medicinis, 256 Liber de taxone, 55 Libraries, European medical, 193, 203 Licensure, medical, 49, 188, 211 Lier, R., 52 Lindau, J. W., 434 Lint, J. G. de, 11 Lister, Joseph, 14-21, 213 Literature, disease and, 38-41 Littre, Emile, on Charles Daremberg, 157 London antidotarium, 2 London, School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 47; University of, 503 Longchamp, Pennier de, fils, on truffles, 48, 366 Longcope, Warfield T., 61 Longevity, quest for, 47 Los Angeles, Ross-Loos Medical Group, 49, 278 Louffenberg, Heinrich, Regimen of health, 152 Lucia, Salvatore P., Wine as food and medicine (review), 511 McDQwEI.l,, Ephraim, 22-23
Mackintosh, James M., 49 Madder, medical value of, 224, 230 Malaria, in Roman Campagna, 146 Mall, Franklin Paine, 212 Malpighi, Marcello, 14-21 Man and medicine, 8-9 Manuscript collections (medieval medical) : Angers, Avignon, Brussels, Carpentras, Milan-Lodi, Montpellier, Naples, Pisa, Poitiers, Rome, Swiss, Tours, Venice, and Verona, 203; Bologna, Milan, Modena, Padua, Perugia, and Siena, 193; Florence, Lucca, and Vicenza, 193, 203; St. Gall, 158; Vendome, 203, 331, 338; Welch Medical Library, 228 (see also Texts) Marcet, Alexandre, letters from Jean de Carro, 64 Markwart, Otto, 42-43, 48, 270 Marti-Ibanez, Felix, 48 Maryland Library Association, 378 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 185 Maternity care, in Soviet Union, 24-
233, in Switzerland, 464, in U.S., 48, 260, 413; value, 169, 267, 480, 484 Medical service plans, in U.S., 49, 278 Medical services, in Soviet Union, 2433
Medical Students Conference, Third Eastern, 229 Medicina socializada en la Union Sovietica, La, 27-28 Medicina y el bienestar humano, La, 35
Medicine, American, 22-23, 48, 49, 188, 211, 220, 221, 242, 248, 275, 278, 298, 504; anatomical concept of, 101; Arabic, 48, 282; archaic, 44, 46; and art, 226; astrological, 96; Babylonian, 44, 46, 449; Central and South American, 288; Chinese, 434; classics of, 42-43, 359; crisis in, 135, 154, 156; Dutch, 137; and economics, 49, 229, 480; effect on civilization, 49, 505; Egyptian, 44, 46; German, 148; Greek, 4-5, 14-21, 45-46, 48, 110, 150, 165, 198, 467, 485, 501; Hindu, 45-46; history of (see Medical history) ; medieval, 2, 48, 55, 56, 86, 88, 89, 100, 104, 113, 160, 256, 282, 309, 384, 519 (see also
Mattioli, 224, 230 May, C. L., 260 Medical aid, 6-13 Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, 205 Medical and Surgical Care, Inc., Utica, N.Y., 278 Medical care (see Care, medical) Medical economics (see Economics, medical) Medical education (see Education, medical) Medical history, 44-46,116, 237; goal of, 433; and history of science, 149, 153, 223, 463; in U.S., 48, 260, 413; international organizations, 153; methodology, 207, 241; and psychiatry, 487; research institutes, 149; syllabus for course, 197; teaching of in 1927,133, in Canada, 273, in Central and South America, 288, at Johns Hopkins Institute, 471 (see also Johns Hopkins Institute and Leipzig Institute), in Soviet Union,
Manuscript collections and Texts); methodology of, 139; military (see Military medicine) ; nationalism in, 49, 397; Persian, 45-46; and philosophy, 116, 162; physical, 49, 386, 387; preventive, 500, primitive, 2223, 44, 46; profession of (see Profession, medical); progress in, 281, 303; Roman, 110; social, 47, 49, 430, 475, 480, 513; social history of, 48, 279; social legislation of, 221; social problems of, 251; socialized (see Socialized medicine); and society, 286, 430; and sociology, 220, 286, 480; Soviet, 24-33 (see also Soviet Union); Swiss, 111; and war, 49, 323 Medicine and health in the Soviet Union, 29-31 Medicine and human welfare, 34 Medicinens grundvalar, 7
HENRY E. SIGERIST Medico-Chirurgical Society of the District of Columbia, 397 Medieval medicine (see Medicine, medieval) Mens sana in corpore sano, 36 Messenger Lectures on the Evolution of Civilization, 38 Mexico, medical history in, 288 Meyer, Adolf, 149 Micheli du Crest, Barthtilemi, letters to Johannes Gesner, 102 Middle Ages (see Medicine, medieval) Milan, war damage in, 443 Milbank Memorial Fund, 195 Military medicine (1715), 72; in Germany after World War I, 68; in Soviet Union, 317 Miller, B. F., 460 Miller, Genevieve, 382, 414 Milwaukee Medical Society, medical service plan, 278 Mitchell, Silas Weir, 22-23 Mitchill, Samuel Latham, 328; on truffles, 48, 366 Moeschlin-Krieg, Beate, 484 Momordica balsamina, 224, 230 Montana, Luis Jose, 506 Montet, Pierre, La vie quotidienne en Egypte au temps des Ramses (review), 427 Montpellier, School of Medicine, 203 Moreno, Anibal Ruiz, 417 Morgagni, Giovanni Battista, 14-21 Morgan, John, 22-23 Moscow, medical services, 268 Mostert, Emilie Marie, 40 Müller, Friedrich von, 16-17, 42-43, 48, 270 Müller, Johannes, 14-21; philosophy of, 130 Muralt, Wilhelm von (see Brunner, Conrad) Musa, Antonius, Liber de herba vettonica, 55 Museums, medical history, 44, 46 Music, and disease, 38-41 Hildegard, 23 Nai-chuan, Gung, 32 Nathan Smith Medical Club, 187
National Health Program, U.S., 275 National Tuberculosis Association, Past and present trends in the tuberculosis movement (review), 335 Nature, medieval observation of, 86 Neuburger, Max, 64, 139; British medicine and the Vienna school (review), 340; tributes to, 337, 420 New Haven County Medical Association, 49, 188 New Orleans, medical costs (1850), 49, 355 New York, hospitals in, 49, 231; Town Hall, 272 New York Academy of Medicine, 180, 186, 195, 231, 232, 241, 299; Institute on Social Medicine, 430 New York City, Department of Hospitals, 231 New York Herald Tribune Annual Forum, 379 New York Philharmonic-Symphony Radio program, 394 New Zealand, socialized medicine in, 49, 258, 261 Nicole, G., 16 Nicole, M., 16 Nicolson, Dorothy White, Twenty years of medical research (review), 335 Noguchi, Hideyo, Lectures, 206 Norpoth, Leo, 17 Norwood, William Frederick, 358 Nurseries, in Soviet Union, 24-33 Nursing, American, 22-23 Nutrition, 38-41 Nye, Helena May, 14, 22 medical services, 268 Ogden, Margaret Sinclair, ed., Liber de diversis medicinis, 256 Older, Julia, 29 On the history of medicine, 48 On the sociology of medicine, 49 Opuscula selecta Neerlandicorum de arte medica, 1942-1943 (review), 393 Organization, medical, 48, 186, 189 Orthopedics, 174 Ortopf von Bayerland, 81 ODESSA,
INDEX Osler, Sir William, 15-23; Christmas and the microscope (facsimile), 235 Osler Club, London, 480 Osler Historical Society, Baltimore, 182 Osteopathy, 22-23 PACHTER, Henry M., Paracelsus, magic into science (review), 456 Pagel, Julius, 450 Paleopathology, 44, 46 Paper, shortage of, 417 Paracelsus, 14-21, 299, 301; collections in U.S., 291; Drey Bücher (Seven defensions) (facsimile), 57; Four treatises of Theophrastus von Hohenheim (review), 311; laudanum in, 290; Treatise on nymphs, sylphs, pygmies, and salamanders, 302; and word "bombastic," 300 Pare, Ambroise, 14-21; Die Behandlung der Schusswunden, 51; onion treatment of burns, 48, 347 Parisot, Jacques, 513 Pasteur, Louis, 14-21, 172; 100th birthday, 97; on putrefaction, 225 Pathology, historical-geographical, 49,182 Patient, 6-13, 49, 173; attitude towards, 48, 279; history of, 49, 143 Paul, Cedar, 18 Paul, Eden, 18 Pavia, University of, 443, 471 Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich, 16-17 Peace, reflections on, 381 Peiping Union Medical College, 12 Pellegrini, Francesco, La dottrina Fracastoriana del contagium vivum, (review), 453 Pennsylvania, University of, 282 Peru, medical history in, 288 Pettenkofer, Max von, 14-21; correspondence at Munich, 216; The value of health to a city, 60 Peyer, Bernhard and Heinrich, Bildnis und Siegel des Arztes Johann Conrad Peyer (review), 370 Peyer, Johann Conrad, on intestinal glands, 92
Pharmacology, 318; ancient and medieval, 2 Philadelphia, College of Physicians, 189; medical education in, 48, 248 Philosophy, 6-13; disease and, 38-41; Soviet, 24-33 Physician, in 15th century, 209; changing concept and role, 6-13, 34-37,156, 461; in modern society, 49, 173, 218, 392; position of, 48, 279; regulation of, 49, 188, 211; and the state, 145; in U.S., 22-23; writing of, 48, 509 Physiology, 6-13; exhibit on history of, 217; origin, 472 Pickard, Madge E. and Buley, R. Carlyle, The midwest pioneer (review), 440 Pietro d'Abano, 14-21 Pinel, Philippe, 14-21 Pinner, Max, 460 Plague, 205; St. Sebastian, patron saint of, 127 Plasmodium falciparum, criticism of term, 312 Pliny, 507 Profession, medical, 48, 186, 189; inquietude of, 49, 218; medieval conduct of, 48, 384 Professors, administrative burdens of, 42-43, 330 Prognosis, death, of Democritus, 89 Prognostication, of sex, 91 Prognostics, Akkadian, 499 Prophylaxis, 6-13, 241 Proskauer, Curt, ed., Kulturgeschichte der Zahnheilkunde in Einzeldarstellungen (review), and Quellen and Beiträge zur Geschichte der Zahnheilkunde (review), 94 Prostheses, dental, 174 Prostitution, 95 Prussia, medical licensure in, 49, 211 Pseudo-A pulei Herbarius, 55, 151 Psychiatry, 6-13, 222; in Europe (1843), 357; and medical history, 487 Psychoanalysis, 154 Psychology, 6-13 Psychopathology, 168
Public health, 6-13, 34-37, 49, 195; in Soviet Union, 24-33; in U.S., 22-23; in Yugoslavia, 49, 253 Publication, waste in, 284 Pura, Conference on Medical History, 464; letter from, 443 Putrefaction, Pasteur on, 225 Putti, Vittorio, La raccolta (review), 372 Pyatigorsk, medical services, 268 Pythagoras, sphere of, 309
Rossiski, D. M., History of medicine in Russia, 408 Roucek, J. S., 333 Rouelle, Jean, 435 Rush, Benjamin, 22-23 Russia (see Soviet Union)
SABIN, Florence Rena, Franklin Paine Mall, the story of a mind (review), 212 St. Gall, antidotarium, 2; Handelshochschule, 475; manuscripts, 158 St. Louis Medical Fund Society, 213 QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY, Kingston, Ont., St. Louis Medical Society, Paracelsus 303 collection, 291 Quintero, Vincente P., 35 St. Louis Surgical Society, 213 St. Paul, Minn., Group Health AssoRAMAZZINI, Bernardino, De morbis ciation and Group Health Mutual, artificum diatriba, 48, 232 278 Ramon y Cajal, Santiago, 21 St. Sebastian, and Apollo, 127 Rangel, Mario, 299 Salernitan antidotarium, 2 Receptaria, medieval, 256 Salerno, 47; school of, 14-21, 338 Recht, Emilie, 133, 157 San Francisco, Health Service System, Recreation, in Soviet Union, 24-33 278 Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum, 47 San Lazzaro, 65 Rehabilitation, in Germany, 68; in Sanatoria, in Soviet Union, 24-33 Soviet Union, 24-33 Sanchez, Jose Lopez, 27, 38, 62 Reichenau antidotarium, 2 Sand, Rene, Vers la medecine sociale Religion, disease and, 38-41 (review), 454 Renaissance, birth of western mediSantorio, Santorio, 14-21 cine, 104; conflict with ancients, Saratoga Springs, 48, 49, 307, 386, 103; quest for longevity, 47 387, 460; medical history of, 328 Research, in Soviet Union, 24-33 Sarton, George, debate with, 223 Resorts, health (see Spas) Saskatchewan Health Services Survey Rest, in Soviet Union, 24-33 Commission, recommendations, Reucker, Karl, 445 49, 364 Rhazes, 14-21 Sauerbruch, Ferdinand, 16-17, 42-43, Rhinoplasty, 174 48, 270; Die willkürlich bewegbare Rhoads, C. P., 187 künstliche Hand (review), 69 Ricci, James V., The genealogy of Scheer, H., 129 gynecology (review), 360 Schinz, Hans R., 55, 70, 457; Das Rich, Manuel Scholz, 21 Ulkusleiden im Röntgenbild und Ricord, Alexandre, autograph letter, seine Kontrolle durch den Opera310; medical dissertation, 289 tionsbefund (review), 90 Robinson, G. Canby, 12 Schlueter, Robert E., collection, 291 Robinson, Victor, tribute to, 419 Schoen, Max, 38 Rocchi, Vincenzo, 126 Schönlein, Johann Lukas, 14-21 Roemer, Milton I., 49 Rokitansky, Karl, 14-21 Schullian, Dorothy M., 38 Schweizerische Gesellschaft für GeRosen, George, 270, 344 schichte der Medizin und der NaRoss-Loos Medical Group, Los turwissenschaften, 101, 108, 110, Angeles, 49, 278 108
113, 158, 179, 233, 435, 467, 485, 488; annual meeting (1949), 443, 464 Schweizerische Gesellschaft zur Bekämpfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten, 95 Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift, 77 Schweizerische naturforschende Gesellschaft, 92 Schwetz, Jacques, L'evolution de la medecine au Congo belge (review), 422 Science, and democracy, 246, 259; and disease, 38-41; and history, 48, 394, 503; and society, 246; in Soviet Union, 24-33 Science, history of, in contemporary civilization, 259; and history of medicine, 223, 463; international organizations, 153; research institutes, 149; in Soviet Union, 233; value of, 42-43, 353, 365, 394 Scientific Book Club, 38 Seaman, Valentine, 328 Sedgwick Memorial Lecture, 185 Semmelweis, Ignaz Philipp, 14-21, 73 Sex prognostication, 91 Sextus Placitus, Liber medicinae ex animalibus, 55, 113 Shane, Sylvan, 410 Shih, Hu, 12 Shryock, Richard Harrison, The development of modern medicine (review); American medical research, past and present (review), 451; The unique influence of the Johns Hopkins University on American medicine (review), 494 Sick, position of, 49, 143 Sidler, E., Antrittsvorlesung, 82 Sigerist, Erica, 268 Sigerist, Henry E, 17; annual reports: (1947-48), 423, (1948-49), 442, (1949-50), 449, (1950-51), 459, (1951-52) , 465, (1952-53) , 479, (1953-54) , 493 (see also Johns Hopkins Institute and Leipzig Institute); autobiographical writings, 42-43, 48, 50, 416, 519; diary, 50; on his diseases, 48, 460; doctoral
dissertation, 1, 70; farewell dinner in New York, 412; on misspelling his name, 48, 339; move to Pura, 423; on his reading and writing, 48, 509; reminiscences: of Leipzig, 50, 51, of U.S., 50, 412; research in European libraries, 193, 203; trips: to Germany, 68, to Holland, 48, 254, to monastery near Venice, 65, to South Africa, 49, 271, to Yugoslavia, 49, 253; university education, 42-43, 48, 50, 270 Sigerist, Henry E. (Mrs.), 412 Sigma Xi Address, 194 Simmons, Ernest J., 380 Simonds, Joseph C., On the sanitary condition of New Orleans, 49, 355 Sims, James Marion, 22-23 Singer, Charles, 486, 512 Skoda, Joseph, 14-21 Smallpox, inoculation, 85, 174; vaccination, 170 Smith, S., 333 Sochi, medical services, 268 Social sciences, freedom in, 381; in medical education, 42-43 Socialised medicine in the Soviet Union, 25-26 Socialized medicine, 49, 239, 243, 261; in Chile, 49, 258, 261; in New Zealand, 48, 258, 261; in Soviet Union (see Medicine, Soviet and Soviet Union); trends towards, 49, 195 (see also Insurance, health) Socialized medicine in the Soviet Union, 24 Sociedad Cubano-Sovietica de Ciencias Medicas, 27, 28 Societies, learned, 238; medical, 49, 188 Society, and health, 34-37; relation of medicine to, 286, 430 Sociology, medical, 49, 220, 241; course on, 49, 229 Sokol, Anthony Eugene, 14, 22 Somerville College, Oxford, 519 Soranus of Ephesus, 14-21 Source books, 44, 46 South Africa, impressions of, 49, 271 Soviet Union, 24-33; history of medicine and science, 208, 233, 408;
hygiene and public health, 388; medical care, 343; medicine, 49, 218, 239, 243, 249, 268, 333, 379, 380, 407; pavilion at New York World's Fair, 262; rural health services, 349; tuberculosis, 244; wartime medicine, 313, 317 Spas, American, 48, 49, 307, 328, 386, 387; European, 385; Soviet, 24-33 Spaulding Bakeries, Binghamton, N.Y., Mutual Benefit Association, 278 Spector, Benjamin, 207 Springfield, Mass., Tercentenary of the Founding, 242 Squill, 129 Stampar, Andrija, 49, 253 State, and medicine, 49, 173; and physician, 145 Stern, Bernhard J., 333; American medical practice in the perspectives of a century (review), 376 Stem, Lina S., 363 Steuer, Robert 0., Whdw. Aetiological principle of pyaemia in ancient Egyptian medicine (review), 444 Sticker, Georg, 159 Straschun, I. D., 218 Student, medical, advice to, 124; Association, 251; and medical social problems, 49, 229 Studien and Texte zur frühmittelalterlichen Rezeptliteratur, 2-3 Su lien ti yin hsüeh ho pao Chien chu, 32 Sudhoff, Karl, 42-43, 48, 104, 131, 147, 191, 192, 270, 515; bibliography, 105; 70th birthday, 106; 80th birthday, 190; Geschichte der Zahnheilkunde (review), 94; obituary, 265; reminiscences of, 478 Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin, 20th anniversary, 147 Sumner, Charles, Lecture, 397 Superstition, medieval medical, 309 Surgery, 6-21, 51-53; American, 213; before anesthesia, 395; English, 107; medieval, 48, 80, 210, 338;
orthopedic and plastic, 174; Salernitan student on, 338 (see also Billroth, Brunschwig, Cushing, Gross, Henri de Mondeville, Hunter, Lister, McDowell, Pare, Sauerbruch, Sims) Swieten, Gerhard van, 14-21 Swiss Medical Association, 111 Switzerland, contribution to medicine, 111, 345; health resort, 345; medieval medical MSS., 203; teaching of medical history in, 464 Sydenham, Thomas, 14-21 Syllabus, medical history course, 197 Sylvius, 14-21 Symptomatology, 6-13 Syphilis, early history, 87, 99,119, 121; fight against, 95; origin of name, 155 TAYLOR, F. Sherwood, 318 Taxis, in Leipzig, 118 Tea, 48, 321 Tenine, Maurice, 10 Tenney, Samuel, 328 Terry, Dwight H., Foundation, 34 Texts, medieval medical, 519; Bamberger Cod. L.111.6, Berlin Cod. Philippicus 1790, Cambridge Cod. (1567) G.g.V.35, Karlsruher Cod. Augiensis CXX, and London Cod. Harleian. 5792, 2; Bibl. Nat. Latin. 11219, 80; Dioscorides, Materia medica, 256; Einsiedeln MS. 297, 114; Glasgow Cod. Hunterian, T.4.13, 2, 88, 89; Hippocrates, Prognostics, 150; Ibn Al-Jazzar, Viaticum peregrinantis, 228; Louffenberg, Heinrich, Regimen of health, 152; Montpellier MSS. H185, H450, 294; Montpellier MS. H277, 48, 209, 224, 230, 329; St. Gall Cod. 44, 2, 150; Tractatus de vino et eius proprietate, 348; Vendome MS. 174, 338; Vendome MSS. 109, 172, 174, 175, 331; Viaticum Constantini, 228; Zürich MS. B245, 81 (see also Manuscript collections) Thackrah, C. Turner, 48, 232
INDEX Their, A., letters on nitrous oxide anesthesia, 183 Therapy, 241 Thorndike, Lynn, ed., The herbal of Rufinus (review), 403 Torinus, Albanus, 342 Tractatus de vino et eius proprietate, 348 Treatment, of disease, 6-13 Truffles, in America, 48, 366 Tsai shih tzu lu k `ou ti to hsüeh chiao yu, 43 Tsudo, Yasushi, 33 Tuberculosis, in Soviet Union, 244; in U.S., 278, 298 Typewriters, customs difficulties with, 417 U.A.W.A., Medical Research Institute, Detroit, Mich., 278 U.S.A. (see Medicine, American) U.S. Department of Agriculture Graduate School, 259 U.S. Federation of State Medical Boards, 210 U.S.S.R. (see Soviet Union) United States Rubber Company, 394 University, 381; administrative routine, 371; dilemma, 42-43, 330; education, 42-43, 48, 50, 270; failure of, 42-43, 351; and war, 42-43,351 University at the crossroads, The, 42 Urdang, George, The apothecary chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele (review), 356 Uruguay, medical history in, 288 Utica, N.Y., Medical and Surgical Care, Inc., 278 VACCINATION, 85, 170 Vallery-Radot, Pasteur, 225 Vandervoort, Peter, 328 Variolation, 85, 174 Vass, Joseph, 58 Veith, Ilza, 434 Verrier, Ren6, Etudes sur Arnaud de Villeneuve (review), 425, 462 Vesalius, Andreas, 14-21, 48, 194; 400th anniversary of Fabrica, 4243, 341; Epitome, 342
Viaticum Constantini, 228 Villmergen, Switzerland, delousing methods (1712) , 71 Virchow, Rudolf, 14-21 Vogeler, K., 17 Vogler, Hans, on syphilis, 87 WAGNER-MURRAY-DINGELL BILL, 49, 261, 275, 361 Walton, Ivan H., 261 War, and culture, 42-43, 306, 320; influence on medicine, 49, 323; and medical education, 42-43, 346; reflections on, 381; and university, 42-43, 351; World War I, 68; World War II, in Soviet Union, 29-33, 313, 317, 320 Warburg, Erik, 463 Ward, Harold, 19, 333 Washington (D.C.) Academy of Medicine, 323 Water closet, 48, 322 Waterhouse, Benjamin, 328 Webb, Sidney, 25 Webster, Jerome P. (see Gnudi, Martha Teach) Weights and measures, medieval, 2, 160 Weise, Rudolf, Geschichte der Zahnheilkunde and Zahntechnik (review), 94 Welch, William H., 8, 12, 42-43, 44, 48,142, 270; obituary, 199, 200; and term Plasmodium falciparum, 312 Welch Medical Library, 42-43, 346, 378 Wilhelm, Richard, Kungfutse-Gespräche (Lun Yü) (review), 66 Wilson, M. L., 259 Wine, Arnald of Villanova on, 63; 15th c. treatise on, 348 Winslow, C. E. A., Man and epidemics (review), 477 Witchcraft, 48, 222, 329 Witwatersrand, University of the, 270; Students' Medical Council, 267 Wolf, A., A history of science, technology and philosophy in the 16th and 17th centuries (review), 234
Women, in Soviet Union, 24-33 World survey (1847), 400 Wunderlich, Carl August, 14-21 YALE UNIVERSITY, Department of
History of Medicine, 465, 479, 493; Historical Library, 423, 442, 449, 459 Yale University Foundation, 34
Yalta, medical services, 268 Yugoslavia, public health in, 49, 253 ZANGGER, Heinrich, 220 Zilboorg, Gregory, 222
Zimmermann, Johann Georg, 138 Zürich, Gesellschaft der Aerzte, 86, 110; Röntgen-Institut, 79; University, 1-3, 70, 82, 93; Zentralbibliothek, 54, 56, 152