Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts at the University of California, Los Angeles [Reprint 2020 ed.] 9780520338302

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Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts at the University of California, Los Angeles [Reprint 2020 ed.]

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Ci«f s. Leonardo [cap. CLV]; f. 195 De ss. Grisanto et Daria [cap. CLVII]; f. 195 De undecim milium virginum passione [cap. CLVIII]; f. 196v [De s. Quintino, cap. CLX]; f. 197 Des. Eustacio [cap. CLXI]; f. 199 [De quattuor coronatis, cap. CLXIV]; f. 199 [Des. Theodoro, cap. CLXV]; f. 199v [Des. Grisogono, . . . vel tristibus desperacio vel letis dominetur elacio [cap. CLXXI, interr. p. 788]; f. 199v [De s. Saturnino], . . . quorum passio alio tempore potissimum collitur [cap. CLXXIII, interr. p. 798] ubi recitatur memoria passionis istorum videlicet in festo Perpetue et Felicitatis quod habetur in fine libri; f. 200 [De s. Iacobo martire cognomento interciso, cap. CLXXIV]; f. 201 [Des. Pastore, cap. CLXXV]; f. 201v [De s. Iohanne abbate, cap. CLXXVI]; f. 202 De s. Moyse abbate [cap. CLXXVII]; f. 202v [De s. Arsenio, cap. CLXXVIII]; f. 203 [De s. Agathone abbate, cap. CLXXIX]; f. 203v [De s. Barlaam] in vitispatrum, . . . et contentio direnata adversus caput meum insanire fecit [cap. CLXXX, interr. p. 819]; f. 207 [De s. Pelagio papa], . . . de ipsa cruce potius ceciderunt. Addidit quoque quod impiis obscu// [cap. CLXXXI, interr. p. 825); f. 207v De dedicatione ecclesie [cap. CLXXXII]; f. 211 vDes. Iohanne Crisostomo, . . . omnia quoque tempia ydolorum destrui fecit [cap. CXXXVIII, interr. p. 612]; f. 212 De s. Marciale, Sanctus Marcialis consanguineus sancti Stephani prothomartiris cum esset annorum XV cum parentibus suis venit . . . qui statim febre correptus adveniente domino et angelis in celum defertur; f. 212v Des. Victore, Maximianus cum venisset at urbem Massiliam peracta nuper sanctorum cede Thebeorum decrevit . . . in lictoris oppositum transfetuntur [ìiV]. In quibus a Christianis sepulta sunt anno domini C C C ° x° et multa beneficia petentibus largiuntur; f. 213 De s. Albano, Anno domini LXXXVII sanctus Albanus de Britannia adhuc paganus Christianum quemdam persecucionem max imam imperatoris fugientem hospicio . . . perdidit quam cito sanctum Albanum cum predicto milite decollavit; f. 213v De s. Prisco, Anno domini cclxxvi Aurelianus imperator ad Gallias veniens contra Christianos persecutionem movit. Cum ergo tunc Senonis moraretur . . . caput autem sancti Prisci detulit ad locum qui difTert IIII o r ab urbe milibus vel ad castrum quod eiusdem Prisci nomine nuncupatur; f. 213\ De s. Genevofa [jzc] virgine, Beata Genevofa prope Parisius orta beato Germano Altisiodorensi episcopo per loca illa causa destruende heresis . . . spiritu prophecie piena omnes morbos ab humanis corporibus expellebat; f. 214 De s. Preiecto, Preiectus cum adhunc esset in utero matris vidit mater eius in sompnis quod eius filius . . . quod cum ceteri cognovissent similiter penitentes auri et argenti copiam obtulerunt; f. 214v De s. Gallicano, 56


Gallicanus magister milicie Constantini ab eodetn valde dilectus filiam eius Constanciam sibi poscebat in uxorem . . . secessit in heremum ubi dum sacrificare contempneret decollatus. Anno domini CCCLXVI; f. 215 De ss. Perpetua et Felicitate, Temporibus Valeriani et Galieni imperatorum apud AfTricam comprehensi sunt Satyrus Saturninus Revocatus et Felicitas soror eius et Perpetua . . . Perpetua a leonibus devorati sunt, Saturninus decollatur, Revocatus et Felicitas a leopardis comesti martirio coronantur [cap. CLXXIII pp. 798-799, with alterations]; f. 215v De s. Iusto, Cum Iustus novem esset annorum et avunculus eius Iustinianus in captivitate ductus esset ait ad patrem suum Iustinum . . . ipsa puella annorum XVI ceca nata lumen oculorum recepit anno domini CCCC° XV; f. 215v [Des. Secando], Secundus philosophus hic philozophatus est omni tempere silencium conservans et pictagorìcam deducens vitam . . . precepit libros eius sacre bibliotece inserì et intitularì Secundi philosophi digitis et bone reservarì; f. 217v De adventu domini [cap. I]; f. 220v De s. Iuliano [cap. XXX]; f. 222 De septuagesima [cap. XXXI]; f. 223 De sexagesima [cap. XXXII]; f. 223v De quinquagesima [cap. XXXIII]; f. 223v De s. Amando [cap. XLI]; f. 224 De s. Valentina [cap. XLII]; f. 224v De s. Iuliana [cap. XLIII]; f. 225 De s. Gregorio, . . . et carnem illam in panem conversarli vidit [cap. XLVI, interr. p. 198]; f. 228 De s. Longino [cap. XLVII]; f. 228 [De s. Benedicto, cap. XLIX]; f. 231v De s. Patricia [cap. L]; f. 232v [De s. Vitali, cap. LXI]; f. 233 [De s. Petro novo martire de ordine predicatorum], . . . quem cum beatus Petrus signasset continuo sanatus surrexit [cap. LXIII, MS om. etimologia nominis, interr. p. 280]; f. 234 De ss. Gordiano et Epymaco [cap. LXXIV, MS om. etim. nom. ]; f. 234 [De ss. Nereo et Achilleo, cap. LXXV, MS om. etim. nom.]; f. 234v De s. Pancracio [cap. LXXVI, MS om. etim. nom.]; f. 235 De s. Urbano [cap. LXXVII, MS om. etim. nom.]; f. 235 [De s. Petronilla, cap. LXXVIII]; f. 235v De ss. Marcellino et Petro [cap. LXXIX]; f. 236 [De ss. Primo et Feliciano, cap. L X X X , MS om. etim. nom. ]; f. 236 De ss. Vito et Modesto [cap. LXXXII, MS om. etim. nom. ]; f. 236v De s. Cirico [cap. LXXXIII, MS om. etim. nom.]; f. 237 De s. Marina [cap. LXXXIV]; f. 237 [De septem fratribus quifueruntfilii beate Felicitatis, cap. XCI]; f. 237v De s. Theodora [cap. XCII]; f. 239 De s. Apollinare [cap. XCVII, MS om. etim. nom.]; f. 239v De s. Christina [cap. XCVIII, MS om. sacre ], f. 240v De ss. Nazario et Celso, . . . in eadem ecclesia collocavit. Passi sunt autem sub Nerone anno domini LVII [cap. CU, MS om. etim. nom. and last paragraph]; f. 241v De ss. Simplicio et Faustino [cap. CIV]; f. 241v De s. Germano [cap. CVII]; f. 243 De ss. Abdon et Sennen [cap. CVI, MS om. last sentence]; f. 243 De s. Eusebio, . . . Constantius autem Constantini filius ipsa heresi corruptus fuit [cap. CVIII, MS om. etim. nom., interr. p. 452]; f. 243 De s. Dominico [cap. CXIII, MS om. etim. nom.]; f. 247v De s. Sixto [cap. CXIV, M S om. etim. nom.]; f. 248 De s. Donato [cap. CXV, MS om. etim. nom.]; f. 248v De s. Ciriaco [cap. CXVI]; f. 249 De s. Simphoriano [cap. CXXII]; f. 249v In die cene, Scitis quid fecerim (Ioh. 13.12). Felix discipulus qui ad hanc questionem valet respondere. Et II a questio illius summi doctoris . . . et bibit eius sanguinem habet vitam eternam ad quam nos perducat; f. 250 [Sermo], Probet autem se ipsum homo et sic de pane primo edat et de calice bibat. I Cor. iii [ = 11.28]. Si animus debet aliquod cibum recipere oportet quod videat et probet si cibum . . . deduxit eos in portum voluntatis eorum. Rogemus etc.; ff. 251v-253v and 268r-v De sancio Sacramento, Circa istud sacramentum totum evvangelium in quo fit mencio de magnitudine ventate huius sacramenti . . filia principis hanc autem sancti-/ / (follows on f. 268:) tatem mentio debet quibus . . Hebr. 4 [. 11 ] festinemus ingredi in illam requiem id est glorie paradisi ad quam vos perducat; f. 254 De s. Ludovico rege Francie [BHL 5047]; f. 257v De s. Barbara [BHL 927]; f. 259 De s. Eligio confessore, . . capilli tempore obitus sui rasi mirum in modum crevisse videbantur [Graesse cap. C C X X X I X , interr. p. 952]; f. 259v De s. Iudoco, 57




Circa annos domini circiter sexcentos XLVIII temporibus beati Martini pape primi Constancii imperatoris tercii et regis Francorum Dagoberti beatus Iudocus filius Michaelis regis Britannie maioris . . ad presens suffìciat que dominus per sui Iudoci beati merita operare dignatus est, cui est honor et gloria in secula; f. 262 De s. Clara, Venerabilis Christi sponse Deoque dicate virginis Clare natalicium diem, fratres karissimi, honorificentia dedita celebrantes . . paulo post iusto Dei faciente iudicio gladio interemptus occubuit; f. 263v De sancto Sacramento, Caro mea vere est cibum etc. Io. 6[.56]. Videmus per experientiam quod quanto res in se est nobilior et preciosior . . nam prima erunt figure hie autem V e r i t a s ipsa disgressio. f. 269 (pastedown) blank. [Kaeppeli, SOPMA 2154; this manuscript is not cited.] Paper (Tête de boeuf, similar to Briquet 14181, Colmar 1442; qu. 21 Coeur, similar to Briquet 4231-35, Paris 1443, etc.), ff. iv (parchment, i is pastedown) + ii (paper) + 268 (numbered a, 1-269; 266-269 parchment, 269 is pastedown); 220 x 150 (155/160 x 90) mm. i4 ii*(—2, -3) l M (-7, -8) 2-22 12 234. Plain horizontal catchwords in the lower righthand corner. 45/51 long lines; not ruled. Written by one hand, including text on f. iv, in a poorly formed lettre bâtarde; ink is grayish brown for text and titles both. On f. 253v (end of the quire), in the hand of the text, "Verte in ultimo folio + " ; on f. 268r-v (the last written folio) the sign + is followed by the portion of text missing after f. 253v; f. iii, an erased note in fifteenth-century French lettre bâtarde; mildew damage on the initial and final parchment leaves. Bound in parchment over wooden boards, s. XV. Written in northern France in the middle of the fifteenth century. F. 2 lower margin, "Celestinorum Sancte Crucis. G.40," probably to be identified with the Celestin monastery of Ste-Croix-sous-OfTémont (Ile de France). Purchased by UCLA in 1959 from the London book dealer Stanley Smith. Secundo folio: Andreas in Achaia consistens

UNIVERSITY R E S E A R C H LIBRARY '170/281 • A N O N Y M O U S , LIFE O F C O S I M O I DE' MEDICI, in Italian • Tuscany, 1574/1587 fT. l-193v: Al Serenissimo Gran Duca di Toscana Francesco Medici unico mio signore. Hanno scritto, et s'io non m'inganno, sono ancora per scrivere molti della vita del Serenissimo Signor Padre di Vostra Altezza Serenissima per fare in gratia di lei et in testimonianza del vero . . sbandito quando pensava d'esserne pagato ne fu/ / The author says, in the opening chapter, that he comes from Volterra and that, before this present Life in the vernacular, he wrote a Latin Life in six books ("mi ci metto oltre a quello che latinamente ho già scritto in sei libri del Principato suo"). The extensive corrections, additions, and stylistic alterations written at different times and in different inks indicate that this is the author's working copy. Paper, ff. 193; 295 x 210 (265 x c a . 155) mm. 1-3 J 0 4 " 516 6 - 8 " 9 " 10 6 (-1). Catchwords at the bottom of each page; gatherings signed by a capital letter in the lower right-hand corner of the first recto. 18/21 long lines, not ruled. Written in a late humanistic cursive script, in various brown inks. Extensive marginal annotation in the hand of the text, on every page; ff. lr-v and 193r-v badly worn, but little text is lost. Bound in a detached limp parchment cover, s. XVI, with modern ties. 58

• 1 70/292

Written in Tuscany in the reign of Francesco I (1574-1587) in the hand of the author. The front cover bears a title, and the remains of a shelf-mark, from an Italian archive, written in purple ink by a nineteenth-century Italian hand: "[2-line erasure]. Sezione C. Miscellanea. Filza A. Storia-[erasure]. Vita di Cosimo de' Medici primo Granduca dedicata a Francesco I suo figlio. Autografo di Anonimo Volterrano stato segretario di Cosimo presso l'Imperatore Carlo V, il Re Francesco I, la Repubblica di Venezia e finalmente presso lo stesso Granduca, ed autore di sei libri scritti in latino sul Principato di Cosimo. L'autore è probabilmente Monsignore Jacopo di Giovanni De' Conti Guidi Vescovo di Penna e di Atri nell'Abruzzo, che scrisse gli Atti del Concilio di Trento." There is no evidence for this attribution to Jacopo Guidi, bishop of Penna and Atri (d. 1587). Acquired by UCLA ca. 1962 from an unknown source. Secundo folio:

sue più secrete


UCLA Librarian 16 (1963) 93.

UNIVERSITY RESEARCH LIBRARY »170/282 • ACCOUNT BOOK OF CARLO DE' MEDICI • Tuscany, 1535-1536 ff. l-108v: Account book of bank business, on the verso of each leaf " d a r e , " on the recto "avere," covering the years 1535-1536; among the persons and institutions that appear are the Università dell'arte della lana, and members of the noble Florentine families of Corbinelli, Della Fonte, Rucellai, Valori, ff. 109-240 (unnumbered) bounding lines and columns ruled but blank. Paper, ff. i (parchment) + 240 + i (parchment); 338 x 230 mm. 1-15 16 . Bounding lines and vertical columns for figures ruled in leadpoint. Contemporary parallel foliation in arabic numbers on the upper left-hand corner of the verso, in roman numerals on the upper right-hand corner of the recto. Written in late Italian lettera mercantesca by one hand; dark brown ink. Contemporary envelope-shaped binding in limp parchment, reinforced with four leather straps on the back and a fifth surrounding the volume, fastened by means of a metal buckle; on the front cover, by three different sixteenth-century Italian hands: "Q(uaderno) di Chassa Quarto"; "1535 del . . . di Carlo Medici"; " n ° 292." Written in Tuscany (Florence?) in 1535-1536. Carlo de' Medici may be the Carlo who was born probably before 1501, "senatore" in 1573, and died probably in the same year, son of Bernardo de' Medici, captain of Volterra in 1508; see P. Litta, Famiglie celebri italiane, 11 vols. (Milan 1856-1885), vol. 2 fase. 24: "Medici di Firenze, parte III," tav. 6. Source and date of acquisition by UCLA are unknown.

UNIVERSITY RESEARCH LIBRARY * 170/292 • TRISTANO CARACCIOLO, WORKS • Italy (southern?), s. XVII 1. f. 2: Index operum Tristani Caraccioli, 1. Vita Ioannae Primae Neapolis Reginae . . . 21. De Ferdinando, qui postea Aragonum Rex fuit, 22. De Ioanne Baptista Spinello Cariati Comite, ad Ferdinandum filium, 23. De concordia, et de ineundo Coniugio, 24. Genealogia Caroli primi Siciliae Regis, 25. Ordo servandus a Militibus Hieroso59



3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12.

13. 14.


16. 17.



20. 21.




limitanis in electione Magni Militiae Magistri [the last four works are now missing from the manuscript], f. 2v blank. ff. 3-17: Vita Iohannae Primae Neapolis Reginae per Tristanum Caracciolum. Printed: L. A. Muratori, ed., Rerum italicarum scriptores (RIS) 22 pt. 1, revised ed. G. Paladino (Bologna 1934) 5-18. ff. 17v-40: Vila Serzanis Caraccioli Magni Senescalci [RIS 22.1.21-40], ff. 40v-52: Disceptatio quaedam priscorum cum Iunioribus de moribus suorum temporum, Quam nimium sui saeculi homines sint amatores . . . et veneramur alteris vero aeteraam optamus pacem. Other manuscripts of this work are reported by Kristeller, Iter ilal. 1.428 and 2.116. f. 52v: Petrus Gravina Tristano Caracciolo. S.D., Non salutasti modo more majorum . . . diuturniora imperia petirentur. Vale et me ama [Kristeller, Iter 1.428]. ff. 53-58: Oratio ad Alfonsum Iuniorem [RIS 22.1.173-176], ff. 58v-98: De Varietale fortunae [ibid. 73-105], ff. 98v-109: Epistola de Inquisition* [ibid. 109-117]. ff. 109v-l 11 De Inconstantia, Quid maxime vitam non modo videri sed etiam brevem . . . et levitatis merito damnatos [Kristeller, Iter 1.5, 428, 2.25, 116], ff. 11 lv-116: De cuiusque vanitale in loquendo, Mirabar profecto aliquando cur docti illi receptissimique . . . laborantibus virorum bonorum opinio est atque fuerit [ibid. 1.5, 428, 2.25], ff. 116v-120: Epistola de Statu Civitatis [RIS 22.1.153-155], ff. 120v-134v: Plura bene vivendi praecepta ad filium, Quoniam quos plurimum diligi natura voluit hoc . . . non in suum lucrum incutere solent. Finis [Kristeller, Iter 1.5, 428, 2.116], ff. 135-138v: De funere Ferdinandi primi epistola [RIS 22.1.159-163], ff. 139-147v: Defensiv civitatis Neapolitanae, Petri Gravine canonici Neapolitani carmen quo Parthenopen alloquitur, T u licet antiqua proavorum laude superbum/ . . . / Haec tibi defensae gloria maior erit [12-line dedicatory verse; Kristeller, Iter 1.428, 2.25, 116]. Defensio civitatis Neapolitanae ad Legatum Reipublicae Venetae [RIS 22.1.141-148, without the verse]. ff. 148-160v: De vitae Auetoris actae notitia, Quidpotissimum utile mihi scriberem, Quid potissimum utile mihi scriberem cum accuratius meditarer . . . doluisse tarnen animo non parum iuvat. Finis [Kristeller, Iter 1.5, 428, 2.116], ff. 161-163, Ioviani Pontani vitae brevis pars [RIS 22.1.181-183], ff. 163v-170v: Didonis Reginae Vita, Finxisse Virgilium Didonem Eneae Amore deperditam . . . Carthaginenses cumulatis quotidie persolverunt. Finis [Kristeller, Iter 1.5, 428, 2.25, 116], ff. 171-173: Penelopes Castitas et perseverantia, Saepe plurimas egregiasque virtutes quibus aliquis ornatus est . . . ne fraudemus ergo sua Castitatis gloria. Finis [ibid. 1.5,428, 2.25, 116]. ff. 173v-182: Quid sit in tot variis artibus Iunioribus amplectendum Consultatici ad quendam expertum Monachum, Non tibi satis visum fuerat pro redimendis peccatis vitaque perpetua . . . magnopere oramus quam rectissimam fore non dubitamus. Finis [ibid. 1.5, 428, 2.25] ff. 182v-190: Opusculum ad Marchionem A telle, Magnum profecto fortitudinis argumentum esse remur . . . materiam grandi contribuisse iuvat [ibid. 1.5, 428, 2.25, 116]. ff. 190v-200v: De Sororis obitu, C u m semper, et si non omnium, plurimorum tarnen paternorum . . . compar gloriae futurum iterum perventuram. Finis [ibid. 1.5, 428, 2.25, 116], ff. 201 -204v: De Ferdinando quipostea Aragonum Rexfiät, Ferdinandus Alfonsi illius . . . hic finis coronariae pompae qua et funere quo patrem/ / [RIS 22.1.131-134, line 23]. 60


A manuscript with the same contents, before the mutilation, and in the same order, is Naples, IX C 25, noted by Kristeller, Iter 1.428. We have described the present manuscript here, even though it belongs to the seventeenth century, because of the rarity of earlier manuscripts containing works of Tristano Caracciolo (ca. 1437-1528). Paper, IT. 204; 305 x 205 (245 x 145) mm. Quires of 12s; catchword at bottom of each page. 25 long lines, not ruled. Sophisticated cursive script by a professional hand; blackish ink. On f. 1, "Tristani Caraccioli Opera omnia" in square capitals. Bound in parchment over cardboards, s. XVII. Written in Italy, probably in the south, in the seventeenth century. Two armorial bookplates inside the front cover: one with the motto "Comme je fus," the second "Ex libris Marchionis Salsae." For further books and papers from the Salsa library see below, MS 953. Acquired by UCLA in 1966 from an unknown source.

UNIVERSITY RESEARCH LIBRARY 170/307 Fig. 16 m ORDINANCES OF T H E CONFRATERNITY O F ST. J U L I A N IN T E R U E L , in Spanish • Spain (Teruel), 1440-1574 1. fT. 3-7v: [List of chapters with folio references] Capitulo primo de mantener la lampara a ii . . . Capitulo quel demandador sea tovido dar conto por cada domingo e cada paschua a xxiiii [followed by severed additions:] Capitulo del conto . . . Capitulo como se deve meter en seguro lo de la compañya, xxxxvi. f. 8r-v blank. 2. ff. i-xxiv v : Esta es la ordenación de la confradria de senyor sant Julian de la ciudat de Teruel, En el nonbre del nuestro senyor Ihesu Christo et de la virgen sancta Maria su madre et ha honor de todos los sanctos de Dios. En la era de mil et C C C C et X L aquesta hermandat et aquesta companya establecems los cofradres [over erasure: de senyor sant Bartholome] et de sant Julian de Teruel. En nombre et en advocado de [over erasure: sant Bartholome; added between the lines: et de sant] Julian ffazemos et ordenamos nuestras posturas segunt que daqui adelant es scripto et ordenado a fieldat del señor Rey de Aragón et ha hondra de la ciudat de Teruel . . . por cada un dia que nolo fara. 3. ff. xxiv v -xxxii: [8 added chapters] Capitulo del confradre qui se salliere de la compañya. Item como a toda persona . . . y esto sin nenguna remission. IT. xxxi v and xxxii v blank. 4. fT. xxxiii-xxxxi v : Capítulos de la ordenación de la cambra que se faze en el spital de senyor sant Iulian et de senyor sant Bartholomme, Item primerament hordenamos . . . para necessidades del spital. 5. ff. xxxxii-xxxxvii: [Additional ordinances, including the mention f. xxxxiiiv of an annual procession to honor St. Quiteña] De esleyr officiates et del qui no querrá acceptor, Item stablescemos . . . la pena sobre dicha. 6. ff. xxxxvii v -xxxxix: A series of ordinances with the dates 1524, 1529, 1551, 1557, 1574. Parchment, fT. 57; 193 x 130 (120 x 85) mm. 1-5" 6 10 (-1) 7 10 (-1, -2). Catchwords only in the first section, horizontally in the middle of the lower margin. 13 long lines; the first section ruled in lead, then in ink. Written by seven fifteenth-century hands (1440 and after) in a rather square late Spanish gothic bookhand in liturgical style (littera textualis formata), (i) fT. 3-6, i-xxiv v , (ii) fT. xxiv y -xxvi v , (iii) fT. xxvi v -xxvii v , xxviiii-xxxi, (iv) fT. xxvii v -xxviii v , (v) f. xxxii, (vi) fT. xxxiii-xxxxi v , (vii) ff. xxxxii61




xxxxvii, and several sixteenth-century cursive hands, ff. 6 - 7 v and x x x x v i i v xxxxviiii v ; black ink for the main text, brown for the additions. O n f. 1, 5-line initial parted in red and blue on red and violet flourishes, with marginal extensions to form a light border; 4-line initial in red, f. xxxxii; ff. i-xxiv, 2-line initials alternately in red and blue and initials in the text slashed with yellow; rubrics in red; fT. xxxxii-xxxxvii, red paragraph marks; ff. i-xxiv foliated by the scribe in red roman numerals, continued in brown ink on ff. xxv-xxxxviiii. Fifteenth- and sixteenth-century notes inside the back cover. O n f. 2, a seventeenth- or eighteenth-century coat of arms in pen and ink, with the names and symbols of St. Bartholomew, St. Julianus, St. Quiteria. Only the spine of a contemporary binding in limp parchment survives. Written at Teruel in 1440, with additions to 1574, for the confraternity of St. Julian. A stamp in ink on f. 1, "Angel San Gros N ° 12—Zaragoza," s. X V I I I / X I X ; a Spanish hand has written in ink on f. 1 " C o d i c e original," s. X I X . Purchased by U C L A in Spain in 1963. Secundo folio: [Chapter list, f. 4] fijo dexare; [Text, f. ii] primerament prometemos

U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H L I B R A R Y '170/322 Fig. 15 • P A U L U S N I C O L E T T I V E N E T U S , S U M M A N A T U R A L I U M • Italy (Rimini), 1421 ff. l-140v: [Summa naturalium] Plurimorum astrictus precibus . . . [f. 25va] in 3" de anima igitur etc. Igitur sic est finis prime partis summule naturalium et sequitur 2 a scilicet de celo et m u n d o etc.; f. 26rb Finita prima parte in quo de motu . . . [f. 39vb] et leviora super graviora quare etc. Explicit 2 a pars summule naturalium scilicet de celo et m u n d o et sequitur 3 a que de generacione et corrupcione; f. 40 Tractaturus de generacione et corrupcione . . . [f. 55] correspondere una potentia etc. et sic est finis huius 3C partis summule. Incipit 4 , a pars scilicet Methaurorum, Necesse est mundum hunc . . . [f. 74va] superflue continue habundantis supervenientis [canceled: quare etc. . . . ]. Explicit quarta pars summe naturalium acta per reverendum sac re theologie doctorem magistrum Paulum de Veneciis ordinis fratrum heremitarum sancti Augustini; f. 75 [Quinta pars] Quoniam scientia de anima . . . [f. 107] sint materiales sive immateriales etc. Sic est finis istius tractatus qui est quintus in summa naturalium acta per reverendum magistrum Paulum de Veneciis ordinis fratrum heremitarum sancti Augustini completum 1421 in die sancti Antonini [2 Sept.] Iohanne de Beylario etc. Yhesus Christus nostra solus quod reclamed omnis malus nobis sui memoriam dedit in panis hostiam. Mentem sanctam spontaneam honorare deo et prius etc. Ave maris Stella dei mater alma atque semper; f. 107rb [Sexta pars] Naturalium pars ultima difficultates methaphisicas . . . donare dignetur per infinita secula seculorum. Amen. Scriptum Arimini per me fratrem Iohannem de Beylario Colonie provincie in studio Ariminensi. Sub anno domini M ° C C C C ° X X I ° ultima die decembris completum. Finito libro sit laus et gloria Christo. fT. 141-145v ruled but blank. Paulus de Venetiis, Summa naturalium (Venice: loh. de Colonia, 1476); Hain 12515. For lists of surviving manuscripts see Zumkeller 739; C. H. Lohr, "Medieval Latin Aristotle Commentaries, Authors: Narcissus-Richardus," Traditio 28 (1972) 314-320; and A. R . Perreiah, Paul of Venice: A Bibliographical Guide (Bowling Green, Ohio 1986) 45, 53. 62


Paper (Monts, similar to Briquet 11685, 11687, 11699, all northeast Italy, s. X V 1 / 3 ; IT. 76-88, 97-98, EtoiU, similar to Briquet 6024, Augsburg 1423), fT. 145; 290 x 215 (200/205 x 140/145) mm. I 12 2 M 3-6 1 2 7 1 2 (-1, + 1 ) 8-11 1 2 12 12 (-12). Framed catchwords in the lower right-hand corner; leaves signed 1 - 6 lower right, usually cropped. 2 columns of 55/56 lines; frame ruled in pale ink. Written in a small semicursive gothic hand (littera notularis); ink varies from dark brown to greenish. 24-line initial in red on brown penwork, f. 1 ; 4 - and 5-line initials in red usually on brown penwork; red paragraph marks; initials in the text slashed with red; running titles, on the recto only, in small brown minuscule. Notabilia in the margins and a few marginal corrections to the text by the copyist; sporadic marginalia by contemporary hands. Bound in parchment on papier boards, s. X V I - X V I I ; on the spine in bold gothic, " F . Franciscus de Bolca:." Written in 1421 by Johannes de Beylario at Rimini in a studium, presumably Augustinian; he belonged to the Cologne Province, a designation appropriate to an Augustinian but not a Dominican or Franciscan; concerning the studia at Rimini see C. Piana, Ricerche su le Università di Bologna e di Parma nel secolo A"F(Florence 1963) 548. J o h a n n e s ' s German background is evident in the opening lines of each part, written in a larger book gothic (see esp. f. 1) and in the decoration of the initials. Belonged to Master Franciscus de Bolzano; f. 1 bottom, his name in late fifteenth-century blue capitals, and his coat of arms in a floral frame with gold balls: parted per fess or and vert, in chief an eagle's wing erased sable; Franciscus de Bolzano, a Franciscan, was professor of theology at Cremona in 1489; the facsimile of a colophon with this information, from a g r a d u i that he commissioned for the Franciscans of Belluno, appears in Sotheby's catalog of 10 J u n e 1963, p. 40, lot 151. T . De Marinis & Co. sale catalog (1911) p. 23, lot 71; to Federico Patetta (1867-1945), professor of law at Turin etc. and collector of manuscripts; f. 1 top, his signature and ex libris, "Federico Patetta, M S n ° 130"; concerning Patetta see Enciclopedia italiana 26 (1935) 505, and App. 2.2 (1949) 509. Purchased by U C L A from J o h n Howell Books, San Francisco, in 1963/64. Secundo folio: 2 a conclusio corpus naturale

U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H L I B R A R Y 170/323 • I N V E N T O R Y O F A BISHOP'S LIBRARY, in French • France (Cahors), 1589 fT. l-13v: Et advenu le sixiesme [. . .] ensuyvant procédant par lesdits sieurs de Raymond et [. . .] chanoine a l'inventere des libres dudit seigneur evesque [selon] l'iniongtion faicte par ledit sieur Lecomte. A este treuve dan le cabinet dudit seigneur evesque, scavoir au premier rang du palpitre au second aix: Repetitiones Benedicti couvert de vert . . . ; f. 13v Extrait a son original [signed] Caissac notaire, f. 14r-v blank. Notary's copy of the inventory of 483 books belonging to Antoine IV Ebrard de Saint-Sulpice, bishop of Cahors (1576-1600), impounded by troops of the Ligue in April 1589 while they occupied his palace. Edited from this manuscript by Nicole Marzac, The Library of a French Bishop in the Late XVIth Century (Paris 1974); see her introduction regarding the date and the identification of the bishop. Paper (Main, similar to Briquet 10864), fT. 14; 250 x 180 (ca. 210 x various widths) m m . O n e gathering. 19/22 long lines. Written in a chancery hand. O n f. 14v written vertically by a contemporary hand, "Inventaire des livres." Manuscript is recently re63




stored; edges of the leaves are torn and there are water stains, both damaging the text slightly. Bound in marbled paper over cardboard, s. XX. Written at Cahors in 1589. Purchased by UCLA from William Salloch, Ossining, New York, in 1963/64. A copy of this inventory is UCLA Negative Microfilm #04255. UNIVERSITY RESEARCH LIBRARY 170/331 • STEPHEN LANGTON, INTERPRETATIONS HEBRAICORUM NOMINUM • England or France, s. XIII med 1. 2.

ff. 1-70: Aaz apprehendens vel apprehencio. Aaz testificans vel testimonium . . . Zusitidis consilium vel consiliatrix. Zusim consiliantes eos vel consiliatores eorum. Expliciunt interpretationes bibliotece [Stegmuller 7709]. f. 70ra-rb: [Prologus in Matth. ] Matheus cum primo predicasset euuangelium in Iudea volens transire ad gentes primus euuangelium scripsit ebraice . . . in leone regnum, in aquila exprimitur divinitatis sacramentum [Stegmuller 589]. Remainder of column and f. 70v blank.

Parchment, fT. iii (modern; i is pastedown) + 70 + iii (modern; iii is pastedown); 160 x 110 (130 x 80) mm. 1 - 5 , J 6 12 (-11, -12). Plain horizontal catchwords. 2 columns of 38 lines; ruled in leadpoint, single bounding lines and double frame ruling in the upper and lower margins; pricking in the upper and lower margins, seldom visible in the outer margin which has been cropped by binding. Small current gothic bookhand (littera textualis); olive brown ink. 2-line initials in red and green, with tendrils in red or green penwork, at times ending in a human face; 1-line initials to each entry alternately red and green (if. l-34v) or pink and green (ff. 34v-70); on f. 12v alternately red and pink. On f. 26 the initial D in red or green has been mistakenly applied to the first 20 words that should begin with E, following mistaken marginal instructions; usually the erroneous colored D is written over the correct E in brown ink. Bound in dark leather over wooden boards rebacked, with remains of two metal fore-edge clasps, probably s. XV; title: "Interpretationes bibliothecae" in gilt capitals. Written in England or France in the mid-thirteenth century. Erased inscription on f. 70. Belonged to Thomas Tylston Greg, whose bookplate ca. 1880 appears on the front pastedown with the motto "Ein doe and spair not"; see W. Hamilton, Dated Book-Plata (Ex-libris), with a Treatise on Their Origin and Development (London 1895) 168. Belonged to the English bibliographer W. W. Greg (1875-1959) whose signature appears on f. 11, " W . W. Greg, Park Lodge, 1920," and who left pencil notes on f. iii. For other manuscripts from his collection see Bond and Faye, Supplement, 78, 100, 390; British Museum Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts, 1936-1945 pt. 1 (London 1970) 25 (Add. 44882-44884), 205-207 (Add. 45567-45573); and de la Mare, Lyell Cat., 287. Slips from two unidentified sale catalogs are pasted on f. 70v; one bears an annotation in W. W. Greg's hand, "G. H. Last. J a n . 1920." Purchased by UCLA from Bernard Rosenthal in 1964. Secundo folio:

Abinaam patris mei 64


Bibliography: R. H. Rouse, " A Twelfth-Century Glossary," UCLA Librarian 18 (1965) 63-64.

UNIVERSITY RESEARCH LIBRARY 170/348 • BIBLE, with prologues and additions • Spain, s. XIII m e d 1.

Fig. 13

f. lr-v: List of episde and gospel lections of the temporale, use of Rome, In quattuor temporibus (?) diciturferia IIII. Ysa. ii.a. Erit in novissimis fi. dei nostri . . . [Sabbato post Dom. XIX post Pentec.: Luc.] xiii.b. Arborem fisci fi. ab eo. [Added by a small contemporary semi-cursive gothic hand; the text is continued on f. 387r-v.] 2. fT. 2-286: Old Testament. fT. 2-3v Epistola s. Ieronimipresbiteri ad Paulinum presbiterum de omnibus divine historie libris [Stegmuller 284]; fi". 3v-4 Prologus s. Ieronimi in libro Genesis [Stegmuller 285] ; ff. 4-17v Liber Genesis qui dicitur hebrayce Bresith [Stegmuller 1 ] ; ff. 17v-29v Liber Exodi [Stegmuller 2]; ff. 29v-37v Liber Uaietra quod nos Leviticum dicimus [Stegmuller 3]; ff. 37v-49v Liber Numeri [Stegmuller 4]; ff. 49v-60 Liber Deuteronomii [Stegmuller 5]; f. 60 Prefatio Ihesu Nave [Stegmuller 311]; ff. 60-67 Liber Iosue [Stegmuller 6]; ff. 67-74v Liber Iudicum [Stegmuller 7]; ff. 74v-75v Liber Ruth [Stegmuller 8]; ff. 75v-76 Prefatio in libro Regum [Stegmuller 323]; ff. 76-85 Liber Regum primus [Stegmuller 9]; ff. 85-93v Liber Regum secundus [Stegmuller 10]; ff. 93v-103v Malachim I, Regum liber tercius [Stegmuller 11]; ff. 103v-112 Liber Regum quartus [Stegmuller 12]; f. 112r-v Heli sacerdos iudicavit Israel annis XL, Samuel propheta iudicavit Israel annis XL, Saul rex regnavit super Israel annis X L . . . Heliachim qui et Ioachim annis XI, Ioachim filius eius regnavit in Iherusalem tribus mensibus et decern diebus, Sedecias frater eius regnavit in Iherusalem annis XI [cf. Stegmuller 317]; f. 112v Prologus Iheronimi in Paralipomenon, Paralipomenon liber instrumenti veteris . . . innumerabilies explicantur evangelii questiones. Paralipomenon ergo dicitur quod nos pretermissorum vel reliquorum dicere possumus . . . summatim ac breviter explicantur [Stegmuller 326 + ?]; f. 112v Prologus in libro Paralipomenon secundo [Stegmuller 327]; ff. 112v-l 13 Prologus in libro Paralipomenon [Stegmuller 328]; ff. 113120v Liber Paralipomenon [primus] [Stegmuller 13]; ff. 120v-130v Liber Paralipomenon secundus, with Oratio Manasse [Stegmuller 14 + 93.2]; f. 130v Prologus in libro Hesdre [Stegmuller 330]; ff. 130v-133v Liber Hesdre primus [Stegmuller 15]; ff. 133v-137v Liber Neemie prophete [Stegmuller 16]; ff. 137v-142 Liber Hesdre secundus [III Esdr., apocr.: Stegmuller 94.1]; f. 142r-v [IVEsdr. 1-2] Liber Esdre prophete secundus filii Sarei . . . mirabilia domini Dei vidisti [Stegmuller 96]; f. 142v Prologus in libro Thobie [Stegmuller 332]; ff. 142v-145v Liber Thobie [Stegmuller 17]; f. 145v Prologus in libro Iudith [Stegmuller 335]; ff. 145v-149 Liber Iudith [Stegmuller 18]; f. 149 Prologus in librum Hester [Stegmuller 341 + 343]; f. 149 Item alius prologus [Stegmuller 337]; ff. 149-152v Liber Hester [Stegmuller 19]; ff. 152v-153 Prologus in libro Iob Ieronimi presbiteri [Stegmuller 344]; f. 153 Item alius prologus [Stegmuller 357]; ff. 153-160 Liber Iob [Stegmuller 20]; ff. 160-161 v Prologus super Psalterium [Peter Lombard, PL 191.55-62); ff. 161v-178 Liber Ymnorum vel soliloquiorum prophete David [Stegmuller 21]; f. 178r-v Prologus in Parabolis Salomonis [Stegmuller 457]; ff. 178v-184 Liber Proverbiorum [Stegmuller 22]; f. 184r-v Prologus in libro Ecclesiastes [Stegmuller 462]; ff. 184v-186v Liber Ecclesiastes [Stegmuller 23]; ff. 186v-187v Cantica canticorum, quod hebrayce dicitur Sirasirim, que sunt meliora meliorum. Vox iudaice multitudinis ante dispersionem converse ab apostolos ad ipsos apostolos loquentis [Stegmuller 24]; f. 187v Prologus in librum Sapientie [Stegmuller 468]; ff. 187v-192 Liber Sapientie [Stegmuller 25]; ff. 192-203 Prologus libri Ihesu filii Sirach and Liber Ecclesiasticus [Stegmuller 26]; f. 203r-v Prologus s. Iheronimi in Ysaiam prophetam [Stegmuller 482]; f. 65




203v [Prologus in Is. ] Isayas filius Amos . . . mole ostructa terre exposue[rat] [Isidore De ortu et obitu patrum 37.69-72, PL 83.141-142]; fT. 203v-217 Líber Ysaye prophete [Stegmüller 27]; f. 217 Prologus in librum Iheremie prophete [Stegmüller 487]; f. 217 [Prologus in Ier.\, Iheremias propheta excelsus simplex in loquendo et ad intelligendum . . . postquam eversam Iherusalem in Egipto cum populo fuit; f. 217 [Prologus in Ier.\, Iheremias ex tribu sacerdotali ortus . . . insigni cultu hactenus venerantur [Isidore De ortu 38.73-74, PL 83.142-143]; fi. 217-232v Liber Iheremie prophete [Stegmüller 28]; fT. 232v-234 Lamentatio Iheremie prophete quod est in titulo Timoth cum absolution literarum ebrearum and Oratio Iheremie prophete [Stegmüller 29]; f. 234 Prologus in libro Baruch [Stegmüller 491]; ff. 234-236 Liber Baruch [Stegmüller 30]; f. 236 Prologus in librum Ezechielprophete [Stegmüller 492]; f. 236r-v [Prologus in Ezech.], Ezechiel qui in latinum vertitur fortitudo Dei . . . prophetavit ibique vaticinium conservavit; f. 236v Prologus in librum Ezechiel prophete [Isidore De ortu 39.75, PL 83.143]; ff. 236v-250v Liber Ezechielisprophete [Stegmüller 31]; ff. 250v-251 Prologus in librum Danielis prophete [Stegmüller 494]; f. 251 Item alius prologus, Daniel qui interpretatur iudicium Dei qui etiam de Christo . . . Daniel in Babilonem quando et Ezechiel; f. 251 Item alius prologus [Isidore De ortu 40.76-78, PL 83.143-144]; ff. 251-257 Liber Daniel prophete, . . . et devorati sunt in momento coram eo [Dan. 14.41; Stegmüller 32]; f. 257 Prologus Osee prophete [Stegmüller 500]; f. 257r-v Item alius prologus [Stegmüller 507]; ff. 257v-259v Liber Osee prophete [Stegmüller 33]; f. 259v Prologus in libro Iohel prophete [Stegmüller 511]; f. 259v Item alius prologus, Ioel propheta qui interpretatur incipiens iste ad Iudam tantum . . . Ioathan rege Iudae quando et Micheas; f. 259v Item alius prologus, Iohel filius Phatuel de tribu Ruben natus in agro Betheron describit terram . . . scienciam Dei habuerit apertam recte incipit prophetare [Stegmüller 509 + 510]; ff. 259v-260v Liber Ioel prophete [Stegmüller 34] ; f. 260v Prologus Amos prophete [Stegmüller 515] ; f. 260v Item alius prologus, Amos qui interpretatur honus vaticinavit in Samaria . . . sub rege Ozia eo tempore quo Osee vel Ysaias; f. 260v Item alius prologus [Stegmüller 512 + Isidore De ortu 43.81-82, PL 83.144]; ff. 260v-252 Liber Amos prophete [Stegmüller 35]; f. 262 Prologus Abdieprophete [Stegmüller 519 + 517]; f. 262 [Prologus in Abd.], Abdias idem servus domini inter omnes prophetas brevior . . . regem lude quando et Micheas; f. 262r-v [Prologus in Abd. ; Stegmüller 518]; f. 262v Abdias propheta [Stegmüller 36]; f. 262v Prologus Ione prophete [Stegmüller 524]; f. 262v Item alius prologus, lonas qui interpretatur columba tam sermone quam naufragio . . . et Osee et Amos et Ysaias prophetaverunt; ff. 262v-263 Item alius prologus [Stegmüller 522]; f. 263 Item alius prologus [Stegmüller 521]; f. 263r-v lonas propheta [Stegmüller 37]; f. 263v Prologus Michee [Stegmüller 526 + 525]; 263v [Prologus in Mich. ], Micheas propheta contaminatur Samarie terram domini . . . et sub Ioathan quando et Ezechias; ff. 263v-264v Micheas propheta [Stegmüller 38]; ff. 264v-265 Prologus in librum Naum prophete [Stegmüller 528]; f. 265 [Prologus in Naum], Naum qui est consolator simulacra gentium . . . idest salvatoris adventum proclamati f- 265r-v Liber Naum prophete [Stegmüller 39]; f. 265v Prologus in libro Abachuc prophete [Stegmüller 531]; f. 265v Item alius prologus, Abachuc amplexans sive luctator . . . adventum et passionum salvatoris; fi. 265v-266v Abachuc propheta [Stegmüller 40]; f. 266v Prologus Sophonie prophete [Stegmüller 534]; f. 266v Item alius prologus, Sophonias speculator misteriorum domini . . . prophetavit sub Iosiam quando et Iheremias; f. 266v Item alius prologus [Stegmüller 532 + Isidore De ortu 49.89, PL 83.145]; ff. 266v-267 Sophonias propheta [Stegmüller 41]; f. 267r-v Prologus Aggei prophete [Stegmüller 538]; f. 267v Item alius prologus, Aegeus [.rie] qui interpretatur sollepnis hic in vaticinii sui textu . . . Zachariam suo vaticinio precedens. Natus est ipse Aggeus in Babilonia . . . gloriose sepultus quiescit [? + Stegmüller 537]; ff. 267v-268 Liber Aggei prophete [Stegmüller 42]; f. 268 Prologus Zacharie prophete [Stegmüller 539]; f. 268 66


Item alius prologus, Zacharias qui nominatur memoria domini postquam . . . desolationis templi et captivitatis populi; ff. 268-270v Zacharias propheta [Stegmüller 43]; f. 270v Prologus in librum Malachit prophete [Stegmüller 543); f. 270v Item alius prologus, Malachias propheta qui interpretatur angelus domini in principio vaticinii . . . in Babilone q u a n d o Aggeus et Zacharias; f. 270v Item alius prologus [Stegmüller 544 + 546, with variations]; ff. 270v-271v Liber Malachit prophete [Stegmüller 44]; f. 27 lv [Prologus in Machab.] [Stegmüller 552]; ff. 271v-280 Liber Machabeorum primus [Stegmüller 45]; ff. 280-286 Liber Machabeorum stcundus [Stegmüller 46]. 3. ff. 286-354 bis: New Testament, f. 286 Prologus primus super Matheum [Stegmüller 589]; f. 286r-v Secundus prologus super Matheum [Stegmüller 590]; ff. 286v-295 Malheus evangelista [Stegmüller 47]; f. 295 Prologus Marchi evangeliste [Stegmüller 607]; ff. 295-300v Liber Marchi evangeliste [Stegmüller 48]; f. 300v Prologus in libro Luce evangeliste [Stegmüller 620]; ff. 300v-309v [Luc. ], Quoniam quidem multi . . . eruditus es ventate. Incipit liber Luce evangeliste. Fuit in diebus Herodis . . . [Stegmüller 49]; f. 310 Prologus Iohannis evangeliste [Stegmüller 624]; ff. 310-317 Liber Iohannis evangeliste [Stegmüller 50]; f. 317 [Prologus in Pauli ep. ad Rom.; Stegmüller 670]; f. 317r-v Prefatio s. Iheronimi, P r i m u m quidem intelligere nos oportet quibus aut qualibet . . . scripsisse, maxime cum nobis in his precepta et exempla videndi pienissime sint digesta. Sed initio nascentis ecclesie novis causis existentibus edam post Romanis qui ex ludeis et gentibus . . . ad pacem et concordiam cohortatur [? + Stegmüller 674]; f. 317v Argumentum [Stegmüller 677 + 664]; ff. 317v-321 Epistola Pauli apostoli ad Romanos [Stegmüller 52]; f. 321 Argumentum Itronimi \in I Cor.; Stegmüller 685]; ff. 321-324 Epistola prima ad Corinthios [Stegmüller 53]; f. 324 Argumentum [in II Cor.; Stegmüller 699]; ff. 324-326v Epistola stcunda ad Chorintios [Stegmüller 54]; f. 326v Argumentum [in Gal.; Stegmüller 707]; ff. 326v327v Epistola ad Galathas [Stegmüller 55]; f. 327v Argumentum [w Ephes.; Stegmüller 715]; ff. 327v-329 Epistola ad Ephesios [Stegmüller 56]; f. 329 Argumentum [in Philipp.; Stegmüller 728]; f. 329r-v Epistola ad Philippenses [Stegmüller 57]; ff. 329v-330 Argumentum [in Col.; Stegmüller 736]; f. 330r-v Epistola ad Colossenses [Stegmüller 58]; f. 330v Argumentum [in I Thess.; Stegmüller 747]; ff. 330v-331v Epistola prima ad Thessalonicenses [Stegmüller 59]; f. 331v Argumentum [in II Thess.; Stegmüller 752]; ff. 331v-332 Epistola secunda ad Thessalonicenses [Stegmüller 60]; f. 332 Argumentum [«n I Tim.; Stegmüller 765]; ff. 332-333 Epistola I" ad Timotheum [Stegmüller 61]; f. 333 Item prologus [in II Tim.; Stegmüller 772]; f. 333r-v Epistola II ad Timotheum [Stegmüller 62]; f. 333v Argumentum [in Tit.; Stegmüller 780]; ff. 333v-334 Epistola ad Titum [Stegmüller 63]; f. 334 Argumentum [in Philem., Stegmüller 783]; f. 334 Epistola ad Philo [iic, for Philemonem, Stegmüller 64]; f. 334 Prologus in epistola ad Hebreos [Stegmüller 793]; ff. 334-337 Epistola ad Hebreos [Stegmüller 65]; f. 337 Prologus in Actibus apostolorum [Stegmüller 640]; f. 337 Item alius prologus [Stegmüller 639]; ff. 337-346 Liber Actuum apostolorum [Stegmüller 51]; f. 346 [Prologus in VII epist. canon.; Stegmüller 807, with variants]; f. 346 Prologus in Epistola Iacobi [Stegmüller 809 + 806]; ff. 346-347 Epistola lacobi apostoli [Stegmüller 66]; f. 347 Prologus [«'n IPetr.; Stegmüller 815]; ff. 347-348 Epistola prima Petri [Stegmüller 67]; f. 348 Prologus [in II Petr.; Stegmüller 818]; f. 348r-v Epistola II Petri [Stegmüller 68]; f. 348v Prologus [in I loh.; Stegmüller 822]; ff. 348v-349v Epistola prima Iohannis [Stegmüller 69]; f. 349v Prologus [in II loh.; Stegmüller 823]; ff. 349v-350 Epistola secunda Iohannis [Stegmüller 70]; f. 350 Prologus [zn III loh.; Stegmüller 824]; f. 350 Epistola III Iohannis [Stegmüller 71]; f. 350 Prologus [in Iudae; Stegmüller 825]; f. 350 Epistola lüde [Stegmüller 72]; f. 350r-v Prologus in libro Apocalipsis [Stegmüller 839]; ff. 350v-354bis Liber Apocalipsis [Stegmüller 73]; f. 354bis v blank; the outer column, excised, was probably blank. 4. ff. 355-383v: [Stephen Langton, Interpretationes hebraicorum nominum] Aaz apprehendens 67




vel apprehensio. Aad testificai» vel testimonium . . . Zusithidis consilium vel consiliatrix. Zuzym consiliantes eos vel consiliatores eorum. Expliciunt interpretations [Stegmuller 7709], 5. fT. 383v-386v: [Summa contra hereticos et manicheo! de articulis et sacramento ecclesie, pts. 1 and 2, added by a thirteenth-century gothic bookhand] 1° quodpater et filius et spiritus sanctus una substancia et un us Deus . . . f. 385 Incipit compilatio auctoritatum de sacramentis ecclesie contra hereticos manicheos . . . Explicit summa breviata contra manicheos paterinos et contra passaginos et circumcisos et contra multos alios hereticos qui nituntur subvertere veritatem quorum dampnatio iam olim non cessai et eorum perditio non dormitat de qua dampnatione ille custodial suos qui ad dexteram maiestatis residet in excelsis super novem ordines angelorum [concluding with 19 additional topics fT. 385v-386v:] Probalio quod unus est Deus . . . sic nos existimet homo ut ministros Christi. Concerning this work see Laura Light, " T h e New Thirteenth-Century Bible and the Challenge of Heresy," Viator 18 (1987) 275-288; excerpts and a list of manuscripts, 287. 6. f. 386v: [List of epistle and gospel lections of the temporale for feasts only] Dominica I a in adventu. Ro. xii [ = xiii]. Scientes quia. Matth. xxi. Cum appropinquasset Ihesus . . . Dominica XXIIII [post oct. Pentec.] Colo. i. Non cessamus pro vobis. Matth. ix. Loquente Ihesus ad turbas. Dominica X X V , Ier. xxiii [.b., added], Ecce dies ve(nit). Ioh. vi [.b., added]. Cum sublevasset oculos [added by a graceful thirteenth-century gothic bookhand]. The readings agree with the Roman use, except the first reading for the last Sunday of the year; on the back pastedown a nineteenth- or twentieth-century hand notes: "The lectionary on the last leaf but one does not agree with Rome or Paris, but was common elsewhere both in France and England." 7. f. 387r-v: [Following from f. lv, a list of epistle and gospel lections for the sanctorale] In vigilia sancti Andree apostoli. Eccli. xliiii.g. Benediccio Dei . . . [In natale unius virginis] Matth. xxv.a. Simili est regnum celorum fi. neque ho ram [added by the hand o f f . lr-v]. Parchment, ff. i + 387 + i; 175 x 120 (122 x 77) mm. iJ (pastedown + flyleaf, numbered f. 1) 1—2116 22"(-18b) 2316 24 16 (+ 1) iiJ (back flyleaf, numbered f. 387 + pastedown; foliation includes f. 113bis and the halfsheet f. 354bis). No catchwords; quires 23 and 24 signed xxiii, xxiiii in leadpoint. 2 columns (fT. 355-383v 3 columns) of 52 lines; ruled in leadpoint, with double lines in the upper margin for running tides. Written in a small skilled calligraphic gothic bookhand (littera textualis); ink varies from dark brown to olive brown. The additions are principally in a smaller and more current littera textualis, in 3 columns: fT. lr-v/387r-v, of 67/77 lines, probably an English hand; ff. 383v-386v, 71 lines, ruled in leadpoint; and f. 386vb-vc, in a littera textualis formata, ca. 60 lines. On f. 4 (Genesis), a 28-line historiated initial, with Christ in majesty, and with floral and zoomorphic patterns on pink and blue backgrounds, extending to the upper and lower margins; on f. 161v (Psalms), a 10-line initial in blue highlighted in white on an ocher background, inhabited by seated David playing the harp; on f. 260v (Amos), a 9-line initial in blue highlighted in white on an ocher background, inhabited by a fantastic bird on floral patterns; initials of books, ranging from 7-line to 20-line, in red and blue, or blue only, on red and blue penwork with marginal extensions, at times with white zoomorphic motifs, at times on an ocher background; 2-line chapter initials alternately red and blue on blue and red penwork; tides in red minuscule; marginal chapter numbers in red and blue (in the chapter division attributed to Stephen Langton); running titles in gothic majuscule alternately red and blue. Many marginal cross-references by the hand of ff. lr-v, 387r-v, which 68


always indicates biblical texts by book, chapter, and a-g subdivision; the same hand wrote Dominicale, Dominicalis in the margins of the New Testament to mark the beginning of the readings for Sunday masses; sporadic marginalia by other readers; on the front pastedown, a list of Old Testament canticles in a thirteenth- or fourteenth-century English semi-cursive gothic hand, a list of the books of the Bible in a thirteenth-century English chancery hand. Many of the leaves are water-stained. Rebound; remains of fifteenth-century blind stamped leather laid down over wooden boards; traces of chain- or clasp-marks, front top and bottom center. Written in Spain in the middle of the thirteenth century. In the possession of a Dominican convent or friar before the end of the century; front pastedown top, half cropped, " . . . -ia ordinis predicatorum." In England before the fourteenth century; English hands on ff. lr-v, 387r-v, front pastedown. On f. 386 lower margin, erased note of accounts in fourteenth-century anglicana, " . . . sol[idos] . . . sol[idos] . . . Ego frater . . . sororem . . . sorores. . . . " O n f . lv top, an erased note. Papier label " 1 1 " on the spine. Belonged to Isaac Foot; his bookplate, f. lv. Came to UCLA with the Foot Collection (see above, p. 39) in 1960. Secundo folio: plagis est decalogo

UNIVERSITY RESEARCH LIBRARY 170/358 Fig. 32 m MARCO BONINO, SKETCHBOOK O F ENGINES; MISCELLANY • North Italy, s. XVI 2 ; France, s. X V I F Part I 1. fT. 1-57: An engineer's sketchbook signed by Marco Bonino ("di Marco Bonino," f. 1) in the hand that writes the captions in Italian. fT. l-2v, machines related to water— water-powered machines, boats and boat gear, water-lifting machines, canal blockades, floating bridges, machines for dredging canals; ff. 3-7v, weight-moving machines and construction equipment, bellows, perpetual motion machines; ff. 7v-8v, military devices; ff. 9-12v, architectural studies; f. 13 blank; ff. 13v-19v, cars, pulverizers, bellringing device, column-lifters and weight-moving machines; f. 20r-v, bellows; ff. 2126v, construction equipment, clay scoops, anchor for the base of a crane, pile-drivers; ff. 26v-27, climbing devices; ff. 27v-29, flotation devices, bailers, water wheels; ff. 29v-30v, windmills, clockwork, grappling hooks; ff. 31-32, fasteners for binding ropes together, ladder erectors, a rôtisserie turned by heat rising from its fire; ff. 32v-51, water- and man-powered mills, pumps, pistons, gears; ff. 51-57, machines relating to water and military devices: floating canal blockades, retrieval baskets, devices for sinking enemy ships, boats with covers to protect rowers, ff. 57v-58 blank. About 400 engineering drawings, adapted or copied from various sources, particularly from the fifteenth-century Italian engineers Francesco di Giorgio Martini (1439-1501) and Mariano Taccola (1381-1458?). Some drawings, or elements of drawings, have no known source and may originate with Bonino; these include the waterpump details on ff. 42v-43v, and the clockwork on f. 29v which incorporates a loosely coiled spring. An extensive typewritten report on the manuscript, written by Silvio A. Bedini, is available in the Department of Special Collections. 2. f. 58v: Archimedean screw water-lift, and hasp with padlock, signed by a French hand and dated 1612; this has been added on the blank verso of the last folio in Bonino's manuscript. 69


3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10.




Part II f. 59 blank. fT. 59v-60: Sketches of plumbing, valves, and geared wheels, watercolored in blue, with captions in French, f. 60v blank. f. 6 0 b " r - v , a loose leaf of only half width: Sketch of a cannon, with description and explanation in French, in the hand of F. de Vegnauld (cf. f. 62); this is a formal rendering of the rough sketch on f. 61. f. 61: Hasty sketch, with brief notes in rapid cursive, for the formal drawing on f. 60 b , s . f. 61v blank. f. 62: Trompette pour se parler de ligue[?] inventée par M r . Morland Anglois, [signed] F. de Vegnauld fecit. 30 a Ianuarii anni M D C L X X I I I [same hand as f. 60 b i s , etc.], f. 62v blank. A detailed drawing of the speaking trumpet invented in 1670 by Samuel Morland, Master Mechanic to King Charles II. F. de Vegnauld's notes record that he himself had experimented with a similar device in 1672. f. 63: A mechanized chariot or cart sketched in crayon; f. 63v blank; an inserted foldout. fT. 64-66: Machinery sketched in ink. f. 66v blank, fT. 65-66 are inserted foldouts. f. 67: An inserted engraving of a bell-ringing mechanism; f. 67v, dedication to Fr. Pierre Rossilhe, rector of the Jesuit College at Tournon 1591-1596 and 1600-1605. ff. 69 and 70: Late sixteenth-century Italian engineering drawings, in black ink on brownish paper, captions (in the same hand) in Latin and Italian respectively, pasted on the folios, ff. 69v and 70v blank. ff. 70v-71: Sketch in ink of a pump, accompanied by an extensive French text in the hand of F. de Vegnauld, "Aoust 1680. Pompe nouvelle. . . . " fT. 71v-83v blank.

A composite volume assembled by F. de Vegnauld (fl. 1672-1680): Paper (ff. 1-56, no visible watermark; f. 57, countermark used at Reggio in the 1570s, identical with the countermark to Briquet 560 [Reggio, 1574] and cf. Briquet 3093 [Reggio, 1574] etc.; ff. i-v and pt. 2, Cloche, similar to Briquet 4160, "français . . . de la région du centre ou du midi"), ff. v + 83; 205 x 150 mm. 1-7 8 8-9 2 (unattached half-sheet inserted here) 10IO(-10, + 4 inserted foldouts, ff. 63, 65, 66, 67) ll 1 0 . Written in 2 principal hands: pt. 1, captions in the late cursive humanistic script of Marco Bonino; pt. 2, the majority in the seventeenth-century French cursive of F. de Vegnauld; various other seventeenth-century French cursive hands on the sheets that have been pasted in. Bound in rough brown leather over pasteboards, gilt stamps on the spine, title: Machines in gilt capitals, marbled fore-edge, s. XVII 2 . Pt. 1 was written in the late sixteenth century in northern Italy, as the language suggests, by Marco Bonino. In France by 1612; note on f. 58v. Pt. 2 was compiled in the late seventeenth century by F. de Vegnauld, who combined the two parts and had them bound; the front flyleaves belong to the same batch of paper on which de Vegnauld wrote. Purchased by UCLA from H. P. Kraus, New York, in 1964. Bibliography: L. Reti, " T h e Double-Acting Principle in East and West," Technology and Culture 11 (1970) 193-194, with pictures o f f . 20r-v; UCLA Librarian 26 (1973) 7-8, with pictures. A copy of this book is UCLA Negative Microfilm #02342. 70


UNIVERSITY RESEARCH LIBRARY »170/380 • REPORTS O F VENETIAN AMBASSADORS 1558-1570, CONCLAVES 1590 AND 1623 • Italy, s. XVI/XVII and XVII 1 Part 1 1. fi". 1 -33 : Relatione del clarissimo messer Michel Soriano ritornato ambasciatore da Filippo Re di Spagna l'anno 1560, Serenissimo Principe, Padri e Signori eccelentissimi, l'opinione universale et provato con esperienza . . . , con altro che con la gratia della Serenità vostra e delle Signorie vostre eccellentissime. Il fine. f. 33v blank. E. Alberi, ed., Le relazioni degli ambasciatori veneti al Senato durante il secolo decimosesto, ser. 1 voi. 3 (Florence 1853) 333-90. 2. fT. 34-62v: Relatione del clarissimo messer Bernardo Navagero che fu poi cardinale alla Repubblica sua di Venetia tornando di Roma ambasciatore a Papa Paolo 1111 l'anno 1558, Ho imparato, Serenissimo Principe, nelle legationi . . . che io non accetti allegramente. Il fine. Alberi, Le relazioni . . . ser. 2 voi. 3 (Florence 1856) 369-416. 3. if. 63v-96: Relatione del clarissimo messer Giovan Comero tornato ambasciatore dal Re di Francia l'anno MDLXX, Ho veduto il regno di Francia . . . ma affettuosa et sincera servitù mia. Il fine. Cf. N. Tommaseo, Relations des ambassadeurs vénitiens sur les affaires de France au XVIe siècle 2 (Paris 1838). 4. ff. 97-138: Conclave di Papa Gregorio XIIII nel quale si racconta destintamente tutte l'attioni che sono in esso occorse nell'anno 1590, Giusto desiderio veramente et laudabil' curiosità è quella che V. S. mostra d'haver particolar' ragguaglio . . . il discorso e la prudenza civile. Il fine. fT. 138v-140v blank.


Part 2 ff. 141-146v: [Faculties and duties of the nuncio in Naples] Il Nuntio di Napoli ha titolo di Nuntio . . . all'arcivescovo che obedisca.

Part 3 6. ff. 147-189: [Conclave for the election of Urban VIII] Fatte secondo l'antica consuetudine l'essequie al morto pontefice Gregorio XV li cardinali la mattina 19 luglio 1623 . . . de privati interessi e dissentioni. fT. 189v-199v blank. 3 parts together by the seventeenth century: Paper, fT. i + 199; 270 x 195 mm. Gatherings of mostly 10 leaves in pt. 1; catchwords at the bottom verso of each folio in pts. 1-3. Ca. 25 long lines; unruled. Written by several professional Italian cursive hands. Bound in limp cardboard backed in parchment, s. XVII. Written in Italy, pt. 1 after 1590 possibly in Venice, pts. 2 and 3 (after 1623) early in the seventeenth century. Purchased by UCLA from B. Rosenthal in New York in 1964.






fT. 1 -116v : Incipiunt sermones dominicales de evangelio per totum annum edili a Jratre Iacobo de Viragine [iti] ordinis fratrum predicatorum archiepiscopo Ianuensi; fT. l-3v Dominica prima de adventu [Schneyer 2]; fT. 3v-6 De eadem [ = dom. 2; Schneyer 5]; fi. 6-8 Dominica secunda [ « tertia] de adventu [Schneyer 8]; fT. 8-10 Dominica 3 [ = 4] de adventu [Schneyer 11]; fT. 10-11 Dominica 4 de adventu, Anno quinto decimo etc. Luc. 3. [1]. Volens ostendere qui recipiant verbum allocutionis interne describit hic tres differentias hominum . . . Ps. ecce elongavi fugiens etc.; fT. 11-13 De eodem, Factum est verbum domini super Ioannem Zacharie filium in deserto [Lue. 3.2]. Describens evangelista initia nascentis ecclesie ponit quattuor scilicet: causam principaliter operantem, personam, locum et actum . . . Baruch 4. Delicati mei ambulaverunt vias asperas; fT. 13-15 De eadem, Videbit omnis caro salutare Dei. Lue. 3. [6]. Verbum istud est evangelicum quia in evangelio scriptum est et propheticum quia de propheta Ys. 40 sumptum. In quo pronuntiatur salvatoris adventus . . . vel triumphus, vel regnum, vel iudicium, vel reversio. Rogamus Deum etc.; fT. 15-17 Dominica infra octavam natalis Domini [Schneyer 14]; fT. 17-19 Dominica infra octavam epyphanie [Schneyer 17]; fT. 19-21 Dominica 2" post epyphaniam [Schneyer 20]; fT. 21-23v Dominica 3 post epyphaniam [Schneyer 23]; ff. 23v-24 Dominica 4 post epyphaniam, Ascendente Ihesu in naviculam secuti sunt eum discipuli eius. Matth. 8. [23]. Sepe contingit quod [interim, quando] quis penitentiam inchoat temptatio eum pulsat . . . voce corvina quia noluerunt [signe de renvoi, contemporary marginal note: "hunc sermonem completum require in fine libri istius scilicet 379" ( = f. 378v); Schneyer 26]; ff. 24-26 Sermo secundus [title and first lines added in the lower margin, continues in the body; Schneyer 27]; ff. 26-28v Dominica V" post epyphaniam [Schneyer 29]; ff. 28v-31 Dominica in septuagesima, . . . quod sic murmurent taliter respondetur eis [beg. like Schneyer 32]; fT. 31-33v Dominica in sexagesima [Schneyer 35]; ff. 33v-36v Dominica in quinquagesima [Schneyer 38]; ff. 36vb-39 Dominica in octava paschi [Schneyer 62]; ff. 39-42 Dominica 2" post resurrectionem [Schneyer 65]; ff. 42-44v Dominica 3" post pentecosten [ » resurrectionem], . . . a societate fastidium quia sicientes saciabuntur et satiati sitiemus [beg. like Schneyer 68]; ff. 44v-45 bls v Dominica 4a post resurrectionem [Schneyer 71 ; the text on the added f. 45r-v is marked for insertion at f. 45 b i , rb]; ff. 45 b i , v-48v Dominica V post resurrectionem [Schneyer 74]; ff. 48v-51 Dominica infra octavam ascensionis [Schneyer 77]; ff. 51-53v In pentecosten [Schneyer 80]; ff. 53v-56 Dominica in trinitate [Schneyer 83]; ff. 56-59 Dominica prima post pentecosten [Schneyer 86]; ff. 59-62 Dominica 2" post pentecosten [Schneyer 89]; ff. 62-64v Dominica 3' post pentecosten [Schneyer 92]; ff. 64v-67v Dominica prima [ = quarta] post pentecosten [Schneyer 95]; ff. 67v-69v Dominica 4 [ - 5] post pentecosten [Schneyer 98]; ff. 69v-71v Dominica V[ - VI] post pentecosten [Schneyer 101]; ff. 71v-74 Dominica 6 [ » 7] post pentecosten [Schneyer 104]; ff. 74-76v Dominica 7 [ = 8] post pentecosten [Schneyer 107]; ff. 76v-78 Dominica 8 [ - 9] post pentecosten [Schneyer 110]; ff. 78-80v Dominica 9 [ - 10] post pentecosten [Schneyer 113]; ff. 80v-82v Dominica X [ = XI] post pentecosten [Schneyer 116]; ff. 82v-85 Dominica 11 [ - 12] post pentecosten [Schneyer 119]; ff. 85-87 Dominica 12 [ - 13] post pentecosten [Schneyer 122]; ff. 87-89v Dominica 13 [ = 14] post pentecosten [Schneyer 125]; ff. 89v-92 Dominica 14 [ - 15] post pentecosten [Schneyer 128]; ff. 9295 Dominica 15 [ = 16] post pentecosten [Schneyer 131]; ff. 95-97v Dominica 16[~ 17] post pentecosten [Schneyer 134]; ff. 97v-99v Dominica 17 [ = 18] post pentecosten [Schneyer 137]; ff. 99v-102 Dominica 18 [ - 19] post pentecosten [Schneyer 140]; ff. 102-104v Dominica 19 [ - 20] post pentecosten [Schneyer 143]; ff. 104v-107 Dominica 20 [ = 21] post pentecosten 72


[Schneyer 146]; ff. 107-109v Dominica XXI [ - XXII] post penUcosten [Schneyer 149]; ff. 109v-l 12 Dominica 22 [ - 23] post pentecosten [Schneyer 152]; ff. 112-114v Dominica 23 [ - 24] post pentecosten [Schneyer 155]; ff. 114v-l 16v Dominica 5 in quadragesima [ = 25 post pentecosten, Schneyer 158]. 2. ff. 117-215v [A second annual cycle]; ff. 117-118v Dominica prima de adventu [Schneyer 3]; ff. 118v-120v Dominica prima [ - secunda] de adventu [Schneyer 6]; ff. 120v-122v Dominica 2 [ = 3] de adventu [Schneyer 9]; ff. 122-124 [guide letters i.m., Dominica 3" ( = 4 a ) de adventu; Schneyer 12]; ff. 124-125v Dominica infra octavam nativitatis [Schneyer 15]; ff. 125v-127v Dominica infra octavam epyphanie [Schneyer 18]; ff. 127v-129 Dominica prima octava epyphanie [»secunda post epiphaniam; Schneyer 21]; ff. 129-131 Dominica 2' [ = 3 a ] post epyjaniam [Schneyer 24]; ff. 131-133 Dominica 3 [ = 4] post epyphaniam [Schneyer 28]; ff. 133-135v Dominica 4 [ » 5] post octavam epyphanie [Schneyer 30]; ff. 135v-138 Dominica in septuagésima sermo [Schneyer 33]; ff. 138-140v Dominica in sexagesima [Schneyer 36]; ff. 140v-142v Dominica in quinquagesima sermo [Schneyer 39]; ff. 142v-145 Dominica prima post pasca [Schneyer 63]; ff. 145-147v Dominica 2" post pasca [Schneyer 66]; ff. 147v-150v Dominica 3" post pascha [Schneyer 69]; ff. 150v-152v Dominica 4 post pascha [Schneyer 72]; ff. 152v-154v Dominica 5 post pentecosten [ = pascha; Schneyer 76]; ff. 154v-156v Dominica in octava ascensionis [Schneyer 78]; ff. 156v-159 Dominica pentecostis [Schneyer 81]; ff. 159-161v Dominica de trinitate [Schneyer 84]; ff. 161v-164 Dominica prima post pentecosten [Schneyer 87]; ff. 164- 166v Dominica 2 post pentecosten [Schneyer 90]; ff. 166v-168v Dominica 3 post pentecosten [Schneyer 93]; ff. 168v171 Dominica prima [ - quarta] post pentecosten [Schneyer 96]; ff. 171-172v Dominica 4 [ = 5] post pentecosten [Schneyer 99]; ff. 172v-174v Dominica 5a [ = 6 a ] post pentecosten, . . . sibi subiciat tamquam domina ancillam suam [beg. like Schneyer 102]; ff. 174v176v Dominica 6 [ » 7] post pentecosten [Schneyer 105]; ff. 176v-178v Dominica 7 [ « 8] post penUcosten [Schneyer 108]; ff. 178v-180v Dominica 8 [ » 9] post pentecosten [Schneyer 111]; ff. 180v-182v Dominica 9 [ = 10] post pentecosten [Schneyer 114]; ff. 182v-184v [guide letters, Dominica X ( » XI) post pentecosten; Schneyer 117]; ff. 184v-186v Dominica 11 [ = 12] post pentecosten [Schneyer 120]; ff. 186v-188v Dominica 12 [ - 13] post pentecosten [Schneyer 123]; ff. 188v-191 [Dominica 14 post pentecosten; Schneyer 126]; ff. 191 — 193v Dominica 14 [ - 15] post pentecosten [Schneyer 129]; ff. 193v-195v Dominica 15 [ = 16] post pentecosten [Schneyer 132]; ff. 195v-198 Dominica 16 [ « 17] post pentecosten [Schneyer 135]; ff. 198-200v Dominico 17 [ - 18] post pentecosten [Schneyer 138]; ff. 200v-202 Dominica 18 [ • 19] post penUcosten [Schneyer 141]; ff. 202-204v Dominica 19 [ = 20] post pentecosten [Schneyer 144]; ff. 204v-207 Dominica [20, add. = 21 ] post pentecosten [Schneyer 147]; ff. 207-209v Dominica 21 [ - 22] post penUcosten [Schneyer 150]; ff. 209v-211v Dominica 22 [ = 23] post penUcosUn [Schneyer 153]; ff. 211v-213 b " Dominica 23 [ - 24] post penUcosten [Schneyer 156]; ff. 213 bls -215v Dominica 4 in quadragesima [ = 25 post pentecosten; Schneyer 159]. 3. ff. 216-376v [A third annual cycle]; ff. 216-217v Dominica prima de adventu [Schneyer 4]; ff. 217v-219v De eadem dominica [ = Dom. 2 de adventu; Schneyer 7]; ff. 219v-221 Dominica 2' [ «= 3 a ] de adventu [Schneyer 10]; ff. 221v-223 Dominica 3[=A]de adventu [Schneyer 13]; ff. 223-224v Dominica infra octavam natalis domini [Schneyer 16]; ff. 224v226v Dominica infra octavam epyphanie [Schneyer 19]; ff. 226v-228v Dominica infra primam octave epyphanie [Schneyer 22]; ff. 228v-230 [guide letters i.m., Dominica 3 post epyphaniam; Schneyer 25]; ff. 230-232 Dominica 5post epyphaniam [Schneyer 31]; ff. 232234v Dominica in septuagésima [Schneyer 34]; ff. 234v-237 Dominica in sexagesima [Schneyer 37]; ff. 237-239v Dominica in quinquagesima [Schneyer 40]; ff. 239v-242 Dominica prima in quadragesima, Ductus est Ihesus in desertum Matth. [4.1]. Sciebat dyabolus per scripturas et prophetias dei filium in mundum esse venturum . . . [Bible 73




verse and ending = Schneyer 41]; fT. 242-245 Deeadem dominica [Schneyer 42]; fi. 245247v De eadem senno tercius [Schneyer 43]; fT. 247v-250 Dominica 2 in quadragesima [Schneyer 44]; fi". 250-252 De eadem sermo secundus [Schneyer 45]; fT. 252-254v De eadem senno tertius [Schneyer 46]; fT. 254v-257 Dominica 3" in quadragesima [Schneyer 47]; fT. 257-259v De eadem [Schneyer 48]; fT. 259v-262v De eadem senno tertius [Schneyer 49]; fT. 262v-264v Dominica 4 in quadragesima [Schneyer 50]; fi". 264v-267 De eadem [Schneyer 51]; fT. 267-269v De eadem [Schneyer 52]; fT. 269v-272v Dominica de passione [Schneyer 53]; fT. 272v-275 De eadem [Schneyer 54]; fT. 275-277v De eadem [Schneyer 55]; fT. 277v-280v Dominica in palmis [Schneyer 56]; fT. 280v-283 De eadem [Schneyer 57]; fT. 283-285v De eadem [Schneyer 58]; fT. 285v-288 De resunectione domini [Schneyer 59]; fT. 288-290v De eadem [Schneyer 60]; fT. 290v-292v De eadem [Schneyer 61 ]; fT. 292v295 Dominica prima post resunectionem [Schneyer 64]; fT. 295-297 Dominica 2 post resunectionem [Schneyer 67]; fT. 297-300 Dominica 3" post resunectionem [Schneyer 70]; fT. 300302 Dominica 4 post resunectionem [Schneyer 73]; fT. 302-304v Dominica 5 post resunectionem [Schneyer 75]; fT. 304v-307v Dominica infra octavam ascensionis [Schneyer 79]; fT. 307v-310 Dominica in pentecosten [Schneyer 82]; fT. 310-313 De trinitate [Schneyer 85]; fT. 313-315v Post 2am dominicam quadragesime [ = Dom. 1 post pentecosten; Schneyer 88]; fT. 315v-318 Dominica 2 post pentecosten [Schneyer 91]; fT. 318-320v Dominica 3 post pentecosten [Schneyer 94]; fT. 320v-323 Dominica 7 [corr. in prima = 4] post pentecosten [Schneyer 97]; fT. 323-325 Dominica 4 [ - 5] post pentecosten [Schneyer 100]; IT. 325327v Dominica 5 [ = 6] post pentecosten [Schneyer 103]; fT. 327v-329v Dominica 6 [ = 7] post pentecosten [Schneyer 106]; fT. 329v-332 Dominica 7 [ = 8] post pentecosten [Schneyer 109]; fT. 332-334v Dominica 8 [ = 9] post pentecosten [Schneyer 112]; fT. 334v-336v Dominica 9 [ = 10] post pentecosten [Schneyer 115]; fT. 336v-339 Dominica X [ = XI] post pentecosten [Schneyer 118]; fT. 339-341v Dominica XI [ = XII] post pentecosten [Schneyer 121]; fT. 341v-344 Dominica 12 [ = 13] post pentecosten [Schneyer 124]; fT. 344-347 Dominica 13 [ = 14] post pentecosten [Schneyer 127]; fT. 347-349v Dominica 14 [ = 15] post pentecosten [Schneyer 130]; fT. 349v-352 Dominica 15 [ = 16] post pentecosten [Schneyer 133]; fT. 352-354 Dominica 16 [ = 17] post pentecosten [Schneyer 136]; ff. 354-357 Dominica 17 [ = 18] post pentecosten [Schneyer 139]; fT. 357-359v Dominica 18 [ = 19] post pentecosten [Schneyer 142]; ff. 359v-362 Dominica 19 [ = 20] post pentecosten [Schneyer 145]; ff. 362365 Dominica 20 [ = 21] post pentecosten [Schneyer 148]; ff. 365-368 Dominica 21 [ = 22] post pentecosten [Schneyer 151]; ff. 368-370v Dominica 22 [ = 23] post pentecosten [Schneyer 154]; ff. 370v-373v Dominica 23 [ = 24] post pentecosten [Schneyer 157]; ff. 373v-375v Dominica 4 in quadragesima [ = 25 post pentecosten; Schneyer 160]; ff. 375v-376v Dominica 24 post pentecosten, C u m vidieritis [jic] abhominationem desolationis etc. Matth. 24. [15.] In hoc evangelio ostenditur adventus antichristi et Christi in quibus ostenditur timor retrahens . . . mandatum quod precipiet ibi et mittet angelos suos [Matth. 24.31], ff. 376v-378 blank. 4. ff. 378v-380rb: [guide letters i.m., Dominica 4" post epyphaniam, a complete text written to replace the miscopied text on ff. 23v-24 above; Schneyer 26]. 5. ff. 380rb-387v: Sermons on the Transfiguration, in a slightly later hand; ff. 380rb383v Sermo de transfiguratione, Levantes autem oculos neminem viderunt nisi solum Ihesum. Matth. [17.8]. In verbis istis spiritualiter intellects proponuntur nobis beati apostoli Simon Petrus Iacobus et Iohannes in exemplum contemplacionis . . . conversacionem ad te dirigo qui es futurus vestrum premium, etc.; ff. 383v-386 Sermo de eodem, Hic est filius meus dilectus in quo mihi bene complacuit ipsum audite. Matth. xvii.[5]. In presenti verborum serie continetur testificacio paterna de filio in transfiguratione coram quinque testibus . . . quecumque pater facit hec et filius facit etc. Rogemus etc.; ff. 386v-387v Sermo de eodem, Resplenduit facies eius sicut sol. Vesti74


menta eius facta sunt alba sicut nix. Matth. xvii.[2]. Presens protector noster aspice Deus et respice in faciem Christi tui . . . servi eius serviunt ei et videbunt faciem eius semper. Amen. Amen. Amen. f. 388r-v blank. This manuscript is not listed by Schneyer vol. 3 p. 235, nor by Kaeppeli, S O P M A 2156. Parchment, ff. i (modern) + 391 (foliated 1-388, with 45 b i s , 213 b i s , 301 b i s ) + i (modern); 148 x 105 (93 x 68; fols. 381-387, 100 x 68) mm. 1-3 1 2 4 12 • 1 5-9 1 2 10» 11-18 12 1 9 4 20-31 1 2 32 10 34 8 . Plain horizontal catchwords in the center of the lower margin. 2 columns of 31 lines (fols. 381-387, 26/34 lines); ruled in lead, double bounding lines. Written in a small round Italian gothic bookhand (littera textualis); ink varies from grayish brown to greenish. O n f. 1, a 2-line illuminated pink and blue initial with a border of pink and blue stylized floral patterns in the inner and part of the upper and lower margins; 2-line initials alternately red on blue penwork and blue on red; initials sometimes slashed with red; paragraph marks alternately red and blue; titles in red minuscule, inconsistent in numbering the Sundays of the liturgical year. T h e sermons on the Transfiguration that fill the last 2 Vi columns of quire 33 and the added quire 34 (fT. 380rb-387v) are a slightly later addition in a rounded script that expands letters more in width than in height; minims show a tendency to be broken; the a is flat-topped and squarish; the tironian 7 appears both crossed and uncrossed; top and bottom lines show long ascenders and descenders with chancery flourishes slashed with red; strong French influence is seen in the red and blue penwork extending from top to bottom margin, esp. ff. 383v, 386v, 387v. Many margined notes throughout the codex by three or more contemporary or slightly later cursive gothic hands, one of which has carefully corrected the text. Bound in wooden boards backed in leather with diagonal rules and traces of two clasps, s. X I X . Written in Italy in the second half of the fourteenth century, ff. 380-387v probably in Naples or in the Kingdom of Naples. Belonged to Giuseppe Martini (1870-1944), Italian bookseller and collector; H . P. Kraus, list 189 (1958), "Text Manuscripts from the Middle Ages to the X V I I I Century for the most part from the Giuseppe Martini Collection," no. 92. For other manuscripts from the collection of Giuseppe Martini in California, see Bond and Faye, Supplement 3 - 4 nos. 45-50, 52, 53, 55 (University of California, Berkeley), and MSS 100 bx 178 and 170/442 in the present catalog. Bought by U C L A from Kraus, New York, in 1966. Secundo folio: [sordida-] r u m scilicet vestem nigram

U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H L I B R A R Y 170/442 • D O M E N I C O CAVALCA, D I A L O G U E S O F G R E G O R Y T H E G R E A T , in Italian • Italy (Veneto), s. X V " 1. ff. 1-116v: Dialogues of Gregory the Great translated into Italian by Domenico Cavalca. ff. 1-2 [Cavalca's prologue] Questo si e elprolego de lo libero el quale se chiama dialogo de sancto Gregorio papa el quale e translalato de latino in volgare, Perzo che como dixe sancto Paulo . . . conzeda abondevolmente de la soa spiritual gratia; ff. 2-3v Comenza el dialogo de sancto Gregorio papa in volgare e in prima comenza el suo prologo, U n o zorno siando tropo afatigato et opreso . . . non sse potrebono cossi ordinatamente scrivere. Fenisse 75




lo prologo del dialogo de sancto Gregorio;fi".3v-8v E comenza el primo libro, [chapter list:] Capitoli XII: Capitolo I, De uno abate Honorato . . . Capitoli XII, De Severo prete de la chiesa de sancta Maria ne la dita provencia. Capitolo primo. De lo abate Honorato del monestiero de Fundi, Nelle parte de Samo nella villa . . . [cap. Ili] che l'ortolano fo venuto. E vedendo Tortola/ / IT. 9-29 [Book II, lacking the beginning and with a lacuna in the middle; list of chapters] / /de uno monaco che li tegnia la lume inanzi e comandoli che de presente se partisse. Capitolli XXIIII . . . [f. 9v] cap. XLII. Como una femena paza entrando nel suo sepulcro de Benedecto fo guarita; f. 9v Comenza el segondo libero del predicto dialogo de sancto Gregorio papa. Capitollo I. Como Benedecto lasò lo studio e Juzì el mondo e corno sanò el cadinello, Fu adunqua uno zovene de vita venerabile . . . [f. 27v, cap. XXXIIII] vedendosse piazer quella/ / f. 28 [cap. XLI] / / n e t a e coverta de belissimi palii . . . poi più forti a parlar per questo tacer. Fenite lo segondo libro de lo dialogo de sancto Gregorio; fT. 29-30 [list of chapters]Comenza li capitolli del terzo libro dello predicto diallogo che sonno capitolli XXXVIII: Capitollo I, De sancto Paullino . . . Capitolli XXXVIII, De Redento vescovo di Ferenti; fT. 30-73 Comenza lo terzo libero de lo predicto dialogo de sancto Gregorio. Capitollo I de Paullo vescovo, Parla san Gregorio. Intendiamo o Pietro molto a parllare di sancti padri . . . da po' la carne in questo quarto volume che seguiterà. Finisse lo terzo libro; fT. 73-74v [list of chapters] Comenza la rubrica de li capitolli del quarto lìbero dello dialogo de de [ne] sancto Gregorio papa: Capitollo I, Como sancto Zermano [Bernardo, add. interi] vete portare . . . Capitolli U H I , Como e la exzellenzia del sancto Sacramento de lo alttare; fi. 74v-l 16v, Comenza el quarto libero de lo diallogo de santo Gregorio papa, Dixe san Gregorio. Poi che'l primo padre de la umana generat o n e . . . seremo ostia viva de Dio. El qualle vive e regna in secula seculorum. Amen. Deo grazias. Amen. Volgarizzamento del Dialogo di san Gregorio e dell' Epistola di s. Girolamo ad Eustochio opera diJra Domenico Cavalca con alcune poesie dello stesso (Milan 1840); the language of the manuscript is colored with Venetianisms, and the chapter division is different from the printed edition. 2. fT. 117-118v: Verses, f. 117 Sepe recorderis, homo, quod morieris . . . omnia que dixi laus et gloria sit cruciflxy [24 w . ; cf. Walther, Initio 17041]; f. 117v Salve regina, ergeminato ramo . . . fame semper veder clemente pia. Amen [12 w . ] ; f. 118r-v [acrostic, each line beginning with a successive word of the Pater noster] Pater, qui es unigenitus Yhesu fllii beate / Noster director . . . Amen. Ut semper caelitus possimus te laudare. Amen. Paper {Croixgrecque, Briquet 5549, Vicenza, 1453), fT. ii (modem) + 120 + iii (modem); 205 x 150 (145 x 100) mm. l'°(-9. 10) / / 210 3 10 (-10) / / 4-12 10 133. Horizontal catchwords between flourishes in the center of the lower margin. 27 long lines, ruled in lead. Written in a humanistic semi-cursive script showing gothic influences, in monastic style; ink varies from dark brown to pale chestnut brown. On f. 1, an elaborate 5-line initial in red on bluish-green penwork extending to the inner and upper margins; " Y H S " in red on the top margin off. 1; 2-line initials in red on bluish-green penwork; rubrics in red minuscule and initials in the text slashed with red. Outer edges of the first folios have been repaired for water damage. Bound in green paper over cardboard, s. XIX. Written in the Veneto in the late fifteenth century. In the possession of a Veronese family in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; f. 119, " A di 11 otubrio 1533. Nota come ali 11 de otubrio 1533 sono nasu uno fìolo masculo a mi Antonio di Tiberi in la con76


tra di Caliari in casa de mio cuigno Antonio quondam magistro Marco Pelacan; per nome se chiama Bonzuano a batezemo, et li compari sono el nobel omo misser Girardo Pelegrin et l'altro misser Ieronimo Pantin e le comare sono madona Maria Mandela et l'altra madona Tarsia di Basi, et fu batezato in Santa Elena in domo"; "Nota come ali 29 de avosto 1536 sono nasu uno fiolo masculo a mi Antonio di Tiberi in la contra di Caliari in casa di mio cuigno Antonio quondam magistro Marco Caliaro; per nome se chiama Jozepo a batezemo, et li con pari sono misser Jeronimo Pantin e le comare sono madona Maria di Mandegi et funo bateza in Santa Elena in domo de Verona"; f. 119v, "A di 12 dezembrio 1545. Nota come a di suprascripto me sono nasu uno fiolo mascolo a mi Antonio di Tiberi per nome se domanda a batezemo Bonzuane; et el nobel omo misser Girardo Pelegrin et misser Jacopo di Sangane sono li compari et madona Anzola da Vigo per comare, bateza in Santo Apostolo in Verona"; "Nota come a di 25 zugno 1549 me sono nasu uno fiola per nome se domanda a batezemo Felipa, el compare sono misser Lucha Tentoro (?) et la comare madona Maria di Mandeli, bateza in Santo Apostolo in Verona," ali in Antonio Tiberi's hand; f. 119v, "Anno domini 1579 nascitur C. FAB in Verona," s. XVI; f. 120v, "Laus dei. Liber meus Antoni Caliarius. Liber de oracione meus etc. Ave sanctissima Maria . . . , " prayers in Italian and Latin in the seventeenth-century hand of Antonio Caliari, and his pen-drawing of a cross and instruments of the Passion, 112 x 37 mm. ; f. 81 lower margin, "Memoria come il di 30 zugno 1614 andai a Fiorenza et lì arrivai il di 5 luio 1614 in casa del magnifico s(igno)r Nicholla Spinetaie alla piazza del grano"; f. 82 lower margin, "Io Bonzuane Tiberii alle case de Sallizolle die 25 ottobris 1592 . . . " (same hand as f. 81). On the front pastedown a slip from an unidentified sale catalog, lot 444. From the collection of Giuseppe Martini (1870-1944); no. 78 in H. P. Kraus's list of Martini books (see the description of M S 170/382 above). Bought by UCLA from Kraus, New York, in 1969. Secundo folio:

che io per la povertà

UNIVERSITY RESEARCH LIBRARY 170/521 • ANTIPHONAL • Italy, s. XV 1 1. ff. l-51v: Antiphonal. fT. l-34v from Dominica in ramis palmarum to Pascha; ff. 34v38v In die ascensionis; ff. 38v-47v In purificationis beate Marie Virginis; ff. 48-49 In solempni receptione coniunctus; ff. 49-50v In receptione legatorum et prelatorum; ff. 50v-51v In receptione secularium et principian, f. 52r-v blank. 2. ff. 53-69: [Office of the dead] Non intres in iudicium cum servo tuo domine . . . ; f. 56v [office for a member of a religious community] Deus qui inter apostolicos sacerdotes famulum tuum pontificali fecisti dignitate vigere presta quesumus . . . ; f. 68v Que circa sepulturam fratris supra notata sunt ubi commode non possunt servan plenarie propter paucitatem fratrum minuatur de solempnitate notata et fiat ut prelato videbitur faciendum. Hoc idem fiat circha sepulturam extraneorum sive sint pauci sive sint multi fratres, excepto quod ad eorum corpora deferenda non ponantur fratres . . . oratio satisfaciat ut supra notatum est. ff. 69v-70v blank. Parchment, ff. i (paper, modem) + 70 + i (paper, modern); 170 x 120 (120 x 80) mm. 1-5 12 6 12 (-9, 10). Horizontal catchwords in the center of the lower margin, framed by flourishes or by sketches of fantastic animals. 15 long lines or 5 lines of text and 5 77




of music, ruled in lead. Written in a bold rounded Italian gothic bookhand in liturgical style (littera textualis formata); dark brown ink; rubrics in black, in gothic verging on notula. 2-line initials alternately red on blue penwork and blue on red; 1-line initials alternately red and blue; initials in the text slashed with red. Music in square notation on staves of 4 red lines. Contemporary corrections to the text. Bound in dark brown calf over paste boards, green fore-edge, s. X V I I I / X I X . Written in Italy in the first half of the fifteenth century for a regular religious community; cf. ff. 56v, 68 v. Belonged to D'Alté A. Welch (1907-1970), friend of Wilbur J . Smith (curator of U C L A ' s Special Collections 1951-1971) and author of the Bibliography of American Children's Books Printed Prior to 1821 (Worcester, Mass. 1972). Given to U C L A with his collection of children's books by his widow in 1971. Secundo folio: ex discipulis suis

U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H L I B R A R Y »170/524 • RASIS, L I B E R A L M A N S O R I S , 2 leaves • 1.


Italy, s. XIII 2

f. 1: [Prologue] Verba Abbubecri Rasis fili Izacane liber incipit translatus a magistro Gherardo) Cremonensi in Toleto de arabico in latinum qui ab eo Almansorius vocatur eo quod regis Mansorii Ysaac Jilii precepto editus sit, In hoc meo libro regis cuius vitam Deus prolonget . . . regis placeam eique incessanter adherere possim; [list of chapters] Tractatus primus de figura et forma membrorum . . . Tractatus decimus de febribus . . . De aggregationibus et summis iuvamenti m e m b r o r u m quas nos premittere oportet in principio huius tractatus. De forma ossium . . . De forma matricis; [book 1] De aggregationibus et summis iuvamenti membrorum quas nos premittere oportet in principio huius tractatus, Creator omnium Deus ossa condidit ut per ea corpus . . . membro continuantur sensum et dantes et/ / f. lv washed clean. Abubetri Rhazae Maomethi . . . Opera exquisitiora . . . per Gerardum Toletanum medicum Cremonensem . . . latinitate donata (Basel 1544) 5 - 8 line 8, with variations. f. 2: [Book 2 chaps. 27-45] / /color vero inter rubeum et album medius equalem significat complexionem . . . De signification pedum, Pedes in quibus carnis est multitudo atque ipsius duricies// f. 2v washed clean. Ibid. pp. 48-51.

Parchment, 2 leaves: f. 1, 330 x 203 (232 x 140) m m . , in 2 columns of 59 lines; f. 2, 325 x 190 (235 x 132) m m . , in 2 columns of 60 lines; ruled in lead; triple lines between the columns. Written in a round Italian gothic bookhand of university type (littera textualis); olive brown ink. O p e n i n g word of f. 1 in red and blue majuscule letters, 11-line, on red and blue penwork; f. l r b , 8-line initial in blue on red penwork; 1-line initials alternately red and blue, slashed with the opposite color, placed outside the written space; initials in the text touched with red; titles in red minuscule; a running title " L ( i b e r ) " in red, f. 2. Written in Italy in the second half of the thirteenth century. Used for binding; ff. lv and 2v have been completely washed. T h e leaves bound in paper over cardboard, s. X I X / X X . Belonged to Dr. Alfred J e r o m e Brown (1878-1960), professor of surgery at the University of Nebraska and author of Old Masterpieces in Surgery . . . ( O m a h a 78


1926) and More Old Masterpieces in Surgery (Chicago 1931); his bookplate, inside the front cover. His sale, Swann Auction Galleries, 31 March 1949 (catalog no. 228), lot 229. Bought by UCLA from Zeitlin and Ver Brugge, Los Angeles, in 1974 or 1975.

UNIVERSITY RESEARCH LIBRARY 170/525 • DIEGO H U R T A D O DE MENDOZA, DE LA G U E R R A DE GRANADA, in Spanish • Spain, s. XVI-XVII fT. 1-128: Capittdo I". De los primerosfundadores de Granaday deprimer Reyy nombre, La ciudad de Granada segun entiendo fue poblacion . . . y Ba^a remitiendo la conclusion de las cortes para Madrid donde llego. Aqui acaban muchos originates; f. 128r-v No era negocio de menos importancia que peligro el de la sierra . . . de gente haciendo y matando sin diferencia. Fin d'este libro. f. 129r-v blank. Lacks the prologue. Edited by M. Gomez-Moreno (Madrid 1948) who lists 25 manuscripts, this one not among them. Paper (Croix latine, not found in Briquet), ff. 130 (contemporary foliation 1-129 with 67 bis ); 225 x 160 (ca. 170 x 105) mm. 1-14« 1512 166. Catchwords at the bottom of each page. 19/27 long lines, unruled. Written in cursive script by three hands: (i) ff. 1-11 lv, (ii) ff. 112-122, (iii) ff. 122-128v; grayish brown ink. Unbound. Written in Spain in the late sixteenth or early seventeenth century. Purchased from Joseph Rubinstein, Tucson, Arizona, in 1967.

UNIVERSITY RESEARCH LIBRARY »170/527 Fig. 6 • MISSAL AND LIBER CENSUUM of Uckerath • Germany (Uckerath), s. XII-XVI 1. f. 1: Full-page watercolor (sixteenth or seventeenth century). Crucifixion with St. Mary and St. John, framed by a border of pale green acanthus leaves. 2. ff. lv-2: Records of offerings to the church, in German mixed with Latin, from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and later, some dated: 1489, 1509 (written by "pastor Henrichus de Querenbach"), 1736. 3. ff. 2v-4v [Liber censuum of the church for the year 1453] Anno domini MCCCCLIII renovati sunt census ecclesie in Okeroidpresentibus iuratis et pastoribus, text in German; f. 4v additions up to the year 1487. 4. ff. 5-6v: [Calendar, mutilated at the end, containing January to August] Prima dies et VII a fine timetur . . . ; among the saints are Adelgundis (30 Jan.); Polychronius (17 Feb.), Pinnosa, translation (28 Feb.), Suitbert (1 March), Heribert (16 March, stroked with red), Ludger (26 March), Evergisil, translation (28 March), Balbina (31 March), Bede (26 May), Augustine, Apostle of the English (27 May), Boniface (5 June), Medard (8 June), Maurinus (10 June), Ulric (4 July), Goar (6 July), Kilian (8 July), Agilulf(9 July), Pantaleon (28 July), Oswald (5 Aug.), Privatus (21 Aug.). The calendar contains numerous obituary notes, ranging from the early thirteenth century, to judge from the script, to the sixteenth; a dated one on f. 6v [12 July], Obiit Elizabet de Brylon mater domini Conradi pastoris anno 1442. 79




5. f. 7r-v: Records of gifts to the church and obituary notes, from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century, including (f. 7) Obiit Aleidis de Bughusin begina que concidit ecclesie in Okirrode . . . , and records of two deeds of the year 1252, in one of which the witness is "Henricus plebanus de Okerode qui presentem conscripsit cedulam," and (f. 7v) the record of an obligation written "per Iohannem pastorem anno domini M CCC [XX, expunged] nonodecimo." 6. f. 8: Sequitur missa de beata Virgine, Salve sancta parens . . . [RH 18197]. 7. f. 8r-v: Sequitur ojficium de sancta Cruce, including the sequence "Laudes cruris attollamus . . . " [RH 103606; f. 8vb, note in German written in fifteenth- or sixteenthcentury gothic cursive script, signed "Ego Stephanus pastor in Oeckenroit." 8. ff. 9-1 lv: [Ordinary of the mass, mutilated] / / a c sereno vultu respicere . . . propiciabile in vitam eternam. Amen. 9. f. 1 lv: [List of mementos to be said during the mass, 1498] In nomine domini. Amen, etc. Anno MCCCCXCVIII. Item sal eyn pastor von Ockenroit . . . ; [in the outer margin] Anno 1639 die 18 Junii renovatum ac reinceptum per me Henricum Georgii pro tempore pastorem. 10. ff. llv-15, 17: Liber censuum of the church for the year 1503, with additions (f. 12, A.D. 1516); insertions not concerning the Liber censuum on f. 12v (seventeenth century), 13v (A.D. 1552). 11. ff. 15v-16v: Records of offerings to the church, six of them dated 1512; (f. 17, end of the Liber censuum for 1503) f. 17v notes dated 1539, 1556, 1605. Parchment, 17 loose folios of varying dates with an incorrect eighteenth-century foliation; original size ca. 380 x 265 mm., more or less deeply torn with damage to the text. 1 (frontispiece), s. XVI/XVII. 2 - 3 , s. XV, in 2 columns of varying numbers of lines, unruled; written in gothic cursive scripts in grayish brown inks. 4, s. XII, written space 285 x ca. 240 mm., 2 columns of 33 lines ruled in hardpoint; written in a spiky twelfthcentury ordinary minuscule in brown ink; 3-line yellow and green initials; dominical letters alternating in brown, red, green, and pale blue. 5, s. XIII-XV, in many hands. 6 - 7 , s. XV, written space 285 x 195 mm., 2 columns of 50/51 lines; bounding lines only, ruled in ink; written in a running gothic bookhand in grayish brown ink; rubrics in red minuscule. 8, s. XV, written space 265 x 195 mm., 2 columns of 19 lines; frame ruled in ink; written in a spiky stately German gothic bookhand in liturgical style (littera textualis formata); 2-line initials alternately red and blue; initials and crosses in the text in red; rubrics in red minuscule. 9, s. X V " . 10-11, s. XVI, severely damaged and reduced in size because of mildew and rodents; a varying number of lines, written in cursive gothic script. Notes of payments going back to the early sixteenth century (1512, 1517) are entered in the margins of ff. 10v-12v; on f. 9v a long note, dated 1609 and mentioning "Bavariae dux," by the same hand as notes on f. 12v (undated) and f. 17v (1605); on f. 10, notes dated 1681, 1725. The name of the parish is spelled in different ways through the centuries: Ocherode, Ockenroit, Ockeroit, Oeckenroit, Oickerroide, Okeroide, Okerode, Okirrode, Okorode, Oykerode, Uckenrad, Uckenrade, Uckenraide, Uuckerode, etc. Written in Germany by or for the parish church of Uckerath, Siegkreis, in the archdiocese of Cologne, where it remained and continued in use from the twelfth through the seventeenth century or later;' concerning Uckerath see F. W. Oediger, ed., Die Erz• I. We are grateful to V. Honemann and the Institut für historische Landesforschung der Universität Göttingen for the identification of Uckerath.



diözese Köln um 1300 1: Der Liber valoris, Publications of the Gesellsch. fur Rhein. Geschichtskunde 12 (1967) 101. Given to UCLA ca. 1936 by Edmund M. Riese. A palimpsest and a bifolium from Uckerath cataloged below among the loose leaves, l/XII/Ger/4 and 2/XII/Ger/5, which were given to UCLA by Mr. Riese at the same time, probably once belonged to the missal; but the identification is not positive.

UNIVERSITY RESEARCH LIBRARY 170/529 Figs. 28-30 • C O M M O N P L A C E BOOK O F LAURENCE NOWELL • England, ca. 1560ca. 1571 1. fT. 1-8, 9-10 blank, save for possession notes and added miscellaneous notes, fi. 8v, 10v-16v: Notes on philosophy in Greek and Latin in quasi-dictionary form. 2. fT. 17-41: Philosophical florilegium in Greek and Latin organized by Latin headings in intermittently alphabetical order from Aberra to Veritas; f. 41v, the Greek equivalents of 3 Latin words. 3. fT. 42-47v: Sentences and notes on geographical names in Latin, Greek, and Italian. fT. 48-52 blank. 4. fT. 52v-53v: Geographical names with explanations in Greek. fT. 54-55v blank. 5. fT. 56-58: Excerpts from Pausanias, in Greek. 6. fT. 58v-59: Notes in Latin and English with dates 1553, 1554, 1560 (but written at one time). fT. 59v-59 b i , v blank. 7. fT. 60-72: Notes in Latin, Greek, and English on chronology, astrology, history, etc., with dates 1560 (f. 160v) and 1518 (f. 62); includes on f. 63v Bibliothecae celebres: Romae Vaticana seu pontiflcia, Florentiae Medicum, Bononiae S. Salvatoris, Venetiis Bessarionis, S. Ioannis et Pauli et aliae, Diegi Hurtadi. fT. 72v-79v blank. 8. fT. 80-116: Latin-Greek dictionary from A to Ingratus. f. 116v blank. 9. fT. 117-120: Notes on geometry in Italian (f. 119r-v blank). fT. 120v-122v blank. 10. fT. 123r-v: List of kings of England to Henry III. fT. 124-135 blank. 11. f. 135v: Index to fT. 136-212, which bear separate foliation 1-6 and 1-72 (the number 59 omitted). 12. fT. 136-184v: A transcription of the Quadripartitus from Holkham Hall MS 228 (fT. 141v-142, 146v-147, 179v-180 blank). fT. 185-187 blank. 13. fT. 187v-192v: [Laws of William the Conqueror in Anglo-Norman copied from the Croyland Chronicle of "Ingulph"] Inveni in quodam Croilandiae chronico Ingulphum abbatem eiusdem detulisse secum a Londino domum usque has leges sequentes . . . quae ut ipse testatur hoc ipso idiomate scriptae fuerunt. (f. 188) Ces sunt les leis e les custumes . . . les vilains en ferme plege. [Added:] Sequuntur vide infra fol. 65 [ - f. 205v]. This part of the chronicle has not been edited in the original. Cf. Ingulph's Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland, trans. Henry T. Riley (London 1854) 175-184, sections 1-29, followed by a misplaced section 22. 14. fT. 193-199: [Laws of William the Conqueror in Latin] Haec quae sequuntur in Gulielmi legibus ascribuntur quae in maiori libro omittuntur . . . ferrum triplicis Dei iudicii ponderet 3 libras. [Added:] Interponenda sunt fol. precedens: Quod si necessitas . . . nisi rex ei patriam indulserit. 15. f. 199v: Charta H. 3 . . . toforenseid; and J>et [with catchword] aelc. fT. 200-205 blank. The first half of Henry Ill's proclamation of 1258 in Middle English issued for Oxfordshire; ed. W. W. Skeat, " T h e Oxford MS. of the Only English Proclamation 81




of Henry I I I , " Transactions of the Philological Society 1880-1881, app. 6 pp. 169*-177*, to the middle of line 6 (Skeat p. 173*). 16. fi. 205v-207: Addenda legibus Gulihelmi gall ice conscriptis post capitulum de streward. Si il que custinent la terr ne deit lome . . . sil ne poit envers le voy lamende e il soit ullage. IT. 207v-209v blank. The completion of the laws extracted from the Croyland chronicle (cf. item 13 above); cf. Riley, sections 30-53, pp. 184-188. 17. f. 210: Ex legibus [Alfredi, corr. to:] Edgari regis quibus titulus est Her gebirad nu to Eadgares geraednesse be gehadodra lifladunge. We laerafi Jjaet godes {jeowas beon heora woruld lafordum eac hold 7 getrywe. And we laerafl Jjaet preost ne beo hunta ne hafecere ne taeflere ac plegge on his bocum swa his hade gebryafi. Liber est Matthaei Cantuar. Archiep. 1571. W[illelmus] Lfambardus]. Two excerpts from the so-called Canons of Edgar: Roger Fowler, ed., Wulfstan's Canons of Edgar, EETS 266 (London 1972) 2 and 14. Copied from Cambridge, Corpus Christi College M S 201 which belonged to Matthew Parker, archbishop of Canterbury. 18. f. 211: Ex libro 3° Willelmi Malmesbyrie de regibus, ubi has quae sequuntur legibus Willelmi regis magni ascribit. Regem Angliae singulari maiestate . . . molimine semper infrendit. ff. 21 lv-274v blank. William of Malmesbury, Gesta regum anglorum bk. 3; ed. Thomas D. Hardy, vol. 2 (London 1840, repr. 1964) 473n-474n. Paper (Chapeau and Lettre B, not found in Briquet), ff. 276 (includes unnumbered leaf after f. 59, and f. 242bis); 155 x 105 m m . Varying numbers of lines; unruled, except for occasional bounding lines in lead point. Written in several tiny Elizabethan scripts mainly by Laurence Nowell, 1 except for items in the hand of William Lambarde: ff. 135v, 199v, 187v-192v, 205v-207, 210. Bound in contemporary limp parchment, title along the spine erased; parchment strips from a twelfth-century manuscript used as reinforcement for the spine. Written in England between ca. 1560 and ca. 1567 by Laurence Nowell (d. ca. 1570); his signature, f. 2; concerning Nowell's dates and identity see now Carl T . Berkout, " T h e Pedigree of Laurence Nowell the Antiquary," English Language Notes 23.2 (1985) 15-26. Belonged to Nowell's friend William Lambarde (1536-1601) who wrote additional material between ca. 1567 and ca. 1571; his signature also on f. 2. O n ff. 2, 118, 210, 274, forgeries of various Shakespeare signatures: f. 2, "William Shakspere 1590" (almost obliterated with pen strokes); f. 118, "William Shaksp(e)r(e), Oxforde" (copy of the second signature in Shakespeare's will of 1616); f. 210, "William Shaksp(ere) 1590" (copy of the third signature in the will of 1616); f. 274, initials " W S " ; for facsimiles of forged autographs of Shakespeare see S. A. T a n n e n b a u m , Problems in Shakespeare's Penmanship, Including a Study of the Poet's Will (New York 1927) pis. 3942; the present forgeries possibly date from the twentieth century. Sold by Hodgson (19 J u n e 1924, lot 512) to Myers & C o . , London. Belonged to C . K. Ogden (18891957); his bookplate, inside the front cover. Acquired by U C L A with the Ogden library in 1958. A copy of this book is U C L A Negative Microfilm #05428.

• 1. W e a r e grateful to C a r l T . Berkout for identifying a n u m b e r of the c o n t e n t s of this m a n u s c r i p t , a n d especially for distinguishing the h a n d s of Nowell a n d L a m b a r d e .


9 5 2 BX 1

U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H LIBRARY 902 • O R S I N I C O L L E C T I O N • Italy, s. X I V - s . X X The archive of the Orsini family, in 532 boxes, includes roughly 1000 items that date before the year 1600. A one-volume typescript inventory of the collection was compiled by Evert Volkersz in 1967. Acquired by U C L A in 1967. Bibliography: G. Billanovich, Tra don Teofilo Folengo e Merlin Cocaio (Naples 1948) 174. A copy of the inventory is U C L A Negative Microfilm #06423.

U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H L I B R A R Y 952 bx 1 • G I U G N I F A M I L Y A C C O U N T B O O K • Italy (Tuscany, Garbo?), 1580-1586 IT. 1-68: [Accounts of the Giugni family, from 22 Dec. 1580 to 16 Sept. 1586] Yhesus Maria. Al nome sia dello onnipotente et immortale Idio padre figliuolo et spirito sancto e della gloriosissima madre Maria sempre vergine dello unigienito figliuolo di Dio vacato Jesu creatore di questo secolo e redentore della humana generatone e dilli altri santi e sante desso Idio equali tutti suplichiamo che si degnino interciedere per noi che insuquesto libro si scriva cose utile per lanima e per il corpo a laude e gloria de Dio e de sua santi. Ammen. Questo libro e di Raffaello, Antonio, Niccolo fratelli e figli di Andrea di Raffaello di Rinieri Giugni heredi di detto Andrea per la heredita di Andrea detto e altre loro facciende principiato dappoi la morte di detto Andrea, intitolato Entrata e uscita, signato A. Da carte 1 sino a carte quaranta sara entrata, da carte quaranta sino fine sara uscita. ff. l v - 8 [credit accounts] Yhesus. MDLXXXI. Entrata di danari contanti che si risquoteranno per Raffaello, Antonio, Niccolo Giugni fratelli e figli di Andrea Giugni tenuta per mano di me Raffaello Giugni, cominciata addi 22 dicembre 1581 [1580 N.S.] . . . ; fT. 8v-40v blank; fT. 41-68 [debit accounts] Yhesus. MDLXXXI. Uscita di danari contanti che si pagheranno per Raffaello, Antonio, Niccolo Giugni fratelli e figli di Andrea di Raffaello Giugni tenuta per mano di me Raffaello Giugni cominciata addi 22 dicembre, e prima . . . . fT. 68v-192v blank. Paper, fT. 192 (contemporary foliation 1 to 8 and 41 to 68 in a double series, in roman numerals on the upper right of the recto and in arabic numerals on the upper left of the verso); 330 x 230 m m . 1 - 1 2 " . Written by Raffaello Giugni in an Italian cursive. Contemporary envelope binding in parchment over limp cardboard reinforced with three leather straps, one of which encircles and fastens the volume with a flap; on the front cover in a contemporary hand, "Entrata e uscita"; under the flap, a large (45 m m . x 45 m m . ) " A " ; on the spine, " 1 5 8 1 - 1 5 8 6 . " Written in Tuscany, presumably in Garbo, by Raffaello Giugni. There are two later account books in this box: Raffaello Giugni's accounts for his business in Garbo, 1613-1626; and the credits and debits of Lucretia, widow of Cosimo Gorini, in Tuscany, 1642-1657. A part of the Corsini Collection, which came to U C L A after World W a r II; the source and date of acquisition are unknown.





UNIVERSITY R E S E A R C H LIBRARY 952 bx 2 (2 items) • C O N V E N T O F S. MARIA DEGLI ANGELI, A C C O U N T BOOK • (Tuscany, Lucca?), 1540-1546


fT. i v -140v: Accounts of the Dominican nuns of S. Maria degli Angeli from 1540 to 1546. fi. i v -98v Debit accounts from Dec. 1540 (N.S.) to Feb. 1544; fT. 99-103v Miscellaneous records in several hands, including occasional accounts from Feb. 1544 to Nov. 1545 (N.S.); fT. 104-108v: [credit accounts, 1545-1546] A entrata del nostro monasterio di Sancta Maria degli Angeli la quale entrata scriverà Suora Caterina al presente priora del capitolo e convento di Santa Maria degli Angeli del terzo ordine di San Domenico della Penitentia. Al nome di Dio. Sabato adi 13 di novembre 1546 ( - 1545 N.S.); fT. 109-138v blank; fT. 139-140v Debit accounts, Dec. 1545 (N.S.)-Jan. 1546. fT. 141-191v blank. Paper, fT. i (parchment) + 192 (numbered 1-191 with first leaf unnumbered) + i; 280 x 202 mm. 1-12 16 . Written by several Italian cursive hands, including Sr. Caterina, fT. 78-98v and entries on 99-103v, 104-108v, 139-140v. Contemporary envelope binding in limp parchment reinforced by three leather straps, one fastening the volume with a buckle; on the front cover: " G " and "Giornale." Flyleaves: Fragments of Gregory I, Morcdia, written in centrili Italy, s. XI 2 . Text begins on back flyleaf verso " / / s u a m appetit quia . . . , " ends on front flyleaf recto " . . . e t remissionem peccatorum per omnes gentes//"; Moralia 28.7-29.14, PL 76.485D-491B. Two parchment leaves originally conjugate, 4 and 5 of a quire of 8; cropped top and bottom, original written space ca. 290 x 185 mm.; in 2 cols., originally of 40 lines; ruled in drypoint, double bounding lines. Written in brown ink in a late developed Caroline minuscule script, showing the peculiar n'-ligature; et appears as both ampersand and tironian 7; both uncial and upright d; small s-shape abbreviation marks for b(us) and q(ue). Brown majuscule initials, touched with yellow. Marginalia by the hand of the text; carefully revised by a contemporary corrector. Written in central Italy, and used for binding in a region not far from its place of origin some five centuries later. A part of the Corsini collection; see 952 bx 1. Source and date of acquisition by UCLA are unknown.

• CAMBINI FAMILY A C C O U N T BOOK • Italy (Florence), 1531-1647 fT. i—86: Cambini family accounts, ff. i v - 8 Credit accounts, from Dec. 1531 (N.S.) to June 1540 (N.S.); f. 8v blank; f. 9 Addition with the date 1569; f. 9v blank; f. lOr-v Notes of harvests for 1635-1644; fT. 1 l-15v blank; fT. 16-47v missing; f. 48 Notes for the years 1639-1644; fT. 48v-55v blank; ff. 56-84v Debit accounts, from Dec. 1531 (N.S.) to J u n e 1540 (N.S.); ff. 85-86 Additions for the years 1543-1547; f. 86v Addition for 1544 crossed out. On the Cambini family of Florence see Dizionario biografico degli italiani 17 (1974) 132-136; and R. de Roover, The Rise and Decline of the Medici Bank (1397-1494) (Cambridge, Mass. 1963)91, 255. 2. ff. 87-150v: [Accounts of the Cambini estate of La Sassaia, 1638-1645] Da qui in avanti servirà per diverse memorie tenute da Lorenzo Cambini per interesse del podere della Sassaia come appresso (ff. 87v, 89-103v, 106-129v, 133v-139v, 141v-144v, 145v-150, 151-179v 1.


952 BX 4

blank); ff. 180-183 Notes recording the harvesting of trees on the estate, 1610-1656. ff. 183v-190v blank. Paper, ff. i + 158; 290 x 220 mm. I 16 (2-3 16 missing; ff. 16-47v) 4-12' 6 . Written in Italian cursive script by different hands including that of Lorenzo Cambini (ff. 87-183). Contemporary envelope binding in limp parchment with three leather straps, one fastening the volume with a buckle; on the front cover: "Entrata e uscita," " A " ; on the spine: "1531-1540." A part of the Corsini collection; see 952 bx 1. Source and date of acquisition by UCLA are unknown.

UNIVERSITY RESEARCH LIBRARY 952 bx 3 • CARLO DI ANDREA CAMBINI, A C C O U N T BOOK • Italy (Florence), 1556-1616 ff. l-198v [Accounts from 1556 to 1594, with additions] Yhesus. In nome di Dio et della madre Maria. Amen. Questo libro e di Carlo d'Andrea di Bartolomeo Chambini citadino fiorentino, chiamasi Debitori e creditori. Carta 1" di 198 servirà per tenere gli chonti di dare ed avere, ff. l v 99v Credits and debits from 1556 to 1594; ff. 99v-102 Occasional accounts from 1600 to 1616; ff. 102v-198 blank; f. 198v Notes of payment with dates 1566-1567. Paper, ff. 192 (contemporary foliation I - C L X X X X V I I I with gaps); 280 x 215 mm. 1 8 24 . Written in Italian cursive script by one main hand (ff. l-99v), with later additions. Contemporary envelope binding with three leather straps, one fastening the volume with a buckle; on the front cover: "Debitori e creditori," " C a m b i n i " , " A " ; on the spine: "1556-1605." Written in Italy, presumably Florence. In this same box are two later account books of Lorenzo di Andrea di Carlo Cambini of Florence, dated 1623-1655 and 1653-1660. A part of the Corsini collection; see 952 bx 1. Source and date of acquisition by UCLA are unknown.

UNIVERSITY RESEARCH LIBRARY 952 bx 4 • BIAGIO CASTELLANI, NOTARIAL REGISTER • Italy (Pistoia), 1382-1391 ff. 1-100: [Register of the deeds drawn up by Biagio Castellani of Larciano, resident of Montevettolino in Val di Nievole, Pistoia, 4 Dec. 1382 (N.S.)-31 May 1391 (N.S.)] In nomine domini. Amen. Hie est (. . . > continoli in se omnia instrumenta ( . . . > scripta et edita et rogata per (. . .> Castellani notarium de Lardano (. . . )-/i in districtu Florentino et scripta (. . . ) notarium antedictum partim sub anno (...) trecentesimo octogésimo tertio indictione ( . . . ) infrascriptis nec non partim sub anno M{. . . ) quarto indictione partim séptima et partim indictione oc(tava . . . ) mensibus(P) infrascriptis. Signum mey [his sign] Blaxii notarii antedicti . . . Et ego Blaxius filius quondam Castellani comitatus Pistorii nec non terrigena Castri Montivectulini provincie Vallis Nebule destrictus Fiorentini, imperiali auctoritate Iudex Ordinarius atque notarius publicus, predictis omnibus et singulis suprascriptis in presenti libro dum agerentur interfui et ea rogatus scribere scripsi et fìdeliter publicavi ideoque me subscripsi et signum meum apposui consuetum. 85




Paper, ff. 100; 290 x 220 (215/240 x 120/145) mm. 1-2 18 3-6' 6 . 31-34 long lines, unruled. Written by Biagio Castellani in Italian littera cancelleresca. Ff. 1-24 damaged by a large hole in the lower half of the page, with loss of text; ff. 1-5 also lack upper right corner with further loss of text. Loose gatherings wrapped in a limp cover; title, s. XVIII: "Documenti di Casa Salvagnoli." Written by Biagio Castellani presumably in Pistoia. In this same box are four medical manuscripts from later centuries: (i) Dt febribus, s. XVII e x , ff. 71; (ii) Seminario medico prattico, s. XVIII, pp. 300; (iii) Libro di secreti medicinali pratticati dal dottor Joachim Lampranti filosofo e medico ebreo raccolti da varii libri d'eruditissimi signori e prencipi grandi et esperimentati più volte nel corso di tanti anni di sua prattica esercitata in Padova ed in altri luoghi e specialmente in Ferrara, s. XVIII, 4 fascicles + ff. 220 + 4 fascicles; (iv) Farmacopea di Torino tradotta dal latino in italiano idioma da me Giovanni Beriollo, s. XVIII e x , pp. 234. A part of the Corsini collection; see 952 bx 1. Source and date of acquisition by UCLA are unknown.

UNIVERSITY RESEARCH LIBRARY 952 bx 5 • SIENESE FISCAL RECORDS • Italy (Siena), 1601-1615 Libro autentico di compere, di e f f e t t i e censi di Piano e Potentino nello Stato Senese dal 1601 al 1615. Parchment, ff. xviii (paper) + 240; 213 x 145 mm. Bound in contemporary blind-stamped half leather over wooden boards. Two medieval pastedowns: (i) [Justinian, Codex; Italy, s. XIII] //Imp. Negotiandi causa edificia . . . future non timeat detrimentum/ / [C., 8, 10, 2-9]. Upper portion of 1 leaf, 150 x 213 mm. 2 cols., of which 22 lines survive; gloss surrounding the text, of which 37 incomplete lines survive; ruling not discernible. Written in Italian gothic bookhand in university style (littera bononiensis); initials alternately red and blue. Another strip from this same manuscript, 65 x 210 mm., is pasted in the spine. (ii) [Office of the dead; Italy, s. X V ] / /tue de corpore . . . Libera domine animam servi// 1 leaf, 220 x 160 (155 x 105) mm. 2 cols, of 31 lines; ruling not discernible. Written in an Italian gothic bookhand in liturgical style (littera textualis formata); initials and rubrics in red. Another late manuscript is kept in this same box: Bartolomeo Dotti, Poesie e satire, s. XVIII, pp. 1170. A part of the Corsini collection; see 952 bx 1. Source and date of acquisition by UCLA are unknown.

UNIVERSITY RESEARCH LIBRARY 953 bx 1 no. 3 • NEAPOLITAN MISCELLANY • Italy (Naples?), s. XVI [ff. 49-55 are bound before ff. 1-48] 1. ff. l-16v: San/elice della Campagna felice a Elio Marchese di famiglie [Antonio Sanfelice, Campania (Naples 1562, etc.)]; the heading is on f. i v . f. 17r-v blank. 2. ff. 18-49v: [Francesco Elio Marchesi] IX novembris MDLIX. Francisci Aelii Marchesii Neapolitani De nobilium fa.milia.rum origine libellus ad Hieronymum Carbonem Neapolitanum . . . 86



4. 5.



BX 1

V I I I Dec. describere explevi horis succisivis ob negociorum molem, sed desiderium atque aviditas mira h?c audiendi et memori? mandandi omnia superavit. Antonius Feltrius bona fide ex codice qui L X propemodum annis latuerat. Other manuscript copies of this work are recorded in Kristeller, Iter iial. 1.127, 353, 397, 2.96, 332, 341, 450, 451, 470. ff. 51-52: [38 couplets] Atigustino Nipho mediciphilosopho Hieronymus Carbo. Liber ago in terris vitam sine turbine rerum . . . O decus et ver? nobilitatis Amor: Finis. Concerning Girolamo Carbone see Dizionario biografico degli italiani 19 (1976) 695-698. f. 52v: (. . . tear . . ,}-ns Alexandrinus In oratione adhortatoria ad Grfcos sive ad Gentes, f . 23. Solent enim nescio quomodo . . . etiam haberi in admiratione. f. 53r-v: Ioannis Casae ad Galeatium Florimontis. Ut Capta reditus Helena cum coniugio Troia . . . Nixa diu tandem plagis perterrita currit. 60 verses, not included in Opere di Monsignor Giovanni della Casa, ed. A. Pasinelli, 5 vols. (Venice 1728-1729). f. 54r-v: Prestantissimo iuveni Colae Antonio Caracciolo Marchimi Vici Paulus Manutius S.P.D. [E. Pastorello, L'epistolario manuziano: Inventario cronologico-analitico 1483-1597(Venice 1957) no. 1052: Rome, 28 Feb. 1562]. f. 55 Notes in various hands, including the name " H a n n i b a l Caraciolo" and the date 1561. f. 55v: [Antonio Sanfelice, three Latin couplets] F. Antonii Santofelicis. Moribus antiquis senioque . . . est inimica probis.

Paper, fT. i + 55; 271 x 205 m m . Written by several late humanistic hands. Bound in limp vellum, s. X V I I I , with a large miscellany of later printed and manuscript items. T w o other volumes are kept in this box: (i) a miscellany of sixteenth- and seventeenthcentury manuscript copies of earlier documents (a.d. 1182 to s. X V I ) relevant to the Kingdom of Naples, bound with miscellaneous printed items, and (ii) Gaspare Deodato Zamponi, Del Regno di Napoli, Memorie, indrizzate agli eccellentissimi Signori della Reggenza, s. XVIII; and there are three other boxes of late miscellaneous materials, printed and manuscript, concerning the history of Naples (953 bx 2-bx 4). Each volume, including the present, bears two armorial bookplates with mottoes " E x libris Marchionis Salsae" and " C o m m e je f u s , " found also in M S 170/292. Among the materials bound in the present volume are verses in several hands, with dates in the 1770s, dedicated to the "Eccellentissima Signora Donna GiosefTa Malaspina, Marchesa di Salsa." Acquired by U C L A in 1966 from an unknown source.

U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H L I B R A R Y 968 bx 1 no. 71 Fig. 33 • P I E R R E G A U T I E R , M I S C E L L A N E A • France (Paris and Orléans), 1572-1575 1. if. l-75v: Miscellanea id est variae de variis rebus sententiae a me collectae . . . Hie substiti 4 Idus lulii 1574, cum de discessu cogitare inciperem et quatuor pauloplus annis Lutetiae mora facta, patrios lares repetere proponerem. Laus Deo. 2. ff. 76-81: Poemata latina P. Galteri [with the date 1574 on f. 81]. 3. ff. 81v-82v: Legal notes. 4. ff. 93-98: Poesie jrancoise [with the dates 1573 (f. 84), 1574 (f. 87), and, bottom o f f . 87:] 1575 Aureliae, mense Iulio. 5. ff. 87v-94v: Aureliae haec conscripsi [in margin], Continuantur miscellanea que superius ad jol. 76 usque perducta sunt [legal notes]. 87




6. ff. 95-100 [printed fascicle:] Institutio physica perbrevis et dilucida (Paris: Officina Thomae Bramennii, 1572) [with extensive manuscript glosses], f. lOOv blank. 7. ff. 101-109: In institulionem physicam annotationes domini Riolani . . . Finis eorum quae dictata atque annotata sunt a domino Riolano in institulionem physicam. 1572, Laus Deo. 8. ff. 109v-112v: Paraphrasis [of portions of the Corpus Iuris Civilis]. 9. ff. 113-141v: Praefata in physicam Aristotelis a Petro Maiorio Claromontano doctore, a Calendis Octobris 1572 . . . Finis eorum quae ante dictata sunt quam ad contextum librorum physicorum Aristotelis ventum sit. 1572. 10. fT. 142-144v: Notes on the Corpus Iuris Civilis. 11. fT. 145-163v: Annotata in Georgica Virgilii. . . Finis eorum quae in 4. Georgicon. 1572. 12. fT. 164-168v: In primum librum Aeneidos annotata . . . Finis eorum quae in primum Aeneidos. 13. fT. 169-171v: In 2. Aeneidos librum annotata . . . Finis eorum quae in secundum librum sunt notata. 1572. 14. fT. 171 v-175v: In 5. librum Annotationes . . . Finis eorum quae in 5. librum sunt notata. Deo Gratias. 1572. f. 176 blank. 15. f. 176v: [8-line verse in French:] Huictain responsif a un aultre. Sur l'enclume d'André, gaillard, forge les vers/ . . . [and a Latin epigram.] 16. fT. 177-187: Omnium quae in Miscellanei superioribus continentur Index Alphabeticus . . . Finis 1575 mense Maio, P.G. ff. 187v-188 blank; 188v is pastedown. See Nicole Marzac, " T h e Notebooks of Pierre Gautier: The Academic and Social Life of a Sixteenth-Century Student in Paris and Burgundy," Bibliothèque d'humanisme et renaissance 36 (1974) 621-632. Paper, ff. iii + 188; 210 x 160 (170/190 x 110/125) mm. Quires of 8 leaves. Long lines and (ff. 177-187) 2 cols., 32/41 lines per page. Written by one hand, the legal and literary matter in italic script (ff. l-94v, 109v-l 12v, 142-187), the scientific matter in chancery script (ff. 101-109, 113—141v). Contemporary binding in limp parchment; remains of a paper label on the spine. Written in Paris and Orléans between 1572 and 1575 (ff. 75v, 109, 141v, 175v, 187) by Pierre Gautier; f. 187v, "Sum Petri Galteri advocati Cabilonensis [Chalon-sur-Saône]. 25 Iunii 1578," "Sum Petri Gautier Cabilonensis," "Petrus Gautier," and (twice) "Gautier"; f. iii v , " P . Gautier." Bought by UCLA from Librairie Paul Jammes, Paris, in 1966. Bibliography: Charles B. Schmitt, "Acquisition of Early French Books and Manuscripts," UCLA Librarian 19 no. 3 (1966) 11. A copy of this manuscript is UCLA negative microfilm #03849.

U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E A R C H L I B R A R Y 1033 • ANTIPHONALS, 2 leaves • Italy or Spain, s. X V I / X V I " This shelf number refers to a packet of oversize parchment leaves from liturgical manuscripts, 2 of which date before 1600. 1 [Antiphonal, Italy or Spain, s. X V I : ] //cerunt et ideo Gloria . . . Resp. In circuitu tuo domi/ / [a fragment from the Commune plur. mart.; use of Rome?]. 88


Parchment, 1 leaf; 580 x 415 (400 x 280) mm. 6 lines of text with music; ruled in lead. Written in a late gothic liturgical bookhand (littera textual is format a), in blackish ink; square notation on staves of 4 red lines. Initials alternately in blue and red on red and mauve penwork; initials in the text in brown with flourishes slashed with yellow. 2 [Antiphonal, Spain (?), s. X V I " : ] //et nox in suo cursu . . . Quando natus es ineffabiliter ex virgine// [fragment from the Oct. Nativ. Domini; use of Rome?]. Parchment, 1 leaf; 490 x 320 (430 x 245) mm. 8 lines of text with music; ruled in lead. Written in a late gothic liturgical bookhand (littera textualis formata), in brown ink; square notation on staves of 4 red lines. Initials alternately plain red and elaborate brown penand-ink interlaces. In the upper right-hand corner of the recto, " X X X I I I I , " in red, belonging to the original foliation. Source and date of acquisition of both leaves by UCLA unknown. UNIVERSITY RESEARCH LIBRARY 2070 • COLLECTION OF DATED DOCUMENTS • 1198-1585 A boxed collection of original documents from several countries, most of them written in Latin or French. 16 that date from before 1600 (1198 to 1585) are listed listed here. Unless otherwise noted, these were purchased by UCLA from B. Rosenthal, New York, in 1962. 1 Spain (Salamanca), 14 April 1198 (Era 1236); in Latin Alphonso IX, king of León and Galicia, and his queen Berenguela grant privileges to the monastery of Peleias. Scribe: Froila, for the chancellor P. Vele. Parchment, 255 x 235 mm. 16 lines including signatures. Written in a chancery hand; remains of a large pendent seal. 2 Italy (Pisa), 6 February 1313; in Latin Bertus and Parus the goldsmiths, sons of the late Bensus, sell a plot of land at Pisa to Master Cioni Frizico, son of Master Bianchus, and to Johannes called Vanni, son of the late Paganellus Penticosus. Notary: "Henricus Francisci Pacterii notarius civis Pisanus," who copied the deed from the register of his father Franciscus and drew it up in public form. Parchment (torn at the left with damage to the text), 230 x 450 mm. 51 lines including the notarial subscription. Written in a notarial cursive hand. 3 Italy (Pisa), 15 December 1350; in Latin Brother Jacobus de Penitentia, son of the late Ser Tuldus notary of Calcinara, bequeaths to Brother Jacobus son of the late Orlandus and Brother Donatus son of the late Landus Caltho, ministers and procurators of the convent of the Third Order of St. Francis at Pisa, eight pieces of ground in the region of Calcinara. The convent undertakes to pay in return an annual rent. Notary: "Pierius Pictii de villa Senignuele, iudex ordinarius atque notarius," who extracted the deed from the register of the notary Alifonsus son of the late Ugolinus de Camugliano and drew it up in public form. 89




Parchment, 305 x 570 mm. 72 lines including the notary's subscription. Written in notarial cursive hand. 4 Italy (Florence), 11 May 1358; in Latin Domina Pera, daughter of the late Bencius Bruni of Florence and of the late Margherita, wife of the late Bencius and of Ser Minus Giorni, notary, accepts and confirms her mother's dotal deed and related obligations, in the presence of "Mattheus iudex ordinarius." The notarial subscription is almost completely missing. Parchment (torn in the middle, and left and lower portion torn away, with damage to the text), 223 x ca. 410 mm. 54 lines including the notary's subscription, defective. Written in notarial cursive hand. Used for binding. 5 Italy (Padua), 15 September 1378; in Latin Francesco I da Carrara, lord of Padua (abd. 1388; d. 1393), grants permission for his wife Domina Fina, daughter of the late Patharius de Buzacharinis, to give a house to the chapter and canons of the Ecclesia Maior of Padua in exchange for three plots of land and for release from the legacy of her uncle, Salio de Buzacharinis, which obliged her to pay an annual rent to the canons. Witnesses: Bonifacius son of the late Ugolotus de Lupis of Parma, marquis of Soragna; Antonius de Cechis son of the late Manoel of Piemonte, doctor in law; Manfredinus son of the late Albertus de Comitibus. Notary and scribe of Francesco da Carrara: Johannes son of the late Bartholomeus de Campolongo. Parchment (torn, with damage to the text), 350 x 550 mm. 42 lines including the subscription. Written in chancery hand. Trace of a pendent seal. 6 Italy (Poggibonsi), 18 September 1411; in Latin Antonia, daughter of the late Feduccius Guido de Falconibus de Petraficta of Florence, widow of Fruosinus Jacobus Bartholus de Sommavilla of San Salvatore della Castellina and at present wife of Franciscus son of the late Laurentius de Podiobonizi, acknowledges receipt of her dowry paid by her brother Nicholaus. Notary: Michael, son of the late Jacobus de Podiobonizi. Parchment, 205 x 500 mm. 70 lines including notarial subscription. Written in notarial cursive hand. 7 Italy (Piacenza), 13 March 1481-10 January 1491; in Latin fT. 1-2 (13 March 1481): Bartolinus de Vicecomitibus de Vigolano, priest, rector of the church of S. Michael de Corneliano in the diocese of Piacenza, gives a plot of land, a mill, and water rights in perpetuity to Florentinus de Valaria, son and procurator of Marchus. fT. 2-3 (14 March 1481): Aurelius de Antociis, dean, and the canons of S. Maria de Travazano, to whom the church of S. Michael de Corneliano is subject, sanction and ratify the previous deed of Bartolinus de Vicecomitibus. Notary for both deeds: Octavianus Rustichus de Caxaliremisso, notary of Piacenza, who extracted them from the register of Johannes Petrus de Caxaliremisso, notary of Piacenza, and drafted them in public form. f. 3r-v (10 January 1491): Petrus Francischus de Guerris, vicar of Hylarius de Gentilibus of Tortona, "podestà" of Piacenza, grants Octavianus Rustichus permission to 90


draft in public form the previous deeds extracted from the register of Johannes Petrus de Caxaliremisso, notary of Piacenza, who has become a doctor and left the city. Notary: Bernardinus de Cupalatis, notary of Piacenza. f. 4 blank; f. 4vb, title. Parchment, 4 leaves (2 bifolia); 230 x 185 (183 x 137) mm. 31 lines per page. Written by 2 notarial cursive hands: Octavianus Rustichus (ff. 1-3) and Bernardinus de Cupalatis (f. 3r-v). Has been folded vertically, with f. 4v serving as a cover. 8 France, 16 July 1346; in French Guillaume Godiay acknowledges receipt from the countess of Blois of 11 pounds 6 deniers, paid to him via Yves Landin. Parchment, 257 x 60 mm. 4 lines. Written in secretary hand. Remains of a seal. Used for binding; scraps of paper are pasted on the verso. 9 France (Paris), 13 June 1405; in French Agreement between Jean Jamet, procurator of Robert d'Annoys called Galore, seigneur d'Orville and de Grant Moulin, and Raoulet de Bailleul, made before Guillaume seigneur de Tignonville, king's counselor and chamberlain, at the Châtelet in Paris. Parchment, 460 x 365 mm. 40 lines and the chancellor's signature. Written in lettre bâtarde. Used for binding. 10 France (Paris), 28 J u n e 1478; in French Agreement between Jehanne Rathault, widow of Charles de Montmorancy, seigneur de Boucqueval, and Marie de Quoquerel, widow of Anthoine d'Esterlan, seigneur de Bourneville in Valois, made in the presence of Robert de Stouteville, seigneur de Beme(?), king's baron of Saint Andry en la Marche, king's counselor and chamberlain, guard of the Prévôté of Paris, at the Châtelet in Paris. Parchment, 485 x 500 mm. 52 lines and chancellor's signature. Written in lettre bâtarde. Trace of a pendent seal. Used for binding.


England, 23 April 1521; in Latin John More of Rothurwyke declares that he resigns his estate called Bockwyfoldys, located in Rothurwike and Wildmore (Hampshire), in favor of Thomas Haydok. Parchment, 280 x 180 mm. 13 lines with autograph signature. Written in secretary hand. Remains of a pendent seal. 12 England, 6 November 1550; in Latin Thomas Cowper of Packwood (Warwickshire) declares that he resigns his estates, called the Myddelfyld and the Homefyld, in favor of William Ichenor(?) and Christopher Shakespere, both of Packwood. Parchment, 320 x 195 mm. 19 lines. Written in secretary hand. Traces of a pendent seal. Source and date of acquisition by UCLA are unknown. 13 England, 4 October 1585; in Latin Robert Browne and Sibille Browne sell an estate to Henry Thayer. 91




Parchment, 360 x 350 m m . 30 lines and signatures. Written in secretary hand. W a x pendent seal, and remains of a second. Source and date of acquisition by U C L A are unknown. 14 France (Paris), 12 M a y 1558; in French Agreement between Phelippes de Boullaumi, cleric, and * E S ^ « «jf S Q ' « S -a S_ i V * • .V I « *T5 J 'Ii N F I i t i l i 3 J *3 I i 4 1 15 7 ? 5 £ M I M iI 3H l í t i IH Ü I i i


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