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Honnold Library, Wig 1, f. 183v, St. Peter. Similar to the work of M e m m o di Filippuccio, who painted in Siena in the early fourteenth century.
Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Claremont Libraries
C. W. DUTSCHKE and R. H. ROUSE with the assistance of MIRELLA FERRARI
Los Angeles
Roger B. Berry, J. Richard Blanchard, Vinton Dealing, James Deetz, Robert D. Harlan, John W. Tanno, D. K. Wilgus
Volume 3
Library of Congress C a t a l o g i n g - i n - P u b l i c a t i o n D a t a Dutschke, C . W. M e d i e v a l a n d R e n a i s s a n c e m a n u s c r i p t s in the C l a r e m o n t libraries. (University of C a l i f o r n i a publications. C a t a l o g s a n d bibliographies; v. 3) " P u b l i s h e d u n d e r the auspices of the C e n t e r for M e d i e v a l a n d R e n a i s s a n c e Studies, University of California, Los A n g e l e s " — P . Includes indexes. 1. M a n u s c r i p t s — C a l i f o r n i a — C l a r e m o n t — U n i o n lists. 2. M a n u s c r i p t s , M e d i e v a l — C a l i f o r n i a — C l a r e m o n t — U n i o n lists. 3. M a n u s c r i p t s , R e n a i s s a n c e — C a l i f o r n i a — C l a r e m o n t — U n i o n lists. 4. H o n n o l d L i b r a r y for the Associated Colleges—Catalogs. 5. N o r m a n F. S p r a g u e M e m o r i a l L i b r a r y — C a t a l o g s . 6. Ella S t r o n g D e n i s o n Library—Catalogs. 7. C a t a l o g s , U n i o n — C a l i f o r n i a — Claremont. I. R o u s e , R i c h a r d H . II. Ferrari, M i r e l l a . III. University of C a l i f o r n i a , Los Angeles. C e n t e r for M e d i e v a l a n d R e n a i s s a n c e Studies. I V . Title. V. Series. Z6621.H5814 1986 016.09r09794'93 I S B N 0-520-09644-4 ( p b k . : alk. p a p e r )
C. W. Dutschke
D. J. Dutschke
R. H. Rouse
I. Claremont Libraries
Published under the auspices of the
For the Claremont Libraries
List of Manuscripts
Form of Entry
Descriptions of Manuscripts
Claremont Colleges, Honnold Library
Bodman 1 Burton 1 Clary 1 Crispin 1-42 Wig 1 Loose leaves H M 127-131 and 5 Ege leaves Scripps College, Denison Library
5 6 8 9 80 81 83
Dixon 1 Kirby 1-2 Perkins 1-4 Scripps 1 Loose leaves 1-44
84 85 90 97 99
Claremont Colleges, Sprague Library, Hoover H 39
School ofTheology at Claremont, Library, MSS 1-2
Francis Bacon Foundation Library, MS 20
List of Figures
147 vii
It is a pleasure to thank those who helped us over a number of years with various aspects of this catalogue. For valuable advice and criticism regarding individual descriptions we are indebted to François Avril, John F. Benton, Leonard E. Boyle O.P., Natalie Z. Davis, Christopher de Hamel, Albert Derolez, A. Ian Doyle, the late Neil R . Ker, Paul O. Kristeller, Stephan Kuttner, J a m e s H . Marrow, Pieter F. J . Obbema, Nigel G. Palmer, Malcolm B. Parkes, J o s é Ruysschaert, Kathleen L. Scott, and Philip E. Webber. Their interest and knowledge have saved us from many errors and omissions; those that remain are our responsibility. We also thank the staff of the Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes, Paris; of the Bodleian Library, Oxford; of the Huntington Library, San Marino; of the University Research Library, University of California, Los Angeles; and that of Dawson's Book Shop, Los Angeles, all of whom graciously answered our inquiries. The production of this catalogue was supported by grants from the Honnold Library, Claremont, and the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, U C L A . Abigail Bok, Nicholas Goodhue, and Terry Nixon assisted with the preparation of the text and the index. The catalogue would nòt have been undertaken or completed without the help of the librarians of the Claremont Colleges, in particular Patrick Barkey, Director of Libraries; Ruth Hauser, Head of Special Collections, now retired; J u d y Harvey Sahak, Librarian of Denison Library and Assistant Director of Libraries. J e a n Beckner, in the department of Special Collections, is also remembered with appreciation. In recent years, the department of Special Collections under the able direction of Tania Rizzo has continued to be an efficient and congenial place to work. We are grateful for her unfailing assistance. Mirella Ferrari generously offered her knowledge and her time through the first draft of this catalogue, before returning to the Università del Sacro Cuore in Milan. Carol D. Lanham saw the catalogue through numerous revisions; we have benefited from and thank her for her learned and cheerful guidance. C. W. D. R . H. R .
The Claremont Colleges, located in Claremont, California, are an association of six independent schools. The largest and oldest, founded in 1887, is Pomona College; more recent are the Claremont Graduate School, Scripps College, Claremont M c K e n n a College, Harvey M u d d College and Pitzer College. Each school preserves its independence in setting standards for students and selecting faculty, and enjoys the flexibility of a small school while sharing the larger facilities as a group: auditorium, medical services, and the main library. Affiliated with the Claremont Colleges are three additional institutions: the School of Theology at Claremont, the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, and the Francis Bacon Foundation. T h e Claremont Colleges are served by the central Honnold Library, which houses the major portion of the fifty-eight codices described in this catalogue. Eight manuscripts are in the Denison Library of Scripps College; the Sprague Library on the Harvey M u d d campus has one. Of the affiliated institutions, the School of Theology at Claremont has two manuscripts, and the Francis Bacon Foundation has another.' These books are psalters, hours, collections of sermons and law books. Few of them are illustrated, many are owner-produced, most date from the later middle ages. Among these books are several that are good examples of their type of material, such as the twelfth-century collection of sermons (Crispin 24) that belonged to the Augustinians of Rebdorf and is still in its fifteenth-century abbey binding. Others are the twelfth-century English patristic florilegium (Crispin 25), which belonged to the antiquary Sir Roger Twysden, or the late twelfth-century manuscript that belonged to J o h n Kemp, archbishop of York from 1426 to 1452, in which were found several letters of Bernard of Clairvaux with significant textual variants (Crispin 26). A fine example of fifteenthcentury Carthusian book production still in its original binding is seen in Crispin 35, from St. Barbara's in Cologne. A typical Franciscan book is Crispin 41: as many as eight people worked on the copying of its many sections in a sometimes irregular fashion, sending the reader backward or forward to find the next portion of the text. Among the illuminated books to be noted is the pontifical copied for Raoul du Fou between 1473 and 1479, while he was bishop of Angouleme (Perkins 3); there is a superb Flemish book of hours, probably commissioned for the wedding of one of the counselors of Philip the Good (Kirby 1), and a handsome fifteenth-century Italian book of hours made in Florence for a member of the Strozzi family (Bodman 1). Together the manuscripts in the Claremont Colleges form a valuable resource for the study of medieval life and thought. • 1. O n the libraries and their various collections, see the booklet published by the Claremont Colleges, Special Collections at the Claremont Colleges and Affiliated Institutions. XI
Claremont Colleges, Honnold L i b r a r y Bodman Burton Clary Crispin
1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Book of hours, Italy, s. xv 2 Vitaspatrum, Germany, s. xv m c l 1 Processional, Italy, s. xiv Bible, France (?), s. xm 2 Bible, France (?), s. x i i i Bible, England, s. xiv c x Excerpts from the Bible, Flanders or France, s. xvi Psalter, England, s. xiv 2 Psalter, Germany, s. xiv 2 Psalter, Italy, s. xv 2 Psalter, Germany, s. xv 2 Psalter, Germany, s. xv 2 Martyrology, Germany, 1426 Martyrology, Italy, s. xv"11''1 Missal, France, s. xv ,m ' li and xvi m Antiphonal, Italy, 1545-46 Processional, France, s. xv c x and xvi' Breviary, England, s. xiv c x Breviary, Italy, s. xv 2 Breviary, Italy, s. xv 2 Book of hours, France, s. xv™ Book of hours, France, s. xv' n Book of hours, Netherlands, s. xv 2 , in Dutch Book of hours, Netherlands, s. xv e x , in Dutch Book of hours, Flanders, s. xv 2 Devotions, France, s. xvi c x , in French Patristic miscellany, Germany, s. xn 2 Patristic miscellany, England, s. x n m e d Bernard, letters, England, s. xii-xm, xv Bernard, sermons, France, s. xn 2 Bernard, sermons, Germany, s. xv 2 2
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Wig 1
Bernard, sermons, Netherlands, 1457, in Dutch Nicholas of Gorran, sermons, Germany, s. XIII 2 Jacobus de Voragine, sermons, England, s. xv m e d and xv e x Jacobus Magnus, Liber sophilogii, France, s. xv m t d Unidentified sermons, Italy, s. xv c x Ludolph of Saxony, Commentary on the Psalms, Italy, s. xv m c d Chrysostom, works, Germany, after 1451 Peraldus, Tractatus de virtutibus, Italy, s. xiv e x Augustinian statutes, France, s. xv 2 and xvi 1 Gregory IX, Decretals, England, s. xm mL ' d Clarus of Florence, Summa, Italy, s. xv 2 Antoninus, De restitutionibus, Italy, s. xv 2 Franciscan miscellany, Italy, s. xv 2 Valerius Maximus, Italy, s. xv 1 Antiphonal, Italy, s. xiv m 10 Loose leaves
Scripps College, Denison Library Dixon 1 Kirby 1 2 Perkins 1 2 3 4 Scripps 1
Book of hours, Italy, s. xv' x Book of hours, Flanders, ca. 1480, partly in Flemish Cicero, De officiis, Italy, s. xv 2 Bible, France, s. XIII 2 Antiphonal, Italy, s. xiv m e d Pontifical, France, s. xv 2 Gradual, France, s. xvi , n Statute book, England, s. xiv 1 44 Loose leaves
Claremont Colleges, Sprague Library Hoover H 39
Bartholomaeus Anglicus, Italy, s. xv
School of Theology at Claremont MS 1 MS 2
Book of hours, Flanders, s. xv 2 Hymnary, Germany, s. xvi'
Francis Bacon Foundation Library M S 20
Life of Anthony abbot, Netherlands, s. xv n , e d , in Dutch
Psalter, England, ca. 1400 Seneca, Italy, s. xv Peter Lombard, England, ca. 1200 Book of hours, France, s. xv t x Book of hours, France, s. xv l n Missal, Netherlands, s. xv 2 Book of hours, 3 leaves, Flanders, s. xv 2 XIV
This catalogue includes the medieval and renaissance manuscripts, to approximately the year 1600, held by the Claremont Colleges and their affiliated institutions: codices and fragments are included; documents, autograph letters, student notebooks, binding fragments, and manuscript text or decoration in incunabula have been excluded. T h e catalogue describes only the manuscripts in Latin script (usually in Latin but a few in Dutch, Flemish, or French). The format used in the descriptions follows that used by N. R. Ker in Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries (Oxford 1969- ). 1. Heading. Each entry begins with library and call number, figure number (if any) in this catalogue, author and brief title, place and date. T h e place and date, when not actually specified in the manuscript (as in Crispin 10), have been determined by style of script and of decoration and, when applicable, by external evidence (as in Crispin 35) or by liturgical evidence. T h e use of books of hours has been identified either by rubrics in the manuscript itself (as in Bodman 1) or by comparison against the tests set forth by F. Madan, " T h e Localization of Manuscripts," in Essays in History Presented to Reginald Lane Poole, ed. H . W. C. Davis (Oxford 1927) 21-29. Place names refer to geographical regions, rather than to modern political entities. T h e sigla used for the dates of the manuscripts are: s. XIII m (saeculo X I I I ineunte) for the beginning of the thirteenth century; s. XIII 1 for the first half of the century; s. XIII m e d (saeculo X I I I medio) for the middle of the century; s. XIII 2 for the second half of the century; s. XIII e x (saeculo X I I I exeunte) for the end of the century; s. X I I I - X I V for the turn of the thirteenth to the fourteenth century. 2. Contents. In the case of Crispin 24, a composite volume of two originally separate books bound together not later than the fifteenth century, the two books are described first in their contents, then in their physical aspect under roman numerals I and II. Within the contents section of this and all other manuscripts, the text is broken into arabic numbered sections for ease of reference; the numbered sections do not always correspond to obvious divisions in the manuscripts (especially in long series of prayers in devotional books) and were fixed by the compilers of the catalogue. T h e order of the texts is usually that now present in the manuscript, even if there is evidence that certain leaves were once bound in a different position (as in Crispin 1); however, when a change in binding has resulted in a disordered text, it has been reestablished artificially in the description by giving the folio numbers in the correct, not the sequential order (as in Crispin 20). The folios covered are shown by a numeral alone if a recto is intended, and XV
by a numeral with a lower case " v " for a verso; the form " f . l r - v " means that both recto and verso of that single leaf are considered; " a " and " b " refer to the first and the second column on a given page. In transcription, all abbreviations have been expanded silently. Square brackets signal an offered but uncertain transcription, enclosing either the doubtful words, word, or part of word, or a question mark which refers to the immediately preceding word. Angle brackets occur where no solution for the difficulty is attempted; they may enclose a question mark or a reason for the complete illegibility, such as " < d a m a g e d > . " T h e spelling of the manuscript has been preserved, with "[«'c]" added only when the form of the word seemed unlikely or such as to cause the reader to suspect a typographical error. We have retained the manuscripts' §/e/ae, as they show relative distance from classical Latin; i/j, however, have been uniformly rendered as i; u/v have been distinguished according to modern use for ease of reading. Proper nouns are capitalized. Rubrics, whether in red ink, underlined, in a display script, or merely distinguished from the main body of the text by a space, are here rendered in italics. In the case of the series of brief texts or excerpts in patristic miscellanies, we have given only the rubric (omitting incipit and explicit of the text); in the case of series of prayers, we have preferred, as an aid to identification, to give a slightly longer incipit and no explicit, since the prayers tend to end with long, and frequently interchangeable, formulas. In liturgical books, saints' names are generally given in the form used by F. G. Holweck, A Biographical Dictionary of the Saints (St. Louis 1924), a convenient standard. A double diagonal slash means that a text begins or ends defectively; ellipses signal omitted text. Following each of the numbered sections of the text, where applicable, is a brief bibliographical notice of editions, of lists of manuscripts, of identifying number in the appropriate repertory (e.g., Schneyer, Stegmuller, Walther). 3. Physical description. This is principally in the order in which the book was produced. T h e term " p a r c h m e n t " is used throughout for all animal skins, since the traditional distinction between it and vellum seems to have been based more on quality of preparation than on knowledge of biological differences between sheepskin and calfskin. For manuscripts on paper, we have attempted to identify watermarks according to their similarity, or least dissimilarity, to the tracings in Briquet. T h e number of leaves is in roman numerals for endleaves, arabic for those of the book itself. Measurements are in millimeters: first, height and width of the book; then, in parentheses, height and width of the ruled space. T h e numbers are, of course, approximations, since within any book (especially when not cropped by a modern binder) there is considerable variation; we have preferred to measure ruled rather than written space, because it seemed to offer more consistency (for example, in top lines with many ascenders or no ascenders, or in bottom lines with variable number of descenders), and the term "ruled space" seemed to include the situations of pages in double columns and of pages of music more readily. The collation uses arabic numerals for the gatherings, with the number of leaves in that gathering in a suprascript arabic numeral; irregularities are given in parentheses, with the number showing the position in the quire of the irregular leaf; thus 1 8 (—6) means a quire of eight leaves of which the sixth is missing; 1B( + 9) means that the quire of eight leaves has a leaf added in the ninth position, i.e. at the end. Ruling is specified as to device used or color (hard or dry point; lead, i.e. in a scratchy gray or black; crayon, i.e. in a scratchy brown; ink; pale red ink); owner-produced manuscripts were often frame ruled, with no horizontal lines to guide the copyist. An effort has been made to distinguish the number of copyists and the leaves copied by each. Scripts are identified by a relatively restricted and simple nomenclature. Although punctuation is normalized to modern use in the transcription of the text, in the physical description we have recorded the presence in the manuscript of the flex mark (7). As regards decoration, the height of XVI
initials is given in number of vertical lines of text space occupied; " c a d e l " is used to describe the elaborate penwork initials in the ink of the text; colors are mentioned summarily since their names are too subjective to be of value. T h e subjects of the miniatures have been given in brief terms and, in the case of liturgical books and particularly books of hours, tied to the text to which they belong, since the two function as a cohesive unit. T h e binding statement is somewhat more expansive for medieval or renaissance bindings than for early modern or modern bindings. 4. Provenance. This section deals with the origin and subsequent ownership of the manuscript. In it we have summarized the evidence regarding date and place of origin given in the contents and physical description sections. 5. A secundo folio reference (the opening words of the second leaf) is supplied for manuscripts that may have belonged to an institution in the middle ages and thus have been listed in a medieval inventory; renaissance manuscripts, books of hours, and books that now lack their second leaf have no secundo folio reference in this catalogue. 6. Bibliography. T h e bibliography cited here refers to the manuscript as a whole, rather than to its parts.
Bloomfield, Virtues and Vices M . W. Bloomfield et al., Incipits of Latin Works on the Virtues and Vices, 1100-1500 (Cambridge, Mass. 1979).
Bond and Faye, Supplement Supplement to the Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, originated by C. U. Faye, continued and edited by W. H . Bond (New York 1962). Briquet C. M . Briquet, Les filigranes, facsimile of the 1907 edition with supplementary material, ed. A. Stevenson, 4 vols. (Amsterdam 1968). de Bruyne, Prefaces [D. de Bruyne], Les préfaces de la Bible ( N a m u r 1920). de Bruyne, Sommaires [D. de Bruyne], Sommaires, divisions et rubriques de la Bible latine ( N a m u r 1914). de la Mare, Lyell Cat. A. de la Mare, Catalogue of the Collection of Medieval Manuscripts Bequeathed to the Bodleian Library, Oxford, by James P. R. Lyell (Oxford 1971). De Ricci, Census S. De Ricci, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, 3 vols. (New York 1935-1940). HE C. Wordsworth, ed., Horae Eboracenses, Publications of the Surtees Society 132 (Durham and London 1920). Ker N. R. Ker, Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries, 3 vols, to date (Oxford 1969- ). xix
Leroquais V. Leroquais, Les livres d'heures manuscrits 1927); Supplément (Mâcon 1943).
de la Bibliothèque
2 vols. (Paris
Lieftinck G. I. Lieftinck, Codices 168-360 Societatis Cui Nomen Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde, Bibliotheca Universitatis Leidensis, Codices Manuscripti 5/1 (Leiden 1948). Mansi,
G. D. Mansi et al., Sacrorum conciliorum Paris, Arnhem 1759-1927).
nova et amplissima
collectio (Florence, Venice,
Meertens M . Meertens, De godsvrucht
in de Nederlanden,
pts. 1-3, 6 (Antwerp 1930-1934).
MGH Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Oldham J . B. Oldham, English Blind-stamped
Bindings (Cambridge 1952).
PG J . P. M igne, ed., Patrologia
J . P. Migne, ed., Patrologia
Potthast A. Potthast, Regesta pontificum
2 vols. (Berlin 1874-1875).
RH U. Chevalier, Repertorium
6 vols. (Louvain and Brussels 1892-1921).
Rietstap J . B. Rietstap, Armorial général, ed. 2 (Gouda 1884-1887); Plates (Paris-The Hague 1903-1926); Supplements by V. Rolland and H. Rolland (The Hague 1926-1951). RS Rolls Series. Schneyer, Repertorium J . B. Schneyer, Repertorium der lateinischen Sermones des Mittelalters, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters, Texte und Untersuchungen 43, in 9 vols. (Münster 1969-1980).
Sinclair K. V. Sinclair, Descriptive Catalogue of Medieval and Renaissance Western Manuscripts in Australia (Sydney 1969). SMRL S . J . P. Van Dijk, Sources of the Modern Roman Liturgy, Studia et Documenta Franciscana 1-2 (Leiden 1963). Sonet J . Sonet, Répertoire d'incipit de prières en ancien français, Société de publications romanes et françaises 54 (Geneva 1956). SOPMA T h . Kaeppeli, Scriptores ordinis praedicatorum medii aevi, 3 vols, to date (Rome 1970- ). SR The Statutes of the Realm, ed. A. Luders et al., 11 vols, in 12 (London 1810-1828). Stegmüller F. Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum medii aevi, 11 vols. (Madrid 1950-1980). Walther, Initia H . Walther, Initia carminum ac versuum medii aevi posterions latinorum (Göttingen 1959). Walther, Proverbia H . Waither, Proverbia sententiaeque latinitatis medii aevi: Lateinische Sprichwörter und Sentenzen des Mittelalters, 6 vols, and, in new series, vols. 7-8 to date (Göttingen 1963- ). Weale W. H . J . Weale, Bookbindings and Rubbings of Bindings in the National Art Library, South Kensington Museum (London 1898). Wilmart A. Wilmart, Auteurs spirituels et textes dévots du moyen âge latin (Paris 1932). Zumkeller A. Zumkeller, Manuskripte von Werken der Autoren des Augustiner-Eremitenordens in mitteleuropäischen Bibliotheken, Cassiciacum 20 (Würzburg 1966).
The main library of the Claremont Colleges is named in honor of the man who endowed it, William Lincoln Honnold, a mining engineer. Before his death in 1950, he had begun arrangements for the construction of the building. His wife, Caroline Honnold, was also active in encouraging this venture, and their continued support resulted in the completion of the William L. Honnold Library, dedicated in 1952. The manuscripts housed in Honnold Library were donated to the Claremont Colleges through the generosity of many individuals, the largest group having been given by Dr. Egerton L. Crispin. Dr. Crispin was born on 10 October 1877 in Salem County, New Jersey, and graduated with the degree of M . D . from Johns Hopkins University in 1906. He did postgraduate work in London and at the University of Minnesota. In 1913 he married Angela Shipman, a niece of Mrs. Honnold. In 1916 Dr. Crispin began practicing medicine in Los Angeles; he also was Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles, and held the rank of captain in the U . S . Navy Medical Corps. In 1950 he became a Fellow of the Claremont University Center. A member of the Zamorano Club, Dr. Crispin had wide-ranging interests as a book collector: his collection included incunabula, early printed books, examples of fine binding, and a few oriental manuscripts, as well as the western medieval and renaissance manuscripts described in this catalogue. These forty-two medieval manuscripts were acquired during the years 1933-1937; twenty-seven of them have been identified in the sale catalogues or the Special Lists of Dawson's Book Shop in Los Angeles from that period, and they bear on the inner cover in pencil the Dawson price code and the date when Dr. Crispin purchased them. In the case of the manuscripts not identified in Dawson sale catalogues or Special Lists, but with these penciled notes, it may be assumed that they too were bought from Dawson's, but immediately upon delivery of a shipment, before the catalogues were printed; the manuscripts not in Dawson sale catalogues were purchased between 1933 and 1936. Of the forty-two Crispin manuscripts, slightly over one fourth came from the library of John Meade Falkner. Meade Falkner (1858-1932) was educated at Hertford College, Oxford, to which he was named honorary Fellow in 1927- He was private tutor to the sons of Sir Andrew Noble, and later entered the armaments firm of Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd., in whose service he traveled extensively, particularly to the Balkans. He was named honorary Librarian to the Dean and Chapter of Durham Cathedral, and was honorary Reader in Paleography at the University of Durham. He published guidebooks, historical essays, poetry, and three novels (the draft of a 3
fourth was lost on a train). H e was buried in the churchyard of Burford, a village in the Cotswolds, which owes much to his generosity. His library, composed of both manuscript and printed books and devoted to the history of liturgy, was sold at auction after his death by testamentary direction. The Side was held at Sotheby's, 12 December 1932; thirteen of Falkner's manuscripts were eventually to become Crispin's, now numbered 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 37, and a further manuscript now in Utrecht (see Appendix, VI, Missal). Most of these passed through Marks and Co. of 10 Charing Cross Road, London, then by boat through the Panama Canal to Dawson's Book Shop of Los Angeles, where they were acquired by Dr. Crispin in 1933 (three of the Falkner manuscripts, Crispin 5, 13, and 17, have not been identified in Dawson catalogues, but they bear the usual penciled notes and the date 1933). Two Falkner manuscripts passed from the Sotheby sale rooms to T h o r p (Crispin 8), and to Sutton (Crispin 37). Crispin 8 has not been identified in Dawson sale catalogues, although it does have the penciled notes and the date 1936. Crispin 37, which went to Sutton at the Falkner sale, appears in Dawson catalogues in 1935 and 1936; it was bought by Crispin in 1937. Dr. Crispin began giving his collection to Honnold Library at least as early as 1955 (see Appendix, III, Peter Lombard); in 1961, another segment of the collection was donated; the bulk came to Claremont in 1964, following Dr. Crispin's death in 1963. The lawyers' inventory made at that time lists 176 items, both manuscript and printed. A later, but imprecise, inventory, compiled in 1966-1967 by a Claremont Colleges student, C. Robert Cole, lists 114 items, again counting early printed books and manuscripts of varying dates and languages. During the period ca. 1969-1970 a number of early printed books and manuscripts were stolen from the Special Collections Department in Honnold Library. One of these, Crispin 26, a late twelfth-century volume of St. Bernard's letters, was returned to Honnold Library in 1973 after a brief stay in Yale's Beinecke Library; several loose leaves were returned by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1974. In the interest of reconstructing the Crispin collection, we are giving descriptions of the missing manuscripts in the Appendix. T h e Crispin manuscripts are presented in the order of their call numbers. T h e numbers were assigned to them in 1978 by the compilers of the present catalogue, so as to render them a coherent unit, distinct from the printed books and oriental manuscripts also given to the Claremont Colleges by Dr. Crispin. This accounts for the continuity of the Crispin numbers with no gaps for the stolen manuscripts. Another distinct unit in Honnold Library is the collection formed by Paul J o r d a n Smith of materials relating to Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. Mr. J o r d a n Smith, literary editor of the Los Angeles Times in the 1940s, gave this and other collections to the Claremont Colleges in memory of his wife, Sarah Bixby-Smith, whose family was among the early settlers of California. Mr. J o r d a n Smith carefully prepared the catalogue of this collection; 1 in addition to the printed books, there is a German manuscript of the Vitaspatrum. In 1956 Harold C. Bodman, of Santa Barbara, California, donated to the Claremont Colleges his Italian renaissance collection, including many editions, translations, and studies of the major figures of fifteenth-century Florence: Poliziano, Ficino, Pico della Mirandola, Cristoforo Landino, Leonardo Bruni, Luigi Pulci; there are also more than twenty autograph letters of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, described by Bond • 1. P . J o r d a n S m i t h , e d . , Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy and Burtoniana ( C l a r e m o n t 1959).
and Faye, Supplement, p. 15, and more fully by W. H . J . Kennedy in Studies in the Renaissance 7 (1960) 67-75. Mr. Bodman continued to work actively on his collection until he died in I960. 2 It was during this period that he acquired the book of hours, now in Honnold Library, that bears the arms of the Strozzi family. In 1961 the Special Collections Department of Honnold Library was enriched by the gift of a fourteenth-century Italian antiphonal from Rudolph J . Wig, who had been associated with the Claremont Colleges ever since his eldest daughter chose to attend Pomona College. He was a trustee of that school from 1929 until shortly before his death in 1968, and served as Chairman of the Board for several terms. 3 T h e antiphonal is an expression of his lifelong interest in music. Housed in the Oxford Room in Honnold Library is an extensive working collection of materials on the history of that university, 4 given in 1936 to the Claremont Colleges by William W. Clary (1888-1971), a Los Angeles lawyer who had graduated from Pomona College in 1911. Mr. Clary believed firmly in the value of this federation of small liberal arts schools, patterned in a general way on the Oxford system, and he wrote an administrative history of the Claremont Colleges. 5 H e served as trustee of Pomona College and was on the board of Claremont University Center for many years; he was a charter member of the Friends of the Huntington Library, and a founding member of the Zamorano Club; while his interests were directed to fine printing (he had a small press in his attic), he also owned a manuscript processional, which he bequeathed to the Claremont Colleges in 1971. 6
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, B O D M A N 1 m B O O K O F H O U R S , use of R o m e • Italy, s. X V 2 1.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Figs. 31, 32
ff. l - 1 2 v : Calendar including the feasts of Herculanus (1 March), Zenobius (25 May, in red), Proculus (1 June), Laurentinus and Pergentinus (3 June), Alexander bishop (6 June), Romulus (6 July), Nabor and Felix (12 July), Anne (26 July), "Sancte Marie ad nives" (5 August, in red), Transfiguration (6 August, in red), Donatus (7 August), Concordia (13 August), Potitus (6 September), Salvius (10 September), Reparata (8 October, in red), Cerbonius (10 October), " F i d r i a n i " (sic, for Frediano; 18 November), Florentinus bishop (30 December). ff. 13-11 lv: Incipit offitium beate Marie virginis secundum consuetudinem romane curie [Salve regina follows Compline; the Advent office begins on f. 99v], ff. 112-176v: Office of the Dead; f. 112, written space removed and reattached, f. 177r-v ruled but blank. ff. 178-214: Long Hours of the Cross . . . Hymnus, In passione Domini . . . ; f. 178 removed and shelved as Bodman la. ff. 214v-215v ruled but blank. ff. 216-221: Short Hours of the Cross . . . Hymnus, Patris sapientia. . . . f. 221v ruled but blank.
• 2. M a r g a r e t M u l h a u s e r , " T h e B o d m a n Italian R e n a i s s a n c e C o l l e c t i o n , " Honnold Library Record 15 (1974) 6 - 8 . • 3. Clifford M . D r u r y , Rudolph James Wig: Engineer, Pomona College Trustee, Presbyterian Layman ( G l e n d a l e , Calif.: A . H . C l a r k , 1968). • 4. [ G r a c e M . Briggs], The William W. Clary Oxford Collection: A Descriptive Catalogue ( C l a r e m o n t 1956). • 5. W i l l i a m W . C l a r y , The Claremont Colleges: A History of the Development of the Claremont Group Plan (Clarem o n t , Calif.: C l a r e m o n t University C e n t e r , 1970). • 6. William W . C l a r y , History of the Law Firm of O'Melveny & Meyers, 1885-1965, 2 vols. (Los Angeles, privately p r i n t e d , 1966) 1 : 3 3 3 - 3 3 8 .
6. 7.
ff. 222-239: Penitential psalms. ff. 239-252: Litany,'including Zenobius; orations, f. 252v ruled but blank.
Parchment (prepared in the Italian fashion), ff. ii (paper, modern) + 252 + ii (paper, modern); 130 x 88 (70 x 43) m m . I 12 2-11 1 0 128(+ 9) 13-17 10 186 19-21'° 22" 236 24-25 10 2612(— 12). Catchwords bottom center between flourishes; leaves signed with letter of the alphabet and roman numeral. 12 long lines ruled in pale ink, single bounding lines. Written by 1 person in an Italian liturgical gothic book hand (littera textualis formata); black Italian ink flaking off. "Canceled i " line fillers. 6-line historiated initials with full borders of foliage, flowers, birds, putti, and gold balls; the border on f. 13 also contains a wreath supported by 2 putti displaying the Strozzi arms; f. 13 (Hours of the Virgin), Virgin and Child, half length; f. 112 (Office of the Dead), skeleton, half length, with gold scythe; f. 178 (Long Hours of the Cross), Christ with crown of thorns, showing the wounds; this leaf was cut from the manuscript ca. 1969-1970 but returned to Honnold Library in March 1974 by the Federal Bureau of Investigation; now shelved as Bodman l a (see Appendix, p. 116); f. 216 (Short Hours of the Cross), gold cross on the mount; f. 222 (Penitential psalms), David, half length, with gold nimbus, playing a psaltery. Primary initials, 4-line, designating hours within the Office of the Virgin, finely painted in blue or pink, lined with yellow, with stylized flowers in the centers, the whole set on a gold background, acanthus leaves and gold balls in the margin; secondary initials, 2-line, alternating blue and gold with red and blue penwork extending the length of the column and terminating in fine scrolls and leaves; minor initials, 1-line, in blue and gold with red and blue harping. Bound in green morocco with gilt chain motif border and gilt urns stamped in the 4 corners and on the spine, gilt goffered edges, s. X V I I I e x . Written in Florence, to judge from the calendar, probably for a member of the Strozzi family, whose arms, or on a fess gules three crescents argent, appear on the opening page of the Hours, f. 13. Belonged to Alfred Higgens, F.S.A. (bookplate inside front cover; signature, date of 1891, and note on f. i verso regarding the Strozzi book of hours in Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, M S 153); his sale, Sotheby's, 2 May 1904, lot 176 to Quaritch; acquired by Sir Sydney C. Cockerell (1867-1962), with his collation, name, and the date 28 April 1905 on f. ii; acquired from him by C. W. Dyson Perrins (1864-1958), whose bookplate and label no. 78 are on the front pastedown; his label " 7 8 " is repeated on the slipcase, and " 1 3 " on the rear pastedown; see George Warner, A Descriptive Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts in the Library of C. W. Dyson Perrins, 2 vols. (Oxford 1920) 1:185-186, no. 78. Dyson Perrins sale, Sotheby's, part II, 1 December 1959, lot 83, reduced plate of ff. 13, 112, 178, and 222; purchased by Harold Bodman, with whose collection of renaissance books it came to Honnold Library. Bibliography: Margaret Mulhauser, " T h e Bodman Italian Renaissance Collection," Honnold Library Record 15 (1974) 6-8, with plate of Bodman M S 1, f. 143v, on p. 1.
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, B U R T O N 1 m V I T A S P A T R U M • Northern Germany, s. X V m e d 1.
Fig. 12
ff. l - 3 3 v : Incipit prologus beati Iheronimi presbyteri in primum librum de vitis et doctrinis sanctorum patrum, Benedictus Deus qui vult omnes homines salvos fieri . . . ; f. 2 6
[text] Incipit liber primus de vitis et doctrinis sanctorum patrum editus ab Iheronimo. De sancto Iohanne abbate capitulum primum, Primum igitur tamquam verum fundamentum nostri operis . . . et tanta nobis ostendit mirabilia ipsi gloria in secula seculorum. Amen. Explicit liber primus vitaspatrum. [PL 21:387-462.] ff. 33v-62v: Incipit prologus in librum secundum, Vere m u n d u m quis dubitet meritis stare sanctorum . . . ; f. 34 [text] Incipit liber secundus de verbis et doctrinis sanctorum patrum, Quidam sanctorum seniorum patrum interrogantibus se monachis de causa abstinentie dixit . . . quia interiori homini nostro sanitas inde crescit. Explicit liber secundus. [PL 73:739-810.] ff. 62v-85v: Incipit prologus Palladii episcopi in librum tercium de vitis et doctrinis sanctorum patrum, Multa quidem et varia diversis temporibus a diversis conscripta habentur . . . ; f. 63 [text] Incipit liber tercius editus a Palladio episcopo de sancto Ysodoro [sic] abbate, D u m primum ad Alexandriam perrexissem civitatem . . . quia nondum factus sum monachus suspiravi enim coram te. Explicit liber vitaspatrum tercius. [PL 74:343-382.] ff. 85v-158v: Incipit prologus in librum quartum de verbis et exemplis sanctorum patrum cuius principium Pelagius sancte romane ecclesie dyaconus ex inde vero Iohannes subdyaconus de greco transtulit in latinum, C u m omnis prefacio textum oportune preveniens . . . ; f. 86 [text] Incipit liber quartus de vitis et verbis ac exemplis sanctorum patrum in partes decern et novem divisus pars prima de profectu monachi, Ad profectum conversacionis quidam frater venire cupiens . . . Modico tempore est labor et in sempiternum requies est. Gracia verbo Dei. Amen. Explicit liber quartus de vitis et verbis ac exemplis sanctorum patrum [PL 73:855-988 and 73:993-1015, printed as book 5 and the beginning of book 6; the break between the two in the manuscript is on f. 146:] Hucusque de greco in latinum transtulit Pelagius dyaconus ecclesie romane. Ab hinc autem Iohannes subdyaconus. De Providentia, Abiit aliquando Zacharias . . . [the anecdotes are occasionally in a different order, and frequently lacking with respect to the printed text]. ff. 158v-170: Incipit prologus in librum quintum constitucionum et vitam [sic] sanctorum patrum, Licet ab exordio conscripcionis nostre voluntas nobis fuerit . . . ; f. 158v [text] Incipit liber quintus constitucionis et vite sanctorum patrum, Replicans senex quidam beneficia per humanitatem Christi nobis exhibita . . . multa facit mirabilia ad laudem et gloriam nominis sui qui cum patre et spiritu sancto vivit et regnat Deus per omnia secula seculorum. Amen. Explicit liber quintus de constitucione et vita sanctorum patrum. Amen. f. 170v frame ruled but blank. [PL 73:856-1022, containing anecdotes missing from the preceding sequence; this text ends with the story of Marina, PL 73:691694. Regarding the Vitaspatrum, s e e C . M . Batlle, Die "Adhortationes sanctorum patrum" ("Verba seniorum") im lateinischen Mittelalter, Beiträge zur Geschichte des alten Mönchtums und des Benediktinerordens 31 (Münster 1971), this manuscript reported on pp. 143-144 from De Ricci.]
Parchment, ff. 170; 270 x 195 (195 x 130) m m . 1-20 8 21'°. Catchwords occasionally visible in small letters in inner margin; quires and leaves signed with letter of the alphabet and arabic numerals. 2 columns of 36 lines, frame ruled in ink. Written by 1 person in a well-formed German book hand (littera hybrida); black ink, flaking off. Flex mark in punctuation. 8-line initial (f. 2) and other primary initials, 6- or 5-line, precisely made in parted red and blue with green infilling around negative white leaves, and red and purple tendrils with beading; secondary initials, 3-line, in red and blue alternately, with tendrils and beading in the opposite color; 2-line initials in red or blue; running heads in alternating colors across the opening, f. 170v a late pencil sketch of the opening leaf of a book of hours. Bound in stamped and diagonally ruled brown calf over wooden boards, s. XV 2 ; stamps: paschal lamb in a circle, fleur-de-lis in a lozenge, rosette in a circle, 7
" f r e e " eagle, Ihesus, Maria; 2 brass fore edge clasps closing from back to front, only one strap remains; title across top of spine, s. X V I I I ; fore edge knots to mark books; bookmark, loose, consisting of 3 braids attached to a band. Written in northwestern Germany, probably in the second quarter or middle of the fifteenth century in a scriptorium that observed rules regarding layout, script, and decoration. According to R . Marks, who examined the manuscript, the same decorator also worked on Cologne, Historisches Archiv M S W. 31, which belonged at one point to the Brethren of the Common Life (Weidenbach) in Cologne; M S W. 31, however, had an earlier owner, since the Weidenbach ex libris is written over an erased ex libris note. There is no indication that Burton 1 belonged to St. Barbara's in Cologne, as suggested on the basis of the Phillipps number by Klemens Löffler, Kölnische Bibliotheksgeschichte im Umriss, mit einer Nachweisung kölnischer Handschriften und einem Beitrage von Goswin Frenken über die Katalog der Dombibliothek von 833 (Cologne 1923) 85. Belonged to the Augustinian nuns of Marienbrink in Coesfeld (founded in 1452) in Westphalia; erased ex libris on f. 1: " L i b e r sororum in Coesfeldo Ord. A u g . " On the front pastedown, the engraved image of Franciscus de Hieronymo, S . J . , d. Naples, 1716. Belonged to Leander van Ess of Darmstadt, and was sold by him to Sir Thomas Phillipps in 1824; Phillipps M S 449; Phillipps sale, Sotheby's, 6 J u n e 1910, lot 434 to Edwards; J . Tregaskis; sale by the American Art Association, New York, 3 March 1926, no. 250 to Paul Jordan Smith; his bookplate on pastedown. Mr. Jordan Smith gave the manuscript to the Claremont Colleges in 1942 with his collection pertaining to Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. Secundo folio:
palmam requirant
Bibliography: De Ricci, Census, 23. P. Jordan Smith, ed., Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy and Burtoniana (Claremont 1959) item 45. Richard B. Marks, The Medieval Manuscript Library of the Charterhouse of St. Barbara in Cologne, Analecta Cartusiana 2 1 - 2 2 (Salzburg 1974).
HONNOLD LIBRARY, CLARY 1 • P R O C E S S I O N A L • Italy, s. X I V 1. 2.
ff. 1-27: Noted processional for the feasts of the Purification, Palm Sunday, Ascension, Assumption, Holy Friday. ff. 2 7 - 4 1 : Office of the Dead, Cistercian use, noted except for the lessons; among the collects are: f. 39v In commemoratione parentum nostrorum que fit xii" kl. decembris and In anniversario episcoporum et abbatum que fit Hi0 ydus ianuarii, both corresponding to Cistercian use. ff. 41v-42v: Verses for the Aspersion of Water from the octave of Pentecost to Easter Sunday, from Easter to Pentecost, for Easter Sunday, for the octave of Easter to Pentecost, and for Pentecost.
Parchment (heavy), ff. ii (paper, modern)-)- 42 + ii (paper, modern); 230 x 150 (180 x 110) mm. 1-4 8 5 10 . First quire signed " 1 " on f. 8v; 6 sets of text and music on each folio (5 sets on f. 42v), the text ruled in lead, the music in square notation on 4-line red staves. Written in a rounded Italian gothic hand. Opening initial of 33 mm (equivalent to the space of music and text); secondary initials, 20 mm, minor initials, 8
15 mm, in alternating red and blue with extensive marginal flourishes and harping of the opposite color on the opening and secondary initials. Bound in modern brown morocco. Written in Italy for Cistercian use. Bookplate of William Webb Clary (1888-1971, Los Angeles attorney and book collector) on front pastedown; the book was given to the Claremont Colleges after his death. Secundo folio:
Ave gratia plena
HONNOLD L I B R A R Y , CRISPIN 1 • BIBLE • France (?), s. XIII 2 In comparison with London, Lambeth Palace M S 1364, the thirteenth-century French bible described by Ker 1:96-97, this manuscript lacks the prayer of Manasses (Stegmuller 93, 2), which usually follows 2 Chronicles, and 2 Ezra (= 3 Ezra, Stegmuller 94, 1), which has been added here by a later hand (now on ff. 536-544v). The Psalter is no longer present, although it may once have been part of the book, and have been removed by the time the fourteenth-century hand added the list of biblical books on f. 586v. There are 53 prologues, in which the main differences from the Lambeth Palace manuscript lie in the Minor Prophets (here with Stegmuller 500, an unidentified prologue to Joel, and Stegmuller 509, 512, 516, 522, 525, 527, 529, 532, 535, 540, 544); this manuscript contains Stegmuller 350 and lacks Stegmuller 327, 462, 494, 547, 553, 589. A later hand has copied a list of gospel and epistle lections on otherwise blank leaves at the end of a quire (originally left blank so as to allow the copying of the entire book of J o b on the following quire, a gathering of 12 leaves). 1. 2.
3. 4.
f. l v : Notes in a thirteenth-century notule script including the 37 lh and portions of the 40th decrees of Innocent IV's Novellae [Mansi, Concilia 23:671-673]. ff. 2-3: [Gloss] Zacharias I. o. o. o. fugite de terra aquilonis. Per aquilonem intelligitur infernus . . . [actually on Zechariah 2; entered by an early fourteenth-century cursive gothic hand], f. 3v: Gregorius. Quando quisque altius erigitur . . . quibus supponitur dignitate [3-line sentence, in a thirteenth-century continental hand]. ff. 4-424: Old Testament, ff. 4-7 Incipit prologus super totam Bibliam [Stegmuller 284]; f. 7r-v Prologus super librum Genesim [Stegmuller 285]; ff. 7v-30v Incipit liber Genesis; ff. 30v-49v Incipit liber Exodus; ff. 49v-63 Incipit liber Leviticus; ff. 63-81 Incipit liber Numerorum; ff. 81-97v Incipit liber Deuteronomii; ff. 97v-98 Incipit prologus in librum Iosue [Stegmuller 311]; ff. 98-109 Incipit liber Iosue; ff. 109-121 Incipit liber Iudicum; ff. 121122v Incipit liber Ruth; ff. 122v-123v Prologus in iiii°T libros Regum [Stegmuller 323]; ff. 123v-140 Incipit liber Regum primus; ff. 140-153 Incipit liber Regum ff. 153-168 Liber Regum tercius; ff. 168-181v Liber Regum quartus; ff. 181 v-182 Incipit prologus in libros Paralipomenon [Stegmuller 328]; ff. 182-194v Paralipomenon i^; ff. 194v-210v Liber Paralipomenon ff. 210v-211 Incipit prologus in librum Esdre [Stegmuller 330]; ff. 211-215 Incipit liber Esdre; ff. 215-221v Incipit liber Neemie; f. 2 2 l v Prologus in librum Tobie [Stegmuller 332]; ff. 221v-226 Incipit liber Tobie; f. 226 Prologus super librum Iudith [Stegmuller 335]; ff. 226-231v Incipit liber Iudith; ff. 231v-232 Prologus in librum Hester [Stegmuller 341 and 343]; ff. 232-237 Incipit liber Hester; ff. 237v9
239v [list of epistle and gospel lections for the liturgical year, counting the summer Sundays as after Trinity; the sanctorale, from Andrew through the Invention of Stephen, includes thè Translation of Dominic] Dominica i a in adventu, Epistola, Ro. 13. f. hora est iam. Finit Iuditii . . . In inventione sancti Stephani sicut in alio festo [on ff. 237v-239, containing lections up to the feast of Agnes, the references to the Bible are given by means of Langton's chapter numbers and the a - g subdivision; the script is a late thirteenth-century continental hand; f. 239v, continuation of the list from In die purificationis to the end, with chapter numbers only, added in another late thirteenth-century continental script; added at the end of a quire]; f. 240r-v Incipit prologus beati Ieronimi in librum lob [Stegmüller 344]; f. 240v [Prologus in librum J o b ; Stegmüller 357]; f. 240v [Prologus in librum Job; Stegmüller 350]; ff. 241-25ÌV Incipit liber lob [this bible does not have the Psalter: the preceding book, J o b , ends halfway down the second column of the last page of a quire of 12 leaves signed xvi; the following book, Proverbs, begins a quire of the usual 20 leaves signed xvii]; f. 252 Incipit prologus in Proverbia Salomonis [Stegmüller 457]; ff. 252-262 Incipit liber [Proverbiorum]; ff. 262-265 Incipit liber Ecclesiastes; ff. 265-266v Incipit liber Cantica canticorum\ f. 266v Incipit prologus in librum Sapientie [Stegmüller 468]; ff. 266v-273 Incipit liber [Sapientie]; f. 273r-v Incipit prologus in Ecclesiastico, Multorum nobis . . . ; ff. 273v-292 Incipit liber Ecclesiasticus\ f. 292r-v Incipit prologus in librum Ysaie prophete [Stegmüller 482]; ff. 292v-315v Incipit liber [Ysaiae]; f. 315v Incipit prologus in librum Ieremie prophete [Stegmüller 487]; ff. 315v-342v Incipit liber [Jeremiae]; ff. 342v-345 Incipiunt Lamentationes eiusdem\ f. 345 Incipit [prologus] liber Baruch [Stegmüller 491]; ff. 345-348 Incipit liber [Baruch]; f. 348 Incipit prologus in librum Ezechielielis [sic] prophete [Stegmüller 492]; ff. 348v-372 Incipit liber [Ezechielis]; ff. 372-382 Incipit liber Danielis prophete-, f. 382 Prologus in librum xii Prophetarum [Stegmüller 500]; ff. 382-385 Liber Osee prophete', f. 385r-v [Prologus], Ioel qui interpretatur dominus Deus sicut incipiens Deo vel fuit Dei hoc eius vocabulum resonat . . . sub Ionathan rege quando et Micheas. Iohel de tribù Ruben . . . [unidentified prologue and Stegmüller 509]; ff. 385v-386v Incipit liber Ioelis prophete-, f. 386v Argumentum super Arnos, Amos pastor et rusticus et ruborum mores distinguens . . . nec sitim aquae sed audiendi verbum Dei [Stegmüller 512]; ff. 386v-389 Incipit Arnos propheta-, f. 389 Argumentum super Abdiam [Stegmüller 516]; f. 389r-v Incipit Abdias propheta; f. 389v [Prologus in Jonas; Stegmüller 522]; ff. 389v-390v [Jonas]; f. 390v [Prologus in Micheas; Stegmüller 525]; ff. 390v-392v [Micheas]; f. 392v Argumentum super Naum [Stegmüller 527]; ff. 392v-393v Naum propheta-, f. 393v Argumentum super Abachuc [beginning portion of Stegmüller 529]; ff. 393v-394v Abacuck, f. 394v Argumentum in Sophoniam prophetam [Stegmüller 532]; ff. 394v-395v Incipit Sophonias-, f. 395v Argumentum inAggeum [Stegmüller 535]; ff. 395v-396 Incipit Aggeus; f. 396 Argumentum in Zachariam [Stegmüller 540]; ff. 396-399v Incipit Zacharias-, f. 399v Argumentum in Malachiam [beginning portion of Stegmüller 544] ; ff. 399v-400v Incipit Malachias-, f. 400v Prologus in duos libros Machabeorum [Stegmüller 551]; ff. 400v-414v Machabeorum liber primus-, ff. 414v-424v Liber Machabeorum secundus. 5.
ff. 424v-544v: New Testament, f. 424v Prologus in evvangelium secundum Matheum [Stegmüller 590]; ff. 424v-438v Evvangelium secundum Matheum-, ff. 438v-439 Prologus in evvangelium secundum Marchum [Stegmüller 607]; ff. 439-447v Evvangelium secundum Marcum; ff. 447v-448 Prologus in evvangelium secundum Lucam, . . . quam fastidientibus prodesse. Lectorem obsecro studiose paginas recensentem libri huius ea que incaute circa eas stili percurrentis designata vestigio sunt non meo coniungat errori sed peto mee ignoscere ignorancie et quia obstinationi legentis ampliata virtus exercitat ad p u r u m docilis mentis suis favoribus meique memor benigne [Stegmüller 620 and 10
copyist's colophon]; f. 448 Argumentum, Quoniam quidem multi conati sunt ordinare . . . [Luke 1:1-4]; ff. 448-463 Incipit evvangelium secundum Lucam [beginning at Luke 1:5]; f. 463r-v Prologus in evvangelium secundum Iohannem [Stegmüller 624]; ff. 463v475 [Johannes]; f. 475 Prologus in epistola ad Romanos [Stegmüller 677]; ff. 475-481 Epistola ad Romanos; f. 481 Argumentum in epistolam ad Corinthios i [Stegmüller 685]; ff. 481-487 Epistola ad Chorinthios ia; f. 487 Argumentum in epistolam ad Corinthios secundam [Stegmüller 699]; ff. 487-490v Epistola ad Corinthios ii"; f. 490v Argumentum in epistolam ad Galathas [Stegmüller 707]; ff. 490v-492v Epistola ad Galatas; f. 492v Argumentum ad Ephesios [Stegmüller 715]; ff. 492v-494 Epistola ad Ephesios; f. 494 Argumentum in epistolam ad Philippenses [Stegmüller 728]; ff. 494-495v Epistola ad Philippenses; f. 495v Argumentum in epistolam ad Colocenses [Stegmüller 736]; ff. 495v-496v Epistola ad Colocenses; f. 496v Argumentum in epistolam ad Thessalonicenses i" [Stegmüller 747]; ff. 496v-497v Epistola ad Thessalonicenses i"; f. 497v Argumentum in epistolam ad Thessalonicenses ii [Stegmüller 752]; ff. 497v-498v Epistola ad Tessalonicenses secunda; f. 498v Argumentum in epistolam ad Thimoteum [i] [Stegmüller 765]; ff. 498v-499v Epistola ad Thimotheum i"; f. 499v Argumentum in epistolam ad Thimoteum secundam [Stegmüller 772]; ff. 499v-500v Epistola ad Thimoteum ii"; f. 500v Argumentum in epistolam ad Tytum i [Stegmüller 780]; f. 501r-v Epistola ad Tytum; f. 501v Argumentum in epistolam ad Philemonem [Stegmüller 783]; f. 501 v Epistola ad Philemonem; f. 501 v Prologus in epistolam ad Hebreos [Stegmüller 793]; ff. 501v-505v Epistola ad Hebreos; f. 505v Prologus in Actus apostolorum [Stegmüller 640]; ff. 505v-520v Actus apostolorum; ff. 520v-521 Prologus in epistolas canonicas [Stegmüller 809]; ff. 521-522v Canonica Iacobi; ff. 522v-524 Canonica Petri prima; ff. 524-525 Canonica Petri secunda; ff. 525-526v Canonica Johannis prima\ f. 526v Canonica Iohannis secunda', ff. 526v-527 Canonica Johannis iii"; f. 527 Epistola lüde; ff. 527-534v Liber Apocalipsis; f. 535r-v blank; ff. 536-544v Tercius Uber Esdre [Stegmüller 94, 1; added in a round gothic hand, s. XIII 2 ]. ff. 545-547v blank. 6. 7. 8.
ff. 548-583: [Interpretation of Hebrew Names] Aaz apprehendens vel apprehensio . . . vel consiliatores eorum [Stegmüller 7709; in 3 columns], ff. 583v-584, 585v: Glosses on the Bible in Latin and in a German dialect; the remaining leaves, ff. 584v-585, 586, are blank. f. 586v: Ordo librorum bibliothece [list of the biblical books, omitting the Psalter, in a fourteenth-century continental hand].
Parchment, ff. i (modern) + 586 + i (modern); 135 x 90 (100 x 62) mm. Gatherings usually of 20 leaves. Catchwords in the lower right corner, usually trimmed in the binding; first folio of the quires signed in the lower margin, beginning with " i i i " on f. 4. 2 columns of 42 lines ruled in lead, with double lines for the running title. Small professional and careful gothic book hand by 3 main copyists: (i) ff. 4-534 (except for ff. 237v-239v) by a continental hand; (ii) ff. 536-544v, in a round gothic hand; (iii) ff. 548-583, by a second continental hand; ff. l v - 3 and 237v-239v are by different hands in a cursive gothic script; f. 586v, in a cursive script; brown ink in the text. O n ff. 4, 7v, 252, illuminated initials with parted bands extending length of text and terminating in animal heads, in blue, ocher, and pink; that on f. 4 of J e r o m e seated; 4-, 3-, and 2-line initials in blue on red penwork with long tendrils; 1-line alternating red and blue initials in the Interpretations of Hebrew Names, ff. 548-583; initials in the text slashed with red; running titles in blue majuscule with red flourishes; titles in red minuscule. Instructions to the rubricator, partially cropped, in the lower margin; some contemporary marginalia in a semicursive gothic script; on f. 221v, by the same southern copyist as ff. 536-544v, a note in the margin: " H i e deficit tercius liber Esdre et require ilium in principio biblie." This note and the roman numerals 11
on each fascicule indicate that originally the gathering of ff. 536-544v was bound at the beginning of the volume. Bound in gilt tooled blue morocco, s. X I X . Written in France (?), possibly for Dominican use, since the list of lections added on ff. 237v-239v includes readings for the Translation of Dominic, and counts the summer Sundays from Trinity. O n f. 3v, "La[n] 1526 et le 9 e Julliet J e a n Vignet de Conflens a receup laffranch de Pierre Tissot [?] parroisse de Chem . . . faict par feu [cancellation] Pierre de la Forest seigneur de Labarre et cestoit des biens appertenants a dame Loise de Dingutonne [?] heritiere de messieure Jennis de Dingutonne [?]"; on f. 1, " H e c sacra biblia manu scripta dono dat Franciscus imperator parrochiae Sanctf Fidis loco nationis et educationis suae. Anno a Christo in uterum Virginis illapso 1566, quarto callendas iunias. Fra[n]ciscus imperator U . J . D . " ; on f. 545, " S . Franciscus imperator." Acquired by Crispin from Dawson's Book Shop in 1933. Secundo folio: [f. 5] absconditi et qui
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, C R I S P I N 2 • BIBLE • F R A N C E (?), s. XIII 2 Bible, beginning defectively, in the usual order for thirteenth-century French bibles, as described by Ker 1:96-97 regarding London, Lambeth Palace M S 1364. The prologues would presumably be the common set of 64, but missing the first 2 owing to loss of leaves; this manuscript adds Stegmuller 473 to Ecclesiasticus and 508 to Joel; 521 was not copied for Joel. Each book (except for 2 Ezra, Psalms, Song of Songs, the Minor Prophets, and the Catholic Epistles) is preceded by a chapter list: series A of the chapter lists is based on the Vetus Latina text (except f o r j u d g e s ) , the other series on the Vulgate. This manuscript presents the same series of chapter lists as that found in thirteenth-century northern French bibles (particularly of Amiens) up to Ezra; after Ezra the chapter lists have not been studied. The chapter lists in the Pauline Epistles seem close to the Paris chapter division. In the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and the Apocalypse, the chapter division underlying the lists seems to be the oldest one (pre-Carolingian). 1.
ff. l-398v: Old Testament, ff. 1-19 [Genesis, beg. at 3:19]; f. 19r-v [Capitula Exodi; series A forma b, Biblia sacra iuxta latinam vulgatam versionem, cura et studio monachorum S. Benedicti, Rome 1926-, 2:27-51]; ff. 19v-35v Incipit liber Exodi; f. 36 Incipiunt capitula in libro Levitici [series K, Biblia sacra 2:334-335]; ff. 36-47v Incipit liber Leviticus', f. 47v Incipiunt capitula Numeri [series K, Biblia sacra 3:51-53]; ff. 47v-64 Incipit liber Numeri\ ff. 64-65 Incipiunt capitula in libro Deuteronomii [series K, Biblia sacra 3:337-341]; ff. 65-79 Incipit liber Deuteronomii; f. 79r-v Incipit prologus in libro losue [Stegmuller 311]; f. 79v Incipiunt capitula [losue; series A forma b, Biblia sacra 4:1827]; ff. 80-89v Incipit liber losue; ff. 89v-90 Incipiunt capitula in librum Iudicum [series A forma b, Biblia sacra 4:199-204]; ff. 90-100 Incipit liber Iudicum; f. 100 Incipiunt capitula in libro Ruth [series K, Biblia sacra 4:366-367]; ff. lOO-lOlv Incipit liber Ruth; ff. 101v-102v Incipit prologus in libro Regum primo [Stegmuller 323]; ff. 102v-103 Incipiunt capitula [Regum i; series E, Biblia sacra 5:58-69]; ff. 103-117 Incipit Regum liber ius; 12
f. 117 Incipiunt capitula in libro Regum secundo [series E, Biblia sacra 5:60-61]; ff. 117128 Incipit Regum liber secundus\ f. 128r-v Incipiunt capitula in libro iii" [Regum; series E, Biblia sacra 6:51-52]; ff. 128v-141v Incipit Regum liber iiim; f. 142 Incipiunt capitula in libro Regum quarto [series E, Biblia sacra 6:52-53]; ff. 142-154v Incipit Regum liber quartus; ff. 154v-155 Incipitprologus in Paralipomenon [Stegmüller 328]; f. 155 Incipiunt capitula [in Paralipomenon i; series unica forma b, Biblia sacra 7:13-16]; ff. 155-166v Incipit Paralipomenon primus liber; ff. 166v-167 Incipit prologus in libro ii° [Paralipomenon; Stegmüller 327]; f. 167 Incipiunt capitula [in Paralipomenon ii; series unica forma b, Biblia sacra 7:16-20]; ff. 167-181v Incipit Paralipomenon liber ii1"; followed by Oratio Manasse [Stegmüller 93, 2]; ff. 181v-182 Incipit prologus in libro Esdre prophete [Stegmüller 330]; f. 182r-v Incipiunt capitula [in Esdra i; series B, Biblia sacra 8:13-16]; ff. 182v-186v Incipit Esdre liber primus; ff. 186v-192v Incipit Neemias; ff. 192v-198v Incipit liber Esdre secundus [Stegmüller 94, 1]; f. 198v Incipit prologus in libro Tobie [Stegmüller 332]; ff. 198v-199 Incipiunt capitula [Thobie], De bonis operibus Thobie et quia ydolatriam sprevit . . . Quomodo Thobias iunior sepulta matre ad soceros . . . et quia eius progenies in bona vita permansit [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 144: AM]; ff. 199-202v Incipit liber Thobie-, f. 202v Incipit prologus in libro Iudith [Stegmüller 335]; ff. 202v-203 Incipiunt capitula [Iudith], Arphaxat rex Medorum superatis multis gentibus Ethbatanis civitatem extruxit . . . Iudith quoque expletis cxxv annis fine optimo vitam finivit [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 148, 150: AM]; ff. 203208 Incipit liber Iudith; f. 208r-v Incipit prologus in libro Hester [Stegmüller 341 and 343]; f. 208v Incipiunt capitula [Esther], De convivio Asueri régis. Vasthi regina quia evocata ad regem venire noluit . . . Quomodo regina Hesther ad regem convocata ingressa est. Exemplar epistole pro Iudeis directe [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 152: AM]; ff. 208v-213 Incipit liber Hester; f. 213v Incipit prologus in libro lob [Stegmüller 344]; ff. 213v-214 Item alius prologus [Stegmüller 357]; f. 214 Incipiunt capitula [lob; series A, Biblia sacra 9:81-83]; ff. 214v-223v Incipit liber lob; ff. 224-246 Incipit liber hymnorum vel soliloquiorum prophete David de Christo, . . . Laudate eum secundum multitu// [on 1 quire, ff. 224-246, Pss. 1-150:2, interrupted for no apparent reason]; f. 246v blank; f. 247 Incipit prologus beati Ieronimi in Proverbiis Salomonis [Stegmüller 457]; f. 247r-v Incipiunt capitula [Proverbiorum], Affectu patris alloquitur filium blandiciis peccatorum et hereticorum . . . De muliere forti id est ecclesia quam Christus suo adventu fortem fecit et precio sui sanguinis ab extremis finibus congregavit; ff. 247v255v Incipiunt Proverbia Salomonis; f. 255v Incipit prologus in Ecclesiasten [Stegmüller 462]; f. 255v Incipiunt capitula [Ecclesiastis; series A forma b, Biblia sacra 11:129-132] ; ff. 255v-258v Incipit Ecclesiastes; ff. 258v-260 Incipiunt Cantica canticorum Salomonis; f. 260 Incipiunt capitula in libro Sapientie [series A forma a, Biblia sacra 12:7-12]; f. 260 Incipit prologus [Sapientie; Stegmüller 468]; ff. 260-266 Incipit liber Sapientie; f. 266 Incipit prologus in librum Ecclesiastici [Stegmüller 473]; f. 266 Item alius prologus, Multorum nobis . . . ; f. 266r-v Incipiunt capitula [Ecclesiastici], . . . Oratio Ihesu filii Syrach. Oratio Salomonis [series A forma a, Biblia sacra 12:108-126]; ff. 266v-282 Incipit liber Ecclesiasticus; f. 282r-v Incipit prologus beati Ieronimi in Isaiam prophetam [Stegmüller 482]; ff. 282v-283v Incipiunt capitula in libro Isaie [series A forma a, Biblia sacra 13:11-31]; ff. 283v-301v Incipit Isaías propheta; f. 301v Incipit prologus in Ieremiam prophetam [Stegmüller 487]; ff. 301v-303 Incipiunt capitula [Ieremie; series A forma a, Biblia sacra 14:13-37]; ff. 303-324 Incipit Ieremiaspropheta; ff. 324-326 Incipiunt Lamentationes Ieremie. Aleph. Quomodo sedet . . . ; f. 326 Incipit prejatio in librum Baruch [Stegmüller 491]; ff. 326-328v Incipit Baruch; f. 328v Incipit prologus beati Ieronimi in Ezechielem prophetam [Stegmüller 492]; ff. 328v-329v Incipiunt capitula [Ezechielis], 13
Visio iiii or animalium. Visio rotarum. Visio throni Dei . . . Promissio Domini quod ex dispersione congregaret ad terram suam filios Israel ex gentibus; ff. 329v-348 Incipit liber Ezechielis prophete; f. 348r-v Incipit prologus in libro Danielis [Stegmüller 494]; ff. 348v-349 Incipiunt capitula [Danielis], De filiis captivitatis Iudee elegit Nabuchodonosor rex ut litteras discerent. Ubi introducuntur iidem pueri ad regem . . . Ubi Daniel occidit draconem et missus est in lacum leonum et tulit ei prandium Abacuch propheta [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 220-222: A]; ff. 349-357 Incipit liber Danielis prophete, . . . devorati sunt in momento coram eo [Dan. 1:1-14:41]; f. 357 Incipit prologus in xii Prophetas [Stegmüller 500]; f. 357 Incipit prologus in Osee [Stegmüller 507]; ff. 357v-360 Incipit Osee propheta", f. 360 Incipit prologus in Ioele propheta [Stegmüller 511]; f. 360 Item alius prologus, Ioel filius Fatuel describit terram xii tribuum eruca bruco locusta rubigine vastante . . . in psalterio mistice continetur. Ex tribus igitur generibus retorum . . . in hoc propheta iccirco nec reges nec tempora sunt prenotata quia isdem temporibus ac regibus quibus Osee prophetavit [Stegmüller 510 and 508]; ff. 360-361 Incipit Ioelpropheta', f. 361v Incipit prologus in Amosprophetam [Stegmüller 515]; f. 361v Item alius prologus [Stegmüller 512]; f. 361v Item tercius prologus [Stegmüller 513]; ff. 361v-364 Incipit Amos propheta', f. 364 Incipit prologus in Abdiam prophetam [Stegmüller 519]; f. 364 Item incipit prologus secundus [Stegmüller 517]; f. 364r-v Incipit Abdias propheta; f. 364v Incipit prologus in Ionam prophetam [Stegmüller 524]; ff. 364v-365v Incipit lonas propheta; f. 365v Incipit prologus in Micheam prophetam [Stegmüller 526]; ff. 365v-367 Incipit Micheas propheta; f. 367r-v Incipit prologus in Naum, N a u m prophetam ante adventum regis Assyriorum . . . Nec erat parva consolatio tam his qui iam Assyriis serviebant quam reliquis qui sub Exechia de tribu luda et Beniamin ab eisdem hostibus obsidebantur ubi audirent Assyrios quoque a Chaldeis esse capiendos sicut in consequentibus libri huius demonstrabitur [beg. of Stegmüller 528]; ff. 367v-368 Incipit liber Naum\ f. 368 Incipit prologus in Abacuch prophetam [Stegmüller 531]; ff. 368v-369v Incipit liber Abacuch', f. 369v Incipit prologus in Sophoniam prophetam [Stegmüller 534]; ff. 369v-370v Incipit Sophonias propheta; ff. 370v-371 Incipit prologus in Aggeum prophetam [Stegmüller 538]; f. 371r-v Incipit Aggeuspropheta; f. 37lv Incipit prologus in Zachariam prophetam [Stegmüller 539]; ff. 371v-375 Incipit Zacharias-, f. 375 Incipit prologus in Malachiam prophetam [Stegmüller 543]; ff. 375-376 Incipit Malachias propheta; f. 376 Incipit prologus in librum Machabeorum i, Domino excellentissimo . . . C u m sim . . . [Stegmüller 547]; f. 376r-v Item alius prologus, Reverentissimo et omni caritatis . . . Memini me . . . [Stegmüller 553]; f. 376v Item alius prologus [Stegmüller 551]; ff. 376v-377 Incipiunt capitula [Machabeorum i], Ubi eversa Ierusalem consenserunt Iudei edicto regis sacrificare ydolis. Ubi lex Dei exusta est . . . Ubi Ptolomeus filius Abhobi occidit Symonem cum filiis suis in convivio et Iohannes filius Symonis occidit eos qui venerunt perdere eum [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 159-160: A]; ff. 377-389v Incipit liber Machabeorum primus; ff. 389v-390 Incipiunt capituia in librum secundum [Machabeorum], Ubi occisus est Antiochus rex in tempio Nanee a sacerdotibus cum hiis qui secum erant. De igne sacrificii . . . Ubi caput et m a n u m Nichanoris abscidi ludas precepit et Ierosolimam mitti [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 161-162: A]; ff. 390-398v Incipit Machabeorum liber iim. 2.
ff. 398v-501: New Testament, f. 398v Incipit prologus in Matheum [Stegmüller 590]; ff. 398v-399 Item alius prologus [Stegmüller 589]; f. 399r-v Incipiunt capitula, Nativitas Christi. Magi cum muneribus veniunt et Ioseph ab angelo per visum ammonitus cum puero et matre eius in Egiptum fugit; infantes interficiuntur . . . Passio Ihesu et sepultura et resurrectio eius itemque mandata et doctrina eius de baptismo [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 270-280: A]; ff. 399v-411v Incipit Matheus evangelista', ff. 41 l v 412 Incipit prologus in Marcum [Stegmüller 607]; f. 412r-v Incipiunt capitula, De Io14
hanne baptista et victu et habitu eius. De baptismo Ihesu et temptatione eius . . . Passio Ihesu et sepultura et resurrectio eius ex mortuis. Post resurrectionem mandata et ascensio eius in celis [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 280-286: A]; ff. 412v-420 Incipit Marcus evangelista', f. 420 Incipit prefatio sancti Ieronimi presbiteri in evangelio secundum Lucam [Stegmùller 620]; f. 420 Incipit prologus, Quoniam quidem . . . es veritatem [Luke 1:1-1:4]; ff. 420-421 Incipiunt capitala, Zacharias viso angelo quia non credidit obmutuit. Elyzabeth uxor eius concepii . . . Tunc benedixit eos et recessit. Reliquitque laudantes Deum in tempio [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 288-300: A]; ff. 421v-435 Incipit Lucas evangelista, Fuit in diebus Herodis . . . ; f. 435 Incipit prefatio sancti Ieronimi presbiteri in evvangelium secundum lohannem [Stegmùller 624]; f. 435r-v Incipiunt capitula, Phariseorum levite interrogant lohannem. Iohannes Ihesum videns agnum Dei dicit . . . De Ihesu et Barraba. Passio Ihesu et sepultura et resurrectio eius [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 302-310: A]; ff. 435v-445 Incipit evangelium secundum lohannem-, f. 445r-v Incipiunt capitula in epistolam Pauli ad Romanos, Paulus vocatus apostolus fidem Romanorum predicare universo mundo dicit quibus et spiritus promittit adventum et quia iustus ex fide vivit. Quia revelatur ira Dei . . . De collatione Macedonie et Achaie . . . dissensiones et offendicula faciunt et de Tymotheo et ceteris adiutoribus eius [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 314-319: Sp]; f. 445v Incipit argumentum [Stegmùller 677]; ff. 445v-450v Incipit epistola ad Romanos; f. 450v Incipit argumentum in epistola ad Corinthios prima [Stegmùller 685]; ff. 450v-451 Incipiunt capitula, Laudat Corinthios et ad concordiam hortatur qui dicunt ego, ego Pauli ego autem Apollo et quia non missus sum baptizare et quid stultam fecerit Deus sapientiam mundi. Quia non . . . De collectis que fiunt in sanctis et Macedoniam pertransibo et de Tymotheo et Apollo et vigilate et state in fide et si quis non amat dominum Ihesum anathema sit [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 320-326: Sp]; ff. 451-455v Incipit epistola ad Corinthios i"; f. 455v Incipit argumentum in epistolam ad Corinthios secundam [Stegmùller 699]; ff. 455v-456 Incipiunt capitula, Deus totius consolationis et sicut habundant passiones Christi ita et consolatio et sicut sotii passionum sic et consolationis et de tribulatione que facta est in Asia et in sinceritate conversatus sit in mundo. Quia gloria . . . Ecce tercio venio ad vos et an experimentum queritis eius qui loquitur Christi et qui crucifixus est ex infirmitate ubi nil malefaciatis et non durius agam de potestate quam dedit Dominus et de cetero fratres gaudete [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 328-332: Sp]; ff. 456-459 Incipit epistola ad Corinthios secunda-, f. 459 Incipit argumentum in epistolam ad Galathas [Stegmùller 707] ; f. 459 Incipiunt capitula, Quia non ab hominibus nec per hominem fit apostolus et miratur quia tancito transferantur in evangelium aliud et si angelus evangelizaverit anathema sit et si hominibus placerem Christi servus non essem. Notum vobis facio . . . Si vivimus spiritu, spiritu et ambulemus et opus suum probet unusquisque et que seminaverit homo et hoc metet et maxime ad domesticos fidei michi absit gloriari nisi in cruce domini nostri Ihesu Christi et ego stimata Ihesu in corpore porto [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 334-336: Sp]; ff. 459-460v Incipit epistola ad Galathas-, f. 461 Incipit argumentum in epistolam ad Ephesios [Stegmùller 715]; f. 461 Incipiunt capitula, Q u i a ante constitutionem mundi electi et predestinati sunt sancti et sorte vocati et de spiritu sancto qui est pignus hereditatis nostre. Quia non . . . Ut induamus arma Dei quia non est nobis colluctatio adversus carnem et sanguinem et orantes omni tempore prò omnibus et prò me et omnia nota vobis faciet Tythicus [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 338-340: Sp]; ff. 461-462v Incipit epistola ad Ephesios; f. 462v Incipit argumentum in epistola ad Philippenses [Stegmùller 728]; f. 462v Incipiunt capitula, Quia memor eorum semper in oratione sit et quod habeat eos in corde et quia vincula eius nota . . . De Euthodia et Sirichice et Clemente et gaudete in Domino semper et quecumque sint sancta hec agite et quia sciat et satiare et esurire et gratias agit Philippensibus 15
pro obsequiis eorum circa se [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 342: Sp]; ff. 462v-464 Incipit epistola ad Philippenses\ f. 464 Incipit argumentum in epistola ad Colosenses [Stegmuller 736]; f. 464 Incipiunt capitula, Colosenses quorum auditam fidem in principiis laudat inde monet ne per philosophiam vel legis cerimonias seducantur. Q u i orat . . . Orationi instandum et per se et in sapientia ambulandum ad eos qui foris sunt et sermo sale sit conditus et hiis quos salutai [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 346: Sp]; ff. 464-465 Incipit epistola ad Colosenses", f. 465 Incipit argumentum in epistola ad Thessalonicenses prima [Stegmuller 747]; f. 465 Incipiunt capitula, Gratias agit eis orans pro eis et collaudans eos qui fideliter ad Deum a simulacris conversi sunt quia non in occasione avaricie aut gloriam querens predicaverit evangelium tanquam si nutrix filios suos. Quia . . . De prepositis hortandis et corripiendis inquietos et consolandos infirmos et semper orandum et spiritum nolite contingere et integer spiritus et vita et corpus [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 348: Sp]; ff. 465-466 Incipit epistola ad Thessalonicenses i"; f. 466r-v Incipit argumentum in epistola ad Thessalonicenses ii [Stegmuller 752]; f. 466v Incipiunt capitula, Laudat eos gratias agens Deo pro eis qui patienter sustinuerunt persecutiones malorum hominum qui penas dabunt in die Domini cum surrexerit glorificari et in sanctis orat ut perseverent. Rogat . . . Quod manibus suis operatus sit ut formam ceteris daret quia siquis non operatur nec manducet et suum panem cum silentio manducent, siquis non obedit notetur non quasi inimicus existimandus [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 350: Sp]; ff. 466v-467 Incipit epistola ad Thessalonicenses iia\ f. 467 Incipit argumentum in epistola ad Tymotheum i" [Stegmuller 765]; f. 467 Incipiunt capitula, Tymotheum c o m m o n « ut non intendat genealogiis quia finis precepti est caritas et de hiis qui non intelligunt de quibus affirmant et quia lex iusto non est posita. Gratias . . . Pietas cum sufficientia et nichil intulimus in hune m u n d u m et radix omnium malorum cupiditas et de Christo quem ostendit beatus et solus potens et que divitibus huius seculi precipiat et ut depositum custodiat [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 352-354: Sp]; ff. 467-468v Incipit epistola ad Tymotheum ia; f. 468v Incipit argumentum in epistolam secundum [ad T i m . ; Stegmuller 772]; f. 468v Incipiunt capitula, Quod desideret Tymotheum memor lacrimarum eius monet ut resuscitet gratia matris et avie et quia non spiritum timoris sed virtutis accepimus non secundum opera nostra et de Christo quia destruxit mortem. Quod . . . Demas reliquit me crescens in Galathiam et de Penula et Alexandra erario et liberatus sum de ore leonis et de Prisca et Aquila et quos salutat ceteros [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 351-358: Sp]; ff. 468v-469v Incipit epistola ad Tymotheum secundum', f. 469v Incipit argumentum in epistola ad Tytum [Stegmuller 780]; f. 469v Incipiunt capitula, Tytum instruit quales debeat episcopos ordinare quia omnia m u n d a mundis et ut senes anus iuvenes adolescentule castitatem servent et obtemperent servi dominis. Q u i a . . . Q u o r u m in epistola Tyti meminit Archoniam et Tythicum Zenam legis peritum et Apollo [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 360: Sp]; ff. 469v-470 Incipit epistola ad Tytum; f. 470 Incipit argumentum in epistola ad Philemonem [Stegmuller 783]; f. 470 Incipiunt capitula, De Philemone et Appia et Archippo et domestica eius ecclesia . . . De Epaphran concaptivo apostoli et Marco et Ristarcho et Dema et Luca [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 363: A]; f. 470r-v Incipit epistola ad Philemonem-, f. 470v Incipit prologus in epistola ad Hebreos [Stegmùller 793]; f. 470v Incipiunt capitula, Quia in novissimis diebus pater sit locutus in filio quod splendor figura substantie sedes ad dexteram melior angelis effectus. Observanda . . . De altari quod habemus et quia Ihesus extra castra passus est et de prepositis [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 362-366: Sp]; ff. 470v-474v Incipit epistola ad Hebreos; f. 474v Incipit prologus in Actibus apostolorum [Stegmùller 640]; ff. 474v-475 Incipiunt capitula, Ubi precepit Deus discipulis suis ab Ierusalem ne discederent. Petrus . . . Ubi post menses très in navem alexandrinam que in insula hyemaverat navigaverunt [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 37016
380: A]; ff. 475-488 Incipiunt Actus apostolorum\ f. 488r-v Incipit prefacio sancii Ieronimi presbiteri in septem epistolas canonicas [Stegmuller 809]; ff. 488v-489v Incipit epistola Iacobi-, ff. 489v-491 Incipit epistola Petri ia\ f. 491r-v Incipit [epistola Petri] ii"\ ff. 491v-493 Incipit epistola lohannis apostoli ia; f. 493 Incipit [epistola Iohannis] iia\ f. 493r-v Incipit [epistola lohannis] Hi"; f. 493v Incipit epistola Iude\ ff. 493v-494 Incipit prologus in Apocalipsi lohannis [Stegmuller 839]; f. 494r-v Incipiunt capitula, Iohannes de testimonio Ihesu Christi. Iohannes vii ecclesiis que sunt in Asia. Scribe ergo que vidisti . . . Ego Ihesus misi angelum meum testificari vobis hec in ecclesia [de Bruyne, Sommaires, 398: B]; ff. 494v-500v Incipit liber Apocalipsis. f f . 501-538v: Incipiunt interpretationes hebreorum nominum secundum Remigium ordine alphabeti, Aad [jic] apprehendens . . . consiliatores eorum [Stegmuller 7709].
Parchment (thin), ff. i (paper, modem) + 538 + i (paper, modem); 235 x 155 (163 x 108) mm. 1 2 4 (- 1 through 5) 2-9 2 4 IO12 11 2 4 (- 1 leaf in the last quarter of the quire that contains the Psalter, complete except for the end of Ps. 150, which could have been copied on the blank verso of the last leaf, f. 246) 12-23 24 24 4 . Catchwords. 2 columns of 48 lines ruled in lead. Written by 1 person in a gothic book hand. Flex mark in punctuation. Carefully executed primary initials, 7- to 4-line, for prologues, lists of chapters, books, and liturgical divisions of the Psalter on dark blue ground in rose with gold and black frame extending into margin, and white highlighting; letters frequently terminate in dragons' heads; secondary initials, 2-line, alternating in red and blue with tendrils and filigree of the opposite color; running headlines across the opening in alternating colors. Material omitted from the text is carefully added in the margins and enclosed by red and blue flourished frames; line numbers in arabic numerals, which break the column into 12 parts, have been added by a fourteenth-century hand between the columns in various portions of the Bible; psalms numbered in early arabic numerals in the margins; marginalia (lengthy comments throughout, and cross references in the New Testament) added in an early sixteenth-century italic hand. Bound in brown calf, s. X V I I I ; on the spine, gold tooling and a small paper label inscribed " B 100, A 2 2 . " Written in France (?), to judge from the penwork in the decoration. Belonged to the Dominican house in Bourges, according to a fifteenth-century note on f. 538v: " I s t a est biblia conventus bitturicensis ordinis fratrum predicatorum venerabilis nationis Provincie Franchie; scriptor qui scripsit cum Christo vivere possit, melius scripsisset si penna bona fuisset. Frater Petrus Martiri conventus bituricensis prior eiusdem conventus." Also on f. 538v, in different hands of the same date: "Scrutamini script u r a s " and " i n claustro clausus mundanos respue plausus" (Walther, Proverbia 11703a). O n f. 500v, pen trials and a note in a fifteenth-century hand: "sic est finis biblie a domini Ieronimi cardinalis bene scripta." Bookplate of the Lyonnais bibliophile Henri Auguste Bròlemann (b. 1775), bearing his heraldic device and motto "Vigilentia [jjV] et P r u d e n t i a " ; on the front pastedown, a small blue-trimmed paper label inscribed "A 22, u d x , " apparently Bròlemann's. Presumably listed in his grandson's catalogue: Claude Breghot du Lut, Catalogue des manuscrits et livres rares de la bibliotheque d'Arthur Bróleman (Lyon 1897), not available to us. Sold by Henri Auguste Bròlemann's great granddaughter, M m e Etienne Mallet, Sotheby's, 4 May 1926, lot 3. A different Sotheby catalogue slip is on the front pastedown. Dawson's Special List 19 (no date, but between J u n e and November 1933), last leaf recto; acquired by Crispin in 1934; given to the Claremont Colleges in 1961. 17
HONNOLD L I B R A R Y , CRISPIN 3 • BIBLE • England, s. XIV™ Bible, Old Testament only, in the order of London, Lambeth Palace M S 1364 (see Ker, 1:96-97), but here including with the canonical also the apocryphal books of Ezra (1 Ezra = Stegmiiller 15; Nehemiah = Stegmiiller 16; 2 Ezra = Stegmuller 96; 3 Ezra = Stegmuller 94, 1; 4 Ezra = Stegmuller 95?; 5 Ezra = Stegmuller 97); the Psalter is given in the 3 versions (Gallican, Roman, and Hebrew) and concludes with Ps. 151 (Stegmuller 105, 3). There are 53 prologues, the differences from Lambeth Palace M S 1364 lying in the addition of prologues to Tobit, Judith, Psalms (Stegmuller 414, 430, 443, 429), and 9 of the minor prophets (Stegmuller 509, 516, 525, 527, 529, 532, 535, 540, 544); not present in this manuscript are Lambeth Palace M S 1364's prologues 357, 462, 547, 553. A contemporary hand, perhaps that of the scribe, has often rewritten entire verses over erasures. In the margin of each prologue (except that of Jerome on f. 1) a contemporary hand has noted "no[n] ex[emplificat?]ur. " An italic hand, s. XVI m e d / e x , has assigned the psalms to Matins and Evensong and to the days of the week according to the Book of Common Prayer. ff. l-344v: Old Testament, ff. 1-3 IncipitepistolabeatileronimiadPaulinumpresbiterumde omnibus divinis historiis libris [Stegmuller 284]; f. 3 Alius prologus [Stegmuller 285]; ff. 3-18 [Genesis]; ff. 18v-31 Incipit liber Exodi; ff. 31-39v Incipit liber Levitici', ff. 39v-51v Incipit liber Numeri; ff. 51v-62 Incipit liber Deuteronomii; f. 62r-v Incipit prologus super librum Iosue [Stegmuller 311]; ff. 62v-70 Incipit liber Iosue\ ff. 70-77v Hie incipit liber Iudicum; ff. 77v-78v Incipit liber Ruth; ff. 78v-79 Prologus [in Reg.; Stegmuller 323]; ff. 79-90 Incipit liber Regum primus; ff. 90-98v Incipit liber secundus Regum; ff. 98v-109 Incipit liber Regum tercius; ff. 109-119 Incipit liber quartus Regum; f. 119 [Prologus in Paralip.; Stegmuller 328]; f. 119r-v [Prologus in Paralip.] Eusebius Ieronimus . . . Quomodo Grecorum historias [Stegmuller 327]; ff. 119v-128 [i Paralip.]; ff. 128-139 Incipit liber secundus Paralipomenon with Oratio Manasse [Stegmuller 93, 2]; f. 139 Incipit prologus libri Esdre [Stegmuller 330]; ff. 139-142 Incipit liber Esdre; ff. 142-146v [Neemias]; ff. 146v-147v iim Esdre [in]«/)!/ [title added by a later hand in the outer margin; Stegmuller 96]; ff. 147v-152 [iii] Esdre [title added by a later hand in outer margin; Stegmuller 94, 1]; ff. 152-158 Liber iiii [Esdre] hie incipit, . . . et fecit sic [title added by a later hand in outer margin; cf. Stegmuller 95]; ff. 158-159v Liber vus Efsdre] hie incipit [title added by a later hand in outer margin; Stegmuller 97]; f. 159v [Prologus in Tob.], Cromatio et Elyodoro . . . Mirari non desino . . . iacet in Ninive sepultus in pace [Stegmuller 332 and de Bruyne, Prefaces, 35 n. 5]; ff. 159v-162v [Tobias]; f. 162v [Prologus in Iudith], Iudit vidua filia Merar de tribù Symeon . . . in Bethulia civitate que fuit in tribù Iuda inter Dota et Balmon; f. 162v [Prologus in Iudith; Stegmuller 335]; ff. 162v-166v [Iudith]; f. 166v [Prologus in Esther; Stegmuller 341 and 343]; ff. 166v-170v [Esther]; ff. 170v-171 Incipit prologus de libro lob [Stegmuller 344]; ff. 171-178v [lob]; ff. 178v-232v [Psalterium, with Ps. 151 = Stegmuller 105, 3] in 3 columns: col. a, Psal. Gallicanum [Stegmuller 21], col. b, Psal. Romanum [Stegmiiller 21a], col. c, Psal. Hebr. [Stegmuller 21b]; f. 232v [Prologus in Psal.] David filius lesse . . . [Stegmuller 414]; f. 232v [Prologus in Psal.; Stegmuller 430]; ff. 232v-233 [Prologus in Psal.; Stegmuller 443]; f. 233 [Prologus in Psal.; Stegmuller 429]; f. 233 Incipit prologus Ieronimi presbiteri in Parabolas Salomonis [Stegmuller 457]; ff. 233-239 Incipit liber Proverbiorum; ff. 239-241v Incipit liber Ecclesiastes quem Eebrei Celeth dicunt; ff. 241v-242v Incipit Canticum canticorum; f. 242v Incipit prologus libri Sapiencie [Stegmuller 468]; ff. 242v-246v Incipit liber Sapiencie-, ff. 246v-247 Incipit prologus libri 18
Iesu filii Sirach, Multorum nobis . . . ; ff. 247-258v Incipit liber Iesu filii Sirach qui dicitur Ecclesiasticus; ff. 258v-259 Incipit prologus libri Ysaie [Stegmuller 482]; ff. 259-272v Incipit liber Ysaie prophete; f. 272v Incipit prologus libri Ieremie prophete [Stegmuller 487]; ff. 272v-288v Incipit liber Ieremie prophete', ff. 288v-290 [ Lamentaiiones], Et factum est . . . eiulans dixit. Lamentacio i". Aleph. Quomodo sedet . . . ; f. 290 Incipit prologus [Baruch; Stegmiiller 491]; ff. 290-292 Incipit liber Baruch notarii Ieremie prophete; f. 292 Incipit prologus super Ezechielem prophetam [Stegmiiller 492]; ff. 292-307 Incipit liber Ezechielis prophete; f. 307r-v Incipit prologus super Danielem prophetam [Stegmiiller 494]; ff. 307v-313v Incipit liber Danielis prophete [Dan. 1:1-14:41]; f. 313 v Incipit prologus xii prophetarum [Stegmiiller 500]; ff. 313v-314 [Prologus in Oseam; Stegmiiller 507]; ff. 314-316 Incipit liber Osee prophete secundum hebraicam veritatem; f. 316 Incipit prologus Iohelis prophete [Hos. 14:2-14:10]; f. 316 Incipit prologus [Iohelis; Stegmiiller 511 and 509]; f. 316 Alius prologus Iohelis [Stegmiiller 510]; ff. 316-317 Incipit liber Iohelis prophete; f. 317 Incipit prologus Amos prophete [Stegmiiller 515]; f. 317 Alius prologus [Stegmuller 512]; f. 317 Alius prologus [Stegmuller 513]; ff. 317v-319 Incipit liber Amos prophete; f. 319 Incipit prologus Abdie prophete [Stegmiiller 519 and 517]; f. 319 Alius prologus [Stegmiiller 516]; f. 319r-v Incipit liber Abdie prophete; f. 319v Incipit prologus Ione prophete [Stegmuller 524]; f. 319 w Alius prologus [Stegmuller 521]; ff. 319v-320 Incipit liber Ione prophete; f. 320 Incipit prologus Michee prophete [Stegmiiller 526]; f. 320 Alius prologus [Stegmuller 525]; ff. 320-321 Incipit liber Michee prophete; f. 321r-v Incipit prologus Naum prophete [Stegmiiller 528]; f. 321v Alius prologus [Stegmiiller 527]; ff. 321v-322 Incipit liber Naum prophete; f. 322r-v Incipit prologus Abacuc prophete [Stegmiiller 531]; f. 322v Incipitprefacio in Abacuc [Stegmiiller 529]; ff. 322v-323 Incipit liber Abacuch prophete; f. 323 Incipit prologus Sophonie prophete [Stegmiiller 534]; f. 323 Incipit prefacio in Sophoniam prophetam [Stegmiiller 532]; ff. 323-324 Incipit liber Sophonie prophete; f. 324 Incipit prologus Aggei prophete [Stegmiiller 538]; f. 324 Incipit prefacio Aggei prophete [Stegmiiller 535]; f. 324r-v Incipit liber Aggei prophete; f. 324v Incipit prologus Zacharie prophete [Stegmiiller 539]; ff. 324v-325 Incipit prefacio Zacharie prophete [Stegmiiller 540]; ff. 325-327v Incipit liber Zacharie prophete; f. 327v Incipit prologus Malachie prophete [Stegmiiller 543]; f. 327v Incipit prefacio Malachie prophete [Stegmiiller 544]; ff. 327v-328 Incipit liber Malachie prophete; f. 328 Incipit prologus libri Machabeorum [Stegmiiller 551]; ff. 328-337v Incipit liber primus Machabeorum; ff. 337v-344v [ii Machabeorum], ff. 345-346v blank except for some added notes (see below). Parchment, ff. iiii (paper, modern) + 346 + iiii (paper, modern); 290 x 190 (240 x 140) mm. Gatherings of 8 leaves. Apparently no catchwords. 2 columns (3 on ff. 178v232v, the Psalter) of 53 lines ruled in lead; double bounding lines. Written by 1 person in an anglicana script; brown ink. 3-line initials in blue on red penwork; plain 2-line initials and paragraph marks in blue; 1-line initials alternately red and blue in the Psalter; running title in anglicana, in brown ink. Bound in brown calf over paper boards, s. XVIII; rebacked. Written in England. O n f. 345v, in a mid-fifteenth-century mixed hand, an agreement on forest rights concerning a master William of Lichfield (possibly to be identified with the William Lichfield, d. 1448, listed by A. B. Emden, Biographical Register of the University of Cambridge to 1500, Cambridge 1963): "Concordia inter magistrum Willelmum de Lychefeld et Sibilla de Sancta Maria de Comminia [?] in bosco de Romareys. Hec est conventio facta inter magistrum Willelmum de Lichefeld personam ecclesie de Rubeo Marisco [Romareys, Yorkshire] querentem et Sibillam de Sancta Maria impedientem . . . " ; among the witnesses are "abbate de R u p e " (Rupes, or 19
Roche Abbey, O. Cist., diocese of York), "Roberto de H a y a " (Hagham?), " T h o m a de Bella A q u a , " "Willelmo de Wyterinton" (Winterton, Norfolk?), "Richardo de Ceyvill [ ? ] , " "Willelmo de Sutton," "Roberto de Notingham"; on f. 346v, in an early sixteenth-century court hand, "Thomas Davison. Noverint universi per presentes nos Willelmum abbatem et conventum et omnes coniunctim" (pen trial). Inside the front cover, the armorial bookplate of Liddell impaling Simpson with a baronet's badge in chief, the arms borne by Sir Thomas Henry Liddell (1775-1855), 1st Baron Ravensworth of Ravensworth Castle, co. Durham, between 1796 (the year of his marriage to Maria Susannah Simpson, of Bradley, co. Durham, Liddell's father having died in 1791) and 1821 (when he was created baron, and would have discontinued use of the baronet's badge). Sale of the Ravensworth library by Anderson and Garland (Newcastle upon Tyne), 28 September 1920, probably lot 144. Dawson sale catalogue 90, April 1933, no. 56; purchased by Crispin in 1934 from Dawson, and donated by him to the Claremont Colleges in 1961. Secundo folio:
dicere christianum quia
HONNOLD LIBRARY, CRISPIN 4 Fig. 41 • E X C E R P T S F R O M THE BIBLE • Flanders or Northern France, s. XVI i n 1.
ff. l - 8 0 v : De misericordia Dei dicta sacrf scripturq notando immo gustando et amplexanda. De libro Genesis, capite 18, Si invenero Sodomis quinquaginta iustos in medio civitatis . . . [Apoc. 15] et magnificabit nomen tuum, quia tu solus pius es. ff. 81-93: [On a scroll] Sequuntur auctoritates sacrae scripturae apud vetus testamentum contra istos falsidicos, immo veritatis potius inimicos qui dicunt nullis operibus Christiano, sed sola fide opus esse. In libro Genesis, capite quarto, Si bene egeris, recipies. Ambula coram me . . . Probet autem seipsum homo et sic de pane ilio edat [1 Cor. 11], ff. 93v-94v ruled but blank.
Parchment (thin), ff. i (silk and paper, modern) + i + 94 + i (silk and paper, modern); 166 x 111 (122 x 76) mm. I 8 26 3 10 4 6 5 10 6 6 710 8 6 9 10 IO6 l l 1 0 12 4 (+2). 25 long lines frame ruled in pale red ink. Written by 1 person in a northern humanistic script influenced by roman type; citations in italic script, chapter headings in square capitals. Modern punctuation. Opening leaf with full floral border on gold ground, inhabited by a bird, a snail, and insects; the initial, 6-line, depicts Abraham praying, arms in lower border; f. 81, title on a scroll, 6-line initial; secondary initials, 3-line, in blue with white highlighting on square gold ground with flowers; 1-line initials in gold on colored grounds of red, blue, and green; line fillers of red-tinged gold logs, alternating with colored bands highlighted in gold. Bound in red velvet, with silk pastedowns and flyleaves, s. X X , gilt edges. Written in Flanders or northern France. On f. 1, in the lower border, a coat of arms, azure a lion rampant or, in a sculptured gold frame; f. 94v, a modern note in pencil: "Brown, Edin." Acquired by Crispin from Dawson's, sale catalogue 117, February 1937, no. 14.
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, C R I S P I N 5 • P S A L T E R • England, s. XIV 2 1.
Figs. 2, 3
ff. l - 6 v : Calendar, including the feasts of Oswald of York (28 February, added), Hugh of Grenoble (1 April, added), William "martiris norwicensis" (15 April, added), " O b i t u s Thome Stele patris Iohannis monachi huius d o m u s " (17 April, added, s. XV), Anselm of Canterbury (21 April, added), William of York (8 J u n e , added), Etheldreda (23 June), Anne (26 July), "Dedicatio ecclesie sancte trinitatis norwicensis" (24 September, in red), Wilfred of York (12 October, added), Translation of Etheldreda (17 October); erased or canceled are the entries for Thomas of Canterbury (7 July and 29 December) and the qualification " p a p e " for Gregory (12 March), Clement (23 November), and Silvester (31 December). Frequent marginal and interlinear notes on finding Easter, on the dies mali, to the reader (A capite ad calcem legito me lector amande . . . ), proverbs (Si fuit est bonus res ipsa est bona . . . ; Incipiendo progrediendo perveniendo), of pious nature (Coronatus est Christus tripliciter, primo quando visus est . . . ), regarding the number of psalms (Versus, Ter quinquagenos cantat David ordine psalmos . . . [Walther, Initia 19209]); some of the notes are in Anglo-Norman, for example: " Q i se seignera al xvii idus de septembre ne chara en nule manere de udropisie ne en frenosie . . . " ff. 7-90v: Psalms, with ferial divisions in red in the outer margin, responses and antiphons added in the spaces between the texts and in the lower margin in a formal book hand, 1 folio missing after f. 61, from Ps. 95:13 to Ps. 98:7. ff. 90v-96v: Ferial canticles; Te Deum . . . ; Benedicite . . . ; ends, after the Benedicite: Benedicamus patrem et filium cum sancto spiritu laudamus et exaltemus eum in secula. Benedictus es Domine in firmamento celi//, f. 97r-v modern flyleaf, blank. f. 98: Former flyleaf or pastedown in a late fourteenth-century anglicana attached to a modern leaf, containing: (1) notes on finding Easter and other movable feasts; (2) verses on the calendar: Adam degebat ergo . . . [Walther, Initia 490]; (3) Adventus Domini sequitur solempnia lini [Walther, Initia 558]; (4) on the 12 apostles of the Creed: Petrus Andreas Iacobus simul atque Iohannes . . . [Walther, Initia 14053]; (5) Quatuor is penis flectabit omnis adulter . . . [Walther, Initia 15317?]; (6) De martiribus decollatis, Marcellus Blacius Valentinus simul Albanus . . . ; (7) on the calendar: Andree festo vicinior ordine quovis . . . [Walther, Initia 965]; (8) on the saints in pairs: Marci Marcelli Gervasi Protasi . . .
Parchment, ff. ii (parchment, modern) + 96 + iii (parchment, modern); 298 x 215 (215 x 136) mm. I 6 2-7 8 8 8 ( - 8 ) 9-12 8 13 4 (-4). Catchwords in large book hand. 2 columns of 25 lines ruled in ink. Written by 1 person in an English liturgical book hand (littera textualis formata) in brown ink. 7 historiated initials, 5-line, on gold backgrounds with spiky vine leaf full frames in parted pink and blue, the surfaces badly worn: f. 7, Ps. 1, David playing a psaltery; across the lower vine stem frame, David slaying Goliath; f. 19, Ps. 26, David seated pointing to heart and mind; f. 27, Ps. 38, David seated pointing to his mouth; f. 34v, Ps. 52, the fool; f. 42v, Ps. 68, David being rescued from the waters by a man in a boat; f. 53, Ps. 80, David ringing bells; the beginning of Ps. 97 is missing; f. 71, Ps. 109, Christ as M a n of Sorrows; Pss. 51 and 101, 3-line gold initials on parted pink and blue ground; 2-line initials in blue with red tendrils and void infilling design of flowers or grotesques; initials within the text alternating red and blue; psalms numbered in roman numerals by the scribe in red in the margin; the text of the psalms and canticles with a marginal and interlinear paraphrase in Latin, written in several cursive hands of the early sixteenth century. 21
Bound in blue morocco with acorn and rosette stamp by Leighton, Brewer St. W., goffered and gilt edges. Written in England, probably for use in the diocese of Norwich since the dedication of its cathedral of the Holy Trinity is entered in the calendar in the hand of the scribe. The later addition of Hugh of Grenoble may suggest that the book passed into Carthusian ownership; if so, the added entry for 17 April, "Obitus Thome Stele patris Iohannis monachi huius domus," may tie the book to the Carthusian house of Sheen in Surrey, founded in 1414, where a Dom John Style died in 1500 (see Dom Andrew Gray's typescript necrology of English Carthusians). 1 Belonged to John Meade Falkner, his sale, Sotheby's, 12 December 1932, lot 411 to Marks and Co. Crispin acquired the manuscript from Dawson's Book Shop in 1933. Secundo folio:
[Text, f. 8] vanitatem
HONNOLD L I B R A R Y , CRISPIN 6 • PSALTER • Germany, s. XIV 2 1.
2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7.
Fig. 10
ff. l - 3 v : Calendar, in 2 columns, including feast days of Gertrude (17 March), Servatius (13 M a y ) , Boniface (5 June), Vitus and Modestus (15 J u n e , lined through in red), Ulric (4 J u l y ) , Kilian (8 J u l y ) , Arnulph martyr (18 J u l y ) , Oswald (5 August), Bernward (16 August, added), Augustine (28 August, added), Felix and [Adjauctus (30 August, added), Gallus (16 October), Brictius (13 November). ff. 4-139v: Psalter. ff. 139v-153: Ferial canticles; Te Deum . . . ; Benedicite . . . ; Benedictus . . . ; Magnificat . . . ; Nunc dimittis . . . ; Quicumque vult . . . ff. 153-155: Litany, in 2 columns, including Vitus, Bonifatius, Brictius, Bernward, Ursula. ff. 155-159v: Office of the Dead, the ninth lesson being: "Ipsi, fratres, diligenter scitis, quia dies Domini sicut fur in nocte ita veniet" [1 Thess. 5:2]; the responses are: "Credo quod redemptor . . . ; Qui Lazarum resuscitasti . . . ; Domine quando veneris iudicare . . . ; Heu michi Domine quia peccavi . . . ; Requiem eternam dona eis . . . ; Peccantem me cothidie . . . ; Ne recorderis peccata mea . . . ; Libera me Domine de viis inferni . . . ; Libera me Domine de morte eterna . . . " ; f. 159v Prayers added by a contemporary hand, including: "Deus ineffabilis misericordie qui beatum Oswaldum regem et martirem tribuisti . . . " ff. 160-175v: Hymns and antiphons for the week, with musical notation [German, nail-shaped] on 4-line staves, the third line being red. ff. 176-177v: Office of the Virgin, beginning: Ave maris Stella . . . ; [3 (?) sets of psalm and oration to Jesus, ending imperfectly] . . . Psalmus, Inclina Domine aures. Oratio/ /
Parchment, ff. iii (paper, modern) + 177 + iv (paper, modern); 130 x 100 (95 x 72) mm. 1 2 (+1) 2-3® 4 e (+ 7) 5-7" 8 8 (+ 8) 9 10 106(+ 6) l l 4 ( + 5 ) 12 6 (additional leaves added both before and after first leaf of gathering) 1312( + 1) 14 2 (+1) 158(+ 7) 168 17-18 6 1910 20 6 (+ 3) 214 222 2312 246. 20 long lines ruled in lead. Written by 1
• 1. W e are grateful to Dr. A. I. Doyle for this information. 22
person in a G e r m a n liturgical book h a n d . O p e n i n g initial of Ps. 1 (f. 4), 10-line, of David a n d h a r p ; the r e m a i n d e r of the page written in capitals in alternating white a n d silver ink on strips of pink or green or blue, each line completely f r a m e d in silver; crudely done 9-line historiated initials for Pss. 26, 38, 51, 52, 68, 80, 97, 101; except for Ps. 68 with a grotesque, all the others contain a haloed saint with his h a n d on his heart; all are on silver grounds, enclosed in frames; 3-line secondary initials in gold with either red or blue tendrils; initials of verses alternate red a n d blue; K L m o n o g r a m of calendar in silver or gold. B o u n d in rebacked b r o w n leather over boards beveled to the inside, 2 fore edge clasps closing f r o m bottom to top, red edges, s. X V I . Written in G e r m a n y (Swabia?). O n folio ii, a n d continued to the front pastedown, are penciled notes dated F e b r u a r y 1898 (1808?) r e g a r d i n g the contents of the volume. Bookplate: " F r o m the library of George D u n n of Woolley Hall n e a r M a i d e n h e a d . " George D u n n (1865-1912), his sale, Sotheby's, 11 F e b r u a r y 1913, lot 629 to Edwards. Dawson sale catalogue 114, N o v e m b e r 1936, no. 15; Crispin purchased it f r o m D a w s o n ' s in 1937. Secundo folio: (habi-)tat in celis
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, CRISPIN 7 m P S A L T E R • Italy, s. X V 2 1.
Fig. 35
ff. l - 1 2 v : G r a d e d calendar, including the feasts of Scholastica (10 February, 12 lessons, in red), Faustinus a n d J o v i t a (15 F e b r u a r y , c o m m e m o r a t i o ) , Benedict (21 M a r c h , 12 lessons, in red), octave of Benedict (28 M a r c h , 12 lessons, in red), Apollinaris (23 J u l y ) , Transfiguration (6 August, 12 lessons, in red), Placidus a n d c o m p a n i o n s (5 O c t o b e r , 12 lessons, in red), J u s t i n a (7 O c t o b e r , c o m m e m o r a t i o ) , C e r b o n i u s (10 October, 12 lessons), C h r y s a n t h u s a n d D a r i a (25 October, 12 lessons). ff. 13-305v: Incipit psalterium id est secundum [usum] romane curie [the sixth quire, ff. 5 3 62, is b o u n d out of order a n d should be placed after f. 132]. f. 3 0 6 r - v blank.
P a r c h m e n t , ff. iii ( p a r c h m e n t , m o d e r n ) + ii + 306 + iii ( p a r c h m e n t , m o d e r n ) ; 90 x 68 (53 x 36-38) m m . I 1 2 2-30 1 0 31 4 . Horizontal catchwords between flourishes in center of m a r g i n . 12 long lines ruled in ink. Written in a small r o u n d e d liturgical book h a n d ; text in a flaking brown or washed-out black ink. O n f. 13, full border of purple, blue, a n d gold with medallions of prophets (?) a n d an illuminated panel with David a n d Goliath in the bottom m a r g i n ; 8-line initial B, of David praying, with a c a n t h u s foliage s u r r o u n d i n g the initial in a gold f r a m e , the entire page m u c h r u b b e d ; f. 238v (Ps. 109), 4-line initial on red a n d blue background with gold tracery; 2-line initials alternately red on violet h a r p i n g a n d beading, or blue on red penwork, with long flourishes often e n d i n g in a strawberry motif; 1-line initials alternately red a n d blue; rubrics in red minuscule. B o u n d in leather over pasteboards, s. X V I / X V I I , 2 clasps fastening to pins on front cover; goffered gilt edges. Written in Italy; the illumination points to the northwest, as do the saints in the calendar. A p p a r e n t l y used by Benedictine n u n s , as is suggested by the feasts of Benedict, his octave, a n d Scholastica, entered in red in the calendar, a n d by a n erased possession 23
note in a late fifteenth-century humanistic script on f. 306v: "Questo libro . . . convento delle M . . . " On f. v, a coat of arms, gules, on a chief argent a sword, surmounted by a cardinal's hat. On the front pastedown the bookplate of the English architect William Niven (d. 1921): "Exlibris W. Niven, F.S.A., A.R.E. of Kingwood, Berks.," added below "Marlow Place Library," and on f. i verso, his note regarding the incorrect binding of the sixth quire. Dawson's, sale catalogue 88, J a n u a r y 1933, no. 215, and Special List 13, April 1933, no. 7. Acquired by Crispin from Dawson's. Secundo folio:
[Text, f. 14] que prosperabunt
HONNOLD L I B R A R Y , CRISPIN 8 • PSALTER • Germany, s. XV 2 1. 2.
3. 4. 5. 6.
f. l r - v : List of psalms for feast days, added in a contemporary cursive script. ff. 2-7v: Graded calendar including the feasts of Erhard (8 J a n u a r y ) , Translation of Thomas Aquinas (28 J a n u a r y , totum duplex, in red), "Anniversarium patrum et m a t r u m " (4 February), Cunigundis (3 March, simplex, in red), Thomas Aquinas (7 March, totum duplex, in red), octave of Thomas Aquinas (14 March, memoria), Vincent Ferrer (5 April, totum duplex, in red), octave of Vincent Ferrer (12 April, memoria), Peter of Verona "ordinis nostri" (29 April, totum duplex, in red), Translation of Peter of Verona (7 May, totum duplex, in red), Michael archangel (8 M a y , totum duplex, in red), Translation of Dominic (24 May, totum duplex, in red), Ulric (4 J u l y ) , Kilian (8 J u l y ) , Procopius abbot (11 July, 3 lessons), "Anniversarium in cimiteriis nostris sepultorum" (12 J u l y ) , Henry II (13 July, simplex, in red), Dominic "patris nostri" (5 August, totum duplex, in red), octave of Dominic (12 August, memoria), "Anniversarium familiarum et benefactorum ordinis nostri" (5 September), Translation of Cunigundis (9 September, simplex, in red), Michael archangel (29 September, totum duplex, in red), Otto (30 September, in red), octave of Michael archangel (6 October, memoria), "Anniversarium omnium fratrum et sororum ordinis nostri" (10 October), Catherine (25 November, totum duplex, in red); ff. 2 and 3, verses in German at the bottom of the leaf, on the Golden Number. f. 8r-v: Invitatorium, Venite exultemus . . . ; Ympnus, Nocte surgentes . . . ff. 9-174: Psalms, with noted responses, verses, and antiphons. ff. 174-187: Ferial canticles; Benedicite . . . ; Te Deum . . . ; Benedictus . . . ; Quicumque vult . . . ff. 187-193: Litany, including Kilian (added in the margin), Dominic (doubled), Thomas Aquinas, Vincent Ferrer, Jodocus (added in the text), Henry, Otto (added over an erasure), Catherine (doubled), Cunigundis; ff. 191v-193 [a set of 9 orations:] Protege Domine famulos tuos subsidiis pacis . . . ; Concede quesumus omnipotens Deus ut qui peccatorum nostrorum pondere premittitur beati Dominici confessoris . . . ; Preces quesumus tibi Domine offerimus intercedente beato Petro martire . . . ; Deus qui ecclesiam tuam mira beati Thome confessoris tui erudicione . . . ; Deus qui gencium multitudinem mira beati Vincencii confessoris tui predicacione . . . ; Ineffabilem misericordiam tuam Domine nobis clementer ostende . . . ; Pretende Domine famulis et famulabus tuis . . . ; Ecclesie tue Domine preces placatus admitte . . . ; Deus a quo sancta desideria recta C o n s i l i a . . . ff. 193-202v: Hymns and antiphons for Advent, Septuagesima, Passion Sunday, and Easter. 24
Parchment, ff. i (paper) + 202 + i (paper); 173 x 127 (119-124 x 75-79) m m . 1-24 8 25 10 . Horizontal catchwords in inner margin. 18 long lines ruled in ink. Written by 1 person in a German liturgical book hand (littera textualis formata). Flex mark in punctuation. Primary initials, 6- and 5-line, in blue on red filigree, some with pen drawn faces; secondary initials, 2- and 1-line, alternating in red and blue; 4-line red staves with elaborate red and black cadels. Slightly later marginalia in German on ff. 30v and 39 identifying the psalms of the Passion (Pss. 21-30). Bound in half leather over modern boards; tabs on the fore and bottom edges. Written in Germany for a Dominican house, possibly in the diocese of Bamberg, to judge from the feasts noted in the calendar, and after 1456, the date of canonization of Vincent Ferrer. A Sotheby catalogue slip, lot 784, is pasted inside the front cover; a note by Dom F. G. M . Beyssac of Q u a r r Abbey is included in the volume; J o h n Meade Falkner sale, Sotheby's, 12 December 1932, lot 414 to Thorp. Crispin acquired the book from Dawson's Book Shop in 1936. Secundo folio: [Text, f. 10] terram. Servite
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, C R I S P I N 9 • P S A L T E R • Germany, s. X V 2 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Fig. 16
ff. l - 6 v : Graded calendar, very similar to that in Crispin 8, both in the saints included and in those excluded; this calendar, however, lacks Otto (bishop of Bamberg), has the "Apparicio Michaelis" in black (patron of the Bamberg cathedral), and contains the Transfiguration (6 August, totum duplex), f. 7 blank. ff. 7v-8v: Nocte surgentes [added in a cursive hand]; Invitatorium, Venite exultemus . . . ; Ymnus, Nocte surgentes . . . [all with musical notation]. ff. 9-209v: Psalms, with noted responses, verses, and antiphons; 1 folio missing after f. 174 from Ps. 118:80 to 118:85. ff. 209v-224v: Ferial canticles; Benedicite . . . ; Te Deum . . . ; Benedictus . . . ; Quicumque vult . . . ff. 224v-230v: Litany, including Dominic, Thomas Aquinas, and Vincent Ferrer; the set of 9 orations, as in Crispin 8, ff. 191 v-193. ff. 230v-242v: H y m n s and antiphons for Advent, Septuagésima, Palm Sunday, and Easter, as in Crispin 8; f. 242v, subscription by the copyist: Et ego quoque viso fine alleluia cantabo deitati trine alleluia, f. 243r-v blank.
Parchment, ff. i (paper, modern) + i (contemporary) + 243; 155 x 110 (102 x 72) m m . 1 6 ( + s t u b of flyleaf) 2-12 8 1 3 8 ( - 6 , with no loss of text) 14-16" 1710 18-21® 2 2 8 ( - 8 ; after f. 174) 23-26 8 276 28-30 8 31 8 (8 is pastedown). Horizontal catchwords in the lower right corner, often trimmed. 18-20 long lines frame ruled in lead. Written by 1 person in a gothic liturgical book hand; on the front pastedown, the beginning of the hymn "Nocte surgentes" in littera textualis, and on ff. 7v-8v the same text by a German hand of the late sixteenth century; text in black carbon ink, often flaking. Flex mark in punctuation. Music in square notation on staves of 4 red lines. Early modern foliation in arabic numerals; loose in the volume is a slip of paper with musical notation and biblical citations, s. X V I . Eight simply drawn initials that appear to have been added in the sixteenth 25
century mark the liturgical divisions of the Psalter: f. 9, Ps. 1, 11-line, green acanthus-leaf letter with a Christ Child sitting on it, holding a whip, on a gold background and within a red frame; seated on the flowers of the lower border are 5 Innocents, also holding symbols of the Passion; scattered gold balls; f. 43, Ps. 26, 4-line, blue initial on a square gold ground, in the lower margin a multicolored leaf and scattered gold balls; f. 62, Ps. 38, 6-line parted red and blue initial with red pen flourishes and red infilling with negative white leaves; in the lower margin a flowering acanthus leaf in green, gray, red, blue, yellow, orange, and some white highlighting, scattered gold balls; f. 80v, Ps. 52, 7-line parted red and blue initial on a square background; in the outer margin, Barbara holding the palm branch and book, and, behind her, the tower with 3 windows; she stands on a strawberry plant, with a grotesque animal at the bottom; scattered gold balls; f. 99, Ps. 68, 7-line parted red and blue initial with gold patterns; in the lower margin 3 children with halos gathering grapes; scattered gold balls; f. 121, Ps. 80, initial same as f. 62; in the lower margin the Christ Child flanked by praying angels holding a strawberry plant and a flower; gold balls; f. 141, Ps. 97, initial same as f. 62, in the lower margin a peacock sitting on a flowering plant with strawberries; gold balls; f. 160v, Ps. 109, 5-line parted red and blue initial; within the text, alternating red and blue initials, 2 - a n d 1-line; in sections with musical notation, ornate red and black cadels; some red flourishes in the margins. Bound in contemporary black leather, rebacked, blind stamped front and back with a rectangular frame of swirls; in the center front panel, an oval containing a cross with the instruments of the Passion (?); stamp on the center back panel is indecipherable; wooden boards, beveled to the inside; 2 brass fore edge clasps closing from bottom to top, only the tab remains of the lower clasp; 13 fore edge tabs in red leather, marking liturgical sections. Written in Germany after 1458 (Feast of the Transfiguration) for a Dominican house, to judge from the saints in the calendar, in the litany, and in the orations after the litany. On the front pastedown and on f. 243v, in a contemporary hand: "Sancta Barbra ehingerin," probably to be identified with Ehingen, southwest of Ulm. A letter " R " is repeated several times on the front flyleaves. Source and date of acquisition by Crispin unknown. Secundo folio: [Text, f. 10] in ira sua
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, C R I S P I N 10 • M A R T Y R O L O G Y • Southern Germany, 2 May 1426 1.
Fig. 11
ff. l-65v: Incipit martyrologium per anni circulum, kalendas ianuarii . . . Circumcisio domini nostri Iesu Christi. Festum duplex. Rome natalis sancti Almachii martiris. Qui iubente urbis prefecto cum diceret . . . [Pridie kalendas ianuarit\ Et in eadem urbe sancte Columbe virginis que superato igne gladio cesa est. Reciarie sancti Hermetis exorciste. Et natale aliorum plurimorum. Explicit marthilogium sanctorum anno Domini milesimo quadragentesimo vicesimo sexto in crostino sanctorum appostolorum Philippi et Iacobi melos laudis sancte sit trinitati. Amen. Martyrology generally as printed in PL 123:601-992, 124:1-858, but here missing 1 leaf after f. 22 (. . . quem in Actibus apostulorum beatus// . . . / / R o m e via ardeatina natalis sanctorum martyrum Nerey et Achiley fratrum . . . ; text for 26
6 - 1 2 May), and missing 2 leaves after f. 23 (. . . Sexto decimo kalendas iunii. Luna!I . . . //Quinto kalendas iunii . . . ; text for 17-28 May). Various Dominican feasts are included: Peter of Verona (f. 21, 29 April), Dominic (f. 36, 5 August), and the octave of his feast (f. 37v, 12 August). Southern G e r m a n saints included are: A m a n d " c u i u s corpus transtulit sanctus R u d b e r t u s in civitatem suam I u v a v i a m " (f. 53, 26 October); Wolfgang, " I n civitate ratisponensi deposicio sancti Wolfgangi episcopi eiusdem civitatis" (f. 54, 30 October); O t h m a r (f. 57v, 16 November); Translation of Corbinian (f. 58, 20 November). O n f. 35, 31 July, is a lengthy addition in the margin on Tertullinus " . . . In Slechdorff Frisingensy dyocesis translatum est . . . " f. 65v: [Added in a contemporary cursive h a n d , a m o r n i n g prayer] Eratis aliquando tenebre n u n c autem lux . . . [Eph. 5:8], Exurgentes de cubiculis nostris auxilium gratie tue matutinis D o m i n e precibus imploramus . . .
Parchment (thick), ff. ii (paper, modern) + 65 + ii (paper, modern); 308 x 212 (240-220 x 155) m m . 1-2 1 0 3 1 0 ( - 3 , - 5 , - 6 ) 4-6 1 0 7 8 . Catchwords frequently cropped. 2 columns of 33 lines ruled in ink, frame only. Written by 1 person in a G e r m a n liturgical book hand (littera textualis formata); text in black and brown ink. Flex mark in punctuation, f. 1, 4-line opening initial, red with negative white design; lumpy 2-line red initials, but space usually left blank after f. 30; occasional additions to the text in the margin. Bound in tan pigskin with diamond rules, s. X X ; mildew throughout the volume. Written in southern G e r m a n y , perhaps in the diocese of Freising, as suggested by the Translation of Corbinian, and by the addition of Tertullinus with the mention of Schlehdorf. T h e presence of Dominican saints and the liturgical grading " T o t u m d u p l e x " for the feasts probably indicate use in that order. Inside the front cover: " J o h n M e a d e Falkner, T h e Divinity House, D u r h a m " ; loose in the volume is a long and precise description of the contents made in 1916 by D o m F. G . M . Beyssac of Q u a r r Abbey. Falkner sale, Sotheby's, 12 December 1932, lot 477 to M a r k s , with the relevant catalogue slip in the volume. Crispin acquired the manuscript from Dawson's, Special List 13, April 1933, no. 10. Secundo folio: (na-)talis Domini
H O N N O L D L I B R A R Y , C R I S P I N 11 • M A R T Y R O L O G Y • Italy, s. X V m e d 1.
ff. l - 6 v : Calendar with m a n y erasures of both original and added entries (erased additions at 9 and 24 J a n u a r y , 11 and 18 February, 30 April, 18 May, 24 and 27 August, 28 November, 1, 3, and 22 December); m a n y additions in several hands including "Anniversarium p a t r u m m a t r u m p r o p i n q u o r u m et b e n e f a c t o r u m " (6 February), Faustinus and J o v i t a (15 February), Translation of Augustine (28 February, duplex maius), Herculanus (1 March), Longinus (15 March), Translation of Monica (9 April, minus duplex, in red), Monica (4 May, in red), Conversion of Augustine (5 May, in red), Translation of Nicholas of Tolentino (9 May, in red), Peter Celestine (19 May), Canonization of Nicholas of Tolentino (5 J u n e ) , Visitation (2 July, duplex maius, in red), " O f f i t i u m pro defunctis fratribus ordinis nostri anniv e r s a r i u m " (7 July), Peter of Foligno (19 July, in red), Transfiguration (6 August, 27
duplex maius, in red), Augustine (28 August, duplex, in red; this is an original entry), Nicholas of Tolentino (10 September, duplex maius, in red), Translation of Augustine (11 October, minus duplex, in red), Presentation (21 November, in red); on J a n u a r y and March, notes on the Golden Number. 2. ff. 7-60: Ave Maria. Gratia plena. Dominus tecum. Incipit ordo datarii sive martilogii secundum consuetudinem romane curie, . . . Vigilia natalis Domini apud Antiochiam Syrie natale sanctarum virginum xl a . . . ad cuius tumbam miracula creberrime fiunt. Et alibi plurimorum sanctorum martirum confessorum atque sanctarum virginum. Martyrology from 7 J a n u a r y to 6 January, generally as printed in PL 124: 833-858 (for ff. 7-8), PL 123:601-988 (for ff. 8-27), PL 124:1-830 (for ff. 27-60). Here missing 2 leaves after f. 40 (. . . post illata tormentorum genera detra// . . . //acoliti et martiris qui cum paganis . . . ; text for 1-15 August), and missing 1 leaf after f. 54 (. . . civitate agrippensi de[catchword:]posito// . . . //material on Epact and Dominical letters; text for 12-19 November). Among the saints are many relating to Padua: "Apud Paduam in monasterio sancte Iustine inventio sancti Danielis levite et martiris . . . " (f. 8v, 3 J a n u a r y ) ; " I n Padua civitate corpus beati Antonii illustris confessoris de ordine minorum . . . " (f. 33v, 13 June); "Apud Paduam sancte Iustine virginis et martiris . . . " (f. 49, 7 October); "Et octava sancte Iustine . . . " (f. 50v, 11 October); "Apud Paduam civitatem depositio sancti Prosdocimi primi episcopi civitatis ipsius . . . " (f. 54, 7 November); "Eodem die sancti Belini [wc] martiris episcopi paduani . . . " (f. 56, 26 November); "Eodem die passio sancte Iustine virginis . . . " (f. 56v, 30 November). Later additions in the margins are a long entry on Monica (f. 27v, 4 May), Nicholas of Tolentino (f. 45, 10 September), and the Translation of Augustine (f. 50, 11 October). 3. f. 60r-v: Verses and prose on the number of saints in heaven: f. 60 Die lector nonas sic ydus atque kalendas . . . [4 lines]; f. 60 Cum martirum confessorum atque sanctarum virginum in martilogio conscriptorum capit summa et numerus nominatim. Centum milia octigentos quinquaginta . . . ; f. 60 Numerus quidem sanctorum hiis exceptis summa quorum . . . [13 lines]. 4. ff. 60v-62v: Readings for the temporale and the sanctorale, from the first Sunday in Advent to the anniversary of the dedication of a church. Additions by other hands: " Q u i scripsit scribat et semper cum Domino ibat; Commemoratio fratrum propinquorum benefactorum et recommendatorum nostrorum ordinis nostri. Requiescant in pace. A m e n . " 4 readings headed: In festo corporis Christi; In festo sancte trinitatis; In festo visitationis virginis Marie; In sancti Augustini. Parchment, ff. ii (i is pastedown) + 62 + ii (ii is pastedown); 255 x 180 (170 x 110) mm. I 6 2-4 1 0 5 1 0 (- 5, - 6) 6 10 7 1 0 (- 1, - 10). Horizontal catchwords in the center lower margin, between flourishes. 2 columns of 38 lines ruled in lead. Rounded Italian gothic book hand in monastic style; olive brown ink. f. 7, 7-line initial in blue on red and blue beading and harping; 2-line initials alternately red and blue on harping of the opposite color; on the back pastedown are notes and a prayer (to protect "omnes habitantes in hoc habitaculo") by several fifteenth-century hands. Binding restored by Riviere, preserving the original fifteenth-century wooden boards, bosses, and metal parts of the strap-and-pin fastenings; as wrap-around in the binding is a glossed text, s. XIII/XIV, written in gothic littera textualis, with marginalia in a cursive gothic script, possibly English. Written in northeastern Italy, as the frequent references to Padua suggest; the calendar, however, may be of independent origin, since the Paduan saints do not appear in it. At a later date, the book was in an Augustinian house, apparently in the same gen28
eral area: note, besides the Augustinian entries, the additions to the calendar for Faustinus and Jovita (Brescia), Herculanus (Perugia), Longinus (Mantua), Peter of Foligno (Perugia). On f. 1, in the upper margin, s. XVI/XVII, "Sanct§ M a r ¡ 5 " ; on the front pastedown, s. XVIII, "Martirologio Antico" and the ex libris of the Carmelites of Turin, "Ex biblioth. Carmelitar. Taurini R VII 5 . " On a sheet of paper kept in the volume, in the hand of John Meade Falkner, "Bought this martyrology at Loescher's, Rome, April 1916, tempore belli" and remarks on the rebinding; also loose in the volume is a note regarding the calendar by Dom F. G. M . Beyssac of Quarr Abbey. Falkner sale, Sotheby's, 12 December 1932, lot 279 to Marks. Crispin acquired the book from Dawson's, Special List 13, April 1933, no. 15. Secundo folio:
[Text, f. 8] (mace-)rati post ungulis
HONNOLD L I B R A R Y , CRISPIN 12 m M I S S A L • France, s. XV™ d and XVI i n 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7.
8. 9.
Fig. 40
ff. l - 1 6 v : Temporale: Advent, Christmas, Circumcision, Epiphany, Palm Sunday, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity, Corpus Christi. ff. 17-22v: Prefaces. ff. 23-25 blank, ff. 25v-26: 2 full page illuminations, f. 26v blank. ff. 27-34: Canon of the Mass. f. 34v blank. ff. 35-60: Proper of the saints, from Stephen (26 December) to Andrew (30 November), including on ff. 42-43 In die sancii Amancii officium and on ff. 48v-49 De sancto Eparchio. ff. 60-78: Common of the saints from One Apostle to One Virgin and Martyr, including on ff. 73-75 De abbatibus. ff. 78-101: Votive masses: De trinitate, De angelis, De sancto spirita, De cruce, De virgine Maria, Ad gratiam sancti spiritus postulandam, Petri et Pauli, De omnibus sanctis, Pro congregatone, Pro rege (. . . regi nostro N . . .), Pro semet ipso, Pro terra sancta, Pro peticione lacrimarum, Contra incendium, Pro malis cogitacionibus, Pro temptacione carnis, Pro peccatis, Pro pace, Pro amico vivente, Pro amico, Pro devota feminea [sic], Pro amicis viventibus, Pro familiaribus, Pro qualunque tribulatione, Ad episcendam humilitatem, Contra iudices male agentes, Adpluviam postulandam, Ad serenitatem postulandam, Pro Ulis qui tenentur captivi, Ad repellendas tempestates, Pro iter agentibus, Pro infirmo, Pro infirmo qui proximus est morti, Sequitur officium deffunctorum, Pro vivis et mortuis [3 versions], Propatre et matre, Pro episcopo, Pro episcopis, Pro simplici sacerdote, Pro homine in die obitus sui, Pro femina, Pro benefactoribus, Unius deffuncti vel plurimorum deffunctorum, Pro anniversario, Pro Ulis qui sunt in cimiterio, Pro desiderantibus penitenciam, In die depositionis, Omnium deffunctorum, Sequitur missa quinque plagarum Christi devotissima a sancto Iohanne evangelista composita omni vi feria dicenda. Cum Iohannes papa xxii concessit tarn audientibus quam dicentibus cc dies indulgentie. Beatus Bonifacius papa egrotavit usque ad mortem et petens a Domino suam vitam elongari . . . ; Hec est missa ad evitandum empedimiam [sie] seu mortalitatem. ff. 101v-102v: Exorsismus salis et aque diebus dominicis. f. 103r-v: Gloria in excelsis Deo . . . ; Credo in unum Deum patrem omnipotentem . . . \ De sancto Michaele oratio ut supra in die [referring to the note on f. 56, line 21, "Oratio require in fine libri"]; Secreta ad serenitatem poscendam ut supra [referring to the note on f. 89, "Postcommunio require in fine libri," although the addition on f. 103v does not give the postcommunion, but rather repeats the secret], ff. 104-106v ruled but blank. 29
Parchment, ff. i + 106 + i; 314 x 211 (200 x 135) m m . 1-3 8 4 2 (ff. 25- 26) 5-14 8 . Occasional catchwords in lower right margin; leaves signed with a letter of the alphabet and roman numerals, i-iiii. 26 long lines, except for ff. 17-34, with 16 long lines; note, however, that the ruled space remains constant; ruled in pale violet ink. Written by 1 person in a liturgical gothic book hand with hierarchy of sizes for different texts. 2 illuminations on a bifolium added to the manuscript, ca. 1515 from a ca. 1470s model: ff. 25v and 26, the Crucifixion with Christ between the thieves, and Christ in Majesty, surrounded by the symbols of the Evangelists; each illumination enclosed by borders divided geometrically and containing flowers on blue or gilt backgrounds; in both lower margins, the Rochefoucauld arms; 3 pages with 6-line blue initials with white highlighting on grounds repainted ca. 1515; borders, also painted in at this time, of floral patterns on gold (f. 1), silver (f. 27), or gold and purple (f. 35) grounds, divided by wavy lines, diamond rules, and diagonal bands, respectively. Major initials, 4-line, in gold on square grounds of pale red and blue with white penwork decoration; leafy sprays extending into margin with same color red and blue leaves; secondary initials, 3- and 2-line, some parted, most in blue with red flourishes or red with black pen flourishes; 1-line initials washed in yellow; rubrics throughout. Bound in brown calf over pasteboards with blind stamps in 10 vertical columns completely covering front and back: " I h e s u s , " fleur-de-lis, lozenge containing fleur-de-lis, double-headed eagle, castle with 3 towers, and St. Andrew's cross with knots; evidence of ties; gilt edges, s. X V I . Written toward the middle of the fifteenth century, and given its major decoration (miniatures; reworked initials and added borders) in the early sixteenth century, probably for J o h n III de la Rochefoucauld, O.S.B., bishop of Mende and thirtieth abbot of St. Amant-de-Boixe (1515-1538), in the diocese of Angoulême (see f. 42, lines 7-8, " h u i u s sancti confessoris tui Amancii qui in presente requiescat ecclesia," and the office for the related saint, Eparchius). J o h n ' s arms, or a cross gules, supported by 2 angels and surmounted by a miter and crosier, appear in the lower margins of the 2 illustrations; f. 1, bottom, "Larochefoucauld," s. X V I I . The manuscript appears to have been in the library of Anne de Polignac (d. 1554), who was married to François II, comte de la Rochefoucauld. The collection remained in the family until the Revolution, when it passed to Cardinal de Rohan-Chabot. A certain number of manuscripts from that collection were sold anonymously in Paris in 1879 (a note on the copy of the sale catalogue held by the Bibliothèque Nationale identifies the seller as " D u c de R o h a n " ) . This missal is almost certainly no. 4 in that sale: Catalogue de Manuscrits précieux des XIIIe, XVe et XVIe siècles . . . , Hôtel des CommissairesPriseurs, Rue Drouot, 18 mars 1879 (Paris 1879). Sotheby's, 8 February 1921, lot 140 with plate of f. 25v. Another Sotheby catalogue notice on front pastedown. Dawson catalogue 94, November 1933, no. 67 and, again, Dawson catalogue 97, March 1934, no. 48, with a reproduction of the opening ff. 25v-26; acquired by Crispin from Dawson in 1934, and donated to the Claremont Colleges in 1961. Secundo folio: Dominus dixit Bibliography: A. De Laborde, " L a librairie d'Anne de Polignac Comtesse de la Rochefoucauld: Dissertation lue à l'Académie des Inscriptions à Paris à la séance publique annuelle du vendredi 28 novembre 1919," Bollettino del Bibliofilo 2 (Naples 1920) 65-71. 30
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, C R I S P I N 13 • A N T I P H O N A L • Northern Italy, 1545-1546
Fig. 37
Volume 1, from the first Sunday in Advent to Holy Saturday Í.
r v
f. i " : In hoc volumine ojfitium dominicum per circulum anni continetur in duobus tomis divisum inceptum anno Domini millesimo d xlv doctissimo et probo viro presbytero Vincentio Taliapetra antistite. Index contentorum in tomo primo, Dominica prima adventus carta ii . . . sabbato sancto carta lxxxvii. ff. 1-96: Divi Barnabe templo dicatum. Incipit dominicale offitium ab adventu domini nostri Iesu Christi usque ad resurrectionem eiusdem . . . ; f. 96 Dominicalis tomus primus absolvitur. f. 96v blank. Volume 2, from Easter to the Saturday before Advent
3. 4.
f. i: Index contentorum in tomo secundo, Resurrectio Domini, karta i . . . Sabbato proximo kalendas novembris et usque ad adventum, karta lxvii. f. iv blank. ff. 1-70: Text; ff. 16-25 are missing, with lacuna in the text from the fourth Sunday after Easter to Pentecost; f. 70 Absolvitur ojficium dominicum in duobus tomis divisum ad laudem domini nostri Iesu Christi ac eius gloriosissime matris semper virginis Marie necnon beati Barnabe apostoli huius aedis presidís benefitio legati reverendi domini Dominici de Groppis decretorum doctoris templi plebani quod resarciendis libris legavit. Et hoc diligentia templi procuratoris scriptum per venerabilem Jratrem Simonem carmelitanum de Desentiano completum anno Domini millesimo quingentésimo quadragesimo sexto die xx aprilis, venerabili ac probo viro Augustino Nigro templi antistite, f. 70v blank.
2 volumes; parchment, vol. 1, ff. ii (paper, modern) + i (table of contents) + 96 + ii (paper, modern); vol. 2, ff. ii (paper, modern) + i (table of contents) + 70 (but missing 1 quire, ff. 16-25) + ii (paper, modern); 510 x 380 (350 x 235) mm. Gatherings of 10 leaves. Apparently no catchwords. 7 lines of text with music of square notation on staves of 4 red lines; ruled in pale ink. Written in late, stately Italian gothic book hand. Vol. 1, f. 1, multicolored border, with balanced floral pattern, human figures and urns in the inner margin; upper and lower margin with acanthus leaf swirls and flowers; in the lower margin, a coat of arms, azure, a chevron and three spindles or, supported by 2 half-human creatures; 2-line initials (105-90 mm) in 6 to 8 colors with floral patterns on square gold backgrounds: vol. 1, ff. 1, 17v, 65, 77, 87; vol. 2, 2v, 32; secondary initials corresponding to 1 line of text and music, in gold on maroon and blue backgrounds with gold tracery; in vol. 1, all the initials of these 2 types occurring between ff. 17 and 26 have been pasted in; 1-line initials in text alternately red and blue with negative white design; initials in indexes and titles, vol. 1 on f. 1 "Divi Barnabe templo d . " and vol. 2 on ff. lv-2, in alternating red and blue square capitals; 2 elaborate red cadels in vol. 1 on ff. i " I " ( n hoc volumine) and 96 "D"(ominicalis); rubrics throughout; contemporary foliation in large, formal roman numerals in the upper right corner of the recto. Bound in quarter leather over pasteboards, s. X I X . Written for a parochial church dedicated to the apostle Barnabas (who is said to have converted northwestern Italy) by Simone, Carmelite of Desenzano al Serio in the province of Bergamo. An alchemical manuscript copied by a "frater Patricius de disenzano carmelita," s. XVI" 1 , is Glasgow, University Library, Ferguson 153, described by Ker 2:892-893. Printed ex libris: " F r o m the Library of the Earl of 31
Ashburnham, Appendix N° C C X X V I I I , M a y 1897"; his sale, Sotheby's, 1 M a y 1899, lot 157; in that catalogue these 2 volumes are 1 and 2 of a set of 8 choir books from the church of St. Barnabas, and the arms are identified as those of D. de Groppis. Belonged to John Meade Falkner, his sale, Sotheby's, 12 December 1932, lot 6 (the 2 volumes) to Marks; this catalogue slip is pasted on f. i of volume 1. Acquired by Crispin from Dawson's Book Shop in 1933. Secundo folio:
[Volume 1] (om-)nes sancti eius; [Volume 2] (alle-)luia dedit mihi
HONNOLD L I B R A R Y , CRISPIN 14 m PROCESSIONAL • France, s. X V a n d XVI 1
Fig. 42
1. ff. l - 7 v : Procession for the Purification: Lumen ad revelationem gentium . . . 2. ff. 8-22: Procession for Palm Sunday: Osanna, filio David . . . 3. ff. 22-35: Antiphons and psalms for Maundy Thursday: Mandatum novum do vobis . . . 4. ff. 35-60v: Procession for the Dead: Non intres in iudicium . . . ; the 9 responses for the Office of the Dead, use of Rome, noted. 5. ff. 61-66v: Prose for the feast of Francis: Fregit victor virtualis . . . 6. ff. 66v-67: Alleluia for the feast of the Stigmata of Francis. 7. ff. 67v-69: Response, Gaude Maria, and verse, Gabrielem archangelum credimus, for the Purification of the Virgin [same text on ff. 5v-6 of this manuscript]. 8. ff. 69v-79v: Trope of the Libera me, Domine [see ff. 58-59v] for the dead: Bone Iesu dulcis cunctis . . . Et cum sanctis in requie collocetur per secula. Libera me. 9. ff. 79v-81: Prose for the Virgin: Letare puerpera . . . [Analecta Hymnica 54:157-158, no. 102]. 10. ff. 81-82v: Two antiphons De sancta corona Domini: Arma regis glorie . . . signis gloriantur alleluya; Cruci corone spinee . . . perpetue speramus alleluya. 11. ff. 83-86: Litanies including Francis, Anthony, Louis, Clare, Genevieve [with the added note " 3 fois"] and Opportuna. f. 86v ruled but blank. Parchment, ff. i (modern) + 86 + i (modern) + iii (paper, modern); 153 x 106 (117 x 71) mm. Bound too tightly to collate; the section between ff. 69-81 is bound out of order; the correct sequence is: 69, 75, 70, 76, 71, 77, 72, 78, 73, 79, 80, 74, 81; this arrangement places the 2 parts of the trope on facing pages, in order that an opening may show the same text and the differing music. 18 long lines for the prose sections; the music sections consist of 6 lines of text with music in 4-line staves, both parts frame ruled in pale red ink. Written by several people in French liturgical book hands (littera textualis), one of which is quite ornate (ff. 66v-67 and ff. 69v-86). Decoration (f. 1): square capital script, s. XVI, in gold on blue background painted over the original text and covering almost half the page, reading: "Ste[p]hanus plenus gratia et fortitudine faciebat prodigia et signa magna in populo" (Acts 6:8); the frame border is formed of a knotted gold cord; the background of the opening initial of the text, originally decorated with pen flourishes, has been repainted in gold; this initial and all other primary initials alternate red with blue pen flourishes, blue with red; in the sixteenth-century addition, ff. 69v-86, the initials are gold on red or blue backgrounds, with white tracery; f. 82, cadel on a yellow wash ground; secondary initials, 1-line, alternate red and blue; within the music, some initials colored in yellow; rubrics with directions for the ceremonies throughout the text. 32
Bound in red morocco with gilt frame borders on front, spine, and back; in the center of the front and back is a cross with the emblems of Christ's passion, s. X V I I ; evidence of fore edge clasps; gilt edges. Written in northern France. According to Dom F. G. M . Beyssac, O.S.B., who examined it at Q u a r r Abbey in 1919, this manuscript was probably written for a convent of Poor Clares in the diocese of Paris. This is suggested by the gold cord frame on f. 1, the frequent mention of " s o r o r e s , " " f a m u l e , " "ancille," " c a n t r i x " in the rubrics and in the text, the presence of the prose for Francis, and a reference in the text on f. 50, lines 10-11, to Francis, " e t sanctissimi confessoris tui patris nostri Francisci"; the presence of Opportuna and the tripling of Genevieve in the litany may indicate Paris. Dom Beyssac dated the second portion of the manuscript after 1481, when Berardus, invoked in the litany (f. 83v), was canonized; the litany reads "Sancte Bernarde cum sociis tuis," apparently in error, since Bernard does not have companions but Berard does. O n the front pastedown the inscriptions "1359 E " and "Fol. 86 d. 3 April 1835. Bibl. Bülov. Beyern. G. H . Sehr." The second note was apparently written by Georg Heinrich Schäffer, who prepared the sale catalogue for the 10 October 1836 sale of the library of F. Gottlieb Julius von Biilow of Schloss Beyernaumberg bei Sangerhausen; this manuscript is listed as no. 589 in that catalogue (Bibliotheca Büloviana, d. i. systematisches Verzeichnis der zum Nachlasse des verstorbenen Herrn . . . Bülow: . . . Sammlung von Büchern und Handschriften . . . pt. 3, Sangerhausen 1836, no. 589). Also on the pastedown, a Sotheby catalogue slip from an unidentified sale, and the bookplate of Charles Butler of Warren Wood, Hatfield, his sale, Sotheby's, 29 May 1911, lot 1708 to Leighton. Belonged to J o h n Meade Falkner, his sale (with appropriate slip on pastedown), Sotheby's, 12 December 1932, lot 396 to Marks and Co. Crispin acquired the book from Dawson's, Special List 13, April 1933, no. 13. Secundo folio: plena
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, C R I S P I N 15 • B R E V I A R Y • England, s. XIV e * 1. ff. l-134v: Temporale, from the first Sunday in Advent to In dedicatione ecclesie\ opening folio missing: //todiat nos omnipotens et misericors Deus. Amen. Confitebor Domino beate Marie omnibus sanctis . . . 2. ff. 134v-136v and 139: Rubrics: ff. 134v-135 [List of feasts according to their grading in Sarum use] Hec sunt festa duplicia sarum principalia . . . ; ff. 135-136 Formulas to end prayers according to the Person(s) addressed; ff. 136r-v and 139 Annual benedictions, f. 139v ruled but blank. 3. ff. 137-138v: Translation of Chad and Commemoration of Thomas, added in a noting hand, s. X V . 4. ff. 140-145v: Full calendar including the feasts of Wulfstan (19 January, 9 lessons, in red), Oswald (28 February, duplex festum, non sarum sed wygornensis, 9 lessons, in red), J o h n of Beverley (7 May, added), Translation of Wulfstan (7 J u n e , non sarum sed wygornensis, 9 lessons, in red), Etheldreda (23 J u n e , 3 lessons), Translation of Thomas of Canterbury (7 July, duplex festum, 9 lessons, in red), Osmund (16 July, 3 lessons, added), Anne (26 July, duplex festum, 9 lessons, in red), Translation of Oswald (8 October, non sarum sed wygornensis, 9 lessons, in red), Wulfram (15 Oc33
7. 8.
9. 10.
tober, 9 lessons, in red), Thomas of Canterbury (29 December, duplex festum, 9 lessons, in red); Latin month verses (Walther, Initio 14563); August is mislabeled September. ff. 146-207v: Ferial psalter, with antiphons, hymns, and canticles after each day at Pss. 25, 37, 51, 67, 79, 96, 108; opening folio missing before f. 146 / / q u o n i a m irritaverunt te Domine . . . [Ps. 5:11]; 1 leaf missing between ff. 158 and 159 . . . Intende in adiutorium meum Domine Deus salutis mee. Psalmus// . . . //mei. Remitte michi ut refrigerer . . . [Pss. 37:23-38:13]; f. 193, Ps. 109 (Sunday at Vespers) begins a new quire and changes to a different scribe; f. 207r-v Te Deum . . . ; Benedicite . . . ff. 207v-210v: Litanies for the week, with many names entered later in the margins, including Prisca, Kagenfledis [jic, for Ragenfredis?], Bathildis, Etheldreda, Columba, Eugenia, Gertrude, Albanus, Majolus, Adelgundis, Radegundis, Basilla. ff. 210v-215v: Office of the Virgin, Sarum use. ff. 216-332v: Sanctorale, from the vigil of Andrew to Saturninus and Sisinnius; the scribe has noted on f. 240 that the feast of Oswald is " n o n sarum sed Wygornie," and on f. 252 that the translation of Wulfstan is " n o n s a r u m . " ff. 332v-350v: Common of the saints. ff. 350v-353v: Office of the Dead, Sarum use. ff. 354-355v blank.
Parchment, ff. ii (paper, modern) + 355 + ii (paper, modern); the rear medieval flyleaf and pastedown are included in the foliation; 164 x 115 (120 x 82) m m . 1 8 ( - 1 ) 2-17 8 18 4 (ff. 136-139) 19 6 (calendar) 20 8 (- 1) 2 1 8 ( - 7 ) 22-24° 25 8 (+ 9, to the end of Ps. 108) 26-27® 28 6 (+ 7, to f. 215 included) 29-44 8 456 464 47 2 (medieval flyleaf and pastedown). Catchwords within a double rule in lower margin; quires and leaves signed with letter of the alphabet and roman numeral. 2 columns of 34-37 lines ruled in lead. Written by 2 people in a round gothic book hand: (i) ff. l-136v, 139 and 193-353v; (ii) ff. 140-192v; cursive additions on ff. 137-138v. f. 216 (sanctorale), 6-line initial with orange and blue leaves on a spiky gold vine stem frame; primary initials, 5-line, in gold on rose and blue shields highlighted in white, for the beginning psalm of each section: Pss. 1 (folio missing), 26, 38 (folio missing), 52, 68, 80, 97, 109; secondary initials, 2-line, in blue with red tendrils; 1-line initials alternating in red and blue. Marginal note, f. 1: "Lyturgia Gregoriana." Bound in brown leather, s. X I X / X X , remains of sixteenth-century cover pasted on front: in the center, blind stamps of a Tudor rose and a crown (not in Oldham); border of rules and blind roll, Oldham MW(d)14; lettered on the spine: "Lyturgia Gregoriana." Written in England, possibly between 1383 (as the feast of Anne is in the calendar in the original hand) and 1416 (since J o h n of Beverley has been added to the calendar); mention of Worcester in the calendar and in the sanctorale suggests origin in that diocese. Possession notes: f. 353v, " R o b e r t dakyn tollkyn, Ollef [?] Ralason idem, Robert smyt i d e m " ; f. 354v, " D o m i n u s Robertus Lacton [or Tacton?] est rector ecclesie parochialis de Wawerton," s. X V / X V I . O n the front pastedown, the bookplate of Arthur Hugh Smith-Barry (1843-1925), Marbury Hall, with the motto "Boutez en a v a n t " and pressmark " C a s e 1, shelf D . " A Sotheby catalogue slip is in the volume. Crispin acquired the book from Dawson's Book Shop in 1934. Secundo folio: Betheem. Ps. Conserva 34
HONNOLD L I B R A R Y , CRISPIN 16 • BREVIARY • Northeastern Italy, s. XV 2
Fig. 33
1. ff. l - 6 4 v : [Liturgical psalter] Incipit psalterium adojficium romane curie deputatum et maxime ad feriale . . . 2. ff. 64v-70: Weekly canticles; Canticum Ambrosii, Te Deum . . . ; Canticum Athanasii, Quicumque vult . . . ; Symbolum, Credo in Deum patrem . . . ; Oratio de dominica, Pater noster . . . 3. ff. 70-83: Incipitymnarium secundum curiam romanam . . . [hymns for the temporale, the sanctorale, In dedicatione ecclesie, and, on ff. 80v-83, hymns for Anthony, Clare, and Francis]. 4. ff. 83-259: [Temporale] Incipit ordo breviarii secundum consuetudinem romane curie . . . 5. ff. 259-26Ira: Incipiunt rubrice comunes seu generates, Adventus Domini celebratur . . . O sapientia [ S M R L 2:114-121], 6. f. 261 : Notandum quod si festum sancti Andree in primo sabbato de adventu venerit vespere dicitur . . . postea fit commemoratio de sancto Andrea et non dicitur officium beate Virginis. Et hoc fit propter novitatem temporis. Sed in sequenti sabbato . . . a capitulo si fuerit necesse. Suprascripta rubrica est nova. 7. ff. 261-262: Iohannes episcopus servus servorum Dei . . . Bene gestis . . . [Bull of John XXII with rubrics for the octave of Corpus Christi, 1316-1334], 8. ff. 262-264: Rubrica parisiensis de o f f i c i o adventus, Anno ilio . . . [ S M R L 2:401-408], 9. ff. 264-384v: Incipiunt festivitates sanctorum per totum anni circulum . . . [from Saturninus to Catherine, including offices for the feast of the Conception, the Visitation, Clare, and Louis]. 10. ff. 385-390v: Full calendar, with the feasts of Bobo of Voghera (22 M a y ) , "Deltrude virginis et regine" (23 J u n e , sic, for Etheldreda?), Reparata (8 October); column for the Golden Number; Latin month verses (Walther, Initia 14561); references to folios in the sanctorale in contemporary arabic numerals. 11. ff. 391-408v: Incipit comune sanctorum secundum curiam . . . [from One Apostle to In dedicatione ecclesie]. 12. ff. 408v-412v: Incipit officium in agenda mortuorum. Notandum quod officium defunctorum non agitur secundum consuetudinem romane curie . . . [ S M R L 2:191-195]. 13. ff. 412v-417v: Incipit officium beate et gloriose virginis Marie . . . [ S M R L 2:185-191], 14. ff. 417v-419: Incipit ordo ad benedicendum mensam . . . [ S M R L 2:199-203], 15. f. 419: Second part of an alphabetical index of the incipits of the Psalms, "Quemadmodum" to "Venite exultemus," with folio references in arabic numerals, added by a later fifteenth-century hand. f. 419v ruled but blank. 16. f. 420r-v: First part of the index, to "Principes persecuti." Parchment, ff. i (paper, modern) + 420 + i (paper, modern); 155 x 105 (85 x 65) mm. Gatherings of 10 leaves. Catchwords in the center of the lower margin between flourishes. 2 columns of 32 lines ruled in pale ink, bounding lines in lead. Written in a rounded gothic book hand, normal for a liturgical book of small size; black and brown ink in text, often badly flaking. Opening initials, ff. lv, 83, 264, 391, in 5 colors, 9- to 10-line height, with floral patterns on gold backgrounds with full border of flower motif in rose, green, and blue with gold balls on pen-and-ink symmetrically flourished bands; on f. 83 a bird, on f. 264 a vase, on f. 391 a parted purple and blue band surrounds the written space; secondary initials, 8- or 7-line, infilled with blue, highlighted in white on a gold ground, with ocher and green floral patterns and gold 35
balls; in the Psalter, the illuminated initials follow liturgical divisions (Pss. 1, 26, 38, 52, 68, 80, 97, 109, 114, 121, 126, 131, 137, 143, 148); 2-line initials alternately in red and blue on red pen work; rubrics in red minuscule; incorrectly foliated by the scribe in red arabic numerals at the bottom of the outer column. Some corrections and marginalia by late fifteenth-century Italian hands. Bound in parchment over pasteboard, s. X I X ; gilt edges. Written in northeastern Italy, possibly Ferrara, to judge by the style of the illumination, and apparently under Franciscan influence, although the Franciscan feasts receive no special attention in the calendar. Belonged to J o h n Meade Falkner (penciled note in his hand on front pastedown); his sale, Sotheby's, 12 December 1932, lot 94 to Marks and Co. Acquired by Crispin from Dawson's Book Shop, sale catalogue 91, M a y 1933, no. 142. Secundo folio: dixit ad me
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, C R I S P I N 17 • B R E V I A R Y • Italy (Ravenna?), s. XV 2 1. ff. l - 6 v : Graded calendar, including the feasts of 12 bishops of Ravenna (1, 11, 14, and 21 February, 16 March, 13 April, 22 May, 3 July, 5 October, 1, 3, and 30 December), and 14 Franciscan feasts; other feasts are Herculanus bishop of Perugia (1 March, added), Marcellus " p r i m u s episcopus Ferrarie" (7 May, non transfertur, in red), Dedication of the church of Corpus Christi in Ferrara (13 May, duplex maius, in red), "Sancte Rose Viterbii corpus m a n e t " (4 September, added), " S . Patronii [«V] episcopi et confessoris fit Bononie" (4 October, added), Florianus (16 December, non transfertur, sollemne Bononie); calendar includes notes on the Golden Number. 2. ff. 7-64va: Liturgical psalter. 3. ff. 64vb-66v: H y m n s for Saturdays and Sundays in Lent, Holy Saturday, the Saturday after Easter, St. J o h n , apostles Peter and Paul, added on otherwise blank leaves at the end of a quire. 4. f. 66v: Responses for the first Monday in Advent, continued from f. 70v, where there is this note: " + quere ante adventum post ymnos hoc signo." 5. ff. 67-236: Temporale, f. 236v ruled but blank. 6. ff. 237-384v: Sanctorale, from Saturninus to Catherine; ff. 324v-327 Incipit officium transfigurationis Yhesu Christi de novo institutum per Calixtum papam tercium . . . 7. ff. 384v-408v: C o m m o n of the saints, from In nataliciis apostolorum to In anniversario dedicatione ecclesie. 8. ff. 408v-412: Office of the Virgin Mary, use of Rome. 9. ff. 412-415: Office of the Dead, use of Rome. 10. ff. 415-416v: Incipit ordo ad benedicendum mensa [sic] per totum annum. Parchment, ff. ii (paper, s. XVIII) + 416 + ii (paper, s. XVIII); 150 x 115 (102 x 75) m m . I 6 2-41 10 . Catchwords horizontal between dots or occasionally vertical. 2 columns of 35 lines ruled in pale ink, bounding lines in lead. Written by several scribes, using a rounded gothic book hand with humanistic influence; ink of text varying from brown to black. 2-line initials alternately in red on pale blue penwork, and in blue on pale red; occasional yellow washed initials; initials in the text alternately red 36
or blue; rubrics in small red minuscule. Additions and corrections to the text in a rounded Italian humanistic book h a n d (e.g., ff. 66v, 407); f. 1, top margin, "Breviarium j u x t a consuetudinem r o m a n a e c u r i a e " in a nineteenth-century hand. Bound in blind stamped calf over pasteboards, some gilt tooling, red edges, s. X V I I I . Written in Italy, probably for use in the diocese of R a v e n n a , as is indicated by the original entries in the calendar. Callistus III, mentioned on f. 324v, was pope 1455-1458; the Office of the Transfiguration (f. 324v) was instituted for Franciscans in 1458; as the calendar lacks the Translation of Bernard (1472) and the feast of Berard (1481), the manuscript may have been copied between 1455 and 1472/1481. Belonged to Samuel Wilberforce (1805-1873, archdeacon of Surrey and bishop of Winchester); his bookplate, and a note on front pastedown: " S . Wilberforce Surr. Archidiácono d. d. Lac. K a n e 3 Kal. Dec. M D C C C X L I I " ; a tipped-in note regarding the Psalter may be in the same h a n d . Later belonged to J o h n M e a d e Falkner; inserted loose in the volume is a note by D o m F. G . M . Beyssac of Q u a r r Abbey; Falkner sale, Sotheby's, 12 December 1932, lot 103 to Marks. Acquired by Crispin from Dawson's Book Shop in 1933. Secundo folio: [Text, f. 8] (di-)cunt anime mee
H O N N O L D L I B R A R Y , C R I S P I N 18 • B O O K O F H O U R S , use of R o m e • Northern France, s. X V e x 1. f. l r - v ruled but blank, save for the erased line: " Q u i d fecisti . . . " ; f. 2 r - v ruled but blank, save for 2 lines: " I h e s u s autem transiens per m e d i u m illorum i b a t " in the same hand and decoration as the text. 2. ff. 3 - 1 4 v : Calendar in French, including the feasts of Hilary (13 J a n u a r y ) , Albinus (1 March), G e r m a n u s (28 May), Eligius (25 J u n e ) , Claudius (8 July), Fiacre (30 August), L u p u s and Aegydius (1 September), Remigius (1 October), Denis (9 October, in red), Q u e n t i n (31 October), Eligius (1 December). 3 . ff. 15-18v: Sequentiae of the Gospels (John 1:1-14; Luke 1:26-38; M a t t . 2:1-12; M a r k 16:14-20), ends: . . . sequen//[-tibus signis]. 4. ff. 19-26v: [Illuminated leaf removed after f. 18] J o h n 18-19, and the prayer " D e u s qui m a n u s tuas . . . " 5 . ff. 27-28v: Memoriae de nativitate Domini, Deficiens mater virgo virum peperit . . . ; In festo pasche, Et respicientes viderunt revolutum lapidem . . . \ In die penthecostes, Hodie completi sunt dies penthecostes . . . ; / « festo omnium sanctorum, Beati estis sancti Dei omnes qui meruisti. . . . f. 29r-v ruled but blank. 6. ff. 30-69v: [Illuminated leaf removed after f. 29] H o u r s of the Virgin, use of R o m e . . . [Compline, final prayers] O m n i p o t e n s sempiterne Deus qui gloriose virginis matris M a r i e corpus et a n i m a m ut dignum filii tui habi[catchword :]tacu// 7. ff. 70-79v: [Illuminated leaf removed after f. 69] Penitential psalms. 8. ff. 79v-84v: Litany including Eutropius, Denis, Bonaventure, Nicholas, Genevieve, Fides, Spes, and Caritas; . . . (Oratio, Fidelium Deus o m n i u m conditor . . .) semper optaverunt piis supplicatio// 9. ff. 85-119v: [Illuminated leaf removed after f. 84] Office of the Dead. f. 120r-v ruled but blank. 10. ff. 121-130v: Prayers in Latin: Oratio ad Deum patrem, Pater de celis Deus miserere 37
nobis. Domine Deus omnipotens pater qui consubstancialem tibi . . . ; Oratio ad Filitim, Fili redemptor mundi Deus miserere nobis. Domine Ihesu Christe fili Dei vivi . . . ; Oratio ad spiritum sanctum, Spiritus sancte Deus miserere nobis. Domine spiritus sancte Deus qui coequalis et consubstancialis et coeternus// [prayer to the Trinity, ending defectively on f. 121v; H E , 124-125]; / / E t per illam ineffabilem gratiam . . . et michi famulo tuo impetres . . . [the "Obsecro t e " prayer, beginning imperfectly; Leroquais 2:346]; Stabat mater dolorosa . . . [ R H 19416; with the prayer:] Interveniat pro nobis quesumus Domine . . . ; Memoriae de sancto Michaele, Michael archangele paradisi preposite veni in adiutorium populo Dei . . . ut quibus tibi m i n / / [leaf missing after f. 125; De lohanne baptista] / / I n t e r natos mulierum non surrexit maior . . . \ De sancto lohanne evangelista, Iohannes apostolus et evangelista virgo electus est . . . De apostolis Petro et Paulo [rubric only; illuminated leaf missing after f. 126] //sanguinis domini nostri Ihesu Christi sacramentum ante diem exitus nostri per veram penitenciam . . . ; Sensuivent cinq belles oraisons que monseigneur saint Iehan levangelistefisten Ihonneur de la vierge Marie . . . Mediatrix . . . , Auxiliatrix . . . , Reparatrix . . . , Illuminatrix . . . , Alleuiatrix . . . [the beginning letter of each prayer spelling out MARIA]. 11. ff. 130v-141v: A set of 11 prayers in French, corresponding to similar sets identified in Ker 1:168 and 2:66: Oraison a Dieu le pere la quelle se doit dire par maniere de protestation humble et devote, O Dieu createur redempteur conservateur et gubernateur . . . [Sonet 1314]; Oraison a Ihesu Crist, Doulz Ihesu Crist ie proteste devant toy . . . [Sonet 524]; Les douze articles de la Joy, le croy en Dieu le pere . . . [Sonet 794]; Oraison a Ihesu Crist, M o n Dieu, mon createur ie proteste et confesse . . . [Sonet 1168]; Oraison a tous les saincts, le vous supplie tous anges . . . [Sonet 932]; Oraison a Dieu très devote a prier pour son amy . . . , le te command N. a Dieu . . . [Sonet 837]; Oraison de la croyx a dire comme celle de devant, La saincte croix soit devant toy . . . [Sonet 1020]; Loraison saint Charlemaine, Domine Ihesu Christe pastor bone conserva iustos . . . ; Oraison a [sic] très devote a Dieu le pere, Mon benoist Dieu ie croy de cueur et confesse de bouche . . . [Sonet 1150]; Oraison a Ihesu Crist, Doulx Ihesu Crist filz de Dieu redempteur du monde . . . [Sonet 521]; Oraison a Ihesu Crist, Nostre seigneur Ihesu Crist filz de Dieu le pere vif par la vertu . . . [Sonet 1259; the following items are not part of the standard set:] Beati Iheronimi antifona [rubric only; illuminated leaf missing after f. 138] //es daigne faire a vostre semblance et ymaige et par vostre precieux sang . . . quant viendra le finement de mes iours et après la mort vous//, f. 142, contemporary flyleaf. Parchment, ff. i (modem) + i (contemporary) + 142 + i (modem); 198 x 128 (118 x 68) m m . I 2 2-3 6 with the remaining quires apparently of 8 leaves (but with illuminated leaves removed), the last quire of 4. Vertical catchwords, written along the inner bounding line; some leaf signatures visible. 20 long lines ruled in pale red ink. Written by 1 person in lettre bâtarde. Primary initials, 4- and 3-line, in gold, faceted, on alternating reddish-brown and blue grounds with white tracery; secondary initials, 2- and 1-line, in similar style; yellow slashed initials in the text; line fillers throughout the text fashioned as wooden logs, in gold or as bands of blue and red with gold highlighting; extensive rubrics. T h e manuscript formerly contained 6 full-page illuminations, following ff. 18 (for the Passion of Christ), 29 (for the Hours of the Virgin), 69 (for the Penitential psalms), 84 (for the Office of the Dead), 126 (for the memoria of Peter and Paul), and 138 (for the memoria of Jerome). Bound in brown morocco with gilt edges, s. X X . 38
Written in northern France. Possession notes on f. 142, rendered nearly illegible by a reagent, list 5 successive owners in different hands: [first hand] Au Commissaire Lehardy appartiennent ces présentes [?] [second hand] et a J e a n n e Doulcet sa femme fille de M e Jacques Doulcet Seigneur de C h a ( ? ) conseiller au parlement de Paris ( ? ) le Roy. [third hand] Elles appartiennent a present a M e Gilles Vallee procureur en la court de parlement et a Marie Lehardy sa femme fille dudit Commissaire Lehardy demourans R u e St. J e h a n de Beauvais devant la chappelle du colege dudit Beauvais. [fourth hand] Elles appartiennent a present a M e J e a n Moriau procureur en la Cour de parlement et a J e a n n e Vallöe sa femme fille dudit Gilles Vallöe. Elles appartiennent a present a M e Francois Moriau advocat < space left blank) et a Claude le Meunier fille de M e Pierre Le Munier advocat au conseil, [fifth hand] Elles appartiennent a present a M e J e a n Moriau advocat au parlement et aux conseiles du Roy. The fifth hand has also written "Jacques Lehardy" in the upper left corner. Acquired by Crispin from Dawson's Book Shop in 1934.
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, C R I S P I N 19 • B O O K O F H O U R S , use of Cambrai • Northeastern France, s. X V i n
Fig. 4
1. ff. l-12v: Graded calendar in French, including the feasts of Macarius (23 January, 3 lessons), Autbert (24 January), Adelgundis (30 January), Waldetrudis (3 February, 9 lessons), Vedast and Amand (6 February, 9 lessons), Albinus (1 March, 3 lessons, duplex), Valeric (1 April, added in another hand), Ursmar (18 April, 3 lessons), Gangulf (11 May, 3 lessons), Landelin (15 J u n e , 9 lessons), Vindicianus (25 J u n e , in red), Transfiguration (27 July), Gaugeric (11 August), octave of Gaugeric (18 August), Humbert (6 September, 9 lessons), Lambert (17 September, 9 lessons), Gaugeric (24 September), Ragenfredis (8 October), Amand (26 October, 3 lessons), Maxellendis (13 November), Autbert (13 December). 2. ff. 13-44v: Prayers: f. 13 Misereatur vestri omnipotens Deus . . . ; f. 13 Confiteor Deo omnipotenti . . . quia ego peccatrix . . . ; f. 13v Salve regina . . . [ R H 18150]; f. 14 Devote orizon, Salve matrum pulcritudo . . . ; f. 14v Collecta, Concede nos famulos tuos quesumus domine Deus perpetua mentis et corporis salute . . . ; f. 14v Iuste iudex Ihesu Christe rex regum domine . . . [ R H 9910]; f. 16v Chisensieut devote orizon de le passion Ihesu Crist, Piissime redemptor mundi domine Ihesu Christe viva caro . . . ; f. 18v Chi sensieut Ii orizons des vii derraines parolles que nostre Sires dist en larbre de la croix . . . , Domine Ihesu Christe qui Septem verba die ultimo vite tue . . . [Leroquais 2:342]; f. 21 Li papes Innocens otroia a cascun qui dira ceste orizon en Ihonneur de la vierge Marie . . . , Obsecro te . . . et michi famule tue impetres . . . [Leroquais 2:346]; f. 24v Devote orizon de nostre dame, O intemerata . . . orbis terrarum, de te enim . . . et esto michi miserrime peccatrici . . . [Wilmart, 494-495]; f. 28v Deus qui in sancta cruce pendens et moriens pro salute nostra . . . ; f. 29 Sains Augustins fist ceste orison . . . , Deus propicius esto michi peccatrici et custos mei omnibus diebus vite mee . . . [HE, 125]; f. 31 Collecta, Adesto supplicationibus nostris omnipotens Deus . . . beato Augustino confessore tuo atque pontifice . . . ; f. 31 Ceste orizon qui senssieut composa pape Iehan xxii' . . . , Domine Ihesu Christe deprecor te per lacrimas . . . ; f. 32 Ceste orizon composa le pape Bonifas . . . , Domine Ihesu Christe fili Dei vivi qui hanc sacratissimam carnem . . . [Wilmart, 378n]; f. 32v Orizon du saint esperii, Veni creator spiritus . . . [ R H 21204]; f. 33v Oratio, Deus qui corda fidelium sancti spiritus illustracione docuisti . . . ; f. 34 Memore de saint Quentin, Egregie 39
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Christi martir Quintine suscipe preces nostras . . . ; f. 34v Cy senssieut une humble et devote orizon de le benoîte vierge Marie, Ave Maria. Da michi tuum ave et cor meum sit suave. Gracia plena. Reple me . . . [a farsing of the Hail Mary]; f. 35v Ce sont les chincq gaude de nostre dame sainte Marie . . . , Gaude virgo mater Christi que per aurem concepisti . . . [HE, 63-64]; f. 36 Oratio, Dominus qui beatissimam virginem Mariani in conceptu et partu . . . ; f. 36v Cest une prose de nostre dame, Inviolata integra et casta es Maria . . . [ R H 9094 and following prayer]; f. 37v Oratio, Concede nos famulos tuos quesumus domine Deus perpetua mentis et corporis salute . . . [HE, 44]; f. 37v Chi sensieut devote orizon a le benoite vierge Marie, Ave mundi spes Maria ave mitis atque pia . . . [ R H 1974]; f. 39v Item sensieut devote orizon a la benoite vierge Marie, Salve mater dolorosa . . . [ R H 18018]; f. 41 Chi sensieut orison de sainte Anne mere a nostre dame sainte Marie, Deus qui beate Anne tantam graciam donare dignatus es . . . ; f. 41 v Ceste orizon qui sensieut doit on dire quant on lieve le corps Ihesu Crist, Salve sancta caro Dei per quam salvi fiunt rei . . . [ R H 18175]; f. 42v Ave principium nostre creationis. Ave precium nostre redemptionis . . . [ R H 2059]; f. 43 Cest orizon qui chi sensieut doit on dire en Ihonneur du pere du fil et du saint esperii, Te adoro Domine patrem et filium et spiritum sanctum unam divinitatem equalem gloriam . . . ff. 45-96: Hours of the Virgin, use of Cambrai; memoriae for All Saints end each hour except Matins; memoriae for peace at Lauds and Vespers, f. 96v blank. ff. 97-112v: Hours of the Holy Spirit. ff. 113-140: Office of the Dead, with 3 lessons at Matins. ff. 140v-154v: Commendation of Souls. ff. 155-166: Penitential psalms. ff. 166v-175: Litany, including Gaugeric and Autbert; collects, f. 175v blank. ff. 176-178: Chi sensieuent les heures de le croix en rommant, Sainte vraie croix aouree . . . [Sonet 1876], ff. 178-196: Prayers: f. 178 Cescune personne qui ceste orison dira cescun iour de le vierge Marie . . . , le te aeur et salue ma dame sainte Marie mere de Dieu très plaine de pite . . . pour my qui sui te petite serviteresse a empietrer . . . [the "Obsecro t e " prayer in French; Sonet 836]; f. 182v Ceste orizon doibt on dire en lonneur de la benoite trenite, Benoite glorieuse trinitez. Benoite glorieuse deite . . . ; f. 191 Ceste orizon doit on dire en lonneur de la vierge Marie et est lo intemerata en rommant, E très noble et entiere pardurablement benoite vierge singulere . . . [Sonet 1566]. f. 196v blank.
Parchment (stiff), ff. iii (paper, modem) + 196 + iii (paper, modem); 167 x 122 (104 x 70) m m . 1-2 6 3-12 8 134 14-20 8 212 22-26" 272. Some catchwords not entirely trimmed in lower right corner. 16 long lines ruled in ink. Written by 1 person in a French liturgical book hand (littera textualis formata) in an ink varying from light brown to gray to black. 11 primary initials, 4-line, alternating blue or pink with white tracery, infilling on gold ground of ivy, Solomon's knots, vases; initial itself on a square background of contrasting color, framed in gold; % spiked band border, parted in pink, blue, and gold with white tracery: f. 45 (Hours of the Virgin, Matins), border inhabited by a mermaid and a small man with a sword climbing toward a bird of prey which has caught another bird; a third bird above; f. 55v (Lauds), a small pink grotesque animal in the frame; f. 67v (Prime), parted frame in outer margin only; the lower margin has a leaf spray in black ink with gold ivy; f. 97 (Hours of the Holy Spirit), pink man aiming an arrow. Secondary initials, 2-line, in gold with pink and blue grounds; 1-line initials in gold with blue pen work flourishes, or in blue with red; rubrics and initials in text slashed in red. Bound in brown sheepskin over pasteboards, s. X I X , rebacked, and enclosed 40
in a slipcase decorated with a medallion of the Crucifixion, gold on olive green morocco. Written for use in the diocese of Cambrai, as suggested by the liturgical forms and by the saints in the calendar and litany; the nature of the language also points to that area; feminine forms are used in prayers on ff. 13, 23v, 26, 29, 181. Possession notes of the sixteenth or seventeenth century on the top and bottom margins of f. 1 have been erased; visible under ultraviolet light is " L i b e r Cartusie de Valen . . . " (the Carthusian house of O u r Lady at Valenciennes?). O n the front pastedown, the bookplate of Samuel Gardner, with the motto " D e o Adjuvante Indomitus"; the initials " S . G . " are written twice on the pastedown, with the number " 1 7 4 " ; " S . G a r d n e r " repeated on the first flyleaf. Belonged to J o h n Meade Falkner, his sale, Sotheby's, 13 December 1932, lot 204, to Marks and Co. Dawson's, Special List 13, April 1933, no. 17; acquired by Crispin from Dawson's at that time.
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, C R I S P I N 20 m B O O K O F H O U R S , in Dutch • Eastern Netherlands, s. X V 2 1.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Fig. 19
ff. l - 2 v blank, ff. 3-15: Full calendar including the feasts of Pontianus (14 January, in red), Vedast and Amand (6 February), Pancratius (12 May, in red), Servatius (13 May, in red), Boniface bishop (5 J u n e , in red), Odulph (12 J u n e , in red), Translation of Lebwin (25 J u n e , in red), Lambert (17 September, in red), Amand (26 October), Amand (4 November), Willibrord (7 November, in red), Lebwin (12 November, in red), David (30 December); notes at the end of January, February, May, J u n e , August, September, November, and December on computus. ff. 15v-60: Hours of the Virgin, opening leaf before f. 16 missing, " / / k e blijsscap hebben . . . " (the Venite exultemus of Matins); 1 folio missing before f. 50, " . . . Benedi//. . . //heren lauet den name . . . " (collect of None to beginning of Vespers, Ps. 112:1). ff. 60v-87: Hours of Eternal Wisdom. ff. 87v-137: Hours of the Cross. ff. 137v, 186-196: Penitential psalms, 1 folio missing before f. 186, " / / e n s . Die here hevet verhoert . . . " (Ps. 6:10); the cues are in Latin, the psalms in Dutch. ff. 196-204v, 138-141v: Litany, almost exactly that printed by van Wijk, but also including Uriel (among the angels), Bavo, Ghislain, Barbara, Digna, and Monica. ff. 141v-144v: Prayers: f. 141v Een exempelop een tijt vrageden sunte Bernardus onsen lieven heren welc sijn aire heimelixste liden ende sijn onbecanste liden was onse lieve here antwoerden Bernaerde dat wil ic di seggen op dattu mi daet . . . , O lieve here Ihesu Criste sachtmoedige lam gades Ic dine arme dienresche ende onweerdige sundersche gruete . . . [text printed in Meertens 2:24-25]; f. 143 Als men onsen lieven here boeet [?] leset dit gebet, O lieve here Ihesu Criste Ic sencke mi in die diepheit dijnre heiliger wonden . . . [Lieftinck, 121, 139]; f. 144 Tot onser liever vrouwen een seer suuerlic gebet. Ave. Heilige Maria moeder ons lieven heren Ihesu Cristi. In dinen handen ende in den handen . . . [Meertens 6:13, 4], f. 145 blank. ff. 145v-185v, 205-209v: Office of the Dead, the ninth lesson being: Broeders sijn wi allene . . . [1 Cor. 15:19-28, as in Windesheim or Utrecht use; 1 folio missing between the leaves presently numbered 185 and 205] . . . die veer gebaren sijn ende o m / / . . . //le van onsen vianden . . . [Ps. 149:7 to Luke 1:71], ff. 209v-212: Prayers: f. 209v Item dit naegescreven gebet salmen lesen op den kerchof in die 41
tegenwoerdicheit der geloviger doden ende daer is toe gegeven vanden pauwes Innocencius . . . , Weest gegruet alle gelovige sielen welker lichaem . . . [Meertens 6:43, 22; Latin text in Leroquais 2:341, Avete omnesfideles anime; the remainder in a later hand:] f. 210v 0 here Ihesu Criste ic anbede dii doer die groete liefte . . . [2 more prayers, each beginning with the same 8 words]; f. 211 Drye pater noster ende Hi ave Maria soley lyeseyn deren sancta Anna . . . , Erde ghebenedijt moet wesen die alder eerwerdichste matroen sancta Anna . . . ; f. 21 lv [C]ruce Godes sij myt my cruce Godes sii my een toeverlaet . . . [Meertens 6:130, 6; Leroquais 2:12]. f. 212v blank. For the Dutch book of hours compiled by Geert Groote, see Het getijdenboek van Geert Grote, ed. N. van Wijk (Leiden 1940); this manuscript omits the prologues to the Hours and the glosses, and appears most similar to the 185 text. Parchment, ff. i + 212; 135 x 92 (83 x 55) m m . l 8 ( - 2 ) 28 3 1 0 ( - 1) 4-5 1 0 6 1 0 ( - 6 ) 7-12 1 0 136 14" 1510 16s 17-20 10 21 1 0 (- 1) 22 10 23 1 0 (- 1, - 10); gatherings 21-22 are misbound and ought to be placed before 16. Horizontal catchwords in the lower right corner, mostly cropped by the binder. 18 long lines ruled in ink. Formed gothic book hand; text in brown ink. ff. 61, 88, 146 (respectively, Hours of Eternal Wisdom, Hours of the Cross, Office of the Dead), 10-line blue initials patterned in white on elaborate gold ground, symmetrical border with floral motif in blue, gold, green, purple in the outer and lower margins, and with gold balls and penwork in the upper and inner margins; secondary initials, designating the hours of the various offices, 4-line, in blue on red penwork, or red on violet, with leaf sprays extending into the margins; ff. 81 v, llOv (Vespers in the Hours of Eternal Wisdom and of the Cross), 4-line gold initials on purple and blue grounds patterned in white and yellow; 2- and 1-line initials alternating red and blue; rubrics in red minuscule. Small stitching holes across the upper margins of ff. 15, 60, 87, 145 show former placing of protective cloths for the major initials. Bound in calf over wooden boards, s. X V I ; central portion of both covers blind stamped with 3 rows of 3 thistles, roll-produced band border in 4 compartments (each 35 x 15) containing Calliope, Thalis, Terpsichore, Euterpe (Weale 768: Saxony, 1562; his roll contains a fifth compartment showing Apollo); as wraparounds in the binding are strips from a codex written in a small running littera textualis, probably French, s. XIII 2 ; the text seems to be a sermonarium. Written in the Low Countries. O n f. 212v, a partially erased possession note reads: " . . . boeck hoert juffer Mechtel van Voerst," in a sixteenth-century hand; a label on the cover " V I " ; on f. 2 (flyleaf), below an erased note, the number or date 1819 is visible. Inside the front cover, an armorial bookplate: "Clementia et animis, J o h n M a u l e " (member of Parliament, d. 1781?). Included are an unidentified Sotheby catalogue notice, and another English sale catalogue notice, lot 6. Possibly to be identified with a manuscript that belonged to Dr. Adam Clarke (1762?—1832): J . B. B. Clarke, Historical and Descriptive Catalogue of the European and Asiatic Manuscripts in the Library of the late Dr. Adam Clarke (London 1835), no. C C X X V I I I , and Clarke side, Sotheby's, 20 J u n e 1836, lot 40. Acquired by Crispin from Dawson's, Special List 13, April 1933, no. 8, catalogue slip included.
H O N N O L D L I B R A R Y , C R I S P I N 21 m B O O K O F H O U R S , in Dutch • Northern Netherlands, s. X V e x
Fig. 20
1. ff. 1-10: Full calendar, including the feasts of Pontianus (14 J a n u a r y , in red), Suitbert (1 March), Heribert (16 March), Pancratius (12 May, in red), Servatius (13 May, in red), Boniface bishop (5 J u n e , in red), O d u l p h (12 J u n e , in red), Translation of Lebwin (25 J u n e , in red), Frederic " b i s c o p U t r e c h t " (18 July), Lambert (17 September, in red), Gereon and Victor (10 October, in red), H u b e r t (3 November), Willibrord (7 November, in red), Lebwin (12 November, in red), David (30 December). f. lOv blank, except for rubric. 2 . ff. 1 l - 4 5 v : H o u r s of the Virgin. 3 . ff. 46-67v: Long H o u r s of the Cross. 4 . ff. 68-72v: Short H o u r s of the Cross. 5 . ff. 72v-97: H o u r s of the Holy Spirit. 6. ff. 97-105v: Penitential psalms. 7. ff. 105v-l 15: Litany, almost exactly that printed by van Wijk, but also including Boniface after Gereon, and Bavo, and Ghislain after R o m a n u s . 8. ff. 115-118v: [Prayer] Een devoet ghebet totten heilighen sacrament dat Ambrosius heft ghemaect, O ouerste priester ende gheware bisscop . . . [Latin text printed in P L 158: 921-925; for attribution to Ambrose, see Meertens 3:57]. 9 . ff. 118v-151v: Office of the Dead, the ninth lesson being: Brodere sijn wi alleen . . . [1 Cor. 15:19-28, as in Windesheim or Utrecht use]. 10. ff. 152-168v: Prayers: f. 152 Een devoet endeynnich ghebet van die passie ons heren Ihesu Cristi, Ic bin ghevanghen ende ende [we] bonden om dine o mensche onstadicheit . . . [20 sections, each beginning " i c b i n " as J e s u s describes his Passion]; f. 156v Van die soete name ons heren Ihesu cristi, O goede Ihesu, o alder goedertierenste Ihesu, o alder soetste Ihesu, o Ihesu M a r i e n kijnt . . . [text printed in Meertens 1:109-110; Latin text in Leroquais 2:345]; f. 157v Als men te sacrament gaen wil een devoet ghebet, O here Ihesu Criste alleen der enghelen glorie, Ic arme sondighe mensche schäme ende ontsie my . . . [Meertens 6:107, 4]; f. 159v Na datmen dat sacrament ontfanghen hebt, O here Ihesu Criste lof si dier ontsprekeliker minnentliker goedertierenheit . . . , O ziele Cristi heilich mi lichaem Christi . . . , O here Ihesu Criste du biste een minnelic boem onser salicheit . . . [prayers after the Mass]; f. 161 Item dit sijn soven groeten tot onse lieve vrouwe Maria die Thomas van Cantelberch martelaer maecte, Verblijt u o heilighe M a r i a moeder ende maghet. Want die grote glorie . . . [the 7 Joys, Meertens 6:36, 18]; f. 162v Dit navolgende ghebet is gheveven bi den enghel Gods den heilighen honichvloyende ende seer devoet leraer sinte Barnaert een sonderlinghe lieftiebber der moeder Gods Maria . . . , Weest ghegruet aire oetmoedichste dienstmaghet der heiligher drievoudicheit M a r i a . . . [12 sets, each beginning " W e e s t g h e g r u e t , " Meertens 6:83, 32b]; f. 164 Item een ghebet tot den heilich diet huden sijn dach is, O heilighe waerdighe uutvercoren vrient Cristi sinte N . welcs hoechtijt wi h u d e n begaen . . . ; f. 165v Van desen dne ghebeden heeftmen lxxxm iaer oflaets van doot sunden, O lieve here Ihesu Criste ic vermane di des stervens dat dijn edele waerde menscheit . . . [3 prayers, each beginning with the same 8 words and followed by a Paternoster, Meertens 6:116, 43]; f. 166 Die paus Sixtus die vierde heefi verleent alle den gheen die dit ghebet lesen voer dat beeide onser liever vrouwen in den sonne elf dusent iaer oflaets also veel als ment lest, Ghegruet siistu aire heilichste vrouwe M a r i a moeder Gods, coninginne des hemels, poerte des paradiis vrouwe der werlt, du biste sonderlinghe puer maghet . . . ; f. 166v Hier beghint ons lieve vrouwe crans opt corste in dusck, Verblijt u M a r i a want ghi sonder arfsonde ontfanghen sijt, Ave M a r i a . . . [50 Aves with a Paternoster after every 10 for a rosary]. 43
For the Dutch book of hours compiled by Geert Groote, see Het getijdenboek van Geert Grote, ed. N. van Wijk (Leiden 1940); this manuscript omits the prologues to the Hours and the glosses, and appears most similar to the M text. Parchment, ff. i (parchment, modern) + 168 + i (parchment, modern); 145 x 102 (94 x 63) m m . I 8 22 3-9 8 10® 11 — 15s 16 4 (+1 before beginning and 1 after end of quire, ff. 113-118) 17- 208 21'° 22 s . Quires and leaves signed with letters of the alphabet and arabic numerals. 21 long lines ruled in ink, single bounding lines. Written by 1 person in a Dutch book hand. Primary initials, 8-line, parted red and blue with reddish orange and green floral penwork borders, on ff. 11, 46, 68, 73, 97v, 119; ff. 46 and 73 also have drolleries; secondary initials, 3-line, with tendrils and filigree; minor initials, 2- and 1-line, alternately in red and blue. Bound in stamped leather over wooden boards, rebacked by Zaehnsdorf: central panel on front and back, 91 x 65 m m , of the Virgin and Child with legend "Ihesus O mater Dei Maria memento m e i " (Weale 321: c. 1475, also on a book of hours in Dutch); scattered stamps around the panels: eagle in lozenge, fleurs-de-lis in lozenge, large and small rosette; 2 fore edge brass clasps, restored. Written in the northern Netherlands. The manuscript was copied after 1471, as Pope Sixtus IV is mentioned in an indulgence, f. 166. An unidentified Sotheby catalogue slip is on front pastedown. Crispin acquired the book from Dawson's Book Shop in 1933.
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, C R I S P I N 22 • B O O K O F H O U R S , Sarum use • Flanders, s. XV 2
Figs. 21, 22, 23
1. ff. 2-13v: Calendar, including the feasts of Edward martyr (18 March), Erkenwald (30 April), Translation of E d m u n d archbishop (9 June), Translation of Edward martyr (20 June), Etheldreda (23 J u n e ) , Translation of Thomas of Canterbury (7 July, in red), Translation of Swithun (15 July), Translation of O s m u n d (16 July), Translation of Edward confessor (13 October), Translation of Etheldreda (17 October), E d m u n d archbishop (16 November), Edmund king (20 November, in red), Thomas of Canterbury (29 December, in red; not erased); the qualification " p a p e " has been erased in the entries for Gregory (12 March) and Clement (23 November); the heading for each month includes a rhyming verse (Walther, Initio 14563). f. 14 blank. 2. f. 14v: Full page illumination, ff. 15-22 Incipiunt xv orationes, O Ihesu Christe eterna dulcedo te amantium . . . [the 15 O ' s of St. Bridget; H E , 76-80], 3. ff. 22-24v: [Prayer to the Trinity] Domine Deus omnipotens pater et filius et spiritus sanctus da michi famule tue N. victoriam . . . [with cues of Pss. 53, 66, 129, the Kyrie, and the prayer:] Libera me domine Ihesu Christe fili Dei vivi . . . famulam tuam N. . . . [see de la Mare, Lyell Cat., 373 no. 88 for the set]. 4. ff. 24v-30: [Suffrages] Contra pestem, Stella celi extirpavit . . . [ R H 19438]; De sancto Sebastiano, O beate Sebastiane . . . [ R H 13708], O quam mira refulsit . . . [ R H 30904]; De sancto Christoforo, Sancte Christofore martir Ihesu Christi . . . [ R H 18445]; De sancto Antonio, O Antoni pastor inclite . . . [ R H 1203]; De sancto Roccho, Q u a m magnificum est nomen tuum . . . ; De sancto Herasmo, O sancte Herasme precioso martir Christi . . . 5. f. 30r-v: Prayer, secret, and postcommunion for a mass for a safe pregnancy and delivery, added by another hand. 44
6. ff. 31-73v: [Hours of the Virgin, Sarum use, with the Hours of the Cross worked in; opening leaf missing] (mag)//nus super omnes deos . . . ; [opening leaf for Lauds missing following f. 37:] //Iubilate Deo omnis terra . . . ; [after Lauds] ff. 45-51v [Suffrages] De sancto spiritu, Veni sancte spiritus reple tuorum corda fidelium . . . [RH 21252]; De sancia trinitate, Libera nos salva nos iustifica nos . . . ; De sancta cruce, Nos autem gloriari oportet in cruce . . . \ De sancto Michaele, Michael archangele veni in adiutorio . . . \ de sancto Iohanne baptista, Inter natos mulierum non surrexit . . . ; De sancto Thoma cantuariense, Tu per Thome sanguinem . . . [effaced] ; De sanctis Petro et Paulo, Petrus apostolus et Paulus doctor gencium . . . ; De sancto Laurencio, Laurencius bonum opus operatus est . . . ; De sancto Nicholao, Beatus Nicholaus adhuc puerulus multo ieiunio macerabat corpus . . . \ De sancta Maria Magdalena, Maria unxit pedes Ihesu . . . ; De sancta Katherina, Virgo sancta Katherina Grecie gemma urbe . . . ; De sancta Margareta, Erat autem Margareta . . . ; De reliquis, Corpora sanctorum in pace sepulta . . . \ De omnibus sanctis, Omnes electi Dei nostri memoramini . . . ; De sancta pace, Da pacem Domine in diebus nostris . . . ; De cruce ad montem, Patris sapiencia Veritas divina . . . ; [added by a later hand: indulgence of Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503) to be recited before an image of Anne; opening leaf for Prime missing following f. 51:] //animam meam et non proposuerunt . . . [Terce, beg. on f. 56 and followed by an indulgence, added by a later hand, of Pope Sixtus IV (1471-1484); Sext, beg. on f. 60; ff. 62 bis-63 (beg. of None), removed and shelved separately as Crispin 22A; Vespers, beg. on f. 66; f. 70 bis (beg. of Compline), removed and shelved separately as Crispin 22A], 7. ff. 74-81v: Prayers: f. 74 Salve regina . . . [with the versicles] Virgo mater ecclesie . . . [and the prayer] Omnipotens sempiterne Deus qui gloriose virginis et matris Marie corpus et animam . . . [HE, 62-63]; f. 75 Quinque gaudia beate Marie virginis, Gaude virgo mater Christi . . . [HE, 63-64]; f. 75v Sequuntur septem gaudia beate Marie, Gaude flore virginali . . . [with the prayer] Dulcissime domine Ihesu Christe qui beatissimam genitricem tuam . . . [HE, 64-65]; f. 77 De beata Virgine, Obsecro te . . . Et michi indigne famule tue N. impetres . . . [Leroquais 2:346]; f. 80 Ad beatam Mariam et ad sanctum Iohannem evangelistam, O intemerata . . . orbis terrarum. Inclina mater misericordie . . . michi miserrima peccatrice . . . [Wilmart, 488-490]. 8. ff. 82-104: Penitential psalms, gradual psalms (written out in full), and litany, including Swithun, Birinus, and Edith. 9. ff. 104v-105v: A syngler devote prayer to oure blissed lady, Te matrem Dei laudamus, te Mariam virginem confitemur . . . In te dulcis Maria speramus ut nos defendas in eternum [a paraphrase of the Te Deum, printed in Bonaventure, Opera, Vatican 1668, 6:480-491, sic for 492-493; added in another hand]. 10. ff. 106-141v: Office of the Dead, Sarum use, with variations for the liturgical year. 11. ff. 142-155v: Commendation of Souls (Pss. 118, divided into sections, and 138, followed by the prayer "Tibi Domine commendamus . . . " ) . 12. ff. 156-166v: Psalms of the Passion (Pss. 21-30, here all of them written out in full). 13. ff. 166v-173v: Prayers: f. 166v Oracio venerabilis Bede presbiteri de septem verbis Christi in crucependentis . . , Domine Iesu Criste qui septem verba die ultimo vite tue . . . [Leroquais 2:342]; f. 168v Oratio, Precor te piissime domine Ihesu Christe propter illam caritatem . . . [Wilmart, 378n]; f. 169 Deus qui voluisti pro redemptione mundi a Iudeis reprobari . . . [HE, 83]; f. 170 Omnibus confessis et contritis . . . [indulgence granted by Pope Boniface VIII " a d supplicationem Philippi regis Francie"], Domine Ihesu Christe qui hanc sacratissimam carnem tuam . . . [Wilmart, 378n]; f. 170v Anima Christi sanctifica me . . . [Leroquais 2:340]; f. 171 [indulgence of Pope John "duodecimus"] Avete omnes christifideles anime quarum corpora hie et ubique . . . 45
[and the prayer] Domine Ihesu Christe salus et liberacio . . . [Leroquais 2:341]; f. 172 Confíteor tibi domine Ihesu Christe omnia peccata me quandocumque feci . . . ; f. 172v Sánete Deus sánete fortis sánete et immortalis agnus Dei . . . ; f. 173 Visita nos quesumus Domine ut habitacionem istam . . . ; f. 173 Deus Abraham Deus Ysaac Deus Iacob sit nobiscum . . . ; f. 173v Digna me Ihesu Christe signaculo sánete crucis tue . . . Parchment, ff. i (paper) + 175 + i (paper); 187 x 132 (108 x 73) m m . 1-2 6 3 8 (plus a single leaf, the illumination, added before the first leaf of the quire) 48 5 8 ( - 1) 6 8 ( - 1) 7 8 ( - 8 ) 8 8 9 8 ( - 3 , 4) 10 8 (-5) 11-18 8 194 20-23 8 242. Quires signed on the first leaf with a letter of the alphabet. 17 long lines ruled in pale red ink. Written in a liturgical gothic book hand (littera textualis formata) by 1 person, except for ff. 30r-v, 51v (indulgence), 59v (indulgence), 104-105v, which are all additions in a later English hand. 10 major illuminations, simply done, in arched compartments, enclosed by a gold frame and surrounded by borders of blue and gold acanthus leaves, colored flowers, and black dots, with the initial on a burnished gold ground: f. 14v (the 15 O's), full page, Christ as Salvator Mundi; the remaining illuminations are of 12-line height; the opening leaves for Matins, Lauds, and Prime are missing (see Appendix); f. 56 (Terce), Annunciation to the shepherds; f. 60 (Sext), Presentation in the temple; f. 62 bis (None; shelved separately), Adoration of the Magi, one of whom is black; f. 66 (Vespers), Massacre of the Innocents with half-timbered house in the background; f. 70 bis (Compline; shelved separately), Flight into Egypt; f. 82 (Penitential psalms), David in prayer; f. 106 (Office of the Dead), Raising of Lazarus; f. 142 (Commendation of Souls), Ascension of a soul, in the form of a small naked man held in a cloth by 2 angels; f. 156 (Psalms of the Passion), M a n of Sorrows with instruments of the Passion. On f. 22, a historiated initial of the Gnadenstuhl of somewhat better quality than the twenty-two 5- and 4-line miniatures on ff. 24v, 26v-28v, 45-50v, depicting individual saints with their symbols; that of Thomas of Canterbury is effaced; primary initials in the text, 2-line, in gold with alternating red and blue backgrounds; secondary initials, 1-line, alternating in blue and gold with red and black tendrils. Folios 62 bis, 63 (text only, conjunct with f. 62 bis) and 70 bis shelved as Crispin 22A. Bound in brown morocco, s. X V I I / X V I I I , circuit edges, with the Dysart arms stamped in gold on front and back covers (see below); traces of 2 fore edge clasps and corner bosses; gilt edges; rebacked. Written ca. 1470-80 in Flanders for export to England; it agrees generally in its contents with other books of hours of this origin; see Ker 1:46-48. Feminine forms in the prayers on ff. 22, 77. Birth dates and related vital statistics entered in the calendar have been rendered illegible by a reagent. O n ff. 174v-175, notes by Elizabeth Keynsam (or Kensam) pertain to the birth of her son, Stephen Kensam (b. 1559), to Stephen Vaughn (brother of Elizabeth and godfather to her son), to Mr. Hardying, to Mistress H a r p a r Alderwoman (godmother), to Stephen's uncle Thomas Wisman, and to J a n e (daughter of Stephen Kensam, b. 1583); " . . . a l l this was a fortnyght before mydsomer and at mydsomer all latten sarvys was left and Englys brought in to the Chirchis." O n f. 1 is the signature of "Anthoney B r a d b u r y " in an italic hand of the sixteenth century; on f. 174, the same person has written "Cordelius Bradbury 46
est verus possessor huius libri teste me Antonio Bradburie" and a series of verses in Latin, with the final verse in Greek. The manuscript belonged to the Tollemache family by the seventeenth or eighteenth century; the arms on the binding were used by Lionel Tollemache (1648-1726), 3rd Earl of Dysart and by Lionel Tollemache (1708-1770), 4th Earl of Dysart; it was not identified in any of the Tollemache sales. For a brief history of the Tollemache-Dysart library, see the Sotheby catalogue, 14 J u n e 1965, pp. iii-viii; the stamp on the binding of this manuscript is Stamp A shown in the catalogue; see also E. Wilson, " T h e Book-Stamps of the Tollemache Family of Helmingham and H a m , " The Book Collector 16 (1967) 178-185. Later it belonged to William Maskell (ca. 1814-1890), historian of medieval liturgy, whose signature appears on f. i verso, with a note regarding the Te Deum paraphrase (ff. 104v-105) and mentioning Dr. Rock (Daniel Rock, 1799-1871, canon of Southwark, and himself a collector of medieval service books, who bequeathed his manuscripts to the Roman Catholic Metropolitan See at Southwark; see Ker 1:320-331). The bookplate of the English politician and author Alexander J a m e s Beresford Hope (1820-1887) is on the front pastedown; his sale, Sotheby's, 23 March 1882, lot 235. A second note on f. i verso, also referring to the Te Deum paraphrase, is signed and dated "Edw. S. Dewick, 22/11/89" (Edward S. Dewick, 1844-1917); his sale, Sotheby's, 17 October 1918, lot 65. On Maskell and Dewick, adherents of the Oxford Movement, and the manuscripts they owned, see M . B. Parkes, The Medieval Manuscripts of Keble College, Oxford (London 1979) xii n. 38, where this manuscript is mentioned. The book was in the collection of John Meade Falkner; his sale, Sotheby's, 12 December 1932, lot 210 to the London bookseller Marks and Co. Dawson sale catalogue 19, M a y 1933, no. 140 to Crispin. 5 illuminated leaves were cut from this manuscript ca. 1969-1970; 2 were returned in 1974 and are now shelved as Crispin 22A (see Appendix, VII, Illuminated Leaves).
HONNOLD LIBRARY, CRISPIN 23 • DEVOTIONS • Northern France, s. X V I " ff. l - 6 2 v : //Et par ce moyen . . . nous ferons un beau temple a Dieu selon l'ordonnance qui s'ensuit. La Foy pour le fondement. Pour le fondement de nostre Temple Spirituel nous prendrons la ferme pierre. C'est Iesu Christ . . . [chap. 46, a prayer to dedicate the temple] se délivrant de la tyrannie et damnable servitude du monde pour luy faire gouster par . . . [portion of the folio cut away] presence abonde// Parchment, ff. 62; 197 x 135 (150 x 85) mm. 1 4 ( - 1 , 2) 2-16 4 . 19 long lines ruled in reddish brown ink. Main body of text written by 1 person in italic script; quotations from the Scriptures in a humanistic book hand. First line of each chapter, after the initial, in square capitals; 3-line initials in pink or blue with white highlighting on a square gold ground with flowers; the folios with initials are encased by a narrow gold band, slightly larger than the frame of the ruled space; decorative line fillers and rubrics in gold; pen scrolls in the ink of the text frequently extend into lower margins. Bound in contemporary brown leather over pasteboard, with a semis of stamped gold fleur-de-lis; evidence of fore edge ties; a parchment leaf from a midthirteenth-century French (?) glossed Bible (Genesis 3:7) is used as a wrap-around in the binding. 47
Written in northern France. Possession note (?) cut from f. 62. Belonged to John Meade Falkner, his sale, Sotheby's, 12 December 1932, lot 85 to Marks and Co. Acquired by Crispin from Dawson, sale catalogue 91, May 1933, no. 144. Both catalogue slips are included in the volume.
ff. lv-65: [Sermons] Veneranda est nobis hec dies sancta qug dicitur dominica . . . ; f. 3v Sermo de contemptu seculi, Pensate fratres karissimi qu§ est benignitas Dei circa humanum genus . . . ; f. 5 Item alius sermo, Satis oportet nos karissimi timere per qug totus mundus perit . . . ; f. 7v Sermo de antichristo, Antichristus dicitur quia Christo in multis contrarius erit . . . ; f. 11 Item alius sermo de contemptu mundi, Fratres karissimi quam metuendus est nobis dies ille in quo dominus noster Ihesus Christus proposuit venire cum fiamma ignis . . . [PL 39:2210]; f. 12 In nativitate domini nostri Hiesu Christi, Iohannes in evangelio dicit: Verbum caro factum est, hoc est verbum omnipotentis patris . . . ; f. 14v Item alius sermo in nativitate Domini, Dilectissimi hodiernam diem illustrai nativitas Domini sicut scitis, ideo placuit antecessoribus nostris . . . ; f. 16v In nativitate sancii Stephani prothomartyris, Heri cglebravimus natalem Domini diem sempiterni regis, hodie celebramus sicut ipsi scitis triumphalem passionem eius militis . . . ; f. 17v Sermo de sancto Iohanne apostolo et ewangelista, Iohannes apostolus et evangelista in cuius honore ista dies honoratur filius Zebedei fuit et frater Iacobi . . . ; f. 18 Sermo in octava Domini, Dilectissimi quam quantam sanctam huius diei festivitatem Lucas evangelista paucis verbis comprehendat . . . ; f. 19v Sermo in epiphania Domini, Dilectissimi quamvis sciam quod unicuique vestrum iter salutis notum est . . . ; f. 20v In purificatione sanctf Mari$ sermo, Hodierna sollempnitas quam semper quadragesimo die a nativitate Domini celebramus . . . ; f. 22 Sermo in quadragesima, Quod ieiunii tempus adest, dilectissimi, ideo idoneum videtur michi . . . ; f. 23 Item sermo de ieiunio, Dilectissimi libenter vobis aliquid dicerem de hoc sanctissimo ieiunio nisi quod me ignorantia inpedit . . . ; f. 25 Sermo in palme, Omnipotens Deus sponte sua dignabatur ad terras venire et qui dignatus est homo fieri . . . ; f. 26v In c§na Domini, Huius diei magna est festivitas quia in hodierna die Dominus sacramentum corporis et sanguinis sui primum discipulis tradidit . . . ; f. 27 Sermo alius, Karissimi, rogo vos ut cum humilitate et intento corde audiatis verba Dei . . . ; f. 27v In pascha, Petrus dixit: Deus qui prenuntiavit per os omnium prophetarum pati Christum suum inplevit sic . . . ; f. 30 Sermo de resurrectione, Dominus ait per prophetam: factus sum sicut panthera Effraym et sicut catulus leonis domui Iuda. Ista duo ammalia significant resurrectionem Domini . . . ; f. 32 Item alius, Hec est dies quam fgcit Dominus, exultemus et lgtemur in ea. Nos omnes ad festivitatem huius diei . . . ; f. 33 Sermo in inventione sanctg crucis, Karissimi quondam illa sancta crux in cuius honore hodierna dies ab omnibus Christianis cglebratur et honoratur . . . ; f. 35 In ascensione domini sermo, Karissimi, sicut in paschalibus diebus l§tabamur de victoria Domini . . . ; f. 36v In pentecoste sermo, Dilectissimi, corda omnium Christianorum cognoscunt quod hodierna sollempnitas est una maximarum sollempnitatum qug per totum annum venerantur . . . ; f. 38 /n nativitate sancti Iohannis baptiste, Hodiernam diem beati Iohannis baptist? veneranda nativitas consecravit quem idcirco merito magno honore debemus celebrare . . . ; f. 38v De sancto Petro et Paulo, Omni honore et sanctita48
tis studio hunc diem honorare debemus propter honorem beatorum apostolorum Petri et Pauli . . . ; f. 40v In nativitate sancii Laurentii, Hodierna festivitas sancti Laurentii et ignea pena quam passus est hodierna die omnes diligentes Dominus admonet . . . ; f. 42 In assumptione sancte Mari§ sermo, Iste due mulieres que nominabantur in evangelio quod audistis significant activam vitam et contemplativam vitam . . . ; f. 44 Item alius sermo de assumptione, Dilectissimi h§c dies valde venerabilis est. Hec dies precellit omnes sollempnitates aliorum sanctorum . . . ; f. 45 /n nativitate sanctf Mari§ sermo, Hodie impletum est quod David predixerat de hodierna nativitate beat§ Marif quando dixit: Virgam virtutis sue emittet Dominus ex Syon . . . ; f. 47 Item alius sermo, Hodiernam diem nativitas sancte Mari§ illustravi et sanctificavit per quam Dominus voluit nasci in novissimis diebus seculi . . . ; f. 49 /n festivitate sancti Michaelis archangeli, Daniel propheta dicit: Omnes fideles Christi devoti concurrite ad hanc sollempnitatem . . . ; f. 50v De omnibus sanctis, Legimus in ecclesiasticis historiis quod Rom§ quedam domus erat in qua multitudo demonum per multa habitabat tempora . . . ; f. 52 De uno confessore, Ferculum fecit sibi rex Salomon de lignis Lybani, columpnas eius fgcit argenteas, reclinatorium aureum, ascensum purpureum, hoc aliter intelligendum est quam nec dictum sit vobis . . . ; f. 53v De uno martyre, David de ilio martyre dicit cuius veneranda sollempnitas hodiernam diem sanctificavit qui seminat in lacrimis . . . ; f. 54v Item alius sermo de confessore, Sancti patris cuius festivitatem hodie celebramus merito a nobis omnibus laudaretur . . . ; f. 55v De virginibus, Karissimi, quamquam sepe admoniti sitis prava opera fugere et huius mundi inquinamenta aevitare . . . ; f. 57 Sermo in dedicatione ecclesia, Nos hodie celebramus et representamus vobis ilium diem in quo primum hec ecclesia ad servitium Dei est consecrata . . . ; f. 60 [no rubric; index, f. i, "promulgatio per modum excomunicationis"] Indicatum est michi karissimi quod in istis partibus vel in ista civitate vel in ista villa tanta perversitas malignorum hominum excreverit . . . ; f. 60v Item alius sermo [on the Last Judgment], Paulus: Nolo vos ignorare fratres de dormientibus ut non contristemini sicut et ceteri qui spem non habent . . . ; f. 61 v Item alius sermo [for a funeral], Sciendum est quod missg mortuorum absque gloria et altera seu pacis osculo celebrantur quod est indicium l§tici§ . . . ; f. 62 Item alius sermo, Quia iustum est ut omnes Christianos sermone sacr§ scripturg assidue ammoneamus se abstinere a malis cogitationibus et actionibus . . . ; f. 63v Item alius sermo, Quisquis Christianus ad celeste regnum tendit et supernis cgtibus coniungi cupit debet se a malis et illicitis rebus abstinere . . . ; f. 63v De dominico die, O m n e m dominicum diem honorare debemus cum omni studio honoris et sanctitatis . . . ; f. 64 Item alius sermo, Quia officium predicationis et doctring suscepimus ideo non possumus pretermittere . . . 2.
ff. 65-67: [Other material] f. 65r-v [12 lines] Tres sunt isti dies veneris in anni circulo quibus omnes homines se debent tam a viciis quam a cibis pro remedio anime abstinere . . . Qui istos dies observaverit in fide voluntate bona in die iudicii salvus erit; f. 65v [4 lines, referring to 27 January, 30 January, 13 February] Tres sunt dies et noctes in quibus Suur generatus fuerit . . . ; f. 65v [7 lines] Christus fuit ostiarius quando portas inferni confregit . . . , Exorcista quando . . . , Lector . . . , Subdiaconus . . . , Diaconus . . . , Prespiter . . . , Episcopus . . . [similar text in PL 94: 555]; f. 65v [5 lines] Verba domini per os beati Augustini: Vera confessio [corrected to "conversio"] sine vestimentorum mutatione unicuique sufficit . . . ; ff. 65v-66v Nicolaus ad consulta Sulganorum [sic\ quibus sit elemosina eroganda investigatis . . . ; ff. 66v-67 Gregorius papa in v libro Regum Constantino mediolanensi episcopo. Si lapsis ad suum ordinem revertendi licentia conceditur, vigor canonica proculdubio frangitur disciplina . . . Sed episcoporum iudicio quicquid est illud per 49
omnia reservandum. Amen. Signaculum orationis, sicut sigillum est confirmado alicuius iudicii. Quasi dicat Deo qui hanc oracionem decantai certe verum est quod actenus dixi, et cetera. Finit. f. 67v blank. Part II 3.
ff. 68-80: [Excerpts from the Fathers] Augustinus de videndo Deum ad Paulinam, Inter videre et credere hoc distare dicimus et presencia videntur, creduntur absencia . . . ; Augustinus ad Fortunatum; Augustinus ex libro questionum; Augustinus ex Genesi ad litteram; Augustinus ex libro de bono coniugali; Ex libro de trinitate Augustini; Idem ex libro de vera religione; Ex libro confessionum; Augustinus de civitate Dei; ex libro responsionum; Idem de civitate Dei; Augustinus ex libro contra Eiustum [sic]; Idem de tribus mortuis suscitatisi Augustinus de non irando; Augustinus ad lanuarium; Augustinus in soliloquiis de immortalitate animg; Augustinus de magistro; Domnus Augustinus; Augustinus ad Donatum iudicem; Augustinus in epistola; Augustinus; De spalmis [sic] canendis. 4. ff. 80-85: Ex omeliis Ambrosii; Ambrosius de penitentia adversus Novatianos liber i; Ambrosius de sacramentis; Ex libro Ambrosii de paradiso. 5. ff. 85-107: Iheronimus ad Paulinum; Iheronimus ad Rusticum; Idem ad Tyresium; Idem ad Marcellam de locis sanctis; Iheronimus ad Rufinum; Iheronimus ad Eustochium; Idem ad Paulinum; Damasus Iheronimo; Iheronimus Damaso; Idem ad Tranquillinum; Iheronimus Damaso; Iheronimus de morte Ozi$; Iheronimus Damaso; Augustinus ad Iheronimum; Iheronimus ad filiam Mauritii de virginibus; Iheronimus ad Heliodorum; Iheronimus ad Nepotianum; Iheronimus ad Paulinum; Iheronimus ad Amandum; Iheronimus Pamachio; Iheronimus Pamachio et Oceano; Iheronimus ad Oceanum; Iheronimus ad Evangelium; Idem ad Marcum; Iheronimus ad Rusticum; Iheronimus ad Dardanum; Iheronimus ad Lucinum; Iheronimus ad Levidium; Iheronimus adversus Vigilantium; Iheronimus ad Riparium; Iheronimus adversus Vigilantium; Iheronimus ad Florentinum; Iheronimus ad Abigaum; Iheronimus ad Castricianum; Iheronimus ad Fabianum; Iheronimus ad Iulianum; Iheronimus ad Rusticum; Iheronimus Cipriano; Iheronimus Pamachio; Iheronimus ad Eustochium; Iheronimus ad virgines; Iheronimus ad Demetriadem; Iheronimus ad Eustochium; Iheronimus ad Aletam; Iheronimus ad matrem et filiam; Iheronimus ad Castorinam Materteram; Iheronimus ad Furiam; Iheronimus ad Salvinam; Iheronimus ad Aggerutiam; Iheronimus ad Edibiam; Iheronimus ad Marcellam; Idem ad Heliodorum; Iheronimus ad Iuliam; Iheronimus ad Paulam; Iheronimus ad Theodoram; Idem ad Occeanum; Iheronimus ad Marcellam; Iheronimus ad Pamachium de morte Pauline; Idem ad Algasiam. 6. ff. 107-125: Ex omeliis Augustini super Iohannem; Omelia ii; Omelia Hi; Omelia v; Omelia vi; Omelia vii; Ex omelia x; Ex omelia xi; Ex omelia xii; Ex omelia xiii; Ex omelia xiiii; Ex omelia xv; Omelia xvii; Ex omelia xviiii; Ex omelia xxiiii; Ex omelia xxv; Ex omelia xxvi; Ex omelia xxv ti; Omelia xxviiii; Ex omelia xxx; Ex omelia xxxi; Ex omelia xxxii; Ex omelia xxxiii; Ex omelia xxxiiii; Ex omelia xxxv; Ex omelia xxxvi; Ex omelia xxxviii; Ex omelia xxxviiii; Ex omelia xl; Ex omelia xli; Ex omelia xlii; Ex omelia xliiii; Ex omelia xlv; Ex omelia xlvi; Ex omelia xlvii; Ex omelia xlviii; Ex omelia xlviiii; Ex omelia l; Ex omelia li; Ex omelia Iii; Ex omelia liii; Ex omelia Iv; Ex omelia Iviii; Ex omelia Ixii; Ex omelia Ixxvii; Ex omelia Ixxviiii; Ex omelia Ixxx; Ex omelia Ixxxi; Ex omelia Ixxxii; Ex omelia Ixxxiii; Ex omelia Ixxxiiii; Ex omelia xci; Ex omelia xcii; Ex omelia xcvi; Ex omelia xcviii; Ex omelia cxi; Ex omelia cxii; Ex omelia xcviii [sic]; Ex omelia cxviiii; Ex omelia cxxiii; Ex omelia cxxiiii. 7.
ff. 1 2 5 v - 1 2 8 v : Augustinus trina Christiana; Augustinus trina
de mendatio;
de agone Christiana; Augustinus
ex libro secundo de doctrina Christiana; Augustinus
de doc-
ex libro Hi de doc-
ff. 128v-151 : Ex omelia iii Origenis in Genesim; Ex omelia v; Ex omelia Iviii [sic]; Ex omelia xiii; Ex omelia xvi; Ex omelia in Exodo; Ex omelia v; Ex omelia vi; Ex omelia vii; Ex omelia 50
viii; Ex omelia xi; Ex omelia xii; Ex omelia xiii; Ex omelia ii in Levitico; Ex omelia Hi; Ex omelia v; Ex omelia vi; Ex omelia vii; Ex omelia viii; Ex omelia viiii; Ex omelia xi; Ex omelia xii; Ex omelia xiiii; Ex omelia i ex prologo Origenis in libro Numeri; Ex omelia iii; Ex omelia vi; Ex omelia vii; Ex omelia viii; Ex omelia viiii; Ex omelia x; Ex omelia xi; Ex omelia xii; Ex omelia xiii; Ex omelia xvi; Ex omelia xx; Ex omelia xxii; Ex omelia xxiii; Ex omelia xxiiii; Ex omelia xxv; Ex omelia xxvi; Ex omelia xxvii; Ex omelia xxviii; Ex omelia i in libro Ihesu Nave; Ex omelia ii; Ex omelia iii; Ex omelia iiii; Ex omelia v; Ex omelia vii; Ex omelia viii; Ex omelia viiii; Ex omelia xi; Ex omelia xii; Ex omelia xiiii; Ex omelia xv; Ex omelia xviiii; Ex omelia xx; Ex omelia xxi; Ex omelia xxiii; Ex omelia xxiiii. 9.
ff. 151-161v: De libro sex questionum sancii Augustini in questione ii; In iii questione; In quarta questione; In sexta; Ex libro Augustini ii ad Bonefacium; Ex epistola Augustini ad Macedonium cap. iiii; Ex epistola Augustini ad alios cor. cap. viii; Ex libro Augustini ad Dardanum cap. viii; Epistola Augustini ad Paulinum; Epistola Augustini ad Maximinum; Epistola Augustini ad Donatum; Augustinus ad Enodium; Augustinus ad Victorinum; Augustinus ad Cirtenses; Epistola A ugustini ad Donatum; A ugustinus ad Publicolam; A ugustinus ad Emeritum; Augustinus ad Eleusium; Augustinus ad Donatistas; Augustinus ad Festum; Augustinus ad Donatistas; Augustinus ad Ianuarium; Augustinus ad Pascentium; Augustinus ad Bonifacium; Augustinus de patientia; Augustinus ad Armentarium et Paulinam pro compiendo voto conversionis; Augustinus ex seminatore verbi; Augustinus de luctatione Iacobi; Augustinus ex eo quod apparuit Dominus Moysi in rubo ardenti; Augustinus de pastore et mercenario; Augustinus de quinque panibus et ii piscibus; De psalmodie bono eius de Nicet§; Gregorii de Arrianis; Ex libro ii Augustini ad Victorem Vincentium; Ex libro Augustini ad Paulinum de cura pro mortuis agenda; Ex libro i Augustini ad Pollentium de adulterinis coniugiis; Ex libro secundo ad eundem; Ex tractatu Augustini de continentia\[\a.st p a r a g r a p h lacks rubric] . . . P r o parvulis vero quia parentibus subtracti sint et an baptizati sint ignoratur; hos ut baptizare debeas secund u m p a t r u m traditionem si non f u / /
2 manuscripts b o u n d together by the mid-fifteenth century. Part I: P a r c h m e n t , ff. ii (cont e m p o r a r y ) + 66 + 1 (later fifteenth-century addition); 210 x 140 (157 x 113) m m . 1 - 8 8 9 4 ( - 3 , - 4 , with 3 replaced at a later date). First 3 quires n u m b e r e d in r o m a n n u m e r a l s . Leaves signed " N " through " X " with arabic n u m e r a l s , in a fifteenthcentury h a n d ; 2 5 - 2 6 long lines ruled in dry point. Written by 1 person in ordinary minuscule. Beginning word of each section in capitals; 2-line red initials partially indented; rubrics in minuscules a n d slashed initials in red t h r o u g h o u t the text; medieval foliation in arabic numerals; twisted red ribbon line fillers. Notes to the rubricator occasionally not completely t r i m m e d in the o u t e r m a r g i n . P a r t II: P a r c h m e n t , ff. 94 + ii (contemporary); 210 x 140 (167 x 110) m m . 1 - 1 1 8 12 6 . Signed " A " through " M " with arabic numerals, in a fifteenth-century h a n d ; 35 long lines ruled in lead. Written by 1 person in o r d i n a r y minuscule. 1 Vi -line red initials in the m a r g i n ; rubrics in mixed majuscules a n d slashed initials in red. Pastedowns a n d front flyleaves f r o m a late twelfth-century codex in ordinary minuscule with n e u m e s of St. Gall type: front pastedown: Verse, " S i c u t per m e civitas catinensium s u b l i m a t u r a Christo . . . " ; R e s p . , " R o g a v i d o m i n u m m e u m I h e s u m C h r i s t u m ut ignis iste . . . " ; Verse, " P r o eo ut m e diligerent . . . " ; ff. i-ii verso: Sequence, "In ascensione Domini, S u m m i t r i u m p h u m regis p r o s e q u a m u r laude . . . ; Alia, Victime pascali . . . ; De sancta cruce, Magnificent confessio atque pulcritudo . . . " ; back pastedown, apparently f r o m the same codex as the front pastedown, as m a y be seen f r o m the verso of this leaf on the stub preceding the 2 back flyleaves; the text on the visible side has been erased a n d rewritten in the early 51
fourteenth century, and contains prayers to be said before the Mass: "Acceptum sit omnipotenti Deo sacrificium istum . . . " ; f. i, added in outer margin in the fifteenth century, a possession note (see below) and a table of contents: " . . . Et continentur primo sermones subscripti videlicet: Item sermo de veneratione diei dominice 1 . . . [through the contents of Part I, 39 items, with references to the folios in arabic numerals] . . . Post sequuntur auctoritates diversorum sanctorum videlicet Augustini, Ambrosii, Ieronimi per modum rapiarii 68." Bound in white pigskin over boards, s. XV, with label on front cover: G 90 Sermo divi; above label on the front cover: G (? or T? or U?) 12 (?); on upper edge, " R e b . " ; remains of 1 heavy brass fore edge clasp closing from back to front. Written in southern Germany. Belonged to the canons regular of St. John in Rebdorf; possession notes on f. i recto, s. XIII/XIV: "Iste liber est beati Iohannis baptiste in Rebdorff prope Estetensem," and on the front pastedown in a fifteenth-century semicursive hand, " H i e codex est monasterii sanctissimi Iohannis baptiste [ " i n Rebd o r f f ' added in a different hand] canonicorum regularium ordinis sancti Augustini Eystetensis dyocesis." The manuscript has not been identified in the mid-fifteenthcentury catalogue of Rebdorf; see Mittelalterliche Bibliothekskataloge Deutschlands und der Schweiz, vol. 3 pt. 2, ed. P. Ruf (Munich 1933) 257- 316. On the first flyleaf, "Phillipps M S 783" with the Middle Hill stamp; Phillipps sale, Sotheby's, 5 J u n e 1899, lot 696 to Leighton. Belonged to the English medieval scholar Robert Steele (18601944), whose bookplate, "From the library of Robert Steele, Wandsworth Comm o n , " is on the first flyleaf. Dawson's Special List 13, April 1933, no. 1 and Dawson catalogue 98, J u n e 1934, no. 37; acquired by Crispin at that time. Secundo folio:
[Part I, f. 2] per mare rubrum; [Part II, f. 69] a mortuo et verum
HONNOLD L I B R A R Y , CRISPIN 25 • PATRISTIC MISCELLANY • England, s. XII m e d ff. lv-151v: Collection of excerpts from the Fathers, sermons, and other material, mainly without rubrics, broken down as follows: ff. lv-17v [Rubric added, s. X V : Encheridion] Principium et causa omnium Deus ante omnia §ternaliter in omnibus invariabiliter et primo omnia est interminabiliter. Vita vivens in se antequam essent tempora . . . \ De creatione mundi, Creavit Deus mundum istum et omnem creaturam de nichilo . . . ; De libero arbitrio, Arbitrium est iudicium animi sive de bono sive de malo . . . ; De firelatione Luciferi, Creavit Deus inter ceteros angelos unum non ordinem sed spiritum individualem De lapsu angeli, Casus autem iste vel localis fuit . . . ; De habitacione malignorum spirituum, Quoniam ergo nulla necessitatem inpulsi sed propria voluntate declinantes beatitudinem amiserunt . . . \ De libero arbitrio, Liberum arbitrium nec mali angeli post casum nec boni amiserunt . . . ; De dignitate spirituum bonorum, Sed oritur questio quare in bonis angelis quidam minoris quidam vero maioris sunt dignitatis . . . \ De lapsu diaboli et quod iuste diabolus creatus sit, Qui omnia bona valde fecit iuste etiam diabolum creavit . . . ; Corpoream creaturam rationalem id est hominem non sicut angelos simplicem essentiam . . . ; De statu primi hominis anime, Animam autem primi hominis sicut angelos spiritualem simplicem et indissolubilem essentiam Deus creavit . . . \ De anima ad similitudinem Dei facta, Facta est quoque anima ad imaginem et similitudinem Dei . . . ; Quod corpus et anima simul sit [iic] facta, Sic Deus animam primi hominis fecit corpus autem de limo terrg 52
formavit . . . \ De inmissione soporis in Adam, Misit e n i m soporem in A d a m et tulit u n a m de costis eius . . . ; U b i a u t e m paradysus iste sit in scripturis piane d e t e r m i n a t u m n o n invenitur . . . ; L i g n u m a u t e m istud non ideo l i g n u m scienti? . . . ; L i g n u m vero vit$ hoc in se naturaliter habuit . . . ; Diabolus ergo videns h o m i n e m in paradysi a m e n i t a t e locatum . . . ; Queritur utrum Adam an Eva peccaverit plus, Sed queri potest quis e o r u m plus peccaverit, v i d e n d u m est u t r i u s q u e peccatum quod et quale fuerit . . . ; Sed n o t a n d u m est tribus modis sacram scripturam accipere voluntatem Dei . . . ; Peccatum Ad§ q u i d a m concupiscentiam q u i d a m vero vocant inob§dientiam . . . ; Dicit aliquis q u a r e D e u s h o m i n e m fecit q u e m l a p s u r u m scivit . . . ; Q u e ritur q u a iusticia de peccato Ad§ posteri d a m n e n t u r . . . ; C u m a u t e m per peccatum a n g e l u m cecidisse . . . ; Post q u a m ex p a r t e dictum est quid sit peccatum consequens est n u n c attendere quid in p r i m o parente . . . ; Q u e r i t u r etiam si actualia peccata p a t r u m filiis sint originalia q u o d q u i d a m asserunt . . . ; Q u e r i t u r ergo q u a iusticia a n i m a nova creata et corpori m u n d o infusa statimque ab ilio separata d a m p n e t u r . . . ; Q u e r i t u r a u t e m u t r u m a n i m a voluntate an necessitate peccet . . . ; M o d u s ergo et t e m p u s reparationis h o m i n u m consideranda sunt . . . ; Dei igitur imago invisibilis p u d o r e m h u m a n i exordii non recusavit . . . ; Incendio d o m u s m e a corruerat et reficiendi studio sollicitus a n h e l a b a m , ligna cedi p r e c e p e r a m . . . ; ff. 17v-23 [apparently a unified section, with occasional internal rubrics Episcopus, Homo exterior, a n d Homo interior a n d 4 passages in verse] H o s igitur q u a d r a s lapides qug ligna secari precipis in m a n i b u s virga quid ista facit . . . ; ff. 18v-19 [32 lines of verse] H e u q u a m turpe nefas q u a m r e p r i m e n d u m / Q u a m discors a n i m § q u a m q u e reprimend u m . . . Esto p r e m o n i t u s gdibus istis / Succedit prope mansio tristis; [prose section] At egregie i n q u a m novi te, p u d e t q u e tarditatis m§e q u a m ad cognoscendam u n i c a m m e a m . . . ; ff. 19v-20 [24 lines of verse] Sed grave servicium male libera colla p r e m e b a t / Et d o m i n o s c e n t u m sua crimina quisque ferebat . . . M o r i b u s alludit n o n egre ferre docentem / H o c aspernari fecundat crimine m e n t e m ; [prose section] Sicut video minis egre d e c a n t a t a m sustinuisti q u e r i m o n i a m id qu§ tibi r u g a m contraxit . . . ; P a r a b a t u r et a s p e r a b a t u r michi quietus ille custosque pudoris thalam u s . . . ; f. 22 [34 lines of verse] N e ad ea qu§ promisi convertatur s t i l u s / V i s a n i m e h u m a n e septem sibi vendicai actus . . . A u t ea lingua fuit q u i b u s hgc aperire liceret / Excedit sensus m e r i t u m q u e recondita merces; [prose section] H o s actus si negas carnis impediri desideriis profecto vel penitus infra h o m i n e m defecisti . . . ; P r i m u s itaque noster actus vivificatio est, secundus sensus . . . ; f. 23 [11 lines of verse] C u m placeat carni quod vivificatur a m e t q u e / Fracta malis vitam fastidiai abdicet annos . . . Spes hoc stimulus et blande lite sub acto / Spes exaudit consensu culpa creatur; Integra et perfecta mortalitas in d u o b u s principaliter consideratur in evitandis vitiis et appetendis virtutibus . . . \ De masculorum interfectione, P h a r a o interpretat u r elidens q u o d diabolo competit . . . ; Misticus sensus de vocacione Abrahe, Hgc nostra evocatio a sordibus viciorum n o n solum f i g u r a t u r in evocatione filiorum Israel de g g y p t o . . . ; T i m e n s p h a r a o servos amittere festinat labores e o r u m a u g m e n t a r e . . . \ De plagis Egypti, Percutit D o m i n u s p h a r a o n e m plagis multis, q u i b u s singulis i n g r u e n t i b u s promittit p h a r a o dimittere p o p u l u m . . . \ De exitu ab Egipto, In novissima x p l a g a r u m occiduntur a D o m i n o primogenita § g y p t i . . . ; Q u o t i e n s quispiam ad religionem convertitur t a n q u a m de Egypto egreditur . . . \ De columna nubis et de columna ignis, D o m i n u s a u t e m precedebat eos ad o s t e n d e n d a m v i a m per diem in col u m n a nubis . . . ; N u b e s ista est discretio diving iusticig . . . ; Fugiens ergo quic u m q u e p h a r a o n i s imperia . . . ; De montanis circumcirca, M o n t a n a id est carnalitas vel sensualitas sive langor n a t u r e coartai . . . ; Extendit Moyses m a n u m super m a r e divisaque est a q u a . . . ; C u m q u e transissent viderent Egyptios m o r t u o s super litus 53
maris . . . ; [rubric noted in the margin: " I n exodo"] Transitus iste spirituals in multis sacre scripturç locis intelligitur . . . ; De mari egressi sunt in desertum et venerunt in Marath nec poterant bibere aquas de Mara: . . ; De pulmento Helisei, Erat fames in terra et filii prophetarum habitabant coram Heliseo . . . \ De pane doctrinç, Iste est panis qui de cçlo descendit quem dedit Deus [etc.], hoc pane debent refici animç vestrç secundum prophetam hic panis cor hominis confirmât . . . \ De efficacia verbi Dei, Hoc in loco per gladium verbum Dei designatur . . . \ Defuga Helie, Timuit Helias Ihezabel et surgens abiit quocunque eum ferebat voluntas . . . \ De subcinericio pane, Tunc angelica visio tangit eum excitans ad bonum operandum et ad altiora consurgendum . . . \ De quinque panibus ordaceis, Ad ipsum quod per panem subcinericium expressimus . . . ; Quid manna significai, Filii Israel manna collegerent alius plus alius minus . . . \ De pugna Israel contra Amalech, Venit autem vel pugnabat contra Israel vel Amalec . . . ; De monte divine contemplacionis, Moyses autem et Aaron et Yr ascenderunt super verticem Collis . . . ; Quod humilitas mons fortitudinis appellatur, Humilitas quidem mons fortitudinis appellatur quoniam universitas virtutum per illam sublimata corroboratur . . . ; De igne concupiscentiali, De terrestri lege per propheta, et concupierunt concupiscentiam in deserto, item in eodem psalmo . . . \ De igne caritativo, De superno igne dicit Dominus in evangelio igne veni mittere in terrain . . . ; In figura huius ignis apparuit Moysi Dominus in fiamma ignis de medio rubi et videbat quod rubus arderet et non combureretur. Rem sacramenti istius habemus ibi . . . ; De cantate angelorum, Quod etiam in libro Iudicum subintelligitur . . . ; [rubric added in lead: De dilectione Dei?] Helias curru igneo et equis igneis ascendit per turbinem in cçlum. Dilectio quippe Dei et proximi est quasi currus igneus . . . ; Cum Ihesus ostenderet discipulis suis quia oporteret eum ire Ierosolimis . . . \ De excellentia caritatis, Quante vero dignitatis et excellentiç sit virtus caritatis Paulus scribens ad Corinthios ita manifestai . . . ; Quis nos separabit [etc.]. Per istum veri amoris ignem de quo agimus . . . ; [rubric added: De eadem excellencia caritatis] Pretaxatum divini amoris çstum carnalis affectus nec in Abraham nec in Iepte conbruere valuit . . . \ De igne ultionis, Desiderium ut in cantico, ignis succensus est in furore meo . . . [followed by a series of short sections referring to Moses and the flight from Egypt]; ff. 3 7 - 4 9 [sermons] Ibo michi ad montem myrrç et ad colles Libani et loquar sponsç meç. Sponsus quidam hic loquitur qui sponsam habet et spondet se visitaturum illam . . . ; Notandum est tribus modis sacram scripturam accipere. Voluntatem Dei id est dispositionem precepit et illam quam ipse in sanctorum suorum cordibus facit voluntatem . . . ; Peccatum Adç quidam concupiscentiam . . . [same text as on ff. 8v-9, to line 7]; Potestatem remittendi peccata quidam soli Deo ascribere conantur ut in ea hominem participem fieri posse nullo modo concédant . . . ; Beatus vir qui non abiit. Quamdiu anima per contemplacionem Deo adheret manet in patria quando cogitationem suam ad terrena et transitoria inflectit . . . ; Domus Dei est universalis çcclesia a primo electo usque ad ultimum cotidie çdificatur partim peregrinando partim regnando . . . ; Qui vicerit [etc.]. Nam quisquis in Dei opere tecta in tectione firmatur . . . ; Ostende domui Israel templum ut confundantur ab iniquitatibus suis et metiantur fabricam ubi erubescant ex omnibus quç fecerent . . . ; Ecclesiç partes credunt très esse fideles, angeli cum cçtum Domino semper sociatum . . . ; Futura beatitudo acquiri poterit estimari non potest . . . ; Accipe baculum pastoralitatis custodiç curam et diligentiç significante . . . ; ff. 49-50v Sentendo Senece utillime, Omne peccatum actio est. Actio autem omne quod voluntarium est tam honesta quam turpis. Ergo voluntarium est omne peccatum. Tulit excusacione . . . ; f. 50v Ieronimus, Negociatorem clericum et ex inope divitem ex ignobili gloriosum . . . ; f. 51 v Augustinus, Serpens in paradyso non erat 54
c u m E v a m decepit . . . ; f. 51 v Gregorius in i° libro pastorali, P e n s a n d u m valde est ad culmen regiminis . . . ; ff. 5 2 - 6 6 v S u n t nonnulli qui se iustos et m a g n i a p u d D o m i n u m meriti similantes . . . ; D e tormentis fidelium viventium in die iudicii. A p p r o p i n q u a n t e fine m u n d i . . . ; Debet nos instruere illud ut a malis consiliis declinemus . . . ; D u o b u s modis spiritus i m m u n d i h o m i n i b u s obgdiunt . . . ; T r i a sunt qu§ vag a m m e n t e m stabilem faciunt . . . ; D u m m e d i u m silentium tenerent o m n i a . Prim u m silentium de D o m i n o . . . ; Q u a d r i m o d a est dicendi ratio q u a p r o v i d e n d u m est . . . ; H e c sunt qu§ debet m o n a c u s abbati suo, a m o r , ob§dientia, timor . . . ; O m n i s inquit d o m i n u s Ihesus qui petit accipit et qui querit invenit . . . ; Q u i s vest r u m habebit a m i c u m et cetera. Exemplo istius evangelii in m e d i a nocte est nobis o r a n d u m . . . ; Scriptum quippe est oculi stultorum in finibus terrg et r u r s u m per e u n d e m S a l o m o n e m dicitur . . . ; Illud h u m a n u m dico q u o d infirmis apostolis dixit ut saltim debiliores nos n o n habeat c§lestis conversio . . . ; Iustus ut p a l m a florebit. N o t a p a l m a m significare gcclesiam . . . ; C u m sit invisibilis a n i m a n e q u a m q u e corp o r u m r e r u m delectatione tangitur . . . ; D u o b u s modis bene d o r m i t a n i m a . D o r m i t q u a n d o a b actionibus h u i u s m u n d i sensus suos foris claudit . . . ; T r i a sunt oscula, reconciliatorium, r e m u n e r a t o r i u m , c o n t e m p l a t o r i u m , p r i m u m ad pedes . . . ; C o n templantis a n i m a Ierusalem dicitur quia ipsa interiori oculo m u n d i corde v e r a m pacem id est D o m i n u m c o n t e m p l a t u r . . . ; N o t a n d u m tria esse loca in q u i b u s D e u s tribus vocibus et tribus instrumentis c u m tribus Unguis l a u d e t u r et ei serviatur . . . ; [rubric added in the m a r g i n : De fide] Est a u t e m fides ubi dicit apostolus substantia s p e r a n d a r u m r e r u m a r g u m e n t u m n o n a p p a r e n t i u m . . . ; [rubric added in the m a r gin: De fide operante et dilectione] Caritas a u t e m id est dilectio Dei et proximi huic fidei sociata q u o d est fides o p e r a n s ex dilectione . . . ; ff. 6 6 v - 7 4 v A u g u s t i n u s a u t e m in libro de doctrina Christiana hoc m o d o caritatem diffinit, Caritas est appetitus a n i m i ad h a b e n d u m D o m i n u m propter se ipsum . . . ; ff. 74v-79 P r e c e p t o r u m observatio duplici genere custoditur ut nichil e o r u m q u § p r o h i b e n t u r facias . . . ; Considerand u m est q u o m o d o constet molentis officium. Nulli d u b i u m est q u o d m o l e n d u m non constet aliter nisi d u o b u s lapidibus apparatis . . . ; M a i o r et m i n o r tribus modis dicitur f t a t e ut senior puero, f o r m a ut longior potentia . . . ; Gastrimargi§ genera sunt tria. P r i m u m ante statutam h o r a m hanc legitimam reficere . . . ; ff. 79-82v [short extracts f r o m Augustine, Gregory, A m b r o s e , Pope Nicholas, a n d Anselm]; ff. 8 3 - 8 7 Q u o m o d o sedet sola civitas piena populo. Q u a n t u m ad litteram spectat desolationem Ierusalem plangit Ieremias et est a m m i r a n t i s vel dolentis vox ista . . . ; ff. 8 7 - 9 4 v Pascasius, Vie Syon lugent eo q u o d n o n sint qui veniant ad solennitatem . . ; ff. 9 5 - 9 7 v Beatus vir qui non abiit in Consilio i m p i o r u m . Pii sunt qui in D o m i n u m credunt et ipsum colunt . . . ; ff. 97v-117v Pretiosam in conspectu D o m i n i m o r t e m s a n c t o r u m eius facit a l i q u a n d o vita . . . ; Q u a t u o r gradibus distinguitur omnis elect o r u m profectus. P r i m o e n i m fit quisque su§ animg . . . ; D u o loca sunt animg racionalis inferior q u e m regit . . . ; Dixit inimicus [etc.]. Iste vere Dei inimicus est qui p o p u l u m Dei persequitur . . . ; Nuptig factf sunt in C h a n a [etc.]. Hgc qualiter ad s a c r a m e n t a gcclesig a sanctis p a t r i b u s relata sunt n o v i m u s . . . ; Veni creator spiritus [etc.], P e n s a n d u m nobis est quis sit ille adventus ad q u e m spiritum s a n c t u m inv i t a m u s . . . ; Nolite diligere m u n d u m n e q u e ea qug in m u n d o sunt. O m n e e n i m q u o d in m u n d o est concupiscencia o c u l o r u m est . . . ; H a u r i e t i s aquas in gaudio de fontibus scilicet p r o paradyso q u e m p e r d i d i m u s restitutus est salvator Christus. Sicut ergo de u n o fonte d i r i v a n t u r . . . ; A b r a h a m genuit Ysaac, M a t h e u s evangelista xl ii os patres q u i b u s usque ad Christi generationem p e r v e n i t u r . . . ; Intravit Ihesus in q u o d a m castello. Q u o d D o m i n u s ac salvator noster semel et in u n o loco visibiliter facere terre temporis dignatus est . . . ; E r a n t ibi posit§ lapidee vi hydrig 55
[etc.]. Intelligamus has vi hydrias positas esse vi observantias servis Dei prepositas . . . ; Q u a t t u o r ordines in ecclesia sunt, pastoralis, monachalis, clericalis, laicalis, u n u s q u i s q u e cuius ordinis sit p e n s a n s . . . ; V i d e n s t u r b a s d o m i n u s Ihesus ascendit in m o n t e m . H i e iiii or n o t a n t u r , predicatio, predicator, auditores, et locus . . . ; Q u o t q u a n t i q u e dolores a n i m a m contexeret tot proculdubio tante consolationes ins u r g u n t . . . ; ff. 117v-118 [apocryphal correspondence of K i n g A b g a r of Edessa a n d Christ] A b g a r u s U c b a n i § filius toparcha Ihesu salvatori b o n o salutat. A u d i t u s q u § tu facis signa statui in a n i m o m e o u n u m esse e d u o b u s aut q u i a tu sis D e u s . . . ; ff. 118-125v Legitur q u o d Iudas ierit ad t o n d e n d a s oves in T h e m a s c u m q u o suus serviens . . . ; P r i m a gratia est timor D o m i n i . Q u i h a n c habet gratiam o m n e m odit iniquitatem . . . ; Beata ilia et sempiterna trinitas p a t e r et filius et spiritus sanctus u n u s D e u s scilicet s u m m a potentia . . . ; V e r u m t a m e n hoc t a m gravem t a m t e n e b r o s u m t a m sordidum lapsum nostrg naturg reparavit ilia beata trinitas . . . ; C u m igitur venit ut dictum est Dei filius factus h o m o qui erat D e u s t a m q u a m b o n u s medicus dedit precepta . . . ; Virtutibus pollens coactus ad regimen veniat vacuus nec coactus accedat . . . ; Episcopi qui n o n Dei voluntate fiunt sed contra gcclesiam et contra disposicionem et tradicionem fiunt evangelii . . . ; Videat sanctitas vestra q u a n t u m ponderis habeat c u m sola voluntas d a m p n e t u r in S y m o n e m a g o . . . ; Alii per cruciatus c o r p o r u m t e m p t a n t u r , q u i b u s placet caro . . . ; Beati qui esuriunt et siciunt id est p r i m o luctu super iusticig desiderium. V i d e n d u m quid sit iusticia qui facere iusticiam . . . ; ff. 125v-126v M i n i m u s Belvacensis gcclesi? beati Q u i n t i n i presbyteri N . bone spei fratri q u o d pie pulsat sibi patent aperiri. Litteras fraternitatis tug n u p e r accepi n e q u e e n i m d o m i e r a m q u a n d o ad gcclesiam n o s t r a m periate sunt . . . ; ff. 126v-134v Nisi g r a n u m [etc.]. Si v e r b a h u i u s evangelii moraliter e x p o n a n t u r d u o necessario i n n u u n t cadere et m o r i , loquitur q u i p p e novitiis f r u m e n t i g r a n o merito comparatis . . . ; V a d o ad e u m qui m e misit et cetera. Solet sepe mult u m iuvare l o q u e n t e m si t e m p u s locum p e r s o n a m q u e . . . ; In ilio tempore dixit d o m i n u s Ihesus discipulis suis p a r a b o l a m hanc. H o m o q u i d a m erat dives qui habebat villicum . . . H u i u s sancti evangelii lectio q u a n t e sit utilitatis et in ystoria simpliciter ad litteram dieta et moraliter expedita p r u d e n s auditor advertet . . . ; D u m m e d i u m silentium tenerent o m n i a tria sunt silentia, p r i m u m silentium ignorantia languoris . . . ; V i d e n d u m est quia iiii or sunt timores, servilis id est abstinere a malo p r o evitacione pene retinendo voluntate faciendi m a l u m . . . ; H o c est p r e c e p t u m m e u m ut diligatis invicem. Precepta dominica et m u l t a sunt et u n u m . M u l t a per diversitatem operis . . . ; ff. 134v-137 [excerpts f r o m a bestiary, Physiologus, " v e r s i o B , " but with longer allegories] De leone, Igitur Iacob filium s u u m I u d a m benedicens dicebat. C a t u l u s leonis . . . , Depanthera . . . , De unicorni. . . [De ydre] . . . ; f. 137rv Augustinus, Ignis ante e u m precedei. Si possemus facere fratres ut dies iudicii n o n veniret . . . ; Valida tempestas ventilatura t a m m a g n a m a r e a m hac tempestate erit illa ventilatio q u a separabitur a sanctis o m n e i n m u n d u m . . . ; f. 138 [table of vices in descending order: superbia, inanis gloria, invidia, ira, tristicia, avaricia, ventris ingluvies, luxuria] Initium o m n i s peccati superbia. Ex hac virulenta radice vii principalia vicia o r i u n t u r . . . ; S u p e r tribus et iiii or sceleribus Ierusalem n o n convertar e a m . Septem h§c scelera, tria sunt in a n i m a , iiii or in corpore . . . ; Sobrig et iuste et pie v i v a m u s in hoc seculo expectantes b e a t a m spem et a d v e n t u m glorig m a g n i Dei et revelationes iudicii salvatoris Ihesu Christi d o m i n i nostri. N o t a n d u m est q u o d apostolus innuit nobis tria fore necessaria ad salutem . . . ; Ecce q u a n t u m b o n u m et q u a n t u m i o c u n d u m habitare fratres in u n u m . N o t a t e fratres notate karissimi verba hec prophetg. Videte locuturus de unitate quid dixerit . . . ; D u m m e d i u m silentium 56
tenerent omnia et nox in suo cursu medium iter haberet omnipotens sermo tuus Domine venit a regalibus sedibus et cetera. Spiritus sanctus per quem nobis manifestantur Consilia Dei hic aperte nobis insinuai . . . ; Tres vitales spiritus creavit omnipotens Deus. U n u m qui carne non tegitur id est angelorum . . . ; Octo ponderibus factus est Adam. Pondere olim unde factus est. Pondere maioris unde salse sunt lacrime . . . ; ff. 141-142v [rubric added in the margin for the first excerpt: Gregorius super lob in libro xxiii\ In scriptura sacra lectus sive grabatus seu stratus aliquando voluptas carnis aliquando repausatio in bonis operibus . . . ; [rubric added in margin: Gregorius super lob liber xx'] Aqu§ in scriptura sacra aliquando spiritum sanctum aliquando sacram scientiam aliquando parvam aliquando tribulacionem . . . ; In scriptura sacra ligni nomine aliquando crux aliquando vir iustus aut etiam iniustus . . . ; In scriptura sacra equi nomine aliquando lubrica vita parvorum aliquando dignitas temporalis aliquando hoc ipsum presens seculum . . . ; In scriptura sacra bovum nomine aliquando hebitudo fatuorum aliquando vita signatur bene operantium . . . ; Asinorum quoque nomine aliquando stultorum pigritia aliquando petulantium immoderata luxuria . . . ; Ignis nomine cum per significationem dicitur aliquando spiritus sanctus, aliquando autem mentis malicia designatur . . . ; Letatus sum [etc.], Letantur alii cum male fecerint et exultant in rebus pessimis. Q u o r u m risus vertetur in luctum dicit Dominus et gaudium in merorem. Sed ego letatus sum quia in domum Domini ibimus . . . ; C u m sancto spiritu eris et cftera. Sequitur et cum perverso perverteris. Evitanda sunt igitur consortia malorum quod evitare nos amonet poeta . . . ; Sicut in sacro elogio sancta sanctorum vel cantica canticorum profui magnitudine dicitur, ita h§c festivitas paschalis sollennitas sollennitatum . . . [lists the 10 appearances of Christ after the Resurrection]; Q u a n t a merces pie conversationis quale pignus futurg beatitudinis etiam in presenti maneat fideles his promissis apparitionibus insinuai Dominus patenter . . . ; f. 147v De vii purgationibus anime, Expurgate vetus fermentum et cetera. Iuxta phisicos vii novimus purgationes corporum . . . ; f. 148v De vii convallibus humilitatis quibus itur per descensionem ad celum, Nemo ascendit in eglum nisi qui de cflo descendit filius hominis qui est in eglo. U n a Christi persona est . . . ; f. 149 De vii replecionibus anime, Sicut medicorum est consuetudo corpora superfluis purgata humoribus replere salutiferis . . . ; Dona grätig septiformis quibus Dominus purgatos replet hoc ordine humane menti conveniunt, ut timor primum reficiat sicut in capite huius sententig presignificavimus . . . admittuntur postea humilius et certius possideantur per Dominum nostrum. Amen; f. 151v [pen trial] Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus; Omnibus omnia non mea sompnia; omnis homo primum bonum vinum; Deus meus. Parchment (thick and soft), ff. ii (paper, modern) + 151 + iii (paper, modern); 212 x 153 (155-162 x 100) m m . 1-19 8 20 2 (+ 1 additional) 212. Catchwords in the right-hand corner, occasionally cropped; quires signed in roman numerals. 32 long lines ruled in lead, double bounding lines. Written by 1 person in an ordinary round minuscule. Plain initials, 2- and 1-line, in red, green, light blue, or oxidized silver. Occasional contemporary corrections, nota marks, and index notes; frequent instructions to the rubricator. The text has been corrected throughout: "iste quaternus emendatus est" is found at the end of several gatherings; the notes on f. 7, "Scribe usque ad alium capitulum et postea quod habitur in folio de voluntate D e i , " and on f. 7v, " H i c scribe folium," suggest that the text has been copied in part at least once; some damage from mildew. Bound in brown morocco with gold floral tooling and gilt edges, s. X I X . 57
Written in England in the middle of the twelfth century. Belonged to the English antiquary Sir Roger Twysden (1597-1672), whose signature appears on f. lv, top, with the date 1637. Twysden's collections passed into the possession of Sir Thomas Sebright and thus to his descendant Sir J o h n Saunders Sebright (1767-1846), at whose sale by Sotheby's, 6 April 1807, this manuscript was sold as lot 1133. Signature on f. 1, top, s. X V I I I or X I X : " S u m Roberti T r a v e r s . " Initials "V. E . " of uncertain date on f. 1, top. A long note pertaining to the provenance of the book in the nineteenth century is erased from f. 1. The volume was apparently in a cedar bookcase for many years. Sotheby catalogue slip loose in volume. Dawson sale catalogue 117, February 1937, no. 18, which mentions an enclosed letter from the British Museum stating that " t h e manuscript has been carefully examined . . . and its early date authenticated"; acquired by Crispin from Dawson in 1937. Secundo folio: (simili-)tudine ut
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, C R I S P I N 26 • B E R N A R D , L E T T E R S • England, s. X I I - X I I I , X V 1.
ff. l-10v: Alphabetical subject index in 1 quire added to the beginning of the volume, written by a fifteenth-century hand with references to folio and section a - d of the page, "Abbatis iussio quociens, Abbas quod non . . . , Abbas rex . . . , " end torn out. ff. l l - 1 3 3 v : [Bernard, letters, sermons, excerpts] Bernardus abbas claravallis. Romano suo quod suo. Benefecisti tui nobis per literas . . . Amemus igitur affectuose circumspecte et valide. Many of the texts lack tituli and some are incorrectly rubricated. For the numbered Epistolae in this description, see S. Bernardi opera, ed. J . Leclercq and H . Rochais, 8 vols. Rome 1957-1977 (here referred to as Opera, with the Epistolae in vols. 7 and 8), in which this manuscript is cited as Cm 1 in the apparatus for letters 235, 239, 525-528, 530-534. See also C. H . Talbot, " N e w Documents in the Case of Saint William of York," Cambridge Historical Journal 10 (1950) 1-15 (here referred to as Talbot), and J . Leclercq, " D e u x témoins de la vie des cloîtres au moyen â g e , " Studi medievali 3d ser. 12 (1971) 987-995 (here referred to as Leclercq, " D e u x témoins"). A detailed analysis of Crispin 26 is given by J . Benton, "A Bernardine Manuscript in Claremont, California," Analecta Cisterciensia 24 (1968) 39-46. Epistolae 105, 106, 67, 68, 27, 95, 8, 111, 91, 24, 141, 125, 127, 71, 100, 158, 157, 156, 159, 162, 161, 150, 152, 97, 9, 25, 135, 138, 224 [mutilated]; ff. 21-31 letter to the abbot of Coulombs and the Liber de praecepto et dispensation [ Opera 3:253294]; 42, 126, 124, 338, 189, 188, 191, 194, 12, 174, 144, 145, 213, 179, 164 and 166 [with no break], 168, 109, 110, 146, 48, 53, 198, 197, 207, 212, 108, 201, 208, 209, 210, 217, 199, 202, 215, 187, 231, 219, 218, 195, 220, 227, 221, 18, 411, 316, 216, 96, 313, 94, 525, 526, 527, 530, 528, 531, 532, 533, 534; f. 59 letter of Innocent II to Henry of Winchester, March 1143 [W. Holtzmann, Papsturkunden in England, Berlin 1935, 2:176-177]; Talbot 6, Talbot 5, 346, 347, 235, 238, 239, 236, 353, 360, 320, 321, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 104, 13, 14, 254, 11, 87, 107, 78, 115, 103; ff. 81-86 Apologia ad Guillelmum abbatem [Opera 3:81-108]; f. 86 excerpt from De gratia et libero arbitrio, c. 2, 5 [Opera 3:169 line 12 to 170 line 4]; brief excerpt attributed to Augustine but actually by Anselm of Laon, "Naturaliter fatui solo baptismi sacramento salvantur velut parvuli . . . " [O. Lottin, Psychologie et morale aux XIIe et XIII' siècles, 58
Gembloux 1959, 5:54 n. 58]; brief excerpt attributed to Jerome, "Episcopi sacerdotes se sciant esse non dominos. Honorent clericos quasi clericos . . . " ; 363; ff. 8791 v eight letters of Innocent III concerning England [Potthast 1346, 922, 3111, 3167, 3226, 3248, 3608, 3622]; f. 92r-v Vita sancti Malachiae episcopi praefatio [Opera 3:307-309]; 374; ff. 93-94 unidentified monastic letter, no rubric, "Lectis litteris tuis, frater amantissime, concaluit cor meum intra me . . . " [Leclercq, " D e u x témoins"]; f. 94 letter of Isaac, abbot of Notre Dame de l'Etoile, to J e a n , bishop of Poitiers [PL 194:1889-1895]; f. 95v Eusebius of Emesa, Creed, "Sicut credimus quod unigenitus Deus coeternus Deo . . . " ; unidentified Responsio super Leviticum; ff. 96-98 unidentified meditation, "Querimonia fidelis uniuscuiusque adhuc periclitantis et humani exilii deplorantis, Convertere anima in requiem tuam, intra in cubiculum tuum et, clauso ostio, ora patrem tuum. Mundi vanitates et insanias mendaces . . . " [printed in part by Leclercq, " D e u x témoins"]; ff. 9 8 - l l l v Sermones super psalmum Qui habitat [short version; Opera 4:383-447]; ff. Illv—131 De consideration [Opera 3: 393-493; second recension of the type A, Tr]; ff. 131-133v miscellaneous extracts and sentences from the works of Bernard. Parchment, ff. i (paper, modern) + 133 + i (paper, modern); 185 x 140 (155 x 108) mm. 1 8 (+ 5, 10) 210 3 10 (an additional leaf was placed at the beginning of the quire and is now missing) 410 5 12 6 10 76 8 12 9 8 1 0 6 ( - 4 , - 6 ) l l 1 0 12-15°. Catchwords in the early gatherings; the catchword at the end of the second quire, f. 20, "ecclesia tac e a m , " does not correspond to the opening words of the third quire, f. 21; quires signed on the first leaf recto with a letter of the alphabet, done after the possible loss of the leaf between ff. 20 and 21. 28-38 long lines ruled in lead, with inner margin pricking occasionally visible; index frame ruled. Written by several hands: (i) ff. 1-10, s. XV, ordinary minuscule; (ii) ff. l l - 8 0 v , s. XII e x , ordinary minuscule; (iii) ff. 81-91v, s. XIII i n , early gothic minuscule; (iv) ff. 92-133v, s. XIII i n , early gothic minuscule. Primary initials, 3-line, 1 each in red and in green; 1 decorated 3-line initial, f. 81, in brown ink with acanthus leaves. Incorrect medieval foliation, s. XV 1 , in arabic numerals by the writer of the index: the numbering begins with the text (now f. 11), counts 1-28, then 19-116; missing in the medieval sequence are ff. 11, 73-74, and apparently 63 folios at the end of the manuscript, since the index contains references up to f. 179. Bound in brown diced calf, rebacked, s. X I X . Written in England, probably at a Cistercian house in the north. Possibly given to J o h n Kemp, archbishop of York (1380?-1454): on f. lOv at the end of the index and by the same hand, " D o m i n o Iohanne permissione divina tituli sánete Balbine presbítero cardinali eboracensis archiepiscopo Anglie primato et apostolice sedis legato" (as transcribed by J . Benton, "A Bernardine Manuscript . . . , " p. 41; see above). Kemp also owned a copy of Peter Comestor, now Durham Cathedral Library, B.III.20 1 , and is cited by A. B. Emden, A Bibliographical Register of the University of Oxford to A.D. 1500 (Oxford 1957-1959) 1031-1032, as having given a copy of the Postils of H u g h of St. Cher to D u r h a m College (Durham Cathedral Priory, Reg. Parvum, ii, ff. 92v-93). T h e ownership note in Crispin 26 was almost entirely torn out when the manuscript was stolen from Honnold Library before 1970; now visible is "//Balbine presbítero c a r / / " and " / / o et apostolice sedis legato." Sold at Christie's,
• 1. We are grateful to D r . A. I. Doyle for this information.
11 December 1969, lot 55 to H . P. Kraus. Acquired by Yale University, Beinecke Library, 7 April 1970, and catalogued as M S 452, before being returned to Claremont in 1973 (see Appendix, p. 117). T h e source and date of acquisition by Crispin are not known. Secundo folio: [Index, f. 2] comedit; [Text, f. 12] quatinus
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, C R I S P I N 27 • B E R N A R D , S E R M O N S O N T H E S O N G O F S O N G S • France, s. XII 2 ff. l - 9 4 v : Expositio super Canticis canticorum [title added in a fifteenth-century humanist hand], Vobis fratris quam aliis seculo . . . et gaudebit sponsus super sponsam cognoscens et cognitus, diligens et dilectus. Ihesus Christus dominus noster qui est super omnia Deus benedictus in sécula. [Sermons 1-82, representing a manuscript of the first recension; see S. Bernardi opera, vols. 1-2, ed. J . Leclercq, C. H . Talbot, and H . M . Rocháis, Rome 1957-1958; this manuscript not recorded.] Parchment, ff. i (parchment, modern) + 94 + i (parchment, modern); 300 x 190 (240 x 160, but with considerable variation) mm. 1-4 8 56 6-12 8 . 2 columns of 48-49 lines, pricked on inner and outer margins and ruled in lead. Ordinary minuscule verging on gothic, by several hands which frequently take over from one another. Initials in varying sizes in red, blue, green, and brown, plain or with floral motif or with patterns of one or many dots. Text carefully corrected; sermons numbered in the margins; space left for rubrics; ff. 1-9, explanatory marginalia and titles added to sermons in an Italian (?) hand of the middle of the fifteenth century; occasional pen trials, s. XII; on f. 1, the title added in majuscules, s. X V / X V I : Sermones Bernardi super Cantica canticorum. Modern binding in gray half leather. O n front pastedown, an English sale catalogue slip, lot 40, "with illustration opposite." Dawson's Special List 13, April 1933, no. 2; Crispin acquired the manuscript in 1934. Secundo folio: desiderium flagrans
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, C R I S P I N 28 • B E R N A R D , S E R M O N S • Germany, s. X V 2 1.
Fig. 17
f. lv: [Dialogue with Bernard] Mira loquar sed digna fide, Bernarde. Quid hoc est . . . Donee celeste fiat terrestre cadaver. Finis [in 16 lines, written on a piece of parchment, 130 x 152 m m , s. XV 1 , now pasted on the flyleaf]. ff. 2-186: Incipit sermo primus beati Bernardi abbatis de sex circumstanciis adventus Domini, Hodie fratres adventus inicium celebramus . . . et futurorum expectacio premiorum. Expliciunt sermones hyemales et estivales de tempore et de sanctis beati Bernardi abbatis. The sermons follow Schneyer, Repertorium in this order: 1-7, 13-24, 26, 25, 27-33, 89, 91-93, 34-39, 96, 99, 97-98, 61-65, 66 (in the manuscript this is divided into 2 sermons: ends: " . . . ne videret corruptionem"; begins: "Vicit itaque leo de tribù Iuda. Occisus est agnus . . . " ; see S. Bernardi opera, ed. J . Leclercq and H . M . Rochais, 5:84), 67, 68 and 175 (these 2 sermons appear in the manuscript as 1), 60
69-75, 174, 76-79, ff. 103-107v [Ps. Bernard] De venerabili sacramento altaris (PL 184: 981C-992A), 80-81, 83, 107, 167-169, 84-88, 100, ff. 125-129v [Ps. Bernard] De sancto Iohanne baptista (PL 184:991B-1002B), 101-104, 109, 105-108, 110, 166, 111118, f. 168r-v Epistola beati Bernardi abbatis de obitu beati Malachie Hyberniensis episcopi (PL 182:579A-580C), 120-123, 126-131. f. 186: Testamentum beati Bernardi, Arbitror me, fratres mei, me magna signa religionis vobis relinquere non posse . . . et si quando accidit, sedavi statim ut potui. f. 186v blank. [A version of this is printed in PL 185:520C in a biography of Bernard attributed to Alain of Auxerre.] ff. 187-192: [Peter Lombard] Item sermo cuiusdam abbreviatus in cena Domini, Pone mensam contemplatione in specula . . . Huius diei sacramentum ingenti cordis . . . ac torrente divine voluptatis potabuntur. Hoc nobis prestet qui vivit in secula. Amen. Explicit sermo. f. 192v blank. [PL 171:510B-524D; Schneyer, Repertorium 18 under Peter Lombard.]
Parchment, ff. 192 (f. 1 is a paper flyleaf onto which a portion of the text has been pasted) + i (paper, modern); 310 x 205 (250 x 145) m m . 1-3 8 4 8 (5 replaced in paper, f. 31) 5 8 (7 replaced in paper, f. 48) 6-23 8 24 4 (+ 5, 6). ff. 2-186, 2 columns of 45 lines, ff. 187-192, 2 columns of 42 lines; frame ruled in ink. Written in a German semicursive gothic script by 2 hands: (i) ff. 2-186; (ii) ff. 187-192, the second more spiky; the 2 paper additions, ff. 31 and 48, are in an early sixteenth-century hand with humanistic influence; text in gray to black ink. Flex mark in punctuation, f. 2, opening initial, 8-line, in a carefully executed blue acanthus leaf extending into the margin in pale green and blue, the inner part of the letter and the surrounding space filled with red floral design; other initials of this type 6 to 4 lines in height; f. 76 Incipit sermo primus . . . in die sancto pasche, red and blue parted 5-line initial with red beading and flourishes; secondary initials, 5- to 3-line, alternate red and blue; rubrics in red minuscule; initials in the text slashed in red. Bound in white pigskin, elegantly blind stamped and dated 1749, 1 fore edge clasp present, only the leather tab of the other, wooden boards beveled toward the inside. Written in Germany. Acquired by Crispin from Dawson's Book Shop in 1934. Secundo folio: [f. 3] propter me
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, C R I S P I N 29 • B E R N A R D , S E R M O N S , in Dutch • Netherlands, 6 October 1457
Fig. 18
ff. 1-174: Hier begint dat derde stuck vanden sermoenen S. Bernaerts des abts van Clarendael dat eerste sermoen op S. Maria Magdalenen dach, H u d e n hebben die barmherticheit ende die waerheit . . . [f. 164v] Dat vijfte sermoen vander Kermis . . . Overmids die hulpe des geens die inder ewicheit gebenedijt is. Amen. Dit boec is gescreuen Int Jair ons Heren M cccc ende Ivii. Ende wert geeyndet opten zesten dach inder maent van October. Een Aue Maria van mynnen om Gods wil voer die onnutte scrijfster. ff. 174v-175v ruled but blank. 25 sermons, De diversis and De sanctis, July through November. For manuscripts of the medieval Dutch translation of the sermons of Bernard, see J . Deschamps, Middelnederlandse handschriften uit Europese en Amerikaanse bibliotheken (2d ed., Leiden 1974) 254-256. 61
Paper (Briquet, Ancre, 367, Rouen, 1405), ff. iii (modern) + 175 + iv (modern); 216 x 138 (144 x 95) mm. 1-21 8 22 8 (- 7). 2 columns of 25-29 lines frame ruled in ink. Written by 1 person in a well-formed Dutch hybrida script. Opening initial, 7-line, red with negative white floral design on the letter and red floral infilling; secondary initials, 4- and 3-line, and one 5-line, f. 37, in similar style; red slashed initials in the text, paragraph marks, and underlining. Bound in brown calf with diamond rules, s. X X . Portions of f. 1 restored. Written in the Netherlands, in western Middle Dutch; ex libris (?) cut from f. 1; the manuscript is item 9 in the auction of the bookseller Heberle, Brussels, 17 November 1851 (no owner listed); Dawson sale catalogue 106, M a y 1935, no. 5; acquired by Crispin in 1936. Secundo folio:
hoe gerechtich
ff. 1-59: [Nicholas of Gorran] Incipiunt themata de tempore per anni circulum. Dominica in adventu prima, Hora est iam nos de sompno surgere . . . Rom. xiii. Sicut dicit sapiens Ecclesiastes iii, Omnia tempus habent . . . Modo est tempus belli contra vicia . . . [Ad virgines] de ilia que noluit maritari ut ex toto corde diligeret Christum. ff. 59-117v: [Nicholas of Gorran] Incipiunt themata de sanctis et primo de sancto Andrea, In baculo meo . . . Genesis 32. Sicut dicitur Sapientia 2, Umbre transitus est tempus nostrum. Hoc tempus transeunt sancti . . . [Item (unius virginis)] omnia parata sunt, venite. SOPMA 3091. Sermons agree with those given by Schneyer, Repertorium, in the following order: Sermons for the temporale 1-59, 281, 278, 280, 282, 60-85, 349-354, 86-87, 361-366, 88-91, 367-372, 92-97, 373, 98-103, 106-139, 141-162, 166-192, 194-223, 225-274, 951-958, 941-943, 921-925, 900-904, 893-899, 944947, 906-912, 920, 948-950, 959-962; sermons for the sanctorale 375-548; f. 79v [unidentified] In annunciatione, Fac tibi archam de lignis levigatis, Genesis vi. Sicut princeps volens venire in civitatem vel castellum . . . ego sum panis vite. Ps. Surge Domine in requiem; 549-578,580-598, 604-609, 611-616, 619,621-631, 633-647, 649-687, 975, 599-603, 688, 976, 689-723, 725-727; f. 102v [unidentified] Item [in nativitate beate virginis], Fac tibi archam de lignis levigatis, Genesis 6. Quemadmodum rex vel alius magnus princeps transfretare vel in mari pugnare proponens . . . etiam hoc exponi de cruce que fuit archa per quam transfretari mare; 731-733; f. 103 [Nicholas of Byard] Item de eodem [in nativitate beate virginis], Sanctificavit tabernacula sua altissimus. Sicut carpentarius dolat ligna resecando . . . predicta requiruntur in qualibet operacione, informans informatum [SOPMA 3047; Schneyer, Repertorium, N. de Byard, 169]; 735-739, 742-745, 748-750, 752-762, 765-768, 770-773, 776-779, 782-786, 788-791, 793-795, 798-800, 802-804, 808-812, 815816, 818-825, 827-829, 832-835, 837, 839-841, 854-857, 859, 862-864, 792, 751, 865-868, 871-874, 877-878, 880-883, 885-891.
Parchment, ff. i (paper, modern) + 117 + i (paper, modern); 292 x 215 (200-212 x 149159) mm. 1-13 s 14 8 (+ 9). 2 columns of 31-37 lines ruled in lead with triple lines between the columns. Written carefully by 1 person in a gothic book hand. f. 1, 62
opening initial, 4-line, blue with negative white leafy infilling, red tendrils, and red and blue cascade; 2-line secondary initials in red and blue; red paragraph marks. Frequent thirteenth-century marginalia in a noting hand, being corrections, finding notes, and additions to the text. Lower margins cut away on ff. 22, 23, 40, 45, 97. Bound in white pigskin over wooden boards, beveled to the inside, blind stamped, 2 fore edge clasps, speckled red edges, s. XVIII, reinforcing strips of parchment in the binding, s. XII. Written in western Germany. Belonged to the abbey of St. Mary of Himmerod, O. Cist., whose possession note is legible in the lower margin off. 1, s. XIV 2 ; " q xvi Liber sancte Marie in Hymmenroid cisterciensis ordinis treverensis diocesis"; pressmark, s. X V : T VII. For other manuscripts from Himmerod, see A. Schneider, "Skriptorium und Bibliothek der Cistercienserabtei Himmerod im Rheinland: Zur Geschichte klösterlichen Bibliothekswesens im Mittelalter," Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 35 (1952) 155-205. Acquired by Crispin from Dawson's, Special List 13, April 1933, no. 5. Secundo folio:
preconium laudes
HONNOLD LIBRARY, CRISPIN 31 • J A C O B U S DE VORAGINE, SERMONS AND DISTINCTIONS • England, s. XV m e d and X V « Part I ff. 1-126v: [Sermones quadragesimales] Filia populi mei induere cilicio et conspergere cinere luctu unigeniti fac tibi planctum amarum. Ieremie 6. Quamvis solemnitas quadragesimalis in sequenti dominica inchoatur ecclesia . . . prima de sanctarum mulierum devotione in tribus attenditur primo in hoc [catchword:] quod voluerunt Christum ungere Dei// The sermons follow Schneyer, Repertorium in this order: 196-215, 217, 216, 218 (introduced by the biblical verse for 219), 219 (with the rubric Miserere mei Domine, fili David, ut supra), 220-235 (folio missing here between ff. 55 and 56), 237238, 239 (lacks end), 240 (lacks beginning; stub of missing folio between ff. 60 and 61), 241-286, 287 (ends mutilated; this series normally contains 7 additional sermons; see Schneyer, Repertorium). Part II ff. 127-262: [Distinctions] Capitulum primum, Abstinentia caro domatur unde primo Cor. 9. Castigo corpus meum. C Nota quod non est animal adeo indomatum . . . Quere plus de ista materia in verba [«c] amicitia 2°, 3° et 5° capitulo et in verbo passio per totum. Expliciunt distinctiones ianuensis et incipit tabula eiusdem, Abstinentia, Adiutorium . . . Ypocrita, Zelus. Explicit tabula distinctionum ianuensis [5 leaves missing, from the end of "Superbia" to the beginning of "Zelus"]; f. 262v, 4 lines of a text with variations in music in 5-line staves, s. XV/XVI. Paper (Briquet, Tête de boeuf, 15097, Augsburg, 1470; Raisin, 12992 (?), Geneva, 1420; Anneau, 689, Cologne, 1457) with parchment outer and inner bifolia, ff. ii (paper, modern) + 262 + ii (paper, modern); 287 x 205 (Part I, 185 x 118; Part II, 185 x 128) 63
m m . 1-3 1 6 4 ' 6 ( - 8 , - 1 4 ) 5 - 1 5 1 6 16 1 6 (- 16) 1 7 1 6 ( - 8 , - 10 through 14, - 16). P a r t I: F r a m e d catchwords placed horizontally in lower right m a r g i n ; quires a n d leaves signed with letter of the alphabet a n d arabic numerals. 2 columns of 3 8 - 4 4 lines f r a m e ruled in dry point on the p a p e r a n d in lead on the p a r c h m e n t . Written by 1 person in a semicursive gothic script showing some humanistic influence. M a r g i n a l i a in a c o n t e m p o r a r y h a n d , serving mainly as a guide into the text; f. 30, marginal note h e a d e d " c o n t r a L o l l a r d o s " ; notes to the rubricator at the bottom of the folio, often cropped, give the day in the liturgical year for each s e r m o n (not completed in the text); c o n t e m p o r a r y arabic n u m e r a l s as r u n n i n g headlines for sermons in the u p p e r right m a r g i n a n d at the b e g i n n i n g of each sermon. Part II: C a t c h w o r d s in the lower m a r g i n within a scroll. 2 columns of 35 lines, last 5 folios of 4 4 - 5 0 lines, f r a m e ruled in lead. Written by 1 person in anglicana script. O p e n i n g initial of Part I, 5-line, blue with red flourishes; secondary initials, 3-line, in alternating red a n d blue with contrasting pen flourishes; red p a r a g r a p h m a r k s a n d underlining; o p e n i n g initial of P a r t II, 5-line, red with b r o w n ink flourishes; secondary initials, 3-line, red with casually executed brown pen flourishes, some decorated with grotesque faces (ff. 183v, 204v); initials within the text slashed in red; red p a r a g r a p h marks, underlining, a n d rubrics. B o u n d by P a l m e r a n d H o w e , M a n c h e s t e r ; 2 fore edge clasps. Written in E n g l a n d , P a r t I in the middle of the fifteenth century a n d P a r t II at the e n d . O n front pastedown the bookplate of A r t h u r H u g h Smith-Barry (1843-1925) of M a r b u r y Hall, with the motto " B o u t e z en a v a n t , " Case 22, Shelf E; also on the front pastedown, Sotheby catalogue slip. Crispin acquired the manuscript f r o m D a w s o n ' s Book Shop in 1935. Secundo folio: [Part I, f. 2] melius frangit; [Part II, f. 128] a n i m e corumptela
H O N N O L D L I B R A R Y , C R I S P I N 32 • J A C O B U S M A G N U S , L I B E R S O P H I L O G I I • Southern France, s. X V ™ d 1.
ff. l - 2 v : [Table of books a n d chapters] Incipit primus liber sophilogii cuius primus tractatus est de quibusdam inducentibus ad amorem sapiencie, primum capitulum . . . C a p i t u l u m 17 m de viduis. Explicit liber decimus. ff. 3 - 1 2 6 v : [In the margin] Incipit liber cuius finis est amare sciencias et virtutes scilicet sophilogium vetus, [prologue] Illustrissimi principis regis F r a n c o r u m devotissimo confessori d o m i n o Michaeli divina providenti [jit] gratia episcopo autisyodorensi h u m i lis sui patrocinii capellanus frater Iacobus M a g n i ordinis f r a t r u m h e r e m i t a r u m sancti Augustini c o n t i n u u m f a m u l a n d i affectum . . . ; [text] Incipit primus liber sophilogii cuius primus tractatus est de quibusdam inducentibus ad amorem sapiencie, Dicit Aristoteles decimo ethicorum q u o d h o m o sapiens m a x i m e felix est . . . et suscipe q u o d per se n o n b o n u m est scilicet n u b e r e hec loquitur vidue. Explicit sophologium [Zumkeller, n. 431; the text is followed by the verse:] F o r m a , genus, mores, sapientia, census, honores . . . [Walther, Initia 6760]. f. 126v: [ T h e e n d of lib. iv, cap. 7 added here with a tie m a r k f r o m f. 50] N a r r a t e n i m Valerius lib. 5 cap. 5 q u o d c u m q u i d a m miles . . . nec f r a t r e m liberare sed pocius invadere p e t u n t . f. 127r-v blank.
P a p e r (similar to Briquet, Ancre, 391, Bage, 1452) a n d p a r c h m e n t , p r e p a r e d in the southe r n m a n n e r , for the o u t e r a n d i n n e r bifolia of each gathering, ff. i ( p a r c h m e n t ) + 1 2 7 64
+ i (parchment); foliated with errors in arabic numerals by the scribe; 240 x 165 (175 x 112) mm. 1-2 1 4 3 1 2 ( - 10, i.e. after f. 37; text is complete) 4-6 1 6 7-8 1 4 912. Catchwords; quires and leaves signed with arbitrary symbols, and, in some quires, again with arabic numerals. Table of contents in 2 columns, text in 35-43 long lines ruled in lead. Written by 2 persons: (i) ff. 1-36; (ii) 36-126v, both lettre bâtarde; brown ink for the text. f. 1, 7-line, and f. 3, 5-line initials in parted blue and gold with cascade of dimidiated fleurs-de-lis in the same colors; 3- and 2-line initials alternating in red with black filigree and tendrils, or blue with red; paragraph marks in red and blue; citations of texts underscored in red; running headlines. Notes to the rubricator and corrections in the margins. Bound in parchment over boards, remains of 2 fore edge clasps, s. X V / X V I . Written in southern France. Erased ex libris inscription (s. XV?) on the lower margin of f. 1; on the front pastedown, eighteenth- and nineteenth-century notes in French identifying Michael, bishop of Auxerre, to whom the work is dedicated. Sold by the abbé Joseph-Felix Allard of Paris (1795-1831) to Sir Thomas Phillipps; Middle Hill stamp and number 3693 on f. i; Phillipps sale, Sotheby's, 5 J u n e 1899, lot 777 to Massey. An unidentified Sotheby catalogue slip is on the front pastedown. Dawson Special List 42, March 1936, no. 4; acquired by Crispin at that time. Secundo folio: [Table, f. 2] capitulum 7 m de ira vitanda; [Text, f. 4] naturam ignaret
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, C R I S P I N 33 m S E R M O N S • Italy, s. XV e * 1.
Fig. 34
ff. l - 2 2 v : [Author unidentified] Sic currite ut comprehendatis i Cor. 9, investigando et inquirendo affectos humanos et desideria mortalium dilectum in Christo Iesu. Inverno quod . . . [followed by 7 more sermons on this verse]. ff. 22v-47v: Instantia mea quotidiana sollicitudo omnium çcclesiarum secunde Cor. 11, divina providentia et tanta et talis erga h u m a n a m generationem . . . [followed by 7 more sermons on this verse]. ff. 48-57v: Si distribuero in cibos pauperum omnes facultates meas et si tradidero . . . 1 Cor. 13, in quibus sacratissimis verbis apostolus ponit tria, primum est duplex . . . [followed by 3 more sermons on this verse], ff. 57v-60v: Convertimini ad me in toto corde vestro . . . Ioel 2° capitulo et etiam prophetia hodierna, sententia est theologorum in 4 distinctione 15 dilectissimi in Christo Iesu quod u n u m de operibus . . . ff. 60v-63v: Obsecro Domine memento quomodo ambulaverim coram te in veritate et in corde perfecto . . . Is. 38 capitulo et in prophetia hodierna, sententia est principis philosophorum et ex in [wc] 2° ethicorum quod bonum . . . ff. 63v-66: Feria vi" de elemosine obligatione et omissione, Frange esurienti panem tuum et egenos vagosque indue in domum tuam . . . Ysaia 58 et in prophetia hodierna. Ut in precedentibus diebus habitum est dilectissimi in Christo Iesu sacrum tempus quadragesimale ordinatum est . . . ff. 66-68v: Sabbato de 7 conditionibus perficientibus elemosinam, C u m effuderis esurienti animam tuam et animam afflictam repleveris . . . Isaia 58 capitulo et in prophetia hodierna. Vidimus in precedenti sermone de elemosine obligatione legali et eadem omissione . . . [text completed across lower margin] Iustius feceris si iniuste petentem correxeris quam si ei dederis. Ex his patet tercium misterium benedictus Deus. Amen. 65
Parchment (prepared in the southern manner), ff. iii (paper, modern) + 68 + iii (paper, modern); 235 x 158 (168 x 97) mm. 1-6 1 0 78. Catchwords written horizontally in center of the lower margin, flourished. 2 columns of 56 lines ruled in lead; double bounding lines. Written in at least 2 hands: (i) ff. l-63v, humanistica currens; (ii) ff. 63v-68v (and possibly some of the marginalia), a more cursive form; ink of brown and brownish-black color. Contemporary foliation in arabic numerals, incorrect from f. 43 on. Opening initial, 6-line, in faceted green on gold ground, full frame border in green with gold highlighting, corners and centers of sides of frame decorated with symmetrical groupings of gold, green, blue, and rose balls, with pen flourishes; space left for rubrication, uncompleted except for ff. 20-22v (an exposition on the Creed); the rubric of the third sermon is written on a small piece of paper glued above the beginning of the text, f. 6, "feria 2 a dominice septuagesime de eodem 2° misterio sacratissime fidei scilicet de eius indubitabili veritate: Secundum triplicem rationem. Sermo tertius." A sixteenth-century hand has added on f. 29 the rubric " D e sacrificio misse" and on f. 35 " D e oratione." Extensive marginal notes in several hands refer to Augustine, Ambrose, Gregory, Jerome, Leo, Seneca, Cicero, Lactantius, Avicenna, Antoninus Florentinus, Hugh of Saint Victor, the Bible, legends " d e beato Francisco" and " i n vita beati Amandi episcopi," and Alexander the Great and the Brahmins (f. 57v); some notes (ff. 24v, 25) cite passages in other books by folio number. A note on f. 25v reads: "Quilibet audiens predicationem fratrum nostrorum habet pro qualibet vice xl dies de indulgentia ut in privilegiis ordinis continetur." O n f. 45v, " L u c . primo. Respexit humilitatem ancile sue. Poeta vulgaris. Quando desti risposta al messo sacro. Ecco l'ancilla del Signor dicendo Le eterna verità suo carnai manto fece del sangue del tuo cor prendendo sopra di te tanta gratia infundendo che ciaschun angel della suma altura Ti fu subiecto come bon fameglio." Folio 61, outer margin cut away. Bound in brown calf, s. X X . Written in central Italy, to judge by the language in the note on f. 45v. Possession stamp of a religious house on the inner margin of f. 1, showing the Annunciation, with a small letter " N " beside the angel, in void white against a black background. Acquired by Crispin from Dawson's Book Shop in 1934. Secundo folio: glorificaverunt
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, C R I S P I N 34 Figs. 29, 30 • L U D O L P H O F SAXONY, C O M M E N T A R Y O N T H E P S A L M S • Italy, s. XVmed 1.
ff. l - 3 v : [Leaves from a liturgical psalter, Pss. 26-29] / / D o m i n e defensor vite mee. Ps. [D]ominus illuminatio mea . . . in eternum confitebor tibi. Gloria patri. Antiphona, In tua iustitia libera me Domine in te Domine. In omnia secula seculorum. Psalmus David prophete/ / ff. 4-294: [Prologue, first folio missing] //nes vel fluctus cogitationum cohibens et iracundiam reprimens luxum repellens . . . ; f. 8v [text, outer column containing the opening of the text cut out] //disposuit eisque titulos apposuit qui sunt quasi claves psalmorum . . . et sic sunt cymbala, que invicem percussa acutum sonum qui etiam tinnitus dicitur reddunt. Oratio, Armonie nostre suavissimum melos . . . cum 66
sanctis omnibus collaudemus. Per dominum nostrum Ihesum Christum et cetera [Stegmüller 5428; mnemonic verses:] Ter quinquagenos David canit ordine psalmos . . . [Walther, Initio. 19209], 3. ff. 294-321v: [Ludolph of Saxony, commentary on the Old Testament canticles] Incipiunt cantica ferialia et deinde sequuntur reliqua usque adfinem, Canticum Ysaie . . . [Stegmüller 5434], 4. ff. 321v-327v: [Ludolph of Saxony, commentary on the New Testament canticles] Canticum Marie virginis . . . [Stegmüller 5435]. 5. ff. 327v-331v: [Commentary on the Creed] Symbolus Athanasii. Quicunque vult salvus esse. Auetor symboli huius est Athanasius. Titulus hie est. Symbolus Athanasii de articulis/idei, Nam cum tempore suo diverse hereses in ecclesia Dei pullulassent . . . ubi cum angelis Deum laudantes de illius laude et nos gloriemur. Amen. Oratio, Sancta trinitas atque indivisa unitas . . . ab omnibus semper adversis protegi et muniri. Q u i vivis . . . seculorum. Amen. 6. ff. 331v-332v: [Alcuin] Hieronimus de utilitate psalmorum sic ait, Prophetie spiritus non semper prophetarum mentibus presto est quatenus . . . ad medulam intimi intellectus per Dei gratiam perveneris [Stegmüller 417]. 7. ff. 333-336v: List of the Psalms with a synopsis of each; [mnemonic verses:] Ter quinquagenos David canit . . . [Walther, Initio 19209]. 8. ff. 337-338v: [Bifolium from a homiliary, second from the center of the quire] (mu-)//tatus est color optimus [Lam. 4:1] . . . Et tam ceca mente carnalis// Parchment, ff. ii (paper, modern) + 338 + ii (paper, modern); foliated by the scribe in roman numerals on the verso, in the center of the outer margin; modern foliation includes the parchment medieval flyleaves, 3 in the front and 2 in the back; 362 x 260 (247 x 160) m m . l 3 (medieval flyleaves) 2 1 0 (- 1) 3-34 1 0 35 4 (ff. 33 3 - 3 36) 36 2 (medieval flyleaves). Catchwords carefully decorated with varying designs in the center of the lower margin. 2 columns of 43 lines ruled in ink. Written by 1 person in a fine Italian gothic book hand (littera textualis formata); ff. l - 3 v and 337-338v written in mid-fifteenth-century Italian liturgical book hands. Major initials, 11-line, in handsome blue, rose, and green on gold grounds (Pss. 20, 26, 32, 38, 45, 52, 59, 68, 73, 79, 85, 95, 101, 105, 109, 118, 119, 134, Canticum Isaie); 3-line secondary initials made with precise detail, alternately in red or blue with bilaterally symmetrical violet or red tendrils terminating in leafy ocher and green patterns; f. 3, an initial of this type; blue or yellow washed initials within the text; lemmata in red; the psalms are numbered in red roman numerals on the recto, in the center of the outer margin. Bound in mottled calf over pasteboards, s. X I X ; on the lower edge, " L u d o vicus in Psal." Written in southern (?) Italy. O n f. i verso, the stamp: "Nfathaniel] C. S. Poyntz, Dorchester, O x o n " ; his sale, Sotheby's, 28 J u n e 1921, lot 692. Unidentified Sotheby catalogue slip on front pastedown. Crispin acquired this manuscript from Dawson's Book Shop in 1934. Given to the Claremont Colleges in 1961. Secundo folio: [f. 5] debet bona operatio
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, C R I S P I N 35 • C H R Y S O S T O M , W O R K S • Cologne, after 1451 1.
Figs. 13, 14, 15
ff. 1-60: Incipit commentarium beati Iohannis episcopi constantinopolitani. In epistolam ad Hebreos. Capitulum primum, Multipharie et multis modis olim Deus locutus est . . . Vere ubi habundavit delictum superhabundavit et gratia. Hoc etiam hie in ipso exordio scribens ad Hebreos beatus Paulus insinuai . . . Hoc itaque igne circumsepiamur exhortor gloriam offerentes domino nostro Iesu Christo, cum quo patri . . . in secula seculorum. Amen. Explicit commentarium beati Iohannis episcopi constantinopolitani in epistolam ad Hebreos. Deo gracias. f. 60v ruled but blank. [PG 63:237-456; in the Latin translation assigned to Mutianus Scholasticus.] ff. 61-84v: [De dignitate sacerdotali] Incipit liber dialogorum sancti Iohannis Crisostomi constantinopolitanis ecclesie episcopi et sancti Basilii cesariensis episcopi de pastorali dignitate. Iohannes, Michi quidem multi fuerunt amici certi et amicitie iura scientes . . . ut nos quoque in die ilio periclitantes in eternum tuum recipias tabernaculum. Amen. [A version of this dialogue printed in P G 48:623-692; in the Latin translation attributed to Ambrogio Traversari, and dated 1424, by C. L. Stinger, Humanism and the Church Fathers, Albany 1977, 132, 271.] ff. 85-123v: [16 Sermones de patientia lob et de penitentia] Sancissimo patri et clementissimo domino domino Nicolao divina providencia pape quinto sancte romane ac universalis ecclesie summo pontifici. Lilii Tyfernatis ultimi servorum suorum prologus in sermones sancti Iohannis Crisostomi. Et primo de paciencia beati lob, [prologue] Consueverunt pater beatissime qui sub ceteris predecessoribus tuis fideles militaverunt . . . [text] Sermo primus de paciencia Iob, Annuus ad nos hodierna die certator orbis advenit . . . Quibus omnes nos dignos fieri contingat, gracia et pietate domini nostri Iesu Christi cui gloria . . . in secula seculorum. Amen [ff. 85-92 versions of these 4 sermons printed in P G 56: 563-582]; ff. 92-96v Sermo quintus sancti Iohannis Crisostomi de patiencia lob cum beati Pauli apostoli comparacione, Proponamus igitur nobis dilecti si placet pro patiencie solacio iusti lob forcia gesta . . . Hos amplectamur zelo hos imitemur omnis quo pares ipsis laudes assequamur in Christo Ihesu domino nostro cui gloria in secula seculorum. Amen; ff. 96v-98v PG 49:305-314; ff. 98v-100 Eiusdem sancti Iohannis Crisostimi episcopi de penitencia. Sermo secundus. Et in ordine septimus, Letor et exulto Dei ecclesiam hodie suorum multitudine filiorum ornatam videns vosque universos multa circum alacritate concurrere . . . atque ea que illinc est gratia impleri precibus et interventu eorum qui sibi placuerunt gratia et pietate domini nostri Ihesu Christi cum quo patri . . . in secula seculorum. Amen; ff. 100-102 a version of this sermon printed in P G 49:335-344; ff. 102-104 a version of this sermon printed in P G 49: 299-306; ff. 104v-108 a version of this sermon printed in P G 49:323-336; ff. 108109 Incipit eiusdem de eodem [penitentia] sermo undecimus, Ecce nobis hodie sanctus imminet David perlectus est musicus pudicitie doctor. C u m enim spiritualem eius per psalmos liram movet . . . peccatum non fecit neque inventus est dolus in ore eius, Ipsi gloria et imperium nunc et semper et in secula seculorum. Amen; ff. 109-111 Incipit eiusdem de eodem [penitentia] sermo duodecimus, lam ergo turbine secularium rerum liberati animam lectione divitiarum reficimus literarum. Sic faciunt et naute cum enim procella digressi fuerint . . . atque ineffabiles Dei thesauros assequemur que non audiamus modo sed et operibus comprobemus. Q u o r u m omnis nos contingat fieri compotes in Christo Ihesu . . . in secula seculorum. Amen; ff. 111—113v P G 49:313-324; ff. 113v-119v Sequitur eiusdem sancti Iohannis Crisostomi de penitencia et virginitate. Sermo quartusdecimus, Beatus Paulus gencium apostolus et ecclesie doctor factus eorum que retro sunt obliviscens et ad ea que coram extendens sese qui cor68
ruptibile corpus circumferens . . . Sobrie igitur vigila semper et ad promissa oculum fige ut in te glorificetur sancta et consubstancialis trinitas pater . . . in secula seculorum. Amen; ff. 119v-121v a version of this sermon printed in P G 49:291-300; ff. 121v-123v a version of this sermon printed in P G 49:277-284. T h e 5 Sermones de patientia lob and the 11 Sermones de penitentia, here numbered consecutively to 16, translated by Lilius Tifernas, with the preface addressed to Nicholas V; this translation not printed; see Stinger, 157, 224. ff. 123v-129: Incipit liber beati Iohannis Crisostomi de eo quod nemo leditur nisifiierit a semet lesus quern in exilio constitutus confidenter scripsit. Capitulum primum, Scio quod crassioribus quibusque et presentis vite illecebris inhiantibus . . . nocere nequaquam poterunt ei qui a semetipso non leditur. Deo gracias. f. 129v ruled but blank. [A version of this printed in P G 52:459-480.] ff. 130-148: Sancti Iohannis Crisostomi epistola consolatoria ad Stagirium monachum arrepticium, Oportuerat quidem hominum amantissime omnium Stagiri . . . nullis iam vite huius adversis casibus frangi vel deici poteris. Finii epistola beati Iohannis Crisostimi ad Stagirium. [A version of this printed in P G 47:423-494; in the Latin translation by Ambrogio Traversari, dated to 1420 by Stinger, 130-131, 270-271.] ff. 148-150: Incipit exhortatio eiusdem ad Theodorum, [S]i fletus possit et gemitus per litteras renunciari . . . Non enim ambigis ex litteris tuis maximum nobis gaudium esse nobis [expunged] venturum. Explicit, f. 150v blank. [A version of this printed in PG 47:309-316, book 2.]
Parchment, ff. i + 150; 342 x 247 (251 x 177) mm. 1-12 1 0 13 1 0 (- 10, after f. 129) 1410 15 10 (+ 11). ff. 1-60: Horizontal catchwords in the corner, quires and leaves signed with a letter, beginning with " n " and an arabic numeral; vertical bounding lines in ink; 2 columns of 55 lines ruled in lead. ff. 61-129: Horizontal catchwords either in the corner or in the center, according to a change in hand; leaves signed 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . b l , b2, b3, etc. 2 columns of 48-49 lines fully ruled in lead. ff. 130-150: Vertical catchwords. 2 columns of 55 lines fully ruled in lead. The text written by at least 4 hands: (i) ff. 1-60, hybrida; (ii) ff. 61-83v, hybrida with humanistic influence; (iii) ff. 83v-123v, hybrida with humanistic influence; (iv) ff. 123v-150, hybrida. Opening initial, f. 1, 10-line, in parted red and blue with purple filigree, blue staff with filigree beading and cockroach pen designs in violet in the St. Barbara style (R. Marks, 78, 126); 2 primary initials, ff. 61 and 85, 6-line, in gold on a blue filigree and on blue relief; 6-line initial, f. 130, blue with red filigree beading and cockroach; secondary initials, ff. 1-60 of 4-line height, ff. 61-129 of 3-line height, alternately in red or blue; initials in the text slashed in red. Notes to the rubricator in the margins; manuscript has been carefully corrected; occasional nota marks. Bound, probably at St. Barbara's in the fifteenth century, in calf over boards, rebacked, 4 brass bosses front and back, brass lion's head front center, parchment label in brass frame on front cover, 2 fore edge clasps closing from back to front, 4 brass cornerpieces; blind stamped frame and diagonals on front and back covers; pink fore edge tabs to mark the works, 2 remaining. Written in Germany, probably at the Carthusian priory of St. Barbara in Cologne, after the library was burned in 1451; front cover label: " L i b e r domus sancte Barbare in Colonia"; front pastedown: " L i b e r domus sancte Barbare in Colonia carthusiensis ordinis; in quo continentur que sequuntur: Commentarium in epistola ad Hebreos beati Iohannis Crisostimi episcopi constantinopolitane ecclesie. Item liber dyalogorum eiusdem et Basilii cesariensis episcopi de pastorali dignitate libri sex. Item liber 69
sermonum eiusdem de penitencia numero xv. Item liber eiusdem de eo quod nemo leditur nisi fuerit a semetipso lesus. Item epístola eiusdem consolatoria ad Stagirium monachum arrepticium. Item exhortacio eiusdem ad T h e o d o r u m . " Belonged to Leander van Ess of Darmstadt, whose books were acquired by Sir Thomas Phillipps, no. 452; Phillipps sale, Sotheby's, 6 J u n e 1910, lot 193 to Ettinghausen. Crispin acquired the book from Dawson's, sale catalogue 99, October 1934, no. 151. Given to the Claremont Colleges in 1961. Secundo folio: facto. Q u i Bibliography: Richard B. Marks, The Medieval Manuscript Library of the Charterhouse of St. Barbara in Cologne, Analecta Cartusiana 21-22 (Salzburg 1974), this manuscript not recorded; reviewed by S. Krämer in Buchhandelsgeschichte: Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel, September 1979, 158-168.
H O N N O L D LIBRARY, C R I S P I N 36 • G U L L I E L M U S P E R A L D U S , T R A C T A T U S D E V I R T U T I B U S • Southern Italy, s. X I V « 1.
ff. l - 5 v ruled but blank, as is pastedown; ff. 6 - 9 [Chapter list] Incipiunt capitula in tractatu de virtutibus, Presens opus habet v partes principales. Prima est de virtute in communi . . . in xii parate [«V, for " p a r t e " ] tangitur de patiencia persecutionum. Expliciunt capitula tractatus virtutum [references to the text added in the margins in arabic numerals], f. 9r-v: [Prologue] Incipit tractatus moralis de virtutibus prologus, C u m circa utilia studere debeamus exemplo Salomonis . . . iiii° de donis, v° de beatitudinibus. Explicit prologus; ff. 9v-356 [text] Prima pars de virtute in communi primum capitulum, Si separaveris pretiosum a vili quasi os meum eris, lerem, xv. Preciosum est anima. Proverb, vi, mulier animam viri preciosam rapit. Ideo filius Dei se ipsum precium animarum posuit . . . sunt debita quibus obligaverunt parentes nostri celestem hereditatem. Tractatus virtutum explicit, benedictus Dominus virtutum qui incepit et complevit. Amen. Amen. Second portion of Peraldus's Summa de vitiis et virtutibus; for additional manuscripts, see A. Dondaine, "Guillaume Peyraut: Vie et oeuvres," Archivum fratrum praedicatorum 18 (1948) 162-236; Bloomfield, Virtues and Vices 1628, this manuscript not listed. ff. 356v-358: Alphabetical subject index with references to the text in arabic numerals; schema of corresponding arabic and roman numerals with a mnemonic outline, " p r i m a u n u m , secunda decern, tercia centum, quarta mille." ff. 358v-359v blank; ff. 360-364v and pastedown ruled but blank.
Parchment, ff. 364; 137 x 100 (102 x 75) mm. 1 6 (1 is pastedown) 2-19 16 20 14 21-23 16 24 4 (ff. 356-359) 25 6 (6 is pastedown). Horizontal framed catchwords in lower right margin, often cropped. 2 columns of 35 lines ruled in lead. Written by 1 person in a small round Italian gothic book hand; ff. 356v-358, by a second person in a French littera notularis, s. X V ; olive-brown ink. Primary initials, 3-line, on ff. 6, 88v, 103v, 132v, 135, 154v, 180, 246v, and 317v enclosed in a deep blue square ground with extended parted borders in pink, blue, and gold, decorated in white and with grotesque animal heads; secondary initials, 2-line, in alternating red and blue with both colors 70
C R I S P I N 37
in the penwork flourishes, looped at the upper end; alternating red and blue paragraph marks; rubrics, running headlines across the opening, some slashed initials in the text, underlining, and some manicules in red. Contemporary marginalia. Incorrect foliation in arabic numerals, s. X V . Bound, possibly in Italy, in whittawed leather over wooden boards; evidence of 2 fore edge straps, fastening to pins in the center of the back cover, s. X V . Written in Italy and decorated in the French style, possibly in the Angevin court at Naples. Belonged to the Celestine abbey of St. M a r y of the Annunciation in Paris; ex libris on f. 358: "Iste liber signatus per 475 est celestinorum beate M a r i e de Parisius 4 7 5 " ; on the back cover, a paper label in a fifteenth-century French hand: " S u m m a de virtutibus 2 2 6 + S . " Dawson's, Special List 13, April 1933, no. 6 (this slip included in the volume) and Dawson, catalogue 90, April 1933, no. 57; acquired by Crispin from Dawson's in 1934. Secundo folio:
[Chapters, f. 7] caritatis ubi; [Text, f. 10] quanti habendi est
H O N N O L D L I B R A R Y , C R I S P I N 37 • A U G U S T I N I A N S T A T U T E S • France, s. X V 2 and X V I 1 1. 2.
f. i: Notes in a sixteenth-century French chancery hand. f. i verso blank. ff. ii-iv: [Letter of Georges I d'Amboise, archbishop of Rouen (1460-1510) to the abbots of St. M a r y of Leyrac, St. Séverin, and St. Calixtus on reform in the convents, dated 23 J u l y 1505] Epistola, Georgius de Ambasia miseratione divina tituli sancti Sixti sancte romane ecclesie presbiter cardinalis rothomagensis . . . Venerabilibus patribus abbatibus et dilectis nobis in Christo conventibus beate M a r i e de Liuriaco et sancti Severini prope Castrum Nantonis ac sancti Calixti in Cisonio ordinis sancti Augustini parisiensis et senonensis ac tornacensis diocesum . . . Religionis decorem et venustatem ubi übet vigore sinceris desiderantes affectibus . . . Datum Turonis anno dominice incarnationis 1505 decimo calendas augusti. . . . f. iv verso blank. ff. 1 - 4 8 : Prohemium in sequentes canonicorum regularium divi Augustini institutiones sive statuta, Q u o n i a m ex precepto regule beati patris Augustini episcopi iubemur . . . ; f. 4v [chapter list] Annotationes capitulorum primi libri. De electione et susceptione novi abbatis capitulum p r i m u m , De abbate capitulum 2 m . . . ; f. 5 [text] Capitulum p r i m u m , C u m abbatem vel prelatum cuiuscumque domus nostre obire vel resignare . . . [chap. 15, De hospitario] cum apostolus dicat bonum esse mulierem non tangere. Finis prime partis. ff. 4 8 - 9 3 : [Chapter list] Annotationes capitulorum secunde partis. De susceptione et institutione noviciorum, De professione et ordine professorum, capitulum 2 m . . . \ f. 49 [text] De susceptione et institutione noviciorum, capitulum 1, In suscipiendis ac instituendis noviciis cautelam et m a x i m a m diligentiam adhibendam esse decernimus . . . [chap. 17, De minutione, although the chapter list goes to 21] ab accessu communi exceptis illis quibus pro officiis indultum est. ff. 9 3 - 1 1 8 : Incipit 3 a pars statutorum de congregando capitulo generali. C a p i t u l u m l m , C u m scriptum sit salutem illic esse ubi multa C o n s i l i a necessarium esse . . . [chap. 8, De novis domibus recipiendis] Postea subiungentur alie domus que pred i c t s nostris statutis se subiecerint. Hec sunt que prefati patres et fratres censuerunt 71
esse statuenda et in hoc volumine rescribenda ad manutenentiam et stabilimentum regularis observationis in ordine canonicorum regularium divi Augustini. Finis statutorum regularium. f. 118v blank. ff. 119-144: [Acts of the General Chapter of the Augustinian Canons Regular from 1504 to 1540] Sequuntur confirmationes capituli nostri generalis, . . . f. 144v blank.
Parchment, ff. iv (parchment, medieval) + 144; 115 x 90 (85 x 53) m m . l(a gathering of 4 leaves of which 1 and 3 are conjunct) 2-13 8 146 1 5 6 ( - 6 , after f. 107) 16s 174 18-19 8 20 8 (+ 4). Catchwords in inner corner cropped, ff. 1-103, 18 long lines; ff. 103-118, 21-22 long lines; ff. 119-144, 17-19 long lines; ff. l-102v fully ruled in ink, ff. 103-144 frame ruled in lead. Written in at least 5 hands: (i) ff. ii-iv and 119-144, s. X V I , littera cursiva; (ii) ff. l - 4 8 v ; (iii) ff. 49-64v; (iv) ff. 65-102v; (v) ff. 103-118; hands (ii) to (v), s. XV 2 , littera hybrida; lumpy initials, 3-, 2-, and 1-line, in red, missing from ff. 97 to 118; majuscules slashed in red. Bound in brown calf over wooden boards, rebacked, s. X V I , 2 panel stamps: front, Catherine of Alexandria holding book and sword and standing upon the broken wheel and the emperor Maxentius, with trees in the background and arches above her head (75 x 47 mm); back, Thomas, holding dividers and a book, same background and arches (75 x 47 mm); remains of a fore edge clasp; pressmark on the fore edge. Written in France. Notes in sixteenth-century hands on back pastedown: "Reverendus Winandus (Prulleny?) ( ? ) monasterii ordinis canonicorum regularium sancti Augustini prope huy monasterii