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PREFACE With the publication of the third and index volume of the Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, a scholarly enterprise to which the American Council of Learned Societies has attached great importance is now concluded. For nearly a century the United States and Canada have increasingly shared in the redistribution of materials for research that has been in progress throughout the world. Indeed, during the latter part of that period the scholars of the United States have been the chief beneficiaties of this migratory process which seems yet to be far from having reached its peak, and there have come to more or less final resting places in the libraries and museums and private collections of North America a truly enormous number of manuscripts, books, works of art and museum objects of all sorts, by means of which the opportunittes for research available to American scholars have been greatly enlarged and the intellectual life of the United States and Canada correspondingly enriched. Such a state of affairs, however, confers a heavy obligation upon those who benefit from it, namely, to maintain a record of the materials that thus become accessible to them, and of their respective proveniences and present locations. To meet this obligation is obviously in the interest of American scholars themselves, who otherwise would be unaware of the existence, near at hand, of much of the material in question, and it is equally a duty that Americans owe to the scholarship of the world and particularly to the scholars of the countries whence the materials have come, who see with natural concern a part of their
resources passing into distant hands with no return other than the prices paid to former owners, usually private individuals. An obligation so imperative and an opportunity so interesting cannot be ignored by an organization like the American Council of Learned Societies, which has the privilege of representing the humanistic scholarship of the United States. The Council has long cherished the plan of preparing a series of inventories of the most important materials of scholarship that have come into American possession from other countries, and parts of this plan have already been executed in whole or in part, as evidenced by A Census of Indic Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, by
Horace I. Poleman (printed as Vol. 12 of the American Oriental
Series: American Oriental Society, 1938), by Chimese Studies in America: I. Eastern Canada and New England, by Charles S. Gardner (American Council of Learned Societies, 1935; mimeographed), and by the Second Census of Fifteenth Century Books Owned in America, by Margaret B. Stillwell, compiled by the Bibliographical Society of America with the aid of the Council and now in process of publication. Of such materials manuscripts are, for the historical, literary, and philological studies, of prime importance, and it was natural that one of the first efforts to inventory them should be directed toward a census of the manuscripts of the Middle Ages and of the Renaissance. The manner in which this task was conceived and the method of its execution have been explained in the introductory sections of the first volume, and those explanations need not be repeated. Perhaps, however, some apology should be made for not having been able to fulfill in their entirety the promises made in that introduction. It has not been found feasible, for example, to include in the present work the descriptions of Greek and Latin papyri that constituted a part of the original plan, nor has it been possible, in a work which has turned out to be nearly three times as voluminous as the most careful estimates led us to anticipate, to include the proposed lists of unlocated manuscripts believed to be in American possession, or the lists of manuscripts that are at present in the hands of dealers.
It is believed, however, that these omissions do not seriously reduce the value of the Census for most of its users. It is hoped that the lists of papyri may eventually be compiled and made public, although the fragmentary nature of this material, together with its vast amount, is likely to make this hope difficult and slow of realization. It is furthermore probable that such continuations of the Census as the Council hopes to be able to issue from time to time will ultimately . record many of the as yet unlocated manuscripts as well as many of those now in the hands of the trade but destined soon, no doubt, to pass into public or private collections. The satisfaction of the American Council of Learned Societies at the termination of the Census is enhanced by the gratitude that it feels and desires to express to all who have helped to make it possible, for it has been a work of collaboration of the broadest sort. For financial assistance the Council is indebted to the General Fducation Board, whose generous initial subvention made the under' taking possible, and to the Carnegie Corporation of New York, whose _ substantial grant made it possible to complete the work when circumstances beyond the control of the Council, such as the increase in the
number of manuscripts to be recorded and the devaluation of the
PREFACE Vv dollar, made it necessary to seek additional aid. Financial contributions were also made by the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery of San Marino, California, and by the Folger Shakespeare Library of Washington, D.C., toward the cost of cataloguing their own very extensive collections; and Mr. Howard L. Goodhart of New York, Mr. Boies Penrose of Devon, Pennsylvania, and Mr. John H. Scheide of Titusville, Pennsylvania, have contributed to the cost of printing in this index volume the valuable and interesting “Index of Previous Owners’, which itself is a contribution of Mr. Seymour de Ricci.
Of the special committee of the Council which served as a general advisory body to the project, whose members were Robert P. Blake of Harvard University (chairman), George L. Burr of Cornell University, James T. Gerould of Princeton University, J. Franklin Jameson
of the Library of Congress, Henry A. Sanders of the University of Michigan, and Karl Young of Yale University, two members have not lived to see the completion of the work: Dr. Jameson and Prof. Burt. The relation of both of these fine scholars to the enterprise was most helpful, but that of Dr. Jameson was especially intimate, since he, as chief of the Division of Manuscripts of the Library of Congress, exercised a certain control over the work from its inception until his death, and many difficult problems of policy and method were decided by him. The Library of Congress, in assuming administrative charge of the undertaking, which was known as the Library’s “Project C’, has conferred another signal benefit upon American scholarship, and espe-
cial thanks are due to Dr. Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Congress, whose sympathy and understanding have always been in advance of the demands made upon them.
To Seymour de Ricci, of Paris, eminent privat-gelehrter and notable citizen of the world of learning, who has directed and carried
on the work and labored over it with an extraordinary knowledge equalled only by his self-sacrificing enthusiasm; and to Dr. William J. Wilson, his associate, who has made the Census his career for nearly a decade, the Council’s thanks can never be sufficiently expressed. With two exceptions, the indices, which constitute this third volume, have been prepared by Miss Anne M. Nill, who also collaborated most effectively in the editing of the Census, and who has devoted herself
to the work in a manner that has placed all users of it in her debt. Miss Dorothy C. Manning also served helpfully during several years as secretary of the Project, and valuable assistance with the early Spanish-American documents was rendered by Miss Stella R. Clemence.
Vi MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Supplementing the editorial acknowledgments expressed in their appropriate places throughout the first two volumes of the Census, the Council desires to extend to the owners and custodians of the manuscripts its own appreciation of their courtesy and of their generous and indispensable collaboration. It is also proper to acknowledge the care which the printers of the two principal volumes, Frazier-Soye of Paris, and of the index volume,
The H. W. Wilson Company of New York, have devoted to their difficult tasks, as well as the great help that the latter firm, as publishers of the Census, have rendered with respect to many problems. Finally, the Council is grateful to the numerous reviewers of the first two volumes, whose appreciation and criticisms have been encouraging and helpful. Reference has been made to possible continuations of the Census. Such should certainly be issued at proper intervals, for the unchecked flow of manuscripts to America makes it imperative that the record be maintained; the American Council of Learned Societies, while unable at present to make definite promises with respect to such continuations,
will certainly do all in its power to assure their preparation and publication. WALDO G. LELAND
Director of the American Council of Learned Socreties
Washington, D.C. May 24, 1939
PREFACE, by Waldo G. Leland ............. 000000 eee eee il GENERAL INDEX OF NAMES, TITLES AND HEADINGS, by Anne
Incipits, by Anne M. Nill ...............0.0 0002000200. 155 GREGORY NUMBERS FOR GREEK NEW TESTAMENT MANU-
SCRIPTS, by W. J. Wilson ........... 0.0.0. e ee eee eee 163 PRESENT OWNERS, by Anne M. Nill .............00.0000. 169 PREVIOUS OWNERS, by Seymour de Ricci ................. 179
GENERAL INDEX OF NAMES, TITLES References are to pages, with occasional further specifications in parentheses. An asterisk
denotes more than one entry on the page. . a Only anonymous works are entered under subject headings. Since, owing to the inevitable limitations of the Census, it was not possible to compile a complete subject index, works of known authorship are recorded only under authors unless the titles contain proper names.
With the exception of manuscripts in Greek, and of those in languages of which the
Census records few examples, manuscripts are not indexed according to language.
A., A,, 391 Accolto, Benedetto, Cardinal, 1595 A., J., poems by, 269 Accoramboni, Domenico degli, 721 Aaron, treatise concerning Moses and, 602 Accoramboni, Vittoria, 1917 Abacus Account-book, 7, 10*, 62, 327, 378, 404, 425, In Italian, 1784, 1791* 1004(38), 1052, 1127, 1270*, 1586, 1914* Regula super abacum, 1871(1, pp.40-9) See also Rent-book
Abaelardus, Petrus Account-rolls, 1029, 1041 Sententiae, 2296 Accounts, 28(11), 191(F.), 200(0. 2 and 5),
Abbas 202(0.54), 205(X.9), 208, 273(3.1), 299 Admonitio abbatis, 1946(58) | (362.6), 320(458.2), 339(697.4), 350(908.2), De officio abbatis, 1010 361(1005.1), 369, 398(1330.2), 419(1669.1),
Abbate Astensis, Franciscus de 600(273), 708, 968*, 971, 1012, 1031(46),
Super Evangelia dominicalia, 479-80, 497 1270*-1*, 1274, 1759(35), 1789(195), 1800
Abbeville, 1547, 1863 (259), 1806, 1989(5), 2047(125), 2191(32), Abbey of the Holy Ghost, The, 1801 2252; banquet, 335 (662.7), 669; customs, 404:
Abbo Floriacensis farm, 352, 374*, 968; funeral, 74, 407, 412
Passio S. Eadmundi, 1492 | (1541.7) ; household, 28(12), 342, 402, 155] 334, 341, 369, 414, 438, 936 1074; mercantile, 1072, 1807, 2177; military,
Abbot, George, Archbishop of Canterbury, 331, (MA 787), 1570(LOR), 1578, 1580; loan,
Abdalazus 370; navy (and shipyard), 353, 370, 400; Liber Alchabicti, 235 ordnance, 370; personal, 1722: philanthropic
Abecedarium; or, Primer, in English, 1800 society (oldest American), 2160; revenues
Abee, Seigneur d’, see Blehen (Edward VI), 388; travelling expenses, 353;
Abel, Capt. Hans, 1634 voyage (Frobisher’s third), 73
Abendon, 15261462 See also Bills, Dépenses, Abgarus, 640, Accursian gloss, 214*Expenses
Abiciamus super Dominicis, 1098 Accursitis, 236
Abingdon Abbey, 983 De successionibus intestato, 1038 Abito, Juan del, 2330 Accusationes, seeab Rubricae Abondin, Saint, 1674 : Acebedo, Pedro de, 2334 Abraham, patriarch, 1266, 1268, 1457 Acevedo, Juan de, 2181
Abraham Ibn Ezra Achart, Estienne, 1590, 1999 Critical days, 1303 . Acheriis, Robertus de, 1828 Natwwities, 1303, 1304* Achilles, poems on, 848
Abrahe Secundi et Marie neptis vita; 1641 Achilles Tatius, 1145
Abregé des histoires divines, 1495: Acquasparta, Duchess of, see Cesi
Absolutio Acre, De absolutione, 1231 Acro oe
Abril, Pedro Simon, 167 : Acquaviva, Andrea Matteo, 84
Abruzzo, province, 225 : 2059
Formae absolutionis, 557 (23) , ’ In Iforatit Carmina, 1181
Abe utiones, 1681 (23) ' 338 Acta consistorialia, 1242~ ston oucestershire), 3. — rowincial
a te , vet
Abuse of the temporalitics of the Church, 71 Actas provinciales de Santiago de Mexico, 8
Abusiones claustri, 1230 so \ctiones
Academicis, De gradibus, 141 Oo De actionibus (legal), 207 _ Accademia de’ Spensierati, 2126 Acton, Hugh, 1561
Acciaiuoli, Donato Acts of the Apostles, in Latin, 1082, 1120 and
Vita Hannibalis et Scipionis, 1900 1180 2310; works on, 144(EL 1929), 647(193) Accolti, Francesco, : 877(71)¥*, 1105 Accoltis, Petrus de, 490. - See also Gospels, Lectionary
4 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Acts of the Apostles, and Epistles, in Greek, Agen, 1275, 1575
571, 760 and 2289, 866, 1106 and 2310, 1109, Agenois, le Sénéchal d’, 1531
1910 and 2342; frag., 2233 Agesilaus, 1673 Acworth, manor, 1626 Agneau paschal, devotional treatise, 1368 Adam, 106, 481, 1129, 1642, 2000; and Eve, 540 Agni de Lentino, Thomas Adam, Dean of Laon, 1826 Legenda S. Petri Martyris, 1978 Acufia, Luis Vazquez de, see Vazquez Agier, Anthoine, 1829
Adam, Jeremias, monk, 760 Agraetius Adamnanus, Saint, 540 Elegantiae, 841 Ade, John, of Lewes, 27 Agricola, see Tacitus Adel Agricola, Johann, 2128, 2130 Was ist Adel, 984 Agricola Ambergensis, Johannes Georgius Adelard of Bath, 916 Curationes morborum, 1126 Adelhait, [Gemunde, 1383], 1280 Agrippa, Camillo, of Milan Adington, Catherine, 1275 Scientia d’arme, 1996 Adorno, Antonio d’ and Girolamo d’, 686 Agrippa, Cornelius, 237 Adresse pour s'avancer @ la perfection. .., Aguietart, Guillaume, 1836
1389 Aguilar, Count, 1540
Adrian, Saint, 773 Aguilar, Marquis of, 1541 Adriani, Marcello Virgilio, 1518 Aguilar, Diego de, 2329 Adriatic Sea, 504 Aguilar, Fernando de,988 2333 Adso Aguilar, near Sabugal,
Libellus de Antichristo, 1231 Aguilar de Campo, 1300 Aegidius Abbas, Saint, 1199 Aguirre, Nicolas de, 2180, 2332 Aegidius [Columna ?] Ahumada, Agustin de, 2180 Errores philosophorum, 557 Aicardus, Petrus, see Petrus Aegidius Columna, see Columna Aiguillon de crainte, 923 Aegidius Corboliensis Ailly, Pierre d’, see Petrus de Alliaco Carmen de urinis, 859, 1126 Ainay-lez-Lyon, abbey, 1521 Aegidius de Murino Air, water, etc. divisions of, 2278 Mensurabilis cantus, 245 Airs nouveaux de la cour, 1657 Adulterous Falmouth Squire, The, poem, 1996 Aguirre, Martin de, 2336
Aegidius Socius S.P.N.F., Saint, 1199 Aix, 194
Zelandia Aix-la-Chapelle, 200 De rebus caelestibus, 1767 Aktown, Beatrice of, 1348 Aelianus Alabaster, William, 390 De instruendis aciebus, 959 Elisaets, poem, 535
Aegidius van Wissekerke, see Aegidius de Aix-en-Provence, 1869
Aegidius de Zelandia, Gulielmus Akeham, John of, 1349
Historia varia, 543 Aladent, Berthaut, 1828
Aemilianus, Saint, 212 Aladent, Bertrant, 1825
Aemilius, P.(or Q.), see Fabricius (C.) Alagone, Artelouche d’ Aemilius, Paulus, 885 De fauconnerie, 1902 Aemilius Probus, see Nepos(Cornelius) Alamannis, Petrus de, 687 Aeneas, Nicodemus Toparchés, called, 1113 Alanus
Aeneas Sylvius, see Pius II De ordinibus angelorum, 1007 Aer A pocalypsis, 2302 De his quae generantur circa diversis parti- Alanus, [died 1294], 738
bus aerts, 1007 (80) Alanus de Insulis _ Aeschines, 444, 2253 Alarcon, 1299
Aerschot, 199, 1014 De sex alis cherubim, 107, 695
Epistolae, 543, 985 Alban, Saint, 57 Orationes, 985, 1907 Albano, Bishop of, 1588
Aesop, 2285 Albany, Duke of, 1625* Pavies, in Greek, 1331, 1440; in Latin, 834", Albany, John Stuart, Duke of, 253, 1511, 1551 Life of, in Greek, 1440; in Latin, 699, 884 Albany, 969
Aesopic fables, in Latin verse, frag., 716 Albedachus _
1226 (B.8) Albericus
Aetates temporum iuxta Testamentum Vetus, De sortilegus, 1246
Afflictions, dialogue concerning, 2301 Regulares ad inveniendam feriam, 1871
Aflicto, Rennus of Scala, 224 Albericus Rosate Afra, Saint,de,Alphabetum jurisdecanonict, 574 Africa, 109; map, 41, 240, 1296, 1463, 1900, Alberino, Marcello
Agadinus, alchemist, 1987 Il sacco dt Roma... , 975 Agarbes, Fray Pedro de los, 2333 Albert, Archduke, 436
Agard, Arthur, 577 Albert, Duke of Bavaria, 2222 Agatha, Saint, 1988 Albert I, Duke of Prussia, 259
Agauta, 609 Albert, L. B., see Alberti (Leon Battista)
GENERAL INDEX 5 _ Albertanus Brixiensis, extracts from, 1934 De IV elementis et XII figuris, 2319
De amore et dilectione Dei, 2051 Flores, 1981
De arte loquendi et tacendt, 2051 Alcala, Duque de, see Ribera (Perafan de) Liber consolationis et consilti, 2051 Alcala, Lucia de, 2162
Sermones IV, 2051 Alcantara, Francisco Martin de, see Martin
Alberti, Leon Battista Alcantara, Order of, 1699 De pictura, 1918 Alcantarus, 1782 De re aedtficatoria, 553 Alcanyz, Petrus de, 182 Ecatomphila, 1785 Alchabitius, 235 Picturae elementa, 1918 Isagoge, 1488, 2265
Albertus Alchemy
Theogenius sive De republica, 1076 See also Abdalazus De forma resultante in speculo, 883 Compendium, in Latin, 237
De materia et generatione metallorum, 2106 Recipes, 237, 1987, 2000
Albertus Episcopus... Treatises: in Catalan, 1986; in English, 452, Statuta synodalia, 1179 2248(P. 122); in French, 1657; in GerAlbertus, Magister, 573 man, 456; in Italian, 678, 1986; in Latin,
nus), 456 122) 1258, 2316 Alchindi
Albertus Magnus (and Pseudo-Albertus Mag- 678, 914, 1812(1), 1986, 2106(1), 2248(P. Compendium theologicae veritatis, 565, 1153, See also Aqua, Arturus, Salts
Cf. Compendium theologicae veritatis De intellect, 829
De adhaerendo Deo, 1229 Alciato, Andrea, a.ls., 1215
De caelo et mundo, 1764 Alciphron, 543
De generatione et corruptione, 505 Alconchel, Pedro de, 2336 De homine, 554, 1125, 2224 Alcuinus, 493, 1082, 1463, 1763, 1945
De lapidibus pretiosis, 237 De confessione peccatorum, 2295
De muliere forte, 1642 De gladio secundum Lucam, 1763 De mysteriis Missae, 2250 In Psalmos penitentiales, 2295
De natura rerum, 2050 See also Albinus De physico auditu, 505 Grammatica, 499 De origine sive generatione animae, 1642 Alcuinus, Pseudo-
In S. Matthaeum et S. Marcum, 961 Aldana, Capt. Lorenzo de, 2330
Meteorum liber IV, 505 Aldenberg, 2130; Praemonstratensian nun-
Quaestiones de bono, 2224 nery, 1643
Quod finis christianae religionis est Deo Aldenburg, 1582
adhaerere caritate, 2217 Aldenham (Hertfordshire), 1042
Secreta mulierum, 753 Alderney Island, 144
Semita recta in alkymia, 1987 Alderotti de Florentia, Thaddaeus, see Thad-
Sermones XXXII de sacramento corporis deus
Domini, 1991 Aldersgate, 356*
Speculum astrologiae, 915 Aldewarke, 347
Summa naturalium, 17 Aldgate, 437
rom, é taude sanctar Albertus de sanctorum Saxonia et 1138 OEirgin ED Super libro i V Sententiarum, 166; excerpts Alghelmus, Saint
Tractatus proportionum, 554, 1784, 1787 ‘' De octo vitiis principalibus, 1138 Albertus Teutonicus, see Albertus de Saxonia Aldilazius, see Alchabitius
Albertus, Salomon, 1126 Aldobrandini, Silvestro, a.lis., 1518 Alberus, Erasmus, a.l.s., 1518 Aldobrandino da Siena
Abe Ts88e1881 1590,ryche, Aldtycho, Jolyof of Stoke ‘Stoke “Ave 1, 15b4 ; , 1590, John, Asche
‘Aipicius, Rainaldus, els ap? he. Robthe Suffolk), inoni, Tomaso, 1796 ryche, elder, ‘Aibinor Fol). 372 of Robert, Kenton (Suf. Sermo de festivitate Omnium Sanctorum, ‘Aldus Manutius, see Manutius
876 Aleksiei Mikhailovich, [Czar?], 543
See also Alcuinus Alengon, Duc d’, 491, 1730*-1* Albizzi, see Bartholomacus de Pisis See also Anjou (Duc d’) Albohazen, see Haly Alengon, Frangois, duc d’, 685, 1867; a.ls. Albon, Jacques d’, de Saint-André, 1625, 1864 1733, 1861 Albozoen, see Haly See also Anjou (Frangcois, duc d’) Albrecht, Hans, 2100 Alengon, René de Valois, duc d’, a.l.s., 1665 Albret, Charles d’, 1518 Alencon, 351, 358, 1271 Albuhali liber, 1142 Aleotti, Giovanni Battista, a.ls., 261 Album amicorum, 73, 427, 756, 1019, 1430, 1950 “s!essandro, Bishop of Ortona, 117 Albumasar Aleutian Islands, 34 De annorum revolutionibus, 1142 Alexander, Saint, protector of Bergamo, 1957
De planetis, 2319 Alexander IV, Pope, 660, 1190, 1518, 1879*
6 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Alexander VI, Pope, 32, 183, 222, 264, 490, Alleyn, Gyles, of London, 441
721*, 1132, 1519*, 2114 Allyn, Jasper, London draper, 322 Alexander de Ales, 1766 Almacgan, Miguel Pez de, see Pez In librum IV Sententiarum, 484 Almachbalae liber, 1246 Alexander Aphrodisiensis, 1766 Almacherita
Alexander VII, Pope, 974 Allyn, William, 377
Alexander Halensis, see Alexander de Ales Liber astrolabii, 1845
Alexander Magnus, 235(122, ff. 54r.-5r.), 594, Almagesti liber, in xxvitl metrical questions, 829, 848, 1007(80, ff. 195v.-200v.), 1168(32, 014
ff. 208v.-l6v.), 1758, 1893, 2048 Almagro, Diego de, 125 [-pistola ad Aristotelem, 72, 235, 839, 1801, Almagro family, 208
1907 herbae, Almanac, 1787, 2202 Septent 915 See also2055, Declaratio
See also Callisthenes, Curtius (Quintus), Almanaz (or Almany), Juan Diaz de, see Diaz
Demosthenes, Gesta, Historia Almansor Alexander Magnus ef Dindemus Capitula stellarum, 910
Epistolae, 72, 506, 839 See also Rhazes Alexander de Nevo Almaraz, 1127 Consilium in materia lvellorum, 594 Almenésches, Benedictine abbess at, 1865 Alexandria, patriarch of, 1829 Almeria, 1536, 1585 “Alexandrin”, Cardinal, 1591 Aloisius, rector, [A.D. 1495], 222 Alexius, Saint, 540, 1229% Alonso, [Lima, 1535], 2328
Alexandria, 444, 1026 Almodc, Abraham van, 2093 Alexius Comnenus, 1114 Alonso, Diego, 2326* Aleyde, [A.D. 1387], 2307 Alonso, Hernando, 2331
Alfara, Convento de San Diego, 176 Alonso, Juan, 2328*
Alfons, Petrus Alonso de Avila, Juan, 2128 Disciplina clericalis, 138 Alonso Gallego, Juan, 2327
See also Alphonsus (Petrus) Alonso Palomino, Capt. Juan, 2334-5
Alfonso Alora, 265 See also Alphonsus Alphabet of arms, England, 344, 376, 386*
Alfonsine tables, 1144*, 1261, 1782*, 1845, 1899 Alonso Prieto, Alvar, 2326*
Alfonso V, of Aragon and Naples, 212, 687, (1201.1-2), 397(1322.1)
842, 1519 Alphabets, see Calligraphical
Alfonso X, of Castile, 1300, 1782*, 1845, 1899 Alphabeluimn monacht in scola Domini studere
See also Alfonsine tables volentts, 747
Alfonso XI, of Castile, 1300 Alphabetum mortis, 993
Alfonso I, of Naples, see Alfonso V, of Ara- Alphonsus
gon and Naples See also Alfonso
Alfonso II, of Naples, 1006, 1965 Alphonsus de Benvenuto
Alfonso de Lemos, Lope, 265 Tractatus “de illis etianv’, 824 Alford (Lincolnshire), manor, 1041 Alphonsus Bonihominis, see Bonihominis Alforde (?), Roger, a.d.s., 1513 Alphonsus of Burgos
Alfraganus, 215 Tractatus vari, 1641
Pe sctentia astroruin, 1845 Alphonsus5deaf Spina Alfredus, see Alvredus EE Algebra, in Italian, 1277(27), 1788*(189-90), Alpen fides in French, 1195
Ant 209)PTAares, tes. 369 Liber olu legendus, Beran ; Seejlempore also Alfonsi (Petrus1641
ralian, Alt de Salispurea, I.
Algorismus, 14 1786(185), 1847, 1996; in Ajsatte, d’, sieur de Seetebye, 1573
Ali Ibn Abbas, “Royal Book” of, 2293 “De abalone 1953 ‘udovico
See also Pantegni liber Altenberg, see Aldenberg, Vetus Mons Alighicri, Dante, see Dante Althorp, 420, 1586
Alighieri, Pietro, 1467 Alton, 327 —
Alixandre, Richart, 682 Altoviti, Bindo. als. 1519
Al-Khawarazmi, Mohammed Ibn-Musa Alums, see Salts
Algebra, 1262, 1787 Alva, Ferdinando, Duke of, 689, 1013, 1518*, Alkindi, see Alchindi 1690, 2086 ‘lll the cheife policicis of warre. . . , 339 Alvara, Dona, de las villas de Ciria y Borobia,
Alla, town, 533 2161
Allamont de Malandryr, Anthoine d’, 197 Alvarado, Alonso de. 2333
Allegiance-book, 1421 Alvarado. F.. 2304
Allegoriae sapientum supra Turbae librum, Alyard, Juliana, of Oldriffeld, 2109
1988 , Alvares, Licentiate Alonso, 2329 Alley, Hugh Alvarez, Gaspar, 2336
Allen, William, Cardinal, a.l.s., 1511 Alvares Barriga, Luis, 2148
Caveatt for London, 428 Alvarez Cabral, Pedro, 1343 :
Alleyn, Anthony, of London, 441
Alleyn, Edward, of Dulwich, 344, 353; ads, Alvarez de Carmona, Hernando, 2181
377 Alvaro, [Lima, 1535], 2328
GENERAL INDEX 7 Alvaro, Pedro, 2330 Amerval, Sister Gabriclle d’, 1596 _
Alvarus (alchemist ?), 1987 Amfinisus, Petrus, see Alphonsus (Petrus)
Alvedieu, 1622 Amiens, the Vidame d’, 1582 .
Alvenslevens, Von, his will, 1528 Amiens, 1084, 1745; camp near, 116, 1735, Alvernus, Guilielmus, see Guilielmus 1882
Alvredus de Sareshel Amiens use, 94, 101-2, 795, 1320, 1337, 1490,
De motw cordis, 829 1655, 1857 of, 1348 Ammanati, Bartolommeo, a.d.s., 1519 Alyngton, John, 689 Ammonius Alexandrinus
Alycoks, Marjorie daughter of Richard son Amicti de Francia, Johannes, 585
Alyngton, William, 412 Iilarmonia Evangeliorum, 2300
Amadas, Robert, 402 Amos, Book of, comm., 557
Amalthaeus, Johannes Baptista, 1004 Amphibal, Saint, 57 Amandola, register of a notary of, 953 Amphilanthus, poems from Pamphilia to, 277 Amaral, Antonius Cunez de, see Cunez Amphilochius l!coniensis, Saint, 571, 2279
Amarcius Gallus, Sextus Amphitryon, see Carmen De virtutibus patrum, 554 Aimplificatio Amarutzes, Georgios, 698 De amplificatione, 1916
Amato, Sigismundus d’, 225 Ampucro, Francisco de, 2329*, 2332, 2335
Amay, 202 Amsdorf, Nicolaus von, Bishop of Naumburg,
Amberg, 2054 1604; a.ds., 1519; a.ls., 1649, 2093 Amboise, Charles d’, 1519 Amulariu{m], 1274
1825 Amye, John, 424
Amboise, 256, 683, 1531, 1543, 1567, 1590, 1592, Amulet, in Greck, 568 :
Ambrosian missal, 1436 Anabaptists, 2200
Ambrosius, Saint, 218, 234, 699 (ff. 38r.-43r.), Anastasius of Antioch, 698
1302, 1640, 1777, 2078, 2080, 2214 Ancient history, index to a work on, 2228 Ad hominem paententem, 1638 Ancina, J/ Beato Giovanni Giovenale, ls., 1519;
De bono mortis, 699, 1891 a.l.s., 1519
De conflictu vitiorum et virtutum, 1287 Ancona, 545, 1294-5, 1302, 1443, 1934
De fuga saeculi, 699, 1891 Andachts-Uebungen, 473 De gradibus virtutum, 158 Andagoya, Pascual de, 2327
De Incarnatione Dominica, 458 Andegavia, Johannes de, see Anjou (Jean II
De Isac et anima liber, 1891 d’)
De lapsu virginis consecratae, 2164 Andencham, Arnoul d’, 1536
De mystertis et sacramentis, 458 Anderson, Christ, of Sundby, 76
De sacramentis, 475 Andon, M. d’, 1140
De Spiritu Sancto, 458 Andouins, Diane d’, see Guiche
De Trinitate, 458 Andrada, Juan de, 2335 Epistola ad Irenaeum, 443 Andrea, Jacobus, a.l.s., 1519
Epistolae, 643 Andreae, Johannes, 207, 1276, 1678, 2054
Hewxameron, 2045 Arbor consanguinitatis, 1487 ;— et affinitatis,
Homiuliae, 1891(17) 1639 | In Evangelium S. Lucae, 1761 Casus breves, 1038
In Psalmos, 919 Casus concessi et prohibits... , 1125 In Psalmum CXVIII, [Beati immaculati], Aieronynuanus liber, 1007 458, 2185 Lectura arboris cognationts sptritualis, 1639 Sermones, 819 Novella super hbris III Decretaltum, 15 Super Cantica canticorum, 458 Processus judicialis, 1047
Ambrosius, [Saint], Pseudo- Summa confessorum, 823 Oratio ad Trinitatem, 1160 Summa de sponsalibits, 1487 Ambrosius Camaldulensis, 556 Andreae, Johannes, Bishop of Aleria, 666 Ambrosius de Cambrai, 818 Andreas, Saint, see Andrew Ambrosius de Sachis, rector, 222 Andreas, seller of mss., 1216
Peter, 497 De decimis, 1260
Amelécourt, Benedictine monastery of St. Andreas de Escobar
America 280
Amelius, [Barcelona, 1039], 501 Andreini, Gio. Battista, comico detto Lelio Maps of, 39, 40*-2*, 43, 44*, 45, 65*, 69, 241%, Andreopulos, Michael, 2197 545*-6*, 547, 1295, 1296*, 1297, 1454, 1463*, Andres, Pero, 233]
2146*-7*, 2152, 2258 Andreuoli, Angelus, 263
S ceew also Spain, Indies, | New Indies, New Continent, Andrew, Saint, 486, New World, Spanish AmerTae678:
ica, Spanish Indies, Western discoveries mere of Crete, Saint, a |
2159 Andrewes, Robert, 364
American Indian languages, mss. in, 2148, ndrewes, Lancelot, Bishop, 334, 369, 438 American Indians, 119*, 184*, 206%, 742, 743%, Andrewes, W., 380
2320 II, Emperor, 1440 ee alsoAndronicus Cherokee Androuet du Cerceau, Jacques
American play, the first, 2163 Architecture, 1491
Angeli Anne Boleyn, Queen of Henry VIII, 420, De IX ordinibus angelorum, 738 1520 Tractatus alter de ordinibus angelorum, 1007 Anne de Bretagne, Queen, 1375, 1521*
Angelomus Luxoviensis Anne of Denmark, Queen of James JI, 141,
In Genesim, 1494 427, 440, 20901521 Angelus de Aretio Annebaut, Claude, Rubricae, 554 Annecy, 1538, 2199
Angelus a Clavasio, 1259 Annesley, Brian, 1579 Angelus de Florentia, O. M., 606 Anntel, Johannes, 394
Angelus de Perusio, 2015 Anselmus, Saint, 63, 159, 542*, 978, 1773
Angennes de Rambouillet, Nicolas d’, 256 Cur deus homo, 1856
Angers, 1734, 1861; use, 778, 1063, 1961, 2324 De casu primi angelr, 2050
Angle, manor of, 2019 De conceptu virginalt, 1856
Angleure d’Estages, Simon d’, 1836 De monte humalttatis, 1124
Angling, see Art, Fishing De XIV partibus beatitudints, 1287
Anglo-Saxon, ms. in, 2323; fragments [i?], De voluntate Christi, 1163
660; glosses in, 1502;—minuscule, 1471, 1762, Disputatio inter christianum et gentilem, 1856
1775 Formula vitae seu regula sororum, 87 116, 1573 Letama B. Mariae, 1163 Angouléme, Charles d’, 1520 Liber prosologiorum, 1638 Angouléme, Henri d’, natural son of Henri Meditattio redempltionis humanae, 1163, 2049 II, 1520 Mediiationes, 1163, 1945 Angouléme, Jean, comte d’, 1520 Miracula... Virgins Mariae, 1277 Angniolo di Petro di Baldo chamarlengo, 514 Honultia, 505 Angouléme, Bishop of, ambassador at Rome, Horae conceplionis B.M.V., 87
Angouléme, Louise de Savoie, duchesse d’, O Crux fructex, 1163
see Louise Oratio ad accendendum amorem, 1163 see Rohan Super lectione “In illo tempore. . .”, 1287
Angouléme, Marguerite de Rohan, comtesse d’, Similitudines, 107, 1638
Angouléme, 1520 Anselmus, [Saint], Pseudo-
Angulo, Francisco de, 2334 Dialogus cum Virgine, 1229
Angus, Earl of, 1552* Anselmus | .
Anhalt, Christian, Prince of, 305 De imagine mundi, 1261
Anhalt, Johann Georg, Prince of, 418 Anselmus Laudunensis, 505*, 1846 Anhalt, Wolfgang, Prince of, a.ls., 2097 Anthonius, M. — : Anhalt and Bernburg, Prince of, 595 De lapide philosophorum, 2106
Anianus Anthony Computus, 1783* - See also Antoine, Antonio, Antonius Anima Anthony, Saint, 561, 773
De anima, 394 Antichrist, 587, 1231, 1338 Dialogus inter corpus et animam, 1238; in reciprenda, 2160 Greek, 1179 Antiphona de S. Joseph, 587 See also Carmen, Collecta, Paradisus, Antiphonarium, 900(3), 1068(5), 1178(12), De medicina anime, 72 Antidotum infirmi ... ad sacramenta ecclesiae
Recommendationes, Soliloquium 1198(7), 1914(14), 2189(13-15), 2192(36) ; Animalia frag, 233(13), 242(4,6,9), 243(16, 161), De animalibus et avibus, 472(15) 631(95), 1209(4-5), 1210-11, 1212(27-8),
De natura animalium, 907 (4) 1724(14), 1873(5), 1878, 2013, 2082, 2189
De xxxii animalium naturis, 1232 (12, 17) _
See also Bestiae Antiphonarium, Belgium, 736, 1688
Animals, forms of, discussion, 1960 Antiphonarium, England, frag., 2071 Animantes | Antiphonarium, Flanders, 781, 1131, 1947; De ambigentbus animantibus, 2278 frag., 173, 629 [Beaupré], 708, 1134, 2078
Anjou, Duc d’, 256, 260, 373(1132.2), 431, 936, (346) :
Anjou, Francoi , * . , » tTag., ’ niu ramcoly ie aoe $861, 1866; [Pari], 208, i874, 203246), abr
1513, 1538, 1739; — et d’Alencon, 450 Antiphonarium, | Fr ance oe ae ra 7B.
See also Alengon (Francois, duc d’) Antiphonarium, Germany, 109, 244 [Cologne],
1869, 2096 , 2207’ ™
Anjou, Henri, duc d’, see Henri III of France 456, 694, 862, 943, 1190, 1197, 1232, | 1286,
; 1879, 1969; — parvum, 2032; frag., 662(20),
Anjou, Jean JI d’, Duke of Calabria, 586, 1136*, 1209, 1647, 1727. 1940. 1955 2078
Anjou, Louis d’, 1699 Antiphonarium, Italy, 7, 147*{Lucca], 150 Anjou, René I d’, see René [Naples], 244, 503, 528-9, 532, 630
Sane. Sa; lena], ienal, , 862, 872,
Anjou, 1377, 1542 [Bologna]: 6/1 Venetia], 730, 732, 735, 748, Anne, Saint, 712 918, 997, 1062, 1083, 1178{Bologna], 1187 Anne of Austria, natural daughter of Don - 1290, 1481*-2* 1760[ Perugia], 1816, 1873 Juan, al.s., 266 1926, 1932*, 1947, 1951, 1954, 1968, 1984. Anne de Beaujeu, 254, 683, 1521 1991, 2032* [Bologna, Milan], 2033*, 2101-2,
GENERAL INDEX 9 , 2104, 2123*, 2193, 2236; — vespertinum, In Slavonic, 961
-. 1198 [Pisa]; frag., 92, 147, 463, 488, 606-7, Comm., 481, 483, 820, 1328, 1447, 1477, 2340 . 633, 673, 708, 781*(150-1), 947, 1141, 1195, See also Bible moralisée, Golias
- 1212, 1290, 1417, 1479 [Florence], 1484, Apollonius, 452 _
1494, 1706, 1723*, 1724, 1760(40), 1874* See also Appolonius oo,
1876*, 1941*, 1974, 2077, 2157 [Bologna], Apollonius Tyrius, see Gesta, Historia
2175*, 2190, 2274 Apophthegmata Patrum, 2103, 2242
Antiphonarium, Mexico, 509, 900* Apostles, 876(65) — :
_ Antiphonarium, Portugal, 2011 See also Acts, Breviarium, Flores, Medita' Antiphonarium, Spain, 14, 75, 509, 531*-4*, tiones
671, 673, 707, 719, 902, 931, 1070, 1131-2, Apostles’ Creed, see Symbolum
1330, 1672, 1884, 1941, 1947, 1957, 1962, 2011, Apothecary’s shop, supplies, 912
2123, 2165; frag., 463, 513, 629, 631-2, 872, Apparry, Hughe, 324
1141, 2187 Appleyard, trial of, 2088
244 Appolonius, 1918
Antiphons, prayers and, 26; responses and, Appollonia, Saint, 2176 Antoine de Bourbon, King of Navarre, 1521, See also Apollonius.
1583, 1738, 2093 Apuleius Madaurensis, 2276 ,
Antoninus Florentinus, Saint Apologia, 699 Confessionale, 162, 220, 722, 991, 2012, 2108; Florida, 699
in Italian, 220, 937 Metamorphoses, 699
De censuris, 1137, 2052 Apuleius Minor
De excommunicatione, 1227 De aspwationis nota, 841, 1443 De instructione confessorwm, 1227 . De diphthongs, 841, 1443 De ornatu mulierum, 1227 Apuntes Iastoricos, 2160
De restitutionibus, 594 Aqua ardens, 915 (23) Declarationes, 594 Aqua composyta, 1501
Disputatio de ornamentis nvulierum, 593 Aqua fortis, 1987 Epistole [III] a una... donna Fiorentina, Aqua vitae, 272
1085 Aquila, Caspar, a.l.s., 1521, 2093
Summa paenitentiae, 668 Aquila, 1595
Antoninus Pius, Emperor, 827 Aquilanus, Johannes
Antonio, King of Portugal, 1511*, 1521 Directorium juvenum in arte medica, 2228
Le David moderne, 1656 Aquileia, 669, 975
Antonio, Spanish refugee in England, [ca. Aquino, Bishop of, 1545
1590], 395 Aragon, King of, [n.d.], 558
Antonio di Faénza, 1378 Aragon, Queen of, [A.D. 1454], 265
Antonio da Ferrara, sonnets by, 1009 Aragon, Antonio de, Duque de Montalto, 212 . Antonio de Rendon, Vicente Aragon, Don Hernando de, governor of VaDerrotero del mundo, 111 lencia, 1540 Antonius, a young prince, 1778 Aragona, Carlos de, Prince of Castelvetrano, Antonius de Balocho seu de Vercellis 1522
473 Aragusium, 1790
De visitatione fienda fratribus a praclato, Atagona, Don Cesaro de, 151
Antonius de Bitonto Aranjuez, 184, 1612-3
De Passione Domini, 473 Aratus, 1145* Sermones dominicales, 476 Astronomica, 1439 Antonius de Butrio Arbieto, Martin Hurtado de, see Hurtado In Decretales Gregorii IX, 1982 Arbor amoris, 1230
|Antonius 483.Longobardus. Arbucey, 1826 .. , 731 Arcadius, Emperor, 583
Remissorium sive repertorium de jure civili, Arbouville, Charles d’, 1608
- Antonius notarius, of Florence, 519 Arce, T. D’, 430
Antonius de Raho, see Raho Arcella, Lucrezia, 212, 225*
Antonius Sanctorum Quatuor, Cardinal, 1529 Archbishoprics, in partibus infidelium, 1639
. Antonius, Marcus, 411, 885, 1698 Arche d’Alliance, devotional treatise, 1368 Antwerp, 195*, 858, 983, 1656, 2093: letters Archimedes and documents written at, 68, 185, 193-4, Opera geometrica, 885 195*, 197-8, 199% 200%, 202%, 203, 205, 416, Archinto, Carlo, 1526
1169, 1522, 1541, 2093 Archipelago, 504*, 842, 1002, 1122
Apicius Architecture, treatise on, in Italian, 653
|Apiemis De re(or culinaria, 2317 Arey } Apientis ?), 1310 R. de eeand also Arce De cura sterilitatis > here, 2009 Arcy, Conyers d’, 342 ~ Kpocal Arcy, Thomas, Lord d’, 680
pocalypse Ard G : °
In French, 1372(40), 1378, 1391, 1457, 1466 7 4°ns*_“erommo de, of Siguenza, 488
In Greek, 1469, 1487(714) and 2322 Ardern, Evan, of Henley (Oxfordshire), 359
In Italian, 1328 Ardern, Sir Thomas de, 1869 1671, 1889, 2028 Opera chirurgica, 453
In Latin, 493, 870, 1120, 1177, 1318, 1474, Arderne, John
10 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Ardicis, Jacobus de, 1609 De morte, 442; — et vita, 650, 829, 2298-9
Ardinghellis, Johannes de, 1545 De motu animalium, 650, 2298 Ardycius Antiochenus De natura animalium, 82, 451 Descriptio Terrae Sanctae, 445 De partibus anunalium, 82
Arena, Jacobus de De physico auditu, 505 De cessionibus, 1038 De plantis, 442, 2299
De expensis in judicio, 1039 See also De vegetabilibus (infra)
Tractatus excussionms, 1038 De sensu, 442; — et sensato, 650, 829, 2299
Areprunya, 502 De somno, 442, 650; — et vigilta, 650, 829,
7* De substantia orbis, 829
Arequipa, 61, 201, 2181, 2325, 2332*-3*, 2336*- 2298-9
Aretino, Pietro, 935, 1522, 1626; als., 1522 De vegetabitlibus et plantis, 829, 2056 Argenhass, Johans, of Aulun, and Kathrin his De virtutibus et vitus, in Greek and Latin,
wife, 128] 1324
Argentan, 1574, 1734, 1750, 1828 Dialectica, 1757 Argenteau, Dame d’, 198, 201 Elenchi, 829, 980, 1266, 1757*, 2056
Argenteau, M. d’, 201* (0.13, 0.17) Epistola ad Alexandrum, 829
Argenteau, Seigneur d’, 198, 203, 204*-5* Ethica, 81, 554, 700*, 830, 885*, 999, 1062,
Argenteau, Claude d’, 202 1697, 1756, 2138; in French, 1805; in Greek, Argenteau, Florens d’, 201 1113, 1756; in Italian, 651; in Spanish, 167 Argenteau, Jacques (Jacke or Jacob) d’, 193*- Historia animalium, 82, 2223
4* 200, 203*, 204 Liber destinationum, 914
Argenteau, Jean d’, 193, 197, 201-2, 204-5 Liber divisionum, 1266
Argeuteau, Marie d’, 198-9 Liber sex principiorum, 913, 980, 1266, 2056, Argenteau, Reynert d’, 205 2194 Argenteau, Wilheame (or Willem) d’, 193* Logica, 1757, 2216
Argenteau, 190-205 Magna moralia, 700, 980, 1697
Argenterius, Prater Dionysius, 739 Metaphysica, 442, 448, 599, 1145, 1202,
Argilly, 1565 1790*, 2299
lelrastica, 1019 2299
Argunenta singulorum capituin Geneseos per Meteora, 442, 555, 650*, 829-30, 1790*, 2056,
Argyropulus, Johannes, 554 _ Oeconomica, 18, 700, 1697, 1756
Arias, Rey. Chantre Hernando, 2333 Pervernunias, 913, 1266, 2194
Arias, Diego, 2335 Physica, 166, 422, 442, 460, 481, 599, 650,
Arias, Garci Diaz, see Diaz 829, 984, 1721-2, 1757, 1790*, 2056, 2299 Arias Montanus, Benito, a.ls., 1522 Physionomia, 650, 914
Aribo Politica, 512, 885, 980, 1266, 1697, 1756 Musica, 1875 Posteriora, 433, 651, 829, 913, 980, 1266, Ariosti, [A.D. 1565], 259 1757, 1790, 2056 Ariosti Futtori, Giulio, 262 Praedicabilia, 18 Ariosto, Lodovico, 261, 688, 974, 1215 Praedicamenta, 18, 913, 980, 1266, 2056, 2194 Ariostus, Alexander Priora, 829, 913, 980, 1266, 2056 Encliridion sive interrogatorium, 474 Problemata, 1125 ,
Aristarchus of Samos Rhetorica, 512, 700, 830, 980, 1143
Concerning ... the sun and moon, in Greek, Secreta secretorwm, 1125, 1129, 2248(P.122) ,
1145 in English, 1501; in2055 French, 846, 891; in Aristeas German, Epistola ad Philocratem, 817 Topica, 829, 1266, 1757*, 2056; in Greek, Aristides, 1758 1497 Aristippus, 827 See also Alexander Magnus, Boethius, BurAristippus, Henricus, 829 A med (Walter), Philippus, Porphyrius
| Aristoteles (and Pseudo-Aristoteles), 456, 543, In English 1800(259) 829 (428, ff. 146r.-9r.), 1781, 1902, 2216, 2276 In French, 1795
Analytica, alee1757 In German, | ategoriae, ‘on. -1796 4 1782%
2298-9 : In Latin, 1792
De anima, 422, 442, 650, 829, 170%, 1892, ™y7g5 qq OOF 101% 1278, 1784, 1788",
De bona fortuna, 650, 700. Notes, 1781(157) De faclo, 442, 1722*; — et mundo, 650, 1790*, Problems, 1789, 1796
De causis, 442, 829, 2298-9 Ao te Use, Commercial, Flores De differentia spiritus et animae, 829, 2194 Arle 183* 192
(?), 2299 Arley (Warwickshire), 275
De generatione, 442, 1790; — et corruptione, ‘Arlotto il Piovano, 827
650, 829, 916, 1790, 2056, 2298-9 Armagnac, Bernard VII, comte d’, 1522 De generatione animalium, 82 Ay. h , , De interpretatione, 980, 2056, 2216 tmagnac, Jehan d’, comte de Comminges,
: De longitudine et brevitate vitae, 650, 830 , as
De memoria, 442, 829, 2299; — et reminis- Armagnac, ¢eglises réformées d’, 1743 :
centia, 650*, 2298 Armenia, King of, [n. d.], 253
| GENERAL INDEX il Armenian, mss. in, 4, 46, 469*, 488, 570, 724, Arques, 363, 1828, 1833*, 1835*, 1882 761*-2*, 763, 868*, 924, 1103*, 1335*, 1362*, Arquizaite, Martin de, 2328
_Armoiries 2203 Arran, Earl of,Juan seede, Hamilton (James) Arrandolaca, 2331*, 2335*, 2336 Noblesse de Bretagne, 1664 Arras, 115, 845, 1153, 2231; use, 1490 Seigneurs de la cour de Henri II, 1662 Arroyo, Alonso, 2334
Armorial (or Arms), 330, 1950(10) Ars amandi, distichs after Ovid, 1801
Bedfordshire, 398 Ars computistica, 1237 Chester, 137 Ars memorativa, 883, 1379 Conquistadores, 1200 Ars mensurabilis cantus, 245 Derbyshire, 577 Ars moriendi, 1007, 1228, 1241, 2232; in GerEngland, 60(HM 160), 131(EL.26.A.6), 288 man, 2318
(101.1), 290, 294*, 302(390.1), 307*, 320 See also Capranica, Kunst, Nicolaus de
(457.1), 322(490.1), 373*, 385, 396(1300.1), Dinkelsbuhl 397(1322.1), 410-1, 419(1673.1), 1372 Ars musicae, 914
(bound with 39), 1515* Ars notoria, 1918
Europe, States of, 1393(143) Ars praedicands, 2007
France, 396 Ars scribendi epistolas, 1779 Germany, 396, 2098 Ars supputandt cum denaris, 1793
Italy, 396 Arschot, see Aerschot Kent, 577 Arsinoe, Queen, 1840 Knights of the Round Table, 848, 1367 Art of angling, 1903
Leicestershire, 302290, Artault, Jehan, 1834 Lincolnshire, 302 Artaxerxes, Norfolk, 577 Arte del navigare, 1899*, 2257
1893 ; Order of the Garter, 406, 2005 (3) Arte di bereteri (Venice), 2127 Ordre de Saint-Michel, 852 Artes bonae ; Scotland, 131, 302, 396 Quaestiones de...bonts artibus, 481 Spain, 396, 549(45) Artes obligatoriae, 1790 Suffolk, 577 Arthur, King, 2060 Toison d’Or, 1459 Arthur III, duc de Bretagne, 1522
Venetian, 853(538), 935(32), 1184, 2220 Arthur of Little Britain, 1333
Warwickshire, 278-9 Arthurian romance, fragment, 216, 597 Yorkshire, 307 Articult clert, 1034, 2128 | Arms Articult fidei, treatise on, 474; frag., 2299 See also Alphabet, Armoiries, Armorial, hacen y . fp ; - works1970 on, 445(S , Martin, Saint, De morte Alcini, 540 erin) 1900". 30014 1399, ast gi ay Epigrammata, 834, 921, 1719, 1773; frag., 223 449(SM 42), 1072, 1504*-10*, 1514"
Martin, Bishop [of Lisieux ?], Saint, 177 Mary of England, Princess of Castile, Queen Martin of Tours, Saint, 709, 1463, 1677*, 2339 of France, Duchess of Suffolk, 1598
Martin, Alonso, 2332 Mary of Guise, Queen of James V of ScotMartin, Francisco, 2336 land, 679, 1218, 1598 Martin, Hernan, 2332 Mary of Lorraine, see Mary of Guise Martin, Lorenzo, 2333 Mary, “the sister of Joseph”, alchemist, 2000
Martin, Sir Pedro, 2336 349 Maryborough Castle, 303 Martin, Richard, Marynes, 1744
Martin de Alcantara, Francisco, 2326 Masbaret, Jacques, 1543 Martin )Descarcina, Alonso, 2327 Mascal, Henry, of Berton Sacy, 1352
Martineau, Etienne, 1564 . Mason, Sir John, 1344; P. C. L. signed by, Martinelli, Tristano, detto Arlequin, 280 364, 376, 423, 680-1, 1617*, 1618, 1736
Martinez, Alfonso, of Seville, 1300 Masons. Order of, 1288 Martinez, vanes notary, 2180, 2337 Masques, 338; Christmas, 359(991.1) Martinez, Maria, of Seville,, 1299 Mass Book of the, 1159; comm. on, 608,
Martinez, Juan, notary, - riaae we eC.
Martinez Vegaso, Lucas, i
Martinianus, Saint, 717, 1911 See also Messe, Missa
Martino, Maestro Massa de Argenta, Baptista De arte coquinaria, 669 De fructibus vescendis, 2009
GENERAL INDEX 89 Massaro, Giovanni, 1787 Maximilian II, Emperor, 27, 258*, 1600*-1*, Masse, Pierre 1501Duke1936 Cean urgundy, dB d Massinger, poems by, 968de, Maximilian, of Austria
Mast, Peter, 905 251, 1553 .
Master, Patrick, of Gray, 1345 Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria, 1595
atarieh,Alonso, aximus Confessor, Matenciol, 2333 Maximus
Mastidia, paint, 1943, 1971 Maximus, Quint Saint, i), 2078 (S48)
aternus, Saint, 64 Tauri es atheis, Sabas de 319 .| te . May, Thomas, Mathematica, 1790(200, ft. 131-9) Maya-Spanish dictionary, 2149 Materia philosophorum, 1934(7, ff. 181r.-92r.) Flomiliae, 1892 Nrathacus,. protonotary of Gregory XIII, 745 Maximus 5, “443: frag, 643
atheus nsis,
See also Definitiones M Charles de Lorraine, duc de, 1601
Mathematical problems, in Dutch, 1796 ayenne, span es de Lorraik 4s ; Mathematical text, frag., 223, 248, 983 Maynard, Henry, of OO Ol
Mathesius, Johannes, 564 Motes Cemancasio ‘Leonards De electione opinionis, 1038 Ars metricae practicae, 1790
Matheus, cangerarius, 709 Maynulphus, Saint, 601
Matheus Pisanus, 817 Mayranum, 216 athias, Saint, Maza, Pictro Antonio Parniza di, 1355 Mathias, 1557 Mazarin, Jules, Cardinal, 2060, 2197; als. athiasjArchduke, de Legnitz 2198 qatpewe, Henry, of Ayngton (Sussex), 389 Mayronis, Franciscus de, $Ce Franciscus
fathieu, Pierre orn
, Postilla Epistolarum dominicalium, 2013 Mazéres, 1575
La mort de Henri IV, 1291 Mazettis, Guido Johannes de, 703
Mathon, Philippe Naz Joanes de,211 mee pp ty es Gomez, 233 Généalogie. . fazuelas, .des roys de Portugal..., rare Ke Dede
Matignon, Jacques de, maréchal de France, Mazuelas, wogtigo de, 2326*; Rodrigo de,
1747 Mazuelo, Lesmes de, 2331
431, 928, 1573, 1574*, 1600, 1606, 1740-1, 1744, us nephew, )
Matines de Noél, 1393 Mealbrace, rectory, 419 Matrimony, treatiseomtesse on, 1790 xecaute, Bar (J e€ de) See also Latin Jus eaux, e, Seeose ar 1eanne
Matthaeus par ate ee use, 1719 Tobias,Vindocinensis 2052 Mechelen,
Matthei de Porta, Nicolaus, of Genoa, 1006 Meco, Juan, 2337 |
Mattheus, Johannes, 2059 Meda, Piety’ Antonio, 1798 Matthew Médard, Saint, 790
theus, Matthaeus, Mattheus edical Calendar, ;
See also, Mathias, Mathieu, Mathaeus, Ma- vedeley, George, aye Matthew, Saint, Gospel, in Latin, 1758, 2122; Medical collections, 48, 451-3 and 2273, 753-5 in Slavonic, 1256; Passio Jesu Christi, from, and 2288, 859-61 and 2293, 891, 910-6 and
1002, 1229(B.16), 2007; and yon 3 ee and ro 882*, 961 -6worksanon, 15*, -2,876-7, -3eean , 1870,
Matthew and Mark, Saints, Gospels, in 2009-10, 2222-9
Greek, 178, 1104(4); in Latin, 1315, 1473 Medical commonplace book, 105, 293, 363, 401
Matthew, Sir Tobie, 406, 2263-4 Medical notes, 1670(2), 1939(15), 2313(9)
Matthew, roy. of rchbishop of York, 364 cgical poem, in Latin, 237 Maudesley (Maudesly, Maudisley, Maudyslegh, f.42v.), 245(167, f. 187v.), 700, 891, Sie
aubuisson, edical recipes, 26, 47, 48*, 105, 237(130, Maudysslegh, Mawdysley), 1347, 1348*-9*, 915-6, 1128(5), 1246, 1254, 1263, 1279, 1311-2, 1353-4 1346, 1502, 1785(180), 1902(9)*, Maudesley, Otwell, 13561773(115), 2191(34), 2227-9
Maugiron, Captain, 684 See also Lodge (Thomas), Receptarium Maugiron, M. de, 1532 Medical secrets, 2009 Mauleverer, Peter, 2181 Medical terms, glossary of, 2229 Mauny, Sieur de,ous 749 items Medicalintreatises, Matar ts (excluding variMauny, 1606 Medical collections, supra),
Maurice wieofNass , 237(130, ff. 40r.-Sv.), 1008(81, ff. 25r.-36v.), Nassau, Prince of Orange, 120 1332, 1996; fragments, 219, 1146. 2070 Mauritius See1189 also Urines Compendium, Pestilentia, Réo Distinctiones, pengum, Festilentia, Régime,
, cis
Maurus Philosophus, 1987 Medices, Guido, castellanus, a.l.s. 1601
Mauvissiére, M. de,1962 1599eaicl, egichAverardo anasandrode’, de’,1601 687 Maxellendis, Saint,
se , Medici, Bianca Cappello de’, 1690; as. 1601
Maximilian 1, Amperor, 258, 686, 723, 1014*, Medici, Catherine de’, see Catherine de Médi-
2087 Melksham (Wiltshire), 1033
Medici. Cosimo de’, the elder, 703; a.l.s., 1601*, Melk use, 775
Medici, Cosimo I de’, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Melo, Juana Paez de, see Paez 260%, 1510, 1533, 1601*-2*, 1734; als. 1602 Melun, Guillaume, vicomte de, 1858
Medici, Cristina de’, [A. D. 1573], 687 Melun, 684, 1543
Medici, Cristina, wife of Ferdinando I de’, Melusine, see Jean d’Arras
2090 v.)
see Lorraine(Christine de) Melzo, Francesco da, 690
Medici, Ferdinando I de’, 395, 1602* Memmingen, 234 Medici, Francesco I de’, 1602, 1603* Memmo, Marcantonio, Doge, 1470 Medici, Giovanni de’, Cardinal, 2092; a.ls., sony Latin treatise on, 1167(30, ff. 60r.Medici, Giovanni Giacomo de’, Marchese di See also Ars, Practica, Versus memoriales
Marignano, a.ls., 1603 Mena, Francisco Benito de, see Benito.
Medici, Giulio de’, Cardinal, 1588 Menaeum, in Greek, 1115, 1645; —, treatise on Medici, Lorenzo I de’, 1632; als. 260, 687, monthly circles, 2213
1015, 1603*, 1862, 2091, 2096 Mende use, 89 Sonettt, 1457 Mendes, Antonio de, a.dis., 1511* Medici, Lorenzo II de’, Duke of Urbino, 687. Mendieta, Juan Nufiez de, see Nufiez Medici, Maddalena de’, daughter of Lorenzo Mendoza, Antonio de, 550 I, a.ls., 1603 Mendoza, Dovia Catharina de, 258
Medici, Maria de’, see Marie de Médicis Mendoza, Diego Hurtado de, see Hurtado
Medici, Ottaviano de’, 1602 Mendoza, Domingo de, a.ls., 1344 Medici, Pandolfo de’, 1205 Mendoza, Lope Hurtado de, see Hurtado Medici, Piero I de’, 1549 Mendoza, Pedro de, 1613*, 2335
Medici, Piero II de’, 264, 1542, 2090, 2092 Mendoza, Suarez de, viceroy of Mexico, 743
Medici, Pietro de’, [A.D. 1574], 1603 Mendozza, Franciscus, 721 Medici-Tornaquinci archives, 1052, 2306 a.ls., 262
Médicis, l’Enfant de, 2230 Mengante (or Mingante), Capt. Giovanni,
and. 505 Menochius, Jacobus
Medicine, Concordance of natural science Menius, Justus, 1594
See also Medicalde, De immunitate ecclesiae pro ad eam, connzalo 2330 ! Ugrtentious,
Mean, Gonza de, 2330 Menologium, in Greek, 535, 568(129), 572 Medina, San Geronimo de, 185 (166), 760, 1112*, 2025; hymns from, 1921 Medina del Campo, 192, 689, 856 _ Menot, Michael Medina Sidonia, Alonzo, Duke of, a.l.s. 1603 Me earagesimale, 1188
Meritatto . atione 1661, 2325 De XII anni mensibus, 1232
Meditations, 1162(9); in Dutch, 2053(153) ; Mensuratio terrae, 1030 | fern: .
= Latin, 1922, 1945: spiritual, 2053(155); | Mensuration, treatise on, in Flemish, 1796; in
theological 2054 : German, 1794(222); in Italian, 1793(216) ;
Meditations on the Passion, in Dutch, 2053; y¢¢, Latin, 1781 (160), 1787(188)
in Flemish, oe in Italian, 864 ; in Latin, aye. des histoires, extracts from, 1418 104, 1681,on 2013 473 (21473(21, 86r.-9586r.-Yov.), ) MerboltSuper de Varnpach, Meditations the Psalms, AristotelisJohannes libris de generatione et
1993 | corruptione, 916
Meéditations surSea, te sacrifice de laol, M 41-2, esses :aeMercado, Mercadiel. 611Diego de, 2338 Mediterranean map, coasts Capt.
44, 108-9, 240*-1*, 503, 504*, 544*-8*, 1294*-8*, Mercantile arithmetic, see Commercial
1769, 1998, 2126 Fo , Mercatello, 1792
Médoc, 1572 , Mercator, Gerard, a.l.s., 1605 Medulus. Johannes, of Treviso, 232 Mercoeur, Duc de, 2096
Megaldus, notary, 224 | Mercoeur, Philippe-Emmanuel de Lorraine, duc Meilhan, 1587 | de, 1862 Meissen, 1628*, 1641 . Mercurius, Saint, 1118
Mela, Pomponius | Mercy, Order of, 2219(152) De situ orbits, 839 Mercy, The Seven Deeds of, in English verse, Melanchthon, Philip, 498, 1252*, 1515, 1798 93 (250), 2174(4); ads. 595; als. 595, 686, Mercy-Argenteau family, 190
927, 1014, 1218, 1219*, 1603, 1604*, 2092, 2097, Meredith, paymaster (English forces in the
tions, 1243 Merke, Thomas |
2130: autogr. receipt, 1208; autogr. annota- Low Countries), 432 |
De supputatione motus sols, 120 De arte dictaminis, 519
Melanius, Saint, 151 | Merle, Jehan du, sieur du Blancbuisson, 1834 Melchior, Magister, 1990 Merle, Willelmus, see Morley
Melchizedek, 1782 Merlin, prophecies of, 719, 1801, 1997
Meldensis diocesis praecepta synodalia, 1088 Merlin, Roman du Saint Graal et de, 1404
Melgar, Cristobal de, 2326 Merlo, Blas de, 2332* Melissa, 225 Merlo, Sebastian Sanchez de, see Sanchez
GENERAL INDEX 91 Merlond, 658 Michaelangelo, see Buonarroti
Mermaid’s Tavern, see London Michael de Carchano Mermeri, Emanuel, 2220 Sermons, 477 Merode, Anthoinette de, 198 Michael de Petra, O. P., 719 Merode, Gerart de, 204 Michael Scotus, translations by, 82, 451, 2223 Merode, Herman Philippe de, 198* Division del tempo, 915
Merode, Jeanne de, 199 Michael Straticus, 1114
Merode, Margaret de, 194 Michault, Pierre ; Merode, Philip de, 200, 202, 204* Doctrinal du temps présent, 2288
Merode, Willem de, 193* Michel, abbot (Notre-Dame de Breteuil), 898
Merry, Thomas, of Walthamstowe (Essex), Michel, Sir John, 1869
437 Michele di Dolce, Stefano, rettore dello Spidale del Mersch, 183 2127 Mersen, 203 Michelozzi, Niccold, 1615
Merton, Provisiones de, 2125 Michiel, Finamante de, 1632
Merton, Statuta de, 1803 Michilinus, monk, 1934 Mervetlles du monde, 1454 Michoacan, 2161
Meryfield, John, 1352 Middelburg, 392, 2093 Mesa, Diego de, 2326 Middelton, Eadmundus de, 308 Mescua, Diego de, 724 Middilton, 1348
Mesle, Jehan du, seigneur du Bois Barbot, Middlesex, deeds and documents, 297, 309, 317,
1831 323,Jean 404*, 414, 424, 430, 1350*, 1355-6, 2109 Meslier, . Middleton, Thomas Pensées sur la religion, 1263 A Game at Chess, 135, 950 Mesnage, M. de, 1566, 2095*, 2096 Flengist, King of Kent, 408
Mesnage, Mr., comte de Gruyéres, 683 Midenh. . .(?), Sir Thomas, 1619 Mesnil, St-Brachernie-du-, 1834 Mignoul, Jehan de, sire de Gresigney, 611
Mesnil, Colin de, 1835 Miggrode, Jacques de, 1128 Mesnil-Regnart, fief, 1832 Miguel, Francisco, 2333
Mespelbrunn, Julius Echter von, Bishop of Miguel, Pedro, 2326*
Wiirzburg, 1595 Mihaeli, Andrea, 2128 Messahala © Milan, Archbishop of, [A. D. 1495], 222 Astrolabium, 884 Milan, Duchess of, 1547, 2097
Messala, M. Milan, Duke of, 116, 118, 254, 262, 687, 935%,
De bello Trojano, 555 1013, 1538, 1543, 1601, 1603, 1665, 1836 Messe _ Milan, 400, -1540, 1587, 1592, 1807; calendar, Elévations durant la Messe, 1394 1008, 1432; duchy of, 1539; Franciscans in Elévations de l’Gme ... durant...la... province of, 1188(9): merchants of, 67(HM Messe, 817 341); Relatione concerning, 74, 974(23): Preparacion pour ow la M esse, 1017(65) Santa Maria delle Grazie, 1448; Sant’Angelo,
See also Méditations, Priéres 1522
Messina, 546-8, 640(151), 1296-7, 1547, 2126 See also Decembrius (Petrus Candidus)
Mestre, 2128 Milan, mss., letters and documents written at, Opera, 952 1466, 1519, 1522-3, 1526, 1589, 1591, 1595,
Mesue, Johannes 261, 400, 631, 647, 813, 1001, 1008, 1200, 1436, See also Franciscus de Pedemontium 1627*, 1666, 1694, 1709, 1747, 1839, 1891, 1897, Meter, treatise on, in Greek, 698; in Latin, 1909, 1916-7, 2032, 2069, 2077, 2082, 2130: 499 (1054, ff. 120v.-4r.), 1443, 1776(135) Brera College, 1514; Santa Maria degli
Metham, John Angeli, 231, 523 Treatises on palmistry and physiognomy, 893 Milanese documents, 236( 125), 998(1004)
Amoryus and Cleopes, a poem, 893 Milanese, giovanni Battista del ad ; Metius Falconius, see Falconius Vamay, oir Walter, als, ) ds. 298, 302,
Mettensium ecclesiarum Cancellarius, 2308 332, 348, 353, 357, 389, 393, 399, 417, 425,
Mettingham, 2230* 1537, 1557*, 1605, 1610-11, 2087; ls., 341;
! ean de, s ,
Metz, 659*, 684, 799, 928, 1278, 1567, 1571, 1590, _ P.C.L. signed by, 279, 400
1735, 2287; calendar, 182: use, 1382, 2135 Milford Haven, 139
See also Mettensium Reber tori urs,72054 ’
Monae Jean dea’ ge Mill, Katheryne, of Hanescombe (GloucesterMexia, Canon Pero, 2335-6 shire), 366 Mexia, Vargas-, see Vargas Millancay, 1520 Mexican language, see Olmos (ndres de) Milledonne, Antonio
Oeanno”, cy raat nae hy aa Concilia di Trento, 924 ; ’ 3, 2149*-50*, 2152, Miller Robert, of Ha
2159*-63*; map of, 241, 547 Milles, Leonard, 333 nworth (Norfoll), 380 Meylen, Herbaud, Here van, 193 Mills, Thomas, 349 Michael the Archangel, Saint, 247, 604 : Milton, John, 1019 Michael, [ca. 1400], Greek Gosnels written at Minden, 609
. instigation of, 1175 Minerals and herbs, table of contents of
Michael, Frater, 1875 treatise on, 1346
Michael Anchialos, 1114 Mingante, see Mengante
92 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Miniatures, passim. Note: It was not possible Missale, Holland, 230; frag., 2205 to give, in the Census, enough information Missale, Italy, 21[Rome], 84, 89(HM 1079), about miniatures to render practicable any 474, 627, 717-8, 727, 871[Venice], 918, 1131
useful method of indexing them. (2), 1154[Florence], 1174, 1177*, 1384
Minio, Mermolao, 854 [Ferrara], 1436[Milan], 1455[Ferrara], 1465
Minor Prophets, in Greek, 467; in Latin, 1335 [Ferrara], 1486[Siena], 1759, 1839[ Milan], Minour, Philip le, and Isabella his wife, 1353 1947, 2105, 2175, 2290; frag. 174*, 215,
Cf. Le Mynur 626*, 709(46), 776(123[Florence], 124), 777 Minut, Gabriel | (125[Florence], 126, 127[Ferrara]), 931 Alphabet de lastrologie ..., 1514 [Rome], 986(130), 1653, 1705[ Bologna], 1726,
Mirabila, paragraphs on, 594 1759, 1911, 2189*, 2205 Mirabitha in Vilsnak, 1006 Missale, Netherlands, 627, 776, 2314 Miracle play of the Resurrection, 428 Missale, Spain, 528, 628[Seville], 733, 1131(2), Miracula XVI, 593 (688) 1292[Tarragona], 1451; frag., 628(76) Miracula B. V. Mariae, 472, 493, 571, 668, Missale, Tyrol, 2 1228(B.14, ff. 103v.-19r.) Missale abbreviatum, 1956 Miracula S. Rernardt, 1233* Misson, Maximilian, 2060 Miracula S. Eadmundi regis et martyris, 1492 Mistére de la Passion, in verse, 939
Miraculum de corpore Christi, 1230 Mitte, Petrus, of Memmingen, 1001 Miraculum in Thebaide, 477 Mnemonic verses, 1765 Miranda, Fr. Bartholomaeus de, 739 Mnemotechnic verses, 1781(157) Miranda, Pedro de, 2180, 2329, 2336 Mocenigo, Aloysio, procurator of San Marco,
Miroir du monde, 845 147]
Mirror of the periods of man’s life, in verse, Mocenigo, Alvise I, Doge, 854
26 Mocenigo, Alvise IV [not Aloysio], Doge, 934
Miserere, 1232 Mocenigo, Giovanni, Doge, 111, 2128 Misericordiae speculum, in English verse, 1996 Mocenigo, Giovanni, proveditore generale Misogonus, a comedy, 70 (Crete), 2221 Missa, 1639(9, f. 314v.) Mocenigo, Leonardo, 2220
De officio Missae, 1232(B.22, ff. 270r.-6r.), Mocenigo, Tomaso, Doge, 1605
1642(13, ff, 141r.-64v.) Modbury, Stephen, 1349 .
Exposttio Missae, 571(147, ff. 73r.-82r.) Modeles @écriture pour le Dauphin, 1369
Lectionarium Missae, 506 Modena, Duke of, 1005
Lectura supra offictuum Missae, 1639 Modena, Francesco, governor of, 1560 Missae auditio, 460 Modena, 216, 498, 974, 1785, 1876 Tractatus Missae, 754(6, ff. 83r.-94v.), Moderamnus (Bishop of Rennes), Saint, 2175
1474 (629) Modi arguendi in jure, 1039
See also Canon, Carmen, Ordo Modus componendi brevia, 1030, 1040 Missa de Sancta Trinitate, 1960 Modus coronationis in regno Angliae, 135 Missa pro defunctis, 1921 Modus et forma praedicandi fratribus, 1229 Missa S. Dominici, 529(23865) Modus excommunicandi, 1880 Missae, in Low German, 756 Modus procedendi in Sacra Scriptura, 1228
Missae Fulienses, 629 Modus significandi, 883(95, ff. 3r.-8r.) Missae pro defunctis, 486 Modus studendi, 2276 Missae speciales, 527-8 Modus tenendi parliamentum, 79, 143, 1026,
Missae 1028, 1902
(trum presbyter im die possit celebrare duas Modus vivendi, 587
missas, 1232(B.22) Moege, Robert de, 205
Missal, in Slavonic, 869 Moehe. Robert de. 197 See also Sacramentarium Mohammed II, 2295
Missale Mogerhanger, 2130
Missale, 29, 628(71-2), 1324, 2013, 2202; frag. Mohammed Ibn-Musa al-Khawarazmi, see
Fy3(3), as ica ’POE Di GR Abram Baron de, 1278 (47), , ’ » Moissac, 2064*, 2070(289), 2189(8) Moissac use, 1455
Missale, Austria, Pt. 1436, O79 Mol, Baudouin de, 1859
Missale, Bohemia, Molendinis de Nobiliaco, Johannes Missale, England,, irag,, 86, 1318, 1374,Burgensis 1386, 1940, “ge 1278 J 1954, 2205, 2309 ; frag., 174*, 393 [York], 516, Moles. Nicolas, 1534
626, 628, 871, 983(100), 1876(24), 2030, 2075 Molfetta. Mor. di. 1588
1712 Molin, Filippo, 855
Missale, Flanders, 777, 2030; frag., 626, 1135, Molfetta. 1757.
Missale, France, 89(HM 1079), 165, 775*, 776, Molin, Vincenzo, 854; Vincenzo da, 2128 777(128), 864, 871, 901, 1286. 1393, 1403, Molina, Alonso de, 744 1428[ Chalons], 1476[Mont-Saint-Michel]l, Molina, Cristobal de, 2335 2006, 2030; frag.. 174. 607, 615, 627*, 628, Molina, Dofia Maria de, 2337
776, 903, 1684, 1876*, 1973, 2073, 2172 Molino, Giovanni Marco da, 2128 Missale, Germany, 523, 677, 1177, 1333, 1486 Molino, Luca de, 2128 [Weingarten]*, 1637. 1884, 2030-1. 2070, Mollan (or Molan), Pierre, treasurer of Henri 2205; frag., 626*, 627, 661(39), 662*, 1289, IIT, 110, 2129 1724, 1843*, 1940, 1956, 2008, 2063, 2189 Cf. Mollay
GENERAL INDEX 93 Mollay, Pierre, treasurer of Henri III, 257 Monte Lauduno, Gulielmus de, see Gulielmus
Cf. Mollan Montello, near Treviso, 2045
r. ; , als.,
Moller, Lorenz, 1604 Monte Murlo, Campagnia di S. Maria, 217
Mompesson, Sir Giles, 439 30,see233 .. Monachi 7 Montenegro, Juan de Astudillo, Astudillo De brofessione monachorum, 738(25, ff. 62r.- Monte Reggi, Melchior de, 1518
Molyneux, Daniel, Ulster king of arms, 2269 Montenegro, Hernando de, 2180-1, 2328*, 2329-
03; or Monterey, Conde de, a.l.s., 744 120r.-44r.) Monte Santo, 721 _
Epitaphium monachorum ... , 458(142, ff. Monterna, 734 Taxa monachorum, 1167(28, ff. 116v.-7v.) Monte Silio, Henricus de, 198
Monano, Jacobus de, see Jacobus Monteyl, M. de, 117
Monastic rules, in Latin, frag., 1970 Montferrat, Marquise de, 1527, 1548 Monastic statutes, 458(142, ff. 145r.-61r.) Montferrat, Blanche de, duchess of Savoy,
Monastica institutio, 1229 1525
Moncada, Guyllerme eRemon Bishop,ontgautier, 89 Montfort, Simon de, §96 Monceau, Jehan de,de,1546
Monceaux, 1573, 1745, 1746* Montgomerie, Alexander Moncel, Collart du, of Paneville, 1832 a eective. .. agains the Laur of Pollart, 50
Moncon, 1540* fontgomery, a signature, Moncontour, 1546 Monthall (Essex), 1514 Mondsee, Benedictines of St. Michael, 1699 Monticello, Sancta Maria de, 659-60 Mondy, Richard, grocer of London, 401 Montigny, 1739
Mondym, municipality, 2296 Montigny-le-Chartif, near Chartres, 614 Monelia Saonensis, Thomas de Montilz, castle, 1859
ceptorum, 1914 ontius, ristopher,
Quinternus rubricarum imstrumentorum re- Montilz-les-Tours, 083 351
Moneti, Francesco, poem by, 477 Montleen, Raoul de, 1824
Money, rates of exchange of, 1456(473) Montluc, Blaise de, 1605* . Monica, Saint, 1953 Montluc, Jean de, sire de Balagny, a.l.s., 1605
Monks, see Monachi, Religiosus Montlucon, 1829
Monlhusso, Geraldus de, of Cahors, 1278 Montmélian, 1746
Monmouthshire, 1357 Montmigan, Estienne de, 1827 Monrroy, Francisco de, 1127 Montmorency, Duc de, 684
Mons, 1646 Montmorency, Anne, duc de, 153, 685, 849, Mons Oliveti Montmorency, Mme. Anne de, 1824 Monselice, 898 1506, 1605, 1606*, 1860*, 1866; a.l.s., 1605 Mc e Monte tt, 886 Montmorency, Montmorency, Fransois 1606",a.ls., 20921606 Monson, sir ive + homas, Henri de,de, 1607*;
Monsteroul, 1834 Montmorency, Hue de, seigneur de Beausault
Monstreul 1987 hol d et Cernon, 1829 ontagnana, Bbartholomaetts
ae . .
De ‘ompovitione medicinarum, 2228 Mantmonge Madeleine de Savoie, duchesse
Montagnana, Bartholomaeus de, the younger 7 7 De morbo Gallico consilium, 911 Montmorency: Marie de, abbess of Maubuis-
: Montmorot, 412
Montague, Lords Viscounts, 123
Montague, Sit Edward. 1040 isbury, see Montpellier, 110, 248, 910, 2226
Salisbury de and Louis II de)
Montague, omas, “ari © Ys Montpensier, Comte de, see Bourbon (Charles
Montaigu, M. de, 256 M , Duc de. 1542. 1574
Montagu, Mime. de 1573 ), 2221 Sees ourbon (Franco de)
Montalban, Sad ores Montpensier, Duchesse de, 1531
Montalembert, André de, 1506 Montpensier, Mme. de, 1592
Aragon ontreuul, . de,
Montalto, Antonio de Aragon, Duque de, see Montpezat, jpntoine de 1607
Montalto, Caspar de, notary, 498 Montreutt 1546 1606 Montalvo, Dota de, 2331 Mon reu-sur= é :; Elvira , ontsablon, Jehan de,er,1282
Montanus, Benito Arias, see Arias Mont.Saint-Michel. 115. 1476 Montanus, Prater Nicholaus, 1780 Montzima. Bucho. 2004
Montargis, 1622 ee CilO,
MontS , 803 a . Monte, CardinalDieu, de, “T19 Moral treatise, in Latin, frag., 2065 _ Monte, Alonso, 2329 Morales, Diego Garcia de, see Garcia
Montbéliard, Count of see Wiirttemberg Moon, observations on course of, 1804
Montealbodio, Count Gabutius de, 1785 Moraltates de avibus, piscibus, lapidibus, 164
Montecuccoli, 216 srael, Monte Folchi, 1915 Morality plays, in English, 2272
Monte Cassino, 264, 1476(642) M oralitates de XLII mansionibus filiorum Monteforti, Petrus de, 308 Moralium dogma philosophorum, 1787(187, ff.
Montejean, René de, 1605 102-34)
Morando, Bernardo Mory, Pierre de, 1862 La Rosalinda, 449 Mosca, Julianus quondam Honofrii_ del,
Morau, 1609 1915 (21) Moray, James Stewart, Earl of Mar and, see Moscha, Julianus olim Honofrii quondam
Mar Juliani del, 1915(20) Moray, 1631 Moschopulus, Manuel Morbecca, Guilielmus de, see Guilielmus Erotemata, in Greek, 1494, 1755*
Morcheer, 193 Moscoso, Ambrosio de, notary, 2337 Mordaunt, Lord, sheriff of Northamptonshire, Moscoso, Luis de, 2327
1513 Moses, 1639; and Aaron, 602; Song of, comm. More, Christopher, 68 on, 107 More, John, 1628 Mosomense Concilium, 2280 More, Thomas, 285 Mostrenco, Gonzalo, 2331
More, Sir Thomas, 122, 1219, 1607 Motier, Gilbert, sire de La Fayette, 1586*
More, manor of the, 377 Motta Sancti Felicis, 225
Moreau, Raoul, 1567, 1600 Mottisfont (Motesfaunte, Motesfunt), 1353*
Moreau de Chateauncuf, 2129 Motul, convent of, 2149
Morée, [A.D. 1589], 1605 Mouchy, 1429 Moreno, Hernando, 2180 legh), 1348*, 1351*
Moreland (Somerset), manor, 356 Moudeslegh (Moudisle, Moudislegh, Moudys-
Moreno, Jorge, 2332Guiart Moudon, 1048 Mores Moulins, des, see Guiart Tractatus pro bonis moribus et vita, 1179 Moulins, 1527, 1550, 1859
Moresini, Bernardo, 1002 Moulton (Suffolk), 1608
Moret, Comtesse de, see Bueil (Jacqueline de) Moulton Court, 1041
Moretaynna, Ponz de, 659 Mount, William
Morcto, Pellegrino, notes by, 1250 Perpetuall calendare, 2228 Rimarto, 1250 Mount Athos, 698, 1116 Sposisione del Petrarca, 1250 Mounteneys, manor, 347
Moretus Bononiensis, Berardus Mountgomery, [A. D. 1602], 113
Vita Ovidti, 703, 1065 Mountjoy, William Blount, 4th Baron, 1525-6
Morgan, Richard, 369; (Sir) 705 Mountjoye, James, 1610 Morgan, Roger and Matilda, 1355 Moustier-sur-Sault, 520
ford), 1355 lee), 1348* Morges, 1048 Moya, 1070. Morice, James Moye, Isabel, de, widow of John son of John son
Morgan, William, of Michelschurche (Here- Moutheley (Moutheslee, Mouthesley, Mouze-
Againste ... oathes exacted by ... judges of Adam del, 1352
ecclesiasticall, 1046 Moynes, manor , 331 Moriendi see oysi€, Lavit , Morienus, 237ars, A ffairs ofArs Scotland MDLXXVH-MDCVIII,
Morienus Romanus 1509* Liber ad regem Calid, 1988 Moyssis, Philippus Calvettus de, see Calvettus Morigny, 1744, 1829 Mozart, W. A. 122 Morimundo, 730; Sancta Maria de, 1693 Mucius, C., 827
Morison, Sir Richard, 395 Mudaeus Brechtanus, Gabriel Morley, poems by, 269 Mudyham (Hampshire), manor, 380
Morison, Thomas, 425 Commenta in Digesta, 715
Morley (sive Merle), Willelmus Muelich, Jorg, of Augsburg, 1006
De pronosticatione aeris, MCCCXXXX, 914 Mulgrave, Earl of, 1558 Mornay, Philippe Duplessis-, sce Duplessis- Mulgrave, Edmund Sheffield, Earl of, 1627,
Mornay a.l.s., 1737
Moro, Cristoforo, Doge, 933, 936, 1607 Multon, 379 Moron, town and castle of, 1699 Miunchhausen, Hilmar von, 689 Morone, Giovanni, Cardinal, 260, 1615 Munday, Anthony
Morosini, Alvise, 1607 John a Kent and John a Cumber, 70, 2246
Morosini, Francesco. Doge, 1470 Munday, John, songs by, 70
Morosini, Girolamo, 933 Munden. 1528
Morosini, Maria, 1607 Munios Sanabria, Nicolas, 900
Morris, John, of Wilton (Kent), 326 Mufioz. Garcia 2332, (notary) 2336 Morrys, Mathew, of Stratford-on-Avon, 315 Mufioz, Dojta Ines, 2329*, 2331 (140), 2335
Mortagne, Vicomte nuns of Ste-Claire, 113 (229) Mortaing, de, see Noirenne ~
Mortimer family, 578 Mufioz, Juan, 2338
Mortis alphabetum, 993 Munt Pestler, manse, 502
Morton, Bryan, 1730 Murano, 853 Morton, John, Bishop of Ely, 348 Muris, Johannes de, see Johannes Morton, James Douglas, Earl of, 1552* Murium, town, 533
Morton (Worcestershire), 252 Murner, Thomas, a.l.s., 1607 Mortuomari, Rogerius de, 367 Murray, James Stewart, Earl of, see Mar and
Morvillicrs, Jean de, 2282 Moray (James Stewart, Earl of)
GENERAL INDEX 95 Murtra, San Geronimo de la, 531 Nativitates Musaeus Parisiensis, Maurilius De nativitatibus, 883
Elegiae VII, 153 Nativité de Fougéres, Soeur, 476 Muscovia, 1633 Nativité de...Jhesu Christ, 852 Relatione della Muscovia, 2126* Natura et gratia
Musculus, De diversis notibus [read motibus] naturue Music et1604 gratiae, 1009(88, ff. 104r.-5r.) De practica musicae, 883(95, ff. 80-6) and Natura brevium, 649, 1028, 1033
2294 Natural philosophy, A full explanation of,
Introduction to music, in Latin, 503 2000
Treatise on music, in Italian, 1876 Natural science and medicine, Concordance of,
See also Ars, Regole, Regulae 505 Musical treatises, collection of, in Latin, 244-5 Nau, secretary of Mary Queen of Scots, 1148 and 2257, 1871, 1875 Naunton, Sir Robert, 369, 936 Musiglano, 1837 Fragmenta Regalia, Observations on Queen
Musotus de Malviciis, Gaspar, 1018 _ Elizabeth .. . , 289, 291 Musoune au Vauhardret, parish, 1831 Navagcro, Bernardo, 1006 Mutionus, Marcus Antonius, 225 Navarre, King of, 450*, 1739(11), 1827(35),
Mustafa, 973 Navarre, Infante of, 1521 Mychelham Priory (Sussex), 251 2089
Mydelwyche (Cheshire), 1580 Navarre, treasurer of, 659 Mylton, parish of Christchurch, 1357 Navarre, 257
37 Gonzalez
Mynsterley, Rychard, 1611 Naveda, Garcia de, 538
Mysteries, The Towneley, 32 religious plays, Navia y Valledor, Arias Gonzalez de, see Mystery play, in French, 1997(11)*, 2219(146) Navigation, treatise on, 1888
Mystical treatises, in Dutch, 678(31) See also Arte
Neale, Francis, 1559 .
Mythological treatise, in Latin, 2132 Navy tables, 135
Neapolitan documents, 212(68)
N Nebuchadnezzar,1996Story of, in English verse, See also Ricardus de S. Victore
Nachtrabe, Friederich, 1281 Necrologium, 1648 Nahuatl dialect of Mexico, ms. in, 2150, 2159 Neghens, 205 |
Naisey, near Baume-les-Dames, 610 Negrone, Troilo de, 1006
Naldii, Naldus 27
Najera, Duke of, 1582 Nelson, Richard, of Fayrehurst (Lancashire), Vita Zenobi...antistitis Florentiae, 842 Nemorarius, Jordanus
Namur, Maria of, 904 De numeris datis, 1262 Namur, 199* Nemours, Anne d’Este, duchesse de, 1867 Nancy, 1544, 1589, 1590*, 1622, 1866, 1998; Nemours, 682, 1013; use, 2135
St-Nicholas-du-Port, 2064 Nepos, Cornelius, 2268
Nangis, Guillaume de, see Guillaume De illustribus ducibus exterarum gentiumn,
Nani, poems by, 589 1903 Nanni beati detencio, 1040 Vitae, 838, 980, 1771
Nantes, 1464, 1533, 1585, 1858 Nérac, 373, 1140, 1575*, 1596*, 1740, 1744, 1752
Nantouillet, 1088(2) Nerli, Francois de, 182+
Naples, 225, 254, 262, 560*, 583, 920, 1416 Nero, 1911 ;
Mss., letters and documents written at, 34, Nesle-Offémont, Gui de, 1608
43, 69, 115, 150, 190, 212, 224, 225*-6*,'530, Neslon, MM. de, 1634 537, 546, 553, 559, 560%, 562, 605, 653, 687, Nesson, Pierre de 731, 764, 774, 831-2, 842-4, 886, 1004, 1018, _Vigiles des morts, in verse, 1400
1183, 1219, 1294, 1296*, 1339, 1416, 1435 Nether Claybroke (Leicestershire), 311 1439, 1446*, 1449,'1456, 1469, 1473, 1519, 1893, Netherhall, manor, 323
1896, 1932, 1945, 1975, 1986, 2031, 2146 Netherlands, 141, 142*, 2092; Council of, 1539;
See also Neapolitan travels in, 429, 1208(5)
Napton, Thomas, of Newton, 1349, 1352-3 See also Low Countries, United Provinces Napton, William, of Lutterworth, 1349 Nether Wescott (Gloucestershire), 355
Narcissus, Saint, 991 Nether Worton (Oxfordshire), 322
Narford, 978 Nettleton, Edward, 2221 Narration morale, in French, 2256 Neudoerffer, Johann
Narrationes (legal), 1029-30, 2022; Novae —, ... Anweysung we mann lesen lernen soll
1033, 1034 (60), 2020; Articuli ad Novas —, oerdnung 0 urise ...arthchs Schretbens
Narrationes. 1902 656 Ordnung g chskunstlicher...Schriften Schreibens, arvaez (?), Rodericus,variae, Bishop of Jahen, 945 Kurtse Nasshe, Thomas, of Stratiordeon-Avon 322 657 iter Natalis de Venetiis Cf. Newdoerffer Suppositiones, 1790 Neufnicelle, 1836
Neufville (or De Neufville), signature, 390; Niccoli, Niccolo
countersignature, 110, 289*, 303*, 325, 1535, Commentum ium peregrinatione Germamae,
1563, 1564*, 1565, 1574-5, 1576*, 1745*-6* 1461 See also Villeroi Nice, Bishop of, 1738 Neufville, Nicolas de, seigneur de Villeroi, Nice, 1596
1608; a.l.s., 1608, 2198 Nicene Creed, 1763
Neuhasser, Wolfgang, 1584 Nicephorus Botaniates, 1114
Neumes, 242*, 243-4, 453, 607%, 624, 626*, 707, Nicephorus Phocas, 1114 730, 774, 820, 912, 1079, 1148, 1209*, 1210, Nicetas of Serrae, 562* 1238, 1276, 1759, 1843, 1872*, 1874, 1875*-6*, Nichola de Pizinel, Augustinian prior (Como),
1921, 1938, 1940, 1955, 1973*, 2064*, 2075, 1681
2189, 2064*, 2075, 2189 Nicholas, Saint, 173, 1268, 1992* Neustadt, burgomaster of, 1582 Nicholas III, Pope, 1275
Neustetter, Christo. and Erasmus, 1795 Nicholas V, Pope, 737, 1018, 1166, 1998 Neuveville (?), 1746 De artetica, 1990 Nevell, Sir Henry, 291 De calculosa passione, 1990
Nevers, Duc de, 1572, 1666, 1744 Nicholaus, see Nicolaus
Nevers, Jf. de, 449 Nicholson, Richard, songs by, 70 Nevers, 1290 Niclaes, Hendrick Nevill, Gervase, 321 Terra pacis, in English, 2141
Neville Nicodemus
See also Nevell, Nevill, Nevyle, Nevyll Evangelium, 1287
Neville, Alexander, Archbishop of York, 1684 Aistoria de Passione Christi, 984 Neville, George, Archbishop of York, 565 Nicodemus Toparchés
Neville, Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland, see History of the Passion, his Greek transla-
Westmoreland _ tion of, 1113
wick Nicolas de Gorran, 1189
Neville, Richard, Earl of Warwick, see War- Ncolas, Petit antidotaire de, 891
Nevyle, Alexander, see Neville Nicolas, Jehan, chancellor of Naples, 1521
Nevyll, Sir John, 2172 Nicolaus
New Alresford, 327 Experimenta, in Italian, 237 Newcastle, 409 Super causa de I praestitio Venetorum, 594 Newburgh (Yorkshire), 968 Nicolaus de Anglia
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 404 Nicolaus de Ausmo, excerpts from, 1964
New Comodi of Juli and Julian, A, 314 Declaratione sopra...la prima Regula de
New Continent, 1471 (555) S. Clara, 1166 Newdegate, Francis, 2221 Quadriga spirituale, 455
Newdoerffer, Johann, Rechenmeister, tables of Supplementum Summae Prsanellae, 231, 1923
commercial arithmetic, 1792* Utilisstmo modo da confessare, 557
Cf. Neudoerffer Nicolaus de Camerino, 1773 New England, 1453 Nicolaus de Dinkelsbuhl
New Granada, 184* De arte moriendi, 714 New Hall, 378 Nicolaus de Esculo, 1772 New Indies, 2151 Nicolaus de Flisco, see Flisco Newington, 1552 Nicolaus, dictus de Heybech de Erfordia, 1899
Newington (Buckinghamshire), 1042 Nicolaus de Lyra
Newman, George, of Canterbury, 1356 Apocalypsis, with gloss of, 1328
Newman, Jacob, 371 In Fcclestastem, 1842
Newman, Roger, 1349 In Epistolas S. Pauli, 2048 New Place, Stratford-upon-Avon, 318*, 435 In Evangelia, 482, 1175 Newradt, Heer zu, 203(T.25) In Job, 2227
New Spain, 550, 1600, 2148(18), 2152, 2158 In Pentateuchum, 1175 New Testament In Testamentum Novum, 483, 879
In Dutch, frag., 2070 In Testamentum Vetus, 484, 1468
In English, 56, 956, 1325*, 1434, 1441, 1802, [saltertum, with comm. of, 2104
1995, 2122: in English verse, 1382 Quaestio contra Judaeos de adventu MesIn Greek, 568(126). 616, 691, 759 and 2289, siae, A744 1081, 1487 and 2322, 1910; frag., 2079 Quaestiones disputatae contra Hebraeos, In Latin, 606, 619-20, 766*, 1015, 1963, 2027, ._. 1153 .
(374) Gradus consanguinitatis, 593 In Russian, 2027 Nicolaus Salernitanus Works on, 483, 857(1), 879, 1084, 1488 Antidotarium, 2010; in Italian, 2229; ex2188, 2313-4; frag., 1060, 1973, 2071, 2081 Nicolaus de Patavio _
TewaeW Synonyma, None Nicolaus [Tedeschi] de Sicilia ewynfon, Super I7 Decretalium, 2054 New York, 44 Nicolaus de Tolentino, Saint, 1957 Newton, John, 289 oracts rom, 2227
Nicantrus, Saint, 717 Nicoletus, Paulus, of Venice
Nicaragua, 2161, 2327(22) Compendium logicae, 506
GENERAL INDEX 97 Nicoll, Allan, of Stanmer the Less (Middle- North, Roger North, Lord, a.l.s. 1608 sex), 404 North, W., 364 Nicoll, Margaret, 323 Northampton, Earl of, 299, 375, 384
Nicoll, William, of London, 404 Northampton, Marquess of, 436, 749, 1616, Nider, Johannes 1617*, 1618 De reformatione status coenobiorum, 1165 Northampton, Henry Howard, Earl of, a.ls.,
Nieto, Pero, 1586 335 Nilus Monachus, 1118 Defense of the lawfull regiment of women,
Nimes, 1303 542 Nifio, Alfonso. 1585 Northampton, 420, 1554 Nifio, Pero, 1577 Northamptonshire, deeds and documents, 127,
Nifio, Rodrigo, 2331* 275*, 276, 281, 283. 287-8, 300. 305, 340, 361, Nifio de Castro, Pero, 1561 386, 1022, 1042, 1513, 1556, 2023 Ninove, Praemonstratensian abbey of, 1640 Northcadbury (Somerset), 404, 1042 Nissus, Darius, notary, 225 Northcote, Richard, 576 Noah’s ark. see Hugo de S. Victore Northcrevk (Norfolk). 362 Noailles. M. de, 1532, 1567 Northe, Richard, of Mudyham (Hampshire),
Noale, 933 380
Nobbie, Sir Edward. 252 Northe, William, 380
Nobiliario genealogico de varias casas de North Elmham. 1548
Espana, 549 Northern Homilies, 54, 1137
Nobilitv. see Adel. Book, England Northleye, 1351
Noble families [England ?], pedigrees of Northstede (Kent), manor, 1042
various, 351 Northumberland, Duchess of. 1525
Noel. Office de, 816 Northumberland, Duke of, 926, 1616
Noirenne, Richart de, vicomte de Mortaing, Northumberland, Earl of, 384, 422
1830 Northumberland, Henry, Earl of, 27
Noirgouze. Jacques. 1278 Northumberland, Jane Dudley, Duchess of,
Nominale (legal), 1031 1552 Nomocanon, in Greek, 2204 Northusen, 676
of Eneland. 427 308
Nomotechnia, description of the common laws Norton, Isabella daughter of Stephanus de,
Nonesuch. 280, 298, 382, 1556, 1736 Norton, Thomas, 394
Nonnus Norton (?), W., 422 Norhert,Abbas, Saint,562 46 Norton. 1586 Norhrok. Robert. 1669 Norvenich,. 196
Norden, John. 343 Norville-sur-Seine, curé of, 1833, 1835
Nordhausen. 1245 Norway, 113 Nordley, 304 Norwich, Bishon of, 409, 1609
Norefia, Alonso de, R.P.F.. 2150 Norwich, 281. 393, 1043-4, 1580; use, 1369, 1414 Norfolk, Dike of, 445, 1012. 1505, 1600 Noseroy, 1825 Norfolk, Tohn, Duke of. 250 Notae Norfolk. Thomas Howard. Ist Earl of Sur- Notarum figurae, 245 rev and 2nd Duke of, 1581 Notarum interpretationes, 2296 Norfolk. Thomas Howard. 2nd Earl of Sur- Notarial formulas, 702(19); of deeds, 1357
rev and 3rd Duke of, 1581* Notker 1729(4). 1999 Notley (Buckinghamshire), monastery, 433
Norfolk. Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of, 1582, De illustribus virts, 2280
Norfolk, Conncil of, 1559: coll. of deeds and Notoria ars, see Ars charters. 399. 581. 2166: deeds and docu- Nottingham, Earl of, 346. 363, 382, 1558; ments. 28*, 62, 69, 291, 306, 325*, 349, 355, P.C.L. signed by, 66, 69. 172, 280-1, 296, 3A2, 3248, 3790*-80*, 389, 391. 394*, 398. 405 299*, 300, 304, 306, 330, 338, 364. 375, 378-9,
, ximilien. O ;
437. 978, 1041-2, 1353, 1556*, 1737, 2023*, 383*-4*, 391, 398, 416, 418, 430, 926, 941,
2221, 2268* 1620*-1*, 1737, 2199, 2270
na se arms + 1013 Nottingham, Charles Howard, Lord Howard
Normandy. 352%. 412*, 969, 1524, 1635, 1736 inngham, and Earl of, see Howard 1824, 1827-8, 1859, 1865 ube ESS Nottingham, | 392, 1356
See also Consuetudines, Gran . Nottinghamshire, deeds and documents, 287,
Norres, Edward. 275 ¢ Coutumier 392, 398, 1022, 2248
Norreys, Fran., 430 Notulae super Sapientiam Salomonis, 882
Norris, Lady, 369 Notz, M. de, 1527
Norris, Sir John, 369, 856, 2267; als. 1735 Noughton, 286 North. Lord. 301, 319, 346, 389. 424. 1554, Novae narrationes, see Narrationes 1558, 1581*: P. C. L. signed by, 66, 114, Novara, 1591 280, 299. 300*. 304, 338-9, 343, 378, 383, 418, Novatus, 1720
423. 682. 941. 1617* 1618, 1619*, 1620, Sententia de humilitate, 1287
1736-7, 2199, 2270 Novem scientits, Liber de, 592
North, Edward North, Lord, 422, 681, 1608 Novi, 1529
Noviciae Octavianus, see Vergilius De investione noviciarum, 1767 Octobonus legatus im lnglia, 2016
Novici 1338 Noyelles, 845 Oddono, Balthesar de, 2194
See also Ordo Octonaries upon the vanitie ... of the world, Holusculum noviciorum, 1923 Oculus pastoralis pascens officia, 1934
Noyers, Miles de, 1608 Odegarius, Abbot, 501 Noyon, 117 Oder, Jean, 256 Noziéere, Loys de, 1565 Odericus de Pordcnone
Nubescourt, Chateau de, 195 De mirabilibus iransmartinus, 1010
Nuevas de Alemania, a news-sheet, 1302 Peregrinatio fratris Udalrici, 483
Numa Pompilius, 1673 Oderzo, 855, 933
Nuinbers, Book of, see Leviticus Odescalchi estates, 262 Numerals, Roman and Arabic series, 158 Odet, Jehan, 1665
Nun, see Dialogue Odiham (Southampton), manor, 1041 Nuneaton, monastery, 1512 Odilo, Saint, 978 Nufiez, Licentiate Diego, 2333 Odilo Cluniacensis, 1945 Nufiez, Francisco, 2326*-8* Odo, 978 Nufiez, Rodrigo, 2327 Odo, first abbot of Cluny Nunez de Bonilla, Rodrigo, 2331* Dialogus de musica arte, 1875 Nufiez de Illescas, Francisco, 2181 Odo de Meung, see Macer Floridus Nufiez de MHlescas, Rodrigo, 2326*, 2337 Odoricus, see Odericus
Nuficz de Mendieta, Juan, 2332 Odulphus, Saint, 601 Nufiez Perez, Diego, 2334 Oedipus et Sphina, Latin verses with riddles,
Nufiez Perez, Luys, 856 2058 manor, 389 Offenbachen, Katherena, 1280 Nuremberg, 656*-7*, 1280(6), 1604, 1787, 2199, Office de la Vierge Marie, 641, 1391, 1660, 1818
Nun Ormesby (Lincolnshire), priory and Offémont, 256
2286 See also Petit Office Antwort of six pastors of, concerning witch- Ofhce de Noel, 816
craft, 1251 : Offices, Hymns and, in Latin and French, 177 Chronica, 1242 Offices de la Semaine, Les sept, 1657
Stadigerichtsordnung, 1243 Offices of the Passion, in Ficmish, 1010(91)
Statuta contra ecclesiasticam libertalem, 1124 Offices ou pratiques de dévotion, 1424
See also 183 Computus Officia , Quaestiones Nurtzingen, See also Compendium, Nuthmost, 396 Officia, 534; in German, 2100 ° Nymegen, 197 Officia, for private devotions, 84 Nyon, 1048 Officia defunctorum, 534 Officia eucharistiae et missarum, 907 Officia propria S. Francisci, 534 Officia propria sanctorum, 176 Officia sanctorum, 1197
O Officia sanctorum novem, 495 Officia varia, 640 Officiale omnium sanctorum, 1198
On A. Offcio Galle C cio weettic Me la B. Answer... ¢ ing th heh Ibapete della Concettione dellaV. B. M., V. M.,2213 2213 sive 303 concerning the Scottish busi Officio divino, 922(28)
Oaking, 1580 Oficium, BY See also M. ParvumOf; Officitum
ae OnE Yin aie ia al ee ats: S26 Tenerall Book . .. Officium B. V. M., 529, 1159 ;
Oaxaca, valley of, 2114 Officium B. V. M., Flanders, 536, 677, 812*-3*,
Obadiah, Book of, comm. on, 1240 at 1370, 1424-5, 1451, 1483, 1656, 2042-3,
De obedientia, ex variis, 21 Jy OLS, JIA, 1066, 1904,
Obicinus, Thomas, of Novara 1667, 1760, 1817, 2287; frag., 639(147)
Molivo celeste... , 169 Officium B. V. M., Germany, 1229(B. 16, ff. Obitus, see Kalendarius liber 99r.-121r, and 127r.-135v.) Obligatoriae artes, 1790 Officium B. V. M., Italy, 10, 25, 95-6, 527, 529, O’Brien, Donough, Earl of Thomond, see 538*, 603, 605, 638, 639*, 640, 723, 812, 813*-
Thomond 5* 875* 942 945, 1051, 1055, 1178, 1186, 1195,
Obsequiale, 1198 1238, 1291*, 1323, 1328*, 1329, 1365, 1367, Observations ... on majesty and royal pre- 1375, 1376*, 1381, 1401, 1408, 1414, 1420, 1423,
rogatives, 140 1425*, 1433, 1452, 1656, 1661, 1694, 1759, 1809, Ochain, 202, 204-5 1818, 1820, 1838-9, 1857, 1890, 1912, 1913*, See also Dochain 1923, 1927, 1956, 2041*-2*, 2124, 2182-3; frag.,
Ockham, William of, see William 639*, 1435, 1945, 1975, 2213
Ocotlan (Mexico), 745* Officium B. V. M., Spain, 815, 1056, 1205, 2145
GENERAL INDIEX 99 Officium B. V. M., Switzerland, 1857 Orationes et antiphonae, 26 |
Officium Conceptionis B. V. M., 1414(257) Orationes . . . XV gaudiorum .. . Virginis
Officium diurnum, 152, 1968 Mariae, 717
Officium mortuorum, 504, 1156, 1329, 1874 Orbellis, Nicolaus de
Officium Purificationis B. V. M., 506 In Aristotelis libros... , 1790
Officium S. Crucis, 100 In Logicam Petri Llispam, 1790 Ofticium S. Spiritus, 100 Super Summulas Petri [lispam, 1790
Offley, Jane, 333 Orcamp, 1533
Ogilvy, John, 1552 Ordas, Diego de, of Mexico, 679
Ogle, Anthony, 321 Ordenes reales en favor de los religiosos doc-
Oglethorp, Robert, 414 trineros, Ogniben, Andrea Ordinarium cum2159 notis, 1681 Letter to Christophorus Parisiensis, 2225 Ordinarium Ordinis Cisterciensis, 1236 Lucidarium artis transmutatoriae, 2225 Ordinarium S. Mariae de Biloca, 733
Ojeda, Juan Jullio de, see Jullio Ordinary of arms, 376; England, 302(390-1), Oldcourt (Sussex), manor, 1041 334(658.1), 357(940.9, 958.1), 402, 1515, 2098
Oldehanger (Essex), 1555 Ordinationes, 1681
Oldendorpius, Dr., 1614 Ordo ad recipiendum novicias, 500
Old Field (Yorkshire), 1626 Ordo et forma coronationis . . . Regis et ReOldhall, William, 412 | ginae Romanorum, 984 Oldisworth, Nicholas, 332 Ordo exceptionum (legal), 1030
Oldriffeld, 2109Ordo Ordoinfestivitatum 170 Old Testament dedicationesanctorum, ecclesiae, 2290
In French, 1447 Ordo inducendi moniales divae Monicac Flo-
In Latin, 1672, 1911, 1968; frag., 513 rentiae, 1817 Comm. on, 484, 506, 1468, 1764 Ordo manualis ... , 2144 Stories from, 1113(58), 1967 Ordo manualis Ferrariensis ecclesiae, 1234 See also Aetates Ordo manualis Fratrum Minorum, 528 Olgiatti, Gerrardo (i0f Gernardo), 1547 Ordo Missae, 628 Oliva, Bartholomeus, notary, 225 Ordo S. Romanae Ecclesiae ... apud Basili-
Olivares, Juan de, 2334 cam S. Petri... , 779 Olivieri, Pio Antonio Ordonnances concernant les Ecclésiastiques, Vaticima de pontificibus el ...de_ statu 449
regnorum mundi, 718 Ordre de Chevalerie, 1805 Olmos, Andres de Orenge, Jehan d’, and Jehanne his wife, 1829, Arte de la lengua Mexicana, 182, 744* 1835 Olmiitz, Bishop of, 1191 Oresme, Nicolas, 1805 Olvera, Luis de, 2335 Orestes and Pilades, a play on, frag., 286
Olyvier, Robert, a.l.s., 2177 Orgemont, Guillaume d’, 1526 Omnibonus Vicentinus Oribasius Artis metricae tractatus, 2253 De herbarum virtutibus, 452 Onagh, manor, 113 Liber primus ad Eustadium filiwm suum, 452 Ofiate, Miguel de, 2328 Orichovius Rutenus, Stanislaus, 2251 Ondegardo, Polo de, 1505 (MA 155) Orifonibus, Jacobus Alberti de, laicus Bono-
One-House cum Caldecotte (Suffolk), manor, niensis, 1519
296, 1041 Origenes, translations from, 1500(773)
Ongere, Bauldiny fils de Bado d’, 1282 De S. Maria Magdalena, 1637
Onofrius, Saint, 717 Homiliae, 1891(17) ; frag., 2078
Onosander In Epistolam ad Romanos, 1227 De optimo imperatore, 959, 1451 In Evangelium S. Johannis, 1007
1412 cum, 1849
De perfecto imperatore et de re militari In Genesim, 1426; [et] Exvodum et Leviti-
Onus Angliae, poem, 2227 Perwarchon, 316 Oos, The Fifteen, 1394 Super lectione ... “Maria stabat ...”, 734,
Opgem, Johan van, 193 _ 1287
Ophaeren (or Opharen), 203-4 Orittmentum, 1347; William of, 1347
Oppendorf, 203*, 204-5 Orléans, Bastard of, see Dunois (Jehan)
Oppius Cornelius, 1894 Orléans, Duc d’, 352, 682, 1162(8), 1566, 1829,
Opuscules politiques, 1645 1834, 1836, 1853
Orange, Prince of, 1216, 1860 Orléans, Charles, duc d’, 77, 253, 412, 1608*,
Orantus, Saint, 717 1609, 1859 Oratio Orléans, Henri, duc d’, 1573, 1574* Tractatus de oratione..., 481 Orléans, Louis (son of Charles V), duc d’, Oratio consolatoria, a poem, 909 659, 938; als. 253 2045, 2051, 2304 Orléans, 610, 929, 1567, 1572, 1745; use, 1149
Oratio Dominica, comm. on, 477, 481, 995, 1153, Orléans, Louis d’, duc de Longueville, 1589
See also Lord’s Prayer, Pater Noster 1377 |
Orationes, 1663(4), 1694(12), 1922(2), 1945 Orliens [sic], Jehan d’, receiver (N
(57), 2215; in Latin and Corman _ 1827 (Normandy),
See also Prayers Ormonde, Earl of, 113, 1563
100 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Ormonde, Thomas Butler, Earl of, 329 Amores, in English, frag., 286 Ornano, M. d’, 1744 Ars amandi, 83, 442, 980, 1902; Ornano, Alphonse d’, 1574, 1609*, 1746 1906(21, ff. 19r.-24r.)
Ornatu faciei, De, 913 See also Ars amandi Orose et le Fatt des Romains, 1405 Carmina minora, 833 Orosius, Paulus Consolatio ad Liviam, 83, 980 Adversus paganos, frag., 228 De cuculo, 883, 1085 De situ orbis, 839 De medicamimne factet, 83, 883(?), 1085 De situ regionum, 442 De somno, 883 Histoire universelle, 1464 Elegiae, 1902
See also Orose Epistola Sapphus ad Phaonem, 1065, 1183
Orsini, Lodovico, 105, 975 Fasti, 588, 832, 980, 1085, 1772, 1902, 2217
Orsini, Paolo Giordano, Duke of Bracciano, Eeroides, 83, 703, 886, 978, 980, 985(124, ff,
105, 1609 113v.-6v.), 1677, 1895, 1902; in French,
Orsini Colonna, Felice, see Colonna 47; in Italian, 1074 Orsini Farnese, Girolama, see Farnese Ibis, 980, 1085 Orthographiae tractatus, 1779 Metamorphoses, 832*; frag. 215, 219; in
Orthros, Ortiz, [...],543 2332French, Nux, 83,1449 1085
Ortiz, Gaspar, 2327 Philomela, 83, 883, 1085
Ortiz, Juan Catano, see Catano Pontica, 703, 980, 1065, 1085
Ortolff von Bayrlandt Pulex, 83, 603, 883, 1085, 1183
Areneibuch, frag., 660 Remedium amorts, 83, 564, 980, 1906
Ortona, Alessandro, Bishop of, 117 Tristia, 603, 703, 980, 1065, 1085
Ortulanus Oviedo, Capt. Gonzalo Hernandez de, 2326 Super Testamentum Hermetis, 1988 Oviedo y Valdes, Gonzalo Fernandez de, a.l.s.,
Orval, Ringane Cocqueborn, seigneur d’, a.l.s., 1609
1546 Natural y general hystoria de las Indias, 61 Orwell, Robert, 114 Owen, George, 139
Osborne, Peter, 1616 Owyen, Henry, of Wotton (Surrey), 290 Osiander, Andreas, a.l.s., 2097 Oxenbridge, Sir Robert, 1530
Osimo, Niccold da, see Nicolaus de Ausmo Oxford, Earl of, 347, 430
Osimo, 221, 490 Oxford, Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of, poems Osma, diocese of, 223 by, 272, 403 Osmund, Robert son of Thomas, 355 Oxford, John, Earl of, 348, 358
Osorio, Girolamo Oxford, John de Vere, 13th Earl of, 339, 1550* Della nobilita civile, 168 Oxford, John de Vere, 16th Earl of, 1550 Ossuna, Duke of, 556 Oxford, Robert [de Vere], 5th Earl of, 1544
Ostend, 1620 Oxford, Robert de Vere, 9th. Earl of, 1684
Osuna, Juan Vasquez de, see Vasquez Oxford, 144, 270( 1.28), 277, 329, 395, 433, 1422, Otardus, Ingetus, merchant (Genoa), 861 1555, 2010, 2016(4), 2227; Bodleian, 27
Othea, 1501 Oxfordshire, deeds and documents, 113, 305, Otho 314, 322, 334-5, 359, 983, 2023 Constitutiones, 2016 Oxinden, Henry, 342 _
Otho princeps Moguntinus, 1269 Oyembrugghe, Marguorite d’, 201
Otho Ratisbonensis Dialogus de divinae pietatis agnitione..., 540
Otilia, Saint, 718 P |
Otranto, 1006 Ottaman, John, 119
Otto Pablo, Don, [Arequipa, 1550], 2333 See also Otho Paccius, Alexander Otto III, Emperor, 1069, 2308 Sylva, cur titulus est Laurus, 889
Otto Frisingensis Pachianus, Bernardinus, of Parma, 1927 Gesta Friderici I imperatoris, 1644 Pacific Ocean, map, coast of, 241
Otto von Passau Pack, Robert, 423 Die XXIV Alten, 90, 706, 892 Packer, Thomas, 350 _
Ottokar II, King of Bohemia, 659 Packwood (Warwickshire), 310-1, 1044
OttontsSaint, liber,1953 237 Padille’ Padill TAT use, 459 Ouen, Done. de, 2337 Outrebois, near Doullens, 1275 Padi a, 638 na lucia de, 2336
104 ; NON eehyy vy or,
Ovando, Nicolas de, 1344 710" ,, 833, 854, 1168, 1180, 1379, 1448, Overbury, Sir Thomas, 968 University, 83> diploma of University of Observations upon the Seventeen Provinces, 232. 284, 855, 860, 934, 1013, 1277, 1470"
Jveryssche, See also Sancta
over Wescott (Gloucestershire), 355 Use, 1376
Ovidius (and Pseudo-Ovidius), 445(SM 14), Paenitentia, see Do cette tia 981, 2062(207) ; life of, 703*, 1065, 2174 Paez de Melo, Dowia Juana, 2334
GENERAL INDEX 101 Paganucci, Marcello, 936 Paneville, parish, 1832
Paganus, Savolillus (?), notary, 224 Panicali da Cingoli, Gentile de’ Paget, Lord, 1554, 1597, 1610, 1616 Pantaleo, Jacobus, patriarch of Jerusalem,
Page, John, of Ropsley, 271 Flores ygrammaticae, sive Donatellus, 1777
1609 Pantegni liber, 910, 2298
Paget, William Paget, Ist Lord, 252, 356, 1014, 1781
Paget, William Paget, 4th Lord, 327 See also Galenus Pagney, Gérardin de, 1826 Panthaleon, Messire, 118 Pagrave, Frances, 1528 Papal bulls, 34, 183, 220*, 473, 475, 477, 486*,
Pagrave, J., 409 490*, 496, 525, 554, 573, 594, 618, 648%, 659*-
Paiiens, Jakemes, of Tournai, 2064 60*, 734, 925, 1018, 1036, 1184, 1190-1, 1275,
Painter, William, 370, 431 1328, 1518, 1569*, 1610, 1631, 1699, 1804, 1830,
Paire-en-Condros, 202 1868, 1879*, 1880, 1892, 1975, 1998, 2052,
Pakyngton, Sir Thomas, 334 2159*, 2244
Palacio, Francesco de Torres del, see Torres Papal conclaves, 903, 924, 974, 1918
Palacios, Pedro de, 120] Papal court, 1299 Palaemone, Juvenalis de See also Curia Romana De nomine, 841 Papal decisions, collection of, 648
Palamas, Gregory, 698 Papal indulgences, see Indulgences
Palavicino, Sir Horatio, 305; a.l.s., 1609 Papal nuncio at Paris [A.D. 1581], 1511 Palazolis, Laurentius Papal penitentiary, 2107
Privilegia fiscalia, 1039 Papirius Cursor, 827
Palencia, 1070, 1593, 1632 Papist, see Interpreter Palentieri, Alessandro, 1917 Pappas Alexandreus Paleotti, Gabriele, Cardinal Synagégai mathématikat, 531 Del bene della vecchiezza, 748 Pappus, Johannes, 2090
Palermo, 261, 1295, 1547, 1588, 2090 Papyri, 173, 467, 488, 674, 747, 761, 895, 1103, Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi, 1609 1279, 1362, 1754, 1842, 1856, 1972 Palestrina, Johannes Maria, Bishop of, 1411 Parabola super lapide philosophorum, 1988
Paliano, Duchessa di, 1917 Parabolae Salomonis, 473, 1163, 1237, 1960 Palimpsest, 2, 236, 388, 770,1049, 398,676, 678, i, eeBibAoc also Salomon , , , , , 80, 888-9, 973, 980, aeadsioos, tOv ayiwvy yeodvtwv £
——-Yo7s* 1104, 1108, 110, 1113, Tt17, i223 keveran 113 MON YEROVEON NENG 1127, 1170, 1180, 1225-6, 1249, 1368, 1457, Paradise 1494, 1652, 1671, 1764, 1780, 1789, 1808, 1923, De arbore m paradiso. . . , 2280
2056, 2079 D’enfer de paradis, in verse, 587*
Palissy, Bernard, 1817 De gloria paradisi, 668 Palladius © Hortus paradisi, 754 507 De agricultura, 72 Sermo de gaudiis paradisi, De arte insitionis, 985 Voie de paradis, 1017
Palladius, Bishop of Helenopolis Paradoxum optandam adolescentibus esse mor-
Historia Lausiaca, 2103 tem, 1269
Pallavicini, Galeas, 116 Paralipomena, see Chronicles (Books of)
Pallavicini, Horazio, see Palavicino (Sir Parart (?), Joannes, priest (Liége), 223
Horatio) Pardave, Valentino, 2337
Palleano, Giorgio, 1561 Pardey, Thomas, 2172
Pallius, Johannes Pardo, Bartolome, 2330 De virtutibus corei serpentis, 48 Pardo, 258, 1613-4
Palma, Pardon, Sevenby, things for recewing, almer,1568 Edward, poems 2268necessary .
P a ? Pardus, Saint, 500
. aredes, Pedro de, 2328*
ane Sir Henry, 114, 280, 337, 400, 1558%, Paré, Ambroise, 750
Palmer, Richard, 27 Parent, countersignature 1542
une, 182
palmistry, English treatise on, 1800 Paris, Bishop of, [A. D 1518], 116
Paloma Aloe) 34° 2327 Paris, embassy of Sir Thomas Edmondes to,
Palomino, Capt. Juan Alonso, see Alonso :
Paltock, Edward, of Kingston-on-Thames, 433 Pant Pre S48 ‘800, woes st Echevins of,
Palvesin, Galeas, see Pallavicini Paris, 68(HM 359), 115(HM 21475). 26 pamachius (2; Johannes Maria, 1918 (1092), 1282(25) “1511, 1542 1568.” 1668 Bamphilia, poems from, to Amphilanthus, 277 Chotch ot tell 1831, 1882(6)
pamphilus, 316 rollege de Clermont, 1246, 2058 Pancratius, Saint, 1723 Parliament 40 Pandolfini, Filippo, 1915 Ste-Chapelle du Palais, 186
Pandolfini, Marietta widow of Pandolfo, 1915 Paris, mss., letters and d i pandolfini, Pietro Filippo de, 190, 263 13, 93* 97 100-1 TO ot 130 "OS3¥ DBS"
andolfini family, 660 303*, 350, 397, 407-8, 530, 582. 629. 6Re JOU, , ~5, , , 611, 611, 629,1140, 685, Pandorus, a play, 909 776, 809, 816, 871,»880, 928-9, 957, 1014,
Paris—C ontinued Parys, William, of Bryngkelowe, 1348 1271, 1282, 1346, 1375-6, 1382, 1396-7, 1401*, Pascal, Thomas, 1564 1405*, 1413, 1418, 1421, 1431, 1433, 1449, 1475, Pascha 1477, 1491, 1511*, 1520, 1532-3, 1534*-5*, 1538, Consecratio ceret paschalis, 234
1541, 1543*, 1544-5 1547, 1564*, 1566*, 1568, Correctio calendarii pro recta Pasche..., 1571*, 1574*, 1575, 1576*, 1588, 1592*, 1600, —2004* 1623, 1628-30, 1635, 1666, 1685, 1691*, 1745, De Pascha, 107 1746*-7*, 1748, 1771, 1824*-5*, 1828*-9*, 1831, Versus paschales, 921
1858*, 1860-1, 1863, 1864*-5*, 1867*, 1869, See also Easter, Sedulius
1881*-3*, 1931, 1957, 1962, 2040, 2089-90, 2092, Pasmore, Denys, of Halberton (Devon), 326
2115-6, 2129*, 2221, 2231, 2323 Pasqualeto, Agamemnone, 1526
Paris, The Massacre at, by Christopher Mar- Pasquali, Giacomo, 1013
lowe, 315 Pasquil, Guillaume, 227
Paris calendar, Breviariatm, 229, 778; Horae, Passagerii, Rolandinus 11, 457, 515*, 526, 527*, 635, 674-5, 718, 741, Flos ultimarum voluntatum, 1047 748, 783-4, 785*-6*, 789*-93*, 794-5, 796*, Passamonte, Migucl de, a.l.s., 1344 798, 799*, 801*-2*, 803, 804*-5*, 806-7, 809, Passavant, 226 873*, 874, 949, 962, 1054, 1084, 1194-5, 1204*, Passerini, Silvio, Cardinal, 1610
1267, 1276, 1277*, 1290, 1651*, 1809*, 1810, Passio Christi, see Jesus Christ 1839, 1850, 1852, 1949*, 1950, 1957, 1985*, Passio S. Andreae, in verse, 678 2034*, 2035-6, 2037*-8*, 2113, 2116*, 2117, Passio S. Catherinae martyris, 2279
2123, 2157; Missale, 775 Passio S. Dionysii, S. Rustici, et S. Eleutheru,
Paris use, Horae, 13, 31, 91, 92*, 94*, 95, 97-8, 2279 99*, 100-01, 102*, 133, 154, 158*, 159, 165, 171, Passio S. Marinae martyris, 2279 210, 235, 458, 485, 495, 634, 752, 782, 902*, Passio S. Martyrum X millium, 1674 948, 957-8, 977, 1051, 1055, 1061, 1088, 1137, Passio S. Sebastiani, S. Tiburtii, S. Victoris, 1143, 1151, 1233, 1319*-20*, 1321, 1322*, 1323, 1472
1365, 1377-9, 1392, 1399, 1402*-3*, 1409*, Passion plays, in German, 1242 1419-20, 1423, 1433, 1434*, 1447, 1452*, 1481, Passionale, 1178 1651, 1655, 1673, 1857, 1943, 1989, 2038, 2101, Passionale novum, 457(141)
2136, 2144, 2185*: Missale, 776(119), 1286, Passionate Pilgrime, The, 269, 272, 294, 314
2006; Officium B. V. M., 1760; Psalterium, Passions are lkened best to floods and 1398; Vigthae mortuorum, 2168; Excerpta streames, sonnet, 1200
ex Rituals Paristenst, 924(36) “Passport to St. Peter”, 2302
Parisians, see Remonstrance Passus de Dobet, 58 Parisiensis cantor, 1765 Pastene, Juan Bautista de, sce Bautista
Park, John, 1669 Paston, Edmund, 1623
Parke, Ed., son-in-law of Hester, Lady Tem- Paston, John, 1608, 1623
ple, a.l.s., 359 Paston, Sir John, 368, 1524, 1550, 1554, 1581
Parkehurte (?), signature, 403 Paston, Sir William, 1581, 1618, 1630 Parker, Matthew, Archbishop, 1609-10 Pastoralis oculus pascens officia, 1934
Parker, Phillip, 301, 1629 Pastrana, Alonso Delgado de, see Delgado
2239 See also Carta de hidalguia
Parker, William, keeper of the Privy Seal, Patent of nobility, 111, 1586
Parker, William, of Kingford, Claredon Patent rolls, 207, 584
(Warwickshire), 304 Pater works om2163 3, 231, 754, 1007, Parkyn, W., 22Noster, *, 2003, Parleo, Petrus Patientia Vita Homert, 1183 De patientia, 747
Parkyn Wille. poems by, 2268 See also Lord’s Prayer, Oratio Dominica
ae Patriarchs, the XII, 107, 602, 1165, 1227(B.10)
Parhament, England, 399(1331.2), 418(1617.1), — Patricius Saint. 1802 426 (1782.2), 447-8 (SM.29-30), 577(220), 1046 Patristic extracts 181; — texts, 1678
(149), 1617, 2177 (VIII) ; rolls, 378, 380, 421, See also Church Fathers 392, (and proceedings) 393, 413, 426, 445, Patrizio de’Piccolomini, Agostino, Bishop of
982; speeches in, 50*, 106, 143, 146, 284, 372, ...- yon: a: ; 580, 1506, 2177: statutes, 1026 Pienza and Montalcino, 1693
See also Form and manner, Modus tenendi Pau, 1140, 1575, 1583, 1584*, 1738*, 1827,
parlamentum, Westminster 2095-6
Parma, Duke of, 1526, 1595 Paughoskan (Cilicia), monastery, 761
Parma, 974 Paul, Saint, 1911(11)
Parma... , Hans, 737 Life of, 878, 1135, 1258
Parnassus, The Progresse to, play, 313 Descent of Saint Paul into Hell, 131 Parniza di Maza, Pietro Antonio, 1355 Quaestiones de raptu S. Pauli, 481(72) Parra, Miguel Ruiz de la, see Ruiz See also Epistles, John Chrysostom (Saint),
Parrott, Sir John, 445 Seneca Parry, Sir Thomas, 416, 1617 Paul II, Pope, 263, 473, 1680
Parsons, songs by, 342 Paul III, Pope, 264, 496, 936, 1302, 1541, 1610*
Parsons, Robert, 49 Paul IV, Pope, 486, 924, 1610 Partiall Law, The, tragi-comedy, 327 Paul V, Pope, 6, 842 Parvum Officium B. V. M., 1818 Paulet, Sir Amias, 284, 300
GENERAL INDEX 103 Paulet, of Addington (Kent), 381 Paulet,Ehizabeth, Sir Hugh,1610 1610Pelsante, Pelsett,(eorge, George, 38 Paulet, William, Marquess of Winchester, see Pelsett, William, of Ightham en 379, I
Winchester Pembroke, alleged signature, ; poems by,
Paulinus, Johannes, see Pallius Paulus, Frater Pembroke, Earl63 of, 296, 299, 305, 357, 372, Liber penitentiarius, 2307 1012, 1554; P.C.L., 279, 301, 369, 386, 416,
Paulus Diaconus, 667, 840, 1188, 2315 422, 430, 436, 1616, 1617* |
Historia gentis Langobardorum, 1644 Pembroke, Philip Herbert, 4th Earl of, 312, Homiliarium, 703 436, 2273 Paulus Nicoletus, see Nicoletus Pembroke, William Herbert, 3rd Earl of, 280, Paulus Pergulensis 433; a.ls., Quacstiones logicae, 2056 | Pembrokeshire, 1579
Paulus Praedicator Pefialosa, Diego de, 2146 Summa de paenitentia, 1232 Pendlebury, Marie, 2270
Paulus, Joannes, of Ferrara, 1356 Pendock, Lilliam Le... , of, 1157
Pavia, 217, 1188, 1522, 1540, 2197, 2138, 2223; Peneur, near Dolhain, 195
Battle of, 1540, 1567 Peniers-le-Chastel, Prévdté de, 1836
Pavye, Frangois, 1587 Penitentia Salomonis, 571 Pawlfreyman, Thomas Penitential Psalms, see Psalms
Certain selected prayers, 1390 Penn, William, 1837 Payan, Albar Perez, see Perez Pennier, Colard, 1836 Payazit, see Bayezid Pennington, Sir William, 1528 Paynter, William, see Painter Penrie, David, 1557
Payton, Sir John, 417 Penry, John,1349 136 Cf. Peyton Penrynburgh,
Paz,Maria Alonsode de, la, 2334 pensauro, Laurentius de, “ee 2048, Taurens: tateuch, ; ,Greek, 1175, Bar Pedro de, 2335*2162 Pentekostarion, in 1123
Paz, Rodrigo de,Pepoli 2331 Penteney, 978 Peacham, Henry family, of Bologna, 2080 Emblemata varia, 446 Pepys, John, 405
Pébrac, M. de La Porte, Peccata, 87 seePéral, Sins Peralbares, 2331 1862
Peccatum Peraldus, Guilielmus
De “CnGautier consent peccati 587 fiber eruditionss religiosorsm, 880 Pech, del, ermones domunicales,
Pecke, Thomas, lord mayor of Norwich, 393 Summa de vitiis, 230, 574, 677, 1682
Peckham, Johannes, 2016(4) Summa virtutum et vitiorum, 1317, 2052 De mysterio numerorum in Sacra Scriptura, Tractatus de vitiis, attributed to, 1766
1847 Perales, Bartolomé Rodriguez, see Rodriguez
De sphgera,Reginalc a Perales y Vera, Juan Rodriguez de, see RodPecock, riguez Rule of Christian Religion, 1465 Percy, William, plays: Pedigrees, noble families, 351 A Country’s tragedy in Vacuniam, 38
Pedley, Robert, 1537 Aphrodisial; or, Sea feast, 39
Pedrarias, 2331 | Arabia sitiens, 38
edro, , ima, ’ aery pastorall,
Pedro Lot ase ast waa Cuck-queanes jnd cuckolds errants, 38
Peele, G., 3 ari7,
pedrocea family, Brescia, 999 Necromantes, 30
Pegasus, Johannes Baptista, 155 pores amar, Gaspar de, 533 Peines de PEnfer (2), 1994 Sermones de tempore et sanctis, 714
See 34 also Poenae p sister : q -.of 1015 Pekin, Peretti, Camilla. Sixtus2332 V, 1611 Pelagia, Saint, 1638, 2279 Perez, Albar . Pelagianus, 2280 Perez, Andres, 2331 Pelagius, 466, 667 Perez, Antonio, als., 1611 Juliant ad Demetriadem epistola, 2340 — Vida de Phelipe TT. 530 Pelagius, deacon of the Roman church, 908 Perez, Capt. Bartolomé, 2329
. 1 , ary, 2180
Pelatus, Franciscus, of Padua, 236 Perez, Diego Nufiez, see Nufiez Pelichon, Thomas, 1828 Perez. Elvira. 2335 Peliciis, Guillermus de. surgeon, 1869 Perez. Esteban. not 2
Pellisson, Raymond, 1605 Perez. Francisco, 2331 Pelsant, Christopher, 382; of Ightham (Kent), Peres G. 1735 ° 382: of Mylton (Kent), 381 Perez. Garcia. 2335
Pelsant, Launcelott, of Ightham (Kent), 368 Perez, Gaspar, 2337 Pelsant, Thomas, of Market Bosworth (Lei- Perez, Juan, notary, 2336
cestershire), 381 Perez, Luys Nufiez, see Nufiez
Pelsant, William, of Leicester, 382 Perez Barahona, Juan, 538
104 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Perez de la Helguera, Pedro, 1426 Petimodave-en-Condros, 195 Perez de Ribadeneira, Hernan, 2334 Petit, countersignature, 1591
Perez de Valer, Alonso, 2326 Petit, Estienne, receiver general, 115, 274 Perez de Vergara, Capt. Juan, 2338 Petit, Jacques
Perez de Vicuna, Juan, 2328 Justification de Jehan de Bourgogne sur... Perez de Villalvin, Juan de, 1299, 1300 mort... duc d’ Orléans, 1853 Perez Payan, Albar, 2334 Pett antidotatre de Nicolas, 891
Perfection Petit Office de la Vierge Marie, 1367, 1407, Quaestiones...de gradibus perfectionts, 481 1412 See also Adresse Petra, Michel de, O.P., 719 Pericles, 314 Petranigra, a signature, 1917 Périgne, 1601 Petrarca, Francesco, 90, 131, 155, 803, 1248, Périgny, le Président de 1250, 1683, 1773(119), 1894; life of, 843,
14221590 Bucolicum carmen, 1755 Périns, Canzom e Sonetit, 843 Periodus Canzomere, 1456, 1462 Verbes latins avec leurs equivalents frangats, 1074-5, 1250-1, 2296
De Periodo, 1916 Canzonicre e Trionfi, 1072
Perkes, Thomas, 312 De rebus memorandis, 1247
Perks, Elizabeth, 354 De remedius utriusque fortunae, 152; frag.
Pernambuco, 2148 2063 Pernet, [A. D, 1575], 1611 De vita solitaria, 537, 882, 1078
Peronne, 1823, 1836 [ipistola, ad Petrun de Rethorica [rcad: Perrachion, Pietro, 266 Ganum de Colle, 1248
Perottus, Nicolaus, 1893 Petrum rhetorem| de Bononia, 1248; ad Perrenot, Antoine, Cardinal de Granvelle, 1569 Rime, 596, 1329, 1427
Perrinet, Perrin, 1829 Septem psalimi poenttentiales cum litania, Perronius, Comes Alexander, 223 1248
Perseus, Cellini’s statue of, 1538 Sonettt, Canzoni, Trionfi, 20, 153, 748, 843,
Persia, KingSonetti of, 392 1248*-9*, 1446 Persius e Rime, 922 Batrachomyomachia, 2302 Sonetti e Trionfi, 1676
Satirac, 46, 134, 155*, 445, 833, 987, 988%, Trionfi, 843, 990, 1073*, 1077, 1204, 1250*; 1120, 1225, 1444, 1773, 2155, 2173, 2254, comm., 1250
2302, 2303; comm., 2252 See also Morcto Persona, Gobelinus Petrarca, PseudoChromeca brevis [seu Cosmidromiun], 1402 De wmperatoribus Romanis, 985
Pertinope, a poem, 1996 Psalint confesstonales, 1247
Peru, 61, 125, 169, 201, 208, 241, 1302, 1345, Petre, letter to, 117, 1563 1505, 2114, 2148, 2180. 2256, 2286, 2320, Petre, Robert, 108, 113, 298, 302, 341, 348, 393,
2325-38 417, 1536, 1537*, 1538, 1557*, 1619, 1633,
Perugia, 659, 1039, 1500, 1603, 1760, 1841; San 1733*, 1734, 1737
Pietro, 1568 Petre, Sir William, 301, 364, 374, 376, 423,
Perugino, Pietro, 1611*; a.ls., 1611 1597, 1616, 1624
Peryam, Sir William, 1611 Petre, William Pctre, 2nd Lord, 425
Pesaro, 260, 855, 1549* Petreius, Johannes, 2092
Pescara, Marchesa di, see Colonna (Vittoria) Petri, Lodovicus, of Florence, 209 Pescara, Saint, 169 Pesculum,854 1776Petronius, Petrucci, Pandolfo, als. 1612
Peso, Pedro del, 2330 Petrus de Abano, 1303 ' Pestell, Rev. Thomas De venents, 1311, 1464 Perditi poemata, 965 Petrus Aicardus, [Marseille, 1217], 1869
Pestilentia Petrus de Alcantara, Saint, 2154 De pestilentia, 48 Petrus Alfonsi, see Alfonsi Hymnus contra pestilentiam, 1944 Petrus de Alliaco
Tractatus contra...pestilentiam, 106 Devota meditatio super Ave Maria, 473
See also Charms, Epistola Imago mundt, 2310 Petenari, Antonio di Martino, 1605 Petrus Alphonsus, see Alphonsus Peter, [A. D. 1580], 1634 Petrus Blesensis
926 Petrus rhetor de Bononia, 1248
Peter, [A. D. 1589], auditor of the Exchequer, Super Job, 2222
Peter, Saint, 1468 Petrus de Cacia 914 [Dacia ?] See also Passport Calendarium,
Peter Martyr, Saint, 925, 1978 Petrus Chry soogus Peter ofinByzantium Pp Comestor, true Con1644 1 Hymns, Greek, 1105 etrus
Bible historiale, 845, 1336, 1426, 1439 Peter of Peckham _ Astoria Scholastica, 167, 188, 567*, 919 La Lumiere aux lats, 1498 1316, 1671, 1848, 2049, 2190 )
Peterborough Cathedral, 294 Super Evangelium Lucae et Acta ApostoloPeters, [A. D. 1585], 1512 rum, 647
GENERAL INDEX 105 Petrus Damianus, Saint Philelphus, Franciscus, 1673; letters, 653, 1683
Commendatio de vita solitaria, 571 (33); poems, 1895(32) , .
Sermo de linguae vitio, 457 Philibert de Chalon, Prince of Orange, 1539,
Petrus Diaconus 1608 Gesta Langobardorum, 2279 Philiberti Visio, 1239
Petrus de Ebulo Philip of Neri, Saint, 1519. a 7 Carmen de balneis Terrae Laboris, 106 Philip I (le Beau), of Castile, 116, 251, 2097
Petrus Hispanus Philip I, of Portugal, 679 | Aquae, 1903; extracts from, 48 Philip II, of Spain, 112, 143(EL.1721), 218, Summulae logicales, 753; comm., 1790* 265(1409), 578(238), 1154(3), 1539, 1598, Thesaurus pauperum, 237, 879, 911, 916 1917(35), 2162* (G.31-3), 2282 (893) ; autogr.,
Petrus Loinbardus 491, 1612*, 1613; a.l.s. 689, 1613, 2092; cLs.,
De sacramentis ecclesiae, 1137 110, 550*, 955, 1219, 1513, 1597*, 1612*-3*, Epistolae S. Pauli, with glose of, 618 1844, 2092, 2148*; docum. (copy), 550; ls.
In Psalmos, 621(20), 1429(337), 1983 749, 928-9, 1014, 1597%, 1612*-3*, 1735*, 1862, Sententiae, 17, 529, 646, 753, 879, 1231, 1764, 2114, 2129, 2231; letter to, 266, 374, 1605, 2050, 2236; comm., 17, 166, 185, 481, 483*- 2160: cedulas, 184*, 208; instructions, 4*, 526, 880, 997, 1075, 2051(140), 2119; Charles V, to, 143; instructions by, 1612”; mnemonic verses on, 1765(68); Tabula of, life of, 530
2106 (2) See also Carta de hidalguia, Perez (AnPetrus Mantuanus tonio) Tractatus de instanti, 1263 Philip III, of Spain, 185, 392, 555, 975, 1300, Petrus de Palude 1746, 1917; d.s., 266, 550, 1614; Ivs., 436,
In libros Sententiarum Petri Lombardi, 17 1614 Petrus Prior See also Carta de hidalguia Additiones super regula S. Salvatoris, 162 Philipo, El privilegio de, 1166 Petrus de Riga Philipot, John, 131 Aurora, sive Biblia versificata, 920, 1489, Philippe Il Auguste, of France, 1275
1647, 2049, 2218; excerpt from, 2048 Philippe IV, of Ifrancc, 938, 1037, 1614
Petrus de S. Audomaro Philippe V, of France, 1614 Nova Quadrans, his correction of, 884 Philippe VI, of France, 1036, 1614, 1829 Petrus de S. Dionisio Philippe (le Bon), Duke of Burgundy, 1988
Ars cantus, 245 Philippine Islands, 546, 2161
Petrus de Toledo, see Toledo Philippus, King of Macedonia Petrus, Bishop of Toul, 1827 Epistola ad Senatum Atheniensium, 985 Contra albos monachos, 699 Epistola ad Sampsonem Remensem, 1233
Petrus Venerabilis Philippus : Petrus Veronensis Philippus Rubricae super IV et V Decretalium, 559 Epistola Aristoteli, 1226 Petrus de Vineis Philippus de Bergamo
Epistolae, 1934; frag., 647 Cato moralisatus, 823
Petrus and Gregorius, see Dialogue Philippus, Archbishop of Cologne, 1639
Pettye, John, of Stoke (Oxfordshire), 305 Philippus, O.M.
Petway, Mary, 378 Sermo de S. Henry Briyttta, 1641 Peucer, Caspar, 1604 Phillipps, Peuliss, Georg, 2087 Almanack, 1797 Peyton, Sir John, 335, 346, 1558 Astronomical arithmetic, 1797
Cf. Payton Astronomy, 1797
Pez de Almacan, Miguel, 1344 Dialling, 1797
Pezzo, Giovanni Bernardino del, 226 Seaman’s astronomy, 1796
Pezzo, Jeronimus Franciscus of, 225 Time’s surveyor, 1797 | Pezzo, Luca del, 225 Phillips, Morgan, goldsmith, 421 Pezzo, Sebastiano del, 226 Philo (and Pseudo-Philo), life of, 1679 Pezzo, Tiberio del, 226 Antiquitates biblicae, 1679, 2340
Pfeffer, Johannes De vita contemplativa, 1679 Sermones de tempore et sanctis, 487 In Genesim, 1679
Phalaris Philocrates, see Aristeas Epistolae, 236, 1144, 1443-4, 1893*, 1904; Philoméne, Saint, 472
frag., 1946, 1977; in Greek, 761; in Italian, Philosophers, excerpts from, 456, 1266
1180 See also Breviloquium, Dicta, Dictum, Ma-
Phaon, see Ovidius teria, Moralium, Sententiac
Pharetra fidei contra Judaeos, 1641 Philosophers’ stone, treatise on, 995, 1986*-7*,
Pharmaceutical drawings, 1846(8) 2000*, 2106
Phenix, alchemical fract, 1987 See also Parabola ernesius, Alexander, 2251 Philosophical
tex 2 i C |
paeybart, Goffins de, seigneur de Lizen, 193 Latin, Ba (10) 221, 323 (36) 3° 1880 m
edy, 375 ing of Thrace, scenario of a trag- Philosophy, lecture notes on, 422, 1781, 2276 Phil ’ Philosophy, treatises: in English, 1800(260) ; wl aretus a in Latin, 422, 433(1997.1), 755, 1784(171)
e pulsibus, 453, 860 See also Natural philosophy
106 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Phlebotomy, calendars for, 1904(13); treatises Pineda, Luis de, 2335
on, 915(21)* Pinellus, Peregrinus, 978
Phocas, excerpts from, 1780 Pinerolo (Piedmont), 2244 De nomine et verbo, 841, 1443 Pinto, Pedro, 2335*
De praenomine, 841 510) prince de Carpi, 1564 Phrygio, Paulus, a.l.s., 954 {ilberto, io Boneli, Antonio, Phynes, William, of Flechampsted (War- Piombino, 1078(1036A)
wickshire), 277 Pipe Rolls, 1025 |
Physiognomy, English treatise on, 1800 Pirckheimer, Wilibald, 954, 1205
Physiologiae specialis tractatus, 1798 Pirono, 1902 ; Physiologus, in Greek, 1440 Pisa, 257, 261-2, 1527*, 1588, 1601, 1602*, 1791, Pia, Lucrezia, 654 1915*, 2219; Council of, 594; San Lorenzo, Piacenza, 1078(1036A), 1216, 1546, 1561 near, 2219; San Marco de Calcesana, 1198 Piantaporri, Giovanni,177 of Therio, 721 5 isanus, Bertucius, of Ruperiscretti, 2128 Piatus, Saint, iscatorius, Johannes, 2090
Piazza Lodi, di, 1247Anne 5 sits de, in castino C) pancte Jaterine’, 208 Pibrac,daM. de, Calisto 1596 isseleu, duchesse d’Etampes, a.l.s., Pibrac, Guy Du Faur, sieur de, see aur 1560
Picado, Antonio, 2335 Pistoia, 1919
Picardy, 1542,Nicolao, 1566, 1619, 1625 fitano, Tudovicus de, see Ludovicus Piccinino, 961 Pitcher, France, 1731
Piccininus, Chri., 1665 | Pitchthorne (Buckinghamshire), 440 Piccolomini, Aeneas Sylvius, see Pius II Pithou, Nicole, 1730
Z10 Pitt, William, 293
Piccolomini, Agostino Patrizio de’, see Patri- Pithou, Pierre, 1169, 2086
Picenino, Nicolao, see sone Patt aie te of Keyer-Wyard (WorcesterPicinardo, Bastiano, 1603 shire), Pico della Mirandola Pius II, Pope [Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini], Expositio Psalmi_ quinquagesinu, 999 445(SM 14), 586, 1683
Picques, Pierre, 1888 ad Turcum, with the Responsio, 702 Pictor Hebraeus, Copilius, 860 Carmen de Passione, 1779 Pictor, Richard, 415 De duobus amantibus, 1291, 1412 pcs r Onanofian Hf risers 1291 540 icus,ater Vincentius, Naples laloguscuriarnea, de situ Thabor. .., 164
*1edmont, ; 4e
, oe pupnicis jueicns imnstituta, 560 Epistola ad Sigismundum ducem Austriae,
Piedrahita, Juan de, 2330 Oratio de morte Eugenu IV, 169
;¢laint= 1917* >;see,.Luxembourg ’ Pi M de. 1535
Pierre de La Palud, sec Petrus de Palude Pius III, Pope, 1614
Pierre de Luxembourg, 786 (181), 789(201) Pius IV. Pope, 6, 264, 486, 924, 1303, 1614 Pierre de Luxembourg, comte de Saint-Pol, Pius V, Pope, 220*, 259, 906, 1615*, 1830, 2160
Pierre des Vaux de Cernay Pizarns Pray B ni 2339 Chronicon Simonis de Monteforti, 896 Pizarto Fran pa etry 1505. 2114 Pierrefonds, 614 Pizarro, Gonzalo, 125 (governor) 2330* Piers, John, Archbishop of York, 1559, 1614 Pizarro’ Hermando, 12S
Prers Plowman, Vision of, 51, 54*, 56, 58 Pizarro, Juan, 2336
Pietas — Pizarro, Juan, Martin, the lad,2335 2330* De pretate, 1228 Pizarro,
Pila Pizarro, Pedro, 61, 125, 2333* De evulsione ptlorum, 995 and 2304 Pizarro, Rodrigo, 2337
Pilate, Pontius Pizarro-La Gasca mss., 125
dPraete | le anf izinel, Nichola de,
Epistola. . de Christo, 1500, 1769, 1771, 1894 parros, the, 8 1681 1 lgrinage and ways of Jerusalein, poem, 58 Pizula, Nicolaus, 224
Cap alsa Pylkyngton Pigzighetone, Marquis of, see Trivulzio (TeoTournament of Tottenham, 967 Pheia diaicate, 10 44
Pilkington, Gilbert, of Tottenham .
Pimentel, Don Alfonso, 1585 | Placita coronae, 1027
Pina Ray de, 1698 Bp fcita resis, 2019
Pinart, countersignature, 1534* Plaifford, 428 ” Pinay, Duc de, sce Luxembourg (Frangois de) — Planctus Virginis de morte Filii sui, 1789 (195) Pinchebeck, William, 441 Planets, movements of, 1784; notes on, 1797;
Bachon, Gulhelmas, 230 ables of, BOHM TOL), 244(167),, 1268 Ihadus epitome, 1755 : C anones de motibus planetarum, 1782 Pineda, Francisco de, 2326 Conditions of the Seven Planets, 916
Pineda, Padre Francisco de, 2327* De signis planetarum, 1009(87)
GENERAL INDEX 107 De virtutibus planetarum, 914 Plutarchus, excerpts from, 2253
Theorica planetarum, 235(122), 1791 A pophthegmata, 830, 838 . ; .
95, ff. 146-7 YF . York e virtute et vitio,
Tractatus contra theoricam planetarum, 883 De comiuralione Catilinae ex vila Ciceronts,
Planteeenet Biard. 2nd Duke of York, see ie iberis educandis, >°9, 818, 982 Plantagenet, Richard, Duke of York, see York Epistola ad Trajanum, 1894 Plantin, Christophe, 1627 and 2343; a.l.s., 1169 Histotres des vertueuses femmes, 1431 Plantin’s Polyglot Bible, letters concerning, Vitac: Alexandri Magm, 1758; Aristidis,
1522list 1758; Bruti,885, 81;1758; Cacsaris, BO164, as ;Catonis, Plants, of, 1955(15) Ciceronis, 3. Cimo-
Planudes, Maximus, mathematical treatise, in nis, 1758; Demosthemis, 164, 885; Flaminit,
Greek, 1114 Franciscus 1798; Gracchorum, Platea de Bononia, de, 1964 ycurgt, ;885 Marcipueul Anionu,1738 411, ;
593 Vyrrh, 885; Sertorti, 885; 144° selectae, 830, Platearius, 891 Plato, 1125 pymouth, 372, mater Quibus monasterns debitumn reddi debeat, Numae Pompilu, 1673; Pavli Aemilii, 885;
Platina, Bartolommeo de’ Sacchi, a.l.s., 1615 Plymley, John, of Clavering (Shropshire), 401
De re publica, 530English, oemer,48(HM Hector, Phaedo 1087 Poems, 64), 51(HM 11+), 52,
Phaedrus, 444 53(HM 127), 54(HM_ 128-9), 56(HM 135), Timaeus, frag., 704 57(HM 140, 142), 58*, 61, 63*, 71(171M See also Ficinus (Marsilius) 501), 74, 131, 269, 270*, 272, 278, 283, 292,
Plautus, 588, 1777 319*, 332, 367, 372, 387, 438*, 535, 542(Ry.8), Comoediae, 490, 2163 830, Play, the first American,
981 ou6 965, 968*, 969, 1501, 1804(276), 1903*,
Plays Poems, French, 1498*, 2219 See also Miracle, Morality, Mystery, Passion Poems, Italian, 471, 589*, 925, 1785*
laz, 659 : a |
Plays, Chester, 37 . Poems, Latin, 1800(259), 1498(761)
lays, Italian, 3 eT
Plays, English, list of, 342(750.1) era ae jcarmina
Pee gpalests forbidden to attend, 2271 pot’ ae Peines
Plaza y Jaen, Cristobal Bernardo de, see Ber- De poemtentia, 1228
nardo ever poembentiarum, ue ec also Penitentia,2232 Summa
Cf. Peetica1780 ‘ ePledall re poetica,
P leadall, Gabryell, of Mydgeall (Wiltshire), pognitentiarius utilis pro confessoribus, 1179 Pleas of the Crown, see Placita coronae, Pla- Poetical commonplace book, 293, 318, 321(469.
cita regis 2), 1200, 1510(MA_ 1058)
Pledall, Gabriel, 287 Poggio, letters by, 703, 1893; letters to, 985,
Cf. Pleadall 07 translations by, 555, 578, 885, 1892 e nobilitate, Plessis, 118 Sopra, el Triompho Plessis-du-Parc, 683, 1542, 1568 ‘ della fama di Petrarca,
esseye, Charles de, 1965 ,
5 enarium in usum Minorum, 482 Orationes in Laurentium Vallam, 559
Plessis-les-Tours, 1531, 2198 posslo, Mgr., 688 Pletho, Gemistus Porte. a place, 260,John, 1603343 , ContraGeorgius Georgu Scholarii argumenta pro oints,
Bolssy: 382; nunsde, oe St,684, Louis;ci*1614 1550 DAristotele, tH uon543 oitiers, Diane alls,
Pig” Loe. tone deorum, 543 Poitiers, of 286, 1830; use, de, 1080. Ve ; , oitiers-Saint-Vallier, Aymar 1551
Plies ilustribus, ascribed to, 652, 838* Poitiers-Saint-Vallier jean de, als. 1551. iniusTe Junior
Epistolae, 1183, 1454 Polanco, Alonso, 1583 Plinius Major Polanco, Beltran de, 2334. Historia naturalis, 1226: excerpts from, 107, Polanco Bustamente, Francisco, 2334 235, 833, 966, 1988; treatise based on, 1997 Poland, 1190, 1879, 1919
Plompton (Sussex), manor, 413 See also Polish
Ploughman, Edmund, of Stooke (Norfolk), Pole, Gyles, a.ls., 1615
379 Pole, Michael de la, 1684
Plowden, Edmund, 349 140 polsge «Cardinal, 122, 1512, 1615*, Ommentaries, index to,cBinald. » a.I.S.,
rluckley ent), uITOLK
rete sorts on, 1507 Pole, William de la, 4th Earl of Suffolk, see Plunket, Patrick, 9th Lord Dunsany, see Dun- Polentone, Sicco
sany Argumenta XIT orationwn Ciceronts, 835
108 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Poley, John, 1634; of Stownkett (Suffolk), 353 Poor Clares, 85, 494, 883, 1166*, 1167, 1806
Police constables, 1031 Pope, see Forma juramentorum ..., Ordo S. Policianus, Bartholomeus, 2229 Romanae Ecclesiae, Popes Polidorus Bononiensis, 224 5 0Pe Sir William, 378
Polignano, 2131 opesof, 4, 1918 Polirone monastery Election
369 iniats. of,
Liber vitae of, 1459 See also Papal conclaves
Polish ambassador to England, [A.D. 1597], History of, 8, 896, 1009, 2059, 2138 Polish kings, decrees concerning Danzig, 1037 Prophecies concerning, 718, 1417, 1441
Politi, Marcantonio Various unnamed, 106, 1064, 1188(9, ff. 23r.-
Cronica di Reggio, 975 50r.), 1519, 1568, 1601
Politiques opham, Lord, 103 Opuscules politiques, 1645 Popham, Sir John, 926, 1537-8, 1559, 1883;
Politicall and civill Observations, 141 poi a’so Papal, F ope
Poliziano, Angelo, 936, 1266; a.l.s., 935 P. C. L. signed by, 69, 172, 281, 378, 383-4,
Pollard, A.,Lair 349of, poe 416,[A. 130, Pollart, the 50ay opon, D. wt 3], 620" 68 1"
Polo, Marco, 34 orcellius
Pollesini, Giovanni, detto Pedrolino, 280 FOPPi, municipal register of, 214 De mirabilibus Orientalium regionum, 897 Descriptio Gratiarum, 82 Narratio morum diversarum gentium, 1768 Porchus, Christophorus
Travels, in Latin, 1202 Lectura super I-III Institutionum, 560
livre des merveilles d’ Aste, 1488 Pordenone, Odericus de, see Odericus
Polyanthea, florilegiwm, 588 et Porphyrius, 2276 1179 Polybiusaommentariu quaestiones,
[listoriae, 1893; in French, 849 Isagoge, 913, 980(38), 1266, 2056; comm.,
Pomar, Juan Bautista, see Bautista 505, 888, 2194 Pomerania, Johann Friedrich, Duke of, 705 Porras, Diego de, 2331 Pomerania, Philip, Duke of, 705 Porras, Hernando de, 80
Pomerania, 705 Porta Pomeranus, Johannes, 1604 See also Della Porta
Pomerius, 668 Porta, Johannes Baptista Pommeroeul (Hainaut), 709 De manuum lineis, 2228
Pompeius, Sextus Porta, Nicolaus Matthaei de, see Matthei ; De Vergilio, 1182 Portacasa, Juliana, wife of Diomedes Petrus Pompon, Maclou, 1525 Porte, John, 1578
-ompey, aulus,
Ponce, Capt. Hernan, 2327 Portega, Alphonsus de, 223
Ponce, Pedro, 2326* Porter, Roger, 382 Ponce de Leon, Herman [sic], 2114 Portillo, Camp above, 1299
Pondera Portinton, William, 1558* De ponderibus, 883 Portisham (Dorset), manor, 1041 Expositio vocabulorum de ponderibus, 1034 Portiuncula, S. Maria de, 1227
Ponderham, John of, and Katherine his wife, P orfolan, eae cates Oo On eet ade? “na,
1393 | . 1462, 1463*, 1769, 1998*, 2126, 2i46*, 2147.
Ponick i ; 1649 See also Atlas, Maps Done. Rav, “1 des. 613 Portraits, classical, 827; of illustrious persons,
Pongelli, Hyacinthus, 721
Pons, Raymond es 6 : 827
pone ie 1C "363 u, Portsmouth, 117, 363, 413, 433, 927 Pont-d-Mousson, 1183 Portugal, King of, 974, 1946 Pont-Audemer, 1825 Portugal, 143(B1. 1615). 2267 (4444)
pont q An, 70° C le. 1690 Portuguese achievements (East Indies), 1466
pen de PA che te30°Portuguese de, Portuguese documents,to989(4504) ont-de-l’Arche, navigations India, 205
Ponte, Manfredinus de, 1965 f . ,
Ponte, Niccolo da, Doge, 855, 933, 2061, 2220 ¢rtuauese royal family, coll. of 175 letters
Ponte, Reginaldus de, dominus Riberiaci, 709 vs , Ponther, Jehan de, 1882 Possy, nuns, St-Louis of, 1614
Pontificale, 89, 739, 779*, 949, 1177, 1414, 1418, Postel, Guillaume | |
,Pontoullain, Potenza, 1919 Guillaume de, 1830 333
1424. 1431, 1693-4, 2031, 2200-1, 2338: frag.., peg ions ... francois jusques en Asie,
Doe e836, 1883 Pothecary, Jerome, of Stockton (Wiltshire), Ponz de Moretaynna, 659 Potier, countersignature, 110, 303, 582, 1690, Poole, Geffrey, 381 1744-5, 1747
Poole, Walton, poems by, 269 Potier, Jean, 254 Poor Caitiff, The, 1325 Potier, Michel, 356
GENERAL INDEX 109 Potosi, mines of, 2337 (270) Preces piae, 86, 231, 640, 675, 676*, 677, 73/7,
Potter, Edwarde, of Chaldon (Surrey), 404 815*, 816, 948, 987, 1008(81, ff. 7r.-24v.), Pottesland, near Bensyngton, 1349 1011, 1090, 1269, 1323, 1327, 1375, 1459, 1650, Pouchart, Robert, of Hendicourt, 1823 1661*, 1760, 1818, 2043*, 2044, 2236, 2250; ii
Poughley Priory (Berkshire), 2064 Dutch, 1945; in Latin and Dutch, 723; in
Pougny, M. de, 1574 German, 718; in Low German, 756; in Latin
Poulain,Michel, Jehan,227 1834 anddella Italian, 563 ... , De’, 2013 Poupart, Precetti lega divina Powel, Edmund, 983 Prelati, De electione, 1765 Powell, James, 431 Premierfait, Laurent de, 78-9, 846, 848-9
powell, Fremislia, ae owell, John, omas,er rémontré 6
Powle, a signature, 365 Prennes, countersignature, 1583 Howle, Stephen, of London, de, 320 Presanctified, Liturgy of the, in Greek, 1106, oyanne, Bertrand 1112, 1201
Poyet, Guillaume, chancelier de France, 1047 Presbvteri Poyntz. Sir Jonn, of Iron Acton (Gloucester- Qualiter presbyteri debeant esse probati, 587
Povntz ‘Sir Robert. 1530 Presconus, Raphael, notary, 224 Povzucll Putecl; Presidentiall.. .oobservations...for On, ve See ruteon ...0of souldiers, 400 the choosing
Practica memortiae artificialis, 835 ; . Prado, Licentiate Francisco de, 2328 Preston, Sir Christopher, 143
raecepta Legis, 571(147 , 1am,
Prado, Giraldo Rernandez de, see Fernandez Ereston, jhomas, 2
Praedicandi as, Suan-etonibus, ) PretarbueJohannes JohannesFranciscus (Gloucestershire), 300) “oe also Modus de, of Pavia,
Praelles, Raoul de, see Raoul . . 245*
Praemonstratensian use, 459*, 727 Preudhomme, Guillemin, 1606
Praemunire, case of, 145 Prevost family, 108 |
Praerogativa regis, see King’s prerogative Prévot, Jehan, receiver (Arques), 1828
Praesagia tempestatum, 836 Prezzato, Abbate, 260
Praet, Franchois de, 905 Prices, Jehan de, 609 |
Prague, 5, 117, 258, 533, 1300, 1389(123), 1562, Lrick of Conscience, The, sce Rolle
. ) ’ , Van de, a signature, 905
1624, 1665, 1846, 1965, 2303; St. Vitus, 1718 Price Sir Thomas, aa
Prato, 1530*, 2127; Augustinians of, 216* Priendt Van de ae Dratt ne, of Hatherne (Leicestershire) Priere a Jésus Christ, 1308
rawnaw, ne in Latin, 1760 Pour le Roy, 1663(4)
409 ee ” ’ Priéres, 1090, 1427; frag. 640(152)
prattica deve, fort del palazzo di Venezia, 935 Be eeme tS Oss} 816, 1324, 1466 (522)
Prayer roll, in Dutch, 677; in English, 1458; ne te S86 tO) oy 1657
Prayers, 810 (307) four ies jours de la semaine, 1404, 1457 (483) | rmenian, In Dutch, 551, 574, 637, 677(23), 1923 Priests, 907] (4787)
(5), 1945(53), 2013; frag., 640, 1975 See ulso Dialogue. Form and manner. Pres In, English, 57(in verse), 71(HM 502), 346, . byteri ieee: Ween yrm and manner, PresGOOD. 1721; a morning prayer, 294 srieto, Anvar Alonso, see Alonso
In Flemish 2 rignemault, 408 n plemis , 875, 1326(72), 1661, 1923(5), Primatitis, rater Jacobus de, 1227
In French, 31, 1685 rimer, see Abecedarium, Croix de par Dieu
In German, 19(3), 167, 461, 67 Primislas, King of Bohemia, 659
816, 930, Tare 1850, 7128 (1) he Princes, see Breviloquium, Gouvernement, In-
1711 struction, Régime, Zwelf Ratt
In Greek, 1110, 1115*, 1116, 1123, 1756* Priolis, Antonius de, 936
’ ’ ’ P "1s ‘| xc 8 In Russian, 1483(694) Ye anetre , atin
In Italian, see Septenario Prioris, Johannes, canonicus. basilicae’ B. Mest} eeag Val. 1986(o8y Me), wariag de Ure, 207 In Low German, 756, 1812, 2043(107) ipa en ones has oy mae
Protestant "2128 (51) De metris Terentu, 499
See also Benedictionale, Collecta, Gebetbuch, ne quatuor cine enh tN io 's. 1443
Ghebete, Liber _precum, Orationes, Prayer Epitoma, 841 | mS, Préaux, POM, Freces, Grammatica, 130, 960, 981, of, 1775, 1964; frag., J. de, £TIeTes 1608 1143, 2064; abridgment 1778 Precepts, see Praecepta, Precetti Instilutiones, 841 Preces, 1276(15), 1644, 1818(11) ; frag., 1717; Prise, Richard, poems on, 2227 pro infirmis ac defunctis, 1950 Pritwell (Essex), manor, 380
110 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Priuli, Antonio, Doge, 855 Prosper Aquitanus, his continuation of Luse-
Priuli, Costantin, 2126 bius, 556 Priuli, Girolamo, Doge, 854, 1469, 1470, 2220 De vita activa ct contemplativa, 605 Priuli, Lorenzo, Doge, 260, 1002 Epigrammata, 165
Privilegiortt recopilatio pro Medicatit Indica- Protagoras, 452
ction (?), 2159 Protestant, see Catechism, Catholic, Interpreter
Privy Council, letters or petitions to, 324, 329, Protestant prayers, in German, 2128 425, 1013, 1138(7), 2206(4119) ; letters patent Provengal, mss. written in, 613, 1806
signed by, 299 | Proverbes [en rimes] en francais, 848, 2292
Privy Council Letter (or Document), 69, 111, Proverbia Salomonis, 834, 882%, 976, 1407 (218)
114, 172(1), 252(1011), 285-6, 295-6, 298, See also Brionaeus (Martinus), Flosculus,
299*, 300*, 301, 331, 334, 338-9, 341, 343, 356, Salomon 369, 374-7, 378(1179.1), 383*-4*, 386, 391*, Proverbs (O. Test.), lessons from, Greek 400, 414, 416*, 420, 422, 430, 436, 438, 680-1, frag., 1108 926*, 936, 1615, 1616*-19*, 1620, 1731, 1736*, Proverbs, Latin, 494(8) 1737, 2199; — concerning Ireland, 66*, 172 Provinciae lotius orbis terrarum, 1324 (4), 279-81, 291, 299*-301*, 304-6, 330, 337, Provinciale, 106, 921(18) 364, 378-9, 383-4, 391, 398, 418, 423*, 432, Prucia, George de, 1577 681(65), 926, 941, 1620*-1*, 1736*, 2270 Priill, Carthusians of St. Vitus, 1644
Privy Seal, letter concerning, 1624 Prynne, William, 49, 289
Probus, 1493, 1780 Psalmi V de Passione, 574
Proby, Peter, 1619 . - Psalms
Processe of the Bible of english policy, The, In Armenian, 868
in verse, 57 In Dutch, 1132(7, ff. 154r.-250v.)
Processionale, 134, 153, 462, 1005(44), 1083, In English, 52, 57(HM 140, f. 168v.), 61,
1211, 1645, 1759, 1812, 2033(50), 2165 486 Processus contra Bohemos, 1474 In Greek, 465 and 2310 [Vth c.], 670, 1114,
Processus, Saint, 1911 In French, 515, 1407(218)
Processus de Forresla, 145 1124 Processus judicu, 1038 In Latin, 171, 1970(1); frag., 661(29), Processus Petri de Alcanys nuncu, 182 [Latin ?] 1079
Proclus See also Lectionary, Psalter Flementa theologica, 562 Psalms, Seven Penitential, 57( HM 142) Homelae, 1461 In Greek, 31(3) Procter, Thomas, of Gray’s Inn In Latin, 100(HM 1158), 640, 774, 1694;
Prochiron, manual of eastern Roman law, 697 In South Russian, 1483
Parishioner’s claim for the vicar’s main- frag., 1975 Profatius, see Prophatius Hebracus Comm. on, 2295; metrical, 57(HM 142)
tenance, 576 Selections from, 153(1)
Profectu religioso, De, 1229 See also Musaeus
Profectus religiosorum, 2007 a Psalms (or Psalter), works on
The, 112 701, 706
Progenie of ye monarchs of the Enghsh men, Commentarius in Psalmos, 166(22); frag.,
Prognostications, table of, 1800 Expositio in Psalterium, frag., 623(33)
Progresse to Parnassus, The, play, 313 Tractatus de Psalmis CIX-CL, 1697
Prohibitio regia, 1028 | See also Ambrosius (Saint), Augustinus
Promptuarium honuleticum, 572 (Saint), Honorius Augustodunensis, Jo-
Prophatius Hebraeus hannes Campensis, John Chrysostom
Quadrans novus, 914, 2299 (Saint), Meditations, Nicolaus de Lyra,
Prophecies, 63 (HM183), 1443(412), treatise Petrus Lombardus, Pico della Muirandola,
on, frag., 2224 . Psellus, Remigius Autissiodorensis, Ricar-
See also Arnaldus de Villanova, Merlin, dus de S. Victore, Rolle (Richard), Olivieri (Pio Antonio), Praesagia, Pro- Savonarola (Girolamo), Sermones
phetia, Prophetie Psalter
sua, 137 In Flemish, 110 Prophétie de Rouellond, 852 frag., 973 Prophets (O. Test.), lives of, 2103; notes on, In Low German, 2029 447 . In Latin, see Psalterium Argumentum in Prophetas, 460 Psalterium, 182(10), 232(114), 494, 1172, 1259, De ortu et obitu prophetarum, 876 1939(13), 1995, 2028(21), 2291; frag., 221 See also \ectionary, Minor Prophets 222, 233, 234*, 1236, 1720, 1939(16), 2065, Proportion 2233, 2313(7) De commutata proportione, 1785 Psalterium, Austria, 768 Prophetia de rege Edwardo IIT et de sequela In English, 623
Prophetia Sibyllina, 2052 In Greek, 971*, 1114, 1117, 1480, 1677, 2025;
De proportionibus, 1722, 1784 Psalterium, England, 59(HM 148, ff. 23r.-
Propositiones, 1790 202v.), 86, 130, 516, 621(25), 622*, 674, 771,
Proprietatibus rerum, Compilatio alia de, 1009 773, 870(34 [Tewkesbury], 35) and 2293, Proprium de tempore, 2034; et de sanctis, 986 918, 948, 1083, 1317, 1335(2), 1340[Work-
See also Officia, Officium sop], 1371, 1373, 1385(100, 102, 103[]enton
GENERAL INDEX 111 Priory]), 1391, 1419, 1481, 1484, 1497[Canter- Punctandi genere, De, 442
bury], 1502 [VIIIth c.], 1693, 1939, 2003, Puras, Sieur de, see Blan
2104, 2184; frag., 621(23), 622(29), 1423 Purefey, Humphrey, 1559 .
[Ramsey Abbey], 1724, 1911, 2204(14) Purefey, William, of Fflaunders (Warwick-
Psalterium, Flanders, 85[Ghent], 232, 771, 773, shire), 295 1208, 1327, 1384, 1386, 1395, 1400 [Liége], Purgatorium _ 1449 [Liége], 2028-9; frag. 621(22), 1135, De Purgatorio, 587
2204(14) Puritan, see Interpreter .
Psalterium, France, 165, 621(24, 25), 674(3), Purvey, John, his version of Wycliffe’s Bible, 770*, 771, 773*, 774, 871, 918, 957, 1015, 1308, 2122: of Wycliffe’s New Testament, 56, 956,
1333, 1370, 1379-80, 1384, 1385[ Beauvais], 1325*, 1434, 1441, 1995, 2122
1395, 1398, 1425, 1429*, 1463, 1654, 1857, 1890, Purveyor’s Book, 324
1938-9, 2029, ,2104, 2ll7, teriae) Putco, an ; 337 21914, 2 2325; ; westions Of 2123, nonor andParis armes, (58) “, piesfrag., eh) Puteo de Zittarde, Domicella Jutta de, 198
Psalterium, Franconia, frag., 1702 Puteoh oe a Psalterium, Germany, 19, 182, 232, (feriatum) Libellus de mirabilibus ctvitatis Putheolo510, 621 [Lindau], 676, 714*, 769*, 770, 1083, rum, 9750 1174, (glossatum) 1232(B.22), 1316, 1337, Putius, Laurentius, 1965
1383 [Cologne], 1419, 1446, 1687, 1719, 1890, Putte, Antonis van den, 205
1959, 2029*, 2104, 2164, (feriatum) 2314; Putti Rangona, Renea di, Countess, 1622 frag, 517, 663(45), 1133 [Salzburg], 1309, Puy l’Eveque, 611" 1418, 1419(284), 1703(D. 14), 1814, 2189* Puymirol, 1575* Psalterium, Italy, 83, 147 [Lucca], (diurnum) Puyscaulx, MM. de, 2198 470, 603, 719, 774(106, 107, 109 [Naples]), Pyckerell, John, 335 945, (nocturnum) 948, 996, 1083, 1163, 1178 Pyerius, Christoforus, 155 (16), 1211, 1301, 1884, 1886, 1890, 2123, 2145 Pygot, Thomas, 1578 | [Venice]; frag., 463, 623¥, 662(81), 1235, Pylkyngton, Sir John, 436
1711 (B. 16 [Florence]), 2286(55) Pym, John, 438
Psalterium, Netherlands, 770 [Utrecht], 774 Pynchestre, Roger, 1607 Psalterium, Rhineland, 771, 1387, 1938, 2028; Pypelinc, Maria and Susanna, 202
frag., 1477 Pyrani Terra, 1989
Psalteriuim, Spain, 76, 86, 176(1), 534, 1936 Pyrrhus, letter to, 1264, 1894, 1907 ; life of,
Psalterium, Switzerland, 769; frag., 1477 poe portrart of, 827 Psalterium, Tyrol, 769; frag., 1702 Pl agoras, Psalterium abbreviatum, 57(HM 142), 71, 1401 a a honissis. 1228 (186), 1410, 1469(541), 2251(A. 195.30) Prat Shai yt tram Psalterium et Horae, 771, 1059, 1154, 1335, p* atin. 190]
1378, 1490*, 1939, 1947 YX, Wan,
Pselius, comm. on Psalter, 971; notes from, Psellus, Michael, poem on medicine by, 699
Ptolemaeus de Lucca, see Thomas de Aquino Q
magestum, aT Quadrant
*. » hee . e quaarante, ; ,
Astrolablune in Catalan, 549 Gompositio quadrantis, 1785, 2299 «OCS P Me Oe om edo eats lessons on, De stmplict et composito quadrante, 2299 Geographia, in Greek, 548; in Latin, with noua. quadrans, oes 2299
maps, 91, 1330; frag., 213; maps only, 544 Ouadrans. a4
peiaarip oon, 548 Quadratura circult, 1785
Proverbi 745° . 1123 Quaestiones Quadriga spiritualis, 588 755 . Puebla. de jure, /| Puebla de los Angeles (Mexico), 2149 Quaestiones de giteris vel singulis catsis,
; , a catechism,
puente, Gonzato Cortes de Ia, see Cortes Quaestiones essentiales et accidentales, 1987
Pulci, Bernardo and Antonia Quaestiones et responsiones de divinis officits, Passione, Resurresione, Vendetta and Gitu-
dizio di Cristo, 1073 Quagia,inJohannes 480 Pulci, Luigi, als. 2097 Cosarium Genesint, Pulcourte, manor, 394 Quartey, Jaquet, 1826.
Pulgar, Hernando del Quatre hvres des Reis, frag., 2255 Cronica de Fernando y Ysabel, 745 Queen, rights of the, 140(EL.1170) Pullis, Jacobus de, 1355 Queminet, 1273
Pulton’s Kalender, index to, 2271 Queningburg, or Quenynburgh (Leicester-
1353 Quercus Julia, 1916
Punchardoun, Clarice, widow of Richard of, shire), 1349, 1752
Punchardoun, Ralph of, 1351 Querini, Francesco, 2070
112 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Qucts, Herjan, priest (Voelen), 193 Raibauda, [A. D. 1281], 1824
QOueva, Cardinal della, see Bedmar (Marchese Raimundus
di) De VII vitis principalibus, 920
Quiche language, 549 Raimundus mules, 1291 Ouietistas, Historia de los, 2166 Raimundus de Pennaforte
Quimper saints, 1673 Jus canonicum, 47 Quifiones, Antonio de, 2332 Summa, 517, 1117
Quifiones, Bartolomé de, notary, 2180, 2336 Summa de casibus conscientiae, 2154
Quinofies, Juan de, 2329, 2332 Summa de vitus, 1908
Quinonez, Francesco de, Cardinal, 266 Summula de casibus, libra IV, 1206
Quintero, Cristobal, 2327 Summula de Sacramentis, 575 Quintero, Hernando, 2336 Raimundus de Salgues Quinti, Lodovico, 2199 Mamifestatio secretorum Decrett. . . , 599
Quintilianus 1896 Raimundus pene ctne abbot (San Cucufate eclamationes, el Vallés), Quiny, John and Richard, 355 Rainaldo, [A. D. 1515], 686
quires Diego uiros, Dova Mariaaie de, ay 3334 Rainer, Bishop of Austria-below-the-Ems,
Quodvultdeus, 642* . Rainerius Eremita, 719 Quotidiana lectio Christiant, 1672 Rainerus, cognomine Corde benignus, 164 Quyney, Richarde, 340 Rainham, manor, 1024 . Rainoldus of Dassel, Chancellor of Frederick Ralegh, T Barbarossa, noe5,« 49, 50*, 65, 73, 121-2, Sir Walter,
R pe ae) ae Par 1200(22), 1219*, a 1731, 1732* R.J., B. Lit., 583 Ralph, Abbot of Buildwas, 136 ; , , 2317; a.l.is., 118, 285, 1622,
naa, Bishop of, 1191Augustalis, Rambaldt Benvenuto abanus iber 985 Sermo in festivitate Omnium Sanctorum, Romaleon, 922 Ramban, Nahmanides
Rabanus Maurus, 719 Guide of the people of Israel, 869 Cena nuptials, 1287 Rambertus, Bishop of Verdun, 497 ; nn Evangelium Hei naet 877 RambertusCardinal Venetus, Bartholomaeus, Exodum, S.trag,, Rambouillet, de, 582 2216 In Genesim, 1082(4) Rambouillet, M. de, 256(1102A)
sther, 184 “Tot
In libros. Lit Esdrae, Tobiam, Judith, ambouullet, Nicolas d’Angennes, seigneur de,
In libros Regum, 506 Rameoan Guillaume de, 612 jn Totancentan Vets, 1764 Ramirez, Acacio, 2337 Sermones de Beata Virgine, 991 Ramirez, Hernan, 2335 Rabelais, Francois, a.ls., 684 amirez, Juan, 2181, |
Rabutin, Francois de, 1867 Ramirez de Vargas, Melchior, 2336* Racha, Franciscus and Joannes de, 1641 Rammelsberg 933} Chronicle of, 564 Radbodus episcopus Tornacensis Ramos Juan, 2334
ussex chain o ussex ancoil,
Sermo de Nativitate Virgins, 1679 Ramse. Abbe 1423. 1579
Radcliffe Sir Henry, 2nd Earl of Sussex, see Randoil, John of Preston Bagott (War
Racclifie, Sir Henry, 4th Earl of Sussex, see ee
see Sussex andolph, omas, poems by,
Radcliffe, Sir Thomas, 3rd Earl of Sussex, pancotpn, ae poems by, re 05, 270, 319, 969
Radclyffe, see Radcliffe Randulf, Jehan, Viscount of Caen, 440 Radeclif, Adam de, 1869 Randulfe, a signature, 352
shire, 276* ou, Radnorshire, 1042 Raphael, Dr., [A.D. 1580-1644], 1846 Ragnierus, 72 , Ragusa, 974, 1543 Rappresentatione, 471* Raho, Antonius de Rasis, see Rhazes
Radeclif, Richard, son of William de, 1869 Rangona, Renea di Putti, Countess, 1622 Radford Symley (or Semeley), Warwick- Rangone, Guido, 936
Radley 983 Rao1042 de Praelles, | 642, 33h 1695, 2323 Radnor (Oxfordshire), Forest (South Wales), Pa: arama ouconcium,
Radnor Mill (South Wales), 1042 Raper, John, of Pikhill (Yorkshire), 380
Raghley, Walter, see Ralegh Raphael oanno, 687, 1205, 1622, 2097; als,
De liberis et posthumis, 560 Rastell, J., 1559 De testamentis, 560 Ratcliff, 547 In rubricas soluto matrimonio, 560 Rate for labourers and workmen, 1804
atisbon, 1539 13 GENERAL INDEX i
venhofen (Niederbayer Ballade. . . la gra , Raumburger, yers, 1 ry Seel, Regnier, Jaquemes, 182° Andreas cay musicale, 2258
ence, 48 1841, 1546, 1644, 2141; Confer- Regnault, Robert
Rauchopffers Christlicher 0 der S 1268 _ la grant deception des Bon, De 1345* studio sapientiae, sive Benjamin, 2049, Reval, < 139 evelationes divinae, see Signa Solita WY Revelationes Truthae virgin, 1010 in Psatinum ae vale. ag Reversio Sanctae Crucis, 2279 See also Richard ‘of Saint Victor Revesby Abbey, 888 Ricceriu: Mutius ° Revol, countersignature, 1744 Sacellum Eaxquilinium, 842
Rowley, Wile 36h Ricci, Catarina de’, Saint, see Catarina a pas at Ricci, Pier Francesco, 1538, 1601 Reynberd, Laurence and Margaret, 582 Ricciarelli Daniele “da Volterra” 1623 Keynolds, poems by, 269 Riccobaldus, Paullus, 1582
Reynoldus Romanus Rice Franas a 310 Complementum in partem III Summae S. Rich Lady 138
Thomae de Aquino, 2052 Rich, Edmund, Saint, see Edmund Rhazes, 456, 829 (ff. 239v.-41v.) Rich, Penelope, 50
Antidotarium, 951 Richard
De aegritudinibus, 922 See also Ricardus
faber ad Almansorem, 951; frag. 1152, Richard 1I, of England, 207, 370(1096.1), 421, 1704; comm., 1126; recipes from, 1312 967, 1501, 1684; legal works dated under,
Liber divisions, 951 78, 130, 239, 1025(19)*, 1030, 1032, 1044
Liber XII aquarum, 1987 . Richard III, of England, 396, 1623*, 2097
Tiber wtroductorius parvus in medicinam, See also Cornwallis (Sir William), Glouces-
951 ter (Richard, Duke of), Legge (Thomas)
Liber juncturarum, 951 Richard de Bury Liber pwuerorum, 951 Philobiblon, 1451
Rheidt, 196 Richard (Bishop of Chichester), Saint, 2291 Rhenier, Sebastiano, 1916 Richard de Fournival
Rhetoric, lecture notes on, 1770(104); Latin Bestiatre d’Amour, 1453
treatises on, 564(99) Richard, Abbot of Savigny, 136
Compendium rhetoricum, 1226 “Richard of Saimt Victor’, a treatise called, De rhetorica, 478, 519 961
_Athetorica nova, 1780 Richardes, John, of Westminster, 2270
Rhinegrave, Comte de, 433, 1625 Richardson, John, of Stratford-on-Avon, 311
Rhine provinces, 67 Richardus, see Ricardus Rhine valley, coll. of deeds, 1644 Riche. Lord. 392 Rhodes, 2229; Admiral of, 1592; Knights of, Riche, Ro., 430)
1998 Richel, B., Basle printer, 1396
>, ’ . * *
Riario, Hieronymus de, 111 Richelle-emprés-Argenteau, 195
Riario, Raffaclle Galeotto, Cardinal, 263 Richemont, Arthur de, 108, 684 Ribadeneira, Hernan Perez de, see Perez Richer, Thomas, 227 Ribadeneyra, Pedro, S.J., a.l.s., 2092 Richmond, 69, 111, 251, 299*, 300*, 301, 306,
Sank a or OE 333, 360, 371, 379, 383%, 416, 423-4, 429, 682,
Ribera, Diego de, 2331, 2336 5: ; , 1 Ribera, Hernando de, 2330 Richmond and Derby, Margarct Beaufort,
Ribera,’ Don ‘Antonio de, 2329*, 2330-1, 2335 96, 1530, 1579, 1581*, 1598, 1619, 1621*, 2158,
Ribera, Juan de, 68, 749, 936, 1582, 2148 Countess of, 1524
Ribera, Nicolas de, 2330, 2332* Ricius, Michael, of Naples
Ribera, Nicolas de, ihe younger, 2327-8, 2335 De regibus Galliae, etc., 2238 Ribera, Don Perafan de, Duque de Alcala, Rickel, Dionysius
212, 225 Rico, Quatuor novissima, 2007 Ricardus Clemens de, 225 De activa et contemplativa vita, 1179 Riddell, Thomas, mayor of Newcastle, 409 De IV gradibus violentae caritatis, 1179 Riddles, 974, 2058
Super canonem, 231 Ridgeway, Lady, 419
GENERAL INDEX 115 Ridgeway, Thomas, Earl of Londonderry, see Robertus de 5. Victore
Londonderry Liber penitentialis, 1112
Rieux, Bishop of, 1591 Robertus de Winchelse, 2016
Rieux, Jean de, marshal of France, 1623 Robin, Jan | Rigo, Antonio,Galiazzo, physician, 688 1611 obinet eg meries. oe Brevagne, 1664 Riminaldi, de| Bloys,
Rimini, 221, 935 Robinson, Nicholas, 328, 2261 : Rinuccius oe (messenger) 1733 Epistola ad Robinson, Poggium, 985William, Robles, Isidro de, 2
1758 Rocchacoveranu[m ]},
Rinuccius Aretinus, translator of Aesop, 699, Rocca, anon i 3303
Riobamba, 169 Roche, Gualterus, Shakespeare’s schoolmaster,
Rioja, Alfonso de, of Toledo, 655 316 Rios, Pedro de los,376 2337ochester, Rochechouart, 1826 374. 1597 Rippinghale, Sir de, Robert, 374, Riquelme, Alonso, 2328 Rochester judge’s [ter book, 2019 Riquinus, Bishop of Toul, 1826 Rochis, Jacobus de, 560 Rithmachiae regulae, 1871 Rock Chastel, 1280 Ritiis, Jo. Hieronymus de, 1627 Rodemare, Guillaume de, 183 Rituale, 459-60, 500, 727*, 732, 924(36), 930, Rodericus Toletanus
1132, 1139, 1426, 1873, 2033; frag., 709 Historia Gothica, 82 Ritus. . a7 Bernardi in S. Susannah de Urbe, Rodez, 2078 1999
C.O., 739(28) odolfus, Magister, )
Rivers, Woodville, 1635 Rodolfus plebanus de Lindaugia, 621 Rivet,Richard Andre, a.l.s., Earl, 68 odriguez, Capt. Alexo,
Rivoli, 613 Rodriguez, Alfonso, 168
Robert, 211 Rodriguez, Juan, 232 Go 2337 Robert, King King of of France, Sicily, 1934 odriguez, Nicolas,
Robert, comte de Clermont et dauphin d’Au- Rodriguez, Pedro, 2336
vergene, 610 Rodriguez Bermudez, Francisco, 2327*-8* Robert de Gretham Rodriguez de Aspariegos, Fernando, 610 Miroir des verse,odriguez 77 Rodriguez 127) "i Robert of Evangiles, Chester, in1988 de ve ia Guzman, scalera,Juan, 1¢go Inagero,
Robert de France, duc de Bourgogne, 211 Rodriguez Bilbao, Cristobal, 2336
Robert of Gl t 168 ‘Chronicle, 53 cesnet Rodriguez de los Angeles, Francisco, 2327
.Cc14 , : ler
Robertet, countersignature, 115, 1014,1864*, 1532, odriguez Rodriguezdedesols, eos yDiego, Vera, juan, 1267 1 1591-2, 1862, Fook °91665*-6*, 007 o*,1734, Rodriguez de Villalobos, Juan, 2333
O*-. letter to, 684
Robertet. Florimond. a.l.s.. 852 Rodriguez de Zaragoza, Alfonso, 1298
Robertet, Jacques, 683 Rodriguez Perales, Bartolomé, 1267
Robertsbridge, abbey, 124oger, Roeulz,King pierre de.ot Varenciennes, 90-4 Robertus Anglicus of Sicily,
Compilatio super tractatu De sphaera, 554 Roger, chatelain of Lille, 890(128) ,
Quadrans, 884 Roger de Champagne, Bishop of Beauvais,
Robertus Grosseteste
Carmina...de corpore et anima, 2302 Roger Pondiunn eoral e, 565
Compuius, Bee 1995, 2299 Rogerius Anglicus, O.M., 2119 De fractiombus radiorum et de luce, 883 Rees ot ion De genere impresstonum humidarum, 883 Rogerius Salernitanus
De generatione sonorum vocalium, 883 Chirurgia, 2298
De wnpresstonibus aeris, 883 Rogerius, Fulco, 1836 De iride, 883 | Rogers, a tract against, 565 De pronosticatione aeris, 914 Rogers, Sir Edward, 301, 364, 436, 1555; P. De sphaera, 883, 1847, 2299 . . C. L. signed by, 279, 299, 378, 416, 1617*-8*
in Boethium De consolatione philosophiae, Rogers, Thomas, the younger, 304
rob 08 2299 Rohan, Marguerite de, comtesse d’Angouléme, faourde, ; 1520, 1623 Testamenta XII Patriarcharum, 107 Pierre de. 1821. 1542. 15
Theorica planetarum, 1144 Rohan, M de 450 » 1542, 1568
colniensis Rokeby, P., 285
See also Robertus Anglicus, Robertus Lin- O1ssy, AW. ae,
oo. Rokeby, Ralph, 1559 Robertus Lincolniensis Rokeswell. manor. 347
Robertus M. 1684 De ortu scientiarum, 1312 Rolandus Parmensis, 1870
| In hbros Posteriorum Aristotelis, 651 Rolandus, prior of St. Barbara (Cologne),
Robertus Remensis Rolandus Ulysbonensis
Historia Hierosolymtitana, 1221 Scientia de numero et virtute numeri, 1784
Roldan, Francisco, a.l.s., 1343 Romans
Rolle, Richard, of Hampole Coronation of kings and queens of the, 984 “Amore langueo’, in English prose, 53 De Romanis, 695 Commandment to love God, 59 See also Breve, Breviarium, Caesars, De emendatione vitae, 542, 1802 Chronica, Compendium, Decembrius
Iorm of perfect hving, 71 (Petrus Candidus), Eutropius, _ Faits, Gratia Dei, in English prose, 59 Fenestella, Florus, Gesta, Histoire, Livius, Paul booke. . . to a worldly lord... , 1803 Rufus (Sextus)
Parvunt Job, &&1 isl f R , Saint, 177
Prick of Conscience, ascribed to, 53, 54*, Romants 1114 (605 rop of Rouen), Sain
2 541, 892, 966, 1068 Romanus, translator, 454
Psalms, his prologue to, in English, 71 Romanus de Amelia, notary, 221 Psaltertum, his comm. on, in English, 59 Romanus Argyrus, 1114(60)
Super lectiones Job, 72 Rome, 132, 479(60), 739(28), 1010(90) Rolvenden (Kent), 1357 ; De fundatoribus et mirabitlibus Romae, 106.
Rolleston, Robert, 187 Christlicher Romfahrt, 455
Roma supplex, in verse, 2126(35) Reges Urbis Romae..., 586
Romagnano, 1627 Relatione della disgratia occorsa in Roma Roman antiquities, 897 (158) a lt 26 Aprile 1583..., 1917
Roman Catholic Church, see Catholic, Ecclesia Stationes et indulgentiae ecclesiarum Romae,
Roman citizenship, diploma of, 999 106, 1946
Roman Court, see Curia Romana Titult uidulgentiarum Urbis Romae, 1229
Roman Empire Voyage &@ Rome, Descriptio: 1019 — pire . ee , See also Alberino (Marcello), De _ translatione impertt Roman ad _ Al- Urbis, Roman, Soranzo (Girolamo), Timanos, 106 ; . fernas (Johannes) See also Jordanus Osnabrugensis wa ; Roman inscriptions, 422 Rome, Basilica Petri, 779 779 PHONS, Rome, Cappella diS.San Pietro, Roman law, Latin ms. on, 129; excerpts or Rome, Collegium Montis Fidei, 223
fragments on, 1112, 1768*, 1976 Rome, S. Bernardus in S. Susanna, C.O., 739 Roman (Eastern) law, manual of, 697 Rome, S. Maria de Araceli (monastery), 219
Roman See, 698 Rome, SS. Andrea e Gregorio (Benedictines Roman use, Antiphonarium, 528; Breviarium, of), 263 eo
32, 217, 500-1, 625, 727*, 778, 1286, 1319, Rome, SS. Bonifacius et Alexius (monastery),
1701, 1914, 1940, 1982; Diurnale, 1407; 1069
Graduale, 506; Iorae, 33, 92*-3*, 95, 96*, Rome, SS. Cosma e Damiano (monks of), 264 97, 98*, 99-100, 101*, 102-3, 104*, 154, 156, Rome, mss., letters and documents written at, 158-9, 165, 189*, 457, 459, 635, 637, 695, 701, 21, 83, 92, 117, 190, 216, 219-20, 222, 223%, 702*, 718, 726*, 797, 800-2, 902, 908, 948*, 261*-4*, 265-6, 461, 486*, 490*, 582, 604, 606,
957-8, 987, 1016*, 1056, 1058, 1070, 1089, 660, 745, 779, 817, 818-9, 831, 836, 839, 842, 1156-7, 1172, 1187, 1208, 1213*, 1235, 1290, 844, 931, 935, 936*, 1018, 1086, 1208, 1216*, 1319, 1323*, 1382, 1396-7, 1401*, 1433, 1668, 1219*, 1241, 1271, 1291, 1299, 1337, 1345, 1886, 1913, 1944, 1955, 1957, 1961*, 1980-1, 1388, 1433, 1451, 1456*, 1511, 1519, 1525, 1989*, 2002, 2136-7, 2144*, 2157, 2182, 2277, 1526*, 1528, 1530, 1544, 1545*, 1546, 1547*, 2339; Lectionarium, 506, 1337; Missale, 528, 1560-1, 1569*, 1582*, 1586-7, 1588*, 1595, 627, 717, 1154, 1384, 1436, 1455, 1465, 2105, 1601, 1610*, 1611, 1615, 1625*, 1632, 1649, 2175, 2205, 2314; Offictum B. V. M., 25, 45, 1665, 1680-1, 1693, 1830, 1868, 1893, 1899, 95-6, 638-9, 875, 931, 942, 1051, 1055, 1238, 1913, 2069(276), 2198, 2216, 2244; Campo 1328, 1415, 1656, 1694, 1912, 1913*, 1927, dei Fiori, 700; Hospital of the Holy Spirit,
21 2182-3, 2287;. .Officium mortuorum,S. 1946 1156; Ordo. apud Basilicam Petri,
779: Ordo imanualis, 528; Psalteriwm, 773; Romesey, John. j unior, of Ewalme, 1349
Vigithae mortuorum, 784(169), 864 Rommay parish 1807 Roman use, treatise on, 698 Romorantin, 1520-1, 1567, 1592*, 1596, 2086 Roman de Lancelot du Lac, 1658 Romsey (Hampshire), 316, 407
Roman de la Rose, 938 Ronciarius, Antonius, 685
Meung Roquefort, 902 .
See also Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Roots (math.), extraction of, 1797
Roman de Tristan et Artus, 1372 ec eee chan de, 1827
Roman du Lis, in verse, 1372 Artificium artis arithmeticae, 1787 Roman du Saint Graal, frag., 597 Ros, Nicholas, 368
Roman du Saint Graal et de Merlin, 1404 Rosamond, see Clifford (Rosamond)
Romance, in French prose, frag., 1840 Rosarium ex floribus Vitae Passionisque
Romance of chivalry, 216, 851, 1686, 1815 Christi, 1379
Romance of the Sowdon of Babyloyne, 893 Rosate, Albericus de, see Albericus
Romani, Bernaldino de, 2181 Roses, Wars of the, 347
Romani, Nuflo de, 2334 Roskildense capitulum, 725
GENERAL INDEX 117 Ross, John, of Reed Roys, John, of Grantham, 271 Parerga, 345 Rozieres,Marcus JacquesAntonius de, oF Rossance, M.1575 de, ozonus,
Rossel, William, of Kyngbrigge, 1353 Quaestiones de prospectiva, 1786
Rosselet, Guillaume, 1571 Rubaldus, pastor, [Genoa, 1202], 1824
R i, F li d - 225 u ens, ° * . . ; ae . Rossi Piero Antonio Genilo, | 1200147) Hubricae de accusations ys inquisitionibius, et Rossi, Cosimo de’, 1519 Rubeis, Fhilippus cs 1600
i, Scipio de’, da Napoli, 22 enuntiationibus, etc., .
ee z10, -
Rosel Tommaso de’ da Montalboddo, 604 Rubricarum. . . mdex ex jure canonico ac Rossi, Troilo de’, Conde de Sanct Segundo, pitt at 133 7180
1612* ubuelo, Alonso,
Rostaing, [A. D. 1562], 1532 Rucellai, [A. D. 1585], 1861 Rotae decisiones novae, 1038 Rucellai, Bonaccorso, pes
Roth Y P Britenus Rucheauville, Abbaye de, 1570 Solution of problems in Rudolff’s Coss, 1795 Rudd, William, 287
Rothay, bridge, 403* Rudianus | lis 2106 Rotherham, John, of Great Marlow, 2221 Via uniwersahs,
Rouam, ville de, 1831 Rudolf von Ems, Pseudo-
Rouault-Gamaches, Adolphe de, 1624 R Te Gace ee Rouault-Gamaches, Joachim de, 1624 Riidolf s Rene 2043 (105) Rouellond de Rouellondiére de Chollct Rudol h ee 337 657. 808 1300
Prophetie, ood a 3303, Rouen, Vicomte852 de, see Corneilles
mpcror, , ; , 1300,
Rouen, 253, 350, 352, 410, 929, 1572, 1726, 1824, Rudyerd, poems by, 63 .
1828 (44), 1830*, 1836(136), 2243 Rueda, Baltazar, Bernardino, Luis, and RodRouen, Allegiance-book of the Chambre des rigo de, of Carmona, 525
Comptes of, 1421 Ruelle, Jean, 1990
Rouen, mss., letters and documents written at, Ruffe, Stephan, 1572 20, 94, 195*, 224, 351-2, 362*, 440, 635, 788, Ruffey, MM. de, 1565
811, 1393*, 1453, 1525, 1530-2, 1550, 1577, Ruffinio, Simon de, 222
1745, 1825, 1827-8, 1831-3, 1836, 2016 Rufford, Alan of, 1348*
Rouen use, Horae, 21, 23, 98, 101, 105, 486, Rufinus, 443, 516, 556, 1760, 2048, 2250 527*, 637, 863*, 1016, 1320-2, 1390*, 1392, Rufus, Sextus
1394, 1397*-8*, 1403, 1407, 1425, 1655, 1839, De Urbe, 555
1852, 1886, 1942, 1943*, 1953, 2038*, 2039, Res gestae popult Romant, 838 ane; Oficuum B. V. M., 639; Psalterium, Rugles, of, 1268 Ruiz, seigneuric Alonso, 2334
Rougeval use, 1235 Ruiz, Anton, 2331
Rouhauld, F., 1986* Ruiz, Bernaldo, 2328* pouhetta 4Rochetta?], 224 Ruiz, Diego, 2100 oe Roumant, forest of, 1831 Ruiz, Pedro, 2335
oulay, 4 uz, Juan, 2330*,
Round Table, Knights of, 848, 1367 Ruiz de la Parra, Miguel, 2334
Rousleuthe (Warwickshire), 328 Rully, Martin de, 1518 Rousselet, J. P., 1407 Rumpharius, Saint. 176 Roussillon, Comtesse de, 2094 Ruotbertus Abbas.
Roussillon, 1824 In Cantica canticorum, 1327 Rouverel, Gille de, 1836 Rupertus Tuiciensis, 1955
ouvroy, uschebroec, Johannes
pouveroy, Jehan de, 1831 Rupescissa, Johannes de, see Johannes Rovere, Della, see Della Rovere Ornatus spiritualis desponsationis, 881 Roverella, Philias, 976 — Ruse, Peter de, 387 Rowell (Northamptonshire), 275 Rushmere (Norfolk), 1353 Rowington (Warwickshire), 323, 440 Rushton, 658
Rowland e epidemia,
Rowlands, Mr. (?), 966 Ruspagiarus. Marcus Antonius "A books Dae he vaine and idle thoughts Russell, Lord, 252
966 “"? Russell, William, 1351, 1353 Russian, mss. in, 535, 1483*, 2027 Roy, Jehan, 1547 See also Slavonic Royal ceremonies, 61(HM 171), 210(57), 455 Rusticus, Saint, 2279
e€ aiso Uoronation Ruth, Book of, see Joshua
Royal power, treatise on, 138 Ruthall, Thomas, Bishop of Durham, 1579 Royal prerogatives, observations on, 140 putland, Eat! Oe
. utland, Lady, oyaumont, monks of, 612 Rutland, 252
poyan, Catharina van, 196 Rutland, Thomas Manners, Ist Earl of, 1594
Royen family, 196 Rutlandshire, 1570, 1803
Kuzé, Loys, 928 Saint
Kyen Clyfford (Warwickshire), manor, 354 See also Sainte, Sam, San, Sancta, Sancto,
Ryképing, 76 Sanctus, Santa, Santo Saint Agatha, monastery, 1168
Saint Alban Charterhouse, Wynant prior of, 2307
S Saint Albans, 1466, 1548 Saint-Amand, Abbot of, 1563 . oo, Saint-Amand, 1426, 1672, 2040, 2043 S., Mr., his supplication before execution, 392 Saint-Amand, monastery near Tournai, 653 S., E. Saint-André, Jacques d’Albon de, see Albon Survey of. .. Ireland, 143 Saint-Antoine (Viennois), Augustinian monasS.; W., poems by, 278, 332 tery, 1328
saalfeld, 1521 . Saint-Aubin, Louis de, 1606 Saavedra, Miguel Cervantes de, see Cervantes Saint-Aubin (diocese of Rouen), curé de, 186 Sabellicus, Antonius Saint Bartholomew’s Eve, 260
De laudibus Venetiarwn, extracts from, Saint Bennet Bennet, Abbot of, 1623 2059 Saint-Bertin, 1428; abbey, 1804 Sabide, manse, 502 Saint Clement (Middlesex), parish, 1350
Sabinus, Georgius, a.l.s., 686 Saint-Cornil d’Inde, monastery, 196
Sabri. Andra, 1274 Saint-Denis, 970, 1576*, 1882
Saccheta”, 877 vac: See also Chroniques
pacent, Bartolomeo de’, see Platina Saint Désiré, Baron de, see Beauguére (FranSacerdotes, see Auctoritates, Sermones, Spe- aa renny Ysembard de, 1830
< Culum Saint-Dié, 1589-90
orset nite. * AQ. ~ of Jorset ainte-Croir_d’OKé6
aC tsis. Ambrositis de, rector, 222 Saint Dunstane-in-th’Est, parish, 332
Sackville, Edward, 4th Earl of Dorset, see Sainte. Aldegonde, Philippe de Marnix de, see
Sackville, Richard, 3rd Earl of Dorset, see Sainte Croix, 1048; use of Canons Regular of, Sackville, Sir Richard, 301, 348, 376, 416, 1557, Soon anions Daa convent, 1850
1610, 1617", 1618, 1731 . saint Erme (Cornwall), 2022 ; acramentarium, Lord Per og Ty774 at 3200. 775 Saint-Esprit Ordre4 de ) and 2290, (112, ~ dol? Ovdi.
Sackville, Thomas, Ist Earl of Dorset and Saintes, 648
114) and 2290, 775(113), 871, 2144; frag., Statues ae del benedetio Spuirito
233, 243, 625*-6*, 707, 720, 1648, (Gelasia- Saint-Telix KEstienne de. 1607
num) 1725, 1843*, 2073, 2205* Saint-Gall "1085 1383
Sacramentarium stve Missale, 1437, 1474, 1492 Saint-Gelais, Gui de. seigneur de Lansac, see
Sacraments, notes on the, 1231; treatises on, “Lansac. ” 7 in French, 1368 (21) . Saint-Gelais, Louis de, 1860
Confession. . . to the Blessed Sacrament, Saint-Gelais. Octavien de. 47
peoe™ OF menti 2013 Saint-Geniés, M. de, 1740*-3*, 1744, 2096 pr. vaimentis. 2108: 11371 Saint-Geniés, Gontaut de, 1739
ns SACPAMENTIS, 5 poem, 1137(1) Saint-Geniés, Jean de, baron de Badefol, 257
e sacramento altaris, 1015 Saint George, Sir Henry
Re tribis sacramentis, 1240 F English and Welsh counties, 580 Ouaestiones. de sacramento altaris, 480(64) Saint George, Sir Thomas, 1372
l'welve fruits of the Sacraments, 1010 Saint-Georges, Tean-Antoine de, Bishop of
, See also Jonannes Aniidotum, Alexandria. 1501 we sacrobosco, de, seeSermones Johannes - “?
Sadler, Sir Ralph, 926, 1624* Saint ormain, 1521, 1665-6, 1745*, 1746-7, Sager ek Oper 1998ce, ary.notary, 498 Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 120, 1566*-7*, 256, 325, 449, 520, 2acoetis, Johannes 1506, 1532*, 1563, 1564*, 1572-3
Sadoleto, Cardinal, 1545 1587, 1590, 1863*-4* | oe
Se 263 Saint-Ghislain, abbey 899 ~edolete. , PO,eeeueCendinal, Saint-Goar (or Goart), M.(Hainaut), de, ambassador Sadyngton (Leicestershire), 1350, 1356 (Rome), 1574, 1860
Sage, R., 1026 Saint James’s [Palace], 301, 337, 374, 437, 1511,
Sagundinus, Nicolaus, 1451 1512*, 1513-4, 1598, 1618, 1731, 2221
Sahagun, Bernardino saint-Jean 19” Cc Recul ¢ 1275 Doctrine, Gospels and Epistles, in Nahuatl Cai t-Tean PA, eel 1140. 1574. ar ot,
dialect, 2150 Saint-Jehan, Md,’ 1506
Sahagun, San Benito de, monastery, 1844 Saint “Joachimsthal, 564
Sahidic ms., 1119 Saint John, Lord, 1554
Saichet, Pierre, 255 Saint John, Oliver, Viscount Grandison, see
Sailing directions (England), 1501 Grandison
ish, 198 ? ; 1373 annas, jua ,
Saint John of Jerusalem, Order of, 1830, 2228 Salegney, Lourdin de, scigneur de Chatillon,
Saint fuser anon de Commercy), 1278 Salerno, School of, see Chirurgia, Dalgarno
Saint-Justin, 1576 . (Thomas), Versus
Saint Lawrence, convent, 501-2; German par- Salgado Correa, espana “63
Saint Leonard, a German confraternity of, Saiiceto, ya Te 8s oe see Guillermus
Saint-Luc, M. de, ambassador (Rome), ins, coe ae
Saint Leucius, a monastery of, (Re 1573 ealinas, Eedro de, 2336 Saint Lucius, monastery near Forli, 475 Salisbury, John, of Clifford (Gloucestershire),
Saint-Lux, Sieur de, see Espinay al Bis 5 1626
Saint Maare (or Maure), William, 1217 Sc hebue Baton Se2 375, 309
Sa Mone Es renne, 351 Salisbury, Robert Cecil, Earl of, see Cecil
Saint Martin’s ae he-Pields 333 Salisbury, Thomas Montague, Earl of, 358
Set Mati 7 Salisbury, 1793; bishopric of, 1545 Saint-Mellion, 1576 S iso Sart Saint-Michel, l’Ordre de, 1543, 1567; Armorial sant $0 arm. som. 1977
de, 852; Statuts de, 302, OM oree ‘Catilina, 668, 839;--et Jugurtha, 83, 704,
e, ’ ; ’ ’ ’
paint- Moreau, moms Oy 333. 1835- 834, 887, 960, 1120, 1151, 1443, 1769%, 1853, Saint mer, 749, 1804, 1831, 1853, pees 1895*, 2251, 2280, 2315; Jugurtha, frag.,
Saint Paul’s Cross, sermon preached at, 385 1248 Ty 4
Saint-Pol, Duchesse de, 2094 In, Cicerone, 444, 703, 1676, 1894, 1907,
Saint-Pol, Mme. de, 1560 See also Cicero
Saint-fol Pierre [I] de JLuxembourg, comte Salm Johann Philip von, Count, 336, 1598
Saint-Pol, Walleran, comte de, 1625 eames ipaintl. 1147 Saint-Quentin, 265 hard d Vichard Libri Salomonis cum glossis, 976
Saint-Real, César vie ed 360 See also Beda, Cantica canticorum, CantiSaint-Rembert, Amadeo de, que, Notulae, Parabolae, Penitentia, Pro-
Saint-Remi, church, 1826 So ebia
Sete f, 228, 1871, 1960(4, ff. 355r.-60v.) Salomon IT, King Calendar of, , ’ ‘on. frag. 660° Narratio de secundo rege Salomone, 1641 Lives of, 1159; in Anglo Saxon, N38 ’ Salomon, Judge, of Rochester, 2019 in French, 1340(22), 2066(244) ; in Greek, Salts and alums. 1304 (13) , 1111, 1112*, 1118*, 1756(14); in Latin, Calutati Colucci 454 See Bit Commune. Flores, Lectiones, Le- soit saeculo, $75 481. 995 2003. 2081. 2304
genda, Officia, Ordo, Peregrinus, Sanc- “Seo alco Ave Ma fa’ “s
torale, Sermones, Suffragia, Vitae pa- Salutius. Johannes Baptista
trum, Vitae sanctorum Acta Jesu Christi 1433
Saint Salvator, prior of, 1825 Salvator Saint. 162% Saint Salvator, Basilica of, 2042 Salvator ry INE
Saint Salvator in Ponte, church, 1493 Epistolae 454 Saint Sebastian (Cardafia), monastery, 501 Salvert (de) Président, 449* Saint-Second, Comte de, 1566 Salvétat (Tarn), Saint-Pierre de, 658
See also Sant Segundo Salviati, Filippo, 1609
Saint-Servais, abbey, 1236 Salviati Jacopo, 1625%
Saint-Sorlin, Marquis de, 1607 Salzburg, Archbishop of, 912(11)
saint-Trond, 540 Salzburg, 1123(165), 1133, 1503*
Saint-Valéry-sur-Somme, 300. __ Salzedo Saint-Vallier, Poitiers-, see Poitiers See also Salcedo Saint-Vigor, Seigneur de, see Martel (Guil- Salzedo
laume) Relacion. .. de Yudias, 61 Saint-Yrieix, 1546 Salzedo de lalas Veracruz, 2160
Saith Brent (Somerset), 2022 Samaimces, Luis Garcia de, see Garcia Sala, Pierre Samblancay, Af. de, 1734 Fables et emblemes en vers, 1445 Samblancay, Sire de, 1563 Salamanca, countersignature, 2199 Samford (Dorset), 297
Salamanca, 168, 206; University, 1539 Sampford Magna (and Parva), Essex, 331 Salas, Ipolito de, of Valladolid, 1070 Sampson Remensis Archieniscopus, 1233
Salazar, Capt. Rodrigo de, 2334 Sampson, Richard, 285
Salazar, Tristan de, Archbishop of Sens, 1592 Sampson, Richard, Bishop of Chichester, 1626
Salcedo Richard, Bishop of Coventry and See alsoSampson, Salzedo . Lichfield, a.l.s., 1625 Salcedo, Garcia de, 2180, 2327*, 2328, 2330-1, Sampson, William, 2268
2337* Samuel, Book of, comm. on, 1429
Sale, William, son of John, of Bedford Samuel, Rabbi
(Lancashire), 1354 Epistola, 474, 860, 1641
120 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Sam Vicente (near Lisbon), monastery, 989 Santa Cruz, Carlos, Diego and Francisco de,
Sanabria, Nicolas Munios, see Munios 201 ; San Bastiano (Florence), Compagnia di, 853 Santa re Archbishop Oty oe San Cassiano anta Lucia, monastery, De balneis Sancti Cassiant, 1311 Santa Maria de las Cuervas (near Seville), San Andres (Mexico), 745 Santa Cruz, Jacques de, of Antwerp, 195
Sancerre, de, marshal of France, 1625 Carthusians | of 1298 1298 Sanchez,Louis Hernando, 2337 Santa Maria de Trassierra, Sanchez, Sancho, of Villanueva, 689 Sant’Ambrogio (nella chiesa di S. Roccho),
Sanchez Delgado, Juan, 2337 Compagnia di, 1199
2335* Santhya, 1518
Sanchez de Merlo, Sebastian, 2329, 2332*, Sant’Ambrogio, Ordine del, 1909
Sanchez de Ulloa, Vasco, 2330 Santiago, 1539; convent of, 2330 Sanchez la millana, Maria, 2331 Santiago letter de Mexico, Sancho IV, of Castile, 1699 Santinello, to, 6888 Sancius de Arevalo, Rodericus Santisimo Sacramento y Santa Charidad,
ITistoria Hispanica, 531 Cofradia del, 2160
rinensi, 1188 anto Domingo, 1343*-4
Sancta Crux, Societas in ecclesia. ..Came- ganto Bernardo, Fraternita di, 1178 Sancta Justina Pataviensis rene Santo Salvatore (di), het Known as, 226 ; 1167: us 24,(Benedictine 1235, Santo irito, monastery,
gregation), 900, 647, 1167; use, Sant Segundo, Count, 1540, 1612*
, , See also Saint-Second
eancta qatia de Mbergaria, 202 Sanudo, Marino, 260 aancta aria OC angels, Sanzio, Raphael, see Raphael Sancta Maria de Rastellino, 490 Sapience, Livre de, 1500
Sancta Sophia de Cronbilchorio, 490 Sapientia vetcrum, Cabala, 995 Sancto Sacramento, Fraternita del, 1174 Sappho. 981
Sanctorale, frag., 663 a Sapientiae liber (O. Test.), see Liber
mus Sarabia, Diego de, 266
Sancto Theodorico, Guilielmus de, see Guiliel- ° er also Ovidius
San Cucufate del Vallés, Benedictines of, 502 Saracens, 1004(39), 2107(5)
Sancy, Jacquemin de, 1622 Saragossa, 68, 1539*
Sandall Field (Yorkshire), 1626 Sardaigne [read Cerdagne], county, 1824
Sandells, 310 Sardinia, Sandford,Ffulke, Francis Sark Island,594 144 Geographie and armes...of Europe, 1393 Sarnano, 1586
Sandhill Farm (Sussex), 160 Sarne (alchemist)
Sandoval, 2334Sarni, Lilium, 1988 SandowneDiego Castle,de,1634 1562
Sandwich, 172. 285, 365; mayor of, 1570 Sarum use, Graduale, 2070; Horae, 19-20, 90-1,
Sandys, Sir Edwin 94, 97, 107, 159, 456, 536, 634-5, 957, 1020,
A view of religion, 139 1138, 1156, 1173, 1286*, 1318, 1374, 1383, Sandys, William, 1388, 91108. 1646, 1812, 1943, rene 130 San Francisco de430 Mexico, 1993,1414, , 2211, 2291; Muissale, , 1324, San Geminiano, Scuola di, 932 2070, 2309; Psalteriwm, 1693, 2028; PsalSangeminianenses annales, 1908 terium et Horae, 1947
Sanguigni, Felice, 1529 Satan
Samtat del cors, 879 992 San Jeronimo, 1612 Saudreux, Jehan de, dit Gastemolins, 1592
San Ildefonso (Zamora), Confraderia de, 610 Litigatio Sathanae contra genus humaniuin.
San de Ulia, 744) Saulai, Michelle de de, Villefran2101(2) , eaeJuan’ “ Saulx, Guillaume de, seigneur
San Forenza, con 1633 San Lucar de Barr da, Orde { Mer Saulx-Tavannes, Gaspard de, 1626
ye ay ge 1867
San, B10 anne mr © rey Saulx- Tavannes, Jean de, 1626 San Michele Arcangelo, Confraternita di, 1661 aumur, , San Miguel, Christobal Bernal de, see Bernal Saunders, Edward, (Hartington, NorthampSanmillan, Luis de, 2327% tonshire) 275, (Warwickshire) 312 Sannazaro, portrait 8271219 Sauny, Jehanne, daughter Sannazaro, Jacopo,of, a.l.s., Savage family, 34 of Diedrich de, 193 San Paolo, nuns of, 2033 Savigny, Richard, Abbot of, 136 San Pedro, Bernardino de, notary, 2328John, pavile Reh hn. 1025 Santa Catalina, Diego de, -2180, Savile, ; Sireset John,
Santa Croce, Bishop, 264, 1526 Savile family, 24 .
1575, 1590 1626
Santa Croce, Cardinal de, 1534, 1535*, 1569, Savonarola, Alberto (brother of Girolamo),
Santa Croce, Bernardino de Carvajal de, Savonarola, Giovanni Michele
Cardinal, 1545 De vermibus, 911
GENERAL INDEX 121 Savonarola, als. 1626; life tropo of, Schema wort | Hbri UT,LL, 1443 44* esurGirolamo, schenate Méditation le Psaume LI, 1075et Schertlin von Burtenbach, Sebastian, a.l.s., Savorgnano, Ascanio 9 s cheubel, 1626 LJohannes Jot elle cose di Cipro, 1011, 216
Savoy, Bastard of, 1563 Algebra, 1262 -
Savoy, Duchess of, 251 Scheyffardt (or Scheyffart), see Scheiffardt Savoy, Duke of, 254, 257, 582, 1747, 2089 Schiff (?), John, of Ffolleswich, 2109 Savoy, President of, 1605, 1826 Schildis, Johannes de Savoy, Amadeus, Count of, and Duke of De septem vicus capitahibus, 1641
2 chofield, 7
savoy, Chablais, 2194 Schiratth, ee d’, Perugia, 1807 Amadeus V, Count of, 613Antonio, chodt, Pieter Savoy, Amadeus VIII, Duke of, 1916 Schoenn, Sifrid, 1282*
Savoy, Blanche de Montferrat, Duchess of, echoenvorst, Johan van, 193 Savoy, Catherine of Austria, Duchess of, see Schola, Johannes Baptista a, 1471
Catherine schol, Laurentius a, 07
Savoy, Charles I, Duke of, 1538 chola caelestis exercitu,
Savoy, Charles III, Duke of, 1002, 1538 Scholars, see Carmen Savoy, Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of, 1533, Scholastica varia, oat 07 1745. 2199 Savoy, Charlotte of, see Charlotte Schéne Lere... wie man sich im Triibsalniussz
45-6 chomberg, Gaspar e, 397, ; Savoy, Duke of, 1559, gia. so Ain, 2055 *-Emmanuel alis.,Philibert, 6 choolbook, Savoy, Honorat of, see Villars Schréttlin, Apollonia, abbess (Kyrchaim), Savoy, James, Duke of, 1819 1957
Savoy, Louis, son of Amadeus VIII of, 1916* Schuler, Georgius, see Sabinus
Savoy, Louise of, see Louise Schurff, Hieronymus, 1626
Savoy, Madeleine of, see Montmorency Schuwermecher, Mertin der, 183 Savoy, Philip, son of Amadeus VIII of, 1916 Schuysen, 203
Savoy, 974, 1572; House of, 827 Schwabenspiegel, 1301 and 2316, 2341 Saxony, Dukes Schwabischenre Hal’Baron 1984 axony, August, Dukeof, of, 1521 258, 1047 chwartzstat, Georg von, vonHopft HopftenSaxony, Christian J, Duke of, a.d.s., 2087 bach, 429 Saxony, George, Duke of, 1251, 1568 Schwind, Georg Augustin, 248 Saxony, John, Elector of, 1584, 2130; als. Scientiae
686, 1584, 2096 Distinctio scientiarum et auctoritates hbro-
Saxony, John Frederick I, Elector of, 1584, rum, 1934
5axony, 1593,John 2096 . LiberII,de IX of, scientiis, 592 libri XLV, 1946 Frederick Duke 259 Scintillae, Saxony, Maurice, Duke of, 259 Scintillard liber. 588 saxper, 272 Scipio, 1853, 1900, 2048 Saxper, Thomas, 290 Scipionis somnium, see Cicero, Macrobius Saxton, Christopher, 290, 1626 Saxton. 1626 Scokt, Maud and Thomas, 1348 SavbaeRobarte. 237 ’ Sconbergh, Nicolas de, 1588 Sayvell, Henry, 160 Son ML DSeCLIOLA, 1103) 501 (163.1)
Scaccarium cot/and, ; , , ed Liber Ruber Scaccarii, 366, 2020 446 (SM 17), 380 (263), 5048-98, 1510, 1524, See also Exchequer, Fitzneale (Richard), Chronicles of, 1467, 1495, 2248 2277
Scala, 224 obility of, 324 (306.2), . Scales, Thomas de Scales, 7th Lord, 306 See also Armorial, Arms, Carmen, Scottish
Scala Wasting je Into Description of, G62)" 1ie. (206) Scaliger, Julius Joseph-Juste, a.l.s., 1219 2092cott, scott, een OY OTe Scaliger, Caesar, a.l.s., VVilllam,
Scarisbrick, Thomas, 2019 Scotte, Henry, 1354
chada, 1 cotus, Michael, see Michae
Seépaux, Erangois de, see Vieilleville Scottish genealogies, ae ;
Scheffart, see Scheiffardt Scrap-book, 63, 1873
Scheiffardt, Adolf, 197*, 204-5; als. 196 Scribal illumination, Latin hexameters on,
Scheiffardt, Herman, 196*, 200, 202*-3*, 204 1871
Scheiffardt, Ursula, 197, 200, 202 Scribe’s request for his pay, 704
Scheifferdt, see Scheiffardt Scripturae Sacrae, notes on, 2313; treatise on
Schellaerdt Schellardt transvations of, 735 Schellardt,(orDSchellaert), D Daev .see e diwversis Sacrae Scripturae
floribus, 1923 nen}. 196, 107", 203" 2087 6) Schellardt. Frederick, 205 Expositio im Scripturas, 1010(93)
Schell! 107% 2 ,In locaLibellus...ad S{acrae]figurandas Scripturac, 976 divinachellardt,dt Jan. b (Jehan, Johan), 203-5 locutiones
Schellardt, Maria, 197 rum Scripturarum, 1008
122 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Scripture Sacrae—C ontinued Epistolae, 561, 887; excerpts from, 1122
Modus procedendi in Sacra Scriptura, 1228 Epistolae ad Luciliwmn, 712*, 1073, 1720;
_—(B. 15) memoranda from, 836
See also Franciscus de Mayronis, Isidorus Epistolae S. Pauli et Senecae, 444, 457
Hispalensis, Peckham (Johannes) Liber fortuitoruwm bonorwm, frag., 1676
Seaman, John, of Erlestonham (Suffolk), 372 Naturales quaestiones, 712
Searle, Roger, of |Northwarmeborough Proverbia, 1123, 2048
(Hampshire), 381 Trayoediac, 704, 982, 1896, 1905, 2285;
Sebaste, the 40 Martyrs of, 1240, 1764 comm., 1019
Sebastian, Saint, 1472, 1843; French poem Seniores xxiv, 714
on, 154 See also Otto von Passau
Sebastian, King of Portugal, 989 Senlis, 612, 1576 Sehastianus Neapolitanus Senndye, Ar. Capitula regni Neapolitani, 560 Discourse on horses bits, 139 Sebenico (Dalmatia), 2252 Senones, 2064; Benedictines of Saint-Pierre
Sebourcque, 904 de, 659 Sebright, [A.D. 1598], 374 Sens, Celestines of, 938; use, 99, 777, 1390, 2133 Secchi, Niccolo Senses, the five, 747(2), 2002(6)
Selfe Interest, a comedy, 361 Sentemiro and Flurida his wife, [Barcelona,
Secken, Christiaen van der, 200 962], 501 Seckford, Thomas, 1617* Sententiae doctorum, 2296
Secreti medici, 2009 Sententiae ex diversis poetis, 247
Secundus, philosopher, 107, 1641 Sententiae philosophorum, 836 Secundinus, Nicolaus, 959 Sententiarum liber, 2296 , Sedan, 1586 Sentinus Ricinensis, Jacobus, poem by, 1143 Sedlye, 390 Seny-en-Condros, 194 SeduliusSir, Septara, Franciscus de, see Franciscus
Carmen Paschale, 877 Septem sapientum historia, 953
Sedulius Scottus Septenario de San Bonifacio, prayers, 718
3 may Sepulveda, Antonio de, 2326
De rectoribus christians, 820 Scpt-Fontaines, Abbaye fle, lol
Seer 08 ‘94 Sepulveda, Va: Hernando de, oe Segar, Symon, dockets of grants of arms, 399 epulveda, Juan \rinez dc, see \rinez
Segar, Sir William, 280, 406, 433, 2005 Sequentiae, 54 (HM 128, 98r.-113v.), 234, 1229
Segorbe, Henry, Duke of, 265 (B.16,ff.91v.-8v.), 1337(7)
Segovia, 265*, 1562 Sequentiale, Seifert, see Wildec Serabia, Gaspar 942 de, 2326
Selborne, perabia, Juan, 2329 Treli¢327 snks of ; erapion aero een tone monks of, 1584 De medicinis stmplicibus, 1312 Selemmes, see Serviago Seler, Jasper,254 387Serbiago, Serenus Sammonicus
Selin, Cancon a, 1004 De morbis, 921 Selles, near Bourges, 412 Seripandus, [rater Sergius, of Naples, 212 Selvatore de Sancta Sanctorum, Compagnia Serles, manor, 347
del, 1271 Serlio, Sebastiano, a.l.s., 1626
Semler, Peter, 1280 Architettura, 1263
Sempingham (Lincolnshire), 1043* Sermon de amonsetgneur saint Jambon et de
Send (Surrey), 323 madame Andoulle, 2182
Seneca (and Pscudo-Seneca), 1312(6), 2286; Sermonary, XIth c. frag., 1788(190) extracts from, 457, 836, 887, 1934, 2253 Sermones [anonymi]
De beneficis, 887, 1123 Ad religiosos, 2007(1, ff. 262r.-5r.) De brevitate vitae, 1123 Contra clericorum incontinenttam, 1178
De clementia, 1122 De adventu Domini, 541, 572, 2297 De consolatione ad Polybuuim, 1123 De Assumptione, 1474
De ira, 712 De communione sanctorum, 482 and 2273 De moribus, 836, 1122 De Conceptione, 1010(93) Le morte Claudiu, 887 De corpore Christi, 714
De IV virtutibus, 561, 586, 712, 826, 836 (463, De dedicatione templi, 1474
ff.152r.-9v.), 1122, 1720 De electione prioris, 473(21)
1934 De morte, etc., 475
De remediis fortuitorum, 712, 836, 887, 1720, De horts canonicis legendis, 919(13)
De remedtis infortuniorum (sic), 561 De oblationibus, 1641(12, ff. 136r.-7r.)
De VIT liberalibus artibus, 1720 De Passtone, 1474 De timore et securitate, 231 De Psalmo XXXITI, 72 Declamatio ad Novatum, 1720 De sacerdotibus, 1207 Declamationes, 1772; cornm., 1969 De Sacramento, 2202
Declamationes XXV_ moralisatac, 1991 De sanctis, 475, 480, 482, 598, 646, 1011, Epistola ad S, Paulum de copia verborum, 1231, 1276, 1474, 1878
1720, 1773 De VII vitiis capitalibus, 1474
GENERAL INDEX 123 De tempore, 475, 480, 482, 598, 882, 1231, Servyn, Louis, 1747
1959, 2053, 2141, 2215 Sessa, Duke of, 1612 De visionibus, 995, 2304 Sessa, 1603 ee In Evangelia dominicaha, 479 Seven Deeds of Mercy, in English verse, 53
In laude Virginis, 2242 Sevenoaks (Kent), 680
In primitts novi sacerdotis, 994 Severinus, Saint Sermones Cistercienses XXII, 592 Doctrina, 1638
Sermones dominicales, 165(15), 572, 939, FHlomiliae, 1891
943, 977, 1008 Severinus de Belguardia, O. M.
Sermones domimect (?), 2124 Scala devotionis, 993
Sermones festivales, 9, 823, 1908, 1959 . Severoli, Giustiniano, 1629 Sermones mortuorum ... super Evangelta Severus, Sulpicius, see Sulpicius
dominicalia, 479 Sevillano, Francisco, 2334
Sermones quadragesimales, 478 (49,55), 480 Seville, 183, 258, 628, 1298, 1299*, 1300*, 1343,
Sermones sollemnes IV ad Cleros....., 1561-2, 1586, 1699, 2151; use, 628
1179 Sextus Pompeius, see Pompeius
Sermons [anonymous], 422 Seyfrid, Abbot, 737
In Dutch, 678, 2053 Seymour, Lord, 1554-5
In English, 51(HM 114, ff. 319r.-25v.), 1482; Seymour, Edward, Lord Beauchamp, 1627
Lent sermon, 140; on fasting, 565 (109) Seymour, Edward, Duke of Somersct, see In Flemish, 1010(91) Somerset In German, 1641 (12, ff. 164r.-216v.) ; frag., Seymour, Sir Francis, 50 610; on Genesis XXII, 248 (186) ; for Seymour, Lord Henry, 1559
Saints’ days, 1207 Seymour, Sir Thomas, 1554
In Greek, 1111(41, 44-5), 1114, 1118(96); Seynesbury, John, 1349
frag., 211(60-1) ; on Saints, 1110 Seynesbury, Richard, abbot of St. Werburgh,
In Amerindian dialect, De tempore, 2148(19) 55 In Latin, 181(6), 459, 472(15), 477, 481(72), | Seywell, Christoffer, of Stokenchurch, 359 485(1, ff. 163v.-76r.; 226r.-343v.), 493(1), Sforza, Ascanio, 1610 540, 668, 738(25, ff. 130r.-60v.), 943 (09. Sforza, Bianca Maria, Duchess of Milan, 1627 329, ff. 130r.-224r.), 986(129) ,1009(88, ff. Sforza, Francesco, Duke of Milan, 687, 936, 63r.-103r.), 1010(93, ff. 95r.-165v.; 182r.- 1594, 2087 229v.), 1064(3, ff. 299v.-301r.), 1149, 1228 Sforza, Francesco Maria, Duke of Milan, (B. 14, ff. 174-83), 1230, 1443, 1641(12, ff. 1627 161r.-3v.), 1671(12, ff. 161r.-3v.), 1917-8, Sforza, G. M., 259 1964(26, ff. 76-126), 2007(1, ff. 220v.-48r.), Sforza, Galeazzo, 1627 2053(151); frag., 213, 233*, 234, 507, 646 Sforza, Gian Galeazzo Maria, Duke of Milan, (186), 1697, 1843, 1855, 1970(7), 2069, 2214; 67, 265
on Acts XX 26-7, 144; on Ezekiel I 20, Sforza, Guido Ascanio, Cardinal, 220
1970: on Isaiah VII 14, 1671(13); on Sforza, Lodovico Maria, Duke of Milan,
Jeremiah VI 26, 232; on the Temptation of 935*, 1448, 1525, 1529, 1578, 1627*; als., 935
Jesus, 939(15) Sforza, Paolo, Marquis of Proceno, 654 In Slavonic, 724 Sforza Pallavicino, 1008 See also Homilies, Sermones Sforza-San Severino, Galeazzo, a.l.s., 935
Sermons, notes for, 1230(B. 17,ff. 112r.-S5r.); Sh. W., signature, 134
preached in London, notes on, 941 Shackspeare, Alice, of Lapworth (Warwick-
See also Themata shire), 331
Serrano, Marcos, 2333 Shackspeare, George,Shakespeare, of Shrewley, 319 Crrorius, Shackspeare (Shackspere, Shak-
Servasancius, V. AM. de mortuis. 1228 speare, Shakesper, Shakspere or Shaxper), quae COMANONES GE NLOTMES, John, of Lapworth (Warwickshire), 313%,
Servatius, Saint, 662 33 pk
ervetus SC, ; shire), 328 TI 277 De Trinitatis erroribus, 561 Shacl
Serves, Camp de, 1745 Shackspeare, Thomas, of Balsall (WarwickServiago (or Serbiago), Juan de, 2335* Shak espeare TOMAS,
Service book, in Armenian, 762; in Greek, 760 See also Saxper, Shackspeare, Shackspere, (14) and 2289; (frag.) 2062; in [Latin ?], Shakespecre Shakesper Shakespere frag., 2072* (305, 307), 2081; in Russian, 535 Shakspere Shakepevre. Shaxnear Shax.
nd 2277 (= 543, n. 200895); in Slavonic, pere, peyre, axpear, ax 817 per, Shaxpere, Shaxpers yaaa] > of 2
Service for the Transfiguration, in Greek, 1921 Shalcespeare, families of the name of, 273,
Servites, Order of, 1603 S} ,
Servius Honoratus, excerpts, 1780; on Dona- nakespeare, Mrs., 407 oo, tus, 499(1054, 120v.-124r.) S rakespeare, De centumff. metris, 499 rden), Henry, 33 of Knoll (Hampton-in-
De finalibus, 499 Shakespeare, John, 338; of Stratford-on-Avon, De primis VIII partibus orationis Donati, 407
499 Shakespeare, Vocabularius, 1188,Thomas, 2183 407of Stratford-on-:Avon,
124 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Shakespeare, William, 70(HM 500), 292 Shottesham (Norfolk), 379
(238.1), 309*-11*, 312(p. 29), 316*-7*, 350 Shrewley (Warwickshire), manor, 319, 328 (884.1), 350(913.1), 361(1007.2-3), 403 Shrewsbury, Countess of, 74, 1599
(1435.7); alleged signature of, 357 and 2262, Shrewsbury, Earl of, 375-6, 1552-3, 1579, 1597;
358, 437-9, 682; arms of, 307*, 320; deeds P.C.L. signed by, 69, 299, 300, 306, 383%, and indentures concerning, 315, 435; elegy 416, 1616*, 1620, 1736 or epitaph on, see Basse (William); for- Shrewsbury, Elizabeth, Countess of, 1599
series, see Ireland (W.H.); poems as- Shrewsbury, John Talbot, Ist Earl of, 351 cribed to, 318; works of (extracts from), Shrewsbury, 419 271, 293, 314, 319*, 321, 332, 1510 Shropshire, 127, 136, 386, 401
Hlenry the IV th, 273 Shryves (Essex), manor, 347
Julius Caesar, 273 Shuldham, 978 ,
Merry Wives of Windsor, 271 Shurley, of the Middle Temple, 285 See also Come live with me..., S. (W.), Shylock, prototype of, 395 Sh.(W.), Shaxper (William) Shyumakk, Gheertruyd, 193
2259-72 Sibthorpe, John, 419 ,
Shakespeare Library, The lolger, 267-450, Sibrandus, Lubertus, 686
Shakespearean manuscripts, account of, 2141 Sibyllae Tiburtinae oracula, 540*
Shakespearean miscellanies, 309 Sibyllina prophetia, 2052 Shakespearean relics, 310 Sibyls, the, notes on, 985 Shakespeere, Thomas, 331 Sicily, 82, 555, 2004(46), 2131, 2238(5)
Shakesper, Henry, 313 Sidney Shakespere, [XIVth c.], 2020 See also Sydney
Shakespere, Thomas, 277, 313 Sidney, Lord, 1729 Shakspere, Thomas, 277 Sidney, Sir Henry, 113, 300, 419, 1140, 1555*, Shakspeyre, Cristoforus, 311 1559, 1627, 1631, 1736 Sharpe, Robert, 329 Sidney, Lady Mary, a.l.s., 681 Sharpe, William, a.l.s., 355 Sidney, Sir Philip, 49, 337, 373, 1219, 2343;
Shateswell (?), John, 313 a.ls., 117, 1627
Shawe, Robert, a.ds., 1513 Arcadia, 60; extracts from, 306
Shaxpear, John, of Rowington (Warwick- Poems, 272(1.112) Shaxper, William, of Packwood (Warwick- Sidney, Robert, lst Earl of Leicester, see Lei-
shire), 440 Psalms, in English verse, 52
shire), 1044 cester
Shaxpere, Christofer, 310 Sidneys, earls of Leicester, 123
Shaxpere, John (the poet’s father?), 316 Sidonius Apollinaris, 660
Shaxpers, John, 313 Sidrac, see Sydrach Sheath, Richard, 1555 Steben Tugenden und Lastern, Von den, 2318
Sheen, 1578 Siegburg, 1600
Sheffeeld, Capt. Henry, 330 Siege of Jerusalem, in verse, 54
Sheffield, Lord, 1628 Siena, Archbishop of, 1560
Shefheld, Edmund, Earl of Mulgrave, see Siena, 514, 1300, 2087; notaries of, 702, 2219;
Mulgrave Universita degli alberghatori, 2126
Sheffield, Henry, 329 Siena, mss. and documents written at, 161, 557,
Sheffield, 1148, 1599, 2158; Castle, 615 __ 703, 707(39), 780-1, 833-4, 1050, 1057, 1175,
Sheldon, Raffe, of Beoley (Worcestershire), 1313, 1462, 1486, 1509, 1612, 1629, 1698, 1704*,
437 1705-8, 1712*, 1773, 1929*, 1952, 2042, 2068, shire), 305 Sifredus de Eppenstein, 1868 Sheldon, William, 349, 355 Sigismund of Gorze, Abbot, 497 Sheldon Missal, ms. known as, 1374 Sigismundus, Emperor, 2060 Shelford, 1581 Sigismundus, King, 719 Shellow Bowells (Essex), 2023 Sigismundus, Duke of Austria, 1144
Sheldon, Richard, of Little Wirley (Stafford- 2092
Shenogenhof, 1356 Sigismundus Estensis, 585
Shepparde, John, 2110 Signa VII revelationum divinarum, 1007
Sherard, Philip, 2110 Siguenza, Cardinal de, 1585* Sherburne, poems by, 293 Siguenza, 1582 Sheriff’s precipes, in Latin, 282 Silentium Sherlev, Sir Anthony, 392 De silentio, 747
Shipdam, manor, 349 Silk braiding, patterns and instructions, 518 Shipton (Oxfordshire), 305 Sillery, [A. D. 1610], 680
Shirley Sillery, Brilart de, see Brilart : See also Sherley Sillio, Juan, Indian of Trujillo, 2337 Shirley, poems by, 969 Sillogismorum tractatus, 1790 Shirley, Sir Thomas, 1619 Silva, Fernio da, 989
don, 2109 Si] e .
Shorne, manor, 1024 oo, Silva, Geronimo de, 2332 | Shorter, William and Jane his wife, of Lon- Siva Joao Gomes da, see Gomes Shorthand, 293, 323 ilveria, Didacus de, 1946
See also Stenographv Silvester Asile sive Asole, Saint, 222
Shottery (Warwickshire), 28, 310*, 311, 317 Silvestri, Asdrubal, 490
Silvio ”
erche non t . ° Smith, Ff { .
Simon Sermons, 411
Simancas, on togheva moglie, 1073 Smith Hey of Stratford-on-Avon, 310
oie Symeon 345 336-7 imonwn (N. Test.), 1000, 2Smith, mith, Sir t. Thomas,
on, omitn, illiamerat aes ° ees Simm nephew » TO aes ie Schonhoven
Simon Abuses by pat i. _.. de byCremona painters (of arms), 307, 38> 385 Sermones, f ; Arms ... : , 307, Simon de frat OB 1984, 2215 288 of... dukes, etc. (Eneland), Simon Ja , ' Cause Simone yak i547 307 of discord among the offices of arms,
imonetta, Gia alich families, tamili 42s Sao aera Cardinal, 152enealogic g Genealogiessa of English
Simonielli, Jacob al, 1529 [A. D loan by 407 : lll, Jacobus, notary, 721Smithsby, ys . D. 1640],
Simonniere, la métairie de La, 227% Smyth, John, 1356; of ‘East Barkwort
Sin, Peccatum ” of Smyth North Nibley Tee Tale ‘ inal,See 1005 Thomas - 60) ythe, Augustine, of Lond 1569 Sins ,ount, Sm ’1001 , Mayor of Chester,
Dolo ae, wo. 9, ne
Be efit tas wort Se a ees
2220.3.) is mortalibus, 1232(B.22, ff. score concerning ... divers sorles of
Genera oe oon Sot 1914 emythe Sir Thomas, 1514
Reswallia wuper 11 7230 Hoode) 8 of. Stratford, 309, (alias a super Snelh (6, ff. 144r.-5peccala incipalia, principals 754 nelhauk semor, John, and Ali Se aay}
int ame, Sir ot . A+ ‘ sen, owes 1g ee inus , Soarius, Cypria Reméde vontve le sept péché pnitterheld, 312 nd Alice his wife, 1069 Snvd eorgius, (130) ht péchés mortels, 891 norciadae (?),ae, Doctor Georgi 1014
oi. ee also Speculum Sees etek 13 | De sinu recto et verso, 883 Sobernheym, J acobus Zohar
Sion, 1628 ) Computus Sipierre, Philibert de, 1826 Norembergensis, Sobolle, M. de, 17351784 Siremondus, 1183 Soceus1190, 16 itha, Saint,Magister, 2176 Sermones, Sitomario, 2197 Soc; , , 1683
. » ~ocietas 1
{4 masters’ opinion on how to please God, 5 Socrinus jes See Id >
Sixtus IV, Pope, $25, 653,659, 1345 od, 57 Sodbury, see Sudb noldus, see Mlutterus intus Vr pone, 254, 490, 97 are Teas vos, Soderinis Luca, of Florence, 1917
7; als., ’ ' oC erini, Pietro, 1 ; ’
Sigueatorge mugs 152 Sricare Mfepente deniaie'™ Skinner, ” Th, < oissons, Bishop of, 1565 Skinner le Sistine) Vino eno a 1323, 1541, 1671
300-1, 303, 329-30 443 incent, a: 281, 291, Cuzco) 3390 Juan, 2333, (bishop-elect of
301-2) 398, 409, 415-6, 423, 430, 44 ay nea : 1SS7* 1559 15) , 423, 430, 440, 927, 1538 Solar, Antonio de, 2114
Sk , , 1563, Robertus, 1624, 1737 ' Soldiers, see Presi kogon, 362 residentiall
Skryven, OT
Shrene’ Sic John. 362 Solea, Pedro de, 2335. akrenes, manor, 347 20 S80. Evancisco, 2332 Slander John, 1349 2 onloqueuin animae, 1087 oo évdtabdAhovtes .. tov vd Dea “Deilibus mirab ib ,839 Slavonic, mss. in, 228, 543, 724,evosbet 817 ga, 1755 mundi, 1334, 1362 , 543, 724, 817, 869, 1256, De situ orbis terrarum, 839, 1127, 1774
See also Russian S sion 887 , , 1898
Slyngisbie, 334 Solis, Diego Rodriguez de, see Rodri Simacl. TotGylf., “ Solis, Gomes de, 233 SEE INOUMBNET
Siaragdane a Solis, Juan de, 2335 ,
Smaragdus aula, 1988 aolms, Reinhard, Graf von, 1813 Dinime monachorun solomon, see Salomon
Maraari an, 1638* Somerby (Leicestershi methele Nareag:. Se Am 871 Somers, Wala,of,1314 omit inthem, 2 omerset, Duchess
< argarita monachorum, 2007 Somers. Jobn esters ire), 2110
See also Smyth, Smythe Somerset ne: Duchess of, 2221 " Somerset, Ed countersignature, 749 ‘rset, Edmund Beaufort, Duke of, 1524
126 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Somerset, Edward Seymour [the Protector], South Wales, 1042
Duke of, 252, 1554*, 1626* Southwark, 28, 311, 403, 680, 1042
2246 Southwell, R., 281
Somerset, John Beaufort, 3rd Earl of, 66, 109, Southwell, Lady Ann, 419
Somerset, deeds and documents, 296, 345, 356, Southwell, Sir Richard, 1597
369*, 379, 404, 532, 1042-3, 1556, 2022 Southwell, Robert, poem by, 388
Somerset Place, 252 Sozo, Pero Lopez de, see Lopez
Somerton, manor, 2023 Sozza (de la), fief known as, 226 Somploire, Seigneur de, 227* Spa, 1572 Song of Songs, see Cantica canticorum Spaerscroe (?), Peeter, 203
Songs in English, 70, 314(448.16), 342, 439;— Spain, Queen of, signature [6 Nov. 1536] of, 9 and dances, 417;—and sonnets, 277, 969 Spain, 6(18), 61(H™M 177), 105(HM 1316), 116
Songs in Ifrench, 1430(345) (HM 21477), 254(1090A), 262(1368), 396 See also Chansons (1300.1), 430(1877.1), 563(64), 970(15), 974 Sonnets, in Italian, 1895 (32) (7), 1005(51), 1070(15), 2093, 2177, 2199 Sonnets, Songs and, in English, 277, 969 (14), 2238(5); anonymous deeds and docu-
Sophia, Queen of Denmark, 120 ments, 594, 608, 1150, 1292, 1305*, 1948
Sophronius Hierosolymitanus See also Casas (Bartolomeo de las), EngOn the Triuuty, in Greek, 697 _ land, Sancius (Rodericus), Spanish
Sopra UAntomana, a place called, 220 Spain, New, see New Spain
Soraluce, Domingo de, 2328 Spalatin, Georg, 2091, 2130; a.ls., 1628*, 2097*
Soranzo, Bernardo pangenberg, Cyriacus, a.l.s., 690 Relaztone di Legnaygno, 973 Spangge, Peter, 203 Soranzo, Giovanni, 854 Spanish America, 2159 Soranzo, Girolamo Spanish Armada, 97+, 1558 Viaggio a Roima, 973 Spanish Chronicles, 82 Soranzo, Mattio Spanish historical and political documents,
Viaggio di Soria, 974Indies, 2161 2147 . Sorbonne, 450 Spanish Sorg, Anton, 2186 Spanish-Maya dictionary, 2149
Soria, 974 Spanish news-sheet, 1302 Soriano, Andrea, 1622 Spanish nobility, genealogy of, 549
Sorvas, 1585 Spanish-Tarasco dictionary, 744, 2150
Sosa, Bernaldino de, 2330 Spata, Johannes Sosa, Dovfia Francisca de, 2334 Smgularia data MCCCCLXXXIX, 560 Soto, Alvaro de, 2153 Spayton (Somerset), 369
Soto, Hernando de, 2114, (Capt.) 2327 specia, Ludovicus, 605 Sotomayor, Francisco de, Count of Belalcagar, Specula
1069 De speculis, 1786
Soucha, Johan de, 202 Speculum Soul, see Anima, Histoire See also Miroir, Mirror, Spiegel Soullont de Nutois, Jehan, 1830 Speculum amatorum amaundi, 2007
Soumard, Johannes, 1823 Speculum B. V. Mariae, 482, 716, 878, 991,
coupine, Anthaine 1571 1474, 2242 2ourdcac, ff. dc, tede,Speculum christiani, 53
Sour Walter, brother of Grimaldus de, Speculum humanae salvationis, 167, 517, 594,
Sourton. Francis. of Honitc 984, 1338, 1392, 1395(158), 1438, 1499, 1681;
S ero ere O oniton CABS 932, 2292; in Swabian dialect, 2318
Souterane, 1861 Speculum juris canonici, 129
. , , stonis, 1188
eoutnam, J oan, aan (Totton) Poa S46 Speculum misericordiae, in English verse, 1996 Southampton “Harl BE AAG OI, +4, » IO Speculum munditiae cordis et piae confes-
Southampton, Lord, a.l.s., 682 Specuulun ¥ Southampton, Henry Wriothesley, Earl of, afew peccatoris, 1147
1635 Ss l ’
31, 39, 36, a0 Speculum peccutran, 1054, 2007
Southampton, Mary Wriothesley, Countess of, volentinm aa! lonts religiosorum proficere Southampton, Thomas Wriothesley, Earl of speci um sacerdotum, 1232
me s sley,(alias Of, Speculum veritatis (alchemy),of 2000 ; 3°: pton, Speede Lewkner), Thomas, London,
Sonth et (aen 404, 302” out rent omerset ), ,; 1357 2270 ' Southcreyk (Norfolk), 368, 394* SpeRes veneiindus, 733
Southe, Thomas, of Swallowecliffe (Wilt- Mathematical scale, 139
shire), 297 Speier, 872, 1540, 1644
South English Legendary, 48 Spell, Richard, 1548
404 Spencer, John, 1526
Southland, William, of Ealing (Middlesex), Spelman, Sir Henry, 1559
South Moulton, 166 Spencer, Sir John, 276, 689, 1552
GENERAL INDEX 127 Spencer, Nicholas, 1634 Stanhope, Sir John, 365, 1581, 2177; a.ls., 395;
Spencer, Robert, 689 P. C. L. signed by, 66*, 291, 299, 300, 306, shire), 288, 331, 1044 Stanhope, Marshall, 1513
Spencer, Thomas, of Claredon (Warwick- 330, 378-9, 384, 391, 416, 423, 1620*, 1621
Spenser, Edmund, 543, 1219 Stanhope, Sir Michael, 356, 419, 1587 Shepherd’s calendar, 1729 Stanhope, Sir Thomas, 287 Speranza, Ottavio, captain, 261 Stanhope, Thomas, justice of peace (Notting-
Spermata hamshire), 392 ;
De generatione spermalum, 1261 ~ Stanlawe, John (or Jehan), 352, 362-3, 440
Speroni, Sperone, 263, 688, 1819 Stanley Speyer, see Speier See also Standly Sphere, treatise on, in German, 1793 Stanley, [.... .], 1617*, 1618 |
De circulis sphaerae, 1278(29) Stanley, Edward, Earl of Derby, see Derby Libro chiamato della Sfera, 1446 Stanley, Henry, Earl of Derby, see Derby
De sphaera, 1786 Stanley, Sir Edward, 339 Sphaericae doctrinae compendium, 1798(249) Stanley, Richard, 1538
Spiegel des Sunders, 706 Stanley, Sir Rowland, a.l.s., 415 Spiegel menschlicher Behaltnis, 2318 Stanley, Thomas, Earl of Derby, see Derby Spiers, William, 1558* Stanley, Thomas Stanley, Lord, 376 Spilbergh, Joris van, 392 Stanley, Sir William, 2193 Spilimbergo, Irene di, 2117 Stannington (Yorkshire), 375 Spilman, Clement, 329 Stanway (Gloucestershire), 1042
Spilman, Frauncis, 69 Staple, the, 1869
Spini, Giovanni, de Pugella, 721 Staplefourthe, 1350
Spini, Lorenzo di Cristofano, of Florence, 2219 Stapleton, Francellina, 1200
Spinola, Agostino, 686 Stapleton, Walter de, Bishop, 166(23)
Spinola family, of Genoa, 523 Star Chamber, 49, 127, 146, 282, 292, 332, 339,
enza, 1302 542, 1040, 1046
Spinosa, Cardinal Diego de, Bishop of Sigu- 384, 392, 406, 409, 1730(6), 2266; treatise on,
Spinula, Carolus and Georgius, 1936 Starkye, John, 252
Spira, Ffrauncis, 2271 Stars and planets, movements of, 1784 Spiritus Sanctus State papers, England, 79, 142, 146, 391(1276.4), De septem formis Spiritus Sancti, 1763 1139, 1510; England and France, 455
De Spiritu Sancto, 995, 2304 State tracts, England, 448
Septem dona Spiritus Sanctus, 53 States of the Church, 974
Spiritus Sancti missio, 2275 Statius
Spoleto, 1437, 1492, 2131 Achilleis, 596, 671, 818, 1183*, 1677
Spontin, Marie, daughter of Gielle de, 193 Thebais, 671, 1122, 1904; frag., 1773-+
Spreet, Adame and Janne van der, 205 Statius, Achilles, 654
Spreng, Johannes, notary, 2244 Status XII Sprowston, 429* De XII statibus, 1064 Squire, Scipio, 2261 Statuta Angliae, 78", 79, 130, 895, 1025-6, 1028, Stadthagen, 609 1030*, 1032, 1034(59), 1040, 1803, 2018*, Staffarton, Richard, 117 2125; frag., 663; abridgment of, 1030(41), Stafford, [A. D. 1437], 680 1032, 1104(3); abstract of topics of, 207; Stafford, Edward, [son of Henry, Ist Baron alphabetical list of, 2017(13); calendar of,
Stafford ¢], 64 1028 (29-30) ; extracts from, 135; Lecturae
Stafford, Sir Edward, 1628 on, 705*, 1024 Stafford, Henry, 376 See also Magna Charta, Pulton’s Kalender Stafford, Humphrey, Duke of Buckingham, see Statuta Londoniarum, 78 Buckingham Statuta nova ad annum VIT Edwardi IV, 1023
Stafford, Sir Humphrey, 1628 (10) Stafford, Sir William, 1628 Statuta Parliamentorum Angliae, 1026 Stafforde, Thomas, 1578 Statuta Ricardi II, 239, 1032
Staffordshire, deeds and documents, 304, 305*, Statute of Conditions, reading on, 1046(121) 353, 402, 1042*, 1628, 2063; justices of, 1624 Statute of Fines, lectures on, 136, 1025(18)
See also Erdeswicke (Sampson) Statutes de darrcin, lectures on, 136
Stakenberge, Johan van, 193 Statutes of Wales, 2018 Stancon, Jehancon, 253 Statutes of Westminster, see Westminster Standly, Sir Edward, 270 Staunton, Richard, 108, (of Wroxall) 276 Standly, Sir Thomas, 270 Staynicliffe, St. John of Jerusalem (hospital),
Stanfford, Charles, of Salford (Warwick- 275
shire), 275 Stayte, John, of Alderton (Gloucestershire),
Stanhawe, Edmond, 1581 317
Stanhope, [.....], als. 1628; counter- Stea de Neapoli, Franciscus
; Signature, 2 1% Recollectae datae MCCCCLXXIII, 560 Stanhope, John, 1611 Steeyn, Hanns, 1600
tanhope, ward, William,Mecrricte 196 an, 1282 . Stanhope, SirDr. Edward, 439,1627 1628*;Stedman, a.l.s., 1628 Steenhuus,
128 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Stege, Ordrut, wife of Erwyn vom, 128] Stramazzo da Perugia, poems by, 1248
Steghen, Theodericus ter, 2013 Strangwaies, Thomas, 2230 Stella, Bartholomeo, 1615 Strasbourg, 1259, 1607, 2089; use, 1412
Stella, Georgius, 1006 Stratford, Johannes de, 2016 Stenbeck, 199 Stratford-upon-Avon, 28, 276, 291, 308*-9*, 310, Stendall, 2011 311*, 312, 315*, 316, 317*-8*, 322-3, 349, 368,
Stella clertcorum, 1206, 1228, 1240-1, 1641 Stratford Langthorn, Placita assisarum at, 75 Stenography, Instruction in a system of, 350 384, 401, 407, 435, 438 Stephani, Stephano di Baptista degli, of Mer- Street, Denys van der, 199
catello Strenge, Bernhardus, 183
Summe artsmetice, 1792 Stretely (Bedfordshire), manor, 2023
Stephanites and Ichnelates, story of, 1440 Strigull, Gilbert, marshall of England, 450
Stephanus Neus, Saint, 1118 Cf. Strogell
Stephen, Saint, 606, 1910 Stritter, Clas, of Gemunde, 1282 Stephen, King of Poland, 1037 Strobell, Adam, 656 Stephen, Count of Burgundy, 1826 Strociis, Johannes de, 586 Stepkin, Makeline, 1598 Strode, Latin translations by, 314
Stepney, 1548; Boar’s Head, 353 Strogell, Gilbert de, marshall of England,
Sterpenich (?), 199, 201 1998 Sterpeny, 201 Cf. Strigull Stettin, 705 Stroud, W., poems by, 270 Stevens, William, of Kingston-on-Thames, >'t02z1 ..
1355 See also Strociis
Stevers (England), etrozzi, Glessangro (1390)Taye! ; a.l.s.,ant; 263 Stewart, Henry, oss Earl of Darnley, see263 Darnle
Stewart (or Stuart), James, Earl of Murray, som Filippo, see Strozzi (Giovanni Batse and Moray (James Stewart, Ear! Strozzi,a.l.s., Giovanni Battista “Filippo”, 1914; 162 Stewart, Matthew, Earl of Lennox, see Len- [Strozzi ?], Lodovico, 263 (1389)
nox Strozzi, Pietro, a.l.s., 1629*
Steyne, Friedrich, Rheingraf zum, 2139 Strozzi, Roberto, a.l.s., 263
Steynort, Aert van, 193 Stuart Stile, Laurence, 375 See also Stewart Stillingfleet, Cuthbert, 1536 Stuart, Lady Arabella, a.l.s., 74
S timulus amoris in Christum, 1856 Stuart, John, Duke of Albany, sce Albany
Stimulus liber doctoris Jesu Christi. . . , 939 Stuart, Matthew, Earl of Lennox, see Lennox
(15) Stuart, Robert, d’Aubigny, 1522
Stirling, 1218, 1599 Stuart, House of, 408
Stirpenich, Roulf zu, 192 Studend: modus, 2276 Stirpenich, 205* Students, see Carmen Cf. Sterpenich, Sterpeny Student’s note book, 110(HM 1729) Stockett, John, 321 Stupor Stockholm, 76 Tractatus de stupore, 916
Stockland Gaunte (Somerset), 369 Sturley, Abraham, 309, 311, 317*, 401
Stockman, William, 172 Sturmy, William, 1351 Stodey, 379 Stuttgart, 1519, 1649 Stogursey (Somersct), 369 Style, John a, of Gray’s Inn, 969
Stoke, 926 Style, William, 320, 577, 2110
Stoke by Chichester (Sussex), manor, 380 Stynchecombe (Gloucestershire), 382 Stoke juxta Newark (Nottinghamshire), 287 Styrley (Yorkshire), 1039
Stokes (or Stoke), Thomas, 27* Styx de Gange et Indo triumphat, a play, 909 Stoltenor, Iwan, Bishop of Reval, 1345 Suarez, Luis, 2329 Stonehurst Park (Surrey), 1354 Suarez de Caravajal, Benito, 2329-30
Stolberg, Wolfgang von, Count, 1648 Suarez, Francisco, 2326, 2328
Stoneley, Mr., 1730 Suarez de Caravajal, Ilan, 2329*, 2330 Stonley, Richard, 1611 Suarez de Figueroa, Gomez, 1612 Stonnham Aspall (Suffolk), 372 suavonus, [A. D. 880], 1499
Stonystanton, 1356 Subiaco, 3 Storch, Dr., 1639 Sublimipetra, Tersitmandro, 1004
Storia di Giulio Cesare, 1009 Suckling, poems by, 63, 319
Story of Susan and Daniel, in verse, 51 Suckling, Sir John, 386 Story of the Flight to Egypt, 51 Sudbury, 67 . Story of the Kings of Coleyne, 967 Sudlowe, countersignature, 2167
Stowe, Margaret de, 2130 Suetonius, 189 (34) Stowe mss., 124 Vitae XII Caesarum, 190, 445, 652, 837, 1897,
Stowe Market, 301 2057 Strabo, Walafridus, see Walafridus Suffolk, Duke of, 1635
Straccha, Anchise, da Bolsiena, 748 Suffolk, Earl of, 1558; P. C. L. signed by, 113,
Stradanus, Jacobus, 827 296, 334, 375, 422
GENERAL INDEX 129 Suffolk, Catherine, Duchess of, 1536 Sussex, Earl of, 302; P.C.L. signed by. 114, Suffolk, Charles Brandon, Ist Duke of, 356, 301*, 337, 430, 1736
1528, 1615 Sussex, Sir Henry Radcliffe, 2nd Earl of, 1621
Suffolk, Mary of England, Duchess of, 1598 Sussex, Sir Henry [read Thomas] Radcliffe, Suffolk, Theophilus Howard, 2nd Earl of, 1138 3rd Earl of, 1621* Suffolk, Thomas Howard, Ist Earl of, 1138 Sussex, Sir Henry Radcliffe, 4th Earl of, 117 Suffolk, William de la Pole, 4th Earl of, 335. Sussex, Sir Thomas Radcliffe, 3rd Earl of,
Suffolk, William de Ufford, Earl of, 368 389, 941 | -
Suffolk, arms of gentry, 577; deeds and docu- See also Sussex (Sir Henry Radcliffe, 3rd ments, 283, 296, 300, 311, 353, 372*, 377, 389, [sic] Earl of) 391, 399, 597, 1032, 1041, 1138, 1349, 1608, Sussex, deeds and documents, 123, 160, 251, 1634, 1669, 2022, 2130; justices of, 1629 272, 290, 325, 380-1, 384-5, 389, 403, 407, 413, Suffragia sanctorum, in Low German, 756 1031, 1041, 2110
Sulby, convent of, 1043 Sussicz, Lucas de, 1683
Sullington (Sussex), manor, 1041 Sutton, Sir George, 2224
Sully, Duc de, see Béthune Sutton, Thomas, 1630* Vita S, Martini, 1463, 1677 Sutton (Suffolk), 377
Sulpicius Severus Sutton, William, of Westminster, 22/0
Sulpitius Verulanus Suttons Bishop, 327 Grammatica, 1445 Swaftham, Thomas de, 2130
Summa brevis de foro poenitentiali, 1444 Swanson, Richard, 1737
Summa contra haereticos, 2027 Swarber, Johannes, 234
Summa de confessione, 1232 Swayne, R., 354
Summa de legibus Angliae, 1039(77) Swayne, W., 354 Summa de republica christiana, 1643 Swift, Jasper, 1618
Summa de Trinitate, 2047 Swingefeild, Stephen, 285
Summa doctrinae, a Latin grammar, 1776 Swiss ambassador of Henri II, 1863
Summa judicialis astrononuae, 2224 Swiss guards, 1586
Summa poenitentiae, 991 Swiss officers, 116, 853
Summa rudium, 573 Switzerland, 105, 582(297)
Summa, sive Lexicon theologicum, 1467 Sycken, van der, a signature, 197
Summa virtutum, 754 Sydney Summa virtutum ct vitiorum, 1327 See also Sidney
Summa vitiorum, 754, 943 Svdney, Lord, 2177 Summa vitiorum perbrevis, 754 Sydrach, 889, 923
Summarit Libri Sexti, Clementinarum..., Symboli expositio, 72, 573
1038 Symbolum Apostolorum, 2003, 2051
Summaripa, Marcus de, see Marcus Syvmbolum fidet, 734
Summarium, frag., 1710 Symeon 6 véoc Qeoddyos, poems by, 697
245 Symeon Stylites, Saint, 540
Summula brevis de arte mensurabilis cantus, Symeon Logothetes, poems by, 697
Summula circa judicium animarum, 1151 Symmachus Summula clericorum, 1229 Epistolae, 598 and 2310, 1121 Sunde (Coimbra), S. Maria, church, 220 Symond, John, of Totyngbeke, 311
Sunderland, Lady, 420 Symonson, Philipp, 1804 Sun-dials, see Regole Symphorien of Auxerre, Saint, 2038
Superbia Synaxarion, in Greek, 568(129), 1117, 1284* De superbia, in verse, 1801 Synod, Greek frag. on a, 697 Supputandi ars cum denariis, 1793 Synodale, 249
Surgéres, 1665 Synonyms, Latin, with French translations, 755 Surgery Syntipas the Philosopher, 698, 2197 De cirurgia, 915 Syriac, mss. in, 763, 868(24), 1103, 1362* Recueil de chirurgie, 1090 Syrups See also Chirurgia Bunones oe sorts conficiendis, 2228
r . e syrupo serpentimo,
Surrey! Sere OI Ao 1635 Syston (Gloucestershire), manor, 1350 Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of, 689
Surrey, Thomas Howard, Ist Earl of, see
Norfolk (Thomas Howard, 2nd Duke of) T
Surrey, Thomas Howard, 2nd Earl of, see
Norfolk (Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of) Surrey, deeds and documents, 290, 321, 322*-3*, 1. F., 434 382, 404*, 433, 977, 1041, 1350, 1354*, 1355 Tibard: Febn 1349. (1317.3)
Susannah (O. Test.), Greek frag., 1494; and aband, John, }
Daniel, story in Fen verse, ey Tabula . Eptstolarum et Evangeliorum. .. ,
Suso, Henricus, see Henricus Tacitt oAy 1007
Suspensio D US, toribus. 837 De censura suspensioms, 448 Germania, 837 985
Sussex, Duke of, 1512 storie and life of Agricola, 394
Tadcaster, 414 Tenures, 140, 649(10), 1028; lectures on, 1031
Taffureau, Estienne, 1867 (46) ; notes on, 10-11
Taillebourg, 20904 See also Littleton (Sir Thomas) Talaru family, 186 ‘Teo da Perusia Talavera, Francisco Velazquez de, see Velaz- La chaccia, 1009
quez Tepeaca y Santiago Tecalli, 2160
Talbot, John, captain of Vernon, 680 Terbantes, Alonso, 2330 Talbot, John, Ist Earl of Shrewsbury, see Terentius
Shrewsbury Comoediae, 190, 981, 1121, 1180*, 1264, 1769,
Talbot, John, son of Ist Earl of Shrewsbury, 1887, 1893*, 1903, 1947, 2056, 2183, 2316;
347 frag.,, 2071; extracts from, 1777(136) ;
Talbot, John, marshal of Ifrance, 352 notes on, 1797(247) Talbot, Mary, daughter of Oth Earl of See also Priscianus Shrewsbury, a.l.s., 1630 Termes, Paul de La Barthe, sire de, 1630 Talianus Maceratensis, Ansovinus Terni, Bishop of, 1588 Liber carminum diversorwin auctorum, 2218 Terra Laboris, 106
Tallis, Thomas, songs by, 70 Terra Sancta, see Holy Land
Talon, Jacques, notary of Chateau-Thierry, Terrazona, Bartolomé de, 2331
1998 Terrier, 187*, 191, 198, 211, 290, 304, 597, 1024 Tamariz, Juan, 533 Apologeticum, 1202 Tancarville, Comte de, 2191 Tesserant, Claude de, 1431 Tamariz, Gaspar de Perea, see Perea Tertullianus
Tancarville, Comtesse de, 1542 Tesson, Robert, 1807
Tapia, Luis, 2334 2295
Tapestrics, drawings for, 1436 Testament de Amyra le Sulthan Nych Hemedy, Tarascan dialect, ms. in, 2149 Testamentum Novum, see New Testament Tarascon, 254, 2198 Testamentum Vetus, see Old Testament Tarasco-Spanish dictionary, 744, 2150 ‘Testes
Tarragona De varielate testiumn, 1038 Missale Tarraconense, 1292 Teston (lXent), 423
Tarugi, Mgr., Bishop of Montepulciano, 936 Tetragram Gospels, Gospels in Greek known
Tarugi, Bernardino of Montepulciano, 935 as, 599
Tarusgi, Acursio, 1632 Teutleben, Valentinus, Bishop of Hildesheim Lasso, Bernardo, 1819*, 2142; a.ls., 263, 688, Statuta synodalia, 979
935, 1630 Teutonic Order, 259, 1221 coll., 1630597 Teyve, Over Teyve and élininta, (Staffordshire), 353Nether Teyve
Tasso, Torquato, 263, 935, 1819, 2092, 2142; Teversham (Cambridgeshire), 290 a.l.s. 688, 1219; autogr. letters and poems, Lewkesbury, 67; abbey of, 394
Della virtu femminile, 77 Texel, 564
Tassoni family, of lerrara, 654 Tey Magna (Essex), 596
Tate, Francis, 577 Thabor, see Pius Il Tausch, Father, 2297 Thaddaeus Alderotti de Florentia
Tauwel, Jan, sermons by, 1010 In Aphorismos Llippocratis, 904 _ Tavannes, see Saulx-Tavannes Super Joanmtium in Tegni Galeni, 504
Taxation rolls, England, 327 __ Super librum Tegni Galem, 504 Tax-list, French, 498, 1807 (Thaddeus de Parma Tayllor, Robert, of Dartford, 1281 Super Theortcam planctarum Johannis CreTaylor, Mr., 172 __ monensis, 1261 Taylor, Thomas, of Battersey (Surrey), 321 Uhais, 1638 Te celi... , hymn, 542 Thama, Johannes de, notary, 1868 Tecpatepec, 2160 Theano, letters of, 543 Tegernsce, 167, 495 Theatrum Chyimicum, 1184 Tesliacci. Gabriele. 1683 Thebais, see Miraculum, Statius Telles, Capt. Juan, 2326 Thebaldescho, Thebaldo, 259 Tello, Juan, 2326, 2331, 2334, 2337 Peas OM 12) teat Tello, Juan Gutierrez, see Gutierrez Thebit’ mlege Of, see Lldgate
Temperaments, four, | ] 1845 Tempest, Robert,the 403* Te1238(B. molt Or 60) gga De taerae, Temple, Lady, 359, 361 Ty raeans Stooh Archbish § Anti Temple, Hester, Lady, 359, 361, 365, 371 vari 100€ etephanus, Archbishop of /AntiTemple, Richard, of Elmesthorpe, 2109 var, ye Temple, Sir Thomas, 359, 361 Themata dominicalia, 1275 — a Temple family, papers, 124 Themata sermonum de pracciputs festivitati-
Temple in Strood, 1024 bus, 754 Tempo, Antonio de Themistocles, 827 Regulae de componendts sonettis, 1785 Themylthorpe, George and Robert, of Nor-
Temptations, dialogue on, 1231 folk, 2221
Ten Commandments, 894(143-4), 1162(9), TTheobalds, 1733 1188, 1228(B.15), 1232(B.22), 2002, 2164 Theodaldus, 1875
Chirurgia, 1104 » 4 ,
Theodericus Bototinensis Thomas [de Aquino], Saint, excerpts from, Theodora of Alexandria, Saint, 1112 Thomas de Aquino, Saint, 1945(57), 2214;
Theodoric, Duke, 1826 chapel for adoration of, 193; hymn to, 177;
Theodorus, Alberti’s Picturae elementa dedi- life of, 2071; mystical treatises by, 678;
cated to, 1918 prayers ascribed to, 1644(30) | De morte formidolosissiina juvens Theo- Compendium de profectu spiritual, 457 dort, 1269 Compendium theologicae, 878 ; Theodorus Sabbaites Confession and honor to the Blessed Sacra-
Theodorus juvenis Catena aurea in Evangelium S. Matthaei, 15 Sermons, in Greek, 1118 ment, poem ascribed to, 63
Theodorus, Vitus, 686*, 927, 1604* De aeternitate, 1312 _
Theodosius, Emperor, 1848(16) De aeternitate mundi, 1153
Theodosius, a Jew, 63 De aeternitatis beatitudine, 1165 and 2312 —
Theodosius Tripolites De grticulis fidet et ecclesiae sacramentis, Treatises in Greek: 1153 Concerning days and nights, 1145 De dilectione Dei, 1153
Concerning habitations, 1145 De ente et essentia, 1312
Spherics,excerpta, 1145 De modalibus, 883 1153 . Theologica 1955(15) De praeceptis, Theologica miscellanea, 448, 477 De professione imonachorum, ascribed to, Theological commonplace book, 426, 456, 648 738 - . . —
Theological notebook, in Latin, 2297 De V potentus antimae mtertoribus, 1312 Theological text, frag.: 247-8, 616, 1143, 1279, De regimine principum, ascribed to, 1165 2214; in Greek, 211 (61), 1346; in Italian, _ CF. 2301 (29) . 215*; in Latin, 216, 218, 219*, 221*, 233*, 400, De VII sacramentis, 1763
521, 592-3, 606, 947*, 1145, 1307(18.55), De veritate theologiae, 18
1814(10), 1973, 2190, 2195 De vita Christi, 541
Theological treatises, 15(25) ; in English, 181; In librum IV Sententiarum Petri Lombardi,
in German, 706; in Greek, 1111, 1756(15); 185
in Latin, 462(2, ff. 114r.-7v.), 717, 888(116), In Pater Noster, 2003 907(4, ff. 73r.-96v.), 992(803.07, ff. 44r.-6v.), In Salutationem angelicam, 2003 1157, 1228*(B 14, ff. 16r.-33v.; B 15, ff. 41r.- In Symbolum Apostolorum, 2003 8r.), 1229*(B 15, ff. 153v.-6r.; 162r.-5v.), Quaestiones de malo, 878 1913(10), 2048(128, ff. 24r.-35r.), 2232 Summa confessionis, 1240 Theological works, tables and summaries of, Summa contra gentiles, 1638
1877 Summa de articults fidei, 992
See also Commentarium, Compendium, Elu- Summa (Secunda secundae), 1013
cidarius, Glossary, Summa Super libros Ethicorum Aristotelis, 1062
Theonestus, Saint, 1785 Super quibusdam articulis, 1153
Theophanes, Archbishop of Taormina Tabula super dicta et partes S. Thoimae de
Homilhes, in Greek, 2282 Aquino, 959(13)
Theophilus, extracts on ecclesiastical law, Tertia pars primae bartis Summae, 723
from, 1114 I ractatus pro confessoribus, 1179
Theophilus, prayer of, in French verse, 458, re aise Ree tS Romanus De perfectione vitae spiritualis, 1166
Theophilus de Adana, Saint, 540 Meditatio de amore Dei. 1166” Theophilus Diaconus, 2279 Thomas de Aquino and Ptolemaeus de Lucca Theophilus Protospatharius De regimine principum, 2301 : C oncerning excrements, in Greek, 699 Cf. 1165(24) ’
De urinis, 860 Thomas of Canterbury, Saint, 1954; poem on, Theophrastus 909 De impressionibus animi, 1311 See also Visiones De historia plantarum, 1388 Thomas Cantimpratensis
Theophylactos, Pseudo-, 697 De ammalibus, 985 Theosebius Mechlinensis astrologus, 719 De arboribus, 986 Theotokarion, in Greek, 84 De naturis rerum, 2304
Thermes, Sieur de, 1506 De serpentibus, 985
Tperouanne 511, 1154‘ormae : Thomas Capuanus etford, P. use T., 46, alis., 1630 Romanae Curiae super casibu -
Thetford, kkormularium tent 2107 per casibus poe neyer, Austen,1559 a.d.s., 1513 sive candelabrum, ascribe
Thienville, Durand de, 1577 1764 win, ascribed to, “hiessart, qpirlby, Thomas, Bishop, 1616* Tomas de Haselbach taraaane, Sir John Maitland, Ist Earl of, Thomas a Kempis
Thiron ‘ase 2078 De disciplina claustralium, 458 Thomas8Agni de Lent; re Acni Imitatio Christi, see 993 Imitatio Christi ntino, see Agni Hortulus rosarum,
Thomas de Senis Tindall, a signature, 1357 Legenda S. Catherinae de Senis, 821 Tinoco, Dona Ana, 2337 Thomas de Tuderto Tinta, Indians of, 2338 Ars sermocinandt, 1641 Tiptoft, John, 412
Thomas de Waleys Tiptoft Missal, ms. known as, 1386 In Civilatem Det S. Augustini, 2049 Tirell, Thomas, 376
Thomas, John, 396 Tiroler Passionspiel, 1242 Thomond, Earl of, 1555 Tirrell, Sir Henry, 1597
Thomond, Donough O’Brien, Earl of, 330 Tisson, John, of Moudyslegh, 1348
Thonawerd, 1813 325 Thorntona, Gilbertus de Tiziano Vecelli, painter, a.l.s., 1631 Abbreviatio Summae de legibus Anglae, Tlaxcala, 8, 182, 206, 2162-3 1039 Tobbe, William, 422 Thorp, William of, 1349 Tobit, Book of, comm, on, 1842, 2165
Thompson, Robert, poems by, 61 Titlowe, John, of East Raynham (Norfolk), Thorne, Nicholas, of Bristol, 2221 Tivoli (or Tiburtinum), 3*, 259
Thorpe, George, of Barkley (Gloucester- See also Matthacus Vindocinensis
shire), 365 Todesius, Thobias, of Franca Villa, 226 _ 1630, 2199611 Tofte (Lincolnshire), manor, 1627 Lhouarce, Toison d’Or, 1459 Thou, Jacques-Auguste de, 1737, 2199; a.ls., Todi, 261
Three Maries, the, 2307 Tolcorne (Cornwall), 340
Throckmorton, Anthony, 354 Toledan tables, 884*
Throckmorton, Arthur, 1630 Toledo, Don Francisco de, 1505
Throckmorton (or Throgmorton), Clement, Toledo, Don Luis de, 2180, 2330, 2336
1514, 1552 . , Toledo, Don Petrus de, 226
Throckmorton, Sir Francis, 1630 Toledo, 9, 2129, 2149, 2198; Convent of Santa Throckmorton, Sir John, 1559, 1631 Fé, 955; Council of the year 1582, 27
las, 1536, 1618* . Hs , totle, 2216 Yhrockmorton, Thomas, 349 _ an : Colias, Auberz, 2064
Throckmorton, Nicholas, 252, 417; Sir Nicho- Toletanus, Franciscus, SJ., comm. on Aris-
Throckmorton, Sir W., of Tortworth, 354 Lolethorpe, 658 Throgmorton, Robert, of Coughton (War- foll-books, 409)
Chrogmorton, Mr., 2271 :
: follemache, Sir de, Lionel, 292 ;Thubenheim, Tolnarch, Jhan 1282 Hans von, 1626 Tolsi, Nerius, 3 wickshire), 367
Mhucydides Tompkins, John and Richard, 340 Histories, in Greek, 760 Tong, Thomas, Norroy king-of-arms, 350
Thurstan, provost (St. John of Beverly), 122 Tonnerre, Comtc de, see Jean de Chalon
Thurston, 926, 2022 Torella, Count of, see Caracciolus (Marinus) Thymelby, Richard, 1356* Torello, Guido, 935
Thynne, [francis Torgau, 1553, 1584 Additions 10 Holinshed’s Chronicle, 292 Torkesey, John, 2295
Amimadversions upon... {editions| of Chau- De quadratis figuris primis et sex speciebus
aad , ne F 131 notarum, 2294 firms ofab theChChancellors, . aci oe at Commentaries of Britayne, 139 pornaquine see Medici
Ihvetrs devises, 434 Torquatus, 827 Emblemes and Epigrames, 135 Torr Abbey, 1627
Thynne, Sir John, 384 Torre, Francisco de la, 2334
Thynne, T., 926 Torre, Juan de la, 2181, 2333*
Tibaldi, Pellegrino, architect, a.l.s., 1631 Torres, Fernando de, 1602
Tiber (river), legal treatise on, 1038 Torres, Ferrante, 1602 Tibullus Torres, Francisco de, 2332-3 Carmina, 442, 981, 1183 Torres, Sebastian de, 2327
Tiburtine Sibyl, 540* Torres del Palacio, Francesco de, 8 Tiburtinum, see Tivoli Torroella, near Gerona, 609 Tiburtius, Saint, 1472 Tortis, Georgius de, 1180 Tiepolo, Antonio, 1011 Tory, Geoffroi, see Index of scribes and
Tiercelin, Charles, seigneur de Ia Roche, 1825 Index of illuminators
Tierra Firme, 2286Tottell, Totila, R., King, 213 52 Tifernas, Johannes printer, De origine requm... Urbis Romac, 537 Totteneys, 1354 Tignonville, Guillaume de, see Guillaume Tottenham, see Tournament...
Til, Richart du, 1828 Totton, 1350* Tilladam, Benedict, of Woodmancote, 354 Toul, Archdeacon of, 1826 Timbercombe (Somerset), 1043 Tinagero de la Escalera family, 169 Toul, Bishop of, 1826-7 Tinagero Rodriguez de Ja Escalera, Diego, 168 Toul, 929; use, 1065
GENERAL INDEX 133 “oulouse, 117, 1061, 1585; Capitouls of, 1487; Tresremos, Mr., 137
ose niane, 1061; scholars of, 207(48), Tresswell, Robert, 330 (634.1)
1678; use, 811 Tresyllan, Rob., see Tresilian
Touneshend, Roger, 1512 Tretenaria, 226
Tourdine, Jehan de, chaplain, 1834 Treuencthek, 1355 . Tournai, Lishop of, 1591 Lreugae forma instrumenti, 703
1962, 2154 Treves _
Tournai, 970; use, 754, 931, 1321, 1651, 1943, Trevelyan, 434(2058.1)
Tournal __Gesta Trevirorum, extract from, 1085 Voyage en Italie, 999 reves use, 2321 Tournament of Tottenham, in verse, 967 Lrevet, see Trivet Tournaments, 1501, 1726 Trevi, 1174 ; Tournes, a signature, 1573 Trevisano, Agnolo, 205 Tournon, Cardinal de, 76 _ Treviso, 1262 _
Tours, 1542, 1677, 1881; mss. of school of, 607, Trevor, [A. D. 1600], 927 707, 803, 1369(23), 1402, 1713, 1758, 2188, Trevor, J., 337, 400
2278, 2308 Trevor, John, 280
Tours use, 158, 235, 1384, 1460, 1849-50, 2037 Frevor, Th, 114
Toustain, countersignature, 1013 Treva: ou 7 pomas, 413
Tovar, Nufio de, 2327 Pe Or Bans, Se .
Towers, of Tamworth (Warwickshire), 304 prewythenck, Roger, 1355 a 7 Towers, Humphrey, of Tamworth (War- rate femme de Lucien Vitelien, 2070
wickshire), 305 , ‘Les ‘douse seruvises de la tribulation, 1162
Towers, Robert, of Tamworth (Warwick- The twelve profits of tribulanon 1799 shire), 304-5 - Tribute, records of, 2160-1 Towneley Mysteries, 32 rcligious plays, 37 Triecht, 204
Townely, Zouch, poems by, 269 | Trier, 183, 1245, 2307 Towns, corporate, see Firma Burgi Trigonometry, treatise on, in Italian, 1792: in
Townshend, Mrs., 395 Latin, 1278 Townshend (?), Jo. 409 Trinchetus Townshend, Sir John, 329 Libellus de ordine judiciorum, 1180
Townshend, Roger, cf. Touneshend Trinity, 697; prayer to the, 221
2271 Trinity House, 856
Townshend, Sir Roger, 402-3, 428, 429*, 926, See also Compendium, Summa
Townshend family, 395; 402 Trinity Lane, 1625 Towres, see Towers lriddion, in Greck, 1123 Towse, Elizabeth, 2200 Tr tomphe de la constance dans l’Ordre des...
Towse family, 2200 Chevaliers Invulnérables, 603 Trafford, Edward, 425 Tripoli, Bishop of, 222
Trailles, M. de, of Amsterdam, 2199 LTrippars, 2222 Traité de la pierre philosophale, 995 Priremundense monasterium, 734
Traité de Peine, poem, 45 Trissino, Giovanni Giorgio
Trajan, Emperor, 1443, 1894 Sophonisba, Epistole, Ritratti, Oratione, 1700
Trambley, 498 Tristan et Artus, Roman de, 1372
Transfiguration, Service for the, in Greek, 1921 Trithemius, Johannes, list of his works, 911
Transito de Maria, Cofradias del, 745 Antipalus maleficiorum, 1246 Transtetter Viennensis, Georgius, 719 Trivet, Nicolaus
Hrasierra, oe, als 1344 siales, frag., rasollario Juan presbyter, 501 n Boeithtum, De 137 consolatione phi jac Fratman, Richard and Edward, 394 s 130 , philosophiae, rau, 8ofuper X hbros Declamationum Travels a Venetian nobleman, 396 and 2263 1969 Senec denecae, Travers, Walter, 2266 Trivisano, M., 2126 Traversari, Ambrogio, 1695 Trivisano, Marcantonio, Doge, 1470
Frebbio i Mugello, 1633 privulzio, Giovanni Giacomo, 1631 redenoke, -8 rivulzio, Teodoro, Marquis of Pizzig
Tregonyburgh, 1349 1631 qs of Pizzighctone, Treherns, Master, 145 Trobillard, Jehan, 1826 Trelon, 200, 202* Troilus and Criseyde, see Chaucer Trelawny, John, 1737, 1999 Trogus Pompeius, 839
Tremblay, 1836 Troparium, frag., 662 Trent, Cardinal Bernard of, 1540 Tropes
Trent, 216-7, 1436, 1600; Council of, 907, 924, De schemate et tropo, 1443
1179, 1411 Species troporum in offictis..., 1872
Treptow, 705 shire), 281 Tres salamandrae, a play, 909 Trotula
Trente Psaumes de David, 1407 Trotman, Thomas, of Dursley (Gloucester-
Tresilian, Sir Robert, 1684 Das Puech Trotula. 753
Trésor des Chartes, 1003 De ornatu, 48
134 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Troy, 1801(266, f. 34v.), 1815(6) Tybolt, 114
Troyes, 255, 1608, 1828(54) ; use, 98, 510, 601, Tycknor, Henry, of Cranley (Sussex), 2110 637, 752, 798, 957, 1016, 1277, 1943, 1971, Tyler, Richard, 311*, 317, (alias Philippes the
2140, 2187 younger) 334
Trujillo, Juan de, 2327 Tyltey (Essex), 376
Trujillo, 2337 Tymme, Thomas, 397(1317.3) Trumpe, Thomas, of West Raynham (Nor- Tyndal, John, 356
folk), 325 Tyr, Guillaume de, see Guillaume
Trussy, near Laon, 612 Tyrell, Edmund, 1598 Trutha virgo, see Revelationes Tyrell, Sir James, 1578 Trynne (Ireland), 1140 Tyrell, John, 1631
Tsioc, Jhan, Tyrrell Tubingen, 20871282 See also Tirell, Tirrell, Tyrell Tucher, Thomas, 1808 Tyrrell, Anthony, 681 Tucwell, T. and Trystram, 296 Tyrrell, Edward, a.l.s., 359 Tudor, House of, 1511 Tyrrell, Elizabeth, a.l.s., 359 Tugenden Unsers Herrn, Die, 724 Tyrrell, Henry, 1608 Tuke, Brian, 68, 117 Tyrrell, James, 278, 372
Tumors, Greek frag. on, 699 Tyrrell, Sir Thomas, 344 Tundale, The Visions of, 1996 Tyrrhenian Sea, map of, 1297
Tunlegh, William, son of Richard of, 1348 Tytburst and Kendall, manor, 380 Tunstall, Cuthbert, Bishop of Durham, 383, Tyverton, 355
1580, 1616, 1635 Tzutuhil language, 549
Tunstall (Staffordshire), 1042 Turba philosophorum, see Allegoriae Turbervyle, George, 286
Turenne, letters to, 1575*; MW. de, 116; Vicomte U de, jell, 1534, 1666, 1739-41, 1742*, 1743,
Turenne, Chateau de, 1527 Ubaldis, Baldus de
Turianus, Corradianus Consilia de jure, 554
Liberculus auctoritatum, 1443 Lecturae super Codicem, 1449 Turin, Jean de, 1863 Ubeda, 899 Turin, 260, 1521, 1525, 1529, 1530*, 1538, 1548, Ubertinus de Casali
1560*, 1916, 219-4 Arbor vitae crucifixt Jesu Christi, 482
Turke, John, of London, 429 Udall, Nicholas, 1728 | Turkey, Sultan (“Grand Segnior”, “Greate Udalricus Episcopus, Saint, 247 Turke”) of, 341, 445, 1272 Udalricus Argentinensis
See also Littera, Pius II Compendium theologicae veritatis, 479
Turkey, 710, 973(3-4), 2059(187), 2295(168) _Cf. Compendium theologicae veritatis
See also Charron (Anthoni), Marcaldi Udine, 933, 1432, 2005 ;
(Francesco) Ufford, William de, Earl of Suffolk, see Suf-
Turks, the, 142(EL. 1612, £. 14r.), 260 (1328), __foll 266(1441), 970(15), 1004(41), 1006*, 1008 Ugo, 827
(82), 1588 Ulloa, Fernando Yanez de, see Yanez
See also Bittelschies (Johann) Ulloa, Noguerol de, 2333
Turner, Anne, 968, 1036 Ulloa, Vasco Sanchez de, see Sanchez Turner, Arthur, sergeant-at-law, 1045 Ulpian, the jurist, 1823
Turner, Sir Edward, 1045 Ulrich von Richenthal Turner, George, 363 Chronik des Constanzer Concils, 1342 Turpin, Antoine, 1591 Underhill, Sir Edward, 361, 371 Turpin, Henry and Gérard Underhill, Hercules, 435 Recueil des Priéres, 1413 Underhyll, Wylliam, of Newbold Revell Turrecremata, Johannes de (Warwickshire), 318
Expositio Regulae S. Benedicti, 881 Underwood, Edmund and Robert, of London, Tuscany, Archduchess of, 1748* 351 . _ Tuscany, Duke of, 1531 Ungarelli, Aloisio Maria, 1846.
Tuseany, Grand Duchess of, see J.orraine Unio (Christine de) De unione, quaestiones et responsa, 493 Tutbury, 257, 1599; Castle, 1624 Unitas Twenty-four Elders, the, 714 De wnitate et uno, 2049 Sec also Otto von Passau United Provinces, 430
Twynghe, John and William, 1350 Universal chronicle, see Chronique
Twysden, Sir Roger, 581 Universal chronology, in French, 1175
Twysden, Thomas, alias Bede, 1512*-3*, 1615 Universal history, in French, see Histoire; in
Twysden, Sir William, 581 Latin, see History Twysden, William, 1554 Universita de brentadori (Cremona), 1917 Twywilles, 2110 Universita degli alberghatori (Siena), 2126 ryard, Pontus de, 1130 Universitas mercatorum (Florence), 2225 Tyberville, 1833 Unton, Sir Henry, 1631
’ weedy , ; ,, e1339, 1674 regulis grammaticis, 841
Upnately (Hampshire), 381 Valerius Maximus, 1777, 1930, 2253
Uppeton, 1350 Facta, et dicta, memorabilia, 80, 462, 837,
Ppton-upon Sever 2 Valla, Laurentius, 559, 834, 1757 Urban WV Fope, see Pantaleo (Jacobus ) Elegantiae linguae Latinae, 442, 595
Usban wit Pope 1e30e Excerpia de grammatica ex Diomede alisUrban VIII, Pope, 4*, 265, 1918 Grummatica Latina, 1777(140) Urbccan Buonaggiunta, of Lucca, verses by, Vallagors Juan de, 2333 allado fexico), 745
Urbino, Duchess of, 1690 Valladolid Srany db, 525, 538, 655, 679, 724, Urbino, of, 116,Duke 1526,of, 1530, 1593, 1665-6 1201, 1267%, 1531, 1539*, 1561-2, rbino,Duke Federico, 935; al.s., 935 1600, 1735, 1954, 2061*,1541, 2098, 2101,1585-6, 2118,
Urbino, Leonora, Duchess of, a.ls., 1588 2128*, 2161
Lirnino, me 1549*, 1588 Vallard, Nicolas Urchenaader,, Caspar, toe elish 48. 451. 915- Régime et gouvernement du soleil, 41 ne trea gs3, in Latin, 883(95, f 141-5), Valle, Fre 202
915, 2227(7590, ff. 102-4) » Walle, Brancisco det, 2327
me see parle . oo Wat enter Steen: 332
Uresy piens nd, Alligrancia his wife, 224 Vallibus, Hieronymus de, of Padua
Ureuke Gro 57 Jesuiaa, carmen ad Donatum Episcopum
Use, liturgical, see English, R Sanne names of dioceses and isn, Roman sane under Va ls Frangoise-Maric de, 853 Usson. 684Valois, alois, René de, see Usuardus receiver of,Alengon 1608
) ’ ’ 1cno
Martyrologium, 567, 733, 921 Valsugana, Domenicho da Bien de, see
US ay (24215.135*) and 2304, 1790(199), Val Suyst, 613 Valturius, Robertus
Usus conversorum, 738 De re militari, 1848*
*_ |.annes, y ’Peter, , reas, - alis., 117, 1632
Utrecht, 202, 770, 794, 1397, 2212; calendar va 66 Ameyden family, of Bois-le-Duc, 181; use, Horae: 1, 31, 95, 168, 181, 230, Vandeuvre, Per
510, 517, 636%, 730, 787, 795, 962, 924 1066", Yang arene Sey are , 1960-1, 2034, 2035*, 2036, 2140, Van Lons, M., 1596
oo, anvin, Jehan, 683
Uvedale, Sir William, 436 vannes, iy 1574
aes omens bonae Varchi, uxoris, 1801Benedetto, Varamunde, Erneste, 393 zes, 1825 1205
Varela, Hernando (or Fernando), 2326*-8* Varenguebec (Manche), 2191 Vargas, Bartolome de, 2330
V Vargas, Francisco 2326 Vargas, Juande, de, 2326
yaca,; Garcia vargas, de, 2335 Barba CabLuis d argas Carvajal, Don Diego de, 1614
Vaez, Martin, 2332 abeza de, see Barba Vargas-Mexia, Francisco, als, 1632
Valascus de Tarenta Varin, Perrin, 255
De epidemia et peste, 1311 Vasarh Giorgio, go: a.l.s., 1632 Val de Dun, Vicomté de, 18 . asquez, Diego Garcia de, see Garcia Valderas (Spain), 294A e, 1833, 1835 Vasquez de Osuna, Juan, 2327-8 Valderrama, Antonio de, 2330 Vassalage, act_ of, in Spanish, 611 Valdes, see Gongalez de Valdes Vane [= (G)uarinus 2], 1445
Valdivieso, Juan de, 2328 vaucel ee 2198 Valence, 1565; use, 494 Vau » Lode Valencia, 1540, 2107 audrey, Lancelot de, 412 Valencianas, 1632 Vaughan, [A. D. 1538], 1512
Valentano, yaugnan alentin der1561 meyger, 2307John, Peet 38 at 9 Valentinus Basilins Vaughan, Richard, ertia pars Testamenti, 1 nek 1554(MA 549) Valer, Alonso Perez de, See Perez Vaulgibault, M. de, 970 Valera, Hernando, 2327 auluisant, 1860, 2231
yore Tome, 2332 sous-L ler} : “SOUuS-Lavy, alerius, Andreas, 1989Waulx Vauquelin, Raoul,1566 352
Vautier, Rogier, 1827 Venier, Marino, 1432 yaux, aux, pord, 926, 1616* venir, Nicolo,1470 1074(752) Henry enier, Pietro, Carmen in Passione Jesu Christi, 2266 Venier, Sebastiano, 1004
Vaux, Longueval, sieur de,de, Veniero, Antonia ; nd 110Maximilien tpistoladeww vistonem . . S. Ludovicr
Vaux-sous-Moudun, 187(23) Venetus, 473 Vasasor, poem by, 272 Veniero, Antonio, Doge, 1632 Vazquez, Diego, 2332 Ventura, Captain, 252
Vazquez, Mateo, 1302, 1518, 1523, 1561, 1569, Venus and Adonis, song on, 342
1602 Venus and young Adonis. .., a poem, 269
Vazquez, Scbastian, notary, 2180, 2335 Ver, Guyot de, 1831 Vazquez de Acufia, Luis, Bishop of Burgos, vera yuan de, OOF Veaux, Seigneur de, see Lemaistre (Pierre) Vérac, M, de, 256
1593, 1632 era, Pedro de, 7
Vecr, Robert de , Vera Cruz, Alonso de, 2160(G.11) Vers, Mernande “te th 33308-1" Compendium privilegiorum. . . pro con-
Vegetius Cra TUZ, | » 2104 De re militari, 921, 1434; in English, 1501 ycrain, Saint, 10/4 Vegio, Maffeo, 1078 wo . Velasco, Hernandez de, 955 De sigmificatione quoruindain verborum, 1038
Vegaso, Lucas Martinez, see Martinez Vor sion’ fie wit, 2150
Velasco, Juan Fernandez de, see Fernandez Ad sognoscenaune verba directa ct obliqua, Velasco, de,Verba see I.opez ; Velasco, Juan Luis Lopez de, 744 sentoruni, 1638 .
y, e, ambassador, 223 lle, I
Velazquez de Talavera, Francisco, 2181, 2331 Verba semorum patrumn, libri XIX, 908
Velley. M. d mbassador. 2231 Verdalle, Hughes de Loubenx de, 1590 Vendéme, Cardinal de, 1012 Verdoia, [rater Antonius, a.l.s., 1632
Vendéme, Antoine, duc de, 520 Verdugo, Gaspar, 2334 .
Venena verdugo, Melchior, De curation neni. 1311Comiienaagar erdun, 497, 1015, 1590, 1626; use,2335 1383
De venenis, 2226 : Vere, Edward de, 17th Earl of Oxford, see Veneratio Dei, 594 XTOTC Venerius, Johannes, Ricolda widow of, 2220 Vere, John de, 13th Earl of Oxford, see Venetian ambassadors, reports of, 710, 974, Oxford 1011 Vere, John de, 16th Earl of Oxford, see Venetian armorial, 853(538), 935(32), 1184,Vere, Oxford Robert de, Duke of Ireland, see Ireland
Venetian chronicle, 897, 934, 1001 Vere, Robert de, 5th Earl of Oxford, see Venctian confraternity, statutes of a, 2069 Oxford
Venetian costumes, 828 Vere, Robert de, 9th Earl of Oxford, see
Venetian travels of 341, a, ee and 2263 Oxford enice, nobleman, 4, 6, 7*, 34, 132, 934*-5*, 973,
975*, ar: aa . 1001, i006, '1008*" 1011, 1162(10),' 1588 yor ear | Aid ae ei oie
1787(187), 1914(19), 1919, 2060*, 2127*, - Deraty, 2200 2221. Vergerius, Petrus aulus » OL.2952 e wgenms mortbus, 599,11680, 1780*, 1787
Venice, Giorgio, 24 Vita Petrarchae, 1074 enice, ean San Lorenzo, P Senos -Vergili {Ts Venice, §. Ludovieus 473Vergilius qetus ane ce ets)»ox extracts
enice, S. Maria de Caritade, 1182* 12 2] 969.” °
wyenice, ean, Marco, 897, 933", 71, 2220 Aeneis, 81-2, 148, 462, 831-2, 886*, 932, 1086
Venice, Santo Salvador, 1446 318. 318 Fd, 885 ster 399 “ras 3008
Venice, Seminario, 2063*;written comm., enice, mss., lettcrs and260 documents at, 939, A 4 la1068, H ' kt 1183 = |
10, 40, 43, 65, 111, 164, 216, 236, 245, 260" — @itsort de ad oribus eect, BBO ge 11RD"
’ ’ ‘ ’ ’ “fy ’ ’ ’ 4 8 190 20
262, 263*, 494, 533,’ 545*, 586-7, 602, 655, 688 ae ee a el ee
760, 814, 820-1, 824, 828*, 832-3, 838, 842, Catalecta. 1408 853, 854*, 871, 886, 897-8, 920, 932, 934, Copa, 886 041; 952, '979, 997, 1051, 1057, 1072, 1074*, ee fortuna, 886, 1906 1166, 1174, 1181, 1257, 1294, 1355, 1432, 1463, De littera Y, 886, 1906
1470-1*, 1522*, 1605, 1607, 1630, 1632, 1676, De lucro, 1906
1678, 1695, 1702, 1707, 1713, 1754, 1756, 1770, De moribus studentwmn. 1906
1772, 1796, 1857, 1890*, 1893, 1896-7, 1914, De Musis, 1906 1916, 1929, 1965*, 1998, 2042, 2057, 2060, De Octaviano. 1182
oan 2134, 2145, 2183, 2213, 2216, 2225, De Orpheo, 1906 De seipso et Humereo, 1906 Venier, Francesco, lieutenant of Frioul, 1471 De sole et die, 1906 Venier, Francesco, podesta of Verona, 1470 De vino et Venere, 1906
Venier, Giovanni Antonio, 1432 De viro bono, 886
Venier, Isabetta, 2220 De viro favente el bono, 1906
GENERAL INDEX 137 De virtute et viti
Eoitaphio in Vergilium, 886 See also Sermones, Summa, Virtues and
Est 1086, 1906488, Vi . 1150 C , et , ;non, . ich886, (Catalonia),
e408 1 eo agse’ abey’ 832*, 1086, 1182*, Vichard de Saint Réal, César, 7
O pe ' sk )
Hortulus, 1906 Victoire, Abbaye de la, 1591, 1665 Moretum, 605, 1086, 1906 Victon’ Saint, 1016, | 1472 a
Notabiles questiones, 1906 in) Payot, Saint, see Foscarini (Lodo-
ay ie, 1181, 1182*, 1895-6 Victoria et umbra, a play, 909
Rossetum, 886 yactorine Ml 1318 See also P ; ictorinus, Marius_ Fabius “Vergna’,. son of Du ees) vin? Rhetoricam Cicerons, 1770 Vergy, Jean, Batard de, 1 C44 ictorius, Maximus Vergy, 1564 ’ Vier ene metrorin, 1443 Vérité (La) a la place des ombres, 1368 icufia, Juan Perez de, see Perez
Ae). sace °S;, Vida, Marcus Hieronymus, a.l.s., 121° Verneuil-sur-Seine, 1957 ie de sainte Marguerite, 2318 Verney, Sir E mon 4359 re des XII Césars, 1404
yeni giovanni di Franco, 2091 Vie de Jésus-Christ, 923 y BES ?
Vernon, 352, 362 Vie des dé Peres, 225) 199 Ve _ 1é@ et| geste Cesar,
ona 855, 1078, 1306-7, 1470*, 1677-8, 1699, Vicilleville, Prangois de Scépaux de, als,
Veronese, Paolo, a.l.s., 2093 Vienna, Arch of, vcronese, Faco, ans. , Archbishop
ye a Oe: a Viegas, 958, 19628, YO,1825 1624, 16H),
, nois, ucustini , : _
Kelaivone of his discovery of New England, Vienne, Perrot de, 1829
Versailles, 1393 Vienneis, "Abmastinian
Versus contra haereticos, cun. commento, 1978 Antoine, 1328 inian monastery of St Versus de libris Veteris et Novi Testamenti, Wietset, 191, 194, 197*, 200
2007 Viersey-en-Condros, 194, 195*
Versus devotissimt de S. Philomene, 472 Vies de Scipion, Hanmbal, Pompée, Crcéron
Versus XIT sapientum de Cicerone, 189 1853
Versus XII signorum, 2226 View of frank pledge, 296(350.1), 350(908.1)
Versus ex Schola Salernitana, 1902 380 (1181.8), 1034, 1357, 2158 ) Versus memoriales, 1641 Vigiles des morts, in verse, 1400 Versus figurarum logices, 887(114) Vigevano, Bishop of, 264
Versus paschales, Vigiliae mi 962 Vertron, de, 1656 Vigiliae mortuor 864,,21 FPO,M.an. Ok,921 mortuorum, 2168:
Vesin, Jehan de, 1564 (HM 504) 8; comm. on, 72
cci, A. Antonio, 263 i _
yespasian, Emperor 1639 Vignacourt, 1745
Vespucci, Amerigo, 519: a.ls., 1633 Vignay” lah i de, of Assisi, 474
vespucci, Antonio, 519 Vigneulles Bhititpe den espu
Vespuce? Giorgio Antonio, al.s., A098 vic ent nouvelles et plus que nouvelles, 2287 Vespucciis, Antonius, cancellarius, olim ser Venetia SME de, recerver of Paris, 1867
Anastasii ser Amerigi de, 519 | Vik wis "Re arie de, 605
Vessenich. 205 ’ wayareis, ‘eynaudus de, canon of Macon, 1826 Vesvres, Philibert de, 187 Villabona,_ 263"
Vetancurt, Fr. Augustinus de, 2148 Villagomez Rodrigo de, 2327 v cterinariae artis scriptores Graeci, 1990 Villagra, Donia Ines, 2334
Vettori, Erancesco, Eo 688 on, 1906 vite Dota Madalena de, 2333 Vetus Mons [= Altenberg] 734 Villa. Ma Juan Rodriguez de, see Rodriguez
Viana, Domicella de, 1688 Mexico, 743 Marques de, Viceroy of
Viane, Gérard de, 1688Villana Villa “A M :' 1d d Id Vicecomes, Hieronymus Opusculum in quo probatur lamias esse Vill Siste us de, 1820 haereticas. . . , 1245 Villani, Pietri ge “Mtilon, 7
Vicecomitibus, Johanni i "ava Horns an, 721
Vicecomitis, Shiite Maia, 961, 1168 Vea s Hernando (or Fernando) de, Vicenza, a Capttaneo of, 854 Villar d 1 Ay ve, Viceroy of Peru, 2114
Vicentini, Carlo, 934 Vill Cond .
eee . ° . ’ e ec 1 : ? Ville (Hainaut), 709
Vices, treatise on, in Italian, 2002(6); in Villari el Aguila, 10°
Latin, 717(1), 1231 | Villars” Honorat de Savoie, M
De VII vitis principalibus, 572, 1082(5) Villa Savariego, 688 avoie, Marquis de, 1633
e vittis, 448(SM 588, 1766 Septem vitia,32),1232 lla Villa Silo,Si 1300
e de us
115, 1666, 1859 isconti .
Villebresme (or Villebresmes), a signature, wisconta, Lady Violante, 1819
Villefrangcon, Seigneur de, sce Saulx (Guil- See also Vicecomes, Vicecomitis, Vicecomiti-
Villegas, Ceistobal de, 2333* Visconti, Filippo Maria, Duke of Milan, 961,
Villelme, Huguet de, 1829, Visesconti, ti OttavioUttav: ilencuve-la-Comtesse,
, . observaWillenebvelexAvignor 1829 In Aristotels Poltttcorum libros Villeroi (or1536,’ Villeroy),1565, M. cle,1571, 1504 i letter to visi 1266 Visio 7 16, 1573, 1629,
5 rise yay 80 2096, 2231 Quaestiones de.. differentia visionts. ..et rap-
Villeroi, Nicolas de Neufville, scigneur de, see Visit le Dowel poem, 58
Villocons, “1836 Visio Fursei, 54000
Villers-Cotterets, 289, 1520, 1543, 1566, 1572-3 Visio ponpercucae multerss, 540
Ville-sur-Arce, Philippe de, 1626 ane erty, ni 540 Villct, Gilles, grenctier de Paris, 1831 aie eg amnant
Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham, see Visto ‘ Moariae A hae 540)
Buckingham Visio >. 988 egyptacae,
Villiers, Mahiet de, 682 Visio Wertini 540
Villers, 226 Visiones wm,
Vines TS, 256, 1533, 1541, 1551, 1614, See also Sermones
1666, 1882 Visiones S.Tundale, Thomae Cantuariensis, 53 Vincent Visions of The, 1996 See also Vyncent Visitatio, see Forma... Vincent Saint. 1674 Visitation of Bedfordshire, 398
Vincent de Beauvais, 660, 888(115) Visitation of Mr. Deane of Sarum, 426
Miroir historial, 846 Visitation of Warwickshire, 278-9
Vincentius + arte ae, Vincentius, Petrus oe Vita spiritualis, see Formula Vincent, Augustine, 278, 385, 427 Visitation of York, 28
Vincent, Guillaume Etienne, 227 ee uplici arte visoriae. 1787 Informatorius humilis praedicatorum, 1118 Vita Christi, 1178, 1373, 1650(3)
De ecclestis regalibus regni Siciliae, 2004 Vitae Patrum, 908(6), 1228(B.14, ff. 33v.-
Vinci, Leonardo da, see Leonardo | 103v.)
Vinesauf, Gaufridus de, see Galfridus de See also Hieronymus (Saint)
Vinosalvo | Vitae religiosae formula, 1230
Vinier, Jakemon le, of Arras, 2064 | Vitae Sanctorum, 575-6, 594(689, ff. 113v.Vinosalvo, Galfridus de, SCC Galfridus | 9lv.), 821, 908 (6), 1075 (843), 1191; frag.,
Nee ; Vitalis of Blois (?)
Vio, Thomas de, Cardinal (called Caietanus), 213, 516, 646*, 709, 1723, 1764
Super LV Evangelta, 182 Carmen de Geta et Amphitryone, 587
See also Fides Caietana Vitellius, 827 Vire, Vicomte de, 1522: Viterbo, 1879 Viret, Pierre, 2004 De balneis Viterbiensibus, 1311 Virgil, see Vergilius | Vitré 192 Virgin, see Mary (Virgin) Witne ont 907 \ 1). wiryinitate 1230 a Vives, Joannes Lodovicus
rae ‘ Ad saptentiam introductio, 1817
Virginia Company, 12) 932 Viviers, Bishop of, 1521
vars CONSOTAIONIS, NE Vizar, Nicholas, and Edith his wife, 354
De virtute. 882 - Vizer, Arthur, of Dursley, 354 2, .and | Vocabulariuim, 908(4, ff 109r.-216r.), 1780*: Virtue justice, treatise on, 1976 frag, 2063* vores virtutum, 1991 . See also Brevilogus, Latin-German
De virtutibus, 572, , 2304 - are
De IV virdutibus cardinalibucs, 920 os 1 ocabularium vane 16 588 | Liber morum sive de IV virtutibus, 836 Voce arian siber yom 588
Septem virtutes, 1232 , ’ Tractatus moralis de virtutibus, 2052 - yoeeanes ewe 199*, 200, 204
See also Breviloquium, Summa Vogler, Georg, chancellor, 1648
Virtues and vices, conflict between, 231; defini- Woguelsainck, see Vogelsanck
tions of, 822; table of, 609 > Vote de paradis, in verse, 1017
Von den Sieben Tugenden und Lastern, 2318 Volaterrano, Raffaelle, 259 | a _ See also Summa | Volberg, Bishop of, 1584 |
Virues, Dr., 1585 | Von Kress, Nuremberg family, .1472 Visar, Jerom, 354 Vortigern, a tragedy, 271, 274 : \
[V °
fe tem de Heusden ?] 139
Voschuysen de, Fassione Christi, 747 Wanborough (Surrey), 1
Voughelsanck, sabeelen van, 203 Wann, Paulus y), 1350
Voullet, an dao , woeofmanes de lempore .. Voultry Guilla ar, policies treatis uper Evangelts,st 1877 Vousy, 1 Guillauine ‘de, 1830 , wyarpeck, Perkin, 2193 on, 358
Voute, Rogerius d 26 Wargour H., 350
ouvray, 227or, e, 1824 #17 Yon populi: NewesWardoure, from Spai Chidiock, ore eas of London, 285 , ye (La) purgative, illums paine, 430 Warignies 0 4 1338. | , tluminative. et unitive, War anes, Robert de, 1828 Vradinesuel, juan and Sebastian de, 2333 warner, Sir seems PN eis .
ozmediano, | ds . ry, poems | ,
Vroylst, Joannes Houei Woants, see Register of W Vye, Walter, of Col ueix, 833 Worn John, 114 arrants
Vyl, 199 olyton (Devon), arrington (Lancashir a2 Vyncent, Thomas, 1537 326-7 Warwick, m oGuancashire), Vynor Castle, 333 | ar wick,Warwick Countess of,Out 339esss ee of,eT 122 Ante, eM ess OI). 337, 3 348:'P. C. L, signe
Warwick, Ambrose D wie 926, 1618 | signed
W -— Warwicie, Richar udley, Earl of, 336, 451,
Ww. Will | Warwick, Then Ney ue Earl of, 1608
° eee ’ . ’ . “9 a. Sey 4
Wad, Armagh” 1513 66 , 7 Wie ick oh at eauchamp, Earl of, aad, Sir William, 681, 1734; F.C. L. si Wage tuek Byiiws of 277; scttats
Wace , 330, 364, 378, 423, 1621, 1936, signed share deeds and document 7; Misitation of,
’ 1. ‘ ’ Z , “Ay ME ,
Roman de Brut, 6, 2270 aD, S304*-5%, aan 295, 297 rae 78. iN aa rut, -3*, 1997 315,| |316*-8* 308, 310*
wackten fon ge 7 337,Washfield Moe 354, rat $554, 37 i Elucidarius cabalisti 440,380-1, 1044 »367-8, 371, 380, Wade, clerk of ent 561 Erivy Washingt illiam Le Abbe, 1 Wade, clerk: of the Seal, 680-1 ee eeLord 690 of, » 1043
ner, olfga _ asiers, Je . id
Woenan Guilicims 1008 ween zton, Robert, and Elizabeth his wife
Wagstaff gang, 1628 . Wasnere eanne de, 1823 . shire) Gage nomas, of Harbury (Warwick (2). Henricus, prof. at Dilli | Wakeham Sonn, 1382 } arwick- \roterhous. T illingen, 1722
“21S, 1 ’ ’ , ’ a
Wont, 2109 Waterhouse, Sir Ed ae | Weg ts Strabo est, O18, 1082, 18 Watton Sieur de, see La Con
Waldegrave aint, 60 ; * Ro hme wo, onte : Waldesrave, Rob ward, 1597 Watts aint Christiani, 53
Waldenses, 2108 ert,580, Edinburgh printer,Willam, 371 Wavnilete 325 | ales, 144*, 392, 856 aynete, BishopJohn. of Wi
1883, 2018. 969* 1042Ween 15 Wlists . inchester Walhall Manor219 Sears’ ’2355 , 1559, of, 338 ; Walker, Henry, of Lond ebb, John Whyte, of Enfield (Mi Walker, William. of Cteatre 315 Webbe . (Middlesex), Waller, Sir Thomas, 335 m1 15 on, 317. Webbe. Alexander
oa William, 284 of Old Stok Webber exander, Shakespeare’ (Hampshire), Stoke Charyt W r, John, peare’s uncle, 312 Wallop, Sir He manyrye ebber, Thomasofx Luxbor 2oTowe (Somerset) 3
alpole (N mas], 2020 Webster fami .
Walmsley Sie Thomas]. 2620 1633 372 s, of Erlestonham (Suftoliey Walsham, Sopa), manor, Wechelius, Andreas a.l 1 alsham Lee Wi1041 echterswi , als, 1219
Walsingham, oWVillows, 581 Wel et gnonastery, 1239
597, (926,al. 1508 francis,364; 144,1633" 353, 389,392 Thomas, s 9(27); unsigned, 1734.5,Weelkes, Weights and measures, by, 70, 342
. 68, 131: . embassy to ‘mar yous ,
correspondence during bi als. 364, 1999 : wa table of iol French decree on pe Bh 31, 828, 1518, 18 38) oc? Weingarten, “1335, Walsyngham St Thomas, 1634 Weisenburg, 1251 1366, 1486"
; , Aincolnshi ,
Waltham, Tohn ie 2 teers 912
Waltham Cross, 680 36 bs on,Well George, Cookeham(? } altrenreda Saxoniae 734 (Liofn¢*), Berkshire Welles, Albanu dire), manor, 1041
140 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Wellford (Welford or Welforde), Glouces- White, Sir Nicholas, 1618-9
tershire, 310, 312, 316 White, Sir Thomas, Lord Mayor of London,
Wells, Henry, of London, 414 1597
Wells, William, of Alveston (Warwickshire), Whitehall, 66, 172, 280-1, 291, 304, 319, 330-1,
313 334, 364, 369, 375, 378, 384*, 386, 392, 423%,
Welna, 1869 430, 432, 436, 438, 927, 1619*-20*, 1621 Welser, Sebaldus, 1243 Whitehead, [A. D. 1619], 346
Welsh ms., 938 Whitehead, Richard, of Radford Symley Welshe Sydanen, a dittie to the tune of, 388 (Warwickshire), 276*
Welwood, estate, 1737 Whiteney, Robert, 1354
Wenceslas I, Duke of Bohemia, Saint, 1718 Whitgift, John, Archbishop of Canterbury,
Wendelinus, Saint, 2070 346, 383; P. C. L. signed by, 66*, 69, 295, Wenefreda, Saint, 2176 299, 300, 304, 330, 364, 391, 398, 423, 430, Wentworth, Lord, 353 681, 926, 941, 1618, 1619*-20*, 1621, 2199 Wentworth, Henry Wentworth, 3rd Lord, 333 Whitmore, William, of London, 310
Wentworth, Peter Whitsuntide, homily on, 1073 Exhortation to Her Majesty, 446 Whittington
Wentworth, Sir Thomas, 50 See also Whyttington
Wentworth, Thomas Wentworth, 2nd Lord, Whittington, Richard, 1634
1634 Whyte, Charlys, barber surgeon, 1996
Wentworth, William, 114 Whyte, Nycholas, 419
Werburton, Richard, son of Thomas of, 1348 Whyte, Roberte and Katheryne, 1355 Werdea, [Johannes Faber de], Magister, see Whyte, Thomas, see White
Faber Wieut 1354 Were (Devon), 2023yon iclif,Thomas, John, see Wycliffe Werp, Seigneur de, of Maestricht, 204 Widemer, Hennin, of Colmar, 1829
Wertenheim family, 258 Widrington, Capt. Robert, 109 Weryng, John, 1352 Wied, Hermann von, Archbishop of Cologne,
Wessyngton, Sir William de, 1634 1648 * Westacre, 978 978 Good wife’s Westderham, See also poem, Uxor 54
wife, 1349 Wite
West, William, of Howton, and Agnes his Wiericz, Johan and Jerome, of Antwerp, 826
Westend, 106 Wigg, Melchior (alias Bruder Paulus), 167 Western discoveries, 2317 Wigherby, John, 285
Westhall, 174(20) Wight, Isle of, 2022 West Indies, 44*, 61, 899, 1128, 2147(13), 2249 Wigmore, Sir Richard, 432
See also Indies, New Indies, Spanish Indies Wigmore (Herefordshire), 1042; Abbey, 578
Westington (Gloucestershire), 1358 Wile ae Sir Roger, 353 West Lexham (Norfolk), 2023 Wilfrd (ore de, dictus Seifert, 537
Westminster, 335, 1634; Parliaments at, 1803; Wil ef ( sop of York), Saint, 1997 Statutes of, 1046, 1997, 2125*; letters and Wy, PcfOrtls Saint, 2176
documents written at, 113, 172, 276, 279, 293, Lib, ede , 301*, 302, 305-6, 320, 321*, 327, 334, 341, 343, tWBer de poenittentia, 2108 348, 350, 356, 365-6, 369*, 378, 383, 387, 403, Wilhelmus Parisiensis 415*, 416, 418-9, 427, 435, 679, 680, 704, 926*. De indiscreto feruore qui opponitur accediae, 1012, 1014, 1356*, 1357, 1512*, 1523, 1537%*, 1042 1554, 1556*, 1577, 1578*-9*, 1580, 1597*, 1598 Wilhelmus abbas S. Theodorici, see Guilielmus 1616*, 1618, 1736, 1939, 1999, 2089, 2109, 2167 Wilkes, Thomas, 415
Westminster Abbey, 106, 289, 1578 Wilkinson estates (England), 1669
West Mondhalgh, 1352 Wilkyns, John, of Gaydon (Warwickshire),
Westmoreland, Earl of, 1616 290
Westmoreland, Ralph Neville, Earl of, 1608 Will, example of a, 314
Weston, Richard, 1036* | Willelmus, [Barcelona, 1062], 502
Weston, 392 2200 Willelmus medicus, translator, 107 Westphalia, Willet, Andrew, 146
West Riding (Yorkshire), 2181 | William Wettint visio, 540 See also Guilhelmus, Guilielmus, Guillelmus, Wetzlar on the Lahn, 1643 Guillaume, Guillermus, Gulielmus, Wilhel-
Wexford, oe | mus, Willelmus eydas, 164 William, the Conqueror, 288, 290, 577, 96 2 Whaddon Chase, 1578 William, Duke of Aquitaine, see Caghelme Whaddon Manor, 2273 William I, prince of Orange, 68(HM 415)
Whalley, 658, 1045, 1869 491, 1634, 1737, 2093* ) | Wharton, Lord, 1597 William of Filungele, 127 Whasshe, William, of London, 2270 William of Malmesbury
Whatwell, Martin, 1625 Chronica, frag., 1802 Wherewelle, 1351 Historia regum Anglorum, frag., 2062 Wheddon, Edward, 1627 Gesta regum Anglorum, 72, 1161
GENERAL INDEX 14] William of Nassau, see William I, of Orange Winter, Sir William, 1559, 1737
William of Ockham, 2194 Winton, Statute of, 2125 Super Praedicabilia et Praedicamenta Aris- Wintzler, Johann, 1237
totelis,of18 Winwood, Sir Ralph, 334 William Pagula Wirsich, Johans, 1281 Speculum juris canomict, ascribed to, 129 Wisdom, a morality play, 2272
William of Waddington Wisdom, Book of, see Liber Sapientiae
Manuel de péchés, 77 Wiseman, Sir Robert, 2254
Williams, John, royal goldsmith, 350, 440 Wiswell (Lancashire), manor, 1869 Williams, John, treasurer of Henry VIII, 2090 Witchcraft, 415(1590.3), 1224, 1245, 1251
Willibaldus Witham, Fredericus de, 185 Vita S. Bomfati Moguntini, 1638 Witham (in Overyssche), 185
Willibrordus, Saint, 601 Wittenberg, Claudia, Countess of[...] and of, Willoughby, Lord, 142 Wittenberg, 120, 686, 1126, 1553, 1593, 1594,
Willingale Doe (Essex), 2022 1649
Willoughby, An [sic], poems to, 1200(22) 1603, 1604*, 2130 Willoughby, John, of Wylton (Dorset), 382 Wlachicones protonotarius
Willoughby, Thomas, 381 Carmina de vino et ydolis, 2303 Willoughby, William, 384 Wladislas II, of Huneary, 1634
Wills, anonymous, 194, 195*, 197(H. 8), 203 Wochentlich Andacht zu Seligkayt, 1327
(T.26), 284, 902, 1919 Wod, Patrik, of Vytstonn, 377
Wilmore, Richard, the elder, of Norton Cur- Wodehavwyssh, 1352
lewe (Warwickshire), 312 Wodham, Sir Walter Fitzwater, Lord of,
Wilnecote (Warwickshire), 283, 355 1684
Wilshamsted (Bedfordshire), 302 Wolf (?), John, of New Romnye (Kent), 375 Wilson Peter, of M., Gemunde, See alsoWolf, Wylson Wolff, 1546 1280
Wilson, Arthur Wolfus, Carthusian prior, 1991 Inconstant Lady, a play, 408 Wollaston (Northamptonshire), manor, 127
Wilson, Thomas, 301 Wollev, Sir John, 400, 1619, 1736
Wilson, William, a.ls., 344 Wollin, 705
Wilton, 432 Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal, 62, 111, 122, 343,
Wiltshire, of,an 8 380. 2878 377,, 1545, 1563, 1581, 1632, 1634, 1635* iltshire,Farl eeds oculments, , 297*, 305, 333*, 334, 343, 377, 438, 1033, 1042, Wolverton Sonthacnton), 1387
1354 Wondery, Hayward de,369 1358 Wimbledon, Robert Wood, Thomas,
Sermon on Luke XVI, 2, 71 Woodcuts, mss. with, 63, 131(El. 26.4.6), 526
Wimborne-Burgus (Dorset), manor, 1041 1327, 1395; cf. 1331(104) Wimborne-Minster (Dorset), manor, 1041 W de Rj h d B Winchester, a signature, 7491578 oe e, 3shire), lar , of1y12 Brokethorpe (GloucesterWinchester, Bishop of, Winchester, Earl of, 2087 Woodhouse, Philip, 329 Winchester, Marquess of, 348, 1554, 1557*, Woodhouse, Sir Philip, 1559 1597, 1609; P. C. L. signed by, 365, 383, Woodkirk (Yorkshire), 37
416, 422, 1616*-7*, 1618, 1736 Woodmancote, 354 _ 336, 399, 1610*-11*, 1735 Woodville, Richard, Earl Rivers, see Rivers
Winchester, William Paulet, Marquess of, Woodstock (or Woodstoke), 292, 344, 1580
Winchester, 270(1.28), 646, 1473, 1539, 1730, Woodward, Francis, of Stratford-on-Avon,
Wincot (Gloucestershire), 354 Woodwarde, John, of Caterham (Surrey),
Windbank, Sir Richard, 1634
Winds Woolston, ae Cn 104 Significaciouns of wyndis, 1800 ooston ta ~SSCX), manor, l Windsor, Lord, 430, 658 Woolton (or Wolton), Bishop of Exeter, 331, Windmill Psalter, ms. known as, 1385 Woolhampton (Essex), manor, 1041
wie sz rendrew, 112, 375*, 383, 928, Wootw ch, 363, 400, 413 Windsor, 67-8, 25], 280, 343, 383, 410, 1523, Wootton, Sir Boa - Watt, ‘9° 1536, 1555*, 1579*-80*, 1596, 1617, 1730-1 Worcester, Earl of, 1578-9; P. C. L. signed
Wing, C. W., 638* by, 66*, 296, 306, 330, 369, 375, 379, 384, 391
Wingfield 416, 423, 430, 1616, 1620*-1* See also Wyngfield Worcester, Edward, Earl of, 69 Wingfield, Anthony, 301, 1629 Worcester, Viscount of, 1022
Wingfield, Sir Anthony, 1554, 1634 Worcester, 1022; bishops of, 1022 Wingfield, Ed. M., 354 Worcestershire, deeds and documents, 66, 252 Wingfield Horae, ms. known as, 1335 284, 355, 377, 437, 1157, 2073, 2109
Winter Paul See also Worczin, Wynter Words, listsde, of, 2276 2279
142 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Words of a good horse to his master, in Wylton (Dorset), 382 Workshop, Augustinian priory of, 1340 Wynant, prior (Charterhouse of St. Alban),
World 2307
verse, 1800 Wymondham, 978
Maps of, 39, 40*-2*, 43, 44*, 45, 55, 65*, 69, Wynescombe, Robert of La Rye of, 1352 241, 545*-6*, 547, 1257, 1295, 1296*, 1336, Wrynegfield, Sir Edward, 27
2146*, 2147, 2258 Wynne, Elizabeth, 1635
See also Creation, Divisio, Provinciae Wynston (Gloucestershire), manor, 113 Worms, 1069, 1539, 1644; S. Andrea, 2307; Wynter, William, 383
Seminary, 1562 Wyrrall, John, 310
Worsley, Richard, 2227 Wysbech, Symon, 105 Wotton, Lady, 37] Wyseman, 366 Wotton, Sir Edward, 430 Wytham (Essex), 1963 Wotton, Sir Henry, poems by, 1510 Wythypoll, Paul, 681 Paralle! between... Earl of Essex and... Duke of Buckingham, 298
Wotton, N., 301
Wotton, Sir Nicholas, 364, 422, 1549, 1616, xX
1617*, 1731; a.ls., 1635 Wotton, Thomas, a.ls., 1635
Wotton Underwood, 124 Xacaba, Don Luis de, 1950
Wragg, Jacob, of Spalding (Lincolnshire), Xaintrailles, Poton de, 1635
351 Xenophon, excerpts from, 2253
Wright, Henry, 1628*, 1737 Cyropaedia, 1892
Wright, Thomas, of Snelston (Derbyshire), De re militari, 1412 Wriothesley, Henry, Earl of Southampton, De vita tyrannica, 1412
366 De re publica Lacedaemomorum, 1673 see Southampton Fiero, 164, 454 Wriothesley, Mary, Countess of Southampton, Oratio de laudibus Agesilai, 1673 see Southampton Tyrannus, 985 Wriothesley, Thomas, Earl of Southampton, Xerez, Diego Diaz de, see Diaz see Southampton Ximenes, Cristobal, 2335
Wriothesley, Thomas Wriothesley, Lord, 356, Ximenes, Francisco
1014 Arte de las tres lenguas Cacchiquel, Quiche
Writing, art of, see Calligraphy y Tsutuhil, 549
Writng, invisible, see Invisible Ximenes, Pedro Hernandez, see Hernandez Wate tables, Ximenez, Cardinal, 1343*-4* Soe Ico Previa, Brevia.Negistrum Regist brev; Ximenez, Dofia Francisca, 2330 and Pero, of ee also Drevin Ximenez de Canizares, Alonzo
atten of covenant Guadalajara, 2101 Writtle ssex), . Wrotecham (Kent), 382 , Writtle and Roxwell (Essex), 2023 Xocotitlan, 749 Wroth, Sir Robert, 354 Wroth, Sir Thomas, 1617
Wryth, John, of Bycham Well, 1282 Y
Wiirttemberg and Montbéliard, George, Count of, 2086
Wiirzburg, Bishop of, 258 Yanez de Ulloa, Fernando, 159 Wiirzburg, Conrad, Prince-bishop of, 2199 Yare (?), 1836 Wurzburg, 911, 1422, 1471, 1775, 1871 Yardley (Worcestershire), 377
Wyat, Ffraunce, 1514 Yda, see Gerungus
Wycliffe, John, 714(3), 1325(68), 1802 Ydeghem, Wilhelmine van, 185 Abuse of the temporalities of the Church, Year-books, 1022, 1023*, 1035, 2305; frag.
a uw bscribed 7 i 74 2249: extracts from, 2021; the toTen Commandments, : index to, 2020
Bible, his translation of, 2122 veyverton, ghristopher, 283, 340
New Testament, his translation of, 56, 956, elverton. William. 1026 1325*, 1434, 1441, 1802, 1995, 2122 Yernot, Jehan, 193 Wydeville, Richard, treasurer of Normandy, Yeven, 183
352 YnizO,, ron 2100 A 1636
Nyee 68s" hn, 1me olanda, o ragon, Woke Yonge,Queen John, 1579 Wykham, 1544 Yonge, Nicholas, 342
Wykin (Leicestershire), 366 Yopford, parish, 438 Wykyngeston (Leicestershire), 339 York, Duke of, 366 Wylack, Adolphus, 715 York, Edward Plantagenet, 2nd Duke of
Wyllyngton (Bedfordshire), manor, 380 The Master of Game, 138
Wylmote, John, 114 York, Richard [Plantagenet], Duke of, 122, Wylson, John, 1736 1623*
GENERAL INDEX 143 York, bishops of, 592(654) Zeersdorp, Gobelinus de, 192
York, House of, 1221 Zeitregister, a perpetual calendar, 676 York, 386, 402, 403*, 1524, 1559*, 1571*; Zell, Ernest I, von, 2097
missal, frag., 393; use, 86, 1020 Zeno, Saint, 594, 1677
See also Visitation Zeno, Carlo, 161 York House, Zeno,(Bishop Jacopo, 161 York Place, 279346 Zenobius of Florence), Saint, 842
Yorkshire, 37(HM 1); coats of arms, 307; Zerbantes, Joseph Esteban de, see Esteban deeds and documents, 27, 108, 187, 289, 349, Zerezeda, Lazaro de, 2334 355, 374-6, 380, 389, 391, 1039, 1068, 1584, Zittarde, Domicella Jutta de Puteo de, 198 1626, 2022, 2181; receiver general of, 331 Zodiac
(646.1) De XII signis {zodiact] et eorum naturts, 2271 De significationibus XII signorum [zodiaci),
Your bewly and your comley grace, poem, 2055
Ypres, Yrundinari liber,1613 237 Tabula. .883 .sodiaci, 2299; in Greek, 699
Ysabel, negra tuerta libre, 2162 Versus XII signorum [zodiact], 2226 Ysembard de Sainte-Dié, 1830 Zodiacal bloodletting man, 916 Ysnacense, grammatical treatise in Latin Zohar, Cyprianus, 110
verse, 1780 Zohner, Hans, Ritter zu Birkenfelt, 185 Yverdon, 1048 Zonaras Lexicon, 2103
Zoology, treatise on, 1997(11) Zor, Alguazir Abuale
7. De curatione lapidis, 951 Zorzi, Alessandro, 2263 Zorzi, Bartolommeo, 2076
Zabern, 482, 610 Zouche, Lord, 377, 384 Zacharias Chrysopolitanus Zouche, Edward [la Zouche], Lord, 144 Concordia Evangelistarum, 1959 Zucchetta, Giovanni Battista, of Genoa In unum ex quaituor (comm, on a Harmony Arithmetica, 1798
of the Gospels), 2242 Zuichem, Viglius van, 1215; a.l.s., 2093
scu : Z igi inter ae
Zacutus, Abraham, 549 Zuluma, orator to King Ferdinand, 180
Zagora, 3_ Zumarraga, Juan de, Bishop of Mexico, 9,
Zambecariis, Nicolaus de, 218 550, 2149 ambertus, translator, 1793 Zambettus, Augustus, 1356 Fumaya,, Chandre oe"
Zamet, Sebastien, 1636 Zuniga Zamora, San iidetonso, 610; San Juan de los See also Cuniga
Zane, Venetian ambassador, 101 Zuniga, Juan de, 258, 1522, 1547*, 1560, 1611,
Fangs printer, 1523 Cf. Zunica (Joannes de) Zarate, Francisco de, 2334 Zurich, 583, 1528 Zarate, Pedro de, 2332 Zwelf Ratt die nuts sind ainem yeglichen Zarate, Pedro Gonzalo de, see Gonzalo Fiirsten, 2055
Zeeburch, Castell van, 203 Zwickau, 1572 Zeeland, 119 Zwineli, Ulrich, 1586; a.d.s., 1636
SCRIBES, ILLUMINATORS SCRIBES Benturas, 1408 Benvenuti, Lorenzo di Ser Benvenuto de,
A., Archipresbyter Conchensis, 1226 843
Acarie, Girard, 1658 Bernardinus, P., of Borgo San Lorenzo, 2033
Ad..., Thomas, 59 Berardus de Teramo, 1708 Adalperio, Dominicus, canon of Pesaro, 830 Bergamo, Giovanni Battista, 1001 Adam, Franciscan, [England, 1377], 595 Bernardinus, [Italy, XVth c.], 1683 Aegidius, see Egidius Bernardus, F., 1663 Aguilar, Miguel de, 532 Bernhardus Weszlariensis, 1264
Albi, 1444 Berny de deFo[r?]ciato Nogent,de657 ; Alesius Henricus, Germanus, 1225 Berterannus Castelluc’,
Alfonsus Palentinus, 1897 1449 Ambrosius, of the monastery of Fontebuono Bertu Deolinus, 574 (near Siena), 958 Beshigtash, priest, 763 Ambrosius de Haisterkirch, superior in Ur- Biscioni, Antommaria, 748 Allius, Peregrinus, 921 Bertolt custos, 1503
sina, 458 Bitault, Thomas, Celestine, 175
Ambrosius Molbergensis, Frater, 2132 Blasii de Gualdo, Angelus, see Angelus
Andrewes, Robert, 364 Bonafé, Johanni, 1076
Angelus, copyist of Br. Mus, Add. ms. 11970, Bonatus Parmensis, Gaspar, 1899
46 Bonaventura da Siggiano, Franciscan, 459
Angelus Blasii de Gualdo, 562 Bonettus, Frater Eliseus, of Milan, 2034
Anibal de Valosi, 1970 | Bordonius, Hieronymus, of Sermoneta, 1818* Ansonius Ser Benedicti de Sernano, see Bene- Botanus, Paulus, of Gotelengus, 445, 668
dicti Bouddwyech, Johanna, 2104
Antonius de Bononia, Carmelite, 1066 Boutefeue, Johannes, 1428
Antonius [Logothetes ?], 1445 Brechtl, Stephan, 657, 1808
Antonios Malakés, 1109 Breme [?], William, 415
Antonius Veronensis, 1444 Brito, [France, 1229], 1396 Anzoto, Petrus, 1896 Brochonibus, Carolus de, 833 Arculis, Daniel de, 1263 Brugge, Egidius, of Lincoln’s Inn, 1024
Argant, Jacques, 2211 Buhler, Alexander, 1207 Arisius, Pecius, 1182 Buisch..., Paulus Martinus, 657
Aristakes, 762 Burlamacchi, Suor Euphrasia, 147 Arnaldus de Frigola, 733 Burrus, Milanus, 1897, 2059 Arnaldus de Lishout de Bruxella, 1986 Buto, Johannes, 1175
Artaris [?] de Placentia, Sebestianus de, 2311 C., G., 2227
Baest, Thomas de 2224 Cabrera, Christobal de, 2149
Baldinoctis, Thomas domini Baldinocti de, Cagnino, Allessandro, 2169 748 | Cagnolis, Firmus de, 1078 Barianus, Paulus, 2119 Caravello, Marino, 2220
Bartholi, Johannes, Augustinian of Signa Carbonibus, Leonardus de, 1676
(near Florence), 1689 Carbonibus, Petrus de, 1676
Bartholi, Piero di Simon, of Florence, 2055 Carpanetus de Spedia, Simonetus, 1442
Bartholomaeus de Austria, 1782 Carthusian monk, [Cologne, 1517], 2215
Bartholomaeus de Pergo [Bergamo ?], 1406 Caspar Misznensis, 508, 1724, 1984 Bartholomaeus Laurentii de Fighino, 978 Castellanis, Herchules de, 1918 Bartholomaeus plebanus pro tunc in Welcen, Castris, Gerhardus de, 170
1474 Cataneo, Bernardino, 1698
as Cenninus, Petrus, 981
Bartolomaeus de Cermelina de Clivate, 1180 Cazier, Robert, 1818
Bartolucius Chieri F d’Antonio Chi Basso, Jacopo,Mansuetus, Ss. J. 2216 | ;667 1erico, see Tancesco ntoniodel ec 11eBattiffolle, Karolus Maria de, 1076 TCO
Bayans, Venturinus, 931 Christoforus B.. 2009 Beauchesne, Jean de, 656 Chronique des Tard-venus, copyist of the, 1374
Beeck, Guillaume, 1808 — Chunradus, rector at Pot cis Enum or To-
Bembo, Iiluminata, 844 blach on the Inn, 1267
Benalio, Jacopo Antonio, of Treviso, 1241 Cimiselis, Galeotius de, 1789
Benedicti de Sernano, Ansonius, 1892 Coloniensis Elector, 1393
Benedictus, [A.D. 1475], 2254 ' Conal, Fr. Justo, of Madrid, 534
148 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Gonchensis Archipresbyter, A., see A. Gherardus Florentinus, 1204
on. aronesius vel[?] de Lavilata, Antonius, Ghisbertus de Hasselt, Augustinian, 1892
Cotes Giannoni, qcaynerius Prapciscus, arco de Calcesana, Pisa See also Chunradus Gigantib hiBrest : (San Conradus de Walsew, monachus...montis Jo- a a a Nate
gum, . odis. Jacobus de, 596
hannis, 5 Johannis Baptistae prope Fribur- Giovanni di Maestro Luca, 1784
-ooke, Paul, rasulfo, Magist {utinensi ;
Conti Andrea raiahta, of Padua, 1168 gonlzaga], Br. de, ae Courtoys, Anthonius, bonus puer, 31 Gratianus Brux, F, 1459 fe, 1448
mensis religiosus _ regory, of the87monaster th f Dalmat[ius] Piperacensis, Hussig, 924 a f~ sen’ Cynicus of Parma, see Joannes Marcus Par- Gratiolus, [Italy, 1400], 1978
Damoiselet, Etienne, 1369, 1422 Gregory, Edward, scholar at Bunbury, 38
Daniel nomine Felix, 765 Grunewalt, Jacobus, 588 Daniel “thutes”’, 16 Guillelmus scriptor, [A.D. 1182], 503 Deenaster: John, 6 ot Guillermus He) Cruce, Profess (Charterhouse
aymeryes, Loys, O ontello),
Dellus, Paulus, 939 Guinifortus de Vicomerchato, 655 Dees | Spain. xUTth cl, 2044 HTainricus sacrista, ?), 1486Sebasti: , 1246 issen [?], Heinrich, amalius (Du Hamel Dominguez, Emanuel Hippolytus, 534 Haytzer, Johannes, of Helstadt, 2030" , Douglas, David, “notare public, servitoure to Heasse, Robert, curate, 346 Maister James Douglas Archidene of Mur- Heberti, Johannes, 1771
raye”, 1467 Hegnower, Felix, Joannes, of Baden1990 in Aargau, 1893 Duel, Quirinus, 1001 Helewaert,
4ber, Johann, pen,
may fame $ee Hamalius Henricus, custos ecclesie parochialis in CamEgidius, [Spain, XVth c.], 1242 Herkenbosch de Sittart, Sibertus, 1801
‘meterius, | ieronimus ediolanensis, 81
Elizabeth, [ Germany, XVth c.J, 2032 : Hermann, of Knevellinthusen, 919 Eustachius de Sancto Victore de Feltro, 1765 Hieronymus
Eustasius, [Italy, XIJIth c.], 886 See also leronimo, Jeronimus F (£) assetus, Thomas, 649 Hieronymus of Vigevano, monk, 2032 Factor [?], Henricus, of Brunswick, 549 Hieronymus de Binago, 1329
Favier, 1276 Hildebrant laycus, Frater Johannes, 2213 Favre, Henri David, 1002, 1375 Holt de Heke, clericus Osnaburgensis diocesis, Feruecii de Bisce Aintenins fulian’, 1923 Honofrius Johannis de Luca, 1846
Firmanus, Dominicus,2277 1773 Horn,Galfridus, Bartholomaeus, 657 459 Mleming, Alexander, orsford, Augustinian,
Plorellis, Gregorius, 561uberz, Hfovanes, 59 . Fortia, Soeur Marie de, 1647 Francesco d’Antonio del Chierico, 1713 Hugo, Johannes, of Heidelberg, 912
Franciscus, [Italy, 1404], 1225 Hyakinthos chorikographos, 570
Franciscus Feraresius notarius, 1265 Ieronimo “scriptor da corte”, Franciscan, 1459
Franciscus Motinensis, O.M., monastery of S. Ignatius de Mediolano, Augustinian, 84
Lucius (near Forli), 475 Ilmperger, Gregorius, Benedictine at Tegern-
Franciscus, of St. Martin’s (diocese of Iv- See, 495 rea), 1916 Inglis, Esther, 1019, 1337-8, 1699, 1729 Franciscus Serrodi Centinomius Phylaretus, ‘Ingolt, Sister Catherina, of the convent of
155 : thesaac, At (Straspoure). ; oo th c.J, 1259
Franckensteyn, Anna, 1645 de Auria, 142 Frutolf,: Jacobus of Michelsberg, 1872 ae3
Franciscus, Ricardus, 78 . Itter agnomine Sundegots, Cornelius, 1642
j’uise, ’ oan: ~
Fulginus, Bernardinus, 1787 Jacobus de Vratislavia, Frater, 1004
Fyot 953 218? r, Januarius Surrentinus, Frater,1391, 2154 1407, GR. 1437 Jarry, Nicolas, 624, 640-1, 1367,
Gabriel 1414*, 1424, 1466, 1656, 1657*, 1663, 1818*
See also Chabriel Jefans dorsi, “baillieus” d’Avesnes et de
Gabriel de fete ev Frater 523 Jeronimus Weintrager, see Weintrager
Collonde: Philione 30 c.}, 1° E., [Netherlands (?) 1497-8}, 80 P
Carin Petrus, “1180 a nes ynicus, see Joannes Marcus Par
Geert van Hoochstraten, Broeder, 2170 | Joannes Marcus Parmensis, 653, 1439, 1446 Gentilucis de S. Geminiano, Nicolaus Berti de, Joannes Marcus Velox, see Joannes Mar-
civis Florentinus, 89 cus Parmensis
Gerardini, Jacobus, of Ferrara, 479 Joasaph, [XVIth c.], 1171
Gerardus de Seurhoven, priest (Liége), 540 Joasaph the elder monk, [A.D. 1366 and 1369],
Ghabriel, [Italy, 1469], 1311 1170
SCRIBES 149 Johachinus de Vulterris, 482 Martius Geminianensis, Johannes Franciscus,
Johannes, Leeenam, 1289], 1688 1340 de Prata, 557 Johannes, [Cremona, XIVth c.], 1002 Martucius Johannes, [Germany, XIth c.], 877 Mascharino, Nicholo, 1495 Johannes de Camenago, of Milan, 2059 Massarello, Angelo, 1411
Johannes de Cortona, 1194 a Masullus, of Naples, 530
Johannes de Francia conventus Theonisville, Matheus de Pisis, Augustinian, 1784
[A.D. 1442], 977 Matheus Patriarch, of Gratz, 916
Johannes de Francia, [Venice (?), 1393], 1756 Mathias, monk of the Charterhouse at Erfurt,
Johannes de Havere, 1759 1230
Johannes Jude, 457 Matthias, Johannes, notary (Rome), 219
Johannes Leodii, 2138 Maurus, Joannes Dominicus, of Naples, 284 Johannes, abbot at Paradies, 918 Mazola Gaius, Ermus, 1755 ;
Johannes de Monterchio, see Monterchio Mayg, Berchtoldus, 1785
Johannes quondam Petri Vectoris de Frew- Medicis de Ytrio, Johannes de, 555
dental, 573 Meghen, retrus, of Bois te-Duc, 1 Mehner, Hieronymus, 1/ 443
beset ae Sesto ‘monk, 1763 Mellini, Domenico di Guido, 1469
wyeatwit Rian - Michael de Zelandia, Franc ,
Johannes Baptista de Aversa, 2015 Meurisse, [ca. 1650], 1090 Yohannes Baptista de Sancta Eufemia (Facn- Michael, [XIIIth c.], 866 i Johannes, Prancisci Johannis de Sancto Qui- Michael Antonius de Pont, monk, 2032
PIGNO) 97 , , Migera, Johannes, presbiter ac rector de Cen(near Sedan), 803 Milo de Carraria, of Padua, 1891
Joret, Guillermus, Carthusian at Mont-Dieu tennis, 1725
Joseph, monk, [XIth c.], 691 Mocenigo, Leonardo, 2220 Juliani de Olibano, Pax, 1435 Montanus, Frater Nicholaus, 1780 Kapffer, Martinus, monk, 676 Monterchi, Francesco, 1378
Juan, Francisco, Dominican, 176 Montaldo de Gaino, Alexander de, 2223
2164 Montieri, Moysius, 529
Kechellerus, Frater Wilhelmus, of Hechingen, Monterchio, Johannes de, 1399
Keck, Do. Jo., 2314 Morp (?), Lubertus, 1243 Khunrath, Heinrich, 1246 Motram, Roger, 1801 K6nstantinos ek Zagoras, 3 Muglinchk, Hainricus, 1786
Kyfendael de Orssoy, Herman, 151 Muntzmeister, Johannes, priest, 754 .
Kyrillos, 1116 Mutina, Magister Mutinensis de Grasulfo, qui L. D., [Italy, ca. 1470], 837 fui de, 1448
Lamelin, Jehan, conseiller au Parlement, 848 Narvaez, Diego, 1505 _ Landsberger, Volckhard, of Kaufbeuren, 2319 Nater, Frater Conradus, 1231-2
Lane, Robert, 2000 Neudoerffer, Johann, 656*, 657
Lanfreducci, Andrea, 1791 Newburg, Georgius, of Neuberg (Bavaria),
Laurentius de Mechlinia, 166 2054
Laurentius in Monte Sancte Marie in Cassiano, Niccholaus Gerini de Castro Franco, 978
1009 Nicholaus dictus de Heybech de Erfordia,
Le Couteux, Siméon, 1427, 1457 1899 Leonardus de Aquisgrano, Frater, 1329 Nicolaus, [Italy, 1462], 1787 Le Pesquier, Haguinet, 79 Nicolaus of Edessa, 568
Lewenhagen, Caspar, 891 Nicolaus de Wile, protonotarius at Esslingen, Leynen, Lambertus, 1681 , Nicoletus, [Venice, XVth c.], 1679 Logothetes, Antonius, see Antonius Niketas, [ca. 1400], 1175 Lopez, Frater Petrus, 2011 Nikolaos, monk, [XIth c.], 692
Leyc[ester], 1396 462
Loukas, Bishop Mpouzeos, of Cyprus, 760 Olviero, Francesco, 1007
Lucas de Petregnaculla, of Parma, 2285 Orlandi, Philippus de Semino q., 1006
Ludovico de Mendebodio [?], 833 Orth, H., of Augsburg, 724 Ludovicus de Ferraria, 1924 Paiarolus, Hieronimus, of Bologna, 1375 Maggonis de Luce, Bartolomeus filius Andree, Palacia, Juan, 1451
997 Palencia, Martinus de, of the royal chapel of
Macharius, Jacobus, 822 Philip IT, 495
Magister Mutinensis de Grasulfo, 1448 Palentinus, Alfonsus, see Alfonsus Malakés, Anténios, see Antonios Parvi, Johannes, see Petit (Jehan) Mansuetus, Bartolucius, see Bartolucius Paul, Carmelite, [Germany, 1432], 537 Marcus Petri, of San Gimignano, 1776 Paulus Veronensis, 2213 Mareschotis, Johaninus de, of Lodi, 889 Pax Juliani de Olibano, 1435
Marianus plebanus, 1822 Pellican, Conrad, 1237, 1253
Markos, [XIIIth c.], 1108 Petit, Jehan, 2116 Marolf, Johannes, Capucine of Prawnaw, 1878 Petregnaculla, Lucas de, of Parma, 2285 Martin, Jehan, 847 Petri, Marcus, of San Gimignano, 1776
Martinellis de Bucassolo, Gregorius de, 2057 Petrus de Bugino, 2058
Petrus Burdegalensis, 859 Severinus Volram, 994 Petrus de Luckalb, 1389 Sextius, Nicolaus, 1776 Petrus de Polonia, 1782 ; Shirley, John, 131, 967 Petrus Paulus, [XVth c.], 605 Sicily, the Cancellarius of the King of, Petrus Paulus Nolensis, 2218 [XVth c.], 553 Pezannis, Genesius de, 1968 Sigismundis, Sigismundus de, 1461
Philippus, Dominican, [Italy, 1463], 668 Simon de Wederore de Trenge, 129
Phylaretus, see Franciscus Serrodi Sinttram, Frater Johannes, 881, 1422
Pictzenini, Petrus, 1449 Solacius, Tadeus, 2280
Pierre de Paris, monk, 1238 Sopranini, Bartolommeo, of Bologna, 1927 Pindemontus, Hector, of Verona, 235 Soumard, Joannes, 1823
Pinyati Gallicus, 2052 Spezzoni, Father, 29
Poemer, Hector, 1808 Spina, Bernardino of Perugia, 1817
Predanigra, Raphael de, 2217 . Stephanus de Chahol, Franciscan, 1852 Preottonus, Johannes Franciscus, of Pavia, 245 Strada, Filippo della, 1074 Preston, |England, XVth c.], 1030 Strelny, Anthonius, 1934 Quercentius, Robertus, of Cambrai, 1812 Strobell, Adam, 656 Rk. G., (England, XVth c.], 1137 Sulpitius, Johannes, of Veroli, 831 R. S., [England, XVth c.], 1137 Sundegots, Cornelius Itter agnomine, 1642
Raumburger, Andreas, 656 Suuilden, Petrus, of Liége, 1894 Rengernick, Henricus, 2013 Tartanus, Jacobus, of Rome, 100, 495 Repossis, Petrus de, 1466 Test, Frater Johannes, natus de Embrica, 1017
Ri, Mart., [Italy, 1455], 877 Thame, William, 54
Rice, Francis ap, 319 Theoctistos hieromonachos, 468 Rioldis, Beltramus de, of the monastery at Theoddros, [Xth c.], 760
Morimondo, 730 Theodoros Hagiopetrites, 1081
Ripoldus de Frisia, Kranciscian of Cologne, Theod6ros of Kotza, 1109
qpcodoulos, ae monk, b K 919 .4136 1eodricus (son o fuonk, sbertus),
Rither, see[Italy, Ryther oncc.], Thomas, [A. 'D. 1332], 570 Robertus, XVth 2194 Tile Robertus de Populcto [?], Frater, 1129 Toler ote Digden de Al ania, Iol
Rochus, Johannes, 21 1886. me farecem de Mamanta, Lonannes,
Rode, Ricardus, 1800 Crane Roffinus de Murialdo, Henrietus, 1392 Torrigiani, Antonius, 998
Romanos hieromonachos, 1175 Tory, Geoffroy, 665; workshop of, 21, 812,
Rémanos of Irenopolis, priest, 1109 1460
Rondono, Pietro, 451 Tucher, Thomas, 1808
Rosenheyn, Leonardus, of Basle, 150 Turpin, Henry and Gérard, 1413 Rosingarthe de Stregonia, Johannes, 2216 Ulmerius, 1442
Rosinus Abbaciensis, Paulus, 701 V. R., vicar of Augsburg Cathedral, 993
Rousselet, J. P., 1407 Valerius de Meyen, Frater, 739 Rovado, Johannes [?] de, 932 Van Damme, Antonius, 1451
Ruzinentis de Ripalta, Antonius de, 2169 Vardepet, Hohannes, abbot, 762 Ryther, or Rither, [England, XVth c.], 967 Vavasoribus de Mediolano, Georgius filius
S., S. R.,T.,1137 Protaxi de,1408 1787 S., 2228 Ventura, Sachetto, Camillo, 1794 Vera Cruz, Alonzo de la, 2151
Sargis, priest, - os . . cureur du Roy de Meudon”, 1393 ate 8 ,
Sandes (or Sandei ?), Icronimo, 1902 Verazanus (or Verrazanus), Alexander, 842,
Sanus, Vivianus, s¢¢ Vivianus 1891
Saudemont, “ancien Substitut de M. le Pro- Weel rater Giorgio. Antonio, 1469
_cureur du Roy ne Visnadellus, Petrus, of Cremona, 651
Schellenberg, Paulus, professus in Almakuca, Vita, Petrus, 1121
dyocesis Componensis, 737 Vivianus Sanus, 87
Scherenbach, Bartholomacus, 1474 Volram, Severinus, see Severinus
Schianchis, Bartholomeus de, clericus Par- Vz, F. V., 1884
mensis, 83 W. B. L., [ Basle, 1476], 1261
Schiratti, Antonio, of Perugia, 1807 Wachter de Kulsen, Fabianus, of St. EmSchlapperitzi, Cunradus, 1331 meran, 214] Schwanckofer, Johannes, 676 Walterus, Carthusian, [A.D. 1268], 1991
Schwartz, T., 1957 Wecklein, Fridericus, 217
Sebastianus in S. Benigno de Capite Fari, 152 Weintrager, Jeronimus, 16 Séguier, Sister Marie, “religieuse des Corde- Werken, T., 57
liéres Sainct-Marcel les Paris”, 2033 Whittokysmede, 1902
Seidler, Adamus, Frater, 85 Whyte, Charlys, barber surgeon, 1996 Selles, Johan, 1399 Wilhelmus clericus, of Dortmund, 959 “et coo Trancisens Serrod; Willermus Serrodi, see Franciscus Serrod | William,deofPredio, Kirby, 451, 880 1979 Severinus de Belguardia, sve Severinus Vol- Wod, Thomas, 486
ram Wyche, William, of Glastonbury Abbey, 896
ILLUMINATORS 151 Wydenvelt, Jo., 15 Jacquemart de Hesdin, 773
Wydon, Frangois, 92 Jesus and Donatus in the Trivulzio collection,
Wysbech, Symon, 105 artist of, 1448
Zammateus Veronensis, 1259 Khatchatur, 762 La Fosse, 1415
ILLUMINATORS Landi, Neroccio dei, 1175
Lenzi, Joseph, 529 A.M., 2212 Liberale da Verona, A V, 2040 Libri, Francesco dai, 1932 1424
. F., 1488, 2 ives of the I:mperors, Master of, see Vitae
Attavante 504, 842, 1367, 1423, 1717, 1852, 2073 Fa (de) Brothers, school of, 2325,
Beccafumi, Domenico, 653, 1794 Imperatorum
Belbello, 1051 Livre d’Heures du Prieuré de Saint-Lé, artist
Benedetto, Fra, - Dp: oer , 1716. 1718 (C. 29) Lorenzo Monaco, 631, 1709, 1932 Bemler, Johannes, 1373 of, 1453
Benedetto da Mugello, Fra, 1931, 1952 Lorenzetti, Pietro, 1929
) , anuel, 759 1414, 1420, 1809 Melkhon, 761
Bening, Simon, Be (C. Lorenzo, il Vecchietta, 514, 1712 Binases, 1489 MaM, 2212 Bocardino Vecchio, 639, 815, 875, 1051, 1367, Marmion, Simon, 103, 2099, 2247 Bonaguida, Pacino di, see Pacino Missal of Nicholas Lytlington, Wluminator of, Bonfratellis, Apollonius de, 1417, 2077* 1930
Bordone, Benedetto, 1435 Monnoyer, 1415
Bourdichon, Jean, 47, 804*, 808, 931, 1134, 1366, Moro, Antonio, 488
1382, 1421*, 1428, 1437, 1439, 1491, 1839, Moulins, le Maitre de, 809
1850*, 1852, 1928, 1951, 2066, 2144 Neroni, Bartolomeo, 1489
Bouts, Aelbrecht, 2099 Nicoletto da Modena, 1420 Burlamacchi, Swor Euphrasia, 147 Niccolo da Bologna, 4, 825, 945, 1487, 1495, Caporali, Giacomo, 1760 1704, 1705*, 1840, 1930
ico adovanino,
Canossa, Stephanus, 20 Ortenberg Altar (Darmstadt), Master of, 2165 Chierico, see Francesco d’ Antonio del Chier- pacino di Bonaguida, 942, 1092, 1476, 1494
ys Palma de, Vecchio, 2076 Clerc, Barthélemi 1484 Sere 2 Clovio, Giulio, 103, 1196, 1329, 1378, 2145 Paradisus, [Italy, ca. 1400], 2071
Codex ofJacques, St. George, Master of, 1487 Pelle ; ; ; 1712 Coene, 1452 ellegrino di Mariano, Costa, Lorenzo, 1375, 1930 perugino, school of, 2113
Cousin, Jean, 1468 ESEMINO, Daddi, Bernardo, 1930 Petit, Jean, 2110 oes
ecius Fa., 143 , ,
David, Gerard 809, 1480, 1716, 1851, 2164 Povet, Jekvan rater 1dés, 000
Diirer, Albrecht, artist influenced by, 1718 Foucelic, J chan, 880 oo
Estefano, Frate, 1083 Rosa capolitano, Giovanni Battista de, 150 Fiore, Jacobello, 814 Sano di P; 1712.1 Fortia, Soeur Marie de, 1647 San oS Dae 2072" 952 Fouquet, Jean, 235, 849-50, 874, 1195, 1333, Qi Vesna, (0%, A
1712, 1815, 1840, 1930 imon [Pictor],
Franciscus egregius Pictor, 1379 Sopranin’ Bartolommes of Bologna, 1927 Francesco d’Antonio del Chierico, 17, 20, 95, Spagna Lo. 2113 sme 504, 516, 779, 814*, 817, 834, 836, 1425, 1434, « ar vs
1461. 1903, 20 1 © » ATO, Spanish forger”, 2067, 2073, 2078
ntom1o Stefano da Zevio, 1307
d’ Antoni 7 49 [Antonio, read Francesco Spina, Bernardino, of Perugia, 1817 Franciscus Veronensis, see Libri (Francesco Tegliacci, Niccolo di Ser Sozzo, 1929
dai) Tikyll, Brother John, 1340
Gallis, Basilius de, 655 Tintoretto, school of, 2061, 2076* Gaspar Veronensis, 1432 Titian, school of, 898
Girolamo da Cremona, 1307, 1653, 1712* Tory, Geoffroi, 1451, 1656 Grimant breviary, style of illuminator of, 810, wira, Cosme, 1491influenced ist inf d by, 1712 n Eycks, the, artist
. , Vanni, Lippo, 1050
Henricus, [Germany, XVth c.], 206 PPO» ;
Herrest od M: ar caretha th 8 Vecchietta, Lorenzo, il, see Lorenzo
Horebout, Gérard, 100 ’ Verrocchio, Antonio, 1307
Hours of Bona Sforza, Master of, 2069, 2077 YES mperatorum, Master of, 1471, 1839,
Hueber, Chunradus, 1945 oe om: Hutsky, Mathias, of Pirglitz, 1718 Viti, Timoteo, 1931 India, 822 Vrelant, Guillaume, 1438 Jacobus, Fr., 1709 Zavattari, 778, 813, 1694
Maiolo, Vesconte de, 69, 1294, 2146
Agnese, Battista, 39, 40*, 545, 546*, 1295, 1336, Martines (or Martinez), Joan, 42, 546*, 1296*
1453, 1463, 2146 Milo, Antonius de, 546
Barbolano, fra Hieronymo, 545 Nicolaus Germanus, 1330
Benedetto, Giovanni, 45 Nicolo, Nicolaus de, 1294
Benincasa, Gratiosus, of Ancona, 1998 Oliva, 548*, 1297, 2126
Boeckler, Georg Andreas, 1298 Oliva, Joannes (Jovanne, Joan), 43, 547*, 1297,
Bonaldo, Dolfin, 545 . 1769
Bremond, Estienne, 41 Oliva, Salvator, 41
Brunacius, Baldo, of Pisa, 545 Olives, Bartolomeo, of Majorca, 1295 Caloiro (sic), Placidus, 548*, 2126 Olives, Domingo, 42, 546 Calviro (sic), Placitus, 1297 Olives, Jaume, of Majorca, 1296*, 1900
Cavallini, Giovanni Battista, 504, 547, 1298 Olives workshop, 1297 .
Cavallini, Pietro, 43 Olivo, of Majorca, 1295 Chiara, Matheo de, of Rimini, 65 Ollives, Jaume, of Marseille, 240 Corte, Carlo da, 547 Prunes, Mateus, 240 Cortona, Giovanni Antonio, of Udine, 2005 Prunes, Vicentius, 1296
Domenech, Arnaldo, 240 Roselli, Petrus, 504, 544, 1294
Fassoi, Marcheto, 41 Roussin, Jean Francois, 43
Freducci, Conte de Hoctomanno, 545, 1294-5 Scottus, Jacobus, of Genoa, 240
Freire, Johan, da, 42 :65 Tatton, Gabriell, 547 Gaio, Matteo Teira, Luis, 109 Ghisolfo, Francesco, 41 Vallard, Nicholas, of Dieppe, 41 Giriva, Hieronymo, 1295 Vaz Duorado, Fernao, 43
Giroldi, Giacomo, 1294 Vesconte, Giovan Antonio de, 547, 1297 Gueérin, B., 1998 Villarroel, Dominicus de, 1296 Harigonio, Fra Bono, 545 Volcius, Vincentius Demetrei, of Ragusa, 547, Leardus de Venetiis, Joannes, 1257 1297
A in omnibus gentibus et linguis est littera Aristotiles autem scribens Alexandro A Jesu thow sched thy blode. . . 542 Artetica est juncturarum dolor... 1990
prima... 908 Magno... 915
A. Proslambanomenos, id est acquista... 1872 As I on hilly halkes logged me late... 132
Ab origine mundi universa... 915 As I walked upon a day, To take the air of Abditum, opertum, obscurum... 1248 field and flower... 63 Abeuntium per hunc mundum... 1189 Atheniensium Romanorumque res gestas... Abiciamus opera tenebrarum... 2297 137 Abiurare est rem creditam negare periurio Atque animarum... 1249
aliquando... 2183 Audistis filie Ierh. quod Gabriel angelus
Abiurare est rem creditam negare periurio et Joseph sponso regine mundi dixerit... 1913
alium abiurare... 1188 Audistis fratres lectionem Evangelii... 2078
Absenti. Queritur actio... 2054 Audite haec, omnes gentes, auribus perci-
Acceptis litteris caritatis tuae... 642 pite... 733 Actus primus proximus fit V. S. a candela Autenticus protus constat ex prima specie ' accensa... 1916 dyatesseron... 1872
Ad capillos denigrandos... 2227 Autour du liz noble et delicieux... 1416
Ad curare ogne febre da alomo... 237 Ave Maria gratia plena... 754
Ad inculciendum timorem solet valere mul- Ave Maria, where haste thou bene... 1926 tum consideratio... 1206 Ad reliquias preciosas non debet homo ac-
Aam,cedere. 907 9002 eeaay B . the first inventor of arts...
Adest nobis dilectissimi optatus dies... 1855 Beats Paulusqui tantam vim, pete 164
Adventus Aeneae in Italiam... 839 Bernardus yn Burgundyen eheboren -. 735 Advertendum est quod dicte cordis egritu- Berwik lieth southe and northe of GoldeAeternus Deus, eterni Dei filius... 733 Brutus primus in Anglia rexit 579 Agnas Christifere laudes... 1906 Burdonem sonipes generat commixtus ascl-
dines... 2311 stones 1501
Albumaser schreybet inn seinem hochenn Ein- lac... 2278 " gang in die Astronomey... 753 ao Alexandria major primo erat fundata... 1026 All cristen men shuld holde Goddis_ byd- C , dynges. .. v4 ar Caelum rotundum et volubile... 1009
AAN tows tis ob Eig tO abTO... 211 Calling upon the name of God... 2000 All manner of men should hold God’s bid- Canti go zoiosi e dolce melodic... 164
dings...God 894yeCarmen Almiti trinite...discipuli 71 1906presens advertite docti... Nie ‘beghyn pothe mowe procede. .. 131 Ce qui est en ce petit livre doivent enseinAmbrosius fuer , gnier pretres... 1017et humidum est... s rtueram sed nuncdsum vile ca- les Cerebrum natura frigidum
daver... 2279 92?
Amour fit Dieu du ciel descendre... 587 Cerebrum ut dicitur... 1009 Amplificatio est maxime necessaria... 1916 Gen)x qui désirent hastivement gto Antequam regnum Siciliae esset integratum... Cheremons derde collacie, van der bescerAntiquis igitur temporibus ut ex historiis weder Gods, die dertiende collacie. Doe wie cognovimus urbs Suessonica deos coluit... Cheschun deit estre amé... 1498 Antiquitus in civitate Atheniensi fuit consti- Chama Nad he riPtura © commanda la Apollo dicitur principalis proles Jovis... 1991 Chidren and young men that come to this Apostolica Bententia in medio est profe- Choncio sia Hosa che sono nove figure nell’ Apres la semcte ating Chcitur missus. . 1960 Circu/us eccentricus dicitur vel egressae...
tuta talis lex... me mt . a , abacho... 1791
| royne Arsinoe.:~ TBaD des miseres de la Clarissimus vir dominus Franciscus Petrarprez que le noble roy Alexandre eut mis en ‘tanti mihi
possession Bethu de Fezon... 2075 Coeitanti.m ve ame Pree 1894-9
Aquest libre es bons per aver sanitat del Cogitis me o Paula et Eustochium... 2279
cors... 879 Cognita consonancia in cordis... 2294
156 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Color rubeus est quasi flamma... 915 Dicturi de singulis vitiis cum opportunitas se Comme par la souveraine sapience... 1500 offert... 2052 Como lo cavallo fo creato... 1906 Die dominica precedunt synodum sacerdotes...
Compotus est scientia... 1996 249
Concio sia cosa che lo rei Danco stesse... Differentia communiter. .. 2194
237 Dilectissime frater in quondam amoris... 519
Concio sia cosa che sono nove figure nell’ Dilectissime frater ut intellexi... 915
abacho... 1791 Dilectissimi non erat indecorum... 2279 See also Choncio... - Disputatiunculam dudum... 703
594 Diu trepidus ful... 642
Conciones quas exigentes gabella a clericis... Distinctiones super certis materiis... 1064 Consider welle with everi circumstaunce... 132 Diuturni silentii id conscripti... 444 Considereth thopinions sentences and diffini- Divina bonitas suorum... 458
cions... 967 Dixit Petrus Amfusus servus Christi Jhesu
Constructio est unio... 1779 compositor hujus libri “Gratias ago...” 138
Contingit quod quidam Judeus qui publice voca- Doctrinis variis et peregrinis... 911
batur Rabbi... 861 Doe wie weder nae een lutelkyn slaeps tot
Contra qui sumpserit patrem arma... 1790 metten desen ouden vader ghevonden hadConversusque fecit illud vas... 1682 den... 1988 Corde credimus ad justitiam... Trinitatis illius Domine Deus omnipotens, qui es trinus et
quae Deus... 1891 unus,.. 717
Creator excelsus... 829 Domine, non sum dignus ut intres... Mt. 8.
Credo Deum omnia posse... 2048 Ad reliquias preciosas non debet homo ac-
Credo in Deum Patrem... that is I trowe in cedere... 907 God an wyth trewe bileve... 181 Dominus condito [_] redemptor noster... 213 Crist made to man a faire present... 53 Dominus dixit in Evangelio, Maiorem caritaCui ipse Deus dabit... 754 tem nemo habet... 1946 Cum ad futurum legum studium... 1823 Du haut seignor de gloyre quil du ciel descen-
Cum ad Hieronem tyrannum Simonides dit, 86
poeta... 455 Ductus est Jesus in desertum asperum ut
Cum circa utilia studere debeamus... 2052 temptaretur a dyabolo, 939
Cum constet super animae fratrum laicorum... Dulcissime Domine Jesu Christi... 961
739 Dyt is die Kuntschafft und dat Recht... 1040
Cum displiceat Deo infidelis et stulta pro-
missio, Eccl. V... 738 Cum diu gens Langobardorum... 2279 E Cum e Cicilia decendens... 1225
1641 Ecce descripsi... 995, 2304
Cum igitur praelatus aliquis ordinis nostri... E voces unisonas equat... 1875
Cum mihi haec scribendi... 642 Ecce iterum atque iterum me mordat rana Cum proprietates rerum sequantur... 1009 Senensis... 703 Cum sit Christus corpus... 829 Egi cum Cosmo ut liber ille ad te deferatur Cum sit necessarium grisaron... 2194 quod ipse pollicitus est... 1907
Cum s’m phm in vi meth’ teg sit... 2217 Ego Johannes de Burgundia... 915 Cy commence la tierce partie principale cest Egypti sapientes... 839 assavoir des peines d’enfer... 1994 Kienta, dé otdyuata xol dxootmpata... 699 En une cité qui siet en Poulenne... 925
D 211
"Exedyneg Eyvopev év ti ’Aqueviov yooq...
Equivoca dicuntur quorum nomen solum com-
Das erste Capittil von der Nature und Sitten mune est... 2194 der Falken... 2169 Erat quidam secularis... 2279 Das Puech der heiligenn Patriarchen... 1301 Escoute, O tu filz... 735
De hiis instrumentis. .. 2294 Est proprie metha transformacio plasmus...
De modica immo nulla... 653 834 De quadrante. .. 1262 Et multum referens... 833
De recto patens... 1033 Eterna et ineffabilis providentia recto ordine. .. De temporibus ordinationis... 2125 1008
De Trinitate hoc tenendum est... 2047 Etsi, esto, tametsi... 1248
Defecerunt... 162, 991, 1227, 2012, 2108 Etsi negotiis... 652, 835, 886, 1234, 1894
Demosthenis pater... 164 Etsi scio nullos... 1778
Der Falke ist cin grymmende Fogil... 2170 Examinando leprosos ordo hic observandus Detur inoffense vite tibi tangere metam... 2062 est... 912 Deum esse, multis modis ostenditur... 1206 Exue me Domine veterem hominem... 481 Devant la nativité Notre Seygneur mil e deux Expedit immensa...; Queritur auditis... 1906 cens anz... 1022 Dicere de grandi... 1906
Dicit Apostolus ad Ephesios... 2047 F
Dicitur urina quod fit in renibus una... 859 Dicta prius dico breviter collecta novello... Factum est priusquam incursio fieret... 2279
1847. | Faire Citherea sitting... 269
INCIPITS 157 Fama ftisse duos testatur prodiga fratres, In corpore glorificato... 920
Quos uni mater edidit una viro. .. 2063 In every yere you muste marke certeyne
1916 : recitata... 642 sunt... 1871 corpus universale... 1722:
Femina perfida, femina sordida... 1248 thinges... 1304 .
Figura est modus et forma elegans dicendi... In lectione apostolica quae nobis Paulo ante Figurae, quas alii caracteres vocant, XXXII In octo libris physicorum explicavit Aristoteles
Fili diligenter attende... 1009 In principio creavit Deus coelum et terram...
Filios nutrivi dando-manna in deserto... 1960 1967 |
Flour de flours Columbine, De mes dolours In principio erat verbum... 1089 . .
plain medicine... 1317 In the 10 hous and in her significations. This invariabili... 2194 In thys chapiter be specyfyed the x11 signes...
Forma est compositioni contingens simplici et is the hous of the kynge. .. 1304
Fuerunt in schola Albini... 499 1303
Fugit addiscas vates... 1906 In vanum laborat lingua praedicatorum, . . 1232
Fuit quidam clericus Stephanus... 1228 Incipit de arbore in paradiso posita... 2280 Funiculus triplex difficile rumpitur... 2051 Incipit libellus cujusdam ad Rainerum conversum cognomine Corde benignum de
G quorumdar, pum significacione mistica et morali...
Gaudemus. et merito... 2286 Incipit primus tractatus ipsius artis et exposiGeometrie due sunt partes... 1996 aureos appellavit... 1918
Generaliter omne peccatum fugiendum... 754 tiones eius quas Magister Appolonius Flores
Glorieuse Vierge reine, En qui par la vertu Incipit prologus in quondam glosulam moralem
divine... 785 Petri Blesensis super Job... 2222
God that made both heven and helle... 58 Incipiunt recepte ordinate secundum experienGraecorum studia nimiwmnque diuque secutus... tias mei... de... usque ad 1424 de mense
587 Decembris super nono Almansoris... 1312
Grammatica est ars literarum... 1778 Indumenta quidem hominum... 454
2279 ) paratio... 1812
Gregorius urbe Romulea fratre Gordiano... Initium_ operis et fundamentum totius est pre-
Grete habundance of gastli cumforth... 59 Inprimis debet sacerdos... 1444
Inspice et fac secundum exemplar... 2013
|.iW Intentionis praesentis est primo tractare... . Interrogatus de quodam dubio... 907 1778
Hae sunt species troporum in officiis... 1872 Intra in gaudium Domini tui... 507
Havendoci noi proposto... 1917 It is understonde whoso will loke an urine... Hee sant virtutes syrupi extracti de serpente 915
Here begynneth a noble tretys... 915 J milte ; , -_ Herre Got: himlischer vater durch dein giit geschiist... 2055 Je qui esgardai la grandeur de la divine Hier beghint die Voerrede ap die Tien Ghe- hystoire... 1495 bode... 2164 . Je qui par vanité... 923 Hieronymus noster in oppido Stridonis... 2279 Jhesu Lorde that madyst me... 1767, 1903 ‘Totagia Loxd6ou, Adyog sig to yevvéotov tis Joi de sagesce pou duicte... 847 tixeouylac Oeotoxot... 1110
Hit is ful harde to knowe ony estate... 58 -~Hodiernus dies ad habendam spem... 2078 L
Horatius Q. f. praecone... 831 L , ; ,
Sodv Suov tov nédov... 2061 : a trigonometria e una scienza che fa ap-
How health of body... 63 rpprendere. «. 1792 How shall a man best in peace abide... 63 aie et conversation de notre seigneur Jésus
Hujus summe in umniverso septem sunt bia ist... 923 . ae
~abia sacerdotis custodient scientiam... 1207 | partes... . Lapis1643 begaar latine velnis... lapis liberans a vene-
. I Largus animas hylaris... 1238
I beseche the Lorde God... 1303 L’arte di questa scientia ha origine... 2258 I judge him worthy mydas yeares... 2271 Las [?] je fu jadis contrains... 1416
Ibimus glorieux Ifrancgois escripr Ick sachviarm...myn Heere van hemel... 993 : 925pour escripre la regle. ..
I that to yowre service wolde were able... 1501 paura proprius... 1249
Igitur Jacob benedicens filium suum... 907 - Le prophecie Ysaie le filz Amos... 1714 °°: Ta quae simul ex primis motibus, .. ‘907 Legimus in ecclesiasticis historiis... 2340 Impeératoriam rhaiestatem gloriosissime Vir-. Legimus quia Christus peccata... 2078
ginis. .. 1213 - oe Les anciennes ystories (or estoires) dient que
Imperatrix gloriosa potens et imperiosa... 2296 Eracles... 850-1 _Impositum cinerem... 1249 | Les naturiens comme Plyne In a somer sesoun whan softe was ye:sonne,.. Bedde et autres... 939
Aaeline Arstcic
8In consideranda be aemonochordi Li chevalier et li baron... 890 : positione... 1871' Li diex d’amours lors me respont... 939
158 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Litera quae prima est... 1777 O how wholesome and glad is the memory...
Lucifer lord and prince of the deep dominion 57
of darkness... 51 © petuusly may I wayle and complayne...
Luna, ut notum est, unoquoque mensce... 1871 387 .
Lux in tenebris lucet... 600 O trés sotuveraine benoite en pardurableté. .. Lux ortaOest justo et rectis corde lecticia... 1017 593 1783 veneranda sacerdotum dignitas... O vita quae tantos deceptisti... 445 _
M Of the first house. The sonne in this house signyfiethe power... 1303
Marci Antonii vitam multiplici... 411 Off Gods grace sterand and helpande... 59 Maria Magdalene et Maria Jacobi et Maria est apud Graecos a .OTs Salomee et earum frater... 2307 mne olympias enim corpus Aumanum, . 2279 Mariae Virginis indignus ego sacrista... 1003 Ommne instrumentum musice... 2294
702 mnipotens sempiterne Deus...
Marzoccho io penso al tuo tempo futuro... omnia ee a peiterne Deus. OAL 1996 Maximos et praestanti ingenio visos... 455 Omnis igitur -regularis monochordi... 1872 Me movet optantem patriae describere Omnis mortalium cura... 220, 937 |
gesta...dividitur 1908inOpinio Jaffredi duod apis phivosophorum Medicina duas partes... 860 componitur ex sole aut luna. . . ) Mens affectus racio queso convenite... 1498 Orbem terrarum maiores... 1755
Monscigneur saint923 Jehanrdo ou livre de ses Reoispotest ne dicit Ysidorus. . 107 tari... 943 velacions... vitiorum sic manifestari... 94¢
Moralium dogma philosophorum... 822 tose, mihi nuper... 164 200 Most merciful Lord by thine abundant goodur stone is called a drop... 2000
vere... 754 P
ness... 57 Our wise well lerned master Abraham... 1303
Multa sunt quae deberent hominem moMulti multa sciunt... 2047, 2307
Multifarie multisque modis... 1639 Partes grammaticae sunt quattuor... 1778 Mundus est figurae sphericac... 1128 Partium hujus Theoricae declaratio: imprimis Musica est scientia bene modulandi... 245 adest circulus exterior... 1791 . Musyng upon the restles besynes... 132 Pater noster et c. Scribit cantor Parysien-
Mut est homme fous ke trop se fie... 1498 sis in opere suo super Psalterium... 1765 Muthwille, unkeusch unde eygenschaft, Swe- Pero che socto a la potentia del altissimo
chet orden unde klosters kraft... 738 dio... 237 Muy p*** soberanos... 2151 Persarum eximios tradunt... 837
Pes est syllabarum ct temporum certa dinu-
N meratio... Petis a499 me... 738 Nacque Filippo di>lasmator Filippo Strozzi in Firenze pels a on frater Deus. 458 730 1014 hominis Deus... 4 Nay lect me alone... 439 Plaude, potentissima parens, plasmatoris...
Nemo cum prophetae versibus viderit esse Pl O34 - . 11 descriptos... 460 5 urima dicit et s¢ ipsum dat. “30794 Nihil enim in hoc libro intenditur... 668 Set aan ac he i Valeri. 646 Non alibi quam in 838 sacratis... Tei ; A ratae Non dubito fore.. ost hi 825 yumPos de heared. 1vinis characterl US.b .:3136
° Cree our mouldre menu et souvent...
Nomina septenum sapientium 701 postauam epistolam tuae sanctitatis. 454
93 : . to
Normanos gentem | ex (Cimbricae. . . 421 Pource qu'il est plusieurs oppinions... 850 Nota modus inveniendi radicem... 1144 Praesagium id est praescientia... 1960 Nota quod curatio veneni fit... 1311 _ 42 Praesens opusculum quasi breve... 738 Nota quod luna qualibet die movit per 13 Prima de partiduri 1789 Nota quod quaedam sunt quae homo potest... Pram dies Phoebi sacrato nomine fulget... Notandum quod omnis homo qui generatur prima Opinio. es Veen 738
gradus... 1312 ys 2 he. :;
naturaliter... 462 Primu c orter rer. tit ‘ds sit
Now hoe, inoughe, too muche I feare... 272 snen_ S104 cr constituere = quid sit 10-
yow witey ale. that, been here. _ at Primus liber Veteris Testamenti... 1010. N It at i 5 beate st. theolowicas sub- Primus siquid homo, quia cecedit a lege vitae hot ve em, 136” po: ORICAS SU et veritatis in legem peccati et mortis... 738
TBUTATIONES. . . Principium et causa omnium Deus... 2296 |
O num... 1790
Pro expositionibus quarundam _propositio-
Proca rex Albanorum... 652
O fili mi felicius... 248 Procas rex Albanorum... 838 |
O fontis unda perpetis inexhaustae dulce- Propositio est omnino affrmat.va... 1790 |
dinis... 822 Prosapodosis. Hoc schema duobus modis
O frater quam velox ad mensam... 1009 fieri... 499
Quadrans est spere plane quadra... 1847 Recommendatio cuius... 1248
864 Regina del cor mio... 164
Qualunque persona et servo o serva de Cristo... Recordare Domine Testamenti tui... 1152
Quamquam de iure ac proprietate huius voca- Regnante igitur Maxentio... 2279
buli chirurgia... 2298 Remedium contra omnem superbiam generale
Quamvis dilecti fratres Christus... 2078 extirpandam... 754
Quamvis sollempnitas... 232 Remittuntur tibi peccata multa... 995, 2304 Quando il demonio... 1914 Respice in faciem Christi tui... In verbis proQuant on sonne la messe... 1017 . positis spiritus invitat... 1010
Quanto in nomi delle cose son piu distinti.... Rethorica enim assecutiva dyalectice est... (1143
1876 Reverendo patri in Christo domino G. divina
1640 2051
Quartusdecimus annus est, Caesar... 444 providencia Ausannensi episcopo frater G.
Quasi stella matutina in medio nebule... 1206, humilis monachus abbacie MHerlyacensis...
Quatuor modi sunt quibus omnis... 1872 Rex pacificus cunctorum... 702
Quattuor sunt species cantuum... 883, 2294 Rogo vos fratres he(re)mi ut libenti animo Quattuor sunt virtutes cardinales, sc. pru- sermones quos Dominus dabit... 2069 Questa e l’entrata di Bicherna del venerabile Rogavit me fraterna caritas tua... 1923
dentia... 920 Rogasti me karissime... 1790
Angniolo di Petro di Baldo chamarlengo... 514
Question: First shew me in what things... S is the... multiplicacion of mettalls... 2000
Qui compotis regulas... 1871 Saepe et multum... 835* Y'aumaire de sa mémoire... 849 prescheurs... 925 Qui per omnem vitam... 699 Sancte Pater genite pie spiritus utrius alme...
Qui le trésor de sapience veult mettre en Sainct Pierre novel martir de Jl’ordre dez Qui perfectus est si ipso Domino docetur de 1010
solemnitatum ratione... 1843 S. Augustinus in libro de fide... 1903 Qui ut ait Hieronymus... 1151 Sanctus Edwardus confessor... 137 Qui veult en paradis aler... 1017 Sapientissimi Egiptii scientes... 2156
Quia igitur hec tam generosa regina... 458 Sapientissimi namque Egiptii... 840, 984, 2051
Quia parvus error in principio... 1312 Sapientissimi quippe Egiptii... 979 Quia ut ait beatus Theronimus... 2051 [Saturn] cronocrator evermore possessith xxx
Quid est anima... 1162 monethes... 1304 Quid est periodus... 1916 Saturnus qui superior est... 2310
Quid faciat confessor... 1641 Scienciarum quedam... 1312 Quidam habens filium... 825 Sciendum quod ad laudandum Deum trinum
Quidnam sit objectum universale totius et unum... 2294 physicae? Corpus universale in suppositione Scito te... 1960
[?] absoluta... 1721 Scripturus aliquid juxta modum_ possibilitatis
Quinque genera inequitalitatis... 1871 nostrae... 907
tam... 733 minis tui... 739
Quisquis ad eternam cupiens pertingere vi- Scripturus vitam servi tui ad honorem no-
Quod nimis remissum... 738 Secretum regis celare bonum est... 2279
Quomodo differant sapientia et scientia et intel- Secundum legem debet mori... 1681
ligentia... 1960 Seignurs une poy entendez, Vous qi les gius
Quomodo fiet istud. Wie kam das. Dise wort d’eschez amez... 138
sind gesprochen... 1207 Sel albroch, fueillet de fin or de Milan... 1987
Quoniam Ciceronis commentarios... 835 Seneca dicit quod non delcambilius [| ?] Quoniam clamitat sapiens quod perscrutator egris... 860 majestatis opprimitur a gloria... 907 Seneca schreibt in seinen hohen Sendbrief-
Quoniam historia veritatis... 2250 fen... 2185
Quoniam in arte expositis... 1776 Sensuyt ung devost jardin tres delectable...
Quoniam in medio laqueorum positi... 1166 2238 Quoniam in prima parte nostri libri... 951, Sepius rogatus a condiscipulis... 2307
2298 Septem sunt principalia seu capitalia peccata
Quoniam inter crimina ecclesiastica... 47 vitia... 920
Quoniam multi et maxime simplices... 733 Septentrionalis plaga... 2279
Quoniam musica est de sono... 883 Sequens descriptio orbis tam terrae quam
Quoniam ut ait Augustinus... 514 maris sumpta est ex quodam libro de
1467 dorus... 1977 fragium... 1206 Servus rubeus lunam candidam duxit in
Quoniam ut ait Gregorius super Ezechielem... proprietatibus rerum. Orbis ut dicit Ysi-
Quoniam, ut ait Hieronymus, secunda post nau- Sermo generalis de septem regionibus... 1002
Quos artifices qui sculpere vultis honeste... uxorem... 1986
1871 Si autem solaris eclipsis... 1144
Quotiens summum bonum sit ad probationem Si deus est animus... 1777
articulorum... 474 Si plene vis assequi quod intendis... 736
Quum circa confessiones animarum... 2307 Si quem forte juvat... 1906
160 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSA Si quis ades sac SANCE MANUSCRIPTS an rum cyr , Sicut dicit Tullius, libr ean OF a Dieu com-
«tem 1143 a cyrram conscendere mon- ‘Tibi ergo, di
S:i vus vis avez scire... 914, 2297 Tonos ilecte frater... 747 © devotiun, D Tous ore!reaccentus, alii tit... 1997 in, De la sainte Resurrecorgueilleux setenores... veulent a |8an
‘ Cc , or quae .
Icu ex patre i ~" a iain 1287 T . »ria partes mundi 16, Sicut mala incorruptibili... sunt circa + 1639
gi tcundius senectute . 5 senectute, nil est Tres sunt. part est de Dieu... 923
eicut ° ph ++| 462 Troon ag culuslibet operis; versaSicutpoesis. vult Seneca Tgomomerrte, cujus praxi
2° we beholden auarto < Beneficiis... 1312 range suscipimus, aaa breviter °. gvnan thys Calkas knewe by ‘lleulyne Sup Sone ae eas et superdea et Sokers cst is borne when he reyneth... 916 Trinitas jipersubstantial oe
Sol, w : @.. trix... e Christianorum inspec-
Spiritus vite orpus salicum, rotundum... 1278 bona inspectrix. .. 3136" superdea, et super-
Statue, colossi, altar nante corone... 1970 Tunc in Britannia tatus imperii judaici brev; 1004Suscitabat Turn At untDominus filium hominis... 165 a... 137 Sins est... 1639 reviter in hoc libello s Amarillis to thy swaine... 439
catuto synodali ‘ca eae Summarium in fandationes ate Unde fra 0
ionesUtut... f ccurata e karissimi tratres *qualiter otis .trahatur Summe loc passi , artetican cogni re 2278 ligit... o dnam ne saincte fut ey uv Sunt 1990 . , icam di- Unum d fut en la cite d’Assize... 928
" Ut juvenes ij a
Suppono quaedam vitiaexquae frequ Upon quidem primum quaesti quenter... 754 Ut areverentiae cross nailedtuae I am f “eo ingula punctis norum Logicae... 1722 1one . prolegome- t gyantor junctis derives singt jthee. . 57
Cabulam annorum 1, Ut reor s in quolibet problemate... 18 , Tametsi dicendi collectorum... 1144 — 859 r extat circa rubori Tanta prerogativa grati ..as... 1248 ilitasdifficilius. huius libri. is , est... 1960 Tempore illo posteuam 2279 Utrum Temporibus Decii vu ran Constantino... 2279 UtrumHe Dominica die... abopere ; Tempus est aperatoriis... 62 ,,... cessand ...ab omni ser i L orer t est mensura motus tad Utrum andum sit... 1821 pere servile tern sunt modi — , presbyter in di o ret tria junctorum ee 1872 missas... 1232 ie possit celebrare duas
‘Pant cendi venustas du Utilit 5...
. sancta ~inns _promissionis Deo amabilis V, 3080 ee That no nv > Vectitanti mi geve ectitanti mihi nuper _leve of here soverei mi resseyve with oute Vedendo et priando [? 838
The ffyrste principall part . 180 rienga... 716 o [?] per continua speferns li tables... 130 A e of thys boke con- Veniam ad te... Divi are rst mentor of this art... 2000 yenite, comedite panem meum,.. 1991. .. 1959 0 firste chapitre what “dies creticus” is Venus and youre Adonis... 369°
T | wae ; is side, Cry1 a4: .
The fare is co thaught hir doughter... 54 Verke’ saccedott 342° kist and kis-
yhe allmygtty wee ereor, Vv ° : :
The hevl comyn beste enow... 1903 V acerdotis tanti... 2279
1996 limygtty of purviaunce di Veritatis cnerabi'es in Christo filii... 1946 The love ofGod ‘** ogicae sublimitas... 1206 3 hy of change hathVerray chang’ y dieu omnipotent, Ki estes , 2316
. through outt... 286 1 chane’d the world mencement 1498 it, Ki estes fin et com-
[he most men_of Inde saraVia justorum rect: f est... 408 ie The substaunce Volentibus igitur facilem
|“heerbs ‘ amantt , ) reconis¢ f ulpes ect vas . a
he ri ae en .
rpnyent 894 | of power and of yoeressim. 603 cilem ad musicam habere rete 63 of Salomon do plainly de- yee tis... : Debitam subjectionem ot wo onisaunce of all fleshely luste, In man pes ct caper sitibundi... 834 }
with ight pate of helle is amydys the erthe Want wo The way unto F e Want men zu somyghe mensc Theo unto Rome... 132 , We nede no bloudy sacr menschen.. 935°
hes women PH Bod notitia rerum... 2229 Whose W , layne... 1804 yce, Christ once ffor , This befyl in fer oth great and small... 395 Wie we e over rede this booke... 961 -
, 180 rste that Tyberi nan 1246 die Apodekscl e...verstehen 961 Theyer ‘d yberie Cesar...3sol... schen Gericht This nobmaster art a and zentilman. oe. We | AYZ f noble shi itor , Xenophonti : 1s
s worlde is ful of | ; ! “ee
abo claves... 1179 Your bewt Zu Lob und Ere Gottes... 456 races— 227)
Tiki dabo understond, , 1304 callid Ypo- 164" atisy philosophi quendam libellum | and your comley er
Many of the official numbers were received for the Census almost at the time of the final printing of volume II, so that certain errors and omissions were inevitable. The present list has been revised from various sources, but particularly by comparison with Dr. Kenneth W. Clark’s Descriptive Catalogue of Greek New Testament Manuscripts in America (Chicago, 1937).
Gregory number Page in Census Gregory number Page in Census I (now O16) .......+. 2273 I2QO .seecececcsseeee SOL T7 Lecce eee se cece es 568 13560 ccc ee ee cece cee 2288 W (now 032) ....... 2273 T4224 wececccecccccees 2284 OIG woe eee eee eee es 2273 1498 (see below, no. O32 .cccceceeccesces 2273 2403 ) O47 cccccecccececess 865 1528)... wc ee ee ee eee 866 201 r1r08 1530 eeecececcee eee eee 865 223 ap. ap. (now (now 5360) 223) ....IIIO I53L cee.. eeeeee 759 224 ap. (now 876) .. 1106 1693... eeeeeceeceees 2120
236 (see)below, VOI (probably178 = 2421 2347)no..s.eeereeee-
278 paul. (now 223). IIIO 1780... eee ee ee ee ee IQIO 279 paul. (now 876). 1106 1799 [ap.] .......... 866 358 ap. (now 1022).. 2289 1960 .....eeeeeeeeeee II7O
371 paul. (now 1960) 1170 2222... seseeeeeess-. 2281 (also p. 758, no. AB3 vce cece ceaveeeee 1081 3, cover-guards) 532 eee eee eeeeeees IIOZ 2293 (properly 1282). 691
533 wee eeeeveveeeee IIOZ 2304 wee cece eesseee. 2284 534 wee cee ceeeeeeeee L108 Q23IL wee eee eee ee ee 664 535 eee c cee eeceeeee EIOZ 2321 ve seecececsseees 2237 530 ww ee ee ee ee ee eens L108 2322 oo eee ee eee sees 2156 537 cee tee eeeeeeeee FIO6 2324 ceceeccceeseceee 1285 538 cee ee ee ee eevee II06 2320 Lecce cece eeeeee 2312 540... ee eee eee ee ee IIOZ 2340... ccc eeee veces 1284 SAL weet ee ee eee eee TIOZ 2347 cee eeeceeeeeeee 178 S43 cece eee eeeeeeeee LIOS 234Q .ceeveeeeseesess 2322, no. 7I4 (mis-
S44 wesc cece ececeees L108 printed as Evv. 545 fee eee eee eee e ee LIOQ 2422) S40 ec e eee ee ee ee ee 1108 2353 -ceeceeeeceeeeee FIOG 606... cee eeeeeeees QO7I 2354 veeeeeeveeeeeeee IIIT
667 veeceeveeeeeeeee IETE 2388 sss e ee. 720 668 co.cc ccc eee eee 1885 2303 ce cccscceeccsees 2310 669 -.-. cere e eee eres 1284 2364... eeeereeveeeee 2310
670 wesc eeeeeeeceees 2242, no. I (number 2365 .............2+. I124, no. 173e (num-
and referencesprinted er- ber omitted by roneously error) on p. 2243, lines 2366 (see above, no.
18-20): 805)
685 wee eee eee eeee ILZI 2307 vicesecesvecseees 2203 703 sseeceeceeeseees QO 2368 vec cee ee eevee. 2289 876 oe eee aces ess 2310 2360 oe eceeeececeeees 2288 [895] (error; is 2366) 866 2370 ce veeeceeeeeee es 2288 QO5 sseeeeeeeeeseees 866 237 vv ececceceeveces 2289 QOH 2... ese eeeees ee 866 2372 cc vvceveeceeeces 2289
1022 (see above, no. 2373 vccvcaccecesecce 2288 358 ap.) 2374 secccccecececees 2289 1152 (see also below, 2375 vceeceeeeeeceees 758, no. 4 (number
no. 2395) ....---- 568 omitted by error)
1223 Senne ee eee eens 1191 2380... c cece ee ee cece 2316 1282 (see also below, 2382 cc eccecccevecces 2321 NO. 2293) ....+++. 60% 23830 wc cece cece cece es 2321 T28Q .. cece e eee eeeee 520 2384 oc cece eesceceeee 2322 T276 ccc eee ee
164 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Gregory number Page in Census Gregory number Page in Census
2385 occ eee ee ee eess 14904, no. 745, under 1951 .............004 IIZI writing (number 1952 ................ IIZI omitted by error) 19053 .ccecececeveeeee IIZI
2380 ce ee ee ee ee 2322 1Q54 wee ee eect eee ee LIZI 2388 oo. cee eee eee eee 2284, p. OOF, nO. 2 1955 .......eeeeeeeee 2140 (misprinted as 1956 ................ 2317 Evv. 2378) LI02Q ....... cece eee 2289 2380 cece cece cece es 2284 11122 (see below, no.
2303 ce vececeeeeceess 2284 1 1636) 2304 seceeccerecsveee 569 11231 ..........00-4. 2120
2395 (properly 1152).. 2281 11260 (now 2326) .... 2312 239060 wee ceeeeeeeeee es 569 5} Ce @ 10) 23907 vc ceeccccecceees 570 11372 ....seeeeeeeees 157 2308 ....eeeeee ee eee 569 and 2233 11373 ceveeceeeeceeee 157 2390Q cece eaceeeveeees 570 11530... eects eee. 2284
2400 ..eeeeceeeceeees 616 11544 (possibly =
2AOIl ..ceeeeeeeeeeess 571 and 2233 11536 ............ 2284 2403 (properly $70 LIS47 wc...eeeeeeeeeees 2283 24Of ce eee eee 1498). cere cers 2201 11562 ccc cee cece ee I and 230
2405 ve sees eee eeeeees 2281 (p. 569, NO. 130) [1564 1 ooo lee eee, be $09 2406 Licceeeeecseeeee 2281 (p. 569, no. 1345 Jiem7 ee eee TOG misprinted as 2405) LIS578 wc. cece ee eee eee IOS 2407 eee eceveveeess 2281 (p. 570, m0. 1363) [y57q ooo eee TTTB
misprinted as 2406) | 7c8 ............... TLIQ
24OQ cece ececececees 2281 1" 1507 ..sceceeeeseee 562 QATO vesveeccreccecss 2282 LI5Q8 wc. cee eee eee e ee 595 QAI scveeececeeeeess 2282 1T5QQ wc. cece ee eeeees 568
ZAIZ we ceceeere veers 2342 1*" 1600 ..........-. 572, no. 166 (num-
QALS cece cece even eee 2203 bererror) omitted by QAIO weve vceccccceees 22973 QATZ sevceeceeeeeeees 1756 1** 1609 ..........+. 571, no. 142, cover2420 vee eevee=eeeee 2312 guard by (number 2421 (possibly 236) es 2312 omitted error)
2423 Lecece eee cvcvceccccee et et ees a8 2309 QA2Q 228! . Unnumbered (in 1937) 2243, Stevens (see PGI weeree resents 2309 Gray erinted as above, no. 670) ee a er 2310
1°68 (now 1*170) ... I1TO LIGI2 wc... eee eevee 2310 1"75 (now 1*172) ... 972 LIGI3Z wie ce eeeeeees 2310 1" 76 (now 1*175) ... 2317 11614 .ccee eee e ee eees 2310 1" 170 (sce above, no. L1GtS wesc e eee eeeees 2310 1° 68) LI1GIG .......eeeeeee 1124, no. 173 [d] 1° 172 eee te eee ee Q72 11617 ee cece ee ngas (number omitted
1"°175 (see...........6..+ above, | by2310 error) 76) 11618
L180 wc ee eee eee ee ee ee 1049 LIOGIQ ..... cece veces s 2342
1* 199 (now 1** 476) . IIIS 11621 we see see eevee ee 2293
1216 (now 1**216) .. III2 11622 ......... eee ee 2293
] 220 wc cece ee eee eee es ILIZ 11623 oc ee eee ee seve es 2316
1223 (now 1** 223) .. 1106 11624 ...eeseeeeeee es 2284 1224 oo sere eres eeer ee TOO 11625 .........2206-- 2284 1225 wo ce eee ee eee es TIOD 11626 ....... eee e ee ee 2284 1226... eeeeeeeeceeee 1108 11627 ..cceseeeeeee ee 2284
1227 wc cece cece eceees IFIOO 11628 wo. ec cece e eee ee 2284
1228 (now 1*°228) .. IIIT 11629 ....eee eee sees 2289 1° 254 (now 1**929) . 1645 11632 cece eevee ees 2321
263 (now 1** 228) . 1111 11634 ..eseeeeeeeee es 2322 11° 296 a Q72 1 1635 wee e ee eerseeeee 2322 L207 cece cece cenereee 972 11636 (possibly =
12908 «-..-.eeeeeeee es 973 T1122) ese eee eee 1756 So) Sa 1* "1637 .....e.eee++ IEIO, nO. 37 1 302° (now 11372) .. 157 omitted by(number error) 1302” (now 11373) -- 157 1*°1638 ..........+. IFO, no. 39 (number
11303302° (now 1302) ... 1285 omitted by error) veers reese ese es TTOS 1** 16 veveeceeeees TITS, no. 69 (number
BBL ec cee eee ae (number
1353 cee eeeuneueuas 1109 39 omitted by error)
1476 (now 1*°476).. 11I5 1** 1640 ........046+ ITIQ, NO. 99
1929 nowy 1**929) .. 1645 omitted by error)
GREGORY NUMBERS 165 Gregory number Page in Census Gregory number Page im Census ber omitted by 11672 ..........+..+. 1938
1** 31641 ........0+2. ILIQ, no. 100 (mum- 11671 ............... 2322
error) 11673 ...cc ce aeeeeeee 2I7Q
11642 .......ccee004. 2282 11674 (error; not a 11643 ..ccceseeseeeee 2276 lectionary ; awaits 11644 ..scececeveeeee 2203 new number) ...... 2282
LIG45 w.ccececeeeceee 2273 11675 ....ceeseeeees 2284 116460 ....... ee eeee es 2273 11677) ..ceceacecccees 2285 11647 vo. cece ce eeeees 2273 On p. 2312, the correction for p. II71,
11648 ........e sevens 2312 ms. 4, is an error; the Soden number re-
11663 .....eeeeceeess 2282 mains 171.
Abbey of Gethsemani, Trappist, Kentucky, 730 Bartrop, Rev. Frederick Fox, Concord, New
Academy of Medicine, Toronto, Ontario, Hampshire, 1154 Canada, 2234 Batchelder, John Davis, Washington, District Adam, Robert Borthwick, Buffalo, New York, of Columbia, 490
1215 Bates, Albert C., Hartford, Connecticut, 160
Adams, Dr. Joseph Q., Washington, District Beal, Junius E.. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1129
of Columbia, 2273 Beals, Judge Walter B., Olympia, Washing-
Adelbert College Library, Western Reserve ton, 2188 University, Cleveland, Ohio, 1936 Beam, George L., Denver, Colorado, 151, 2239 Adler, Elmer, New York, New York, 1650 Beans, George H., Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, Adolph Sutro Library, San Francisco, Cali- 2005 fornia, 26 Belle Skinner Collection, Holyoke, MassaAllsopp, Fred W., Little Rock, Arkansas, 2, chusetts, 1063
2239 Bemis, Frank B. (Estate of), Boston, Massa-
Altschul, Frank, New York, New York, 1651 chusetts, 949, 2298
American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Benton, Rev. William Lane Hall, La CresMassachusetts, 1088 centa, California, 2241 American Bible Society, New York, New Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, 728
York, 1256 © Berkshire Athenaeum, Pittsfield, Massachu-
American Geographical Society, New York, setts, 1064
New York, 1257 Biddle Law Library, University of PennsylvaCity, New Jersey, 1169 Bishop, Cortlandt Field (Estate of), New Andover Theological Seminary, Cambridge, York, New York, 1654, 2323 Massachusetts, 1049 Bitzer, Prof. David R., Richmond, Virginia, American Type Founders Company, Jersey nia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2109
Andrews, Charles Walker, Syracuse, New 2179 |
York, 1886 Bliss, Miss Susan Dwight, New York, New
Angel, Mrs. Elizabeth Day Seymour, New York, 1662
York, New York, 1652, 2322 Blumenthal, George, New York, New York,
Annmary Brown Memorial Library, Provi- 1667 dence, Rhode Island, 2138 Boggs, Miss Elizabeth, Beverly Hills, Cali-
Arensburg, Walter Conrad, Los Angeles, fornia, 11 California, 18 Bonniwell, Rev. William R., O. P., PhiladelArents, George, Jr. Purchase, New York, phia, Pennsylvania, 2111 1652 Born, Lester Kruger, Washington, District of Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago, Columbia, 2274
Illinois, 512 Borneman, Henry 5., Philadelphia, Pennsylva-
Army Medical Museum and Library, Wash- nia, 2112 ington, District of Columbia, 451, 2273 Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, Art Institute, Chicago, Illinois, 513, 2277 1061 Artz, Frederick B., Oberlin, Ohio, 1971 Boston Medical Library, Boston, MassachuAuburn Theological Seminary, Auburn, New setts, 910, 2297 _
York, 1190 Boston Public Library, Boston, Massachu-
Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, 695 setts, 917, 2297 Bovey, Mrs. Charles C., Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1140
B Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, 2287
aker University, Baldwin, Kansas, 72 0: y ,
pache, fies S., New York, new York 1653 Bowers, Mrs. William B., Cambridge, MassaBaldwin, Charles A., Colorado Springs, Colo- Boyer achinutts, tags B, South Hadley,
rado, 149 . | Bradford Academy, Bradford, Massachusetts,
Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, Mary- 963
land, 752 Bray, Joseph W., St. Louis, Missouri, 1149
Bancroft Library, University of California, Brigham, Clarence S., Worcester, Massachu-
Berkeley, California, 8, 2240 setts, 1091
Barney, Mrs. Alice C. (Estate of), Washing- Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York, 1193
ton, District of Columbia, 489 Brown, Dr. Alfred, Omaha, Nebraska, 1152
2284 York, 2325
Barrett, Roger W., Kenilworth, Illinois, 674, Brown, Edward Fisher, New York, New
Connecticut, 173 2140
Bartlett, Miss Henrietta C, New Haven, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island .
York, 1206 vania, 1984
Buffalo Historical Society, Buffalo, New Currie, Barton Wood, Bala-Cynwyd, Pennsyl-
1208, 2316 sylvania, 2011
Buffalo Public Library, Buffalo, New York, Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia, Penn-
Bull, Mrs. W. Lanman, New York, New Cushing, Dr. Harvey [formerly of Boston,
York, 1668 Massachusetts], New Haven, Connecticut, 951, 2298 C
Canisius College, Museum of, Buffalo, New D
York, 1213 Davenport Public Library, Davenport, Iowa,
Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 717 Case Memorial Library, The Hartford Semi- Columbia University, New York, New nary Foundation, Hartford, Connecticut, York, 1274 Catholic University of America, Washington, brary of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Penn-
2118 David Eugene Smith Mathematical Library, 2249 David N. Carvalho Collection, The Free LiDistrict of Columbia, 454, 2273 sylvania, 2014
Chapin Library, Williams College, Williams- David Ross McCord National Museum, Mont-
town, Massachusetts, 1081, 2239, 2309 real, Quebec, Canada, 2230 Charleston Library Society, Charleston, South Davies, Preston, Tuxedo Park, New York,
Carolina, 2155 1888
Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, Illinois, Davis, Waters S., New York, New York, 1668
519 Denkmann Memorial Library, Augustana Col-
Chicago Theological Seminary, Chicago, Illi- lege, Rock Island, Illinois, 695
nois, 521 Denver Public Library, Denver, Colorado, 150 City Library Association, Springfield, Massa1133 — chusetts, 1066 Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Michigan, Clark, Mrs. E. P.Ernst S., Boston, Massachusetts, 950 Detterer, F., Chicago, Illinois,1135 601, 2283
Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1921 Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan,
Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, Dienst, Dr. Alexander, Temple, Texas, 2166
1089 Dietz, Charles N., Omaha, Nebraska, 1152
York, 1887 land, 2152
Clearwater, William M., Tuxedo Park, New Diman, Miss Louise, Providence, Rhode Is-
Michigan, 1131 1159 land, Ohio, 1927 fornia, 20, 2242
Clements, William L. (Estate of), Bay City, Dimock, George E, Elizabeth, New Jersey,
1928 California, 31
Cleveland Medical Library Association, Cleve- Doheny, Mrs. Edward L., Los Angeles, Cali-
Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio, Dohrmann, Mrs. A. B. C., San Francisco, Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland, Ohio, Dominican College, San Rafael, California, 1933 Cline, Prof. Allen M., Middlebury, Vermont, Dominican College, Washington, District of
2171 Columbia, 462 vania, 2009 Jersey, 1170, 2312
College of Physicians, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, New
857 1910, 2342 1258, 1753
Collitz, Prof. Hermann, Baltimore, Maryland, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, Columbia University, New York, New York,
cut, . 7 : 172
Conception Abbey, Conception, Missouri, 1148
Concordia Theological Seminary, see Pritz- Eames, Wilberforce (Estate of), Brooklyn,
laff Memorial Library New York, 1201, 2312
929 ; Charleston, Illinois, 511
Congregational House, Boston, Massachusetts, Eastern Illinois State Teachers’ College, Connecticut College, New London, Connecti- Ege, Otto F., Cleveland, Ohio, 1937, 2241
Cons, Louis, New York, New York, 2338 ee oe Jr, New York, New Cornel University, Ithaca, New York, 1223, Eiizabethan Club, New Haven, Connecticut. Cowan, Robert Ernest, Los Angeles, Cali- fmerson, Mrs. William, Cambridge, Massa-
Jersey, 1158 F fornia, 19 . chusetts, 1055, 2306
Crane, Mrs. Minerva L., Elizabeth, New Crocker, Templeton, San Francisco, Califor-
nia, 30 Fabyan, Francis W., Boston, Massachusetts,
Crone, Frank L., Richmond, Virginia, 2180 954
Crummer, Mrs. Myrtle A., Los Angeles, Cali- Fairclough, Prof. Henry Rushton, Stanford
fornia, 19 University, California, 148
PRESENT OWNERS 171 Feiss, Paul Louis, Cleveland, Ohio, 1949 Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, Ferdinand Julius Dreer Collection, Historical New York, New York, 1288 Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Penn- Granniss, Miss Ruth Shepard, New York,
sylvania, 2086 New York, 1685
Ferguson Library, Stamford, Connecticut, 177 Greenlee, William C., Chicago, Illinois, 608 Field, Walter Taylor, Hinsdale, Illinois, 673 Greenville Public Library, Greenville, Missis-
Fitch, Winchester, New York, New York, sippi, 1142
1669 Gregory, Caspar R., Scipio Center, New York, Fletcher, Henry, New York, New York, 1670 1879 Flora Stone Mather College, Western Reserve Gribbel, John (Estate of), Philadelphia, Penn-
1280 ’ | 858 168
University, Cleveland, Ohio, 1936 sylvania, 2112 .
Foge Museum of Art, Harvard University, Griscom, Acton, High Point, New Jerscy,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1050, 2306 1160, 2312 trict of Columbia, 267, 2259 Grosvenor Library, Buffalo, New York, 1209
Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, Dis- Grolier Club, New York, New York, 1289
chusetts, 1057 _Florida, 510 —
Forbes, Edward Waldo, Cambridge, Massa~- Grover, Prof. Edwin Osgood, Winter Park, Fordham University, New York, New York, Gruber, ath L. Franklin, Maywood, Illinois,
Foster, T. Henry, Ottumwa, Iowa, 723 Gunn, Rev. William W., Cambridge, Massa-
Francis, William Willoughby, Montreal, Que- chusetts, 2307 bec, Canada, 2231
Franciscan Monastery, Washington, District H of Columbia, 463
F rank, Prof. Tenney, Baltimore, Maryland, Haight, Sherman Post, New York, New York, Free Public Library, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- Ham, Edward B., New Haven, Connecticut,
vania, 2012 2255
Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, District of _ Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, 1221
Columbia, 464, 2273 Hampton L. Carson Collection, The Free
York, 1283 sylvania, 2015
Frick Art Reference Library, New York, New Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PeunFriedenwald, Dr. Harry, Baltimore, Maryland, Hancock, John W., Roanoke, Virginia, 2183
859, 2293 Hannah, Alexander W., Chicago, Illinois, 615
1186 souri, 1147
Friend, A. M., Jr., Princeton, New Jersey, Harrison, Charles Luce, Cape Girardeau, Mis-
Fritschel, George J., Dubuque, Iowa, 720 Hartford Seminary Foundation, see Case Memorial Library
G Harvard Collegechusetts, Library, Cambridge, Massa964, 2301
York, 1670 setts, 1021, 2305
Gaebelein, Rev. Arno C., New York, New Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MassachuGale, Arthur L., New York, New York, 1673 Hastings, Mrs. Jean J., Washington Grove,
Garcia Collection, University of Texas, Maryland, 904 . _ .
Austin, Texas, 2159 Hatfield, Prof. Henry R., Berkeley, California, Garrett, John andCollege, Alice, Baltimore, Maryland, 10 862 Haverford Haverford, Pennsylvania, Garrett, Robert, Baltimore, Maryland,Haverhill, 865, 2003 Massa_ 2293 Haverhill Public Library, Garrett Biblical Institute, Northwestern Uni- chusetts, 1062 — versity, Evanston, Illinois, 673 Hawker, Mrs. W. A., Grand Rapids, MichiGarrison, Mrs. Elisha E., Greenwich, Connect- gan, 1136 icut, 156, 2249 Hawkes, Mrs. Morris, New York, New York, General Theological Seminary, New York, 1686 _
New York, 1284, 2316 Hearst, William Randolph, New York, New
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, York, Virginia, 1687 . 1984 Hench, Acheson L.,Pennsylvania, Charlottesville, Georgetown University, see Riggs Memorial 2172
Library Hendrickson, George Lincoln, New Haven,
Gethsemani, Abbey of, Trappist, Kentucky, Connecticut, 175
730 Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino,
Getz, Mrs. Milton E., Beverly Hills, Califor- California, 35, 2245
nia, 12, 2240 Hispanic Society of America, New York, New
oodhart, Phyllis . an owar . New ; ten : ani _ York, New York, 1675, 2330 mere eine Mea ee sss Sylvania, Philadel
Goldman, Henry, N cw York, New xork, fo74 York, 1292, 2316
Goodspeed, ogee ss E., Wollaston, Massa- Historical Society of the Reformed Church Graduate School of Business Administration, in the U. S-, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 2006 Harvard University, Cambridge, Massa- Hofer, Philin, New York, New York, 1692
chusetts, 1052, 2306 Holther, L. J., Ogden, Utah, 2167
172 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Holy Name College, Washington, District of Krauth Memorial Library of the Lutheran Columbia, 470, 2273 Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PennHooper, Mrs. Alice Foster Perkins, Man- sylvania, 2100 chester by the Sea, Massachusetts, 1063 Krumbhaar, Dr. Edward B., Chestnut Hiuill, Hoose Library of Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania, 1993 Southern California, Los Angeles, Califor- Kuenzel, Rev. L., Dubuque, Iowa, 721
nia, 17 Kyreakou, Mrs. Ethel, Washington, District
Houston Public Library, Houston, Texas, of Columbia, 2275
Louisiana, 741 “
Howard Memorial Library, New Orleans, I
meee tT a Charles D., Barnard, Missouri, Ladd 954 Mrs. Maynard, Boston, Massachusetts, Hunnewell, James M., Boston, Massachusetts, Lafayette College, see Van Wickle Library
954 Lambert, Mrs, Elizabeth W., New York, New
Hunter, Rev. Aaron Burtis (Estate of), York. 1701 Raleigh, North Carolina, 1912, 2342 Lathrop, Miss A., New York, New York, 01
jl Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 1986, 2342
Indiana, 716 2286 ada,
Indiana State Teachers’ College, Terre Haute, Leaman, Robert, New York, New York, 1702, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 712, Lewis, john Travers, Montreal, Quebec, Can-
1700 ucky,
Massachusetts, 930, 2297 1719 ;
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, Lewisohn, Adolph, New York, New York, Ivins, William M., Jr. New York, New York. Lexington | Public Library, Lexington, Ken-
’ Library Association, Portland, Oregon, 1982
J Library of Congress, Washington, District of -Olumbia, 179, 1187, 22°
>- “VV a ~T fa,Tr3- ‘
James, F. G, Cleveland, Ohio, 1951 Lincoln, oasoree Luther, Boston, MassachuJewett, Miss Sarah, Orne (Eslate of), South Lipscomb, Herbert C., Lynchburg, Virginia, Jewish vy neological, seminary, New York, Livingston, Prof. Charles Harold, Brunswick, Jocas family, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 2234 , Maine, (C287 Historical Soci Brookl
John Carter Brown Library, Providence, “OUR ‘San istorical society, brooklyn,
Rhode Island, 2143 ew ork Me? a ovidence. Rhode Island
John Frederick Lewis Collection, The Free 2153 ert 1, Frovidence, Khode island, Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Penn- Lume, L. A, St. Louis, Missouri, 1149 John G. ' Tohnson Collection, Philadelphia, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Gettvsburg,
~ Pennsylvania, 2099 Pennsylvania, 2001 . , ,
John Herron Art Institute, Indianapolis, Indi- Teutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, "ana, 713, 2286 ennsylvania, see Krauth Memorial Library
land, 753, 2288 M
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Mary-
ork, . . . Missouri, 1149 McCamic. Charl IN lle Sao K Mabbott, Dr. Thomas Ollive, New York, New
1889, 2312 a ; , ; , Hawaii, 2200 " , .
Nalinowski, Prof. Walter E. von, St. Louis, Mabury, Miss Bella, Los Angeles, California,
Kane, Grenville, Tuxedo Park, New York, Cae Sos es, Moundsville, West Vis
Kauai Public Library Association, Lihue, McClure, ano David, San Francisco, Cali-
Kebler, Leonard, Bronxville, New York, 1192 McCormick, Mrs. Edith Rockefeller, Chicago,
Kelly, Dr. Howard A., Baltimore, Maryland, Ilinois, 616
900 McGill University Library, Montreal, Quebec,
1202 McGuir Clark (Estat
Kelso, William G., Jr., Brooklyn, New York, Canada, 2203
King, Jasper Seymour, Chicago, Illinois, 615 = iat ian 72] (Estate of), New Kinkeldey, Prof. Otto, Ithaca, New York, McVitty, Samuel Herbert, Salem, Virginia,
irkh seneral W., San Francisco, i, Sie ie 3h o24d anRalph eran’ Maine Historical Society, Portland, Maine, Kisch, Dr. Guido, New York, New York, 2341 749 Kletsch, Ernest Columbia, 492 C., Washington, District of Marquand, Mrs. Allan, Princeton, New Jersey,
,fassachusetts, 2249 sland,937 Lo.,
Marston, Thomas E., Cornwall, Connecticut, Noble, Mrs. Eugene Allen, Providence, Rhode
1952 O
Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinots, Mather, Frank Jewett, Jr., Washington Cross- Norton, Charles es (Estate of ), Cambridge,
ing, Pennsylvania, 2133 assachusetts, ,
Mather, Samuel (Estate of), Cleveland, Ohio, Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1
Mather, William Gwinn, Cleveland, Ohio,
Memorial Museum, San Francisco, California,
29 . . Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, 1970
nia, 1968
nia, 2] . , . hio State Library, Columbus, Ohio,
Mercantie Library, Philadelphia, Pennsylva- Odescalchi, B. G,, Denver, Colorado, a Mercanine Library, San Francisco, Califor- Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio,
Merchiorri, G. G., Chicago, Illinois, 616 Osborn, Albert S., New York, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1722
wa, York,red, jt, 2si6 ; Ohio. 1983 Library, McGu University, Montreal, ewett, Cleveland, Ohio,Omer 19. uebec, Canada, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont, Oswald, 3 John Clyde, New York, New York,
Millard. Mrs; George Madison, Pasadena, Owens, Miss Alpha Loretta, Barboursville,
Califorma, 224¢ NestOhio, Virginia, Miller, Dr. Leo 24, F, Worthington, 1980 *2194
Mixsell Dr. Raymond, Pasadena, California, P
Nia, 2 > 34 - “ We
Mofitt, James K., San Francisco, California, Parke, Dr. Milton J., Cleveland, Ohio, 1958 Monnette, Orra Eugene, Los Angeles, Califor- I atker, Charles H., Boston, Massachusetts,
Monroe Prof. Paul, New York, New York, Peet nd. 92 and Sumner, Brooklandville, Montclair Art Museum, Montclair, New Jer- Parsons, Edward Alexander, New Orleans, Montgomery Collection, School of Business Pasadena Public Library, Pasadena, Califor-
sey, 1173 —— , 0» Sabha nia, TG oF
anada, 3 Dearsor ~
erent tae University, New York, Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, 756 Morgan, E Cleveland, Montreal, Quebec, Pearson, Jars Edward J. New York, New Mount Saint Alphonsus Theological Semi- pcarson, Jona Ca oe veland, no, 1998 f
ks | : > ..
nary, Esopus, New York, 1222 “Hopewell. N “Vork] N Ne {now ie
aryland, 903, 2297 : annie -
Mount aa yn tos College, Emmitsburg, Ielend. 2135 ew fork), Newport, ode
Mucxenhoupt. Carl F., Boston, Massachusetts, Sana aetna Tht of Art, Philadelphia, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts, Penrose Boies, Devon, Pennsylvania, 199, Museum of Historic Art, Princeton Univer- poo rable Mibrary, Peoria, Illinois, oe
sity, Princeton, New Jerscy, 1174, 2312 Ser » Detroit, Michigan, 1135
y, , ' ' Perkins, John I., Los Angeles, California, N Pershing, James H., Denver, Colorado, 152,
Naamburg, | Edward, Tr.. New York, New Ptorzheimer, Arthur, New York, New York, Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois, 522, 2277. Pforzheimer, Carl H., N York, N *k Newton, A. Edward, Berwick, Pennsylvania, 1728, 2342 » New York, New York,
New York Academy of Medicine, New York ae Walter I. Purchase, New York,
New York, 1310, 2317 | Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, New
New York Public Library, New York, New York, 1359, 2318, 2343
aewetYor oeimes, a ork Pleadwell, oarawa, Frank Lester, Honolulu, usetlm ot, ew York, New York, 1842 Plimpton, Francis T. P.. New York, New
New York University, New York, New York, George York, A. 1752 . of), New York Plimpton, (Estate
New York University Law School, New York, New York, 1753
Neve; ore > oH il M potas oe Josephinum, Worthington, , i .1SHaverhill, Massa’ chusetts, 1062 Pontius, Miss Adele, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1927
Poole, Mrs. John Hudson, Pasadena, Cali- S fornia, 25
Portsmouth Priory, Portsmouth, Rhode Is- ‘Sachs, Arthur, New York, New York, 1814
land, 2137 Sachs, PaulWeston, J., Cambridge, Massachusetts, Potter, Richard M. G., Massachusetts, 1060 . 1080 Saint Anselm's Priory, Washington, District Pratt, Mrs. Vera H., New York, New York, of Columbia, 487 1809 Saint Anthony’s Guild, Franciscan Monastery, Preston, Howard W., Providence, Rhode Is- Paterson, New Jersey, 1173 land, 2154 Saint Bernard College, Saint Bernard, AlaPrice, Miss Christine, Berkeley, California, 10 bama, 1 Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, Saint Bonaventure College, Saint Bonaventure,
1174, 1176, 2312 New_York, 1877 . —
Pritzlaff Memorial Library, Concordia Theo- Saint Ignatius College, Chicago, Illinois, 551 logical Seminary, St. Louis, Missourt, Ried Saint ignatius College, San Francisco, Cali-
“ovidence : Providence, Rhode ormnia, . ConProvidence fp tenacum, vide St. John, Mrs. Clara Day, Wallingford,
Q Florida, 2277 . . . necticut, 178
Saint Leo Abbey, Saint Leo, Pasco County
Quayle, Mrs. William Alfred, Baldwin, Kan- Saint Meinrad’s Abbey, Saint Meinrad, Indi-
sas, 720, 2286 Saint Stephen’s College, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2201 R Saint Vincent Archahbbey, Latrobe, Pcnnsylvania, 2007
1054 trict of Columbia, 496
Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Salford, W. E. (Estate of), Washington, Dis-
Radin, Paul, New York, New York, 1810_ Sanford, Miss Eva Matthews, Oneonta, New
Rand, Prof. Edward Kennard, Cambridge, York, 1855 Massachusetts, 1060, 2308 __ oo, Scheide, John H., Titusville, Pennsylvania, Reed, Senator David A., Washington, District 1184, 2120
of Columbia, 493 Scheuch, Frederick C., Missoula, Montana,
Reydel, William, New York, New York, 1811 1150 Reynolds, Mrs. J. C., Jacksonville, Florida, Schiff, John M.. New York, New York, 1816
2277 School of the Brown County Ursulines, St.
Reynolds, John, New York, New York, 1811 Martin, Ohio, 1971 Richardson, Dr. Ernest C., Princeton, New School of Medicine and Dentistry, University
Jersey, 1187, 2258 of Rochester, Rochester, New York, 1870 Seattle, Washington, 2193 New York, 1821
Richardson, Prof. Oliver H. (Estate of), Seligman, Prof. Edwin R. A. New York, Richardson, William King, Boston, Massa- Serpell, Miss Alethea (Estate of), Norfolk,
617, 2283 175 .
chusetts, 956, 2300 a Virginia, 2175
Ricketts, Coella Lindsay, Chicago, Illinois, Seymour, Charles, New Haven, Connecticut,
Ridgway Branch of The Library Company, Sherwood, Dr. Merriam, New York, New
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2103 ‘York, 1821 |
Riggs Memorial Library, Georgetown Uni- Sibley Musical Library of the Eastman Schoo! versity, Washington, District of Columbia, ot Music, University of Kochester, Noches- oe Silas Bronson Library, Waterbury, ConnectiRoanoke Public Library, Roanoke, Virginia, cut, 178
485. 2273 ter, New York, 1871, 2342
2182 _ Simon Gratz Collection, Historical Society of
nois, 664 2093
Robinson, Prof. Benjamin W., Chicago, IIli- Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Rockwell, Dr. William Walker, New York, Slade, Lawrence, New York, New York, 1822
New York, 1812 Smith, Prank C., Worcester, Massachusetts, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, 509 aes a Roseman, Charles E., Jr., Cleveland, Ohio, smith, Jonathan E., Hartford, Connecticut,
1959 Smith, Joseph Lindon, New York, New York,
Rosenbach, Dr. A. S. W., Philadelphia, Penn- 1838
sylvania, 2113 Smith, Milton W., Portland, Oregon, 1983
2244 1883
Rosenwald, Lessing J., Chicago, Illinois, 665, Smith, Paul Jordan, Los Angeles, California, 2283 Rossi, Marciano F., San Jose, California, 34, Smith, Royal H., Staten Island, New York,
Royal Ontario Museum of Archacology, To- Smithsonian Institution, Washington, District
ronto, Ontario, Canada, 2235 of Columbia, 488
Rvpins, Prof. Stanley, Brooklyn, New York, Soliers, Nathaniel D., Baltimore, Maryland, 1203
ville, Kentucky, , ,
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louis- U
751 . ; , , i 722 1922 | , _,
Spector, David S, San Francisco, California, Ullman, F rof. Berthold Louis, Chicago, IlliO1s, Spohn Howard L., New York, New York, Union Theological Seminary, New York, New
1838 ° York, 1637, 2322 _ .
Starr, Nathan Comfort, Annapolis, Maryland, University of California, Berkeley, California, State Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 552,
State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, 696, Stevens, Bishop W. Bertrand, Los Angeles, niversity of King’s College, Halifax, Nova
Staten Island, New York, 1881 Uni . £ Kino’ I ;
California, 2243 Scotia, Canada, 2202 _ Stokes, Rev. Anson Phelps, Washington, Dis- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, trict ofL.,Columbia, 2275 Univer , ,Minne., Stone, Edward Roanoke, Virginia, 2184 niversity of Minnesota,2309 Minneapolis, Stone, Wilbur Macey, East Orange, New sota, 1137 .
Jersey, 1156 University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska,
Styaus, Herbert (Estate of), New York, New University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,
Straus, and Mrs. S., NewofYork, uth Carolina, 1907 ; NewMr. York, 1841Percy niversity Oklahoma, Norman,
Oklahoma, Museum and Library pyersity angi aiqunsvivania, Philadelphia,
73 ylvania, vere) - | . sylvania,
Surgeon General’s Library, see Army Medical Unie
Syracuse Public Library, Syracuse, New York, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Penn
Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, 1868
University of Southern California, Los An-
T recles: California, . toa, ar niversity of Texas, Austin,17 Texas, 2156
Tampa Public Library, Tampa, Florida, 508, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont,
Fatlock, Erok pope trong Perry, Berkeley, University of Washington, Seattle, Washing-
Taylor, Mrs. rsuline G, Winship, Baltimore, Mary-California, £0. 2193 es147 land, 2296 College, Santa Rosa,
Teachers College Library, Columbia Univer-
sity, New York, York,Illinois, 1273 V690 , . Terry, Charles D., New Kewanee, 1185 Van Sinderen, Adrian, Brooklyn, New York, Theological Seminary of the Reformed 1204 . Church in the U. S, Lancaster, Pennsyl- Van Wickle Library, Lafayette College, vania, 2006 Easton, Pennsylvania, 2000 Thieme, Prof. Hugo, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Varner, J. G., University, Virginia, 2187 1130 Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York, Thomas, Mrs. Marie W., Denver, Colorado, 1856 , ,
Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Van Dyke, Rev. Tertius, Princton, New Church in the U. S., Princeton, New Jersey, Jersey, 1189
Illinois, 666 ae York, 1844 ’ ' ginia, 2177 .
153, 2249 Vehling, Joseph D., Chicago, Illinois, 669
Thompson, Prof. James Westfall, Chicago Villanova College, Villanova, Pennsylvania, Tinker, Edward Laroque, New York. New Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, VirTinker, Mrs. Edward Laroque, New York, Virginia State Library, Richmond, Virginia,
New York, 1844 Vollbehr, F, Washi D . iv, tOOtto . s,,H.ashit , istri
Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, Ohio, 1972, of Columbia, 497, 23% ington, District Toronto University, Toronto, Ontario, Cana- Vayaich, Wilfrid M. (Estate of), New York,
350 ( ) onolulu, Hawaii, Ww
Towse, Ed. (Estate of » Honolulu, H ii
Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, 157, Wagstaff, David, Tuxedo Park, New York, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, Walker, Mrs, William Sherman, Washi
741 District of Columbia, 507 » Washington
757, 2288 rado, 154, 2249
Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, Willcox, Charles Macalister, Denver, ColoWangenheim, Julius, San Diego, California, William L. Clements Library, University of
25, 2243 Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1127, 2310
Warburg, Felix M., New York, New York, Williams College, see Chapin Library
1849 Willoughby, Prof. Harold R., Chicago, Illi-
Ward, George Clinton, South Pasadena, Cali- nois, 670, 2283
fornia, 148 Wilmerding, Lucius, New York, New York,
962 06
Watkinson Library, The Athenaeum, Hart- 1852
ford, Connecticut, 159 oo Witmer, Miss Eleanor M., New York, New
Weddell, Alexander W., Richmond, Virginia, York, 1854
2181 Wood, John H., San Francisco, California, 33
Weld, Miss Mary, Boston, Massachusetts, Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts, Wooster College, Wooster, Ohio, 1978
1067, 2308 Wulling, Emerson G., Minneapolis, Minnesota,
Wells College, Aurora-on-Cayuga, New York, 1141 1191
Western Reserve University, see Adelbert XYZ College Library, Flora Stone Mather Col-
setts, 61, 22 2196 i kota, 1920
lege ; Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1926
Wheeler, iss H. S. Wellesley, Massachu- Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, Wicklund, Edward R., Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Yoder, Albert H., Grand Forks, North DaWickser, Philip J., Buffalo, New York, 1220 Young, Owen D., New York, New York, Widener, Joseph, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1854
2115 Zahn, J. E., Denver, Colorado, 154
To avoid endless repetitions, names of auction-houses (like Sotheby and Anderson) and of members of the book-trade have not been included in this index.
A. (F.), 1186 Alberte (Jac. de), 1365 A. (M.), 1412 Albertus (Petrus), 1677 Abbe (Dr. Robert), 1317 Albizzi family, 651(?)
Abbotsbury, Benedictines, 2242 Albizzi (Rainaldo and Maso), 1086
Abdingkhoff, Monastery, 163 Albon (Maruis d’), 93
Abdy (Robert), 1799 Albrard (Gautier d’), 806
Abella (Manuel), [A.D.1813], 1378 Alcantara (Marques de), 745
Aberdeen (Earl of), 882, 1117 Aldenham (Lord), 1385 Abergavenny (Lady), 390 Aldobrandini (Cardinal Pietro), 1437
Abul (George), Abul Badr, Fath, 1185 1185Aldridge Alexander, 2262 923
Abziher (Bishop Johannes), 2046 Alexander (Miss Constance G.), 1079
Acarie (Girard), 1658 Alexander (I. W.), 1206
Acciaioli (Donato), 1003 Alexandria, Saint Sabas, 1185 Acciaiuoli (Nicola de’), 528 Alexieff (George), 762 Achery (Claude d’), [A.D.1636], 806 Alexis, 693
Acland (Sir Hugh and Sir Peregrine), 2122 Alfara (San Diego de), 176
‘Acosta (Nicolas), 672 Aliprandi (Bonifacio and Joseffo), 1791 Acquaviva (Andrea Matteo), 80, 84, 1439, Allan (John), 1332, 1365, 1371, 1819
1441, 2324 Allard (Abbé Joseph-Félix), 870, 959, 1696, Adam (J. G.), 1178 1842, 1884 Adam (Joannes), 572 Allard de La Houssaye family, 1850(?)
Adams (Charles K.), 2196 Allen (Henry and Samuel), 443*, 444, 445, Adams (John Couch), 2214 491, 644, 651*, 652, 653, 699, 887*, 960*, 1683,
Adams (J. T.), 155*, 600, 1903, 1904*, 1905*, 1689, 1888, 1894*, 1895*, 1897, 1898, 1904,
alsams rem h(Josep Quincy),uINCY 440%, 441%, 1905, 1906, 2217,1404 2240, 2281, 2315 ) , ? 2273 ’ Allen (Thomas),
Adamsone (Georg), [A.D.1594], 2277 Allen Cepomas) 436
Adda (Marchese Girolamo d’), 653, 886, 1076, Ajlenne (Elyas), 393 1078, 1332, 1436, 1438, 1448*, 1450*, 1468, Allaves (Antoine d’), 1974
1469, 1839, 1893 Allibone (S. Austin), 941
Addington (Samuel), 104, 956, 1384, 1655, Ajlivotti (Conte), 776
2130, 2247 Allyn (Thomas), 105
Adélaide de France, 1404, 1466 Almack (Edward), 405
Adler (Elkan N.), 1302* Almack (Richard), 1628
Admont, Benedictines, 1679*, 1693, 1875, 2280, Ajmugaver, 808 [cf. 2291]
2293, 2296, 2299 Aloisi Andrea, 1213
Adye (Willett Lawrence), 1015 Alpirspach, Monastery, 987
Aegidius, of Niirnberg, 885 Alstoll (K.), 1924(?)
Aemstel (Elyzabeth de), [A.D.1537], 1236 Altamira (Conde), 2146
Agar (William), 135 Altaripa (W. de), 2229(?) Agen, Jesuits, 997, 1265, 2303(?) Altemps (Dukes of), 1782, 2057
Agnes, 949 Altham (James), 2228
Agreda (José Maria de), 2161 Althan (Count Franz), 526
Aguesseau (D’), 1405 Altieri famly, 885 Ailesbury (Earl of), 60, 421, 1659 Alter (Marcantonio), 1456 Aillon (Juan de), 1018 Altschul (Frank), 167
Ailly, Amati (Girolamo), Aitken,1663* 2158 Amberson (Robert), 261 1368 Aix-la-Chapelle, Jesuits, 1765 Ambert, Celestines, 882
Alacch ... (Johannes), 207 Amboise (Francoise d’), 138]
Alarcon Antonio), Amboisede (Georges d’), 819 87, 103 Albani (Juan (Cardinal), 1802161 Ambroise Cambrai, Albani (Pauolo), [A.D.1448], 726 Ambrosi-Rossi, 1444 Albani (Pietro), [A.D.1665], 726 Ambrosini (R.), 2254 Alberdingk-Thym, 636 Ambrosius de Carate, 1933 Albert (D’), [ca.A.D.1620], 801 Ambroxius (Frater) de Mediolano, 668
Albertanus, 1779(?) Ames (Mrs. E. G.), 430 |
Ames (J. B.), 1864 Arbizu (D. F. Lupercio de), [A.D.1594], 547
Ames (Joseph), 1396 Archdall (Mervyn), 950 1434, 1800, 1939(?), 2022 Archinto (Conte), 81, 190, 537, 651(?), 1180, Amherst (Richard), 1034 1935, 2059
Amherst of Hackney (Lord), 39, 793, 993%, Archiac (Jacques), Seigneur d’Aveilles, 96
Amiens, Saint-Martin, 1965 Arcimboldi family, 1457 Amiens, Celestines, 1924 Arden (Robert), [A.D.1576], 1325 ‘Amodeus (Augustinus), 83 Arenberg (Duc d’), 517, 1814 Amorbach, Benedictines, 857, 1499 Aretinus (Leonardus), 1018(?)
Amsterdam, 1084 Arezzo (Convent at), 883 Amyot (Gilles), 1141 Argelati (Filippo), [A.D.1725], 1935 Ananiades (K.), 697 Arienti family, 1897(?) Anausa (Saint Nikolaos), 1110(?) Armagh, 1781. Anderson (Mrs. Anna Cavanaugh Tobin), Armagnac (Catherine d’), 1728
2157 Armagnac (Eléonore de), comtesse de ParAnderson (J. R.), 925 diac, 1396 Anderson (Thomas), 53 Armagnac (Jacques d’), duc de Nemours, Andreas de B...., 668 846, 847, 1333, 1339, 1689 Andreini (Joseph M.), 169, 1822 Ay i . (F ), 727 Andres (Joannes Baptista), 1047 Armstro, (Collin), i01
Andrews (William Loring), 161%, 1192, 1949 arms Ont sv dveas dle), 1896
Angelini (Francesco), 261 Arnaldu d Strad 979 Angelini (Ottavio), 1187 Atnison at 1808 Angelini-Rossi, 1533 Arnold (Rev. A. N.), 2140
Angelotti family, 1794 (?) Amold (William Anghiari, Carmelites, 524, 1941Harris), ro am621, pet636, OE877, Ee878 OF
ame 882, 897, 1134, 1156,1399 2182,, 2183 Angouléme, Franciscans,
Angouléme (Louis de Valois, duc d’), 1480 Arnoldus de Machlinia, 2299
Anjou, 82 Aron (Richard), 705, 706*, 2286 Anjou arms, 2042 Arpajon de Lautrec, 1403
Anjou-Naples arms, 1454 Arpinus (Carolus and Jacobus Franciscus),
Anjou-Naples family, 2030(?) Anna Arvenopulo, 788 Arras (Margucrite and1770 Philippe- d’), 774
Anna Catharina Lucia de Brompt, [A.D.1667], | Arrighi (Pier Antonio), 881
516 Arrigoni (Luigi), 90, 687, 688*, 1075, 1296, 1447, 1663 Artariis (Franciscus de), 2311 Anne de Beaujeu, 1481(?) Arthur (T.), 181
Anne d’ Autriche (Queen), 1194(?), 1389, 2086
1717 Arundell, 1337
Anne de Bretagne (Queen), 633, 1068, 1375, Arundel (Dowager Countess of), 279
Anne de France, 1415(?) Asbury (E.), 1961
Anngers (Frances), [A.D.1581], 39 Ashburner (Walter), 986
Anquetin 1399 Ashburnham (Earl of), Barrois mss., cf. unAnselni(Jean), family, 1073 der Barrois.-— Ansonius (Petrus), 913 Appendix mss., table of concordance betwcen
421, 1515, 2098 this Census: Antaldi (Marchese), 1 2121 1287 Anthonius, 18721788 2 1406 92811187
Austis (John), 278, 281, 288, 302, 373, 398, the Ashburnham numbers and the pages of Ant. Const. and Hieronymus de Janua, 1894 Appendix Census Appendix Census
Anthonius (Gulielmus), 565 Anthony, 817 71039 8455 1366 110102967
Antilla, 1062 1364 111 Antonie (William Lee),91389 10 1402 123107 1799
Antonio, [A.D.1589], 1957 14 8! 1476 124 1413 Antonios Nikolos, 1116 878 126 591 Antwerp, Saint Michael, 459 15 1477 130 54 Antwerp, Valkenbroeck, 858 17 1341 133 74. Appleton (D. F. and Francis Randall), 494 31 1335 156 1416
Appleton (John L.), 283 33 771 163 1368
Appleton (William), Junior, [A.D.1802], 954 38 1393 186 1029
Appleton (William), 938*-939* 42 1382 187 1028
Appleton (William S.),Count 1062 43 1476 Appony! (Count Anton and Louis), 53 783209 217 1117 1032
960, 1330783 5865 1306 aN 103° Apremont, Apriceus (Edwardus), 13851452 67 1656 233 2046 A. Q. D'C. R., 807 72-1476 244 892 Aquae [Sextiae?], Arz de),Franciscans, [A.D.108, i a2 ans gon
Aragon Cpe 1455 Unidentified items: 2065, 2076, 2157, 2343
Ashburton fore), 058, 1761 B
Ashmole omas),
Ashridge, Monster}, 126, 129, 130, 139 B. (D.), 1384(?), 1652
Ashton (Thomas S.), 1213, 1214 1394, 1922 960 Ashworth (Benjamn), 2049 B. (J. B. P.),(E.), [ca.A.D.1860],
Askew (Anthony), 50, 51, 161, 840, 1769*, B. (L.), 1330, 1504 + 1462
1976, 2315 B. (L.), [Lodovico Barho?l) 14
Asperg, Nunnery, 2043(?) B. C Sd AD 1001,
Assisi, 779 Baber (H. BL), 1515 Asti, Carthusians, 618, 1678 Babun cr Calindysshe), 238
here eae Ore . Bacon (Lady), [ca. A.D.1665], 288
Astle (Thomas), 654, 1044, 19727 > Bacon (Leonard Susan, and Nathaniel Astley (Sir John, Sir Jacob, Sir A. E. D,, 164. 165%
ete), 1307 mares 596-597, 887, 2300
Aston (William), [A.D.1654], 2017 Bacon (Sir Nicholas). 96-597, ;
Astor (John Jacob), 1314, 1315, 1316, 1318, Bade . . . (Jo MD MO 810 1319, 1321, 1324*, 1325, 1328, 1329, 130%, Badts de Cugnac ( O87 1478
1331*, 1332*, 1345* Baelde family, | (2), 24°
Astorga (Marques de), 1850, 2146 Baggett 165 YAS)
Astouadzatur (Khodja), 762 Bagli (Rocco) 1297
Astudillo (Franciscus de), [A.D.1592], 764 Bagnacci (Marco) 1789
Athanasi (Giovanni d’), 1475 Bagnall (Mary Ann), 1409
Athe (John), 342(7) Baif (Jean-Antoine de), 1412
Athos (Mount), 571, 867, 937, 1652 Bailly (Charles), [A.D.1673], 546 Athos, Monastery of Iviron, 1185, 2289 Bain. (Alexander) 1367 Athos, Monastery of Pantokrator, 89 Baker (Charles) 13. 80. 88. 1656, 2164 Athos, Monastery of Saint-Andrew of the Baker (G A.). 624° 0° ,
Russians, 759, 865*, 866 Baker (H. H.), 1802(?)
Atte Style (John), 1040 Baker (James), 92 Attwodde, 1041 Baker (John), 71 Aubazine, Church, 1889 Baker (Thomas), 984 Auber (Nicolle), 1886 Baker (William), 2250*
Aubert (P.), 1416 Balcarres (Lord), 295 Aubickle (Comte de), 1962 Baldinoctis (Baldinoctus de), de Pistorio, Audenet (Adolphe), 944, 1485 [A.D.1532], 748
Audie (Justice Nycolls), [A.D.1618], 397 Baldoli (Raphacl), 669
Auger Baldovino family, 897(?) Augier,(E.), 1022852 , , Balerne, Cistercians, 1845
TOC (Saint Ulrich and Saint Afra), Balfour637(Colonel Eustace James Anthony),
597 , 1682, 1683, 1976
Augustinus de Prato (Frater), [A-D.1520], Baten (Edward Duff), 993, 1676, 1680, 1681, Aulne-sur-Sambre, Cistercians, 72, 1765(?), Ball. 327
1783 Balladoro (Conte Luigi), 1307
Aumont (Louise d’), 96 Ballin, 788 Aurispa (Johannes), 1770 Balmanno (Robert), 941
Ausonius Vursarus, 1780 Balzac d’Entragues (Pierre de), 101
Aussem (H. J. von), 1672, 2205 Bancel (E. M.), 97, 101, 103, 1373, 1690 Auvergne (Captain Philippe d’), 845 Bancroft (Hubert H.), 8-9
Auxcoustiaulx (K.), 1320 Bandelier (Adolf F.), 1505
Auxy (Jean(D’), d’), 1480 Bandello (Cardinal), 575 Auzances 845 Bandinelli (Baccio), 937
Avenant Du Plessis, 1705 Bandomy (Marie), [A.D.1602], 702
Avery (Samuel Putnam), 49, 87, 1267, 1291*, Bangley (G.), 1374
1817, 1850 Banister (Thomas), [A.D.1850], 1325
Aviani (Giuseppe), 1181 Bannaster (Thomas), 53 Avignon, Benedictines of Saint-André, 1763 Bar (Comtes de), 783
Avignon, Celestines, 524 Baraja, 1276 . Avignon, Franciscans, 842 Baraton (Francois), 1405 Avonmore (Viscount), 2054 Barbancon, 103
Ayala (Josepha), 160 Barbara, 891
Ayer (Edward Everett), 523, 535, 536*-539*, Barbarus (Franciscus), [A.D.1454], 919
543*-550* Barbenchon (Katherine de), 801
Aynaud (Guillelmus), 618 Barbus (Bernardinus), 1462
Ayre (Canon Legh Richmond), 305*, 306 Barcelona, 1936
Azincourt (D’), 984 Barche de La Courtéte (Mme. de), 1421 Azzolini, 1518-1632, passim Barclay-Wilson (Dr. Margaret), 1310
Barfleur, 872 Bart (Johannes), 910 Bargagli family, 1467 Bartalena (Marie), 1814* Barker (Elizabeth), 2156 Bartholomaeus, 83
Barker (Frederick), 298*, 299*, 300*, 301*, 302 Bartholomaeus quondam Berti de Piscia, 648
Barker (William), 105 Bartholomaeus Blancellus, O.M., [A.D.1289],
Barlow [or Barlowe], (Charles), of Emman- 524 Bas College, Cambridge, 580, 1949 Bartholomeus de Insula Jordanis, 1778
Barlow (S. L.569 M.), Bartlett 2146 Bartholomeus Judice, 1896 arnabas, (HomerdeL.), 1346
Barnard (Frances), 46 Bartolini family, 1423
Barnard (Henry Gee), 406, 1195, 1385, 1386, Baruffaldi (Girolamo), [A.D.1702], 1480
1403, 1408, 1488, 2028, 2324 Barwell (Noel F.), 788
Barnaveile, 622(?) Baskervile (Francis), [ca. A.D.1700], 565
. Bassano (Abraham), 319
Bares [or Burnes], (William), [A.D.1820], Bassanier (Martin), 771
Barnheim, 230*, 231, 232, 782, 872, 1719 Beene une 88
Baroni (Aloysio), 1457, 1897 Bastard (Comte de), 764, 1373
Barreda, 792 Bastianus Pinellius, 80 Barrett (Oliver R.), 83, 88, 120, 437*, 494, Bateman, 96%, 189, 871, 1122, 1131, 1383, 1385, 495, 615, 627, 640*, 674*-690* 1466, 1499, 1786, 1890
Barrois (Joseph): Lord Ashburnham coll. Bathurst (Edward), 424 Table of concordance between the Ash- Batman (Stephen), 1502
burnham-Barrois catalogue numbers (not the Battaglia (Cardinal P. Gotio), 869
1901 sale) and the pages of this Census: Battaglini, 1076
Barrois Census Barrois Census Battaglini (Marco), 869
12 1433 200 921 Battle Abbey, 123 13 1025 220 923 Bauchon (Nicholas-Joseph), [A.D.1796], 802
21 1452 224 1072 Baucina (Prince di), 1425*, 1426 22 846 227 1032 Baudot (Henri), 1763, 2319 23 932 230 819 Bauldenet (Louis), [A.D.1675], 153
31 1405 234 845 Baumburg, Monastery, 2026
33 1338 235 1286 Bay (J. Christian), 737 35 1404 238 848 Bayley (Charles H.), 448 36 1659 264 1895 Baynarde (Philip), [A.D.1502], 2019 37 1450 275 918 Baynton (Walter), 894 38 1406 281 843 Bayntun (William), 284, 846 39 2050 292 922 Beadnell (John), 1650
51 1441 297 642 Beard (Joseph Howard), M.D., 2286 57 1368 302 840) Beatty (A. Chester), 21, 629, 960, 1341*, 1503, 58 842 309 504 1687*, 1688, 1689, 1693, 1694, 1695*, 1696, 69 1480 312 1422 1697, 1852, 2242, 2243, 2300 70 1647 330 829 Beatusberg, Carthusians, 2121
72 847 343 331 921 475Beaufort “Beauchamp”, 1026 76 923 (Duke of), 1386(?) 80 832 352 1371 Beaufoy (Henry B. H.), 446, 891
88 919 353 1417 Beaugendre (Jean-Baptiste), 1268 92 1898 366 843 Beauharnais family, 1395 93 837 369 923 Beauharnais (Francois de), 2236 96 922 3908 1371 Beaujeu (Marguerite de), 1496(?) 97 920 401 2302 Beaulieu family, 650 102 921 410 ~=2059 Beaumont (Barber), 1975 104 922 465 (L. F. de), 2247 113 1408 468 851 1507Beaumonte Beaune, Charterhouse, 776
115 1760 482 922 Beaupré near Grammont, Cistercian nuns, 629,
121 919491490 922 1688 124 1393 849 Beaupré, of Nancy, 1392
127 1466 495 1448 Beaupré (Edmundus), [A.D.1538], 19
130 849 2290 de), 1321 131 921923 547 924501 Beauvais (D. Gabrielle
129 1333 496 921 Beauvais, Cathedral, 879(?), 1428, 1429*, 1499,
148 1454 575 3 Beauvau (Archbishop René-Frangois de), 1872
149 920 587 2058 Becdeliévre (Boisbasset), 527 153 1889 590 R48 Beckerath (Adolf von), 1930
173 1671 641 358 2182 181 1694 674 895 Beckwith (T.), 290(?) 184 602 685 837 Bedingfeld (Sir Henry and Lady Margaret),
170 1372 610 925 Beckford (William), 100, 1451, 1452*, 1818,
192 833 Not nuni- 1812 198881 bered —‘924 Beer (John T.), 1068
Barron (Edward Jackson), 357, 657 Behaim (Baroness Franciska von), 1553 Barry (Arthur Hugh Smith), 1154, 1963 Bel. (Gent.), 1382(?)
oe PREVIOUS 183, elasyse family,OWNERS 966, 968*
Bellamy (Rev. John) 430 1270 Biard, 1015 Bellecombe family, 795 Bibiena, San L Belle tee (Catherine de), 2234 Bichi family, i425 890
, : es : ); us er . ’ tar ~ wf ~
Belmont, bisremy), [A.D.1791], 937 Biclineki Abbey, 14)
Bembo (Bernardo), 960 Bi Ie i (Count Ladislas), 1646
ement : Hines , enedictis ‘ - ? ;
Bembo (Cardinal Pietro), 1337 Bignon, 888 ), 128
ote {Clarence S.), 58, 2029, 2078, 2113 Billy “0 (Frederick), 2169*, 2170
pement (Edward), 1289 , Bilnster de), 922, 980, 1122 . ; aD is7sp son Antonii de), of Naples Binley eines) 733. 163 733
Benesaunt (Johmston?), 1027 Binks (Talli eh fie 10h ABCD), AM, 097
Bénigne (Rogi on?), 1027 inis ullius de), 444
Bennett, caogier), [A.D.1550-1555], 802 Bichon (Content 1802
Bennett (Richard), 1365-14 | Bichos (Cortlandt Field), 630 ponson (Miss), 148] 09, passim; 2343 Biskos S68 i
enson (Miss M , Bissari
pontink-Vare (Countess), 938(?) Bixby Wie) 68" 69, 77
Bentivoglio, 766, II), 815, 844 : OY too tie 118, ta ie627 iB, Bentivoglio (Giovanni 1375 Black (A. Br , 117, Benton (Rev. George) 157* 128 Black (W.) ruce), 1991
Benton “(Rey Wilt 157*, 1284 (a3 Black (W. H.), 584, 668, 1018, 107
ae, as em Lane’ Hall), 2241 Been CE egy 118: 107
Benziger (Adelrich), 102 , , BI Backstone (William), 2021 Benzon family. 887(? que (Valentine E.), 1382, 1690 Bérard (A.) 156 ) Blaseetlus CB M.), 306
Berard (Petrus Johannis) de Breissicus(?) Bho $4 (partholomacus), O.M. —[A-D.
Berardinus Petrus, 155 °), =D ar 724
Berell family. 1484 1367, 1396, 1451, 1679 OF), 908, 09%, 1338. Beresford (John C.), 906 Bo nkenheim, 672 Beresford-Hope (A 7 B.), 12 Bien (Robert W.), 851 Bergamo, Santo Spirit i7’ 34, 1236, 2122 Bhi ur-Boette family, 798
Berger (Abbé), 1872 o, 1770 Bre de Bourdon (Vicomte), 14
Berger 2115 Blomeneld. deere " a ergereti(Jean), (Georgi field (Rev.(Canon Franci Beringhen Caer ee mitle Blomfield aioe a tte Berkeley (Robert) rh e de), 530 B undell (Sir Francis) 2017 474
Berlaymont, 102, 1419 Randell (6. E.), 1692 Bernage (De), 229 prunden (Andrew), 895 Bernard (Dr. Charles), 358 B wceston °! Bernard (Emile), Bo s (John), [A.D. 1806], 729 Bernardinus, 46 566 , Boccacei d’Orso family 886 Bernardinus de Pretore, 112 Be (Simon), 979
ean, d ont y aarles, duc d ° , [A.D.1662],
Rornardus (Franchinus) 6 Bod; aim (Charles), +423 Berniéres (Katherine de), (A | 5° ius (Franciscus), 751
Berry lean ay ogg? Pest 71, 701 Bogali, 1597 8» 1778 3 85, ia), 209” 845, 1391, 143007), gg CP atPara Marscham), [A.D.166
Berry (Caroline, ue ge), 14 Bohan (De), | A.D.1645 816, 833, 846, 921, 1449, 1 je),, 785. 795, 805 Bohan (P.), 1377 ], 782 Berry (Walter V. R.) 105 » 1898, 2049 | Bokn Julius), 1133
Bertrandus (Abbot) 811 Bohn G.),Raymond 999, 1469F erwick (Lord) 1260 Boi eau (Henry (Colonel
Best (Richard), 187Ri Bory; (Julien-Léopold) .), 2017 enson (Sir erardus de).ER[A |
Betham (Sir William), 563, 1997 Boisascet (D Becdeliee, ethmann (B , , is-Le-Viconte ér 527
Béthune asaron Hugo de), 1460 Boissart (Ramey, Ge? FAP17201,, 30 ettys (J.), 2227 de), 104, 1401 Roivin (Frangoise de), 702
Beudin family, 2243d RO; 2011*2 eurnonville (Baron ROK(Cary (MaryWilliam) Louise Curtis)
Bevenew (Geoffrey) de), 95, 101, 1433, 1481 Bokenham, 188 ee
yeu, (Geoffrey). oker (Mrs.de George), 1178 , Bo eene Corpo Christo, 923 ologna, San Domenico, B44
Bolton (John), 637 Bourgogne (Dukes of), 1409, 1415, 1490,
Bon family, 1072 1671(?), 1806(?), 1853, 2033
Bonacolsi family, 1451 Bourgogne (Adolphe de), 849, 1428 Bonacossi family, 1719(?) Bourgogne (Antoine de), 1428 Bonadies family, 1493 Bourgogne (Marie de), 1473(?) Bonar (Horatius), Bourguet (Jehan), LED eon 793 Boncompagni (Baldassare),2048 780, 815, 1261*, Bourguet (Louis), [A.D.1698], 2041 1262*, 1782, 1783, 1784, 1786*, 1788*, 1789*, Bourgyer (Sir Thomas), 895
1791*, 1792, 1793*, 1794*, 1795, 1796* Bourlamaque (C. C. de), 2140
pongam (Petrus), 1202 eee(jenan), Sapa aet 1040 Bondieu n () ourre Bone att’ 78 Bouschier {Bourchier#1, (William), 166
Bonhomme (Honoré), 1664 outillier tamuly, Boni ody. BCP) ); Boutourlin (Count D.), 505, 829, 881, 932, Bonilla y Rojas (Brijeda), 2123 1225, 1406, 1647
Bonnejoy (Dr.), 765 Bouxhoevden (Caroline, Countess), 2029 Bonnier fils, 1718 Bovet (Alfred), 256, 680, 682, 683, 687, 688, Bononia (JacobusMichael), and MarcusBowden de), 1015 (Henry 1130 Bonsi (Bishop Pateshall), 1004 Bonvesinus (Presbyter Marcus), 2108 Bowden CTobns, 387 » Bools (W. E.), 799, 2031 Bowdoin (James), 2287 Bord (Gustave), 1184 Bowen (James), 1035, 1671 Bordes (Henri), 98, 1435, 1658 Bowes (William Blakiston), 1068, 2315
Bordier (Henri), 515 Bowman, 729 Borelli family, 875(?), 1427 Bowntyene (Johane), 1286
Borghese family, 842, 1164, 1654, 2185 Bowyer (Reynold Gideon), 2291 :
Borgia (Francisco), 1131 Bowyer (Thomas), 2122 Borgia Ranaldino, 831 Boyce (George P.), 629
Borland (Mrs. J. J.), 514, 515 Boyd (Jean), [Joannes Bodius, A.D.1662], 792
Borromeo (Filippo), 537 Boyle (Mrs. Phoebe A. D.), 16, 1897, 2114 Bosche, [A.D.1612], 459 Boysen (Frid. Everh.), 1496 Boscher (Sébastienne), 2116 Brabazon (W. Moore), 2060 : Bosco de Mugello, San Francesco, 477 Braccioli (Thomas Bernardinus), 991 Bosio (Giuseppe), 529 Braccbridge (Abraham), [A.D.1775], 635 Bossernd (Charles-Louis-Michel-André de), Bracebridge (C. H.), [A.D. 1871], 635
baron de Schiver, 641 Brack (or Bracq), 1814*
Bossevile (Henricus), 1030 Brackley (Northamptonshire), 127
Boswell family, 20(?) Bradish (Theo. H. and James P.), 2253
Boswell Bradleyoger), Re oe of Boswell(Alexander), (James), 401161 radsnaigh
Boter? Wie), 1025 Bragdon (Dr. Merritt Caldwell), 671* Botini (Paulus), 445 Bragge (William), 52, 86, 97, 98, 796, 798, Rottigella, 1004 862, 870, 957, 961, 1035, 1380, 1382, 1384*, Bouchard (Jehan), 540 1388, 1395, 1413, 1451, 1475, 1673, 1698,
Boucherat (Louis), comte Compans, 1819 2003, 2040, 2044, 2052, 2144(*), 2313
Boucicaut, 1336 Braikenridge (W. Jerdone), 804 Boudard (Jehan), 783 Brainerd (Mrs. William H.), 1079 Boudard (Jean-Philippe), [A.D.1543], 783 Brampton (Dorothy), 288
Bouddwyech (Johanna), 2104 Bramston (Thomas), of Skreens, 1504
Boudens family, 1413 Brand (John), 349, 1652, 1905 Boufflers (Philippe de), 809 Brandegee (Mrs. E. D.), 982
Boughton (Richard), 239 Brandenburg (Hildebrand), of Biberach, 723, Bouillon (Godefroy, duc de), [A.D.1785], 845 1008, 1248, 2138
Boujty 505Loc Lef. 2276] Brander (Gustavus), 421, 049, 2262 oulet, Branthwal[it], (Robert),
Boult (Thomas), [A.D.1657], 2025 Branthwalih, Os ) Bounitessa, Monastery, 1109 Braschi-Onesti (Cardinal Romualdo), 555,
pourbon (Gathering oe) 5 564, 1331*, 1442*-1445* Bourbon arles de), ; Bourbon (Connétable de), 1339 Brassicr de Jocas, 225"
Bourbon uchesse de), ; . Bourbon (Jean II, duc de), 1368 Braungefeld (Lucia de), 1373
Bourbon (Bishop Louis de), 1963 Brayne (T.), 428
Bourbon (Louise 1158 a he(Feter), reat 457, 919 Bourcard (Daniel),de), 1500 reden
Bourdillon (Francis William), 1799 Breiten tag eee (Magdalena von), [A.D.
Bourdillon (J.-I..), 890, 1489 Bremer (Mrs. L.), 2100 Bourgeville (Charles de), 1433 Brenot (Paul), 1411(?)
Bourgchier (T.), 895 Brenan(?), 95
PREVIOUS OWNERS 185 Brent (Cecil), 575, 1084 BrudenellThon family, 1373 Brereton, 345°
Brésillac (Marion de) family, 1421 Brocn cM ‘" pom 878
Breslau, Library, 1001 (?) Bruges, Récollets, 2213
nes on aati es ee 248 Brunes (Johannes) de Frekenhorst, 1641
Ret f’| AD 1696] P39’Bee tons [A.D.1632], 1029 B vieane 1Z10 ,
Brouvllet: [A.D 1610-1681] 695 Bruschetti Chaseope), 90, 1075, 1450*, 2056.
Brewer (Gardner), 942-943 Be pee 08 Bridges (H. and John), 792 Bruyas (Abbé), 249
i on, 146 , Brydges family, 124
Bede (Earls and Dukes of), 126*-146* Bryant (Matthew) 350 Brome ! {Gardinal Loménie de), 1396, 1405, Brydges (Sir Samuel Egerton), 188
Brigault (Simon and Agnan), 1464 Beccleach (Duke Of). 38 ees
Bright (Benjamin Heywood), 52, 272, 1490, Buch (Emily), 1259"
Brinley (George), 1088 Bee CD . ( Alb, re fon), 22%2 Brinsden (John), [A.D.1697], 888 Bucke? (R b 4) Ht), 108 Brisard-Tiville (Charles), 1654 Buckhurst (Lor ‘ Bristol (Louis H.), 156” Buckhurst (Lord), 201 too? Britten, fea_A.D.1610] 932 puckie (John Milne), 1289 Broadley (Henry), 1693 Bucking am (Duke of), 124, 132, 2157 Broadley (John), 1324, 1335, 1367 Buckingham (Marquess of), \28
Brockett (John Trotter), 1768 Buckinstorft ( Theodoricus de), 2054
Brockhausen family, 833 (?) Buckley oe H.), 1075
Brocklebank (Ralph de), 1802 Buckley (John), 424
Brodrick (Archbishop Charles), 2038 Buckley (Rev. William E.), 838 rod ema (A.), 495, 769, 783, 802, 809, 890, Bude (Jean) 1687 3 ’
Bromley (Edward), 1 uelow (Fr. G. J. von), 231, 557, 599(?), 825, Bromley reware) e 876, 878, 880, 940, 1064, 1065, 1066, 1327, Bromley (Sir Thomas), 2228 Buggin (G.), 2191 Bromley (William), atl Buhler (Yves Henry),Abbey 2301(Shropshir « 137 romley-Davenport (W.), 587, 894, 1438, 1817 Buildwas
B . . ey obert),
Bee (Anna Catharina Lucia de), [A.D. Bulkeley joha), $97. ire), 127, 136*, 137
Bromed. OB family, 1459 Boe Oe we Ne es) 104 Brooke (Sir John Arthur), 61, 1 viloe Sey Tate? 146. 498, SRO, S04 O61” 1162, 16641608, Bullock (Rew. LL
1699, 1798, 1806, i898 "2133 ’ ’ ’ Bul oc ( ev. R. H.), 2202
Brooke (Peter), 1497” Bu man (William), 895 Brooke (Ralph), 293, 2098 Buondelmonte, 639, 9109)
Brooke (Sir Thomas), 21, 51, 109, 443, 446 Burch Sent eae nee,
580, 594, 961, 1161, 1163. 1336. 1478 age Bur ardus of Rothenburg, 912 hs 1698, 1806, 1889*, 1898, 2133, 2289, 2314 S036 204 (Baroness), 367, 1105*-1117, 1889, 2289, 2314 am), 21, 1161, 1336, Bure (J.-J. de), 1657, 1851
rooke (Rev. W. Ingh , )
Brooks (Francis), 1061 Bureta (Count Antonio de), 1494 Brooks (Oliver Kingsley), 400 Burge or Burges, 622(?)
Brosse Fenan ey,1658 gh ON wos 889. roughton Riel Wi . pur urghiey illiam Cecil, L
1010 [ef 53084 ight Rev. William Grant), 880, 1122, 1659, 2281 cl ord), 60, 421, 546,
Broune (David), [A.D.180¢ Burgos, Franciscans, 1199 Brown, 366 804], Burke? (Frederick), (Robard), 55 1694 Brown,rAD.izish [A.D.1801], 15041031 Burmester
Brown (Bridget), 1942 Burnaville, 622(?)
Brown ohn), 2115 Bamba. (Charles), rown (John Carter, Sophia A uron (Seigneurs de), 432 701-702
Nicholas, and Harold), Dag* 21D John Buron (Georges), [A.D.1602], 702
Brown (Robert), Junior, 1438 Burra (James Salkeld), 1377, 1413
Brown $68 Burrell 1190 rown(Scott), (Charles Wi(Loomis), coms)»
Browne, (Edward), $72" Burrell (Sir William), 39, 161 Browne (Thomas), 51 Burton (Clarence Monroe), 1135 Browne, (William), 109 Burton (Maurice), 283 Brownlow (Earl), 1694 Burton (William), of Lindley, 428, 1045
. Edmun , (William) Bruce (Lord Charles), 896 Bur st Constable, he Constable
Bruce (David Wolfe and George), 1289, 1290* Bury (William), rs ey, 2300
186 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Busch (Rudolf), 1122, 1728 Campbell (Sir Alexander), 1322, 2028 Bush (Rev. H. T.), Cromwell), Campori (Cesare), Bush (W. 126 1393 Camuccini, 483 1261 Buslicianum Collegium, 1104 Canal, of Crespano, 541
Busshell (John), 97 Candelot (Jean), [A.D.1671], 1961 Bussy-Rabutin, 1435 Candia, San Michele, 853 Bustard (Anthony), [A.D.1540-1547], 1286R. eanigiant, of Teo utigelli (Filippo), 840 Cann (Dr. T.), 168 Butler (A. T.), 1042 Canonici (Abate Matteo), 169, 205, 396, 761, Butler (Charles), 79, 104 [cf. 2247], 442*, 445, 820, 842, 843, 844, 897, 974, 975*, 1074*, 822, 1202, 1384, 1698, 1769*, 1771, 1773, 1774*, 1291, 1420, 1437, 1677, 1755, 1756, 1779*,
1777, 1894, 1904, 2018, 2026, 2224 1787, 1796, 1807*, 1893, 1904, 2057, 2182,
Buttes go an ca lel Castillo (A.), 549, uttes,Tape [A.D. ; anovas del Castillo );653 ;
Buxheim, Carthusians, 26%, Pt987, ae aCantono Canterbury, Saintde), ae err 1317, 1692 473, 479, 481, 482, 484, 508, 567, si 723, (S. Genesius 992*, 993, 1008, 1009, 1038, 1190, 1229, 1238, Capece (Cola Marino), of Naples, 563 1248, 1338, 1672, 1720, 1722, 1724, 1771, 1782, Capilupi, 1442
1795, 1954, 1955, 1984, 2138, 2192, 2215 Capitani (Rev. L.), 2082
Byrkenhed 3 capocet (earns);OoDD. 3b 1300 yrkneade aiekih lurysteter), ox apon ;;
Byrley (Thomas), 649 Capponi (Lodovico di Gino and Francesco),
Byrne (James), 991*-994* clr (J), 797, 1478 apron (J.), ,
7 Caraccioli( Marchese), 1329
C Caraffa (Diomede), 204 tier ; > Carbiceus (Franciscus), t ‘CEL. 482, 2261 Carcani (Marchese Porri), 1186 ("(EFo.), re aan 1. Cardalhac family, [A.D.1677], 447 Cardines, 1426 1806 .
C. CL), 809 Caretto, Counts of Sarona and Miullesimo, C. [f.), 2168 1302 C. (P.),(L. 432 Cc. 16°85 201.3% Carington family, 642
C. (W.), [A.D.1776], 2202 Carlisle (Lady), 28 | \s
Cae A one) woe ee oe Cane (Mae Ronde: Washbura), 1006
Cadogan (Earl), 196 ; 7 , { arondelet (Jean), | SRT UTES ol, 16 Carpenter (Prof. Frederic Ives), 535, 543
Cadamosto. (Marcintonio), 1262 Carmichael (Sir Thomas D. Gibson), 1441, Caen, Benedictines of Saint-Etienne, 1163 carore tee fauecn ohg hee 529
re sti arr : , Calcagnini (Carlo), 190 'S a
Caesaraea, Monastery, 1117 Carpenter (Prof. William H.), 1808*
Caetanus (Marius) Aglieti Pauli £., 1777 carpet ae marta omen, 1476(?)
etek NERA 1078 Carroll (Bradish Johnson), 1309
Caimus (Zacharius), 1676 Carrow, manners ay 93 Caldecott (J. B. and William), 1729 Carson (Hampton L..), 201S*-2025"
Calderia (Joannes), 1782 carter OME es 113 Calderini (Andrea), 949 Carter (J soph) 313 ’ Caldwell (Andrew), 429 oy ; Catthew (GBS 032
Catenberg (Comte de), AD Cartier [or Carlier] (G-B.), [A.D.1789], 2037 valepinus (Lazarus), [ca.A.D.1600], 456 Cartier (J-P.), |A.D.1789}, 2001
Galers, 1425 Carvalho (David N.), alsorasCistercians, (G.), 2062, 2079 Cary (Guy), 10392013*, 2014*
Calthorp (Thomas), 132 | aa ay. OL, 71
Calurus (Gryneus Marcus Antonius) de [er- Casentino (Dominicans 499
Calvary AD 900 Caspar de Novomonte (?), 737 Calvert (The Hon. Benedict Leonard), 2064 Gassalio Serta doendaty aad 1341
see theo doras), 2034. Casteillon (Edwardus), 796 |
Cambrai, Saint-Sépulcre, 1004 Castetlan (Abbé Charles de), [A.D.1663], Cambron, Cistercians, 517(?), 881, 1258
Cambronne family, 777 Castelli family, 1401 : ' alentinus ), ‘astello comers aes. 2040 Castelnau (BishopMelhor, Frangois de), 1366
Cambry (Marie le). LN D198], 1324 Castell (Francesco) 484
astro ; r le), ;
Campana | (Marchese), 557, 838, 885, 889, sas Oa edi te 4 1368 de), 2171 Campanatiis (Antonius de), 1894 Castro (Cardinal Rodrique de), 1375
PREVIOUS OWNERS 187 Catalan, 1796 Chavanieu (Nicolas), 1213(?)
Catesby (W.), 2316 Chavannes (E.), [A.D.1870], 885
Cathaldis (Hieronimus de), 586 Chaworth (Sir Thomas), 1801 Catharinus (Antonius Bonus), 1970 Cheatham (Dr. William), 739
Catherine de’ Medici (Queen), 958(?), 2324 Chemin (Désirée), 1321
Catskill Lyceum, 1048 Cheney (Edward), 932, 935
Cavagna Sangiuliani di Gualdana (Conte An- Cheney (Sir John), 1389 _
tonio), 710 Cherubinus (Jacobus Philippus), 839
Cavaillon, Dominicans, 486 Chester (C. T.), 1161 Cavaleri, 822, 835, 1400, 1464, 2135 Chesterfield (Third Earl of), 1366 Cavaleri (Michele), 1241 Chesterfield (Tenth Earl of), 1662 Cavalieri (Giuseppe), 1436 Chetwood (Valentine), 424
Cavoti (Pietro), 1626 Chevalier (Nicolas), 917 Cayrol, 1575 Chevanes (Jacques-Auguste de), 1423 Cebrian (J. C.), 4 Chevy (Judge William), 1029 Cecil, 434 Chew (Beverly), 98, 104, 173, 873, 874*, 1290, Cecil (Lady William), 793 1291, 1668, 1985
Celani (Rogerius), [A.D.1387], 717 Cheyne (Edmund), 1022 Cellerier (Emile-Edouard), 186 Chezal-Benoit, Benedictines, 606
Celotti (Abate), 41, 42, 43, 164, 444, 490, Chicago, Saint Ignatius College, 1926
944, 632, 668, 835, 840, 887, 912, 988, 997, Chiévres (Henri-Joseph-Pierre-Alois de), 1410
998, 1183, 1196, 1265*, 1266, 1302, 1417, 1476, Childe (Baldwyn), 576
1717, 1761, 1893, 1899, 2028, 2056, 2077", Childs (Albert H. and Starling W.), 170, 171 2315 (?) “Chisas Gardiano”, 1316 Cennis (Andreas Justi), 979 “Chita (Archbishop)”, 2 Cento, 603 Chittlehampton, 894 Ceresia (Petrus), 1233 Chollet (Frederick), 1048
Cesena, Annunziata, 1264 Cholmley (Nath.), 932
Chabannes (Seigneur de), 1480 Cholmondeley (Charles), 1997 Chadwick (H.), 1083 Choussy, 1597 Challon (Barthellemy), 674 Christianus Engelberti, 2190
Chalmers (Alexander), 52 Christie-Miller (S. R.), 70, 1652, 1729
Chalmers (George), 358 Christoforus de Varisio, O.M., 2216
Chalons-sur-Marne, Cathedral, 902 Christonus family, 1419 Chalopin (Pierre), [A.D.1700], 98 Chrysanthus, 569 Chamberlain (Mellen), 925*-929* Church (E. Dwight), 93, 94, 97, 99, 101, 102,
Champnys (Alicia), 2 103*, 852, 2035
Chancel (Germain de), [ca.A.D.1610], 846 Churche family, 290
Chapin Cp aoe 086 Churchill (William), [A.D.1657], 2025 appée(Alfred (Julien), Cicognara (Conte Leopoldo), 1337 Chapple (William), [A.D.1775], 2313 Cist “(Lewis J.), 520, 681, 683
Chardin, 003, 822, 872, 886, 243, 944, 949, 1105, Citeaurx, Cistercians, 823, 826, 888, 1318, 1494
1263, 1427, 1457, 1500, 1758 Clabault( Tsabelle), 1320 Charlemont (Lord), 52, 1412 Clare, Earls of Gloucester, 88
Charles V. Emperor, 1459, 1483 Clark (Clarence H.), 2034, 2042 Charles I, of England, 1256(?) . Clark (Jonas Gilman), 1089*-1090% Charles VIII, of France, as Dauphin, 675(?) Clark (Joseph H.), 944
Charles VIII, of France, 1413 Clark (Richard), 54 Charles IX, of France, 1412 Clarke (Adam), 54, 591, 620, 1778 Charles X, of France, 1330 Clarke (Elizabeth), 367
811?) Clarke (Martin), 2104
Charles XIV, of Sweden (Bernadotte), Clarke (Jeremiah), 2306
Charles-Emmanuel III, Duke of Savoy, 783 Clarke (Richard), 46 Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, 1378 Clarke (Robert), 1922*-1924*
Charlton (Edward), M.D., 2205 Clarke (Thomas Shields), 1178 Charlton (R. H.), 15, 65, 98 Claventin (Antoine), [A.D.1667], 1019 Charpentier (Jacques), 1671 Clawson (John L.), 67, 68, 75, 76, 111, 1572, Charpentier (Louis), LAD .1662], 792 1596, 19251942. larpentier de boisgibault, ] harles).
Charron de Liancourt (J. de), [A.D.1701], Cece artes)» 1942, 1983
2037 Cleaver (Rev. C. W. E.), 575, 1937
Charron de Ménars, 970(?) Cleborne (Dr. Roland K.), 236 Charrouyer (Sigisbert Nicolas), 787 Cleef (Van), 14 Chartrand (Michel A.), 987 Clemencin (Diego), 111, 588 Chasles (Michel), 1989 Clement VIT, Pope, 931 Chatellerault, Convent, 648 Clement XI, Pope, 2050, 2216 Chatillon (Duchesse de), 1435 Clément |’Ainé, of Besancon, 788 Chatillon (Guy de), 784 Clements (William L.), 1127*-1128* Chatonet (Ernest), 1001 Clerke (James), [A.D.1634], 1313 Chauncy (Dr. Charles), 654, 1365 Clermont (Charles-Henri de), 1405
Chausson (A.), 1414 Clermont-Gallerande, 851
auvillars, ombe (Richard), ,
Clermont Tonnerre (Gaspard de), marquis de Cone aR Sealer ge), 2057
Cleves (Catherine de), 1421(?) Comberbach (P. A. and Rev. C.), 1763 ee ay eer de), comte de Nevers, 805, Como, 330) 114. 1718 omo, Cathedral, 1714, 1715* Cléves (Marie de), duchesse d’Orléans, 1339 Como, Augustinians, 1681
CIiffor ne Bateta 637 Gomo, penastery Giovanni, 668 or can), e), omuccl omasoottde’), Clifford (Henry), 2104 Conant (Miss Martha), 2309 Clinchamp (Comte de), 790 Conant (Samuel), [A.D.1719], 2025 Clinchamp-Labuisardiére (Comtesse 1963 Concannon (L.), 14052133 Clouet (Mme.), of Verdun, 940de), Conches, Benedictines,
Clough 1027 conde (Joseph Aatonio), 1128 ‘luny,ohn), Abbey, ondé family, Clyfford family, 1646 (Princesse de), 1336 lynte (John), 896conde ondulmer,
Co. (Fr.), 1700 Cone (William), 163
Abbey, 678 onely win F.),
Coalville (Leicestershire), Saint Bernard’s Cone ae Sant Ame 1265
Coates Sir (Viscount), Edward F.), 37124 Konfidati (Eustachio), 825, 1249* Cobham ongreve family, Cock Calired). va 1032 Conkey (Willyam), [ca.A.D.1500], 592
1202, 1385, 2114 onnay('), Connelly (Mrs. A. J.), 1070
Cockerell {Sit Sydney C.), 583, 589, 592, pene ar ct anal 1469
mora BTS gen, 782 Connolly (Rev. Arthur T.), 454*-459* Coesfeld, Augustinian Nuns, 23, 609, 1959 Conradinus of Hohenstaufen, [A.D.1267-1268], Coffin, of Portledge, 1313
Coffin (John), 2227 conrat Jo), [ca A.D. 1600], 713
Cohn (A Meyer), 1596(2) onoy, (Alesande Coislin (Marquis de), 890Censtagi es a :Joseph de Nas Coisne (Mlle. de), [A.D.1581], 177 Constable (David), 2217 Coke (Sir Edward), 932 Constable (Sir F. A. T. C.), 60, 278*, 279,
Coke (John), 187 Ans a. ee 1ee20)" 302, 307*, 344, 373,
Cole, 282 ~ .
cokes oe) 2308 (?) Constable. (William), of Burton-Constable, Colbert family 1464 po 449, 680, 1025, 1083, 1120, 1372, 1410, Cole, of Cornwall, 2019( ?) Constantine (John), 896
Cole (Hamilton), 805, 837, 1193, 1266, 1289 Constantinople, 1170*-1171* Cole (Robert), Constantinop’e, Metochion tou Panagiou Colebeau (Thomas),346 [ca.A.D.1500], 180 aphou, cojeman aC(Lor niet J ief tice), 1031 Constantinople, oleridge Justice), 10: sois, Hagios Georgios en Kuparis-
cores GJ ( erm 206 Constantinos Caligas Cybasenos, 758 College Héraldique, 412*, 612, 970, 1520, 1549, Contarini family 1 2007
1577, . Contarini (Francesco), [A.D.1479], 231 Colleoni family, 829 Conway, 417 Collier (G.), 2140 Conway (Edward), [A.D.1631], 841
Collegium Sancti Barnabae, 919 Contat (Louis), [A.D.1692], 2140
315, 319, 4 Cook family, 918°
Commer J. payne) 28, 38, 39, 279, 285, 286*, Conybeare (J. J.), 107
Colloredo(John), earner[A.D.1573], Oe 1294 53 Cook (Sir Pa, ee F. and HumCollsonne phrey W.),
645, , 3, ; ’ , 2140* 26 2051,, 1141, 2224 Cooksborough,
Cologne, Carthusians of Barbara, 166, 1 Cooke (Joseph J.), 157, 158*, 168, 169, 2139,
Cologne, 30 Koolidge Ae al non” 973, 990, 1000 ologne, S S.Maria MariaiminKapitol, Sion, Coolidge (J. Randolph),
Cologne, Church of the Holy Apostles, Cooper (Ed.), [A.D.1726], 2228
1479(?) Cope (Sir John and Sir Anthony), 71, 877,
Colonns, 638 ope Cope(Sir SirWilliam), Will. ), 914 olonna, 638
Gelonna of Rome, 710, 814 Copinger CBehe Sener oad 1901 olonna (am ardinal Pompeo), -opleston ishop ward), Colquhoun (Sir James), a D.1788), 1153 Coquault (Jehan), 792 Colquhoun (Dr. James), 1515 Cora (Luigi), 1076 Coltman (Rev. J.) 187 Coradis (Antonius de), [A.D.1444], 1264
Coluccio Salutati, 564 Corbacho (Jorge M.), 2286
PREVIOUS OWNERS 189 Corbinelli crevenna, (F y rei>836, 1072, 1367 orfield (Tommaso), (Prof. W. 1788 H.),956 ; revor [Trevor
Cork and Orrery (Earl of), 1409 Crimmins (John D.), 1301 ;
ornazzano, 1493 1042
cornaro (Bishop Federico), 1817 Crisp (Frederick Arthur), 373, 390, 410, 581,
Corneburgh (Alvredus), 132 Crispe family, 1028 Corner family, 2217 Cristoforus, 1417 Corner (Augustin), 1181 Croeniger (Johann Heinrich), 1380 Cornthwaite (Rev. Tully), 1138 Croesinck (Anna), 195
Cornwall (Duchy of), Library, 400 Croft (Mrs. Arthur), 942-943
Cornwaleys, (Anne), 272 Crofts (Rev, Thomas), 583, 1329 Correr (Teodoro), 1180 Croker (Johs’ Wilson), 114, 339, 417 Corser (Rev. Thomas), 52*, 288, 675, 892 Cromwell (Oliver) 1393 [n.137], 1019, 2268 Crone (Frank Linden), 2286, 2326*
Corvisieri (Costantino), 4, 6*, 7*, 545, 886, Crosby (Harry) 1812
1446 Crosby (Mrs. Robert Gordon), 2157
Cosens (Frederick William), 109, 283, 361, Crosse (John), 1396
448, 583, 1032, 2268 Crossley (James), 2278
Cossé (Artus de), 45 Crouch (Joseph), 566
Costa de Beauregard, 2235 Crouy-Chanel (Prince), 1850
Costabil (Marchese Giovanni Battista), 1250, Crowninshicld Edward A.), 2267 roy (Jehan de),
Cotes (Colonel), 773 Crozet, 1422 cotton okRobert), of Neweate,38 682rummer Crummer (Dr. Le Roy), 2s neon 288)s 19; otton(Rev (Sir Ingram (Mrs. yrtle Cotton (Robert), Archdeacon of Durham, 882 1125*, 1126*, 2288 Cottreau, 940, 1087 Cruninghen, 39 Coucy (Isabelle de), 785 . Cudrifin (Peterman), 1238
Colin of Lyon, 1377 Caicos coh), Ba Coulter (Adam §.), 1504 Culpeper, 578, 1646 Coulton (Gordon), [A.D. 1882], 574 Cumberland (Countess of), 397
Courcy-Fontenay (Henri de Bullion, marquis Cumberworth (Sir Thomas), 1339
oth sat0ummings cumming vie a vee ourt, .H.),
Courtanvaux (Marquis de), 1410, 1657, 1658 Cumont (Franz), 175 Courtecuisse (Ernest and1490(?) Nicolas de), 902 Cunliffeof (Emma) ), 930 869 “Courtenay”, 1410, Cunyngham Caprington, Courtenay, Edward, Earl of Devonshire, Cupples (Mrs. Joseph George), 924
108(?)(Geneviéve currer (Miss Richardson), 1370, 1819 Courtin de), 1647 curteis, courtin CGaagmeve oe) Curtis (H. Holbrook), 167 Cousin, 1366, 1424 Curtiss (Frederick H.), 970, 1070, 2308
“outan (V.), 1151* Twenl,
Coussemaleer (Ch. Edm. H. de), 1974 carton ore family, 1410
Coutts, cf. Burdett-Coutts Curzon (Robert), cf. Zouche
Coventry, Saint John the Baptist, 1692 Cusanus (Octavianus), 1375 Cowper (Earl), 421, 578, 585, 896, 1802 Cushing (Alice L.), 987
Cowper (John), 1339 Cuthbert (John M.), 918
2041 D
Cox (E. (B.), Marion), 1896 Cutler Santi: (Timothy), [A.D.1724], 954 Coxe 105 uyck, Agatha,
Coxe Henry) 2103* ee stT 1398 te Huyberts van), Crabbe (Jan), 1853 _ ’ Cramer (Dr. Hugo), 1813 Czencke (Johann), 1426 Crampton (William), 159 Crane (W. C.), 2033, 2034, 2035, 2038, 2040,
Crassier (Baron Guillaume de), 906, 2197 D... (Count), [A.D.15
Crawford (William ame oy 93, 284, 638, D. aS ieee | 91, 8 ea 957, 1162, 1196, 1390, 1404, 1418, 1694, Dn . (Guilielmus Henricus), [A.D.1647],
Crawley A.), 2213, 631 D. (Bishop L.), 1693 Crawshaw (George (E.), 666, 1962, 2217 D. & Bevon, 764 Crémeur de Menou, 1407 Daca (Eleanor), 874 Cremona, Hospital, 1002 Da Costa (Alvaro), 1440
Créquy family, 1323 Da Costa (J. M.), 105
Créquy (Jean V de), 1405 Dacre (Lord), [A.D.1785], 1384
Crespo (Rafael José), 1378 Dacres (Robert), 2305
Creuzer (Georg Friedrich), 755 Dahl, of Darmstadt, 15
190 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Dakcomb (James), [A.D.1575], 2025 Denison (Alfred), 1905 _ Dakomb (Thomas), [A.D.1556], 2025 Denman, of Cambridge, |A.D.1881], 700
4 Denny (Edw.), 63
Dalla, Salla (Giovanni Maria), Ponteghino, Dennistoun, 1452
Dalrymple (Alexander), 2267 Densham, of Tiverton, [A.D.1746], 539
alton, 4 Denys, 788 1587], 783 Depalte, 799 3 erby (Countess of), 21 Danell (William), 877 Derham (William), 1796-1797*
ResmPle (Rev, Edwin A.), 229*-232*, 901* Dent (John), 1475 [n. 639] Damas (Jehan), vicomte de Challoy, [A.D. Denys (William), 1913(?)
Damville (Bishop Gérard de), [A.D.1374], nepoullly. 1016 6) 2192
Danhoff (Willielmus), 1164 Dering (D.), 1404
Daniel (George), 1463 Dering (Sir Edward), 273, 322, 324*, 396(?),
Danse (Francoise, 1378 pis CH.von), A 2216 Daoust (Jehan),Elizabeth), 1153 erschau . A. D’Arcy (Conyers), 342 Des Courtils (Comtesse), 1333 Darley (Giovanni), (erancis T. 3); Destorges, la M 1410 Dattari 7611307 es Granges et de 45 La je Majorie, 1Daudel (De), 1447 Deshuneliéres, [A.D.1653], 1988
Dauphin, son of Louis XIV, 1422 Des Ligneris (Marie), [A.D.1648], 798
Davenport (Edward), 587, 1438 Desmaiseaux (Pierre), 1399
Davis (H. Newnham), 94 [cf. 2247], 919 De Smythere (Carolus), [A.D.1548], 875
Davison (A.), 1333 Desportes (Philippe), 1412, 1695
Davoust (Gilles), 1655 Deeesq Aono Davy (John), 1365 );Florian), 1872
Deacon (Thomas), 424 Des Roches, 819 Deane (Charles), 980 Destailleur (Hippolyte), 1663
Debane.+s(Jacques), 1370, Doubt Ms es Debar* ?Pierre), 1323 eubost arsau),
Debreuse, 1322 Deullin (Henri), 952 De Broukere (Walterus), 1765 Deutz, Benedictines, 1643(?) . . Dee (Dr. John), 48 Deedes (Rev. Cecil), 1138
we ayy oreeut Cramaille de Saint-Souplet”,
Deffinnes family, 787 Devonshire (Duke of), 38*, 39, 40, 70
De Forest (George B.), 1373, 1374(?) Dewez, [A.D.1750], 13
Ide Grey (Earl), 421, 578, 585, 896, 898, 1802, Dewick (Rev. E. $.). 1467, 2064
1896 | De Wild (Gulielmus), 1777
082*-2084* De Young (Michael H.), 29
De gon (Lieut.-Col. the Hon. George), De Winghe (Jérome), 1433
De Hubert (Pieter), 527 Deys (William), 1898
Deissmann (Adolf), 664%, 729 Dherbelot (Léon), 1810
De Kay (John W.), 1896 Didericus, dictus Stalbertus, 17
Delamarre(Lord), (Lucien), 960 Didier-P etit, 189, Set Delamere 1997 1dot, cr. birmim-DV1do De La Pole (Katren), 20 Diederich (Peter), 1645 elaroff (Paul). 1718 Diederichs (W. G. A.), 1567 De on : t(D Fray Ped ‘A.D,1555], Dieppe, “Minimes”, 2147
De ‘Or . “O),; J], 1¢ ay . 1 ’913, 1683(?), 1963*, SognLz Torre (D. Pray Pedro),LS, | |, Dictrichstein (Prince), De La Warr (John, Lord), 2035 4 Delaunay (Janvier), 1647 Digby (Sir Kenelm), 1799 i. Delaval (Sir John Hussey), 443 Dijon, Benedictines of Saint-Bénigne, 777,
Ielavau-Fortiére, [A.D.1821], 798 3?) Delbene family, 1132 Jijon, Carmelites, 46 ;
Del Drago (Principe), 4*, 5, 6*, 557 Dijon, Carthusians of La Trinité, 230, 237, Delfini Franc sco )s [A.D.1629], 2127(Miss 1387, Alice 1467 M.). 1309% Della Biane (Luigi), 1783 Dike
Della Croce (Guiniforte), 1897 — Dillinger. t7aoe );
Dellancello Maiorano, [A.D.1584], 731 Dillingen (Hartmann von), 676
eRe eee a clla Valle (Bartolommeo), _ po. Deller (William), [A.D.1763], 372 Dinatel CHa) 1908
Della Rovere (Giuliano), [Julius II,], 1424 Dillon (John), 1621, 1730, 1731*-1737*, 2130,
he ; Jing ! r), 1818
Del Monte (Diego), 167 Dimsdale (Sir Joseph C.), 360, 402
Delyon (Susanne), 863 Dinaux De (T.) sale, 1078(Arthur _ } 1312 : : ¥ Marinis 4 Dini (Abate Pietro),
Demetrius, 569, 110; Dion (De), 799 Demeunynck (Aug.), 1849 Dionysios, Archbishop of Melos, 16
De Monte (Antonius Ambrosil), 236 Dionysios “thutos”, 16
Demontverd, 189 Disdotti (Jo. Ant.), [A.D.1629], 170
PREVIOUS OWNERS 191 Disney (Rev. John), 18, 1325 Duff (E. Gordon), 1132
Disney (Thomas), [A.D.1633], 1045 Duffield (George), 1103
Dix (James), 99, 2184 Du Fou (Yves), 1268 Doane (W. H.), 1921* Dugate? (R.), 2049
Djlav, of Constantinople, 763 Dufresne (A.), 819
Dockray (B.), 357 Dulaure, 457 College, 435 , Dodd (Rev. J. W.), 2268 Dulwich Dodd (Richard), 72(?) Dumars de Vaudoncourt (Charles-Frangois), Dodd (Robert H.), 345 787 Doerner (Julius), 705* Du Mesnil, [A.D.1645], 1782
Dollé, 45 Dumet, 210 Dollfus (Jean), 1308 Dumortier, of Lille, 654
Doersdaell (Margriete), 627 Dumesnil (Thomas), [A.D.1705], 801
Doney (John S.), 619 Dumoulard, 822
Doninus (L.), [A.D.1633], 1464 Du Moulin (Bernard), 2031 Donnelley (Miss Naomi), 2282 Dumoustier de Caenchy, 1452(?)
Donon, [A.D.1613], 210 Dunbar (Nathaniel), 79 Dore, 2029 - Dunbar (William), 1670(?) Dorigny family, 2290 Duncalf (Rev. John), [A.D.1834], 96 Dorington (Franciscus), 56 Dundas (Sir David), 1996 Dorman (Rushton M.), 5, 78, 531, 818 Dunkin (Alfred John), 581
Dorn (Reimarus), 2169 Dunlop (William), 2236
Douce (Francis), 1424 Dunn (George), 18, 55, 74, 79, 343, 392, 540, Douet de Vichy (Claude-Gabriel), 187 619, 625, 646, 647*, 671, 876, 887, 895, 958,
Douglas, 1319, 1326*, 1328 959*, 983*, 1021*-1035*, 1082, 1083, 1120, Douglas (Captain), 583 1122, 1163, 1181, 1488, 1670, 1671, 1762, 1767, Douglas (James), 1652 1799, 1802, 1889, 1890, 1892, 1893, 1898, 1899,
Douglas (Sir John), 50 1969, 1997, 2016, 2017, 2020, 2039, 2044*, Dowden (Prof. Edward), 329%, 330*, 406, 580 2046, 2050, 2060, 2214, 2215, 2217*, 2218,
Dowell (Stephen), 1398 2224, 2313 “f
Dowland (John and M. L.), 417 Dunn (Thomas), 918
Downes (William), 132 Du Pareq (Mlle.), 1371 Doxey (John S.), 1982 Duparquet (M.), 1414
Doyly (Dr.), 357 ; Du Pin, of Tours, 809 Drake (Tyrwhitt) family, 2263 Duplessis (A. Grattet), 1047
Drake (William), 399 Dupré (Jacqueline), 2037 Drama, 2284 Duprés (Marguerite), 1989 Draycot House, 635 Du Puy, 683, 927, 1169, 1548, 1572(?), 1690, Dredge (John Ingle), 986 2086, 2088, 2263
Dreer (Ferdinand Julius), 2086*-2093* Duquesne? (Franchois), 2040
Dreicer (Michael), 1308) Duquesnoy, 2247
Drenckwaert (Boudewyn Willemsz van), 637) Durand family, of Montargis, 917
Drexel (Joseph W.), 1330 Durant (Henry Fowle), 1067, 1069, 1070 Drexel (Lucy Wharton), 1874, 2183 Du Refuge family, 1408(?)
Driesten (J. van), 1459 Duriez (L.-M.-J.), 890, 1008, 1663 Droullin (Guillemme), 2120 Durlacher, 1133, 1134
Druitt (Esther), [A.D.1836], 411 Duryea (Samuel Bowne), 1197*-1201*
Drummond (Sir James), 1474 Du Tava (M. R. Baron), 153
Drummond (James), 2182 Du Tilliot (J. B.), 1339”
Druri (Henricus), [ca.A.D.1550], 895 Dutter (Right Rev. D. Fabien), 740
Drury (Rev. Henry), 47, 81, 445, 491, 503, Dyer (George F.), 1050 599, 668, 701, 751, 839, 840, 892, 981, 982, De, (Sir James), [A.D.1562], 1854
988, 997, 998, 1123, 1144, 1163, 1181, 1265, Dyneley (R.) 1198 1267, 1327, 1678, 1680, 1771, 1773, 1774, 1778, Dyncley (R. D.), 1404
1892, 1897, 1904 Dyngley (Dr.), 167
Drury (John H.), 485 Dypford (Thomas), 1031(?) Drury (Sir Robert), 132 Dyson (Humfrey), 439 Du Boberil de Cherville, 1037
Du (Lady DuBois Breil Le Hawisia), Breton, 1484 1037E
Du Breuil (Marguerite), [A.D.1620], 809 I. (N.), 470 Dubrunfaut, 1609 KE. (S.), 986 Dubuisson (David), [A.D.1671], 1961 Eardley (Dr. G. R. and Elizabeth), 148
Ducarel (Andrew Coltee), 59, 342, 366 Earle (Rev. Thomas), [A.D.1716], 1391 Duchemin de Villiers, 1427 Earlshall (Frampton, Lincolnshire), 127 Duchesne (Marie-Francgois), 982, 2026 Eastman (G. W.), 362
Duden (Abbot), [A.D.1597], 767 Eastman (Z.), 2196
Duderé family, 2101 Ebner (Hieronymus Guilielmus), 1330 Dudzeele (Mme. de), [A.D.1571], 795 Eckhard (Paulus), 458
Dueffer (J. J.), 1394 Edindon, 1392
192 MEDIEVAL AND RIENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Edward V, of England, as Prince of Wales, Escalin Des Aimars, 528
2295 Esclenviler (Johannes de) de _ Venizello,
Edward VI, of England, 932(?), 1502 [A.D.1316-1317], 775
Edward....., 1913 Escorial, 1402, 1475 [n. 639] ?, 2121 Edward (John), 877 Esdaile (William), 1424, 1658
Edwardes (Sir Henry Hope), 894, 1073, 1674 Espinoy (Jean d’), [A.D.1571], 845
edwards (Charles), 883 Ess (Leander van), 15, 23, 166, 458, 487, 567, Edwards (John), [A.D.1603], 1161 573, 645, 647, 728, 732, 769, 882, 976, 1078,
Iedwards (John Winthrop), 599, 912, 1673 1085, 1141, 1273, 1637*-1644*, 1648(?), 1649,
Edwards (Thomas). 1693 1681*, 1682, 1683*, 1684, 1847, 1893, 1976, Eeskens family, 1438 2029, 2031, 2032, 2043, 2045, 2046*, 2047, 2051, Ege (Otto F.), 1937*-1948*, 1972*-1977* 2053, 2061, 2137, 2190, 2215, 2224, 2306, 2340
Feerton family, 38 Essen, 2030( ?)
Egerton (Sir Thomas), 126*-146*, 1039 Essen and Thorn, Nunnery, 1921
Egidius Ruth, 1035 Essex (Earl of), 53, 413, 542, 1388 Egidius de Vaneis(?), 1104 Essling (Prince d’), 1667 Egmond, Count of Buren, 95 Este (Borso d’), 961 Egmondt (Bishop Georg van), 1382 Este (Cardinal d’), 1436
Egmont, cf. Percival Estmond (John), [A.D.1627], 2025 Ehingerin (Sister Barbra), 19 Estouteville (Jacques d’), 1372 Ehrenwerth (C. R.), 1819 Estrella (Calvete d’), 125
1672 Eu family, 1314
Einatten (Agnes and Catharina Barbara ah), Eteye [or Eleye], (John), 893
Eindhoven, Augustinians, 1483 Eugenicus (Manuel), 1479
Finsiedeln, Benedictines, 497 Eustace (F. H.), 922
Einstein (Miss A.), 113 Evans (Sebastian), 576
Elbarton or Helbarton (Dorothe), 56 Everett (Edward), 184, 971, 972*, 973, 980 Eleanor, Queen of Portugal, 800, 1375 Everett (William), 184 Eleanora of Aragon, Duchess of I’errara, 1491 Eximenus (Jacobus), 1896
Elizabeth (Queen), 139 Iewich, near Attendorn, 1237
Elizabeth (Madame), of France, 1518, 1519, Eyre (Henry), 1813 1530, 1547, 1569, 1573, 1585, 1588, 1608 Eyre (Thomas), [A.D.1792], 572
Ellesmere (Earl of), 73, 126*-146* Eyton (Jane), 1161
Ellis (F. S.), 1412
Ellis (Gilbert I.), 867, 1678, 1761 EF
Ellis (Sir Henry), 1515 . Ellis (Rev. John Henry), 1474 [n. 631], 1478, F. (D. G.), 2139, 2140
2028, 2122 x iM, 04 ni 1999 Hi Hllic ‘abriano, Augustinians, Eieos Me tetn) 95 Faenza, San Girolamo, 476 Ellsworth (K. D.), 13 Faerber (Guil.), 459
Ellys (Sir Richard), 1502, 2323 Fairfax, 50, 158, 165, 283, 351(?), 591, 1137, Elseghemensis (Bibliotheca), 1943, 2185 1335 Elson (Louis C.), 1209*-1212* Fairfax (Bryan), 190, 2256, 2312, 2316
Elton (Charles Isaac), 430 Fairfax (Charles), 576, 1027
Elwood (George M.), 275, 436, 1045, 1812 Fairfax (Thomas, Lord), 158, 165, 1335
Elyoot (Antony), 877 Faletti family, 1408(?)
Embleton (H. C.), 1954 Falkner (John Meade), 1164, 1681, 1682 Emich (Gustav von), 643, 820, 898, 988, 1180 F(f)alkner (Susanna), 1434
Emmerson (Comte), (K. Joyner),228 2267 Falsacappa (Conte Emmery Fane (George A.),Ranieri), 1031 1467
Emmet (Dr. Thomas Addis), 1314, 1317*, Fantoni family, 1794(?)
1318*, 1319, 1327, 1329, 1344*-1345* Remon Sear tae 1902
Endicott (William) Junior, 975 arcy (Paul de), 417. Se ane oe E 675 Farinart (Petrus Philippus), 796 Engel-Gros, 2324* Farleigh (Henrie), 62 Engelthal (Bonn), 1212 9 parrey eee 453
Engemesser orth ° Farmer (Richard), 68, 345, 434(?), 535, 892, Englatt, [A.D.1576], 1325 893, 2114, 2156
Englefield (Henry and Catherine), 931 Farnam (Mrs. Henry), 162, 163, 166, 168, 169,
Enoch of Ascoli, 1310 170
Enzburg (Antoinette, Baroness von), 1364 Farnese (Cardinal Alessandro), 1329, 1378
Erfurt, 593 Farnworth (Rev. William A.), 929
Erfurt, Benedictines of Saint Peter, 17, 184, Farr (Miss Shirley), 566, 572*, 575, 576, 581,
231, 878, 1289, 1935, 2007, 2232 583, 584*, 588*, 589, 590*, 592, 596
Erfurt, Saint Peter and Saint Paul, 17, 1760 Farrenc (A.), 241 Erfurt, Carthusians, 557, 825, 1064, 1065, Farrington family, 1395
1230*, 1233, 1330, 2276 Fassatus (Fassonus), 245
Erizzo family, of Venice, 81 Faucherain (Frére Jean), 460
PREVIOUS OWNERS 193 Fauconberg (Earl), 966 Fiske (Willard), 1241, 1243, 1247*-1251* Fauconnet de Vildé (Jean-Claude), 1007 Fissher (John), 1032
Faulkner (Stephen), 171 Fitch (Edwin A.), 1669 Faustini (Vicenzo), 77 Fitch (William Stevenson), 38
Fava family, 886(?) Fitting, 2075 Fawkes (Walter), [A.D.1817], 1463 Fitz-Alan, 50(?)
Fay (Claude), 1817 Fitzgarralde (Maurice), 1233
Faye (de) d’Espeisses, 2040 FitzHugh (C. M.), 533 Fayrford (Rychard), 1913 (Thomas), 1502 Fearing (Daniel B.), 976, 987, 988*,Fitzhugh 994%, Fitzralph, 20
995, 1290*, 1291 Fitzroy (Lord Henry), 4202, 1894 FE itzwarren an aux, See a ered Fitzwilliam (George W.), 956, 2027 Felix (Eugen), 1409 Fitzwilliam (Mrs. Sarah Raymond), 516
Fenn (Sir John), 320, 321, 680, 1389, 1408, Flachmann (Johannes and Bartholomaeus),
1784(?), 2219 {A.D.1491], 2034 Fenton. 400 Flatman (Henry), [A.D.1656], a Fleming (Rev. Fletcher), 8492184 Fenwick (Edward), 402 Fletcher-Norton, 1942
nad: Fleury, 1839. Féret, 2147. [A.D.1777], Florence, 1183 Ferdinand of Aragon-Naples, 1339, 1416, Pycrewoode (William), 1026, 2020
Ferraro (Giuseppe), the Younger, 2169 Florence, Carmelites of San Paolo, 932 Ferreira da Costa (Dr. José Augusto), 1446 Florence, Carthusians, 2216
Ferrici (Cardinal Pietro), 1078 Florence, Jesuits, 2216
Ferry (Paul), 2287 Florence, San Marco, 1266, 1469 Fesch (Cardinal), 1324(?) Florence, San Salvatore, 588
Feschal (Anne), 1405 Florence, Santa Maria degli Angeli, 1774
Fetherstonhaugh-Frampton (Mrs.), 1386 Florence, Santa Maria Novella, 980 Fetlow (Richard John), [A.D.1794], 2018 Florence, Santa Maria Nuova, 10, 1312 Feuillet de Conches, 1548, 1633, 1738*-1752* Florence, Santissima Trinita, 241 Févret de Saint-Mémin (Bénigne-Charles), Florence, Scuola di Santa Maria, 837 758, 769*, 771, 777, 789, 791, 798, 799, 802, Flores (Miguel de), 1128
804, 818 Flower (Wickham), 298, 460, 777, 1434, 1632
Ficke (C. A.), of Davenport, 717*, 718*, 719* Foeringer, 1006 Fiedekerke (Albertus de), [A.D.1725], 778 Fogg (Dr. John S. H.), 749*-750*
Field (Walter Taylor), 510 Foggo, 2029 Fieldhouse (W. I.), 1697 Foix (Francois de), 2338 Fieschi family, 771 Folcioni (Dr. Antonio Ghislandi), 1908 Fieschi (Cardinal), 556(?) Foley (Lord), 388
Fieschi (Giovanni Battista), [A.D.1535], 1904 Foley (John B.), 382-385, 1863, 1864, 1865*,
Fife (Duchess of), 1495 1866, 1867
Fifield (John), [A.D.1634], 421 Folger (Henry Clay), 267*-450* Figaris (Anthonefe de), 2287 Foligno, San Bartolommeo, 1137 Figdor (Albert), 1503, 1699 Folkamer (Anne), [A.D.1491], 1197*, 1198 Filhol (Archbishop Antoine), 1411 Folliott (George), 579, 1336, 1500, 1852 Filippi (Giasinto), [A.D.1661], 546 Folsom (Mrs. S. S.), 978 Filippus (Franciscus Aloysius), 639 [cf. 2283] Fontaine-Notre-Dame, Carthusians, 1687 Fillingley (Warwickshire), 127 Fontanabona family, 2223 Fillon (Benjamin), 685, 1633, 1665, 2114 Fontanus (Carolus), 2044
Finch, 1325 Fontecihar(?), Capuchins, 1990 “Fineshade Abbey”, 1766 Fontenay or Fontenoy (Pierre de), 1659 Fioravante (Lodovigo), 2257 Fontevrault, 1308
Firmian (Count Carlo Giuseppe di), 1168 Forbes (Edward Waldo), 1054 Firmin-Didot (Ambroise), 78, 80, 83, 95, 99, Ford Abbey, 539 101, 443, 652, 780, 803, 817, 825, 831, 833, Ford (J. W.), 2261
ie, ss fp1435, ih Ae eo de Fresne, 1575* , ; ’ Bs , 1433, » Forget
835, 846 ect 2292], 874, 887, 896, 988, 998*, FForesi (Matteo di Giovanni), da Biubbiena, 1453, 1460*, 1462, 1468, 1481, 1728, 1850, Formento family’ 46(?) 1851, 1887, 1895, 1896, 1990, 2040*, 2073, Forrer (Robert), 517, 1814, 2066, 2068*, 2071
2115, 2133(2), 2144, 2321 Forshaw (John), 887 Firth (Cecil Mallaby), 619 Fortia (Marie de), 1647 Firtmann (Henrietta), 165(?) Fortin (Jehanne), 1390 Fischer (Abbé), 1200* Fortro..ys (Karolus de), 1904 Fischer (Ernst), 1775 Foscari (Cardinal Pietro), 585, 596 Fisher (Henry M.), 1698 Fossé d’ Arcosse, 1538
Fisher (J. M.), 2191 Fossombrone, Cathedral, 1078 Fisher (Miers), 2191 Foucault (Nicolas-Joseph), 176, 840, 1431,
Fisher (Lizette), 1079 Foster (Joseph), 302
Fisher (T.), 440, 1233 1500
udras, 2058 Galitzin (Pri Ve
Foucher family, 1407
Fould (Mme.), 1704, 1707, 1712, I7Is, 1718 Galletth (Ce ince Michel Petrovitch), 1400,
Fountaine (A tay . aeouneet ustavo 178 antaine, Andrew Gallet (BaoloCamillo), Girolamo), 1791. FE : , 1410, 2037, 2224* ce (Octave), 145 Fouquet (Chart (Yorkshire), 112, 882 Gallizier (Nation), 08
ea nn ae Fourcy (B. oa Ss aaa de Belle-Isle, 1453 Galt (Arthur T.), 97]
Fourier (Pierre), 665 gamucel, of San Gimignano, 1758
Fowle (W. F.), 87 Gamundiensis Coventus (Hornbach?), I Fowler (Dorothy), 1313 Garcia (G (G.), 13% Fownes (T.), 1671 Garden Richard) Zoe 2103" Eragastoro (Hyeronimo) 1241 Gardiner eae 1068 . Franceschi f mily "3Gr ardner (George A.), 931 Franchois, 2001 Y, 1507 oF Swell) eee Stewart, Mrs. John
Franciscus Arreti ’ rancois I, o, Carthusia ns Eranklan 4 ope) 666 1657, 1658 Core (thomas), ia Dis00}, ranks Sj ’ ) Louis),“79, 792 yaude Gaudrée, TREO 1320 , Fry (Francis), 1325 Gaugain (Henri) S15 61 Fry (Thomas), 449 Gaullieur, 1238 ,
’ ferry a , : woes )
Fucio (Jacobus de), 1449 Gaultier (Anne Sa ), 99
Fumee, sonastery, 1310 Cawdy. {Biovannt Battista), 1194
Furnareis (Jacobus de), 1895 Gay, 888, 999 oH _foa-A-D.1600], 376
Furnivall (F. J.), 2000 Gay (Edwin Francis), 974*
Fyler (Thomas), [ca.A.D.1500], 74 Gay (Edwin S.), 9303 74*,941 1042 ay (Mrs. Frederick L.),2029 yncham (Robert), 961(?) cay (Emile), [A.D.1821], Gay (Frederick Lewi “¢
G gavangos (Pascual ey’ tn © cay aon0® 8" 2" Gartelu ond, (Elizabeth, D:
(HL. , Gélis-Didot (Pierre & Ww Saag Geller (Christian), 104 G. (RB), 1414 Gelsenthal (A.), 163 G D, (Baron), 764 Geddes John M ce), [A.D.1576], 1483 Gable (William F.), 382 Genéve (Gui de), 1850
Gabriel Benedicti de Veritate, of engulAnus, 1682 Gaddi (Giovanni), 831 e, of Verona, 15 ennadius (John), 1697 Gaffield Thomas Genoa, Augustinians of San Sebasti 1005 ‘Gage (Sir(Mrs: Thomas) 665,A), 1: °94 Genoa, Bibliotheca Annunti Sebastiano, Gage (Thomas) 1414 404, 2260 Genoa, Monastery of the Eloly Sa. L978
Gaignat (L.-J y i367 Genoa, Monastery of Saint oly Saviour, 29
aillard (Mari Gentili di , .
188 y, 1367, 1404, 1407, 1800, 1656, __ de! Faro, 192 y of Saint Benignus, at Capo ,
albraith (Johr B.) Genti 4
eam Carthustns, 87 1267 1388 (Cardinal Xaverio), 4*, 5, 6*, 557, 889
gare James E), 2116 i129 Gonty (Achille) mOIe e illiam), Geor © trelat
Galileus (Philivus) 1489 Georcios, 1 Oyrgius mnsland , 837, 839 1388
Galiot (Désiré) 1851 “Georgi ryde Fivizano, 2010 Georgius
PREVIOUS OWNERS 195 Gerarde (Rev. Richard), 1434 Gérente (B. A. de), oor aus de Sénas, 443 ond family, 840(?)
Germain (Jean-Guillaume), 1017 Consaa (William), [A.D.1532], 936
Getz (Mrs. Milton E.), 12*-16%, 1947, 1948* Gonzaga family, 822, 1452, 2042
2240, 2241 ’ , , ; Gonzaga (Prancesco), 841, 1719(?), 2237
Geudelin (Christian), 1251 Coodveyn ( (yegpasiane da), 1793 Gevalungie de Dieue? (Jehan), 1985 Goodwynn (T. P.), 130
Ghent, Saint Peter, 998 goodyear apm:2236 al Gherardo (Luigi) 873 Gord C yarles), Gheur, of Liége, 566 Gordon (George J- R.), 1383
ié a) y 1gotl ; ’ ww. ;
Ghiselli family, 780 Cordon oy 730 Ghixulfus (Peter Amadeus), [A.D.1550], 500 Gore-Ouseley, 845
Giac (Marquis de), 879 ae Gosford (Ear! f), 13 Gianfilippi (Marchese de’), 594, 895 Gosnay, C “th Oe OR, 138 Gibson Craig (J. T.), 1403 Gossem tf mily, 1 283, 13802)
Gideltus (Agapetus), 1779 Gott (Dr. a 436,
Gifted family, 1484 BoE TE Sees ae L199. Giffarde (John), [AD1348], 1585 Gottchius (Sebactianis), [AD 1828], 345
Gig uiber (Jeanne), 1851 Gough (Richard), 51 [{cf. 2245], 324, 1802(?), Gilbert (Pomeroy), 118, 1731 Gould (George J.), 21
Gilbert (pen 2023 Gould
Gilbert CW. J.), 2028, 2038, 2036%, 2039, 2043 Gourl wads Bye
Gilchrist (Octavius), 893. | Gourley (William B.), 1683, 1684", 1940, 1947 Giletta e Caselette (Conte Cays di), 89 Goyet, nee) ”
Gillespie (Lillian Stokes), 177 Covet Gilmor (Robert), 869 goyet (F), 1682 Gilmor (Robert), Junior, 235, 2308 Gradel int family, 899
Gilmor 869°radenigo aradellus, 1727Pietro), be Pj 1294* Gilmore(William); (John E.}, 691 (Conte
Ginori(?), 96 Graham (Robert), [A.D.1788], 1153 Ginsburg (Christian D.), 1469 Guamger (Baron Walther von), 1431 Giocondo (Fra), 1454 ~” Granade Nice 1d), ), 1250 iovio (Paolo), 1453; ; iccolo
1695[n.15] ?; 96 in18] [not p.1695, n.14]; granata iGioset), 1769 Giraldina (Laura), 192 . Girard (Marie) “Ya D 1608], 1156 Grandvoir (Chatea de), 1
Girardin de Vauvre (Jean-Louis de), 2012 Granger (Judge) 12 c) , i
Girardot (Baron de), 1551 Granger (The Hon, Ralph) 1974
eneey ville (Earl), 200 Sit (Dina Sra (Se, Sey neometing 72 — Giry (Louis and Martin) 809 Graveson (Comtesse de) 1367 Giustiniani family, 838 ’ Graville (Gedoyn de), 5 ; xiverchays:! crenger otanges) 100ravi Cras, Joao) LAD 161), 168 irardot sae Préfond, 811(?), 1367, 1412, Grant (John). rey
Giugni (Marchese Giulio), 1262 Graville (Anne Malet de), 101
Soe anger Bao NRT ee 1s, aking, GOI. eee W190 Gregory XIIL Rope, 1190, Godard (Geo ar René Glascock (John), 2023 greene (Dr. Richard), 71
Glover (Johannes), 1782 Greenway (Rev. Charles) 33 Gluck (James Fraser), 1208* Greenwell (Canon), 1634
oerres (Joseph . . wo off (Jose ;
Godefroy, of Chaloché, 140 Gregory, (CGasoar René), 754, 755, 971, 1185,
Goff (io (oduicus) de Werdis, 1640 Tow age)» OF Scipio Center, 1190, Col destone. (Robert), 1 Ztuart), 22 Greiffenklau family, 776
mid (jonn is), 3 . . ;
Golding (Charles), 566 Grendon (Sir Ralph), 1308(?)
Goldschmidt (Victor), 2290 Grenested (John), 187 Goldynge Poet ee Everton le 1658 Cretan eee ree), 04 Gollancz (Sir Israel), 74, 21 a resham family, 2268
Golombart family, 1943 Gresham (Elizabeth), 1033
Gomme (John), 368 Grey (Lord Leonard), 8972025 Griffith (Major Arthur),
Grille family, 2324 H....gs (E. J.), [A. D. 1876], 625 Grillmy|[n?|ger (Petrus), 768 Haber (Louis I.), 1266 Grimaldi (Giovanbatista), 990 Habert (Henri Louis), 845
Grimani (Cardinal), 921, 2224 Habert de Montmor (Jean), [A.D.1625], 845 Griscom (Acton), 1259, 1268*, 1890, 1910 Habert Du Berry d’Artois, 957
Griswold (Almon W.), 1365, 1412 Hackenmayrin (Barbara), 2033
Gritti (Antonio), 1896 Hadham Parva, 1410
Grolier (Jean), 1411(?) Hadmersleben, Benedictine nunnery, 1648 Grosart (Rev. Alexander B.), 294 Haeussler (Anton), 471 Gross Irsingen, Abbey, 1968 Hagen (Henry), 1236 Grossman (Moses H.), 1347*-1357* Hagenbach (Beat), [A.D.1608], 828
Grotius (Hugo), 1019 Haggard (William Henry), 838 Grotta Ferrata, 1440 Haghen (Fr. Johannes), [A.D.1621], 1087 Groult (Mariette), [A.D.1592], 1186 Hailstone (Edward), 293, 518, 891, 1033, 1035,
Grover (E. O.), 510, 673 1450
Groysley (Georgius), 1034 Hakob, 762 Grugellin (Anne de), 102 Halberstadt, Franciscans, 1640 Gruner (L. G.), 77 Halberstadt, Hecht-Heine Library, 1493
Guaschoni (Giovanni Paolo di Jacopo), 889 Hall (Hen. Ben.), 422
Guaspari (Giovanni Battista), 83 Hall (Rev. Thomas), 937*, 938
Gueldres family, 1409(?) Hallennes (Comte d’), [A.D.1669], 801 Gueldres (Philippa de), Queen of Sicily, Haller von Hallerstein (Baron), 1472
1415(?) Halliwell-Phillipps (James Orchard), 27*-28*,
Guéméné (Princesse de), 1421 158, 269*-274*, 308*-319*, 320, 435*, 437, Guerrier de Dumast (A. P. F.), 819 966*, 1634(?), 1730
Guerrinus (Joachim), 924, 1877*, 1878, 2048 Halm, of Munich, 685
Guerrucci (Pietro), 1328 Halsey (Frederick R.), 111 Guichard family, 1286 Halswill (Robert), 1023 Guidi di Bagno, 1365 Halthorne (Jacob), 1774
Guild (George F.), 938 Haly or Halys (John), [ca.A.D.1500], 239
Guilford (Earl of), 40, 41, 341, 582, 583, Hamburg, Bischdfliche Seminar-Bibliothek, 589*, 691, 717, 932, 935, 1128, 1184, 1504, 166 1508, 1773, 1778(?), 1793, 2015, 2226 Hamer (Alvin C.), 1134 Guillebade (Mme.), [A.D.1641], 2213 Hamilton (Duke of), 100, 777, 806, 811, 871,
Guillelmus Aynaudi, 618 898, 1073, 1366, 1367, 1369, 1381, 1392, 1394, Guillemont (Jehanne de), 1371 1431, 1434, 1467, 1475, 1656, 1818, 2113, 2182
Guillim family, 357 Hamilton arms, 956(?) Guinct de Pestel, 1462(?) Hamilton (Sidney Graves), 1181 [n.33], 1891,
Guise (William V. and Sir Anselm), 1903 2056( ?)
Gulielmus de Casale, 1891 Hamper (Williarn), 1033, 1042 Gully (Richard), 1681 Hampole, 455 Gundisalvus de Bivero, 444 Hampole, Cistercian nunnery, 130 Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester, 48 Hamy (Dr. E.-T.), 44, 240
Gunsaulus (Rev. Frank W.), 49, 513, 516, 564, Hand (I. T. or J. T.), 150, 877, 1202, 2017
596*, 671, 700, 1968*, 1969* Hanes, 1908
Gunther (Charles F.), 14, 206, 345*, 346, 407, Hangard (Dincourt d’), 801 415, 416*, 417, 437, 439%, 508, 674*-690* Hanmer (Job Walden), 421, 1044 (passim), 730, 1201*, 1648*, 1649, 1724, Hanrott (P. A.), 41, 118, 657, 795, 999, 1128,
1859, 1862, 1865, 1984, 2055, 2215, 2283, 2314* 1418, 1431, 1451(?), 1452*, 1458, 1500, 1622, Gurney family, 1979 1732, 2324 Gurney (Hudson, John Henry, amd Major Hanwood (Peter), [A.D.1590], 130
Q. E.), 1729, 2272 Harbin (Rev. George), 60, 64, 281, 292, 328,
Gutonibus (Bernardus de), 1402(?) 1509, 2269
Guymier (Fr. Johannes), [A.D.1589], 770 Harcourt family, 1449 Guymyer, 823 Harcourt (Lady), 2060 Guyon de Sardiére (Jean-Baptiste Denis), Hardin (Oscar Joshua), 1645
485, 1338, 2039 Harding, 894 1818 Hardy family, 1421 Guzman, 529 Hardy (Peter), 618 Guzman (Luis de), 745 Hare (Robert), [A.D.1561], 1385 Guyot de Villeneuve, 641, 1369, 1656, 1657, Hardt, 1493
Gwydyr (Lord), 1474 Harford (Charles Joseph), 1030, 1313, 2049 Gwynn (Edward), 367 Harford (Rev. F. K.), 1030, 1313, 2049 Gwynn (J. F.), of Ford Abbey, 532 Harington (Sir James), 181
Hariot (Hyme), [A.D.1664], 1325
H Harkness (Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.), 208-
421.37 209, 241%, 1333*, 1334*, 1345, 2318 i (O} Joseph Holland ?], 379 Harley (William), 2016
H N.),1313 1458Harpedenne Harlowe (Edward), 53 H.(S. (W.). (Jehan), 845
PREVIOUS OWNERS 197 Harper, 136 Heinrich (Carl), 1793 Harper (R. J.), 855 Heiss (Baron d’), 801, 816, 1404, 1657, 1658 Harrington, 1458( ?) Heister (Johann Martin), [A.D.1601], 1418 Harris (George William), 1241 Helbarton or Elbarton (Dorothe), 56
Harris (J. Rendel), 602, 2003, 2004 Hellies (Jeanne-Marie), [A.D.1602], 674
Harris (James), 2002 Hellman (George), 55
2044 0
Harrison (H. Norris and John, Junior), 2101, Hemenrod (or Himmerod), Cistercians, 820, 2102
Harrison (William), 314 Hemselrode (Francois Gaspar and Catherine
Harrison-Broadley (Captain John), 1693 de), 1199
Hart (Gerald E.), 456, 519*, 520*, 962, 1266, Hendecourt (Bernard d’), 568, 1309, 1484,
Hart (Henry), 1801 Hendersone (Alexander), 2229
Hart (Thomas and William), 894 Hendriks (Frederick), 2302
Hart (Rev. William), 1434 Hengstenberg (E. W.), 556, 557 Harvile family,T.), 780 568 Hennen (Gerhard), 1237*, 1239, 1240, 1246, askell (Frederick
Haslewood (Joseph), 39, 52, 63*, 388, 1905, Henning, [ca.A.D.1600], 1078
2227 . Henri II, of France, 852(?), 1411 .
Hasselmann (Fritz), 632 Henri ITI, of France, as Duke of Anjou, Hastings (Lord), [died A.D.1483], 1027 1451, 1647(?) Hastings voir A. E, D. Astley, twenty-first Henri (Jean de), seigneur de Jenvaux, [A.D.
Hastings (Marquess of), 361, 1152 1602], 921
Hastings (Dr.), 1152 Henriquez family,1369, 2068 . 29] Henry VIII, of England,
Hastings (Edward), : on 121 Henry, Prince of Wales, 50, 2005 Hastings (Reginald Rawdon), Henry" (John). 2023 » IY, Haston, 1023
Hatherton (Lord), 1520 , Henryy (R.), (R 20 Hatton CO ce, Herbert oan * Heppel (Frater Heinricus), 1232 (William), 55, 1802,[A.D.1506], Haughton (Thomas), 1386 : 1905, 2267
g ( ),
Hauser (Lionel), 914* Herculanus de Perusis, 1892
Hawk (John), 1515 2146
Hautefort (Angélique-Sophie d’), 530 Heredia (Ricardo), 80, 101, 149, 288, 1243,
Hawkins, ict el Herennius (Frater), LA-D.1522], 557 awkins‘e(C. H.alsT.), éricourt family, Hawkins (General Rush C.), 178, 714*, 1197*, Herkenrode, Cistercians, 735
1198*, 1199, 1200, 1201, 2138*, 2139* Seen[A.D.1 one yon eet 141 Haworth (Henry), 572043, erlenus ornelius), , 1414 Hawtrey (Rev. Edward Craven), 988, 1082, prermyer Jesse), 1433 Herrick (Robert), 339
Hay (C. L.), 990 “a: Herries (Lord), 77%, 2184%, 2185
Fey (stone 03 1898 Hertford (Marquess of), 339, 417
Hayes (John), 163 Herts (Reanael). 1300 Hayley (William), | A.D.1789], 52 Hertzog (Walter 'S.), 1648*-1649* Ss eet et), $81 Hervault family, 1080 Hazard (Caroline), 1067, 1068*, 2308, 2309 Heselwang (Von). 2020 , ssand (Jacob and Johann Hazard Margaret), 2308 . Heinrich), Headon(Rowland (Jean), 1027 Hessburg (Magdalena ab), 1338
Heales (C. S.), 1036 Hewerdyne (Robert), 1979
Healy (A. A.), 1195, 1196* Hedonic 1025 701 Hearst (Mrs Phoebe A.), 3*-7* Hert | 7 z 42 > Ad ingen,
Hebbelinck, (j.-L.), 1457 cy [rea y e?], ( nna), [A.D.1666], 1202 Heber (Richard), 40, 50, 51, 56, 57, 62(2), [Hibbard (Hlugo), 14/8 64(?), 73 [cf. 2247], 163 [cf. 2251], 181, 239, . : , 277, 288, 295, 441, 53S*, 603, 744,'840,, 992, HHieronimus de Cathaldis, 586
> Hibbert (George), 657
1128 1138 1181" Hieronymus, [A.D.1560], 2032 , ’ 803k ’ ’ 981 } ’904. ? ’998’ 1072 Higgins (Alfred), 652,of Vigevano, 836, 1182 1264, 1388, 1390,"1404, 1510, 1652, 1676, 1777, Fyi66; iggins (Richard), [A.D.1601], 565 soe Hee praaee 1893, 2114, 2156, 2217, Highfield (Robert), 1942, 2034
» GEVLy Hilb Eli 1386
Hedelin (L.), 1436(?) Hildecheim, Sane Michael 1011, 2008 Hedwig (Saint), of Silesia, 1493 Hill (Viscount), 768, 2290 Heidegger (Johann Conrad), 1253 Hillerin family, 1065
Heidelberg, Jesuits, 2218 Hillerin (Vicomte de), 1410 Heilbronn, Carmelites, 84 Hillhouse (James), 2252
Heilbronn, Library, 1232 Hilliard (Laurence J.), 626, 627, 871
Heine (G.), 2006 - Himmerod, cf. Hemenrod
Hinckley (Captain J. F.), 891 Hornbach(?), 15 Hirsch (Dr. William), 10841251 Hornby (C. H. Saint645, John) 1434 Hirsching (W.), [A.D.1726], Horne (Herbert), 1060 Hirst (John), 1029, 1697, 2251 Horner (Dr. William E.), 906 Hobart (T.), 474, 590, 628, 1155, 1342, 1481 Horsey (Helen), 1389 Hoby (Sir Posthumus), 1698 Horsswell (Stephen), 1040
Hochepied (Mme. de), 527 Horton (Eliza), 792
Hodge (Mrs. Emma Blanxius), 595*, 1969 Horwood (Alfred J.), 1027, 1028, 1029, 2012,
Hodges (Rev. Thomas), 751 2018
Hodges or Lodges (William), 1799 Hosinlu(?), Johannes, dictus Weylter, 2227
Hodgkin (John Eliot), 329, 332*, 333%, 342, Woskier (Herman C.), 1285, 1487, 1755, 1887 355*, 360, 366, 374, 387, 397, 452, 518, 535, ostingue (Estiennc), [A.D.1565-1581], 1376
724, 979, 2030, 2252 Hough (J. Stockton), 2009 Hodson (Herbert), 593 House (H. F.), 74*, 105* Hodgkin (Thomas), 2253 Houghton (Edmund), 424
Hodson (Laurence W.), 822, 825, 1265, 1313, House (John), 1652
1413, 1764, 1774, 2114, 2122 Houselot (Veuve Franchois), 98 Hoe (Arthur), 1654 Hovhannes Amirkam, 761 Hoe (Robert), 13, 30, 45, 46*, 47, 52, 60, 61, 63, Tow (J. B.), 945
7%, 80*, 81, 83, 84, 85, 50%, 87%, 90*, 91, 92*, How (Richard ) 1396 93%, 94, 95, 96*-103*, 104, 105, 114, 189, 624, Howard, 2262 —
638, 641, 655, 748, 863, 956, 957, 960, 1131*, oward (Lord Charles), [A.D.1595], 546 119-4", 1195, 1196*, 1451*, 1460%, 1467, 1481, Howard (Philip J. C.), 1681 1654*, 1655*, 1656*, 1657, 1658, 1719, 1728, Howard (William), M.D., 181, 230, 1319, 1974, 1758, 1769, 1819, 1851, 1897, 1985, 2026, 2029, 2308
2031, 2039, 2041, 2042, 2043, 2114 Howe. 110 Hoentschel (Georges), 792, 1426* Howitz (Paul), 1232
Hofer (Philip), 1503, 2281 Hovle (Elizabeth) 2267
Hoffman (S. Verplanck), 1285 ioym (Comte d’), 1450 Hohenbusch, 1090(?), 1640(?) Hoyt (Charles Bain), 1290
‘ ) é¢ : . >\ 99
ILohenfurt, Cistercians, 877 Hoyt (Henr ) 1346
Hodenlohe-Weikersheim (Count Georg von), Povier (Charles d’) 789
Hole (Archdeacon W.), 2202 ey Re any ig?
Holford (Robert S. and Sir George L.), 21, 9 Pubbard (Walter Raglan) 2048 665, 1334, 1339, 1340, 1465, 1489*, 1490*, Tiubert (Pieter de) C97
1491*, 1492, 2325 Hucberin (Schwester Angness), [ca.A.D.1600] Holland (Albert, Count of), 823 714 ° : ° “oe Holland (John), (Sebaldus), 302 Hudson, [A.D.1531], 2121 : . 5 Huebner Holland (Joseph), 373(?) ui 5 C , 1041792 Holland (Lancelot), 1477, 1922 Hue[n? Je ( averina van) Holland (Byrom), 1687
Holland House, 78 Huewor (Josep van), x Hollands (W. C.), 2309 respons 6 omas), 506
Hollerbring (William), 1068 Tushes (Rev. fo im) 486
Hollins (Mrs. Henry B.), 1656 pushes TS. hig een vamp), Hollis (Thomas and Thomas Brand), 1433-780 (Er). 1304 Holme Cultram, Cistercians, 978 Huo (] rar tomas}. 160021. 804 Holmes (George), 2260, 2262 HWateobea (. can), | tine. OO Bm Holmes (Thomas), 2018 Uumt urs, Rober PA D.16611. 1152 Holofernes (William Grimstone), 109 Wun; ortord pert) [A.D. I,
Holship (Thomas), 419 fcaA'D 1027 Holt family, 597, 887,unt. 899, 23001540] TT. ee , 622 Tag ; Hunt (John), [A.D.1585], Holt (Garnet W.)) 427 Hunt (John Mortimer), 1422 Holt 273 Hunter Aaron Burtis) 1813*, 1907 Holt(Henry), (Sir John), 887 (Rev. 1908*, 1909, 1912*-1919*
Holt (Sir Thomas), 597 3? , Holtec (Mary Elizabeth), [A.D.1775], 635 Huntingdon (Earls of), 121, 122, 414, 418, 968, Honeyman (Robert), Junior, 1992 1168, 2248 Ifood (Thomas Pelham), 583 Huntingfield (Rogerus de), 1373
Hooper (William Harcourt), 601, 2043, 2283 Huntington (Archer M.), 1257, 1291, 1292 Hopetown (Earl of), 460, 482, 558, 646, 976, Huntington (Mrs. Collis P.), 1654, 2071, 2077 1264, 1290, 1291, 1770, 1780, 1846, 1896, 1982 Huntington (Enoch), 163
Hopkins (Robert), 88 Huntington (Henry Edwards), 35*-146*
Hopkinson (Rev. Francis), 24, 296 [cf. 2260], Hurd (Philip), 1458
329. 339*, 2262 Hursley (John), 1599
Hopkinson (John), 2018 Hurst (Bishop John F.), 878
Hopkyns (Radulphemus?), 1025 Hurt (Edward Nicholas), 2019
Hopwood (Mrs.), [A.D.1702], 1384 Hutchinson (Charles L.), 514, 517, 642
Hordinant (Chatham), 367 Hutchinson (William), 1033
Horn (Van), 1424 Huth (Edward), 390
PREVIOUS OWNERS 199 Huth (Henry and Alfred H.), 19, 40, 43, James (Miss), 2146
44*, 52* 57, 63, 69, 73, 78*, 100, 108, 109, James (Edmund J.), 700 119*, 120, 342, 1083, 1084, 1086, 1121, 1336, James (Major General Edward Renouard), 1337*, 1458, 1468, 1475, 1478*, 1542, 1548, 2146 1551, 1556, 1560, 1598, 1615, 1622, 1635, James (Bishop Thomas), 875(?)
1651, 1771, 1892, 2044, 2130, 2338 Jameson (Thomas), [A.D.1695], 1942 Hutton (Jeremiah), 768 Janet, 1792 Hutton (Rev. Robert Rosscter), 1011, Jantsch (Heinrich),1468 973, 1487 uysburg, Church, * £ 1983 (Vicomte Huzard (J.-B.), 841, 1445 ander (CR),de), 2038
Hycheltye (or Hychestye), 1023 Jarman (John Boykett), 103, 638*, 873, 1204,
Hyde (Edward and Richard), 1202 1424, 2040
Fee ne Henry), 957 Jarnick 148 y vis Jarrett (The Veryi(Joseph), Rev. Bede), Hynes (A. M. J.), 461 (j J.), 1087 Hyngham (Monk), 2272 Jeanne om Acg
Jeffery, 2255
I Jeffery 13), 92270 Iconium, 1171 ekyll(Charles (Sir Joseph), 90
Ilbenstadt, TEE CI Th 1643 Jenaure (Michael), 756 Imbert (Augustin), [A.D.1798], 848 a Imhof de Moerlach (Baron), 157 Jensenius (Petrus), [A.D.1651], 2037 le. 1910
oo : Jernegan (Domina), 132
Imhoff (Baron J. W.), 1472 Jeremias, Patriarch of Constantinople, 9 Inchiquin (Earls of), 2244
Ingilby (Sir W. H. and family), 59*, 112, Jersey (Earl of), 190, 1182, 1208 307, 373, 380, 393, 882, 896, 957, 2295 Jerusalem, Holy Sepulchre, 759
Inglis (Dr. J.C), 2121 , Joswoctede Patriarchate, a8" j Carl) Innocent VIII, Pope, 32 ,esperleder des Raths (Franz Joseph Carl),
Innocent XI, Pope, 1159 803 Ipswich, Saint Peter and Saint Paul, 729 Jewitt (Llewellyn), 438 Ireland (W. H.), 306 Joan of Arc(!), 2134(?) Iriarte (Domingo), 1127 Jobert (Pierre), sieur de Souppize, 1449 Ippelbrunn family, 776 Jett (Thomas), 2246
378, 1391, 2* odocus Des Mares,
Irwin (Theodore), 1365*, 1369, 1370*, 1371%*, oa con M 18
Isabella of Portugal, 100, 2324 Johannes (Frater) de....., 668
Isasi (Marques de), 101 Johannes (Magister), 486 Isham, 295, 2262, 2263 Johannes Bostherii, 1035 Islan (Thomas d’), 1423 Johannes Burgensis, 1316
nee jonannes de 976 ve fpeoree) omas), TaD 10 ohannes deBeuthechem, Formor, 138 Ives (Brayton), 88, 92, 95, 531, 818, 837, 1205, Johannes de Halb, 2053
1654, 1818 Johannes (Frater) de Muer Sancti Andree,
Ives (John), 342, 366, 649, 924, 1549, 2025 [A.D.1446], 848
Johannes Ravenelli, 1035
J Johannes de Santanco, 1180 J.. (J.C), 1409nnes Johannes Wolfere, 2088 ° (J. C.), dedeWolfere, jaceson (hee) 963 eg er of Geneva, [A.D.1421], 524
ackson rs.), ohn,
jaceson RPC 1088 1onnes (Thomas),1337 1032 acksonae(J. A.), ohns (Thomas),
Jackson (John), 1020 Johnson, 449
Jackson Cohen); [cf.Johnson 2283], Johnson S.), 424 1236,(Rev. 1398,John 1467, 2028,629 205 (M. J.),(Frank 92, 1395, 1458, 1655
Jackson (J. E.), 2063 Johnson (Maurice), 407, 1317 Jackson (N. ?), 363 Johnson (Richardson), [A.D.1592], 1804 jacyeon eae ere ackson illiam), 1253 olinefoeny (Adrian edn H.), 67,1656 76, 331*, 1664
Jacob (Ebenezer), 2250 Jolly, 1367
Jacop amie tee 1549 Jomard = V.), F.),45,1296 acobi (Dr. Abraham), 1313 ones (Herschel 46, 55*, 79, 82, 85, 88, Japon Gacobinns),o° Parisis, 1261 89*, 104, 646, 1290, 1674, 1890, 2121 ahn (Robert),
; Jones (W.), 367
Jamar o§ Maximilien de) dit Doyon, [A.D. Jones (Samuel &)), 1104
James I, of England, 1411 dain (Henri James 11, of England, 1384(?), 1390, 1936(?) Jouet (Louise). Sl James V, of Scotland, 1467(?) Joursanvault (Baron de), 2319
James....., 51 Jovannes Bernegensis, 80
Joy (Mrs. Charles H.), 944 Kinnersly (Letties), 1369 Juan JJ, of Aragon, 1393 Kircher (Athanasius), 1846
Joy (Rev. F. W.), 311, 344 Kinnoull (Earl of), 442, 1467, 2017 Juana la Loca (Queen), 1056, 1205 Kirkcudbright, 869
Judith, wife of the Duke of Northumberland, Kirkup (Baron Seymour), 990, 997, 1072, 1891
1485* Klemdinstin (Martha), [A.D.1561], 1414
Juescardo (Frater Raymundus), 840 Klemm (Gustav), 1935 Julius II, Pope, 1424, 1456( ?) Kloss (Dr. Georg), 120, 1264, 1379, 1639, 1779,
Julius IIf, Pope, 1820( ?) 1785, 1798, 2004, 2106, 2174, 2218, 2223
Juvénal des Ursins, 1434 Kriestedt (Eberhard von), 2044
(C. I. and E.), 1080 K Knight (C.Knight J.), 2003 Knight (William), 1658
K. (B.), [4.D.1891], 616 Kniperus (Bernardus), [A.D.1598], 163 Kaerbout (Jacqueline de), [A.D.1648], 798 Knott (John), 595
Kahanowicz (Dr. Alexander), 1164 Knowles, 2077 Kalbfleisch (Charles H.), 1326 Koenigsegg (Grag Gustav von), 1342 Kalmancsehi (Dominicus), 1852 Koidt? (Susanna), 772
Kalymneus, 535 Kokkes (Dr.), 2010
Kampen, Cistercians, 734 Kollington (Charles Barns), [A.D.1802], 2018 Kampfmeyer (Eyssenhardt), 1145 “Koopen neghen Guld”, 2287
Kampmannus (Stephanus), [A.D.1597], 767 Kosinitza, Monastery, 1910 Kann, 856 Koucheleff-Besborodko, 482 Kann (Edouard), 1710, 1712*, 1717, 1814*, Krafft (Hans Ulbrich), [A.D.1679], 790
1931, 1932 perauth aa roe oS
Kann (Rodolphe), 1432, 1433, 1448, 1452, 1456 Isremer (Jean Capistran),
Karapet, [A.D.1704], 762 ferems,, Jesuits, 17 Kaska (Baron), 509, 900 Heroencke ( 1h oe
Kay (Arthur), 587, 1786 rait eats Lo int '096 1498, 1870 Keayne (Robert), of Boston, [A.D.1627], 941 32 niochoven (Melchicr), 2655
Keil (J. G.), 1593(?) unigshoven (Melc ior), Keiroussis, 1495 un (George Po. 237, 1979 Kelker (Rudolf Frederick), 2048, 2049, 2050 urreimeycr illiam), Kellad (Daniel), 2282 Kyng (John), 966
Kelley (Dr. Howard A.), 509 L
Keller (F. L.), 1777 Kemp, 1655, 2032
Kempson (John), [A.D.1683], 49 L. (P. P.), [A.D.1702], 804 Kempster (Walter), M.D., 694 La Baillette (Marie), 2104 Kennedy (George S.), 2253 La Baume (Guy de), comte de Montrevel, 97 Kennedy (John), [A.D,1833], 517 Labbey de Billy, 922, 980, 1122
Kennedy (John S.), 1317*, 1318*, 1319, 1327, La Bédoyére (Comte H. de), 91
1329, 1344 ?*-1345* La Béraudiére (Comte de), 1449
Kennedy (Malcolm), 2253 Labitte (Alphonse), 1934, 1950, 2027, 2033, Kenrick, [A.D.1747], 579 2040, 2041 . Kent (Henry, Duke of), 1896 Laborde (Comte Léon de), 2259 Kent (Edmund Grey, first Earl of), 2152 Laborde (Marquis de), 2259
Kent (Earl of), 421, 1896, 2281 Labouchére, [ca.A.D.1820], 819 Kenzingen, Franciscans, 1647 La Bussiére-sur-Ouche, Abbey, 806 Keppell (Niclausz), [A.D.1608], 828 La Carnoie, [A.D.1581], 177
Ker(D.S.), 41, 1367(?), 1368, 1400, 2028 Lacave La Plagne (Baron), 806
Kerazret family, 1408(?) La Chassangne (G. de), 834 Kernechriou, 1277 La Clayette, 17 Kerr (John E.), 1371*, 1372*, 1388, 1389, 1405 La Couillbere (Janne), 1319 Kerr (Lord Mark Robert), 1374, 1383 La Cour Damonville, 636 Kertsas, 1495 Ladbrooke (Newington), 46 Kessel (E. von), 1083 La Fage (J.-Adrien de), 241
Keymis (John), 1032 La Fare, [ca.A.D.1700], 456
Keysall (Rev. John), 2139 La Fayette (Gilbert de), 1342(?) Khamis (Gerhardus), [A.1D.1626], 1672 La Ferri¢re family, 2324
Kildare (Gerald, Earl of), 1386 La Ferte-Milon, 1322
Kilmorey (Second Earl of), 5, 1337 Lafforgue (Abbé), 1872
King (Dr. David), 1991 La Fontaine (Louis de), 816 King (Miss Ellen), 1290 La Fontaine-Wicart, 2044 King (Mrs. George Gordon), 898, 1485 La Gasca (Pedro de), 125
King (Richard), 44 Lagnier (Antoine), [A.D.1677], 2034
King (William Bruce), 243 La Gruthuyse (Jehan de Bruges, seigneur Kingsborough (Lord), 52, 63 de), 1853 Kingsley (J. L.), 168 La Gruthuyse (Louis de Bruges, seigneur de), Kingsley (Maurice and Charles), 189 104(?)
PREVIOUS OWNERS 201 L iche, “Minimes”, 1480 La Valliére (Duc de), 92, 101, 167, 485, 836,
La Haye (De), 1321 849(?), 1338, 1367, 1399, 1404, 1406, 1407,
La Haye Haye Montbault Gacaueline(Catherine de), 1660Amable 1409, 1435, 1656, 2039 La de), Lavarta (Ramunda de), 141+ | a
17] La Vieuville (Charles-Louis-Auguste, marquis
La Hélandiére (E. Gilles de), 1321 de), 1464 Laing (David), 118, 1263, 2229 La Vigne (Jacques de), 801
Laing (Malcolm), [A.D.1801], 1504 La Ville-Thassetz (P. de), 1277 La Juppe (Joannes de) Senior, 1682 Lavington (Rev. John), 1802
Lalemant [A.D.1624], 1075H.), Law 1495 Lallemant (Gabriel), (G.), 870 Lawrence (Edwin 30,(James), 47, 90, 92, 81s,i
2041 Lawrence (H. Walton), 638
Lallemant (Jean), 665, 811, 812, 816, 1460, 1380, 1395, 1401, 1433, 2116
La Magdeleine (Chevalier de), 783 Lawrence (John S.), 986
La Mare (Philibert de), 685 Lawson (Sir John), 1020 ; Lambe 1391 Lea411 (Henry Charles), 2106*-2108 Lambert(John), (F. A. Heygate), Leader (Temple), 1535, 1536, 1861 .
Lambarde (William), 146, 408, 410, 1040, 1997. Laymingen (Leonhard von), 815 Ct)
Lambin (Jean-Jacques), 1478 Learmont (J. B.), 92, 108*, 110*, 120*, 343,
Lambing (Rev. A. A.), 714 437, 1151, 1664 . Lambruschini (Cardinal Aloisio), 1846 Learmont (Mrs. J. B.), 2209 Lamoignon, 923, 1246, 1341, 1645 Leather (Gerard F. T.), 1887 Lamy family, [A.D.1570-1626], 675 Le Bel de La Boissiére, 1490
Lancelotti, 95 Leber (Constant), 1415 _ Lancy, Monastery, 1380 Le Bert (Geoffroi) de Saint Ermagor, 1277 Landegum (De), 1132 Le Blon (Barbe), 1806
Landevennec, Monastery, 1333 Le Camus, 1388, 1390, 1398
Landis (George), 1495 Le Candéle de Ghyseghem, 836 Landsberg (Ernest), 1047 Le Cauchoix (Marie), 1370
Lang (Robert), 1333 Leche (John), 56, 292
Langdale (Edward Frederick), 176 Leclerc (Jacques), | Jacobus Clericus], 847
Langdale (Philip), 86 Leconfield (Lord), 883, 1339, 1903, 1995, 1998
Langen(Christopher), (Germanus), 959 L’Ecuy Scar ane ta ti Langley [A.D.1583], 888 edenoys (Guillaume),
167, 1122
Langlois of Pont-de- Leg (John), 149, 710, 731, 1389, 1924, 1982, l’Arche, (Eustache-Hyacinthe), 51
Lanhare family, 752 Lee (Mathew), 834, 1326 Lannoy family, 797 Lee (Thomas Huckle), 834, 1326 Lansyng (Richard), of “Montynden”, 2178 Lee (Sir William), 1389 Lantin, 1339 Le Febvre (Jacques) Bazencourt, [A.D.1619], Lanna (Baron Adalbert von), 1808 Lee (Samuel), 954
Laon, Abbey of Saint Martin, 846 88 Laon, Jesuits’ College, 1370 Le Févre (Loyse), 1308 La Babel (Cardinal Louis de), 1978 Lefferts (Marshall C.), 786, 793*, 800, 808, La Porte (Carolus de), 810 810, 811, 814, 815, 817
Larissa, 569 Legh (G. Cornwall), 1931 Larivey (Pierre de), [A.D.1629], 514 Legrand (J. G.), 1307
Larking (Rev. Lambert B.), 273 Le Gruyer (Colotte and Jean), 1985
Laroche (Azélie), 1234 Le Hermire de Lons, 1949
La Rochefoucauld (Duc de), 850, 1488, 1998 Leicester (Robert Dudley, Earl of), 60
La Roche Lacarelle (Baron. S. de), 92, 641, Leicester (T. W. Coke, Earl of), 654(?), |
1238, 1400, 1851 1485*? 1486"
Laruelle (Chanoine), 566 Leigh (Arthur G.), 1875
La Saussaye, 1407 Leighe (Nicolas), 59
Lassberg (Baron Joseph von), 1364 Leighton (George E.), 493, 495, 1498, 1755,
La Suze family, 2324 1767, 2025, 2047, 2153
Latham (William), 330(?) Leighton (W. J.), sale, 346, 444, 602, 654,
Lathrop (Miss A.), 1079 895, 1680, 1682, 1764, 1901, 1902, 1904, 2047, La Tour d’Auvergne (Cardinal Emmanuel- 2132, 2218, 2313
Theodose), 804 Leiningen (Prince of), 1499
La Tour Du Pin, 1391 Leipziger (Mrs. J. L.), 166 La Tourrette (Comte de), 739 Leish (Rev. Francis), 2003 Latta (William J.), 76 Le Jay (Claude), 1226
La Twyere family, 1335 Leland (Charles Godfrey), 2101 Lauderdale (John, first Duke of), 1467, 1693 Le Loucier (Gérard), 1425
Launay (Jehan de), [A.D.1505], 809 Lemaczon (R. J ....), 1758(?)
Laurentius ..., 1412 Lemaire, de Flicourt, [A.D.1692], 850 Laurie (James), 1949 Le Meingre (Jean) de Boucicaut, 1336 Lavagna(?), [A.D.1414], 840 Le Mercier (André), 977 Laval (Louis de), 1339 Le Muet (Claude), 2038 Laurentius Raphaelis(?) de Morian(?), 3 Leman (I. or T.), 1027
202 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Le Neve (Peter), 73, 294, 320(?), 321(?), Lochner (Karl), 1243 324, 373, 385, 399, 400, 595, 1044, 1372*, Locker-Lampson (I*rcderick and Godfrey),
2020( ?), 2269 852, 2035
Lennard (Sir Thomas Barrett), 1384 Lockhart (A. W.), 338 Le Normant Du Coudray, 882 Locquenghien (Maria van), 1656
Lenox (James), 1314, 1318*, 1319, 1321, 1325, Lodern, wée Plaz, [A.D.1836], 526
1327-1331, 1343*, 1344* Lodge (Christopher and John), 1020 Lenox-Kennedy, 1266, 1329 Lodges or Hodges (William), 1799 Lentershann (Sigmund von), 2055 Loeb (James), 1771 Leo X, Pope, 802(?), 1337, 1369(?), 1388(?), Loewy (Benno), 1238*, 1248
1840, 1923?) Loftic (Rev. W. J.), 787
Leon (Nicolas), 7+, 2148, 2149, 2150, 2152 Logan (Mrs. Frank G.), 514
Leonard (Rev. Willam A.), 1932 Logan (William), 210-* Leonardus (l*rater), |A.D.1471], 2052 Logieus, [A.D.1697], 30
Leonardus Bonus quondam Inghirami, 1770 Loisel (Antoine), 833
Leonardus de Perusio, 498 Loisne (Comte Auguste Menche de), 1432
Leontios, 2120 Lombard, 795 Le Peletier de Rosanbo, 1805, 1898, 2045 Londeshorough (lord), 250%, 251*, 252%, 256
Leplat (Jean-Baptiste), 48 London, Philosophical Institution, 1975 Le Queux (William), 2185, 2218 London, Royal Society, 954-0 Le Seigneur family, 2039 London, Saint Martin in the Fields, 427, 584, Le Seuer (P.), [A.D.1742], 1785 974, 2264 . ; Letheringham Abbey, 1027 Londonderry (Marquess of), 1716 7 Leukiewicz (Ipohor), 813(?) Long (Albert L.), 1170*, 1171*, 1885
Le Vasseur (Maric), 1380 Long (R. A.), 949
Lever (Sir Ashton), 56 Longeroy, [A.D.1741], 1141
Lévis family, 1084, 2117 Longley (Jacobus Radulfus de?), 78
Levis (Eugenio de), 2280 Longuemare, 61 Levis (Howard C.), 65 Longwy (Jeanne de), 97 Lewis (John A.), 962 Loomis (Mrs. Mary Lawrence), 980 |
Lewis (John Frederick), 2016, 2021*, 2024*- Lopez de la Torre Ayllon (Don Luis), 792
2084*, 2098, 2118, 2132, 2283 2283 res Goroetiy, 1202 de Aragon, 1483 Lewis (John Frederick), Junior, or apnient)y Lewis (John James), 1067 Lord (Dr. John C.), 1206 109. 1483. 1473
Lewis (Winslow), 978% Lormier (Charles), 810, 1389, 140 , D0, R Leyderdorp, Engeldacl, 1233 Lorraine (Antoine de), 45 ;
Ley, Clarenceux, 293 2128 a -
Leyre, Cistercians, 913 Lorraine (Marguerite de), 2116(?) ;
Libbey (Mrs. Edward Drummond), 1974 Loscombe (Clifton Wintringham), 54, 107
Liboria(?) in Crailszheim, [A.D.i560], 2108 _ lef. 2247] |
Libri (Guglielmo), 18, 42*, 47, 77, 189, 514, ostanges-Beduer (Vicomte de), 1435 547, 571, 590, 596, 654, 683, 685, 769(?), Lothian (Marquess of), 1340, 1502, 1503, 1686, 879, 927, 979, 1086, 1121, 1122, 1167, 1169, 1853*, 2323*, 2324 1193, 1234, 1249, 1317, 1328, 1370*(?), 1371, Lotti, of Florence. 639
1391, 1457, 1472*, 1473, 1477, 1548, 1676, Loudoun (Countess of), 121 1677, 1770, 1771, 1786, 1788, 1792, 1894, Loudoun (John, Harl of), 1389
1898*, 1901, 1977, 2045, 2086, 2088, 2124(?), JWouis IX, of France, 956(?)
2148, 2288(?), 2302 Louis XI, of France, 803( 2), 1401 (2?)
Lichfield Cathedral, 1681 Louis XII, of France, 47, 633, 1068, 1421(¢?), Liebenau, 493(?) 1655(?), 1717 Liechtenstein (Prince), 825, 1379, 1409, 1728, Louis XIII, of France, 852, 1663
2115 Louis XIV, of France, 1656
Liége, Benedictines of Saint Jacques, 566, 1003 Louis XV, of France, 1393, 1433(?)
Liége, Abbey of Saint Lambert, 575 Louis XVI, of l*rance, 1661(?) Lignerolles (Comte de), 45, 93, 827, 1400 Louis-Philippe, of France, 1664
Ligniéres de Bommy (J. A. J. de), 1321, 1965 Louise de Lorraine, Queen of Henri ITI of
Limoges, Saint Martial, 1373 France, 530
Linckh (Franciscus), O. P., 625 Louvain, 801, 2046
Lincoln, Corporation, 1502, 2323 Louvain, Jesuits, 2037, 2202
Lincoln, Franciscans, 885 Louvet, 2016
Lindau, Noble Canonesses, 1364 Lovell (Barons), 1286(?)
Linden (J. S.), 1325 Lovell (A.), 1800 Linterno (Marchese), 90, 1075, 1450*, 2056 Lowe (Edward H.), 1430 Lionville, 1278 602 Lowe (Rev.(John), H. T.), 2140 Lippert (Baron), Lowes 649 Lindsay (W. A.), 419, 421*, 422, 584, 591, 2267. Lovigne (Thomas), 63
Livermore (George), 1082, 2314 Lowndes (William), 2020
Livinus Clerici, 741 Loynes (Maric de), 1075 Lloyd family, 893 Lubeck, Great Church, 229 Lloyd-Anstruther (Licut.-Col. R. H.), 893 Lubertus, 2319
PREVIOUS OWNERS 203 Lucalberti family, 1897(?) Macourt, Carthusians, 918
Lucarellis (Hipolitus de), 1979 Macro (Rev. Cox), 1728, 2272
1896 McVickar (John), 19
Lucas (Lady), 421, 578, 585, 896, 898, 1802, McV. (W. A.), 1317
Lucas (Fra.), 290 Madai (Dr. Carl-August de), 1394 Lucas de Montigny, 1546 Madden (Sir Frederick), 1242
Lucca (Convent at), 47 Madrid, Convento de la Concepcion, 571
Lucerne, Augustinians, 1035 Madruzzo (Cardinal Cristoforo de), 1491
Luci (Annibale), 1769 Maelens (Jeronimus), 2036
Ludewig (Johann Peter von), 1646 Maeseyck, Regularissen, 2164
Ludford (John), 314 Maffei family, 2315 Luere, Sam Maurizio, 481 Maffei (Francesco), 837
Luke, 866 Magdelaine (Soeur), 1187 Luke (John), 238 Mahdesi (Elia), [A.D.1717], 762
Lume (L. A.), 34* Maillard (Adrien), [A.D.1741], 1003
Lumley (John, Lord), 50(?), 2245 Mailly (Madeleine de), 1402 Lunel. 1934(?) Maintenon (Mme. 1664 Lunenborch (Hans), 756de),Mainz,
Lunette, of Dijon, 460 Mainz, Benedictines of Sanctus Jacobus in
Lupercio de Arbizu (D. F.), [A.D.1594], 547 Monte Specioso, 15, 1847
Lurcy (Comtesse de), 642, Mainz, Carmelites, 170 a Lurde (Comte Alexandre de), 1657 Mainz, Jesuits, Domus Probationis, 2218 Lusher (Mary), [A.D.1585], 622 Maitland (Alexander), 1326
Luttrell (Narcissus), 434 Maitland (W. Fuller), 2309 Luxembourg, comte de Brienne, 1805(?) Makernes (Thomas), [A.D.1674], 443 Luzarche (Victor), 1664 Makohin (Mrs. J. M.), 1483* Luzerier (Antoinette), [A.D.1574], 806 Malaga, 1419 Lwoff (Princess), 1593 Malartic (Comte de), 1454
Lyell (J. P. R.), 587 Malatesta (Galeotto), 869
Lymington (Viscount), 1676 Malatesta (Sigismondo), 1848
Lyndeprag (Thomas de), 2243(?) Malberne or Malvern (William), [ca.A.D.
Lyon, Jesuits, 777, 804 1540], 1027
Lys (Chevalier Du), 2134 Malestroit (Jean de), 1714 Lysons (Samuel), 272 Malestroit (Jeanne Raguenel de), 1689
Lyster (Richard), [A.D.1509-1510], 2019 Malevergne-de-Lafaye, 767
Lyte (Rev. Henry Francis), 2216 Malherbe (Jeanne de), [A.D.1567], 99 Lyte (Sir Henry Maxwell), 648 Maligonelli (Francesco), [A.D.1452], 2229
Lyttelton (General Sir Neville), 1478 Mallet (Etienne), 495, 769, 783, 802, 809, 890, 2236, 2243
Malmesbury, Benedictines, 2247*
M Malone (Edmund), 337, 358, 535
M. (C.), 813 Malta (Archives of the Order of), 520 M. (G.). [A.D.1641], 583 Malta, Protestant College, 620 M. (J.) "1168 a Man (William), 187 M. (O.) 1884 Manciana (Paolino), 1249 M. (P.C D.), 1410 Mancini (Marquise de), 1657 M. (W y, 9394 Mandelot (Marguerite de), 1810 Ma... (Marguerite) 10 Manderscheidt (Cuno, Graf von), 672 McAlenney (Rev. Paul F.), 871 Manlove (Dr. Timothy), 2055
Macar family (?), 800 Manners (George), 1337 |
Mac Carthy Reagh (Count de), 823, 1338, Mannheim, Bibliotheca Palatina, 2026
McClean(?), 704
1404, 1406, 1434, 1500, 1818, 1819 anning (Col. James H-), 1864, 1865 Macchi di Céllere (Conte Giulio), 1453 Manning (W. W.), 340, 343%, 371, 386, 389,
McClure (Canon G.), 1680 Mantes, Celestines, 175, 1924 McCormick (Sir William), 591 Mantua, San Francesco, 841
McCoy (John W.), 753 Manutius family, 987, 1454
1857 Marcenay (C.), 790
MacCracken (President Henry Noble), 1856, Manzoni (Conte Giacomo), 652, 1250
Macdonald (Major E. W.), 2244 Marchall (Richard), 877
Macé, 1663 1046
Macdougall (Hamilton Crawford), 1079 Marchmont (Hugh Campbell, third Earl of),
McFael (John and Andrew), 1799 Marcus de Sancta Agata, 15 Maciejowski (Cardinal Bernard), 1475 Marci (Marcus), 1846 Mackarnes (George Richard), 244 Marduel (Abbé J.-B.), 1494
McKee (T. J.), 1764 Maréchal family, 799 McKowen (Dr.), 746 Marefoschi (Cardinal Mario), 1188 MacLean (John), 532 Mareschal family, 1385 McLennan (Francis),. 975*, 2216, 2219 Mareste d’Alge (Antoine de), 1037
McMahon (Rev, Joseph H.), 1332 Margaret of York, 1458
Margareta Burgerein, 86 Matthew (George), 2003 Margat (Pierre), [A.D.1692], 809 Matthew (J. Mee), 2313
Marguerite d’Anjou, 1320(?), 1413(?), Mattia (Girolamo), 1436 Marguerite de France, Duchess of Savoy, Maturanzio (Francesco), 1310
1655(?) Mattos (Luiza de), 1875
959, 1431, 1454(?) Maucourt, of Montigny, [A.D.1725], 800
1372 Maudin (Antoine), 514
Marguerite de Lorraine, Queen of James V, Maude (Dame Elizabeth), 1030
Marguerite de Savoie, [A.D.1557], 1663 Maulde (Guigemette de), 801
lario. 1167 Maule (Baron), 1403
Maria de Albano and Maria Cleophas del Sol- Maule, 1403
. .de7Maurice (W.816, J.), Maria Theresa, Empress, 1656 “ac2228 ae ,; Maurice (William), Marie Médicis, Queen of France, 828 coder; 1337 Marié (Peter), 778, 797, 805, 809, 812,814, ss2% (Frederick), 45° 1656 , , ’ , , ’ > May (JohnMay J.),(Wilham), 940,434 942 Marienmunster, 1078, 2046 Maycot (Robert), 187
Marini (Vincenzo), 1231 Maynard (Sir John), 188(?), 1023(?), Marinus, Patriarch of Aquileia, 921(?) 2016(?), 2021
Marinus (Leonardus) de Glemona, [A.D. Maynard (Joseph), 2060
1541], 500 Mayora (Don Miguel de), [A.D.1858], 530
Markell (Van), 776 Mazel (J. Z.), 254 Marborough (Duke of), 274, 1466 Mazeyrie (Esprit), 1464
Marborough (Sir James Ley, Earl of), 107 Mazuyer de La Tourette, 1457( ?)
Marle (Raimond Van), 739 Mead (Richard), M.D., 1433 Marlot (Martine), [A.D.1559], 793 Meade (John), 56
Marmora (Island of), 2312 Means (Philip A.), 2302 Marocchus arms, 1661 Meatcalfe (William ), 1482
Marous (Johannes), [Jean Marot], 1391 Meaume (Ed.), 1532 ; Marrick, Nunnery, 1339 Meaux, near Holderness, Cistercians, 592
Marsane (Comte de), 1183 Medcalf (Thomas), 449
Marshall (Richard), 2 2124 .
Marseille, Benedictines of Saint-Victor, 1868 Medici family, 842, 1052, 1053, 1238(?), 1388,
Marston (Thomas E.), 155*[cf.2249], 2252, Medici (Averardo and Cosimo de’), 1052,
tan edici (Clarissa de)’,
2253*, 2254*, 2255 Mone ‘Clarissa de)’, 1204 Martin Se ley), 49 Medici (Cosimo and Lorenzo de’), [A.D. Martin (Frangois), of Paris, [A.D.1719], 555 1438], 477 oo
Martin (Henry), [ca.A.D.1810], 1373 Medici (Cosimo di Giovanni de’), 1266(?) Martin (Thomas), of Palgrave, 320(?), Medici (Lorenzo de’), 889, 960(?), 1052 321(?), 324(?), 342, 366, 390[cf£.2263], 595, Medici-Tornaquinci, 1052, 1053
966, 1265, ty: 2019(?), 2156, 2246(?) Medina Sidonia. (Guzman, Puke Tavtt edingen, Dominicans, , of), 815
eG eon Medlicott’ (William G.), 166, 455-458, 733, 930, Mary, Queen of Scots, 104, 1409( ?) 932, 967, 970*, 977, 997, 1069, 1070
Maskell (William), 998 Meerman, 41, 622, 1075(?), 1331(?), 1695
Mason (Edward G.), 519 Meibomius (Henricus) 767
Mason (George), 50 Meier (Mrs. George Philip), 713 Mason (W. Shaw), 2021 Meighen, 406 Mason (William), 1799 Melk, 775, 1318
Massey (Richard Myddelton), 2141 Mellerius (Johannes), [A.D.1674], 443
Massimo (Prince), 1425 Mellini (Domenico di Guido), 1469
Masson (Frédéric), 641 Mello (Diogo de), 987
Masson (Pierre), [A.D.1672], 1372 Mello (Franciscus Do), 93
Masson de Saint-Amand, 98 Mellon (Thomas), 2119
Mastain family, 1419 Mellors (John), 2019
Materne (Socur Ragonde), 621 Melville (Viscount and Viscountess), 2235 Mathabut’s (M. P. de), 887 Melvinus (Frater Franciscus), of Pavia, [A.D.
Matheo de Foura, 952 1519], 678
Mathew (George), 2003 Mende, Franciscans, 1276
Mathewson (Mrs. Gertrude H.), 10 Mensing (Ant. W. M.), 2301
Mathias Corvinus, King of Hungary, 960(?), Meodd (John), 1942
1340, 1461* Meratti (Tita), 1072
Mathieu (Charles), 1667 Meraud (Philibert), 1667(?) Mathilda, Countess of Tuscany, 1459 Mercoeur (Duchesse de), 1336 Matringhen family, 1490 Meredith (Thomas), 2023
Mattei, 1508 Merlemont family, 958 Matteo di Giovanni di Franco, 1259 Merrick (John and Rolandus), 1128 Matteucci (Niccolo), 817 Mersche (Walter), 2122 Mattheus de Barresio, 442 Mery (Richard), 2122
Mesareia, . , _ Meschatin de La Faye1108(?) fami Mitzakis (Mrs. E.), 2340 Non nde La Faye amily, 949 Modd (Robert), (A-D.1651], 1942 Mespelbrunn (Julius Echter von), 189 Monat” CAleeaad 97
Mesquitela (Duke de), 1440 ’ MI (A exander), 1938
Messina, Capuchins (376 } oges (Pierre de), Seigneur de Buron ct de Messmer (Rev. Seb.) 459 M lesnilOugrin, [A.D.1517], 701
Met “ari oO),
Metin se ° Mohre (ceva Hgghen 1s Mate yoy 1497, 1498,de 1672,Champlatreux, 2315 Moissac, Benedictines,1432 1455 i, olé . Met2,, Benedictine nuns of Sainte-Glossine, Molroguter (Edouard), 453 (cf. 1457) Metz, Jesuits, 182, 875 Molza (Marchese Gherardo), 474
Mewe (Henricus), 2050 Mon Ise B ot 7 Mexico, San Francisco, 2159 Ni sce, Bene ictines, /68 Mexico, San Gregorio, 2162 Monke Crinbarte phy Meyer (Arthur), 2114 Monta, ¢ lward), 2196 Meyer (Jean de), 229, 1154 Mon aur (Comte de), 1850
Meyrick family, 1820 Nonmerdue, 1225, 1374
Meyrick (John), 2247 Ronee (Didier), 1320
Meziéres, (XVII"c.], 1147 Montataire’ (Marcaise Wey, 143
Micault, 104 ) Montent c (Marquise de), 1435
ichael Antoni » ON
ona gt . ichelet, 984 M
Miccus (Valerius), 886 onraut et de Voezins (Juliane de), [A.D Michaute, r Nek ‘1 Font, 2032 Montbazon (Duchesse de), 641 Michaux, of Avesnes, 687 Montet . wee de), 2188 yichel ramet of Dewlish, 2242 Montefeltro 42
Michel (s5, nes), [A.D.1595], 850 Montefeltro (Federigo de), Duke of Urbino,
Michiel (Marco), 1182 ote eo (NG
LY, , , . Mont are nt .
MDOP Se Camporgianensis, [ca Monte Oliveto. S08 fe), LAD 1492), 1004 Middelcott (Thomas and William), 595 Monteepan (Mme. de), 124 “elle Grazie, 802
Middelton (Lady), 1335 Montgermont (Louis Leb Middleton (Lord), 1801 1451, 1452, 1453, 1480 Tsi8 fe), 91, 144
Middleton (I. I.), [A.D.1810], 1698 Montglyon (Princesse de) 190
Mielzynski (Count Max), 1651*, 2117 Montmorency (Duc de), 1388
a, ontmorency-Laval, 776, 1500
ees (Marquis de), 793, 1037, 1339, 1395, Niontmorency (Anne de), 849, 1657
Migliaccio (Michele), 1279 Montpellier, Capuchins, 2188
Men Cane) Se Moment cane, dongs 2), 126802 Milan, Santa Maria della Scala, 1436 Moore (Charles Thomas T.), 1369
Milan, Santa Maria delle Grazie, 1448. 2301 Moore (Francis), 189
Milan, Sant’Ambrogio, 2032 , , Morades (Pericles), 561 Mitny (Se Henry’ Jobo, 15g, ine ‘Magy (Maranes ‘de, 24, 69, 000, r018 Miller (Johannes), [A‘D.1705], 2065 Morbio (Carlo), 1151, 1791 Milliére family, 1449 . Mordon, 1122
Mills (George Galwey), 771 Moreau, 1480 Miltenberg, Chiich, 1207 1576], hg 009), Sieur d’Auteiul, [A.D. inassian (Kirkor), Morel Minihy family, 5083). »209* 228 Morel aca vie ), 88 1
Minio family, 2315(?) Morellet (Abbé), 1874 ”
Minns (Susan), 235, 639, 1338, 2037-2040, 2042 Morelli, 9 )
Minturn (Thomas), 1332 Morel-Vindé (Vi d
Minutol (Von) 230 oeeg comte de), 91, 1322, 1372(?), inutoli-Tegrimi (Conte E
D; ; , 1163, 15 ,
1005, 1676 1127, 1163.” giisenio), 21, 47, Mgogee CF Cleveland), 2203, 2212, 2217, 2218
2248) 2247 63, 1501, 1890, 1895, 2242, Morgan (John). 2041
Mirabiliis (Johannes de), 1 organ (John Pierpont), 1359*-1636*
che _S. iy n or .
Missy (Caesar de), 1081” rss women (Junius S.), 1175*, 1182*, 1183, 1189
Mitchell (Morton Davis), 984 Morgan (Morris H ; Mitford (Rev. john), 1019.” Morgan (Sir Richard}, 508 779, 987, 988" Mitton (Henry), [A.D.1675], 2019 Morgan (Sylvanus), 324
Mitylene, Taxiarchon Monastery, 1107 Moranorianus (T. Hunt), [A.D.1795}, 1515907 (Aloysius), [A.D.1826],
206 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Moriau (Antoine), 798, 804, 809, 1317, 1394, Murray (John), 1705*, 1707, 1713, 1716
1714, 2315 Murray (Sir William), 50
Morice (Catharine), 162 Musclus (Woltgang), 1835 oe and Budd, of 784 Mussell (Ebenezer), 846, 1408 Morike. 656 caic , Mussy (Marie o98) Dame d’Esfouville et de Morimondo, Cistercians, 956, 1176, 1177*, 1178, Buron, [A.D.1576], 70 1693, 1695, 1696, 1889 Muthowe (Wy 1900 [A.D.1588], 1893
Morison (S.E.), 986 Muzner (Johann Carl), 1251
Morley (Lord), 84 Muzzi (Bishop), 1913 Morley (Sir John), 2122 Mydorge de Fretay, 101
Morot family, 2116 Myers (Catalina Juliana Mason), 1344
Morren (Nicolaus), 460 Myers (Colonel Theodorus Bailey), 1344 Morris, 1412 Mylne (Robert), [A.D.1685], 1495 Morris (Miss Lydia T.), 2012
Morris (William), 12, 55(?), 81, 82, 149
822, 825, 917, 920, 999, 1082, 1373, 1380*, N 1381, 1383*-1386*, 1387, 1391, 1392*, 1395*,
1396*, 1397, 1400, 1401, 1403, 1451, 1467, Nadaillac (Comte de), 1391
1695, 1951, 2026 Raion fami oe Morrison (Alfred), 344, 370, 658, 1169, 1531*. Namur (Maric de), /6
1535, 1536, 1538, 1550, 1551%, 1633, 1665*, Namur (Duchesse de), 45(7)
1690, 1730*-1752*, 2094, 2114, 2198 yon ‘family, 999(?)
Mosbourg (Comte de), 1194 Nantes, Carmelites, 871 Moses, of Constantinople, 763 Nantes, Oratorians, 778
Moss (J. W.), 2046 Napath, 761 Moss (Colonel William E.), 1161 Naples, 151, 1269, 1905
Mostras (S.A.), 547(?) Naples, Santa Maria di Monte Oliveto, 1874
Mostyn (Lord), 70, 428, 442, 474, 590, 628, Napoléon (Prince), 1421 960, 1122, 1155, 1337, 1340, 1342, 1481, 1502, Wash (Thomas), [XVII'*c.], 1269
1659, 1664, 1782, 1959, 2018 Nash (Thomas), 1307 Mostyn (Charles Brown), 104 Nassau (Alexandre-Constantin-Joseph de), Mostyn (Thomas), 1502, 1664, 1782 comte de Conroy, 801 [cf.2291]
Motram_ (Roger), 1801 Naumann (August Constantin), 1261 Motta, Franciscans, 474 Naumburg (Mrs. Aaron), 1051*
Moulton (Philipp), 1027 Navinault family, 1319
Mountague (Sir James), [ca.A.D.1730], 649 Naylor (John), 2135
Movius (Julius), 1206 Neale (Rev. J. M.), 1286
Moyenmoutier, Benedictines, 157, 2052 Nebbus (Robertus), [ca.A.D.1580], 841
Moyreau (1D. J. D.), 2039 Nédonchel (Comte Georges de), 175, 459, 636 Moyses, 759 ; Negrini (G.), [A.D.1840], 997 Moyses de Portas, of Avignon, 524 Neill (Philip), 2020
Mudd (Sealey Greenleaf), 17 Neligan (Rev. William Chadwick), 406 [cf. Muclinen (N. Friedrichs von), 1003 2263] Muenchen-Gladbach, Benedictines, 1638, 1696 Nelson (Joshua), 1233
Muendler (Otto), 1380 Nelson (L.), 148] Muir (Miss), 1898 Nemes (Marczell von), 1931
Mula family, 1772 Nemoracum, Fratres Recollecti, 1061
Mulnerin (Angnes), 2165 Neophylos (?), Archbishop of Mélos, 16 Mulro (Henric de), [A.D.1455], 2314 Neresheim, Benedictines, 574, 676*
Mulse (Edmunde), 2121 Neriani (?) 1002 Mundell, 2031 Nethenses (Carmelitae), 806 Munich, Library, 1307 Neubourg (Baron de), 1391
Munn (James Buell), 1357 Neumann (J. B.), 1134 Mutoz Cy. B.), Me959 5 Neustetter and JoMunster, Church, (2) hannes(Christophorus, Christophorus), Erasmus, 1795 Munster, Saint Mauricius, 1497 Neve (Timothy), 541
Munster, near Schwalenberg, Monastery, 1241 Neville (Lady Anne) 1336
Munte (Elizabeth van), 787 Nevin (Rev. Dr.), 1932
Muont (Damiano), 1574, 1666, 1864 Newberry (Mrs Tohn S.), 1133, 1134*
Murano, Franciscan nuns of Santa Chiara, Newdigate, 49 “ Murano, San Matthia, 668 otan723(Rar
Murano, San Michcle, 596, 602, 1184(?), 1756, Newt Ree sey LD 10/01, 40
2278 (7) Newman (W. H. H.), 1675
Murctus, 897 Newton (Mrs.), [A.D.1724], 954 Murray (C. Fairfax), 190, 653*, 846, 886, Newton (Sir Isaac), 1676 1076, 1078, 1332, 1384, 1435, 1436, 1438, Niccolini, 43, 651, 653, 1427, 1895 1448*, 1450*, 1468, 1469, 1659, 1694, 1839, Niccolini (Angelo), 651
1851, 1893, 2117 Nichola de Monterano, 1448
PREVIOUS OWNERS 207 Nichols (John), 2262 Ogden (W. S.), 1075
Nichols (John Bowyer), 38 Ohannes (Ter), [A.D.1221], 761
Nichols (John Gough), 2262 Oisant (Jeanne d’), 1397(?) ) Nicolaus, 668 Olasso y Zumalave (Miguel José), 1896
Nicolaus de Bello, 1202 Olis (W. F.), 986. .
Nicolaus de Probstdorf, 2299 Oliva, near Dantzig, Cistercians, 738, 977
Nicoles (John), 187 Oliver (Rev. George), [A.D.1836], 678 Nicolo de Martino, 843 Oliviera (Mme. d’), 1306
Nieuwenhoven, 1849(?) Onneren (Van), 874
Nikolaos Demetrios, 1115 Oosteekeloo, Cistercian nuns, 1326
Nimegen, Dominicans of Saint-Catherine, 930 Oppenheim (Robert), 748
Ninove, Praemonstratensians, 1640 Oraison family, 650 Nippert (Judge Alfred K.), 228 Ord (Craven), 73(?), 341, 342, 366, 1138, 1684,
Nodier (Charles), 1373 2019 Noel (Captain Perrott), 1478 Orford (Earl of), 1390, 1655
Nonnberg, Monastery, 63 Orivellis (Johannes de), 734 Noon (Rev. H. J.), 459 Orléans, Convent of La Madeleine, 1195 Norfolk (Duke of), 279, 932, 954 Orléans arms, 2040
Norfolk (Duchess of), 77*, 2184*, 2185 Orsetti (Antonio), 1898 Norguet (Sara de Madre de), 1459 Orsini family, 1446, 2218(?)
Norman (A. C.), 636 Orsini (Cardinal), 1261(?) Norman (James), 636 Ort (Joseph), 1151(?)
Norsworthy (William P. W.), 1664 Ortakeuy, Antonian Fathers, 761
North, 61, 394 Osborne (J. H.), 1718
North (Gilbert), 1365, 1959 Osborne (Richard), 2017 North (John), 1333, 1658 Osgood (Howard L.), 2081
North (Roger, Lord), 61, 132, 141, 344(?), Osler (Lieutenant E. R.), 2231
1040 [cf. 2305] Osler (Sir William), 2010, 2017, 2222*-2229*
North (William, Lord) of Carthlage, 371 Ostheim, near Volkach, Carthusians, 754
Northbrook (Earl of), 2149 O'Sullivan de Terdecq, 1430 Northesk (Earl of), 80, 81*, 2183 Otis (Harrison Gray), 2251 Northumberland (Henry Percy, Earl of), 883, Ott (Lawrence), 1957
1339, 1903 Ottenbenern’ Benedictines, 1416, 2144
Northwick (Lord), 632*, 1713, 1714, 1715*, Gitley CW. Young), 930, 1092, 1417, 1465, LUZ, 1853, 1931, 2062, 2076%, 2077, 2082", 1489) 1714, 17154 1717, 1929, 1932; 2082 (1490, ?) Norton (Charles Eliot), 750, 930, 932*-936*, Ouchterlon 975*, 990, 991, 997*-999* 1059, 1685 Ourches (Comte Léon d’), 1324
“i y (John A.), M.D., 739
Norton (Thomas), 2104 Ouseley (William), 319 Norwoys (Simon), 1389 Owen (Alban), 386 Nossay (René de), [A.D.1602], 674 Owen (John), 1337
Notre-Dame-de-Lyre, Benedictines, 2122 Owen (Thomas), of Llyulloeth, 284
Notte (Robert), 2316 Owens (Alpha L.), 698*, 699 Novalese, Monastery, 2279 Oxburg (John), 1325 Novati (Francesco), 597 Oxinden (Henry), 342 Nowell (John), [ca. A.D.1500], 447 Nowell (Margaret), 1497
Noyes (Thomas Herbert), 656 P oyon, Notre-Dame,
erine,; 1930 adoant essandro
Nuissenborch (Van), 97 is (2) 42, 1578 2057
N tirnberg, Dominican nuns of Saint Cath- pga; (Ludwig, Graf), 686%, 687, 688, 690(?),
col (John), of Battle Abbey, [ca. A.D. Paciolte (Francesco), 842
Nye (Frater), [A.D.1677], 447 Padua, University, 1756
Benedictines of Sancta Justina, 633, O 643, 748, 823,Padua, 1167, 1302, 1676
Obrecht (Right Rev. Edmund M.), 740 Padua, Convent of Sancta Maria de Bethle-
O’Callaghan, 1819 hem, 824 Ochrida, Saint Clement, 760 Paganus (Vicentius), 559
Ochsenhausen, Benedictines, 229, 458 Paghanellus (Blasius), 2129
Odell (Andrew J.), 1172,(Ernesto), 1259 Pagini, 77 498, 500*, 501, 1908 Odile, 1367 Pagnoni 497,
Odivellas, Convent, 1875 Pahlen (Graf L. v.d.), 470
Oehler (Th.), [A.D.1839], 884 Paignon-Dijonval, 1322, 1658 Oesterberg, Abbey, 735 Paillet (Eugéne), 45, 796, 1374, 1818, 1851 Oettingen-Wallerstein (Prince), 2319 Pain (R. F.), 958 Offor (George), 51, 1334 Paine (Cornelius), 1121, 2173 O’Flahertie (Rev. T. R.), 406 Painel-Marcy family, 1657
208 ne { ,
Pakoulis-Nikolaos, i771 1120 : 1208, a Patrizzi759 family,
Paeologue (Théodore), Marquis of Monfer- Patten (James A.), Or
D » 127 . rson,
Palermo, 1275-1277 potters Nae D.Tovrl. 2010
Palka (Fernandes te) 08. OBO” paterson (Robert W’.), 1180, 1181*, 1182 Pallavicini (Cardinal Antoniotto) 632 Paul III Be °, 155 James !]), 1728, 2272 Pallavicini (Camilla Doria), 1007) Paul IV’ Pope. 166] pallavicini (Cardinal Carlo), 1481*-1482* Paul (W.), 376 “961 (Alfred Touch and Oswald Touch), pauynus Cr homas), 1202 Paullus, *
Palmer (Cornelia Kissam), 176, 177 Paulmy (Marquis de), 79
palmer (Courtland K.), 418 Paulus de Perga(m?)o, 932
ward), aulus de s, 4:
pamer eS Reece paulus de {J hausano, 472 Palmer (Elizabeth H.), 1068 Pauly of Bamberg TAD 1669], 5 Palmer (Sir F is B Pawel-R ingen, 1532, 1, 993 Palmer (G.) 1D .), 1459 Pawson (?). 2034. 1532, 199] Palmer (George Herbert), 1068, 1069* Payne (C. H.), 449 Palmer (Hubert Greville), 984, 1805 Payne (Dr. J. Frank), +43 Palmer (Sir John), 871 -_ Payne (J. T)), 2114 Palmer (Ralph), 443, 1369, 1797, 1801 Payne and Foss sale, 1479, 1488
Palmieri. (Giovanni Battista), 2173 Paynell (Robert), 59 Palmis (Francis) of Lindeley, 1484 Payton (J.), 440
Palumbaria (S. Franciscus de), 1179 Pazzi family, 1698 Panciatichi (Marchese), 1322 1783 Pazzi (Stefano), 1784
Pandolfini, 639, 660 ' Peachey (Sir John), 1329, 1689, 211¢ Panhormita (Franciscus), 1770(?) Peacocke (John) 2018 |
paneusis Ce), Messencse, 971 ) pearson (Major), 521492, 1862, 1 864" ?aolino (Vincenzo) 922 earson (J.) sale, 396,
radis, 1 ecki enry), 330
Papadopulos (Nikolaos M.), 568 Pec wen 1992 HBOS Te
Parc-les-Louvain, Monaste 8 Peckover (Jonath id Algert rc lesTo onastery, 88, 727, 731, *Ty03 (Jonathan and Algerina), 493, 961,
Parfait (Honoré), 1367 Peer (Abraham), 1644
Paregclli (Stephanus), 249 Peers (John), [A.D.1636], 387 Parguez de Wythley, 1337 Pegge (Rev. Samuel), 538 mY
2), irce (Charles $.), 753*
Par OS ees de Clermont, 1075, 1246, Petes Chem Se ysae
Paris, Dominicans, 2045 neirse (John), 282
Paris, “Hétel Cluny”, 1778(?) Pelletier (Bugene), 1718
Ha Cay ZR mak (Wii ao, -arispare d’ Iilens, , 1405, 1407, 1852 P)yHert, Fh, Fey
Park qomas), 27: :
Parizot, (Louis), [A.D.1684], 1302 Pendar or Pendas (Thomas), [ca. A.D.1500],
Parke (Edward), 1670(?) Pengelley (Rev. W. H.), 1982
Parker, $65, , ponniman (Dr. James Hosmer), 162, 163 Parker (Fiizabeth), 17) suuyPacker (Samuel W.), 235, 634, 2041, Parker (George Philipps), 1328 Penrose (Boi | Parker (Henry Tukey 566 Pensell, hevhana Hy 1874 Parker (Robert), 1492 Pepys (W. H.), 1376 Parker (Robert Townley), 1497 Pera (Bernardino), 461
asak, r trancis
Parker Pome teats. qpomas), 298 perceval, Earls of Egmont, 1316, 1340
pacer aa , 469 ercival (John, Lord), 1316 Paron(non Vasak, Perce {Jaconus): y
Parry (William), of Oxford, [A.D.1855], 724 Périéve, Curate of Cressimny Moindre, 775
Parsimonivs (Johannes), 1593 Périgueux, Capuchins, 778 =
Parone (Edward A.), 1341 Perkins en Charles B. and Mrs. Charles
Parthenay family, 1420 it F
Pascutius Bodianus (Johannes Petrus), 1443 pees (Brederick), 1396, 1608
Pasquier, [ca.A.D.1600], 675 | Perkins (Olives tt 883, 886, 1167 1174 189
Pasqiee ee [A.D.1610], 675 2027, 2029, 2032, 2123 » 1890,
Passignano, Benedictines of San Michele, 817 Beets, esenag. 437 Paston-Thane, cf. Thane (John) P om : roe . Patetta (Federico), 748, 1160, 1269, 1671, 1770 Tice) BSG es (Claude Trence- Marie-
Patrizi (Marchese), 2057 Perrin de Sanson, 1405
PREVIOUS OWNERS 209 Perrini (Joannes), 575 Phillipps Census Phillipps Census
1313, 1450, 1756, 2059, 2182 735 641 487 2529 3 436*, 438, 440 653 1976 2548 349 Perry (Preston A.), 651, 658, 999, 1165, 1422, 668 = 2325 818 [2550,cf.2634] Perrins (C. W. Dyson), 25, 60, 190, 643, 897, 640 1893 2521 1774
Perry (Marsden J.), 62%, 64*, 320, 357, 358, 650 1684 [2538,cf.996]
2056,(William), 2081 685 882 25572604 1933 Persall 56 [688,cf.690] 282 Perth (James, Duke of), 1474 690= 688 1681 = 2634==2550 43 Perucca (Coletti), 1823 691 2053-2651 1798 Perugia, Olivetans, 1406 [692,cf.694] [2664,cf.913] .
Perugia, San Domenico, 498 694=692 2215 2665 2057 Perugia, San Pietro, 1760 [699,cf.701] 2679 18 Pesaro, Franciscans, 472*, 480 701=699 728 2699 61 Pesine (Nicolle), 1943 702=21985 2032 {2705,cf.916] Peterborough, Gentlemen’s Society, 541 704 645 2706 579 Peterborough, Public Library, 541 719 710 2306 2713 982 371 Petersen (Katherine O.), 979 2340=.2714
Peterson (Sir Arthur), 2213 730 2061 = [2738,cf.963] Peterson (Thomas), Junior, 2020 751 973 [2742,cf.1011]
Petit family,495, 8111403 763766 944 2746 2056 Petit (Didier), 943 2774 1265 Petit (Ernest), 731 768 1165 2798 654 Petrarch (?), 90, 1075, 1450*, 2056 782 872 2817 886 Petre family, 425 786 822 2840 1682 Petre (Lady), 1813 797 1263 2842 2122
Petre (George), 239, 705, 1024 845 1758 2879 = 2351 2315
Petri (Frater) Carmelis, 1265(?) 8481302 603 2891 2119 Petrocochino (Michele), 1296 884 2904 426 Petrucianus (Antonellus), 1439 888 1761 2907 1139 Petrus Jacobi(T. de J.), Pensauro, 1892 889 444 29521766 1029 Pettigrew 1125 900 912 2961 Petrus Paulus, 6051463 913=2664 887 2965 1899 Peyré, [A.D.1866], 916=2705 835 2966 442 Pfaffenhofen, Franciscans, 1199 925=23864 2028 2974 981
Pflugk (Johann Friedrich), [A.D.1627], 1890 945 1266 3007 1479
Phelips (E. ?), 337 1341 Philip II, of Spain, 1378,956 214742 9573010 544 3020 43
Philip the Handsome, Duke of Burgundy, 806 963= 2738 164 3098(?) =23913 2016
Philip, Canon of Lincoln, [A.D.1187], 1381 996 = 2538 1265 3114 649 Philippa de Gueldres, Queen of Sicily, 802(?) 1011=2742 1183 3126 55
Philipos, 762 1001 =24305 997 3118 238
Philippus, 235 1029 218 3740 2098 Philippus (Frater), 499 . ~ 33 0 U144 Phillipps (Sir Thomas), Bart p35 tsic] eae 33ee ny Table of concordance between the num- 1146 2054 3373 1620
bers in the Phillipps catalogue and the 1159 165 3377 81
pages of this Census: 1245 2917 3378 1773
Phillipps Census Phillipps Census 1293 2216 3385 98]
15 654 474 2045 1366 894 3386 599 121 1772 477 1085 2146 1783 3399 1678 136 1800 1022-507 2051 2180 653500 34031459 839 191 508 739 2195 2016 196 295 56530 2046 3504.1022 4R 256(?) 1891 4582262 2270 666 734 3510
222 2306 50 54g 1847 2306 2123 3606 2021 2020 289 564 2046 2307 18013611 292 155 573 166 2321=2420[2421] 3625=22066 1035 397 2029 2137-574 2224 1849 3633 1333 406 578 1273 2323 2225 3720 959 408 567 579 15 [2325,cf.668] 3723 870
441[or 444] 769 592 976 2365 _ 236 3784 341 459 1078 [2420,cf.2321] 39631683 1258 468 1141628 6301683 1682 2520 751 3981
444=21986 2043 —_[598,cf.600] 236720004 888 S816 2010
210 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Phillipps Census Phillipps Census Phillipps Census Phillipps Census
3982 27711894 117271271 1798 4002572 7057340=8140 7353 15041798 92929283 2303
4065.2 4007377 73572021 3349324 93141181 163 11911 119101023 188 4115 1685 4255 592 7417 419 9339 1031 11913 1264 4322 1265 7418 2019 9342 1778 11915 187 4327 320 7496 1508 9343 1260 11929 71 4341 914 7518 1793 9367 1029 11934 1515 4352 4] 7719-7750] == 5569 | 9377 1682 12224 1026
4360 823 710 9381 12229 4362 1182 7804 = 7805 17781893 9383 2218 12241 425 1034
4374 2050 = [7805,c£.7804] 939256 889 12280727 819 4396 1180 7845 2226 9412 12287 4457 1026 = 8025 1475 9430 1474 =12354=20637 1044 4468 1128 9453 1758 12356 426 421 4506 2255 21488115-8116 = 8117 893 9460 2303 = 12377
4542 651 818 8122 8118 1138 2112 9464 9463 830 982 12399 12394 535 290 4548 4550(?) 421 = [8140,cf£.7340] ene 239 131 e 909 4558 1333 ates823] 93056 9511 2253 13333 2020 4584 578 —9519 64 13562 1997 A585 1182 8259 51 9520 165 13576 643 4600 1695 8275 40 9564 591 13887 2022 4609 450,1510 8299 57 9566 44514097 13891 2318 1506 462] 72 8357 893 9595 1040 4633 1781 8462 2280 9613 388,2227 14917 1845 4738=10225 2050 8581 419 9616=21542 591 14929 322 4776 284 =8687 8582 1263 455 9618 988 15644 2252 4796 1672 9628 345 15728 885 4821 60 8788 1515 9669 1933-15735 584 4827 328 8832 = 8790 294 9678 62=:15745 4842 2269 1778 9679 1779 15752 278 974
4552 512 15] 7
4848 292 64,cf.281 8857 51 9687 341 157572045 426 4858 = 8858 56 9707 290 =: 16243 4904 1509 16244 1167 1901 4907 15088866 88981676 22139792 97961762 62 16253
5027 710tyes = 8908 437 one 1770 . ) 10256 ook hn Pr 9807 1431 16285 16763
5034 7103990 ~+=g980 56 9836 123 710=16287 1894 5164 582 535 9887-9940 16291 1770 5186 1184 9012 998 9970 1799 16294 18 5382 2015 9024 400 10037 2056 16298 1234 [5569,cf.7719-7750] 9027 535 10055 177916311 2302 5578 710 9028 120 10088 1779 = 16313 654 5579 710 9045 98] 10100 73 16314 1898 5748 583-9047 2217 10107 1781 16338 1677 1457 6009 710 ~=9071 187 10110 61 16362 6243 1465 9072 1720(?) 10134 620 291 16364 547 6246 974 9089 1904 10181 16365 42 6314 974 9097 1264 10217 282 16387 1472 6332 981 9123 292 [10225,cf.4738] 16388 1472 1473 6360 41 9129 1030 10378 440 16396 6447=6555 1773 = 9137 1181 10401 2016 ~=16400 1472
6553 595 9143 1933 10603 72 16406 42
{6555,cf.6447] 916010665 288 10609 578 16411 1472 6743 1771 9164 1039 50239° = [16503,cf.7139] 6748 985 9174 980 10707 = 16693 2288 6875 1023. 9178 2254 11002 2249 16965 1042 6883 48 9186 295 11063 586 16978 2197 6944 9219 1390 11064 595 17339-17346 69661680 1123 9223 2016 11077 47 1796-1797
6972 1341 9229 834 11124 1027. =: 17396 1935 6978 1806 9234 1983 11140 576 ==: 17699 710 7033 1025 9246 2027 11141 591 —-17702 710 7139=16503 1243 9249 1264 11259 577 17759 973 889 7157 1802 9254 438 11299 373, =: 17800 7232 1024 705 =:9281 92741069 177911624 11580239 2060 17802 710 710 7252 =: 17803
PREVIOUS OWNERS 211] Phillipps Census Phillipps Census Pi nj
| 18228 1128 3160 Ts Piccolomini Ae ote Sban
iRee3 408 25178 2021 Piety (Bishop Jacopo Mensbona),
1a 282 25487 2217 Pichon (Baron Jerome), 118, 656, 826, 1377, 19048 2305 25620 2267 Pickering (Basil Montague), 1217
50420 at 379 ickering (William) sale, 449, 957[n.7],2139,
20547 2107 25902 2220ielmai Pielmair (Petrus) ab Adelsberg, 1644 [20637,cf.12554] 979 25903 1166 Pieri (Luigi Fortunato), 1680
20730-20733 2060 26052 102~—SséPiggot {onrad), PA-D.1027], 1898
20821 73 26079 233 Pignatelli 150” ANT 239 26208 13g Pigott (Thomas), 1979 21187 211 56952 rts Piven Oeroe A LA ie 2188 21374-21379 710 26868 see ilat. (Maj ate Andrea), .
[21542,cf.9616] 26938 275 Pigraunn (Katharina), yon) ema 21975 1479-27185 oP ing amin (Katharina), [0.1 (3731! [21985,cf.702] 27212 276 Pinelle ‘(Loui ecrte 182, 989, 2147 [21986,cf.444 27308 320 ~—SsC~Pinelli (Motte) 180
22027 238 27392 576 Pini (Matteo), 953
(22066,cf.3625] ao | ate 593 ~+~‘Pinkerton (John), 371
22363 oot (28340 276 Biot, (Eugene), 817, 1456, 1501, 1895, 2247 29135 1042 Pisa, Benedictine
22796 421 28939 obi aI 22028 (part) 74 501 isa, 1 ctine nuns of San Mattco, 1198 22940=24778 1033 50501 eG Pain OCT (7), 1978
23019 879 29519(?) 2369 Pithou (Pierre), 833 23064 1762 29763 2267 itt + (William), 931 921, 1805, 1898(?), 2045
23620 1086 30037 276 ~ Pittar (P ay” D 23856 42 30130 375 33 Pittiiusfamily, 1367(? [23864,cf.925] 30164 Ie Pope, 161, 1 [23914,cf.3098(?)] 31048 596 + Pius VI, P Pe eetk 341 24012 300 31211 (0r31217?) us die aaa 818(?), 863(?), 1331(?2), 24014 1684 don9 -Plaben (Sebal Aaa", 1445 aN a 31218(?) 5090 ~~-~Piaines eeniy, BL eel
74084 2195 31ee9 2269 Planta-Willdemberg (Claude-Marie-Joseph), 24111 1804 33885 2219 ~—~Planteroze (Genevic 24144 212433899 33887oa219 iatencln I 24255 497 s*#Pilaz (JosCollene CollegeofofTeguite, Jesuits, 12
24259 968 34201 7 SCé ies CJosepitus E.), 226 24270 904 34272 275 leek Piguet che). Peaillont 74276 2089 34568 27 Elessis- -iquet (Le), Feuillants, 629
46 34893 te roe
(24305 cf 10011 34589 0B Pe igose tase? AO Tomes 2433] 2048 34915 eee poblet, Santa Maria, 879, 1415
[24778,cf.22940] 34918 626 Podocataro (Cardinal Lodovico), 1897(?) [25094,cf.2367] 35995 peg Boerier d’Amfreville, 1457(?)
25106 744. 35357 300 poe 1887 (?)
25129 2020 35503 320 Boghos, (Bishop), 762
25142 571 35816 tee Bob Goseph), 1238
Phillipp powssant family, 773 S manuscripts descri ; ISSy, woyal Wunncry,
Census and of which the eee cntunbers Poitiers (Aymar Te) 4336.
have not been traced: crs Poitiers (Diane de), 1336, 1817, 1853
Census 366,1243, 440, 1510, S14, BnYs 596 Poheny ee | | 648,114, 838,275, 979( 342, 2), 1082, i. 1682, 188d, 1977, 1505", 2050, 2197", Politianns (piscopics Ant
2198*, 2261 , Porat ¢ (Episcopius Antonius), 1848
. ollicill (Sir Thomas), 428
Pia (Lucrezia), 654 -olovtsoft Folling, Canons 2104 iacenza, Benedicti (Alexis), 807 Piat (Attred), 7 ines of San Sisto, 1235, 1400 Pomearta (?), 1085, ibargoca y T Jari: . ontac (Arnaud de), 799
"ae, raxolas (Maria Lopez de Gurca ‘Conte de),959 1408, 1477 icarisharles-Adrien), 958, 1037, 1395Pontchartrain igny, Cistercians, 870, 1696, 1842, 18 Picart (G.), of Villers-C Pontois-Pontcarré (Marquis. , 1884 (G.), of Villers-Cotterets, 790 1531, 1555, 1556, 1830" Sos de), 1189, 1521,
212 MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE MANUSCRIPTS Poole (Henry Ward), 206 Quarto, Olivetans of San Girolamo, 1462
Poor (Henry W.), 81, 83, 85*, 94, 99, 652, Quayle (Bishop), 726*-727*
1084, 1291, 1690, 1719, 1764, 1818, 1985 Quecq (Henri), d’ Henripret, 1459 .
537 Quevalin (De), 848 Portarlington (Earl of), 2054 | Quinlan (Bishop John), 1971 Porter (William ) 1032 R Portland (Duchess of), 2145 R. (G.), 1152
Poppo de Wildec dictus Seiffert, [A.D.1432], Queux de Saint-Hilaire (Marquis de), 255
Portalis (Baron Roger), 1456 Quinard family, 2039
Porter (Henry), 1533
orticr (Michael), 486
Portsmouth (Earl of), 1676 R. (J. L.), 1379, 2223 Pothain de La Saussaye, 1407 R. (J. P.), 1378
Potier (L.), 1457 Rabaut (Js. Ae.), 2124 Potier de La Morandiére, 1694 Radcliffe (H.), 888
Potocki (Count Albert), 169 Radclyff (Robert), 1033
Potocki (Count Francois), 527 Radford, Augustinians, 1381 Potter (Murray Anthony), 2302 Radford (A, J. V.), 967 |
Pottier de Lalaine, 515 Radisson (Pierre Esprit), [A.D.1673], 546
Poulet (William), 1023 Raepsaet (J.-J.), 1849
Poullier-Ketele (Mme.), 2324 Ragsdale (John), 94
Powell (Rev. David T.), 771, 1382, 1476 Rahir (Edouard), 658, 1818
2303 Raineval (Raoul II de), 785
Powell (Sir Francis Sharp), 1202, 1692, 1799, Rahire family, 2243
Powell (Thomas Bowles), 622 Raleigh (Edward), 1698 Powis (Earl of), 53, 106*, 897 Rambertus, 1908 Powndell (John), 1325 Ramboux (A.), 1922 _ Poyntz (Rev. N. C. S.), 2306 Ramboux (Jean-Antoine), 770, 1922 Praghia, Benedictines, 1225 Ramet (André), 1037* Pragthal and Saxenegg, 1246 Ramirez (José Fernando), 550
Prague (Charles Henry Van), 1432 Ramon (Alexandre), [A.D.1590], 165
Prat (Henry), 2114(?) Ramsey, Abbey, 1423 Pratt (George D.), 1809*-1810* Rand [or Rande], (Nicolas, John, and FranPratt (Samuel Brainerd), 929 ces), 1391 Prawdzvc (Domiectowski), 1164 Rangoni family, 815
Prescot (Rev. John), 1161 Ranshofen, Augustinians, 1877
Preston (John), 1317 Rant (George), 1369
Pretonnia (Anne de), Dame de Buron, [A.D. Raphael de Mediolano, [A.D.1471], 2052
1539], 701 Ratisbon, Carmelites, 1333
Preudhomme (Chaterine de), 177 Ratisbon, St. John, 1644
Pringle (Alexander), 869 Ratistic, 1764 Prinkipo, 2156 | Ravaing d’Ardos (Mme. de), 1421 Prior (William), [A.D.1461], 1767 Raynerus de Capella, 2071
Pritchard (George), 399, 1545, 1597 Rebdorff, Augustinians, 457, 747, 872, 941, 1165
Priuli (Zuane), 1905 Rebergues (Marie de), 99
Probasco (Henry), 523*-531* Ravensworth (First Earl of), 1482
Procter, [A.D.1701], 2001 Rawlinson (Richard), 78 Procter (William A.), 1922*-1924* Rawlinson (Thomas), 892 Proctor (Robert), 2258 Razumoffska (Princess), 961
Procurator (Robertus), 2217 Read (Sir Charles Hercules), 1996
Propeck (Jacob), [A.D.1537], 1792 Reading, Abbey, 1035, 1671 Puhl(?), 823 Rebouchu (Cl. Fr.), [A.D.1729], 787 Pulleine (Arthur A.), 283(?) Red Cross sale, 1898 Pulleyn, 351(?) Redgrave (Nathan), 1408 Pulleyn (Thomas), 1027 _ Redpath (Miss Alice), 2212
Pullison (Sir Thomas), 428 Reed (Isaac), 277, 535, 1217 Pulsifer (R. M.), 971 Regensperger (Johannes), [A.D.1560], 2108
Pulsifer (David) III, [A.D.1828], 954 Reeds (Rychard), 893
Puscy (Thomas), 1800 Reglus (Johannes), 2227
Putnam (Georgina Lowell), 970 Regnier des Loges (Francoise), 102
Putschius (Helias), [A.D.1605], 1898 Reichenau, Benedictines, 1872
Pyatardi (?) 1315 Reichenbach (Adolphus Ernesti von), 675 Pyne (Moses Taylor), 1177 Reid (Mrs. Caroline S.) 1885 Reims, Saint Denis, 2050
QO Reims, Saint Remi, 1489 Reina, 2155
Quarantotto, of Pisa, 5¢ “4
‘uae (Edward), 638, po" 864, 1663, 2116 = Reisachius (I. A.), 2165
Quarré family, 1449 Rendlesham (Lord), 79, 895 Quarré (Guliaem), 1955 Rendu (Louis), 2235
Quarto, Church of Santa Maria, 1259 Renesse Breidbach (Comte de), 1807, 2031
PREVIOUS OWNERS 213 Rengeval, Praemonstratensians, 1497 Robinson (Sir J. C.), 1792
Rennel (Barbe), 1420 Robinson (Thomas), 430
Rennes, Carmelites, 819 Robles y Encinas (Rafael Floranes), 1018 Renouard (Antoine-Augustin), 1411, 1491, 1500 Roche (Geo.), 1492
Renouard (Rev. George), 2146 Rochechouart (Comte de), 1668
Renz, 1126 Rochechouart (Francois de), 1500
Restakes, [A.D.1617], 702 Rochechouart (P. de), 802 Restwold family, 1395 Rochester, 48 Rettore (P.), [A.D.1635], 2302 Rock (Daniel), 2122
Reymes (Ellener), 361 Rodd (Thomas) sale, 678, 2197 Reynold. (Jan Bronson), 2081 Rodolfus, of Lindau, 621
Reynolds, (D.), 768 Roederer (Louis), 2114 Rhatt (Jacobus de), 1644 Roger (Elizabeth Marie), [A.D.1651], 675
Rhodes (Abraham and Emily S.), 1399 Rohan (Princesse de), [A.D.1601], 1337 Rhodes (Rev. Edward Duncan), 1420 Rohan (Marguerite de), 874
1011* Rohan-Visconti, 1338 Riario family, 875 Roidt? (Susanna), 772 Riario (Cardinal Raffaello), 747, 1456 Ro(?)linck? (Jacobus), 1383 Riant (Comte Paul), 162, 166, 168, 170, 1000*- Rohan-Soubise, 970, 1421
Riba (Juan), 871 Rolin, 89 Ricasoli (Baron Giulio), 2238 Rolin (Cardinal Jehan), 1426 Ricaumes (Christophe and Jehan de), 801 Rolin (Nicolas), 1174
Rice (Mrs. William), 1066 Rolin (Ysembert), 1371 Richard de Ruffey, 1423 Romaine (Rev. William), 1325 Richards, of Exeter, [A.D.1746], 539 Rome, Cappella Sistina, 1417
Richards (John), 1202 Rome, Collegio Romano, 564, 897, 1461*, 1473, nichards (Thomas 1847Alessio, ichardson, of Bryan), Leeds,[A.D.1801], 71 Rome,1022 Sant’
1069 1187*, 1188*, 1189 Rome(?), Church of Santa Maria Formosa,
Richardson (Dr. Ernest Cushing), 209, 1184, Rome, Santa Cecilia’ 1193
Richardson, rai2026, 3392030, 7002031, Rome, Saint Gregor ichardson 10mas F.),
2033*, 2034, 2035, 2038-2040, 2042*, 2043, 2055, Rome, Santa Marie del Powolo Bi (0!
2057, 2059, 2071, 2072*, 2078, 2079* Rommel (Jacob), 2100
Richardus de Anglia, 1066 Ronzini (Teresa Ramis), 89
Richer (Claude), 2038 Roodes (F.), 1032
Richford (E), 55 Rooper (Sa.), 53 Richter (Jean Paul), 1306, 1307* Rooper (Rev. Thomas), 1441
887 Roos (Ann and Francis), 1369
Ricketts (Coella L.), 513, 567, 603, 617*-663*, Roos, 1337
Ridoutt (G. A. F.), 2045 Roper (Margaret), 1441(?)
Riedesell (Hermann), [A.D.1576], 1500 Roper (William), 1997 Riesciis (Alessander Francisci de), 2218 Rosa[ry], (Thomas), 2116 Rietmakers (Johannes), [A.D.1663], 794 Roscoe (William), 587, 998
Rieux (Bernard de), 1427 Rose (F.), [A.D.1700], 98
Riez, Basses-Alpes, 1385 Rose (The Right Hon. George), 1046 Rigetis (Bonaventura de), [A.D.1479], 231 Rosenberg (Hans), 236 Rigoley de Juvigny (Jean-Antoine), 1366 Rosenberg (J. N.), 84
Rilli (Fabrizio Orsini), 26 Rosenberg (Léonce), 1308, 1713, 1815, 1930 Rinuccini (Marchese), 1479 Rosenheim (Max and Maurice), 2075 Ripley (Julian Ashton), 1655 Rosenmeyer (Anton Joseph), [A.D.1807], 163
Ripoli, Pinieri, 1259 Rosenwald (Julius), 573 Ripon, Monastery, 1369(?) Rosina, 2165
Ripon (Marquess of), 2264 Rosny sale, cf. Berry (Duchesse de)
Riva (Giulio Cesare), [A.D.1629], 2127 Ross (Dr. Denman W.), 931, 942*-948*, 1051,
Rivapalacio Vincente), 2162 2298
River (Charles), 970 Ross (Robert), 1379
Robecq (Prince de), 1388 Ross (Rev. Thomas), 345 Robert (Charles T.?), 2003 Rossi, 690(?)
Robertet family, 811 Rossi (Agostino), 1913
Roberts, 2107 Rossi (Angelo), 457
Roberts (Barne), 870 Rossi (Piero Antonio Genilo), 1120(?) Roberts (Edward), 330 Rostron (Mrs. Simpson), 2211 Robertsbridge, Abbey, 124 Rotch (Benjamin), of Dunkerque, 91 Robertus 53g") 2281 potenhan (Hans), 1500 A obertus(sy(S.), othen, near Memmingen,
Robillard, 45 Roudon, 238 5 Dbey, 1327 Robinson, 114 Rougé (Marquise de), 1435 Robinson (Colonel Ch. L. F.), 1890 Rougerie (Mlle. de), 1407 Robinson (Edward), 652, 1838 Rougnonné (Gervais George), 510
Rouhauld (F.), 1988 Saint Albans, 1894 Rousseau (Claude-Bernard), [ca.A.D.1708], Saint-Amand, Benedictines, 451
8:16 Saint-Amandier (Bishop), 1428*
Rousseau (Francgoys), le Jeune, 1427 Saint-Benoist (Mére Marie de), 1663 Rousseau (Frater Jacobus), [A.D.1592], 764 Saint-Claude, Benedictines of Saint-Oyan, Rousseau de Gironne (Denis-Gabriel), 1268 1131
Roussellet, 870 Saint-Denis, Benedictines, 1112
Roussillon (Charles de), 1399 Sainte-Croix, Canons regular, 1330 Roussin de Saint-Nicolas, [A.D.1745], 791 Saintes, Benedictine nuns, 1160
Roveredus (Franciscus Antonius), 813 Saint-Féréol family, 777
Roverella (Philias), 976 Saint-George (Sir Richard), Clarenceux, 577 Roville (Frére Alain), 1234 Saint-Germain de Courson family, 798 Rowland (William G.), 1322 Saint-Hermine de Vallier (Haland de), Roxburghe (Duke of), 39, 288, 1367, 1404 2038 (?) Royaumont, Cistercians, 822, 943, 944 Saint-John (Anthony and Ann), 969
Royer T.),2036 1075 Saint-Martin(?), Saint-John (Margery), Royer(J. (T.), 1377132 Roysin (Antoine de), 1371 Saint-Pol, Chapter, 2104
Rubeis (Bonaventura de), 1056 Saintray (Anne de), 621
Rubens (Peter Paul), 1432 Saint-Rémy-lez-Rochefort, Cistercians, 1768 Rubenus (Leonardus), [A.D.1598], 163 Saint-Riquier, Benedictines, 2325
Rubichon (Pierre), 1994 Saint Sargis, Church, 761 Ruble (Baron Alphonse de), 1657 Saint Thomas the Apostle, Monastery, 761 Rucellai family, 1077 Saint Werburgh, Abbey, 55 Rucellai (Bonaccorso), 1453 Salieny (Anne and Frangoise de), 1377
Rudd (Anthony), 70 Salingardes (Henri), 902 Ruding (Rogers), 1026 Salm-Kryburg (John, Prince of), 104 Rudolph II, Emperor, 1846 Salm-Salm, 931
Ruedos (Joseph Antonio de), 61 Salmon (Henricus), 1033
Ruetz (Franciscus Xaveri and Joseph), 816 Salonica, 2201 Ruffo (Johannes Baptista), of Naples, [A.D. Saltariellus (Lodovicus), 2057
1579], 559 Saludecio (Luigi Giovanelli), 1430
Ruffo family, 835* Salutati (Coluccio), 56+, 1902
Ruiz (Raimondo), 1131, 1132* Salvator de Achille, [A.D.1389], 700 Ruremonde, Church, 627 Salvator Orlande Lanciolina(?), 2049 Ruremonde, Fratres Cruciferi, 1763 Salviati family, 1423
Ruskin (John), 516, 626, 629, 871, 932, 935, Salviati (Cardinal), 818
960, 998, 1059, 1204, 1387*, 1688, 1806, 2038, Salzburg, Saint Peter, 1503* 2071 Sambon (Arthur), 1815, 1930 Russell (John), 58 Sampieri family, 1381
Russell (Rev. John Fuller), 272, 1374 Samsoun, Archbishopric, 1495 Rutland (Henry, second Earl of), 443 Samuels (Prof. H.), 147
Rutter (J.), 1423, 1424 Sanborn (Helen Josephine), 1068, 1070* Rychard, 2121 San Caro (Diego), 1066 Rychardes (Thomas), 70 Sancti Angeli (Cardinalis Julianus), 1899(?)
Rychers (flizabeth), 52 “Sancti Iermoni(?) Corbi(?), (Johannis FranRyerson (Martin A.), 536, 567, 575, 578, 587, cisci et Gregorii)”, [A.D.1709], 2057
589, 591 San Daniele family, 161(?)
Rylands (W. Harry), 397, 398 Sanderson (Howard K.), 337
Rym (Daniel), 787 Sandlord (Colonel), 367 Sandri, Counts of Monbasilio, 1392 S San Galgano, Cistercians(?), 1960 Sanger (C. J.), 1659
Ryneck (André de), 923 Sandras (Radulphus), 1017
S. (R.), 2030 San Gimignano, Nunnery (at Modena?), 1459 S. (W. (S. v), 1860 Sangiorgi (Marchesi), 817 1979 S. F.), 949 Sankey (Thomas and Dorothy), Sabatier (Paul), 925* San Martino de’ Bocci, Cistercians, 1968
Sacchetti (Fra Filippo de’), 228 San Pedro y Leon, 862
Sacchi (Cato), 236 Santangelo, 849, 1003 Sachetto (Camillo and Bartholomco), 1794 Santi (Dr. L. de), 1821 Sachs (Paul J.), 990 Santiago (Fr. Luis de), 800 Sacile, near Udine, Church of San Niccol6, Sargeant (George D.), 159
1067 ; . Sargeant (Jane), 441
“Sacis (S. Katerina de) F 1679 Sargent (John Singer), 1165
Sacrati family, 1182 Sastago (Conde de), [A.D.1734], 1483 Sagredo (Gerardo), 90 [cf.2247], 1072, 1676 Sattig (Gustav R.), 2252
Saibante, 895, 1677 Saulai (Michelle de), 2101 : Sainsbury (John), 682, 2261 Saunder (R. F.), [A.D.1823], 2023 Saint-Albain (Abbé de), 1367 Saunders (Erasmus), 1671
PREVIOUS OWNERS 215 Saunders (Frauncys), [A.D.1526], 24 Sebenico(?), 2125
Saunders (Thomas), 1670 Seeger (Ernst), 1593 Saunders (Dr. William), 1478 Sées, Benedictines, 1463 Sauvageot (Charles), 874 Segana (Migel), 733
Savage (George), 55 Segar (Captain Francis), 73 Savage (William), 801 Seglia (Dominicus), 83
Savell (Gregory), 2227 Segnis (Katherina Nicholai de), 1923 Savelli (Cardinal Giovanni Battista), 779 Segovia, Monasterio del Parral, 2171
Savigliano, Benedictines, 1063, 1312 Séguier, 803
Savigni (Francois de), 158 Séguin, 790, 1381
Savile family, 59, 238, 878, 1025, 1802 Segurola (Saturnino), 796
eavile ae Joande), 180% eeibertz S.), 1040 avoie (Louise eilliére (Baron (F. Achille), 83, 848, 1439, 1817,
Savoye (Paris bookseller), 1489 2030, ari 2145 me)
Saxton (Ricard), [A.D.1661], 1325 Seitenstetten, Benedictines, 984, 1687, 2292*
Sayna, [A.D.1754], 1873 | Scie FF ohare 1390 ‘02
Sayre (Robert Heysham), 2036 Selsey (Lord), 1329, 1689, 2116 Scadding (Rev Kanon Henry ar le Ta Sens vont Pierre 2028 (?)
cancoreca ohannes paptista de), [A.1). Sept-Fonds Cistercians, 733, 735
cha TUL), , _s a .
Scelliey (Claude), 1939 ser rtontames ( t). i
Reataaas 1 M Noel 845 Serra, Brancicany 1908 Schauffler (William Gottlieb), 1049 Serrasanquirico, Franciscans, 1671 Scheib (Henricus), [ca.A.D.1500], 483 perres, Monastery, 1119(f), 2120"
. Sestini (Domenico), 1479
Scheibenhof. 1246 Servais (Gaspar-Joseph de), 2029 Scheide (John H.), 1184 S Schelhorns (Abraham), 244 Setter Oy a73 1108, Hos
chenkers, 1382(?) : a
Schennis (Friedrich de), 47, 444, 692, 1120, 2eve (De), 834
1122, 1123, 1677, 1781, 2075, 2300, 2315 ahaha at oie att ae 1936
Sena aN lara Tae 1474 Severn (Dr. Charles), 439
Schicpati S88” )s Severne (J. E.), 161, 308*, 309%, 312, 354, 364,
Schiepatti (Gaetano), 90, 1075, 1450*, 2056 437, 654, 840, 1366, 1405, 1769%, 1976, 2315
Schinkel (A.D.), 527%, 637 Severus, 987
Schlehdorf, 485
Schiver (C. L. M. de Bossernd, baron de), ymor eeve’s, ote) 2033 (John),
Seymour (Miss J. M.), 2324
Schmidtlein (Eduard Joseph von), 1047 Seymour Cinomas pee 175, 178, 1652 Schnehagen (Theodore), of Bonn, [A.D.1579], Stores (Bacloy ar) 5
| | Shah Abbas(Frederick), the Great, King of486 Persia,71475 Schneider , schoeberlein, 1243 “ , > Schomans ( Jutken), 232 Shakespeare Library , 62*, 64% 66*, 67*, 68,
Schnudele (Philippus, 'A.D.1448), 727 Shahan (The Right Rev. Thomas J.), 210,
Schoten family, [A.D.1543], 1323 S 4 ‘ot ee 279*, 280*, 281, 438 chroeter 1941 jarae (Jonn), Schulte (J.erman E.), 15,M.), 1993 Sharp (Rev.), 2221
Schulz (Hermann), 1593 Sharpe (Henry Dexter), 2142 Schussenried, Praemonstratensians, 1136 Sharpe (Thomas), 334
Schwartz (Christian Gottlieb), 526 Shaw (Robert Gould), 1067
Schweinitz (Dr. G. E. de), 2009 Shearde (Peter), 2226 Sciarra-Colonna (Prince), 21 Sheffield (Earl of), 856 Sclafenato (Jo. Baptista), 1241 Sheldon (Ralph), 1374, 2184 Sonate (Bishop Giovanni 1418 Spine CR. Beatrice), M. N.), 1° clater omas), 59Giacomo), irley argaret and
Scledo? (Frater Pauli di), 2012 Short (Charles), 158
cott, ibley (John),
Scoles £ C), 2048, 2216, 2218 Sie $e J 5.4668 Scott (Hugh), 1046 Siccus (Johannes Baptista), 1074 Scott (John), 994, 1489, 1504* 1505, 1506, 2¢ma, Santa Maria, 471
1507*, 1508*, 1509*, 1510, 1514*, 1599, 1789 Signy l’Abbaye, Cistercians, 1190
Scott (Kenneth), 2274 eiguenza y Gongora (Carlos de), 2163 Scott (Thomas), [A.D.1715], 966 Wekens (Hendricus), 31
Scott (William), 1491 sillekens (Lambertus), 85
Seyverits sr etrus), 1019, 1898 Silly, Praemonstratensians, 2121846, aa Silva (Conti Donato and Ercole), 481,
952 Sebastianoff, 1185 1078, 1247, 2009, 2016 ), ABIL, B46, 952,
Silvestri (E.), 1694 Sollers (Nathaniel D.), 229*-232* Silvestris Joanes, 524 Soltykoff (Prince), 86, 1473 “Simendola Imperialis”, 1421(?) Somers (Lord), 90
Simkhovitch (V. G.), 188, 189*, 190*, 1074*, Somerset (Ohio), Saint Joseph’s College, 462
1719, 1720 Somerset (Edward, Duke of), 1018, 1998
Simmern (Dukes of), 1718 Sommerville (Maxwell), 924 Simo Magistri Francisci, 1181 Sonde (Joseph), 56
Simon Bernardi Uguicionis de Florentia, 588 Sonnenburg, Nunnery, 1814 Simonez (D), 1913 Sonntag, 1205 Simonis (Franciscus), [ca. A.D.1600], 831 Soper family, 2019
Simpson (Sir Edward), 2267 Sophronios, Patriarch of Jerusalem, 759
Simpson (G. B.), 1673 Soranzo, 205, 1471
Simpson (Sir J. Y.), 2229 Soréze, Ecole militaire, 1399 Simpson (Philip), 434 Sotheby (H. G. and James), 58, 60, 65, 494,
Sinai (Mount), 868 889, 1121, 1693, 1847, 2164 Sinapius (Jacobus de Tepenecz), 1847 Sotheby (S. L.), 1474, 1586 Sinclair (John), 2021 Sotherne (Edmonde), 1269
Singer (S. W.), 1264, 1408 Soto y Posada (Felipe de), 1018 Sinte Levens Monster, 231 Soucelles (Susanne de), [A.D. 1568], 1199 Siret (De), 850(?) Souchtelen, 807 Sitonis (Johannes de), 1791 Southby (Thomas Hayward), 1392 Sivry family, 1419 Southerne (John), [A.D.1576], 1799 Sixtus IV, Pope, 1017, 1931(?) Southstoke, 2302 Skelton (Thomas and Philip), 1152 Southwell (Edward), 455 Skinner (Francis), 975* Sower (Charles G.), 2104, 2105 Skinner (John), 1141 Sparrow (T.), [A.D.1656], 2184 Skory (Walter), [A.D.1628], 517 Speed (John), 418 Skynnyr? (John), 59 Spelman (Sir Henry), 51, 566, 1728, 2245 Slack (James S.), 1924(?) Spence (C. J.), 1420, 2030, 2314
Slaver (J. W.), 1528 Spencer (William Augustus), 1315, 1335*Slosson (Mrs. Annie Trumbull), 159 1342*
Slusius (Cardinal Jean Gualter), 2197 Spicer (John), 386
Smailes (Franciscus), [A.D.1624], 1120 Spiess (Johannes), 2054
smbat, [A.D.1221], 761 Spinavessa, Sanctus Laurentius, 1725 Smedley (W. T.), 441*,-450* Spinelli, 150 Smets (A. A.), 455, 1316, 1323, 1324 Spinet[o], (Paulus de), 888
Smith (A. R.), 2238 Spitzer (Carl B.), 2252
Smith (Anne M.), 741 Spitzer (Frédéric), 764, 789, 1308, 1793, 2133,
1788, 1 leto, 1492
Smith (Tavid Eugene), 1273*-1279*, 1784, 2147 Smith (George D.) 12, 13, 357, 1947, 2082 Soot (Rev John), 1923
Smith (J. Allen), 1307 Spring (Prof. Henry Powell), 210
Smith (Joseph), [ca. A.D.1700], 578 Spyght (Thomas), [ca. A.D.1600], 456 Smith (Consul Joseph), 1365, 1366, 1689 Squier (Ephraim George), 2149
smith (Robert), 342 Stadhagen, Franciscans, 1641
smith (Dr. Sidney), 185 Stafford (Jo.), [A.D.1756], 1031
Smith (W. A.), 480 Staglio (Giovanni), 618
Smith (William), 1997 Stainton (E.), 1695, 2026 Smith (William Wheeler), 1439 Stamford (Earl of), 188*, 344, 1023, 1510, mits er icici (Mme.), 1483 2016, 2021* Smoers (Lambrecht), 1796Lord), . 1019 Smyth (Rev. Gr A), 205 Starhone (Edward, Smyth (J. Bohun), [A.D.1789], 1029 P : Smyth (J. Gee), of Norwich, {A.D.1790], 102, Stark (J. Mozley), 12
1475 ’ wien, [eh ’ >» Stark (Mirian Lutcher), 2157*-2158* Smyth (Sir Robert), Bart., 56 Steere (thomas) Lage” cmythe (Thomas), re Stebbins (Richard), 457 Smythley (Geka 957 Steele (Robert), 602, 621, 1029, 1118, 1265,
Snelling (N. G.), 978 1422, 1951, 1962
Sneyd (Rev. Walter), 169, 205, 293, 396, 760, Steevens (George), 893, 2141 761, 820, 842, 843, 844, 897, 974, 975*, 984, Stein (Charles), 809 999, 1074* 1291, 1420, 1437, 1755, 1756, 1787, Steinfelt, Church of Saint Mary, 647
de Stephanus de Masio, 472 snyder, 109 Stephen, 2205 sobiras (De), 1437 Stephens (George), 11, 183, 858 1792, 1796, 1807*, 1893, 1904, 2057, 2182, 2237* Stenfall, Gottshaus, 1419
Soissons (Yolande de), Dame de Coeuvres, Stephens (Rev. Ludovic), 238, 1028
1490 Sterbich or Sterlich (Marchio de), 651, 2226
Solar (I*élix), 790, 1411 Sterling (John W.), 170
Soleilmont, near Charleroi, Cistercians, 737 Sternfeld (I. E. de Koch), 995
PREVIOUS OWNERS P17 Stetson (John B. i.
tevens (Charlotte Stoffe”, Stevens Fy sage sae Whitting 2108 entree Robe) Stevenson (thomas,Lincolnshire, Robart, and Anthony) garkirke, 595 Sutton Bibl; WS) a 1989 Stevens (William TA hire, 1692 Swaniana, (Bibliotheca), [A.D.1793], 618, 1465 Stevens (BE), oy Junior, 989*, 2303, 2304 Sutherland (Ruke oP ae 2027
Stewart (Alexander Bannatyne) 2037 S : | Stewart (George), 443 Sweartits (Robert), 1391 Stillson (Miss Blanche), 713 eweertius (Franciscus), [A.D.1608], 1673
Stintzing (Rodericus), i047 Sweetheart Abbey, 869 ,
Stirling (Robert), [A.D.1805], 2017 Sycce Coir Mark Mactermen Stirling (W. G.), 2268 Some, (Sir Mark Masterman), 1800 Stokes (Miss Caroline Phelps), 2275 Symond 23 ’
Stokes (Isaac Newton Phelps), 2276, 2318 y (G.), of Gray’s Inn, [A.D.1795], 313
Stolberg-Wernigerode, cf. Wernigerode |
Storck 169 qT orry(Richard), (J. B.),(ods 1325 T. (A. P.), Storye 894(?) T. (M.), ), 0 Paris, 537 Stonehouse (W.), 1492
Straella, 1913 T...T... (March atrange Jol): 1451 Tabureau (P. J.) 1808 1074
rasbourg, 482 ac Strasbourg, Saint Jesuits, Mary ree SSORCN SON SOKO Naples, 553(?), 554*-
Straszewicz (Count), i718 863(?) "1331" aie Ds 564(?), 818(?), Strathcona (Lord). 1449, 1454,(Inf (?), 1442*-1445* 1446, rathmore (Earl of), 2214 1068 [n.8 Tadeus
Street (Mrs. Augustus Reset eer Failor (William), 1083
Street (Caroline M.), 165" Talbott (Robert), 39 |
robe iort ’ Tarragona, Cathedral, 1 ,
Street 731311, Talleyrand, 41 reeter (GE (E. alle d 7" Strickland (SirC.), Thomas) aaa 1312 Tamben de Tas de), 1494, 1653
Stringer, [A.D.1628], 447’ Tandeau de Marsay 84600 PS 1° atrohe (Hanns), 1808 Tarasiorius (Octavius), [A.D.1794], 1942
Soci 515 particre, 1372 ral,(Captai 1292 rongcornest}, (George Templeton), 754* Tatton
1316, 1318, 1324, 1328, 330 331. 374, 2106 Laussig (Rudolph) 3h Arthur), 1497
Stroock (Louis), 1304 Taylor, 284, 357 [cf.2262]
Strozzi family, 1073, 1120, 1204, 1633 Taylor (Baron), [A.D.1842], 42
Strozzi (Filippo), 748, 1204Taylor , Taylor (Colonel), of Ne Priory, 1 Strozzi (Lorenzo), 1204 (C.), 1403 wnton 392
Som (ja, i Pele (Chie 22,200 r obert : aylor 4'? Ma Gasoett Leighton), 1314, 1310-1524", Taylor (Dt, Graham), so
Stuart (William), 881 [cf aylor (Homofredus), 841 Stuart de Rothesay Pond) oeaa 2026* Taylor (Robert), of By forde 105 Stukeley (William), 407° Taylor (Walter), [A.D.1788], 1325
Sturgis (D. N. B. and Russell), 1813 peghenet, (Léon), 91, 1411
Style (William), 188, 1023.’ pega family, 837 Succi (Fr. Egidio), 687 Teese Benedictines, 167, 495 Suchier (Hermann), 11, 606, 609*-614*, 658* reo cf. Minutoli ’ 659*, 2064*, 2065 PO e hard (Brancesco), 1003 Suicerus (Johannes Cas [A.D.1704], 1396 Sui par), [A.D.1658], 1253“eillare Teillardacques), d'Ery (Etienne-Marie-Oli
Sale heey iggy Te LA-D.1S99], 1187 Teiller (Louys)y 2280 8 te Olivier), 1437
Sulmona, Dominicans, 574 Tempes. (Andrea), 655 Sulzberger (Mayer), 1301 Tem ic (John), 377, 407, 432
Sulzbach’ (Maurice), 1839 ; Tempest (Anna Maria), 1955
Sumner (The Hon. Charles), 1012*-1019* Tenis e (Sir Richard), Viscount Cobham, 12. Sumner (G), of Woodmancon, 184, 986 enison (Archbishop Thomas), 427, $84, 974
1065, 1961, 2025 anson, 184, 986, 1064, rae , , 84, 974, Sunderl -eobauld (Step! wa) (Earl of), 866, 1887(?), 2121, peramo, Monastery 7360) 1997
Surgéres (Renée d cr Karapet (Bishop), 761 Surget (Linton), 741° Terrell (Jaden A’ W} 21s, Sussex (Duke of), 92, 102, 182, 432, 620, 621, Terrerit udge A. W.), 2156
908, 938, 998, 1015, 1081. 1087 1319* Act 64 (Johannes), of Geneva [A.D.1421 |
1331*; 1523-1635, passim: 1889. 1959 2 z, _ I
2060, 2314 ) ’ , 2026, pony (Rev. Dr. 1674, 2320, 2339 estaRoderick), (Antonio), [A.D.1702], 1480
Tewkesbury Abbey, 870 Tiffin (Captain William), 737 Teynham (Lady), [A.D.1785], 1384 Tilden, 1322
Thacher (John Boyd), 75*, 90, 91, 108, 206, Tilielus? (Hugunus and Victorinus), 1896 250*-266*, 334*, 335*, 336*, 435, 685, 686, Tillard Bissy (Henri de), 665
687*, 690, 1605, 1690* Timmins (Samuel), 1451 Thane, 2087 Tinelli (Stefano), 2257 Thane (John), 1523-1630, passim. Tingor (Gilles and Jehan), 1944
Thebaut, [A.D.1640], 1317 Tinkler (R.), 385 Thélis (Antoine de), 1339 Tiptoft (Hawyse), 1386
Thélis (Claude d’Ogerolles de), 1339 Tiremont (J.), [A.D.1597], 2174
Thenigen, Canons regular, 1473 Tite (Sir William), 315, 1249, 1325, 1337,
Thenigius (Johannes), 625 1376, 1730, 1898, 2031
Theun, 656 Tivoli, Franciscans, 853 Thévenin, 823 Tixall, cf. Constable (Sir F. A. T. C.)
Thévenin (Marcel), 874 Todd (Albert M.), 18, 1674, 2190, 2315* Thevet (Desideratus), 920 Todd (James H.), 879, 1762, 1842(?)
Theysken (Hermann Hinrich), 1646 Tokath, Church of Saint Parsam, 762 Thiboust (Jacques), Seigneur de Quantilly, Toledo, Cathedral, 2171
1449 Toledo, San Clemente, 1447
Thiébault, 1485*-1486* Tol goute(?) de Merart (De La), 650
Thiengen, 1473(?) Tollenaere (Quentin), [A.D.1582], 1324
Thiern, Capuchins, 87 Tomkinson (Michael), 151, 167, 451, 575, 652, Thierry (Anne and Charles), 2104 1489, 2019 Thiron, Benedictines, 2275 Tomlins (Thomas Edlyne), 1803, 2022
Thomas de Retford, 885 Tomlinson (Robert), 918 Thomas de Rotsee, 1028 Tomsone (Francis), 1482
Thomas (Abel Cary), 2341 Tonge [or Yonge?], (William), of Dunstable, Thomas (George C.), 108, 620, 623, 1020, 1441*, 187 | 2026, 2115*, 2116 Tonnerre, Minimes, 1405
Thomassin, 1374 Toovey (Charles J. and James), 1379, 1388, Thomas-Stanford (Charles), 444, 657, 1770 1404, 1412*, 1450, 1509, 1553
Thomati (Joseph), 461 Topham (John), 421, 1044, 2116
Thompson, 2069 Torella (Principe di), 1630 Thompson (?), 704 Tornaquinci (Niccolo de’), 1902
Thompson (Frederic Ferris), 1332, 1333, 1646*, Torquemada (Cardinal), 1018(?)
1647* Torsy (Jenne de), [A.D.1587], 783
Thompson (Henry Yates), 45, 248, 622, 629, Tosi, 1246
766, 771, 805, 845, 871, 880, 887, 892, 899, 919, Toup (Jonathan), 1976
920, 949, 1202, 1295, 1335, 1336, 1341, 1382, Tournai, Benedictines of Saint Martin, 920,
2116 Tournai, Cathedral, 1371 Thompson (Sir Herbert), 2237* Tournebu (Pierre de), [A.D.1711], 637 1402, 1416, 1475, 1476*, 1477, 1659, 1688, 1695, 1186, 1679, 1783, 2313
Thompson (Prof. James Westfall), 582*, 666* Tourotte family, 799
Thompson (Sir Peter), 2317 Toustain (Comte de), 1453 Thompson (Thomas), 1020 Towneley, 13, 37, 313, 453, 512, 1329, 1757, 2227 Thoms (W. J.), 28, 319 Towneley (John), 37, 52, 313, 441, 1329, 1492, Thomson (Anne D.), 1333 Towneley (Richard), 13, 1757, 2227
Thomson, 1509 1510 ,
Thomson (George), 856 Townley (Sir Charles), 302
Thoresby (Ralph), 424, 1554, 1599*, 2001, Townshend (Marquess), 18, 391*, 395*, 398%,
“ty: racy erlall), 63
2055, 2087, 2224 meee (Me ay, i. 413, 427, 429, 581, 654
Thorn (William), 302 Trapat (Etienne), of Albi,2037 840 Thornborough (John), 294 T il (Alfred). 1152. Thorn-Drury (George), 2267 piapnell rey , Thorold (Sir John), 93, 1697 qiau (Bran?)
dhoros, 701 Treat (John Harvey), 976%, 982
(Thorpe (Thomas) sale, 2256, 2321 Trebizond, Church of Saint John Exoteiché, Thorpe (W. G.), 294de), 569. 570 Thou (Jacques-Auguste 970( ?) ’ ; Thoué (René Anthoine), [A.D.1756], 2035 Trelawny (Major-General Jago), 1302 .
Thoumin, Sieur Du Bouillon, 637 Trelawny (Sir William, also Harry and Sir Thurlaw (Thomas), [A.D.1377], 595 John), 360, 1496 Thurlow (Edward, first Lord), 92, 1333, Trémont (Baron de), 682, 688
1411(?), 1424third drendler (William), Thurlow (Edward, Lord), 1971 reuttel and [A.D.1659], Wurtz sale, 13881434 Thurston (Mine Ada), cae ), 19 Tréves, Carthusians of Saint Alban, 882, 1638,
Thwayte, 1397 2045, 2308( ?)
Tiberghien, 1457 Tréves, Saint Mathias, 1785
Tichfield, Praemonstratensians, 1028 [cf.2305] Tréves, Domus Probationis 1244, 1254
Tiercelet, 458 Trevisan family 1257
Treviso, Carthusians, 1991 V
Treviso, Monastery of the Forty Martyrs, 977
Triantaphilos, 1108 Vagnonis (Valentinus de), 837 Trieffenstein, 1090 Vail (Theodore N.), 1690, 2037 Tripalou, Saint Nicholas, 1109 Valbelle de La Baume (Cosme de), 39 Tristaniana bibliotheca, 1408 Valdruche (Eugéne), 656 Trivulzio family, 161, 1200, 2059 Valencia, Carthusians of Porta Caeli, 1451 Trivulzio (Carlo), 730 Valenciennes, Carmelites, 1006 Trois-Fontaines, Cistercians, 505, 1762 Valentia (Viscount), 2317
Trosedant (H. de), 802 Valier family, 2062 Trotras family, 752 Vallis Pisii, Carthusians, 1426 Troussures (Comte de), 764, 785, 847, 1428*, Valmerana family, 2315* item, 1499, 2290 ,family, 1949 Valy, B02 ctCistercians, ans. 2044“ roya or Van Trojen 184 alverde, Troteti (Thomas), of Fontenay-le-Comte, 524 Valletta (Giuseppe), 1492
Trezcinski (Gabriel and Stanislas), 1164 Van Antwerp (W. C.), 149, 956, 1659, 1891, Tscharner, 1242 2069 Tschernemall (Johann Friedrich, Baron von), Vande Camée (P.), 1384
1645 Van der Burch (Boudens), [A.D.1663], 1371
Tucher (Michael), [A.D.1663], 1808 Vander Cruisse de Waziers (A. H. J.), 1174,
puck are 1945 ullier(George), de Masiéres, 8 _C.). 1432 Tunstall (Bryan), 1502 andemesr so’
Tunstall (Bishop Cuthbert), 1410 Van de Velde (Jean-Francois), 229, 230, 843 293, 302, 344, 373, 398, 410, 1515 Vandorff, [A.D.1584], 764
Tunstall (Marmaduke), 278*, 279, 281, 288, Wan de Wall (Herman), 48
Tunstall (Thomas), 1502 Van Dyke (Paul), 1189, 2274 Turenne (Vicomte de), 804 Van Ingen (E. H.), 2028
Turin, Augustinians of San Carlo, 1186 Van Name (Addison), 163, 170
Turin, Saint Dalmatius(?), 1054 Vardapet (Sohak), [A.D.1749], 762
Turnbull (Mrs.), 1692 Varssenaere (Van) family, 1816 Turnbull (William P.), 1888 Vass. (J. de), 1395
Turner, 57 Vastel (Jehan), 2124 Turner (Arthur), 1045*-1046* Vasto d’Aimone, Sant’Onofrio, 1318 Turner (Dawson), 79, 97, 566, 970, 1599, 1731, WVaubouton (De), 1387 2177 ; Vaudrey (Anne de), 637 Turner (Sir Edward), 1045*-1046* Vaughan (Robert), of Hengwrt, 1337
Turner (Sir Gregory O. Page), 55, 104, 238, Vauluisant, Cistercians, 1760, 2190
_ 649, 2016, 2020, 2098 Vaux (Dr. George), 2104
2107 Velletri, 87
Turner (Robert S.), 50, 1010, 1654, 1719, 1772, Veen (Ottavio van), 1432
Tuville, 397 | Venceslaus, 1164 Twysden family, 581 Vendéme (Duc de), 1336
Tyson (Michael), 636 Venice, Dominicans, 1764 Tzanoulas, 758 Venice, San Francesco della Vigna, 231, 760, 1754, 1756 U Venice, San Giorgio Maggiore, 1072 Venice, Santa Maria della Carita, 1889, 2213
Udine, San Francesco della Vigna, 474 Venice, Santa Maria delle Vergine, 2145 Udny (Alexander), [A.D.1726], 1495 Venice, Santi Giovanni e Paolo, 1783 Uffenbach (Johann Friedrich von and Zacharias Venice, Santi Pietro e Paolo, 1929
Conrad von), 443 Venier (Zusto), 979°
Ughelli (Abate F.), 1249(?) Venot de Noisy family, 2039 Uguina (Antonio de), 1343 Venturini (Antonio), 1796
Ulm, Collegium Wengense, 1252 Verachter (Fridericus), 656 Ultramarino (Oddone), 1420 Verdun (Nicolas de), [A.D.1625], 845 Umfreville (Edward), 425, 580, 1026 Vergauwen (Fr.), 1003 Upcott (William), 250, 358, 377, 432, 1730 Vermuelen (Jacques), 1795 Uppen Klinkenberg, Nunnery, 1959 Verney family, 1801 Urbino, San Bernardo monastery, 1183 Verney (Lord), 443 Urbino (Monastery near), 619 Vernon (Lord), 17, 149, 153, 590, 695, 1081, Urfé (Claude d’), 92, 101 1086, 1335, 1488, 1658*, 1895, 2203, 2214, 2339 Ursel (B. van), [A.D.1567], 874 Vernon (Isabella de), 130 |
Ulricus Molitoris, 1248 Verdun, “Minimes”, 2026
Urswyke (Christopher), 443 Vernon-Wentworth (Captain B. C.), 1484 Verona, Locus Sancti Bernardini, 15 Usteri (Th. Martin), 849 Verona, Canons of San Leonardo, 837 Utrecht, Beggards, 1017 Verona, Monastery of Saint Veronica, 751
Utterson (Edward Vernon), 149, 957, 1406 Verray (?), 1001
Uzés (Duchesse d’), 1436 Verrue (Comtesse de), 1427
Vertue (George), 1372 WwW
Vesey (Benjamin), 1032 Vespeniani (Abate Francesco Martino), 1456 W., [A.D.1818], 515
Vespucci (Giorgio Antonio), 1469 W. (A. F. A.), 678 Vesvrotte (Comte Marc de), 870 W. (Lady Kk.), 422
Veusels (Canon de), 137] W. (T.), 2291
Veydt (Laurent), 1531, 1532 Wade (John), 187, 2018
Viane family, 1688 Wakeman (T?),2184, 377 2185 Viart, 2016 Wakeman (William), Vicars (Sir Arthur), 321, 324 Walckenaer (Baron de), 1337
558 Waldegrave (Lord), 2145
Vicentiis’ (Thomas de), of Fano, [A.D.1560], Waldbott-Bassenheim (Graf von), cf. Buxheim
Vicus (Joannes), 2229 Waldegrave (Edwarde), 132 Vida (Geronimo), 1261 Waldron (F. G.), 2141 Vidal (Robert Studlei), [A.D.1792], 2003 Walham (Edward), 1027(?) Vienna, Hospital, 821 Walhorn (Bernard), 2205
Vienna, Preaching Friars, 2299 Walker (Mrs.), 1500 Vigierius, 1498 Walker (Mrs.), of Chicago, 739 Vighone (Jacobo Antonio), 618 Walker (Henry), 572, 633 Vilars de Monmédan, [A.D.1765], 800 Walker (John), 2030
Viliers (Jehan de), 809 Walker (T. Shadford), 86, 516, 798, 799, 875, Villahermosa (Conde de), 1295 1403, 1658
Villanova, Olivetans, 2052 Walker (William), 394
Villard, 442 Wallace (Walter T.), 13, 652, 1083, 1853, 1887, Villars (Balthazar de), of Dombes, 189 1985 Villatte, of Lassay, 637 Waller (Erik), 2197 Villebon (Chateau de), cf. Pontois Pontcarré Wallis (Albany), 315[cf.2261] (Marquis de) Walmsley (léd.), [ca. A.D.1500], 646 Villemeur (Jean? de), [A.D.1576], 804 Walmsley (Edward), [ca. A.D.1750], 1478 Villeneuve (Amelina and Waler de), [A.D. Walpole (Horace), 1400, 1949, 2145
1316-1317], 775 Walter, Bishop of Sion, [A.D.1457-1482], 647
1767 Waltham Abbey, 887
Villeneuve-lés-Avignon, Carthusians, 1683, Walters (Henry), 757*-856*
Villeroy, 845, 1504 Wandel (Sigurd azd Gudrun), 592 Villette (Pierre), [ca. A.1D.1500], 230, 237 Wanley (Nathanicl), [A.D.1664], 993 Villette (Sophie de), 1664 Wanndell, 1023 Villette de Mursay (Marquise de), 1664 Warburton (John), 1515 Villiers (Anne de), 1308 Warburton (Bishop William), Villiers de VIsle-Adam (Jacques), 1655 Ward, 432
Vimercati-Sozzi (Conte Paolo), 1161, 1180, Warde (Thomas), 70
1260, 2107, 2108 Warder (Alice), 862, 863, 864*
Vimercato, San Lorenzo, 500 Wargnie family, 1419
Vincent, 2168 Warly (Lee), [A.D. 1764], 342 Vincent (Augustine), 427 Warneck (Iédouard), 1815 Vincent (Large), 1458 Warneford (Francis), 376 Violle (Jehan), 2188 Warren (E. P.), 1904 Virmont und Nersen (Count .\mbrosius yon), Warwick (Henry Beauchamp, Duke of), Virneburg, 672 Warwick (Earl of), 269*-274* Vischer (Pierre), 1391, 1728 Warwick (Ambrose Dudley, Earl of), 1390
1402 1026(?)
Visconti, 537, 889, 1264, 1400, 2059(?), 2210 Warwick (Guy de Beauchamp, Earl of), 88
Visconti (Bishop F.), 90 Warwick (John, Earl of), 2316
2056 Wassall (John), 1888
Visconti Modrone (Duca C.), 90, 1075, 1450*, Washington, Library of Congress, 1979
Visconti-Pallavicini, 549, 653 Wassenberg (Johann and Petrus), 1338
Vissac (Claude, Seigneur de), 1342* Wassernas family, 921 Visser, 31 Wastefyld (Edward), 2017 Vitelli family, 1500(?) Waterman (Mrs. James S.), 519
Vizet, 1319 Waterston (Rev. Robert C.), 940*-941* Vogel (Dr. Emil), 1873 Waterton (Exdmund), 25, 992*, 994 Vogtié (De), 1427 Watkins (George S.), 182 Vollbchr (Otto), 43, 91, 246*-249*, 1177 Watkins (L. A.), 150 Vollenhoven (Johannes van), 1580 Watney (Dr. Herbert), 1671
Volpi (Alessandro), 898 Watt or Watts (James), 1151*
Von der Trelde (Fred. Robert), 1139 Watters (Adam and Frank S.), 1670 Vories (H. F.), 1233 Watts, 2260 Vrolmo(?) de Christofole de Bergamo, 2013 Waverley Abbey, 877
Vuatat (Frater Johannes), 1317 Way (Gregory Lewis), 1372 Vuellus (Guntherpus), 134 Waziers (Comte de), 1174, 1945
Vuisemerus (Jacobus), 462 Wazow? (Edward), 813 . Vurmser (Baron de), 810 Weale (W. H. James), 2080*-2081*
PREVIOUS OWNERS 221 Weaver (Harold Baillie), 18, 236, 238, 441, Wigmore Abbey, 578 578, 579, 595, 620, 652, 818, 879, 889, 1022, Wigram (Mrs), 1138, 1164 1265, 1302, 1437, 1656, 1697, 1771, 1774, 1779, Wilbraham (George), 546
1891, 2026, 2217 Wilbraham (Major H. E.), 428 Webb (John), 92 Wilbraham (Rk. W.), 546 Webb (Philip Carteret), 649 Wilbraham (Thomas), 53 Webb (Robert W.), 451 Wilczek (Count), 1168(?)
Webbe (John), 298 Wilde (R. H.), 1072, 1076 Webster (Anthony), [A.D.1661], 1325 Wilde (Samuel), 1173
Webster (Sir Godfrey), 1084 Wilde (William Cummings), 1072*
Webster (Sir Thomas), 123 Wildgoose (John), 167
Weckerlin, 241 Wilfrid, Archbishop of York, 1369(?) Weerdt (L.), 1235 Wilhalmus (Magister), 2293 Weigel (T. O.), 1409, 1416*, 1419*, 1423, 2321 Wilk (John), 2260 Weingarten, Monastery, 15, 1335, 1485*, 1486* Wilkinson (Fr.), 1046
Weissenau, Praemonstratensians, 453*, 493, Wilkinson (Paul), 744*
621, 998, 1082 Wilks (John), 1335, 1458, 2314
Wejandt (Henrich), [A.D.1723], 563 Willement (Thomas), 1663
Weld (Charles Richmond), 752* Willems family, 196]
Wellden (Stephen), 319 Willes (Edward and John), [A.D.1686], 1029 Wellesley (Dr. Henry), 73 Willett (Henry), 625, 1441 Wells, Cathedral, 894 Willett (Mary), 1409 Wells (Charles T.), 159% William III, of England, 2164 Wells (Mrs. Chauncy), 1060 Williams (Sir Charles Hanbury), 595
Wenceslaus Fabri, 884 Williams (E.), 111, 337 Werden, Abbey, 782 Williams (John Camp), 1673, 1683
Werda (Adolphus de), 1781 Williams (Henry), 1478
Were (J. F.), [A.D.1702], 238(?) Williams (Rev. Theodore), 48, 1331*, 1418,
Werle (ComteMagnus, Alfred) ria 109 1435 1458, ernerius illian1459, liam2028 R.).
131 West (James), 90, 1382, 2262 Willis (Bishop Richard), 1662 Westhall, 174 Willoughby family, 1484 Westhead (J. P. Brown), 1269 Willoughby (Sir M.), 1801 Wernigerode, 769, 825, 1496, 1500(?), 1667 Wate sen, am R), °
Westminster, Saint Stephen’s Chapel, 1324 Willoughby de Broke (Lord), 320, 406
Westmorland (Earl of), 314, 1031 Willoughby de Eresby (Lady), 1474
Weston (J. Plowden), 2155 Wills (Howell), 87, 108, 802, 843, 1379,
Weszbach (Johannes), 1009 1390, 1394*, 1395, 1396, 1397*, 1403, 1757,
Whalley, 1157 1784, 1969, 2117, 2138, 2213, 2315 Wheeler (Charles S.), 2240 Wil Allen D.). 700
Wheeler (Charles V.), 619, 634, 646 Wilon CR woe oe oe Collins). 790. 987
Wheeler (John Davenport), 171 3019. Nev. Bre@eric ollins), poaels
Wheler (R. B.), 308*Holt), 597, 887, 899, 2300 White, 161 Wilson (George White (Alfred T.), 1193, 1194, 1204*, 1205* Wilson (Hugh), of Christ Church, Oxtord, White (Andrew D.), 1223*-1254* [A.D.1670], 591 White (George Robert), 987 Wilson (John), 1982*-1983*
White (Rev. Henry), 1334 Wilson (Sir Matthew), 1819 White (Henry), 32, 55, 89, 90, 284*, 294*, 343, Wilson (Richard), |A.D.1786], 2018 671, 777, 790(2), 806, 821, 840, 866, 979(?), Wilson (T.), 1196
1024, 1035, 1182, 1389, 1402, 1489, 1671, 1719, Wilson (Thomas), 183
1887, 2032, 2044*, 2217, 2281 Wilsone (C.), 2116
White (John), [XV c.], 53 Wiltbank (W. W.), 2029
White (John), [A.D.1806], 2247 Wilten, Pracmonstratensians, 1309, 148+, 1702,
White (John Griswold), 1933*-1935* 1928 (?) White (William), 1170*-1171* Winans (Ross C.), 47, 54, 82
White (William Augustus), 60, 73, 385, 1050, Winckelmair (Hans), [A.D.1584], 764
1055*-1056* Windesheim (Canons regular of), 906
Whitehead (Jeffery), 1438 Windhag (Joachim, Baron von), 2044 Whitehead (Thomas Miller), 1366, 2066 Windsor (Dr. Thomas), 452, 453*
Whitman (W. E.), 1988 Windus (Thomas), 90
Whitmore (William H.), 938 Wingfield (Richard), 1336 Wiblingen, Benedictines, 1637 Winnington (Sir Thomas Edward), Bart.,
Wickersham (Dr. M. S.),Winstanley 2009 600, 1045 Wicks (Jonathan), 1391 (Edward N.), 273
Widener (Harry Elkins), 1020 Wisser von Weningen (Jacobus), 244
Wiener-Neustadt, Cistercians of Neukloster, Wix (Hooker Edward), 2025
1496 Wix (Richard Hooker Edward), 2025
Wigan (John Alfred), 999 Wix (Samuel), 2025
Wiggen (Johannes), 479 Wix (William), [A.D.1792], 2025
Wodhull (Michael), 161, 308*, 309%, 312, 354, Y
2315 Yale (Elihu), 167 364, 437, 654, 840, 1366, 1405, 1769*, 1976,
Wolckenstain (Christophorus Baro a), 1332 Yate (Rev. Henry George Dobyns), 2185
Wolf (William), 1028 Yates (James), 892
Wolffheim (Werner), 241, 244, 1872, 2193 Yates( Joseph Brooks), 45
Wollaston (Northamptonshire), 127 Yates (Walter Honeywood), 71(?)
Wollaston (W.), 983 Yemeniz (N.), 530, 1373, 1414, 1460 Wolsey (Cardinal), 1369(?) Yenowine (George H.), 12
Wombwell family, 53 Ynche (Henry), 957
Wonlich (Archdeacon Rudolf), 1253 Yonge (John), [A.D.1440-1441], 187
Wood (Dr. Casey A.), 2213 Yonger (John), [ca. A.D.1500J, 565 Wood 71 York, Saint Mary’s Abbey, 77 Wood (John), (Walter), 2003 Young (J.), 1535 Wrangham (Archdeacon Francis), 1463 Young (J. F.), 1286
Wray (William), 1800 Young (R.), of Belfast, 2184 Wrenn (John Henry), 2157 Yovanis (Khodja), 761
Wright (F.), [A.D.1723], 2017 Ysermans (Petrus), 2036
Wright (Harrison), 2037, 2051, 2053, 2055*, Ytmo... tus, 1410 2060
Wright J. 0.) 108 3036 2 Z
Wright (Rev. John), 2036, 2048 Wright (O. A.), 1969 Z. (A.), 1076 | Wright (William Aldis), 325 Zabern, Franciscans, 482
Wrythe (Sir John and Sir Thomas), 896 Zaccagnini (Fulvio), 1899
Wiirzburg, Carmelites, 248 Zampiccoli (Carlo Francesco), 1430
[W]ydestein (Jan), 2313 Zangiacomi (Baron), 806
Wylde (William), 439 Zara, Capuchins, 1456 Wyldon (John), 56 Zara, Franciscans, 479 _ Wylie (Robert), 916 Zaugheriis (Guidangelius Seraphini de), Wyllson (William), 2227 [A.D.1573], 1784 Wyllyamson (John), 53 Zeisberg, 769, 825, 1667 Wylmyn (Johannes), 442 Zelada (Cardinal), 2148
Wylton, 442 Zepp(eren?), Franciscans, 540 Wyndesor (Elizabeth), 91 “Zevenensis ecclesia”, 1645
Wyndham (Wadham), 1034 Zimmerman (Rev. Dr. Jeremiah), 2001*-2002*
Wynne (Edward), 434 Zirardini (Antonio), 994 Wynne (Griffith), 1337 Zola (Emile), 1455
Wynne (R. Wynne), 2022 Zondadari (Cardinal), 815 Wynne (Rev. Richard), 737 Zorzi (Bartolommeo), 2076
x Zouche (Lord), 358 Zur Mithlen (Von), 1497, 1959
Xancoins family, 811 Zwackhamer (Wilhelm von), 764 Xanten, Carthusians, [A.D.1591], 232 Zygmunt (Weclewski), 558