PS Magazine Issue 101 1961 Series [101 ed.]

PS Magazine, also known as the Preventive Maintenance Monthly, is an official publication of the Army, providing informa

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PS Magazine Issue 101 1961 Series [101 ed.]

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(In Your Maintenance Train ing?) Does every day seem like Friday Ihc 13th' The driver who's jllst now getting in shape ond doing a fine iob getting (mns/erred ' Y our peak· of-perfection missile crew losing two key men? That "dream" mechanic getting out" Des pair and gloom!

Hold It before you hit Ihe headache_ pill bottle, try 0 dose of some real Preventive Maintenance mediCine the technical services hove whomped up spec lolly for your unit

Whot is it?

Big words: Technical Assistance. Sounds rough, but i"s that kind of service thol makes the tough 0, so gentle. Here's what it is and how it works: Your unit (company, battery, bottle group, battalion, etc.J is having a rough time keeping enough men trained right in operating and maintaining aU your equipment. Enlistments run out, trained men get transferred ... you know how it is. You're not sure your unit could provide the firepower, movement and communications it 's supposed to when the word comes. So, after your unit itself has done all it can to solve its problems, what's next? Your uniT can pass along the word it net::ds help Ithru channels, of course) to the technical support officer-Signal, Ordnance, Chem-

r---------------- ----


Iss ue No. f 81 1961 Series Publisfted by the Dtpllrtment of lbe Arm, for the Informa-

tlllIl 01 OT!'Riutionalmllntenlnceami supplYll8rsonnel. Dis-

tribution is made through normal publication channels. Within limits of availability, older Issues may be obtained direct from PS Magazine, Raritan Arsenal, Metllthen, New Jersey.


(In Your Maintenance Traini ng?) Does every day seem like Friday the 13th? The driver wh(J'.~ jufif now getting in shape on(/ doing a fine job getting transferred? Y Ollr /Jerlk-o!-per!ection mi.ui/e crew losing two key men? Th(lt "dream" mechanic getting out" Des/Jdir and g/(JOm!

Hold It before you hit the headachepill bottle, try a dose of some real Preventive Maintenance mediCine the technical services have whomped up specially for your Unit What is it? Big words: Technical Assistance. Sounds rough, but it's that kind of service that makes the tough 0, so gentle. Here's what it is and how it works: Your unit (company, battery, battle group, battalion, etc.) is having a rough time keeping enough men trained right in operating and maintaining all your equipment. Enlistments run out, trained men get transferred .. you know how it is. You're not sure your unit could provide the firepower, movement and communications it's supposed to when the word comes. So, after your unit itself has done all it can to solve its problems, what's next? Your unit can pass along the word it nel::ds help (thru channels, of course) to the technlcal support officer-Signal, Ordnance, Chem~---------------- -----


ical, Medical, Engineer, Quartermaster or Transportation. let him know your problem. Find out what help he can give. And here's what he may come through with: He may shoot over to your outfit some of his top-notch officers or enlisted men to lend a hand in your operation and maintenance training. But here's what he's more likely to do: let his civi lian maintenance technicians or maintenance representatives do the job. And they're real whizzes at that kind of work. They can come right to ' your unit and help your CO (or his S-3 and 5-4) plan the kind and amount of training your men need. That's not all. They'll stick right with your outfit and assist in the actual training themselves as long as you need them. They'll "tailor" the training to fit your unit's needs. You moy need only a few hours of "onthe-job" training. Or you may have a lot of new men who'll need severa l days or weeks of training. In that case, they'd set up a special school to do t~e job right. Then, your unit would have men trained to operate and maintain their equipment right. Simple? Easy? Sure ... just let your support know what you need,

----- --------- --------l

ARTlClfS Page Features Weapon Record Book . . . . . . • •.. 2·3 Davey Rpc·15 Compressor . 46·48 Tank·Mounted Searchlight . . • • • . . . . . .. . •• 49·53 GRC·46 Radio Set: Be Yout Own Inspector . .. 54·57 Armament BAR .. . ....... • . .... . 6 M42 40·MM Guns . .64 .45-cal Pistol 64 Missiles Honest John • ... .•. , .•• 4·5 OQ B·series Aerial Target ... 9 • _ 20 M21 Gas Masks . . , _. _' . ___ ... , .•. " Nike-Herc XM 44IEI Body Section Truck, . ... 20 DA Form 9·series Check Sheets " 21 Nike B & C Elevator . .22 Radome •... _ . .• . ... . 38 . .. 39 Ajax IFC Tool Sets . , .... Communieatlons Equipment . ..... 41 Radio Mountings . . 58-59 TRC-47 Radio Set 159/U Reels . , . . . 60 . 61 GRC·19 Radio Set . Aireratt Bird Dog Trainer (Tl·19D) . 42·43 , •. 43 Shawnee (H·21) Plastic Bubbles & Windows '. .. 44 Wheeled Vehicles 424 21h-ton Stake & Platform Truck. 10 M62 Wrecker ' ••. ' ... . . " . .. 11 G749 2%·ton Trucks . . 1&19 Tracked Vehicles 10 M56 SPAT .. M48A2 Tank ....• ... .. . 15 Fire Extinguishers . 16·17 General Track Vehicle Air Cleaners " .. . 12·14 New Publications . ... ••. •... . . . 23 Supply Maouals for Tool Sets .24·25 Protective Mask ..••...•• ••• • ....... 26


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" " 28 37 45


Connie Redd • 7 Joe's Dope .... , . , . 29 Question and Answer . 37 ContributIons ••. _ . ' . , ., 62 Connie Redd's Briefs. . •. , ., . . • Inside Back Cover

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icol, Medical, Engineer, Quortermaster or Transportation. let him know your problem. Find out what help he can give. And here's what he may come through with: He may shoot over to your outfit some of his top-notch officers or enlisted men to lend a hand your operation and maintenance training. But here's what he's more likely to do: let his civilian maintenance technicians or mointenance representatives do the iob. And they're real whizzes at that kind of work. They can come right to ·your unit and help your CO (or his 5-3 and 5-4) plan the kind


and amount of training your men need.

That's not all. They'll stick right with your outfit and assist in the actual training themselves as long as you need them. They'll "tailor" the training to fit your unit's needs. You may need only a few hours of "onthe-job" training. Or you may have a lot of new men who'll need several days or weeks of training. In that case, they'd set up a special school to do tbe job right. Then, your unit would have men trained to operate and maintain their equipment right. Simple? Easy? Sure ... just let your support know what you need.

Iss ue No.1 81 1961 Series Published by the Department of til, Arm, for the Informa· thmaf orJanitational maintenance ami suppt, personnel. Distrjbution is made through normal publication channels. Within limits of availability, older issues may be obtained direct from PS Magazine, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, New Jersey .

IN THIS ISSUE ARTICLES Page Features Weapon Record Book . . . . • . . . •.. 2·3 Davey Rpc·15 Compressor . . 46·48 Tank·Mounted Searchlight . . • . • . . . . . . . .. . 49·53 GRC·46 Radio Set: Be YOUf OWn Inspector.. . 54·57 Armament BAR ..........•. , .... 6 M42 40·MM Guns . .64 .45-cal Pistol 64 Missiles Honest John •. .. ... , .•• , . 4·5 OQ B·series Aerial Target. .. 9 M21 Gas Masks . . . ___ . ... _.. _...•. ,. . 20 Nike--Herc XM 441El Body Section Truck.. . 20 DA Form 9·series Check Sheets. • .. 21 Nike B & C Elevator . 22 Radome •... __ . • . . . • . • . . . . .. 38 Ajax I FC Tool Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 39 CommunicatIons Equipment . ... 41 Radio Mountings . TRC-47 Radio Set • 58·59 159/U Reels • .. .. . 60 GRC·19 Radio Set . . 61 Aircraft .42·43 Bird Dog Trainer (Tl·19D) Shawnee (H·21) ....•• , •. , . • 43 Plastic Bubbles & Windows .. 44 Wheeled Vehicles 10 424 2112 -ton Stake & Platform Truck . M62 Wrecker .••. . ... • .••... 11 G749 2%·ton Trucks . .18-19 Tracked Vehicles 10 M56 SPAT . . M48A2 Tank .... . . 15 Fire Extinguishers . 16·17 General . .• 12·14 Track Vehicle Air Cleaners ... New Publications ... . ••. •. ........ . . ... 23 Supply Manuals for Tool Sets .. 24·25 Protective Mask ..... . . . . . . . .. •. 26 M7Al·6 Flame Thrower . . •••..•.. 28 C0:2 Fire Extinguishers . 37 Boats •.. . DEPARTMENTS" 45 Connie Rood. • .• 7 Joe's Dope .. . . . . . . .. 29 Question and Answer . 37 62 Contributions ..... . .. Collnie ROOd's Briefs ..••••••... Inside Back Cover

PSwants your Ideas Ind contriblltiens, Inll is f!.d to answet )'OlIr questions. Names .nd addresses Ire kept In confident •. Justwriteto: g~.II""-Mad, pgM~,

R..a... ,q......L,

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M.t..d-, N... '"'"",




acurdance wltb requlrliliellts IlIbmitted In DA Firm 12-4.

Being expected to run a car with no gas or to fire a aoout the same meaning for the guy who's gonna do the doing. That's juSt aoout the deal faced by the guys who must know what went wrong when your support unit condemns one of your outfit's guns or tubes. Ordnance gets the piece all right, but sometimes you have a few facts on hand to give 'em the lowdown on what might have led to the shootin' iron going on the blink.

It's a sad story when you don't tell the gun's full history in its W~apons Record Books (DA Form 9-13 and DA Form 9.-13-1). The problem's even worse when you don't send any re that's the pl(1(eyoU ORDOW-ft.l. And ~ndthose Weapon Retord Rooks "'01 gel "parol,d from their weapon s. 3

Some of the superseded thermometer and case assemblies are still floating around in some Honest John units ... here's the latest scoop. If yours is listed under FSN 1055-393-0238, turn it in and tell the man behind the support unit counter you want Thermometer and Case Assembly, FSN 6685-345-6125. He's got word to exchange the assemblies on a one-for-one basis. And go by the FSN-not looks. The two assemblies are so much alike. they could almost be taken for twins.

NO GOT GO-NOT-GO? All Honest John outfits with an M386 launcher need a small, but im· portant, chunk of iron-a GO·NOT·GO gage. As it says in TM 9·1340-202-12 (Aug 60), before you fire an M31 series rocket from the M386 launcher, you have to take the aft launching shoe plates off the rocket and replace them with aft launching shoe adapters. And to get the right distance between the adapters, you need the GO-NOT. GO gage like the TM says. You'll find the gage in TM 9·1055·205·20P.

How about it ... have you spotted water and sediment when ' you opened the drain cock on the bottom of the reservoir for your M405 handling unit? The stuff has a way of getting into the reo servoir-and it sure doesn't belong there. So make a mental note on your LO to do this once a week: Open the drain cock and drain the water and sediment until you get clean hy. draulic oil. Close the drain cock and fill the reservoir with OHA until you hit the right mark - ..~ _'__-,- on the oil level gage. 4

Exercise: The you hide from when you're the guy who's supposed to do it. Exercise means work for you-usually , But a guy in an Honest John outfit C'J.n do his exercising by hardly lifting a finger. In this case it's his M25 generator set that gets the exercising. There's no getting around it ... the generators need to be run twice a week to keep all the parts lubed and the battery charged. So give it a whirl. Start it electrically and run the generator twice a week for a 20-minute clip. And while you're at it, check the oil level in the air cleaner and crankcase ... the oil pressure . .. and the DC Output-the way it says in your 'TM.

There's no need to thumb through supply manuals. for scoop on your M2 spotting instrument. There's no info for any echelon of maintenance. That's ~cause the spotting ihstruments are few and far between. And so ... unless your support unit can cannibalizt parts to fix your M2, they'll be sending you an M65 BC telescope in its place.

TENDER SKIN So maybe it is easier to sit or stand on your Honest John rocket when you cover it with the heating blankets. But the skin surface can't take that kind of treatment. And it takes only one dent to foul up the ballistics of the rocket enough to make you think your shooting eye is off.

SOME BAR FACTS For the wane of a washer ... the BAR was put out of commission. If you have a Browning Automatic Rifle, this dope'll keep you from running into lock washer trouble.

When you disassemble your BAR and get to the point of removing the aCtuator spring and actuator from the actuator tube, that 's when you have to be on the lookout for the lock washer. Because the next thing you do is to remove the stock and turn the stock on end OU( falls the lock washer. If you aren't Eagle-eye Eric you could lose icthen comes the trouble. You can't use In case you get your hardware mixed, here 's . . , gening one the right i

just any common·hardware washer to lake ii, place. ~ ~ ~ That washer has to be a certain diameter and thickness. If you put juSt any old lock washer that's too thick over the actuator tube you're askin' for trouble. 1t pounds the inside of the stock and eventually rou'll find that it'll change the recoil. ~ . . ~V\\,\ (;\~

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how you can measure to make sure you're


You know that FSN 5310-010-6500 lock washer's a third echelon maintenance item, So if you're g~ing to keep your BAR in operating condition keep your eye on that lock wasl:ler and don't try substituting, , . it must be "Washer, lock, spIt, It, S-plain fin , Y2-in bolt size and .075-in (75 thousands) THICK." 6

eolfflie ~odd'4 SHORT 'N SWEET DEPT"



though it looks good from the outside. Give youe hose a feel now and then. cered air enters the engine. You can tell If you find a sofe spot, take off the hose air leakage real easy by the piercing and see if the inner layers have broken sound it makes and yQU can find the down. If they're broken down, replace spot that is leaking by feeling for it. While you are checking hoses, don't the hose. Weak hoses pulsate quite a bit when you speed up and decelerate the forget the hoses that connect the intake engine. This pulsation leads to air leak- manifold sections. 7

You r supply of - battery terminal lugs has been on the plus side ... and your supply of lugs have been on (he minus side. Right? So yo ur vehicles have been hurtingmaybe even deadlined-for lack of positive lugs. Double right. both lugs But the supply knot that sometimes again in February 1961. They have developed with Ordnance having the the negative lug under FSN 5940-5 49negative lugs and Signal the positive 6582 .. . and the positive one under ones has been untied. FSN 5940-502-3729.


Did you hear the one alx)Ut this hot coming up and that meant a bunch of outfit that had Blue Streaked an item? guys would be off on 72-hour passcs. It wasn't long before they were notified That might h;e all right with othcr that the item was available for pickup. kinds of requisitions-but not a Blue It seems it was a Thursday and the Streak. A Blue Streak gets fast act!on next day was a holiday. So what does from the start. And it wants to get the this outfit do but say it won't be able to same kind of action at the finish-at pick up the part because the holiday was your end of the supply line.


You guys who take care of putting the "Receipts and Expenditures of Large Rockets and Guided Missiles" reports (ReS ORD-30) on to DA form 1527-R know that the job's done monthly, But there's nothing in any AR that tells you how long to hold on to the reports, You can't go wrong if you keep 'em in your battery area as long as they're needed for local purposes, And when you go to get rid of the reports, do it the way it says in AR 380-5-seeing's how they're classified "Confidential,"

Wax, paraffin, technical. That's all you need to call a halt to st"icking zipper slides on your Nike-Hercules track radome covers. Hit the slides now and again with wax you can get from Quarterm aster. FSN 9160- 28 5-2044 gets you a one-pound cake. And it won't hurt to attach a note to your requisition telling the supply people why you need the wax. It's listed in SM 10-1-C4-1 (Federal Supply Catalog C4-1, FSC Group 91, Sept. 1959).

Take a listen ... you outfits that

problems, etc., to Raritan Arsenal-but from now on you want to use a new address. That would be ...

Commanding General, Army Rocket & Guided Missile Agency, ATTN. OROXR·F. Redstone Arsenal, Alabama


mechanism and break teeth off the top carriage gear ring. To remind you, sten· it's only an inch-be sure to lock the cil this on the inside of the windshield traverse. Moving a SPAT with an un· frame like TB 9-2350-213-10/1 (12 locked gun can tear up the traversing May 59) says: \\ AR:\I:\(.

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I()( K BIIOHI '10' 1:-.1(.1'1 HI( II

Help is on the way from another di- 42) now stocked by your supporr unit, rection. A new, beefed-up, housing FSN should end some of this traversing 2520-767-9073 (Ord Parr No. 108688- mechanism damage. BUT STILL. LOCK THE TRAVERSE BEFORE YOU MOVE.

Got a 424 2Y2·ton stake and platform truck but no canvas and bows to keep your cargo neat and tidy? Then park that truck in a dry place and bend an ear this way. The manufacturer normally doesn't make canvas and bows for these vehicles. But it's likely that a supplier can be found in your area who'll make 'em up.

It'll be a local purchase deal, under provisions of SR 715-110-50 (2 Jun 54). So take jt up with your Ordnance support. Give 'em a full description of the truck with all dimensions. 10

So ... if the M62 wrecker is your vehicle remember: The truck's not going to tip if you have all four outriggers down and set up the right way ... like TM 9·8028 says. You give the pivot POSt a break instead of breaking it by going along with the boom weight limits on the safe load chart.

The M2 Corporal erector may look like nothing can get i~ its way. Sure ... it can go most places-that's for sure. Bur some guys are forgetting one thing-you don't run that vehicle up or down any more'n a 15 percent slope for long runs. A coupla minutes-oK-hut no dice for a steady grind. The electrical circuits aren't built to take it. Another thing ... the erector'll be hurting if you try to raise a missile with the erector sitting on anything more'n a 10 percent slope. 11

If you don't breathe, you don't live-right? Same way almost with youe track vehicles. You've got to keep your main engine's air cleaners in the beSt condition . . . [0 keep dirt and grit from being drawn in[O the engine. If not, your engine's moving parts will wear fast from w hat is known as abrasive action. If the cleaner's oil level is too high the fuel-air mixture is going [0 get all snafu'd by oil being sucked into the fuel system. If the oil level is too low, the cleaners won't filter out the engine-killing particles of dirt as the air passes over the oil. Also, a dirty screen mesh wire will cut down on the flow of air to your engine's fuel system. So's to keep your air cleaners working for you instead of against you, here's what [0 do:


Mo~t track vehicles have two air cleaners for the main engine-remove the oil pan from them by unsnapping the latch on the side. (On some air cleaners, unmew the wing nuts that hold the metal bar under the oil panJ Lift the oil pan, twist it to the right, lower it and take it out.

~~~~~ filter screens with dry cleaning solvent, fIN 6850 · 264·9038

15-gallormineralspirits paint thinner, FSN '~~~il~~ - ",;••"'==--.. gal). 8010·242·2086 15

CLEANERS 3. Dip your fingers into the pan and feelfqr sludge on the bot· tom. If there is no sludg. put the pons bock on the oir deaner. If there's a loyer of sludge a~ ,much as Y.-in deep, drain off the top clean oil and wash out the dirt.

4. Wash th7;ons wHh solvent. Use dry cleaning campound solvent or a mineral spirit point thinner. k~~~

S. R.efill each pan until the oil's even with the OIL LEVEL line. It's OK to use used oil. Use OE 30 oil when the temperature range is above 32 degrees ... OE 10 when the temperature seHles between +40° and _10o ... and OES when it dips from Oto -6So.


If you don'r breathe, you don ' t live-right? Same way almost with youe track vehicles. You've gOt to keep yo ur main engi ne's air cleaners in the beSt condition ... to keep dirt and grit from being drawn into the engine. If noc, your engine's moving parts will wear fast from what is known as abrasive action. If the cleaner's oil level is too high the fuel-air mixture is going to ger all snafu'd by oil being sucked inco the fuel system. If the oil level is too low, the cleaners won't filter out the engine-killing particles of dirt as the air passes over the oil. Also, a dirty screen mesh wire will cut down on the flow of air to your engine's fuel system. So's to keep your air cleaners working for you instead of against you, here's what to do:



Mo~t track vehicles have two air cleaners for the main engine-remove the oil pon from them by unsnapping the latch on the side. (On some air cleaners, unurew the wing nuts that hold the metal bar under the oil pon.) lift the oil pon, twist it to the right,lowerit and take il out.

6''filter'I'- ~ ment and Instoll tho oH pan by holding the oil pan in place under the




Moi(261 LO $-3105.213.20-1 N055 1M 94SUO·lI O·IS SM ' ·4·SI BO·A64 SI80·034·B472 1M '-4-SI80·lI0-21



SM9-4-49 10-A5 1 4'10·754·0655

IM9-4·SI80-lI0-29 SM9·4·SIBO·A66 SI80·"'·3S'4

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141.10 ReId OI1iIItry modmnk', ISS_ guns 0.,18-111 How. 141.10 8-In Reid.... atfiIIery modmnk's &2 _ _



SM ' ·4·SII0·A61 S180·"'·3601

1M 9·4-SI80~10·32 SM 9·4·5ISO·A6' 5110·323·4915 IM'4SII0·JlO·33 SM'·4·S IBO·A70 5110·323·4692 1M 9·4-5110410-34 SM'·4·SII0·A7I 5180-323-4913 1M9-4-SUO~10·3S'

SM ' -4·SII0·AJ2


IM94Sl10·110-36 SM'·4·SII0·A73 1M 945110-110-37 SM ' ·4·S180·A74 1M9-4-SlIO~10-31 SM'·4-SIBO·A7S IM9-4·SUO·JlO·39 SM ' ·4·SI 80·A76

5180·323-4891 51 10·323-4176 SI80·m·SII4 5110·323·4944

IM'·'·S18O-JlO-4Q SM'·4·SI 80·A77 5110-695·013' 1M ' .....SI80-Jl0-41 SM ' ·4·SI80·A7S 5180·532-9112 IM'·4-S180-Jl0-43 SM'·4·SISO·A7' SII 0-611-7'23 1M9-4·S180-JlO-4l SM ' ·4·S ISO·B20 SISO·69S·0131

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IM,·4·II80-lI0-46 SM9·4·S210·AOI 1M 9-4-5180410·50 SM'·4·S180·AI I 1M '·'·II IO·JlO-II SM ' ·4-SI80·112 IM945110-lIO·52 SM ' ·4-SII0·AI 3 SM 9-4-SUO-lI0-53 SM 9,'-5 ISO·AS'

S210-278·9919 SI80·313·304S 5110·5'5·16'5 SI I 0-62S·7'06 5IS0-62S-7907


685.10 8""ioII ,.,.......~ Amlyai""", ,, 671.28 A_ _', 672.20"" ;: 688.10 1nsI_~·. :I: AnRJaimah 684.10 PJopoIIor'_~'. AmIy687.10 1IydIauIic..,......·. &onrai""'" 686.10 Air&ame~'"Allllr"'roII 619.4 AirotIft1mpoct1oo>679.5redrolcal 711.1 Ingioe&power .... ~'. 676.10 &onr_ 424.1t r....... _ ·, IS3.IO, 214.10, 232.10, 241.10. 242.10,, !l1.10, 2S2. 10, 241, 241 Bednmitr.pairman's 201 1'2.2 _.rtlIItry, 1' 1 . 2 _


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~--!li:lJ!.U! Now, get out a DA Form l7 and order the Tool Sec SM you need from your publications section. 25

protective mask's outlet-valve cover. Once that small, rubber cover's pulled off, it has a way of wandering off for keeps. Best way to guard it is to grab it when it's pulled off, and then replace it soon's the valve's been inspected. Course, you don't have to hold it in your teeth-but you should keep an eye on it, or find a definite SpOt for it ... you 're likely to be left holding the bag like slipping it into your mask's carrier with an incomplete, unprotected, pro... and, always remember to replace it tective mask . . . and, that might not be before you pack your mask away. toO good. That cover's put there to proAs you well know, if that cover's lost tect the oudet valve disk. 26



You're likely to be out of business fast if you usc dirty thickener in your M4 service unit. So play it safe. Be extra fussy about the cleanliness of the Ml thickener you pour down the mixing tank. \'V'hen you open a container of MJ, for example, get rid of the tear strip key immediately. Toss it away, stomp it into the ground, if you have to, just don't let it hang around-it can easily end up in the thickener. And while you're stirring the dry stuff around to break up lumps, check like loose.stuff that can fall out of anyit carefully for any odd pieces of junk, one's pockets. Small pieces of metal or wood, nuts, nails and similar junk can get past the Y4 -in mesh screen at the bottom of the vat and foul up the pump but good. Also make sure that the transfer buckets you use are clean. Something else that'll help safeguard the service unit from damage of contaminated thickener is to keep the vat screen installed at all times during operation. And when you use oil that's been used before, by all means see that it's strained through a fine mesh strainer before you use it.

tank's the right size ... it's the printing that's too big. Knock off that last zero and take out the comma when you read the" 1,000 gallons" fuel measurement given in the test firing caurion in para 50 of TM 3·1040·206·10. That ,para should read "When you test fire your M7 Al-6 flame thrower you should have no less than 100 gallon s of fuel. and 1000 pounds of pressure in the high pressure system." One hundred gallons of fucl, as you know, is equal to 17 seconds of firing time. So, check the firing time indicator, and if you have less than 17 seconds left, add the necessary amount of fuel before you test fire. Now leaf over to page 43 of TM 31040-206-10-para 60 should also refer you to TM 9-7022 ... the book you need like your right arm when it comes to operation and maintenance of the components in the flame thrower's M48A2 tank hull. The M7AI·6 MAC (Appendix II) in TM 3-1040-206-20 needs a few more

. . . ._ _•

lines of references, like TM 3-1040-20620P, TM 3·I040·206·30P, TM 3·1040· 206·45P, TM 9·2300, TM 9·7022, TM 9·2350·208·20P, TM 9·2350·208·35P. All of these publications are available now, so start scratchin' around for 'em. It's a good idea to keep your eyes peeled for any TM Changes or any pubs that will give you new dope on your flame thrower tank. 28

upon a time, and all that jazz, there was stationed in Camelot, a real cool line outfit, name of lst Armored Knights of the Round Table. Top honcho of this pack was a loaded old -cat, name of King Arthur, who, because he had drag up at personnel managed to staff the outfit with some rea) sharp types. Besides, they were really ape, and between the Old Man being bugs for shining armor and a pack of crazy cats hot for jousting and dragon-killing scenes, this mob was like murder when it came to mortal combat.




In olden da4s when knights were bold, The4 kept tents "tight" and free of mold; Kept ropes unfra4ed; Sewed seams that sta4ed'Twas P*M helped a knight get old!!

In olden da4s when knights were bold, The4 kept tents "tight" and free of mold; Kept ropes unfra4ed; Sewed seams that sta4ed'Twas P*M helped a knight get old!!

01' Arthur was one shook·up king. Not only will his chance for a second star, but the outfit will stock in the fief.


Are you sure you gave m the right scoop in Issue 89 all the hydrostatic tests /01' COt fi1'e extil1,gllishers? AR 700-8120-1 (25 Sep 59), which covers Safe Handling, St01'-ing, Shipping, Use, and Disposal of Compressed Gas Cylinders, says YOIl give CO! cylinders a hydrostatic test every five years-only if they are empty. Otherwise, you empty filled cylinders and hydrostatically test them before refilling if it has been 12 years since they were tested before. If'hat say YOII? Lt B. J. B.

Dear Lt B. J. B., At the time the article in PS 89 was set up, the infoon the S-year hydrostatic tests was the straight dope based on AR 700·8120·1 (26 Aug .55). But, tight after that the new AR came out superseding the o ld regs and changing the hydrostatic tests from five to twelve years if the extinguisher has not been discharged. You still have to test the cy linder if it has been emptied and,five years have gone by since the last test.




Dear Half-Mast, HO"lV can we clea11- the track ,'adar radolllcs at 011-1' Nike-HerclI les site? Th ey J, 'e

dirty !rolll'diesel smoke. Dear Specialist 1. P.,

SP5 L. P.

The only way of cleaning the cadomes that Ordnance OK's is in TM-9

1430-2;3-20. And on page 199 it says use soap and water. You can also use


a mild liquid detergent-a s long as you follow the directions on the can. It says to do the cleaning once a month-but you can do it more ohen. If you want to remove the radome so you have it fairly flat for working on, that's all right, too. Don't rub so hard that you batter the radome, tho. JUSt don't go fooling around with And don't go fooling around with solvcnts-ca roon tet, turpentine, vola- paint or some other coating to make the tile mineral spirits and the like-you radomes real white. That stuff fouls up think might make the radomes real the radar. white. They might ... and also ruin the Remember ... weather, smoke and silicone rubber covering in the process. what-have-y ou are working on the raThe same goes with brushes and clean- domes all the time. You'll never get iog powders and pastes made with abra- them as clean as the first day they were sives. They're too rough. 3 / ut up.


GROUNDED GASSER Dear Sgl Half-Mast, 11:7hat is the regulation way to g1'OU1J.d the iU13lA2 gasolinc semi-trailer? I have made a local fix but it's a lot of trouble. There mmt be an easier way. Capt T. C.

Dear Capt T. C, TB 9·2300·212·20 (21 Jan 59) has

all the details for rigging a ground line including the FSN's for the needed parts .

the dope on grounding any kind of a gasoline tank vehicle. This TB also has


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