Pars II : Roma Aeterna 9781585103140, 9781585102334

Lingua Latina is a complete immersion course providing Latin that students read and understand immediately. Every senten

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Latin Pages [482] Year 2003

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Table of contents :
Index Capitulorum
XXXVI: Roma Aeterna
XXXVII: Troia Capta
XXXVIII: Pius Aeneas
XXXIX: Karthago
XL: Infelix Dido
XLI: Origines
XLII: Bellum et Pax
XLIII: Roma et Alba
XLIV: Reges et Reginae
XLV: Roma Liberta
XLVI: Post Reges Exactos
XLVII: Graeci et Romani
XLVIII: Bellum Punicum Secundum
XLIX: Hannibal
L: Graecia Liberta
LI: Scipio Aemilianus
LII: Iugurtha
LIII: Marius et Sulla
LIV: Cn. Pompeius Magnus
LV: De Re Publica
LVI: Somnium Scipionis

Fasti Consulares
Fasti Triumphales
Index Nominum
Index Vocabulorum
Themata Commutata
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Pars II : Roma Aeterna
 9781585103140, 9781585102334

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