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University Press of Hawaii Honolulu
Hawaiian-English Dictionary First edition 1957 Second edition 1961 Third edition 1965 English-Hawaiian Dictionary First edition 1964 Hawaiian Dictionary First edition 1971, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1979
Library of Congress Catalog C a r d N u m b e r 70-142751 ISBN 0 - 8 7 0 2 2 - 6 6 2 - 2 Copyright © 1971 by University of Hawaii Press (since July 1971, T h e University Press of Hawaii) All rights reserved M A N U F A C T U R E D IN T H E UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Preface Bibliography Hawaiian-English Preface to the third edition Preface t o the first and second editions . . Acknowledgments for the first edition . . Arrangement of the dictionary Pronunciation of Hawaiian Abbreviations used in the dictionary . . The dictionary Supplement to the Hawaiian-English dictionary A. New entries and meanings . . . . B. Glossary of Hawaiian gods, demigods, family gods, and a few heroes . . C. Specializations of Hawaiian gods and c o m m o n forms they assumed . . D. Hawaiian reflexes of Proto-Polynesian and Pro to-Malay o-Polynesian . . English-Hawaiian I n t r o d u c t i o n to the first edition Abbreviations used in the dictionary . . . The dictionary Given names . Supplement to the English-Hawaiian dictionary
vii xiii xxi xxiii . xxv . xxxii xxxv xxxvii . xxxviii 1 359 .
401 i iii x 1 181 187
This volume updates and combines the third edition of the Hawaiian-English Dictionary and the first edition of the EnglishHawaiian Dictionary. The Hawaiian-English section has four supplements: A, a list of more than one thousand "new entries and meanings," which include the five hundred in Supplement A of the third edition, bringing the total number of Hawaiian-English entries to approximately twenty-six thousand, the largest in any Polynesian dictionary; B, a glossary of gods, demigods, family gods, and heroes (see explanation below); C, a list of specializations of Hawaiian gods and important forms they assumed; and D, a list of Hawaiian reflexes of Proto-Polynesian and Proto-Malayo-Polynesian, unchanged from that appearing in the third edition. The section entitled "Notes on Hawaiian Grammar" that appeared in the first three editions of the Hawaiian-English Dictionary has been greatly expanded and is being published as a separate volume. The references to grammar in the body of this new edition of the Dictionary refer to sections in the new Hawaiian Grammar. Serious students of the language will find the Dictionary more meaningful if studied and consulted along with the grammar. About seventy-five new entries of English words with Hawaiian equivalents have been added as a supplement to the English-Hawaiian Dictionary, as well as a few additional given names. The Bibliography has been brought up to date and includes some references to Hawaiian folklore not previously listed. In a search for new words, every entry in Lorrin Andrews' A Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language (published in 1865) was scrutinized, and although the remarks to follow are rather critical, we salute the work, and recall that H. W. Williams (see Bibliography) said of the Andrews dictionary: "In 1865, it was the most important work of its kind. . . . No other Polynesian dialect had received such thorough t r e a t m e n t . . . [it] remains a noble production." We are grateful to Andrews, not only for his hard work in compiling his dictionary (perhaps only lexicographers appreciate the labor involved in dictionary making), but also for his attempts to understand the grammar, for his translations of the books of John, J u d e , and Proverbs into Hawaiian and of venerable Hawaiian chants (Haui ka Lani, Kualii) into English, and for his critical essay, revealing a fine appreciation of Hawaiian poetry. Upon his shoulders should rest a lei. vii
Preface O u r criticisms are i n t e n d e d only t o r e m i n d s t u d e n t s t h a t A n d r e w s ' d i c t i o n a r y must b e used with c a u t i o n , and t h a t n o t every e n t r y can b e a c c e p t e d . A n d r e w s deserves credit as a great p i o n e e r , b u t his was an age w h e n g r a m m a r s f o l l o w e d the classical m o d e l . (But w h y did h e n o t read grammars of Chamisso and of his colleague, W. D. A l e x a n d e r ? T h e y were n o t b o u n d t o the Latin m o d e l ! ) We c a n n o t e x p e c t A n d r e w s to have k n o w n t h a t the m a c r o n m i g h t have a dual f u n c t i o n — t o m a r k vowel length and in certain w o r d s t o indicate stress, o r t h a t t h e glottal s t o p was the s e c o n d m o s t c o m m o n c o n s o n a n t of t h e language. ( A n d r e w s groups t o g e t h e r as single entries w o r d s distinguished only b y these i m p o r t a n t features—for e x a m p l e , pua'a 'pig' and pu'a'a ' s h e a t h ' ; koi 'urging', ko'i ' a d z e ' , a n d kdi~ a sliding game.) A great m a n y of A n d r e w s ' entries n o t previously included in t h e Pukui-Elbert vocabularies were again discarded. T h e s e discards fall i n t o t h e following categories, f o r each of w h i c h m a n y m o r e examples could b e given.
1. Entries beginning w i t h the articles ka (kalawaia) or ke (kealia). 2. S e p a r a t e words, s o m e t i m e s garbled or t r u n c a t e d , j o i n e d as o n e : mailuna f o r mai luna; poelamuku f o r po'e ilamuku; nuawa ' p l a n t i n g ' as in ka manu ahai ka nuawa—a w e l l - k n o w n p o e t i c phrase t h a t should b e w r i t t e n ka manu 'aha'i kanu 'awa 'bird carrying and p l a n t i n g k a v a ' ; kukaluhi f o r ku'u ka luhi ' t o rest, d i e ' ; puekolea f o r pu'i koloa. 3 . C o n t r a d i c t o r y glosses: ono 'to relish' and—later—'to disrelish'. 4. I n c o r r e c t spellings a p p a r e n t l y caused b y m i s i n t e r p r e t a t i o n s of h a n d w r i t i n g : paku f o r p a h i i , hoomoana f o r ho'omana, pokoke f o r kokoke, puakai f o r huaka'i. 5. T r a n s p o s e d p h o n e m e s : pohiwehiwe for powehiwehi, ponuhu f o r punohu. 6. I m p e r f e c t l y u n d e r s t o o d obscenities: heo, poala, puhi. 7. Entries in which pleasure and sin are e q u a t e d : puhene ' t o giggle' is glossed ' t o use lascivious w o r d s ' . 8. Entries t h a t seem to m a k e little sense: polu 'lion skin', puaakumulau ' w i f e given a w a y b y a h u s b a n d in gambling'. (We w o u l d gloss this 'fertile pig': c o u l d Hawaiians have b e e n s p o o f i n g t h e missionary i n t e r r o g a t o r ? ) 9 . R e p l a c e m e n t of vowel + glottal s t o p + vowel b y vowel: pohina f o r p o ' o hina, pohiwi f o r po'ohiwi, pipi f o r pi'ipi'i. 10. Glossing a w o r d in a s e n t e n c e w i t h a gloss defining a viii
Preface different word in the sentence: aheahe is glossed ' h u n g r y ' in the sentence (rewritten in Dictionary spelling): Aheahe kahi 'opu i ka weak a stomach b y the (The stomach is weak with hunger.)
pololi. hunger
11. Entries having a superfluity of glosses for a single base, as, f o r mao: carry, separate, quiet, c o r r u p t , gentle, green, blue, a shrub, its blossom, a fish, and a heiau. After elimination of such patently i m p r o p e r entries f r o m Andrews' dictionary, quite a few apparently acceptable entries remained. Most of t h e m are reduplications, causatives, words referring to flora and fauna, or Biblical terms. Some of the added plant names are d o u b t f u l , however, especially in view of Mrs. Pukui's careful checking over the years of some twenty-three h u n d r e d plant names with Marie Neal and Edward Handy. All entries f r o m Andrews u n k n o w n to us are labeled And.; we cannot be held responsible for their accuracy. A n d , because we do not know h o w these words were p r o n o u n c e d , we have n o t added glottal stops and macrons. As a simple d e m o n s t r a t i o n of the role of the glottal stop in distinguishing Hawaiian words, a comparison was made with the role of the English n. In a c o u n t of 100,000 words in written materials, G. Dewey (see Bibliography) f o u n d that 7.24 percent were of the sound n. In a F o r n a n d e r legend written in Hawaiian the glottal stop represents 7.2 percent of the total n u m b e r of sounds, according to a computerized c o u n t supervised by R o b e r t H s u of the Pacific a n d Asian Linguistic Institute of the University of Hawaii. T o illustrate the a m o u n t of guesswork a reader of Hawaiian must use if he is to understand a passage in which the glottal stops are n o t shown, the first few lines in this paragraph are rewritten with zero replacement of n. As a simple demostratio of the role of the glottal stop i distiguishig Hawaiia words, a compariso was made with Eglish. I a cout of 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 words i writte materials G. D e w e y (see Bibliography), foud that 7 . 2 4 percet were of the soud. I a Forader leged writte i Hawaiia the glottal stop represets 7.2 percet of the total umber of souds. . . .
The b o d y of t h e Hawaiian-English Dictionary has had almost no changes since the third edition of 1965 other than references to the new Hawaiian Grammar, and nearly all of the definitions go b a c k to the original compilation in the early 1950s. The grammatical ideas of the compilers, however, have changed considerably since those early years. As explained in t h e Hawaiian Grammar, the field of descriptive linguistics has m a d e great strides during the past decade, and ix
Preface important works on other Polynesian languages have appeared, notably studies concerning Maori by Bruce Biggs and P. W. Hohepa. Furthermore, we, as compilers have had more years of study and research, and therefore in a number of ways the Dictionary would be different if it were to be written today. The serious student is urged to consult our Hawaiian Grammar for more recent thinking about the Hawaiian language. T h e Dictionary definitions would need very little rewriting if the work were done again, but changes would be made in some of the grammatical terms, in classification of words, and in assignment of macrons to one-syllable words and particles. Supplement B of the Hawaiian-English Dictionary is a glossary o f about two hundred names of gods (akua), demigods (kupua), family gods ('aumakua), and heroes (me'e). Of the multitudinous gods, only a few are included—the ones most commonly mentioned in legends, songs, and ethnological accounts, or those which occur repeatedly in place names. The term akua is a very broad one; it includes the four great gods (Kane, Lono, Ku, and Kanaloa), hundreds of lesser gods, mischievous and easily outwitted ghosts, and even kauwa outcasts. In the glossary only the powerful akua are included. Most of them were benevolent and loved and trusted by the people, and only a few were feared as helpers of sorcerers. The kupua were noteworthy for their many forms (kino lau)—human beings, fish, birds, animals, plants, and natural phenomena, such as lightning, clouds, and winds. Of the Hawaiian heroes (me'e) we have included only the most renowned from among those who lived before 1 7 7 8 , the year Captain Cook arrived in the islands. Following the glossary of Hawaiian gods is a list (Supplement C) of about ninety specializations or areas governed by the deities, and of the plant and animal forms (kino lau) they assumed. Legends have many variants, as have the gods' names, and no attempt has been made to include them all. Some gods appear in many stories and have several names. In the preparation of Supplements B and C, we were aided by Rubellite Kawena J o h n s o n , a teacher of Hawaiian at the University o f Hawaii and a specialist in Hawaiian folklore, who permitted us to consult her unpublished dictionary o f Hawaiian mythology. This large volume and her own comments were o f great help. She also supplied a number o f new entries for Supplement A. In addition to this work b y Mrs. J o h n s o n , the principal sources for these two supplements have been Mrs. Pukui's notes gleaned during the past half century, Beckwith's Hawaiian Mythology, Kamakau's Ruling Chiefs, and to a lesser extent works by Malo, Emerson, and Westervelt. Samuel H. Elbert wishes to express his appreciation to the x
Preface East-West Center of the University of Hawaii. His term as senior colleague there enabled him to work on Supplements A, B, and C, and excellent clerical assistance for the preparation of the final manuscript was provided by the Center. MKP/SHE June 1970
BIBLIOGRAPHY Books and Articles Alexander, W. D. " I n t r o d u c t o r y Remarks." In A Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language, by Lorrin Andrews. Honolulu, 1865. Pp. ix-xvi. A Short Synopsis of the Most Essential Points in Hawaiian Grammar. Rutland, Vt.: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1968. (First published in 1864.) Andrews, Lorrin. A Vocabulary of Words in the Hawaiian Language. Lahainaluna, 1836. "Peculiarities of the Hawaiian Language." The Hawaiian Spectator 1 ( 1 8 3 8 ) : 3 9 2 - 4 2 0 . Honolulu. Grammar of the Hawaiian Language. Honolulu: Mission Press, 1854. A Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language, to which is Appended an English-Hawaiian Vocabulary and a Chronological Table of Remarkable Events. Honolulu: H. M. Whitney, 1865. "Remarks on Hawaiian Poetry." The Islander 1 (1875):26, 27, 30, 31, 35. Honolulu. A Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language. Revised by Henry H. Parker. Honolulu: Board of Commissioners of the Public Archives of the Territory of Hawaii, 1922. Beckwith, Martha Warren. "The Hawaiian Romance of Laieikawai" [by S. N. Haleole, 1 8 6 3 ] , with introduction and translation. Bureau of American Ethnology Annual Report 33, (for 1 9 1 1 - 1 9 1 2 ) , pp. 2 8 5 - 6 7 7 . Washington, D. C., 1919. Kepelino's Traditions of Hawaii. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 95. Honolulu, 1932. Hawaiian Mythology. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1970. (First published in 1940 by Yale University Press.) The Kumulipo, a Hawaiian Creation Chant. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951. Biggs, Bruce. "The Structure of New Zealand Maori." Anthropological Linguistics 3(3) (1961). Let's Learn Maori, a Guide to the Study of the Maori Language. Wellington: A. H. and A. W. Reed, 1969. [Bingham, Hiram.] O ke Kumumua na na Kamalii; he Palapala e Ao aku ai i na Kamalii Ike Ole i ka Heluhelu Palapala [First lessons for children; a b o o k teaching the children who do not know h o w to read b o o k s ] . Honolulu, 1835. xiii
Bibliography Brigham, William T. Mat and Basket Weaving of the Ancient Hawaiians. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Memoirs, vol. 2. Honolulu, 1906. Buck, Peter H. See Te Rangi Hiroa. Buniana, Ioane [ J o h n B u n y a n ] . Ka Hele Malihini Ana Mai Keia Ao aku a Hiki i kela Ao; he Olelonane Hoohalikeia me he Moeuhane la [Pilgrim's progress f r o m this world to that world, a parable like a d r e a m ] . Honolulu, 1842. Chamisso, Adelbert V. Uber die Hawaiische Sprache, vorgelegt der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin am 12. Januar, 183 7. Leipzig, 1837. Clark, Ephraim W. Buke Wehewehe Huaolelo Baibala me na Palapalaaina a me na KU [Book explaining Biblical words with maps and illustrations]. New York, 1903. Cook, James. A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, Undertaken by the Command of His Majesty, for Making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere. Vol. 3, pp. 5 4 7 - 5 5 1 . L o n d o n , 1785. Dernpwolff, O. Vergleichende Lautlehre des austronesischen Wortschatzes. 3 vols. Beiheft zur Zeitschrift für EingeborenenSprachen. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1934, 1937, 1938. Dewey, G o d f r e y . Relativ [sic] Frequency of English Speech Sounds. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1923. (Quoted in A Phonological Analysis of Present-day Standard English by Bohumil Trnka. Revlned [sic] new edition. University, Alab a m a : University of Alabama Press, 1966.) Dyen, Isidore. The Proto-Malayo-Polynesian Laryngeals. Baltimore: Linguistic Society of America, 1953. E d m o n d s o n , Charles Howard. Reef and Shore Fauna of Hawaii. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publications 22. Honolulu, 1946. Elbert, Samuel H. " T h e Hawaiian Dictionaries, Past and F u t u r e . " Hawaiian Historical Society, Sixty-second Annual R e p o r t , pp. 5 - 1 8 . Honolulu, 1954. ed. Selections from Fornander's Hawaiian Antiquities and Folk-lore. H o n o l u l u : University of Hawaii Press, 1959. "Symbolism in Hawaiian P o e t r y , " ETC.: A Review of General Semantics 18 ( 1 9 6 2 ) : 3 8 9 - 4 0 0 . "Hawaiian Reflexes of Proto-Malayo-Polynesian and ProtoPolynesian R e c o n s t r u c t e d F o r m s . " Journal of the Polynesian Society 73 (December 1 9 6 4 ) : 3 9 9 - 4 1 0 . and Samuel A. Keala. Conversational Hawaiian. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1965. Spoken 1970.
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, xiv
Bibliography and Noelani Mahoe. Na Mele o Hawai'i Nei: 101 Hawaiian Songs. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1970. and Mary Kawena Pukui. Hawaiian Grammar. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, forthcoming. Emerson, J . S. He Hoakakaolelo no na Huaolelo Beritania, i Mea Kokua i na Kanaka Hawaii e Ao ana ia Olelo [An explanation of English words, as an aid to Hawaiians learning this language]. Lahainaluna, 1845. Emerson, Nathaniel B. Pele and Hiiaka, a Myth of Hawaii. Honolulu: Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 1915. Unwritten Literature of Hawaii: The Sacred Songs of the Hula, Collected and Translated with Notes and an Account of the Hula. Rutland, Vt.: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1965. (First published in 1909 as Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 38, Washington, D.C.) Fornander, Abraham. "Hawaiian Antiquities and Folk-lore." Bernice P. Bishop Museum Memoirs, vols. 4, 5. Honolulu, 1917, 1918. Handy, E. S. Craighill. The Hawaiian Planter, His Plants, Methods and Areas of Cultivation. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 161. Honolulu, 1940. and Mary Kawena Pukui. The Polynesian Family System in Ka-'u, Hawai'i, with a Concluding Chapter on the History and Ecology of Ka-'u by Elizabeth Green Handy. Wellington: The Polynesian Society, 1958. He Buke no ke Ola Kino no na Kamalii, e Pili Ana i na Poino i Loaa i ke Kino o na Kanaka ma na Wai Ona a me na Laau Hoohiamoe [A b o o k about the health of children, pertaining to harm done to man's b o d y by intoxicating liquors and drugs]. New York, 1887. He Kumu Paikau no na Koa Hele Wawae o ke Aupuni Hawaii [A manual of arms for the infantry soldiers of the Hawaiian Kingdom]. Honolulu, 1854. Hillebrand, W. F. Flora of the Hawaiian Islands. Heidelberg, 1888. Hitchcock, H. R. An English-Hawaiian Dictionary; with Various Useful Tables: Prepared for the Use of Hawaiian-English Schools. San Francisco, 1887. Hohepa, P. W. "Negatives as Transformations: the Case for Maori." Te Reo 9 (1966): 5 7 - 7 1 . A Profile-Generative Grammar of Maori. Indiana University Publications in Anthropology and Linguistics. Memoir 20. Bloomington, 1967. Ii, J o h n Papa. Fragments of Hawaiian History. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press, 1959. J o h n s o n , Rubellite Kawena. "A Dictionary of Hawaiian Mythology." Unpublished manuscript. Private collection. See also Kinney. xv
Bibliography J u d d , Henry P. Hawaiian Proverbs and Riddles. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 77. Honolulu, 1930. Judd, Henry P., Mary Kawena Pukui, and J o h n F. G. Stokes. Introduction to the Hawaiian Language (an English-Hawaiian Vocabulary). Honolulu: Tongg Publishing Co., 1945. Ka Baibala Hemolele o ke Kauoha Kahiko a me ke Kauoha Hou; i Unuhiia Mailoko mai o na Olelo Kahiko, a Hooponopono Hou ia [The Holy Bible of the Old Testament and the New Testament; translated from ancient tongues and revised]. New York: American Bible Society, 1941. Ka Buke Ao Heluhelu; iHooponoponoia no na Kula Hawaii ma Keia Aupuni [The book instructing reading; arranged for the Hawaiian schools in this nation]. 2nd ed. Honolulu, 1876. Kamakau, S. M. "Ka Moolelo Hawaii" [Hawaiian traditions]. Articles published in the Hawaiian newspaper Ke Au Okoa, Oct. 14, 1869, to Nov. 3, 1870. Ruling Chiefs of Hawaii. Honolulu: Kamehameha Schools Press, 1961. Ka Po'e Kahiko; The People of Old. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publication 51. Honolulu, 1964. Ka Palapala Hemolele a Iehova ko Kakou Akua o ke Kauoha Kahiko a me ke Kauoha Hou; i Unuhiia Mailoko mai o na Olelo Kahiko [The holy document of Jehovah our God, the New Testament and the Old Testament, translated from ancient languages]. Honolulu, 1843. Ke Alanui o ka Lani, Oia ka Manuale Kakolika iPaiia ma ke Kauoha o Gulekana, ep. o Panopolis, vie. ap. [The path to Heaven, the Catholic manual published by order of Gulstan, Bishop of Panopolis, Vicar Apostolic]. Paris, 1896. Kinney, Ruby Kawena. "A Non-purist View of Morphomorphemic Variations in Hawaiian Speech." Journal of the Polynesian Society 65 (Sept. 1956):282-286. See also Johnson. Kuykendall, Ralph S. The Hawaiian Kingdom 1778-1854: Foundation and Transformation. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1947. Luomala, Katharine. Maui-of-a-Thousand-Tricks; his Oceanic and European Biographers. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 198. Honolulu, 1949. The Menehune of Polynesia and Other Mythical Little People of Oceania. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 203. Honolulu, 1951. Voices on the Wind, Polynesian Myths and Chants. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press, 1955. Makemson, Maud Worcester. The Morning Star Rises, an Account of Polynesian Astronomy. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1941. xvi
Bibliography Malo, David. Hawaiian Antiquities (Moolelo Hawaii). Translated by Nathaniel B. Emerson, 1898. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publications 2. 2nd ed. Honolulu, 1951. McGuire, James W. L. He Moolelo Pokole o ka Huakai Hele a ka Moiwahine Kapiolani i Enelani i ka Makahiki 1887 i ka Iubile o ka Moiwahine Vitoria o Beretania Nui [A short account of the journey of Queen Kapiolani to England in the year 1887 for the Jubilee of Queen Victoria of Great Britain], Honolulu: Collegiate Press, 1938. Miller, M. S., and J . L. Miller. Harper's Bible Dictionary. New York: Harper Brothers, 1952. Mitchell, Donald D. "Na Pa'ani Kahiko o Hawaii—Ancient Sports of Hawaii. Mimeographed. Honolulu: University of Hawaii, 1952. Moolelo o na Hana o ka Hale o na Lunamakaainana, Kau Mau o 1905, Ahaoleto o ka Teritore o Hawaii [Journal of the House of Representatives, Regular Session of 1905, Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii]. Honolulu, 1905. Mosblech, Boniface. Vocabulaire océanien-français et françaisocéanien des dialectes parlés aux îles Marquises, Sandwich, Gambier, etc., d'après les documens recueillis sur les lieux par les missionaires catholiques et les ministres protestans. Paris, 1843. Na Kanawai Karaima o ko Hawaii Pae Aina, 1897, iHouluuluia mai ke Kanawai Hoopai Karaima mai o 1859 ame na Kanawai o na Kau Ahaolelo mai 1870 a 1896 [Penal laws of the Hawaiian Islands, 1897, compiled from the Penal Code from 1859 and the laws of the legislative sessions from 1870 to 1 8 9 6 ] . Honolulu: Hawaiian Gazette, 1897. Neal, Marie C. In Gardens of Hawaii. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publication 40. Honolulu, 1948. Newbrand, Helene Luise. " A Phonemic Analysis of Hawaiian." Master of Arts thesis, no. 265, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, 1951. The Penal Laws of the Hawaiian Islands, 1897, Compiled from the Penal Code of 1869 and the Session Laws of 1870 to 1896 Inclusive. Honolulu: Hawaiian Gazette, 1897. Pukui, Mary Kawena. "Hawaiian Chants." Unpublished manuscript. Private collection. "Hawaiian Sayings." Unpublished manuscript. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. and Samuel H. Elbert. English-Hawaiian Dictionary. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1964. Hawaiian-English Dictionary. 3rd ed. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1965. (First published in 1957.) Place Names of Hawaii. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1966. xvii
Bibliography Remy, Jules. "Vocabulaire français-havaiien, recueilli dans l'archipel de Havaii pendant les années 1 8 5 2 - 1 8 5 5 . " Unpublished manuscript, Newberry Library, Chicago. Microfilm, Sinclair Library, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Roberts, Helen H. Ancient Hawaiian Music. New York: Dover Publications, 1 9 6 7 . (First published in 1926 as Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 29.) Rock, J . F. List of Hawaiian Names of Plants. Territory of Hawaii Board of Agriculture and Forestry Botanical Bulletin 2. Honolulu, 1 9 1 3 . The Indigenous Trees of the Hawaiian Islands. Honolulu, 1913. Sterling, Elspeth P., and Catherine C. Summers. " T h e Sites of Oahu." Loose leaf. Honolulu: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, [ 1 9 6 2 ] . Stokes, J o h n F. G. " T h e Hawaiian King (Mo-i, Alii-aimoku, Alii-kapu)." Hawaiian Historical Society Papers, no. 19, pp. 1 - 2 8 . Honolulu, 1 9 3 2 . The Taro Collection. Honolulu: Harold L. Lyon Arboretum, University of Hawaii, 1 9 7 0 . Te Rangi Hiroa [Peter H. B u c k ] . Arts and Crafts of Hawaii. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publication 4 5 . Honolulu, 1957. Thomson, James B. Ka Huinahelu Hou: Oia Hoi ka Arimatika Kulanui; Malaila i Aoia ai ke Ano a me ka Hoopiliia ana o na Helu [The new combined arithmetic; or an arithmetic for the high school, in which the kind and properties of the numbers are taught]. Translated by C. J . Lyons. Honolulu, 1 8 7 0 . Thrum, T. G. The Hawaiian Almanac and Annual for 1896. Honolulu: Thos. G. Thrum, 1896. Hawaiian Annual for 1925. Honolulu: Thos. G. Thrum, 1924. Titcomb, Margaret, with the collaboration of Mary Kawena Pukui. Native Use of Fish in Hawaii. Polynesian Society Memoir 29. Wellington, New Zealand, 1952. "Kava in Hawaii." Journal of the Polynesian Society 57 (June 1 9 4 8 ) : 1 0 5 - 1 7 1 . Westervelt, W. D. Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes, Collected and Translated from the Hawaiian. Rutland, Vt.: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1 9 6 3 . (First published in 1 9 1 6 . ) Hawaiian Legends of Ghosts and Ghost-gods, Collected and Translated from the Hawaiian. Rutland, Vt.: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1 9 6 4 . (First published in 1915 under the title Legends of Gods and Ghosts.) Hawaiian Legends of Old Honolulu, Collected and Translated from the Hawaiian. Rutland, Vt.: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1 9 6 4 . (First published in 1916.) xviii
Bibliography Whitney, Leo D., F. A. I. Bowers, and M. Takahashi. Taro Varieties in Hawaii. Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Hawaii Bulletin 84. Honolulu, 1939. [Williams, W. H.] Review of A Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language, by Lorrin Andrews, revised by Henry H. Parker. Journal of the Polynesian Society 35 (Sept. 1926):248-254. Wise, C. M., and Wesley Hervey. "The Evolution of Hawaiian Orthography." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 38 (Oct. 1952):311-325. Newspapers Ka Elele Hawaii (The Hawaiian Messenger). Honolulu, 1845-1855. Ka Elele Poakolu (The Wednesday Messenger). Honolulu, 18801885. Ka Hae Hawaii (The Flag of Hawaii). Honolulu, 1856-1861. Ka Hoku o Hawaii (The Star of Hawaii). Hilo, 1906-1948. Ka Leo o ka Lahui (The Voice of the Nation). Honolulu, 1889-1896. Ka Loea Kalaiaina (The Political Expert). Honolulu, 1897-1900. Ka Na'i Aupuni (The National Conqueror). Honolulu, 1905-1908. Ka Nuhou Hawaii (The Hawaiian News). Honolulu, 1873-1874. Ka Nupepa Kuokoa (The Independent Newspaper). Honolulu, 1861 — 1927. Ke Aloha Aina (The Patriot). Honolulu, 1895-1920. Ke Au Okoa (The Independent Era). Honolulu, 1865-1873. Lahui Hawaii (Hawaiian Nation). Honolulu, 1875-1877.
Almost immediately after the publication of the first edition of the Hawaiian-English Dictionary in 1957, the compilers began work on the companion English-Hawaiian Dictionary, which was published in 1964. Preparation of the latter b o o k , and work with b o t h Ii's Fragments of Hawaiian History (1959) and Kamakau's Ruling Chiefs of Hawaii (1961) have uncovered about 500 new words and refinements of meanings of rare terms. These have been augmented by contributions f r o m Dorothy B. Barrere, associate in Hawaiian culture, Bishop Museum, Honolulu. In addition, scientists have contributed a number of new scientific terms. All these changes and additions are either incorporated into the body of the third edition of the Hawaiian-English Dictionary or presented in Section A of the Supplement. Many students of Hawaiian, especially David L. Dressel and O. Southard, have patiently studied every page of the Dictionary in search of printing errors or stylistic inconsistencies. The ProtoPolynesian and Proto-Malayo-Polynesian reconstructions following many entries in the Dictionary have been re-checked in the light of recent linguistic studies, and the results are given in Section B of the Supplement, although numerous changes have been made in the body of the b o o k . It is recommended that serious students of Hawaiian refer to the third edition of the Dictionary, rather than to the first two editions, because of the many alterations which have been made throughout the volume. The authors are deeply grateful to five local foundations for their financial support and to Thomas Nickerson, director of the University of Hawaii Press, who enlisted their interest in this revised and enlarged edition. Without their generosity and Mr. Nickerson's farseeing direction, it could not have appeared. The foundations are: the Juliette M. A t h e r t o n Trust, the Samuel N. and Mary Castle Foundation, the Charles M. and Anna C. Cooke Trust, the Frear Eleemosynary Trust, and the Mclnerny Foundation. This edition was produced under the supervision of Robert W. Sparks, present managing editor of the Press, whose patience and forbearance are greatly appreciated. Since long b e f o r e 1957 the authors have been thankful to two other persons: Aldyth V. Morris, formerly managing editor of the University of Hawaii Press, for her wise planning and meticulous attention to every entry in b o t h the Hawaiian-English and the xxiii
Hawaiian-English English-Hawaiian dictionaries, and Jean Chariot, senior professor of art at the University, for the beauty and appropriateness of the b o o k s ' design. Because of unusual talents of these two, daily use of the dictionaries, b y the compilers at least, has been both utilitarianly effective and aesthetically satisfying. MKP/SHE
He loa ka 'imina o ke ala o Hawai'i 'imi loa. Long is the search for the way of Hawaii's thinkers. The earliest k n o w n list of Hawaiian words is printed in Volume III of Captain J a m e s Cook's A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean and was compiled in 1778, the year of Cook's discovery of the Hawaiian Islands. This list includes some 250 words spelled in an English-like o r t h o g r a p h y : ee for today's i, as in eeheu (ihu), n o s e ; o o for today's u, as in nooe (nui), large; and y for today's ai, as in myty (maika'i), good. Subsequent lists, prepared by Manuel Quimper in a b o u t 1791, b y Urey Lisiansky in 1804, by Archibald Campbell in 1809, and by J . Arago in 1819, contain f r o m a b o u t 170 to 4 0 0 words, and are written in orthographies that suggest the spelling habits of the Spanish, Russian, British, and French compilers. These and other early vocabularies have been described by Samuel H. Elbert (see Bibliography). In 1829 the missionaries decided t o end this spelling diversity, and they a d o p t e d b y vote an alphabet with vowels corresponding to the so-called continental sound values and with the usual English values of the consonants. C. M. Wise and Wesley Hervey have described the dramatic tale of the fashioning of this alphabet. T h e ease with which Hawaiians y o u n g and old learned to read and write is an indication of its success. The more ambitious project of writing a dictionary of the Hawaiian language has been a t t e m p t e d some nine times since 1836, as appears f r o m the following list of works containing 3,700 or m o r e words. In each case the n u m b e r of words is a p p r o x i m a t e . The outstanding contributions have been those of Lorrin Andrews ( 1 7 9 5 - 1 8 6 8 ) . His first b o o k , published in 1836, was the basis for his greatly expanded w o r k of 1865. Except for rearrangem e n t according to the English alphabet and a surprising deletion of all Biblical references, the revised Andrews-Parker work of 1922 is nearly the same as the 1865 volume. Apparently only 4 0 0 copies of the Andrews-Parker dictionary were printed, of which 100 were given away. Within a year it was unobtainable except occasionally in second-hand stores at a very high price. Because of this, and because so m a n y c o m m o n words are n o t listed in the Andrews-Parker dictionary, the present authors were detailed in 1949 to prepare a new w o r k or t o revise and expand the old one. The story of this u n d e r t a k i n g is briefly told below. XXV
Havvaiian-E nglish YEAR
1845 1855 1865
E m e r s o n and B i s h o p Remy Andrews
1887 1922 1940(?)
Hitchcock Andrews-Parker A n d r e w s reprint (Hong K o n g )
5,700 / 3,700
15,000 8,500 15,000(?) 4,000 16,000 16,000(?) 15,500(?)
Hawaiian-English Marquesan- and Hawaiian-French French-Marquesan and -Hawaiian English-Hawaiian French-Hawaiian Hawaiian-English English-Hawaiian English-Hawaiian Hawaiian-English Hawaiian-English
i 4,500 \ 6,000 25,000
English-Hawaiian Hawaiian-English Hawaiian-English
| 4,000
The first task involved determination of policy, and an advisory committee was appointed. It soon became apparent that thoroughgoing changes were necessary in the Andrews-Parker dictionary if it were to be in line with present-day lexicography, and that it would be neither accurate nor ethical to call the new work a revision of the previous dictionary. For one thing, the number of entries (as defined below) has been increased f r o m approximately 14,000 in the earlier work to about 25,000 in this one. As indicative of the increase: the old volume has some 6 types of aha'aina (feast) compared with 23 in this work, some 49 types of hale (house) compared with 133, and 2 types of palapala (document) compared with 63. The number of illustrative phrases and sentences has been greatly increased and the system of cross references expanded. In spite of these significant increases, the new b o o k has fewer pages than the old one, due partly to the type size used and partly to the elimination of questionable entries and duplicate definitions, and because every definition has been rewritten to eliminate padding and definitions within definitions. The principal sources examined for words are listed in the Bibliography. Hawaiian quotations from these sources were rewritten to conform with the dictionary style, and glottal stops and macrons added. For some volumes, as the Bible, Fornander, Kepelino, Laieikawai, and the Kumulipo, English translations are available. Each translation in the dictionary, however, has been rephrased quite literally for the purpose of showing the value of each word. At times this has resulted in awkwardness or redundancy which could have been avoided only by a freer translation. There follows a summary of the sources most assiduously examined, in addition to the previous dictionaries, and many xxvi
Preface t o first and second editions unpublished notes, letters, word lists, and texts, most of which are in the Bishop Museum library. D o c u m e n t a t i o n of these and o t h e r works consulted is in the Bibliography. Legends: F o r n a n d e r , Beckwith's Laieikawai. Chants: Emerson's Pele and Hiiaka and Unwritten Literature, Beckwith's Kumulipo, Pukui's unpublished chants. Sayings: Pukui's unpublished sayings. Newspapers: Ka Na'i Aupuni, Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. Texts: Beckwith's Kepelino, McGuire. Christian writings: Ka Baibala, 1941; Ke Alanui o Ka Lani: Oia ka Manuale Kakolika. Material culture: Te Rangi Hiroa. Laws: Moolelo o na Hana o ka Hale o na Lunamakaainana, legal notices in Ka Hoku o Hawaii. Plants: Neal, H a n d y , Whitney. Fish: T i t c o m b . Shore and reef f a u n a : E d m o n d s o n . Stars: Makemson. Games: Mitchell. Arithmetic: T h o m s o n . Military: He Kumu Paikau. An article by Bruce Biggs influenced the description of possessives in the grammatical notes. T h e Proto-Polynesian and Proto-MalayoPolynesian reconstructions are based largely on works by Dempwolff, Dyen, and Elbert. In general, Mary Kawena Pukui has been responsible for the accuracy of the meanings of the Hawaiian words, and Samuel H. Elbert for the technical aspects of presentation. Many problems arose during the years of w o r k , the most i m p o r t a n t of which are briefly described below. 1. Description versus prescription. Is the f u n c t i o n of dictionaries to prescribe what the compilers consider the best usage, or is it to describe the actual usage of cultivated speakers? Statements in the prefaces to English dictionaries overwhelmingly indorse the descriptive approach. This m a t t e r is of sufficient i m p o r t a n c e to j u s t i f y inclusion of a few statements of creed: J o h n S. Kenyon, in Webster's New International Dictionary, Second Edition (1934), " T h e f u n c t i o n of a p r o n o u n c i n g dictionary is to record as far as possible the pronunciations prevailing in the best usage, rather than to a t t e m p t to dictate what the usage should be. In so far as a dictionary may be k n o w n and acknowledged as a faithful recorder and interpreter of such usage, so far and n o farther may it be appealed to as an a u t h o r i t y . " (p. xxvi) NBC Handbook of Pronunciation (1943), "Makers of pronouncing dictionaries are inevitably c o n f r o n t e d by at least two alternatives: recording what should be p r o n o u n c e d and what is p r o n o u n c e d . The latter seems reasonable and worthy of a t t e m p t . " (p.x) Clarence L. Barnhart, editor-in-chief, The American College Dictionary (1947), "This dictionary records the usage of the speakers and writers of our language; no dictionary f o u n d e d on the m e t h o d s of m o d e r n scholarship can prescribe as t o usage; it can only i n f o r m on the basis of the facts of usage. A good dictionary is a guide to usage m u c h as a good m a p tells you the n a t u r e of the terrain over xxvii
Hawaiian-English which you may want to travel. It is not the function of the dictionary-maker to tell you how to speak, any more than it is the function of the mapmaker to move rivers or rearrange mountains or fill in lakes. A dictionary should tell you what is commonly accepted usage and wherein different classes of speakers or regions differ in their use of language." (p. ix) The implications of the descriptive approach pervade every aspect of the lexicographer's trade. He is permitted no personal predilections for words of native origin as opposed to words f r o m foreign sources, for ancient words as opposed to newer ones, for words of one standard dialect as opposed to another, for pronunciations conforming to the spelling as opposed to pronunciations heard in the fast colloquial conversation of cultivated speakers. He must not frame condemnatory definitions of customs of which he may not privately approve, nor on the other hand may he glorify the past or purge from it what he may deplore. Nor may he blanch at risqué terms. In short, he is a reporter and in his role of lexicographer he never takes the part of teacher, missionary, innovator, or purist. 2. The concept of a dictionary entry. The Andrews-Parker system of entries seems to have been based on translation into English. All the meanings of maika'i, for example, that could be translated by English nouns (as beauty, goodness) constituted one entry. The meanings that might be translated by English adjectives (externally good, handsome, beautiful, morally good) constituted another entry. The meanings that might be translated by English verbs (to be handsome, to be pleasing to the sight, to be good) constituted a third entry. The present compilers have treated all of these as a single entry, as many Hawaiian words can be translated by English nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Similarly, some eleven meanings of pua that may be translated by English nouns f o r m a single entry in the Andrews-Parker volume; in this new b o o k the words spelled p-u-a that have widely differing meanings constitute different entries. This new conception of an entry necessitated a complete rearrangement of the material and has resulted in avoiding much repetition. It has also meant a b a n d o n m e n t of English grammatical terms such as noun, verb, adjective, and adverb, as in Hawaiian these are syntactic subclasses rather than major form classes. 3. Spelling. The principal difficulties involve indication of the glottal stop and macron, the spelling of loan words, a n d the indication or omission of the w-glide. The necessity for showing the glottal stop and the macron (as a symbol of b o t h vowel length a n d of stress that does not c o n f o r m to the predictable pattern) is attested by such pairs as ko'u (my) and kou (your), malama (light) and xxviii
Preface to first and second editions malama (care). No stress mark other than the macron is necessary: vowels with macrons and diphthongs are always stressed; vowels in words consisting of a single syllable (except the clitics) are always stressed. Vowels n o t marked with macrons are short; this need n o t be shown with a breve. Many Hawaiian words borrowed f r o m English words beginning with sounds not found in Hawaiian (b, d, g, j, r, s, t, v, z) are omitted f r o m the Andrews-Parker dictionary. In the present work they are entered as commonly pronounced by Hawaiians, that is, with Hawaiian sounds. (Substitutes of Hawaiian sounds for English sounds are listed in PE, p. xix [or Hawaiian Grammar, 1971, section 2 . 9 ] . ) Thus the Hawaiian word for baptize is entered papekiko, bapetiso, and the word for room is entered lumi, rumi. Words variously spelled with and without the u;-glide (koali and kowali, uila and uwila) presented another problem. The difference between the two members of each of these pairs, and hundreds of others, is purely graphic, that is, exists in the spelling and not in the pronunciation. Rules were drafted for an objective determination of a preferred spelling. The definitions are given under the preferred spellings, with cross references f r o m other spellings found frequently in published form. 4. Obsolete words. Hours were spent attempting to analyze the hundreds of words in Andrews-Parker which were completely u n k n o w n to the compilers. Some proved to be misspellings or garbled phrases, sayings, or poetical expressions written as single words, and could be eliminated or entered elsewhere. Others that could not be found in the oldest legends and chants proved a real problem. Rather than assume the responsibility for omitting them the compilers decided to enter them with Andrews-Parker as the source. 5. Scope. Names of persons and places in Hawaiian are probably as numerous as other types of words. Frequently their interpretation depends on local knowledge and even then may be subject to controversy. Early in this study it was therefore deemed unnecessary to include proper names except those in very c o m m o n use, as the names of the islands, of the major gods, and of winds and rains frequently mentioned in poetry. Another limitation is that there has not been included a statement of the derivation of many Bibical words, as without study of the missionary translators' work manuals it is o f t e n impossible to k n o w whether the source of a particular word is Hebrew, Greek, Latin, or English. A completely new feature of this dictionary is the incorporation of Proto-Polynesian and Proto-Malayo-Polynesian reconstructions by Ronald R. Brown. An example is the following (which comes at the xxix
Hawaiian-English end of the entry following lani, 1, sky):(PPN langi; PMP langit). This means that langi is the hypothetical reconstructed form in the Proto-Polynesian language spoken by the ancestors of the Hawaiians before the separation of the Polynesian peoples; this reconstruction is based largely on the form in use today in Tongan, Uvean, or Futunan, which languages have preserved more archaic features than any other Polynesian languages thus far recognized. Similarly, langit is the hypothetical reconstructed form in the Proto-MalayoPolynesian language, the ancestor of Proto-Polynesian, spoken much earlier, before the separation of the Polynesian and other peoples from the Indonesians; this form can be reconstructed only when cognates are unmistakably present among Indonesian languages, as Javanese, Malay, Tagalog, or Malagasy. In the present work only those reconstructions are listed of which there can be little doubt, based on the present state of Malayo-Polynesian studies, and only those found in Indonesia as well as in Western Polynesia. A reconstruction is acceptable only if the meanings of the cognate forms in the related languages are similar, and if the sounds of the cognates in the various languages are in accord with certain tables of sound correspondences, as published by Dempwolff, Dyen, and Elbert. The symbols used are those established by Dyen for Proto-Malayo-Polynesian and by Elbert for Proto-Polynesian, except that a herein may be interpreted as Elbert's "a, or e before ? " o r "a, or o before u. " The velar nasal is written "ng. " [See Supplement D.] It is impossible to tally the enormous number of man-hours behind a dictionary—the senior author has been working more than two decades assembling data. Some have questioned the propriety of "exposing the bones of the ancients," a Hawaiian expression of scorn for one who reveals the secrets of the ancestors. For the authors there have been dissatisfaction and frustration in the realization that in spite of years of dedicated work, it is impossible to record any language completely. How true this seems of Hawaiian, with its rich and varied background, its many idioms heretofore undescribed, and its ingenious and sophisticated use of figurative language. Thousands of pages have been printed in Hawaiian. These may be classified approximately as follows: (1) Texts concerned with ancient Hawaii, especially the chants and legends; they contain a wealth of names for stars, plants, fish, winds, rains, clouds, and objects of material culture. (2) Texts dealing with the period of the monarchy. With the coming of Christianity and the goods of modern civilization, hundreds of words were introduced into Hawaiian, mostly from English. (3) Texts published since Annexation, beginning with a translation of the Organic Act and continuing with names for technological advances and including recent vocabulary additions of World War II. The present work cannot hope to achieve complete XXX
Preface to first and second editions coverage of a history as rich and complex as this one. Many more years of work and more workers would have been needed. A complete lexicon is a picture of the whole of the life of today and of yesterday. But at least the present compilers can say, "Ua 'imihia ka ma.no wai o ko Hawai'i kupuna: the many sources of waters and life of Hawaii's ancestors have been sought after." MARY KAWENA PUKUI SAMUEL H. E L B E R T
University of Hawaii June, 1957
Many people have helped in the compiling of this dictionary. First mention must go to the financial supporters who made the work possible. These include the Territory of Hawaii legislators, who made the original appropriation; the Bernice P. Bishop Museum and the University of Hawaii, who allowed the compilers to perform portions of the task as part of their regular duties, and especially the University for permitting the junior compiler to devote his sabbatical leave to the dictionary; and the Mclnerny Foundation for grants to the senior compiler. The Hawaiian dictionary committee has also helped in many ways. In addition to the compilers, the committee members include the chairman, Dr. Kenneth P. Emory, and the late Peter H. Buck, the late Reverend Henry P. Judd, Dorothy I. George, E. S. C. Handy, the Reverend Edward Kahale, the Reverend Samuel A. Keala, Henry E. P. Kekahuna, and Theodore Kelsey. An outstanding contribution to the dictionary was made by Henry E. P. Kekahuna and Theodore Kelsey, who generously permitted study of their voluminous notes containing the fruit of more than half a century of association with learned Hawaiians, and who made a great many constructive suggestions in their review of large portions of the manuscript. The value of the work was enhanced also by Marie C. Neal, botanist at the Bishop Museum, whose monumental contribution included descriptions of some 2,200 plant entries. Others who were constantly called upon for help throughout the years include K. P. Emory, who was one of the first to insist on the need of a new dictionary; Thomas Nickerson, chairman of the University of Hawaii Press committee; Alexander Spoehr, Director of the Bishop Museum; E. H. Bryan, Jr., Curator of Collections of the Bishop Museum, who described the birds and other animals and reviewed the entire manuscript; William A. Gosline, professor of Zoology at the University, who checked approximately 120 fish entries; and Charles H. Edmondson, marine zoologist at the Bishop Museum, who identified shore and reef fauna. Of those working on the manuscript, special mention must be made of three persons whose vital assistance extended over many years. Aldyth V. Morris, managing editor of the University of Hawaii Press, was most helpful in working out the intricacies of dictionary style and in carefully analyzing every entry from the technical viewpoint. Dorothy I. George, associate professor of English at the University, read the entire manuscript of more than 2,200 pages, as XXXll
Acknowledgments well as all the galley p r o o f s , and made many helpful suggestions as to the quality of the English. Most of the manuscript was typed by Patience Namaka Bacon, whose knowledge of Hawaiian was invaluable. Visual effects were devised by J e a n Chariot, not only an artist but a devoted student of the Hawaiian language. The printing of the b o o k was done by the Advertiser Publishing C o m p a n y , Limited, under the direction of Meiric K. D u t t o n , and the authors and publisher are grateful to him and to Charles K. O'Bevan, head of the Advertiser's m o n o t y p e department, for the scrupulous care exercised to insure accuracy and attractiveness. The grammatical notes were read by Harold C. Conklin of Columbia University, Isidore Dyen of Yale University, and Edgar C. Knowlton, J r . , of the University of Hawaii, all of whose c o m m e n t s were most helpful. Grateful acknowledgement is given also to Ronald R. Brown, w h o prepared the 2 1 4 Proto-Polynesian and ProtoMalayo-Polynesian entries; to Paolo C o m b a , who assembled the data for the section on the relative frequency of sounds; and to Ruby Kawena Kinney, who m a d e an important contribution to the part of the grammar dealing with fast speech and who helped in many other ways, including proofreading. Lexicographers are called upon for highly technical definitions in subjects as diverse as law and medicine, agriculture and fishing, religion and dancing, and music and poultry. The compilers of the Hawaiian dictionary have relied on the following, who, in addition to those already named, have been generous of their time and special knowledge: Col. Charles D. Calley, military science; the late C. Montague Cooke, land shells; Martha Poepoe Hohu, music; the Reverend Edward Kahale, Protestant writings; Dorothy Mitchell Kahananui, music; Edwina Noelani K a n o h o , music; the late Daniel K. K e o h o k a p u , Hawaiiana; the Reverend Samuel A. Keala, Protestant writings; the Reverend Charles A. K e k u m a n o , Catholic writings; Dr. Yoshio K o n d o , land shells; Dr. Nils P. Larsen, medicine; Kenneth L. Lau, legal terms; the late George Miranda, Hawaiiana; Donald D. Mitchell, games; Helen C. Norton, medicine; Rabbi Alexander Segel, Hebrew; Major D. N. Sproul, military science; A m y Suehiro, entomology. Others helped in the search for words, the checking of definitions and of references, and the proofreading, including Oswald A. Bushnell, J e s s e W. D y k e s , Elizabeth Nalani Ellis, Edwina Noelani K a n o h o , Sarah Konia, Elspeth Sterling, Margaret S u y e o k a , Emily Sharpe Wong, and Stanley Y a m a m o t o . Librarians in charge of the volumes of Hawaiiana have been helpful in bringing important sources to the attention of the compilers, especially J a n e t E. Bell of the University of Hawaii, Margaret T i t c o m b of the Bishop Museum, xxxiii
Hawaiian-English Willowdean C. Handy of the Hawaiian Historical Society, and Bernice J u d d of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society. Miss J u d d provided the 1835 primer a t t r i b u t e d to Hiram Bingham containing the Hawaiian alphabet used for the letter entries in the dictionary. Other collections of Hawaiiana, word lists, and a n n o t a t e d dictionaries were loaned to the compilers by Mrs. Albert F. J u d d , Mrs. Harvey M. Vollrath, and R o b e r t Van Dyke. The Half Century Club furnished financial assistance for student help. Special appreciation is due also to Donald D. Mitchell, w h o supervised the students of the K a m e h a m e h a Schools Bishop Museum Workshop in their m o n u m e n tal task of mimeographing a b o u t three-quarters of the manuscript, and to the Stenographic Pool of the University of Hawaii, which completed this work. The compilers wish especially to thank Mary S. J u d d , formerly of the Bishop Museum, whose sunny spirit and helpfulness made the way t h r o u g h o u t the years happier and easier. To all of these the compilers extend mahalo nui loa, at the same time insisting that n o n e of t h e m be held responsible for defects in the work; for these the compilers alone are responsible. Finally, thanks must go to the missionaries w h o worked for a century on their word lists and compilations, and most of all to the Hawaiians and Proto-Polynesians, w h o for perhaps two millennia lived and flourished within this rich and fascinating language, of which the Reverend Lorenzo Lyons w r o t e (The Friend, September, 1878): "I've studied Hawaiian for 46 years but am by no means perfect . . . it is an interminable language . . . it is one of the oldest living languages of the earth, as some conjecture, and m a y well be classed among the best . . . the t h o u g h t to displace it, or to d o o m it to oblivion b y substituting the English language, ought n o t for a m o m e n t to be indulged. Long live the grand old, sonorous, poetical Hawaiian language." MKP/SHE
The order of the parts of the entries in the dictionary is described below (not every entry has all of these parts, however): 1. E n t r y . A h y p h e n before an entry indicates that the entry does not occur initially. A h y p h e n after an entry indicates that the entry occurs only with a following element. In d e t e r m i n a t i o n of alphabetical order, short vowels precede long vowels, and the glottal stop is ignored, except that a precedes 'a and kau precedes ka'u. (Examples: kau, kau, ka'u,-ka'u; nana, nana, nana,-nana; pau, pa'u, pa'u, pa'u.) The following begin with capital letters: p r o p e r names of people, places, institutions, winds, stars, m o n t h s of the year, rains, days of the week and m o n t h . If an entry is not capitalized, later numbered definitions within the entry that require capitalization are preceded by the note (Cap.). Conversely, if an entry is capitalized, later n u m b e r e d definitions within the entry that do n o t require capitalization are preceded b y the note (Not cap.). (For examples see palani and Ka'ula.) Words (except usually ka and ke) and particles comprising the following are separated by hyphens: names of people (except Kalakaua) and places, kinds of plants, fish, birds, rocks, diseases; names of stars, winds, rains, m o n t h s , days of the m o n t h , lua fighting holds, tapa or plaiting designs; and long or c u m b e r s o m e names of a few institutions or p h e n o m e n a . 2. Variant spellings. The following types of variant spellings may follow the e n t r y : spellings of loan words (pailaka, pailata); spellings with and w i t h o u t the iw-glide described in G r a m m a r 2.1 (koali, koivali); words sometimes spelled with single vowels and sometimes with double vowels (oloolo, ololo). 3. Definitions. A definition is generally entered only once. Thus for the following types of entries there will o f t e n be cross references to the entry where the definition is to be f o u n d : reduplicated forms in less c o m m o n use t h a n the r o o t ; roots in less c o m m o n use t h a n the reduplications; passive/imperative forms; variant forms; variant spellings; ho- or ho'o- forms. Hawaiian words used in English definitions or translations are spelled as t h e y are in Hawaiian (except the names of the Hawaiian Islands, Waikiki, and Kalakaua) and are in italics (except lei, ukulele, and proper names). Definitions of h o m o n y m s follow in n u m b e r e d order according to class (major words, m i n o r words, numerals, particles, interjections); XXXV
Hawaiian-English h o m o n y m s of each class are in a p p r o x i m a t e order of f r e q u e n c y of occurrence, except that loan words follow native words, and semantically close words are adjoining. 4. Source references. Only certain standard works are cited, abbreviated according to the table on pp. xxxviii and xxxix. 5. Literal meanings. 6. Restrictive labels (English, slang, rare, obsolete, Biblical, transitive, intransitive, Andrews-Parker, or the name of an island or district to which the use of the word is confined or where it is best known). 7. Variants of the entry. 8. Cross references. " C f . " directs the reader to entries that may be related or that contrast significantly, " s e e " to entries under which the definition is to be f o u n d . 9. Illustrative phrases and sentences, with the reference (if given) separating the Hawaiian and the English translation. The Hawaiian has been respelled by the compilers to c o n f o r m to the dictionary style; the English has been translated by the compilers. 10. The causative/simulative form, treated as an entry in its own right, b u t with h o m o n y m s lettered alphabetically. 11. Proto-Polynesian and Proto-Malayo-Polynesian reconstructions. (See Supplement D.)
PRONUNCIATION OF HAWAIIAN Consonants p, k a b o u t as in English b u t w i t h less a s p i r a t i o n , h, 1, m, n a b o u t as in English. w a f t e r i a n d e usually like v; a f t e r u a n d o usually like w; initially and a f t e r a like v or w. ' a glottal s t o p , similar to t h e s o u n d b e t w e e n t h e oh's in English oh-oh.
Vowels Unstressed a like a in a b o v e e like e in b e t i like y in city o like o in sole u like oo in m o o n Stressed a, a like a in far e like e in b e t e like ay in play i, 1 like ee in see o, o like o in sole u, u like oo in m o o n
b u t w i t h o u t off-glides.
b u t w i t h o u t off-glides; vowels m a r k e d w i t h m a c r o n s are s o m e w h a t longer t h a n o t h e r vowels.
Rising Dipthongs ei, e u , oi, o u , ai, a e , a o , a u
these are always stressed o n t h e first m e m b e r , b u t t h e t w o m e m b e r s are n o t as closely j o i n e d as in English.
Stress (or Accent) On all vowels marked with macrons: a, e, i, o, u. O t h e r w i s e o n t h e next-to-last syllable a n d a l t e r n a t i n g p r e c e d i n g syllables of w o r d s , e x c e p t t h a t w o r d s c o n t a i n i n g five syllables w i t h o u t m a c r o n s are stressed o n t h e first a n d f o u r t h syllables. Final stress in a w o r d ( ' ) is usually l o u d e r t h a n p r e c e d i n g stress or stresses ( ' ) : hale, maka'u, holoholo, 'elemakule. FOR M O R E DETAILS SEE SECTION 2 O F HAWAIIAN GRAMMAR BY E L B E R T A N D P U K U I
ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE DICTIONARY Abbreviations other than Biblical (All references are listed in the Bibliography)
And. A n d r e w s d i c t i o n a r y , 1 8 6 5 ; reference is given only if n o evidence is available o t h e r than t h a t in Andrews and Andrews-Parker (AP) AP Andrews-Parker dictionary, 1922; reference is given only if n o evidence is available o t h e r t h a n that in A n d r e w s (And.) and AndrewsParker Cap, beginning with a capital letter Ed. E d m o n d s o n , Reef and Shore Fauna, 1946 Eng. word b o r r o w e d f r o m English f. f o r m (of plants) fig. figuratively For. F o r n a n d e r , Hawaiian Antiquities (For. 4 : 2 9 7 , F o r n a n d e r , Vol. 4, P- 297) For. Sel. Elbert, Selections from Fornander Gram. Elbert and Pukui, Hawaiian Grammar, in press; n u m b e r s refer to sections HM Beckwith, Hawaiian Mythology HP H a n d y , Hawaiian Planter Ii Ii, Fragments of Hawaiian History intrans. intransitive
Kep. Beckwith, Kepelino KL Beckwith, Kumulipo Laie. Beckwith, Laieikawai lit. literally Malo Malo, Hawaiian Antiquities, 1951 MK Ke Alanui o ka Lani, Oia ka Manuale Kakolika Neal Neal, In Gardens of Hawaii, 1948 obs. obsolete PE Pukui and Elbert, HawaiianEnglish Dictionary PH Emerson, Pele and Hiiaka PMP Proto-Malayo-Polynesian; see S u p p l e m e n t D, and Preface to the First and Second E d i t i o n s of the Hawaiian-English Dictionary PPN Pro to-Polynesian; see PMP RC K a m a k a u , Ruling Chiefs redup. reduplication; f o r meanings, see Hawaiian Grammar, section 6.2 sp., spp. species TC Taro Collection trans. transitive UL Emerson, Unwritten Literature var. variant, variety
Biblical abbreviations and references (See Ka Baibala, Am. A m o s a (Amos) Dan. Daniela (Daniel) Epeso (Ephesians) Esetera (Esther) Eset. Ezek. Ezekiela (Ezekiel) Ezera (Ezra) Gal. Galatia (Galations) Hagai (Haggai) Hal. Halelu (Psalms) Heb. Hebera (Hebrews) Hoik. H o i k e a n a (Revelation) Hos. Hosea (Hosea)
1941, in the Bibliography) Iak. I a k o b o (James) Ier. Ieremia (Jeremiah) loane (John) loba U°b) lóela (Joel) los. Iosua (Joshua) Isa. Isaia (Isaiah) luda (Jude) Kanl. Kanawailua (Deuteronomy) Kekah. K e k a h u n a (Ecclesiastes) Kin. Kinohi (Genesis) Kol. Kolosa (Collosians) XX.XV1U
Abbreviations Kor. Korineto (Corinthians) Luka (Luke) Lunk. Lunakanawai (Judges) Mai. Malaki (Malachi) Mar. Mareko (Mark) Mat. Mataio (Matthew) Mele Mele a Solomona (Songs Solomon) Mika (Micah) Nah. Nahelu (Numbers) Nal. Nalii (Kings) Neh. Nehemia (Nehemiah) Oih. Oihana (Acts) Oihk. Oihanakahuna (Leviticus)
Oihn. Pet. Pilipi Puk. Roma Ruta Sam. Sol. Tes. Tim. Tito Zek. Zep.
Oihanaalii (Chronicles) Petero (Peter) (Philippians) Pukaana (Exodus) (Romans) (Ruth) Samuela (Samuel) Solomona (Proverbs) Tesalonike (Thessalonians) Timoteo (Timothy) (Titus) Zekaria (Zechariah) Zepania (Zephaniah)
All words beginning with a- or a- may be preceded by the marker ke. Words beginning with 'a- or 'a- may be preceded by the marker ka, unless otherwise stated. a . 1. Of (a-form; a clitic). See Gram. 2.6 and 8 . 4 . This a forms part of the possessives, as in ka'u, mine; kana, his. 'Umi-a-Liloa, 'Umi [son] of Liloa. 3. Like, in the manner of, in the style of. Ai a pua'a, to eat like a pig. _Kahe a wai, to flow like water. Hele mai no laua a 'elua, the two of them came. 3. When, at the time when, until, as far as, to, to the point of, including. For an idiom, see ko. A hiki mai ia, when he arrives. Hola 'elua a'oi, a little after two o'clock. Noho 'oia malaila a make, he lived there until death. Prolonged a— designates a protracted period of time or distance^ a long continued action, or emphasis. Hele a— uka, going far, far inland. Aloha a— nui, much, much aloha. Mahalo 3.— nui, thanks very, very much. Holo a'ela ia a— hiki i ka 'flino kahiki, he sailed and sailed and sailed until he reached a foreign country. 4. And, then, but (usually preceding verbs, whereas a me usually precedes nouns; a also may connect words translated by English adjectives, as he po'e kuli a 'a'a, a people deaf and dumb; nani a pumehana keia kakahiaka, this morning Is beautiful and warm), - a . 1. Passive/Imperative suffix. 2. Element replacing -a in ka, the.
3 . 1. Jaw, cheekbone. Fig., to talk a lot, jabber. Ke a nui. ke a iki, big jaw, little jaw [bragging and wheedling, as of a man seeking the favor of a woman], n o ' S . To talk a lot, jabber. 3. An Instrument made of smooth bone, formerly used for abortion, lancing, or bleeding. Also called 3 '8'S, piercing a. 3. Mould found In souring foods, especially poi, generally known as Oidium lactis or Oospora lactis, but now properly called Geotrichum candidum. ' a . Oh! Well! Ah! ' a - . Prefix to numbers from one through nine, especially for counting in series. See 'alua, 'akolu, PB'aha. '4. 1. Fiery, burning; fire; to burn, blaze. Fig., to glitter or sparkle,_as a gem; to burn, as with jealousy or.anger. 'A akaaka, to shine brightly, as stars. ' A ke kaimana, the diamond sparkles, h o ' a . To set on fire, burn. Ignite; to lignt, as a lamp. Fig., to incite, arouse. Ua ho'a 'ia kona inaina, his anger was aroused. Ho'a imu, to light an oven; one who lights an oven. 3. Aa lava, as distinguished from smooth unbroken pOhoehoe lava (formerly preceded by ike). 3. Same as 'a'a, 1, to dare. 'A'ole 'oia i a e noho, he did not dare to stay. 4. Bed-footed booby bird
' a ' a ' a . Coconut cloth, vascular bundles in taro corm, chaff; fibrous. Also called hi'a'a. ' a ' a ' S . 1. Redup. of 'a'S, 1 ; lava cave. 2 . Redup. of 'a'S, 1. ' a ' a ' a ' a . Redup. of 'a'a'a. 'A'a'a'a ho'i kHa 'uala. this sweet potato is full of fibers, a ' a a h l . Scion or shoot of sandalwood, ' a ' a ' a k i . Redup. of 'a'aki. ' a ' a e . Third crop, as of taro; taro patch where the taro has been pulled up. Also called 'ae. ' a ' a e a . T h e sound ay t h a t infants make in calling for attention; to make this sound, ' a ' a h a . Netted carrier for a calabash, made of sennit or olona cord. More commonly called kdkO. Cf. 'aha, sennit, ' a a h i . Bag for carrying fire-making equipment
(Sula sula rubrípes), brown-vested booby (Sula leucogaster plotus), masked or blue-faced booby (Sula personata dactylalra). Also called 'a'a. Legendary birds believed to have taken the shape of this bird are 'a-'aia, 'a-'ai-'anuhe-aK5.ni and 'ü-'aia-nui-nü-keu. and by some were considered guardian spirits. See also Kep. 33. 5 . Young stage of.demoiselle fish ('alo'ilo'i). Also called 'a'H. 'Á 'aki maunu, bait-taking ' a [said of petty thieves; a var. phrase is 'S 'aki makau, hook-taking 'S). 6. T h e letter " a . " 'ft-. In the nature of (as hina, white, 'ahina, somewhat white, gray; as pali, cliff, 'apali, like a cliff). There are many examples, as 'alewalewa, 'ülualua, 'amokumoku, 'ao'o, 'apono, 'áwela. -'tí. (With ho-) ho'a. T o drive, as cattle, or as fish into a net. a ' a . 1. Small root, vein, artery, nerve, tendon, muscle. Fig., womb, offspring. A'a koni, throbbing vein or artery, pulse; throbbing, as with excitement or passion. A'a lewalewa, aerial roots, as put forth by 'dhi'a trees at high altitudes or in damp climates. 'O ku'u a'a keia, this is my offspring. Ku'u kaikaina i ke a'a ho'okahi, my younger sibling of the samo womb. Ke koko maloko o na a'a, blood in the veins, h o ' o a ' a . To cause a plant or slip to take root; to take root. ( P P N aka, P M P aka(r).) 2. T o send greetings or love; joyous hospitality; j o y at greeting a loved one. Rare. Cf. haa'a. Makamaka a'a, friend who is warmly hospitable. A e a'a ana 'o mea ma ia 'oe, then they send their regards to you. " a ' a . 1. T o brave, dare, challenge, defy (1 9am. 17.10), check, venture; to accept a challenge; to volunteer, involving a difficulty; to act wickedly or presumptuously (K&nl. 1.43); bold, venturesome. He po'e 'a'a hewa, a people acting wickedly. He 'a'a ka mana'o, he wiwo 'ole, thoughts are full of courage, fearless. 'Owai ka mea e 'a'a e ha'i'dlelo? Who will volunteer to make a speech? 2. Belt, girdle, waist; to gird, tie on. Kükt'i maila 'o Kahaka-loa i kana la'au pSlau, a loa'a ihola ka 'a'a o Kawelo (For. 5:49). Kahaka-loa brandished his war club so as to reach Kawelo's waist. 3. Bag, pocket, caul, envelope for a foetus, scrip (1 Sam. 17.40); fiber from coconut husk; clothlike sheath at base of coconut leaf; cloth; chaff, hull (Ier. 23.28). See 'a'a moni. 'A'a haole, foreign cloth. 'A'a maluna o ke ake, caul above the liver. Ka 'a'a o ke au ma ke akepa'a (Oihk. 3.4), the caul of the bile and the liver. 'A'ole kanaka 'a'a 'ole, no man without his scrip. 4. {Cap.) Same as Ma'a'a, a wind, ' a ' f t . 1. T o burn; glowing; fire; staring, as eyes (see 'a'S maka). Fig., angry; fury. Ua 'a'a ka pu'u, the throat is on fire [with thirst). Ke a'B maila ka wahine, the woman burns hither [Pele and her volcanic fires approach], hO'a'ft. T o kindle, light. Mea hd'a'a, fire kindling. 2. Aa lava; stony, abounding with rough aa lava. 3. (Cap.) A star identified as Slrius. 4. Young stage of demoiselle fish ('alo'ilo'i). Also called •a. •Jl'ft. 1. Dumbness, inability to speak intelligibly, a dumb person (Puk. 4.11); dumb, silent, still; to s t u t t e r a n d stammer, as a dumb person. Po'e kuli a 'a'a, deaf mutes. Ua 'a'a ka leo, the voice is unintelligible. He 'S'S ko ka hale, the people of the house are silent. I lohe 'ia e na a'S lololohe; i mau 'a'a loldkuli, it was heard from the dumb one who could hear, about those who were deaf and dumb. 2 . Dwarf, small person; dwarfish, small. Kanaka poupou 'a'a, a short stout person. He 'ilio 'a a ( K L line 577), a short-legged dog. 3 . Demented, panicstricken. See 'a'a maka, 'a'aia. Holo 'S'a, to run about In a panic. hO'ft'ft. T o look about or search in confusion, stray, wander; disconcerted. E hB'&'a ana i na makaaniani, looking in confusion for the spectacles. 4. Probable var. of •a, If, booby bird. 5 . Male 'S'S bird.
('a'a, bag, and ahi,
a ' a h i a . Passive/imperative of a'a, I.
' a ' a h o . 1. T h a t c h purlin; rails, as In a fence. See ' a h o h u i , 'ahopi'o, 'ahopueo. Pa 'a'aho, corral, rail fence. 2. Container, as for pi a, arrowroot starch; to put pia in small packages so that it may keep sweet. Obs. ' a ' a h o k a u . Same as haupia, coconut and arrowroot pudding, ' a ' a b u . Clothing in general; to put on or wear clothing, especially shirt, suit, or coat; to cover the body with a blanket. E 'a'ahu aku 'oe i keia, wear this. 'A'ahu au i ka pono, I have clothed myself in righteousness. h O ' a ' a h u . T o put clothing on someone else; to dress; to supply with clothing; to clothe, ' a ' a h u a . Passive/imperative of 'a'ahu. ' a ' a h u a l l ' l . Regal attire, a royal robe, a type of colored tapa worn by people of rank. '&'&hualt'I. A fabulous being said to have had extraordinary strength, to have come from the center of the earth, and to have been the creator of all dwarfs, ' a ' a h u a p o ' o . Head shield; protection for the head in war, as helmet, shield. (Epeso 6.16.)
' a ' a h u k a u a . Armor, war garment,
a ' a h u k l . Tendon. Lit., pulled vein, ' a ' a h u m a k a l o a . A long malo or ornamented band made of the soft makaloa rush; to put on or wear this garment.
' a ' a h u ' o l h a n a plha. Full regalia, dress uni-
form. Lit., full professional garment, ' a ' a h u p&wehe. Garment made of pawehe, patterned mat; mat made of soft material and woven in the pawehe pattern; to put on and wear this garment. No laila i 'dlelo 'ia ai he 'a'ahu pawehe hiwa na ka makani, so it was called the choice patterned mat made by the spirits.
' a ' a h u ' u l a . Var. of 'ahu'ula.
' a ' a h u w f t . To speak reproachfully, contemptuously; to deride; jealous challenge. 'A'ahuwS noho'i kana mau 'dlelo, his words are contemptuous. ' a ' a l . 1. Redup. of 'ai, 1; eating, spreading, increasing, as a sore; to eat away, corrode; to take bait readily, as a fish; erosion. See 'a'aiole. He ma'i 'a'ai, a spreading sore; cancer. 'A'ai ka hinalea i ka 'Opae, the hlnSlea fish takes the shrimp (bait] readily. Na mana'o 'a'ai 'awa kani'uhu, heartbreaking, sad thoughts. 2. Bright, as of contrasting colors. 'A'ai ka lei hulu melemele i ka holoku 'ele'ele, a yellow feather lei appears brighter on a black Mother Hubbard, ' a ' a l a . Demented. 'O Moikeha, mai Kahiki ka hele 'ana mai, i 'a'aia i ke aloha o Lu'ukia (For. 4:161), Moikeha was from Kalilki, where he was mad with love for Lu'ukia. ' A - ' a i a . Legendary bird believed to have taken the shape of the a, booby bird. See 'a, if. ' a ' a ' l n a . Redup. of 'a'ina. ' a ' a i o l e . Inferior, weak, said of breadfruit or fruit with a weak stem t h a t may fall before maturity. (Kep. 93.) Fig., of persons dying
a ' a ' a . Network of veins.
' a ' a lole. Coconut cloth, European cloth, a ' a l o l o . Nerve. Lit., brain vein. A'alolo ho'S'o, taste bulb. A'alolo kuli, deafness, deaf mute. A'alolo lohe, auditory nerve, ' a ' a l u . Ravine, small stream, valley, depression. Cf. 'alu, depression, ' a ' a m a . 1. A large, black, edible crab (Grapsus grapsus tenuicrustatus) that runs over shore rocks. 'A'ama kua lenalena, rock crab with yellow back ,fig., swift, strong warrior. 2. T o spraad and relax, as the fingers. [The 'a'ama crab was offered in sacrifices so that the gods would loosen ('a'ama) and grant the request.] 3. Redup. of 'ama. 1; to talk. 'a'& m a k a . T o stare with wide-open eyes, as in desire, fear, or intent to frighten; one who does so. hO'a'ft m a k a . T o stare, ' a ' a m a n u . Coconut-leaf or pandanus-leaf bag used for carrying birds, ' a ' a m o n l . Purse. Biblical. ' a ' a m o ' o . Young coconut cloth; gauze, as of a veil; diaphanous cloth; snakeskin. Lit., lizard coconut cloth, ' a ' a n a . T o use abusive language, revile, malign. Cf. 'a'a, daring. Mai 'a'ana mai 'oe, don't use defiant language. hO'a'aua. Causative/simulative. ' a ' a n a l . Redup. of 'anai. ' a ' a n a l t ' l . Var. of kakanali'i, stunted, ' a ' a n a p u ' u . Redup. of 'anapu'u, bumpy, ' a ' a n e m a . T o criticize maliciously, ' a ' a nlu. Coconut cloth. ' a ' a n o . Overbearing, arrogant, boastful, daring; bully. Cf. 'a'a. h o ' a ' a n o . To act the bully, bluff, boast of courage that is lacking, ' a ' a o . 1. Greedy, voracious. Obs. 2. Uncultivated bananas. Obs. ' a ' a p a . Redup. of 'apa. Rare. Cf. 'apa'apa. a'apau. Valve of a vein, ' a ' a p l . Warped, curved. ' a ' a p o . To learn quickly, to catch the meaning quickly. Cf. 'apo, 'apo'apo. a'apQ. Same as a'apau. ' a ' a p u . 1. Coconut-shell cup; cuplike. Also 'apu. bO'a'apu. T o form a cup of the hollow of the hand: to fold a leaf into a cup. 2. T o warp, bend, wrinkle, ruffle, •a'a pua. Arrow case, quiver, ' a ' a pOhaka. Girdle, belt. Lit., loin belt, a'a p u ' u p u ' u . 1. Capsular ligament. 2. Knots in a fish net. 'a'ji p u ' u p u ' u . Sharp or waterworn, coarse gravel or rock. ' a ' a p u - w a l . Same as 'apu-wai, a variety of taro. ' a ' a u . X. T o move here and there, rove. Ka lele 'a'au o ka manu, the flight here and there [as in fright] of the bird. 2. Redup. of 'au, stalk. 'A'au loa (Malo 59, 63), long stalks; fig., longsuffering and patient, as of a chief who cared for his people. 'A'aua. Coarse, as wrinkled or blotched skin. Also called ma'aua. Pua'a 'a'ana, old, tough Pig.
before their time. Mai lou i ka 'ulu i luna loa, 0 lou hewa i ka 'a'aiole, eia no ka 'ulu i ke alo, don't pluck the breadfruit on top or you will luck one not securely fastened, there is the readfruit in front, ' a ' a k a . 1. Surly, cranky, rolled, complaining; severe, as labor. Kai 'a'aka (Kep. 103), roiled sea. hO'a'aka. To act surly, to pretend to be cross. 2. Dry, as coral of tne reef at low tide; parched, wrinkled, dry and thirsty; peeling off, as the tough skin of such fish as the humuhumu after It has been in the Are; to crackle, burst, as a ripe melon. 3. Rocky undersea cavern. ( P H 219, Malo 26.) 4. Wood of the naio, bastard sandalwood.
'a'aki. Redup. of 'aki; to nip repeatedly; to take a nip and hold on (cf. nahu, to bite with the whole mouth, and nau, to chew); a bite, nibble. Fig., thick, obscure, dark, penetrating; to feel pangs, as of love or childbirth. Ka naho manini nui, ke 'a'aki nei i ka limu, the cleft with the large manini fish, nibbling now at the seaweed. 'A'aki ke ku'i, to close the mouth so tightly that the molars cling, as in lockjaw. Ua 'a'aki pa'a 'ia ke aloha wela i luna o Ka'dnohi-o-ka-la (Laie 595), hot love was firmly clutched upon Ka'5nohi-o-ka-la. Ke 'a'aki nei ka pS 'ele'ele, allengulfing utter blackness of night, 'a'ako. Redup. of 'ako, 1, Z; repeated plucking; Insatiable lust; to get into action (rare). 'A'ako aku i ka hana, get going with the work, a'a koko. Vein, blood vessel, a'a kolo. A root running horizontally that produces roots below and above; a rhizome, creeping root. a'akO. Name of a combination of diseases: liver complication resulting In hardening of the veins, bloody dysentery accompanied by fever, a'a kQkOkO. Varicose veins. Lit., raised veins, ' a ' a l a . Fragrant, sweet-smelling; fragrance, perfume, sweet scent. Fig., of high rank, royal. He 'a'ala no 'o Ka'ahu-manu, Ka'ahu-manu is one of sweet high rank. Pupuka ho'i paha, he 'a'ala ka inoa, ugly perhaps, but a noble name. ' A ' a l a - h o n u a . Name of a Hilo wind accompanied by rain. Ke honi maila ko Hilo pali ku. ku ka makani he 'A'ala-honua ki'i ua, those of Hilo of sheer precipices inhale as the ralnbrlnging Earth-Fragrance wind blows, ' a ' a l a l h a u . A fish (no data; perhaps a local name for one of the Chaetodons). ' a ' a l a ' l h i . Young of the 'ala'ihi fishes, 'a'alaloa. Wild, demented person; uncivilized, 'a'alakal. 1. Insipid, unsavory, tasteless. 2. Large, plump. Cf. 'u'ulukai. ' a ' a l a - ' u l a . A branching, velvety-green, succulent-appearing seaweed (Codium edule). It yields a red liquid when placed in a container overnight with brine, which also wilts the plant. Both the liquid and the seaweed are well liked, being eaten plain or with other sea food. ( K L Hue 47.) Also called 'ala-'ula, wawae-'iole. a'alele. Pulse. Lit., leaping vein, ' a ' a l l . Redup. of 'ali, 1; scarred, marked, grooved; depression, groove; wattles of a fowl; slight depression under the gills of a fish, ' a ' a l i ' i . Native hardwood shrubs or trees (Dodonaea, all species), one to thirty feet high, more or less sticky at branch tips; leaves narrow, one to four Inches long; flowers small; fruit a yellow, red, or brown papery capsule about half an inch long and with two to four wings. Fruit clusters are made Into Iels with their own leaves or ferns and worn in the hair. A boast of the people of Ka'u, is: He 'a'ali'i au, 'a'ohe makani e hina ai, 1 am an 'a'ali'i shrub, no wind can push me over. (Neal 472; For. 5:23.) Also called kUmakani, 'a'ali'i-ku-makani, 'a'ali'i-ku-ma-kua. ' » ' a l l ' l - m a h u . Same as pukiawe, shrubs, ' a ' a l l n a . 1. Scarred. ( P H 21S.) 2. Large, fat, weak, as a fat person, ' a ' a l o . Redup. of 'alo, 1, 2.
' a ' a w a . 1. Wrasse fishes, common reef fishes (Bodianus bilunulatus). The name 'a'awa may be qualified by the terms 'e'a, hai'e'a, lelo, uleholu. Also called po'ou. 2. Same as 'a'awa-huakukui. 3. Name given for an insect (no data). (AP.) ' a ' a w a - h u a - k u k u l . A native tree (Pittosporum hosmeri), about twenty feet high, with leaves four to ten by one to two and one half inches, shiny and wrinkled above, brown-woolly beneath; small, clustered, cream-colored flowers; ovoid fruits about two inches long, each with two to four thick valves containing orange pulp and black oily seeds. Also called AS 'awa, hS 'awa. a ' e . 1. Several native trees, the soapberry (Sapindus saponaria t. inaequalis), and all species
of Fagara (also known as Zanthoxylum), Fagara having yellowish wood formerly used for digging sticks a n d spears; seeds of all (largest in t h e soapberry) are black, round, and used for leis. Also called manele. 2. (Cap.) N o r t h e a s t t r a d e wind. Cf. A'e-loa, Moa'e, na'e. 3. Blight. (Malo 199.) 4 . To, upward, obliquely, sideways; nearby, contiguous, next, approaching; t h e n (directional particle; see G r a m . 7.2). Hele a'e, t o go up, sideways. Kanaka 'e a'e, different person. KHa pule a'e, next week. Ko'u mua a'e, t h e one born j u s t before me, [older sibling, t h e one before me]. 'Owai hou a'e? W h o will be next? A he aha a'e? And w h a t next? 'O ait keiki a'e kHa, here come your children. Ia la a'e, ia la a'e, f r o m d a y to day. ( P P N hake, P M P [s]akay.) 5. Replacement of e In songs (commonly written a e, b u t a glottal stop is pronounced before 'e). 'A'ole makou a 'e mmamina i ka pu'u kali a ke aupuni (song), we do n o t care a b o u t t h e g o v e r n m e n t ' s s u m s of money. ' a e . 1. Yes; t o say yes, consent, agree, approve, yield; approval. 'Ae waha, oral agreement. 'Ae wale, to agree easily; pliable. Ua 'ae mai 'oia i ko'u hele, he consented to my going. 2. Sap wrung f r o m seaweed or leaves of plants such as taro; liquid remaining a f t e r dregs have settled, as of pia, arrowroot s t a r c h ; saliva, drooling of the mouth. 'Ae limu, juice remaining on t h e pounding board a f t e r seaweed (limu) is pounded; mixed with salt it is used to flavor sauce for '5'io or other fish. Kahe ka 'ae o ka waha, m o u t h saliva flows. 3. Fine, comminuted, as d u s t or powder; silky soft, as d o w n ; smooth, as well-mixed poi or bread dough. 'Ae kl, fine portions of ti root baked in t h e oven; to break ti root so cooked into fine portions. 'Ae moa, downy chicken feathers. h A ' a e . T o make fine, soft, etc. He ahi 'S nopu hd'ae, a hot glowing fire t h a t pulverizes. 4. To rise, of t h e tide. h A ' a e . Causative/simulative. 5. A native fern (Polypodium pellucidum) commonly seen at Kilauea Volcano. I t has oblong f r o n d s 6 to 15 inches long, once divided into a b o u t fifteen or more pairs of oblong segments, each of which bears many round f r u i t dots. (Neal 27.) Cf. 'ae-lau-nui. 6. Same as 'a'ae.
' a e ' a e . 1. R e d u p . of 'ae, 3. llulu 'ae'ae, downy feathers. Ka 'ai 'ae'ae, s o f t food or poi. 2. A small native shrub (Lycium sandwicense) growing near salt marshes and among rocks near t h e sea. I t has light-colored b a r k ; succulent, narrow pale-green leaves a b o u t one inch long; small, white t o blue-tinted flowers; and small red berries. (Neal 652.) Also called 'akulikuli-'ae'ae, 'akulikuli-'Ohelo, and 'Shelo-kai. 3. R e d u p . of 'ae, i. 'Ae'ae kai, rise of t h e tide; f r o t h of t h e sea,
' a ' e ' a ' e . Redup. of 'a'e.
ae&ea. A small green flsh resembling t h e hinalea, used as pani (food or drink taken t o finish a medical t r e a t m e n t ) for certain diseases of children of t h e 'ea type. ' A e ' a e - a - h l w a N a m e of a s t a r (no d a t a ) , ' a e ' a - h a u k a ' e . 1. See 'ae'a. 2 . A v a r i e t y of wild potato, good only sis pig feed. ' a ' e l . Fine net, as used for 'Spelu and maomao flBh; it was held open a t t h e m o u t h by kuku, stretching poles. 461 e l a . A c h a n t ending. ' a e k a l . Place where sea and land m e e t ; water's edge.
'aekelona, aeselona. Falcon,
' a e k o , a e t o . 1. Eagle. Lio hulu 'aeko, d a r k - g r a y horse; lit., eagle-feather horse. 2. Alto. Eng. See 'aleko. ' a e k o - k u l a . Golden eagle, ' a e - l a u - n u l . Same as 'ae, with large leaves, ' a e l i k e . Agreement, c o n t r a c t , truce; to come toj a n agreement; contracted. Palapala 'aelike,, contract. ftelo. R o t t e n , of eggs t h a t do not h a t c h due t a infertility. Fig., spoiled, worthless. Hua ae!o,i rotten egg; / i f f . , in vain, worthless. E mdlama' ho'i o hua aelo ka luhi o ka ho'oikaika 'ana, bq careful, lest t h e wearisomeness of t h e effort bo in vain. A ' e - l o a . N a m e for t h e t r a d e wind. See ki'eki'e for example. Cf. A'e, 2, Moa'e. a ' e n e l . J u s t now, lately; nearby, not f a r ; ordinary, insignificant. E like me ka'u i 'olelo a'el nei, j u s t w h a t I j u s t said. Ua hele a'e nei, justi now gone. Aia'o a'e nei no, j u s t over there, n o t far. Kahi 'eha a'e nei no, just a minor pain. Kahi 'ike a'e nei no, nothing o u t s t a n d i n g a b o u t t h e knowledge, (Himanfte'o. 1. Stilts. 2. Hawaiian stilt bird topus himantopus knudseni), an endemic subspecies of stilt, formerly common on t h e main Hawaiian Islands, now becoming rare. Also called kukuluae'o. ' a e o k a h a l o a . A kind of fine tapa, used in religious ceremonies, as for divining with pebbles. Also called kahaloa, palau-anahu. a e w a . 1. T h i n , tall, spindly; to weave t o a n d fro, as seaweed; to sway, as a b r a n c h or soa eddy. Cf. maewa. Ulu maika'i a aewa hua 'ole (Kep. 159), growing well b u t spindly and f r u i t less [of bananas]. 2 . Possessing a family or lineage. Cf. iwe, 1. Hanau ka huelo maewa, he aewa kona ( K L line 525), born [those of] tail-end [junior] rank, they have their lineage, a b a . W h y ? W h a t ? For w h a t reason? T o do what? T o ask what? (Aha frequently follows he and is o f t e n written heaha.ci. G r a m . 8.6.) He aha? W h a t is it? W h a t ? He aha km? W h a t is t h a t ? He aha kana? W h a t has he got there? W h a t does he have to say a b o u t it? W h a t business is it of his [sarcastic]? He aha ia meat W h a t of it [frequently spoken with an o u t w a r d gesture of t h e right h a n d with p a l m upwards]? He . . . aha? W h a t kind of? For w h a t purpose? He hale aha kela? W h a t kind of a house is t h a t ? W h a t is it used for? He mea aha? W h a t ' s i t used for [annoyance]? W h y ? He aha ihola la, no one knows why, for no a p p a r e n t reason. He aha ihola la 'o ka ua no ia, for no reason it's raining. I ke aha? For w h a t ? To w h a t ? W h y ? E hele ana 'oe i ke aha? W h y a r e you going? No ke aha? W h y ? E aha ana 'oe? W h a t are you doing? E aha 'ia ana? W h a t is being done? B
' a ' e . To step over, get on top of, tread upon, trespass; to raise; to massage t h e back with t h e f e e t ; to break a t a b o o or violate a law; counter sorcery; to inflict sorcery on a sorcerer. Fig., oppressed. 'A'e ku, to trespass, or break a law or t a b o o deliberately. 'A'e loa, a long step, a long journey. Ua 'a'e lakou i luna o kahi la'a, they trespassed on a taboo place; t h e y broke an agreement, law, taboo. 'A'ohe i 'a'e i ka wela a ka la, not oppressed by tho h e a t of t h e sun.
hO'a'e. Causative/simulative.
a e a . To rise u p ; t o raise t h e head; t o come u p f r o m under water. Lu'u aku a aea mai (song), dive down and come up. ' a e a . Cord, as used in joining t w o or more nets i n t o a larger one. Rare. • a e ' a . Wandering, shiftless, unstable; to wander. Cf. hSku 'ae'a. 'Ae'a hauka'e, v a g r a n t person, trespasser; to trespass. Kanaka 'ae'a, vagabond, wanderer. One 'ae'a, shifting sands. hA-, ' a e ' a . To cause t o wander; t o wander. Na ke kaumaha i hd'ae'a iaia mai ke one hanau mai, it was grief t h a t caused him t o wander f r o m his homeland.
'a'ea. Passive/imperative of 'a'e, 1.
a e a e . A prolonged sound, wail; t o prolong, stretch. h o ' & e S e . A style of chanting with prolonged vowels and fairly short phrases, much used in love c h a n t s ; to c h a n t in this fashion; t o read or recite Bible passages or multiplication tables. a ' e a ' e . 1. Mixing of a dark or brilliant color with a lighter one, as f e a t h e r s in a lei; of dark hair of a young person with streaks of gray. A'ea'e mShala i luna o ke kukui, streaks of silvery gray showing on t h e c a n d l e n u t tree (said of a graying person]. 2 . A kind of b a n a n a with green and white striped leaves and fruits. (Neal 212.) Also called koa'e and manini. 3. A flsh (no d a t a ) .
' a h a h u i
h o ' o l e
aha ana la laua nei? (For. 5:345) W h a t are the t w o doing here? I aha 'ia ke ka'a? W h a t happened to the car? I aha ai ka hele 'ana? (pronounced iahai), W h y go? E kama'ilio a e aha? W h a t ' s the use of talking? Aha maila ke kahuna, "He mea aha?" ( K e p . 21) T h e priest asked, " W h a t ' s t h a t ? " O aha? Lest what? W h a t will happen then? O aha'ina (contraction of o aha 'ia ana)? Lest w h a t happen? ( P P N afa, P M P apa.) a h a . A h a (exclamation of surprise). Aha, loa'a pono ke kolohel A h , t h e culprit is caught redhanded! ' a h a . 1. M e e t i n g , assembly, gathering, convention, court. M a n y t y p e s of 'aha are listed below. 2. Sennit; cord braided of coconut husk, human hair, intestines of animals; string for a musical instrument; t o stretch the 'aha cord f o r the outline of a house so that the posts m a y be properly placed; measurement of an edge or border. Ua like na 'aha, the sides are of equal length [as of a rectangle]. E ki'i i ke kaula e 'aha ai, get a cord to stake out t h e house with. h G ' a h a . T o make or braid 'aha-, t o tie up a calabash. ( P P N kafa, P M P kapas.) 3. A prayer or service whose efficacy depended on recitation under taboo and without interruption. T h e priest was said t o carry a cord ('aha). ( M a l o 180-181.) Ua ka'i ka 'aha, the prayer is rendered. Loa'a ka kakou 'aha, our prayer is rendered successfully. Ua lilo ka 'aha, a laila pule hou, tiie prayer has not been successfully given, so pray again. 4. Millepede, so called because it coils itself up like a string. 5. A n y of the needlefishes of the f a m i l y Belonidae. The young are called 'aha'aha. Varieties are qualified by the terms holowi, mele, and uliuli. 6. Design supposed to resemble the continuing track of a duck, carved on tapa beaters. Also called 'ahaana and kapua'i-koloa. ' a h a . Four (usually in counting in series): f o u r times. Pd'aha, T h u r s d a y , a h a a h a . T o pant, to breathe hard with heat, as a dog. C f . ha, breath, ' a h a ' a h a . 1. Cordage. 2. T o 6il with back stiff and upright, arms akimbo, head up, as with haughty air of superiority; to sit cross-legged; to stand with hands on hips (considered rude and overbearing). He aha la ho'i ka ia nei e ku 'aha'aha mai nei? W h a t ' s he standing here haughtily with hands on hips for? h O ' a h a ' a h a . T o sit or stand thus. (Perhaps P P N kafa, P M P kabal.) 3. Y o u n g of the 'aha, a fish, ' a h a ' a l n a . Feast, dinner party, banquet; t o feast. Lit., meal gathering. M a n y t y p e s of are listed below. l i O ' a h a ' a l n a . T o 'aha'aina feast, g i v e a feast. ' a h a ' a l n a a k a B a k u . H o l y C o m m u n i o n ; feast of the L o r d . ' a h a ' a l n a h e p e k o m a ( h e b e d o m a ) . Feast of weeks. ( P u k . 34.22.) ' a h a ' a l n a h o ' o l a ' a . Feast of consecration or dedication, as of a house, church, canoe, or fish net.
w a i
' o n a
' a h a ' a i n a l a u l l m a . Feast held after completion of a joint p r o j e c t or co-operative undertaking, especially harvest, ' a h a ' a l n a l i m a l u h l . Similar to 'aha'aina maka luhi. ' a h a ' a l n a m a k a l u h l . Feast given t o honor those who prepared the feast and served, the workers being served by those who had celebrated b e f o r e ; also a feast t o celebrate completion of a particularly laborious project. Lit., feast for tired persons, ' a h a ' a l n a m a k e . Funeral feast, intended to c o m f o r t the mourners, ' a h a ' a l n a m a l e ( m a r e ) . W e d d i n g feast or reception.
' a h a ' a l n a l i o ' o l l l o . Feast of dedication. ( I o a n e
' a h a ' a l n a m a w a e w a e . Feast given shortly after the birth of the first child, intended t o clear the w a y (mawaewae) of misfortune f o r that child and for all others t o f o l l o w , ' a h a ' a l n a m O U a o l a . Feast of the Passover. Biblical. ' a h a ' a l n a p e l e n a ( b e r e n a ) . H o l y Communion. Lit., feast of bread. ' a h a ' a l n a p l h a m a k a h l k l . Feast on the first birthday of a child, or to celebrate any anniversary. Lit., feast f o r completion of the year, ' a h a ' a l n a p i w a l . Feast given principally t o break the m o n o t o n y of country life; those instigating the feast would sprinkle ( p i wai) their friends with a little water; those sprinkled brought f o o d to the feast, ' a h a ' a l n a p u k a . Graduation feast, ' a h a ' a l n a ' Q n l k l . Graduation feast, as f o r hula dancing or lua fighting, ' a h a ' a l n a w a l m a k a . Feast of tears, held on the first anniversary of a death, ' a h a a n a . Design said t o resemble, duck tracks, carved on tapa beaters. Also called 'aha and kapua'i-koloa. ' a h a ' & p a n a . District court, ' a h a ' e l e l e . C o n v e n t i o n of delegates; name f o r A m e r i c a n presidential conventions, a h a h a . Var. of ahahana. (For. 4:295.) a h a h a n a . Syllables repeated in chants, usually at ends of verses, similar to ihr.; a taunting singsong teasing phrase, used especially by children, meaning " O h ! Oh! Shame on y o u ! Y o u are going t o catch i t ! " A s a verb, t o tease. Mai ahahana 'oe i kou pBki'i, d o n ' t tease your young brother, ' a h a h a w e l e . Cord support f o r gourd water bottles. ' a h a h e l e h o n u a . Ceremonial measuring of the dimensions of a mana house within a place of worship; a priest carried a line t o the four corner posts of the mana, and the chief sacrificed a pig; name of the line. ( M a l o 166-167.) ' a h a l u m e n l . Song festival, concert, ' a l i a h O ' i k e m a k a h l k l . Annual meeting of Sunday Schools, as of Congregationalists. ' a h a h o ' o k o l o k o l o . General name f o r court assembly. N a m e s of several types of courts are listed below.
' a h a ' a l n a h o ' o m a n a ' o . C o m m e m o r a t i v e or anniversary feast, ' a h a ' a l n a k a h e . Feast given at the t i m e of a b o y ' s circumcision. Called in Christian times 'aha'aina 'oki poepoe. ' a h a ' a l n a k a h u k a h u . Feast g i v e n a t the completion of a student's first work (as mat, quilt, tapa, net), or of a child's first fish catch; one purpose was t o ask the gods to grant greater k n o w l e d g e and skill to the craftsman. Lit., feast t o care for. Cf. kahukahu.
' a h a h o ' o k o l o k o l o ' a p a n a . District court, ' a h a h o ' o k o l o k o l o h o ' o m a l u . Police court, ' a h a h o ' o k o l o k o l o k a ' a p u n l . Circuit court, ' a h a h o ' o k o l o k o l o k l ' e k l ' e . Supreme court, ' a h a h o ' o k o l o k o l o k o a . M i l i t a r y court, ' a h a h o ' o k o l o k o l o k o ' i k o ' l . Superior court, ' a l i a h o ' o m a l u . A d m i n i s t r a t i v e body, assembly, ' a h a h o ' o p o n o p o n o I k a n o h o n a . Court of domestic relations.
' a h a ' a l n a k a l a h a l a . Feast given t o ask pardon of the gods. Lit., feast t o f o r g i v e sins. ' a h a ' a l n a k a u h a l e l e w a . Feast of tabernacles. Biblical. ' a h a ' a l n a k o m o . initiation feast.
' a h a h u i . Society, club, t y p e s are listed below.
' A h a h u i H G ' I k a l k a K a l l k l a n o . Christian E n d e a v o r Society. ' a h a h u i h O ' o l e w a l ' o n a . T e m p e r a n c e union.
' A h a h u i
K a n u
K 6
H a w a i ' i
' a h a m a h a . Place or assembly for practice of athletic games, as sham fights. Lit., assembly f o r relaxation.
A h a h u l K a n u K A H a w a l ' l . H a w a i i a n Sugar Planters' Association, ' a h a h u l k u l a K & p a k l ( S a b a t l ) . Sunday School association.
' a h a m a k a . 1. H a m m o c k , as of tapa. fastened to the manuea, center support of a house; hammock in general. Lit., sennit meshes. 2. Cord with which edges of cracks in gourd bowls were sewn together in crisscross patterns suggestive of net mesh; the technique f o r such repair. 3. Strangling in lua fighting, as with green vines. 4. Secret meeting of priests t o pray f o r a chief, ' a h a - m e l e . A yellow-spotted needlefish, ' a h a m e l e . Concert, song concert, song festival, ' a h a m o a . 1. A n assembly watching a lua contest of the kind called h&kaka a moa. 2. A cord made f r o m the entrails of an enemy killed in a lua fight of the hdkSka a moa type. ' a h a m o k u p u n l . Island conference, w i t h rep resentatives f r o m a single island, especially of Congregationalists. a h a n a . Same as ahahana. ' a h a - n l u . A n a t i v e sedge (Cladium meyenii) with pointed, leathery leaves about three feet by one-half inch, mostly basal around a more or less zigzag spike, which bears light-brown, scattered fiower clusters. See also 'uki, all species of Cladium.
' A h a h u l M f t m a k a k a u a . Sons and Daughters of H a w a i i a n Warriors. Lit., warriors' society. ' A h a h u l M o ' o l e l o H a w a l ' l . H a w a i i a n Historical Society, ' a h a h u l n a . Corporation, association; Congregational (rare).
'Ahahul WShlne Kallklano HA'ole Wal 'Ona.
W o m e n ' s Christian T e m p e r a n c e Union, ' a h a h u l a h u l a . 1. Assembly f o r ballroom danci n g ; a ball. 2. Ancient assembly f o r the hulahula religious ceremony, ' a h a - h u l u h u l u . Bristle worm, a hairy sea creature (Eurythoe pacifica). ( E d . 109.) ' f t h a l . C o m m e m o r a t i v e wooden or stone pillar (probably short f o r '5 hailona. symbolic stone). ' & h a ' l . T o carry off, chase, rout; t o flee, run a w a y . Ka 'aha'i 'ana i na po'e ha'iha'i kanawai, t h e pursuit of lawbreakers, ' f t h a ' i h a ' l . Redup. of 'aha'i. Na ka manu 'aha'iha'i, kanu lau awa o uka (song), i t was the birds who carried, planting k a v a leaf in the upland. ' a h a l k l . Small gathering f o r private conversation; small or secret council, as called in an emergency. ' a h a ' i l o n o . Reporter, messenger, bringer of news; in legends, the sole survivor of a disastrous defeat who reports the news; to tell news, a h a ' l n a . Short f o r aha 'ia ana. See aha. ' a h a ' l n a . Same as "aha'i. ' a h a I n u . Drinking party, as 'aha inu waina, wine-drinking party, 'aha inu lama, rum party, ' f t h a ' l 'Alelo. Messenger; t o carry word, ' a h a k a ' a p u n l . Circuit court, ' a h a k & k a u . Court of records, ' a h a k a p u . 1. A sacred assembly. 2. Sacred sennit cord belonging t o a high chief and kept on a high place before his house; trespassers entering the house were killed if the cord remained in place, but if it fell down and the stranger stepped over it, this was a token of the stranger's high rank or kinship with the owner of the cord. Some chiefs had several such cords, each given a name, and some were used after the owner's death in making the ka'ai, container f o r his bones, ' a h a k a u k a n a w a i . Session of the legislature, ' a h a k e a . 1. N a t i v e trees and shrubs (species of Bobea) with small t o medium-sized, oblong leaves; small greenish flowers; and small, purpleto-black juicy fruits. T h e wood is yellow and f o r m e r l y was used f o r poi boards and canoe rims. I ke aha ho'i? I ka 'ahakea. W h y then? T h e 'ahakea [a saucy retort containing a pun on the w o r d aha, what]. 2. Same as haokea, a taro. ' a h a k e a - l a u - l l ' t . A small-leafed 'ahakea (Bobea elatior var. brevipes). ' a h a k e a - l a u - n u l . A large-leafed 'ahakea (Bobea elatior). ' a h a k l ' e k l ' e . Supreme court, ' a h a k f l . Cord used f o r measuring, as in laying o u t a garden or house. Ho'omoe 'ia mai ka 'ahakU, now lay d o w n the measuring line, ' a h a k u h l n a . Cabinet, assembly of ministers, ' a h a k o k a . Council meeting, discussion meeting, conference. ' a h a k n k a m a i o . P r i v y council, secret deliberat i v e meeting, ' a h a l l m a l l m a . See limalima. ' a h a l u a l l k e . R e c t a n g l e with parallel opposite sides. Lit., t w o equal sides, ' a h a l u n a k a h l k o . P r e s b y t e r y , meeting of elders, ' a h a l u n a k & n S w a i . Judiciary session, meeting of judges.
' a h a ' A l e l o . Legislature, assembly, council meet ing, congress; to hold such meetings. ' a h a ' A l e l o k a u k & n S w a l . Legislature, lawmaking body. ' a h a ' O l e l o l & h u l . Congress of the United States; national assembly. • a h a ' A l e l o l u n a k a h l k o . Conference of elders. ' a h a ' A l e l o n u l . Congress, ' a h a o n a l u n a k a n f t w a l ' S p a n a . District court, ' a h a p a e ' & l n a . Convention of delegates f r o m all the islands, especially as held by the Hawaiian E v a n g e l i c a l Association of C o n g r e g a t i o n a l Christian Churches, ' a h a p l ' l . A kind of tapa d y e d with kukui bark and decorated with fine lines, for chiefs, ' a h a p u l e . Congregation, prayer assembly, ' a h a ' u l a . Council of chiefs. Lit., regal meeting, ' a h a w a . Waterhead, beginning of a water-course; to o v e r f l o w . ( A P . ) a h e . Breeze; t o blow or breathe g e n t l y ; softly blowing. Ke ahe makani Pu'u-lena, the gently wafting Pu'u-lena breeze. &h£. T o exclaim, to oh and ah; yes, so that's it, so, oh. Ahe, plla kou mana'o 'ea? So that's your opinion, is i t [in Indignation]? 'Oia ka malama a ka po'e mahi'ai e ahl ai i ka ulu maika'i a na mea kanu ( K e p . 91), this is the month the farmers exclaim about the fine g r o w t h of the crops. ' a h C . A hacking cough; t o cough. Also 'ehe. Cf. 'ahe'ahe, 'ehl'ehe. •ahC. 1. T i m i d , shy. 2. W i l d taro. Kauai. Varieties are qualified by the terms ke'oke'o and 'ula'ula. Called 'aweu on H a w a i i , a h e a . 1. Passive/imperative of ahe. Lohe lau ahea, hearing of the many breezes [rumor], 2. W h e n (in the future, interrogative), ' a h e a . Same as 'aheahea, 2. a h e a h e . Redup. of ahe; soft, gentle In sound; weak. Pa mai ka makani aheahe, the gentle wind blows. He kamumu o ke aheahe mSlie, rustle of the gentle breeze, sound of quiet whispers. Aheahe kahi 'Bpu i ka pBloli, the stomach feels weak with hunger. ' a h e ' a h S . R e d u p . of 'ahl. I ka manawa 'ahl'ahl, kau maila ka 'ahl'ahl make maluna o laua, a t the t i m e of coughing, a deadly coughing seized upon the t w o of them, ' a h e a h e a . 1. T o wilt, as a plant; warm, insipid. 2. A native shrub (Chenopodium oahuense) and an introduced weedy herb (C. album), both with narrow t o triangular or rhomboidal, thickish leaves; flowers small, in panicles. Y o u n g plants.
' o w i 1i ' a h l n a h l n a . 1. Same as 'Shina, 1. i. 2. T h e silversword ( A r g y r o z i p h i u m sandwicense), a native plant found only at altitudes of 6,000 feet or more on M a u i and Hawaii; the m a n y long silvery leaves forming a rounded rosette to two feet in diameter; a b o u t a hundred purplish, daisy-like flowers borne on an erect, leafy stem, which is a b o u t six feet high. Also called hinahina. 3. A n a t i v e spreading shrub, to three feet high, found only a t high altitudes (Artemisia australis); leaves divided into narrow segments, hoary on under side; flowers in panicles, small, daisy-like. Pounded leaves are used for asthma. Also called hinahina. 4. Same as hinahina, I, Florida moss, ' a h i n a - k u a h l w l . A native fern (Curtomium caryotideum), with fronds 9 to 14 inches long, once divided into 6 to 18 broadly sickle-shaped pinnae, lobed a t the base, a h l o . Lazy, Indolent; to shirk work, loiter,
leaves, a n d plant tips are used for greens, wrapped in ti leaves and cooked on hot coals. Also called 'ahea, 'ahewahewa, alaweo, 'aweoweo. 3. Var. n a m e for pakai, i. 4. Same as heahea, to call. ' a l l e l e . Snare; to snare. Also called pahele. 'Ahele pulu niu, snare of coconut fibers, as for 'a'ama, a crab. ' a h e w a . 1. T o condemn, blame, censure, convict; condemnation, blame, conviction. Mamuli o kona 'ahewa 'ia 'ana ua hopu hou 'ia, a f t e r his conviction [he] was rearrested, h o ' & n e w a . To And guilty, condemn, pronounce guilty, curse (Gal. 3.13). 2. Walleyed, cross-eyed (with maka). 3. Oahu n a m e for the mana fern. 4. A mimosa tree. (AP.) ' A h e w a h e w a . Same as '¡¡heahea, 2. a h l . Fire, match, lightning; to burn in a fire, destroy by fire. See ahikao, ahikoe, ahi koli, ahimakani, limu-ahi, pau ahi. Leho ahi, a cowry shell used for squid fishing, colored red by toasting over fire. Ahi wela, hot fire, love hot as fire. HB'a ahi, to light a fire. Ipo ahi, fiery, a r d e n t lover. Ke ahi o Ka-maile, the famous firebrands thrown over cliffs a t Ka-maile, Kauai. (Perhaps P P N afi, P M P apuy.) ' a h l . Hawaiian t u n a fishes, especially the yellowfin t u n a (Neothunnus macropterus), an import a n t fish in the Honolulu market. T h e name 'ahi may be qualified by the terms hi'u-wiwi or ka'aka'a-la'au, kaha-uli, ka-nani, kihikihi or 'Bpu-hemo, lepalepa, maha-'d'd, malailena, maoli, palaha, and po'o-nui,
ahlpele. Match.
' f t h l u . 1. Wild, untamed, as animals. 2. (Cap.) N a m e of a wind common in the mountains of Kahana, Oahu. 1 aloha a'e au i ka 'Ahiu o Kahana, I greet t h e Wild Wind of Kahana. ' a h l u h l u . Redup. of "ahiu, 1. ' a h l w a . Dark, sombre, dusky, a h o . 1. Line, cord, lashing, fishing line, kite string. Aho kakele, aho kalewa, trolling line. Aho loa, long line, as with several hooks for deep-sea fishing or for sounding. 2. Breath; to breathe. See ahonui, pauaho, paupauaho. Aho loa, to hold the breath for a long time, as divers and chanters; a long breath; fig., patience, h o ' & h o . A narrow escape; to escape by a slim margin; to have courage; to p u t forth great effort. 3. I t is better (always used a f t e r e, sometimes in comparisons). E aho ia, t h a t ' s better. E aho no ia, hala no ka la, it's good enough, the day passes [it is good enough for the needs of the day]. E aho ka hele 'ana mamua o ka noho 'ana, it Is better to go t h a n to stay. E aho nau, it's better for you. ' a h o . T h a t c h purlin and rafter. Also called 'a'aho. See 'ahohui, 'ahokele, 'ahopi'o kuahui, 'ahopueo. 'Aho 'ai 'ole, a t h a t c h purlin t h a t is too short. h O ' a h o . To tie 'aho to t h e f r a m e of t h e roof. ( P P N kaso, P M P kasaw.) ' a h o l i u l . T h a t c h purlin support, aho Small lashing on the pueo main purlin, ' a h o k e l e . Horizontal t h a t c h purlin. (Kep. 183.) a h o l e . A fish (Kuhlia sandvicensis) found in both fresh and salt w a t e r T h e m a t u r e stage is ahole, the young stage aholehole. Because of the meaning of hole, to strip away, this fish was used for magic, as to chase away evil spirits and for love magic. It was also called a sea pig" (pua'a kai) and used ceremonially as a substitute for pig. Foreigners were sometimes called ahole because of t h e light skin of t h e fish. He ahole ka i'a, hole ke aloha, ahole is t h e fish, love is restless [of ahole fish used in love magic), a h o - l e h l a . Hold in lua fighting, a h o l e h o l e . Young stage of t h e dhole, a fish, ' a h o l o . Sliding rock, landslide, avalanche. (For. 6:472.)
ahla. Faded.
' a h l a . 1. Same as 'ahiahia. 2. How many (interrogative), ' f t h l a . T i n d e r resulting from plowing with the fire plow; the powdery rubbings t h a t ignite, a h l a h l . Evening, late afternoon; to become evening. Ua mana'o maua e hiki 'e i 'ane'i, 'o ke ahiahi 'ia 'ana ihola ia, we t h o u g h t of arriving here earlier b u t were overtaken by evening. h o ' a h i a h i . T o become evening; to spend an evening; to detain until evening; to darken, obscure. Aia a hele aku au e ho'ahiahi me 'olua, when I get there I'll spend the evening with you two. E kali kaua a ho'ahiahi iho, let's wait until evening begins to fall. ( P P N afiafi, P M P Rabi.) ' a h l ' a h l . T o defame, slander, t a t t l e against; false report, defamation, slander. He po'e . . . e hele ana me ka 'ahi'ahi (Ier. 6.28), people . . . walking with slanders, ' a h i a h i a . F a i n t , obscure, faded; dim, as colors in t a p a or cloth. ' Ula'ula 'ahiahia, faded red. a h l a h l h i a . Overtaken by evening, a h i ' a l h o n u a . Volcano, volcanic fire, ' f t h l e h l e . Silvery gray, faded. Niihau. ' a h l h l . 1. Any plant with long runners or creepers, as cup of gold. Cf. hihi, entangled. 2. A low spreading bush (Metrosideros sn.), formerly numerous in N u ' u - a n u . Also called 'ahihi-lehua, lehua-'ahihi, 'ahihi-ku-ma-kua. ' a h l - k a - n a n a . A variety of 'ahi fish, renowned for fierce fighting.Fig., courageous. Ka pukaua 'ahi-ka-nana, a warrior, fierce as an 'ahi fish, a h i k a o . Fireworks (perhaps f r o m "scow," as fireworks were first displayed f r o m ships of explorers).
a h o n a . Better, well, fortunate, improved. Cf. aho, 3. Pehea 'oe? Ua ahona iki. How do you feel? A little better. Ke ahona ihola no ia, she's a little better just now. Ahona makou i ka 'ike 'ia e ka uka, we were f o r t u n a t e to be seen by those on shore. Hahana ka 'aina, i ahona i ka makani, the h e a t of t h e land was relieved by the breeze. a h o n u i . Patience; patient, enduring, long suffering. Lit., great breath. Cf. aho loa, pauaho, paupauaho. Ua ahonui no 'oe i na pBpilikia, you have been patient in t h e times of trouble, h o ' a h o n u l . Causative/simulative. E ho'ahonui a'e a pau klia pilikia, be patient until this trouble is over, a h o 'Awlll. Lashing fastening kaupaku roof to kua Hole, upper ridgepole.
a h i k o e . M a t c h . Also called kUkaepele. Lit., scratching fire, a h l k o l i . T o pass fire from one candlenut to the next on a chain {koli) or candlenut torch. Lit., to fire t h e torch, ' a h l k u . Seven (especially in counting in a series); seven times. ' a h l l u . Bits of crustacea and bones found a t the opening of an octopus burrow, a h i m a k a n i . Gasoline. Lit., wind fire, ' f t h l n a . 1. Gray, gray- or white-haired. 2. Blue denim cloth, dungarees. Rare.
kuahui 'ahulu.
' a h o p l ' o k u a b u l . T h a t c h purlin support, atao p u e o . Lashing on t h e pueo main purlin, ' a h o p u e o . M a i n purlin in a bouse, a h u . Heap, pile, collection, mass; altar, shrine, cairn; a traplike stone enclosure made by fishermen for fish to enter; laid, as t h e earth oven. Cf. ahu waiwai, ahuwale, O'ahu. Ahu kele, mud heap; muddy. Ahu ka pala! A heap of excreta [hence worthless; sometimes shortened to ahu only or to eahu ana)! Ahu ka 'ala'ala! A heap of squid bait! N o t worth muchl Ahu wawa, a great din. Ahu ili, a large inheritance or transfer [said of reward, vengeance]. Ahu 'ena'ena, a red-hot heap [an oven], Ahu kupanaha id Hawai'i 'imi loa (Kep. 143), a mass or wondrous things in deep-delving Hawaii, h o ' & h u . T o pile or heap up; to lay away, as goods for t h e future; to collect; collection. Fig., to resent, dislike. Hale ho'ahu, storehouse, warehouse. Lumi ho'ahu, storeroom. E ho'ahu ana i ka huhu maluna o kela po'e, heaping up anger against those people.
Discolored, foamy, feathery,
uneven, mussed, ' a h u l u h u l u . 1. Young of the kumu fish. 2 . Same as huluhulu.Ko'i 'ahuluhulu, planing adze, as for rough ('ahuluhulu) lumber, ' a h u m o e n a . Fine patterned mat, plaited with materials of different colors. a h u n S U ' l . A land division. ' a h u n a l i ' i . 1. A tapa for chiefs, colored with candlenut and noni and striped red. 2 . Issue of a union of a male chief and a commoner. Also called waikl and kukae popolo. a h u n l h u n i . Name given for a fish of the 'opakapaka type. ' a h u ' o ' e n o . Matting with twilled pattern, associated with Kauai. (Laie 479.) a h u p u a ' a . 1 . Land division usually extending from t h e uplands to the sea, so called because the boundary was marked by a heap ( a h u ) of stones surmounted by an image of a pig ( p u a ' a ) , or because a pig or other t r i b u t e was laid on the altar as tax to the chief. T h e landlord or owner of an ahupua'a might be a konohiki. 2. The altar on which the pig was laid as payment to t h e chief for use of the ahupua'a land, ' a h u u a . Old type of raincoat made of dried ti leaves fastened to an olona net, or consisting of a small mat about four by six feet, made of makaloa sedge, and so supple t h a t it could be rolled up; to wear this garment. T o d a y , raincoat is kuka weke and kuka ua. ' a h u u h l w a ' a . M a t canoe covering t h a t protected paddlers in storms, ' a h u ' u l a . 1. Feather cloak or cape made of the feathers of the 'd'd, 'i'iwi and other birds, usually red or yellow trimmed with black or green, formerly worn by high chiefs and kings. T o d a y about 160 have been located in museums and collections of the world, the largest being in tho Hishop Museum, Honolulu. Imitation cloaks of plush, felt, paper, or dyed feathers (rare) are worn today in pageants and by members of Hawaiian societies. 2 . Hold in lua fighting. 3. See limu-'ahu'ula. a h u u l u . See 'upena ahuulu. a h u w a i w a i . Storehouse, heap of goods. Hale ahu waiwai, storehouse, a h u w a l e . Exposed, conspicuous, in plain view; heaped up. Ahuwale ka mana'o, real thoughts or nature are exposed, as of something revealed in its true colors, a l . 1 . Coition; to have sexual relations. 2 . Short for aia, there. Cf. ai hea, ai lalo, ai loa, ai luna. Ai i loko o ka hale, there in t h e houso. 3 . (Frequently pronounced ei.) Linking particle; see Gram. 7.3. a i . Interjection of surprise.
' a h u . G a r m e n t or covering for t h e upper part of the body and shoulders, as a cape, snirt, c o a t ; to put on or wear such; fine soft m a t , often used as a body covering; mat used as a canoe cover; 6hort for 'ahu'ula. Cf. 'a'ahu, 'ahu 'no, 'ahu hlnano, 'ahu moena, 'ahunali'i 1, 'ahu 'o'eno, 'ahuua, 'ahu uhi wa'a, 'ahu'ula. 'Ahu 'ili kanaka, commoner's skin cloak [commoner], a h u a . T o swell, as a_wave; heap, mound, hillock; heaped, humped. Ahua one, sand dune, sandbank. ' a h u a . Young, as of the aku, kawakawa, and moano fishes. Rare. Cf. hua, egg, and 'ohua. a h l i a h u . Healthy, vigorous; strength and vigor, as of animal or plant; to grow rapidly, thrive. Also called ehuehu. Ulu ahuahu, to grow fast, to be big for one's age. ' a h u ' a o . Choice mat of fine strands of soft white young pandanus leaves, about one-half inch mesh. ' a h u ' a w a . 1 . A sedge (Cyperus javanicus) one to four feet high, with a basal tuft of long narrow leaves and a radiating inflorescence borne a t the tip of a long slender stem. (Neal 79.) 2 . Another coarse sedge ( C y p e r u s hypochlorus) similar to t h e preceding one, but with green instead of brown flowers, ' a h u ' a w a - h a o l e . T h e umbrella plant, a leafless ornamental sedge ( C y p e r u s alternifolius), one to six feet high, t h e umbrella-shaped flowering head with a b o u t 2 0 grasslike rays a t the top of a slender stalk. (Neal 78.) Also called pu'uka'ahaole. a h u e . T o m a k e two thicknesses by folding; to double up, fold, as paper or tapa. ' a h u h l n a n o . Soft, fine m a t garment plaited from fine strands of dried bracts of male pandanus flowers. ' & h u i . B u n c h or cluster, as of bananas, grapes; whole pandanus fruit consisting of keys. 'Ahul waina, cluster of grapes. ' A h u l h a l a . 1 . Pandanus fruit. 2 . Protuberance of t h e vagina resulting from syphilis; t h e roughness of the skin was thought to suggest the pandanus fruit. a h u k O . T o stone to d e a t h ; slaughter by burying t h e victim in a pile of stones. Hakau, halfbrother of ' U m i , was killed in this fashion (For. 4:205), and this method was used against t h e hero Kawelo. Ho'okahi wale no kumu e make at o Kawelo, 'o ke kaua i he ahuku, there was only one way to kill Kawelo, burial beneath stones, a h u l a u . Pestilence, epidemic; _heaped up, as dead bodies. Ahulau ihola na kanaka i ka make (For. 5 : 2 1 9 ) , slaughtered bodies were heaped up. a h u l l ' u . Overheated, as stones in an oven; white-hot. Ahuli'u ka imu, t h e oven is whitehot. a h u l u . Overdone, overcooked; overcultivated, as soil. 'Ai ahulu, overcooked food; fin., to pray to death, poison.
a ' l . 1 . Same as a'ia'i, I. 2 . Particle replacing t often in songs; usually written a i. Cf. a'e, a'o. Malihini ka 'ikena a'i na Kona, seoing the K o n a districts for the first time, ' a l . 1 . Food or food plant, especially vegetable food as distinguished from i'a, meat or fleshy food; often 'ai refers specifically to poi; harvest (Oihk. 19.9); to eat, destroy or consume as by fire, erode; to taste, bite, t a k e a hook, grasp, hold on to; edible. Fig., to rule or enjoy the privileges and exercise t h e responsibilities of rule, and one who does so, as 'ai ahupua'a: to rule an ahupua'a, the ruler of one: 'ai 'aina: to own, control, and enjoy land; t h e owner of land; 'ai ali'i, 'ai lani, and 'ai li'i, to enjoy t h e comforts and honors and exorcise t h e responsibilities of being a chief; 'ai 'ili: to control an 'ili land division, one who does control the 'ili; 'ai moku: to rule a district or island [moku], one who rules one. Cf. 'aialo, 'ai kanaka, 'ai 'oko'a, 'ai pa'aL 'ai pala maunu, 'ai pilau, 'ai 'uha'uha, 'ai waiu. Various ways of eating may qualify 'ai, as 'ai hele, 'ai ku, and 'ai noa, to eat freely and without observance of t a b o o s ; 'ai kapu, to eat under taboo; 'ai kau, to feed by dropping poi directly from the fingers into t h e mouth,
' aiki nerie goose. Also called kukae-nene, lepo-nene, pu-nene. ala la. There! I told you so! There it is. 'ik'I 'ala'ala. Same as 'd'l pala'e. 'alalo. Attendant of the chief's household, intimate of a chief. Lit., eating [in the] presence, 'al 'ami. T y p e of hula with little foot movement, but with hip revolving throughout the dance, 'alalia. Clothes iron; to iron, press, as clothes. Eng.
especially to feed a favorite child this way; 'ai maka, to eat raw; 'ai pau, to eat all. 'Ai 'aha, to tie with sennit. Mohai 'ai (Olhk. 2.14), cereal offering. Pa'u 'ai kaua (For. 4:53). sarong worn in battle. 'A'ohe kapu o ka'u pa hula, he 'ai ku, he 'ai hele, there are no taboos in my hula troupe, eat standing, eat on the run. 'A'ohe 'ai 'o ka ma'i, the disease makes no advance. Kana 'ai, his food. Kona 'ai, his eating, hd'al. T o feed, give food to. ( P P N kai, P M P ka.) 2. Score, points in a game: stake, wager. 'Ehia 'ai e eo ai? How many points to win? 3. Dancing style or type. Cf. 'ai 'ami, 'ai ha'a. 4. Stroke or hold in lua fighting; spear thrust. Ka 'ai a ke kumu i koe ia 'oukou (For. 5:409), the teacher's stroke that you do not have [have not been taught]. 6. Stone used in the kimo game other than the stone that is tossed and caught, which is the pdhaku kimo.
ala na'e. But, furthermore. 'alau. 1. T o look about with covetous or jealous eyes; to practice sorcery or poisoning. 2. Weary, discouraged by long continued work. ( A P . ) 'al'6. Debt; to owe. 'Ai'i pono 'ole, bad debt. Ha'awi 'ai'e, to lend on usury. hO'al'6. T o loan, charge on account, borrow; charge account. Hale hd'ai'd± pawnshop. Ua hH'ai'e no anei 'oe i ka hale ku'ai? Did you charge to the store?
'ft'I. Neck, neck of a shirt or dress, neck of the iheihe flsh net. Cf. 'a'iku, 'a'xlepe, 'a'i oeoe, 'a'i 'olo'olo,'a'x-pahaha, 'a'x pala'e, 'a'ipau, 'a'i pu'u, 'a'i uaua. Lei 'a'i, necktie, ala. 1. There, there it is, there . . . are (sometimes shortened to ai, with loss of the following particle i; see ai lalo, ai tuna). Cf. also aia ho'i, aia ka, aia la, aia na'e, ai la, ai loa. Aia malaila ka hale, the house is there, there's the house. Aia i hea ka hale? Where is the house? 2. Depending on, only if, only when, whatever, whenever. Aia no ia ia 'oe, depending on you; as you want; it's up to you; suit yourself. Aia no ia i kau ho'oholo 'ana, whatever you decide. Aia no i kahi e hana ana, it doesn't matter where the work is done; depending on where the work is done. no i kau hele 'ana mai, whenever you want to come; depending on your coming. Alia xcau e 'ae aku, aia 'ae mai 'o 'Aiwohi-kupua (Laie 485), before I consent, 'Aiwohi-kupua must agree. Aia a pau ka uhi 'ana o ka noe . . . ia manawa e 'ike aku ai i na mea apau (Laie 499), when the mist covering is gone, then everything may be seen. Aia a pau keia hana, when this work is done. Aia a hele aku au, when I go. 'A'ole 'oe e ola i ka mele ho'okahi, aia 'elua mele (For. 5:353), you won't be saved by one song, only with two songs. Aia aku a aia mai, 'ai kakou i ka na'aukake, every now and then we eat wieners, 'ala. Ungodly, irreligious, wicked, careless of observing taboos; wickedness. hG'ala. T o act wickedly or lead others astray, al'a. Var. of aia; here, like this, this way. 'al 'aha. See 'ai, 1.
'alea. 1. All species of the endemic Hawaiian genus Nothocestrum, soft-wooded shrubs and trees with ovate or oblong leaves, yellowish flowers, and whitish to reddish berries. One slender species was used for thatching sticks ('alio) and fire-making. 2. Same as kawa'u, a native Ilex. Kauai. 3. Exhaustion. Rare. 'aleaua. Same as 'aiea, 3. 'al lia'a. Hula step danced with bended knees; the chanting for this dance is usually bombastic and emphatic ( U L 67). Lit., low style. 'al h a m u . See hamu. 'athG. Center of a taro corm, reserved for chiefs. (Kep. 165.) al hea, ala I hea. Where? alhuawa'a. Vagabond; to wander, roam. ( A P . ) 'alhue. To steal, rob: thief.
Passive/imperative forms of 'aihue. 'alhue kanaka. T o kidnap; kidnapper, ' a l h u m u h u m u . T o eat in order to destroy; to destroy wantonly or by violence or sorcery, 'alka. Hard and poor tasting, as thin or inferior fish. alkaha'ula. Lascivious dream (Kaha'ula was the name of a mischievous oversexed spirit thought to bring dreams of coition [ai]). Cr. For. 5:229. '&'I kala. Collar. Lit., neck collar (Eng.). 'al kalo pa'a. Unpounded taro. Fig., difficult problem that must be chewed, as whole taro. 'Al-kanaka. Name of a star, 'al kanaka. Cannibal, man-eater; to eat human flesh. aikane. Friend; friendly; to become a friend. See hale aikane. Kana aikane, his friend. Moe aikane, to commit sodomy (obs.). ho'alkane. T o be a friend, make friends, 'alkapa. A privileged friend who shares the profits of a friend's land, sometimes sharing in the work; one who shares a friend's spouse; to share land or spouse; to pay part of a debt but withhold the remainder. Lit., eat [on the] border. 'al kapu. T o eat under taboo; to observe eating taboos, 'al kawele. See kauiele, 2. 'alkena. Sick and tired of a person or situation, exhausted, discouraged, fatigued, 'al kepa. T o cut or tear obliquely, as with teeth or edged instrument; to seize or tear with the teeth; to fit by rabbeting, rabbet, 'al kepakepa. Redup. of 'ai kepa; to snap the jaws; to speak rapidly, as with overlapping words; to talk too much or too fast, 'alkl. To light up dimly; to look furtively, peek, peer, ho'alkl. T o make shine a little; to open the eyes a little to see; to peek.
ala ho'i. Behold! See there! 'I maila ke Akua, Aia ho'i (Kin. 1.29), and God said, Behold, 'al&hua. Same as 'aia. a'la'l. 1. Bright, as moonlight; fair, white, clear, pure, brilliant, shining; brightness, clearness. ¡Pdhaku a'ia'i, crystal. Wahine 'ili a'ia'i, woman with skin that is fair and clear, bo'a'la'l. T o whiten, clear, shine, whitewash, remove rust or dirt; white, clear, shining. Fig., to clarify, brighten, as a tarnished reputation. 2. A native tree or shrub (Pseudomorus sandwicensis [P. brunoniana is a synonym]), with narrow-ovate leaves, and milky sap; a member of the fig family. (Neal 255.) 'al'al. 1. See 'opii 'ai'ai. 2. Dependent, one living on the resources of another, -'al'al. (With ho-) ho'al'al. To release, as war captives. 'al'ala. Redup. of 'aia. He ali'i 'ino a me ka 'ai'aia (Kep. 63), a chief wicked and impious, 'at'alele. Swinging, unsteady motion, 'al'alohua. Name given for persons sacrificed for not observing taboos during the offering of prayers by the king. (Kep. 139.) ala kft. There now! So it is there after all! 'al-a-ka-honu. Same as hulu-manu, a seaweed. Lit., turtle food. 'al-a-ka-nfing. A native trailing, woody plant (Coprosma ernodeoides), with narrow, tiny leaves and black, berry-like fruits. Lit., food of the
' A - i k i - k a u - e - l o n o ing; t o t a k e a d e p t h sounding; to d r a w lots. Cf. hailona. Hd'ailona helu, plural sign or marker; algebra. Hd'ailona mahele, m e a s u r e signature in music. Hd'ailona mele, clef in music. Hd'ailona md'i, badge or emblem of royalty, sceptre. Ka pana 'ana aku i ka hd'ailona (1 Sam. 20.20), shooting at a mark, a l l u n a , a i a 1 l u n a . U p there, ' a i m a m a . Light meal, snack. ' A l - m a u n u . N a m e of a wind a t H a n a , M a u i . (For. 5:101.) Lit., bait eating, ' a l - m l k a n a . Linnet, California house finch, p a p a y a bird (Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis), an early introduction to Hawaii, now well established t h r o u g h o u t t h e Hawaiian Islands. Lit., p a p a y a eater. ' a l m o k u . Ruler of a moku, district or island; t o rule a moku. ' a l n a . 1. Meal. Cf. 'aina ahiahi, 'aina awakea, 'aina kakahiaka, and 'ai, to eat. Hale 'aina, r e s t a u r a n t . 2. Passive/imperative of 'ai, 1; eaten, consumed, devoured. 3. Rejected, as refuse, especially of sugar cane. Ipu 'aina, slop basin. Kd 'aina, sugar-cane refuse or bagasse a f t e r juice is extracted, ' a i n a . Sore, aching; stiffness, as f r o m overexercise. ' a l n a . Ltuid. earth. Cf. 'ai, to eat, 'aina, kama'aina. 'Aina ho'oilina, inherited property or estate. Ua mau ke ea o ka 'aina i ka pono ( m o t t o of Hawaii), t h e life of the land is preserved in righteousness, ' a ' l n a . Crackling, snapping; an explosive sound, sharp report, bang (rare), loud prolonged sound, peal (less common t h a n 'u'ina). Cf. 'a'a'ina. Kani 'a'ina, to crackle, peal, ' a l n a a l l l a h t . Evening meal, supper, dinner, ' a i n a a w a k e a . Noon meal, lunch, ' a l n a ' e . Foreign land. Ko na 'aina 'e ( M a t . 10.5), of t h e Gentiles, ' a l n a h a n a u . L a n d of one's birth, n a t i v e land, homeland, birthplace. Cf. one hanau. ' a ' l n a h l a . Passive/imperative of 'a'ina. ' A l n a - H o ' a n o . Holy Land, ' a l n a h o ' o k f l ' o n o ' o n o . Homestead, homesteading land. Lit., land for security, ' a i n a h o ' o p u l a p u l a . See pulapula. ' a ' i n a ' i n a . R e d u p . of 'a'ina. ' a l n a k a k a h i a k a . Morning meal, breakfast, ' a l n a - k e a . A good-looking variety of sugar cane, of medium height, striped red and green or yellow, pith white and brown, leaves and leaf sheaths with white markings; used in medicine. Also called pu-kea. ' a l n a - k e a - m e l e m e l e . A variety of sugar cane, t h e yellow m u t a n t of 'aina-kea. ' a l n a k l n l . N a v y blue cotton cloth, ' a l n a kO. C a n e trash, bagasse. Cf. 'aina, 3. ' a l n a k f l ' a l . L a n d purchased or for sale; land in fee simple.
A - l k i - k a u - e - l o n o . N a m e of a star, possibly Slrius. Also called Hiki-kau-e-lono. ' A l k l o p a , A i t l o p a . Ethiopia; Ethiopian. Eng. ' a l k o l a . I n t e r j e c t i o n of scorn or derision, especially rejoicing over others' misfortunes, with meaning "serves you right"; as a verb, to use this term. h O ' a l k o l a . To t r e a t c o n t e m p t u o u s l y ; t o rejoice over the misfortunes of others; sarcastic, contemptible. Hd'aikola noho'i na la'auka'a maluna ou (Isa. 14.8) L t h e fir trees rejoice a t thee. Hd'aikola noho'i kau hana, you do such contemptible things. ' A i k o ' o . N a m e of a wind at Nu'alolo, Kauai. (For. 5:95.) ' a ' I k O . l . High collar, stiff collar, a . Spasmodic affection of t h e neck muscles which draws t h e head toward t h e affected side, a torticollis; stiff neck. 3. Croup. ' a l - k O p e l e . Medicinal juices mixed with poi or mashed sweet potato, used to build u p strength. Lit., kneaded poi. ' A l k u p l k a , A l g u p t t a . E g y p t ; E g y p t i a n . Eng. a l l a . Short for aia la. ' a l i a . Any oil, grease, lard; to oil, grease. Eng. M a n y kinds of oil and grease are listed below. 'Aila hamo, rubbing oil, o i n t m e n t ; to oil, lubricate, ' a l l a . Scorched by t h e sun. ' a l l a e a . Same as 'ailea. ' a l l a h o n u a . Kerosene. Lit., e a r t h oil. ' a i l a h o ' o m a l o ' o p e n a . T u r p e n t i n e . Lit., oil for drying paint, ' a l i a h o ' o n a h a . Castor oil. Lit., purge oil. a l l a l l a , a t a 1 l a l l a . There, to be there. Ai laila lakou e noho nei, they are living in t h a t place, ' a l i a k e p a m a ( s e p a m a ) . Sperm oil. Eng. ' a l i a k o k a ( k o d a ) . Cod-liver oil. ' a l i a k o l l . Castor oil. Lit., castor-bean oil. a i l a l o , a i a 1 l a l o . Down there, ' a l i a m a h u . Kerosene. Lit., s t e a m oil. ' a i l a n a . 1. In love (noted only in one song, 'ailana ka mana'o). 2. Island. Eng. ' a i l a p a l a l . F r y i n g oil. Eng. ' a l i a p u a ' a . Lard, pork grease, ' a i l a u . 1. T o eat a great deal. 2. A bundle of cooked t a r o wrapped in ti leaves, ' a i l e a . Gasoline (contraction of 'aila, oil, and ea, air). ' S ' l l e p e . Ruffles, folds, gathers a b o u t t h e neck; to m a k e ruffles; to ruffle feathers, as a grouse. (AP.) '£'111. 1. To struggle for b r e a t h ; to b r e a t h e with convulsions, gasp, p a n t , twitch, jerk. 2. T o pull, as weeds. (Kep. 157.) ' a ' l l l a . Passive/imperative of 'a'ili. ' a i l l h l . Same as 'aikapa. ' f t ' l l l ' l l i . R e d u p . of 'a'ili. ' A l l i k l , A i r l s l . Irish. Eng. ' a l - l i m a - i k l . A method of lua fighting: to grab t h e little finger of an adversary and twist it. a l l o a , a i a I l o a . Away off in t h e distance. ' A i - l o l l . N a m e of a wind a t Kaupo, Maul. (For. 5:101.) Lit., sea c u c u m b e r food, ' a l l o l o . 1. Ceremony marking t h e end of training, so called because t h e s t u d e n t ate ('ai) a portion of t h e head, a n d especially t h e brains \lolo), of a fish, dog, or hog offered to t h e gods; to p a r t a k e of t h e ceremony. Ua 'ailolo i ka ma'a hiwa, taking p a r t in t h e ceremony markng t h e completion of training by eating a portion of t h e head of an entirely black pig. h O ' a i l o l o . Causative/simulative. 2. Skilled, trained, proficient. Ua 'ailolo 'oia i ka hula, he is trained in t h e hula, - ' a l l o n a . (With hd~) h O ' a l l o n a . Sign, symbol, emblem, m a r k , signal, target, credential, token of recognition, a lot t h a t is cast; d e p t h sound-
' a l n a k O p o n o . L a n d free f r o m all r e n t and taxes. '&!na lei a l l ' l . Crown lands, ' a i n a m a k u a . Fatherland, ' a l n a n u l . G r e a t power, great land, ' a l n a *ole. N o t e a t e n or consumed; w i t h o u t vegetable foods. He makau 'aina 'ole, a hook t h a t a fish will n o t bite. ' A l n a - ' G m a ' o m a ' o . Greenland, ' a l n a p u a . Poetic n a m e for China. Lit., flower land. ' a l n a p u n l ' o l e . C o n t i n e n t . Lit., land n o t surrounded. ' a i n e a . E x h a u s t e d b y strain and trouble, tired, weary. ' a l n e m a n e m a . T o criticize severely, h u n t for flaws, split hairs.
akaakalani ' a l n l h a . Bad-tempered, cross. See küpalaiki for example. *al noa. To eat without observance of taboos. 'alO. 1. A wave that rises and falls without breaking; a swell. 2. Heigh-ho. Eng. ' S ' l oeoe. Slim-necked; a slim or slender neck. Nickname for wives of early missionaries because their bonnets made their necks appear slim. ' a l ' o k o ' a . Cooked impounded taro. Lit., whole taro. Kauai. Also called kalo pa'a. a l ' o l e . Or. Ua makemake anei 'oe i klli pápale ai'ole i keia? Do you want this hat or that [one]? '&'! ' o l o ' o l o . Sagging of the chin and throat, as in old age; double chin; goiter. ' S ' l ' o ' o l e ' a . Stiff neck. Fig., disobedience, obstinacy; obstinate, 'al pa'a. Cooked taro pounded into a hard mass not mixed with water, sometimes preserved in ti-leaf bundles. Fig., a difficult problem. Lit., hard poi. ' V l - p a h & l i a . Mumps. Lit., swollen neck. ' V I pala'e. Scrofula, a scrofulous neck. Also called 'S'l 'ala'ala. ' a l pala m a u n u . T o eat a dab of bait. Fig., to take the leavings of others, to steal another's mate. He 'ai pala maunu na ka po'e loa'a (Kep. 103), an eater of bait dabs belonging to people with possessions [a scavenger, beggar], 'al pala nlho. Same as 'ai pala maunu. Lit., to eat tooth tartar. 'ft'Ipau. Glandular swelling in the neck, thyroid, 'al pilau. Eater of filth; to eat rotten food; rotten food; an insulting epithet for a sorcerer who prays others to death. See manu-'ai-pilau. 'al pO'ala. To gulp, choke, suffocate. Rare. "alpo'oia. Feast to cclebrate the completion of a nard task or project. Lit., food [for] workers [in the ] sun.
'0_ke aka ka 'oukou, e ke akua, 'o ka H'o ka makou, yours is the essence, O god, ours the material part. 3. Embryo at the moment of conception. 4. Newly hatched flsh in the stage in which its body is still transparent. Cf. hduli, mana, kakau. B. Knuckles, as of hands or ankles; joints of the backbone; node and stalk of kava; kava slip for planting. aka-. Carefully, slowly. Cf. akahai, akahana, akahao, akahele, akahoe, akaholo, akaku'u, akalewa, akanahe, akanoho, aka'Blelo. aka. But, however, nevertheless, on the other hand. 'aka. T o laugh; laughter. 'Aka iki, sly laughter: to laugh a Tittle, giggle, chuckle. hO'aka. T o provoke laughter; laughter. Cf. ho'omake'aka. 'Ska'a. To tear off, peel; to break open, as a seal (Hoik. 5.2); to fall off or down, as old thatching of a house; to break up, as the sides of a house; to uproot; ruffled, as feathers. Niu 'aka'a, coconut with flesh that shakes; such coconut flesh, ho'&ka'a. Causative/simulative, aka'al. To eat slowly, carefully, akaaka, akaka. 1. Clear, luminous, transparent; thin, as cloth; shining, bright, distinct. Cf. mdakaaka. ho'ftkaaka. T o clarify, explain, render intelligible, provide clearly for, prescribe; explanation, clarification. 'Olelo ho'akaaka mua, preface. Na mea apau i ho'akaaka 'ole 'ia ma ke kanawai, all things not expressly provided for by law. 2. A white and very thin tapa. 3. A downy, thorny, branching plant (.Solanum aculeatissimum), one to three feet high, from tropical America. It bears round scarlet fruits an Inch in diameter, which are strung for leis. Also called klkania-lei. 'aka'aka. Tolaugh, ridicule; laughter, merriment. hO'aka'aka. T o cause laughter, create mirth, jeer, ridicule, pretend to laugh. 'Olelo hB'aka'aka, witticism, amusing speech. Ki'i hd'aka'aka, cartoon. 'ftka'aka'a. Redup. of 'aka'a; peeled, as the skin by sunburn or by drinking kava; peeling; ruffled. Fig., exhausted, thin. Kukae 'aka'aka'a, pellet-liko excreta, as of rabbits. Ua mahuna i ka 'awa, ua 'aka'aka'a, scaly with kava, peeling, a k a ' a k a ' a w a . An endemic begonia (Hillebrandia sandwicensis). a succulent herb with oblique, rounded, lobed leaves four to eight inches in diameter and with sprays of small pink flowers, found only in shaded, damp ravines. (Neal 527.) Kauai. Also called pua-maka-nui. akaakahl'u. Same as akahi'u. 'aka'aka!. 1. The great bulrush (Scirpus validus, formerly called S. lacustris). from North America, that grows on the edge of fresh or brackish water marshes in Hawaii. The plants have unbranched, slender, green stems, three to nine feet high, looking liko giant onion plants. Formerly Hawailans used them for house thatch or plaited them into mats for the lower layers of beds or for some temporary purposes, as the material is not durable. (Neal 80.) 'Ai 'aka'akai, to eat bulrushes [fresh poi, which was not liked]. 2. The common onion (Allium cepa); the tops look like those of the great bulrush. (Neal 165.)
'alpunl. To encircle, go around, encompass, environ. Cf. pS'ai puni. 'ft'I P l l ' u . Lumped, calloused, or swollen neck; swelling of the neck or shoulder, said to be caused by carrying heavy burdens; one with a calloused neck, 'al p u ' u p u ' u . Lumpy poi. ' f t ' I p u ' u p u ' u . Steward, butler, so called because the chief's steward got calluses (pu'upu'u) on his shoulders from carrying food. Wa a 'a'lpu'upu'u (Laie 461), canoe with provisions. h o ' & ' I p u ' u p u ' u . T o appoint or make one a steward; to act as one, as by waiting on the table; to issue provisions. *4'I uaua. Stiff neck. Fig., stubborn, 'al ' u h a ' u h a . To eat wastefully; a wasteful or riotous eater, alwa. Same as alwalwa. Kapu-aiwa (name of Kamehameha V), mysterious taboo, ' a l w a . Nine (usually in counting in a series); nine times. 'al walO. Nursing, suckling, as an infant; to nurse, suckle; a nursing child, unweaned animal. Lit., to eat milk, a l w a l w a . Inexplicable, mysterious, fathomless, incomprehensible, wonderful because of divinity; wonderfully proficient or skilled; weirdly bad, notorious, ho'ftlwalwa. Mystifying, causing wonder; to mystify, aka. 1. Shadow. Aka lehulehu, shadow of the multitude: fig., a well-worn path. Hi i ke aka, to cast a shadow. 'Olelo i ke aka ka hele ho'okahi, one going alone talks to the shadow, ho'oaka. T o cast a shadow. Cf. hoaka. ( P P N 'ata, P M P qantaD.) 2. Reflection, image, likeness (Nah. 12.8); faint glimmer preceding the rising of the moon; essence of an offering rather than the flesh; to appear, of moonlight. Many words compounded with aka express clarity, brightness, related to this meaning. Cf. hoaka, 3.
'aka'akal-klk&nla. A common variety of onion, 'aka'akal-kulapepelao. Big, yellowish onion. Lit., earring onion. ' a k a ' a k a l - k d m a k a h l k l . A purplish annual onion. 'aka'akai lau. Green onion; the leaves are eaten with salt salmon. Lit., leaf onion, ' a k a ' a k a l - m a h l n a . A wild onion, used for sore throat. Lit., moon onion, so called because the curve of the section of the bulb suggests a crescent moon, ' a k a ' a k a l - n a k u . Bulrush, 'aka'akai-pllau. Garlic (Allium sativum). ' a k a ' a k a l - p f l p f l . Garlic. Lit., bunched onion, akaakalani. Afterglow.
'aka'ako'a ' a k a ' a k o ' a . A v a r i e t y of seaweed ( E c t o c a r p u s ) . a k a ' a w a . A tall endemic climber (Smilax sandwicensis) with tendrils and shiny, leathery, heart-shaped leaves; used for tying rafters. A l s o called hoi-kuahiwi.
a k a l e w a . T o sway the hips daintily, deliberately, and gracefully. ' a k a l l o , a s a r l o . Farthing. a k a l u l i . T o m o v e slowly, carefully. ' a k a m a , a d a m a . A d a m a n t . Eng. a k a m a l . Smart, clever, expert; smartness, skill. Cf. akeakamai. Na 'dlelo akamoi a Kolomona, t h e proverbs of Solomon, h o ' a k a m a l . T o m a k e wise or smart; to make a pretense of wisdom; t o show off, display erudition; theorist. ' A k a m u , A d a m u . A d a m . Eng. a k a u a h e . Careful, gentle in behavior and speech, a k a n o h o . T o sit quietly, l i v e cautiously.
' S k a h a . Same as 'elcaha, bird's-nest fern. (Probably P P N kalafa, P M P katapang.) a k a h a l . M o d e s t , gentle, unassuming, meek. Pomaika'i ka po'e akahai, no ka mea, e lilo ka honua ia lakou ( M a t . 5.5), blessed are the meek f o r they shall inherit the earth. ' a k a h a - k a - n a ' i . N a m e of a kind of white tapa. a k a h a n a . T o work carefully or slowly. a k a h a o . T o pick up carefully, as f o o d . a k a h e l e . Slow or moderate in doing anything, cautious, careful. Ka no'ono'o akahele, careful consideration. B hikiwawe mai i ka lohe, e akahele ho'i i ka 'dlelo, be quick to hear but slow t o speak, h o ' a k a h e l e . Causative/simulative, ' a k a h l . 1. One (especially in counting in a series). Po'akahi, M o n d a y . 'Akahi kahi ana, 'o ka 'Ewa iki, 'o ka 'Ewa nui, a single unit then, lesser ' E w a and greater ' E w a . 2. F o r the first time, never before. 'Akahi no 'oe a hiki ma'ane'i? Is this the first t i m e you have c o m e here? H a v e you ever been here before? 'Akahi no au a 'ike ia Hilo, this is the first t i m e I ' v e seen Hilo. 'Akahi no au a lohe i ka hekili, I ' v e never heard such thunder. 3. T o have just. 'Akahi no a pau ka'u ha'awina, my lesson is just finished.
aka'OIelo. T o speak cautiously, deliberately. In moderation. a k a o ' o . Stingy, miserly, hard. ' a k a p a n e . Same as 'apapane, a bird. ' a k a u . 1. R i g h t (not left). C f . makaukau, hema. Ma ka 'akau, huli, right, f a c e ; nana ma ka 'akau, dress right [military commands]. 2. N o r t h (when one faces west, the direction of the sun's course, the right hand is to the north). ( P P N mata'u, P M P taqu.) a k a u a h e l o . T o go here and there, v a g a b o n d ; vagabond. a k a ' u l a . R e d sunset, looked upon as a sign that rain will clear. Lit., red shadow, a k e . 1. L i v e r . Cf. akeloa, akemama. Ma'i 'ai ake, tuberculosis. ( P P N 'ate, P M P qatey.) 2. T o desire, yearn [the emotions and intelligence were thought to be centered within the body]. Ake nui no lakou e ha'ule ka ua, they want v e r y much for rain to fall. ' a k C . T o find fault, slander. See ke. a k e a . 1. Broad, wide, spacious, open, public, at large; full, as a skirt; breadth, width. Fig., liberal. Piliwaiwai akea, open gambling. Akea ka no'ono'o, broad-minded. Hd'ike akea, a public report; to lay before the public. Ke ho'olaha 'ia aku nei ma ke akea, there is being widely advertised hereby, h o ' a k e a . T o widen, broaden, enlarge, make public; broadening; t o escape {rare). E ho'akea i ke kolone, extend the column |a military command]. 2. ( C a p . ) Var. of Wakea. ' a k e a . Starboard or outer hull of a double canoe, a k e a k a m a i . A lover of wisdom, seeker a f t e r knowledge, philosopher, scientist; philosophy, science; scientific. Lit., to desire wisdom, a k e a k e . Quick, ready, as t o do a kindly deed, ' a k e ' a k e . Hawaiian storm petrel (Oceanodroma
' a k a h l a k a h l . Inexperienced, trying out f o r the first t i m e : novice, beginner. E akahele ka mea 'akahi akahi i ka lu'u, let the inexperienced be careful in diving. ' A ' o l e no i 'ike loa no ka mea 'akahi akahi, [ I ] did not k n o w much because of inexperience. akahl'u. akahi'u.
Base of caudal flu. Also called
a k a h o e . T o paddle carefully, silently, a k a h o l o . T o sail or run cautiously, a k a l . B y t h e sea. Ko akai, those by the sea. a k a ' l k a ' l . L a r g e , potbellied, plump, a k a k a . Var. spelling of akaaka, l. ' a k a k a . 1. A rent, split, chink, separation; to crack, split, scale. 2. Also a g a t a . A g a t e . Eng. ' a k a k a n e . Same as 'apapane, a honey creeper, ' a k a k e , a g a t e . A g a t e . Eng. ' a k a k e . Spry, quick, nimble, especially about. getting into people's w a y or into trouble, ' a k a k t , a g a t l . A g a t e . Eng. ' a k a k i h l . Same as 'akakl. Rare. a k a k o l e . Destitution, p o v e r t y ; poor, a k a k a . Vision, trance; reflection, as in a mirror; to see a vision, a k a k f i a n u e n u e . T h e phenomenon known as the Specter of the Brocken, seen at Hale-a-ka-la Crater. Lit., rainbow apparition, a k a k t l ' u . Lessened, diminished, mitigated; t o cease, abate, g r o w calm, stop, as wind, surf, rain, anger, grief, pain; settled, calmed, quieted, appeased. Ua akaku'u mai ke ali'i, 'a'ole inu lama hou, the chief has calmed down, he doesn't drink any more. ' & k a l a . 1. Pink. 2. T w o endemic raspberries (Rubus hawaiiensis and R. macraei): and the thimbleberry (R. rosaefolius), f r o m southeastern Asia. ( N e a l 342.) Also called 'akalakala, Bla'a. 3. D y e m a d e f r o m 'akala juice. 4. A pink tapa. 5. Same as kala, a seaweed, ' a k a l a k a l a . 1. Same as 'akala, 2, 3. 2. Pinkish. Rare. a k a l a n l . Same as
castro cryptoleucura). a k e a k e a . 1. Same as hHkeakea, f a d e d ; to fade. 2. A kind of gray tapa. ' a k e ' a k e ' a . T o block, hinder, obstruct, Interfere; obstruction, block, a k e k e . l . V a r . of keke, potbellied. 2. N a m e given f o r the 'o'opu-hue, puffer fish, and listed b y M a l o . ( M a l o 46.) ' a k e k e . Cindery or pebbly soil; cinder, ' a k e k e ' e . A honey creeper (Loxops coccinea caeruleirostris). Called 'D'u-holo-wai and 'akepa on Kauai. ' a k e k e k e . 1. R u d d y turnstone ( A r e n a r i a interpres interpres), a winter migrant t o Hawaii, occurring in small flocks which rise and wheel together. Also called keke. 2. T o talk loquaciously in a friendly, hospitable manner, bidding a guest t o "feel at home, m a k e himself c o m f o r t able, eat plenty. C f . heahea. 3. R e d u p . of 'akeke, cinder. ' A k e l a n l k a , A t e l a n l k a . Atlantic. Eng. ' a k e l e , akere. Acre. Eng. ' a k e l e k e l e . T o escape f r o m danger or sickness; t o h a v e a narrow escape, ' a k e l l k a , a k e r l d a . See 'uliini-'akelika. a k e l o a . Spleen. Lit., long liver.
a k a l a u . T h e ghost or spirit of a living person seen by others, a sign of calamity. Lit., m a n y shadows. a k a l e i . String of multicolored glass beads. bead reflections.
' a k o 'akialoa. A group of Hawaiian honey creepers with long, curved bill, olive or yellow-green above, lighter below (Hemignathus obscurus Gmelin), with subspecies on Hawaii (obscurus), Lanai (lanaiensis), Oahu (ellisianus). Also on Kauai the Hemignathus procerus Cabanis, which has the longest curved beak, for sipping honey at the base of 'ie'ie and halapepe leaves. Cr. 'iwi, 'i'iwi. Also called 'akihi-loa, kipi. 'aklhl-a-loa. Same as 'akialoa and 'akihi-loa. (Malo 39.) 'aklhl-ke'ehi-'ale. A small black sea bird, probably a stormy petrel (Oceanodroma), of which two dark, sooty species are known about the Hawaiian Islands, especially those to the northwest. Lit., billow-treading 'akihi. 'aklhl-loa. Same as 'akialoa. 'aklhi-pOlena. A bird listed by Malo. (Malo 39.) 'akihl-po'o-l&'au. Th enuku-pu'u honey creeper of Hawaii (.Hemignathus wilsoni). See nukupu'u. 'aklbo'olana. Drydock. Lit., floating canoe-rest, 'ftkl'lkl'i. Dip net. as used in Ashing uhu. Also called 'upena p&ki'iki'i. 'aklka, acida. Acid. Eng. E malama pono iho 'oe i ke ki'aha wai 'akika (song), watch carefully for the glassful of acid. 'aklka kapollka, asida cabollka. Carbolic acid. Eng. 'aklkl. 1. Dwarfed; dwarf. Cf. 'ukiki. 2. Same as 'Ukikiki, young of 'dpakapaka fish, 'aklkiki. The Kauai creeper (Loxops maculata bairdi, formerly Paroreomyza bairdi). 'akl-lolo. 1. A wrasse fish of the hlnSlea type (Gomphosus rarius). This fish was used by priests as the pani or closing medicine for head diseases. The taro or sugar cane of the same name might substitute. Lit., brain biting. 2. A variety of sugar cane, striped with green and deep purplish-red when young, with yellow and red when older; named for the fish. 3. A variety of taro. 'akl-lolo-'ula'ula. A variety of sugar cane, with purplish leaves. Also called nanahu. 'aki lou. T o take with a lou or fruit-plucking stick. 'aklma, azima. Feast of unleavened bread, 'aklmalala, adimarala. Admiral. Eng. 'aklmona. Same as 'inamona, kukui nut relish, 'akina. Biting; bite. 'akiohala, 'aklahala. An endemic, small, hairy, pink-flowered shrub (Hibiscus youngianus), round in marshy places. (Neal 492.) Also called hau-hele. 'akioma. Axiom. Eng. 'aklplhopa. Archbishop. Eng. 'akipohe. 1. T o nip. 'Akipohe na manu i ka lehua, the birds nip at the fringes of the lehua flowers. 2. Round, as a leaf; compact, concise. 'Akipohe ke 'ike aku i ka nani o Wai-pi'o, compact the view of the beauty of Wai-pi'o. 3. (Cap.) Name of a wind of Wai-he'e, Maui. 4. T o center or concentrate in one place, as wind, rain. Obs. 'akiu. T o search, seek, probe, penetrate, spy. 'Akluklu. Redup. of 'akiu. A me ka makani 'Skiukiu kipi pua hala o Puakei, and the penetrating wind pelting the pandanus blossoms of Puakei. ako. Thatching; to thatch. Mea ako hale, thatcher. Ako 'ia ka hale, the house is thatched [if during an emergency it was impossible to erect a temple, the priest merely gestured that the house was completed and thatched]. ( P P N 'ato, P M P qatep.) 'ako. 1. T o cut, shear, clip, trim, as hair. Kanaka 'ako lauoho, barber. Na mea 'ako hulu hipa (1 Sam. 25.7), wool shearers. 2. Itch, throat irritation, venereal disease. Fig., lust.
ake maka. Raw liver, as eaten after cleaning and salting. akemakani. Lung. Also called akepShSla, akem&ma. hit., wind liver, akemftma. Lung. Lit., light liver. akena. T o boast, brag, admire, praise. Keiki akena a ha'anui, child boaster and exaggerator. 'ftkena, agena. Agent. Eng. Mcenakena. Redup. of akena. akenl'au. Spleen. Lit., coconut-midrib liver. ake-o-Milu. Hold in lua fighting. Lit., Milu's liver. 'ftkepa. 1. Group of small scarlet or yellowgreen Hawaiian honey creepers (Loxops coccinea Gmelin), with subspecies on Hawaii (coccinea), Maui (ochracea), Oahu (rufa), and Kauai (caeruleirostris). Also called 'akepeu'ie. 2. Quick, nimble, sprightly, active, akepa'a. Liver (more specific than ake). (Oihk. 3.4.) Lit., firm liver. akepahaOla. Lung. akep&hOla. Lung. &kepakepa. 1. Unkempt, as hair; oblique. 'Oki Bkepakepa, to cut obliquely, as fish. 2. Rare var. of kepakepa, 1. akepau. Tuberculosis, consumption. Lit., finished liver, 'akepeu'ie. Same as 'akepa, 1. 'akeu. Active, lively, quick; pleasant, sociable. '&keukeu. Redup. of 'akeu. ake'uke'u. T o find fault, contradict, hinder, 'akl. 1. T o take a nip and let go: to nibble, as fish; to bite off the bark of sugar cane; to heal, as a wound; to scar over; sharp recurring pain, as in head or stomach. Fig., to attack, taunt, snap at;_slander (Hal. 50.20); backbiter (Roma 1.30). 'Opu 'aki, severe stomach-ache. 'Aki ka nuku, to press the lips tightly together. Plla e lilo ai ia i mea i hd'ino 'ia ai, i mea e 'aki ai (Ezek. 5.15), so it shall be a reproach and a taunt. hC'akl. Causative/simulative. ( P P N kati, P M P kaRat.) 2. Height, tip, top (preceded by ke). Ku i ke 'aki, to stand at the top [to have success], 3. Pillow. 4. Block on which a canoe is placea on the shore. Also called lona. B. Filled, as a canoe with waves. 6. Same as 'aki'aki, 2, a rush. ( K L line 66.) '&kl. 1. Hair switch; knot fastening plaits or braids of hair; to add long strands of hair. XJa 'aki 'ia ka lauoho, ua like ka Wihi o ka '5ki me ka pilpa olona, the hair is lengthened with long switches; the switches are as long as olona bunches. 2. To furl, as sails. 3. Same as kiki, fast. Rare. '&kla. 1. Endemic shrubs and trees (Wikstroemia spp.) with small leaves, tiny yellowish flowers, and yellow to red, small, ovoid one-seeded fruits. The bark yields a fiber; the bark, roots, and leaves (as W. oahuensis) a narcotic. Used for fish poisoning. (Neal 540.) Varieties are qualified by the terms lau-nui, m&nalo, and pehu. Also called kauhi. 2. To ferment; very sour, as pot. 'Ai 'akia, sour poi. 3. Passive/imperative ot'aki, 1. 4. Also Asia. Asla;Asian, Asiatic.Eng. aklabala. Same as kanawao, 1, small endemic trees. 'aki'aki. 1. Redup. of 'aki, 1; to nibble, as a fish; constant snapping at, attacking. 2. Seashore rush grass (Sporobolus tirginicus), a coarse American grass growing on sandy beaches; used to exorcise spirits. (Neal 61.) Also called mSnienie-'aki'aki, manienie-mahikihiki, and mSnienie-maoli. 3. A kind of coarse red seaweed (Ahnfeltia concinna), a good source of gelatin. ( K L l i n e 41.) Called 'eleau on Maui, 'akl'akl-haole. Buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum), an American grass used for lawns. Some people believed that buffalo grass could be used to exorcise spirits because it had been given the same name ('aki'aki) as the seashore rush grass, which was used for this purpose. Also called mUnienie-'aki'aki.
a koa akoa. A small tree resembling koa; dye was made from Its bark, and used to color tapa. ( A P . ) But cf. kO'oulena. 'ako'ako. 1. Redup. of 'ako, 1, i. 2. Crest of a wave; to break or swell, as waves. Pipipi'i i ka 'ako'ako na li'i nui, i ka 'ako'ako, i ka 'iu lani (chant for Kua-kini), the great chiefs ascend to the crest of the waves, to the crest, to the heavenly height. 'Akoakoa. T o assemble; assembled, collected, heaped. Pau 'akoakoa, all gathered together, ho'akoakoa. T o assemble, congregate, collect, 'ftko'ako'a. Coral in general. '&ko'ako'a-kohe. Mushroom coral (Fungia scutaria). Lit., vagina coral.
deify, make a god of; godlike, supernatural, extraordinary. Cf. hoa kua. Ho'akua noho'i kina hana, his deeds are marvelous. Ho'akua ke kai, a dangerous sea. (Probably P P N 'atua, P M P qa(tT)u{h).) 2. " I t " in a game of tag or hide-and-seek. 3. (Cap.) Name of the niglit of the full moon. 4. Same as mai'a-t'olapola, a banana. 6. Same as pepeiao-akua, a tree fungus, the Jew's-ear (Auricular ia polytricha). akua 'al h a m u . Spirit eater of scraps, designation of a god sent on errands of destruction by sorcerers. akua 'al kahu. A spirit that destroys Its keeper; a god sent on an evil errand who returns to destroy his keeper rather than the victim; any evil practice, as excessive drinking, gossiping. He akua 'ai kahu ka holoholo'Blelo, bearing gossip is a spirit who destroys its keeper, akua 'al pilau. Spirit eater of filth. Same as akua 'ai hamu. akua hana. A god to whom one appealed with offerings for help, as in Ashing, farming, or killing an enemy. Lit., work god. akua h&nal. 1. Spirit sent on errands of destruction, who was fed (hanai) offerings. 2. The kauila, nioi. and 'ohe "poison" woods of Molokai, which were kept by sorcerers in their houses, wrapped in tapa, and to which food offerings were made daily; scraps of these woods were used as poison, and poison itself was sometimes called akua hanai. akua ho'ounauna. God sent on errands of destruction.
'ftkobekobe. The crested honey eater (Palmeria dolei), formerly endemic on Maui, not reported since 1907. 'akohl. A variety of taro. 'akoka, agoza. A nut. 'akokl. A variety of sugar cane, deep-red and green when young, changing to purple and brown-yellow; pith dark-brown; larger and stronger than 'aki-lolo, especially in wet districts. 'akoko. Endemic shrubs and small trees (Euthorbia spp.) with jointed stems, opposite obong leaves, and milky sap (Neal 452). Buds and leaves of one species (E. multiformis) were chewed for debility. Also called koko, kBkBmSlei. 'Akokoko. Bloody. Also called kokoko. 'akola. Same as 'aikola, gesture and expression of contempt, '•kole. 1. Poor, destitute, shiftless. 2. A large endemic fern (Dryopteris unidentata), three or more feet high, with triangular-oblong fronds much subdivided. 'ftkOlea. 1. A native fern (Athyrium poirelianum, synonym A. microphyllum) with beautiful, large, lacy fronds. 2. A small mollusk (Epitonium ptrplexum). Often called pipipi-'akBlea or kBlea. 'akollka. Ostrich. Eng. 'akolo. T o creep, attempt to creep; to put out small roots, as potatoes, 'akolu. Three (as in counting in a series); three times. PB'akolu, Wednesday (lit., third day), 'akople, adoble. Adobe. Eng. aku. 1. Bonito, skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamys), an important food item; to run, of aku flsh. Young of this flsh are called klna'u and 'ihua. Ua aku '0 Mahai-'ula (For. 5:259), there are bonitos at Mahai-'ula. 2. Particle expressing direction away from the speaker, and time either past (with nei) or future. This particle contrasts with mai (Gram. 7.2) and sometimes may be translated " a w a y " or " t o say." Hele aku, go away. Ku'ai aku, to sell. I na aku, right away, soon. He mea'ai i na aku (Kep. 121), food will be here soon. Kela makahiki aku nei, last year. Kila pule aku nei, last week. 'ApBpB a_ia la aku, day after tomorrow. Nehinei a ia la aku, day before yesterday. KHa Id aku, later today, sometime today. I aha 'ia aku nei? What happened a while ago? Na Ioane aku i na "ek&lekia (Hoik. 1.4), John said to the churches, 'akfl. An endemic lobelia (Cyanea tritomantha), a small tree 6 to 9 feet high, with clustered leaves (up to 28 by 8 inches), somewhat downy beneath. The leaves were cooked and eaten like cabbage. Cf. 'aku'aku. akua. X. God, goddess, spirit, ghost, devil, image, idol, corpse; divine, supernatural, godly. Children of Kamehameha by Ke-opu-o-lani were sometimes referred to as akua because of their high rank. Kauwd, or outcasts, were sometimes called akua because they were despised as ghosts. Kona akua, his god. Akua no kona 'ike, his knowledge is indeed divine. 'Ai akua, to have a prodigious appetite, as though possessed of gods [as youthful heroes in legends]. Nana no i hS'awi i ke akua, through her given to the god [death by sorcery], ho'Skua. T o
akua k&'al. Image wrapped in tapa; image consisting of a carved staff, with a tuft of feathers at the top, bound to its bearer by a sash (ka'ai) (Malo 80) and carried into battle: staff with a carved figure at the head, used in ceremonies to procure offspring (Malo 135, 139). akua kaillkolu. Holy trinity. (Kep. 175.) akua kahukahu. A god to whom offerings and sacrifices were made, akua kl'l. Image representing a god. 'akO'akO. 1. Swaying, as a canoe in rough sea; not steady; bumpy, as a road. 'Aku'aku ka ihu o ka tva'a, the prow of the canoe rises and falls. 2. Hasty, poorly done; rash. 3. An endemic lobelia (Cyanea rollandioides), three to four and a half feet high, with rough leaves to twenty by six inches. The leaves were cooked like cabbage or taro tops or sweet potato leaves, with pork or salt beef. Cf. 'aku. akua k u m u kaha. Image used in sorcery, akua lapu. Ghost, specter, apparition, evil spirit. akualele. Meteor. Lit., flying god. (Meteors were thought to be gods that flew through the air, sometimes in the form of fireballs with streaming tails from which sparks flew. These gods belonged to the family or poison gods that originated on Molokai and entered trees on Mauna-loa. See akua hanai.) akua loa. A tall image, especially an image of Lono carried on a circuit of the island during the makahiki, harvest festival; it was called loa, long, because of its "long" travels. The image consisted of a staff about two fathoms long. Pieces of edible pala fern, feather leis, and feather imitations of the ka'upu bird were fastened to a crosspiece tied near the top of the staff, in the center of which was a tiny carved figure. A long white tapa banner was attached to the crosspiece. (Malo 143-145.) Also called Lono-makua. akua mallhlnl. Foreign god, epithet often apilied to Pele because she had come from a oreign land. akua noho. A spirit that takes possession of people and speaks through them as a medium. (Malo 115-117.) akua p&'anl. God of sports that accompanied the akua loa on its circuit, to preside at the sport festivals. (Malo 145, 154.)
'ala'apapa a k u a p a b u l u . T h e god of nightmares; a god who carried persons to distant places in their sleep, especially if they had eaten certain fish, as the weke. a k u a p o k o . God of the makahiki that went only as far as the border of a district, a " s h o r t ' (poko) journey, contrasting with the akua loa. a k u a u l u . A god that inspires people, a k u a w a h l n e . Goddess. ' a k u ' e . Club-footed; deformity of the feet. Cf. kuku'e. ' f t k u ' l k u ' l . 1. T o pound. See ku'i, 1. 2. A long fish net; to drive fish into the net by striking the water with sticks. Also called paku'iku'i. a k u l l a . Same as kihe, a red seaweed, ' a k u k a n a . Adjutant. Eng. ' a k u k a n a k e n e l a l a (generala). Adjutant general. Eng. ' a k u k u . T o beat, as tapa. (Kep. 99.) 'akOkO. Tossing, agitatedj jolting, as a vehicle on a rough road. He 'akuku nalu la i po'i, an agitation of waves that broke, a k u l e . Big-eyed or goggle-eyed scad fish (Trachurops crumenophthalmus). Stages of growth are pa'a'a, halalu or hahalalu, and akule. Ua wehe ke akule t ka hohonu, the akule has fled to the depths [of escape], 'ftkuleana. T o give a right to or property; to delegate responsibility, no'&kuleana. Causative/simulative. He hD'ailona ia o ka luhi a me ka ho'Skuleana (Kep. 117), this is a sign of toil and of obtaining property, ' a k u l e k e l e , a d u l e t e r e . Adultery. Eng. s k u l l . T o collect, as leaves In a stream; to dam a stream thus; forest pool where leaves and rubbish have accumulated. Fig., to cast a reflection. Akuli ke aka o ka la'au i ka wai, the reflection of trees is cast on the water. ' A k u l i k u l l . 1. General name for succulent plants. 3. A coastal herb (Sesuvium portulacastrum), known in many warm regions, somewhat like wild portulaca (akulikuli-kula), but with longer, narrower leaves, and with small pink flowers at leaf axils. (Neal 292.) ' a k u l l k u l l - ' a e ' a e . Same as 'ae'ae, 2. ' f t k u l l k u l l - k a l . 1. A tropical American, low succulent (Balis maritima), commonly forming a continuous green cover by salt marshes. Locally called pickleweed. (Neal 290.) 2. Same as 'ae'ae, 2.
ko'u 'uhane (Hal. 23.3), he restoreth my soul. Ho'ila kuahu, a chant said at the construction of a hula altar (kuahu hula), calling on the gods, especially Laka, to possess the altar. 4. Rare var. of ale, 1. Cf. alao, alapoho. Ua ala ka i'a i ka makau, the flsh takes the hook whole. 5. There (demonstrative; same as the more frequent la). Cf. e (verb) ala. Ua kanaka ala, the person there. ala-. Fast, quickly. Cf. alaheo, alamimo, ulapine, alawiki. ' a l a . 1. Fragrant, sweet-smelling, perfumed; fragrance, perfume (preceded by ke). Fig., esteemed, chiefly. Mea 'ala, ointment, perfume. Ke 'ala kupaoa, a strong, heady fragrance. Ke 'ala punia.a, fragrance so strong that it causes dizziness. tlO'ala. T o perfume. 2. A variety of taro, said to be pungent-smelling when cooked. Varieties are qualified by the terms 'ele'ele, ke'oke'o, 'opelu, and o-Puna. ' a l a . Dense waterworn volcanic stone, as used for poi pounders, adzes, hula stones. Kinds of 'alii rock, as used for adzes, are qualified by the phrases pia maka hinu, shiny-faced arrowroot; mahinu, shiny; and maka hinu, shiny face. 'Aid 0 ka ma'a, slingstone. Ka-'ala-wai (place name) watery rock. ( P P N kala, P M P karang.) ' M a ' a . 1. A large endemic tree (Planchontlla sandwicensis) with smooth, oblong leaves, shiny-green above, bronze beneath, the fruit nearly round, black, to two inches long. The sticky, milky sap was used to trap birds, the wood for spears and 'S'd handles. (Neal 589.) 2. 'O'S digging stick made of 'ala'a or any wood; to prod or dig with a stick, as in taro cultivation. Fig., to dig into the mind. 3. Small tuber, as of taro. - a l a a l a . (With ho'-) ho'ftlaala. Redup. of ho'&la; to keep awake; to awaken or reawaken; to Incite to action. He mea ho'alaala ke kope, coffee is something that keeps [one] awake, ' a l a ' a l a . 1. Liver of squid or cuttlefish; after salting, drying, and broiling on the fire. It is mixed with 'inamona or chill peppers and eaten; mixed with 'auhuhu juice it Is used as halt. Fig., useless. Ahu ka 'ala'ala/ Just a pile of squid liver [no usell He aha ka 'ala'ala o kinfl mea au i ho'iho'i mai nei? What's the good of that squid liver you've brought home? He aha kUna 'ala'ala? What's he good for? 2. Scar of a scrofulous sore. Mai 'ala'ala paha auane'i i ka ua o Kawa'ahia, perhaps his neck will be scarred in the rain of Kawa'ahia [in trouble], 3. Aerial tubers of bitter yam, hot (Dioscorea bulbifera). 'al&'alft. Small 'alH stones. 'Ula'ala'a. Small tubers, as of taro. 'ftla'alae. Lukewarm; half-cooked, alaalahla. (With ho'-) ho'iUaalahla. Passive/ imperative of ho'alaala. ' a l a ' a l a - h u a . Same as mahoe, 2, kinds of trees, a l a ' a l a i . 1. Redup. of Slai, 1, to hinder. 2. T y p e of taro patch built on artificial mounds, known near HIlo as kipi ( H P 125); mucky claylike soil, as in this type of patch. 3. Same as waimaka-nui, a kind of large coarse endemic fern (Dryopteris keraudreniana). ' a l a ' a l a - p Q - l o a . Same as 'uha-loa, a weed. Aia 1 kula, i ka 'ala'ala-pU-loa, there in the fields, for 'ala'ala-pu-loa [a wild-goose chase]. ' a l a ' a l a w a . Redup. of 'alawa. 'Ala'alawa ka maka o ka 'aihue, the eyes of the thief glance this way and that, ' a l a ' a l a - w a l - n u l . 1. All species of Peperomia, small native succulent forest herbs, related to 'awa. (Neal 251.) The name is qualified by the terms kane (on Oahu) or kupa-li'i (on Hawaii), pehu, pBhina. 2. A small weedy herb (Plectranthus australis). In the mint family. (Neal 648.) This name may be qualified by the terms pua-kl, wahine. ' A l a ' a p a p a . l . T o tell publicly, as of the past. 2. T y p e of ancient dramatic hula. (UL, chapter I X . ) 3. Long cloud formation.
'Ukultkull-kula. Purslane (Portulaca oleracea), a cosmopolitan weed, a small succulent, prostrate herb, with spatula-shaped leaves and yellow flowers. I t Is eaten by people, poultry, and stock. (Neal 294.) Lit., plain succulent, ' f t k u l t k u l i - l a u - l i ' l . Same as 'akulikuli-kula. '&kullkull-lel. T h e ice plant (Mesembryanthemum), from Africa, a low succulent, with thick, narrow leaves, and pink, rose, or orange flowers (used for leis). (Neal 293.) '&kullkull-'0helO. Same as 'ae'ae, 2. ' a k u m u . Broken or cut off, as a pencil point; blunt, stumpy, ' f t k u m u k u m u . Redup. of 'akumu. aku net. A while ago. See aku, 2. ' a k u pa. 1. Same as 'dkuhe, an 'o'opu fish. 2. A small endemic tree (Bobea mannii). Cf. 'ahakea. ala. 1. Path, road, trail. Cf. alaloa, alanui, alawai. Ala iki, narrow or small path. Ala ho'i 'ole mat, a pathway on which there is no returning [death], Ala a ka manu, a bird's trail [a life difficult to emulate], Ala iki a kahuna, the small path of priests [a difficult way of life]. ( P P N hala, P M P Zalan.) 2. T o waken, stay awake; awake, ho'&la. T o awaken someone. Mele ho'Ma, a chant intended to awaken a sleeper. 3. T o rise up, get up, come forward. Ala kd'i, to rise in revolt. Cf. ala hou. ho'&la. T o arouse, stir up, raise. Trans. Ho'ala i ke kumuhana, to bring up a subject. Ke ho'Sla mai nei 'oia i
a 1a' a u a l a ' a u . River ford; place on a trail where o n e s w i m s or wades across a stream. ' a l a - a u m o e . A W e s t Indian shrub, n i g h t oest r u m (Cestrum nocturnum), Chinese inkberry, w i t h narrow leaves a n d narrow, tubular, greent o - c r e a m y white flowers, which are m o s t frag r a n t a t night. (Neal 662.) Also called kupaoa, onaona-Iapana.
a i a h l a . P a s s i v e / i m p e r a t i v e of ala, 2, 3. Bare. h o ' & l a h l a . Causative/simulative; to awaken; wakefulness, insomnia. I ka hiki ho'alahia nei la, e ala, e ala mai 'oe (prayer), t h e t i m e t o be a w a k e n e d comes, awake, awake, a l a h i ' f . H e m or finished border of a plaited m a t or hat.
' a l a e . 1. M u d h e n or H a w a i i a n gallinule (Gallinula chloropus sandvicensis), a black wading bird with red frontal plate; cry of this bird, believed a bad omen. For t h e c o o t , see 'alae-kea. Also called koki. 2 . S a m e as 'iwa, a fern, ' a l a e a . 1. Water-soluble colloidal ocherous earth, used for coloring salt, for medicine, for dye, and formerly in t n e purification c e r e m o n y called hi'uwai; any red coloring matter. Kuhi 'alaea, a class of priests of L o n o whose office it w a s t o mark t h e limits of lands with 'alaea. Ua 'alaea (For. 4:399), red rain [red of t h e rainbow]. 3 . Fleshlike redness, especially t h e dark red m e a t close t o t h e spine of s o m e fish, as of t h e aku. 3 . A n n a t t o d y e plant (Biza orellana), a tropical American shrub or small tree, bearing fruit with scarlet seeds, used for dyeing. S o m e t i m e s called 'alaea-la'au to distinguish from t h e earth; locally also called lipstick plant. Also called ku-mauna. 4 . Tribe or clan; people in a district w h o h a v e intermarried. 5. Bad breath, halitosis. 6. Fore part of t h i g h ; long narrow t h i g h muscle. (AP.) ' a l a e - a w l . T h e introduced Australian gallinule (Porphyrio poliocephalus melanotus). Also applied to a form of 'alae-kea, with brownish frontal knob, ' a l a e - h u a p l . S a m e as 'alae-'ula. ' a l a ' e k e . An edible crab of t h e Portunus sp., sand-colored, and found in shallow water, ' a l a e - k e a . H a w a i i a n coot (Fulica americana alai), a marsh and pond bird, distinguished from *alae-'ula by its i v o r y - w h i t e frontal knob, ' a l a e - k e ' o k e ' o . S a m e as 'alae-kea. ' S l a e l a e . S a m e as 'filaelae, I; h a v i n g a n u m b e r of capes and land points,
a l a h o n u a . T o w a k e up early for no reason. ' A l a - h o n u a . N a m e of a light H i l o breeze. Lit.. land fragrance. Also called 'A'ala-honua. A l a - h o u . N a m e of a M o l o k a i wind. (For. 5:103.) a l a h o u . Resurrection; t o rise again, resurrect. Ka la i ala hou ai ka Haku, E a s t e r [Protestant; lit., t h e day t h e Lord rose again], a l a h u k i m o k u . Marine railway. Lit., road to pull ships. a l a h u l a . A frequented and well-known p a t h . Alahula Pu'u-loa he ala hele na Ka'ahu-pahau, e v e r y w h e r e in Pearl Harbor lies t h e p a t h of Ka'ahu-pahau. Ua alahula keia wahi ia'u, I a m very familiar with this place, a l a i . 1. Obstruction, hindrance, block, screen: to obstruct, hinder, block, d e f e n d , stand in t h e w a y , oppose. Cf. ala'alai. Alai_ maka, to fasc i n a t e the eyes, as b e a u t y . Ua alai 'ia 'oia e ka hilahila a hiki 'ole ke pane aku, h e was hindered by e m b a r r a s s m e n t and could n o t answer. 2. T w o sticks carried with the akua loa in t h e makahiki festival; they were used to mark t h e boundary of t h e taboo area. ' A l a ' l . Gentle, as a breeze. Cf. la'i. a l a l a . Small thin surfboard, as of breadfruit or koa wood, and heavier t h a n t h e olo board. Also called omo. ' a l a i a h a . An upland bird, gray, a b o u t t h e size of t h e 'elepaio, reported in 1863. ( K L line 308.) ' a l a ' l h l . 1. Various species of squirrelfishes of t h e genus Holocentrus. T h e y o u n g are called 'a'alaihi. Unidentified kinds are qualified by t h e terms 'ako'ako'a, kala-loa or kanaloa, la-kea, mahu, maoli, and pili-ko'a. 2 . P a l e pink tapa; any faded color. 3 . A variety of sugar c a n e n a m e d for t h e fish, either a deep-red m u t a n t of 'awela or related to it; internodes barrel-shaped, leaves purple. ( H P 221, 224.) al&lkl. Appropriation of property b y force, as practiced by s o m e chiefs on their travels; t o do so.
ala holo papa. Wooden bridge,
'ala'ela'e. Var. of mala'ela'c.
A l a - ' e l i . A wind of M a n o a Valley, Honolulu. Ku^u kane max na makani anu o ka 'aina, he Malualua me ke Ala-'eli, m y h u s b a n d f r o m t h e cool winds of t h e land, t h e M a l u a l u a and t h e Ala-'eli. ' a l a e - n O - k e a . S a m e as 'alae-kea. Lit., whitebeaked 'alae. ' a l a e - ' u l a . H a w a i i a n gallinule or m u d h e n (Gallinula chloropus sandvicensis), distinguished from 'alae-kea by its reddish bill a n d frontal plate, a l a h a k a . Plank bridge, rough road o v e r ravines or chasms, trestle, ladder (Kin. 28.12). a l a h a k a - o - N u a l o l o . T y p e of braid used in t h e papale He. a l a h a k l . M o u n t a i n ladder or steps c u t i n t o a cliff. a l a h a o . R a i l w a y , railroad track. Lit., iron road, a l a h e ' e . A large n a t i v e shrub ( C a n t h i u m odoraium; s y n o n y m Plectronia odorata) w i t h shiny l e a v e s and small, fragrant, w h i t e flowers. T h e wood is hard, and w a s formerly used in making t h e 'O'o digging stick; also used medicinally. ( N e a l 698.) Also called 'She'e, walahe'e. a l a h e ' e - h a o l e . M o c k orange ( M u r r a y a paniculata), an ornamental h e d g e plant (Neal 421) w i t h shiny, dark-green leaves, small fragrant w h i t e flowers, and red berries. Also walahe'ehaole. a l a h e l e . P a t h w a y , route, road, w a y to go, m e a n s of transportation. Ho'okShi ala hele, one w a y (of a plane trip], Pono ala hele, right of way. Kuleana ala hele e hiki aku ai, right of w a y of access. 'O ka pono ko'u ala hele, m y course is righteousness, a l a h e l e w & w a e . Pedestrian's road, sidewalk, a l a h e o . Gone, departed. Ua alaheo ka i'a, t h e flsh is gone.
a lalla. See laila. 'Alaka. Alaska. Eng.
a l a k a l . Sea course, as of c a n o e or ship; path where one m u s t s w i m around a projecting cliff or bluff. a l a k a ' l . T o lead, guide, direct; leader, guide, conductor, director. Alaka'i himeni, song leader. pana, band Alaka'i hula, hula leader. Alaka'i leader. Ki alaka'i, tonic, k e y n o t e . Kumu alaka'i, leading teacher, e x e m p l a r y teacher, pattern or example, ' a l a k a i . Potbellied, bloated, a l a k a ' l n a . Leadership, guidance,
'alakapalka. Allspice. Eng.
' a l a k e . T o j u m p , hurry f r o m place t o place. A l a - k e a . N a m e of a star, p r o b a b l y used in navigation,
'alakenlka, arasenlka, Arsenic. Eng.
a l a k O . 1. T o drag. 2 . B i r d - c a t c h i n g pole. Also called 'auku'u. ' a l a k u m a . A large crab ( C a r p i l i u s maculatus), with 11 dark red spots on its back, usually f o u n d concealed in rocks or under stones. (Ed. 284.) a l a k u ' u k u ' u . Place for c l i m b i n g a cliff, usually with ropes, - a l a l a . Var. spelling of -alaala. a l a l a . S w e e t p o t a t o e s t h a t bear f r o m branch (la.'o) vines. ' a l a l i l . 1. T o bawl, bleat, squeal, cry, c a w , yelp, scream. Hele ka makuahine, 'alala keiki i kau-
alapuka hale, when the mother goes, children bawl at home [a neglectful mother]. hft'alaM. Causative/simulative. He aha la kau i hO'alalS mat nei i kiia ktiki? W h y did you make that child cry? 3. Hawaiian crow (Corvus tropicus), named for its caw. He 'alalS, he manu leo nui, a crow, a bird with much talk [a talkative person]. 3. A style of chanting with open mouth, vibration and tremor of the voice, and prolonged vowels; to chant thus. 4. T o gargle. Rare. a l a l a l . Bedup. of alai. Ua alalai mai 'oia i ko'u hele 'ana, he obstructed my going, ' a l a l a l a . T o dry or wither leaves over a fire, as of tobacco. Also called lala, 2, 'Blala, 'Blani. 'alal&na. Bleating, wailing. See "alalB, 1. ' a l a l a u w a , 'alalauH. Young of the red 'Sweoweo fish. Appearance of schools of this fish near shore was an omen that royalty would die. Also called 'alauwS. ' a l a l e h e . Sickly, weak, fretful, as a child. He ukuhi 'Bhemo na keiki, 'Smino "alalehe, ka 'alalehe, ka uwi wale, weaning children are sickly, crying and fretful, weak, just crying. ' a i a l l . Sharp shrill yelp, sudden screech; to yelp, screech. alaloa. Highway, main road, belt road around an island, a long road, ' a l a m a , a r a m a . Protection, defence. ' a l a m e a . l . Ripe. 3. Precious, as a child. 3. A bird (no data). 4. See iki-'alamea. ' a l f i m e a . Hard volcanic stone, used for adzes, ' a l a m l h l . A common black crab (Metopograpsus messor). (Ed. 304.) Also called 'elemihi, 'elepi. a l a m l m o . Quick. Na kapua'i alamimo o na kini maka lehua o na 'Bpio, nimble soles [dancing feet] of the many lehua blossoms of youth, ' a l a m o ' o . A fresh-water 'o'opu fish (Hilo name). Also called hi'u-'ula and hi'u-kole. ala m u k u . Cut-off or unfinished road, dead-end road. Fig., an incomplete rainbow, rainbow fragmont. a l a n a . Awakening, rising. See ala, 2, 3. 'Ike 'ia ke alana o ka pua, the upward flight of the arrow was seen, ' a l a n a . See kiki 'al/lna. 'filana. 1. Offering, especially a free-will offering, contrasting with a mBhai that was prescribed by a priest; to offer. He 'alana ka mea e hi'awi aku at e kala 'ia mai ai ka hala o ka mea lawehala, an 'Slana is the thing given so that the sin of a transgressor will be pardoned. E ke kahuna 'i'o a me ka 'Blana 'i'o, O true priest and true victim [of Christ]. 3. Light, buoyant, easily floating. See lana. 'alana aloha. Peace offering, offering of love, 'alana k u n l . Burnt offering, offering to procure death by sorcery, ' a l a n e o . 1. Clear, calm, serene, unclouded, free from impediment; clearness, calm, stillness; desolate (Ier. 50.3). 'Alaneo ka uka, 'a'ole ao, clear were the uplands, without clouds. E Lono i ka pB la'ila'i, ku'ua mai ka 'alaneo (Malo 183), O Lono of the clear night, let down clear skies. 3. Of a single color or texture, especially of a feather cloak without design and made of feathers of a single kind and color. 3. Swelling disease, dropsy, generalized edema, kidney disease. 4. Name of a class of 12 male supernatural beings called papa pae mahO, said to be hermaphrodite healers from Kahlki. alanl. 1. Brown seaweeds (Dictyota spp.), regularly divided into narrow segments. They are so bitter that they will taint other seaweeds put with them and can be eaten but little and by some are considered poisonous. Medical kahunas used them in small quantities to treat asthma. This name is sometimes qualified by the terms kai and 'ula. Also called maka and false llpoa. Cf. kualani. 3. An Oahu tree (Pelea sandwtcensis), with oblong, fragrant leaves (like the mokihana of Kauai), which were used for scent-
ing tapa. The bark was used for medicine. Also other species of Pelea. 3. An upland moss, 'alanl. Any kind of orange, both fruit and tree. (Neal 424.) Eng. Melemele 'Hi 'alani, orangeyellow color, alanla. Smooth, even, not rough, ' a l a n l - ' a w a ' a w a . Calamondln (Citrus mitis), a small tree with flattened-globose fruits to an inch in diameter, orange-colored, few-seeded, sour. (Neal 425.) a l a - n l h o . Long tattoo stripe. Lit., tooth path, a l a n i - k u a h l w l . All species of Pelea. Also called kOkae-moa. 'alanl-P&ke. Tangerine (Citrus nobilis var. deliciosa), a small tree with small leaves and small, loose-skinned, orange, flattened-globose, sweet fruits. (Neal 422.) Lit., Chinese orange, a l a n l - w a i . A low native shrub (Pelea waialealae), found only on high, wet parts of Kauai, a l a n u l . Street, road, highway, thoroughfare, course. Lit., large path. Alanui hele, any traversed road. Alanui o ke ke'a, station of the cross. Poetic names for the equator are alanui a ke ku'uku'u, road of the spider, and alanui i kapiko o WSkea, road at Wakea's navel. Alanui tolohiwa a Kanaloa, the dark path of Kanaloa southern limit of the sun in its yearly cycle, about the 15th and 16th days of the month Hilinamal. Alanui polohiwa a Kline, the dark path of Kane [northern limit of the sun, about the middle of the month Kaulua], Alanui ma'awe 'ula a Kanaloa, road of the scarlet footprint of Kanaloa [the western sky], alanui hele ' a o ' a o . Sidewalk. Rare. alanui hele wftwae. sidewalk. alaO. 1. T o swallow whole, as a flsh or shrimp. Also called ala'oma. Ke alaB mai no i na wani 'o'opu a me na wahi 'Bpae, swallowing whole small 'o'opu flsh and shrimps. 3. Heiau or temple that had no lele altar, ala ' o k l . Road cut, short cut. A l a - ' o l i . Name of a Kauai wind, said to bring good weather. (For. 5:97.) Lit., happy path, ala ' o l o l l . Narrow path, lane, a l a ' o m a . Var. of alaB, l, and ala'ume. ' a l a - o - P u n a . A variety of taro, growing wild, also cultivated dry In Puna, Hawaii; fragrant when cooked, like kSl. Also called welowelo-li. 'alapa. Athletic, active; athlete; an epithet for Kamehameha I ; name of a company or Ka-lanl'opu'u's warriors. Na 'Slapa e m&kaukau ana no ka mokomoko, the athletes skilled in boxing, ' a l a p a h i . Slander, falsehood, deceit; to slander, defame, deceive. He 'alapahi moe ipo kS nana, so it is a lie of his about sleeping with the sweetheart. 'alapaka. 1. Alpaca. Eng. 3. Also alabata. Alabaster, ointment vase of alabaster. (Luka 7.37.) 'alapakelo, alabatero. Same as 'alapaka, t. alapao. Tunnel. ' A l a p l a . 1. Arabia; Arabian. Eng. 3. (Not cap.) A heavy cloth resembling serge, a l a p l ' l . Stairs, steps, ladder, ascent, scale, a l a p l ' l k u . Steep road or path, a l a p l ' l m e l e . Musical scale, alaplko. Belly of a fish, considered choice, a l a p l n e . 1. Quick. He 'uleu na po'e o ke kai, alapine na lima i ke kaula, the boys of the sea are spry, quick hands on the lines. 3. Frequent, often. Cf. pinepine. alaplneplne. Redup. of alapine, 1, t. ala pO'al. Orbit of the stars, circular road, alapoho. T o gulp, swallow whole, alapokl. Shipwrecked. Rare. Same as 'Blulo. ' a l a - p o ' o - m a l u . Name of a dark basalt. Also called kai-'anu'u. alapuka. Body sores; to have such sores; affected with dry rot, as taro. Obs.
'alapu'u 'ale'ale. Redup. of 'ale, 1; stirring, moving, tossing, rippling, full to the brim. A ka wai, ua piha a 'ale'ale ke ka'eka'e, the water is full, the edge is brimful. hO'ale'ale. To stir up waves agitate, confuse; to induce tumult. Slealea. 1. A shellfish (Plectorema striata); its shell. 2. Same as alea, 'alehe. Snare, noose: to snare. Also called 'ahele. alehu. Same as pulehu, to broil. 'ale'lht. Var. of 'ala'ihi, a flsh. 'aleka, areza. Large tree of the pine family, cedar, fir. Biblical. 'alekea, aredea. Heron, 'aleko, aleto. Alto. Eng. 'alekuma, aleguma. Algum tree. Biblical. 'aiela. See uhi-'alela, a yam. 'alele. Var. of 'elele, messenger, 'alelele. To skip, jump, fly. alelo. 1. Tongue, language. Also called elelo. Cf. pelu. 2. Meat of the sea egg or sea urchin (tcana), so called because of resemblance to a tongue. 3. Concave curve of the lower portion of tne lei palaoa, whaletooth pendant, suggestive of a tongue. 4. Point at the tip of a paddle, alelo-ahl. A kind of introduced flower (no data). alelo p u ' u . Paralysis of the tongue, 'alemanaka. Almanac, calendar. Eng. 'Alemenla, Aremenla. Armenia; Armenian. Eng. 'alemone, alemona. Almond (Prunus amygdalus). Eng. 'alemuka, alemuga. Same as 'alekuma. alena. A lowland perennial weed (Boerhaavia diffusa), with long, thin, prostrate branches, bearing small leaves and flowers. The swollen roots were used medicinally, acting as a diuretic. (Neal 28.) alenale. Same as kdnane, clear, 'ale'o. Tower, high lookout; towering. 'Ale'o puhi 'ohe, bandstand. Na pali 'ale'o, towering cliffs, 'alepa. Alpha. 'alepapeka, alepabeta. Alphabet. Eng. 'aleuleu. Old, worn out, as tapa, mats, clothing; worn-out tapa, _ clothing; objects of inferior quality. Also paleuleu. He moku 'Sleuleu, districts of ragamuffins [said of Ka'u and Puna by Kamehameha's followers because the farmers worked hard and wore old clothes], '&lewa. Same as 'Mewalewa. 'ftlewalewa. Buoyant, floating, all. Same as aliali. (Perhaps P P N ali, P M P Raring.)
'alapu'u. Small, young, of creatures. 'Alapu'u mo o, scalawag of a baby grandchild. 'Alapu'u he'e, baby squid, alau. Dividing, branching, as of winds and lineages. He makani alau ko keia wahi, the wind here In this spot divides, 'alauahlo, alauwahlo. A small olive-green, endemic Hawaiian honey creeper (Loxops maculata), with subspecies on Oahu, Lanai, Molokai, and Maui. Also called lauwl and kakd-wahie (Molokai). 'ala'uka. Homely, vile, slovenly, worthless; homeliness, vileness, dregs of society. He hana 'ino'ino, pupuka, 'ala'uka, it is wicked, nasty, vile conduct, alaula. Light of early dawn, sunset glow. Lit., flaming road. Ke alaula a Kane, the flaming path of Kane [the eastern sky], Ka wehe 'ana o ke alaula, 'ota ka paoa, the opening of the flaming pathway is the dawn, ala'ula. Red dust in a road, red dust, 'ala-'ula. Same as 'a'ala-'ula, a seaweed. Maulau. Clothes, tapa, mats; to envelope, clothe. Rare. Cf. laulau, wrapper, ala ) To make an offering to the gods with signals and signs or prayers with gestures. Cf. mohai ho'ali. 'all. 1. Scar,_depression, groove, imbedded mark. Cf. 'a'ali, 'alina. 2. Var. of 'eli, to dig. alia. 1. T o wait, stop; before; usually as a command: stop! wait a minute! Alia kau puke, away with your book. Alia wau e 'ae aku (Laie 485), before I agree, ho'&lla. To stop, check, restrain. Trans. 2. Small flag or streamer. See -ali. &Ila. 1. Salt bed, salt-encrusted area: salty, brackish. He alia ho'oha'aha'a pa'akai; lo'i 'ale no i ke alia o loko, it is a low salt bed; water comes in to flood the salt bed Inside. 3. Name of two kauila or mamane sticks carried by priests before the makahiki god. allall. Crystal clear, white; clarity, whiteness. ho'all&U. T o whiten, cause to shine, -aliali. (With h&'~) ho'aliail. Redup. of ho'ali. 'ali'ali. Redup. of 'ali, 1-, scarred, grooved; profound. Cf. 'eli'eli. E 'ali'ali kapu, e 'ali'ali noa
a l o h a 'Itlllea. The common turbo shell (Turbo intercostalis). (Ed. 164.) ' a l l m a . Five (especially in counting in a series); five times. Pd'alima, Friday; lit., fifth day. ' a l l m a k l k a , a r l m a t l k a . Arithmetic. Eng. ' a l i n a . Scar, blemish; scarred, injured, maimed (For. 5:53). Fig., low, disgraced, degraded. Ua 'alina ka inoa, the name is dishonored, alo. Front, face, presence; upper surface, as of a bowl. Cf. 'aialo, aloali'i. Ka mo'opuna i ke alo, the favorite grandchild, a grandchild reared by grandparents. He alo a he alo, face to face. Eia 'oe i ke alo o ka 'aha, here you are in the presence of the assembly. Ua laupa'i ko'u alo i na mo'opuna, I have many grandchildren with me here. (PPN 'aro, P M P (qh)adep.) ' a l o . 1. To dodge, evade, elude, avoid. 'A'ole e hiki ke 'alo a'e, it can't be helped. hO'alo. T o shun, avoid, escape, omit, skip; omission. 2. T o be with, go with, attend, escort, share an experience, endure, resist. Ku'u hoa 'alo i ke anu, my companion who shared the cold. Ku ana 'o Mauna-loa, kuahiwi 'alo ehuehu (song), stands Mauna-loa, mountain that resists storms. E 'alo a'e 'oe is mSkou a hiki aku i Moloka'i (For. 5:239), escort us to Molokai. 'ft-Ioa. 1. Same as maka-'a-loa, a crab. 2. Name recorded for olonS fibre. Cf. 'a'a, 3. a l o a l i ' i . In the presence of chiefs; royal court, aloalo. 1. All kinds of hibiscus, including the native white hibiscus (Hibiscus arnottianus). A law was passed in 1923 making the aloalo the flower of the Territory of Hawaii. Qualifying terms: huamoa (egg) or pele (bell) (Abutilon picium, Neal 483), ko'ako'a (Hibiscus schizo-
(Kep. 184), profound the taboo, profound the release to freedom, h ö ' a l l ' a l t . To scar, deface, ftllalta. Same as Sita. He älialia pa'akai, he älialia manu, na älialia o na waipuna hu'ihu'i, it is a salt bed. a salt bed for birds, saltencrusted places with cool springs, a l l a n a . Same as 'oliana, let me see. ' a l l h l . 1. Cords or fine ropes threaded through marginal meshes of upper and lower edges of nets, to which were attached floats and sinkers; loops at the top of a kökB net holding a calabash. See below an a 'upena-'alihi. 2. Horizon (sometimes qualified by lani or moana). Cf. lihi, edge. 3 . Deceit, trickery; to deceive, cheat. (AP.) ' a l l h l k a u a . General, commander in battle, ' a l l h l k S p a u . Lower cord in a net to which lead sinkers were attached, ' a l l h l l e l e . Dragnet, mullet net. ' a l l h l p&'Q. Line for lashing down the pä'ü mat covering of a canoe, ' a l l h l plkoi. Upper cord in a net to which floats were attached, ' a l l h l pAhaku. Lower cord in a net to which stone sinkers were attached, a l l ' l . 1. Chief, chiefess, king, queen, noble; royal, kingly; to rule or act as a chief, govern, reign; to become a chief. Fig., kind (see na'au ali'i, 'dpa ali'i). Käna ali'i, his chief (controlled directly or raised by him). Kona ali'i, his hereditary chief; his chieftainship. Ali'i kü'oko'a, Independent chief, autocrat. Ua lilo ia i ali'i no Kaua'i ia wä, a malalo mai ona na kanaka o Kaua'i, pllä i ali'i ai 'o Makali'i (For. 5:347), he then became chief of Kauai, with the people of Kauai beneath him, thus Makali'i became chief. ho'&ll'l. To make a chief, establish royalty In office; to imitate royalty ; to treat as royalty; regal, royal, kingly. Ua ho'äli'i aku 'ota i käna käne, she treats her husband like a king. (Probably P P N 'ariki, P M P qa(n)Di ) 2 . Short for 'a'ali'i, a tree, a l l ' l ' a l m o k u . Chief who rules a moku (district). a l l ' l '&nela. Archangel. all'l h o ' o m a l u . Presiding officer, ruling officer; viceroy. a l l ' l k&ne. Male chief, king: husband (polite, not said of one's own husband or to him). Pehea käu ali'i kanef How is your noble husband? a l l ' l k o a . Military officer, officer of army or navy. Ali'ikoa i komikina 'ia, commissioned officer. a l l ' l k o a u k u . Warrant officer. A l l ' 1 - o - K o n a - I - k a - l e w a . Name of a star that guided navigators, all'l papa. Offspring of a high chiefess and commoner father. Cf. papa ali i. all'tpoe. The ornamental cannas (Canna indica, forms and hybrids), large tropical American herbs, with large oval or narrow leaves and large red or red and yellow flowers. The round black seeds are worn in leis and are also placed in fruit shells of the la'amia for hula rattles. Cannas are both cultivated and wild In Hawaii. Also li'ipoe. (Neal 224.) a l l ' l pD'O l a n l . An exalted chief (probably from pfi'ifa. tower). (For. 6:303). a l l ' l wa'ap&. Boatswain. all'l w a h l n e . Chiefess, queen; wife (polite, not said of one's own wife or to her). 'Allka, Arlka. Arctic. Eng. Aia i 'Älika ka ihu o ka moku (song), the prow of the ship turns to the Arctic. ' M l k a l l k a . Clammy, sticky, tenacious, tough. Fig., stingy. Cf. lina, linalina, nina, ninanina, 'ulika, 'ülikalika. ' a l i k e , Alike. Alike. Like 'alike, just alike, ' a l l k e k o a , a l l g e t o a . Alligator. Eng. ' a l l k l l l k l . To tighten, tie tightly.
etalus or coral hibiscus), lahilahi (all singleSboreus owered forms), pahupahU (Malvaviscus arvar. penduliflorus; lit., firecracker), poni-
md'i. (Hibiscus, an Introduced variety witn red double flowers three Inches wide or less, lit., coronation, carnation), pupupu (Hibiscus, all double-flowered forms), waikdhuli (Hibiscus mutabilis, Neal 491; during the day flowere change from white to pink or red). 2 . Squllla (Pseudosquilla ciliata, Lysiosquilla maculata), highly desired as food. Also Squilla sp. (Ed. 241-243.) 3. Loved and served by many persons, as a chief or favorite child. Cf. alo. Haku o Hawai'i he inoa, hanau aloalo a'u a Ke'eli-kDlani (chant for Prince of Hawaii), his title is Prince of Hawaii, child of Ke'eli-ko-lani, mine, born with many to serve and love. 4. A tapa piece listed by Kamakau. ' a l o ' a l o . 1. Redup. of 'alo, 1; to dodge rapidly or continuously; to look about slyly. 2. Lumpy, of poi. Obs. 3. A kind of small Inshore fish (no data). 'JUoaloa. Far, at a distance, ho'&loaloa. T o keep at a distance, ' i l o ' a l o ' a . 1. Same as halo'alo'a, turbulent, rough. 2. Pitted, sis rocks. Also lo'alo'a. alodio. Var. spelling of 'alolio. ' a l o e . Aloe, any plant of the genus aloe; also the pa-nini-'awa'awa. Eng. a l o h a . Aloha, love, affection, compassion, mercy, pity, kindness, charity; greeting, regards; sweetheart, loved one; beloved, loving; to love, show kindness, mercy, pity, charity, affection; to remember with affection; to greet, hail. Greetings! Hello! Good-by! Farewell! Alas! The common greetings follow: Aloha 'oe, may you be loved or greeted, greetings (to one person). Aloha kHua, may there be friendship or love between us, greetings (to one person). Aloha kakou, same as above, but to more than one person. Ke aloha no! Aloha! Greetings! (The no may be prolonged for emphasis.) The following greetings were introduced after European times: Aloha ahiahi, good evening. Aloha kakahiaka, good morning. Aloha ali'i, royalist, royal love. Aloha Sina, love of the land, love of one's country, patriotism. Aloha 'ino! What a pity! [Expression of regret, either great or small.] Aloha akua, love of god; divine love, pity,
a 1 o h a ' i charity. Me ke aloha o Kawena, with the love (or
eeting) of Kawena. 'O wau iho no me ke aloha, fMaria, remain, with very best regards. Aloha 'oe, e uajpiha 'oe t ka maika'i, hall, Mary, full
of grace. E Maria hemolele, e aloha mai 'oe ill mSkou, Holy Mary, have mercy on us. Aloha a'e ana mSkou i ke ehu wSwae o ka lani (chant for Kalakaua), we remember fondly the footprints of the king. E aloha aku au i ka mea a'u e mana'o ai e aloha aku (Puk. 33.19), I show mercy to those I want to show mercy to. Aloha no ia mau IS o na makahiki he kanalima i kOnewa akulal Affectionate [memories] of these days of fifty years pastl ho'aloha. Bare var. of ho'Slohaloha. Cf. hoaloha. ( P P N 'alo'ofa or rofa, P M P qarep.) aloha'l. Bible spelling of aloha ai. (Mele 5.6.) aloha kakahlaka. See aloha. Mohaloha. Redup. of aloha (less used than M'Slohaloha). ho'llohaloha. T o make love, express affection, gratitude or compassion; expression of love or affection (For. 5:53); to give thanks (1 Kor. 11.24); friendly, loving. LS Ho'Slohaloha, Thanksgiving Day. Palapala ho'Slohaloha, written condolence. aloha-Iua. Name given to the kSmole plant used in hana aloha sorcery. Lit., mutual love, aloba 'oe. See aloha. aloha 'ole. Pitiless, merciless, ungrateful, without love or affection, 'alohi. T o shine, glitter, sparkle; bright, brilliant; splendor, brilliancy (preceded by ke). 'Alohi e like me ka IS i ke awakea, bright as the sun at noon. Ke 'alohi kea o ke ano kakahiaka, the white light of morning, 'alohla. Passive/imperative of 'alo. alohlkt. Families united by marriage, 'alohi lanl. Brightness of heaven, a term applied to the heavenly courts of the goddesses Uli and Kapo. 'Mohllohl. Redup. of 'alohi. Maka 'Slohilohi, eyes bright and sparkling, blue or light brown eyes. Ka haole nui maka 'Slohilohi, e Kama lepo pua'a (For. 5:319), big stranger with bright eves, O Kama with excreta of a pig [said to the pig-god, Kama-pua'a). alo'l. Mud puddle, pool. Cf. lo'i. 'ftlo'Uo'l. 1. A demoiselle fish (Dascyllus albiiella). Also lo'ilo'i. The young stage is 'S or 'a'S. He 'Slo'ilo'i ka i'a waha iki o ke kai, a demoiselle, small-mouthed fish of the sea [one with little to say], 3. Humble. Ku 'Slo'ilo'i i ka hale o ke akua (prayer to Pele), standing humbly in the house of the god. 3. Same as lo'ilo'i, 1.
kalau. He mau 'Ilio alu i ka hSkSkS, dogs that combine in fighting. 'alu. Depression, gutter, ravine: lines of the hand, loose skin over the eyeball; tuck in a garment, shirring, ruffling; descent, as of trail or road; of low rank (Kep. 125); to bend, duck, hang, stoop; to relax; to ruff, as a mat. HB'ailona 'alu, tuck creaser, of a sewing machine. Ho'onoho 'alu, to make tucks, shirring; tucker on a sewing machine. Mea hana 'alu, tucker. Wela ka hao, 'alu ka uwea, the Iron is hot, bend the wire [now Is the time for fun, a saying originating at the Honolulu Iron Works], XJa 'alu ihola ka paniolo e ISlau i ka pU'olo, the cowboy leaned down to pick up the package. hO'alu. T o slacken, loosen, hang down, bend down, stoop; depression, slack. Ki hO'alu, slack key. 'alua. Two, twice. PB'alua, Tuesday; lit., second day. 'Alua a'u hele 'ana i kilS wahi, I ' v e been to that place twice. ' U u ' a . Old, worn-out, faded, dilapidated; old and wrinkled, as a person. alualu. To follow, pursue, chase; to run, as for political office. Alualu loloa, to run after persistently. bo'Sluaiu. Causative/simulative, 'alu'alu. Loose, flabby; misshapen, as a premature baby; slack, as a rope; wrinkled, uneven, rough, lined: foetus; skin, rind, peel. Hua 'alu'alu, egg with very soft shell. Keiki 'alu'alu. premature baby. Pala 'alu'alu ka 'ai a kamali'i, mostly peel when matured are the food crops cf children [infants are not strong enough to make good farmers). hO'alu'alu. To slacken, loosen; to make gathers, as in a skirt; a gatherer, as on sewing machines; yielding, loose, flexible, soft. 'JMualua. 1. Rough, bumpy, as a road; full of knotholes, as a board; pitted with holes, as a reef. Cf. lua, hole. He 'Slualua 'ino'ino ke alanui, the road is badly pitted. 3. Multiplication tables. Hua 'Slualua, code writing (with numbers), 'aluhe'e. Loose, as a bundle not securely tied; flabby, ill-fitting, loose-jointed, 'aluka. Crowd, heap; mixed, crowded, heaped. 'Aluka moku, group of irregular-lying islands. 'Aluka ka pala a ka 'Bhi'a, mountain apples ripen everywhere, ftlula. An endemic lobelia (BHghamia insignU) found only on Molokai and Kauai; an unbranched, succulent, thick-stemmed perennial about five feet high, topped with a rosette of large oval leaves and racemes of long, white, fragrant flowers. Also hShS. '»lull. T o incline the head, sway, aiutu. Quickly, hastily (used after hele, hana, holo, holoholo, hopuhopu). Holo hopuhopu alulu mSkou, we grabbed and fled in great haste, 'aiuna. Descent, loosening, slackening, stooping. See 'alu, 1. 'aiuna ahlahl. Late afternoon or early evening, 'aiuna awakea. Early afternoon. (For. 6:379.) 'alunu. Covetous, greedy; greed, greedy person, a m i . Outrigger float: port hull of a double canon, so called because it replaces the float. Also called iama. ' u n a , 1. Talkative, prattling, tattling. Cf. 'a'ama. He waha 'ama ia ha'i, a mouth prattling about others. 3. Light, bright. (Kep. 25.) Cf. ma'ama'ama. 3. Young 'ama'ama flsh, usually called pua 'ama. •'ama. (With hd-) hO'ama. To begin to ripen. Fig., people beginning to mature. Usually called hS'ama. ' a m a ' a m a . 1. Mullet ( M u g i l cephalua), a very choice flsh. Stages are (finger length) pua 'ama, pua 'ama'ama, pua po'ola, 'o'ola; (hand length) kahaha; (eight inches) 'ama'ama; (twelve inches or more) 'anae. Fig., an easy mark. Modern slang. Mai pi'ikoi i ka 'ama'amal Don't strive for the 'ama'ama flsh! [Be satisfied with what you have, why look for a rich person.] 3. Redup. of 'ama, 1, i.
alok&hl. Single weft in plaiting; mat of a single thickness, with only one shiny side. Cf. alolua. Lit., single side, alokele. 1. Attractive, of fine appearance. Alokele ke 'ike aku i ke alo o ia kuahiwi (hula song), a pleasure to see the face of that mountain. 3. A red bird reported by Kepelino (no data), 'alolio, alodlo. Alodial title, fee simple. 'Alolio i ke 'ano 'ae like, conditioned alodial. Malalo o ke 'ano 'alolio, freehold less than alodial. Ho'olimalima ma ke 'ano 'alolio, conditional lease, alolo. Same as 'aikola. alolua. 1. Two-sided, two-faced; facing one another, as cliffs on opposite sides of a valley. 3. Double weft in plaiting; plaiting with a reversible side, with two thicknesses. Cf. alokShi. 'aloma, aroma. Aroma. Eng. 'alopalopft. Shiftless, dependent on others for a livelihood. Cf. Wpa. 'alopeke, alopeka. Fox. (Luka 13.32.) aloplko. Belly of a fish, choice to Hawaiians. alu. Combined, acting together; to co-operate, act together. Alu like mai! Work in unity! Work together! E alu, e alu, e kui limal Cooperate! Co-operate! Join hands! E alu ka pule ia Hakalau, combine prayers to overcome Ha-
a m u a m u ' a m i h o ' o k u ' l n a lewa. Ball-and-socket joint. Lit., swinging connecting joint, ' a m i h u e . Similar to 'ami ku'upau. See hue, 3. 'ftmlka. Same as 'amikamika. ' a m ! k a h e l a . Hula step: hip rotations with weight on the right hip as the left heel lifts very slight]y,_ then reversing; to do this 'ami. See 'ami kuku. ' a m i - k a l . An ainphipod (Caprella sp.) that clings to seaweeds or hydroids; it has a Ion« slender body and is the color of the seaweed or hydroid on which it feeds. (Ed. 240.) ' A m i k a m i k a . A relish, morsel, or bit of food, scraps of food. E ho'ohui a'e i na 'amikamika e kupa me ka pipi ku, mix the scraps to make soup with the beef stew. ' a m i kQkQ. A hula step with 'ami; like the 'ami kahela except that the revolutions are smaller and faster and in groups of three; sometimes two slower kahele revolutions are followed by three faster kuku revolutions; to perform this step. ' a m i k u ' u p a u . Very rapid revolution of the hips in the hula; an uninhibited (ku'upau)'ami. Also called 'ami honua, 'ami hue. a m l o . 1. Narrow channel, as to a sea pool; to move through such a channel; to blow in a current; to pass in and out; gusty. Fig., to die. Cf. mio. Ko ke akua ha'i amio, god reveals through narrow channels. He amio ka makani, e pio auane'i, the wind blows a draft, [the light] may go out. 2. A hold in lua fighting, a m i o m i o . Redup. of amio. ' a m i 'flniu. The figure-eight hula step; the revolving hips ('ami) form an eight, with weight shifting; to perform this step. Lit., spinning 'ami. ' a i n i 'dpQ. An 'ami hula step with abdomen thrust forward, considered in poor taste; to do this step. Lit., stomach 'ami. ' a m i poepoe. Same as 'ami kahela but a new term. Lit., round 'ami. ' a m i p u k a . Hinge of door or gate, a m o . To carry a burden on the shoulders, to lift weights; a burden. Fig., responsibility. Cf. 'auamo. E amo pu! Shoulder arms! ' a m o . 1. Wink, sparkle; to wink, sparkle, glimmer, twinkle. 2. Contraction of the anal muscles, anal opening, vagina. Cf. pi ka 'amo under pi, Z. 'Amo hulu, rectum, vagina, a m o a . Passive/imperative of amo. a m o a m o . To raise or mount high, as waves; high, raised.
' J l m a ' a m a u . In rapid succession. 'Ama'amau ka holo o na ka'a, the cars followed one behind the other very quickly, ' a m a k i h i . A group of small Hawaiian honey creepers, formerly the genus Chlorodrepanis, now called Loxops virens, with subspecies on Hawaii (virens), Maui (wilsoni), Molokai (kalaana), Lanai (chloroides) [the last two by some also included with wilsoni), Oahu (chloris), and Kauai (stejnegeri). The feathers are yellow and greenish, and were formerly used in feather capes. The Kauai form was also called alawi, kihi. 'Amakihi 'awa'awa, sour 'amakihi [person with sour disposition], ' S m a l a , a m a r a . Armorer, blacksmith. Eng. ' i m s m a , Finished, of a pre-Christian prayer (said almost at the end of a prater); to finish a prayer; to pray and sacrifice. 'Amama, uanoa, the prayer is said, the taboo is over. Ua 'amama aku 'o 'Umi i ke kino o Hakau i mua o Ka'ili, kona akua, 'Umi offered the body of Hakau in sacrifice to Ka'ili, his god. ' I m a n a . Y-shaped crosspiece at the end of a pole (as of a la'au kia); horizontal line on an upright; branches of a tree in the form of a Y ; gallows; T-shaped. Cf. ke'a, ko'oko'o 'amana, pe'a, and mana, branch. - A m a n a . (With ho-) h o ' l m a n a . To give authority, authorization; to empower, authorize. Cf. mana, power. Na wai 'oe i ho'amana mai? Who gave you permission? ' a m a ' u . 1. All species of an endemic genus of ferns (Sadleria), with trunk more or less evident. The fronds are narrower, _smaller, and less divided than those of the hapu'u. At least one species has at the top of the trunk a mass of soft scales (pulu) used as pillow stuffing. Formerly, in times of famine, the tasteless pith of the trunk was cooked and eaten. The fronds were used to mulch dry-land taro, the stems for plaiting and as sizing for tapa. The 'ama'u was one of the forms that Kama-pua'a, the pig god, could take at will. Also ma'uma'u. Iiale-ma'uma'u, the pit in Kilauea Crater, means 'ama'u fern house. (Neal 24.) 2. Place where 'ama'u ferns are found. *&maul. Hawaiian thrush (Phaeornis obscura obscura), dusky olive-brown above, ashy-gray beneath; endemic to the island of Hawaii, with subspecies on Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, and Kauai, •ama'u-*!'!. A species of 'ama'u (Sadleria hillebrandii), having narrow, brown, stiff scales on frond stems. Also 'i'i. ' A m a ' u m a ' u . Plural of 'ama'u, 1-, many 'ama'u ferns, ferny, abounding in 'amu'u ferns; a covering of 'ama'u ferns, a m e . And. Cf. me. ' a m e k l , a m e t l . Amethyst. Eng. ' a m e k u k e k e , a m e t u s e t e , a m e t u s e t o . Amethyst. (Puk. 28.19.) ' A m e l l k a , A m e r i c a . America; American. Eng. ' A m e l i k a - ' & k a u . North America. ' A m e l l k a - h e m a . South America. ' A m e l l k a - h u i - p a - ' I a . U n i t e d S t a t e s of America, ' t m e n e . Amen. ' a m i . 1. Hinge, joint; to turn on hinges. Ihu 'ami, nose with irregularly shaped bridge. 2. A hula step with hip revolutions; to do this step. Three types are 'ami kahela,'ami kuku, and 'ami '5niu. See also 'ami honua, 'ami ku'upau, 'ami 'Bpu, and 'ami poepoe. 3. Measuring worm, ' a m l ' a m l . Redup. of 'ami, 1, 2; elastic, pendulous, springy; jerking of the hips back and forth in a crude or vulgar 'ami hula; motion of sexual intercourse; to move on hinges. ' U m l h a m l h a . Same as 'Swihiwihi. ' a m i h o n u a . Exaggerated and rapid revolving of the hips In the hula. Also called ami ku'upau. ' a m i tao'oku'i. Joint. Lit., connecting joint.
' a m o ' a m o . Redup. of 'amo, l.Z. HSkU 'amo'amo, twinkling star, a m o k a u . A stick for carrying burdens on the shoulder. ' A m o k e m o k e . Irregular, uneven, ' a m o k i ' i . 1. Stem of fruits or tubers. 2. Genitals of male. Also called 'anaki'i, 'anaki'u, 'anami'u. ' A m o k u m o k u . Abounding in islets or rocks, as a reef; full of stumps; cutting, severing, ' a m o m o . Amomum, a genus of plants in the ginger family, ' a m o n i a . Ammonia. Eng. ' A m o ' o m o ' o . 1. Small strip of tapa or matting such as can serve as a sample. 2. Young stage of the 'S'io fish, ' a m o p u ' u . Thin, emaciated, lean. Lit., protruding anal opening, a m u . 1. To curse, revile. Cf. kHamuamu. 3 . T o eat. Cf. hamu. 3. (Cap.) Name of a Kauai wind. (For. 5:97.) im O . To trim, shear, shave: shaving, shearing. Pahi amu, razor. Lauoho amC, trimmed hair, a m u a m u . Redup. of amu, 1. Ke amuamu 'ana i ke ali'i me ka ho'ohiki '¿no, reviling the chief with profane oaths, i m f l l m l ) . Redup. of amu.
' a m u ' e m u ' e 'Amu'emu'e.
analna ho'omana.
Suffering f r o m p e n e t r a t i n g cold, bitter cold, bitter to taste. i l m u k a . R e p o r t e d as a v a r . n a m o f o r t b e kahala fish.
' S m u k u . Cut off. Same as
analna 'Ike all'l.
Royal reception or audience. ' a n a k a . A k i n d of p o l e c a t , f e r r e t (Oihk. 11.30). 'anaka. A n c h o r . Eng. LeikB ka 'anaka, l e t g o t h e anchor.
' I m u k u m u k u . S a m e as 'amokumoku. ' a m u m f l . Dull, b l u n t ; d u l l n e s s , b l u n t n e s s . a n a . 1. T o measure, survey, evaluate, r a t e : s u r v e y , m e a s u r e m e n t , p a t t e r n , p l a n , m o d e l . Cf. anana. ana 'ole, a n d n u m e r o u s t y p e s of m e a s u r e m e n t listed below. Kaula ana ( l e r . 3 1 . 3 9 ) , m e a s u r i n g line, h o ' o a n a . T o m a k e m e a s u r e m e n t s . 2 . T o h a v e e n o u g h or t o o m u c h , satisfied, s a t i a t e d . A ana na kupuna o Kawelo i ke kahumu 'ai na Kawelo ( F o r . 5 : 3 ) , t h e g r a n d p a r e n t s of K a w e l o h a d h a d e n o u g h of t e n d i n g t h e f o o d o v e n s f o r K a w e l o . Ua hele au a ana, I ' v e h a d all I c a n t a k e ; I ' m d i s g u s t e d . 'A'ole e 'dlelo mat ana ke ahi ua ana ia, fire will n e v e r s a y t h a t i t h a s e n o u g h [of love]. 3 . C a v e , g r o t t o . 4 . L a r y n x . 5 . P a r t i c l e a f t e r e ( v e r b ) . See e ( v e r b ) ana. i n completed action and f u t u r e tense. 6. Particle a f t e r words with meaning "there, t h e n , " and o f t e n u s e d sis i n d i c a t i v e of t h e f u t u r e . See G r a m . 7.4. lata no a hala, ku ana ke ka'a, a s s o o n as h e h a d g o n e , t h e c a r c a m e . Nou ana kiia hale, t h i s h o u s e will be y o u r s . 'Oia ana no. I t ' s t h e s a m e r e s u l t ; r e g a r d l e s s . He 'aukai ana 'oia nei, h e will be a s e a f a r e r , a n a . His, h e r , h e r s , i t s (a-form possessive, zeroc l a s s ; see G r a m . 9.4.) ' a n a . 1 . P u m i c e , u s e d as a r u b b e r . 2 . Siliceous s p o n g e (Leiodermatium), used as medicine and as s a n d p a p e r . 3. Nominalizlng particle. Kona hele 'ana mai, h i s c o m i n g h e r e , ana 'aina. L a n d s u r v e y i n g ; t o s u r v e y ,
a n a k a h l . Unit of measurement, ' a n a k a l a . Uncle. Eng. a n a k a u m a h a . To weigh; weight.
'anakS, anate.
A u n t , a u n t i e . Eng. ' a n a k e ' e . Bent, crooked, misshapen,
' a n a k l a . Anarchy, anarchist. Eng. ' a n a k l ' l , ' a n a k i ' u . Same as 'amoki'i. ' a n a k o e . N o t h i n g r e m a i n s t o b e d o n e . A pau a 'anakoe, ku ana kela mea keia mea i luna o ka wa'a, w h e n all w a s d o n e , e a c h o n e s t o o d u p o n t h e canoe. ' a n a k o ' l . I n f l a m m a t o r y swelling of a l y m p h gland, venereal tumor, bubo, 'anakomla, anatomla. A n a t o m y . Eng. anaku'u. V a r . of akaku'u. 'anall'l. 1. W e e , s t u n t e d . Also 'a'anali'i, kakanali'i. 2 . A n a t i v e f e r n ( A s p l e n i u m lobulatum) with narrow fronds t o one a n d one-half feet long, h a v i n g m a n y n a r r o w l o b e s a l o n e t w o o p p o s i t o sides of t h e axis. Also pi'ipVi-laumanamana. anallo. 1. T a i l f e a t h e r s . 2. S a m e as analipo. a n a l l p o . Distance, f a r a w a y space, beyond t h e h o r i z o n . Cf. kumulipo. a n a l o a . M e a s u r e m e n t of l e n g t h ,
a n a mekela
' a n a ' a l a e a . Red pumice.
' a n a ' a n a . l . Pellet-shaped, as goat dung. 2. To shiver, tremble. (AP.) 'ana'anft. B l a c k m a g i c , evil s o r c e r y ; t o p r a c t i c e t h i s . Kahuna 'anS'ani, p r a c t i t i o n e r of b l a c k magic. 'ana'anal. R e d u p . of 'anai. 'ana'anapa. R e d u p . of 'anapa. ' a n a ' a n a p u ' u . R e d u p . of 'anapu'u. 'Ana'anapu'u ka uila, t h e j a g g e d l i g h t n i n g flashes, 'ana'anau. R e d u p . of 'anau. 'ana'anea. I d i o t i c , f o o l i s h , a s o n e u n d e r t h e spell of s o r c e r y ,
Metric weight
' a n a m l ' u . Same as
' a n a n a u . Redup. of
F a t h o m ; formerly the distance between t i p s of l o n g e s t fingers of a m a n , m e a s u r e d w i t h a r m s extended on each side; to count by this m e a s u r e m e n t or b y f a t h o m s . Cf. ana, 1. ' a n a n a . T o s t r a i n , as j u i c e or poi. S a m e a s kanana. ' a n a n a l u . A v a r i e t y of hinilea fish.
Leafless, b a r e .
' a n a n l ' o . Same as
A t u r n i p . Also anantt-pilau. ' a n a n u ' u . T o c o l l a p s e or d e f l a t e , a s a b a l l o o n .
a u a ' e . To save for future use. h o ' a n a ' S . To
w i t h o l d f o r t h e f u t u r e . Ka ho'oilina . . . ua ho'ana'i 'ia ma ka lani (1 P e t . 1.4), i n h e r i t a n c e . . . r e s e r v e d in h e a v e n , 'anae. Full-sized 'ama'ama m u l l e t fish, ftnahenahe. S a m e as nahenahe, s o f t , g e n t l e ,
a n a Ola'I, m l k t n i a n a Ola'l. Seismograph. Lit., machine to measure earthquakes, ' a n a O l a ' l . W h i t e p u m i c e w i t h fine pores, a n a ' o l e . W i t h o u t equal, immeasurable, limitless, n e v e r s a t i s f i e d . Kalani-ana-'ole (name), chief of i n c o m p a r a b l y h i g h r a n k , ' a n a p a . T o shine, gleam, glitter, sparkle; brightness, g l e a m . h O ' a n a p a . C a u s a t i v e / s i m u l a t i v e ,
a n a h o l a . Hourglass, a n a h o n u a . Geometry.
aua honua.
Congregation for worship.
' a n a l n a l . Redup. of 'anai.
Surveying, to measure the surface
of t h e e a r t h ,
a n a p a ' a . Cubic measure.
ana ho'obailke.
Model, pattern, ' a n a h u a . Deformed, disfigured, stoop-shouldered, lopsided; such a person, ana hulnakolu. T r i g o n o m e t r y . Lit., t r i a n g u l a r measurement, a n a h u l u . 1. P e r i o d of t e n d a y s ; f o r t e n d a y s ; t o p a s s t e n d a y s . Ku anahulu ka moku, t h e s h i p arrives once in ten d a y s ; t h e ship stays for ten d a y s . ( P P N -fulu, P M P puluq, t e n . ) 2 . L a r g e moana, a fish, f r o m o n e t o t w o a n d a h a l f f e e t long. Anal. S a m e a s dial, J; s c r e e n ; a t t r a c t i o n . Ke anai maila ka 'iwa anai maka ( U L 197), t h e f r i g a t e b i r d t h a t f a s c i n a t e s t h e e y e s is a t t r a c t i n g attention. ' f t n a l . 1 . T o r u b , s c r u b , s c o u r , polish, g r i n d , b l o t out, lay waste, d e s t r o y ; rubbing, scrubbing, etc. Cf. 'a'anai, 'ana'anai, 'Snainai. 3 . T o c u r s e , analna. C o n g r e g a t i o n , a u d i e n c e , a s s e m b l y , crowd; to assemble.
'anapanapa. 1.
R e d u p . of 'anapa. 2. H a w a i i a n s o a p p l a n t . (Colubrina asiatica), a t w i n i n g s h r u b , distributed f r o m Africa, India, and Australia t o Polynesia, with heart-shaped leaves and small round fruits. T h e leaves f o r m a lather in water a n d h a v e l o n g b e e n u s e d a s s o a p on P a c i f i c i s l a n d s . T h e p l a n t is m i s t a k e n l y r e p o r t e d t o b e p o i s o n o u s . ( N e a l 475.) Also kauila, kauilaanapanapa, kukuku. 3. N a t i v e red seaweeds (Geltdium s p p . ) ; s m a l l , stiff, b r a n c h i n g , e d i b l e p l a n t s . Also limu-loloa. ana paona. Scales, b a l a n c e ; t o weigh. Lit., p o u n d (Eng.) m e a s u r e , ' a n a p a u . T o leap, frisk, frolic: frisky. [Now h e a r d o n l y in t h e s o n g : He aha ka hana a 'Anapau? W h a t d o e s F r i s k y do?] hO'anapau. To caper, cavort; to twist and t u r n the body, especially I n t h e finale of a h u l a w i t h r a p i d h i p movements, ana plha. M e a s u r e m e n t of c a p a c i t y .
an o a n a plwa. Thermometer, for taking temperatures: to take temperature. Lit., fever (Eng.) measure. a n a p u k a . Underground passage, tunnel, a n a p u n l . Boundary, circumference, perimeter; to encircle, go around. Komo akula i ke anapuni a Lima-loa, entered the circle of Long-arm [where others have the upper hand], ' a n a p u ' u . Bumpy, lumpy, jagged, uneven; bump, hump; to hump along, buck; to project, as the bones of a thin animal. Cf. 'a'nnnpu'u, 'ana'anapu'u. ' a n a u . To move with a jerky motion; to go gadding from place to place. Cf. 'ananau, Sna'anau. 'Anau noho'i 'oe i kauhale, how you go gadding from houso to house, a n a u a . Rain gauge; to measure rainfall, a n a u a n l ' l . Same as 'anianiau, a honey creeper, ' a n a u b e l e . To go here and there, gad. a n a ' u k u . Mealybug. (Coccidae) and scale insects. 'Unaunatl. 1. Same as naunau, 3, shellfish. 2. A small shrubby mustard, called peppergrass (probably a native species, Lepidium owaihiense); the root was used medicinally. 3. According to Rock, a larger native peppergrass (Lepidium serra), with narrower leaves, found only on Kauai, a n a w a e n a . Diameter. Lit., middle measure. Anawaena loa, transverse diameter of an ellipse. Anawaena poko, conjugate diameter of an ellipse. a n a w a l n a . Liquid measure. a n a wela. Thermometer, measurement of heat; to measure heat, a n e . 1. A dermestid beetle that destroys feathers in feather-work; mites, as in chickens: ringworm; insect-eaten, gnawed. Lehu ane, fine ashes. (PPN ane, P M P anay.) 2. The breath of life, passing of a breeze. Cf. aneane. ' a n e . 1. Same as 'ane'ane; to draw near. Ua 'ane aku i ka manawa, it is aimost time. 2. Var. of 'ana, 1, pumice, ilnea. 1. Insipid, tasteless. 2 . Vibration caused by heat. 3. Passive/imperative of ane, 1; motheaten. Fig., a betattered tramp. 4. Bare, leafless. B. Passive/imperative of ane, 2; gentle, as a breeze. a n e a n e . Faint, feeble, exhausted; nauseous dizziness. Cf. puaaneane. ' a n e ' a n e . Nearly, almost, scarcely, hardly, not quite, fairly; near. Ua 'ane'ane ho'i e pa'a, it is almost finished. 'Ane'ane i ka make, near death, ftneanea. Redup. of anea. •ane'e. 1. To move along by jerks, hitch along, sidle. 2. To go where one is not welcome, to wear out a welcome, ' f t n e ' e n e ' e . 1. Redup. of 'ane'e, 1, 2. 2. Old clothing; small mat that is carried about to sit on. ftnehe. To come upon quietly, move stealthily. Anehe akula ia e ku'i, he stole up quietly to strike a blow. Anehe mai na kanaka e kaua (For. 5:35), the people were poised for fighting, ftnehenehe. Redup. of anehe. flneho. Transgression of the law, wrong, fault; to transgress. (AP.) a n e i . Particle indicating that a question may be answered by yes or no, following a word. See Gram. 4.5. 'A'ole anei? Isn't it so? Isn't it? Pita anei? Is it that way 7 Is that so? E hele ana anei 'oe i ke kaona? Are you going to town? ' a n e ' l . 1. Here (usually after ma-, i, or (to). E ku'u aloha, ma'ane'i mai, ne'ene'e mai no a pili (song), my loved one, come here, sidle up close. 'A'ohe o 'one'i wahine e like me 'oe, a ina noho'i no 'one'i aku nei, 'a'ole no e hele mai i 'ane'i; he kapu o 'ane'i, he make (For. 5:235), none of the local women are like you, and had [you] been of this place, [youl would not have come here; it
is taboo here, death. 2. Doubtful (used idiomatically). Same as auane'i, t. He pa'akai 'ane'i e hehe'e ai, so, like salt that melts [said by one who doesn't mind going into the rain). ' A n e k e , Anede. Andes. Eng. ' a n e k e l o . Angle. Eng. ' a n e k e l o p a , a n e t e l o p a , a n e k e l o p e . Antelope. Eng. ' a n e k o , a n e t o . Anise. (Mat. 23.23.) 'ftnela. Angel; designation for Hawaiian gods and spirits by those converts to Christianity wjio had kept some of the old gods. Eng. 'Anela kia'i, guardian angel, ' a n e m o k u . Peninsula. Lit., near island, ftneo. A game; the stone called hiu was said to have been used in this game, i n e w a . Dizzy, unsteady, as one ill or intoxicated. Cf. newa, dizzy. S n e w a n e w a . Redup. of inewa. a n l . To beckon, wave; to blow softly, aB a breeze; to draw a net over the surface of water; to pass over the surface, as a hand; beckoning. ' Upena ani, draw net. ho'ftnl. To beckon, wave, signal; to let wind. (PPN angi, P M P hangin.) a n l a . 1. Passive/imperative of ani. Nahaha i ke ania e ka makani, broken by the blowing of the wind. 2. Smooth, 'ftnla. Scorched, singed, parched; hot, as an oven, a n l a n l . 1. Mirror, glass; clear, transparent, obvious. Cf. makaaniani, pukaaniani. Several types of aniani are listed below. Aniani na hana i ka Naukilo (song), techniques are clear to the Nautilus. 2. Cool, refreshing; to blow softly, gently. Fig., to travel swiftly. Unlanla. Smooth, calm, ' f t n l a n l a . Redup. of 'ania. ' a n i a n i a u . A small, bright olive or yellowishgreen Hawaiian honey creeper (Loxops [formerly Chlorodrepanis] parva), endemic to Kauai, and related to the 'amakihi. The young birds which are confused with young 'amakihi, were reported to have been called alawi. a n l a n l h o ' o n u l ' I k e . Magnifying glass, microscope, telescope. Lit., glass to enlarge vision. A n l a n l - l - k a - l a n l . Name of a star said to be in the Milky Way. a n l a n l Ipu k u k u l . Lamp chimney, a n l a n l k l l o h l . Mirror, looking glass, a n l a n l k u . Standing mirror, a n l a n l k u k u l u l l a . Electric-light bulb. Lit., electric-light glass, a n i a n i p a ' a l i m a . Hand mirror, 'ftnlha. Unfriendly, angry, hard-hearted. Cf. kamaniha. ' a n l h a n l h a . 1. Redup^ of "aniha. 2. Nearly, almost. 'Anihaniha makou a pae, loa'a i ka makani, we were almost landing when [we were] caught by the wind, ' a n l h l n l h l . 1. Precarious. Cf. nihi. 'Anihinihi i ke ola, life hanging (as by a thread). 2. Small taro tubers. Less used than 'onihinihi. ' 2 - n l h o - l o a . A small fish (no data), ' a n l k e l l k e k o , a n i k r i s t o , a n l k e r l s e t o . AntiChrist. Also shortened to anekaliko. Eng. &nlnl. Eurya sandwicensis, a, native tree or shrub In the tea family. Also wanini. (Neal 510.) ' a n l n i . 1. Dwarfish, stunted, tinv. Obs. 2 . To vary, as great and small waves. Obs. 3. Awning. Eng. a n l p e ' a h i . To waver>r beckon, as with the hand. ' & n l ' u n l ' u . Root connecting sweet potato to vine. a n o . 1. Awe, reverence, peacefulness, sacredness; feeling of awe, fear, or oppression; weird solitude, oppressive quiet; awestruck, lost in thought, lie ano mai nei ka nahele, 'a'ohe manu o ke kula (song), the forest is silent, there are no birds in the plains. Ano wale mai no ko
' a n o 'o ka huhu no ia, it was such a trifling reason for anger. ' a n o pill. Property, as of a number; fraction, a n u . 1. Cool, cold; coolness, temperature. Nu'uanu (place name), cool elevation, ho'&nu. To cool. Trans. 2. Cold, influenza; to have a cold. Ua loa'a i ke anu, to get a cold, a n u ' a . Heap, mass, pile. a n u a n u . Redup. of anu, cold. Ho'Snu&nti. Causative/simulative, a n u e n u e . 1. Rainbow. E wai anuenue ana na wawae o na koa, the feet of the soldiers form a rainbow pattern [of marching soldiers in colored uniforms]. 2. Scallop-like design on tapa and tapa beater, ' a n u h e . Caterpillar. Also called 'enuhe, nuhe. a n u h e a . Cool, soft fragrance, as of upland forests; sweetness. Cf. waianuhea. Ko 'ala anuhea ka'u i honi aku (song), your cool soft fragrance I inhaled. ' a n u h e n u h e . 1. Infested with caterpillars. 2. Wrinkled, furrowed; to pucker, wrinkle, shrivel. 3. Var. name for nenue fish. (AP.) ' a n u l k l , ' a n u l t l . Annuity. Ens. ' S n u l u , ' a n u n u . Variants of 'ilunu, greed. ' S n u n u . A native genus of cucurbit vines (Sicyos). ' a n u ' u . 1. Stairs, jogs, steps, terrace, dais, ledge (1 Nal. 6.6). 2. Tower in ancient heiau, about 24 feet high and 18 feet square, as enclosed with white 'oloa tapa. 3 . Sprain, strain, disjointed vertebra; to stumble, trip, sprain; to land heavily or jar, as when one expects to step down but there is no step. Fig., error, slip; to err. Cf. maui. 4. Interval in music, interval of a major second. Cf. lele, interval. 'Anu'u 'ekolu, an interval of three. 'Anu'u hapa, half an interval, a minor. Pili 'anu'u, to go up an Interval. 5. Name given to comparison of adjectives. 'Anu'u kumu, basic stage. 'Anu'u waena, comparative degree. 'Anu'u loa, superlative degree, ' a n u ' u n u ' u . Having steps: wavy, curly, vibrating, undulating; to beat with regular rhythm; to jerk the body, as by osteopaths or masseurs. Alapi'i 'anu'unu'u, stairs, n o ' a n u * ' u n u ' u . To vibrate, undulate, wave, Jerk, make steps; wavy, as hair. Leo ho'anu'unu'u, quavering, trilling voice, a o . 1. Light, day, daylight, dawn: to dawn, grow light: enlightened; to regain consciousness. Cf. aokanaka. Piliwaiwai lakou a ao ka pd, they gambled until night became day [all night long}. Kela p8 a ao a'e i neliinei, night before last; in., that night that dawned yesterday. A ao ka pS a pd ke ao, when night becomes day until the day becomes night [for a night and a day], Ua ao mai ka no'ono'o, the mind Is functioning, h o ' a o . (a) To marry; marriage (old term, probably lit., to stay until daylignt). (b) (Cap.) Night of the day called Huna, eleventh night of the month, when the ho'ao nuptials took place. (PPN 'aho. P M P qa(n)jaw.) 2. Any kind of a cloud, including 'Spua. Cf. aoku, ao loa, ac 'dnohi, aouli, 'dpua, palamoa, papalamoa, puapua'a. Ao kai lilo a Kane, a cloud over the distant sea of Kane [away out, where only cloud and sea are seen]. 3. World, earth. 4 . T o be careful, beware, watch out. E ao na'e 'oe ia Kalahumoku (For. 5:413), beware then of Kalahumoku. E ao 'oe o 'eha, be careful or you'll be hurt. S. Rare var. of wao, upland area. 6. The exact, image of (preceded by a 'e). 'O ka makuahine no a 'e ao, the image of the mother. 7. A kind of fine mat. 8 . A "kind of fish (no data). ( K L line 149.) a ' o . 1. Instruction, teaching, doctrine, learning, instruction book, manual, advice, counsel; to learn, teach, advise. Many kinds of instruction are listed below, as a'o heluhelu, a'o hBku, a'o kiko, a'o loko, a'ovalapala. a'o pili'Blelo. See lohe for Idioms. 'Olelo a'o, advice, precept, instruction. A'o poko, briefly taught; to learn a little [said of lowly individuals], E a'o kSkou iS 'oe i ke kino lele o ko wahine (For. 4:73), we will
aloha, your love overpowers me. h o ' a n o . Holy, devoted to sacred use, hallowed; to reverence, attribute divine honor to, hallow. Po'e Ho'dno o na La Hope Nei, Latter-Day Saints. Ho'ano, ho'ano, ho'ano (Hoik. 4.8). holy, holy, holy. E ko makou Makua i loko o ka lam, e ho'Sno '(a kou inoa (Mat. 6.9), our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. 2. Time (in songs, and usually before ahiahi, rarely before kakahiaka). ' a n o . 1. Kind, nature, character, type, likeness, resemblance, image, color, moral quality, meaning (preceded by ke). He aha ke 'ano? What is it like? (scornfully) What kind of nonsense is that? He aha no la kou 'ano? What's the matter with you? 2. Somewhat, rather; to show signs of. Ano poepoe, somewhat round. Ke 'ano malie mat nei, it is beginning to clear up. E 'ano ua aku ana, it looks like rain. 'Ano maika'i 'ole, not very good. hft'ano. To cause to take a definite shape, to produce a resemblance. *5nf). Now; present, a n o a . Passive/imperative of ano, 1. Obs. ' a n o a . Dry, parched. Same as panoa. ' a n o ' a l . 1. Greeting; to greet; news. Rare. 'Ano'ai kakou, greetings (to more than two people). Na 'ano'ai o Kona-'akau, news of North Kona. 2. Unexpected. 'Ano'ai ko maua hui 'ana, our meeting was unexpected. 3. Perhaps. 'Ano'ai aia paha i laila ka hale noho a ka 'i'mi (chant for Kalakaua), perhaps there the dwelling house of desire, ' a n o a k u a . Godlike, divine; godly form, kanaka a n o a n o . Redup. of ano, 1. Kula anoano 'ole, solitary uninhabited plain, ho'&no&no. Redup. of ho'ano. Ho'anoano wale mai no mehe haili la e kau iho maluna, awe-struck as though a spirit has descended from above, ' a n o ' a n o . Seed, kernel; germ; dried and salted Chinese watermelon seed. Fig., progeny, offspring. ' a n o ' e . Strange, odd, unusual, peculiar, different, uncomfortable, hfi'ano ' e . Causative/ simulative. a n o h a l e . Individual presiding over the 'ume game. (Malo 215.) ' a n o h a n a . Method, case, technique, as in solving problems, 'ftnoho. Sitting taboo. (Kep. 137.) ' a n o h o u . New variety or kind; new, unusual. bO'ano h o u . To renew, change the nature or character, ' a n o h u i . Compound, as of fractions, ' a n o h u l k a u . Complex, as of fractious, ' a n o ' l . Desire, longing, love; desired one, lover; to desire, yearn; loved, beloved. 'Ano'i pua, cherished flower, sweetheart. Ka mele i 'ano'i nui 'ia, the greatly beloved song. 'Ano'i aku e 'ike iaia, great desire to see him. ' a n o l a n l . Of heavenly character, celestial. noble, royal, pure, ' a n o like. Resembling; of similar nature or type; resemblance, ' f t n o n a n o n a . Same as naonao, ant; name of a newspaper formerly printed in Hawaii, so called because of the Bible quotation: E hele 'oe i ka 'anonanona, e nana i kona 'ao'ao e ho'ona'auao iho (Sol. 6.6), go to the ant, study her ways and learn. ' a n o n i . To mix, interweave, intertwine. Fig., confused, doubtful. Koko 'anoni, mixed blood. 'Anoni 'ia me ke koko Pakl, mixed with Chinese blood. 'Anoni ka mana'o, a confused, doubting mind. 'ftnonla. 1. Passive/imperative of 'anoni. 2. Same as alani-wai, a plant, ' a n o n l n o n i . Redup. of 'anoni. ' a n o n o n l . Same as 'anoninoni. ' a n o 'ole. Insignificant, trivial, of no consequence, unattractive. He wahi kumu 'ano 'ole
' a p a ' a p a n i a ' o h e l e . To teach while traveling; to act as itinerant teacher, preacher, missionary. a ' o h e l u h e l u . Reader, primer; to learn or teach to read. Ao-llOkfi. N a m e of a star, possibly Jupiter. Lit., star light. Cf. Hoku-ao. a ' o hOkQ. Astronomy, astronomer; to teach or learn astronomy. ' f t o k a . Same as oka, dregs. ' a o k a h i . One remaining leaf ('ao) on an old taro stalk, said of an old taro a b o u t to die. a o k a n a k a . To think or behave reasonably; human enlightenment, ' i o k a o k a . Redup. of 'aoka. a ' o k e p e l a (sepela). Spelling book; to learn or teach spelling, a ' o k i k o . Manual of punctuation; to learn or teach punctuation. a o k O . Rain cloud, mist. ' a ' o l e . No, not; to be none, to have none. Cf. Gram. 6.2. 'A'ole Ion.' Certainly not! Not a t alll I should say not! 'A'ole paha, probably not. perhaps not (polite), 'ftolo. Same as iilai. I 'apa kaua i ka 'aolo o ka 'oka'i me ka pulelehua i ko kaua ala hele, we were delayed by the obstruction of th6 moths and butterflies in our way. a o l o a . Long cloud; high or distant cloud; stratus cloud along the horizon. Fig., a distinguished person. a ' o l o k o . Innermost teaching, inspiration. I ka ha'alele 'ana aku i Kou a'o loko 'ana mai, from the neglect of Thy inspirations, ' a o 1 0 ' a u . Unexpanded leaf blade of taro; to offer as a sacrifice. E 'ao lu'au a kualima, offer young taro leaves five times as sacrifice. ' S o n e . Sandy; sandy soil. ' a O n o . Six, especially in counting in a series; six times. Pd'aSno, Saturday; lit., sixth day.
teach you the flying power [Hi., body] of your wife. Na wai 'oe i a'o? Who taught you? ho'&'o. To test, try, taste, experiment, t e m p t (Kin. 22.1); to do a little (equivalent of the pidgin English " t r y " before verbs). Po'e e ho'i'o ana, contestants. E ho'Wo mat ana 'oe e htmeni? Won't you sing a little? [Pidgin, " t r y sing"] ( P P N ako, P M P alne]ke~ ) 2. Particle replacing o, of, and 'o subject marker, in songs. 'O na pali a 'o Ko'olau-loa, t h e cliffs of Ko'olauloa. Lapaku ka wahine a 'o Pele, the woman, Pele, is very active, •ao. 1. A new 9hoot, leaf, or bud. especially of taro. (UL 17.) Cf. 'ahu 'ao, 'ao kahi, 'ao lu'au. 2. Dried baked taro or sweet potato; in Ka'u this food was hung in baskets in t h e wind so t h a t it dehydrated; it was used on sea journeys and is perhaps related to 5, sea rations. 3. Ship biscuit, pilot bread, hardtack, ' a ' o . Newell's puffin (Puffinus newelli), t h e only sea bird endemic to Hawaii; glossy black above, white beneath. Also called Wo. Ho'okahi no hua a ka 'a'o, the 'a'o lays but a single egg [said of an only child], ' a o a . 1. To bark, as a dog; to howl (Ioela 1.5); lamentation, cry of distress; doleful (Isa. 13.21). h G ' a o a . To make a dog bark or howl. 2. A small shellfish (Melampus caslaneus), strung in leis. (Ed. 186.) Also called maka-'aoa. 3. Same as 'ili-ahi, sandalwood. (AP.) 4. N a m e for sacrificial places near fish ponds, where semiannual offerings were made, as of taro, bananas, mullet, kohekohe grass, and black pig. 5. {Cap.) N a m e of a sea breeze a t Honolulu blowing gently towards land. Also called 'Ao'aoa. s o a k u a . Godly cloud. Fig., rainbow. ' A o a - l a e - n l h l . Northeast wind at Niihau. Lit., lae-nihi (a fish) wind, ' a o ' a o . 1. Side, boundary. 2. Group, t e a m ; party, as a political party. Ke koho 'ana o na ao'ao, option of t h e parties [to an agreement]. 3. Page. 4. Way (Sol. 6.6), habit, mode of living. 'O kona mau 'ao'ao apau he maika'i wale no, a l l h i s ways are very good. 5. Family gods, 'aumakua. He 'ao'ao pueo ko mdkou, we have the owl as our family god. a ' o a ' o . Stratagem, plot, advice, counsel, a o a o a . A small seaside shrub (Wikstroemia sp.). The root bark is used externally for sores, and stems and bark of branches for coughs. Branches and leaves are mixed with rasped ends of Barringtonia asiatica (syn. B. speciosa) to stupefy fish. See 'akia, 1. ' a o ' a o a . 1. Redup. of 'aoa, 1. 2. (Cap.) Same as 'aoa, 5.
'So'o. Elderly. Cf. o'o.
a o ' O n o h l . Cloud with rainbow ('Bnohi) colors, a ' o p a l a p a l a . Instruction, education; to teach or learn writing, a ' o plll'Olelo. Grammar, instruction in grammar; to teach or learn grammar. aoQU. Firmament, sky, blue vault of heaven, ' a p a . 1. To delay, waste time, keep others waiting. Kahuli ihola laua, a lilo ihola laua i ke ka, i ka hoe, pila laua i ' apa ai (For. 5;17), t h e two upset, and were occupied with t h e bailer and paddles, in this way they were delayed. Mai apa mai 'oe, e hele kakou, d o n ' t dillydally, let's Ku ka 'apa ia Hawai'i, he moku nui, it is §o.tting for Hawaii to tarry [do as it wants], a big island.2. Ephah. Biblical. 3. (Cap.) Also A b a . Abba. (Mar. 14.36.) 'Spft. 1. Roll or ream L as of paper; bolt, as of cloth. 2. See lima 'apa. 'JLpa'a. X. Arid, dry; dry area. Pili ho'dla ka ua i ka 'apa'a, akin to a healer is the rain to t h e arid plains. 2. Land one has lived on for a long time (a term of affection related to pa'a, firmly bound). ' A p a ' a k u m a . Native of a place and descendant from its earliest line of chiefs. (Malo 24.)
'ao'ao ho'oma'ema'e. Reform party. ' a o ' a o k&lal'&lna. Political party.
' a o ' a o kO'6. Opposition, opponent, as in a trial; minority party,
' a o ' a o kflpale. Defense, as in a trial, ' a o ' a o kOpono. Perpendicular, of a triangle, ' a o ' a o - l e o - n u l . A variety of taro (no data),
'ao'ao loa. Hypotenuse,
' a o ' a o m o e . Base, as of a triangle, ' a o ' a o - n u i . Young of the kupipl fish, or alternate name. ' a o ' a o p a l e . Same as 'ao'ao kupale. ' a ' o e . Same as 'a'ole, not. Rare. 'A'oe e 'olel Certainly notl 'A'oe ho'i e 'olel Absolutely notl 'A'oe au e hele, I will not go. ' a ' o h e . None; no, n o t ; to have none, to be none; there is no one who (in subordinate phrases). Cf. Gram. 10.3. Today a gesture is commonly used by all races to replace 'a'ohe koena, there Isn't any more, or 'a'ole, no. T h e gesture, taken from Hawailans, is a quick flick of t h e hand with t h e palm turned downward and away f r o m the body, originally significant of an e m p t y hand. 'A'ohe Sna hana, he has no work. 'Oia kama'ilio aku a 'ea ka waha, 'a'ohe lohe 'ia mai, while talking until t h e tongue is coated, [yetj no one Is listened to.
'apa'apa. Redup. of 'apa, l. hO'apa'apa. To
slow down others; to lag, dillydally, bother. He 'aumakua ho'oluhi, hd'apa'apa i ke kahuna, a family god who bothers and interferes with t h e priest. ' i p a ' a p a ' a . 1. N a m e of a strong wind a t Kohala, Hawaii. 2. (Not_ cap.) Dry, parched. 3. (Not cap.) Same as 'apa'a, 2. 4. A kind of lobster (no data), ' f t p a ' a p a n a . Small pieces, fragments. Cf. 'Spana. ' f t p a ' a p & n a . Delay, procrastination, ' f t p a ' a p a n l . Quick, effective repartee; to retort thus. Rare.
'ap aha ' S p a h a . T o d o u b t ; perhaps, m a y b e . Rare. ' a p a h Q . B a r e var. of pahu, explosion, ' f t p a h u . 1. T o cut squarely off. chop; a piece cut off a t right angles. Po'o 'apahu, Head with receding forehead. 2. Same as kunehi, a large fish. 3. Conspicuous, as one dressed oddly. ( A P . ) 4. T o cram, pack full, stuff. ( A P . )
'Apellla, Aperlla. April. Eng. ' a p e u . Same as 'dleuleu; t o hold f o o d .
' a p e u p e u . Same as 'Meuleu. lie wahi 'apeupeu moena ka'u i lawe max nei, I ' v e just brought some ordinary coarse mats [a polite w a y t o disparage a g i f t that m a y actually be fine], ' a p i . 1. Soft spot in the temples; soft part of the human body between the belvic cone and the lowest rib; under part of an animal's body (sometimes preceded by ke). 2. A surgeonflsh (Acanthurus guttatus). 3. Fish gills; t o breathe through gills. 4. T o palpitate, throb, tremble. Bhake, quiver; to beat, as the pulse; to stir, as waves; palpitation, quivering. 6. A decoy stick basket with a wide opening; it was baited, and after the fish were accustomed to coming for f o o d , a trap was substituted. Ke ao 'o'o, ke 'api wai (For. 5:319), the sharp-pointed cloud, the water basket [a cloud full of rain), - a p i . ( W i t h ho-) h O ' a p I . Stingy; to withhold, 'apl'apl. 1. Redup. of 'api, 4; elastic, springy; snort of breath. 2. Redup. of 'api, 3. 3. Filled, as a basket; abundant, as a feast. 'Aha'aina kn 'api'api kanaiani i ka lolo o Ku-kahuila-lani, lani (For. 6:398), the chief feasts at the lolo ceremony of Ku-the-heavenly-liglitning, abundant repletion.
' a p a l . Same as pat, 5, a fish trap. ' a p a k a u . T o seize, l a y hold of, disarrange, place; t o spread, as sunlight. Ka 'apakau iho o na kukuna o ka la maluna o ka 'Hi o ke the spreading of the rays of the sun on surface of the sea. 'apake'e. accurate.
' S p a l a . Apples Eng.
( M a l u s sylvestris).
dis'ana kai, the
deceitful, (Neal
'ftpall. H i l l y , craggy. Fig., impertinent, rude. ' A p a l l p a l l . 1. R e d u p . of ' S p a l i . 2. T o hurry, hasten. ( A P . ) ' a p a n a . Piece, slice, portion, f r a g m e n t , section, land division, lot, district, sector; chop, a9 of lamb. A kuleana, land division, may consist of several 'apana. Cf. kapa 'apana. KSmike komo 'apana, visiting c o m m i t t e e , as of a church. 'apana
( I o b a 2.8).
' a p l ' I . 1. Curly. 2. Tapa-beater design. 3. A variety of taro in the piko group, having lightcolored corms which are good f o r poi or table taro; red Cula) and white (kea) f o r m s exist; i t is called " c u r l y " ( ' a p i ' i ) because of crinkles under the leaf. ' a p l ' I p i ' l . 1. W a v y , crimpy, kinky, v e r y curly; tempestuous, as waves. 2. A kind of seaweed that is tough and not eaten much, ' a p l k a p l k a . H a v i n g suction cups, as the tentacles of the octopus; suction cups; spotted, •aplkl. C r a f t y , mischievous, deceitful, treacherous, peculiar; trickery, treachery, humbug. Lei 'Spikt, a name given to the ' i l i m a lei because it was believed to attract mischievous spirits; some did not wear this lei but others considered it lucky. ' a p l k l p l k l . 1. Troubled, agitated, as the sea. Cf. kupikipiki'd. 2. Fold, pleat; to fold, pleat. 3. T o clean taro greens by peeling the stems. Obs. 4. A variegated or spotted tapa. Obs. •aplpl. United, joined, coupled; double. He wa'a 'apipi, a double canoe, h o ' a p l p l . T o join, couple. a p o . 1. Circle, eircuit, hoop, band, bracelet, noop-shaped earring, girdle, belt, ring, embrace; t o span, reach around, embrace, put an arm around. M a n y compounds with apo are listed below. Cf. kahaapo. 2. Union of the molar or cheekbone with the temporal bone, ' a p o . T o catch, grasp, seize and retain; catch, acceptance, admission. Fig., to perceive, understand. Cf. 'a'apo, 'apoa, 'apo'apo. E 'apo 'ia e na kila, covered by patents. ' a p O . 1. A v a r i e t y of sweet potato (no d a t a ) . 2. A v a r i e t y of taro (no d a t a ) , 'apoa. Passive/imperative of 'apo. Ua 'apoa e ka ua Na-hua o na pali, caught b y the N a - h u a rain of the cliffs, a p o ' a ' l ' M o . D o g collar, apo-a-lewa. H i g h in the heavens, a p o a p o . Hill, as of sweet potatoes; bunch, as of
portion of earthen container, • a p a n a k&nftwal. P h y l a c t e r y , ' f t p a n a p a n a . Red_up. of 'apana; fragments, pieces. Na pdka 'apanapana, shrapnel. ' A p a n a pO'al. Segment of a circle, ' f t p a n e . 1. A kind of lehua tree with dark-red flower. 2. Short f o r 'apapane, a bird. See 'dhi'a-'Spane. 3. R e d , flushed, blushing, ' f t p a n l . T o block, shut. Fig., an unwelcome visitor who monopolizes conversation, ' a p a p a . Stratum, flat, especially a coral flat, ' ¿ p a p a I a n i . 1. L e g e n d a r y upper stratum and abode of the gods (preceded by ke). 2. Chiefs of the highest rank, as n t ' a u p i ' o ; gods. E ala, e ke 'apapa nu'u, e ala, e ke 'apapa lanil ( U L 196), awake, gods of high station, awake, gods of highest station! ' a p a p a n e . A Hawaiian honey creeper ( H i m a t i o n e sanguinea), with crimson b o d y and black wings and tail, found on all the main Hawaiian Islands. I t s feathers occasionally were used f o r featherwork. Also called 'akakane. ' a p a p a p a . Same as laupapa, 1, reef, a p a u . All, entirely. Na kanaka apau, all the people. ' a p e . L a r g e taro-like plants (Alocasia macrorrniza, Xanthosoma roseum). ( N e a l 130, 131, 135.) A number of beliefs concerning 'ape h a v e been recorded. 'Ape was planted by a g a t e or fence because the irritating sap of the leaves was thought t o ward off evil spirits; leaves were ilaced under tapas or mats on which t h e sick a y f o r the same reason. 'Ape was not planted near the house f o r fear the residents might bec o m e sick. Varieties are qualified by the terms kea or ke'oke'o (white), or hiwa or 'ele'ele (dark; perhaps Xanthosoma violaceum). • a p e ' a p e . 1. All endemic species of Gunnera, huge-leafed forest perennial herbs, with thick, prostrate stems rising at the tip to about four feet. ( N e a l 573.) Called hah& on Kauai. 2. Elastic, flexible, limber. Obs. ' U p e ' a p e ' a . 1. Same as pe'ape'a, the bat. 2. A n unidentified cephalopod. 3. Same as 'Bpe'ape'a, 3, half leaf.
'ftpe'epe'e. R a r e var. of llpe'epe'e, •Spekepeke. The Kauai sandwichensis sclateri),
long coarse mats used
t a r o ; to hill up plants, • a p o ' a p o . 1. Redup. ot'apo; catching, grasping; attack, fit, heart palpitation, a g i t a t i o n ; to n a v e an attack, fit. A lohe a'ela 'o Heloke ke ali'i, 'apo'apo a'ela kona 'B'ili ( M a t . 2.3), when H e r o d the king heard, his heart was troubled. 2. H a l f g r o w n stage of the aholehole, a fish, •apo'epo'e. T o assemble, ' a p o h a . Same as 'dkuhe, an 'o'opu, a fish, a p o h a o . Iron hoop or band; n a m e f o r the king's guard under the monarchy.
a seaweed. (Chasiempis
'apela. Old. aged. Obs. 'a pele. Volcanic l a v a of any kind, 'apelekoka, aperekoka. A p r i c o t . Eng. 'Apellka, Aferlka. A f r i c a ; A f r i c a n . Eng.
barely able to get in; to enter with difficulty. 'Apu'epu'e na kanaka i ka 'ai i ka wa wl, the people struggled to get food in time of famine. Ke 'apu'epue o ka loa'a 'ana mai o ka 'ike kQpono i ka 'Blelo haole, the difficulties of getting proper knowledge of English. ' a p u h l . To deceive, lie, cheat. a p u h i h i . A shellfish resembling the hlhiwai, found in brackish water, ' a p u k a . 1. To swindle, cheat, defraud; forgery; fraudulent. Kala 'apuka, money gained through fraud or embezzlement. Palapala 'apuka, false or forged document, ho'&puka. Causative/ simulative. 2. To emerge, come into light. Rare. Wai-'apuka (place name), water coming through a tunnel, ho'&puka. Causative/simulative, 'ftpukapuka. Pitted. Rare. ' a p u k l . Short. Obs. ' a p u kOheoheo. Deadly poison, as given to prisoners. 'Hpuku. Same as hapuku, to collect. '&pulu. Worn out, as a garment; to show wear and tear; rough. Hale 'apulu, shack. 'Apulupulu. Redup. of 'apuhi. 'ftpunl. 1. Angry or noisy dispute, quarrel, wrangle, brawl; to brawl. 2. Ill-omened, inauspicious. ' a p u ' u . An endemic fern (Sadleria polystichoides), one to two feet high, with short trunk, narrow oblong leaves; related to 'ama'u. 'j&pu'upu'u. 1. Lumpy, bumpy, pimply, rough; hilly, rugged. 2. Young stage of hapu'u fish. Also called hapu'upu'u. ' a p u - n a l . A variety of taro; its corm is used for poi and table taro, its leaves for lu'au. Varieties are white (kea) and red {'ula). a u . 1. Period of time, age, era; the passing of time; to pass, of time. I ke au o Kalani, in the time of Kalani. Ke au hou, the new era. Ua au wale ka pB, the night has passed on. E kala kahiko i au wale, gone a long time ago, long past. Na ke au o ka manawa e hB'ike mai, the passing of time will tell. 2. Current. Au kanari, strong current; fig., a strong warrior. Au kd malalo, undertow. (PPN 'au, PMP qaRus.) 3. Movement, eddy, tide, motion; to move, drift, float, walk, hurry, stir; succession or train, as of thought. Ke au nei ka mana'o, pehea 'o Niakala (song), the thought comes to mind, how fares Niagara. E au, a e wiki mai, hasten, hurry here. 4. Gall, bile (Oihk. 3.4); gall bladder. 'Awa ke au, bitter bile [rank ingratitude]. Malama o paku ke au. take care not to break the gall bladder [do not cause bitterness]. 5. Weather. Rare. Wdnana i ke au o ka manawa, forecast of weather. 6. Small sweet potatoes of poor quality that grow from the vine. 7. Pumice. 8 . Grain of wood. 9. To weed. 10. To rub, massage, polish. XI. To set, as a net or fish trap, ho'&u. Same as above; fishermen who set tne net in ku'u fishing. 12. Same as heau (Exocarpus spp.). 13. Hedyolis acuminata, a native shrub (coffee family) with small green flowers, and unpleasant-smelling, ovate or narrower leaves. 14. Also
apo b e l e . Orbit, as of stars and planets, 'ilpobo. Depression, hollow, hollowed, pitted. 'Spohopoho. 1. Redup. of 'apoho. 2. Pounding, slapping, as the sea. Cf. poho, 'upoho. ' a p o ' l p o ' i . To pounce; to crouch In order to conceal (UL 203); to attempt to conceal an article rather than share it. ' a p o k a k a . Apostate. Eng. ' a p o k a u . Var. of 'apakau. 'Spoke. A short piece; cut, broken off; to cut into short pieces. 'apokekolo, aposetole. Apostle. Eng. 'apokelupo, apokerupa. Apocrypha. Eng. 'apokollka, apotollka. Apostolic. Eng. 'apokolo, apotolo. Apostle. Eng. apo k u l a (gula). Gold bracelet; formerly a gold ring also, 'ftpole. Smooth. Also molemole. 'apo leo. 1. To record a voice. Mlkint 'apo leo, recorder, 2. Magical voice snatching (a sorcerer was believed able to snatch a victim's voice so that he could not chant or sing); to snatch a voice thus, 'ftpolepole. Redup. of 'apole. apo l i m a . Bracelet. 'ftpona. Embracing, grasping, catching, Cf. 'apo, 1. 'ftpono. To approve, confirm, consent, accept, adopt; to pass, as a bill. Cf. pono, proper, right, h o ' a p o n o . To approve, find not guilty in a trial; approved, worthy; approbation, sanction, approval. Palapala ho apono, credentials, 'ftpo'o. To hide, seek shelter; to gad about: a gadder. 'apo'opo'o. Hollow, cavity; depressed, apo pftpale. Hatband, apo pepelao. Hoop earring. 'apOpO. Tomorrow (often preceded by kela, that; perhaps related to pB, night, since the Hawaiian day' began at nightfall). Sometimes shortened to pBpo. apowaena. Parentheses. Cf. kahaapo. 'apowai. Type of Hawaiian dog with solid grayish-brown body and nose tip and eyes of the same color, believed to love water and consequently offered as a sacrifice to mo'o water spirits. 'apo-wale. A native variety of wet-land taro grown chiefly for poi. EI loa'a akula ke kalo, o ka 'apo-wale, O, you get taro, the graspfoolishly taro [a waste of time, pun on 'apo wale, to grasp needlessly), a p u . X. To snap or snatch with the teeth (preceded by ke). Fig., to destroy, ravage, ruin. 2. Same as apuapu, 2. ' a p u . 1. Coconut shell cup. 2. General name for medical potions, as made of taro, yam, or herbs. Kalo 'apu, taro used as medicine, ' a p u a . 1. Same as pal, 5, a fish trap. 2. Handle, as of a laulau food package; shank knob of a fishhook; twisted top of a paper sack that may serve as a handle. Hemo ma ka 'apua, to get away through the handle [to .escape], 3. Disloyal. disobedient, rebellious. 'Apua pale leo, to disregard orders; one who disregards orders, as of chief or priest, ' a p u a k a ' e ' e . Same as pai, 5, a fish trap, a p u a p u . 1. Redup. of apu, 1. 2. File, rasp; to smooth or sharpen with a file, ' a p u ' a p u . Cup-shaped. a p u a p u ' a n a l m a k a u . File or polisher for fishhook. 'apu ' a u h u h u . Cup containing 'auhuhu plant concoction used for stupefying fish; poison cup. ' S p u ' e . Same as 'Spu'epu'e. •apu'epu'e. Difficult; difficulty; to struggle, strive (preceded by ke). Komo 'Spu'epu'e,
wau. I.
- a u . (With ho'-) ho'ftu. To dedicate, set apart, as in a housewarming. Obs. &u. Your, yours (singular, a-form, zero-type; see Gram. 9.4). a ' u . 1. Swordflsh, sailfish, marlin, spearfish (Isliophoridae). 2. Me (used after e and me and fusing with ia to form ta'u). Hana 'ia e a'u, done by me. Noho 'oia me a'u, he stayed with me. Nana mai 'oia ia'u, he looked at me. (PPN aku, P M P aku.) 3. My, mine (a form, zero-type; see Gram. 9,4). ' a u . 1. To swim, travel by sea. Ua 'au 'ia na kai loa, the distant seas were traveled. hO'au. To teach to swim, learn to swim; to swim with a drowning person; to douse, as clothes being washed; the man who sets a ku'u, drop net. 2. To jut out into the sea, as a land point. Aloha Maka-pu'u, 'au i ke kai, greetings to
a u a a u h a . 1. Molting, of a chicken. (For. 5:495). Obs. 2. Outhouse, as for storing canoes; shed, shelter. 06s. A u - h a e l e . Name of a star, companion to Hökö'ula and Pal-kauhale. Perhaps the three are Sigma, Antares, and Tau Scorpii. ' a u h a k a . SplndlR-legged; spindleshanks; an animal with slender legs. A u - b a k u . Name of a star (no data), ' a u h a u . 1. Tax, assessment, levy, charge, price; to levy a tax, tax. 'Auhau kino, 'auhau po'o, poll tax. 'Auhau helu waiwai, excise tax. Hale auhau, building where taxes are collected. Kou 'auhau, your tax (that you pay). Käu 'auhau, your tax (that you impose). Luna 'auhau, tax collector. Na po'e ho'oka'a 'auhau, taxpayers. He aha käu 'auhau no ka päpale loulu? What Is your price for the loulu hat? 2. Femur and Humerus bones of the human skeleton, ' a u h a u . Stalk of a hau tree, spear made of hau wood. A hi 'au hau, firebrand (of light wood, as hau).
Maka-pu'u [Point], reaching out into the sea. 3. Handle, staff, stem; bone of lower arm or leg. See 'au ki, 'aulima, 'auwSwae. 'Au loa, long bones in arm or leg; long-limbed, long-shanked. 4. Group (followed by a qualifying word, as moku. wa'a). a u a . T o look, observe. ' a u a . 1. Same as 'd'aua; lean, as fish. Lau 'aua, wrinkled leaf; fig., experienced, as watTior or strategist. 2. Cawing, as of the 'alala crow. 3. (Cap.) Name recorded for the star Betelgeuse. ' a u ' a . Stingy; to withhold, detain, refuse to part with; stinginess. Home ho'opa'a 'au'a 'ia, detention home. Mai ho'i mai maua i nehinei, 'o ka 'au'a ho'i o ka makamaka, we would have returned yesterday, but were held back by friends, a u a h l , a u w a h l . This word may be related to uahi, smoke. One source says it refers to lowly or humble persons. Malo says it may refer to a distant relationship (Malo 199). a u a ' l n a . An unknown herb, the bark and leaves of which were used as medicine. a u a k e ' e . Dishonest. a u a k u a . Ghost-ridden, haunted; unfriendly. Lit., ghost bile. 'A'ohe muika'i kSnaka o ktta wahi, he auakua, the people of this place are not good, they are most unkind. a u a l a l l h a . A variety of 'o'opu goby fish found in both brackish and fresh water. Also called kdni'o. a u a l a l o ' l . Terraced taro patches, a u a l i ' l . Royal, chiefly. Ua noho aloha lB.ua me ka lanl auali'i, they lived in friendliness with the high chief, au&lfpo. Overcome by intense emotion, as love, grief. ' a u a m o . Pole or stick used for carrying burdens across the shoulders; yoke, palanquin, burden; to carry on the 'auamo. Lit., carrying handle. Also called 'aumaka and mSmaka. 'Auamo ki'i, carrying pole with carved heads near the ends. h O ' a u a m o . Causative/simulative, ' a u a n a , ' a u w a n a . T o wander, drift, go from place to place; to stray morally or mentally. 'Auana ka no'ono'o, delirium. hO'auana. T o cause to wander, disperse, as a conqueror disperses an enemy, a u a n e ' l . 1. Soon, by and by; probably, merely, just. 2. Probably not, possibly, doubtful. He lohe mai auane'i i ka makual Actually paying attention to [his] parent! [implication that he is notj. 'O ka ike auane'i iaia, ua law a ia i ka makemake, just seeing him. the desire was satisfled. Pehea auane'i ka pono? What then is right? a ' u a n e ' l . Var. of auane'i. au ' f t p a ' a p a ' a . Passing of much time on a piece of land, as an old family, a u a u . 1. Same a« au, 1. 'O kane hSnau i ke auau pS 'ele'ele, man born in the age of darkness. 2. Redup. of au, 3. ho'&u&u. T o hasten, hurry, excite to action. 3. Redup. of au, 10. a ' u a ' u . Small a'u fish. •au'au. 1. T o bathe. Cf. 'au, 1-, wai 'au'au. 'Au'au kai, to bathe in the sea. 'Au'au wai, to bathe in fresh water. Hale 'au'au, bathhouse. h O ' a u ' a u . T o give a bath. 2. Stick, stem (as of tl plant); spear made of loulu palm, with shark teeth on its end; extra ridgepole. 3. Trap, snare, as for catching birds. ( A P . ) ' a u ' a u a . Same as 'a'aua, coarse. 'IIi 'au'aua lena, yellow wrinkled skin, ' a u ' a u k l . 1. Young eel. 2. A fish said to resemble weke (no data), ' a u ' a u k o ' l . Same as 'auko'i, a weed, ' a u ' a u w a h a . Redup. of 'auwaha; furrowed, au ' a w a . Bitter gall. Fig., ingratitude, aue. Same as ue, 3. auC. Var. spelling of auwe. auele. Same as au wale. Obs.
' a u h a u - b u l . Var. of uhau-hui, a prayer, ' a u h a u - m a ' u l e . Misplaced or concealed no'a stone in the game of pühenehene. ( A P . ) ' a u h a u p u k a . Beggar; to go from door to door asking for charity, ' a u h e a . 1. Where (in questions). 2. Listen (usually in commands). 'Auhea 'oukou (Laie 473), hear ye! 'Auhea wale ana 'oe, e ka púa o ka lokelani, now pay attention, O blossom of the rose. ' a u h e a h o ' i . Where indeed (with implication of neglect or indifference)? Where's the interest? Where's the care? 'Auhea ho'i ka hele mai o läkou e kökua. they'll never come and help, they don't care, ' a u h e ' e . T o floe from danger; routed, dispersed. E 'auhe'e i ka 'ino, refrain from evil, h ö ' a u h e ' e . T o rout, put to flight, flee, • a u h e ' e h e ' e . Redup. of 'auhe'e. a u h e l e . T o go looking from place to place without any definite course, to drift or sail aimlessly, a u h l l l . T o turn off the course, wander, deviate. Ua lili ke Akua ia wa no ke auhili 'ia o na kanaka i ka 'ino (Kep. 35), God was jealous then because of the turning away of men to wickedness, ' a u h o l a . Same as 'auhuhu. a u h o n u a . Ancient age, era, epoch. I ke auhonua hänau o Papa i keia mau moku. In the ancient time Papa gave birth to these islands. I ke auhonua o na Kaikala, in the age of the Caesars, ' a u h u h u . A slender, shrubby legume (.Tephrosia purpurea), one to two feet high, with small compound leaves, small white or purplish flowers, and narrow pods, used for poisoning fish. Tho plant is known from tropical Asia eastward into Polynesia. (Neal 393.) Also called 'auhola, hola. Cf. pöpS 'auhuhu. ' A u h u h u - p a ' l n a . Var. name for the month or Makali'i, a time so dry that the 'auhuhu plant became brittle (pa'ina). ' a u h u l a ' a n a . T o swim around a hula'ana, or precipice facing the sea; course or route for swimming here, a u h u l l . T o overturn, overthrow, upset; to till, h o ' ä u h u l l . Causative/simulative. Ka ho'üuhuli 'ana, revolution, upset, a u h u l l t l l a . Passive/imperative of auhuli. Kaua auhulihia, revolutionary war. ' a u l . 1. T o turn aside, digress, deviate, pass by, decline, bend down. Cf. auinala. Na 'aul 'ana, variations, deviations, h ö ' a u l . Causative/ simulative. Ke hö'aui maila ka lä, the sun is beginning to descend to the west. 2. T o swell and roll, as the sea; to pitch; billow, roller. 'Aui 'ale, large swell, billow. 3. Declension (grammatical term used in old Hawaiian grammars based on European models); case; to name declensions or conjugations. Many cases are
*a u m a k u a listed below. h O ' a u l . To conjugate, decline. Ka hd'aui 'ana, declension, conjugation. 4 . A hula step: the dancer turns to the side and >oints out one foot once or several times, drawng the foot well back between each pointing; at the same time the body is tipped, with a lowered hand pointing to the outpointing toes, and the other hand raised in the opposite direction. Cf. ue. ' a u l a . Passive/imperative of 'aui. ' a u l a l o . Accusative case. Lit., front case, • a u l ' a u i . Redup. of 'aui. 1. ' a u l h e a . Vocative case. Lit., calling case, ' a u l h e l e . Case denoting separation, as shown by mai, from, ' a u l h u l . Ablative case, ' a u l ' l a . Agentlve case, ' a u l l k l . Genitive or possessive case, ' a u l k o h a ' l . Possessive case, ' a u l k u m u . Nominative case, ' a u l m o e . Locative case. ' a u l n a , a u w l n a . Bending, sloping: descent, slope, decline, ' a u l n a l f t . Afternoon. Lit., declining sun. ' a u l p a ' e w a . Dative case. ' a u l p l l l . Possessive case. 'Avipili laulU, o-form of the possessive. 'Auipili pa a, a-torm of the possessive. a u k a . Weary, exhausted. Ua auka au i ito 'u'umi (Ier. 6.11), I am weary with holding in. Auka. Inland. Ko auka, those inland, ' a u k a . Out (In games). Eng. Rare. ' a u k a . 1. Bar, as of soap or gold; ridge or Btrip between the flutes of a column, facet, fillet, capstan bar, bar across a roadway; stump. 3 . Long stems, as of some species of mangoes. 3 . Wood woven through sticks in 'ie kala fish trap. 4. Stools, feces, a u k a b a . Desolate, dreary, nonproductive, a u k & h l . 1. Even, smooth, clear. Fig., suave and pleasant in speech and manner. Auk&hi ka pua'a, a smooth pig [a sacrificial hog with uncracked skin, believed perfect for sacrifice; fig., of perfection]. 3 . United, flowing together. Ua auk&hi mai na 'ale, ua malino ka Pakipika (chant for Kalakaua), the waves move with one accord, the Pacific is calm, ' a u k a l . T o travel or swim by sea; seafaring; sailor. A u k a k e . August. Eng. ' a u k f t k o p a . B a r of soap. Lit., bar soap (Eng.). a u k a n a . Short for au kanai'i (see au, i ) . Ke ali'i i makana ai, he koa a he aukana ia, the chief who gave the gift, a warrior and a strong soldier he. a u k a n a k a . Inhabited place, settlement; inhabited. Na wahi aukanaka apau (Mat. 24.14), all Inhabited places. A u k a u k a . Inland; fishing grounds. Identified by lining up with landmarks ashore. ' A u k e k u l a l l a , A u s e t u r a l i a . Australia; Australian. Eng. ' A u k e k u l l a , A u s e t u r l a . Austria; Austrian.Ens. a ' u k l . A fish, perhaps a marlin. ' a u k l . Stem of a tl plant, a u - k o a ' e - u a - m & l l e . Name of a hold in lua fighting. Lit., tropic bird hastens, it is calm, ' a u k o ' l . 1 . Coffee senna (Cassia occidentalis), a tropical American shrubby legume, each leaf with eight to ten leaflets, and with yellow flowers and narrow, many-seeded pods. Used medicinally for ringworm. Also 'au'auko'l, mikipalaoa, pl-hohono. 3 . Same as 'awai&hiki. ' a u k o ' l . Axe handle. Pili 'au ko'i, a trusted friend or relationship, a u k f l . 1. T o pitch and toss, to raise, lift. 3 . Uphill path. (AP.) 3 . Shallow. (AP.)
a ' u - k O . Broadbill swordfish ( X i p h i a s gladius). a u k u k O . Crowded, close. a u k O k O . Agitated; agitation, a u k u k u l . Apprentice canoe maker. 06s. ' a u k u ' u . 1. Black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nucticorax hoactli), a non-migratorv land bird, which feeds on small fish and the larvae of insects in water. 'Auku'u kia'i awa, heron watching the harbor [a spy). 'Auku'u kia'i loko, heron watching a pond [a spy], 3 . Kind of fishhook with a long slender shaft, perhaps named for Its resemblance to the heron's neck. 3 . A long bamboo pole with two maile stalks across the top that were gummed with lime to catch birds. Also alakB. 4 . T o vomit, retch. 5 . Cords held by the fishermen (Ao'au) who managed the net in ku'u fishing. Also called k&welewete.
'auku'u-k&hlll, 'auku'u-kOhlll. A variety of
'auku'u heron. ' a u k u ' u - p U I - ' & I n a . Name given by Kepellno for a bird resembling the kioea, and not an 'auku'u. fi'ula. 1. Reddish, brownish. Cf. hH'ula. 3 . An edible seaweed, perhaps the same as hS'ula. a u l a m a . T o light with a torch, ' a u l a n l . Messenger of a chief. Obs. a u l a u . T o gather leaves to wrap fish in for cooking, as leaves of pBhuehue, manewanewa, laua'e, ti; to frighten fish into a net with leaves, ' a u l a u . Leaves strung on lines at ends of seines, as tl leaves, a u l e l e . T o fly, as a frightened flock of birds, ' a u - l e n a . A variety of native banana. (HP 177.) a ' u - l e p e . Sail fish (Istiophorus orientalis). a u l l . Dark. H&nau ke po'o Quli, he uliuli kona ( K L line 509), the dark heads are born, they are dark. a u l l a . Passive/imperative of au, Z, 3. Aulia manu. flight of birds. Wai aulia, flowing water, ' a u l l a . Passive/imperative of 'au, to swim, ' a u l l ' l . 1. Dainty, neat, nice, perfect. h O ' a u l l ' l . T o make attractive, neat. 3 . A small staff. Hila 'auli'i, high heels, a u l l k e . 1. Even, smooth, as timber. 3 . T o treat kindly. He po'e aulike i na malihini (Kep. 76), a people who treat visitors kindly. He ho'okipa a me ke aulike kektthi i kek&hi, hospitable and helpful one to another, ' a u l i k e . T o swim evenly or abreast, ' a u l l m a . X. Bone of arm below elbow. 3 . Stick held In the hand and rubbed in the fire plow to produce flre by friction. Cf. 'aunaki. a u l o l l . Mildew. Also called kdkaeloli. a u l u . 1. Rough, raging, as sea or wind; to injure, harm, rage. 3 . T o grow. 3 . A tall endemic tree (Rockia sandwicensis), with large, oblong, darkgreen leaves; small, rounded flower heads, narrow, dry fruits, and very soft wood. Cf. kaulu, pSpala-kipau. 4 . Same as la'a, 1, Planchonella sandwicensis. B. Same as lonomea, Sapindus oahuensis. a u m a l e w a . Large-mouthed net placed at the wings of the papa hului net to receive fish; used in deep water. (Malo 212.) ' a u m a k a . Same as 'auamo, carrying pole, ' a u m a k l k l . A variety of sweet potato, ' a u m a k u a . 1. Family or personal god; to offer grace to the 'aumakua before eating; to bless in the name of the 'aumakua. Fig., a trustworthy person. 3 . T o ask someone to hula; the request was not refused without giving the caller a lei or flower. 'Aumakua ia Kamuela, Samuel must dance! 'Auhea 'oe, e ke kanaka o ke akua, eia ka k&ua wahi 'ai, ua loa'a maila mai ka pB mai; no laila nSu e 'aumakua mai i ka 'ai a k&ua (prayer), hearken, O man who serves the god, here is food for you [lit., our food], received from the night, so bless our food In the name of the 'aumakua. b O ' a u m a k u a . Contact, acquire 'aumakua.
'aumakua ' a u w a e - l e w a . Hold in lua fighting. Lit., swinging chin. ' a u w a e p a ' a . Firmly opposed, set against. Lit., firm chin. He mea 'auwaepa'a 'ia ihola ia e 'oukou, 'o ke ki'i ho'i i ke kane, you all were dead set against my sending for t h e man. ' a u w a e - p a h a h a . M u m p s . Lit., puffed chin, ' a u w a e p l l l . Close relative. (Malo 199.) ' a u w a e p u ' u . 1. Indifference to work, discouraged. Lit., chin lump. h O ' a u w a e p u ' u . T o t h r u s t out t h e chin a n d twist the lips t o t h e side, or stick t h e tongue under t h e lower lip t o form a l u m p (a gesture of refusal or contempt). 2. T o squat, ' a u w a h a . 1. Ditch, furrow, trench, channel; groove, as in a t a p a beater. Ha'ule no i kana auwaha i 'eli ai, fallen in t h e ditch he himself dug [caught in his own trap]. h O ' a u w a b a . T o make a ditch, plow a f u r r o w ; to cut a wedge or fork. 2. Outhouse, as for storing canoes, a u w a h l . Var. spelling of auahi. ' a u w a l . Ditch. 'Auwai lawe mea 'ino, sewer, lit., ditch carrying r o t t e n things, ' a u w a l h t k i . Same as 'awaiShiki. ' a u w a l p a ' a . Conduit, solid ditch,
' a l i m & k u a . Plural of 'aumakua. ' f t ' u m e ' u m e . Opposition, struggle, contention; t o struggle. Ola a'ume'ume, struggle between life and d e a t h . a u m i h a . To float off in the air, as miasma; evil spirits t h o u g h t to a t t e n d graves, a u m l h l . T o grieve, regret, be sorry, a u m l k l . 1. Outgoing current. 2. Fresh water mixed with noni juice, d r u n k a f t e r kava. a u m o a . T o care for. Obs. Cf. moamoa, 1. '0 ka 'ape aumoa ka hiwa uli ( K L line 379), the protected 'ape, t h e black sacredness. ' a u m o a n a . 1. To travel on t h e open sea; sailor. 2. N a m e of laws enacted by Queen K a ' a h u manu, so called in commemoration of her att e m p t t o commit suicide by swimming out to sea. She was saved by a child who swam a f t e r her and refused to leave her. She returned to shore r a t h e r t h a n cause his death. 3. Nautilus. Usually called 'au-wa'a-la-lua. a u m o e . L a t e a t night, as a b o u t midnight. Lit., time to sleep. h S ' a u m o e . T o pass t h e night, ' a u m o k u . Fleet of ships. ' ¿ u n a . Large group, flock. He kohu 'fluno manu o ke kula, like flocks ol' birds of t h e plains. h o ' S u n a . T o flock, collect, ' a u n a k l . 1. Stick r u b b e d in obtaining flre by friction. Cf. 'aulima. 2. Also ' a u n a k e , a u n e k l . Ounce. Eng. ' a - u n a u n a . A common gastropod ( N a s s a sertum), a shellfish, a u o l o . Shelter or shed, as for canoes; outhouse, t e m p o r a r y house; tabernacle. a u p a k a . Some representatives of an endemic enu8 (Isodendrion), members of t h e violet amily. T h e y are small shrubs bearing greenishwhite or reddish flowers, which have equal petals and none spurred. ' a u p a p a . Everything, as of things taken or lost; destitute. He mea lawe 'aupapa ke kaua, the war deprives one of everything. He 'ohina 'aupapa maoli no kana, he gathered u p absolutely everything. a ' u - p a p a ' o h e . A variety of a'u fish. a u p o ' I p O . According to Kepelino and K a m a k a u , a relationship extending back 24 generations. (For. 6:268.) a u p u l a . Fishing with a pula stick or pQlale to drive fish into a net. a u p u n l . Government, kingdom, nation, people under a ruler; national. Aupuni 'emepela, empire. Aupuni koloniala, colonial government. Aupuni kuikawcl, provisional government. Aupuni mS'l, monarchy. Aupuni pelekikena, reublic. Aupuni pekelala, federal government. una aupuni, government official. Hana o ke aupuni, official or government business. Na Id o kona noho aupuni 'ana, t h e days of his reign. a u p O p O . X. Same as makaloa, 2, a shellfish. 3 . Same as mo'opuna-a-ka-lipoa, a common seatweed. ' a u v a ' a . Canoe fleet. ' a u - w a ' a - l f t - l u a . P a p e r nautilus (Argonauta argo). Also called moamoa-wa'a. Lit., fleet of canoes with two sails, ' a u w a e . 1. Chin. Fig., Indifferent, scornful. Cf. papa 'auwae. 'Auwae o'o. m a t u r e d chin [unsocial, unfriendly]. 'Elemakule 'auwae lenalena, old m a n with yellowed chin [of t h e very old]. h O ' a u w a e . T o show no interest; scornful; disrespectful of taboo (Kep. 139). 2. Curved notch c u t on t h e outer side of a post below t h e base of a tenon. a u w & e a . Distant, remote, deep. PB nui auwaea (Kep. 9), t h e remote great darkness [age of t h e mythical beginning of t h e earth], • a u w a e ' a i n a . T r i b u t e of t h e best selected (wae) hogs or f r u i t s of t h e land to t h e landlord; t o inspect land. E hele ana i ka 'auwae'aina o ISkou net, going to look over their land.
'auwal papa. Flume.
a u w a t a k l . 1. Entangled, snarled, as flshline. 2. Destitute, especially of t h e rich who lose everything,
au wale. See au, l.
' a u w a n a . Var. spelling of 'auana, to wander,
'auw&wae. Leg bone,
auwe. Same as ue, 3.
a u w e . Oh! O dear! Alas! Too bad! (much used to express wonder, fear, scorn, pity, affection); to groan, moan, grieve, bewail. Auwe noho'i ef Goodness! Alas! Oh! Auwe kSkout Alas for us! Woe betide us! Auwi! nind aku 'oe ill Lei ma! Sayl you should see Lei and t h e others. E auwi ana i ke aloha keiki, grieving with love for t h e child.
'auwC'alua. Var. of 'auwae'aina.
a u w e h e k l k a . N a m e recorded for kauwS, outcasts. a u w f i u w i . A calling, crying, humming, buzzing, a u w i . Ouch! (expression of pain), ' a u w t n a . Var. spelling of 'auina. ' a u w l n l w l n l . Sharp end of a leaf; term of raillery applied to men, referring to t h e male member. a w a . 1. P o r t , harbor; channel or passage, as t h r o u g h a reef. Awa lua, double channel [dual natured]. Awa pae, landing place. Ke awa lau o Pu'u-loa, t h e many channels [or lochs] of Pearl H a r b o r . ( P P N ana, P M P sawang.) 2. Milkfish (Chanos chanos). Stages of growth are pua awa (puawa), young; awa-'aua, medium size; awa, commercial size; awa-kalamoho, very large, a w a . Noisy, loud; to talk loudly, ' a w a . 1. T h e k a v a ( P i p e r methysticum), a shrub four to twelve feet tall with green jointed stems and heart-shaped leaves, native to Pacific islands, t h e root being t h e source of a narcotic drink of t h e same n a m e used in ceremonies (Neal 249), prepared formerly by chewing, later b y pounding. The comminuted particles were mixed with water and strained. When drunk to excess it caused drowsiness and, rarely, scaliness of t h e skin. K a v a was also used medicinally. Kapu 'awa (For. 5:23), to perform ceremony of offering k a v a to the gods. Awa kau l&'au, t h e tree-resting kava, growing in crotches a n d f a m o u s a t Puna, Hawaii. M a n y varieties of k a v a are listed below. 2. Sour, bitter, poisonous. 'Awa ka 'upena, the net is sour [of a net into which fish will not enter]. 'Awa ke au, how bitter t h e gall [a sour disposition]. b O ' a w a . To make b i t t e r ; to m a k e a concoction of leaves or bark t o extract d y e colors. 3. Cold mountain rain, fog, mist; to rain or mist. Fig., tragic misfortune
' a w a p u h i - l u h e l u h e ' f t w a l a . 1 . T o throw a knife or stick with a back flip. Cf. wala, to tilt. 2 . T o pull back steadily, as a line. Fig., to throw oneself into work, awa lau. See awa, l. • a w a - l a u . A young k a v a plant (root, stem, and leaves) used as an offering to t h e gods. ' a w a - l a u - a - K a n e . S a m e as 'ala'ala-wai-nui, I, a succulent related to k a v a ; it was said t h a t t h e god K a n e brought t h e first k a v a to Hawaii, 'ft w a l e . T o burn for no particular reason; susceptible to combustion; spontaneous combustion; overcooked. E 'a wale loa auane'i ho'i ka i'a a 'ono 'ole ka 'at 'ana, t h e fish may be cooked too much and not delicious to eat. ' a w a l l ' l . T y p e of hard stone from which adzes were made. ' a w a - l l ' l . S a m e as 'awa-a-Kane, a variety of kava. a w a l o a . Place where bones of chiefs were hidden, as in a cave. Lit., eternal harbor, ' a w a l u . E i g h t (usually in counting in a series), ' a w a - m a h a - k e a . N a m e for 'awa-akea, 'awamikea at K a ' u , Hawaii, ' a w a - m i k e a . A variety of kava. ' a w a - m a m a k a . A variety of kava with short internodes and light-green stalk, reported a t Wai-niha, Kauai. ( H P 202.) ' a w a - m a n l e n i e . A variety of k a v a with smooth, white stalk. ' a w a - m o ' l . A variety of k a v a with short, darkgreen internodes and whitish nodes, called awa-papa-mo'i a t K a ' u , Hawaii, ' a w a - m o k l h a n a . A variety of k a v a with short yellowish-green internodes and hairlike roots, named for the mokihana plant because of its fragrance, and yielding a strong brew; famous on Kauai. ( H P 202.) * a w a - n € n C . A variety of k a v a with long, spotted internodes. Also called 'awa-kua-'ea. ' a w a - p a p a . A variety of k a v a with short internodes and spotted stalk. This name may be qualified by the terms 'ele'ele, mo'i, and kea (or ke'oke'o), the last being t h e commonest variety, and whitish in general appearance, ' a w a p u h i . 1. Wild ginger (Zingiber zerumbet), a forest herb with narrow leaves arranged along a stalk one to two feet high, bearing on a separate stalk small yellowish flowers in an oblong head, and having aromatic underground stems; a native of India west through Polynesia. (Neal 218.) T h e root was used to scent and dye tapa. Also called 'awapuhi-kuahiwi, 'opuhi. Several varieties are listed below. ' A w a p u h i lau pala wale, ginger leaves yellow quickly [of things that pass too soon]. 2 . A variety of sweet potato, ' a w a p u h l - ' a l . S a m e as 'awapuhi-Pake. Lit., edible ginger. ' a w a p u h l - a - K a n a l o a . Liparis hawaiiensis, a small, endemic, epiphytic orchid with two large ovate leaves and small flowers, ' a w a p u h l - k a h l l l . S a m e as kahili, ' a w a p u h l - k e ' o k e ' o . T h e white ginger (Heiychium coronarium), a large herb from India, both wild and cultivated in Hawaii. W h i t e fragrant flowers, popular for leis and perfume, are borne in heads a t tips of leafy stems. (Neal 215.) ' a w a p u h l - k o ' o k o ' o . T o r c h ginger ( P h a e o m e r i a magnifica), a large herb, from t h e E a s t Indies, grown in Hawaii for its ornamental pink or red cone-shaped flower heads. These are borne on long stems separate from t h e longer leafy stems. Lit., walking-stick ginger,
or ordeal; i n P H this word is preceded b y Jte and may refer to volcanic eruption: Uwi au, uni 'S i ke 'awa ( P H 193), I weep, surrounded y lava in the downpour. 'O ka uahi noe lehua, 'o ke 'awa nui i ka mauna ( P H 2 0 5 ) , t h e lehua mist smoke, the great outburst on t h e mountain. 4 . A premature infant, believed caused by a " s o u r " condition of t h e mother. 5 . A kind of bitter seaweed. ' J i w a ' a . Long, narrow excavation, trench, ditch, gully; to dig a ditch or furrow, ' f i w a ' a h l a . Passive/imperative of 'awa'a. Papaioa 'awa'ahia ka lani (chant), t h e high chief is a furrowed reef.
' a w a - a - K & n e . S a m e as 'awa-li'i, a variety of kava. ' a w a - a k e a . A variety of k a v a with long, lightgreen interuodes and reddish nodes. Also 'awamaha-kea, 'awa-makea. ' a w a - ' a p u . A variety of kava. a w a - ' a u a . Tenpounder, or tarpon, fish (Elops hawaiiensis). a w a a w a . Var. spelling of awawa. ' a w a ' a w a . 1 . Redup. of 'awa, 2-, bitter, sour, brackish; bitterness, sourness. Fig., unpleasant, harsh, bad-tempered; unpleasant or tragic experience. Ia Makali'i lau 'awa'awa o Puna (For. 5:335), during the Makali'i season, innumerable disasters in Puna. h O ' a w a ' a w a . T o embitter, make bitter or sour; bitter tasting. 2 . Redup. of 'awa, 3. PB Puna i ka ua a ka 'awa'awa (For. 5 : 3 4 1 ) , P u n a is darkened in the bitterly cold rain. ' f t w a ' a w a ' a . 1 . Uneven, furrowed. 2 . Muscular, ' a w a ' a w a h l a . Passive/imperative of 'awa'awa,
1. 2.
sour. Fig.,
nature, bitter,
'awa'awalna. Bitterness.
' i t w a h a . T o speak in a rude, harsh manner. Pule 'awaha, a prayer to bring misfortune,
'awahla. Passive/imperative of 'awa, 2, 3.
'Awahia noho'i ka 'olelol W h a t embittered words I ' a w a - h l w a . A variety of k a v a with long internodes. '&wal. 1 . Rostrum, pulpit, speaker's platform, scaffold. Ka 'awai la'au (Nen. 8.4), a pulpit of wood. 2 . Bundle, bunch, cluster, as or tied objects. 3 . See 'awaiahiki. ' a w a l & h l k l . Swelling in the groin, b u b o ; to have such a swelling. Also called 'auko'i, 'auwaihiki, 'awai, 'ewai, haha'i. a w a i a u l u . T o bind securely, fasten, as of t h e marriage tie. Ua awaiaulu 'ia na 'dpio, t h e young people were united in one. Awaiaulu 'ia ke aloha me ku'u lei pikake, bound securely is my love for my pikake lei [my child], a w a t k O . Good spirits, as t h e messengers of K a n e , who guarded people from evil ghosts and managed the rain, winds, and weather. ( M a l o 104.) • a w a - I - k u . K a v a root dug ceremonially b y a priest and held up (ku) towards heaven while chanting a prayer of consecration and eulogy, after which t h e root was termed 'awa-i-lani. a w a - k a l a m o h o . A large awa, milkfish. ' a w a - K a n a l o a . S a m e as makou, 1, all kinds of buttercups. a w a k e a . Noon; to be a t noon, to become noon. E awlwi ke awakea maila kakou, hurry, we are almost a t noon, ' a w a - k e ' o k e ' o . P r o b a b l y same as 'awa-papakea. ( H P 202.) ' a w a - k u a - ' e a . S a m e as 'awa-nind, a spotted v a r i e t y of k a v a . ' a w a - k u - m a - k u a . A variety of k a v a with green internodes of medium length, a w a k u m o k u . Ship harbor or anchorage,
'awaputal-kuahiwl. See 'awapuhi.
' a w a p u h i - l u h e l u h e . T h e shell ginger ( A l p i n i a speciosa), a large ornamental herb from eastern Asia. Clusters of irregularly bell-shaped flowers t h a t are white and marked with red and yellow bend downward from the top of leafy, arching stems, which are 5 to 12 feet high. Lit., drooping ginger.
'awakupol. Avoirdupois. Eng.
'awapuhi-melemele ' f t w e l a - m e l e m e l e . A variety of sugar cane, a bronze-yellow mutant of 'Gwela. Also uluhui. ( H P 221.) 'ftwelawela. Redup. of 'Swela, 2. 'Swele. 1. Same as hawele, to tie. 3. Goal, mark, line, goal post. ( A P . ) ' a w e l l k a , averlga. Average, pro rata. Eng. ' A w e l u . Ragged, worn-out, torn; worn-out garment. 'Awelu moena, ragged mat. ' H w e l u w e l u . Redup. of 'awelu. 'ftweoweo. 1. Various Hawaiian species of Priacanlhus, red fishes, sometimes called blgeye. Y o u n g are called 'alalauwa. 3. A variety of sugar cane named for the fish. 3. Same as 'Oheahea (Chenopodium oahuense). 4. A seaweed, ' a w e p f l h l . Eel tentacle, but referring to the squid, a euphemism for 'awe ule. '&weu, ' a w e u w e u . A native variety of taro, often growing wild; good for poi, but too acrid for table taro; the corms are snaggy and fibrous outside, the flesh white with yellow fibers. Also mG'auea. ' a w e u l e . L o n e squid tentacle, said to wave in order to entice and ensnare a victim. Lit., penis tentacle, 'ftweuweu. Same as 'Bweu. ' a w P a w I . Same as 'uwl'uwi, an herb. ' S w l h a . Same as 'Owe'awe'a. 'ftwlhl. T o wink, ogle. Ko 'oukou po'e 'Owihi ho'owalewale (Ier. 27.9), your deceiving enchanters. ' a w l h i w l h l . Redup. of 'Swihi. 'ftwikl. T o hurry, be quick. E 'Swiki mai 'oe! Hurry upl 'ftwlklwlkl. 1. Redup. of 'Owiki. 3. A vine (Canacalta galeata), native to Hawaii, related to the mauna-loa (C. microcarpa), but with narrower pods; used for small, temporary fish traps. Also puakauhi. 3. Same as kO'ele'ele, a seaweed. 'ftwlll. 1. T o mix, interweave, entwine; mixed, agitated. Cf. ko'i 'Gwili. Koko 'Bwili, mixed blood. 3. Alligation (an old arithmetic term). 'Awili kaulua, alligation alternate, 'ftwlllwlll. Redup. of 'awili, 1. •ftwlnl. Sharp, bold, forward. Cf. kiwini, wini. 'ftwlwl. A small native herb (Centaurium sebaeoides, synonym, Erythraea sebaeoids), with pale pink flowers, In the gentian family. (Neal 603.) ' i w l w l . T o hurry; quick, fast.
' a w a p u h l - m e l e m e l e . T h e yellow ginger (Hedychium flapum), similar to 'awapuht-ke'oke'o and similarly used, but the flowers are yellow. (Neal 214.) 'avrapuhl-P&ke. Ginger (Zingiber officinale), yielding a valuable commercial root spice. T h e plant looks much like 'awapuhi-kuahiwi and probably comes f r o m southeast Asia. (Neal 219.) Lit., Chinese ginger. Also called 'awapuhi-'ai. ' a w a p u h l - ' u l a ' u l a . T h e red ginger ( A l p i n i a purpurata), an ornamental plant having a long flower spike with many red bracts. I t Is a native of some islands of the western Pacific, awftwa. Valley, gulch, ho'ftwftwa. T o make a groove, furrow, ' a w a - w a i - a - k a - m a n u . A variety of kava, an offshoot of 'awa-hiwa, with joints green on one side and dark on the other. ( H P 202.) Lit., watery kava of the bird, a w e . 1. Strand, thread. 3. Wake, as of a ship. ' a w e . 1. Pack, knapsack carried on the back; to carry on the back. Cf. 'auamo, hS'awe. h f l ' a w e . T o carry on the back; a burden so carried. 3. Tentacle. Cf. 'awe pUhi, 'awe ule. ' a w e a . Passive/imperative of 'awe, 1. a w e a w e . 1. Tenacious, sticky, threadlike, adhesive; gluevness. Cf. aweawe poi. ho'&we&we. Causative/simulative. 3. W a k e , as of a ship, ' a w e ' a w e . 1. Redup. of 'awe, 1; pack, knapsack: straps for a bundle. 3. Tentacles; runners, as on a vine. •ftwe'awe'a. 1. Faint trace, glimpse; faint, dim; streaked, faded. 'Awe'awe'a koko ali'i (Kep. 127), trace of royal blood. 'Awe'awe'a lono, dim recollection. Ua 'ike 'Owe'awe'a a'e nei au i ua manu nei, I caught but a fleeting glimpse of this bird, h o ' & w e ' a w e ' a . Causative/simulative. 3. A kind of seaweed. a w e a w e pol. Drip of poi; an insult to the chiefs of Hawaii, playing on the name of their chiefs, Ke-awe, with implication that poi Is excreted in a sticky chain, ' a w e k a . T o hide rather than share wealth (perhaps related to weka, squid ink), 'ftwela. 1. Young stage of the hou fish. 3. Heated, hot. 3. A flowerless variety of sugar cane, named for the fish; it is green and yellow striped, becoming flushed with rose In the sun; the internodes are barrel-shaped and the leaves variegated. ( H P 221, 224.) Also pua-'ole.
All loan words from English sometimes spelled with initial b- are entered under p-. For example: Baibala, see Paipala, Bible; balota, see palota, ballot; bele, see pele, bell; bila, see pila, bill; bipi, see pipi, beef; buke, see puke, book. All loan words from English sometimes spelled with initial d- are entered under k-. For example: data, see kala, dollar; dia, see kia, deer; diabolo, see kiapolo, devil.
Words beginning with e- are preceded by the marker ke, and are often pronounced ivith fusion of the two e's into a single long vowel. Words beginning with 'e- are preceded by the marker ka. In some words there is today variation of k e e - and
k a ' e - ; see
ea, 'eliu.
e. 1. Particle marking imperative/exhortative mood. See Gram. 6.4. Cf. e (verb) ai and e (verb) ana. 2. Particle and clitic marking the vocative. A second e occasionally follows the modified word for emphasis. E Pua, e Pua e, O Pua. E ke ali'i, O chief. 3. By, by means of (particle and clitic following a passive/imperative and preceding the agent). Ua 'ahewa 'ia 'oia e ke ali'i, he was blamed by the chief. 4. Clitic particle introducing subordinate verbs after makemake, pono, 'a'ole, and ina. See Gram. 5.4. 5. Meaningless particle most commonly found in songs, sometimes replaced by '«. He aha e ka hana a 'Anapau la? (song). What does Frisky do? - e - . Element present in the demonstratives ke, he, neia, penei, pehea, replaced by -a in ka, and by -e- in keia, kina, klla, and plla. C. Interjection following words (frequently preceded by negatives) such as " s a y , " "tell," "show," and linking them to a following clause, usually with a connotation of reproachful regret. 'A'ohe ou hS'ike mai I, ua ma'i ke keiki, oh, you didn't tell me the child was sick. Aloha
ka leo o ka 'ulili i ka 'i mai i, "ua make 'oe" (For. 5:509), pity the voice of the sandpiper saying, "you die." ' e - . Prefix to numbers, as 'ekahi, 'elua, 'ekolu, occasionally pronounced e-. Cf. 'a-, used in counting in series, ' e . 1. Different, foreign, strange, peculiar, heathen (.Biblical). Cf. 'ano 'e, mea 'e. 'Aina 'e, foreign land. He 'el Alasl How strange! 3. Away, off, elsewhere (usually following words). Holo'e lakou, they fled away, elsewhere. Hele ma kahi 'el Go away/ Get out! 3 . Beforehand, already, before, in advance (sometimes translated " h a d " and in the traditional grammars called a sign of the pluperfect tense, although it is used with any tense or mood, including imperative; it usually follows words). 'Ike 'e lakou, they already knew. I kahi 'e ka ua, waele 'e ke pulu, while the rain is elsewhere, open up beforehand the mulch [prepare for rain before it comesl. Keiki hSnau '«, a prematurely born child. He 'el I t is gone, past. 4. Yes (unemphatic, as in mild agreement. Indicating that one hears). Cf. the more frequent 'ae. B. Same as e, 5. 6. The letter " e . " Eng. 7. Key of A (music). Eng.
e a - ' e a ' e a . ( W i t h hB-) hO'ea'ea. T o approach, •e'a'e'a. Redup. of 'e'a, 1, dust; dusty; obscure, darkened, cloudy, shady; to cloud, overshadow (sometimes confused with eaea and 'ea'ea).
6a. 1. Sovereignty, rule, independence. La Ho'iho'i Ea, Restoration D a y . Ho'iho'i i ke ea o Hawai'i, restore the sovereignty of Hawaii. 3. L i f e , breath, vapor, gas, breeze, spirit (Isa. 42.5). This ea, as well as ea 1, 3, 4, is sometimes pronounced or sung 'ea. Cf. eamamS, ea-olamam&. Kaha ea, to deprive of rights of livelihood. Wai ea, aerated waters. Ua mau ke ea o ka 'Bina i ka pono (motto of Hawaii), the life of the land is preserved in righteousness. He palupalu lakou, he ea hele wale aku (Hal. 78.39). they were flesh, a wind that passes away. Ka'ili 'ia aku ke ea o 'Aberahama ( K i n . 25.8), Abraham gave up the ghost; lit., the breath of life was snatched away. 3. T o rise, go up, raise, become erect. Cf. aea, e'ea, hd'ea. Kai ea ( K e p . 183), rising sea. Ua ea kona po'o, his head was raised. Ke ea 'ana o ka 'ai, ka t'a ( K e p . 97), the obtaining of poi, fish. 'A'ole ho'i au e ea maluna o ko'u wahi moe (Hal. 132.3), I will not go up into my bed. 4. T o smell. Intrans. Also called 'ea. Cf. maea, maeaea. Ea 'ino'ino, ea pilau, evil-smelling, rotten-smelling. ea. Same as eS. ea. •ea. 1. Hawkbill turtle (Chelone imbricata), both land and sea species; the shell of this turtle. 3. Reddish-brown, as the color of the 'ea shell. Cf. 'ea malani, 'ea 'ula. 3. Coated tongue, sometimes accompanied by sore throat; the thrush disease of children. M a n y diseases of miscellaneous nature begin with 'ea and are listed below. Studies of these terms by medical doctors are not available and probably have not been made. 'Ea ka waha, the tongue is coated. 'Oia kama'Mo aku a 'ea ka waha, 'a'ohe lohe 'ia mai, while talking on until the tongue is coated, yet no one pays any attention [a metaphor to show exasperation]. 4. Spray. Cf. 'e'a, dust. These words are sometimes interchanged. Ku ka 'ea i ka moana, the spray rises in the sea. 6. Is that so? Isn't it? 'Oia, 'ea? Is that so? That's it! 'Eha, 'ea? Does it hurt? Pela, 'ea? It's that way. is it? 6. Vocative particle, usually at the beginning or end of an utterance. (1 Sam. 9.5; Lunk. 7.3.) 'Ea, hele mai! Say, come herel Ilo'olohe mai 'oukou, 'ea, all of you there, listen. 7. Var. of ea, b, to smell. 8. N o i s y ; to yell, whoop. Rare. E kani ana ka 'ea. a whoop sounded.
' e a - h a n u - p a ' a . Condition of frequent colds. Lit., 'ea with hardened breath. ' e a - I i o u p o - l e w a l e w a . Great hunger, perhaps due to diabetes. Lit., loose-hanging diaphragm 'ea. ' e a - h u i i a . Dizzy spells, dizziness. Lit., hidden 'ea. e (verb) al. Particles indicating incompleted aspect or future tense and accompanying subordinate verbs; ai is the linking ai. See Gram. 'ea-kal-wawaka. Impaired vision, perhaps labyrinthitis. Lit., flashing 'ea. ' e a - k S k u a . A disease, perhaps lumbago. ' e a - k a m o l o w a . Condition of listlessuess. ' e a - k u a - n e n e k e . A variety of 'ea, a land tortoise. Lit., tortoise with back fitted into sections. ' e a - k f l k a ' a . Disease with swelling symptoms. • e a - k u - m a n a w a . Severe headaches, perhaps due to high blood pressure. Lit., 'ea at fontanel, e (verb) ala. Same as e (verb) la. 'Oia ia lepo 'ula au e 'ike ala, it's that red dirt you see over there. 'ea m a l a u l . Light-brown in color. See 'ea, t. e a r a i m l . Gas. Lit., light air. e (verb) a n a . Particle indicating incompleted action and future tense. See Gram. 5.2. ea Ola m a m a . Oxygen. Lit., light breath of life. 'ea-'Olena. Hepatitis, jaundice. ' e a - p O n l u . Dizziness, 'ea ' u l a . Wine-colored. See 'ea, 2. ' e a - w S h l - p a ' a . Osteomalacia, gradual softening of the bones. Lit., 'ea with broken solids, e'e. Same as a'a, Z, to extend greetings, •e'e. 1. T o climb on. mount, get on, go aboard, board, embark; one who climbs, mounts, boards. Cf. 'e'e kuahiwi, 'e'e moku. Kai 'e'e, tidal wave. hO'e'e. T o rise or swell, as surf; to mount, as a surfer mounts a wave. (2 Oihn. 35.24.) Kai hB'e'e, tidal wave. HB'e'e akula i kana mau keiki . . . maluna o na kamelo ( K i n . 31.17), set his sons . . . upon camels. HB'e'e akula ia i ka noho maluna o kona hoki ( K i n . 22.3), he saddled his ass. 2. Hard, stiff; dry. Cf. ka'e'e. 3. Armpit. Also called pB'ae'ae, po'e'e.
•ea. Var. of ea (often repeated, as 'ea 'e&, trala-la). •e'a. 1. Dust, dirt, dust cloud; dusty. Cf. 'ea, 4. spray; these words are probably interchanged at times. KBwelo 'e'a, dust streamer. Ku ka e'a i_ke kula, the dust cloud rose over the plain. 'Oka'i ka 'e'a, 'dka'i huaka'i 'ula, a marching cloud of dust, a red procession on the march [warriors with feather cloaks], 2. Mountain banana patch. Llla ka mai'a o ka "e'a, wili ka 'Bka'i, spindly is the growth of the mountain banana patch, the blossom container twists [even a spindly plant may bear fruit], 3. A fish similar to 'a'awa, but with dark flesh.
'6'C. 1. Redup. of 'e, J; contrary, peculiar, opposite; adversely. He 'e'g wale no kona manao, his opinion is in opposition. E pale ana i ka wawS lapuwale, a me ke ku 'l'l 'ana i ka mea i kapa hewa 'ia he na'auao (1 T i m . 6.20), avoiding profane babblings and oppositions of the thing falsely called science. 2. Redup. of 'e, I. h o ' i ' C . T o keep away from, avoid. 3. Yellow underwing feathers of the 'B'B, a bird, as in featherwork.
e a ' a ' f t . Gas. Lit., burning air. eaea. 1. Air, breath, as of sea or mountain. Some confusion exists in the uses of eaea, 'ea'ea, and 'e'a'e'a. 2. Redup. of ea, J; to rise; high waves. He i'a no ka papa'u, he loa'a wale i ka hopu lima; he i'a no ka hohonu, noho i ke eaea, fish of the shallows, gotten merely by catching in the hands; fish of the depths stay in the high waves. 3. Redup. of ea, 4', a smell, as of seaweed; to smell.
e'ea. Redup. of ea, 3; to rise up frequently, as in water; to i>ob up and down. E'ea a'e ke po'o o ka honu i ka 'ilikai, the head of the turtle appeared again and again on the surface of the sea. ' e ' e a . 1. Quick, ready, expert. He 'e'ea no kona kulana, he is quick in his ways. 2. A bird, said to be an adult 'alaiaha. ( K L line 307.)
ell e a . Particle at end of verses in some chants that maintains rhythm and affords pleasure In repetition, something like English tra-la-la. Also 'eS '«3. Nani wale na hala, eS eS, o Naue i ke kai, eH eS (song), beautiful indeed the pandanus, tra-la, of Naue by the sea, tra-la. ' e a ' e a . 1. Redup. of 'ea, 4, spray; encrusted with spray (sometimes confused with eaea and 'e'a'e'a). Ka lawai'a nui i 'ea'ea na ku'emaka, i 'ehu'ehu na lihilihi, the great fisherman whose brows are sprayed with sea and whose lashes are reddened [admiration of a fisherman], 3. Dignified, honorable. ( A P . ) 3. A bird (no data).
' e ' e ' e . Redup. of 'e'e, 1; to keep climbing over everything, as an active child; mischievous, ' e ' e h l . Same as hehi, to step on. 'E'ehi ihola ia a pa'a, he placed his feet down and stood firm, ' e ' e h l a . Overcome with fearful reverence, awestricken ; awe-inspiring, solemn; fear, reverence, awe. Ka 'e'ehia ia Ilhowa (2 Olhn. 17.10), fear of Jehovah. Piha au i ka 'e'ehia, I am filled with awe. e ' e h u . Same as ehuehu, healthy.
ehu • e ' e h u . R e d u p . of 'ehu, 5; reddish; a n u m b e r of 'ehu persons. Pala 'e'ehu, to t u r n red or yellow, as leaves or f r u i t (riper t h a n pala h a'a ma). ' e ' e l . Offensive, filthy, fly-ridden. (AP.) ' e ' e l a o . R a r e var. of pepeiao, ear. MO ka 'e'eiao o ka pua'a, c u t off is t h e ear of t h e pig. ' e ' e l e h l e h l . S a m e as 'e'ei. (AP.) • e ' e ' l n a . T o creak, crackle. Cf. 'a'ina, 'u'ina. ' E ' e k a . Same as 'Eka. z, a wind, • e ' e k e . 1. R e d u p . of 'eke, Z. Cf. mU'e'eke. 'Eeke maila i ka wela o ke ahi, shrinking back f r o m t h e heat of t h e fire. 2 . N a m e given for a hardshelled c r a b (no d a t a ) , ' e ' e k e l o l . T o t a p a d r u m slowly, as to accompany a c h a n t . ositTon, heart. C f . loko h&iki, loko 'ino, loko i'u, lokomaika'i. 3. P o n d , lake, p o o l . 4. M a i n land of the U n i t e d States. I loko aku nei au, I ' v e been to the mainland. 5. I n spite of. I loko no o ka waiwai, hana no, in spite of wealth, working a n y w a y . 6. B y means of. Loa'a ka 'Sina ia makou maloko o ka ikaika ( F o r . 4:47), w e w o n the land b y force, l o k o hftlkl. Hard-hearted, narrow-minded; tight-fisted, parsimonious; such a person, l o k o ' i l i o . Merciless, heartless, evil, malevolent, cruel; such a person.
l o i l o l . R e d u p . of loi; to find fault, criticize, l o ' l l o ' l . 1. I'ools of water; having m a n y pools; taro patches. C f . hSlo'ilo'i, lo'i. 2. S a m e as •alo'ilo'i, a fish. ( K L line 157.) l o l n a . Rule, custom, code, precept, l a w ; principle, as of a political party.
1ok o l o k o k a l . Lagoon. loko k u ' l . Man-made salt-water pond. Lit., artificial lake. l o k o l l ' u . 1. Salt pood. 2. Cross, embittered, sour in disposition; such a person, l o k o l o k o . Puddles, small pools. Cf. halokoloko. l o k o m a t k a ' l . Generosity, kindness, good will; generous, kind, benevolent. Na la o ka lokomaika'i, days of grace [time allotted for paying a bill). L o k o - p a ' a k a l . Salt Lake City, l o k o p a ' a k a l . Salt pond or lake, l o k o u , l o g o u . Word, logos (Ioane 1.1). l o k o u l u . Seedling bed. Lit., inside growing, loko w a l . Fresh-water pond or lake; fountain (Sol. 5.16). l o k u . Downpour of rain; blowing of wind; to pour, of rain; to blow, as a gale. Fig., to feel deep emotion, pain, sorrow; to weep profusely; intense. Ka ua loku, the pouring rain. Ke aloha loku i ka pu'uwai, love surging in the heart. Ke loku nei ka makani, the wind is blowing in a gale h o ' o l o k u . T o pour, as rain; to disturb; agitated. lOkfl. A game, perhaps like kilu (For. 4:221); a place for Indoor games, l o k u l o k u . Redup. of loku. Cf. ha"alokuloku, ka'alokuloku. h o ' o l o k u l o k u . Redup. of ho'oloku. l o l a . 1. Drooping, hanging downward; droopy, sluggish, lazy, idle. Lola moe halau, lazy one who sleeps in the workhouse [a lazy person]. 2. A with native fern (Asplenium acuminatum), much-subdivided fronds. 3. A variety of taro. 4. Roller, rolling pin; to roll. Eng. 101S. T o sun. Rare. Ke IBIS maila lakou, they are sunning, lola h o ' o p a l a h a . Roller. Lit., flattening roller, l o l a l o l a . Redup. of lola, 1. lola m&hu. Steam roller. lole. 1. Cloth, clothes, dress; to wear clothes. Cf. 'a'a lole. Komo i ka lole. to put on a dress. 2. T o unfold, turn inside out, reverse; to strip or peel off, as bark; to skin, flay (Mika 3.3); to scalp; to handle, turn over with the hands. Hele akula 'o 'Oma'o-kama'u . . . lalau ihola i ka 'auwae [o Hakau] a lole a'ela i luna (For. 4:203), 'Oma'o-kama'u went . . , grabbed [Hakau'sj chin and yanked it up. 3. Depigmentation, as of palm or hand or soles of feet, l o l e a . Worn smooth by friction, wear, or constant handling; turned insido out; skinned, flayed. Cf. lole, 2. l o l e h a u . Limping, lame. Obs. l o l e h o l o i . Laundry; soiled clothes ready to be washed.
kai l o l e w a l . Laundry washed and dried but not starched or ironed. Lit., water clothes, lole w&wae. Trousers, pants, panties, slacks. Lit., leg clothes. l o l e v i w a e ' e p a n e . O v e r a l l s . Lit., apron trousers. lole w&wae m o e pO. Pajamas. Lit., trousers for night sleeping, lole w ü w a e p ü h a ' u h a ' u . Bloomers. Lit., pufTed trousers. loll. 1. T o turn, change, alter, turn over, h o ' o l o l l . T o change, take a new form, exchange; to amend, as laws; amendment, change. Ho'ololi 'olelo, conjugation, declension. Ho'ololi i ka mana'o, to change the mind. Ho'ololi mai i ka noi, to amend a motion. Ho'ololi kald, currency exchange. 2. Sea slug, beche-de-mer, sea cucumber, trepang (Holothuria spp.) (Ed. 96-102.) 3. Spotted, speckled, daubed; to color in spots, as tapa. Cf. 'iloli, kükaeloli. lolla. Passive/imperative of loli, 1. b o ' o l o l l a . Causative/simulative, loll ' a n o . Change of nature, as of words and their etymology. 1011*1. Relaxed, at ease, without worry, carefree. Moe ISli'i, to lie at ease. Ua noho 'o Maleka a Idli'i (song), America is well prepared, l o l l - k a ' e . A variety of loli, sea slug, l o l i - k o h o l a . A variety of loli (.Holothuria), black and cylindrical. Lit., reef loli. l o l l - k o k o . A variety of loli, perhaps Chirodota rigida. Lit., blood loli. l o l l l o l l . 1. Redup. of loli, 1; changing, turning, changeable, h o ' o l o l l l o l l . Causative/simulative. For example see ka'ina. 2. Soggy, gummy, tough and watery, as overripe taro, l o l l l u a . Same as lolelua. l o l l - l O ' a u . A variety of loli (Holothuria). Lit., taro-tops loli. l o l l - m & k o k o . A variety of loli, perhaps Chiridola rigida. Lit., blood-red loli. l o l l n a . A change, alteration, lollo. Skinny, thin. Cf. lio. taut, l o l l - p u a . A species of edible loli (Holothuria). Lit., flower loli. l o l o . 1. Brains, bone marrow. Kau ka la i ka lolo, the sun rests on the brains [it is noon], Lolo 'eleu, active mind or intelligence. 2. Religious ceremony at which the brain of the sacrificed animal was eaten (such ceremonies occurred at a canoe launching, start of journey, completion of instruction); to have completed the lolo ceremony, hence expert, skilled. He lolo 'au moana, seafaring expert. A'o ihola 'o Hale-mano i ka hula . . . pau ke a'o 'ana, lolo ihola i ka pua'a (For. 5:247), Hale-mano learned the hula . . . after learning, a pig was offered ceremonially. 3. Pithy, white sponge in a sprouting coconut. Also iho. 4. Long slender pole placed above the second ridgepole of a house, functioning as thatch purlin for the attachment of additional layers of thatch. Also called lolo 'iole. 5. First brew made from ti root. 6. Short for hinálea-'aki-lolo, a fish. 7. Same as holowa'a, sheath covering coconut flowers. 8. Exclamation: serves you right! 1610. Paralyzed, numb; feeble-minded. LSld moe hálau, stupid one who sleeps In a workshop [a lazybones]. ho'olOlO. T o pretend paralysis, stupidity; to pretend to be asleep, l o l o a . 1. Redup. of loa, ¡.Lima loloa, long sleeve. 2. A seaweed. ( K L line 95.) lOIoa. Emphatic form of loloa. Uhai Idloa, to follow persistently, l o l o ' a . Bleached, as a shell in the sea. l o l o a - m a l a u . A hold in lua fighting. Lit., neat length. l o l o a ' u . Flying gurnard, a fish (Dactyloptena
l o l e k o m o . Clothes. Lit., clothes to put on. l o l e l a u . Thatching and trimming, of a house. Lit., handle leaves. l o l e l a u o h o . Sackcloth of hair. (Hoik. G.12.) l o l e l e p o . Soiled clothing, laundry, l o l e l o l e . Redup. of lole, 2. Mai ki'i 'oe e lolelole i ku'u ukona, don't you go and go through my things. 'Olelo lolelole, twisted, not straightforward, roundabout speech, l o l e l u a . Changeable, fickle, unstable, inconstant, l o l e m o e pO. Nightgown. Lit., night-sleeping clothes. l o l e n a . 1. -no form of lole, t. Palai lolena, fern turned over. 2. Limp, flexible, as cloth; inefficient, unproductive, idle, sterile, barren, faded. He u'i lolena ku i ki'ona (saying), a stupid beauty fit for the dun$ hill. A'ohe lolena i ka wai 'dpae, no slackers in water full of shrimps [there must be no slackers when work is to be done], l o l e p l a . Laundry washed, starched, and dried but not ironed. Lit., starch clothes.
orientalis). Also called pinao. l o l o h a . Redup. of loha, to droop.
1o p a lolohe. 1. Redup. of lohe; to listen carefully, attentively, with good hearing. He pepeiao lolohe, an ear with good hearing, h o ' o l o l o h e . To listen carefully; to strain the ear to hear. He ali'i 'o ka lani, he mo'opuna na Lono, he hiapo na ke kini, ho'ololohe ua (chant), the heavenly one is a chief, a descendant of Lono, the first-born of a multitude [of long lineage], a listener to the rain [unafraid of rain because of high rank], 2. Stubborn; hard to move, as a rock. Bare. Cf. ho'okololohe. h o ' o l o l o h e . Causative/simulative, lolohl. Redup. of lohi, 1. Lolohi ke a'o 'ana, slow in learning, lolohlll. Var. of loloiahili. l o l o h u a . Same as mlkololohua. l o l o h u a m e a . 1. Same as lolohua. 2 . Variegated color, as of the distant sea. For example see lipo, 1.
lOmllo. To spin with fingers; to twist, as thread in making rope or cord. Cf. milo, to twist, l o m l l o m l . Redup. of lomi; masseur, masseuse, l o n a . 1. Block of wood used to support a canoe out of water. Also 'aki. 2. Useless, vain. (AP.) 3. Straight, direct. (AP.) l o n a l o n a . 1. Var. of nonanona, ant, gnat. 2 . Var. of nonanona, many. Lonalona na pu'u, there are many, many hills. IonlkQ, l o n l t u . Longitude. Eno. lono. 1. News, report, remembrance (Kan). 32.26), rumor (sometimes formerly preceded by ke, as For. 5:331). Ku'i ka lono, the news spread, h o ' o l o n o . To listen, hear, obey; obedient. Ku'i ka lono i Pelekane, ho'olono ke kuini o Palani (song), the news spread to England, the queen of France heard. (PPN rongo, P M P DengeR.) 2 . (Cap.) One of the four major gods brought from Tahiti, the god of the makahiki harvest festivities and of agriculture. He is also regarded as the god of medicine (Malo 96, 111), and his name occurs in chants concerned with cloud signs and weather phenomena. Captain Cook was believed to be the god Lono and was thus addressed. Ou kino e Lono i ka lani, he ao loa, he ao poko, he ao ki'ei, he ao haW, he ao ho'opua i ka lani (Malo 146), your bodies, O Lono, are in the heavens, a long cloud, a short cloud, a watchful cloud, a peery cloud, a cloud issuing forth in the heavens. 3. (Cap.) The 28th day of the lunar month. 4. (Cap.) Name of a star. See lono-maka-ihe. l o n o S . Var. spelling of lonowQ. l o n o h l ' l . To cry to be carried, of an infant carried too much; to fret in a spoiled way to be carried. Lit., hear carry. Mai hi'i mau 'oukou o lonohi'i keia keiki, don't keep carrying this child or he'll want to be carried always, lono h o n u a . To hear surprising or sudden nev/s. lonokQ. On the back; backward. (AP.) l o n o l a u . Large-sized gourd. Also nonolau. l o n o l o n o w l . Redup. of lonowa. l o n o l u p e . A banner held up by two staffs. Obs. l o n o - m a k a - l h e . Art of spear throwing, named for a god. Cf. maka ihe. Ua a'o anei 'oe » ka lono-maka-ihe? Have you learned the art of spear throwing? L o n o - m a k u a . Father Lono, elder Lono, a name for the akua loa. l o n o m e a . A native tree (Sapindus oahuensis), to thirty feet high, with ovate leaves four by eight and two by five inches; it is found only on Oahu and Kauai. Kauai. On Oahu it is called kaulu. l o n o p a p a . News spread far and wide; news so well bruited that everyone has heard repeatedly; spread far, of news, l o n o p f l h a . 1. Art of healing, especially of wounds, abscesses. A'o i ka lonopuha, learn the healing art. 2. (Cap.) The name of a god of healing.
l o l o h u w i . One who is jealous and constantly stirring up trouble; jealous, lololfthlll. To wander, as one lost; to stray, dillydally; to digress and wander in speech, h o ' o l o l o l a h l l l . Same as above. Me ka ho'ololoiUhili 'ole aku. without further digression, loiolele. Redup. of ISiele. ho'ololOlele. Causative/simulative. Ho'ololBiele kana hana 'ana, he works so slowly, lolo 'lole. Same as lolo, 4. lolo Iwi. Bone marrow. l o l o k a ' a . Dizziness, with spinning head; dizzy. Cf. niu loloka'a, pSniuniu. Iolokla. Coconut stem. l o l o k u . Same as lokuloku. 'O UU'u 'o loloku, 'o walania i ke ki'i 'dnohi (song), smarting, tearful, burning are the eyeballs. lolokQ. 1. Midday. Ke loloku aku nci, it is noon. Cf. kau ka la i ka lolo, under lolo, 1. 2. Muscle on back of the head, probably the occipitofrontalis muscle; the nervous system. Also called molokU. lOlOkull. Deafness, as from disease. For example see 'a'i, I. lololo. 1. Intelligent, brilliant; deep thinking. 2. Tasty, rich, fat, as marrow. Rare. lololoa. Intensive of loloa, 1. lololohe. Redup. and intensifler of lohe, to hear (said of a very keen ear). For example see •a'S. 1. lOlolohua. Redup. of lolohua. lolomQ. Unsuccessful, unlucky. Obs. l o l o n l u . Canoe hull made of coconut log. Obs. lolo n i u . Embryonic sponge in a coconut; coconut sheath. Wa'a lolo niu, coconut sheath used as a toy canoe, lolopaloa. Same as lolopaioea. lolopaioea. Tall, spindly, thin, loloplll. Name of a design used on Niihau mats, loloplo. T o die calmly and easily. (For. 6:297.) lolo po'o. Brain. Lit., head brain, lolopua. Zenith. Eia la i ka lolopua o ka lani, here is the zenith of the heavens, l o l o ' u . Redup. of lo'u. lolo w a ' a . Canoe-launching ceremony; to perform the ceremony. See lolo, I. l o m a . 1. Lazy, indolent, slow, idle. Cf. kuloma. 2. (Cap.) Rome; Roman. Eng. l o m a l o m a . Redup. of loma, 1. For example see halaXl. l o m i . To rub, press, squeeze, crush, mash fine, massage, rub out; to work in and out, as claws of a contented cat. Kamano lomi, i'a lomi, salmon or fish, usually raw, worked with the fingers and mixed with onions and seasoned. Kanaka lomi, masseur, masseuse, l o m l a . Passive/imperative of lomi. Pipe lomia e ka Inu-wai, crushed and mashed by the waterdrinking wind [as grass, but figuratively of lovers].
lonowft. Hearsay, rumor; to keep hearing, as rumor. Also nonowa. l o n u . Cheat, liar, rogue; to cheat, lie. Rare. I6nfl. T o swell up, as with disease. Cf. dnU. l o ' o h l a . Possessed, overwhelmed, overcome; to befall, happen. Ua lo'ohia i ka 'uhane 'ino, possessed by an evil spirit. Lo'ohia i ka n&waliwali, lo'ohia i ke kaumaha, overcome by weakness, overwhelmed hy grief. Ua lo'ohia mai lakou i kiia mau mea (1 Kor. 10.11), these things happened to them. 1 0 ' o h u . To buck, of a horse. Kauai. lo'ok&hl. Rare var. of Wkahi. 10p2. 1. Shiftless; poor tenant farmer. LOpS ho'opili wale, one entirely dependent on others for livelihood. LOpa kua kea, lazy IBpH, with untanned back; lit., white back. E aho no ke kOmakahiki i ko ka 'auana wale a ho'opili mea'ai paha a noho IBpa wale iho no, it is better to have a yearly contract [as hired hand] than to vaga-
lopalau'eka 0 ko'u hele 'ana mai, this is the second of my trips here. 'O ka lua ia o na keiki, this is the second of the children. Ka'uka'u lua, to delay much. Kaumaha lua, extremely sad or heavy. Konikoni lua i ka pu'uwai, throbbing, throbbing in the heart, bo'olua. To do twice, repeat, do over and over; to bake twice, as food in the oven. ( P P N rua, P M P Dewha(h).) 4. Equal, likeness, duplicate, copy, match. Lua 'ole, .unequalled, without an equal, incomparable. Ola'i ikaika loa i 'ike 'ole 'ia kona lua, very strong earthquake, the like of which had never been seen before. 5. Companion, mate. Cf. kSko'o. 6. General name for type of hand-to-hand fighting that included bone-breaking, quick turns and twists of the spear, noosing, leaping; to fight thus.
bond and be dependent for food and live just as a shiftless tenant, a. An uncertain term in the phrase ho'So ¡dpci, marriage with a relative 24 generations removed. (For. 6:268.) lOp&lau'eka. Worthless, shiftless squatter (contraction of IBpS palau'eka, worthless IBpa). lopl, ropi. Thread. (Eng., rope). (Lunk. 16.12.) lopi ho'oholoholo. Basting thread, lopl h u l u h u l u . Worsted thread, lopl h u m u l a u . Embroidery thread, lopl k&holo. Basting thread, loplne. Robin. Eng. lOpl'0. T o bend over, as one nodding, sleeping, lopu. Consecrated adze, as used in carving, lou. 1. Hook: to hook, to fasten with a book: to hook off, as with the lou pole. Lou ka i'a, the fish is hooked. Lou ka mana'o, thoughts are hooked, as of two persons thinking of each other, no'olou. T o hook, catch witn a hook: to put on a hook, as bait. 'O ka limu-kala ka maunu e ho'olou ai i ka makau (For. 4:205), kala (seaweed) was the bait placed on the hook. 2. Very long fruit-plucking pole, with short sticks lashod obliquely near the end for plucking, as for breadfruit. 3. Pain in the side, stitch. 4. Same as louulu. 5. Tache, clasp (Puk. 26.6). lo'u. T o overhang, as a cliff: to bend over, as with grief or laughter; bent over, as a laden branch. Cf. ha'alo'u. Ko'i lo'u, adze on bent haft. Lo'u pali, overhanging cliff. (Perhaps P P N loku, P M P dekung.) loua. 1. Passive/imperative of lou, 1. Loua mai, hook [it] this way. 2. Var. of laua. Loua 'ole aku ka hana, much work yet to be done. lOuhu. Same as uhu, to bolt, strain. Obs. loulou. 1. Redup. of lou, 1: to link or hook together. 2. Finger-pulling contest: two players hook fingers and see who can keep his finger hooked tne longest, lo'ulo'u. Redup. of lo'u.
lua-. To enjoy oneself. Cf. luakaha, luala'i, luana. -lua. 1. (With ho'o-) ho'olua. (a) Strong, muscular, rough, (b) (Cap.) Name of a strong north wind, famous in song. (For. 5.27.) Ho'olua nui, big Ho'olua wind: fig., to talk loudly and to no purpose. 2. Dual number, only in pronouns and poseessives 'olua, kaua, maua. lu'a. Old and wrinkled, worn and shabby with use, worn-out: sagging, hanging down, flimsy; soft, pliable. See 'alu'a. - l u ' a . (With ho'o-) ho'olu'a. ( » ) To bear many children, (li) T o lay an egg, as of a chicken, lua'a. To pound poi. Obs. (For. 6:397.) luaahl, luahl. 1. Victim, as of wrath. Mai pa'akiki aku 'oe i ke anu, 'o ke kino mai no ka luaahi, don't persist in going into the cold, the body will suffer for it [HI., be the victim], 2. Fearful, mighty. Ka lima luaahi o ke koa, the fearful arm of the warrior, lua ahl. Pit of fire; hell. lua'apana. Jester (For. 5:479); hilarity, sport; to laugh, jest, indulge in uproarious merriment. Obs. lua'ehll. Many and colorful. Lua'ehu ka i'a i loa'a mai i hei mai i ka 'upena (song), colorful and many are the fishes caught, snared in the net. lua 'ell pOhaku. Quarry. Lit., pit for digging stones, lua 'ell watwal. Mine, luahaka. Outhouse. luahele. Pitfall, seduction, deception; to lead astray, seduce, deceive, luahi. See lua ahi. luahlne, luwahlne. l . Old woman, old lady; to be an old woman, ho'oluahlne. T o act or dress like an old lady; to try to be like one. 2. See kaula-luahine. luahoana. Halo or rainbow around sun or moon. Lit., polished pit. lua ho'okl'o wal. Cistern. Lua-ho'omoe. Name of a star, said to appear In the month of Hinaia-'ele'ele. lua huna. Hidden or secret cave or pit, as where bones of the dead were hidden, lua'l. Vomit; volcanic eruptions; to vomit, erupt; to banish, expel, drive out, as people. Cf. lua'i koko. Lua'i a koko, to vomit food until blood comes. Lua'i pB, outcasts, as wandering souls not accepted in the realm of the dead; HI., night vomit, ho'olua'i. Emetic: causing vomiting; to cause a vomiting, to feign vomiting; to gag; to drive out people. ( P P N lua'-aki, P M P luaq.) lualele. 1. T o live a dissipated life, reckless of health; to dissipate. Luaiele wale iho no i 'o 1 'ane'i, going here and there [as a fickle lover], 2. Swaying. Nani ka 'diwi o ka la'au i ka luaiele 'ia e ka makani, beautiful the body of the tree swayed by the wind [some are handsome even in adversity or dissipation]. lua'l koko. Any kind of sickness with vomiting of blood; to vomit blood.
loulu. 1. All species of native fan palms (Pritchardia). (Neal 85.) Also noulu. Cf. hawane. 2. Umbrella, so called because the loulu palm leaf was formerly used as protection from rain or sun. 3. Alulera monoceros, a fish, perhaps so called because its greenish-white skin resembled the loulu palm: used in sorcery to cause death because the name contains the word lou, to hook. 4. T y p e of heiau said to be built for prevention of epidemics, famine, destruction. lo'ulll. An endemic fern (Coniogramme pilosa) with leaves somewhat like those of the Dreadfruit tree ('ulu), but the divisions narrower and deeper. loulu-hlwa. A small native fan palm (Pritchardia martii), with thick trunk to six feet high. Lit., dark loulu. loulu-lelo. A native fan palm (Pritchardia hillebrandii), with trunk to 20 feet high. Lit., yellowish loulu. louulu. Betrothal gift, as sent from one family to the other. Obs. 10. 1. T o scatter, throw, as ashes: to sow; to shed, as a chicken its feathers or a tree its leaves; to push aside; to drip, as water; to shake; to cast off, as grief; to spend recklessly, squander. Pau ke kali i ka lu 'ia, all the money was squandered. 2. Seeds of the pua-kala, prickly poppy. 3. Gunshot, so called because the pellets suggested the la seeds. 4. Scalloped hat braid, as made of bamboo, sugar-cane stem, pandanus, or coconut, lua. 1. Hole, pit, grave, den, cave, mine, crater. Lua Is a hole that has a bottom, contrasting with puka, perforation. Ho'opiha i ka lua o ka inaina, fill the pit of wrath [eat heartily], h o ' o lua. T o bake in the oven. Cf. ho'olua under lua, 3 and kSlua. Pua'a ho'olua, pork and taro tops baked in ti leaves, called laulau today. ( P P N lua. P M P ruwang.) 2. Toilet, outhouse. 3. Two, second, secondary, twice; second of a pair; doubly, much, a great deal. Ka lua klia
1 u k l u a ' i k f l . D i s g u s t i n g , n a u s e a t i n g , s i c k e n i n g . 'O kana mau hana, he mea e lua'iku ai, w h a t h e d o e s is d i s g u s t i n g . l u a ' I p e l e . Volcanic eruption, lava, sulphur, b r i m s t o n e ( H o i k . 9.17). l u a k a h a . E n j o y a b l e , pleasant, as a place t o w h i c h o n e is a t t a c h e d ; t o w h i l e a w a y t h e t i m e e n j o y a b l y . He luakaha ko makou nohona i kela 'aina, o u r s t a y a t t h a t l a n d w a s c o m f o r t a b l e and pleasant, l u a k & l a l . S a m e as luahoana. Lit., h e w n p i t . l u a k f t l a l l a n l . S a m e as luakalai. l u a k e l e . C a v e f o r c o n c e a l i n g . F o r r o o t s cf. lua (pit) a n d hunakele (to b u r y ) , l u a k l n t . Temple, church, cathedral, tabernacle; l a r g e heiau w h e r e r u l i n g c h i e f s p r a y e d a n d h u m a n sacrifices w e r e o f f e r e d , l u a k u p a p a ' u . T o m b , g r a v e . Lit., c o r p s e p i t . l u a l a ' l . S a m e a s luana. E aha ana la ku'u lani, e luala'i la i Lakana ( c h a n t f o r K a l a k a u a ) , w h a t is m y lord d o i n g , e n j o y i n g life i n L o n d o n , l u a H ' l l l ' l . Outhouse, toilet.
a n d e n t e r s t h e b o d y of s l e e p i n g p e r s o n s a t t h i s point. I d a u ' l . T r u e p a r e n t , as c o n t r a s t i n g w i t h f o s t e r p a r e n t or a u n t or u n c l e ( m a k u a ) . Iiu'u luau'i makua kane, m y t r u e f a t h e r , l u a ' u n u . R e f u s e p i t in a heiau. l l i a w a i . W e l l , c i s t e r n (Isa. 30.16), pool, p o n d , reservoir, l u e , r u e . R u e . ( L u k a 11.42.) l u ' e . Loose, a s a g a r m e n t ; h a n g i n g loose, l o n g a n d flowing; l o o s e n e d , h o ' o l u ' e . (a) T o loosen, let d o w n , as h a i r ; t o u n f u r l , as a flag; t o h a n g d o w n , (b) S a m e a s ho'olu'a. - l u ' e . ( W i t h ho'o-) h o ' o l u ' e . T o s h a p e a log f o r a c a n o e , a s a t b o w a n d s t e r n . Obs. l u e a . S e a s i c k n e s s , n a u s e a , dizziness. Cf. polueti. l u e h u . 1. Easily scattered, dispersed, blown a w a y ; s c a l y , as s k i n . Lit., s c a t t e r e d fine. 2 . K i n d of s o f t , p o r o u s s t o n e t h a t b r e a k s easily, l u e l u e . B a g n e t w i t h m e s h e s t h e w i d t h of a finger, a s h e l d o p e n b y a h o o p of walahe'e w o o d a n d b a i t e d a n d l o w e r e d i n t o t h e sea b y f o u r l o n g cortls. l u ' e l u ' e . 1 . R e d u p . of lu'e. 2 . L o o s e g o w n , as of Biblical c h a r a c t e r s . 3 . A h o l d in lua fighting. 10 h a u . S h a k i n g d o w n of d e w or r a i n d r o p s f r o m t r e e b o u g h s b y a b r e e z e ; t o fall t h u s ; s c a t t e r e d dew. L f l - l i a u - p u a . A w i n d of O l a ' a . H a w a i i , l u b e . T o h a n g down, sag, droop; to wither, l u h e a . P a s s i v e / i m p e r a t i v e of luhe. Ka lau luhea o ka 'ohai o Mànà, t h e d r o o p i n g l e a v e s of t h e 'ohai of M à n à . l t l l i e ' c . Fishing f o r o c t o p u s with line a n d cowry l u r e ; t h e o c t o p u s l u r e ; t o fish t h u s . Ifi h e l e l e ' i . T o s c a t t e r , s t r e w ; t o l e t h a i r h a n g loose anil u n b o u n d . A f a i holo 'oe i waena o ke kaona me ka lu helele'i o kou lauoho, d o n ' t r i d e t h r o u g h t h e m i d s t of t h e t o w n w i t h y o u r h a i r h a n g i n g loose, l u h e l u h e . R e d u p . of luhe-, t o s a g w i t h f a t . l u h e l u h e a . P a s s i v e / i m p e r a t i v e of luheluhe. Ka ua luheluhea i na pali, t h e [misty] r a i n h a n g i n g o n t h e cliffs, i u h i . 1. W e a r y , tired, f a t i g u e d ; wearisome, tires o m e , l a b o r i o u s , t e d i o u s ; b u r d e n , w e a r i s o m e or t e d i o u s t a s k ; l a b o r , w o r k , p a i n s . Ko'u luhi, m y fatigue, h o ' o l u l l l . T o bother, disturb, trouble, w e a r o u t w i t h w o r k , o v e r b u r d e n . Cf. hale ho'oluhi. Hiki anei ia'u ke ho'oluhi ia 'oe, m a y I trouble you | a polite preface to a request]. 2. A child or o t h e r person t e n d e d a n d raised with devoted care; to care for a n d a t t e n d with care a n d a f f e c t i o n . Ka'u luhi, t h e p e r s o n I c a r e f o r . Luhi wahine 'ia, t o b e c a r e d f o r a n d r a i s e d b y a w o m a n . 'O La'a~kea, ka luhi a Na-maka, La'ak e a is d e v o t e d l y c a r e d f o r b y N a - m a k a . Ua luhi ka makua kane iàia. t h e f a t h e r c a r e d f o r him with devotion and patience, l u h l a . A v a r i e t y of s h a r k .
l u ' a l o a . L a r g e fishhook, a s u s e d f o r l a r g e fish or s o m e t i m e s f o r b o n i t o . l u a l u a . 1. U n e v e n , f u l l of holes, r o u g h , b u m p y , as a r o a d . 2 . S a m e a s luelue, a fishing n e t . l u ' a l u ' a . R e d u p . of lu'a\ a g o d .
Redup. of lua'i.
R e d u p . of ho'olua'i. cud.
2. T o raise a n d chow t h e
l u a l u a ' l n a . Var. of lulua'ina, 1, 2.
l u a l u a n a . R e d u p . of luana. l u a m e k l . D e e p p i t or c a v e . (Zek. 9 . 1 1 ) . l u a n a . T o be a t leisure; to e n j o y pleasant surr o u n d i n g s a n d a s s o c i a t e s ; t o live in c o m f o r t a n d e a s e ; t o e n j o y oneself. He aha ka 'oukou e hana nei? E luana wale ana no, w h a t a r e y o u all doing? J u s t enjoying ourselves, h o ' o l u a n a . C a u s a t i v e / s i m u l a t i v e . C f . lumi ho'oluana. l u a n a l k l . T o p a u s e a m o m e n t ; t o e n j o y oneself a l i t t l e . Ma'ane'i kakou e luana iki iho ai no na 'olelo e pili ana i ke ko'i ( F o r . 5:291), h e r e we'll s t o p a m o m e n t f o r t h e s t o r y c o n c e r n i n g t h e adze. l u a n u ' u . D r e s s e d o u t in t a p a , a s t e m p l e i m a g e s in L o n o ' s t e m p l e on I m p o r t a n t o c c a s i o n s . ( A P . ) l u a ' o l e . Superior, incomparable, unequalled, second to none, l u a ' o n l . Second person to fall in battle, t h e second victim,
l u a ' O p a l a . Rubbish pit.
l u a p a ' a h a o . D u n g e o n . Lit.,
lua p&lolo. Clay pit.
jail p i t .
l u a p a o . B u r i a l c a v e ; t u n n e l . Lit., c a v e p i t . l u a p a ' Q . R e f u s e p i t i n t h e luakini or t e m p l e e n c l o s u r e . Fig., a n y p l a c e of d e s t r u c t i o n . Lit., d a m p p i t . 'O ka pakela inu lama 'o ka luapa'Q ia o ke kanaka, excessive d r i n k i n g of i n t o x i c a n t s Is a c a u s e of m a n ' s d e s t r u c t i o n , l u a p e l e . V o l c a n o , c r a t e r . Lit., v o l c a n i c p i t . l u a p o . G r a v e . ( H a l . 88.3.) Lit., n i g h t p i t .
l u h i e h u . B e a u t i f u l , a t t r a c t i v e , f e s t o o n e d . Obs. Luhiehu ihola ka pua i Maile-huna ( U L 237), b e a u t i f u l t h e flower a t M a l l e - h u n a . l u h i h e w a . Tired without accomplishing anything^, w e a r y f r o m e f f o r t s t h a t b r i n g n o r e s u l t s , h o ' o l u h i h e w a . T o oppress, harass, burden t o n o use.
lua p u h l . Blowhole, lua pflht. Eel hole.
l Q ' a u . 1. Y o u n g t a r o tops, especially as b a k e d w i t h c o c o n u t c r e a m a n d c h i c k e n or o c t o p u s . 2. Hawaiian feast, n a m e d for t h e taro tops a l w a y s s e r v e d a t o n e ; t h i s is n o t a n a n c i e n t n a m e , b u t goes b a c k a t l e a s t t o 1856, w h e n so used by t h e Pacific C o m m e r c i a l Advertiser; f o r m e r l y a f e a s t w a s pa'ina o r 'aha'aina. 3. D a r k - g r e e n i s h m e a t in a t u r t l e , c o n s i d e r e d a d e l i c a c y ; so n a m e d b e c a u s e t h e c o l o r of i t s m e a t s u g g e s t e d t h e c o l o r of t a r o t o p s . 4 . S a m e a s limu-lU'au, a s e a w e e d . B. K i n d of s o f t p o r o u s s t o n e , a s u s e d i n t h e g r o u n d o v e n . Obs. l u a ' u h a n e . T h e i n n e r c o r n e r of e a c h eye, n e x t t o t h e n o s e ; t e a r d u c t . Lit., s o u l - p i t , so called b e c a u s e i t w a s b e l i e v e d t h a t t h e soul l e a v e s
l u h i l u h i . Redup. of luhi, 1. h o ' o l u h l l u h l . T o m a k e tired, disturbed, etc; to wear one down w i t h w o r k . C f . ho'oluhi. l u h l n a . A laboring, wearying, caring for, etc. l u ' l . 1 . I m a g i n a r y o r i n d i s t i n c t s o u n d . Obs. 2 . T o a b o l i s h , n u l l i f y . Obs. (Oih. 5.39.) l u i a . S a m e a s luhia.
l u ' l l u ' l . Redup. of lu'i, 1. Z. l u l n a . Sailor.
l u k a , r u d a . Rood, in surveying. Eng. l O k a . V a r . of mttkS,
to smack.
lukaluka lukaluka. 1. Var. of lupalupa, 1. 2. Same as palukaluka, 1. 3. Tapa sarong, as worn by men. (Malo 182.) l u k a m a e a . Religious ceremony for women, said to date from the time of Papa,
lulu a l l ' l . Royal feather cloak (rare); chiefly protection. lOlahe'e. Redup. of luhe'e. luluhi. 1. Redup. of luhi, 1. 2. Ua luluhi na maka, the eyes are heavy with sleep, h o ' o l u luhi. T o make sleepy; drowsy. Mele ho'oluluhi, lullaby. 2. Black and heavy, of clouds; overcast, threatening. (AP.) Ifllfl hua. Sower; to sow seeds, luluka. Peace, calm. Obs. lOltl l i m a . T o shake hands; handshake, l u l u l u . Redup. of lulu-, dead calm, great calm; becalmed; hanging limp, as a sail in a calm, l u l u m l . Redup. of lumi, 1; crushed, crumpled, wrinkled. E lulumi ana na 'ale o Kauna (chant), the billows of Kauna rush pell-mell. Huki i ke kalo nui, lulumi i ka lepo a popo'i i ka mau'u, pull up the big taro, press the earth firmly and cover with grass, l u l u ' u . Same as lu'ulu'u, 1; said also of a tree laden with fruit, a person laden with leis. h o ' o l u l u ' u . Same as ho'olu'ulu'w, to cause to bend down, to load heavily. Trans. Pakaukau i ho'olulu'u pu me na mea'ai, tables laden down with food. I u m a . Same as luma'i. l u m a h a ' l . Certain twist of the fingers in making string figures, perhaps named for a place on Kauai. l u m a ' i . T o douse, duck; to upset, tumble, as in the surf. Fig., to destroy, overwhelm, as with trouble. Luma'i 'ia ke kauwa, the kauwa (outcast) was drowned. Ua luma'i 'ia kona mana'olana e na pilikia, his hopes were dashed by his troubles. Luma'i 'ia e ka nalu, rolled by the waves. l u m a ' i a . Passive/imperative of luma'i; capsized, lurna'lna. Drowning, etc. See luma'i.
luk&nela, lutanela. Lieutenant. Eng.
l u k a u . Lookout; to look out, be careful. Eng.
luke, lute. Lute. Eng.
lake. T o prod open, as bivalve shells. Obs.
Lukela, Lutera. Lutheran. Eng. Lukelano, Luterano. Lutheran. Eng.
lukla. 1. Short for lu'ukia. 2. (Cap.) Also Rusla. Russia; Russian. Eng. lOklnl. 1. Perfume. 2. (Cap.) Russian. Eng. 3. Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citraius), a grass with fragrant leaves, lemony odor, edges sharp. Also called lapine. u k i p a , l u c l f a . Lucifer. Eng. Ahikoe lukipa. lucifer. l u k u . Massacre, slaughter, destruction; to destroy, massacre, slaughter, lay waste, exterminate. Hele luku, go on a raid. Wai-luku (place name), waters of destruction, l u k u a . Passive/imperative of luku. l u k u n a . Destruction, slaughter, luku wale. Vandalism, useless slaughter or destruction; to destroy thus, lula, rula. Ruler, tape measure; rules, manners, regulations. Eng. He kanaka lula 'ole, a man without manners; unruly. IO!&._ Calm, windless, dead still; bored (rare). Lula au i ka ho'olohe i kana ha'i'Slelo, I'm bored listening to his sermon, lula k u m u . Fundamental or basic rule. lOl&na. Same as lula. Lulana ihola ka pifte_ ( U L 238), the shouting quieted. Ku'u hoa lulana i ka lipolipo, my peaceful companion in the forest depth. lule. 1. T o quiver, as jello; to sag, as flesh of a fat person; weak, flexible. 2. A variety of pili grass. 10 lehua. 1. A red tapa design. 2. T o scatter lehua flowers, said poetically of rain, lulelule. Redup. of lule, 1. lull. T o shake, as the head in approval or disapproval; to roll, as a ship; to totter, be unsteady; to sway to and fro (Mat. 11.7), wag. 'Ohe luli i ka makani, bamboo swaying in the breeze. Cf. 'aluli. h o ' o l u l i . T o rock, as a child; to shake, as a drink; to sway. Cf. mShai ho'oluli. l u l l l u l l . Redup. of luli. h o ' o l u l l l u l l . Redup. of ho'oluli. Waiu ho'oluliluli, milk shake. 1010. Lei made of braided leaves or ferns, l u l o n i . T o sleep soundly. ( A P . ) l u l u . Calm, peace, shelter, lee, protection, shield, cloak; to lie at anchor. Cf. lulu ali'i, palulu. Honolulu (name), protected harbor, h o ' o l u l u . (a) T o lie quietly in calm water, as a ship in iort; to be calm; to gather together to wait, as or transportation. Hale ho'olulu, depot, waiting station. Ho'olulu lei, to offer leis on an altar; the prayer uttered while making an offering of leis; lit., to make leis repose in peace and quiet. (b) T o chum, for flsh; this type of fishing and fisherman. ( P P N ruru, P M P DukDuk.) 1Q1Q. 1. Redup. of IU, 1; to scatter, sow, as seeds: to fan, winnow; to shake, as dice or the hands, or as an earthquake. Cf. ha'alulu. Hele akula kekahi kanaka lulu hua e lulu (Mat. 13.3), a sower of grain went forth to sow. ( P P N lulU, possibly P M P DugDug.) 2. Donation, offering, as in church; to make an offering, luluaiele. Redup. of luaiele. lulu&'lna. 1. Freckles. Lulua'ina 'ole, without a freckle, said of one well-cared for in childhood who grows up handsome, gracious, and agreeable. 2. T o pound 'ina and ha'uke'uke sea urchins as for bait.
lumaklka, rumatlka. Rheumatism. Eng.
l u m a l u m a ' l . Redup. of luma'i. I f l m a n a w a h u a . Stomach disorder accompanied by gas and looseness of the bowels; to suffer thus. Cf. manawahua. l u m l . 1. T o crowd uncomfortably; to overturn, pound, crush, as the surf; to press; to be overwhelmed with trouble; to destroy by black magic. Cf. lulumi. 2. Also rami. Room. Eng. Nui ka lumi, plenty of room, l u m l a . Passive/imperative of lumi. 1. Lumia e ke kahuna 'ana'ana, destroyed by an 'ana'ana sorcerer,
luml 'alna. Dining room,
l u m i ' a u ' a u . Bathroom. Lit., washing room,
luml ho'ahu. Storeroom, luml holol. Laundry room,
l u m l h o ' o k l p a . Parlor, living room. Lit., entertaining room, l u m l h o ' o l u a n a . Lounge, reception room,
luml hulahula. Ballroom,
l u m l kuke. Kitchen. Lit., cooking room, l u m l l u m l . Same as lulumi. Lumilumi 'ia laua e ka 'ona o ka 'awa, they were overcome by the intoxication of the kava. l u m l m o e . Bedroom. Lit., sleeping room, l u m l w a l h o pi. Pantry. Lit., room for leaving plates.
luml walho ukana. Storeroom. Lit., room to
leave goods. luna. 1. High, upper, above, over, up; on, in, into. Luna follows particles expressing place, as a, i, ko, ma-, mai, no, o. Kau i luna o ke ka'a, get into the car. 2. Foreman, boss, overseer, supervisor, officer of any sort, commissioner. n o ' o l u n a . T o appoint as foreman, officer, etc.; to act as officer. 3. Chief piece in the konane game. (AP.)
luna 'aha'aina. Toastmaster, director of a feast. (Ioane 2.8.)
luwahine l u n a n u l . Chief officer or foreman, especially head overseer of a sugar plantation, l u n a ' o h a n a . H e a d c f a f a m i l y ; headman of a tribe. (1 Oihn. 9.34.) l u n a ' o h l k a i a ' a u h a u . T a x collector. l u n a ' O l e l o . A p o s t l e ; communication officer; proclaimer. (Oih. 1.2.) l u n a w a e m a n a ' o . Conscience. Lit., officer that selects thoughts, l u n a w e h e p l l l k i a . Representative in the old Hawaiian parliament. Lit., officer who removes trouble. l u n l . L i m p i n g , unsteady. Obs. l u n u . Same as nunu, 1, 2. Cf. 'alunu, 'anunu. l u ' o n l . One who delivers a victim to the sacrificial altar; to so deliver. ( A P . ) l u p a . 1. Same as lupalupa. 2. Same as nupa. l u p a l u p a . 1. Flourishing, of luxuriant growth. Lupalupa ke oho o ka palai, thriving fronds of fern, h o ' o l u p a l u p a . T o cause to flourish; lush. See nupanupa. 2. P u r i f y i n g ceremonies of various sorts, as to insure g r o w t h or to cleanse contaminated persons, as those who have buried the dead; prayer f o r the soul of one who has just died; to conduct such ceremonies, l u p e . 1. K i t e . Cf. ka'ialupe. Ho'olele lupe, to fly a kite. Four types of lupe were said t o exist: lupe la, a round kite, lit., sun kite; lupe mahina, kite with tapa covering cut in a crescent shape, lit., moon kite; lupe manu, kite with wings on the side, lit., bird kite; lupe maoli, kite suggest i v e of European kites in shape, lit., genuine kite. 2. Same as hxhimanu, sting ray. 3. F l a t tened end of the f o r w a r d end of the outrigger float outside of the joining of the outrigger boom to the float. 4. A kind of seaweed, l u p e a . Pleasing, attractive, as plants. Obs. Lupea ka uka i ka palai, t h e inland is l o v e l y with ferns, l u p e ' a . Drunk, intoxicated, l u p e ' a k e k e . H a w a i i a n stormy petrel (Oceanodroma castro cryptoleucura). Also called oeoe. I u p e l u p e a . R e d u p . of lupea. Lupelupea i ke 'ala. a t t r a c t i v e with perfume, l u p e p a . R h u b a r b ; calomel and tartar emetic. Eng. lupo. Wolf. 10p6. Var. of ulupo. L O - p u a . N a m e of a wind. 10 p u a . T o scatter flowers, as by a flower girl at a wedding; to decorate graves with flowers. La Lu Pua, Decoration D a y . l u ' u . T o d i v e , plunge i n t o water, immerse; to (lip in, as a shrimp net. h o ' o l u ' u . T o dip, immerse, etc. Trans. Ho'olu'u 'Hi, t o tan hides. Ho'olu'u pa'akai, basket f o r storing salt (po'akai)\ to d y e salt with ocherous earth. Waiho'olu'u, color, d y e . Po'e ho'olu'u, d y e makers, l u ' u a . Passive/imperative of lu'u. h o ' o l u ' u a . Passive/imperative of ho'olu'u. Pa'u no'eno'e i ho'olu'ua, d y e d printed skirts, l u ' u '111. Tanner of skins and hides, h o ' o l u ' u ' I I I . T o tan skins, l u ' u k l a . Coconut fiber lashing; t o lash thus. Pa'u-o-Lu'ukia, a kind of lashing, referring t o a legendary w o m a n ' s sennit chastity belt, l u ' u k i m o . T o d i v e headfirst, l u ' u l u ' u . 1. Bent or bowed down, as w i t h weight, sorrow, or trouble; painful, sorrowful, toilsome, cast down. Lu'ulu'u Hanalei i ka ua nui, kaumaha i ka noe o Alaka'i, Hanalei is downcast with great rains, h e a v y with mists of A l a k a ' i [said in dirges t o describe the weight of grief]. Hala ka lu'ulu'u kaumaha, the h e a v y sorrow is over, h o ' o l u ' u l u ' u . T o cause sorrow, grief; t o oppress. 2. Redup. of lu'u-, t o set a hina'i, fish trap, h o ' o l u ' u l u ' u . Redup. of ho'olu'u-, to set a fish trap, l u ' u p o ' o . T o d i v e headfirst, l u w a h i n e . R a r e spelling of luahine.
l u n a 'at. F o o d inspector, l u n a ' a n e l a . Archangel. ( I u d a 9.) l u n a ' a p o n o . Censor, a p p r o v i n g o£Bcer. l u n a ' a u h a u . T a x collector ( L u k a 7.34), tax assessor, publican, master of tribute, l u n a a u p u n l . G o v e r n m e n t official, l u n a a w a . H a r b o r master. l u n a h a ' l . Confessor, as Catholic priest. Lit., speaking superior, l u n a b a l e k l a ' I . C o m m a n d e r or chief guard of a fortress. l u n a h a n a . Overseer, foreman, a n y o n e in charge of work. l u n a h a n e l i . Centurion. (Oih. 10.1.) Lit., overseer of hundred, l u n a h e l u . Census taker. Lit., counting supervisor. l u n a h e l u k a i a . Teller, as of a bank. Lit., officer who counts money, l u n a h o ' o h a n a . Manager, administrative head, overseer. Lit., supervisor to cause work to be done. l u n a h O ' o l a . A u d i t o r . Lit., proving officer, l u n a h O ' o i a ' I ' o p a l a p a l a . Certifier of title. Lit., officer who certifies the truth of document, l u n a h o ' o k O . E x e c u t i v e officer. Lit., officer who accomplishes, l u n a h o ' o l u h l . Taskmaster. ( P u k . 5.6.) Lit., officer who makes weary, l u n a h o ' o m a l u . Chairman; speaker, as of the House of Representatives; presiding officer; comptroller, l u n a h o ' o p o n o p o n o . Editor, l u n a h o ' o p o n o p o n o w a l w a l . Executor, as of an lu n aestate. h o ' o p u k a . Publisher. Lit., officer who makes appear, luna'lkehala. Conscience. Lit., officer who knows wrong. 'A'ole 'apono 'o ku'u luna'ikehala i klld, my conscience does not a p p r o v e of that, l u n a k a h l k o . Elder ( P u k . 3. 16); elderly leader, l u n a k & k a u k o p e o k e a u p u n l . N o t a r y public. Lit., officer who writes the g o v e r n m e n t copy. Obs. l u n a k a n a l l m a . Leader of f i f t y men. (2 N a l . 1.10.)
l u n a k a n a w a l . Judge, magistrate; Book of Judges in the Old T e s t a m e n t ; judicial. Lit., law officer. l u n a k a n a w a l ' a p a n a . District judge, l u n a k a n a w a l h o ' o m a l u . Police justice, l u n a k a n a w a l k i ' e k i ' e . Chief justice, l u n a k a u a . W a r officer; captain, l u n a k a u k a n l ( t a u s a n l ) . Officer in charge of a thousand or more men. Lit., officer of a thousand {Eng.). l u n a k i a . U p p e r part of a pillar, chapiter (1 N a l . 7.16). l u n a k l a ' I . Supervisor; overseer of others; bishop (Pilipi 1.1). l u n a k i ' e k i ' e . H i g h officer, l u n a k o a . M i l i t a r y officer. C f . ali'ikoa. l u n a k o ' i k o ' l . Ambassador; i m p o r t a n t officer, l u n a k u l a . School superintendent, schoolmaster, l u n a k u l a n u l . School superintendent, l u n a l a w e l a w e n o k e k e n e l a l a . Aide-de-camp. Lit., officer serving for the general, l u n a l e k a . Postmaster. Lit., letter officer, l u n a m a k a ' & i n a n a . Representative in the legislature. Lit., people's officer, l u n a m & k a ' i . District sheriff, chief of police, l u n a m a n a ' o . Same as luna'ikehala. l u n a m e l e . Chorister. Rare. l u n a nAnii. Inspector; judge, as in song contests.
as in mäha, makahi, mälua, etc. 3. Short for make, desire, as in ho'oma'aka'aka. 4. Common prefix Indicating a quality or state, m a ' a . 1. Accustomed, used to, knowing thoroughly, habituated, experienced. Cf. ma'ama'a, ma'amau. h o ' o m a ' a . To practice, gain experience or skill, become accustomed (less used than ho'oma'ama'a). 2. Sling, as made of coconut fiber, human hair, or aerial pandanus roots; to cast a stone in such a sling; string of a_musical instrument (rare). 3. To tie. Cf. kama'a. mft'ä. 1. Dad smelling. 2. Same as mä'ä'ä. M a ' a ' a . Name of a famous wind on Maui, m ä ' ä ' ä . 1. To reach out. as a baby or as an octopus. Cf. 'a'ama. 2. Goat's bleat; to bleat. M a ' a ' a - k u a - l a p u . Wind at ICaha-lu'u, Hawaii. (For. 5:93.) m a ' a a l a l o a . Slingshot; to shoot with sling (ma'a). Kare. M a ' a ' a - p a ' I m a l a u . Wind name. Lit., Portuguese man-of-war Ma'a'a. m ä ' ä ' e l e . Same as ma'e'ele. m a a h e . Var. spelling of mähe, - m ä ' a k a ' a k a . (With ho'o-) h o ' o m a ' a k a ' a k a . Same as ho'omake'aka, to cause laughter. ma'akO. To sling with a sling and stone. Ua ma'akü aku laua i ka manu, they slung a stone at the bird with the sling.
m - . Exciusiveness, only in first person dual and plural pronouns and possessives, maua, makou. m a . 1. At, in, on, beside, through; by means of, because of, in behalf of, according to. This very common particle is perhaps more specific than the similar i, at, in; it is written in the dictionary as a part of the following words: 'ane'i, hea, hope, kai, laila, lalo, luna, muli, 'o. With meaning "because" it is frequently followed by o, of. E noho ana ma Ulu-kou i Wai-kikl (For. 5:239), living at Ulu-kou place in Wai-kikl. Ma'ane'i, here. Makai, at the sea, seaward. Mauka, inland, at the mountains. 'A'ole au i hele mai ma ke 'ano ikaika, i hele mai au ma ka maka'ika'i (For. 5:507), I didn't come in an aggressive way, I came to sightsee. Ma o wai 'oukou i pili ai? Through whom are you related? Kona make 'ana ma o Kawelo ala (For. 5:49), his death at the hands of Kawelo there. Ua hele mai au ma ona ala, I came for his sake. 2. Particle following names of persons: and company, and others, and wife, and associates. Ke ali'i ma, the chief and his retinue. Hina ma, Hina and the others; Hina and her husband, friends. Mea ma, they, m l . 1. Faded, wilted, stained, discolored, blushing; defeated; passed away, perished; to have lost a former attractiveness; to fade. Ma wale, to fade quickly, as earthly glory. Ua ma ka mana'o kaumaha, the sad thoughts have faded away, ho'omft. Causative/simulative. 2. Same a« makahakaha, to clear, m i - . 1. Short for maka, eye, as in ho'oma'i, ma'eo, mSkahi, makole. 2 . Short for maka, mesh,
mahae ma'awe'awe.
m a ' a l a e a . R e d color, red ocher color; stained red, as with ocherous earth; red, as earth, m a ' a l a h i . Easy, simple. m a ' a l e a . Cunning, craft, trickery, deceit; cunning, crafty, artful, deceitful, shrewd; skillful; accustomed, skilled. (Ios. 9.4.) h o ' o m a ' a l e a . Causative/simulative, m a ' a l e a l e a . Redup. of ma'alea. m a ' a l e w a . 1. Aerial root or vine. ( U L 63.) 2. Surging, swinging, m & ' a l l . Same as mo'ali. m a ' a l l l i . Cooled, of what has been hot, as food; abated, calmed, of anger, love, passion; blasted^ of fruit ( A m . 4.9). Ka wa i ma'alili ai ka huhu (Eset. 2.1), when wrath had been appeased, n o ' o m a ' a l l l i . T o cause to cool; appease, soothe, quiet, pacify, assuage anger or grief (Sol. 16.14). m a ' a l o . T o pass along, by, or alongside, as to overtake and pass a car; to pass through, as land; to pass away, as glory. (Dan. 4.31.) rna'aloa. A low native shrub ( N e r a u d i a melastomaefolia), related to the mamaki, and, like it, having strong bark formerly used for making tapa. Also called 'oloa, ma'oloa. m & ' a l o ' a l o . Redup. of ma'alo; to pass to and fro, back and forth; to pass frequently. For example see panaanoa. m a ' a l o ' e l o ' e . Same as malo'elo'e. m a ' a m a ' a . ltedup. of ma'a. 1; accustomed, experienced, used, n o ' o m a ' a m a ' a . Same as ho'oma'a; to practice, become accustomed, m a ' a m a ' a h l a . Passive/imperative of ma'ama'a. i n a ' a i n a ' a l e a . Redup. of ma'alea. lie mau 'olelo ma'ama'alea, crafty words, m f t ' a m a ' a m a . Same as malamalama. m a ' a m a u . Usual, customary, regular, habitual, ordinary. Uktt ma'amau, customary fee. Hana ma'amau, usual work. 'Olelo ma'amau, common word, h o ' o i i i a ' a m a u . T o become accustomed, familiar. m i ' a n a . Beginning. 06s. h o ' o m a ' a n a . Beginning. ( K e p . 175.) m a ' a n e ' l . See 'ane'i. m & a n l a n l . 1. Gentle blowing of the wind. Fig., tranquility. 2. Var. spelling of maniani. m a ' a u . T o sprout, germinate, spread, especially of useless weeds; weeds. Fig., to go from place to place, to gad about; rain belt in the upland forest (also ma'uh Cf. ma'au'auwa. Ka wao ma'au kele ( K L line 618), the upland damp region. - m a ' a u . ( W i t h ho'o-) h o ' o m a ' a u . T o persecute, offend, injure, bully, tease, torment, m f i ' a u a . 1. Same as 'a'aua, coarse. 2. Passive/ imperative of -ma'au. Obs. m a ' a u ' a n . Poi calabash as used by poi peddlers. Cf. ma'au, going from place to place, m a ' a u ' a u a . Redup. of ma'aua. m a ' a u ' a u w a . Peddler, merchant; to sell, trade, peddle. m a ' a u e . R a r e var. of malauea, lazy, m a ' a u e a , m a ' a u w e a . 1. Passive/imperative of -ma'auwe. Ho'oma'aka'aka ma'auea ( L a i e 465), mocking laughter, h o ' o m a ' a u e a . T o laugh at, ridicule, mock; to disregard. 2. Same as manauea, a taro. 3. Plant listed by K a m a k a u as used for tapa. m a ' a ' u l a ' u l a . Red clay as used in coloring, - m a ' a u w e . ( W i t h ho'o-) ho'om&'auwC. T o mimic speech in a nasty way, to mock, annoy thus. m a ' a u w e a . Var. spelling of ma'auea. m a ' a w e . 1. Fiber, thread, strand, as of a spider web; faint footprint; to tread, track, follow, as a trail; small, narrow, thin, as of a fiber; weak, sickly. For example see puahilohilo. Ma'awe ala, faint path or track; fig., departure of the soul after death, h o ' o m a ' a w e . T o make a tracing; footprint, track, slight path; to make small fibers or threads. 2. A variety of taro.
Redup. of ma'aue:
streaked, as
with different colors, m a ' a w e l o l o a . Lengthwise strand, warp (Oihk. 13.48). Lit., long track, m a ' a w e p o k o p o k o . Transverse strand, woof (Oihk. 13.48). Lit., short track, m a ' a w e ' U l a . A red track, as in well-trod red earth. m a e . T o fade, wilt, wither, droop; partially dry, as clothes; to f a d e away (Hal. 18.45); to pine away (Oihk. 26.39); to waste away, as with illness, h o ' o m a e . T o cause to wilt, fade; to fade. - m l ' f . ( W i t h ho'o-) h o ' o m a ' C . Short for ho'omaka'e. m a e a . Stinking, as of unwashed bodies; malodorous, as a swamp; offensive-smelling, as vomit, m a e a . 1. T o rise to the surface. 2. A variety of taro. Hawaii. m&caea. 1. Redup. of maea and maea, 1. 2. T o disregard. m & e a l a n i . T o get up, rise. E ala, ,lio'oku, e maealani. get up, stand, rise, m a ' e ' e l e . N u m b , as a f o o t that lias " g o n e to sleep"; numb with cold or deeply moved by love; shocked; stricken with fear, horror, grief; numb feeling during pregnancy, n o ' o m a ' e ' e l e . T o cause numbness, shock, great love, m a ' c h a . Same as 'e'na, pain, ho'oui&'elia. Same as ho'o'eha. m a ' c h a ' e h a . liedup. of ina'eha; much pain, m&'ele. Same as ina'e'ele. h o ' o i n a ' e l e . Causative/simulative, m a e m a e . Redup. of mac, damp, as clothes suitable for ironing. Fa maemae, flsh partially dried, much relished when cooked, m a ' e m a ' e . Clean, pure, attractive, chaste; cleanliness, purity. Ma'ema'e wale no 'o Kaua'i, hemolele wale i ka malie (song), perfectly beautiful is Kauai, flawless in the calm, h o ' o m a ' e m a ' e . T o clean, cleanse. 'Ao'ao ho'oma'ema'e, reform party, m a e m a e a . Same as maeaea. m a ' e n o . Same as 'eno, wild. m S ' e n o ' e n o . Redup. of ma'eno. m a ' e o . Same as maka'eo. m a e w a . Swaying, swinging, as something with an anchored base, as seaweed, hair, leaves; fluttering; wandering, unstable. Maewa lani, swinging in the air. I hea 'oe i hele maewa aku nei? Where did you go wandering? rna'ewa. Reproachful, scornful, mocking, mimicking in a nasty way, sneering; scorned, abused, desecrated, h o ' o m a ' e w a . T o reproach, sneer at, mimic, ridicule, desecrate, m a e w a e w a . Redup. of maewa. Hulu maewaewa, fluttering feathers, m a ' e w a ' e w a . Redup. of ma'ewa. h o ' o m & ' e w a ' e w a . Redup. of ho'oma'ewa; to purge oneself of the effects of black magic by performing a prescribed humiliating ceremony, as walking about naked, m a h a . 1. Temple, side of the head. (Lunk. 4.21.) 2. Gill plate of a flsh. 3. Wings of a flying flsh. 4. Preputium, foreskin. 5. L o w e r portion of a canoe manu. 6. Rest, repose; freedom f r o m pain; at ease. See mahamaha, 2. h o ' o m a h a . Vacation; rest in music; to take a rest or vacation; to retire, stop work; to obtain relief. Ua ho'omaha na kula, the schools are having a vacation. Ho'omaha 'ia mai au i ku'u ha'awe, I am relieved of my burden. 7. Severed portion. Cf. maha la'au, mahamaha, maha 'B'd. 8. Same as mahamoe, 1. 9. Same as mahana, twin. Maha pu'u, twin hills. m S h a . N e t mesh large enough to admit the entrance of four Angers; net of such a mesh, m a h a e . 1. T o tear, split, separate. Mahae lua, t o split in two. Ua mahae ka pili o kela pa'a male, that couple has separated; lit., the association of that married couple is split. 3. A flsh,
mähaehae said to belong to the la'i-pala group. 3. Net mesh, about four inches and above, between maha and malewa. mShaehae. Red up. of mahae, 1; to tear to shreds. mahaha. A surgeonfish (Acanthuridae). mahaha. Soft, tender, weak; soft and mealy, as a baked potato, ho'omahaha. To prepare soil for gardening, to make earth soft and fine, mah&ha. Dry and hard, as poi made of poor quality taro. -mahaha. (With ho'o-) ho'omahaha. To place taro tops together until they begin to sprout and are ready for planting (perhaps a contraction of Ito'omaka haha, to start stems), mahaha-'ula'ula. A variety of taro. rnahal. A variety of ulua. a fish, maha'lha'l. Same as ha'iha'i, brittle, mahakea. 1. Once uncultivated land, as for bananas, sweet potato, taro. Cf. kHmahakea. 3. A variety of taro. 3. A variety of kava, usually called makea. maha l&'au. Clump of trees. Cf. maha 'ulu, clump of breadfruit trees, mahalo. X. Thanks, gratitude: to thank. Mahalo nui loa. thank you very much. 3. Admiration, praise; to admire, praise. '0 wau no me ka mahalo, I am, [yours] respectfully. Ka mea i mahalo 'ia, Mr. Paki, the esteemed Mr. Paid, mahalua. Same as maha'oi but stronger: rude, saucy, overbearing; encroaching on the property or rights of others. Lit., double temple, mahamaha. 1. Gill plate. 3. Redup. of maha, 6, to rest, stop. (Laie 463.) 3. To snow or feel pleasure, love, affection; affectionate. Ka pili mahamaha, affectionate relationship, ho'omahaniaha. Causative/simulative. 4. ltedup. of maha, 7. 6. A variety of taro, sometimes qualified by ke'oke'o, white, mahamahao'o. Redup. of mahao'o. mahamaha '6'0. Redup. of maha-'B'd. mahamea. Name of a deep-sea fish, said to be striped (no data), mabamoe. 1. Attractive, sleek, as a plump animal; smooth. Obs. He kai mahamoe (For. 6:297), a smooth sea. 3. An edible bivalve (no data). mahana. 1. Warmth; warm. Cf. hahana, pumehana. ho'omahana. To warm, create warmth, heat. (PPN mafana, P M P panas.) 2. Rest. Cf. maha, 6. ho'omahana. Vacation, rest. 3. Same as mahina, plantation. 4. A class of chiefs, mahana. 1. Twins; double; having two branches or forks. Mahana lua na kukui (UL 130), the torch lights are double [said of one drunk with kava]. (PPN mSsanga, P M P pasang.) 3. (CopO Castor and Pollux. Also called Na-hdku-mahana, Na-mahoe, NUna-hope, Nana-mua. mahanahana. 1. Redup. of mahana, 1; smarting, painful; unpleasant odor, as of flatulency; lukewarm. Ka pa'i mahanahana, a slap that smarts, ho'omahanahana. To make warm, heat. 2. Redup. of mahana, t. ho'omahanahana. To relax rigor of taboo during a long rigorous session. (Malo 160, 176.) -mahanahana. (With ho'o-) ho'omahanahana. To dedicate, as a temple (For. 4.181); to offer first fruits to the gods, mahanakanaloa. Name for large food calabash (root unknown), mahana pu'u. Double peak, twin peaks, mfthanl. 1. Dull. 2. To lessen, of heat, mahao. 1. Pith. 2. Rotten, hollow, as wood. Obs. Cf. popopo. maha'oha'o. Same as ha'oha'o, strange, maha'oi. Bold, impertinent, nervy, forward, presumptuous, brazen. Lit., sharp temple, mahao'o. Mature, in wisdom; wise: wise person. Lit., mature temple. maha-'S'O. A fish of the 'ahi type.
maha 'ö'ö. Piece of sweet potato broken off by the 'ö'ö, digging stick. Same as the more common ktt'ö'ö. maha pcpe. Broad-browed. Lit., flat brow. Maha-pili. Name of twin stars (no data), maha 'ulu. Grove or clump of breadfruit trees, mahawela. A variety of fisli (no data). (Malo 46.) mahawele. Same as nnhau-ele, a bivalve, mähe, maahe. To grow less distinct and fade out, as the sound of a voice or a wisp of smoke, mahea. See hca, 5, where, mähea. Hazy, as moonlight. Mähea-Ianl. Sixteenth day of the lunar month, night of the full moon, maheha. Same as heha, indolent, mähelahela. Clearly showing, as grain of wood, mähele. 1. Portion, division, department, precinct; share, as of stocks; measure in music; land division of 1848; part, as of the body; section (military, see mokuna); denominator, in fractions; to divide, apportion, cut into_ parts. Mähele lua, to divide into two parts. Ho'ailona mähele, measure signature in music, ho'omähele. To have a division made, etc. 2. To translate, interpret. -mahele. (With ho'o-) ho'omähele. To lead conversation towards a topic. 'O 'Alamila e ho'omähele ma kona kama'ilio 'ana no na mea e pili ana no 'Enelani, Almira in her chatting led the conversation to things pertaining to England, mähelehana. Duty; work section, mähelehele. Redup. of mähele. mahele lä'au. Portion of medicine, dose, mähele manawa. Division of time, as of a fiscal period, mähele 'Clelo. Interpreter, translator; to translate, interpret, mähelu. To dig, rake, scratch the earth; to spread loose soft earth over a taro patch after the bottom has been pounded hard to make it impervious, mahena. Heap, pile, as of trash. Obs. rnaheu. X. Rare var. of meheu, track. 2. To dig and rake the earth, as for planting. E maheu a'e ana i keia pu'u e kanu 'uala, preparing the soil in this hill for planting sweet potatoes. 3. Kind of porous stone, used to rub, scour, polish. mahl. X. To cultivate, farm; a farm, plantation. Cf. mahi'ai, mahiku, mahina, mahina'ai. Mahi kö, sugar plantation. 2. Strong, energetic, as a worker. Moa mahi, fighting cock, mahi'ai. X. Farmer; to farm, cultivate; agricultural. 'Oihana mahi'ai, agricultural industry. 2. (Cap.) Name of a star, mähle. Delightful, charming, pleasant, ho'omähle. Delightful, charming; to cast shy glances, as of a coy child, mahlehle. Redup. of mähie. mählhl. X. Same as maihi. 2. Same as mahimahi, dolphin, mahlhlkl. Redup. of mahiki. mahi'ili. To plunder thoroughly; to take all, as a chief taking all the property of his subjects. Lit., dig skin. mahlkäkä. Same as hikäkä, to reel, stagger. Rare. mahlkl. X. To jump, leap. hop. move up and down, vibrate; to spatter; to teeter, seesaw; to weigh, as on scales; a seesaw, ho'omahlkl. To cause to leap, jump, etc. ( P M P flti, P M P piTik.) 3. To cast out spirits, exorcise, especially with the mahiki shrimps. 3. Any kind of shrimp used ceremoniously. 4. Same as 'aki'aki, a grass used to exorcise evil spirits, especially when shrimps are not available. 5. To pry; peel off, as a scab; to appear. Mahiki ka lä i ka 'ilikai.
m a h u w a m S h o l e h o l e . R e d u p . of
t h e sun c a m e f o r t h on t h e horizon. 6 . S a m e as 'uku-kai, a sand hopper. 7 . A v a r i e t y of t a r o . m a h l k l l i i k i . 1 . R e d u p . of mahiki, 1, S, 5. 2 . S a m e as mahiki, 4. 3 . Stone, a s used for adze. Also called makai'a. m a h l k l n a 13. C r a c k of dawn, m a h l k l - o - k a - l u a - k a n a k a . Hold in lua fighting. m a h l k Q . T o clear land for planting; p l a n t a t i o n
h a m m e d a n . Eng. m a h o p e . See hope, after. - m a h u . ( W i t h ho'o-) h o ' o m a h u . T o e a t j u s t a little t o allay hunger, as while waiting for a feast. m a h u . 1 . S t e a m , v a p o r ; to s t e a m , exude vapor. Lola mahu hana alanui, s t e a m roller for streets, h o ' o m a h u . T o c r e a t e s t e a m ; to cook or soften food by s t e a m ; to s t e a m . 2 . S a m e as 'olapa, trees. m a h f l . W e a k , flat, as diluted k a v a or stale b e e r ; insipid, as fresh poi k e p t too long in t h e i c e b o x ; quiet, peaceful, undisturbed. Obs. Cf. mahumahu. m a h O . Homosexual, of either sex; h e r m a p h r o dite. h o ' o m a h Q . T o b e h a v e like a homosexual or hermaphrodite, m a h u a . M o c k e r y , derision, spying (rarely used without ho'o-). h o ' o m a h u a . T o mock ( H a l . 2 . 4 ) ; to spy, w a t c h , as a c a t watching a mouse, m f t h u a . Increase, g r o w t h ; to increase, thrive, multiply, flourish (less used than mahuahua). h o ' o m a h u a . T o increase, expand, enlarge, multiply, grow. Ho'omahua i kona waiwai, to Increase its value, wealth. Ho'omahua ke aniani ho'onui 'ike i ka pupu, t h e microscope magnifies t h e shell. m a h u a h u a . R e d u p . of mahua; to grow strong, as a ruler. I mea e mahuahua ai ka maika'i o ke mele 'ana, in order to increase t h e b e a u t y of t h e song. m a h u a k a l a . Disbelieving, sceptical, as of religion; atheistic, h o ' o m a h u a k a l a . T o show disbelief, scepticism; t o ridicule, mock, as beliefs, m a h u ' e . T o open, as a b o x ; to t a k e out, r e m o v e , a s gear. m a h u ' e . S a m e as mahuka 'e, t o flee beforehand.
clearing not y e t planted. Obs. m a h l l l . 1. S a m e as hili, to deviate. Mahili ho'i kana mo'olelo, liow his story meanders. 2 . T o strip away property, m & h l l o a . D i s t a n t , f a r (perhaps c o n t r a c t i o n of ma kahi loa, a t f a r place), - m a h l l u . ( W i t h ho'o-) h o ' o m a h l l u . T o beautify, adorn, bedeck. Cf. hiluhilu. m a l l l m a h l . Dolphin (Coryphaena hippurus), a g a m e fish up to five feet long, popular for food, m a h l n a . 1. M o o n , m o n t h : moonlight. Mahina meli, honevmoon. 2 . Crescent-shaped fishhook. 3 . E y e of t h e snail a t t h e end of its horn. 4 . F a r m , p l a n t a t i o n , patch. 5 . A v a r i e t y of onion, similar to silver onion. 6 . A variety of sweet potato. m a h l n a ' a i . S a m e as mnhi'ai; farm, to farm,
mahina hapalua hope. Waning of the moon. Lit.,
Mahomeka, Mahometa. Mohammed; Mo-
last half of tlu- moon.
m a h i n a h a p a l u a m u a . Waxing of the moon.
Lit., first half of t h e moon, m & h l n a h i n a . P a l o moonlight, m a h i n a h o u . 1 . New moon, new month. 2 . Church offering on t h e first Sunday of t h e m o n t h , of Congregationalists. m a h l n a - k S h a u . A v a r i e t y of sweet potato, m a h l n a - l u a . A small creeping n a t i v e fern (Polypodium pseurtogrammitis) with simple narrow fronds t w o inches long or longer, each bearing none to m a n y round fruit dots,
mShuea. Gas. mahu'ehu'e. R e d u p .
mahina plha. Full moon,
o f mahu'e. m a h u ' ! . T o guess, suppose, surmise, expect. 'Ike to mahu'i, to c a t c h a glimpse of. Lohe mahu'i, hear a hint or r u m o r without much d e t a i l : to h a v e heard rarely. F o r example see ulua. m a h u ' i . T o i m i t a t e , ape, p a t t e r n after, do as, follow after. Mahu'i lani ( U L 5 6 ) , royal imitation, said of t h e right hand in dancing, as this h a n d always m a d e m o v e m e n t s first. Po'e kumu la, i ho'omShu'i 'ia ai e kila po'e (1 P e t . 5 . 3 ) t e a c h e r s i m i t a t e d b y t h a t people, m a h u ' l h u ' l . R e d u p . of mahu'i a n d mahu'i.
m a h i n a p o e p o e . Full moon. Lit., round moon, m & h l n u . 1 . S a m e a s hinu, r u b b e d , anointed, polished. 2 . P a r t l y cooked, as Chinese vegetables; beginning t o c o o k , as lu'au leaves t h a t are getting greener and softer, m a h l o l e . F e a t h e r helmet, h e l m e t ; to wear a helmet. 'Oki mahiole, a h a i r c u t with crest of hair left down t h e middle of t h e head,
mahlole haka. See haka, 3.
m a h l ' o p u . 1. B o l d , rude. Obs. 2 . T o dig, as with a pickax. Obs. m a h l p u a . F l o w e r garden or p a t c h ; horticulture, m a h l w a e n a . W e e d c u l t i v a t o r ; to c u l t i v a t e and weed. Lit., weeding f a r m , m a h l w a i n a . V i n e y a r d ; grape raiser; to cultiv a t e grapes. m & h o a . T o travel t o g e t h e r in c o m p a n y , as canoes. Na wa'a e mahoa aku ana, canoes traveling together. Cf. hoa, c o m p a n i o n , m a h o ' a . T h i c k , as a cloud. Maui. m & h o e . 1 . T w i n s . 2 . T w o n a t i v e trees ( A l e c t r y o n macrococcum and A. mahoe), related t o t h e soapberry and t h e l i t c h i ; they h a v e c o m p o u n d leaves and globose, brown, twinned or single fruits. (Neal 4 6 6 . ) Also called 'ala'ala-hua. m a h o e h o e . S a m e as ma'ohe'ohe, tall. Rare. M & h o e - h o p e . M o n t h in t h e old calendar, t h e eleventh (Hawaii) or s e v e n t h (Oahu, K a u a i ) . ( M a l o 3 3 . ) Lit., l a s t twin. M & h o e - m u a . M o n t h in t h e old calendar, t h e t e n t h (Hawaii) or sixth (Oahu, K a u a i ) . ( M a l o 3 3 . ) Lit., flrst-born of twins, m a h o l a . T o spread o u t ; t o s m o o t h out, as a c l o t h to d r y ; t o e x t e n d , expand. Mahola a'ela ka 'Spu o ka 'upena, t h e bag of t h e net opened out.
mahu'i lanl. See mShu't.
m a h u k a . T o run a w a y , flee, escape, elope, m a h u k a h u k a . R e d u p . of mahuka. m a h u k a l l o a . S a m e as 'a'au loa. See 'a'au. ( M a l o 59.) m a h u l l . S a m e as huli, t o seek. m a h u l u . S a m e as pahulu, I. m a h u l u k O . Aerial roots o f pandanus or o t h e r tree, as t h e b a n y a n . See also ule hala, uleule. m a h O m a h D . R e d u p . o f mahu ( c o m m o n l y said of tasteless poi). m a h u n a . 1 . S c a l y a p p e a r a n c e of t h e skin, as resulting f r o m excessive k a v a drinking; to scale thus. 2 . F i n e scented t a p a dyed with noni b a r k , m a d e under s t r i c t t a b o o and reserved for chiefs; used for t h e best pa'u (sarongs) on Hawaii. ( F o r . 5 : 2 3 1 . ) 3 . V a r . of mahune, 2. 4 . A v a r i e t y of taro. m a h u n e . 1 . P o o r , d e s t i t u t e . 2 . Small particle; fine. 3 . B a r e l y ; with difficulty, m & h u n e h u n e . R e d u p . of mahune. 1, 2, 3. Pakele mahunehune mai ka make mai, barely escaping f r o m death. m a h O w a . S a m e as huwa, envy. h o ' o m a h Q w a . T o bring bad luck, misfortune; to a n n o y , distress, harm. Ho'omahuwd i na hoa noho, to m i s t r e a t the people one lives with. He ho'ailona ho'omahuwi ka makapa'a, a one-eyed person is a sign of bad luck.
m a h o l a h o l a . R e d u p . of mahola. m & h o l e . T o bruise, skin, scrape, a s a flesh wound; t o i n j u r e , as t h e feelings. Cf. hole, peeled.
m ai m a t . 1. Direction towards t h e speaker. See Gram. 2 . 7 , 7 . 2 . Come, c o m e here; say, give (used without particles). Hele mai, c o m e (cf. hele aku, go). Ha'awi mai, give me. Mai ho'i kauwahi wai, give me a little water. Mai e 'ai, come and eat. ( P P N mai, P M P maRi .)2. Also m a i . . . m a i . From. Mai Hilo mai ka lei, the lei is from Hilo. Mai 'da 'o, from there to there, from one point to another. Mai ia Maui, from Maui. Mai he a mai 'oe? Where did you come from? 3 . Almost, nearly, as though. Mai ho'oku'i 'ia au e ice ka'a, I was almost hit by the car. Mai 'ike 'ole 'ia no.' [He] was hardly seen a t all [said sarcastically of a show-off]. Mai replaces ina ua after an if clause, and seems to mean " t h e n " : I ho'olohe 'ia e 'oe, mai (ina ua) maika'i kau hana, if you had listened, then your work would have been good. 4 . Particle of negative command. D o n ' t . Mai 'ai 'oe, don't eat.
m a l ' a - h i n u - p u a ' a . Same as mai'a-'ele'ele. (HP 173.) Lit., hog's-grease banana, m a i ' a - h u a - l u a . Same as mai'a-mahoe. (HP 176.) Lit., bearing two bunches, twin banana, ( H P 176.) m a i ' a - h u a m o a . S a m e as mai'a-moa. Lit., egg banana. m a i ' a - h u a - n u i . A variety of banana. Lit,, bigfruited banana, m a i ' a - h u a - w a e n a . Same as mai'a-hapai. (HP 175.) Lit., central fruit banana, m a ' i a h u l a u . Epidemic, pestilence, m a ' l - ' a i - a k e . Tuberculosis. Lit., lung-eating sickness. m a l ' a - i h o - l e n a . A Hawaiian variety of b a n a n a , popular and common. T h e trunk is green, purple, and pink. Fruits are salmon-pink, edible raw or cooked. Also called mai'a-hilahila. (HP 175.) Lit., yellow-cored banana. m a l ' a - I h u - ' Q . A Hawaiian variety of banana, growing wild on K a u a i and Hawaii, rarely cultivated. T h e fruit is yellow, edible only when cooked. ( H P 175.) Lit., snub-nosed banana, m a i ' a - k a h i k i . A variety of b a n a n a growing wild on Maui, rarely cultivated. T h e trunk is tall; the fruit long, skin yellow, flesh white and edible only when cooked. ( I I P 175.) Lit., foreign or Tahitian banana, m a i ' a - k a h l k l - h a e . A Hawaiian variety of b a nana. similar to mai'a-kahiki, but having a short trunk. ( H P 175.) m a l ' a - k a h l k l - m a l e l . Same as mai'a-malei. (HP 176.) m a t ' a - k a h l k l - m a u k l . A Hawaiian variety of banana with tall, green trunk. T h e fruit looks like mai'a-kahiki. ( H P 175.) m a i ' a - k a h l k l - p Q l i l . S a m e as mai'a-puhi. (HP 177.) m a i ' a - k a ' i o . Same as mai'a-pSpB-'ulu. ( H P 177.) m a i ' a - K & n e . An Oahu name for mai'a-Polapola. ( H P 177.) m a i ' a - k & p u a . S a m e as mai'a-pdpB-'ulu-puapuanui. ( H P 177.) m a l ' a - k a u a - l a u . A Hawaiian variety of banana. Fruit like t h a t of mai'a-maoli, except t h a t the young, dark-green fruit has light-green spots like raindrops; when ripe, yellow, waxy, with flesh light-yellow, good only when baked. ( H P 175.) Lit., many rain drops banana. m a l ' a - K a u p O . S a m e as mai'a-wai-muhea. (HP 177.) m a l ' a - k o a ' e . A Hawaiian variety of banana, beautifully striped leaves, trunk, and young fruit. Fruit is yellow and round; flesh yellow, edible cooked or raw. Also called mai'a-a'ea'e, mai'a-manini. ( H P 177.) Lit., tropic bird banana. m a l ' a - k o a n a . A Hawaiian seed-producing variety of banana. Also called 'dpule. M a i a k f i . Stars in the belt of Orion. m a l ' a - I a h l . An ancient Hawaiian variety of banana. Lit., delicate banana, m a l ' a - l e l e . A common wild Hawaiian variety of banana of the uplands; trunk tall, vellowlshgreen; fruit yellow; flesh pink, edible raw or cooked, good for piepiele. Root of shoot used in medicine. The fruit was commonly offered to gods, the tree planted to shelter the altar. I t was planted far from a dwelling house, for fear it would cause the occupants to lele (fly) elsewhere. ( H P 176.) Lit., altar banana, m a ' l - a l l ' l . Royal disease, leprosy, m a l ' a - l i k o . Same as mai'a-Polapola. ( H P 177.) Lit., bud banana. m a l a l l l e . Quiet, calm, still. Same as mUlie. Rare. m a l ' a - l o h a . An ancient Hawaiian variety of banana; trunk and leaf like mai'a-lele, fruit like mai'a-iho-lena. ( H P 177.) Lit., droopy banana, m a l ' a - m & h o e . A Hawaiian variety of banana, the stem bearing two bunches; fruit small, yel-
m & I . T o chew fine, soften, masticate; laceration in childbirth. Obs. m a ' i . 1 . Patient, sick person; sickness, disease; sick, ill, menstruating. Ma'i na loko, inside sickness, i.e., caused by family troubles. Ma'i na waho mai, sickness from outside, i.e., caused by sorcery, h o ' o m a ' l . T o cause sickness; to feign sickness. 2, Genitals. Mele ma'i, song in honor of genitals, as of a chief, as composed on his or her birth. He ma'i no ka lani, a genital song in honor of the high chief, m a i ' a . All kinds of bananas. Originally the b a n a n a was introduced by t h e Hawaiians, and native varieties were developed, some of which are still used. When t h e white man came, about seventy different kinds were known; today, only about half t h a t number. T h e s e are mainly subspecies and varieties of Musa paradisiaca, especially of the subspecies sapientum. Some kinds are eaten raw, others cooked. (Neal 212.) Pala ka mai'a, t h e bananas are ripe (a rude expression meaning worthless, since dreaming of b a n a n a s was thought to precede bad fortune], m a i ' a - ' a ' a o . Tall, wild bananas, m a l ' a - a ' e a ' e . S a m e as mai'a-koa'e. Lit., prematurely gray banana, m a ' l - ' a ' a l . A spreading sore; cancer, m a l ' a - a k u a . M a u i name for mai'a-Polapola. Lit., god banana. ( H P 177.) m a l ' a - ' a n o ' a n o . A variety of b a n a n a with seeds. Lit., seeded banana, m a l ' a - ' a u - l e n a . An ancient Hawaiian variety of banana. ( H P 177.) Lit., yellow-stem banana, m a l ' a - ' e k a . A Hawaiian variety of b a n a n a ; fruit with skin changing from red to green to yellow, edible when cooked. ( H P 173.) Lit., discolored banana, m a l ' a - ' e k e - ' u l a . An ancient Hawaiian variety of banana. m a i ' a - ' e l e ' e l e . A Hawaiian variety of mountain banana with black trunk, the skin of which is used to make designs in mats. T h e fruit has orange flesh, which is edible when cooked. Also called mai'a-hinu-pua'a, mai'a-poni, mai'aPuna. ( H P 173.) Lit., black banana, m a l ' a - h a ' a , m a t ' a - h a ' a h a ' a . A Hawaiian variety of banana, with short trunk and leaves, but taller than mai'a-Pake. The fruit is yellow, edible raw or cooked. ( H P 175.) Lit., low banana, m a l ' a - h a l k e a . A Hawaiian variety of banana t h a t bears yellow fruit, edible raw or cooked. ( H P 175.) Lit., pale banana, m a l ' a - h f t k e a . Same as mai'a-ohe. ( H P 177.) Lit., whitish banana. m a l ' a - h & p a l . A Hawaiian variety of banana of medium height, the fruit maturing within the trunk. The rruits are small, ten or fewer in a bunch, yellow, sweet, edible raw. ( H P 175; Neal 213.) Also called maVa-hua-waena. m a i ' a - h e ' l . Same as mai'a-Polapola. (Neal 213.) Fe'i is the Tahitian name, m a i ' a - h t l a h i l a . Same as mai'a-iho-tcna. (HP 175.) Lit., bashful banana.
ma'i'i'i low, flesh light salmon ftnd very palatable. Also called mai'a-hua-lua, mai'a-mana-lua, mai'a-pUlua. (HP 176.) Lit., twin banana, mal'a-maial-'ula. Same as mai'a-mUlei-'ula. (HP 176.) mal'a-m&lei. A Hawaiian variety of banana; trunk green and pink, streaked with brown; fruit like mai'a-puhi. Also called mai'a-kahikimSlei. (HP 176.) mal'a-malel-'ula. A Hawaiian variety of banana, common both cultivated and wild in the uplands. Fibers of the stalk are used for stringing flowers for leis with a coconut-leaf needle (manai). Ripening fruit changes from maroon ('u/a) to green to yellow; the flesh is orange, edible only when cooked. Also called mavamalai-'ula, mai'a-manei-'ula, mai'a-mSnai-'ula. (HP 176.) mai'a-manai-'ula. Same as mai'a-mSlei-'ula. (HP 176.) mai'a-mana-lua. Same as mai'a-mahoe. (HP 176.) Lit., two-branched banana, mal'a-manlni. Same as mai'a-koa'e. (HP 176.) Lit., manini (flsh) banana. mal'a-maoll. A Hawaiian variety of banana, growing in uplands and lowlands. It has a green trunk, large leaves. The fruit is long, waxyyellow, and has yellow flesh, edible raw or cooked. (HP 176.) Lit., indigenous banana, m a l ' a - m o a . A Hawaiian variety of banana with a tall, yellowish-green trunk. The fruit is large, somewhat egg-shaped, and yellow; the flesh yellow, edible raw or cooked. Also called mai'ahuamoa. (HP 176.) Lit., chicken banana, m a i ' a - n o ' u . A Hawaiian variety of banana, usually cultivated; the trunk green, with pink and brown markings; fruit short, thick, yellow, the flesh cream-colored, edible raw or cooked. (HP 177.) Lit., short banana or big-mouthful banana. mal'a-NuhOlanl. A variety of introduced banana cultivated by Hawaiians for many generations. The trunk is tall, green; the fruit yellow, edible raw or cooked. (HP 178.) Maiao. Name of a star used in navigation, mai'ao. Nail of finger or toe; hoof of an animal; claw of a bird, mai'a-'oa. Probably a distinct species of Hawaiian banana, according to W. T. Pope, being unique in producing fertile seeds. Trunk ana leaves dull-green, tinted with bronze and purple; fruit inedible. (HP 177.) Also called hao, oa, poni. mai'a-'olie. An ancient Hawaiian variety of banana. Also called mai'a-hakea. (HP 177.) Lit., bamboo banana. mal'a-P&kC. The Chinese banana (Musa nana, synonym M. cavendishii), a stocky tree to seven feet high, a native of southern China, brought in 1855 to Hawaii from Tahiti. It bears heavy crops of fruit, and is the only kind of banana raised in Hawaii for export. (Neal 210.) mal'a-pa-lua. Same as mai'a-mahoe. (HP 176.) Lit., banana in pairs. malapllo. A low, smooth shrub (Capparis sandwichiana) with vinelike branches, a member of the caper family, growing on some beaches and lava flows of Hawaii and some other Pacific islands; leaves rounded-oblong; flowers white, pea-shaped, two Inches long, with four petals surrounding a mass of long white stamens, open and fragrant only at night. (Neal 318.) Also called pile, pua-pilo. mal'a-Polapola. A species of banana (Musa troglodytarum, synonym M. fehi) recently introduced to Hawaii, known in the South Pacific from Mangareva west to the Moluccas. It has a tall, black trunk and upright fruiting stalk bearing large fruits with reddish-orange skin, yellow flesh, edible when cooked, sometimes made into poi mai'a. (HP 177.) Also called mai'a-he i, mai'a-akua, mai'a- KBne, mai'a-liko. Lit., Borabora [i.e., Tahitian] banana.
mal'a-pO-lua. An ancient Hawaiian variety of banana. (HP 177.) mal'a-ponl. Same as mai'a-'ele'ele. (HP 175.) Lit., purple banana. mal'a-pOpO-'ulu. A Hawaiian variety of banana, with short, green trunk; one of two varieties not taboo to women in old times; the root of young plants used medicinally. Fruit is rounded and yellow, the flesh salmon-pink, edible raw but preferred baked. (HP 177.) Lit., breadfruit ball-like banana. Also called mai'aka'io, pBpB-'ulu. m a r a - p O p O - ' u l u - ' l l I - l a h l . Same as mai'apBpB-'ulu-lahi. (HP 177.) Lit., thin-skinned pBpB-'ulu. mal'a-pOpO-'ulu-puapua-nuI. A Hawaiian variety of banana, resembling mai'a-iho-lena, but the fruit broad-tipped. Also called mai'akapua. (HP 177.) Lit., big-tailed pBpB-'ulu banana. mal'a-puapua-nul. A Hawaiian variety of banana. (HP 178.) Lit., big-tailed banana. mal'a-pQhi. An ancient Hawaiian variety of banana with green and brown trunk. The fruit is twisted when young; when ripe long, thick, yellow, the flesh yellow and edible only when (HP cooked. Also called mai'a-kahiki-puhi. 177.) Lit., insipid-water banana. mal'a-Puna. New name for mai'a-'ele'ele. Lit., Puna banana, malau. Neat and careful in work; skillful, ingenious, expert; correct, careful, as in speech; thorough. For example see pololei, £. m a ' l ' a w a . Sterile; sterility. Lit., sour genitalia, m a ' l - ' a w a . A hold in lua fighting. mal'a-wal-mOhea. An ancient variety of Hawaiian banana. Also called mai'a- KaupB. (HP 177.) Lit., insipid water banana, malele. 1. Same as pOkiawe, shrubs. 3. Eloquence, skill in speaking; eloquent; skilled in asking questions to puzzle and confuse. Obs. ma'l-'elepanl. Elephantiasis. Lit., elephant (Enff.) sickness, malewa. 1. Same as mBewa. 2. Deep-sea fishing net. Also ho'olewalewa. Obs. m a ' i h a . Energetic, persevering. Obs. m&'iha'iha. Redup. of ma'iha. m a ' i h e . Same as 'iha'iha, pu'u mimi. ma'l-Hepela (Hebera). Smallpox. Hebrew disease. malhl. To peel; strip, as bark. Cf. thi. Maihi 'Hi, to peel off the skin; fig., to strip a person of all he has. Maihi ola. to escape by the skin of one's teeth; to barely escape; lit., to scrape life, ma'l-hllo. Venereal disease, gonorrhea. Lit., braiding disease, ma'l-hohola. Heart failure. Rare. malho'lkau. Inteneltter of ho'ikau (usually written as three words). ma'I-hole. A small holothurian. Lit., pulledback foreskin. ma'Iholu. Same as 'a'awa, a flsh. Rare. ma'i-ho'oka'awale. Leprosy. Lit., separation disease, malhua. A variety of taro. m a ' l h u ' l - k e ' o k e ' o . A variety of sweet potato, m a ' i h u ' l - ' u l a ' u l a . A variety of sweet potato, ma'l-huki. Convulsion, flt. Lit., pulling disease, malhull. Presents made at the birth of a child. Oiis. m J ' I ' l , 1. Short for ma'i'i'i. 3. To sprout; to begin to open, as flower petals. mft'I'I. Fatigue and backache. Obs. m S ' I ' l ' l . 1. A fish, called by some the young of the pualu (surgeon) and by others a distinct species of the genus Acanthurus. 2. A variety of taro. mft'I'I'I. Redup. of md'Vi. Obs.
m aik a m a l k a . 1. T i r e d , weary, lame. Obs. C f . m S ' i ' l , mdlo'elo'e, ma'ulv'ulu. 3. Tasteless, Insipid. Obs. 3. Ancient H a w a i i a n g a m e suggesting b o w l i n g ; the stone used in the g a m e ; shot-put. 4. Strengthening the body, as by athletics. C f . ika, strong.
m a l l e - h a ' l - w a l e . A v a r i e t y of maile (Alyxia olivaeformis var. myrtillifolia) with small, rounded leaves. Lit., brittle maile. m a l l e - h a o l e . T h e myrtle (Myrtus communis), an aromatic shrub f r o m the Mediterranean region and western Asia, a f a v o r i t e garden plant in many countries, and formerly used in R o m e f o r wreaths to crown the victor. T h e leaves look like those of maile and formerly were used by Hawaiians for leis like maile, the bark being stripped f r o m the stems in the same way, with teeth holding one end. ( N e a l 555.) m a l l e - h o h o n o . A tropical American annual composite (Ageratum conyzoides), both a weed and an ornamental. I t is a hairy, branching, weak-stemmed herb, with light-blue (rarely white or p i n k ) florets borne in small t u f t e d heads. ( N e a l 729.) A l s o called maile-honohono and maile-kula. m a l l e - b o n o h o n o . Same as maile-hohono. m a l l e - k 2 - K a h l k l . Same as maile-pilau. Lit., T a h i t i a n vine maile. m a l l e - k a l u l i e a . A kind of maile (Alyxia olivaeformis var.). Lit., sweet-smelling maile. m a l l e - k u - h o n u a . A maile seedling, about three inches high, with t w o or three leaves. Lit., earth-standing maile. m a l l e - k u l a . Same as maile-hohono. Lit., maile of the plains. m a l l e - l a u - l l ' I . A kind of maile with narrow, pointed leaves. Lit., small-leaved maile. m a l l e - l a u - n u l . A kind of maile with large leaves. Lit., big-ieaved maile. m a ' i l e l e . Contagious disease. Lit., jumping disease.
m a l k a ' l . G o o d , well, fine, excellent; good-looking, handsome, beautiful; gooduoss, righteousness, well-being, m o r a l i t y ; good looks, good no. health. See G r a m . 2.3. Pehea 'oe? Maika'i H o w are you? Fine. He wahine maika'i loa ke nSna aku, a woman very good to look at. He maika'i 'olelo, goodness in speech [with implication that actions are not good], E 'at a pau maika'i ka i'a, eat until the fish is c o m p l e t e l y finished, h o ' o m a i k a ' i . T o thank, bless, render thanks, congratulate; gratified, t h a n k f u l ; to praise; t o i m p r o v e , perfect, correct. Trans. Ho'omaika'i! Congratulations! La Ho'omaika'i, T h a n k s g i v i n g D a y . Mele ho'omaika'i, song of raise; D o x o l o g y . 0 wau no me ka ho'omaika'i, am v e r y gratefully yours [in conclusion of a letter). m f t l k a l k a . R e d u p . of milika, 4. Same as ho'oikaika, but less f r e q u e n t ; to strengthen, etc. m a ' i k a i l . Chronic or recurring disease or sickness. Lit., placing sickness, m & ' l k e . T o know. Rare. h o ' o m & ' l k e . T o show, m a ' i k e ' l k e . R e d u p . of m&'ike. h o ' o m & ' l k e ' l k e . T o show, reveal, make known or comprehensible. He ho'oma'ike'ike mai ka pO mai, a revelation f r o m the night [as in a dream], m a ' I k e l k l . Pregnancy sickness; child's disease. Cf. ma'i o kamali'i, children's disease, m & l k l . Little. m a ' i k l p a . Disease caused by an evil spirit. Lit., visiting sickness, m a l k o . T h e young of the pualu and palani, fishes. Also called maikoiko, popolo. m a i k o i k o . 1. A c o m m o n variety of sugar cane relished for chewing, named f o r maiko, a flsh; stems blackish; leaves light yellow-green tinged with red; pith dark-brown; seldom flowery. Also called ele'ele, kd-'ele'ele, kauila, nika. ( H P 223, 224.) 2. Same as maiko. m & l k o l k o - k a h a k a h a . A v a r i e t y of sugar cane, a buff-brown and striped maroon when young, becoming o l i v e brown and v e r y deep purple on exposure. R e a d i l y mutates t o maikoiko. (HP M223.) a l k o n e k l a , M a l k o n l k i a . Micronesia; Micronesian. Eng. m a ' i k u m u p a ' a . See kumupa'a. m a ' l - k u n i . T y p h u s . Lit., searing disease, m a l l a . T h e directional mai plus la. there, then. See Gram. 2.3, 4.5. Hele moila ke ali'i, the chief then came. m & ' l l a . 1. L i g h t - b r o w n skin, as of some partHawaiians. ( K e p . 67.) 2. Clear, as the sea on a sunny d a y when the depths can be seen, m a l l a n l . T o extol, praise, treat as a chief or great favorite. Also pailani. ho'omallanl. Causative/simulative. ( F o r . 4:199.) m a l l e . 1. A n a t i v e twining shrub (Ataxia olivaeformis), with shiny f r a g r a n t leaves, used f o r decoration and lels. I t is a member of t h e periwinkle f a m i l y . Laka, goddess of the hula, was i n v o k e d as t h e goddess of the maile, which was one o f five standard plants used in her altar. (See m o r e under palai.) ( N e a l 608-609.) A m o n g several f o r m s or maile, with wide to narrow leaves, large or small fruits, H a w a i i a n s recognize five, representing five sisters (minor g o d desses of t h e hula): maile-lau-li'i, maile-launui, maile-kaluhea, maile-pikaha, maile-ha'iwale. See also kuhonua, moe-kShi. 2. Maile sticks attached t o the end of the 'auku'u (pole) used f o r catching birds (the maile was gummed w i t h lime, and birds perching on i t were c a u g h t ) ; name of a snare used in catching plovers around the leg; rod used in the games of pUhenehene and 'ume; piece securing an ox's neck t o the yoke.
m a l l e - p & k a h a . A kind of maile with blunt, o v a t e leaves, m a l l e - p l l a u . Stink vine (Paederia foetida). Lit., stinking maile. m & ' l l l . 1. Pebble, as used f o r making sinkers f o r squid Ashing; pebbly, full of pebbles. Cf. 'Hi, pebble. 2. Small arrowroot (pia) tubers, so called because they grow well in stones. 3. Small taro, as found growing in weeds. m & ' I l l h a u . C o r d m a d e of inner hau bark. Obs. m & ' t l l ' l l l . R e d u p . of ma'ili. m f t l l o . W a s t i n g a w a y of the b o d y ; thin, emaciated, as with tuberculosis, h o ' o m & l l o . T o cause thinness. He mea 'ino, ho'omailo kino ka 'opiuma, opium is a bad thing that causes the b o d y to waste a w a y , m & ' l l u . A trifle, pittance; insignificant, m & ' l l u ' l l u . R e d u p . of ma'ilu. He ma'ilu'ilu kona wahi uku, his w a g e is a mere pittance, m a i . . . m a i . See mai, 2. m a ' l m a ' l . Redup. of ma'i, sick; chronically sick, ailing, sickly, h o ' o m a ' l m a ' l . T o pretend to be sickly. m a l n a l n a . Anger, wrath. Cf. inaina. h o ' o m a l n a l n a . T o cause anger; t o anger, m a l n e . M i n e . Eng. Maine 'eli gula, gold mine, m & l n o . Cruelty, misery, harm; cruel, miserable, hurt. ( C f . 'ino and note lack of the glottal stop here.) h o ' o m & l n o . T o treat cruelly, abuse, persecute; to cause misery and suffering. ( P P N ino, P M P ines.) m & l n o l u o . R e d u p . of maino. Hana miinoino i na holoholona, cruelty to animals, b o ' o m & l n o I n o . Causative/simulative, m & ' l n o ' l n o . T o deface, mar. spoil, ruin; def a m e d , defaced. Ma'ino'ino ka helehelena i ka ma'i-lepela, the f a c e is disfigured by leprosy, h o ' o m & ' l n o ' l n o . T o defame, slander, deface. Trans. m & l o . Furrowed, grooved, cut in ridges; v e r y thin, wasted. C f . ioio, groove, and mailo. h o ' o m a i o . T o furrow, cut in ridges, cause thinness. m & ' I ' o . 1. T o cut raggedly and unevenly, as cloth or hair; d e n t e d ; chipped, as crockery. C f .
Maka-hai-wa'a 'upena ma'i'o. 2 . (Cap.) N a m e of a s t a r . 3 . A v a r i e t y of s w e e t p o t a t o . 4 . A v a r i e t y of t a r o . R e d u p . of maio. m & ' I o ' l o . T o peep, chirp, a s chickens. Cf. 'io'io. m & ' I ' o ' l ' o . R e d u p . of ma'i'o. m a ' l - ' O k u ' u . S e e ' Bku'u. Ma'l-ola. T h e n a m e of a g o d ; h e w a s said t o o c c u p y a c e r t a i n tree, t h e wood of which could c o u n t e r a c t t h e noxious e f f e c t s of poison f r o m t h e kalai-pahoa wood, m a ' i o l a . T o c u r e sickness; c u r a b l e disease, m a ' l ' o w a . I n s u l t i n g epithet for women. Lit., slit genital. ma'i-Pake. L e p r o s y . Lit., C h i n e s e disease, ma'l pfih&. Ulcer, running sore, ma'i-pu'iipu'u-li'ill'l. S m a l l p o x . Lit., d i s e a s e with m a n y little pimples, ma'l-pu'uwai. H e a r t disease, h e a r t a t t a c k , ma'l-'uhola. H e a r t failure. Rare. m&'lu'tu. A t a distance, o u t of sight. Cf. 'iu'iu. h o ' o m S ' l u ' l u . T o keep a t a d i s t a n c e , a v o i d , m & l ' u ' u . T o e or finger nail; h o o f ; claw. ( P P N maikuku, P M P kuku.) ma'l-wlll. I n c e s s a n t or recurring p a i n ; venereal d i s e a s e . Lit., writhing sickness, m & k a . 1. E y e , e y e of a needle, f a c e , c o u n t e n a n c e ; presence, sight, view. F o r i d i o m s cf. 'Bnohi, puka, S; jjulakaumaka a n d below. Maka pBniuniu pololi, eyes f a i n t with hunger. Nana maka, to look, b u t not help. Ho'okl a maka, to be partial, show f a v o r i t i s m . 'Oi ka'aka'a ka maka, while the eyes a r e open [and there is still IlfeJ. 'Ike maka, to see for oneself. HB'ike a maka, to reveal in the light, a s of s o m e t h i n g long hidden. Ku'i ka hekili t ka maka o ka 'Bpua, t h e t h u n d e r c l a p s in t h e presence of the cloud bank. Puka na maka i ke ao, the eyes a p p e a r in t h e light [said of birth]. 'A'ole e moe ku u maka a kB ku'u makemake, m y eyes won't sleep until m y wish is a c c o m p l i s h e d [said with determination], 'O na maka wale no keia i hele mai nei, only the eyes h a v e c o m e [said b y o n e not bringing a g i f t , a s was c u s t o m a r y ] . MBhala na maka, t h e e y e s are open [a f r a n k countenance]. ( P P N mata, P M P mala.) 2 . B e l o v e d one, f a v o r i t e ; person. Cf. makamaka (very comm o n ) , makana, pula, 'Bnohi. T h e pig god w a s a f f e c t i o n a t e l y called ku'u maka ( F o r . S : 3 1 7 ) by his g r a n d m o t h e r , rather like " a p p l e of m y eye. Kau ka maka, t o desire, t o long t o see, to think of f o n d l y . He kau maka 'oia na kona hoaloha, he is the o b j e c t of his f r i e n d ' s affection a n d respect. Kalei-kau-maka ( n a m e ) , t h e beloved child. 3 . P o i n t , bud, p r o t u b e r a n c e ; center of a flower, including usually b o t h t h e s t a m e n s a n d pistils: nipple, t e a t ; s h a r p e d g e or b l a d e of a n i n s t r u m e n t ; point of a fishnook; beginning, source. Fig., d e s c e n d a n t . Ke 'au mahope a ka maka ( L u n k . 3.22), the h a f t a f t e r the blade. Na maka o HH-loa i luna ( F o r . 5 : 9 ) , d e s c e n d a n t s of H a - l o a a b o v e . Maka mua o ka huaka'i (For. 4 : 1 9 9 ) , beginning of the procession. Maka o ka makani, beginning or origin of t h e wind. 'O maka kolu, three-pronged s p e a r , h o ' o m a k a . T o begin, s t a r t ; to a p p e a r , of a child's first t o o t h ; to p u t f o r t h b u d s ; to c o m e to a head, a s a boil. 4. M e s h of a net; m e s h in p l a i t i n g ; s t i t c h , in sewing. C f . maka 'aha, maka'opihi, Z. B. R a w , a s fish; u n c o o k e d : green, unripe, a s f r u i t ; f r e s h a s d i s t i n c t f r o m s a l t e d p r o visions. C f . kamakamaka. ( P P N mata, P M P ma[n]taq.) 6 . P r o b a b l y s a m e a s manu, bow a n d s t e r n pieces. 7 . A seaweed. See alani. m & k a . M a r k , t a r g e t ; to m a r k . Eng. Ho'oklkl maka, t a r g e t shooting. B maka mai 'oe ma'ane'i, m a k e a m a r k here, m & k a . A k i n d of s t o n e ( p e r h a p s maka). m & k a ' a . 1. C l e a r and open, a s a v i e w ; a clearing. 2 . A f a i n t green striped m u t a n t of t h e sweet p o t a t o . ( H P 221.) m a k a - ' a . 1. A fish ( M a l a c a n t h u s hoedtii). Maka'a holapu kaheka, the maka-'d roils t h e pool [of a m i s c h i e v o u s child]. 2 . A v a r i e t y of s u g a r cane.
maka *a. Wide, s t a r i n g eyes. Lit., glowing maka 'a'&. R e d u p . of maka 'a. maka'aba. 1. H a m m o c k , swinging n e t t e d
bed. 2 . Skin e r u p t i o n , itch, maka 'aha. Sennit m e s h ; fairly fine mesh. Uwea maka 'aha, chicken-wire fence, maka 'ahewa. W a l l e y e d ; cross-eyed. Lit., eyes lalau. t h a t err. C f . maka maka 'alau. E n v i o u s e y e ; to eye with e n v y , maka'alnana. C o m m o n e r , p o p u l a c e , people in general; citizen. Cf. lunamaka'ainana.Lit., people t h a t a t t e n d the l a n d , m&ka'aka'a. R e d u p . of mSka'a. maka'&klu. S a m e a s makakiu. maka ala. F a i n t p a t h ; beginning of a p a t h , maka'ala. Alert, v i g i l a n t , w a t c h f u l , wide a w a k e ; t o a t t e n d t o vigilantly. Maka'ala 'oia i ka 'a'ahu o kSna kane, she t e n d s c a r e f u l l y to her h u s b a n d ' s clothes. E maka'ala mai i ka hanal T e n d t o the job! maka'ala. Blind, but with eyes t h a t look n o r m a l . maka-'&-loa. A small reddish c r a b (Macrophthalmus telescopicus) f o u n d on m u d fiats. ( E d . 312.) Lit., long, bright eyes. Also 'a-loa. maka 'alo'alo. S h i f t y - e y e d . Lit., d o d g i n g eye. Maka-'alohllohi. N a m e of a s t a r . Lit., bright eye. maka'aiua. S a m e a s makalua. Maka-'amo'amo. N a m e of a s t a r or constellation in t h e M i l k y W a y . Lit., twinkling eye. makaanlanl. E y e g l a s s e s , s p e c t a c l e s . L i t . , c r y s t a l eye. Cf. 'umi'i. maka'aoa. S a m e a s 'aoa, a shellfish, makaau, makau. T o look a r o u n d ; a r o v i n g eye. maka'au. Var. of makaau. -maka'au'a. (With ho'o-) bo'omaka'au'a. T o h a n g m o i s t , a s undried t a p a , over a line or d r y i n g r a c k ( haka ), so t h a t t h e edges will corr e s p o n d a n d t h a t a fixed c r e a s e will form, maka'awela. K i n d of s o f t , p o r o u s stone. maka'C. T o look a t with d i s f a v o r ; to look as k a n c e . Ua maka'e aku au ia 'oe, I a m a g a i n s t you. ho'omaka'C. C a u s a t i v e / s i m u l a t i v e . Ua ho'omaka'e ka Haku i ka po'e hana hewa (1 P e t . 3 . 1 2 ) , t h e f a c e of t h e L o r d is a g a i n s t evildoers, maka'ele'ele. Chilled, frozen. Fig., b e n u m b i n g , intense, a s e m o t i o n ; e x h a u s t i n g , w e a r i s o m e , of labor. Rare.
mak&'eo. A n g r y - a p p e a r i n g (probably a cont r a c t i o n of maka ke'eo, a n g r y eyes), ho'omak&'eo. T o look a t with anger, to avoid looking a t b e c a u s e of anger; n o t t o recognize b e c a u s e of anger.
maka 'eu. M i s c h i e v o u s eyes, n a u g h t y eyes, m&kaha. 1 . Fierce, s a v a g e , ferocious. Ka'u ma-
kaha, fierce K a ' u , a d e s c r i p t i o n of the K a ' u people, referring to their killing of several opp r e s s i v e chiefs. 2. (Cap.) N a m e of a s t a r ; this s t a r a n d M a k o h i - l a n i were near the P l e i a d e s , a n d were s a i d t o be p a t r o n s of fighters. 3 . S a m e a s makahakaha. 4. T o s p e a k d i s p a r a g i n g l y or insultingly of. 'O Hawai't no keia i makaha 'ia ai he palu la'I, t h e p e o p l e of [the island of) H a w a i i a r e spoken of derisively a s lickers of ti l e a v e s [so called b e c a u s e t h e y were said t o h a v e d o n e this a t a f e a s t in the t i m e of K a m e h a m e h a where not enough f o o d w a s provided]. m&k&h&. Sluice g a t e , a s of a fish p o n d : e n t r a n c e t o or e g r e s s f r o m a n enclosure, makahahl. S a m e a s makahehi. Ua haka mai lakou ia'u me ka makahahi ( H a l . 22.17), t h e y s t a r e d a t m e with wonder, makahai. H a s t y ; a c t i v e , a s a child into e v e r y thing.
Maka-hal-aku. N a m e of a s t a r . Maka-hal-wa'a. N a m e of a s t a r . Lit., ing c a n o e .
eye follow-
m a k a h a k a h a m a k a h a k a h a . Clearing, as rain, h o ' o m l k a h a -
m & k a l a . Revenge, vengeance, treachery, bet r a y a l ; traitor, betrayer. (Laie 513.) Ku ho'i kau hana i ka makaia, you've behaved treacherously. m a k a i ' a . 1. Whitened pupil of a blind person's eye; c a t a r a c t . Lit., flsh eye. 2 . A kind of stone, s used for adzes. Also called mahikihiki. m a k a l a a l l . Flesh within t h e 'opihi shell, of a bluish-gray color. ( K L line 27.) m a k a I h e . Spear point,
k a h a . T o show signs of clearing. Ke ho'omakahakaha maila ka ua, there are signs t h a t t h e rain Is clearing, m a k a b a k a h a k a . Sunken eyes, as of one long sick; deep pit or hollow; open space, as a clearing in a forest or clear space in a l a v a flow, m & k & h a l a . T h r e e shrubs in t h e t o m a t o f a m i l y : (1) wild tobacco or paka (Nicotiana glauca), from South America, with long, narrow, yellow flowers and ovate, blue-green leaves; (2) d a y cestrum (Oestrum diurnum), from the West I n dies, with small, white, tubular flowers, fragrant by d a y ; oval leaves; black berries; (3) orange cestrum (Cestrum aurantiacum), from Guatemala, with longer, narrow, orange flowers. T h e flowers of all three shrubs are used somewhat for leis in Hawaii. (Neal 663.) m & k 3 h a l a - ' u l a . A shrub similar to makahala (3), orange cestrum, except t h a t the flower is bronze-red. m a k a - h & l l l i . A seashell ( P e a s i e l l a tantilla). m a k a h a n i . T o step lightly, touch lightly, t o skim lightly. Cf. hani, mahani. m a k a h a u ' i o i c . R a r e var. of haumcka'iole. m a k a h e h l . Admiration, desire for, wonder, amazement; a t t r a c t i v e ; to admire, m a k a h e k l l l . Hailstone. Lit., thunder eye. Cf. huahekili. m a k a h e l e i . E y e with lid drawn down; ectropion. Cf. helei. Eia ka pun'a wawae loloa, ua maka helei, here is a pig with long legs [a human sacrifice] with drawn eyes [fat cheeks, fat], m a k a h i . 1 . One-eyed (short for maka kBhi). 2 . Net mesh large enough to admit t h e entrance of one finger; a net with such a mesh. Makahi a 'owa, makahi 'oene, a mosh larger than one finger's width, but not large enough for two fingers (mSlua). m a k a h l a . Roving, unsteady, restless eyes; sleepless. E Lono makahia, lele ( K e p . 3 7 ) , O L o n o with t h e restless eyes, fly. m a k a b l a m o e . Sleepy eyes; sleepy, drowsy, m a k a h l a p o . First-born child, oldest child. Lit., flrst-born person, m a k a h i k i . 1. Y e a r ; annual, yearly (sometimes written M . H . ) See kulana. US 'ike makahiki, annual report. Hd'ike no 'elua makahiki, bienyearly: in the year. nial report. I ka makahiki, 2 . Ancient festival beginning about the middle of October and lasting about four months, with sports and religious festivities and taboo on war. m a k a h i k i h o u . New Y e a r . Hau'oli Makahiki Hou, Happy Now Y e a r , m a k a h i k i l a k e n . Leap year. Lit., extra-day year.
maka'l ho'omalu. Probation officer,
m a k a ' l h o ' o m a l u pO. Patrolling night police. Lit., police making night peaceful, m a k a i h u . Bowsprit of a canoe; sharp point at t h e bow. Lit., bow point, m a k a - i h u - w a ' a . 1. Phosphorescent light seen in the water a t night. 2 . (Cap.) N a m e of a star, m a k a ' l k a ' l . T o visit, see the sights; to stroll, take a walk; to look upon (Puk. 3.4). Maka'ika'i hele, to stroll here and there. Po'e maka'ika'i, visitors, sight-seers, tourists, h o ' o m f t k a ' l k a ' l . T o t a k e others on a visit; to show the sights; to escort, m a k a ' I k e . T o see clearly and with keen powers of observation; to see more than most, especially to see supernatural things or ghosts not seen by others; to have the gift of second sight. Lit., seeing eye. Cf. 1 ike maka. m a k a l k l . E y e smaller than the other. Lit.. small eye.
maka'l ki'ekl'e. High sheriff,
m a k a ' l k l u . Detective. Lit., spying police, m a k a ' l k o a . Military police. Lit., soldier police,
m a k a ' l ku h u l n a . Traffic policeman. Lit., po-
liceman stationed at corners, m a k a U a . A senile pigmentation caused by sunburn of the eye, as found among Hawaiians; person with such an eye (such persons were said to be observant and critical). Lit., birthmark eye.
m a k a l l l . R o c k y patches where sweet potatoes or taro were cultivated (For. 6 : 1 6 5 ) ; soil consisting of coarse sand or gravel. Cf. 'Hi, pebble, m a k a l l o . Y o u n g shoot, as for transplanting. M a k a - ' l m o ' l m o . N a m e of a constellation in the M i l k y W a y . Lit., blinking eyes, twinkling eyes, m a k a ' l n a . Guard; watchful, m a k a ' I n o . T o look at with hatred; to loss afTectlon for one; one who looks with hatred. 'O ke kanaka palupalu . . . e maka 'ino aku ia i kona hoahanau (Kanl. 28.54), the man t h a t is tender . . . his eye shall lie evil toward his brother,
maka'l nul. Sheriff.
makahiki lele 'ol. Leap year. Lit., year jump
m a k a l o . S a m e as maka li'o, wild eye. Obs. M a k a - ' l o - l a n l . N a m e of a star. Lit., eye of t h e royal hawk, m a k a ' l pO. Night watchman, night police, rnakaltva. Mother-of pearl eyes, as in an image, especially of the god Lono. Lit., mysterious eye.
ahead. m a k a h l l a h l l a . Bashful eyes; bashful, timidly averting one's gaze, m a k a h l n u . Kind of hard stone, m a k a h l n u . B r i g h t face, cheerful look, m a k a h l ' O . E y e s t h a t dart in every direction, as if looking for mischief; a mischievously alluring look.
m a k a ' l w a h l n e . Police matron,
m a k a - k a - ' a i a . S a m e as maka keleawe. m a k a k a l . Sea-washed; spray. Ea mai ka makakai he'e nalu ( U L 36), t h e spray of surfing rises. Ua 'au'au akula 'oia i ka wai a pau ka makakai, he bathed in fresh water so as to be rid of the spray. m a k a k a n a k a . M a n y people, crowds of people. La maka kanaka, day when many people gather, as a holiday. m a k a k S h a u . H e a r t ' s desire. Lit., dew eye. m a k a k e l e a w e . Brazen look; horse eye of a whitish color, but with good vision. Lit., brass eye. m a k a k l . T o look at with hatred, h o ' o m a k a k l . T o look a t with hatred; to plan revenge or evil,
m a k a h i 'owa. See makShi.
M a k a - h o l o - w a ' a . N a m e of a star, perhaps variant name for t h e N o r t h S t a r . Lit., sailingcanoe eye.
maka hou. Beginning, new start, lio'omaka h o u . T o begin again, m a k a h u n e . Fine mesh or weft, as of net or m a t .
m a k a l . See kai, ocean,
m a k a l . R a r e var. of minai, needle, m a k a ' l . Policeman, guard; t o police, inspect, spy. Cf. luna mika'i. Ua mau kanaka la nana i mSka'i i ka 'Bina (Ios. 6.22), t h e aforsmentioned men who had spied In t h e country, h o ' o m a k a ' l . T o a c t as a policeman; t o appoint or invest as a policeman.
maka ki'ekl'e. Proud look (Sol. 6.17); haughty air.
m a k a
m o m i
raaka k l h l . To look out of the corner of the eyes: eye drawn back at the corner, m a k a k l ' l . 1. Mask. Lit., image face. 2. To lure or attract with the eyes, especially one of the opposite sex. m a k a - k i l a . A name given to the kala-poni, sweet potato, m a k a k i i a . Pen; steel point, as of a weapon. Lit., steel (Eng.) point. m a k a kilo. Observant, watchful eyes; to watch with great attention, rnak&klu. Spy, detective, spying eye; watchful, vigilant, spying; to spy. h o ' o m a k a k l u . To spy, watch, reconnoiter. m a k a k o a . Bold, unafraid, fierce. Lit., brave eye. He lahui kanaka maka koa, "a'ole e malama mai i ka 'elemakule (Kanl. 28.50), a nation of fierce countenance, which shall not care for the old. m a k a k o ' a . Landmark for a fishing ground. Lit., fishing-ground point, m a k a - k o a l l . Wild sweet potato found ill Puna; it may have been eaten in famine times; also fed raw to pigs, m a k a kole. Same as makole. m a k a k o . Creative imagination of an artist. Obs. m a k a k u l . Needle or nail point; stitch. Cf. maka o ke kui, eye of a needle, m a k a k u ' l k u ' l . To scowl, leer hatefully. Lit.. pounding eyes, m a k a l a . 1. To loosen, undo, untie, open a little, set at liberty; to remit, as a debt; to forgive; to free of defilement or uncleanness; to open, as a flower. (PPN matala, P M P tara.) 2 . A trail. (Malo 92.) m a k & l a . Short for maka'ala. Obs. mftkala. 1. Myrtle. Eng. 2 . Marshal. Eng. 3. (Cap.) Marshall (Islands). Eng. mak&lae. Beach, shore, coast. Aia akula i makalae i ka pae&ea, there [he's] gone on the shore polo fishing. m a k a l a h l a . 1. Sleepless, awake. 2. Passive/ Imperative of makala. m & k a l a k a l a . 1. Redup. of makala. Makalakala iaia nei a pau na hihia i kauhale, free him of all defilements at home. 2 . Same as makalahia. m a k a l a l a u . Cross-eyed, with eyes that seem to look Inward. Lit., roving eyes. Cf, maka 'ahewa. m a k a l a p u a . Handsome, beautiful; to blossom makalapua, forth. Na hi'ona ua hele wale a features handsome indeed. Nani ho'i na lau nahele e 'dmaka ana, e mdhala ana a e makalapua ana, beautiful, indeed, are the budding plants, opening and blossoming, m a k a l a u . 1. Carbuncle, boil. 2. Cluster of spears. 3. Many buds, as on a pussy willow. Fig., many offspring. m a k a l a u l u a . Ulua fishermen; seekers of human victims for sacrifice. (Malo 92.) Obs. m a k a l a u n a . Friendly, having many friends and associates; sociable. Ua ma'a i ka maka launa, used to being friendly, m a k a i e . Mackerel, canned sardines. Eng. m a k a l e ' a . Twinkle-eyed, happy-eyed, mischievous. m a k a l e h a . To look about as in wonder or admiration, to glance, m a k a l e b o . Covetous; lustful, lascivious. Lit., cowrie eye, perhaps so called because the squid clings to the cowrie. Hahai ana i ka maka leho (1 Pet. 4.3), walked in lasciviousness. m a k a l e h u a . Lehua flower petals. Fig., attractive, as young girls. Na kini maka lehua o na 1dpio, the many youths, lovely as lehua flowers, m&kftlel. 1. Fish trap. 2. Name of a supernatural tree found on Molokai; portions of its root were placed by the gates of fish ponds, as they were thought to attract fish. 3. Same as melomclo, a stick lure.
m a k a l e n a . Fine muslin cloth. Eng. m a k a l e n a . 1. Unfriendly, suspicious glance from under the eyelid; to glance thus. Lit., drawn eye. 2. Yellow center of a flower, as of a daisy. Mehe ipo la ka maka lena o ke Ko'olau (chant), like a sweetheart is the yellow flower center of the Ko'olau. m a k a l e n a p u ' u . Dotted swiss cloth. Lit., lumped muslin, m a k a l l . 1. Same as mali, to flatter. 2. Barely cooked, underdone. Obs. 3. Glowing, bright, as of fire. Obs. He ahi makali ho'ali na ke kupa (chant), a glowing fire stirred by the native son. m a k a l i ' l . 1. Tiny, very small, fine, wee; smallmeshed; narrow wefts. Makali'i 'Ohua, tiny 'ohua, spawn: fig., anything wee, tiny. 2. (Cap.) Pleiades; Castor and Pollux. 3. (Cap.) Hawaiian month name; the six summer months collectively, m a k a l l k a . Marguerite, daisy. Eng. m a k a l l k e . Uniform, as in color, style, clothes. Lit., similar face. Pa'a lole makalike, uniform, as of military. m a k a l l o . Taut, as a rope. Lit., tight mesh, m a k a l o a . 1. A perennial sedge (Cyperus laecigatus), found in or near fresh or salt water in warm countries. From a horizontal, creeping stem rise long, slender unbranched stems, each topped by a small inflorescence. Formerly the plants were valued in Hawaii for making the fine Niihau mats. (Neal 79.) Also called makoloa. 2. An edible shellfish (Thais intermedia, Drupa horrida). Also called aupupu, pupil-'awa. (KL line 30.) See also 'Olepe-makaloa. 3. A seaweed, m a k a loa. Very green, as a fruit; barely cooked, very raw. m a k a l o k o m a l k a ' l . Bountiful eye (Sol. 22.9); one who looks kindly, charitably, and with good will. Lit., good-hearted face, m a k a lole. Eyelid turned back, exposing the under side of the lid; an Insulting term, as prisoners were tortured by tattooing the exposed eyelid. Lit., turned eye. m a k a l u a . 1. Two-faced, double-edged; twofold, as a plaited mat; hypocritical. 2. Socket of the eyeball. Fig., depths of the sea. 3. Fishing net with mesh wide enough to admit two fingers. Lit., double mesh. m & k M u a . Hole for planting, as for taro; to dig such a hole, m&k&lua k e l e . A large mSkSlua hole, m a k a l u h l . Tired eyes, tired people, especially those who have been working hard on a community project. Cf. 'aha'aina maka luhi. m a k a l u k u . To plan slaughter, to determine to destroy. m a k a m a e . Precious, of great value, highly prized, darling (Hal. 22.20). m a k a m a k a . 1. Intimate friend with whom one is on terms of receiving and giving freely; host. Fig., anything very helpful, as education. Cf. maka, beloved. Kona makamaka, his friend, h o ' o m a k a m a k a . To befriend, be a friend to, make a friend, cause to be friends. Cf. ho'okamakamaka. Ho'omakamaka wahine, to make friends with a woman. 2 . Redup. of maka, raw, fresh. 3. Buds, as forming on the corm of a taro. (HP 5.) m a k a m a k a n u l . One with a host of friends because of a genial, kindly, or hospitable nature; many friends, m a k a m e , m a d a m e . Madame. Eng. Makame Pele, Madam Pele. m a k a m l n o . Indented, non-protruding nipple, as is difficult for a baby to grasp, m a k a m o e n a . Mesh in mat made by plaiting over one and under one; similar style in quilting; check plait. Lit., mat mesh, m a k a m o m l . See momi, 5.
m ak a mua makap&plpl. Hollow worn in lava rock by the sea, where salt is collected, m a k a p e h u . Swollen; suffering from hunger; hungry person. Ola ka makapehu i'a 'ole, the suffering from lack of fish is over, m a k a pela. Dirty face; sticky, dirty eyes, m a k a p e p e . Fine-meshed, as a mat of medium weft, as one-half inch, m a k a plapla. Eyes sticky with viscous matter: watery eyes; insulting epithet for one who does not find what he is looking for. m a k a p l p l p l . 1. Small eyes; pregnant women were discouraged from eating pxpipi shellfish lest their children be born with small eyes, hence the name. 2. Tiny, twinkling stars. rnakapG. Blindness, blind person; blind. Lit., night eye. h o ' o m a k a p d . To cause blindness, to feign blindness, to blindfold, m a k a pOnlunlu. Dizziness, faintness, lack of courage; obscure, dizzy, faint (Lunk. 8.4). Lit., dizzy eye. m a k a p o u l l . Dizziness; dizzy, faint. Lit., blacknight eyes. - m a k a p Q . (With ho'o-) h o ' o m a k a p Q . To frown, look with disapproval, m a k a p u a ' a . Breast nipple that stands out and is easy for a baby to take; pig nipple, m a k a pflhl. Fishhook with two opposite barbs, as used for eels. Lit., eel point, m a k a - p u ' u . Variety of fish (no data). Lit., bulging eyes, hill point, m a k a u . Fishhook, m a k & u . Var. spelling of makaau. m a k a u . Same as makaukau. This word is related to 'akau, right hand. Cf. hema, hemahema. m a k a ' u . Fear; frightened, afraid. Maka'u 'oia i ke kaua, he is afraid of war. h o ' o m a k a ' u . To frighten, scaro, terrify, make afraid: to pretend fear; to fear. (PPN mataku, P M P takut.) m a k a u a . 1. Hard-hearted, unfriendly; troubled, vexed. Lit., tough face. 2. To increase, grow larger. 3. A variety of taro. m a k a u a . War dead (short for make kaua). m a k a ' u a . Passive/imperative of maka'u. m a k a u a u a . 1. Redup. of makaua. 2. To toughen by drying, as hide. Rare. Lit., tough face, m a k a u h i . 1. Face tattooed solid, without patterning. 2. Tattooed eyelid, as a humiliating sign of a warrior's defeat. 3. Downcast eyes. Keau-hou maka uhi, Keau-hou with downcast eyes [said of the people at Keau-hou who did not welcome visitors because of chiefly taboos], m a k a ' u h l a . Passive/imperative of maka'u. m S k a u k a u . Able, competent, capable, efficient, adept, skilled, expert, qualified; prepared, ready: competence, proficiency, efficiency, preparation; to know how, to know well. Cf. akau, right, h o ' o m a k a u k a u . To prepare, _ make ready. Ho'omakaukau 'ia ma keia kanawai, provided for by this law. (PPN mata'u, P M P taqu.) m & k a ' u k a ' u . Redup. of maka'u. h o ' o m & k a ' u k a ' u . To scare, frighten; scared, frightened, m a k a ' u k l ' l . Fear of images representing gods, m a k a ' u k a h e w a . Sudden fear, panic, m a k a u l a . Variety of dark lizard. (Malo 40.) m a k & u l a . Same as kaula, prophet, m a k a ' u l a ' u l a . Pinkeye; inflamed eye. Lit., red eye. m a k a ull. Black eye. as from a bruise, m a k a ' u l l a . Passive/imperative of maka'u. (For. 6:299.) m a k a u l i ' l . 1. Saving, economical, thrifty, provident; miserly, avaricious, eager to own. h o ' o m a k a u l l ' l . To economize; thrifty, saving, economical; to desire, covet. Po'e ho'omakauli'i 'aina, people eager for land. Ua ho'okd 'ia ka hana ho'omakauli'i i loko o ke aupuni, economies in government have been effected. 2. Broadbacked, thick-shelled, of a turtle.
m a k a m u a . First, beginning, commencement, first time; first child or a family. Lit., first end. Maka mua o ka huaka'i (For. 4:199), beginning of the procession. 'O ka maka mua kiia o ko'u ho'S'o 'ana i ka 'Olepe, this is the first time I've tasted an oyster, m a k a n a . Gift, present; reward; prize; to give a gift. Cf. maka, t. Kana makana, his gift [one that he gives or receives]. Makana ka ho'il What a gift! [sometimes said sarcastically, indicating that a person is ungrateful], m a k a n a ' a . Plants growing on lava beds (probably a contraction of maka i na 'a'a, budding in the lava). m a k a n a a l o h a . Gift of friendship or love; freewill offering, m a k a n a h e l e . Wild, untamed; of the wilderness or forest. Lit., forest person. Pua'a makanahele, wild pig. Nohona makanahele, living in the forest. Mlkana makanahele, papaya growing wild, h o ' o m a k a n a h e l e . To let a garden grow wild; wild, untamed, m a k a n a h e l e . Parting gift. Lit., going gift, m a k a n a l a u . Same as makalau. m a k a n a u . Twinkling of eyes. Obs. m a k a n l . 1. Wind, breeze; gas in the stomach, flatulent wind; to blow. Fig., anger; to show anger. Cf. ani. Hamau o makanl auane'i, be still or there'll be anger. (PPN matangi, P M P angin.) 2. Ghost, spirit. Kahuna makani, priest possessed by the spirit called makani. 3 . Call of sentinel, similar to "all's well." M a k a n l - h & n a l - l o l l . Name of a gentle wind; it is said to permit loli to come out of their holes and feed. (UL 207.) Lit., wind that feeds sea slug. m a k a n l h a u n o n e . Ice-cold mountain wind. Lit., icy, annoying wind. m a k a n l holo 'Oha. Cold wind. Lit., wind running [over] thighs. (PH 187.) m a k a n l k a ' a wlllwill. Tornado. Lit., wind revolving and twisting, m a k a n l k u h o n u a . Sudden strong wind. Lit., wind arriving suddenly, m a k a n l n o h o . Spirit that possesses a medium and speaks through him. Lit., spirit that takes possession. m a k a - n u l . A variety of sweet potato. (HP 142.) Lit., big eyes. m a k a n u n u l . Big eyes. Cf. ki'i maka nunui under ki'i, I. m a k a ' o . Same as ka'oka'o, 3, arid. Cf. kUmimimaka'o. m a k a ' o l . Piercing, penetrating, sharp eyes, m & k a ' o k a ' o . 1. Var. of mSka'oka'o. 2. High; height. Obs. Maka'oka'o ke ahi 'au hau i ka pali, high on the precipice are the firebrands, m a k a o l e . Eyetooth; point of a dog's tooth. Fig., point of an 'o'B, digging stick; sprouting plant. m a k a o n a o n a . A sweet, lovely expression of face or eyes; also said of the eyes of the kole, a fish. m a k a ' o p l h i . I . 'Opihi scooped out of its shell. 2. A fine pandanus mat, of quarter-inch strands. Lit., fine mesh. m a k a - ' O p i ' l . Same as makole-makopi'i. m a k a - ' O p I o . A variety of taro. m a k a ' o u . Excelling eye, epithet for a councilor (kalaimoku), who had served under three rulers in three generations, and hence was regarded as full of wisdom. Obs. m a k a p f t . 1. Feeble, of light, as firelight in the daytime; shy, wild, as a bird. 2. Stones that break in a fire, not desirable for the imu. m a k a p a ' a . Person blind in one eye; blind in one eye (it was considered bad luck to meet such a person); blind (Oihk. 22.22). Lit., closed eye. m a k a p a l a . Soft, ripe; ready to burst, of a boll.
maki -makaull'l. (With ho'o-) bo'omakaull'i. To
m f t k e a . Same as mahakea, 1, 2, 3. m a k e ' a l . H u n g r y . Lit., w a n t food,
seek every detail; t o find out even t h e smallest things. M a k a - ' u n u - l a u . N a m e of a navigational star. Lit., eyes drawing m a n y . m a k a ' u o . G a t h e r i n g a n d tying, as pala fern for a heiau service. Obs. m a k a u p&weo. Small shell hook, as used for 'Spelu fishing. Lit., hook to t u r n away. m a k a ' f l p C . Grief. Ka hale maka'upi, pa i ka 'U la (Kep. 71), t h e sad house, touched by grief, m a k a ' u p e n a . l . N e t mesh. Cf. 'Spun maka 'upena, uwea maka 'upena. 2. Design, as carved on a t a p a beater and used in quilting. 3. M i d riff; f a t . Maka 'upena e uhi ana i ka na'au (Oihk. 3.3), f a t covering t h e intestines, m a k a ' u w a l e . Coward, cowardice; afraid for no reason, easily frightened, m a k a ' u w & w a e . 1. E x c r e m e n t lying exposed on t h e ground. Lit., feared [by] feet. 2. Anything on which one fears t o tread, m a k a w a l . Small outlets for water t h r o u g h b a n k s of t a r o patches; small waterways; water sources, m a k a w a i . W a t e r y - e y e d ; eyes welling with tears; tender-eyed (Kin. 29.17).
-m&ke'aka. (With ho'o-) ho'om&ke'aka. Wit-
t y , comic, f u n n y , amusing; to cause laughter, exercise wit. Hana ho'omake'aka, f u n n y antics; to do something t o provoke laughter. M a k e a u p e ' a . N a m e of a s t a r or constellation, m a k e ' e . Covetous, greedy, desirous t o h a v e ; t o h a v e affection for. He make'e keiki, a great affection for children,
make'e kan&wal. Law-abiding, m & k e ' e k e ' e . R e d u p . of
make'e pono aupunl. Patriotic: desirous for t h e welfare of t h e nation,
m a k e ' e walwal. Avarice, covetousness
22.17); eagerness to acquire wealth. Shish, to shish, swish, especially accompanied by flash, as of skyrockets; flash, as of lightning; to flash. Ka-uila-makehd-o-kalani (name), Hashing lightning of heaven, m a k e h e w a . Bad bargain, vain u n d e r t a k i n g : in vain, useless, w i t h o u t profit. Cf. makepono. 'A'a makehewa, rash, desperate. Makehewa ke kino u'i, 'o kela ke kane, t h e y o u t h f u l beauty is wasted on a m a n like t h a t , m a k e l l i a . Passive/imperative of make, 2. 'Onita'a ana ka pono, 'onipa'a me ka makehia (song), et t h e right s t a n d firm, stand firm because it is wanted,
maka wala. Nipple of the breast,
m a k a w a l u . 1. N u m e r o u s , many, m u c h (sometimes used with implication of chiefly mana). Lit., eight eyes. Ka iho makawalu a ka ua, t h e great downpour of rain. Makawalu na moku, m a n y islands a r e scattered haphazardly. 2 . T y p e of fighting on plains covered with brush, with irregularly grouped warriors. (Malo 196, 203.) m a k a w e l a . 1. Glowing, burning; full of hate. Fig., term for t h e despised kauwa, outcasts. Na pohaku makawela o Kilauea, t h e burning lava rocks of Kilauea. 'Olelo makawela, words of hatred, h o ' o m a k a w e l a . T o t r e a t like a kauwa makawela. 2. T y p e of stone f r o m which weights for cowry octopus lures were made, m a k a w e l a w e l a . R e d u p . of makawela, 1. Ua makawelawela wale mai no 'oia ia'u, he hated m e for nothing, m a k a w e l l . Glaring, threatening eyes; to glare, glower,
makekau. Warlike.
m & k e k e . 1. M a r k e t . Eng. 2. Black m u s t a r d (Brassica nigra), a cosmopolitan herb, a weed in Hawaii, b u t formerly cultivated for t h e seeds, which are t h e m a i n source of t a b l e m u s t a r d . Small yellow flowers, and later erect seed pods, a r e borne on tall stems. Eng. Hua makeke ( M a t . 13.31), grain of m u s t a r d seed,
(With ho'o-) ho'omakeke'eo.
Resentful. m f t k e k e n u l . L a r g e m a r k e t , supermarket,
makela, masela. Muscles. Eng.
m a k e l e . Same as kele, 1. Ka ulua makele, f a t , large deep-sea ulua, a fish,
m a k e l l a . Material. Eng.
makellmonlo, materlmonlo. Matrimony. Eng.
m a k a w l . See pahapaha, 3.
m a k e l o a . T o die (in c o n t r a s t t o make, which may mean "defeated, faint"), m a k e m a k e . Desire, w a n t , wish; t o want, like, wish (often replaced colloquially by mamake). See make, 2 and G r a m . 2.3. h o ' o m a k e m a k e . T o cause or feign desire,
m a k e . 1. T o die; defeated, killed, u n f o r t u n a t e ; t o f a i n t : d e a t h , fainting, danger of d e a t h , peril, destruction, misfortune; t o kill (when used transitively, t h e subject is preceded by i or iS); d e a t h l y , deadly, faint, deceased, late; obsolete; poisonous. Kona make, his [own] d e a t h . Kana make, his m u r d e r [of someone else). Make loa, t o die. Make anu, stiff and chilled with cold. *A'ole kona he make maoli, he make na waho, his was not a n a t u r a l d e a t h , [but| a d e a t h by o u t siders [sorcery]. Na-'ehu i make aku nei, t h e late N a - ' e h u . Makamaka make, unresponsive friend. Emi maila 'o Kamalama, a 'ane'ane no e make i na wahi koa (For. 5:45), K a m a l a m a fell behind and was almost killed b y t h e warriors, h o ' o m a k e . T o kill; t o pretend t o be dead; t o let die; t o let diminish, grow f a i n t . Mai ho'opae 'oe, e ho'omake 'oe i kou nalu, d o n ' t catch [the wave], let y o u r wave get smaller. ( P P N male, P M P matey, patay.) 2. Desire, w a n t ; to w a n t . Cf. make 'ai, -make'aka, make wai. A f t e r 'a'ole, make expresses a weak c o m m a n d , as " y o u better n o t . " 'I mai nei ke ali'i, 'a'ole make kaha ka 'Bpu o ka pua'a (For. 5:323), t h e chief said, b e t t e r n o t c u t open t h e pig's stomach. 'A'ole make hana, b e t t e r not do ft. Mai make hele 'oet D o n ' t get t h e notion of going. 3 . Price, barter, exchange. Obs. Cf. makehewa, makepono. 'Ehia huamoa make ka hapalua, how m a n y eggs for fifty cents? A make na 'Iwa, na ke keiki 'aihue a Kukui, 'o ka waiwai o ku'u wa'a (For. 5:287), t h e r e w a r d for ' I w a , K u k u i ' s thieving son, is t h e value of m y canoe.
makemaklka. Mathematics. Eng.
m a k e m a k i k a ho'oplli ' l a . Applied mathematics. Lit., referred m a t h e m a t i c s ,
makemaklka 'oko'a. Pure mathematics,
m a k e n a . 1. Mourning, wailing, l a m e n t a t i o n ; to wail, lament, weep for joy. Nona keia makena e uwi 'ia mai nei (For. 4.47), this wailing t h a t is being sobbed f o r t h here is for him. 2. Calm, of sea, atmosphere. Cf. make, dead, m a k e n a . M a n y , n u m e r o u s ; often, much. Makena wale ua moa, lots of chickend. Makena kii ho'i ko'u Itilahila ia 'oe, how you humiliated me; you made me a s h a m e d of you. m a k e n a w a l . Place where a s t r e a m disappears in t h e ground, m a k f i n e k t . M a g n e t , magneto. Eng. m a k e p i l a u . Complete defeat, as in card games, m a k e pOIoIl. T o die of s t a r v a t i o n ; f a i n t with hunger. m a k e p o n o . Bargain, profitable, reasonable in price. Cf. makehewa. m a k e w a i . T h i r s t ; thirsty. F o r example see iho, 6.
make wale. To die of itself, to die without cause, t o die or wilt easily. 'O ka mea make wale (Oihk. 22.8), t h a t which d i e t h of itself,
mSkC. Masthead. Eng.
m a k e a . P a s s i v e / i m p e r a t i v e of make, 1, t.
makl. To march. Eng.
m ak i m a k o ' l o l e . T o hold the breath, of divers. Rare. m a k o k o . 1 . Fresh-water leech or bloodsucker. Cf. koko, blood. 2 . Reddish. Cf. he'e-makoko, loli-makoko. 3 . A variety of taro, used f o r red poi. ( H P 22.) Also called nohu. m a k o l e . 1 . Inflamed eye; red-eyed; r e d - h o t ; red or yellow, as dying leaves; red, as a tinted cloud. Makole, makole 'akahi (For. 5 : 3 3 9 ) , so red-eyed, red-eyed [said tauntingly of Pele, referring to her fires), h o ' o m a k o l e . T o cause redness or soreness of the eyes. 2 . Slightly decomposed pinkish octopus, relished by some; to turn pinkish, as octopus. Also called he'e pulu. l i o ' o m a k o l e . T o prepare squid iD this fashion. 3 . Rainbow. PS makole, night with a [lunar] rainbow. 4. A small, smooth, succulent herb ( N e r tera granadensis, commonly known as A", depressa), creeping on damp forest floors, a member of t h e coffee family with small ovate leaves and round, red to yellow, berry-like fruits. (Neal 697.) m a k o l e a . Bold, shameless. Obs. m a k o l e k o l e . Redup. of makole. 1, 2, 3. Ua makolekole, a rain with rainbow colors, m a k o l e l a u . L e a f turning yellow or red, or drying. Rare. m a k o l e - m a k O p l ' l . A native moss ( T h u i d i u m hawaiiense), t h e plants branching in one plane, looking like small ferns. Also called m&k&pi'i, maka-'dpi'i, limu-makole-maka-'Opi'i, kala-makapi'i. m a k o l l . F r a g m e n t ; tiny bit, as of small shavings. Cf. koli, to whittle, h o ' o m a k o l l . T o c u t into small bits, to render small or fine, m a k o l o . S a m e as kolo, to creep, m a k o l o a . Same as makaloa, a sedge, m a k o l o k o l o . Same as honohono, the wandering Jew. Lit., creeper, m a k o l o k o l o p a . S a m e as kolokolopd, young of goatflsh. m a k o l u . 1 . T h i c k , heavy, deep, as clouds; thickcoated, as dust; laden, as a high chief with taboo. 2 . Net mesh large enough to admit t h e entrance of three fingers; a net with such a mesh; threeply, as sennit. Cf. makahi, mdlua. m a k o l u k o l u . Redup. of makolu-, chubby. He papa makolukolu, a thick plank. Ka-lani-nuimakolukolu-i-kekapu (name), the great chief thickly surrounded by taboo. m a k O m a k O . Redup. of makS, 1. Obs. b o ' o m a k S m a k O . Large, billowy; to increase, enlarge.
m f t k l . T o roll, fold. He aha ka mea i makl 'ia ai keia moena, why was this mat rolled up? m f t k l a . 1 . Aim, motto, purpose; to aim or strive for, to concentrate on, ' O n i p a ' a ka Lili'u-okalani makia, stand firm was Lili'u-o-kalani's motto. 2 . Pin, nail, wedge, spike, stake, b o l t ; to nail, bolt, crucify, pin; to establish, as a kingdom (For. 4 : 2 1 5 ) ; to destroy by sorcery; to drive stakes, as in surveying. MSkia 'ia ma ka la'au ke'a, nailed to t h e cross, m f t k f ' a . M a y b e , perhaps, probably. Mdki'a o uhaele aku kaua, we'll probably go. m a k l a w a . Round herring ( E t r u m e u s micropus); common in estuaries, as a t Pearl Harbor. Also called mikiawa, 'omaka. maklka. 1 . Mosquito. ETLQ. In the Bible, makika is used for "lice'' (Puk. 8.16) and "diverse sorts of flies" (Hal. 105.31). 2 . P l a n t blight t h a t a t t a c k e d sweet potato, taro, and other food crops, believed caused by mosquitoes, m a k i k l . 1 . Same as kiki, to peck. Rare. Makiki moa, cockfight. 2 . T y p e of stone used as weights for octopus lures ( M a l o 19), and for adzes. Obs. m a k l k o e . Long, tall, slender, as a tree, H l f t k l l a . M a u i name for manai, needle, m a k l l l . T o crack, appear through a crack, come to light; to come off, as shingles; cracked, split open. He la makili loa ka uka (For. 6 : 2 9 9 ) , a sun j u s t peering forth in the uplands. Ua makili mai ka malamalama ma ka hakahaka o ka puka, the light shows through t h e open space of t h e door, n o ' o m a k l l l . T o open a c r a c k ; to crack. Ho'omakili ka papa, the board is cracked, m a k l l l . A drop; to drop, as water. Cf. kili hau, kilihune. Hal. 37.25. He wahi makili hou, a drop of perspiration, MSkili 'ai, to eat just a little. Mtikili li'ili'i ka wai (Kep. 165), add a little water [as in mixing poi], m & k t l l k l l i . Redup. of makili. m & k l l o . T o eye wistfully, to look at longingly, to beg thus, m a k l m a k l . S a m e as 'o'opu-hue, puffer, m a k l n l . 1 . Group of spears tied together, used as a battering r a m in war (from maka kini, m a n y points). 2 . M a n y deaths; death-inflicting, deathly (from make kini, m a n y deaths). 3 . Gourd mask, as used by canoemen. m a k l n l k a . 1. M o n k e y . Fie., ugly person; ugly. Eng. 2. (Cap.) Hawaiian whalers' name for Eskimo,
m a k l n i k e l a . Martingale. Eng.
m a k l n l k l n l . Hilly; notched, as a ridge. m a k A . 1 . Rough, rocky; large. Manoanoa mehe pali m&kt) (chant), thick as a rock cliff. 2 . Similar to makona, mean. Obs. m a k o a . 1 . Fearless, courageous, aggressive. Cf. koa, brave, h o ' o m a k o a . T o a c t bravely. 2 . Similar to makona. Obs. Pulu a'u lehua i ka makoa (For. 5:47), my lehua trees are wet in the implacable [elements], m a k o ' a . Coral head in t h e sea. m a k o ' a k o ' a . Plural of mako'a. m a k o e . T o rake, strip, scrape away,
m a k o n a , m a s o n a . Mason. Eng. Hui
Masons' society, m a k o n a . Hard, mean, hard-hearted, malevolent, implacable, nasty, h o ' o m a k o n a . T o a c t mean, hard, etc. m a k o p l ' l . Same as makole-makBpi'i, a moss, m a k o u . 1 . All native and introduced species of buttercups ( R a n u n c u l u s ) , coarse herbs with subdivided leaves and small yellow flowers. (Neal 303.) Also called 'awa- Kanaloa. 2 . A native perennial herb ( P e u c e d a n u m sandwicense), in t h e parsley family, with coarse leaves much subdivided and tuberous roots t h a t were used medicinally. 3 . A native fern (Botrychium subbifoliatum), with fronds fan-shaped and lobed much like leaves of buttercups. 4. T o blush; red, as with sunburn; bloodshot. 5. Kukui lamps, as burned all night while court retainers told stories to the chiefs; courtiers who told such stories; venerable statesmen who had served under three kings, presumably in three generations, perhaps so called because t h e makou torch consisted of three strings of kukui nuts, m a k o u . W e , us (plural, exclusive). ( P P N akimautolu, kimatou: perhaps -kima- P P N forms correspond to P M P kami, with metathesis. Hawaiian -kou probably corresponds to kolu, three.) m a k f l . 1 . Firm, hard; thick, stiff, as molasses; jellied, solidified; to gel, harden; to settle, as
m a k o ' e . Var. of makole, 1. (AP.)
t n a k o e a . Tedious, wearisome, difficult, as a t a s k ; hard to get along with, of a person. Rare. m a k o h l . 1 . Same as kOhi, i , to dig. 2 . A red variety of taro, used for pink poi, sometimes qualified by the colors 'ele ele or 'ula'ula. Also called mSkohi. M a k o h l - l a n l . N a m e of a star. See Makaha, 2. m a k o l . 1 . Fishing pole (also called mSkoi). Cf. mUkoi kanaka. Ka makoi, to fish with a pole. 2 . S a m e as makona. (AP.) 3 . Also m a g o l . Magi, magicians. Biblical. m a k o l e l e . T o teeter, seesaw; to swing on a single rope. Obs. m a k o l k a n a k a . A sport of strength: players lie on t h e ground, with bodies rigid. T h e y are lifted up from the back and hoisted to their feet.
malahia land. 3. A variety of grass. 4 . Young of mOkua, a fish. m a k u ' a k u ' a . Same as maku'eku'e, 1. m a k u a l l ' l . Same as makua ali'i. m a k u a l u a . Very old. (For. 6:400). Lit., doubly mature. m a k u a - o - k a - l l m u - k o h u . A seaweed. Lit., parent of the limu-kohu. m a k u a - o - k a - l l p o a . Sponge crab. (Ed. 268, 274.) Lit., parent of the lipoa seaweed. Cf. kumu-lipoa. m a k u a p a p a k e m a . Godparent. Lit., baptismal parent. m a k u a ' u h a n e . Spiritual father. Catholic priest. m a k u ' e . 1. Dark brown, any dark color. Lole maku'e (2 Oihn. 2.7), purple. Poni maku'e, dark purple. 'Ula maku'e, dark or purplish red. Kanaka 'Hi maku'e o ka moana Pakipika, darkskinned native of the Pacific Ocean. 2 . Frown, scowl; to frown, scowl. 3. A native fern (Blaphoglossum hirtum), with long, narrow, undivided fronds, which are coated on both sides with soft, brown scales, m a k u ' e k u ' e . 1. Redup. of maku'e, 1, 2. 2 . Bunch grass, m a k u ' e - l a u - l l ' l . A small native fern ( P o l y p o dium hookeri), with narrow, unbranched fronds three to nine inches long, clothed with long, dark-red hairs. Lit., small-leaved maku'e. m a k u ' l . Joint, joining. Obs. m a k u l k a , m a k u l s a . Marquis. Eng. m a k u k a n a . The boxflsh (Lactoria fornasini). m a k o k o a ' e . Tropic bird phantom, a poetic name for death and the spirit of death. Ua makukoa'e 'uia, the tropic bird phantom is hovering over him [he Is dying). m a k Q k O . Redup. of maku, 1. m a k u l e . Aged, old, of people. Cf. 'elemakule, old man.
dregs; to thicken, as cream; dregs, sediment, lees, b o ' o m & k t t . T o cause to harden, solidify, gel; to lower, as clouds. Fig., to show off. 2 . Same as koki'o, a native hibiscus, m a k u a . Parent, any relative of the parents' generation, as uncle, aunt, cousin; Catholic father; main stalk of a plant; adult; full-grown, mature, older, senior. Fig., benefactor, provider, anyone who cares for one; the Lord (God). Kamika Makua, Smith Senior. Makua Laiana, the name of the Hawailans for the Rev. Lorenzo Lyons, since they looked to him as children to a parent. 'O ko makou Makua i loko o ka lani, our Father who art in heaven. Mana'o au, 'o ko'u makua aku ana klia, I believe this one will be the one who will care for me in the future [may be said of a child], h o ' o m a k u a . To grow into maturity; to mature; to act the part of a parent; to foster, adopt, as a child; to call or treat as a parent; to address as parent, aunt, or uncle one related by affection rather than by blood or adoption; to become established or permanent. Ua ho'omakua aku au nona, I became his parent or guardian. 'A'ole ho'i e ho'omakua aku 'oukou i kekahi kanaka ( M a t . 23.9), and call no man your father. 'O kou ahonui ka i ho'omakua mai nei ia'u (Hal. 18.35), your gentleness has made me great. ( P P N matu'a, P M P tuqa.) m a k u a . 1. Plural of makua. 2. Same as kunehi, sunflsh. m a k u ' a . Var. of maku'e, dark-brown, i n a k u a a l l ' l , m a k u a l l ' l . Progenitor, patriarch, head of a tribe; duke (Ios. 13.21, Kin. 36.15). m a k u a h l n e , m a k u w a h l n e . Mother, aunt, female cousin or relative of parents' generation. Lit., female parent. 'Olelo makuahine, mother tongue, h o ' o m a k u a h l n e . To act as or claim to be a makuahine; to treat as a makuahine. m a k u a h l n e . Plural of makuahine. m a k u a h i n e h a n a u n a . Female cousin of the parents' generation. Lit., generation mother, m a k u a h l n e kOlea. Stepmother. Lit., plover mother. m a k u a h l n e m a k u a . Aunt who is older sister or cousin of the father or mother. Lit., older mother. m a k u a h l n e 'Oplo. Aunt who is younger sister of the father or mother. Lit., young mother, m a k u a h l n e p a p a k e m a . Godmother. m a k u a l l o n O w a i . Rare var. of makuahundwai. m a k u a h f i n d w a l , m a k u a h u n o a l . Parent-inlaw; uncle- or aunt-in-law; cousin of parent-inlaw (sex may be designated by addition of kane, male, or wahine, female). Ho'ohoihoi makuahundwai, an in-law way to please [of one whose first enthusiasm fades). Kona man makuahundwai (Laie 613), his parents-in-law. m a k u a k&ne. Father, uncle, male cousin of parents' generation. Lit., male parent, h o ' o m a k u a k a n e . To act as or claim to be a makua kane\ to address or treat as a makua kane. m a k u a k a n e . Plural of makua kane. m a k u a k a n e h a u a u n a . Male cousin of the parents' generation. Lit., generation father, m a k u a k a n e kOIea. Stepfather. Lit., plover father. m a k u a k a n e m a k u a . Uncle who is older brother or cousin of the father or mother. Lit., older father. m a k u a k a n e 'Oplo. Uncle who is younger brother of the father or mother. Lit., young father. m a k u a k a n e p a p a k e m a . Godfather. M a k u a - k a ' Q m a n a . Name of a star, said to be in the Kaulua constellation. m a k O a k e a h u . Spirit of a living person, m a k u a kOIea. Stepparent. Lit., plover parent, m a k u a k u a . 1. Redup. of makua-, aged, old. Ua m&kuakua kela kanaka, t h a t person is old. 2 . Coarse, thick, as cloth; furrowed, as plowed
m a k u l u . 1. Var. of nakulu. Makulu ka noe i ka lehua, the mist drips upon the lehua flowers. 2 . (Cap.) Saturn, m a k u m a . Same as hakuma. Makuma ke aloha, love intense, m a k u m a k a . Redup. of makU; thick, heavy, m l k u m a k u m a . Redup. of makuma. rnaku'u. 1. Topknot of hair; pommel, horn, of a saddle; endpieces of a canoe; neck cut on the stern end of a canoe hull hewn in the mountains, to which a rope was fastened for dragging the canoe to the sea. 2. Bundle, as of white tapa fastened to ridgepole during certain ceremonies. (Malo 171.) 3 . Uncontrollable bowel discharge, as after eating great quantities of wolu iwalu), a fish; to have such discharge, m a k u w a h l n e . Var. spelling of makuahine. m a l a . 1. Aching, as after unaccustomed exercise; stiff and sore; bruised, h o ' o m a l a . T o cause such an aching. ( P P N mala, perhaps P M P walat.) 2 . Sour, as fermented sweet potato; insipid. 3 . Same as 'ahui, bunch, as of bananas, m a l a . Garden, plantation, cultivated field, as mala 'ai, mala kalo, mala kd, mala kulina, mala pua, mala 'uala. m a l a ' a l . T a r o patch, food garden or plantation. M a l a e . M a l a y a ; Malay. Eng. - m a l a e . (With ho'o-) h o ' o m a l a e . T o feign friendship. m a i a ' e . Clear, calm; clear of weeds, as a field; serene, as a cloudless sky. h o ' o m & l a ' e . T o clear, explain clearly; to calm, cheer, dispel gloom; to clear away, as brush or weeds, m a i a ' e a . Passive/imperative of maia'e. h o ' o m a i a ' e a . Passive/imperative of ho'omala'e. m a i a ' e l a ' e . Redup. of maia'e. m a i a h l . Short for ma'alahi. m a l a h i a . Passive/imperative of mala, 1, Z.
m a1ai malal. Var. of palai, 2. malaia. Passive/imperative of mala, 2; soured; a sour disposition; crosspatch. malalla. See laila. malallena. 1. Bitter, sour; sour disposition (For. 6:502). ho'omalallena. T o cause sourness; to embitter. 2. A kiud of 'ahi, a fish. Malailua. 1. Name of a strong, blustering wind at Nu'u-anu; to blow, of this wind. 2. ( N o t cap.) Hornless goat or cow (said to be named for a particular goat at Eona, Hawaii). (AP.) malaloa. Broken into small or minute particles, as dust. 06s. malakekc. Molasses. Eng. Malakl. March. Eng. malakla. Rare var. of malahia. 'Eha malakia ka 'Hi i ka 'oli'oli (chant), the skin is hurt, sore with joy. malaklle, maratlre. Martyr, m a l a l&'au hua'al. Orchard, mftlalaloa. 1. A thin person; thin. Obs. For example see wilimo'o. 2. Person skilled in trade or occupation. (Malo 194, 201.) Obs. malalel. Hold in lua lighting, malalo. See lalo. mala lua. Aching greatiy. malania. 1. Light; month. Of. lama, torch. 2. Perhaps. Rare. Malama o ulu mai ka 'ano'ano, perhaps the seeds will grow, m a l a m a . 1. T o take care of, care for, preserve; to keep or observe, as a taboo; to conduct, as a service; to serve, honor, as God; care, preservation, support; fidelity, loyalty; custodian, caretaker. Cr. malama hale, malama moku, malama pG'olo. Malama makua, one who cares for parents. Malama wahine_, caring for one's wife. Malama i kou makua kane, honor your father. Malama kauoha, obey orders. Malama ha Kapaki, keeping the Sabbath. E ku'u Akua, e malama au id 'oe ma ka no'ono'o, O my God, let me serve you in thought. Malama pono! Be carefull Look out! 'O ka ho'olohe a me ka malama pono i ke aupuni, obedience and fidelity due the government. Ka malama 'ole i ko ha'i ola, negligence of tho lives of others. 2. Pancreas. 3. Hold in lua fighting, m a l a m a hale. Custodian of a house, janitor, housekeeper. Kahu malama hale, housekeeper. maiama-ka-'Opua-hlkl. Hold in lua fighting. Lit., the rising cloud bank preserves, m&lama-ka'e. Hold in lua fighting. Lit., watch opposition. mSlama-kfiloko. A hold in lua fighting. Lit., watch within, m&lama-kawaho. A hold in lua fighting. Lit., watch without, malamala. Redup. of mala, 1, £. ho'omalamala. T o leave so as to sour, as mashed sweet potato to be eaten as poi. mSlamalama. 1. Redup. of malama, 1; light of knowledge, clarity of thinking or explanation; shining, clear. Ka malamulama o ka 'akau, northern lights, ho'omaiamalama. To cause light, brighten, illuminate, enlighten, inform. 2. Probably a variety of hilu, a fish; the name may be qualified by the colors 'ula and uli. m a l a m a moku. Mate of a ship. Malama moku 'ekahi, first mate, m&lama ola. To support financially: means of livelihood. Malama ola ka'awale, separate maintenance. Ua ho'opi'i 'ia no ka malama ola 'ole, he was sued for nonsupport. m a l a m a pQ'olo. Keeper of bundles, especially for objects used in sorcery; to keep such bundles. Kanaka pupuka malama pu'olo, evil person who cares for sorcery objects in a bundle, m a l a m a walhona puke. Librarian, malana. Same as manana. m&lana. 1. Buoyant, light; to float, as canoes; to move together, as people; unsteady, shallow-
rooted. ho'omaiana. T o make buoyant, lighten. 2. (Cap.) Name of a star. Malanal. Name of a gentle breeze, maianal. Similar to pananai, shallow. He ua malanai wale iho no keia, this is just a light rain, maiaualana. Redup. of malana, 1. malana'opl. Unstable, about to collapse, as an old house. Rare. maiani. Sketchy, not deep, superficial, as of knowledge, emotion, a sore; obvious or plain rather than profound; mild, as of sickness. He 'ike maiani kona i ka hula, he has a superficial knowledge of the hula, mala'o. Same as la'o, 1; aggravating, annoying, malaoa. Sad, sorrowful; moping over one's woes. Obs. maia'ola'o. 1. Redup. of mala'o. 2. Twilight. Obs. mala pua. Flower garden. rnalau. 1. Canoe bait carrier, some two or three fathoms long, with holes pierced in the sides and bottom to admit water, as used for bonlto fishing. Ua huli ka malau, the bait carrier is overturned [the project is completed]. 2. Calm, as the sea. Obs. 3. Spoiled, decomposed, as meat or fish. Obs. - m a l a u . (With ho'o-) ho'omalau. Skeptical, unbelieving, irreverent, malauea. Lazy. maiaulau. To trade, peddle. Obs. Cf. ma'au'auwa. mala walna. Vineyard. Lit., grape garden, male. 1. Phlegm, mucus from lungs or throat. 2. Young uhu, a fish. Also 'dmale. 3. Also mare. Marriage, matrimony, wedding; to marry. Eng. 'Oki male, divorce. Wahinc male hou, bride. Kane male hou, groom. Male lehulehu, polygamy, polyandry, bigamy. Ua ho'opili 'ia ma ka perita ma'ema'e o ka male, united in the clean bonds of matrimony. Ua male 'ia laua, they were married. Hele mai 'oe i ko maua male 'ana, come to our wedding, ho'omale. T o perform the marriage ceremony, to marry off; to force into marriage. 4. A card game, maiehaleha. Twilight, (isa. 5.11.) maiehulehu. Rare var. of mSlehulehu. twilight, malel. 1. Short for mai'a-malei. 2. (Cap.) The name of a goddess who watched over the uhu (fish) of Maka-pu'u Point, male!-'ula. Same as mai'a-malei-'ula. Maleka. America. Eng. For example see lohi, 2. malela. Lazy, idle. malele. Scattered here and there, spreading here and there. Kanu malele, to plant in various places. Leo malele, far-reaching voice, h o ' o malele. T o scatter, distribute. Obs. maiena. 1. Ashes used as medicine, as of bamboo or makaloa reed. 2. Tight, taut. 3. Yellow, maienalena. Redup. of maiena. maleuwO, maleuo. Rough, as the sea. Obs. malewa. T o sway, move to and fro, pass by; passer-by. malewa. Net mesh wide enough for the entire hand to pass through. Cf. mdha, mahae. mall. 1. To flatter, soothe, persuade with soft words, cajole; to speak gently. Ua puni au i kau mali leo 'ana mai, I believed your flattering words. 2. To tie, as bait to a hook, hook to a line, feathers to a lei, or the end of a rope so that it will not unravel; a string used for such purposes. malla. 1. Passive/imperative of mali, 2. Ua pa'a i ka lino pawalu i malia i ke aho makali'i (chant for Kalakaua), made fast to an eight-ply line, bound on with flne-meshed string. 2. Perhaps, maybe (usually followed by o or paha). Malia o hele au, maybe I'll go. Malia paha o lohe aku, perhaps [they] will hear, malla. Rare var. of malie.
m a1u m a l l ' a . 1. Same as malia, I. 2. To recollect; a sign of the future. Cf. hali'a. m a l i e . Calm, quiet, still, gentle; calmly, slowly, quietly. Noho malie, keep still, sit still. 'Ai malie, to eat slowly. Malie ke kai me ka makani, the sea and wind are calm. Lana malie ka mana'o, to think quietly. ho'omiUte. T o calm, quiet, hush, soothe, m a i l e l l e . Redup. of malie. - m a l l h l a . (With ho'o-) h o ' o m a l l h i a . Passive/ imperative of mali, i. m a l l h i n l . Stranger, newcomer, guest; one unfamiliar with a place or custom; new. unusual, rare, or of foreign origin; for the first time. kama'aina]. Ka'u malihini, my guest [cf. ko'u La'au malihini, non-native plant. Ka hele malihini 'ana mai keia ao aku a hiki i keia ao, the first trip from this world to the other world [translation of "Pilgrim's Progress"]. He mea malihini keia i ku'u maka, I've never seen that before; I've seen this rarely, h o ' o m a l l h l n l . To be or act as a stranger, guest; to reveal that guests are coming, as by omens. Ke ho'omalihini mai nei kahi moa a kakou, our chicken reveals that guests are coming. m a l l ' I . Var. of malili.
m S l o ' e l o ' e . 1. Tired; stiff, as from unaccustomed exercise. Also lo'elo'e. h o ' o m a i o ' e l o ' e . Causative/simulative. (Ier. 9.5.) 2. Taut, firm, as a rope. m a l o h l . Drowsy, sleepy, sluggish, h o ' o m a l o h l . To act drowsy, sleepy; to cause drowsiness, sleepiness, m & l o h l l o h l . Redup. of malohi. m ^ l o ' I . To well up, of tears in the eyes; to form puddles, pools, m a l o k a . Sceptical, unbelieving, h o ' o m a l o k a . Same as above. (1 Kor. 7.12.) m a l o k a i . Loincloth worn in the sea: to wear a loincloth in the sea, i.e., to go swimming or fishing; poetic name for the sea, which acts as malo for the bather. E malo kai kakou i wahi mea e 'ai ai, let's wet our loincloths so as to get something to eat [acircumlocution; to mention that one was going fishing was thought to bring bad luck], m a l o k e a . White loincloth, an epithet for a female priest enjoying masculine privileges and exemption from female taboos; in particular she might enter the heiau temple where female deities were worshipped, rnaloko. See loko. m a l o l o . 1. To rest, pause, adjourn; adjournment, pause, h o ' o m a l o l o . To cease work for a time, recess; adjourn temporarily. Cf. la ho'omalolo. 2 . Low, of a tide, h o ' o m a l o l o . Causative/simulative, m a l o l o . 1. General term for Hawaiian flying fishes. This name may be qualified by the terms 'eheu-la, 'eheu-'ula, and hapu'u. Fig., fickle person who leaps from mate to mate. 2. See kauna'oa-malolo. malOlohl. Same as malohilohi. m&lolohla. Passive/imperative of malOlohi. Ku malolohia Puna i ka ua 'awa. Puna stands sluggish in the cold rain, m a l o ' o . Dry, dried up, evaporated; stale as bread; drought, dryness, h o ' o m a l o ' o . T o dry out; to season, as lumber; tracing, as of genealogy (For. 4:179). m a l o ' o h a h a . Very dry, as some turkey meat; arid. Fig., cold, devoid of animation or expression. m a l o - o - L l l o a . Lua fighting hold. Lit., malo of Liloa. m a l o wal. A loincloth wet in fresh water; It was taboo to appear In a chief's presence in such disrespectful array, and death was said to be a penalty. m a l u . Shade, shelter, protection, peace, control, strength (Kanl. 33.25); shaded, peaceful, quiet; under taboo; reserved, held apart; taboo; the stillness and awe of taboo. Ke'ena malu, any private or restricted room. Ma ka malu o kona iheu, within the shelter of his wings. Ka'a i ka malu 0, still being cherished, fostered. No ka waiho wale 'ana no ia mea ma kona malu, for the retention of this thing for his protection. He malu ka nohona, life is protected, peaceful. Ua malu neia kino mamuli o ko leo, this person is set apart because of your wish. Malalo o ka malu o kiia kulanakauhale, under the control of this city, h o ' o m a l u . To bring under the care and protection of, to protect; to keep quiet, still, as during taboo; to restrict, confine, quarantine; to rule over, govern, make peace between warring parties; to suspend, as a license; to preside, as at a meeting; probation. Cf. hale ho'omalu, luna ho'omalu. Ho'omalu ma'i, quarantine. PanakB ho'omalu 'ia, security bank; lit., protected. Ho'omalu 'ia ka Hale, the House was called to order. Ua ho'omalu 'ia kakou e ke aupuni, we are protected by the government. E ho'omalu kakou 'oiai e ho'omaka ana ka halawai, let us be quiet while the meeting begins. Ka po'e hewa i ho'omalu 'ia, evildoers who were restricted. 'Aha ho'okolokolo ho'omalu, police court. MSka'i ho'omalu po, night-patrol police. Ho'omalu i kou po'e (1 Nal. 3.9), to judge thy people.
- m a l i k o . (With ho'o-) h o ' o m a l l k o . To refuse respect, discredit. (AP.) m a l i k o . 1. To bud, as leaves. 2. Transparent, as small fish of some species, as manini; a stage of growth of fish. Cf. ohua-liko. m a l i l a . Ghostly, shadowy. Obs. 'O ka malila mdhai a Kaulu-lani, nona ke aka ka hihi'o i ka pB nei (chant for Iiua-kini), the ghostly offering of Kaulu-lani, to him belonged the shadow, the fleeting dream of last night, mftllll. Blighted, withered, stunted, as fruits. Hua'ai malili (Kanl. 28.22), blasted fruit, m a l l m a l i . Same as mali, I. h o ' o m a l l m a l i . To flatter (Hal. 78.36); to mollify with soft words or a gift; to soothe, quiet, m a l l l i a . 1. Calming, soothing. See mali, 1. 2. Sisal (Agave sisalana), a tropical American plant grown for its fiber; used for rope, twine, hula skirts. The plant forms a huge rosette of stiff, straight leaves (to six feet by six inches). (Neal 189.) 3. To splice, as rope. 4. Also m a r i n a . Marine. Eng. m a l l n o . Calm, quiet, as the sea; peaceful, as one's spirits; smooth, as ironing nicely done. Malino ke kai, the sea is calm. (PPN lingo, P M P lingaw.) m & l l n o l l n o . Redup. of malino. m a l l ' o . Dawn light, twilight, especially as it pierces the shadows of night. But cf. UL 63. 0 ka mali'o o ke aka, 'o aka lei mali'o (For. 6:381), the dawn light in the shadows, shadows thrown off by the dawning. m a i l p o l l p o . Shady; deep, dark shade. Ho'okaka'a 'ia mai e ke ahe ka lau malipolipo, moved by the breezes are the leaves that cast deep shade. m a l l u . 1. To heed, give attention, listen, look upon with favor, turn toward. E maliu mai i ka leo o ka makua, heed the word of the parent, h o ' o m a l l u . To cause to heed, heed. Ho'omaliu 'ia aku ke Akua, God was entreated. 2 . (Cap.) Name of a star, m a l l ' U. 1. Well salted. Fig., seasoned with wisdom. 2. Depth of tone; deep tone or sound, of the human voice. m a l o . 1. Male's loincloth; chant in praise of a chief's loincloth. Male 'eka, dirty malo [said of farmers in dry areas). 2 . Leaf sheath that protects the young leaves of the breadfruit tree, sometimes called malo 'ulu. malO. Var. of malo'o. m&lG. Taut, firm, straight. Kino malo, straight body. Ku a maid, stand straight. Malo pono, taut. ho'om&IO. To make straight, firm, as a cord; to tighten.
m a 1 u m a l O . Secretly, clandestinely, illegally. Lawe main, t o take secretly. Ho'opae malu, to bring ashore illegally, smuggle, m a l u a . 1. N e t mesh large enough to a d m i t t h e entrance of two fingers; a net of such a mesh; two-ply. Cf. makahi. 2. (Cap.) Sea breeze, famous in song. 3. Depression or cavity of a n y size. (AP.) M & l u a - h e l e . Wind, well known on Kauai, said to blow from the northwest. Lit., traveling Malua. M & l u a - k e l e . T r a d e wind, as on north Kauai. Lit., d a m p Malua. M S l u a - k i ' i - w a i . Sea breeze accompanied by showers, known at Ililo. Also Malualua-ki'twai. Lit., Malua fetching water. Also called Huehu._Malua-ki'i-wai ke aloha, ho'opulu i ka liko mamane (song), greetings to t h e waterfetching M a l u a breeze, bringing moisture to the mamane buds, rn&lualua. X. Rough, bumpy, uneven, full of r u t s or puddles. Cf. lua, hole. 2. {Cap.) N o r t h wind, known at M a u i and Oahu. For example see pahili. m a i u a ' u l a . T y p e of t a p a stained with dye made of kukui bark, m a l u h a . Mallow bush. (Ioba 30.4.) m a l u h l . Same as maluhiluhi. ho'omaluhl. Same as ho'omaluhiluhi. rnaluhla. Peace, quiet; serenity; safety; solemn awe and stillness t h a t reigned during some of the ancient taboo ceremonies; peaceful, restful. E ho'omaha me ka maluhia, rest in peace, h o ' o m a l u h l a . T o cause or give peace, protect; to a r b i t r a t e between warring parties, m a l u h i l u h i . Tired, weary; tiresome, wearisome, fatiguing, h o ' o n i a l u l i l l u h l . T o cause fatigue, exhaust, tire; tiresome, exhausting. 1 A'ohe waiwai o ka hele 'ana, he ho'omaluhiluhi, there's no use going, it wears one out. m a l u k o ' l . Services for cutting '5hi'a logs for images, or for consecrating adzes to be used for carving images. Fig., shadow of death, deep gloom (PH 25, For. 4:218-219). Lit., adze taboo. M a l u - l a n l . N a m e of a star. Lit., celestial shade, m a l u l e . Limp, weak, flexible; soft and fragile, as some eggshells, Cf. ha'i malule, hapai malule. h o ' o m a l u l e . To make lax, limp, weak; to relax, weaken, enfeeble; to shed a hard shell, as of a crab; to change from a caterpillar into a butterfly. Cf. la'au ho'omalule kino. Wai ho'omalule, water of relaxation [liquor], m & l u l e l u l e . Redup. of malule. m a l u l u . Pool t h a t never dries up. (AP.) Cf. lulu, sheltered, m a l u m a k e . Shadow of death. (Ioba 24.17.) m a l u m a l u . Redup. of malu -, shelter or protection of any kind, often humble. Malumalu. akua, shelter or protection of the gods. 'A'ole maika'i loa 'o keia hale aka he malumalu, this house is n o t very good, still it is a shelter. He malumalu hele la, it's protection [for] going in t h e sun. h o ' o m a l u m a l u . To overshadow, shade; darken, as by a cloud. Na kerubima nani e ho'omalumalu i ka noho aloha (Hel). 9.5), t h e cherubim of glory overshadowing t h e mercy seat. m a l u m a l u h l a . Redup. of maluhia. m a l u n a . See luna. m a l u ' O h l ' a . Taboo ceremonies when an *ohi'a tree was cut to be carved into images; t h e log itself. Cf. malu ko'i. m a m a . T o chew, masticate (but not swallow; cf. nau). Kona mau mama 'awa, his k a v a chewers. ( P P N mama, P M P mamaq.) m i m l . 1. Fast, nimble, speedy of movement. Mima i ka hele, fast going, traveling f a r and f a s t ; said also of an infant in t h e first stages of walking by himself. Mama i ka holo, f a s t in running. 2. Light, of weight. Fig., eased, of pain,_ache, or distress. Eamama, oxygen. Akemama, lungs. h o ' o m & m S . T o lighten, as a
load; to ease pain; to cheer. E ho'omama 'oe i kou kaumaha, ease your grief. 3. M a m a , mother. Eng. m a n i a c . Redup. of mae: sickly, listless; weakening or withering effect of pain; wan or pale, as after illness; crostfallen, as a f t e r enthusiasm is squelched, m a m & l k l . See pupu-mamaiki. m a m a k a . 1. To p u t forth buds, to bud; green. Mamaka hou, to bud anew. Cf. maka, bud. 2. A variety of kava. ( H P 202.) m & m a k a . 1. Horizontal carrying stick, borne over the shoulders; to carry this stick. Ua mamaka lakou i ka huaka'i a ke ali'i, t h e y bore carrying sticks on the chief's journey. 2. A game: one person grasps his own ankles from the back; others stick a mamaka pole between his arms and his back and carry him, as they would a bundle. A more difficult variant is t h a t one person may a t t e m p t to carry two persons single-handed, m f t m a k a k a u a . Company of warriors. Lit., carriers of war. Cf. 'Ahahui Mamakakaua. m a m a k a w a l u . Redup. of makawalu. He mamakawalu lakou i loko o 'I (chant), they are many in the 'I family, m a m a k e . 1. Redup. of make, 1; to die, of several; to wilt, wither, of plants. 2. Colloquial for makemake, to want, like. m j L m a k l . Small native trees (Pipturus spp.) with broad white-backed leaves and white mulberry-like f r u i t ; the bark yielded a fiber valued for a kind of tapa, similar to t h a t made from wauke b u t coarser. Often misspelled mamake. (Neal 272.) m a m a l a . R e d u p . of mala. m a m a l a . 1. Fragment, splinter, piece. Na mamala i koe (Luka 9.17), fragments (of food] t h a t remained. 2. Stroke, as of paddle or or war club. 'Ehia mamala newa au i hahau ai? How many club blows did you strike? 3. {Cap.) Old name of Honolulu harbor, m a m a l a h l a . Sour, as poi. m a m a l a h o a . 1. Var. of mamala hoe. 2. {Cap.) Name of a particular company of warriors of K a m e h a m e h a I. m a m a l a h o e . N a m e of K a m e h a m e h a l ' s famous law of t h e splintered paddle {lit., paddle fragment) which guaranteed the safety of the highways to all, as women, children, sick, and aged; the law was so called because it was said to have been formulated after Kaniehemeha had been struck on t h e head with a paddle while his foot was trapped in a crevice. The law is often called mamala hoa. m & m a l a ' O l e l o . Sentence, clause, phrase. Lit., speech f r a g m e n t , m a m a l i . l . Redup. of mali, Z. m a m a l l h l n l . Redup. of malihini; not well acquainted, somewhat unaccustomed to or unfamiliar with. Mamalihini au i keia hana, I ' m not too well acquainted with this work, m & m a l u . 1. Redup. otmalu; protection, defense, shade, covering; protected, shaded. Mamalu hale o Ku, protection of the house of Ku. h o ' o m & m a l u . To protect; to make shady; to cast gloom. 2. Umbrella, parasol. 3. T y p e of mushroom. m a m a m a k e . Redup. and intensifier of make, 1, to die, of very many, as in a disaster; more deaths t h a n mamake. m a m a m a l a . Small, little, especially of work. Cf. mamala, fragment. He noho wale iho no na ali'i, he 'olu'olu, he mamamala, 'a'ole hana nui, the chiefs live in an agreeable way, little work, not much work, m a m a m o . Same as mamo, 3, a fish, m a m a n e . 1. A native leguminous tree (Sophora chrysophylla), which thrives a t high altitudes, up to t h e tree line, as on Mauna-kea and M a u na-loa. T h e leaves are narrow, compound, more or less downy, t h e flowers commonly yellow.
m a n a k u (Farani), French religion; Catholicism. Ho'omana Pihopa (Bihopa), Episcopalian religion; lit., bishop's religion. Ho'omana Pd'aSno, Seventh Day Adventist: lit., Saturday religion. 2. Branch, limb, crotch; crosspiece, as of the cross; a line projecting from another line; stream branch; road branch; variant, version, as of a tale; to branch out, spread out. Mana weu lani, branch with divine foliage [a chief]. 3. Hook used in catching eels. 4. Stage in growth of fish in which colors appear; stage of a foetus in which limbs begin to develop. 5. A native fern (Hypolepis punctata), with large, much subdivided fronds. The dark-brown mature stems were used to plait the best hats, after being scraped to remove the pulp. Also olua. 6. A variety of taro used in medicine; it propagates by branching from the top of the corm. (HP 23.) Mana may be qualified by descriptive terms, as listed below. 7. A taboo house in a heiau. Cf. 'aha hele honua.
the pods four-winged, yellow-seeded. Hawaiiana formerly used the hard wood for spades and sled runners. (Neal 388. Kep. 65.) For example see malua-ki'i-wai. Uhiuhi lau ma-mane, kihi wai o Kapapala, covered with mamane leaves Is the water of Kapapala [any concealing, as of scandal; mamane branches are said to have been tossed in this pool at Ka^u to make the mud settle). Kike ka 'ala, uwe ka mSmane, rocks crash, the mamane tree weeps [someone weeps when there is a clash], 2. Attractive, said of a person sexually appealing but not necessarily good-looking, perhaps so called because of the attractive flower of the mamane tree. 3. A variety of taro. (HP 33.) m a m a o . 1. Far, distant; high in rank. Ka-'Ii-mamao (name), the very highest 'I. h o ' o m a m a o . To keep away; to keep one's distance; to go far; to remove someone to a distance. Ho'omamao lani, taboo of unapproachability, of some very high chiefs. 2 . Third or highest platform of the lananu'u-mamao (oracle tower), where the high priest conducted services, m a m a ' o . 1. Greenish, light green. Cf. ma'o, green. 2. Same as mamo, 3, a fish, m i m a u , Redup. of mau, 1, I, 3. For example see T l , 1. Ua mamau ka 'at a ka i'a, the nsh are really biting. Mamau na ihu, noses stuck together [said jokingly of long kisses], h o ' o m t m a u . To cause to get stuck, to stall, m a m a u a . Redup. of maua. m a m a u e a . Same as manauea, 1, t, and ma'auea. m a m l n a . Same as minamina but less frequent. Mamina au i ka lilo o ka wa'a, I'm sorry the canoe is lost. Mamina wale ka ho'i, that's regrettable, m & m l o . Same as mio, to disappear, m a m o . 1. Black Hawaiian honey creeper (Drepanis pacifica); its yellow feathers above and below the tail were used in choicest featherwork. Formerly found only on Hawaii, not seen since the 1880s. A Molokai species was Drepanis funerea, not seen since the 1890s; also called hoa and 'd'd-nuku-mu. 2. Safflower or false saffron (Carthamus tinciorius), a branching annual, one to four feet high, from Asia, grown for its flowers, which are yellow, like the feathers of the mamo bird. (Neal 754.) 3. A fish (Abudefduf abdominalis), to about seven inches long. Also called mamamo, rnamo-puhoU1. 4. Descendant, posterity. Na mamo o lkelaela (Puk. 1.13), the children of Israel. Na mamo piha'a o Ka'alu'alu, the driftwood descendants of Ka'alu'alu [said derisively of a Ka'u person with many children, because of the abundance of driftwood at Ka'alu'alu, Ka'u]. m a m o a i i ' i . Descendant of a chief, m a m o n a . Mammon. (Mat. 6.24.) M f t m o n a . Mormon. Niihau. m a m o - p o h o l e . Same as mamo, 3, a flsh.
- m a n a . (With ho'o-) h o ' o m a n a . Callus; callous. Kauai. m a n a . 1. A chewed mass, as of kava for drinking, coconut or kukui nut for medicine. Mana 'ai, food chewed by adult for child; any mouthful of food. Pehea ka ma'i? Ua komo kahi mana 'ai, how is the patient? He has taken a little nourishment. 3. Trait believed acquired from those who raise a child. Ku no i ka m5na a ke kahu hSnai, trait acquired from association with the one who raised the child. 3. Short_for haumSna, student. '0 ke kumu, 'o ka mana, ho'opuka 'ia, the teacher, the pupil, come forth [challenge from pupil to teacher], m a n a . 1. Arid; desert. Cf. Mana, place on Kauai. 2. A native fern (Pteris irregularis), with large, b r i g h t - g r e e n , much-subdivided fronds. Also 'ahewa, 'iwa-puakea. m a n a a l a n u l . Road fork or branching, m a n a e . Same as nae, shortness of breath, m a n a ' e . To the east (a direction, see na'e, 1). m a n a - ' e l e ' e l e . A variety of taro; petiole and leaf with red-black markings. (HP 23.) Lit., black mana taro. m a n a h a l o . T o swim with paddling motions, as in learning to swim. Obs. E manahalo a 'ike i ka 'au, to paddle until knowing how to swim, m a n a - h u a . A variety of taro (no data). (HP 33.) m a n a h u ' a . Sad, grieving. (AP.) m a n a i . Needle for stringing leis, formerly of coconut midrib, now of wire; to string leis. Also called hanai on Hawaii, makila on Maui, and mdkila on Kauai. Manai pua ana kakou, we are stringing flowers, m a n a l e a . Same as manauea, a seaweed, m a n a l n a l . Redup. of manai. m a n a l - ' u l a . 1. Same as mai'a-mdlei-'ula. 2. Marriage of close relatives, m a n a k a . Boresome, tiresome, dull, monotonous, wearisome, uninteresting; bored, uninterested, h o ' o m a n a k a . Same as above; to cause boredom. Mai hana ho'omanaka 'oukou, don't work in such a bored, indifferent fashion, m a n a - k e a . Same as mana-ke'oke'o. m a n a - k e ' o k e ' o . A native variety of taro: white corm; mainly used as table taro, a favorite for making kulolo; consistency tough for poi. (HP 23.) m a n a k O . Mango ( M a n g i f e r a indica), a large, common fruit tree from India. Long, narrow leaves form a dense top, and large, ovoid, juicy fruits develop usually between March and October. (Neal 457.) m a n a k O - k a n e . Chutney mango. Also manakBku-kane. m a n a k o h o . Voter. I na manakoho, to the voters. m a n a k O - m e n e k e . Variety of mango. m a n a k O . 1. Humble commoner, used with kanaka. Obs. 2. (Cap.) Name of a star.
mamua. See mua, l. m a m u l l . See muli.
m a n a . 1. Supernatural or divine power, mana, miraculous power; a powerful nation, authority; to give mana to, to make powerful; to have mana, power, authority; authorization, privilege; miraculous, divinely powerful; possessed of mana, power. Cf. -amana. Mana makua, parental authority. Leo mana, voice of authority that is obeyed. Mana kia'i, guardian power. Ke kumu . . . i mana ai ka 'ao'ao ali'i, the reason for giving the chief's side power. E mana ana no i ke konohiki (Kep. 159), it is the privilege of the landlords. E mana no ma ka la umi, effective on the tenth day [as a law], h o ' o m a n a . (a) T o place in authority, empower, authorize. He bila e ho'omana ana i ke koho 'ia o na luna mSka'i, a bill authorizing the election of district sheriffs. 'O na kanawai i ho'omana hou 'ia, laws re-enacted, (b) To worship; religion, sect. Ho'omana Kepanl, Buddhist; Buddhism. Ho'omana ki'i, idolatry, idol worship. Ho'omana Na'auao, Christian Science. Ho'omana o Iesu Kristo o na Po'e Ho'ano o naLa Hope Nei, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Ho'omana Palani
manakuke pinker. ( H P 24.) This term may be Qualified by the colors ke'oke'o, lenalena, melemele, 'ula'ula. m a n a ' o h a ' l . Something to say, thought to express, predication, theorem; to predicate, m a n a - ' o h e . A variety of taro. ( H P 33.) m a n a ' o ho'oh&llkellke. Comparison, m a n a ' o h o ' o n a l o n a l o . Hidden meaning, m a n a ' o h o ' o n a n e n a n e . Figurative meaning, hidden meaning, m a n a ' o ' l n o . Evil thought or idea; hatred, m a n a ' o ' i ' o . Faith, confidence; to have faith, confidence; to believe. Kumu mana'o'i'o, creed. Pelika o ka mana'o'i'o, covenant of faith. Mana'o'i'o Nikine, Nicene creed. Ua mana'o'i'o 'oia i ke Akua, he believes in God. m a n a ' o k l ' e k l ' e . Pride, conceit. Lit., high thinking. m a n a ' o k S k u a . Hypothesis, lemma; thought to help. '0 ka mana'okSkua, 'oia kekahi mana'o a kumumana'o paha, i hd'oia 'ia i mea kokua ma ka hd'oia 'ana i ka mana'oha'i nui a me ka wehe 'ana paha i ka naneha'i, a hypothesis is a thought or proposition used as a demonstration and aid to proving a main predication [or theorem] or for the solution of a problem, m a n a ' o l a n a . Hope, confidence; to hope. Lit., floating thought, m a n a ' o l l a . Passive/imperative of mana'o. m a n a ' o m a o l l . Literal meaning; a real or true opinion. m a n a ' o n a ' o . Redup. of mana'o-, to meditate (Hal. 63.6). Rare. m a n a ' o n a ' o . Horrible, dreadful, horrifying, gruesome, shocking; shocked, horriliod; heartsick, overcome with grief or horror; heartbreaking. Kona mana'ona'o (Laie 591), his grief. Mana'ona'o au i ka pepehi o ku'u keiki i kana wahine, I am horrified at the beating given his wife by my nephew, h o ' o m & n a ' o n a ' o . To cause a sensation of horror, grief, m a n a ' o nui. Important matter or idea, m a u a ' o p a ' a . Conviction, determination; convinced, determined, resolute (Laie 591). He mana'opa'a kona ua pono kana hana, he is convinced his conduct is righteous. mana-'Opelu. A native variety of taro, named for a fish, 'opelu, the corms of which were used as 'opelu bait; the leaf stem is green with whito streaks, becoming maroon above. (Whitney; H P 23.) m a n a ' o p t l i . Corollary, as in mathematics, m a n a ' o ulu wale. Whim, fancy, impulse, thought that has come for no particular reason, m a n a ' o w e h e w e h e . E x p l a n a t o r y thought, scholium, explanation, m a n a - ' o w e n e . Var. spelling of mana-'oene. m a n a - p l k o . A native variety of taro, distinguished by purple on leaf center and extending on main veins; a fair table taro. (Whitney; H P 24.) m a n a - p l p l k a . A variety of taro. Lit., crinkled mana. m a n a - u a u a h l . A variety of taro, the leaf stem mainly light green, the leaf blade with white leaf center, veins, and edges. ( H P 24.) Lit., smoky-gray mana. m a n a u e a , m a n a u w e a . 1. A kind of small red seaweed (Gracilaria corono pi folia), with stiff, cylindrical, succulent stem and branches. It is the best local alga for making gelatine, and is often cooked with octopus. ( K L line 53.) The term may be qualified by pala-kea, pehu, or puakea. Also called manaiea. 2. A variety of taro. m a n a - ' u e l e , m a n a ' u w e l e . Same as mana-'oene, a taro. m a n a - ' d h f t - p u a ' a . A variety of taro. m a n a - ' u l a ' u l a . A rare variety of taro, distinguished by its purplish-red flecked petioles;
m a n a k u k e . Mongoose. Eng. m a n a - k f l k u l u - h e m a . A variety of taro, introduced from Samoa: chalky-white corm; a fair table taro. Lit., mana from southern border. m a n a - l a u - I o a . A native, large-leaved variety of taro. chiefly used as table taro; leaf stem pink and green below grading upward to lightgreen. Lit., long-leaved mana. m&nalo. 1. Sweet, potable, of water that may be drunk but is not deliciously cool (hu'ihu'i) ; firm and tasty, as taro or sweet potato. Waimanalo (place name), potable water. Manalo iki kiia wai. this water is drinkable, but perhaps a little brackish, ho'om&nalo. To remove bitterness or saltiness, as of overly salty salmon. 2. Appeased, softened, mollified, as anger, curses, bad omens; safe from harm or danger; sweetness, appeasement. A'ohe mea e manalo ai ka huhu, nothing will assuage the anger. Manalo ka moe (Kep. 121), the dream is made harmless. Manalo ka heiau, to sweeten a temple; to appease the gods, as by offering sacrifice. Aukahi ka pua'a, manalo ka wa'a, perfect the [sacrificial] pig, safe the canoe, ho'om&nalo. To appease or mollify, as a god; to neutralize, as a curse. 3. {Cap.) Name reported for both Venus and Jupiter, m a n a l o a . Same as nenue, pilot fish, m&nalonalo. Redup. of manalo, I, 2. m a n a - l u a . Same as mai'a-mana-lua, mai'amahoe. m a n a lua. T w o branches, fork, as in a road, m a n a m a n a . 1. Redup. of mana. 1. h o ' o m a n a m a n a . To impart mana, as to idols or objects; superstitious. 2. Redup. of mana, 2; appendages, branches, rays, forks; to branch out. La manamana, sun with rays. 3. Finger. 4. Third of three coconut husks tied to 'ahi fishing line. Cf. nuku and poli, the first and second husks from the bottom. 5. A variety of sweet potato with finger-like leaves, sometimes qualified by ke'oke'o, white. (HP 142.) m a n a m a n a lkl. Little finger, m a n a m a n a k u h l . Index finger, m a n a m a n a l i m a . Finger, m a n a m a n a l i m a nul.. Thumb. Lit., big finger, m a n a m a n a Ioa (loloa). Middle finger, m a n a m a n a m l k l . Index finger, m a n a m a n a nul. Big branch; big toe, thumb, m a n a m a n a pill. Third or ring finger, m a n a m a n a - ' u l a . A kind of seaweed. Lit., redbranching, m a n a m a n a wawae. Toe. m a n a - m e l e m e l e . A variety of taro. ( H P 33.) m a n a m o l . Medium-sized moi, a fish, m a n a n a . 1. T o stretch out, as arms, fingers, feet; to spread out. as the tentacles of an octopus; to protrude, as ears; to distend, as nostrils while breathing hard, h o ' o m a n a n a . To stretch out, extend; to loosen, as a grip. 2. A variety of sweet potato, m&n&nai. Var. of malanai, shallow, m&nanalo. 1. Kedup. of manalo. 2. (Cap.) Venus. m a n a n a ' o . Redup. of mana'o-, opinions or viewpoints of several persons, m a n a ' o . Thought, idea, opinion, theory, meaning; mind (Mat. 22.37); desire, want; to think, suppose, meditate, deem, consider. '0 ka mea i ho'opi'i 'ia e mana'o Ha no 'oia he kanaka maika'i no, the accused party shall be presumed a good man. h o ' o m a n a ' o . T o remember, recall, commemorate. He ho'omana'o, in memoriam. Mea ho'omana'o, souvenir, keepsake, reminder, memorandum. Kia ho'omana o, monument, memorial tablet. He mau 'olelo ho'omana'o, notes, m a n a ' o a k a m a l . Clever thought, wise thought; spirit of wisdom. (Puk. 28.3.) m a n a - ' o e n e , m a n a - ' o w e n e . A variety of taro, same as mana-'ulu except that the petiole is
manienie-'aki'aki petiole edges; a fair table taro. Also called weo. mane. 1. Manna. (Puk. 16.31.) 2. Maneh. (Ezek. 45.12.) mftnea. Hoof (Lunk. 5.22); claws; fingernails, toenails; ball of a foot; keel of a ship. Fig., dependent, underling, inferior. Mai ka piko o ke po'o a ka mSnea o na wawae, from the crown of the head to the balls of the feet. MSnea 'u'uku o ka wawae (For. 5;51), toe of the foot. He manea 'o Ni'ihau no Kaua'i, Niihau is a dependent of Kauai. ho'omSnea. T o harden, raise calluses; to strengthen, make steadfast, m&nel-'ula. Same as manai-'ula. m&nele. 1. Sedan chair, palanquin, litter, stretcher, bier (2 Sam. 3.31); to carry on a stretcher, bier, sedan chair. 2. Same as a'e, several trees, manena. A small native tree (Pelea cinerea), with oblong leaves and four-parted fruit capsules; related to the mokihana, manene. 1. Shuddery sensation of fear, as on looking over a precipice or if confronted by sudden danger; sensation of disgust or repugnance; sensation of inner quaking accompanying sexual desire; to shudder, quake. Manene ka wawae, tender feet. Manene ka pepeiao, the ear shudders [as on hearing vile language], 2. A small kind of plantain or lau-kahi (Plantago pachyphylla var. kauaiensis), found only on the uplands of Kauai, mane'o. Itch; itchy; smarting, as the throat after eating raw taro or certain fish; prickly, as some clothes; sexually titillated; ticklish; tickling. Nahele mane'o, nettle. Ke pi'i nei ko'u mane'o, I am beginning to itch, ho'omane'o. To cause to itch; to tickle, m&neoneo. 1. A seaweed, perhaps some slender species of Laurencia. 2. Barren. Obs. Cf. neo, void. 3. A fish (no data), m&ne'one'o. Redup. of mane'o. manewa. 1. Same as manewanewa. h o ' o m a newa. Same as ho'omanewanewa. 2. To breathe, as a fish. Obs. 3. A kind of grass (no data), manewanewa. 1. Grief, sorrow, mourning; exaggerated expression of grief, as by knocking out teeth, cutting the hair in strange patterns, eating of filth, tattooing the tongue, removing the malo and wearing it about the neck, ho'omanewanewa. To display violent grief; to free oneself from black magic and regain health by extravagant conduct, as going nude or eating of filth or drinking 'auhuhu juice. 2. Unkind, ho'omanewanewa. T o treat unkindly. 3. Var. of hinawenawe, hinewanewa, weak, spindly. Obs. 'O ka hahu 'ape manewanewa ( K L line 370), the weak young 'ape plant. 4. Name given for a beach grass; used in leis on Lanai. manl. 1. Dull, as a blade; smooth, as a waterworn pebble. Cf. hamani. 2. T o cool off. of heat. (AP.) E mani ka umu, let the oven cool, mania. 1. Shuddering sensation as on looking down a great height, or hearing a saw filed; dizziness; dizzy; to shudder. Mania ka niho, the teeth are set on edge (as on eating certain green fruits). 2. Inactive, drowsy, sleepy, ho'omanla. T o cause sleepiness, drowsiness. 3. Same as mani, 1. 4. Same as mani, i. Mai lohi 'olua o mania ka imu, don't be slow or the oven will cool, manlanl. Acidity; tart, acid, manlanla. Redup. of mania. manlawal. Drowsy, sleepy, especially after
mainly used as table taro. ( H P 24.) Also called mana-ha'ula'ula. mana-ullull. A variety of taro, introduced from South Seas; makes good poi of yellow color. The corms are tough and rubbery when cooked. Noted for prolific branching. Lit., dark mana. m a n a - ' u l u . A native variety of taro distinguished by pinkish petioles. The corms have orange-yellow flesh when cooked (like fruit of breadfruit) and are used mainly as table taro. (Whitney 27; H P 24.) Lit., breadfruit mana. Cf. mana-'oene. m a n a w a . 1. Time, turn, season; chronology. Cf. ha'i manawa. I ka manawa hea, when. Manawa iki, a moment. Manawa mau loa, eternal; eternity. Manawa 'ole, in no time, instantly, immediately. Manawa ua, rainy season. Ia manawa no, then. Ho'opaumanawa, to waste time. Mai keia manawa aku, henceforth. No ka manawa pdkole, temporary. I keia manawa i keia manawa, now and then, from time to time. O kou manawa keia, this is your turn. I ka manawa o Kamehameha, in the time of Kamehameha. Na bona no ka manawa, term bonds. 2. For a short time, infrequent. Ku manawa ka moku, the ship stops infrequently. 3. Affections, feelings, disposition. Cf. manawahuwh, manawa 'ino, manawale'a, manawanui. Ilali'ali'a mai ke aloha pili pa'a i ku'u manawa (song), recalling love dwelling firmly in my affections. ( P P N manava, P M P nawa.) 4. Anterior fontanel in the heads of infants; top of the head of adults at position of the fontanel, manawaea. 1. Hard breathing, panting for breath, from exertion; to pant thus. Lit., rising breath. 2. Infancy before the fontanel closes. Lit., rising fontanel. Mana-wahlne. Name of a star, said to appear in the first night of the month Nana and to vanish after the night of Muku. Lit., female power. m a n a w a h u a . 1. Discomfort of the stomach, with gas and often diarrhea, thought to be caused by wrong diet or by excessive handling of animals, such as kittens or puppies, which might also become sick; to suiter thus; great rief, as over the loss of a loved one; to grieve. it., swollen stomach. Cf. lumanawahua. Manawahua kai ko'o, great distress, pain; surging pain, distress [lit., strong sea, stomach discomfort). 2. A native fern (Dryopteris decipiens), about a foot high, with heart-shaped fronds divided into many long segments. Also called 'iwa'iwa. manawahOwa (hOS). Jealousy; to be jealous, to bear a grudge; jealous. Obs. Lit., jealous disposition. Ua manawahuwa 'oia i na hoahanau, he bore a grudge against his brethren, manawal. Warped, depressed, bent in. 06s. mana-wal. A variety of taro. ( H P 33.) mana wal. Stream branch, mana-wai-ke-'ohe. A variety of taro. ( H P 33.) m a n a w a 'Ino. Evil disposition, hard feelings; time of storm, manawakolu. Eternal. Ola manawakolu, life everlasting. manawale'a. A generous heart; charity; to give freely and willingly; gratis, free. IIui manawale'a, relief society. Ua manawale'a aku 'oia i na hoahanau, he gave willingly to his cousins, m&nawanawa. Same as kolokolo-kahakai, a beach vitex. manawanui. Patience, steadfastness; fortitude; to have patience, fortitude; patient, steadfast; courageous and persevering. Lit., large disposition. no'omanawanul. Causative/simulative (very common); to try one's patience. E ho'omanawanui, be patient. He kanaka ho'omanawanui i ka la a me ka ua, a man who patiently endures the sun and the rain. He nohona ho'omanawanui, a way of life that tries one's patience. mana-weo. A variety of taro, introduced from South Seas as weo; distinguished by dark-purple
bathing, manle. Var. of mania. manlenle. 1. Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon), a fine-leafed, cosmopolitan grass, much used for lawns in Hawaii. (Neal 62.) 2. Short for manienie-'aki'aki, buffalo grass. 3. Bare, barren. 4. Same as maniania. manlenle-'akl'akl. 1. Seashore rush grass (Sporobolus tirginicus). Also called 'akt'aki, manienie-mahikihiki, and manienie-maoli. 2.
m á n i e n i e - a l i ' i m a n o . D a m ; stream source; place where water is obstructed for distribution in channels; channels (Isa. 8.7). C f . mano wai. m a n o a . Numerous, v e r y many. Manoa nn pua o kela pa, there are many flowers in that lot.
Buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum), a coarse-leafed grass f r o m the southern U n i t e d States, used f o r lawns in H a w a i i . Sometimes qualified by haole and also called manieniemahikihiki. m l n l e n l e - a l l ' l . Wiregrass (Eleusine indica), a weed in lawns and waste places, a strong, smooth, tufted grass, with pale-green, flattened stems. Lit., chief manienie. m a n l e n l e - h a o l e . B e r m u d a grass (Cynodon dactylon), said to h a v e been introduced by Dr. G. P. Judd about 1835; called manienie because it creeps like buffalo grass (see manienie-maoli), which the Hawaiians originally called manienie. m a n i e n i e - m & h l k l h i k l . Same as manienie-'akimanienie for exorcising evil 'aki, 1, 2. Lit., spirits.
h o ' o m a n o a . T o increase,
solid, vast;
h o ' o m S n o a . T o thicken,
m a n o a n o a . R e d u p . of manoa and manoa; dullwitted, stupid; calloused; numbed, as the tongue f r o m chewing k a v a . Manoanoa ke kapu o ke ali'i, the chief is thick with t a b o o [of high rank]. Lepo manoanoa, clay, m a n o ' a u w a ' a . L a r g e fleet of canoes, m a n o h f t . Intensifier of mano, 1. Manomano, manoha na li'i, many, numerous the chiefs. m a n O - h l ' u - k a . Thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus). Rare. Lit., tail-hitting shark, m a n o ' l . C o c o n u t oil, perfume. (Perhaps f r o m T a h i t l a n ; the Samoan cognate is manongi, and the normal H a w a i i a n equivalent would be manoni.) Kou mau mea mano'i (Isa. 57.9), thy perfumes.
m & n l e n l e - m a o l i . Same as manienie-'aki'aki (Sporobolus virgin i cus). Lit., n a t i v e manienie. m a n l e n l e - ' u l a . A small, stiff, weedy grass (Chrysopogon aciculatus) from southeastern Asia, found in some Pacific islands; it f o r m s mats and bears a narrow head of reddish, barbed spikelets, which stick to animals' coats. Also called pi'ipi'i, pilipili-'ula. m a n l h a . Same as kamaniha, sullen, m a n t h e ' u . Var. of manuhe'u, bruised, m a n i l a . M a n i l a hat, named f o r the city, m a n l u e . Ashamed, humiliated. Rare. m a n i n i . 1. V e r y c o m m o n reef surgeouflsh ( A c a n thurus sandvicensis), in the adult stage. I n legends manini-'ele-kuhd. For younger stages see 'dhua-liko, dhua-kani'o, pala-pdhaku, and kakata-manini, and maninini. 2. Stingy. Modern slang. 3. A kind of banana generally eaten cooked; leaves and fruits green and w h i t e striped. Also called a'ea'e, koa'e. ( N e a l 212.) 4. A variety of sugar cane, named f o r the fish. Also called laukona. 5. A v a r i e t y of dryland taro with striped petiole. T h e name m a y be qualified Jt>y t h e terms 'ele'ele, ha-kikokiko, hauliuli, kakau, kea, lau-kikokiko, uliuli. 6. A variety of sweet potato. 7. W r a t h , anger; angry. 8. T o pour, spill; i r r i g a t e d . Obs. Manini aku a mainini mai na 'otelo 'ino, evil words poured out, poured back and forth, m a n i n i n i . 1. Stage of manini, a fish, said to be larger than 'dhua and smaller than manini. 2. Redup. of manini, t o pour, m a n l n o . Var. of malino, calm, m & n l n o n l n o . R e d u p . of manino. m a n i o k a . T h e cassava or manioc ( M a n i h o t esculenta), a bushy herb or shrub three t o nine feet high, f r o m Brazil, widely grown f o r its tuberous, edible roots, like sweet potatoes. T h e roots also yield a starch, tapioca. Cf. pia manioka. ( N e a l 449.) Eng. m a n o . 1. M a n y , numerous; four thousand; thick. C f . kini, lau. He lau ka pu'u, he mano ka ihona (chant), m a n y hills, numerous descents, h o ' o m a n o . T o increase; t o d o repeatedly or persistently. Koi ho'omano, to keep asking and insisting. Ka hahai e ho'omano ai (For. 4:47), the following persistently. 2. T o throw, as a stone; t o aim at and hit. Rare. 3. (Cap.) Short for Mano-kalani-pd. - m a n o . ( W i t h ho'o-) h o ' o m a n o . A name given t o the kamanomano plant when used in hana aloha, l o v e sorcery. m a n O . Shark, general name. Fig., a passionate lover. Cf. hula mand, pua, 1. Mand i'a, ordinary shark. Maní kanaka, shark thought t o be born of a human mother and sired by a shark god, or by a deified person whose spirit possesses a shark or turns into a shark. Mand ihu wa'a, shark traditionally said t o rest its head on the outrigger of a canoe, b e l o v e d by fishermen and f e d ; lit., bow shark. 'Ai a mand, to e:it like a shark [of a prodigious appetite]. Pau pele, pau mand, consumed by volcanic fire, consumed b y shark [may I die if I d o n ' t keep my pledge], h o ' o m a n o . T o b e h a v e as a shark; to eat ravenously; t o pursue women ardently.
manO I'a. See mand.
M a n o - k a l a n l - p O . N a m e of a chief of Kauai. K a u a i is sometimes referred t o as Kaua'i o Mano or Kaua'i o Mano-kalani-pB.
manO kanaka. See mand.
m a n O - k l h i k i h l . H a m m e r h e a d shark ( S p h r y n a zygaena). Lit., angular shark. m a n O - i a i a - k e a . Shark, perhaps Squalus fernandinus, sometimes called dogfish; considered harmless. Lit., white-fin shark. m a n O - l a u - k a - h l ' u . A shark, possibly thresher. Lit., shark that frequently strikes tail. m a n C - l e i e - w a ' a . Variety of shark. Lit., canoeleaping shark, m a n o m a n o . Redup. of mano, 1\ great; greatness; f o u r thousand times four thousand. Eia 'o Kalani, ka manomano, ka manomano heke o ke kapu (chant), here is the heavenly chief, the great one, the v e r y greatest of the taboo ones. Ka manomano o kona ikaika (Isa. 63.1), the greatness of his strength, m a n o n i . Unhappiness, sorrow. Obs. manonlnla. Passive/imperative of manoni. h o ' o m a n o n i n i a . Causative/simulative. Kani'uhu a ho'omanoninia no ko kakou lahui, no ke emi 'ana mai, grief and sadness f o r our race, f o r its decreasing.
manO-nluhi. See niuhi.
m a n o n o . 1. R e d . as sunburn. Cf. nono, red. 2. Redup. of mano, 1. Manono ho'i klla po'e e hele maila, those people coming there are so numerous. 3. Same as nono; t o seep; to wane, as the moon. 4. All species of an endemic genus (Gouldia) of shrubs or small trees belonging t o the coffee f a m i l y . 5. Block set athwart a canoe t o which 'iako (outrigger booms) are lashed. 6. L a i d across one another, as mats, m a n o n o n l . Y o u n g of the kawakawa, a fish. m a n O - p a ' e l e . A shark. Lit., black-smudged shark. m a n O - p a h & h a . A shark. Lit., thick-necked shark. m a n O - ' u l a . A shark. Lit., red shark, m a n o w a l . Same as mano. Fig., heart and circulatory system; source of water and of life, m a n u . 1. Bird; any winged creature; wing of a kite. Fig., person. Ka nui manu, the people, t h e many people. He manu hulu, a feathered bird [a prosperous person]. He manu hulu 'ole, a reatherless bird [a poverty-stricken person]. He aha kau i pi'i aku nei i ka lapa manu 'ole? W h y did you climb t h e ridge without birds [go on a wild-goose chase]? 'Ai ka manu i luna, the birds eat a b o v e [a poetic tribute to a handsome person, likened t o an 'dhi'a tree with birds eating its lehua blossoms], ( P P N manu, P M P manuk.) 2. Bruised, broken, scarred. Injured. Manu klna, bruised and injured. 3. Ornamental
ma'oi elliptical expansions at the upper ends of the bow and stern endpieces, distinguished by mua and ihu, "forward or "bow," and hope, stern. 4 . Salty, pungent, acrid. (AP.) m a n u a . 1. Passive/imperative of manu, I. 2. Same as mana-kUkulu-hema, a taro. 3. Manure (Eng.); any kind of fertilizer, m a n u a . Var. spelling of manuwa. m a n u ' a . Piled, accumulated. Hele a manu'a a 'eha, nui na pilikia (hymn), accumulated pains, much trouble, m a n u a h l , m a n u w a h l . Gratis, free of charge; adulterous. (This word is said to have originated from the name of a Hawaiian merchant famous for giving good measure with his sales.) Keiki manuahi, illegitimate child. Wahine manuahi, mistress, common-law wife, m a n u - ' a l h u e . Partridge. (Ier. 17.11.) Lit., thieving bird, m a n u - ' a l - l a t k t . Ricebird (Munia punctulata topela), introduced from the Malay Peninsula. Lit., rice-eating bird.
m a n u n u n u . Redup. of manunu. m a n u - n a n f l . Dove. (Hal. 55.6.) Lit., cooing bird. m a n u - n O n t t - I a w e - I e k a . Carrier pigeon. Lit., dove carrying letters (Eng.). m a n u - o - K u . White tern, fairy tern, love tern (Cygis alba rothschildi), a small, friendly sea bird, pure white except for a black ring around the eye. Lit., bird of Ku. Niihau. m a n u ' u . 1. Same as manu'unu'u. 3. Sick, weak, in pain. (AP.) m a n u - ' a . Crane. (Ier. 8.7.) Lit., groaning bird. m a n u - ' u l a ' u l a . Cardinal, redbird. Lit., red bird. m S n u ' u n u ' u . Vast, great, without measure, multitudinous. Cf. nu'u. Manu'unu'u wale ka lokomaika'i, very great is the kindness, m a n u w f t , m a n u a . 1. Wounded, bruised. Obs. ManuwS wale mai ana no ia'u ko aloha, your love keeps wounding me. 3. Man-of-war; warship. Eng. m a o . 1. Cleared, as rain; alleviated, assuaged, as grief; to clear up, as rain; to pass, as sadness. Ua mao a'ela ke kaumaha, the sadness has ceased. 3 . To fade, as cloth. 3. Type of fish. ( K L line 158.) Cf. maomao. m a o. Because of, due to, by means of, through. Cf. ma, at. m a ' o . 1. Green. Cf. mama'o, ma'oma'o, 'dma'oma'o. 3. The native cotton (Gossypium tomentosum), a shrub in the hibiscus family, bearing yellow flowers and seed cases containing brown cotton. (Neal 496.) Also called huluhulu. Cf. pulupulu-haole. 3. The hoary abutilon (Abutilon incanum), a small native, velvety shrub, in the hibiscus family, with small heart-shaped leaves, small pink and red flowers, and small dry fruits. (Neal 483.) 4. The hairy abutilon (Abutilon molle), a weedy, hairy, South American shrub, with large, broad leaves, orange, 'iJimo-like flowers, and ten-parted, black, dry fruits. When green and soft, these fruits are used in making 'ilima leis, one for each end of the lei. 5. Same as 'Bma'o, thrush. ma'O. See 'o, there. m a o a . Chafing from friction, soreness from rubbing; to chafe, rub, become sore from rubbing, - m a o e . (With ho'o-) h o ' o m a o e . T o ask indirectly; to hint or suggest, as in asking. Ke nlnau ho'omaoe nei na k&naka i ke kumu o kona make 'ana (Kep. 45), the people are now asking indirectly the cause of his death, m a ' o e a . Lazy, uninterested in work. Bare. m a o h a . Same as maoa. m a ' o h a . Grayish, especially when contrasted with black, as of bird feathers, cloud-capped mountains, graying hair. Ka 'iwa he manu nui ia, he 'ele'ele kona hulu, he ma'oha k&hi hulu, the 'iwa is a big bird, its feathers are black, some are gray, m a ' o - h a u - h e l e . The native yellow hibiscus (Hibiscus brackenridgei), a small shrub with broad, lobed leaves and with large yellow flowers that turn green on drying. (Neal 492.) Lit., green traveling hau. m a ' o h e ' o h e . 1. Tall and spindly, as trees in a dense forest that reach up for light, or as bamboo; straight and tall, as of a fine physique. Cf. 'ohe, bamboo. 3. A variety of sugar cane, m a o h l o h l . Same aB ohiohi, 1, to grow vigorously, m a ' o h l ' o h t . A native mint (Stenogyne rugosa), found only on the island of Hawaii, a shrub with smooth, ovate, toothed leaves and reddish flowers grouped in whorls of six to ten at leaf bases.
net, house finch, or papaya bird (Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis), an early introduction. Lit., papaya-eating bird, m a n u - ' a l - p i l a t i . Scavenger bird, mynah bird. Lit., fllth-eating bird. m a n u a l e . Manual. Eng. Ka Manuale Kakolika, the Catholic Manual, m a n u - a l o h a . 1. Lovebird. 3. Parrot, so called because it extends greeting (aloha). m l n u ' a n u ' a . Rare var. of mSna'ona'o. m a n u ' a w a . T o dislike, despise. Cf. manuhe'u, manumanu. Manu'awa ho'i oe ia'u, you despise me. m a n u e a . 1. Careless, blundering, slipshod, awkward. Rare. 3. Center support of a house. Obs. m a n u h e k l l l . Thundercloud. Obs. m a n u - h e l e - k u . Penguin. Lit., bird that walks upright. m a n u h e u . T o feather out, of young birds. Fig., to leave home, as young people, m a n u b e ' u . Bruised, Injured, damaged, dented; in bad condition, as an old building; to bruise, damage, injure, deface; to bite with the teeth and peei off, as bark, m a n u h u h O . Wild, ravenous bird. (Isa. 46.11.) Lit., angry bird. m a n u - h u m u h u m u . Tailorbird. m a n u - ' I o ' l o . Swallow. (Ier. 8.7, Isa. 38.14.) Lit., chirping bird. m a n u k a . Lagging, dilatory, slow, blundering. Manuka noho'i kSna hana, his work is certainly slow and careless, m a n u - k a p a l u l u . California Valley quail (Lophortyz californica vallicola), an early introduction, common in the 1890s. Lit., whirr bird. m a n u k Q . Dove, Including Chinese dove (Streptopelia chinensis); rock or wild pigeon (Columba livia). Lit., coo (Eng.) bird, m a n u - l e l e . A native variety of sugar cane, the stems green striped with yellowish and reddish brown, the pith brown, the leaves purplish. Used medicinally, also in love sorcery. (HP 221; Neal 72.) Lit., flying bird. manu-11'lll'l. English sparrow; European housefinch (Passer domesticus); introduced before 1870; little bird. (Hal. 102.7.) m a n u m a n u . Rough, irregular, nicked, dull, blunt, not sharp, as a knife; bruised. Nui kalakalai, manumanu ka loa'a, much whittling, nicked product, m a n u - m e l e . Songbird, especially canary (Serinus serinus canaria). Cf. kenele. m a n u - n € n 8 . Possibly a local name for a small sedge (Cyperus brevifolius). Lit., goose bird. See kilio'opu. m a n u n u . T o creak or break, as bones; tremor, as of an earthquake.
m a ' o h u . Misty. Ka ua lei ma'ohu o Wai-dnuenue, rain of Wai-anuenue that is like a wreath of mist. m a ' o i . Same as maha'oi, bold. (2 Kor. 11.21.) h o ' o m a ' o l . To act bold, impertinent.
ma'oi'oi m&'ol'oi.
mea e a'o 'ia aku nei, pay attention and c o m prehend these things being taught you. m a ' o p u . Same as 'opu, t o dive. Waiho akaaka ke kula o Kaiolohia, ka lele ma'opu a ka wai a ka naulu (chant), t h e Kaiolohia plain s t a y s clear as t h e water of t h e naulu shower leaps downward. m & p a l a . M a r b l e (Eng.), granite. Ipu hao mHpala, granite pot.
notched, zigzag,
m a o k l . Var. of maoli, 1.
m a ' o k l . Anything cut into pieces, streaked (less used than ma'oki'oki). Ua ma'oki 'ia klia papa, this board is cut into pieces, m a ' o k i ' o k i . Redup. of ma'oki, sometimes with idea of small pieces. Kaulana 'o Kona i ke kai ma'oki'oki, K o n a is famous for its streaked sea of various colors, m a o l l . 1. Native, indigenous, genuine, true, real; very, really, truly. Maika'i maoli, very good indeed. E puka ai ka makemake maoli o ka mea koho, expressing the free will of t h e voter. 2 . A variety of 'ahi, a fish t h a t may weigh about two hundred pounds: i t has light, slightly pinkish flesh. 3 . A n a t i v e variety of banana, with tall, green trunk; the fruit forming large, c o m p a c t bunches, having thick yellow skin and sweet yellow flesh; edible cooked or raw. ( H P 176.) 4 . A variety of sweet potato, m a o l l - ' l l l - l a h l l a h l . A native variety of banana. Lit., thin-skinned maoli. m & ' o l l ' o l f . 1 . Same as 'oli'oli, joy. 2 . Same as lau-lihilihi, a shrub, m a ' o l o a . S a m e as ma'aloa, a shrub, m a o l o h a . Large-meshed net used a t makahiki ceremonies. I t was fllled with food and held a t each of the four corners. T h e priest prayed, and t h e net was shaken. I f t h e food did not fall out, t h e priest predicted famine. Perhaps this was named for a legendary net called koko a maoloha. During a famine W a i a miraculously lowered this net from heaven and fllled it with food. He shook t h e net, and food was scattered for t h e benefit of the starving people. ( M a l o 151, 155.) m V o l u . Boggy, squashy; yielding to pressure, as a soft cushion. Cf. 'olu, elasticity, m a o l u a . A kind of red t a p a . m a o m a o . 1 . T y p e offish ( K L line 158), perhaps same as mamo, mamamo, mao. 2 . R a r e var. of mamao, far. 3 . Calm, clear. Obs. m a ' o m a ' o . 1 . Green, greenness. ' A n o ma'oma'o, somewhat green, greenish, h o ' o m a ' o m a ' o . T o paint green, make green. 2 . A green tapa, as of mamaki bark, m a o m a o - p o h o l e . Probably same as maomao, a fish. m & ' o u a (often pronounced but not written ma'ana). Satisfied after eating, full, satisfying; to have eaten, to eat one's fill. Fig., intoxicated. Ua ma'ona 'oe? Have you_eaten? Have you had enough? Are you full? Ma'ona maika'i, to have had enough to eat, but not to hf.ve overeaten. Ma'ona piha, ma'ona loa, completely full. He lau ma'ona (For. 4 : 4 3 ) , a ieaf t h a t gives plenty to eat. Inu mai nei a ma'ona, a laila ho'okakaka, drinking until drunk, then starting fights. MS'ona ka 'uhane i ka 'olelo a ke Akua, the spirit is sustained by t h e word of God. h o ' o m & ' o n a . T o eat all one wants, to feed all t h a t is wanted.
m&pela, m a b e l a . Var. of mapala. Ma na puka
mapela (hymn), a t t h e marble gates, m i l p e l e . T h a t c h e d heiau (temple) for t h e worship of Lono and t h e increase of food; the offerings were of pigs, not humans. ( M a l o 160.) Obs. m a p f l . Same as pu, rope tied to a canoe endpiece. m a p u . Fragrance, especially wind-blown fragrance; wafted; bubbling, splashing, as water; dipping, swooping. Fig., surging, as emotion. Ke mapu nei ke 'ala o ka maile, the fragrance of the maile floating in t h e breeze. Mapu mai kona aloha ( P H 30), her love pours sweetly forth. 'O ka uahi mapu kea, white wafted smoke. 'O ka hinihini kani kua mauna, 'o ka mapu leo nui, kani kohakoha ( P H 204), the land shell crying in the mountain ridge, loud voice carried in t h e wind, shrilly calling,
- m a p u . See koloa-mapu. mapQ. Ape, baboon.
m a p u a n a . Same as mapu. Onaona mapuana o ka loke, the soft wafted fragrance of the rose, m a p u m a p u . Redup. and intensifler of mapu. 'O ka 'io lele mapumapu (For. 6 : 3 8 1 ) , the hawk t h a t flies swooping, m & p u n a . Bubbling spring. Fig., surging of emotion. Wai mapuna, spring water. Mai ka mapuna ho'okahi, from the same source, m a p u n a h o e . Dip of the paddle. 'Elua no milpuna hoe, ku 'oe i Kuai-he-lani, two dips of t h e paddle and you reach Kuai-he-lani.
mftpuna leo, mapuna'Olelo. Utterance, wafted
voice, expression. Ho'okahi no mapuna leo a ke aloha, a single expression by t h e lover, m a p u n a p u n a . Redup. of mflpuna. Mapunapuna mai ana ko aloha ia'u nei (song), your love stirs and bubbles within me. m a u . 1 . Always; steady; constant, unceasing, continual, perpetual; t o continue, persevere; continuation. Mai keia manatva a mau loa aku, from now to eternity; from now on and forever. Hana mau 'ia, frequently done or used; common, as a word or custom; usual. Ua mau ke ea 0 ka 'aina i ka pono, life of the land Is preserved in righteousness [motto of Hawaii]. Mau maila ka Keaka kahea me ka pe'ahi (For. 5 : 3 0 3 ) , K e a k a continued to call and wave. 'Oia mau no, continuing all right: same as usual: j u s t t h e same [often said m answer to Pehea 'oe? How are you? lit., this continuation indeed], h o ' o m a u . T o continue, keep on, persist, renew. Ho'omau 'ia, continued. E ho'omau hou 'ia aku 1 ka laikini, renew t h e license. 2 . Stopped, as menstruation (For. 4 : 1 7 9 ) ; snagged, caught, as a flsh or hook; retarded; grounded, as a canoe; set, as a wager; stuck, stalled, as a car. Mau i ka palaoa (For. 4 : 2 1 3 ) , to wager a whaletooth >endant. Mau ihola na ihu, a lingering kiss lit., noses caught], h o ' o m a u . T o make fast, as an anchor in sand; to snag; to cause to be retarded, grounded, wagered, stopped. 3 . Conceived, as a t t h e very moment of conception, h o ' o m a u . T o m a t e for the purpose of having children. Ho'omau keiki, to unite in order t o conceive, as of ceremonial marriage of high chiefs for purpose of begetting children of high rank. 4 . Person who carried t h e wand and chanted in the 'ume game. (Malo 215.) 5 . P a r ticle marking plural, used principally after t h e Jfc-class possessives and demonstratives, numerals, and he. See G r a m . 10.5. Ka'u mau puke, my books. • m a u . (With ho'o-) h o ' o m a u . A variety of
m a O n o . A gray basalt, used for pounders. Obs, Also kuanu'u. m & ' o p a ' o p a . Tired, aching, of legs. Ua hele ku'u mau wawae a ma'opa'opa, my legs are aching, h o ' o m a ' o p a ' o p a . Fatiguing, m a o p o p o . T o understand, recognize; clear; plainly, clearly. (A /oa'a-type word; t h e s u b j e c t is preceded by i or i a ; G r a m . 4 . 5 . ) Ua maopopo ia 'oe? Do you understand? Ua maopopo ia'u kou mana'o, I understand your idea. Ha'i maopopo, to tell clearly. Maopopo ka 'ikena, clearly seen or known, h o ' o m a o p o p o . T o understand; to make plain or clear, tell clearly, cause to understand; to pay attention in order to understand; to recognize, discover (rare). 'A'ole au i ho'omaopopo, I didn't understand. E ho'omaopopo aku 'oe, i ka hola 'ehia kakou e hele ai, find out what hour we are going. E ho'omaopopo aku 'oe e hele mai i keia 'apdpo, remind [him] to come tomorrow. E ho'omaopopo mai 'oe i keia
sweet potato, m a ' u . S a m e as
manna m & u l u l . X. T o ask continually, frequently. Cf. ui. h o ' o m & u l u l . T o ask over and over, mull over in the mind. 2. Redup. of maüi, bruise, m a u k a . See uka, inland, rna'uka. Same as mS'uka'uka. m a u k a ' a . Same as milika'a. m S ' u k a ' u k a . Unskilled person; not adept, awkward, said derisively of an unsuccessful suitor. Na limahana mH'uka'uka, unskilled laborers. M a u k e l e . Place name at Puna, Hawaii, m a ' u k e l e . Rain-forest area, m a u k l . Same as maoli, native, m a u k o l i . 1. T o ration f o o d or water, as in time of drought. 2. Small, thin, fine, as a thread. 3. Stilled, hushed, as worshipers. Obs. B maukoli ke anaína, let the assembly keep still. 4. T o offer t o the gods, as food. Obs. Eia ka 'awa, a ñau pono'i no e maukoli aku i ko akua ia Ku-ka'ili-moku ( p r a y e r ) , here is kava, f o r you indeed t o oiler to your god. Ku-ka'ili-moku. 5. Constant, persevering. Obs. M a u k u k u . N a m e of a star, perhaps related to Kona-mau-kuku. m i ' u l a ' u l a . 1. Same as 'ula'ula, red. 2. R e d earth, as used in coloring, m a ' u l e . Faint, faint-hearted, dispirited, h o ' o m a ' u l e . T o cause fainting; to faint; to feign fainting. A ua ho'oma'ule ho'i ia makou no ko makou mau hewa (Isa. 64.7), and hast consumed us because of our iniquities, m a u l e h o . Calloused. Cf. leho, callus, h o ' o m a u l e h o . T o cause callouses; to oppress, overwork, m a u l e l e . Flotsam and jetsam. (For. 4:75.) m & ' u l e ' u l e . Redup. of ma'ule. m a u l l , 1. L i f e , heart, seat of life; ghost, spirit. Mauli hiwa, choice or precious life. A lele nui na mauli o ua po'e nei, the spirits of these people have flown a w a y together [death], ( P P N ma'uri, P M P quDip.) 2. Fontanel. 3. (Cap.) T w e n t y ninth of the old month. ( M a l o 32.) m & u l l . Same as uli, dark. m a u l l a u h o n u a . Descendant of old chiefs of a land; established, ancient, as a family. Obs. Ua ku keia welo a mauliauhonua, this family is old and well established, m a u l i ' a w a . Hiccough; d y i n g gasp: to hiccough, gasp in dying. Mauli'awa ke aho, the breath has gasped; hiccoughed, m a u l i h l l i h l . Hanging precariously, fastened slightly.
m a ' f l . 1. Damp, wet, moist, cool, refreshing. Ma'Q ka lepo o kiia wahi, the earth here is damp. Wa ma'u, cool time, as early morning. Hele kakou 'oi ma'u, lei's go while it's cool. Ma'U a'ela ka ihu, the nose is damp [as in a kiss]. h o ' o m a ' O . T o dampen, moisten, irrigate, soak; t o shade, cool. Ho'oma'u i ka hu'ahu a kai i ka vinega ( M a r . 15.36), soaked a sponge with vinegar. 2. Same as ma'au, to sprout. Cf. wao ma'ukele. 3. A little, of some little value, of slight use but _better_than nothing. Cf. ma'U wale, pohd ma'u. Ma'u no ia, it is better than nothing. He ma'u ia ike 'ana ia Hawai'i, this seeing of Hawaii is better than nothing at all [at least it's something], Ma'u no ka 'ole, ma'u no ka nele, nothing is better than that; that's worse than nothing, m a u a . 1. Failure to g i v e a return g i f t ; to receive without giving in return; illiberal, ungrateful, close-flsted. Cf. mamaua. 2. N a t i v e forest trees, belonging t o a tropical genus ( X y l o s m a ) in the flacourtia family. ( N e a l 519.) m a u l . Var. spelling of mauwa. m a u a . W e (dual, exclusive). Ko maua, belonging to us, our. m a ' u ' a . Careless, as of clothing, mats, tapa, property. I loko no o ka hune, komo ma'u'a no i ka lole, in spite of p o v e r t y , wearing clothes without taking care o f them, maua'&llna. Powerful, strong, of superior strength, athletic; t o exercise strength, to use force. Obs. m a u a e . Var. spelling of mawae, crack. (Puk. 33.22.) m a u ' a ' e . T o intrude, transgress. Interrupt, meddle in the concern of others; to step o v e r ; to flaunt, as authority, to override, as a veto. Cf. 'a'e, t o break taboo. He ho'oki'eki'e, he mau'a'e i ka 'olelo a ka makua, proud and heedless of parental advice, m a u ' a ' e a ' e . Redup. of mau'a'e. Mau'a'ea'e 'o Milu ma i ke kapu o Kane ( K e p . 49), Milu and his companions broke the taboo of Kane, disbelieving. m a u a k a l a . Var. of mahuakala, h o ' o m a u a k a l a . Var. of ho'omahuakala. Obs. m & u a u a . Tough, leathery, as skin of the old: old. i n a u e l e . Var. spelling of mauwele. m a ' u h & . W e a r y , aching, tired. E noke ana ua wahi keiki nei 'o Maui i ka hoe a ma'uha na po'ohiwi, the boy M a u i kept plying the paddle until his shoulders ached, m a u h a ' a l e l e . T o abandon, leave, as one's fami l y ; to cease, as sinning; t o pass on, die. Obs. He mau hoaitono mauha'alele, signs of death, m a u h a ' a l e l e a . 1. Passive/imperative of mauha'alele. 2. A prayer to a forest god before cutting down a tree to be made into an image. Obs. mauha'allna. Heavily burdened, weighted down. Obs. h o ' o m a u h a ' a l l n a . T o oppress, burden. Obs. m a u h a l a . Grudge, resentment; unforgiving; t o nurse revenge, h o ' o m a u h a l a . T o bear a grudge, cherish revenge. Mai ho'omauhala i na keiki (Oihk. 19.18), do not bear any grudge against the children, m a u h l l l . Entangled, snarled. Interwoven. Cf. hili. Keawe-a-mauhili (name), K e a w e entangled [in taboo] or interwoven [as chiefly blood]. M a u l . 1. N a m e of one of the Hawaiian islands. Cf. Maui, the demigod. 2. ( N o t cap.) A variety of sweet potato. M a u l . 1. N a m e of the famous demigod and trickster who snared the sun and discovered fire. 2. N a m e of a star near the Pleiades. 3. (Not cap.) Sprain, bruise; sprained, bruised; pit-ripened, of bananas. M5ui ka pua, uwe 'eha i ke anu, bruised is the flower which weeps, hurt b y the cold, b o ' o m & u l . T o bruise, beat down, as by heavy rain or sea; t o crush, as a leaf f o r a poultice; to cause a sprain; to ripen bananas by burying in a leaf-lined pit.
m a u l i n a . Failure; failing; t o fail. Obs. M a u l l - o l a . 1. N a m e of a god of health. 2. Place name at Kilauea Volcano. ( P H 94.) 3. (Not cap.) Breath of life; power of healing. Ka IS i ka mauli-ola, sun at the source of life. Kihe a mauli-ola, sneeze and live [exclamation t o one who has sneezed, t o ward off ill effects], m & ' u l u . Same as ma'ulu'ulu. m a u l u a . Difficult, hard. m & u l u k u a . Upland forest, said to be similar t o the uka wao la'au. Mai ka uka maulukua a hiki i ka pali kahakai, f r o m the upland forest to the shore cliff. m f t ' u l u ' u l u . L a m e , stiff, as f r o m exercise, m a u m a u . 1. Redup. of mau, 1, frequent, often. Kai maumau, neap tide. Maumau 'ole kana 'Slelo, his words are inconsistent, h o ' o m a u m a u . Redup. of ho'omau. E ho'omaumau i ka 'ikena (song), continue seeing [one another], 2. N o t sticky, not tenacious; of poi of medium texture, neither hard nor watery, m a ' u m a ' u . Same as 'áma'uma'u, ferns. m a ' f l m a ' O . Redup. of ma'u, moist, m a u m a u a . Passive/imperative of maumau, 1; to do continuously, repeat, m a u n a . 1. Mountain, mountainous region; mountainous. Mauna-loa (name), long mountain. 2. K i n d of hard stone f r o m which adzes were made.
máuna with tiny figures, so called because of resemblance to mau'u-la'ili stains, mau'u-lel. The swollen finger grass (Chloris inflata), an annual weedy grass from tropical America, one to two feet high. T w o to eleven feathery, purplish flower spikes radiate from the top of the stem; they are used for hat leis. m a u ' u mae. Wilted grass; name of a taboo on men, said to last ten days (sexual union was forbidden, and each man urinated in a particular spot only, where the grass wilted, hence the name of the taboo), m a u ' u - m a l o ' o . Hay. straw, any dry grass, m a u ' u - m o k a e . A nut grass. Same as kili'o'opu. mau'u-plllplll. The bristly foxtail (Setaria verticillata), a hairy grass from Europe and Asia, growing like a weed in Hawaii. The green, cylindrical flower heads are full of barbea bristles that cling to animals and clothing. Lit., sticking grass, m a u ' u - p u ' u k a ' a . Same as pu'uka'a, a sedge, mauwft. 1. Lame, stiff, sore. 3. Fallen tree or plant that sends up new branches from its trunk. rna'Q wale. Profitless, mauwele, mauele. To clear, as brush, ma'uwele. Lazy, without energy, mauwelekil. T o clear, as brush; tangled, snarled. Ka ke ala, mauweleka! Cut a pathway, cut and clear! mawa. Short for manawa, time. Obs. m l w a e . 1. Cleft, fissure, crack, as in rocks; to crack, split, cleave. 3. T o separate, sort, select; to cleanse, as from defilement. Cf. wae, to select, mftwae huna. Hidden cleft, as where things were hidden, m a w a e n a . See waena. mftwaewae. l . Redup. of mBwae, 1,1; a ceremony for the first-born child, held a few days after birth, during which the mother was given special food. 3. A seaweed, mftwaewae-klllhune. The name of a seaweed, mawaho. See waho. m&wal. Cathartic medicine. Obs. mfiwao. Obs. var. of nawao, l, 2, 3. rnftwehe. Open, loose, separate, undone, m&weke. Var. of mawehe. me. 1. With (a clitic). Ua hele au me ia, I went with him. A me, and. Ka puke a me ka peni, the book and the pencil. Ua noho •oia me a'u, he stayed with me. 3. Like, as. Cf. mehe. Like me 'oe, like you. Me 'oe pü, same to you. E kSkau 'oe me nei, write like this, m e . T o lap, as a dog. E mi i ka u>ai, to lap up water. mea. 1. Thing, person. Cf. mea 'ole. Ka mea e loa'a ana, whatever is gotten, found. 'Owai ka mea e 'a'a e ha'i'dlelo? Who will volunteer to make a speech? Há'awi mai i ka mea ke'oke'o, give me the white one. He aha ia meaf What difference does this make? 3. Possessor of. Cf. mea 'aina, mea hale. He wahine mea kñne, a woman with a husband. He keiki mea kupuna, that's a child with grandparents, as said of a child whose grandparents have made a great pet of him, said in admiration and praise of the grandchild fortunate in having grandparents who love him. 3. One who does (in compounds; see mea hula, mea kia'i, mea oli). 4. T o say. Mea mai ld.ua, they said. Mai mea wale aku 'oe, don't mention [it]. ho'omea.To talk in a roundabout way, as to obtain Information or conceal the truth; to hint at, trifle, joke. / ho'omea wale aku nei no au, I was just hinting, joking, talking generally. 5. What-d'you-call-it, so-ana-so (saia when one is at a loss for a word or name); such and such. 'O mea ma (For. 4:47), so-and-so and the others. I ka la e mea, hiki aku au, on such and such a day, I'll go. 6. Cause, reason; means of; because. (Often used with ua mea o.) No ka mea, because. No ia mea, therefore, for that
mftuna. Waste; mistreatment; wasteful; injured; abusive; to waste, injure, mistreat. Mai mauna wale i ka mea'ai, don't waste food unnecessarily. Mauna ka 'ili i ka wa'uwa'u 'ia, the skin is injured in being scratched. 'O ke'.a ke kane, mauna ka 'ili, with that man, (your) skin will be bruised [you will be beaten], n o ' o m&una. T o waste, spend carelessly, abuse. Ho'omauna i ke kino, to waste the body, as in dissipation. M a u n a - l o a . 1. Name of a mountain on the island of Hawaii. Lit., long mountain. 3. ( N o t cap.) A sea bean (Dioclea violacea), a vine from Brazil growing wild in Hawaii, the blue or white flowers used for leis, the beans for medicine. 3. (.Not cap.) A Canavalia (C. microcarpa), a vine from the Mascarene Islands, the white, lavender, pink, or reddish flowers commonly used for leis. (Neal 405.) m&unauna. Redup. of mauna-, extravagant, wasteful, ho'om&unauna. To waste. Mauna-pOhaku. 1. Rocky Mountains. 3. Poetical name for Utah, m a u n u . Bait; objects used in black magic, as hair, spittle, parings, excreta, clothing, food leavings. Maunu 'ai 'ole, bait that fish will not take. m l u n u . T o moult; to change skin, as of snakes; to change from a chrysalis state, as to a butterfly; to remove bristles, as of a pig for baking. Cf. unuunu. m&unuunu. 1. Redup. of maunu. 3. (Cap.) Name of a strong, blustering wind, mauole. Teeth worn with age; aged, worn out. Cf. niho mauole. m a u ' u . General name for grasses, sedges, rushes, herbs; kava strainer; strand of pandanus plaiting, as in hat making. m&'fi'O. 1. Same as ma'Uma'U. Ma'U'u ka pu'u i ka wai hu'ihu'i, the throat is cooled by the cold water. h o ' o m & ' f l ' Q . T o moisten, dampen, wet, as earth about plants. 3. Gulping sound, stuttering; to make a gulping sound, to stutter. m a u ' u - H l l o . Hllo grass (Paspalum conjugation), a creeping perennial from tropical America. Though It is a coarse, weedy grass, it may serve as a lawn grass. It spreads rapidly and has become a pest because cattle do not eat it and it smothers slower-growing, desirable plants, especially in native forests. I t first appeared in Hilo. Hawaii, about 1840. (Neal 66.) m a u ' u - h O ' u l a - ' U l . Same as mau'u-lS'ili. (Neal 196.) m a u ' u - h u n e h u n e . McCoy grass (Cyperus gracilus), a small, fine-leafed sedge from Australia, used for lawns in Hawaii. m a u ' u - K a l e p o n l . The yellow foxtail (Setaria geniculata), a weedy tropical American grass. The yellow or brownish, cylindrical flower heads are smooth and soft, and in Hawaii are used for leis on hats. (Neal 69.) Lit., California grass. m a u ' u - K e p a n l . Velvet grass (Zoisia tenuifolia), a turf-forming lawn grass from the Mascarene Islands. I t is a dense, dark-green, fine grass, soon forming hummocks. Lit., Japanese grass. m a u ' u - k Q k a e - p u a ' a . A kind of crab grass (Digitaria prunens), used medicinally. Lit., hog excrement grass. See kukae-pua'a. m a u ' u - k u k t t . Same as 'ume'alu, bur grass. Lit., prickly grass, mau'u-laikl. Rice grass (Paspalum orbiculare), a coarse, tufted, perennial grass, possibly native to Hawaii. It was used like pill for thatching houses. mau'u-l&'UI. 1. A native iris (Sisyrinchium acre), with long grasslike leaves and small yellow flowers, found on Maui and Hawaii between altitudes of 3,500 and 7,000 feet. (Neal 197.) It grows in the Kilauea Volcano region, and formerly the sap was used to stain the skin so that travelers could prove to others at home that they had been to the volcano. Also called mau'u-hd'ula-'ili. 3. Name of a kind of calico
m ek u reason. Nui ko makou holo i ka ua mea o ka maka'u, w e ran fast because of fear. Na wai 'ole no ka nele t ka ua mea o ka piliwaiwai? Who could help being poor because of the gambling? Akamai kilQ Kepanx i na hula Hawai'i, a mea no paha, hanai 'xa e na Hawai'i, that Japanese is clever in Hawaiian hula, probably because he was raised by Hawaiians. A mea la ho'i a hele mai e 'ike, but because [one would think he would] c o m e to see [said in disappointment or with hurt feelings]. 7. Reddish-brown, as water with red earth in i t ; yellowish-white, of feathers. Wai-mea (name), reddish water, - m e a . ( W i t h ho'o-) h o ' o m e a . T o pretend, act. Hapai hd'u ho'omea a'e ( K e p . 159), carry with pretended groans of exertion,
m e a w a ' a , Canoeman, canoe owner, Can opener, m e ' e . H e r o , heroine; Important person; f a v o r i t e occupation; prominent, admired, heroic. 'O Kauahoa, 'o ka me'e u'i o Hanalei ( F o r . 5:57), Kauahoa, the handsome youthful hero of H a nalei. me'e». T o upturn, overturn, destroy. (For. 6:393.) m e ' e a u . Itch, mange; to itch, t o afflict with blight; m a n g y , itching. He 'ilio me'eau, a m a n g y dog. me'eme'e. 1. Same as me'e. 3. H a l f b e a k fish (Hemiramphus brasiliensis). Also iheihe. rne'eu. Rising up; to rise up, as f r o m sitting; t o start up, as a frightened bird; to rise, as hair in terror. Me'eu ka 'Hi, shuddering. 'Akahi au a 'ike, ka me'eu ho'i o ku'u oho (chant for K a l a kaua), I ' v e never felt my hair rise in terror like this before, meha. Same as mehameha.
mea wetae klni.
mea'al. Food.
mea'al mama. L i g h t refreshment, mea'al momona. Dessert, mea 'alua. Landowner. mea Akua. G o d l y or divine person;
any person with a god t o worship, m e a ' e . Extraordinary, unusual, strange, wond e r f u l ; unusual person; stranger, alien, one of another race; a wonder. He mea 'e ka 'eleu o na mea apau ( K e p . 151), the energy of e v e r y o n e was extraordinary. He mea 'e oia, 'a'ole he Hawai'i, he is of a different race, not a Hawaiian, mea hale. House owner; something belonging t o a house. l n e a h o u . N e w s ; new. He aha ka meahou? W h a t ' s new? mea bula. Hula dancer. m e a l k l . Trifle, inconsequential thing. He mea iki, it's a trifle, you're welcome [sometimes said in reply t o " t h a n k y o u " ] , m e a ' I n o . F i l t h ; sin; abomination ( M a t . 24.15). Lua o na mea'ino, cesspool,
-meha'I. See kameha'i.
m e h a m e . 1. Same as mehani, 1. 3. Same as hame, 1, trees. ( N e a l 438.) m e h a m e h a . Loneliness, solitariness, hushed silence; lonely, solitary; silent, as during the hush of taboo, liale mehameha, lonely house. Nohona mehameha, life of solitude and loneliness. Pule mehameha, silent prayer, ho'omehameha. T o cause silence, loneliness; to hush. 7'rans. mehamehame. A rare native tree (Drypetes phyllanthoides), related to the hame, also has hard wood, o v a t e leaves, and red fruits, but the fruits are borne singly or f e w together. ( N e a l 440.) mehameha-Pu'u-loa. H o l d in lua fighting. Lit.,
m e a i n u . Beverage, drink,
mea kakau.
L o n g - H i l l (Pearl H a r b o r ) loneliness,
m e h a n a . Var. of mahana.
W r i t e r , author,
meakanu. A plant.
W e a p o n (For. 5:21); warlike person; thing pertaining to war. Guard, preserver, protection. Ka mea kia'i i na kanaka ( I o b a 7.20), preserver of men. mea-klno-ola. P h y s i o l o g y . Lit., things of the l i v e body, mea koho. V o t e r . mea malama walhona puke. Librarian,
mea kla'i.
meamea. 1. Redup. of mea, i>. ho'omeamea. Causative/simulative. 3. R e d u p . of mea, 7. He manu hulu meamea 'o Keawe (chant), a y e l l o w ish-feathered bird is K e a w e .
- m e a m e a . (With ho'o-) h o ' o m e a m e a . Redup. of ho'omea, t o pretend. Ha'awi ho'omeamea, t o g r e t e n d to g i v e [with the intention of taking
m e a n u i . B e l o v e d person or thing; i m p o r t a n t person; thing of importance (sometimes said sarcastically). Ma kona 'ano mea nui ( L a i e 593), in his character as a person of importance. He mea nui 'o La'a i kona makuahine, L a ' a is b e l o v e d b y his mother, m e a ' o l e . Inconsequential, trifling, insignificant; null and v o i d ; a mere nothing; trifle. Mea 'ole ka pi'ina, t h e climb was nothing at all. He mea 'ole, it doesn't matter, i t ' s of no importance, never mind.
Ka mehana o ka
10 ( L a i e 613), the w a r m t h of the sun. m e h a n i . 1. H o t , but less hot than 'ena'ena; unapproachable, as of a high t a b o o chief. 3. Smooth, curved, mehe. L i k e , as though. Ua holo ia mehe lio la, he ran like a horse. Mehe ala e 'i mai ana, aia ka ua » ka nahele (song), as though saying, there's t h e rain in the forest, meheu. T r a c k , f o o t p r i n t , tracing; trodden, beaten, as a patch; walked on. ho'omeheu. T o m a k e a track; to f o l l o w a track, trail, trace; t o lead up t o deviously, as in asking a f a v o r . mCheuheu. R e d u p . of meheu-, custom, beaten path. 'O ka mlheuheu no ia mai na makua mai, that was the customary w a y handed d o w n f r o m parents. Mel. M a y . Eng. mela. M a y o r . Eng. meka, mesa. Mass. Pule meka, mass,
m e k a l a . 1. Also medala. Medal. Eng. 3. Also m e t a l a . M e t a l (Eng.);
tag, as of a d o g license,
mekanlka. Mechanic. Eng. M e k e a u p e ' a . Name of a star,
mekeklko, metedito. Methodist. Eng. mekele, metere. Meter; metric. Eng.
uekeleka, metereta. 42 pints.
A measure said t o equal
mekl. 1.
P i t ( o f t e n used w i t h lua). C f . H a l . 88.12. Lua meki o Kehena, p i t of hell. 3. A n c i e n t n a m e f o r iron, as f o u n d on d r i f t w o o d ; nail, spike. mekla. 1. M a j o r (the military t i t l e ) . Eng. 3. A l s o Mesla. (Cap.) Messiah. Biblical.
m e a o i l . Chanter of oli; one with an oli chant in his honor; oli chanter, mea'ono. C a k e of any kind, pastry, c o o k y . Lit., delicious thing,
m e a ' o n o - k e l e . Jelly roll.
M e k l k o . Mexico; Mexican. Eng.
Square or rectangular past r y , as m a d e by Chinese. Lit., cornered cake,
m e k i l a . Handsome. C f . kilakila. Mekila ke ka'i a ka ua noe ( f o r Lill'u-o-kalanl), handsome the procession of misty rain.
mea'ono-kukl. Cooky.
Mekokiko, Metodlto. Methodist. Eng. mekoplo, metoplo. Galbanum. ( P u k . 30.34.) meku. T o scold, speak o f f e n s i v e l y ; rude. Obs.
mea'ono-'Ohelo-papa. Strawberry shortcake, mea'ono-pua'a. Chinese pork cake, mea ulu. Vegetable, growing plant.
melamela m e l a m e l a . Lazy, indolent. M e l a n l k l a . Melanesia; Melanesian. Eng. m e l e . 1 . Song, c h a n t of any kind, poem to sing, chant (preceded by both ke and ka). Kana mele, his song [sung by him or composed by him], Kona mele, his song [in his honor], Cf. oli, a chant t h a t is not danced to. Mele "oli, gay song, h o ' o m e l e . T o cause to sing or chant. 2 . Yellow. 3 . Merry. Eng. Mele Kahkimaka, merry Christmas. 4 . (Cap.) M a r y . Eng.
topped trees, from tropical America, grown ornamentally, the flowers being one of the commonest kinds for leis. T h e thick, stiff branches bear long leaves and many five-parted, tubular, fragrant flowers, which are white and yellow, pink to rose. (Neal 607.)
meliktana, merldlana. Meridian. Eng. melokia, inelodia. Melody. Eng. melokiana. Melodeon. Eng.
m e l o m e l o . Club used as lure: it was smeared with bait, such as roasted 'ala'ala he'e, roasted coconut flesh, or various aromatic loaves; let down in the water, it was believed to a t t r a c t fish to a net. Also called makalei. ho'omelom e l o . T o prepare this club; to use this club, m e l u . 1. Soft, decomposed, especially of flsh. h o ' o m e l u . T o cause a decomposition, to leave (as fish) until decomposition begins. I'a ho'omelu. fish, such as hinalea, slightly decomposed, then salted and seasoned with kukui-nut relish, chili peppers, etc. 2 . T o pull out, as the beard. (AP.)
mele aupuni. National anthem,
m e l e h a i p u l e . Hymn, religious song, m e l e h e l . C h a n t sung while making a cat's cradle. m e l e h o ' & l a . Song to wake a sleeping child or person, especially one composed for a chief or favorite child and used thus. Lit., awakening song.
mele ho'ohlamoe kelki. Lullaby. Lit., song to put children to sleep, m e l e h o ' o l p o l p o . Love song. Lit.,
wooing song,
m e l u m e l u . Kedup. of melu, 1. m e m e h a . S a m e as mehameha. m e i n e k l . Anger, wrath; angry. Obs. m e n i e l e . 1 . Same as melemele, yellow. 2 . Kedup. and plural of mele_, to sing. Na po'e memele, the singers. Eia na 'anela ke memele nei, here the angels sing, m e m e l u . Same as melumelu. m e m e m e l e . Same as memele, 1, 2.
mele hO'ole lama. Temperance song. Lit., song refusing rum.
mele hO'ole wal 'ona. Temperance song. Lit., song refusing intoxicating liquor,
mele ho'on&n& kelki. Lullaby, song to soothe
children. m e l e h u k a . Bum total. Obs. Ka helu a ka Hawaii 'oia ho'i 'o ka lau, 'o ka mano, 'o ke kini a me ka lefiu o ke akuu, he melehuka ko lakou helu huina pau loa, the counting of the Hawaiians, as follows: lau, mano, kini, and lehu of the gods, all their total number is melehuka. M e l e h u u e . Var. of Menehune. Kauai. For example see pa'e'e. m e l e i n o a . N a m e chant, i.e., chant composed in honor of a person, as of a chief. Also called inoa.
-memeue. See hapaimemeue. mena. Var. of mane, 1. (AP.)
m e n e . 1. Dullness, bluntness: dull, blunt, as a knife. Ihu mene. fiat-nosed. Ua mene ka ihu o ka wa'a, the prow of the canoe is blunted, h o ' o m e n e . T o make dull; dull. Trans. 2 . T o move back, step back, shrink. E mene mai i hope, step back. M e n e h u n e . 1. Legendary race of small people who worked a t night, building fish ponds, roads, temples; if the work was not finished in one night, it remained unfinished. 2 . (Not cap.) T o gather together to work and complete a task, as a band of Menehune. E menehune mai kakou i ka hana, let's get together and get the work done like Menehune.
mele k&hea. Chant for admittance to an old-
time hula school. Lit., calling song, m e l e k a ' l . C h a n t or song sung while dancers come out before the audience. Lit., procession song. m e l e k a ' l h o ' l . Chant or song sung while dancers leave the audience. Lit., song for proceeding back. m e l e k a ' l k a u a . Ilattle song. ( P H 43.) Lit., song
m e n e k e . See
to lead in battle.
Mele Kallkimaka. Merry Christmas. Eng.
m e l e k a u i k a u . Dirge, mourning song,
meleklana, meredlana. Meridian. Eng.
m e l e k u a h u . Altar chant, as before an altar in a hula school, m e l e k u l e . P o t marigold (Calendula officinalis). (Neal 752.) Other kinds of marigolds (Tagetes) are called 'okole-'oi'oi. m e l e k u l e - w a l - k & h u l l . An ornamental gaillardia (Gaillardia pulchella var. picta) from the United States, both cultivated and wild in Hawaii. T h e flowers are yellow and reddish. (Neal 745.)
m e n e ' o . Var. of mane'o.
m e n e o . T o double up, as the arms a t the elbows, or legs a t t h e knees; folded, as a mat. (AP.) m e n u l . Contracted, shortened, blunted off, curled in. m e ' o . 1 . T o nag and tease, usually indirectly; to drool a t the mouth while watching, as food being prepared; to linger about with greedy eyes; importuning. Me'o maoli kdia kamali'i i ka mea'ai, these children are begging, watching, reaching for t h e food. 2 . T o sprout, m e ' o m e ' o . 1. Redup. of me'o, 1. Wahine momona waiil lewa, too muchee me'ome'o i ka'u sikaliki (old hula song), f a t woman with hanging breasts, always hanging around for my cigarette. 2 . Redup. of me'o, l \ swelling, as of finger; to poke through, as body hairs through a hole in clothes, m e u . 1. Ulunt. 2 . T o meet, touch, as persons kissing; to cohabit; to stitch together (AP). Cf. peu.
mele ma'I. See mc'i, genitals, melemele. 1. Yellow, ho'omelemele. To color or paint yellow. 2 . (Cap.) N a m e of a star. Melemele and Polapola were said to be twin stars, the former male and the latter female,
orange-peel yellow. M e l e n e k l a . Melanesia; Melanesian. Eng.
m e n e m e n e . Kedup. of mene, 2; to shrink from handling. Fig., to feel sorry; compassionate; to fear for a loved one. Menemene au i ku'u mo'opuna, I so do not want anything to happen to my grandson. E menemene ana au i ka'u mea e menemene aku ai (Rom. 9.15), I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion,
melenlo. Millennium. Eng.
m e l e p a i k a u . A march; marching song,
mele ukall hua kumu. Alphabet song, as one
repeating t h e vowels. Lit., song following t h e basic letters, m e l l . Bee, honey (Kin. 43.11). Nalo-meli, bee. Wai meli, honey. Pahu meli, beehive, m e l l a . All species and varieties of Plumiera (called " p l u m e r i a " in Hawaii), small, broad-
rneua. Passive/imperative of meu, i.
m e u k e u . Knuckled, as of a doubled-up fist. (AP.) m e u m e u . l . Redup. of meu, 1, t. Ihu meumeu, flat nose. 2 . Variety of fish (no d a t a ) .
mikole m l . 1. Urine; to urinate (less used than vrimi). 2. Dream; to dream. Rare. He aha kau ml? What did you dream about? 3. Seventh note in musical scale, ti. 4. Me (in songs). Eng. 5. Mister. Eng. Ml Laiana, Mr. Lyons, m i a . Passive/imperative of mi, 1. m l ' a l a . Same as miki'ala. m l a n a . Place for urinating (formerly certain places outdoors were set aside for this purpose); urinal. m l h a . Silent, quiet. Obs. Miha lanaau, flowing quietly along, as a current. 'O Pele la ko'u akua, miha ka lani, miha ka honua (prayer), Pele is my god, silent the heavens, silent the earth. Cr. hamiha. m l h a m i h a . Redup. of miha. (For. 5:329.) rnlhau. ilau branch set up near the field of battle; as long as it stood upright, the nearby army was said to be winning. (Malo 199.) m l t l l . Repentance; to repent, apologize, be sorry, regret; to confess, as to a priest. Mihi make, death-bed repentance; to repent too late to remedy or prevent; tardy repentance. Kana mihi 'ana, his confession. E mihi 'oe iaia, apologize to him. Ua mihi au i ku'u hele 'ana, I'm sorry about my going, m l h l m l h l . Redup. of mihi. n i i h o . To pile up, place in a pile. E miho ana 'oia i ka pBhaku no ke kukulu pa, he is piling up stones for fence building, m l ' i . 1. Short for 'umi'i, clasp. 2. Attractive, fine-appearing, good-looking. Mi' i noho'i ' o Nani, Nani is certainly pretty, m l k a . Mister. Eng. m l k a . Meter. Eng. m l k a . To press, crush. Obs. m l k a m i n a . Misdemeanor. Eng. m l k a n a . The papaya (Carica papaya), a small tree, a native of tropical America, long popular in Hawaii for its melon-like fruits. (Neal 526.) Hawaii. Also called he'i, milikana, papaia. m t k a n e l e . Missionary. Eng. Also mikionali. h o ' o m t k a n e l e . To act as a missionary; to ape the missionaries; to be a goody-goody, m l k e l l o , m t t e r l o . Mystery. Eng. m l k e p o , m l g e b o . Goodly. (Puk. 39.28.) m l k l . 1. Quick, active, nimble, prompt, alert, watchful, fast and efficient in work; speed, alertness. He aha kau 'o ka miki 'ana aku nei i lailaP Why were you so prompt in going there? 2. To suck in, dip in: to shrink, as clothes or as salt beef in boiling; to spring together, as sides of a steel trap; to draw in, as an octopus; to recede, as an undertow; to shrivel, as a leaf: to take up with the fingers, as poi; evaporated, as water by boiling. Miki poi, dab of poi, as on the finger. Miki pololei, fresh poi, said to be so called because it wasn't tasty and one was content with a dab or two. m l k l a . Passive/imperative of miki, 1, 2. m i k i ' a l . Finger of poi, a finger-dip of poi; to
m l k l l l m a . Short for mikini lima. m l k l o i l k l . 1. Redup. of miki. I, 2. Na ka mikimiki mua no ka loa a, for the most alert one the gains. 2. To talk in a friendly and ingratiating way, as to obtain a favor, m l k l n a . Same as miki 'ana. See miki, 1, t. m l k l - n a l o . 1. A sundew (Drosera longifolia), a small insectivorous bog plant found in the Hawaiian Islands only on Kauai in mountain bogs. The leaves bear sticky glands to catch insects. (Neal 326.) Lit., to suck files. 2. Venus'sflytrap. m l k i u l . 1. Machine (Eng.), motor. 2. Mitten (Eng.), glove, m l k l l l l ' a l a n a . Clothes pressor, mangle. Lit., ironing machine, m l k l n l ' a p o leo. Recorder. Lit., machine that catches the voice, m i k i n i b e l u . Adding machine, comptometer, m l k l l l l holoi. Washing machine, m i k i n i h o ' o m a ' e m a ' e h a l e . Vacuum cleaner, m l k l n l h o ' o p a ' a . Recording machine; any machine that binds, m l k l n l h u m u h u m u . Sewing machine, m l k l n l k a o m l . Press, as for clamping material, pressing clothes, m l k l n l k l k o k i k o h u a . Typewriter, m l k l n l l i m a . Glove. Lit., hand mitten (Eng.). m i k i n i n a n a la loko o k e k a n a k a . X-ray machine. Lit., machine inspecting inners of man. m l k l n l ' o k l m a u ' u . Lawn mower. Lit., grasscutting machine, m l k l n l pa'l nQpepa. Printing press. Lit., machine to print newspapers, m l k l n o l l a . Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora), a tree from southern United States, with large, white, fragrant flowers. Eng. m l k l n o l l a - h l h l u . Same as lakana. Lit., wild magnolia. m l k l n o l i a - h o h o n o . Same as lakana, mikinoliakuku. Lit., bad-smelling magnolia. m l k l n o l l a - k u k O . Same as lakana, mikinoliahohono. Lit., thorny magnolia, m l k i o l . 1. Dainty and neat in craftmanship, or in doing anything; excellently made, as result of workmanship. Mikioi ka hana 'ia 'ana o kiia pakaukau, this table is neatly and skillfully made, h o ' o m l k i o l . To do neatly;-to work with skilled craftmanship; to handle daintily. 2. (Cap.) Name of a strong, gusty wind. (UL 238.) Ka makani Mikioi o Lehua, the gusty Mikioi wind of Lehua Island. 3. A native variety of sugar cane. (HP 225.) m l k l o n a , m i s l o n a . Mission. Eng. m i k i o n a l i , m l s i o n a r l . Missionary. Eng. m l k i o n e l i . Missionary. Eng. m l k l p a l a o a . Same as 'auko'i, a shrub, m l k o . 1. Seasoned with salt (Kol. 4.6); salted. Cf. mikomiko. h o ' o m l k o . To season, salt. Ho'omiko ai me ka pa'akai (Oihk. 2.13), season with salt. 2. To kink, snarl, become ensnared; kink, snarl. Ua miko ka lopi, the thread has kinked. m l k o h u . Good-looking, attractive, becoming. Obs. Mikilima mikohu, good-looking gloves, m l k o h u k o h u . Redup. of mikohu. m l k o l . To nibble, eat in small pinches, as salt or 'inamona with poi. Obs. Kamano mikoi, salmon eaten in small bits, m l k o l k o l . Redup. of mikoi. m l k o k o i . 1. Redup. of mikoi. 2. A native variety of sugar cane; a lighter brown-red mutant of manu-lele without purple cast to leaves and sheath. (HP 221.) m i k o l e . 1. To eat fastidiously, in small portions; to nibble, as at salt or relish; to eat sparingly. 2. Persevering, continuing at a task little by little; working bit by bit. 'O kona mikole no la
dip poi on the finger, m i k i ' a l a . Alert, prompt; early on hand. Cf. 'oihana miki'ala. E miki'ala mai i ke kakahiaka nui, be here promptly in the early morning, m l k i ' a o . Claw, nail, as of finger or toe. m i k i a w a . Var. of makiawa, a round herring, m i k i h i l i n a . Most beautiful, of dress, finery, ornaments. Kahiko a oki a pa'ihi'ihi, lawe a linohau a mikihilina (chant for Kalakaua), dressed in best, neatest finery, most fine and ornate. m i k l l a n a , m l s i l a n a . The Chinese rice flower (Aglaia odorata), a shrub or small tree in the mahogany family, from south China and IndoChina, grown ornamentally for the handsome leaves and fragrant flowers, which are tiny, round, and yellow; clusters of them are used for leis. (Neal 432.) (Chinese, mei-sui-lan.) m l k l l i . Var. of nakili. Obs.
mikolelehua mlml 'eha.
a hiki i ka wS e loa'a ai, he perseveres until h e obtains.
I n v o l u n t a r y urination, as caused b y weakened bladder; t o urinate f r e q u e n t l y or w i t h o u t control,
E l o q u e n t , f a s c i n a t i n g in speech, m o v i n g , pleasing, d e l i g h t f u l , e n t e r t a i n i n g . C f . miko, 1. mlkololla. C h a n g e a b l e or v a r y i n g In appearance, as t h e sea. 06s. mlkomlko. R e d u p . o f miko. 1; salted l i g h t l y ; e n t e r t a i n i n g , instructive, as c o n v e r s a t i o n . C f . mlkololohua.
m l m l h l . Redup. of mihi.
mlml hono.
T o urinate r e p e a t e d l y , as of untrained children. Lit., m u l t i t u d i n o u s urine. m l m l - ' I l l o . Sand spurry ( S p e r g u l a r i a salina), a w e e d y herb f r o m E u r o p e , w i t h l o n g narrow l e a v e s grouped a t I n t e r v a l s along t h e stem, g r o w i n g on sand near beaches in H a w a i i . Lit., d o g urine, perhaps so c a l l e d because o f its unpleasant smell, m l m f - ' i o l e . W i l d taro on Inaccessible c l i f f s bel i e v e d carried there b y rats. Lit., r a t urine, m l m l k l . 1. R e d u p . o f miki, 1; t o w o r k w i t h a will. Pehea no la oukou i mimiki aku nei ma'df W h a t m a d e y o u g e t there so q u i c k l y ? 2. R e d u p . of miki, 2; t o suck in, as a w h i r l p o o l ( M a l o 26). Cf. onemimiki. m l m l - k O . Diabetes. Lit., sugar-cane urine, m l m l l o . R e d u p . of milo, I; curly, k i n k y ; whirlp o o l ; t o r e v o l v e or r i p p l e , as w a t e r in a whirlpool ; t o roll, as t o induce a b o r t i o n , ho'omimilo. T o curl, twist. Trans. Hao ho'omimilo, metal hair curler. Ho'omimilo i ka lauoho, t o h a v e hair curled.
m l k o m l k o l . Redup. of mlkoi.
m l k u a k u a . A medicinal p l a n t ( n o d a t a ) , mlla. M i l l ( t e n t h p a r t of a c e n t ) . Eng. mile. 1. B u n c h of loose, cleaned olonH fibers, t o be m a d e I n t o cord. Obs. 2. M i l e . Eng.
mlleka, mlleta. Millet. (Ezek. 4.9.)
N a u t i c a l mile, k n o t . Lit.,
P a i n f u l u r i n a t i o n ; t o urinate pain-
mlml helele'l.
mikolelehua. Var. or mlkololohua. m l k o l o h u a . Same as mlkololohua.
long mile,
mllenio. Millennium. Eng.
1. T o handle, feel of, f o n d l e , caress, as a b e l o v e d c h i l d ; f o n d l e d , b e l o v e d . Ka ia mili i ka lima, t h e flsh ['o'opu1 f o n d l e d in the hand [easily caughtl. 2. Slow, inefficient i n work. O f . mili apa, milimili. Nui ka mili o kana hana, his w o r k is v e r y slow, mllia. P a s s i v e / i m p e r a t i v e of mili, 1. Kapua-imilia ( n a m e ) , the b e l o v e d flower or child, mlllamekele, mlllametere. M i l l i m e t e r . Eng. mlliani. T o f o n d l e g e n t l y . He pua ua miliani 'ia e ka MSlualua-ki'i-wai (song), she was a flower g e n t l y caressed b y t h e w a t e r - f e t c h i n g Malualua wind.
m l m l m l h l . Same as mihimihi. m l m l n o . Redup. of mino.
mlml pa'a. urine.
t o urinate. Lit.,
Gentle, of u p r i g h t character, q u i e t ; c a p a b l e and d e f t but unassuming. Obs.
m l m o k a . Mimosa. Eng. Biblical. m l m o m l m o . Redup. of mimo.
mill 'apa.
Slow, d i l a t o r y . m l l l k a ' a . T o handle o v e r a n d o v e r , t o do rep e a t e d l y ; t o k e e p d o i n g s o m e t h i n g of l i t t l e v a l u e ; t o r e p e a t s l o w l y ; t o f o n d l e o r caress o v e r and o v e r . Ua milika'a 'ia e ka Inu-wai, caressed r e p e a t e d l y b y the W a t e r - d r i n k i n g w i n d ,
rnlna. Same as minamina, mlnamina. 1. T o regret,
mamina. be sorry; to grieve for s o m e t h i n g t h a t is l o s t ; regret, sorrow. Minamina au i kona puka 'ole 'ana mai ke kula mai, I r e g r e t she did not g r a d u a t e f r o m school. 2. T o prize greatly, v a l u e g r e a t l y , especially of s o m e t h i n g in danger o f being lost; t o value, place great v a l u e o n ; v a l u e , w o r t h . He mea minamina 'ia ke keiki, a child Is t o be prized. 'A'ole minamina 'o Idkou i ke ola, t h e y d o n o t Bet much v a l u e on h u m a n life. 3. S a v i n g , economical, miserly, ungenerous; c o v e t o u s , o f tilings t h a t one values; e c o n o m y , t h r i f t . Minamina au i ktia pepa, I ' m s a v i n g w i t h this paper, mlnao. M i n n o w . Eng. mine. M i n e ( f o r m i n e r a l s ) . Eng.
m l l l k a n a . Same as mlkana.
T o praise, e x a l t ; t o g i v e thanks; t o t r e a t as a f a v o r i t e . E komo 'oukou i loko o kona 'ipuka me ka mililani ( H a l . 100.4), enter i n t o his gates w i t h t h a n k s g i v i n g , m l l l m l l l . 1. R e d u p . of mili, 1; t o y , p l a y t h i n g : f a v o r i t e , b e l o v e d ; t o e x a m i n e w i t h interest or curiosity and a d m i r a t i o n . Ko kino e, ki'i milimili ( s o n g ) , y o u r b o d y , a b e l o v e d doll. 2. R e d u p . o f mili. 2. He keu noho'i kou milimili, h o w ext r a o r d i n a r i l y slow y o u are. mill nanea, mlllmlll nanea. Cherished person t h a t absorbs and d e l i g h t s o n e ; absorbed and c h a r m e d ; t o e n j o y and t a k e d e l i g h t . Mili nanea mau i kdna mo'opuna, c o n s t a n t l y absorbed a n d d e l i g h t e d In his grandchild,
mtneka, mineta. Mint. (Mat. 23.23.) Eng.
mlnelala, mlnerala.
M i n e r a l . Eng.
lala, mineral water, m l n l o l e . A sea creature n a m e d b y M a l o . ( M a l o 46.) mlno. D i m p l e , depression, d e n t ; c r o w n o f the h e a d ; d i m p l e d , creased, wrinkled, dented; shriveling, as f r u i t or grass, mlno'aka. Smile; t o smile. Lit., l a u g h i n g dimple, h o ' o m l n o ' a k a . T o cause t o smile; t o smile a little. mlnot. T o pucker t h e lips; t o suck, as of a child, m l n o l n o l . R e d u p . of minoi; t o f o l d a n d t i e in a n a r r o w space; t o c r o w d , t o s w a r m in o n e place (obs.). m l n o l e . T o e a t a v e r y l i t t l e , t o pick a t f o o d w i t h o u t a p p e t i t e or desire. C f . nlnole. rnlnomlno. R e d u p . o f mino; wrinkled, as w i t h age.
mlliona. Million. Eng.
m l l l ' o p u . E a s y t o c a t c h w i t h t h e hands, as s o m e fish; easily handled. Ka i'a mili'opu i ka lima ( s o n g ) , the flsh c a u g h t in t h e hand, mllo. 1. A t r e e t o 40 f e e t high (Thespesia populnea), f o u n d on coasts of t h e eastern tropics; used f o r shade, t h e w o o d f o r calabashes, other parts of t h e tree in m a n y w a y s , as f o r medicine, d y e , oil, g u m . I t is r e l a t e d t o t h e hau and resembles i t s o m e w h a t . ( N e a l 494.) 2. C u r l ; t o curl, t w i s t as sennit strands; t o whirl, as w a t e r ; a b o r t i o n . C f . 'Bmilo. Milo li'i, fine cord, fiber, mllo Iopl. D i s t a f f f o r spinning t h r e a d ; t o t w i s t t h r e a d . (Sol. 31.19 has milo lope.)
m l l o m l l o . Redup. of milo, 2.
mllu. 1.
S o f t , r o t t e n . 2. (Cap.) Underworld, ruler of underworld, mllumllu. G l o o m y , s h a d y , solemn, mlml. U r i n e ; t o urinate, ho'omlml. T o cause u r i n a t i o n ; t o help t o urinate, as a child. ( P P N mimi, P M P miRmiB.) m l n i l . S a m e as 'Smlml. mimi 'ava. B i t t e r urine, said of vile-smelling urine; t o u r i n a t e thus.
mlnuke, minute. Minute. Eng.
m l o . 1. T o disappear s w i f t l y ; t o m o v e s w i f t l y , as a stream of w a t e r ; t o m a k e off w i t h q u i c k l y ; t o steal; t o w i l t ; t o d e p a r t q u i c k l y . 'Io o mio lani ( F o r . 6:395), h a w k disappearing I n t o t h e sky. Ua mio 'ia aku nei ke kola a Paulo, P a u l ' s m o n e y was q u i c k l y stolen. Ma'B i mio aku nei, went swiftly that way. 2. N a r r o w , pointed, tapering.
m o a
' u 1a
h i w a m o a k&kala. Cock with sharp spurs. Fig., warrior who is a good fighter, m o a k&ne. Rooster, cock. Lit., male chicken, m o ' a k o l e k o l e . Cooked rare, as beef, m o a kuak&hl. First cock crow. Lit., chicken rising first. Also moa ku kahi. Cf. moa kualua, second cock crow, m o a l a . T o raise to the mouth, as pot, or as a Chinese feeds rice into his mouth. Obs. Cf. ala, to rise. m o ' a l a . 1. An edible crab found in ponds and shallow water, probably Podophthalmus vigil. (Ed. 283.) 3. T o relish food, as after having lost the appetite. 06s. Ke mo'ala maila ka 'ono o ka 'ai, the savor of food has been renewed. m O ' a l a ' a l a . Going here and there, as one asking for handouts; to gad about. Obs. Cf. ko'ala'ala, quick. m o ' a l e ' a . Well-cooked, as pig. m d ' a l l . Impression, scar, mark, as left by a knife cut; furrow, rut, track, groove, thread, strand; small, fine. For example see puahilohilo. h o ' o m O ' a l l . T o make an impression; scar, tracing, groove. m O ' a l l ' a l l . Redup. of mo'ali. m o a m a h l . T o cherish and cultivate. Obs. Ua moamahi 'oia i ka na'auao, he cherished and cultivated wisdom, m o a m a h l . Fighting cock. Fig., successful warrior. m o ' a m a k a . Barely cooked. Lit., cooked raw. m o a m o a . X. T o act the part of a cock; to care for, attend to; to supply with food, as a child or ward, h o ' o m o a m o a . T o accompany, as a cock with hens; to care for, protect, cherish. 2. Sharp point at the stern of a canoe. 3. Paper nautilus. Also 'au-wa'a-la-lua, moamoa-wa'a. 4. Same as pahu, trunkflsh. m o a n a . 1. Ocean, open sea. 3. Campground, consultation place for chiefs, h o ' o m o a n a . T o camp. Hele akula lakou . . . a ho'omoana ma 'Etama (Puk. 13.20), they want . . . and encamped at Etham. 3. Broad, wide, extended, expansive, spread out. h o ' o m o a n a . T o spread down, as mats, m o a n a a n a . Redup. of moana, 3. m o a - n a h e l e . See moa, 3, plants, m o a n a k a l . Salt sea (Nah. 34.3), salt lake; deep sea.
m l ' o i . Forward, aggressive, bold; advancing, outstripping others, as a racer; to shoot marbles by placing the hand on or in front of the line behind which the shooting is supposed to be done (a form of cheating). Cf. maha'oi, ma'oi. m l o l o l . T o look through nearly closed eyes, as in facing a dazzling light; to wrinkle up the eyelids. Also pioioi. m l ' o l ' o l . Redup. of mVoi. m l o m l o . Redup. of mio, 1,2-, clear-cut, precise, as carpentry; trim, neat; to dive into the water without splashing. E 'opi a'e a miomio, fold neat and trim [as clothes]. Kama1 a miomio, shoe with pointed toe. m l o n a . 1. Swift disappearance or movement. 3. Vent in the stomach of a fish. 3. Top, as of a hanging valley. 4. Division between the labia of the vagina. 5. Crease in the buttocks, m i l l . Attractive. m i u l a . Mule, ass (Kin. 36.24). Eng. m l u l a n a . Orange and white champak (Michelia champaca and M. Alba), tall trees with smooth gray trunk, from the Himalayas, related to the magnolia, bearing many-parted, orange or yellow flowers ( M . champaca) or white flowers (M. alba), which are especially fragrant at night. (Neal 308.) T h e orange and white species may be distinguished by qualifying miulana with the colors melemele and ke'oke'o. The Chinese name for the white species is pak-lan, but cf. pakalana. mO. Short for moku± 1,2. MS-kapu (place name), taboo district. Mo ka pawa, day breaks. MB ka piko, cut the navel cord (said also of related persons who sever relationship]. mO-. 1. Short for mo'o, succession^ Cf. mo'olelo, story. 3. Short for mo'o, lizard. Mo-'ili'ili (place name), pebble lizard, m o a . 1. Chicken; wild chicken (Gallus Qalius gallus), as brought to Hawaii by Polynesians. 3. A native bauana fruit with large and plump, skin and flesh yellow, edible raw or cooked, growing in a small bunch. Also called huamoa. ( H P 176.) 3. Tufted, green, leafless plants (Psilotum nudum and P. complanatum), about a foot long, with many slender branches, growing in most tropical countries, both on trees and on the ground. Hawaiians used them medicinally (the spore powder as a purge), and their children played a game with them. (Neal 7.) Sometimes called moa-nahele, pipi. 4. Children's game played with moa twigs; the tiny branches were interlocked, and the players pulled on the ends; the loser's twigs broke and the winner crowed like a rooster (moa). 5. A dart, tapering at one end, usually 10 to 22 Inches long, used in a sliding game on which bets were made. Cf. pahe'e, I. Ho'oholoholo moa, to slide the moa dart. 6. Var. of pahu, trunkflsh. 7. Stone fastened to rope, used as a war weapon, said to be triangular in shape. 8. A small gastropod moIlUBk. m o ' a . Cooked; burned, as by sun; cooking; made brittle, as tobacco leaves over a fire. 'Ai i kalo mo'a (For. 5:43), to eat cooked taro [to enjoy a life of ease], h o ' o m o ' a . T o cook, m o a ' a l a e . Completely black chicken, so called because the mudhen ('alae) was black. Moa 'alae hulu 'ula, black chicken with red feathers at neck and rump. mOae. Var. spelling of mBwae. M o a ' e . Trade wind. Moa'e ku, strong Moa'e. M o a ' e - L e h u a . Trade wind, m o a - h a ' a . Bantam, any short-legged chicken, m o a h o a h o . Var. spelling of mBwahowaho. m o a l . Bending over, arching, as a tree. Obs. m o a k a . Same as mSakaaka. 'O moaka ku ke ao (chant), the cloud stands clear. m O a k a a k a , m o a k a k a . Clear, plain, intelligible; clarity. 'Ike mOakaaka, to see clearly. Cf. akaaka. h o ' o m O a k a a k a . Explanation, definition; to explain clearly, clarify, define.
m o a n a p a ' a k a l . Salt sea (Nah. 34.12), salt lake, m o a n a w a i . Fresh-water lake; sea (Mat. 8.27). m o a - n C n e . Speckled chicken, so called because of resemblance to the nine, goose, m o a n l . Light or gentle breeze, usually associated with fragrance; wafted fragrance; to blow perfume. (Mele 1.12.) Moani ke 'ala o ka 'awapuhi, wind-blown is the ginger perfume. Moani lehua, wind-borne fragrance of lehua blooms; also said to be the name of a wind at Puna, Hawaii. M o a n l - ' a l a . Name of a land breeze that wafts out to sea at Puna. Hawaii. Lit., fragrant breeze, so named for the fragrance of pandanus. m o a n l a n l . Redup. of moani. m o a n o . 1. Goatfish (Parupeneus multifasciatus and P. bifasciatus). T h e young are called 'ahua or 'Bhua; the red color was believed caused by eating lehua flowers. T h e name may be qualified by the terms 'au-kl, kea, papa'a, ukali, ukaliulua. 3. Pale red color, as of the moano fish. Fig., to bloom. Moano ka lehua (For. 6:293), the lehua flowers become red. 3. A native variety of sugar cane, named for the fish; a red cane becoming dark-purple; pith dark-brown. ( H P 224.) 4. A variety of taro. ( H P 33.) m o a n o ' A h u a . Young moano, goatflsh. m o a p u a h a u . A chicken with yellow feathers. Lit., nau-flower chicken. m o ' a u . Stretched out. Moe mo'au ke kahaone, the sandy beach lies stretched out. m o a 'Ula h i w a . Predominantly red chicken.
moauli moaQII. Short for moana uli, dark blue sea. Kela 'aina i ka moauli (Kep. 17), that land In the dark blue ocean, m o a w a h i n e . Hen. Lit., female chicken, m o e . 1. To sleep, lie down; to lie in wait, ambush; to prostrate oneself, as before a chief; to lay down, as cards; to sit on eggs. Kapu moe, prostration taboo. Hale moe, sleeping house. Moe kau a ho'oilo, sleep summer to winter [the sleep of death]. Moe ka ihu o ka pua'a, the nose of the pig is down [a pig has been killed for ceremony]. 'A'ohe e moe ku'u maka a ko ku'u makemake, my eyes shall not sleep until my desire is obtained. Moe ke kanaka, a human sacrifice was made. Moe Ha ka iwi 'ao'ao e ke kanaka 'e (For. 4:47), the rib bones will be laid to rest by strangers, n o ' o m o e . To put to sleep, to lay down; to set, as a hen (Isa. 59.5) or fish net; to bring down, as a club (For. 5:355); to " d r o p " a matter; to defer, postpone; to table, as a motion; to lay, as bricks; to subscribe, as to a newspaper. Trans. Cf. ho'omoemoe. (PPN mohe, perhaps P M P peZem.) 2. T o marry, mate with, sleep with; marriage. Moe t ka ha'i, to sleep with the mate of another, h o ' o m o e . To arrange a match. Huaka'i ho'omoe wahine (For. 4:217), trip to arrange for a bride. Ho'omoe a ipo, to cause to take as a sweetheart or lover. 3. Bed, sleeping place. 4. Dream. Ka mea nana na moe (Kin. 37.19), dreamer. He aha ka puana o ka moe? What is the answer of the dream [what will the result be]? 5. Calm, as the sea. € . Same as moea, 2. Cf. kamoe. h o ' o m o e . Causative/simulative. For example see kao'o. m o e a . 1. Passive/imperative of moe, 1, 2. 2. To press onward, to go straight toward. Moea 'oe i Hawai'i nui, go directly to great Hawaii, m o e - a h u a . A variety of sweet potato, m o e alkftne. Sodomy, sodomist; to commit sodomy (1 Kor. 6.9). Lit., friend mating, m o e a w a k e a . One who gets up long after sunrise; a late sleeper; to sleep late, m o e h a i a u . To sleep in the hQlau (shed), sometimes said of a lazy, uncooperative person. For example see lola. m o e h e w a . To sleep restlessly; to fidget, talk, or walk in one's sleep; disturbed in one's sleep; nightmare; to have a nightmare. Lit., wrong sleeping.
m o e l e w a . Hammock, cradle. Lit., swinging bed. m o e loa. To oversleep, sleep a long time, m o e l o l a . Striped tapa; an outer sheet (kilohana) for bed covers, as made by laying a red cloth or tapa over a white tapa in long panels with intervening white spaces, and then beating it into the tapa; striped. Cf. pa'i'ula. m o e l u a . Striped, of two colors of about same width and lying parallel, as of tapa. Cf. moekolu, weke. m o e l u l i l u l l . Cradle. Lit., rocking bed. m o e m a ' l . To lie abed sick: sickbed. Ua Wihi ka moe ma'i o Koma, Tom has been sick in bed for a long time, m o e m a k e . To lie at death's door; to be sick unto death; to lie in a dead faint, m o e m a n . T o live with a mate out of wedlock. Lit., constant mating. Cf. moekolohe, a short affair, and noho manuahi. m o e m o e . 1. Ambush, to lie in ambush; to lurk, h o ' o m o e m o e . To cause to lie down; to hush or put to sleep; to arrange a match; to set a line or net; to pretend to sleep. Cf. ho'omoe. 'Upena ho'omoemoe, net set in the sea. 3. Same as holua, sled. Obs. m o e m o e a . To dream or fancy; fantasy; dream of a cherished wish, whether good or bad. m o e n a . 1. Mat. Cf. moe, to lie down. 2. Couch, bed. 3. Resting place, position of anything lying down; place for setting (ho'omoe) a flsn net. Na ka lawai'a e kuhikuhi i ka moena e ho'omoe ai i ka 'upena, the fisherman points out the place to set the net. 4. Same as moe, 6. Moena i mua, to forge ahead,
moena 'ahu 'ao. See 'ahu 'ao.
m o e n a ' a h u 11*1. Fine mat. Lit., fine garment mat. m o e n a h l n a l o , m o e n a h l n a n o . Very fine mat made of the bracts of hala blossoms {hlnalo). m o e n a k a u p&kaukau. Table mat, place mat. m o e n a k u a k u a i k l m a ' a . Door mat. m o e n a l a u . Mat made with wide wefts, m o e n a p a w e h e . Fine mat, woven in patterns, as on Niihau. m o e n a p u ' a o . See pu'ao. m o e n a pulu n l u . Door mat, foot mat, so called because its fibers suggested coconut husk (pulu niu). m o e n a weleweka. Soft carpet of any kind. Lit., velvet {Eng.) mat. m o e - o n e . 1. Small worm that hides in the sand. 2. Same as paki'i, flounder. Lit., sand lying, m o e ' o p i ' o p i . Folding cot or bed. m o e palpal. Cradle. Lit., rocking bed. m o e p i ' o . Union of brother (or half-brother) and sister of high rank; to make such a marriage. (Malo 54.) Lit., bent marriage, supposedly or a thing bent against itself. Cf. nl'aupi'o. m o e p o ' o . Determined. Lit., lay [the] head. E moepo'o aku ana au a hiki i ke ko 'ana o ko'u makemake, I'll keep right on until my desire is fulfilled. m o e p u ' u . Victim slain at the secret burial of a chief, so as to reduce the number of witnesses; victim who commits suicide or has himself killed in order to show love for a dead chief; death. Lit., lie [in a] heap. (Malo 226.) m o e ' u h a n e . Dream; to dream. Lit., soul sleep, m o e ' u h a n e h o ' o p a h u l u . See pahulu. m o e ' u ' u k u . Cot, small bed. m o e w a ' a . A dream of a canoe, formerly considered bad luck.Ft'0., bad luck, disappointment; to dream thus or have bad luck. Ill oil a . Bright, clear, shining. Obs. mOhft. 1. Fully developed, as a flower; spreading widely, as plants^ of fine physique, as a person. 2 . See koloa-moha.
m o e h l l i n a ' l . Reclining chair, deck chair, chaise longue; to sleep in a reclining position, as in such a chair, m o e h o ' o l a n a . To doze. m o e ' l n o . Nightmare; bad dream; to toss, turn while sleeping, m o e Ipo. To have an affair; to sleep with a lover; to commit adultery; fornicator (1 Kor. 6.9). Huaka'i moe ipo (PH 16), a match-making mission, a mission for the purpose of arranging for a lover, m o e k a ' a . Trundle bed. m o e k a h l . 1. To sleep alone. 2. To lie or incline in the same direction, of several; in order, sequence. Moekahi ka hana, the work is going ahead. m o e - k & h l . A maile, before it forms branches. m o e k S h u a . Same as moe 'ino. m o e k a m a l t ' i . Child's crib or bed. m o e k o k e . To go to bed early, to sleep quickly, m o e k o l o h e . Adultery; to commit adultery, fornicate; adulterous. Lit., mischievous mating. Na'au moekolohe (Ezek. 6.9), whorish heart, h o ' o m o e k o l o h e . To lead into adultery, m o e k o l u . Striped, of three colors of about the same width and lying parallel. Cf. moelua.
moekQ. Bed.
m o e k u h u a . Viscous matter in the eyes. Cf. hu'alu. m o e l a w a . Same as leleiona, shark sucker, m o e l e p o . Earth sleeper; to sleep in the earth. Fig., the dead; dirty, shiftless individual.
mokeko, mAhShS. 1. Redup. of moha, I. M&haha kina kalo, his taros are well filled out. E ulu ana me ka mohaha o kona mau laid i na lau uliuli, growing with branches spreading wide with green leaves. 2. Redup. of moha, bright. Obs. mohahala. Same as mShnlahala. mOhai. Sacrifice, offering; to offer a sacrifice. Cf. hai, haiau. M o h a ' l . Name of a star. (ICL line 1S90.) mohal ahl. Burnt offering. (Puk. 29.25.) mOhal 'al. Meat offering (Puk. 40.29); food offering. mOhal aloha. Free-will offering (Kanl. 12.6); love offering. mOhal hala. Trespass offering (Oihk. 7.37); sin offering, offering that a sin may be forgiven. mGhai ho'Sll. Wave offering. (Puk. 29.2-1.) mOhal ho'oko. Offering or sacrifice in fulfillment of a vow, or after a wish has been granted. (Nah. 15.3.) mOhal ho'olull. Wave offering. mOhal ho'omalu. Peace offering. (Oihk. 3.3.) mohal ka'lka'l. Heave offering. (Puk. 29.27.) mOhal kalkea. Offering of fat, by fire. (Oihk. 10.15.) mOhal kala how a. Expiatory offering to atone for sins. Lit., offering for forgiveness of sins. mOhai kunl. Burnt offering. (Nah. 15.8.) mOhai lawehala. Sin offering. (Oihk. 4.3.) mOhal makana. Free-wili offering (Puk. 25.2), gift offering. mOhal mananale'a. Free-will offering. mOhal militant. Sacrifice of thanksgiving. (Hal. 116.17.) mOhal ola. Life sacrifice; to offer alive, to sacrifice one's life, as of Christ. mOhai p&ua'l. Substitute offering, as ulua (a fish) instead of a human being. mOhal ponl. Offering of consccration. (Oihk. 7.37.) mOhai puhl. Offering by fire. (Oihk. 2.3.) mOhai puhl 'ala 'ono. Sweet-smelling offering. (Oihk. 3.5.) Lit., burnt offering tasty fragrant. mOhala. Unfolded, as flower petals; blossoming, opening up; spread, as a turkey's tail; blooming, as a youth just past adolescence; shining forth, as a light; appearing clear, as a thought; evolved, developed; freed or recovered, as from fear, worry, illness. *A'ohe mohala pono ka mana'o, a thought not clearly stated or brought out. Mdhala ka helehelena, pleasant, open features. ho'omOhala. To open, unfold, spread, recover, develop, evolve; development, etc. Ua ho'omohala 'ia kona na'au kdnalua, his doubting heart began to feel courage. mOhalahala. Redup. of mohala. mOhalu. 1. Loose, slack; at ease, unrestrained, at liberty; comfortable. Hale mohalu, house of relaxation. ho'omOhalu. T o slacken, relax; to cause relaxation, ease. 2. (Cap.) Twelfth day of the month and first of the Kane taboo, liked for planting flowers because it was believed the flowers would be round and perfect like the moon on this night. 3. T o open, unfold, as flowers. Also mohala. mOhaluhalu. Redup. of mdhalu, J, 2. Mohaluhalu ka lihilihi o ka pua, the petals of the flowers unfold in blossom. Mohaluhalu ka 'ai 'ana a ka i'a, the fish are opening [their mouths] to bite. Mohameka, Alohameta. Mohammedan. Eng. mOhllil. 1. A variety of sweet potato, sometimes qualified by the colors ke'oke'o or 'ula'ula. 2. A native mint (Stenogyne scrophularioides), more or less shrubby and climbing, leaves ovate, flowers reddish and grouped in sixes, mohlhlhi. A herbaceous leguminous vine (Vigna marina), established on tropical shores of the world. Leaves are three-parted, the flowers yel-
moseko low. (Neal 409.) Also called nanea, 'fikole-makili, puhilihili, wahine-'dma'o. mohlhlo. Redup. of mShio. Mohihio ho'i ka makani, the wind is drafty. mohlht'o. Same as moe hihi'o: see hihi'o. mOhlo. Draft, gust of wind. Mohio in 'ope'ope, gust that scatters bundles; fig., careless, heedless, impudent person. mChlohlo. 1. Same as mohihio. 2. Red, as from sunburn. Obs. moho. 1. Candidate, as in politics; representative selected to participate in a race, wrestling, or betting contest. 2. Hawaiian rail (Pennula millsi)_, an extinct flightless bird. For example see puhili. 3. T o unfold, of leaves, especially upper leaf of a plant, as sugar cane, taro. (AP.) - m o h o . (With ho'o-) ho'omoho. T o stalk; to lie in wait, as a cat ready to pounce; to sneak. Ka'u, Hawaii, mohoea. Same as moho, £. mOhoIa. Var. of mohala. He'e mohola, squid lying flat on the sea floor with tentacles spread. Cf. moho, 3. mOhole. Var. of mahole. mfiholehole. Redup. of mohole. moi. 1. Threadfish (Polydactylies sexfilis). Stages of growth: moi-li'i, little moi, two to three inches long; palamoi (Kauai) or manamoi (Hawaii), about five inches; moi, adult, eighteen inches to about three feet. On Hawaii the palamoi was about one foot. This fish was much esteemed for food. A large school was an omen of disaster for chiefs. Ko kuli e, nuku moi oe (song), your knees, like a moi fish nose. He moi ka i'a, ehu ka lani, moi the fish, misty the sky [of easy battle], 2. White birthmark. 3. A native variety of taro, with short, stocky growth, the leaf stems light green, the base pinkish, and base of leaf blade whitish; used for poi and table taro. Also called ne'ene'e. ( H P 25; Whitney 69.) This name may be qualified by the colors 'ele'ele, ke'oke'o, and 'ula. 4. A variety of sweet potato. mo'I. To remain long in one place. Obs. mo'I. A variety of tall-growing kava with dark stalks, used for offerings. mo'I. King, sovereign, ruler, queen. (Perhaps related to 'i, supreme. According to J. F. G. Stokes, the word mS'i, king, is of recent origin and was first in print in 1832.) Temple image (Malo 162); lord of images (Malo 173); according to Kepelino and Kamakau, a rank of chiefs who could succeed to the government but who were of lower_rank than chiefs descended from the god Kane (For. 6:266). mO'ike. T o interpret dreams; dream interpreter. Kauai. E hele ana au e nlnau i ka mo'ike, I'm going to question the dream interpreter. mSloio. Churning, roiled, as water. mO'iu. Far, at a distance; venerated. Cf. ko'iu'iu. mfi'lu'iu. Redup. of md'iu. Cf. kS'iu'iu. mO'I wahlne. Queen. moka. Offal, waste matter, refuse, filth. Ho'oleina moka (Dan. 3.29), dunghill, mokae. 1. A plant resembling kili'o'opu, a sedge. ( K L line 246.) 2. Same as mOkaekae. mOkaekae. Gratifying to the taste, tasty, as mealy sweet potato. Cf. kaekae. mokalka, mosalka. Mosaic. Eng. mOk&kl. Scattered, littered; disorder, untidiness ho'omftk&kl. T o litter, scatter, cause disorder or untidiness, mokala. Var. of makala. mOka'oka'o. Hard and lacking moisture, as of tasteless bananas, taro, meat, poi. mokapu. (With ho'o-) hol), hunger, h o ' o n a h a . T o smash, crack, split; to t a k e a purgative. 2 . T o blot_out f r o m sight. Rare. Holo akula lakou a naha na moku o Hawai'i nei, a nalowale ka 'aina (For. 4:161), they sailed on until t h e islands of Hawaii here were blotted out of sight and t h e land disappeared, n a l i a e . 1. Torn, rent; t e a r ; t o tear (said figuratively of emotions). 2. Branching out, as a family. He nahae ali'i keia, this is a royal branch, n & h a e h a e . Kedup. of nahae. Ndhaehae 'ana o ka 'uhane (Isa. 65.14), vexation of spirit. n&hMl&. Rodup. of naha. Nahaha i ke ania e ka makani, broken by t h e blowing by t h e wind, n a h a n a h a . Redup. of naha, 1. n f t h a n a h f t . Redup. of naha. n a l i a n a h a e . Redup. of nahae. n a b a n a w e l e . Rare var. of nahawele, 1. n a h a w e l e . 1. A bivalve of t h e Isognomonidae family. Also called mahawele. On Oahu, t h e Perna costellata, Atrina saccata. 2. S a m e as hulu-'ilio (Chaetomorpha antennina), a seaweed. Iiahawele-11'111'1. A shell (Mytilus cerebristriatus). Lit., small nahawele. n a h e . Rare var. of nahenahe. n a h e k a , n a h e s a . Snake. Naheka wela (Kaul. 8.15), fiery serpent, n a h e k a - ( n a h e s a - ) h u e l o - k a n l . Rattlesnake. Lit., tail-sounding snake. n a h e l e . Forest, grove, wilderness; trees, shrubs, vegetation, weeds. Cf. ho'omakanahele. 'Upu mai ana ke aloha i ka uka nahele, o Puna, loving memory returns of the forest uplands of P u n a , n i h c l e h e l c . Redup. of nahele; weeds. Piha kHa mSla i ka nahelehele, this p a t c h is full of weeds, n a h e l e m a n e ' o . Nettle. (Isa. 34.13.) Lit., itching plant. n a h e n a h e . Soft, sweet, as music or a gentle voice; soft, as fine cloth; softly blowing, as a gentle breeze; gentle-mannered, soft-spoken, Buave. n a h l . Var. of lahi, thin. n S h l . 1. Some, few, the, t h e little (contraction of na, the, and wahi, little). 'Auhea akula nihi kliki? Where are t h e boys? 2. T h e flres (contraction of no ahi, as in t h e n a m e Nahi-'ena'ena). N a - h l k u . Constellation of t h e Big Dipper. Lit., t h e seven. n & h i l l . Blundering, confused, perplexed, wandering off t h e course; careless, a w k w a r d . I hea aku nei la i nahili ai ka 'au wa'a? W h e r e did t h e canoe fleet wander off to? h o ' o n & h l l l . T o cause a blundering, wandering, as by misdirecting; t o procrastinate, waste t i m e t h r o u g h blundering, n a h t n a h l . Var. of lahilahi.
naku'e n a h l o l e a . A variety of taro. n a h o . H o l l o w , as a c l e f t where fish hide; deepset, eis eyes of a starving person; eye sockets, n a h o a . 1. Bold, defiant, daring. Cf. uahoa. h o ' o n a h o a . Causative/simulative. 'A'ohe wa'a ho'onahoa o ka la 'ino, no canoe defies a storm; lit., no canoe defiant of a stormy day [do not venture in the face of danger], 2. Head wound; intense headache; mental agony; hit or wounded in the head. Cf. hoa, mallet, club. Po'o nahoa, fractured skull.
pointed, grouped at branch ends; flowers are small, pink or white; fruit, small, white, round. (Neal 694.) Cf. 'a'aka. 4. N a m e of a seaweed, n a l o - ' a l - k a e . Dung-eating pinworm, said contemptuously of slanderers, n a l o e a . A native variety of taro, with long, blackish leaf stem; blades large, dark-green; grown in uplands, valued f o r its red poi. ( W h i t ney 48; H P 25.) Also called 'sle'ele and also qualified by the colors 'ele'ele and 'ula'ula. n a l o m a k l k a . M o s q u i t o larvae, n a k a . 1. T o quiver, shake, as jello or as with cold or fear; shaky, unsteady, shivering. 2. T o crack open, as earth f r o m the heat; cracked and peeling, as the skin of one who has drunk kava t o excess. 3. A land shell (Thaumatodon nesophila). 4. A sea creature, n a k a k a . Rodup. of naka. 2. n a k a k a k a . Redup. of naka, 2. n a k a - k a n l ' o . A land shell (.Nesophila thaanumi). Lit., streaked naka. n a k a - k u a - m a u n a . A land shell ( N e s o p h i l a thaanumi, N. nesodonta). Lit., mountain-ridge naka. n a k a - k u a - p o ' l . Same as 'opihi-kapua'i-lio. N a k a l l k e , N a z a r l t e . Nazarite. Biblical. n a k a n a k a . Redup. of naka, 1. N a - k a o . Belt and sword in the constellation of Orion. Lit., the darts. n a k a - ' O n i ' o n l ' o . A marine mollusk ( P l e u r o branchus). Lit., mottled naka. n a k a p a , n a t a p a . Stacte. ( P u k . 30.34.) n a k e . N a m e of a fish (no data). ( K L line 142.) nftkea. Fresh-water fish (Chonophorus fluamensis) of the 'o'opu or goby family, f a v o r i t e f o r eating, sometimes 12 inches long. Also called nawao, nokea. Cf. ' o ' o p u - k u m u - i k i , 'o'opu-lehe. n a k e k e . 1. Rattling, as of a window; rustling, as of paper, h o ' o n a k e k e . T o make a rattling or rustling noise. 'Owai klla e ho'onakeke maila i na pa? W h o is that rattling the dishes? 2. A brown seaweed (Hydroclathrus clathratus), resembling puha and closely related to it, but the surface pierced with holes of different sizes; not eaten. n a k e k e k e . Redup. of nakeke, 1. He pili nakeke ke, a loose, uncertain relationship, n a k e l e . Soft, b o g g y , slippery; yielding, sinking in. Nakele 'a, fresh lava still soft and not y e t cold.
n ä h o a h o a . Redup. of nahoa, 1, 2.
Na-hökü-mähana. See Mähana.
N a - h ö k ü - p f t . Constellation of five stars forming a circle; they are said to be near Na-hiku, the Big Dipper. Lit., enclosure stars, n ä h o l o . T o flee, of several; to run a w a y : gone a w a y (2 Sam. 23.9). Pau nui na koa i ka näholo, all the soldiers fled, h o ' o n ä h o l o . T o cause to run. t o chase, n ä h o l o h o l o . 1. Redup. of näholo. 2. (Cap.) N a m e of a star, perhaps Venus, n a h o n a h o . Redup. of naho. n a h u . 1. T o bite; to have a tendency to bite, as a dog; to stiug, as beating rain; pain, as of stomach-ache or of childbirth, h o ' o n a h u . T o bite, cause a stomach-ache; to pretend to bite. 2. Inexplicable bruise seen on the body, believed caused by the ghost of a living person who was about to die. n a h u a . Passive/imperative of nahu. Loa'a akula i ka nahua a ka 'ino, caught by the pelting of the storm. N a - h u l h u l . T h e Pleiades. Also called Na-huihui-o-Makali'i, the clusters of Pleiades, n a h u k u a k o k o . Labor pains. ( M i k a 4.9.) n a h u m a k a . Fattened, as a dog for sacrifice. Obs. n a h u n a h u . Redup. of nahu: to suffer pangs of childbirth. Pala nahunahu ( K e p . 93), partially ripe, of a f r u i t that can be bitten into, as a mountain apple. Ka ua nahunahu, pelting rain, n a h u n a h u - l h u . Family discord, quarrel. Lit., nose biting. n a h u n a h u p ü . T o bite into with relish. Nahunahupu i ke alopiko, bite the belly [of the fish] with relish. n a ' l . 1. T o conquer, take by force; conqueror. 'O Kamehameha ka na'i aupuni, Kamehameha, the conqueror of the nation. 2. T o strive t o obtain, endeavor to examine or understand. Ua na'i 'oia i ka pono o na keiki, he does all he can f o r the well-being of the children, n a l a . Insecurely tied. Obs. n a l ' a . Porpoise. ( K L line 138.)
n a k l . Same as naki'i. D&ki'I. T o tie. Cf. nlki'i. n & k l ' l k l ' l . Redup. of naki'i. n a k l l l . T o glimmer through, as light through a small opening; t o begin to open, as eyes of a young animal. Obs. n & k i l t k t l l . Redup. of nakili. n a k l n a k i . 1. Redup. of naki ( H a l . 105.22). 2. Difficult breathing, as during an asthma attack, - n a k o a . ( W i t h ho'o-) h o ' o n a k o a . Brave, daring, n & k o l o . Rumbling, roaring, as of surf or thunder; reverberating. Ua ha'alulu ku'u manawa, ua nei nakolo i ke aloha ( L a i e 521), my heart trembles, reverberating sighs of love, n & k o l o k o l o . Redup. of nakolo. n a k u . 1. T o root, wallow, as a hog; to tread, trample, push, as through mud or grass; t o struggle; to roil, as water. Also haunaku. Naku li'i, groveler. 2. Same as nanaku, a bulrush. 3. A kind of red-skinned onion, - n f t k a . ( W i t h ho'o-) h o ' o n & k O . T o suffer gas pains. Ho'onaku na mauna, ka'ahi na mokupuni (birth chant f o r K a m a m a l u ) , the mountains are in distress, the islands gasp f o r breath, n a k u e . Active, diligent. ( A P . ) n a k u ' e . 1. E l b o w i n g ; t o elbow; piston-like motion. Cf. ku'e, to elbow. 2. Var. of n&ku'i.
na'lau. To add to, join to. Obs.
n ä l ' l . T o remove, take out. Obs. n ä ' I ' l k e . T o refuse to see, especially a relative or friend; t o disown,
nalka, nalta. Knight. Eng.
n & ' l k e . Same as nä'i'ike. n a l k o l a . Same as 'aikola, ho'onä'aikola. n a ' I n a . Conquering, endeavoring, etc. Cf. 1,
n a l n a i . R a r e var. of nanai and nänai. n a ' l n a ' l . 1. Redup. of na'i. 1.2. 2. Crabbed, of sour disposition; ill-disposed; opposing. Obs. 3. T o shorten, to make short. Obs. 4. Similar t o pina'i, 1. Obs. 5. V a r i e t y of fish (no data), n a ' l n a ' l m l r n i . Contest in urinating by small boys. Lit., urine striving, n a ' i n a ' l n a m l m i . Same as na'ina'i mimi. n a l o . 1. Pinworm, as in the rectum; white specks in faeces; larvae, as of mosquitos; w o r m in dung or in taro. 2. Inferior taro left in the field after the crop is removed. 3. T h e bastard sandalwood ( M y o p o r u m sandwicense), a native tree, with hard, dark yellow-green wood, scented like sandalwood. L e a v e s are narrow-oblong,
n i k n ' i n&ku'l. T o rumble, roar, thump; rumbling; beating as of the heart; thrilled. Ka nSku'i o ka pU kuni ahi, the roar of the cannon, nakulehu. A variety of white sweet potato, -nakuli. (With ho'o-) ho'onakull. Apathetic; lack of interest. Rare. nakulu. Dripping, as water; patter, clatter, echo; rumbling, as the stomach; grumbling; vibrating, as thunder; to spread or circulate, as rumor. Ua nakulu akula kHa lohe i ke alo ali'i (Laie S99), this report reached the presence of the chief, ho'onakulu. Causative/ simulative. Ke ho'onakulu nei i ku'u manawa; no ku'u ipo paha kHa wela (Laie 487), causing my heart to pitter-patter; perhaps this warmth is from my lover, nakulu'al. Praiseworthy, upright. Rare. n&kulukulu. Redup. of nakulu. nakunaku. Redup. of naku, l. nala. 1. Var. of ulana, 1, i, 3. 2. A kind of fish
nalukal. Weatherworn, as old canoes or old persons who have weathered the storms of life. Lit., ocean wave. nalull. Shaky, unsteady, swaying (less common than luli). nalulllull. Redup. of naluli. nalulu. Dull headache; dull pain in the abdomen. ho'onalulu. T o cause a pain in head or stomach. Ho'onalulu ho'i keiki, the children give [me] a headache, nalu m u k u . Broken section of wave, nalunalu. Rough, of a sea with high waves; to form high waves. nalu pO kl. Wave that shoots high. naluwft. T o nurse resentment. Na-mShoe. Castor and Pollux. Lit., the twins. Also Mahana. namauahl. Thinly scattered, few, of sparse growth. Obi. Namauahi na maile o keia wahi, the maile vines of this place are sparse, n a m u . 1. Unintelligible muttering, gibberish; any foreign language, especially English; to speak gibberish or a foreign language. Namu haole, English. Ka mea namu li'ili'i (Isa. 8.19), those that mutter, h o ' o n a m u . T o pretend to speak in a foreign language, to mutter, speak gibberish. 3. T o nibble; to chew with closed mouth. Ua namu a pShoehoe 'ia, nibbled at and changed to pihoehoe lava. 3. Fish name (no data). NftmO. Legendary little people. Lit., the silent ones. Cf. Naw&, the noisy ones, n a m u n a m u . Redup. of namu, i,t\ to grumble, complain. n a m u - p a ' l - ' a l , namu-pa'l-kalo. Pidgin English. Lit., hard-pot gibberish, hard-taro gibberish. nana. 1. Var. of ulana, 1. E nana moena ana, plaiting mats. 3. Short for 'inana. Cf. kxnana, punana. 3. (Cap.) Name of a star (no data). 4. {Cap.) Name of a month. (Malo 33.) 6. A variety of taro. 6. Similar to manana; to spread. 7. A variety of fish (no data). ( K L line 141.) 8. For him, her. It; by him, her, it (a-form; see Gram. 7.4). nana. Same as nana, 8. nana. Snarling; to strut, as one looking for a fight, as a threatening boaster, or stiff-legged dogs ready to pounce on each other; sexually excited, of males; to stretch, as muscles. Ihu nana, snarling nose; fig., quarrelsome, aggressive. no'onanft. Aggressive, looking for a nght, threatening. nana. 1. T o look at, observe, see; to care for, pay attention to, take care of. Cf. kilnanS, nanS ole. Mai nanti i k&na 'Dlelo, don't pay any attention to what he says. He keiki n&nH mhkua, a son who cares for his parents. NanS ma ka 'akau, dress right [military command], Maika'i ke nana aku, good-looking. Nana i na puke, to audit accounts. Me ka nana 'ole, pehea kina hana, ua makemake 'ia no, regardless of the quality of her work, she's liked anyway. Nanu a'ela ia ma na ki'i maka nunui, koe no na ki'i maka li'ili'i, he caters to the important people, and leaves out the ordinary folk. Hiamoe wale ke kdne, nana wale ka wahine, the husband just sleeps, the wife looks about but has nothing, ho'on&nft. _To cause to look, show. Ho'okUkU, ho'onani, nana ko maka i ka mahina (children's game chant), stand about, look, let your eyes see the moon. 3. Goat. Cf. kao, 6. -nftn&. (With ho'o-) ho'onana. T o soothe, quiet. Cf. na, 1. Hula ho'onana ( U L 244), a hula for amusement, nana'a. Var. of na'ana'a.
(no data). ( K L line 143.) Na-iaianl-a-plll-lua. Name of a constellation. Lit., the lines of the clinging ones, nale. 1. Clear, bright. Cf. kdnane, kOnale. 3. N o t fast; movable; Independent. (AP.) naleko, naredo. Spikenard. (Mele 4.13.) nalenale. Redup. of nale. l, 2. nail. T o nibble, gnaw, nalillko'l. A variety of taro. ( H P 33.) nallnall. Redup. of nali. nalo. 1. Lost, vanished, concealed, forgotten; to pass away, disappear (a loa'a- type word, see Gram. 4.5). Nalo ka umu (For. 4:195), the oven Is covered. 'A'ole au e nalo id 'oe, you will not fail to recognize me. ho'onalo. To cause to be lost; to conceal, secrete, put out of sight. 3. The common housefly, and other similar, two-winged flies. ( P P N lango, P M P langaw.) nalo-'akl. Small stinging fly, as the stable fly (Stomoxys calcilrans) and horn fly (Haematobia irritans); gnat; hornet, nalohla. Passive/imperative of nalo, 1. See kihe'ahe'a for example, nalo-hope-'eha. Hornet (Puk. 23.28) and other Hymenoptera. Lit., fly with stinging posterior, nalo-keleawe. A fly, perhaps the hover fly (Syrphidae). Lit., brass fly. nalo-lawe-lepo. Mud wasp, as Sceliphron caementarium. Lit., dlrt-toting fly. n a l o - m e l l . Honeybee (Apis mellifera). (Eanl. 1.44.) Lit., honey fly. nalo-mell mO'I w a h l n e . Queen bee. nalo-mell noho hale. Drone bee. Lit., housestaying honey bee. nalo-mell pa'ahana. Worker bee. Lit., industrious honey bee. nalo-nahu. Stinging fly. Lit., biting fly. nalonalo. Redup. of nalo, l. ho'onalonalo. Hidden; to cause to disappear. Cf. 'dlelo ho'onalonalo. Mana'o ho'onalonalo, hidden or figurative meaning. Kuhikuhi ho'onalonalo, to speak in an enigmatic way or with hidden meaning so that only the confidant understands, nalo-paka. Tick (Hippoboscldae); ensign fly (Evaniidae). Lit., lean fly. nalo-pllau. Bluebottle fly (Calliphoridae). Lit., stink fly. nalowale. Lost, gone, forgotten, vanished; disappeared. nalu. 1. Wave, surf; full of waves; to form waves; wavy, as wood grain. Ke nalu nei ka moana, the ocean is full of waves, ho'onalu. T o form waves. ( P P N ngalu, P M P alun.) 3. T o ponder, mull over, speculate. Cf. Eset. 6.6. Nalu wale ihola no 'o Keawe-nui-a-'Umi i ka hope o kHa keiki (For. 4:261), Keawe-nul-a-'Uml pondered about the fate or this child. 3. Meconium, naluea. Nausea. Cf. poluea. nalu b a ' l Iala. Wave that breaks diagonally.
nana ao. Cloud interpreter, one who observes the clouds; to observe omens In the clouds. 'A'ole ho'i e nSnfl ao (Oihk. 19.26), nor observe times. nanaau. Var. of lanaau. nanae. 1. Redup. of nae, 1. 3. Potbellied, fat. Obs.
n a n i - W a i - ' a l e ' a l e n a i i a ' e . Small piece of land. Obs. n a n a h a . Redup. of nahi. n a n a h e . 1. Same as nahenahe. 3. Weak, as f r o m n o t eating; thin, as silk, nanataea. Animated, as birds. Cf. 'Inana. n a n a h l l l . Redup. of nahili. n a n a b o . Redup. of naho. n & n S - h o i l u a . A tropical American shrub (Datura Candida), known as the angel's-trumpet; it bears white, trumpet-shaped, pendent flowers to about ten inches long. Though flowers and leaves are poisonous to eat, the plant is grown for its high ornamental value. ( N e a l 660.) Lit., earth-gazing. Cf. l&'au-hand. NUliit-hope. Pollux. Cf. Mahana, NanS-mua. n a n a h u . Redup. of nahu. n a n a h a . Bent out of shape, crooked, as a stick, n a n a h u . 1. Var. of lanahu. Nanahu pikimana, coal: lit., bituminous {Eng.) charcoal, h o ' o n f t n a b u . T o turn into charcoal, as burnt wood. 3. A native variety of sugar cane, the red mut a n t of 'aki-lolo-'ula'ula. CHP 220.) n a n a h u a . 1. Same as nanahu: ill-feeling, bitterness. 3. A post temporarily set up in the back of t h e mana bouse in the heiau enclosure; later a haku 'dhi'a image was installed in this place ( M a l o 166); name of the t w o posts at the entrance of a temple to which the 'aha (taboo c o r d ) was fastened, n a n a h u k l . T o pull away f r o m ; contrary, disdainful (perhaps f r o m nanO, surly, and huki. pull). n a n a l . 1. Difficult to climb, as a cliff; stiffbacked; to walk with stiff back; to strut, act the d a n d y ; t o lean back stiffly or haughtily; humped over as a result of stiffness. Also lanai. 3. S w i f t . ( A P . ) Dftnal. 1. Same as pSn&nai, shallow. 3. E m p t y , as a taro patch. Obs. 3. Taking an uneven course, as a canoe in a rough sea, or a kite. Obs. n a n a ' ! . T o spread, as a topped tree. Obs. n a n a l e a . W e a k , feeble, frail, n f t n a l n a . General appearance, view, n a n a k a . Redup. of naka, 1, £: marked in sections, as a turtle's back or breadfruit skin, n a n a k e a . Pale, wan. (For. 5:317.)
n a n a n l - ' e l e ' e l e . A variety of sweet potato, n a n a n l - k e ' o k e ' o . A variety of sweet potato, n a n a n u ' u . Design on Niihau mats, consisting of alternating solid and white triangles, n a n a o . Redup. of nao, 1, 2. n a n a 'ole. Disregard, heedless disregard; to pay no attention to. Nana 'ole i ko ha'i ola, heedless disregard for the lives of others, n a n a - p l k o . A native variety of taro. n a n a p o n o . T o watch carefully, pay particular attention to, note carefully, stare at. n a n a u . 1. Redup. otna-u, to chew. 3. Unfriendly, crabbed, estranged; to pay no attention to a call; to ignore, as former friends. Also lanau. Obs. n a n a u h a . Same as kakauha, rigid. n a n a u k l . Same as naukiuki. n a n a u l l . T o study the sky, as for omens; one who does so. n a n a n a . Same as nanau, I. ( A P . ) n a n a w a Q . Weakened, unhealthy, as plants. For example see kuloku. n a n e . 1. Riddle, puzzle; parable, allegory; to riddle, speak in parables ( M a r . 4.2). h o ' o n a n e . T o make riddles, speak in parables. 3. Rare var. of m m , 3, fence, n a n e a . 1. Of absorbing interest; fascinating, enjoyable; repose, leisure, tranquility; relaxed, at leisure; engaged, busy with. He hana nanea ke kui lei, lei making Is pleasant, h o ' o n a n e a . T o pass the time in ease, peace, and pleasure; to relax; absorbed, contented. He hana ho'onanea ka ho'okani pila, playing a musical instrument is pleasant. 3. Same as mohihihi, a vine. 3. A seaweed (Hypnea nidifica). n a n e h a ' i . Problem, riddle to be Bolved. Lit., telling riddle, n a n e h u n a . Hidden riddle, conundrum, n a n e n a n e . Redup. of nane, 1. h o ' o n a n e n a n e . Same as above; puzzling, riddling; figurative. 'Olelo ho'onanenane, figurative speech, riddle, n a n l . 1. Beauty, glory, splendor; beautiful, pretty, glorious, splendid, h o ' o n a n l . T o beaut i f y , adorn, decorate; to glorify, honor, exalt; decorative, glorifying. 3. Since, because. Nani no ia e hele ana 'oe i ke kula, e ho'oikaika i ka ha'awina, since you are going to school, work hard on the lessons. 3. H o w much, how. Rare. Nani ka maika'i, how fine. Nani ka pupuka, how very ugly. Nani 'ino ku'u makemake, how much I want it. n a n l - a h l a h l . T h e four o'clock ( M i r a b i l i s jalapa), from tropical America, a shrubby herb with fragrant, red, white, yellow, or striped flowers, opening In late afternoon, and used by Hawaiians for leis in the evening. T h e plants have medicinal properties. (Neal 288.) Lit., evening beauty. n a n l - a l l ' I . Allamandas with large yellow flowers (Allamanda cathartica and some varieties), f r o m Brazil, ornamental climbing shrubs. Also called lani-ali'i. ( N e a l 606.) Lit., chiefly beauty, n a n i h a . A kind of 'o'opu, a fish, n a n l - m a u - l o a . A n everlasting or strawfiower (Helichrysum bracteatum), f r o m Australia, an annual, one to three feet high. T h e conspicuous parts of the daisy-like flowers are the many overlapping white or yellow to red scaly bracts, which are long lasting. Lit., everlasting beauty. Also called pua-pepa. ( N e a l 735.) n a n l n a n l . 1. Redup. of nani, 1. 3. Same as r.alinali, to gnaw, n a n l n u i . Soft stone used in making luhe'e, squid-fishing sinkers. ( M a l o 19.) n a n i - o - O l a ' a . A kind of Torenia, a blue-flowered ornamental annual, belonging to the snapdragon family, used in leis. ( N e a l 668.) n a n l - W a l - ' a l e ' a l e . A native violet ( V i o l a kauaiensis) found only in high bogs on Kauai. T h e plants are four to eight inches tall, with few broad leaves and one or t w o pale-blue flowers.
nftna ke'e. See ke'e.
n a n a k l . Redup. of naki. n & n a k u . Same as 'aka'akai, great bulrush (Scirpus validus). n a n a k u k a , n a n a s u k a . Nainsook. Eng. nSnft k u l l . T o look at but not respond when spoken to; to see but pay no attention. LU., deaf-looking, n a n a l a . Redup. of nala, to plait, n a n a - l a . Sunflower (Helianthus annuus). Also pua-nanS-la. ( N e a l 738.) Lit., sun-gazer, n a n a l t . Redup. of nali. n a n a i l a . Passive/imperative of nanH. n a n a m a k a . T o look at without helping; indifference t o one in trouble; heartless. Ua nti.n& maka 'oia i kona makuahine, he was indifferent t o his mother, n a n a m u . Redup. of namu. N a n a - m u a . T h e star Castor. Cf. Mahana, NSna-hope. According to some, both were the names of a single star. Lit., look forward, n a n a n a . 1. T o flutter, as wings. Cf. nana, i. h o ' o n a n a n a . Causative/simulative. Ho'onanana ka manu e lele, the bird flutters its wings to fly. 3. Redup. of nana, to plait. 3. Swelling, as in dropsy. Obs. n a n a n a l e a . Redup. of nanaiea. n a n a n a k e a . Redup. of nanakea. n a n a n a n a . 1. Spider ( A r a n e i d a ) ; today this is the house spider, formerly the outdoors spider. Cf. pe'epe'e-makawalu. 3. Var. of lanalana, 1, X. n a n a n a n a i e a . Same as nananaiea.
n a n o n S p e l e p e l e . R e d u p . of napele. n a p e n a p e . R e d u p . of nape, J; fluttering, flickering. n&plll. Kind of 'o'opu or goby (Sicyopterus stimpsoni); so called because it is said to cling (pili) to stones; used in weaning a n d housewarming ceremonies so t h a t luck will cling (pili). Called nopili on Kauai, n a p o . M a s h e d soft, as finely pounded vox t h a t is free of l u m p s ; glutinous; dented, as by h a m mering, n a p o l o . Straightened. (AP.) n a p o n a p o . R e d u p . of napo. n a p o ' o . C a v i t y , hollow, depression; a r m p i t ; hollow a t t h e j u n c t u r e of t h e wing with t h e body of a fowl; to sink, go down, set (of t h e sun), t o enter or sink into out _of sight. Cf. po'o, depression. Ua napo'o ka la, the sun has set. Ua napo'o ka 'iole i loko o ka lua, t h e r a t has gone down t h e hole, n a p o ' o n a . Setting, entering, n & p o ' o p o ' o . R e d u p . of napo'o. n a p u . Var. of nape, 1. n & p u ' u . Var. of lapu'u.
Lit., Wai-'ale'ale b e a u t y . Also called kalili. liliwai, pohe-hiwa. See waioleka. n a n o . Var. of nalo, 1. n a n o . Var. of nonS. n a n o ' o . A dark-red or purple seaweed, said t o be s a m e as nanea. n a n o w a l e . Var. of natowale. n a n u . Var. of nalu, wave. n & n d . N a t i v e species of gardenia, shrubs and trees with broad leaves and t u b u l a r , white, single flowers. (Neal 701.) Also na'u. Cf. kiele. n a n u e . 1. Var. of nenue, a fish. 2. An edible seaweed. n & n u e . Same as 'olanalana, nauseating, u a n u l u . 1. Var. of nalulu. 2 . Rising, as smoke. Obs. n a o . 1. Ripple: ridge, as of twilled cloth or a t a p a beater; groove: streak on t a p a ; grain of wood or stono; thread of a screw; crevice, as in rocks; grooved. See nao-ho'opa'i. Kui nao, screw; lit., nail with t h r e a d . 2. T o t h r u s t t h e h a n d s into an opening, as in fishing; to probe. 3. Always with 'a'ole or 'a'ohe, an intensifler with words expressing damage, havoc, distress, pain. 'A'ohe nao ka pilikiaT How very much trouble. 'A'ohe nao i ka ual W h a t d i d n ' t t h e rain do! 'A'ohe nao i ka 'eha! Terrible painl 4. Dark-red dye; rod. 5. A variety of taro. ( H P 33.) n a ' o . Spittle, phlegm, mucus; slimy, n a o a . 1. Passive/imperative of nao, 1. 2. 2. Loss of appetite, sick at t h e sight of food. Cf. more common kanea. 3. Chilled, chilling, as water. Pulu i ka wai naoa a ke kehau, wet In t h e chilly water of t h e dew. n a o - h a l u ' a . 1. A t a p a p a t t e r n with lines. 2. curly grain, as in koa wood. n a o - h o ' o p a ' I . T a p a beater p a t t e r n . E 'ike auane'i 'oe i ka nao-ho'opa'i a Malailua, ka la'au e wali ai ko papa 'auwae (For. 5:29), you will soon know t h e t a p a - b e a t e r p a t t e r n of Malailua, t h e club t h a t will soften your lower jaw. n a o - m a k a - l u a . 1. Fish-basket t r a p made of 'inalua vines, used for small fish. Lit., doublemeshed groove. 2. Two-edged adze, n a o n a o . 1. Ants, Formicidae. Also called 'anonanona, nonanona. 2. R e d u p . of nao, 1, 2. n a ' o n a ' o . R e d u p . of na'o. n a o n a o - l e l e . Termite. Lit., flying a n t . n a o ' o h l ' o h l . P r o m i n e n t grain in wood. Lit., picked grain, n a o - u a - h & ' a o . Same as ha'ao, 3. a t a p a p a t t e r n , n a o - u a - n a n a h u k l . N a m e of a t a p a design, n a o w i l l . A bit for a drill. Lit., twisting thread, n a p a . 1. Uneven, bent, crooked, out of shape; warped. 2 . Flexible, springy, elastic; tremulous, as air under a hot sun. 3. Delay, procrastination; t o delay, h o ' o n a p a . T o cause delay. 4. T y p e of fish. ( K L line 143.) n & p a l . S a m e as napa, 1, 2. Napai ka papa i ka waiho 'to i ka la, t h e board warpod f r o m being left in t h e sun. n & p a n a . Socket. Rare. Cf. pona. n a p a n a p a . 1. R e d u p . of napa, 1, 2: t o writhe a n d twist, as an eel. 2. S a m e as napenape. n a p e . 1. Bending and swaying, as coconut f r o n d s ; surging, as t h e sea; to rise and fall, as t h e chest in b r e a t h i n g ; yielding, springy. Cf. holunape. Nape ka hanu i ka houpo, palpitating t h e b r e a t h in t h e chest. Nani wale ke kai o Mamala, ke nape maila i ka makani, beautiful sea of M a m a l a , rising, falling in t h e wind. 2. Var. of napo. N S p g h a . 1. N a m e of a star. 2. N a m e of a pool on O a h u over which t h e chief Kuali'i was said t o h a v e leaned to drink, n & p e l e . Soft, as overripe f r u i t : bruised, broken: soggy, s w a m p y ; c r u m b l y , as a cliff; wounded In spirit, h o ' o n a p e l e . Same as above; to wound, t o m a k e soft; t o digest, as food.
n a u . To chew, m u n c h , masticate, gnash t h e t e e t h ; grinder, as of a sugar mill; feed dog on sewing machine t h a t holds cloth at t h e needle. Cf. mama, to chew without swallowing, as kata. Nau kamu, to chew gum. Nau paka, to chew tobacco. Paka nau, chewing tobacco, n & u . Yours, belonging to you, for yoUj by you (singular, a - f o r m ; see G r a m . 7.4). Nau mai a na'u aku, your t u r n and t h e n mine. Nau anei? Is [it] yours? Was it you? n a ' u . Mine, belonging to me. for me, by me (singular, a - f o r m ; see Gram. 7.4 ). Na'u ka pua'a, give nie t h e pig. n a ' D . To come, go. Obs. n a ' O . 1. Same as nanu. 2. Pale-yellow, as t h e gardenia; a yellow gardenia. 3. A variety of sweet p o t a t o . ( H P 142.) 4. Sighing deeply; t o prolong t h e breath, especially in a children's game a t K o n a : children would make a prolonged u-sound j u s t at sunset, believing t h a t t h e sun would not set as long as they held their breath. Ha'ule naoa ka wai a ke kihau, ke na'u la na knmah'i ;chai;t for K a m e h a m e h a I I ) , t h e water of t h e kehau mist falls rippling as t h e children play na'u. 5. Variety of fish (no d a t a ) , n a n a . 1. P a s s i v e / i m p e r a t i v e of nau. 2. Aloof, not cordial, d i s t a n t L u n a c c o m m o d a t i n g . 3. Slow, t a r d y . Naua ho'i kau hele 'ana, how slowly you walk. 4. A variety of taro. n a u a . Var. spelling of nauwi. N a u a - a - k e a u - h a k u . N a m e of a s t a r or constellation in t h e Milky Way. n a u a n c ! On t h e way! Moving along! (This exclamation is reported t o have been said by priests as t h e y carried t h e Images; it is used alone or with t h e imperative e preceding.) Obs. n a u e , n a u w e . T o move, shake, tremble; t o quake, as t h e e a r t h ; to vibrate; t o m a r c h ; loose and insecure, as a t o o t h ; revolving, as hips in a hula. Naue i mua, forward, march, l i o ' o n a u e . To cause to shake, revolve, sway, rock, etc. Ka ua ho'oni, ho'onaue i ka pu'u ko'a. t h e rain sways in a d a n c e and shakes t h e coral pile. No ke aha la 'oe i ho'onaue mai ai ia'u? (1 Sam. 2S. 15) W h y have you disquieted me? n a u e u e , n a u w e u w e . R e d u p . of naue. n a u e - w a i . A variety of sw eet p o t a t o , n a ' u k e . T o search for lice, as in hair of person or f u r of animal, n a u k e w a l . N a m e of a bird (no d a t a ) , n a u k l . I m p a t i e n t , irritable, cross. Mai nauki mai 'oe, d o n ' t be irritable, h o ' o n a u k l . Causing irritation; aggravating, annoying, exasperating, provoking. n & u k l . I n t e n s i v e of nauki: vexation, anger, h o ' o n a u k l . Causative/simulative, n a u k l l o . N a u t i l u s . Eng.
n e i n e ' e . M o v i n g along little by little or by fits and starts; to step, hitch along; to push along, as work; to squirm. Ma ka 'akau ne e, to the right, march. Ua ne'e laua mai Liliha a Wai-klki, they moved f r o m Liliha to Wai-kiki. 'Oia ne'e aku i ka hana a pau ke aho, just pushing ahead the work until exhausted, n o ' o n e ' e . T o cause to move, hitch along, push ahead. Ho'one'e ikaika, to push on vigorously, n e ' e h e ' e . T o creep along, as a child or octopus. Lit., octopus hitch.
n f t u k l u k l . Redup. of nauki. ho'onaukluki. Redup. of ho'onauki. n a u l e . Same as pua-kala: beach poppy. Rare. n a u l l a . Passive/imperative otnau. (For. 6:400.) n & u l u . 1. Sudden Bhower; showery; to shower. Ka ua n&ulu o Kawai-hae, the sudden shower of Kawai-hae. He ao naulu, a shower cloud. 2. Vexed, irritated by being teased or nagged. Cf. uluulu, frayed, angry, h o ' o n & u l u . Provoking to anger by taunting and teasing, n f t u l u u l u . Redup. of naulu, 1, 2. n a u n a u . 1. Redup. of nau; to munch one's words and speak indistinctly. 2. A medicinal plant. Also called kunana. 3. Shellfish such as Cymatium tuberosa, C. gemmetum, C. pileare. Bursa affinis. Also called 'anaunau. n a u p a k a . N a t i v e species of shrubs (Scaevola) found in mountains and near coasts, conspicuous f o r their white or light-colored flowers that look like half flowers. (Neal 719.) n a u p a k a - k a h a k a i . T h e beach naupaka (Scaevola frutescens), a spreading, succulent shrub found on coasts of tropical Asia and some islands of the Pacific. Flowers are white streaked with purple. T h e berries are white and about half an inch long, looking like hailstones. (Neal 720.) Also called huahekili. n a u p a k a - k a l . Same as naupaka-kahakai. n a u p a k a - k u a h l w i . All mountain species of
n e ' e h o p e . T o retreat, move backward; to back up, as a car (less used than peki). h o ' o n e ' e h o p e . T o back up, as a car. Ho'one'ehope t ke ka'a, back up the car. n e ' e m u a . T o advance, go forward, progress, h o ' o n e ' e m u a . T o cause progress. Na hana ho'one'emua, improvements [as to property], n e ' e n a . M o v e m e n t , moving, n e ' e n e ' e . 1. Redup. of ne'e. 2. A native variety of taro. Also called moi. ( H P 33; Whitney.) 3. A variety of sweet potato, n e ' e n e ' e u . 1. Redup. of ne'eu. For example see wahi, 2. 2. Verb showing superlative or comparative degree. Ua ne'ene'eu a'e ka nui o keia i'a i kela, this flsh is somewhat larger than that, n e ' e p a p a . T o move as a whole or unit; moving or working together in unison; spreading all over, as a lava flow or vine; combined, united; swarming; flank movement. Ne'epapa ka ulu 'ana o ka mauna-loa, the mauna-loa vine spreads everywhere. Ne'epapa ka naonao, swarming ants. He ho'ike ne'epapa, a joint report. n e ' e p Q . 1. T o move together. 2. Sitting with one leg crossed over the other, as in certain ancient religious ceremonies. Obs. n e ' e u . T o move, budge. 'A'ohe ne'eu mai ke kahea 'ia aku, doesn't budge when called. A kahi ho'i ka ne'eu o ko'u oho (song), never before has my scalp had such a creepy sensation, n e h e . 1. T o rustle, as leaves or the sea; rumbling; groping with the hands, as in searching. Nehe lani, rumbling of thunder in the sky. 2. Taffeta, so called because it rustles (nehe), Nehe lau, brocaded taffeta. 3. Same as ki-nehe (Bidens pilosa)\ young plants, just before flowering, are cookea for tea. 4. N a t i v e shrubs and herbs (Lipochaela spp.) in the daisy family, with yellow flowers. ( N e a l 738.) 5. Some kinds of pond scums (Spirogyra spp.), fine fresh-water algae consisting of rows of single-celled filaments, each cell containing ribbon-shaped spirals. Also called limu-kala-wai, lipala'd, lipalawai, pala'o, palawai. n e h e k Q . Gaseous condition of the digestive
naupaka. (Neal 719.) Cf. 'ohe-naupaka. n a u w S , n a u a . A secret society formed and headed by K i n g Kalakaua for the study of the ancient Hawaiian religion and manner of living. Hale nauwa, a place where genealogy was scanned to see whether applicants were related to the high chief and therefore eligible to become members of the royal household. Emerson says nauwa was the word of challenge addressed to those applying for admission. ( M a l o 191— 192, Emerson note 199 200.) n a ' u w S . Noon. Obs. n a u w e , n a u w e u w e . Var. spelling of naue. n&w&. 1. Babbling; loud, confusing talk. 2. (Cap.) Legendary little people. Cf. Namu, the silent ones. n & w a l l . Weak, feeble, infirm, limp; weakness, feebleness. Cf. Hawaii, h o ' o n & w a l l . T o cause weakness; to enfeeble; to feign weakness. 'O ke anu ka mea ho'onawali i ke kino, cold is what weakens the body, n & w a l l w a l i . Redup. of nawali, weak, n & w a o . 1. A domesticated taro that has gone wild in the forest (wao). (Ka'u name.) A native taro cultivated in Puna. 2. Same as nakea, a flsh. 3. (Cap.) Same as Mu-'ai-mai'a. n a w e . 1. Var. spelling of naue. Ua nawe pakika ( K e p . 87), moving slippery rain. 2. Panting for breath, as after exercise or f r o m illness. Bare. n f t w e l e . Fine, threadlike, small; weak, thin; soft, gentle; tracery; softness, gentleness, as of a voice. He 'ike nawele, seeing just a little; a slight knowledge. Hele maila no ke 'ala o ka hala, mSpu maila no me ke onaona o ka maile, nawele pu maila no me ka hu'ihu'i o ka lehua, there comes the fragrance of the pandanus, wafting thither with the soft sweetness of the maile, and with them a trace of the coolness of the lehua. h o ' o n & w e l e . Same as above. Ma ke kama'ilio ho'onawele 'ana, by speaking softly, n & w e o . Same as weo, red. Obs. n a w e w e . Var. of naueue.
tract, occasionally audible, n e h e n e h e . Redup. of nehe, 1. n e h e n u ' u . Sound of lightning striking. 06s. n e h l . Rotten, mouldy, spoiled, as food, n e h l n e - h a u l i . Mouse-eared chickweed, a smallleafed weedy herb (Ceraslium vulgatum), f r o m Europe. Lit., dark nehine. n e h i n e l . Yesterday (usually preceded by particle i). n e h l w a . P l a y language, and to use the play language with order of syllables of most words reversed, as nehiwa f r o m wahine, or as in this example: 'ohe u'o kemakema i5 e'o, for 'a'ohe o'u makemake ia 'oe, I don't like you. n e h o a . Var. of nahoa. n e h u . A n c h o v y , a fish (Stolephorus purpureus), used for eating and to chum bonito. This name may be qualified by the terms ku-lani, maoli. paki'i, pala. n e h u n e h u . Same as lehulehu. n e t . X. T o rumble, as an earthquake; sighing, soughing, as of the wind; indistinct sound, as of distant shouting. For example see nakolo. Nei akula ka 'aha le'ale'a no keia po'e wahine, no ke 'ano 'e o ko lakou kapa ( L a i e 491), the pleasure gathering was in an uproar about the women and the strangeness of their tapa. h o ' o n e l . Causative/simulative. 2. Same as kd'ele-
nC. 1. Fretting, teasing or nagging for something; murmuring, as the sea; returning persistently, as a thought or desire. Ne hone ka leo o ka waiolina, sweet, teasing appeal in the sound of the violin. h o ' o n C . Teasing, fretting, appealing. 2. Short for nele. Rare. E ne ka la, ka malama, without [light] the sun, the moon. 3. A seaweed. ( K L line 101.) n e a . Same as neo, 'Onea. n e a n e a . Same as neoneo, 'dneanea. n e a u . Var. of niau.
n e ' i 'ele, a seaweed; according to Reed, same as limuuaua-loli. 3. This, here. Cf. ke (verb) nei. Hawai'i nei, this Hawaii; Hawaii here. Hele mai 'oe ma'ane'i nei, come here, just right here. Mai hea mai nei 'oe? Where did you come from? 4. Last. I ka pS nei, last night. Kela pule aku nei, last week, n e ' l . 1. Bare var. of ne'e. 3. Here, this place (often preceded by i, ma, o). Cf. 'ane'i, 'one'i. Na kanaka lawai'a o ne'i nei, the fishermen of this place; the local fishermen, n e i a . This. Same as keia. lie'lkO. Avalanche, rapid fall with great momentum. He ikaika hiliau ka lani o ka ne'ikU (For. 6 .381), the chief is strong in devious ways, swift in movement, n e ' i n e ' l . 1. Same as ne'ene'e, 1. Rare. 3. Short, small, as clothes; low-lying, squatting; crowded; to shrink; a small bit. Ke hele ne'i ne'i nei, walking with very short steps. Ne'ine'i ka hanu, short of breath. Ne'ine'i ka mea i loa'a, not much obtained. 3. Same as na'ena'e, 1, shrubs or small trees, n e k e . 1. A fern (Dryopteris gongylodes) found in many tropical countries, somewhat like the kikawaiB, but only half as large. (Neal.) 3. Obs. var. of nakeke. nekelo, negero. Negro. Eng. n e k l . 1. Great bulrush. Cf. 'aka'akai. 3. Full, crowded, packed. Obs. 3. Awkward, unskillful, ignorant. Obs. n e k o . Dirty, filthy; vile-smelling, as perspiration. Cf. 'eko, weko. h o ' o n e k o . To make dirty, soil. n e k o n e k o . Redup. of neko. n e k u ' e . To rub back and forth, as the elbow (ku'eku'e); angry (obs.). Cf. naku'e. n e l e . Lacking, destitute, deprived of. needy, wanting, deficient, without. Nele na kinaka i ke kumu 'ole, the people lack a teacher (lit., the people are lacking in that no teacher). He nele aina auane'i kikou, e nana aku ai i kSna, so we're lacking land and have to pay attention to what he says (sarcastic), h o ' o n e l e . To deprive, make destitute; to deny, impeach. Ka ho'onele i ke kanaka i kekahi man pono, the forfeiture by the Individual of some rights, n e l e a u . The native Hawaiian sumach (Rhus chinensis var. sandwicensis, synonym R. semialata var. sandwicensis), a shrub or small tree, with light, soft, tough wood. (Neal 461.) Also called neneleau. n e l u . Same as nenelu. n e l u n e l u . Same as nenelu. n e m a . Criticizing; critical; to criticize, find fault, censure. Cf. ka'anema. h o ' o n e m a . Same as above, n e m a n e m a . Redup. of nema. n e m o . Smooth, Bmoothly polished; rounded smooth, bare, h o ' o n e m o . To polish, smooth. Trans. Ho'onemo ka wai i ka pBhaku, the water wears the stone smooth, n e m o n e m o . Redup. of nemo. Nemonemo ka pua'a i H&'upu, e ha'i mai ana he la mSlie (chant), bare of clouds is Ha'upu, telling us it is a calm day. n e n a . Same as klpukai (Heliotropium curassavicum). n e n e . 1. To stir, show animation, move, as a fledgling. Cf. nenene. h o ' o n e n e . Causative/ simulative. 3. Var. of manene, 1. Wai-o-kanene (stream name at Wal-'anae), water of the cooling sensation. 3. A kind of shellfish. nfinC. 1. To chirp, as a cricket; to croak, as a mudhen; crying, as in distress; whimpering, as a sleeping infant; rumor, gossip; to be attracted to; to cherish, think of, as with affection. Cf. honlne; ne, fretting: nlnl hiwa. '0 na kanaka Hawai'i, he po'e make'e haku, he po'e riini 'Hi kapu, the Hawaiian people are people who cherish their lords, people constantly thinking of the sacred skin [of chiefs], h o ' o n e n e . Same as above. Ho'onlne kaua (For. 4:201), rumors
of war, talk or threats of war. 3. Hawaiian goose (Branta sandwicensis), protected and very rare on Maul and In Hawaii uplands. 3. Mat pattern: two vertical rows of triangles, with the bases below, and the apices touching the bases above. 4. A variety of 'awa, stems green with dark-green spots. Also called kua-'ea. 6. Same as 'ai-a-ka-nini, a plant. (Neal 703.) n e n e a . Var. of nanea. nCnfi-'au-kal. Sea gull, rarely seen, so named because of its resemblance to the Hawaiian goose, nini. Lit., sea-travelling goose. No ka Pueo-kShi ke aloha, riinl-'au-kai o Maui (song), greeting to the Pueo-kahl [ship], seafaring gull of Maui. n e n e ' e . Redup. of ne'e, but less used than ne'ene'e-, low-growing, spreading, creeping, as a ground vine, n e n e h e . Redup. of nehe, l. n e n e h i w a . Prized, beloved, precious. He nini pulama 'ia, he nenl hiwa i ka mana'o (chant), a cherished beloved one, precious to think of nenehO. Warped, bent out of shape. Cf. ha, swollen. n e n e l . Same as nanai. n e n e k e . 1. Shuffling, scratching, thumping sound; to sound thus. 3. Same as nanaka. n e n e l e ' a . Joyous, gladness, n e n e l e a u . Same as neleau. ( K L line 102.) n e n e l u . Flabby fat; soft plumpness; marshy, springy, swampy; mire, bog, marsh, n e n e n e . 1. Fluttering the wings; contracting the muscles, fiexing the muscles, as preparing for exercise. 3. Redup. of nene, i. n e n e n e p u . Plural of nenepu. n e n e p u . Redup. of nepu. n e n e w a . Redup. of newa. nenewal. A variety of sweet potato, nenewe. Redup. of newe. n e n o . To question repeatedly, n e n u . Var. of nana, 3. n e n u e , nenuwe. 1. Rudder or pilot fish (Kyphosus fuscus). This name may be qualified by the terms 'ele'ele, kea, pa'i'i'i, paki'iki'i, uli. Also called nanue, enenue, manaloa). 3. Var. of nanue, seaweed. 3. A paddle with a broad blade. Obs. n e o . Empty, bare, desolated; nothing, naught; failing, getting nowhere. Ahu ka neo! A heap of nothing! Nothing gained or worth anything at all. Kahi a ka neo, place of nothing [nothing gained, obtained], h o ' o n e o . To lay waste, make destitute; desolation; turning to naught, neoneo. Redup. of neo. b o ' o n e o n e o . Redup. of ho'oneo. (Oihk. 26.32.) Aia 'ike 'oukou i ka mea'ino e ho'oneoneo ai (Mat. 24.15), when you see the abomination of desolation, n e p u . Plump, full and round in fiesh, bulging; swollen, as a stream. Cf. nenelu. b o ' o n e p u . To cause plumpness, swelling; plump, n e p u e . Var. of nepu. n e p u n e p u . Redup. of nepu. Nui nepunepu, large and plump. nC'O. Cooked and unpounded taro; also called kalo pa'a, kuwala, kupu'u. n e ' u n e ' u . Same as nepunepu. Obs. newa. 1. War club, cudgel; policeman's club: fluted stone, as held in the hand as a stone club; fluted stone inserted in one end of a war club or dagger, as the pahoa. 3 . To reel, stagger; dizziness, vertigo: dizzy. 3. (Cap.) A constellation, probably the Southern Cross, newanewa. Redup. of newa, i. newe. 1. Plump; filled out, full, as a pregnant woman; billowy, as a cloud. Obs. 3. (Cap.) Var. of Newa, 3. Newenewe. Same as Newe, I. newenewewe. 1. Redup. of newe, 1. 3. Exclamation of maika players as they cheer on the roller stone. 3. A kind of fish (no data).
n i h o - p o p o n e w e w e . Same as newenetcewe. ilia. Smooth, round, bald; calm, as a smooth sea. Po'o nia, bald head, h o ' o n l a . To make smooth and even, as in carving; to remove all vestige of vegetation, n l ' a . Malicious gossip or accusation; slanderous; to accuse falsely or by trapping. N l a k a l a , N i a g a r a . Niagara. Eng. n l a n l a . Redup. of nia. n l ' a n l ' a . Redup. of ni'a. E 'imi ana e hopu i kekahi meano loko mai o kona waha, i ni'ani'a ai lakou iaia (Luka 11.54), seeking to catch something from within his mouth with which they might accuse him. n l a n l a p e . 1. Redup. of niape. 2. Bending, arching. n l ' a n l ' a u . Same as kupukupu, 'Bkupukupu, ferns. n l a n l a u . Var. of niniau. h o ' o n l a n l a u . Var. of ho'oniniau. Ho'onianiau i ka na'auao, quiet, persistent pursuit of knowledge, n l a n l e l e . Var. of nieniele. n l a o . 1. Edge, as of a canoe (For. 4:205); groove; rim. as of a bowl. 2. Mewing, purring. 3. Stretching up, as by one standing on tiptoe, n i a p e . Long, extended, as a pole. Obs. n l a u . Moving smoothly, swiftly, silently, peacefully; flowing or sailing thus; to pass on. He 'ale niau, a moving billow. Niau aku nei ma ka Penekia (chant), swiftly sailing away on the Genicia. Ua niau ke kapu, the taboo has passed, h o ' o n l a u . Following swiftly and silently; continuing; prolonging; copying, imitating. Ho'oniau akula ka mak&ula i kana pule 'ana, the prophet continued on and on with his prayer, n l ' a u . 1. Coconut-leaf midrib; rib of an umbrella; coconut-leaf midrib or 'ilima rod used as a taboo marker at end of a halau. Fig., tall, thin person. Cf. akenl'au. 2. Ramrod. 3. Billow. Obs. n l ' a u - h O l u a . Name of a disease (no data), n l ' a u k&hlll. Broom made of coconut-leaf midribs tied together at one end. Also called pupa nl'au. n l ' a u k a n l . A true jew's harp, made of a thin strip of wood, about four inches long and one inch wide, with a coconut midrib (nl'au) or bamboo strip lashed lengthwiso; played something like the 'ukeke• Cf. 'ukikl. Lit., sounding coconut midrib. n l ' a u p l ' o . Offspring of the marriage of a brother and sister, or half-brother and half-sister. Lit., bent coconut midrib, i.e., of the same stalk, n l ' a u p O l u m l . Broom straw. Lit., broom (Eng.) coconut-leaf midrib, n l ' a u 'QkSke. Same as nl'au kani. nl'au-w&wae-k&hl. Same as kakaiawl, a disease, n l e . 1. Short for nlele. Nie au, Moala, 'ehia inu 'away I asked with curiosity, Moala, how many kava drinkers? 2. Var. of nia. n l e l e . To ask questions; inquisitive, plying with frivolous questions (often used in pejorative sense, as or a busybody asking things that do not concern him); to quiz, pump. As an exclamation of annoyance: you are too inquisitivel Who cares to answer your questions! h o ' o n l e l e . Questioning, especially by leading up indirectly rather than directly; quizzing; curious; curiosity, n l e n l e . Sheer and smooth, as a cliff. Ka pi'ina nie nie o Ha'aheo, the sheer ascent of Ha aheo. n i e n i e l e . Redup. of nlele ; to investigate, n l b a . Same as kamaniha, cross, n l h a n l h a . Redup. of niha.
with careful observance of taboos; with discrimination. E nihi ka hele i ka uka o Puna, mai 'ako i ka pua, o lilo i ke ala o ka hewahewa (PH 31), circumspect (or prescribed) the voyage inland of Puna, do not pick flowers or be led to the paths of wrongness. 3. Steep, n l h i a . Passive/imperative of nihi, 2. n l h i n a . Same as nihi, 1. t. Nihina ka hele a ka makani, the wind goes quietly, n l h i n l h l . Redup. of nihi, 1, J8; fastidious, overly dainty. La nihinihi, very severe taboo day. Ka noho 'ana nihinihi (Kop. 125), strict way of life, rigid observance of taboo; rigid way of sitting during a ceremony; etiquette; proper, genteel, or circumspect deportment, h o ' o n f h l n l h l . Same as above. 'Ai ho'onihinihi, to pick at food, as a finicky person; to eat with careful observance of taboo, n l h l - p a l i . A kind of fish (no data), n l h o . Tooth; toothed; nipper, as of an insect; Aristotle's lantern, of a sea urchin; claw, as of crab; tusk; stones set interlocking, as in a wall; biting, of the teeth. Niho mand, shark's tooth, shark s-tooth pattern, as on tapa. Mai hana wale aku 'oe id Ke'oi, he niho, don't act indiscriminately toward Ke'oi, he has teeth! [he is dangerous, as in sorcery]. Na niho o kana pale kaua (Ioba 15.26), the bosses of his bucklers. Puka ka niho o La'a-kea, La'a-kea is getting his teeth. Ho'onoho niho 'ia, the stones are set [as in a fence), h o ' o n l b o . To lay stones interlocking; to set stones, as in a fence. (PPN nifo, P M P ipen.) n l h o a . 1. Passive/imperative of niho-, toothed, notched, jagged, sharp; firmly imbedded and interlocked, as stones in a fence. Nihoa ka pali, toothed is the cliff. 2. (Cap.) Name of an island between Kauai and Midway, n l h o ' a k l . Front teeth; nippers of insects. Lit., biting teeth. n l h o ' a w a . Poisonous fang or tooth, as of a centipede, snake, n l h o ' e l e p a n l . Elephant tusk, ivory (Hoik. 18.12).
n l h o h u ' l . Toothache; having a toothache, n l h o k a h l . Single-toothed, having one tooth remaining; a general term for old age. n l h o k a ' l . 1. Aching tooth or teeth. Lit., leading tooth, i.e., it draws the attention. 2. Stones set in a row, as in a fence, n l h o k e u . Protruding, uneven tooth. Lit., extra tooth. n l h o k l l o u . Claws of a crab. Lit., hook tooth. n l h o - k O m a k a . A kind of fish (no data), n l h o l e n a . Yellow tooth; yellow-toothed, said derisively of the old. n l h o - l l ' l l l ' l . A tapa design. Lit., small teeth or notches. n i h o - m a n G . A tapa design. Lit., shark tooth, n l h o m a u o l e . Worn teeth, a figurative term for a chief who has outlived his usefulness. (Malo 201, Emerson note.) A class of chiefs. (AP.) n l h o m o l e . Gap in a row or series, as left by a missing tooth; notch; worn smooth, as teeth of a saw. He i'a lapu wale, he pSpa'i niho mole (hula song), a worthless sea creature, a crab with missing claw, n l h o n l h o . Set with teeth, as a saw; toothed, notched; scalloped, as lace; scalloped, as potatoes; scallops, notches. Cf. huila nihoniho. l i o ' o n l h o n l h o . To make into a toothed, scalloped, notched design; to make teeth; to carve an irregular notched edge. n l h o ' o k l . Shark's-tooth knife, as used for wood carving and cutting hair. Lit., cutting tooth, n l h o p a l a o a . Whale tooth, whale-tooth pendant, a symbol of royalty, n l h o p e k u . New tooth appearing in the gums; bud shooting from the ground (Malo 199). n l h o - p o p o . A variety of sweet potato. Lit., decayed tooth.
n l h e u . Fancy or unusual style of hair dressing, n l h l . 1. Edge, brink, rim, border: sideways, on edge, standing on edge. Also lihi. Cf. kUnihi. (PPN nifl, P M P nipis.) 2. Stealthily, quietly, unobtrusively, carefully; creeping silently and softly, as on tiptoe; difficult or precarious of passage, as a trail along a precipice; circumspect,
n l h o p u a ' a . Pig tusk, especially that worn as an ornament. Fig., young kava sprout, n l h o - w i l l - h e m o . Design on Niihau mats, consisting of a series of pointed notches, called kulipu'u elsewhere. Lit., twisting loose tooth, n l ' l . Salt encrusted, as one exposed to sun and sea. Cf. uwani'i. N l ' l h a u . 1. Name of one of the Hawaiian Islands; an inhabitant of Niihau Island. 2 . (Not cap.) A variety of uhi, yam. Dlka. 1. Nigger: black, blackness; blackened. Eng. For example see kuloku. Keaka nika, minstrel show. 2. Same as maikoiko, a variety of sugar cane. 3 . A variety of sweet potato; sometimes qualified by the terms 'ele'ele, ke'oke'o, nui. Also called pa'ele. n l k e i a k e , n l t e r a t e . Nitrate. Eng. n l k i . 1. Var. of 'iniki, to pinch. 2. Same as ni ki'i. n l k l ' l . To tie, as a rope or knot (For. 4:259). Also hlki'i, hiki'iki'i, muki'i, muki'iki'i, naki'i, naki'iki'i, niki, nikiniki. n l k l n l k l . 1. Redup. of niki, 1.2. 2. Membrane binding the intestines. Cf. maka 'upena. He mdhai i kaumaha 'ia ma ke ahi ia Iehowa, ka maka 'upena e uhi una i ka na'au, a me ka nikiniki apau ma ka na'au (Oihk. 3.3). an offering made by fire to Jehovah, the fat that covers the intestines, and all the membrane with the intestines. n i k i o u a ' a k a . Jester, clown; clowDing. n l k l p a ' u . Wilted, scorched, as with heat. Obs. n l k u . 1. Dirty, smelly, filthy, h o ' o n l k u . To soil, make dirty. He keu 'oe a ke keiki ho'oniku 'a'ahu, never was a child like you for getting clothes dirty and smelly. 2. Also lllsil. Hawk. (Oihk. 11.16.) n l k u n l k u . Redup. of niku, 1. n l l e a . Same as ninole. n l l e k a u , n l l e g a u . Nilgau. Eng. n l l u . Admirable, fine. Obs. He nilu ke 'ikena aku, admirable to behold, n l n a . 1. Same as Una, 1. Waha nina, soft mouth [said of a finicky eater], 2. A variety of taro. (HP 33.) n l n a n l n a . Redup. of nina, 1. n l n a n l n a u . Redup. of nxnau. n f n a t l . Question; to ask a question; interrogation; interrogating. Cf. noi, to ask for something. He nlnau wahi puniu, a question that cracks the skull [a difllcult question], h o ' o n l n a u . To ask a question; to have questions asked; to ask indirectly, n l n a u e l e . Same as niele. Obs. n l n a u h o ' l . Cross-examination, as of a witness. Lit., return question. n l n a u hO'lke. Interrogation, usually oral; quiz, e x a m i n a t i o n ; c a t e c h i s m . Lit., revealing questions. n l n a u k u p a p a ' u . One who consults the dead or familiar spirits (Isa. 8.19); necromancer. Lit., corpse question, n l n a u pill h o ' o m a n a . Catechism (Protestant). Lit., questions concerning religion, n l n a u ' u h a n e . One with familiar spirits; to speak through familiar spirits (Oihk. 19.31). Lit., soul asking. n i n l . 1. Ointment, balm; to apply ointment; to our, spill. 2. Same as lili, jealous. 3. Fence, ne of stones; pavement. Cf. pa-nini. n l n l a . Passive/imperative of nini, 1. n l n l a u . 1. Redup. of niau. Niniau ke kahe o ka wai, swiftly silent flowing of the water, h o ' o n l n l a u . Redup. of ho'oniau. Kaho'oniniau 'ana ia Lohi'au, pursuit of Lohi'au. 2 . To droop, as a flower. Niniau, 'eha ka pua o ke koai'e (UL 68), the koai'e flower droops, injured, n l n l h a . Redup. of niha. n l n l h l . Same as nihinihi. Ka lalawe ninihi launa 'ole (song), quiet taking over, unsurpassed.
n l n l h u a . Resentment; resentful, n l n l k a . X. Same a9 pukamole. 2. Same as 'Inika, a plant. n l n l k e a . White tapa, as worn by priests during ceremonies. n l n t k l . Redup. of niki, 1. Ka niniki makani o Kane-hoa (chant), the wind piercing of Kanehoa. n l n l n l . Redup. of nini, 1, 2; to cast, as a solid from liquid (1 Nal. 7.37). n l n t n i a . Passive/imperative of ninini. n l n l n l n l . Redup. of nini, 1. n l n l ' o . Same as 'Br.i oni'o, spotted, streaked, h o ' o n l n l ' o . Causative/simulative, n l n l p o . Redup. of nipo, 1. 2. Nipo ninipo i ke aloha la, ka wahine ha'alewa, ha'alewa i ke kai (song), yearning, longing in love is the woman swaying, swaying by the sea. n l n l p o l o . Redup. of nlpolo, l, 2. Obs. n l n l u . Redup. of niu, 2: to spin; worried, sad; dizzy; dizziness, vertigo, unclear or blurred vision; blurred, indistinct. Niniu Puna pd i ke 'ala. Puna is dizzy and thick with fragrance, h o ' o n l n l u . To cause dizziness; to spin, as a top. n i n o l e . 1. Weak, as an infant; swaying, bending, as a plant. Cf. minole. 'O ka haki pua ninole (song), breaking the pliant flower. 2. Name of a crustacean said to resemble lobster (no data), n l o . Same as ke, to criticize. (Malo 140.) n i ' o . 1. Highest point; to reach the summit. Cf. noho ni o. 'O 'oe a 'o wau kau i ka ni'o, you and I shall reach the highest point. Ku i ka ni'o, to reach the pinnacle, as of achievement. 2. Altar, as for hula. Also kuahu. 3. Doorway or threshold of a house, very taboo in ancient times. (Kep. 137.) 4. Same as 'dni'o, spotted, streaked. nlol. 1. Any kind of red pepper (Capsicum frutescens). (Neal 654.) Fig., a controversial or important problem. 2. A tree (Eugenia sp.). Its wood was said to be poisonous only from trees at Mauna-loa, Molokai. See kalai-pahoa, kauila. n l o l - ' a l u ' a l u . Same as nioi-puha'uha'u. Lit., loose. n l o l - k & m a k a h a l a . A chili pepper that is nearly round and about an Inch in length, n l o l - l e l . A kind of red pepper, with red, cherryshaped fruits, used for leis. Possibly some kind of cherry pepper (Capsicum frutescens var. cerasiforme). (Neal 654.) n l o l - l l p o a . A small variety of hot chili pepper. Lit., seaweed nioi. n l o l - l o l o a . The long, narrow, hot chili pepper. Lit., long nioi. n l o l - n i h o - p u a ' a . A chili pepper about three or four inches long and curved like a hog's tusk. Lit., hog-tusk nioi. n l o l - n u n u l . Large peppers, much liked by Hawaiians in relishes. Lit., big nioi. n l o l - p e k e l a ( b e t e l a ) . Betel nut. Eng. n l o l - p e p a . The chili pepper (Capsicum frutescens v&r.longum), grown for its hot, peppery-tasting fruits, which are red, narrow, three inches long or more. (Neal 654.) n l o i - p f i ' a l u ' a l u . Same as nxoi-pUha'uha'u. n l o i - p f i h a ' u h a ' u . The bell or sweet pepper (Capsicum frutescens var. grossum), with large mild-flavored fruits which are eaten when green. (Neal 654.) Lit., puffed. Also called nxoi-'alu'alu, nioi-pu'alu'alu. n l o k e . Ebbing, receding, of the tide. (Kep. 103.) n l o l e . T o eat without relish; to pick at food
without appetite. Cf. minole. n l o l o . 1. Upright, straight; stately; tall and straight as a tree without branches; sharply peaked, as mountains. Fig., righteous, correct. 2 . Drowsy, sleepy. n l o l o p u a . 1. Handsome. He kanaka niolopua, a handsome person. 2. (Cap.) The god of sleep.
n o h e ' o n l u - P o l a p o l a . A variety of coconut with large fruit. Lit.. Borabora or Tahitian. n o . 1. Intensifying particle. See Gram. 7.5. Maika'i no, quite good, very good. 'O ia no, so t h a t ' s it, t h a t ' s so. Ua 'ike no oe. you do know. 'O au noho'i, really me. 2. Of, for, because of, resulting from, concerning, about, from (o-form; see Gram. 9.9). No laila lakou? They are from there? nO. 1. Seepage; to leak, ooze, seep, sink. 2. F i f t h note on t h e musical scale, so. n o a . 1. Freed of taboo, released from restrictions. La noa, weekday. He ali'i noa au loa, a chief who frees his people f r o m taboo for a long time, h o ' o n o a . To cause to cease, of a taboo; to free from taboo. 2. Commoner, n o ' a . 1. Stone or small piece of wood used in the games of puhenehene and no'a. 2. A game in which t h e no'a was hidden under bundles of t a p a and the players guessed where it was; to play this game. Fig., secret thoughts or plans. (Malo 225-226.) 3. Colored, as color streak in pearl shell. Cf. no'eno'e. IlO'a. Constantly burning, of fire; unquenchable, as a volcano; dried up, as land in drought. Obs. Ke nS'a la i ka uka o Hamakua (For. 5:257), raging Are inland of H a m a k u a . h o ' o n 0 ' 3 . T o cause a burning, etc. n o a n o a . Commoner. Kahuna noanoa, a priest not of high rank, - n o a n o a . (With ho'o-) h o ' o n o a n o a . To free from taboo. n o ' a o . Fiery, hot. 'O Kauhola-nui ke kapuahi no'ao, nd'a wela i ke kapu (chant). Kauhola-nui the hot fire place, burning hot with taboo, n o ' a - p a h e ' e . Game in which no'a pebbles were pitched as quoits. Lit., sliding no'a. n o e . 1. Mist, rain spray; to form a mist; r a r e name for northeast trade wind; misty. Ua noe, misty rain. Noe ke 'ala o ka lehua, misty is t h e fragrance of t h e lehua. b o ' o n o e . To form mist, vapor, fog. 2. To settle gently, as mist (poetic). Noe wale mai no ke aloha i ku'u lei a u x haku ai, love alights like mist over t h e lei I have woven, n o ' e . Same as no'eno'e. n o ' e a u . Clever, skillful, dexterous, wise, artistic. 'Olelo no'eau, wise or entertaining proverb, saying. He wahine no'eau i ka haku lei hulu, a woman skillful a t making feather leis. n o e k o l o . Creeping mist, n o e l o . Var. spelling of nowelo. n o e n o e . Redup. of noe; grey-haired; to feel foggy due to intoxication. Ua pa kl'aha paha la, ke noenoe mai nei, maybe he's touched a glass, t h e one here who is so befogged, h o ' o * n o e n o e . Redup. otho'onoe. Cf. la'auho'onoenoe. n o ' e n o ' e . 1. Printed, of t a p a ; colored. Cf. klhei 'a'ahu no'eno'e. 2. Quiet, sedate. Noho mBlie, like me ka hilu, he i'a no'eno'e, sitting quietly like the hilu, a quiet fish, n o e u a h l . Haze, as a f t e r a volcanic eruption. Lit., smoke mist. n o e ' u l a . Pink mist, as t h a t about t h e rainbow; red- or sore-eyed, as f r o m going in t h e sea. Ka maka noe 'ula i ke kai, eyes reddened by t h e sea.
Fit., sleep. Ua la'i me Niolopua, peaceful with Niolopua [sleepy]. Ua kui lima akula au me Niolopua, I went off hand-in-hand with Niolop u a [went to sleep]. Ho'i akula e moe i ka moe a Niolopua, r e t u r n to sleep the sleep of Niolop u a [death], n l o n l o l o . Redup. of niolo, 1, t. n l p e ' a . To tie together. Kauai. n l p o . 1. T o yearn for; to be in love with; to love, long for. h o ' o n i p o . To make love, court, yearn for. 'O ka holunape a ka lau o ka niu, ho'onipo ana la i ke ehu kai (song), swaying dipping of the coconut leaves, making love in t h e sea spray. 2. Drowsy, languid, sleepy. h o * o n l p o . To cause sleepiness, make drowsy. E ho'onipo 'ia ana e ka hiamoe iki, made drowsy by a light sleep, n ll p o a . 1. Passive/imperative of nipo, 1, t. He i a ua nipoa i ka 'auhuhu. a fish drugged by 'auhuhu poison [a victim of sorcery], 2. (Cap.) N i p p o n ; Japanese, n l p o l o . 1. To d r u m and chant a t the same time. Obs. 2. Sick. weak. Obs. Cf. nipo. i. N I p o n a . Nippon; Japanese, n l p o n l p o . Redup. of nipo. 1, 2. n l p u ' u . Same as hipu'u. to tie knots. Nlpu'u pa'a 'ia me 'oe, ke aloha o kaua (song), bound fast to you is our love, n i u . 1. T h e coconut (Cocos nucifera), a common palm in tropical islands of the Pacific and warm arts of eastern Asia; coconut meat. Formerly, lawaiians used all parts of the tree. (Neal 107.) Wai niu, coconut water. Wai o ka niu, coconut cream. Niu moe o Kala-pana. t h e supine coconut palm of Kala-pana. [Young trees were bent over and made to grow crookedly, in order to commemorate great events; two of such trees were a t Kala-pana in 1950.] E niu, e kulolo, 0 coconut, O coconut pudding [said of one who talks too much], ( P P N niu, P M P ' m u K . ) 2. Spinning, whirling. Cf. niniu, niua, niuniu. n l u a . Passive/imperative of niu, i, with connotations of niuniu, niniu. Ua niua na maka 1 na wahine moekolohe (2 Pet. 2.14), eyes made dizzy by adulterous women, h o ' o n l u a . To cause to spin, whirl, stir. He ka'ao ho'oniua pu'uwai no Kamiki, a heart-stirring story a b o u t Kamiki.
niu ' i k a ' a . Var. of niu 'oka'a.
n l u a u a . Somewhat dizzy; sad, unlucky. Cf. niua. n l u h t . A large grey man-eating shark. Catching niuhi was the game of kings; it was a dangerous sport and special techniques were used. Its flesh was taboo to women. For example see holopapa, 2. n l u - h l w a . A variety of coconut, with husk of f r u i t dark-green when m a t u r e and shell black. Used ceremonially, medicinally, and for cooking. ( H P 190.) Lit., dark, n l u - h u a - l a u . A variety of coconut, with very numerous small, sweet fruits. Lit., coconut with many fruit, n i u k a ' a . Same as niu 'Ska'a. n l u - k a h i k i . Date palm. Lit., foreign coconut, n l u - k u l l . A disease characterized by loss of hearing and dizziness, perhaps Meniere's disease. n l u - l e l o . A variety of coconut with f r u i t reddish and shell yellow, used in many ways, but not ceremonially or medicinally. ( H P 190.) Lit., yellow. n i u l o l o k a ' a . 1. Same as niu 'oka'a. 2. Dizziness, n i u m a l o ' o . Copra, dry coconut meat, n i u n i u . 1. Rich, oily, as f a t food. 2. Same as niniu; unlucky, unfortunate. He niuniu ka'u i nehinei, I had bad luck yesterday. Ua ho'omS'ona wau i na 'uhane apau i niuniu (Ier. 31.25), I have replenished every sorrowful soul, n i u ' O k a ' a . Shriveled, dry coconut meat separated from the shell; a n u t with loose meat. Lit., rolling coconut.
n o h a . Var. of nahi. n o h a e . Var. of nahae. nOhaehae. Var. of nHhaehae.
nOh&hS. Var. of nah&ha. NShSha li'ili'i. broken Into bits. n o h e a . Handsome, lovely, of fine appearance. He nohea 'oe i ku'u maka (song), you are a loveliness in my sight, n o h e a . F r o m where, whence. n O h e n o h e a . 1. Redup. of nohea (UL 41). 2. Same as noenoe. I pO i ka uahi ndhenohea i ka nahele (prayer), darkened by t h e smoke spreading like fog in t h e forest, n o h e ' o . Mischievous; mischief; rascal. (AP.)
n o h i n o h o - m a l l e . T h e yellow oleander or be-still tree (Thevclia nereifolia), an ever-blooming shrub or small tree f r o m tropical America, with long narrow leaves and yellow funnel-shaped flowers. All parts of the plant are poisonous to eat. (Neal 610.) Lit., be still, n o h o m o e . Divan. Rare. n o h o n a . Dwelling, residence, seat, mode of Itfo, relationship. Nohona kuhina, residence of the minister: embassy. Nohona wa'a, canoe thwart, seat. Ua la'i ka nohona, life is peaceful. He nohona ku'e'e ko ka makua kane me ke keiki, there is a strained relationship between father and son.
DOhl. Bright-colored, vivid, as the rainbow. Cf. klnohi. n o h l l l . Tedious, slow. Cf. Iiili, 2. n o h l n o h l . Redup. of nohi. n o h o . 1. Seat, chair, stool, bench, saddle. Noho kula, golden throne. 2. T o live, dwell; to be in session; to stay, tarry; to marry. Kona noho 'ana, his stay. Ua noho ka 'aha, the court is in session, h o ' o n o h o . T o take up residence; to install, establish, provide, seat, locate, arrange, pack, regulate, convey, carry, appoint; to summon a spirit to possess; to set, as type. Ho'onoho kahu, Installation of a pastor. Ho'onoho I ka pakaukau, to set a table. Ho'onoho kepau, to set type. Ho'onoho iwi, to set bones; a hone setter. Ho'onoho 'alu, cf. 'alu. Mlkini ho'onoho hua pa'i palapala, linotype machine. He kanawai e ho'onoho ana i aupuni, an act to provide a government. 3. Possession of a medium by a spirit or god; possessed; to possess. Akua noho, god that possesses. Ua noho 'o Pele i luna o Ane, Pele possessed Annie, h o ' o n o h o . T o summon a spirit to possess. 4. T o be, act as (followed by a complement). See noho ali'i. Noho me ka hau'oli, to be happy. Noho malie, to keep quiet, remain still. Noho like, to live in unity, with equal rights. Noho 'olu'olu, to live comfortably. ( P P N nofo, perhaps P M P tempet.) 5. Conduct, bearing, deportment, treatment, condition, way of life. Pela no ka noho 'ino'ino 'ana o Hakau ia 'Umi (For. 4:187), such was the cruel treatment of Hakau to 'Umi. Ka noho 'ana nihinihi ( K e p . 141), circumspect conduct. E holo 'oe i Hawai'i e nana ai i ka 'Sina, i ke kanaka, a me ko laila noho 'ana (For. 5:441), go to Hawaii, examine the land, the people, and the local way of life. 'A'ohe pono o keia e noho aku nei, this way of living is not right. 6. A strong negative following mat. Mai noho 'oe a kolohe i ka'u mea hana, don't you dare disturb my work, - n o h o . ( W i t h ho'o-) h o ' o n o h o . Bone hooks lashed together. ( M a l o 79.) n o h o all'!. Throne; reign, chieftainship, tenure as chief, rule; to reign; to act as chief, n o h o a l o h a . M e r c y seat (Heb. 9.5); on friendly terms; dwelling at peace; friendly relationship, n o h o ' a n a . Term, as of office; staying, dwelling, n o h o - a n u . N a t i v e geraniums (Geranium spp.), shrubs and small trees found only at high altitudes in Hawaii. T h e y have small, ovate, green or silvery leaves, edged or tipped with teeth, and reddish or white flowers. Lit., cold dwelling. Cf. hinahina, 4. n o h o a u p u n i . T o rule; a reign. (For. 4:227.) Na IS o kona noho aupuni 'ana, the days of his reign. n o h o h a l e . House dweller. Fig., ashes, as in medicine. n o h o hele. T o sojourn briefly and then go on elsewhere; to travel with brief stopovers (For. 4:231). n o h o h o ' o h l h l . Possession by a spirit that has taken a fancy (ho'ohihi) to the recipient, per haps causing him to act strangely, n o h o h u l l a . Wheel chair,
n o h o n l ' o . A pretense to knowledge or skill; bluif, false front. Also called poupou noho ni'o. n o h o n o h o . Redup. of noho. h o ' o n o h o n o h o . Redup. of ho'onoho-, to pretend to be possessed by a spirit; to arrange, classify. Ho'onohonoho i na noho, to arrange chairs. Papa ho'onohonoho kulana hana, classification board of positions, - n o h o n o h o . ( W i t h ho'o-) h o ' o n o h o n o h o . A variety of yam (uhi) having tuber with white flesh and red skin: vine green with green wings, petiole red and veins of blade red and green, n o h o ' o p l ' o p l . Folding chair, n o h o p a ' a . T o live permanently, to be established. n o h o p a l p a l . Rocking chair, n o h o p a p a . Arranged in order, as feathers in a hatband, shingles on a roof; placed in rows or regular formation, as soldiers.no'onoho p a p a . T o arrange, put in order. Ho'onoho papa i ka 'Olelo, a talk thoroughly covering an entire subject. n o h o p o n o . Sitting properly, behaving well; moral deportment, n o h o p u . Sitting inactively, dejected, nolio pO. Living together, especially out of wedlock. n o h o Uka. Upland dweller; to live inland, n o h o w a l i l n e . T o marry, of a man; to live with a woman. n o h u . 1. Fish (Scorpaenopsis cacopsis and other scorpaenids) with poisonous spines. T h e fish is edible. 2. A prostrate, hairy perennial (Tribulus cistoides), found on coasts of tropical regions around the world. I t has spiny dry fruits, yellow flve-petaled flowers; each leaf has about twelve leaflets. Also called n o h u n o h u . 3. A native variety of taro. Also called nohu-'cle'ele, makoko. 4. Soft, porous stone, used in scouring, - n o h u . ( W i t h ho'o-) h o ' o n o h u . (a) T o scowl. frown, (b) T o reef, as the sails of a ship. ( A P . ) n o h u n o h u . Same as nohu, 1, 2, 4. n o h u - ' o m a k a h a . Variety of nohu (Scorpaenopsis cacopsis, S. gibbosus). n o h u - p l n a o . Variety of nohu. Lit., dragonfly nohu. n o h u - p o ' o - l i ' a u . Variety of nohu: it was believed that its eggs hatched into sharks. Lit., wooden-headed nohu. nol. T o ask for something, make a request, make a motion, move; request, petition, motion. Cf. ninau, to ask a question. Cf. noinoi, nonoi. Ka mea noi, applicant. Ma ka noi a Mr. Mahelona, on motion of M r . Mahelona. Ke noi aku nei au i kou 'olu'olu, I am asking a f a v o r of you. n o ' l a u . Var. of no'eau. No'iau ka hoe a Kamoho-ali'i ( P H x), skillful was the paddling of Kamoho-ali'i. notele. Shaken, beaten, as by wind. I noiele, i ka 'ia e ka Lawakua, niua loloka'a ke po'o o Hanalei (chant), shaken, beaten by the Lawakua wind, the head of Hanalei [Valley] reels with dizziness.
noho'l. See no, 1.
n o h o ' i e . Wicker chair. n o h o k a l . Dweller on the seashore; to live by the sea. n o h o kftne. T o marry, of a woman; to live with a man. n o h o k&pae. Sidesaddle; to ride sidesaddle. Fig., to have an illicit love affair. See also kSpae. n o h o k a p a k a h l . Sidesaddle, n o h o k u . Straight chair, n o h o Ho. Saddle. N o h o - l o a . North Star. n o h o loa. T o remain long, permanently, for life, n o h o m a l e 'ole. T o remain unmarried; spinsterhood, bachelorhood.
nol hele. Going about asking or begging f r o m place to place, n o l ' l . T o seek knowledge or information; investigation, examination, research, searching for even the smallest detail. 'Auhau noi'i, a
n onoh ua as upland ferns. Nolu ehu luhe i ka palai (song), a soft mist dripping on drooping palai fern, n o l u n o l u . Redup. otnolu. Mau'u nolunolu kohu lole weleweka, soft grass like v e l v e t cloth, n o l u p£. 1. Graceful bending, swaying, as of shrubs. 2. Drenched. Ohaoha pua i ka wai, i ka nolu pe i ka ua (song), flowers t h r i v e in the water, softened and drenched by the rain. D o m e , T o eat a little at a t i m e for a long time, as horses eating grass; t o jnunch along; rolling along, as a wheeL 'Uhi'uha mai ana ea, ke nome a'ela ia Puna ea (song f o r P e l e ) , shish shish here [the fires of Pele], eating munching along through Puna, h o ' o n o m e . T o cause to munch, m o v e along, n o m e a . Passive/imperative of nome. n o m e n o m e . Redup. of nome. h o ' o n o m e n o m e . Redup. of ho'onome-, to m o v e the lips silently, as though speaking to oneself. E ho'onomenome 'oe i ko waha a hiki i ka uia e pau ai ku'u oli 'ana, mouth your word? until I finish my chant, n o n a . 1. Bulrush, ( l ' u k . 2.3.) 2. His, hers, its; for him. f o r her, f o r il (o-form; see Gram. 3.4.) n o n a n o n a . 1. A n t (same as more common naonao). 2. Gnat. 3. M a n y , a great number. Nonanona na pu'u, many hills, n o n e . 1. Slow, tedious, time-consuming, h o ' o n o n e . T o work slowly and with disinterest; t o be a slowpoke. 2. Patience-trying, teasing, annoying, f r e t t i n g ; to tease, nag. n o n e a . Same as none, 1. 2. He nonea keia 'ano hana. this kind of work is tedious, annoying, n o n e a . Distaste f o r f o o d that one has had too much of, as fats; surfeit, n o n e n e a . Same as nonenonea. n o n e n o n e . Redup. of none, 1, Z. n o n e n o n e a . R e d u p . of nonea. n o n l . 1. T h e Indian mulberry ( M o r i n d a cilrifolia), a small tree or shrub in tho coffee f a m i l y , a native of Asia, Australia, and islands of the Pacific. L e a v e s are large, shiny, deep-veined. M a n y small flowers are borne on round heads, which become pale-yellow unpleasant-tasting fruits. F o r m e r l y Hawaiians obtained dyes ana medicine f r o m many parts of the tree. ( N e a l 703.) 2. Troublud, agitated, perplexed, confused. h o ' o n o n l . T o create a disturbance, cause trouble, incite. 3. Same as 'anoni, to mix. Obs. 4. P o o r appetite, as of an invalid; to take f o o d unwillingly. Obs. n o n l - k u a h l w l . A n a t i v e tree (Morinda trimera), related to the noni, but having smaller leaves and fruits, the fruits being only an inch in diameter. Lit., hill noni. n o n i n o n l . R e d u p . of noni. n o n l l l l l l . Soft, pinkish porous stone, as used In polishing. n o n o . 1. R e d , redness; rosy-cheeked; red-faced, as f r o m sunburn; sunburned, bronzed. Cf. punono. 2. Full of holes, perforated, moth-eaten; oozing, seeping out, as water in the sand; seepage. Cf. hanonono. nonO. T o snore, gurgle, n o n o a . Var. spelling of nonowa. n O n o e n o e . Same as noenoe. n o n o h e . A t t r a c t i v e , beautiful. Lehua, 'o ka lehua maka noe, ua nonohe wale i Haua'iliki (chant f o r H a k u - o - H a w a i ' i ) , lehua, misty-faced lehua, beautiful at Haua'iliki. n o n o h l . R e d u p . of nohi. n o n o h l a . Passive/imperative of nono, 1. n o n o h l n a . W h i t e blossoms of the olopua, a tree, n o n o h o . Redup. and plural of noho. Ke nonoho like maila na ao 'opua, the cloud banks are sitting together, n o n o h u . Same as 'o'ohu, stooped, n o n o h u a . Diarrhea. Obs.
tax on e v e r y last item. Komike noi'i, reference committee, n o l ' l n a . I n v e s t i g a t i o n , search, etc. nol k u . T o ask rudely, abruptly, point-blank, n o l l l . S a m e as no'eau. Obs. n o l m a l e ( m a r e ) . Proposal of marriage; to propose marriage, nol n o l . R e d u p . of noi. u o ' i n o ' i . 1. Y o u n g of kawakawa, bonito. Usually called kma'u. 2. Small, dwarfish, stunted. Obs. n o l o . H a w a i i a n tern ( A n o u s minutus melanogenys), smaller than noddy tern; subspecies is widespread in the Central Pacific. A l s o called 'eki'eki, lae-hina. n o l ' o . Var. of noi'i. n o i o - k O h a . N o d d y tern (Anous stolidus pileatus), larger than the tern, noio\ sooty, except top of head, which is light gray. T h e name is possibly f r o m noio kShaha, plump noio. n o k a , n o t a . N o t e . Eng. Also noka kala, nota dala. n f l k a l l , n o t a r l . N o t a r y . Eng. Ndkali no ka lehulehu, notary public, n o k a m e a . Because, whereas (in legal documents). Lit., because of the thing, n o k e . T o persist, continue, persevere. E noke kaua i ka hana, a pau keia, let's persist in the work until this is finished. Noke i ka nuku, keep on scolding, h o ' o n o k e . Causative/simulative. n o k e a . Passive/imperative of noke. nOkca. 1. Var. of nakea, a g o b y . 2. W h i t e spotted, as the nakea, a fish, n o k e ' a . O v e r s t u f f e d with f o o d ; filled, as a cup to the brim; packed full. Obs. n o k e a h a ? W h y ? See aha. n o k e k u l a , n o k e t u r a . Swan. (Oihk. XI. 18.) nOkele, n o t e r e . Same as nSkali. Eng. n o k e m a , n o t e m a . Juniper roots, n o k e n o k e . K e d u p . of noke. Nokenoke i ke 'aki i ke ku'i, continued grinding of the teeth. nOkl. Deep. Obs. I loko noki o ka 'opu, wawahi hua o ka lani (chant), though deep within the womb, a high chief would break forth. Kau ndkx ka mana'o, conceutrate deeply, n o k o n o k o . N e r v o u s anticipation and sensation that one is going to cough, n o k u . Var. of loku. n o k u l e . 1. N u m b . Noho i ka wai a nokule ka 'Hi, staying in the water until the skin was numbed. 2. Same as kukule, listless. Obs. n O l a ' e l a ' e . Same as mala'ela'e, clear. (For. 6:378.) n o l a l l a . See laila. n o l e . 1. Sickly, unhealthy. Obs. Cf. mlnole, nlnole. 2. T o annoy by o v e r f a m i l i a r i t y . Obs. Cf. hole, pihole. - n o l e . ( W i t h ho'o-) h o ' o n o l e . A w k w a r d , without skill. Obs. N o l e w a l , N o r e w a i . N o r w a y ; N o r w e g i a n . Eng. N o l e w e k e , N o r e w e k e . N o r w e g i a n . Eng. n o l l k l . N o r t h e a s t . Eng. n G l l n o l l n o . Var. of 'Dlinolino, shiny. 'Ano nSlinolino kn 'i'o kanaka i ke ahi (chant), human flesh is somewhat shiny in the fire [light], n o l o . 1. Filled full, crowded. Nolo ka wa'a i ka i'a; nolo ka 'tHo i ka 'uku, the canoe is full of fish; the dog is full of fleas. 2. Same as nond. n o l o n o l o . Kedup. of nolo. n o l u . Springy, elastic, soft, yielding, b o g g y . Cf. holu. Nolu ka ihu o HDpoe i ka makani, yielding Is the nose of H o p o e [rock] to the wind [of a balancing rock], n o l u & k a u a . T r a i t o r ; one born under one chief who flghts for another. ( A P . ) n o l u e h u . Softened and wet with mist and rain.
n o n o h u w a , n o n o h u a . Jealous; jealousy, quicktempered jealousy, h o ' o n o n o h u w a . T o nurse jealousy and ill will; to hate.
n onoi nonol. Redup. of noi. u o n o l ' l . Same as no'ino'i,
rain; moist and fragrant, as a flower in the rain or dew.
noua. Passive/imperative of nou.
nonokea. See puhi-nonokea. nonolau. Var. of lonolau.
n o u l u . Var. of loulu, a palm,
nounou. Redup. of nou.
n o u o l o . 1. Redup. of nolo \ purring. 2. Defeated in war. ( A P . ) n o n o l u . Redup. of nolu. n o n o m e . Redup. of nome. Ilo'ohie ka mnna'o no ka huila, ka nonome ho'ola'i i ka 'ilikai (song), thinking with happy pride of the wheel [of the vessel], rolling quietly along on the surface of the sea, n o n o m e a . Reddish. n o n o n e a . T o redden, as the cheeks with 'Siena or 'alaea. n o n o n f . Redup. of noni. n o n o n o . Redup. of nono, 1. I. n o n o n o h o . Redup. of nonoho. Nononoho a moe na keiki (chant for Kua-kini), dwelt together and mated were the children, n o n o n o k e . Redup. and plural of noke. n o u o n o w a . Redup. of nonowa.
n o ' u n o ' u . 1. Redup. of no'u. 2. A variety of gourd with a short fruit. Also called paha'aha'a. pakiika. n o w e l o , n o e l o . T o delve, seek, as for knowledge, Nowelo i ka pili 'ao'ao (song), seeking ways and means of being at [her] side. Nau i noi'i nowelo aku, pau na pali pa'a i ka 'ike 'ia (chant for Kalakaua), you sought and searched for wisdom, all tho solid cliffs were seen.
N o w e m a p a . November. Eng.
n O w e o . Bright, shiny. 'Ula ndweo ka la i ka pua 'ilima (song), the sun is bright and scarlet on the 'ilima blossom, n i l . 1. T o cough; to roar, as wind; grunting, as of pigs; cooing, as of doves; patter, as of rain; groaning, deep sighing, moaning: mentally agitated, worried, grief-stricken. Ka ua nu hele ma ka inoana, the rain coming pattering over the open sea. ho'ontk. T o moan, groan, sigh, hum, roar, etc. Ka ua 'awa'awa e ho'onil la i uka, the bitterly cold rain pattering in the uplands. 2. Short for nuku, beak. Bare. 3. T h e letter " n . " 4. News. Eng. Nuhou, recent news. 5. Gnu. Eng. n u ' a . 1. Thick; piled one on top of the other, as leis, mats, or ocean swells; heaped; lush, thick-growing; much traveled, as a road; multitude, as of people. Moena kumu nu'a, a sleeping mat made thick at one end to serve as a head rest; HI., mat piled beginning. Nu'a moena, a heap of mats. Nu'a kanaka, many people. Haki nu'a ka uahi i ke kai. the spray breaks in masses in the sea. Ka nu'a o ka palai, the thick clump of palai ferns, h o ' o n u ' a . T o heap up; to give generously and continuously; surging, rising in swells, as the sea. 2. A kind of seaweed, n f l ' a l h e a . N a m e of a destructive caterpillar. Obs.
n o n o ' o . Var. of no'ono'o.
n o n o p a p a . Invalid, sick. Obs.
n o n o w a . Var. of lonowa.
nonu. Var. of nolu. n o ' o . Same as
no'oa. Passive/imperative of no'o.
n o ' o l u . Same as 'olu'olu. Obs. n o ' o n o ' o . Thought, reflection, meditation, thinking; to think, reflect; to consider, as a case at law; thoughtful. Cf. mana'o. No'ono'o haiki, narrow-minded; a narrow mind. No'ono'o laula, broad-minded. No'ono'o nui, to think much, concentrate, meditate, h o ' o n o ' o n o ' o . T o cause to think, reflect; reminiscent, recalling to mind, remembering. Of. more common ho'omana'o. n o ' o n o ' o ' o l e . Thoughtless, without thinking. Ua hele aku au me ka no'ono'o 'ole i ka hopena, I went without considering the consequences,
N u ' a - k e a . T h e goddess of lactation; also a name for wet nurses for chiefly infants. ( M a l o 90.)
nu'alla. Passive/imperative of nu'a.
no'ono'o ulu wale. Imagination, impulse. Lit.,
n u ' a n u ' a . Redup. of nu'a; large, soft, fleshy. Pa nu'anu'a, to blow strongly, as to make large sea waves. Nu'anu'a na lei i ka 'a'l o ka malihini, the leis were piled about the neck of the visitor, h o ' o n u ' a n u ' a . Redup. of ho'onu'a. 'Ula Kalae-loa i ka lepo a ka makani, ho'onu'anu'a i ka lepo (chant), Kalae-loa is red with the wind's dirt, encrusted with dirt,
thought growing by itself, n o p a . 1. L a z y , slow. Obs. 2. Crooked. ( A P . ) n o p a n o p a . Redup. of nopa, l. n O p i l l . Var. of napili, a fish. n O p o l o . Same as nipolo. Obs. n o p u . 1. T o swell; sprouting, plump. Fig., to spring up in the mind, as a thought or desire. Nopu maila ka mana'o e hele aku i ou la, the thought has come to go to you. 2. Hot, as f r o m the sun or fire. I ka la ikiiki nopu i ke one (song), in the hot sun warming the sand,
nu'ao. Porpoise.
n u l l a . Sulky, sullen; to sulk, balk. Cf. nunuhah o ' o n u h a . T o cause to sulk; to sulk,
nopue. Var. of nopu, 1.
nuhanuha. Redup. of nulia. ho'onuhanuha.
n o p u n o p u . Redup. of nopu. n o u . 1. T o throw, pelt, pitch, hurl; buffeting, throwing; pitcher. 'O ka ho'oili i ka ihu o ka wa'a a nou i ke kai (chant), to conduct the prow of the canoe until it beats into the sea. Lehua maka nou i ke a hi (chant by Hi'i-aka), lehua face pelted by the fire, h o ' o n o u . T o throw, pelt; to put forth physical effort; to strain; to pretend or cause to throw. Cf. ha'anou. 2. For you, yours, in your honor (o-form, singular). See Gram. 3.4. n o ' u . 1. Short, thick-set, plump but not tall (said more often of plants than of humans). A short, stocky koa tree suitable for a wide, short canoe was also called no'u. 2. A native variety of banana, bearing small bunches of thick, round fruit, eaten raw or cooked, the skin yellow, the flesh cream-colored. 3. T o eat greedily with great mouthfuls, even when no longer hungry. Cf. nu'u. 4. For me, mine, in my honor (o-form; see Gram. 3.4). No'u kela, give that to me.
Redup. of ho'onuha. n u h e . 1. Rare var. of nuha. 2. Var. of 'enuhe, caterpillar, n u h l . Same as unuhi. Rare. n u h O l a n i . X. Same as 'eukalikia, pale-piwa. Eucalyptus. (Neal 562.) Lit., N e w Holland. Eng. 2. Introduced Brazilian banana, n f i h o u . News, recent or late news; strange. Nuhou kuloko, local news. Nuhou kuwaho, foreign news. Nuhou noho'i kau hana, how strangely you act. n u h u . Same as nunu, 3, trumpet fish, n u i . 1. Big, large, great, important; many, much; size, number, magnitude, quantity, dimension, entirety, the greater part; enough, sufficiency. Cf. ha'anui, hapa nui, mea nui, nui kino. Leo nui, loud voice. ' A n o nui, important. Aloha nui loa, much aloha. Nui na hewa, many mistakes. Nui 'ino lakou, they were very many. Ua hele nui aku nei i kahakai, the many of them went to the beach. Ua ho'i aku nei ka nui kamali'i, the great part of the children have returned. Ua nui keia, this is enough, h o ' o n u i . T o enlarge, increase, multiply, magnify, exaggerate,
-no'u. See ha'ano'u. n o ' f l . Suffused with water; drenched, as with
nu'upe add to, dilate; multiplication. Ho'onui leo, loudspeaker. Ho'onui 'dlelo, wordy, padded, prolix; to exaggerate, boast, enlarge on the truth. 2. (Cap.) Name of a star (no data), n u l k i n o . Whole body. - n i i l n u l . (With ho'o-) h o ' o n u l n u l . T o use threatening language, usually without carrying out the threat; to exaggerate, stretch the truth, talk verbosely. Mai nana 'oe, he ho'onuinui wale no, don't pay attention, [ho's] just exaggerating. N u l O k a . New York. Eng. n u k a . Large, plump, fat and sleek, stout, n u k a n u k a . Redup. of nuka. nQkea. 1. White-billed 'alae bird. 2. Whitebeaked, as the nUkea bird; white around the mouth or snout, as an aging animal. '0 ka lani ka hiapo kama kapu, ka hanau mua i Hawai'i, ka 'Ilio nukea ma ka lani (chant), the chief is a sacred first-born one, the first born in Hawaii, the white-mouthed dog in the heavens, n f i k e ' e . A w r y ; twisted to one side, as a mouth; crooked, as a bill. For example see ho'olehelehe ki'i. tao'onOke'e. T o twist the face to one side. N u k l l a n l . New Zealand. Eng. n O k o k l . Snub-nosed, homely, of facial features; pug-nosed. Cf. kokikoki, mukoki. n u k u . 1. Beak, snout, tip. end; spout, beaker of a pitcher; mouth or entrance, as of a harbor, river, or mountain pass. For an idiom, see huapala, 2. Nuku awa, entrance to a harbor. Ka nuku o ka ule hala, tip of aerial pandanus root. Ka nuku kaulana o Nu'u-anu. the famous Nu'uanu gap. Pu'u ka nuku. to protrude the lips. 2. Scolding, ravine, ranting, grumbling. 3. Series of hooks attached to a line (Malo 79); first coconut husk attached to an 'ahi flshline, the others being poll (bosom) and manamana (fingers). Ka nuku o ka pua'a. poetic name for deep-sea ulua fishing line; lit., the pig snout, n u k u f t ' u l a . Var. spelling of nukuwa'ula. n u k u - ' e ' e b u . A native variety of taro. ( H P 33.) Lit., red beak, n u k u - ' e h u . Same as nuku-'e'ehu. n u k u - ' I ' l w l . A woody, climbing legume (Strongylodon lucidus), known from Ceylon to Hawaii. I t has leaves with three leaflets, and scarlet flowers shaped like narrow beaks, hanging in narrow clusters. Also called ka-i'iwi. (Neal 386.) n u k u k a u . 1. Thick-lipped. 2. A variety of taro. ( H P 34.) 3. A variety of sweet potato, n f l k u k e . Silent, refusing to speak, n u k u l e h u . A variety of sweet potato, n u k u - m a n e ' o . A malignant 'unihipili, spirit, n u k u - m a n u . A variety of taro; the corm is pointed like a bird's beak; Kauai only, n u k u - m o m l . A variety of jackfish (Caranz melampygus). Lit., pearly mouth, n u k u - m o n e ' u . Variety of jackfish, probably same as nuku-momi. n u k u n u k u . 1. Redup. of nuku-, to scold. 2. Short, broken off short, blunt. Nukunuku ho'i keia wahi lou, this fruit-picker is too short. 3. Butterfly fish (Forcipiger longirostris). n u k u n u k u w a ' u l a . Same as nukuwa'ula. n u k u p e u . Name of a bird (no data); perhaps same as nuku-pu'u. n u k u - p u e o . Large bottle gourd used for water, n u k u - p u ' u . 1. Group of Hawaiian honey creepers (Hemignathus lucidus) with long curved upper mandible and shorter lower mandible of the beak, with subspecies on Kauai (hanapepe), Oahu (lucidus), and Maui ( a f f i n i s ) , and a closely related species (Hemignathus wilsoni) on Hawaii. Plumage is brownish-green on the back, yellow-green below. T h e Hawaii species is also called 'akihi-po'o-la'au. Cf. 'akialoa, 'i'iwi. Lit., hunched beak. 2. Protruding lips; to pout the lips. Fig., to speak evil of others, do them evil, n u k u wal. Stream mouth.
n u k u w a ' u l a , n u k u & ' u l a . T y p e of fishing net. with mesh so fine that only the very tip (nuku) of the finger could be inserted, n u l u . T o rise up, as smoke or steam, n u l u n u l u . Redup. of nulu. n u m e l a , n u m e r a . Numeral. Eng. n u m l . T o subside gradually, as tears, laughter, emotions. Numi maila kona kaumaha, his sorrow gradually ebbed away, n u m o n l a . Pneumonia. Eng. n u n a . 1. Rare var. of luna, above. 2. Nun. Eng. n u n a n u n a . Same as nupanupa. nt)n£. Speculation, conjecture; to wonder, speculate, discuss and wonder about. Ia wa noho ihola ISkou me ka nune aku a nuni mai, then they sat and asked wondering questions of each other. nOnea. Same as nung. n u n e l e , n u n e r e . Nunnery. Eng. n u n u . 1. Greed: to covet, extort; to take property by force. Cf. 'anunu, ko'i nunu, lunu. 2. Swollen, puffed up; to swell up; to swathe or roll up, as an article in tapa; to fold or bind up. - n u n u . (With ho'o-) h o ' o n u n u . A seaweed (Laurencia obtusa var. racemosa). Cf. lipe'e. nQnQ. 1. Introduced rock pigeon or wild pigeon (Columba livia); dove (Mele 2.14). 2. Moaning, groaning, cooing, grunting. 3. Trumpet flsn (Aulostomus chinensis). Also called nuhu. n u n u ' a . Crowded, confused, clustering, swarming, assembling promiscuously, n u n u h a . Redup. of nuha\ sulky, moody, n u n u h e . Redup. of nuhe. 1. n u n u l . Plural of nul, I . n u n u k l . T o rise and fall, as the sea. Obs. n u n u l u . T o growl, as a dog; warbling, as of a bird; reverberating. ( P P N ngulu, P M P guruq.) n u p a . 1. Var. of lupa. 2. A deep cave; gloominess, as in a cave. 3. Enlarged, swollen. Obs. n u p a i k l n l . New-fashioned. Eng. Obs. n u p a n u p a . Redup. of nupa, 1, I, 3. Cf. hanupanupa. h o ' o n u p a n u p a . Same as ho'olupalupa. Ua piha ka kakou mau mele me na ho'onupanupa 'ana a ia mea, he aloha, our songs are filled with lush [descriptions] of that thing, aloha. nOpepa. Newspaper (Eng.). nttpepa-puka-12. Daily newspaper. n O p o l u p o l u . Scattered, thick, as flowers. 'O a'u lehua i 'aina e ka manu a maui i ke kai, nupolupolu akula i ke kai o Hilo (prayer to Kapo), my lehua blossoms picked by tne birds and bruised by the sea, scattered there on the sea of Hilo. n U p o n u p o n u . Var. of nupolupolu. n u ' u . 1. Height, high place, especially the second platform in the lana-nu'u-mamao, oracle tower; elevation; stratum. Fig., great. 'Ekolu mau nu'u po (Kep. 49), three strata of night. Ua hiki aku i ka nu'u ka mana o Roma, the power of Rome reached its culminating point. Ka ua nu'u, torrential rain. 2. Same as ho'onu'u. tao'onu'u. T o eat with relish and great appetite, n u ' u a n u . Name of a card game. ( A P . ) N u ' u - a n u . Place name and star name. Lit., cool heights. N u ' u h l w a . 1. Marquesas Islands: Nukuhiva Island in the Marquesas; Marquesan. 2. (Not cap.) A variety of banana, mistakenly called in English the New Zealand banana, n u ' u - k o l e . Same as hi'u-kole, a fish, n u ' u - m a m a o . Same as lana-nu'u-mamao. n u ' u - m a o m a o . Rare var. of nu'u-mamao. n u ' u m e l a . Same as lau-lele, milkweed, n u ' u p a ' a . Same as pokipa'a. n u ' u p e . A fat person; fat. Ua ho'i mai nei paha ku'u nu'upe. perhaps my fat (friend) has come home.
O- is pronounced ow before a vowel. This -w- is either the w phoneme or a nonphoncmic glide. Spellings with and without -w- are entered below if they occur frequently in printed form, but the definition follows the preferred spelling. The rules for spelling preference are in Gram. 2.1. All words beginning with o- or o- may be preceded by the marker ke. Words beginning with 'o- or 'o- are preceded by ka unless otherwise stated. O. 1. Of (o-form). See G r a m . 9.4. This o is a clitic and forms p a r t of t h e possessives, as ko'u, kona, ko laila. N o t e idiomatic use, as below. 'A'ohe mea o loko, nothing inside. 'A'ole 'Hi o ka puke, t h e book has no cover. Ma o ko ke Akua aloha, bccause of God's love. 3. Or, lest, if. See Gram. 5 . 4 . 3 . Same as 'o, subject marker. 4. I m p e r a t i v e m a r k e r and clitic, perhaps less e m p h a t i c t h a n t h e more c o m m o n e. For example see 'i, 1, O hele kaua, let's go. O uhaele mai, w o n ' t you (plural) come. O u'ai like, you eat together. 0 . 1. T o answer, reply yes. agree; yes (in reply); tinkling or chime or a bell; resonance, as generated by t h e t h u m p i n g of a gourd d r u m on a p a d ; sound of whistling (Kauai). Kou inoa, e o mai (For. 5:317), your n a m e c h a n t , answer. E uhaele kakou i kahakai. Ó e uhaele 'i'o aku kakou, let's go t o t h e beach. Yes, let's do go. 2. T o remain, endure, survive, continue, go on, exist; continuing. See 'oia, 1; 'oia mau no. Ke
0 nei no kela mele, t h a t song still survives now. 3. Food provisions for a journey, especially a t sea; sea rations, h o ' 0 . T o provide food for a journey. 4. Sprit of a sail or spar. ' o . 1. There, yonder (very common, o f t e n following ma-, t, mai, a; written as one word with ma- and always stressed, ma'5). Noho ma'5, sit over there. Ma'5 loa aku, f a r beyond. 'Alawa na maka o ka 'aihue i 'o i 'o, t h e eyes of t h e thief glanced this way and t h a t . I o i 'o a'e. f r o m t h a t point to yonder point. Na 'Slelo pili 1 'o i 'ane'i, general provisions; lit., words referring to there to here. Mai 'o a 'o, f r o m t h a t point to t h a t point fall over, everywhere]. E ulu mai ka puka o ke dala ma'5 na pakeneka 'a'ole e 'oi aku ma'B o 'elima pakeneka o ka makahiki, t h e interest on t h e money grows because of t h e percentage of not more t h a n five per cent yearly. 2. Particle and clitic m a r k i n g t h e subject, being especially c o m m o n before names of people, t h e interrogative wai. and t h e
pronoun ia; sometimes pronounced o. See Gram. 4.1. 'O au no, it's I . Me kana wahine 'o Hina, w i t h his wife, Hina. 'O hea? Where? Make no 'oia ia'u, I killed him. *0. 1. A n y piercing instrument, f o r k , pin, sharpointed stick, pitchfork, fishing spear: coconut usker; sharp darting body pain; t o pierce, vaccinate, prick, stab, thrust; to flash, as lightning: t o extend: to dip in. as the finger; t o reach, to appear; to force a w a y out; to fall into, tumble out; to tassel, as sugar cane. C f . '3ahi, '5 lima. Ua '5 ko kea, the white sugar cane has tasseled [to gray with age]. Ka 'o 'ana o ka uila, the flash of lightning. He '8 'ia ka mca hawawa i ka he'e nalu, one unskilled in surfing is g i v e n a tumble. 'O aku 'oia i kona mau lima i ka po'e nele (Sol. 31.20), he extended his hands to the needy, h o ' 6 . T o cause t o enter, put in, thrust in. insert; to reach in. Ho'5 'oma, t o put in an oven. Ho'o po'o, to rush headlong regardless of consequence. Ho'o akula 'o Hiku i ka 'uhane o Kawelu ma na waivae ( F o r . 5:189), H i k u caused K a w e l u ' s soul to enter at the feet. 2. A hula step in which the hip is quickly thrust ('5) o u t w a r d : similar to the kawelu except that the f o o t pivots while turning to the opposite direction. 3. T o hail, whoop, a hail; ( c o m m o n l y preceded by ke). Kani ke '5, he ihona pali, a w h o o p going down hill [an easy task]. 4. T o fly, as a kite. Obs. 5. T h e letter " o . " Eng. ' 0 - . Prefix meaning somewhat; cf. 'Vhewahewa, 'dhuluhulu, 'olalau, 'Bpulepule, etc. T h i s is pronounced 'ow- before roots beginning with vowels, as 'Ba'a. o ' a . 1. House rafter; timbers in the side of a ship. 3. Gill of a fish; mouth of an eel. 3. M a u i n a m e ror kauila (Colubrina oppositifolia), a tree, ' o a . See mai'a-'oa. ' o S . Var. spelling of 'ow3. ' O ' a . See puhi-'o'a. ( 6 ' a . M i x e d , as of colors in a lei or of blood. He lei kolo-hala uliuli i 'd'a 'ia me ke ke'oke'o, a dark pheasant feather lei mixed w i t h white. He Hawai'i 'oia aku ua 'D'3 'ia me ke koko PSkl, he's Hawaiian, but there is a little strain of Chinese also. n o ' O ' a . T o mix. Trans. ' O a ' a , ' O a ' a ' a , ' O a ' a ' a ' a . Somewhat fibrous. Cf. 'a'a'a.
o a l u - D u l . A v a r i e t y of taro. ( H P 34.) ' o a m a , ' o w a m a . Y o u n g of the weke, a fish, ' o a n a , ' o w a n a . Small taro peeled, wrapped in ti leaves, and baked in the ground oven. ' O a n l a n l . V e r y slight stir of air, a breeze; to blow slightly. He kai mehana no ke 'Oaniani makani ole ( K e p . 101), it is a v e r y w a r m sea when there is no breeze stirring, o a o a . Same as ehaoha. ( A P . ) 'oa'oa. Var. spelling of 'owa'owa. ' o & ' o a k a . Var. spelling of 'owa'owaka. ' o a ' o w a , ' o a ' o A . R a r e var. of 'oia'oia. (AP.) o a p O k o l e . Var. spelling of owa pSkole. ' o a u , ' o w a u . 1. A c a t ; to mew. 2. Same as 'dkuhe, a fish, ' o a u . See wau, I. ' O a u a u . T o go faster. He 'Swalala makani, he 'dauau ( K e p . 103), it's a rising wind, one blowing faster. ' o a w a , ' O a w a a w a . Same as awaawa, valley. OP. Prolonged sound or thing; sound of chanting, vibration, whistle of a train; whistling of a bullroarer; drawn out wail of an i n f a n t ; long, prolonged. f t p . , to assume a superior air. (Preceded by ke.) Nana aku 'oe, ke kukulu maila ke oe, look, acting superior there, ' o e . 1. Resembling. Ke pinana kela keiki i ke kumula'au, 'oia no 'oe o ke keko, when t h a t child climbs the tree, he's just like a monkey. 'Oia no 'oe 'o ke kaimana, just like a diamond. He nuku moi 'oe, like a moi [fish] beak. 2. Y o u (singular). ( P P N koe, P M P probably kaw.) 3. Much, indeed (sometimes f o l l o w i n g no or connecting enumerations). Ua nui ka mea'ai. 'o ka pua'a 'oe, 'o ka lU'au 'oe, 'o ka limu 'oe, there was much food, pork, taro greens, and seaweed. I laila no 'oe, pau ka hoihoi, no more f u n there at all.
'oC. Var. spelling of 'owi. ' o ' e . T o probe upward, prod, pry, prick, jab, gore; sharp darting pain; jagged, spiked. F o r example see 'cwala. h O ' o ' e . T o probe, prick, jab, etc. ' o e h a ' a . Crooked, distorted, d e f o r m e d ; t o walk In an ungainly manner, swaying the shoulders; to w a d d l e . F i g . , d e c e i t f u l ; trick. C f . 'Bpae-'oeha'a. h O ' o e h a ' a . T o cause t o walk in a crooked w a y or t o be crooked, t o pretend such, ' o e h u . T o romp, g a m b o l , prance, leap; blustery, gusty, as a storm or angry person; t o head straight for, as a canoe. He pipi 5nG 'oe, pono 'ole t ka palau, 'oehu i ke kula a 'o Kaunamano (chant), a bucking cow are you, unsuited to the plow, prancing on the plain of K a u n a mano. ' o e h u e h u . Redup. o f 'oehu. He aha kdia 'oehuehu nei, pi'i 'dkala o ka hulu (song), what is this disturbance, this bristling of the fur? ' o e k e . V a r . spelling of 'oweke. ' o e n e , ' o w e n e . 1. M e s h size between one and t w o fingers. 2. L a s t taro taken f r o m a crop; small-sized taro. ' o ' e n o . T w i l l plaiting, as in hats, mats. Cf.
' A a h e a h e . T o blow gently, as a breeze. Cf. aheahe. ' O a l i l . 1. R o c k e t : clot of burning lava, as f r o m an eruption: hurling fire, as f r o m a cliff f o r ancient spectacle; flashing lightning. Lit., projecting fire. Na pali 'daht o Makana, the cliffs of M a k a n a , where fire was hurled f o r t h . 2. R o u g h stone or pumice, as used f o r polishing surfboards or bowls, or f o r scraping bristles of a pig (a specimen in the Bishop M u s e u m was m a d e of coral). O ' a h u . N a m e of one of the H a w a i i a n Islands. * o a l , o w a l . 1. T o entwine, t w i n e ; t o stir round and round, as a liquid; t o go round and round. h O ' o a l . T o cause t o entwine; t o twist, entwine. 2. Bubo, swelling. Obs. 3. Porous stone, as used for polishing canoes and calabashes. Obs. ' o a l . Var. spelling of 'owai: see wai, who. ' o a l k f l , ' o w a l k f l . Gasping f o r breath, as during an attack of asthma; shortness of breath accompanied by a churning, heaving m o t i o n as by one attempting t o breathe. Kai pili 'oaikU ( K e p . 183), a churning, gasping sea. ' o a i ' o a l . Redup. of 'oai.
'ahu 'o'eno, ho'ohewahewa. o e o e . 1. Redup. of oe : whistle, as of steamer or train, siren; null-roarer, as m a d e of kamani seed or coconut shell on a long string; long, tall, tapering, t o w e r i n g ; a long object, pillar (preceded by ke). Pe'a oeoe, a long sail. Kani oeoe ke oeoe, the bull-roarer whistles. h o ' O e O e . T o stretch out. as the neck; t o reach high; t o >rolong, as a sound; to toll. Uwe ho'oede, proonged wailing. 2. Same as lupe'akeke, a bird. 3. T e m p o r a r y booth occupied b y priests during taboo d a y s of a heiau. Obs. ( M a l o 163.) • o e ' o e . Y o u n g stage of the kawakawa, bonito. ' o ' e ' o ' e . Redup. of 'o'e. I ho'i iho au e moe, 'o'e'o'e ana ko ia la kuli (song), I went back t o sleep, but his knees kept prodding. Kino 'o'e'o'e ( M a l o 46), body w i t h spiked protuberances, as of a fish.
' o a k a , ' o w a k a . Same as hoaka. Ka 'oaka o ka lani ( P H 195), lightning flash of heaven. 'Oaka a'ela kona waha, a'o maila 'oia ia lakou ( M a t . 5.2), he opened his mouth instantly and taught them. h O ' o a k a . Causative/simulative, ' o a k a a k a , ' o w a k a a k a . R e d u p . of 'oaka. ' o a l a . V a r . spelling of 'owala. 'O&Iala. Var. spelling of 'owUlaala. o a l l ' l - m a k a l l ' I . Var. spelling of owaii'i-makali'i. o a l u . A v a r i e t y of taro. ( H P 34.)
' o e ' o e n e ,
' o w e ' o w e n e arguments on one side, b u t overlook conflicting evidence; dichotomized thinking. Bare. 3 . R a n k , of lush growth. Obs. 3. Soft, sweet, of melody. (AP.) ' A b a o h a o . Same as 'Bhao, 1. o h a ' o h a ' o . A fresh-water alga reported o n Maui. ' A h a o ' I l l o . Insulting t e r m for kauwS, o u t c a s t s ; t h e y were likened t o dogs ('iHo) tied ('Bhao) and waiting to be b a k e d ; similarly kauwa wore Bmall gourd pendants as insignia t h a t t h e y were to become h u m a n sacrifices. ' A h a - p a l l . A kind of lobelia. Lit., cliff 'BhU. o h a - p u e o . A f r u i t tree listed by T h r u m (no data). 'Ah&wal. W a t e r dripping d o w n a cliff as t o a pool. ' O h S - w a l . Same as 'dhd, n a t i v e lobelias. ' A h a - w a l - n u l . A native lobelia (Clermontia arborescens), similar to 'Bha-klpau. ' o h e . 1. All kinds of b a m b o o ; reed ( M a t . 27.48); flute; pipe, t u b e ; b a m b o o t u b e for preserving fish. Piihi 'ohe, to play a wind i n s t r u m e n t ; player of a wind i n s t r u m e n t . Hula 'ohe ( U L 135), dance to the music of t h e ncse flute. 3 . A coarse, jointed, n a t i v e grass (Isachne distichophylla), to six feet high, with stiff, pointed leaves and open flowering panicle. 3. A native bamboo-like plant (Jointillea gaudichaudiana), with stem about ten feet high, one inch or less In diameter, u n b r a n c h e d ; leaf blades two t o t h r e e feet by three to five inches, pointed and plaited; flowering panicle a b o u t one f o o t long. 4. A native tree (Reynoldsia sandwicensis), an araliad, with leaves a b o u t one foot long, each leaf with seven to eleven broad leaflets with scalloped edges. The wood of this kind of t r e e growing a t Mauna-loa, Molokai, was r e p u t e d to be poisonous, was used for making poison ods, _and is t h e tree f o r m of Kapo, a goddess, ee kalai-pahoa, kauila. T h i s tree growing elsewhere was not considered poisonous. 5. A n a t i v e variety of taro, thriving a t altitudes a b o v e 1,500 feet; leaf stem light-green, tinged with reddishbrown (perhaps like some variety of b a m b o o ) ; t h e corm pink-tinted, m a k i n g excellent poi. (Whitney 58.) T h e t e r m m a y be qualified by t h e colors "ele'ele, kea or ke'oke'o, 'ula'ula. Lele no ka 'ohe i kona lua, t h e 'ohe leaps i n t o its hole [a legendary reference; each in his own place]. 6. Variety of fish (no d a t a ) . ' A h e a . 1. Drowsy, a p a t h e t i c , as a f t e r eating a big meal. Fig., weak, ineffective. He pua 'Bhea kena, ku 'ole i ke kikowaena (song), a weak arrow t h a t of yours, it doesn't hit t h e ball's eye. 3 . W a r m , tasteless, as water exposed t o t h e sun. ' A h e a h e a . R e d u p . of 'Bhea, 1, t. 'Oheahea ho'i ktia la, t o d a y is drowsy, sleepy, ' o h e - ' a l a . Sweet cane (Isa. 43.24); sweet calamus (Puk. 30.23). ' A - h e ' e . Same as alahe'e, a shrub. 'A h e ' e . Octopus spearing; t o spear octopuses, ' o h e h a . Somewhat lazy. See heha, maheha. ' o h e - h a n o - l h u . Same as hano, nose flute. ' o h e - H a w a i ' l . N a t i v e b a m b o o with long, green joints, and large leaves. Wood soft, makes best Cili, rattles; formerly m a d e i n t o straw f o r ats. ( H P 213.) ' o h e h o ' o n u l ' I k e . Microscope. Lit., t u b e m a g nifying vision, ' o h e k & ' e k e ' e k e . See ka'eke'eke. ' o h e - K a h i k l . Bamboo with short, green joints and large leaves. Wood h a r d , used for knives, fishing poles, house construction. I n t r o d u c e d f r o m T a h i t i . ( H P 213.) Lit., foreign bamboo, ' o h e - k a n l . Flute. Lit., playing bamboo, ' o h e - k a p a l a , ' o h e - k & p a l a p a l a . Piece of b a m boo carved for printing t a p a ; b a m b o o s t a m p . Lit., printing bamboo. ' A h e k e . Somewhat modest. Cf. heke. He 'Bheke male ko ke kua'aina kSnaka, c o u n t r y people a r e
' o e ' o e n e , ' o w f i ' o w e n e . S a m e as 'oene, Z. 'Aeoeo. Tall a n d slender, as trees growing without sunlight, ' o e o w e w e . Fluttering. Obs. He lau 'oeowewe, a fluttering leaf, o h a . 1. Spreading, as vines: thriving; t o grow lush. 2. Affection, love, greeting; t o greet, show joyous affection or friendship. Cf. aloha. ' o h a . T a r o growing f r o m t h e older root, especially f r o m t h e stalk called kalo: t e n d e r p l a n t (Isa. 53.3); b r a n c h (Isa. 11.2). Fig., offspring, youngsters (For. 5:349). Also called m u ' u . See kalo for names of generations. Kai 'ohi, sea with small waves. ' A h a . N a t i v e lobelias. Also called alula, hiiha, 'BhSha, 'Bha-wai. Ohfthft. 1. Flourishing, fully developed, p l u m p , h e a l t h y . Ohaha ka ulu 'ana o keia kalo, t h i s t a r o 8 ;rowth Is t h r i f t y . He hua ali'i Bhaha, a flourishng royal offspring. 3 . Distinct, clear sound or voice. Obs. ' O h a h f t . Same as 'BhS, lobelia. ' A h & h a - w a l - n u l . Same as 'Bh&-kipau. ' A b a l . 1. M o n k e y p o d or rain tree (Samanea saman), a large leguminous tree f r o m tropical America, grown in Hawaii for shade and street planting; flowers pink, t u f t e d . (Neal 351.) 3. A native legume (Sesbania tomentosa), a low to p r o s t r a t e shrub with hairy, pale leaves and red or orange, inch-long flowers. (Neal 395.) ' O h a ' l . Imperfectly healed, as a broken limb. 'A'ohe ikaika keia lima, he lima 'Bha'i, this a r m isn't strong, it's imperfectly healed. ' A h a t - a l i ' l . T h e pride of B a r b a d o s (Poinciana pulcherrima), an o r n a m e n t a l leguminous s h r u b with red and orange flowers. One variety has yellow flowers. (Neal 379.) Lit., royal 'Bhai. ' A h a t - k e ' o k e ' o . T h e Sesban (Sesbania grandiflora). a leguminous tree f r o m tropical Asia, with pea-shaped flowers a b o u t three Inches long and pods t o 24 b y one-half inch. (Neal 394.) Lit., white 'Bhai. ' A h a l - ' u l a . T h e royal poinciana (Delonix regia), a legume f r o m M a d a g a s c a r , one of t h e showiest o r n a m e n t a l trees in Hawaii because of its brightred c a n o p y of flowers, which a r e c o m m o n and prolific in early s u m m e r . (Neal 377.) ' O h a i - ' u l a ' u l a . T h e red-flowered v a r i e t y of 'Bhai-ke'oke'o (.Sesbania grandifiora var. coccinea). Lit., red 'Bhai. ' A h a k a . Same as t h e more c o m m o n 'olohaka. 'Oh&k&lal. T o polish lightly, as a spear; a stick for polishing. (AP.) ' A h f t - k C p a u . A n a t i v e lobelia (Clermontia hawaiiensis), a s h r u b or small tree; t h e g u m was used t o c a t c h birds which yielded f e a t h e r s for featherwork. (Neal 717.) Lit., g u m 'Oha. Also called 'BhShS-wai-nui, 'Bha-wai-nui. ' o h & k u l a ' l . Same as pu'uhau. Obs. ' A h a l a . Green, i m m a t u r e , as f r u i t . Obs. ' A h a l a b a l a . 1. Same as halahala, 1. 3 . R e d u p . of 'Bhala. Obs. ' o h a n a . 1. Family, relative, kin g r o u p ; related. 3 . T o gather for family prayers (short for pule 'ohana). o - h a n a - k e k e ' a - u a - m a l k a ' I . N a m e of a hold in lua fighting. Lit., m a k e t h e cross. Is good. ' A h a n t . T o stir, as fire, or e a r t h in a garden. Rare. ' A h a o . 1. Swelling, dropsical condition; swollen. 3. Dog's neck. Obs. 3 . T o tie, especially a dog by t h e neck, or lau n e t s together. Obs. Cf. 'ohao 'llio. ' A h a ' o . Obs. v a r . of 'Bla'o, t o weed, o h a o h a , ' o h a ' o h a . R e d u p . of oha, 1, 2. Ohaoha launa 'ole na pua ma ka hikina (song), t h e flowers [maidens] in t h e east a r e i n c o m p a r a b l y f r i e n d l y ; t h e flowers in t h e east t h r i v e w i t h o u t rival. ' o h a o h a l a . 1. A h a l f - t r u t h , exaggeration; t o enlarge on c e r t a i n points; t o exaggerate t h e
' d h i ' a rather shy. h o ' A h e k e . T o cause shyness, t o b e modest. ' o h e - k l k o ' o l f t . A n a t i v e tree (Tetraplaiandra waimeae), found only in forests of K a u a i a b o v e W a i m e a ; about t h i r t y feet tall, w i t h f e w branches, t h e leaves about a f o o t long, each leaf w i t h five t o thirteen large, oblong leaflets, and like some other araliads, with many flowers in umbels. Lit., straggly bamboo, ' o h e - k u k u l u & e ' o . Same as 'uhe, k. ' o h e - l a u - l l ' U I ' l . Small-leafed bamboo. ' O h e - l l ' l l l ' l . D w a r f bamboo. ' A h e l o . 1. A small n a t i v e shrub ( V a c t i n i u m reticulatum), in t h e cranberry f a m i l y ; i t has m a n y branches w i t h many small, rounded, t o o t h e d leaves, and bears round, red or yellow berries, which are edible raw or cooked f o r sauce. F o r m e r l y sacred t o Pele, t o w h o m offerings were made b y throwing fruiting branches into the fiery pit a t Kilauea. Wind-dried leaves are still used f o r tea. ( N e a l 583.) 2. T o m o v e rapidly this w a y and that or back and forth, as a stick poking an o v e n ; to ram; ramrod. See helo, 1. 3. A hula dance: the dancer leans o v e r on one side, supporting himself with one band, and with t h e opposite f o o t and arm making a sawing motion; m a n y mele 'Bhelo h a v e sexual import. A l s o called hula helo. ' A h e l o - ' a l . Same as 'Ohelo, 1. Lit., edible 'Bhelo. ' O h e l o - ' e l e ' e l e . Blackberries. ' A h e l o h e l o . Pink, rosy, of the color of 'Bhelo berries. He aloha no na pua. na pua 'Bhelohelo, beloved the blossoms, the pink blossoms, h o ' A h e l o h e l o . T o color pink. ' A h e l o - h u l h u l . N a m e of a seaweed. ' O h e l o h u k l m a n u . Flexible gummed rod used f o r extracting 'ua'u fledglings f r o m their holes. Lit., rod f o r pulling birds. ' A h e l o - k a i . Same as 'ae'ae, a shrub. ' O h e l o - k a u - l & ' a u . A native bush (Vaccinium calycinum) related to the 'Bhelo but higher and having larger leaves and less palatable fruit. Lit., 'ohelo placed on trees. ' A h e l o - p a p a . A n a t i v e strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis), growing on Hawaii and M a u i between altitudes of 3,500 and 6,000 f e e t , and also f r o m Alaska t o Patagonia. T h e whole plant, except the upper side of the leaves, is silkyhairy. Fruits ripen f r o m June t o September, and are red (or w h i t e in one v a r i e t y ) . Other cultivated species and varieties, with larger fruits, are grown in H a w a i i . ( N e a l 343.) ' o h e - m a u k a . A small n a t i v e tree (Tetraplasandra oahuensis), f o u n d only on Oahu; much like its relative, the 'ohe-o-kai, but having oblong, entire leaflets. Lit., upland 'ohe. ' A h e n i o . 1. W e a k , as resulting f r o m dysentery. h o ' O h e m o . T o cause weakness; to pretend weakness. 3. Obs. var. of ho'ohemo. See hemo. He ukuhi 'Bhemo na keiki, children completely weaned.
l e o ' o h e - p l ' o . Siphon. Lit., bent bamboo, ' o h e p u h l a h l . B a m b o o flre-blowing tube, ' o h e p u l u k a . Flute. Lit., flute (Eng.) bamboo. ' A h e u . T o sprout, as young seedlings or as a oung man's beard; t o weed fine young seedngs. ' A h e u h e u . R e d u p . of 'Bheu-, f u z z y . ' A h e w a . Delirious, incoherent, as a drunkard. h o ' A h e w a . T o bring o n drunkenness; drunk. Incoherent. ' A h e w a h e w a . R e d u p . of 'Bhewa. 'Ohewahewa ka maka, bleary-eyed, glazed eyes. h o ' A h e w a h e w a . Redup. of ho'Bhewa. ' o h e - w a i . W a t e r pipe; b a m b o o water container, o h l . 1. Y o u n g animal, usually f e m a l e ; maiden just entering w o m a n h o o d ; y o u t h ; y o u t h f u l rowth. Ohi moa, young pullet. Pipi ohi (Isa. .21), young cow. 2. T o peel, as bark. Obs. ' o h l . 1. T o gather; collect, as wages or taxes; to select; t o d r a f t , as soldiers; t o buy. Na mea 'ohi, gleanings. Ua 'ohi 'ia na kia'i, the guards were selected. 'Ohi mai noho'i 'o Iehowa ia'u ( H a l . 27.10), the L o r d has taken m e up. 2. Bundle, as of taro or leaves; collection. 3. T o gush, chatter aimlessly and ramblingly. 'Ohi hdpuku, to chatter foolishly. Waha 'ohi, gabbling mouth. Cf. 'ohikui, pua'ohi. ' o h i a . Passive/imperative of 'ohi, 1. 'Ohia mai a pan pono na 'ike kumu o Hawai'i (chant f o r K a l a k a u a ) , gather up e v e r y bit of the basic k n o w l e d g e or H a w a i i . ' A h l ' a . 1. T w o kinds of trees: see 'Bhi'a-'ai, 'Bhi'a-lehua. 2. T o m a t o . See 'Bhi'a-lomi. 3. A n a t i v e v a r i e t y of sugar cane: deep-red and green striped cane, when young becoming Bronze-red and y e l l o w - b r o w n on exposure (like leaves and flowers of the 'ohi-a-'ai, the source of its n a m e ) ; leaves somewhat variegated. ( H P 222, 225.) 4. A v a r i e t y of taro. B. A red birthmark, said t o be caused by the pregnant mother's longing f o r mountain apples Cohi'a'ai) and eating them. 6. T a b o o e d , as rood patches during famine. Obs. ' A h l ' a - ' a i . T h e mountain apple (Eugenia malaccensis), a forest tree t o 50 feet high, found on many islands of the Pacific. I t belongs t o the m y r t l e f a m i l y , has large o v a l leaves, light-red, t u f t e d flowers growing f r o m trunk and branches, and red (or w h i t e ) apple-like fruits. F o r m e r l y H a w a i i a n s prepared the fruit, splitting and drying i t in the sun. ( N e a l 559.) Lit., edible 'Bhi'a. 'Ohi'a noho i ka malu, 'Bhi'a staying in the shade [of flawless b e a u t y ; this tree grows in forests).
' A h l ' a - ' a l - k e ' o k e ' o . A rare v a r i e t y of 'ohi'a-'ai tree w i t h white blossoms and white fruit. ' A h l ' a - ' & p a n e . Same as 'Bhi'a-lehua except t h a t the blossom is dark-red. Perhaps the name refers to the redness of the 'apapane, a bird. ' A h l ' a - h a . Same as hi. 7, a n a t i v e species of Eugenia, reported by T h r u m as kauokahiki and by R o c k as pa'ihi (Maui). ' A h l ' a - h f t k e a . Same as 'Bhi'a-kea. ' A h t ' a h & m a u . Same as lehua hamau. ' A h l ' a - k e a . A n 'Bhi'a-'ai or 'Bhi'a-lehua with w h i t e blossoms. ' A h l ' a - k u . A n a t i v e filmy fern ( H y m e n o p h y l l u m recurvum) with narrow, subdivided fronds, t o a f o o t long, grows on trees in d a m p forests. Lit., standing [on] 'Bhi'a. ' A h l ' a - k u - m a k u a . Same as 'Bhi'a-lehua. ' A h l ' a L a k a . A legendary 'Bhi'a tree t h a t bore only t w o flowers, a red one on an eastern branch and a w h i t e one on t h e western branch; the w o o d was believed endowed with mana. ' A h l ' a - l e h u a . See lehua. 'Ahl'a-lehua-puakea. A n 'Bhi'a-lehua with w h i t e flowers. ' A h l ' a l e o . A poetic n a m e f o r 'Bhi'a-'ai. Lit., voice 'Bhi'a, so called because these fruit trees were n o t taboo. C f . lehua hSmau.
' A h e m o h e m o . R e d u p . of 'Bhemo. ' O h e n f t n a . Spyglass, telescope, microscope. F o r example see 'ohuna. Lit., tube for looking, ' o h e - n a u p a k a . A n a t i v e naupaka (Scaetola glabra), a shrub or small tree of the mountains, with yellow, curved, tubular flowers, about one inch long. ' o h e n e . Same as 'olu-'ekeloa-ho'oka'a-moena, but a guardian of the opposite sex of the high chief or chiefess whose sleeping place was guarded, o h e o h e . T a l l and straight, precipitous, steep. Hau oheohe, hau tree with a straight trunk. Ka ua i Liliko'i e, oheohe i luna la, the rain a t Liliko'l, so steep and high, ' o h e ' o h e . 1. T a l l n a t i v e trees (Tetraplasandra kauaiensis and varieties), closely related t o the 'ohe-mauka, and f o u n d on all Hawaiian Islands. 2. Same as pu'ohe'ohe. Job s-tears. 3. A v a r i e t y of sweet potato. ' o h e - o - k a l . Same as 'ohe-kukuluSe'o. ' A h e p a . M o r o n i c . See hepa.
' o h i ' a - l o k e 'Ohl'a-loke. The rose apple (.Eugenia jambos), a tree from tropical Asia, to about 30 feet high, bearing round, crisp, edible fruits an inch or more in diameter, wnich are yellowish and pink and have a roselike odor. (Neal 560.) Lit., rose (Eng.) 'Bhi'a. 'Ohl'a-loml. The common table tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum var. commune), sometimes used for lomi salmon. (Neal 659.) 'Ohl'a-ma-kanahele. The currant tomato (Lycopersicon pimpinelli folium), resembling the common table tomato but with small round red fruits only about half an inch in diameter. A native of Peru, it has long been growing wild in Hawaii. Lit., 'dhi'a in the brush. 'OhI'a-'ula. An 'ohi'a-'ai with red fruit, 'ohl'lkau. A hold in lua fighting, 'ohikau. T o listen in order to gossip; to gossip; a gossip. 'Ohlkl. 1. To probe, pry, pick out; to prod, as the earth with a digging stick; to shell, as peas; to pick, as the teeth or nose; to clean out, as the ears. 3. Sand crab, probably Ocypode ceratophthalma. 3. Tapa design. 'Ohlkl-'au-moana. Crabs found in the open ocean, possibly of the genera Planes or Pachygrapsus (P. marinus). Lit., ocean-swimming 'Bhiki. 'Ohlkthikl. Redup. of 'Bhiki, 1; to pry into the past, especially an unsavory past. Cf. IS'au 'Bhikihiki niho. 'Ohlkl-maka-loa. 1. A variety of edible crab (no data). Lit., long-eyed 'Bhiki. 2. Name of a hold in lua fighting, 'ohlkul. T o talk ramblingly. 'Ohlla. Somewhat ashamed, shy. See hila. 'ohl loa'a. T o collect revenue; revenue collection. 'Ohlna. Gathering, collecting; selection. Cf. 'aupapa and 'ohi, to pick. Ho'okahi no 'ohina, piha ku u 'eke kalena (old sailor's song), only one collecting, my coin purse is full. 'Ohlnu. Shiny, greasy; piece of roasted meat; roast; grease. Ka 'Bhinu tele uahi manu e (chant), the grease coming from the bird smoke. 'Ohlnuhlnu. Redup. of 'Bhinu. 'Ohio. Gusty, windy; to let wind. Fig., uncertain, vague, flighty. Cf. hihio. 'O ka mea i ho'oldla 'ia. ke 'Bhio nei no, the plan is still vague, ohtohl. 1. T o grow vigorously, flourish, of plants. Ulu ohiohi no lehua o Pana-'ewa, i ka mill 'ia e ka ua Kani-lehua (song), the lehua of Pana'ewa grow splendidly, constantly fondled by the feAua-drinklng rain. 2. T o show, of wood grain, 'ohl'ohl. Redup. of 'ohi, 1.3. 'Ohl'oht'o. 1. Tipsy. Cf. kahi'o. 2. A seaweed. 'Ohlpa. Var. of 'Bhepa. 'Ohl'u. 1. Same as 'Bhiki; to dig up the past, especially past sins of others. 2. Stick used as a needle in thatching; to thatch thus. 'Ohl'uhl'u. 1. Redup. of 'Bhi'u. 2. Var. name for blue uhu, parrot fish, so called at Kawai-hae. 'Ohl wauke. Bundle of wauke bark, oho. 1. Hair of the head; leaves of plants; to leaf out, sprout. Cf. lauoho. Oho ka ho'i ka ulu 'ana o ka palai, the ferns are growing and sending out leaves. 2. T o call out, cry; outcry; to leap up, as startled birds. Ke oho 'alana (For. 6:377), the proclaimed offering. ho'Oho. T o exclaim, shout, halloo. (Puk. 24.3.) Cf. ho'Bhooho below, ohohla. Enthusiasm; enthusiastic, delighted, pleased; enthusiastic acclaim, ohoku'l. Wig, switch. Lit., added hair. Oholehole. Same as aholehole, a fish. Obs. 'Oholl. Same as holi, 1, 2. oho lupalupa. 1. Abundant, luxuriant, as plants or hair tresses. 2. Name of a tapa design. 'Ohoma. Same as homa, 1, i, 3.
'Ohonohono. Slightly offensive odor, as of bog, marsh. Cf. honohono. ohooho. Redup. of oho, 2. ho'Ohooho. Redup. of ho'oho. (Hal. 41.11.) Ghopehopeke'a. To begin to form, of tubers (Kep. 87). Obs. 'ohu. Mist, fog, vapor, light cloud on a mountain; adorned as with leis. Hui 'ia ke 'ala me ke onaona i lei 'ohu nou, e Kalani (name song for Lili'u-o-kalani), combined are fragrance and sweetness into a lei to adorn you, O Queen. hO'ohu. To form mist; misty, etc. 'Ohfl. Swelling, as of the sea, especially a small comber that rises without breaking, but of sufficient strength to speed a surfboard; protuberance, bump oil the head; hillock, elevation; to swell, rise in a lump, protrude; to rise, of a wave before it breaks. hO'Ohfl. Causative/simulative. 'Ohua. 1. Retainers, dependents, servants, sojourners in a household; passengers, as on a vessel. 2. Young of such fish as hmalea, kala, kQpou, manini, pualu, uhu. 3. To glide, slip, glance, as an arrow. 'Ohua-ha'eka'eka. Same as pala-pBhaku, young of manini. 'Ohua kala. Young of the fish kala. 'Ohua-k&al'o. Second growth stage of manini, with stripes. Lit., striped young. 'Ohua kapena. Cabin (Eng.) passenger. 'Ohua-kQkae-pua'a. Young of the flsh humuhumu. Lit., pig excrement young; said to be so called because of the tale that the demigod Kama-pua'a disguised himself as one of a school of humuhumu; when Pele's family caught some of the humuhumu he appeared as a human and taunted them as grasping his excrement. 'Ohua-llko. Earliest growth stage of manini, which is transparent. 'Ohua-llpoa. Young flsh feeding on llpoa, a seaweed. 'Ohua-niho-nui. Young, probably of 'Hwela, a flsh. Lit., big-toothed young. 'Ohua 'onekl. Deck passenger. 'Ohua-pa'awela. Young, probably of 'awela, a flsh. 'Ohua-pala-pOhaku. See pala-pBhaku, 2, manini young. 'Ohua-palemo. Young of uhu, parrot flsh. Fig., a clever person who gets away with mischief. Lit., slippery young. 'Ohua-unahi-nul. Same as 'Bhua-palemo. Lit., big-scaled young. 'Ohu'l. T o twist, as in pulling out a tooth; to extract, pull out. Obs. 'Ohu'lhu'i. 1. Somewhat cool. See hu'ihu'i. 2. Redup. of 'Bhu'i. 'Ohuku. Same as huku. 'Ohuku 'ale, rising billow. 'Ohule. 1. Bald; bald person. ho'Ohule. T o cause baldness; to shear the hair completely. 2. Defeated without getting a single score, whitewashed; loser in the card game build. ho'Ohule. T o whitewash, defeat. 'OhQle. Meeting point of receding and Incoming waves. Obs. 'Ohulu. T o feather out; to grow, especially of vines growing from discarded or broken bits of sweet potato; watery and of poor quality, as such potatoes. '0 hulu. Seal hunter; to spear seals. Lit., spear fur. 'Ohuluhulu. Hairy (of body hair), shaggy. 'Ohumu. T o grumble, complain, find fault, conspire, plot; conspiracy. Cf. 'ohumuhumu. 'O ka *o/iumu e make ke ali'i, the plot to kill the king. 'Ohumu kini, constantly complaining. ' O h u m u h u m u . Redup. of 'ohumu-, to relate one's woes, as to a sympathetic friend. Ku'u
- * oio hoa 'öhumuhumu, the friend to whom I may unburden myself. ' A h u m u k l p i . Conspiracy or plot to rebel. ' O h u n a . 1 . Secret, hidden thing. He 'Bhuna nalo 'ole käu i ka 'ike a ku'u 'ohe nana (song), yours is a secret t h a t c a n n o t b e hidden from my telescope, 2 . S a m e as 'Bhune, 1, i. ' O h u n e . 1 . Skin rash. 2 . Small goby. 3 . S a m e as hune, tiny. 4 . A kind of seaweed. ' O h u n e - w e l a . A heat rash, prickly heat. Pi'i ka 'öhune wela, to get a heat rash. ' o h u ' o h u . 1 . Redup. of 'ohu. 'Ohu'ohu i na lei, decked with leis. 2 . White tapa with black dots and figures. ' o h O ' o I l O . Redup. of 'öhü. o l . T o move; to turn sideways, as contemptuously; to slouch along, gyrate along; to pull away, as in anger; motion of leisurely swaying (less c o m m o n t h a n oioi). Cf. -oio, oioi. Mai oi aku 'olua a kokoke (For. 5 : 1 7 ) , don't you two move up too close. Pau ke oi 'ana o ko lau a mau kino, their bodies stopped slouching about [in anger].
' o l a m a u n o . S a m e as ever, continuing t h e same, j u s t t h e same (often said in answer to Pehea 'oef How are you?) See 8, 2; 'oia, 1. ' o l a n a . See 'oia ana. ' o l a p a h a . See 'oia, 3. ' o l h a n a . 1. Occupation, trade, profession, j o b . Industry, business; customs; activities; department, office; Biblical book of Acts; professional. Noho 'oihana, office holder, j o b holder; to stay in an office or j o b . 'Oihana mahi'ai, agricultural industry. 'Oihana 'oko'a o na hua'Blelo, functions of words. 'Ike pili 'oihana, professional knowledge. 2 . Tools, utensils. (Puk. 38.3.) 06s. ' o i h a n a a l l ' ! . D u t y or office of king; book of Chronicles in t h e Old T e s t a m e n t , ' o i h a n a h a n a k a i a ( d a l a ) . M i n t . Lit., moneymaking department, ' o i h a n a h e m o l e l e . Clergy. Lit., pure profession, ' o i h a n a h o ' o n a ' a u a o . D e p a r t m e n t of instruction, educational system, ' o i h a n a k a h u n a . Priesthood, office and duties of a priest; book of Leviticus in t h e Old T e s tament. ' o i h a n a k a k a u k o p e . Registration office. Lit., copyrighting office, ' o i h a n a k a i a i ' & i n a . Department of interior, in the days of the monarchy, ' o i h a n a k i n a i a h i . F i r e department; j o b of putting out fires. Lit., fire-extinguishing j o b or department, ' o i h a n a k i u . Secret service, department of secret police, ' o i h a n a m i k i ' a l a . Manufacturing. Rare. ' o i h a n a w a l . \Vater works, department of water, ' o i h o ' l h&. Same as 'oia ho'i hH. ' O l k i . Somewhat small, narrow. ' O I k l l k l . Somewhat hot. Cf. ikiiki. o l k o . T o heave t h e shoulders, as during an a t t a c k of a s t h m a ; to wallow, strain: spasm of pain. Eia Hawai'i nui o Keawe, ke oiku nei me Ka 'eha'eha (chant for Kapi'o-lani), here is great Hawaii of Keawe, heaving spasms of pain, ' o ' l l e p a . Short for 'o'ili-lepa, a fish. 'OMli. 1 . T o appear, come into view; appearance. 'O'ili ka maka, to c o m e up, as seeds, bulbs; to sprout. F o r examples see pulelo. 2 . H e a r t (of emotions). Ku'u o'ili ke lele wale nei (For. 5 : 3 0 7 ) , my heart throbs with strong emotions. 'Apo'apo a'ela kona 'B'ili ( M a t . 2.3), troubled, agitated. 3 . A fish. See 'B'ili-lepa, 'B'ili-'uwl'uwf. ' O ' i l l ' I l I . Redup. of 'o'ili; appearing here and there, once or successively. Ua 'B'ili'ili (Kep. 184), rain t h a t comes and goes. ' 0 ' 1 1 1 - i e p a . A fish (Amanses snndwichiensis); black with reddish-yellow fins. Lit., flag appearing, so called because of top fin. 'OMH l u a . Prominent, conspicuous, clearly seen. 'O'ili lua klU hale e ku maila i ka pu'u, t h a t house on the hill is very conspicuous. ' O ' i l l - o e o e . Said to be same as 'B'ili-'uwVuwl. Lit., long-necked 'o'ili. ' O ' l l l - ' u w I ' u w I . A fish (Pervagor spilosoma); yellow with black dots on its body, a diagonal stripe on head; t h e tall Is orange, t h e dorsal and ventral pale yellow; this fish Is seldom seen but occasionally appears in great numbers and by some is considered an omen of the future death of r o y a l t y ; sometimes t h e y are washed ashore; seldom eaten but sometimes t h e dried fish are used for fuel. Lit., squealing 'B'ili, so called because of t h e noise It, makes. 'O'ili w a l e . T o appear for no apparent reason, especially of premature birth, ' o l i o . 1 . Seedling; t o germinate, sprout. 2 . Young, as of 'B'io or of eel. ' o l l u a . Two-edged, as a dagger, ' o i o . R a r e var. of noio, a tern, - ' o l o . (With hB-) h O ' o l o . T o show off; to assume a n air of superiority, as a child who cuts capers;
01. Var. spelling of 5wi. ' o l . 1 . Sharp; sharpness. Iluina 'oi, acute angle. I laila ka 'oi kepa lua o Hina-moe (For. 6 : 3 7 3 ) , there the sharp double snapping [tusks] of Hina-moe. h ö ' O I . T o sharpen. 2 . Best, superior; exceeding: to exceed, excel; extra, above, remaining. A 'oi, emi mai, more or less. Maui no ka 'oi, M a u i is the best. Ilola 'elua a 'oi, two o'clock or a little after. 'O ka lehua ka 'oi kela 0 na pua, lehua is the best of flowers. h O ' o i . T o excel; best. Na pono kaulele hö'oi (song), t h e gains over and above. 3 . Same as 'oiai, 1, I. 4. S a m e as 'oia. 1. 'Oi noke, 'oi huli, 'oi naku, 'oi huli na kanaka, 'a'ole loa'a iki, the people kept persevering, kept hunting, kept delving, kept searching, without any success a t all. ' o ' l . T o limp, h O ' o ' I . T o cause to limp, to pretend to limp. ' o i a . 1 . S a m e as 5, Z; to keep doing, persevere. See 'ea, 3; 'oia mau no; 'oi, lt. 2 . T r u t h ; true. E hele mai a 'ike he 'oia ka'u, come and see the truth with me. h O ' o i a . T o confirm, audit, verify, profess (Kanl. 20.17). Luna hö'oia, auditor. 3 . He, she, it (used as subject except after a loa'a-type word); this, namely this, namely, thus; t h a t ' s it, t h a t ' s right, go ahead. I Makavu'u la a 'oia mai, just this side of M a k a - p u ' u . Oia no! Yes, t h a t ' s so; t h a t ' s rightl 'Oia 'eat Is t h a t so! So t h a t ' s it! 'Oia ho'i! So it is! T h a t ' s sol 'Oia paha, maybe so; all right (as in reluct a n t acquiescence). 'A 'oia, t h a t ' s right. 'Oia ana! L e t me see! Let me look! Ke nana aku 'oe 1 kilä keiki, 'oia no 'oe 'o ke keko, when you look a t t h a t _child, [he's] j u s t like a monkey. 'Oia noho'i ha kona mea i hele ai, so t h a t ' s why he went; no wonder he went. ' o . . . f a . Idiom Indicating recent action. J u s t , just now. '0 ka 'ai 'ana ihola no ia o läkou, a hele aku nei, they had j u s t eaten, and then went. 'O ka make no ia o ke ali'i, the chief has j u s t died. ' o l a a n a . L e t me see! Show me! I dare you (sarcastically)! (Usually shortened to 'oiana or 'oliana.) ' o l a a n a n o . I t ' s the same result; regardless. •ola h o ' l hit. All right, t h e n ; so t h a t ' s it after all. (About t h e same as 'oia ho'i: see 'oia.) •olal. 1 . While, meanwhile. 'Oiai au i ke kula, while I was in school. 'Oiai i ke au o Kamehameha, during t h e time of K a m e h a m e h a . 2 . Although. Ua hB'eha 'oia 'oiai no 'a'ohe ona lima, he was hurt, but still not [by] hands. « o i ä ' i ' o . T r u e ; t r u t h ; truly, firmly, certainly; faithfulness (Hal. 92.2). Cf. T o , palapala hö'oia'i'o. 'O au no me ka 'oiä'i'o, I am, sincerely. Na mea 'oiä'i'o, facts. 'Oiä'i'o, he 'oia'i'o (Ioane 16.20), verily, verily. 'Oia'i'o k& ho'i, is t h a t so, so [as in anger, surprise], h O ' o l & ' l ' o . T o verify, prove; to acknowledge, as a t i t l e : deed, proof, verification.
' o i' o conceited; affectation, conceit. Cf. oi. HB'oio le'a, t o show off with delight, ' o l ' o . Procession of ghosts of a departed chief and his c o m p a n y . M o r e c o m m o n l y called huaka'i pB. 'O'lo. 1. Ladyflsh, boneflsh (Albula tulpes). Stages of growth are: pua 'd'io, finger length; 'Smo'omo'o, f o r e a r m l e n g t h ; 'd'io, adult, two t o t h r e e feet long. 2. Soft jelly-like coconut flesh, so called perhaps because of its resemblance t o mashed 'o'io. 3 . Kind of braid or plaiting, as in h a t bands, so called because it was t h o u g h t t o resemble t h e backbone of t h e 'D'io. 4. Polishing stone. (AP.) 6. Long b u n d l e of salt or fish. (AP.) •6 T o . Fork (Puk. 38.3), flesh hook, o i o i . Rertup. of oi: t o squirm, ho'6161. Same as hB'oio\ t o arouse envy, as for one's possessions. ' o l ' o ! . X. R e d u p . of 'oi, 2: superior; a superior person. He 'oi oi no Maui-hikina (For. 5:251), E a s t M a u i is p r o m i n e n t Indeed [said of superior things, as feminine beauty], h & ' o l ' o l . To show off, a c t superior. 2. Full of s h a r p points, t h o r n ; sharp. Pa la'au 'oi'oi (Mlk. 7.4), thorn hedge. h O ' o l ' o t . To m a k e s h a r p points, sharpen. ' o T o ' l . R e d u p . of 'o'i, to limp. o l o l k Q . R e d u p . of oikU. ' o l ' o l n a . Point, peak, cape, o ' l o ' l n a . Resting place for travelers, such as a s h a d y tree, rock ( P H 20). KShi o'io'ina (Kin. 42.27), inn. «O'lo'lo. T o c h i t c h a t , chirp. Cf. 'io'io. ' o i o l e ' a . (With hS-) h O ' o l o l e ' a . Conceit; to show off.
' O k a l a . 1. Goose flesh, creepy sensation; t o bristle, s t a n d up, as hair. 3 . Rough, coarse, as cloth, shark skin. 3. See leho-'Bkala. 4. S a m e as 'Bkole, 2, a sea creature. B. A r a t h e r small red seaweed (Galazaura rugosa), regularly and densely branching, t h e branches hollow and marked with rings; not edible. Also called pdkalakala (Galazaura spp.) o k a l a ' a u . Wood shavings, sawdust. ' O k a l a k a l a . l . R e d u p . of 'Bkala, 1,2-, rough, boisterous In manner. 'Okalakala kana pane. his reply was gruff. Pi'i a'ela kona huhU a ke po'o 'okalakala (For. 5:409), his anger flashed u p t o his bristling head. 'Okalakala koke a'ela 'o ' Aiviohi-kupua e hele e maka'ika'i i ka 'aha mokomoko (Lale 383), 'Aiwohi-kupua bristled with eagerness to visit t h e boxing arena. 2 . T o undo evil influence b y prayer. ' O k a l e k a l e . W a t e r y , as inferior poi. o k a n a . E x t r e m e l y , beyond compare, without limit, in b o t h f a v o r a b l e a n d pejorative senses (usually written o kana-, always used with 'a'ole and m a i ; s a m e as oka'e mai). 'A'ole okana mai kdu hanal W h a t a lot of work you have t o dol T h e r e ' s no limit to your work I W h a t dreadful things you do [in anger]! 'A'ole okana mai ka ti'i! How perfectly beautiful! ' o k a n a . 1. District or subdlstrict, usually comprising several ahupua'a; portion, as of food (probably a contraction of 'oki 'ana, cutting). 2. Organ. Eng. 'Okana wili lima, h a n d organ,
'okanakl, oganadi. Organdy. Eng.
' o k a n l k a . Organic (said of t h e Organic Act). Eng. o k a o k a . R e d u p . of oka. Ua nau 'ia ka niu e ka pua'a a okaoka, t h e coconut was chewed by t h e pig into small particles. h o ' O k a o k a . T o m a k e into little pieces, ' o k a ' o k a . A bad odor, as of garbage, ' o k a ' o k a l . Insipid, tasteless, especially of freshlypounded poi. o k a p a l a o a . Chaff. Lit., w h e a t sediment, ' o k e . R o t t e n , as wood, cloth. Obs. O k e a . 1. W h i t e sand or gravel (contraction of one, sand, and kea, white). Cf. Keokea, a place name. Okea pili mai, d r i f t gravel, said disparagingly of persons who a t t a c h themselves t o others for s u p p o r t ; lit., gravel clinging. 2, H o t , as stone heated t o whiteness. 3. A bird ( K L line 432, no d a t a ) . ' O k e ' a . T o place cross sticks, as to block an e n t r a n c e ; cross sticks. ' O k e ' e . T o veer, as t h e wind; t o change, as direction; t o eddy. ' o k e k e l l k a , o s e t e r l k a . Ostrich. Eng. 'Akolika is more common,
' 6 l w l . 1. Native, n a t i v e son. Cf. iwi, bone, kulaiwi. Hui 'diwi, society of n a t i v e sons, h o 'Olwl. T o pass oneself off as a native son; like a n a t i v e son. 3. Physique, a p p e a r a n c e ; to a p pear. Maika'i ho'i ko ia ala Diwi kino, he certainly has a fine physique. Nani ka 'diwi o Hilo i ka lehua (chant), Hilo a p p e a r s beautiful with lehua. 3. Self; own. For example seepupu, 5. o k a . Dregs, crumbs, sediment, filings, hulls, grounds, small bits. Also 'aoka. ' o k a . 1. Oak. Eng. 2. Also o t a . Oat. Eng. *6k&. 1. Overcome by emotion, as fear; speechless with emotion. Fig., destroyed (obs.). 2. To set a decoy. Obs. ' f t k a ' a . T o revolve, spin; to roll, as a m a t : a top; a roll; a dry coconut whose m e a t has detached Itself so as t o m a k e a r a t t l i n g sound. 'Ska'a lau hala, roll of p a n d a n u s loaves, o k a ' e . Same as okana (always used with 'a'ole). ' O k a ' l . 1. Large night m o t h . F o r example see 'Solo. 2 . Tendrils or a p l a n t ; t o grow, interlock, interweave, as tendrils. Cf. 'e'a, wili'Bka'i. 3. Same as ka'i, procession. 4. Blossom container of b a n a n a s . Cr. 'e'a, 2. 5. Cords on t h e mouth of a flsh net, as for iheihe flsh. 6 . Small oblong net connecting t w o larger flsh nets. (AP.) ' O k a i k a i . Rough, as t h e sea; angry, bad-tempered: rough_seas (sometimes preceded by ke). Ka lua o na la 'okaikai (Kep. 105), second of t h e d a y s with rough sea. Ke mau ala no ke 'okaikai ma Rusia (a newspaper headline), rough seas c o n t i n u e for Russia. 'Ok&kal. Same as hukakai, insipid. 'Ok&ka'i. Follower, as in a retinue. ' O k a k a l a . R e d u p . of 'Bkala, l , 2. Pi'i maila ka 'Bkakala, goose flesh comes,
'okele, okere. Ocher. Eng.
' o k e l e k e l l k a . Ostrich. Eng. ' O k e n i . S a m e as kenikeni, small change. Ua loa'a na wahi 'Bkeni a na limahana, t h e workers received some small change, ' o k e ' o k e . R e d u p . of 'oke. Obs. ' o k e p e l a , o s e p e r a . Osprey. (Oihk. 11.13.) Eng.
'okepelaka, oseferaga, oslferaga. Ossifrage.
(Oihk. 11.13.) o k l . 1. T o stop, finish, end. Cf. uoki. He i'a anei ko ka makeke? 'A'ole, he oki loa! Is t h e r e flsh a t t h e m a r k e t ? No, all gone. Ua oki na 'Blelo a kaua no ka mea ke oki mai nei ka 'ona o ka 'awa ia'u (Laie 377), o u r talk stopped because t h e intoxication of t h e k a v a for me bec a m e e x t r a o r d i n a r y . h o ' S k l . T o p u t an end to, finish, stop; end. ( P P N oti, P M P genUH.) 2. E x t r a o r d i n a r y , superlative, m u c h (usually b u t not always in a n u n f a v o r a b l e sense, sometimes with idea: n o t a t all, none, all gone). Oki pau, e x t r a o r d i n a r y . Pehea kou makua kane? Ua oki loa! How's your f a t h e r ? M u c h worse! Ua hele ke kino a oki, his body is wasted [by disease], Ua hele 'oe a oki loa i ka lepol Y o u ' r e filthy with dirt! Kahiko a oki a pa'ihi'ihi, dressed in best finery, so a t t r a c t i v e . Oki noho'i ka hana a ka
'okakallka 'aklka, okasallka aslda. Oxalic acid. Eng. ' o k a - k l l l k a . T h e silky or silver oak (Grevillea robusta), a large tree f r o m Australia, used for reforesting in Hawaii. T h e leaves are subdivided like some ferns; t h e orange flowers are a b u n d a n t in early summer. (Neal 274.) Lit., silk oak. Eng. Also called ha'iku-ke'oke'o.
'Okakopa, Okatopa. October. Eng.
Oka k o p e . Coffee grounds.
' d k u m a k u m a Hawai'i 'imi loa, wondrous strange Indeed are the deeds of deep-seeking Hawaii. Oki pau ka hana a ka huila, wondrous the doings of the wheel. ' o k l . T o cut, sever, hew, separate, divorce, fell; to cut, as cards; to operate, amputate; to excommunicate; a cut, division, limit, operation, amputation; stanza (called paukU today). 'Oki I na 'aumikua, to separate oneself from pagan worship of 'aumakua gods. 'Oki i ka moe'uhane, a prayer to the Christian God to avert the influence of a had dream. 'Oki ka lauoho, to have a hair cut. hO'okl. T o pretend to cut short, to cause to cut, to cut; to divorce. ( P P N koti, P M P k.e[t]ip.) ' o k l a . Passive/imperative of 'oki. See kai'okia. •Okihikihi. Angular, slanting. 'Okihikihi na po'ohiwi, angular, squared shoulders. 'Okihikihi ka ua ke ninS aku (chant), rain appears slanting, ' o k l - h u e l o . To cut only the ends of the hair. Lit., cut tail, •oklka. Orchid. Eng. ' o k l k a - h o n o h o n o . An orchid (Dendrobium superbum). (Neal 239.) ' o k l k e n e , o k l g e n e . Oxygen. Eng. ' o k l k f i m & k e n a . Mourning haircut, as on one side of the head only. 'Okl-llpl. A variety of sweet potato. 'Okllo. Same as kilo. oki loa. See oki, 2. ' o k l m a h l o l e . To cut the hair leaving a strip down the middle. Lit., helmet cut. •okl m a l e ( m a r e ) . Divorce; to divorce. Lit., cut marriage. •okl m a u ' u . To inow the grass. Mikini 'oki mau'u, lawn mower, •oklna. 1. Cutting off, ending, severance, separation. 2. Glottal stop, •okl'okl. Redup. of 'oki ; to cut into pieces. Pai wela me na mea'ai 'oki'oki 'ia, hot mince pie; lit., hot pie with cut up food. 'Okl p a h u . To bob the hair. Lit., smooth cut. Okl p a u . See oki, 2. ' o k l p o e . To bob the hair. Lit., round cut. ' o k l poepoe. Circumcision; to circumcise (Biblical; Kin. 17.10; the old Hawaiian term was kahe). Lit., round cut. ' o k l p o h e . To cut the hair so that it stands up. o k o . T o move ahead of others; to try to be better than others. Obs. He aha kWa e oko a'e nei, why this pushing ahead of others, ' o k o ' a . Different, another; whole; entirety; a whole note in music; entirely, wholly, completely; altogether, fully, independently, exclusively. Ct.ha'ina 'oko'a, holo'oko'a, ka'a'oko'a, kU'oko'a. 'Ai 'oko'a, cooked unpounded taro; lit., whole food. No ke kBkua 'ole 'ia mai, hana 'oko'a ihola no wau, because of not being helped, I worked independently. He ho'okuli 'oko'a iho no (For. 5:335), a pretense of being stone deaf. h O ' o k o ' a . To make different, to set apart, separate, cause to differ, discriminate. Cf. ho'oka'a'oko'a. 'Okohe. To form a scab, as a sore; swollen, as tonsils. ho'Akohe. To cause a scab to form, etc. 'Akohekohe. 1. Redup. of 'Bkohe. Pu'u 'Bkohekohe, swollen tonsils. h o ' A k o h e k o h e . Redup. of ho'Bkohe. 2. Barnacle, such as adhere to rocks, ship bottoms, floating timber. 'A-kohoM. A variety of sweet potato, said to have been introduced during whaling days. 'A k o h o i a . Whaling; to whale. Lit., pierce whale. Cf. moku 'B kohoia. ' A k o h o l u a . Two-pronged post-European fishing spear. ' o k o l k u a . Hold in lua fighting, o k o k o . Var. spelling of okooko. ' o k o k o m o . Filled, as a canoe.
•Akole. 1. Anus, buttocks, 'dkole maluna, Hawaiian translation of English toast "bottoms up" [this expression is condemned by older Hawalians as vulgar and indecent because of the sacredness of the human body In old belief], 2. A sea creature, eaten cooked, perhaps a sea anemone. 3. A kind of birthmark; round, black, and raised higher than the surface of the skin; believed caused by the mother's eating an annelid when pregnant. •Akole-emleinl. A sea anemone. Lit., shrinking 'dkole. •Akolehao. 1. Liquor distilled from ti root in a still of the same name; later, a gin as made of rice or pineapple Juice. Lit., iron bottom. 2. Iron try-pot still. 'Okole-hftwele. Same as 'dkole-emiemi. Lit., tied 'Bkole. 'okolekC. A play language something like pig Latin. Example: e hesele ana 'outou sele ihesele, for e hele ana oukou i hea? Where are you going? [sele is added at random.] •Akole-maklli. Same as mohihihi, a vine. Lit., cracked buttocks. •Akoleolol. To turn one's back on someone who has aroused one's anger; to walk to and fro with back towards the object of anger; ono who does this. Lit., moving buttocks. ' O k o l e - ' o l ' o l . Marigolds (Tagetes spp.). (Neal 745.) Lit., jutting buttocks. Cf. melekule. 'Okolepu'u. Bustle-style dress. Lit., humped buttocks. 'Akolo. Same as kolo. 'Akomo. To Insert; to calk, as a ship; to inlay. h o ' A k o m o . Causative/simulative. •Akomokomo. Redup. of 'Bkomo. h o ' A k o m o k o m o . Redup. of ho Bkomo. •okomoplla. Automobile. Eng. o k o o k o , o k o k o . Red hot, blazing hot; burning, as an itch. He 'ula okooko, fiery red. I loko o ia o ke okooko o ke kaua, he was in the heat of battlo. Waha okooko, venemous, slanderous mouth. 'Akfl. 1. To stand erect, protrude, emerge. Aia ma'B e 'BkU maila, there it is, standing over there. 2. Thunderstruck, taken aback, horrified, agitated. 'OkU ho'i au i ko ia ala hB'ino, I was horrified by his cursing. 3. Young stage of JtfimG, smaller than the 'ahuluhulu stage. 4 . Live bird used as decoy; to decoy. Obs. ' A k u ' e k u ' e . Knuckles. Ka 'Bku'eku'e o ka pua'a, pig knuckles. 'Akuhe. A fresh-water 'o'opu (Eleotris fusca), a fish. Called 'oau on Oahu and Maui. Also 'akupa, 'apoha, kuhe. •Akuhekuhe. Young 'Bkuhe, after the hinana stage. ' A k u h e - m e l e m e l e . 'Okuhe with yellow tinge. 'Akflkfl. 1. Redup. of 'BkU, 1, 2. 'OkakO ihola m&kou e nana i ka i'a o ka lQ.ko, we stood looking at the fish In the pond. 'Okilku ka nuku o ka humuhumu i ka 'ilikai, the noses of the humuhumu rise above the surface of the sea. 2 . Same as 'BkU, S. ' o k u k u l l . Filled to satiety, as with fat or sweet food; rich, fat. Obs. •okukupu. Redup. of 'Bkupu. •okuku'u. Plural and frequentative of 'Bku'u, 1. 'Okuku'u ka noe i ka mauna, the mist settles on the mountain. •Akulekule. Somewhat kukule, listless. ' A k u l l k u l l . Same as 'okukuli. ' A k u m a . Rough, coarse, as scarred or pitted skin; close together: dark_ and lowering, its clouds. Cf. kumakuma, hakumakuma. Maka 'Bkuma i ke kagu, 'o ke kapu o ka haku (name chant for Keka-ulu-ohi), face encrusted with taboo, taboo of the lord. ' A k u m a k u m a . Redup. of 'Bkuma.
' o k u m u o l a h o u . To revive, resuscitate; resurrected; resurrection. h o ' O l a h o u . T o restore t o life, revive. Ola'l. 1. E a r t h q u a k e . F o r example see lua, 2. Light porous stone or pumice, as used for polishing canoes or for scraping off hair of pig or dog to be roasted, o l a k i n o . State of h e a l t h . Mea olakino, things necessary for life, as food. Kane olakino maika i, able-bodied males. ' O l a l a . 1. Lean, t h i n ; s t u n t e d , as plants. 2. Same as lala, Z; t o wilt, as p a n d a n u s leaves over a flre for plaiting. ' o l a l a h i n a . Frail, delicate. Obs. ' O l a l a u . Somewhat lalau\ wrong, mistakenly. Kaha 'olalau i ke kaha pe'a, t o m a r k a n X incorrectly [as on a ballot], 'Olali. 1. To glide s m o o t h l y along, as a ship on t h e sea or as a fish slipping t h r o u g h one's h a n d . Aia ia mau alanui malihini au i 'Olali ho'okahi ai (chant for K a l a k a u a ) , on these unfamiliar p a t h s you travel all alone. 2. Bright, shiny, glistening; brightness. 3 . Young stage of hou, a fish. Oahu. 'Olalllall. Redup. of 'Olali, 1, 2. o l a l o a . Long life; completely cured or recovered. ' O l a n a l a n a . N a u s e a t i n g ; nausea. ' O l a n l . 1. To toast over a flre, broil, warm in sunlight. 2. Var. of 'Olali, 3. ' O l a ' o . To weed and work t h e soil; to gather, as 'opihi shells; to extract, 'ol&'olll. Redup. of 'ola. 'Old'oli ka ihu, to snore: with short puffs, h O ' o l a ' o l l . T o cause gurglings t o gargle. Ii hele e hO'ola'ola i ka pu'u, go a n d gargle for your t h r o a t . ' O l a ' o l a ' o . To weed, dig, as with an 'O'O or spade. 'A'ole in e pa'ipn'i 'ia, 'a'ole ho'i e 'Ola'ola'o 'ia (Isa. 5.6), it shall not be pruned, nor dug. ' o l a ' o l a p a . R e d u p . of 'Olapa, 1. ' O l a p a . 1. To flash, as lightning; to blaze suddenly, flare up; t o r u m b l e uneasily, as a queasy stomach. 'Olapa ka hoe a ka lawai'a, he 'ino, t h e fisherman's paddle flashes, a storm [of haste], 2. Several native species and varieties of forest trees (Cheirodendron), with opposite leaves, each leaf divided palmately into three to five leaflets, and with flowers borne in umbels. (Neal 574.) Also called ehu, kauila-mahu (on Maui), lapalapa, mahu, 'olapalapa. Cf. hu 'Olapa. 3. Dancer, as contrasted with t h e c h a n t e r or ho'opa'o (memorizer); now, a n y d a n c e accompanied by chanting and d r u m m i n g on a gourd d r u m . 4* N a m e for t h e aholehole (fish) used as sacrifice for love sorcery (hana aloha), or for sorcery t h a t sends a bad spirit to plague a n o t h e r (ho'ounauna), probably so called because of t h e desired rapidity of t h e spirit's actions. 6. Same as 'Olapalapa, 3. ' O l a p a l a p a . l . R e d u p . of 'Olapa, l. Pi'i 'Olapalapa kona inaina me ka huhU, his wrath flared f o r t h angrily. 2. Same as 'Olapa, 2. 3. Full of ravines, projections, cornices, ridges, o l a p & n a ' l . Redeemed, ransomed, saved; t o redeem. h o ' O l a p & n a ' l . T o redeem, r a n s o m ; redeemer (Isa. 41.14). ' O l a p u . R a r e var. of holapu. ' O - l a u - n l u . N a m e of a wind. (For. 5:93). Fig., promiscuous. Lit., coconut-leaf piercing, o l e . 1. E y e t o o t h , f a n g . Lei ole, dogtooth lei. 2 . Same as hole, t o squirm, ' o l e . 1. N o t , w i t h o u t , lacking; to d e n y ; zero, nothingness. Cf. 'a'ole, mea 'ole, 'ole loa. Maika'i 'ole, not good; b a d . Pa'a ka 'ole i ka waha, holds " n o " in t h e m o u t h . Na wai e 'ole ka ho'ohihi i ka nani o Leahi? W h o can help taking a f a n c y t o t h e b e a u t y of D i a m o n d Head? 'A'ohe ana hana, hana 'ole, there is no work he w o n ' t do. E 'ole no 'oe, if it weren't for you; [sarcastically] you think you are indispensable! Na wai 'ole no ka nele i ka ua mea o ka piliwaiwai? Who could help being poor with so much gambling?
' O k u m u . 1. P o m m e l : canoe end-piece. Cf. maku'u. 2 . S t u m p ; s t u m p y , blunt, c u t off short. 'Okumu lau, s t u m p sending out shoots. ' O k u m u k u m u . R e d u p . of 'Okumu, Z\ s t u m p s here and t h e r e ; uneven, as stubble. ' O k u n u k u n u . T o have a cough, to cough constantly. ' o k O ' o k f i . R e d u p . of 'Ska-, to pitch, as a canoe tossed b y waves; to rear and pitch, as a horse. ' O k u p e . 1. A method of digging holes with a stick, p r o d d i n g t h e e a r t h t o one side, as for t a r o (Kep. 153); to dig thus. 2. T o t r i p in walking, s t u m b l e , m a k e a false step; t o err in conduct, go a s t r a y morally. h o ' O k u p e . T o trip someone; t o s t u m b l e or pretend to stumble. 3. A bivalve ( S p o n d y l u s zonalis). ' O k u p e k u p e . R e d u p . of 'Okupe, I, Z. ' O k u p u . T o s p r o u t , as seeds; to send o u t shoots, as ti p l a n t s ; t o come forth, as clouds; sprouting, stubbles. ' O k u p u k u p u . 1. R e d u p . of 'okupu. 2. Same as kupukupu, ni'ani'au-, a n y fern growing on a single s t e m , as t h e sword fern (Nephrolepis exaltata). ' O k u p u k u p u - l a u ' l ' I . A fern (Doortia kunthiana) mucll like Nephrolepis exaltata, 'Okupukupu, but hairy. Cf. lau'i'i. ' O k u ' u . 1. T o s q u a t on t h e haunches, crouch, sit h u n c h e d u p ; t o perch, as a bird; t o settle, as mist, h o ' o k u ' u . To cause t o squat, crouch, perch; t o crouch, perch. 2. Disease a t t i m e of K a m e h a m e h a I, perhaps cholera, and perhaps so called because it was dysenteric, and people were s q u a t t i n g ('8ku'u) much at stool. 3. To swing in aku (fish) on a line so they fall f r o m t h e lure directly into t h e canoe. 4. A method of catching birds by g u m m i n g artificial lehua blossoms m a d e of le'ie to a tree. ' O k u ' u - l e p o - h e h e ' e . Same as 'Oku'u, 2. Lit., r u n n i n g e x c r e m e n t 'Oku'u. Ola. Life, h e a l t h , well-being, living, livelihood, means of s u p p o r t , salvation; alive, living; spared, recovered; healed; t o live; t o spare, save, heal, g r a n t life. (As a f t e r loa'a-type words, t h e subject is preceded by i or to; see G r a m . 4.5.) Aiaiamo_o/a,_flnancial support, means of livelihood. Na kMa no ke ola o ka nupepa, money for t h e s u p p o r t of t h e newspaper. '0 na la apau o kona ola ana, all t h e days of his life. Makamaka ola, a live friendship; a friend who extends hospitality a n d appreciation. Ua loa'a ke kSne a ku'u hSnai, a ua ola na iwi o ke kahu hanai, m y foster child has f o u n d a h u s b a n d , and t h e foster p a r e n t will enjoy peace and c o m f o r t in life and t h e b o d y will be preserved a f t e r d e a t h ; lit., t h e bones will live, i.e., t h e y will not fall into an e n e m y ' s hands. Ola ka inoa, t h e n a m e lives on, said of a child bearing t h e n a m e of a n ancestor. Ola ka pOloli, hunger is satisfied. Ola ka mO'l i ke Akua, God save t h e king. E ola au i ke Akua, m a y God g r a n t me life; so help m e God. E ola au iS 'oe, save me, spare m y life. h o ' O l a . T o save, heal, cure, spare; salvation; healer; Savior. Cf. ho'Sla (p. 76), t a p a . Po'e i kU'ai ho'ola 'ia (Isa. 35.10), ransomed people. ' o l f t . Gurgling; t o gurgle, h o ' o l a . S a m e as hO•oia'oia. O l a ' a . S a m e as 'Bkala (Rubus rosaefolius). o l a ' a l o a . A v a r i e t y of h a r d taro. Also called la'aloa. ' O l f t ' a u . T o s t r i k e with sticks, as beaters driving fish. ' O l a e . Small cape, p r o m o n t o r y . ' O l a e l a e . 1. R e d u p . of 'Olae; a n u m b e r of small capes, promontories. Also 'alaelae. 2 . Bitter, acrid; a b i t t e r gourd (rare). Ola h o n u a . E a r t h l y life, life on e a r t h . He mea ia e pono ai kiia ola honua 'ana, t h a t is somet h i n g to help in this earthly life. 'Oi ola honua, while t h e r e is life on e a r t h ; fig., while there is time. E a'o mai 'oe i ke oli 'oi ola honua, learn t h e c h a n t while there is o p p o r t u n i t y .
'olepe-makaloa ' O l e l o k a u o h a . Decree, order, c o m m a n d m e n t ; to order, decree. ' O l e l o k l k S . Dialogue, repartee; t o engage in dialogue. Cf. kike Blelo. 'Olelo k f l k a . Consultation, discussion; to discuss, consult. ' O l e l o - k Q k a e - m a n u . A play language originated by Hawaiian guano (kukae-manu) diggers in t h e South Pacific to keep their bosses f r o m u n d e r s t a n d i n g ; this speech has substitution of f o r m s as well as transpositions. E hele mui kaua ma'ane'i, (let us come here), might be rendered; i hile mia kua mu 'enu'e. Cf. kake, nehiwa, 'okoleki. • O l e l o - k u - p a ' a . Ordinance, legal decree, judgment, statute. 'Olelo m a k u a . M o t h e r tongue. 'Olelo n a n e . Riddle, parable, allegory. 'Olelo n o ' e a u . Proverb, wise saying, t r a d i t i o n a l saying. ' O l e l o - p a ' a . Precept, c o m m a n d , vow, promise, o a t h , s t a t u t e (Hal. 119.117). 'Olelo p & ' a n l . Joke, jest. 'Olelo p a ' l ' a l . Pidgin English. Lit., h a r d - t a r o speech. 'Olelo p a l p a l . Word of encouragement, exhortation, c o m m a n d m e n t (Mai. 2.1). 'Olelo u w e a ' o l e . Wireless message. ' o l e m u . Var. of lemu. ' o l e m u - k a ' a . Vagabond, rover. Lit., rolling backsides. •Olena. 1. T h e t u r m e r i c (Curcuma domestica, also called C. longa), a kind of ginger d i s t r i b u t e d f r o m I n d i a into Polynesia, widely used as a spice and dye in foods, to color cloth a n d t a p a , and medicinally for e a r a c h e and lung trouble. A cluster of large leaves rises f r o m thick, yellow u n d e r g r o u n d stems, which a r e t h e useful p a r t of t h e plant, either raw or cooked. (Neal 218.) ( P P N rent/a, P M P lenga.) 2. S a m e as lena, yellow. 3. Also o r e n a . Ash tree. Biblical. 4. A small m o u n t a i n tree on K a u a i (Coprosma waimeae), with yellow wood. • O l e n a l e n a . X. Yellow. 2. D y e m a d e of 'Siena plant. o l e o l e . R a c k or branched post on which wooden bowls or netted calabashes were h u n g ; a c o a t tree.
'A'ole e 'ole, u n d o u b t e d l y , of course. 'A'ole e 'ole kona hele i keia la, t h e r e ' s no d o u b t of his going today. h O ' o l e . T o deny, refuse, contradict; refusal, denial, negative. Ho'ole Akua, t o deny t h e existence of God; atheist. Ho'ole lama, t e m p e r a t e ; teetotaler. HB'ole wai 'ona, prohibition of intoxicants. HB'ole Pope, P r o t e s t a n t ; lit., d e n y Pope. Ho'ole pule, t o d e n y a u t h o r i t y to act as a priest. Ho'ole 'ana, waiver. 2. (Cap.) S e v e n t h , eighth, ninth, and t e n t h nights of t h e moon. Cf. 'Ole-ku-kahi, 'Ole-ku-lua, 'Ole-ku-kolu, 'Ole-ku-pau, and Malo 31, 34. Collectively these n i g h t s were called na 'Ole; t h e y were considered u n l u c k y for fishing, planting, or beginning a n y i m p o r t a n t activity because 'ole also m e a n s n o t h i n g . Eia kakou i na 'Ole, here we are a t t h e 'Ole n i g h t s (a t i m e of poor luck]. ' o l e . 1 . Conch shell (Charonia tritonis)', t r u m p e t ; crochet p a t t e r n witji a design suggestive of a t r u m p e t . Cf. 'ole'ole. 'Ole leo nui, foghorn. 2 . T o t a l k indistinctly or garrulously. ' o l e a n a . Same as 'oliana, 2. ' O l e h a . Dazzled, bleary-eyed, as one ill or d r u n k ; dazzling. ' o l f h a l a . Cheerful singing, as of birds in treetops. Obs. ' O l e h a l e h a . R e d u p . of 'Bleha. ' O l e - k u - k S h l . Seventh night of t h e month. ' O l c - k u - k o l u . N i n t h night of t h e m o n t h . ' O l e - k u - l u a . E i g h t h night of t h e m o n t h . ' O l e - k u - p a u . T e n t h night of t h e m o n t h . ' o l e l e h u . Drowsy, sleepy. Cf. mdlelehu. ' o l e l e p a . Same as 'o'ili-lepa, a fish. ' o l e l e p a . Same as lelepa. He ke'a pua'a maka 'olelepa, a boar with unrestrained eyes [a fierce warrior]. 'Olelo. Language, speech, word; t o speak, say. tell;_oral, verb_atim, verbal^ Cf. ho'onui 'olelo, hua'oleln, luna'olelo, mahele 'olelo, pili'olelo, uwea 'olelo. 'Olelo a na hd'ike, evidence, as in c o u r t ; lit., word of t h e witnesses. 'O John Oloen_ i 'olelo 'ia, t h e aforesaid J o h n Owen. I kekahi manawa i 'olelo 'ia, at a specified t i m e . ' A ' o h e 'filelo 'ana, not worth mentioning. Ina 'oe e makemake i ke ko, 'a'ohe 'olelo 'ana, na'u e ki'i, if you w a n t some sugar cane, d o n ' t say a n y t h i n g a b o u t it; I'll get some. ' o l e l o a . N o t at all, not in the least, none w h a t soever; of no value, worthless. He like me ka 'ole loa ka kekahi, he 'oia'i'o ka kekahi (Kep. 9), those of some are as t h o u g h of no value at all, those of others true. 'Ole loa aku 'oe, he 'Bpiopio (For. 5:7), you are so young t h a t you are w o r t h less. He 'ole loa ka loa'a i ka '5 he'e, nothing a t all was g o t t e n in octopus spearing. 'Olelo a ' o . Counsel, advice, precept, instruction; t o advise, counsel. 'Olelo ' e . Foreign language, incomprehensible lingo; mention of a m a t t e r o t h e r t h a n t h e s u b ject u n d e r discussion. ' O l e l o - h a ' l - m u a . Foreword, preface. Lit., word told first. 'Olelo h o ' a h e w a . Accusation; t o accuse, charge. •Olelo h O ' I k e . Affidavit; testimony, as of a witness. •Olelo h O ' l n o . Curse, d e f a m a t i o n ; to curse, revile. ' O l e l o - h o ' o h l k l . Oath, vow, promise. • O l e l o h o ' o h o l o . Verdict (as of a jury)_, j u d g m e n t , decision; resolution; conclusion. 'Oleloho'oholo hilina'i, vote of confidence. 'Oleloho'oholo hui, joint resolution. 'Oleloho'okO. Judgment. •Olelo h o ' o n a l o n a l o . Figurative language; obscure speech with p u n s and poetical references; t o speak t h u s . 'Olelo h o ' o p a ' a . Stipulation. •Olelo h o ' o w e l l w e l l . T h r e a t ; to t h r e a t e n ; terrifying talk. •Olelo h u n a . Secret language, speech with hidden meaning.
(With ho-) hO'ole'ole.
To deny
repeatedly. ' o l e ' o l e . 1. A small conch shell. Cf. 'ole, 1. 2. R e d u p . of 'ole, 2. Kani 'ole'ole ka waha o ka uila, t h e m o u t h of t h e lightning m a k e s an incessant noise [of a garrulous person]. 3. Widem o u t h e d grin, as of an idol; t o grin thus. ' o l e ' o i e h a l a . R e d u p . of 'olehala. Obs. o l e o l e k a u l p t l . S a m e as oleole. Oleolco. To quarrel or speak noisily, raise a din. • O l e ' o l e ' o . Stormy, tempestuous, a g i t a t e d . ' O l e - p a u . T e n t h n i g h t of t h e m o n t h , and last of t h e 'Ole nights. ' O l e p e . 1. To t u r n , as on hinges; t o s h u t a n d open, as Venetian blinds; t o peel off, as shingles in a gale; to upset, o v e r t u r n , t e a r asunder. h O ' O l e p e . T o cause t o t u r n , shut, etc. 2 . A n y k i n d of bivalve, as a mussel or oyster. Cf. 'Blepe-kupe, 'olepe-makaloa, 'Blepe-papaua, '5le~ pe-waha-nui. 3 . T h e g a r d e n balsam ( I m p a t i e n s balsamina), f r o m southeastern Africa, a n a n n u a l to a b o u t three feet tall, grown o r n a m e n t a l l y for its pink, red, yellow, white, or s p o t t e d flowers. (Neal 474.) ' O l e p e - k u p e . Bivalve, possibly of t h e genera Coaakia and Ctena. Cf. kupe 'dkupe. • O l e p e l e p e . R e d u p . of 'Olepe, 1; shutters, Venetian blinds, lattice work (Mele 2.9); d i a p h r a g m b e t w e e n chest and s t o m a c h (rare). h o ' O l e p e l e p e . R e d u p . of ho'olepe. • O l e p e - m a k a l o a . A kind of 'Blepe shell (Martesia striata). Lit., long-faced 'Blepe.
' o l e p e - p a p a u a ' o l l w a - k u - k a h a k a l . The air plant (Bryophyllum pinnatum), a succulent growing wild and cultivated in Hawaii and other tropical countries. New plants develop along the edges of the thick scalloped leaves. The tubular green and red flowers hang lantern-like. The Hawaiian name was given because the first plants seen in Hawaii grew near the beach. (Neal 329.) Lit., beach-standing olive, olo. 1. T o rub back and forth, grate, saw: a saw. Cf. hale olo papa. 3. T o resound, sound long. Cf. olo 'awa, olo pihe. Olo ke kani o ka pila, the instruments sounded together. Ua olo pawa ke kani nei ka moa, the dawn sounds are here, the cocks crow. 3. Long surfboard, as of wiliwili wood. (Laie 449.) 4. Hill (obs. now except in place names, as Olo-ku'i, tay hill; Olo-mana, divided hill; Olo-walu, many hills). S. Shelf. Obs. Cf. olo'ewa, olohaka. 6. Large foreign glass beads, said to be so called from a Hawaiian name given to the British ship. Queen Charlotte Mary, which came in 1786 under the command of Captain Dixon; this ship is said to have introduced the beads. Obs. 'olo. 1. Long gourd container used as a receptacle, as for kava or water; long body of a gourd used as a hula drum (cf. heke, ipu hula). Cf. 'olo 'awa. 2. Double chin, sagging skin, jowls, calf of leg; scrotum; wattles of a turkey; fat part under the jaws of an eel; to roll with fat: to sag, hang down, 'oloa. 1. Same as ma'aloa, ma'oloa, a shrub.
'Olepe-p&paua. A kind of 'Blepe shell (Acar hawaiensis). But cf. papaua. 'Ojepe ptl. T o overturn completely. Cf. 'olepe. 'Olepe pU 'ia kaupoku e ka makani, the roofs were ripped oil by the wind. 'Olepe-waha-nul. A rock borer (Rocellaria hawaiensis). Lit., big-mouthed 'olepe. 'Olepolepo. Somewhat dirty, sullied; to sully. Fig., to offend. A kahiko noho'i na maka'ainana i 'ole e 'Blepolepo na maka o ke ali'i ke nana mai (Kep. 165), the commoners were dressed up so as not to offend the eyes of the chiefs who might look upon them. 'Olepolepo ka 'opu, the stomach is out of order, needs cleansing. "olepO. T o discard. E 'olepu ana i na mea kupono 'ole o kiia mo'olelo, discarding all that is valueless in this story. 'Olewa. Swinging. Fig., fickle, changeable, not firmly established or fixed, ' o l e w a l e ! N o t at all! Of no interest, value, use. 'O 'ole wale ma1 Those nobodiesl 'Olewalewa. Redup. of 'Blewa. Fig., hungry, oil. Chant that was not danced to, especially with prolonged phrases chanted in one breath, often with a trill i't't) at the end of each phrase; to chant thus. Ke oli, the chant. Mea oli, chanter. ' o i l . Joy, happiness, pleasure; happy, joyful. Cf. hau'oli. Wai-'oli (place name), nappy water. hO'oll. T o give joy, make happy. (Perhaps P P N koli, P M P geli.) 'ollana. 1. All kinds of oleander grown in Hawaii (Nerium spp.). Eng. Also called 'oliwa. 2. A variety of sugar cane, like lahaina in type of growth and color, but the pith dark-brown and the leaf sheath covered with red-brown hairs. {Eng., Oriental.) Also called 'oleana. 3. Let me seel Show mel Also aliana, inane, 'oia ana. ' o l l a p a h a . Same as 'oia paha, maybe so. Obs. 'Ollhallha. Somewhat liliha. ' o l l k o . Shiny, sparkling, bright. Ka ua 'oliko i ka lani, the rain sparkling in the sky. 'Ollko. 1. T o bud. Cf. liko. 3. A small tree, possibly Mursine angustifolia (synonym, Suttonia lanceolata), a kind of kolea. 'Ollkollko. Redup. of 'Oliko, to bud. 'Olllellle. Somewhat Hie.
2. Fine white tapa, said to have been placed over an image during prayers. (Laie 467.) Obs. 3. Gift to a child at birth. Obs. o l o ' a . Reported as a bird name (no data), 'olo'ft. Splashing on rocks, as a rough sea. oloalu. Var. spelling of olowalu. olo ' a w a . An address to a deity accompanied by an oblation of kava. ' o l o ' a w a . Coconut shell cut lengthwise as a cup for kava. o l o ' e w a . Shelf. Obs. o l o h a k a . Shelf. Obs. ' o l o h a k a . Empty, sunken, hollow, as eyes or cheeks; emptiness, deficiency. Po'o 'olohaka, empty head, dunce. He pU mai'a, he 'olohaka o loko, a banana tree, hollow Inside [said of one lacking strength], Ka 'olohaka o ka waihona, deficit in the treasury, o l o h a n a . Obs. var. of 'olohani. ' o l o h a n l . T o strike, quit work; mutiny, riot (said to be from Eng. "all hands"). hO'olohanl. T o cause or foment a strike or mutiny, o l o h a o . Cannon. Lit., iron noise. Obs. 'Olohe. 1. Bare, naked, barren; hairless, as a dog; bald; destitute, needy. Ka lua 'Blohe o ke alialia, the barren pit of the salt marsh, h o 'Olohe. Causative/simulative. 2. Skilled, especially in lua fighting, so called perhaps because the beards of lua fighters were plucked and their bodies greased; bones of hairless men were desired for fish hooks because such men were thought stronger; also said of hula experts. 3. Pale. 'Olohe na maka (Ier. 30.6), pale faces [in a later edition of the Bible this was changed to nananakea], 4. Sick, as after childbirth. 5. Ghost; image, as in clouds. 6. A small saltwater 'o'opu, a fish, found with the 'Bhune. 'Olohelohe. Redup. of 'Blohe, 1. 'Olohelohe ke ku'emaka, eyebrows very sparse. He 'ano 'ole ka honua, ua 'Blohelohe (KJn. 1.2), the earth was without form and barren. ho'Olohelohe. Causative/simulative, ' o l o h e w a . Demented, deranged; delirious, incoherent. Kahea pau ahi 'olohewa, false fire alarm.
'ollll. Shiny, Bparkling, shimmering, as moonlight. Cf. hulili. 'Ollll. Withered, stunted, poor, as fruit. Cf. more common malili. ' o l l l l k o . Redup. of 'oliko and 'Oliko, 1. Ka 'oliliko wai a ka ua, liquid sparkling of the rain. ' 0 l i m a . Arm vaccination. Lit., arm piercing, ' o l l n a . T o make merry; joyous; rejoicing, merrymaking. Obs. ' o l l n a k l o , o r l n a t l o . Ordination. Eng. 'Ollno. 1. Bright, brilliant, dazzling; brightness. He 'Blino aloha kMa ia 'oe e (chant of Hi'i-aka), this is a bright ray of love for you. 2. Parched, dry. 'Ollnollno. Redup. of 'Blino. 1,2. (2 Sam. 22.13.) E lilo no ka lepo 'Blinolino i wai 'au'au (Isa. 35.7), the parched ground shall become a bathing pool. ollolt. Redup. of oli', chanter. Kau akula 'o Hale-mano i keia kau olioli (For. 5:249), Halemano then sang this chanting song, ' o l l ' o l l . Redup. of 'oli. 'Oll'oll'o. Somewhat li'oli'o, dazzling. ' O l l o n a , Orlona. Orion. (Ioba 9.9.) 'Oll'ull'u. Blurred, indistinct. Cf. kBH'uli'u, li'ua. 'Oli'uli'u ke ala e ma'awe nei ( K L line 496), indistinct the path tread here, ' o l i w a , ollva. 1. The olive tree (Olea europaea), from the Mediterranean region, a small tree grown only ornamentally in Hawaii, where it rarely flowers or yields fruit. (Neal 597; Kin. 8.11.) 2. Same as 'oliana, oleander.
o l o h l a . Passive/imperative of olo, 1, 2. o l o h l ' a . 1. T o scoop out, remove. Olohi'a i ka maka, to scoop out the eyes. 2. Similar to holohi'a; to run here and there; rough, as the sea. Fig., in trouble. 'Olohllohl. Same as 'Slohilohi.
«ola o l o m u ' o . Uncircumcised; prepuce or foreskin cut off in circumcision; bud. o l o n a . A native shrub (Touchardia latifolia), with large, ovate, fine-toothed leaves, related to the mamaki. Formerly the bark was valued highly as the source of a strong, durable fiber for fishing nets, for nets (kBkB) to carry containers, and as a base for ti-leaf raincoats and feather capes. Cord of olona fiber; flax (Sol. 31.13). hemp, linen: muscle, ligament, sinew (Kol. 2.19). Olona i hilo 'ia (Puk. 28.15), fine twirled linen, oloolo, olGIo. 1. Redup. of olo, 1, i; to saw back and forth. 2. Long and narrow, as a head; elongated, oval. 3. A variety of watermelon. 4. Rough, as the surface of a washboard, 'olo'olo. 1. Redup. of 'olo, 2; to hang too low, as a petticoat; to hang loose and long. WaW 'olo'olo, sagging breasts. 2. To overflow, flood, as streams. 3. To loiter, lag. 'Olo'olo aku no i hope, ku i ke a'u (saying), lagging behind, struck by a swordflsh. hO'oIo'olo. To delay, cause to loiter.
olotalo. To move quickly, as a gust of wind. Rare. o l o h l ' o . To cultivate, weed. Obs. ' o l o h O . Same as 'ulu maika. (For. 4:259.) ' o l o h u a . Same as hua pBpolo, fruit of the pòpolo. o l o i . To rub, grate; to run aground; to run over. Obs. o l o ' i o . To move swiftly. Ke olo'io nei no poka kila, the steel bullets dart swiftly, ' o l o k a . To shake, as flesh of a fat person. Obs. ' o l o k a ' a . 1. To roll along, as a wheel; to remove; to transfer, as a debt. Cf. pauku 'oloka'a. Ua 'a uahi Puna, 'o ka 'oloka a pòhaku 'ia i ka hOna pa'a 'ia e ka Wahine (PH 34), Puna burns and smokes, rocks roll over it and it is buried solidly by the Woman. 2. Stake to which a live rat was tied as a decoy in an owl-catching trap. Obs. olo k a n l . To sound. Ka nakolo o na pù, kBwelo na hae, olo kani na pele, hone ana na pita (name song for Kalakaua), guns rumbled, flags fluttered, bells pealed, and stringed instruments played sweetly, o l o k e . Clamorous, incoherent, excited in speech or sound. Cf. holoki. Oloki, olooloke, pi'oloke ka leo o ka palila, agitated, agitating, frightened the cry or the palila bird, ' o l o k e ' a . Cross, gibbet, gallows (Eset. 5.14), scaffolding; ladder made of sticks tied horizontally; crisscross, crossed; bones of a corpse buried with knees tied to breast. Fig., contrary, antagonistic. Ua hana na kamana i mau 'oloke'a la'au a puni ka hale pele, the carpenters built a wooden scaffolding around the belfry. hO'olok e ' a . To crisscross; to cross. Trans. o l o k e l e . Same as 'i'iwi, honey creeper. Kauai. ' o l o k e l e . Bog, swamp. olokele-hOkl'l. Same as olokele-pBpolo. olokele-pOpolo. Immature olokele bird. Also olokele-hdki'i. o l o k l k l . To slide, skid; to saw, rub fast. Obs. 'olokfl. Same as the more common 'o'oloka. 'OlokU wale i ka pilikia, disturbed by trouble, 'ololft. 1. Broad. Obs. Cf. 'ololi. Hanau kane ia ivai 'ololi, 'o ka wahine id wai 'olold ( K L line 34), man is born for narrow stream, woman for broad stream. 2 . A small flying fish resembling the puhiki'i. ' o l o l a l k l . All right. Eng. o l o l a n l . Acclaimed, as a chief, 'ololi. Narrow. For example see 'olola. He ala 'ololi ko na kahuna (saying), priests have a narrow path. 'GIolllolI. Somewhat soggy, as taro. olOlo. Var. spelling of oloolo. •ololfl. 1. Dejected, downcast. Obs. 2. (Cap.) Name of a star (no data),
' o l o ' o l o k a . Redup. of 'oloka. ' o l o ' o l o k a ' a . Redup. of 'oloka'a. olooloke. Redup. of oloke. oloolonft. Redup. of olo nil; fibrous, tough; cords, muscle, ligaments. 'olo'olOna. Sagging under a weight, overladen, loaded down; a burden. 'O ka'u 'olo'olBna kHa t kauoha 'ia mai ai, this is the load required of nie. 'olo'olo wftwae. Calf of the leg. 'olopft. Same as 'ulupa. 'olopala. Old fellow. Eng. Ho'okolohe lua nei mau 'olopala, these old fellows are very, very mischievous, olo p a p a . T o saw wood. olopfi. Falling; ruin, overthrow, demolition, humiliation; to overthrow, fall. Rare. 'Olopelope. Larvae of dragonfly, 'olopl. Same as pVao, 1. Obs. olo p l h e . To cry out, shout, wall. 'olopO. 1. Inflated, billowed out, as a sail in the wind; puffed out, as cheeks of one eating: blistered, as hands from work. hO'oIopQ. T o dilate, inflate, blister. 2. A native shrubby violet (Viola chamissiona variety), o l o p u a . 1. A large native tree (Osmanthus sandwicensis), to 60 feet high, in the olive family. I t bears narrow or oblong leaves, yellowish flowers, and blue, half-inch-long fruits. The hard wood, dark-brown with black streaks, was used for spears, adze handles, and digging sticks for cultivating the soil. Also called vua, ulu-pua. (Neal 596.) 2. Lovelorn, heartbroken. Obs. (Laie 521.) olo'Q. To strike, as the forehead. Obs. ' o l o u h a . Overstuffed with food, an insulting epithet. Lit., sagging Intestine, olowft. Space. Obs. ' o l o w a ' a . Var. of holowa'a. Ka 'olowa'a 'auwai o Roma, the water aqueduct of Rome, •olo wae. Calf of the leg. o l o w a h l a . Pawehe m a t p a t t e r n l i s t e d by Brigham. 'olo wal. Gourd water container, olowalu, o l o a l u . 1. Joint action; simultaneous sounds; din of many voices, sounds, as of horns or roosters; to rush or attack In concert. Cf. makawalu, -walu. Olowalu a'ela na moa, the cocks crowed. Ka 'alo 'ana o ke olowalu ihe (For. 4:269), dodging the onslaught of spears. 2. Storehouse, as for chief's property. Obs. olowl. Rare var. of ololi. ' o l u . Cool, refreshing; soft, 6upple, flexible, pliant, elastic, slack, springy; pleasant, comfortable; polite, kind, courteous; coolness; softness, slackness; comfort, amenities; courtesy, kindness. Cf. 'olu'olu. Ka 'olu o ka noho 'ana (Kep.
'olomaua. Old man. Eng.
o l o n i a ' o . Lanai thrush (Phaeornis obscura lanaiensis), and Molokai thrush (Phaeornis obscura rutha). o l o m e a . 1. A native shrub or small tree (Perrottetta sandwicensis) with ovate, red-veined leaves, and many tiny greenish flowers and red fruits borne in panicles. The wood is hard and formerly was used with soft hau wood to produce fire by rubbing. I t is one of the plant forms of the pig god Kama-pua'a. (Neal 464.) Also called wai-mea. 2. Brown, with darker stripes or spots, of pig or dog. 3. Kind of wauke tapa dyed with 'Bhi'a bark, hBlei, and coconut water. Obs. o l o m e h a n l . Dumping ground, refuse dump. (For. 6:373.) Obs. ' o l o m c k a , o l o m e d a . Old maid. Eng.
'olomeae. Old man. Eng.
o l o m l o . Tapering, narrowing; to start to form a crust, as a wound; to go quickly, vanish, ' o l o m u a . Foreskin (Ier. 4.4; changed to 'Bmaka in later editions of the Bible).
' o l u ' O m a m a k a . Same as 'Omakamaka. bo'Omam a k a . Causative/simulative, ' o m a m a l e . Same as 'Omale. ' o m a m a l u . R e d u p . of 'Omalu. ' O m a ' o . 1. Green, as plants. 2. A bundle wrapped in green leaves, as of ti, for carrying food. Obs. 3. Hawaii t h r u s h (Phaeornis obscura obscura). Known on Kauai as kama'o. 4. Greenish t a p a . 5. Rare var. of 'ome'o, 2. 6. {Cap.) N a m e of a star (no d a t a ) . ' o m a ' o m a . R e d u p . of 'oma, 2. h O ' o m a ' o m a . T o cause to open t h e m o u t h , speak, etc. HO'oma'oma i ka waha, t o open t h e m o u t h ; t o work t h e m o u t h b u t n o t sing with others, t o pretend to sing. ' G m a ' o m a ' o . 1. R e d u p . of 'Oma'o, 1; an emerald (Puk. 28.18). h o ' O m a ' o m a ' o . T o m a k e green, paint green. 2. N a m e of a seaweed, ' o m a ' o m a ' o - m a e - w a l e . N a m e of a seaweed. Lit., green t h a t fades easily, ' o m a P u k l k l . Dome-shaped cement or s t o n e outdoor oven, as used b y t h e Portuguese (Pukiki) for bread. ' O m a u . 1. T o pin on, f a s t e n (same as 'Omou)\ t o gird or bind on, as a sword (Lunk. 3.16); t o tuck in, as a sarong; t o sew or b a s t e t o g e t h e r ; a doubling over, t u c k ; loom. Ua 'oki mai 'oia ia'u mai ka 'Omau 'ana (Isa. 38.12), he cuts me off f r o m t h e loom. 2 . A barbless fish hook. Cf. mau, t o hold fast. 3. A brief love affair; t o have such an affair. Obs. ' O m e a . 1. Reddish; m u r k y . Ua 'Omea 'ia ke kuahiwi (For. 6;369), t h e hills are reddish. 2. Beloved, respected person. Ua hehi ka la ia Hawai'i, he 'Omea Pele na Hi'i-aka (prayer), t h e sun has trod upon Hawaii, Pele is loved of Hi'i-aka. 3. T o sun. E 'Omea aku i ka moena, p u t t h e m a t in t h e sun. 4. Same as 'duli. Obs. ' O m e a - l a n l . Variety of sweet potato. ' O m e a m e a . R e d u p . of 'omea, 1. ' o m e k a , o m e g a . Omega. (Hoik. 1.8.) • o m e l a , o m e r a . Omer. (Puk. 16.16.) ' O m e ' o . 1. T o b u d ; t o unfold, as a blossom; t o come into view; to sprout. Cf. me'o, 2. 2. S a m e as me'o, nagging. ' O m e ' o m e ' o . R e d u p . of 'ome'o. ' o m l . T o wither, droop; to burn weakly, as a candle. Cf. homi. ' O m l k o . Saline, salty, as soil near t h e sea. Cf. miko, 1.
97), t h e amenities of life. 'Olu kona kino i ka hula, her body is supple in t h e hula. h O ' o l u . T o m a k e soft, limber, pleasant, cool, comfortable; to comfort, please, satisfy, pacify. ' 0 1 0 . Soft-shelled, as of a crab ( p a p a ' i ) or lobster (ula). o l u a . Same as mana, 5. a fern. ' o l u a . You two. Ko 'olua, yours (of two). ' O l f l ' a u . Short for 'ao lu'au. ' O l u e a . To slacken, ease. Fig., mental relaxation. h O ' o l u e a . To slack. Trans. HO'oluea Maunakapu a ha'aha'a, a laila 'oe 'ike i ka nani o Puna (chant for Kaumu-ali'i), ease and lower t h e m o u n t of taboo, t h e n appreciate t h e b e a u t y of Puna. • o l u - ' E k e l o a - h o ' o k a ' a - m o c n a . G u a r d i a n of t h e sleeping place of t h e high chief or chiefess (said t o be an expert lua fighter and of t h e s a m e sex as t h e chief or chiefess). Lit., 'Ekeloa breeze coolness t h a t rolls mats. Cf. 'ohene. ' O l u h e l u h e . Sagging, drooping, as a potbelly; limp, flabby; soft, as a crab t h a t has shed its shell. h o ' O l u h e l u h e . T o cause limpness, etc. ' O l u l e l u l e . Same as lulelule. Cf. hOlu'.e. ' O l u l e l u l e a . Passive/imporative of 'Olulelule. «Olulo. X. C a s t a w a y ; shipwrecked; storm-beset a t sea. 2. Similar to holu and 'olu, soft. 3. Gourd container, as for bamboo s t a m p s used for marking tapas. 4. Statue, figure, idol. (AP.) ' O l u l o l u l o . Var. of '0lulelule. '01Q1Q. T o shake (lulQ) with f a t ; one who so jiggles. ' o l u ' o l u . Redup. of 'olu; please. E 'olu'olu 'oe e hele mai, please come here; lit., be kind t o come here. E 'olu'olu 'oe i ko'u mana'o, please do me a favor. Ke noi aku nei au i kou 'olu'olu, I a m asking a favor of you. E 'olu'olu i ka mea i loa'a, be satisfied with w h a t you have got. h O ' o l u ' o l u . R e d u p . of hO'olu; to retire to rest, to seek rest ¡ p a r a d e rest, a t ease (military comm a n d s ) . E ho'olu'olu mai i ko 'oukou mau na'au (2 Tes. 2.17), comfort your hearts. ' O l Q p a l a b a . Cowrie shell used as a squid lure, o m a . 1. T o strike with t h e h a n d s and arms, as in swimming. 06s. 2. High officer of t h e king. 06s. 3 . Variety of mahimahi, a fish (no d a t a ) , ' o m a , 1. Oven, baking p a n ; t o roast; roasted. Fig., sacrificial victim. PelehU 'oma, roast t u r k e y . 2. T o open t h e mouth, as t h o u g h to speak, or as a child a b o u t to nurse at t h e b r e a s t ; t o ask indirectly. 06s. 3 . F e m a l e mahimahi fish. ' O m a ' l . Sickly, weak, ailing, n o t well. ' O m a ' l m a ' l . R e d u p . of 'Oma'i. ' O m a k a . 1. Budding; beginning; source,_as of a s t r e a m ; to leaf out or b u d ; to nip off. 'Omaka a'ela ka huli, 'omaka pu noho'i ka nahele (Kep. 153), t h e taro top leafs out, t h e plants too leaf out. 2. Nipple. Ka pepe 'ana o kou mau 'omaka (Ezek. 23.21), t h e crushing of your breasts. 3 . Foreskin. (Ier. 4.4.) 4. Hilo n a m e for t h e makiawa, herring. 5. A fish (Slethojulis axillaris). ' o m a k a h a . See nohu-'omakaha. ' O m a k a m a k a . R e d u p . of 'Omaka, 1; to leaf o u t or bud afresh. ' O m a k a - o - k a ' I l l o . Stroke in lua fighting. ' O m a k a w a l . S t r e a m source. ' O m a k a w a l f i . First liquid in t h e breast before t h e milk begins t o flow. ' O m a l e . Same as male, t h e young uhu, a fish. ' O m a l e m a l e . Same as 'Omale. ' O m a l i . Weak, infirm, p u n y , shriveling, wilting, as of unripe f r u i t . ' o m a l i O . Broad, extended, as l a n d ; a wide a t h letic field of ancient times. 06s. ' O m a l u . Cloudy, overcast, s h a d y . h o ' O m a l u . T o cast a heavy shade; overcast. ' G m a l u m a l u . R e d u p . of 'omalu. ho'Omalum a l u . R e d u p . of ho omalu.
' O m i l o . T o twist, t u r n , drill, curl; t o shape, as a canoe hull; t o taper, as a b a b y ' s lingers by rolling t h e tips between t h u m b and index finger; to spin, as t h r e a d ; to produce abortion, destroy. Cf. milo, 2. ' O m l l o m t l o . R e d u p . of 'omilo. ' O m l l u . 1. Kind of ulua, a fish, probably Carangoides ferdau, C. gymnostethoides, C. ajax. 2. A trifle, mere nothing. 'A'ohe 'ano o ia mea, he 'Omilu, this thing has no significance, it's a mere trifle. ' O m l l u m i l u . Same as 'omilu. ' O m l m l . R e d u p . of 'omi. ' o m l m l n o . R e d u p . of 'Omino. ' o m l m o . N a k e d , n u d e . Obs. ' O m i n o . Wrinkled, withered, shriveled, s t u n t e d ; sickly and c o n s t a n t l y crying, as an unhealthy child. ' O m l n o m l n o . R e d u p . of 'Omino. ' O m l o m l o . Same as olomio. o m o . 1. T o suck; suckling; t o evaporate, as water; suction tube, r u b b e r nipple. Keiki omo waiu (Nah. 11.12), suckling child. 'Hi omo wai, suction t u b e ; lit., hose sucking water. 2. Sport of leaping f r o m heights into water without a splash; t o leap thus. 3. Remora, sucking flsh. ( K L line 155.) 4. Gourd, as used for a container. 5. Same as a'.aia, t y p e of s u r f b o a r d . Obs. ' o m o . Lid, cover, plug, cork, as of a calabash; l a m p chimney.
oni o m O h i . Tapa design. Cf. mOhS, migratory duck.
' O n a l u n a l u . S o m e w h a t rough, as t h e sea; to be forming waves of some size, ' o n a m a u . C o n s t a n t l y d r u n k , alcoholic, ' o n a m i l i o n a . Millionaire. Lit., owner of a million. Eng. o n a m o a . Chicken lice or mites, ' o n a n a . Weak, a w k w a r d , unskilled. Cf. 'Inana, klnana. o n a o n a . Softly f r a g r a n t ; s o f t f r a g r a n c e or perf u m e ; gentle and sweet, as t h e eyes or disposition; inviting, a t t r a c t i v e , alluring. Kole maka onaona, sweet-eyed kole (a fish), [said of a person with alluring eyes). n o ' O n a o n a . T o imp a r t f r a g r a n c e ; a t t r a c t i v e , sweet, alluring. HoBnaona i ka i'a, to a t t r a c t fish, as with t h e melomelo, baited stick. Ho'onaona ho'i na maka o keia keiki, w h a t a t t r a c t i v e , sweet eyes this boy has. ' o n a ' o n a . 1. F a i n t , dizzy, p u n c h - d r u n k . h O ' o n a ' o n a . T o cause intoxication or dizziness, to feign intoxication or dizziness; intoxicating. 2. Bad-smelling, as s t a g n a n t water; unpalatable. o n a o n a - I f t p a n a . S a m e as 'ala-aumoe and kupaoa, t h e night cestrum. Lit., J a p a n fragrance, ' o n a u l u l o a . A wave of great length and endurance. (UL 35.) ' o n a w a l l . Same as 'owali, weak, ' o n a w a l i w a l l . R e d u p . of 'onawali. o n e . Sand; s a n d y ; silt: poetic n a m e for land (cf. one hanau). One maka, wet sand. Ke one 'ai ali'i o Ka-kuhihewa, t h e chief-destroying sands of K a - k u h i h e w a [said of Oahu because of t h e prophecy m a d e by K a ' o p u l u p u l u a b o u t t h e d e a t h of t h e Oahu chiefs upon t h e coming of foreigners]. h o ' G n e . Pumice; t o r u b a n d polish with sand. ' O n e a . Same as nea, desolate. h o ' O n e a . To cause desolation; t o desolate. o n e ' 3 . Afllicted. I ka hiki 'ana mai o ke kolela, ho'okahi helena o ko makou one'a, when t h e cholera came, all a t once we were all afflicted, o n e 'ft. Sand made of ' a ' a lava; volcanic cinder; gun powder. Lauahi Pele i kai o Puna, one 'a kai o Malama (chant), Pele swept her m a n y fires down to P u n a ; seaward of M a l a m a is a cinder heap. ' O n e a n e a . R e d u p . of 'onea. h o ' O l i e a n c a . R e d u p . of ho'onea. o n e h a h l . M e n s t r u a l blood. Obs. o n e h a l l . 1. Sand carried a w a y by t h e sea. 2. (Cap.) N a m e of a K a u a i wind, o n e h i n a u . Birthplace. E Hawai'i e, ku'u one hanau e, ku'u home kulaiwi nei (song by L. Lyons), O Hawaii, sands of m y birth, m y own n a t i v e home, ' o n e h e n e h e . S a m e as nehenehe. ' o n e ' l . Here; local. Ko 'one'i keiki, t h e loca people, ' o n e k i . Deck. Eng. O n e - l a u ' e n a . Legendary homeland of t h e god Kane, a land of plenty, o n e m i m l k i . Quicksand, o n e n a . S a n d y ; pale. Obs. ' O n e n e . l . F r e t f u l , fussy. Cf. ne. h o ' f i i i g n e . Causative/simulative. 2. R a r e var. of nune, speculation. o n e o n e . 1. Sandy, g r i t t y , grainy. 2. N a m e of a seaweed. o n e o n e - l - l i o n u a . N a m e of a death-bringing prayer. o n e p o h O . Quicksand, o n e ' u l a . Vast, great, w i t h o u t bounds, o n e w a l . Sand near outlet of fresh-water springs; pokipoki, sand crabs, a r e said t o be f o u n d here, o n l . T o appear, reach o u t to, j u t out. Hala a'e ka lae o Kala'au, oni ana Moloka'i mamua (name c h a n t of K a m e h a m e h a V), [as we] pass K a l a ' a u point , Molokai a p p e a r s ahead.
' O m o h e m o h e . Same as 'Smolemole. ' o m o I p u k u k u l . L a m p chimney.
o m o k l . var. of omo, 1, 2.
' o m o k l . Var. of 'umoki, stopper. o m o k o k o . Bloodsucker, leech; t o suck blood. ' O m o l e . l . Bottle. 'Omole 'aila, cruse of oil. 2. Bare, smooth, hairless. ' O m o l e h S n a l w a i f l . Nursing bottle. ' G m o l e m o l e . R e d u p . of 'omole, 2. Kukui 'Bmolemole, a kukui n u t finished for a lei, b u t s m o o t h a n d without design, less choice t h a n t h e ioio or 'opaka. o m o l l u . Ship's p u m p ; to suck u p bilge, o m o o m o , o m o m o . R e d u p . of omo, 1. ' o m o ' o m o . Loaf; a n y long, oval body, as balls of arrowroot; a mould or moulded thing, as a d o b e bricks. h O ' o m o ' o m o . T o mould, shape. Hana ihola 'o Ku, 'o Kane, 'o Lono i ka lepo kele, ho'omo'omo ihola a pa'a (Kep. 33), Ku, Kane, Lono m a d e m u d d y e a r t h , moulded it firm. ' O m o ' o m o ' o . Same as 'omo'omo-, ridge, crest, as of mountains, ' o m o ' o m o p a l a o a . Loaf of bread. ' O m o ' o m o u . R e d u p . of 'Omou. ' O m o u . To pin on, fasten securely, as a brooch. Kahi 'dmou, c o m b t o hold t h e hair in place or for o r n a m e n t a t i o n . Kui 'omou, stick pin, comm o n pin. Pine 'omou, brooch. Pua 'omou, corsage. h o ' O m o u . T o cause t o pin, t o pin, to pretend to pin. o m o w a i Q . Nipple for a milk b o t t l e ; to suck a nipple. - ' o m u . (With ho-) h O ' o m u . A dish for fish. Obs. ' o m u a . Whiplash used to t h r o w a ke'a, d a r t , as of olona fiber. ' O m u ' a . Var. of '5mu'o. ' O m u ' a m u ' a . R e d u p . of 'omu'a. ' O m u ' e . Bitter. ' O m u ' e m u ' e . R e d u p . of 'omu'e. ' O m u k u . S t u m p , projection, pommel of a saddle; to project; to c u t off short. ' O m u ' o . Bud, budding; to have b u d s ; to nip off, as a leaf hud; t o circumcise; t o bring to a point; to be cut off, stopped; s h a r p e n e d . See mu'o, mu'omu'o. 'Omu'o 'ia a'e ia hana i ka wa kupono loa, t h a t project was nipped in t h e b u d a t t h e proper time. ' O m u ' o m u ' o . R e d u p . of 'omu'o-, tapering off, dying. Ke ulu 'omu'omu'o nei ke ko, t h e cane growth is petering out. ' G m u ' u . Var. of omu'o. o n a . 1. Mite, louse. 2. I n f a t u a t e d , a t t r a c t e d . Cf. onaona. Eia mai au 'o Makalei, la'au ona mau 'ia e ka i'a, here a m I, Makalei, wood always a t t r a c t i v e t o fish. No ke aha la e ona 'oe? (Sol. 5.20). Why should you be i n f a t u a t e d ? 3. For ona in t h e idiom ua ona o (uaonao) see uaonao. 4. His, hers, its (zero-class possessive; see G r a m . 9.4 ). S. A, some (used idiomatically). Lawe mai i puke, i pepa, a me ona mau peni, bring books, paper, and also some pencils, ' o n a . 1. D r u n k , dizzy and u n s t e a d y ; intoxicating; intoxication. Wai 'ona, intoxicating liquor. Mea 'ona, drug, intoxicant, narcotic. h G ' o n a . Intoxicating. See more c o m m o n ho'ona'ona. 2* Owner. Eng. Cf. 'ona miliona. ' O n a h a . Bowlegged, bent over, stooped, bent, arched; curved, as t h e moon; pigeon-toed, h o ' G n a h a . T o cause t o be stooped, bent, bowlegged; to i m i t a t e t h e walk of a bowlegged person. ' G n a h a n a h a . R e d u p . of 'Bnaha. O n a h a n a h a l a t l a . Fertile spot in a l a v a bed. Obs. ' o n a k a k a . S a m e as nakaka. ( P H 34.) ' o n a l a m a . D r u n k on r u m or a n y alcoholic liquor; drunkenness; alcoholic.
' o n i 'Onohi. 1. The eyeball; centeV; setting, as_of a ring. Fig., eyes. For example seei hehelo. 'Onohi kaimana, set diamond. 'Onohi kau maka, beloved one; lit., eyeball placed In the eye. Kahi mea iaia ka 'Bnoni o ka pahu hula, the one who has the central [role] among hula drummers. He pa'akai poepoe li'ili'i, he 'Bnohi awa ka inoa, small round-grained salt is called mllkflsh eyeball. 2 . Patch or fragment of a rainbow. (Lale 351.) ' O n o h l a l ' a . Cataract of the eye. Lit., eyeball like fish, so called because of alleged similarity of a cataract to a fish eye. 'Onohl-awa. Black moss found in fresh water (no data). Lit., eyeball of the fish, awa. 'Onohl-ka'i-'ole-pohlhlhl-kalawal'a-ok a l a - ' l n o . Hold in lua fighting. Lit., rainbow patch that does not move, puzzling the fisherman on a stormy day. 'Onohlnohl. 1. Same as 'Blohilohi, 'alohilohi. 2. A variety of sweet potato. 'Onohi ' u l a . Red eyeball; red rainbow segment; cloud with red hues of rainbow; variety of red tapa; fig., fury, anger, o n o - m & l a n l . Variety of ono, a fish. 'Ononlnoni. Similar to noninoni, agitated, and 'anoninoni, mixed. For example see wehiwa, ' o n o ' o n o . Redup. of 'ono. hO'ono'ono. T o make tasty, create a desire. HB'ono'ono 'ai, appetizer, condiment, dressing, relish. HB'ono'ono lau 'ai, salad dressing. 'Ono'onou. Redup. of 'onou-, to force upon. Ka ho'opiha 'ia 'ana o na pu me ka pauka a me ka 'Bno onou 'ia 'ana me na 'Bhelo loloa, guns filled with powder rammed in with long ramrods. 'A'ohe ia he kdne na'u i makemake, nana ka 'Bno'onou, he was not the husband I wanted, she forced him on me. h o ' O n o ' o n o u . Causative/simulative, ' o n o u . To shove, push, force into, thrust on; to persuade; to give secretly or underhandedly; to offer in secret. Piha 'onou, full to the cramming point. Ua 'onou 'oia i ka pepa i ku'u lima, he thrust the paper into my hand. 'Onou ihola ka huli (Kep. 153), to shove in the taro shoots. hO'onou. Causative/simulative. ' o n o ' O . Same as the bird, 'B'a. ' o n o u p o ' o . T o shove or push into something headlong, regardless of consequence. Lit., shove head. ' o n o wai. Thirsty; to crave water. Ontl. A swelling, protuberance, hill; rising of the surface; bucking: erection of the male member; to swell. Pipi BnU, bucking cow. ho'OnQ. T o cause to swell, expand. Ho'BnU a'ela ka 'ale o ke kai, the billow of the sea was swollen. ' O n u h e n u h e . Tainted, unsavory. ' O n u h e n u h e a . Passive/imperative of 'Bnuhenuhe. He 'Bnuhenuhea kahi mea haole (Kep. 161), white man's things [food] are unsavory, o ' o . Matured, ripe, as fruit; of mature age; to mature, as fruit: an adult human; a promissory note; to ripen. Cf. o'o 'ole. Moloka i pule o'o, Molokal of the potent prayers [figurative reference to Molokai's fame in sorcery], 'O'O. T o crow, as a rooster. Komo ka 'uhane a loko o ke kino, a ka umauma, a ka pu'u. 'o'B moa a'ela 'o Kawelu (For. 5:189), the soul entered within the body, up to the chest, to the throat, and then Kawelu crowed like a chicken. 'O'O. 1. Redup. of 'S, 1; to pierce, poke, put in, insert; to pierce the foetus in the womb with a sharp instrument in order to practice infanticide; to cut, as to let blood; to hurl, as a spear. Lele 'B'B, to leap into the water feet first, without splashing. 'O'B he'e pali (Kep. 103), to poke out tiny octopuses from cracks. hO'O'0. To Insert, put in. pierce, cause to pierce. 2. Digging stick, digging implement, spade. 3. A black honey eater (Acrulocercus nobilis), with yellow feathers in a tuft under each wing, which were used for featherwork; endemic to island of Hawaii, now extinct. Acrulocercus bishopi, endemic to Molo-
' o n l . 1. To move, stir, shift, fidget; to take to court, as land matters; movement, motion; moving. 'Oni a puhi, to squirm like an eel. Ua 'oni ke keiki, the child has moved (the foetusl. E 'oni ana no keiki i ka 'aina o ka makua kSne, the children are taking the matter of the father's land to court. hO'onl. T o bestir, cause to move, shake, disturb. Mai noho 'oe a hB'oni i ka wax ua lana malie (hula chant), do not stay to disturb the water floating peacefully. He mo'olelo hB'oni pu'uwai, a heart-stirring story. 2 . Spirals of several colors in composite leis. ' o n l a . Passive/imperative of 'oni. ' o n l h i l e h u a . A mother-of-pearl lure that was said to catch fish by day or by night without fail. 'Oulhlnlhl. Small taro shoots, as of the fourth generation. (Kep. 153). See kalo for names of generations. 'Onlho. Toothed, sharp-edged, tooth-edged. ' O n l h o n l h o . 1. Redup. of 'Bniho. 2 . Variety of 'ulae. lizard fish, ' o n i k a . Onyx. (Kin. 2.12.) 'Onlki. 1. A pinch, bit, as of Wau (taro tops); to pinch off. 2. Flat, smooth, level. Obs. 'Onlklnikt. Redup. of 'Bniki, 1, 2. ' o n l n a . Moving, etc. See 'oni. ' O n l n a n l n a . Yielding, soft, as fat cheeks. Cf. Una, nina, papalina. 'Onlnl. 1. A slight breeze, puff of wind; to gasp for breath, blow softly, blink. Na ka '5nini ¡Skou e lawe aku (Isa. 57.13), a breath will take them away. 2. Similar to hulili, dazzling; vibration. 3. A kind of surfboard difficult to manage, used by experts. Obs. ' o n l n l h l . Same as 'Bnihinihi. ' o n l n l n l . T o pick at food with no appetite, as would a sickly child. Cf. minole. 'Onlno. Var. of '5lino, 1. ' O n l n o n l n o . Redup. of 'Bnino. 'Onl'o. Spotted, streaked with various colors, as a pig, or as tapa prints. ho'Onl'o. To spot or print with colors, as tapa. o n l o n l . Redup. of oni. Pu'u-onioni (place name), extending hill, ' o n l ' o n l . Redup. of 'oni. Ki'i 'oni'oni, moving picture, movie. h O ' o n l ' o n l . Redup. of hB'oni. ' O n l ' o n l ' o . Redup. of 'dni'o: embroidered (Biblical). hO'Onl'onl'o. Causative/simulative. E ho'Bni'oni'o 'oe i ka palule olonS . . . a e hana 'oe i ke kB'ei, he hurnuhumu 'Bni'oni'o (Puk. 28.39), you shall weave the coat in checkerwork of fine linen . . . and shall make a girdle embroidered with needlework, ' o n l p a ' a . Fixed, immovable, steadfast, established, firm (this was the motto of Kamehameha V and of Lili'u-o-kalani). Lit., fixed movement. For example see makehia. h O ' o n l p a ' a . To fix, establish firmly. E hB'onipa'a loa wau ia 'oukou (Ier. 42.10), I will plant you securely. 'Onlu. 1. A spinning top; to spin a top; informal game with dancing and top spinning; spinning, whirling. Ke 'ala 'Bniu, dizzy fragrance, h o * 'Onlu. T o spin, as a top: to cause to whirl. Ua ho'Bniu aku 'oia i kona hoa hulahula, he whirled his dancing partner. 2. See 'ami 'Bniu, a hula step. 3 . To set, as type. 'Oniu huaklpau, to set type. 4. Coconut-husking stick, o n o . 1. Large mackerel type fish (Acanthocybium solandri), to five or six feet in length; choice eating. Known in Florida and the West Indies as the wahoo. 2. Six; sixth. (PPN ono, P M P enem.) ' o n o . Delicious, tasty, savory; to relish, crave; deliciousness, savor. Cf. mea'ono. 'Ono ka pu'u, tasty to the palate; lit., the throat craves. He 'ono 'i'o no (song), how delicious. Ho'omanawanui i ka 'ono, wait patiently and you'll have what you crave. Hana 'ia maila ka wai a 'ono (Puk. 15.25). the waters were made sweet. hO'ono. T o tempt the appetite; to make tasty.
' o ' o p u - n a k e a k a i , possibly also e x t i n c t . Acrulocercus apicalii, t h e e x t i n c t O a h u species. T h e K a u a i species w a s c a l l e d 'B'B-'S'a. 4 . A t y p e of fish, p e r h a p s a s w o r d f l s h . ( K L 166.) ' O ' O - ' S ' J l . T h e K a u a i species of 'B'B, h o n e y e a t e r (Acrulocercus braccatus); on H a w a i i , said t o b e t h e n a m e for t h e m a l e '5'fl. Lit., d w a r f 'B'B. ' O ' O a h l . l . R e d u p . of '5ahi. 2 . F i r e p o k e r or s h o v e l ; t o p o k e t h e fire, ' o ' o ' e . R e d u p . of 'o'e. Rare. 'O'O h a l o . H a r r o w . Lit., h a r r o w {Eng.) digging implement. 'O'O h a o . I r o n tool for digging, plow. 'O'O h o u . Plow. Lit., new d i g g i n g i m p l e m e n t , or p o k i n g , digging i m p l e m e n t , ' o ' o h u . S t o o p - s h o u l d e r e d , b e n t , a s w i t h age. h O ' o ' o h u . To walk stooped; to cause to stoop; to imitate a stooped person. ' O ' O h f l . R e d u p . of '8hu, swelling, ' o ' o t . 1. R e d u p . of 'oi; p r i c k l y ; sting, a s of s c o r p i o n s (Hoik. 9.10); t o p r o t r u d e , as eyelashes. Nahele 'o'oi (2 S a m . 23.6), t h o r n s . 2 . A n Inedible seaweed. Also called popohe-makali'i. 'O'O I h e . T o hurl s p e a r s ; s p o r t of s p e a r t h r o w i n g , ' o ' o k l . R e d u p . of 'oki. 'O'oki maila ka 'ona o ka 'awa (For. 4:197), t h e i n t o x i c a t i o n of t h e k a v a w a s felt. 'O'O k o p e . A r a k e ; t o r a k e . Lit., s c r a t c h i n g digging Implement. ' O ' O k Q p I p I . A n a m e f o r t h e f e m a l e 'S'S. h o n e y e a t e r . Hawaii. • o ' o l S . 1. S h o r t f o r 'o'olapU. 2 . S a m e as 'o'olold, y o u n g of fish. ' o ' o l a p O . R a r e v a r . of 'olopO, I n f l a t e d ,
o ' o ' o l e . I m m a t u r e ; minor. • o ' o ' o ' O . S a m e a s 'o'o'O. ' o ' o p a . L a m e , c r i p p l e d ; a cripple, l a m e p e r s o n ; t o l i m p , b e l a m e . Ua 'o'opa ma kona mau wBwae (2 S a m . 4.4), h e w a s crippled in his feet. h O ' o ' o p a . T o c a u s e l a m e n e s s , t o feign l a m e n e s s . 'O'O p M a h a l a h a . T r o w e l . Lit., flat digging Instrument. 'O'O p a l a u . A p l o w ; t o plow. Lit., plow {Eng.) digging i m p l e m e n t . E ku'i lakou i ko lakou mau pahi kaua i 'B'o palau (Isa. 2.4), t h e y shall b e a t t h e i r s w o r d s i n t o plowshares. 'O'OpC. S p a d e . Lit., s p a d e {Eng.) digging i m plement. ' o ' o p u . 1. G e n e r a l n a m e f o r fishes i n c l u d e d in t h e f a m i l i e s E l e o t r i d a e a n d G o b i i d a e ; s o m e a r e in salt w a t e r n e a r t h e shore, o t h e r s in f r e s h w a t e r , a n d s o m e said t o be in e i t h e r f r e s h or s a l t w a t e r . 'O'opu 'ai lehua, poetic d e s c r i p t i o n of 'o'opu f o u n d in u p l a n d s t r e a m s w h e r e lehua flowers d r o p p e d i n t o t h e w a t e r ; lit., fc/iua-eating 'o'opu. 2 . {Cap.) N a m e of a wind a t W a i - h e ' e , M a u l . (For. 5:101.) ' o ' o p u - h a o l e . N a m e f o r black bass, i n t r o d u c e d in 1901. Lit., f o r e i g n 'o'opu. ' o ' o p u - h a p u ' u . A v a r i e t y of l a r g e deep-sea flsh said t o be r e l a t e d t o t h e 'o'opu. Lit., 'o'opu of t h e hapu'upu'u [family], ' o ' o p u - h l ' u - k o l e . A v a r i e t y of f r e s h - w a t e r 'o'opu. Lit., r e d - t a i l e d 'o'opu. I t is believed t h a t t h i s fish d r i v e s o t h e r flsh a w a y , a n d h e n c e m u s t b e t h r o w n o u t of a n e t w i t h a n e x c l a m a t i o n of disgust. ' o ' o p u - h l ' u - ' u l a . Same as 'o'opu-hi'u-kole. ' o ' o p u - h u e . 1 . Swellflshes, puffers, globeflshes {Arothron hispidus a n d o t h e r s ) ; n o t r e l a t e d t o 'o'opu-, t h e s e fish c o n t a i n poison which is somet i m e s r e m o v e d b y t h o s e w h o like t h e flesh, especially t h e J a p a n e s e ; t h e poison is s o m e t i m e s f a t a l . Lit., g o u r d 'o'opu. Also called makimaki. 2 . S t r o n g c o n c o c t i o n m a d e of green g o u r d a n d kukui n u t , used a s e n e m a . ' o ' o p u - k a h a ' I h a ' l . S a m e a s pili-ko'a, a fish, ' o ' o p u - k a t . 1. S a m e a s po'o-pa'a, a flsh. 2 . A n a t i v e v a r i e t y of t a r o , so n a m e d a s t h e leaf s t e m is similar i n coloring t o t h e s a l t - w a t e r 'o'opu ( t h e flsh), being yellow-green w i t h d a r k p u r p l e m a r k i n g s . T h e c o r m s a r e used m a i n l y a s t a b l e t a r o , t h e l e a v e s o f t e n f o r IQ'au. G r o w n chiefly in u p l a n d s of K o n a , H a w a i i . T h e n a m e m a y b e qualified b y t h e colors ke'oke'o a n d 'ula'ula. ' o ' o p u - k a l - n o h u . V a r i e t y of 'o'opu, a flsh. ' o ' o p u - k a n a n i ' o . Var. of 'o'opu kdni'o. ' o ' o p u - k f t n l ' o . A b r a c k i s h - w a t e r 'o'opu. Lit., s t r i p e d 'o'opu. ' o ' o p u - k a u l l a . A v a r i e t y of 'o'opu. ' o ' o p u - k a w a . Same as 'o'opu-hue. ' o ' o p u - k u i . S a m e a s 'o'opu-'umi'umi. Lit., s p i k e d 'o'opu. ' o ' o p u - k u k f i . An introduced fresh-water black flsh w i t h s h a r p spines n e a r t h e gills, said t o h a v e b e e n i n t r o d u c e d f r o m C h i n a . Lit., s p i n y 'o'opu. ' o ' o p u - k u m u - t k i . F e m a l e ndkea v a r i e t y of t h e flsh 'o'opu. Lit., small source 'o'opu. ' o ' o p u - l e ' e . Same as 'o'opu-lehe. ' o ' o p u - l e h e . L a r g e m a l e of t h e nSkea v a r i e t y of o'opu, so called b e c a u s e i t s lip {lehe) is said t o s h o w w h e n it h i d e s in t h e m u d . ' o ' o p u - m A k o l e . A v a r i e t y of 'o'opu. Lit., rede y e d 'o'opu. ' o ' o p u - m a o l l . A v a r i e t y of 'o'opu. Lit., indigenous. ' o ' o p u - m o ' a l a . A v a r i e t y of 'o'opu smaller t h a n t h e kanani'o, p e r h a p s n a m e d f o r t h e mo'ala, a crab. ' o ' o p u - m o a n a . A v a r i e t y of 'o'opu. Lit., ocean, ' o ' o p u - n a k e a . S a m e a s nSkea.
o'ole. Var. spelling of o'o 'ole.
' o ' o l e ' a . H a r d , Btlff, s t r o n g ; h a r d n e s s , s t r e n g t h . Fig., s t r e n u o u s , severe, s t u b b o r n , o b s t i n a t e ; o b s t i n a c y . Lauoho 'o'ole'a ( K e p . 67), c o a r s e hair. 'O'ole'a na lata, s t r o n g of l i m b . 'O'ole'a ke a'a koko, h a r d e n i n g of a r t e r i e s . 'O'ole'a na 'ami, stiff j o i n t s . 'O'ole'a na 'dlelo, h a r s h of speech. 'A'I 'o'ole'a, s t i f f - n e c k e d ; fig., d i s o b e d i e n t , heedless. Hana 'o'ole'a, h a r d p h y s i c a l labor. Ka lokomaika'i a me ka 'o'ole'a o ke Akua ( R o m . 11.22), t h e k i n d n e s s a n d t h e s e v e r i t y of G o d . h O ' o ' o l e ' a . T o h a r d e n (Ezek. 3.8), stiffen, resist. HB'o'ole 'a kino, t o s t r e n g t h e n t h e b o d y , a s w i t h physical exercise, ' o ' o l o h u a . S a m e a s 'olohua. ' o ' o l o k O . Boisterous, s t o r m y , b l u s t e r i n g ; u p s e t , as s t o m a c h ; f u r y , rage. ( K e p . 175.) ' o ' o l o l f t . Y o u n g of fish. Obs. ' o ' o l o l l . R e d u p . of 'oio/I. n a r r o w ,
'o'ololl'l. Var. of 'o'ololl.
' o ' o l o m a ' o . V a r i e t y of b i r d , p e r h a p s t h e ma'o, thrush. ' o ' o l o p Q . R e d u p . of 'olopO; t o c h a n g e , as a p p e a r a n c e . F o r e x a m p l e see kohu, 1. ' o ' o l u . 1. T w o edible, f r a g i l e , red s e a w e e d s (Champia sp. a n d Chondria tenuissima). They m e l t in f r e s h w a t e r , h e n c e m u s t b e c l e a n e d in sea w a t e r . 2 . T h i n , feeble. 3 . R a r e f r e q u e n t a t i v e of 'olu. 4 . A v a r i e t y of t a r o . ' o ' o m a . C o n c a v e ; c o n c a v i t y , s p o u t , gouge, flare of a b o n n e t ; o v a l - s h a p e d chisel; l a r g e s h a r p nose. Cf. papale 'o'oma. KVaha 'o'oma, vase. Kl'aha 'o'oma wai ( L u k a 22.10), p i t c h e r . h O ' o ' o m a . T o shape concavely; to t u r n down the r i m of a h a t on b o t h sides of t h e f a c e so t h a t t h e f r o n t is like t h e flare of a b o n n e t , ' o ' o m a n o h o . L e a t h e r c o v e r i n g of s t i r r u p s . ' O ' O n u i . S a m e a s kuplpl, a fish. ' 0 ' 0 - n u k u - m a . S a m e a s mamo, a bird. Lit., 'B'B w i t h s i p p i n g b e a k , o ' o ' o . X. P a r s i m o n i o u s , c a r e f u l of o n e ' s p r o p e r t y . 2 . A small d i p p e r f o r bailing, a s a c o c o n u t shell. ' o ' o ' O . R e d u p . of 'o'B, t o c r o w .
' o ' o p u - n a p i l i ' o ' o p u - n a p l l l . Same as napili. ' o ' o p u - n O k e a . Same as nBkea. Kauai. ' o ' o p u - n O p l l l . Same as napili. ' o ' o p u - o l a . A stroke In lua fighting; fish was said to be taboo t o those learning the stroke. Lit., alive 'o'opu. ' o ' o p u - p l l l - k o ' a . Same as pili-ko'a (Paracirrhites cinctus). ' o ' o p u - p o ' o - p a ' a . Same as po'o-pa'a, a fish. Lit., hard-headed. ' o ' o p u - p f l h i . A v a r i e t y of 'o'opu. Lit., eel. ' o ' o p u - ' u m l ' u m l . Same as i'a-Pake, an introduced 'o'opu. Lit., bearded 'o'opu. o ' o u . T o hail, halloo. Obs. o ' o u m a m a ' a u w e l e . A fish (Stethojulis albovittata), e v i d e n t l y of the 'Bmaka t y p e , ' o p a . Same as 'o'opa, ma'opa'opa. '0p&. 1. T o press, .squeeze, as in massaging or in working dough. 'Opa pu 'ia ke kanaka mawaena o na ka'a, the man was crushed between the cars. hO'Opa. T o cause t o squeeze. 2. T o ache, as f r o m sitting in a cramped position. hO'Opil. T o cause such aching. ' O p a e . General name f o r shrimp. F o r example see lolena, 2. ' O p a e - h u n a . A shrimp (perhaps one of the Palaemonidae, like Leander sp. or Palaemonella sp.), almost transparent in color, found in brackish ponds. Lit., small shrimp. ' O p a e - h u n e . Same as 'Bpae-huna. ' O p a e - k a l . A n y sea shrimp. ' O p a e - k a k a l a . A spiked shrimp. ' O p a e - k a l a - ' o l e . Species of fresh-water shrimp (perhaps Alyabisulcala or Ortmannia henshawi). A l s o called 'opae-kuahuoi, mountain shrimp, and 'opae-kolo, crawling shrimp. Lit., spineless 6hrimp. ' O p a e - k a p a k a . A shrimp (no d a t a ) . ' O p a e - k o l o . See '3pae-kala-'ole. ' O p a e - k u a h l w l . See 'opae-kala-'ole. '0pae-1010. Brackish-water shrimp (not identified). Lit., stupid shrimp. • O p a e - l u a h l n e . A v a r i e t y of salt-water shrimp. ' O p a e - ' o e h a ' a . C l a w e d shrimp ( M a c r o b r a c h i u m grandimanus), found i n inland streams and taro patches. Lit., crooked-walking shrimp. F o r exa m p l e see 'inana. • O p a e - ' O h u n e . Same as 'dpae-huna. ' O p a e - ' O l u l o . A variety of s o f t ('Blulo) freshwater shrimp. ' O p a e - ' u l a . Small, reddish shrimp (Crangon ven-
' O p a l a p a l a u n u . T r a s h y pebbles. Fig.,
or no account. ' O p a l l p a l l . A place with many precipices; h a v i n g many cliffs, elided, ' o p a ' o p a . R e d u p . of 'opa. ' o p & ' o p a . R e d u p . of 'Opa, 1, 2. ' O p a p a . Smooth, floorlike, as pahoehoe lava. Obs. ' o p S p a l l . Same as 'opalipali. •ope. Bundle; t o tie in a bundle. h O ' o p e . T o tie a bundle. A laila hB'ope 'ia maila a pa'a i ka 'ope. then it was bundled up securely in a bundle. '0p6. Feeble. He 'Bpe wale no ko 'olua hele 'ana, your walk Is quite feeble. ' O p e ' a . 1. T o twist, bind, or cross the hands, as behind the back; t o throw over t h e shoulder, as a shawl; to overturn, o v e r t h r o w ; to evict, as a tenant; t o trip, as with a spear thrust between the legs. Fig., t o deceive, trick, treat treacherously. Ka 'Bpe'a aku i ka mea pono ma ka ho'okolokolo ana (Sol. 18.5), to trip up the righteous man in trial. h o ' O p e ' a . Treacherous, overturning; t o cause to twist, cross, etc. 2. Scrotum. 3. Small b o o m or spar to extend and elevate the sails of a canoe. ' O p e ' a k u a . T o cross the hands behind the back, a gesture considered rude because i t was thought t o bring bad luck t o a fisherman or one beginning a venture. I t signified: " M a y your disappointment be so great as to weigh down your back." ' o p e ' a l u . B a g g y and ill-fltting, as clothes; loose, sagging. Lit., slack bundle. ' O p e ' a - p a n l p a n l . Stroke in lua fighting. ' O p e ' a p e ' a . 1. General name f o r starfish. 2. Bat. Lele 'ope'ape'a, t o fly like a bat, i.e.. t o flutter wings, as would a frightened bird. 3. Half-leaf, said of a taro plant remaining on the stalk a f t e r the t o p half has been removed f o r cooking; so called because its f o r m suggests t h a t of a bat. 4. W i n d o w shutters, Venetian blinds. 6. See iwi 'Bpe'ape'a. 6. C a n o e sails. Obs. ' o p e h a . A n a t i v e fern (Elaphoglossum gorgoneum v a r i e t y ) , a small v a r i e t y of 'ikaha-'ula. ' o p e k a m a , o p e s a m a . Opossum. Eng. 'Opele. 1. Swollen. 2. Protected b y taboo, so named f o r 'Opele, the patron of the flsh 'ama'ama, who lived near K o l e k o l e Pass, W a i - ' a n a e , and who called 'ama'ama by prayer t o certain laces where they would be protected f r o m shermen by t a b o o f o r several months. Obs. •opelepele. R e d u p . of 'Opele, 1. ' O p e l u . 1. Mackerel scad (.Defapterus pinnulatus). F o r example see pepenu. 'Opelu ana, a satisfied (ana) 'Bpelu t h a t has escaped a f t e r eating the bait. 2. A v a r i e t y of taro. ' O p e l u - h a o ' e . A v a r i e t y of taro. ' O p e l u - k & k a l a - l e i . A v a r i e t y of small deepwater 'Bpelu. Lit., R o u g h 'opelu w i t h leis. ' O p e l u - k a l a m o h o . A v a r i e t y of large 'Bpelu. ' O p e l u - k l k f t . Y o u n g stage of 'Bpelu, about t h e length of a finger. Lit., strong 'opelu. ' O p e l u - p a k a . S a m e as 'Bpelu-palahu. ' O p e l u - p a l a h f l . V a r i e t y of 'Bpelu. ' o p e n l , o f e n l . Offense. Eng. F o r example see paha, 6.
trosus), used f o r 'opelu bait. ' O p a h a . Lopsided, flattened on one side, dented, bent in, c a v e d in, misshapen; dent, c a v i t y . h o ' O p a h a . T o make lopsided; misshapen. ' O p a h a p a h a . R e d u p . of 'opaha. h o ' O p a h a p a h a . R e d u p . of ho'opaha. ' O p a ' l p a ' l . 1. T o flap, as wings; t o shake, tremble, as the earth. Fig., feeble. 2. A sea gull ( v e r y rarely seen). ' O p a k a . 1. Cut in e v e n l y - m a t c h e d vertical facets, o f t e n eight, as of a bowl, spittoon, kukui shell in a lei; facet, prism. See 'umeke-'Bpaka. ho' O p a k a . T o cut in 'opaka fashion. 2. M o u n t a i n ravine. ' O p a k a p a k a . 1. Blue snapper: Pristipomoides sieboldii, Pristipomoides microlepis, Aphareus furcatus, A. rutilans;_the f o u r stages of 'opakapaka were 'ukikiki, pakale, 'Bpakapaka, kalekale. 2. R e d u p . of 'opaka, 1. 3. R o u g h , as breadfruit skin; crinkled, as crepe; wrinkled, ' o p a k u m a . Opossum. Eng. ' O p a l a . Trash, rubbish, refuse, litter, g a r b a g e ; litterod. h o ' O p a l a . T o litter, make rubbish, strew, soil, m a k e untidy. ' O p a l a p a l a . Redup. of 'Bpala-, bits of trash and rubbish.
' o p e ' o p e . 1. R e d u p . of 'ope; bundles, baggage; t o fold up, as clothes ( I o a n e 20.7); pillow (Kauai). h O ' o p e ' o p e . Redup. of hB'ope. 2. Same as 'Bpe'a. 'Ope'ope Kohala i ka makani, K o h a l a is buffeted b y the wind, ' o p e ' o p e k a u . Bundle that is hung, as bones of a relative. ' o p l . Fold, crease; wrinkled; bend of a w a v e ; sunken, as the j a w of a toothless person; t o f o l d , crease. Naha ka 'opi wai ( U L 155), t h e stream e m b a n k m e n t broke. 'Opl. 1. R a r e var. of 'upi. 2. Short f o r 'Bpili. 'Opl i ka ua, cramped and chilly because of rain.
' o p u l a u o h o ' O p l h a . Rare var. of 'Bpihapiha. ' O p l h a p l h a . Uncomfortable fullness after overeating; gaseous; somewhat full, as a pool, ' o p i h i . 1. Limpet, any of several species of Hekioniscus. Cl. maka'Bpihi. 2. Salted and dried abalone from the mainland. 3. Design for tapa and mats consisting of small triangles, probably named for the limpet, ' o p l h l - ' & l l n a l l n a . Yellow-meated 'opihi. Lit., scarred 'ovihi. ' o p l h l - ' a w a . Small bitter 'opihi, nonedible, used In sorcery, perhaps hoofshells. Lit., bitter 'opihi. ' o p l h l - k a p u a ' l - U o . L i m p e t , umbrella shell (Helcioniscus exaraius). Lit., horseshoe 'opihi [this name postdated arrival of horses in Hawaii], Called naka-kua-po'i in some areas, ' o p i h i kO'eie. See kB'ele. ' o p i h i m a k a l a Q l l . See makaiauli. ' O p i h l p l h l . 1. A mere trifle, small thing; tiny, trifling, as a flsh or worthless sweet potato. 2. Kind of mat, as used for sails. ' O p i k a n a . Short for 'Opikanalani or 'Opikananu'u. E ka lewa nu'u, e ka lewa lani, ka 'Opikana (For. 5:329), O high atmosphere, O heavenly atmosphere, the faraway place. ' O p i k a n a l a n i . Name of a mythical faraway place, higher than 'Opikananu'u. ' O p i k a n a n u ' u . N a m e of a mythical, faraway place. Cf. 'Opikanalani. 'Opikl. Same as more common 'upiki, trap. ' O p i k l p l k l . Anxiety, mental disturbance; agitated, as the sea. 'Opiko. 1. Same as kBpiko, a native genus of trees. Hawaii. 2. Same as 'Bpikopiko, 1. ' O p i k o p l k o . 1. Spotted, dotted, as with tattoo marks; stained, as by the grip of an octopus tentacle. Cf. 'apikapika. 2. A form of syphilis, in which the skiu is said to be spotted. 'Opili. Cramped or numbed, as by cold or sitting long in one position; aching; clamped together, as leaves of a sensitive plant when touched; a cramp, to d a m p or close together. Cf. 'upili. 'Opili a'ela ia i kona mau wawae maluna o kahi moe (Kin. 49.33). he drew up his feet into the bed. no'Oplli. T o cause a cramp, numbness, etc. 'Opllo. 1. Same as 'opilopilo. 2. Sick, especially when suffering a relapse; breaking out afresh, as a sore. 0&s. 'Opilopilo. 1. Bad-smelling, as stagnant water; a marshy odor; halitosis. 2. Scraps, fragments. Cf. pilo, any kind. 'Opio. Youth, juvenile; young. Cf. pio, 3. Kale 'opio, Charles, junior. ho'Oplo. T o make young, freshen, refresh, rejuvenate; to act young, ' o p t ' o p l . l . Redup. of 'opi; to fold; folding. Moe 'opi'opi, folding cot or bed. Pakaukau 'opi'opi, folding table. 2. A seaweed. 'Opiopio. Young, immature, juvenile; unripe; fresh, as a dress nicely laundered; youth, young person. One 'Bpiopio ( U L 203), clean, newlywashed fresh sand. Ao 'Bpiopio, white cloud. h o ' O p l o p l o . Redup. of ho'Bpio. ' o p l u m a . 1. Opium. Eng. For example see mailo. 2. The Manila tamarind (Pithecellobium dulce), from tropical America, both cultivated and wild in Hawaii. It is a medium-sized tree, a legume, with long slender branches, four-parted leaves, whitish flowers in small round heads, and red, twisted pods. Round, flat, black seeds embedded in white, edible pulp were thought to resemble commercial opium, hence the name. (Neal 349.) ' o p o . T o lay a foundation, as of stones; to dam
'ahu'awa hanau, born in a clump of 'ahu'awa sedge [a humble expression for a birthplace]. 2. T o open, as a flower; to rise, as water; to grow, as a foetus; to sit with knees gathered up. O Ka'ala, kuahiwi mauna kihau, ke BpU maila la i Kama-oha ( P H 100), Ka'ala, mountain hill with cool rain, rising there perhaps at Kamaoha. 3» T o rest, hover, live idly or lazily, exist. 'O ke Bpu wale iho no ka makou (For. 4:171), ours is a bare existence. 'OpQ. Belly, stomach, abdomen, tripe, giblet, gizzard, bladder, crop of a bird (Oihk. 1.16), maw of an animal, womb; disposition. Kai 'BpU, giblet gravy. 'O ku'u 'opU, o ku'u 'BpUl Ua ho'oka'awili 'ia au ma ku'u na'au (Ier. 4.19), my bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my heart. ( P P N kBpU, P M P kempuno.) 'Opua. Puffy clouds, as banked up near the horizon, often interpreted as omens; cumulus or billowy cloud, cloud bank: to form such clouds. 'O Kona kai 'Bpua i ka la'i, 'Bpua Kinano kau i ka malie (chant), Kona with its cloud billows and sea in the calm, puffy clouds white like hinano blossoms resting iu the quiet. 'Opua-. See nae'opuakau, wai-'opua. 'OpQ a h o n u i . Patient; patience; a patient person. Lit., disposition of groat breath. 'OpQ ' a l . Same as 'Bpu 'ai'ai. 'OpQ ' a i ' a i . Stomach; craw, as of a bird. 'Opua k i ' i . Cloud bank containing images. 'OpQ a l l ' l . Same as na'au ali'i. 'Opua m a k a ' u p e n a . Mackerel sky with cloud flakes. Lit., net-mesh cloud bank. OpQ a o . Cluster of clouds. 'OpQao. Same as na'auao. ' O p Q ' f t p l k a p t k a . Beef t r i p e . Lit., s p o t t e d stomach. ' O p Q - h a ' o . Hunger pains. Lit., stomach longing for or missing something. Opuhe. T w o species of endemic trees (Urera), related to the olona, the bark of which was also formerly used for Ashing nots. (Noal 273.) Also called hona, hopue. OpQhea. Quiet, tranquil, calm, disinclined to work. Cf. 'Bhea. OpQbeha. Same as opuhea. ' O p u h i . Same as 'awapuhi, a kind of ginger. OpQ-hue. Round, low calabash. Lit., calabash clump. 'OpQ h u l l . A "turned stomach," believed caused by falls, especially of small children, resulting in a kink or turning of the stomach, with attendant vomiting; a symptom is said to be a shortening of one leg; the cure is massage and binding of the stomach; this diagnosis and treatment are said to have been learned from the Portuguese. 'OpQ h u l u h u l u . Beef tripe. Lit., hairy belly. 'OpQ ' i n o ' i n o . Same as na'au 'ino'ino. ' O p Q k a ' e m o a . Rare var. of 'Bpuke'emoa. Lit., cnicken-edge stomach. o p u k e a . A large, strong, superior variety of sugar cane, the stalks yellow, sometimes roseflushed. the pith white. ( H P 223.) ' O p Q k e ' e m o a . Hardhearted, mean. Lit., chicken crookedness gizzard. 'OpQ k o p e k o p e . Same as na'au kopekope. ' O p u k u p u k u . Frowning, wrinkled; lowering, as clouds. Cf. pukupuku, pupuku. 'Opukupuku ke ao melemele (birth chant for Kamehameha I I I ) , yellow clouds are lowering. 'OpQlauoho. 1. Case and larva of case moth (Tineola uterella), found on cement walls of basements or in caves, so called perhaps because the interior of the case is sometimes lined with hair. Lit., head-hair womb. PUlauoho is a short variant. 2. A strange malady, the only symptoms of which were fine tracings of blood vessels on the stomach at birth which vanished shortly afterward. One with such tracings would grow
up, as water. Obs. Also hau'opo. ' o p u . 1. T o dive into the water, feet first, without making a splash, an ancient sport (used only with tele or tele a); one so skilled. Cf. ma'opu. 2. Rare var. of 'upu. OpQ. 1. Clump, as of sugar cane, bananas, kava. Cf. pu, b. 'A'ohe BpU kB momona, not a clump of sweet sugar cane [said of a bad t e m p e c o r situation that can not be "sweetened"]. OpQ
' o p u 1e up to be sterile, If a male, or if a female, would not have a child that lived more than a few months. 'Apule. 1. Same as 'opulepule, 2. 3. A wrasse (Anampse.s cuvier, A. godeffroyi); the name may be qualified by the terms la-uli and uli. (Malo 46.) 3. Same as mai'a-koana. 'Apule-kal. Hold in lua fighting. 'Opulepule. 1. Moronic, somewhat crazy, h o 'Apulepule. Causative/simulative. 2. Spotted, speckled, mottled. 3. A spotted land moss. 'ApO m a k a n l . Bellows. Lit., wind belly. 'ApO m a k a ' u p e n a . Beef tripe. Lit., net mesh belly. ApO m a l u m a l u . Shady clump; a humble way to refer to one's house. 'ApO m l m l . Bladder. Lit., urine belly. ApO n&helehele. Cluster or clump of any growth; thicket. 'ApO n i n l . Jealous. Lit., jealous disposition. 'ApO l i u l . Corpulent, large-bellied; corpulency; big belly. 'ApO'Ahao. Disease in which the abdomen becomes enlarged and hard, while the limbs are enervated; dropsy. Cf. 'Bhao, 1. 'ApO ' o p l ' o p l . Beef tripe. Lit., folding belly. ' o p u ' o p u . 1. T o belch: filled, as a calabash. 2. Redup. of 'opu, i. h A ' o p u ' o p u . T o think, surmise, want. Ea, ua pi'o ka uahi tepo i ka lani, ke hi'opu'opu la ko ia ala kupa (chant), oh, the dusk cloud bends in the sky, the native son is speculating. 'ApO p a ' a . The ability to go a long time without eating; to fast for a long time; one who can go long without eating. This was believed due to a belated dropping ofT of the umbilical cord in infancy. Lit., solid stomach. 'ApO p a l a ' a l . Potbellied, pumpkin-bellied. 'ApO palula. Idle, indolent, eating food without working; potbellied. Lit., sweet-potato-leaf stomach; said to be so called because it took little effort to cook sweet potato leaves. 'ApO p l p l . Beef tripe. 'ApO p u a ' a . Pig intestine; tripe. 'ApO p u n a l u a . See punalua. ' A p u ' u . 1. A bud, the budding breasts of a girl, the budding spur of a young cock; to bud; a child; a geometric cone. Na 'opu'u maka mo'a me ke ahi (Oihk. 2.14), fresh ears (of grain] parched with fire. He 'Bpu'u 'oe, he kakala klla (For. 5:55), you have young spurs, that one [a cock with old] spurs. 2. A whale-tooth pendant, not tongue-shaped like the lei palaoa. Ka-lani-'opu'u (name of a chief), the whaletooth pendant high chief. 3. A large surf, swell. ( U L 36.) ' A p u ' u k a l m a n a . A cut diamond, as for a ring. 'ApO ' u k u ' u k u . Of limited ability, importance, or strength, as a woman or child. Lit., small disposition. ' A p u ' u m a l ' a . The root bud and buds of a banana plant, and the sheaths enclosing them. ' A p u ' u p u ' u . 1. Lumpy, bumpy, hilly, rough, as cloth or a road. 2. Knuckle, as on fingers, wrist. 3. Shore fish listed by Malo (no data). (Malo46.) ApO w e u w e u . Clump of grass, a polite depreciatory way to refer to one's home, however magnificent it may be. 'O ku'u wahi Bpa wevweu la, nou ia, my little clump of grass shelter is for you. OU. 1. A float, as on a net. Obs. 2. T o lean on something; to hide. Obs. 3. Your, yours (zeroclass, o-form; see Gram. 9.4). o ' u . 1. A fish (no data). 2. Mine, my, of me (zero-class, o-form; see Gram. 9.4). 'OU. 1. Sharp, protruding, piercing; to protrude, project, jut, pierce, puncture; to sound sharply; pinnacle, high peak; sharp sound as of knee drum or of tapa anvil. Kane-i-ka-'ou-oli'i (Kep. 15), Kane-of-the-royal-supremacy [a name], 'Ou ka ieo o ka pahu, the voice of the drum sounds.
2. Bulwer's petrel (Bulweria bulweri), a small sea bird. Also called 'ou'ou. •A'O. 1. T o pinch or nip off, as a bud. 'Ako po'o 'B'a, to cut off all the hair at the back of the head and leave hair only In front. E 'B'a i ka maka o ka wauke 'oi 'Bpiopio, pinch off the bud of the wauke plant while it is young. 2. T o perch, as on a tree. Fig., lazy. 'O'u S toa na manu o Kaupe'a (chant), the hirds of Kaupe'a sing long as they perch. hA'A'Q. T o cause to perch. 3. A finch-like Hawaiian honey creeper (Psittirostra psittacea), with an almost parrotlike bill, endemic to the main Hawaiian Islands, but becoming very rare. Its green feathers were used for making cloaks and lets. Cf. 'B'O-lae-o'o, 'B'O-po'o-lapalapa. 'Auhea wale 'oe, e ka manu 'B'a 'oe o ka nahele (song), listen, O bird, you honey creeper of the forest. 4. T o hump up, as an octopus out of its burrow, ' o u a . Var. of 'ouo. 'Oua niu, small, immature coconut. 'Auaua. 1. Showery, somewhat rainy. 2. Somewhat tough, rubbery. ' A ' O - h o l o - w a l . Kauai 'Hkepa (Loxops coccinea caeruleirostris), a bird. ' A ' O - h o I o - w a l - o - L a ' a . A kind of tapa, said to be made at Ola'a, Hawaii (also known as La'a), and to be associated with the goddess Laka. (For. 5:231.) ' o u k o u . You (plural). Ko 'oukou, your (o-form). Ka 'oukou, your (o-form). ' o u k u ' u . Bare var. of 'auku'u, a heron. A ' u k u ' u k u . A small o'u, a fish; small, petite. ' A ' O - l a e - o ' o . A variety of 'B'a, a bird, similar to 'B'B-po'o-papale. Lit., mature-headed 'B'a. ' o u l a n a k a n a , o u r a n a t a n a . Orangutan. Eng. ' A u l l . Sign, omen, portent; nature, symptom, character; mood in grammar. Ha'i 'Buli, to prognosticate, declare the future according to signs. ' A u l l h a ' l . Indicative mood. 'Aull h l k l . Symptom, prognostication. ' o u l u . Growth. ' o u m u a m u a . Leader, as in battle or other activity; scout. ' A u n a u n a . Same as unauna, hermit crab, ' o u o , ' o u w o . Young animal or person, young woman, pullet, cock, youth; youthful, sprightly; immature, as a coconut. AO'ole. Fearless, courageous. ( A P . ) 'OU'OU. 1. Redup. of 'ou, 1. Nuku 'ou'ou, long protruding nose, as of a swordflsh [sometimes said of gossips], I ka Mi wikiu ka pua o Lono, i ka 'ou'ou o na lani nui (kahili chant), in the topmost branch the flowers of Lono, among the highest of the high chiefs. llA'ou'OU. T o jut, project, cause to puncture, etc. 3. A sharp sound, as of a tapa mallet or of a tapping knee drum; to sound thus. 3. Same as 'ou, t. 'A'O'A'O. Same as 'B'u, 3. 'Auouo. Growing thriftily, as plants. 'oupC. 1. Beaten down, as by storm; to cast down (2 Oihn. 25.8). P~ipl Hilo nawali i ka ua, 'oupi i ke anu a ka makani, Hilo is crushed weak by the rain, beaten in the coldness of the wind. 2. Extreme lower end of a canoe paddle. Obs. ' o ' u p e . 1. T o deceive, fool, vex, trouble. 2. Limber, flexible; to tilt as a canoe in the water. ' A ' u p e ' u p e . Redup. of 'o'upe. ' A ' f l - p o ' o l a p a l a p a . A variety of 'B'a, a bird. Lit., crest-headed 'B'a. ' A ' a - p o ' o p f t p a l e . A variety of 'B'a, a bird similar to 'o'U-lae-o'o. Lit., crested 'B'a. ' o w a , o a . 1. Split, cracked, burst; to split, crack. Fig., bereaved^ forsaken. 'A'ohe pono ka nohona o na keiki 'owa makua 'ole, the lire of a forsaken parentless child is not good. taA'owft. T o cause to split, crack. 2. T o talk loudly back and forth, to roar. Bare. 3. Cry of the auku'u (a bird), which suggests 'ow3; to cry thus. 4. T o retch.
' o w i l i w i l i gag. taO'owa. Same as above; to vomit. 5 . A measurement equal to half the width of a finger, of fishing nets. Mak&hi a 'owa, the width of one and a half fingers, o w a a w a . Same as awaawa. ' O w a ' a w a ' a . Same as 'Swa'awa'a. 'Owae. To crack, fissure, split open, as_ dry ground; cracked, fissured, gullied. Cf. mawae. 'Owaewae. Redup. of 'dwae. Na 'Bwaewae vali o Unulau (PH 101), thecliffed gullies of Unulau. ' O w a h a w a h a . Grooved, furrowed, 'ow&hl. Same as wahi. Ua namu a pahoehoe 'ia apau, i 'owahi, ka'a lauahi 'ia ke one (chant), all is chewed up to smooth lava, sand rolled over, destroyed, broken through, ' o w f t - h u l u - n u t . Same as 'owd-ulu-nui. ' o w a l . 1. Var. spelling of 'oat. 2. See wai, who. 'OwalkQ. Var. spelling of 'oaika. ' o w a k a . Var. spelling of 'oaka. ' o w a k a a k a . Var. spelling of 'oakaaka. ' o w a k a w a k a . Var. spelling of 'oakaaka. ow&ki'lala. A hold In lua fighting, ' o w a l a , ' o a l a . To gambol, buck, rear, turn over, somersault; to brandish a club with a twirling motion; bucking, rearing, brandishing. He aha ka hana a Pamela? 'O ka o'e, 'o ka 'owala (Ka'u song), what does Pawela [a cow] do? She hooks and bucks. hA'owala. To cause to buck, somersault, etc.
a fisherman caught a lot of these fish, but they disappeared; the fisherman called for them and a voice answered " 'o wau, 'o wau" (it's me, it's me) and the fish turned into lizards and scampered off. 2. A cat, so called because of its cry: to mew. Mikimikt mai ka 'owau la, no ka hemahema o ia ala (song of the 1880's), the cat is on the alert, when someone Is careless. 3. A variety of taro. 4. A moss, ' o w a u , ' o a u . See au, I. ' o w a - u l u - n u l . A kind of taro (no data), owftwa, o a w a . Same as awaawa, valley, gulch. OwSwa o na waimaka, vale of tears. 'Owftwa. Redup. of 'owa, t. ' o w i , 'o6. Murmuring, rustling, soughing, whining, as of surf, leaves, water, wind, a builet; to sound thus; sound of tearing, as of cloth; buzzing of insects. Ka 'Owi nahenahe a ka wai, the sort murmur of the water. hO'owC. To cause such a sound. 'Owehewehe. To open partly, as the clouds, 'oweke, ' o e k e . Rare var. of 'uwehe, 'uweke. 'Owela. Hottish, feverish; burned and blistered, as by sun; glowing, bright, as feather cloaks and helmets or an army; heat. For example see kama'ehu. 'Owelawela. Redup. of 'Bwela. •6welo. Waving slightly, streaming. Cf. kBwelo. 'Owelo-kahuelo-kQ. A hold in lua fighting. ¿t(., the upright tail waves [perhaps referring to the tail or the malo]. 'Awena. A faint glow (wena). Ke 'a maila i Kllauea, ke ahi 'Bwena i ka lani (prayer), burning at Kfiauea, the fire glowing In the sky. 'Awenawena. Redup. c f 'Bwena. ' o w e n e . Var. spelling of 'oene, l, t. 'Oweo. Red; to redden. For example see pUnoni. 'owc'owfi. Redup. of 'owe. hO'owC'owfi. Redup.
'ow&Iaaia, ' o w a l a l a , 'oftlala. To rise, as the wind; to occur, as a thought. He 'owalaala makani iki no (Kep. 103), a slight rising of the wind. 'Owall. 1. Weak, sickly, puny. Cf. wall, n&wali. 2 . A fern (Pteris cretica). widely distributed in warm parts of the world, growing wild in Hawaii. Long-stemmed, ovate fronds rise about two feet from creeping underground stems, and each frond has four to six pairs of long narrow divisions. 'ow&ll'l. A fern (Asplenium trichomanes) found on high mountains of Hawaii and also present in many temperate regions of the world. Wirystemmed, narrow fronds grow in dense tufts four to twelve inches high, the fronds consisting of numerous small, round divisions on two sides of the stem. 'OWftll'l-makall'l. A native fern. Called hailio-Pua on Hawaii, ' o w a m a . Var. spelling of 'oama. ' o w a n a . Var. spelling of 'oana. 'ow&'owa, ' o a ' o a . 1. Redup. of 'owa, 1. 2. A variety of taro. 'owa'owat. Var. spelling of 'oai'oai. 'ow&'owaka, ' o a ' o a k a . 1. Redup. of 'oaka. 2 . A bivalve, perhaps one of the Isognomonidae. 'ow&'owala. Redup. of 'owala. 'Owa'owala lua na hala o Naue i ka makani (hula chant), the hala of Naue caper in the wind. hO'ow&'owala. Redup. of hB'owala. 'owft pOkole, o a pOkole. A ledger line in music. Lit., short half-a-finger measurement, ' o w a u , ' o a u . 1. A variety of 'o'opu (Eleotris fusca), said to be so called because of a tale:
of hB'owi. 'owC'oweae. Same as 'oene, t. Owl, ol. 1. A weedy kind of verbena (Verbena litoralis), from tropical America, with square stems one to six feet high, toothed oblong leaves, and narrow flower spikes bearing tiny blue flowers. Hawaiians use it for cuts and bruises, applying the juice externally and later sprinkling the affected area with powdered pia root. Also called ha'uBwl. (Neal 630.) 2. The Jamaica vervain (Slachytarpheta jamaicensis), another kind of weedy verbena also from tropical America, similar to the above but with oval toothed leaves, and tiny blue flowers borne on longer, narrower spikes. I t is not used medicinally by Hawaiians. (Neal 639.) 3. Cry of the bird 'o'u; to cry, of the '0'u. 'Owlll. 1. Roll, bolt, as of cloth or paper; scroll of binder, as of a sewing machine; skein, coll; to roll up. twist, coil, wave; to fold, as the arms. 'Owili palapala (Ier. 36.2), scroll. Ke oho 'Bwili (Isa. 3.24), well-set hair. Ko'i 'Bwili, gouge-like adze. 2. Surfboard of wiliwili wood. 3. Powder horn. See holowa'a 'Bwili. 'Awlll 'Oka'l. Same as wili'Bka'i, 1, cocoon. 'Owlliwlll. Redup. of 'Bwili, 1. 'Owiliwili me ka uila, electrically waved [permanent wave, as of hair].
pa. 1. Fence, wall, corral, pen, sty, enclosure, (house) lot, yard, extremity; to build a fence, enclosure. Cf. pa-nini. Pa-lama (place name), fence built of Inma wood. Mai kela pa o ka honua, a mai kela pa o ka lani mat (Mar. 13.27), f r o m t h a t end of t h e c a n h and f r o m t h a t end of t h e heavens. ( P P N pa, P M P empana.) 3. Dish, plate, p a n ; elongated food bowl used for meat or fish; phonograph record, disk (preceded by ke). Cf. halepa. 3. Mother-of-pearl shell (Pinctada galtsoffi); pearl-shell lure. (Both ke and ka are used with pa, 3.) Pa a eo, a successful pa lure. Pa hau, shell with white on inside. Pa mae, variegated shell; lit., faded shell. 4* A broadly used m a j o r word of t h e loa'a-type (Gram. 4.5), said of drinking, hearing, a n d activity of wind, sun, moon. T o touch, get, c o n t a c t , roach, gain control of, hit, experience; to blow (as wind), shine (as moon or sun), hear, drink. Cf. pa kahea. Ua pa maila ku'u lima ia 'oe, you touched my hand. Pa kanaka, t o h a v e sexual experience; lit., touch someone. P3 wai, to sip water. Pa ka 'ai, to t a s t e food. Pa kl'aha, to touch a t u m b l e r ; t o sip intoxicants. PS i ka leo, to be struck by a voice, i.e., to be told something t h a t h u r t s t h e feelings, to be rebuked. Malama o pa, watch or you'll be h u r t . Pa no lilo! Touch and gone [of a stolen object]! Malama o lilo i ka lima a pa, watch out or i t will be t a k e n . Pa ka 'aina ia 'oe (For. 4:195), you'll get control of t h e land. O ka pa kOnane a ka mahina (song), the bright t o u c h of t h e moon. Pa i ka 'upena, touched b y a net [said of a fish t h a t has escaped a n e t and is wary].
Pa i ka makau, touched by a hook [said of a fish t h a t has been hooked and then, having escaped, is very wary]. ho'opa. A b o u t t h e s a m e as pa, 4; t o touch; t o t r y out, test. E hele aku 'oe e ho'opS i ke kahuna pule, go and see if you can get t h e minister t o help, p u t a " t o u c h " t o him. PBhaku ho'opa., touchstone. Ho'opa iki, t o touch lightly or cautiously; to e a t or drink sparingly. 6. A sound; t o sound; beat, r h y t h m , as of a dance; stroke, as of a n i n s t r u m e n t ; t h u m p of a gourd down on a pad, with one quick slap of t h e fingers as t h e gourd is raised; signal t o begin a dance or d r u m m i n g . Pakahea, a call of welcome: lit., calling sound. Pa maila ka leo hone o ka waiolina, t h e sweet sound of a violin reached here. 6* Barren, as a female; t o have ceased bearing; parched, as land. 'O Kila pa wahine (For. 4:163), Kila, t h e last born of t h e woman, ho'opft. T o procure barrenness, as b y prayer. 7. F l a t t o p or a h a t . 8. Lowest and highest n o t e in t h e musical scale, do. 9. T e m porary, fleeting. Rare. He nohona pd wale, t e m porary residence. 10. Section of n e t a t t a c h e d t o a bag In certain t y p e s of fishing, pa-, p&~. Prefix t o m a n y m a j o r words, with general meaning of "in t h e n a t u r e of, having t h e q u a l j t y of." Cf. pSheahea, pahemo, pShemahema, paha'oha'o, etc. pa-. Prefix t o numerals: a t a time, a t once, n u m b e r of times; to divide by. Cf. lele, 7. PSlua, doubly, b y twos, t w o a t a time, twice; t o divide in t w o shares. Miki pHlua, t o e a t poi with t w o
pa'ali'i pft a b l . F i r e pan (Ier. 52.19). (Preceded b y ke.) p a ' a t i l h l . Spread here and there, p a ' a h o n o . Same as pahono. p i 'ahu. Var. of pa'a 'ahu. p a ' a l l a . T h e castor-oil plant ( R i c i n u s communis), an introduced shrub with large lobed leaves and dry prickly seed cases. T h e seeds contain a dangerous poison. T h e Hawaiians use the leaves, rubbed on the face, to relieve fever. A l s o called ka'apeha, kamakou, koli. p a ' a - i - l a l o . T h e earth below. p a ' a ' I l l . A solid, usually with number of sides following, as pa'a'ili-ha. Lit., surface solid, p a ' a ' i l i - h a . Four-sided solid (this term was said to be used formerly for a pyramid), p a ' a ' i l l - h a - l i k e . Pa'a'ili with equal sides, p a ' a ' l l l - l w a k a l u a . A twenty-sided solid, p a ' a ' i l l - k a u l i k e - h i d . Oblique parallelepiped. Lit., solid leaning similarly. p a ' a ' i l l - k Q p o n o . Cube or rectangular parallelepiped. Lit., straight solid, p a ' a ' l l l - o n o . Six-sided solid, cube; cubic. F o r example see ia, yard, p a ' a ' i l l - o n o - l i k e . Cube. Lit., equal six solid, p a ' a ' i l l - ' u m l k u m a m i l n a . A twelve-sided solid. p a ' a Ipu k u h a . Bearer of the chief's spittoon, p a ' a k a h i l i . Bearer of the royal feather standard; to carry a kahili. p a ' a k a i . 1. Salt; encrusted discharge in the inner corners of the eyes, as after sleeping. Loko-pa'akai, Salt L a k e C i t y . 2. A variety of taro, usually grown in the uplands, the plant short and stocky; petioles dark-green, edged with red; corm flesh white, used chiefly f o r pot. 3. Same as lipa'akai, a seaweed, p a ' a k a i - h e l e l e ' l . A fish, said to be one of the Hemiramphidae. Lit., scattered salt, p a ' a k a i - h o l o l . Nitre. (Ier. 2.22.) Lit., washing salt. p a ' a k a l - h o ' o h a n u h a n u . Smelling salts, p a ' a k a l h f l . Effervescent solution, p a ' a k a i i n u . Epsom salts. Lit., drinking salt, p a ' a k a l - m i k o m l k o . A variety of taro. p a ' a k a i - m u ' e m u ' e . A l u m . Lit., bitter salt, p a ' a k a m a ' a . Pair of shoes, p a ' a k e a . Limestone, coral beds, as found on the leeward sides of the islands. Lit., white hardness, p a ' a k i k l . Hard, compact, difficult, stubborn (Kanl. 9.27), obstinate. Mai pa'akikl aku 'oe i ke anu, don't be so obstinate about going out in the cold, h o ' o p a ' a k l k l . Same as pa'akikl-, t o cause hardness, obstinacy; to pretend to be hard, stubborn, pa'akti. D r y lowland plain. ( K e p . 87.) p a ' a k o p e . ( W i t h ho'o-) h o ' o p a ' a k o p e . C o p y right; to copyright. p a ' a k f l k Q . T o jell, set firmly, congeal; t o clot, as blood; t o stiffen, as hard poi\ avaricious. Koko pa'akuku, blood clot. h o ' o p a ' a k O k Q . T o cause to clot, congeal, etc. pS a k u l e . Fish pond f o r trapping akule. fish, p a ' a i a . 1. Smooth, water-worn 'ala rock. (For. 4:213.) 2. (Cap.) N a m e of a wind on M a u i . P a ' a l a ' a . N a m e of a wind. For example see ka'alani. p a ' a l a l o . Attendants of a chief; bridal attendants. Lit., held lower, p a ' a l a u . Those holding a lau, dragnet; to hold the lau. p a ' a l l a . Passive/imperative of pa'a, 1. Eia 'o Hawai'i ua ao, pa'alia i ka pono i ka lima (name song for Lili'u-o-kalani), here is H a w a i i , enlightened, held by justice in the hand, p a ' a l i ' i . Synonym of koali-'ai, a morning-glory, when used as a medicine.
Angers. Palua i ka i'a, divide the fish in t w o shares. h o ' o p S - . Causative/simulative, p a ' a . 1. A very common and broadly used m a j o r w o r d of the loa'a-type (Gram. 4.1). Firm, solid, solidified, fast, fixed, stuck, secure, closed, busy, steady, steadfast, permanent; finished, comp l e t e d ; whole, complete; learned, memorized, retained, kept permanently; stubborn, determ i n e d ; constipated; solid or fast, of colors; sturdy, as cloth, furniture; strong and vigorous, as a n older person still able to get around; versed in, learned in; one who holds, a bearer; to hold, bear, keep, detain, withhold; a solid, as in g e o m e t r y . Mea pa'a ipu hao, _a pot holder. Aila pa'a, thick grease. Pa'a kahili, bearer of the feather standard of royalty. Pa'a a pa'a, held fast. Pa'a i ka 'ole, to deny persistently. Pa'a mele, one versed in songs. Pa'a maila 'o uka i na kanaka (For. 5:35), the shore was packed solid with people. Pa'a ka wax a lilo i hau, water solidified into ice. Pa'a 'oia ma ka pono, he is steadfast in righteousness. Pa'a ka mana'o, determined in thought. Ua pa'a ka'u ha'awina, my lesson is learned. Mea pa'a molaki, mortgagee. Pa'a ka hale hou, the new house is finished. Hana pa'a, steady work. Uku pa'a, fixed salary. Noho pa'a, permanent residence. Pa'a i ka 'Ukele, stuck in the mud. Kanu pa'a, t o b u r y whole, as a body. Pa'a ke kelepona, the telephone line is busy. Pa'a i ka hana, very busy working. Pa'a ka puka, tho door is closed. Mai pa'a 'oe ia'u, d o n ' t detain me. E pa'a a pa'a 'olua i ke kaula, hold fast to the rope. Ho'onoho ihola lakou iaia ma kahi pa'a ( N a h . 15.34), they put him in custody, lia pa'a iaia ka waha o ka po'e Sadukaio ( M a t . 22.34). he had silenced the mouths of the Sadducees. Pa'a mai me ona lole 'au'au, bring some bathing suits too. Mai pa'a i ka leo, he 'ole ka hea mai (hula password), do not withhold the voice, or refuse to call to us. I pa'a ke kino i ka la'au, that the body be strengthened with medicine. Na lole i pa'a mua, ready-made clothes. E loa'a ai ke anapa'a o na pa'a, obtaining the cubic content of a solid, h o ' o p a ' a . T o make fast, firm, tight, solid; to bind; to hold fast to; t o learn, memorize, complete; to hold back, keep, detain, withhold; to subscribe, as t o a newspaper; t o order, reserve, register; to insist on, persist; t o insure; to bolt, as a door not requiring a separate key; t o muzzle ( K a n l . 25.4); drummer and hula chanter, i.e., the memorizer; insurance. Cf. 'Slelo ho'opa'a. Ho'opa'a hao, to weld. Ho'opa'a leho, to get calluses f r o m work. Ho'opa'a manawa, to make an appointment. Ho'opa'a ola, l i f e insurance. Uku ho opa'a, insurance premium. Leka i ho'opa'a 'ia, registered letter. Ho'opa'a ihola laua a 'elua i berita ( K i n . 21.27), the t w o together sealed a covenant. Mea ho'opa'a, stopper. Ho'opa'a mo'olelo, to keep the minutes; to record a story. Ua ho'opa'a au i mau noho no maua i ka 'aha mele, I reserved some seats f o r us at the concert. Ho'opa'a i kana 'ae, holding back his consent. 2. Pair, couple; couplet. Cf. pa'a kama'a, pa'a Ho, pa'a male. 3. Suit of clothes. Na pa'a kapa (Lunk. 14.12), garments. 4. Stratum, foundation, especially pa'a-i-lalo, earth, and pa'a-i-luna, heavens. 5. E x t r e m i t y , border, p a ' a . Same as pa'a'a, 1,2. p a ' a ' A , p a ' a . 1. Fiber, as of sugar-cane stalk or of banana sheath (probably a contraction of pa'a, solid, and 'a'a, fiber). 2. Var. of papa'a. Si p & ' a ' a . 1. First stage of growth of the fish akule, t w o or three inches long. Cf. halalu. 2. Inferior tapa made f r o m small lengths of bark. Obs. p a ' a ' a h u , p a ' a h u . A carrier of mats ( K e p . 129), a heap of mats, p a ' a *&lna. Landholder; t o hold land, p a ' a a l o h a . Same as pa'aloha. p a ' a h a n a . 1. Industrious, busy, hard-working; workman, laborer, worker. 2. I m p l e m e n t , utensil, furnishings ( N a h . 7.1). p a ' a h a o . Prisoner, convict. Lit., iron-held. Hale pa'ahao, jail. Lua pa'ahao, dungeon, h o ' o p a ' a h a o . T o jail, imprison.
lima pa'apQ. Covered with, solid with, as of people, fog, clouds; dense, nonporous; stuffy, as a room: thick or coarse, of banana fruit peeling ( H P 173). (Ioba 7.5.) Pa'apti ka umauma, the chest is stifled, as from a severe attack of asthma. ho'opa'apO. T o make crowded, covered with, stifling, etc. Ua ho'opa'apu lakou i ko waena ou me ka haunSele (Ezek. 28.16), they filled those around you with violence, p a ' a u . Rare var. of pa'a'S.
p a ' a l i m a . Held in the band; handle. 'Auhea ku'u 'eke'eke pa'a lima? Where is my handbag? p a ' a Ho. Team of horses. p a ' a l o b a . Keepsake, memento (short for pa'aaloha). p a ' a Iole. Suit of clothes, p a ' a l u a . A variety of banana, p a ' a luhl. Overcome with weariness, p a ' a male. Married couple, p a ' a m a l e hou. Bridal couple, p a ' a m a n a ' o . Firm in one's memory; memorized. h o ' o p a ' a m a n a ' o . T o keep a memorandum, make a record of thoughts, memorize, p a ' a m a u . Regular, customary, usual. Lit.. continually fixed. HSlHwai pa'a mau, customary or regular meeting. Manawa pa'a mau, usual or regular time, p a ' a m a u no'ono'o. A keepsake, memento; to keep a thought of something. Lit., hold continued thinking, p a ' a mo'olelo. Versed in lore, legends, history,
p a ' a u a . Hard physical labor or drudgery; a drudge (perhaps contraction of pa'a, hold, and uaua, tough); to work hard, h o ' o p a ' a u a . T o enslave, overwork, treat as a drudge, p a ' a u h a u . A variety of sweet potato, p a ' a u m a . A type of hand wrestling in which each player tried to push his opponent's hand back to his chest (uma); to wrestle thus. Pahi pa'a uma, draw knife, p a ' a w a h a . Gag; to gag the mouth (Hal. 39.1). Lit., make the mouth solid, - p a ' a w a l w a l . (With ho'o-) h o ' o p a ' a walwal. T o insure property; property insurance, pa'awela. A burned area; a scar from burning; to bum. Ma kahi maika'i e pa'awela ana no (Isa. 3.24), instead of beauty, Durnlng. pae. 1. Cluster, row; margin or bank, as of a taro patch: level, as of a platform. Cf. pae 'aina, pae fed, pae moku. I ka hele 'ana o ka imu a 'ena ena, ua 'Bhelo noho'i ka l&'au ulu imu a nonoho a pae like, when the oven is red-hot, the oven-poking stick is pushed around so that [the stones) are in even levels, ho'opae. T o build up an embankment, row, cluster. 2. T o land, come ashore; to mount or catch a wave, as of a surf rider; washed or drifted ashore. Niho pae, a loose tooth. Manu pae, a bird that lands from afar, as a migratory bird. Palaoa pae, whale tooth washed ashore. Pae i ka nalu (For. 4:213), to ride a wave into the shore. E 'ai k&kou. Mahalo, ua pae kZia wa'a. Let's eat. Thanks, this canoe has landed [i.e., I have eaten], ho'opae. T o cause to land, reach shore. Ho'opae main, to smuggle, bring in secretly. Waiwai ho'opae mala Ha, smuggled goods. pa'C. T o strike the ear, as a distant sound. Pa'i mai ana ka leo o ke kai, the sound of the sea strikes the ears. p&'$. T o peel, as bark; a bunch of cleaned bark, as of olona. Obs. paea. Flint (Eng., fire.) PBhaku paea, flint (Isa. 50.7), agate (Isa. 54.12), carbuncle, pa'ea. A variety of taro. pae&ea. 1. T o fish with a light pole offshore; pole-fishing. Kanaka paeaea, fisherman. Hele kakou i ka paeaea, let's go pole-fishing. 2. A chant of supplication; to chant thus, perhaps so called as a means of "fishing" for something. ( P H 149.) pfteaea. 1. Smooth, calm, as the sea. 2. A variety of fish mentioned as having sharp protuberances (Malo 46). 3. T o signal with the arms. Obs. p&'ea'ea. Cruel, severe. Obs. pae&ea-'a'ama. A method of catching 'a'ama crabs with a coconut fiber snare on a coconut midrib; it is looped over the crab's eye and jerked upward; to crab thus. pae&ea-'Ohlki. A method of catching 'Bhiki sand crabs, with a blossom, usually nohu, tied to the end of a line as bait; to crab thus, pae 'ftlna. Group of islands, archipelago, p&'g'e. 1. Here and there, everywhere but the right place. Kuhi pa'e'e, to misdirect, mislead, give inaccurate Information, ho'opa'6'6. T o cause to go astray, mislead, misrepresent. 2. Supernatural. Ka IShui kino pS'i'l i kapa Ha he Melehune, a people with supernatural bodies, called Melehune. paeheu. Large bundle. Obs. paehl'a. T o fasten 'aho sticks to thatching, of a house.
tradition; one so versed, p a ' a m u a . 1. Gaseous condition of the bowels, to have such. 05s. 2. Dam, windbreak. Obs. 3. Steadfast in prayer for the welfare of the family, one so steadfast. Lit., held in the men's house. Obs. p a ' a m u a . Ready-made, as clothes, p a ' a n i . Same as pa'apa'ana, I, t. pa'aoa'atl. Memorized, remembered. Lit., fixed intestines, h o ' o p a ' a n a ' a u . T o memorize, pa'anehe. Dainty in handling, skillful, deft; beautiful, of work. Obs. p&'anl. Play, sport, game, amusement, joke; joking, playful, amusing, playful; to play, sport. Pa'ani kinipBpd, to play ball; ball player. Pa'ani pepa, to play cards. Mea pS'ani, toy, plaything. Cf. ho'okani, to play music, ho'op&'anl. T o make sport, cause to play, joke, paanlanl. Var. spelling of pSniani. pft anlanl. Glass dish (preceded by ke). P&'ao. Name of a star, said to be one of a large ;roup resembling a double canoe. PS'ao was a amous priest said to have conveyed a colony from Central Polynesia to Hawaii, pft'ao'ao. 1. Sideways, one-sided. Obs. Kau pa'ao'ao, to place on the side. 2. Latent childhood disease, with physical weakening. Obs. Kahuna haha pS'ao'ao, practitioner who felt (haha) infants to see If they had pS'ao'ao disorders, pa'aola. (With ho'o-) ho'opa'aola. Life insurance ; to get life Insurance, pa'aoloulu. Young loulu palm leaves, as used in making hats, p a ' a p a ' a . 1. Dispute, argument, quarrel, h o ' o p a ' a p a ' a . T o argue, dispute; argument. 2. Same as papa'a, 1. Ua pa apa'a ko lakou alelo i ka make wai (Isa. 41.17), their tongues burned with thirst. 3. A fish (Dascullus albisella). 4. A kind of sugar cane. Also called ho'opa'apa'a. p a ' a p a ' a ' l n a . 1. Brittle, crackling; to snap, crackle. Ka pa'apa'a'ina o na kakalaioa (Kekah. 7.8), the crackling of thorns, h o ' o p a ' a p a ' a ' l lia. T o make a crackling sound, etc. 2. A variety of taro. 3. A variety of sweet potato, p a ' a p a ' a k a l . Salt-encrusted. pa'apa'au&. 1. T o ease, as pain; to soothe; to entertain, amuse. Bare. Pa'apa'ana mai i ua wahi 'eha nei ona, easing his little pain, h o ' o pa'apa'anft. T o cause pain to be soothed; to entertain. 2. T o hurry, hasten. Obs. p a ' a p a ' a n l . Playful, to play frequently. Cf. pS'ani. p a ' a p a ' i n a . Redup. of pa'ina. Na leo huro e pa'apa'ina i ka lewa, the sounds of hurrah burst forth in the air. p a ' a p a n l . Obs. var. of papani. p a ' a poepoe. Globe, circular solid. Lit., round solid.
pahe'ehe'e pfthft. By fours, four at a time, four times; to distribute to four, p&ha'a. Short in stature. p M i a ' a h a ' a . 1. Redup. of paha'a. 3. Same as no'uno'u, a gourd, p a h a h a . Young stage of the mullet, also called kahaha. ( K L line 173.) p a h a h a . Swollen, as the neck or the cheeks of one with mumps; to strut, walk proudly. Obs. Cf. 'auwae-pahaha, manS-pahaha. no'opah&ha. To cause swollenness; to hoist the shoulders; to strut. pahakO. Name of a design on Nllhau mats, consisting of squares with corners touching and forming a line, p&hala. A method of making mulch soil by placing pandanus (hala) branches and leaves in holes in rocky soil containing mulch, and then burning the hala for fertilizer, -p&hala. (With ho'o-) ho'op&hala. Sceptical. He kanaka ho'op&hala, he mana'o'i'o 'ole (Kep. 107), a sceptical person of no faith. p& hale. House lot, yard, fence. p& hallhall. Tray (preceded by ke). Lit., plate for carrying,
p a e h u m u . Taboo enclosure about a chief's house or about a heiau (Kep. 137). M&lama o p& ka 'auwae i ka paehumu (saying), be careful or the chin will rest on the taboo enclosure [you will get into serious trouble], p a ' e k e . Pocket. Eng. pMkl'l. Row of clouds, as on the horizon. Lit., row o f Images, pae k t . Cultivation of sugar cane growing along a border. p&'ele. 1. Negro; negroid, dark, black; to blacken: to tattoo solid black without design; to paint black, as a canoe. P&'ele i ka 'alaea a me ka nanahu (For. 5:235), paint black with red coloring and charcoal, no'op&'ele. To blacken, etc. 3 . A variety of sweet potato. Also called nika. p&'ele-hlll-m&noanoa. 1. A variety of sweet potato. 3. A variety of taro. Lit., thick-bark blackness. pft'ele kOlanl. Solid tattooing of one side of the body; Kahekill, chief of Maul, was said to have been tattooed thus. Lit., chiefly darkening, pft'ell. To dig the earth, as to plant in a taro patch, ho'op&'ell. To cause such digging, p&'ell'ell. Redup. of pd'eli. ho'op&'ell'ell. Redup. of ho'opa'eli. P a e - l o a - h l k f . Name of a star or for the Milky Way. Lit., eastern long row. pae m o k u . Group of islands, archipelago. Lit., cluster of islands, p a e n a . Landing place, as of canoes (poena wa'a) or of waves (paena nalu). Cf. pae, t. pae n l h o . Row of teeth. paepae. 1. A support, prop, stool, pavement, house platform; plate of a nouse on which the rafters rest; block to keep an outrigger float off the ground; log or wooden horse that supports a seesaw; to support, hold up, sustain: rows. Loina paepae Shua, customs that add prestige; lit., elevated mound customs. B paepae mai i ka uluna a ki'eki'e, pile the pillows high, ho'opaepae. To build up a paepae (platform); to build up a taro embankment; to finish a space in quilting. 2. Redup. of pae, 2. h o ' o aepae. Redup. of ho'opae. 3. Boom of a ship, f. kaula paepae. 4. Assistant to the po'opua'a, head pupil or a hula school. Also iwi 'ao'ao.
p&hanell, p&hanerl. A hundredfold, by the
hundred. p& hao. 1. Iron fence. 2. Iron dish, pan (preceded by ke). p&ha'o. 1. About the same as the more common paha'oha'o. 2. Name of a guessing game. Obs. p a h a ' o h a ' o . Mysterious, puzzling, incomprehensible; transfigured, ho'op&ha'oha'o. To mystify, cause wonder, puzzle; transfigured. Ho'op&ha'oha'o 'ia ihola ia i mua o l&kou (Mat. 17.2), he was transfigured before them.
-pahaOla. See akepahaBla.
p a h a p a h a . 1. Redup. of paha, 1,5. 3. Same as llpahapaha, sea lettuce. 3. Oahu name for a kind of stone used for poi pounders. Called makawI on Kauai, p a h a p a h a - k u a h l w l . A liverwort (.Dumortiero sp.). p a h a p a h a - o - P o l l h a i e . A kind of pahapaha said to be found only at Polihale, Kauai; after drying it was believed to revive when immersed In sea water; it was made into lels. (For, 5:63.) p a h a p a h a - w a l . A sea lettuce (Ulva sp.) with narrow frond. Found where sea and fresh water meet. pfthau. 1. Striped flatfish. (KL line 156.) 2. Person who cared for chief's food and clothes; well-cared for, as clothes. Obs. 3. To filch. Obs. pa h a u . 1. Enclosure or fence of hau trees. 3. White pearl-shell lure or shell. pahC. Soft-spoken, soft-mannered; soft and about to spoil, as fruit; pulp, of fruit. See the more common waipahi. paheahea. To call, especially to invite someone to eat; hospitality, p a h e ' e . 1. Slippery, smooth, as a surface; soft, satiny; to slide, slip, skid; sliding, slipping. Cf. holo pahe'e, pdhaku pahe'e 'anai. Lole pahe'e (Hoik. 18.12), silk. 'Olelo pahe'e, fluent speech; glib or cunning tongue. Ili pahe'e, soft skin, h o ' o p a h e ' e . To cause to slip, slide; to make smooth, slippery; to smooth with oil, as the hair. For example see ku, 14. 3. Spear-throwing (For. 4:179); dart-throwing; sport of sliding a stick over a smooth surface; the dart itself. (Buck describes the darts as from 34.5 to 67 inches long, tapering at one end, with the greatest diameter of from one to one and a half inches. Cf. moa.) 3. Shallow hole or grave, as for flexed burial. Obs. 4. Same as p&he ehe'e, seaweed, p a h e ' e h e ' e . 1. Redup. of pahe'e, 1. WahipOhe'ehe'e (Hal. 73.18), slippery places, h o ' o p a h e ' e h e ' e . Redup. of ho'opahe'e. 3. A green, cushion-shaped solid seaweed (Dictyosphaeria versluysii). Also called lipahe'e, llp&he'ehe'e, lip&hoe, pahe'e.
pa'Cpa'e. Redup. of pa'l.
paepae k l . Ti-stalk fence (the stalks are crossed and a stick put into the notches made by the crossings). paepae k o m o hutla. Axle of a wheel (1 Nal. 7.33). Lit., support where wheel enters,
paepae puka. Threshold (Isa. 6.4). Lit., door platform.
paepae wftwac. Footstool (Iak. 2.3).
pa'S pO. To sound together, a deafening roar, pae p u ' u . Row or cluster of hills, pa'ewa. Crooked, misshapen, bent, uneven, odd, imperfect; wrong, Incorrect; error, mistake. Helu pa'ewa, odd number. Cf. 'auipa'ewa. h o ' o pa'ewa. To cause to be crooked, wrong, etc. pft'ewa'ewa. Redup. of pa'ewa. h o ' o p a ' e w a 'ewa. Redup. of ho'opa'ewa. p a b a . 1. To improvise a chant; an improvised or conversational chant, as the kepakepa or conversational chant. 3. Uncooked young taro leaves. (PH 74.) Obs. Cf. lU'au, pi'U. 3. Same as kUpala, a plant. 4. A kind of surfboard. Obs. B. Short for pahaha. Obs. 6. Maybe, perhaps (very common, used to make speech less blunt and more conciliatory, something like English use of the conditional mode; it frequently follows pili, 'a'ole, and never occurs after a pause). 'A'ole paha, maybe not, possibly not, likely not. Pi IS paha, maybe so. A . . . paha, or. 'Elua a 'ekolu paha (For. 4:259), two or three. '0 ka po'e kokua e hana i kekShi hewa 'ofeni, a ua noho paha ma laila, the persons who help in the committing of an offense, or are present there.
pahe'e p a h e ' e ' u l u . T o bowl; bowling, p a h e l e . 1. A snare, noose, t r a p ; t o ensnare, t r a p ; deceit, treachery. 'Olelo pahele, deceitful speech. I pahele a i 'upiki no ka po'e (Isa. 8.14), a t r a p and a snare t o t h e people, h o ' o p a h e l e . T o cause to be ensnared; t o ensnare, deceive. 2 . Same as manai, needle. Obs. P a h e l e - h a l a . N a m e of a wind. ( F H 161.)
pahelo. 1. Var. of pakelo. ho'opahelo. Var. of
ho'opakelo. 2. T o peel, as taro. Kauai. p a h e m a h e m a . A b o u t t h e s a m e as hemahema: a w k w a r d , unskilled. Pahemahema ka no'ono'o, a mind beginning to forget. Pahemahema i ka ho'onohonoho 'ana i na hua'olelo, awkward in t h e arranging of words, as of one speaking brokenly. n o ' o p S h e m a n e m a . Same as pahemahema : to cause awkwardness, t o f a k e lack of skill. p a h e m o . A b o u t t h e s a m e as hemo\ loosened, slipping off; t o loosen, get loose. Ua pahemo ka ho mai ke ku'au, t h e hoe slipped off t h e handle, h o ' o p a h e m o . T o cause t o slip, slacken, loosen, etc. p & h e m o h e m o . R e d u p . of pahemo. Pa'a pahemohemo, to r e m e m b e r here and there, imperfectly, as a song. h o ' o p a h e m o h e m o . R e d u p . of ho'opahemo. p f t h e n e h e n e . T o ridicule, laugh at, make f u n of.
h o ' o p a h e n e h e n e . Causative/simulative,
' u 1u p a h l l o l e p i p l . Sharp knife used for dressing beef. Lit., knife for skinning beef, p a h i l o l o . Proud, s t r u t t i n g . Obs. p a h l m a k a l u a . Double-edged sword or knife, p a h l n u . A b o u t t h e s a m e as hinu. K&ma'a pahinu, patent-leather shoes: lit., shiny shoes, h o ' o p a h l n u . To m a k e shiny, etc. p a h l o . Leaning, slanting, stooping, p a h l ' o . Tall, slender. (AP.) p a h l ' 0 . Dagger. Lit., piercing knife,
pahl 'okl'oki pipi. Butcher knife, pahi 'okl pepa. Paper knife, pahl olo. A saw; to saw. pahl olo lua. Whipsaw. pa hipa. Sheepfold.
p a h i p a h l . T o slap h a n d s ; to play "peas-porridge-hot"; this game; a game formerly played by children: a r o t t e n object was buried in t h e sand and others were asked t o dig for it, while t h e leader said "kdhi kohi kupa, no wai, no wai ka lima i hawahawa," gather, gather, dig, whoso hands, whose h a n d s are dirtied,
pahl pa'lpa'i. Pruning knife,
p a h l p S k & k a . Chopping knife of a n y kind, p a h l p e l u . Jackknife, penknife, folding knife,
pahl po'o muku. Short-bladed knife. Lit., cut-
head knife. p a h i ' u h l ' u . A game: throwing d a r t s a t a target, or pushing a stone with s h a r p sticks to a goal; t o play this game. Hele ana 'oe i heaf Hele ana i ka puhi'uhi'u. Where are you going? T o play pahi'uhi'u [i.e.. to pry i n t o others' affairs], p a h l ' u m l ' u m l . Razor. Lit., beard knife, p a h i w a . Dark, to d a r k e n (note t h a t hiwa is a sacred, desirable black t h a t c o n t r a s t s with uli). Obs. Lau pahiwa ( K L line 280), d a r k leaf. Ka lani nui pahiwa (chant), t h e sacred, dark, heavenly one. p a h l w a k a w a k a . Flaming sword (Kin. 3.24); saw, sword. Lit., shining knife,
p & h e p a h f i . R e d u p . of pahe. p a h e u h e u . A fish (no d a t a ) , p a h l . 1. Knife. 2. T o s t a n d on edge. (AP.) p f t h i a . How m a n y t o each? How m a n y to a group? p a h i ' a . A slipping, falling d o w n ; oblique c u t ; obliquely, as of slipping, cutting, falling. Ku pahi'a ku'u pua i ke kaha, my arrow slipped to one side of t h e m a r k . Lele pahi'a, leaping sideways i n t o t h e water w i t h o u t a splash, as in t h e lele kawa sport, p & h i ' a h l ' a . R e d u p . of pahi'a. pi h i a k u . Bonito hook. p a h l h a h a u . Cleaver, chopping knife. Lit., striking knife, p a h i h i . T o spread, as vines; to stream, as water over a cliff. p a h l k a . C a n e knife, machete. Lit., striking knife. p a h l k a h i . Razor. Cf. more c o m m o n pahi 'umi'umi. Lit., shaving knife, p a h l k f t k l w l . Sickle, scythe, cutlass. Lit., bent knife. p a h l k a n l k a n l . K n i f e m a d e of a piece of hoop iron. Lit., sounding knife, p a h l - k a u a . 1. Same as kala-li'ili'i, a fish (see kala). 2. A long narrow bivalve, possibly t h e P i n n a shells (Pinnidae).
pahfi. Var. of pohB.
p a h o a . Short dagger; s h a r p stone, especially as used for a weapon; t a b o o sign. Ko'i pahoa, stone battle-axe. Kukulu i ka pahoa, to set u p a taboo sign, p a h o e . T o paddle; to drive flsh i n t o a net by beating t h e paddles r h y t h m i c a l l y against t h e canoe. Cf. homa, 3, kapapa. p a h o e h o e . 1. Smooth, u n b r o k e n t y p e of lava, contrasting with 'a'a. 2 . Satin. Panoehoe lau, brocaded satin. 3. R e d u p . of pahoe. Ha'a ke akua i ka la'i o Mahiki, pahoehoe i luna o ka Pu'u-lena (chant), t h e goddess does a bent-knee dance in t h e calm of M a h i k i , paddling a b o v e t h e P u ' u - l e n a breeze, p a h o e h o e p e l e . H o o k s used in c a t c h i n g sea t u r tles. (AP.) p a h o h o n u . Soup plate, d e e p dish (preceded by ke). p a h o l a . 1. To spread a b o u t , extend, diffuse; spread too thin, dissipated L Cf. hohola. E pahola mai i kou aloha maluna o makou (prayer), spread f o r t h your love t o us. h o ' o p & h o l a . To cause t o spread, have spread. 2. T o s t u p e f y flsh b y drugging with 'auhuhu, t h e poison spreading (pahola) t h r o u g h t h e water, p a h o l a h o l a . R e d u p . of pahola, 1, 2. p a h o l e . Same as pohole. p a h o l e h o l e . R e d u p . of pahole. pfthOlel. Legendary n a m e for kawa. (For. 5:607.) p a h o l o . T o a p p e a r in great n u m b e r s , as octopuses. Obs. p a h o l o h o l o n a . An enclosure f o r animals, as a dog pound. p a h o l o i . Wash p a n or basin (preceded b y ke). p a h o n o . T o mend, sew u p a t e a r , patch, repair, h o ' o p a h o u o . To h a v e mended, etc.
pahl kaua. Sword. Lit., war knife, pahl kaua p&lahalaha. Cutlass. Lit., flat war knife,
pahl keke'e. Sickle.
p S h l k l . T o pass quietly, go lightly, touch gently,
pahl koll. Carving knife.
p & h i k u . Sevenfold, by sevens; seven times; t o d i s t r i b u t e t o seven, p a h l l a . T o stagger. Cf. hilala. p a h l l a u . Untrue, false; u n t r u t h (contraction of pahili, variable, and lau, much). Cf. 'alapahi. h o ' o p a h l i a u . T o tell lies, p a h i l i . T o braid. Fig., t o confuse, entangle, deceive. p a h i l i . T o blow strongly, as a wind, especially of a veering wind; t o lash, as a storm. Makani pahili, strong wind, cyclone. Ka pahili 'ia o ka ama'u e ka Malualua, t h e lashing of t h e 'ama'u fern b y t h e M a l u a l u a wind, h o ' o p a h l l l . T o cause such a wind; to blow, as such a wind, etc. p a h l l o . Same as puahilo.
p a i pShonohono. R e d u p . of pahono. hono. R e d u p . of ho'opahono.
p i h o ' o k a n l . Phonograph record, p a h o ' o i a . Torn tapa. (AP.)
p i ho'olapalapa.
S a u c e p a n ( p r e c e d e d b y ke). Lit., b o i l i n g p a n . p a h o u h o u . S a m e a s pa'ou'ou, y o u n g of t h e fish, hou. pahu. 1. B o x , d r u m , c a s k , c h e s t , b a r r e l , s h i p binnacle, collection box, keg, ark, coffin; bald h e a d s were s o m e t i m e s ridiculed as d r u m s . Cf. hulipahu, pahu papale. Hula pahu ( U L 103), d a n c e t o d r u m beat. 2. Stake, staff, stick, post. C f . pahu hope, pahu hopu, pahuku. 3. T o push, s h o v e ; t o t h r u s t or hurl, as a spear; t o pierce with a s h a r p i n s t r u m e n t , as in letting blood. Fig., t o b r u i s e t h e f e e l i n g of o t h e r s . Wai-pahu ( p l a c e n a m e ) , p u s h i n g w a t e r , said t o b e n a m e d for w a t e r t h a t forced its way out a t Wai-pahu, Oahu, having c o m e in an underground stream f r o m K a h u k u . h o ' o p a h u . T o cause to push, e t c . 4 . T o c u t off s h o r t . C f . 'apahu, pahupu. 6. T r u n k f i s h e s , b o x f l s h e s , c o w f i s h e s (Ostracion, e t c . ) . M a l o s a y s t h a t pahu w e r e t a b o o t o w o m e n ( M a l o 29). Also moa. 6 . N a m e of a r e g i o n b e l o w t h e 'ilima a n d a b o v e t h e kula. 7 . Gill n e t u s e d i n s h a l l o w w a t e r . ( M a l o 213, E m e r s o n n o t e . ) pahO. T o e x p l o d e , b u r s t , b l a s t , t h u d . C f . pBka pahu. F o r e x a m p l e s e e walawala. ho'opahQ. T o e x p l o d e , s e t ofT, a s d y n a m i t e o r firecrackers; t o b l a s t . Trans. Mokulele ho'opahu nui, l a r g e bomber. pahua. 1. P a s s i v e / i m p e r a t i v e of pahu, 3. 2. A s p e a r d a n c e . ( U L 183.) 3 . D o w n t r o d d e n , a s g r a s s w h e r e c a t t l e h a v e s t a m p e d . Obs. p a h u ' a . Unsuccessful, ineffective, ruined, spoiled. Ka pahu'a o ka 'awa i ke keiki, t h e l a c k of e f f e c t of t h e k a v a o n t h e c h i l d , no'opahu'a. T o t u r n t o n o t h i n g , spoil, w r e c k , -pahu'a. ( W i t h ho'o-) ho'opahu'a. T o m o v e s i d e w a y s ; t o sail t o w i n d w a r d . Obs. pabu anlani. G l a s s b o x , e s p e c i a l l y a glassb o t t o m e d box f o r fishing; g l a s s case, a s i n a museum, pahu hao. S a f e . Lit., i r o n b o x . pahu hau. I c e b o x , r e f r i g e r a t o r , pahu hO'ike. A r k of t h e t e s t i m o n y . Lit., t e s t i f y i n g b o x . E kau ana i mua o ka pahu hS'ike, i mua ho'_i o ka noho aloha e kau ana maluna o ka pahu kanawai ( P u k . 30.6), p u t it before t h e a r k of t h e t e s t i m o n y b e f o r e t h e m e r c y s e a t t h a t is over the testimony, pahu hope. F i n a l g o a l o r s t a k e , pahu hopu. F i n a l g o a l . Lit., c a t c h i n g g o a l ,
p a h u h u . Young of t h e fish uhu.
p a h f l h f l . T o gush, ooze f o r t h , as blood, h o ' o p&htthQ. T o cause to gush forth, pahu hula. H u l a d r u m , pahu I'a. S m a l l a q u a r i u m b o x f o r fish, p&hu'lhu'i. V a r . of pahi'uhi'u, a game, p a h u k a ' a . Juice e x t r a c t e d f r o m a green gourd b y p o u n d i n g , said t o b e used in an e n e m a , pahukalna. A s h e s . A l s o c a l l e d lehu, noho hale. p a h u k a l a . 1. S h a m b a t t l e w i t h s h a r p w e a p o n s . ( M a l o 66.) 2 . H e r a l d w h o a n n o u n c e s (kala) w a r . pahu kala. S a f e - d e p o s i t b o x . pahu kanaloa. P r a y e r d r u m ( p e r h a p s f r o m pahu kala loa, d r u m p r o c l a i m i n g t o a d i s t a n c e ) , pahu kanawai. A r k of t h e t e s t i m o n y . Lit., legal b o x . C f . pahu ho'ike. pahu kani. D r u m ; t a b r e t ( K i n . 3 1 . 2 7 ) . Fig., b a l d h e a d . Lit., s o u n d i n g d r u m , pahu kapu. A s t a k e b e y o n d w h i c h i t w a s t a b o o t o p a s s ; s a n c t u a r y . Lit., t a b o o s t a k e . p a h u k O . 1. Goal or stick a t t h e s t a r t i n g place of a r a c e . 2 . R e s e r v e of a n a r m y , e s p e c i a l l y a r e a r g u a r d . 3. T o repel, as in war.
p a h u k u . Same as
pahu kul. Lit.,
H y p o d e r m i c injection; to be injected. needle piercing.
pahu kupapa'u. C o f f i n . Lit., c o r p s e b o x . pa hula. H u l a t r o u p e ; p l a c e r e s e r v e d f o r h u l a d a n c i n g (.rare). pahulu. X. N i g h t m a r e ( n a m e d f o r a k i n g of evil s p i r i t s o n L a n a i w h o w a s killed b y K a u l u - l a ' a u ; his s p i r i t e n c h a n t e d c e r t a i n fish, e s p e c i a l l y g o a t fish (weke) ; if a weke h e a d is e a t e n n e a r b e d t i m e , n i g h t m a r e s a r e s a i d t o r e s u l t ; t h e closer t o L a n a i t h e weke is c a u g h t , t h e w o r s e t h e n i g h t m a r e ) ; g h o s t ; h a u n t e d ; u n l u c k y . He hale pahulu, a h a u n t e d h o u s e . Po na maka i ka noe, i ka pahulu i ke ala loa, e y e s b l i n d e d b y t h e m i s t , b y t h e h a u n t s of t h e l o n g r o a d , ho'opahulu. T o have a nightmare; nightmare; to h a u n t ; to bring b a d l u c k ; u n l u c k y . 2 . E x h a u s t e d , w o r n - o u t , of o v e r - f a r m e d soil; s u c h soil, h o ' o p a h u l u . T o e x h a u s t t h e soil; t o l e t t h e l a n d r e s t . 3 . V o l u n t e e r s w e e t p o t a t o e s , s w e e t p o t a t o e s of t h e s e c o n d growth.
D e m e n t e d , t o b e h a v e a s if c r a z y , p a h u l u l u . S o m e w h a t r a i n y , s h o w e r y . Obs. pahu m a n a m a n a . I n t e r s e c t i o n , c r o s s r o a d s . Lit., b r a n c h i n g s t a k e , pahu mell. B e e h i v e . pahuna. A p u s h i n g , t h r u s t , h u r l i n g , p i e r c i n g , etc., a s of a n the s p e a r . C f . pahu, 3. Ho'okahi no ia pahuna, 'o ka ha'ule no ia, b u t a s i n g l e t h r u s t a n d h e fell, pahu 'Olelo. P h o n o g r a p h . Lit., s p e a k i n g b o x . pahu pa. M e a t s a f e , c u p b o a r d . Lit., d i s h b o x . pahupahu. 1. R e d u p . of pahu, 3. 2. B i l l i a r d s , p o o l ; t o p l a y b i l l i a r d s o r p o o l . 3 . R e d u p . of pahu. It; b l u n t , d u l l . pahQpahtt. 1. R e d u p . of pahu; firecrackers. h o ' o p a h O p a h Q . R e d u p . of ho'opahu; to drum or s t a m p w i t h force; t o squeeze c e r t a i n t y p e s of s m a l l fish so t h e y b u r s t . 2 . S a m e a s kS'eke'eke. 3. T i n y and worthless t a r o offshoot f r o m a n o f f s h o o t of s e v e r a l g e n e r a t i o n s . ( K e p . 153.) S e e kalo. pahu pa'l. S m a l l s h a r k s k i n h u l a d r u m . Lit., beating drum,
p a h u - p a ' i - k l ' l . Camera, kodak. Lit.,
box for
printing pictures, Writing desk; formerly a container for t h e coloring liquid used in printing t a p a . Lit., d o c u m e n t b o x . pahu panana. B i n n a c l e . pahu papale. H a t b o x ; w o o d e n b l o c k u p o n w h i c h a h a t is p l a i t e d ; s u c h h a t s a r e c a l l e d papale pahu. pahu pellka (berita). A r k of t h e c o v e n a n t ( I o s . 3.3). Lit., c o v e n a n t b o x . pahu po'o ll'lll'l. K e g . Lit., s m a l l - h e a d e d b a r r e l ,
pahu palapala.
p a h u p f l . Cut in half, cut in two, severed, cut
s h o r t , c h o p p e d off. Nui pahupu, of u n e v e n size, poorly proportioned, as overly large buttocks, s h o u l d e r s . E 'oki 'o mua me hope o ka wa'a a pahupu (For. 5:445), sever t h e bow a n d s t e r n of t h e c a n o e , c o m p l e t e l y s e v e r , pahu ' u m e . D r a w e r , b u r e a u . Lit., p u l l e d b o x . pahu wal. W a t e r b a r r e l , t a n k , p a l . 1. T o urge, encourage, rouse, stir up, excite, h o ' o p a l . T o encourage, cause to rouse, etc. 2. T o raise, lift up. 3 . T o laud, praise, exalt. C f . pai ali'i. 4 . T o p a m p e r , spoil, a s a f a v o r i t e c h i l d ; t o m a k e a p e t of. I ku no ka ho'oki'eki'e i ka pai 'ia e ke kupuna wahine, t h e w i l l f u l n e s s is d u e t o b e i n g p a m p e r e d b y t h e g r a n d m o t h e r . 6. A funnel-shaped wicker b a s k e t used for c a t c h i n g s h r i m p s a n d s m a l l fish, so c a l l e d b e c a u s e i t w a s l i f t e d (pai) f r o m t h e w a t e r . A l s o c a l l e d 'apai, 'apua. 6 . A n a t i v e f e r n ( P o l y p o dium hymenophylloides) with clustered, narrow, p i n n a t e f r o n d s , t w o t o five i n c h e s l o n g , g r o w i n g on trees a t r a t h e r high altitudes. Also called huna-palai, palai-huna. 7 . A k i n d of s n a i l s h e l l fish s a i d t o b e p o i s o n o u s t o t o u c h ( n o data). 8 . S a m e a s pUnanai. Rare. See klkala pai. 9 . P i e , t a r t . Eng. (1 S a m . 17.18.)
p a
t •
p a ' l . 1. T o slap, clap; to print: to snap, as pictures; to break, as taboo; a slapping, slap; stamping; printing (preceded b y ice). C f . pa't a pai, pa'% ki'i, pa'i puna. Ke kolu o ke pa'i 'ana, third edition, h o ' o p a ' l . ( a ) T o slap, nit, punish, chastise, fine, p a y back, seek revenge; punishment, revenge, fine, penalty. 'Olelo ho'opa'i, sentence (penalty). Ka mea ho'opa'i koko (Ios. 20.9), avenger of blood. Cb) Design with ruled parallel lines on a t a p a beater. Ho'opa'ihSlu'a, sets of parallel lines on a beater at right angles. 2. T o tie; a d r a w ; equal; to m a k e a n agreement (said to be so called because c h a m pions slapped each other's open palms after they had agreed on the terms of a match or race, a n d with a d r a w it was as though they h a d no more than concluded the terms.) C f . pa'i a pa'i. InS e pa i ana e koho ana 'oia, if it's a tie, he will vote. 3. T o mix, as ingredients; to mingle. 4. T o p u t clothes to soak, as in s o a j y water. 5. A bundle, package, especially of f o o d ; to tie u p such a bundle; bunch, cluster, as of grapes (preceded b y ke). Cf. pa'i a'a, pa'i 'ai, pa'i palaoa, pa'i 'uala; pa'i waina. Ku ke pa'i, w h a t a load [of work to do]. 6. R a r e var. of pa'ipa'i', to strip, as bark. 7. Lining, as of >andanus or sugar-cane leaves, inside thatchng of pili grass; to line thus. 8._ Decaying, of fruits or plants; blight. Obs. Cf. kapa'i, poultice. 9. Short f o r pa'imalau. 10. A heap. 11. T o evict, as f r o m land. Obs. p a l a . W a l l , B i d e of a house; clearing of large trees, walled in b y vegetation, often translated bower; walled in. Paia 'ala i ka hala, forest b o w e r f r a g r a n t with pandanus [also said of grass houses with hinano bracts stuck in the walls so that all might enjoy the fragrance], p a l ' f i . A fern (Pteridium aquilinum). Also called
i p a l h l . Trickling water, as down the f a c e of a cliff. Obs. p a ' i h l . Clear, bright, cloudless; neat, tidy, well dressed in one's best; honored; set, as a ship's sails (often preceded by hao a). HO'ike ka nani o ka wahine, a i ko la nui hao a pa'ihi (name song for Kapi'o-lani), the beauty of the w o m a n shows, and on your important d a y dress i n y o u r best. KUlana hanohano i pa'ihi 'ia aku maluna ona, an honor conferred upon him. p a ' i h i . 1. A small weed ( N a s t u r t i u m sarmenlosum), related to water cress; used medicinally a n d as a tapa dye. ( N e a l 324.) A l s o called ihi-ku-kipau. 2. M a u l name for 'Shi'a-hS. p a ' l h l ' l h l . 1. R e d u p . of pa'ihi. F o r examples see mikihilina; oki, 2. 2. Same as pa'ihi, 1, t. p a l h o . 1. T o project, as a bone t h r o u g h flesh. Obs. 2. T o make hand signals. Obs. 3. Peeled, as skin. Obs. h o ' o p a l h o . T o peel. Obs. p a l h O . Flapping, of a malo. Obs. p a l h u a . Custard pie, egg pie, f r u i t pie. p a ' l h u a . 1. Bundle of fruit; fruit cluster, as of grapes. 2. Bulge, as in canoe sides. Obs.
pa'l hua plku (flku). Cake of figs. (1 Sam. 25.18.)
Cluster of grapes.
pa'I'l'l. See nenue. p a l ' l ' l h a . A small, light-green, oblong fern (Dryopteris deniata), tapering at b o t h ends and divided into m a n y long, n a r r o w divisions, widely distributed In woods of t e m p e r a t e and tropical countries. I n H a w a i i it also volunteers in gardens. p a ' I ' l n a . R e d u p . of pa'ina. p a l k a . Fight; to fight. Eng. p a l k a n o . T o make a great pet of; to treat with great favor. Obs. B paikano nui ana no 'oia i ke ali'i, he treated tne chief w i t h great favor, p a l k a u . T o march, drill, parade, pass to and fro; to practice firearms. He kumu paikau no na koa hele wawae, manual of a r m s f o r infantry soldiers, p a ' l k a u . E q u a l . Obs. p a l k a u h a l e . T o go gadding a b o u t f r o m house to house. P a l - k a u h a l e . N a m e of a star. See Au-haele. p a l k a u l e l . R a r e var. of pakaulei. p a l k a u l e l a . Passive/imperative of paikaulei. p a l k l . B a g , suitcase, satchel. Eng. p a l k l . 1. Hollow of the hand. Obs. 2. C r a m p e d , pressed close, crowded. Obs. p a ' l k l ' l . T o take pictures, photographs; photographer. Lit., snap pictures. Cf. pahu-pa'i-ki'i. p a l k l k a l a . Bicycle (usually f o l l o w s ka'a, vehicle). Eng. p a l k l n i . Fashion, style. Eng. p a ' l k o l l . T o trim, cut short, p a ' l k u k u l . A kind of dark t a p a cloth d y e d with juice f r o m kukui bark, p a l k u m u . T o h a v e connections w i t h important or influential persons. Lit., touch the source. Obs. p a l l a . 1. Pile, heap. Eng. Ku ka paila, a big heap [as of work to do], 2. Also b a l l a . T o boll, percolate. E paila aku i ka 'i'o pipi, boll the beef. p a l l a k a , p a l l a t a . Pilot; to pilot. Eng. p a l l a n l . Same as mailani, to praise, p a ' l l a u ' u l a . D r y pandanus leaves still clinging to the tree. Lit., cut red leaves. Obs. p a i l a w a h l e . W o o d p i l e , pile of firewood, p a ' l l l . Swelling, as of newly m a d e tattooing. Obs. pft '111. T o touch the skin. Ka i'a pS 'Hi kanaka o Wai-mea, the fish that touches the skin of the people of W a l - m e a [said of g r e a t schools of hinana, fish].
kilau, kllau-pueo. p f t ' l a . 1. T e m p o r a r i l y deaf, as f r o m ascending to a high altitude. 2. T o hear. Cf. pa'ia kuh. Ua pa'ia hinihini, heard indistinctly, p a ' l a ' a . R o o t system, rootlets, small branches. Obs. Pa'i a'a koko. Incipient arteries or veins, p a ' l a h a . A variety of taro. p a U h a ' a . 1. Short, d u m p y , as a person or animal. 2. Dancing, surging, as the sea; tossing, as a canoe in a rough sea. p a ' l ' a l . H a r d , pounded but undiluted taro; heavy, as poorly made. cake. Lima pa'i 'ai, loose-flowing sleeve. 'Olelo pa'i 'ai, pidgin English,
pa'ia kull. Deafening.
p a l a l e w a . Tossed here a n d there, as b y a rough sea; to c a r r y back and forth, to and fro, up a n d d o w n , as a b o a t or kite. Lit., lift unto space, p a l a l l ' l . T o laud a chief; to elevate one's o w n ego b y recounting one's association with chiefs, p a ' l a p a ' l . E q u a l , as of t w o persons; to tie, h a v e a d r a w . C f . pa'i, 2. Ua pa'i a pa'i laua ma ka na'auao, they are equals in wisdom, h o ' o p a ' l a p a ' l . T o make similar; to copy the clothing or manners of another, to ape, mimic, p a l ' f t p a l a . A p p l e pie. Eng. p a ' l a u m a . T o slap the chest In grief. Fig., to show grief, to wail in lamentation. Pa'i a uma wale aku no i ke aloha i na kane, just showing great grief f r o m love f o r the husbands, p a l ' e a . A n edible crab, f o u n d where the 'a'ama is found, b u t with a harder shell and shorter legs fringed in f r o n t with short, stiff hair; perhaps one of the Grapsus; one of the names of K a m e h a m e h a I. Fig., a star athlete, p a ' l h a . S a m e as 'iha'iha. Pa'iha 'oukou i ke ala, e 'Zpu'e (For. 6:294), y o u are strained on the path, struggle, p a l h a ' a . V a r . of paiaha'a, 1, 2. p a ' l h a k a h a k a . Printing, as contrasted w i t h handwriting (kakau); form, questionnaire; blank, as on a questionnaire. Lit., space printing, p a ' l h a l e . T o thatch or line a house. See pa'i, 7. p a ' l h e w a . Misprint, typographical error; to m a k e such an error. Lit., mistaken printing.
pika'a pft Ulna. Cemetery, graveyard. For example see wailua, 1. pallolo. 1. A variety of sugar cane. Also called hou, pakaweli. 2. (Cap.) Name of the channel between Molokal and Maul, pallua. Nausea; nauseating, abominable, ho'opallua. To cause nausea, vomiting; nauseating, disgusting, loathsome. Na mea lele 'e a'e apau e kolo ana, me na wawae 'eha, he mea ia e ho'opailua 'ia e 'oukou (Oihk. 11.23), all other flying things that creep, which have four feet, shall be an abomination unto you. p a ' l m a l a u . 1. Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia). 2. A fleet of canoes fishing for aku with the malau, bait carrier, palna. 1. Pine trees and all kinds of conifers; ironwood. Eng. 2. Fine cloth like serge, pa'lna. 1. T o crackle, snap, click, tick, pop, resound; crackling, snapping, clicking, ticking, popping; brittle, easjly torn. Cf. V i n a . Kanepa ina, click bug. Pa pa'ina, to click, ticktack. 2. Hawaii Island name for poha, t. p&'Ina. Meal, dinner, small party with dinner. pa'Ina-kull. A hold in lua fighting. Lit., the deafening crackle. pft'Ina male. Wedding feast or reception. pS'lna pol. Poi lunch or supper, painlkl. To dress in tight-fitting garments; buttoned up tightly. Cf. niki, to tie. pal nlu. Coconut pie. pa'Iniu. 1. Some native Hawaiian lilies (Astelia spp.) with long, narrow, silvery leaves forming rosette-shaped plants growing either on the ground or perching on trees. Small yellow or greenish flowers develop in a panicle on a stalk shorter than the leaves. Formerly, Hawalians braided hat leis out of the shiny outer layer of the leaves and wore them as a sign that they had visited Kilauea Volcano, where one species is common. (Neal 160.) 2. A tapa design, palnu ' u . 1. T o carry on the hip or back, as a heavy child; to lug, as a heavy object that must be hitched up now and then. Ahonui kiia kaikamahine i ka painu'u i ke kaikaina, this girl is so patient in lugging about her little sister. 2. T o boast, palo. T o quarrel, argue, fight; combat, argument, battle, struggle. Hoa paio, opponent, enemy. 'Ahahui paio, debating club. Ha'a na makani.pa e paio nel, paio i ke alo o makani pa lua (For. 6:299), moving low are the winds, striking as they contend here, blustering before the strong-blowing winds, pal'o. Double-barbed fish hook. (AP.) pft'l'o. T o remove flesh from bones, as of fish; a hook baited with flesh. Obs. paloa. Tall, slim. Cf. leioa. paloea. Var. spelling of paiowea. pal 'Ghua. Basket trap for fishing 'ohua. Cf. pat, 5. pa'lole. Food left by rats. Obs. palonla. Pioneer. Eng. pal 'o'opu. Basket trap for fishing 'o'opu. Cf. pai, 5. paiowea. 1. Same as paioa. 2. A variety of sweet potato, palpal. Redup. of pai, 1,1; to rock. Noho paipai, rocking chair, ho'opalpal. Kedup. of ho'opai. pa'ipa'i. 1. Redup. of pa'i, 1-, to applaud, clap; applause; to sprinkle coloring matter (as charcoal or red cloth) on tapa and beat it in. ho'opa'lpa'i. Redup. of ho opa'i. Ho'opa'ipa'i 'aumakua, sickness or trouble due to the displeasure of the 'aumakua, family god. 2. Redup. of pa'i, 3; mixed, diluted. Lama pa'ipa'i 'ia, mixed alcoholic drink, cocktail. Watu pa'ipa'i, diluted milk. 3. T o trim, prune, cut, clip, as a plant or the hair; to strip off, as leaves. For example see 'Bla'ola'o. Lauoho pa'ipa'i, trimmed hair. palpale'e. Same as pepeie'e.
pa'ipa'i 'lole. See papa'iole. pa'ipa'i kukul. Same sis pa'i kukui. pa'ipa'i lima. To clap, applaud; applause, clapping. pa'Ipa'Ina. Redup. of pi'ina. pa'lpa'lnaha. Tapa cloak worn over the shoulder like a cape. Obs. Palpala, Balbala. Bible; Biblical. Eng. pal pala'al. Pumpkin pie. pa'i palaoa. Cakes of fine flour. (Nah. 6.15.) pa'i palapala. Printing press; to print, pa'i pelena (berena). Loaves. (1 Sam. 25.18.) palpu. Pipe, faucet. Eng. Paipu lawe '¿no, sewage system. Ke kl o ka paipu, faucet key. pai pO. Pumpkin pie. p& lpu. 1. Calabash, wooden dish in general, cooking utensil, bowl (Ier. 52.18) (preceded by ke). Cf. waihona pa ipu. Lawea mai i kau pa ipu a kSkou, bring our dishes, cooking utensils. 2. Dance performed with gourd drums, also called hula kuolo. Also the gourd drum, pa'i puna. T o whitewash, plaster. Lit., to slap coral. pa'lpunahele. To fete a favorite (punahele), especially by composing songs in his honor, and staging dances and feasts for him; an expression of love for a favorite. He pa'ipunahele keld na ke kupuna i ke keiki, that is the grandparent's expression of affection for the child, pa'lua. Fine, white tapa. Obs. pa'i 'uala. Cooked and compressed sweet potatoes allowed to ferment slightly and used as a substitute for poi when poi was scarce. Also called poi 'uala by analogy with poi. pa'I'ula. 1. Tapa made by beating red rags or tapa pieces to form a mixture of white and red (used as outer or kilohana sheet for bedcovers). Also called welu 'ula. Cf. moelola. 2. Calabash receptacle for sarongs. ( A P . ) pa'i u m a u m a . Chest-slapping hula, p&lwa. Nine times, nine at a time, pa'i walna. Cluster of grapes, pa'i wale. A draw or tie; to have a draw or tie. Cf. pa'i, 2. paka. 1. T o remove the dregs, such as fibers, from herbs used for medicine. 3. T o criticize constructively, as chanting; to look for flaws in order to perfect; to teach. 3. Raindrops, patter of rain, especially of big drops. 'O ka ua paka kahi, paka lua, pakapaka ua, paka ua, kUlokuloku (chant for Kua-klni), the rain falling in single drops, in double drops, the many drops, raindrops, rain in streams. Hana ka uluna i ka paka o ka ua, work the pillow during the dropping of rain [i.e., might as well rest when it's raining]. 4. Same as kakala, cartilage. 5. Ka'u name for 'Bpakapaka, a fish. 6. Tobacco ( N i c o tiana tabacum), a hairy annual herb from tropical America, which may grow six feet high, introduced to Hawaii in about 1812. It was tried out unsuccessfully from 1908 to 1929 as a possible industry. Plants are now growing both wild and cultivated. Wild tobacco (Nicotiana glauca).Eng. Cf. makahala. Puhi paka, to smoke tobacco. 7. Butter (usually follows waiu). Eng. pAka. 1. Park. Eng. 3. T o park, as a car. Eng. paka. X. Var. of paka'a, 1. 'I'o paka, lean meat. 2. T o cut in long slabs, as pig or fish for salting; to cut back, as a plant. 3. T o scramble, as eggs. Hua paka, scrambled eggs. 4. T o surf, as with canoe, board, or body; to skim, sis a surfing canoe; to skip stones. 5. Sinker on a flsh line for deep-sea fishing. (For. 4:293.) 6. T o flsh with hook and line but no pole, as ulua. Also kakH. 7. ObsL var. of pakUka, 1. 8. Wrinkled. Obs. Cf. pSkaeaea, pakalua. 9. Same as hoka, to strain. Obs. p a k a ' a . 1. Lean, as meat. 2. Var. of 'aka'a. 3. T o converse, tell interesting tales or anecdotes. Obs.
paka'awili p a k a ' a w i l i . Same as paka'uwili, ka'awili. Ke ahi e paka'awili ana iaia iho (Ezek. 1.4), the fire enfolding itself, p&k&eaea. Wrinkled. Cf. paka, 7. 'Ai ka lani ia Hawai'i, kau ka pakaeaea i luna (For. 6:386), the heavenly chief rules Hawaii, [he] is covered with wrinkles, p a k a h a . A native herb (Lepechinia [SphaceleJ hastata) found only at altitudes of 2,000 to 3.000 feet on East Maui. It is a mint, three to five feet high, more or less downy, with large leaves and clustered, narrow, reddish flowers, p a k a h a . 1. To cheat, fleece, plunder, rob, raid; robbery, raid, etc. Pakaha mai ka lewa, air raid. h o ' o p S k a h a . To cause to cheat. 2. A kind of shell, perhaps a conch. - p S k a h a . See maile-pakaha. p a k a h a k a h a . A native fern (Polypodium lineare), with related forms in Asia and Africa, common on forest trees. A creeping, underground stem bears erect, short-stemmed, narrow fronds six to twelve inches long. Also 'ekaha'Hkolea, pua'a-kuhirtia. p a k a h a n u h a n u . Snuff. Lit., inhaling tobacco. p3 k a h e a . A call that is heard. Lohe mai i ka pa kahea a ke Ko'olau-wahine, hear the call of the wind Ko'olau-wahine. pakfthl. Singly, once, one at a time, apiece, individually, one by one; to distribute one at a time or one apiece. Miki pakdhi, to dip in succession for poi; to eat poi successively, p a k a h o n i h o n l . Snuff. Lit., smelling tobacco, p a k a l . 1. Spleen amaranth (Amaranthus dubius), a coarse, erect, spineless, weedy, tropical herb; it looks much like spinach, and the young plants are similarly used. (Neal 286.) 2. Slender amaranth (Amaranthus ciridis), resembling the spleen amaranth and used for greens. It differs in its habit of spreading close to the ground. (Neal 286.) Called 'aheahca in some localities, p a k a l e a . 1. Same as lipahapaha, sea lettuce. Ka'u, Hawai'i. 2 . Same as halali'i, a variety of sugar cane; named for the seaweed. 3. A variety of taro. 4. (Cap.) Name of a wind at Wai-'anae, Oahu. 5. Name of a type of wave at Kaimu, Hawaii. (For. 5:233.) p a k a l e l e . Young of the hou, a fish, p a k a i k a l . 1. To pound, as with a pestle, especially small fish for bait. 2. Same as pakai, 1, 2. 3. Same as pakaiea, 1-5. p a k a l k a w a l e . A fish, perhaps an 'Bpakapaka. p a k a l - k u k a . Spiny amaranth (Amaranthus spinosus), a widespread, weedy herb, one to several feet high, with many branches bearing narrow or ovate leaves, each leaf with a pair of spines at tho base, and male flowers in long spikes. (Neal 280.) pakaka. 1. Low and broad, especially of a wooden bowl or door; a low, wide wooden bowl, according to Buck the largest ever made. Puka pakaka (For. 4:183), low side door in a house, not the main door, through which one must stoop to enter. Nmau pakaka, leading question, h o ' o p a k a k a . To shape into a low, wide door or bowl. 2 . A variety of gourd: squatty, small, used for meat and fish (ipu fcai)._(HP 208.) Also called no'uno'u. 3. Redup. of paka, 2,3,4 ', slab, as of salted pork. 4. To inflate, blow up, as a balloon with air. p a k a k a h l . To distribute one at a time to several; scattered, here and there, as light rain. Cf. pakahi. E pakakahi aku i ka i'a i kumali'i, giving the children fish one each, or one at a time.
pakakQ. Falling in heavy splotches, as rain. (Kep. 37.) p a k a l a . 1. Young of the kala, a flsh. 2. Kough, as skin of kala, a fish. 3. Also b a k a l a . Buckle. Eng. p a k a l a k a l a . 1. Gray-backed tern (Sterna lunata), also called the bridled, spectacled, or gray wideawake tern. The forehead is white, as is a broad stripo over the eye; the nape, the top of the head and a stripe through the eye are black; the upper parts are dark ashy, with white beneath. 2. Same as pakala, 1, 2. 3. A coarse, nonedible seaweed (Galaxaura spp.). Cf. kauno'a, 'okala, pakolekole, pili-ko'a. p a k a l a k i . Bad luck, unlucky. Eng. h o ' o p a k a l a k l . To cause bad luck, p a k a l a n a . The Chinese violet (Telosma cordata), which has yellowish-green flowers. (Neal 308, 617.) Cf. miulana. p a k a l e . Second growth stage of the 'opakapaka, a flsh. p a k a l l . 1. To dole out little by little; to decoy flsh by doling out bait little by little; a decoy. Cf. kali, to wait. 2. Also b a t a r l . Battery. Eng. p a k a l l a . Passive/imperative of paka, 1, 2. p a k a l l a o . Codfish. Portuguese. p a k a l t k a l i . Redup. of pakali, 1. Uku pakalikali, to pay on the installment plan, little at a time. Ha awi pakalikali, to pay in irregular installments. p a k a l l o n a , b a t a l l o u a . Battalion. Eng. p a k a l u a . Wrinkled, coarse, as skin or bark; encrusted, as with grime or rust, p a k a n a . Waist, shirtwaist, blouse, p a k a n a - . Same as pdpakana. p a k a n a k a . Tame, accustomed to people, unafraid of people; to know a man carnally; concerning humanity; commoner. Ka'ina mai ke akua pakanaka, he akua kanaka, ua walea wale, he akua kanaka, 'o 'oe ia, e Kalani (chant for Kalakaua), coming along is the god who knows mankind, a human god who pleases himself, a human god, such are you, O heavenly one. p a k a n a l o a . 1. Same as pakaiele. 2 . A kind of banana, p a k a n a u . Chewing tobacco, p a k a n e o . Destitute, poverty-stricken, h o ' o p a k a n e o . To bring destitution or poverty. He mea ho'opakaneo ka piliwaiwai, gambling causes poverty. p a k a n l k a . Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa). (Neal 582.) Eng. pa k a n u . Garden, cultivated fleld. Lit., planting enclosure, p a k a ' o . Similar to poka'o. Obs. p a k a p a k a . 1. Redup. of paka, 3. 2. Many, numerous. Pakapaka ka i'a a Paulo, Paul has a great lot of flsh. 3. Same as 'Bpakapaka, wrinkled; scaly. Cf. pakalua. p a k a p a k a l . Young pakai seedlings, p a k a p u h l . Smoking tobacco, p a k a u . To place; table, stand. See pikaukau. Fig., beloved. Hoa pakau noho'i i ke aloha, companion upon whom [my] love rests, p a k a u a . Raindrops. p a k a u a . Fortress, palace (Neh. 1.1). Lit., war enclosure. p a k a u ' a ' a k a . Cranky, cantankerous. Cf. 'a'aka, cranky. Obs. h o ' o p a k a u ' a ' a k a . Same as pakau'a'aka ; provocative of crankiness, p a k a u a h e l o . Obs. var. of pakauhelo. p a k a u a k e ' e . Same as kike'eke'e; crooked, bent, curled; dishonest. Obs. p a k a u e l e . General name for small flsh that are easily caught by hand, as manini, lau-hau, pao'o. Obs. p a k a u e l o a . Var. name for young stage of hou, a flsh. p a k a u h e l o . To live as a vagabond, wander. Obs.
pakakfi. Gibberish, garbled speech, jabber, h o ' o p a k a k e . T o talk thus, p a k a k e h a . Mat spread across a door for privacy. Obs. p a k a k e ' u . To scold excessively, p a k a k l . 1. To talk irrationally, loudly, or contentiously. 2. To skim over the water, as a flying flsh.
pakik o p a k e ' o . T o project, stick out, as t h e tongue tip (a gesture of c o n t e m p t ) : slipped, escaped by slipping, h o ' o p a k e ' o . T o thrust out, slip out, etc. p a k e o k e o . People who might eat with the chief. (AP.) p a k e p a . E x t r a v a g a n t mourning behavior, as knocking out t h e teeth, cutting the hair, destroying property. p a k S p a k e . 1. Redup. of pake, 1. 2 . A seaweed. Also pakupaku. p a k e u . Excessive, over and above; to surpass. Ua pakeu aku ko Aukele lele i ko na kaiko'eke (For. 4:79), Aukele's flying surpassed t h a t of t h e brothers-in-law. h o ' o p & k e u . T o increase, exceed. Ua ho'opakeu 'ia aku na keneka o ka waiwai ku'ai, more cents were added to the sales value. p a k e u p a l l . Excessively great, greatly exceeding. Ka pakeupali aku o ke kuko, the excessiveness of t h e lust. p a k l . T o splash, spatter, squirt, spurt; splashing, spattering, squirting. Inlrans. Ka 'auwai paki, the ditch [that is but al splatter. Nana no a ka 'ulu i pakl kepau, look for t h e breadfruit spattered with gum [mature; fi(j., a man of substance], h o ' o p a k l . T o splash, spatter, etc. Trans. p a k l . 1. Barge. Eng. 2 . Also p a d l . Paddy. Eng. p a k l . 1 . T o smash, crush, pound, dash to pieces, flatten, throw; worn-out, driven to death, as an abused horse. Inlrans. Cf. pakl 'ai, paki lio. h o ' o p a k l . T o smash, etc. Trans. 2 . Numerous, overplentiful, a drug on the market, so many of a thing t h a t it is sold cheaply; well-equippod, well-supplied, well cared for. Paki ka hahalalU i ka makeke, the hahalalu [fish] were so numerous t h a t they were sold cheaply, h o ' o p a k l . T o act as though one has plenty, to show off, as by spending in a flashy way.
p S k a u k a n i . B y thousands, thousandfold; to distribute to thousands, p & k a u k a u . 1 . T a b l e , counter; formerly a long m a t on which food was placed (kaukau) (occasionally preceded by ke). 2 . T o sell, as over t h e counter (said also of wanton women),
p&kaukau 'alna. Dining table, p&kaukau 'opi'opl. Folding table,
p & k a u k a u u a i i k a l o a . T a b l e t h a t cau be lengthened by adding new l e a v e s . L i t . , table with movable length.
pSkaula. Rigging. Obs.
p a k a u l e i . 1 . T o gad about as a vagabond, to live without care or responsibility, to live wantonly with one m a t e after another. 2 . S a m e as kaulei, too high or short, p a k a u l e l c . T o go from house to house, especially to ask for favors, p a k a u - u l u a . Hook for ulua, fish. Obs. p S k a ' u w I U . Same as paka'awili. p a k a w e l l . 1. A variety of sugar cane, with different names on different islands. A deep purple-red and green striped cane resembling 'aki-lolo but the leaves somewhat variegated; also producing m u t a n t s of solid yellow and red, like nanahu, pili-mai. Also called hou, pailolo. 2 . A fish (no data),
pake, pate. Putty. Eng.
p a k e . 1. B r i t t l e ; weak, of health (.obs.). h o ' o p a k £ . T o cause to be brittle, weak. 2 . A variety of sugar cane. 3 . Plain undyed t a p a . Obs. P f t k e . 1. China; Chinese. One theory is t h a t this word derives from a fast, colloquial, and rather substandard Cantonese-dialect pai kei replacing standard Cantonese pai ya meaning " f a t h e r . " said in a friendly and joking way in answer to tlie question " W h o are y o u ? " Also called Kina. 'Aina Pake, China. Ma'i-Pake, leprosy. 2 . See mai'a-Pake. p & k e a . 1 . Pale, gray, as the face of a sick person. Obs. 2 . W h i t e inner sheets of sleeping tapa. 06s. 3 . Kind of mat made of makaloa rush, without design. Cf. hoehoe-pakea. Obs. 4 . T y p e of stone (no d a t a ) . Obs. &. A variety of taro. p a k e ' a l . Short for pakela ' a i , to eat to excess. P & k e k e . 1 . A variety of sweet potato. Eng. 2 . Also b a k e t e . B u c k e t , pail. Eng. 3 . Pocket. Eng. Kauoha Hou Pakeke, pocket-sized New T e s t a ment. 4 . Also p a k e t e . P a c k e t (a ship). Eng. p a k e k o . Small slimy discharges, as of diarrhea. p 3 k e l a . E x c e s s ; excessive, surpassing; to exceed, surpass, excel; exceedingly; _great person who excels. Gt. kela, to exceed. Pakela inu, drink to excess. Pakela nani (2 Kor. 3.10), glory t h a t excelleth. h o ' o p a k e l a . T o cause to exceed. Na ia mea i ho'opakela aku i kona 'ike, it was this thing t h a t made his knowledge great, p a k e l a ' a l . T o eat to excess; gluttonous; gluttony, glutton. He kanaka pakela 'ai, pakela inu waina ( M a t . 11.19), a man gluttonous, and a winebibber. p a k e l e . T o escape. I pakele mai au i ka nui manu (song), I escaped from the many birds, h o ' o p a k e l e . T o rescue, save or deliver from danger, free; to protect. Trans. Hana kinai ahi ho'opakele, fire-protection work, p a k e l e - a - n a ' a . An edible seaweed. Also called huluhulu-waena. p a k e l o . X. T o slip out, as an animal from a trap or a fish through the hand; slippery, slipping, sliding; to thrust, as a spear. 'Olelo pakelo, to talk in a wily, slippery fashion, h o ' o p a k e l o . T o cause to slip, etc. 2 . An enema, in which a slimy substance (made of hau b a r k ) is drunk. 3. A seaweed, p a k e l o k e l o . Redup. of pakelo, i. p a k e l o n a , p a t e r o n a . Patron, patron saint. Eng. p a k e m o . S a m e as pakelo. p a k e n e k a . P e r cent, percentage. Eng.
paklal. Over-sexed. Obs.
p a k l ' a l . Scorched, burned, as land by t h e sun in the summer months. (Kep. 91.) p a k l a ' l . W a t c h m a n ' s stand, as in an enclosure or on a wall, p a k l ' a i . T o break up cooked taro with a pounder in first stage of poi making,
p a k l ' a k l ' a . Wanton. Obs.
p a k l ' l . 1. F i a t , fallen flat, spread out flat, flattened. Ihu paki'i, flat-nosed. Moe paki'i, to lie sprawled, h o ' o p a k l ' ! . T o flatten out. Trans. 2 . Various flatfishes (Bothus pantherinus, etc.). T h e name may be qualified by the terms ha'awale and moana. 3 . Broiled, as puppies t h a t were split and laid flat,
pakl'lkl'l. 1. Redup. of paki'i. 1. ho'opSki-
' I k l ' l . Redup. of ho'opaki'i. 2 . Small net used in fishing in shallows, p a k i k a . Slippery, smooth; to slip, slide, h o ' o p a k l k a . T o make smooth, as by polishing; to make slippery, as by greasing; to cause to slip and slide.
pSklkaklka. Redup. of pakika. ho'opaklka-
k l k a . Redup. of ho'opakika. p a k l k a w a l O . S a m e as kikawaid. p a k l k S . T o answer saucily or rudely; rude, sarcastic, insolent, saucy, impudent. Cf. -kike. Pakike 'ia (For. 4 : 2 9 1 ) , insulted, taunted, jeered at. h o ' o p & k l k C . Causative/simulative, p a k l k e k l k e . Redup. of pakike. p a k l k l . Redup. otpaki. h o ' o p a k l k l . Causative/ simulative, p a k l k l . S a m e as paki'i, 2. p a k l k l . 1 . Redup. of paki. 1; to crush, as pandanus aerial roots with a stone in order t o obtain fibers for k a v a strainers, h o ' o p a k l k l . Redup. of ho'opakl. 2 . A variety of poisonous crab, said to be t h e same as kumimi. p a k l k o . Temperate, frugal, economical; t e m perance (sometimes preceded by ke). 'Ai pSkiko,
p akIk o ( M a r . 6.48), t h e wind beat ahead of them, h o ' o p f t k u ' i . T o beat, to cause t o beat. 3 . H e a v i l y scented, whether sickly sweet or f o u l . PSku'i lua na pali 0 Pelekunu (saying), doubly foul-smelling are the cliffs of M u s t y [said o f vilesmelling places). p f t - k u ' I - a - l u a . A r e n a where lua fighting was taught. Lit., striking in lua s t y l e enclosure,
eat sparingly. Inu pakiko, drink t e m p e r a t e l y . He pono ke pSkiko mamua o no hana ho'okelakela wale aku, it is better to be economical t h a n liberal, h o ' o p & k l k o . Causative/simulative. p f t k l k O . Stone adze. p f t k l k o ' e l e . A rolling, rumbling sound; t o rumble,
pftklkoklko. 1. Redup. of pakiko. ho'opftkikok i k o . Causative/simulative. 2. Scattered, d o t t e d , spotted, p f t k l H o . T o ride a horse until it is exhausted o r dead.
pakulkul. Var. of pa.kuk.ui, 1, 2.
p f t k u ' l k u ' l . 1. R e d u p . o f pBku'i, 1. 2; t o splash b y beating t h e w a t e r ; disjointed, as a poorly
constructed story. (2 Sam. 22.43.) ho'op&ku-
' i k u ' l . Redup. of ho'opaku'i. Ua ho'opaku'iku'i 'ia mai ko laua noho 'ana malaila e na kanaka, their w a y of life there r e c e i v e d blow a f t e r blow f r o m the people. 2. T o argue, contradict, h o ' o p f t k u ' l k u ' l . Causative/simulative. 3. A lonk fishing n e t ; Emerson specifies a net laid in coral reef, i n t o which flsh were d r i v e n by beating the water ( M a l o 212, E m e r s o n n o t e ) ; the joining together of long nets. A l s o called 'aku'iku'i. 4. A surgeonfish (Acanthurus achilles); good eating, p a k u ' l p a l . Shrimp net. A l s o called paloa. p a k Q k O . R e d u p . of paku. He hehi 'ia . . . a pakuku ka waina, the grapes were t r a m p e d on and crushed. PakUkU ahi ka makani (For. 6:387), t h e wind breaks f o r t h like fire, p f t k u k u l . 1. Shiftless; v a g a b o n d ; to w a n d e r : t o p l a y the w a n t o n ; to nibble but not t a k e t h e nook, of flsh. 2. A method of enriching t h e soil f o r taro plantings by use of kukui leaves, which in r o c k y areas were c o v e r e d with dirt in order t o make soil. Lit., candlenut enclosure. ( K e p .
pft klni. Tin pan, pan (preceded by ke). Pa kini holoi, wasii pan. p f t k l ' o . T o settle in pools, as rain w a t e r ; t o drizzle: to e v a c u a t e the bowels, p f t k l ' o k l ' o . R e d u p . of paki'o; to l e a v e excreta here and there, as an animal. Ua paki'oki'o, short showers; t o rain o f t e n and clear b e t w e e n showers,
pftklpa. Barkeeper. Eng.
p a k l p a k l . R e d u p . of paki. h o ' o p a k l p a k l . Causative/simulative.
paklpaklka. Redup. of pakika. ho'opakipak i k a . R e d u p . of
Pftklplka. Pacific. Eng.
pftkl pOhaku. To throw stones, pako, baso. Base. Eng. P a k o a . Catholic t e r m f o r Easter. Passover,
pako (bato) 'alia. Measures of oil. (Luka 16.6.)
p a k o h a n a . Same as kohana; bare. 'Au pakohana i Wai-niha, na lehua o Lulu'u-pali (song), s w i m ming naked at Wai-niha, are the lehua blossoms of Lulu'u-pali.
pftkfl m a k l k a . Mosquito net or netting,
pftkole. l . Var. of pUkole, short, ho'opftkole.
pakOpakO. 1. Redup. of paku. ho'opakapaka.
p f t k u l e . Short f o r pa
pakoke. Obs. var. of pakeko.
p a k u p a k u . Obs. var. of pokopoko.
Var. of ho'opokole. 2 . A flsh (no d a t a ) . 3. U n certain. Obs. p f t k O l e a . 1. T o train to g r o w straight, as an i n f a n t ' s crooked l i m b ; to train to g r o w in a desired shape, as a plant. 2. T o tie or fasten, as a canoe mast. 3. T o g a t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t one's relatives. C f . kolea, 1. p f t k o l e k o l e . 1. Same as pakalakala, a seaweed. 2. R e d u p . of pakole. p f t k O l I . Musical scale, named f o r t h e first three notes of t h e scale, p & k o l u . B y threes, three at a time, three times, t h r e e f o l d ; to distribute to three. P & - k A n a n e . N a m e of a star said to appear on t h e night of H i l o in t h e m o n t h of H i n a l a 'ele'ele. pft k O n a n e . T o shine brightly, of the m o o n . p f t k o n i . T o throb, ache, as teeth. p f t k o ' u . R a r e var. of pSko'u, short. p a k u . T o send a w a y , expel; to unite portions o f tapa b y beating. Bare. C f . kipaku. p a k O . T o burst out, break o p e n ; squeeze o u t ; crushed. Intrans. F o r e x a m p l e see au, 4. l i o ' o p a k f l . T o burst, etc. Trans. p f t k f l . Curtain, screen, partition, v e i l ; partitions before openings of d e e p - s e a _ b a g nets. Fig., shield, defense. lehowa ko makou pakU ( H a l . 89.18), t h e L o r d our defense. Ku paku ka pott 0 Nihoa i ka makani ( s a y i n g ) , t h e cliff o f N i h o a stands as a bulwark against t h e wind [said o f one b r a v e l y f a c i n g misfortune], p a k u f t . V a r . spelling o f pakuwa. p f t - k u a l a u . Pearl-shell lure t h a t is dark-colored inside. Lit., showery lure. p & k O ' e l . T o d o hurriedly and w i t h o u t t h o r o u g h ness, t o skimp. Obs. p f t k u ' l . 1. T o splice on, add on, annex; e n g r a f t ( R o m . 11.17), g r a f t ; suffix, prefix, affix. Aloalo ho'oulu paku'i, g r a f t e d hibiscus. Lumi paku'i, additional room. 'Olelo pSku'i, appendix, supp l e m e n t a r y or a d d e d words. HB'ike paku'i, rebuttal. 2 . T o beat, pound, oppose. Fig.L to oppress, Ua paku'i ka makani mamua 0 lakou
R e d u p . of ho'opaku, t o pop, as a Portuguese man-of-war t h a t is stepped upon 011 the beach. 2. A seaweed. A l s o pakepake. pft k u p a p a ' u . Same as pa ilina. p f t k f l p O U l i . W i n d o w shades. Lit., dark-night curtain.
pftkfl pukaanianl. Window curtain,
pftkflwft, pakuft. Commonplace, trite,
p f t k Q w f t . T o d o o v e r and o v e r ; to render comm o n p l a c e or trite, as a song, p a l a . 1. R i p e , m e l l o w ; y e l l o w , as l e a v e s ; rotten, as t a r o c o r m . C f . hua-pala, pala 'ehu, pala lau hala. Pala 'e'ehu ka lau 0 ka ulu, t h e breadfruit leaves are a reddish-yellow, h o ' o p a l a . T o ripen, turn y e l l o w . 2. Daub, smoar, smudge, b l o t ; dab o f excreta (cf. pala kukae). C f . also 'ai pala maunu, hapala, kapala, pala niho. ho'opala. T o daub, besmear. 3. U n d e r d o n e . Pupuni ka umu, mo'a pala ka 'ai, t h e o v e n smokes, f o o d is underdone. 4. C o a t e d , as t h e tongue. C f . waha pala. S. A f o r m of syphilis. 6. I n t o x i c a t i n g drink m a d e of w a t e r m e l o n juice. 7. A n a t i v e f e r n (Marattia douglasii), w i t h a short trunk and large, long-stemmed, much d i v i d e d , darkgreen fronds. I n t i m e o f f a m i n e , t h e thick, starchy, hoof-shaped bases of the f r o n d stems, which c o v e r t h e short trunk, were eaten a f t e r being baked i n an imu o v e r night. T h e mucilaginous w a t e r resulting f r o m slicing and soaking t h e r a w stems in w a t e r was used medicinally. Pieces o f t h e fronds m i x e d w i t h maile leis enhanced their fragrance. T h e f e r n was used also in heiau ceremonies. 8 . A v a r i e t y of sweet p o tato. 9 . A v a r i e t y of taro. pftlft. Short f o r palaha, 1. p a l a ' f t . 1. T h e lace f e r n (Sphenomeris chusana), a c o m m o n w i l d fern in H a w a i i ; also k n o w n in other parts o f Polynesia and i n Asia. L o n g , slender stems support smooth, o v a t e , pointed fronds, a b o u t a f o o t long, w h i c h are subdivided t h r e e times. F o r m e r l y a b r o w n d y e was ext r a c t e d f r o m t h e fronds. A l s o called palapala'S. 2. A t a p a o f mamaki bark d y e d brownish-red w i t h pala'S f e r n , of silky q u a l i t y . 3. Brownishred. 4. T y p e of stone, used f o r sinkers f o r octopus fishing.
p a1ak a p a l a ' a i . 1. Original name for pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo), as well as squash, named for their resemblance to a long-extinct gourd of the same name. See also pa. 3. A daub of food, especially the Aim of poi that adheres to the walls of the container after the mass has been eaten. 3. Fat, as animals. 'OpQ pala'ai, potbellied, a term of ridicule. p S l a ' a u . To heal, as with herbs. '0 Hi'i-aka ke kaula nui. nana i hana, nana i vala'au i na ma t apau (prayer), Hi'i-aka the great priest, she acts, she treats all ailments, p i l&'au. 1. Wooden fence, hedge. Pa lH'au 'oi'oi (Mlk. 7.4), thorn hedge. 3. Wooden dish or tray (preceded by ke). p a l a ' e . 1. Short for pi'U-o-Pala'e. 2. Scar or lump, as left by a disease of glands in the neck (usually follows 'fl'l, neck). Cf. 'ala'ala. p a l a e ' a . Var. name for young stage of hou, a fish. p a l a ' e h u . Reddish-yellow, p a l a ' e w a . Oblique. p a l a h a . To slip and fall, stumble; smooth, slippery, slick, h o ' o p a l a h a . To cause to fall, trip, push over; to fall, p&laha. 1. Spread out, extended, flattened, wide, broad, broadened. Intrans. Palaha akula ka ua ma ka 'aina, the rain spread over the land, b o ' o p & l a h a . To spread, extend, flatten; leveling, flattening. Trans. Ke ho'opalaha maila ka moa maluna o na hua, the hen spreads out over the eggs. 3. To broil, of flattened-out flesh on coals, n o ' o p & l a h a . Transitive of above. 3. A kind of small 'ahi, a tuna (Germo alalunga). 4. Ti-leaf sandals. Obs. p a l a h f i ' a m a . Yellow but not dead ripe, of bananas; half ripe, p & l a h a l a h a (sometimes shortened to paldla). 1. Bedup. of palaha, 1. Ma'i palahalaha, contagious disease, epidemic, h o ' o p f t l a h a l a h a . Redup. of ho'opalaha, J. Ua ho'opalahalaha mai ke Akua ia'u (Kin. 41.52), God nas caused me to be fruitful. 3. Same as llpahapaha, a seaweed p f t l a h a l a h a l a u . Having many leaves, but littie fruit. p a l a - h a o . A form of syphilis. Lit., hard rottenness. palahC. Fragile, easily torn, as rotting cloth; pulverized, smashed. Mo'a palahi, overcooked to the point of falling apart, as meat. Pdluku ia a palahi ke kino, a body pounded and mashed, p a l a h e ' a . Stained, smeared, bedaubed, h o ' o p a l a h e ' a . To stain, besmear. A ho'opalahe'a no wau i ko'u 'a'ahu apau (Isa. 63.3), I shall stain all my raiment [with blood), p a l a h e ' a h e ' a . Redup. of palahe'a. h o ' o p a l a h e ' a h e ' a . Redup. of ho'opalahe'a. p a l a h e ' e . 1. Overripe, as fallen fruit. 3. To flee in fear. 06s. h o ' o p a l a h e ' e . To cause to flee, chase. p a l a h e ' e . A running boll; to run, of a sore, p a l a h e h a . Lazy, negligent. Cf. maheha. p a l a h e h S . Pus. Paku ka palahlhi, the pus breaks out. p a l a h e ' I . Region below kualono. Obs, p a l a h e m o . Similar to pahemo, loose, easily untied. Bare. p a l a h i . Diarrhea, liquid bowel evacuations; to have diarrhea, p a l a h l ' a . To glide. Cf. pahi'a. '0 ka lua o ka ihe ua palahi'a wale akula no, the second spear glided along, p a l a h l n u . Polished, bright. palahO. Rotten, putrid, decayed; rot. h o ' o p a lahO. To cause to rot, etc. p a l a h o ' a . Young 'ama'u fern fronds cut to be made into palaholo paste, p a l a h o a n a . See pUhi-palahoana. p a l a h o l o . 1. Rolled-up frond of the 'ama'u fern; paste made of sap from the fronds, used in
welding strips of tapa together. 3. Same as palahuki. p a l a h Q . l . Rotten; to spoil, rot. 3. Same as peleha, turkey. 3. A kind of 'Bpelu, a fish, p a l a h u k i . Rotten, as a banana stump; overripe, as banana fruit with juice dripping and black skin, as used in medicine, p a l a h u l l . To turn over, fall over. Palahuli i lalo ka waha 'ai 'at (saying), the food-eating mouth is fallen over [said of one in serious trouble), h o ' o p a l a h u l l . To cause to turn, fall, p a l a l . 1. A native fern (Microlepia setosa), growing wild and cultivated, three to four feet high. The lacy, ovate fronds look much like those of the pala'a but are somewhat hairy Instead of smooth. (Neal 15, 10.) The palai was one of the important plants placed on the hula altar to Laka, goddess of hula; it is famous in song. Also called palapalai. 3. To turn the face away, as in embarrassment, confusion, humility; to conceal one's true feelings; to cloak dissatisfaction or feign friendship (often used with maka). HUna palai iki ke akamai, to hide and conceal somewhat the cleverness, h o ' o p a l a l . To have turned the face away, to cause to turn away; ashamed, confused, etc. E hilahila auane'i, a e ho'opalai maka ho'i ka po'e (Isa. 41.11), the people shall be put to shame and confounded. 3. Also p a r a l , f a r a l . To fry; frying, fried. Eng. Palaoa palai, pancake. Pa palai, frying pan. p a l a l - a l l ' I . A variety of palai, a fern, p a l a ' l e . 1. Flexible, inconstant, changeable. 3. To play the game of loop and ball; the game itself; a flexible stick made of braided coconut with a loop a t one end and a tapa ball on a string attached below the loop, the object being to catch the ball In the loop; this game was often played to a chant, p a l a l - h l h l . A native filmy fern (Trichomanes davallioides), climbing on trees in damp forests, with narrow dark-green fronds, five Inches long or more, divided three times. Lit., creeping palai. p a l a l - h l n a h l n a . A native filmy fern (Hymenophyllum lanceolatum), climbing on trees, with narrow fronds two inches long or longer, divided three times, edged with red hairs. Lit., whitehaired palai. p a l a l - h u n a . Same as pai, a native fern. pala'1'1. Same as lehua-pala'i'i, a variety of taro. p a l a l - k a h a w a l . Same as hihiawai, a fern, p a l a l k l . Sound of a stone falling into water; to fall with a sound; plump. Obs. p a l a Ua. Overripe, as bananas that have turned black. Lit., spotted ripening, p a l a l - l & ' a u . A small native fern (Polypodium adenophorus), with narrow fronds six to twelve inches long, having many short side lobes; they hang down on forest tree trunks. Lit., plant palai. p a l a t i a l . Young of the lai, a fish. palal-lau-11'1. A small native filmy fern (Hymenophyllum obtusum), growing on forest trees, one to two and a half inches long, with oblong, much-divided fronds. Lit., small-leafed palai. pala'Iloll. Discolored, as of pandanus fruit that darkens; to assume a softer, darker color, p a l a l m a k a . See palai, Z. p a l a l - m o e - a n u . A variety of stunted fern, p a l a l n a . 1. Turning away in embarrassment, concealment of true feelings. Cf. palai, 2. 3. To smooth, as fresh cement with a trowel. 3. A word said in card games (no data), p a l a l n a k l m e k l . Cement; to cement. Cf. palai, 2. p a l a l n a p u n a . Whitewash; to whitewash. Cf. palai, t. p a l a l - ' u l a . Dark-stemmed form of palai. Also called la'a. p a l a k a . 1. Indifferent, inactive, uninterested, oblivious, careless or negligent in doing something, as going to church; disinterest, lndiffer-
palaka ence. (For. 5:69.) Cf. kupalaka. Palaka ka na'au (Mat. 13.15), the heart has grown dull, h o ' o p a l a k a . To feign indifference; indifferent, etc. (Isa. 6.10.) 2. A fish (no data). 3. Block print cloth; formerly a shirt of this material. (Perhaps Eng., block.) 4. Hlock, as block and tackle. Eng. p a l a k a a l o h a . Aloha shirt, p a l a k a ' a o . Ripe, as pandanus. - p a l a k a ' e o . ( W i t h ho'o-) lio'opalaka'eo. Peeved, resentful. Obs. Cf. ka'eo. palakahC. Short for palakahela, 1. p a l a k a h e l a . 1. Overripe, spoiled; yellowed and falling, as leaves. Palakahela ka 'ai o Maka'ukiu (chant), the food crops of Maka'ukiu are spoiled. 2. Curved, bent; stooped, as one lifting a weight to one's back, h o ' o p a l a k & h e l a . To curve, bend, stoop, p a l a k a h u k l . Same as palahuki-, overcooked to the point of falling apart, as meat (less common than mo'd palahe). p a l a k a l . Sickly, withered, stunted, puny, as unhealthy plants or people, p a l a k a i a . A variety of sweet potato, p a l a k a m a , b a l a s a m a . Balsam. Eng. palakC. Soggy and watery, as taro or sweet potatoes of poor quality, p a l a k e a . 1. A variety of taro, tall and stocky, distinguished by the black edge of the petiole; conn white, less acrid than most taros, used chiefly as a table taro, also medicinally. The name may be qualified by the colors 'ele'ele and ke'oke'o. Also called lau-loa-ha'ele'ele, lau-loapalakea. 2. Soft, white, clear, unclouded, p a l a k e f . Rocky patch, as for planting. Obs. p a l a k e l l k o , p a r a k e l i t o . Catholic term for comforter. p a l a k l . 1. Brush; to brush. Eng. 2. Black, as skin. Eng. 3. Also b a r a t i . Ballast. Eng. 4. Flush, in poker. Eng. p a l a k l . Small daubs of soft excrement, so called because bowels were loosened during time of famine by eating ti root. Lit., ti daubs, p a l a k l ' a n a l . Scrubbing brush, p a l a k i k o . Petty pilfering; to pilfer little by little. (AP.) p a l a k l l a u o h o . Hairbrush, p a l a k l n l h o . Toothbrush, p a l a k l ' o . A venereal disease, p a l a k l u . Rotted, as taro corm in cold, wet weather. p a l a k a . Ripe to perfection, as of bananas that drop when touched; to ripen uniformly, p a l a k u a . Var. of palaku. p a l a k f l k a e . Residue of excreta that remains to be wiped off. Lit., excreta daub. Ahu ka pala kUkae, a heap of excreta daub [an expression of contempt], p a l a l a . Barrel. Eng. p a l a l a . A low or rumbling sound (similar to palalu). Obs. Cf. kBhikdhi-ku-palala. p a l a l a . 1. Gift or tax given to a chief at the birth of a child; to honor a child with a gift; feast; to have a palala feast. (Laie 445.) 'Aha'aina palala, a feast, as in honor of a child. 2 . Clear. Obs. p& l a l a . To strike obliquely, as wave or wind, pal&lil. Short for palahalaha, 1. p&UUaha. Same as palahalaha, l. p a l a l a h u k l . Same as palahuki. p a l a l a k a ' l m o k u . Plain, cape, land jutting into the sea. Fig., kingdom. (AP.) p a l a l a l o . 1. Venereal disease. 2. Soft, rotten.
aloha disorderly, slipshod way; confusion, Cf. hiohio haole, kipalale. h o ' o p a l a l ? . Causative/simulative. 2. To drip, spatter, spill. Cf. klpalall. p a l a l e h a . Indifferent, careless, slack, neglectful of duty. Cf. paleha. h o ' o p a l a l c h a . Causative/ simulative; to neglect. 'O ka lima ho'opttlaleha. he mea ia e 'ilihvne ai (Sol. 10.4), he becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand, p a l a l e h e . Var. of palaleha. h o ' o p a l a l e h e . Var of ho'opalaleha. palalei. Uncut tapa fringe. Obs. palall. Any flutelike, shrill, or high sound; to sound thus; sound of flatulency, palaloa. 1. Same as palala, 1. (Malo 199, Emerson note.) 2. A circuit of the island by the king, building heiaus. (Malo 189.) palaloli. Same as pala'iloli. p a l a l a . 1. A low rolling or rumbling sound, as cooing of a dove or low blare of a trumpet; sound of the moho, wingless rail. ho'opalalO. To sound thus. 2. Weak, nervous, with shaking limbs. ho'opalalO. To cause nervousness, weakness. pala l u h l e h u . Golden yellow, a beautiful yellow, as of kauna'oa, a vine, p a l a m a . 1. Plum. Eng. 2. Plumber; plumbing. Eng. p a l a m a . 1. A sacred and taboo enclosure, especially for royal women; placed under taboo (For. 5:387). Lit., lama wood fence. Kapalama (place name), the sacred lama enclosure. Ke 'i a'e no wail, 'o ka 'oi o ka palama, malama 'ia ko kino (song), I do say, the best of the sacred enclosures, care for your body, h o ' o p a i a m a . To guard, protect, as a taboo princess in a palama. 2. Palin. Eng. p a l a - m a h l k l . 1. A variety of taro. 2. A variety of sweet potato, p a i a m a l a m a . Redup. at palama, 1. p a l a m e a . 1. Plump. Obs. 2. Clear atmosphere. Obs. p a l a m l m o . To pilfer quickly, as of a skilled pickpocket; to move easily and noiselessly; to do or act deftly; neatly; swift, neat. Palamimo ka lima i ka ulana, the hand is deft in plaiting. Palamimo ka ho'onoho 'ana i ka ukana, the gear is packed neatly, p a i a m o a . 1. Fleecy, mottled mackerel clouds. For example see kaunana. 2 . Name given for a grass. (UL 124.) p a i a m o l . Second growth stage of the moi, a fish, about five inches long ( K a u a i ) ; third growth stage, about twelve inches long {Hawaii). p a l a n a h e l k a , f a r a n a h e l t a . Fahrenheit. Eng. p a l a n a l . Same as pananai, flat, p a l a n a l k l . Small, compact; slim and trim figure, p a l a n a l o . Pinworm daub, a term of contempt something like "not worth a daub of excreta," so called because naio were believed to get into the bowels of children and cause itching. He aha kana pala naio? What in blazes is he good for? p a l a n e h e . Noiseless, quiet, dainty; to move in a dainty fashion. Ko wawae, ki'i palanehe (chant), your feet, dainty fetching, p a l a n l . 1. A surgeonflsh (Acanthurus dussumieri), famous for a strong odor. 2. To stink, smell sour or rancid; a detested person; a kauwa, outcast, h o ' o p a l a i i l . To cause to go sour, rancid. 3. A variety of sugar cane, short, purple with deep olive-green cast when young, changing to reddish-yellow on exposure, pith dark. Probably the parent of 'akoki. 4. A variety of sweet potato. B. Also b a r a n i . Brandy. Eng. 'Via palani, brandy red. 6. (Cap.) Also F a r a n l . France; Frenchman; French; Frank. Eng. Hula Palani (UL 203), same as the pa'i umauma hula. 7. Bran. Eng. p a l a n i . To skim lightly; to paint or daub lightly, especially to paint tapa in light shades. Cf. malan5.
p a l a l a u h a l a . Yellow as a pandanus leaf, said of the very old. p a l a l S . 1. To speak Imperfectly, as of one with a foreign accent or speech defect; to work in a
ku'e p a l a p a l a h o ' o h l k l . Adoption paper; certificate that a child is legally adopted; a written oath, p a l a p a l a h o ' o h l k l ' l a . Affidavit, p a l a p a l a h o ' o h u l . Charter. Lit., associationforming document, p a l a p a l a hO'ola. Certificate, palapala h O ' o l a ' l ' o . Voucher, certifying document. p a l a p a l a hO'ola k u l a n u i . Collegiate certificate; college diploma, p a l a p a l a hfi'ola m a k a u k a u . Professional certificate. palapala h o ' o l l l n a . Last will or testament. Lit., document to convey inheritance, palapala h o ' o k a ' a . Receipt, as for paying a bill, p a l a p a l a ho'okO. Verdict, decision (written); warrant. Lit., accomplishing document, p a l a p a l a h o ' o k o h u . Certificate of appointment; power of attorney, p a l a p a l a h o ' o k u l e a n a . Patent, copyright. Lit., document granting ownership, p a l a p a l a h o ' o k u ' u . Certificate of release; pass, as for soldiers, p a l a p a l a h o ' o l a u a a . Letter of introduction, p a l a p a l a h o ' o l i l o . Quitclaim; deed, as of transference sale; assignment. Lit., transferred document. p a l a p a l a h o ' o l l m a l l m a . Lease. Lit., renting document. p a l a p a l a h o ' o m a l k a ' l . Graduating diploma, letter of commendation; certificate of merit. Lit., congratulatory document, p a l a p a l a h o ' o n a . Certificate of title. Lit., satisfying document, p a l a p a l a h o ' o p a ' a . Bond; insurance policy. Lit., document to make fast, p a l a p a l a h o ' o p l ' l . Warrant, as for arrest; indictment; petition. Lit., document bringing a charge. p a l a p a l a h o ' o p l ' l k l p a k u . Document for ejection. p a l a p a l a h o p u . Warrant of arrest. Lit., document to catch, p a l a p a l a h u l k a l a . Written pardon, p a l a p a l a i . Same as palai, a fern. p a l a p a l a l - a - K a m a - p u a ' a . A native fern (Dryopteris globulifera), one and a half to four feet high, the frond one half to one and a half feet wide and pinnate to almost bipinnate. Lit., fern of Kama-pua'a. p a l a p a l a l - ' a u m a k u a . A native fern (Dryoplerls crinalis var. tripinnata), two to four feet high, with broad, much-subdivided fronds, p a l a p a l a l - l a u - l t ' l . A native fern (Diellia pumila), four to twelve inches high, with narrow, pinnate fronds. Lit., small-leaved fern, p a l a p a l a ' l n l k u a . Insurance policy, p a l a p a l a k a l a h a l a . Indulgence (Catholic). Lit., forgiving document, p a l a p a l a k a u o h a . Last will and testament. Lit., commanding document, p a l a p a l a k e a . Redup. of palakea, 2. p a l a p a l a k l ' l . Summons, process, writ, warrant. Lit., document for fetching, p a l a p a l a k l k o ' o . Check, draft, warrant (for drawing money), p a l a p a l a k l l a (sila). Deed, patent. Lit., seal document. p a l a p a l a k l l a n u l . Royal patent (in times of monarchy). p a l a p a l a kol p a l a p a l a p a p a a k u . Mandamus. Lit., document urging forbidding document, p a l a p a l a k o m o . Pass to enter, p a l a p a l a k o n o . Invitation, p a l a p a l a k f i ' a l . Deed or bill of sale, p a l a p a l a k f i ' S . A written protest.
p a l a n l h o . Tartar of the teeth. 'Ai pala nifto, food remnants; to eat food remnants; an eater of food scraps left by others [a term of reproach], p a l a n l o a . Sour or rancid smelling, especially of an improperly washed or insufficiently sunned food container, p a l a ' o . Walrus. Also waleluka, wolu. pala'O. Same as lipalawai, fresh-water algae, p a l a o a . 1. Whale; ivory, especially whale tusks as used for the highly prized lei palaoa; whaletooth pendant. Makau palaoa, fishhook made of whale ivory. 2. Flour, bread, wheat (.Biblical). Eng. Cf. lawalu. p a l a o a h o ' o w a l i ' l a . Dough, p a l a o a - h u l u h u l u . Barley (Puk. 9.31). Lit., hairy flour. p a l a o a k u ' l . Whale-tooth pounder, as for crushing medicine, a highly valued chief's possession, p a l a o a l a i d . Same as palaoa mokumoku. p a l a o a m a k a . Flour, p a l a o a m o k u m o k u . Dumpling, p a l a o a p a l a i . Pancake. Lit., fried flour, p a l a o a p&pa'a. Toast. Lit., crisp bread. Cf. papa'a palaoa. pftla'ola'o. 1. Same as la'ola'o, mote. 2. A fish (no data). p a l a ' o l e . Perfect, flawless, consummate. Lit., without a daub. Lie 'ike pala 'ole, a perfect knowledge, p a l a - ' o l e . Name of a lua hold, p a l a p a ' a . Any wooden calabash with a thick base. For example see kumau, 2. p a l a p a l a . 1. Document of any kind, bill, deed, warrant, certificate, policy, letter, tract, writ, diploma, manuscript; writing of any kind; printing on tapa or paper; formerly the Scriptures or learmng in general; to write, send a written message. 2. Maui name for pualu, a fish. ( K L line 147.) 3. Var. name for maomao, a fish. (Malo 211.) p a l a p a l a ' a . Same as pala'a, lace fern, p a l a p a l a ' a e . Permit, license. Lit., agreeing document. Palapala 'ae e komo mat, entrance permit. p a l a p a l a ' a e l l k e . Written contract, as for labor; treaty. p a l a p a l a ' a l . Redup. of pala'ai, 2. p a l a p a l a ' a l ' 6 . Note (to pay money), bond. Lit., debt document, p a l a p a l a ' f t i n a . Map. Lit., land document, p a l a p a l a h a ' i a k u h l k u h l h e w a . Writ of error. Lit., document reporting error, p a l a p a l a h a ' l h e w a . Writ of error. Lit., document reporting error, p a l a p a l a h a n a u . Birth certificate, p a l a p a l a h e . Redup. of palahe. P a l a p a l a H e m o l e l e . Holy Scriptures, p a l a p a l a h o ' a i o h a l o h a . Written condolence, p a l a p a l a h o ' & m a n a . Power of attorney. Lit., document giving power, p a l a p a l a h o ' a p o n o . Any document granting permission, as a passport, p a l a p a l a hO'lke. Affidavit, report. Lit., reporting document. p a l a p a l a hO'lke n o k e o l a . Bill of health. Lit., document reporting concerning the health, p a l a p a l a hO'lke p l l l k l n o . identification papers. Lit., document telling about self, p a l a p a l a hO'lke u k a n a o k a m o k u . Bill of lading. Lit., document reporting cargo of the ship. palapala hO'lke walwal. Report of finances, p a l a p a l a h o u u a . Map (less used than palapala'aina). Lit., land document, p a l a p a l a h o ' o h a n o h a n o . Honorary diploma or document of any kind.
p a l a p a l a k u h i k u h i . Chart; statement, as of an account. p a l a p a l a k u h i k u h i h e w a . W r i t of error, p a l a p a l a k u h i k u h i k i n o . A certificate of i d e n tification, as a passport, p a l a p a l a k u ' u k l n o . W r i t of habeas corpus. Lit.. document releasing body, p a l a p a l a l i m a . Billet; any handwritten manuscript or document, p a l a p a l a m a l e ( m a r e ) . M a r r i a g e license or certificate, p a l a p a l a n l . Redup. of palani. p a l a p a l a n o l . W r i t t e n petition, p a l a p a l a p o n a ( b o n a ) . Bond, palapala p u k a (mai ke k u l a mat). Diploma f o r graduation ( f r o m school). p a l a p a l a O l u . Colorful. Obs. PalapalaUlu i ke kanaka, colorful w i t h people, p a l a p a l a w a l h o ' o l h a n a . L e t t e r of resignation, p a l a p a l a w e k a . R e d u p . of palaweka. p a l a p l . W e t , as green wood, said t o be so called because green wood sputters ( p i ) on the fire. Lit., sputtering daub. p a l a p O . D a r k , darkness. Lit., black smudge. p a l a - p O h a k u . 1. A kind of fine, slippery b r o w n alga f o r m i n g a thin layer on stones in ocean ools. E a t e n by small fish but not by people. it., rock slime. 2. T h i r d stage of manini y o u n g , so called because they are said t o feed on this alga. p a l a p O . W o u n d , flesh i n j u r y ; soft, as a boil ready for lancing. Ma kona mau palapu ua ho'dla 'ia mai kSkou (Isa. 53.5), with his stripes w e are healed, p a l a u . 1. B e t r o t h a l ; betrothed, engaged, h o ' o p a l a u . T o betroth in marriage; engaged. 2. P l o w ; to plow. Eng. C f . 'S'S palau. pftlau. 1. T o tell tall tales, exaggerate, talk h o ' o p f t l a u . Same as a b o v e : t o cause t o tell tall tales. 2. W a r club; wooden i m p l e m e n t w i t h convex cutting edges, f o r cutting off ends o f taro c o r m f o r planting (also called ga/au kDhi). 3. M a t , wrapper. C f . palau kea, palau moena, pilau 'ula. Palaulau is commoner. 4. Short f o r kD'elepBlau. a pudding of sweet potatoes and coconut cream. Kl'o'e pilau, a spoon used f o r stirring and dipping pilau pudding. B. A v a r i e t y of hinSlea, a flsn. 6. M a u i name f o r y a m . 7. A v a r i e t y of taro. p a l a u a l e l o . L a z y , idle, especially o f a verbose person: such a person. Lit., tongue lying, p f t l a u - a n a h u . Same as 'aeokahaloa, a tapa. p f t l a u e k a . Var. spelling of pHlauweka. p f t l a u ' e k a . A mere trifle, pittance; ne'er-do-well; trifling. Kumu kU'ai pSlau'eka, a pittance of a price. Ho'i palau'eka 'ole, come back w i t h o u t even a trifle, p a l a u h a . V e r y lazy, p f t l a u h a l a . V a r . of pUlauhala. Obs. p f t l a u h u l u . T a k i n g all of a fish catch f o r a chief instead of dividing it. Ua p&lauhulu 'ia ka i'a na ke ali'i, all the flsh were taken f o r the chief alone. p S I a u k e a . M a t of light pandanus leaves, w i t h meshes about a quarter to a half inch wide. Lit., w h i t e mat. p a l a u k l . Blouse. Eng. pftlau k o h l . See palau, 2. p a l a - ' u l a . A seaweed. p f t l a u l a u . 1. R e d u p . o f palau, 3; broad, flat, extended; a wrapper, especially apron or skirt used as a c o n v e y o r ; t o carry in a wrapper. He aha ka 'oukou palaulau? He la'l no! w h a t ' s your wrapper? Just ti leaves, h o ' o p f t l a u l a u . Causative/simulative. 2. Broad, flat part of a paddle or tool, as of a pickaxe, hoe. 3. A kind of red flsh resembling t h e 'tt'O (no d a t a ) , p f t l a u l a u - m o e n a . Same as palau moena.
p a l a u l a u p a ' a k a l . T h i c k , coarse m a t on which salt is dried. p a l a f l l l . Dark, as the skin, clouds, pftlau m o e n a . Ordinary floor mat. pftlau ' u l a . T h i c k m a t of reddish-brown pandanus leaves with meshes about an inch and a half to t w o Inches wide, p f t l a u w e k a . Same as palaweka. p a l a w a l . Athlete's f o o t , pftlftwal. Same as limu-kala-wai, pond-scums, p & l a w a l k l . N e a t , d a i n t y ; h a v i n g good taste in clothes and the like, p a l a w e k a . Dim, obscure, h a z y , as moonlight. Cf. palauweka, papalaweka, palapalaweka. p a l a w l l l . T o twist, turn. Moe kahuli, hVO i ka nahele i ka palawili 'ia e ka noe, land shell lying down, excited in the forest as it Is twisted by the mist. p a l e . 1. T o ward off, thrust aside, parry, fend o f f ; to ignore a c o m m a n d or law, m a k e void, break, not adhere to; protection, defense, warding off, guard; curtain ( P u k . 26.4), partition, sheath, shield, outer garment, division; canto of a song; division of song in a hula. Pale lua (Heb. 9.3), second veil or partition in the t e m p l e of Solomon. Pule pale, a prayer asking f o r protection ( K e p . 57). 'Hi pale o kama'a. sole of shoes. Pale ka 'a'aka, crosspatch, cantankerous person; lit., cranky one w h o shoves. Ua pale ka pilikia, the trouble is thrust aside, finished, over. Pale kauoha, t o Ignore, f a l l t o carry out a command. Pale i ke a'o a ka makua, t o thrust aside the teaching of the parent, h o ' o p a l e . T o fend or w a r d o f f ; t o separate, partition o f f ; t o defend in c o u r t ; t o disown. Ma ka 'ao'ao ho'opale, on the side of the defendant. 2. T o deliver, as a child. 3. Lining, as of a garment; leaf lining of a ground o v e n ; to cover, overlay, line; to f o r m a barrier. See pale hou. 4. Gunwale lashed t o a canoe. B. A n Interval of time in music, a bar in music. 6. Pressor f o o t on a sewing machine. 7. A p r o n . 8. A l s o b a l e . Barley. Eng. Hua pale, grain of barley, p a l e a . Passive/imperative of pale, 1. p a l e a h l . Fire protection; fireproof, p a l e h a . Loose, slack, sagging; shaking, as a loose o b j e c t . Cf. palaleha. p a l e hftll'l m o e n a . Coarse m a t covering, as spread on the ground; Insulting epithet f o r worthless, low person, p a l e h a u h a n a . See hauhana. p a l e h e . R a r e var. of paleha. p a l e h o p e . 1. A f t e r part of a canoe. 2. Bearers of the after part of a canoe. C f . pale wa'a. p a l e h o u . Sweatband, in a h a t ; protection f r o m perspiration, pft I e h u . Ash tray (preceded b y ke). p a l e h u l . Brace or bar, in punctuation. Lit., joining border, p a l e h u l l a . Fender, as of a car. Lit., wheel guard. p a l e ' l l l . Undershirt. Lit., skin protector, p a l e k a , b a r e k a . Carbuncle. ( P u k . 28.17.) p a l e k a ' a . Car bumper. p a l e k a l . B r e a k w a t e r ; any wall or embankment that protects land f r o m the sea; taffrail of a vessel; railing of a vessel. Lit., sea guard, p a l e k a l k o , p a r e d a l s o . Paradise. Eng. p a l e k a l a p a , p a r e g a r a p a . Paragraph. Eng. p a l e k a l u k a l u . See kalukalu. p a l e k a m a , b a l e s a m a . Balsam. ( E z e k . 27.17.) p a l e k a n a . Safe, saved, rescued; convalescent; t o ward off, brush aside, rescue; defense, savior, safety. E ho'oikaika mai 'oe ia'u, a laila palekana wau ( H a l . 119.117), strengthen me, then I a m saved, h o ' o p a l e k a n a . T o save, rescue, p a l e k a u a . W a r defense, shield ( K i n . 15.1), defensive armor.
palipali pale kauoha. To break or ignore a law.
p a l e u l u n a . Pillowcase. Lit., pillow guard,
pale umauma. Breastplate, as in armor. (Isa.
p a l e k e l k i . T o deliver a child; midwife (Kin. 38.28). Kauka pale keiki, obstetrician,
59.17.) Lit., chest shield,
pale umauma unahl. Brlgandine (1er. 46.4),
palekl. Brake. Eng.
coat of mail. Lit., scales chest shield, p a l e ' u m e k e . Dish towel. Lit., bowl protection, so called because dish towels were tied about j>oi bowls to prevent dust or insects from falling
paleklkena, paresldena. Var. of pelekikena,
president, pale k l l a . Armor. Lit., steel shield, pale kOhlna. Boundary left by cutting; division between taro patches, p a l e k o k l . Petticoat, skirt. Eng. Cf. pUheheo. p a l e k o n a , f a l e k o n a . Falcon. (Olhk. 11.14.) p a l e l a . 1. Lazy, indolent, slow moving; to saunter along as though bored. (Puk. 5.17.) h o ' o p a l e l a . To cause laziness; same as above. 3. Var. otpalala, barrel. Palela li'ili'i, small barrel, keg. pale 1ft. Awning. Lit., sun protection, pale l a u ' I . Ti-leaf covering; said also to be a prayer asking for release from a taboo that prevents one from leaving a taboo spot,
pftlewa. Low wooden bowl, p a l e w a ' a . Persons who protect (pale) a new canoe being carried from the forest to the sea. Those in front were pale mua, those aft were pale hope.
pale wal. Breakwater,
p a l e walO. Brassière. Lit., breast guard, pale-wftwae. 1. The joy weed (Alternanthera amoena), a small herb from Brazil, used as a low border for paths and flower beds. I t has red, branching stems and variegated red, green, and yellow, small oval leaves. (Neal 286.) 3. Small, fan-shaped brown seaweeds (two species light-brown, and of Padina [P. commersonii, P. vickersiae, larger, darker-brown]), common on the reef, each fan more or less split and curled. Not eaten, p a l e wftwae. Foot covering or protection ; house slipper or sandals (also called kSma'a pale wawae); leather part of stirrups covering the rider's feet. He pale wawae ko'u 'Hi nona (For. 5:547), my skin is [something] for her feet to walk upon. p a l l . Cliff, precipice; steep hill; full of cliffs. Fig., an obstacle, difficulty; naughty or disdainful. For example see pu'upu'u, 1. Ile pali lele koa'e (poetic), a cliff where tropic birds fly [I.e., very high], Pali kaulu 'ole ka iani, the chief is a cliff without a jog [of very high rank], Pali ke kua, mahina ke alo, the back is a cliff, the front a moon [said of handsome persons]. Pali mai na maka o ka hoa (song), the companion's eyes are a haughty cliff,
palele. Obs. var. of palati, 1, t.
palelel. Head covering of tapa wrapped over the head with the ends hanging down in front. Obs.
pale lima. A shield, worn on the arm; armguard. pale Uo. Saddle blanket. Lit., horse guard,
palelona, farelona. Furlong, in surveying. Eng. p a l e m a ' l . Underdrawers.Lit., genital protection, pale m a k a . Veil that conceals the face, especially as worn by Arab women,
pale makanl. Windshield.
p a l e m o . 1. T o sink, be sunk, slip away, vanish; drowned. Intrans. Hoku palemo, the full moon (hoku) that vanishes at sun-up. h o ' o p a l e m o . To drown, plunge Into water, sink. Trans. 3 . Promiscuous. He nohona palemo, a promiscuous way of living. He kane palemo, a temporary male lover. 3. Young of unu, a fish, pale m u a . 1. Fore part of a canoe. 3 . Bearers of the fore part of a canoe. Cf. pale wa'a. p a l e n a . Boundary, limit, border, juncture, separation, partitioning; terms of a fraction. Cf. kaupalena, 'O ka ho'ohelu a me ka mShele pU, ua kapa 'ia ISua 'elua, 'o na palena o ka hakina, the numerator and denominator together, are called the terms of the fraction,
palena 'Ulna. Land boundary,
p a l e n a 'ole. Boundless, without limit. He 'ole ka 'ike, unsurpassed knowledge,
pftllalla. Var. of aiialia.
pft l l h l . To touch lightly, graze, pft l l ' l l l ' l . Small dish; saucer (preceded by ke). p a l l k a . 1. Also b a r l k a . Carbuncle. 3 . (Cap.) Also P a r l s a . Paris: Parisian,
pall kftmoe. Low hillock, terrace,
p a l l - k e a . A sweet potato. p a l l k a . 1. Initial point of a genealogy line. (Malo 2.) 3. Priests of Lono (Malo 150); ancient order of priests (AP). pall k u . Vertical cliff. pall k u ' l . Notched, toothed cliff; Joined succession of cliffs, p a l l i a . A gray, yellow, and white Hawaiian honey creeper (Psittirostra bailleui, P. kona) ; endemic to the island of Hawaii. For examples see oloki, pi'oloke. pallie. Same as lile. Obs. pftinea. Inactive, sluggish. pallll. Small weak taro shoot (preceded by ke). He make no ke kalo, a ola no i ke palili (saying), the taro is dead, but the weak shoots live on [the ancestors are dead, but weaklings survive], pall loa. Distant or tall cliff. Fig., distant, aloof, disdainful; aristocratic, regal, p a l l m a . Primer; to study a primer. Eng. pftllma. 1. Five times, in fives, flvefold; to divide in fives. HUnau pSlima, quintuplet birth, h o ' o p f t l l m a . To divide in fives ; same as above. 3 . Temporary booth occupied by priests during taboo aays of a heiau. pftllna. Bare var. of papilina. Cf. pahi-pSlina.
pale noho. Seat cover.
pftleo. To converse, chat; to talk loudly. Cf. pU, k for p5 i ka leo. 'O ko'u makemake iS 'oe, 'o ka pUleo iki aku (song), my desire with you. Is to chat a little, pftleoleo. Kedup. of paleo. pftleoleowft. To talk loudly and unpleasantly; a din; loud reviling talk. pale'Opua. To pardon offenses, as by a priest's offering, in pagan times only. Obs. Lit., ward off billowy clouds,
pale pftkaukau. Table cloth, pale pftkaukau 'alia. Oilcloth,
palepale. 1. Redup. of pale, 1, 2, 3. Pale pale ke kapa o ka wahine hele ua o Ko'olau (For. 6:476), protecting the tapa of the woman going Into the Ko'olau rain. 3 . Same as pale, 4. pale-plwa. All species of Eucalyptus trees. Lit., ward-off fever, so called because the leaves were used for fever medicine, and in the pQlo'ulo'u, steam bath. Also called 'eukalikia, nuhSlani. 'Aila pale-plwa, eucalyptus oil. pU lepo. 1. Adobe wall. 3 . Clay dish; soiled dish, p a l e p o ' o h l w l . Shoulder pads or protection, p a l e u h l . Veil, covering.
pallpa'a. Cliff.
p a l l p a ' a m a o l l . Base of a cliff. (Thrum's Annual, 1925, p. 68.) pallpall. Precipitous, full of cliffs and steep hills, h o ' o p a l l p a l l . Causative/simulative. E ho'opali-
plileuleu. Old, worn-out, as tapa, mats, or clothing. Cf. 'aleuleu.
Pali-uli p a i u l u . Screen, shield; protection of any kind from the elements, as a windbreak, windshield, sun visor, curtain; to screen, shield. Lit., sheltering wall. paiulu ' a o ' a o . Curtain; as about a shower. Lit., side screen, paiulu k u k u l . Lamp shade, paiulu m a k a . Eye shade, paiulu m a k a n i . Windbreak, p a i u l u p u k a a n l a n l . Window screen, shade, p a i u n a , b a l u n a . Balloon. Eng. p a l u n u . 1. A creeping plant (no data). 2 . A dull thud; to thud. Obs. p a l u p a l u . Weak, soft, limber, flexible, tender. Na'au palupalu, soft-hearted. 'Olelo palupalu, soft-spoken, gentle in speech, easy to understand. h o ' o p a l u p a l u . T o soften, weaken, mollify, make pliant or flexible; to feign softness. palQpalfl. A kind of yellow tapa. Obs. p i m a . 1. Palm (Puk. 15.27); date palm. 2 . Also b a m a . Balm. Eng. (Kin. 37.25.) pa m a e . Pearl-shell lure with variegated colors, as of red, white, blue. Lit., fading pearl-shell lure. P a m a ' e l e . Name of a star said to appear on the night of Hoku in the month of Welehu. p a m a ' l . Susceptible to sickness, proneness to catching every possible contagious disease; qualmish. Lit., touching sickness, p a - m a k a n i . 1. Same as koki'o-kc'oke'o, a native hibiscus (Hibiscus arnottianus). 2. A native violet (Viola chamissoniana), a shrub three to five feet high, bearing pale-purple flowers. Molokai. p a m a k a n i . To blow, of the wind; wind-blown, p a - m a k a n l - h a o l e . The white thoroughwort (Eupatorium glandulosum), from Mexico, a branching herb, much like maile-hohono, bearing many small white flower heads, which produce tiny, hair-tipped fruits. It is a serious pest, first becoming common on Maui. (Neal 730.) p a - m a k a n l - m a h O . A native shrub (Phyllanthus sandwicensis), one to three feet high, with small, alternate, narrow or ovate leaves, small flowers and fruits; a member of the euphorbia family. p a m a k e . Fatal, of disease. Lit., touch of death. Cf. paola. pamalO. 1. Dry, rainless. 2. To thunder without rain. 3. Expressionless, without animation or facial expression; dull, as a party, p a m a l o ' o . Var. of pamaW, l, 2, 3. p a m o h o . A creeping fern (Asplenium unilateral), found in tropical Polynesia, Asia, and Africa, one to two feet high, the fronds two or more inches wide, pinnate, with 15 to 30 pairs of oblong, blunt pinnae, their upper edges more or less indented, p a m o m o a . A flsh (no data), p a n a . 1. To shoot, as marbles, arrows, bow; bow and arrows; to snap, as with fingers and thumb to punish a chjld; to flip. Cf .pana Hole. Pua pana, arrow. Kau mau pana (Kin. 27.3), thy weapons, h o ' o p a n a . Causative/simulative. (PPN {ana, P M P probably panaq.) 2. Heart beat, pulse; beat in music; to beat time, pulsate, throb. Nana i ka pana, to take the pulse. 3 . Celebrated, noted, or legendary place. 4. Pan. Eng. Obs. Ku pana, stew pan. p a n a , b a n a . Band. Eng. p a n a ' e . Short, broad, as a leaf. Obs. P a n a - ' E w a . Name of a place in the Hilo district, famous in songs. Places of the same name are on other islands, p a n a l . Same as pandnai, flat, p a n a ' l . 1. Revenge, reciprocity, reward; to revenge, pay back, reward, reciprocate, whether ood or bad; to replace, substitute^Cf. Ku'ikahi 'ana'i Like, uku pana'i. Po'e pana'i (2 Oihn. 25.24), hostages. Ho'dla pana'l (Isa. 41.14),
pali ana ke kua, ho'opalipali ke alo ( K L lines 488-9), the back forms precipices, the front forms precipices. P a l i - U l l . A legendary land of plenty and joy, said to be on Hawaii, where chiefs' children were raised; now a place name on several islands. Lit., green cliff. Hanohano Pali-uli i ka ua noe, majestic is Pali-uli in the misty rain [said in admiration of a person], palo. Revelation, as from the gods. Obs. palO. Same as ho'opalo, (a), (6). ho'opalO. (a) To feign ignorance, (b) To act the goody-goody, paloa. 1. Samo as paku'ipai; long seine, as used for mullet. 2 . A fish (no data), p a l o k a , b a l o t a . Ballot, vote; invitation (obs.). Koho paloka, to vote. Po'e koho paloka, voters, p a l o k e . Broken. Eng. pftloke. Same as pdlokeloke. pdlokeloke. Loose-fitting, as a peg or key; not solid, wobbly, as a table, palola, p a r o l a . Parole. Eng. pMola. Helpless, blundering, awkward. Obs. palolo. Glib-tongued, garrulous; gossiping, as maliciously. Palolo lua. very gossipy, glib, h o ' o p a l o l o . To cause garrulousness; same as above. palolo. Clay; hard, sticky mud; mortar (Puk. 1.14). palolo h u a . Glib in speech, garrulous, palololo. Redup. of palolo; claylike, sticky, p a l o m e k a , b a r o m e t a . Barometer. Eng. p a i o ' o . Obs. var. of pamalo. p a l u . 1. To lick, lap. (Nah. 22.4.) h o ' o p a l u . To cause to lick, to lick. 2. A relish made of head or stomach of fish, with kukui relish, garlic, chili peppers; fish bait made of fish head or stomach, also used for chumming. For example see 'u'u. Ka palu. a bailer with palu bait in it, said depreciatingly of ordinary food. Ku'i palu, to pound up palu bait; fig., to thresh, beat, as a person. Ahu ka 'ala'ala palu, a heap of octopus liver bait [not worth anything at all]. 3 . Same as palupalu. palO. Flu, Influenza. Eng. p a i u a . Two by two. double, twofold, twice. Kino palua, one with a dual character or body. Makani palua, wind blowing in various directions. Palua hou a'e ka nut o keia mamua o ki'.i, this is twice as big again as that, ho'op&lua. To divide in two parts; double; pair, p a l u ' a l . Vegetable food. Kauai. p a l u h e . Reduced to pulp, as palu: cooked to a pulp; cooked to the point of falling apart, as meat. Paluhe ka palu, the bait is pulverized; fig., a meek, humble or abused person, h o ' o paluhC. To make soft, pulpy; to reduce to pulp, cook until soft, p a l u h e ' e . Var. of paluhe. h o ' o p a l u h e ' e . Var. of ho'opaluhi, p a l u h l . Same as luhi. Obs. p a l u h l a . Passive/imperative of palu, 1. Pau ka hale i ka paluhia e ke ahi, the house was consumed by being licked up by fire, p a l u k a l u k a . 1. Looseness of the bowels, with slimy, greenish stools. 2. A kind of uhu, a fish, p a l u k u . To beat, pommel, hit hard, thrash, pound, destroy. Cf. poluku. ho'opaiuku. Causative/simulative, p a l u k u l u k u . Redup. of paluku. p a l u l a . Cooked sweet-potato leaves, palfiia. Tranquil, serene, calm, p a l u l a ' I . Ti-leaf relish, a term of derision for the people of Hawaii, because at a feast for Kamehameha I on Oahu there was not enough food, and the late-comers were said to have had to lick the ti-leaf food wrappings, p a l u l e . Commoner. Obs. p a i u l e . Shirt. For example see 'Bni'oni'o.
redeemer. Pdna'i like, equal give-and-take; reciprocity; to pay back equally. '0 wau no ka pdna'i nona (Kin. 43.9), I will be surety for him. 'A'ohe lokomaika'i i nele » ke pana'i, no kind heart lacks a reward, ho'opana'i. T o seek revenge, reward, etc. 3. T o fit one on to another; to splice or graft; to lengthen, pana I'a. Fishing spear shot by a bow; to shoot fish thus.
pane. 1. Answer, reply; to answer, ho'opane. T o cause to answer. 2. Hind part of the head; top or summit, as of a mountain (preceded by ke). 3. T o pull. Kauai. panea. Passive/imperative of pane. pane'e. 1. T o move along, bring, push along a little; pushed forward. Pane'e i mua, to progress. Ua pane'e maila kekahi mau mea'ai, some food was served, ho'opane'e. Causative/simulative. 2. Delayed, postponed; delay, postponement. Uku pane'e, interest on money. He h4 hola ka pane'e 'ana mai, a delay of 44 hours, ho'opane'e. T o postpone, delay, put off, defer (Kin. 34.19), procrastinate. 3. Old, worn-out. Kauai. Obs. pane'ehS. T o drag, haul. Obs. pane'ene'e. Redup. of pane'e; to move on little by little, slowly, ho'opane'ene'e. Redup. of ho'opane'e-, to keep putting off, etc. pane'e-'fiplki. Clamp feed, of sewing machine. panehQ. Quick. Obs. paneka, paneta. Panther. Eng. panekal. T o move in, of the tide. Ua panekai 'olf ia pT> a hiki aku i ke kakahiaka (Kep. 101), that night the tide did not move in until morning. panekalupa, banekarupa. Bankrupt. Eng. panekana. Var. of palekana. panekl, panes!. Pansy. Eng. Also called po'okanaka. panena. Answer. Ua pau ka panena a ka leo, the answering by voice is over, panepane. To retort, talk back, ho'opanepane. To cause cont ro versy by arguing; same as above, panepo'o. Pinnacle, summit ; topmost, most important; hind part of the head (preceded by ke). panewanewa. Mourning, grief. Na la panewanewa o ke ali'i, days of mourning for the chief, pant. 1. To close, shut, substitute, replace, fill a breach or vacancy; closure, stopper, lid, cover, gate, door, substitute (sometimes preceded by ke). Cf. pani hakahaka. ho'opanl. To cause a closing, to pretend to close. 2. Final bit of food closing a period of treatment by a medical practitioner, commonly but not always sea rood; final gift in a ho'okupu ceremony. 3. Oddshaped pandanus key that fits like a keystone at tne bottom of a pandanus cluster; when this is knocked out, the others fall easily. 4. The bottom of a coconut when cracked off by blows around the base of the nut; it fits like a lid (pani). 5. Disease with severe pain at the solar plexus and choking. 6. Pan. Eng. Obs. panla. Passive/imperative of pani, 1. Pania mai ka waimaka (Laie 523), the tears are stopped, panianl, paanlanl. 1. Spanner, an instrument for making rope of hair or yarn; spun yarn. 2. Clear. Rare. panie. T o lessen. Kauai.
panalkl. Diagonal. (AP.) pana'ina'I. Redup. of pdna'i, l, t. pana 'lole. T o shoot rats or mice with bow and arrow, an ancient sport; bow and arrow. (Malo 233.) I ki'i mai nei au i kekahi mau klko'o pana 'iole (For. 5:25), I have come to fetch some rat-shooting arrows and a bow. pana kal. 1. T o flip, as salt water with finger or fingers during a purification ceremony. 2. To heel over, as a vessel. Obs. panakalupa. Bankrupt. Eng. panakO, banako. Hank. Eng. For example see komo. p a n a l a ' a u . C o l o n y , dependency, province (Ezera 4.15); colonist. In early times Hana, Maui, was_a panala'au (dependency) of Hawaii. Hui panala'au, society of colonizers. Panala'au o Hawaii Territory of Hawaii [name used in 1900]. Nana 'o Kamehameha i kona aupuni, a e 'ai i kona panala'au, Kamehameha attended to his kingdom and ruled his dependency, panale'a. Dexterous, gleeful, quick, as in danger. Obs. panan&. Weak, tottering; such a person. p&n&n&. 1. Compass; pilot; to row here and there irregularly. Cf. pahu pandnd. Aia t hea? Aia i ka 'auwa'a i panana. Where [is he]? With a fleet of straying canoes [anywhere, a way of avoiding the question]. 2. Possibly a local name of the Jacobean lily (Sprekelia formosissima), a kind of amaryllis from Central America, cultivated in Hawaii for about a hundred years. The flowers are red, three to four inches long, irregularly funnel-shaped, usually single on a long stem. It is named for a chiefess, the wife of Samuel Parker, owner of the Parker Ranch, pan&nai. Flat, shallow, as a dish; slim of physique, p&nanalki. Same as palanaiki. panapana. Redup. otpana, 1, 2; to strike gently, as the butt of a coconut midrib used as a pole for catching crab. Cf. panapana nl'au. panapana nl'au. T o shoot a coconut leaf midrib (the leaf was bent like a bow and released so that it sprang away), panapanapuhi. A kind of shellfish. (AP.) panapanau. Redup. of panau. ho'opanapanau. Redup. of ho opanau. pana po'o. T o tap or snap the head (it was rude or provocative to tap another's head, as the head was sacred), pana pua. T o shoot with bow and arrow; archer, archery. panau. To move up and down as a seesaw; to flip along, as a lobster; restless, uneasy, always on the move; to gad about; pulsating motion of male organ; a vulgar or contemptuous gesture signifying the latter, made with the fist of one hand, while the other hand grasps the elbow joint, jerking the forearm and clenched fist upwards. Panau ka 'Spae, the shrimp moves with a flip [of a gadabout], ho'opanau. To cause to seesaw, wander, etc.; to make the vulgar gesture, p&nauea. Thin, weak, feeble, slow. Cf. hdpauea. p&naunau. 1. Redup. of panau. Bare, ho'opftnaunau. Redup. of ho'opanau. 2. A native plant (Lobelia yuccoides), four to six feet high, with a slender, unbranched trunk tipped with a crown of narrow, white-backed leaves about a foot long, from which rises a flower spike two to three feet long crowded with 200 to 400 narrow blue flowers.
pani haka. Same as pani hakahaka. Lit., closing breach. pani hakahaka. To substitute, fill a vacancy, replace; substitute, replacement, successor, proxy. 'O wau no anei ka pani hakahaka no ke Akua (Kin. 30.2), am I in the place of God. pa nlhi. Var. of pa Hhi, pa-nlho-loa. One of the wrasses (Thalassoma trilobata), 18 inches long, red body with green rectangular spots. Lit., Iong-toothed shell, paniinoa. Pronoun. Lit., name substitute, panlinoa-hull'-'auikumu. Reflexive pronoun. Lit., pronoun reverting to the subject case, paniinoa kaleie mana'o. Emphatic pronoun. Lit., pronoun that supports the thought, paniinoa kuhikuhi. Demonstrative pronoun. Lit., directing pronoun. paniinoa kuhi lauia. Indefinite pronoun. Lit., pronoun pointing widely, paniinoa ninaninau. Interrogative pronoun.
p&noanoa. 1. Redup. of panoa. 2. Scarce, very rare. Panoanoa ka ma'alo'alo 'ana a ka i'a, fish rarely passed there, p i n o e a . Same as pdnauea. Obs. p a n o h i ' l a k a . A bird (no data), pftnohonoho. 1. The young of the nenue, a fish. 2. A seaweed, panonono. Full of holes, cracks; cracked. Obs. pSno'o. Same as pao'o, fish, p&no'ono'o. 1. Same as ho'omana'o. 2. Same as panoanoa. Kai make panoanoa, calm sea that bares [the reef, at very low tide]. 3. A seaweed, panopano. Redup. of pano. Ao panopano, thick cloua. 'O pano ia, 'o panopano o Kane i ka p5 panopano i hanau (KL, line 386-7), a darkness, a dark darkness, Kane born in the deep dark night, h o ' o p a n o p a n o . Redup. of hoopano. 'Ele'ele Hilo e, ho'opanopano i ka ua, Hllo is black, darkened in the rain, pano pa'u. Glossy, glistening black, sooty-black; black streaks in grain of wood. panopa'Q. Somewhat wet. Rare. p&no'uno'u. Short, stumpy, thick. pSno'Ono'fl. Somewhat wet. Rare. p&nuhu. 1. Second growth stage of the uhu, a flsh. See uhu. 2. Thrifty, as of plants. Obs. p S n u h u n u h u . Same as panuhu, 1, i. p a n u n u - k u a h i w l . A native member of the ourd family (Sicyos cucumerinus), a more or >ss climbing herb with variable leaves, which range from entire and rounded to many-lobed. The fruit is narrow, about an inch long, grooved, one-seeded, p&nu'u. Same as panuhu, 1, i. Obs. pao. 1. To scoop out, dub out, as a log for a canoe, or as of the action of the sea on the coast; to peck, chisel out, bore. Fig., blunt, cruel in speech (preceded by ke). POhaku pao, stone chisel. Cf. paoke'e, paokoke, paomoni. Ua pao 'ia 'o Pua e ka hoahanau, Pua was rebuked Dy the cousin. Pao ka lima, 'ae ka waha, the hand bores from below, the mouth says yes. 2. To insert, stick in, as wood into a fire; to stoke, as coal into a furnace. Cf. imu pao, pao ahi. 3. Cave, pit. cavern. Lua pao, pit cave, as for burial. 4. Arch of a bridge, bridge, paoa. 1. Strongly odoriferous; a strong odor, whether pleasant or unpleasant. Paoa ke 'ala o ka na'ena'e (song), the perfume of the na'ena'e is strong. Iwi paoa, lucky; lit., fragrant bones. [But. cf. paoa, 2.) 'O ka hana ia a ka lawai'a iwi paoa, that is the way of the lucky fisherman. 2. Unlucky, unsuccessful, as in fishing or sex. [But cf. iwi paoa under paoa, 1.] Na wai e 'ole ka paoa, ua kahea kua 'ia, who can help having baa luck, when called from behind the back. 3. To have a taste or desire for (usually used with waha, mouth). Paoa ka waha i ke kanaka, the mouth loves the taste of man [said of a shark], 4. Rare var. of pawa, predawn. pao a h i . To stoke a fire; stoker. Lit., fire inserter. pfto'lo'l. Imperfect, as in speech. Obs. p&'o'I'o'I. To limp; limping. paoka, paoda. Powder. Eng. paoke'e. To slander, betray; slanderer, traitor. paokoke. To betray one's relatives or those close (koke) to one. pSola. Quick recovery from sickness; quick healing. Cf. pamake. pft'olo. Rare var. of pu'olo. p a o m o n i . To contend with, make war on. Obs. p a o n a . Pound (Eng.), balance, scales, weight. Cf. kau paona. Mea'ono paona, pound cake, paona k a u l l k e . Balance, scales. Lit., equally placed poundage, paona k e l k i . Baby scales. p&onl. Disagreement, argument, contention; to argue, quarrel; envy (Biblical), ho'op&oni. T o cause quarrel, strife.
panllnoa pelu hope. Reflexive pronoun. Lit., pronoun folded after, panllnoa plllkino. Personal pronoun, panl k a l . Levee, dike, or any protection against the sea. pftnlkl. 1. To press or pinch the hand or arm. as to attract attention; punch, as for paper. Eng. 2. To punish; punishment. Eng. panlkfl. 1. To slam shut, as a door, to close abruptly, as in slamming a door in one's face; to foreclose, as a mortgage. 2. To pound, break. Obs. p a n l n a . 1. End, closing, very last, conclusion, finish, cessation, breaking off or cutting short. 2. Plump cheeks. Obs. Cf. papSlina. p S - n l n l . 1. The prickly pear (Opuntia megacantha), a Mexican branching cactus about 15 feet high, with a cylindrical trunk, and green, succulent, flattened, oblong to ovate joints, from which protrude many inch-long spines. Flowers are yellow or orange, large; the fruit is ovoid, about three inches long, yellow or purple, spiny. This cactus is a weed in Hawaii; the fruits are eaten or made into liquor, hit., fence wall. (Neal 532.) In some localities called papipi. 2. A variety of sweet potato, pjl-nlnl-'awa'awa. The true aloe (Aloe barbadensis, synonym A. vera), a rosette-shaped plant from the Mediterranean region, with narrow, thick, pale-green leaves, a foot long or longer, with prickly edges. The leaves yield a medicine used to treat some kinds of blisters or burns. (Neal 164.) Also 'aloe. panlnlkO. The name of a seaweed, p a n l n i ' o . Same as nini'o, spotted, h o ' o p a n l n l ' o . Same as ho'onini'o. p a - n l n l - o - k a P u n a - h o u . The night-blooming cereus (Hylocereus undatus), a Mexican cactus with succulent, green, jointed, three-winged stems that climb on trees and walls. About 1830 it was brought to Hawaii, where during summer and fall it bears large numbers of large white flowers which open in the evening and last only until the next morning. (Neal 534.) Lit., the Punahou cactus, p a n l ' o . Smooth. pfinl'o. Same as ni'o. h o ' o p S n l ' o . Same as ho'Sni'o, streaked, p a n t - ' o l e . 1. A variety of sweet potato. 2. A variety of taro. Lit., without a lid. paniolo. 1. Cowboy. 2. (Cap.) Spaniard, Spain; Spanish. (Probably Spanish, español.) p a n l 'Omole. Bottle stopper, cork, p&nl'onl'o. Redup. of pa ni'o. p a n i p a n l . l . Redup. of panl, to close. 2. Coition (vulgar). 3. Small outrigger canoe. Obs. panlpo'o. Var. of panepo'o. panlpO. Plug or wad of a gun. Obs. p a n l p u k a . Door, gate; cover of an opening; beggar sitting near a doorway. panl-pQpO. A cat's-eye, operculum, valve or round substance that closes a shell. Lit., shell closure. p a n l wat. Dam, sluice, levee, dike, p a n o . Dark, as clouds; obscure, black, shinyblack, deep blue-black. Fig., unapproachable as the unknown, said of very high chiefs believed to be of divine descent. Cf. pano pa'u. He pano ke ali'i, he weo ke kanaka (saying), the chief is obscure, the commoner is scarlet [in the sunlight, obvious], tao'opano. To cause darkness; to make mysterious, unknown, unfathomable; same as above, p a n o a . Barren, arid, desert. Also 'finoa. Ko'a panoa (For. 6:501), dry coral bank, as at low tide. Panoa e like me ka wao akua (Zep. 2.13), a dry waste like the wilderness, h o ' o p a n o a . Causative/simulative; to cause barrenness, p&noa. 1. Easily taken, of a woman at the beck and call of any man. Lit., touch freely. 2. Lightweight wood. Obs.
papa p&onloni.
Redup. of pdoni.
helu p a p a ' a . x. Cooked crisp, as pig; overdone, burned, parched; scab, of a sore_ Cf. palaoa papa'a, pUpa'a palaoa. 'Hi papa'a ia. s u n b u r n e d or t a n n e d skin. 'A'ohe nao ati ka papa'a, w h a t a c a l a m i t y t o e a t t h e burned food [a calamity], h o ' o p a p a ' a . T o m a k e crisp, brittle; t o burn, scorch. 3. Slice, as of bread; u n c u t piece. Cf. papa'a hao, papa'a lepo, papa'a palaoa, papa'a pelena. 3. Cluster of tiny red and yellow f e a t h e r s tied together fanwise, as presented t o a chief t o b6 used for featherwork. Also called pa'a'a. 4. A red sugar cane with light-brown fibers; it has an odor similar t o b u r n t sugar, hence its name. Used in love sorcery. 5. Bark, as of trees. 6. Same as paki'i, £, flsh. p a p a ' a . A s t u r d y mother-of-pearl; a strong pa, lure.
R e d u p . of ho'opSoni. p a o n o . By sixes, sixfold; to divide by sixes, t o h a v e six; six times, h o ' o p & o n o . C a u s a t i v e / simulative. Rare. p f t o ' o . N a m e for several varieties of 'o'opu, a flsh. T h e n a m e may be qualified by t h e t e r m s kauila, lehei, luahine, puhi. This flsh is said t o l e a p f r o m pool to pool along t h e coast; it is o f t e n used for bait; it figures prominently in legends. For example see ha'apupu. Also pano'o. p a ' 0 ' 0 . Broken or discarded portions of sweet p o t a t o e s ; sprouting bits of these f r a g m e n t s , p a o p a o . R e d u p . of pao, 1, 2. Ua paopao 'ia 'oia no ko kakou hala, he was wounded for our transgressions. Paopao noho ni'a, blunt or proud speech [caused by] jealousy,
p A p a ' a h a o . Scrap iron. p & p a ' a - h e k l l l . Same as huahekili-uka, p a p a ' a hQpC. Dried nasal mucus.
p a ' o p a ' o , u l u a - p a ' o p a ' o . A species of ulua, a flsh (Caranx speciosus); green and yellow with vertical green b a n d s ; considered one of t h e best fishes for eating raw. P & ' o p u a . N a m e of a star (no d a t a ) , p a ' o u ' o u . N a m e given to young of t h e hou, a flsh.
a shrub.
papa 'atana. Ironing board.
p a p a ' a l n a . Dining table; eating m a t , as laid on t h e floor; meal, dinner, p & p a ' a ' l n a . To crackle, snap; crackling, s n a p ping ; s h a r p crack, as of something breaking, or of crackling sound of feet walking over a c r u s t y surface; t o crack, as joints; brittle, easily broken. Cf. 'u'ina. p a p a ' a k a l . Salt-encrusted; salt; coated b y sea spray, as p l a n t s near t h e sea. p a p a ' a k a o . Slabs of salted and dried goat m e a t , p & p a ' a k e a . 1. Same as pa'akea, limestone. 3 . A seaweed (Liagora talida), related t o puaki. p & p a ' a - k o a l l . A sweet potato.
p a p a . 1. Flat surface, s t r a t u m , layer, level, found a t i o n , story of a building; class, rank, order, t a b l e : sheet, plate, shelf (rare); fiat, level. Cf. ali'i papa, papa ali'i. Kui papa, t o make overl a p on a lei, as feathers. Helu papa, to recite in consecutive order. Ne'e papa, t o m o v e in r a n k . Noho papa, placed together in order by rank, system. Kuku papa, to s t a n d in ranks, as an a r m y , h o ' o p a p a . T o place in r a n k or file; t o p u t in order, to p u t in layers, overlay, as shingles; to m a k e a shelf; t o pack neatly. ( P P N papa, P M P papak or papan.) 3. Native-born, especially for several generations. Noho papa, to dwell in a certain place for generations. 3 . Set close together, thick together, as of growing p l a n t s ; in unison, all together. Cf. holopapa, kSpapa, ne'epapa, papapH. He kahili papa iki, a f e a t h e r s t a n d a r d with small feathers. 4. B o a r d , lumber; wooden. 8. A variety of k a v a . T h o n a m o m a y be qualified by t h e colors 'ele'ele, kea. 6. Middle portion of a fishing net, a net. 7. {Cap.) N a m e of a wind on Maui. 8. Stone used as sinker for luhe'e, octopus lure, (Malo 19.)
papa'akAn&hua. Entrails, as of a pig. Obs.
papa'a kukui. See papa'a, 6.
p a p a ' a l a . Sunburned, t a n n e d ; parched, dried u p by t h e sun. p a p a ' a l e p o . Clod of dirt. (Ioba 7.5.) p a p a a l l ' l . One of t h e chiefly class; chiefly class. Cr. ali'i papa. p a p a ' a n a . Same as pa'apa'anH, 1, t.E pSpa'anB mai 'oe e kOkua mai ia'u, haste thee t o help me. p a p a ' a p a l a o a . Slice of bread. Cf. palaoa pSpa'a.
- p a p a . (With ho'o-) b o ' o p a p a . Purification of w o m a n a f t e r childbirth, involving medicinal h e r b s bound to t h e abdomen, and a t a b o o on sex relations. (Malo 138.) p a p a . T o blow, as t h e wind; t o sound, echo; t o shine, as sun or moon. Cf. pa, U- Papa ka leo o ke kai. t h e voice of t h e sea sounds, p a p a . 1. T o forbid, prohibit. Papa 'ana, prohibition. Waiwai i papa 'ia e ke kanawai, contraband_goods; lit., goods forbidden by t h e law, Uapapa au iaia, 'a'ole e hele, I forbid him to go. 3. T o touch, sis of two objects. Intrans. h o ' o p a p a . (a) To touch repeatedly; t o feel, as a blind person; a contest in wit or s t r e n g t h ; t o hold such a contest; repartee; t o endeavor t o find out something or obtain something by indirect methods, by feeling out t h e person indirectly. (b) A style of guitar playing in which one person strums, a n d t h e other touches t h e strings of t h e same guitar to produce certain effects; t o play thus. 3. A small, active greencolored crab, perhaps Percnon planissimum. (Ed. 308.) 4. P a p a . Eng.
papa'a pelena (berena). A whole, unbroken
cracker; crust of b r e a d ; wafer (Oihk. 8.28). p a p a ' a p l e l e . C r u s t y scalp due t o eruption of matter. p a p a a p o ' o . Same as papa po'o. p & p a ' a p f l . Cooked t o a crisp, b u r n e d ; crusty, heavily encrusted, p a p a ' a u a . R e d u p . of pa'aua.
papa 'auwae. Lower jaw. For example see nao~ ho'opa'i. p a p a ' a w e l a . A b u r n ; b u r n e d ; scorched; h a r d ened, as b r e a d f r u i t on one side,
papa 'e'e nioku. Board of immigration,
p a p a - ' e l e ' e l e . 1. Blackboard. 3. See papa, hp a p a h a . R e d u p . of paha. p a p a h a n a . 1. W o r k m e t h o d , plan, s t r a t a g e m ; workbench. 'O ka papa hana keia a Kua'ua'u, this is K u a ' u a ' u ' s m e t h o d [that of a f a m o u s medical practitioner], 3. Ceremony for t h e gods, as in offering kava. p a p a - h a p u ' u . A fish, possibly a hUpu'u (no data).
p a p a - . R e d u p . of preceding numerals. HunS papakanalima a'e ia lakou i loko o ke ana (1 Nal. 18.4), hid t h e m b y fifties in a cave. Ua pBp&ono lakou i na 'eheu (Hoik. 4.8), each of t h e m had six wings, h o ' o p a p a - . R e d u p . of ho'opa-. Rare. p a p a ' a . R e d u p . of pa'a, 1-, tight, secure, especially of a walled stronghold. Hale papa'a, storehouse. Na kUlanakauhale papa'a o Solomona (2 Oihn. 8.6), t h e store cities of Solomon. B 'ae ho'i 'oe e ha'awi mai i kShi keiki no m&ua, papa'a mai net ho'i 'oe, why not agree t o give us two a child, you a r e j u s t holding back.
papa he'e nalu. Surfboard. Lit., board [for]
sliding waves. Ha'awi papa he'e nalu, t o give with t h e u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h a t t h e object will be r e t u r n e d [surfboards were loaned r a t h e r t h a n given). p a p a h e h l . F o o t b o a r d , used for dancing; treadle. Lit., board t o step on. p a p a h e l e . Floor. Lit., walking board, p a p a h e l u . Table, list, e n u m e r a t i o n ; scoreb o a r d ; statistics.
papah i p & p a h i . T o decorate, honor, confer honors; adornment, decoration. Cf. lei pSpahi. p S p & h l k u . Redup. of pahiku. Ho'okomo pdpHhiku 'o Noa ia lakou (song), Noah put t h e m In by sevens,
p a p a l o a . Long reef. Ku ka halelo, 'a'aka ka papaioa (chant), t h e jaggedness appears, t h e coral reef is cracked, p a p a ' l o l e . Irregularly cut, of hair, said to be named for an irregular haircut given to Plkoia - k a ' a l a l a by his rat sisters, and short for pa'ipa'i Hole, r a t haircut, p a p a I p u . Shelf for food containers, p a p a l w a . Redup. of paiwa. p a p a k a h l . Redup. of pakahi. Miki p&p&kahi, to dip up poi with one finger,
papa hlmenl. Choir, papa hO'lke. Program, timetable,
p a p a h o l a . 1 . F a c e of a clock or watch. 2 . Level pavement about a heiau. Obs. ( M a l o 162.) 3 . Priests who prohibited noise during taboo. Obs. 4 . Division of spoils among the victors. Obs. p a p a h o l e . Smooth, planed lumber; grooved board for making ribbed tapa.
papa kahuna. Priestly class,
p a p a k a l . Shoved, pounded by the sea. p a p a k a n a - . Prefix to numbers from kolu (three) to iwa (nine): see papa-. p a p a k a u a . Division of an a r m y ; group of men armed with pololu, spears, surrounding the king (Malo 204, Emerson note),
papaholo. Lattice. (2 Nal. 1.2.) papa holol. Washboard.
p a p a h O l u a . Sledge composed of two narrow runners, 7 to 18 feet long, as used for the hdlua sport.
papa h o n u a . Foundation of the earth,
papa kaukau. Same as pakaukau.
p a p a h o ' o h o l o . Slide plate on a sewing machine. pa£>a h o ' o l e w a l e w a . Same as papa lewalewa.
p a p a - k e a . See papa, 5, a variety of kava. p a p a k e a . W h i t e stratum, sand beach, p a p a k e a . W h i t e spray, as of sea; to rise in spray; white caps.
papa ho'ona'auao. Board of education,
papa ke'ehana. Var. of papa ke'ehina. (1 Nal.
p a p a h u . Same as pahu, stake; to push. F o r example see kanu. p a p a h u l l h o n u a . Class of high priests versed in study of the earth,
6.30.) p a p a k e ' e h i n a . Floor. Lit.,
papa huluhulu. Rough lumber,
papakema, godparent. Keiki papakema, godchild. p a p a k l ' l . T o sit fiat, as on the floor. Obs. p a p a k o a . 1. Board of wood of koa, a tree. 2 . Group or band (Oih. 10.1) of soldiers; rank or company of an army, p a p a k o l e . Hip, hipbone, buttocks. (For. 4 . 2 9 3 , Dan. 5.6.) He pili papakole, related to in-laws [disrespectful],
p a p a h u l u l . 1. Pile, as of winnings, objects. Cf. hului, 1. 2 . Same as hului, a fishing net. (Malo 210.) p a p a l . Same as pfi'ou, fishes,
papa'l. l . Redup. of pa'i, 1-5. ho'opapa'l.
Redup. of ho'opa'i\ to move the stomach muscles, as in certain hula dances. 2 . See hale papa'i. p a p a ' l . 1. General name for crabs. 2 . Small temporary hut or shelter, as a t upland plantations or by fishing grounds, p a p a l a . S a m e as mlkana, papaya, p a p a l a . An offering; a place of offering, as for kava. Obs. p S p a ' l ' a l . Cookhouse. Lit., food shed, p a p a l a f l l u . T o blow, rise, as a breeze. Aia ka makani ke ku maila, there is the papaiaulu breeze coming up over there,
papa kOlea. Plover flats,
p a p a k o l e a . T o break, of waves. Obs. p a p a k o l e - k a - w a ' a . Same as papakole-koa'e. p a p a k o l e - k o a ' e . A variety of taro, grown chiefly in K o n a , K a ' u , and Puna, Hawaii; plant stocky, petioles red-striped, corm white, used especially for table taro. Lit., tropic bird buttocks. Cf. koa'e, a taro. p a p a k o l u . Redup. of pakolu.
papa komlklna. Board of commissioners, papa kOnane. Checkerboard; mat motif,
p&pal'awa, papaia-'awa. Ceremonial offering
of kava, especially to free one from t h e necessity of completing an oath or vow; to perform such a ceremony. (Laie 475.) p & p a ' l - l w l - p f l p Q . Hermit crab. Also called unauna, 'Ounauna. Lit., bone shell crab, p a p a ' l k a h u . Cookhouse. Lit., baking shed, p a p a ' l k l l u . Shed where kiln, a game, was played. (For. 6:197.) p a p a ' l - k u a - l e n a l e n a . Yellow-backed crab.Ftp., experienced warrior. p a p a ' I - k u a - I o a . T h e crab commonly called " K o n a c r a b " (Ranina serrata). Lit., long-backed crab. p a p a ' l - k Q h o n u . S a m e as kuhonu, a crab,
papa'l k u k u l . Same as pa'i
p a p a k f l . 1. Foundation or surface, as of t h e e a r t h ; floor, as of ocean; bed, as of a stream. Papaku kia, slab holding a canoe mast. 2 . Upright (this is said in answer to t h e question "pehea 'oe?" and means " I ' m fine"). Cf. papa moe. 3 . A disease with severe constipation (AP) or accompanied by vomiting, back pains, belching, red eyes (KaLeo o kaLahui, F e b . 7, 1893). Obs. p a p a k u h l k u h l . T a b l e of contents, index, proram, timetable. Lit., pointing-out stratum. *apa kuhikuhi i ka po'e koho, instructions to voters.
papa kuhlkuhl mauawa. Schedule, as of ship
arrivals and departures, p a p a k u ' l ' a l . Pot-pounding board, p a p a l a . Redup. of pala, 1. p a p a l a . 1 . All species of a native genus (Charpentiera), shrubs and small trees, belonging to t h e a m a r a n t h family. Formerly on t h e north coast of K a u a i , Hawaiians used t h e wood, which is light and inflammable, for fireworks, throwing burning pieces from cliffs. (Neal 284.) 2 . Firebrand, as hurled from the cliffs in t h e famous K a u a i sport, so called because papala wood was often used. Ke ahi pdpala welo i Makua (chant), t h e streaming papala firebrand a t M a k u a . 3 . Haze, fog; hoarse, as t h e voice. Obs. p a p a l a ' a u . B o a r d , plank, any large wooden platter, lumber.
p a p a ' i - L a n a ' l . A kind of crab. ( M a l o 45.)
papa'l lawal'a. Fisherman's hut.
p a p a ' l - l l m u . A species of crab, probably Simocarcinus simplex. Lit., seaweed crab. (Ed. 275.) p a p a ' l - I I p o a . S a m e as pSpa'i-limu. Lit., lipoa (seaweed) crab,
papallua. Redup. of pailua.
trampled stratum,
papakema, bapatema. Baptism. Eng. Makua
Redup. of ho'opailua; beginning to be nauseated, first symptoms of nausea,
papa'l m a h l ' a l . Temporary hut of a farmer near plantations, p a p a I n o a . List or catalogue of names. p a p a l O . Sacrifice; propitiatory offering or food offering. Obs.
p a p a p a p a p a p a l u . Apron, covering, as to conceal n a k e d ness; t o cover. Kui ihola laua i na lau piku a pa'a, i mau papalu no laua (Kin. 3.7), t h e y sewed fig leaves together, and m a d e themselves aprons. p a p a l u a . Second floor or story, second class, p a p a l u a . R e d u p . of pdlua -, twice as much, very much, doubly. 'Ano papalua, dual n a t u r e d . 'Ike papalua, t o h a v e t h e gift of second sight. Kino papalua, t o h a v e a dual form, as t h e demigod K a m a - p u a ' a , whu could change f r o m m a n t o hog. Miki papalua, t o e a t poi with t w o fingers. Papalua aku ke kolohe, twice as m u c h mischief. Ua papalua ka nui o kela ma mua o keia, there's twice as m u c h of this as of t h a t ,
P&P& I f t ' a u . T o fence, to hit repeatedly with sticks. p a p a l a ' a u m a n o a n o a . P l a n k . L i t . , wide wooden board. p& p f t l a h a l a h a . P l a t t e r (preceded by ke). Lit., flat plate. p& p a l a l . Frying p a n (preceded by ke). p i l p a l a - k & ' U l - ' f l . N a m e of a lua fighting hold, p e r h a p s f r o m papala ka'ili 'ula, red s n a t c h i n g firebrand, p & p a l a - k e a . A v a r i e t y of taro. p & p a l a - k £ p a u . T h r e e n a t i v e species of trees in t h e four-o'clock family, belonging t o t h r e e diff e r e n t genera (Rockia, Ceodes,_ Heimerliodendron). (Neal 287.) Lit., gum papala; t h e g u m was used for bird catching. See also aulu, S. p 3 p a l a l € . R e d u p . of palall, 1, 2. p & p a l a l l . R e d u p . of palall. p a p a l a l o . Lower floor of a house, valley b o t t o m , lower s t r a t u m . p & p a l a i O . R e d u p . of palalu, 1, 2. p & p a l a m o a . Same as palamoa. p a p a l a n i . Heavenly s t r a t u m , heaven and all t h e spiritual powers; upper regions of t h e air, u p p e r heavens, firmament. p a p a l a O a . Same as papala, S. He ao pavalaoa no ke kuahiwi (chant), a misty cloud for t h e hill, p a p a l a u l e l e . Small net, as for fishing in shallow water. p & p a l a w e k a . Same as palaweka. p a p a l e . R e d u p . of pale, t o ward off. p a p a l e . H a t , head covering; crest, as of a quail; c h a p t e r on top of a column (2 Oihn. 3.15); t o p u t on a hat, wear a h a t ; to overshadow. Po'o papale, crested head. Papale i ka papale, to p u t on or wear a h a t . Komo i ka papale, to p u t on a h a t [new form]. Ua ulu kou nani a papale maluna o kou kaikua'ana, your b e a u t y has increased so it overshadows t h a t of your sister,
papa luna kla'l. Board of supervisors,
p a p a m a n a m a n a . Grate, grating. Lit., b r a n c h ing surface. Papa manamana pukapuka keleawe (Puk. 27.4), g r a t e of network of brass,
papa manawa. Same as papahola.
p a p a m o e . Horizontal s t r a t u m . Fig., sick. Cf. papaku.
papamo'l. Same as mo'i,
p a p a m f l . 1. Konane board, checkers; plaid; checkered, as gingham. Cf. mu, 8. 2. A variety of taro. p a p a n a . Same as papa. p a p a n e . R e d u p . of pane, 1. p a p a n l . R e d u p . of pani, 1\ interception, s h u t ting off, as f r o m view. Holo papani ka 'eha, t h e pain s h u t s off b r e a t h . Ka mo'o-pekena kuli i papani i kona pepeiao (Hal. 58.4), t h e deaf adder t h a t has stopped u p her ear.
papa nlho. Row of teeth, set of teeth; jaw. p a p a n i p a n i . R e d u p . of panipani, 1. p a p a n o . R e d u p . of pano, dark, p a p a n o a n o a . R e d u p . of panoa. Bare.
papa noho. Bench,
p a p a o . Same as paopao. p a p a ' o b e . Y o u n g of akule, a fish, p a p a ' o h l . D r a f t board, selection board, p a p a ' o l . S a m e as ka'upu, a fern. p a p a ' O k o l e . Same as papakole. p a p a o l a . Board of health, p a p a ' d l e l o . T o converse, talk. E papa'dlelo kaua, 'oiai ka mana'o i 'ane'i (chant), let's converse while t h e desire is here, p a p a ' o l e w a l e w a . Same as papa lewalewa. (Malo 212, E m e r s o n note.) Obs.
papale all'i. Crown,
p f t p a l e h a l n l k a . Mitre. (Puk. 28.4.) p a p a l e ' l e . H a t m a d e by plaiting a long strip, as of coconut or bamboo, which was then sewed i n t o a h a t . Some of t h e braids used were alahaka-o-Nualolo, 'eke'eke, iwi-puhi, kala hale, lu, iko-o-Hale-a-kala. Lit., basket h a t , so called ecause t h e narrow strip is similar to t h a t used in making t h e basket 'ie.
papale kapu. Cap.
p & p a l e l a ' a . Holy crown or head covering. (Puk. 39.30.)
papa o na kahu kula o ke kulanul. Board of
papa lele kawa. Springboard for diving,
regents of t h e university, p a p a o n o . R e d u p . of paono. A 'o ua po'e mea ola la 'eha, ua papaono lakou i na 'eheu (Hoik. 4.8), and t h e f o u r beasts had each of t h e m six wings. p a p a p a . R e d u p . of pa, l. p a p a p a . 1. Low, flat, as a reef. Cf. hapapa. 2. Beans, peas, lentils; t h e h y a c i n t h bean (Dolichos lablab), f r o m tropical Asia, a long vine somew h a t like t h e L i m a bean and having edible seeds, growing wild in Hawaii. Also called pi. (Neal 410.) Ka papapa maka a me ka pi a me ka papapa papa'a (2 Sam. 17.28), beans a n d lentils a n d parched pulse, p a p a p a ' a k a l . Salt flat. Fig., sour disposition, p a p a p a ' l . Reduplication and f r e q u e n t a t i v e of pa'i, 1. p a p a p a ' i . P r i n t i n g press. Ka mana o ka papa pa'i, t h e power of t h e press,
p a p a l e m f l ' o u ' o u . P o k e bonnet. Lit., b l u n t h a t . p a p a l e n a . Fending off, warding off, pushing aside. Cf. papale. p a p a i e o . Same as papa'dlelo. p a p a l e ' o ' o m a . Bonnet, sunbonnet. Lit., flared hat. p a p a l e p a h u . H a t plaited on a pahu papale.
papale waloklla. Panama hat.
p a p a l e w a l e w a . N e t used in d e e p water with t h e melomelo club. Obs. p a p a l l . Small cliff or slope, as along a ravine, p a p a l i k e . Of t h e s a m e species, class, r a n k , p a p a i l m a . 1. R e d u p . of palima, 1. 2 . Confirmed, as an agreement by striking hands, h o ' o p a p a l l m a . T o touch h a n d s as in m a k i n g a n agreement.
papa limahana. Labor board.
papa pa'lna. Table for eating,
p a p a i l n a , p a p a l l n a . Cheek, cheeks. Papalina nui, big cheeks, flabby f a t flesh in general. p a p a l o l o . T h e legal profession. Hoa o ka papa loto, m e m b e r of t h e b a r . p a p a i o l e . Sluggish, indolent. Obs. p a p a l u . Same as palupalu.
p a p a p a l a o a . B r e a d b o a r d ; c a k e (Ier. 7.18); pancake, wafer (obs.). p a p a p a l a p a l a . W r i t i n g desk, board, or flat surface where writing is done, p a p a p a p a . Same as papa, 1. Obs. I ka papapapa ka nalu o O'ahu (chant), t h e waves of O a h u on t h e flat reefs.
p ap ap au p a p a p a u . Redup. of papau-, everyone. A no ka hewa 'ana o Kumu-honua ma, papapau ai kanaka i ka make (Kep. 49), because of the sin of Kumu-honua, everybody died, h o ' o p a p a p a u . Redup. of ho'opapau. papa pelena (berena). A flat cake. Biblical. papa pfihaku. 1. Bow or tier of stones. 2. Slate. 3. Stone table, stone flat, or stone surface, as for pounding, papa po'o. The leading division, class, rank, especially the first company of warriors sent out to plunder in order to provoke war. Lit., head rank. papapQ. 1. Bow or tier of guns, class of guns. 3. Completely covered, as rocks by shellfish. PapapQ ka pBhaku i ka 'opihi, tne rock is covered with limpets, p a p a - p u e o . A variety of taro, grown on Maul; petioles deep-pink at base, grading to light-pink and green with white edge; corm used for poi. Lit., owl flat. papa p u ' u k a n l . Choir, choral group, p a p a u . Deeply engaged, as in an activity; finished; engrossed, absorbed, united; all, all together. Cf. pau. Ua papau ko'u no'ono'o i ka nana, my entire thoughts are absorbed in the work. Papau pu lakou i ka 'eha, they were all hurt, h o ' o p a p a u . T o devote oneself, to make an effort to finish up. p&pa'u. Shallow, shoal. Papa'u ka 'ike o keia kanaka, that man's knowledge is shallow. pSpaua. A bivalve (Isognomon). (Ed. 193; K L line 25.) But cf. 'Slepe-papaua. p & p a u a - m o m l . A bivalve (said to be Chama iosotoma). papa u h l w a ' a . Board used to cover space forward of the forward outrigger boom, p a p a ' u l a . A mat motif consisting of a row of opposing triangles with their apices touching, p&p&ull. Redup. of pauli. E ho'omaka mai ai ka 'ino, ka papauli makani, ua, a me ke kai (Kep. 93), beginning the storm, wind bringing clouds and dark seas, rain, and sea. papau make. T o die, of many; complete annihilation; cemetery (o6s.). p a p a ' u n u . T o fill up and cram. Obs. p a p a waena. Middle floor or story; middle class or layer. p a p a w a h a nul. Large baglike net used for akule. pSp&walu. Bedup. of pawalu. p a p a Will. Mixing board or tray, papa will 'ai. Mixing board, food trough, board for kneading poi, kneading trough (Puk. 12.34). papekema, bapetema. T o baptize, baptismal; baptism. Cf. keiki papakema, papakema. Papeklke, Bapetite. Baptist. Eng. papeklko, bapetlso. 1. T o baptize; baptismal; 3. (Cap.) Baptist. p& pepa. Paper plate or dish (preceded by ke). P a p l n e . Baffin. Eng. Kai o Papine, Baffin Bay. pftplo. 1. Same as papiopio, a fish. Pressed down, flat, especially of a woman's pa'u, skirt; furled, as a nag, or as the makahiki banner; to hold flat; to tuck under, as a hen with chicks. Noho papio, to sit properly with knees together and feet to one side, of women. Papio i ka palekoki, to hold the skirt flat down [as in a strong wind]. Kamalo-papio (name), the malo [-flap] held down. p2pl'o. T o form an arch; to arch; an arch, p&ploplo. The young stage of growth of ulua, a fish. pil-plpl. Same as pa-nini, cactus. Lit., cattle fence. pft-pipl-pua. Same as pa-nini-o-kaPuna-hou. pa pOhaku. Stone wall. PApoIohlwa. Name of a star observed by priests.
p&po'o. T o dive to the opening of a papa (net) in fishing. Lit., head touching, p&pfi. 1. Fort, fortress. Lit., gun enclosure. Alanui Papu, Fort Street. 3. A plain, clear piece of ground; clear, unobstructed, visible, in plain sight, directly confronting. Ku papu mai ka pali i mua o ka hale, the cliff stood directly visible in front of the house, pftpua. T o shoot with bow and arrow; archery. p&pOhea. Dead calm, p&puhene. Same as puhenehene, the game, p a p a lewa. Flying fortress, battleship, papulo. Papyrus, rush (Ioba 8.11). Eng. pftpulO. Buffalo. Eng. p a p u n a , b a b u n a . Baboon. Eng. pft punl. Circular enclosure, surrounding wall, as about a fish pond, p a u . 1. Finished, ended, completed, over, all done; final, finishing; entirely, completely, very much; after; all, to have all; to be completely possessed, consumed, destroyed. (Used in loa'atype constructions, Gram. 4.5, as: E pau no kiia hana ia kakou, we will finally finish this work.) Pau or pau a precedes some words with meaning of "very, very much." Cf. pau ma'alea, tau 'ono. Cf. also apau, kU'ike, pau apau, pauoa, paunui, -pau pilikia. Pau ka ha'awina, the lesson is finished. Pau ke ka'a i ka nah&ha, the car was completely destroyed. Pau 'eka, very dirty, filthy. Oki pau ka hana a ka huila, extremely wonderful is the doing of the wheel. Pau na luna i ka 'eha, all the officers were injured. Pau i ka lilo, all sold, gone, taken. Ka au 'ana ihola no ia o ka'u ha'awina, my lesson i just finished. Pau Pele, pau manB, consumed by Pele, consumed by a shark [an oath meaning " m a y I be destroyed if I have not spoken truth"), h o ' o p a u . T o put an end to, finish, stop, cancel, revoke, repeal, abolish, consume: to dismiss or discharge, as from work; to use too much, waste, cancellation, finishing; completely, all. Cf. ho'opaumanawa. Ho'opau ho'oino 'to aku, dishonorably discharged [as from the armed services]. Ho'opau 'ai, to waste food, said figuratively of one not worth his food. Ho'opau wale, nolle prosequi. E ho'opau 'oe i kau uwe 'ana, stop your crying. E ho'opau 'ia a ma klia ke ho'opau loa 'ia net ke kanawai, the law shall be ana hereby is revoked. Ka ho'opau 'ana o ka 'aelike, cancellation of contract. Ua ho'opau 'ia ko Haua'iliki na'au 'e'ehia, ala a'ela ia a holo wikiwiki akula (Laie 457), Haua'fliki's hoart was completely filled with terror, he jumped and ran swiftly away. 2. Said to be (used in special Idioms, unfavorably). Hele akula i kau hale e kama'ilio ai, i laila pau ko'u hiamoe nui, ka hana 'ole, going to houses of others and chatting, there saying that I ' m sleeping all the time, doing no work. Pau kona lapuwale i na hoahanau, said by his brothers to be worthless. pa'U. 1. Soot, smudge; ink dregs; ink powder; ink used for tattooing made of burned kukui shells; tar-colored excrement as resulting from hemorrhage; sooty, h o ' o p a ' u . T o soil, smudge, make sooty. 2. Drudgery, slaving; tedious and laborious work, b o ' o p a ' u . T o treat as a drudge, oppress with tedious labor. pa'Q. Moist, damp, mouldy. Same as ma'U. Ka ua pa'u pili, the rain that soaks the pili grass. b o ' o p a ' O . T o soak, moisten, dampen, p&'tt. 1. Woman's skirt, sarong; skirt worn by women horseback riders^ to wear a pa'u. Fig., the sea ( U L 36). Cf. pa'u-halaka. Pa'U hula, any kind of dance skirt. Pa'u la't, ti-leaf skirt. Pa'u-o-Lu'ukia, ornamental sennit lashing of canoe float to outrigger boom, said to nave been named for the chastity belt worn by Lu'ukia (Malo 134. Emerson note). ho'opS'O. T o put on a pa'u. 2. M a t covering for a canoe, sometimes with crew sticking their heads out through holes in the mat. (Malo 135, Emerson note.) paua. 1. Same as papaua, a clam. 2. A rare crab. 3. A variety of taro, extinct in Kona and Ka'u,
pauma'ele p a u k t k l . Fast, speedily; speed; t o d o w i t h great speed. Paukiki ka 'nolo 'ana o ke ka'a, t h e car has s p e e d e d a l o n g , p a u k i l o . I n t e n s i f i e r o f kilo, t o see. Pau kilo i ka hana a ke ali'i, to observe intently what the chief does. p a u k O . 1. Section, link, p i e c e ; stanza, verse, as in t h e B i b l e ; article, as o f l a w ; p a r a g r a p h ; t o section off, c u t in sections, slice in sections; t o m a k e a lei w i t h sections o f d i f f e r e n t colors, as f e a t h e r s , or roses a n d b e g o n i a s ; l e n g t h f r o m t h e ends o f the fingers of o n e h a n d t o t h e e l b o w o f t h e o p p o s i t e a r m w h e n e x t e n d e d ; land sect i o n smaller t h a n a mo'o (Thrum's Annual, 1925, p. 6 8 ) ; a unit of m e a s u r e m e n t ; a squad ( m i l i t a r y ; see mokuna); j o i n t e d , l i n k e d . E paukU ana no ka hala me ka lehua ( P H 27), pandanus and lehua sections being m a d e i n t o a lei. 2. R o o t o f t h e ka'e'e v i n e , used m e d i c i n a l l y . 3. S a m e as 'dpu'dhao, a disease, p a u k u a . P a s s i v e / i m p e r a t i v e o f pauku, 1. p a u k a k i n o . B o d y trunk, torso. p a u k O k O . R e d u p . o f pauku, 1. Lei paukukU, lei w i t h stripes o r Dands o f d i f f e r e n t colors. Ko'i paukiiku, an a d z e used f o r c u t t i n g sections in a c a n o e log t h a t is t o be m a d e i n t o a canoe.
H a w a i i ; petiole dark-green, becoming whitish a b o v e ; c o r m w h i t e , l o n g - k e e p i n g . E 'ai ana 'oe i ka poi paua o Keaiwa, you are eating the paua poi o f K e a i w a [ t h e v e r y best; said also o f ardent lovers], p a u & ' f t l l n a . H e a v y , b u r d e n s o m e . 06s. p a u a h l . D e s t r u c t i o n b y fire, b u r n e d ; t o p u t o u t a fire. 'Inikua pau ahi, (Ire insurance. Kahea pau ahi, fire a l a r m . F a u - a h l . N a m e o f a star o f astrologers, said t o rise in t h e e a r l y m o r n i n g d u r i n g t h e m o n t h o f Kaulua. p a ' u a h i . S o o t , b l a c k c i n d e r y sand o r ash. fire soot.
P a u - a h i - l a n l . N a m e o f a star, said t o a p p e a r e a r l y on t h e n i g h t o f M u k u . p a u a h o . O u t o f b r e a t h , breathless, g a s p i n g f o r breath, panting.Fig., discouraged, faint-hearted, d e s p a i r i n g , d e s p e r a t e , w e a r y , e x h a u s t e d ; t o die. Pauaho mai 'o Mea i keia ola 'ana, so-and-so has d e p a r t e d t h i s life, l i o ' o p a u a h o . C a u s a t i v e / s i m u l a t i v e ; t o cause shortness_of breath, p a n t i n g , despair, etc. Ho'opauaho lakou tS lakou iho i ka 'imi i ka puka ( K i n . 19.11), t h e y w e a r i e d t h e m s e l v e s t o find t h e d o o r , p a u ' a k a . 1. G r o t e s q u e , o d d . Ua kalai pau'aka 'ia ke po'o o ke ki't, t h e h e a d o f t h e i m a g e is carved grotesquely, h o ' o p a u ' a k a . T o make g r o t e s q u e , o d d . 2. D a m a g i n g ; unreliable L dec e i t f u l . Mai pau'aka mai 'oe i ka hana a makou, d o n ' t y o u d i s t u r b our w o r k . 3 . O f n o use, f r u i t less, u n p r o d u c t i v e , w i t h o u t r e w a r d or p r o f i t , d i s c o u r a g i n g , h o ' o p a u ' a k a . S a m e as a b o v e . 4. Quail, so c a l l e d because of i t s song. Obs. See manu-kapalulu. p a u ' a k a ' a k a . l . R e d u p . o f pau'aka, l, 2, 3. 2. S a m e as maku'u, 1, a n d moamoa, t. 3 . N e c k in a house r a f t e r . ( M a l o 120.) p a u ' a l l . C r o o k e d , p e r v e r s e . Obs. p a u a n e ' I n e ' I . S a m e as ne'e, t o m o v e , p a u & n l h l . S a m e as paunihinihi. p a u a p a u . E v e r y o n e , all t h e p e o p l e (as w i t h t h e i d e a o f p a r t i c i p a t i n g in a p r e v i o u s l y s t a t e d a c t ) . I ka poni mS'i 'ana, pau apau, a t t h e c o r o n a t i o n , e v e r y o n e [ w a s there]. Ina he kdkua no ka hale pule, pau apau, if i t is f o r help f o r t h e church, e v e r y o n e [helps], p A u e a . V a r . spelling o f pa uwea, w i r e f e n c e , p a u ' e k a . V e r y d i r t y . See 'eka. h o ' o p a u ' e k a . T o soil, m a k e d i r t y , - p a u h f t . ( W i t h ho'o-) h o ' o p a u h S . Similar t o ho'opaumanawa. p & ' a - h a l a k & . A c c o r d i n g t o E m e r s o n , shielding o f o n e ' s m o d e s t y w i t h t n e h a n d ; also said o f t h e sea. ( U L 124.) p a ' u h a n a . C o n s t a n t l y at w o r k , d r u d g e r y , p a u h a n a n u ' u . Plump; waddling, p & ' f i h e l h e l . A pa'Q f e s t o o n e d w i t h leaf or f e r n s t i e d a b o u t ; a s a r o n g _ m a d e o f such l e a v e s , Na wShine kiheihei, pa'u heihei o uka ( P H 170), w o m e n w i t h shawls, l e a f - d r a p e d sarongs o f t h e uplands. p a u h e o h e o . A n Insult. S a m e as heoheo. p f t u h l . A m o t h e r - o f - p e a r l b o n i t o h o o k used w h e n t h e sun w a s b r i g h t and h i g h . Lit., c o v e r i n g lure, p a ' u h l a . O v e r c o m e w i t h sleep; o v e r w h e l m e d w i t h desire; o v e r t a k e n b y e v i l o r c a l a m i t y , h o ' o p a ' u h l a . T o cause t o f a l l i n t o a d e e p sleep, as a a r u g . p a Q h u . Small, n a r r o w - c h e s t e d . Obs.
paukQ manawa. Portion of time. era. paukQ 'oloka'a. Cylinder. Lit., revolving section.
paula. Powder. Eng. p & ' u l a . D a r k e n e d , o f m a t u r e w o o d . Lit , redtouched. p a u l & ' I . T o w a l k o v e r t h e sea or Are, as a g o d . Obs. p a u l e h l a . E x t r e m e l y skilled, e x p e r t ( l e h i a ) . p a u l e l e . F a i t h , c o n f i d e n c e , trust ; to h a v e f a i t h , c o n f i d e n c e , t o b e l i e v e i m p l i c i t l y ; t o lean against. 'A'ole au i 'ike « ka paulele nui ( L u k a 7.9), I h a v e n o t Been so g r e a t f a i t h , p & u l i . D a r k , as sea or skin; g l o o m , darkness. Ua ho'i ka pauli makani kualau ( F o r . 5 : 9 1 ) , t h e g l o o m y w i n d showers h a v e g o n e . He pauli hiwa na ka ua haoa, d e e p g l o o m o f t h e p e l t i n g rain,
paulla. Passive/imperative of pau. Obs.
P & u l l - k u - a l l ' l . A star o b s e r v e d b y priests in t h e m o n t h o f I k i i k l . Lit., c h i e f - l i k e darkness, p a u l i n a l i n a . T o gird t h e w a i s t t i g h t l y , t o stretch, m a k e taut,
-paulinalina. (With ho'o-) ho'opaullnallna. T o w a s t e t i m e on t r i v i a l s , t o t a k e l i f e easy, relax. p & u l t u l l . R e d u p . of pauli. p a u l o a . A l l , e v e r y t h i n g , t o h a v e all. C f . pau. Pauloa
ka 'ike,
b e has all t h e k n o w l e d g e ,
paulua. See wa'a paulua.
p & ' u l u ' S . T o abuse, m i s t r e a t , k n o c k a r o u n d ; t o beat carelessly, as poi t h a t o n e does n o t p o u n d until all t h e l u m p s a r e r e m o v e d , p a u m a . P u m p ; t o p u m p . Eng. p & u m a . 1. L a r g e c u r v e d needle, as used in s e w i n g g u n n y sacks. 2. C u r v e d , bent, as a needle. 3. B r e a s t b o n e , as o f a c h i c k e n . 4. T o turn, m o v e a l o n g , push; t o t u r n i n t o t h e w i n d , t o f a c e t h e w i n d , as a ship, bird. Pauma wawae, t r e a d o f f e e t . Kikaha koa'e, lele pauma ka hulu mOewaewa ( P H 206), t h e t r o p i c bird soars, t h e tousled f e a t h e r s b e a t a g a i n s t t h e w i n d . 6. T o slash a c a n o e b a c k a n d f o r t h , so as t o e m p t y i t o f w a t e r . Obs. p S u m a . S t a n d i n g wrist w r e s t l i n g : t h e p l a y e r s f a c e e a c h o t h e r , and each grasps t h e o t h e r ' s r i g h t t h u m b , a n d tries t o f o r c e t h e o p p o n e n t ' s h a n d t o his chest. Lit., chest t o u c h i n g , p a u m a ' a l e a . I n t e n s i v e o f ma'alea. p a u m a ' e l e . D i r t y , d e f i l e d . Ua pauma'ele ko 'oukou mau lima i ke koko ( I s a . 59.3), y o u r hands a r e d e f i l e d w i t h b l o o d , h o ' o p a u m a ' e l e . T o soil, m a k e d i r t y , smear, pollute, b e f o u l , defile.
p&uhu. See leho-pauhu.
p a u h Q . S a m e as panuhu. Obs. p & u h u u h u . A kind o f uhu, a fish s e v e n t o t w e l v e inches in size, r e d a n d b r o w n in c o l o r , p a u - ' l o l e . A variety of taro.
pauka, pauda. 1. Powder. Eng. 2. See 1take pauka. p a u k a ' a . A l l t a k e n , c o n s u m e d . Obs. p a u k e ' e . C u r v e d . Fig., dishonest, d e c e i t f u l .
P aum ak a Paumaka. A star in the month of Ikiiki, an omen for chiefs, paumakft. Grief, mourning, lamentation. I ka aumakd o ko'u na'au (Hal. 61.2), when my eart is overwhelmed. ho'opaumakO. T o cause great grief, lamentation; to pretend grief. paumakOkO. Redup. of paumakB. P a u - m a k u a . A small bright star that appears on the night of Hilo in the month of Welo and stays ail the month. P a u - m a k u a - l a n l . A star observed by priests, in the month of Kaulua and visible through the month of Ikiiki. - p a u m a n a w a . (With ho'o-) ho'opaumanawa. T o waste time; not worth doing, undesirable, waste of effort, pa u m a u m a . Same as pa'i a uma. paumauno'ono'o. Keepsake, memento. Obs. Lit., all continuing thoughts, p a u m a wal. Water pump. p&'ume'ume. 1. Tug-of-war game; to play such a game, in land or sea. Also called hukihuki. 2. Contentious, quarreling, contending, lighting, p&'unil. Ten times, tenfold, by tens; to divide by tens. paune'ine'I. Excited; to cry out, as in excitement. (A P.) paunlhlnlhl. Small, worthless taro shoots, paunul. Same as pauloa. Paunui na koa i ka naholo, all the soldiers fled, pauoa. A native fern (Dryopteris squamigera) to three feet or more high, the stem clothed with tan scales, the frond triangular to ovate and two or three times pinnate. p&'a-o-Hi'l-aka. 1. A native beach vino (Jacquemontia sandwicensis), in the morning-glory family, with blue flowers and small rounded leaves. Lit., sarong of Hi'i-aka, so named because the goddess Pele, on returning from a long morning's fishing trip, found that this little vine had spread itself over her baby sister, Hi'i-aka, whom she had laid on the beach, and had protected the baby from the sun. Also called kakua-o-Hi'i-aka. 2. A kind of red seaweed with wide, thin thallus. Perhaps same as limu-ha'ula. 3. Same as lepe-o-Hina, a seaweed. 4. A variety of taro; petiole and leaf have smoky look; corm white, used to make good, gray poi. 5. A variety of sweet potato. pa'fl-o-Lu'ukla. See pa'u. pau 'ono. Very delicious, etc. Cf. 'ono. pa'tl-o-Pala'e. Another name for the pala'a fern. Pala'e was a servant of Pele and a companion of Hi'i-aka. pau pa'ele. Very black, dirty. See pa'ele. paupau. Same as papau. Ke ku la na ki'i 'elua i ka paupau make (For. 6:369), the two images stood there in the slaughter of all. p a ' u p a ' u . Redup. of pa'u, l, 2. pa'upa'Q. l . Redup. of pa'u. ho'opa'Qpa'U. Redup. of ho'opa'u. 2. Tapa, so called because it was wet during its manufacture. Also kapa pa'upa'u. paupauaho. Redup. of pauaho. ho'opaupauaho. Redup. of ho opauaho. pa'upa'uhia. Redup. of pa'uhia. h o ' o p a ' u p a 'uhla. Redup. of ho'opa'uhia. - p a u ptlikta. (With ho'o-) ho'opau pllikla. T o attend the calls of nature. Lit., to put an end to trouble. Wahi ho'opau pilikia, toilet, outhouse. pau pono. Completely finished, terminated, pau ptt. All together. Including all; completely demolished, etc. Cf. pau. Pau pu kakou i ka huhu 'ia e ke kumu, every one of us was scolded by the teacher, p&'fl'fl. 1. Redup. of pa'u, soaked. 2. Second stage in the growth of ulua, a fish. Cf. papio, ulua. 3. A variety of sweet potato. Pauwala. A star that appears in the night of Muku in the month of Mahoe-mua, and re-
mains visible through the month of Mahoehope; it follows the star Ulu-loa, and was considered the latter's "servant." pa uwea. Wire fence, pa uwea kuka. Barbed-wire fence, pa uwea maka 'aha. Chicken-wire fence. Lit., sennit-mesh wire fence, pa uwea maka 'upena. Chicken-wire fence. Lit., net-mesh wire fence. pa uwea poepoe. Smooth-wire fence. Lit., round-wire fence, pawa. 1. The darkness just before dawn. Moku ka pawa, the predawn darkness is breaking. I ka moku 'ana o ka pawa (1 Sam. 11.11), in the morning watch. 2. Smooth, fat and sleek. Obs. 3. Custom. Obs. 4. (Cup.) Name of a star (no data). pawa. Same as oeoe, bull-roarer, pawa'a. Untamed, unruly, uncivil, bad-mannered. (AP.) pa wa'a. Canoe enclosure; touching of canoes, pawal. 1. To have water, to take a sip or drink. 2. Same as limu-kala-wai, pond scums, pa wal. Water trough (preceded by ke). Rare. pft walna. Vineyard. p&wale. A native dock {Rumex giganteus), a coarse vinelike plant with ovate or oblong leaves, and topped with panicles of tiny flowers, belonging to the buckwheat family. Also called uhauhako. pawall. To talk soothingly, softly, sweetly, sometimes to flatter or deceive. Lit., touch smoothness. pawalu. By eights, eightfold, to divide by eights, to have eight, eight times. For example see lino, 2. pawao. T o see indistinctly, uncertainly. Obs. pawapawa. Redup. of pawa, 2. Obs. pawehe. Generic name for colored geometric motifs, as on makaloa mats made on Niihau, bowls, and gourds; to make such designs. pawehe-pQpfl. Tapa beater design. Lit., shell •pawehe design, pawela. Overcooked, scorched, burned; a burn, pawelu. Old, worn, ragged. Fig., worthless, paweo. T o turn away the face, as in order to avoid seeing someone. Maka paweo, to avert the eyes. A he aha kdu hana e paweo nei. e ka makani Pu'u-lena (song), why are you turning away, O Pu'u-lena wind. ho'opSweo. To cause to turn away, snub, etc. pa will 'al. Same as papa wili 'ai. (Puk. 8.3.) pe, pfi-. Thus, so, like (usually combined, as: pehea?, how?; peia, like this; penei, this way, like this; pela, that way). Pe keia, like this, thus. pS. 1. Crushed, flattened; humble, low, modest. Na'au pe, modest heart. Kani pe, a hollow, flat sound, ho'ope. T o crush, break fine, mash; to cringe, assume a humble or fearful attitude. For example see kiipaoa. 2. Perfumed, sweet with fragrance. Nolu pe i ke onaona (song), softly fragrant with perfume, ho'ops. T o perfume, anoint. 3. Drenched, soaked (often following pulu or nolu-, sometimes drenched and perfumed \pe, 2] are combined). Pulu pe nei 'Hi i ka ua, this skin is drenched and soaked by the rain. ho'opS. To drench, soak. 4. T o bribe. Cf. kipi. ho'opC. Causative/simulative. 5. Pay; to pay. Eng.
pea. 1. Also fea. Fair; to be fair. Eng. 2. Pear, avocado. Eng. 3. Also bea. Bear. Eng. pe'a. 1. A cross (X-shaped, cf. the Christian cross, ke'a)\ to cross, as the hands or arms; to cross and tie; to turn and go. Intrans. ho'ope'a. To cross, cross and tie. Fig., to persecute. Trans. Ho'ope'a i na lima, to cross the hands (crossing the nands behind the back was insulting to others, as it was a way of wishing bad luck). No ka huahuwa i ho'ope'a aku ai lakou iaia
pekau p e e p e ' e - k u a . T h e g a m e of hide-and-seek; t o play the game (short f o r pe'epe'e-akua, hiding ghost). p e ' e p e ' e k u e . Redup. of pe'ekue. p e ' e p e ' e - m a k a w a l u . l . L a r g e house spider. Cf. hula pe'epe'e-makawalu. 2. Alert, p e ' e p o l l . T o hide in one's bosom, as a secret; secretive. p e h e . 1. Owl snare. Obs. 2. Same as mehe, like. Obs. Pehe ua la, like rain. 3. Unsteady. Obs. - p e h e . See kapehe, 2; waipehe. pehe. T o peel o f f ; to remove the skin or bark, p e h e a . H o w ? W h a t ? H o w about it? Pehea 'oe? H o w are you? Pehea lal I don't know how! Pehea ho'i! H o w , I don't knowl W h o knows? Pehea 'oe i keia paluleP W h a t do you think of this shirt? Pehea ka luhi, hana no, whatever the tiredness, just keep working. Pehea noho'i ina ma'ane'i (song), how would it be If [you looked] here. p e h e m o , b e h e m o . Behemoth. ( I o b a 40.15.) p € h e u . 1. Same as 'eheu, 1-4. h o ' o p S h e u . Same as ho'eheu. 2. Soft, flabby, sagging, as f a t flesh; swelling or protuberance, as on the cheek or neck. p S h e u h e u . Redup. of peheu, 1, 2. 'Umi'umi peheuheu, sideburns. h o ' o p £ h e u h e u . Redup. of ho'opeheu. p e h i . T o throw, throw at; an overhand throw, as in throwing the 'ulu. Cf. kipehi, kupehi, pepehi. h o ' o p e h l . T o cause to throw or pretend to throw, p e h l a . Passive/imperative of pehi. I ka pehia mau a ka ua, in the constant pelting of the rain, p e h u . 1. Swollen, swelling; to swell; dropsy. Fig., swollen with pride or conceit; longing to eat, hungry (short f o r makapehu, eyes big with hunger). T y p e s of pehu, dropsy, were qualified by the terms ale-'ai, f o o d gulping; holoku, entire; kala'e, clearing; kumu-niu, coconut tree. Ma'i pehu, dropsy. Moa'e pehu, a strong Moa'e wind. A loa'a i ke kanaka ka pehu 'ana, ma ka 'Hi o kona 'i'o, a 'o ka pehu pala paha (Oihk. 13.2), when a man shall have in the skin of his flesh a rising, or a scab. He kuleana pehu, ka ho'oka'a pehu (For. 6:402), a business of swelling in pride, a prideful paying of debt. HB mai he i'a na ka pehu o uka ( P H 29), give some fish for the big[-eyed] hungry ones ashore, h o ' o p e h u . T o swell, cause to swell, brag, boast. 2. A variety of sweet potato. 3. A kind of seaweed.
( M a t . 27.18), f o r e n v y they had bound him. 2. Bat. Cf. more c o m m o n Bpe'ape'a. Hanalei .. . 'aina a ka pe'a i noho ai ( F o r . 5:55), Hanalei . . . land where the bat stayed. 3. Starfish, various species of Asteroidea. (Ed., 63-67; K L line 18.) Also called pe'ape'a. Bpe'ape'a, hBkukai. 4. Sail, as of a canoe. 5. Forks or branches made of stalks of feathers bound at their bases with 'ie'ie roots, coming together t o f o r m the ko'o (stalk) which in turn is attached to the kahili staff. 6. Boundary, edge, border, as of land. Mai kela pe'a a kiia pe'a, f r o m that border to this. E kau mai ana 'o Hala-'ani'ani ma ka pe'a o ka nalu ( L a i e 509), Hala-'ani'ani landed on the edge of the wave. 7. Menstruating; to menstruate; unclean; tattered (For. 4:225). Hale pe'a, menstrual house. Kapa pe'a (Isa. 64.6), filthy cloth. 8. Base of a leaf. Obs. p e ' a heke. Triangular sail set above the g a f f ; topsail. Cf. kia lua pe'a heke. p e ' a h i . 1. Fan; t o fan, brush, signal, beckon, winnow. Ka mea i pe'ahi 'ia i ka pe'ahi (Isa. 30.24), which has been winnowed with the fan. h o ' o p e ' a h i . T o beckon or wave, pretend t o wave, etc. 2. T h e open hand, bones of the hand. Kou pe'ahi 'akau, a me kou lima ( H a l . 44.3), your right hand and your arm. 3. A native fern (Polypodium spectrum) about a f o o t high, the fronds broad, pointed, commonly three-lobed. 4. A dark-colored stone with grain said to suggest the fingers of a hand. Obs. p e ' a b l l i m a . T h e open hand, a hand's breadth (Ezek. 40.5); t o beckon or w a v e with the hand, p e ' a b l u l l a . Electric fan. p e ' a h o p e . Mainsail, p e ' a I h u . Jib sail. Lit., bow sail, p e ' a k u a . A trusted relative of a chief who attends to his personal needs. Obs. Lit., back-cross, so called because such a person might go behind the back of the chief, - p e ' a k u a . ( W i t h ho'o-) h o ' o p e ' a k u a . T o cross the hands behind the back. See pe'a, 1. p e ' a n u l . Mainsail. Lit., big sail, p e ' a oe, p e ' a oeoe. A long sail, p e ' a p e ' a . 1. Redup. of pe'a, 1\ crossing. Fig., entangled, perplexity. _2. Hawaiian bat (Lasiurus semotus). Also 'ape'ape'a, pe'a. 3. Small pe'a, starfish. ( K L line 18.) 4. Redup. of pe'a, 7 ; filthy, unclean; slime. ( K L line 589-592.) S. See pe'ape'a pBhaku. p e ' a p e ' a h i . Redup. of pe'ahi, 1. h o ' o p e ' a p e ' a h l . Redup. of ho'ope'ahi. p e ' a p e ' a p O h a k u . H e a p of pebbles, as at the opening of an octopus burrow, p e a w l n l . Fair wind. Eng.
p e h u a . X. Passive/imperative of pehu, 1. 2. A variety of taro. p e h u - a - k o a . T a p a colored with an infusion made of koa bark. Lit., koa swelling, p e h u e a . T o increase in volume, of the wind. He makani pehuea ia no lalo (chant), this is a rising wind f r o m the south, p e h u p a l a . Scab (Kanl. 28.27), scurvy, p e h u p e h u . Redup. of pehu, I. h o ' o p e h u p e h u . Redup. of ho'opehu; to brag; braggadocio; swollen, billowy, as a cloud, pel. Bent. Obs. pSla. 1. Thus, like this, this w a y (less definite than penei). 2. T o say. Peia mai 'oia ia'u, thus he spoke to me. p e k a . Same as pekapeka. p S k a ' a . 1. Sap of the green kukui nut, formerly rubbed over the tongue with the finger as a remedy f o r coated tongue or sore throat; v e r y bitter. 2. Seed of the ka'e'e vine. Obs. p e k a l a k e l i a , p e s a l a t e r l a . Psaltery. (2 Sam.6.5.) pekale. Peccary. Eng. p e k a n a , p e g a n a . Pagan, heathen. Eng. p e k a p e k a . T o tattle, tell tales, act as stool pigeon; tattler, stool pigeon. Holo peka, to run and tattle. Kolo peka, t o sneak and tattle. p C k a u . T o place. Obs. He pohaku pikau, a placed stone.
p e ' e . 1. T o hide; hiding. Intrans. Cf. huna, t o hide, trans. E pe'e ana au iaLa'a-kea, I ' m hiding f r o m La'a-kea. h o ' o p e ' e . T o hide, pretend t o hide. Intrans. 2. Coarse, thick. Obs. Cf. pe'ekue. p e ' e k u e . Same as pepe'ekue. Cf. honu-pe'ekue. 'O ke ka pe'ekue, o ke ka lahilahi (For. 5:89), the thick bailer, the thin bailer, p e ' e l u a . 1. Caterpillar (2 Oihn. 6.28; K L line 287); army w o r m ( C i r p h i s unipuncta). Also called kupa. 2. Brindled, striped: see popoki. p e ' e l u e . Var. of pe'elua. p e ' e l u l u . Confusing; confusion. Obs. h o ' o p e ' e l u l u . T o create confusion; confusion; confusing. p e ' e o n e . Sand crab that buries itself in the wet sand backwards ( H i p p a pacifica). Lit., sand hiding. p e ' e p a o . One who hides in a c a v e ; t o hide in a cave; secret c a v e ; term of contempt f o r vagabonds or cowards, p e ' e p e ' e . 1. Redup. of pe'e, 1. Pe'epe'e pueo, t o hide like an owl, i.e., in a tree, h o ' o p e ' e p e ' e . Redup. of ho'ope'e-, camouflage. 2. Same as lipe'epe'e, a seaweed. Maui. p e ' e p e ' e - a k u a . Same as pe'epe'e-kua.
p e k e peke. Dwarf, brownie, elf, goblin, midget; dwarfish, minute; short, as steps or stitches, pekekeu. Same as 'ekekeu, wings, pekekue. Blunt, pekela, betela. See nloi-pekela. pekelala, federala. Federal. Eng. -pekena, - p e t e n a . See mo'o-pekena. pekepeke. Redup. of peke. Pekepeke ka humu, the stitches are small. pCkeu. 1. Same aspiheu, I, 2. h o ' o p i k e u . Same as ho'opeheu. 2. Method of trapping owls by gumming ropes on an upright stick. Obs. 3. Stirrups. Obs. pCkeukeu. Redup. of plkeu, 1. pekl. 1. Pace; to move along step by step, to tread along, trudge along. Eng. Ku'u Ho holo peki, my pacing horse. 2. T o back up, as a car. Eng. E peki mat 'oe i hope, back up. 3. Spade, as in playing cards. Eng. pSkol. Rare var. of plkoi. peku. A kick; to kick. KinipSpO peku, football, ho'opeku. To have kicked, cause to kick, feign kicking, kick, pekua. Passive/imperative of peku. pekula. Picul, as used for the sale of sandalwood. Eng. pekuna. A kick. pekunla. Petunias (Petunia hybrida). garden herbs grown for their bright, attractive, funnelshaped flowers of various colors. Eng. pekupeku. Redup. of peku. ho'opekupeku. Redup. of ho'opeku. pela. 1. Same as pelapela \ fertilizer, any decomiosed material, especially decayed flesh and ntostines removed from a corpse; the bones were buried secretly, and the flesh (pela) thrown into the sea (cf. kapa lau). 2. Spelling; to spell. Eng. Pehea e pela at kou inoa? How is your name spelled? 3. Bale; to bale; mattress, cushion; package, as of hard poi. Eng. Pela mau'u-malo'o, bale of hay. 4. Also bela. Bail; to bail. Eng. 6. Pail. Eng. pClS. 1. In that way, like that, thus, so, that way. Pela anei? Is that the way it is? Is that so? Pela 'ea? Is that how? So that's it! Isn't it? PilS ihol Wait! Wait a minute! Pela 'i'o no, that's right, that's certainly it. P213 no, that's so, that's it, that's how it is. PUS paha, maybe so, maybe, perhaps [very common], Hele p\l&t Get out! Go away! Begone! Plla ino a hinale'a mai ka makani, wait a bit till the winds blow fair. 2. T o say. Pela aku 'o Kamalama (For. 5.35), Kamalama said, pelakano, pelatano. Chestnut. (Ezek. 31.8.) p e l a m l k a , p e l a m l d a . Pyramid. Eng. pela m o e . Mattress. pelapela. Filthy, dirty, nasty, obscene, h o ' o pelapela. T o befoul, make dirty, filthy, pela-uwea. Bedspring (later replaced by pilina). Lit., wire bale. Eng. pele. 1. Lava flow, volcano, eruption; volcanic (named for the volcano goddess, Pele)_. For examples see kukaepele, lepopele, mano. 'A pele, lava rock of any kind. Hu ka pele, to erupt, lava pours forth. 2. Soft, swollen, fat; pounded or kneaded soft, as poi or dough. Cf. kupele. 'Opu pele, fat stomach, ho'opele. To knead. 3. Choice Kauai tapa (For. 5:231), scented with matte and kupaoa, said to be gray and dyed with charcoal made of burned sugar cane mixed with coconut water (preceded by ke). 4. A term qualifying ko'i (adze), similar to kupele. 5. Also bele. Bell. Eng. Hale pele, belfry. Pele 'aina, dinner bell, peleau. Same as pele, 2.
pelehfl. 1. Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo gallopavo). Lit., swollen swelling. Also called pOkeokeo. 2. Same as pele, 3. Pelelake, Peleiade. Pleiades. (Ioba 9.9.)
peleka. 1. Also pereka. Perch, in surveying. Eng. 2. Also peleta. Fitches. (Ezek. 4.9.) pelekana. Pelican. Eng. Pelekanla, Beretanla. Britain; British. Eng. peleke. Same as peleki. Eng. Pelekepullkano, Pereseburltano. Presbyterian. Eng. peleki. Brake; to apply brakes. Eng. E pa'a ana ka huila mua o ua ka'a la mehe peleki ho'opa'a la, the front wheel of the car there was stopped as though stopped by brakes. Pelekla, Peresia. Persia; Persian. Eng. peleklkena, peresldena. President; presidential. Eng. Cf. aupuni. P e l e k l u m a , B e l e g i u m a . Belgium; Belgian.Eng. pelekona, peresona. Person. Eng. pelekunu. Musty or rank odor; mouldy odor. For example see paku'i, 3. peleleu. 1. Extended, either longitudinally or horizontally; long, broad, wide, as a nose; spreading, extending; extension, projection. Huina peleleu, obtuse angle. Wa'a peleleu, a very large canoe type, sometimes a double canoe. Klkala peleleu, wide, spreading hips. I 'Inia aku nei au i ke kau 'elepani ihu peleleu (song), I was in India riding long-trunked elephants, ho'opeleleu. T o cause to spread, extend; same as above. 2. Same as lanai. Rare. Pelellna, Berellna. Berlin. Eng. pelena, berena. Crackers, bread (Kin. 18.5). Pelena hu 'ole, unleavened bread. Pelena hb'ike (Puk. 25.30), shewbread, bread of the Presence. Pelena mo'a 'ole, bread dough; lit., uncooked bread. 'Aha'aina pelena. Holy Communion. Lapule 'Ai Pelena, Communion Sunday, pelena pa'a. Hardtack, pelepulu. Soaked, drenched, as by rain, peleu. Same as peleleu. p e l e ' f l . Mildewed; wet, rotting, and vile-smelling, as of clothes. Cf. pelekunu. p e l e ' u n u . Var. of pelekunu. For example see lohelohe. Pellala, Ferlara. Friar. Eng. pellhele, perlhele. Periphery. Eng. pellka, berlta. Covenant. Pahu pelika (Heb. 9.4), ark of the covenant. Pale pelika (2 Tim. 3.3), truce-breakers. Pelika o ka mana'o'i'o, creed, covenant of faith. Ka pelika ma'ema'e o ka male, the pure bonds of matrimony. Eia ka'u pelika me lakou (Isa. 59.21), here is my covenant with them, pellkana. Pelican. (Kanl. 14.17.) Eng. P e i l n a . Bering. Eng. Ke kai kdwa o Pilina, Bering Straits, pello, perio. Counterfeit (perhaps from Spanish peso). He kUlS pelio ka'u, I have counterfeit money. pelo. T o flatter, tell tall tales, lie. h o ' o p e l o . Causative/simulative, peloka, peroka. Perch, rod, pole. Eng. pelonl, f e l o n i . Felony. Eng. pelopelo. Redup. of pelo. h o ' o p e l o p e l o . Causative/simulative, pelu. 1. T o fold, turn over, turn under. Cf. pahi pelu. Pu'ao pelu, fallen womb. Alelo pelu, paralyzed tongue. Pelu ka huelo o ka 'llio i ka maka'u, the dog folded in his tail in fear, h o ' o pelu. T o fold, turn, etc. Trans. 2. A hem, tuck, as in a dress; to take a tuck, hem. E ho'oku'u mai i ka pelu o ka lole, let down the hem of the dress. 3. T o turn and go. Pelu mai i hope, turn around back, pelua. Passive/imperative of pelu, 1,2,3. Pelua ihola ka makani, the wind turned. pSlu'e. Feeble, weak. Obs. Cf. lu'elu'e. pelu-ha'ele. A variety of taro. Pelukla, Perusla. Prussia; Prussian. Eng.
p e p e n o seat" ( U L 194) and "chock on which a canoe rests" ( P H 114). pGpfi. 1. Redup. of pi, 1. Na'au plpl (Kep. 75), modest spirit. Hanapipi (place name), crushed bay [perhaps so called because of landslides]. He pèpï 'Omaka no Hilo, pa i ka pa'akai, uàni'i, a crushing of the fish 'Bmaka from Hilo, touched with salt, stiffens (of a weakling], bo'opèpë. Redup. otho'opê. (2 Sam. 22.43.) 2. Baby. Eng. hO'opApg. T o act like a baby; infantile, pepe'e. 1. Twisted, crooked, deformed, out of shape; deformity, ho'opepe'e. T o bend, twist, etc. (Kep. 159.) 2. Young fern leaves, as of hâpu'u, M'i'o, and 'ama'u, that are rolled up, sometimes suggesting a question mark. 3. See pepe'e paka. pepe'ekua. Var. of pepe'ekue. pepe'ekue. Coarse, as lace; thick; clumsy, lumbering, as a puppy's feet, pepe'e paka. Tobacco plug, pepehl. X. T o beat, strike, pound, kill. Pepehi a make, to beat to death, kill. Pepehi t ka mana'olana, to dash hopes, ho'opepehl. T o cause to beat, strike, kill; to pretend to beat. 2. Surface of a tapa beater formed by deep grooves with the wide ridges rounded off in the form of an Inverted U; sometimes the beater Itself was so called. Cf. hoahoa, hohoa. pepehla. Passive/imperative of pepehi, 1. (For. 5:509.) p e p e b l k a n a k a . M u r d e r , murderer, manslaughter; to commit murder, p e p e b u . R e d u p . of pehu, 1. h o ' o p e p e b u . Redup. of ho'opehu ; to flex the muscles or make them bulge, pepehua. Passive/imperative of pepehu. pepehue. Var. of pepehua. pepel. Obs. var. of paipai, to encourage, pepeiao. 1. Ear; to hear (rare). Cf. Hpepeiao. Lohe pepeiao, hearsay, to have heard only. Pepeiao manana, protruding ears. Pepeiao pili, ears pressing close to the head. Pepeiao pilau, infected ear. E heluhelu ma na pepeiao o na kànaka (Puk. 24.7), read in the audience of the people. 2. Cotyledon, as of beans. 3. Stipule, as of noni, a tree. 4. Scallops in lace. 5. Lugs or blocks inside a canoe hull to which the 'iako, booms, are fastened. 6. Comb cleats for canoe thwarts or seats. 7. Chinese cake stuffed with meat, named for a resemblance to an ear. 8. Long nets 16 to 20 fathoms deep, attached at each side of the 'upena kolo, bag net. 9. Valve of the heart. X0. Same as pepeiao-akua. pepelao-akua. Tree fungus, the Jew's-ear (Auricularia polytricha). Also called akua pepeiao. pepelao-'eha. Earache.
p e l u k u a . T o turn about; to turn and go back, pelulo, berulo. Beryl. (Hoik. 21.20.) peluluka. Rotting, of crops ( M a l o 199, Emerson note); to soak and squeeze, as in preparing pia. Obs. pelupelu. Redup. of pelu, 1, i, 3. pena. 1. Package. Obs. Pena ahipele, package of matches. 2. Paint; to paint. Eng. pena bale. House paint; house painter; to paint a house. pena kl'l. T o paint pictures; picture painter, pena m l k l ' a o . Fingernail polish, pene. T o reside a long time in one place. Ka'C, Hawaii. Ua noho a ua pene i kiia wahi, staying and living long in this place, penel. This way, like this, thus, as follows; to be thus (more definite than piia). Pehea ke ki'ina a ka ipo? Penei iho, penei a'e, penei no! (song), how to get a sweetheart? Thus, thus, thus. pe nela. Same as pe klia and penei. Penekekoka, Penetekota. Pentecost; Pentecostal. (1 Kor. 16.8.) Eng. peneklne, benezlne. Benzine. Eng. penekfl. T o reside at a place for several generations. penekulna, p e n e g u l n a . Penguin. Eng. pen!. Pen, pencil. Eng. Maka peni, pen point, penlkala. Pencil (sometimes preceded by ke). Lit., sharpening pen. penlkenla, penltenla. Sacrament of confession, peul ktla. Steel pen. Eng. peno. Soaked, drenched; to soak. Cf. penopeno, pepeno. penopeno. Redup. of peno\ dirty, smutty, penu. T o sop up, as gravy; to dunk: to dab up, as tears. Cr. pepenu. h o ' o p e n u . T o cause to sop, dunk; to dunk, penupenu. Redup. of penu. b o ' o p e n u p e n u . Redup. of ho'openu. peo. 1. Vagina. 2. Round, globular. Obs. peopeo. Redup. of peo. i. pepa. 1. Paper; card, playing cards; to play cards. Eng. PH'ani pepa, to play cards. Eke pepa, paper sack. Lei pepa, paper lei. K&wele pepa, paper napkin or towel. Pu'u pepa, deck of cards. 2. Black or white pepper, produced from the fruit of a climbing Oriental shrub (Piper nigrum). Eng. pepa h a h a u . Playing cards. Lit., striking cards, pepa hale. Wallpaper. pepa hftleu. Toilet paper. Lit., cleansing paper, pepa ho'oke. Kleenex or paper handkerchief. Lit., nose-blowing paper. pepa ho'ololl k a ' a . A transfer authorizing change from one vehicle to another. Lit., paper for changing cars, pepa ho'onani bale. Wallpaper, pepa kalakala. Sandpaper. Lit., rough paper, pepakene. Cayenne pepper. Eng. pepa kl'l. Joker, in a deck of cards. Lit., picture card. pepa klko'o. Check, for paying money. Lit., withdrawing paper, pepa klko'o kala. Money order, pepa lahllahl. Tissue paper, thin paper, pepa lei. Crepe paper, as used in lei making. Lit., lei paper. pepa m&noanoa. Cardboard. Lit., thick paper, pepamlna. Peppermint. Eng. pepa wahi. Wrapping paper, pepe. 1. Flat, as a nose; low, squatty. Cf. mene, 'umene, 'upepe. 2. Small, fine-meshed, as of a mat. Pepepe is more common. 3. Perhaps short for pepeiao, 6; Emerson however gives "canoe
pepeiaohao. Horn of an animal; trumpet or horn made of an animal's horn. (Hal. 118.27.) Lit., iron ear. p e p e l a o - b o b o n o . Infected ear; said derisively of farmers with reference to the smoky odor (hohono) of their fires, pepeiao kull. A deaf ear, deafness, disobedience, refusal to listen to advice, pepeiao p u l u ' a h a . See pulu'aha. pepele'e. Overripe breadfruit or banana kneaded with coconut cream, wrapped in ti leaves, and baked in the oven. This could be preserved for a season. Also called paipaie'e. pepela. X. Same as pelapela, filthy. 2. Redup. of pela, to spell. Eng. pepele. Same as pele, 3, a tapa, pepelo. Same as pelopelo. to lie. pepelu. Redup. of pelu, 1, Z, 3; repetitious in speech. Pepeluall. February. Eng. pepelu'e. Redup. of pelu'e. Obs. pepena. Redup. of pena, 2, to paint. Eng. pepeno. Redup. of peno.
pepenu p e p e n u . Same as penupenu. 'O ka 'Bpelu e pepenu ana la (song), the 'Opelu, t h e fish t h a t is dunked [in sauce], p e p e - o - H l n a . Same as lepe-o-Hina, a seaweed, p e p e p e . Redup. of pepe, 1, 2. Maka pepepe, small mesh, p e p e u . Redup. of peu, I, 2. p e p e u e . Redup. of peue. p6U. 1. T o t h r u s t up, push up, uproot, prod, bunt, root, nudge upward, elbow upward, pout, jostle with t h e feet as to a t t r a c t a t t e n t i o n ; to rise up, as grass t h a t has been trod upon; to thrust, as a male in coition, h o ' o p e u . To t h r u s t up, etc. Trans. 2. A vulgar gesture, in which t h e fist is doubled and jerked u p w a r d ; to m a k e t h e gesture. 3. Cartilage of a pig's nose. 4. Point a t canoe bow. p S ' f i . Cooked t a r o leaves. ( P H 74.) Also called lü'au. p e u a . Passive/imperative of peu, 1, 2. p e u e . Dull, blunt. Fig., stupid, dull. Obs. Ka peue, pepeue, ho'owalea o loko o ka hale (For. 6:402), t h e stupid ones, the stupid, stupid ones, passing t h e t i m e within the house, p e u p e u . 1. Same as pepeu. 2. Same as peue. p e w a . 1. Tail of fish, shrimp, lobster. Cf. hi'u. 2. Rectangular patch or wedge used for mending bowls, perhaps so called because of a resemblance to a fishtail. 3. R a r e var. of pawa, 1. 4. C l u m p or group, as of trees near a forest. 'Ohi'a uliuli i ka ua i moku pewa 'ia (PH 33), 'ohi'a trees darkened by t h e rain a n d cut off as a clump. p e w a p e w a . 1. Side fins of a fish; to move or vibrate these fins. 2. Redup. of pewa, U. I ka pewapewa la'au mauka oL Pu'u-lele (song), the tree clump inland of Pu u-lele. p i . 1. Stingy (sometimes preceded by ke). h o ' o 1. Stingy, extremely economical, frugal. 2. §puttering, smouldering, as green wood t h a t burns poorly; to snort, as a horse; t o sniffle or have difficulty breathing due to a congestion in t h e nose, as caused by a cold; to break wind with a slight sputtering sound. Pi ka 'amo, to work h a r d like a slave. 'O ke käne kenä, pi ka 'amo, if he's your husband, you'll know plenty of drudgery; lit., the anus will give a pi sound. 3. T o sprinkle, as water with the fingers. 4. Peas, lentils (2 Sam. 17.28); a kind of bean near L i m a bean (Dolichos lablab). Called papapa in some localities. 5. The letter " p . " Cf. pi äpä. - p i . (With ho'o-) h o ' o p l . To follow. (AP.) p l a . 1. Polynesian arrowroot (Tacca leontopetaloides, formerly known as T. pinnatifida), an herb known in t h e eastern tropics, formerly cultivated in Hawaii for t h e starchy tubers, which were used for medicine a n d food. In spring or summer, a few leaves rise on long stems f r o m a t u b e r and die back in t h e winter. T h e blades are much divided, a b o u t a foot wide, s o m e w h a t like p a p a y a leaves in shape. Cf. ma'ili, 2. ( H P 212, Neal 193.) ( P P N pia, P M P rumbi[y]a.) 2. General n a m e for starch; starch m a d e f r o m arrowroot is called pia-Hawai'i to distinguish f r o m other starches; pia is used in haupia pudding, as medicine, and as talcum >owder. Lole pia, starched clothes. 3. Pale yelow. Cf. hala-pia, a pandanus, and föpia, of t h e 'ilima flower. 4. A variety of taro. ( H P 34.) 6. A variety of sweet potato. ( H P 142.) 6. A kind of stone, as used for adzes. Obs. 7. Also b i a . Beer. Eng. Bia nut, lager beer. Bia wei, weiss beer. 8. Stork, p l ' a . A kind of y a m (LHoscorea pentaphylla), a climber with lobed leaves known t h r o u g h o u t Pacific islands and in tropical Asia. It bears small aerial a n d subterranean, edible tubers. ( H P 215, Neal 195). Also called pi'a-Hawai'i. p l ' a . 1. Cluster, as of bananas, grapes. Obs. 2. Measure of one h a n d ' s distance. Obs. p i a e a . Small fish, as 'öhua manini. Obs. Ku'u piaea, to scoop u p piaea, as with a mosquito net or skirt.
p l ' a i . 1. Same as pi'ao, 1. Kauai. 2. Any berrylike fruit, as of mamaki, olona, 'ohelo. Obs. p l ' a l u . Wrinkled with age, as with sagging eyelids or jowls; a t e r m of reproach for a m a n who has lost his sexual potency, p i a m a n l o k a . Starch m a d e of manioc, p i a n o . Piano. Eng. p l - a n u h e a . Same as pl-wai-anuhea, sweet pea. p i ' a o . 1. To fold ti leaves into a cuplike package, as for dipping water or for baking food in t h e oven: such a package, h o ' o p l ' a o . T o m a k e such a package. 2. Curling or shriveling, as of leaves in the heat; crumpling up, as of meeting waves. (Isa. 25.5.) pl'apa. Alphabet; n a m e of an early spelling book; this word is said to h a v e derived f r o m t h e method of teaching Hawaiians to begin t h e alphabet "b, a, ba." T h e Hawaiians pronounced "b" like "p" a n d said "pi 'a pa." For example see puana, 2. p l a p i a . 1. T h e encrusted white m a t t e r in t h e eyes, as f r o m sleeping or sore eyes, " s a n d " in the eyes; to get such m a t t e r in the eyes; a:i abusive epithet applied to one who was unwashed. said to refer to genitals. Maka piapia, eyes with white matter, said insultingly of one who does not see what he ought to see (For. 5:219). 2. A variety of taro. 3. A varioty of sweet potato. ( H P 142.) p i e . Var. of piele, 1. Obs. p l ' e i . R a r e K a u a i var. of ki'ei, to peer, p i e l e . 1. M a t t e r y eruptions or eczema on t h e scalp: to h a v e such eruptions. 2. T o trade, peddle; trader. 3. Pudding of grated taro, sweet potato, yam, banana, or breadfruit, baked in ti leaves with coconut cream, p i e l e e l e . Redup. of piele, 1, 2, 3. p i e u a . Offensive to smell, stinking. Obs. p l ' e n a . Fiery-tempered; to shy, of a horse. Cf. 'ena. h o ' o p l ' e n a . T o cause anger; to cause to shy; to feign anger, p l e n a e n a . Redup. of piena. Obs. p l ' e n a ' e n a . Redup. of pi 'ena. p l e p i e . Redup. of pie. Obs. p i e p i e l e . 1. Redup. of piele, 1, 2, 3. 2. To do small favors in order to receive greater ones; t o flatter or f a w n in order to receive something, p i e - u e u e . Vagrant eczema, a n a m o for kauwa, outcasts. p l h a . Full, complete, filled; full-blooded; completion, capacity, fullness; pregnant. Cf. piha makahiki. pihapiha, piha pono. Ho'oka'a piha, to pay in full. Piha maika'i, well-filled, filled just right. Hawai'i piha, pure Hawaiian. Ho'i mai no ke kai i kona piha 'ana (Puk._14.27), the sea returned to its wonted flow, la lakou e piha ana ma Pa-'auhau (For. 5:411), while they crowded a b o u t a t Pa-'auhau. n o ' o p l h a . To fill, complete, stuff, eat one's fill; to fill out, as a growing child; to breed, as of a female animal; to fill, as a t o o t h ; to load, as a g u n ; to t h r e a d , as a needle. Ho'opiha 'ia i ka pulupulu, stuffed with cotton. Moa ho'opiha ia me ka laiki, chicken stuffed with rice, piha. 1. Material of any sort carried by flood waters or sea, flotsam and jetsam, driftwood. 2. A round herring (Spraielloides delicatulus); the largest is a b o u t three inches long; preferred dried a n d salted. 3. Poi pounder. (AP.) p i h a ' S . 1. Same as piha, 1. Koa piha'a, a fallen koa tree suitable for a canoe, so called even t h o u g h it was not driftwood. Hana a ka wai nui, piha'a o kai, when t h e waters are great, t h e shorelands are littered with j e t s a m [said of a person who talks foolishly). See also mamo, h a n d Hal. 102.3. Hu'ea i kai na piha'a moe wai o uka, washed to t h e sea is debris of upland streams. 2. Same as pi ha, 2. p l h a - ' e k e l o . M y n a h bird (Acridotheres tristis), introduced f r o m India in 1865. Lit., full of 'ekelo sound.
p l a - H a w a l ' l . See pia, 2.
p i * i k
plhoa. Dizzy. (AP.)
p l h a k u ' l . Brimful, j a m m e d full, packed tight, crowded. p l h a l i m a . H a n d f u l . Na piha lima o ka pale ( E z e k . 13.19), the handfuls of barley, p l h a m a k a h l k i . Y e a r l y anniversary; t o h a v e an annual anniversary. L.a piha makahiki, birthday, anniversary d a y . 'Aha'aina piha makahiki, feast t o celebrate an anniversary, p l h a n a . Fullness, filling up. completion. Pihana kanaka, a crowd or gathering of people. Pihanakalani (place name), gathering place [of] high supernatural beings, p l h a n o . Silent, weak-voiced. Nona ka hale i Kau-mai-lani, no Kaka'e no ka leo pihano (chant f o r Kua-kini), his is the house at K a u mai-lani, for K a k a ' e , the weak-voiced, p l h a p l h a . 1. Full, c o m p l e t e ; filled; full and flowing, as a garment; filed, as cards; completed, as a questionnaire, h o ' o p l h a p l h a . T o fill, complete ; to file, as cards; f r a m e , questionnaire, any kind of f o r m to be completed. Ke ho'opihapiha maila ke kino o ke keiki, the b o d y of the child is filling out. Aia 'o mea ma'B, ke ho'opihapiha maila, so-and-so is over there, stirring up hard feelings with tales. ( C f . ho'opihapiha 'dlelo.) 2. Gills of a fish. Kuku ka pihapiha a pi'i ka lena, the gills stand out and the bile rises [of anger], 3. Ruffle, fringe, as on a dress. ( N a h . 15.38.) Lima pihapiha, ruffled sleeve, h o ' o p l h a p l h a . T o make a ruffle; ruffler, as o n a sewing machine. 4. Var. of 'opihapiha.
p l h O h O . Same as pihdpihd. p l - h o h o n o . Same as 'auko'i, a plant, p l h o l . Same as pihoihoi. p l h o l h o l . Disturbed, excited, worried, astonished. ( D a n . 5.6.) Ka pihoihoi o ka na'au ( K a n l . 28.28), astonishment of heart, h o ' o p l h o i h o l . T o cause a n x i e t y ; t o w o r r y , excite, astonish, p l h o l e . T o fidget, as a child; t o paw, as a drunk; t o squirm, flirtatiously sidle up t o a man. p l h o l o . T o sink, founder, drown, be swamped. Inlrans. h o ' o p l h o l o . T o sink, drown. Trans. p l h o l o h o l o . 1. R e d u p . of piholo. 2. W a t e r y , as poi. Obs.
plhopa, blhopa.
Bishop; Episcopalian. Eng.
Ho'omana Plhopa, Episcopalian religion. p l h G p l h O . R e d u p . of pihS; t o bob up and down or swamp, as a canoe, p l h u l u . H a i r y , f u z z y . 'Eki pihulu, ace of spades, p i ' l . 1. T o go inland (whether or not uphill), t o g o up, climb, ascend, mount, rise; t o fall, as one snadow on another. Pi'i kuahiwi, mountain climber; t o climb mountains. Pi'i ke kai, the sea rises [the temper flares], Malo'o ka wai, pi'i ka lepo, the water dries up, the dirt comes up [reasoning and understanding are gone, only i n v e c t i v e is left], lhu pi'i, elevated nose; contemptuous. h o ' o p l ' l . T o cause t o rise, mount, come up, etc. F o r example see limalima, h. 2. T o experience personally, or appear, as heat, cold, emotion. Hanau ka pi'i 'awa'awa, he 'awa'awa kona ( K L line 520), are born those of bitter disposition, theirs is bitterness. No kona huhu, pi'i ka 'Blelo 'ino, because of his anger, evil words c o m e forth. Ke pi'i nei ka mana'o, the idea come? now. Pi'i ka makemake, the desire comes. Pi'i ke anv, to get chills. Pi'i ka wela, t o get a f e v e r ; to feel the heat of anger. Pi'i ka 'ohune-wela, to get prickly heat. Pi'i ka 'ula, t o blush, h o ' o p l ' l . Same as ho'opi'ipi'i. 3. Same as pi'ipi'i, S, curly. 4. Same as npi'i, expensive. 5. Intercourse; to practice ntercourse; t o mount, as of male animals, h o ' o p l ' l . T o cause t o mount, as of male animals; t o breed, impregnate. 6. T r i a n g u l a r piece inserted in a holoku skirt to add width, or inserted at the base of the legs of b e l l - b o t t o m trousers. - p l ' l . ( W i t h ho'o-) h o ' o p l ' l . T o sue, bring suit, accuse in court; lawsuit, court case. Cf. palapala ho'opi'i. Ho'opi'i 'aina, to have a suit over land matters. Po'e (.mea) ho'opi'i, plaintiff. Po'e (mea) ho'opi'i 'ia, defendant, accused p a r t y . Ho'opi'i poho, suit f o r damages, p l ' l a . Passive/imperative of pi'i, 1. Ke ahua i pi'ia e ke keiki, the mound climbed by the child. p l ' 1 - a l l ' l . A n a t i v e v a r i e t y of taro, one of the oldest varieties g r o w n in H a w a i i ; f o r m e r l y known as one of the royal taros and desirable as an offering t o the gods; t o d a y , an i m p o r t a n t wet-land poi taro. L e a v e s and c o r m are tinged with pink. ( H P 28, W h i t n e y . ) T h i s name m a y be qualified by the colors 'ele'ele, ke'oke'o, 'ula'ula. p l ' l a l l ' l . T o claim chiefly blood, whether or not
plhaplha 'a'l. Kurt.
p l h a p l h a - ' O - k o h o i a . Pleated ruffle. Lit., whaler's ruffle, so called because such ruffles were stylish in whaling days,
-plhaplha 'Glelo. (With ho'o-) ho'opihapiha
' O l e l o . T o stir up dislike f o r another, to turn against another, as by telling tales or gossip, p l h a p o n o . C o m p l e t e l y full, complete. Piha pono ka manawa, to mature [of bonds], Piha ono ka mana'o, completely clear and intelligible
ßlea. ho'oplha
pono. To complete, make com-
pletely full, clear, intelligible, p l h a p f l . C o m p l e t e l y filled,
plha puna. Spoonful.
p l h a ' Q . Jam-packed, packed tight, full. Ho'okeki a piha'u na alanui, the streets were j a m m e d and packed. p l h a w e u w e u . 1. T e m p o r a r y bed m a d e of d r y 'ilima branches, dried banana leaves and grasses, over which a mat or t w o were spread. 2. Full of grass, but thin, said of a grass-eating animal that does not put on flesh. Obs. p l h a w e u w e u . A fish (no d a t a ) . p l h e . Din of voices, crying, shouting, wailing, lamentation; to mourn, shout, etc. Kani ka pihe, a shout is heard, p l h e a . Passive/imperative of pihe. Ka wav>3. vihea a na manu (chant), the loud din of the birds. p i h e k a . Inflamed, of eyes. C f . heka. Makole, makole a kahi, hele i kai o Piheka (chant), soreeyed, sore-eyed as no one else, go t o the sealand of Inflamed-eye [ K a m a - p u a ' a taunts the goddess Pele]. p l h e k a h e k a . Redup. of piheka. p l h e l e h e l e . Grated, mashed, pulverized; to grate. p l h l . 1. Scab, scar. 2. Button, badge; t o button (preceded by ke). Cf. huka pihi, pihi pulima. Pihi maka'i, police badge. Pihi umi'i, snap fastener. 3. Blunt, dull, as a wooden digging stick. Obs. 4. Fish. Eng. Ua loa'a mai ka pihi nui (song), got the big fish, p l h l p l h l . 1. Redup. of pihi, 1; scarred. 2. Redup. of pihi, Z; any small objects shaped like buttons, as washers (preceded by ke). 3. T o skip stones on the surface of the w a t e r ; stone skipping. 4. Redup. of pihi, 3. Obs.
it exists, h o ' o p l ' l all'l. Causative/simulative, p l ' l - h & l a w a l . A v a r i e t y of taro. ( H P . 34.) p l ' l k e a . T o become light, as t h e d a y ; t o begin t o g r a y , of hair, p l ' l k o l . T o claim honors not r i g h t f u l l y due, t o seek preferment, t o aspire t o the best or t o more than is one's due; t o claim t o be of higher rank than one is. Mai pi'ikoi i ka 'ama'ama, d o n ' t strive f o r the 'ama'ama [this fish was v e r y choice; t h e meaning is: be satisfied with w h a t you have, w h y aim f o r the moon], p l ' l k Q . 1. T o climb a steep slope; t o climb, as a coconut p a l m b y grasping the trunk with the hands and walking up with the f e e t ; a steep climb. 2. A medicine m a d e of the sap of young kukui nuts, used as a gargle f o r sore t h r o a t and thrush; if swallowed it causes nausea and loose-
plhl pQllma. Cuff button.
p l h O . Swamp, mire; s w a m p y .
p i
i 1 a e
ness of the bowels. 3. Transpiration, water drops on leaves of plants. Obs. Cf. tcai hua. pl'ilae. Haughty, proud. Lit., forehead rising. Obs. pl'ina. Climb, ascent, rise, etc. Cf. pi'i, 1. no'opl'lna. (a) Same as above, fb) Quilting in a direction away from the quilter. Also called ho'opi'ipi'i. pi'! pawalu. Octave. Lit., eightfold ascent, pl'lpl'i. 1. Redup. of pi'i, 1-, bubbling forth, as water (Kanl. 8.7); to overflow, as charged water. Wai pi'ipi'i, charged water or liquid. Pi'ipi'i akula na 'ale (Hal. 107.25), lifting the waves up [of a wind], ho'opi'ipi'i. (a) Redup. otho'opi'i; to sail or tack against the wind: to regurgitate. La'au ho'opi'ipi'i, emetic, medicine to cause vomiting, (b) Same as ho'opi'ina, b. 2. Redup. of pi'i, 2. Cf. pi'ipi'i kai, pi'ipi'i 'dlelo. ho'opi'ipi'i. T o stir up ill feelings, to rouse anger; jealousy. 3. Curly, curled, wavy. Pi'ipi'i lau nui, wavy, of hair. Pi'ipi'i Pukiki, kinky, of hair. 4. Same as pipi'i, expensive. 6. Redup. of pi'i, 5. 6. Same as manienie-'ula, a grass, pl'lpl'i all'i. Redup. of pi'i ali'i. pl'lpl'i kai. To rise, of a strong sea. Fig., to flare, as anger. p l ' I p i ' l - l a u - m a n a m a n a . Same as 'anali'i, a fern. pl'lpl'i 'Olelo. Words of anger, emotion, controversy. ho'opi'ipi'i 'Olelo. T o cause controversy, words of anger, etc. plka. 1. Short for pika'o, 2. Obs. 2. Pitcher (Eng.), vase. 3. Beet (Beta vulgaris). Eng. 4. Picul; half. Eng. pi kai. T o sprinkle with sea water or salted fresh water to purify or remove taboo. PI kai kea, to sprinkle with white sea, i.e., from the waves, and not with salted fresh water, plkalkal. Redup. of pi kai. pi kai 'Olena. T o sprinkle with sea water or salt water, with a bit of 'olena root, to purify or remove taboo, plkaka. 1. Smooth, polished. Obs. 2. Same as pika'o, 1. ( D L 96.) 06s. plkaka. Var. of pakHka. plkakanl. A rattlebox (Crotalaria mucronata), known in many tropical countries, a small, weedy, shrubby legume with three-parted leaves, yellow flowers striped with red, and many-seeded pods to two inches long. (Neal 390.) plkaka'o. Redup. of pika'o, 1. ( U L 96.) Obs. plkake. 1. The Arabian jasmine (Jasminum sambac), introduced from India, a shrub or climber, with rounded, dark-green leaves and small, white, very fragrant flowers used for leis. Since Princess Ka'iu-lani was fond of both these flowers and her peacocks (plkake), the same name was given the flowers. (Neal 599.) 2. Peafowl (Pavo cristatus Linnaeus), said to have been Introduced to Hawaii about 1860; they are wild on Niihau. Eng. plkake-hlhl. A creeping plkake. plkake-hohono. A low shrubby plant (Clerodendrum fragrans var. pleniflorum), from China, a weed with broad, downy leaves and white or ink, scented, double flowers. (Neal 644.) Lit., ad smelling. Hawaii. Also called plkake-wauke. plkake-hOkfi. The star jasmine (Jasminum tubescens), a shrubby, somewhat downy vine, rom India. Leaves are ovate or cordate; flowers white, inch-wide, starlike, with four to nine lobes. plkake-lahllahi. The single-flowered form of plkake. plkake-melemele. The yellow jasmine (Jasminum humile), a shrub from tropical Asia. It has compound leaves and yellow, inch-wide flowers. CNeal 600.) plkake-pupupu. The double-flowered form of plkake.
plkake-wauke. Same as plkake-hohono. Oahu. plkala. Pickle. Eng. plkale. Sticky, as water on a poi board after poi has been pounded on it; the watery residue, plkalekale. Redup. of plkale. plkanalft. Var. of plkanana. plkananA. Quick-tempered, snappish, cross; raging, storming, plkanele. Small, very little. Obs. plkanlnl. Small (slang, from pickaninny). pika'o. 1. Dehydrated food, as yam cooked, grated, dried, packed in banana fiber, used on long sea voyages; dried up, juiceless, parched (applied jestingly to old hags). (For. 6:386.) Cf. poka'o. 2. Canoe hold under both the foreward cover and after cover. Obs. Piha noho i ka wa'a mai ka pika'o mua a ka pika'o hope, the canoe was filled from within the bow to within the stern. plkapika. 1. Suction cups on octopus tentacles. 2. A kind of lava rock with points said to resemble the suction cups of an octopus. 3. Variegated, spotted; of varying colors, as the ocean. plka pua. Flower container, vase. Lit., flower pitcher. pikawal. To pick up, as a rooster picks up food. Obs. plka wal. Water pitcher, plkekakla, pisetakia. Pistachio. Eng. plkela. Name of a skin eruption, plkele. Pitcher. Eng. Obs. pfkele. Same as plkanele. Obs. ho'oplkele. T o dole out in small quantities, plkelekele. Redup. of plkele. Obs. plkl. 1. Shrunk, shortened, Irregular. Lei piki, lei made of feathers of uneven length that protrude unevenly, as of mamo feathers, ho'oplkl. T o shorten, shrink; to make, as a lei piki. 2. The peach (Prunus persica), possibly a native of China, introduced to Hawaii but not common. (Neal 346.) 3. Beet. Eng. Plkl. 1. Fiji; Fijian. Eng. 2. P.G., Provisional Government. Eng. plklki. Redup. of piki, 1. Obs. plklmana. Bituminous; coal. L&nahu pikimana, bituminous coal, piklnekl. Business. Eng. 'A'ohe ou pikineki malaila, you have no business there, plklniki. Picnic. Eng. plklplkl. 1. T o pinch or squeeze, as in milking. Cf. 'upikipiki. 2. Same as pikipiki'd. plklplkl'O. Rough, stormy, choppy, as the sea. Fig., agitated in spirit. piko. 1. Navel, navel string, umbilical cord. Fig., blood relative, genitals. Cf. piko pau 'iole, wai'olu. M5 ka piko, moku ka piko, the navei cord is cut (friendship between related persons is broken]. Pehea ko piko? How Is your navel? [a facetious greeting avoided by many because of the double meaning.] 2. Summit or a hill or mountain; crown of the head; crown of the hat made on a frame (pSpale pahu); tip of the ear; end of a rope; border of a land; center of a kSnane board; place where a stem is attached to the leaf, as of taro. 3. Short for alopiko. I ka piko no 'oe. lihaliha (song), at the belly portion itself, so very choice and fat. 4. A common taro with many varieties, all with the leaf blade indented at the base up to the piko, junction of blade and stem. ( H P 29.) B. Design in plaiting the hat called pSpale 'ie. 6. Bottom round of a carrying net, koko. 7. Small wauke rootlets from an old plant. 8. Thatch above a door. 'Oki i ka piko, to cut this thatch; fig., to dedicate a house, piko-'ele'ele. A native variety of taro, with dark-purple petioles; common poi and table taro: the leaves are good for lu'au. Also called hele-mauna. plkoholo. Slipknot. Lit., loop rope-end.
pilialoha p l k o l . 1. Core, sis of breadfruit or pandanus. Also 'ikoi. 2. A tripping club, as or wood or stone, with a rope attached; this was hurled at the foe to encircle his arms or legs and render him helpless. (For. 5:55.) Also 'Ikoi. 3. Wooden floats attached to upper or head cord of gill nets. Cf. 'alihi plkoi. Ka i a plkoi 'o Kalia, he kanaka ka plkoi, he kanaka ka pdhaku, Kalia is a fishing net with human floaters, human sinkers, p l k o l k o i . 1. Var. of pikokoi. 2. Onanism; to practice onanism. Fit/., to work hard with little produce. plkol l u a . A type of dagger, perhaps used by lua fighters. p l k o k a . Rare var. of plkake, peacock. (1 Nal. 10.22.) p l k o - k e a . A native variety of taro widely lanted; an important poi taro, especially on >ahu, distinguished by whitish piko and by leaf stems light-green with pinkish base. Also piko-ke'oke'o. p i k o k o i . To swarm, as small fish coming to the surface with open mouths, p l k o - l e h u a - ' a p l ' l . A native variety of taro, with leaves dark-green and crinkled below; the corms with lilac-purple flesh, yielding the popular lehua red poi-, the leaves good for Itt'au. Lit., curly red piko taro. p l k o n l . Cord attaching floats to a fishing net. p l k o - o - H a l e - a - k a i a . Type of braid used in the pdpale 'ie.
piko-o-YVakea. 1. Equator. 2. N a m e of a lua fighting hold, piko p a u 'lole. Bat-taken navel cord, i.e., a chronic thief. It was believed that one became a chronic thief if his navel cord was stolen by a rat. Rats were famous for thieving, p l k o p i k o . Same as pikapika, 1, 3. p l k o - u a u a . A native variety of taro, one of the hardiest piko taros and perhaps the only kind common in upland culture; yields good grade light-colored poi\ distinguished by dark-green leaf stems with a pinkish base, p l k o - ' u l a ' u l a . A native variety of taro, distinguished from piko lehua-'api'i by having leaves smooth below; corms yield red poi of good grade, p l k o - u l i u l l . Same as haehae, 3, a taro. p l k u , flku. Fig (Ficus carica). (Neal 265.) p l k u m e n a . Same as pikimana, bituminous; coal. Lua pikumena (Kin. 14.10), slime pit. p l l a . 1. Any musical instrument, formerly the flddle. Eng. Ho'okani pila, to play music. 2. Also b l l a . A bill; to make out a bill. Eng. 3. Also flra. Fir. La'au fira (Mele 1.17), flr. 4. To build, in a card game. Eng. p l l a ( b l l a ) 'al'6. Voucher, p l l a ( b l l a ) h a ' a w i n a . Appropriation, allotment bill.
pOalllall. Sticky, gummy, slimy, greasy, pflall m a l ' a . Honey in a banana blossom, fed to small children, p l l a l l - m e a - ' a l a . Camphor. Lit., fragrant gum. p l l a U ' o h e . Thin, delicate, rickety. Obs. p l l a p a ' u m e ' u m e . Var. of pila'ume'ume. p l l a p l l a u . Somewhat bad smelling, not quite spoiled, h o ' o p l l a p l l a u . To allow to spoil, as fish or meat. Cf. ho'omelu. I'a ho'opilapilau, slightly tainted fish eaten raw with salt and kukui relish, p l l a p u h l p u h t . Harmonica, mouth organ. Lit., blowing flddle. p i l a u . Rot, stench, rottenness; to stink; putrid, spoiled, rotten, decomposed. Cf. pilo, popopo. Ku ka pilau, the stench rises. Maka pilau, rotten eyes, one with rotten eyes, a ghost. Make pilau, complete defeat in a game, h o ' o p l l a u . To cause a stench, p i l a ' u m e ' u m e . Accordion. Lit., tugging flddle. p U a w a l w a l . Account, reckoning, as of an estate, p l l e k a l e k a . Gummy, sticky, gluey, mouldy; mould. pill. 1. To cling, stick, adhere, touch, join, adjoin, cleave to, associate with, be with, be close to; clinging, sticking; close relationship, relative; thing belonging to. Cf. 'auipili, pili wale. Hoa pili. intimate friend. Ko'u pili (Lale 483), my partner [in a kilu game). Kolone pili, column at close Intervals [military]. E pili kaua, let's be together. Hehi i ka pili, to abolish relationship. Maka pili, squinting eyes that seem almost closed. Pili hukihuki, clashes between close associates, a bickering relationship. He pili wehena 'ole, an unseverable relationship. Pili i ka hewa, to be found guilty. Pili ke kua me ke alo, the back and front meet [said of a thin ersonl. Ke kukui ka pili ia o ka uhu, the kukui the thing pertaining to the parrot fish, h o ' o pill. T o bring together, stick; to attach oneself to a person; united, as friends; to mimic, imitate; to claim a relationship; to put together, as parts of a puzzle. Cf. ho opili wale. Ke 'ano a me ka ho'opili ia 'ana o na helu, the nature and application of numbers. Ua ho'opili 'ia ma ka perita ma'ema'e o ka male, united in the pure bonds of matrimony. 2. A grass (Heteropogon contortus) known in many warm regions, formerly used for thatching houses in Hawaii; sometimes added to the hula altar to Laka, for knowledge to pili or cling (preceded by ke). (Neal 72.) Hale pili, house thatched with pili grass. Lei kSkd 'ula i ke pili (song), red network lei [rainbow] on the pili grass. HQ wale aku no ka waiwai i ke pill (Kep. 119), the wealth overflowed on the pili grass [of great quantities], 3. To refer, concern, relate, pertain, apply, h o ' o p i l i . Causative/simulative. 4. Shingles, so called because they replace the pili grass of the old houses (preceded Dy ke). 5. A wager, bet; to bet. See piliwaiwai. 6. Border; edge of time units, especially of late night. Pili aumoe, the late night. Ka pili o ka wana'ao (Laie 469), at the approach of dawn. Ka pili o ke ahiahi (Lale 457), at the end of the evening, nightfall. 7. Uncolored sheets in a ku'ina, sleeping tapa. 8. Lining of a quilt under the layer of cotton or wool. 9. First stage of poi-pounding, with taro beginning to stick. 10. A narrow or precarious
p l l a b a p a . Autoharp. Lit., fiddle harp. Eng. p l l a h l . Thin, frail, delicate, p n a h l l a h l . Redup. of pllahi. p U a h o . Short for 'Upl laho. p l l a ( b l l a ) hO'al'e. Promissory note. Lit., bill to extend credit, p l l a k l k o ' o . Check, draft, bill, p l l a k l k o ' o h a l e leka. Money order. Lit., postoffice draft. p l l a k l k o ' o h o ' o h u l h u l ' l a . Blanket warrant, p l l a kol. Requisition, p l l a l a h l . Redup. of pllahi. p l l a U . X. Gum, as of the kukui tree; resin, birdlime; wax; honey in a banana blossom; gummy, sticky. Pilali kukui kau l&'au (song), kukui gum on the trees. Pilali pSlolo. wax. Pipili ka pilali i ke kumu kukui, the gum sticks to the kukui tree [a person who stays close). 2. White and black feathers under the tall of the 'S'3, a bird; used for kahili, feather standards. 3. A seaweed.
ass. Obs. 11. Same as 'ume, the game, so called gecause the wand touched (pill) the players.
( M a l o 215.) Obs. 12. Same as 'dpili, numb. ( U L 61.) p l l l a . Passive/imperative of pili, 1, 3. Pilia i ke 'ala, clinging to the fragrance. pill&'alkQ. Var. of pili'aikn. Obs. p l l l ' a l k a . Cramped, stiff, numb. Obs. p l l l ' a l n a . Shore; lnterlsland. Hui Moku Holo Pili'Sina, lnterlsland Steam Navigation Company. p l l l a l o . Bosom friend, beloved wife. Cf. pilikua. p i l i a l o h a . Close friendship, beloved companionship, beloved relative; loving association; to
p i l i
m o ' o plll-mal'u'u. A hold in lua fighting. Lit., clinging to fingernail, pillmea'ai. Same as ho'opilimea'ai. ho'oplllmea'al. (a) T o attach oneself for personal gain, as to a chief (often said disparagingly); to fawn; to support, especially one in the wrong. He kaikamahine mana'opa'a no, 'a'ole e ho'o(Laie 591), a resolute girl, not fawnf tilimea'ai ng. fb) Perjury; to commit perjury. He hewa ho'opilimea'ai, perjury, plll-moe. Name of one of the tapas in the game of puhenehene. plllmua. Article, the part of speech; ke, ka, he, na. Pilimua maopopo, definite article. Pilimua maopopo 'ole, indefinite article, pill mua. Elder relative; preferred friend oicompanion; former associate, plllna. 1. Association, relationship, union, meeting, joining, adhering, fitting. Cf. pili, 1. He pilina wehena 'ole, an unseverable relationship. Ua 'ewa ka pilina a ka nihoniho, the toothed edges do not fit perfectly [said of anything that is unsuitable or in poor taste], 2. Springs, as of a mattress, watch, car. Eng. He mana'o ko'u i ke kani ko'ele; ua haki ka pilina a 'o luna iho (song), my thought is of the snapping affair; the upper springs [of the automobile) were broken, plllna moe. Bedsprings. plliokl, blliokl. Billiards. Eng. plll'Olelo. Grammar. Lit., concerning language, plllona, blllona. Billion. Eng. plllpa. Alongside a f e n c e ; hedge (Luk. 14.23).
have a loving or tender relationship, to be in a bond of love, pill a mo'o. To cling like a lizard, as on a cliff, pill 'ana wa anO. Present participle, pill 'ana wa hala. Past participle, pill 'ano. T o resemble in character or nature, plli'ao'ao. Mate, common-law mate with whom one lives openly, pill hale. House shingle (preceded by ke). plllhao. Corrugated iron, as used for roofing (preceded by ke). Lit., iron shingles, pill hlhla. To become involved in gambling, usually disastrously; in the old days, to bet one's life or wife; to be involved in an entangling affair of any sort, pililiua. Sad, sorrowful, dejected, astonished, confused (Ier. 14.9), bewitched (Oih. 8.9). h o ' o plllhua. T o cause sorrow, astonishment, etc. I ho'opilihua ai 'oia ia lakou i ke kilokilo 'ana (Oih. 8.11), he had bewitched them with sorceries. plli-kahakal. Shore, especially the area between high and low tides; near the shore, pill-kal. 1. A vine (Stictocardia campanulata) in the morning-glory family, native from India eastward, possibly into Polynesia, long known in Hawaii, as on roadsides and rocky shores. Flowers are funnel-shaped, rose-purple, about two inches in diameter, the leaves heart-shaped. (Neal 619.) 2. The wood rose (Ipomoea tuberosa), another kind of morning-glory, with orange flowers and five- to seven-lobed leaves, grown ornamentally in Hawaii for its dry, brown, roseshaped fruit. (Neal G21.) pill kamau. Relationship by friendship rather than by blood or adoption. Lit., added-on relative.
For example see kupuku. pill pa'a. Sticking firmly together, associating constantly, living in harmony; to fit closely, plllplll. 1. Redup. of pili, 1; any sticky matter. He mea 'ai 'ia kahi pilipili maunu kapae 'ia, the bit of bait set to one side is edible still [one who has been the mate of another can still be a good mate], ho'oplllplll. Redup. of ho'opili; to court, woo (For. 4:215); to associate in close friendship; to claim relationship, especially if unwarranted. 'Olelo ho'opilipili, figurative language, simile. 2. Same as pipili, an herb, plllplll '&ina. Close to land. 'A'ohe pilipili 'aina mai, not anywhere near land [far off], -plllplll all'l. (With ho'o-) ho'oplllplll ali'l. T o claim relationship to a chief, as or one only remotely related, or of one desirous of favors, plllplll he'e. 1. Thin ends of octopus tentacles, as braided together when dried. 2. Octopus liver Cala'ala) molded about a fishhook for bait, plllpill-ko'a. Same as pili-ko'a, 3. plllplll 'Olelo. (With ho'o-) ho'oplllplll 'Olelo. Word play, punning; to illustrate a point with parables, stories, anecdotes, plliplll-'ula. Same as manienie-'ula, a grass, plllplll 'ula. A close blood relationship to one of high rank; this was said by persons entering the hale nauwa, desirous of asserting their royal blood. (Malo 199, Emerson note.) Lit., red relationship. Filipino, Filipino. Philippines; Filipino. Eng. plll-pOhaku. A flsh (no data). pill pono. Well-suited, well-matched; closefitting, as clothes; to refer exactly or concisely. Mana'o pili pono, literal meaning. A ua pili pono na Blelo e like me ka mea hiki, and as concise in language as possible, pill pQ. T o unite, join, cling to; hard-pressed, as in danger; relationship. Pili pu ka hanu, hardly able to breathe; to hold the breath, as in astonishment or fear. Pili pu i ka paia, backed up against the wall, hard-pressed. Ua pili pU ko'u mau iwi me ko'u 'i'o (Hal. 102.5), my bones cleave to my flesh. Pili pu ka pilina, the springs are broken; lit., packed down, pllipuka. 1. The period between midnight and dawn. Lit., near appearance [of the sun]. 2.
pllikana. Relation, relationship, kin. plllkla. Trouble of any kind, great or small; tragedy, nuisance, bother, distress, accident, difficulty, inconvenience, lack; in trouble; troubled, bothered, cramped, crowded (2 Nal. 6.1). Cf. -pau pilikia. ho'opilikia. T o cause trouble, bother, inconvenience; to lead into difficulty, get into trouble, plllkluo. Personal, private. Kakau 'olelo pilikino, private secretary. Paniinoa pilikino, personal pronoun. plll-ko'a. 1. A hawk flsh (Cirrhitops cinclus), eight inches or less in length and light-pink in color. Lit., coral clinging. Also Gymnocirrhites arcatus and Paracirrhites forsteri. 2. A native variety of sugar cane named for the fish; stems yellow-green, with pale brown-red stripes when young, changing to bronze-yellow with darker brown-red stripes. 3. A stiff kind of pakalakala, a seaweed (Galaxaura lapidescens). pill koko. Blood relationship, blood relative; related by blood, pillkua. 1. A giant; a large strapping fellow; country person, one living in the country. 2. Beloved husband. Cf. pilialo. 3. T o cling to the back. 4. T o fight in single combat. Obs. pill la'au. 1. Wooden house shingle. 2. Edge of a forest. pilll&'ele. Dark green pandanus leaves with white bases, above the la'ele, old leaves, pill lauia. Of wide application, of broad or general interest, pill loko. A close relative, closely related; concerning local places, pill lua. A close companionship of two; to associate, of two; related in two ways. Plll-lua. Name of a pair of stars, said to bring 'Bpelu flsh. plll-mal. 1. A native variety of sugar cane, a yellow-green mutant of 'aki-lolo; used in hana aloha, love sorcery, with the prayer for love to cling and hold fast. 2. A variety of taro. 3. A variety of sweet potato.
pioloolo p l n a u e a . 1. Weak; of dim vision, as of an aged person, 2 . Short and skimpy, as a skirt or pa'U.
One of the tapa covers in the puhenehene game, which were named for different parts of the night. p l l l - u k a . A stiff, tufted, native grass (Trisetum glomeratum), one to three feet high, with leaves four to ten inches long and flowers crowded in narrow spikes; a good forage grass, growing only at rather high altitudes. On Hawaii this is apparently called he'u-pueo. plllwalwal. Gambling, betting, gambler; to bet. gamble. Lit., to wager wealth, pill w a l e . To cling, etc., for no reason or cause; often used in unfavorable sense of living off other people, h o ' o p l l l wale. Causative/simulative. Nohona ko'opili wale, living as a dependent. plllwi. To believe. Eng. 'A'olc i piliwi 'ia (song), [it] was not believed, pllo. 1. Swampy, foul odor, as of a swamp; halitosis; polluted, lio'opilo. To cause a bad odor. 2 . Some species of native shrubs, in the coffee family (Pledyotis [ Kadua]), the leaves bad-smelling when crushed. See also kSi (Coprosma kauensis). 3. All Hawaiian species of Coprosma, a genus of shrubs and small trees belonging to the coffee family, with narrow to rounded leaves, tiny greenish flowers, and yellow, red, or black berries. 4. Same as maiapilo, another plant. 5. Any kind, any whatsoever (used with 'a'ohe). 'A'ohe pilo uku, any pay at all is all right. I lei paha no kakou, 'a'ohe pilo lei, let's wear leis, any kind of leis. 'A'ohe pilo 'd'o (Kep. 159), any kind of digging stick, p l l o - k e a . A small native tree or shrub (Platydesma campanulatum), in the orange family; leaves large, thick, oblong, more or less pointed; flowers few, cream-colored; fruits small, dry, four-lobed. p l l o - k e a - l a u - U ' t . A native shrub {Platydesma rostratum), with lone, narrow leaves, clustered, axillary flowers, and beaked, four-lobed fruits, plloll. Weak, small. Obs. pllopilo. Redup. of pilo. 1. Wai puna pilopilo (Sol. 25.26), polluted water, p l l u . To shake, quiver, vibrate. Obs. p l l u p l l u . 1. Redup. of pilti. Obs. 2. Overdressed, richly and elaborately overdressed, perhaps in a ridiculous way. Obs. p i m e n e k o , p l m e n e t o . Pimento. Eng. p l n a . Obs. var. of pine. - p l n a ' a u . See Holoholo-pina'au. p l n a ' t . 1. Again and again, repeatedly; to come or do repeatedly; to wear out a welcome by repeated visits; close together, crowded. Cf. lele pina'i. 'O ka plna'i iho no, e plna'i ai, just repeating, repeating a visit and wearing out one's welcome. Mai plna'i i ke aloali'i, don't stay constantly in the presence of the chief. Ku plna'i na kauhale, tne houses stand close together. Plna'i kana 'ai 'ana, he eats all the time. 2. To patch, All up a crack or hole, as in wood. p l n a n a . To climb; a climb. For example see 'oe, 1. Pinana ka ihu, to elevate the nose, as in scorn, h o ' o p l n a n a . To elevate, cause to climb. pinanaCa. Same as plnauea, 1, 2. Obs. p l n a n a ' l . Var. of pinapina'i. p l n a n a ' l e a . To turn aside, as the head, or as the bow of a ship when struck by a large wave. Obs. p l n a o . 1. Dragonfly. ( K L line 290.) Cf. lelepinao. 2. Flying gurnard, a fish (Dactylopterus orientalis). Also called loloa'u. 3. Blurred, as eyes of a drunkard. Similar to pdnalo, 2. p l n a o n a o . Redup. of pinao, 3. p i n a o - ' u l a . A variety of dragonfly. Lit., red pinao. p i n a p i n a ' i . Redup. of pina'i. Kani pinapina'i o na pu kuni ahi, successive booms of the cannons. p l n a u . 1. T o recoil, snap, as a rope. Obs. 2. See lele-pinau.
pine. Pin, compass needle, peg, bolt, picket; to pin. Eng. Kui pine, common pin. p i n e . Falsehood, lie; liar; to lie. Obs. p i n e h o a k a . Same as pine niho pua'a. Obs. Lit., crescent pin. p i n e k a l a p a . Safety pin. Lit., diaper pin. p i n e k a u l a ' l . Clothespin. Lit., hanging pin. p l n e k l . Peanut. Eng. 'Aila pineki, peanut oil. plnCnS. Vagina. Obs. p i n e n i h o p u a ' a . Hog's tooth pin. Formerly also called pine hoaka. Lit., pig tooth pin. p i n e 'Omou. Stickpin, brooch, p i n e p&. Fence picket. p l n e p l n e . Frequent; often, many times, frepquently. i n e u m a u m a . Breast pin, brooch. p l n l k a . Vinegar; an intoxicating drink made of fermented molasses and water. Eng. p l n o . Var. of pilo, 1, 2. p l n o p l n o . Var. of pilopilo. pio. 1. Captive, prisoner; conquered, captured, made prisoner; game of tag; to play tag. h o ' o lo. To conquer, make prisoner, capture. 2. xtinguished or out, as a fire or light; disappeared, as a ship at sea; to have gone out of sight, n o ' o p l o . To put out, extinguish, as a light or fire. 3. To peep, chirp; to whistle with fingers on the mouth; to pipe on any flute-like instrument. Cf. 'opio, young. Kani ka pio hone i ke kula (song), a sweet whistle sounds on the plains. 4. A measure of three feet, especially of cloth. p l ' o . 1. Arch, arc; bent, arched, curved; to arch, of a rainbow. Intrans. Kapi'o-lani (name), the heavenly arch. Ka pi'o mau o ke anuenue i luna o ia wahi (For. 4:189), the constant arching of the rainbow above this place, h o ' o p l ' o . To arch, bend, curve, crook. Trans. (Probably PPN piko, P M P bingkuk.) 2. Short for moepi'o. Cf. also ni'aupi'o. 3. Same as kapi'o. p l ' o a ' e a . Tactless. Ka'u, Hawaii. pl'oe. General name for barnacles. ( K L line 24.) ploea. Same as plnauea, 1. ploeoe. Long and sharp, as a pin; long and thin. He wahine pioeoe, wlwl, lo'ihi, a thin woman, bony, tall. p l ' o e ' o e . Same as pi'oe. Pipili mau 'ia e ka pl'oe'oe, always clung to by barnacles [one constantly pursued by those of the opposite sex], p i ' o h l ' a . Same as kanawao, 1, small trees, pi'ol. 1. Kauai name for hoi, the bitter yam (Dioscorea bulbifera). 2 . Hawaii name for edible fruit of the lama (Diospyros spp.) or perhaps kukui. plolol. Half-shut, as eyes; to look with halfclosed eyes. pl'olepo. Column of dust, cloud of dust. Lit., dirt arch. plolo. To rub back and forth, saw; to pucker and unpucker the lips. Fig., to go over and over in the mind, to mull over. Cf. olo. pl'olo. Short for pi'oloke. pi'oloke. Alarmed, startled, confused and excited, agitated, harassed; in noisy consternation; confusion, alarm (sometimes preceded by ke). Pi'oloke ka leo o ka palila, frightened is the voice of the palila [bird]. Ua pi'oloke loa ko'u 'uhane (Hal. 6.3), my soul is sore vexed, h o ' o p i ' o l o k e . To cause confusion, consternation, vexation. E ho'opi'oloke au i ka na'au o na kanaka (Ezek. 32.9), I will vex the hearts of the people. pl'olokQ. Intensifler of pi' olo. pioloolo. 1. Redup. of piolo. Rare. 2. Same as 'apu, medicinal concoction; to feed such a concoction. Obs.
p l ' o '
a slender, w e e d y herb, with rounded leaves, tiny flowers, and tiny one-seeded d r y fruits w i t h sticky stems, which catch on passersby. I t is a tropical shade-dwelling plant. ( N e a l 297.) Also called pilipili. 3. Same as 'ihi-kukae-hipa, kukae-hipa, a weed,
p l ' 0 ' 0 . 1. Same as vi'oloke. F o r example see ke'ele. ho'opl'6'6. Same as ho'opi'oloke. He meahou ho'opl'O'B, disturbing news. 2. Same as pioloolo, 2. Obs.
ploplo. 1. Redup. of pio, 1, t, 3. Piopio
chicken a t about the f r y e r stage; little chick (for example see '»nana). 2. Same as papi'opi'o.
p l ' o p l ' o . Redup. otpi'o, l. h o ' o p l ' o p l ' o . Redup.
plplllkla. Redup. of pilikia. plpllo. Redup. of pilo, 1.
of ho'opi'o; a f o r m of sorcery in which the practitioner touched a part of his o w n body, thereby causing i n j u r y t o his v i c t i m ' s body in the same place, as a chest pain or headache. I f the intended v i c t i m saw the gestures, he might i m i t a t e them and thereby send the black magic back t o the original practitioner. B o t h practices were ho'opi'opi'o. plpil. 1. Alongside, as of a road, sidewalk, or r i v e r ; to g o along the side, turn t o the side, d o d g e ; sidewalk. Ma ka plpS kahawai, along t h e stream. Ma na plpa alanui, along the roadside. 3. Kd'e'e bean and medicine made f r o m it. 3. Precipice, cliff. ( A P . ) 4. (Cap.) N a m e of a star (no d a t a ) .
plpl loke (roke).
R o a s t beef. Eng.
plplna. Var. of pipine.
p l p l n e . Promiscuous; promiscuous person, p l p l n e . M i s e r l y , stingy. Lit., stingy often, p l p l n o k e . T o rain continuously: to jibber jabber, talk and argue continuously. Lit., constant sprinkling. Obs. plpio. R e d u p . of pio, 1-3. p l p l ' o . R e d u p . of pi'o, 1. He kanaka kua pipi'o, a stoop-shouldered or hunchbacked person,
plpl'olepo. Redup. of pi'olepo.
pipi Pakfi.
pipapipa. Redup. of pipa, 1.
W a t e r buffalo, carabao. Lit.,
plpl. 1. H a w a i i a n
pearl oyster ( P i n c t a d a radiata); in songs this is known as the i'a hamau leo o 'Ewa, ' E w a ' s silent sea creature, as it was believed that talking would cause a breeze t o ripple the water and f r i g h t e n the pi pi. 2. Feelers of an Insect, as of an ant. 3. Same as moa, 3 (Psilotum). 4. A kind of tapa. B. B o d y depression; eyeball. Obs. 6. L o w e r part of an adze. ( M a l o 51.) Obs. 7. A l s o blpl. Beef, cattle. Eng. See pipi kdne, pipi wahine. To pipi. beef meat. plpl. R e d u p . of p i , 2; squinting; twinkling, as stars. Fig., barely surviving. Pipi ka ihu, the nose sniffles and is stopped up. Ind i kanu mau a mahi mau ke kauwaht 'aina, ulu pipi wale no ia lau kanu, if certain lands are continually planted and f a r m e d , the plants grow feebly. Pipi ka wahie, ho'onui ka pulupulu, if wood smoulders, add more tinder, ho'oplpl. Causative/simulative; t o smoke, as ham. Kinai i ka 'uwiki e ho'opipl ana ( M a t . 12.20), quench a smouldering wick, plpl. 1. R e d u p . of pi, 1, stingy. 2. Redup. of pi, 3; t o urinate (Eng.). A In5 e plpl 'ia ke koko ona ma ke kapa komo (Oihk. 6.27), If there is sprinkled of the blood thereof upon the garment. Plpl holo ka'ao, sprinkled, the tale runs [a phrase used at t h e end of tales], ho'oplpl. T o cause t o sprinkle, urinate. 3. F e m a l e 'o'o, a bird. p l p l ' l . Same as pi'ipi'i, 1-5; the commonest meaning is " e x p e n s i v e , high-priced." Wai pipi'i, bubbling water, charged water, h o ' o p l p l ' l . Same as ho'opi'ipi'i-, t o set a high price. wai ho'opipi'i, charged water, p l p l k a . T o draw a w a y , shrink a w a y , as a squid tentacle on a fire; t o crinkle up, contract; t o turn aside so as not t o meet, avoid. Pipika a'ela ia ma ka p& pShaku ( N a h . 22.25), he drew up against the wall, plpl k&ne. Bull. Lit., m a l e beef, plpl kaula. Beef salted and dried in the sun, broiled before eaten. Lit., rope beef, plpl kauwO. Ox. Lit., dragging beef, plpl kelki. Calf. Lit., child beef, p l p l k l . Shrunk, crinkled; tight, cramped. Cf. piki. 1, pipika, 'Upiki. h o ' o p l p l k l . T o cause t o shrink, clamp. Trans. plpl kG'ala. Broiled beef, steak, plpl kolo. Y e a r l i n g c o w or bull, plpl ku. Stew beef, beef stew, plpl laho. Bull. plpflanl. Some kinds o f green seaweeds (species of Enteromorpha). Maui. A l s o called 'ele'ele. p l p l l l . 1. Same as pilipili. Lepo pipili, sticky earth. Pipili me na hoa lapuwale, associating with worthless companions, ho'oplplll. Same as ho'opilipili-, t o paste, glue, stick. Mea ho'opipili, paste. 2. A d r y m a r i a (Drymaria cordata).
plpl palal.
Beefsteak. Lit., fried beef, p l p l p l . 1. General name f o r small mollusks, Including Nerita picea and Nerita neglecta. ( E d . 166, K L line 32.) LH pipipi, lei of pipipi shell, a new t y p e of lei; f o r m e r l y the lei kUpe'e was sometimes called lei pipipi because of a superficial resemblance, but actually it was not a pipipi shell. 2. Small and close together, as stars or pipipi shells; small, squinting, as eyes, ho'oplplpl. T o put close together; t o squint. Kanu ho'opipipi i na 'ano'ano, plant the seeds close together. 3. See hale pipipi.
piplpl-'akOlea, plplpl-kOlea. Same as 'dkSlea,
z. plplpl-'&kSlea-lhlloa.
A mollusk (Planaxis labiosus). Lit., long-necked gourd 'BkBlea shell, so called because of its shape,
p i p l p l ' l . Redup. of pi'i,
1-5. '0 Pi'i-lani,
Pi'i-kea, 'o Lono-a-Pi'i, pipipi'i i ka 'ako'ako na li'i nui (chant f o r Kua-kini), Pi'i-lani, P i ' i kea, L o n o - a - P i ' i , the great chiefs climbing to the crest [note fondness f o r repetition), plptpl-koiea. Periwinkle (Littorina pintado, Littorina scabra). ( E d . 155.) Lit., fcS/ea-bird shell, perhaps so called because of its color. A l s o pUpu-kDlea. p l p I p l - k O l e a - l h l l o a . Periwinkle (Planaxis labiosus). ( E d . 153.) plpl po'a. Steer. Lit., castrated beef, plpl pulu. Bull. Lit., bull beef. Eng. plpl wahlne. C o w . Lit., f e m a l e beef, plpl-wal. All species of a genus of sedges (Eleo( N e a l 80.) Also kohekohe. T o percolate, ooze, of water; to sprinkle water, plpl wala. M i l k cow. pluke, blute. B e a u t y . Eng. plula. 1. M u l e . 2. A card g a m e ; the player must f o l l o w suit in discards, and if he cannot, he draws f r o m a pack; the object is t o play all of one's cards, and t h e player left with a card a t the end is the piula. A l s o called kekake. 3. T i r e d , exhausted, worn-out. Slang. 4. P e w t e r , t i n , c o r rugated iron as used f o r roofing; any metal suggesting pewter. Eng. Wai piula, water f r o m a faucet. plula wai. Faucet. Lit., water metal, plwa. X. A l s o flwa. Fever. Eng. Pi'i ka plwa, t o h a v e a temperature or fever. 2. Also blwa. Beaver. Eng. Papale plwa, beaver hat. plwa-'ele'ele. Black plague. plwa-ha'Iha'l-lwi. Breakbone f e v e r , plwa haka. B e a v e r hat. Eng. plwa-ho'on&wallwall. T y p h o i d f e v e r . Lit., weakening f e v e r , p l - w a l . 1. A v a r i e t y of wild duck. 2. A t y p e of hard rock used f o r adzes. ( F o r . 5:319.) Obs. charis).
plpl wai.
p oe pi w a l . T o sprinkle water. See 'aha'aina pi wai. p l - w a i - a n u h e a . Sweet pea (Lathyrus odor at us). Also pi-anuhea. (Neal 398.) Lit., cool, fragrant pea. plwa-Ienalena. Yellow fever. Ua loa'a i ka piwa-lenalena, gotten the yellow fever [lazy; a pun on lena meaning " y e l l o w " and " l a z y " ] , p l w a - ' u i a ' u l a . Scarlet fever. pO. 1. Night, darkness, obscurity; the realm of the gods; pertaining to or of the gods, chaos, or hell; dark, obscure, benighted; formerly the eriod of 24 hours beginning with nightfall (the [awaiian " d a y " began at nightfall). Fig., ignorance ; ignorant. Cf. Halalii, Pd'akahi, Pd'alua. Ho'ike a ka pd, revelation from the gods [as in dreams or omens]. Inoa pd, name sug;ested for a child in a dream. Mai ka pd mai, rom the gods; of divine origin. Kline o ka pS, dream husband; his nightly visits were sometimes followed by sickness or death. PB nui ho'olakolako, the great night that supplies [the gods revealed their will in revelations "and dreams at night]. Po pouli 'a'aki, a night so dark it bites with the teeth. Pd i ka li'au, darkened by the tree. Ua pd, it's late [not necessarily night, but usually said if one is in danger of not being home by dark], Ua hana m&ua a pd ka la, we worked until night; lit., until the day darkened. Ua hana maua a ao ka pd, we worked until daylight; lit., until the night lighted. Klla pd a ao are i nehinei, night bel'ore last; lit., that night until dawned yesterday. Ka pd nei, last night. 'O ke kumu o ka pd i pd ai ( K L line 8), the source of the night that was dark. Ua hiamoe akula kona pd (For. 5:59), he spent the night sleeping. Kou pd, ua moe 'ia, 'o ko'u nei la, 'a'ole (song), you slept during the night, but not I. Iho i ka pd, a i ke kolu o ka pd, ola hou mai, descended into hell, the third day rose again from the dead. He aha ka puana a ka pd? What declares the night [any revelation from the gods? what is to happen in the future?]? 'O 'akShi ka pd, 'o 'alua ka pd . . . lele wale ka pd (For. 5:15), one night spirit, two night spirits . . . the night spirits fly off. ho'opft. T o behave in an ignorant manner, perhaps purposely: to keep out of sight, to stay in the dark; Ignorant. ( P P N pd, P M P bengi.) 2. Thick, dense, of flowers or heady fragrance; to Issue
Ma'ema'e Llhau pd i ka lehua (song), fi ierfume. ovely Lihau dense with lehua. Niniu Puna pd ke ala, Puna is overwhelming with perfume.
E pd puni ana ke 'ala o ka hala, the fragrance of pandanus spreads everywhere and is overpowering. pO-, State of, time of. Cf. pd'ele'ele, pd'ino, pdmaika'i, pdpilikia, pouli. po'a. 1. Castrated, emasculated; eunuch. Cf. pipi po'a. Ka luna o ka po'e i po'a 'ia (Dan. 1.3), the chief eunuch. 2. A sudden sound, as of flapping wings of a rooster, or of the thumping sound of the palms of the hands pressed together with fingers locked, or of hands striking the surface of the water; to make such sounds. 3. T o dig under, undermine, p o ' a ' a h a . 1. Redup. of pd'aha, 1. 2. T h e same as wauke, but the leaves commonly smaller, entire, and rounded. The leaves of wauke are commonly lobed. po'a'ala. T o thump, as a drum with the base of the hand. Obs. poa'e. Same as poahi, 1, 2. Obs. po'ae. Company, party. ( A P . ) pAa'ea'e. Redup. of poa'e. pO'ae'ae. Armpit. pO'aha. 1. Circle, as of flowers; ring, as of tapa about a sore that prevents friction; a round support for a calabash made of pandanus or tl leaves wrapped into a ring and bound with a cord. Pd'at 'ia ka pd'aha a puni i ka pdhaku, the circle was completely encircled by stones. 2. General name for trailing plants. PO'ahft. Thursday; Congregational church meetings held weekly on Thursdays, ¿if., fourth day.
pO'aha m & I a m a l a m a . Halo. Lit., light circle, poahi. 1. Dim, obscure. 2. T o revolve, spin, go around: to rotate, of hips in a hula. Rare. pOahlahl. Redup. of poahi, 1, i. pC'al. Circle, circuit, hoop, girdle; group, as of friends; to go around, make a circuit, encircle, girdle, coil, wind up; circulating; encircled, surrounded. Ka Ua-pd'ai-hale o Kaha-lu'u, the house-circling rain or Kaha-lu'u [name of a rain at Kaha-lu'u, Oahu], Pd'ai a'ela ka huaka'i a puni 'o Hakau (For. 4:203), the procession completely surrounded Hakau. ho'opG'al. T o encircle, surround, besiege, etc. Trans. pO'al'al. Redup. of pd'ai. P O ' a l - a n u - ' a k a u . Arctic Circle. Lit., north cold circle. P O ' a l - a n u - h e m a . Antarctic Circle. Lit., south cold circle. pG'al Uaele. T o go around, make a circuit, circumnavigate. Ke pd'ai haele nei 'oukou i ke kai a me ka 'aina ( M a t . 23.15), you traverse sea and land. pO'al h a p a l u a . Semicircle, half circle. pA'al hele. Same as pd'ai haele. pO'allanl. Horizon. Lit., sky circle. pO'allewa. Firmament. Lit., air circuit. pO'al IG'lhl. Ellipse, oval. Lit., long circle. P O ' a l - ' o l u - ' a k a u . Tropic of Cancer. Lit., northern cool circle. P O ' a l - ' o l u - h e m a . Tropic of Capricorn. Lit., southern cool circle. pA'al puni. T o travel around, circumnavigate, go completely around, encircle. p A ' a l - w a e n a - h o n u a . Equator. Lit., circle middle earth. po'aka. Scar; mark, as of tattooing or tapa design. ( A P . ) PO'ak&hl. Monday. Lit., first day. PA'akolu. Wednesday. Lit., third day. PO'akolu K a u L e h u . Ash Wednesday. pO'ala. 1. Same as pdka'a. 2. T o sail off and on, its a vessel. 3. T o gargle. Obs. pO'ala'ala. Redup. of pd 'ala, 1-3. po'alanl. A variety of flsh (no data), poale. Deep, open, as a hole or sore; absorbent. pOaleale. Redup. of poale. pO'all. Same as md'ali. PO'allma. l . Friday. Lit., fifth day. 2. Work on the chief's plantations, so called because this work was done on Fridays; the chiefs' plantations where the people worked on Fridays. PO'allma Hemolele. Good Friday. PO'allma M a l k a ' i . Good Friday. pA'alo. T o gouge out, scoop out, pluck, extract; to shell, as beans; to reach up at. pO'alo m a k a . T o gouge out the eyes; an eye gouge for torturing criminals. Fig., an ungrateful person who repays kindness by unkindness, especially by stealing a mate. PO'alua. Tuesday. Lit., second day. po'ana. 1. Same as po'a, 3. Kai po'ana, eroding, undermining sea. 2. Weary, sore, lame, fatigued. Obs. pO'ana'ana. Redup. of po'ana, 2. Obs. PO'aflno. Saturday. Lit., sixth day. Ho'omana Pd'adno, Seventh Day Adventist religion, po'apo'ai. 1. Redup. of po'ai. 2. A worm shell, a marine mollusk or the family Vermetidae. Also called pBhaku-pele, poho-kUpele. po'apo'ala. Redup. of pd'ala, 1, 2, 3. po'apo'apOlft. T o gad about from house to house, especially of persons who eat constantly at houses of others. Obs. poe. 1. Round; rounded, ho'opoe. T o round; to form into a round shape, as a loaf of bread. Pipi ho'opoe, meat ball. 'Oki ho'opoe, to cut the
p o ' e p O h a k a u . 1. Anchor. 2. Stone t h a t travelers rest on. Obs. p o h a k e a . Bursting f o r t h of light, as dawn. p O h a k e a . W h i t e stone, as limestone. p O h & k i a l o a . Stone used as a l a n d m a r k , as of a land b o u n d a r y , or for locating a fishing g r o u n d ; stone with a knob at t h e top, used as a weight for deep-sea fishing. p O h a k l h e l e l . Balancing stone, said to be t h e n a m e of a w a t e r game, in which one person sank with a stone in his h a n d and tried to pull others down. p O h a k l ' l k l ' l . T o c a r r y on t h e shoulders, as a f a v o r i t e child who holds on to t h e head, with legs dangling down in f r o n t . p O l i a k l o l o a . Var. of pdhakialoa. P o h a - k O ' e l e ' e l e . S a m e as 'Ikuwa, a m o n t h of
hair evenly on all sides. 2. A sweet p o t a t o . 3. Stone poi poundor. Obs. 4. A fish (no d a t a ) . 5. Also Doe. Boy. Eng. He poe mat au no Hawai'i (song), I ' m a boy f r o m Hawaii. 6. Buoy. Eng. p o ' e . 1. People, persons, assemblage; group of, c o m p a n y of, number. 'Ewalu ka poe kaua (For. 5:57), eight groups of warriors. Po'e hale, houses. Ka po'e wahine, t h e women. 2. Var. of po'i, 5. (Kep. 157.) 3. A n a t i v e purslane (Porlulaca sclerocarpa), with narrow, hairy leaves and whitish flowers, p o e a . Same as poe. 1. p o ' e a . Same as po'e, 2. p o ' e ' e . Same as po'ae'ae. (Ier. 38.12.) p o e til, p o w e h i . Dim, obscure, as vision, h o ' o p o e h i . T o m a k e obscure, dim. p & e h l e h l , p C w e h l w e h l . R e d u p . of poehi. p o e k o , p o w e k o . Fluent, clever and able in speaking, p o ' e k Q ' a l . Merchants. p O ' e l e . Black, d a r k ; d a r k night. Fig., ignorant, benighted. p o ' e l e ' e l e . R e d u p . of pd'ele. Po'ele'ele e nalo ai ka 'Hi o ke kanaka, darkness iu which t h e skin of m a n vanishes, p o e p o e . 1. Round, r o u n d e d ; compact, compressed; full, as t h e m o o n ; sphere, globe; to gather together in a circle. Uwea poepoe, smooth wire [contrasting with barbed]. E aiana i na kawele i poepoe, iron t h e towels so t h e y will be c o m p a c t . Nele i ka mea poepoe, lacking round things [i.e., dollars], h o ' o p o e p o e . R e d u p . of ho'opoe. (Oihk. 19.27.) 2. A e u p h e m i s m for penis in t h e phrase 'oki poepoe, circumcision, p o ' e p o ' e . R e d u p . of po'e, 2. p o e p o e h a w a ' e . F l a t sphere; oval. Lit., seaurchin round, p o e p o e b o n u a . Globe of t h e earth, p o ' e p o ' e l e . Same as po'ele'ele. Ua po'epo'ele Hilo, Hilo is darkened, p o e p o e p l k o l . Oval; sphere. Lit., core roundness. p o h & . 1. T o burst, crack, break f o r t h ; bursting, cracking, as of explosives or of a whip; flashing of light, breaking of bubbles. Ua poha ka 'at, poi is bubbly [in fermentation], Ua pohS ka male, t h e phlegm has come u p into t h e mouth, h o ' o p o h a . T o cause t o break, b u r s t ; to crack, as a whip. Ho'opoha maila ho'i ka mea ki'eki'e loa i kona leo (2 Sam. 22.14), t h e most high u t t e r e d his voice. 2. T h e cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana), a South American perennial herb in t h e t o m a t o family, growing wild. Flowers are yellow; round, orange, manyseeded f r u i t s develop singly within t h e heartshaped, papery, enlarged calyxes; t h e y are edible raw and are also cooked for j a m . (Neal 653.) Called pa'ina on Hawaii. 3. Same as pohapoha, a seaweed. pOha. Short for pohaku, stone. p O h a e . T o r n , easily t o r n , fragile. h o ' o p O h a e . T o tear, as a hole in cloth. p O h a e h a e . R e d u p . of pOhae. p O h a h a . Same as pD'aha, 1. Obs. p O h a h a . R e d u p . of poha, 1; volcanic ejecta of a n y kind. For example see muka. Ke pShahS mai nei ka la, t h e sun is breaking f o r t h . pOh&ha w a i . Bubble. Lit., water bursting. pOtaai. Circle, group, as of people, trees (For. 5:287); gathering: to g a t h e r a b o u t in a circle. He pohai ali'i, a group or circle of chiefs, people c o n s t a n t l y in a chief's circle of companions. POhai 'ula, red cloud, as of dust. p O h a k a . Splotch, spot, d o t ; small area, as a bald s p o t ; a spot in a design. Pohaka ke'oke'o, white splotch, as of tinea, a skin disease, p o h a k a ' a . Rolling stone; t h u n d e r , peal of t h u n d e r , so called because t h u n d e r was believed caused by t h e gods hurling stones in t h e heavens. Kane-i-kapdha-ka'a ( n a m e of a god), K a n e of t h e rolling stones.
storms. Lit., break f o r t h in storms. p O h & k o ' I . F i r m rock or o b s t r u c t i o n ; prominent cliff. Obs. p O h a k O ' I . Rock avalanche. Obs. p O h a k u . 1. Rock, stone, mineral; t a b l e t ; rocky, s t o n y ; t h u n d e r . Mauna-pDhaku, Rocky M o u n tains. Ke ka'a maila ka pohaku, t h e t h u n d e r peals. h o ' o p O h a k u . T o h a r d e n , as lava; h a r d . Fig., s t u b b o r n . (For P P N , P M P see haku, core.) 2 . Weighted with rocks, hence s t a t i o n a r y , not moving. Pdhaku kaomi moena, a stone_weighing down a m a t , said of a h o m e b o d y . Pohaku 'au wa'a la le'ale'a i kai nei (chant), fleet of canoes a t anchor, h a p p y here a t sea. h o ' o p f t h a k u . T o remain long in one place; t o s t a y at home. E ho'opohaku, e noho malie (chant), stay, rest quietly.
pOhaku 'anal. Stone rubber. pohaku 'anai p u a ' a . Stone for rubbing off
singed hair of pigs. p O h a k u ' a u m a k u a . Stone believed possessed by a god.
pdhaku 'eho. See 'eho.
p S h a k u - h a l l . A species of crab, perhaps one of t h e Leucosiidae, as Nucia sp., Actaemorpha sp. (Ed. 270.) Lit., stone-fetcher. p O h a k u h a n a u . Stones at Ku-kani-loko. Oahu, and Holoholoku, Kauai, against which chiefesses rested as t h e y gave Mirth, hence called b i r t h stones. He kapu na pohaku hanau ali'i, t h e royal birth stones are t a b o o .
pOhaku hekau. Stone anchor.
p O h a k u - l i e l e . Var. of pohaku-hali. p O h a k u h o ' o l k a l k a . Lifting stones as a test of s t r e n g t h ; stones so lifted. p O h a k u h o ' o k a l a . Stone t o s h a r p e n tools, as adzes. p O h a k u h o ' o k u m u . F o u n d a t i o n stone. (Ier. 51.26.) p O h a k u k a ' a . Millstone, rolling stone. Pdhaku ka'a palaoa (Lunk. 9.53), millstone. p O h a k u k a n l . Same as pdhaku kikeke. p O h a k u k a p l l l w a ' a . Stone h a m m e r used to t a p chisels in m a k i n g lashing holes on canoe parts. p O h a k u k e l e . F l a t stone used for skipping. p O h a k u k e ' o k e ' o . Marble. (Hoik. 18.12.) Lit., white stone,
pohaku kihl. Cornerstone. (Ier. 51.26.)
p O h a k u k i k e k e . A kind of large stone t h a t is resonant when s t r u c k . Lit., knocking stone.
pOhaku kike m o ' o wa'a. Stone for tamping
canoe gunwale strakes. p O h a k u k O h l . Stone b r e a d f r u i t splitter. p O h a k u k u a l k u a . B a t h r u b b e r . Lit., stone for r u b b i n g back. p O h a k u k u ' I ' a i . Poi pounder. Pdhaku ku'i 'ai puka, ring pounder, a pounder with a hole in t h e center of t h e handle. p O h a k u k u ' i n a n a h u . Stone muller for charcoal. p O h a k u k u ' i p o i . Same as pohaku ku'i 'ai.
p oho pOhaku ku'l w a ' a . Stone canoe breaker used in warfare; it had deep grooves in the middle, in which ropes were placed, and was hurled into opposing canoes and hauled back with the rope so as to be thrown again. pOhaku lana. Mooring rock for anchoring canoes, said to float, perhaps of pumice or perhaps mythical. (For. 4:295.) Lit., floating stone. pOhaku lepo. Adobe, brick (Puk. 1.14). Lit., dirt rock. pOhaku-IQ'au. Fine-grained dark 'alS. stone, as used for adzes. Lit., cooked-taro green rock, so called perhaps because of the dark color. pOhaku lflhe'e. Stone weight fastened to the octopus lure, luhe'e\ general name for soft or porous stone. pOhaku maika'l. Precious stone. (Hoik. 18.12.) Lit., good stone. pOhaku mole. Perforated stone tied to the end of the bag in the paku'iku'i net to hold it in place. Lit., base rock. pOhaku 'okl 'aina. Land-dividing rock. pOhaku 'Oma'oma'o. Emerald. (Hoik. 4.3.) Lit., green stone. pOhaku pa'a. Firm, solid rock; general name for hard rocks, such as were used for adzes. Cf. pohaku luhe'e. pOhaku paea. Firestone, flint. (Ezek. 3.9.) pOhaku pahe'e 'anal. Stone rubber. pOhaku pao. Stone chisel. pOhaku-pele. Same as po'apo'ai, 2. Lit., volcanic rock. pOhaku pele. Any lava rock, especially rock containing olivine crystals. pOhaku-pOpolo. Same as pdhaku-lu'au. Lit., p'opolo berry stone, so called perhaps because of the dark color of these berries. pOhaku puka. Poi pounder with a hole in the handle, through which the fingers are put, used on Kauai. pOhaku puna. Round coral piece, as used for polishing or rubbing; concrete. pOhaku 'ula. Brick, tile (Ezek. 4.1). Lit., red stone. pOhaku watkl. Bullets or pellets from bursting bullets. Lit., gun stone. pOhaku w&w&hl w a ' a . Stone hammer used under water to break enemy canoe hulls in war. pohala. l . To revive after fainting, recover consciousness; to recover from sickness; relieved of worry; relief, rest, recovery. Intrans. ho'oohala. To revive, etc. Trans. 2. T o open, as ower petals. 3. Same as ho'opohala. ho'oohala. To discredit, not believe, depreciate. 6s. pOhalake. Full, uncomfortably filled, as one who has overeaten. Obs. Cf. keke. pohale. Same as poale. Cf. halehale. pOhalehale. Redup. of pohale. pohalu. Var. of puhalu, 1. pOh&nO. Wheezy. Obs. poh&poh&. 1. Redup. of poha, to burst. Cf. kulina-pohapoha. ho'opohapoha. Redup. of ho'opoha. Ho'opohapoha no ia i ka hohonu, mehe ipu hao la (Ioba 41.31), he makes the deep to boil like a pot. 2. A kind of passion flower, called running pop (Passiflora foetida variety), an American weedy vine, the leaves commonly three-lobed, the fruits enclosed in lacy bracts, round, red, popping when crushed. 3. A nonedible, green seaweed (Dictyosphaeria cavernosa), small, round, hollow, that bursts with a pop when stepped on. Also hpohapoha, pohS. pohapohaka. Redup. of pOhaka. pohe. 1. Same as popohe. 'Oki pohe, to cut off the hair only at the top of the head, as formerly by one in mourning. 2. The marsh pennywort (Hydrocotyle verticillata), a small weed known in many parts of the world, the stem creeping,
ahi leaf blade round, scalloped, attached near its center to the stem. (Neal 579.) Also pohepohe. pOhe'epali. Killed by a fall from a precipice. Fig., to die mysteriously or by accident. Obs. pOhe'eua. Landslide caused by rain; to slip or fall due to rain. ( A P . ) pohe haole. The nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus, hybrids), a smooth, succulent, creeping herb, grown for its bright-colored flowers, the leaf blade round and attached near the center to the stem. pOheheo. Same as puheheo. pohe-hiwa. Same as nani-Wai'ale'ale, a native violet. poheke. 1. Forced out, squeezed, ho'opoheke. T o squeeze out. 2. Same as pohekeheke. pOhekeheke. Plump. pohe kula. The Asiatic pennywort (Centella asiatica), a small, weedy creeper, with round, scalloped leaves indented at the base, and white flowers and seeds. (Neal 580.) pOheo. Knob or knoblike object; head of a penis. pOheoheo. Knob; any round, smooth, knoblike object; head of a rafter; nail, pin; rounded top of a poi pounder, rounded head of a cane. ho'opOheoheo. T o round, smooth, or shape into a knob, pohepohe. 1. Redup. of pohe, 1. 2. Same as pohe, I. pohefie. Nether region, place of torment. Obs. pohl. T o sink, settle, ebb. Obs. pOhlhl. Same as pohihihi. pohlhlhl. Obscure, entangled, mysterious, intricate, confused, confusing, bewildering; mystery, obscurity. I 'ole e pohihihi i na kanaka maoli, so as not to confuse the natives. Ka mea pohihihi o Krislo (Kol. 4.3), the mystery of Christ, ho'opohlhlhl. T o confuse, bewilder, puzzle, make mysterious, pohlhlu. Evasive, obscure, difficult to grasp or comprehend. pOhlna. 1. Gray, misty, foggy, dimly visible, hazy. For example see kalu'u. Pdhina i ka uahi, hazy with smoke. 2. T o fall prone, topple. PShina-ka-honua (name, For. 4:167), the land topples. 3. (Cap.) Same as Polo~ahi~lani, a star. 4. A variety of sugar cane, red or brown, similar to uahi-a-Pele but less vigorous, dying back after tasseling. ( H P 223, 225.) 5. A variety of taro. 6. A variety of sweet potato. pOhinahlna. 1. Redup. of pdhina, 1. 2. Same as kolokolo-kahakai, beach vitex. poho. 1. Hollow or palm of the hand, hollow of the foot, depression, hollow; container, receptacle, pouch, as for tobacco; box, as for matches; hollow of a canoe, divided into three parts (mua, waena, hope). Poho kai, hollow where sea remains at low tide. Poho kano, solid palm of the hand [stingy], 2. Mortar; to knead, as bread or poi (Kep. 165). Poho 'inamona, stone mortar for grinding cooked kukui nuts and salt into a relish; to mix the relish, ho'opoho. Causative/ simulative. 3. Patch, as in clothes; a wooden jatch inserted into a calabash, as to mend a >reak; to patch. 4. T o belly out, puff out, as clothes on a line or a sail; to hollow or dub out, as a wooden container. Poho pono na pe'a i ka makani (song), the sails are well filled with wind. 5. Chalk, chalky white earth, as of limestone. 6. A unit of measure equal to half a span (klko'o). Obs. 7. A bundle or tapa pieces (mo'omo'o). Obs. pohO. 1. Loss, damage; out of luck. Koi pohB, to sue for damages. 'O ka puka a me ka poho ma na hana kalepa, profit and loss in merchandising affairs. Poho ka mana'olana, hopes in vain, lost, blasted. Poho i ka malama i ko ha'i keakea, a waste of effort to care for other people's semen [of an ungrateful adopted child). no'opohO. T o cause a loss; to sell at a loss. 2. Bog, swamp, mire, slough; sunken, sinking. Cf. onepohS. Lepo poho, marshy earth, swamp, bog. poho ahl. Matchbox. Lit., flre container.
p o h o
Ho'okB i na kuko haumia apau a kona na'au e ho'opohu ai ( K e p . 67), satisfy all the filthy lusts of his heart so tney are calmed. pOhue. 1. General name for gourd plant; potsherd (Sol. 26.23). 'Umeke pBhue, gourd bowl. Hale pBhue, storehouse f o r gourds. Ihu pBhue, gourd-nosed [stupid]. 2. A climbing legume (Can at alia sericea), known in South Pacific islands. Each leaf has three silky-hairy, rounded leaflets; flowers are rose-colored; and the flat, tan pods contain three or four seeds apiece. ( N e a l 406.)
p o h o a h o . Container f o r fishing lines,
poho holowa'a. Same as holowa'a.
p o h o - h O l u a . Same as pahe'e, 4. p o h o h o ' o l u ' u . Cup of coconut shell, gourd, or stone, containing dye for tapa.
poho kaha pa'akal. Rock with a depression or
dish in which salt was extracted f r o m sea water. Lit., salt-place receptacle. p o h o k a n o . 1. A b l e counselor. 2. Hollow stone containing kukui oil used as a lamp. ( M a l o 63.)
poho k&palapala. Container for tapa dye. poho kukul. Stone lamp, poho kunl 'an&'ana. Small cup-shaped stone
p O h u e h u e . 1. T h e beach morning-glory (Ipomoea pes-caprae), a strong vine found on sandy beaches in tne tropics, the smooth, broad leaves notched at the tip; the flowers pink, bell-shaped; the fruits small, dry, round, four-seeded. H a waiians still use the vines to drive fish into nets. Roots, stems, and seeds were used for medicine, though poisonous in large amounts. (Neal 624.) E ka i ka pBhuehue, strike with the pBhuehut. [One hit the sea with this vine to make a rough sea f o r surfing, or to kill an enemy who was I n the sea.] 2. Poetic name for a flsherwoman's skirt, so called because the goddess, Haumea, draped pBhuehue vines about her as she fished. 3. A variety of yellow sweet potato. 4. A kind of stone used for polishing canoes, p f i h u e h u e - u k a . Another name for the 'inalua, a vine used in making basket fish traps. pOhflhQ. Smoky, dusty, filled with spray. Obs. p o h u h u k u . Same as pBhukuhuku. p O h u k u . Swollen; protruding, especially of a round object; piled up, as a coil of hair on the head; heaped. Cf. 'Bhuku, pahuku. p O h u k u h u k u . Redup. of pBhuku-, rising up and spreading, as smoke or clouds; overflowing; Increasing In prosperity or number, pfthull. Sucker, sprout, shoot; to sprout, usually of bananas. E kanu ai i na meakanu maika'i, a e pBhuli i na lain waina (Isa. 17.10), plant good plants, so that grapevine branches will sprout, p o l . Poi, the Hawaiian staff of life, made f r o m cooked taro corms, or rarely breadfruit, pounded and thinned with water. Cf. kalo. Poi Hi. portion of a taro between the center (hi) and the peel. Poi 'awa'awa, sour poi [an unpleasant disposition].
used f o r sorcery. p o h o - k O p e l e . Same as po'apo'ai. Z. p o h o l a l o . Underhanded, deceitful, dishonest; t o come up f r o m below, as an undercut blow; to undermine, burrow beneath, filch, deal dishonestly; t o reach up f r o m under the crotch. Na hana poholalo a na maka'i, deceitful activities of the police. E poholalo a'e ana 0 'Aiwohikupua i kana pu'upu'u (For. 5:411), 'Aiwohikupua dealt his undercut blow, p o h o l a w a . Somewhat rotten, decayed. Obs. p o h o l e . 1. Bruised, skinned, scraped; peeled, as cooked taro; slipped back, as the skin of the sex organ of a man or dog; bruise, sore. Intrans. h o ' o p o h o l e . T o bruise, skin, peel, etc. Trans. 2. Maul name f o r hB'i'o, a native fern (Diplazium arnottii), but larger and coarser on Maul. pOholehole. Kedup. of pohole, 1. Ua pBholehole ka 'Hi (For. 5:67), the skin was bruised, p o h o l e l u a . Slow, as a vessel; unskilled, bungling, as in mechanical work. Obs. p o h o l i m a . P a l m or hollow of the hand; handful, p o h o l o . T o sink, slip into easily, plunge out of sight, vanish; to miscarry. pOholoholo. Redup. of poholo; loose fitting. PSholoholo maika'i kt kSma'a, the shoe is comfortably loose. p o h o l o p Q . T o slip through; too large, as a hat. p o h o l u a . 1. T o billow out, as sails. Poholua na pe'a i ka makani (song), the sails billow out in the wind. 2. C a v i t y of anus or vagina. Lit., pit hollow. 3. T o lie to, as a ship. Obs. pohO m a ' f l . A complete loss. PohB ma'U wale na pua'a, the pigs were completely lost,
p o ' l . 1. Cover, lid; to cover (preceded by ke). Hana Hilo i ke po'i a ka ua, Hilo works under cover of the rain [much rain at Hilo]. h o ' o p o ' l . T o cover. 2. T o p or crest of a breaking wave; to break, of waves. Ina e lawe 'ia au a ke po'i 'ana o ke kai, make au (For. 5:299), if I am carried off by the breaking sea, I die. 3. Container, basin, as f o r liquids. 4. T o catch between cupped hands, as a small bird or butterfly; to pounce, as a cat on a mouse; to snatch. He 'io po'i moa, chicken-catching hawk [a thief], 6. T o mound up, hill up.
poho meakanu. Flower pot.
p o h o - m O k o l . A mat design. Niihau. p o h o n a . Sinking in, caving in, hollowing, as cheeks of an aged person; settling; bend, as in a U-shaped fishhook, p o h o p a ' a k a l . Saltcellar, salt shaker, any salt container. p o h o p a k a . Tobacco pouch, as a tin, coconut shell, or wooden container, p o h o p a u k a . P o w d e r container, compact, vanity case.
p o ' l a . Same as po'i. Po'ia i ke po'i, cover with the lid. p S ' l e ' l e . Tired, weary, worn-out. Obs. PB'ie'ie ka lawai'a nehu o Wai-akea, i ka ua, i ke anu, t ka ua, i ke anu (chant), the nehu fishers of Wai-akea are weary of the rain, the cold, of the rain, the cold, poi he. See hi, 7. p o ' l k a l o . M u l c h for dry-land taro. Lit., taro cover. pG Ikl. Early in the morning. Ala i ka wa pB iki (chant), rise in the early morn, p o ' l k a . Overpowering, as love, p o l m a l ' a . Mashed ripe bananas and water. p o ' I m a l a u . Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia). Also called pa'imalau. p o l n a . T o f o r g e t ; forgotten. Mai poina 'oe ia'u, don't forget me. Poina wale, forgetful, absentminded. Poina ka no'ono'o, forgetful; amnesia, h o ' o p o l n a . T o cause to forget; same as above. Ua ho'opoina 'oe i ke Akua (Isa. 17.10), you have forgotten God.
poho pOhaku. Stone bowl,
p o h o p o h o . 1. Redup. of poho, Z, 3 ; patched. Kapa pohopoho, crazy or patchwork quilt. 2. Same as kawakawa, a fish, so called because of black patch-like dots on its belly. 3. T o stick out the buttocks, as in bending over to pick up something, or as a sign of contempt, h o ' o -
pohopoho. Causative/simulative.
pohOpohO. Redup. of pohB, Z. p o h o p o h o l a l o . Redup. of poholalo. ( K e p . 87.) p o h o ' u l u . A sinkhole of breadfruit trees, as on Niihau, where breadfruit trees were planted in holes. p o h o w a ' a . Same as poho
ah o
poho w&wae. Hollow of the foot,
p o h u . Calm, quiet; calmed, quieted, soothed; to calm down, become quiet. Intrans. Lilo i ka pohu, becalmed, of a ship. Pohu loa ka makani, the wind has calmed, h o ' o p o h u . T o calm, quiet; t o bring into a calm, as a ship. Trans.
p o k o k e po'lua. Same as po'i, but usually used as a noun. Po'ina kai, cresting of the sea, place where the sea crests and breaks. Polnlkla. Phoenicia; Phoenician. Eng. pO'Lno. Misfortune, 111 luck, affliction, distress, misery. 111 fate, damage, injury; unfortunate. Cf. pOmaika'i. Nui na ola i pB'ino. a 'o ka nui o na pohd o na waiwai i pd'ino, many lives lost, and much loss of property through devastation. ho'opO'lno. T o harm, injure, distress, devastate; to cause misfortune, distress, damage. Hale e hiki 'ole ai ke ho'opS'ino 'ia e ke ahi, fireproof houses, pol palaoa. Flour poi, made by stirring flour in hot water, eaten alone or mixed with taro poi. po'l pO. Night attack or ambuscade; to attack thus. po'lpo'l. Redup. of po'i, 1, u. 5: to conceal, as property that one does not want to share with others, or as a secret; to cover up, as the truth; to smother, as a fire; to hush the wailing of a child. po'lpO. 1. To cover over entirely, as of clouds or engulfing waves; to attack, overwhelm; onslaught, attack (For. 4:53). Ua po'ipu i ka mana o ke kahuna, entirely under the influence of the priest. 2. A kind of tapa. po'lu. Afar, very high, of high rank, glorious, sacred. pol 'uala. Same as pa'i 'uala. p o ' l 'uhane. Soul snatching; to snatch or capture the souls of either the dead or of living persons, as by sorcery. pO'llJ'lu. Redup. of po'iu. pol *ulu. Breadfruit poi. p o ' l wal holol. Wash basin, finger bowl. Lit., water container for washing, poka. Same as moka, offal. pOkft. Bullet, cannon ball, pellet; ball at the end of a prisoner's chain. POka ua hekili, hallstones; lit., thunder-rain ball. pOka'a. Ball, coll, roll, spool, as of twine; dried pandanus leaves being kept for plaiting; to wind, roll, coil, as Into a ball; to revolve, go around. Cf. ka'a, turn. pOka'aka'a. 1. Same as pokaka'a-, overwhelmed and confused as by too much work. ho'opGka'aka'a. Same as ho'opokaka'a; to overwhelm, bewilder with a succession of tasks. 2. Redup. of pdka'a. E poka'aka'a mai 'oe i nhhi lau hala, wind up some pandanus leaves. pOka'a kaula. 1. Ring, as used in a game of rlngtoss. Kiloi pOka'a kaula, to toss rings in a game of rlngtoss or quoits. 2. Coil or roll of rope. pOka'a lopl. Spool of thread.
pOk& pahfl. Bomb; bombardment; to bomb. Lit., bursting bullet. pOka pOpO ahi. Incendiary bomb. pAka p a . Bullet for gun or pistol. pOka p a kunl ahi. Cannon ball. Lit., bullet from the fire-burning gun. pOka ukall. The wadding discharged from a weapon, such as rifle or cannon; the weapon is muzzle-loaded with powder secured by wadding followed by a projectile in the form of a ball or small shot. poke. T o slice, cut crosswise into pieces, as flsh or wood; section, slice, piece. Poke he'e, a severed portion of squid; fig-, a chubby person. Poke 'ina, the tongue-like meat found in the 'ina, sea urchin; to remove this meat. pOk£. Bouquet; to make a bouquet. Eng. pokea. Passive/imperative of poke. Pokekona. Boston. Eng. pokela, potera. Potter; pottery. Eng. Ka '5ina o ka potera (Mat. 27.10), the potter's field, poke'o. 1. Child, childhood. Bare. 2. Rare var. of pake'o. pOkeokeo. 1. Turkey gobble; turkey. Niihau. More commonly called pelehtl. 2. Plump. 3. Prosperous, well-to-do; a large sum of money. 4. Drenched. Obs. pokepoke. Redup. of poke. pokepola, posepora. Phosphorus. Eng. pokl. 1. Fine, as stitches or mesh; small, dainty; close together. 2. General name for supernatural dog after the time of Kamehameha I, said to have been taken from the name of Kamehameha 's favorite dog. Boss (.Eng.), which was deified and worshipped; name of a supernatural dog on Kauai, said to have owned land at Lawa'i and Wahiawa. 3. See hale poki. 4. Also bosl. Boss. Eng. S. Boat. Eng. Ipu poki, oval dish. Huelopoki, whaleboat. pokla. Pole smeared with gum so that birds lighting on it will be caught. Obs. pOkl'l. 1. Younger brother or sister or closely related younger cousin, often spoken affectionately. PBki'i ka ua, ua i ka lehua, the rain a younger brother, raining on the lehua flowers [the rain and lehua are dear to each other], ho'opOkl'l. T o claim a pBki'i relationship; to behave as a pBki'i. 2. Second or final brewing, as of ti root or sugar cane. 3. Name of the canoe of the owner of the net used in malolo or iheihe fishing. Obs. pOkl'l kaina. Younger sibling of one's own sex. pOklnahua. Assembly honoring a chief. Obs. pO kllllkllll. A dark night; many nights, poklpa'a. T o bind together, as the bones of a chief for preservation and honoring. Cf. poki, 1. pokipoki. 1. A parasitic isopod found clinging to the skin, gills, fins, mouths, and tails of fish (Nerocila). (Ed. 236.) 2. A gray hard-shelled box-crab (Calappa hepalica), not liked as food. (Ed. 271.) 3. Sowbug, pill bug (Isopoda). 4. Redup. of poki, 1. poldpokl-'au-moana. A kind of deep-water crab. Lit., sea-swimming pokipoki. poklpokl-kua-pa'a. Same as pokipoki, t. Lit., hard-backed pokipoki. Poktulai. Fourth of July. Eng. poklwal. A drink of either warm or cold water, with sugar and cream, poko. 1. Short for pokole. Ao poko, small cloud. Ko'olau-poko (place name), short Ko'olau. Keiki haehae poko o Na'alehu, the lad of Na'alehu who tears into bits [admiration for a fierce warrior], ho'opoko. Short for ho'opBkole. 2. Greasy cutworm, such as Agrotis ypsilon and Lycophotia margaritosa, the variegated cutworm; caterpillar (Hal. 78.46). pokoa. Same as poko, 1. Obs. pOkohukohu. Dye made of noni root, pokoke. Kidney disease, urinary leakage. Obs.
pOka'a-pIIall. Bobbin winder, of a sewing machine. poka'l. To go along, as wind-blown smoke. Obs. pokaka, potasa. Potash. Eng. pokaka. Short for pokaka'a. Ua lohi na pokaka o kona mau ka'a kaua (Lunk. 5.28), the wheels of his war chariot were slow, pokaka'a. Redup. of pBka'a-, revolving, whirling, spinning; wheel, as on a pulley or cart, ho'opokaka'a. T o spin, roll, coll, revolve; to repeat the same story over and over, pokaka'o. Rodup. of pdka'o. pokake. Mushroom-shaped; head of the male organ. pGkalakala. Same as pua-kala, the beach or prickly poppy. pOka 10. Buckshot, grapeshot. Cf. la. pOkano. Very dark. pOka'o. Barren; dry and tasteless, as flavorless meat; naked, destitute. Fig., boring, lacking in humor. Cf. ka'o, plka'o. pOka'oka'o. Redup. of pOka'o. Cf. laho pfika'oka'o.
p ok o1e poll 'al. To nurse at the breast; a nursing breast. Lit., eating breast. poll 'awa. A bitter breast. Fig., one who has lost several mates in death, polie. Shining, gleaming; a gleam, flash of light. (AP.) pollkla. Tied tightly, not easily unfastened. Fig., severe suffering. Obs. polikika. Political. Eng. polikua. The dark, invisible beyond, as on beyond the horizon or in the upper stratum. ( K L line 263.) Lit., back bosom. Polikua puhoho, wind-blown deep beyond. Hala a'ela ua makahiki nei a kapo'o akula 'oia i loko o ka polikua o na manawa hiki 'ole ke ho'i hou mai i hope nei, this year has passed and descended within the deep beyond of times that cannot return back here. poll lima. Center of the palm (poho) of the hand, poll make. Dead breast. Fig., see poli 'awa. pollna. Resplendent, shiny black. Obs. pollnahe. 1. Soft and gentle, as low music or a breeze. 2. Slim-waisted and broad-shouldered. pOllnallna. Same as pdhinahina, a beach shrub. Oahu. pOllo. Dark, dismal, gioomy; place of torment. Obs. polipoll. 1. A soft, porous stone as used for polishing or for squid lure sinkers. 2. Rounded, of an adze. (Malo 51.) pOlill. Dark, mysterious. pOllua. Same as polohiwa. Obs. pollukua. Same as polikua. Lit., back mystery. pollwalO. Wet nurse. Lit., milk bosom, poll wawae. Hollow of the foot, instep, polo. 1. Large, thick, plump. Obs. Polo hana 'ole, fat one who does no work [especially one depending on his mate]. 2. To poke, stab. Obs. 3. Special prayer offered to the spirits of the dead. (Kep. 23.) Obs. 4. Var. of pololei, 2, and also usually followed by the epithet kani kua mauna. 5. Polo. Eng. polo-. An initial part of certain words referring to pandanus: polohinano, poloka, polope'a, polopoloua.
pOkole. Short; shortage. Cf. 'ekeke'i. Ke'ehi pSkole, short stride; half step [military]. Pokole ka na'au, quick-tempered. no'opSkole. To shorten, cut short, abbreviate; contraction. Pokollko, Poto RIko. Puerto Rico; Puerto Rican. Eng. pokopoko. Redup. of poko, 1. pOko'u. Short. Lima pDko'u, short sleeve. pOkd. 1. Same as pauku. Molokai. 2. To cry out in the night, as to create disturbance. Obs. Pokukala, Potugala. Portugal. Eng. pola. 1. Flap, as of a loincloth or sarong; tail of a kite. Lawai'a pola malo (Malo 211), fisherman who tucks away his Ashing tackle in the flap of his malo. Kani ka pola o ka malo, the flap of the loincloth snaps [of speed in running]. 2. Platform or high seat between the canoes of a double canoe. ( P H X I . ) 3. Blossoms and sheath of a banana. 4. Rare var. of kakala, spines on fish. S. Also boia. Bowl, cup (preceded by ke). Eng. polalauahl. Haze, as during a volcanic eruption. Obs. potale. Clear, bright. Obs. pOlaloQlI. Depth of night. Obs. Lit., night below darkness. pOlanl. 1. Handsome, beautiful, clean, pure. 2. (Cap.) Poland, Pole; Polish. Eng. polapola. 1. Recovered from sickness; well, after sickness; to get well, convalesce; filling out, as after loss of weight; sprouting, as a bud. Polapola iki, a little better, ho'opolapola. To cure, make get well; to fill out, as after sickness. 2. (Cap.) Tahiti, Borabora; Tahitian. 'Olelo Polapola, Tahitian language. 3. Same as he'i, the Tahitian banana. 4. Redup. of pola, 1 ; flapping. Lalau koke a'ela i ka lau'i, 'awapuhi, kilwe ihola a polapola ihola ma ka 'a'i (Kep. 95), quickly grabbing ti leaves, ginger, tearing and flapping them about the neck. 5. (Cap.) Star name, paired with the star Melemele. pole. Obs. var. of pale. (AP.) pOlea. 1. Sunken in, as the lips and cheeks of a toothless person. Obs. 2. Blurred, as eyes of a diver. 06s. psiehelehe. Insecurely bound, as a bundle. Obs. pOlehulehu. Twilight, dusk. ho'op&lehulehu. Beginning of dusk; to become dark, poleke. To have lost property by authority of a chief. Obs. polemo. Var. of palemo. pOlena. 1. Yellowish, as bird feathers or muddy water. Cf. 'i'iwi-pdlena. Lena, polena, a kì lena, yellow, yellowish, and yellow ti. 2. Bowline; furled, as sails; tightly bound. Eng. Polena pa'a Ha iho ke aloha, i kuleana like ai kaua (song), love knotted tightly so we two have equal rights. Polenekla. Polynesia; Polynesian. Eng. polepole. 1. Rare var. of palepale, to ward off. Perhaps this is polepole. 2. A child's game. The children put their clenched fists on top of each other; each child makes a wish or suggests a game to play, and sings a chant such as the following: Polepole ka mamalihini, ka'a mai ka'a mai i kou, i kou kauhale 'ou'ou; ke 'akia nei ku'u piko e kaulele la e ki5 la e, ward off the strangeness, roll here, roll here the kou wood, for a kou house, a high house; there's a nip at my navel to make an effort to accomplish. pOlewa. Loose, swaying, unsteady, flowing, poll. 1. Bosom, breast; depression; (poetic) heart, arms. Cf. poli lima, poli wawae. Ma ka poli iho nei, ho'onanea (song),_in the arms, relax. 2. Instep. (Short for poli wawae.) 3. Coconut husk attached to a fishing line. Cf. nuku. pólla. Passive/imperative of pò, 1. Obs. See Gram. 5.2. poll'ahu. 1. To caress. Obs. 2. (Cap.) Name of the goddess of snow who was said to live on Mauna-Kea, Hawaii.
Polo-ahl-lanl. Name of a star, said to be associated with Mulehu. Also called Pohina, Polohilani, Polo-'ula, Polo-wehi-lani. polo'al. T o summon, command to appear, invite; to proclaim publicly, polohl. Smooth, as of skin. Obs. Ka'ili-polohilani-o-Lo'eau (name), the smooth royal skin of Lo'eau. Polohllanl. Var. of Polo-ahi-lani, a star, polohina. Gray, misty, smoky. Fig., affectionate grief, pity. Noe polohina no ke aloha i ku'u hoa (chant), gray pitying mist for the love of my companion. polohinano. White pandanus bloom (hlnano) with its stem, polohiwa. Dark, glistening black, as clouds or tapa. (Kep. 175.) Ua hala i ke ao j>olohiwa a Kane, passed to the dark clouds of Kane [death], polohua.Same as 'olohua, berries of popolo. Obs. polohuku. 1. Large, plump, swelling, bulging: rich, prosperous. 2. Boat hook. Eng. poloka. 1. Frog, toad. Eng. 2. Also boroka. Broker. Eng. 3. Also borota. Broth. Eng. poloka. Ripe pandanus fruit, polokake. Slippery; wobbly; saturation. Ka polokake wai ua o Ko'olau, the saturation of rain water at Ko'olau. poloka (poroka) kuea. Square pole, in surveying. polokawa'e. 1. Fish spear. Obs. 2. Pining, wasting sickness. Obs. poloke. Broken; broke, without funds (slang). Eng.
pönih o polokB. Fresh poi. Obs.
p ö m a l k a ' l . Good fortune, blessedness, blessing, prosperity; prosperous, fortunate, blessed, lucky. Lit., good time. Cf. pö'ino. ho'opömalka'l. To cause good fortune; to bless, ask grace; blessing.
p O l o k e . Var. of paloke, wobbly. (For. 5 : 3 3 1 . )
poloklka, polotlka. Political; politics. Eng.
p o l o l e l . 1. Straight, upright; correct, right, accurate, all right; eyes, front [military command). E pololei ana ke kua, the back will be straightened. h o ' o p o l o l e l . To straighten, correct; t o aim, as a gun; to be partial and treat with favoritism. Kula ho'opololei keiki kane, boys' reform school. 2 . A land shell {Lamellazis), frequently followed poetically by the epithet kani kua mauna, singing in the mountain ridges. 'O ka maiau pololei kani le'ale'a ( P H 204), the land-shell neatness singing gaily. 3 . Fresh poi. Kauai. 4 . An adder's-tongue fern (Ophioglossum concinnum), a small native fern with single narrow-oblong blade, which supports one narrow spore-bearing spike about an inch long. pOloll. Hunger; hungry. Make pololi, starved to death. h o ' o p O l o I l . To deprive of food, starve, cause hunger; to fast,
pOmano. Dam. Obs.
p ö m a n o . M a n y nights; very dark, p ö m a n o m s n o . Redup. of pö mano. p o m e i k a l a n a . The pomegranate (Punica granatum), an ornamental and fruit-bearing shrub from Persia. Eng. Also pomelaike, pomekelane, pomeraite.
pomekelane, pomegerane. Pomegranate. (Kani. 8.8.) See
pomelaike, pomeraite. Pomegranate. Eng. See pomeikalana. Klhäpai pomeraite (Mel. 4.3), orchard of pomegranates, p o n a . 1 . Socket; eyeball, eye socket; joint of sugar-cane stalk, bamboo; hollow, as left after a sweet potato vine has been dug. Cf. puna. 2 . Spotted, as the soa with various shades. Cf. kipona. 3 . Also b o n a . Bond. Eng.
pololla. Jellyfish.
p o l o l o . Talkative; to talk without t a c t . p S l o l o . Same as kauna'oa-pehu, one of the dodders (.Cassytha filiformis). p o l o l o a . Blundering, awkward; to go astray. Obs. p o l o l o h u a . Same as pololo. Cf. mikololohua. p O l o l o h u a m e a . Dark, dense, distant. Obs.
pOna'ana'a. Confused, bewildered. ho'opOna-
' a n a ' a . To confuse, bewilder, p ö n a h a . Same as pö'aha, 1. Cf. pönaha lani. 'O ka ponaha iho a ke ao, ka pipi'o malie maluna ( U L 169), circling of clouds, arching calmly on high. Pönaha ke one, the sand is circular; fig., bloated, as the stomach.
pönahalSua. Circular. (AP.) pönaha lani. Firmament. (Kep. 83.) For exam-
pololol. Var. of pololei, 1.
p o l o l Q . Long spear, p o l o n a . Same as polopolona. p o l o p e ' a . Thick stem of a pandanus fruit, p o l o p e k a . Professor; professorial; to be a professor. Eng. p o l o p o l o . Same as pftpolo, the plant, p o l o p o l o n a . M u s t y odor; rancid, mouldy odor, as of mildewed clothes; stuffy smell of a room long closed. p o l o p o l o n a . Unripe, growing pandanus fruit. P o l o - ' u l a . Same as Polo-ahi-lani, a star, p o l o w a l . Water polo. P o l o - w e h l - l a n l . Same as Polo-ahi-lani, a star,
ple see kaka'i. p O n a h a n a h a . Redup. of pönaha. p ö n a h a w a l . Small, circular water pool, p ö n a b o . Dark, gloomy, p ö n a h o n a h o . Redup. of pönaho. p ö n a l o . 1 . Plant louse, gnat, small fly, such as Drosophila; blight; shriveled, as by blight; swarming, as with gnats. F o r example see uluulu, 1. h o ' o p ö n a l o . T o cause blight. 2 . Dim, blurred, obscure. Obs. Also pinao. p ö n a l o n a l o . Redup. of pönalo, 1,2 -, swarming with gnats. p o n a n ä . 1. Dry, arid. Obs. 2 . Lame, stiff, sore, as legs. Obs.
polu. Obs. var. of 'upolu, wet.
p o l O . Blue, as of clothes or Euro-American objects and not of sea or sky. Eng. Cf. uliuli. p o l u f t . Var. spelling of poluwa. p O l u a . 1. Dark, stormy. Ku'u hoa pili o ka ua lani pBlua, my constant companion in the rains from the deep dark heavens. 2 . Disturbances produced by conflicting currents, as of air, water, tides, winds, p o l u e a . Nausea, dizziness, seasickness; hangover; seasick, dizzy. 'O Ka'ala, kuahiwi mauna kehau . . . poluea ihola i lalo o Hale-'au'au ( P H 100), Ka'ala, hill mountainous and dewcovered, dizzy [to gaze] below a t Hale-'au'au. p o l u h l . Dull, sleepy. Also maluhi. p f t l u h l . Long spear. Obs. p A l u h l l u h l . Redup. of poluhi. Also maluhiluhi.
pönanonano. Var. of pönalonalo.
p o n a p o n a . Redup. of pona, 1, 2; jointed, p o n a w a ' a . Circle of canoes. Obs.
pone. Pony. Eng.
p ö n e l . Last night. p ö n e k o . Dirty, filthy, h o ' o p ö n e k o . T o soil, besmirch. p O n e k o n e k o . Redup. of pöneko. p o n l . 1 . T o anoint, consecrate, oil, crown, ordain, inaugurate; to daub; ointment. Ha'i'ölelo poni a ke kia'äina, governor's inaugural address. Ipu 'alapaka poni (Luka 7.37), alabaster box of ointment. 'Oia ka lä poni mö'i, i poni 'ia ai na ali'i, t h a t was the coronation day on which the monarchs were crowned, h o ' o p o n l . T o anoint, crown, ordain, consecrate, inaugurate. 2 . Purple; any purple-like color. He poni uliuli a he poni 'ula ula ko läkou lole (Ier. 10.9), darkpurple and reddish-purple were their clothes. (Perhaps P P N pongi, P M P bengi.) 3 . Suddenly, without warning, as of death. Cf. ka'iliponi, leleponi. 4 . A variety of taro, used eis medicine. T h e t e r m poni may be qualified by the colors 'ele'ele or uliuli, kea, 'ula'ula. 5 . Same as mai'a'oa, a banana. 6 . A variety of sweet potato. ( H P 142.) 7 . A variety of yam. ( H P 169.) p o n l a . Passive/imperative of poni, 1.
poluku. To pound, as poi (Kep. 163); to de-
stroy, slaughter, overthrow, pound to pieces. Rare. Cf. paluku. p O l u k u I u k u . Redup. of pBluku. p o l u l u h i . 1. Redup. of poluhi. Ho'omamalu e, malu ka lani, poluluhi kaumaha ka honua (chant), casting gloom, gloomy is the sky, the earth is heavy with drowsiness. 2 . Cloudy, misty, shady. Obs. p O I u m l l u r a l . Packed, crushed together, as in a crowd.
ponlaka. Poniard. Eng.
p O l u m u . General name for trailing plants. Obs. p O l u n u . Chubby, plump, and short. Rare.
p ö n l h o . T o bare, as the teeth; to expose, as the sea floor; to bristle, as sea urchins; thorny, as cactus. Obs. Pöniho 'ino ka lae o Pipa, ahuwale ka 'ina uli, ka 'ina 'ele'ele, Pipa point is bristling with sea urchin [or is greatly exposed], plainly seen is the dark sea urchin, the black sea urchin.
polupolu. Flabby fat.
p o l u w i l . Nausea, retching. Cf. poluea.
p o m a . Apple.
m ó' I
ponl mO'I. Coronation; to crown a king or queen. ponl-m6'I. The introduced carnation or pink (Dianthus caryophyllus), a plant widely cultivated for its attractive and spicy-fragrant flowers, one of the commonest flowers used for leis. The Hawaiian name resulted from confusing the English name with "coronation." (Neal 297.) poni-mO'I-li'liri. The sweet William (.Dianthus barbatus), a relative of the carnation, grown in gardens for its abundance of small, brightcolored flowers. (Neal 297.) ponlniu. Redup. of pdniu. See puka poniniu. ponl ponl. Redup. of poni, 2. Kakahiaka pompom, purple morning [before dawn], pOnlu. 1. Dizzy, giddy; dizziness; to rotate, whirl, spin, revolve. Intrans. ho'opOnlu. To revolve, spin. Trans. 2. Same as loto, coconut sponge. 3. The balloon vine or heartseed (Cardiospermum halicacabum), a slender, herbaceous, tropical vine, with finely subdivided leaves, small white flowers, and inch-wide balloon-like fruiting capsules, each with three seeds (black with a white heart-shaped scar). Hawaiians formerly used the whole plant as a magic remedy for dizziness, wearing it as a lei and eating a little, before throwing it away into the ocean. (Neal 467.) Also hale-a-kai'a, 'inalua, pShuehueuka. pOnlunlu. Redup. of pdniu. Maka pdniuniu
waii pono'I, Hawaii's own [own people]. No'u pono'I kiia, this is my own. I mua pono'I, directly in front. 'I'o pono'I. own flesh and blood. Kona mana'o pono'I, his personal opinion. Na hana loio nona pono'I iho, attorney's private practice, ponokarapa, ponogarapa. Phonograph. Eng. pono kaullke. Equal rights, pono klwlla. Civil rights. ponokope. Copyright; to copyright; to copy in any way, not necessarily properly, ptinolu. Carelessly, unceremoniously. Obs. ponopono. 1. Neat, in order, arranged, tidy, administered, cared for, attended to. ho'oponopono. (a) To put to rights, correct, revise, regulate, rectify, tidy, make orderly or neat, administer, superintend, supervise, edit, work carefully and neatly. Ho'oponopono hou, to revise, reorganize. Kana ho'oponopono 'ana i ka 'aina (Laie 495), his apportioning of the land [on becoming chief]. Mea ho'oponopono, superintendent, manager. Luna ho'oponopono. editor, administrator. Ho'oponopono waiwai, administrator or executor of an estate; to administer an estate. Hale ho'oponopono, administration building. Ka ho'oponopono 'ana, regulation. Kanawai ho'oponopono 'ia, revised law. Ho'oponopono 'ole, careless, thoughtless, uninhibited, blunt, slovenly, untidy, (b) Mental cleansing: the old Hawaiian method of clearing the mind of a sick person by family discussion, examination, and prayer. 2. Redup. of pono, 1. 3. Comfortably well off, wealthy. Ponopono ka nohona, comfortably well-to-do. pono 'uhane. Spiritual welfare. pOnuhunuhu. Var. of panuhunuhu. pOlllllu. 1. Bulky, loose, as a bundle. Obs. 2. Rising and floating off, as smoke, clouds. Obs. 3. Short, stumpy. Obs. ponululu. Redup. of ponulu, 1, 2, 3. Obs. pOnulunulu. Redup. of ponulu, 1, 2, 3. Obs. ponununu. Var. of ponululu. po'o. 1. Head, summit, head or director of an organization; end, as of a rope, pole, cane, long piece of rope, kdnane board, penis; headline, heading, title: hair in sucli expressions as po'o hina, po'o kea (preceded by ke). Ke po'o 0 na moku, the head of the islands [Hawaii], Na po'o 'oihana, executive departments. 'A'ohe mea nana e pa'i i ke po'o, no one can slap his head [he has no superior, especially in knowledge]. Moe po'o a hi'u, to lie from head to tail [in trouble], ho'opo'o. T o appoint a head or leader. 2. A whole note (music). Cf. po'o'ele, po'olima, po'omana, po'omanakolu, po'omanalua. 3. Depression, cavity; to dip, scoop, hollow out, dub, erode, dig; to splash, as water by scooping the base of the palm; to make a squeaky sound by placing one hand against the armpit of the opposite arm, and pressing that arm against the hand; to make a noise by snapping the lips with the fingers. Cf. kapo'o. napo 0. ho'opo'o. T o dig, dub out. po'o'ele. Quarter note (music). Lit., black full note.
pdloli, eyes giddy with hunger, pono. 1. Goodness, uprightness, morality, moral qualities, correct or proper procedure, excellence, well-being, prosperity, welfare, true condition or nature, duty; moral, fitting, proper, right, just, fair, beneficial, successful, in perfect order; eased, relieved; should, ought, must; necossary. Ka pono kahiko, the old morality or moral system. Pono i ke kanawai, legal, legality. Pono 'ole ka mana'o. disturbed, worried. Me ka pono, respectfully [complimentary close in letters]. Na mea e maopopo ai kona pono. proofs in his own favor, his defense. Kokua no ka pono o ka lehulehu, help for the public welfare. Ka no'ono'o e pono ai keia hana, the study necessary for this work. Loa'a ka pono i ka lahui mamuli o ke ahonui o ka 'elele, the people were benefited by the patience of the delegate. E pono ia 'oe ke hele, you should go. Pono 'o 'oe ke hele, you should be the one to go. Pono i ke keiki e hele, the child ought to go. Ke ui mai nei 'oe, 'a'ohe a'u pono. when you turn to me, I have no rights. E 'eha no a e pono, no ka pinana no i ke kumula'au, serves you right to be hurt, since you climbed the tree. Aia ka pono, 'o ka pae aku, what is necessary is to reach shore, ho'opono. Righteous, correct; to correct; to behave correctly. 2. Completely, properly, rightly, well, exactly, carefully, satisfactorily, much (an intensifier following major words). Pau pono, completely finished. Piha pono, completely filled; complete, as a thought; clear. Nana pono, look or examine carefully. A'o pono 'ia, welltaught. Ua loa'a pono 'o Lawa ma e 'aihue ana, Lawa and others were caught in the act of stealing. I luna pono o ka pu'u (For. 5:61), at the very top of the hill. 3. Property, gear, possessions, necessities, livelihood. Cf. pono hale, pono hana. 4. Use, purpose. Na 'apana 'aina aupuni no ka pono home noho wale no, government land parcels for the purpose of dwelling homes only. 5. Hope. Ua pau ka pono a ke kauka, the doctor has lost hope. 6. Careless, informal, improper, any kind of (preceding a stem). Pono 'ai, to eat in any way or anything, take potluck. Pono hana, to work any way that suits one. Pono no i ka noho, living any old way, shiftless. Pono lole, any kind of clothes. Mai pono hana 'oe, aka e hana pono, don't work carelessly, but work carefully, pono hale. Furniture, household goods, pono hana. T00I9. ponohuku. Var. of polohuku, 1, 2. pono'I. Self, own; directly, exactly. '0 wau pono'i, I, myself. Kona pono'x, his own. Ha-
po'ohala. T o carry on the virtues, arts, and skills of the family. Lit., passing on the head, po'o hlna. Gray-haired; ash-colored ( P H 34). po'ohlwl. 1. Shoulder. Ua lawa pono na po'ohiwi, shoulders are well supplied [of a strong person]. 2. Wtng of the body (manu) of a kite, po'o ho'olewa. A very taboo chief whose shadow might not fall on himself or on any other person; he was carried about at night. Lit., carried head, po'o hou. Symbol of a paragraph. Lit., new heading. po'ohO. 1. Wound, swelling, as on the head. Po'ohu ka lae, his forehead is bruised [he has paid dearly]. Po'ohu ka lae i ka 'ala, lumps in the forehead from the hard volcanic rock [a large fee]. Po'ohu ka lae, kahi i ka pShue, lumps in the forehead, rub with a gourd [get the rem-
p o p o p o ' o m a n a ' o . Topic, t h e m e , heading, headline. Lit., t h o u g h t heading. p o ' o m a u n u . Bait remainder. Ola no ka lawai'a i kahi po'o maunu, fisherman can live on leftover bait. p o ' o m u k u . C u t off, shortened. F o r example see kapala. p o ' o n l u n l u . Dizzy head. Same as pSniuniu. p o ' o n o ' o , p c ' o n o ' o n o ' o . A thinker, a t h o u g h t ful head. P o ' o - n u l . 1. N a m e of a cold, continuous rain. (Kep. 97.) 2. (Not cap.) A variety of 'ahi, a flsh, with a short body and thin tail, p o ' o n u l . Hang-over; worried head, worry. Lit., big head. p o ' o ' o l e . Illegitimate. Lit., no head. p o ' o ' S l e l o . Title, as of a n article; text, as of a sermon. Lit., speech heading, p o ' o ' G p a e . Shrimp head, an opprobrious t e r m because t h e shrimp's excretory organs are said to be in its head, p o ' o - p a ' a . Fish (Cirrhitus alternatus, Merinthe macrocephala, Sebastapistes ballieui), a b o u t f o u r to nine inches long with large scales on body and small scales on face, colored in blotches of blue, brown, and red with white vertical bars; eaten raw, broiled, or salted and dried. Lit., h a r d head. Also called 'o'opu-kai, 'o'opu-po'opa'a, pili-ko'a. For example see hBkai. p o ' o p a ' a . H a r d h e a d e d , s t u b b o r n , set in one's ways. p o ' o p a l a o a . A kind of white shell (no d a t a ) . Lit., ivory bead. p o ' o - p & o ' o . N a m e for highest t i p of t h e canoe endpiece. p o ' o p & p a l e . A drooping crest, as of some birds. Lit., h a t head. p o ' o p e p e . F l a t h e a d , a n a m e for lesser gods. (Kep. 19.) p o ' o p o ' o . R e d u p . of po'o, S; sunken, as eyes of a sick person; nook, c r a n n y . 'A'ohe 'Of i 'ike i ko'u palapala pona, palapala ho'opa'a, palapala 'ai'e, hipu'u. Mature bond, pona piha pono. Term bond, pona no ka manawa. To stand a bond, ku pona. b o n d a g e . Luhl. House of bondage (Exodus 13:3), hale ho'oluhi.
blunderbuss. Pü pökole.
b l u n t . KQmümü. Also: mümü, 'amumQ, 'akumu. 'ökumu, 'ol 'ole, manumanu, mü'ou'ou, mene, kümene. meu, nukunuku, pahupahu, pekekue. pihl, peue. Blunt in speech, ho'opuka ku; 'ölelo no'oponopono 'ole, 'okalakala, paopao. b l u r r e d . 1. As vision. 'Öll'uli'u, nlniu; haumaka'lole (of the very old). Also: plnao, pönalo, pölea. See b l e a r y . For saying, see r a t . 3 . As sound. Hulkau, käpala, hänuna. b l u s h . Pl'i ka 'ula, weo, makou, m l , 'äpane. ho'okoko. b l u s t e r . Pua'o, kuke ku, wili'öka'i, 'o'oloku, käpeku, 'oehu.
boa constrictor. Mo'o-wlll.
b o a r . Pua'a laho (an insult). See pig. b o a r d . 1. Lumber. Papa, papa lä'au, laupapa. Breadboard, papa palaoa. JPol pounding board, papa ku'l 'al. Mixing board, papa will, papa will 'al. Rough unfinished board, papa nufubulu. Ironing board, papa 'alana. Grooved board for making ribbed tapa, papa bole. Könane board, papamü. Center of a konane board, plko. Board to float with, mouo, mou. See s u r f b o a r d . 3. To go on board. Kau, 'e'e. To board a ship, 'e'e moku. 3. To feed. H&nal, 'ai. 4. Council. Papa, ke'ena. Labor board, papa llmahana. Draft board, papa 'ohl. Executive board, pulo bo'okö. b o a r d l n g h o u s e . Hale 'aina. b o a r d i n g s c h o o l . Kula banal, kula noho pa'a.
Board of Agriculture and Forestry. Papa
bond servant. Kuapa'a. bondsman. Mea ku pona.
Mahi'ai a me Ulu Lä'au.
Board of Education. Papa Ho'ona'auao. Board of Commissioners. Papa Komiklna. Board of Commissioners to Quiet Land
b o n e . Iwl (various kinds and idioms, PE 98). Also: 'aulima, kuapo'l, pe'ahi, iwl kuplka, iwl hope, kano, 'au, huamoa, huapo'o, 'auwawae, ka. Union of molar or cheekbone with temporal bone, apo. Small bone of deceased beloved, heia. Bone fishhook, makau iwl. Bone needle, moli. Bundle of bones, as of relatives, popo iwl. Corpse bones in flexed position, 'oloke'a. Bones of chiefs as receptacles of mana were preserved in sennit caskets in houses called hale pokl. These bones will survive, ola na lwl(jaid also of one cared for in old age). Act for your own bones, hana no 1 ka ko iwl (take care of yourself and your own interests).
T i t l e s . Komiklna Ho'onä 'Alna.
Board of Health. Papa Ola. Board of Immigration. Papa 'E'e Moku. Board of Regents of the University. Papa o
na Kahu Kula o ke Kulanui. B o a r d o f S u p e r v i s o r s . Papa Luna Kla'l. b o a s t . Kaena, ba'anul, liki. Also: hö'oio, akena, keha, ha'akol, ha'ano'u, ha'allki, kfiha'aliki, ba'i liki, ho'oheo, ho'opehu, palnu'u, kölea. To boast of courage that is lacking, hö'a'ano. To boast
braid b o u g h . Lala. b o u n c e . Lele, lelele, kuku, ho'okuku; — back and forth, ha'uke'uke. b o u n d . 1. Leap. Lele, leina. 3 . See b i n d , b o u n d a r y . Palena, mokuna, 'ao'ao, kapa, llhi. Also: anapunl, hulllau, pe'a, hu'a, kaupale, kaha kaupale, kaupale waena. Land boundary, palena 'aina. Boundary between taro patches, pale kohina. To form a boundary, ho'okuakapa. To set a boundary, kaupalena. b o u n d l e s s . Palena 'ole, ana 'ole, one'ula. b o u n t y . 1 . Reward. U k u k u w a l a . 3 . See generous, b o u q u e t . Poke, poke pua, pupu. B o u r b o n . Pulepona, Burebona. b o w . 1. Obeisance. Kulou, kunou, kimo po'o; — low, lae honua; reverential — , kulou ha'aha'a; kumalolo (obs.). 3 . Forward part of vessel. Ihu, lhu wa'a. 3 . Weapon. Pana, pana 'lole, kiko'o, kakaka, ke'a. To shoot with bow and arrow, pana, papua, ke'a. 4 . Musical. ' C k e k e . b o w e d d o w n . Lu'ulu'u. b o w e l s . 1. Evacuation. Ki'o, kaka, pakl'o; hana lepo (euphemism). Have your bowels moved? Ua ki o 'oe? Ua hana lepo 'oe? Ua ho'opau pillkia? See e x c r e m e n t , f e c e s . 3 . Innards. Na'au, 'opu. b o w e r . Paia, lanal. b o w l . 1. Vessel. 'Umeke (various types, PE SkiHi); lpu, pola; kava — , kanoa, ka'awa; low, broad, wooden — , pakaka; stone —, poho pohaku; medium-sized —, puahala: small wooden —, puanikl; medium-sized deep — . ku'oho; large wooden —, lawalawaihonua; elongated — , pa; low wooden — , palewa; cooking — , pa lpu; poi —, 'umeke poi, 'umeke 'al, kumau, kumauna; — of polished coconut shell, puniu. Rim of a bowl, niao. See l i n g e r b o w l . 3 . Game. 'Ulu malka, maika, pahe'e 'ulu, 'olohu. Bowling ball, 'ulu, pu'upa. The little fellow, he is a master bowler (For. 5:bbl), 'o ka lkl, makua ia o ka 'ulu (good in small packages). See a l l e y , b o w l e g g e d . 'Onaha, naha. b o w l i n e . Polena. b o w l i n g . See b o w l , b o w s p r i t . Ihu wa'a, maka ihu. b o w w o w . 'Aoa. b o x . 1. Receptacle. Pahu (various kinds, PE 277); oblong — , holowa'a, holoa'a; poho. 3 . Fight. Ku'iku'l, ku'iku'i pu'upu'u. mokomoko. See f i g h t . 3 . Tree or shrub. Keakula, teasura. b o x c r a b . Poklpoki. b o x e r . Ku'i lima, mokomoko. b o x f l s h . Makukana, pahu. b o y . Kelkl, kelkl kane, kama kane, poe. Oh boy! Auwel b o y h o o d , ffi keiki kane. See c h i l d h o o d . b o y s c o u t . No equivalent; sometimes heard: pu'ali kamali'i kane. b r a c e . Ko'o, ho'oko'oko'o, la'au ke'a, kipu; palehui (in punctuation); ho'oku (as a canoe with a paddle); kuahui, 'ilio (in house construction); kupahu, ke'ehi. b r a c e l e t . Kupe'e (various kinds, PE 170); kupe'e lima, apo, apo lima. Gold bracelet, apo kula. Bracelet of tusks of hog or dog, kupe'e ho'okalakala, hoakakala, huiili. b r a c k e n . Kllau, kilau-pueo, pal'a. b r a c k e t . Kahaapo, kahahul. b r a c k i s h . W a i kal, wai 'awa, 'awa'awa, kal, alia, hukahukai, 'oli'uli'u; halahala (obs.). b r a g . Kaena, akena, ha'akoi, ho'okelakela. Also: ho^>pehu, ho'opehupehu, wahawckl, ha'anui, iiki, ha'alikl, kuha aliki, keha. Bragging and wheedling, ke a nui, ke a iki (PE S). See b o a s t , b r a i d . Hilo, hill, pahili, ulana, lino, ho'aha, 'le, ka'a. Scalloped hat braid, lu. Wispy end of a braid, hi'uhl'u. Some types: hlli kolu, hlli pa kolu, hlli ha, hill pa ha; uilo; 'o'io; plko-oHaleakala; alahaka-o-Nualolo.
b o n e f l s h . 'O'io (growth stages, PE Z58); large —, kuahauli. b o n i t o . Aku; kawakawa (various stages of growth, PE lt9); no'ino'l, 'oe'oe (young). Bonito lure, pa hi aku, kaianoa. b o n n e t . Papale 'o'oma. Poke bonnet, papale mu'ou'ou. b o n u s . Uku makana, uku keu. b o n y . Iwiiwl. Also: hiwi, biwlhiwl, kolila, keke. b o o b y . 1. Bird. 'A, 'a'a. 3 . See f o o l , b o o k . Puke (various kinds, PE SH). Instruction book, a'o. Spelling book, a'o kepela. b o o k b i n d i n g . Humuhumu puke. Bookbinding paper, humuhumu puke 'ill pepa. Bookbinding cloth, humuhumu puke 'ili lole. b o o k c a s e . Pahu puke, pahu waiho puke, b o o k k e e p e r . Kupakako, pukipa. b o o k l o u s e . 'Uku-pepa. b o o k m a r k . M a k a puke, b o o k s t o r e . Hale ku'ai puke, b o o k w o r m . Mu-'ai-puke. b o o m . 1. Spar. Pumi, pulumi, kewe, la'au kaha, la'au lalo, la'au paepae, paepae; outrigger —, 'lako; — connecting hulls of double canoe, kuanuenue, lapauila; inboard part of outrigger —, kua 'lako; — for canoe sail, 'ope'a. 3 . Noise. Ku'l, kani; kupakuga (as of drums); laolao (obs.). Boom, booml Kuakal O ku 'o kal 3 . Increased business. Ulu nui. b o o m e r a n g . Ku'uku'u. b o o t . Pukl, kama'a puki, kama'a, kama'a lo'ihi. b o o t b l a c k . Kelkl ho'ohlnuhinu kama'a. B o o t e s c o n s t e l l a t i o n . Hoku-'iwa (perhaps). b o o t b . Lanai, ke'ena, hale lala la'au, ha e kamala; pakaukau (in a market); temporary —, kamala, palima; hale pu'uone (as in a luakini temple enclosure); oeoe (obs.). b o o t y . Walwai pio, waiwal 1 hao "la. B o r a b o r a . Polapola. b o r d e r . Palena, lihi, nihl, kapa, pe'a, ka'e. Also; hulllau, hu'a pa'a, mollna, ha'i, kuaio, kukulu.plli, mokuna. Border of the sea, kapa kal. Border of a land, palena, plko, kapaha'i. Border of a mat, alahi'i. Border of a garment, hu'a lole. Taboo border, hu'a kapu. To mark a border, kaupalena. b o r e . 1. Tool. Wili, hou, hou puka, pao. 3 . See boring. b o r e r . Mu, wawahl-wa'a. Wood-eating borer, huhu-'ai-ia'au, huhu-pao-la'au. b o r i n g . Hoihol 'ole, manaka, ho'omanaka. Also: kua nui, ho'okuanul, kualana, ho'okuanea, pu, kukaikea, poka'o, uiha, lula. A boring task, he hana ho'okuanea. Don't work in such a bored fashion, mai hana ho'omanaka 'oukou. b o r n . Hanau, loa'a. Born with strange_sign or mark, hanau 'e'epa. Hina was born, hanau 'la 'o Hlna. b o r r o w . Ho'ai'e, nonol no ka manawa. b o s o m . Poll. b o s s . Luna, haku hana, poki. To boss, noho haku. b o s s y . Ho'ohaku, kuhlkuhl, kuhllani. B o s t o n . Pokekona, Posetona. b o t a n y . ' I k e no'eau i na mea kanu. b o t h . Laua 'elua, na mea 'elua. You and I both, 'o kaua pu. b o t h e r . Pillkia, ho'opllikla, hana luhl, ho'oluhi. Also: hokal, ho'ohSkai, kaiele. May I bother you? Hikl ia'u ke ho'oluhi ia'oo? b o t t l e . 'Omole, hue wai. Nursing bottle, 'omole hanal waiu. b o t t o m . Kumu, mole, ko lalo loa, papaku, kahi malalo. Bottom of a carrying net, plko. Valley bottom, papa lalo. Inside bottom (as of a calabash), ka'ele, ele. " b o t t o m s u p . " Hull pau; 'okole maluna (vulgar). b o u g a i n v i l l a e a . Pukanawila.
b r a i n b r e a k f a s t f o o d . M e a ' a i no ke kakahiaka. b r e a k w a t e r . P a l e kal, pale wai. b r e a k w i n d . H i ' u , ho'ani. makani; — audibly, puhi'u; — silently, hio, 'ohio, puhihio; — s p u t teringly, p i ; — foully, 'enakoi. Urge or need to break wind, pu'u puhi'u. Sound of breaking wind, palali. b r e a s t . (J, waiu (various types, PE 3Si); pu'uwaiu (female); poll, umauma; budding —, 'opu'u; nursing — , poll 'ai. Hard core in a breast, haku walu. First liquid before milk begins to flow, ' o m a k a walu. A breast disease, he'ehe'e. Breast stroke, 'au umauma. For idioms, PE poli 'awa, poli make. b r e a s t b o n e . I w l umauma, l w i pauma. pauma (as of a chicken). b r e a s t p l a t e . P a l e umauma. b r e a t h . Hanu, aho, ea, eaea. Breath of life, mauli ola, ane. Last breath, hanu pau (as one dying). Bad breath, hanu pilo, 'alaea. Deep breath, hanu nui. Out o/ breath, pauaho, paupauaho, 'api'api, 'oaiku, ka'ili, ka'ahe, ka'anlll, manawaea. To hold the breath, 'umi 1 ka hanu. Old breath-holding game, 'u, na'u. To catch breath after exertion, puhanu. To draw in the breath and expel it with whistling sound, hoe. b r e a t h e . Hanu, aho. Also: ha, haha, manawaea, uallewa, haluhalu, hapalpu, hapahapal. ehaha, o, hoho, nae'opuakau, naklnakl. Shortness of breath, difficult to breathe, p a ' a p u ka hanu, hanu pa'a. To breathe gently, ahe. To breathe air, as turtle or fish, puha. 'api, ho'omanewa. To cause to breathe, ho'ohanu. See p a n t , b r e a t h l e s s . Pauaho, paupauaho. b r e e d . 1. Variety. Lahui. 3. To engender. H o ' o p i ' i , ho'opiha. b r e e z e . A b e , aheahe makani, ani, aniani, makani anianl, ane, ea; gentle — , makani aheahe, 'onini makani, kolonahe. hlnlhlnl, 'oanlanl, ahe kolo, nahe, unahe; cool — , hau; fragrant — , moani. moanianl. Wisp of breeze, elau makani. To blow, rise, as a breeze, ani, papaiaulu. See w i n d , b r e e z y . H o l o m a k a n l , anla, koanlanl. b r e g m a . Punlu hul. B r e m e n . Pelemena, Beremena. B r e s t . Pelekeka, Bereseta. b r e w . Puhl. Stages of brew: ku, hawal, pokl'l. kua'ana. See h o m e - b r e w , s w i p e s , b r e w e r y . H a l e hana pia. b r i a r . L a ' a u 'o'ol. la'au kuku. b r i b e . U k u klpe, kipe, pe. b r i c k . Uwlnihapa, winlhapa, pohaku lepo, pohaku 'ula. b r i c k l a y e r . H a m o puna. b r i d a l a t t e n d a n t s . Pa'alalo, ukall pa'a male, ku'ao'ao. b r i d e . W a h i n e male hou, wahine mare; wahine ho'ao (obs.). b r i d e g r o o m . K a n e male hou, kane mare; kane ho'ao (obs.). b r i d e s m a i d . K u ' a o ' a o o ka wahine. b r i d g e . U w a p o , pao, hulili; wooden — , ala holo papa; plank — , alahaka. kaulanahaka. Bridge of nose, pou iwi. Bridge for false teeth, papa niho. b r i d l e . K a u l a waha. b r i e f . 1. Short. Pokole, muku. 3. Summary. Palapala ho'opdkole 'ia. b r i e f c a s e . ' E k e pa'a lima, 'eke'eke pa'a lima. wahi l a w e pepa. b r i g . M o k u kla lua, kia lua p e ' a heke. b r i g a d e . Pu'ali. b r l g a n d l n e . P a l e umauma unahi. b r i g h t . ' A l o h i , 'alohilohl, konane, 'ollno, la'ela'e. Also: pala'ela'e (as sun); lala, nale, pualalea, 'ollko, a'la'l, puloku. akaaka, huali, kauluwela, nohi, hinuhinu, pala hinu, 'olall, lali, hulali, hehelo, ll'oll'o, lino, huaka, hoaka, 'ama, Ule, noweo; pa'ihl (cloudless); 'owela (as feather cloaks); a'ai, polale, makali, moha, mohaha. Bright-looking, lamalama. For example, PE 'dlino.
b r a i n . L o l o . lolo po'o. For sayings, PE h&wa'e, lolo. b r a k e . 1. Retard. Palekl, peleki, mea ho'opa'a. 3. Fern. Kllau, kilau-pueo, pal'a.
bramble. See briar,
b r a n . Palanl. Rice bran, pale laikl. b r a n c h . Lala, mana, 'oha; main — , kamahele; small — , pa'l a ' a ; big — , manamana nui; low — , pulu. Stream branch, mana wai. Place where a branch divides o f f , kdkikl (rare). Branch with divine foliage (a chief), mana weu lani (PE mana). To branch out, mana, manamana, ho'okihikihi. b r a n c h e s . M a n a m a n a ; mana Iua (two, as in a road); lau manamana (many). Branches forming " Y \ " 'amana. Branches of a road, mana alanuf. Various branches of the priesthood, kela a me keia kaka'lna o ka 'olhana kahuna, b r a n c h i n g . Hamana, manamana, kimanamana, hanahihl, alau (as of winds and lineages). b r a n d . K u n l , hao, 'ano. b r a n d i n g i r o n . H a o kunl. b r a n d i s h . K u e h u : 'owala (as a club); hoaka (as a spear); hoana (as a whip); — threateningly, kaki'i. b r a n d y . Palanl. b r a s s . Keleawe. To work with brass; one who makes brass articles, ku'l keleawe. To cut or engrave in brass, kaha keleawe. b r a s s i e r e . P a l e walu, kalikl waiu. b r a v e . K o a , ho'okoa, w l w o 'ole. Also: 'a, 'a'a, bo'onakoa, ho'omakoa, ka'alokuloku; koapaka (obs.). For saying, PE kuSua. b r a w l . Haunaele, hakaka, 'apunl. b r a y . H a ' u , ha'uha'u, 'uhu'uhu, hoho, kehdho. b r a z e n . M a h a ' o l , ma'ol, kiwlni, hilahila 'ole. Brazen look, maka keleawe. B r a z i l . Palaklla, Barazlla. B r a z i l i a n . Palaklla. b r e a c h . H a k a ; haka'ano (obs.). b r e a d . Palaoa, pelena. Unleavened bread, pelena hu 'ole. Slice of bread, papa'a palaoa. Loaf of bread, ' o m o ' o m o palaoa, popo pelena. Round loaf of bread, popo palaoa. Pilot bread, 'ao. Shewbread, bread of the Presence, pelena ho'ike.
See dough,
b r e a d b a s k e t . ' I e palaoa, lmu o nui. b r e a d b o a r d . P a p a palaoa. b r e a d f r u i t . 'Ulu. Cooked but unpounded breadfruit, 'ulu pa'a. Breadfruit pudding, palpale'e, pepeie'e, piele. Rotten breadfruit, 'ulu pilo. Male breadfruit flower, ule'ulu, poule, po'ulu. Bark of tender breadfruit shoots, po'ulu. Breadfruit core, plkol, 'ikoi, pikoni, iho. Markings on breadfruit skin, nanaka. To hit broiled breadfruit with a stick to remove blackened skin, kaka. For sayings, PE pakx, ule, 'ulu. b r e a d t h . Laula, akea, la'a. b r e a k . There is no general term; the main usages ollow. 1. As a stick or bones broken in two. H a ' i , laha'i, uha'i, haki, haklhaki, uhakl; manunu (obs.); break easily, ha'i wale. 3. Asaflat surface split or broken into pieces. Warn, wawahi (various uses, PE 354); wahia, 'ulupa. 3. As a string that is severed. M o k u , momoku, raokumoku, mo. 4. A s a dish. N a h a . 6. General. H o ' o p i l i k i a (damage); — oven or bursty poha, paku, hua'i, holomuku, puha, ho'ohake, holomuku; — open, as a nut, kike, k i p o ; — or pluck, as flowers, 'ako, ' a k o ' a k o ; — , as waves, po'l, haki; — apart, as taro from stalk, kohi; — , as lumps, k o ; — , as taboo, 'a'e, ' a ' e ku, hehi, mau'a'e, ho'a'e, hehiku; — , as law, wawahi, pale, ha'iha'i; — , as a horse, ho'olakalaka. To break and enter a house, wawahi hale. To break the Sabbath, hehi Sabati. See b r e a k w i n d ,
broken, daybreak,
b r e a k b o n e fever. Piwa-ha'lha'i-iwi. b r e a k e r . P o ' l n a nalu, kai 'upoho. Base of a breaker, honua nalu. b r e a k f a s t . ' A i n a kakahiaka.
build b r i g h t e n . Ho'omalamalama, ho'ola'e, ho'a'ia'l. b r i l l i a n t . 'Alohi, 'alohilohi, lino, a'ia'i, 'olino, 'ollnolino; lololo (intellect). b r i m . Ka'e, nihl, libi, kapa, niao. b r i m f u l . Plhaku'i. b r i m s t o n e . Kukaepele, lua'i pelo. b r i n d l e d . Pe'elua, mo'o (of a dog). b r i n e . Wal pa'akal. To soak in brine, ku pa'akal. b r i n g . La we raai, ho mal, pane'e; — together, ho'opili; — up, ho'ala (as a topic), hanai (as a child); — down, ho'omoe, hahau (as club); klllpo'ipo'i (as cupped hand). b r i n k . See b r i m . b r i s k . Maka'ala, 'eleu, mama, lolole'a. To walk, talk in a brisk manner, kalali. b r i s t l e . Wanao'a, 'okala; poniho (as sea urchins); Chin — with anger, 'ulepe; puniho (obs.). whiskers bristle, 'okalakala na bulu 'auwae (of ranting). b r i s t l e w o r m . 'Aha-huluhulu, huluhulu. b r i s t l i n g . Kalaku, huhulu, huluhulu, bulubulu weo, i'i. B r i t a i n . Pelekane, Pelekanla. B r i t a n n i a . Pelekania, Beretania. B r i t i s h . Pelekania. B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a . Kolumepia Pelekania. B r i t t a n y . Pllikane, Biritane. b r i t t l e . Pa'lna, papa'a'ina, pa'apa'a'lna, pake, ha'iha'l, ba'i wale, b r o a d . Laula, akea. Also: laba, lalaha, lalahalaha, palaha, kilaba, palaulau, peleleu, moana, moanaana; 'omalio (as land); kupeleleu (as hips). Obs.: 'olola; pana'e (as a leaf). Low and broad, as a door or bowl, pakaka. b r o a d - b r o w e d . Maha pepe. b r o a d c a s t . Laba, ho'olaha, ho'olele leo, lu. See radio broadcast, b r o a d e n . Ho'olaula. b r o a d J u m p . Pinao. b r o a d - m i n d e d . Mana'c laula, no'ono'o laula, akea ka no'ono'o. b r o a d - s h o u l d e r e d . KIwa'awa'a, klblklbl na po'ohiwl, polinahe. b r o c a d e d silk. Kilika lau. b r o i l . Pulehu (on coals); lawalu (in leaves); alehu, ko'ala, kunu, 'olanl, palaha, 'ohinu, paki'i. b r o k e . See b r e a k . Puki, poloke (out of funds, slang). b r o k e n . See b r e a k . Also: poloke, paloke, 'ino'lno, napele, napelepele, mokulia, manu, lemuku, 'akurnu. Broken English or other language: see speak, b r o k e r . Poloka. b r o n z e . Keleawe. b r o o c h . Pine umauma, pine 'dmou. brood. 1. Of birds. 'Ohana manu. Mother hen and brood, klnana. 2. Mull over. Nalu ho'okaumaha. broody. Moa ho'omoe (of a hen). b r o o k . See s t r e a m . B r o o k l y n . Pulukellna, Burukelina. b r o o m . Pulumi. pupu ni'au, ni'au kahili, b r o o m s t r a w . Ni'au pulumi. b r o t h . Kai. b r o t h e l . Hale ho'okamakama, kama'l. b r o t h e r . Kaikua'ana, kua'ana (older sibling of same sex); kaikaina, kaina (younger sibling of same sex); kaikunane, kunane (of a female); mua, hanau mua, bele mua (older sibling); hanau hope, hele hope, (younger sibling); hoahanau kane ("brother" in the church); p5kl'i, mull poki'i (youngest sibling). They are brothers, o laua, he kaikua'anaa be kaikaina. They are brother and sister, 'o laua, he kaikunane a be kaikuablne. Kua'ana, kaina, and kunane are often used as terms of address.
b r o t h e r h o o d . Aloha hoahanau. b r o t h e r - i n - l a w . Kalko'eke, ko'eke (of a male); kane (of a female; this term might be qualified by makua as indicative of the elder brother or elder male cousin in the senior line of a woman's husband, or by the term '5pio as indicative of a similar relative in the junior line). Ko'eke is used as a term of address. brow. Lae; — of a cliff or hill, hono, ku'emaka pali, ka'e, 'umalu; hanahanai (obs.). b r o w n . No exact English equivalent: uliuli; kama'ehu, 'a'ula (reddish-brown); maku'e (dark); olomea (with darker stripes or spots, of pig or dog); huapala (chestnut); hulupala, 'ea, 'ea malani (light brown). Brown skin, 'ill 'ula, 'ill 'ula'ula, 'ehu. Brown hair, lauobo ha'ehu'ehu. Brown eyes, maka uliuli. Brown shoes, kama'a 'ili 'ula'ula. Brown sugar, k5pa'a 'ula'ula. Dyes from which brownlike colors are named: hilihlll, pala'a. brownie. No equivalent. See legendary b e i n g s , b r u i s e . Pohole, ho'opohole, mahole, mdhole, moholehole, hauli, ho'ouli, maui, ho'omaul, maulul. mala, manu, manumanu, manuhe'u. Also: manihe'u, nahu, palapu, kim5, ho'okolekole, koana, manuwa; paopao, pahu (feelings). b r u n e t t e . Lauobo uliuli. b r u s h . 1. Instrument. Palaki, bulu. Scrubbing brushy palaki 'anai. Scrubbing or painting brush, hulu'anai. Hairbrush, palaki lauoho. To brush, palaki. See t o o t h b r u s h . 3. See f o r e s t . 3. To graze. Pe'ahl, kahili. 4. To brush aside. Pale, palepale. b r u s q u e . Kona, ku, kala. kakala. kalakala. To speak brusquely, pua'o. See a b r u p t . B r u s s e l s . Palukela, Barusela. B r u s s e l s s p r o u t s . Kapiki-li'ili'i. b r u t a l . Lima koko. b r u t e . Holoholona, kanaka loko 'ino. b u b b l e . Hu'a, pohaha wai, pua'i, lapalapa. Water bubble, hu'a o ka wal. Soap bubble, hu'a kopa. b u b b l i n g . Hu'ahu'a, pua'ina, pi'ipi'l, mapu. b u b o . 'Awalahlkl, 'auko'i, 'auwalhlkl, 'awai, 'ewai, haha'i, 'anako'i, kio; 'oai (obs.). b u b o n i c . Puponika. b u c k . 'Owala, 'oala, lapu'u.onu, 'anapu'u, kunu, lo'obu. b u c k e t . Pakeke. B u c k i n g h a m . Pakinihama, Bakinihama. b u c k l e . 'Omi'i; 'umi'l kuapo (belt); pakala. b u c k s h o t . Poka lu. b u c k s k i n . Llo puakea. b u c k t h o r n . Kauila. b u c k t o o t h . Nibo pu'u. b u c k w h e a t . Hu'ahu'a-k5. b u d . Liko, 'opu'u. Also: mu'o, olomu'o, 'omu'o, 'oliko, mallko L haliko, 'ao, maka, mamaka, 'omaka, ho'opuliko, hapu'u, 'ome'o. To bud but a little, to cease budding, mu'oiki, mu'okole, mu'omu'okole. Young plant bud, nibo peku. B u d d h i s m . Ho'omana Buda. b u d g e . Ne'eu, ne'ene'eu. b u d g e t . Ho'onohonobo ho'olilo. To plan a budget, ho'olala i ka ho'olilo 'ana. b u d s . Makamaka, makalau (many, as pussy willow). To put forth buds, mamaka. buffalo. Papuld. Water buffalo, pipi Pake, buffalo g r a s s . 'Aki'aki-haole, manienie-'aki'aki. b u f f e t . 1. Blow. Hahau, nou, ko'oka. 3. Sideboard. Pahu 'ume. b u g . Mu, pu'u. b u g g y . Ka'a. b u g l e . Pu. b u i l d . Kukulu, hana, kapili; hahau (as with bricks); ho'opae, ho'opaepae (as an embankment or platform); pila (in card games).
building b u i l d i n g . Hale. Building with many stories, hale ku'i. Building permit, palapala 'ae e kukulu. b u l b . Huakanu (plant). Electric light bulb, aniani kukui uila. B u l g a r i a . Pulukalia, Bulugarla. B u l g a r i a n . Pulukalia. b u l g e . Pu'u. Also: haku, hake, nepu, pu'uhaku, polohuku, hukeu, huhu; pa'l hua (as in canoe sides; obs.). b u l k . Nui, hapanul, pu'u. b u l k y . Nui, nunui; ponulu (obs.). b u l l . Pipi kane, pipi laho, pipi pulu, pulu. b u l l d o g . 'Ilio-pulu. To bulldog, as a cowboy, will 'a'l. b u l l e t . Poka, jx>haku walki. Bullet Jor gun or pistol, poka pu. Bullet lead, kepau poka. b u l l e t i n . Palapala ho'olaha, pulekina, buletlna. b u l l - r o a r e r . Oeoe, pawa. B u l l B u n . Pulu Lana, Bulu Rana. b u l l ' s e y e . Klkowaena. b u l l y . 'A'ano, ho'oma'au. b u l r u s h . Nanaku, naku, 'aka'akai. 'aka'akainaku, neki, nona, kome. For idiom, see PE poi. b u l w a r k . Pale, pale kai.
B u r m a . Pulema, Burema. b u r n . 'Ä, 'a'a, hö'ä, puhi, kuni, puhi ahi; — intensely, hä'ena, hu a'ä, puoko; — weakly, oml, ml ml; — , as with anger, 'ä. Also: pawela. kä iiliko, liko, likoliko. kü'ena, makawela, papa'a wela, ho'owela, liholiho, nö'jt. To burn cane, puhi kö. Scar from burning, kakala wela, pa'awela. To burn maliciously, puhi mana'o 'ino. The throat burns, 'a'ä k a pu'u (great thirst).
See smart.
b u r n e d . Pau ahi, wela, welawela, papa'a, kunia; — completely, puhijpau; — , as a kuKui nut candle, kokollkoli. Also: pawela, päpa'apü, papa'a wela.
See sunburn.
b u r n t o f f e r i n g . Möhai kuni. b u r p . Klhä.
burrow. See dig. b u r r y . Kukü.
bursitis. Same as arthritis,
b u r s t . Pahü, pakü, gohä, pQha, 'owä; — through, wähl; —forth, poha kea (as light); 'ulupä, lele; puha'a'a (as light, obs.). b u r y . K a n u ; kanu pa'a (whole, as a body); kikanu; käkähou (just buried, obs.). b u s . K a ' a 'öhua; ka'a uila (electric). b u s h . 1 . Shrub. Lä'au li'ili'i, lä'au ha'aha'a. la'ala'au. 2. Vegetation. Nahele. b u s h e l . Pukele. b u s h y . Uluähewa, pühuluhulu, weuweu. b u s i n e s s . 'Oihana, hana, kuleana, piklneki. Official or government business, hana o ke aupuni. To transact business .ho'oholo i ka hana. None of your business! Iä 'oe ia wahi (PE wahi).' You have no business there, 'a'ohe ou kuleana malaila. What business is this of yours? He aha ia iä'oe? He aha käu? b u s t l e . 1 . To move. Holo hele, 'eleu, kalali. 2. Dress style, 'ökolepu'u. b u s y . Pa'ahana, pa'a i ka hana; pa'a (as telephone); Ulo, limahana. Happily busy, nanea, walea.
Bulwer's petrel. 'Ou, 'ou'ou.
b u m p . Pu'u, 'anapu'u, 'ohu; k u k u (as on a horse); — against, no'oku'i. b u m p e r . Pale ka'a, pale huila. b u m p y . 'Anapu'u, 'apu'upu'u, hapu'upu'u, 'opu upu'u, 'uluhaku, 'u'uluhaku; lualua, kalualua, 'alualua, malualua, ho'opupu, 'aku'aku (as a road); holu (as an airplane ride). b u n c h . vAhui (as of bananas); hui, huihui, huhui, 'awal, pu'u, pupu, pa'i, pu'a, apoapo; pupu (as of flowers)i mala; lalei (obs.); — up, lapu'u; — together, ho'ili.
bunch grass. Maku'eku'e.
b u n d l e . Pu'olo, 'ope, 'ope'ope, pu'a, wahi, pa'i; long — , holo; large ti-leaf — , kipe; tied —, hipu'u. Also: ki'ope, ku'aupa'a, wailau, 'lo, maku'u, 'awai, mokl, paeheu, pukaula, kiki, poho, 'oma'o, waihau; pupu (as of grass); kihene, ohi (as of leaves). Bundle of hard poi, pa'i 'ai. Bundle of wauke bark, 'ohi wauke. Bundle of fruit, p a i hua. Food bundle, holo 'ai. Bundle of stripped pandanus leaves, kimo'o. To bundle up, pu'olo, 'ope'ope, wahi, ho'oukana, hipu'u, kipola, ki'ope, kupoepoe. For saying, PE pu'olo. b u n g . Popo'i, 'umoki. b u n g l i n g . Hemahema, kapulu; poholelua (obs.).
busybody. Niele. See gossip. but. Akä, a, na'e, aia na'e, eia (no) na'e, koe,
koe keia. But withal, eia kekahi. b u t c h e r . M e a lole pipi, mea kü'ai 'i'o holoholona. To butcher, pepehi a 'oki'okl holoholona. b u t c h e r k n i f e . Pahi 'oki'oki pipi. b u t l e r . 'A'ipu'upu'u. b u t t e r . Waiiipaka, paka. b u t t e r c u p s . Makou, 'awa-Kanaloa. b u t t e r f l y . Pulelehua. Monarch butterfly, lepelepeo-Hina. b u t t e r f l y A s h . KIkäkapu, nukunuku. b u t t e r f l y w e e d . Lau-lele, pua-'anuhe. Seeds of butterfly weed, hualele. b u t t e r m i l k . Wai ko'ana waiQpaka. b u t t o c k s . Lemu, 'ökole, päpäkole, 'elemu, hope; kikala (side); hena; cheek of — , hukeu; thin or flat — , kikala pai. To bare the buttocks in bending over, a sign of contempt, pohopoho, ho'opohopoho. Fig. idioms, see a n u s , v a g a b o n d ,
bunt. Peu.
b u o y . Poe, mou, mouo, 'Ikoi; pua (obs.). b u o y a n t . L a n a , 'alana, malana. kualana, 'alewalewa. To make buoyant, ho'omalana. Buoyant blood, lana ke koko (of youth). b u r . K u k u , kukae-hipa, pipili, 'ihi-kukae-hipa, hua kalakala. b u r d e n . Luhi; ha'awe, ho'awe, 'awe (carried on back); amo, 'auamo (carried on shoulders). Also: kua, 'olo'oldna, pu'u. Obs.: ho'omauha'alina, mauha'alina (heavily burdened). To burden, ho'okaumaha, ho'oko'iko'i, ho'oluhi, ho'oluhi hewa, ho'opu'u, ho'okina, ho'okauwa. Race with burden on the back, heihei ha'awe. b u r d e n s o m e . Ho'okaumaha, ho'oluhi, ho'okua; paua'alina (obs.). b u r e a u . 1 . Office. Ke'ena, 'oihana, mahele, pulo. 3. Chest of drawers. Pahu 'ume.
button. Pihi. See cuff button,
b u t t o n h o l e . Puka pihi. b u t t o n h o l e s t i t c h . Humu puka pihi. b u t t o n h o o k . Huka pihi. b u y . KQ'ai, kü'ai mai, 'ohi, ho'olilo; — co-operatively, huihui. Buy wholesale, kü'ai nui, k ü ' a i kuka'a. Buy retail, kü'ai li'ili'i. Buy and sell, ku'aku'ai. b u y e r . M e a nana i kü'ai mai, mea kü'ai mai. Retail buyer, ka mea ho'olilo li'ili'i. b u z z . Muhu, mumuhi, mumuhu, kapalulu, auweuwe, halahi, 'owe. b u z z a r d . Pukaka. by. E, na, ma, i. By me, na'u. By him, her, it, nana. By you, näu. b y - a n d - b y . Mahope, mamuli, auane'i.
Bureau of Conveyances. Ke'ena Kope. Bureau of Emigration. Pulo 'E'e Moku. Bureau of Fisheries. Pulo Ho'olaha I'a. b u r g l a r y . Wawahi hale, 'aihue.
bur grass. 'Ume'alu.
b u r i a l . K a n u , kanu 'ana. Burial place where bones of chiefs were hidden, awaloa (obs.). b u r l a p . 'Ekemau'u.
c a l f . 1. Animal. Pipl keikl. 2. Anatomy. 'Olo, 'olo'olo wawae, 'olo wae. c a l i c o . Kalakoa; mau'u-la'ili (a kind of). C a l i f o r n i a . Kaleponi. c a l i p h . Kallpa. c a l i s t h e n i c s . Ho'olkalka kino, ho'o'ole'a kino, c a l k . 'Okomo. c a l l . 1. To speak out. Hea, kahea; —, as in welcome, heahea, pa kahea, paheahea. Also: kuhea, oho, eo, kalahea, walo, uwalo, uolo, waloina, walowale, wawalo, kala'au. Call the roll, hea inoa. Call to eat, kahea 'ai. Call loudly, kahea leo nui, lele wao walo. Call over and over, heahea. Call the first lines of a stanza by the dancer as a cue to the chanter, kahea. A call to chickens, kolo, kolo, kolol A call to pigs, k5, kol A call to birds, kue, kue, kuel 2. To give a name. Kapa. 3 . To visit. Klpa. c a l l e d . Kapa 'la (named). c a l l i n g . Hea, kahea, heahea. Calling card, palapala klpa, palapala maka'ika'i. c a l l l o p s l s . Waikahuli. c a l l o u s e d . Mauleho, pu'u, leho, manoanoa; ho'omana (rare). Calloused neck, 'a'l pu'u. Calloused skin, 'ill manoanoa. c a l l u s . Leho, puleholeho, pu'u. To get calluses, ho'opa'a leho, ho'omanea. c a l m . Malic, la'i, hala'i, kala'e, mala'e, malino, manino, linolino, lana, wailana, lulu. lululu, lula, halula, pohu. Also: la'ela'e, moe, papuhea, malina, nla^ makena, opuhea, ulana, kQpohu, paeaea, palula, 'alaneo, aniania, kana'i, maomao, luluka. ho'ohaha, malau, hamiha, woa. Calm place in the sea, mouo, mououo. Great calm, la'iku. The sea and wind are calm, malie ke kai me ka makanl. To make calm, ho'omalle, hc'ona. To grow calm, akaku'u. La'i frequently has sexual connotations: see passion. Other examples, K o n a , p e a c e , c a l m e d . La'i, malie, na, akaku'u, ma'allll, ho'okoene. See c a l m , c a l o m e l . Kalomela. Calomel-and-tartar emetic, lupepa. Calvary. Kalewali, Kaiwipo'o. C a l v l n l s t l c . Kalawlna. C a m b r i d g e . Kamepelika, Kameberiga. c a m e l . Kamelo. c a m e l l i a . Kamlla. c a m e l o p a r d . Kamelopaki, kamelopadi. c a m e o . Kameo. c a m e r a . Pahu-pa'l-kl'i. c a m o u f l a g e . Ho'ope'epe'e, ho'onalonalo. c a m p . Kahua. To make a camp, to camp, ho'okahua, ho'omoana. c a m p a i g n . Ho'ouka kaua (military); paipai kalai'aina, hana 'iml paloka (political). c a m p g r o u n d . Kahua ho'omoana. c a m p h l r e . Kupelo. c a m p h o r . Kupelo, kopela, pilall-mea-'ala. c a n . 1. Able. Hiki. I can go, hiki ia'u ke hele. It can be done, hiki no. 2 . Tin. Kini. To can. ho'okomo iloko o ke kini. C a n a a n . Kana'ana. C a n a d a . Kanaka, Kanada. C a n a d i a n . Kanaka, Kanada. c a n a l . Alawai, 'auwai, 'auwaha, kowa, kanela. Panama Canal, ke Kowa o Panama. Side of a canal, ka'e o ke alawai, kihonua. c a n a r y . Manu-mele, kenele. c a n c e l . Ho'opau, kapae. c a n c e l l a t i o n . Ho'opau 'ana. c a n c e r . Ma'i-'a'ai; -— of the throat, pu'upau. c a n c e r o u s . 'A'ai. c a n d i d a t e . Moho. c a n d l e . Iholho, ihoiho kukul. Kukul-nu< candle. ihoiho kukul.
C. No Hawaiian term. c a b . 1. Taxi. K a ' a ho'olimalima. 2 . Hebrew measure. Kapa, kaba. c a b a l i s t i c . Kapala. c a b b a g e . Kaplkl, kaklpi, kawoa. c a b i n . Kápena, hale 'u'uku. c a b i n e t . 1. Furniture. Waihona, pahu walhona. 2. Political. 'Aha kuhlna.
cabinet member. Kuhina.
c a b l e . Kaula uwea. To cable, kelekalapa. sea cable, uwea moana.
cable car. Ka'akewe. cablellne. Kewe.
c a c k l e . PQk5ko (as in alarm); kok5 (as after laving an egg); pukaka. c a c t u s . Pa-nlnl, pa-plpi; lahoe (obsj. Cactus candy {made of dried juice), kanake pa-nlnl, pllali pa-nini, kanake pllali.
cadaver. Kupapa'u.
C a e s a r i a n . Kaha 'la no ka ho'ohanau. c a f é . Hale 'aina. c a g e . Pahu manu, pahu holoholona.
cairn. Ahu.
C a i r o . Kailo, Kairo.
caisson disease. See bends,
c a j o l e . Ho'omalimall, mall, mall leo; kua'i'i (rare). c a k e . Mea'ono (carious kinds, PE 225). Chinese meat cake, pepelao. Chinese pork cake, mea'onopua'a. Fia cake, pa'i hua piku. Flour cake, pa'l palaoa. Poundcake, mea'ono paona. c a l a b a s h . 'Umeke, ipu, pa lpu, hokeo, hue, opü-hue, ipu pawehe. Also: ma au'au, palapa'a, kaku, mahanakanaloa. Netted calabash carrier, kok5, 'a'aha. Strings by which a netted calabash is hung, kakai. To tie up a calabash, hó'aha. For sayings, PE 'umeke.
calabash tree. La'amia. caladium. Kalo-kalakoa.
C a l a i s . Kalel. c a l a m i t y . Pilikia. popilikia, po'ino. by calamity, pa'uhia. c a l a m u s . 'Ohe-'ala, kalamo.
calcium. Puna,
c a l c u l a t e . Ho'onohonoho helu. C a l c u t t a . Kalekuka, Kalekuta. C a l e d o n i a . Kalekonla, Kaledonia. c a l e n d a r . 'Alemanaka, kalenekalio.
candlenut c a n d l e n u t . Kukui, kulkui. Candlenut lei, lei kukui. Smooth candlenuts used in leis, kukul 'omolemole. Candlenuts caned in ridges, kukui iolo. Candlenuts cut in facets, kukui 'opaka. Relish of cooked candlenut, 'inamona, 'akimona. Concoction of gourd vine and candlenut, kumu honua. Candlenut blossom used as medicine, li'a wahine. kiha-wahine. Sap of green candlenut, kohu kukui, peka'a. Candlenut branches are heaped up, ahu a lala kukui (of untidiness). For another saying, PE a'ea'e. c a n d l e n u t tree. Kukui, la'au hu. c a n d l e snuffer. 'Opa koli kukul. c a n d l e s t i c k . Ipukukui. Also: ku ihoiho, kaukukui, kumulpukukui, waihona kukui. Capital of a candlestick, pu'upu'u. c a n d £ . Kanake. Also: koomoomo, ko omomo, komomo. ho'omomona. c a n e . 1. See s u g a r c a n e . 2. Staff. Ko'oko'o, kdloa. Head of cane, pobeoheo. Cane with a handle, ko'oko o 'amana. To lean on a cane, kalele. c a n e k n i f e . Pahi ka. c a n k e r w o r m , 'tJhinl-hulubulu. c a n n a s . Ali'ipoe, kana, poloka. c a n n e r y . Hale ho'okomo kini. Pineapple cannery, hale hana hala-kahikl. c a n n i b a l . 'Ai kanaka. c a n n o n . Pu kuni ahi; olohao (obs.). Cannon ball, poka pu kuni ahi. Mounted cannon, pu ka'a. c a n o e . Wa'a (Jig., woman; various types, PE 3b7-348). Also: kaukahi (single); kaulua, ku'e'e {double); pukolu (triple); kiapoho, kiapa, kiapoko; kialoa (fig., tall, well-proportioned woman); kioloa, wa'a peleleu; malau (for bait); ihu nui, pou, panipanf, kupe'ulu, le'iwl, leuwi. Toy canoes, wa'a lau ki (ti-leaf); wa'a lolonlu (coconut sheath). Parts: ihu, 'eku (prow, bow); muli, hope (stern); la, 'dpe'ape'a (sail); lanalana, pa u-o-Lu'ukla (lashing); kaula, kaula llklni, kaula ka'ili'lli, hoa wa'a (rigging, lines); kla, pou (mast); ama (outrigger float); 'iako (outrigger boom); ke'a (connectors of canoes of a double canoe); pu, 'okumu, kupe, maku'u, la'au (endpieces); pola, kanaha (platform); hale lanalana (house on platform); nohona wa'a (seat); wae wa'a, nohona wa'a (thwart); poho (hollow); llu (bilge); kaupo'l, papa uhi wa'a (covers); niao (edge); kuamo'o (keel); pale, pale hope, ale mua, mo'o wa'a (gunwale strakes); also: i'au, la'au ku, la'au ihu, la'au hope, la'au lalao, la'au kaha, muku, moamoa, momoa, kaumoli, pepeiao (comb cleats), pepe, ku-pou-kia, kuapo i, kuanuenue, manu, manono, hua, maha, bainaliu, ke'a, holo, 'akea, kapua'i, papaku kla, po'o pao'o, honua, hi'u wa'a, peu, plka'o, kanaka, pa'i hua, loloniu, hakaokao, ope'a. Canoe maker, kalal wa'a, kahuna kalai wa'a, aukukul (apprentice). Canoe house, halau. Canoe enclosure, pa wa'a. Canoe landing, paena wa'a. Canoe owner or crew member, mea wa'a. Canoe shipmate, hoa wa'a. Canoe rest or support, lona, hakakauluna, 'aki. Canoe fleet, 'au wa'a, mano 'au wa'a. Canoe guarding fish net, kihi. Canoe dedication, ho'ola'a wa'a. Canoe ceremony: u i ka wa'a (PE pO). Gods of canoe builders: aka, Kupa-'ai-ke'e, Mokuhali'i (males); Lea (female). Paddle a canoe, hoe wa'a. Steer a canoe, ho'okele wa'a, ull, kupe. To right a canoe, ho'olana wa'a. To lean over outrigger to counterbalance canoe, kalelemuku. Canoe carrying one person, ko'okahi; carrying two, ko'olua. For sayings, PE hoe, 1, kani, 1. See d r e a m ,
c a n t a n k e r o u s . Huhu wale, 'a'aka, pale ka 'a'aka. C a n t e r b u r y . Kanakupele, Kanekapull, Kanatubere, Kanetaburi. c a n t o . Pale mele, pauku mele. C a n t o n . Kanakona, Kanatona. canvas. Kapolena; 'le (obs.). c a p . Kapu, papale kapu. c a p a b l e . Makaukau, lawa. c a p a c i t y . K a nul e lawa ai. Capacity for crime, ku a ku 'ole 1 ke kalaima. cape. 1. Geographical. Lae, 'olae, 'oi'oina. A place with many capes, 'olaelae, 'alaelae 2. Garment. Kihei, 'ahu, kipuka, lcoloka; feather —, 'ahu'ula; decorated _—, kihel 'a'ahu no'eno'e; tapa —, pa'ipa'inaha. Cape F e a r . Lae-maka'u. Cape gooseberry. Poha, pa'lna. Cape h o n e y s u c k l e . 'I'lwi-haole. Cape H o r n . Kepo-honi, Kepa-boni, Lae-hao.
Cape of Good Hope. Lae-mana'olana.
c a p e r . Lelelele; ho'anapau (rare). capillary a c t i o n . 'Ume lauoho. c a p i t a l . 1. City. Kapikala. 2. Wealth. Kumu waiwai, kumupa'a. 3. See c a n d l e s t i c k , c a p i t a l i s t i c . 'Iml waiwai. c a p i t a l l e t t e r . Huapalapala nui. c a p i t a l p u n i s h m e n t . Ho'opa'i ku 1 ka make, c a p l t o l . Kapikala, bale po'o 'olhana aupuni. Cappadocla. Kapakokia, Kapadokia.
caprice. See whim,
capsized. Kahull, luma 'ia. c a p s t a n b a r . 'Auka. c a p t a i n . Kapena, luna kaua, kapena ali'ikoa. c a p t i v a t e . Lawe plo (capture); ho'opunlhel (charm).
captive. Pio.
c a p t u r e . Lawe pio, hopu. To avoid capture, lele pio. c a r . Ka'a. To ride in a car, kau ka'a, holo ka'a. Pleasure ride, holoholo ka'a. To drive a car, kalaiwa ka'a. To park a car, ku ke ka'a, paka ke ka'a. To get in a car, kau 1 ke ka'a. To get out of a car, lele mai ke ka'a. He sits in a car, noho 'oia 1 luna o ke ka'a. c a r a b a o . Pipi Pake, c a r a m e l . Kalamela. c a r a p a c e . Una (turtle); kuapo'i (turtle or crab). c a r a t . Kalaka. c a r a v a n . 1. Travelers. Huaka'l. 2. See t r a i l e r , carbolic acid, '¿kika kapolika. c a r b o n . Kalepona. c a r b o n paper. Pepa kope. c a r b u n c l e . Paleka, pallka. See boll, c a r c a s s . Kupapa'u, heana; lwl (as bones of a chicken). c a r d . 1. Paper. Pepa. Names of card games: kamau, 'uwiki, plula, konoki, kekake, hai-lokeaka, male. To build in a card game, pila. To tell the future by cards, kilokilo pepa. See cards. 2. To comb. Koe (as wool). c a r d b o a r d . Pepa manoanoa. c a r d i n a l . 1. Of the church. Kakinela. 2. Bird. Manu-'ula'ula, 'ula'ula. cardinal fish. 'Upapalu. cards. Na pepa, pepa hahau (playing). Stack, deck, or pack of cards, pu'u pepa. Hand of cards, ha'awlna pepa. To play cards, pa'ani pepa.
canoe bailer. Ka. canoeman. Mea wa'a.
c a n o e paddler. Hoe wa'a, mea wa'a; '¡hoe (obs.). c a n o e r a c e . Heihel wa'a. c a n o p e n e r . Mea wehe kini. c a n ' t . 'A'ole hikl, hiki 'ole. I can't go, 'a'ole hiki la'u ke hele. c a n t a l o u p e . Ipu, ipu-'ala, ipu-pa'ina.
See card, game,
c a r e . 1. To care for. Malama, nana. Also: pulama, luhina, momoa, moamoa, ho'omoamoa, aumoa. To care for well, as a pet, hanal a huhu. Person
Catholic carve. Kalai, kalakalal, ku'ikepa (as wood); 'oki'okl (as meat). To carte figures in the i'e tapa beater, hole i'e. carving. Kalaina. Carving expert, kahuna kalai. Shark's tooth used for carving, niho 'oki. carving k n i f e . Pahi 'oki'okl. pahi koli.
cared for, luhi. Well cared for, malama pono 'la,
paki. To not care for, see neglect. 3. See like.
/ don't care, 'a'ohe o'u nana; he mea 'ole. What do you care? He aha ia mea ia'oe? c a r e e r . 'Oihana. c a r e f r e e . 'A'ohe no'ono'o, 'a'ohe ho'okaumaha, 'a'ohe plhoihoi; pakaulei, loli'i (obs.). c a r e f u l . Akahele, nana pono, malama pono. Also: akanahe, ao, maiau, lukau, waiolono. Be careful, nana pono. Be careful or (.you) will be hurt, malama o pa. c a r e f u l l y . Pono, nihi, aka-. Look carefully, nana pono. Go carefully in the uplands of Puna; pick no flowers lest you be lost on the path of error (PH 31), e nihi ka hele i ka uka o Puna; mai 'ako i ka pua, o lilo i ke ala o ka hewahewa. c a r e l e s s . Kapulu, palaka, klko'ola, ho'oponopono 'ole, ho ohemahema, palaleha. Also: na'au kuhili, nahili, m5hio. m5hiohio, mohihio, ma'u'a, hilea, manuea, ponolu. To eat in a careless way, pono 'ai. To sit carelessly, noho ho'oponopono ole. c a r e s s . Hamo, ho'oheno, hole, kuwili; poll'ahu (obs.). To caress repeatedly, milika'a. c a r e t . Puamana, pu'umana. c a r e t a k e r . Kahu (various kinds, PE 105-106); kahu malama, malama, kia'i; hanai (rare); land —, hoa'aina; — of a child, kapuhl; — of images, kahuna ki'i; — of bones of dead, lawelawe iwi; — of chief's food and clothing, pahau.
cascade. Wailele.
case. 1. Container. Pahu, wahl, poho. 3. Court case. Hihia, hihla kalaima, hihia waiwai. Admiralty case, ho'okolokolo moku. 3. Situation. Kulana. Serious case, kulana pilikia loa, kulana kupilikl'i. In case of trespassing, a ma kahl o ke komohewa. The first case known, ka maka mua i 'ike 'ia. 4. Grammatical. 'Aui. See the following cases: ablative, accusative, agentive, dative, genitive, nominative, possessive, vocative. c a s h . Kala ku'ike.
cashier. Mea 'ohl kala. cashmere. Kakimea. cash payment. Uku ku'ike. cask. Pahu.
c a s k e t . Pahu, pahu kupapa'u. Sennit casket for bones of chiefs, ka'ai. Caspian. Kakepiana, Kaseplana. cassava. Manioka. cassia. Kakla, klka. c a s t . 1. To throw. Ho'olei, nou. kiola, lu. To cast a shadow, ili ke aka. To cast a stone in a sling, ma'a. Cast down (sad), lu'ulu'u, 'oupe, kaumaha. 3. To cast for fish. Kakele, ka'ili, hi, ho'okelekele, kiolaola. 3. To cast metals. Ho'ohehe'e, nlninl. 4. Medical. Mea ho'opa'a. Castanet. Mea ho'onakeke i ka lima. See pebble. c a s t a w a y . 'Olulo. c a s t l e . Kakela. hale pukaua. C a s t o r . _Nana-mua. Castor and Pollux, Nanamua, Nana-hope. c a s t o r b e a n . Pa'aila, koli, ka'apeha, kamakou, la'au-'alla. c a s t o r oil. 'Alia ho'onaha, 'alia koli.
carfare. Uku ka'a.
c a r g o . Ukana. C a r i b b e a n . Kaleplana, Karebiana; Kalipia, Karlbla. c a r i c a t u r e . Kl'l ho'ohenehene. C a r m e l i t e . Kalamela. c a r n a l . Ko ke kino. Carnal desire, kuko. To know a man carnally, pakanaka. c a r n a t i o n . Poni-mo'l. c a r n i v a l . Hana hS'lke'ike, pea.
carnivorous. 'Ai 'i'o.
castor-oil plant. Same as castor bean, castrate. Po'a.
c a r o b . Kelakio. C a r o l i n a . Kalolaina, Karolaina. c a r p . I'a-'ula'ula-uli. c a r p e n t e r . Kamana. c a r p e t . Moena weleweka, kapeka.
c a s u a l . Wale. Casual acquaintance, he lihl kama'aina. Casual knowledge, 'ike malanl. Casual wear, 'a'ahu 'olu'olu. c a t . P5poki, 'owau, 'oau. Maltese cat, popoki lehu. Tabby cat, popoki pe'elua. c a t a l o g u e . Puke nana mea ku'al, puke ho'lke hana. Catalogue of names, papa Inoa.
carpetbagger. See plover.
c a r p e t t a c k s . Kui kakla moena. c a r r i a g e . Ka'a lio, hale ka'a. To ride carriage, holo ka'a.
cataract. 1. See waterfall. 3. Disease. Makal'a,
carriage horse. Lio ka'a. carrier. Lawe. carrier pigeon. Manu-nunu-lawe-leka.
c a r t i l a g e . Iwi kamumu, iwi kumumumu; paka, kakala (near the tail of some fish); peu (of pig snout). c a r t o g r a p h e r . Mea kaha palapala 'alna.
'Snohlal'a. Remove a cataract, ka. c a t c h . Hopu (grab); 'apo (as a ball); 'apo'apo; hel (in a net); loa'a, hoopa'a; hupu (obs.); po'i, kl'apu (between cupped hands); mili'opu (as fish with the hands). To catch a cold, loa'a 1 ke anu. Catch the dog, hopua mai 1 ka 'illo. c a t c h i n g . 'Apona, hopuna. c a t e c h i s m . Kakeklmo, ninau ho'ike, ui; nlnau pill ho'omana (Protestant); ui kula Sabatl (Sunday School). c a t e c h u m e n . Kakekumeno. category. Mahele. c a t e r p i l l a r . 1. Insect larva. Pe'elua, 'enuhe, nuhe, 'anuhe, poko. Also: he (tiny); 'nhinihulu-'ole; lohaloha, lohelohe, mu (in cocoon). Kinds: kala-wela; 'enuhe (hawk or sphinx moths); kuawehl (dark); kuapa'a, muaihea (destructive). First appearance of young caterpillars on vines, kahe. To metamorphose from a caterpillar into a butterfly, ho'omalule. Infested with caterpillars, 'anuhe, 'anuhenuhe. 3. Machine. Kakaplla. c a t h a r t i c . La'au ho'onaha.
c a r t r i d g e . Kake. Cartridge box, kake pauka, kakai pauka. c a r t wheel. Ho'okaka'a, kuwalawala.
C a t h o l i c . Kakolika; Kakollka Loma (Roman); Kakolika Helene (Greek). Catholic religion, ho'omana Pope.
c a r r o t . Kaloke._ c a r r y . Lawe, hapai, hall. Ways to carry: amo, 'auamo (on shoulders); lawe lima (in hands); ha'awe, ho'awe, waha (on back); painu'u (on hips); kaualupe, ka'ialupe (suspended between others); also: hi'ilawe, 'awe, 'aha'i, walua, hi'l, hl'ilei, hi'ikua, _p6haki'iki'i, kalawe, pu'ualu, pualau, hapai pu, kui'e'e. To carry to and fro, fea'i lewa, ka'ika'iku, halihali, hauhauhali, hall hele, paialewa. To cause to carru.ho'ohali. To carry on, continue, ho'omau, ho'oku (as a name). carrying;. Hapaina, lawena, ka'ika'ina. Carrying pole, mamaka, 'auamo. carry o u t . 1. See carry. 3. To perform. Ho'oko, ho'ohana.
cart. Ka'a, ka'a hulla lua. See handcart,
cartoon. Ki'i ho'aka'aka.
cathedral. Luakinl.
Catholicism C a t h o l i c i s m . Kakolika, Ho'omana Palani. c a t m i n t . Kakamlna. c a t ' s c r a d l e . Hei. c a t ' s - e y e . Pani-pupu. c a t t l e . Pipi, pua'a pipi; pipi kane (bull); pipi wahine (cow); pu'a pipi, kumu pipi (herd). To bind the feet of cattle, kupe'e pipf. To work with cattle, especially as a cowboy, malama pipi. Cattle herdsman, owner, kahu pipi. Cattle roundup, to drive cattle, ho'ohull pipi, ho'a. pipi. C a u c a s i a n . Haole. See w h i t e m a n . c a u d a l tin. Hi'u. c a u g h t . Hopu 'ia, 'apo 'la, helea, hei; mau (as a fish or hook). c a u l . 'A'a. cauliflower. Kapiki-pua, kallpalaoa. c a u s e . Kumu, mole, mea, ka ua mea, kuleana, kau. c a u t i o n . Akahele. See c a r e f u l l y , t o n g u e , c a u t i o u s . Akahele,ho'okanaha'l; waiolono (obs.). cavalier. Koa kawalia. c a v a l r y . Pu'ali kaua lio, pu'ali kau llo, pu'ali koa llo, kaua llo, koa kau lio. Cavalry soldier, koa kaua lio. Cavalry war, kaua lio. cave. Ana, lua, pao; lua pao (burial); luakele (concealing); nupa (deep); pe'e pao, lua huna (hidden); 'a'a'a (lava). To hide in a cave, pe'e pao. caved I n . 'Opaha, pohona, hane'e. c a v e r n o u s . Halehale. cavity. Po'o, napo'o, 'apo'opo'o, 'opaha. Tooth cavity, puka nlho. c a v o r t . Lapa, hd'anapau, hulahe. caw. 'Alala, 'aua. cease. Pau, ho'opau, oki, ho'okl, waiho, ho'omalolo, akaku'u. ceaseless. Pau 'ole, mau. c e d a r . Kekela, 'aleka. C e d a r Hill. Kila-hila. celling. Kaupaku, kaupoku, klllna. c e l e b r a t e . Ho'olaule'a, hau'oli, ho'okelakela. Also: ho'okulaia, ho'okahakaha. Come to the house to celebrate Christmas, e bele mal 1 ka bale e hau'oli Kaliklmaka ai. c e l e b r a t e d . Kaulana; — place, pana. c e l e b r a t i o n . Ho'olaule'a; hana ho'ohiwahlwa (as to honor an individual). c e l e b r i t y . Mea 'ano nui, kanaka kaulana. celery. Kelakl, kalele. c e l e s t i a l . 'Ano lani. cell. Lumi haiki; ku'ono, pukapuka (of a beehive). Prison cell, lumi pa'ahao, ke'ena pa'ahao. cellar. Lumi ho'ahu malalo o ka hale. Wine cellar, wahi ho'ahu walna. 'cello. Waiolina ku. c e m e n t . Kamekl, kimekl, palalna kimeki. To smooth fresh cement with a trowel, palalna. c e m e t e r y . Ulna, pa ilina, pa kupapa'u; papau make (obs.). Plot in a cemetery, pa llina. c e n s e r . Ipu ahl, ipu kuni 'ala; kapuabi (for sacrifice). c e n s o r . Luna 'apono. c e n s u r e . 'Xhewa, nema, kuhlhi. c e n s u s . Helu, helu kanaka. Census taker, luna helu. To take a census, helu, helu kanaka, c e n t . Keneka. Ten cents, kenikeni. c e n t e r . Waena, waenakonu, konuwaena, kikowaena. Also: 'onohl, ku'lna; maka (of a flower or cloud); ulu (as of a canoe or net); piko (of a konane board). c e n t i p e d e . Kanapl. c e n t r a l . Waena; klkowaena (telephone operator). C e n t r a l A m e r i c a . 'Ameiika-waena. c e n t u r i o n . Luna hanell.
c e n t u r y . Kenekulia. c e p h a l o p o d . See c u t t l e f l s h , s q u i d , c e r e a l . See b r e a k f a s t f o o d , c e r e b r a l h e m o r r h a g e . A'a moku i ke po'o. c e r e m o n y . Hana ho'ohanohano. Religious ceremony, hana pili haipule. Ancient ceremonies: 'aha hele honua, hehu, ho'ohapal, ho'owllimo'o, ka i mua, kai-'oloa, kamauli, lolo wa'a, lukamaea, lupalupa, mawaewae, 'oki poepoe, papa hana, 'ullli, 'uwi'uwi. Ceremony of feeding, 'lui. See p r a y e r . c e r e u s . Pa-pipi-pua, pa-nini-o-ka-Punahou (night-blooming). c e r t a i n . 1. Particular. Kekahl. 3. Positive. Maopopo loa. Certain knowledge, 'ike pono. c e r t a i n l y . Hikt, hlki no, 'a 'oia, pela no, 'oia'i'o, pela 'i'o no. Certainly notl 'A'ole loa! c e r t i f i c a t e . Palapala (various kinds, PE 285286); palapala ho'ola, palapala ho'lke. Certificate of identification, palapala kuhikuhl kino. Birth certificate, palapala hanau. Certificate of merit, palapala ho'omaika'i. Certificate of appointment, palapala ho'okohu. Certificate of clearance, palapala ho'oku'u. Counselor's certificate, palapala ho'oia'i'o a ke kanlkela. c e r t i f i e r of t i t l e . Luna ho'oia'i'o palapala. c e r t i f y . Ho'oia'i'o. Certified true, ho'ola 'la ka 'oia'i'o. c e s s a t i o n . Panlna, pau 'ana, oki. c e s s i o n . Ho'olllo 'ana. cesspool. Lua o na mea'ino, lua wai pelapela. o e s t r u m . Makahala, kupaoa. C e t u s . Hoku-pa (head of constellation). C e y l o n . Kilona. c h a f e . Maoa (from friction); uhu, ullanl (rebel). Chaff. Oka palaoa, 'a'a, "a'a'a, ha'a'a. c h a g r i n . Hoka. To cause chagrin, ho'ohoka. c h a i n . Kaula, kaula hao. Watch chain, kaula uwaki. c h a i r . Noho. Kinds: noho ali'i (throne); noho hulla (wheel): noho 'ie (wicker); noho ku (straight); noho moe (divan); noho 'opi'opi (folding); noho palpal (rocking). c h a i r m a n . Luna ho'omalu, ali'i ho'omalu, lku ha'i. c h a i s e l o u n g e . Moe hilina'i. c h a l c e d o n y . Kalekekona. C h a l d e a . Kalekea, Kaledea. c h a l k . Poho. c h a l l e n g e . Ho'a'ano, 'a'a. Also: ho'ohoa, ho'onahoa; 'a'ahuwa (jealous). To accept a challenge, 'a'a. c h a m b e r p o t . Ipu lepo. ipu mi mi. c h a m e l e o n . Kameleona. c h a m o i s . Kame. c h a m p a g n e . Kamapane. c h a m p a k . Mlulana. c h a m p i o n . Mea lanakila, po'okela, pukaua. c h a n c e . Manawa (opportunity). Take a chance, ho'a'o. c h a n c e l l o r . Po'o nul. c h a n g e . 1. Transformation. Loll, ho'olllo, ho'ololi, hull. Also: kahuli, lollna^ kuanoni (as color); hulihia^complete); 'o'olopu, mlkololla (as appearance); 'oke'e (direction); ka'a mea (uni, ho'opahele, ho'epa, 'apuhl, kalekale, pawali, luahele, 'o'upe, kanale'o, kahina, ki'ilua. Fig.: uhl, pahili, uhu pakali, 'ope'a. d e c e i v e d . Puni, puni wale; walewale (rare). D e c e m b e r . K e k e m a p a , Lekemapa, Dekemaba. d e c e n t . Kupono, kohu pono, ho'opono. d e c i d e . Ho'oholo, holo mana'o, koho. d e c i d e d . Holo. d e c i m a l . Kekimala, pa'uml. Circulating decimal, kekimala ka'apuni. d e c i s i o n . Ho'oholo, 'oleloho'oholo, mana'o ho'oholo. Written decision, palapala ho'oko. d e c k . 1. Platform. 'Oneki, papahele. 3 . Of cards. Pu'u pepa. 3 . Adorn. Ho'okahiko, ho'ohiluhilu, ho'owehlwehi, ho'onani. d e c k e d . 'Ohu'ohu, ulumahiehie, ho'ouluwehi. d e c l a r a t i o n . Kuahaua, ha'ina; — of principles, kahua (fig.). Declaration of Independence, Ho'ike no ke Ku'oko'a. d e c l a r e . Ha'i, ho'olaha, wahi, 'i, 'olelo, ho'ike. To declare war, kukala kaua.
declension. See conjugation, d e c l i n e . 1. Descending Refuse. Ho'ole.
d e c o m p o s e d . Pilau, pela, 'umelu, melu, malau. d e c o r a t e . Wehl, wehiwehi, ho'owehi, ho'owehiwehi, ho'ouluwehi, ho'ouluwehiwehi, ho'oulumahiehie, kauluwehl, ho'ohiwahiwa, ho'okahiko, ho'ohiluhilu, papahl, ho'onani. One who (decorates the chief in finest apparel, kui lei 'ula. d e c o r a t e d . Kinohi, linohau, kui lei 'ula, ulumahiehie, kahiko 'ia. d e c o r a t i o n . Wehl, wehiwehi, mea ho'ohanohano, ho'ailona ho'ohanohano. Also: kinohi, papahi, kahele.
Decoration Day. La Kau Pua, La Lu Pua.
d e c o r o u s . Hilu, nihinihi, pa'alula, akahai. decoy. Pakali, ka'ana, 'api, ho'owalewale, ho'opunihei. d e c r e a s e . Emi, koi'i, ho'oli'ili'i, kamuku. d e c r e e . _Kauoha, 'olelokauoha, kanawal. Legal decree, 'olelo-ku-pa'a. d e c r e p i t . Kolopupu, ka'ikoko, pala lau hala. d e d i c a t e . Ho'ola'a, ho'omahanahana; ho'au (obs.). Dedicate a house, ho'ola'a hale, 'oki i ka piko. Dedicate a canoe, ho'ola'a wa'a. d e d i c a t e d . 1. Consecrated. La'a, la'ahla. 2 . Devoted. Pa'a ka mana'o, 'i'ini nui, lilo loa. Man is dedicated to love, caught by love (For. 5:345), e la'a ke kanaka i ke aloha, ua loa'a i ke aloha, d e d i c a t i o n . Ho'ola'a 'ana, ho'owilimo'o. d e d u c t . Ho'olawe. deed. 1. Act. Hana. 3. Document. Palapala, palapala ho'olilo, palapala kila, ho'oia'i'o, kila. Deed of sale, palapala ku'ai. d e e m . Mana'o. d e e p . Hohonu, kuhohonu; ku'ono, kulipo (as a cave); poale (as a hole or sore). Deep tone or sound of the human voice, mali'u, kuli u, leo halulu. Deep shade, malipolipo. Deep-set, as eyes, po'opo'o, naho. Not deej>, malani. A!so:'eli'eli (as a taboo or its removal), kuhoho, kukonukonu, auwaea, honu, noki. d e e p e n . Ho'ohohonu, ho'ohonu.
deer. Kia.
d e f a c e . Ho'ino'ino, ma'ino'ino, manuhe'u, h5'ali'ali. d e f a c e d . Ma'ino'ino, hauka'e. d e f a m a t i o n . 'Olelo h5'ino'ino. d e f a m e . Ho'ino. Also: ma'ino'ino, hakukole, 'alapahi, kekeue, kekewe, hapala, paoke'e. d e f a m e r . Hakukole. For saying, see wood b o r e r , d e f e a t . Make, ho'opio. holopapa, ho'auhe'e, lilo, ha'ule. Complete defeat, as in card games, make pilau, ho'ohule. To run away in defeat, lele pio. d e f e a t e d . Make, pio, ma, hiolo, lilo, ha'ule, ho'auhe'e.
defecate. See excrete.
d e f e c t . Kina, kina'u, kina'una'u, hewa, ke'e. d e f e c t i o n . Kipi, ha'alele, hapaku'e. d e f e c t i v e . Hemahema, kina, hapaku'e. d e f e n d . Pale, kupale, alai; 'olelo pale, ho'opale (in court). Rare: kokope, kolulu. d e f e n d a n t . Ho'opale, mea pale, po'e (mea) ho'opi'i 'ia. d e f e n s e . Pale, kupale, palekana. Also: pu'ugale, 'alaraa, mamalu, paku. Defense, as in trial, 'olelo pale, 'ao'ao kupale (legal); pale kaua, pa kaua (in war). Defense bonds, pona kupale. d e f e r . 1. Postpone. Ho'omalolo, ho'omoe, ho'opane'e. 2 . Yield. Maliu. defiant. Nahoa, ho'a'ano. Also: ho'ohoa, 'ajana. Defiant of the law, ho'owahawaha i k e kanawai. Do not use defiant language, mai 'a'ana mai *oe. deficient. Nele, hemahema, 'olohaka. deflclt. Lawa pono 'ole, nele, 'a'ole piha pono, 'olohaka. defile. Ho'ohaumia, ho'opauma'ele, hapala. defiled. H a u m i a , h a w a , p a u m a ' e l e , h a u ' e k a , hauka'e. define. Wehewehe 'ano, wehewehe pono.
'Aui, 'auina. 2.
d e r i d e d e m o c r a c y . Aupunl a ka lehulehu.
d e f i n i t e . Pa'a, maopopo, ka'oko'a.
definite article. PiUmua maopopo. definition. Wehewehe 'ana.
D e m o c r a t . Kemokalaka.
demoiselle fish. 'Alo'ilo'i. mokumoku-ha-nui, 'a;
definitive. Panlna.
' a ' a (young stage). Bait-taking maunu (of petty thieves).
d e f l a t e d . Puhalu, 'ananu'u, ku'lpehe. Somewhat deflated, hahalu. d e f l o w e r . Wahi, naha. d e f o r m e d . Pepe'e, kina, hapaku'e, ku'e, 'oeha'a, 'anahua. d e f o r m i t y . Kina, pepe'e, ke'e.
demoiselle, 'a 'aki
d e m o l i s h . Wawahi, ho'ohiolo, ku'i palu, nahaha, olope. d e m o n . Kalmoni, kaimonio, kiapolo, 'uhane 'ino. d e m o n s t r a t e . Ho'lke maopopo aku. d e m o n s t r a t i o n . HS'ike'ike, wehewehe 'ana.
d e m o n s t r a t i v e p r o n o u n . Paniinoa kuhikuhi.
defraud. 'Apuka. See cheat,
d e n . Ke'ena, lua.
d e f t . Loea, no'eau, mikloi, 'ike h a n a lima, lehla. Rare: lauahi, pa'anehe, mlmo. d e f y . 'A'a, 'a, ho'a'ano, k u ' e akena. d e g e n e r a t e . Emi ke kulana a ka ha'aha'a loa; mea ha'aha'a ha'alele loa. d e g r a d e d . Ho'oha'aha'a 'ia, 'allna. d e g r e e . Kekele. Honorary degree, kekele ho'ohano-
dengue. Same as breakbone fever, denial. Ho'ole.
d e n i m . 'Xhina (blue). D e n m a r k . Kenemaka, Denemaka. d e n o m i n a t i o n . 'Ano, mahele; lnoa papa (arithmetic).
d e n o m i n a t o r . Mahele.
hano. See comparative, superlative,
d e n o u n c e . Ho'opi'i, ho'ahewa, ho'ino. d e n s e . Pa'apu, lanipo, popo uahi; pololohuamea (obs.); — vegetation, lauoha, ulupo; —, of flowers or fragrance, po. d e n t . Mino, mimino, minomino, '5paha. d e n t e d . 'Opaha, manuhe'u, ma'i'o, napo. d e n t i s t . K a u k a nlho. d e n u d e . Ho'olohelohe; hd'ilikole (of property). d e n y . Ho'ole, 'ole, ho'onele; ho'ole'ole (repeatedly). Deny persistently, p a ' a i k a 'ole. d e p a r t . Hele 1 kahi 'e, ha'alele, walho; — in haste, heo, mio. Also: alaheo, hu, laweau. d e p a r t m e n t . Mahele, ke'ena, 'oihana; — of a business or office, kihapai.
d e h o r t a t i v e . Uokl, mai, 'a'ole. d e h y d r a t e . Ho'omalo'o. Dehydrated food, pika'o. d e i f y . H o ' a k u a . h o ' o m a n a m a n a , ho'unlhlplll, kihehe. To deify a dead relative by food offerings and prayer, kaku'ai. d e j e c t e d . Kaumaha, pilihua, pu, noho pu, kukule; 'ololu (obs.). D e l a w a r e . Kelawea, Delawea. d e l a y . Lohl, kali, ho'okall, 'apa. Also: 'emo, pane'e, ho'opane'e, ho'ohakalia, ho'olohi, ka'une, ka'ele, ho'olo'olo, napa, ho'onapa, 'apa'apana, ho'omole, ka'uka'u, ka ulua, kawa'u. Without delay, 'emo 'ole. To delay maliciously, ho'okololohe. d e l e g a t e . 'Elele. To delegate responsibility, 'akuleana. To delegate to another, ho'oili ia ba 1.
Department of Instruction. 'Oihana Ho'ona-
delete. Kapae.
D e p a r t m e n t of I n t e r i o r . 'Oihana Kalai'aina.
d e l i b e r a t e . 1. Confer. Kukakuka, 'olelo kukakuka, no'ono'o pono; kaukau (rare). One with whom one confers and deliberates, hoa kuka, hoa k u k a k u k a . 2. Slow. Lohi, ho'apa'apa. d e l i c a t e . Lahi, lahllahi, lalahi, pilahl, hunehune, palupalu. Rare: hini, puiihilo, olalahina, pilaliohe. d e l i c i o u s . ' O n o . m i k o m l k o , l i h a l i h a . Very delicious, 'ono loa. d e l i g h t . Hau'oli, 'oll'oli, hau'oll'oll, hoihoi, ho'ohoinoi, puni, ohaoha. To delight in, hia, punl, millmili nanea, hia'ai. d e l i g h t e d . Ohohia, kamahoi, hia'ai, hia'ai'ono. d e l i g h t f u l . Mahie, ho'omahie, ho'ohie, le'a, mlkilolohua, mikolohua, mlkolelehua, hia'ai; most —, hia'ai'ono. d e l i n q u e n c y . Lawehala. Juvenile delinquency, lawehala 'opiopio. d e l i r i o u s . 'Olohewa, 'ohewahewa, 'auana hewa o ka no'ono'o. d e l i r i u m t r e m e n s . Kellluma kelemana, 'ohewahewa, 'opulepule. d e l i v e r . Ha'awi, lawe, ho'opakele. To deliver a child, pale, pale keiki, ho'ohanau. Deliver us from evil (Matthew 6:13), e ho'opakele no n a ' e i a m a k o u i ka 'ino.
Department of Public Instruction. Ke'ena Ho'ona'auao o ka Lehulehu.
Department of Water Supply. 'Oihana Wai.
d e p e n d . Kauka'i, kauko'o, kalele. That depends on you, aia no ia ia'oe. d e p e n d e n c y . Panala'au (colony). d e p e n d e n t . Mea kauka'i ka pono, 'al'al, 'ohua, 'alopalopa. Living as a dependent, nohona ho'opili wale. For example, PE mSnea. d e p l o r e . Minamina (regret); ho'ohalahala (criticize) .
deportment. See conduct, deposit. Ho'okomo; uku ho'opa'a (as on a pur-
chase). Deposit money in the bank, ho'okomo i ke kala i ka panako. d e p o s i t i o n . 'Olelo hS'ike 1 kakau 'la (written testimony). d e p o s i t o r y . Waiho, waihona. d e p o t . Hale ho'olulu, kipo. d e p r a v e d . Lilo loa 1 ka hewa. d e p r e c i a t e . Ho'emi (asmoney);ho'ino (disparage). d e p r e s s e d . 1. Sad. Kaumaha, lu'ulu'u. Rare: ufuku, ho'okanaha'l, loha, manawai. 2. See
deliverer. See savior.
d e l u g e . Ua nul, ua lanipili: kal a ka Hinali'i (PE Hinali'i). d e l u s i o n . Uluahewa, mana'o kuliihewa. delve. 'Eli; noi'i, nowelo (as for knowledge). d e m a n d . Koi, kauoha. Supply and demand, ka nui a me ka makemake 'ia. d e m a n d i n g . Ho'ohaku, ho'okina, ho'oluhi. See
d e p r e s s i o n . 1. Land. Poho, 'apoho, 'alu, 'a'alu, h o ' a l u , p o ' o p o ' o , n a p o ' o . Also: 'all, ' a ' a l i , ioio, mino, mimino, poli, uha'i, pipi. 2. See d e p r e s s e d 1. 3. Business. Au nele. d e p r i v e . Ho'onele. To deprive utterly, ho'onele loa, ka i ka nele loa, 'elehe'u. d e p t h . Hohonu. Depth sounding, ana i ka hohonu. d e p t h s . Hohonu, lalo;—of the earth, kupapaku.
d e m e n t e d . Pupule, 'a'a, 'a'ala, 'ulala, 'a'alaloa, 'olohewa, hewahewa, uluahewa, pahuluhope.
deputation. Po'e i wae 'ia.
See psychotic,
d e p u t y . Hope, kahu aupuni.
d e m i g o d . Kupua.
deranged. See demented, deride. See jeer.
d e m i j o h n . Hue'le, 'omole 'ie.
derision derision. 'Olelo ho'ohenehene. Terms of derision: O'ahu maka 'ewa'ewa ( P E 'ewa'ewa); Moloka'l pule o'o (PE o'o); po'o hakahaka (empty heads, Maui); unahl plkaplka he'e (scalers of octopus suction cups, Kula, Maui); 'ai loll (KaupD, Maui); Lana'l puhi kukae (Lanai, burner of feces, referring to a sorcerer's burning of the feces of Lani-kSula of Molokai on Lanai and causing his death); palu la'i (PE palu Id"I, Hawaii); maka lepo (dirty eyes, Ka'u). See scale 3. derivation. Mole, kumu. descend. Ibo, hele lbo, ho'olhona, hele 1 lalo, kipou. descendant. Mamo, pua, mo'opuna, kelkl, pulapula, pukaiia; hele mua (of an older brother or sister); hele hope (of a younger brother or sister). Also: maka, kupu, liko, llko ali'i, lei, hauloli'l. Descendant of a chief, pua ali'i, pua lanl, mamo ali'i, maullauhonua. Many descendants, lau manamana, laupa'l. mo'o lau, pu manamana. descended. Eu'una, lho. descent. Ihona, ho'olhona, 'auliia, 'aluna; 'alu (as a trail). Descent of water, lho wai. Genealogical descent, papa ku'auhau. describe. Ho'lke 'ano, ha'l 'ano, ho'akaaka; — fully, hullko'a. description. Ho'lke 'ano, hullko'a. desecrate. Ho'ohaumla 1 ka mea la'a, ho'oma'ewa, hana hewa, hehi. desert. 1. Arid or unoccupied region. Wao one, wao akua, panoa, 'anoa, mana. 2. Abandon. Ha'alele; mahuka (flee). 3. Reward. Hopena, hua o ka hana. deserter. Mea ha'alele. Soldier deserter, koa mahuka. desertion. Ha'alele. deserve. Pono, ku. desiccated. Malo'o, malo'ohaha; kor.ene (obs.). design. Lau, ana, ki'l kaha 1 ho'ike 'ano. For designs, see h a t , m a t , spiral, tapa. designate. Wae, koho, kuhlkuhl. desirable. 'Ano'i, makemake nul 'la. desire. Makemake, '1'lnl, 'ano'l, hla, make, tike, punl, 'upu. Also: 'l'l, kuko, makahehl, ha'eha'e, mana'o, nipo, ninipo, pu'u, ko'1'1, 'lloli, ho'omakaull'i, ha e. To desire greatly, kuli'a, ll'a, 'ena aloha, lanakol. Overwhelmed with desire, pa'uhia. Cessation of desire, kaca. To feign or cause desire, ho'omakemake. To stare, as in desire, 'a'a maka. desirous. Make'e. Desirous for the welfare of the nation, make'e pono aupunl. desist. Waiho, ho'opau, uoki. desk. Pakaukau, pakaukau hana. Obs.: papa palapala, pahu palapala. Des Moines. Ke Moine, De Molne. desolate. Mehameha, nea, kuanea, 'alaneo, neoneo, ho'oneo. Bare: kaha, aukaha, kohahe. The end, desolation, ka pau, 'o ka 'oneanea. despair. Ha'ule ka mana'olana, ku'ihe ka na'au. See desolate, hopeless, desperate. Ku 1 ka ho'a'a, 'a'a makehewa. despise. Ho'okae, ho'owahawaha, manu'awa. dessert. Mea'al momona. destination. Kahl e hele aku al. destiny. Hopena. d e s t i t u t e . Nele, hune, 'llihune, mahune. Rare: >akaneo, puhikole, akakole, 'akole, 'illkole, kuleelwi, poka'o, 'olohe, 'olohelohe, ka'a ka lolo, 'aupapa, hemahema, auwalaki, ho'oneo, k5hahe. To make destitute, ho'onele, ka i ka nele loa. destroy. Luku, ho'opau, hana make. Also: 'ai, paluku, poluku, luma'i, kapapa, apu, kapakO, aihumuhumu, humuhumu, anal, hamu, me'ea, 'ulupa, 'omllo, laumllo, 'oka, ho'okae. Destroy completely, luku ho'opapau, ho'opau, ku'ike. Destroy by fire or lava, lauahl, pau ahl, he'a. Determine to destroy, makaluku. For sayings, see t a l l ; PE manB.
destruction. Luku, lukuna, make. Any place of destruction, luapa'u. d e t a c h . Ho'oka'awale, wehe. d e t a c h m e n t . Mahele, hulna; pu'ali (military). detailed. Plha pono; lali'l (rare). Detailed report, ho'ike plha pono. See m i n u t i a . details. 5ee data. detain. Kaohl, 'au'a, pa'a, ho'olohl. Rare: kaua, kawa'u. detective. Maka'lklu, makaklu. detention c a m p . Kahua ho'omalu. detention h o m e . Home ho'opa'a, home ho'opa'a 'au'a 'la. deteriorate. 'Ino mai ke kulana. d e t e r m i n e . Holo mana'o, holo, ho'oholo, mana'o pa'a. determined. Mana'opa'a, pa'a ka mana'o, kupa'a, moepo'o, 'onipa'a, kuua. detest. Ho'okae, ho'opailua, palanl. detour. Ala kapae; kaha loa (long); ho'oke'e 1 ke ala 'oko'a. Detroit. Kekoloike, Detorolte. deuce. Lua, pa'alua. Deuteronomy. Kanawal Lua. devastate. Luku, ho'oneo, bo'opo'ino, ho'okae; kokdhiku (crops). develop. Ho'omdhala, hana (as a photograph); ho'oklno (as an infant). developed. Mohala, mohahala, mohalahala, mohola;—fully, moha, mohaha, 5haha, h5poe. development. Ho'omohala. deviate. 'Aul, hull, kikaha, kaka'a, hill, auhlll, mahili, 'auana. deviation. 'Aul 'ana. H^tfhouf (ii:ri(;iion, kuakahl. devil. Klapolo, kepol5, akua. devilish. Klapolo. devious. Keke'e, ka'awlli, lauwlll, like 'ole. Devon. Kewona, Devona. devoted. Aloha, la'a, la'ahla, punl, lilo: pili aloha (loving); ho'opapau. A child devoted to parents, he kelki aloha makua. A man devoted to his wife, he kanaka aloha wahine. devour. Hamu. See e a t . devoured. 'Aina, 'ai 'ia, pau. devout. Haipule, piha halpule. dew. Kehau, hau; collection of dew, huawalmaka. Scattered dew, lu hau. dewdrop. Kehau. dew-laden. Kewai, lu hau. dexterous. No'eau, loea, 'eleu; panale'a (obs.). diabetes. Miml-ko. diadem. Lei ali'i, ka'el po'o, kalaunu. diagonal. Lala, ka'akepa, hio; — surf or surfing, lala. d i a g r a m . Ki'l. dial. Wili (as on a telephone). dialect. '5lelo a kekahi po'e. dialogue. 'Oleloklke. d i a m e t e r . Anawaena. diamond. Kaimana. Cut diamond, 'opu'u kalmana. Diamond setting, pu'u kaimana. D i a m o n d Head. Kaimana Hila, Le'ahl. Beautiful Diamond Head, a thing to see for those from afar, nanl Le'abi, he maka no Kahiki. diaper. Kaiapa. diaphanous. 'A'amo'o (cloth). diaphragm. Houpo; 'olepelepe (rare). diarrhea. HI, palahi, nonohua; pakeko (small, slimy discharges). See dysentery, diary. Puke ho'omana'o. To keep a diary, ho'opa'a mana'o, ho'opa'a puke ho'omana'o. dice. Una pfllwalwai. Shake dice, lulG una.
disarrange d i c t a t e . Kauoha {order); ha'i aku a na ha'i e kakau (for writing). d i c t a t o r . Po'o nana ka mana apau loa. d i c t i o n a r y . Puke wehewehe 'olelo. did. See do. The one who did, ka mea 1, ka 1. He did go, ua bele no 'oia. die. 1. Decease. Make, make loa (contrasted to make, which may mean "defeated, faint"). Also: moe i ka make, hala, ha'ule, ha'ule'ule, ha'ulehia, mauha'alele, pauaho, hele, kalllo, 'dmu'omu'o, amio, ku'u i ka 'uhane, ku'u ka hanu, ku'u ka nae, ku'u ka luhi; — prematurely, 'a'aiole; — mysteriously or by accident, pohe'epali (obs.); — suddenly, ieleponl, ka'iliponi; — without cause. make wale; — calmly and easilj/, lolopio, make wale. To weaken and die, muno. To let die, ho'omake. To die, of several, mamake, papau make; mamamake (of very many, as in a disaster). That which aieth of itself, 'o ka mea make wale. See d e a t h , d y i n g . 2 . Molding device. Ana. d i e t . Ho'etni 1 ke kino; mea'ai e pon® ai ke kino, difference. Mea 'oko'a. It makes no difference, he mea 'ole; he aha la mea. different. 'Oko'a, 'e, 'e a'e, 'ano 'e, like 'ole, ka'awale. Entirely different, ku ka'awale. differentiate. Maopopo ka loina e 'ike 'ia ai ka 'oko'a o kekahi me kekahi. d i f f i c u l t . Pa'akiki, hana nui. Also: nonenone, 'o'ole'a, maulua, pu'uki'uki, pu'ika'ika, 'apu'epu'e, makoea. For saying, PE ala, 'ololl. difficulties. He mau pilikla, hihla, kupiliki'i. To beset with difficulties, ho'ohei. To get into difficulties, ho'ohihia. Poetic references to rain and cliffs may signify difficulties. diffidence. Hilahila, ho'okano 'ole, hopohopo. With unfeigned diffidencc, me ka hopohopo ho'okamani 'ole. diffuse. Pahola, hohola. d i g . 'Eli; — with a sharp tool, kipi; — holes with a stick, 'okupe; — with a spade or an 'o'o, 'ola'ola'o; — food crops, ka'ai; — a trench, ditch, or furrow, uwa'a, 'awa'a; — often, 'eli'eli; — under, poholalo, po'a; — up, hehu, hua'i. Also: pa'ell, 'ali, kupa, po'o, kupele, kohi, makohi, kau'eli'eli, ho owa a, ho'owa'alia, mahelu, maheu, mahi'opu. d i g e s t . 1. As food. Ho'owali, ho'owall 'ai, ho'onapele. 2. Summary. Huina mana'o, ho'ulu'ulu mana'o. digestive J u i c e . Wai ho'ohehe'e. digging place. Wahi 'eli, 'ekuleku. digging Stick. 'O'o; 'o'o hao (iron)j 'ala'a. God of makers of digging sticks, Ku-ka-'o'o. dignified. Hanohano, kuo'o, kei, 'ihi, keha. Obs.: hako, punlhi. dignify. Ho'ohilu, ho'ohanohano. d i g n i t a r y . Kanaka ma ke kulana ki'eki'e. d i g n i t y . Hanohano, kapukapu, hie, hiehie, keha, kapukapu lanl. digress. 'Auana, ho'olalau. Also: 'aui, huhewa, loloiahili, kuawili, waha mana. digression. Kaha loa; senseless —, kuhilo. d i k e . Pani kai, pani wai, pani. dilapidated. Helele'i, 'alu'a, hapa'upa'u, lohelau. d i l a t e . Ho'onui, ho'olopu; ho'opuhalu; enene (as nostrils). dilatory. Hakalia, ho'ohakalia, lolohl, loiele, mill 'apa, manuka. d i l i g e n t . Huli hana, hana mau, pa'ahana. dillydally. Ho'olohi, loloiahili, loiele, h5'apa'apa, ho olalau; 'e'elo (.obs.). d i l u t e . Ho'okakale, pa'ipa'i. Diluted milk, walu pa'ipa'i. Diluted fluid, kaiaka. d i m . Poahi, koli'ull'u. Also: palaweka, palauweka, lipo, 'ahiahia, 'awe'awe'a, baili, ponalo, poehi, powehiwehi, pohina, mo'owini, pinauea, molehulehu.
dime. ICenlkeni. dimension. Nui.
d i m i n i s h . Emi, ho'emi, ho'oiki, akaku'u, ho'ohapa; —, as stream water, ku'u. Rare: kSmuku, kaha'u, kualili'l, kollli'i, koi'l, kanaha'i, kaneha'i. d i m i n u t i v e . Li'ili'i, kupa-li'l, ikl, 'u'uku. d i m p l e . Mino. d i n . Kulikuli, hana kull. wa, wawa, 'lkuwa, olowalu, oleoleo, paleoleowa; pihe (o/ voices); confused, excited —, hauwalao'a, haualao'a. To make a din, kuwa, 'ikuwa. dingdong. Kanike, ke. dingy. Hapa'upa'u, 'apulu. dining r o o m . Lumi 'ai na. dining t a b l e . Papa 'aina. d i n n e r . 'Aina ahiahi, papa 'aina, pa'ina. Dinner party, 'aha'aina. diocese. Kihapai. dip. 1. To plunge or immerse. Kupenu, ho'olu'u, lu'u; to —, as with a cup. ki'o'e, ukuhi; to —, as the head or a kite, kimo, klpoho; to —, as an oar, mapuna; to —, as to insert, 'o, ho'o, miki. Rare: mapu, kukai, po'o. A dip of water, ukuhina wai. Two dips of the paddle, elua no mapuna hoe. 2. Depression. Halua. d i p h t h e r i a . Klpikelia. d i p h t h o n g . Leo hui o na huapalapala 'elua. d i p l o m a . Palapala. High school diploma, palapala puka, palapala ho'omaika'i. University diploma, palapala ho'oia kulanul. d i p l o m a c y . Kuka 'ana mawaena o na aupunl, ka hele nibi, noho nihi. d i p l o m a t . 'Elele, kuhina. dipper. Ki'o'e, ipu ki'o'e, o'o'o; — made of ti leaf, ki'apu: — made of taro or 'ape leaf, kili-'apu. See
Big Dipper,
d i r e c t . 1. Oversee. Alaka'i, kuhikuhi, ka'i; kia (especially in magic); kuhikau {rare). 2. Straight. Pololei. d i r e c t i o n . 1. See d i r e c t . Wrong directions, kuhi hewa, kuhi ke'e. 2. Compass direction. 'Ao'ao. director. Alaka'i, kuhlkuhina, luna ho'oponopono, po'o. Acting director, hope po'o. directory. Papa kuhikuhi, puke inoa. direct proportion. Laklo like kupono. dirge. Kanikau, mele kanlkau, ho'ouweuwe, 'uhane. d i r t . Lepo, lepo hanai, 'e'a, 'eka. Red dirt, lehu 'ula, lepo 'ula'ula. Clod of diri, papa'a lepo. To scatter, stir up dirt or dust, kaiehu, kuehu. d i r t y . Lepo. Also: lepolepo, pauma'ele, 'eka'eka, ha'eka'eka, kuha'eka, wl'u, pelapela, neko, poneko, niku, hau, penopeno_, uweka, moelepo; mouki (obs.). Somewhat dirty, 'olepolepo. Very dirty^, pau a'ele, pau 'eka. To make dirty, ho'olepo, ho'eka, o'oniku. d i s - . 'Ole, 'a'ole. disability. Hiki 'ole, klna. disagree. Ku'e'e, huklhuki, kalike 'ole, lokahi 'ole. disagreeable. 'Olu'olu 'ole, kahaka, kapeke'u; 'a'aka (cranky); 'awa'awa, 'awa'awahia, malailena (bitter); kiki. d i s a g r e e m e n t . Ku'e'e, mokuahana, paenl. In disagreement, noho ke'e. To stir up disagreement, ho'oku'e'e. disappear. Nalo, nalowale, nalohia, pio, hanini; — swiftly, mio, miona; ulaheo (obs.); — gradually, koll'i. d i s a p p o i n t . Ho'oboka. d i s a p p o i n t m e n t . Hoka, mokuahua. homa. To cause disappointment, ho'ohoka. For saying, see
sea cucumber. See dream,
disapprove. 'Apono 'ole, ho'ahewa. See excla-
disarrange. MokakI, waiho huikau, waiho kapakahi, 'apakau.
disaster containing liquids, pa howai. Clay or soiled dish. pa lepo. To dish up, hao. d i s h c l o t h . Kawele pa. To wipe or dry with a dishcloth, kawele. d i s h e v e l l e d . Pukalaki, mokaki. d i s h o n e s t . Ho'opono 'ole, pono 'ole, 'apiki, pauke'e, 'apake'e. Rare: 'epa, poholalo, pakauake'e. d i s h o n o r . Waia, 'alina, ho'ino. d i s i n f e c t . Ho'oma'ema'e, pepehi i na mu, pepehi mea 'ino. d i s i n f e c t a n t . Wai ho'oma'ema'e. d i s i n h e r i t . Kapae mai ka ho'oilina 'ana, kaupale. d i s i n t e r . Hua'i. d i s i n t e r e s t . Manaka, hoihoi 'ole, palaka. d i s i n t e r m e n t . Wehe hou 'ana i ke kino kupapa'u. d i s j o i n t e d . Paku'iku'i (as a poorly constructed story). Disjointed vertebra, ' a n u ' u .
d i s a s t e r . Popilikia, po'lno, ulia wellweli. To cause disaster, ho'opopilikia, ho'opo'ino. Disaster area. wahi i ho'opo ino 'ia. To predict disaster, ho'olloilo.
See bitter.
d i s b e l i e f . Hilina'i 'ole, m a n a V i ' o 'ole. Interjection of disbelief or disapproval: kahihi. disbelieve. Hilina'i 'ole, mana'o'i'o 'ole, mahuakala, ho'opohala. d i s b u r s e . Uku, ho'oka'a, klko'o. d i s c a r d . Kiloi, kiola, bo'olei. kapae, ha'alele; 'olepu (obs.). d i s c h a r g e . 1. Dismiss. Ho'oku'u, ho'opau, klpaku, kaiehu. Dishonorable discharge, ho'opau h o o ' i n o 'ia aku. Discharge of seamen, ho'oku u i na luina. 2. See u n l o a d . Permit to discharge, as cargo, palapala 'ae e ho'opae. 3. Flow. Ho okahe, walewale, walewalena; hehe'e (as of pus); 'ina'ina (reddish, preceding childbirth); piapia, pa'akai (of the eyes). 4. Fire, as a gun. KI pu. d i s c h a r g e d . Ho'opau 'ia, hemo, ho'oku'u 'la. disciple. Haumana, haumana.
disk. Pa (phonograph). See slipped disk,
d i s l i k e . Makemake 'ole, hoihoi 'ole. Rare: manu'awa, kope, ho'ahu. Strong dislike, ho'okae, konakona. To stir up dislike, ho'opihapiha 'olelo, ho'ohaunaele. d i s l o c a t e d . Hemo. Dislocated knee, kuli hemo. d i s l o c a t i o n . Iwi pahemo. d i s l o y a l . Mana'o kipl, ku'e aupuni, 'apua. d i s m a l . Kaumaha, ho'okaumaha; polio (obs.). d i s m a y e d . Plhoihoi, kahaha, ku'lhe, kunaiiihi. d i s m i s s . Ho'oku'u, ku'u, ho'opau, waiho. d i s o b e d i e n c e . Lohe 'ole, ho'okuli. Also: pepeiao kuli, kulina, 'a'l 'o'ole'a, ho'okanahua. d i s o b e y . Ho'olohe 'ole, pale 'olelo, ho'okuli; willfully —, ho'olana. Rare: 'a'l 'o'ole'a, ihuma'a, uhakole, hanaea, 'apua. d i s o r d e r . Mokaki, kipalale, hokai. d i s o r d e r l y . Mokaki; 'ano 'ino (of conduct). Also: kiwala'o. kipalale. Disorderly persons, po'e hauka'e. To work in disorderly fashion, palale. d i s o w n . Kaupale, ho'opale, na'i'ike. d i s p a t c h . Ho'ouna hikiwawe. d i s p e r s e . Ho'i, ho'i nui (intransitive); ho'oku'u (transitive). See s c a t t e r , d i s p i r i t e d . Kaumaha, hoihoi 'ole, ma'ule, ma'ule'ule, wiwo. See d i s c o u r a g e d , d i s p l a c e . Lawe i kahi 'e, 'apakau, ho'one'e. d i s p l a y . Ho'ike, hS'ike'ike, ho'okahakaha, ho'okelakela. d i s p l e a s e . Ho'oukiuki, ho'onaukiuki, ho'ouluhua. d i s p l e a s e d . Ukiuki, uluhua, ho'ohuake'eo, nauki, nauki, naukiuki. d i s p l e a s i n g . Ku 'ole i ka hoihoi. d i s p l e a s u r e . Ukiuki. To exhibit wrath or displeasure due to jealousy, kahalili. See e x p l a n a t i o n , d i s p o s e . Ho'onohonoho, ho'olilo, maliu. d i s p o s i t i o n . 'Ano, loko, manawa, na'au, 'opu. Sour disposition, na'au 'awa'awa, 'awa'awania, loko li'u, ke'emoa, malaia, malailena, na'ina'i.
discipline. A'o lkalka.
disclose. Ho'ike, hua'i. d i s c o l o r e d . Ma, kohu, kapala. Rare: 'ahulu, pala•lloli. d i s c o m f o r t . 'Olu'olu 'ole, no'ono'o 'iha'iha, 'mea, 'iha'iha, p u ' u ; ikiiki (acute); hokuku (preceding bowel discharge); ho'Iloli (of pregnancy). d i s c o n c e r t e d . Ho'a'a. d i s c o n n e c t . Ho'oka'awale, ho'ohemo, kala. d i s c o u n t . Uku ho'emi, ho'emi. Bank discount, ho'emi panako. d i s c o u r a g e d . Pauaho. Also: paupauaho, 'auwaepu'u, uluhua, 'alkena, ku'ipehe, pau'aka. See
d i s c o u r s e . Kama'ilio, ho'okama'ilio. ha'i a'o, 'olelo, 'olelo kQka. discover. 'Irai a loa'a, 'ike mua, loa'a, ho'ike. Rare: ho'omaopopo, kaunana.
discoverer. 'Imi a loa'a.
d i s c r e d i t . 1. Disbelieve. Mana'o'i'o 'ole. hilina'i 'ole; ho'opohala (obs.). 2. Disgrace. Waia, ho'ohilahila, ho'omaliko. d i s c r i m i n a t i o n . Wae, hS'oko'a, ho'oka'awale. Race discrimination, ho'okae 'ili. d i s c u s s . 'Olelo kuka, kuka, kukakuka, ho'okama'ilio. To discuss and wonder about, nune. d i s c u s s i o n . 'Olelo kuka, kuka, kukakuka. d i s d a i n f u l . Ho'okano, nanahuki; ke'ehilae (obs.). Fig.: pali, pali loa. d i s e a s e . M a i Contagious disease, ma'i lele, ma'i laula, ma'i palahalaha. Chronic disease, 'dma'ima'i. Recurring disease, ma'i kau. Fatal disease, pamake. Various little understood ancient diseases or combinations of diseases: a'aku, 'ea, hoaka, pa'ao'ao, pani, papaku.
disembark. Lele, pae.
d i s e m b o w e l . Kua'i i ka na'au. d i s f a v o r . Hoihoi 'ole. To look at with disfavor, nana me ka hoihoi 'ole, nana ke'e, maka 'ewa'ewa, maka'e. d i s f i g u r e . Ho'ino'ino, ho'opupuka, ho'okina. d i s f i g u r e d . Kina, 'anahua, 'alina. d i s g r a c e . Waia, ho'ohilahila, 'alina. d i s g r a c e f u l . Ho'owaia, ho'ohilahila. d i s g u i s e . Ho'omeamea, ho'okohukohu, ho'onalonalo i ke kulana, huna, ho'ololi i ke 'ano, ho'ohunahuna i ke 'ano. d i s g u s t . Ho'opailua. To shrink away in disgust, mu'e'eke. d i s g u s t i n g . Ho'opailua, kapulu, Iua'iku. d i s h . Pa, ipu; pa ipu (wooden dish in general). Oval wooden dish, kaloa. Oval dish, ipu poepoe, ipu poki. Glass dish, pa aniani. Iron dish or pan, j)a hao. Paper dish, pa pepa. Wooden dish or tray, pa la'au. Small dish, pa li'ili'i. Deep dish, pa hohonu. Dish
(See honey creeper, salt.) Evil disposition,
makona, manawa 'ino, 'opu kekene. Good disposition, lokomaika'i, 'opu ali'i, 'olu'olu. d i s p u t e . Ho'opa'apa'a, p a ' a p a ' a , hakaka 'olelo, 'apuni. d i s q u a l i f i e d . Kupono 'ole, kapae 'ia. d i s q u a l i f y . Kapae, 'iipono 'ole. d i s r e g a r d . N a n a 'ole. Also: h o ' o k a n a n e ' o , maeaea, ho'oma'auea, kope. To disregard the rights of others, hehiku. See n e g l e c t , d i s r e s p e c t f u l . 'A'e ku, ho'owahawaha, ho'oki'eki'e, ho'okelakela; mahalua (obs.). d i s s a t i s f i e d . Kuhalahala, ho'ohalahala, loiloi; hala iwi nui (fig.). d i s s e c t . 'Oki'oki li'ili'i.
dissemble. See disguise.
d i s s e m i n a t e . Laha, ho'olaha. To news, k u ' i k a lono.
d o o m e d ka'l like; ho'oka'ana. To divide by lot, hailona, pu. To divide small amounts, kau li'ili'i. To divide into factions, mokuahana. dividend. Kumupu'unaue (division); mahele kala, kala mahele 'ia (payment). divination. Hailona, pu'uone. Gourd used in divination, ipu 'olelo. divine. Akua, ho'akua, 'ano akua, ho'ano. diving board. Papa lele kawa. division. 1. Section. Mahele, pale, mokuna; ka'ipu'u. Army division, papa kaua. 2. Arithmetic. Pu'unaue. Long division, pu'unaue loa. Short division, pu'unaue pokole. Division sign, kaha pu'unaue. divisor. Helu komo. divorce. 'Oki, ho'oki, 'oki male, divorced. 'Oki male 'ia, 'oki 'ia, hemo. d i z z y . Poniu, pdniunlu, ninlu, niua. Also: koniuniu, puniu, niuaua, maka poniuniu. makapouli, newa, ka'a ka lolo, niu loloka'a, anewa, mania, ka'akua, ka'lhi. loloka'a, hoka'a, 'ona, 'ona'ona, luea, poluea. Dizzy, with loss of hearing, niu-kuli. Nauseous and dizzy, aneane. do. 1. Verb. Hana, lawelawe; ho'oko (complete). There is no Hawaiian equivalent for the English auxiliary. Do you like this? Makemake oe i keia? Yes, I do, 'Ae, makemake no. How do you do? Pehea 'oe? See done. 3. Note in music. Pa. docile. Akahal, laka. dock. l . _ Wharf. Uwapo. 2. Vine. Pawale, uhauhako. doctor. Kauka. Medical doctor, kauka lapa'au, kahuna lapa'au. Doctor's aide, kokua kauka. doctrine. Mana'o'i'o kupa'a, kahua. document. Palapala (various kinds, PE 285— 286). dodder. Kauna'oa (various kinds, PE 127-128). dodge. 'Alo, 'alo'alo, hS'alo, ho'ohala; — quickly, kikihi, kiki'alo. does. See do. One who does, ka mea e, ka e, ke. dog. 'Ilio (various types, P E 92-93); 'apowal; supernatural —, pokl. Dog-tooth anklet, kupe'e niho 'ilio. Dog-tooth lei, lei niho 'Ilio. Dog-tooth necklace, lei ole, lei niho 'Qio. Dog collar, apo 'a'l 'ilio. Tied dog, 'ohao 'ilio (insulting name for outcasts). For saying, PE welu. See bracelet, dogfish. Mand-lala-kea. dogma. Kanawai mana'o'i'o. dole. Ho'opikele; pakali (little by little). doleful. See sad. dolichocephalic. Po'o oloolo. doll. Ki'i, ki'i pepe. dollar. Kala. dolphin. Mahimahi; large —, lapalapa. dolt. Lolohi ka no'ono'o. dome. Pu'o'a. domestic. 1. Native or pertaining to the household. Kuloko. 2. See servant, domesticate. Ho'olaka. domesticated. Laka. dominate. Ho'ohaku, ka'aluna, kuhilani. Dominican. Kominika. dominion. Aupuni, lahui. donate. Ha'awl wale, makana, ha'awi manawale'a. donation. Lulu, ha'awlna, makana. done. Hana 'ia, pau. Thy will be done, e malama 'ia kou makemake. See do. donkey. Kekake, 'ekake; piula (Molokai). do-nothing. Palaualelo, kuhana 'ole, lemuku. don't. 1. Negative command. Mai, uoki. 2. Negative. 'A'ole. doomed. La'a i ka po'ino, la'ahia, hopena po'ino; — darkness, la'a uli.
dissension. Huklhuki, ku'e'e. dissipate. 'Uha'uha. Also: lualele, ho'omauna, haulanl, pahola, koaka. dissolute. See dissipate. dissolve. 1. Melt. Ho'ohehe'e. 2. End. Ho'opau. distaff. Milo lopi. distance. Mamao, 15'ihl, loa, anallpo; — between two points, ka'awale, kowa, kawa. Six-mile distance, 'eono m i l e k e ka'awale. At a distance, mamao, mo'iu, mo'lu'iu. Turn and then go straight for a long distance, kaha loa. To keep a distance, ho'oka'awale, ho'omamao, 'aloaloa. distant. Mamao, lilo, loa, ha'alilo. Also: llpo, mahlloa, moneha, naua; auwaea. 'iu'lu (distant realm, as of the gods); ma'iu'iu, kd'iu'lu, ai loa, ala i loa; waiakua, pall loa (fig., aloof); pololohuamea. Distant traveler, 'lml loa. Any distant land, Kabikl. Distant time, wa mamao, wa mamua, wa 1 hope lilo, klkiio. The distant seas were traveled on, ua 'au 'la na kai loa. distasteful. Makemake 'ole, hoihoi 'ole. Distaste for food, kanea, nonea. distend. Keke, pehu, ho'opehu, manana. distill. Puhi. distinct. Akaaka, moakaaka. distinction. Kaulana, hanohano, po'okela. Person of distinction, kanaka po'okela, mea hanohano, 'iele. To keep a distinction, ho'oka'awale. To conduct oneself with distinction, ho'ohanohano. distinguish. Ho'oka'awale, wae, ho'oko'a, ho'omaopopo 1 ka like 'ole. To distinguish oneself, ho'okaulana, ho'ohanohano. distinguished. Hanohano, hie. ho'ohie, ho'ohiehie. haweo. See cloud, distort. Ho'opa'ewa. distorted. 'Oeha'a, keke'e. distraught. Uluku. See nervous, distress. Pillkia, popllikia, po'ino, ho'opo'ino, 'Inea, ho'inea, 'eha, ho'oha'oha_ .4 Iso: ho'okd'eha'eha, kupillki'l, ho'omahuwa, manawahua kai ko'o. Distress signal, ho'akaaka no ka wa pllikla. distribute. Ho'omahelehele, ho'olaha; ho'omalele (obs.). Distribute smallamounts, kau li'ili'i. Distribute one at a time, pakahi. Distribute one at a time to several, pakakahi. To mark out for distribution, as land, kakau. district. 'Apana, 'okana, moku, mo, moku'aina. district court. 'Aha 'apana, 'aha ho'okolokolo 'apana. distrust. Ho'ohuoi, kanalua, hilina'i 'ole. disturb. Ho'oluhi, ho'opilikla. Also: hokai, ka'ahokai, kaiele, uluku, holaj>u, ho'okolohe, ho'oni. ho'oloku, ulukake, hokake, wawahi, ho'ohaunaele, une. disturbance. Haunaele, uluao'a. Constant disturbance, ku'iku'ia mau. To create disturbance, ho'ohaunaele, ho'ononi. disturbed. Ho'oluhi 'ia, pono 'ole ka mana'o, plhoihoi, pi'oloke. Also: hakuko'i, uluku, 'oloku, kuhuluku, ho'ole'ole'o, ha'aku'ia ka mana'o, ku'ia, kuplki'o, 'opikipiki, pu'ua. Disturbed in sleep, moehewa. ditch. 'Auwaha, ha, 'awa'a. Water ditch, 'auwai, 'auwai pa'a, holowai. divan. See couch. dive. Lu'u. Aiso.' omo, miomlo, kipoho, lele 'opu, kili'opu, lele'opuhi, lele pahu; kuhoupo'o, kulou >o'o, lelepo'o, lu'u kimo, luju po'o (headfirst); ele kawa, lele pahi'a, lele 'o'o (feet first); kiha (under water as a porpoise). Dive down and come up, lu'u aku a aea mai (PE aea). Sport of diving for gourds, kaupua. diverge. Lala. divert. Pale; ho'olalau (as a child). divide. Mahele, pu'unaue, 'oki'okl, helehele, ka'ana, kalai. Bare: ka'ipu'u, pu'alawahi. Divide in two, palua, ho'opalua. To divide equally.
d o o r d r a g . Kauwo, alak5. Also: kaualako, koko, kolo, kuai, k a ' i h u l u h u l u , pane'eha. To drag a canoe, kauwo wa'a.
d o o r . P u k a , p u k a hale, p u k a komo, 'lpuka, pani; low side —, p a k a k a ; 'eleua, 'eleao (ancient). Thatch above a door, piko. Door casing, kikihi. Door corner, kihi p u k a . Sliding or movable door, pani uai. Door covering, uba'i. Arch over door, hoaka. d o o r f r a m e . Kikihi, uha'i. d o o r m a n . Kia'i p u k a . door m a t . Moena kuakuai kama'a. d o o r p o s t . La'au ku, k u k u n a ; lapauila, k u n a k u n a (obs.). d o o r s t e p . Alapi'i. d o o r w a y . P u k a komo, ni'o. Doorway covering, uha'i. D o r c h e s t e r . Kolekeka, Doreseka. d o r m i t o r y . Hale moe. d o r s a l tin. K u a l a , k u a la. d o s e . M a h e l e la'au. d o t . Kiko, p o h a k a ; — in music, kiko. To make a dot, kiko, kikiko. d o t t e d . Kiko, kikokiko, kikiko; 'opikopiko (as with tattoo marks); pakikokiko.
dragged. Ko.
d r a g n e t . L a u , lauko, 'allhilele. d r a g o n . Mo'o. Also: mo'o lele, mo'o kiha, mo'onui, mo'o-ahi-lele, kalekona, kelekona. Chinese dragon, mo'o lani. d r a g o n f l y . Pinao, pinao-'ula. Larvae of dragonfly, lohelohe, pua'a-lohelohe, '51opelope. Young stage of dragonfly, po'ola-nui. d r a i n . Ho'okahe, ho'omalo'o. d r a m a . H a n a keaka.
drape. Kau.
drapes. Pale pukaaniani, paku pukaaniani (window).
draughts. See checkers.
d r a w . 1. Sketch. K a h a . To draw a picture or plan, k a h a ki'i. 2. Pull, extract. 'Ume, hukl, ' u ' u ; to — in, miki; to — up, hulei; to — towards, a l a ' u m e ; to — back, ho'emi, kipupu; to — away, 'eke, pipika; to — together, p u p u , 'unu, h u p u a ; to_ — in the breath, hiohio; to —, as money, kiko'o. To draw water, huki wai. To draw a winning number, kike. 3. Tie. Pa'i, pa'i wale, pa'i a pa'i. d r a w e r . P a h u 'ume. d r a w i n g . 1. Picture. Ki'i, ki'i i kaha 'ia. k a h a n a . 2. Pulling. ' U m e 'ana, ko; — up, mu'ekeke'i. d r a w k n l f e . P a h i p a ' a uma. d r a w n . K a h a 'ia. huki 'ia; huki, 'i'lka (face).
dotted Swiss. Pu'u.
d o u b l e . Palua, papalua, ho'opalua, kalua, lua like, lua, kaulua, apipi, m a h a n a . Double number, helu lua. Double time, hlkiwawe, holo. Double thickness, papalua k a m a n o a n o a , ahue. Doubletongued, elelo lua, lauwili. Double-edged, m a k a lua, 'oi lua. Double canoe, kaulua, w a ' a kaulua. Double bone of arm or leg, iwi pili. Doubleflowering, p u p u p u . Double-barbed, kohe lua (of a fishhook). To double up, meneu, lape'e, p u p u ' u . d o u b l y . Lua, palua, papalua. d o u b t . K a n a l u a . Also: hopo, hopohopo, ' a p a h a ; la, ho'i (particles). There is no doubt of his going, a'ole e 'ole k o n a hele ( P E 'ole). To evoke or produce doubt, fear, anxiety, h o ' o k a n a l u a , ho'ohopohopo. d o u b t f u l . K a n a l u a , n a ' a u lua, kapekepeke, auane'i, 'anoni. d o u c h e . Halalo, hoene. d o u g h . Palaoa ho'owali 'ia, pelena m o ' a 'ole. d o u g h n u t . Koneko. d o u s e . L u m a ' i , lu'u, h o ' a u . dove. Manuku, manu-nunu, nunu, kuhukuku. Ring-neck dove, 'eha-ko. Cooing of a dove, k u h u kuku. Soft-eyed dove, n u n u m a k a onaona (endearing term). d o v e t a i l . Ho'oku'i. d o w n . 1. Below. Lalo, i lalo, iho. To go down, iho, kupou. To knock down, kula'l, ho'ohina, hina, kanina. Down there, ai lalo, aia i lalo. Far down, 1 lalo lilo. See f a l l . 2. Feathers. Heu, heuheu, 'ae, 'ae moa, hulu weuweu. For example, see
See draw.
d r e a d . Well, weliweli. Stricken with dread, illhia. d r e a d f u l . Weliweli, m a n a ' o n a ' o . d r e a m . M o e ' u h a n e ; — while dozing, h i h i ' o : erotic —, moe_kaha'ula, alkaha'ula, k a h a ' u l a . Also: moemoea, moe, mi. Name that has come in a dream, inoa po. To interpret dreams, wehewehe moe'uhane, mo'ike. To dream of canoes. moe wa'a (bad luck, disappointment). Man's privilege is to dream, 'o ke k a n a k a ke kuleana o ka moe. There is no truth in dreams (For.5:245), 'a'ole ka 'oia'i'o i loko o ka moe. See s u p p o s e , d r e a r y . K u a n e a , k a u m a h a , hoihoi ole. d r e d g e . Kope, uwa'a, kiwa'a. d r e g s . Oka, k o ' a n a , ki'o, m a k u . Dregs of society, 'ala'uka. To remove dregs from medicinal herbs, paka. d r e n c h e d . Pulu pe, pe. Also: p a ' u , po'u, no'u, kilihe, 'e'elo, ho'e'elo, elo'elo, pulu 'elo, puluka, pelepulu, nolu pe, peno, pokeokeo. d r e s s . 1. Garment. Lole, ' a ' a h u . To dress, komo, komo lole. To dress others, ho'okomo. Types of dresses: holoku, m u ' u m u ' u , Pukiki, 'okolepu'u. To dress up, as in one's best, kahiko, linohau. pa'ihi, h a o a pa'ihi, haukali. Have you dressed yetf U a k o m o mai nei 'oe i kou ' a ' a h u ? 2. To wrap a wound. Wahl. 3. A s a fowl. U n u u n u (pluck); k u a ' i (disembowel). d r e s s i n g . Kai. Salad dressing, ho'ono'ono lau
d o w n c a s t . L u ' u l u ' u , k a u m a h a ; 'ololu (obs.). d o w n h i l l . I lalo. Go or walk downhill, iho, hele iho. d o w n p a y m e n t . Uku ho'opa'a. d o w n p o u r . Loku, u a lanipili, ho'olokuloku, ha'alokuloku, 'iliki. See r a i n for symbolism. d o w n t r o d d e n . Hehi 'ia, h o ' o p a ' a u a , ho'okuap a ' a ; p a h u a (obs.). d o w n w a r d . Lalo, iho, ihona. d o w n y . Heu, heuheu, p u h u l u h u l u , hulu weuweu, 'ae. d o w r y . U k u male. D o x o l o g y . Mele H o ' o m a l k a ' i . d o z e . M o e ho'olana; kuli hiamoe (obs.). For saying, PE lau. d o z e n . Kakini, ' u m i k u m a l u a , ' u m i k u m a m a l u a . d r a f t . 1. Current of air. Hihio, mdhio; holouka
'ai. See stuffing,
d r i e d . Malo'o. Also: konene, no'a. Dried up by the sun, p a p a ' a la. d r i f t . L a n a wale, l a n a hele. Also: lanaau, au, auhele, ' a u a n a (wander); ka'alewa, laweau, lka, ho'oika, puewa, punini. Drifted sand, k u a l a p a one. d r i f t e r . 'Ae'a wale. See v a g a b o n d , d r i f t w o o d . PIha, piha'a. drill. 1. Tool. N a o wili, wili, kahei, '5milo. To drill a hole, hou p u k a , wili p u k a . 2. Military. P a i k a u . 3 . Practice. H o ' o m a ' a m a ' a . d r i n k . 1. Verb. I n u , inureua, pa. kani. To drink intoxicants, inu lama, pa ki'aha, ho'okamau. To drink until satisfied, inu a kena. To drink excessively, p a k e l a inu, ho'okina i ka inu. To drink sparingly, Inu li'ili'i, ho'opa iki. To drink temperately, inu pakiko. To give to drink, ho'inu, ho'ohainu, hainu, h o ' o k a m a u . 2. Noun. Meainu.
(obs.). See gust. 2. See draw. 3. Selection. 'Ohi,
wae. Army draft, k a h e a e k o m o i k a 'oihana k a u a . 4. Money order. P a l a p a l a kiko'o, pepa kiko'o, pila kiko'o.
d w e l l e r d u a l . P a l u a . Dual form, kino palua, kino lua, kino p a p a l u a . Dual naiured, kino palua, k i n o lua, a w a lua. Dual number (in grammar), helu lua. d u b . P a o . Also: poho, po o, k u a , kupele, h o ' o w a h a , kimd. dubious. K a n a l u a , k a k a n a l u a . D u b l i n . Kupelina, Dubelina. duchess. K u k e k e , k u k e wahine. d u c k . 1 . Bird. K a k a (domesticated); pi-wai (wild); Hawaiian—, koloa, k o l o a - m a e l i ; pintail — , k o l o a - m a p u . 2 . To plunge or bow. 'Alu, l u m a ' i , lu'u.
Mixed drink, meainu h o ' o h u i h u i , m e a i n u kawili. Iced or chilled drink, mealnu ho'ohu'ihu'i. Hawaiian drinks, 'awa, a u m i k i , poklwai. Intoxicating drink, l a m a , _wal ' o n a . Let's have a drink, e k a m a u k i ' a h a k a k o u . For a drinking song, PE kSmau. d r i p . K u l u , k u l u k u l u . Also: lu, he'e, k e w a i , n a k u l u , p a l a l e , u. drive, l . As cattle. H o ' o h u l l , h o ' a : p a h o e (fish). 3. To drive away. Klpaku, ho'okuke. Also: ho'ehu, hehu, ho'ohemu, ho'ohu, hoaka, kuehu, h o ' o k a ' a , k i p a ' i , puko. 3 . As a car. K a l a l w a , h o ' o k e l e . To drive a carriage, ho'oholo ka'a, k a ' l i k e k a ' a . To go for a drive, holoholo k a ' a . To take someone for a drive, ho'oholoholo k a ' a . To drive hard, as a horse, paki. 4. As nails. K a k i a , m a k i a , kipou. d r i v e r . K a l a l w a , h o ' o k e l e k a ' a , k l a k a ' a (as of a car).
drizzle. U a Ii'ili'i, ua killbune, drool. H a ' a e , k a h e k a h a ' a e .
d u e . M a n a w a k u p o n o . The debt is due, hiki mai k a m a n a w a uku. To aspire to more than is one's due, pi'ikoi. d u e l . H a k a k a , pepehi l u a ; h a k a k a pahi hakaka pupanapana (pistol). d u e s . Uku kumau. d u e t . L e o lua, leoku pallia,
klllhau. Also: w a h a kale,
due to. See because,
w a h a 'ukele, 'ae, m e ' o . L u h e , loha, ho'olo'u. Also: kaluhe, kaluh e u ' a , 'oluheluhe, lola, eml, ninlau, 'oml, mimi, m a e . Drooping over Pa'ie'ie pool, luhe i k a wai o Pa'ie'ie (intoxicated). d r o p . 1 . Trickle. K u l u , kahe, raakili. Drop of rain, p a k a ua. Drop of water, kulu wal, h u n a wai. Drop of perspiration, m a k i l i hou. 2. Let all. H a ' u l e , ha'ule'ule, h a ' u l e h i a , h o ' o h a ' u l e , ta'ulena. To drop dead, h i n a moe, hina m a k e . To drop, as bombs, h o ' o k u ' u e ha'ule, k51u. To drop a matter, h o ' o m o e . To set a drop net, h o ' a u . d r o p s y . P e h u (various kinds, PE 297). Also: ' o h a o , ' o p u ' o h a o , 'alaneo, ' u ' u l u k a l . drought. W a m a l o ' o ; n o ' a ( o b s . ) .
d u k e . Kuke. d u l c i m e r . Kukima. d u l l . 1 . Not sharp. Kumumu, mumu. Also: ' a m u m u , m a n u m a n u , h a u m a n u m a n u , pahupahu, m a h a n i , mene, k a ' a k u m u , pihi, peue. 3. Stupid. Lolohi, l e ' a l e ' a 'ole, hoihoi 'ole, maluhi. . 4 f r o : j ) o l u h i , k u l o m a , k o h e l e m u , inanak a , loloiele, p a m a l o , k u k a i k e a , m a n o a n o a . d u m b . L e o p a ' a , m u m u l e , ' a ' a . Struck dumb, hakanu. d u m p . K a h u a waiho 'opala, w a i h o n a 'opala, k i ' o n a . Also: wahi h o ' a h u 'opala, h o ' o l e i n a m o k a , a h u k u k a e , k e h e n a ; o l o m e h a n i (obs.). dumpling. P a l a o a m o k u m o k u , p a l a o a lulu, dumpy. P o u p o u , p a i a h a ' a . dunce. P o ' o ' o l o h a k a . d u n e . P u ' e . Sand dune, pu'eone, pu'u one. d u n g . Kukae: kukae manu (bird). d u n g a r e e s . 'Ahina, 'ahinahina. dungeon. L u a p a ' a h a o . dung heap. K i ' o n a , ho'oleina m o k a , ahu k u k a e . d u n k . P e n u , pepenu, ho'openu. duodecimal. K u o k e k i m a l a . d u p l i c a t e . L u a , lua like, kope. d u p l i c i t y . H a n a ma'alea, ho'opunipuni. See
drove. Pu'a. See drive. drown. P i h o l o , h o ' o p i h o l o , a i'a.
M a k a hiamoe, kulu, kulu hiamoe. Also: m a n i a , h o ' o m a n i a . matohi, h o ' o m a l o h i , m a n i a wal, heha, kawai, molohai, niolo, molelehu, 'olelehu, nipo, ho'oluluhi. 'oheahea, kuli hiamoe. IVaipi'o is drowsy in the mist, heha W a i p i ' o i k a noe (saying). drudge. P a ' u , p a ' a u a , k a u w a p a ' a u a . To treat as a drudge, h o ' o p a ' u , h o ' o p a ' a u a . For saying,
see anus, drudgery.
Pa'u hana.
d r u g . L a ' a u h o ' o m a l u l e kino, l a ' a u h o ' o h i a m o e , l a ' a u moe, used to drug fish: ' a u h u h u , drug on the market, pakl. To la'au.
la au ho'onoenoe, m e a 'ona. Plants hola, 'auhola. A mix drugs, kawili
deceitful. For saying, see cuttlefish, durable. Pa'a, mau.
D u r h a m . Kulahama, Durahama. d u r i n g . 'Oiai, 'ol, 1 k a wa o. d u s k . M o l e h u , molehulehu, molelehu, polehulehu, pulehulehu, li'ula. d u s t . E h u lepo, k u e h u , e h u , 'ehu, uahi, lelehuna, l e p o ' a e ' a e . Dust of morning, ehu k a k a h i a k a . Dust of evening, ehu a h i a h i . Dust streamer, kdwelo ' e ' a . Dust particle, h u n a lepo. Dust cloud, ' e ' a . Dust column or cloud, pi'olepo. Red dust, a l a ' u l a . Wind-blown dust, ' e ' a ; wilikdi (obs.). To scatter dust, h u ' a l e p o , k a i e h u . To dust, as furniture, kawele, kahili lepo. You are dust, and to dust you shall return (Genesis 3:19), h e lepo no 'oe, a e ho'i hou a k u 'oe i k a lepo. dusty. E h u , ehu lepo, ' e ' a ; p o h u h u (obs.).
d r y . M a l o ' o . Also: 'apa'a, 'apa'apa'a, kaula'i, k o k a ' a , pamalo, mae, mahaha, 'anoa, panoa, upe, 'e'e, 'olino, wika'o, p o n a n a , k o n e k o n e a , moka'oka'o, malo'ohaha, pika'o, p5ka'o, ka'o, k o ' a . Rack for drying, h a k a k a u l a ' i . Dry rot, m u n o , a l a p u k a . Dried up, k a ' e ' e , pika'o, h d m i ; lele (breasts). To dry out, h o ' o m a l o ' o . To wipe dry, as dishes, kawele, k a ' a m a l o ' o .
d u t y . 1 . Obligation. Pono, hana, mahelehana. Duty before pleasure, ho'oko hana mamua o k a l e ' a l e ' a (PE ho'okS). 2. Customs. K u k e . To pay duty, u k u i k e k u k e . dwarf. P e k e , ' a ' a , h a ' a . Also: kuali'i, h a ' a k u a l i ' i , kupa-li'i, 'i'i, ' a k i k i , no'ino'i, 'anini. dwell. N o h o . dweller. M e a noho. Shore dwellers, n a k a a a k a o k a i , n o h o kai, k o k u l a k a i .
M a l u l e m a h o p e o k a inu l a ' a u ' a n a . d r u g g i s t . M e a kawili l a ' a u . d r u m . P a h u , ipu ( v a r i o u s kinds, PE 96-97); puniu ( k n e e drum). Also: pahu hula, p a h u k a u i , p a h u pa'i, p a h u k a n a l o a . pa ipu. Gasoline drum, k u l a k a k a l i n a . Drum house, h a l e pahu. Ruffle of drums, ka'eleloi. To drum, pa'i ipu, h o ' o k a n i p a h u ; p a h u p a h u (with force); kupaloloi (with fingers); nipolo, 'e'ekeloi. Drumbeats: pa (general term; a particular beat); k u k u , k a h e l a (particular beats). For saying, see g o a t , drummer. M e a ho'okani pahu, pa'i ipu, ho'opa'a. d r u m s t i c k . L a ' a u h o ' o k a n i pahu (drum ' u h a m o a (chicken leg).
dusty miller. Hinahina-'a'ala. Dutch. H o l a n i .
drunk. 'Ona. See Intoxicated, drunkard. ' O n a l a m a , ' o n a m a u .
dwelling d w e l l i n g . Nohona, noho 'ana. Dwelling house, hale noho. Dwelling place, wahi noho, kahi noho. Dwelling in peace, noho aloha, d w i n d l i n g . Emlemi, kolill'i. dye. W a l , waiho'olu'u, wal 'ele, wai 'ele'ele. Also: w e ' « , hili, kuhili; kupenu (by dipping); ki'olena, holei, kihe'ahe'a pala'a. Dye colors: 'dlenalena (.yellow); puakai (red); nao (dark red); pokohukohu (made of nonl root); 'akala (raspberry or thimbleberry juice). Dye cup, ka kapala;
kakakau_, pahu palapala (obs.). To extract dye colors, ho'awa. dyehouse. Hale ho'olu'u. dye p l a n t . 'Alaea, paihi. d y n a m i t e . Kianapauka. dysentery. Hi, kulu. Bloody dysentery, hi koko. A disease with characteristics of dysentery, 'oku'u. 'oku'u-lepo-hehe'e. dyspepsia. Klkepepekia.
e a s y . Hikiwale, ma'alahl. To lead an easy life, 'ai all'i, 'ai i kalo mo'a, kalelemuku, ho'opaulinalina. For sayings, see g i r l ; PE 'ama'ama. e a s y g o i n g . Waipahé, 'olu'olu, hilu. Also: waliwali, wawali. e a t . 'Ai, 'ai iho, amu, ho'opiha; — heartily, ho'oma'ona, ho'onu'u, nu'u, no'u, hamu, hiala 'ai, kihamu, haupa; — much, 'ai nui, 'ai a hewa ka waha, 'ai lau, pakela 'ai, pake'ai (for sayings, see Up; PE ko'u, lua); — enormously. 'ai a manó; — greedily, 'ai a pua'a; — little, without relish, pu, pupu 'ai, minóle, ho'omahu, ho'opa iki, niole, mana 'ai; muni (obs.); — fastidiously or slowly, mlkole, 'oninini, aka'ai. Longing to eat, puni 'ai, pehu. Ways to eat (other): hamu, nome, 'ai kau, 'ai uha'uha, 'ai noa, 'ai kagu. kupa'akal; 'ai kohana (alone)' mlkoi, mikl papalua, miki palua, küpu'u, 'opu palula, 'uka'e, halale; 'ai pilau, 'ai pala maunu (of sorcerers). A call to eat, kahea 'ai. Eat all you want, 'ai a ma'ona. An invitation in chant or song to eat: 'al a hewa ka waha, 'o ka leo k& ukul Eat until the mouth can hate no more, [my] reward, [your] voiceI See s t u f f e d , e a t e n . 'Ai 'la, 'aina. Fig. expressions for one who has eaten much: PE lua, pae, kOhela. Have you eaten!' Ma'ona 'oe? e a t i n g . 'A'ai (as a sore).
e. 'E.
eating companion. Hoa 'ai.
e a c h . Kela mea keia tnca, pakahi. e a g e r . Ake, Tini. eagle. 'Aeko. Golden eagle, 'aeko-kula. e a r . Pepeiao; 'e'eiao (rare); piko (tip). Protruding ears, pepeiao manana. Ears pressing close to the head, pepeiao pill. Infected ear, pepeiao pilau, pepeiao nohono. Ear bone, kumu pepeiao. Earwax, kokuli. Ear of corn, hua kullna. e a r a c h e . Pepeiao-'eha. e a r l y . Koke, mua, blkl mua, mlki'ala. Early morning, kakahiaka nui. e a r m a r k . Klla. kunl. e a r n . Loa'a. e a r n e s t . Kuo'o. To take things in earnest, hi'i'o. e a r n i n g s . Loa'a. e a r r i n g . Kulapepeiao (carious kinds, PE 165). Also: apo, apo pepeiao (hoop-shaped). e a r t h . 1. World. Ao, honua, 'aina, pa'a-l-lalo. Foundation of the earth, papa honua. Globe of the earth, kanonua. Origin of the earth, kumu honua. 2. Dirt. Lepo; 'alaea (soluble); lepo pa'a, kahua ga'a (solid); lepo 'ula'ula, ma'ula'ula (red); kulapa (piled on side of ditch). To come out of the earth, as a spring, hu honua. To soften the earth, as for planting, 'eku'eku. Earth oven, umu lepo. Earth protuberance, kio honua. Earth ridge, iwl.Earth pot, ipu lepo. The earth-devouring woman, ka wahine 'ai honua (Pele). e a r t h q u a k e . 'Ola'i, naueue. e a r wax. Kokuli.
e a t i n g h o u s e . Hale 'alna, e a v e s d r o p . Ho'olohelohe 'dlelo, ho'olono. e b b . Emi. Also: laumekl, hanu'u, k&o'o, nloke; pohi (obs.). Ebbing sea, kal ho'i, kal emi. e b o n y . Lama, 'eponl; clama (rare). e c c e n t r i c . 'Ano 'e, 'dhewahewa. E c c l e s l a s t e s . Kekahuna. e c h o . KQpina'i, nakulu, papS, haku'i, wawa. eclipse. Pouli. Lunar eclipse, poull ka mahlna. Solar eclipse, poull holo'oko'a 'ana o ka 1& (total). Partial eclipse, poull hapa. e c o n o m i c a l . M a k a u l l ' l , mlnamlna, p a k i k o ; ho'opl (extremely). e c o n o m i c s . No'eau ho'okele waiwai. e c o n o m i z e . Ho'omakauli'l. e c o n o m y . Walwal o ka 'alna, e c t r o p i o n . Maka helel. E c u a d o r . 'Ekuakola, Ekuadora. E c u a d o r i a n . 'Ekuakola, Ekuadora. e c z e m a . Plele (on the scalp). e d d y . Au. willau, wiliwai, 'oke'e. E d e n . 'Ekena, Edena. Garden of Eden, Klhapai o 'Ekena, mahina'ai ma 'Ekena. e d g e . Ka'e, kapa, klhi, lihl, nlao, maka, nihi, kQkulu, hu'a, pe'a, ha'l, kikepa, muka'e; kauhuhu, hanahanai (of a precipice). Water's edge, 'ae kai. Edge of time units, especially of late night, pill. Forest edge, pill la'au. Two-edged, maka lua. To edge away, koene. Teeth set on edge, mania ka nino. edible. Hiki ke 'ai 'ia. Edible herb, la'au lki 'ai 'ia. E d i n b u r g h . 'Eklnapolo, Edinaboro. e d i t . Ho'oponopono. e d i t i o n . Pa'i 'ana, ho'opuka 'ana. First edition, ho'opuka mua. Second edition, ho'opuka 'elua. Third edition, ke kolu o ka pa'i 'ana. e d i t o r . Luna ho'oponopono. e d u c a t e . Ho'ona'auao. e d u c a t e d . Ho'ona'auao 'ia. e d u c a t i o n . A'o palapala, ho'ona'auao. To seek education, 'imi na'auao. See B o a r d of E d u c a -
earwig. Lo.
ease. Maha, nanea, 'oluea, j>u'uho'omaha. To ease pain, ho'omama, ho'ona, ho'oma_lieL pa'apa'ana (rare). To ease your grief, h o ' o m a m a l k o u kaumaha. To do with ease, as of long custom, hana walea. At ease, 'olu, hatuia, loli'i, mdhalu, mShaluhalu; ho'olu'olu (military command). e a s e d . Pono, na, mama (of pain, ache, or distress). easel. La'au kl'i. easily. Hikiwale, wale, ma'alahl. Easily handled, mili'opu. e a s t . Hikina. To the east, ma na'e. E a s t e r . Ka la i ala hou ai ka Haku (Protestant); Pakoa (Catholic). e a s t e r n . La hiki, na'e. Eastern Hemisphere, 'Ao'ao Hikina. Eastern sun, la hiki. E a s t I n d i a n . 'Inia. E a s t I n d i e s . 'Inia-hikina. E a s t p o r t . 'Ikepoka.
e d u c a t i o n a l . Ho'ona'auao. Educational system, 'oihana ho'ona'auao. eel. Pühi (various kinds, PE 3ZZ-Í13); kuna, i'a; pühi-'ini'inlki (infant); 'au'auki, puaki (young). Eel-catching stick, haoa pflhl. Eel hole, lua puhi. Eel tentacle, 'awe pühi. An eel of the
e f f e c t e l e e m o s y n a r y . ' I m i i ka pono o ke kanaka, e l e g a n t . Ho'ohiehie, hihimanu, hiluhilu. e l e m e n t . M o l e , kumu. e l e m e n t a r y . K u m u mua. E l e o t r l d a e fishes. ' O ' o p u (carious kinds, PE 267-268). e l e p a l o . See flycatcher. e l e p h a n t . 'Elepane, 'elepani.Elephant tusk, nlho 'elepani. e l e p h a n t i a s i s . K e w e , ma'i-'elepani. elevate. Hapai, ho'oki'eki'e, h5'iu, hiu. ho'opinana. To elevate oneself by boasting of chiefly associates, pal ali'i. e l e v a t e d . H o ' o k i ' e k i ' e ; k a ' a n u ' a (place). Elevated train, ka'aahi kau i ka lewa. e l e v a t i o n . Ki'eki'ena, huku, nu'u; 'ohu (hill). elevator. 'Eleweka. eleven. ' U m i kumakahi, 'umi kumamakahi. e l f . See l e g e n d a r y b e i n g s . e l i g i b l e . K u p o n o , kohu. e l i m i n a t e . K a p a e , ho'opau. e l k . 'Eleka. ellipse. P o ' a i lo'ihi. e l m . La'au-ka'a. e l o n g a t e . H o ' o l o ' i h i , ho'ooloolo. e l o n g a t e d . Oloolo. e l o p e . M a h u k a e male, male malu. e l o q u e n t . MTkololohua, mikolohua, mlkolelehua, maiele, poeko. For idiom, see c u r r e n t , else. 'E a'e. Someone else, kahi, kekahl, ha'i. Or else, i 'ole. What else? H e aha hou a'e? e l s e w h e r e . M a kahi 'e. 'e. e l u d e . ' A l o , pakele aku. e m a c i a t e d . W I w i loa. Also: amopu'u, mallo, homale, horaali, puhipalala. emasculated. Po'a. e m b a l m e d . I'aloa. Embalmed body, i'aloa. e m b a n k m e n t . Ho'ahua. A l s o : 'opi w a i ; kahonua (dirt); pale kai, kuakua. Embankment newly made, kuakuaku. To build an embankment, ho'opaepae. Process of packing earth to make an embankment, kuakuaku. e m b a r k . ' E ' e , ho'oili. e m b a r r a s s . Ho'ohilahila. e m b a r r a s s e d . Hilahila, ho'opalal, palaina. e m b a s s y . N o h o n a kuhina, 'emepake. e m b e z z l e m e n t . 'Aj>uka, 'aihue i ka waiwai i ha'awi 'ia mai e malama 'ia. e m b i t t e r . H S ' a w a ' a w a , ho'omalailena. e m b i t t e r e d . ' A w a ' a w a h i a , loko li'u. e m b l e m . Ho'ailona. e m b o d y . H o ' o k i n o , ho'ohuina. e m b r a c e . Pu'ili, puliki, 'apona, kuwili, apo; — tightly, kilipue, pukuku'i. e m b r o i d e r . Humulau, 'oni'oni'o. e m b r o i l . Kuhihi. e m b r y o . A k a (at the moment of conception); hauli, 'ele. Embryo of Ku (said of a child born on the night or day of Ku), 'ele K u (rare). e m e r a l d . 'Emelala, ' d m a ' o m a ' o , pohaku ' o m a ' o ma'o. e m e r g e . Puka, pua: 'oku, ho'apuka (rare). e m e r g e n c y . Ulia pSpilikia, pilikia kuhewa. e m e t i c . L a ' a u ho'opi'i, la'au ho'opi'ipi'i, ho'olua'i. e m i g r a t i o n . P o ' e hele mai ka 'aina aku. See B u r e a u of E m i g r a t i o n , e m i n e n t d o m a i n . L a w e 'ana i ka w a i w a i no na hana o ka lehulehu. e m ii tr t. e 'dE.mHi loa'.o p u k a , ho'oki. em
billows, the sagging chin protrudes, ka puhi o ka 'ale, ahu ke 'olo {of a wealthy person). effect. Hopena, ho'oko, mana, hua. Take effect. ka'a (as medicine); 'o'oki (as kava intoxication). e f f e m i n a t e . K o h u wahine, ho'owabine. effervesce. Huahua'i, pipi'l, hu. effervescent s o l u t i o n . Pa'akaihu. e f f i c i e n c y . Makaukau, mikioi, miki, mikimiki. e f f o r t . H o ' a ' o , ho'aho. To make a great effort, ho'oikaika, ho'ikaika. effortless. W a l e a . e g g . Hua, huamoa (chicken); kalapaki (doubleyolked); huamakani (yolkless); hua'alu'alu (with a very soft shell). Hard-boiled egg, hua m o ' a loa. Soft-boiled egg, hua m o ' a hapa. Scrambled egg. kai hua, _hua paka. Fried egg. hua palai. Rotten egg. hua aelo. White of an egg, ewe o ka huamoa, kauwo k e ' o k e ' o ; ewe (rare). Eggs deposited by flies, kukaela. Fish eggs, kowau. To lay an egg, ho'olu'a. To lay many eggs, huahua. See yolk, e g g p l a n t . Laho-pipi. e g o t i s m . See p r o u d . E g y p t . 'Alkupika, A i g u p i t a . E g y p t i a n . 'Alkupika. e i g h t . 'Ewalu, walu, 'awalu. Eight limes, 'ewalu. To divide by eight, eightfold, to have eight, pawalu. Eight o'clock, kanl ka hola 'ewalu. Hina's pig child has eight eves (For. 5:315), 'ewalu maka o ke keiki pua'a a H i n a (eight was a sacred number). e i g h t e e n . ' U m i kumawalu, 'umi kumamawalu. e i g h t h . W a l u . Eighth part, one eighth, hapawalu. eighty. Kanawalu. e i g h t y - e i g h t . K a n a w a l u kumawalu, kanawalu kumamawalu. e i g h t y - f i v e . K a n a w a l u kumalima, kanawalu kumamalima. e i g h t h - f o u r . K a n a w a l u kumaha, kanawalu kumamaha. e i g h t y - n i n e . K a n a w a l u kumaiwa, kanawalu kumamaiwa. e i g h t y - o n e . K a n a w a l u kumakahi, kanawalu kumamakahl. e i g h t y - s e v e n . K a n a w a l u kumahiku, kanawalu kumamahiku. e i g h t y - s i x . K a n a w a l u kumaono, kanawalu kumamaono. e i g h t y - t h r e e . K a n a w a l u kumakolu, kanawalu kumamakolu. e i g h t y - t w o . K a n a w a l u kumalua, kanawalu kumamalua. e i t h e r . K e k a h l . I don't either, 'a'ole 'o au kekahi. e j e c t . K l p a k u , ho'okuke; klki (as octopus ink). e j e c t i o n . K l p a k u . Document for ejection, palapala h o ' o p i ' i klpaku. e l a p s e . Hala, pau. elastic. Laholio, 'olu, nolu, napa, 'api'api; 'ape'ape (obs.). e l b o w . K u ' e k u ' e , ku'eku'e lima, ku'e lima; ku'i (as of a pipe). To elbow, ho'oku'eku'e, ku'e, ho'oke, naku'e. e l d e r . K a h i k o a'e; kalkua'ana (sibling of the same sex); lunakahiko (church). Elder relative, pili mua. e l d e r l y . ' A o ' o , o'o, makule. e l d e s t . See e l d e r . Eldest child, makahiapo, hiapo. elect. K o h o , ho'okoho, wae. e l e c t i o n . K o h o , koho paloka. Election day, la koho. Election season, kau koho paloka. Election teller, helu paloka. Primary election, koho wae mua. e l e c t o r s . P o ' e koho. e l e c t r i c . Uila, uwila. Electric bus, ka'a uila. Electric stove, kapuahi uila. Electric light, kukui uila. Electric light bulb, aniani kukui uila. Electric fan, pe'ahi uila. e l e c t r i c i t y . Uila, uwila.
e n s n a r e ku'u 'onohi, hiwahiwa, pua mae 'ole. aloha makamae. e n d e a v o r . Ho'a'o, ho'oikaika, 'imi pono, na'i.
e m o t i o n . No general term, but emotions may be described by descriptive words following pu'uwai, na'au, or p u ' u p a ' a (rare), or pi'i ka, as pu'uwai hau'oli, happiness, pi'i k a huhu, to be angry. Piholhoi, ho olokuloku, pi'oloke. Also: malani, auallpo; kipona (strong); uluhua, m o k u a h u a . pilihua (as grief, sorrow, anger); ulu; hakuko'i; oloke (as speech); hopupu (of hate, love, lust). Words of emotion, pi'ipi'i 'olelo. Transported with emotion, lalawe Ice kino. To feel emotion of love, hu a'e ke aloha. For idiom, see o u t r i g g e r
See Christian Endeavor Society,
endeavoring. Na'ina.
ended. Pau.
e n d i n g . Hopena, 'okina, panina.
endless. Pau 'ole, mau loa, ho'ola'au.
e n d o r s e . 'Apono, kakau k a k o ' o ; kakau (as a check). e n d o w . Ho'olako, ho'oili.
e m o t i o n a l . Pihoihoi, pono 'ole k a Emotional crisis, kipona ko'iko'i loa. disturbances, 'iloli. no'Iloli. Emotionally as with hate, love, lust, hopupu.
emperor. 'Emepela.
emphasize. mana'o.
H o ' o k o ' i k o ' i , k a l e l o leo,
mana'o. Emotional excited,
endplece. See canoe.
e n d u r e . Ho'omanawanui. mau, 'alo, o, k a m a u ea, ahonui, kulo'ihi. e n e m a . Hano, walkea, waiki, hoene. Kinds: pahuka'a; k a i k e a (kaikuehu, k a i k u ) ; pakelo, o'opu-hue. To give an enema, halalo. e n e m y . Hoa paio, hoa kaua, hoa paonioni, hahano, 'enemi. To make an enemy, ho'enemi. e n e r g e t i c . 'Eleu, mikimiki, ho'ele'eleu, mahi, lapa. Also: kika, ma'iha, kamaehu. Not energetic, ma'uwele. e n f e e b l e . Ho'onawali, ho'omalule. e n f o l d . Ka'awili, paka'awili, paka'uwili. e n f o r c e . Ho'oko, ho'one'e ikaika, ho'oholo. To eiiforce the law, ho'oko kanawai; ho'oholo i ke kanawal. e n g a g e d . 1 . Occupied. Pa'a, lilo; walea, nanea, luana (usually in a pleasant way); deeply —, papau. 2 . Betrothed. Palau, ho'opalau. e n g i n e . 'Enlkini, mlkinl. Locomotive engine, k a ' a ahi. Fire engine, k a ' a kinai ahi, k a ' a wai, k a ' a pauahi. e n g i n e e r . Wiliki. Civil engineer, wiliki kiwila, 'enekinia kiwila.
emphatic. Ko'iko'i.
e m p i r e . Aupuni 'emepela, 'emepaea. e m p l o y . H o ' o h a n a (use); ho'olimalima, hai (hire). He employs six servants, 'eono ana k a n a k a hana. e m p l o y e d . P a ' a i k a hana; k a ' a k a ' a h i k i (rare). e m p l o y e e . P o ' e hana, limahana. e m p l o y e r . H a k u , haku hana. Female employer, haku wahine. e m p l o y m e n t . H a n a , 'oihana, ho'ohana. Steady employment, h a n a pa'a. Employment committee, lawe kdmike 'imi hana. To accept employment, i k a hana. To begin employment, komo i k a hana. e m p o w e r . Ho'omana, ho'amana. e m p t y . H a k a , h a k a h a k a , 'olohaka, u k a n a 'ole. Also: hahalu, neo, ninini; ka'ele (as a bowl). An empty house, he hale noho 'ole 'ia. To go empty-handed, hele wale. To slosh a canoe back and forth so as to empty it, pauma (obs.). e n a c t . Ho'oholo, kau. Enacting clause, 'olelo ho'oholo. e n a c t e d . Holo, ho'oholo 'la. Be it enacted, e ho'oholo 'ia.
e n a m e l . 'Enamela. enchant. mana'o.
engineering. Wiliki.
E n g l a n d . Pelekane. 'Enelani. E n g l i s h . Pelekane, Pelekania, haole. English language, 'olelo Pelekane, 'olelo haole, namu haole. E n g l i s h m a n . Pelekane, haole.
e n g r a f t . Paku'i.
e n g r a v e . K a h a , kalai. To cut or engrave in copper or brass, k a h a keleawe. e n g r a v e r . K a h a mekala, kaha keleawe. e n g r o s s e d . Lilo, lilo loa, papau. e n j o i n . Kauoha, kauleo. e n j o y . Luana, walea, nanea, hoihoi, 'oli'oli, le'a. To enjoy a life of ease, see t a r o . e n j o y a b l e . Nanea, ho'onanea, walea, le'ale'a, kapakapa, luakaha. e n j o y m e n t . 'Oli'oli, hau'oli, hoihoi. My enjoyment is completely gone ( UL 151), pau ai ko'u lihi hoihoi. e n l a r g e . Ho'onui, ho'omahua, ho'omahuahua, h o ' o m a k o m a k o ; ho'olele (as a picture). e n l a r g e d . Ho'onui 'ia. Also: k e k e , kolikoliko, ki'imanana, kllaha; nupa (obs.). e n l a r g e m e n t . K i ' i ho'olele (of a picture). e n l i g h t e n . Ho'omalamalama, kaiao.
e n c h a n t e d . Heihei.
e n c h a n t e r . Ho'okalakupua: mea n a n a mo'o, kilo, kilokllolani, makoi (Biblical). e n c h a n t m e n t . Kilokilo. To use enchantment, ho'okalakupua, k u k a mo'o. e n c i r c l e . P o ' a i , anapuni, 'aipuni, ka'apuni, ka'ai, kakal. e n c l o s e . Puni, ka'apuni, ho'okomo. Enclosed, ho'okomo 'ia. e n c l o s u r e . P a . Enclosure for animals, pa holoholona. Canoe enclosure, pa wa'a. Circular enclosure, as about a fishpond, pa puni. Taboo enclosure, palama, paehumu. e n c o m p a s s . K a ' a p u n i , 'aipuni, puana.
encore. Hana hou.
e n c o u r a g e . Ho'opaipai, ho'oikaika, ho'ikaika, ho'olana, ho'eu, ho eu'eu, ho'oka'eu'eu, ho'ohana, pal, ho'oholhol, lale, ho'olale, kipaipai, ho'okokonoi'e; ha'inole (obs.). e n c o u r a g e m e n t . 'Olelo palpal, e n c r u s t e d . P a p a ' a p u ; ni'l (with salt); pakalua (as with grime or rust). e n c y c l o p e d i a . P u k e ho'lke pokole no k e l a me keia mea. e n d . P a u 'ana, panina, hope. To end, ho'opau, ho'oki. Also: nuku, welau, 'elau, welelau, welewelelau, kikipani; kiko (as of a fish pole); po'o (as of a cane, rope, or pole); wawae (as of a rainbow); puku (obs.). At an end, muku. End of knots in plaiting, hi'uhi'u. End of a story, pipi holo k a ' a o . There's no end, 'a'ohe lihi launa mai. e n d e a r i n g . H o ' a l o h a l o h a . E n d e a r i n g terms: nunu m&ka onaona_ (see d o v e ) ; kole m a k a onaona (PE kole); k u m u (slang); milimili, lei, aloha,
enlightened. Na'auao, ao.
e n l i g h t e n m e n t . Aokanaka, malamalama.
e n l i s t . Komo.
e n m i t y . Inaina. To feel enmity,
enormous. Nui hewahewa.
h5'enemi, 'enemi.
e n o u g h . Lawa, nui, lawa puni, k a ' a k a ' a l a w a , a n a ; pulawa (obs.). To be enough, k a ' a i k a lawa. e n r a p t u r e d . Ho'ohihi, ho'ohei. e n r i c h . Ho'owaiwai, ho'olakolako. e n r o l l . K a k a u inoa, ho'opa'a inoa.
e n s i g n . Lepa.
e n s l a v e . Ho'okauwa, ho'okuapa'a, ho'opa'aua. e n s n a r e . Ho'opunihei, hei, ho'oheihei, ho'okahihi, huahualau, pahele; kawili (as birds).
ensnared e p i t h e t . 'Olelo kaena (lit., word of praise).
e n s n a r e d . Punihei, miko. e n t a n g l e . Hihi. ho'ohihi, hei. Also: kuhlhl, kauhlni, ho'okahihl, hehei, kawili ka'eka, hauhilikl, ho'owl'u, pablll. To be involved in an entangling affair of any sort, pill hlhla. e n t a n g l e d . Hihia, kahihi, hlhlpe'a, hakake. unlhei, hauhili, hau hauhili. hill hewa, pohihihl, ilikau, mauhlli, ka'eka, auwalaki, kiko'ola, pe'ape'a; wi'u (as a kite). e n t a n g l e m e n t . Hihia. Also: hihi, hlhina, kahihi, hill hewa. To cause entanglement, ho'ohihi. e n t e r . Komo, ho'okome; ukokomo (together). To enter, as an institution, ho'l. To enter by mistake, komohewa. To enter without ceremony or permission, komo wale, e n t e r t a i n . Ho'okipa, ho'ohale kipa, ho'ole'ale'a, ho'ohau'oii. Also: ho'oholhol, komo (as an emotion); pa'apa'ana, ho'opa'apa'ana.
also t a u n t ,
epoch. Au, wa, auhonua. epsom salts. Pa'akai lnu.
e q u a l . Like, like alike, lua, kaulike. pa'i; pa'i a pa'i (as two persons); pa'i kau (obs.). Without equal, ana 'ole; lua 'ole; 'a'ohe mea nana e pa'i i ke po'o ( P E po'o). Equal ratio, lakio like, lakio like kupono.
equality. Kaulike.
e q u a l i z e . Ho'okaullke, ho'olike, ho'ohalikelike. e q u a l l y . Like alike,
equation. Kaulike.
e q u a t o r . Po'ai-waena-honua, ke alanui a ke ku'uku'u, alanui, piko-o-Wakea. e q u i p . Ho'olako, ho'olawa. Well-equipped, ho'olako maika'i 'ia. paki, lawa puni, ko ako'a. e q u i p m e n t . Kuleana lako, lako, pono. e q u i t y . Pono, kaulike.
e n t e r t a i n e r . Mea ho'ole'aie'a.
e n t e r t a i n i n g . Hoihol. Also: ho'oka'au, mlkololohua, mlkolohua, mlkolelehua, mlkomlko. e n t e r t a i n m e n t . Mea ho'ohau'oii, ho'lke'lke ho'ohau'oii.
equivocal. Kakalule.
e r . Mea, 'a (as a speaker at a loss for words). - e r . (Agent.) 1. Agent in Hawaiian same as act
e n t h r a l l . Heihei.
performed. See driver, leader, paddler. 3. Mea, kanaka. Sf« actor, dancer, rider, translator.
e n t h u s i a s m . 'Oli'oii nul, ohohla. To Ho with enthusiasm, kukupa'u.
e n t h u s i a s t i c . Ohohia.
Erie. 'Elie.
erosion. 'A'al.
e r r . Hewa. Also: hana hewa, hele hewa, lalau, conduct); halahu, keke'e, kupe, 'okupe (as in kuhihewa (in judgment). e r r a n d . Hana, huaka'i. e r r o r . Hewa, hala, pa'ewa; 'anu'u (fig.). Typographical error, pa'i hewa. To wander in error, lalau hewa. For sayings, see c a r e f u l l y , r e f l e c t , e r u d i t i o n . 'Ike. To display erudition, ho'akamai. e r u p t i o n . Lua'i, pele, hu ka pele, lua'l pele (volcanic); pu'upu'u mane'o, pikela, huhune (skin). Mattery eruption on the scalp, piele. e s c a l a t o r . Alapi'i lawe 'ohua. e s c a p e . Pakele. Also: ho'aho, ho'alo, mahuka; maini ola (barely); 'akelekele (from danger or sickness). Narrow escape, pakele mai make. To help escape, ho'opakele, ho'opuhalahio. e s c o r t . Hele pu, 'alo, ukali, ho'oholoholo; huaka'i ho'ohanohano (honor). To escort arm in arm, kui'e'e. E s k i m o . 'Ekekemo, Makinika.
e n t r u s t e d . Kauoha 'ia, waiho 'ia. One entrusted to speak for another, ho'oilina 'olelo. See t r u s t e d , e n t r y . Ho'okomo 'ana. Inward entry of goods, ho'okomo waiwai ho'opae mai. e n t w i n e . Ho'ohihi, 'awili, kawili, kamola, 'oai, ho'oai.
enumerate. Heiu.
e n u m e r a t i o n . Helu, helu papa,
e n u n c i a t i o n . Hopuna'oielo.
e n v e l o p . Wahl, ho'opuni. e n v e l o p e . Wahi, wahl leka, alaulau; 'a'a (for a foetus).
environ. 'Alpuni.
especial. See special.
e n v i r o n m e n t . 'Ano o ka nohona, na mea e
e s s a y . 1. Composition. Mo'olelo. 3 . To try. Ho'a'o. e s s e n c e . Aka, 'i'o. Yours the essence, ours the flesh, 'o ke aka ka 'oukou, 'o ka 'i'o ka makou (dedication to the gods at feasts). E s s e x . 'Ekeka, Eseka. e s t a b l i s h . Ho'okahua, ho'okumu, ho'oku, ho'okupa'a, ho'onoho, kukulu, ho'oko; makia (as a kingdom). e s t a b l i s h e d . Noho pa'a, 'onipa'a, kumupa'a (firmly); ho'omakua; mauliauhonua (obs.). e s t a b l i s h m e n t . Hale 'oihana (business); kukulu 'ana. e s t a t e . 1. Property. Waiwai, kuleana, ho'oilina. 3 . Position. KQlana. e s t e e m . Mahalo nul, ho'ohulu, kukaulanl. e s t e e m e d . Hiwahiwa, aloalo. mahalo 'la, hulu; 'ala (fig.). Esteemed chief, hiwa lanl. Esteemed name, inoa 'ala. e s t i m a t e . Koho, mana'o, kaupaona.
ho'opuni ana. po'okoi
ephah. 'Apa, 'epa. ephod. 'Epoka.
e p h p h a t h a . 'Epaka.
the action.
e r o d e d . Ai, 'ai 'ia. 'a'al, pao, po'o, koea.
erase. Holoi. eraser. Mea holoi.
e n t r a p . Ho'oheihei, ho'okahihl. See t r a p , e n t r e a t . Koi Ikalka.
e p i d e m i c . M a ' l laula, ma'i palahalaha.
e r e c t . K u , kukulu. Also: 'ulepe (as a cock's comb); la'au, kano, ko'i'i, onu, lalahu (as male organ); uluo'a (obs.). To become erect, ku, ea.
e n t i t y . Holo'oko'a. To establish as a separate entity, ho'oka'awale. e n t r a i l s . Na'au, loko; papa'akdnahua (obs.). Cord made from the entrails of an enemy, 'ahamoa. e n t r a n c e . 1. Opening. K o m o 'ana, puka, 'lpuka, nuku. Entrance fee, uku komo. Entrance permit, alapala 'ae e komo mai. 2 . To charm. Ho'ohia'ai, o'oholhoi, punihei, makahehl.
eplcanthic fold. Maka lilio.
e r a . Wa, pauku manawa, au, auhonua.
entitle. Ho'okuleana.
envoy. 'Elele.
e n t i c e . Kono, ho'okonokono, 'ume, ho'ohahai, ho'owalewale. To entice a bird, kono manu. e n t i r e . Holo'oko'a, ka'oko'a. e n t i r e l y . Holo'oko'a, apau, pu, 'oko'a, pau, lilo, nui.
e n v y . Lili, paonl, huwa; ho'oiol (arouse); (ofrs.).
epidermis. 'Ill luna. epileptic seizure. Kauhola. Epiphany. 'Epipania. Episcopal. 'Epekopala.
E p i s c o p a l i a n , 'Epekopala, Plhopa, ho'omana Pihopa. ep i s t l e . 'Epikekolo, 'epikekoie, episetole.
e x c r e t a
evolution. Ka loli 'ana.
e s t r a n g e d . H o ' o k a ' a w a l e 'ia; n a n a u (069.). e s t r a y . Holoholoaa 'ae'a.
e s t u a r y . Muliwal.
e t c h . K a h a ; k u n l (in
e w e . H i p a wahine.
ex-. Mua. See ex-wlfe. exacting. See demanding,
e t e r n a l . Mau loa, manawakolu, i ka wa pau 'ole.
e x a c t l y . Pono, pono'I. To refer exactly, pill pono. Exactly that, pela 'i'o, pela no. e x a g g e r a t e . Ho'onui, ho'onuinui, ho'onui 'olelo, )&lau, ha'anui, h a ' a n o ' u , wahalehe. Rare: uhaehe, 'ohaohala. e x a l t . Ho'onani, ho'ohanohano, ho'oki'eki'e. Also: ho'olanilanl, milliard, hi'ilani, ho'omailanl, ho'ohilu, pal, lele pailani; hila'i (rare). e x a l t e d . Ki'ekl'e loa, lani. e x a m i n a t i o n . H a ' a w i n a ho'ike, ninau ho'ike, noi'i; hd'ike k u l a (school). Examination board, p a p a ninaninau. e x a m i n e . N i n a n i n a u , kilo, hakiu; k a n a n a (moral character). To examine with interest, curiosity, or devotion, milimili. To examine sweet potatoes, kilo 'uala. e x a m p l e . M e a ho'ohallkelike, ho'ike "ano, k u m u ho'ohalike, k u m u alaka'i. e x a s p e r a t e . Ho'onauki, ho'ohae, h o ' o u l u h u a .
Eternal sleep, h i a m o e loa.
eternity. Wa (au) pau 'ole, wa (au) mau loa. e t h e r e u m . Ekelluma, eteriuma. e t h i c s . Lula, k u l a u a .
E t h i o p i a . Aikiopa.
e t h n o l o g y . Noi'i pono ' a n a o ke k u l a n a o k e kanaka. e t i q u e t t e . Lula, nobo nihinihi. One who observes etiquette, pa'alula. e u c a l y p t u s . Pale-piwa, 'eukalikla, nuholani. Eucalyptus oil, 'alia pale-piwa.
eucharlst. 'Eukalikia.
e u l o g i s t i c . K a e n a , kanaenae, ho'ole'a.
e u n u c h . 'Eunuha.
e u p h o r b i a . Po'ola; kallko (a wild E u p h r a t e s . Eupelake, E u p e r a t e .
E u r e k a . Wailika.
excavate. 'Eli.
E u r o p e . 'Eulopa, E u r o p a . E u r o p e a n . 'Eulopa, Europa.
e x c e e d . H o ' o k e l a , 'ol, p a k e l a , pakeupali.
E u r o p e a n l z e d . Ho'ohaole 'ia.
exceeding. Kela, 'oi.
e v a c u a t e . Ha'alele, waiho; ki'o (bowels).
evade. 'Alo. evaluate. Ana. evangelical. 'Euanello.
evangelist. 'euanello.
' E u a n e l i k a , k a k a u 'euanello,
evangelistic. 'Euar.ellka.
e v a p o r a t e . M a l o ' o wale k a wai, omo, lele; koll'l (063.). e v a p o r a t e d . M a l o ' o . miki, ka'e'e. e v a s i v e . 'Alo'alo, pohlhlu. e v e n . Aullke, kaullke. Also: a u k a h l ; alania. l a u m a n i a ; k a l a m a n i a (as a calm sea or c l i f f ) ; a'i a pa'i (evenly matched, as in a contest), ven number, helu kaullke. Even numbers, totals, helu 'ano like. Even so, pela 'i'o no. e v e n i n g . Ahiahi, ho'ahiahi. Early evening, 'aluna ahiahi. Good evening, aloha ahiahi. To spend an evening, ho'ahiahi. Overtaken by evening, ahiahihia. E v e n i n g S t a r . H o k u kau ahiahi, hoku-kau-'opae.
event. Hanana, mea.
e v e r . M a u . Forever and ever, a mau loa aku. Did you ever go to California? 'A'ole loa anei 'oe 1 nele i Kaleponi?
evergreen. Uliuli mau. everlasting. Mau loa.
e x c e e d i n g l y . Pakela, loa, ha'alele loa. e x c e l . Kela, ho'okela, po'okela, 'oi, ho'oi, pakela. To try to excel, ho'okela; oko (obs.). e x c e l l e n c e . M a i k a ' i loa, pono loa, k u p o n c . e x c e l l e n c y . K a mea h a n o h a n o , po'okela, 'ol. His Excellency the Governor, k a mea H a n o h a n o ke Kla'aina. e x c e l l e n t . Kilohana, maika'i. Excellently made, miklol. e x c e p t . Koe. Except for this, koe keia.
exceptional. Po'okela, 'oi.
e x c e s s . Pakela, koe, kaulele, ' u h a ' u h a . To drink to excess, pakela lnu. To eat to excess, pakela 'ai, pake'ai. e x c e s s i v e . Pakela, koe, loa, keu, pakeu, h u a keu, ke'ele, lele'oi, k u k o n u k o n u , k u k a n o n o , pakeupali. e x c h a n g e . K u k a ' i , k u ' a k u ' a i , pana'l, ho'ololi, k u a p o ; hailawe, m a k e (obs.). To exchange conversation, k u k a ' i kama'ilio. To exchange greetings, k u k a ' i aloha. To exchange letters, k u k a ' i leka. e x c i s e t a x . ' A u h a u helu waiwai. e x c i t a b l e . Pu'iwa'iwa, lele koke. e x c i t e . Ho'opihoihoi, ho'eu'eu, ho'olalelale, h o ' o u l u u l u . Also: h o ' o l a p a , p a i , h o ' o p a i , ho'ouluao'a, nana,
excited. See emotion, emotional,
e x c i t i n g . ' E u ' e u , ho'opihoihoi. e x c l a i m . Ho'oho, 'u, ahe, k a n l ' u (as in kaulele.
everlasting flower. Pua-pepa, nani-mau-loa.
e v e r y . K e l a . . . keia, a p a u . Every two hours, n a 'elua hola a p a u . e v e r y o n e . K a po'e a p a u , p a u apau, p a p a p a u . e v e r y t h i n g . N a mea a p a u , pauloa, kela mea keia mea. Rare: ' a u p a p a , ulupau. e v e r y w h e r e . M a n a wahi apau, mal 'o a 'o, holopuni. Rare: holopapa, hele, ulupau. e v i c t . K i p a k u , ho'okuke. Rare: hehu, 'ope'a, ualehe. e v i d e n c e . 'Olelo ho'ike, 'olelo a na ho'ike. To seek evidence, kolokolo. e v i d e n t . A k a a k a , maopopo maika'i. e v i l . Loko 'ino, lawehala, 'ino. Also: kaha'ino, ho'okua'ino. Evil-heartedA n a ' a u 'ino, m a n a w a 'ino, n a ' a u ke'emoa, 'opu kekeue. Overtaken by evil, p a ' u h i a 1 k a 'ino. To plot evil, kalai 'ino. To speak evil of, ho'ino. To undo evil by prayer, kalaku. To tell evil of relatives, holehole lwi, kaula'i i n a iwi o n a k u p u n a . To turn from good to evil, kua'ino. For examples, see d e l i v e r ,
e x c l a m a t i o n . Ho'5h_o. Exclamations of surprise, scorn, dismay: auwe, k a h u h u , kahitu, kanoho, ka, kai, 'i. 'ike, 'alkola, ai, aha, kao. e x c l a m a t i o n m a r k . Kiko pu'iwa, kiko ho'oho. e x c l u d e . Koe, pale, waiho a k u , ha'alele. e x c l u s i v e . Helu 'ole 'ia (excepting); noho k a ' a wale, l a u n a 'ole, waiakua. See p l u r a l , e x c o m m u n i c a t e . 'Oki, 'okl mai k a hale pule aku. e x c r e m e n t . K u k a e , kae; lepo, h a n a lepo (euphemism); honowa, pa'u (tar-colored, as due to hemorrhage); palaki (small dabs); m a k u ' u (uncontrollable). Watery excrement, hi, palahi, k a i k o ' a k o ' a , p a l u k a l u k a . Excrement that remains to be wiped o f f , pala kukae. Excrement lying exposed on the ground, m a k a ' u w a w a e . Daubed with excrement, h a w a . Person who cared for the chief's excrement, k a h u m o k a . See d i a r r h e a , e x c r e t a . K u k a e , k a k a , h a n a lepo; weka, weka-
e x c r e t e e x p l a i n . Wehewehe, ho'akaaka, ho'ike; ho'omoakaaka, ho'omala'e (clearly). To explain a meaning, wehewehe mana'o, kuhi 'ano. e x p l a n a t i o n . Wehewehe 'ana, ho'akaaka, ha'ina, ho'om5akaaka, mana'o wehewehe. e x p l o d e . Ho'opahu, pahu, puoho, poha.
weka (of an infant). Dab of excreta, _pala. To leave excreta here and there, as animals, paki'oki'o. e x c r e t e . Ki'o, kaka, hana lepo. Need to excrete, pu'u ki'o, pu'aki'o. Discomfort preceding excreting. hokuku. e x c u r s i o n . Huaka'i maka'ika'i; holoholona (rare). To take someone out for an excursion, ho'oholoholo. e x c u s e . 1 . Pretext. 'Olelo ho'alo'alo. 2 . Pardon. K a l a , huikala, mlhi, ho'oku'u. Excuse me, k a l a mai ia'u. e x e c u t e . 1 . Perform. Ho'oko. 2 . Kill. Ho'omake, make. e x e c u t i o n e r . K a mea n a n a e ho'omake, mu. e x e c u t i v e . Ho'oko, po'o. Executive officer, luna ho'oko, ilamuku. Executive council, 'aha ho'oko. e x e c u t o r . K a h u waiwai, luna ho'oponopono waiwai, luna ho'oko kauoha.
explore, 'Imi loa, huli.
e x p l o s i o n . Halulu; kani kanono (loud
See explode,
e x p l o s i v e . Ho'opahu, mea pahu. e x p o n e n t . M e a ho'akaaka, kuhlkuhi. e x p o r t . Waiwai ho'olilo i ko na ' a i n a ' e ; ho'olilo. Fraudulent exporting, ho'oili kolohe. e x p o r t s . W r aiwai ho'olilo, waiwai puka aku. e x p o s e . Ho'ike akea, ho'owaiho, waiho wale, ho'ohamama, hu'e; poniho (as the sea floor). e x p o s e d . Ahuwale, kapeke; koaka (of_a male); ho'ohena, keke (of a female); kupapaula (to the wind). Exposed teeth, niho keke.
exemplify. Ho'ohalikelike.
exempt. Koe, ho'oku'u.
exposition. Ho'ike'ike.
e x e r c i s e . Ho'oikaika kino (bodily); ho'ohana; ha'awina h o ' o m a ' a m a ' a (lesson); kaholoholo (as a horse); ha'iha'i (limbering). e x e r t . Ho'oikaika, ku'upau. e x h a l e . Hanu, hanu i waho, ha. e x h a u s t . See w e a r y . Exhaust fumes, ho'opuka ea. e x h a u s t e d . Paupauaho, malo'elo'e; piula (slang). Also: aneane, auka, kupolo, 'aikena, lohelau; pahulu (of over-farmed soil); 'ainea (by strain or trouble); ' a k a ' a k a ' a (fig.). For saying, see H i l o . e x h a u s t i n g . Ho'opauaho, ho'omaluhiluhi. Rare: maka'ele'ele, 'aiea. e x h i b i t . Ho'ike, ho'ike'ike. e x h i b i t i o n . Ho'ike'ike. Art exhibition, ho'ike'ike ki'i. Exhibition hall, hale ho'ike'ike.
e x p r e s s . 1 . To state. Ho'opuka. ha'i, h o ' a k a a k a , ho'ike. 2 . To extract. 'Uwi, 'upi (by squeezing). 3 . Company. Hui hali ukana. e x p r e s s i o n . Kaleo, mapuna leo, mapuna 'olelo. A sweet, lovely expression of face or eyes, also said of the kole, a fish, maka onaona. A single expression by the lover, ho'okahi no mapuna leo a ke aloha, e x q u i s i t e . Nani makamae, 'auli'i. e x t e n d . Ho'oloa, ho'olo'ihi, k i k o ' o : _ — out, as land, oni, 'au, hapapa. Also: ku, 'o, ho'akea, ho'olaula, kiki'i. mahola, pahola, ho'opalahalaha, hohola, ho'omanana, hala'o'a. e x t e n d e d . Ho'old'ihi 'ia. Also: peleleu, moana, moanaana, laha, palaha, palaulau; 'omalio (as land); niape (obs.). e x t e n s i o n . Peleleu, paku'i. e x t e n s i v e . Laulaha, nui; 'omalio (as land). e x t e n t . Kiko'o, laula, nui.
exhort. Kauleo.
e x h o r t a t i o n . 'Olelo paipai. e x i l e . Wailana, kuewa, kipaku. e x i s t . K u , o, opu, ola. Existing laws, na kanawai e ku nei. e x i s t e n c e . Nohona, ola 'ana. Existence is peaceful, l_a'i k a nohona. Ours is a bare existence, 'o ke opu wale iho no k a makou. e x i t . P u k a 'ana, pukana, 'Ipuka. e x o d u s . P u k a 'ana, pukana. ex o f f i c i o . Mamuli o ke kulana, ma o k a 'oihana. e x o r c i s e . Mahiki, ho'omahiki. e x p a n d . Ho'onui, ho'omahua, ho'omahuahua, mahola, mohala, ho'onu; kauhola (bloom).
exterior. Waho. exterminate. Luku a pau.
e x t i n c t . M a k e , pio, nalowale. e x t i n g u i s h . Ho'omake, ho'opio, kinai (as a fire).
extinguished. Pio. extinguishing. Klnaina. extol. Kaena. See praise.
e x t o r t i o n . Pakaha, lawe wale, lawe waiwai ma ko 'ano kolohe. Also: puni kuwala, nunu. e x t r a . Keu, 'oi, hou, kaulele. Extra charge, uku kaulele. e x t r a c t . Po'alo, 'ola'o; puhi (as water from steam); 'upi (by squeezing); unuhi; 'ohu'i (obs.). Difficult to extract, 'i'l.
expanse. Akea.
expansion. Ho'akea 'ana.
e x p e c t . Mahu'i, kuhi, mana'olana, 'upu, kakali.
extramarital lover. Ipo manuahi.
expectorate. Kuha.
e x t r a o r d i n a r y . Kupaianaha, kupanaha, mea 'e, kaulele, 'e'opa, oki, oki pau; 'e'ena (obs.).
expectoration. Kuha. expedient. Pono. expedite. Ho'ohikiwawe.
e x t r a v a g a n t . 'Uha'uha, 'uha, 'uha 'ai,
maunauna. e x t r e m e . Welau, 'elau, welelau, palena, 'oi loa
e x p e l . Kipaku, ho'okuke, paku, lua'i, hula; ho'oku'u (as from school). e x p e n d . Lilo, ho'olilo. e x p e n d i t u r e . Lilo, ho'olilo. e x p e n s e . Ho'olilo, lilo. e x p e n s i v e . Pipi'i, pi'ipi'i, pi'i, nui k a ho'olilo. e x p e r i e n c e . ' I k e ; pi'i (as heat, cold, emotion); pa, h o ' o m a ' a ; na mea 'ike 'ia. e x p e r i e n c e d . M a ' a ; lau'aua (fig.).
aku. Extreme unction, ukione. e x t r e m e l y . 'A'ohe i k a n a mai, 'a'ole okana mai, ha'alele loa; kulipo (fig.). e x t r e m i t y . Welau, 'elau, welelau, welewelelau, kihi, pa, koki, pa'a.
exult. See enthuse, brag,
e x - w l f e . Wahine i ka'awale aku. e y e . M a k a ; 'onohi (fig.). Kinds: makole, piheka, m a k a hihi punawelewele, noe'ula, m a k a pili. Also see PE 207—211. Eyes at a joint, pu'upu'u. Coconut eye, puka wai. Mother-of-pearl eye, makalwa. Needle eye, maka, m a k a kui, puka kui. Snail eye, mahina. Eye pigmentation, maka ila. Black eyes, m a k a 'ele'ele (as of Hawaiians). Brown eyes, maka uliuli. Blue eyes, maka polu, m a k a 'alohilohi. Black eye (bruised), m a k a uli.
experiment. Ho'a'o.
e x p e r t . K a h u n a (various kinds, PE106); akamai, 'ailolo, lolo, no'eau, loea, makaukau. Also: lehia, lae o'o, lae 'ula, 'e'ea, k a ' e ' a ' e ' a , ihupani, hiapa'i 'ole, maiau, lehua. Extremely expert, pau lehia. For saying, PE ka'e'a'e'a. e i p l r e . Pau, make, hanu, puaea.
eyewitness fish); plpi (obs.). Red eyeball, 'onohl 'ula. Membrane over eyeball, hu'alu. e y e b r o w . K u ' e m a k a , k u ' e k u ' e m a k a , hulu ku'emaka.
One-eyed, m a k a pa'a. One eye smaller than the other, m a k a lkl. Flirtatious eyes, m a k a ki'i. Staring eye, m a k a 'a, ho'a m a k a . Roving eye, m a k a 'eu, makaau. Dark pupil, 'onohl uliuli; k a h l w a (obs.). Encrusted white matter in the eyes, m a k a piapla, (insult); pa'akai. Viscous matter in the eye, moekuhua. Fatty tissue between cornea and inner canthus, momi. Membrane covering the eye, hu'alu. Inner corner of each eye, lua'uhane. Eye inflammation, helei. Having something in the eye, as a mote or eyelash, pula, la'o. To look wistfully, makllo. To look with half-closed eyes, pioioi, mioioi. To open the eyes, k a ' a k a ' a . Eyes, front, pololei. See c r o s s - e y e d »
eyeglasses. Makaanianl. eyelashes. Llhilihi. e y e l i d . ' Opo'l maka, kuapo'imaka, llhilihi; m a k a lole (turned back; an insult). e y e s i g h t . 'Ike m a k a . Poor eyesighi, 'Ike powehiwehi, hapopo. e y e s o c k e t . Pona, naho, m a k a lua.
eplcanthlc fold, Inflamed, pink eye, tooth,
eyetooth. Ole.
e y e b a l l . 'Onohl, haku 'onohi, pona: momi (of
e y e w i t n e s s . ' I k e maka, k u m a k a .
f a i r y . No general term; see l e g e n d a r y b e i n g . f a i r y s t o r y . K a ' a o no na po'e k u p u a . f a i t h . Mana'o'l'o, paulele. To have faith, kalele. Covenant of faith, pellka o k a mana'o'i'o. f a i t h f u l . M a n a ' o ' i ' o , k u p a ' a . Oh come, all ye faithful, e hele mai 'oukou, k a po'e m a n a ' o ' i ' o .
See f a i t h .
f a i t h h e a l i n g . Ho'òla ma'i m e k a pule, l à ' a u kàhea. f a l c o n . Palekona, 'aekelona. f a l l . 1. From a height. H a ' u l e (a solid object); helelei, helele'i, ho'ohelele'i (as leaves, rain). Also: ha'ule'ule, ha'ulehla; p a k a k u , kuloku (as rain); ha'ule, helele'i (as fruit); koheoheo (as through the air); ha'uleplo (surrender); palalki. 2. Topple. H i n a ; — prone, hina pàlaha, moe pàki'i, pohlna; — backwards, kuwala, wala, wala kua, walawala pahu, walawalaki; — sideways, hid; — forward, kimo; — over, palahull; —, as a building, hiolo, hàne'e; cause to —, ho'ohina, ho'ohlhina; — in (military), ka'a maialo; — down or o f f , ' a k a ' a ; — and roll, k a ' a h i n a ; — head foremost, kiwi; — upon, as sorrow, ili. Also: pàhi'a, olopè; pi'i (as shadows). No Hawaiian word; See s t u m b l e . 3. Autumn. terms sometimes used: ha'ule lau, la'a make, la'a 'uia. f a l l i n g . H a ' u l e n a . Se« f a l l , f a l l o w . Waiho m a h l 'ole, ho'opahulu. f a l s e . Ho'opunipunl, wahahe'e. Also: 'olohewa, pahilau. False fire alarm, k à h e a pau ahi 'olohewa. False imprisonment, h o ' o p a ' a h a o pono 'ole. False personation, k a p a wahahe'e ana. False teeth, niho ku'i, niho ho'okomo. False witness, ho'ike ho'opunipunl. To bring false accusation, ho'ahewa k u m u 'ole, k à p e ' a . f a l s e h o o d . See f a l s e . Also: 'alapahi, pine, f a l s e m u l l e t . Uouoa. f a m e . See f a m o u s . Also: kuku'l. f a m i l i a r . K a m a ' à l n a , walea, ma'a, m a ' a m a ' a -
f . No Hawaiian term. fa. Ha. f a b l e . Mo'olelo pokole. f a b r i c a t e . Hakuwale, h a k u 'olelo, b a k u 'epa, bo'opunipunl. f a c e . M a k a , helehelena, alo; — of clock or watch, papa, moml. To face, hull. Bright face, m a k a hinu. Dirty face, m a k a Iepo. Face cream, kallma hamo. Face to face, he alo a lie alo. To face death, hull ke alo 1 ka make. Face the facts, n a n a pono 1 k a 'oia'i'o. Face the wall, huli ke alo 1 k a paia. To make faces, haikaika, ho'owaha, 'e'ewa. See a b o u t - f a c e , g r i m a c e , s c o w l , f a c e t . ' O p a k a , 'auka. f a c i n g . Hullna alo. f a c t . M e a ku'l'o, mea 'oia'i'o. f a c t i o n . 'Ao'ao. mahele. Dividing into factions, mokuahana. f a c t o r . H e l u h a n a (arithmetic); 'akena, hope (agent); k u m u , k u m u h a n a (.facts). f a c t o r y . Hale hana. f a c u l t y . 1. Academic. ' A u n a k u m u kula, pu'ulu k u m u kula. 3. Power. M a n a . f a d e . M a e , ho'omae (as flowers); hehe'e (as clothes); hakea, h a k e a k e a , k u a k e a , akeakea, k u k a i k e a (as in the sun). Also: mao, hlahla, 'ahiahla, kuaka, kualole, lolena; 'ahiehie (especially gray); 'ala'ihi (any faded color); m a h e (as a voice). F a g a r a . Hea'e. F a h r e n h e i t . Palanaheika. f a l l . P o h 5 ; holo le'a 'ole (as in business); h a ' u l e (as in school); eml m a u ke olaklno (of health}. Also: ha'ule'ule, ha'ulehla, neo, kahewa, halahu, maulina, haho. Three people in the class failed, 'ekolu p o ' e i ha'ule i k a p a p a , f a i l u r e . Holomua 'ole, holo le'a 'ole, ha'ule. For saying, see g o o s e . f a i n t . 1 .Lose consciousness. M a ' u l e , ho'oma'ule, make. Faint from hunger, m a k e pololi. To grow faint, h o ' o m a k e . To feign fainting, ho'oma'ule. To He in a dead faint, moe make. 2 . Weak, diziy. Makapduli, m a k a ponluniu, 'ona'ona, hemo'e^ 3 . Difficult to see. Aneane, 'awe'awe'a, 'ehu, poehiehi. f a i n t - h e a r t e d . P a u a h o , ma'ule, nawaliwall. f a i r . 1. Just. K u p o n o , pono, kaullke. Fair wind, pea winl, m a k a n l 'olu'olu. 2 . Complexion. 'Ill kea, '111 ma'ila, lakea, h a k e a k e a , halakea, a'la'i, l a m a l a m a . 3 . Exhibit. P e a , ho'ike'ike. 4 . Somewhat good. ' A l i o m a l k a ' i . f a i r l y . 'Ano, kokoke, 'ane'ane.
hia, 'ike. Also: alahula, k a m a ' a l u a . f a m i l y . ' O h a n a ; pilikana (rare). Old family, 'ohana k u p a (several generations in a place); ewe, 'ohana ' a p a ' a k u m a (for centuries in a place). Family line, iwikuamo'o, àewa. Family trait or custom, ewe, welo. Family name, inoa 'ohana. Family discord, n a h u n a h u - i h u . To carry on family virtues and skills, po'ohala. f a m i n e . Wi, pololi. For figurative and other names, PE kaha, kaha-lelele-pS, hi lau-lele. f a m o u s . K a u l a n a . Famous day, la k a u l a n a . To make famous, h o ' o k a u l a n a . To become famous, kaulana. f a n . Pe'ahi. To fan, pe'ahi, ani pe'ahi; koanlani (as a breeze); lulu. Electric fan, pe'ahi uila. Fan me, pe'ahi mai.
f a n belt. 111.
f a n c y . M a n a ' o ulu wale, moemoea. Take a fancy to, ho'ohihi, ho'okohu. f a n g . Ole, niho 'awa. f a n p a l m . Loulu, loulu-hiwa, loulu-lelo. Nut of loulu, hàwane, \v¡thane. Young loulu leaves, pa'aoloulu. f a n t a s t i c . Kupaianaha, kupanaha. f a n t a s y . N a m e a k u p a n a h a 1 haku 'la m a k a no'ono'o 'ana, moemoea. f a r . Mamao. Also: lilo loa, loa; — away, m a ' o loa aku, kùlewa; — and small, halali; 'aloaloa, màbiloa, hala loa, ha'alilo, mowahowaho, klkilo, moneha, m o m o u a . Far-reaching, hàloa. As far as. a, a hiki i. Not far, ma'o a e nei. To go far, hele loa, 'au 1 ke kai loa, hl'ikua. Far-off place inhabited by spirits, kéwà, 'Opikana. Far, paradisiacal, and venerated, 'iu'iu, mo'iu'iu, ko'lu'lu. Far from land, ' a ' o h e pilipill 'aina mai. f a r e . 1. Pay. Uku. 2. Happen. 'Ano, holo. To fare well, holo le'a. To fare badly, holo pono 'ole. How did your trip fare? Pehea aku nei k a u huaka'l? How did his work fare? Pehea k a pono o k a n a h a n a " Pehea k a holo ' a n a o k à n a h a n a ? 3 . Food. 'Ai. Bill of fare, p a p a kuhlkuhl mea'ai.
fee f a r e w e l l . Aloha. To bid farewell,
farewell gift. Ho'lna.
simple f a v o r i t e . Punahele, milimlll. Also: hlwahlwa, m a k a , hulu m a n u . Royal favorite, hulu all'l, hiwa lani. Favorite child, hiwa lani. Favorite grandchild, m o ' o p u n a 1 k e alo. To make or treat as a favorite, ho'opunahele, ho'ohiwahiwa, militant, mallanl. f a v o r i t i s m . H o ' o k e a m a k a , k a p a k a h i , ho'opololel, mailanl loa. See f a v o r i t e , f a w n . 1. Young deer. K i a keiki. 3. To cringe and flatter. Piepiele, ho'opilimea'ai, k a ' a p e . f e a r . M a k a ' u . Also: well, weliweli, 'e'ehia, kohl. Sudden fear, m a k a ' u kuhewa. Intense fear, klpona m a k a ' u . Shuddery fear, m a n e n e i ka m a k a ' u . To cause fear, h o ' o m a k a ' u , ho'ohlhiu, ho'ohopohopo. To flee in fear, palahe'e. Startled in fear, pu'iwa. f e a r f u l . M a k a ' u loa, wiwo, hopohopo, weliweli, k a u k a weli. Also: 'eno, luaahi, llha, llliha, k o a n o a n o , k u p a u , punihai. f e a r l e s s . M a k a ' u 'ole. wlwo 'ole, koa. Also: m a k o a , ka'alokuloku, lalama; koakoa lapa (and mischievous). f e a s t . ' A h a ' a i n a (various types, PE 5); Iu'au, >alala. 'alpo'ola; p a ' i n a male (marriage); moku ehua. Feast of unleavened bread, 'aklma.
f a r m . M a h l ' a i , m a h i , m a h i n a ' a l ; small —, klhapai; to — at night, k e ' e h a u (obs.). f a r m e r . M a h l ' a i . Tenant farmer, 15pa. Derisive names: malo 'eka, pepelao hohono.
far-sighted. 'Ike mamao.
f a r t h e r . M a m a o a'e, m a m a o aku, m a m a o mal, m a ' 5 a k u . ono ku'oko'a no ka 'ölelo, lanakila o ka 'olelo. Freedom from arrest, pakele mal ka hopu 'la.
f r u i t f u l funeral parlor. Hale ho'olewa. fungus. Akua, pepeiao. pepeiao-akua; kane (tinea); unahi pohaku (on stones). funnel. Kanuku. funny. Ho'omake'aka, ku i ka 'aka. ho'okolohe. Also: hu'eu, laupa'apa'ani, ho'oka'au. f u r . Hulu, huluhulu, huhulu, hulu kupu, 'ill holoholona. furious. Hae, pi'l ka huhu wela loa. Also: ehuehu, io'ena, laukona, pukikl. See angry, furl. Li, 'aki, polena, papio. furlong. Palelona, kekakia. furnace. Kapuahi, umu. furnish. Ho'olako. Well-furnished, lako. furniture. Lako hale, pono hale. Also: kahlko o ka hale, pa'ahana. furrow. 'Auwaha, wa'a, wa'awa'a, mo'ali, halua, holowa'a, mo'o'ali. furrowed. 'Au'auwaha. wa'awa'a, wa'awa'ahia, 'awa'awa'a, 'owah&waha, kawaha, maio, 'anuhenuhe, makuakua. furthermore. Koe keia, eia hou ho'i, eia no na'e, aia na'e, na'e, eia kekahi, ho'oiho. furtive. Malu, hialele. fury. Huhu wela loa, maka welawela. Also: 'a'a, ehuehu, 'onohi 'ula, 'o'oloku, kuapu'e. fuse. Kaula ho'a (as on firecracker); iho uila (electric). fuss. Ka'e, hauwala'au. fussy. Kamalani, 'onene, 'eke'eke, waewae. future. Mua, ka wa mahope. Near future, keia muaiho. Distant future, keia mua aku. See tense, fuzz. Hulu weuweu, heu. fuzzy. Weuweu, pihulu, 'oheuheu.
fruitful. Hua nui, huahua, momona. fruitless. Hua 'ole; pau'aka, 'u'a (unproductive). frustrate. Ho'ohoka, ho'opuhlli. frustrated. Puhili, uluku o ka no'ono'o, hoka. fry. 1. Cook.. Palai. 2. Small fish. Pua, pua 'i'i. frying oil. 'Aila palai. frying pan. Pa palai. fuchsia. Kulapepeiao. fuel. Wahie. fugitive. Mahuka. fulfill. Ko, ho'oko. full. Piha; poepoe (as the moon); ma'ona, piha ka 'opu, ponalake (from eating); plhaplha, akea (as a garment); 'eo, ka'eo (as a_ calabash). Also: 'opihapiha, noke^a, nolo, neki, le'ia, le'i, hualake, ha'ale, ho'okuku^ newe, nepu. Completely full, piha pono, plha'u. Full-blooded, piha. Night of full moon, Hoku. Full tide, kal piha, kal nui. For saying, PB lua 1. full-grown. Makua. fullness. Pihana, piha, 'opihapiha. fully. 'Oko'a. See entirely, f u m e . Mahu, ea. Tobacco fames, ea paka. fumigate. Fepehi mea 'ino. f u n . Le'ale'a, ho'ole'ale'a. For sayings, PE Halali'i. wela. function. Kuleana, lawelawe hana, hana. f u n d . Waihona kala. f u n d a m e n t a l . Kumu, honua. Fundamental knowledge, 'ike kumu. funds. Kala. Out of funds, 'a'ohe kala; puki, poloke (slang). funeral. Ho'olewa. See wake, funeral feast. 'Aha'alna make.
moa, paha'o, pio, koi, na'u; na'ina'i mimi, ho'okanekahe wai; polepoie, hocohono. Complete defeat in a game, make pilau. Place for indoor games, loku. g a n g . Pu'ulu, po'e. g a n n e t . Ka'upu. g a p . Hakahaka, kawaha, niho mole (aperture); nuku (mountain). g a p e . Hamama. g a r a g e . Hale ka'a. g a r b a g e . 'Opala. Garbage pile, pu'u 'opala, ahu 'dpala. Garbage can, kini 'opala. g a r b l e . Kake (chant); ho'okake, pakake. g a r d e n . Mala, mala pua, mala 'ai, mahi, mahina'ai. Also: klhapai, pa kanu, ulu kanu, ulu pua, waena, ka'ao'ao, laulima. See E d e n , g a r d e n i a . Kiele, na'u. nanu. g a r g l e . Hd'ola'ola, 'alala; po'ala (obs.).
garland. Lei.
g a r l i c . 'Aka'akai-pilau. 'aka'akai-pupu, kalika. g a r m e n t . 'A'ahu (various kinds, PE 2); lole komo, kamaki; uhikino, pale (outer). Full and flowing garment, pihapiha. Garments, pa'a kapa. g a r n e t . Kaneka, ganeta. g a r n i s h . Mikomiko. To garnish, ho'omikomiko. g a r r i s o n . Na koa o ka pa kaua, hulili. g a r r u l o u s . Waha nui. wala'au wale, waha kani, waha ko'u, waha kole, kulolohili, kanikanl ka waha. For sayings, see c r a b , c r o w ; PE 'ole'oji.
g . No Hawaiian term. g a b b l e . Hauwala'au, 'obi. Gabble mouth, waha ko'u. g a b l e . Hakala, kala hale. Gable post, kuhana. g a d . Ki'lhele, hele kauhale, 'ae'a wale. Also: 'anau hele, 'apo'o, po'apo'apola, kamapuka, ma'au, pakaulei, patkaulei, paikauhale, kihei loloa, mS'ala'ala. For saying, PE panau. See
See talk,
g a r t e r s . Li kakinl. g a s . 1. A fluid. Ea, ea'a'a, eamama, mahuea, kaka. 3. Of the_ stomach. 'Opihapiha. Also: ho'onaku, neheku, makani; pa'amua (obs.). g a s o l i n e . Kakalina, 'ailaea, 'ailea, ahimakani. g a s p . Hanu pa'a, gauaho, paupauaho, ka'ill'ili, mauli'awa. Also: 'a'ili, ka'ahili mauli'awa, hikilele. puailewa, puaialewa, 'oaiku, hemo'e, 'onini. g a t e . Puka, puka pa. Also: 'ipuka. panl, pani puka, kukuna. Sliding or movable gate, puka uai. g a t e k e e p e r . Kia'i puka. g a t e w a y . 'Ipuka, puka pa. g a t h e r . 1. Collect (mostly transitive). 'Ohi (pick); ho'ahu, hS'ili'ili (collect); 'ako (as papayas, seaweed); ku'l, 'ola'o (as 'opihl shetls). Also: Ti, ho'ulu'ulu, lapulapu; hukihuki (as taro); kdhi (as fruit); aulau (as leaves); laua'e. 3. Assemble (mostly intransitive). Ho'akoakoa. Also: mu, haiamu, mui, hapuku, lahui, pupu, laukua, puku, huihuiakolea; ohana (for family prayers); pu (as sails); hd'alu'alu (as in sewing); puleheke. g a t h e r e r . Hd'alu'alu (as on a sewing machine). g a t h e r i n g . 1. Collecting. 'Ohina, 'ulu'ulu, maka'uo. 3. Assembly. Analna, 'aha. pihana kanaka. Also: pohai, bono, kikamu, ikamu. Gathering place of birds, kula manu. See g a t h e r , g a t h e r s . Hd'alu'alu: 'a'Qepe (as about the neck of a garment). g a u d y . Ho'ohiehie launa 'ole, hine, 'a'at loa na waiho'olu'u. g a u g e . Ana; keiki (on sewing machine); una, haha ka 'upena (net); ana ua (rain). g a u g e screw. Kolu keiki. g a u z e . 'A'amo'o, lole 'ae'ae loa. g a y . Hau'oli, hau'oli'oli, 'oli'oli, le'ale'a. g a z e . Kauaheahe, haka, halalo. See s t a r e , gazelle. Kao hibiu, kakela. g e a r . Pono, lako. gecko. Mo'o-'ala, mo'oka, mo'o-ka'ala. G e h e n n a . Kehena, Gehena. gel. Maku, kuhua. g e m . Pdhaku makamae. G e m i n i . Kamahana. g e n d e r . Keka.
g a g . Pa'awaha. ho'opa'a i ka waha, 'owa, ho'owa, koka; ho'olua'l (make vomit). g a i e t y . 'Oil. To cause gaiety, ho'ohau'oli. g a l l l a r d l a . Melekule-wai-kahuli. g a i n . Loa'a, puka. g a i t . Ka'ina wawae, ke 'ano o ka hele 'ana. gale. Makani nui, kelawlni. Galilee. Kalilaio, Galilaio; Kalilala. G a l l p o l l . Kalipoli. gall. Au Cfor idioms, PE au); au 'awa (bitter). gall b l a d d e r . Au. The gall bladder has burst, iellowness spreads, poha ke au, ke pi'i nei ka ena (of ill will). g a l l e d . Mukole. g a l l l n u l e . 'Alae (various types, PE 16); nukea. g a l l o n . Kalani. g a l l o p . Holo nui, klau, holo'anai. gallows. 'Amana, 'oloke'a. G a l v e s t o n . Kalewekekona, Galevesetona. g a m b l e . Piliwaiwal. Gambling games: pili kala, pill hihia, la'au pili, ku-hele-mai. See b e t . g a m b o l . 'Owala; 'oehu, lapa. g a m e . Pa'ani, mea pa'ani, kemu, ho'okuku.
See baseball, basketball, checkers, football, hide-and-seek, Jacks, marbles, mumblethe-peg, rlngtoss, swing, tops, tug-of-war, w r e s t l i n g . Games of strength: ha'awe, honuhonu, hukihuki, ka makoi kanaka, kano, kula'l wawae, k u l a k u l a ' i , m a m a k a , p a ' u m e ' u m e . Sexual games: kilu, 'ume, pili, loku; person presiding over kilu, la anoano. Card games: k a m a u . piula, k e k a k e , male, hai-lo-keaka, konoki. Ancient and old games with stones, sticks, clubs, spears: puhenehene; pala'ie, ho'olel popo; holoholo, no'a; no'a-pahe'e (see also PE kihi moe, kihi puka); pahe'e, pahe'e 'ulu, 'o'o ihe, pahi'uhi'u, pu'upu'uone, kulakula, lele puni, ka'oka'a, kaupua, j>oha kihelei, kinlpeki, kuhela, aneo, pu ili, la'au pili, ke'a la'au. Miscellaneous games: pukaula, kohikobi-ku-palala, punipeki, le'ole'o, pahipahi, ho'oleleke, punikihi, ku-hele-mai, ku-a-hele-mai, moa-nahele.
genealogist g e n e a l o g i s t . Mea pa'a mo'o ku'auhau; ipu wal 'au'au (fig.). g e n e a l o g y . Ku'auhau, mo'o ku'auhau, mo'o all'i, mo'o kupuna, mo'o kahuna, iku pau, aewa. Genealogy chant, ko'ihonua. Versed in genealogy, pa'a ku'auhau. To recite genealogy, ha'i kupuna, ko'ihonua. To discuss genealogy, kuka mo'o. Place where genealogies were studied, hale nauwa. To possess a genealogy, aewa. g e n e r a l . 1 . Army. 'Alihikaua, pukaua, kenelala. 2. Widespread. Laulaha, laula, laha. General name, inoa laula, inoa nul. General provisions, 'olelo pill 1 'o i 'ane'i. g e n e r a t i o n . Hanauna. Relative or one of the same generation, hanauna like, hoa hanauna. A single j/eneration, kau 'apa'apa. Second generation, kuhaulua. A generation back, kaupapa. Relative of the parent's generation, makua. Three generations removed, kuakahi. Four generations removed, kualua. Five generations removed, kuakolu. To live in one place for generations, noho papa.
g i a n t . Pillkua. g i b b e r i s h . Hikapalale, pakake, kipakake, namu, hlohio, kuhipahipa. g i b b e t . 'Oloke'a.
glblet. 'Opu.
G i b r a l t a r . Kipalaleka, Gibaraleta. g i d d y . Hanewanewa, p5nlu, ponluniu. g i f t . Makana, ha'awina; wainohla (obs.). Faregifts, well gift, ho'lna, makana hele. Ceremonial alala, 'oloa, louulu, pani. Gift of second sight, a'awlna 'Ike. Failure to give a return gift, maua. giggle. Hene ka 'aka, 'aka iki. Also: uwe'ehene, ehehene, kanl 'ahe, puhene. G l l b e r t e s e . Killpaki, Gilibati. Also: Lelewa, Lewalewa. G i l b e r t I s l a n d s . 'Alna-Kilipaki. gill. Plhapiha, 'apl, o'a; ha'ali (obs.). Gill plate, maha, mahamana. Depression under gills, V a i l . Base of gills, kumu plhapiha. Gill net, see n e t . g i m l e t . Kul houhou, wilipua'a, ulepua'a. g i n . Klni. g i n g e r . 'Awapuhi (various kinds, PE 31-32); kahili, 'amomo, kinika. Slimy liquid in ginger blossom, kikl. g i n g e r ale. 'Ela kinika. g i n g h a m . Kinamu. Scotch plaid gingham, kinamu Kekokla. giraffe. Kilape, kamelopaki, kamelopadi. gird. LI, ka'al, pullkl. Also: pu'all, 'a'a, ho'opu'all, kau, paulinalina, liki, ko'al, 'omau, kipunl; hume {of a malo). girdle. Ka'al. Also: kako'o, 'a'a, 'a'a puhaka, kallki, apo, po'ai. girl. Kaikamahine, kamahine; preadolescent —, 'ulapa'a. Group of girls, kamalri wahlne. Girl's task, hana kaikamahine (easy work). For saying,
g e n e r o u s . Manawale'a. pu'uwai aloha, lokomalka'i. Also: lilolllo, kaniau. For saying, PB umauma. genesis. Klnohi, kumulipo. g e n i a l . 'Olu'olu, laulauna, laule'a, heahea. g e n i t a l . Ma'i, plko. Also: mull pokl'i, 'amokl'l, anaki'i, anakiu, anaml'u. GemlaZ chant, mele ma'i. Slit genital, ma'i 'owa (insult for women).
genitive case. 'Aullki. See possessive case.
G e n o a . Kenoa. g e n t e e l . Kulana nihinihi, nlhinlhi. G e n t i l e . K o na 'aina 'e. keneklle. g e n t l e . Akahai, malie, laka, walpahe; — , as a breeze, kauaheahe, kolonahe, nanenahe, 'ala'i, anea. A l i o : wai'olu, akanahe, wawall, waliwali, kapehe, nawele, 'upalu. g e n t l e m a n . Keonimana. Act as a gentleman, ho'okeonimana, walpahe. g e n u i n e . Maoli, T o . g e o g r a p h y . Ho'ike honua. g e o l o g y . 'Ike no'eau i na pohaku. g e o m e t r y . Anahonua, mole-ana-honua. G e o r g i a . Keokia, Geogia. g e r a h . Kela. g e r a n i u m . Noho-anu, laniuma, hlnahina, kupukupu-'ala. g e r m . Mu, 'eleao, 'ano'ano. G e r m a n . Kelemania. G e r m a n y . Kelemania. g e r m i n a t e . Ilo, kupu. Also: '0Q0, ma'au, ho'oheu. g e s t a t i o n . Ho'okauhua. g e s t u r e . Kuhl. Vulgar or contemptuous gestures: ho'auwaepu'u, panau, ho'opanau, ho'ohuahua, ho'opu'u ka hua, ho'opohopoho, ho'okolekole maka. ho'ohelel maka, peu, ku 'aha'aha, kuakl'i, 'dpe'a kua, ho'opake'o. To teach hula gestures, ho'okuhi. g e s t u r i n g . Kuhikuhina. G e s u n d h e l t ! Klhe a mauli-ola! g e t . Loa'a, kl'i, ho'oki'ikl'l, pa; — up, ala, m&ealanl; — out of, lele; to — on2 kau, 'e'e; — to, loa'a, hlkl. Get outl K u hele pelal K u aheleloal Hele i kahi 'el Hele pelal Disinclined to get up, lelemu. Get to work, nele e hana, hoe aku 1 ka wa'a. Get angry, pi'i k a huhu. G e t h s e m a n e . Kekekemane, Getesemane. g e t t i n g . Lawena, loa'a 'ana. g h o s t . Lapu, akua lapu, akua, 'uhane. Also: mauli, wallua; maka pilau (PE pilau); haili, makani, 'olohe, 'ula, well, hoaka, akalau. Ghost procession, huaka'i po, 'oi'o, kao'oloa. To give up the ghost, ku'u i ka 'uhane. g h o s t l y . Hanehane, auakua, pahulu, malila.
see shark.
girl s c o u t . No equivalent; sometimes heard: pu'ali kamali'i wahlne. g i r t h . Kaula 'opu (of a saddle). g i s t . T o , mana'o nul. give. Ha'awi. Also:_ ho, ka'a aku. Give birth, hanau. Give food, hanal 'ai. Give gladly, ha'awi manawale'a, manawale'a, ho'onu'a, pu'upa, kahiau. Give me, mal, na'u, ha'awi mai. Give for the sake of receiving a return gift, ku'aku ai, ha'awi papa he'e nalu. Give lavishly, ho'onu'a, klhlkau. Give up, ha'awiplo, ku'u, ha'alelc, lepahu; kuailo (as a riddle). g i z z a r d . 'Opu, pu'u, pu'u'ai'ai. g l a d . Hau'oll, laule'a, ka'e'e. g l a d i o l u s . 'Uki-haole. g l a d n e s s . 'OU'oli, nenele'a. See g l a d , g l a n c e . 'Alawa, 'ala'alawa, kilohi, leha, maka leha, maka lena, kokoe maka, ki'ina 'onohi maka; — o f f , holohu'a, ka kikepa, 'ohua. g l a r e . Maka well, 'a'a maka; hulili, 'olinolino (of sun). g l a s s . Aniani; ki'aha (for drinking). Glass dish, pa aniani. Glass-bottom box, pahu aniani. To touch glasses, as in drinking, puke ki'aha. glasses. Makaaniani (spectacles). G l a u b e r s a l t s . Hau'eli. g l a z e d . 'Ohewahewa (eyes). g l e a m . 'Anapa, 'ollno, huali. g l e a n . Ho'Ul'iU. (Ruth 2:2.)
gleanings. Mea 'ohl.
g l e d e . Kolenika. g l e e f u l . Piha 'oil; panale'a (obs.). glib. Palolo, palolo hua, wahawai, wahawali, 'olelo pahe'e. glide. KTkaha. Also: kakele, niau, palahi'a, olall, 'ohua. g l i m m e r . 'Uiki, '»mo, nakili.
See ghost.
g o o s e g l i m p s e . 'Ike mahu'i, 'ike lihi, awe'awe'a. g l i t t e r . 'Alohi, "alohilohi, 'anapa. Also: lali, hulali, huali, hlnuhinu, hoaka, 'oaka, kolilellle, kuali, 'olali, liko, 'a. puwa. g l o a t . Ha'anui. Gloat over misfortunes of others, 'akola. g l o b e . Pa'a poepoe, poepoe, hulipoepoe, poepoe honua, kahonua. globe a m a r a n t h . Lei-hua, lehua (various kinds, PE IS!,).
holo ke kao (of a bald head likened to a goatskin drum cover). g o a t e e . 'Umi'uml, kawelewele. g o a t f l s h . Kumu (growth stages and slang use, PE 167); weke (various kinds, PE 354); moano (various kinds, PE 229); munu, kolekolea.
Goat Island. Mokupunl-kao.
g o b b l e . 1 .Eat noisily. 'Al muka, 'al halale, 'uka, huka. 2. As turkeys. Pokeokeo, kolokolo. g o b b l e r . Pelehu kane. g o b l e t . Ki'aha puanlkl. g o b l i n . Peke, menehune. goby. 'O'opu (various kinds, PE Z67-Z68); nokea, nakea, napili, 'ohune, aualallha. god. Akua (various types, PE 14-li); makua (Christian prayers); stone fishing — , ku'ula; family or personal — , 'aumakua, kumupa'a, 'ao'ao. Abode of gods: po, 'apapa lani, kaha akua, Kahlki. One who cared for gods and images, kahu akua. So help me God, e ola au 1 ke Akua. Great gods, po'o ki eki'e. Names of the great gods: Kane, Ku, Lono, Kanaloa. The gods, na hoa ali'i. In poetry, references to rain, rainbow, and mist may signify the gods. See legendary beings,
globeflsh. 'O'opu-hue. globular. Poepoe.
g l o o m . Poulluli. Also: pauli, la'a ull, malu ko'i, mllumllu, 'e'eleku, koanoano, ponaho, nupa, ollo; forest •—, lipo wao nahele. To cast gloom, o'omamalu. To dispel gloom, ho'omala'e.
Gloria Patrl. Ka Ho'onanl 'Ana i ke Akua.
glorify. Ho'onanl, ho'ohanohano. ho'okapukapu, kaena; puhano (oils.), glorious. Hanohano, nanl, kei, po'iu. glory. Hanohano, nani, kei; hoaka (rare). Glory, glory, nanl, nani. The glory of Pali-uli is the misty rain, hanohano Pall-uli 1 ka ua noe (of a person). handsome glossy. Hulali, hlnuhinu; pano pa'u (black). g l o t t a l s t o p . 'Okina, 'u'ina; koma luna (apostrophe). glove. Miklni lima, mikilima. glow. 'Ena, 'ena'ena, 'a'a. Also: 'owena, 'owela, ha woo. huluhulu weo2 liko, lamalama, makawela, maka well, ku'ena, pua'ena, lau'ena, kauluwela, pua ahi, pu'e'ene, llholiho, makali. glue. Kolu, mea ho'oplplll. g l u e y . 'Clika, 'ulikallka. plllpill. Also: aweawe, ka'aka'allna, pllekaleka, hulina, napo, llna. g l u t t o n . Pakela 'al, punl 'al. Lazy glutton, lomaloma 'al halale. Desires of a glutton, kuko makapehu.
life, prayer,
g o d c h i l d . Keikl papakema, kelkl ho'okama.
God damn. Kokami.
goddess. Akua wahine. g o d f a t h e r . Makua kane papakema. g o d l i k e . 'Ano akua, akua, ho'akua. Godlike companion, hoa kua. g o d m o t h e r . Makuahine papakema. g o d p a r e n t . Makua papakema. g o i n g . Helena, hele. Going and asking, nol hele. See go.
goiter. 'A'i 'olo'olo.
gold. Kula, gula. Gold money, kala 'ula'ula. Gold jewelry, lako kula. Gold nuggets, pu'upu'u kula. Five-dollar gold piece, hapaha klnl. Ten-dollar gold piece, hapalua klnl. Gold-colored, wal kula. g o l d e n . Kula, gula. Golden finery, ho'ohlluhllu kula.
glycerine. Kolukellne.
g n a s h . 'Uwi, nau (as the teeth). Sound of gnashing, wi. g n a t . Nalo-'akl, nonanona, lonalona, ponalo.
gnaw. Nail, gnu. Nu.
Golden Gate. 'Ipuka Gula.
goldfish. I'a-'ula'ula. White-marked goldfish, i'a'ula'ula-la-kea. golf. Kolepa, golepa. g o n e . Nalowale, lllo, hele 1 kahi 'e. Also: ka'a, alaheo, puehu. All gone, pau 1 ka lllo. Gone a long time or distance, hala loa. Several days gone by, he mau la 1 ka'a a'e.
go. Hele, hele aku, haele, uhaele, uhele; — away, hele ma kahi 'e, hele aku; koekoe aku; — down, iho, hele iho, kipou; napo'o (as the sun); — up, pi'i, pi'i aku, ea; — inland, pi'l aku; — back. ho'i, no'i hou, ho'i hope; — backward, eml hope; — forward, ne'emua, nele 1 mua; — ahead, holo 1 mua. hoe aku i ka wa'a, hoea, ho'oka'ol; — on, continue, ho'omau, o, 'oia; — by, pass, ka'alo, ma'alo, ka'a, kaha; — into, komo; — out, puka, puka 1 waho; — aboard, 'e'e; — with, hele pu, alo, hahai; — around, ka'apuni, po'ai, po'ai haele, 'aipuni, 'oai; — far, ho'omamao, hele loa, hele wale, hi'lkua; — for, ki'i; — fast, holo, hele kikl, kalali: — on foot, hele wawae; turn and — , kaha, pe'a, pelu; — back and forth, ka'l lewa; — from house to house, hele kauhale, akaulele; — astray, hele hewa; — permanently, ele loa, ho'i loa; — for the first time or as a stranger, hele malihinl; — headlong, klmo; — riding, holoholo, holoholo ka'a. To go asking questions, ninau hele. To go asking lor something, nol hele. Go away! Hele ma kahi e! Hele pelai Ku a helel Ku a nele loa I For rather rare expressions see PE akauahelo, 'ele'io, hSlawa, hi, hele honua, hele kUki1, hihihiki, kahaku, kaha loa, kaiue, kaka'i a hele, k&lawa, kalawai, ki'ipua, koeheke, kololani, kbwi, kdkdwl, ku, kua, kukua'au, mB'ala'ala, moe, moea, momoe, na'u, 'Sauau, olomio, pShiki, poka'i, wehe.
gonorrhea. See venereal disease,
good. Malka'i. No good, 'a'ole maika'l. Good fortune, pomaika'i. Very good, maika'l loa. g o o d - b y . Aloha; a hui hou aku (lit., until meet again); kupae (rare, Eng.).
good evening. Aloha ahiahl.
g o o d - f o r - n o t h i n g . L a p u w a l e , m e a waiwai 'ole. Also: 'u'a, 'uka; uha'ula (obs.). See useless,
Good F r i d a y . Po'alima Hemolele, Pd'alima Maika'l. g o o d - l o o k i n g . Maika'l, malka'i ke nana aku; kumu (slang). Also: u'i, ml'i, mikohu.
good morning. Aloha kakahiaka.
g o o d - n a t u r e d . Walpahe, 'olu'olu. Also; wawali, wallwall, punolunolu. goodness. Pono, maika'l, hemolele; ka, auwS (exclamation).
goad. Ho'oklkina, wahapa'a. See tease, urge,
good night. See greeting,
g o a l . Pahu hope, pahu hopu, pahuku; kumu (objective).
goods. Waiwai, pono, mea.
good will. Lokomalka'l.
g o a t . Kao. Also: kunana, nana. Wearer of goat hides, 'a'ahu 'ill kao (of one so shiftless that he sleeps on smelly goat hides instead of mats). The drum sounds, the goat flees, kanl ka pahu,
goody-goody. Ho'opalo, ho'omikanele. g o o n e y . Kone (probably). goose. Nene. We heard the goose, lohe mai net makou i ka nene. The goose honks unele unele,
gooseberry which suggests nothing gotten.
nele. nothing,
graduation feast. 'Aha'aina 'unikl, 'aha'alna
puka. g r a f t . Paku'i, pana'i. Grafted hibiscus, aloalo ho'oulu paku'i. g r a i n . 1. Small particle. Huna. 3. In wood, stone. 'To, wai, nao, au, nao 'ohl'ohl. Curly grain, nao halu'a. Yellowish grain in wood, 'i'o lau mai'a. Black streaks in grain, pano pa'u. 3. See s e e d , g r a i n y . Oneone.
gooseberry. Pohâ, pa'lna. goose flesh. 'Ôkala. 'ôkakala, 1! ka 'ill, II ka
T o . Also: kutauluku; kakalaiô (ois.). g o p h e r . Kopabela. g o r g e . Haoa puhl (/or catching eels). g o r g e o u s . Punono, ho'ohiehle loa, nani loa. g o r i l l a . Eolila. g o s p e l . 'Euanelio. To preach the gospel, ha'i 'euanelio. g o s s i p . Holoholo'ôlelo, lawe 'ôlelo, 'iml 'ôlelo, ho'owâ, hauwala'au. Also: ill 'ôlelo, lonolonowa, ho'oplhapiba 'ôlelo, 'ohikau 2 nuku ^ou'ou, nl'a; hunehune (small talk); nene, wa, kalekale, 'lo'lolepo, kekëue, haubauhali. For sayings, see
gram. Huna.
g r a m m a r . PilJ'olelo, ho'ike 'olelo. To study grammar, a'o pili'olelo. g r a m m a t i c a l . Like me na lula pill'51elo. G r a n a d a . Kalenaka, Garenada. g r a n a d l l l a . Liliko'i, lemi-wai. g r a n d . Maika'l loa (fine); hanohano (glorious); nul (large, important).
crab, heron,
grandaunt. Same as grandmother,
g o t . Loa'a. He has got five cars, loa'a iâla 'elima
ka'a. See have.
g r a n d c h i l d . Mo'opuna. Grandchild of a sibling or cousin, mo'opuna hanauna. To have a grandchild, kani mo'opuna (poetic). To bear a grandchild in the arms, hi'lmo'opuna. g r a n d d a u g h t e r . Mo'opuna wahlne. g r a n d f a t h e r . K u p u n a kane, t u t u , kuku, k u k u kane.
G o t h i c . Kokika. g o u g e . Pô'alo, hao; ko'l 'ôwili, ho'o'oma (carpenter's). Eye gouge, to gouge out eyes, pô'alo maka (fig., ungrateful; one who steals a spouse). g o u r d . Ipu (various types, PE 96-97); hue various types, PE 80); pôhue, 'umeke pôhue. Hher kinds: hue-'awa'awa (bitter); hulllau (fig., uoman, wife, mother); ihiloa, 'lo, 'iole-holo-kula, kepena, kukae-'iwa, kûpala, lauhue, mu'olo. no uno'u, nuku-pueo, 'ôlaelae, p â h a ' a h a ' a , pâkâkâ, pala'ai, panunu-kuahlwi ; pûli'uli'u, u'ulî'ulî (for rattles). Stem ofjourd leaf, ha ipu. 'pper part of gourd, hu pa ipu. Juice of a green gourd, pahuka'a. Gourd with hourglass shape, ipu pueo. Large gourd, hulilau (fig., woman); lonolau, nonolau. Bottle-necked gourd, mu'a. Gourd containers: hôkeo (fig., a trifle); omo, 'olo, hue wai, ipu 'aumakua, laha. Cord support for gourds, aha hâwele. Cord with which cracks in gourds were sewn together, 'ahamaka. Gourd hanger, haka ipu, kà ipu. Gourd drums: ipu hula, ipu pa'i. ipu heke, ipu heke 'ole, ipu wai. Top gourd in drum, heke. Gourd drumbeat, pa, kahela, kukû. Gourd hula, hula kuolo (large gourd); hula 'uli'uli (rattle). Gourd whistle, ipu_ hoehoe, ipu hôkiokio. Gourd for fishing, kaku. Gourd for kilu game, kilu. Concoction made of gourd vine and kukui nuts, k u m u honua. Pôhue gourd nose, ihu pôhue (stupid)_. The gourd bottle gurgles when not filled, i 'ola'ola no k a hue wai i ka piha 'ole (of ignorant talk). g o u t . Wâwae pehu. g o v e r n . Ho'omalu, noho aupuni, noho ali'i, lula, noho. g o v e r n m e n t . AupuDi. Government business, h a n a 0 ke aupuni. Government building, hale aupuni. Colonial government, aupuni koloniala. Federal government, aupuni pekelala. g o v e r n o r . Kia'âlna. g o v e r n o r s h i p . Kia'âlna. g o w n . 'A'ahu, lole; loose —, holokû, m u ' u m u ' u , lu'elu'e. Evening gown, 'a'ahu ho'ohiwahiwa. Train of a gown, hu'a. g r a b . Kâ'ili, 'apo. Grab roughly, lâlau 'ino. g r a b b e r . Lima lâlau, mea kâ'ili, lima loa. g r a c e . Aloha (mercy, compassion); lokomaika'i (kindness) ; 'olu (as in a dance) ; pule ho'omaika'i 1 ka papa 'aina (before a meal); kalakia (Catholic). To ask grace, pule ho'opômaika'i. The grace of God, ke aloha o ke Akua. Hail, Mary, full of grace, aloha 'oe, e M alia, piha 'oe i ka maika'l.
grand Jury. Kiule nui. grandma. Same as grandmother, grandmother. k u k u wahlne.
K u p u n a wahlne, t u t u ,
grandpa. Same as grandfather,
g r a n d p a r e n t . Kupuna; hulu k u p u n a (poetic). To be or become a grandparent, kani mo opuna, hi'lmo'opuna. g r a n d s o n . Mo'opuna kane.
granduncle. Same as grandfather,
g r a n i t e . Mapala. g r a n n y . T u t u . kuku. g r a n t . Ha'awi (give); ha'awina (appropriation); 'ae, 'apono (approve). g r a n t - i n - a i d . Uku kako'o. g r a p e . Huawalna, walna. Cluster of grapes, pa'l waina, pa'l huawalna, hulhul waina. Grape jelly, kele waina. Grape raiser, mahi waina.
grapeshot. Poka lu.
g r a p e v i n e . K u m u walna. g r a s p . Hopu, 'apo. hao, lalau; haika (rare). Fail to grasp, 'apo hewa, hala ka lalau 'ana, huhewa. To grasp the meaning quickly, 'a'apo. g r a s p i n g . Hopuna, 'apona. See g r a s p , g r a s s . M a u ' u (various kinds, PE iH); weuweu. Kinds: ' a k i ' a k i , 'emo-loa, h o n o h o n o - k u k u i , ho'omanewa, hulu-koa'e, kakonakona, kalamalo, kauwele, kauwelu, kawelu, kili'o'opu, konakona, kualohla, kukae-koloa; kukae-pua'a (crab); kumanomano; lapine, lukini (lemon); lule, m a k u a k u a ; manlenle (Bermuda, buffalo, various kinds, PE Z19-Z10); manewanewa; m a u ' u - K e p a n i (velvet); m a u ' u - k u k u (bur); mau'u-mokae (nut); mau'u-laiki (rice); 'ohe, palamoa, pill, pillpili-'ula; 'ume'alu (bur). Blade of grass, lau mau'u. Clump of grass, pupu weuweu, opu weuweu. Wilted grass, mau'u mae. Full of grass, pihaweuweu (obs.). g r a s s h o p p e r . 'tJhini, 'uhlnl-akellka. g r a s s h o u s e . Hale plli, hale weuweu.
grass linen. Lilina pu'u mau'u.
g r a t e . Walu, wa'u, olo (verb); hao manamana, p a p a m a n a m a n a (noun). Also: plhelehele, 'anal, uwalu, waluhia, waluwalu, uwa'u, wa'uwa'u, wawa'u, wawalu. To grate coconuts, wa'u niu. g r a t e f u l . Ho'omaika'i. Grateful heart, na'au ho'omaika'i. I am grateful for your help, ho'omaika'i au 1 kou kokua mai. I am very gratefully (yours), 'o wau no me ka ho'omaika'i. g r a t e r . W a ' u . Also: uwa'u, wa'uwa'u, wawa'u. Coconut grater, wa'u niu. See g r a t e .
grace note. Hua li'ili'i.
g r a c i o u s . Lokomaika'i, 'olu'olu, walpahë. g r a d e . 1. Rank, class. Kulana, papa, 'ano. Sixth 'rade, papa 'eono. Highest grade, p a p a ki'eki'e oa, hulinu'u. 3. Evaluation. Heluna, kaha. 3. To level. Hô'iliwal. g r a d u a l . Mâlie, li'ili'i. iohi. g r a d u a t e . Puka, ho'opuka.
graduation exercises. 'Cnlkl.
g r o w g r a t i f i c a t i o n . M ä h a l o ; le'a (sexual). g r a t i f i e d . H o ' o m a i k a ' i , ho'oko 'ia. g r a t i n g . P a p a m a n a m a n a , hao m a n a m a n a . g r a t i s . H ä ' a w i wale, manuahi, m a n u w a h i , m a n a wale'a, h ä ' a w i hemolele. g r a t i t u d e . H o ' o m a i k a ' i , mähalo. g r a t u i t o u s . M a n u a h i , hä'awi mo k a uku 'ole. g r a v e . 1. Burial. He, lua k u p a p a ' u . Also: hale lua, luapö, h e k u p a p a ' u , hale k u p a p a ' u , pahe'e. To decorate, as graves, kau pua, lu pua. 2. Serious. Ko'iko'i, küo'o. g r a v e l . 'Ili'ili makali'i; one'ä (black lava); ökea (.white); ' a ' ä p u ' u p u ' u . g r a v e n i m a g e . Ki'i kälai 'ia. g r a v e s t o n e . Kia ho'omana'o. g r a v e y a r d . Pä ilina, pä k u p a p a ' u . gravity. 'Umekaumaha. g r a v y . Kai, kai penu, kai likoliko. Giblet gravy, kai '5pu. To stew or mix with gravy, kakele, g r a v y b o a t . I p u kai. g r a y . 'Ahinahina, hinahina; hina, po'o hina (of hair). Also: hiahia, ähiehie, lehu, lalauahl, ualehu, uauahi, pöpö uahi, p u a hina, puahia, polohina, pöhina, päkea, laukea; noenoe, kookea; po'o kea, po'o kuakea, k u a h i n a h i n a (of hair). To gray (of hair), hina ulu, pi'i kea, a'ea'o; ua '5 kö-kea (PE kea 3). For saying honoring gray hair, PE a'ea'e. g r a y i s h . Hinahina, ma'oha. g r a y i s h - b l a c k . Eleuli. g r a z e . Ho'ohani, hani, pä lihi (touch lightly); kulihi (as a bullet). g r e a s e . 'Aila, 'aila hämo, hinu, 'öhinu, k ö n ä h u a . Thick grease, 'aila pa'a. g r e a s y . Same as g r e a s e . Also: kele, kelekele, kele lua, lali, pilalilali, kühinu, kölikoliko. g r e a t . Nui, nunui. Also: m a n o m a n o , m ä n u ' u n u ' u . 'i, ke'ele, one'ula, ho'ikau, päkeupali. Very great, nui loa, lele'oi, 'oi aku ka nui. See g r e a t e s t , g r e a t - a u n t . See g r a n d a u n t . g r e a t e s t . Nui, po'okela, heke, h a p a nui, h a p a loa, k a u p o k u . See g r e a t , g r e a t - g r a n d c h i l d . Mo'opuna kuakähi. g r e a t - g r a n d p a r e n t . Kupuna kuakähi. g r e a t - g r e a t - g r a n d c h i l d . M o ' o p u n a kualua. g r e a t - g r e a t - g r a n d p a r e n t . K u p u n a kualua. g r e a t - g r e a t - g r e a t - g r a n d c h i l d . M o ' o p u n a kuakolu. g r e a t - g r e a t - g r e a t - g r a n d p a r e n t . Kupuna kuakolu. g r e a t - n e p h e w . Same as g r a n d s o n , g r e a t n e s s . Nui, m a n o m a n o . g r e a t - n i e c e . Same as g r a n d d a u g h t e r , g r e a t - u n c l e . See g r a n d u n c l e . G r e c i a n . Helene. G r e e c e . Helene. g r e e d . 'Alunu, ' ä n u n u , nunu, make'e. Also: no'u, lauahi, hulipeua, 'a'ao. G r e e k . Helene. g r e e n . ' Ö m a ' o m a ' o , 'öraa'o, m a ' o m a ' o , ma'o, uliuli (vegetation); m a k a (as fruit). Also: m a m a ' o , m a m a k a , 'ohala. To make or paint green, ho'öma'oma'o. g r e e n e r y . L a u nahele; lau ho'ohiwahiwa (for decorations); weuweu (in chants). See r a i n , thumb. g r e e n h o u s e . Hale ho'oQlu mea k a n u . g r e e n i s h . 'Ano 'öma'oma'o, m a m a ' o . G r e e n l a n d . 'Äina-'öma'oma'o. g r e e n r o s e . Loke-lau. g r e e n s . L a u ; lau 'ai 'ia (edible). Edible greens: lu'au (taro); p a l u l a (sweet potato); popolo, hinihini, pualele, pakai; ho'i'o, kikawaiö (ferns eaten raw). See w a t e r c r e s s .
g r e e t . Aloha, aloha aku. Old forms: weli, welina, 'ano'ai. Also: k a h e a , oha, 'ike. See g r e e t i n g , g r e e t i n g . Aloha (various examples, PE 19). The old greetings were: aloha, 'ano'ai, welina m e ke aloha. Post-missionary greetings include: aloha k a k a h i a k a , good morning-, aloha ahiahi, good afternoon, good evening. The farewell greeting was aloha or a hui hou a k u . These were said also for good night, as for leaving a meeting, but not within the home. To extend greeting, a l o h a a k u , kahea, oha, e'e, a'a. To press noses in greeting, honi. g r e g a r i o u s . Laulauna. g r i d i r o n . H a o m a n a m a n a (grate); k a h u a p a ' a n i (arena). g r i e f . K a u m a h a , k a n i ' u h u , k u m a k e n a , 'u. Also: ' u p e , m a k a ' u p e , manewanewa, ho'omanewanewa, panewanewa, mana'ona'o, ho'omana'ona'o, m o k u a h u a , m o k u m o k u a h u a , p a u m a k o , hihipe'a, ikiiki, polohina, n a ' a u a u w a , m a n a w a h u a . To lighten grief, ho'olana. Poetic expressions of grief: PE lu'ulu'u; see t e a r . In poetry, grief may be represented by heavy rain (ua). g r i e f - s t r i c k e n . N o h o 'u, pa i ka 'u, nu, ho'onu, ma'e'ele, kulolia. g r i e v e . See g r i e f . Also: auwe, aumihi, minamina, kania'au. g r i l l . H a o m a n a m a n a , hao h a k a h a k a . g r i m a c e . Ho'owaha; haikaika, ho'ohaikaika (defiance, contempt); ualehe, pu'e'eke. g r i n . 'Ole'ole (widemouthed, as of an idol). See smile. g r i n d . Wili, uwi, ho'okala, 'anal, kuai, hoana. Grind sugar cane, wili ko. Grind flour, kawili palaoa. See g r o u n d , g r i n d e r . Nau. g r i n d s t o n e . Hoana, h o a n a k a ' a . g r i p . .See g r a s p . Also: uma, puliki. g r i p p e . Kalipa, garipa. g r i t t y . Oneone. g r o a n . N a , 'u, 'uhu, k a n i ' u . Also: ' u h u ' u h u , auwe, nu, nunu, ho'onu, 'i'i'L g r o c e r i e s . Mea'ai. g r o c e r y s t o r e . Hale k u ' a i mea'ai. g r o i n . K u m u ' u h a ; pani kai (sea wall). Swelling in the groin, 'ewai. g r o o m . K a h u lio. See b r i d e g r o o m , g r o o v e . Nao, halua, 'a'ali. Also: 'ali, mo'o'ali, mo'ali, auwaha, ioio, niau, kohe. To make grooves, hole, ho'oioio. g r o o v e d . See g r o o v e . Also: ioio, 'ali'ali, pu'ali, 'owahawaha, maio, w a ' a w a ' a , wa'awa'ahfa. g r o p e . H a h a . Grope here and there, h a h a hele, hilihua. Grope as a blind person, h o ' o p a p a . Also: hapapa, kupapa. g r o s s . K a p u l u (coarse). Gross profit, h u i n a loa'a. g r o t e s q u e . 'Ano e, p u p u k a pepe'ekue, p a u ' a k a . g r o t t o . Ana. g r o u n d . 1. Earth. Lepo, honua. 2. See g r i n d . Ground round steak, 'i o pipi i wili 'ia. g r o u n d e d . Hi, mau. g r o u n d s . O k a (dregs); k a h u a (site); kumu (cause). Grounds for divorce, k u m u no k a 'oki male. g r o u p . P u ' u l u , 'ao'ao. Also: 'au, ' a u n a , p5hai, po'ai, pewa, pae. Group of islands, pae 'aina, hono. See c l u s t e r , flock, g r o u p e r . H a p u ' u ; h a p u ' u p u ' u (young stage). g r o v e . Ulu, ulu la'au, m a h a la'au, moku la'au, nahele. Coconut grove, ulu niu. g r o v e l e r . N a k u li'i. g r o w . Ulu, ho'oulu, k u p u : — wild and lush, uluahewa, uluao'a, kupuohi, puhuli, oha; — easily, wild, ulu walej — thriftily, k a ' a h a ' a h a , 'ououo; — fast, ulu 'awlwi, kiki holo, a h u a h u ; — by layering, kakiwi; — irregularly, kai'oi'o; — thick, h5'i'o; —, as a foetus, 5pu; —, as
g r o w i n g
guinea pig. 'Iole-pua'a.
tendrils, 'oka'i; — low, nene'e. Also: aulu, 'ohulu, ohlohl, maohiohl, heu, ho'oheu. To train to grow as desired, pakolea. To fill out in trowing, ho'oplha.
g u i t a r . Kika. To play the guitar, ho'okanl klka; b o ' o p a p a (a certain way). See s l a c k k e y . g u l c h . Awawa, k a b a w a i , 'oawa. g u l f . Kai-ku'ono, k u ' o n o .
growing. Kupuna. See grow, growl. Nunulu, hae.
Gulf of Darien. Kai-o-Kallana (Dariana). Gulf of Mexico. Kai-ku'ono-o-Mekiko.
g r o w t h . Ulu, k u p u . Also: 'oulu, 'i'o ulu, m a h u a , ohl. Slow growth, muno, kupa-li'i, ho'okokohl. Forest growth, lau nahele. In poetry, rain and mist may signify growth and greenery (see w e e p ) . Young growth stages of some fish are reduplicated bases, as 'a'ala'ibi, ' a h a ' a h a , 'aholehole, a ' u a ' u , halahala, h a p u ' u p u ' u , 'okuhekuhe, pakalakala, palailal. g r u d g e . M a u h a l a , ' a u ' a . To bear a grudge, h o ' o m a u h a l a , m a n a w a h u w a , 'elelkl, k u n a ' a u . To do grudgingly, k u a Qui, b o ' o k u a nui. g r u e s o m e . M a n a ' o n a ' o , weliwell. g r u f f . 'Okalakala, pukalaki. g r u m b l e . 'Ohumu, 'ohumuhumu, namunamu, k u n u k u n u , 'ohalahala, n u k u . Also: nakulu, helu, kolo, kolokolo. g r u n t . H u . Also: k e ' u , nu, 'u, ho'o'u, kani'u. 'uhu, n u n u , ho'i'I, h o ' u . g u a n o . Kilkae m a n u .
g u l l . 'Opa'ipa'i, n e n e - ' a u - k a i (sea gull). g u l l i b l e . Punlhel, punl wale. For idiom, PE 'ama'ama. g u l l i e d . W a ' a w a ' a b l a , k u ' a w a ' a w a ' a , 'owae.
gully. 'Awa'a. See gulch.
g u l p . Ale, alapobo, moni. Also: momonl, momomoni, monlmonl, 'ai p5'ala. Gulping sound, ma'u'u. g u m . K a m u (for chewing); pDall, bu, k e p a u (as on ripe breadfruit). Gum-producing tree, la'au bu. To chew gum, n a u k a m u . To gum lehua trees for catching birds, kaplll m a n u , pulebua
g u m b o i l . 'I'o-kupu.
g u m m y . PDalilali, pQekaleka, lina, loliloli. See
gluey, sticky,
g u m s . ' I ' o pale nibo. Toothless gums, ka'e. muka'e. g u n . P u ; walkl (obs.). Machine gun, pu mlkinl. Toy or popgun, pu p a ' a n i . Water or squirt gun, >u ki wal, pu wai. Double-barreled gun, pu klhi ua. Gun carried on shoulders, p u k a u po'ohlwl. Maxim gun, p u will. Cock of a gun, klko. Gun bayonet, 'elau walki. Gun salute, p u aloba. Row or tier of guns, p a p a p u . To load, as a gun, bo'oplba.
guarantee. Ho'oia.
g u a r d . Kla'l, m e a kla'i. Also: maka'l, m a k a ' l n a , pale, k u k a ' a w e , h o ' o p a l a m a ; rear —, h u n a p a ' a ; king's — , a p o hao. To stand guard, k u uwaki. Citizens' guard, pu'all kla'i maka'l. g u a r d i a n . K a h u . Also: 'obene: ' u h a (of a chiefly child). Roual guardian, k a b u all'l. Ouardian angel, 'anela kla'l.
gunny sack. 'Eke huluhulu, 'ekemau'u.
Guatemala. Kuakemala.
g u n p o w d e r . P a u k a k l p u . Also: wctlpahu, walpu, one 'a.
g u a v a . K u a w a (various kinds, PE 158); strawberry — , walawi. g u e s s . Koho, koho wale, mahu'l. Guessing game, p a ' a n i kobo. Guessing contest, h o ' o p a p a . Some guessing games: no'a, puhenehene, p u ' u p u ' u o n e , pill lima. See r i d d l e , g u e s t . Mallhinl kipa, mea 1 kono 'la. My guest, k a ' u mallhinl. To be a guest, ho'omalihini. Be my guest, ke kono a k u nel au la 'oe. Guest for a day, be mallbini no k a la bo'okabi (a newcomer, as though on a honeymoon, is not criticized; later he is to do his share of work). g u e s t h o u s e . Hale kipa.
gunshot. Lu, poka lu. g u n w a l e . Pale,
gunwale strakes. See canoe,
g u r g l e . 'Ola'ola. Also: hoho, nono, pua'l, 'uli, kukawowo. For example, see g o u r d , g u r n a r d . Plnao, loloa'u. g u s h . 1. Of water. H u a h u a ' i , h u a ' l n a . hu, hulanl, b a ' a n o ' u , p a h u h u . a . Of speech. P u a ' o b i , w a h a kale, 'ohl. g u s t . Kokololio, m a k a n l jjukQci. Also: kolollo. kokolowinl, bio, blhlo, mohio, mohiohio, mohlhlo, publblo, 'oblo, k a k a l a , amlo, 'oehu. 'ale.
guffaw. Hehe ka 'aka, hu ka 'aka. g u i d a n c e . Alaka'lna.
guts. Na'au.
g u i d e . Alaka'l, bo'ike; k u k u l (poetic). My guide of the eight seas, k u ' u ho'lke o n a kai 'ewalu (in praise of a leader).
g u t t e r . ' A u w a h a (ditch); 'alu (ratine); puluml (as on a house). g u t t u r a l . Pill 1 ke kanl'a'i. Guttural quality in chanting, 'i'l.
guile. Ma'alea.
guilt. Hewa.
g u i l t y . H e w a . To find guilty, ho'ahewa. Found guiUy, pill i k a bewa. Found not guilty, ho'apono.
guzzle. Huka.
g y m n a s i u m . W a h i no n a p a ' a n i ho'oikalka kino. g y p s y . Lahul 'ae'a. g y r a t e . P o k a k a ' a , poniuniu, oi.
guinea. Kini (coin).
g u i n e a h e n . Kinlbene.
h a l i t o s i s . H a n u p i l o , pllo, w a h a pllo, ' o p i l o p i l o , 'alaea. H o l o , hale. Meeting hall, halau, ke'ena
hallelujah. Haleluia. halloo. ' 5 , o h o ; ui, h u i (modern); o'ou (obs.). hallow. H o ' o l a ' a . To hallow, h o ' i h l . Hallowed, h o ' a n o (for examples, PE lb). h a l l u c i n a t i o n . M a n a ' o 'olalau, li'ula, akaku. halo. P o ' a h a m a l a m a l a m a . Halo around sun or moon, l u a h o a n a , l u a k a l a i l a n i . halt. K u la, k u . Haiti K u ! K u - l - k e - p a ' a (PE 161).' h a l t e r . K a u l a llo, p u n u k u . h a l y a r d . K a u l a hukl pe'a. h a m . P u a ' a hame, 'uha pua'a, hame, 'uha hame. To smoke, as a ham, h o opipi. H a m b u r g . Hamepuka. Hamebuga. h a m b u r g e r . ' I ' o p i p l 1 wlli 'la. h a m l e t . Kauhale. h a m m e r . H a m a l e . To hammer, ku'i, hamale. Stone
See adze. hammerhead shark. Mano-kihikihi. b. He. habeas corpus.
P a l a p a l a k u ' u k i n o (writ h a b e r g e o n . Puliki kaua. h a b i t . H a n a ma'a, 'ao'ao.
h a m m o c k . Moelewa, moe ho'olewa, maka'aha, ' a h a m a k a . String hammock, k o k o . hamper. 1. Clothes container. W a h i w a i h o lole. 2 . Hinder. 'Ala'alai, ho'opillkia. h a m p e r e d . Hlhia. H a m p t o n . Hamekona, Hametona.
habitual. Ma'amau.
hamzah. See glottal stop. Hftna. See rain. Hanalel. H a n a l e i (lit., bay
h a b i t u a t e d . M a ' a , ma'ama'a, ma'ama'ahla. hack. 1. To cut. K a , k u a , p a k a . 2. Carriage. Ka'api'o. hackle. Hulu. H a d e s . P d . K e h e n a , Getaena. h a g . Luahlne pi'alu, luahlne alu'a. kolo'u'a. Dried-up hag, l u a h l n e p i k a ' o . hall. 1. Greeting. '0, a l o h a ; o ' o u (obs.). 2. Frozen rain. H u a h e k i l i . h a i l s t o n e . M a k a h e k i l i , p o k a u a hekili. hair. L a u o h o , o h o (head); h u l u , huluhulti, h u h u l u (body).
hand. clock); cards).
trim, cut haircut, haircuts:
'o'u, papa'fole, po'o
tooth for hair cutting, ' o k i p o h e . See bob.
the hand,
the back,
p o i thins
h o ' o p e ' a k u a . On
and ferments
the other
the of in
m i l i ' o p u . One
who handles
p i l a u . 2 . Shaft. ' A u , k u ' a u , j j a ' a l i m a , k a n o , k a u ; k a k a i (as of a bucket), ' a p u a , k u m u . Axe 'au
h a n d m a d e . H a n a lima, h a n d s h a k e . L u l u lima.
h a i r y . Huluhulu, 'ohuluhulu, puhuluhulu, plhulu. H a i t i . Halki. h a l e . Ikaika, olakino maika'i, pa'a. half. H a p a l u a , p l k a . Half-covered, kihapa. Half hapa
pilikia 1 ka hana. h a n d i c r a f t . N a mea hana lima, handkerchief. H a i n a k a , h i n a k a . Pocket handkerchief, h a i n a k a p a ' e k e , h a i n a k a p a k e k e . Paper handkerchief, h a i n a k a p e p a . handle. 1. Touch. L a w e l a w e , U m a l i m a , lole, l a p u l a p u , m i l l ; — over and over, m i l i k a ' a . Easily
hair switch. See switch.
k u i l i m a , k u l k u i l i m a . To cross the
h a i r n e t . ' U p e n a lauoho. h a i r p i n . K u i lauoho. h a i r p i n l a c e . Llhilihi kui lauoho.
h a n d b a g . ' E k e ' e k e p a ' a lima, 'eke p a ' a lima, paiki p a ' a lima, h a n d b a s k e t . ' E k e p a ' a lima, 'eke'eke pa'a lima, h a n d b o o k . P u k e l a w e lima, h a n d c a r t . K a ' a hukl. h a n d c u f f s . ' O p i k i lima, kupe'e, l a ' a u kupe'e.
only 'oki 'oki
'ako po'o
hand drill. Willpua'a, ulepua'a. handful. P i h a lima, poho lima.
' o k i k l k e p a . Shark's o k i . "Crew" haircut,
that 5:57.
m a k e k a h i ' a o ' a o , a k a . Thinning
haircut, Pele's hair, topknot,
Mourning mourning
h a i r b r u s h . Palakl lauoho.
the ends, 'oki-huelo. kumakena. Kinds of
manamana, lima kuhikuhi
or wave with A hand's breadth; to beckon hand, p e ' a h i l i m a . To form a cup of the hollow the hand, h o ' a ' a p u . To hold hands, go hand
Reddish hair, lauoho 'ehu. Hair black at the roots that skades out to reddish, ' e h u k u m u ull. Piece of hair of beloved deceased, hela. See gray,
' e k a , k e ' a (of bananas); ha'awina (of To hand, h a ' a w i , h o m a i (towards speaker).
p i ' i p i ' i l a u nui, l a u o h o p i p i ' l . Kinky hair, l a u o h o p i ' l p i ' l P u k l k i . Straight hair, l a u o h o kalole. Long hair, l a u o h o l o l o a . Short hair, l a u o h o p o k o l e , l a u o h o ' e k e k e ' l . Hair in curls, l a u o h o m i m i l o .
hair clasp. 'Omi'l lauoho. hair curler. Hao ho'omimilo. haircut. ' O k i i ' a k o ) k a l a u o h o .
U ' i . n o h e a , m a i k a ' i . Also: niolopua, m a k a l a p u a , mahlehie, polaqi, mekila; h u a - p a l a , k u m u (slang). For sayings, see cliff, glory,
pimple; PE 'iwa, Pali-uli. handspring. Kuwalawala. hand wrestling. Uma, pauma, hulnalima.
five o'clock, h a p a l u a h o l a ' e l i m a . h a l f - m a s t . K a u hapa. H a l i f a x . Halipaka, Halifaka.
h a n d w r i t i n g . Kiikau lima, lima kakau. p u l l m a kakau, pullma, hapapullma.
h a n d y h a r m o n y . 1. Agreement. Lokahi, like ka nohona. 3. Musical. K a hui maika'i ' a n a o na leo mele. h a r n e s s . 'Hi ka'a, 'ill; kaulua lio (two horses); h S ' u p u k a h i k o (Biblical). h a r p . Lila, kinola, h a p a . To harp on a subject, h o ' u p u ' u p u . See a u t o h a r p . H a r p e r ' s F e r r y . Hapa-Pele, H a p a Fere, h a r p o o n . 'Ó; 'o kohola (for whales); hápuna. h a r r o w . Halo, 'o'o halo. h a r s h . 'O'ole'a, kanai'i, uahoa, 'awa'awa. Also: ko'iko'i, ho'oko'iko'i, k a p e k u , kala, k a k a n a , kalakala, k a k a l a . H a r t f o r d . Halakepoka, Haratefoda. H a r v a r d . Hawaka. Havada. h a r v e s t . Loa'a, w i 'ohi (season). To harvest, 'ohi
h a n d y . M a k a u k a u , loea, no'eau. b a n g . Ho'olewalewa, lewalewa, lewa, kau. Also: 'alu, kaulei, ka'awe, li; — up, as telephone, k a u , k a u i luna; — down, ho'alu, he'e, mu'olo, 'olo, luhe; — loose, mu'olo, k u ' u w e l u , 'olo'olo; — short, k a u ne'ine'i; — up, as to dry, kaula'i. To hang leis, k a u lei. He hanged himself until dead, ua k a ' a w e 'oia a make, h a n g e r . Ka. Hanger for gourds, k a ipu. Hanger for oowls, k a 'umeke. h a n g i n g . Kalewa, kulewa. kaulia, k a u n a , uleule, lola, l u l l , wele, welehla, m u k a ' e ; — precariously, maulihilihi; — low, loha. h a n g o v e r . Po'o h u a ' i lama, po'o nui, poluea. H a n o v e r . H a n o w a , H a n o v a ; Hanowela, H a n o vera. h a p h a z a r d . H u i k a u . Also: malele, k i k o ' o l a , kikoi. h a p p e n . 1. Occur. H a n a , lo'ohia. Also: hekau, kulla. What happened? H e a h a k a mea i h a n a 'ia? I a h a 'la? Happened to fall, 'o k a ha'ule wale iho la no ia. What will happen? E a h a 'ia ana? The thing that happened, k a mea i hiki m a i ; k a mea 1 lo'ohia. 3 . By chance. K u p u wale, hiki honua. h a p p i n e s s . Hau'oli.'oli'oli. Also: laule'a, hoihol, le'a, hau'oli'oll. kule'a. To cause happiness, ho'ohau'oli. Place of happiness, comfort, pleasure, k a h u a o Mali'o (poetical). In poetry, coolness, fragrance, and rain may signify happiness. h a p p y . See h a p p i n e s s . Happy-eyed, hau'oli n a m a k a . Happy birthday, hau'oli la h a n a u ; h a n a u (in toasts). Happy new year, hau'oli m a k a h i k i hou, hapenuia. For saying, PE hoi. h a r a n g u e . Nuku ho'omau, kuha'u. h a r a s s . Ho'onaukiuki, ho'ouluhua, ho'ouluulu, ho'opi'oloke. h a r b o r . Awa, awa k u m o k u . h a r b o r d r e d g e . M o k u kope awa, kope awa. h a r b o r m a s t e r . Luna awa. h a r d . 1. Not soft. 'O'ole'a, pa'a. Also: 'e'e, ka'e'e, kanl, k a n i wahie, wikani, m a k u , kala'lhi, wlka'o; p a p a ' a wela (as breadfruit on one side); konakona, konekonea, m o k a ' o k a ' o . Fig. words for severe, hard in nature: kona, m a k o n a , u a h o a ; lo'a'a (as taboo); 'i, ka'i'i; a k a o ' o (miserly). Hard labor, h a n a 'o'ole'a; k u a p a ' a . See h a r d h e a r t e d . 3. Difficult. Pa'akiki, h a n a nui, m a u l u a .
See gather, pick.
h a s t e n . Ho'ohikiwawe, 'awiwi, m a m a . Also: wiki, wikiwikl, lale, ho'olale, _pülale, kaholo, holo, h o ' a u á u , m a k a h a i , ' a k ü ' a k u , 'álulu, püpuahulu, p a ' a p a ' a n a . h a t . P a p a l e (various kinds, PE 293). Manila hat, papale manila. Panama hat, papale waiokila. Beaver hat, papale piwa, piwa nalta. Hat made Of sugar-cane stem, papale pua, papale pua ko. flat plaited on a wooden block, papale p a h u . Wooden block for plaiting hats, p a n u gapale. Crown of a hat, piko. Flat top of a hat, pa. Hat rim, laulau, 'éheu. Hat designs: piko, kala hale. To tip the hat, wehe i k a papale. To wear a hat, papale, papale 1 ka papale. h a t b a n d . Apo papale, ká'ei papale, lei papale. h a t b o x . P a h u papale. h a t c h . Kiko, ho'okiko, kiko k a hua. h a t e . 'Ino, m a n a ' o 'ino, p u ' u w a i 'ele'ele. Also: inaina, ho'ononohuwa. Full of hate, makawela. Look at with hate, m a k a 'ino. Object of hate, pula m a k a welawela. Words of hale, 'olelo m a k a wela. See m a l i c e , h a u l . Kauwo, huki, lawe, hiu; pane'eha (obs.); — in, h51ina. To haul energetically with rope, hiu. h a u g h t y . H o ' o k a n o , hukiku, ha'akei, ha'aheo, heo, k o n a . Also: lanaha'akei, haha, kaha, ha'ikü, ke'o, pi'ilae, ke'ehilae. Fig.: kalalea, ihu pl'i, ihu k u , pali. Haughty air, m a k a ki'eki'e. To walk or talk in a haughty or brisk way, kalall. h a u n t . L a p u , ho'opahulu. h a u n t e d . L a p u , a u a k u a , pahulu. Haunted house, hale ho'opahulu. h a v e . 1. To possess. No word in Hawaiian; commonly expressed by he followed by a possessive: I have a car, I had a car, he k a ' a ko'u. See o t . 3. Necessity. Pono. I have to go, pono au e ele. 3. Veri> auxiliary. Ua or unexpressed. I have gone, u a hele a u ; nele au. H a w a i i . Hawai'i. This name occurs in many parts of Polynesia (Havaiki: New Zealand. North Savai'i: Marquesas; 'Avaiki: Cook Islands; Samoa). In some areas, but not in Hawaii, it is the name of the homeland, or of the underworld to which the dead went. Epithet, island of Hawaii: great Hawaii of Keawe (a chief), Hawai'i nui a Keawe. See r i g h t e o u s n e s s . H a w a i i a n . Hawai'i. Hawaiian person, Hawai'i, k a n a k a Hawai'i. To act as Hawaiian, to ape or imitate Hawaiians, ho'ohawai'i.
hard-boiled. Mo'a loa.
h a r d e n . H o ' o p a ' a , _ h o ' o ' o l e ' a ; _ h o ' o p q h a k u (as lava). Also: ho'omanea, ho'ohaha, m a k u , ho'okano. Hardening of the arteries, 'o'ole'a ke a ' a koko (PE 'o'ole'a). b a r d h e a d e d . Po'o pa'a, po'o pa'akiki, lae p a ' a , uaua. h a r d h e a r t e d . M a k o n a , laukona, loko 'ino. Also: ka'i'i, kanai'i, m a n a w a 'ino, m a k a u a , 'aniha, 'opuke'emoa, wekaweka. See h a r d , h a r d l y . 'Ane'ane, kokoke. h a r d n e s s . 'O'ole'a, la'au. h a r d s h i p . Popilikia, 'inea, ho'inea. In poetry, heavy rain (ua) sometimes represents hardships.
See Hllo.
h a r d t a c k . Pelena p a ' a , 'ao.
Hawaiian Civic Association. Hui Kiwila Ha-
hardware. Mea hao.
h a r d w a r e s t o r e . Hale k u ' a i o n a mea hao. h a r d y . I k a i k a , ulu nui, ulu maika'i. h a r e . Lepu, hale, lapaki. h a r e l i p . 'Alepe, kulepe, 'ulepe. h a r e m . Halema. h a r e ' s - f o o t f e r n . Laua'e-haole.
Hawaiian Historical Society. 'Ahahui Mo'olelo Hawai'i. H a w a i i a n I s l a n d s . K o Hawai'i Pae 'Alna.
Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association. 'Aha-
hui K a n u K o Hawai'i. h a w k . 1. Bird. ' I o (various kinds and sayings, PE 95-96); niku. The 'io symbolized royalty because of the great height at which it flew, hence the name 'Io-lani. J am a hawk, no branch that (I) may not light upon, he 'io au, 'a'ohe lala k a u 'ole. For other connotation, PE po'i. 2. To clear the throat. ' U h ü ' u h ü , puha.
harlot. See prostitute.
h a r m . H o ' o p d p i l i k i a , h o ' o p o ' i n o , ho'opilikia. Also: ho'o'ino, ino, po'ino, maino, h o ' o m a h u w a , aula. h a r m o n i c a . Pilapuhipuhi.
h e i g h t
hawkbiil turtle. 'Ea. hawk fish. Pili-ko'a.
'i'ini o k a
makakehau. See heart ailment, heart attack, overwhelm, heart ailment. Ma'i-pu'uwai, 'apo'apo.
h a y . M a u ' u - m a l o ' o , m a u ' u h e . Bale of hay, pela mau'u-malo'o. h a z a r d . M a k a ' u , weliwell. h a z y . N o e u a h i , u a u a h i (as during a volcanic eruption). Also: pululuhi, m à h e a , póhina, p a l a w e k a , p a l a u w e k a , hiahia, p u a h i a , p a p a i a , polalauahi. h e . 'Oia, ia, ' o i a nel, ' o i a a l a . While he, as soon as he, at the time that he, iaia. h e a d . P o ' o ; k e h a (rare). Human head, po'o k a n a k a . Head bone, iwi po'o. Crown of head, plko. Side of head, h u a p o ' o . Hind part of head, pane, p a n e p o ' o . Bulging head, p o ' o p u ' u (fig., sullen, unsociable). Head of male organ, pòheo, p o k a k e . Head of octopus, pu. Head of cabbage, p u ' u kàpiki. Head of water, po'o wai, m a n o wai. Head of an organization, po o, a l a k a ' i , iku lani. Head of a tribe, m a k u a ali'l. Acting or deputy head, hope po'o. Head covering, pulo'u, paielei (as of tap a, obs.). To head straight for, hele pololei, m o k i o , 'oehu. To raise, as the head, a e a . h e a d a c h e . ' E h a ke po'o. Also: 'aki, n a h o a , nalulu (dull); p o ' o h u a ' i (splitting); 'ea-kumanawa.
heart attack.
ma'i-'uhola; kauhola (fatal). h e a r t b r e a k i n g . Hd'eha'eha i k a na'au. m a n a ' o n a ' o , 'a'ai, olopua.
h e a r t b u r n . Haoa.
hearth. Kapuahi.
h e a r t l e s s . L a u k o n a , loko 'ino. Also: haina, linu.
nana maka,
heartseed. Poniu.
h e a r t s i c k . M a n a ' o n a ' o , h5'eha'eha i k a pu'uwai. h e a r t - s t i r r i n g . H o ' o n i u a pu'uwai. h e a t . W e l a , h a h a n a , ikiiki. Also: welawela, wewela, wawena, 'awela, 'owela, m a h a n a , meh a n a , m e h a n i , k d h a n a , n o ' a o , k o ' e h a ' e h a . To heat, h o ' o p u m e h a n a , h o ' o m a h a n a h a n a , h o ' e n a 'ena, h o ' o k o ' e h a ' e h a , h o ' o l a l a . In heat (of a bitch), k a h e . For example, PE okooko. See n o t ,
h e a t e r . Kapuahi, mea ho'omahana. h e a t h e n . P e k a n a , k a n a k a "e.
heading. Po'o, po omana'o. headland. Lae, 'ol'oina. headline. See heading.
heat rash. '5hune-wela. h e a v e . Ho'olei, p a k l , ' o a i k u ; See throw.
— shoulders,
h e a v e n . L a n i , p a p a lanl, lewa, aouli, p a ' a - i - l u n a . Highest heaven, lani k u a k a ' a (poetic). Space in heavens, lewa nu'u. Heaven above, earth below, h e lani i luna, he honua i l a l o (of one owning his property, security).
h e a d l o n g . K i m o po'o (as in dicing). To run headlong, holo kiki. h e a d m a n . All'i, po'o, l u n a ; k o n o h l k i (of an ahupua'a).
h e a d q u a r t e r s . Kikowaena.
heavenly. Lani.
h e a d s t r o n g . P o ' o p a ' a k i k l . Also: uhu, h o ' o h u k l , h o ' o h u h u k i , hukihuki, k ù n o n o , k a ' a p e .
h e a v y . K a u m a h a . Also: k o ' i k o ' i , m a k o l u : p a u a ' a l i n a (obs.). Heavy with child, k a u m a h a k e i k i ; koko. Heavy-set, pu'ipu'i. H e b r e w . Hepela, H e b e r a . H e b r o n . Helepona, H e r e b o n a .
headwalter. Kuene po'o.
h e a d w a t e r s . M a n o wai, ' S m a k a , ' o m a k a wai. h e a l . L a p a ' a u , ola, h o ' o l a ; 'aki, k o h i (as a wound)-, p a l a ' a u (as with herbs). Healed imperfectly, 'oha'i. Power of healing, mauli-ola. To heal Quickly, paola. A god of healing, Lonopuha.
H e d d i n g h a m C a s t l e . Hekinama Kakela, Hedinama Kakela. h e d g e . P a l a ' a u , pa l a ' a l a ' a u , pilipa. Thorn pa l a ' a u 'o'ol. Trimmed hedge top, eulu.
See faith healing,
h e a l e r . Ho'ola, kahuna lapa'au. h e a l t h . Olakino, ola pono, ola. Public health, o l a o k a lehulehu. Good health, o l a k i n o m a i k a ' i ; a h u a h u , e h u e h u , e'ehu, k a ' a l a ' a l a , o h a h a . Poor health, nawaliwali k e kino, halalu, lau p a l a ; p a k e (obs.). To glow with health, l a m a l a m a k a ili. A god of health, M a u l i - o l a . See B o a r d o f
hedgehog. Pua'a-'okalakala.
Health. health certificate. Palapala hó'ike ola.
h e e d . M a l i u , ho'omaliu, ho'olohe, m a l a m a . Heed the word of the parent, e m a l i u mai i k a leo o k a makua. h e e d l e s s . N a n a 'ole, m a u ' a ' e . Fig.: mohio, m o hihio, mohiohio; ' a ' i o ' o l e ' a . For example, PE mau'a'e.
hearse. Ka'akupapa'u.
h e e l . K u ' e k u ' e wawae (human); hila (shoes). Low heels, hila h a ' a h a ' a . High heels, h i l a 'auli'i. To heel, as a ship, waiho ' a o ' a o , k i k i ' i ; p a n a k a i (obs.). h e i a u . Heiau (various kinds, PE 60). Also: ewe'ai, haiau, hale heiau, hale poki, hale 'ope'ope, h a l e hau, hale l a ' a , h a l e lau, h a l e l a m a , h a l e pipipi, h a l e o P a p a , h a l e o L o n o , ipu-o-Lono, unu, alao, _ma'o, k u k o a ' e , k o l e a m o k u , k u p a l a h a , lonopuha loulu, luakini, mapele, waihau, waik a u a ; p u ' u h o n u a (place of refuge); ku'ula, k o ' a (fishing shrines); m u a (family shrine). Parts of h e i a u : p a e h u m u , pa (enclosure); kahua (area within enclosure); k i p a p a (pavement); papahola (outside pavement); ahu, k u a h u , lele (altar); l a n a n u ' u , k a p a ' a u (place for images and offerings); n a n a h u a (posts); l u a p a ' u , l u a 'unu (refuse pit); hale pahu, hale pu'uone, h a l e u m u , hawai, m a n a , oeoe, .palima, wai e a (houses or booths within h e i a u ) . To direct, as heiau ceremonies, kuhikuhi. Circuit of the island by a chief to build heiaus, palaloa. To build heiaus, k u k u l u heiau. Place where dignitaries stood near heiaus, k a l e w a .
heehaw. Hoho.
h e a p . Pu'u, ahu, kuahua, àhua, kuapapa, anu'a, nu a, h o ' o n u ' a . Also: 'àluka, pa'i, laupa'i, k u p a ' i , paila, huku, k i l o h a n a . mahelu. Heap of food, p u ' u 'ai, k i o honua. Heap of stones, pu'u p o h a k u , k a u l a n a ' a ' a . Heap of pebbles, pu'u 'ili'ili, p e ' a p e ' a p ò h a k u . Sand heap, p u ' u one. Earth heap, pu'u lepo. Volcanic heap, p u ' u pele. Heap of rags, p u ' u welu. Trash heap, pu'u 'dpala. Heap of mats, p a ' a 'ahu. Heap of goods, a h u waiwai. To heap up, ho'àhu, k ù k u l u , h o ' o k u a k u a . To heap up untidily, mu'u m o k a k i . h e a p e d . À h u a , ahulau, k u a h u a , ahuwale, pu'u, pu upu'u, p ó h u k u , ' à k o a k o a . h e a r . L o h e , ho'olono. Also: pà, pa ia. To pretend not to hear, ho'okuli, h o ' o k o l o n o . h e a r i n g . L o h e "ana, Iohena. Keen hearing, lolohe. Loss of hearing and dizziness, niu-kuli. h e a r k e n . H o ' o l o h e , haliu. h e a r s a y . L o h e l a u a h e a . Also: lohe pepelao, lonowa, l o n o à .
See altar, oracle tower, prayer, shrine,
h e a r t . P u ' u w a i ; iho (as of celery, core); 'i'o (as of wood, central part); h a k a (in deck of cards). Fig.: n a ' a u , loko, poli, u m a u m a , m a n a w a . Also: pu'u, p u ' u k o k o , mauli, '5'ili. Valve of the heart, pepeiao. Heartbeat, pulse, p a n a . Heart and circulatory system, mano wai. Generous heart,
h e i g h t . K i ' e k l ' e , k i ' e k i ' e n a , loa, lo'ihi, nu'u, k e h a . Also: h o ' o k e h a , 'aki, m a k a ' o k a ' o . Poetic references to height may signify royalty; see
hawk, high, lofty, top.
h e i r h e r m i t . K a n a k a noho m e h a m e h a , 'elemika.
h e i r . Ho'ollina, ho'ilina. Heir to the throne, ho'oilina mo'i. Heir by word-of-mouth, kaulana 'olelo. h e i r l o o m . Walwai 1 ho'ollina 'la, m e a ho'ollina.
h e r m i t c r a b . Papa'i-iwi-pupu, unauna,
'ounauna. h e r n i a . Pu'ulele, hualele, laho he'e. h e r o . M e ' e , k o a . Also: k u p u ' e u , k a ' e ' a ' e ' a . Youthful hero, u'i. Hero of a story, k a mea n o n a k a mo'olelo.
held. See hold.
H e l i g o l a n d . Hellkolanl, Heligoland h e l i o t r o p e . Heliokalope, hlllokalupa, nena. Seaside heliotrope, kipukal. Notice heliotrope, hlnahlna.
heroic. Me'e, u'i. heroine. Me'e wahine. See hero,
h e r o n . ' A u k u ' u , 'auku'u-kahill, 'alekea, p u a ' a 'lli-'o'ol. Pond-watching heron, ' a u k u ' u kia i loko (of a spy). Croaks the voice of the heron, k o h a k a leo o k a ' a u k u ' u (of gossip). h e r r i n g . MaJdawa. piha, mlklawa; ' o m a k a .
hell. Kehena, lua ahl, kl'o ahl, po.
H e l l e s p o n t . Heleponeko, Heleponeto.
Hello! Aloha I See halloo, helm. Hoe ull.
h e l m e t . Mahlole; ' a ' a h u a po'o (head Crested feather helmet, h a k a . To don a k a u 1 k a mahlole, koki.
herringbone design. 'Eke'eke. hers. Same as her l . herself. Same as himself,
thield). helmet,
h e s i t a t e . Kali, k u n a n a , k a n a l u a , ho'ohakalla, k a ' u l u a . Also: ku'lhe, k a ' u k a ' u , ho'omomole, ho'emlemi, h a k u p e h e , h a k u p e . h e w . K u a , kalai, k u p a , 'okl, kiplklpi, ho'owaha. To hew down a tree, k u a la'au. To hew boards or planks or a pol-pounding board, k u a p a p a . To new a little at a time, kalakalai. To hew stone, kalal p o h a k u .
h e l m s m a n . Ho'okele.
h e l p . K o k u a . Also: lawelawo lima; ko'o lanl (given a chief). To refuse help, hull k u a , ka'i'i. Help wanted (advertisement), ho'olaha limahana. h e l p e r . Kokua, h o a lawehana, k a n a k a . Dependable helper, lima 'akau. Helper to priest, hele. h e l p f u l . K o k u a nul, k a ' e u ' e u . h e l p l e s s . Nawallwali. Also: kulola, kololu, k u loma, palola. h e l t e r - s k e l t e r . I 'o a 1 'ane'i, k a ' a 1 'o a 1 'ane'i, holoke. H e l v e t i a . Helewekla, Helevetla. h e m . Pelu. Also: lepa, lepe, h u ' a , alahl'i. To hem, h u m u will. Let down the hem of the dress, e h o ' o k u ' u mal 1 k a pelu o k a lole.
h e w i n g . Kalalna.
h e x a g o n . P a ' a o n o , huinaono. h i b i s c u s . Aloalo (various kinds, PE 19). Also: h a e - H a w a l ' i : kokl'o ( m a k u ) : kold'o-ke'oke'o, koki'o-'ula'ula, ko'oloa-'ula, hau-hele-'ula, p a makani, ma'o-hau-hele. Hibiscus flower, p u a aloalo, pualoalo.
Hibiscus tUlaceus. Hau (various kinds,
hemisphere. 'Ao'ao.
h e m o r r h a g e . K a h e koko, he'e koko. h e m o r r h o i d . Uha-hemo, k a ' u k a ' u , hi koko.
h i c c o u g h . Maull'awa.
hemp. Olona.
h i d d e n . H u n a , nalowale, nalonalo, nalohla. Also: '5huna, p o ' o h u n a , uhi 'la. Hidden meaning, see
h e n . M o a wahine. Hen and brood, k i n a n a .
hence. No lalla, no la mea.
(transitive); h i d e . 1. Conceal. H u n a , ho'ohQna pe'e (oneself, intransitive). Also: klpo'i, palai, apo'o, ou. To hide in one's bosom, as a secret, pe'e poll. To hide like an owl (in a tree), pe'epe'e pueo. To hide in a cave, pe'e pao. 2. Skin. 111. To stretch the hide of an animal, kalena. h i d e - a n d - s e e k . Pe'epe'e-kua, pe'epe'e-akua, haupe'epe'e. h i d e o u s . P u p u k a 'lno, p u p u k a ha'alele loa. h i g h . Kl'eki'e; — , as waves, nalunalu, halehale, hahale, a m o a m o , k u ' u l u k u . Also: luna, ha'lu'lu, ka'oka'o, klolea, le'o, le'ole'o, k a h a k e a , keha, m a k a ' o k a ' o , hakali. Away up high, l u n a lilo, kl'eki'e loa, 'lu'iu, kokikiu. High c l i f f , pali kl'eki'e, pali lele koa'e. Perched high, k a u m o ' o . High point, n u ' u , nl'o, kila, kilohana, wekiu. Too high, kaulei, pakaulel. High chief, ali'i nul, lanl, wohl, pall kaulu 'ole k a lanl (PE pali). High rank, k u l a n a kl'eki'e loa, wekiu, po'iu, k u h a k a . Highborn, lanl, kuakahili. High blood pressure, koko pi'i. See h e i g h t , h i g h b a l l . L a m a ho'ohuihui 'la, l a m a p a ' i p a ' l 'la. h i g h e r . Ho'okela, 'ol a k u ke kl'eki'e.
h e n c e f o r t h . M a i kela wa a k u , mal kela m a n a w a aku.
hepatitis. 'Ea-'olena.
h e p t a g o n . Hulnahiku.
h e r . 1. Possessive. See h i s . 3 . Pronoun. See h i m . h e r a l d . Kukala. ¡so: helela, 'lo. Herald who announces war, p a h u k a l a . h e r b . L a u nahele. Also: la'au palupalu, la'ala'au, m a u ' u . Edible herb, la'au lkl 'al la, lau nahele 'al 'la. Bitter herbs, lau mulemule. Ball of herbs used for massage, popo k a p a ' l . Decoction of herbs, halalo po'l. To heal, as wtth herbs, pala'au.
h e r b a g e . Weuweu.
h e r b a r i u m . W a h i m a l a m a m e a ulu.
h e r b i v o r o u s . 'Al weuweu.
h e r d . P u ' a , k u m u . Herd of cattle, p u ' a plpi. To move in a herd, k a ' l ' a u n a . To herd, ho'opu'a, ho'a. h e r d s m a n . K a h u plpi. h e r e . M a ' a n e ' i , ela, nei. Also: 1 ne'i, ne'l, 'o ne'i, 'ane'i; ina (obs.J. Here! Eial ' E i ' a t Here is, here are, ela. Here, close by, ela a'e. The one here, ela nei. Here it is, ela la, el ne'l, ela i 'ane'i, 'ei'a. Well, here you are, ela 'oe. Here and there, 1 'o i 'ane'i, k e l a . . . kela, p a k a k a h l , p a ' e ' e , li'ill'l, hele, lelele, kiko'ola. The here and the hereafter, ke ela m e k e eia a k u .
h i g h e s t . Kl'eki'e loa. hlgh-low-Jack-and-the-game.
h i g h n e s s . Kl'eki'e. His highness, k a mea kl'eki'e.
high priest. Kahuna nul. high school. Kula kl'eki'e. high sheriff. Maka'i kl'eki'e.
hereafter. Mahope aku. h e r e b y . Ma kela.
h i g h w a y . Alanui, alaloa, ala hele. h i k e . Hele wawae. h i l a r i t y . P i h a le'ale'a, h o ' o m a k e ' a k a , l u a ' a p a n a . h i l l . P u ' u , kuahlwl (high); p u ' e (as of sweet potatoes). Also: 5nu, olo, hlla, kDea. apoapo; to — up, pu'e. po'l. Volcanic hill, p u ' u pele. Bow or cluster of hills, pae pu'u. Red hill, p u ' u l a ' u l a . h i l l o c k . P u ' u . Also: p u ' u h a n a u , pall kamoe, a h u a , 'ohu, kilohana, muni.
h e r e d i t a r y . M a i n a k f l p u n a mal, welo, k a n u , k u ' u n a . Hereditary trait, k u 1 k a welo. H e r e f o r d . Helepoka, H e r e f o d a .
h e r e i n . Maloko nei. h e r e t i c . Heleklka.
h e r i t a g e . Waiwal ho'ollina. ho'ollina. h e r m a p h r o d i t e . M a h u . Also: 'alaneo; p a p a p a e m a h u (legendary).
hone h o l d . 1. Grip. P a ' a , h o ' o p a ' a ; 'al (lua fighting); — back, kaohi, klpu, kóhl, ho'opa'a, p a p a ' a ; — up, paepae, hapal; — f a s t , ho'opa'a, ho'opa'a a pa a, 'umlkl, lalau; — in the arms, as a child, hl l; — , as a pail, kalawe; — on course, k a p a ' a ; — down, as to drown, moku; — precariously, kaunlhlnihl, kaunukunuku; — a note, ko. One who holds, pa'a. Hold in music, 'ame. To hold in the hand, pa'a lima. 3. Of a ship. O lalo.
h i l l t o p . P l k o , p o ' o pu'u. h i l l y . 'Opallpail. Also: 'apali, k u ' a w a ' a w a ' a , makiniklnl, 'opu'upu'u, 'apu'upu'u. wakawaka. H l l o . Hilo. the city (also the name of a famous Polynesian navigator and of the first night of the new moon), famous in song as the home of Chief Hanakahi, and for rain.Exhausted by the many streams of Hilo, many hills, countless descents . . . cliffs of windward the upright cliffs of Hilo (PH 3£), pau ke aho i k e kahawal lau o H l l o , he lau ka pu'u, he mano ka ihona . . . he pall no K o ' o l a u ka Hllo pall ku (of trial and hardship). Voice with many tears of Hilo (For. 5:S41), ka leo waimaka nul o Hllo. For examples, see S t o r m ; PE 'Siwi, po'i, umauma; UL 10$. H l l o grass. Mau'u-HUo. h i m . Ia. To him, lala. For him, nona, nana. H i m a l a y a s . Hlmela. h i m s e l f . 'Ola iho, 'ola pono'i (subject); lala lho (object). For himself, nona lho. By himself, nana lho, 'ola ho'okahl. b i n . Hlna.
holder. Mea pa'a.
h o l e . P u k a (usually of a perforation); lua (with a bottom); haka (breach). Also: makalua, makalua kele (for planting); pukalhu (as in pearlshell shank); nolo (in canoe edge); hakaokao for inserting mast in canoe); hlana (underwater epression). Full of holes, pukapuka, haka, ho'ohaka, lualua, halua, nono; panonono (obs.). h o l i d a y . Lanul. Also: la maka kanaka, la ho'okahakaha. h o l i n e s s . Hemolele, ano. To feign holiness, ho'ohemolele. H o l l a n d . HSlani. h o l l o w . PQha, máhao (as a log); hakahaka, 'olohaka (as a surfboard); p o ' o p o ' o , 'tipo'opo'o, halua, naj>o'o, kanoa (as in earth); poho, palkl, ka'ele, kawaha, homa (as of the hand or of a bowl). Hollow-eyed, hakahaka na maka, naho na maka, p o ' o p o ' o na maka. Hollow of the back, klkala. Hollow bone, eye socket, iwl pona. Hollow where sea remains at low tide, poho kai. Hollow, as worn in lata rock, where salt collects, makapaplpl. h o l l o w i n g . Pohona (as cheeks of an aged person).
hinder. Alal, ke'a, ke'ake'a, ho'oke'a. Also: ala'alal, 'ake'ake'a, kualo, kakona, kipupu, a k e ' u k e ' u . Hindered,
hindquarters. 'Cha, 'uha hope. Hindu. Hlneku. hinge. ' A m i ; pu'u (of pearl oyster). Door
hinge, 'ami puka. Hinge joint, ho oku'lna 'ami. To turn on hinges, ku'aml'aml. h i n t . Ho'ohelehele 'olelo, ho'ohele 'olelo, ho'omaoe, ho'omea, hanl, ho'ohanl. A hint, he 'olelo ho'ohall. h i p . Klkala, papakole. Wide hips, klkala peleleu. To rotate or sway, as hips, ho'olewa, kalue, 'oni'onl.
See hollow, hollow out. See dub.
holly. Kawa'u. h o l l y h o c k . Halehaka. Double form of hollyhock, halehaka pupupu. h o l o t h u r l a n . Well, weliweli, ma'l-hole. See sea
hipbone. Iwl hua, papakole. hip, hip, hurray. Hlpahlpa. hippopotamus. Hlpopokamu. hire. L l m a l l m a , ho'ollmallma, hal. hirsute. Puhuluhulu.
h o l y . Hemolele, ho'ano, kapu, la'a, la'ahla, 'lhl'lhi, kaneka, saneta. Holy one, mea la'a. Holy day, la ho'ano. Holy Week, hepekoma hemolele. Holy water, wal ho'ano. To make holy, ho'ohemolele. Holy, Holy, Holy (Revelations 4:8), ho'ano, ho'ano, ho'ano. H o l y C o m m u n i o n . ' A h a ' a l n a a ka H a k u , 'aha'alna pelena. H o l y G h o s t . ' U h a n e Hemolele. H o l y L a n d . 'Alna-ho'ano, 'Álna-hemolele. H o l y M a r y . M a r i a Saneta, M a r i a Hemolele. H o l y R o l l e r . Holelola.
h i s . 1. Singular possessed object. K o n a (o-class); kana (a-class); ko la. ka ia (rare o- and a-class forms). His house, kona hale. His child, kana kelkl. 3. Plural possessed objects. Ona (o-class); ana (a-class). For other uses of k-less (zero-type) possessives, PE xx. hiss. H i , hlhl; ka'uli (as fire). historian. H o ' o p a ' a mo'olelo o ka wa kahiko, ho'opa'a ku'auhau (ancient); kakau mo'olelo o ka wa kahiko, kakau mo'olelo all'i (of chiefs). history. M o ' o l e l o , mo'o'olelo, k u a m o ' o 'olelo. History of the priesthood, m o ' o kahuna, h i t . K u ' i , ho'oku'l, pa'i, ho'opa'l, hahau, ku, ku'la, ka, ga. Also: hau, hauhau, hauhia, uhau, kuku, koke, g u k e , ko'oka, ka'ina. To hit hard, ku'i ikaika L paluku. To hit by mistake or without warning, kunewa, kahewa. To hit lightly, kullhl. To hit carelessly, at random, hillku. Hit by a bullet, ku 1 ka poka. To fail to hit, holohu'a. Hitting noise, kokekoke. For saying, PE kalo. hitch. 1. To move with jerks. N e ' e . 3. See tie. hitching post. P o u h o ' o p a ' a lio. h i t h e r . M a i , 1 'ane'l, 1 keia wahl. hive. Punana mell, pahu mell. hives. L a l n a .
H o l y T r i n i t y . A k u a káhikolu, K o l u k a h l H e m o lele. h o m a g e . H o ' o m a i k a ' l ; ho'olani (to a king); mahalo, aloha, h o m e . H o m e , kauhale. Also: kinana hale (including the house grounds). To remain at home constantly, kl'lnoho. h o m e b o d y . K l ' l n o h o . For saying, see s t o n e , h o m e - b r e w . Kualpa. h o m e l a n d . One hanau, 'alna hanau, kulaiwi; kuapulwi (rare). Homeland of ancestors, kuakahi; ewe 'alna o ke kupuna (PElwe). h o m e l e s s . K u e w a , lewa, home 'ole. h o m e l y . Pupuka. Also:_ 'ala'uka, mukeko, mukokl, nSkokl, molea; pouhu (obs.). h o m e o p a t h i c . Homeopakika. h o m e s i c k . A l o h a kaumaha 1 ka home, homestead. ' A l n a h o ' o k ü ' o n o ' o n o , h o m e ho'okü'ono'ono. Homestead land, 'alna ho'okü'ono'ono; 'alna ho'opulapula (rehabilitation). To homestead, ho'okahua. h o m e s t e a d e r s . P o ' e ho'okü'ono'ono. h o m i c i d e . L a w e ola. homosexual. Mahü. H o n d u r a s . Honokula, Honodura. h o n e . Hoana.
hoard. H o ' a h u , ho'olaholaho (as a miser). h o a r s e . H a , leo ha, hano, hanopllo; papala (obs.).
hobble. Hakl'opa. hobby. H a n a punahele, hana ho'onanea, hana ho'ohala manawa. h o e . H5, kalai, 'ola'o. h o g . P u a ' a . Word used in hog calling, 'uka, huka. h o g t l e . K u p e ' e (as cattle). hoist. H a p a l , hukl 1 luna. Also: 'unu, 'u'u, hlu.
h o n e s t lio la'au. Team of horses, p a ' a lio. Horse-drawn vehicle, k a ' a lio. To ride a horse until it is exhausted or dead, pakt lio. h o r s e b a c k . Kau lio. To ride horseback, kau lio, holo lio, holoholo lio. To ride horseback wearing a pa'u, holo pa'u. h o r s e m a n . Mea kau lio, k a n a k a holo lio. h o r s e p o w e r . Ikaika lio. h o r s e r a c e . Heihei lio. h o r s e s h o e . K a m a ' a hao, kapua'ihao lio. Horseshoe pitching, kiolaola hao lio. h o r s e w e e d s . Ilioha, pua-mana. h o r t i c u l t u r e . Ho'oulu mea kanu, mahi pua. h o s a n n a . Hokana. h o s e . 1. See s t o c k i n g . 2. Conveyor. '111. Water hose, 'iliwai. To hose, kiki wai. h o s p i t a b l e . Ho'okipa aloha, ho'ohale kiga, heahea, m a k a m a k a nui. Also: paheahea, ka'e'e. h o s p i t a l . Hale ma'i, haukapila. h o s p i t a l i t y . Ho'okipa, paheahea. h o s t . 1. .4s at a party. Haku hale, mea ho'okipa, k a mea nana ka 'aha'aina, ka mea nona ka hale, kama'aina. Also: m a k a m a k a , hale, lani. 2. Crowd. Lehulehu. h o s t a g e . Po'e pana'i. h o s t e s s . Haku hale wahine. h o s t i l e . Ku'e, paio, kamaniha, ho'okamaniha, 'aniha, loko 'ino. h o t . Wela, hahana; ikiiki (stifling). Also: wewela, welawela. 'awela. puwelawela, ho'owela, 'owelawela; 'ania (as an oven); no'ao; nopu (as from sun or fire); wawena (obs.). Red-hot. 'ena, okooko, liholiho. White-hot, ahuli'u. Uncomfortably hot. ko'eha'eha. Hot-tempered, pulupulu ahf, lelepl. Hot spring, wai welawela. Hoi-water bag, 'eke wai wela. See w a r m , h o t e l . Hokele. H o t t e n t o t . Hokenekoka. h o t t l s h . 'Owela. h o u r . Hola. h o u r g l a s s . Ana hola. h o u s e . Hale (various kinds PE 49-51); kauhale. Two-story house, hale i luna a i lalo. House trailer, k a ' a hale. Ancient types of houses: m u a (eating, for men); halau (for canoes, hula instruction); kua (for beating tapa); pe'a (menstrual); pu'o'a (for corpses); hawal (for purification ceremonies); 'eleua (new); moku hale (set apart, as for instruction); wai ea, ha'i. (See also h e l a u . j Humble references to houses, opu malumalu, opu weuweu. House parts: k a h u a (platform, foundation); paepae puka. ni'o (threshold); paia (wall, side); hakala (end, gable); also: holo, ho'oholo, lolo, kana, uluhaka, ukuwai. See also post» p u r l i n , t h a t c h . House site, k a h u a hale. House adornments and furniture, pono hale, kahiko o ka hale. House dedication, ho'ola'a hale, 'oki 1 k a piko. To have a house, hale. To go from house to house, komo kauhale. House visiting, komo 'apana. To receive in a house, ho'ohale. House lot, yard, fence, pa halo. House dweller, noho hale. House owner, haku hale, mea hale. For fig. meaning, see w e l c o m e , h o u s e b o a t . Hale lana. h o u s e b r e a k i n g . Wawahi hale, h o u s e f l y . Nalo.
h o n e s t . Kupono, pono. h o n e y . Meli, wai mell, wai pua, hone, pDali: pDali mai'a (in a banana blossom). h o n e y b e e . Nalo-meli. h o n e y c o m b . Waihona meli. h o n e y c r e e p e r . 'I'iwi,'i'iwi-polena,Tiwi-popolo, mamo, hoa, olokele, 'aniamau. 'o'u, 'alauahlo, 'ula-'ai-hawane, 'ula; pallia (for saying, PE oloki); 'akeke'e, 'apapane, 'akapane, n u k u - p u ' u , 'amakihi, 'akepa, 'akialoa, akihi-po'o-la'au. Sour 'amakihi, amakihi 'awa'awa (sour disposition). h o n e y e a t e r . ' 5 ' o ; 'a'a (male); 'akohekohe, 'akoko; 'o'5-'a'a (Kauai); 'o'okiiplpi (female, Hawaii); huli-mai'a. Honey eater singing with 'ay voice in the forest (For. 5:259), ka '5'o kani f eo le'a i ka nahele. h o n e y m o o n . Mahina mell. See g u e s t , h o n e y s u c k l e . Honekakala. h o n k . Ho'okani; unele (of goose). H o n o l u l u . Honolulu (lit., sheltered bay). Section of Honolulu near the harbor, Kou. Honolulu harbor entrance, Mamala. h o n o r . Ho'ohanohano. Also: ho'onani, ho'ohlwahiwa, jjapahi, malama, pa'ihi, haweo. Honor guard, pu'aH koa ho'ohanohano. A great honor, he ho'ohanohano nui. Honor your father, malama 1 kou m a k u a kane. Placed in a position of honor, kau 1 ka hano. To claim honors not rightfully due, pi'ikoi. h o n o r a b l e . Hanohano: hako (obs.). To the honorable speaker, i ka mea hanohano, ka luna ho'omalu (PE hanohano). Honorable discharge, ho'oku'u maika'i. h o n o r a r i u m . Ha'awlna no ke kokua. h o n o r a r y . H o ' o h a n o h a n o . Honorary degree, kekele ho'ohanohano. Honorary diploma, palapala ho'ohanohano. h o o f . Mai'ao holoholona, manea, mai'u'u; wa'ewa'e (obs.). h o o k . Lou, loulou; kilou (as on a door); kelou, huka. To hook, kilou. kelou, kihele. To draw up with a hook, as in fishing octopus, klkakala. Hooked, but escaped, as a fish, kulihi. Hooked finger (for feeding poi), kihele. See fishhook, h o o k e d . Klkiwi (as nose). h o o p . Apo, pd'al, Una, kuapo pahu, h u p a . Iron or barrel hoop, apo hao, liki pahu, kakakl. h o o t . Ke'u, he'u (as owl). h o p . Lele. Also: mahiki lehel; — about, lelele, lehelehei. Hopping on one foot, lelele wawae kahi. h o p e . Mana'olana, 'upu, pono, lana k a mana'o. To dash hopes, pepehi i ka mana'olaua. h o p e f u l . Lana ka mana'o, ho'olana. h o p e l e s s . 'A'ohe mana'olana 1 koe, 'a'ohe pono 1 koe; pau k a pono. h o p s c o t c h . Kinuwa. To play hopscotch, kinuwa. h o r i z o n . Halawai. Also: pd'allani, kumulani, 'alihi, 'alihilani, Kahiki-moe, kukulu. Region below horizon, kukulu-o-ka-honua. Region just above horizon, kukulu-o-ka-lani. For example, PE hBlawai. h o r i z o n t a l . 'Iliwai, moe. Horizontal stratum, p a p a moe. h o r n . 1. On animal. Kiwi, hao, pepeiaohao; kakala (as of fish or caterpillar). See p o w d e r h o r n . 2. See s a d d l e h o r n . 3. Wind instrument. Pu, pu puhi. h o r n e t . Hope-'o, kopena, nalo-'aki, nalo-hope'eha. h o r o s c o p e . Palapala kilokilo h5ku. h o r r i b l e . Weliweli, mana'ona'o, 'ino loa. h o r r i f i e d . Mana'ona'o, ma'e'ele, kunahlhi, 'oku. h o r s d ' o e u v r e . P u p u , ho'ono'ono 'ai. h o r s e . Lio. Race horse, lio heihei. Pack horse, lio lawe ukana. Pacing horse, Ho peki. Old, worn-out horse, kalona. Dark-gray horse, lio hulu 'aeko. Bay horse, lio hulupala. Wooden horse.
h o u s e h o l d . 'Ohana (family); kauhale (houses occupied by a family). h o u s e k e e p e r . M a l a m a hale, kahu malama hale. H o u s e of N o b l e s . N a Ali'l o ka Hale 'Aha'olelo. H o u s e of R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s . Hale o n a Lunamaka'ainana. h o u s e w a r m i n g . Komo hale, h o u s e w i f e . Wahine o ka hale, h o v e l . P u p u p u hale. h o v e r . Ho'okauaheahe, ho'olahalaha. opu, lahai. To hover between life and death, kalllolilo. h o w . Pehea, pehea la; nani (rare). How? Pehea? How are you? Pehea 'oe? How about it? Pehea? So how! Pehea la (in answer to a question with
h y s s o p hapahanele. The year 1900, k a m a k a h l k l ' u m i k u m a i w a hanele.
pehea that one cannot or does not wish to answer)! How many? How much? ' E h i a ? 'Ahia? How many (of associated people)? Koko'ohia? How many (to a group)? Pahia? How beautiful! A u w e k a nanl! Kal k a nanit
hung. Kaulia. See hang.
H u n g a r i a n . Hunekali, Hunegari; H u n a k a l i a , Hunagaria. H u n g a r y . Hunekali, Hunegari; Hunakalia, Hunagaria. h u n g r y . Pololi, m a k e 'ai. Also: pehu, m a k a p e h u , hemo'e, pulewa, hahalu, 'olewalewa, ho'ohaka, k u a l a n a k a 'opu, u m a u m a naha, halehale, h o u p o lewalewa, p u a ' a w a ' a w a . Hunger pains, J o p u ha'o, ho'ilewa. Hunger is satisfied, ola k a pololi. My day of hunger, live through your love (PH 86), ku u la pololi. a ola i kou aloha. For example, PE makapehu. h u n t . H a h a i , 'imi, hahai holoholona. h u n t e r . K a n a k a hahai holoholona. h u n t i n g d o g . 'Ilio hahai holoholona. h u n t i n g l i c e n s e . Laikini hahai holoholona. h u r l . Nou, k u p a h u , ka. Also: walakike, walawala, wala; 'o o, pahu (as a spear); k a ' a l a (as stones with a sling); — down, kiola 'ino, ulupa.
however. Aka, koe keia, eia na'e. h o w l . Uw5, puwo, puo, kuwo.
Howland Island. Ulu-kou.
h u b . Puku'i. Hubcap, «hi puku'i. h u b b u b . H a u n a e l e , h a u w a l a ' a u , h a n a kuli. h u d d l e . P u ' u l u ' u l u , p u ' u l u , puku'i, h o ' o p u k u ' i , pue; h a p u e (obs.); — together, k u h a l u k a . h u g . Apo, puliki, p u k u ' i ; — ardently, kilipue. h u g e . N u i loa, nui hewahewa, kuahewa.
H u g u e n o t . Hukuenoka.
h u l a . H u l a (various kinds and references, PE 82—83). Also: 'olapa, 'uli'uli, pa'i u m a u m a , k u ' i Moloka'i, h u l a noho, hula p a h u . p a p a hehi, ' a l a ' a p a p a , hue, ki'elei, 'ohelo, kala'au, pahua, kolam. Americanized hula, hula h a p a haole. Hula by many persons, huhula, h u h u h u l a , hulahula. Hula dancer, hula, mea hula. Hula expert, 'olohe. Hula leader, 'alaka'i hula. Hula teacher, k u m u hula. Hula troupe, pa hula. Assistant leader in a hula troupe, iwi 'ao'ao. Assistant to head student, paepae, iwi 'ao'ao. Head student, po'o p u a ' a . Graduating exercises for hula, 'iiniki, hu'elepo. Hula steps: 'ai, 'ami, 'ai 'ami, 'ai h a ' a . ha'a, kawele, 'ai kawele, kawelu, 'ami kahcla, kahela, 'uwehe, '6, kaholo, ki'i, wawae ki'i, wawae, lele, 'aui, kelamoku, 'ulili, k a ' a p u n i , hela, huki, kupe, ue, holo. Hula gestures, ki'i kuhi, ki'i hua. Hula altar, k u a h u , ni'o. Hula goddess, Laka. Hula rattle, 'uli'uli. Feathered top of hula rattle, heke. To dance the hula, hula. To undulate the arms in a hula, imitating the flight of a bird, ho'eheu. To move the stomach as in certain hula dances, papa'i. To twist and turn with rapid hip movements, h o ' a n a p a u . To sway the hips, ho'olewa. Dare to hula, leave shyness at home, ' a ' a i k a hula, waiho i ka hilahila i k a hale. See d a n c e , h u l k . M o k u popopo (of a ship). h u l l . Ka'ele. Also: 'ele, ' a ' a , kino; a m a (of a double canoe).
See throw, hurling. Pahuna (as of a spear). See hurl.
H u r o n . Hulona, H u r o n a .
h u r r a h . Hulo.
h u r r i c a n e . M a k a n i pahili, m a k a n i uluulu, makani hele uluulu; K a u a ' u l a (Lahaina). h u r r y . 'Awlwi. Also: 'awiki, wiki, ho'owiki, wikiwiki, alawiki, elewiki, pulale, ho'opulale, lale, ho'olale, ho'ohikiwawe, uheheu, ho'okalali, ho'okaholo, pujDuahulu, ki, kapaepae, au, h o ' a u a u , h o ' o k a n a h e , ho'oui, pulelua, p a ' a p a ' a n a , paku'ei. To hurry from place to place, nolo 'awlwi, 'alake. h u r t . ' E h a . Also: ho eha, 'ino, maino, ho'ohuake'eo. Easily hurt, 'eha wale. Hurt by a remark, pa i ka leo. To hurt Jor no reason, 'eha wale. Hurt in feelings, ku'ihe, hailuku, ho'oku'i, p a h u . h u s b a n d . Kane. Also: pilikua, k a n e i k a 'ill; lei (affectionate); ali'i k a n e (polite, not jaid of one's own husband). To be a husband, kane. To offer to become a husband, ho'okane. Husband acquired by_ matchmaking, kane ho'omoe. Her husband, k a n a kane. h u s h . H a m a u , h o ' o h a m a u , ho'omalie. Also: ho'omoemoe; maukoli (obs.). h u s k . P u l u ; ' a ' a (coconut). To husk, wehe i k a pulu. Husking slick, '5niu.
hulls. Oka.
h u m . Hu, h a m u m u , m u h u , m u m u h u , a u w e u w e . Humming top, hu oeoe. h u m a n . K a n a k a , h o ' o k a n a k a . Human sacrifice, k a n a k a , h e a n a k a n a k a , i'aloa. Human form, kino k a n a k a . Human bone, iwi k a n a k a . To assume human shape (as a child in the womb), ho'okanaka. h u m a n e . Lokomaika'i, k u ' e i k a ho'omainoino.
husker. '0.
h u s k y . Pukonakona, lawa, pu'ipu'i; kanunu (obs.). h u t . P u p u p u hale, papa'i, hale k a p i ' o 'ill la'au, kamala. Thatched hut, hale pili. Beach hut, p u ' u p u ' u o n e . Hut for fish gear, k u ' u l a . Fisherman's hut, papa'i lawai'a. Farmer's hut, p a p a ' i mahi'ai. Peaked hut, p u ' o ' a (obs.).
H u m a n e Society. 'Ahahui Ku'e i ka Ho'oma-
inoino. h u m a n i t y . Lahui k a n a k a . Concerning humanity, pakanaka. h u m b l e . H a j a h a ' a , h o ' o h a ' a h a ' a , pe, pepe, up§. Also: k a ' a p e , kupa-li'i, kahai, kaupe, kolokolohai, 'alo'ilo'i, h o ' o k a n a h a ' i , lalolalo, kapeau, kika. For saying, see b a i t , h u m b u g . 'Apiki, h a m a p a k a .
h y a c i n t h . Halkina.
hyacinth bean. Papapa, pi.
Hyades. Ka-nuku-o-ka-puahi.
H y d e P a r k . Haika Paka, Haida Paka.
h y d r a n g e a . Popo-hau. h y d r a n t . Piula wai, ki'o wai.
h u m e r u s b o n e . Iwi uluna, 'auhau.
h u m i d . K a w a u , m a ' u ; ikiiki (and hot). h u m i l i a t e . Ho'ohilahila, h o ' o h a ' a h a ' a . Also: ho'okulou, manine, olope. h u m i l i t y . H a ' a h a ' a . See h u m b l e . To turn away in humility, palai, palaina. h u m o r . H o ' o m a k e ' a k a , piha 'eu.
h y d r o p l a n e . Mokulele holo kai.
hyena. Hiena.
h y m n . Himeni, leo ho'onani, mele haipule, mele ho'omaika'i. Selected hymn or anthem, himeni wae. Closing hymn, himeni h o ' o k u ' u .
humorous. See f u n n y .
hyold bone. Iwi elelo.
h u m p . P u ' u , l a p u ' u n a , l a n a h u a . Alto: ' a n a p u ' u . Humpbacked, k u a p u ' u , h o ' o k a n a h u a . h u m p e d . L a p u ' u , kikiwi, h u n u n u , ahua, k a n a h u a , nanai. Sit humped, h o ' o k u a p u ' u .
h y p h e n . Kiko moe, k a h a m o e . h y p o c r i t e . H o ' o k a m a n i , kanale'o, h u p o kaliko, holo lua, k a m a ' e , m a k a lua. Hypocritical smile, keke niho.
h u n c h . 'Ano 'ike mahu'i.
hypodermic Injection. Pahu kui. hypodermic needle. Kui hou la'au. hypotenuse. 'Ao'ao loa.
h u n c h b a c k . K u a p u ' u . Also: k u a h u a , k a n a k a k u a pipi'o. The hunchback island (Maui), ka mokupuni kuapu'u. h u n d r e d . H a n e l e , h a n e r i . By the hundred, hundredfold, p a h a n e l e . Hundredth part.
h y p o t h e s i s . Koho m u a . m a n a ' o k o k u a .
hyssop. Hukopa.
Progress, ana.
were much money, the work would lna he nul ke kala, ina ua holomua k a
Ignite. Ho'a, ho'a'a. Ignoble. Kulana ha'aha'a. I g n o r a m u s . N a ' a u p o . Also: wa'awa'a, k a h u a ole, h u ' a h u ' a lana. I g n o r a n c e . N a ' a u p o ; po, poull, la'a ull. To feign ignorance, ho'opald. For sayings, see s c a l e 3,
sea cucumber.
I g n o r a n t . N a ' a u p o , h u p o , ho'ona'aupo, 'Ike 'ole. Also: po'ele, k u a n e a , w a ' a w a ' a , neki. To behave ignorantlu, ho'okuanea. Ignorant talk or behavior,
see gourd.
I g n o r e . N a n a 'ole, k a p a e 'olelo, hull kua. Also: nanakuli, ho'owalho, n a n a u , k i k a h a . 111. M a ' l , 'oma'ima'i, nawallwali. I l l e g a l . K u 'ole 1 k e kanawal, m a w a h o o ke kanawal.
Illegally. See Illegal. To bring in
I. 1. The letter. 'I. 3. (Cap.) Pronoun. 'o wau, 'o au.
ho opae malu, komohewa. I l l e g i t i m a t e . M a n u a h i , po'o 'ole, mawaho o k e kanawal, kameha'l. Illegitimate child, k e i k i p o ' o 'ole, kelki m a n u a h i , kelkl kameha'l, h u a ha ule; u a Ikl (offspring of chief and commoner). I l l - f a t e d . K u l a n a p5'lno. I l l - f e e l i n g . M a n a ' o 'lno, 'opu kopekope. Also: n a n a h u a , wawa'u, ke'emoa, kakala, na'lna'l. I l l - f i t t i n g . K u pono 'ole, 'aluhe'e, 'ewa; 'ope'alu (as clothes). I l l - g o t t e n . L o a ' a m e k a hewa. Ill-gotten gains, waiwal loa'a m e ke kolohe. i l l i c i t . K u 'ole 1 ke k a n a w a l . Illicit cohabitation. moekolohe. To live together illicitly, nohona ' a p o n o 'ole 'la, noho k a p a e .
Au, wau,
Ibex. 'Ipeka.
I c e . H a u . Also: hau'okl, walpa'a, wal pu'olo 1 k a lau l a ' a u . Ice age, k a wa i uhi 'la ai k a 'alna e k a hau. I c e b e r g . H a u l a n a , moku hau.
Icebound. Po'ai 'la a pa'a 1 ka hau.
Icebox. Pahu hau.
Icecap. Haukdhl, 'eke hau.
Illinois, 'Illnoe. Illiterate. 'Ike 'ole 1 ka heluhelu.
Ice c r e a m . H a u k a l l m a , 'alkalima. I c e d . H a u . Iced beverage, raealnu ho'ohu'lhu'l. Iced tea, kl 1 h o ' o k o m o 'la k a hau.
I l l n e s s . Ma'l. Long or chronic illness, k a ' a ma'l. I l l o g i c a l . Ku 'ole 1 k a mea 1 no'ono'o pono 'la. I l l - o m e n e d . Pono 'ole na 'dull, hd'allona poplllkla.
Icehouse. Hale hau. Iceland. 'Alna-hau.
Ice p l a n t , '¿kullkull-lel.
Ill-suited. Kohu 'ole.
Ice skate. Holo hau.
I l l u m i n a t e . Ho'omalamalama.
Ice s k a t e s . K a m a ' a holo h a u .
I l l u s i o n . Kuhlhewa, 'Ike 'dhewahewa. Try and end illusion, e h o ' a ' o no 1 pau kuhihewa (saying). I l l u s t r a t e . K a h a k l ' l ; ho'ohaltkelike (exemplify). Illustrated newspaper, n u p e p a ho'lke'lke ki'i. I l l u s t r a t i o n . Kl'l, kl'l h o ' a k a a k a ; ho'lke ' a n o (example).
Ice water. Wal hau. Icicle. Kulu hau pa'a.
I c i n g . M e a m o m o n a e uhl 'la al m a l u n a o k a mea'ono. I c o n o c l a s t . M e a wawahi kl'l h o ' o m a n a .
I d a h o . 'Ikaho.
Ill will. Loko 'lno. For sayings, see gall bladder,
I d e a . M a n a ' o : m a n a ' o 'lno (evil); m a n a ' o nul (important). Completely clear and intelligible idea, p l h a pono ka m a n a ' o . I d e a l . K u p o n o m a n a ' a n o a p a u (perfect); mea 1 k u k o 'la, mea 1 m a n a ' o nul 'ia (thing desired). I d e a l i s t . M e a e 'lml a n a 1 k a n a m e a 1 k u k o nul al (lit., one who searches for what he greatly wants). I d e n t i c a l . Like loa, kulike. I d e n t i f i c a t i o n p a p e r s . P a l a p a l a k u h i k u h l kino, p a l a p a l a ho'lke pill kino. I d e n t i f y . Ho'ola, hd'ola 'ike maka, ho'omaopopo.
PE au. I m a g e . Kl'l, a k u a , ki'i a k u a , kia ho'ailona. ' a n o ; ki'i kalai 'la (carved); ao (exact); h a k u '5hl'a (of 'ohi'a wood); a k a (reflection)j mo'I (temple); ki'i ho'oweliweli (terrifying); 'olohe (as in the clouds); a k u a k a ' a l (carved on a tall spearlike stick). Caretaker of images, k a h u n a ki'i, k a h u a k u a . Lord of images, mo'I. Exclamation said by priests as they carried images, n a u a n e l In his image (Genesis 1:Z7), m a k o n a 'ano. This boy is the exact image of his father, 'a'ohe wahl k a ' a w a l e 0 keia kelkl 1 k a m a k u a kane; k u loa keia keiki 1 k a m a k u a kane. I m a g i n a t i o n . N o ' o n o ' o ulu wale, m a n a ' o ulu wale; m a k a k u (obs.). I m a g i n e . Kuhl, m a h u ' i ; lauele (rare). i m b e c l l l c . ' I h e p a , hepa.
Identity. 'Ike e ho'omaopopo al. I d i o m . 'Ikeoma.
Idiomatic. 'Ikeoma.
I d i o t . LolS, hupo, h e p a ; ' a n a ' a n e a (rare). I d l e . Molowa, n o h o wale. Alio: lena, lolena, malela, laholena, kapoulena, lola, loma, haloll'111, malela, 'opii palula, palaualelo, lima lewa-
I m b i b e , lnu, kamau.
Idolatry. Ho'omana kl'l.
I m i t a t e . Ho'opill. Also: mahu'i, ho'omahu'i, ho'ohele; h o ' o m a ' a u w e (to ridicule by mimicking); ho'oniau. Imitate birds, k u h e a m a n u . I m m a c u l a t e . M a ' e m a ' e loa, hemolele. I m m a t u r e . O'o 'ole, 'opiopio; hollna (rare).
I f . I n a . Also: ala no, 1, ke. If you go, ina 'oe e hele. Only if you come, ala no 1 k a u hele ' a n a mal.
I m m e d i a t e . Koke, hikiwawe, wawe.
lewa. See Indolent, lazy. Idol. Ki'i akua. akua. See Image.
Immeasurable. Ana 'ole.
i n c o r r e c t I m p u r e . P a u m a ' e l e , h a u m l a , kele. I m p u t e . Ho'opi'l, helu. I n . I. Also: ma, 1 loko, maloko, 1 luna, maluna. In the house, maloko o k a hale. In the car, 1 l u n a o ke k a ' a . In the canoe, m a l u n a o k a wa'a. In-. 'Ole.
I m m e d i a t e l y . Koke, m a n a w a 'ole, 'emo 'ole, 'ano.
I m m e n s e . Nui loa, nui hewahewa. I m m e r s e . Ho'olu'u, k u p e n u .
Immigrant. 'E'e moku. Immigration. Po'e pae mal. See Board of Immigration.
Inability. Hiki ole.
I n a c c e s s i b l e . Hiki 'ole k e ho'okokoke aku, kahakea. I n a c c u r a t e . Hewa, 'apake'e, h a p e . I n a c t i v e . N o h o wale, noho h a n a 'ole. Also: kukule, kulola, palflea, pu, palaka, mania, kumaua. I n a d e q u a t e . L a w a pono 'ole, kawala. I n a l i e n a b l e . Pill p a ' a loa. Inalienable rights, pono e pill p a ' a loa. I n a p p r o p r i a t e . K o h u 'ole. Most inappropriate, 'a'one kohu iki.
I m m o b i l e . 'Onl 'ole, kipu.
I m m o r a l . 'Ino, k u p o n o 'ole, hewa h a u m l a .
Immortal. Ola mau, make 'ole. Immortality. Ola mau.
i m m o v a b l e . Kupa'a, 'onipa'a. I m p a r t i a l . Kaullke, lawelua, p a ' e w a ' e w a 'ole. To treat fairly and impartially, kaullke. I m p a t i e n t . N a u k l , k u ' a k i , p a u a h o wale, ahonui 'ole. I m p e a c h . Ho'opau m a l ka 'oihana a k u . Impeach a high officer, ho'opi'l l u n a nui.
I m p e d i m e n t . See block. Speech
I n a t t e n t i v e . Ho'olohe 'ole. I n a u g u r a l address. Ha'i'olelo ponl.
h a p u ' u p u ' u , h a p a k u ' e k a 'olelo. I m p e r f e c t . KIna, h e m a h e m a , 'a'ole 1 ponopono loa, pa'ewa, 'ewa, k u p a ' e w a ; pao'io'l lobs.).
I n a u g u r a t e . Poni, ho'oponl, h o ' o k u m u . i n a u s p i c i o u s . Ho'ailona ho'opilikia, k u p o n o 'ole n a 'dull, 'apunl. I n c a p a b l e . M a k a u k a u 'ole, hemahema. I n c a r n a t i o n . 'Enekelea (Catholic). I n c e n s e . M e a 'ala. Incense burner, ipu k u n l 'ala. I n c e n t i v e . K u m u ho'olalelale, k u m u ho'opaipal. I n c e s s a n t . Hd'oki 'ole, ho'okina. I n c e s t . Moe ' o h a n a pili pono'i. Marriage of close relatives, as of brother and sister (or halfbrother or -sister) of very high chiefs (moe pi'o, moe naha, ho'l; manai 'ula {poetic]) was a means of preserving the family line and was not considered incest; commoners had no such marriages; see PE kiko moa.
Imperial. 'Imepellala.
I m p e r s o n a t e . Ho'ohalikelike, ho'okohukohu. I m p e r s o n a t i o n . K a p a w a h a h e ' e 'ana. I m p e r t i n e n t . Maha'oi. ho'oma'ol, kiko'ola, 'apali.
Impervious. Pa'apu.
Impetigo. Kakl'o. I m p i o u s . 'Aia, ho'omaloka.
I m p l a c a b l e . Laukona, makona.
I m p l a n t . Ho'oloko.
I m p l e m e n t . P a ' a h a n a , moa bo'ohana.
Implore. Kol, nol ha'aha'a. i m p l y . Ho'omaoe. I m p o r t , l . Bring in. Ho'okomo. See I m p o r t s .
Inch. 'Iniha.
I n c i d e n t . H a n a n a , m e a hiki wale mai, h a n a . I n c i n e r a t o r . Wabi p u h i ahi.
3 . Meaning. M a n a ' o nui. i m p o r t a n c e . Waiwai, 'ano nui. Thing of importance, mea nui. Limited importance, 'opu 'uku'uku, k a u p a l e n a 'la. i m p o r t a n t . Nui, 'ano nui; most —, panepo'o. Important person, k a ' a p e h a , ki'l m a k a nunui, me e. See PE kalalea. I m p o r t s . Waiwai h o ' o p a e mal, waiwai komo.
incisors. Nlho 'aki.
I n c i t e . Ho'alaala, ho'olale, ho'oulua5'a, ho'olalelale. Also: ho'eu, ho'ononi, kikl, kikQona, ho'okokonoi'e, ho'a, ha'inole. I n c l i n e . Pl'ina, ihona, hio. Also: haliu, 'aluli, moekahl, kalele.
Inclose. Ho'opuni.
i m p o r t u n a t e . Kauloloa, me'o, noi mau.
i n c l u d e . Helu, ho'okomo pu, h o ' o h u l p u , p a u pu. a me. Including women, a me n a wanlne.
Impossible. Hiki 'ole.
I n c o h e r e n t . 'Ohewa, ho'ohewa, 'olohewa.laukua, oloke. I n c o m e . L o a ' a mai. Annual income, loa'a m a k a hiki. I n c o m e t a x . ' A u h a u m a l u n a o k a loa'a.
I m p o s e . 1. To cause trouble. Ho'opilikia. 2. To place. K a u . i m p o s i n g . Kilaklla, moklla.
inclusive. See plural.
i m p o t e n t . P a u k a h i k i . Also: pi'alu; uheule (obs.).
Impoverish. Ho'ohune.
Incoming. Komo mal ana.
i m p r e g n a t e . Ho'opiha, ho'opi'i.
I n c o m p a r a b l e . A n a 'ole, lua 'ole, 'a'ole o k a n a mal, l a u n a 'ole. I n c o m p e t e n t . M a k a u k a u 'ole, h e m a h e m a , hawawa. I n c o m p l e t e . 'A'ole p l h a pono, h a p a p u , kihapa. I n c o m p r e h e n s i b l e . M a o p o p o 'ole. Also: k a m a ha'o, ho'e'epa, 'e'epa, p a h a ' o h a ' o , aiwaiwa.
I m p r e g n a t e d . Ho'opiha 'ia, mau; 'u'u, u (as
with salt). i m p r e s s i o n . 'Ikena, p a ' i 'ana, md'all, mo'o'ali. I m p r e s s i v e . ' I k e n a ho'opoina 'ole, k u kilaklla. 'e'ena (in speech). i m p r i n t . Pa'l, b e ' a h e ' a . To leave imprints, as of feet, knkau.
Inconsequential. Mea 'ole. Inconsequential
i m p r i s o n . Ho'opa'ahao.
deeds, h a n a hope 'ole. Inconsequential thing, m e a iki. Trifling or inconsequential action, as a casual love affair, h a n a kalakalai. I n c o n s i s t e n t . Lolelua, m a u m a u 'ole, kulike 'ole, pa'ewa'ewa. i n c o n s t a n t . Lolelua, lelele, lauwill wale, kapekepeke, pala'ie. I n c o n t i n e n c e . K u k o ' u m l 'ole, m a k a leho. I n c o n v e n i e n c e . Pllikia, ho'opilikia, ho'oluhl.
I m p r o p e r . K o h u 'ole, k u p o n o 'ole; pono (preceding a modified word). I m p r o v e . Holomua, ho'omalka'i, ho'oka'oi. I m p r o v e m e n t . Ho'omalka'i 'ana, holomua, ahona, h a n a h o ' o n e ' e m u a ; p o m a i k a ' i (as to property). i m p r o v i s e . H a k u wale; p a h a (a chant). I m p u d e n t . M a h a ' o i , ho'okano, p a k l k e . l h u m a ' a . Also: w i n l , k o a k o a , h o ' o l a n a k i l a , h o n e k o a . mohio. I m p u l s e . M a n a ' o ulu wale, no'ono'o ulu wale. Act impulsively, lele 'e.
Incorporated. Hul 'ia.
I n c o r r e c t . Pololei 'ole, pa'ewa, hewa, hape, 'ewa, kuhihewa, 'olalau.
increase I n e x p e r t . H e m a h e m a , hawawa. I n e x p l i c a b l e . Aiwaiwa, hlkl 'ole k e wehewehe pono. I n f a n c y . W a ll'ili'i, wa ' u ' u k u , manawaea, wa hull o ke alo i luna. i n f a n t . P e p e , kelkl, kamall'l; ' a w a (premature). The sound "ay" made by infants calling for attention, 'a'aea. i n f a n t i c i d e . 'Uml kamall'l, ' u m l kelkl. i n f a n t i l e . Ho'opepe, ll'ili'i, 'ano p e p e , ' a n o kamali'i (childish). I n f a n t r y . Pu'ali k a u a ka'i wawae, k o a hele wawae, kanlwawae.
I n c r e a s e . Ho'onul, h o ' o m a h u a h u a . Also: ulu. ho'olaha. laha, lalahu, ho'omano, h o ' o m a n o a , m a k a u a , h o ' o m a k o m a k d , k u p u , k u ' l lua, ho'opakeu, laupa'i; p u ' a l a u (rapidly); k a m o l a m o l a (in numbers). I n c u r . Loa'a, lo'ohla. I n c u r a b l e . Hiki 'ole ke ho'ola, ola 'ole. I n d e c e n t . H a u m l a , pelapela, k u pono 'ole.
Indecisive. Na'au lua. See fickle.
I n d e e d . P e l a no, pela T o , ho'l, noho'l. I n d e f i n i t e . M a o p o p o 'ole, a k a a k a 'ole. Indefinite time, a k a a k a 'ole k a m a n a w a .
Indefinite article. Pllimua maopopo 'ole.
I n d e f i n i t e p r o n o u n . P a n i i n o a k u h i laula. I n d e n t e d . Po'opo'o. Also: klpo'opo'o, m a k a mlno. I n d e p e n d e n c e . K u ' o k o ' a , ea. Independence Day, L a K u ' o k o ' a . To establish independence, h o ' o k u 'oko'a. i n d e p e n d e n t . K u ' o k o ' a , k u h a ' o , k u ka'awale, k a ' o k o ' a . For saying, PE kiku. I n d e x . P a p a kuhlkuhl, p a p a hd'ike. Index finger, lima kuhl.
India. 'Inla.
I n d i a n . 'Iniklni, 'Ilikinl; ' I n i a n a Ocean). I n d i a n a . 'Inikiana, Inldiaua.
Infatuate. Ho'ohei, li'a nui.
I n f a t u a t e d . Ona. Infatuated with desire, ulupuni 1 ka makemake. I n f e c t i o n . M a ' i lele, ma'i laha, ' a ' a i ; kohoko (probably luetic).
Infer. Kuhi. See Imply.
I n f e r i o r . 'A'ohe maika'i loa, h a ' a h a ' a , eml lho; hollna, 'a'aiole (of fruit). Bare: huelo, manea, loha. Infinite. Palena 'ole. I n f i r m . Nawaliwali, palupalu. Also: kolopupu, k a u k o ' o (of an aged person); kaulel, 'omall. See
feeble, old age. Inflame. Ho'a, ula.
I n f l a m e d . Ula. Also: kole, mukole, heka, he'a, uno'o; piheka, ukokole, 'ula, 'ula'ula, makole (eyes). I n f l a m m a t i o n . ' C p e h u p e h u ; p u ' u - ' a k o (throat). I n f l a t e . Ho'ohu, ho'ol^opu, _ho'opuhalu. Also: pakaka, kahela, ho'opuhalalu. i n f l a t i o n . E m i ka waiwai o ke kala. I n f l e x i b l e . 'O'ole'a, 'olu 'ole, pa'aklki. Also: wikanl, k a k a u h a , wika'o. I n f l i c t . K a u aku, ho'oill maluna. I n f l u e n c e . Ho'obuli m a n a ' o , ho'ololl. To influence to bad behavior, ho'okua'ino. I n f l u e n c e d . Ho'ohuli 'la. Easily influenced, p u n l wale; kololu (obs.). I n f l u e n t i a l . Ko'iko'i, m a n a ko'iko'l; k a ' a p e h a (rare).
Indian mulberry. Noni. Indian Ocean. Moana-'Inlana. India rubber. Lahollo. I n d i c a t e . Kuhlkuhl, ho'lke.
Indicative mood. 'Ouliha'l.
I n d i c t m e n t . Palapala ho'opl'l, palapala ho'opi'i ho'ahewa.
I n d i e s . 'Inla.
I n d i f f e r e n c e . H o ' o m a o p o p o 'ole, palaka, n a n a 'ole. Also: h o ' o k a n a n e o, n a n a m a k a , ho'okolono, palaleha. To feign indifference, ho'opalaka, ho'opalal maka.
indigenous. Maoli.
i n d i g e s t i o n . M a n a w a b u a , n a h u k a 'opu. I n d i g n a n t . H u h u , ukiuki, ka'eo. I n d i g o . 'Inlko. Indigo plant, kolu. 'lnlko. I n d i r e c t . Hlllau, lauwlli. Indirect-inverse proportion, laklo like hull hope. Indirect questioning, ntnau ho'ohele, h o ' o h u a h u a l a u , nlnau ho'omaoe. To endeavor to find out something or obtain something by indirect methods, h o ' o p a p a .
Influenza. Palu.
I n f o r m . Hd'ike, ha'i, ho'omaopopo. I n f o r m a l . K a p a e i n a l u l a ' o ' o l e ' a . To eat informally, 'ai ku. Informal attire, ' a ' a h u no e holo a n a l k a mana'o. I n f o r m a t i o n . 'Ike, nuhou, ho'lke. To obtain information by roundabout methods, h o ' o h u a h u a lau. To gather information about one's relatives, pakolea. I n f r e q u e n t . Kaka'ikahi, no k a m a n a w a . The ship slops infrequently, k u m a n a w a k a m o k u . - I n g . Ana, 'ana. His going, k a n a hele 'ana. He is going, e hele ana 'oia. Repetitive action is also shown by reduplications. I n g e n i o u s . Loea, malau. I n g r a t e . Mea mahalo 'ole, m e a aloha 'ole, po'alo maka. I n g r a t i a t e . Ho'omalimali, miklmiki. i n g r a t i t u d e . 'Awahua, ho'omalka'i 'ole. For idiom, PE au.
Indiscriminately. Wae 'ole, hapuku.
I n d i s t i n c t . 1. Of vision. P a p a l a w e k a , palaweka, poehi, powehlwehl, koH'uli'u. Also: 'oll'uM'u, kapala, haili, ninlu. 3 . Of speech. A k a a k a 'ole, hulkau k a leo, 'ole, nei, h e p a . Also: ho'okake, n a u n a u , kapalalu, m u m u , hemuwa, hlnlhlnl; lau'ulu (obs.).
Individual. Kanaka.
i n d o l e n t . Molowa, lena, kapoulena. Also: haloll'111, heha, maheha, kaiallle, palela, ahlo, loma, kamakl'l, k u a l a n a , melamela, k u h a n a 'ole, 'opu
palula, papalole. See idle, lazy.
I n d u c e . Ho'o-, ho'okonokono. i n d u l g e . Ho'opunahele, pallanl, mallanl.
i n h a b i t . Noho.
i n d u l g e d . Pallanl loa, h o ' o p u n a h e l e ' l a , ho'onu'a. I n d u l g e n c e . P a l a p a l a k a l a h a l a (Catholic). i n d u s t r i a l s c h o o l . K u l a a ' o h a n a lima. I n d u s t r i o u s . P a ' a h a n a , lawehana, limahana. I n d u s t r y . 1. Diligence. P a ' a h a n a . 3 . Trade. 'Oihana. I n e f f e c t i v e . Holo le'a 'ole, p a h u ' a , 'Shea. I n e f f i c i e n t . H e m a h e m a , lolena, mill.
I n h a b i t a n t . Po'e, kanaka, k a m a ' a i n a . i n h a b i t e d . N o h o 'ia. Also: a u k a n a k a , k a n a k a . Sparsely inhabited, noho k a k a ' i k a h i 'ia; k a l k u a (rare). Densely inhabited, noho nui 'ia. i n h a l a n t . L a ' a u h o ' o h a n u h a n u . To administer an inhalant, ho'ohanu. i n h a l e . H a n u , h a n u i loko. I n h a r m o n i o u s . Kulike 'ole; muimuia (of colors); kullkuli (of sounds). I n h e r i t . 111. Inherited land, 'alna ho'ollina. I inherited that land, ua lli mal kela 'aina l a ' u .
Inevitable. Hlkl 'ole ke 'alo a'e.
I n e x p e r i e n c e d . 'Akahi a k a h l , h e m a h e m a , m a ' a
'ole, hawawa. See novice.
interception I n s i n c e r e . 'Olâ'l'o 'ole, k u 'ole 1 k a 'olâ'l'o, ho'okâma'e, ho'okamanl. I n s i n u a t e . Kuhikuhlhewa, 'ôlelo k u h i wale, 'ôlelo kâplllpill 'lno; ho'oloko (obs.). I n s i p i d . H u k â k a i , ânea, ko'eko'e, m u h e a , mule, mulea. Also: h u k a h u k a l , 'oka'okal, 'ôkâkal, kal, heahea, 'âheahea, m u ' u m û n â , 'a'alakal, mala, kâhalahala, raalka, m a h u . See t a s t e l e s s . I n s i s t . Koi, ho'olâ'au, ho'opa'a, ha'akol, ho'oh u ' a . Insistent urge, koi ho'oklna, kol h u h u k i .
I n h e r i t a n c e . Ho'oiilna, ho'Dlna. waiwai ho'oillna, ill. To seek and establish inheritance for one's children, '1ml bale. I n h i b i t e d . Kaohl m a n a ' o , k a ' u k a ' u . See u n i n -
I n i t i a l . M u a . Initial letter, h u a m u a . I n i t i a t e . H o ' o m a k a . h o ' o k u m u ; bo'olllo 1 lala (to membership). I n i t i a t i o n . H o ' o k u m u , h o ' o k u m u ' a n a e lllo 1 151a. ka 1 m u a . Initiation feast, ' a h a ' a l n a komo.
Insistence. Kôina.
I n j e c t . Hou, hano.
I n s o l e n t . M a h a ' o i , pâkikê, klko'olâ, h o ' o k a n o . I n s o m n i a . H i a ' a , ho'âlahia, k a n i k a n l â ' u l a , moa 'ole. I n s p e c t . N â n â , mâka'l. i n s p e c t o r . L u n a nana.
I n j e c t i o n . Hoene, p a b u k u l (.hypodermic). Injection needle, hou kul. I n j u n c t i o n . 'Olelo p a p a , 'olelo a'o. I n j u r e . 'Ino, ho'o'lno, h a n a 'ino. ho'opo'ino. Also: h o ' o m a ' a u , ku'l, m a u n a , mahole, mohole, moholehole, aulu, m a n u h e ' u . I n j u r e d . 'Alloa, m a u n a , 'eha, m a n u h e ' u , m a n u , p a l a pu. Bruised and injured, m a n u kina. I n j u s t i c e . Kaullke 'ole, pololel 'ole, h a n a pono 'ole, b a n a p a ' e w a ' e w a . I n k . ' I n l k a , wal 'ele'ele. Ink squirted by octopus, kukaeull, weka, wekaweka. Ink used for tattooing, p a ' u . Ink dregs or powder, p a ' u . I n k b l o t . K o h u 'Inlka. I n k l i n g . H o ' o m a o p o p o 'e, 'ike m a h u ' l .
Inspiration. A'o loko, ulu.
i n s p i r a t i o n a l m e e t i n g . Hâlâwai hô'eu'eu. I n s p i r e . Ulu (for example, see PE ulu), ho'oQJu, ho'olalelale, kipaipai. I n s p i r e d . Ulu (by a spirit, ideal, person); k i h a e (with a wrathful spirit). I n s t a l l . Ho'okomo, ho'onoho. I n s t a l l m e n t . 1. Payment. Uku, màhele u k u . Installment payments, u k u li'iU'i, u k u m a n a w a , uku hapa, u k u pâkallkali. 3. Portion. Màhele, hapa. 'apana. I n s t a n c e . M e a ho'ohâllke. For instance, penei; e l a ' a me keia. I n s t a n t . M a n a w a pôkole loa. Instant coffee, k o p e hikiwawe.
I n k s t a n d . Ipu 'inlka. Inkwell. Ipu 'inika.
I n l a n d . Uka, m a u k a . a u k a , 1 uka, a u k a u k a ; wao (see PE S53). To go inland, pi'l, hele 1 uka. I n - l a w s . ' O h a n a pill m a k a m a l e 'ana, Inoa, alohlki: pill p a p a k o l e (disrespectful). Parentsin-law of one's child, or their relatives of the same generation, p&luna. I n l a y . 'Okomo, kikomo.
Instantly. Manawa 'ole, 'emo 'ole. Instead. Ma kahi o.
I n s t e p . Poli, poll wâwae, poho wawae.
I n s t i n c t . 'Ike hânau.
Inlet. Eal-ku'ono. I n m a t e . 'Ohua.
I n n . H5kele, hale kipa, bale ho'oklpa, o'lo'lna.
Institute. 1. See Institution. 2. To begin. Ho'okumu. Institution. Hul ho'ohana 'lml na'auao (scholarly); hul, bale. See e l e e m o s y n a r y . I n s t r u c t . A'o, h o ' o n a ' a u a o . bi'lpaka. I n s t r u c t i o n . A'o, 'ôlelo a'o, a'o palapala, kuhlkuhlna. Instructions, p a p a kuhikuhi. Instruction house, hâlau.
Inner. O loko.
I n n k e e p e r . H a k u hale kipa. i n n o c e n t . H a l a 'ole, hewa 'ole. I n n u e n d o . K a o n a ho'o'ino'lno. I n n u m e r a b l e . H i k i 'ole k e helu, nul hewahewa, lehulehu, kiniklnl, klnl lau a mano. Also: kuakini, k u a m a n o , kauluwela, pull'uli'u. See PE kini, lau, mano. I n o r d e r t o . E , 1, no, 1 hlkl ai ke. In order not to, 1 'ole e, o. I n q u e s t . ' A h a niele. Coroner's inquest, ' a h a niele k u m u make. Fire inquest, ' a h a niele p a u ahl.
Instructive. Ho'ona'auao.
I n s t r u m e n t . M e a p a ' a h a n a ; plia (musical).
musical Instrument.
I n s u f f i c i e n t . L a w a 'ole, kâwala. I n s u l t . Hô'lno, k u a m u a m u . Insulting terms: a h u k a pala kukae, hele 1 k a 'enakoi, klko moa, moe hâlau. 'olouha, pala kukae. See a d z e , b o a r ,
derision, dog, eye, eyelid, genital, gesture, mat, pebble, penis, plnworm, shrimp,
I n q u i r e . Ninau.
t a u n t ; PE 175-176 (laho and derivatives). I n s u l t e d . K u a m u a m u 'la, hô'lno 'la. I n s u r a n c e . H o ' o p a ' a , 'inlkua (kinds: PE 95). Also: h o ' o p a ' a ola (life); 'inlkua pau a h i (fire); h o ' o p a ' a walwal (property). Insurance policy, palapala h o ' o p a ' a , p a l a p a l a 'inlkua. Insurance company, h u i h o ' o p a ' a . I n s u r e . H o ' o p a ' a , 'inikua. Insure property, ho'op a ' a waiwai. I n t e l l i g e n t . N a ' a u a o , lololo. I n t e l l i g i b l e . Akaaka, m ô a k a a k a . To make intelligible, h o ' â k a a k a . I n t e m p e r a t e . Pâkela. Intemperate drinker, p a kela inu l a m a . Intemperate eating, pakela ai.
I n q u i s i t i o n . ' A h a niele, 'lnekuikikio.
Inquisitive. Niele.
I n s a n e . Pupuie, ulala, hehena, lol5; k a p a n a h a (obs.).
Insatiable. Ana 'ole.
i n s e c t . M e a kolo, holoholona Iele; m u (destructive); huhu (wood-boring). Feelers of an insect, pipi. Insect-eaten, ane, h u h u h u . I n s e c t i c i d e . L a ' a u h o ' o m a k e m u , mea pepehl m e a kolo. I n s e c u r e . P a ' a 'ole ke k a h u a . Also: naue, kapekepeke, kaulelna, kuleleiwl, kue'o, kfinapa, kaulel, kulana, pulehe. I n s e r t . H o ' o k o m o . Also: 'dkomo, ho'5, 'o'o, ho'o'o, hahao, pao. Inserted word, hua'olelo p u ' u m a n a 'la.
I n t e n d . Mana'o pa'a.
I n t e n s e . ' I n o (after the modified word, as n u i 'ino) ; nul loa, lkalka loa. ko'lko'l. Rare: h â k u m a , m â k u m a , kullpo, loku, maka'ele'ele. I n t e n t i o n . M a n a ' o . Lawless intention, mana'o k û ' ë kànâwal.
Inside. Loko, 1. I n s i g h t . 'Ike kuhohonu. insignia. Hd'allona. Insignificant. Mea 'ole. Also: 'ano 'ole, a'e nei,
Intercede. 'Uao, kâhoahoa.
Intercept. Ke'a.
I n t e r c e p t i o n . Papani.
ma'llu. 'omllu, kuplhlpihi, kulono.
intercourse lehu. For sayings, see d r o o p , PE heha. To weave along, as one intoxicated, kfkiwi. I n t o x i c a t i n g . 'Ona, hd'ooa. Intoxicating liquor, wai 'ona. I n t o x i c a t i o n . 'Ona. The intoxication sank in (For. 4:197), 'o'oki mall a ka 'ona o ka 'awa. I n t r a n s i t i v e . See verb, i n t r e p i d . Wiwo 'ole. 'a'a, ka'alokuloku. i n t r i c a t e . Pohihihi. I n t r o d u c e . Ho'ohui, ho'olauna (as people); ho'okomo. I n t r o d u c e d . Ho'olauna 'la (as people); malihlni (as plants). See p l a n t . I n t r o d u c t i o n . Ho'olauna (as people); 'olelo mua. i n t r u d e . Komo wale, komo hewa, klpa wale, mau'a'e. i n v a l i d . 1. III. Mea nawaliwali, mea 'oma'ima'i; hapai kanaka (fig.); nonopapa (obs.). 3. Not valid. Mana 'ole, waiwai 'ole. I n v a s i o n . Komo 'lno, ho'ouka kaua. I n v e n t . Hakuwale. Invented story, mo'olelo hakuwale. i n v e n t i o n . Hana meahou 1 hana mua 'ole 'la. I n v e n t o r y . Helu, helu waiwai. Inverse. Huli hope. Invest. Ho'opuka, ho'opukapuka, bo'onoho. I n v e s t i g a t e . Kolokolo, ho'okolokolo, nol i. I n v e s t i g a t i o n . Hull, noi'ina, nol'i. I n v e s t m e n t . Waiwai no ka ho'opukapuka 'ana. Investment business, 'oihana mahele kumupa'a. Invincible. Pio 'ole, hlki 'ole ke lanakila, pa'a. Invisible. 'Ike maka 'ole 'ia, po'o huna. To live invisible in the air, kihehe. I n v i t a t i o n . Kono, palapala kono (tcrilien) ; paloka (obs.). i n v i t e . Kono, ho'okono, polo'al. invoice. Plla waiwai, pepa ho'ike waiwai. Invoke. Kahea, kapakapa. i n v o l u n t a r y . Me ka 'ae 'ole. Involuntary servitude, ho'ohana me ka 'ae 'ole. Involve. Hihia, kuhihi, kawili ka'eka. Involved. Hihia, kahihi. To become involved in gambling, in an entangling affair of any sort, pili hihia. I o w a . 'Iowa. I r a n . 'liana, Irana. I r a q . 'Ilaka, Iraka. I r e l a n d . 'Ilelani, Irelani. I r i d i u m . 'Ilikluma. Iris. Mau'u-la'ili. I r i s h . 'Aillkl, 'Ilelani. I r i s h p o t a t o . 'Uala-kahiki. i r o n . Hao; kakaki (hoop); meki (ancient); papa'a hao (scrap); 'aiana (for pressing clothes); plllnao, plula (corrugated iron roofing). Iron pan, dish, fence, pa hao. Iron pot, lpu hao. Iron spike, kui hao. For saying, PE wela. i r o n i n g b o a r d . Papa 'aiana. I r o n w o o d . Paina. I r o n w o r k s . Hale hana hao. I r o n y . See s a r c a s m . I r o q u o i s . 'Ilokuoa. I r r e g u l a r . E like 'ole me ka mea mau. loli ke kulana, pololei 'ole. Also: malele, ewa'ewa, manumanu. haumanumanu, kalawalawa, kilepa, u'uhaku, amokemoke, piki. To make irregular, o'okihiklhi. Irregular-shaped, laukua. Irregular verb, ha'ina keke'e. See occasionally, verb, i r r e l i g i o u s . 'Ala, 'aiahua. ho'omahuakala; laukana (obs.). I r r e v e r e n t . Ho'omalau. I r r i g a t e . Ho'okahekahe wai, kau wai, ho'oma'u, hanawai.
I n t e r c o u r s e . Launa 'ana. See s e x u a l I n t e r course. I n t e r e s t . 1. Concern. Hoihoi, kuleana, pill laula {broad, general). I haven't the ¡east interest, 'a'ohe o'u liiil holhol. Of no interest, 'ole wale; hoihoi 'ole. Lack of interest, ho'onakull. See b o n e . 3. On principal. Kuwala, puka, puka o ke kala, uku pane'e, uku ho'opane'e, uku kaulele; kuwala ano hui, kuwala ho'ohul (compound). Discount on interest, kuwala ho'eml. Rate of interest, helu kuala. Interest payment, uku kuwala. To draw interest, puka. I n t e r e s t e d . Hoihoi. i n t e r e s t i n g . Nanea, walea, hoihoi. I n t e r f e r e . 'Ake'ake'a, kakekake, komo kuleana 'ole, h o k a k e . h o k a i , kamoko. Free from interference, kuakahl. To remote interference, ho'okuakahi. I n t e r i o r . Loko, walua. Minister of the Interior, Kuhlna Kalal'aina. I n t e r l s l a n d . Pili'aina. I n t e r - I s l a n d Airways C o m p a n y . Hul Mokulele Pili'aina. Inter-Island Steam Navigation Company. Hui Moku Holo Pili'aina. I n t e r j e c t i o n . Ho'oho. I n t e r l a c e . Kawili, molo. i n t e r l o c k e d . 'Omi'l pa'a. Also: nlhoa, niho, 'oka'l; uhauhumu (obs.). I n t e r m a r r y . Male 'ohana, male no ia loko iho. Bare: ho'i, hihl ka lanl. See I n c e s t . I n t e r m e d i a t e . Mawaena. I n t e r m i n g l e . Hihi, hul. I n t e r n . Kokua kauka (medical). I n t e r n a l . Ko loko. I n t e r n a t i o n a l . O na 'aina 'e, ko na 'aina like 'ole. I n t e r p r e t . Unuhi, unuhi 'olelo, ho'omahele, mahele 'olelo. To interpret dreams, wehewehe moe'uhane, mo'lke. I n t e r p r e t e r . Mea unuhi. unuhi 'olelo, mahele 'olelo; nana ao (clouds); mo'ike (dreams). I n t e r r o g a t e . Ninau, ninaninau. i n t e r r o g a t i o n . Ninau, ninau ho'ike; huahualau (to incriminate). Interrogation point, klko ninau. i n t e r r o g a t i v e p r o n o u n . Paniinoa ninaninau. I n t e r r u p t . Kahamaha. Rare: kepakepa, mau'a'e, kamoko, kikaho (rudely). i n t e r s e c t i o n . Hulna, pahu manamana. i n t e r t w i n e . 'Awili, hihl, 'anoni. I n t e r v a l . Wa; pale, 'anu'u (in music). To take interval (military command), ka'awale. i n t e r v e n e . Komo mawaena; komo kuleana 'ole (without right). I n t e r v i e w . Kuka kama'ilio. To hold an interview, kuka kama'ilio. I n t e r w e a v e . Kawili, 'awili, ka'eka, molo, 'anoni, 'oka'i, 'uo. I n t e r w o v e n . Hihia, mauhlll. kaupe'a. I n t e s t i n e s . Na'au; na'ana'au (small); uha (large). I n t i m a t e . Pili koke; kuluma (rare). Intimate friend, hoa pili. I n t o . I loko. Into the house, i loko o k a hale. I n t o l e r a n t . Ku'e i ko ha'i mana'o, mana'o haiki. i n t o n a t i o n . Ki'ina o ka leo, ke kani 'ana o ka leo. i n t o x i c a n t . Lama, wai 'ona: mea 'ona (drug). Fig. names: wai lohia, wai ho'onoenoe, wai ho'omalule. wai kulu; wai ka'ili ao (PE kO'ili). Various intoxicants: 'okolehao (ti-root); pinika (molasses and water); pala (watermelon juice). See s w i p e s . I n t o x i c a t e d . 'Ona. Fig. names: ulupe L pulu pe. kill hau, noenoe, lupe'a, ma'ona, ma'ona loa, ho'ohewa, kahi'o, 'ohi'ohi'o, molehu, molehu-
I x o r a Issue. 1.
Offspring. Pua, keiki. out. P u k a , no'opuka, pukana.
I r r i t a b l e . N a u k i , ' a ' a k a , h u h u koke. I r r i t a t e . Ho'oukiuki, ho'ouluhua. I r r i t a t e d . Ukiuki. naulu, k u ' a k i , uilani. I r r i t a t i o n . Ukiuki, ho'opehu 'ana; pu'upu'u mane'o (.skin). Is. See b e . He is sick, ma'i 'oia, ua ma'i 'oia.
Put or come
I s t h m u s . PQ'ali. I t . Ia, 'oia, k e l a ; a k u a (in game of tag). This word is frequently omitted. It is said, ua 'olelo 'ia. It was a big house, he hale nul ia.
I t a l i a n . Ikalia. Italics. Huapalapala hid.
Ischium. Iwi ka.
- I s b . 'Ano, '0-, pa-. I s l a n d . M o k u . mokupuni, moku'aina, mo. 'ailana; moku kele (submerged); m o k u papapa (low reef). I s l a n d s . Pae 'alna. Hawaiian Islands, k o Hawai'i pae 'aina.
I t a l y . Ikalia, Italia. I t c h . M a n e ' o . Also: kaki'o, lalawe, 'ako, m a k a ' a h a , k u n a k u n a , me'eau. To cause to itch, ho'omane'o. I am beginning to itch, k e pi'i nei k o ' u mane'o. I t c h i n g . P u ' u p u ' u mane'o, me'eau.
Isle of Wight. Mokupuni-o-Waika.
I t e m . 'Ikamu. Itinerary. Ala hele.
I s l e t . M o k u , m o k u li'ili'i. Abounding in islels, 'amokumoku. I s n ' t . 'A'ole. Isn't it? 'a'ole anei? He isn't going, 'a'ole 'oia e hele ana.
I t s . Same as h i s . It's. See It, be. I t s e l f . 'Oia no, 'oia lho, 'oia pono'i. By itself, nana lho, kohana. I v o r y . P a l a o a (as whale); niho 'elepani. Itorycolored, pua nlu. Icory pendant, lei palaoa.
Isolate. Ho'oka'awale.
I s o l a t e d . H o ' o k a ' a w a l e 'ia, noho ka'awale.
Isopod. Poklpoki.
I s o s c e l e s t r i a n g l e . Huinakolu 'elua 'ao'ao like. I s r a e l . Ikela'ela, Iseraela.
Ixora. Popo-lehua.
J a w b o n e . Iwi a, papa ku'l. J e a l o u s . Lill. Also: nlnl, 'opu nini. maiiawahuwa, 'a'ahuwa, lolohuwa, nononuwa. kekene. J e a l o u s y . See J e a l o u s . Also: huwa, ho'opi'lpl'l. To show jealousy and anger, kahalili. To burn, as with jealousy, 'a. J e e r . 'Aka henehene, 'a'ahuwa, ho'ohenehene. Jeered at, ho'oma'ewa'ewa, pahenehene. See taunt. J e h o v a h . Iehowa, Iehova. J e h o v a h ' s W i t n e s s e s . Na ho'lke o Iehowa. Jell. Pa'akuku, kupu. Jelly. Kele; hu'ahu'a (rare). Jellyfish. Pololla. J e o p a r d y . Kulana plllkia. J e r b o a . Kepoa. J e r i c h o . Iellko, Ierlko. J e r k . Hukl 'i_no. Also: 'unu, ue, kakekake. 'a'ill, kolopa, ho'anu'unu'u, helo. To jerk and start, kipupu, 'ane'e, hele kuku. Jerked beef, pipi kaula. J e r u s a l e m . Ielukalema, Ierusalema. J e s t . 'Olelo pa'anl; lua'apana (obs.). J e s t e r . Lua'apana. J e s u i t . Iekulko, Iesulto, Iesulta. J e s u s . Iesu. J e t . KI; kokol (rare). Jet-propelled, ho'one'e 1 mua ma ke ki 'ana 1 ka mahu. J e t - b l a c k . 'Ele hlwa. J e t s a m . PIha, ¡ka. J e t t y . Uwapo, pani kal. J e w . Klu, Iukalo. Jewelry. Lako kula, mea ho'onanl kino, ho'ohiluhllu kula. J e w i s h . Iukalo. J e w ' s - e a r . Pepelao-akua, akua. Jew's h a r p . 'Ckeke hahau, 'ukeke hao, nl'au kanl. J i b b e r J a b b e r . Hlohlo, a;pakake; pipinoke (obs.). J i b sail. Pe a ihu. Jiggle. Ho'onl'onl, 'oni oni; ka'uwali (obs.). J l m s o n w e e d . La'au-hano, kikania-haole. J i n g l e . Kanlkani. Jingle bells, kanl na pele. J o b . 'Oihana, hana. J o b h o l d e r . Noho 'oihana. J o b ' s - t e a r 8 . Pu'ohe'ohe, 'ohe'ohe, kukae-kolea, pupu-kolea. Jog. Kaulu, 'anu'u (as on a cliff). J o i n . Pill, pill pu, hul, ku'i; komo (enter, as a class). Also: kapili, kuku'i, ho'oku'i, pana'l, paku'i, ku'ika'a; ki'o'e (as nets); hu, na'iau. J o i n e d . Ku'i, hul 'la, huihui, 'aplpl. See J o i n . J o i n i n g . Plllna, hoana, hoal, hono, maku'i. See Join. J o i n t . 1. Anatomical. Ku'eku'e, 'ami ho'oku'i, 'ami, ha'i; ku'lna, hoana, hoal, maku'i (general); pona (as of sugar-cane stalk or bamboo). Hinge oint, ku'lna 'ami. Ball-and-socket joint, 'ami lo'oku'ina lewa. To slip out of joint, kapeke. 3. United. Hui 'la. Joint report, ho'lke ne'epapa. Joint action, ne'epapa ka hana, hana laullma, olowalu. J o i n t e d . Ponapona, punapuna, pauku. J o i n t s . Pu'upu'u, aka. See J o i n t . J o k e . 'Olelo pa'anl, pa'anl, mea ho'opa'nnl, ho'omea, 'olelo ho'omake'aka. J o k e r . Mea ho'omake'aka; pepa kl'l (in a deck of cards). J o k i n g . Pa'anl, ho'opa'ani. Jolly. Le'ale'a, laupa'apa'anl. J o l t i n g . 'Akuku, lu, lulu. Sudden jolting, 'oni hlkiwawe. J o s t l e . Ho'oku'iku'l, kuke, ho'oke.
J . No Hawaiian term. J » b . 'O'e, hou. J a b b e d . Ku, kuku, hou 'la. J a b b e r . A, ho'a, wala'au wale, pakaké, 'ohi'ohl, hlohio; 'al kepakepa (fig.). J a c i n t h . Huaklneko. J a c k . 1. A fish. Ulua (various tupes and savings, PE 31,1). 2. In deck of cards. Keaka. J a c k a l . 'Illo hae, iakala. J a c k a s s . Same as d o n k e y . J a c k e t . Lakeke. Checkered jacket, kelamoku. J a c k f l s b . Nuku-moml, nuku mone'u. J a c k k n l f e . Pahi pelu; kauikani (06s.). J a c k - o f - a l l - t r a d e s . Mea makaukau 1 na hana like 'ole, laukua. J a c k - o ' - l a n t e r n . Po'o kl'i, po'o kl'l pala'al. J a c k s . Klmo (.game). J a c k s o n v i l l e . Iakekonawlll, Iakesonavill. J a c k s t o n e s . Klmo. J a c o b a e a n Illy. Panana. J a g g e d . Nlbonlho, nlhoa. Also: hálelo, wanawana, wawana, 'o'e, 'anapu'u, uluha'o. J a g u a r . Iakua. J a i l . Hale pa'ahao, hale wai. To jail, ho'opa'ahao. J a i l e r . Kla'l hale pa'ahao. J a m . Kele (jelly). See c r o w d , c r u s h . J a m a i c a . Iameka, Iamalka. J a m m e d . Plhaku'l, plha'u. J a n i t o r . Malama hale. J a n u a r y . Ianuall, Ianuarl. J a p a n . Iapana, 'Alna Kepani. J a p a n e s e . Kepani. Also: Nipoa, Nipona. J a r . 1. Container. 'Omole waha nui; poho anianl (glass). 3. Mote. Ku'l, 'oni 'lno. J a r g o n . 'Olelo 'e. 'olelo hillkau. J a r r e d . 'Anu'u. J a s m i n e . Pikake (various types, PE 302). J a s p e r . Humu'ula, kalama'ula, kalanla'ula, J alakepl. u n d i c e . Ma'l lena. Also: lena, kapoulena, 'ea-'olena; kumulena. J a v a . Iawa. J a v e l i n . Kao lele, kao, lhe. To throw a javelin, kao, 'e, hele a, la'a; 'oe (rare). Like this, penei, pe kela, peia, 'ano like me keia, e la a me keia. Like that, pela. Exactly like, kohu like, like 'alike. What is it like? Pehea kona 'ano? 3. Wish. Makemake, mamake, puni, 'l'inl; 'ono (food). likely. Paha. l i k e n e s s . Kohu, kohu like, 'ano, ki'i, aka, lua. To assume a likeness, ho'okohu, ho'oku. likewise. Kekahl, noho'i, pela ho'i. liking. Tint.
l i l a c Ust. Helu, papa helu. List of names, papa inoa.
l i l a c . Huelo-'ìllo. Illy. Lilla. Day lily, UUa-pala'al. Water lily, UUalana-l-ka-wai. Lily of the valley, lilia-o-ke-awawa. Kinds: 'ukl'uki, pa'inlu. l i m b . Lilla, mana. With strong limbs, lalako'a. Umber. Palupalu. wall, ho'olu, 'o'upe; 'ape'ape (obs.). Limber-jointed, lewa. Urne. 1. Fruit. Leml. 3 . Calcium oxide. Puna. Lime hair bleach, jpukal. To burn lime in a pit, kahu. 3. See b i r d l i m e , l i m e a d e . Wal leml. l i m e s t o n e . Hauone, pa'akea, papa'akea. poha kea. Limestone house, naie puna, l i m i t . Palena, kaupale, 'oki. To limit, kaupalena. Land limit, palena 'aina, kapaha'l. Off limits, ho'okapu 'ia, papà 'la. Without limit, ana 'ole, palena 'ole, 'a'ole oka'e mai, 'a'ole okana mal, a'ohe launa. Limited, kaupalena 'la (.limits set); hui 'la (incorporated). l i m i t a t i o n . Kaupalena, halki. l i m p . 1. Lame. 'O'opa, 'opa. Also: ma'opa'opa, bakl'opa, kl'opa, 'o'i, ha'o'l, ku'o'i, kupa'o'i, hakupe'o'l, pa'o'l'o'i, ka'upapa, lolehau. luni. 3 . Weak, soft. Malule, Hawaii, nàwaliwali Also: uwa'uwali, ha'imalule, holule, ho'okakale, '5luheluhe, lolena. Hanging limp, as a sail, lululu. l i m p e t . 'Opihl (varieties, PE Z69); ka'ala. 'Oplhl scooped out oj its shell, maka'oplhl. To gather 'opini, ku'l ('ola'o) 'oplhl. A cliff-clinging limpet, he 'oplhl kau pall (of a parasite). line. 1. Cordage. Kaula (various kinds, PE 116); aho (various kinds, PE 7-8). Names of lines used on canoes and boats, 'alihl pa'u, haunu, kd wa'a, he'e, hekau, kaula, pukòke e; pu'aki foos.). Fishing line, aho. Trolling line, aho kalewa. Ulua line, Hawai'i-loa. 3 . Geometric. Lalanl, laina, kaha, kahahio, mana, kahakahana. To mark with lines, ho'olàla, kàkau kaha. To march in line, hele lalanl, ka'lna. Lined paper, pepa kahakaha. Lines, as in the face, kahakahana, 'alu'alu, 'alu. Line of stones, nini. Line of surf, iwi. To draw a color line, kaupale '111. 3 . To cover. Pale. To line or thatch a house, pa'l bale. lineage. Lalanl 'ohana, ku'auhau, welo, ewe kapu, aewa, kumo'o. Chiefly lineage, ku'auhau ali 1, moloalo. Lineage kin, ewe. linen. Lilina, pulu, pulupulu, olona; 'le (obs.).
See heel.
l i s t e n . Lohe, ho'olohe, ho'olono (statement); ho'olohe (command). Also: lolohe, lohelohe, maliu, 'aunea, 'ohikau, kalelei. Listen, 'auhea wale 'oe (common in beginnings of songs). l i s t l e s s . P a l a k a . Also: kukule, 'okulekule, puhemo, mamae, ho'opuhemo, 'ea-kamolowa, nokule, le. l i t a n y . Likanla. I l t c h l . Lalki, mahoe. l i t e r . Lika. l i t e r a l . Pill pono, kulike loa. See m e a n i n g ,
Uterary. Puke. l i t e r a t e . Hiki ke heluhelu puke, l i t e r a t u r e . Mo'olelo; palapala (written only). l i t t e r . 1. Trash. 'Opala, mdkaki, ho'dpala, ho'omokaki. 3. Stretcher. Manele. l i t t l e . Iki, li'i, lili'i, li'llijl. Also: huahelu, hukuli'l. huna, hune, 'dhune, malkl, mamamala, pikanele. A little, iki, wahl, kauwahl, nahi, ma'ii. Little bit, llhl. To eat very little, kiklki ka 'ai 'ana.
little people. See legendary' beings,
live. 1. Exist. Ola. The name lives on, ola ka lnoa. Live idly, opu. Live in comfort, luana. Live off others, pill wale. Living as a dependent, nohona ho'opili wale. Live a happy life, noho hau'oli, lele pono. 3. Dwell. Nono. Live alone. noho ho'okahi. To live together, noho pu. plli pa'a. To live with a man, noho kane. To live with a woman, noho wahine. To live cautiously, akahele ka noho 'ana, akanoho. To live permanently, noho pa'a. To live by the sea, noho kai. To live inland, noho uka. Let us live together, ho'okahi ko kaua noho pu 'ana. livelihood. Ola, pono. Means of livelihood, malama ola, ko'oko'o. To earn a livelihood, 'iml 1 ola. Deprivation of livelihood, ho'opilikla 1 ka nohona, hana kaha ea. lively. 'Eleu, 'eu'eu, 'akeu. Rare: loiole'a, nanahea. To act lively, '¡nana, liver. Ake, akepa'a. Raw liver, ake maka. Squid liver, 'ala'ala. Octopus liver bait, pilipili he'e. A heap of squid liver, ahu ka 'ala'ala (worthless), Liverpool. Llwapula. liverwort. Limu (various kinds, PE 190-191); also, pahapaha-kuahlwi. livery s t a b l e . Hale lio ho'ollmallma. livestock. Holoholona hanai (1 ka mahlna'al). living. Nohona, 'ao'ao (way of life); ola (life). Still living, not dead, e ola ana no. 'a'ole i make, living r o o m . Lumi ho'oklpa. lizard. Mo'o, mo, mo'o klha; moko (obs.). Big lizard, mo'o-nui. Long-tailed lizard, mo'o kala'au. Black lizard, mo'o-ala, mo'oka, mo'oka'ala. Common lizard, mo'o kaula, mo'o-makaula. Supernatural lizard, Klha. Lizard god, Kalo'e. Godlike lizard, mo'o akua. Many lizard gods, monsters, spirits, dragons, mo'o lau. lizard fish. 'Ulae (varieties, PE 319); also: kule. 'onlhoniho. l o ! Ala ho'il l o a d . Ha'awe. To load, ho'okaumaha, ho'ili. ho'oill, ho'ouka, ho'oukana. To load a gun, ho'oplha. Neatly arranged load, klpapa. I have a heavy load, lu'ulu'u loa au. See b u r d e n , loaded. Piha, piha ukana; 'olo'olona (obs.). l o a f . 1. Ovate body. 'Omo'omo. Loaf of bread„ 'omo'omo palaoa, pa'i pelena, popo palaoa. 3. Idle. Ho'ohala manawa, ho'onanea. See lazy, l o a n . Ha'awi no ka manawa, ho'ai'e.
See grass linen,
liner. Lapa (for tapa). Unger. Kali, 'apa, ka'uka'u; — with greedy eyes,
me'o. See loiter,
lining. Pale (of a garment); pa'l (thatch). Unk. Pauku^ loulou, ho'ohul. ho'oku'i. Link of chain, pauku kaula hao. Unnet. 'Ai-mikana, manu-'ai-mlkana, manu'al-papaia. U n o l e u m . Llnoleuma. linotype. Linokaipa, mlklnl ho'onoho hua pa'i palapala. lintel. Hoakake'a. lion. Llona. Sea lion, liona kal. Lions Club, Hul Liona. lioness. Llona wahine. Up. Lehe, lehelehe. Thick Hp, lehelehe nul, nukukau. Protruding lip, waha pu'u, pu'u ka nuku. Pouting lips, lehe luhe. To move lips silently, ho'onomenome. Eat until the lips protrude, 'ai a pu'u ka nuku (eat much). For idiom, see sharp, lipstick. Mea ho'ula'ula lehelehe. lipstick p l a n t . 'Alaea-là'au. liquefy. Ho'ohehe'e. Uquld. Wal, 'ae. Nearly liquid, as thin poi, kale, liquor. Wal; wal 'ona, kulu (intoxicating). First and last distillations of liquor, kalo'.o, kawai. A strong liquor: 'dkolehao. See I n t o x i c a n t . Lisbon. Likepona.
loathe. See hate,
l o a t h e s o m e . Ho'opailua. loaves. Pa'i pelena. See loaf, l o b b y . 1. Foyer. Lumi ho'oklpa. 3. Hana ho'opalpai, paipai.
l o v e lobelia. 'Oha, 'ohaha. Various kinds: alula, 'dha-wai, 'oha-kepau, 'oha-pali,_ haha, haha'al-a-kamanu, hahalua, hahanul, panaunau, puakala, pu'e, liua, 'aku, 'aku'aku, kuhl-'ai-kamo'owahle, popolo, koli'l, 'opelu. lobster. Ula. Varieties are qualified by hlwa, koa'e, poni;also: 'apa'apa'a;hawa ewa'e (small); ninole (?). Upper let of lobster, wa'awa'a. The lobster is the creature living in coral beds, he ula ka l'a noho i ka hapapa (of shy persons). local. Kuloko, ko laila, ne'l, 'one'i. Local people, ko 'one'i po'e. Concerning local places, pill loko. locality. See place., locate. Ho'onoho, loa'a. location. Kahua, wahl, kahi. locative case. 'Aulmoe. lock. 1. Latch. Ki, laka. Lock the door, e kl aku 1 ka puka a pa'a. 3. Tress. Will, will lauoho. locked. Pa'a i ka laka 'la. locket. Pu'uwal (heart-shaped). lockjaw. Ku'i-pa'a. locomotive. Ka'aahl. locust. 'Chini; edible —, 'uhlni-pa'awela; bald — , 'uhini-wawae-ha; adult —, 'unia. To catch edible locusts, kahau (obs.). lodge. 1. House. Hale. To lodge in a house. ho'ohale. 3. Fraternal or secret society. Hul malu. 3. To place, present. Waiho. lodglnghouse. Hale kipa, bale ho'oklpa, hale me na lumi ho'olimallma. lofty. Kl'ekl'e, 1 luna, luna lllo, luna Ioa. Poetic: 'iu, 'lu'lu, ho'iu, ka'oka'o, keha, le'o, le'olanl, punlhi. log. 1. Portion of tree. Pauku kumula'au, kua la'au. Carted log on land boundary, pua'akukul. Log cabin, hale kua. 3. Hebrew measure. Loka. 3. Ship's record. Mo'olelo. logarithm. Huhui helu. loghead. Lakaheke. logic. Kukulu mana'o 'ana. logos. Lokou. loincloth. Malo (various kinds, PE 115). Also: 'a'ahu makaloa, kapeke. The loincloth of the handsome one . . . tie on the loincloth curved like the moon, the sea loincloth, loincloth of the chief. Stand, gird on your loincloth ( UL 35-36)! ka malo a ka mahlehle . . . o kakal malo hoaka, 'o ka malo kal, malo « ke all'i. E ku, e hume a pa'a 1 ka malo I, loins. Puhaka. Part covered by the malo, humena. loiter. Kali. Also: kau'tpuka, ahio, lolele, 'olo'olo, ho'okololohe, 'e'elo. See linger, loiterer. Kali, kau'ipuka. loll. See sea cucumber, loll. Pualena. See lazy. London. Lakana, Lalana, Ladana. lone. Ho'okahl, kaukahl, noho ho'okahl. loneliness. Mehameha. For sayings, see alone, cold. lonely. Mehameha. Rare: ku&nea, kuaehu, pulo. long. Loa, loloa (usually spatially); lo'ihi (also figuratively); ko (as a sound); — and oval, 'omo'omo: — and narrow, oloolo; — and sharp, foeoe. Also: ldklhl, oe, oeoe, kioeoe, makikoe, aloa, moloa, j>eleleu, koloau, holowl, nlape. Long-legged, wawae loloa, kloea. Long-limbed, 'au loa. Long hair, lauoho loloa. Long time, manawa lo'ihi. Long ago, 1 ka wa kahlko, mamua loa, ku a kahlko, kala kahlko. Long trip, buaka'l lo'ihi; kakaiewa (obs.). To take a long time, lo'lhl ka manawa, kulolohill. long for. See want, longitude. Lonlku. long rice. Lalkl loloa. look. Nana, kilo; — f o r , '1ml, hull; — longingly, makilo, makapehu, 'alau; — like, kullke me; — sideways, 'alawa; — out of the corners of the
eyes, maka klhl, nana klhl; — without helping or responding, nana maka, nana kuli; — heavenward, kilo lanl, hika'a lam; — with favor, mallu; — with disapproval, maka kokoe, nana kokoe, makaki, ho'omakapu; — straight ahead, nlna pono, kauaheahe; — with nearly closed eyes, plolol, mioioi. Also: hakiu, haliu, aua, maka'lka'l. Look out! Nana pono I See gaze, peep, stare. looking. Nana 'ana, nanalna. Good-looking, malka'i ke nana aku. looking glass. Anianl ktlohl, anlanl nana; kilo (obs.). lookout. Wahl nana, wahl kla'i, 'ale'o. Also: kilohana, 'imaka, lukau, halona. loom. 'Omau (weaving). loop. Puka lou, klpuka, kama 'aha, apo. loop and ball. Pala'le, ho'olel popd. loose. Hemo, puhemo, 'alu'alu, ho'alu'alu, iu'alu. Also: 'ope'alu, 'aluhe'e, holokake, huaake, holokeloke, ko'o, lehe, lu'e, mawehe, maweke, mohalu, puhalu, paleha, poiewa, naue, ka'amola, palahemo, pulehe, ponulu, kupalaka. Loose attachment, lepe. Loose-jointed, ho'oha'ilua, 'aluhe'e. Loose-fitting, as clothes, pdholoholo, ualehe, pu'alu'alu. To prod loose, kaiehu. loosen. Ho'ohemo, pahemo, ho'opahemo, ho'alu, ho'opuhemo, puhalu, wehe, weke, ho'okapeke, ho'olu'e, kala, makala, mokala, molokala, no'omanana, ko'o. loosening. Hemohemo, 'aluna. loosestrifes. Pua-hekili, kolokolo-kuahlwi, kolokolo-lehua. loot. Waiwal pio; to —, hao. lopsided. Kapakahl, 'opaha, 'anahua. lord. Haku; 16 (rare). Lord Jehovah, 'o Iehowa ka Haku. My lord, ku'u haku. To lord it over others, ho'ohaku, ho'okl'ekl'e, kuhllanl. lose. Ho'olilo, nalo, nalowale. loser. Mea i poho, eo; 'ohule (in card games, slang). loss. Eml, poho; poho ma'u (complete); kina (of crops). To refuse to pay for losses or forfeit, as in a game, ka'lhi. To sell at a loss, ho'opoho. lost. Lilo; lllo loa (permanently); nalo, nalowale, nalohia. Rare: 'i'i, poleke. lot. 1. Quantity. Nui, nul 'ino, nui loa; kupa'i (heap); mahele (portion). 3. Land. Pa, pa hale, 'apana. 3. Chance. Hallona; kelelo (rare). To draw lots, hallona, ho'allona, pu'u. To divide by lot, pu, hallona. lotion. La'au wal hamo. Skin lotion, la'au ho'opalupalu 'ill. lots. See lot. lottery. Lulu, lulu me ke 'ano plllwaiwal, lokell, le'ale'a ulia. loud. Wa, nawa, awa, 'uwa, hana kuU. Loud noise, halulu. Loud-voiced, leo nul, 'lkuwa. loud-speaker. Ho'onul leo. Louisiana. Lulklana, Lulslana. Louisville. Lulklwlla, Luisivila. lounge. X. See couch. 3. Parlor. Luml ho'oluana. 3. Relax. Ho'onanea, ho'olu'olu 1 ke kino, kulohla, hi'olanl. louse. 'Uku, 'uku ll'l; ona; 'uku-po'o (head); 'uku-kapa (body); 'uku-pua'a (pig); 'uku-papa (crab); uku-pepa (book): 'eleao, ponalo (plant). Louse egg, liha, lia. See lice. Lourre. Luwele, Luvere. lovable. Ho'alohaloha, ho'ohenoheno, aloha, love. Aloha, 'ano'i, nlpo, kaunu, ho'olpolpo, ho'oheno, punl. Rare: oha, mahamaha. Deep love, klpona aloha, halehale ke aloha. Loved one, mea aloha, aloha. With love, me ke aleha. Insincere love-making, kaunu waha. An expression of love for a favorite, pa'ipunahele. Love song, mele ho'olpolpo. Love magic, hana aloha. To cherish secretly as love, hokeo. To be in a bond
of love, pillaloha. God of love, Makanikeoe (.appealed to for love magic); Lono-iki-aweawealoha. To make love, ho'oipoipo, ho'alohaloha, ho'onipo, ho'ina'inau, kaunu. No man who does not suffer in love (UL 82), 'a'ohe kanaka 'eha 'ole i ke aloha. Mist, rain, spray, and coolness may represent love. For sayings, see d e d i c a t e d , h u n g r y , m i s t , o v e r w h e l m ; PE 'eha, hako'i, kilohana, 'dlino. love affair. Plli ho'oipoipo. lovebird. Manu-aloha. lovelorn. Ma'l aloha; 'eha 1 ka 'eha lima 'ole (PE lima); olopua (obs.). lovely. Nohea, onaona. lover. Ipo. Also: ipo ahi (ardent); ipo laua'e (sweet-natured); hoa kaunu, 'ano'i; nua-pala, kumu (slang); kane palemo (temporary); nauhole (over-persistent); kane manuahi (commonlaw husband); mano (fig.). Unskilled lover, ipo ma'uka'uka. To sleep with a lover, moe ipo. A lover for the late night (PH 132), he hoa kaunu no ke aumoe. For saying, PE paua. See s w e e t heart. loving. Aloha, ho'alohaloha, na'au ali'i, 'opu ali'i, pu'uwai aloha, low. Lalo, ha'a, ha'aha'a, pe, pepe, emi; papapa (as a reef). Low and broad, as a door or bowl, pakaka. See t i d e , lower. Lalo, lalo iho, emi, ho'oha'aha'a; ku'u (as a netI; ho'emi, emiemi, ho'emiemi (price); ho'omaku, *5kuma, 'opukupuku (as clouds). Low-growing, nene'e. Low-lying, ne'ine'i. l o w l a n d . Kat; ipu kal (fig.). Of the lowland, o kai. Lowland dweller, ko kula kai. lowly. Ha'aha'a, lalolalo, kika. lowness. Lalo. ha'aha'a. l o y a l . Kupa'a, ho'okupa'a. Steadfast and loyal to one's chief, kipu lanl, kupa'a mahope o ke ali'i. l o y a l t y . Kupa'a, malama. l u a . See f i g h t . l u b r i c a t e . Ho'opahe'e, 'aila. l u b r i c a t i o n . La'au ho'opahe'e, la'au ho'opalupalu, 'aila. L u c e r n e . Lukene, Lusene. l u c l f e r . Lukipa, ahikoe lukipa. l u c k . Pomalka'i, lakl. Bad luck, po'ino, pakalakl, moe wa'a. Out of luck, poho. For saying, see m u d h e n . See d r e a m , l u c k y . Lakl, pomalka'i, kulia, iwipaoa. Lucky day, la pomalka'i, la kulia. luff. Ho'opl'i i ka makani, kalepalepa. l u g . Painu'u (carry).
luggage. Ukana, ukana pllikino. l u k e w a r m . Muhea, 'ala'alae, 'ano 'owelawela. lull. Ho'ona, ho'omalle. l u l l a b y . Mele ho'ohiamoe keiki, mole ho'onana keiki, mele ho'oluluhi. l u m b a g o . Hu'i ma ka puhaka, 'ea-kakua. l u m b e r . Papa, papa la'au, laupapa. Rough lumber, papa hulunulu. Planed lumber, papa hole. l u m b e r i n g . Pepe'ekue (as a puppy's feel). l u m i n o u s . Akaaka. See b r i g h t , l u m p . Pu'u, haku, huku, la'au; —, as left by disease of glands in the neck, pala'e; — under the skin, pu'u; kaniu (obs.); — on Joints or in the groin, pu'u; pu'uhau (obs.). Lumps on neck, 'a'i pu'u. See s u g a r , l u m p y . Pu'upu'u, hakuhaku. Also: 'apu'upu'u. 'opu'upu'u, 'anapu'u, hakuma, hununu, 'u'uluhaku; hakukele, 'uluhaku (as of poi); "alo'alo. l u n a t i c . Hehena. l u n c h . 'Aina awakea. Pol lunch, pa'lna poi. l u n g . Akemama, akemakani, akepahola, akopahaola. l u n g e . Lele 1 mua, lele 'ino. l u r e . 1. Attract. 'Ume, makaki'i (with the eyes); ho'onaona. 2. See fishhook, l u r k . Ho'ope'e ma kahi kokoke, moemoe, nlhl ka hele. l u s c i o u s . 'Ono. l u s h . Uluwehi, uluwehiwehi, ulu nui, lupalupa, oho lupalupa. Also: nu'a, lauoha; kele (moist); nupanupa, no'olupalupa, ho'onupanupa, lanlpo, kapa'ipa'i, ohaohala. L u s l t a n l a . Lukikania. l u s t . Kuko, 'a'ako, 'ako; wela (fig.). For saying, see cowry. l u s t f u l . Kuko hewa, kuko 'ino, maka leho. Lustful eyes, maka le'a. l u s t r o u s . Hinuhinu. l u t e . Luke. L u t h e r a n . Lukelano, Lukela. l u x u r i a n t . See l u s h . l u x u r y . Mea e ho'ohiwahiwa ai ka noho 'ana. L y n c h b u r g . Linepuka, Linebuga. lynx. Lineka. L y r a . Keoe (probably). lyre. Lila. lyric. Llla.
m a l l b a g . 'Eke leka.
mall carrier. maile. M a i l e
L aw e l e k a . (various types, PE 206); maileh a o l e , k a h i l i (crape); mafcala, h a k a k a , m u l e k o , moe-kahi. mall pouch. ' E k e l e k a . maimed. M u ' u m u ' u , m u m u k u , k i n a , ' a l l n a .
m a i n . 'Ano nui, hapa nui, 'oi. M a i n e . Maine.
m a i n l a n d . ' A i n a m a k u a , ' a i n a n u i , l o k o . To go to the mainland, hele 1 loko.
mainmast. Kla nui.
m a i n s a i l . Pe'a hope, pe'a nui. maintain.
1 . Support.
See affirm. maintenance.
M a l a m a ' a n a . Maintenance of life, m a l a m a ola. maize. KOlina. majestic. K i l a k i l a . Also: m o k l l a , ' i u ' i u , ' i h i ' i h i , kena, ki'eki'e, punihi. majesty. L a n i ; e h u e h u (rare). Your majesty, e k a l a n i e; e k e ali'i. His majesty, k a lani. major. 1. See majority. 3. Military. M e k i a .
m a j o r i t y . H a p a nui, h a p a loa. m a j o r i t y r u l e . Hapa nui o ka mana.
m . Mu. Ko'oko'o 'olhana.
H a n a ; — known, h o ' i k e , h o ' o l a h a ; — f a s t , h o ' o p a ' a , h o ' o m a u , hele, h e k a u ; — u p , invent, h a k u w a l e ; — off with, l a w e , m i o . Make love, see love. Make merry, see merry. See build,
M a c e d o n i a . Makekonia, Makedonia. m a c h e t e . Pahi ka. m a c h i n e . Mikini.
machine belt. 'ill. machine gun. Pu mikini, pou. mackerel. M a k a l e . Mackerel scad, kinds,
compel, earn, m a k e r . Mea nana makeshift. K u i k aiwhana. a . Makeshift malady. See disease.
m a d . 1 . Insane. Hehena, 'ulala. pu^ule. running, h o l o p u p u l e . 3 . Angry. Huhu.
M a l a y a . Malae, Malaia.
K a n e ; l a h o (vulgar); k e ' a (virile). To behave as a male, h o ' o k a n e . Male animal reserved for breeding, k e ' a . malevolent. N a ' a u 'ino, l o k o 'ino. Also: n a ' a u k o p e k o p e , m a k o n a , ' o p u k e k e u e , ' i o ' l o l e p o . See
M a d a g a s c a r . M a k a k a k e k a . Madagaseka. Makame.
M a d e i r a . Makela, M a d e r a . M a d e i r a vine. 'Uala hupe. m a d n e s s . Hehena.
Madras. Madrid.
m a l f o r m e d . Ku'e, kina.
m a l i c e . I n a l n a (legal term). malicious. See malevolent. Malicious gossip, l a w e n a 'olelo h o ' i n o , h a k u ' e p a , n i ' a . Malicious burning, p u h i m a n a ' o ' i n o . Malicious injury, h a n a 'ino m a ke 'ano kolohe. malign. H o ' i n o . Also: ' a ' a n a , ' a ' a n e m a , ' a k i ' a k i , ni'ani'a. malignant. ' A ' a l . m a l l e t . K u ' a u , hamale, liamale la'au.
Makalaka, Madarasa. Makellka, Maderlda.
m a g a z i n e . P u k e helubelu.
Magellanic cloud. P u l e l e h u a - u l i , maggot, ilo.
m a g g o t y . Iloilo.
Magi. M a k o i , M a g o i . magic. H o ' o k a l a k u p u a .
See sorcery, m a g i c i a n . Kahuna, kàula, ho'okalakupua; m a g o i (rare). magic lantern. K u k u l h o ' o l e l e a k a . magistrate. L u n a k a n a w a i . magnet. M a k e n e k i , h a o m a k e n e k i . Attraction of a magnet, ' u r n e m a k e n e k i . magnetism. ' U r n e m a k e n e k i .
m a l l o w . Maluha.
malo. See loincloth, malodorous. See smell, malt. H u a m e a u l u ( h u i k a , p a l e ) , m a m a . Mama. See mother, m a m m o n . Mamona.
M a m o r a . M a m o l a . Sea of Mamora, Kal-oMamola. m a n . K a n a k a ; k a n e (male); u l u a (fig.). Old man, ' e l e m a k u l e . Fellow man, h o a k a n a k a . To become an old man, ' e l e m a k u l e . Get your man, h u k i i k a u l u a (slang). Be a man, e h o o k a n a k a .
m a g n e t o . Makeneki.
n a n i loa,
m a g n i f y . Ho'onui, h o ' o m a h u a h u a .
magnifying glass. magnitude. Nui.
M a l a c c a . Malaka.
PE «68).
mackerel sky. Palamoa.
' o p e l u ( various
Anianl h o ' o n u i 'ike.
- m a n . Mea, kanaka. See horseman, oarsman, m a n a . M a n a . To impart m a n a , h o ' o m a n a m a n a .
m a g n o l i a . Mlklnolia.
m a n a c l e . K u p e ' e , h a o h o ' o p a ' a lima, manage. Ho'oponopono, ho'oholo, ho'ohele, ho'ohana, ka'a, ho'okele. management. H o ' o p o n o p o n o ' a n a , h o ' o h o l o ' a n a , n o ' o h e l e ' a n a ; n a p o o, n a h a k u . m a n a g e r . H a k u nui, luna ho'ohana, mea ho'op o n o p o n o . To act or serve as manager, noho ho'ohana.
maid. 1.
Servant. W a h i n e lawelawe, k a u w à w a h l n e . Maid of honor, k u ' a o ' a o o k a w a h i n e . 3 . Girl. K a l k a m a h i n e ; o h i (rare). maidenhair fern. ' I w a ' i w a (various kinds, PE 98). m a l l . 1 . Letters. L e k a . To carry mail, l a w e l e k a . To mail letters, h o ' o k o m o 1 k a l e k a (put in box) ; h o ' o u n a 1 k a l e k a (send), 3 . Armor. PQllkl k a u a .
Manchester animal, i'a. Marine railway, alahukimoku. 2 . Military. Koa malina. M a r i n e Corps. Pu'ali Koa Malina (Marina), m a r k . Kaha, kahakaha, kiko, kakau, kakau kaha, maka: mo'all (scar); heluna (grade); kakau lnoa (signature); ho'ailona (distinguishing); kahahio (crisscross); kalele leo (stress); kahakuhi (reference, as asterisk). High mark (arade), kaha ki'eki'e. Low mark, kaha ha'aha'a. To mark with lines, ho'olala. To mark parallel lines, kikoluko. Marks of worry, as on the face, kahakahana kaumaha. To mark time, ke'ehi pokole, ho'olei wawae 'ana. To give a mark or grade, kaha. m a r k e d . Kaha 'ia, kuni 'la. Also: 'a'ali; nanaka (in sections). m a r k e r . Maka; ule hole (channel). m a r k e t . Makeke; makeke nui (large); pukahipa (sheep). Market value, waiwai 'i'o. m a r k i n g s . Kahakahana. m a r l l n . A'u, a'uki. M a r q u e s a n . Nu'uhiwa. M a r q u e s a s . Nu'uhiwa. m a r q u i s . Makuika. m a r r i a g e . Male 'ana, moe, noho pu 'ana, ho'ao. Marriage relationship or rights, launa male. Marriage proposal, noi male. Marriage license, palapala male. Marriage fee, uku male. Marriage records, puke i kakau 'ia ka po'e male. To perform the marriage ceremony, ho'omale. m a r r i e d . Male 'ia; noho wahine, mea wahine (of a male); noho kane, mea kane (of a female). m a r r o w . Lolo, lolo iwi. m a r r y . Male, moe, ho'ao, noho; noho kane (of a woman); noho wahine (of a man). To marry o f f , ho'omale. Married couple, pa'a male. They were married, ua male *la laua. M a r s . Holoholo-pina'au (perhaps). m a r s h . Lepo poho, 'unelunelu, nenelu, 'ale. m a r s h a l . Ilamuku, makala. M a r s h a l l e s e . Makala, kanaka Makala. M a r s h a l l I s l a n d s . Makala 'Ailana, Makala. m a r s h y . Nenelu, 'ale. M a r t h a ' s V i n e y a r d . Pa-waina-o-Mareta. m a r t i a l . Koa. See c o u r t - m a r t i a l , m a r t i a l law. Kanawai koa. m a r t i n g a l e . Makinikela. m a r t y r . Malakile (Catholic). m a r v e l . Ha'oha'o. m a r v e l o u s . Kupaianaha, kupanaha, kamaha'o, ho'akua, aiwaiwa. M a r y l a n d . Melelana, Merelana. m a s c o t . Mea ho'olaki. m a s c u l i n e . Kane, ho'okane. m a s h . Ho'owali, lomi, ho'ope, ku'i a 'ae'ae. Also: kimo, pihelehele, kupaiu. m a s h e d . Wali, waliwali, wawali, 'ae'ae; napo (soft). Mashed potatoes, 'uala-kahiki ho'owali 'ia. m a s k . Makaki'i, po'oki'i, uhi maka; makini (gourd). m a s o n . Makona. Masons' society, hui makona, hui malu. See bricklayer, m a s o n i c . Hui malu. m a s s . 1. Quantity. Pu'u, nu'a, anu'a, ahu. 2 . Ritual. Meka, pule meka. M a s s a c h u s e t t s . Makakukeka, Masakuseta. m a s s a c r e . Luku. m a s s a g e . Lomi, lomilomi, koko, kaoml, ho'o'unu, au; 'a e (the back with feet); ha'iha'i (in chiropractic); limalima (obs.). m a s s e u r . Kanaka lomi, lomilomi; kalole (obs.). m a s t . Kia (ship); pou (canoe). Also: la'au ku, kala'au. m a s t e r . Haku; kahu, kapuhi (of an animal). His master, kona haku. See l e a r n .
M a n c h e s t e r . Manakekeka, Manakeseta. M a n c h u r i a . Manakulia. m a n d a m u s . Palapala kol. palapala papa aku. m a n d a t e . 'Olelo kena. m a n d o l i n . KIka Puklki. m a n d r a k e . Kuklma. m a n e . Hulu 'a'i. m a n - e a t e r . 'A1 kanaka. m a n e h . Mane. m a n e u v e r . Hana; ka'a kaua (.war); kikaha (as fighting cocks). m a n g e . Kaki'o, me'eau. m a n g l e . X. See m u t i l a t e . 2 . Ironing machine. Mikini 'aiana. m a n g o . Manako. Varieties: manakd-kane, manako-meneke. m a n g r o v e . Kukuna-o-ka-la. m a n g y . See m a n g e , m a n h a n d l e . Limanui. m a n i a . Uluahewa. m a n i a c . Hehena. m a n i f e s t . 1. Evident. Moakaaka, akaaka. 2 . Document. Pepa helu waiwal, pepa ho'ike ukana, pepa ho'ike 'ohua. M a n i l a . Manila, m a n i o c . Manloka. m a n k i n d . Lahui kanaka, m a n l y . Kulana o na kane. m a n n a . Mane. m a n n e r . 'Ano. In the manner of, a (I'E a 2). m a n n e r s . Lula, loina, 'ano launa. Genteel manners, ka noho 'ana nihinihi. m a n - o f - w a r . Manuwa. See P o r t u g u e s e m a n of-war. m a n - o f - w a r bird. 'Iwa. M a n o n g a h e l a . Monakahila. m a n s l a u g h t e r . Pepehi kanaka, lawe ola. m a n t a r a y . Hahalua. m a n t l e . 'A'ahu. m a n u a l . 1. Directory. Kumu, a'o, manuale. Manual of punctuation, a'o kiko. Catholic Manual, Manuale Kakdlika. Manual of directions, puke kuhikuhi. Manual of arms, kumu paikau. 2 . By hand. Hana lima. Manual training school, kula a'o hana lima, m a n u f a c t u r e . Hana (lima, mikini); 'oihana miki'ala (rare). m a n u r e . Kukaelio (horse; fig., common); manua. m a n u s c r i p t . Palapala. m a n y . Nui, nunui, lau, mano, manomano. lebu, lehulehu, kini, kinikini. Also: kinilau, kuhaluka, makawalu, manoa, nonanona, lonalona, hewahewa, makena, kuwaluwalu, hikuhiku, pulehulehu, puli'uli'u, pulauhala, pakapaka, lalakukui, manoha, weliweli. How many? 'Ehia? Many times, pinepine. Very many, nui 'ino, nui hewahewa. Many and colorful, lua'ehu. m a p . Palapala'aina, palapalahonua. m a r . Ho'okina, hana 'ino. m a r b l e . 1. Mineral. Mapala, mapela, pohaku ke'oke'o. At the marble gates, ma na puka mapela. 2 . See m a r b l e s , m a r b l e s . Kinikini. To shoot, as marbles, pana. m a r c h . 1. Action. Naue, ka'i huaka'i, ka'l like, paikau, hele lalani, ne'e, makl. Marching to war, naue kaua. 2 . Music (military). Mele paikau. 3 . Month. Malaki. m a r e . Llo wahine. m a r g i n . Ka'e, lihi. palena, pae. m a r g u e r i t e . Makalika. m a r i g o l d . 'Okole-'oi'oi. Pot marigold, melekule. m a r i n e . 1. Of the sea. Kai, malina. Marine
medicine mastered. Pa'a.
m a x i m u m . Nui, ki'eld'e loa. may. 1. See can. 3. See maybe. 3. (Cap.) Month. Mei. m a y b e . Paha (not used alone) ; pela paha, malia pana, malia, malfa. Also: makl a. 'àpaha. Maybe so, pela paha, 'ola paha, oliapaha. Maybe not, 'a'ole paha.
m a s t h e a d . Heke o ke Ida, make, masticate. Nau a wall, mama (but not swallow); mai (obs.). m a s t o i d . Kumu pepeiao (process); •— infection, hdkale.
masturbate. 'U'u, pua'u'u. See onanism.
mat. Moena, 'ahu, 'a'ahu, palaulau, palau; alaulau (rare). Various kinds, PE 230, 8, 2, ¿86; also: 'ane'ene'e, ao, 'apeu, kumunu'a, maka'«pihi,_ niho-wili-hemo, 'oplhipihi, pakaukau, pale hali'i moena, papa 'alna, pa'ü, 'u'a; 'ahu o'eno, pakakeba: pakea (obs.). Coarse mat, moena lau. Mat with medium weft, moena makapepe. Mat with finger-sized mesh, moena pu'ao, moena makali'i. Pile of mats, hu'a moena, kumoena, pa'a 'ahu. Long strip mat commencement, kümoena. Mat designs: 'Eke'eke, hale, hoehoo-pakea, hokü-helele'i, honu, humunlki, ke'eke'e. kOhanu, kumumlki, lau-lama. lolopili, nananu'u, nene, olowahia, 'oplhl, pahakü, papa kónane, papa'ula, pawehe, poho-mokoi, puahala. Coarse mat covering, pale hall'i moena (worthless person). match. 1. Contest. Ho'okükü; kahulul (rare). 3. Equal. Lua, kohu like. To match, ho'ohalikelike. To arrange a match, ho'omoe, ho'omoemoe (marriage). Well-matched, pill pono. To match coins, pili kala. Women are looked at—you are not matched, e nana wahine a'e no—'a'ole 'oe e loa'a. 3. Lucifer. Kukaepele, ahl, ahikoe. Also: ahipele, lukipa, lepopele. Package of matches, pena ahipele. matchbox. Poho ahi. matching. Kohu.
mayhem. 'Elehe'u (rare). See maimed, mayor. Mela, maze. Ala pàka'awill.
McCoy grass. Mau'u-hunehune. me. A'u, ia'u, i o'u, mi. To me, ia'u, i o'u. Of me,
a'u, o'u. For me, na'u, no'u. meadow. Kula mau'u. meager. Lawa 'ole, 'u'uku ka loa'a. meal. 'Alna, pà'ina, papa 'aina; 'ai marna (light), mealy. Punapuna. mealybug. Ana 'uku. mean. 1. Cruel. Màkonà. Also: kawa'e, 'opuke'emoa, màkò. See malevolent. 3. Average. Waena. 3. Signify. Mana'o. meaning. Mana'o, 'ano. Literal meaning, mana'o maoli, mana'o pili pono. Hidden, figurative meaning, kaona, mana'o ho'onalonalo, mana'o ho'onanenane, mana'o ho'opilipili. Principal meaning, mana'o nui. means. 1. Resources. Ola, malama ola, kàlà, kenikeni. He has limited means, kaupalena 'ia kàna wahi loa'a. I have no means, a'ohe a'u kenikeni. 3. Agency. Mamuli o, i, ma o, ma, loko, mea. Means of transportation, ala hele. meantime. la v a no, la manawa. meanwhile. 'Oiai, 'oi. measles. 'Ulall'l. measure. Ana, ho'ana. Ancient measures were of made objects (not of land or distances), as 'owà, makàhi'a, poho, kiko'o, pl'a; muku, ha'ilima (elbow to end of fingers) ; iwilel (collarbone to end of fingers); anana (between fingertips, arms extended); kahaku (eight feet, or fifteen). Measure of cloth, pio. Liquid measures: kako, kolo (Biblical); mekeleka.Liquid measure, ana waina. Cubic measure, anapa'a. Metric measure, ana mekela. Measuring stick, là'au ana. Measuring cord, 'ahaku. Measures of oil, pako 'aila. Measure in music, mahele. Measure signature in music, ho'ailona mahele. See mesh, measureless. Ana 'ole, palena 'ole, mànu'unu'u. measurement. Ana; ana loa (length); ana piha (capacity); 'aha (of an edge or border). measuring worm. 'Ami. meat. T o , 'i'o holoholona; 'Ina'i, i'a (anything eaten with poi). Meat ball, pipi ho'opoe. Meat dish, lpu i'a, ipu kal. Mecca. Meka. mechanic. Mekanika, hana mikinl. meconium. Kùkae weka, weka, nalu. medal. Mekala. Military or honorary medal, medala ho'ohanohano. Honorary cross or medal, ke'a ho'ohanohano. meddle. H o k a i , h o ' o p i l i k i a . Also: l à l a m a , mau'a'e; kflle (obs.). medial. Waena. mediate. 'Uao. medical. Là'au, kauka. Medical doctor, kahuna lapa'au. Medieal practice, lapa'au. medicinal. La'au, lapa'au. medicine. Là'au, là'au lapa'au, wai là'au. To mix medicine, kàwill là'au. Various_ kinds of medicines: *apuL la'au ho'ohiamoe, la'au moe, là'au_ ho'opà, la'au hàlalo, la'au ho'opi'ipi'i, 'al-kupele, ehu, hau'old, hoene, ho'ohua kawowo, kapa'i, kahili kapopo, kuakala, ku'lku'i, pi'iku, pipa; màwal, puaQewa, j>ioloolo. Plants commonly used medicinally: ko-kea, kukul, lau-kahi, popolo, 'uha-loa. Gods of medicine, Ku (male); Hina (female); Lono-puna (lesser).
matchless. Lua 'ole, ana 'ole, launa 'ole. mate. 1. Companion. Hoa, koko'olua, lua. To mate, moe, male, ho'omau, ho'omau kelki, ho'ao. Fig., PE pilipili. See spouse. 3. Of ships. Malama moku. First mate, malama moku 'ekahi. Second mate, kahu moku, hulipahu. See shipmate. material. Kino, makelia. To supply material needs, ho'olako ma ke kino. Material talk, 'olelo pili kino. Dress material, lole, 'apa lole. maternal. Makuahlne. maternity. Külana makuahlne. Maternity dress, lole hapai. mathematics. Makemakika. Applied mathematics, makemaklka ho'opili 'ia. Pure mathematics, makemakika 'oko'a. matrimony. Male, makellmonio. United in the pure bonds of matrimony, ua ho'opili 'la ma ka pelika ma'ema'e o ka male, matter. 1. Thing. Mea; kumuhana (topic). Important matter, mea nul, mana'o nui. Wnat's the matter? He aha la ka pilikia? What's the matter with you? He aha no la kou 'ano? It doesn't matter, he mea 'ole. No matter how much, 'ehia. 3. To be important. 'Ano nui, mana'o nui. 3. Secretion. Piapía, pa'akai. See pus. matter-of-fact. Ka mea 'oia'i'o. mattress. Pela, pela moe. Mattress cover, uhi pela, hali'i pela, m a t u r e . Makua, kanaka makua, o'o. Also: mahao'o; laho o'o (male); kupuohi; kákala (gourds); piha pona (bonds). To mature, ho'omakua, o o. Your gentleness has matured me, 'o ko ahonui ka i ho'omakua mai nei ia'u. For saying, PE pakl. m a t u r i t y , ffa o'o, ka piha o ka manawa. M a u l . 1. The island. Maui. Epithets: Maui is the best, Maui no ka 'oi. Great Maui of Kama, Maui nui a Kama (short for Kama-lalS-walu, a famous chief). Na Hono- a Pi'i-lani (PE Hono-). The hunchback island, ka mokupuni kuapa'a. 3. Demigod. Maüi. m a u s o l e u m . Ilina. Royal mausoleum, illna o na ali i. Famous ancient mausoleums: hale o Liloa, hale o Keawe. m a w . 'OpG (of an animal).
M e d i n a M e d i n a . Mekina. m e d i o c r e . 'Ano maika'i. m e d i t a t e . Nalu, no'ono'o pono. Also: no'o, wae, waewae.
m e r c e n a r y . P u n i kala. m e r c h a n d i s e . Waiwal kalepa. m e r c h a n t . Kalepa, m a ' a u ' a u w a .
merchant marine. 'Au moku kalepa.
meditative. Kuano'o. See meditate. Mediterranean Sea. Kai-waena-honua.
m e r c h a n t s . P o ' e ku'al, po'e kalepa. m e r c i l e s s . Aloha 'ole, l a u k o n a , loko 'ino.
m e d i u m . 1. Intermediate. Waena. 2. Spiritualist. H a k a , h a k a 'olelo. 3 . Means. M a o, m a m u l i o. m e e k . Akahai, h a ' a h a ' a . For saying, see b a i t , m e e t . Hui, halawal, meu. Until (we) meet again, a hui hou a k u . To meet an obstacle, ku'ia. I'm glad to meet you, hau'oli keia hui ' a n a o k a u a . m e e t i n g . ' A h a (various kinds, PE 5-6); halawal: pilina (rare). To arrange a meeting, ho'ohalawai. Regular meeting, halawai p a ' a mau. Meeting place, k a h u a ho'olulu. m e e t i n g h o u s e . Hale halawal.
mercurial. Ihu kaninonino.
m e r c u r y . W a l k a l a ; — on back of a mirror, heu.
M e r c u r y . Ukali-all'l.
m e r c y . Aloha. Mercy seat, n o h o aloha. God of mercy, Lono-iki-aweawe-aloha. m e r e l y . Wale, no, auane'i. m e r i d i a n . Melekiana, meliklana. m e r i t . Kupono, ku. Certificate of merit, palapala ho'omaika'i. Person of exceptional merit or lineage, m a k a hlhiu.
m e r m a i d . Wahine hl'u i'a.
m e r m a n . K a n a k a lu'u 1 k a hohonu. m e r r y . Le'ale'a, 'oli'oli, ' a k a ' a k a ; meie. Also: i a u p a ' a p a ' a n l , 'olina, wekenana. Merry Christmas, Mele Kalikimaka. Make merry, le'ale'a, wela k a hao.
megaphone. Mea ho'onui leo. Melanesia. Melanikla. Melaneslan. Melanikla.
M e l b o u r n e . Melepona, Melebona.
m e r r y - g o - r o u n d . Lio la'au.
mellow. Pala. m e l o d e o n . Melokiana.
m e l o d i o u s . Honehone, n a h e n a h e ; m o p u a
m e s h . 1. Nets. M a k a , m a k a 'upena. Various sizes: nae, n u k u n u k u a ' u l a , makahl, m a k a h l 'oene, m a k a h l hoene, malua, m a l u a 'oa, makolu, makolu 'oa, m a h a , mahae, malewa. To make net meshes, ka. To knot or fasten net meshes, hi'a. A new mesh, p u ' u m a n a . 3. Mats. M a k a , m a k a moena. Check plait, m a k a moena. Twill plait, 'o'eno, ho'ohewahewa. Mesh sizes: makali'i, m a k a h u n e ; m a k a p e p e (fine); p u ' a o (coarse). Mesh width, k o a n a .
m e l o d y . Leo, melokia.
m e l o n . Ipu. Pulp and seeds of a melon, h a k u lpu. To burst, as a ripe melon, ' a ' a k a . See c a n t a l o u p e ,
m e l t . He'e, hehe'e, ho'ohehe'e, kahe. m e m b e r . Lala (as of a society). m e m b r a n e . Niklnikl, 'Hi lahilahi. m e m e n t o . P a ' a l o h a , mea h o ' o m a n a ' o , p a ' a mau no'ono'o, p u k a n a ; p a u m a u n o ' o n o ' o (obs.). m e m o i r s . Puke ho'omana'o. m e m o r a n d u m . Mea ho'omana'o, puke h o ' o m a n a ' o . To keep a memorandum, ho'opa'a mana'o.
Mesopotamia. Mekopakamia.
m e s s . 1. Disorder. M o k a k l . 2. Dining. Aina, p a p a 'aina, wahi 'aina. m e s s a g e . 'Olelo ho'ouna 'ia; leo (verbal); 'elele waha 'ole (written); k a u o h a ; 'olelo uwea 'ole (wireless); pu'olo (fig.). m e s s e n g e r . 'Elele. Also: lawe kauoha, kukinl, 'aha'ilono, 'aha'i 'olelo; 'aulani (of a chief). One accompanying a messenger, hoa una.
m e m o r i a l . Mea ho'omana'o.
Memorial Day. La Kau Pua, La Lu Pua.
m e m o r i z e . H o ' o p a ' a n a ' a u , ho'opa'a, h o ' o p a ' a mana'o. m e m o r i z e d . Pa'ana'au, pa'a, pa'a mana'o. walewaha. m e m o r y . H o ' o m a n a ' o 'ana, waihona ho'om a n a ' o , hali'a. Dim memory, poina k a no'ono'o, m a n a ' o poehiehi, m a n a ' o kawelewele. Cherished memory, hali'a aloha. In memory, he h o ' o m a n a ' o . M e m p h i s . M e m a p i k a , Memapisa. m e n . Kanaka,
Messiah. Mekia.
M e s s i n a . Mekina, Mesina.
m e t a l . Mekala. m e t a l s m l t h . Ku'i keleawe.
m e t a m o r p h o s e . Ho'omalule (from a caterpillar into a butterfly). See c h a n g e , m e t a p h o r . 'Olelo ho'ohalike, m a n a ' o h o ' o k u k u . m e t e o r . Akualele, hoku-lele. koli. m e t e o r o l o g i s t . Kilo 'ouli i k e a u o ka m a n a w a . God of meteorologists, K u h i m a n a . m e t e r . 1. Distance. Mlka, mekele. 2. For measuring. Ana. Water meter, a n a wai. m e t h o d . 'Ano hana, p a p a h a n a . Without method, kipalale.
menace. See threat.
m e n d . Hono, pahonohono, poho, _hana hou, kapili. Also: kaumo'e, kiklkiki; h a u n a , h a u h a u n a ; ho'ohelhel (a net). m e n i a l . H a ' a h a ' a loa, kauwa. m e n o p a u s e . Ho'okl'o, lele.
M e t h o d i s t . Mekeklko, Mekoklko.
meticulous. Maiau.
menstrual flow. See menstruate,
m e n s t r u a t e . Hanawai, kahe, p e ' a ; h l u a (rare). Menstrual house, hale pe'a. Taboo on menstruating women, kaha-pouli. m e n s t r u a t i o n . H a n a w a i , he'e koko, wai, wal 'ula, wai o k a wahine, w a l m a k a lehua; first — , k o k o p u n a ; to have ceased — , ho'oki'o, mau. - m e n t . 'Ana, -na. (To manage, ho'oponopono. Management, ho'oponopono 'ana.) m e n t a l . No'ono'o. For mental qualities, PE lae o'o, lae pa'a, lae 'ula.
m e t r i c . Mekele.
m e n t a l i t y . W a i h o n a no'ono'o. m e n t i o n . H a ' l , 'olelo. Don't mention h o ' o p u a a'e (see w e l c o m e ) . Not worth ing, a ' o h e 'olelo 'ana, he m e a 'ole.
m i c r o s c o p e . 'Ohe nana, 'ohe ho'onui 'ike, aniani ho'onui Tke. m i d d a y . Awakea. Also: loloku, moloku, wekea. For saying, PE lolo.
metropolis. Kulanakauhale nui. m e w . 'Oau, 'owau, niao.
Mexican. Meklko. Mexico. Meklko. m l . Li (in musical
M i c h i g a n . Mikikana. m i c r o b e . Mu 'ike 'ole 'ia e ka maka.
M i c r o n e s i a . Malkonekia, Maikonikia. M l c r o n e s l a n . Maikonekia, Maikonikia.
mental arithmetic. Helu na'au.
m i c r o p h o n e . Mea ho'olele leo.
it, mal mention-
mercantile. Kalepa.
misrepresent m i d d l e . Waena, waenakonu, wàlua. m i d d l e - a g e d . Ao'o, o'o. m i d g e t . Peke. m i d n i g h t . Aumoe, kuluaumoe, 'aulnapò. Period, between midnight and dawn, pllipuka. m i d r i b . Ni'au (coconut frond); kua, kuakua (leaf); iwi (as of ti leaf or pill grass). m i d r i f f . Maka 'upena. m l d - t l d e . Hòiùlu. m i d w a y . Mawaena, waenakonu, 'alike alike, m i d w i f e . P a l e k e l k l . To act as midwife, ho'ohanau. m i d w i n t e r . Ho'ollo ku waena. m i g h t . 1. See m a y b e , 2. Strength. Ikaika, mana. m i g h t y . Ikaika loa, mana loa, piikonakona, luaahl. m i g r a t o r y . Noho pa'a 'ole 1 ka 'aina; leleaoa (rare). m i l e a g e . Mile, heluna mile. M i l a n . Milana. m i l d . 'Opalu; kolonahe (of wind); màlani. See gentle. m i l d e w . Auloli, kukaeloll. Also: p u n a h e l u , poukluki. m i l e . Mile (statute); mile-loa (nautical). m i l i t a r y . Koa. o ka pu'all koa. m i l i t a r y a c a d e m y . Eula koa. m i l i t a r y f o r c e s . 'Olhana koa. m i l i t a r y police. Maka'l koa. m i l i t a r y g e n t r y . Koa kla'l. m i l k . Waiu (various types, PE 352). Milk cow, pipi waiu. To milk, 'uwi, 'uwi waiu. To pinch or tqueeie in milking, piklpiki, 'uwi. m l l k f l s h . Awa. Growth stages: pua awa, awa-'aua, awa, awa-kalamoho. m i l k s h a k e . Waiu lulilull, waiu ho'olullluli. m i l k w e e d . Lau-lele, nu'umela. M i l k y W a y . Hoku-noho-aupunl, I'a, I'a-lele-iaka, Kau, Lalani. Lele-aka, Lelelona. m i l l . 1. Mechanical device. Will, hale will. Coffee mill, will kope. Sugar mill, wili kó. Planino mill, will papa. Flour mill, kawili palaoa. 2. Move confusedly. Ho'owili, ho'opakaka'a hele. 3. Money of account. Mila (1/10 cent). m i l l e n n i u m . Melenio, milenio. m i l l e p e d e . 'Aba. m i l l e r . Kanaka will palaoa. m i l l e t . Mlleka. m i l l i m e t e r . Miliamekele. m i l l i n e r y . Mea ho'onani papale, m i l l i o n . Miliona. m i l l i o n a i r e . 'Ona miliona. m i l l s t o n e . Pohaku ka'a palaoa. m i m i c . Ho'opili. Also: ho'omàhu'i, ho'oma'auwe. ho'opa'i a pa'i; ma'ewa (sarcastic). m i m o s a . Mlmoka. m i n d . 1. Intellect. Mana'o, walhona no'ono'o, na'au. Broad-minded,_ no'ono'o laula. Narrowminded, no'ono'o haikl. A well-filled mind, 'umeke ka'eo (fig.). An empty mind, 'umeke ala 'ole (fig.). To set the mind on, kau ka mana'o. 'o change the mind, ho'ohuli i ka mana'o. 2. Obey. Lohe; ho'olohe (imperative); wiwo. 3. Heed. Màlama, maliu. Never mind, he mea 'ole, 'a'ole pilikla. m i n e . 1. Possessive. No'u, na'u, ko'u, ka'u, ku'u, o'u, a'u. See m y . 2. Pit. Lua, lua 'eli waiwal; lua linahu (coal); lua 'eli £ula (gold); maine, mine. 3. Military. Poka pahu kal. m i n e r a l . Pohaku, minelala. m i n e r a l w a t e r . Wal minelala. m i n g l e . Hul pu, kauwlll. Also: pa'l, hui ka 'aha, holenole. m i n g l e d . Hul, hui 'la, huihul, klpona.
m i n i m u m . Hapa 'u'uku loa, ha'aha'a. m i n i s t e r . 1. Priest. Kahuna, kahuna pule; kahuna a'o (teaching); kahu. 2. Statesman. Kuhina (various kinds, PE 160). 3. Aid. LaweIawe. m i n i s t r y . ' O l h a n a k a h u n a pule (religious); 'olhana, ke'ena (agency). M i n n e a p o l i s . Mlneapoli. M i n n e s o t a . Minekoka. m i n n o w . Minao. See a n c h o v y , sllverstdes. m i n o r . 1. Small. 'U'uku iho. 2. Underage. O'o 'ole, keiki o'o 'ole. m i n o r i t y . Hapa lkl, hapa 'u'uku. Minority party, 'ao'ao ku'e. m i n s t r e l Show. Keaka nika. m i n t . 1. Plant. Mohihi, ma'ohi'ohi, honohono, kijxmapona, mineka. 2. Fiscal. 'Olhana hana m i n u e n d . Kumuho'eml. m i n u s . Ho'olawe, lawe. Minus sign, kaha ho'olawe, kaha emi. Eight minus two is six, 'ewalu lawe 'elua, koe 'eono. m i n u t e . 1. Time. Mlnuke. Five minutes until eight, 'elima mlnuke 1 koe, hola 'ewalu; 'elima minuke 1 koe, kanl ka hola 'ewalu. Ten minutes after eight, 'elima mlnuke i hala, hola 'ewalu; 'elima minuke 1 hala, ka ka hola 'ewalu. 2. See tiny. m i n u t e s . Mo'olelo, mo'o'olelo (as of a meeting). To keep the minutes, ho'opa'a mo'olelo. m i n u t l a . Na mea li'ili'l loa, huna, hunehune. na mea makali'i. m i r a c l e . Hana mana. m i r a c u l o u s . Mana. See l e g e n d a r y b e i n g s , m i r a g e . Waili'ula, walli'u, ll'ula. wai'oupe. God of mirages, Llma-loa. m i r e . Kelekele, piho, poho, kl'o lepo, lepo poh5, nenelu, naele. m i r r o r . AnlanJ, anlanl kllohl; anianl ku (standing); anianl pa'a lima (hand); kilo pohaku (stone under water). m i s - . Hewa. m i s a n t h r o p e . ' 5 p u kopekope, 'opii 'lno, kanaka nanau. m i s b e h a v e . Hana kolohe, kolohe. m i s c a r r i a g e . He'e wale, poholo. Miscarried foetus, kelkl he'e wale, hua ha'ule. See a b o r t i o n . Miscarriage of justice, holo pono 'ole o ke kanawai. m i s c e l l a n e o u s . Kela me kela, kela mea keia mea, na mea like 'ole, laukua, huikau. m i s c h i e f . Kolohe (bad or innocent); 'eu (funny). See m i s c h i e f - m a k e r , m i s c h i e v o u s , m i s c h i e f - m a k e r . Kolohe, 'apiki. See p a r r o t fish. mischievous._ Kolohe. Also: ho'okolohe, 'apiki, 'eu, 'epa, hu'eu, lapa, maka le'a, lapuwale, 'e'e'e, nonole. m i s c o n s t r u e . Ho'ohepa, wehewehe hewa, koho hewa. m i s d e m e a n o r . Mikamina. m i s d i r e c t . Kuhi pa'e'e, kuhlkuhi hewa. m i s e r . Pi, puni kala. See g r e e d y , m i s e r l y , m i s e r l y . See m i s e r . Also: akao'o, piplne, ho'olaholaho, makauli'l, minamlna, pukumoa. m i s e r y . Po'ino oki loa, lu'ulu'u, maino, 'inea. m i s f o r t u n e . Po'ino, popillkia. Also: 'awa (fig.); la'a uli, make. Predict misfortune, ho'ollollo. Gloat over misfortunes of others, 'akola. m i s l e a d . Alaka'i hewa. Also: kuhl pa'e'e, ho'opa'e'e, ho'opoull, kanale'o. m i s n o m e r . 'Olelo hewa i ka inoa. m i s p r i n t . Pa'i hewa. m i s p r o n o u n c e . Hewa ka hopuna, pa'ewa k a hopuna, hewa ka ho'opuka 'ana. m i s r e p r e s e n t . Ho'lke hewa, ho'opa'e'e.
m i s s
mode. 'Ano.
m i s s . 1. Fail to hit. Hala, hewa. Also: kahewa, ha'ulehope, k a p e k e ; mu'u (in marbles); halahi'a, halahu, holohu'a, pahi'a, holohi'a. To miss the way, hu, huhewa, Hill. 3. Perceive absence. H a ' o . 3 . Nostalgia. H a ' o wale, minamlna. 4. Unmarried woman. W a h l n e male 'ole. No equivalent to the title. m i s s h a p e n . 'Alu'alu, 'anake'e, naele, 'opaha, ho'opaha, pa'ewa, pepe'e. m i s s i l e . M e a pakl, mea k i 'ia. Guided missile, mea ki ho'opololel loa 'lai m i s s i n g . N a l o w a l e , nalo, koe. m i s s i o n . H u a k a ' i , miklona; hololani (rare). m i s s i o n a r y . M l k a n e l e , mjkionele, mlklonall; a ' o hele (itinerant). To act like a missionary, ho'omikanele. M i s s i s s i p p i . M i k l k i p l , Misisipi. M i s s o u r i . M l k o u l l , Mlsourl. m i s s t e p . K a h e h i , hehl hewa, kupe. m i s t . U h i w a i , noe, 'ohu, ehu (in approximate order of decreasing denseness). In songs, mist is associated with romance. Also: lelehuna, huna wal, kehau, ki'ohu'ohu, uakea, aoku, 'awa, uahi w a i ; uaoa. Fine mist, lillnoe, kill 'ohu. Heavy mist, uhiwai. Creeping mist, noe ko!o, ua noe. Pink mist, noe 'ula. Bainbow-hued mist, ko'i'ula. White mist, uakea. Love is mist, settles on all hills, he 'ohu k e aloha, 'a'ohe kuahlwi kau 'ole (of love). See m i s t y , m i s t a k e . H e w a , kuhlhewa, pa'ewa, lalau; klna'u (flaw). To cause or feign a mistake, ho'ohewa. To mistake a person for someone else, kuhlhewa, h o ' o m a o p o p o 'ole. A mistake by many, hehehewa. m i s t a k e n . 'Olaiau. See m i s t a k e ,
m o d e l . Ana, ana ho'ohallke, kumu, kumu ho'ohalike, kumu alaka'i. m o d e r a t e . H o ' o k a n a h a ' l , akahele, kaupalena 'ia. m o d e r n . N o keia au, nupaikini. m o d e s t . Akahai, ha'aha'a, pe, na'au pe, p e p e . Also: kolokolohai, w i w o ; 'oheke (somewhat). Saying: e noho lho i k e opu weuweu, mai ho'oki'eki'e, stay down in the green clumps, do not raise yourself. M o h a m m e d . Mahomeka, Mohameka. M o h a m m e d a n . Mahomeka, Mohameka. m o i s t . M a ' u , ma'u'u, ko'u, ko'o'u, j j a ' u . 'upolu, pulu, lihau. Moist with fog, kawau. Moist and fragrant, no'u. m o i s t e n . H o ' o m a ' u , ho'oma'u'u, ho'ou, ho'u, kau wai, kaiehu. m o l a r . K u ' i . Click the molars together, 'a'akl k e ku'i. Gnash the molars, hands are slow, nau k e ku'i, lohi ka lima (anger slows work). molasses. Malakeke. m o l d i n g . Molina. m o l e . 1. Blemish. P u ' u , kukaenalo, leponalo. 2. Mammal. M o l e , kameleona. mollified. Manalo. m o l l i f y . H o ' o m a n a l o , ho'opalupalu, ho'omalimali.
mollusk. See shell.
M o l o k a l . M o l o k a ' i . Epithet: great Molokai of Hina, M o l o k a ' i nui a H i n a ( H i n a was the legendary mother of Molokai). m o l t e n . H o ' o h e h e ' e 'ia. Moluccas. Moluka. m o m e n t . M a n a w a iki. Wait a moment, kali lki, ela iho. m o m e n t u m . M o m e n e k u , ke 'ano o ka ne'e 'ana 1 mua. To gain momentum, ho'onui aku i ka holo 'ana. m o n a r c h . M d ' i , ali'i. m o n a r c h y . Aupuni md'i. monastery. Hale moneka, monekekeli, moneseterl. M o n d a y . P o ' a k a h i . Also: Monele, Moneke, Monede. m o n e y . K a l a , monl. Sum of money, pu'u kala. pokeokeo. Paper money, kala pepa. Silver money, kala ke'oke'o, kakalama, hapawalu. Gold money, kala 'ula'ula. Money order, pepa kTko'o kala. Postal money order, pila ktko'o hale leka. m o n e y e d . K a l a , lako i k e kala. M o n g o l i a . Monokolia, Monogolla. m o n g o o s e . 'Iole-manakuke, manakuke. m o n i t o r . K a h u nana, kahu ho'oponopono, mea ho'olohe pono i ka mea e 'dlelo 'ia ana, monika. m o n k . Mdneka.
mister. See Mr.
m i s t l e t o e s . K a u m a h a n a , hulu-moa. m i s t r e a t . H a n a 'lno, mauna, pa'ulu'a. See c r u e l , m i s t r e a t m e n t . Mauna. m i s t r e s s . Wahlne manuahl, lpo manuahi, wahlne noho pu; kahu (of a pet). Mistress of a house, haku wahlne o ka home, m i s t y . P a ' a 1 ka noe, uhi 1 ka noe. Also: k e w a l , pohfna, polohlna, hea, ho'ohu; ki'ohu'ohu, maohu, poluluhl. For sayings, PE ki'ohu'ohu, mH'ohu. See g l o r y , m i s t , m i t e . Ona, ane; ona moa (chicken); 'uku-hipa (sheep); lepeka. m i t i g a t e d . A k a k u ' u , eml. m i t r e . K a l a u n u plhopa, papale hainika. m i t t e n . M i k l n l , mikinl lima, m i x . H o ' o h u l (general); ho'owali (as pol, dough). Also: hulhul, hulka'i,_hauhili, hauhauhill, hilikau, 'anoni, nonl, ho'o'a, kake, klkomo, 'awili, kauwill, will. To mix ingredients, kawill, pa'i, hokahokal. To mix relish, poho 'inamona. Mixing board or tray, papa will, papa will 'ai. P o l mixer, la'au ho'owali 'ai. See m i x t u r e , m i x u p . m i x e d . Huikau. Also: hulhul, hauhili, hauhauhlli, hilikau, 'aluka, k i p o n a . l a u k u a , 'ononinonl, p a ' i p a ' i ; — colors, a'ea e, 'o'a; — ancestry, hapa, 6'a. Mixed liquid, wal pa'ipa'i. Mixed drink, wal pa'ipa'i, lama pa'lpa 1, meainu ho'ohuihui. Mixed blood, k o k o awili. m i x t u r e . M e a 1 kawlli pu 'ia, mea i ho'ohuihui 'ia. m i x u p , m i x - u p . Huikau, ho'ohuikau, hokai, hokahokai, ka'ahokai. m o a n . ' 0 , 'uhu, 'uhu'uhu, k a n i ' u . k a n i ' u h u , kania'au, auwe, na, nu, nunu, ho'onu. m o a n i n g b i r d . 'Ua'u-kani. m o a t . ' A u w a h a e ho'opuni ana i k e kakela. m o b . Uluao'a, p o ' e ho'ohaunaele. M o b i l e . Mopile, Mobile. m o c k . Ho'ohenebene, pahenehene. Also: lauma'ewa, h o ' o m a ' e w a , j n a ' e w a , ho'omahua, ho'omahuakala, h o ' o m a ' a u w e , ho'oma'auea. See
m o n k e y . K e k o , makinlka. Monkey-like in appearance, mukeko. m o n k e y p o d . 'Ohai. m o n o p o l y . P d ' a i 'alunu. m o n o t o n o u s . Manaka. m o n s o o n . Monokune. m o n s p u b i s . Hena, hene, pu'ukole. To see, feel, handle the mons pubis, ho'ohena. m o n s t e r . Pillkua nui. M o n t a n a . Monekana, Monakana. M o n t e r e y . Monekelel. M o n t p e l l e r . Monepilia. m o n t h . M a h l n a , malama. Names of lunar months: Welehu, M a k a l i ' l ('Auhuhu-pa'ina), K a ' e l o , Kaulua, N a n a , W e l o . Ikiiki, K a ' a o n a , Hlnaia-'ele'ele. Hili-na-ehu, M a h o e - m u a , H i l i nama, M a h o e h o p e , ' I k u w a (Poha-kd'ele'ele). Names of nights of lunar month: H i l o , H o a k a , Ku-kahi, Ku-lua, Ku-kolu, Ku-pau, 'Ole-kukahl, 'Ole-ku-lua. 'Ole-ku-kolu, 'Ole-ku-pau,
m o c k o r a n g e . Alahe'e-haole.
mourning m o s q u i t o . M a k i k a . Mosquito larvae, nalo makika. m o s q u i t o flsh. I ' a - m a k i k a . m o s q u i t o n e t . P a k u makika. m o s s . L i m u (various kinds, PE 190-191). Also: 'ekaha, hinihini-'ula, huluhulu-a-'ilio, huluhuluo - K a ' a u - h e l e - m o a , iliohe, kale-maka-pi'i, kalauipo, ligoa-kuahiwi, m a k o l e - m a k d p i i, 'onohiawa, 'opulepule, 'owau, w a w a e - iole. Mossgrown, limua, hakuma, pa'a i k a limu. The district is moss-covered, limua ka m o k u (of peace, since moss grows in damp places undisturbed by man). See F l o r i d a m o s s , m o s t . H a p a nui, nui, hapa loa, loa. m o t e . L a ' o l a ' o , pala'ola'o, pula. Having something in the eye, as a mote or eyelash, la'o, l a ' o ka maka, pula ka maka. m o t h . Pulelehua, ' o k a ' i ; m u (clothes moth). Larva and case of case moth, 'opulauoho, pulauoho.
H u n a ( H o ' a o ) , M o h a l u (MohaluhaluJ, H u a , A k u a , H o k u , M a h e a - l a n i , Ku-lua, L a ' a u - k u kahi, La'au-ku-lua, La'au-pau, 'Ole-ku-kahi, 'Ole-ku-lua, 'Ole-pau, Kaloa-ku-kahi, K a l o a - k u lua, Kaloa-pau, K a n e , L o n o , M a u l i , M u k u . Months of pregnancy, ku. m o n t h l y . K e l a m a h l n a keia mahina, puka mahina. Monthly pay, uku m a ka mahina. Montlcello. Monekikelo. M o n t r e a l . Mcnekeliala. m o n u m e n t . K l a ho'omana'o. m o o . Umo. m o o d . 1. Grammar. 'Cull. Indicative mood, 'ouliha'i. 2. Disposition.'Ano, na'au. See m o o d y , feelings. m o o d y . L o l l mau ke ' a n o o ka no'ono'o. m o o n . M a h i n a . New moon, mahina hou. Full moon, mahina piha, mahina p o e p o e ; H o k u p a l e m o (which sets before daylight); Hoku-ili (which sets after daylight). Circle around moon, lua kalai laui. Nights of full moon: Hoku. M a h e a - l a n i (see m o n t h ) . Waxing moon, mahina hapalua mua. The moon is up, kau ka mahina (a bald man appears). m o o n f l o w e r . Koali-pehu. m o o n l i g h t . M a l a m a l a m a o ka mahina. Pale moonlight, mahinahina. The moonlight shines brightly, ka pa konane a ka mahina. M o o r . Mula.
m o t h - e a t e n . A n e a , nono, p o p o p o ; 'ai 'ia e ka m u (Job 13:28). m o t h e r . M a k u a h i n e , m a m a ; luau'i makuahine. Mother of one's children, hanau k a m a . See g o d m o t h e r , s t e p m o t h e r ; fig., see g o u r d . M o t h e r H u b b a r d . Holoku. m o t h e r - i n - l a w . M a k u a h u n o w a i wahlne. m o t h e r - o f - p e a r l s h e l l . See p e a r l s h e l l . M o t h e r ' s D a y . L a o na makuahine: m o t h e r t o n g u e . 'Olelo makua. m o t i o n . 1. Movement. ' O n i , au. ne'e m o k l o . Motion of hands and fingers, hei. Repeated motion, hulehulei. Set in motion, ho'ohele. 2. Parliamentary. N o i . To second a motion, kokua. m o t i o n l e s s . 'Onipa'a, malie, 'oni ' o l e ; kipu lanl (as clouds, stars). motive. Kumu. m o t o r . Mikini. m o t o r c y c l e . M o k o k a i k a l a , k a ' a mokokalkala. m o t t l e d . 'Opulepule, kiklko. motto. Makia."Standfirm 'wasLili'u-o-ka-lani's
m o o r e d . L a n a , ku, h o ' o p a ' a . m o o r i n g r o c k . P o h a k u lana. M o o r i s h I d o l . K i h i k i h i (various kinds, PE 136). m o p . L a ' a u holol papahele, kawele wal. Mop the floor, holoi papahele, kalapu papahele. m o r a l . P o n o , molala. Moral deportment, noho pono. To cleanse and purify morally, hulkala. m o r a l e . Kulana. m o r a l i t y . P o n o , n o h o pono, malka'l. m o r a l s . L u l a o ka nohona. m o r a y eel. Puhi-ao. m o r e . H o u , keu. More or less, 'oi a emi mal. More than, mua. More chicken? I m o a hou? I m o a hou nau? Give me more, ha'awi hou mai. More people came, nui hou aku ka po'e 1 hele mai. I ate more than you did, ua 'oi ko'u 'ai 'ana m a m u a o kou. m o r e o v e r . K e k a h i , eia kekahi, eia hou, koe kela. M o r l n d a cltrlfolla. Noni. M o r m o n . Molemona.
motto, " ' o n i p a ' a " ka Lili'u-o-ka-lani makia. m o u l d . 1. Shape. 'Omo'omo, ho'omo'omo, 'omilomilo. 2. Fungus. X. See m o u l d y , m o u l d e d . H o ' o m o ' o m o 'ia, ' o m i l o m i l o 'la. Moulded into an image, hana 'ia a kulike m e ke ki'i. m o u l d y . Punahelu. Also: 'i'i, nehi, g a ' u , pilekaleka, poukiuki. Mouldy odor, kunahelu, pelekunu. See m u s t y , m o u l t . M a u n u , helele'i ka hulu; auha (obs.). m o u n d . A h u , ahua. pu'u; p u ' u l e p o (earth); pu'u pele (volcanic); h a p u ' u p u ' u ; — up, po'i, ho'ahu. m o u n t . P i ' i , 'e'e, ho'e'e, k a u ; — high, a m o a m o . m o u n t a i n . M a u n a , kuahiwi; verdant — , k u a o l a ; — area, uka, mauka, kuahea. Region near the mountaintop, kualono. Mountain climber, hele mauna, 'e'e kuahiwi, pi'i mauna. See r i d g e , m o u n t a i n a p p l e . ' O h i ' a - ' a i (various kinds and saying. PE Z55-Z56). m o u n t a i n o u s . M a u n a , 'dpalipali. M o u n t Carmel. Mauna-Kalemela. m o u n t e d p o l i c e . M a k a ' i kau lio. M o u n t H o o d . Mauna-Huka. M o u n t Hor. Mauna-Hora. M o u n t Souffrl£re. Mauna-Kupalali. m o u r n . U w e , 'u, kanikau. Also: pihe, na'au'auwa, kumakena, k a ' a k u m a k e n a , kania'a, kania'au, kani'uhu, k u p i n a ' i ; — extravagantly, p a k e p a ; — in chanting, kanikania'ula. See w a l l , m o u r n e r . M e a kanikau. m o u r n i n g . Makena, paumako; manewanewa, p a n e w a n e w a (extravagantly, as before Christianity or for a chief). Period of mourning, ka'a'u hele. kumakena. Go mourning,
m o r n i n g . K a k a h i a k a . Early morning, kakahiaka nui. Later this morning, keia kakahiaka aku. The dust of morning, 'ehu kakahiaka (fig., dawn, youth, brief shower). See g o o d m o r n i n g , m o r n i n g - g l o r y . K o a l i (various kinds, PE 145); pohuehue, huna-kai, kupala, kua-hulu, pa'ali'i. A morning-glory, a twister, he koali, he paka'aw i l i (of unstable persons). M o r n i n g Star. H5ku-ao, Hoku-loa, Hokukomohana, Kukui-wana'ao. Morocco. Moloko. m o r o n i c . Hepa, kuhepa, 'ohepa. 'opulepule. m o r o s e . Nunuha, na'ina'i. m o r s e l . W a h i h a k i n a iki, hakina 'ai, ' a m i k a m i k a . m o r t a l . 1. See h u m a n . 2. See f a t a l , m o r t a r . 1. Cement. P u n a , puna hamo, palolo. 2. Vessei._ P o h o , ipu ku'i. 3. Ordnance. P u ki p o k a pahu. m o r t g a g e . M o l a k i . Chattel mortgage, waiwai lewa. m o r t g a g e e . M e a pa'a molaki. m o r t g a g e r . M e a molaki. m o r t i s e . Kohe. mosaic. Mokaika. M o s c o w . Mokekao. m o s q u e . Mokeko.
m o u s e m u l e . Hokl, mlula, plula. m u l l e t . ' A m a ' a m a (various stages and saying, PE 20); 'anae, p a h a h a ; false — , uouoa. Mullet net, 'alihllele. m u l l o v e r . Nalu, h o ' o m à u i u i ; plolo (fig.). m u l t i p l e . Helu k o m o 'ia. m u l t i p l i c a n d . Helu ho'onul 'la. m u l t i p l i c a t i o n . Ho'onui. Multiplication sign, kahahiô, k a h a ho'onui. Multiplication tables, 'aiualua. m u l t i p l i e r . Helu ho'onui. m u l t i p l y . H o ' o m â h u a h u a , ho'onui. Also: ho'opulapula, mâhua, laupa'i, kulukulu. Multiply two by two, 'alua lua. m u l t i t u d e . Lehulehu, kini, h o ' o m u , laupa'i, pu'ali, nu'a. m u l t i t u d i n o u s . Kinikinl. Also: m a n u ' u n u ' u , mokuawai, hono. i n u m . M û m û , mumule. m u m b l e . Namunamu, naunau, kapalalu. m u m b l e - t h e - p e g . K u w a l a pahi.
m o u s e . 'Iole, 'iole U'lll'l. m o u s e t r a p . 'tJmi'i 'Iole, 'upiki 'iole.
m o u s y . 'Io'iole.
m o u t h . W a h a ; o'a (eel); lehelehe (net); n u k u (harbor); n u k u wai (stream); muliwai (river).
m o u t h organ. Pilapuhipuhi.
m o u t h p i e c e . W a h a 'olelo. m o v e . N e ' e (intransitive); ho'one'e (transitive, as an object or a checker); naue (make a motion); ka'l hele (in line or succession or as in checkers); noi (parliamentary); peki (step by step);_ ku'i (in k o n a n e game J; kuwill (restlessly); anehe (stealthily); ' a n a u (with jerky motion); kuekue'o (slightly); palanehe (daintily); — backwards, ne'ehope, mene; — back and forth, helo, ku'e, k u ' e k u ' e n a , uene, malewa, konini, kaiue; — up and down, ho'oholu, kaiue, p a n a u ; — straight ahead, ne'e i mua, ne'e pololei, k a u a h e a h e , — swiftly, mio, hue, 'i'i, olo'io, ololiio, kaholo; — cautiously and carefully, akaluli, akahele, ka'iawe, koene, pale!a, kunoni, pane'en e ' e ; — easily and noiselessly, palaraimo, niau, k a ' a niau, hani, halolani; — in a_flock, herd, company, or together, ka'i 'iiuna, m a l a n a , ne'epu, ne'epapa, k a h e a wai; — to and fro or from place to place, kalewa, koiele, 'ohelo, ' a ' a u . Also: uai, ho'ouai, 'oni, ho'one'e, oi, uoi^ hele, une'e, ne'eu, lele, au, nene, pane'e, hulei, p a u m a ; olo (as breeze). On the move, ki'ihele, haulani. Move, as to a new house, ne'e aku, komo hale. First attempts of infant to move, ene. Hard to move, 'onlpa'a, lolohe. Your move (in checkers), kou manawa.
m u m m y . I'aloa.
m u m p s . 'Auwae-pahàha, ' â ' i - p a h â h a . m u n c h . Nau, n a u n a u , nome. m u n i t i o n s . L a k o pono k a u a . m u r d e r . Poj>ehl k a n a k a . His murder (of someone else), k a n a make. His murder (of himself), k o n a make, m u r d e r e r . Pepehi k a n a k a , lima koko. m u r k y . Pôuliuli, 'ôlepolepo, '5mea. m u r m u r i n g . H a m u m u , në. 'owë, hê, lau'owê.
m o v e m e n t . Au, 'oni, ne'ena; iawena (as of dancing hands); miona (swift). See m o v e ,
See complain,
movie. Ki'i 'oni'oni.
m u s c l e . 'I'o, 'l'o huki, olonâ, oloolonâ, makela; a ' a (small); k â h à po'ohiwi (on shoulder blade); lolokii (on back of head); 'uala (of upper arm); 'ulu (in calf of leg). m u s c u l a r . Wa'awa'a, 'âwa'awa'a, kiwa'awa'a, ho'olua, lawakua, p u k o n a k o n a , k o n a k o n a .
m o v i n g . 1. In motion. Hele, 'oni, 'oni'oni, h a n e ' e n e ' e ; kuiewa (as clouds); n a u a n e (obs.). See m o v e . 2. Eloquent. MIkololohua.
moving picture. Ki'i 'oni'oni.
m o w . 'Oki. Mow the grass, 'oki m a u ' u . M r . No term today; formerly, but not used commonly: Mi, M i k a . Mr. Coan, Mi K o a n a . Mr. Bemy, M i k a Remi. M r s . No term today; formerly, but not used commonly: wahine. Mrs. Smith, K a m i k a Wahine. m u c h . Nui. Also: Iau, lua, halau, k u w a l u w a l u , m a k a w a l u , m a k e n a , 'oe, oki, kulipo. Very much, nui 'ino, nui hewahewa, nui loa, kail How much? ' E h i a ? No matter how much, 'ehia. Twice as much, p a p a l u a . We have much to do, nui loa k a k a u a h a n a , ' a ' o h e i laua aku ka k a u a h a n a . m u c k , ' f j p a l a , kelekele, ala'alai. m u c u s . H u p e , ' u p e , hakelo, wale. Also: na'o, walewale, wale kea, weka, wekaweka, piheka. Dried nasal mucus, p a p a ' a h u p e . To draw in mucus, hoho. To hang, as mucus, kakelokelo. m u d . Kelekele, palolo, lepo 'ukele. Taro-patch mud, lepo lo'i. m u d d y . Kele, kelekele, kukele, a h u kele, kele lua, 'ukele, 'ukelekele, h a n u p a . Muddy water, kele wai. m u d h e n . 'Alae; n u k e a (white-billed); koki. The 'alae is called k a m a n u ke'u ahiahi. the bird that croaks in the evening, considered a bad omen.
museum. Hale ho'lke'ike. See Bishop Museum, m u s h r o o m . Kukaelio, mâmalu. shaped, pokake.
mushroom coral. Ko'a-kohe, 'âko'ako'a-kohe.
m u s i c . Mele (vocal); p i l a h o ' o k a n i (instrumental). To play music, ho'okani, ho'okani pila. To read music, heluhelu, hua, mele. Play music! K a n i
ka pila! See Interval, musical Instrument, note, scale, tone,
m u s i c a l I n s t r u m e n t . Pila ho'okani (modern). Ancient musical instruments: hano, hôkeo kani, hokioklo, 'ili'ili, ipu, k a ' e k e ' e k e ( p a h û p a h û ) , kala'au, ni'au kani, p a h u , p a p a hehi, pu, pû'ili, pu lâ'i, puniu, ' û k ê k ê , 'ûlili, 'uli'ulï. Modem:
see accordion, autoharp, bagpipe, bass viol, clarinet, drum, fiddle, flute, guitar, harmonica, harp, horn, Jew's harp, melodeon, mouth organ, organ, trumpet, ukulele, violin.
m u s i c i a n . M e a ho'okani pila (player); mea hlmenl, ho'opa'a, p u ' u k a n i (singer); h a k u mele (composer).
musk. Hualuklni.
m u s k e t . Pii po'ohiwi.
m u d p u d d l e . Ki'o lepo.
muskmelon. Ipu 'âwa'awa'a.
m u d wasp. Nalo-lawe-lepo.
m u s l i n . K e ' o k e ' o (white); ke'oke'o maoli (bleached, good); ke'oke'o pia (bleached, inferior); ke'oke'o wai (bleached); Ieponalo, m a k a l e n a . m u s s . Ho'opûkalakï (as hair); h o ' o m l n o m i n o (as a dress). m u s s e d . PukalakI (as hair); m i n o m l n o (as a dress). Also: uluulu, ' a h u l u . m u s s e l . Kio-nahawele. 'ôlepe. m u s t . Pono. You must go, e pono 'o 'oe ke hele.
m u f f . H u l u h u l u h o ' o p u m e h a n a lima,
m u f f l e r . Ka'ei 'a'i.
m u g . I p u , pola. m u l b e r r y . W a u k e , wauke-malolo; k a u m a n u ; k o a h a (obs.); black —, kalika, kllika^ k u k a m i n o ; Indian —, noni; — bark, kiwawa. Mulberry leaf, lau Iole. The paper mulberry of Kulolia that stands alone, k a wauke k u kahi o Kulolia (of anything uniquely beautiful). m u l c h . Pulu, kipulu, po'i kalo. To clear away mulch, kahili pulu, Iauhu'e. Method of making mulch, pahala. For saying, PE pulu.
m u s t a c h e . 'Umi'umi.
m u s t a r d . M â k e k e (black),
m u s t e r . Ho'âkoakoa.
m y t h ku'u. 2. Plural possessed objects. O'u, a'u. For other uses of o'u, a'u, PE xx. m y n a h . Manu-'al-pll&u, plha-'ekelo. m y r i a d . Manomano, kinlklni, lehulehu. m y r r h . Mula. m y r t l e . Hakaka, hadasa. See m a l l e . m y s e l f . 'O wau no, 'o wau pono'i, 'o wau ibo no. With myself, me a'u iho no. For myself, no'u iho no, na'u Iho D O . m y s t e r i o u s . Aiwaiwa, ho'e'epa, paha'oha'o, pohlblhi, pollu, pano, po'o huna; kapolaka (obs.). m y s t e r y . Pohlhihl, kumulipo, mlkelio. m y s t i c . Mea punihei 1 na mea aiwaiwa. m y s t i f y i n g . Ho'aiwaiwa, ho'e'epa, ho'opaha'oha'o. m y t b . Mo'olelo.
m u s t y . Pelekunu, punahelu, TI, uweko; poukiuki, puleipulu (obs.). See m o u l d y , m u t a n t . Kahuii. m u t e . Mumule. Deaf-mutes, po'e kuli a 'a'a. m u t i l a t e . Hana 'lno, 'old 'lno, ho'omumuku, ho'oklna, 'elehe'u. m u t i n e e r . Mea klpi i luna o ka moku. m u t i n y . 'Olohanl, mokuahana, klpi i luna o ka moku. To cause a mutiny, hd'olohanl. m u t t e r . Namunamu, kuhlpahlpa. m u t t o n . T o hlpa. Leg of mutton, 'uha hlpa. m u t u a l . Like, kaulike, pana'l like. Mutual riend, hoaloha like. Mutual admiration. mahalo :ekahi 1 kekahi. m u z z l e . Punuku, waha. To muzzle, ho'opa'a. m y . 1. Singular possessed object. Ko'u, ka'u.
n a t i v e . Kama'aina, maoli, 'òiwi, kupa, keikl >apa. Also: kulaiwi, 'àpa'akuma, mauki. Native and, one hànau, kulaiwi: kuapulwi (rare). Native son, keiki hanau o ka 'àina, ewe hànau o ka 'àina. Native-born, paga. Native bird, manu kama'aina. Native plant, la'au kama'aina.
natural. Kupono. naturalization. Ho'okupa 'ana. naturalize. Ho'okupa.
n a t u r e . 'Ano, na'au (of human feelings). Also: 'ouli, hulu. Chiefly nature or character, na'au all'i. Dual natured, 'ano pàpàlua. In the nature of, 'a-, 'ano like mo. Change of nature, loll 'ano. Of similar nature, ho'okahi no 'ano. To tell the nature, ho'ike 'ano. To attend the calls of nature. ho'opau pillkia.
naught. 'Ole, neo.
n a u g h t y . Kolohe, 'eu, 'àpiki. n a u s e a . Pailua, papailua. Also: 'olanalana, luea. naluea, poluea, poluwa, unea.
nauseated. Liliha.
n a u s e a t i n g . Ho'opailua. Also: nànue, lua'iku, liliha, 'olanalana. n a u t i l u s . 'Aumoana, 'au-wa'a-la-lua, naukilo. naval. 'Oihana moku. Naval battle, kaua moana.
navel. Piko.
n . Nu. n a g . Ne ho'ohune. Also: none, me'o, hauwene, ho'ohana, ho'ohune, ho'ohuhi.
navel s t r i n g , fiwe, wewe, 'iewe.
navigate. Ho'okele.
navigator. Ho'okele.
nail. 1. Carpenter's. Kul, kui nao, kui hao, kul
kakla. Also: kakla, hakia, makia, kla, heke. meki, poheoheo. Nail point, maka kui. 2. Human. Mal'ao, mlkl'ao.
navy. 'Oihana moku.
navy-blue cloth. 'Ainaklnl, lalnakini. Nazarlte. Nakallke. neap tide. No equivalent; see tide,
nainsook. Nanakuka.
n a k e d . Kohana. Also: 'olohelohe, 'ilikini, koaka, dka'o, haka'o, 'omimo. To go naked, hele wale, ele kohana. n a k e d n e s s . Kohana, kahl huna; hena (obs.). n a m e . 1. Noun. Inoa. Name given in a dream, inoa pd, inoa mai ka po mai. Family name, lnoa 'ohana. Chiefly name, inoa kapa na ke ali'i. 2 . Verb. Hea, hea inoa, kapa, kahea. n a m e c h a n t . Inoa, mele inoa. To recite a name chant, hea, hea mele inoa.
n e a r . Kokoke; hi'ialo (rare). kokoke, ho'okokoke.
nearby. Kokoke, a'e, a'e nei, eia aku.
n e a r l y . Kokoke, 'ane'ane, mai. mai make,
near, dead,
nearsighted. 'Ike p5kole.
n e a t . Maiau, 'auli'i; mikioi (in craftsmanship). Also: palamimo, miomio, ponopono, pa'lhl, popohe, palawaiki.
name-dropping. Pai ali'i. namely. 'Ola ho'i.
Nebo. Nepo.
N e b r a s k a . Nepalaka, Nebaraka. n e c e s s a r y . Pono, kupono. n e c e s s i t y . Pono. Necessities of life, mea ola o ke kino, na pono o ka nohona. n e c k . 'À'i; waha (of a dress). Also: kani'à'i, 'óhao. Front of neck, puana^i. Slender or slim neck, 'à'i oeoe. Stiff neck, 'a'i 'o'ole'a, 'à'ikù, 'à'i uaua. Stiffness or soreness in neck cords, uauakaha. Calloused neck, 'à'i pu'u. Scrofulous neck, 'a'i 'ala'ala, 'à'i pala'e, pulele. To tie, as about the neck, kà'awe. n e c k e r c h i e f . Hainakà 'à'i, hinakà 'à'i, lei 'à'i. n e c k l a c e . Lei. Pearl necklace, lei moml. Diamond necklace, lei kalmana. Bead necklace, lei kula (gold); akalei (glass). Hog-tusk necklace, lei hoaka. Dogtooth necklace, lei niho 'Dio. See
namesake. Inoa.
Nanking. Nanekina.
N a n t u c k e t . Nanikokcka, Nanikoteka; Nanikukeka, Nanituketa. n a p . Hiamoe iki, kulohio.
nape. Hokua.
n a p k i n . Kawele. Rare: hainaka, kahakahana lole. Paper napkin, kawele pepa. Sanitary napkin, mea hume.
Naples. Napela.
n a r c o t i c . La'au ho'ohiamoe, la'au moe, la'au ho'omalule kino, mea 'ona. n a r r a t e . Ha'i, kuka'i 'olelo. n a r r o w . La'iki, haiki, ho'ohaikl. Also: mio, miomio, lanihinihi, ma'awe, 'oiki, kuhaiki, mo'ollo, 'ololi. Narrow-minded, haiki ka 'ike, haiki ka no'ono'o, loko haiki. Narrow escape, pakele mahunehune; pakele mai make (from death). n a r r o w i n g . Olomio, mu'oiki, miomio. n a s a l . No ka ihu. Nasal speech, ihu hanuna. Nashville. Nakawila, Nasavila; Nakiwlle.
lei, whale tooth, necktie. Lei 'à'i.
n e c r o m a n c e r . Kilo, kuhikuhlpu'uone, ninau 'uhane, ninau kupapa'u. n e e d . 1. Necessity. Pono, pu'u. I need to go, pono 'o au ke hele. 2 . Lacks. Nele, hemahema. n e e d l e . 1. Instrument. Kui, kul kele, kui humuhumu; manai, hànal, màkai, mokila, makila (for stringing leis); hi'a (for nets); 'ohi'u (for thatching) ; kui pauma (for sewing gunny sacks) ; pine (of compass); hou kui (for injections); moll (for tattooing); pahele (obs.). Needle point, maka kul. Slot of sewing machine needle, puka kui kele. Eye of needle, puka kui. To thread a needle, ho'opiha kul. Needle-pointed, huini. 2 . Plant. Ki, ki-nehe. needlefish. 'Aha, 'aha-mele; 'aha'aha (young).
nasturtium. Pohe-haole.
n a s t y . Pelapela, hauka'e, makona. Rare: koaea, ko'a. n a t i o n . Lahui, aupuni. To form a nation, ho'olahui. n a t i o n a l . Aupuni, lahui.
National Guard. Koa kia'i lahui. nationality. Lahui.
Niihau n e e d y . Nele, hemabema. 'olohe. See p o o r , n e ' e r - d o - w e l l . See v a g a b o n d , n e g a t i v e , l . Negate. 'Ole, ho'ole. 3. Of a picture. Aka ki'i. n e g l e c t . Malama 'ole, waiho wale, ho'opalaleha, h o ' o h e m a h e m a , h o ' o m a o p o p o 'ole, h a ' a l e l e kokua 'ole, ha'ule. n e g l e c t e d . Ho'omaopopo 'ole 'la. See n e g l e c t , n e g l i g e n t . Ho'ohemahema, palaka, palaheha. n e g o t i a t e . Kukakuka, kuka kama'ilio. N e g r o . Pa'ele; popolo (slang); nekelo. n e g r o i d . Pa'ele; punika (rare). n e i g h . Ihihl, 'uhu'uhu. n e i g h b o r . Hoa noho, hoalauna. n e i g h b o r h o o d . W a h i noho kokoke, k a u l u , kalaulu. n e i t h e r . 'A'ole, 'a'ole ho'l. Neither he nor I, 'a'ole 'oia, 'a'ole no 'o au. Neither was any good, 'a'ole malka'i 'o laua a 'elua. n e p h e w . Keikl (ke keikj kane a ke kalkua'ana, ke kalkaina, ke kaikunane, ke kaikuahine). N e r l t a . Plplpl. n e r v e . A'a, a'alolo; a'alolo lohe (auditory). Such nerve/ Win! 'i'o no (slang)/ n e r v o u s . Pihoihol wale, ha'alulu o loko. Also: uluku, palalu. n e r v o u s s y s t e m . Na a'alolo apau; loloku (rare), nervy. Maha'oi, winl. n e s t . Punana. n e t . Most common kinds are: 'upena: koko, 'a'aha (carrying net). Various kinds, PE 148-149, 345. Throwing net, 'upena kllol. 'upena ho'olei, 'upena klola, uhlna. Gill net, 'upena ku'u, 'upena ho'olewalewa, gahu. Set net, 'upena ku'u. Dip net, 'aki'lkl'l, paki'iki'i. Bag net, 'eke. Mosquito net, paku maklka. Other kinds: 'a'el; 'aku'iku'i, aku'iku'i; 'alihllele, aumalewa; haka'oka'o, ano, hei, hlhl, hlhl mano, holoholo, holowa'a, huklhe'e, hulul, ka'e'e, kahala, kahekahe, k a l h i , ka'l'i, ka'lli, kaka, kaka uhu, kiholo, kupo, lauahl, laukd, lau 'opae, luelue, maiewa, maka lua, makolu, malua, maoloha, nae, nae-kuku, naepunl, nukuwa'ula, paku'ipal, papa, papa ho'olewalewa, papa hului. papalaulele, papa lewalewa, papa waha nul, pepeiao, pouono, pououo, puki, puni, uluulu. Hau-wood net handles: hau-'o-lao, hau-'o-malolo. Other net parts: hawele (lashing); hoene (mesh); kuku, uhi (stick supports); a'a pu'upu'u, 'aea, 'allhl, anal, holokuku, hope'a'el, kahahanai, la, mole, 'dka'i, pa. papa, plko, pikonl, pu'umana, uluna. Net spacer, gauge, haha ka 'upena, una. Net mender, ki'o'e. To set a net, ku'u, ku'una, ho'omoemoe. To throw a net, kllol (klola, ho'olei) 'upena. To draw a net, anl. To make net meshes, ka. Place for setting a net, moena, ku'una. Net owner's canoe, poki'i. Types of net fishing: lawai'a koko, hufcilau, laulele, kahe'e, holoholo, moku. See float, m e s h , s e i n e , n e t h e r w o r l d . Ke ao o Milu, Milu, Kapa'a-heo, poheue. n e t t l e . Nahele mane'o. n e t w o r k . Nae (base of feather capes); hl'a, kdko 'ula. n e u r a l g i a . Hu'l ma na a'alolo. n e u r i t i s . Lumakika, kalawa, halawa. n e u t r a l . Ka'oko'a, komo 'ole 1 ke kaua. n e u t r a l i z e . Ho'omanalo, ka'oko'a. N e v a d a . Newaka, Newada, Nevada, n e v e r . 'A'ole, 'a'ole loa. Never before, ' a k a h i . . . a, 'a'ole i . . . mamua. I've never been there before, 'akahi au a hele malaila. Never mind! 'A'ole pillkla! He mea 'ole! n e v e r t h e l e s s . Aka, aka ho'l, na'e. n e w . Hou. Also: meahou, 'ano hou, mallhlni. New-fashioned, 'ano hou; nupaikini. This is new to me, he mea mallhlni kela 1 k u ' u maka (PE malihini).
New B e d f o r d . Nü-Pelepeki, Nu-Belefedl; NüPepeki; Nü-Pekepoka, Nu-Bedefoda. New C a l e d o n i a . Nü-Kalekonia, Nu-Kaledonla. n e w c o m e r . Malihini. N e w f o u n d l a n d . Nupounelana, Nufounelana. New G u i n e a . Nü-Kini, Nu-Gini. New H a m p s h i r e . Nü-Hamekla, Nu-Hamesia. New H a v e n . Nü-Hawena. New H e b r i d e s . Nü-Hepeke, Nu-Hebede. New H o l l a n d . NQ-Holani. New J e r s e y . Nü-'Ieleke, Nu-Ierese. New L o n d o n . NG-Lalana. n e w l y . 'Akähi no. New Mexico. Nü-Meklko. New O r l e a n s . Nü-'Olina. n e w s . Meahou, nühou, nü, lono; 'ano'ai (rare). Foreign news, nühou küwaho. Local news, nühou kuloko. Bits of news, hunahuna meahou, hunehune meahou. News item, ikamu meahou. To tell news, bringing of news, 'aha'ilono, ha'ilono. To hear sudden news, lono honua. The news spread, ku'i ka lono. New S o u t h W a l e s . Nü-Wale-Hema. n e w s p a p e r . Nüpepa. Daily newspaper, nüpepa mka la. Newspaper carrier or subscriber, mea awe nüpepa. New T e s t a m e n t . Kauoha Hou. New Y o r k . Nuioka. New Z e a l a n d . Nukllani. n e x t . A'e, hope, hiki. Next week, kela pule a'e. Week after next, kela pule a'e a la pule aku. What next? A he aha a'e? The next house, kekähi hale aku no, kekähi hale a'e. N i a g a r a . Niakala, Niagara, n i b b l e . Nalinali, 'a'aki, 'aki'akl, nome. Also: namunamu, mikol, mlkole, waha'ula, päkükul, höleha. N i c a r a g u a . Nikalakua, Nikaragua, n i c e . 'Auli'i; 'olu'olu (pleasant); maika'i. n i e k e d . Manumanu. For saying, see w h i t t l e , n i c k e l . Hapa'umi. See Ave c e n t s , n i c k e r s . Käkalaioa (plant). n i c k n a m e . Inoa kapakapa. n i e c e . K a i k a m a h l n e (ke k a i k a m a h i n e a k e kalkua'ana, ke kaikaina, ke kaikunane, ke kaikuahine). n i g g a r d l y . Pi, kulipa'a. n i g h t . Pö. Divisions of the night: beginning, kihi o k a p ö ; late night, aumoe, pili aumoe, kuluaumoe, kau; pölalouli (obs.); period from midnight to dawn, pilipuka. To count the nights of the moon, helu po. Last night, ka pö nei. To pass the night, ho aumoe. Dark night, j>ouli, pö kinlkini. Many nights, po kinikini, po mano. n l g h t - b l o o m l n g c e r e u s . Pä-nini-o-ka-Punahou. n i g h t c e s t r u m . 'Ala-aumoe, küpaoa, onaonaIapana. n i g h t f a l l . Ka pill o ke ahiahl, pö ka lä. n i g h t g o w n . Mu'umu'u moe pö, lole moe pö. n l g h t h a w k . Kama, tama. n i g h t m a r e . Moehewa. moe 'Ino, moe kähua, pahulu. To have a nightmare, moehewa, moe ino, ho'opahulu. God of nightmares, Pahulu. n i g h t s c h o o l . Kula pö. n i g h t s h a d e . Pöpolo, polopolo, kikänla-lei, 'inika. See PE 316. n i g h t w a t c h m a n . Kla'i pö, mäka'i pö. N i l h a u . N i ' l h a u . Niihau person, N l ' i h a u . Epithets: Niihau of Kahele-lani, Ni'ihau a Kahele-lani (name of a chief); Niihau leans back firmly (independent), Ni'ihau i ke kiku (PE klkü).
Nile Nile. Nile, n i l g a i . Nilekal. n i m b l e . 'Eleu, miki, mama. Also: ka'uka'uiele, kaholo, 'akepa, 'akake, 'uleulele. n i n e . 'Eiwa, iwa, 'aiwa. Nine times, nine at a time, palwa. n i n e p i n s . Kulakula. n i n e t e e n . 'Umi kumaiwa, 'uml kumamaiwa. n i n e t y - e i g h t . Kanalwa kumawalu, kanaiwa kumamawalu. ninety-five. Kanaiwa kumallma, kanaiwa kumamalima. n i n e t y - f o u r . Kanaiwa kumaha, kanaiwa kumamaha. n i n e t y - n i n e . Kanaiwa kumaiwa, kanaiwa kumamaiwa. n i n e t y - o n e . Kanaiwa kumakahl, kanaiwa kumamakahi. n i n e t y - s e v e n . Kanaiwa kumahiku, kanaiwa kumamahiku. n i n e t y - s i x . Kanaiwa kumaono, kanaiwa kumamaono. n i n e t y - t h r e e . Kanaiwa kumakolu, kanaiwa kumamakolu. n i n e t y - t w o . Kanaiwa kumalua, kanaiwa kumamalua. n i n t h . Kanaiwa. One ninth, hapa iwa. n i p . H5'aki, 'a'akl. ' a k i . ' a k i p o h e , 'inl'intki; — o f f , 'omu'o, 'omaka, 'o'u. n i p p e d . 'Omu'o. That project was nipped in the bud, 'omu'o 'la a'e la hana. n i p p e r . Nlbo 'aki, 'upa 'ume. n i p p l e . Maka waiu, maka, maka pua'a, maka mino, 'omaka. Sucking nipple, as for infants, omo, omo waiu. Nippon. Nipona, Nlpoa. n i t . Llha, lia. n i t r a t e . Nlkelake. n i t r e . Pa'akai-holol. n o . 'A'ole, 'a'ohe. Rare: 'a'oe, 'e'oe. n o b l e . All'l. lani, hlehle, hanohano. Noble bearing, kohu ali'l, kapukapu. n o b o d y . 'A'ohe mea, 'a'ohe kanaka. Those nobodies! 'O 'ole wale ma! n o d . Kunou, kulou, klmo. noddy t e r n . Nolo koha. n o d e . Aka.
n o o s e . Pahele, hele. Also: holo, puka lou, 'alehe. n o r . 'A'ole no. See n e i t h e r . Norfolk. Nolepoka, Norefoka. n o r m a l . Kulike me ke 'ano mau, 'ano mau. n o r m a l s c h o o l . Kula kumu. N o r m a n d y . Nolemaneki, Noremanedl. n o r t h . 'Akau. Obs.: 'eleku, kuanalio. N o r t h A m e r i c a . 'Amellka-'Akau. N o r t h C a r o l i n a . Kalolalna-'Akau. N o r t h D a k o t a . Kakoka-'Akau. n o r t h e a s t . Hlklna 'akau, noliki. n o r t h e r n l i g h t s . Malamalama o ka 'akau. N o r t h Pole. Welau-'akau. N o r t h S t a r . Klo-pa'a, Hoku-pa'a. Also: Kiapa'akai, Noho-loa, Kiiraau. n o r t h w e s t . Komohana 'akau, noweke. Norway. Nolewal, Norewal. Norwegian. Nolewal, Noloweke. Norwich. Noualki. n o s e . Ihu (descriptive terms, PE 89). A large, sharp nose, 'o'oma. An elevated nose, pinana ka ihu. Irregular bridge of nose, 'ami. To touch noses in greeting, honi. To blow nose, ho'oke Ihu. A sniffling nose, pipi ka Ihu. Barely able to breathe through the nose, Ihu pi. Talk through the nose, hanuna ka 'olelo. Fig. uses, see c o n t e m p t u o u s . See adenoid, nose flute. Hano, koheoheo, 'ohe-hano-lhu. Sound of nose flute, hoehoe. n o s t r i l . Pukaihu. n o t . 'A'ole, 'ole, 'a'ohe. Rare: 'a'oe, 'e'oe, ka'ane'i. Not in the least, not at all, certainly not, 'a'ole loa, 'ole loa, 'ole wale. If it were not for you, e 'ole no 'oe. n o t a r i z e . Same as n o t a r y , n o t a r y . Ndkall, nokele. n o t a r y p u b l i c . Nokali no ka lehulehu. n o t c h . Pu'all, 'auwae, kepa, waha, nlho mole; hana (obs.). n o t c h e d . Nlhonlho, nihoa. pu'all, maklniklni, ma'oi'oi, kepakepa. n o t e . 1. Letter. Leka pokole, 'olelo ho'omana'o, 'olelo wehewehe; kauhua (rare). 3. Financial. Palapala 'ai'e, plla ho'al'e, o'o, noka. 3. Musical. Leo mele, hua, hua mele; kanawal hlmeni (obs.). Grace note, hua li'lli'l. Lowest or highest note (do), pa. Whole note, hua 'oko'a, po o. Half note, po'olima, hua hapa. Quarter note, hua hapaha, po'o'ele. Second note (re), ko. Fourth note, ha. Sixth note, la. Seventh note, mi. Eighth note, po'omana. Sixteenth note, po'omanalua. Thirtysecond note, po'omanakolu. n o t e b o o k . Kalana kakau, kanana kakau. n o t e d . 'Ike laula 'la, kaulana. Noted place, pana. n o t h i n g . 'Ole. mea 'ole, 'a'ohe mea, nele; neo, 'omllu (rare). Better than nothing, ma'u no ka 'ole; ma'u no ka nele. Nothing doing, e ahu ana, 'ole wale, 'ole loa. For saying, see goose, n o t i c e . Ho'lke, 'olelo ho'ike, 'olelo ho'olaha. Notice of sale, ho'olaha ku'ai. To notice, nana, n o t i f y . H5'ike. You are hereby notified, ela 'oe ke ho'lke 'la aku nel. n o t i o n . Mana'o ulu wale. Don't get the notion of going, mai make hele 'oe. n o t o r i o u s . Kaulana 1 ka pono 'ole. N o t t i n g h a m . Nokinihama, Notinihama. n o t w i t h s t a n d i n g . Aka, 'a'ole na'e, koe keia. n o u g h t . 'Ole. n o u n . Ha'ilnoa. Noun complement, ukali ha'ilnoa. See c o m m o n n o u n , proper n o u n , n o u r i s h . Hanal. Nova S c o t i a . Nowa-Kekokia, Nova-Sekotla. novel. 1. Story. Ka'ao. 3. Strange. 'Ano 'e. November. Nowemapa.
n o i s e . Hana kuli, kulikuli, wa, wawa, kanl; kulina (rare). noiseless. Palanehe, leo 'ole, hamau. n o i s y . Hana kuli, kulikuli, wa, wawa, awa, ahu wawa. Also: ho'ohalulu, kakanl, ko'ele, ho'ohauwawa, 'lkuwa, 'ea, kowowowo. Don't be noisy, kulikuli. n o l l e prosequi. Ho'opau wale, n o m a d i c . Hele man, kihoe. Nomadic people, lahul hele mau. n o m i n a t e . Koho. wae, waiho lnoa. n o m i n a t i o n . Koho 'ana, wae 'ana. n o m i n a t i v e c a s e . 'Auikumu. n o n - . 'Ole. n o n c o n f o r m e r . Kulana kulike 'ole, lelepa. n o n e . 'A'ohe mea, 'a'ohe, 'a'ole. None whatsoever, 'ole loa. n o n p o r o u s . Pa'apu. n o n s e n s e . 'Ano 'ole, kohu 'ole. To talk nonsense, lalau ka 'olelo. NonsenseI He lalau! nonsplrttu&l. Kino, ko ke kino, n o o d l e . No known name. n o o k . Ku'ono, ke'ena. Rare: ke'e, po'opo'o, klpolipoli. n o o n . Awakea; kau ka la i ka lolo (PE lolo); na'uwa (obs.).
Nuuan u novice. 'Akahl akahl, ma'a 'ole, holona. The novice must be cautious, e akabele ka mea 'akahl akahl. For saying, PE kS'e'a'e'a. n o w . I kela manawa, 'and; lna (obs.). Just now, a'e nel. Now and then, i kela manawa 1 kela manawa, ala akn ala mai. n o z z l e . KTamo.
n u m b e r e d . Helu 'la. n u m e r a l . Numela. n u m e r a t o r . Ho'ohelu (in fractions). n u m e r o u s . Lau, ho'olau, mano, manoa. lehu, lehulehu, klnlklnl, klnl lau. Also: halau, ho'ohalau, ku, kuhaluka. kuapapa, makawalu, laha, makena, pupugu, pakl, wellwell, wewell, pakapaka, ka'ele, pulehulehu, kanalani. n u m s k u l l . Po'o 'olohaka. n u n . Wlllklna, nuna. n u n n e r y . Nunele. n u r s e . Kahu ma'l, kahu malama ma'lj kahu keiki (of a child). Wet nurse, kahu walu, pollwaiu. To nurse or suckle, 'al walu, omo walu, poll 'al (intransitive); hanai 1 ka poll ^transitive). To nurse or care for, as an infant, malama, hl'i, hl'llanl, ho'okapuhl. n u r s e r y . 1. Children's. _ Wahl malama kelkl. 3. Garden. Klhapal ho'oulu mea kanu. n u t . Kukul-haole. n u t c r a c k e r . 'Oml'i kukul-haole. n u t m e g . Hua'ala. N u u a n u . Nu'u-anu (literally, cool height). The wind comes down bearing the flowers of Nu'u-anu (PH 168), ke lho la ka makani hallhali pua o Nu'u-anu.
nude. See naked.
n u d g e . Keku, ho'okeku. kuke; peu (upward). N u d l b r a n c h l a . Lepelepe-o-Hlna. n u g g e t s . Pu'upu'u kula (gold). n u i s a n c e . Plllkla, mea ho'opllikla wale, ho'oluhl, mea ho'ouluhua wale, mea 'ino wale, hokal. N u k u h l v a . Nu'uhlwa.
null and void. Mea 'ole.
n u l l i f y . Ho'olllo 1 mea 'ole, pale; lu'l (obs.). n u m b . Lolo, ma'e'ele. Also: manoanoa, nokule, •opill, kunahlhl, plli'alku. n u m b e r . Helu, beluna, nul (quantity): huahelu (figure). Class number, heluna papa. Even number, helu kaulike. Odd number, helu pa'ewa. Dual number, helu lua. Plural number, helu nul. Whole number, helu 'oko'a. Prime number, helu kumu. Perfect number, helu po'okela. Reciprocal number, hakina pana'i. Mixed number, hakina pill. See n u m e r o u s .
o . 1. The letter. ' 0 . 2. Vocative. E, e . . . e. O a h u . O'ahu. Epithets: ke one 'ai ali'i o K a kuhihewa (PE one); the sands of Ka-kuhihewa, ke one o Ka-kuhihewa; Oahu of Lua, O'ahu a Lua (Lua was the legendary father of Oahu). o a k . 'Oka. See silver o a k . O a k l a n d . 'Okalana. o a k u m . Ukamu. o a r . Hoe. Steering oar, hoe ult. o a r s m a n . M e a hoe wa'a, hoe wa'a. oasis. Wahi uliuli ma ka IPSO one. o a t . 'Oka. o a t h . 1. In court. Ho'ohiki, 'olelo ho'ohiki, 'olelo pa'a. A Hawaiian oath: pau Pele, pau mano (PE mane». 2. See s w e a r , o a t m e a l . N» equivalent; see b r e a k f a s t f o o d , o b e d i e n t . Ho'olono, ho'olohe, lohena, wiwo. obese. M o m o n a loa, puhalalu. Obs.: uhalale, kualakal. o b e y . Lohe, ho'olono, wiwo. o b i t u a r y . M o ' o l e l o o ka mea 'akahi no a make, o b j e c t . 1. Thing. Mea. Object of a sentence, hope-ha'ina. 2. Purpose. Kumu, mea; mea 1 kauiona 'ia (rare). 3. See oppose, o b j e c t i o n . K u ' e , kumu ho'ohalahala. o b l i g a t i o n . ' A i ' e (debt). o b l i g e . Kol. Much obliged, mahalo nui. o b l i g i n g . 'Olu'olu, lokomaika'i. o b l i q u e . Hid, lala, akepakepa, pala'ewa, ku'ewa, a'e, hihe'e. Cut obliquely, kepa, ho'okepa, gahi'a. To strike obliquely, as wind or wave, pa lala. oblivious. Palaka, nana 'ole. o b l o n g . Oloolo, ololo. obscene. Pelapela, haumla, ho'ohllahila. Obscene language, 'olelo haumla. o b s c u r e . Poahl, poehi, powehl, pohlhlhl, pohihiu, po, koli'uli'u. Also: pano, maka ponlunlu, ahtahia, ho'ahiahl, 'a'akl, hea, palaweka, palauweka, hapu'upu'u, 'e'a'e'a, ponalo. Obscure and difficult to understand, 'Ike pohlhlhl, maopopo pohlhlhl, akaaka 'ole. o b s e r v a n t . 'I'lke, maka kilo, observation. N a n a 'ana, mana'o, loina. observation p o i n t . Haldna, '¡maka. observatory. Hale kilo. Star observatory, hale kllolani. observe. N a n a , nana pono, hakijo, haka peno; aua (rare); to — an order, malama kauoha; — closely, kauiona, pau kilo. To observe clouds,
nana ao. To observe fish, kilo l'a. To observe stars, kilo h5ku. To observe the seas, kilo moana. To observe the winds, as for navigation, kilo makanl. obsession. Pulakaumaka. obsolete. Make. obstacle. Alaina. mea ala'alai, mea ke'ake'a. Also: pu'u, pu'upa, pali. To meet an obstacle, ku'la. obstetrician. Kauka ho'ohanau, kauka pale keiki. o b s t i n a t e . Pa'akiki, 'o'ole'a, pa'a loa, po'o pa'a, 'a'l 'o'ole'a, lae pa'a. Also: hukihuki, ho'olehelehe nui, uaua, koe'a, ka'ape. obstreperous. Waha kole, nui ka wala'au, waha wala'au, ho'ohaunaele. o b s t r u c t . Alai, ke'a, ho'oke'a, ho'kapae, 'ake'ake'a, kualo; pohako'i (obs.). o b s t r u c t i o n . See o b s t r u c t . To remove obstruction, ho'okuakahi. o b t a i n . Loa'a. obtrusive. Ho'oi'ol, maha'oi. o b t u s e . Kumumu, lohl ka no'ono'o 'ana. Obtuse angle, huina peleleu. obvious. Maopopo le'a. aniani, mSakaaka, malani. waiho akaaka, ahuwale. occasion. Wa, hanaua. occasionally. Aia aku aia mai. kulkawa. o c c u p a n t . Mea noho. House occupant, noho hale, o c c u p a t i o n . 'Oihana, hana. Favorite occupation, hana punahele, me'e. occupied. Lilo, pa'a, nanea, walea. o c c u p y . Noho (as a house). occur. Kupu. hiki mai; 'owalaala (as a thought). occurrence. Hanana. o c e a n . Moana (open); kai. Ocean depths, hohonu kal. Ocean floor, papaku. o c e a n o g r a p h e r . K i l o moana. o c e a n o g r a p h y . K i l o moana. ocher. Ma'alaea, 'okele; Ihe'ekal (used ceremoniously). o'clock. Hola. Two o'clock, hola 'elua. o c t a g o n . Huinawalu. octave. Pi'i pawalu. O c t o b e r . 'Okakopa. o c t o p u s . He'e (various kinds, PE 59); he'e-puloa. Octopus tentacle, 'awe'awe, 'awe, 'awe ule. Octopus ink, weka. Octopus flesh, Iho. Parts: pu he'e, pikaplka, pilipili. 'ala'ala. To fish for octopus, luhe'e, kilo he'e. Octopus lure, luhe'e. Octopus season, wa he'e. Slightly decomposed octopus, makole. Mark left on skin by octopus tentacle, 'opikopiko. To spear octopus, 'o he'e. Octopus mouth, waha o ka he'e (liar). A slice of octopus, poke he'e (a chubby person). See cowry shell, cuttlefish, s q u i d , o d d . ' A n o 'e, pa'ewa; pau'aka (rare). Odd number, helu pa'ewa. Odds and ends, 'o kela me keia; kela mea keia mea; hi'uhi'u (as of ropes). Odessa. 'Okeka, Odesa. o d i o u s . 'Ino'lno. o d o r . See s m e l l . o f . O, a, ko, ka. Afraid of death, maka'u i ka make, o f f . M a i (from); 'e (away). To fall off a box, ha'ule mai ka pahu. Be off! H e l e i kahi 'el Hele pelal Hemul Off-balance, kulike 'ole. o f f a l . M o k a , poka. o f f e n d . Ho'ohuhu, ho'onaukiuki. Rare: ho'oma'au, 'olepolepo. o f f e n d e d . Uluhua, ukiuki. Rare: ka'eko. Offense. Hewa, hala, lawehala, 'openi. First offense, hewa mua. o f f e r . Ha'awi, ho. o f f e r i n g . M o h a i (various kinds, PE 231); church — , lulu, ho'okupu, mahina hou, hanai kahu.
o p p o s e Also:_ hai, haina, hai 'al, kaumaha. hauna, haubauna, hua mua, alu'alana; 'alana (various kinds, PE 17); 'umlbau, ho'ali, hi'ali, mua kau, kahukahu. 'onou, mea hana, kamauli, hanal kuahu, papai'awa, maukoli, papaio, papaia, puku. office. 1. Position. 'Oihana, bana. 2. Boom. Ke'ena, ke'ena hana. officeholder. Noho 'oihana. officer. Ali'i, luna. High or important officer, luna nui, ali'i ki'eki'e. luna ko'ikoi. Presiding officer, ali'i ho'omalu. Military officer, ali'ikoa, luna koa, luna kaua. Communications officer, luna'olelo. Officers in the monarchy and in ancient Hawaii, kuhina, kalaimoku, kualanapuhi, iku, iku lani, oma. See w a r r a n t officer, official. See officer. Official business, hana o ke aupuni. Offspring. Keiki, hanau, pua, hua; hauloli'i 0obs.). Fig.: 'ano'ano, 'oha, pulapula, kupu. makalau. a'a. One with many offspring, ku a makalau, lala ola. Without offspring, lala 'ole. o f t e n . Pinepine, nui. Also: maumau, makena, alapine. ogle. 'Awihi. ho'okaluhe. Oh. Auwe, ka, 'a; kahuhu, kahaha, kahihi, kahoho (exclamations of surprise or indignation). To oh and ah, ahe. O h i o . 'Ohaio. o i l . 'Aila. hinu, mano'i, kelekele, kelema. To rub with oil, kakele, kahinu, poni. o i l c a n . Kanuku 'aila. o i l c l o t h . Pale pakaukau 'aila. Oilflsh. Walu. oily. Hlnuhinu, kuhinu, kelekele, 'ukele, liliha, niuniu, likoliko. o i n t m e n t . Mea hamo, 'aila hamo, la'au hamo, hinu. mea poni, mea 'ala, nini, ki'ikea. O . K . Hiki, hiki no, pololel. O k l a h o m a . 'Okalaboma. old. Kahiko (usually not of people); o'o, "elemakule, luahine. Also: makuakua, makua lua, 'alu'a, 'ele-, makule. kolo'u'a, kolopupu, 'aleuleu, paleuleu, pawelu, mauaua, ku'olo, 'apela, pane e. To cling to old customs, ho'okahiko. See old a g e , old m a n , old w o m a n , old age. Wa 'elemakule, wa luahine. Fig.: 'ehu ahiahi, pala lau hala: ka'i koko (PE kBkd); kani ko'o, kauko'o, puaaneane; niho lena, niho kahi (derisive); kolopupu; kolepeia'alu (obs.). To care for in old age, ho'ola i na iwi (PE iwi). See b o n e , "chin, cowry shell, f e e b l e , r a t . older. Mua, hiapo (of children in a family); makua, kuapapa. o l d - f a s h i o n e d . Ho'okahiko, 'ano o ke au kahiko. old fellow. 'Elekule, 'olopala. old m a i d . 'Olomeka. See s p i n s t e r , old m a n . 'Elemakule; 'olomana (rare). Tobecome an old man, 'elemakule. To behave like an old man, hd'elemakule. old soldier. Koa kahiko. Old T e s t a m e n t . Kauoha Kahiko. old w o m a n . Luahine; 'elehine (rare). See h a g . o l e a n d e r . 'Oliana, 'oliwa, noho-malle. olive. 'Oliwa. olivine. No equivalent. Rock with olivine, pohaku pele 'oma'o. Sand with olivine, one 'oma o. O l y m p l a . 'Olumepia. O m e g a . "Omeka. o m e l e t . Hua paka, hua palai i ka'awili 'ia. o m e n . 'Cull, hd'ailona. To tell omens, ha'i 'ouli, nana uli, kilo. See m u d h e n , t h u n d e r , o m i n o u s . Ho'ailona po'ino. o m i s s i o n . Mea i walho 'ia, mea i kapae 'ia, ho'aio. o m i t . Waiho, kapae, holoi. ho'alu.
o m n i p o t e n t . Mana loa. o n . I, ma, maluna o. o n a n i s m . Pikoikoi. To practice onanism, ha'akoi. See m a s t u r b a t e , o n c e . Ho'okahi wa, kekahi wa, pakahi, 'ekahi, 'akahi, kuakahi. Once upon a lime, i ho'okahi manawa. o n e . 'Ekahi, 'akahi (counting in a series); ho'okahi, kahi, kekahi; hapa- (in fractions). One quarter, hapaha. One eighth, hapawalu. The one who, ka mea i, ka, ke, ka i, ka e. One at a time, one by one, pakahi. To make as one, ho'okahi. o n e - m a s t e d vessel. Kia kahi. o n e n e s s . Ho'okahi. o n e r o u s . Lu'ulu'u, kaumaha. o n e - s i d e d . Kapakahi, ho'ewa; pa'ao'ao (obs.). o n i o n . 'Aka'akai (various kinds, PE 11); naku, mahina. o n l y . Wale no, wale. One only, ho'okabi wale no, kiakahi. Only i f , only when, aia no a. o n o m a t o p o e i a . Hua'olelo ho'opilipili leo. Examples of words believed onomatopoeic: 'ekelo (mynah bird); o (peacock); koko (hen, as after laying an egg); pukoko (hen in alarm); kolea, kolekolea (kolea bird); koiokolo (turkey gobbler); ^okeokeo (turkey hen); lawekeo (stilt bird); W o (li'o bird); owi {'o'u bird); 'ulili ('ulili bird); kue (petrel bird); 'owa ('auku'u bird); ma'a'a (sheep, goat); nu, hu (pig); 'ola'ola (water); kuekue (tapping). See b a a , bowwow, bray, c l u c k , c o c k - a - d o o d l e - d o o , coo, g r u n t , heehaw, honk, mew, moo, neigh, peep, quack, shlsh. o n s e t . Ho'omaka 'ana, 'iliki, hao. o n s l a u g h t . Po'lpu, pua'5, 'upa, hao. O n t a r i o . 'Onekalio, Onetario. o n w a r d . I mua. onyx. 'Onika, kalekonuka. oo. See digging s t i c k , h o n e y e a t e r , ooze. U, n5, nono, plpi wai, pahuhu. o p e n . There is no general term; the main usages follow: 1. Usually intransitive, a state of being open, as a door. Hamama; makill, mikili, nakili, ho'omakill (as a crack); kunihi; ka'aka'a (as eyes); akea. Also: poale, ulehelehe, kauhola, 'uhola, hoaka, hunahuna 'ole, 'owehewehe, wahalehe, uhalehe, W . Open to the public (as open house), ho'obamama "ia i ka lehulehu. 3 . As a flower. Mohala, mohalu, molokala, pohala, makala, mokala, opu, 'ome'o. 3. Transitive, as a door, package. WeheJ 'uwehe, weke, wekeweke, hemo, mawehe, maweke; hu|e (as an oven); 'upa, ha'upa; ho'ohamama, 'olepe; ho'oka'aka'a (as eyes). o p e n e r . See c a n o p e n e r . o p e n h a n d e d . Lima hamama, ha'awl lokomaika'i. o p e n h e a r t e d . Pu'uwai hamama. open b o u s e . See o p e n . o p e n i n g . Puka, wehena, wehe 'ana, waha, ho'owaha, mohala, 'ipuka; hu'ena (as of oven); 'uiki, hua'ina; puma (obs.). See open, o p e r a . Keaka mele. o p e r a t e . 'Oki, kaha (surgically); hana (do). o p e r a t i o n . 'Oki. o p e r c u l u m . Pani-pupu. o p l h l . See l i m p e t . o p i n i o n . Mana'o. To state opinion, ha'i mana'o. To seek or change an opinion, hull mana'o. o p i n i o n s . Na mana'o, manana'o. o p i u m . 'Opiuma. o p o s s u m . 'Opakuma, 'opekama. o p p o n e n t . Hoa paio, mea ku'e, 'ao'ao ku'e. o p p o r t u n i t y . Manawa kupono. oppose. Ku'e, alai, ke'ake'a. Also: paku'i, ke, pukani lua, keueue, na'ina'i, 'a'ume'ume, 'auwaepu'u.
opposite e uwe no anei, be keiki makua 'ole, 'a'ohe makua, uwe ho i el o r t h o g r a p h y . See s p e l l i n g , o s c i l l a t e . Lewalewa, lewa, uene. o s p r e y . 'Okepela. o s s i f r a g e . 'Okepelaka. o s t e o m a l a c i a . 'Ea-wahl-pa'a. o s t e o p a t h . K a u k a lomilomi. o s t r i c h . 'Akolika, 'okekellka, oseterika, 'okelekelika. o t h e r . Kekahi, 'e a'e, 'e. o t h e r w i s e . Aka na'e, m a kekahi 'ano 'e a'e. There was much rain, otherwise everything was fine, ua nul ka ua, aka na'e malka'l no na mea apau. o u c h . Auwi, auwe. o u g h t . Pono. You ought to go, he mea pono la'oe ke bele. o u n c e . 'Aunaki. our. Singular possessed object, dual, inclusive. Ko kaua (o-class); ka k a u a (a-class). 2. Singular possessed object, dual, exclusive. Ko maua (oclass); ka maua (a-class). 3. Singular possessed object, plural, inclusive. Ko kakou (o-class); ka kakou (a-class). 4. Singular possessed object, plural, exclusive. Ko makou (o-class); ka makou (a-class). 5. Plural possessed objects, dual, inclusive. O k a u a (o-class); a k a u a (a-class). 6. Plural possessed objects, dual, exclusive. O maua (o-class); a maua (a-class). 7. Plural possessed objects, plural, inclusive. O kakou (o-class); a kakou (a-class). 8. Plural possessed objects, plural, exclusive. O makou (o-class); a makou (a-class). There are 16 common translations of English "our." For other uses of k-less (zero-type) possessives, PE xx. o u r s . No kaua, no maua, no kakou, no makou, na kaua, na maua, na kakou, na makou. See our. o u s t . Kipaku. Also: ho'okuke, ualebe, kule. o u t . Waho, 1 waho, mawaho; pio (extinguished). Rare: hauka, 'auka (in games). o u t b u r s t . Hu, pahu. o u t c a s t . Kauwa (various Qualifiers, PE 1X8-119); lae (various qualifiers, PE 175); beana kanaka (human sacrifices); makawela, limu pae, lua'i po, lau'i pekepeke, lele koa'e, palani, ple-ueue, auwehekika, hupoenui. Places where outcasts were drowned: kai hehe'e. See v a g a b o n d , o u t c r o p . Mea k u p u wale mai, h u honua. o u t c r y . Oho. o u t d o . Ho'okela; oko (obs.). o u t d o o r s . O waho. o u t e r . Waho, o waho, kuwaho. o u t f i t t e d . Ho'olako 'ia; lillhua (obs.). o u t h o u s e . Wahl ho'opau pilikia, hale li'lli'i, lua li'ill'i, lua, hale lua. Rare: lua haka, auolo, 'auwaha, auha. o u t l e t . Pukana, p u k a wal, makawai. Electric outlet, kumu ho'opuka uila. o u t l i n e . Kahua, mea 1 ho'opokoie 'ia. o u t r i g g e r b o o m . 'Iako. o u t r i g g e r c a n o e . W a ' a . See c a n o e , o u t r i g g e r float. Ama, lama. End of float, lupe. Leaping float end, lele lupe (emotion). Kllauea is overturned like a canoe outrigger (PH 106), kahuli Kllauea mehe ama wa'a la. o u t s i d e . Waho, i waho, mawaho, ko waho, kuwaho. o u t s i d e r . K a n a k a 'e, kanaka o waho, lauhulu. o u t s t a n d i n g . Po'okela, kau i ka wekiu, ku kahi, kulana ki'eki'e. Also: kulia, kakahi. Outstanding debt, 'ai'e ka'a 'ole. o u t s t r e t c h e d . Kakauha. o u t w a r d . See o u t e r , o u t w i t . Lanaklla.
o p p o s i t e . K u ' e , 'e'e, hullna alo. Opposite meaning, m a n a ' o ku'e. Do the opposite, ho'oko'a. See o p p o s i t i o n , o p p o s i t i o n . Ku'e'e, 'ao'ao ku'e, h a n a k u ' e , V u m e ' u m e , noho ke'e. To stir up opposition, ho'oku' e'e. o p p r e s s . Ho'olu'ulu'u, ho'oluhi bewa, ho'okaumaha, ho'oko'lko'l, ho'okuapa'a, ho'eha. Also: ho'olaukdna, paku'l, ho'oke. ho'opa'u, ho'okakauha, 'a'e, bo'omaulebo, kala'lh], ho'omauha'alina. o p t i m i s m . Hoihol mau, bo'obolboi mau. o r . Ai'ole, a . . . paba; o (lest). Two or three, 'elua a 'ekolu paba. o r a c l e . H a k a (medium). o r a c l e g o u r d . I p u 'olelo. o r a c l e t o w e r . L a n a n u ' u mamao, n a n a n u ' u mamao, mamao. nu'u, lana. ' a n u ' u (on heiau). A part of the tower, lewa'anu'u (?). o r a l . Ha'l waba, waha, 'dlelo. o r a n g e . 'Alani (the fruit or tree). o r a n g e - y e l l o w . Melemele 'ill 'alanl. o r a n g u t a n . 'Oulanakana. o r a t e . Kaka'olelo, ha'l'olelo. o r a t i o n . Ha'l'olelo ho'ohanohano. o r a t o r . Kaka'olelo, ha'l'olelo. o r a t o r y . Kaka'olelo. o r b i t . Ala pd'al, apo hele. o r c h a r d . M a l a la'au bua'ai, kihapai. o r c h e s t r a . E u l ho'okanl plla. o r c h i d . 'Okika; 'oklka-honohono; 'awapuhi-aKanaloa. o r d a i n . Ponl, ho'okabuna. o r d e a l . Popilikia, h a n a nul, b a n a pu'lka'ika, hana 'eha'eha, 'awa. o r d e r . 1. Command. Kauoba (general; to send for, as groceries); kena, ho'okenakena, 'olelokauoha, ho'opa'a. Money order, pepa klko'l kala. Postal money order, plla kiko'o hale leka. By order of, m a ke kauona a. To give orders, kauoha, kuhikuhl. 2. Arrangement. Ho'onohonoho 'ana, papa, noho papa, ka'ina, moekahi. In perfect order, pono. To put to order, ho'oponopono, ho'opapa, kuene; baku, h a k u h a k u (rare). Word order, ka'ina o na hua'olelo. To call to order, as a meeting, ho'omalu. 3. See In o r d e r t o . o r d i n a n c e . 'Olelo-ku-pa'a, kanawai. o r d i n a r y . M a ' a m a u , laha, mea loa'a wale, a'e nei, pakuwa. Ordinary person, k a n a k a a'e nei no; ki'i m a k a li'lli'i. Having ways of ordinary folk, h a ' a h a ' a ; waikanaka (obs.). o r d i n a t i o n . 'Olinakio. O r e g o n . 'Olekona, Oregona. o r g a n . 1. Musical instrument. 'Okana. Hand organ, 'okana wlli lima. Mouth organ, pilapuhlpuhl. 3. Part. Mahele. Internal organs, loko. o r g a n d y . 'Okanakl. o r g a n i c . 'Okanika. O r g a n i c A c t . Kanawai K u m u , Kanawai 'Okanika. o r g a n i z a t i o n . Hui, 'ahahui; kukulu 'ana, ho'onoho 'ana. o r g a n i z e . K u k u l u , ho'ohui, ho'onohonoho. o r g a s m . Le'a. o r i e n t . Hiklna. o r i g i n . Klnohi, ho'omaka 'ana, k u m u ; k u m u honua (of the earth); kumullpo. o r i g i n a l . K u m u . Original document, palapala kumu. o r i g i n a t e . See b e g i n . O r i o n . 'Oliona. Stars in Orion's belt, Maiaku. o r n a m e n t . Wehi, kahiko, klnohi, ho'okahlko; beautiful -—, linohau. o r p h a n . Keiki m a k u a 'ole, k a m a lele. Weeping for an orphan child, no parents, woe (PH 179)1
o z e n a override. Mau'a'e (as a veto). overripe. See ripe, overran. Holopapa. overseer. Luna, luna hana, luna kia'i, luna ho'obana, haku, haku hana; hoa'aina (land). oversexed. Kola mau; punl kane (of females); puni wahine (of males); pakial (obs.). overshadow. Ho'omalumalu, ho'oumalu, papale, e'a'e'a. oversized. Nul loa, nui maluna o ka mea ma'amau, halala. oversleep. Hiamoe loa, moe loa. overthrow. Kahuli, ho'okahuli, hiolo, ho'ohlolo, kula'i, kula'ina, hull pu, hulihia. Also: 'ope'a, auhuli, olope, poluku. overtime pay. Uku kaulele. overturn. Kahuli, huli pau, hull pu, hulihia, auhuli. Also: luml, me'ea, 'ope'a, 'olepe, kipau, kualono. For example, see outrigger float, overturning. Hulina. overwhelm. Po'ipu, popo'i, uhi, luma'i, holomoku, lalawe. Suffering of love is overwhelming, here in my heart (PH 178), 'o ka 'eha a ke aloha ke lalawe nei, eia la i loko, i ku'u manawa. overwhelmed. Pa'uhia, lo'ohia, lumi, poka'aka'a, kapaku. overwork. Pa'u. Also: ho'okauwa, ho'omauleho, ho'opa'aua. ovum. Hua. owe. 'Ai'e. owl. Pueo, ulula, iana, mo'o lele. Owl snare, pehe. o w n . Pono'i, kuleana. I own the house, no'u pono i ka hale. This is my own, na'u pono'i. Own native land, 'aina kulaiwi. Your own book, ka ko iwi puke, owner. Mea, 'ona, haku. Houseowner, mea hale. Canoe owner, mea wa'a. ownership. N o . . . ka mea, kuleana. Common ownership, kuleana waiwai like, ox. Pipi kauivd. oxalic acid. 'Okakalika 'akika. Oxford. 'Okapoka, Okafoda. Oxford University, Kulanui o 'Okapoka. oxygen. Ea ola mama, 'okikena. oyster. 'Olepe. See pearl, oyster plant. Kalapi. ozena. I'a-kui, ihu-kilu, ihu-pilau.
oral. Oloolo, 'omo'omo, po'ai lo'ihi, poepoehawa'e, poepoepikoi, huaiala. oven. Imu (various kinds. PE 9i); umu, 'oma, 'oma Pukiki; umu pao, imu pao (above ground); umu lepo (earth). Oven house, hale umu. To lay, as an oven, haka. To tend an oven, kahu umu. Oven tender, kabu umu. Oven cooking, kahuna. Leaf lining of oven, pale. over. 1. Above. Luna, 1 luna, maluna. Over and above, 'oi aku, pakeu, a 'oi. 3. Completed. Pau. 3. Again. Hou. Do over, hana hou. Do over and over, hana hou a hana hou; ka'aweleka (rare). overactive. Lapa. overalls. Lole wawae 'epane. overbearing. Ho'okelakela, ho'okl'ekl'e, 'a'ano. Also: ka'aluna, ho'okanaie, lanaklla, mahalua. overboard. I ke kal. Jump overboard, lele i ke kai. Throw overboard, kilol i loko o ke kai. kawa'a. overbold. Koakoa, 'a'ano. overcast. 'Omalumalu, 'omamalu, ho'omalumalu, lauli, ho'ohaha. overcome. 1. To defeat. Lanakila, ho'opio. holopapa. 2. Defeated. Pio, puni. 3. Possessed, as by emotion, as fear, passion, joy, grief. Lo'ohia, ilihia, ulupuni, 'oka, aualipo. overcooked. M o ' a l o a ; mo'apalahe, palakahukl, paluhe (as meat). Also: ahulu, wahulu. overeat. Pakela 'ai, kuenenu'u (obs.). Discomfort from overeating, 'dpihapiha. See eat. overfamlllarlty. Pakela maha'oi, nole. overflow. Hu, halana, hanini, ho'ohanini, pi'ipi'i, wai pi'i, waikahe, wal hu. Rare: huana, 'olo'olo, holomoku, kumoho. overgrowth. Uluahewa, hihipe'a. overhang. Luhe, lo'u. overheated. Ahuli'u, hahana. overladen. Lu'ulu'u, 'olo'olona. overlap. Kau iho kekahi maluna o kekahi; 'unu'unu (in sewing); kui papa (as feathers in a lei). overlay. Pale; ho'opapa (as shingles). overload. Ho'ouka nui, ho'olu'ulu'u loa. overlook. 1. Look over. Nana maluna a'e, halo. 2. Miss. Hala, palaka, nana 'ole. 3. Condone. Waiho malic, kaumalumalu. overpowering. Mana nui, po'iku.
many small pains, ' e h a ' e h a . To inflict pain, h d ' e h a . To shrink away in pain, m u ' e ' e k e . p a i n f u l . ' E h a ' e h a , hu'l. See p a t n . p a i n t . P e n a . House paint, p e n a hale. To paint, pena, k a p a l a ; p a l a m (lightly); p u h i ' o h i ' o (spotted). To paint pictures, pena ki'l, kaba ki'l, kakau kaha. p a i n t b r u s h . H u l u pena. p a i n t e r . K a h a k i ' l (artist); m e a p e n a (as of houses). House painter, p e n a hale, p a i n t i n g . K i ' l pena. p a i r . P a ' a , kaulua. To pair, kaulua. Pairing o f f , k u l u a . Two pairs, as in poker, k u p e , k u p e a . Pair of shoes, p a ' a k a m a ' a . p a j a m a s . L o l e wawae moe po.
pal. See friend,
p a l a c e . H a l e ali'i. See c a s t l e , p a l a n q u i n . Manele, hale 'auamo, 'auamo. p a l a t e . O luna o k a w a h a ; k i l e o (soft). p a l e . H a k e a . Also: halkea, ha'akea, nanakea. n a n a n a k e a , 'olohe, k u a k e a , _puakea, laukea, m a m a e . Obs.: onena, I k o k o . p a k e a . See y e l l o w . P a l e r m o . Palemo. P a l e s t i n e . Palekakine, P a l e s e t l n e .
pall. See cliff,
p. P I .
p a l l o r . H a l l e p o . See p a l e .
p a c e . K a ' i n a w a w a e , p e k i . Full pace, k e ' e h l 15'lhl. Pacing horse, lio peki. p a c i f i c . 1. Calm. M a l l n o , l a ' i . malie. See c a l m . 2. Ocean. P a k i p i k a , M o a n a P a k i p i k a .
p a l m . 1, Tree. P a m a , p a l a m a : niu (coconut). See f a n p a l m . 3. Surface of hand. P o h o , p o h o l i m a . Center of palm, poll l i m a . Solid palm of hand, p o h o k a n o (fig., stingy). p a l m e r w o r m . 'Ohini-hulu-'ole. p a l m i s t . K i l o nana l i m a , k i l o k i l o nana l i m a , p a l m i s t r y . K i l o nana l i m a , k i l o k i l o nana l i m a . P a l m S u n d a y . K o m i n i k a o na L a l a L a ' a u . P a l m y r a . Palamila, Palamira; Palamola, Palamora. p a l p i t a t e . K o n l k o u i . Also: ' a p i , haku'i, h o ' o l e l e , nape, kapalill. p a l s y . M a ' i lolo. p a m p e r . H o ' o k a m a l a n l , p a i . For saying, PEwelu. p a n . P a . Obs.: panl, p a n a . Baking pan, ' o m a . Fire pan, pa ahi. Frying pan, pa palaf. Iron pan, p a hao. Stewpan, ku p a n a . Tin pan, pa k i n i . Wash pan, p a h o l o i , pa kini holoi. See s a u c e p a n . P a n a m a . P a n a m a . Panama hat, p a p a l e w a i o k i l a . p a n a x . Lapalapa. p a n c a k e . P a l a o a p a l a i ; p a p a p a l a o a (obs.). pancreas. Malama. p a n d a n u s . H a l a (various kinds, PE iS-49). Pandanus tree, pu hala. Pandanus trunk, k u m u hala. Male pandanus tree, h a l a hinano. Female andanus tree, hala hua. Pandanus lea[, l a u ala; ko'o, 'i'o ko'o, m u ' o hala, pu'awa, pukani; p i l i l a ' e l e (young); l a ' e l e (old); p a l a lau h a l a , p a ' i l a u ' u l a (dry). Bundle of forty leaves, kl. Male blossom, bracts, h i n a n o , p o l o h i n a n o . Pandanus fruit, 'ahui b a l a ; p o i o p o l o u a (unripe); p o l o k a (ripe); k a ' a o , k a o (very ripe). Pandanus fruit stem, p o l o p e ' a . Pandanus key, hala; p a n l (at bottom of cluster); hala ' i ' o (ripe); hala i w i nui (upper hard portion); p u a hala (yellow base). Nut in key, hala hua, ' i ' o hala. Pandanus fruit core, 'Ikoi. Pandanus root tip. m u ' o hala. Pandanus aerial root, ule hala, uleule hala. Lumps on pandanus trunk, p u ' u p u ' u hala. Width of
pacified. Na.
p a c i f y . H5'olu, ho'ona, ho'oma'alill. p a c k . H o ' o k o m o (as a trunk); 'awe, ha'awe (carry). Also: ho'onoho, ho'oukana; ho'opapa (neatly); ho'ohake (full). p a c k a g e . P u ' o l o . Also: p u ' a , 'ope, ' o p e ' o p e , p e l a ; p l ' a o (of folded ti leaves); pena, p u ' u w a f . p a c k e d . H o ' o k o m o 'ia. Also: hake, piha'u, p i h a k u ' i , 'upili, p u ' u k l ' u k i , p l h a p u k u ' i k u ' i , p u ' l k a ' i k a ; — , as in a crowd, p o l u m i l u m i , k u p l l l k i ' l , l e ' I , nekl, n o k e ' a , k u e n e n u ' u . p a c k e t . 1. Small package. P u ' o l o . 2. A ship. Pakeke. p a d . Pale po'ohiwi (shoulder). p a d d e d . P u l u ; h o ' o n u l ' o l e l o (as of speech). p a d d l e . H o e . Paddle types: b o e uli (steering; fig., tongue); b o e nanue, h o e nenue, h o e k a l a . Paddle parts: laulau, l a u h o e , palaulau (blade); hua (bulge in blade); 'au, k u ' a u (shaft); 'upe, i o (rib); alelo, k o h o , ' o u p e (tip); p u ' u k o l e (upper part of blade). To paddle, hoe, p a h o e ; l a u h o e (of several); a k a h o e (carefully); puna, k i e l e (obs.). To have a canoe paddled, h o ' o n o e . Paddle back and forth, hoehoe. For sayings, see t o n g u e ; PE hoe. For example, see s w i m ,
paddler. Hoe wa'a. p a d d l i n g . Hoena. p a d d y . L o ' i . paki. padlock. Laka. P a d u c a h . Pakuka. p a g a n . Pekana.
p a g e . ' A o ' a o . Page reference, k u h l k u h l i k a ' a o ' a o . To page, k a h e a . p a g e a n t . K a p a l o , h o ' i k e ' l k e , hana k e a k a . p a g o d a flower. L a u ' a w a . p a i d . K a ' a . Paid entirely, k a ' a ' o k o ' a . My debt is paid, ua k a ' a k u ' u ' a l e. p a l l . P e l a , kini, k i n l pela, p a k e k e ; k l n i k a k a i (with a handle). To hold and carry, as a pail, kala we. p a i n . ' E h a ; hu'l (tooth, bones); nalulu (dull, i n stomach, head); ' u m l ' l (side). Also: nahu (stomach); ' o p u - h a ' o , h o ' t l e w a (hunger); holop a n l (cutting off of breath); h o ' o n a k u , Ikilkl, lou, walanla, ho'owalanla, walawalanla, walenia, w e l e n i a , w a w a l a n l a , n a o , luhl, m a n a w a h u a k a l k o ' o ; ' o , ' o ' e (sharp, darting). Great pain or
tandanus plaiting strip, k o a n a . Pandanus lei, ei h a l a (not worn by some because of double meaning; see PE hala 1, 2). Puna, where sea blasts amid pandanus (PH Z), ' o P u n a kai k u w a i k a hala. For sayings, PE hala iwi nui, pala lau hala.
p a n e . ' A p a n a anlani. p a n g . ' O m i ' i , 'eha koni, ' a ' a k i . p a n i c . M a k a ' u k u h e w a , haunaele. Panic-stricken, ' a ' a . To run in panic, h o l o ' a ' a . p a n o r a m a . W a i h o n a 'alna, k a h e l a , nanalna. p a n s y . Po'o-kanaka, panekl.
p a s t e p a n t . Haha, ahaaha, ehaha, nae, naenae, pauaho, paupauaho, manawaea, 'a'ill, ka'ahiii, uhauha; nawe {rare). p a n t h e r . Paneka. p a n t i e s . Lole wawae. p a n t r y . Lumi waiho pa. p a n t s . Lole wawae. p a p a . Papa.
p a r o l e . Palola. p a r r o t . Manu-aloha. p a r r o t fish. Uhu (various kinds, growth staoes, and fig. meanings, PE S37). Also: laula, paunuuhu, 'ohl'uhl'u. Young parrot fish, 'ohua palemo (fig., mischief-maker). See s l i p p e r y , p a r r y . Pale, kaupale, ho'okapae, kokope. p a r s n i p . Pakanika. p a r s o n . Kahunapule. p a r t . Mabele, mokuna, hapa, 'apana. Part-white, hapa haole. Part-Hawaiian, hapa Hawal'l. Take the part of Frank, ho'olllo "oe ia'oe lho 'o Palanl. p a r t a k e r . Hoa loa'a. p a r t i a l . Kaulike 'ole, pa'ewa'ewa, ho'okeamaka, lawe kapakahl; punl (fond of); hapa (portion). p a r t i c i p l e . Hd'aljona o ka wa "ano (present); ho'ailona o ka wa i hala (past). p a r t i c l e . Huna, mahune, pula, Iihi; hunahuna'olelo (unit of speech). Particles, hunahuna, huhuna, ko'ana. p a r t i c u l a r . 1. Special. No. That special occasion, kela hanana no. 2. Fussy. 'Ano waewae, 'eke'eke, 'e'eke, kamalanl. p a r t i t i o n . Pale, kaupale, paku, papa pale, p a r t i t i o n i n g . Palena. p a r t n e r . Hoa, hoa hana, koko'o, pakana. p a r t n e r s h i p . E u i ; koko'olua (of two); koko'okolu (of three); kdko'oha (of four). p a r t r i d g e . Manu-'aihue. p a r t y . 1. Group. 'Aha (various kinds. PE 5); pu'ulu, 'ao'ao (political). Liberal party, 'ao'ao lipelala. 2. Festivity. Ho'olaule'a (large); pa'lna (dinner or supper); 'aha Inu (drinking). 3. Person. Kanaka, moa, po'e. p a r v a l u e . Walwal inoa, waiwat kaulike. p a s s . 1. Movement. Ma'alo, ka'alo, 'aui. kaha (pass by)i holo, kunewa, au, uhal a holo (as time); ma'alo'alo, ho'oka'alo, paikau (to and fro); ho'oholo, kau, 'apono (as a bill); — awaj/j hala, nalo, nalohia, na'alele 1 kela ola, ma (death); come to —, ko, kau, ho'okau. Also: pahlki, mao, ka'a, k a ' a hope, amlo, kihehe, malewa. Obs.: hola'o, pulo. Passed, holo, 'apono 'la (as a bill); loa'a ka helu holo mua (as an examination). Please pass the salt, 'olu'olu e ha'awl mal 1 ka pa'akal. 2. Permission. Palapala ho'oku'u. Entrance pass, palapala komo. Free pass, palapala komo wale. 3. See g a p . p a s s a g e . Awa (as through a reef). p a s s e n g e r . ' O h u a . Cabin passenger, 'ohua kapena. Deck passenger, 'ohua 'oneki. Ship passenger, 'e'e moku, holomoku. Passenger conveyance, ka'a hall 'ohua. p a s s e r - b y . Mea ka'alo, mea ma'alo, malewa. p a s s i o n . Ko'lko'l, konlkoni, kaunu. The Passion of Christ, ka 'Eha'eha o ka Haku. Burst of iassion, klklao. Culmination of sexual passion, e'a, huahua'l. Passion calmed with her ( UL166), la'l al ke kaunu me la la. p a s s i o n a t e . Ko'lko'l, 'lno. Passionate anger, huhu 'lno, hae manawa 'lno. For example, PE •lloli. p a s s i o n f T u l t . Llllko'l, leml-wai, lemona, pohapoha, huehue-haole. p a s s i o n p l a y . Ho'lke'lke 1 na 'eha'eha o ka Haku. P a s s i o n S u n d a y . Komlnlka o ka 'Eha. passive voice. Leo pill 'ia mai. See verb, p a s s o v e r . Pakoa, moliaola. p a s s p o r t . Palapala ho'apono, palapala kuhlkuhl kino, palapala 'ae e holo. p a s t . Hala, ka'a; wa'ae'ola, la'ae'ola (past days of youth, beauty, prosperity). Past time, wa 1 hala, wa mamua. To recall the past, ho'omana'o 1 na wa 1 hala, huliau, 'ala'apapa. p a s t e . Ho'oplplli, mea ho'oplpili; palaholo (mad* of sap from 'ama'u fern fronds).
p a p a y a . Mikana. he'i, millkana. papala. Male papaya, mlkana kane. Female papaya, mikana wahlne. p a p a y a b i r d . Manu-'al-mikana, manu-'al-papaia, 'ai-mikana. p a p e r . Pepa (various kinds. PE 299); kanana, kalana (Jor writing). Pile of paper, pu'u pepa. See n e w s p a p e r , p a p e r boy. KeJki lawe nupepa. p a p e r clip. 'Oml'l pepa. p a p e r k n i f e . Pahi 'oki pepa. p a p e r n a u t i l u s . 'Au-wa'a-la-lua, moamoa. p a p i s t . Pope, p a p y r u s . Kaluha, papulo. p a r a b l e . Nane, 'olelo Dane. To illustrate with parable, ho'opillplll 'olelo. p a r a d e . Huaka'i, ka'l huaka'i; paikau (as of military); ho'okahakaha. Also: koheo, ho'ohaha. Parade rest (military command), ho'olu'olu. Ghost parade, see g h o s t . p a r a d i s e . Palekaiko, 'lu Iani. See PE Pali-uli. p a r a g r a p h . Pauku, palekalapa. Symbol of paragraph, po'o hou. P a r a g u a y . Palakuae, Paraguae. p a r a l l e l . Kaulike. moe like, 'illwal like. Parallel line, kaba kaulike. p a r a l l e l e p i p e d . Pa'a'lll-kaulike-hio (oblique); pa'a'lll-kupono (cube or rectangular). p a r a l l e l o g r a m . Hulnaha hio lo'lhl. p a r a l y s i s . Lolo, ma'l lolo; hepa (partial paralysis of vocal chords). Paralysis of tongue, alelo pu'u. p a r a p h i m o s i s . Hako'l. p a r a s i t e . 1. Plant.La'au kumu 'ole. 2. Person, Ku 'ipuka hale, kukake, lelewa, bo'oplli wale, ho'oplllmea'al, okea pill mal. For saying, see l i m p e t ; see v a g a b o n d , p a r a s o l . Mamalu, loulu. p a r c e l . Pu'olo. See p a c k a g e , p a r c h e d . Malo'o loa. Also: 'anoa, 'aula, papa'a, papa'ala, plka'o, hakonakona, '51ino, 'apa'apa'a, a'aka, pa, paki'ai; kuapa'a (rare). p a r c h m e n t . 'Ill palapala. p a r d o n . Kala, hulkala, kalakala; palapala huikala (document); pale'opua (obs.). Pardon me, kala mal ia'u. p a r e . Koll, pehe. To pare nails, koli mlki'ao. p a r e n t . Makua; luau'i makua (true, contrasting with foster). Foster parent, makua hanai, kahu banal (from infancy); makua ho'okama (of an older child or adult). Parents, makua. Precious arents, hulu makua. To act the part of a parent, o'omakua. To address as parent, ho'omakua. See s t e p p a r e n t .
p a r e n t h e s e s . Kahaapo, apowaena. p a r e n t - l n - I a w . Makuahundwal. p a r i a h . Kauwa. See o u t c a s t , p a r i e t a l b o n e . Iwi 'ope'ape'a. P a r i s . Palika, Parlsa. p a r i s h . Klhapal. P a r i s i a n . Palika, Parlsa. p a r k . 1. Recreation area. Paka. Ka-pi'o-lani Park, Ka-pi'o-lani Paka. 2. To station. Ho'oku, kukulu. To park a car, ho'oku 1 ke ka'a. Parked, ku. Parking lot, wahl kukulu ka'a. p a r l o r . Luml ho'oklpa. P a r n a s s u s . Panakuka.
I l l
p a s t i m e p e a k . P u ' u 'oi'oi. pu'u, wekiu, 'oi'olna, p u ' o ' a , lele ho'okau; 'ou (high). Sharply peaked, as a mountain, niolo. p e a l . Kani, kani 'a'ina, k u ' i n a . Long-drawn-out peal, kani kd. Pealing, k a k a n i . p e a n u t . Pineki. Peanut oil, 'aila pineki.
p a s t i m e . Ho'ohala manawa, hana ho'ohala m a n a w a . Favorite pastime, hana punahele. Pleasant pastime, h a n a h o ' o n a n e a . p a s t o r . K a h u n a pule, k a h u ; k a h u 'ekalekia (ekalesia). p a s t r y . Mea'ono. p a s t u r e . Kula, pa holoholona, k u l a holoholona. p a s t y . Pipili, k u h u a . p a t . H a m o h a m o (as a dog); p a ' i p a ' i malie. p a t c h . Poho, pahonohono, hono; pewa, klkl, kihi, huini, pina'l (as in bowls). 2. Garden. Mahi, mala. Also: kulana, kihapai, ulu k a n u ; 'e'a, palakei (obs.). Taro patch, lo'i kalo. Arable patch surrounded by lata, klpuka, kipohopoho. p a t c h e d . Pohopoho.
pear. Pea. pearl. Momi.
p e a r l o y s t e r . Pipi. For saying, PE i'a hamau leo. p e a r l s h e l l . P a , uhi, kea, k u w a l a , lehua; k a ' o p e (obs.). p e a s e - p o r r l d g e - h o t . P a h i p a h i (a game). p e b b l e . 'Ili'ili. Also: unu, 'ili, k a n a w a o . Heap of pebbles, p u ' u 'ili'ili, p e ' a p e ' a p d h a k u . Pebble hula, hula 'ili'ili. Rat-pelting pebble, u n u pehi 'iole (insult). Trashy pebbles, 'opalapala unu (worthless person). p e b b l y . 'Ili'ili, ma'ili. p e c c a r y . Pekale. p e c k . Kiko, kikonj, klkl, kikiki, pao, makiki. To peck repeatedly, kikokiko. p e c u l i a r . 'E, 'e'e, 'ano 'e, 'e'epa, 'apiki. p e d a l . Hehi wawae. To pedal, hehi. p e d d l e . Kalepa, kalewa, piele, m a ' a u ' a u w a ; malaulau (obs.).
patchwork quilt. See quilt. Patchwork cover or spread, uhl ' a p a n a . p a t e l l a . Kuapo'i. p a t e n t . Kila, p a l a p a l a kila, p a l a p a l a ho'okuleana. p a t e n t l e a t h e r . ' Hi hinuhinu, 'ill pahinu. p a t e r n a l . M a k u a kane, m a k a 'ao'ao o ka m a k u a kane.
p a t h . Ala. See trail.
p a t h e t i c . Ku 1 ke aloha, menemene, walohia. p a t h o s . Walohia. p a t i e n c e . Ahonui, 'opu ahonul, h o ' o m a n a w a n u i . To try one's patience, h o ' o m a n a w a n u i , none, p a t i e n t . 1. Forbearance. Ahonui, o p u ahonui, h o ' o m a n a w a n u i , ' a ' a u loa. Be patient, e ho'om a n a w a n u i . 2 . Sick person. Ma'i, mea ma'i. p a t r i a r c h . M a k u a ali'i. makuali'i. p a t r i o t i s m . Aloha 'aina, m a k e ' e pono aupuni. p a t r o l . Kia'i ka'ahele, m a k a ' i ka'ahele. p a t r o n . Pakelona. Patron saint, pakelona. p a t t e r . N a k u l u , nu, hawewe, p a k a ; kilinahe (pleasant). p a t t e r n . Ana, a n a ho'ohalike; wai; lau (as in
peddler. See peddle, pedestal. Ku.
p e d e s t r i a n . K a n a k a hele wawae. p e d i g r e e . K u ' a u h a u , mo o k u ' a u h a u .
peek. 'Aiki, ho'aiki. See peep, peer,
p e e l . 1. Skin. 'Ili. 2. To remove skin. Maihi; koli (pare). Also: ihi, hole, ' a ' a k a , 'olepe, pehe, naka, uuahipi'i, aka'a, ho'omahiki, hiki, lole, puahilo, 'alu'alu, pahelo, ho'opohole. 0 6 s . : ohi, ho'opaiho, pa'e. p e e p . 1. Look. Ki'ei, halo; ha'ei (obs.). 2. Chirp. 'Io, ma'io'io, pio. Peeping, 'io'io, piopio. p e e r . 1. Look. Ki'ei. ha!5, 'aiki. Place from which to peer, halona. 2. Associate. Hoa. 3. Noble. Alii. p e e v e d . Ukiuki, nuha. Also: ka'eko, ka'eo, ho'opalaka'eo. p e e v i s h . 'A'aka, h u h u wale, n u h a , n u h a n u h a . p e e w e e . Ke'a la'au. p e g . Kui la'au, huini, pine, pine la'au. See w e d g e . P e k i n g . Pekina. p e l a r g o n i u m s . Laniuma.
quilts). See m a t , model, tapa.
p a u p e r . 'Ilikole, m a n u hulu 'ole. p a u s e . H o ' o m a h a , ho'omalolo; ' u m e (in music). Pause a moment, alia, l u a n a iki. p a v e . H o ' o m o e kimeki, kipapa, ho'ounu. p a v e m e n t . K i p a p a , paepae, kipaepae, nini, papahola. p a w . Wawae, k a p u a ' i . To paw, helu (as the earth); pihole (as a drunk). p a w n . Pana'i ho'ai'e. p a w n b r o k e r . M e a h o ' a i ' e no k a uku pane'e. p a w n s h o p . H a l e ho'ai'e. p a y . U k u , h o ' o k a ' a , pe. Pay in full, h o ' o k a ' a p£ha. Pay on time, u k u m a n a w a . Pay damages, u k u poho. Pay out money, kiko'o. Refuse to pay losses or forfeit, ka'ihi. Pay attention, n a n a . Pay out, as fishline, h o ' o k u ' u k u ' u ; k a w a ' e w a ' e
Pele's hair. Lauoho-o-Pele.
P e l e ' S t e a r s . W a i m a k a o Pele. p e l i c a n . Pelikana, pelekana. p e l l e t . Poka. Pellet-shaped, ' a n a ' a n a . p e l t . 1. Skin. 'Ili. 2. To throw, hit. Pehi. pehia, nou. Also: hikau, kipehi, kupelli, kapehi, nahun a h u ; ka'alina (as rain); k i p e (as with stones). To pelt repeatedly, hiuhiu.
pelvic bone. Iwi puhaka, ka.
p e n . 1. Enclosure. Pa. 2 . Writing instrument. Peni, hulu k a k a u ; peni kila (steel); m a k a kila. Pen point, m a k a peni. p e n a l c o d e . K a n a w a i ho'opa'i kalaima. p e n a l l a w s . K a n a w a i kalaima, kanawai ho'opa'i kalaima. p e n a l t y . Ho'opa'i, uku hala. p e n a n c e . Mihi ho'eha'eha, ho'opa'i mihi. p e n c i l . Penikala, peni. p e n d a n t . 'Olo. Whale-tooth pendant, niho palaoa, lei palaoa, 'opu'u, lei ' o p u ' u . Wiliwili wood pendant, lei wiliwili. p e n d i n g . E kali ana, m a n a w a kali, p e n d u l o u s . Lewalewa, uleule, 'olo. p e n e t r a t e . Komo, hula. Also: 'akiu, koili; kuli'u; konahau (as wind); 'a'aki. p e n g u i n . Manu-hele-ku, penekuina. p e n i n s u l a . 'Anemoku.
(obs.). See Installment, revenge,
p a y m e n t . U k u . Cash payment, u k u ku'ike. Gift payment, u k u m a k a n a . Arrears in a payment, k a a hope. Partial payment, ho'oka a h a p a .
See Installment,
p e a . Pi, p a p a p a . p e a c e . Malu, maluhia, la'i. Also: lulu, la'iku, laule'a, konale, k u a p a p a , k u ' i k a h i like, luluka, k u a k a p u , niau, k u u; quiet — , k l p u aheahe. To make peace, ho'omalu, ho'omaluhia, ho'oku'ikahi. Best in peace, e h o ' o m a h a me k a maluhia. Peace after passion, la'i ke kaiinu. Calm in Kona's peace ( UL 66), malino i k a la'i o Kona. For sayings, see c h i e f , c l o u d ,
forecast, moss, poise, peacemaker. 'Uao. peach. Pikl. p e a c o c k . Pikake. p e a f o w l . Pikake.
p e t r e l
'Ae. To use another's property without permission, ka'ihi. To pick flowers without permission, 'ako ku 1 k a ha i pua.
p e i l l s . U l e . Rare: ' a u w l n l w i n i , k a l o h i . See e n t t a l . Head of penis, pobeo, heo, kole k o a k a , a'ali'ali (obs.). Dangling penis, ma'i lewalewa. Striped-back penis, ule hole (insult). See erect, penknife. P a h l pelu.
p e n m a n s h i p . Kakau lima, p e n n a m e . Inoa kapakapa.
Pennsylvania. Penekelewlnia, penny. K e n e k a , keneta, kenali,
permissive. Ho'oku'uku'u.
p e r m i t . 'Ae, ho'oku'u. Written permit, palapala 'ae. perpendicular. Kupono, ku, 'ao'ao kupono, ku pololel.
Peneselevlnia. pen!; hapahanell
perpetual. Mau, mau loa.
(issued in 18k7). p e n n y w o r t . Pohe, pohe kula. p e n s i o n . Uku ho'omau, ha'awlna ho'omau.
p e r p e t u a t e . Mau, ho'omau. For example,
righteousness, perplex. Ho'ohihla, ho'ohuikau. perplexed. Hihla, nahili, noni. perplexity. Hihia, kahihi, 'anoninoni. persecute. Ho'omaino, ho'omainolno,
Pension Board. Ke'ena Uku Ho'omau.
pentagon. Pentecost.
Huinalima. Penekekoka.
maino, ho'ino, ho'oma au r ho'ope'a (fig.). p e r s e v e r e . H o ' o m a n a w a n u l , h o ' o m a u , noko. Also: kaunaloa, 'ola, kamau, kaukahl, mlkole; kaukolo (in making a request); ho'okua (in working without interest); maukoli; ma'iha.
p e n u r i o u s . Kulio'o, kulipa'a.
p e o p l e . Po'e, lahui, lahui kanaka, m a k a k a n a k a , k a n a k a ; lehulehu (multitude); nui manu (poetic). Many people, lau k a n a k a . To people, ho'oulu lahui.
Peoria. Peolia.
pepper. Cayenne
P e p a ; nioi (various pepper, pepakene.
Persia. Pelekia, Peresia.
Ho'omau, ho'opa'a, ho'okupa'a, noke, ho'ola'au, ho'ohune, ho'okina, ho'ohu'a, kakano, ka'i'i, kinal. p e r s o n . K a n a k a , mea, kama. Also: m a k a , kino; k a ' a k a (slang); pelekona. Fig.: manu, ulua. Distinguished person, m e a hanohano, ao loa. Beloved person, mea nul, lei hulu, lei 'a'i, hulu 'aina 'ole, pua laha 'ole. First person, kino mua, kino kahi. Second person, kino lua. Third person, kino kolu. The person who, ka i, ke. This person, ia nel. Divine or godly person, mea akua. Unusual person, one of another race, mea 'e. Person one thinks of constantly, pulakaumaka. personal. Piliklno, kino, pono'i. Personal talk, 'olelo pillkino. Personal friend, hoa pill. Personal things, na mea pillkino. personality. K u l a n a o k e kanaka, personally. Iho, pono'i. personal pronoun. Panlinoa piliklno.
peppergrass. 'Anaunau. peppermint. Pepamina.
percale. 'Ula palanl (bright red). perceive. ' I k e , ho'omaopopo, 'apo,
per c e n t . Pakeneka. p e r c e n t a g e . Pakeneka, hapahaneli.
perceptive. 'Ike. perch. 1 . Rest. K a u ,
haka, h a k a k a u , peloka. To perch, kau, halakau, 'o'u, 'oku'u, ki'illli. Perched, kaumo'o. 2 . Surveying. Peleka. percolate. Pipi wal (of water); hu, paila. perfect. Hemolele, kina 'ole, pono loa. Also: pala 'ole, 'aull'l, kulukeoe, kaekae, klkiko'ele. Perfect number, helu po'okela. To perfect, ho'omaika'l. To seek flaws in order to perfect, paka. For saying, PE aukahi.
personnel. Po'e. persons. Po'e, k a n a k a , po'e kanaka, perspiration. Hou. Unpleasant odor of
perfectionist. 'Ano 'eke'eke. perforate. Ho'opuka. perforation. Puka.
To perform
tion, hohono. Perspiration
holona, hana 'ana. perfume. Lukinl, wai lukini, wai "ala, wai ho'a'ala, 'a'ala, mea 'ala, onaona, puia, moani, moaniani, mano'i. Perfume container, lpu-'ala. Perfumed, pe. To perfume, hd'ala, ho'ope. To issue perfume, po. Perfume plants, as used to scent tapa: mokihana, maile, 'illahi, 'awapuhi, kamani, laua'e, kupaoa. Puna is overwhelmed with fragrance, niniu Puna po i ke 'ala (PE p5). (Puna is famous for fragrant pandanus.) perhaps. Paha, pela paha. malia, malia paha, mali'a, 'apaha, ina paha, 'ano'ai, maki'a; maPerhaps lama (rare). Perhaps not, 'a'ole paha. so, pela paha. peril. M a k e , pd'ino, maka'u.
perimeter. Anapuni.
p e r i o d . 1 . Punctuation. maha. 2 . Time.
hana, pa'akiki. Also: kewe, kike'e, kapae, na'ina'i; pau'all (obs.). pervert. H o ' o k o ' a i k a hana. Also: ho'okeke'e, kapae, ho'okahuli. pessimist. K u l a n a holhoi 'ole. pest. M e a ho'uluhua, mea ho'opilikia. pestilence. M a ' i ahulau, ahulau. Ancient pestilences: lkipuahola, hailepo. p e s t l e . M e a ku'i. Whale-tooth pestle, palaoa ku'i. Wooden palu pestle, la'au ku'i palu. p e t . 1 . Favorite. Punahele, milimili; hanai a huhu (animal). To make a pet, ho'opunahele; hanai a huhu (of an animal); paikano (obs.). One who has a pet, kahu. 2 . To caress. Hamohamo. Also: milimili, kuwili, ho'oka'awili.
K i k o kahi, kiko lio'o-
M a k e , pau 1 k a make, ma.
peritoneum. Niklniki.
X. Marine snail. Kolea, 'akolea, kukae-kolea, pupu-kolea, pipipi-kolea, pipipikolea-lhiloa. 2 . Plant. Kihapal (Madagascar periwinkle). perjury. Ho'ike wahahe'e, ho'ohlkl wahahe'e, ho'lke ho'opunipuni, ho'opilimea'ai. kupene, kulekule, ho'omakua. To stay nently, noho loa, noho pa'a.
pllikla. hopohopo,
pervade. Puni, ho'opiha. perverse. H o ' o k o ' a 1 k a
Wa, manawa, au.
permanent. Pa'a, loa, mau, mau loa.
perspirakiki k a h o a .
Peru. Pelu.
periphery. Pelihele.
perspire. Hou. persuade. K o i , mali (gently); 'onou. pertain. Pili. perturbation. K a ' a k a lolo. hikilele, perturbed. Uluku, pt'oloke, pihoihol,
Lawelawe, hana, ho'oko, ho'okupa'a. well, kakela.
petal. Llhilihi. P e t e r s b u r g . Pekelopolo, Peteroboro. p e t i t e . 'Cli'i, 'o'uku'uku, 'uku li'i.
p e t i t i o n . P a l a p a l a ho'opi'i, palapala noi. To petition, noi. ho'opi'i, kaukolo. p e t r e l . ' U a ' u , 'ua'u-kewai. Bulwer's petrel, 'ou, 'ou'ou. Hawaiian stormy petrel, ' a k e a k e , lupe'akeke. Stormy petrel, 'aklhi-ke'ehi-'ale. Call to
petrify p i e c e s . Okaoka (as broken glass); 'apa'apana (larger); momoku (severed objects); mahele; lwi (rare). p i e r . Uwapo, uapo. p i e r c e . ' 0 , hou, pahu. Also: 'o'o, hula, klkonl. Pierced, ku. Pierced by_ the needle, ku 1 ke kul. Pierced place, aleale, poaleale. p i e r c i n g . Pahuna, 'o, 'ou. p i e t y . Halpule. p i g . Pua'a. Small pig, pua'a malki. Old tough pig, pua'a 'a'aua. Young female pig, pua'a ohl. Greasy pig, pua'a hinu. Hairless pig, pua'a hulu 'ole. Bloodstained pig, pua'a he'a. Pig offered as sacrifice, pua'a kau, pua'a uko. Wooden image of pig, po'opua'a. Pig tusk, niho pua'a, ku'l pua'a. Striped pig, pua'a olomea. Spotted pig, pua'a puko'a. Pig with spot on one shoulder, klkepa; hahei (obs.). Solid-black pig, pua'a hlwa. All black pig with white hoofs ana white tips of tail, ears, and nose, hiwa kea. Pig, reddishcolored about the hams, hulu'lwi. Cartilage of a ig's nose, peu. Roast pig reserved for priests, alnakl. Pig demigod, Kama-pua'a (noted for lechery). A descendant of Pig-man, he mamo na Kama-pua'a (a lascivious male). Call to pigs, ko. See b r a c e l e t , e a t , l e c h e r o u s , p i g e o n . Nunu, manuku. Carrier pigeon, manununu-lawe-leka. p i g e o n p e a . Pi-nunu, pi-Pokoliko. p i g e o n - t o e d . 'Onaha. p i g l e t . Pua pua'a, pua'a kelkl. pile. Ahu, pu'u. Also: ahua, kuapapa, anu'a, kupa'l, '111111, paila; hu'a (as of mats, tapa); mahelu (obs.). To pile up, ho'ahu, kuapapa, h5'lU'lll, kukulu papa, ho'onoho papa, mlho. Pile of paper, pu'u pepa. Garbage pile, pu'u 'opala. Pile of rocks placed in sea, umu. To pile such rocks, ho'oumu. p i l e d . Ho'ahua 'la, ho'opu'u 'la, ho'opu'upu'u 'la, paila 'la, pu'u, ho'okuahua. piles. Uha hemo (hemorrhoids). p i l f e r . 'Alhue, palamlmo, lalama, lawelawe, llmalima. p i l f e r e r . Lima lawelawe. p i l g r i m s . Po'e lewa. P i l g r i m ' s Progress. Ka Hele Malihlnl 'ana mai Kela Ao aku a Kela Ao (PE malihini). pill. Huaale. p i l l a g e . See p l u n d e r . p i l l a r . Kukulu, kla, 'eho, oeoe, pou. Upper part of pillar, luna kla. pill b u g . Poklpokl. pillow. Uluna, 'aki, 'ope'ope. For saying, PE paka 3. pillowcase. Pale uluna. p i l o t . Pallaka. p i l o t fish. Nenue, manaloa. p i m e n t o . Pimeneko. p i m p . We'a, we'awe'a; llmalima pilau (fig.). p i m p l e . Pu'u. Pimples, huehue. Pimpled, hapu'upu'u, kukuku, pu upu'u, 'apu'upu u, 'uluhaku. No pimples, no crooks, 'a'one pu'u, 'a'ohe ke'e (of a handsome person). p i n . Kul, pine, makla, hakla, kakia, 'o, pdheoheo, heke. Common pin, kui pine, kul '5mou. Safety pin, pine k a l a p a . Clothespin, pine k a u l a ' f . Breast pin, pine umauma. Brooch, 'dmou. Stick pin, kui 'omou, pine 'omou. Hog's tooth pin, pine niho pua'a, pine hoaka. Pincushion, pulu kul. To pin on. 'omou, 'omau. p i n c e - n e z . Makaanlanl 'uml'i. p i n c h . 'Inlkl, 'umi'l, 'inl'lnlkl, nlki, 'umlki, panlkl; piklplkl (as in milking)^ — o f f , 'dniki, o'u; — oetween fingers, 'uplkl, 'oplkl. p i n e . 1. See p i n e t r e e . 2. Lament. Lu'ulu'u, kanlkau, mae. p i n e a p p l e . Hala-kahiki, hala-'al, hala-kea, hala'ula. Pineapple cannery, hale hana hala-kahiki.
attract petrels, believed in imitation of their cry. kue. p e t r i f y . Ho'opohaku. p e t r o g l y p h . Kl'i pohaku, ld'i. p e t t i c o a t . Palekokl. p e t t y . Ll'ill'l loa, mea 'ole. p e t u l a n t . Ukiukl, kaki. p e t u n i a . Pekunia. p e w . Noho. p e w t e r . Plula, kepau. p h a l a n x . Pu'ulu kaua. p h a n t o m . Lapu, kahoaka, makukoa'e. P h a r a o h . Parao. p h a r m a c i s t . Kawili la'au. p h a r m a c y . Hale ku'al la'au. p h e a s a n t . Kolo-hala. P h i l i p p i n e s . 'Aina PUiplno. p h i l o s o p h e r . Akeakamal, kanaka 'lml na'auao. p h i l o s o p h y . Akeakamal, 'lml na'auao. Moral philosophy, hull kanaka. Philosophy of life, mana'o nul 1 ke 'ano o ka noho 'ana. To take life philosophically, kalewa (rare). p h l e g m . Male, na'o. P h o e n i c i a . Polnlkla.
p h o n o g r a p h . Pahu 'olelo. ponokarapa. Phonograph record, pa, pa ho'okanl. p h o s p h o r e s c e n c e . Well, kal ku well, maka-lhuwa'a, pokepola. p h o s p h o r u s . Pokepola, posepora. p h o t o g r a p h . Kl'i. To photograph, pa'l kl'l. p h o t o g r a p h e r . Pa'l kl'l. p h r a s e . Mamala'dlelo. Phrases, 'oleloklkeke. P h r y g l a . Pelukla, Perugia, p h y l a c t e r y . 'Apana kanawai. p h y s i c . La'au ho'onaha. See e m e t i c , p h y s i c a l . Kino, plllklno. p h y s i c i a n . Kauka, kauka lapa'au, kahuna lapa'au. p h y s i c n u t . Kuku'lhl. p h y s i o l o g y . Mea-klno-ola. p h y s i q u e . Kino, kanaka, '51wi. Fine physique, kino maika'i, moha, mohaha. Lame muscular physique, pukonakona. p i a n o . Piano. p i c k . 'Ohl, 'ako (gather); wae, koho (select); — up, hao, lapulapu; lalau (as a fallen object); akahao (carefully); klko, plkawai (as chickens); •— at, as food, nlole, 'onlnlnl; — out, 'ohikl. Pick breadfruit with a pole, lou 'ulu. p i c k a x e . Klplkua. p i c k e t . 1. Stake. Pine. Picket fence, pa pine. 9. Ouard. Kia'i. p i c k l e . Pikala. p i c n i c . Plklnikl. p i c t u r e . Kl'l, kl'i ho'akaaka. His picture, kona kl'i (of him); kana kl'l (by him). To draw or paint a picture, kaha kl'i. To paint a picture, pena kl'i. To take pictures, pa'i kl'i. Picture frame, la'au. p l c u l . Plka, pekula. p i d g i n E n g l i s h . 'Olelo pa'i 'ai, namu pa'i 'al, namu pa'i kalo. p i e . Pai. Apple pie, pal 'apala. Coconut pie, pal niu. Custard, egg, or fruit pie, pai hua. Pumpkin pie, pai pu, pal pala'ai. Hot mince pie, pal wela me na mea'al 'oki'oki 'la. p i e c e . 'Apana, pauku, mamala, mahele, poke. A short piece, 'apoke. Broken piece, haklna. Piece labor or work, ukupau. Thirty pieces of silver (Matthew Z6:15), na wahl mom he kanakolu. See pieces, p i e c e m e a l . Li'lll'l. To give piecemeal, ha'awl pakallkall. 114
p l e a s e p i n e t r e e . La'au paina, palna, klkala. p i n f e a t h e r s . Hulu kupu.
p i n g - p o n g p a d d l e . La'au pa'l klnlpopo.
Pinguecula. Moml.
p i n k . 1. Color. 'Akala, 'ohelohelo, ha'ula'ula. Pink mist, noe 'ula. 2. Shrub of the pink family. Lau-lihtlihi. p i n k e y e . M a k a 'ula'ula. p i n k i s h . 'Akalakala. To turn pinkish, as octopus, makole, he'e pulu. p i n n a c l e . Ni'o, panepo'o. 'ou. To reach the pinnacle, ku i k a ni'o.
pint. Palna.
p l n w h e e l . Huila makanl. p i n w o r m . Nalo, nalo-'ai-kae. Pinworm pala naio (insult).
p l a i n . 1. Level land. 'Aina palahalaha, kula, '¡Una p a p u ; pa'ako (dry); unana (obs.). 3. Clear. M o a k a a k a , moaka, akaaka, maopopo, molale. 3. Simple. 'A'ohe i ho'onani 'ia (unadorned); u'i 'ole (not beautiful).
p l a i n t i f f . Po'e (mea) ho'opi'i.
p l a i t . Ulana. Also: u n a n a , nanala, nanana, hi'i; kupoki (a process). Plaited, as helmet, 'ie. Check plait, maka moena. Twill plait, 'o'eno, ho'ohewahewa. Decorative plaiting, ho'oheno. To plait feathers, h a k u hulu. See m a t , w e f t , p l a n . Ho'olala, kalal. a n a ; p a p a hana. To draw plans, k a h a kl'i. To plan slaughter, makaluku.
See plot.
p l a n e . Ko'i kahl, ko'i kaholo, ko'i kahela (carpenter's). P a p a (flat surface). p l a n e t . H o k u hele. hoku 'ae'a, hoku lewa. See
Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Venus.
p i o n e e r . Palonia. p i o u s . Halpule.
p l a n i n g m i l l . Hale will papa, will papa, p l a n k . P a p a la'au, p a p a la'au manoanoa, p a p a manoanoa. p l a n n e r . M e a ho'olala: lelehua (obs.).
p i p e . 'Ohe, paipu; ipu (smoking). Water pipe, ha wai, 'ohe-wai. Sewer pipe, paipu lawe '¡no. Tobacco pipe, ipu paka. Chief's pipe lighter, muki paka. Musical pipes, hokio,_ hokioklo; k a ' e k e eke, 'ohe ka'eke'eke, p a h u p a h u (bamboo). To pipe on a flute-like instrument, pio, hopioplo.
plans. Kl'i (as for a house).
p l a n t . La'au, mea ulu, lau nahele; meakanu (planted); tender —, 'oha; thrifty — , kawowo; •— propagated by slips or scions, kulala, k u m u l a ; fallen —, mauwa; — in lata bed, m a k a n a ' a ; general name for underwater —, limu. Trailing >lant, l&'au hihi; poluma (obs.). Creeping plant, &'au kolo. Introduced plant, la'au malihini, la'au lawe 'ia mal, la'au mai na 'aina 'e. To plant, k a n u ; haiwa (rare).
Piper methystlcum. See kava.
p i p i n g . 'Uiki (dress trimming). p i r a t e . Powa, powa moku, powa m a k a moana.
pistachio. Plkekaklo.
pistil. Kukuna. pistol. Pu, pupanapana. p i s t o n . Hao ku'e, ku'e, naku'e.
P l a n t a g o . Lau-kahi-nunul.
p l a n t a i n . M a i ' a ; broad-leafed —, lau-kahi (various types, PE 180); manene. p l a n t a t i o n . Mahl, mala, mala 'at, mahana, mahina'ai. Sugar plantation, mahl ko. p l a n t e r . K a n a k a mahl'al, mea k a n u .
p i t . Lua. Also: meki, halua, pao; poho (as for planting breadfruit trees); kalua (rare). Deep pit, l u a meki, maka h a k a h a k a . Slime pit, lua plkumena. Pit in the temple, luapa'u. Woman of the pit (PH 25). wahlne o ka lua (Pele). p i t c h . 1. Throw. Nou. ho'olel, klloi, ka. 3. Motion of a vessel. Lull, kulana. Also: auku, kalue, hulei^ 'oku'oku, klha, 'aui. 3. Resin. H u la'au, kepau, k e p a u hamo, 4. Music. KI, kl'lna o ka leo, kanl. High pitch, ki'ina leo ki'ekl'e. Low pitch, leo h a ' a h a ' a . p i t c h e r . 1. Vessel. Pika, ki'aha, k l ' a h a 'o'oma; plkele (obs.). Water pitcher, pika wal, ki'aha o'oma wal. 3. Thrower. Nou, mea nou.
plant louse. 'Eleao.
p l a s t e r . Puna, h a m o puna. To plaster, hamo, pa'i puna, kaplli. p l a s t e r e r . H a m o puna, p l a s t i c . 'Olina (malleable). p l a t e . Pa, papa. Paper plate, pa pepa. Soup plate, pa hononu. p l a t f o r m . Kahua, haka, paepae. To build a platform, ho'opaepae. Altar platform, h a k a lele. Platform between canoes of a double canoe, pola. Platform for drying fish, hakaku. Speaker's platform, 'awai. Political platform, kahua, p a p a h a n a . National platform (political), k a h u a h a n a lahui.
pitchfork. '0.
p i t f a l l . Luahele.
p i t h . Iho, mahao, kdkowalki. p i t i f u l . K u 1 ke aloha, mana'ona'o, llhaliha wale, p i t i l e s s . Aloha 'ole, aloha menemene 'ole. p i t t a n c e . Palau'eka, lau'eka, ma'ilu, ma'ilu'ilu, 'u'uku ka loa'a. p i t t e d . 'Alualua, halua, hakuma, klpo'opo'o, 'alo'alo'a, 'apoho; ' a p u k a p u k a (rare). p i t y . Aloha, aloha menemene, mokuShua, polohina. What a pityI Aloha 'ino I p l a c a t e . Ho'ona, ho'omalielie. p l a c e . 1. Locality. Wahi, kahi, kaha, kauwahl. Also: kulana, kaulu, kaunu, kaiaulu. Place at sea where canoes stop, kaulana wa'a. Evil place, wahi 'ino, kaha'ino. Surf-riding place, kulana nalu. Legendary place, wahi pana. Place for urinating, mlana. Place of torment, ki'o ahl. Of or belonging to that place, ko lalla, o lalla. 3. To put. Kau (various uses, PB l i l f ) ; ho'okau, walho. Also: ho okaukau, pakau; pekau (obs.); — under, ho'opili malalo a'e, halalo; — on the side, k a u pa'ao'ao; — one-sided, klkepa. To place flowers, as on graves, kau pua. To place in authority, ho'omana, ho'onoho. Placed, k a u 'ia, kaulei. Placed in rows, as soldiers, noho papa, p l a c e m e n t . Kauna, kaulana. p l a c e n t a . 'Iewe, wewe, ewe. p l a g u e . M a ' l ahulau. Black plague, piwa-'ele'ele.
p l a t o o n . Mokuna.
p l a t t e r . Pa palahalaha; p a p a la'au (wooden); kaloa (oval wooden); pa lolloa (long). p l a y . 1. Recreation. P a ' a n l ; pill (gamble). Also: pa'apa'ani, upa'apa'ani. Play ball, pa'ani klnlpopo. Play cards, pa'ani pepa, hahau pepa. 2. Music. Ho'okanl, ho'okani plla; puhi 'ohe (wind instrument); muki (the hokioklo). 3. Drama. H a n a keaka, ho'ike'ike. p l a y e r . Mea pa'ani. Ballplayer, pa'ani klnlpopo. Player of the puhenehene game, ke. p l a y f u l . Pa'ani, ho'opa'ani, 'eu. Also: pa'apa'ani, laupa'apa'ani. p l a y g r o u n d . Kahua, k a h u a pa'ani, k a h u a le'a, k a h u a le'ale'a. p l a y i n g c a r d s . Pepa, pepa pa'ani, pepa hahau. p l a y m a t e . Hoa pa'ani; hoa kamall'l (childhood). p l a y t h i n g . Mea pa'ani, milimill. A water plaything, ko le'ie.
plea. Noi.
p l e a s a n t . 'Olu'olu, wal'olu. Also: 'olu, mahie, luakaha, la'ela'e, 'ina'inau, 'akeu, mopua. p l e a s e . Ho'olu. ho'olu'olu. ho'ole'a, ho'oholhoi; 'olu'olu (command). Please do me a favor, e 'olu'olu 'oe 1 ko'u mana'o. Do as you please, h a n a no e like me kou makemake.
plaid. Papamu.
p l e a s e d
pleased. Holbol, ohohla, hia'ai. Greatly pleased or delighted, hia'ai'ono, p i h a 1 k a hoihol. p l e a s i n g . Hia'ai, lo'a, wal'olu, k o h u , mlkololoh u a , mikolohua, mikolelehua; l u p e a (obs.). p l e a s u r e . Le'ale'a, 'oli'oli, hoihoi. Pleasureloving, puni le'ale'a. To go out for pleasure, holoholo. Place of pleasure, comfort, happiness, k a h u a o Mall'o (ancient). For example, see d u t y , p l e a t . 'Apikipiki, ' u n u ' u n u . Pleated ruffle, pihapiha-'o-kohola. To lay on in folds, as pleats, ko'o. p l e d g e . 'Olelo ho'ohlkl, ho'ohlki. Pledge of allegiance, ho'ohlkl k u p a ' a . For saying, PE mano. P l e i a d e s . Makall'i, Na-huihui, Na-huihui-oMakali'i, Huihui, Huhul, K u p u k u , Peleiake.
p o l . Poi, 'ai; kapiki (inferior). Thin poi, 'ai kakale. Lumpy poi, 'ai p u ' u p u ' u (due to pounding; fig., unsociable); 'ai n a k u h a k u (due to mixing). Fresh poi, 'ai h o u ; ' a k a ' a k a i (bulrush, so-called because it was not liked); miki pololei, pololei, poloke. Poi beginning to ferment, poha k a 'ai. Sour poi, poi ' a w a ' a w a , k a h a n i a . Breadfruit poi, poi 'ulu. Sweet-potato poi, p a ' i 'uala, 'uala. Flour poi. poi palaoa. Pumpkin poi, poi pala'ai. Poi cocktail, ai k a k a l e . Poi concoction, kupele. Stages of poi pounding: p a k u ' i k u ' i , paki, pili, hui ka 'ai, h o ' o p o h a ; poho, pele, kupele; ho'owali, moku. Poi-pounding board, p a p a k u ' i 'ai. Poi mixer, la'au ho'owali 'ai. Unmixed poi, small package, pukele'ai. Hard, pounded, undiluted poi, pa'l 'ai. Ti-leaf bundle of hard poi, holo 'ai. Watery residue on poi-pounding board, pikale, kale 'ai. Film of poi adhering to walls of the container, pala'ai. To scrape poi from the sides of the bowl with the fingers, kahi. Single dip of pol, ki'c/e poi. To dip poi with fingers, mlki; miki pakahi, miki p a p a k a h i (one finger); mlki papSlua (two fingers). To pound poi, ku'i 'ai, ku'i poi; l u a ' a (obs.). For saying, see w e l -
p l e n t y . L a w a pono, nui, lako. p l i a b l e . Holu, kaluhi, lu'a, nlnole, hainole; 'ae wale (lo agree easily). p l i e r s . ' t J p a 'uml'i. p l o p . Kuho, haluku. p l o t . 1. Conspiracy. Kipi, ' o h u m u , ' d h u m u kipi, h o ' o k a h u a kipi; waonua (obs.). To plot evil, kalai 'ino, ho omakaki. 2 . See l o t . 3. Plot of story. K a h u a o k a mo'olelo. p l o v e r . Kolea. The plover flies here, and when his breast is fat, returns, lele mai no ke kolea, a k a p u l e k a u m a u m a , ho'i (of carpetbaggers and some white sojourners in Hawaii). Plover eggs are in foreign places ( UL tlO), 'o k a h u a o ke kolea, aia i Kahikl. For sayings, PE 150. p l o w . 'O'o hao, 'o'o p a l a u , 'o'o hou, palau, kupele. p l u c k . U n u u n u (as fowl); 'ako (as flowers). See
come. See pounder, polnclana. 'Ohai-'ula.
p o i n t . Kiko (dot); lae (of land); welau, 'elau. welelau (tip); m a k a , 'oi'oina. Sharp point, p u ' u 'oi'oi. Highest point, k a u p o k u , wekiu. Steel point, m a k a kila. Starting point, k u p u n a . Turning point, k a h a n a . Point at canoe bow, m a k a i h u . Point of 'o'5 digging stick, m a k a ole (fig.). Point of bonito lure or composite hook, lala. To score a point, 'ai. To point, kuhi, kuhikuhi, h o ' o k u h i ; k u h i k a u (rare). To ask point-blank, noi ku. To the point of, a, hele a. To shape into a point, 'omu o. To point, as a pointer dog, ho opololei ka huelo. p o i n t e d . M i o m i o , ' o i ' o i . Also: wanawana (spiked); w a k a w a k a (as teeth); wana, wawana, wlnlwini. Any pointed instrument, kui. Pointed shoes, k a m a ' a miomio. Pointed remark, 'olelo houhou, 'olelo p a h u p a h u . p o i n t e r . 1. Stick. L a ' a u k u h i k u h i . S. Dog. 'Ilio hahal m a n u .
gather, gouge, pick,
p l u g . Pani, 'umokl. Also: kikl, kl'amo, 'omo, kui kakia. Tobacco plug, popo p a k a , pepe'e paka. To plug, as a hole, ho'opa'a, kiki; kihi (rare). p l u m . Palama, puluma.
p l u m a g e . Hulu. p l u m b a g o . 'Ilie'e. p l u m b e r . Palama. p l u m b i n g . Palama.
Plumlera. See plumerla.
p o e t . H a k u mele.
poetic. Pa'a i na mele. poetry. Mele.
plentiful. See plenty. Overplentiful, paki.
p l u m e r t a . Melia; h a e - H a w a l ' i (a
poem. Mele.
p l u m m e t . Walawalaki.
p o i n t i n g o u t . Kuhikuhina.
p l u m p . N e p u n e p u , p u ' i p u ' L Also: h a n a n u ' u , p a u h a n a n u ' u , h u a k e , o n a h a , p5keokeo,_ poloh u k u , 'uheke, heke, hekeke, hekeheke, pohekeheke, kaekae, k a h a , nenelu, newe, halaku, aka'lka'i, 'a'alakai, nopu, nepu. no'u, n u k a , k o n o p u e ; polunu (rare). Obs.: palalkl, palamea, hahef,_ hakaki, polo, m u m u h u . Evenly plump, holoku. p l u n d e r . Waiwai pio, waiwai hao. To plunder, hao, pdwa, ka'iliku, ka'ili wale, k a h a , p a k a h a , mahl ill; moluna (obs.). p l u n g e . L u ' u . Also: kimo, hou, ho'opalemo; h a u l a n l (as a canoe); k u p e n u . p l u r a l . Helu nui. The common plural markers are: n a (na hale, houses), mau (kela m a u hale, those houses), and the k-less possessive f e l u a ona hale, he has two houses). Inclusive plural (grammar), helu nui pill. Exclusive plural (grammar), helu nui ka'awale. p l u s . A me. Plus sign, kahahui,_ hui. Two plus two is four, 'elua a me 'elua, 'eha. p l y . K a ' a . Two-ply, ka'a, lua. To ply back and forth, haulani. Ply with frivolous questions, niele. P l y m o u t h . Pelimuka, P e l i m u t a . P . M . 'Auinala (afternoon); ahlahl (evening); po (night). p n e u m o n i a . N u m o n i a ; h a n u p a u (perhaps). p o c k e t . Pakeke^ pa'eke, 'eke'eke, 'eke, 'a'a. In the pocket, 'inipakeke. p o c k e t b o o k . P u k e pakeke, paiki. See p u r s e , p o c k - m a r k e d . Pukapuka, hakuma. p o d . 'Ili, wahi o waho.
pol pounder. See pounder,
p o i s e . K a h a , kikaha, ho'ola'i. Also: 'iolana, lahai, lahaina, anehe. Birds poise quietly in the gentle breeze, ho'ola'i na m a n u i ke a h e a h e (of peaceful persons). p o i s o n . L a ' a u m a k e ; ah ulu (fig.); popo ' a u h u h u . 'apu koheoheo. p o i s o n o u s . M a k e , 'awa, koheoheo. Poisonous fang or tooth, niho 'awa. Poisonous-natured person, koheoheo. p o k e . 'O'o, hou, 'o'e; polo (obs.); — through, me'ome'o; — sideways, as in digging, kaiehu; — a fire, 'o'oahi. hoelo. See p o k e r , p o k e b e r r y . Popolo, popolo-ku-mai. p o k e r . 1. Implement. Ulu ahi, 'o'oahi, '5helo. 2 . Card game. Konoki.
P o l a n d . PSlani.
polar bear. Pea o ke Ka'ei-anu. Polaris. See North Star.
p o l e . Pou, la'au, peloka, p a h u . Carrying pole, 'auamo. Fruit-plucking pole, lou. Bird-catching pole, alako, ' a u k u ' u , pokia. Surveying pole, poloka keua. Telephone pole, pou keiepona. Pole indicative of taboo, k a u n u n u . Pole for roof frame, holo. Pole for canoe protection, kau. To
pole, ko'o. See flsh, Ashing pole, flagpole. Pole. Polani. polecat. 'Anaka.
p o l e v a u l t . Lele la'au, kupololu. p o l i c e . M a k a ' i . Chief of police, l u n a maka'i. Police matron, m a k a ' i wahine. Police station.
postmark poplar. Popela. poppy. Pua-kala, naule, popo. populace. Maka'ainana. popular. Makemake nui 'la, nui na makamaka. populated. Noho 'la. Densely populated, lau kanaka, noho nui 'ia. For saying, PE 11'I. population. Beluna kanaka, po'e, lehulehu, kanaka. porch. Lanai. Porch railing, pale lacal. Porch of pillars, hale kia. porcupine ilsh. Kokala, hoana. pore. Pukapaki (skin). porgy flsh. M u (perhaps). pork. Pua'a, 'i'o pua'a. Slab of salted pork, pakaka, kaka pua a. Pork grease, 'aila pua'a. porous. Pukapuka. porpoise. Nai'a, nu'ao. port. Awa, awa ku moku. Port side, 'ao'ao hema. portable. Lawe, hiki ke lawe 'ia. portend. 'Ouli. portent. 'Cull, ho'ailona. porter. Hali ukana, kanaka hali ukana; kia'i puka (doorman). porthole. Puka o ka moku. portico. Hale kia. portion. 'Apana, mahelo, kuleana, ha'awina, 'okana, hapa, hakina, pu'u: ka'ipu'u (rare). Small portion, hapa iki. hapa 'u'uku. Greatest portion, hapa loa, hapa nui. Main portion, kino. Severed portion, moku, mo, mokuna. In two portions, hapa lua. To be a portion, hapa. portrait. Ki'i. Portugal. Pokukala, Potugala. Portuguese. Puklki. Portuguese m a n - o f - w a r . Pa'imalau, po'imalau. pose. 1. Place. Kau. 2. As for pictures. Ku mai no ka pa'i 'ana o ke ki'i (standing). 3. Pretend. Ho'okohukohu. position. Kulana, kuana, wahi; 'olhana (occupation). Position of the land, waihona 'aina. Lying down position, moena. positive. 'Ike loa. possess. 1. See have, own. 2. As by a spirit. Noho, ho'okomokomo. Spirit thai possesses, akua noho, 'uhane noho. possessive case. 'Auikoha'i, 'auipili. O-form possessive, 'auipili laula. A-form possessive, 'auipili pa'a. Possessive markers: o, a, o, a. See genitive case, possessor. Mea, haku, 'ona. possible. Hiki. When possible, ke hiki. Any possible time, ka manawa e hiki ana. Any possible day, ka la e hiki ana. possibly. Paha, mali'a, auane'i. post. 1. Pole. Pou, pahu, kia, la'au ku. House post, pou, pouomanu, kukuna; he'epalaha (obs.). Gable post, pou kukuna. Supporting ridgepole post, pouhana. Front post, pou alo. Back post, pou kua. Corner post, pou kihi. House post on neiau, kikihi. Post in a grass house, konaku. Post marking harbor, ulehole. Post designating place of human sacrifice, poumanu. Post for hanging goods, oleole. 2. To deposit. Ho'ouna; ho'okomo (as mail); ku (as a bond). 3. Military. See fort, postage. Uku leka. Postage stamp, po'oleka. postal. 'Oihana leka. Postal law, kanawai o ka 'oihana leka. postcard. Pepa po'oleka. poster. Ki'i ho'olaha. posterior. Hope, posterity. Mo'opuna, mamo. postlude. Ho'opau 'ana. postman. Lawe leka. postmark. Kuni.
hale maka'i. Police whistle, 'ulili. Mounted police, maka'i kau Ho. To police, maka'i. police court. 'Aba bo'okolokolo ho'omalu. policeman. Maka'i; kaiko (obs.). To appoint as a policeman, ho'omaka'i. Traffic policeman, maka'i ku huina. Policeman's club, newa, la'au maka'i. policy. 1. Plan. Mana'o ho'oko, kahua, papa hana; kalai 'ana (fit/.). 2. Document. Paiapala. Insurance policy, palapala 'inlkua, palapala bo'opa'a. polish. 1 Anai, ho'ohinuhinu. Also; kuhinu, kuai, kuolo, halo, he, au, ho'onemo; kahiau (obs.). Fingernail polish, pena miki'ao. Polishing stone, nonfnui. To polish with pumice or sand, ho'one. See bootblack, rub. Polish. Polani. polished. Pala hinu. hinua, kuhinu. Also: kaekae, kamani, nemo, ninu, huali; plkaka (obs.). polite. 'Olu'olu, waipahe, walpehe. political. Kalai'aina, pollklka, polokika. Political party, 'ao'ao kalaiaina. Political expert, kilo aupuni. political economy. 'Ike kalai'aina. politician. Loea kalai'aina. politics. Kalai'aina, polokika, hana kalai'aina. poll. Paloka. wahi koho paloka. pollen. Ehu. Flower pollen, ehu pua. Hinano blossom pollen, ehu hinano. poll tax. 'Auhau kino, 'auhau po'o. pollute. Ho'ohaumia, ho'opauma'ele, ho'opelapela. Polluted, pilo. Polluted uater, wai puna pilopilo. Pollux. Nana-hope. See Castor, polo. Polo. Water polo, polo wai. polyandry. Male lehulehu 'ana o ka wahine. polygamy. Male lohulehu 'ana o ke kane. Polynesia. Polenekla. Polynesian. Polenekia. polyp. 'Uku-ko'ako'a. p o m e g r a n a t e . Pomelkalana, pomekelane, pomegerane, pomelaike, pomeraite. pommel. Paluku. .See beat, saddle horn. pomp. Ho'okahakaha, hanohano. Pompeii. Pompeii, Pomapei. pompous. Hakaliua, ho'okeha, ka'i'i. See proud, poncho. KIpuka. pond. Loko. Fresh-water pond, loko wai. Fishpond, loko i'a. Salt pond, loko pa'akai, loko li'u. Man-made pond, loko ku'i. Pond near the shore, pu'uone. Pond reserved for a chief, ko'ele. Mythical pond, Ku-lani-hako'i. See pool, ponder. Nalu, kakepakepa, mana'ona'o. poniard. Poniaka. pontiff. Pope, kumukauoha. pony. Pone, lio 'u'uku. pool. 1. Pond. Ki'o, ki'o wai. Also: loko, haloko, luawai, huinawai, wai ahu, hapuna, kipoho, lahalaha wai, lau wai, huawaimaka, hakuone, ko'ana wai, kuki'o, ponaha wai. Sea pool, kaheka; kahekaheka (small). Dirty pool, ki'o lepo. Pool for leaping, ki'o kawa. Pools, lokoloko, lo ilo'i, malo'i. Forest pool where rubbish collects, akuli. To form a pool, haloko. To settle in pools, paki'o, halo'i. 2. A game. Pahupahu. To play pool, pahupahu. poor. 1« Impoverished. 'Ilihune. Also: hune, ho'illhune, 'akole, puhikole, 'ilikole, ho'ilikole, akakole; ka'a ka lolo (PE ka'a 1); pakaneo. Poor person, 'ilihune, hune, ka'a'owe. For saying, PE manu. 2. Quality. 'Ino'ino; kakake (obs.). pop. Pohapoha, ho'opakupaku, pa'ina, poha, kani koha. Sound of lips popped open, muka. See soda, popcorn. Kulina pohapoha. pope. Pope.
postmaster (obs.). Word of praise, as for a place, 'olelo kaena. Chant of praise, kanaenae (for example, PE kSnaenae); kauwolanl, pa'ipunahele. p r a i s e w o r t h y . K u 1 ka mahalo. p r a n c e . Ka'lnapu. See g a m b o l , p r a n k s t e r . K o l o h e . To play pranks, ho'okolohe, hone. prattling. 'Ama'ama. p r a y . Pule, 'amama. p r a y e r . P u l e (various kinds, PE 3X5-326). Christian prayers: pule a ka H a k u (Lord's); pule 'ohana (family); pule ho'omaka (beginning); pule ho'oku'u (closing); pule hamau (silent); pule ho'ola'a (dedicatory); pule ho'omaika'l (thanks). Pre-Christian prayers: pule ho'ouluulu 'al, pule ho'omau (for crops); pule ho'ola, pule ho'ouluulu (healing); pule pale, pule kala, kalaku (to ward on evil); pule ho'onoa (to lift taboo); pule 'ana ana, pule kuni, pule 'umi, pule kameha'l, pule ho'ounauna, oneone-l-honua, klpolo (black magic): kanaenae (of eulogy). Also: wallana, wau'aha, walpa, walha, lelea, le'ale'a, kal-o-Kauakahl, kal-a-po-kea, kaukau, kakua, 'aha, uhauhul, hahauhui, Umalima, 'okalakala, kahea 'al, kahoaka, kanilahuluhulu, pale lau'i, 'ulonoku, ho'ulu, ho'ulu i'a, ho'oulu kauwo, 'okl 1 ka moe'uhane, kale'a, kulli, mollaola, hui o Papa, kamakamaka, kauwo, kuwa, kuoha, 'ulono pule, pule polo, mauha'ale'a, pupu-weuweu. Long conversational prayer, kalokalo. Long repetitious prayer, kuawili. To offer food and prayers, kahukahu, kaumaha 'ai. Words at end of prayers: lele wale, 'eli'ell, 'amama (see PE). Prayer service, kulana pule (Christian); malu ko'l, malu 'ohi'a (other). Presentation of prayers, haipule, pule, ha'lna pule, uhauhul. Prayer drum, pahu kanaloa. Prayer gourd, pule lpu. p r e a c h . Ha'i'olelo. Preach salvation, ha'l ola. Preach the gospel, ha'l 'euanelio. p r e a c h e r . Kahuna pule, kabu. Preacher of salvation, ha'l ola. Traveling preacher, kahuna pule ka'ahele. Teaching preacher, kahuna a'o, kahuna ha'i'olelo (especially an itinerant one). p r e a d o l e s c e n t . P o k e ' o ; kelkl ma'l lewalewa
p o s t m a s t e r . Luna leka. p o s t m a s t e r g e n e r a l . Kuhina hale leka. p o s t o f f i c e . H a l e leka. p o s t p o n e . Fane'e, ho'opane'e, ho'omoe. p o s t p o n e m e n t . Pane'e.
postscript. 'Olelo paku'i.
p o s t u r e . Kulana. p o t . Ipu. Cooking pot, lpu hao. Flowerpot, poho meakanu. Earthenware pot, kelemanla, ipu lepo. p o t a b l e . M a n a l o , kupono i ka lnu ; p o t a s h . Pokaka. p o t a t o . 'Uala-kahlkl (Irish). See s w e e t p o t a t o , p o t b e l l i e d . 'Opu pala'ai (term of ridicule); 'opu palula, k e k e , akeke, na'ana'a, leholeho, 'alakal, aka'ika'l; nanae (obs.). p o t e n t . Ikalka.
pot holder. Mea pa'a lpu bao.
p o t i o n . Mealnu. Medical potion, 'apu. p o t l u c k . ' A i 1 ka mea e loa'a ana, pu 'ai, pu pa'akal, kupu'u. P o t o m a c . Pokomaka, P o t o m a k a .
potsherd. 'Apana lpu lepo.
p o t t e r . Pokela. p o t t e r ' s vessel. I p u lepo. p o t t e r y . Pokela. p o u c h . Pobo. See b a g . poultice. Kapa'l. p o u l t r y . N a manu 'al 'la e like me ka moa, ka pelebu. a me ke kaka. p o u n c e . Po'l, 'apo'ipo'l. p o u n d . 1. Hammer. K u ' i . Also: ho'oku'i, kuji pehi, baku'l, paku'i, 'aku'l, klmo, kimomo, k i k e k e ; kapa'l (as a masseur}: 'apohopoho, luml (as surf); ho'ohaha, paki. paluku; lulua'ina (as sea urchins); ku'lka (smooth). Pounded by the sea, papa kal. To pound into fine bits, ku'i palu, napo, pakalkal. To pound pol or food, ku'l 'al. P o l pounder (person), ku'l 'al. To pound iron, ku'l hao. See p o u n d e r , a . Unit of weight or currency. Paona. p o u n d e r . M e a ku'i. P o l pounder, pohaku ku'l 'al. Ring pol pounder, pohaku ku'i 'al puka. Whale-tooth pounder, pohaku ku'l palaoa. Top of pol pounder, poheoheo. p o u r . Nlnini. Also: hanlnl, nlnl; loku, ho'oloku, 'lliki (as rain); —forth, hua'l, ukuhl; — down, as the sun, hawewe; kl'aha'aha (out of a cujp); manlni (obs.). To pour out water, kau wai. Evil words poured out, poured back and forth, maninl aku a manlni mal na 'olelo 'lno (PE manini). p o u t . Ho'olehelehe nui, nuku-pu'u, nunuha, nuha, 'e'ewa.
(boy, PE lewalewa); 'ulapa'a (girl). p r e c a r i o u s . Kunlbi, 'anihlnlhl, nlhl, maka'u. p r e c a u t i o n . Hana ho'omakaukau mamua o ka poplllkla, no'ono'o mua e pale 1 ka poplllkia. To take precautions, ho'akabele. p r e c a u t i o n a r y . Akahele. p r e c e d e . H e l e mamua. p r e c e d e n t . N a hana 1 ho'olaha mua 'la. p r e c e p t . Lolna, 'olelo a'o, 'dlelo-pa'a, kauoha. p r e c i n c t . Mahele, 'apana. Combined precincts, mahele 1 hui 'la. p r e c i o u s . M a k a m a e , hlwahiwa, n e n e hlwa, 'alamea, hulu; liho (obs.). precipice. Pall, kawa. A series of precipices, kaka'i pall, 'opapall, 'opallpali, pall ku'l. p r e c i p i t o u s . Palipall, kunlhlnihi, k ulono, oheohe. precise. K u l i k e loa. mlomlo. p r e d a w n . P a w a , paoa. p r e d i c a t e . Mana'oha'i. p r e d i c a t i o n . Mana'oha'i. p r e d i c t . W a n a n a ; — misfortune, ho'ollollo. p r e e n . W a e , waewae; kanu'e'e'ina (obs.). p r e f a c e . '5lelo-ha'i-mua, 'olelo ho'akaaka mua. p r e f e r . 'Ol ka makemake.
poverty. See poor.
p o w d e r . Pauka, paoka, pouka, paula. Container for powder, poho pauka. Face powder, pauka maka. To powder, pauka. p o w d e r h o r n . 'Owill, kakal pauka, holowa'a 'owill. p o w d e r y . Huna, wall. p o w e r . M a n a , lima ikaika. Supernatural power, mana. Guardian power, mana kia'i. Power to fly, kino lele. The power of the press, ka mana o ka papa pa'i. Power of attorney, palapala ho'amana. Under control of a supernatural power, kalakupua. Great power, 'alna nui (nation). p o w e r f u l . M a n a , I k a l k a . Also: konaplliahl, ehuehu; maua'allna (obs.). p o w e r h o u s e . H a l e hana ulla. p r a c t i c e . 1. Train. H o ' o m a ' a m a ' a ; kahe'e (rare).
preferable. Aho.
prefix. H u a paku'i mamua o ka hua'olelo. p r e g n a n c y . Hapalna, kauhua. Pregnancy sickness, ho'okauhua, ma'i_kelkl, '¡loll. ho'Iloll. To cause pregnancy, ho'ohapal. p r e g n a n t . H a p a i . Also: pu'u, kanaka, kok3, plha, newe, laulau, ko. p r e j u d i c e . M a n a ' o ku'e, ho'okae. Race prejudice, ho'okae 'ill, kaupale '111.
2. See procedure,
p r a i r i e . K u l a akea. p r a i r i e d o g . ' I l l o kula 'olohelohe. p r a i s e . Mahalo, ho'omalka'i, ho'onani, kaena. Also: mllilanl. hi'llani, ho'ole'a, mallanl, ho'olanilani, lele pallani, pal, pal all'l, ho'okapukapu, akena, ho'onilu, hulani, hlla'l; hapaimemeue
p r o b e p r e l u d e . Wehe 'ana. p r e m a t u r e . 'E, mamua o ka wa kupono. Premature baby, keikl 'alu'alu, kelkl hanau 'e, mumuku. Premature birth, banau ewe, 'd'ili wale. To speak or act prematurely, lele 'e. p r e m e d i t a t e . No'ono'o mua, nalu mua. p r e m i e r . Kuhina, kuhlna nui. p r e m i u m . Uku kaulele. Insurance premium, uku ho'opa'a, uku 'lnlkua. p r e m o n i t i o n . Haill moe, hall's, p r e p a r a t i o n . M&kaukau, ho'omakaukau 'ana. p r e p a r a t o r y s c h o o l . Kula ho'omakaukau. p r e p a r e . Bo'omakaukau, hana, ho'ollullu. p r e p a r e d . Makaukau. Also: llullu, ku; lillhua (obs.). p r e p o s i t i o n . 'Inaleo, 'inawaena (part of speech). p r e p u c e . Heo. p r e p u t l u m . Maha. P r e s b y t e r i a n . Pelekepullkano. p r e s b y t e r y . 'Aha lunakahiko. p r e s c r i b e . Kuhlkuhl, ho'akaaka, a'o. p r e s c r i p t i o n . Kuhlkuhl; kuhlkuhl no ka la'au e pa'lpa'l al. p r e s e n c e . Alo. In the presence of, 1 mua o; me ka 'Ike maka o. Presence of mind, no'ono'o pono 1 ka wa ulla. p r e s e n t . 1. Now. 'Ano, kela manawa, kela ao. 3. At hand. Ma'ane'i; eia (as response to roll call). 3. Gift. Makana. Presents at birth of a child, makana hanau; malhull (obs.). 4. To present. Ha'awl, walho. p r e s e n t a t i o n . Ha'awl 'ana. p r e s e n t l y . Kokoke, auane'l. p r e s e r v a t i o n . Malama 'ana, mau. p r e s e r v e . Malama, mau. p r e s e r v e r . Mea kla'l, mea malama. p r e s i d e . Ho'omalu (as at a meeting). Presiding officer, luna ho'omalu. p r e s i d e n t . Felekikena, palekikena, iku lanl. p r e s i d e n t i a l . Peleldkena. p r e s s . 1. Exert pressure. Kaomi; kahl, 'alana (as clothes); — hard, kalele ku; •— out, kawl, kowi. Also: loml, komi, uma, 'opa, luml, kapa, mlka. Press, as for damping material or pressing clothes, mlklnl kaomi. 3. Printing press. Pa'l palapala, papa pa'l. The power of the press, ka mana o ka papa pa'l. p r e s s e d . Ckukua (with workh Hard-pressed, pill pu 1 ka pala (PE pili pu); palkl (obs.). presser f o o t . Kaomi lole, pale (on a sewing machine). p r e s s u r e . Ho'okaoml. p r e s u m e . Kuhl, kalno, mana'o wale. The accused party shall be presumed a good man, 'o ka mea 1 ho'opl'l 'la e mana'o 'la no 'oia he kanaka maika'l no. p r e s u m p t i o n . Mana'o koho, ho'okohu. p r e s u m p t u o u s . Maha'ol; hala'o'a (rare). p r e t e n d . Ho'omeamea, ho'okohukohu, ho'okamanl; ho'o- (as in ho'ohamama, ho'onou). Also: kama'e, ho'ohnle, kanale'o. See f e i g n , p r e t e n s e . Ho'okohu, ho'omeamea; noho ni'o (of knowledge or skill). p r e t e n t i o u s . Ho'ol'oi. p r e t e x t . Kumu e 'alo al. See excuse, p r e t t y . 1. Attractive. Nanl, maika'l, u'i, nohea, hua-pala. 3. Somewhat. 'Ano. Pretty good, 'ano maika'i. prevail. Lanakila, holopapa; lhe'e (obs.). p r e v e n t . Kaohl, pale, ke'ake'a. previous. Mua, mamua a'e. p r e y . Pio. price. Kumu ku'al, kumu, 'auhau, kala, make. Bid price, hulna koho. What is the pricef He aha ke kumu ku'al? 'Ehla kala?
p r i c k . ' 0 , 'o'e, hou. p r i c k l y . 'O'ol, kuku; mane'o (as some clothes), p r i c k l y b e a t . 'Ohune-wela. p r i c k l y p e a r . See c a c t u s , p r i c k l y p o p p y . Pua-kala, pokalakala. p r i d e . Ha'aheo, kel, keha (favorable); mana'o kl'ekl'e, ho'oki'ekl'e, pehu (conceit). Pride in ancestry, he'e holua (PE hdlua). Pride of the homeland, maka lehua no ke one hanau. See proud. p r i d e of B a r b a d o s . 'Ohal-ali'l. p r i d e of I n d i a . 'Inla, 'Ulnia. p r i e s t . Kahuna (various kinds, PE 106); kahuna pule, kahu akua; papahola (obs.). High priest, kahuna nul, kahuna po'o. Medical priest, kahuna lapa'au. Priest of the lineage of Lono, mo'o Lono. Priest of Lono, pallku, kuhl 'alaea (PE 159). Priest of the lineage of Ku, mo'o Ku. Catholic priest, makua 'uhane. Priests versed in all branches of the profession, puhl okaoka. Priestly class, papa kahuna, papa null honua. p r i e s t e s s . Kahuna pule wahlne, kaula wahlne, malo kea. p r i e s t h o o d . ' O l h a n a k a h u n a ; mo'o k a h u n a (succession). p r i m a r y . Mua. Primary election, koho wae moho, koho mua. Primary school, kula kamali'l. p r i m e . Nul, ko'lko'i, po'okela. Prime number, helu kumu. Prime factor, heluhana kumu. p r i m e m i n i s t e r . Kuhlna nul. p r i m e r . A'o heluhelu, kumu, pallma. To study a primer, pallma. p r i m i t i v e . Maka mua, kahlko. p r i m r o s e willow. Kamole. p r i n c e . Kelkl all'l, kamali'l kane. Crown prince, ho'ollina mo'i. p r i n c e s s . Kamali'l wahlne. p r i n c i p a l . 1. Main, head. Nul, mua. po'o. School principal, po'o kumu. 3. Capital sum. Kumupa'a. p r i n c i p l e . Lolna, kahua hana. p r i n t . Pa'l, klklko, kakau, kakau kaha. Printing press, mlklnl pa'l nupepa, pa'l palapala, papa pa'l. Print shop, hale pa'l. Block-print cloth, palaka. Print cloth, lau, lole kalakoa. To print, as tapa, ho'dnl'o, no'eno'e, kapala, palapala. See f o o t p r i n t , t y p e , p r i n t e r . Kanaka pa'l. p r i n t i n g . Pa'l hakahaka (as contrasted with handwriting). p r i n t i n g p r e s s . Mikini pa'l palapala. p r i n t s h o p . Hale pa'l. p r i o r . Mamua a'e. p r i s m . 'Opaka. p r i s o n . Hale pa'ahao, hale wal. To put in prison, ho'opa'ahao. p r i s o n e r . Pa'ahao, pio. p r i v a t e . Plllklno, pono'i. Private rights, pono plllklno. Private school, kula uku. Your private parts, kou wahi hllahila. privilege. Mana, kuleana. See d r e a m , privy. 1. See p r i v a t e . 3. Toilet. Lua, kl'ona. privy c o u n c i l . 'Aha kuka malu. p r i z e . Makana, uku. To prize, mlnamlna, mana'o nui, make'e, kau nul ka mana'o: ho'ohulu (for choiceness and rarity). See c h e r i s h , p r i z e d . Makamae, nene hlwa, wehlwa. p r i z e l i g h t . Ku'lku'l, mokomoko; pelepele (for sport). p r o b a b l y . Paha, pela paha, malia, auane'l, mali'a, maki'a. p r o b a t e . Ho'oko. p r o b a t i o n . Ho'omalu. Probation officer, maka'l ho'omalu. p r o b e . 'Child; 'o'e (upward); ho'o'e, 'aklu, nao.
p r o b l e m problem. Pillkia, hihia, pu'u, mana'oha'i, naneha'l. procedure. Hana 'ana, lawelawe 'ana. Correct procedure, pono. proceed. Hele mua, holo mua; ka'i like (in unison, as soldiers): ka'i hele (in line). process. Hana, 'ano o ka hana 'ana, holo 'ana; >alapala ki'i (legal document). Due process of aw, ku i ke kanawai. procession. Huaka'i, ka'i huaka'i, kaka'i, 'oka'i, ka'i. See ghost, proclaim. Kukala, kala, kalaku, ho'opuka, kuahaua, polo'al; — a law, lahui (rare). proclalmer. Mea kala, mea kukala, luna'olelo. proclamation. Palapala kukala, kala, kakalana, kuahaua. To call out a proclamation, kalahea. To go forth, issuing a proclamation, kala hele. procrastinate. Ho'opane'e. Also: ka'uka'u, ka'ulua, ho'olohi, 'apa'apa, ho'oli'ull'u, ho'onahili, ho'olalau, napa, 'apa'apana. procreate. Ho'opulapula. procure. Ki'i, loa'a. Also: we'», we'awe'a. procurer. We'a, we'awe'a. prod. 'Ohiki, 'o'e, ku'i, hu'o, hula, peu, luke; — loose, or sideways, kaiehu. prodigal. Ho'omaunauna, 'uha'uha. produce. Hua. To produce, loa'a, ho'okua. product. Hua loa'a, loa'a (as in arithmetic). productive. Huahua, mahuahua, hua nui. Productive or prolific family, welo hanau. profane. 1. See blaspheme, 2. Not sacred. Noa, la'a 'ole, kapu 'ole. profanity. See blaspheme, profess. H5'oia. See claim, profession. 'Olhana. One without a profession, kahua 'ole. professional. 'Olhana. Professional knowledge, 'ike pili 'olhana. Professional certificate, palapala hd'oia makaukau. professor. Polopeka. professorial. Polopeka. proficient. Makaukau, 'allolo. profile. 'Ao'ao. profit. Loa'a, puka, waiwai ho'opuka, pomaika'i, huina loa'a. Profit and loss, ka puka a me ka poho. Without profit, makehewa. profitable. Makepono, puka pono. profiteer. Ho'opukapuka hewa. profitless. Makehewa, 'u'a, pau'aka, ma'u wale, profound. Hohonu, kuli'u, kukonukonu, ku'ono, Ii'u; 'eli'ell, 'ali'all (as taboo). progenitor. Makua ali'i, makuali'i, makua. progeny. Welo, pua, kamali'i, kelki, kawowo, 'ano'ano. Source of progeny, kumu ho'olaha. prognosticate. 'Ouli, ha'l 'ouli, 'ouli hlki, wanana. program. Papa kuhlkuhi, papa ho'ike, papa hana, kuhikunina. progress. Holomua, holo i mua. holo le'a, ne'emua, pane'e i mua, ne'e i mua, ho'oka'oi. laua; kaholo (rapidly); kiinoni (slowly). To cause progress, ho'oholo i mua. progressive. Ho'oka'oi; ulupono (obs.). See progress. prohibit. Papa, ho'okapu, lahui, ho'ole. prohibition. Kapu, papa 'ana. Prohibition of intoxicants, ho'ole wai 'ona. project. 1. Protrude. Kela. Also: kihildhi; 'au (into the sea); 'omuku, ho'okio, muko'i, hala'o'a, wanao'a, peleleu, huku, kualapa, 'olapalapa, 'io'io. 'ou, ho'ou'ou, ho'oi, ko'i, ke'o; ho'olele (as pictures). Pock that projects, iwi honua. 2. Plan. Papa hana. projector. Mea ho'olele ki'i. prolific. Hanau nui, huahua, weliweli, weweli.
prolix. Ho'onui 'olelo. prolong. Ho'olo'ihi. ho'oloa. Also: ho'oeoe, ko_, ko loa, ho'okauwo (as rowels or sounds); na'u (breathing); ho'oli'ull'u, aeae, ho'oniau. promenade. Holoholo. prominent. 'Ol, ki'eki'e, ahuwale. Also: ko'iko'i, keha, kulana, me'e, lae lua, 'o'ili lua, kalalea, ka'oka'o, ki'i maka nunui. For saying, PE kalalea. promiscuous. Pill me kela me keia. Also: pipine, palemo, ku'ulala. lelele; 'O-lau-niu (fig.). Promiscuous male, pua'a laho, lahoku, mamo na Kama-pua'a. Promiscuous female, haka kau a ka manu (PE haka). promise. 'Olelo-pa'a, 'olelo-ho'ohiki. To promise, ho'ohiki. promissory note. Pila ho'ai'e, o'o. promontory. Lae, '51ae, 'oi'oina. promote. Ho'opi'i (as in a job); ho'oholo i mua, ho'oki'eki'e, ho'opaipai. promotion. Ho'opi'i, ho'oki'eki'e, ho'opaipai. prompt. Hlklwawe, 'eleu, miki'ala, miki. promulgate. Ho'olaha. prone. Moe palaha, moe, kipapa, kahela. pronoun. Paniinoa (various types, PE 289-190). pronounce. Ho'opuka. pronunciation. Hopuna, hopuna'dlelo, ho'opuka 'ana, puana. proof. Ho'oia'i'o, ho'ike. proofread. Heluhelu ho'oponopono. p r o o f s . Pa'i 'ana no ka ho'oponopono (of printing). prop. Ko'o, kia, unu, paepae, kako'o. To prop with a pole, ho'oko'o. propaganda. Ho'olaha mana'o. propagate. Ho'olaha, ho'oulu, p r o p a g a t i o n . Ho'olaha, ho'oulu. Means of propagation, kumu ho'olaha. Propagation of the faith, ho'olaha mana'o'i'o. propeller. Hullaho'one'e; pelemakani (Niihau). propeller blade. Epaepa hulla. proper. Kupono, ku, pono, nihinlhi. proper noun. Ha'linoa pili kahi. property. Waiwai, pono, kuleana, loa'a: 'ano pili (as of a number). Inherited properly, waiwai bo'oilina. Personal property, waiwai lewa. Stripped of property, huhuhune. For saying, see heaven. prophecy. Wanana; ulana (obs.). prophesy. Wanana; ulana (obs.). prophet. Kaula, makaula. Prophet of evil, waha 'awa. prophetess. Kaula wahine. propitiate. See placate. proportion. Lakio like. Simple proportion, lakio like kaukahi. Well-proportioned, kolopu, huake. proposal. Noi. Proposal of marriage, noi male. See propose, propose. Ho'olale, noi. Propose marriage, noi male. proposition. Kumumana'o. proprietor. Haku, 'ona, mea. pro rata. 'Awelika. prosecute. Ho'opi'i. prosecutor. Loio ho'okolokolo, mea ho'opi'i. proselyte. Ho'ohulihull. ka'ana. prosit! Kamaul prosper. Ho'owaiwai, lako, ho'oku'ono'ono. Also: pomaika'i, pono, lalawai, kuloa'a, polohuku, pokeokeo, ko'u. For saying, PE manu. prostitute. No equivalent in ancient times. W ahine ho'okamakama, wahine laikini, wahine pakaukau, wahine moekolohe. See Ink.
P u n a prostrate. Moe.
ho'ike i mua o ka lehulehu. To take a public stand, ku akea. p u b l i c a n . Luna 'auhau. p u b l i c a t i o n . Puke i pa'i 'la, pa'i 'ana. p u b l i c i t y . Ho'olaha, ho'olaulaha. p u b l i c i z e . Ho'olaulaha. ho'oku akea. p u b l i c l y . Laula, akea. p u b l i s h . Pa'i, ho'olaha. Who published the book? N a wai i pa'i i ka puke? p u b l i s h e r . Mea pa'i, luna ho'opuka. p u b l i s h i n g h o u s e . Hale pa'i. p u c k e r . Puku. pu'u. Also: mokio, llki, 'anuhenuhe, ho'o'i'ika, ho'ekeke'i. To pucker the lips, pu'u ka waha, minoi, minoinoi, kaniuli. To pucker and unpucker the lips, plolo. p u d d i n g . Pukini (Eng.). Kinds of Hawaiian puddings: haupia, a'ahokau (coconut cream and cornstarch, formerly arrowroot); kulolo, piele (taro, sweet potato, yam, banana, breadfruit with coconut cream); palau, ko'elepalau (sweet potato and coconut cream); hauko (arrowroot, coconut cream, sugar-cane juice). p u d d l e . Ki'o. Also: haloko, lahalaha wai. Puddles, malo'i, lokoloko. Mud puddle, ki'o lepo. alo'i. P u e b l o . Puepelo, Puebelo. P u e r t o R l c a n . Pokoliko, Poto Riko. P u e r t o Rico, P o r t o Rico. Pokoliko, Poto Riko. p u f f . Ha'u, ha'uha'u, puhi; 'umo'umokl (as on a cigar or pipe); haku'i (as smoke); ubauha (as a dog or wind); — sonorously, 'uhi'uha; — f o r breath, nae, naenae; — out, puha'u, 'olopu, nunu. Puff of smoke, popo uahi. p u f f e r fish. Akeke, 'o'opu-hue, pu'u-ola'i. p u f f i n . 'A'o. For saying, PE 'a'o. p u g d o g . 'ilio koki. p u g i l i s t . Ku'i lima, raokomoko, kualapehu. p u g n a c i o u s . Puni hakaka. p u g n o s e . Ihu ku, kekeko, keko, nukoki. p u l l . Huki; — up, uhuki, 'unu'unu; — obliquely, kiwi; — away from, nanahuki; — back steadily, as a line, 'awala; — taut, as a fishline, komi; — along, kaualak5; — hard or frequently, huhuki, hukihuki; — together, huki like, 'unu; — away, as in anger, oi; — out, as hairs or beard, mu o koli, melu, 'dhu'i; — down, as eyelid, ho'ohelei. Also: ko, koko, lolia, hulei, pane, uhu, 'u'u. 'ume, ue, koi, ala'ume; kolo (as a seine); 'a'ili, ka'i (as weeds). To pull opening of the net, hukia ka waha o ka 'upena. To pull on a paddle, ka i ka hoe. Pull a tooth, huki i ka niho. p u l l e t . Piopio moa wahine, obi moa wahine, 'ouo. p u l l e y . Ka'a, pokaka'a. p u l l i n g . Hukina, ka'ili'ili. p u l p . T o . pahe (of fruit). Reduced to a pulp. paluhe. p u l p i t . 'Awai. p u l s a t e . Pana, koni, konikoni, panau. p u l s e . Pana, a'a koni, a'alele. To take the pulse, nana i ka pana. p u l v e r i z e . Ho'okaoka, ho'ope, ho'ae, ho'opuhalu. p u l v e r i z e d . Palahe, pihelehele, paluhe; punapuna (obs.). See b a i t , p u m i c e . 'Ana, 'ana ola'i, ola'i, hule'ia. Also: bapou, lei ole, au. ho'one, hati; 'ana 'alaea (red); 'oabi (pink); elehu (ash-colored). p u m m e l . Ku'i pehi, haku'i. p u m p . Pauma. Water pump, pauma wai. Bilge pump, omo liu. p u m p k i n . P a l a ' a l , i p u - p u , pu, p u - k u a l a u . Pumpkin-bellied, 'opu pala'ai. Pumpkin poi, poi pala'ai. See p i e . p u n . Ho'opill 'olelo 'ano like. P u n a . Puna. For references, see c a r e f u l l y , k a v a ,
p r o s t r a t i o n . Moe. Prostration taboo, kapu moe. p r o t e c t . Ho'omalu, ho'omâmalu, ho'omaluhla, ho'opakele, pale, bo'opâlama, mâlama. p r o t e c t e d . Ho'omaluhla. mâmalu; 'ôpele (by taboo) ; mâlama 'la, pale 'ia. p r o t e c t i o n . Malu. Also: mâmalu, malumalu, 'alama, mea kia'i, pale, lulu. Protection of the gods, malumalu akua. It is protection for going in the sun, he malumalu hele la. Protection of the house of Ku, mamalu bale o Ku. Chiefly protection, lulu all'i. Fire protection, pale ahf. To bring under the care or protection of, ho'omalu. p r o t e c t o r a t e . Ho'omalu 'ana. p r o t é g é . Luhl. p r o t e s t . Kû'ê, ho'ohalahala, hô'ole, kë, ke'u, klpo'i, ho'oke. P r o t e s t a n t . Hô'olepope. p r o t r u d e . 'Oi'oi, huku, ho'ohuku, 'ou. Also: ki'ei, '5ku, 'ohu, pu'u, manana, bâkau, na'ana'a, ho'ona'ana'a. kio, 'o'oi, pu'uhaku, bake, kalalea, pohuku, waka. Protruding tooth, niho keu. Protruding lips, n u k u - p u ' u , pu'u ka nuku, 'e'ewa. p r o t u b e r a n c e . Pu'u. Also: klo, huku, pëheu, maka, lanahua, 'ohu, oiui, raurd; hukuli'i {small). p r o u d . Ha'ahno, ha'akel, kaena (usually favorable); bo'okano, ho'oki'eki'e, na'au ho'oki'eki'e (usually unfavorable). Also: heo, h o ' o h e o , ha'akoi, kalalï, ho'ëheu, ho'okehakeha, kaba, haha, ho'ohehelo, pahilolo, ke'o, ke'oke'o, pi'ilae, ku ka ihu; 'a'ano, koakoa (arrogant). The cloud billow stands proudly in the high air, ka 'ôpua ha'aheo 1 ka lewa. See p r i d e , p r o v e . Hô'oiâ'i'o, ho'oku'i'o. p r o v e r b . 'Olelo no'eau, 'olelo akamai. provide. Ho'olako, ho'onoho; ho'âkaaka (state). Provided jor by this law, ho'omâkaukau la ma keia kanawai (PE mâkaukau). p r o v i d e d . Eia no na'e ho'i (legal). p r o v i d e n t . Makauli'i. p r o v i d e r . Mea ho'olako, hânai, kâpûhl; makua (fig.). This one will provide for me, 'o ko'u makua aku ana këia. p r o v i n c e . Panalâ'au (colony); kuleana (affair). p r o v i s i o n a l . Kuikawa. Provisional government, aupuni kuikawa. provisions. Lako, ô. To issue provisions, ho'â'ïpu'upu'u. p r o v o k e . Ho'oukluki, ho'onaukiuki, ho'ohae, nana, ho'obana, bo'olale, ho'onâulu, ho'ohoa. To provoke trouble, hâlua; ho'ohaunâele (panic).
prow. Ihu.
p r o x y . Hope, panl hakahaka. p r u d e n t . Akahele. p r u n e . 1. Fruit. Puluna. 2. Trim. Pa'ipa'i, 'oki'oki. P r u s s i a . Pelukia. P r u s s i a n . Pelukia. p r y . Une, 'ôhiki. Also: ue, uma, 'o'e, hulâ, ina, ho'omahlki, ho'ohiki, ku'u; ine (obs.): — open, 'uwehe. To pry limpets loose, ku'i 'opt hi. To pry into the bad of the past, 'obikihiki. To pry into others' affairs, 'onou wale aku no i ko ha'l kuleana; pâhl'uhi'u. P s a l m . Halelu; Samori (1823, obs.). To sing psalms, haielu. p s a l t e r y . Pekalakelia, kuolokanl. wiola 'uml. p s y c h i a t r i s t . Kauka ho'oponopono no'ono'o (see PE ho'oponopono). p s y c h o s i s . Ma'i 'ôhewahewa; nahoa (rare). p s y c h o t i c . 'Ôpulepule, 'ôhewahewa. p u b e s c e n c e . Ho'oheu. p u b l i c . Lehulehu; âkea. Open to the public, hâmama 'ia i ka lehulehu. Public school, kula aupuni. To lay before the public, hô'ike âkea,
pandanus, perfume, UL 10
p u n c h p u n c h . 1. Strike. Ku'l, ku'ina, kuku'i. Paper punch, p&nlkl. Metal punch, hao hou puka. Punch doubly hard, ku'l lua, hiu 1 ka pu'upu'u. 3. Beverage. Meainu ho'onulhul (cool); wal hua'al (fruit). p u n c t u a l . Ku i ka manawa kupono. p u n c t u a t e . Ho'okomo klko. p u n c t u a t i o n . Elko. Punctuation mark, klko, kaha; klko bo'omaba (indicative of a pause). Manual of punctuation, a'o klko. p u n c t u r e . Puka, 4ou, ku 1 ke kul (as a tire, punctured by a nail); moku (as a cut tire). p u n i s h . Ho'opa'l; panlkl (rare). p u n k . La'au pauka makika (for mosquitoes). p u n n i n g . Ho'opllipill 'olelo. See p u n . p u n y . 'Ukiki, 'owali, 'omall, palakal, homi, hlnawenawe, hollll, bua li'i. p u p . 'Illo kelki. p u p i l . 1. Scholar. Haumana, haumana. New pupil, baumana komo hou. Head pupil in a hula school, po'opua'a. 3. Part of eye. 'Onohi maka, kl'l 'onohl. Dark pupil of the eye, kahlwa ull (obs.). p u r c h a s e . Mea ku'al. To purchase, ku'al mal. Purchased, lllo. p u r e . Ma'ema'e. Also: bemolele, huali, 'ano lanl, a ' l a ' l , p o l a n i . Pure-blooded, p i h a . Pure Hawaiian, Hawal'l plba. p u r g a t i v e . La'au naha. To act as a purgative, naha. Plants used as purgatives: ka'e'e, kallko, koali, kukul, moa, plli-kal. Purgatives: kukaplbe, welo. p u r g a t o r y . Lua abl ho'oma'ema'e, kahl ho'omaema'e, pulekakoll. p u r g e . Ho'oma'ema'e. Also: bo'olel aku, ho'oka'awale aku, lawe aku (Biblical): ho'ohl, hi, behu, haha, ho'obahu, lele wal (of bowels). p u r i f i c a t i o n . Ho'oma'ema'e 'ana. Purification day, la bulkala. Purification festivities, bl'uwal. See p u r i f y . p u r i f y . Ho'oma'ema'e. Also: hulkala, lele ull; bo'opapa (as a woman after childbirth); — with water, lele wal, hawal, kal 'olena; — with salt water, kapu kal, kapukapu kal, pi kal, pi kal 'olena. P u r i t a n . Pullkana. p u r i t y . Ma'ema'e. p u r l i n . 'Aho. Main house purlin, ke'a, 'abopueo. Horizontal purlin, 'ahokele. Thatch support purlin, 'a'aho, 'abopl'o kuabul, 'ahobul. p u r p l e . Ponl, maku'e. Purplish-blue (as sea, clouds), pdpolobua. See l a v e n d e r .
p u r p o s e . Kumu. Also: mea, pono, makla, hope. One purpose, person of fixed purpose, kla kahl. To go without purpose, nele wale, p u r r . Nonolo, nlao. p u r s e . 1. Bag. 'Eke'eke, 'eke'eke pa'a lima, 'eke kala, 'a'a monl, hlpu'u, palkl. 3. See p u c k e r , p u r s e r . Kupakako (ship). p u r s l a n e . Po'e, 'akullkull-kula. p u r s u e . Hahal, alualu. Also: hlu (with energy); uhal a holo (swiftly); kaubolo (to harm). For tayinn, PE pl oe'oe. p u s . Palahehe. p u s h . Pahu; — along, ne'e, pane'e; — with elbows and shoulders, kuke ku, ku'e, ho'oku'eku'e; — over, ho'epalaha, kuna'lna, kula'i, — up, peu; — aside, pale, lu, ho'oko, hu'e a'e, ual, papalena, ku'eku ena; — with a pole, ko'o. Also: papahu, gauma, uma, hu'e, ho'ohake, ke, ho oke, koko; lale, ho'olale (urge); naku (as through mud); ho'oko'oko'o, hou, kula'llua, kuke, 'onou. To push ahead, regardless of consequences, 'onou po'o, oko. p u s h c a r t . Ka'apahu. p u s h i n g . Hu'ena; pahuna (as of a spear); kula'lna. Jerky pushing motion, helo. p u s h - u p . Ko'o lima. p u t . Kau (various uses, PE Hi); — on, as clothes, komo, komo lole, komo a pa'a, a'ahu: ka'al (os armor); — out, as afire, klnai, ho'oplo; — down, waiho, ho'oku'u, ku'u; — up, kukulu; •— in, ho'okomo, ho'okomokomo. 5'o, ho'o, hahao; — forward, kaupe; — together, ho'oplll, uhaku; — on wrong, komohewa; komo humuhumu (inside out); — aside, as for safekeeping, ho'ahu; kiloa (obs.). Put out fires, kinal ahi. Put on a hat, papale, kau papale. Put on glasses, kaplll makaanlanl. Put out a light, klnal 1 ke kukul. Put on the light, ho'a 1 ke kukul. p u t r i d . Pilau, palabo. p u t t y . Pake. puzzle. Ho'opohlhlhl, ho'opaha'oha'o, nane. p u z z l e d . Kahaha, kOnana, ha'oha'o. To make puzzled, bo'oha'oha'o. p u z z l i n g . Ho'onanenane, ha'oha'o, paha'oha'o. pyelitis. Kikala hane'ene'e. pygarg. Klkona. p y o r r h e a . W a l n a . Medicine for pyorrhea, kuakala. p y r a m i d . Pu'o'a, pelamlka. Pyramid of Egypt, pu'u pelamlka o 'Alkuplka.
queer. 'Ano 'e.
q u e n c h e d . Kena, ldnai 'la. q u e r y . Ul, nlnau. q u e s t i o n . Nlnau, ul. To question repeatedly, nlnanlnau, nlele, neno. To ask a leading question, nlnau pak&ka. To question indirectly, ho'ohuahualau. q u e s t i o n m a r k . Kiko nlnau. q u e s t i o n n a i r e , Palapala nlnanlnau, ho'opihaplha, pa'i hakahaka. q u i c k . 'AwiwI, koke, mama, wikl, wlkiwikl, wawe, hlklwawe, 'eleu, 'emo 'ole, alawiki. Also: ala-, mlkl, 'a wlkl, 'akepa, 'akeu, hue, ka'uka'u lua, kaholo, alaplne, elemimo, alamlmo. lauahl, ho'okanahe, ko'ala, ko'ala'ala, alulu, ulele, 'akake, 'e'ea, puahla, muku, panehu, panale'a, na'ena'e. To learn quickly, 'a'apo. To make off with quickly, mlo, alamlo. q u i c k s a n d . Onepoho, one mlmlkl. q u i c k s i l v e r . Walk ala; heu. q u i c k s t e p . Hele wlkl. q u i c k - t e m p e r e d . Huhu wale, pokole ka na'au, nonohuwa, iolole'a. q u i c k t i m e . Hele wlkl. q u i e t . 1. Quality. Malie, ho'omalie, hllu. wallana, malu, maluhla, ho'omalu, ho'ola'i, la'l, pohu, malino; ano (wierd). Also: kuapapa, nlhi, kaulana, halana, dpuhea. ku'lnehe, kuakapu, la'lku, palanehe, konale, kapehe, kupalalkl, haumalu, malallle, no'eno'e, mfrao. mlha, hamiha, mahu, pu. To move quietly, hele malle, nlhl ka hele, ka'a niau. To do quietly, hana malle, kakaklhl. Weirdly quiet, ano, ku'lnehe. To think quietly, lana malle ka mana'o. Quiet sea, kal malino, malle ke kal, kal ku. Be quietl KullkullI 3. Transitive. Ho'ona, ho'onana, no'omallmall, ho'oma'allll. q u i e t e d . Akaku'u, na. See q u i e t , q u i l l . Hulu, hulu kakau (for writing). q u i l l s . Wanawana. q u i l t . Kapa kulkl; kapa 'apana, kapa lau (with appliquea designs); kapa pulu (padded); kapa ponopoho, kapa poho (patchwork, craiy); kihel pill, kapa pill (lined). Quilt pattern, lau. Base of quilt on which pattern is appliqued, kahua, honua. Poles used in quilt making, kua. To uilt, kulkl. Quilting designs, PE kuiki; also: ua-honu, kullpu'u, lala, nlho-wili-hemo. To follow designs in quilting, kulkl lau. To quilt in a direction away from the quitter, ho'oplipl'l. To finish a space in a quilt, ho'opaepae. Wellknown quilt patterns: hae Hnwafl (Hawaiian flag); hala-kahlkl (pineapple); 'ulu hua 1 ka napapa (PE 'ulu); makanl ka'lll aloha (wind that snatches love). q u i n t e t . Pu'ulu hlmenl pallma, kulnlkeke. q u i n t u p l e t . Hanau pallma. q u i t . Ha'alele, walho. Quit it! Uokll To quit work, ha'alele 1 ka hana; olohanl. q u i t c l a i m . Palapala ho'olllo. q u i t e . No, wale. Quite good, malka'i no, malka'i wale. q u i v e r . 1. Shake. Kapalill, ha'alulu, naka, kualakal, 1I'5, lule. Also: ha'ukeke, 'apl, pllu, 'oloka. 3. Arrow case. 'A'a pua. q u i z . Ho'ike pokole, nlnau ho'ike, nlele, ho'onlele, ho'ohuahualau. q u o i t s . Kilu, 'ume. q u o r u m . Hapa nul, kolamu. q u o t a . Mahele (share); ka mea 1 makemake 'la, ka heluna 1 makemake 'ia (desired quantity). q u o t a t i o n . Ka mea 1 'olelo 'la. q u o t a t i o n m a r k s . Kauna koma. q u o t e . 'Olelo, wahl. q u o t i e n t . Helu puka.
q . No Hawaiian term. q u a c k . Kaka. q u a d r a n g l e . Huinaha, huinaha like 'ole, huinaha lua like, q u a d r i l a t e r a l . Huinaha. q u a d r i l l e d a n c e . Ho'owillmo'o. q u a g g a . Kuaka. q u a i l . Manu-kapalulu. Rare: kakako, kelu, pau'&ka. q u a i n t . No ka wa kahlko, 'ano 'e. q u a k e . Ha'alulu, naue, naka, kualakal, kuhuluku. The earth quakes, nei ke 'ola'i. See e a r t h q u a k e . Q u a k e r . Kueka. q u a l l d c a t l o n s . N a mea e kupono al; na ho'okupono 'ana. q u a l i f i e d . M&kaukau, kupono. q u a l i t y . 'Ano, kulana. Poor quality, 'ano malka'i 'ole; kakake (obs.). Moral qualities, pono. q u a l m i s h . Pama'i, poluea. q u a n t i t y . Nul. Also: kuanlkl, pu'u. Great quantities, laupa'l, 'a'ole I laua aku, a'ole okana mai, a hewa. Small quantity, 'a'ohe nul, llhi, Ikl. q u a r a n t i n e . Ho'omalu ma'l. Quarantine station, hale ho'omalu. Animal quarantine station, wahi ho'omalu holoholona. q u a r r e l . Ho'opa'apa'a, palo, paonioni, ku'S'e, pa'ume'ume, nukfhukl, hakaka, haka 'olelo. Also: 'apunl, pa'apa'a, kamoko. q u a r r e l s o m e . Nana, lhu nana; kole ka waha (PE kole); nahunahu-ihu, kapeke'u, wawa'u. q u a r r y . Lua 'eli pdhaku. q u a r t . Kuaka. q u a r t e r . Hapaha; koaka (rare). Quarter to five, hapaha 1 koe kani ka hola 'ellma. q u a r t e r l y . H a p a h a . Quarterly report, ho'ike hapaha. q u a r t e r m a s t e r . Kuhoe. q u a r t e t . Pu'ulu hlmenl pah£, leoku paha. q u a v e r i n g . Ha'alulu, ha'iha'l. q u a y . Uwapo. Q u e b e c . Kulpeka. Kulbeka. q u e e n . Md'i wahlne, all'l wahlne, kulni; wahlne (in playing cards). q u e e n b e e . Nalo-mo'I wahlne.
railway depot. Hale ho'olulu.
r. No Hawaiian
rabbet. 'Ai kepa.
r a i n . Ua. Poetic name: kahlko o ke a k u a (adornment of the gods). Many local rains were named, as PE 333-3$5. Also: Ua-kukala-hale, UaV/a^ahila (Honolulu); Ua-Tuahino, U a - K u a h i n e (Manoa, Honolulu); K a ua-'ula, Ua-pa'u-pili (Lahaina)_; Ua-'ula-lena (Maui); Ua-lani-ha'ah a ' a (Hana); Ua-kani-lehua, Ua-he'e-nehu (Hilo); H a ' a o (Ka'u); Kipu'upu'u (Waimea, Hawaii); U a - K a ' a u , Ua-ka'ele-loli, Ua-po'olipilipi, Ua-po'o-nui, Popo-ua. In poetry, rain or rains may .signify joy, life, growth, greenery; good fortune (light rains, mist); grief, sorrow, and tears (heavy rains); the presence of gods or royalty, sexual relations, beauty; hardship. Fine light rain (much beloved), kili, ho'okili, kilihune, lilinoe, kili noe, lihau, kilikili noe, kilikilioe, kili nahe; uaoa (obs.). Light moving rain, ko'iawe. Fine wind-blown rain, lelehuna, lelehune, lele ua, leleaka. Chilly rain, kili hau, ua ^awa. Rain spray, ehu. Showery rain, ua naulu, paki'o, paki'oki'o. Drenching rain, ua ho'e'ele. The bitter rain, k a u a 'awa (of grief, tragedy, hardship). Rain downpour, ua lani pili, ua loku. Continuous rain, ua ho'okina, piplnoke. Rain with large drops, ua hekili, p a k a k u . Slanting rain, ua hikiki'i. Unexpected rain, ililani. Mountain rain, ki'o-wao. Rairibow-hued rain, uakoko, ko'i'ula. Spring rain, k u a u a hope. Latter rain, k u a u a hope. Rain guage, ana ua. Heiau with offerings for rain, heiau ho'oulu ua. Thunder without rain, hekili pamalo. Darkness of rain. 'eleua. Hilo is famous for rain, as in this saying: 'ele'ele Hilo. p a n o p a n o i ka ua, Hilo is black, dark with rain (hardship, grief, trouble). See
r a b b i t . L a p a k i , 'iole lapaki.
raccoon. Lakuna.
downpour, Hilo.
r a c e . 1. People. Lahui. 2. Contest. Heihei. Goal or starting place of race, pahu, p a h u k u . Swimming race, heihei 'au. Race with a burden, heihei ha'awe. To practice racing, ho'okaholoholo,
r a i n b o w . Anuenue. Fig.: ao a k u a . h a k a 'ula a Kane. The rainbow symbolized the presence of chiefs or gods. Rainbow fragment, 'onohi, "onohi 'ula, ala m u k u . Reddish rainbow, ua 'alaea. Greenish rainbow, h a k a h a k a e a (obs.). Earthclinging rainbow, uakoko, lehopulu. Standing rainbow shaft, kahili. Rainbow around sun or moon, luahona. Rainbow-sparkling rain, uakoko. Lunar rainbow, anuenue k a u po; po makole (night of lunar rainbow). See a r c h ,
kohe'e. See canoe race, foot race, horse race, sack race, race horse. Lio heihei. race prejudice. Ho'okae 'ili.
r a c e t r a c k . K a h u a heihei, lina heihei.
racial. Lahui.
rainbow runner. Kamanu (a fish).
r a c k . H a k a , holopapa; heke (for hanging); oleole (for storage); h a k a kaula'i (for drying); kau mokoi (for fish poles). r a c k e t . H a n a kuli, wawa, 'uwa, halulu. See
r a i n c o a t . K u k a u a , kukaweko, kuka'aila. Old kind of ti-Ieaf raincoat or cape, 'ahu la'i, 'ahuna, kui la i.
tennis racket, raconteur. Kaka'olelo.
r a i n d r o p s . P a k a ua, paka, kili. r a i n f o r e s t . Ma'ukele, wao kele, m a ' a u .
r a d i a n t . M a l a m a l a m a , 'alohllohi, 'olinolino, 'ula. r a d i a t e . P u k a mai, p u a ' i mai. k u k u n a , wanao'a. To radiate happiness, p u k a mai k a hau'oli. r a d i c a l . K u l i k e 'ole me k a m e a m a ' a m a u .
rain spray. Noe, ua noe; lelehune (wind-blown).
rain tree. 'Ohai. rain water. Wai lani, wai hua, huawaimaka. r a i n y . Ua. ' o u a u a ; pahululu (obs.).
radio. Radio.
rainy season. Wa ua, ho'oilo, la'a ua.
radio broadcast. Ho'olele leo. radio broadcasting station. Kahua ho'olele leo.
r a i s e . 1. Lift. Hapai, pai, ea, 'a'e, aea. Also: ho'ala, ka'ika'i, hulei, amoamo, auku, moala. To raise a bet, kale'oa. 2. Bring up a child. Hanai. r a i s i n . H u a w a i n a malo'o. r a k e . Kope, 'o'o kope, kope ahi, kope lehu, makoe, mahelu, maheu. R a l e i g h . Lalei, Ralei. rally. Halawai ho'eu'eu; h a ' i k u u m a u r a a (obs.). r a m . 1. Sheep. H i p a kane. 2. Shove. Hou, p a h u , kipi, 'ohelo. r a m b l e . ' A u a n a ; to — verbally, pua'ohi; kl'ilau (rare). Also: lanaau, hiliau, kakele, kakaki'i.
r a d i o g r a m . Kelekalapa, kelekalama. radius. Kahahanai, kukuna.
radix. Lakika. raffle. Lulu.
raft. Huinala'aulana, huinapapalana. r a f t e r . K u a , o'a. Head of rafter, poheoheo. Neck at rafter end, p a u ' a k a ' a k a . r a g . Welu, k a p a pe'a. Heap of rags, p u ' u welu. r a g e . H u h u loa, pi'i k a h u h u wela l_oa, inaina, hae, 'ena, 'ena'ena, 'o'oloku, pikanana, kupiki'o. Rare: 'ulupa, k u a p u ' e , hekili, k u kakalaioa, aulu, k a h u , puoko, k u k e ku. r a g g e d . Weluwelu, pawelu, 'awelu, welu. r a i d . P a k a h a , h o ' o u k a k a u a . Air raid, p a k a h a m a i k a lewa. r a i l . 1. Bar. Pale, kaola, kalele: pale kai (of a vessel); ' a ' a h o (fence). See r a i l i n g . 2. Bird. Moho, mohoea. r a i l i n g . Pale. Porch railing, pale lanai.
ramie. Lamle.
r a m r o d . 'Ohelo, helo, ni'au. r a n c h . W a h i hanai holoholona. r a n c h e r . K a h u pipi (cattle). r a n c i d . 'I'i, palatiioa. polopolona, palani; puleipulu (obs.). See s m e l l , r a n d o m . Wale. To read at random, heluhelu kaulele. To select at random, 'ohi kaulele. r a n k . 1. Grade. Kulana, papa. High rank, kulana ali'i, k u l a n a ki'eki'e, hulinu'u. Low rank, kulana h a ' a h a ' a , kupa-li'i, 'alu. To marry to increase
railroad. Ka'aahi.
railway. Alahao.
r e c i t e r a z o r . P a h i ' u m i ' u m l , pahl kahl, pahi amu.
rank, ho'i. To claim high rank, pl'ikoi. To arrange by rank, nohc papa. 3 . Formation. Lalani, p a p a , p a p a po o, hunalewa. To stand in ranks, k u k u p a p a . 3 . Of growth. Uluahewa, ulu mil, hanahihi, hihia; 'ohaohala (obs.).
razorback. Kua kulilipi (as of a pig).
r e . 1. Regarding. E pili ana. 2. Note in music. K o . r e a c h . Hiki, ku, loa'a (arrive at); pa,_'o, k a ' a , huki; to — out, extend, lalau, kiko'o, m a ' a ' a . oni; to — up or high, ho'ocoe, kela; to — in, ho'o; to — far for, k o ' o k o ' o n a ; to — around, apo; to — the summit, ni'o; to — a goal, kOkawowo. To reach a house, hiki i k a hale; l o a ' a k a hale; ho'ea i k a hale, r e a d . Heiuhelu. To read in turn, heluhelu k a ' a hele. r e a d e r . M e a heluhelu, po'e heluhelu (person); p u k e heluhelu, a ' o heluhelu (book). Reader of omens, kilo. r e a d y . M a k a u k a u . Also: ku, liuliu, 'e'ea. Get ready, h o ' o m a k a u k a u , iku.
r a n s a c k . Kueka'a.
r a n s o m . Ho'ola pana'i, ola pana'i, uku pana'i, k u m u p a n a ' i , k u m u ho'ola, k u ' a l ho'ola, kalahala. r a n t . N u k u , wawaha, ho'onui 'olelo, waha kole, 'ole'ole, k u k a h a l a k e . Shameless ranting, n u k u hilahila 'ole. For saying, see bri&vle. r a p . Kike, klkeke, klkoni; ' u k e (obs.). r a p a c i o u s . H a o wale, 'alunu, ' a n u n u , 'anulu.
rape. Pu'e, pu'e wale, rapid. See fast.
r a p t . Lllo 1 k a ho'olohe, nanea 1 k a ho'olohe. r a r e . 1. Infrequent. Kaka'ikahi, 'a'ole h a n a m a u 'la, laha 'ole. m e a laha 'ole. Also: hlhiu, panoanoa, mallhlni. 2. Underdone. M o ' a Ikl, m o ' a hapa, m o ' a kolekole, ho'okolekole, kokoko (as steak); pala, makali (obs.).
ready-made. Pa'a mua (clothes).
r e a l . Maoli. 'i'o, 'oia'i'o, pono'i. r e a l e s t a t e . Waiwai pa'a. Real estate 'oihana k u ' a i 'aina.
realize. Ho'omaopopo.
Rarotonga. I.alako'a.
r a s c a l . Kolohe, k u p u ' e u , 'aplkl. For idiom,
parrot fish,
r e a l l y . 'A 'oia, 'oia, ' i ' o , maoli. Not 'A'ohe 'i'o ho'i?
Hole. See ratlike,
See price.
r a t h e r . 1. Quite. makemake.
r e a r . 1. Back. Hope. Rear of an army, rear guard, h u n a p a ' a . 2. Raise, as a child. H a n a i . One who helps rear a child, mea n a n a i luhi. One who rears a child, k a h u hanai. 3. yls a horse. 'Owala, wala kua, 'oku'oku.
rear admiral. Lia'akimalala.
r e a s o n . K u m u , mea, kuleana, k a u . Without reason, wale, honua. For this reason, no ia mea, no iaila. For what reason, aha, no ke aha, no ke k u m u hea. r e a s o n a b l e . 1. Sensible. Kaulike ka no'ono'o. 2. Not expensive. Makepono. r e b e l . Kipi, ke'ehi, kimopo, ' a p u a .
rate, helu kuala.
'Ano. 2. Prefer.
ream. 'Apa. reap. 'Ohi (as grain).
r a s h . 1. Bold. 'A'a makehewa, 'aku'akii. 2. Of skin. 'Ohune. Heat rash, "ohune-wela. r a s p . Hole, a p u a p u , walu, 'uwalu, waluhla, waluwalu, wa'u, uwa'u, wa'uwa'u, wawalu; ' i i (sound in chanting). r a s p b e r r y . 'Akala, kala, 'akalakala, ola'a. r a t . 'Iole. Large rat, 'iole-nui, iole-po'o-wai. Like a rat, ho'iole, 'io'lole. Food left by rats, pa'iole. Rat shooting, p a n a 'iole (with bow and arrow). Blurred eyes of a rat, h a u m a k a ' i o l e (of old age). For sayings, see p e b b l e , PE piko pau r a t e . Helu, ana, nui. Interest
'Oi a'e ka
rebellion. Kipi.
r e b i r t h . Hanau hou. r e b o r n . Hanau hou.
r a t i f i c a t i o n . 'Apono 'ana. r a t i f y . 'Apono. r a t i n g . K u l a n a , papa,
r e b u k e . Nuku, huhu; pukapai
r a t i o n . Kaupalena, ha'awi k a u p a l e n a . Also: maukoli, kihau. r a t i o n a l . M a i k a ' i ka no'ono'o, no'ono'o kupono, ao k a n a k a ,
r e b u t t a l . Ho'ike paku'i. r e c a l l . 1. Remember. H o ' o m a n a ' o . Also: h a ' u p u , h a ' u p u ' u p u , h o ' o h a ' u p u , h o ' u p u ' u p u , hali'a, hali'ali'a, ho'ono'ono'o, ho'omaopopo; kawelewele (something forgotten); mali'a. 2. Call again. K a h e a hou. r e c e d e . Emi, ho'i i hope, laumeki, mu'ekeke'i, nioke. r e c e i p t . P a l a p a l a ho'oka'a, likikl h o ' o k a ' a .
rebuked. Pa i ka leo.
ratio. Lakio.
r a t i o n s . O (sea rations).
r a t l i k e . Ho'iole (fig., steal, cheat). r a t t e r r i e r . 'Ilio 'iole. r a t t l e . Ko'ele, nakeke, ho'onakeke, h a l u k u , k a p a , 'uli'uii. See r a t t l e s ,
receipts. Loa'a.
r e c e i v e . L o a ' a mai. To receive guests, h o ' o k l p a malihini. To receive without giving, m a u a .
r a t t l e b o i . Pikakani.
rattlepod. Kukae-hoki.
r a t t l e s . Pu'ili (bamboo); 'uli'uii
recent. Hou. recently. 'Ano iho nel.
rattlesnake. Naheka-huelo-kani. rave. See rant,
r e c e p t a c l e . Waihona. Also: wa'a, kino, poho, haona. r e c e p t i o n . K i p a ' a n a . Wedding reception, p a ' i n a male. Royal reception, a n a i n a 'ike ali'l.
ravenous. Hae ka pu'u.
reception room. Luml ho'oluana.
r a t t r a p . 'Opiki 'iole, 'umi'i 'iole. r a v a g e . L u k u , hao wale, ho'oneoneo, apu, h u m u humu, hakuma.
r a v e n . Kolaka.
r e c e p t i o n i s t . Mea ho'okipa.
r a v i n e . Kahawai. awaawa, awawa, 'opaka, 'a'alu, 'alu; deep —, kuhoho. Many ratines, 'olapalapa. r a v i s h . Pu'e, lima ika.ika. r a w . M a k a , m a k a m a k a . kolekole (as meat); mukole (inflamed). Almost raw, m o ' a m a k a . Raw fish, i'a m a k a ; kualakai (obs.). r a w n e s s . Kolekole; hela (of skin). See r a w . r a y . 1. Spoke. K u k u n a , wana, h o ' o m a n a m a n a . Rays of the sun, k u k u n a o k a la. 2 . Fish. H i h i m a n u , hailepo (sling ray); h a h a l u a (manta). r a z e . K u ' i k e , ho'ohiolo, 'ulupa. See d e m o l i s h .
recess. Ho'omalolo.
r e c i p e . Lula no ke kulce 'ana. r e c i p i e n t . H a k a , ilina. r e c i p r o c a l p r o p o r t i o n . Lakio like huli hope,
reciprocate. Pana'i. reciprocity. Pana'i.
R e c i p r o c i t y T r e a t y . K u ' i k a h i P a n a ' i Like, r e c i t e . H a ' i wale waha mai, k u k u ' i 'olelo. To recite in order, helu p a p a . To reaite first lines of a stanza by the dancer, k a h e a . To recite rhythmically, as Bible passages, ho'aeae.
reckless reckless.
N a n a ' o l e 1 k a pono,
r e d s n a p p e r s . ' U l a ' u l a ; k o ' i (young stage). reduce. H o ' e m i , ho'o'u'uku, ho'owiwi; ho'emi k i n o , h o ' e m i m o m o n a (lose weight). reduced. Emi. r e d u c t i o n . E m i ; h o ' o l i l o (fractions). Reduction sale, k u ' a i h o ' e m i . r e e d . ' O h e , he'u-pueo. r e e f . 1. Coral. K o h o l a (outer); p a p a i o a . See c o r a l . 3. Sail. L i . r e e l . 1. Whirl. K u n e w a , n e w a , kahulihuli, k u l a n a , k u l a n a l a n a , hlkaka. Also: hllala, k a ' a l e l e . k i w i , m a h i k a k a . 3. Spool. P o k a ' a ; mikini ho'owili lawai'a (fishing). r e f e r . P i l i (intransitive); w a i h o (as to a committee). Refer concisely or exactly, pili p o n o . referee. 'Uao. r e f e r e n c e . M a n a ' o 1 h o ' o p a ' a 'ia (data); k u h i k u hina. Character reference, h o ' i k e k u l a n a . r e f e r e n c e c o m m i t t e e . K o m i k e hulihull, k S m l k e noi'i. r e f e r e n d u m . K o h o kulkawa a ka po'e koho paloka. r e f i n e . H o ' a e ' a e . Refine sugar, h o ' o k e ' o k e ' o i k e k o p a ' a 'ula'ula. r e f l e c t . 1. To cast a reflection. N o h o ke a k a , i l i k e aka, h o ' a k a . Also: huaka, akuli. If the pupil is unskilled, the errors reflect on the teacher, i h e m a h e m a ka h a u m a n a , ill ka ' a h e w a 1 k e k u m u . 3. Think. N o ' o n o ' o , nalu, w a e . r e f l e c t i o n . A k a , wai aka, n o ' o n o ' o . See r e f l e c t , r e f l e x i v e p r o n o u n . P a n i i n o a pelu h o p e , p a n i i n o a huli-'aulkumu. r e f o r m . Ho'opololei, ho'ohuli, h o ' o p o n o p o n o h o u . r e f o r m party. 'Ao'ao ho'oma'ema'e. r e f o r m school. Kula ho'opololei. r e f r a i n . 1. Abstain. H o ' o k i , h o ' o k a ' a ' o k o ' a . 3. Song. P u a n a . Tell the refrain, h a ' i n a 'ia m a i a n a k a puana. r e f r e s h i n g . ' O l u ' o l u , aniani, m a ' u , h o ' o p i o . r e f r e s h m e n t . M e a ' a l . Light refreshment, mea'al mama, r e f r i g e r a t o r . P a h u hau. r e f u g e . P u ' u h o n u a , w a h l k a n a a h o , w a h l palekana. r e f u g e e . M e a holo i pakele. r e f u n d . U k u p a n a ' i , p a n i hou, h o ' i h o ' l h o u i k e kala. refusal. Ho'ole. r e f u s e . 1. Deny. H o ' o l e , k e ; — to part with, ' a u ' a : — to see, n a ' i ' i k e : h o l a ' o (obs.); — to speak, ' a u ' a , ' a ' o l e m a k e m a k e e k a m a ' i l i o , nukuke. 2. See r u b b i s h , r e f u t e . P a l e 'olelo, pane, h o ' o k a p a e . r e g a i n . L o a ' a hou. r e g a l . A l i ' i , h o ' a l i ' i , h o ' o h i e , h a n o h a n o , 'ula,
'ole. To run recklessly, h o l o pupule. r e c k o n i n g . Helu, no'ono'o. recline. Kamoe, momoe. r e c o g n i t i o n . H o ' o m a o p o p o , 'ike. Recognition token, h d ' a i l o n a . r e c o g n i z e . H o ' o m a o p o p o , 'ike. ' i ' i k e . To recognize at sight, h o ' o k u ' i k e . To recognize one another, ' i k e aku, ' i k e mai. To fail to recognize, h o ' o h e w a h e w a ; h o l a ' o (obs.). r e c o i l . K u e m i ; pinau (obs.). r e c o l l e c t . See r e c a l l , r e c o m m e n d . 'Apono. r e c o m m e n d a t i o n . K a k o ' o (.support); ho'omaik a ' i ( c o n g r a t u l a t i o n ) . Letter of recommendation, palapala kako'o, palapala 'apono. r e c o m p e n s e . U k u . To go without recompense, hele w a l e . r e c o n c i l e . H o ' o k u ' i k i h i , 'uao, h o ' o l a u l e ' a . r e c o n n o l t e r . H o ' o m a k a k i u , hakilo. r e c o r d . 1. Account. M o ' o l e l o . Continuous record, k u a m o ' o 'ol_elo. Congressional record, m o ' o l e l o ' a h a ' d l e l o lahui. To record a story, ho'opa'a m o ' o l e l o . To keep a record, h o ' o p a ' a m a n a ' o . To record a voice, ' a p o leo. 3. Phonograph. Pa, pa b o ' o k a n l . 3 . See B e s t , r e c o r d e r . K a k a u inoa, k a k a u m o ' o l e l o , k a k a u h a n a ; m i k i n i ' a p o l e o (voice). r e c o r d e r ' s office. K e ' e n a kakau kopo. r e c o r d i n g m a c h i n e . Mikini ho'opa'a. r e c o u n t . 1. Tell. K u k a ' i 'olelo, helu. 3. Count again. H e l u hou. r e c o v e r . Ola, o l a hou, o l a loa, p o h a l a , p o l a p o l a . Rare:kuhou, h o ' o m d h a l a , konea. paola, k u p a k u . r e c r e a t i o n . M e a h o ' o n a n e a . m e a l e ' a l e ' a . Board of Parks and Recreation, p a p a o na p a k a a m e na h a n a h o ' o n a n e a . r e c r u i t . K o a komo mua. r e c t a n g l e . H u i n a h a loa, 'abaluallke. rectify. Ho'oponopono. r e c t u m . P u k a ' o k o l e , ' a m o , ' » m o hulu. r e d . ' U l a , ' u l a ' u l a (a sacred color associatedwith royalty); v e n a , w e o . Also: m a ' u l a ' u l a , p u ' u l a 'ufa, ' o w e o , kole, m a k o l e , mukole, h a ' e n a , n o n o , k u n o n o , heka, hela, m a ' a l a e a , p u a k o ' u l a , n a o , ' a p a n e , n a w e o . Shades of red: 'ula ' o k o k o , ' u l a k i n a ' u , h e ' a , p u k o k o (blood); ' u l a p a l a n i ( b r a n d y ) ; p a l a ' a (brownish); hillhili, 'ula w e o , 'ula w e n a , ula m a k u ' e , m a k u ' a , 'ula h i w a , nao, h i ' o h l ' o (dark); ' u l a h e a (faded); punono (glowing); m o a n o (pale)' ' u l a m a k u e (purplish); 'ula w a l n a (wine). Red of natural phenomena: 'alaea (of rainbow or dark meat of fish); helo (of ' o h e l o berries); p u k o k o , m a k o l e (of tinted cloud); n o n o , m a n o n o , m a k o u , m o h i o h i o (of sunburn). Red of tapa: p u n o n i (PE 328), puakai, p u k o h u k o h u . Red hair, p o ' o ' u l a ' u l a (of Caucasians); 'ehu (of Polynesians). See r e d d i s h , r e d d i s h - b r o w n , r e d b l r d . Manu-'ula'ula. B e d Cross. Hui K e ' a 'Ula'ula. K e ' a 'Ula'ula. r e d d e n . H o ' u l a ' u l a . h o ' u l a , ' o w e o , he'a, nononea. r e d d i s h . H a ' u l a , h a ' u l a ' u l a , a'ula, '5mea, m a k o t o , 'e'ohu, n o n o m e a , hehelo, ' i w i ; — tinge in hair, 'ehu. reddish-brown.
pali loa, kapulcapu. r e g a l i a . A ' a h u 'oihana p i h a , na k a h i k o , na m e a ho'ohanohano. r e g a r d . M a l i u , haliu. r e g a r d l e s s . I l o k o o, ola ana no. r e g a r d s . A l o h a , m a h a l o . Best regards, me ke aloha, m e k a mahalo. r e g a t t a . Heihei wa'apa. r e g a t t a d a y . La. h o ' o h e i h e i w a ' a p a . r e g e n t . K u h i n a , kahu. Board of regents of the university, p a p a o na kahu k u l a o k e kulanul. r e g i m e n t . Pu'ali koa; lekimana (rare). r e g i o n . See l a n d , p l a c e . r e g i s t e r . K a k a u h o ' o p a ' a , k a k a u inoa, p a p a Inoa, h o ' o p a ' a , k a k a u h o ' i k e 'ana. Registered letter, l e k a i h o ' o p a ' a 'la. r e g i s t r a t i o n . K a k a u inoa, h o ' o p a ' a inoa. Registration office, 'oihana k a k a u k o p e . Registration of partnership, kakau k o p e ' a n a o na hui. Registration of voters, k a k a u i n o a ' a n a o k a p o ' e koho. Board of registration, papa ho'opa'a inoa.
'ehu. ' e a ; ' i ' i (as a dog); k a ' a o n a . r e d d i s h - p u r p l e . K a l 'ina. r e d d i s h - y e l l o w . P a l a 'ehu. r e d e e m . U k u pana'l. r e d e e m e r . H o ' o l a pana'i, pu'ukalahala. r e d e m p t i o n . U k u pana'l. r e d - e y e d . M a k o l e , noe'ula. r e d - h o t . ' E n a , ' e n a ' e n a , ha'ena, m a k o l e , k a o k o . r e d p e p p e r . N i o l (various kinds, PE H6). R e d River. Muliwal-'ula'ula. R e d Sea. Kal-'ula.
reprieve remains.
r e g r e t . M l h i . Also: aumihi, mlmlhl, m i m i m i h i ; mlnamina, m a m i n a (regret a loss); hiki 'ole (inability). r e g u l a r . M a ' a m a u , pa'a mau, kumau, kaukahi. r e g u l a t e . H o ' o p o n o p o n o , ho'onoho. r e g u l a t i o n . L u l a , kanawai. r e g u l a t o r . H u i l a nihoniho (stitch). r e g u r g i t a t e . H o ' o l u a l u a ' i , ho'opi'lpi'i. rehabilitate. Ho'opulapula. r e h a b i l i t a t i o n . Ho'opulapula. r e h e a r s a l . H o ' o m a ' a m a ' a . H o ' o m a ' a m a ' a ho'lke'ike (for show). rehearse. Ho'oma'ama'a. r e i g n . N o h o ali'i, noho aupuni, noho, 'ai. ku, ho'omalu. r e i n c a r n a t i o n . H o ' o k l n o hou 'ia. r e i n d e e r . Leinekia. r e i n s . K a u l a waha, laina kaula waha. "ill, 'ill kauwo, kaula kaohl. r e j e c t . H o ' o l e , ba'alele. Also: hula, kamalole. r e j o i c e . 'Oli, hau'oll, 'oli'oli, 'olina. rejuvenate. Ho'dpiopio. r e l a t e . X. See t e l l . 2. Refer. Pili. r e l a t e d . Plli, 'ohana, pill 'ohana; pili ma ka banauna (PE hanauna). People related for generations, lepo 'ula'ula (fig.). r e l a t i o n . See r e l a t i v e . r e l a t i o n s h i p . P i l i , pllina, pilikana. Relationship by blood, pili k o k o , pili 'onana. Loving relationship. pilialoha. Relationship by friendship, hale aikane, pili kamau. Relationship to one of high rank., pili ali'i, pilipili 'ula. To claim relationship, ho'opfli, ho'opilipili. Inseparable relationship, pili webena 'ole, pili wehe 'ana 'ole. To abolish relationship, wehe i ka pili, hehi i ka pili, mo ka piko, moku ka piko. Distant relationship, plli ma na kupuna; also: 'iewe, auahi, aupo'lpu, hanauna.
K o e n a ; kupapa'u, heana,
(corpse). r e m a r k . See c r u e l , s a y . r e m a r k a b l e . K a m a h a ' o , kupalanaha, kupanaha. r e m e d y . L a ' a u (medicine); ke'ebina hana (solution, as to a problem). r e m e m b e r . H o ' o m a n a ' o , ho'omaopopo, ha'upu, ho'ono'ono'o, pa'ana'au.Fondly remember, hali'a aloha. Remember imperfectly, pa'a pahemohemc. See r e c a l l , r e m e m b r a n c e . See m e m o r y , r e m i n d . H o ' o m a n a ' o mai. ho'omaopopo, ho'ala mana'o. Also: ho'upu'upu, ho'ohali'a. r e m i n d e r . M e a ho'omana'o. reminiscent. Ho'ono'ono'o, ho'ohali'ali'a, ho'ala mana'o. r e m i s s . H e w a , palaka. ka'ulua. r e m i s s i o n o f s i n s . Kalahala, wehe hala, wehewehe hala. r e m i t . 1. Send Ho'ouna. 2. Pardon. Makala, mokala, molokala. To remit sins, kalahala. r e m i t t a n c e . Uku, kala i ho'ouna 'ia. r e m n a n t . K o e n a . Also: koehonua, hakina, puehu, iwi, hi'uhi'u; 'ai pala niho (food). r e m o r a . O m o , leleiona. r e m o r s e . M i h l , mi hi kaumaha, mlhi 'eha'eha. r e m o t e . M a m a o , kuli'u, 'iu'iu, auwaea. r e m o v e . L a w e i kahi 'e, l a w e aku, kapae, kala. wehe, wehewehe, ho'omaraao, hu'e, mahu'e, ihi. Also: 'oloka'a, olohl'a. kule, nai'i. r e m u n e r a t e . Uku. r e m u n e r a t i o n . Uku. r e n d . H o ' o k e p a , 'olepe. See t e a r , r e n e w . H a n a hou, ho'omau hou, h o ' o m a k a hou, ho'ala. r e n o w n e d . See f a m o u s , rent. Ho'olimalima. r e o r g a n i z e . H o ' o n o h o n o h o hou. ho'oponopono hou. r e p a i r . Pahonohono, kapill, hana hou. r e p a r t e e . P a n e ho'akamal, ho'opapa, ' o l e l o k l k e ; 'apa'apani (rare). Amusing repartee, pane ho'omake'aka. r e p e a l . H o ' o p a u , ho'onoa. r e p e a t . 'Olelo hou, hana hou. Also: ho'olua, noke, ho'omano, kuawili, pina'i, hono, milika'a, ka'aweleka, kolea, ho'opokaka'a, kuili, ho'opakuwa, kaiua. Repeat sign in music, ho'i hou. r e p e l . Pale, pahuku. r e p e n t . M i h i , mimihi, mimimihi. r e p e t i t i o u s . Kuawili. kualauwili, laukua, pepelu. r e p l a c e . P a n i , pani hakahaka, pana'l. r e p l a c e m e n t . Pani hakahaka. r e p l a n t . K a n u hou. r e p l y . See a n s w e r . r e p o r t . 1. Message. Ho'ike, palapala ho'lke, palapala ho'okohu; lono (news). Quarterly report, ho'ike hapaha. Financial report, palapala h o ' i k e waiwai. Series of reports, m o ' o lono. To spread a report, ha'ilono. 2. Sound. ' A ' i n a , u'ina, koha, kani koha. r e p o r t e r . K a k a u nupepa, haku 'olelo, 'aha'ilono. r e p o s e . M a h a , nanea, ho'onanea, walea. r e p r e s e n t . K u no ha'i, pani, pani ma kahi o. The comma represents a pause, ' o k e koma, he ho'ailona o ka ho'omaha. r e p r e s e n t a t i o n . H o ' a i l o n a . See r e p r e s e n t , r e p r e s e n t a t i v e . Lunamaka'alnana. Also: m o h o , 'elele, luna wehe pilikia, hope. Chosen representatives, po'e i koho 'ia. Board of Representatives, papa luna 'oihana. r e p r e s s . ' U m l , kaohi. r e p r e s s e d . P a ' a p u o loko, kaohi. r e p r i e v e . K a o h i 'olelo ho'oholo.
relative. 'Ohana, pili koko, pilikana; T o (flesh); T o pono'i; kini (kin); kuleana; inoa (often affinal). Elder relative, pili mua. Relative of one's own generation, hoa hanauna, hanauna like. Close relative, wena, pili loko, 'auwaepili. To talk about relatives, kaula'i iwi, pakolea; holehole i w i (disparagingly). Trusted relative of a chief, i w i k u a m o ' o , k a ' i e w e ; jje'akua (obs.). Without relatives, 'ohana 'ole, kuloli. See f r i e n d , r e l a x . K u ' u aku, ho'onanea, luana, 'alu, ho'omalule, bo'owalea. Also: ho'opaulinalina, ho'omohalu, puhalu, hikikl'i, hi'olanl, kalelemuku, loli'i, 'oluea, 'a'ama. For saying, PE huli. release. K a l a , ku'u, ho'oku'u, kalaku. Also: puhemo, ho'opuhemo, kalana, ho'al'ai. Released from taboo, noa. Certificate of release, palapala ho'oku'u. r e l e n t . M a l i u . Kamapuaa did not relent (For. 5:363), 'a'ole maliu mai 'o Kama-pua'a. r e l i a b l e . K u p o n o . See t r u s t w o r t h y , r e l i e f . K o k u a , kanaaho, pu'uho'omaha, pobala. relief society. H u i manawale'a. relieved. M a h a k a no'ono'o, pohala. r e l i g i o n . H o ' o m a n a (various kinds, PE 217). r e l i g i o u s . Haipule. Religious meeting, anaina pule. See I r r e l i g i o u s , r e l i s h . Pupu, mea ho'ono'ono. To relish, 'ono, 'ono ka pu'u, mo'ala. Kinds of Hawaiian relish, 'inamona, palu. r e l u c t a n c e . K a n a l u a , m a n a ' o ho'oka'uka'u, bolo ono 'ole ka m a n a ' o ; — due to doubt, hopohopo; o ' o m o m o l e (rare). rely. Paulele, blllna'i, kauko'o, kaulani. r e m a i n . K o e , nobo loa, waiho, keu, o, ku. Also: pupu, kipu, 'oi, ho'opohaka, mo'i. To remain constantly at home, ki'lnoho. r e m a i n d e r . K o e n a , koena 'oi, koe, puehu. A large remainder, koehonua.
r e p r i n t
r e p r i n t . Pa'l hou, kakakau.
r e s p o n s i b i l i t y . Kuleana, kuleana hana, k o ' i k o i , amo. To give or delegate responsibility, ho'okuleana, ho'akuleana, 'akuleana. To live without sense of responsibility, nohona h o ' o m a o p o p o 'ole; pakaulei.
r e p r o a c h . Ho'ahewa, ho'ohalabala, ' a ' a h u w a , ma'ewa, l a u m a ' e w a . r e p r o d u c e . H o ' o h a n a u , ho'olaupa'l, h o ' o h u a .
r e p r o d u c i n g pebbles. 'Ili'ill hanau.
responsive r e a d i n g . Heluhelu kike,
r e s t . 1. Stop work. M a h a , h o ' o m a h a , m a h a n a , malolo, k u u ka nae, k u ' u k a luhi, k a n a a h o , hó'olu'olu, 5pu, pohala, o'io'i. To come to rest, kau. For saying, PE paka 3. 2. Placed on. Kau Also: kaulel, koili, ko'oko'ona. 3. Remainder. Koe, koena. r e s t a u r a n t . Hale 'alna. r e s t f u l . M a l u h i a , kaulana. r e s t h o u s e . Hale h o ' o m a h a . r e s t i n g p l a c e . O'io'ina, p u ' u h o ' o m a h a , moena, hipu. r e s t l e s s . Pihole, hi'o, uluku. Also: uilani, hau lanl, kika'eleke, panau, leleiona, halele. To sleep restlessly, moe pono 'ole, moehewa.
r e p t i l e . Mo'o, mo'o make, mo'o kiha, kiha. See
r e p u b l i c . A u p u n i pelekikena, lepupalika. R e p u b l i c a n . L e p u p a l i k a , B e p u b a l i k a . National Republican party, 'ao'ao Lepupalika lahul. r e p u d i a t e . Ho'ole, hehl, ke'ehl. r e p u l s e . Pale, keku, ho'okeku.
reputation. Kulana.
r e q u e s t . Noi, nonoi. To deny a request, ho'ole, ka'i'i. r e q u i e m . Leo mele kanikau.
r e q u i r e . Eoi, konokono.
requirement. Koi. requisition. Pila koi.
R e s t o r a t i o n Day- Là Ho'iho'i Ea.
r e s t o r e . Ho'iho'i hou a ke k u l a n a m u a , ho'iho'i, ho'ala. Restored to health, ola hou, konekonea. r e s t r a i n . Kaohi. Also: kohi, ho'opa'a, ho'alia. •l'i'i. restraint, r e s t r a i n t . Kaohi. To give without h a ' a w i hemolele. r e s t r i c t . K a u p a l e n a , ho'omalu, ho'ohalki.
r e q u i t e . Uku, ha'awi.
r e s c u e . Ho'opakele, ho'opalekana.
rescued. Palekana.
r e s e a r c h . ' I m l 1 ke k u m u ; hull p u k e (literary); 'imi n a ' a u a o , nol'i. r e s e m b l a n c e . Ho'ohalikelike, 'ano, halina. See
rest room. Lumi ho'omaha.
r e s e m b l e . E o h u like, kohu, like, ku, kulike, ho'ohalikelike, pill 'ano, 'oe. To resemble somewhat, 'ano like, k u h a p a . r e s e n t . Ulciuki, m a u h a l a . Also: ho'ahu, k a m a niha, 'anlha, h o ' o k a m a n l h a , ninihua, naluwa, ho'omakeke'eo, ka'eo, ke'eo, k u a p u ' e , ho'ohuake'eo; h o ' o p a l a k a ' e o (obs.). reserve. Ho'oka'awale, ho'opa'a. malama, kauoha, ho'okoe, p a h u k u . Reserve officer, ali'ik o a ukali. r e s e r v e d . Main, l a ' a : ho'iu, hilu (.modest); h o ' o k a ' a w a l e 'ia (set aside). r e s e r v o i r . Luawai, luawai ho'oki'o, k u m a n o . r e s i d e . Noho. Reside permanently, noho p a ' a . Reside for a long time at a place, pene, peneku. r e s i d e n c e . H a l e noho, kahi noho, nohona. Residence for several generations, wahi k u p a .
r e s u l t . Hopena, hope, hua. The results of your work, k a h u a o ka 'oukou hana. The result of being old, hopena 'elemakule, hopena luahine.
r e s u m e . Ho'omaka hou.
r e s u m é . H ó ' u l u ' u l u pokole.
resurrect. Ala hou, ku hou, ho'ola hou. resurrection. Ola hou, ala hou, ku hou 'ana. r e s u s c i t a t e . Ho'ohanu, ola hou. r e t a i l . K u ' a i li'ill'i.
retained. Pa'a.
r e t a i n e r . 'Ohua, k a n a k a , haià kane, haia wahire.
See servant.
r e t a r d e d . Lohi, lohi'au, m a u , munii, r e t c h . Lua'i, 'owà, hó'owa, ' a u k u ' u , poluwa. r e t i n u e . P o ' e ukali, p u ' u l u . r e t i r e . H o ' o m a h a loa, ho'olu'olu (to rest). r e t o r t . P a n e p a n e . Rude retort, pane ku. r e t r e a t . Ne'ehope, ho'i hope, kuemi, ho'emiemi. r e t u r n . Ho'i hou (intransitive) ; ho'iho'i (transitive). Also: emi hope, ho'i hope, ho'ina. To return often or persistently, hoho'i, n§. r e v e a l . Hd'lke, hò'ike a m a k a . Also: ho'oma'ike'ike, hua'i, 'uwehe, ku. r e v e a l e d . Hd'ike 'la, 'ike 'ia, kapeke. r e v e l . A n a l n a ' u h a ' u h a , a n a l n a ho'oipoipo. r e v e l a t i o n . P u a n a , 'ike, palo. R e v e l a t i o n s . Hd'ike 'Ana (Biblical). r e v e n g e . Ho'opa'i, pana'i, h o ' o p a n a ' i , uku. Also: m a k a i a , m a u h a l a , h o ' o m a u h a l a , ho'omakaki.
residue. Koena. See dregs,
r e s i g n . Ha'alele, waiho. r e s i g n a t i o n . Ha'alele 'ana, waiho 'ana. Letter of resignation, p a l a p a l a ha'alele 'oihana.
resilient. 'Olu, holu.
r e s i n . Kepau, kepau ka'a, ka'a, huka'a, hu r ela'au, s i s t . Epilali. u ' e , pale, kipi, 'alo, ho'o'ole'a, ho'oko'oko'o. To stir up to resist, h o ' o k u ' e . r e s o l u t e . M a n a ' o p a ' a , 'onipa'a, k u p a ' a . r e s o l u t i o n . ' O l e l o h o ' o h o l o . Joint resolution, 'oleloho'oholo hui. r e s o l v e d . Ho'oholo. Be it resolved, ho'oholo 'ia. r e s o n a n c e . 5 , kani, kuolo; p o ' o h u (obs.). See
r e v e n u e . Loa'a.
r e s o u n d . Kani, walo, uwalo, wawalo, walowalo, koha, olo, pa'ina, kuwa. ka'iahea. See r e v e r b e r -
r e v e r b e r a t e . Kani, nunulu, nakolo. Also: kQpina'l, lele wawalo, kupaukolo, haku'l. See
r e s o u r c e s . K u m u waiwal. r e s g e c t . M a h a l o , 'ihi, ho'ihi. With
r e v e r e d . M à h a l o 'la, 'iu, 'ihl'ihi, hanohano, kapukapu. r e v e r e n c e . Ano. ho'àno, 'ihi, ho'ihi, 'ihi lani, 'e'ehia, llihla; 'eli'eli. r e v e r e n d . K a h u . The Reverend Mr. Smith, ke kahu Kamlka. r e v e r e n t . Haipule, m a n a ' o haipule, m a n a ' o ho'o'ihi'ihi. r e v e r s e . Hull, iole, ho'i i hope; pulepe (obs.). r e v i e w . H o ' o m a ' a m a ' a hou, kau'eli'eli. Book review, ho'ike 'ano o ka puke, r e v i l e . 'Olelo ho'ino, a m u , k u a m u a m u , ' a ' a n a , ha'lll'ili, paleoleowa.
r e s p e c t a b l e . Ho'opono, k u i k a pono. r e s p e c t e d . M a h a l o 'ia, h o ' o h a n o h a n o 'ia; 'omea (rare). r e s p e c t f u l l y . M e k a mahalo, m e ka pono (ending in letters). I am, respectfully, 'o a u m e ka ha'aha'a.
respective. Pakahi. respiration. Hanu, ea. resplendent. See splendor, response. Pane.
r i s e r i d g e p o l e . K a u p o k u , kaupoku'iole, k a u h u h u , kua'fole, ' a u ' a u . Supports of ridgepole, h a l a k e ' a , harm. r i d i c u l e . Ho'ohenehene, henehene, h o ' o w a h a waha, pahenehene, h o ' a k a ' a k a . Also: h o ' o m a 'auea, h o ' o m a b u a k a l a , ho'oma'ewa, h o ' o p u ' u k a h u a ; h a k u k o l e (in fig. language or chant). r i d i c u l o u s . Kohu 'ole, k u 1 k a pahenehene.
r e v i s e . Ho'oponopono bou, ho'ololi hou. r e v i v a l . H o ' e u ' e u 'euanelio.
revival committee. Komike ho'eu.
r e v i v e . Ola hou, b o o l a hou, ho'ala hou, ho'ulu hou; pohala, ho'opohala (after fainting). r e v o k e . H o ' o p a u , ho'onoa. r e v o l t . Kipi, ho'okipi. Also: ala k u ' e , b u honua. r e v o l t i n g . Ho'opailua, llllha. r e v o l u t i o n . H o ' a u h u l i 'ana, k a ' a p u n i ; kipi ' a n a (uprising). r e v o l u t i o n a r y w a r . K a u a ho'okahuli aupunl. r e v o l v e . K a ' a , k a ' a p u n i , k a k a ' a . Also: ka'alewa, naue, p o k a k a ' a , poka'a, '5ka'a, poniu, mimilo, nome, ho'okapo'ai. Revolving doors, p u k a pokak a ' a . To revolve hips, as in a hula, 'ami, ho'olewa, ha'alewa, poahi.
riding horse. Lio kau.
r i f l e . P u laipala, p u laipela. r i g . K u k u l u i k a llkini, hoa, ho'one'e i loko.
Rlgel. Puana-kau.
r i g g i n g . K a u l a llkini, likini, hoa w a ' a ; p a k a u l a (obs.). r i g h t . 1. Direction. 'Akau. Right, face, m a k a ' a k a u . hull. 2. Correct. Pololei, pono_(adjeclive); ho'oponopono (verb). Thai's right, pela no. pela T o no. Right away, keia m a n a w a . To right a canoe, kama-i-huli-pu, kama-i-kahuli-wa'a. To right a boat, ho'ohuli hou 1 k a wa'apa. 3. Privilege. Kuleana. Right of way, pono ala hele, m a n a m a k a hele 'ana. Right of way of access, kuleana a l a hele e biki a k u ai. Set- r i g h t s ,
revolver. Pupanapana.
r e v u l s i o n . H o ' o p a i l u a ; sensation of —, manene, 'e'eu. r e w a r d . M a k a n a , uku, u k u p a n a ' i ; a h u ili {rare). r e w r i t e . K a k a u hou, k a k a k a u .
r h e u m a t i s m . Lumakika.
right angle. Hulna kupono.
R h i n e R i v e r . Muliwai Lino, Muliwai Kino.
r i g h t e o u s . Pono, nlolo, maika'i. To strive to be righteous, 'imi pono. r i g h t e o u s n e s s . Pono. Life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness, ua mau ke ea o k a alna i k a pono (motto of Hawaii). r i g h t - m i n d e d . N a ' a u pono. r i g h t s . Pono. Civil rights, pono klwila. Equal rights, pono kaulike. Bill of rights, p a l a p a l a o na pono pilikino o ke k a n a k a . Private rights, pono pilikino. To put to rights, ho'oponopono. r i g i d . 'O'ole'a. Also: kola, kala'ihl, k a k a u h a , ka'i'i, la'au, n a n a u h a , wikanl, wika'o. Rigid observance, nihinihi. r i g o r . 'O'ole'a. To treat with rigor, ho'oko'iko'i.
rhinoceros. Lae-hao-kela. r h i z o m e . A'a kolo.
R h o d e I s l a n d . Loke 'Ailana, R o d e 'Ailana.
r h o m b u s . Huinaha bio.
R h o n e R i v e r . Muliwai Lone. Muliwai Rone,
r h u b a r b . Lupepa.
r h y m e . 'Ano like o k a leo o na hua'olelo. r h y t h m . P a n a o k a mele, pa. r i b . Iwi 'ao'ao ( h u m a n ) : ni'au (coconut leaf or umbrella); o'a, wae ( s h i p ) ; 'upe, io (paddle). r i b b o n . Lipine. Typewriter ribbon, liplne kikokiko. r i b b o n e . Iwi 'ao'ao, iwi hilo.
rigor mortis. La'au ke kino,
r i m . Lihi, nihi, ka'e, h u ' a ; niao (as of a bowl); molina (of a wheel); 'eheu (of a hat). Also: kikepa, m u k a ' e .
rice. Laiki.
rlceblrd. Manu-'ai-laiki.
rice bran. Pale laiki.
r i n d . 'Hi, 'alu'alu.
r i c h . 1. Wealthy. Waiwai, lako, ku'ono'ono. Also: k o ' a k o ' a , polohuku, ho'ohonua. ponopono, k a p a k a p a , lalawai, hilihili. Rich person, k a n a k a waiwai, ki'l m a k a nunui. See e e l . 2. Of food. Liliha, m o m o n a , kelekele. Also: kuhinia, kohi, lololo, 'okukuli. 3. Of soil. M o m o n a . moua. R i c h m o n d . Likemona, Rikemona. r i c k e t y . P a ' a 'ole, kahulihuli, kiolea, wlwi; pilali'ohe (obs.). r i c o c h e t . ' O h u a (as an arrow). r i d . H o ' o k a ' a w a l e aku, k i p a k u , h o ' o p a u . r i d d l e . N a n e , 'olelo naue, nane h u n a , naneha'i. Example of a riddle: tree that goes to war (he la'au hele 1 ke k a u a ) . Answer (ha'ina): Koa (koa is the name of a tree and means soldier).
r i n g . 1. Jewelry. Komo, a p o Gold ring, k o m o kula. 2. Circle. Po'ai, p o ' a n a , lina; — about a drake's neck, lei; —, as in game of ringtoss, p o k a ' a k a u l a : — of 'ie vine, kileo. 3. To sound, Kani, lio'okani, kakani. Also: k u ' i k e , koluilui. To ring in the ears, 'ula. To ring up, as on the telephone, ho'okani, will, k a h e a .
ring and ball game. Pala'ie.
r i n g t o s s . Kiolaola lina. r i n g w o r m . Ane, ha'ue'ue, h a ' u k e ' u k e , h a ' u k a 'uka. r i n s e . M u m u (mouth); k a k a (fish, clothing). R i o G r a n d e . Lio Kelaneke, Rio Geranede. r i o t . Haunaele, anaina ho'ohaunaele. Also: uluao'a, 'olohanl. r i p . N a h a e , nohae. See t e a r , r i p e . Pala. Stages of ripeness: o'o (fully formed but not ripe) i pala ha a m a , pala pono (exactly ripe); p a l a k u (dead ripe); palahu, palahukf, pala Ua, palahe'e, palakahela, kapule, napele (overripe). Also: m a k a pala. hapala, ' a l a m e a ; k a ' a o , k a o (of pandanus); k a h a l a (of gourds). A spindly banana . . ., not ripe in ten days (For. 5:441), he lila, m a i ' a . . ., 'a'ole e pala i k e a n a h u l u (a taunt). r i p e n . P a l a , o'o, h o ' a m a , ho'omaui. r i p p l e . 'Ale, 'ale'ale, holu, lapalapa. Also: ha'ale, 'owe, mimilo, nahenahe, ho'oliil, h a ' a k u ' e . h a lu'a, haloku, nao. r i s e . 1. To rise up. Ala, pl'i. aea, ea, k a u , ho'ala, h o ' o l a p a ; 'ae (as tide); h u (as yeast); k u (as dust); p u n o h u , puko'a, ponulu, nulu. n a n u l u (as smoke); pi'ipi'i kai (of a strong sea); opu, 'ohu, k u m o h o (as water); ulu, p u k a , pi'i ( a j the sun); ho'e'e (as surf); — in station, ka'a m a l u n a ; — in horror, 'e'eu; to — frequently.
See give, scrotum,
r i d d l i n g . N a n e n a n e , nane, h o ' o p a p a . r i d e . Holo, holoholo, k a u , holoholona. To go for a ride, holoholo. To ride in a car, holo k a ' a , holoholo k a ' a . To ride free of charge, k a u wale, holo wale.
ride horseback. Holo lio, kau ljo, holoholo lio,
ho'oholo; to —, wearing a p a ' u , holo p a ' u ; to — bareback, k a u wale; to — sitting astride, k i o m a n a ; to — sidesaddle, noho k a p a e ; to — until horse is dead or exhausted, paki lio. r i d e r . 1. One who rides. Holo lio, k a u lio. Car rider, m e a holo k a ' a . 2. Supplement. P a k u ' i hou. r i d g e . K u a l a p a , kualono, lapa; pou (of a nose); •— between flutes of a column, ' a u k a ; — with irregular projections, kiokio pali. Also: kunlhi, h a l a p a , nao, iwi, po'o h u k u , mo'o, 'omo'omo'o, lipl, hiwi, uha'i. r i d g e d . H a l u ' a , lapalapa, 'olapalapa, mo'omo'o, wlniwlnl, kulilipi.
r i s k roller. 1. Stick. La'au ho'oka'a, lola ho'opalaha, lpu wai. See steam roller. 3. Wave. 'Aul, 'aul 'ale. r o l l i n g . Ka'a, ka'ana; — along, as a wheel, nome.
e'ea; to — again, ala hou, ku hou. Also: 'eu, maealani, maea, kuahua, ihuihu, peu, me'eu; huhulu ku (as hair of a dog); púlelo (as a ftag or fire); ho'okokoll'i, lei (as a cloud); haku (as the moon); papaiaGlu (as a breeze). To rise and fall, lele lupe, nunuki. Rising sun, la hiki. Prices rise, pl'l na kumu kü'ai. 3. An incline. Pi'lna. alana, kl'ekl'ena, dnQ. risk. Maka'u, 'a'a, ho'a'o me ka nana 'ole, ho'a'o me ka hopobopo. To take a treat risk, ho'a'ano. ritual. See ceremony. rival. Hoa palo, boa paonioni. river. Kabawal. muliwai, wai. roach. 'Elelü; la'aloa (slim-bodied). road. Ala, alanui, ala bele. Also: mo'o bele, kuamo'o. kumeheu. Cleared road, ala waele. Road cut, ala 'oki. Belt road, alaloa. Unfinished road, ala rauku. Dead-end road, ala muku. Long road, ala loa. Circular road, ala pd'ai. Steep road, alapi'i ku. Winding road, alanui klke'eke'e. Curve in a road, kalawa, halawa. Road following cliffs, ala kaka'i pall, roadside. Pipa alanui. roan. Lokia. roar. Wawa, w i , ho'owa, uwo, halulu, nakolokolo; ho'okanl plhe (as a crowd); kapalulu, ho'okapalulu (as an airplane); kamumu, haukamumu (as approaching rain); kawewe (as a downpour); ho okaw5wó, nü (as wind); kuwo (as a lion); a prolonged —, k51oa. Also: hu, naku'i. kanulu, puwo, 'u'inakolo, w5wo, haukawewe, ku'iné, kabakiki, pa'e pu, 'owa. roast. 'Oma, loke, 'obinu. Roast turkey, pelehü 'orna. Roast beef, pipi loke. See bake, Droll, roasted. Ho'o 'oma, 'oma, 'obinu. rob. 'Aihue, p5wa. Also: pakaha, hao wale, ka'lliku, ka'ili wale, moluna. robber. See rob. robe. 'A'ahu, lole ho'olu'elu'e. robin. Lopine. Rochester. Lokeka, Bokeka. rock. 1. Stone. Pohaku, 'a, 'ala, hálelo. Kinds: *a'a, 'a'a pu'upu'u, 'a pele, pahoehoe, _kaiali'i, bumu'ula, makiki, kei, lelekepue, pa'ala, pikalka, pi-wai, uliuli. See stone. 3._ Motion. 'ulana, ho'oluli, naue, ho'onaue, kahulihuli, paipai, pueo, püeoeo. rock borer. 'Olepe-waha-nui. rock crevice. Naele. rocket. Kao lele, 'óahi, ablkao lele. To send up rockets, ho'olele kao. rocking chair. Noho paipai, rock stratum. H apa pa. rocky_. Nui ka pdhaku, pohaku. Also: hálelo, mako, hao'a, ko a. Rocky Mountains. Mauna-póhaku. rod. La'au, 'obelo, loka, roda, kali, ko'oko'o, pel oka; kia, 'obelo buki manu (for snaring birds); kani'o (supporting a house); ka'aha (for sacrifice). rogue. 'Eu, piha 'eu, kolobe, 'aplki; lonu (rare). roil. Holapu, naku, ho'onaku, 'a'aka, moioio, hokakekake. roll. 1. Turn. Kaka'a, ka'a, 'oka'a, kuka'a, küpola; 'oloka'a (as a wheel); kaka'a (as eves); lull (as a ship); 'aui_ (as the sea); mimilo (as to induce abortion); maki (as a mat); — beneath, ka'a malalo; — diagonally, ka'a kepa; — over backwards, ka'akua; -— up, wahi, ki, will, uhaku, nunu. To roll in salt, ka'a pa'akai. To fall down and roll, ka'ahina. To roll freely or without control, ka'a wale. 3. Bundle. Lola, 'ówlli, 'apa, ika'a. Roll of rope, poka'a kaula. 3. Bread. alaoali'ili'i. 4. Sound. Ka'eleloi, palalu, paklko'ele. See ruffle, roll call. Hea lnoa.
See roll.
rolling grindstone. Hoana ka'a. rolling pin. La'au ho'oka'a, lola. R o m a n . Loma, Roma. R o m a n Catholic. Kakolika Loma. r o m a n c e . 1. Novel. Ka'ao. 3. Love affair. Pill ho'oipoipo. romantic. Ho'oipoipo. Rome. Loma, Roma, romp. Lelele, 'oehu. rood. Luka. roof. Kaupoku, kaupaku. Temporary roofed con struction, lanai. r o o f i n g . Pili. Shingle roofing, pili papa. Corrugated iron roofing, pili hao, pill plula. r o o m . 1. Part of a house. Lumi, ke'ena. Private room, ke'ena malu, ke'ena kapu. 3. Space. Hakabaka. Plenty of room, nui ka lumi. r o o m m a t e . Hoa lumi. roost. Haka. rooster. Moa kane. r o o t . 1. Of plant. A'a, mole, well; — withmany sprouts, kumulau; — of koali vine, kalehuna. Aerial root, ma'alewa, a'a lewalewa, a'a kiolea, mahuluku; ule hala (of pandanus). Root system, pa'i a'a. Root cutting, ka. Tip of pandanus root, mu'o, mu'o hala. Creeping root, a'a kolo. To take root, ho'oa'a. Root used in love sorcery, hua nanai. 3. Source. Kumu, mole. 3. Dig. 'Eku, naku, haunaku, peu. Also: 'e'eku, 'eku'eku, nakunaku. rootlet. Huluhulu, a'a; plko (of wauke); kl'u (of sweet potato). rope. Kaula (various kinds, PE 1Z6); kawelewele (special uses, PE 1Z9). Also: 'umi'uml, kl'aho. End of rope, plko. Leather rope, kaula 'Hi. Rope tether, kaula kupe'e. Rope at bottom of net, Ko. To rope, bo'ohel. rosary. Lokalio, kolona, lei kolona. rose. Loke, loke-Iani, roselanl (various kinds, PE 193). See green rose, rose apple. 'Ohi'a-loke. rosewood. La'au-loke. r o s t r u m , l . Pulpit. 'Awat. 3. Beak. Kakala (as of a shrimp). rosy. Loke, 'ohelohelo, helo, nono. rot. See rotten. rotate. Ka'apuni, ka'a, ponlu, poahi; ho'okapo'ai (obs.). rote. Walewaha. rotten. Pilau, palahu, 'lno'ino, palaho; popopo (of wood, paper); aelo, lala'au (of eggs; fig., spoiled, worthless); milu (as fruit); pala, palakiu (as taro); palahukl (as banana stump). Also: huhu, huhuhu, pele'u, peluluka, punonu, 'uki'uklu, 'ukiukiu, nehi, 'oke. hanalu. mahao, na'ele'ele. poholawa. See decomposed, rouge. Mea hd'ula'ula papalina. rough. 1. As terrain. Ho'olua, 'alualua, malualua, lualua, bo'opupu, 'apu'upu'u, hapu'upu'u, 'opu'upu'u, kiwa'awa'a. 3. As cloth or skin. 'Okala, kala, kakala, pakala. hakuma, 'okuma. 'opakapaka, oloolo, uluha'o, konakona, manumanu, 'apulu. 3. As sea or wind. Pikipiki'o, 'alo'alo'a, lo'alo'a, la'ola'o, halo'alo'a, aulu, olohl'a, pukalaki, ku'uluku, nalunalu, 'onalunalu, puleileho, maleuwo. Rough sea, kai ko'o, 'okaikai. 4. Manner. 'Okalakala, kakala, kalakala. 'o'ole'a. roughhouse. Haunaele, lapa, kolohe. round. Poepoe, popohe, kupoepoe; molea, mole, momole, kumoje, nemo, ka anemo, polipoll (smooth); mumu (blunt); nepu (bulging). Also: nia, 'akipohe, hualake, konunu, peo. Round
r y e r u f f l e . 1. Folds, as in a garment. 'Alu, pihaplha, plhapiha-'o-kohola, kauwawe, kauwewe, kauawe, 'a'llepe; — and tucks, hu'a. 3. Wrinkle, dishevel. 'A'apu, 'aka'a, uluulu, pukalakl. 3. Sound, as of drums. Ka'elelol. r u f f l e r . Ho'opihapiha (as on a sewing machine).
object, as pill or bead, hua. Round mass, pdpo. pobeoheo. To form a round shape, ho'opoe. To go round and round, ka'anlni. See a r o u n d ,
r o u n d a b o u t . H o ' o l a l a u , l a u w i l i , loloiahili. Roundabout way to lead up to a subject, ho'ohelchele 'olelo. r o u n d - s h o u l d e r e d . 'O'ohu; h a n u n u (obs.). r o u n d u p . Ho'ohuli pipi, ho'a pipi.
rug. See carpet.
r u i n . 'Ino'ino, pilikia, ho'ino, ma'ino'ino. apu, olope, pahu'a.
r o u n d w o r m s . Ko'e-kai.
ruins. Koena.
r o u s e . HS'eu'eu, ho'ala, ho'ouluulu, bo'opi'ipi'l, bo'olalelale. Also: ho'ohahana, bo'okokonoi'e. r o u t . Ho'auhe'e, ho'ohe'e, ho'opuehu, ho'ohu, 'aha'l, kipaku.
r u l e . 1. A regulation. Lula, loina, kanawal. Fundamental rule, lula kumu. 3. To govern. Noho all'i, ku, 'ai, noho aupuni, ho'omalu, ho'ohaku, ea, k a ' a maluna. r u l e r . 1. Leader. Ali'i; — of an ahupua'a, 'ai a h u p u a ' a ; — of an '111, 'al 'ill; — of a district, 'ai moku. See k i n g . 3. Measuring stick. Lula, la'au ana. r u m . Lama, r a m a . r u m b l e . Halalu, naku'i, nakolo. k a m u m u , kani. Also: palalu, nel, kolokolo; 'olapa, nakulu (as stomach); nehe, haukaraurau, pakiko'ele, hawewe; klllwehi (obs.). See r o a r , r o l l , r u m o r . Lono wale. Also: lohe lau ahea, nene, ho'onene, lonowa, wawa, lauahea, huha. r u m p . P u a p u a (of a chicken). Rump bone of a chicken, ke'emoa. r u n . 1. Move swiftly. Holo, hoholo, bo'oholo, ka'aholo; —. as for office, holo, alualu: — fast, holo mama, holo klki, kiki holo, ho'ohelhel; — here and there, holoke, holo hele, holo lua; holowa (obs.); — aground, ill; oloi (obs.); — over, ill; — cautiously, akaholo: — lightly, kakaklhl; —, as a messenger, kuklni; — of fish, kahe, ku, he'e l'a; — away, see flee; — after, see c h a s e . To make a horse run, ho'oholo llo. 3. Manage. Ho'oholo, ka'a. r u n n e r . 1. Messenger. Kuklni. 3. Of a vine. 'Awe'awe, ha'awe'awe; kaili, kali (sweet potato). 3. Of a sled. K a m a ' a loa. r u n n i n g . Holona, uhai a holo. Running nose, hupekole. Running sore, pala he'e.
route. Ala bele.
r o u t e d . 'Auhe'e, puehu, kipaku 'ia.
rove. See wander.
r o w . 1. Paddle._ Hoe. To row here and there, hoehoe, panana. 3. Line. Pae, lalani, laina.
3. See riot,
r o w b o a t . Wa'apa.
r o w s . Paepae, lalani, laina. To place in rows, bo'onobo papa, r o y a l . Ali i, lani, ho'ali'i. 'ano lani. Also: 'ula, 'a'ala (fig.); auali'i. wai 'Ihi, wa'lhi. Royal robe, 'a'ahu ali'i. Poetic references to rain, rainbow, height in general, red, hawk ('io) may signify royalty. r o y a l i s t . Aloha all'i, loiallki; 'ane'e ali'i (disparaging).
royal polnclana. 'Ohai-'ula.
r u b . 1. Friction. 'Anal, kuai, kuolo, hoana; 'upa'upa (as clothes on washboard). Also: olo, oloolo, plolo. halo, holoi, kaekae, walu, 'uwalu, walubia. wa'uwa'u, wawalu, waluwalu, olol, olokikl. To stretch by rubbing, kahi kalena. To rub with elbows, neku'e. To rub, as tapa on grass to gather moisture, ka kehau. See p o l i s h . Rub with oil._ Kuhlnu, kahinu, bamo. 3. Massage. Lomi, komi, kahi, au. r u b b e d . Mahlnu, hinu (as with oil). See r u b . r u b b e r . 1. Elastic. Lahollo. 3. Stone polisher. Pohaku 'anai, pobaku pahe'e ^anai. Buck lists six kinds: puna (coral); 'eleku, 'o'io (basalt); 'ana (pumice); also: 'oahi, 'ola'l.
running board. 'A'e ka'a (of an automobile). r u n t . H u a ll'i, keikl ' u ' u k u loa. r u p t u r e . Pu'ulele, laho he'e; hoaka kinds, PB 68-69).
r u b b e r b a n d . Lahollo ho'opa'a.
r u b b e r s . K a m a ' a labolio. r u b b e r y . 'Ouaua, lahollo, 'ullna, 'ulinalina. r u b b i n g o i l . 'Alia hamo.
r u r a l . Kua'aina.
r u s h . 1. Move swiftly. Holo 'ino, holo 'awiwi, lele'ino, auau, pulale, holomoku, haluku, hakuko'i; — out, lele; —, as water, kokoi, ko'ie'ie; kukawowo (obs.); —, as in battle, olowalu, ho'ouka; —, as a crowd, mokuawal. 3. Plant. Papulo (papyrus); mau'u. See b u l r u s h . R u s s i a . Lukla, Rusia. R u s s i a n . Luklnl, Lukia. r u s t . Kukaehao, lepohao; popopo (Biblical).
r u b b i s h . 'Opala. Also: lepo, lepo hanai, lemu'a, kae. r u b b i s h c o n t a i n e r . Kini 'opala, ipu 'alna. r u b b i s h p i t . Lua 'opala. Also: lua'unu, olomehani.
rudder. Hoo uli. rudder flsh. Nenue.
See rusty,
r u s t i c . Kua'aina.
r u d d y . ' E h u ; hi'ohi'o (rare).
ruddy turnstone. 'Akekeke.
r u s t l e . Hoene, nehe, 'u'inakolo, 'owe, ku'inehe. nakeke, kapa. To roll with a rustling sound, ka'a'owe. Rustling of the sea on the pebbles, nehe a ke kal 1 ka 'Ul'ili. r u s t y . Kukaehao. See r u s t . To become rusty, ua kl'o kukaehao. r u t . Kapo'o, mo'ali. Full of ruts, malualua, helehele, kiwa'awa'a, kapo'opo'o. r u t h l e s s . Ho'okaumaha, ho'oluhihewa (Biblical). r y e . Lai, ral; huapalaoa-'ele'ele.
r u d e . Kiko'ola. Also: waha 'a, 'awaha, klkoi, maha'oi, paklke, ku, ko'a, koaea, keke niho, ha'akel, 'u'u, ho'okano, mahalua, puhi'u, kakana, ku kakalaioa, kalakala, 'apali, meku. mahi'opu. Speak rudely,olelo ku, ho'oku'lku'i 'olelo, 51elo koha, pua'o, kikahd, kala'ea. Ask rudely, noi ku. See PB kio, nfele, pahi'uhi'u. rue. Lue.
ruff. Pihaplha 'a'l, 'alu.
a weight); h u a l a k e , ho^okalekale, kalekale, 'ope'alu, paleha, peheu, kokikl.
sage. 1. Wise man. 'Imi loa (fi.tr.). Sec seer. 2. Plant. K a k o , IDi-lehua.
s a g i t t a l . Hoai-kaupaku.
sago. Keko.
s a i d . See s a y . It is said, 'olelo l a . Said to be, pau (idiom, PE). s a i l . 1. As a ship. Holo, ho'oholo, hoholo, kele, ho'okele; ho'okelekele (frequently); holomoku, ho'oholomoku, holokal, holomoana. Also: kukele, kikihi, leleaoa. To go for a sail, holoholo. To sail to leeward, ka'alalo. To sail to windward, k a ' a l u n a , ho'opi'lpi'i; h o ' o p a h u ' a (obs.). To sail around, holopuni. To sail swiftly, holo kikl. To sail aimlessly, holoholo wale, auhele. To sail cautiously, akaholo. To sail off and on, pd'ala, ka'alewa. To sail to foreign parts, holokahlki. Sail on distant seas, 'au i ke kai loa (of one who travels far}. See d r i f t . 2 . Noun. La, pe'a. Also: (mats). lauoha, ' o p e ' a p e ' a ; k i l e p a , 'opihipihi Long sail, p e ' a oe. To make sails, h u m u pe'a.
See jib sail, mainsail, topsail, sail ho! Kelol
sallflsh. A'u, a'u-lepe.
s a i l i n g . Holona, niau. Sailing regulations, lula e pill a n a 1 n a moku. See s a i l ,
s. No Hawaiian term. -S. The plural is shown in Hawaiian by the particles n a and m a n before a noun, or by the k-less possessive (PE xz). - ' s . Same as o f . S a b b a t h . Kapaki, Sabati. s a b o t a g e . Ho'opo'ino malu. s a c k . 1 .Bag. ' E k e ; 'eke'eke (small); 'eke kukaenalo ( f l o u r , unbleached muslin). 2. Plunder. P5wa, luku. s a c k c l o t h . K a p a 'ino'lno, lole lauoho.
sailing vessel. Moku pe'a.
s a i l o r . K e l a m o k u , kela. holomoku. Also: lulna, 'aukal, ' a u m o a n a , holokahlki .Experienced sailor, 'ilio 'aukal. s a i n t . Kaneka, S a n e t a ; Kana, Sana; po'e hemolele. Patron saint, pakelona. S a i n t H e l e n a . K a n a Helena. Sana Helena. S a i n t J o s e p h . K a n a 'Iokepa, Sana losepa. S a i n t L o u i s . K a n a Lui, Sana Lui. Saint Louis High School, ke K u l a Ki'ekl'e o K a n a Lui. S a i n t P e t e r . K a n a Pekelo, Sana Petero.
sack race. Heihei 'eke. sacrament.
lema. See Holy Communion. Sacramento. Kakalameko.
saintly. Hemolele.
sake. Pono. salad. Lau 'ai 'la. salad dressing. Mea ho'ono'ono lau 'ai.
s a c r e d . K a p u . Also: la'a, la'ahla, ano, ho'ano, 'lhl, ho'lhi, 'iu, ho'iu. po'lu, 'ula. Sacred things of day, l a ' a kea. Sacred enclosure, palama. Sacred place, wahi k a p u . hei k a p u , wahl la'a. S a c r e d H e a r t . P u ' u w a i Ho'ano, P u ' u w a i La'ahla. s a c r i f i c e . Mohai (various types, PE tSl). Also: k a u m a h a , m511a, mollaola, halna, hai, hei, bai ao, papaio; k a n a k a , ulua, heana, p u a ' a be'a, u a ' a h l n u ; p u a ' a wawae loloa (PE wSwae);
s a l a r y . U k u hana. To pay salary, uku hana. Salary schedule, p a p a kuhikuhi uku. s a l e . K u ' a l aku, k u ' a i ho'olilo; k u ' a i ho'emi (reduction sale\. For sale, mea k u ' a i a k u . Special sale, k u ' a i h o ' e m i kuikawa. S a l e m . Kalema, Salema. s a l e s m a n . K a n a k a k u ' a i aku, kalepa. s a l i n e . P a ' a k a i ; 'omiko (as soil near the sea). s a l i v a . K u h a . ha'ae, 'ae, wale wai.
'oma, ha'alelea, uko'o (human); 'olapa (for sorcery); he'a (blood); k a k u ' a i (food). Place of sacrifice, heiau. haiau, lele, 'aoa. One who sacrifices, mdllaola. Seekers of sacrifice, m a k a l a ulua. Rod held by priest in sacrifice, k a ' a h a . s a c r i l e g e . Hehl k u i ke k a p u ; kdkllileke (Catholic).
sallow. 'Olenalena.
sally over. Kale'oa.
s a l m o n . K a m a n o . Canned salmon, k a m a n o kini. Salted salmon, k a m a n o pa'akai. Mashed salmon, k a m a n o lomi. Sea salmon, k a m a n u . Salmon buttocks, 'dkole k a m a n o (said mockingly of white people). Red salmon from Klamath, k a m a n o 'ula o Keamolewa (also mocking white people: 'amo, anal opening, replaces 'okole because of its occurrence in the name for Klamath, Oregon, where Hawaiians went for salmon fishing). (Salmon was used in sorcery, perhaps because of the similarity of its name to k a m a n o m a n o , a weed used in love magic.) Compare m a n y , PE mano. S a l o n i k a . Kalonlka, Salonika, s a l o o n . H a l e lnu lama,
sacroiliac strain. Kikala hane'ene'e.
s a d . K a u m a h a , lu'ulu'u, 'aoa, 'ino'lno, ' e h a ' e h a ; k a u m a h a lua (extremely). Also: plllhua, ninlu, nluaua, malaoa. To cause sadness, n o ' o k a u m a h a .
See grief,
s a d d l e . N o h o lio. To saddle, hauhoa.
saddle blanket. Pale lio.
s a d d l e h o r n . M a k u ' u , ' o m u k u , 'okumu, s a f e . 1. Not in danger. Palekana, malu, maluhla. Also: kuola, manalo, k u a k a p u , k u k a ' a w e . 3 . Depository. P a h u hao, p a h u pa, p a h u kala, halepa. s a f e t y . Maluhia, palekana. Place of safety, pu'uhonua. s a f e t y p i n . Kui k a i a p a , pine kaiapa.
salsify. Kalapi.
s a l t . P a ' a k a i . To salt, kapi, kopt, ho'omiko, kamala. Ocherous earth used to color and flavor salt, 'alaea. Salt thus treated, p a ' a k a i 'ula'ula. Salt bed, allalia, alia, h a h a p a ' a k a i . Salt flat, p a p a p a ' a k a i (fig., sour disposition). Salt-encrusted, alia, p a ' a p a ' a k a l , p a p a ' a kal, nl'i. Sea water left in pool to form a salt crust by evaporation, kal ho'olulu. Salt container, poho p a ' a k a i . To salt pork, kapi p u a ' a . To roll in salt, k a ' a pa'akai. To gather salt, h a h a p a ' a k a i .
safflower. Mamo. saffron. Keloko. See turmeric,
s a g . 'Alu, 'alu'alu. Also: 'olo, 'olo'olo, he'e, hehe'e. puhalu, lu'a, ku'olo, lube; 'oluheluhe (as a potbelly); lule, mu'olo; 'olo'olona (under
S a v o y S a n t a C l a r a . K a n a Kalala, Sana K a l a r a . S a n t a C l a u s . Kanakaloka. S a n t a C r u z . K a n a K a l u k a , Sana Karuza. s a p . Kohu, wai, wale, w a l e hau. wai la'au: 'ae (from seaweed or leaves); peka'a, kulukulu'a. (from green kukui nuts). s a p p h i r e . K a p a e a , sapaea; kapeilo, sapeiro. Saracen. Kalekena. s a r c a s m . 'Olelo ho'eha 'ano 'uhi'uhi 'ia. s a r c a s t i c . K i k o ' o l a , pakike. Also: ho'aikola, ho'ona'aikola, kfkoi, ku'aku. s a r d i n e . M a k a l e ; kalina (obs.). S a r d i n i a . Kakinia, Sadlnia. sardius. Kalekio. s a r d o n y x . Kalekonuka.
s a l t c e l l a r . Poho pa'akai. s a l t e d . M l k o . mali'u (well salted); ralkomlko (lightly). Salted meat, kakamaka (raw); k a k a m o ' a (cooked). Salt Lake City. Loko-pa'akai. salt p a n . K a b e k a , makapapipi (natural); kahekaheka (artificial). s a l t p o r k . P u a ' a pa'akai, pua'a kapl. To salt pork, kapl pua'a. s a l t s . Hau'eli. See s m e l l i n g s a l t s , s a l t s h a k e r . P o h o lulu pa'akai. s a l t y . Li'u loa, alia: 'omiko (as soil near the sea). s a l u t a t i o n . Aloha. Also: welina, weli, 'ano'ai. s a l u t e . Hd'ailona ho'omaika'l. ha'awi i ka ho'allona ho'omaika'i. Gun salute, pu aloha, pu ho'ohanohano. To salute the flag, ho'omaika'i 1 ka hae. S a l v a d o r . K a l a w a k o a , Salawadoa; K a l a w e k o a , Salawedoa. s a l v a t i o n . Ola, ola mau loa. S a l v a t i o n A r m y . Pu'ali H o ' o l a . salve. L a ' a u hamo. s a m e . Like, like pu, kohu like, ho'okahi. Same as ever, same as usual, 'oia mau no. Same to you, me 'oe pu. The same father, ho'okahi no makua k a n e . y l i the same time, ho'okahi, i ka manawa ho'okahi. It's the same result, 'oia ana no. S a m o a . Kamoa, Ha'amoa. S a m o a n . K a m o a , H a ' a m o a , mea K a m o a . s a m p l e . M e a hd'ike'ike 'u'uku. s a n c t i f y . H o ' o k a p u , ho'ola'a, ho'ano. sanction. Ho'apono. s a n c t u a r y . W a h i ho'ano, ke'ena kapu, wahl kanaaho, wahl kanaho, pu'uhonua. s a n d . One. White sand, one kea, okea, kea. Black cindery sand, pa'u ahi. Black lata sand, one 'a. Fine sand, one 'ae'ae, hune one. Sand beach, kahaone, 'ae one, _papa kea. Sand heap, pu'u one. Sand pellets, kukae '5hiki. Wet sand, one maka. Sand washed by the sea, one hali, one 'opiopio. Sand near fresh water, one wai. To sand, ho'one. Sands of my birth, ku'u one hanau (poetic). s a n d a l . K a m a ' a hawele. k a m a ' a hakahaka, pale wawae, k a m a ' a pale wawae; k a m a ' a 'ie (braided); k a m a ' a la'i, palaha, kuanaka (ti-leaf). s a n d a l w o o d . 'Ili-ahi, 'aoa, la'au 'ala, 'ili-ahl-alo'e, wahie-'ala, hua-'ula'ula. False or bastard sandalwood, naio. Wood of naio, 'a'aka. Scion or shoot of sandalwood, a'aahl. s a n d b a n k . A h u a one, kumuone. s a n d b a r . Pu'eone. s a n d crab. 'Child. s a n d d u n e . Pu'eone, pu'u one, ahua one. s a n d e r l l n g . Huna-kai. s a n d h o p p e r . 'Uku-kal, 'uku-limu. s a n d p a p e r . P e p a kalakala. s a n d p i p e r . Upupa. s a n d s p u r r y . Mlmi-'Ilio. s a n d s t o n e . Kumuone. s a n d w i c h . N a palaoa me na mea h o ' o n o ' o n o i waena. s a n d y . Oneone, 'aone, one; onena (obs.). s a n e . M a i k a ' i ka no'ono'o. S a n Francisco. Kapalakiko. s a n i t a r i u m . See h o s p i t a l , s a n i t a r y . M a ' e m a ' e loa. s a n i t a r y n a p k i n . K i ' a m o , mea hume. s a n i t a t i o n . Kulana o ke ola. S a n J o a q u i n . K a n a ' I o k l n a , Sana I o k i n a ; Waiklnl.
s a r o n g . Pa'u, klkepa; lukaluka (for men); hau'ina (dyed with 'olena). Sarong festooned with leaves or ferns, pa'u heihei. To bind on a sarong, kakua; kihi o ka mahina (a special way). See s e a . s a s h . K a ' a i , ka'ei. S a t a n . Kakana. s a t c h e l . P a l k i ; kl'eke (obs.). s a t e e n . Kakinia, kakini. satellite s t a r . II5ku-ukali. s a t i a t e d . H o ' o l a w a 'ana; ma'ona, kenakena, 'okukuli (with food); 'aikena (to the point of sickness). s a t i e t y . L a w a pono, ma'ona ho'oili, ma'ona piha; hewa (idiom, FE). s a t i n . Pahoehoe. Brocaded satin, pahoehoe lau. satire. 'Glelo pahenehene. s a t i s f a c t i o n . 'Olu'olu, ho'olaule'a. Lack of satisfaction, 'olu'olu 'ole, la'ola'o. s a t i s f a c t o r i l y . Pono, kupono. satisfied. Ana, ma'ona (after eating); kena, kenakena (after drinking). Be satisfied with what you have got, e 'olu'olu i ka mea i loa'a. For saying, PE pi'ikoi. s a t i s f y . Ho'olu'olu, ho'oko. s a t u r a t e . H o ' o m a ' u , pulu, pulu pe, ke'ae, polokake, kawakawa. See m o i s t e n . S a t u r d a y . Po'a5no, la ho'omalolo. S a t u r n . Makulu. s a t y r . K a o hihiu, kao kanaka, s a u c e . K a i . Various kinds: kai helo (of crushed shrimp and coconut cream); 'ae limu (seaweed juice); kai 'ina (sea-urchin); kai k o ' a k o ' a (rich, as^of parrot-fish liver). To mix or stew with sauce, kakele. s a u c e p a n . Pa ho'olapalapa. ipu hao. s a u c e r . P a li'ili'i. s a u c y . Pakike, kiko'ola, maha'oi, mahalua, honekoa. s a u n t e r . H o l o h o l o ho'onanea, palela, kuo'e. sausage. Na'aukake. s a v a g e . Hihiu loa, makaha, io'ena. S a v a n n a h . K a w a n a , Savana. save. 1. a life. Ola, ho'ola, ho'opakele, ho'opalekana. God save the king, ola ka mo'I i k e Akua. God save me, e ola au i ke A k u a . 3. Keep. M a l a m a , pulama, ho'ili, ho'oili, ho'ili'ili, ho'okoe, ana'e. s a v e d . Ola, ola pana'i. s a v i n g . M a k a u l l ' i , minamina. Also:
kihau, pukumoa. See t h r i f t y , s a v i n g s . L o a ' a ho'ili'ili, waihona, kala ho'ahu. s a v i n g s b a n k . P a n a k o ho'ahu. s a v i o r . H o ' o l a , palekana. s a v o r . 'Ono. s a v o r y . 'Ono. S a v o y . 1. The country. K a w o e , Savoe. 3. (Not cap.) A kind of cabbage. K a w o a .
S a n M i g u e l . K a n a M i k u e l a , Sana M l g u e l a . S a n P e d r o . K a n a Pekelo, Sana Petero. S a n t a B a r b a r a . K a n a Palapala, Sana Barabara.
s a w saw. 1. Tool. Pahi olo, olo. To saw, olo, oloolo, piolo; helo (with jerky motion); olokikl (oís.). To saw wood, olo papa. 2 . See see. I saw, ua 'Ike au. s a w d u s t . Oka la'au. s a w h o r s e . Lio la'au. s a w m i l l . Hale olo papa. S a x o n . Kakona, Sakona. say. 'Olelo, ha'i, 'i. Also: mea, mea mai, wahi a, pela, pela, ho'opuka. To say little, 'ekemu, molu. The chief said, wahi a ke all'i; 'olelo mai ke ali'i. s a y i n g . 'Olelo no'eau. Also: 'olelo kaetia (of praise, as for a place or person); ha'ina, kaleo. s c a b . Papa'a, 'okohe, pihi. s c a b b a r d . 'Hi wahi, wahi pahi kaua. s c a b i e s . Kunakuna. s c a d . Akule; 'opelu (varieties, PE 268); halalü. S c a e v o l a . Naupaka. scaffold. 'Oloke'a. s c a l a w a g . 'Alapu'u mo'o. s c a l d . Welaahi. s c a l e . 1. Measure. Alapi'i; musical —, alapi'i mele, pakoli. See n o t e , s c a l e s . 2 . Fish. Unahl. To scale, unaunahi. The Kula people scale squids, the Kula people paddle awkwardly, ka po'e unaunahi he'e o Kula. 'o Kula hoe nowa [of ignorance). scaleless. Unahl 'ole. 8cales. Kau paona, paona, paona kaulike, ana paona (weighing). Baby scales, paona kelki. scalloped. Nihoniho (lace). scallops. Nihoniho, pepeiao. s c a l p . 'Ill po'o. To scalp, lole. Crusty scalp, eczema of scalp, papa'a píele, plele. s c a l y . Unahi, unahinahi (as fish); mahuna, pakapaka. luehu (as skin). s c a m p . 'Eu, piha 'eu. kupu'eu, kolohe. s c a n d a l . Hana i wa 'ia. For saying, PE m&mane. s c a n d a l o u s . Ku i ka wa 'ia. s c a n t y . Lawa *ole, hemo'e. s c a p e g o a t . Kao hele, mea i ho'opa'l 'la no na hewa o ha'i. s c a r . 'Alina, linalina. Also: pihi, pihlpihi, mo'ali, 'all. 'ali'ali, kakala wela, pa'awela (from burning); pala'e (on neck from glandular disease)j ko'ako'a, ala'ala. To scar, ho'ali'all, ho'olina, kakala wela. s c a r c e . Kaka'ikahl, panoanoa. s c a r c e l y . 'Ane'ane. s c a r e . Ho'omaka'u, ho'opü'iwa; — away, bo'ohemü. s c a r e c r o w . Ki'i ho'oweliweli. s c a r f . Lei 'a'l, kakai. s c a r i f y . Kahakaha. s c a r l e t . 'Ula. See red. s c a r l e t fever. Piwa 'ula'ula. s c a r r e d . 'A'alina, 'a'ali, ho'all'ali, 'ali'ali, pihlpihi, manu, ko'ako'a, "alina. s c a t . Hele ma kahi 'e, hemu. s c a t t e r . Ho'opuehu, IS, lulu, lu helele'l. Also: kau ll'ili'i, ho'ohelele'i, [ele li'ili'i, kapi, kiilele, ho'oleilel, kaiehu, kolu, ki'ope, ho'omalele. Scatter in every direction, ho'opuehu ll'ili'i. Scatter in excitement, holo pu'a'a. The crowd scatters, ho'i nui ka lehulehu. s c a t t e r e d . Puehu, helele'l, luehu. Also: malele, pakikokiko, pulunaluna, gakakahi, nüpolupolu, mokaki, kawala, pukaka, kfika'ikahi, kükaka'ikahi, puuapuna, p&'a'a. scavenger. 'Ai pilau. For saying, see c r a b , scavenger b i r d . Manu-'ai-pllau. s c e n e . Nanaina; mahele, pale, moku (in a play). s c e n e r y . Nanaina, 'ikena, waihona 'alna, s c e n t . See s m e l l .
s c e p t i c a l . Hilina'i 'els, ho'omahuakala, mana'o'l'o 'ole, ho'opahala, maloka, ho'omaloka. s c e p t r e . Ho'ailona ali'i pa'a lima, s c h e d u l e . Papa kuhikuhi, papa ho'ike, papa kuhikuhi manawa, papa, s c h e m e . Ho'olala 'ana. s c h o l a r . Mea 'imi na'auao, akeakamai, haumana, haumana. s c h o l a r s h i p . 1. Pursuit of knowledge. Hana 'imi na'auao. 2. Student aid. Waihona kokua ho'ona'auao, ha'awina kokua ho'ona'auao. s c h o l i u m . Mana'o wehewehe. s c h o o l . 1. Educational. Kula. Go to school, hele kula, kukula. Hold school, kula. School supplies, lako kula. See h i g h s c h o o l , m a n u a l , p r e p a r a tory school, private, r e f o r m s c h o o l , s e l e c t s c h o o l , t e a c h e r , u n i v e r s i t y . 2 . Fish. I ' a ku, ku, he'e, kahe, kaubulu. school c h i l d . Kelki hele kula. s c h o o l h o u s e . Hale kula. s c h o o l m a s t e r . Kahu kula, luna kula. s c h o o l m a t e . Hoa kula. s c h o o l t e a c h e r . Kumu kula. kumu a'o. s c h o o n e r . Moku; moku kia lua (two-masted); kuna. s c i e n c e . Akeakamai, hana 'imi na'auao, hull kanaka, 'ike no'eau. scientific. See s c i e n c e . Scientific name, lnoa Laklna. s c i e n t i s t . Mea 'imi na'auao, akeakamai. s c i o n . Weli. weweli, weliweli. scissors. 'tJpa; 'upa mikl'ao (fingernail). scoff. Pahenehene. See J e e r , scold. Nuku, ke'u, ho'okeke niho, huhu. Also: ho'okeke nuku, ha'akeke, hae_. kolokolo, waha lapalapa, meku, pakake'u, kukahalake, keke. Scoop. Ki'o'e, kupa, hao; — out, po'alo, pao, ki'alo, olohi'a. Also: po'o, kupele, kipaopao, houna, haohana. scoopful. Haona. scoop n e t . 'Upena uluulu, 'upena ka'e'e. s c o p e . Nui, laula. s c o r c h . Kuni, papa'a wela, eina, 'anla. Also: a wela. lili'u, haulalapa, uno'o, paki'al, nikipa'u, aoa. s c o r e . 1. Count. Helu, 'ai. To keep score, helu 'ai. 2 . See t w e n t y , scoreboard. Papa helu. scorekeeper. Helu *al. scoreless. 'Ai 'ole; 'ohule (slang). s c o r n . Ho'owahawaha, ho'okae. Also: ha'akei, lhu 'e'eke. plnana ka ihu, 'okoleolol, ho'oma'ewa, ho'oke. See e x c l a m a t i o n , s c o r n f u l . Ihuihu, 'auwae, ho'auwae. See s c o r n , s c o r p i o n . Mo'o-nlho-'awa, mo'o-huelo-'awa, kopena, kopiana. S c o t c h . Kekokia. S c o t i a . Sekotia. S c o t l a n d . Kekokia. S c o t t i s h . Kekokia. s c o u n d r e l . Lapuwale, pu'uwai 'ele'ele. s c o u r . Kuai, 'anal, kuolo, holoi. s c o u r i n g s t o n e . Nohu. S c o u t . Kiu; 'oumuamua (rare). scow. Kao. scowl. Ho'oku'eku'emaka, ho'oku'eku'emaka nui, ho'opupuku, ho'o'i'ika. Also: T i , maku'e, makaku'iku'l, ho'onohu. scraggly. Kiwalawala, kiwaiawala'o, hao'a. s c r a m b l e . Ho'ohoikau (mix). Scrambled eggs, hua kai, hua paka. s c r a p . 1. Remnant. Huna, hakina, hunahuna, •apana li'ili'i. See s c r a p s . 2. See l i g h t .
s e a w e e d (PH £37), kal 'ele'ele, kal melemele, kai popolohua mea a Kane . . . kai ma, kai lewa. For sayings, see f o r e c a s t ; PE punoni.
« c r a p bowl. Ipu 'alna. s c r a p e . Wa'u, wawa'u, wa'uwa'u, koe, kuai, kali], pohole. Also: uwa'u, kawa'u, walu, 'uwalu, makoe, mahole, he, kepa, moholehole, kele. s c r a p e r . Kahi, wa'u, uwa'u, wawa'u, wa'uwa'u; uhi (of turtle shell); kalepa. s c r a p i r o n . Papa'a hao. s c r a p s . Koena, hakina 'al, 'amikamika, 'opilopilo, ko'ala'ala. s c r a t c h . Walu, wawalu, 'uwalu (as a cat); koe; helu (as a hen). Also: heluhelu, waluhia, waluwalu, wa'u, uwa'u, wawa'u, wa'uwa'u, kuolo, kope, kaha, kihelu, mahelu, moku'ol, neneke. s c r a t c h e d . Koea, waluhia. See s c r a t c h , s c r a t c h l n g s . Kahakahana, waluna, koena. See
sea area. Kai.
sea b e a n . Ka'e'e, mauna-loa. Seeds of ka'e'e, pipa, peka'a. s e a c o a s t . Kahakai. s e a c u c u m b e r . Loll (various kinds, PE 194); kunounou, hulali, hulalilali, 'upalu, kuneuneu, 'unae. Catch the sea cucumber by mistake, a blind fish, hopu hewa 1 ka loli, ka i'a makapo (of disappointment, a worthless catch, or ignorance). For word magic, PE 'iloli. sea d o g . 'Ilio 'aukai. sea e l e p h a n t . 'Elepani-kai. s e a f a r e r . Holomoana, holokai, 'aukai.
sea foam. Ehu kai.
s c r a t c h p a p e r . Pepa kahakaha. s c r a w l } . Kiwala'o (as writing), s c r e a m . 'Alala, pu'alala, wala'au nuJ, kolopa.
sea g u l l . Nene-'au-kai, 'opa'ipa'i. s e a l . 1. Emblem. Kila. Also: uwepa, ho'opa'a, kuni. hulu. Seal of office, sila o ke ke'ena. To fix a seal, kila. 3. Mammal. 'Tllo-holo-l-kauaua. sea l e t t u c e . 'Ilioha'a, lipaha, lipahapaha, pahapaha, lipalahalaha, pakaiea, palahalaha. See
See roar.
s c r e e c h . Alali, kiklko'u, kani 'okalakala. s c r e e n . Paku, palulu. alai, anai, wahamana. Wire screen, uwea hakahaka. Window screen, uwea hakahaka, palulu pukaaniani. Screen for projecting pictures or movies, wahi ho'olele kl 1. s c r e w . Kul nao, kul, kolu. To screw, will, screw a u g e r . Will pua'a, ule pua'a. s c r e w d r i v e r . Kui kala, kala. s c r i b b l e . Kakau wale, kopekope. s c r i b e . Kakau 'olelo. Royal scribe, kakau all'i.
s e a l i n g wax. Kepau kapili palapala. s e a m . Ku'ina, ku'i, humu, humuhumu, humuna.
seaman. See sailor,
s e a m e d . Halu'a. s e a r . Kuni. Also: haulalapa, ka llliko. s e a r c h . 'Imi, huli; 'lmina, hulina (nouns). Also: holi, 'akiu. To search repeatedly, hulihuli, huli hele. To search, as for knowledge, noi'i, noi'ina. s e a r c h w a r r a n t . Palapala huli. sea Shell. Pupu (various kinds, PE 3t9-330). See
scrip. 'A'a.
S c r i p t u r e s . Palapala Hemolele. s c r o f u l a . 'A'i pala'e, 'a'i 'ala'ala. s c r o l l . 'Owlli palapala. s c r o t u m . Laho (various idioms and insults, PE 175-176). Also: 'eke, 'eke'eke, 'ope'a, 'olo. Bull scrotum, laho pipi. Raw scrotum, laho kole. My man with big voice whose scrotum sounds, ku'u kanaka leo nul, na ka laho e ho'okani (a riddle: a bell is the answer). s c r u b . 'Anai, holoi, kuolo (verb). s c r u b b i n g b r u s h . Palakl 'anal, s c r u b b y . 'I'l, kai'oi'o, kupu 'ole. s c r u t i n i z e . Kia'i pono, nana pono, lot, ho'omakauli'i. s c r u t i n y . Lolna. See s c r u t i n i z e , s c u l p t o r . Mea kalal ki'i, ku'ikepa. s c u m . Hu'a, hu'ahu'a. A few scums: llmu-kalawai (palawai), pawai, nehe. s c u r v y . Pehu pala, pu'upu'u. s c y t h e . Pahi kakiwi. s e a . Kai; moana (open); malo, pa'u (poetic). Calm, quiet sea, kai malle, kai maiino, kal malolo, kai ho olulu, kai pu, kai wahine, kai kalamania. kaiolohia. Strong_ sea, kai ko'o, kai kane, kai nui, kai nu'u, 'okaikal. Rough or raging sea, kal pupule, kai pu'eone, kal akua. Deep sea, kai hononu. kal 'au, kal ho'e'e, kal lu he'e. Restless sea with undercurrent, kal kuolo, kai holo, kai lewa, lapa kai, kai ko, kai au. Dark blue sea, moana uli, raoauli. Streaked sea, associated with Kona, kai ma'oki'oki. Whispering sea, associated with Kawaihae, kal hawanawana. Salt sea, kal pa'akai. Shallow or reef sea, kai kohola, kai ko'ele. Rippled sea, kai ho'olili. Receding or ebbing sea, kai he'e, kai eml, kal mimiki, kai ho'i, kai nu'u aku. Western sea, kai lalo. High sea, kal plha. Of the sea, o kai. Towards the sea, i kai, makai. Place where sea and land meet, 'ae kai. By the sea, akai. Sea almost surrounded by land, kai haloko. The eight seas, na kai 'ewalu (seas about the Hawaiian Islands, poetic). Puna with its sea rustling over pebbles. Puna i ke kai nehe 1 ka 'ili'ill. My sea_, concealing sarong ( JJL lth), ku'u kal, pa'u halaka. Black sea, yellow sea, Ktine's purplishblue red-brown sea . . . silent sea, swinging sea
s e a s h o r e . Kahakai, kapa kal. seasick. Poluea, luea, ho'opapailua, 'olanalana.
See nausea.
seaside. Kapa kal, kahakai, kal.
sea slug. See sea cucumber,
s e a s o n . 1. Time. Kau. Also: wa, manawa, la'a, kikina. Rainy season, wa ua, manawa ua, la'a ua. Fruit season, kau hua. Season of dying plants, la'a make. Octopus season, wa he'e. Season after season, kau a kau. To season, as lumber, ho'omalo'o. See s u m m e r , w i n t e r . 3. Imparl taste, Ho'ono, ho'omiko, kamala. Seasoned, miko, ll'u, mall'u. s e a s o n i n g . Mea hS'ono'ono, mea ho'omlkomiko. s e a t . Noho, nohona, ho'onobo. High, rickety seat, kiolea. Seat cover, pale noho. sea u r c h i n . Wana, wana-kauila; 'ina (PE 94). Various kinds: ha'uke'uke (also, name of a tapa design); ha'uke'uke-iwi-loloa, ha'uke, ha'uka'uka, ba'ue'ue, haku'eku'e, hawa'e, halula, punohu, hulu'anai, nlbo, bailimoa. Sea-urchin meat, alelo. Sea-urchin sauce, kai 'lna. To remove sea-urchin flesh, poke 'ina. For saying, PE hawa'e. sea wall. Pani kai. s e a w a r d . Makai, i kai. o kai.
sea water. Kai.
s e a w e e d . Limu (various kinds, PE 190-191; many others begin 11-, PE 188, 191-191). Wellknown edible seaweeds include: kala ('akala), kohu, lipoa, 'a'ala-'ula ('ala-'ula), 'ele'ele (pipilani), llpa'akal, lipe'e (lipe'epe'e, pe'epe'e), manauea, 'o'olu, pakele-a-wa'a (hulunulu-waena). Also: 'ai-a-ka-honu, 'aka'ako'a. 'aki'akl, akuila, alanl, ' a n a p a n a p a . 'api'ipi'i, a'ula, a u p u p u , 'awa, 'awe awe'a, 'aweoweo, 'awikiwiki, 'eleau, 'elo'elo, hawane, hihia, hina-'ula, ho'onunu; hulu (various kinds, PE 84-85); huna, huna-pakeake, hunebune, hupe-kobola, hu'ahu'a-kai, uihui, huihui-makali'i, huwai, 'Ilio, ka'ape'ape, ka'ele, kahili, kauno'a, kaupau, kawelu, kihe, kikala-moa, kiki, kllibune, kimau, ko'ele, ko'ele'ele, koko, kukae-o-Kama-pua'a, kulape-
s e a
To see but disregard, nana kuli. Let me see! 'OUana! 'Diana 1 s e e d . 'Ano'ano, hua; h u a k a n u (for planting); lu (as of beach poppy). To bear seed, hua. Seed of loulu palm, wahane, hawane. Seed of 'aweoweo, mokiweo. Seed of ka'e'e, peka'a, pipa. s e e d b e d . Wahi kanu 'ano'ano. Also: loko nlu, haokanu. s e e d l i n g . Palupalu, kawowo, hehu. Also: ila, 'oilo.
>eiao, lauoho-o-Pele, lehelehe-'flio, lelepo, lepeilimanamana, epe-o-Hina, lepe-o-Hina, leponalo, liko-lehua, lipahapaha, lipahe'e, lipahe'ehe'e, lipahoe, lipalu, lipepeiao, lipohapoha, lipupu, lipu'upu'u, loloa, lupe, maka, makaloa, m a k u a o-ka-llmu-kohu, manamana-'ula, maneoneo, mawaewae-kilihune, mo'opuna-a-ka-lipoa, nabawele, naio, nakeke, nanea, nano'o, nanue. ne, nei, nenue, nu'a, ' dhelo-huihui, 'ohi'ohi'o, 'ohune, 'okala, 'dma'oraa'o, oneone ; 'opi'opi, p a h a p a h a - o - P o l i h a l e , p a h a p a h a - w a i , p a h e e, pahe'ehe'e, pakaiea, pakalakala, pakelo, pakepake, pakolekole, pakupaku, palahalaha, pala-pohaku, paia-'ula, pale wawae, paninlku, anohonoho, pano'ono'o, papa'akea, pa'u-o[i'iaka, gehu,_ pepe-o-Hina, pllali, pili-ko'a, poha, pohapoha, popohe-makalri, puaki, puha, puko'ako'a, 'unoko, wawae-'iole, wawahi-wa'a, weluwelu. Ball of seaweed, as sold for food, popo limu. To gather seaweed, 'ako limu. See m o s s ,
seeing. 'Ikena.
s e e k . 'Imi, hull. Also: huhuli, huhuhuli, 'i'lmt (of many and repeatedly); 'akiu, nowelo. To seek far, 'imi loa. To seek money, 'imi kala. To seek work, 'imi hana. To seek information or knowledge, noi'i. To seek for sexual ends, ki'i. To seek revenge, ho'opa'l, ho'opana'i, 'imi i kahi e ku ai ka makaia. s e e k i n g . 'Imlna, hulina. s e e m s . ' Ano, mehe mea la. It seems good, he 'ano maika'i ia. s e e n . 'Ike 'ia, k u m a k a . Plainly seen, 'ike maopopo 'ia, kaula'ela'e, 'o'ili lua. s e e p a g e . Nono, no, manono. s e e r . Kaula, kilo, kuhikuhipu'uone, nana ao, 'imi loa. God of seers, Kuhimana. Hi'iaka, seer with power (PH 151), 'O Hi'iaka, kaula mana. s e e s a w . P a p a hulel (board). To seesaw, hulehulei. Also: mahiki, panau, makoiele. s e g m e n t . 'Apana; 'apana po'al (of a circle).
scum, sea lettuce, vagabond,
sea w o r m . Ko'e-kai.
S e c h e m . Kekema, Sekema. s e c o n d . L u a , k u a l u a ; k e k o n a (lime unit); koko'olua (in a duel). To second a motion, kokua. The second time, ka lua o ka manawa.
second-degree m u r d e r .
w o r m
'Elua kekele o ka
pepehl kanaka, s e c o n d h a n d . M e a 1 ho'ohana m u a 'ia, hana m u a 'la.
secondly. Lua.
s e c o n d s i g h t . M a k a 'ike. 'ike papalua. Gift of second sight, ha'awina 'ike. s e c r e t . Mea huna, huna, maltl. 'ohuna. To hide or keep in secret, huna, htinakole, 'ekepue. To do evil in secret, kamalu. Secret languages: wehiwa, nehiwa, kake. s e c r e t a r y . 1. Clerical aid. K a k a u 'olelo, k a k a u mo'olelo; lku kau (rare). Private secretary, k a k a u 'olelo pilikino. 3. High official. Kuhina.
segregate. Ho'oka'awale. segregation. Ho'oka'awale 'ana.
s e i n e . Hukilau, lau, 'upena ko lau, lau kapalili, lau'apo'apo, paloa. s e i s m o g r a p h . Ana ola'i, mlkini ana 51a'i. seize. Hopu, 'apo, lalau, ka'lli. Also: ho'oki'ikl'i, ka'iliku, apakau, kapo'a, lelemu, kule, lauhulu.
secretary of I n t e r i o r . Kuhina kalai'aina. secretary of s t a t e . Kuhina moku'aina.
seizing. 'Uo (lashing). seldom. Kaka'ikahi.
s e c r e t a r y of w a r . Kuhina kaua. s e c r e t i v e . Pe'e poli, malu, 'ekepue, huna. s e c r e t l y . H u n a h u n a , malu. Take secretly, lawe malu.
s e l e c t . Koho, wae, 'ohi. Also: waewae, ho'owae, mawae, mowae, m5ae, 'ele'i. s e l e c t i o n . Koho 'ana, wae 'ana, 'obJna.
selection board. Papa 'ohi.
secret service. 'Olhana kiu.
s e l e c t i v e . Kamawae, wae, waewae.
s e c r e t s o c i e t y . 'Ahahui malu; nauwa (Jormed by Kala-kaua). s e c t . Ho'omana, mahele ho'omana. s e c t i o n . Pauku, moku, mokuna, 'apana, mahele. Also: mo. hakina; puna (between joints); kiko (of a story); hull (as of town or place); poke; ha'ao (in chief's procession); nanaka (marked).
select school. Kula wae.
s e l f . Iho, kino, pono'I, 'oiwi. For myself,
iho. See bone, self-control. Kaohl iho.
s e l f l s h . 'Au'a; no'ono'o iaia wale iho no, ho'okeamaka. s e l f - s a t l s f l e d . 'Olu'olu no iaia iho. sell. Ku'ai aku. Also: kalepa, bo'olilo, ma'au'auwa; ku'aku'ai, ho'oku'aku'ai (sell repeatedly); pakaukau (over the counter). To sell leis, kau lei. s e l l e r . Mea ku'ai aku. Lei seller, mea kau lei.
sector. 'Apana.
s e c u r e . Pa'a. Also: papa'a, kuapapa, kulekule. To make secure, ho'opa a, hana pa'a, hoa, 'omau. Not secure, p a ' a 'ole, holokake. See s a f e , s e c u r i t y . Palekana, maluhia, k a h u a pa'a; walwai ho'opa'a (investment). For saying, see h e a v e n ,
selvage. Ka'e pa'a (of cloth).
s e m e n . Keakea. Also: wai o ke kane, wai.
security b a n k . Panakd ho'omalu 'ia.
semester. Kau.
sedan chair. Manele.
s e m i a n n u a l . H a p a makahikt. s e m i c i r c l e . Po'al hapalua. s e m i c o l o n . Kiko ho'omaha, kiko koma.
s e d a t e . Kuo'o, no'eno'e. s e d g e s . M a u ' u . Varieties: 'aha-niu, 'ahu'awa, 'ehu'awa, kaluhaluha, kiolohia, kohekohe, kuolohla, makaloa, manu-nene, mokae, pipi-wai, popd-hau-o-Ni'iliau, p u ' u k a ' a , 'uki. s e d i m e n t . Oka, ko'ana, maku. s e d i t i o n l i b e l . Laipila ho'alaala klpi. s e d i t i o u s . Klpl. Seditious offenses, hewa ho'alaala kipi. s e d u c e . Ho'owalewale hewa, alaka'i hewa, pu'e, luahele. See. 'Ike; nana (look at). To see clearly, well, keenly, 'ike pono, 'ike le'a, m a k a 'ike, 'i'ike, 'ike konale. To see personally, 'ike maka. To see double, 'ike papalua. To see supernatural things, m a k a 'ike. To see indistinctly, hala'o'a, pawao.
s e n a t e . 'Aha kenekoa. s e n a t o r . Kenekoa.
s e n d . Ho'ouna; — on an errand, kena; — for, ki'i, ho'oki'i, kauoha; — back, ho'iho'i; — away, klpaku, paku. s e n i o r . Mua, makua, help mua, hanau mua. Senior class, p a p a kl'eki'e loa, p a p a e puka aku ana. Smith, Senior, Kamika M a k u a . Senior branch (of a family), na hele mua, lala hele mua. To act as senior, ho'omuamua. s e n n i t . 'Aha. To braid sennit, h5'aha.
sensation. Mea ho'okahaha. See sense, s e n s a t i o n a l . Ku 1 ke kahaha.
s e n s e . l .Faculty. ' I k e. Sense of taste, ' I k e i k a ' o n o . Sense of pain, 'ike i k a 'eha. Sense of sight, 'ike i ka maka. Common sense, no'ono'o kupono. 3 . Import. M a n a ' o nui. s e n s i b l e . N o ' o n o ' o pono. s e n s i t i v e . 1. Perceptive. ' I k e ho'omaopopo. 3 . As to criticism. ' E h a wale, ku'ia wale. Also: heke, lili.
s e s b a n . 'Ohai-ke'oke'o, 'ohai-'ula'ula. s e s s i o n . K a u . Regular session, k a u mau (nf legislature). Special session, k a u kuikawa. To be in session, noho. s e t . 1. To place. K a u ; ho'onoho (as table, bones, type); ho'omoe, ho'omoemoe, k u ' u , au (as line or net); 'oniu, ulele (as type); mau (as a wager); napo'o, welo (of sun); koko (bones by applying pressure); pa'ihi, h a o a pa'lhi (as sails); kapili (as precious stones). To set on fire, ho'a, puhi ahi. To set firmly, p a ' a k u k u , ho'opa'a. To set apart, ho'oka'awale, ho'oko'a, k a i o k l a ; molla kapae, waiho. To set (for gods). To setaside, up, kukulu, ho'oku. To set o f f , explode, h o ' o p a h u . To set free, ho'oku'u, mokala, puhemo. To set apart for sacred purposes, ho'ola'a, ho'okapu. To set a table, ho'onoho i k a p a k a u k a u . 2. Assortment. N a m e a k o h u like o ke ano ho'okahi, kaina. Tea set, kaina ho'okahi o na meainu ki.
sensitive plant. Pua-hllahila.
s e n s o r y . ' I k e . Extrasensory perception, 'ike papalua. s e n s u a l . K u k o i ko ke kino; pakiai (obs.). s e n t e n c e . Mamala'dlelo (words); 'olelo ho'opa'i (penalty).
sentiment. Aloha, sentimental. Ho'alohaloha loa.
s e n t i n e l . Koa kia'i, k u uwaki. s e p a r a t e . 1. Adjective. Ka'awale, k a u 'oko'a, ka'oko'a, beiuo, lele. 2. Verb. Ho'oka'awale. Also: k a u ' o k o ' a , h o ' o k a ' a ' o k o ' a , h o ' o k o ' a , kauko'a, ho'okaupale, wae, waewae, mawae, mahae, weke, wekeweke, mawehe, maweke, mowae, inoae, ho'opale, kohikohl, 'oki. To separate by space, ho'okowa. To separate taro corm from stalk, kohl 'ai. Separate by taboo, h o ' o m a k a p u . Separate by sea, kai'okia. s e p a r a t e l y . Pakahi, ho'oka'awale 'ia, ho'okahi, 'oko'a. Considered separately, no'ono'o pakahi 'ia. s e p a r a t i o n . K a ' a w a l e 'ana, 'okina, ho'omoku, palena, hemohemo, ' a k a k a .
settee. Koki. See couch, sofa,
s e t t i n g . K a h u a . wahi: '5nohi (as of a ring). Diamond setting, ' o p u ' u k a i m a n a , 'onohi kaimana. Setting sun, n a p o ' o n a la, la kau. The setting of the moon (Kep. 105), ka n a p o ' o n a mahlna. s e t t l e . K a u ; m a k u , ko'ana, ho'oko'ana, ki'o (as dregs); kiki'o, paki'o, ho'oki'o, ki'o wai (as water in a pond); k u ' u , emi iho, poho, pohi (as earth); 'oku'u, noe (as mist); ho o n a (as a claim); ho'oholo (as a problem); a k a k u ' u (as wind). To settle down, stay, noho pa'a, h o ' o k a h u a .
settled. Kau, na, holo. See settle,
s e t t l e m e n t . Kauhale, a u k a n a k a . s e v e n . Hiku, 'ehiku, 'ahiku. Seven times, 'ehiku, 'ahiku. pahiku. Seven years, 'ehiku makahiki, hepekoma. Seven times seven, hiku hiku.
September. Kepakemapa.
s e p u l c h r e . Hale k u p a p a ' u , ilina k u p a p a ' u . s e q u e l . Hope, hopena. s e q u e n c e . N o h o p a p a 'ana, ho'onoho p a p a 'ana, kaka'lna, k a ' i n a , kekahi mahope mai o kekahi. Also: ' a m a ' a m a u , moekahi. See s u c c e s s i o n ,
sevenfold. Pahiku.
s e v e n t e e n . 'L'mi k u n i a h i k u , ' u m l k u m a m a h i k u . s e v e n t h . Hiku. One seventh, hapahiku.
s e r a p h i m . Kelapima.
S e v e n t h - d a y A d v e n t l s t . Ho'omana Po'aono. seventy. Kanahiku.
s e r e n a d e . Melo ho'oipoipo, mele ho'alohaloha (romantic); mele ho'ohau'oll (for friends). s e r e n e . Maluhla, la'i, malle, la'ela'e, mala'e. Also: la'iku, kohea, palula, 'alaneo. s e r g e . 'Alapia (resembling). s e r g e a n t . I f a k i a n a . Sergeant major, k a k l a n a mekia.
s e v e n t y - e i g h t . Kanahiku kumawalu, kanahiku kumamawalu. s e v e n t y - f i v e . K a n a h i k u kumalima, k a n a h i k u kumamalima. s e v e n t y - f o u r . Kanahiku kumaha, kanahiku kumamaha. s e v e n t y - n i n e . K a n a h i k u kumalwa, k a n a h i k u kumamalwa. s e v e n t y - o n e . Kanahiku kumakahi, kanahiku kumamakahi. s e v e n t y - s e v e n . Kanahiku kumahlku, kanahiku kumamahiku. seventy-six. Kanahiku kumaono, kanahiku kumamaono. s e v e n t y - t h r e e . Kanahiku kumakolu, kanahiku kumamakolu. s e v e n t y - t w o . Kanahiku kumalua, kanahiku kumamalua. s e v e r . 'Oki, raoku. Also: mo, m o k u m o k u , momoku, p o ' o m u k u , ' a m o k u m o k u . Severed, moku, p a h u p u , lele loa. s e v e r a l . Kekahi, kekahi m a u . s e v e r a n c e . 'Okina, m o k u n a . s e v e r e . 'O'ole'a, ' a ' a k a . uahoa, ko'lko'i. Also: kuplliki'l; lo'a'a (as taboo); pa'ea'ea. To treat severely, ho'oko'iko'i. S e v i l l e . Kewila, Sevila. s e w . H u m u h u m u . Also: hono, ku'i, holoholo, ' o m a u ; pahono (as a tear); holo (as a break in a ourd); kaholo (with long stitches). To sew sails, u m u pe'a, u h a u h u m u . To sew in a diagonal line, h u m u lala.
serial. Helu. serial bond. Pona helu.
s e r i e s . M a h a l e (as of books); mo'o. One of a series, k a k a ' l n a . See s e q u e n c e , s e t . s e r i o u s . K u o ' o . Also: ho'i'o, hana'i'o, k u k o n u -
konu. See Important,
s e r m o n . Ha'i'olelo, ha'i a'o.
serpent. Mo'o, mo'o klha, mo'o lele. See snake. Serpentine River. Muliwai Kepenaklna.
s e r r a t e d . W a k a w a k a , nihoniho, nlhoa, 'onlho. s e r v a n t . K a n a k a h a n a (male); wahine h a n a (female); k a n a k a lawelawe, k a n a k a , k a u w a (Biblical); 'dhua. Anciently, attendants to a chief were privileged blood relatives who might not be dismissed; k a u w a (Biblical, servant) were despised outcasts not permitted access to chiefs; the EuroAmerican idea of the inferiority of servants was unknown. Your humble servant, k a u k a u w a h a ' a h a ' a . Your obedient servant, k a u k a u w a ho'olohe. Servant of God, k a u w a a k e A k u a .
See outcast, retainer,
s e r v e . Lawelawe. Also: ho'ok5 (as a warrant); pane'e, m a l a m a , k a ' a malalo. Serves you right1 Alolo! 'Aikolal Lolol A l a ' a la! S e r v l a . Kelewla, Serevla. s e r v i c e . Lawelawe (assistance); hana, 'oihana (occupation, division, department). Service charge, uku lawelawe. Military service, 'oihana koa. Church service, pule, halawai haipule, haipule, haipule ' a n a .
sewer. 'Auwal, kua, ha wai.
s e w e r p i p e . P a l p u lawe 'ino, ha wai lawe 'ino.
service of process. Ho'oko 'ana 1 ka palapala
sewing. Humuna. See sew.
kena. s e r v i l e . H a ' a h a ' a loa, k a ' a p e , k u a p a ' a .
s e w i n g m a c h i n e . Mikini h u m u h u m u , kawiliwlli h u m u h u m u . For parts, see b o b b i n w i n d e r ,
sex clamp, feed dog, gatherer, gauge, latch,
s h a r k . Mano (various kinds, sayings, fig. meanings, PE HO). Also: lalakea, lau-ka-hi u, lelelwi, lele-wa'a, luhia, niuhi. Line of shark fins protruding above the water, lalani kalalea. To catch sharks with bait and noose, kumano. Shark-tooth weapon, leiomano. Shark-tooth knife, niho 'oki. To behave as a shark, to act like a shark; to pursue women, ho'omano. The wiliwili blooms, sharks bite, pua ka wiliwili, nanahu ka mano (of a girl reaching maturity). For saying, PE holopapa I. See e a t . s h a r k sucker. Leleiona, moelawa (remora). S h a r o n . Kalona. The rose of Sharon, ka loke o Kalona. s h a r p . ' O i , 'awini. Also: 'oi'ol, kol, ko'l, muko'i, 'ou, kakala, kulilipi, nihoa, huini, waka. wakawaka, wana, wanawana. wawana. Long and sharp, pioeoe. Any sharp edge, llpi. Sharp point, wini, winiwlni, Sharp nose, lhu winiwini. Sharp, shrill sounds, huini. Sharp-edged, ka'e 'oi, 'oniho. Sharp-lipped, Iehe 'oi (of one who makes cutting remarks). Sharpen. Ho'okala, ho'oi. Also: ho'oi'ol, hana 'oi, ho'owini, koli. Sharpener. Ho'okala, mea ho'okala.
presser foot, s h u t t l e , spool; PE huila, kd'ei, kanokaomi, pane'e-'Upiki, papa hehi, papa ho'oholo. sex. No Hawaiian term. Masculine sex, keka kane. Feminine sex, keka wahine. See l e c h e r o u s , sexual. No Hawaiian term; pili i ke kane me ka wahine. Sexual passion, kola, huahua'i. Sexual excitement, mane'o, kola. Sexual part, ma'l, wahi huna. Sexually unattractive, lemuku. The hidden meaning of this song is sexual, ke kaona o kela mele, pill i ke kane me ka wahine. Beautiful but without sexual appeal, he u'i ku i ki'ona (lit., a beauty fit for the dung heap). Sexual attraction or relationship may be shown poetically by references to rain, mist, spray, coolness. See g a m e . For sayings, see cowry s h e l l ; PE pi'oe'oe. sexual Intercourse. Ai, ei, hana ma'i, moe, pi'i, panlpani, aina. Motions of sexual intercourse, ku'ami'ami. To have had sexual intercourse, of a female, p& kanaka. Sexual intercourse with a menstruating woman, kokokohe. s h a b b y . Hapa'upa'u, kuha'eka, lu'a. s h a c k . Hale 'apulu, kamala. Shade. Malu, mamalu; palulu ( f o r protection). Shade under cliff or hill, 'umalu. To shade, ho'omalumalu. ho'oma'u, 'umalu, ho'o'umalu. Eyeshade, palulu maka. Lamp shade, palulu kukui. Window shade, paku po uli, palulu pukaaniani. Fig.: deep shade, malu ko'i; shade of trees, malu halau loa. shadow. Aka, huaka, 'umalu. To cast a shadow, ho'oaka, 111 ke aka. ho'o'umalu, hoaka; malila (oils ). To fall, as one shadow on another, pi'i. The valley of the shadow of death, ke awawa malu o ka make. For saying, PE aka. shady. Malumalu. Also: lauli, 'omalumalu, ho'omalumalu, mallpolipo, milumilu. 'e'a'e'a; pololuht (obs.). To make shady, ho'omamalu. s h a f t . 1. Column. Kia, pou. 2. See handle.
sharpness. 'Oi.
sharpshooter. Ki pololei. sharp-tongued. Keke, keke nuku, lehe 'oi. waha 'a. S h a t t e r . Wawahi, naha, nahaha, ka, ho'oka, kapa'i. Shave. Kahi, amu, koli. To shave whiskers, kahi 'umi'umi. To shave half the head in mourning, kahi kihapa. Smooth-shaven, kahania, kanekanea. shavings. Oka la'au, kahlna; hana (obs.). shawl. Klhei. To wear a shawl, kiheihei. she. Same as he. s h e a f . Pu'a, pu'ala. We were binding sheaves, 1 ka pu'a. 'ana a kakou i na pu'a. shear. 'Ako, 'oki, amu. To shear sheep, 'ako hulu hipa. shearer. Mea 'ako. Sheep shearer, mea 'ako hulu hlpa. shears. 'Opa, 'upa nui. Grass shears, 'upa mau'u. Pinking shears, 'upa nihoniho. shearwater. 'Ua'u-kani, ho'io. s h e a t h . Pale, wahi, 'Hi wahi. Coconut-flower sheath, holowa'a, holoa'a, lolo niu. Coconutsheath canoe, wa'a lolo niu. Banana-bud sheath, '5pu'u mal'a. Shed. 1. Building. Hale ho'ahu. Also: hale pupupu, auolo, hale malu, hale kamala, lanal. 2. Throw o f f . Helele'i (as a dog's hair); lu; haliko, ho'omalule (as a crab sheds its shell); auha fobs.). Shed blood, ho'okahe koko. Sheep. Hipa. Flock of sheep, kumu hipa, pu'a hipa. To tend sheep, kahu hipa. Sheep dog. 'Ilio hipa, 'Ilio kia'i hipa. sheepfold. Pa hipa. sheep m a r k e t . Pukahipa. sheepskin. 'Iii hipa. Sheer. 1. Perpendicular, steep. Ku pololei, kunihinihi. Also: kahako, ku'i, kulono, kumole. laumania, nienie; lele koa'e (fig.). 2. Complete. Loa, maoli. Sheer nonsense, kohu 'ole loa. s h e e t . Lau, papa. Sheet of paper, 'apana pepa. Bed sheet, uhl pela, hali'i moe. shekel. Kekela. shelf. Haka, haka kau, papa, kumuhaka, holopapa, kaola. Obs.: olo, olo'ewa. Shelf for food containers, haka ipu, papa lpu. High shelf or place, kauwolani. Shell. 1. Mollusk. Pupu (various kinds, PE 329330); iwi. Also: 'akolea, alealea. 'aoa, apuhlhi, 'a-unauna, hailimoa, hapa-wai, hihl-wai, nuwai, kahele-lani, kamoa, kauna'oa, kio, koholua, kuanaka, kuapo'i, kupe'e, maka-halill, makaloa (aupupu), moa, moml, nahawele, nahawelell'ilri, naka-'oni'oni'o, nene; 'olepe (PE 161262); pa, pa hau, pa mae, pipi: plpipl (PE 306);
3. Tunnel. Lua 'eli. shaggy. Puhuluhulu, 'ohuluhulu, huluhulu. s h a k e . Naue, nauwe, naueue, lulu, ho'onl, ho'olulituli, lull (as the head); ho'olull (as a drink\; lulu, 'opa lpa'l (as the earth); — jerkily, kuku; — as with palsy, kuolo; — as with cold or fear, ulupi'l. Also: na'alulu, 'api, kuehu, kuekueni, lu, naka, noiele, pilu, 'olalu. 'oloka, paleha, ho'onaueue. Shake hands, lulu lima, s h a k y . Kulana, kulanalana, naluli. kahulihuli.
shall. E . . . ana, e.
Shallow. Papa'u: hapapa; nana! (rare). Shallow dish, pananai. Shallow-rooted, malana, puhai. Sea loo shallow to float a canoe in, kai ko'ele. s h a m . Ho'okamani. Sham battle, kaua kio, pahukala, kanekupua (with spears). s h a m e . Hilahila, waia. To put to shame, ho'ohllahila, ho'owaia, ho'ohoka. What a shame! Aloha 'lnol s h a m e f a c e d . Palal maka. s h a m e f u l . Ho'ohllahila. s h a m e l e s s . Hilahila 'ole, 'uhane 'ole; makolea (obs.). s h a m p o o . Holol lauoho. Shampoo liquid, mea holol lauoho. S h a n g h a i . Kanahai. To shanghai, kanahai. Shank. 1. Fishhook part. Ku'au. Tail or small end of bonito lure, mull. Head or large end,_ lhu. Shankof octopus lure, pou lua. 2 . Leg. Wawae, lapawawae. s h a n t y . Hale lala la'au, kamala, hale pupupu. s h a p e . 'Ano; ho'orao'omo, kalal, 'omilo (as a canoe hull); ho'opololei, kalal (as a policy or enterprise). Irregular in shape, pa'ewa, pu'ali. To take shape, ho'okino. To put in shape. ho'oponopono, ho'opololei. s h a r e . Mahele, pu'u; kea (stocks). To share, mahele: ka'ana (equally); pu'unaue, 'alo. Share food, pu 'ai. s h a r e r . Hoa loa'a, hoa lawe pu.
s h o w po'opalaoa, puhali, pu'opi'opi'o, wl; h a u
s h o c k i n g . M a n a ' o n a ' o . Shocking news, he meahou ho'ohikilele. s h o e . K a m a ' a . Pair of shoes_, p a ' a k a m a ' a . Patent-leather shoes, k a m a ' a p a h i n u . Openwork shoes, k a m a ' a h a k a h a k a . Leather shoes, k a m a ' a 'ill. To put on shoes, h o ' o k a m a ' a , k o m o k a m a ' a . To shoe, as a horse, kapili. See h o r s e s h o e . S h o e l a c e . Li k a m a ' a , k a u l a li k a m a ' a .
See bivalve, conch, cowry shell, land shell, limpet, nerlta, oyster, pearl shell, sundial sheu, Trochus shell, turbo shell. Turtle or
tortoise shell, u n a , k u a honu. Shell on back of crab or turtle, k u a p o ' i . Shell for a lei. pupu lei. Shell lei, lei p u p u , lei leho, lei pipipi. 2. Any hard case. Iwi. Shell of hiwa coconut, ipu o Kane. Shell of lelo coconut used ceremonially, ipu o Lono. To shell, poke, p o ' a l o , 'ohiki. 3. Projectile. Poka, poka pu, poka p a h u (bomb); p o k a popo ahl (incendiary bomb); p o k a pu k u n i ahi (cannon ball). s h e l t e r . Wahi lulu, wahi ho'omalu, hale, hale k a m a l a , hale p u p u p u , auolo, papa'i, m a l u m a l u ; a u h a (obs.). In the shelter of his wings, m a k a malu o kona 'eheu. This house is not very good, stilj it is a shelter, 'a'ole maika'i loa 'o keia hale, a k a he m a l u m a l u . s h e p h e r d . K a h u hipa. s h e p h e r d d o g . 'Ilio hipa, 'ilio kia'i hipa. s h e r i f f . M a k a ' i nui, ilamuku. District sheriff, l u n a maka'i.
shoemaker. Kumeka.
S h o o . Ho'ohu, ho'okuke, h o ' e h u . Also: emu, h e m u , hehu. kipa'i. S h o o t . 1. Discharge. P a n a , ki. Shoot with bow and arrow, p a n a pua, p a p u a , k a k a k a , kiko'o, ' u m o k i ; p a n a i'a (fish); p a n a 'iole (rats). Shoot arrows of sugar-cane tassels, k e ' a pua. Shoot a coconut-leaf midrib, p a n a p a n a ni'au. Shoot a gun, ki, ki pu, ki poka, kiki; kiki m a n u (birds). Shoot with a sling, ma'aalaioa. Shoot marbles, p a n a kioikini. 2. Sprout. Keiki, 'ao, ilo, kawowo, 'oha, pohuli, puliko, weli. To send forth shoots, ka, k u p u .
shooting star. Hoku-Iele.
S h o p . Hale k u ' a i (store); hale 'oihana (workshop). s h o p p i n g . K u ' a i hele, m a k a ' i k a ' i hale ku'ai. S h o r e . K a h a k a i , k a p a kai, kai, 'ae kai, makalae, pili 'aina, piji-kahakai. Strip of barren land near the shore, k a k a h a . Hot, dry shore (in legends), k a h a . Shore dweller, ko a kai, k a n a k a o kai. s h o r e w a r d . Uka (from sea); kai (from land). s h o r t . Pokole, poko; 'ekeke'i, m u ' e k e k e ' i (as a dress). Also: poko'u, hapokopoko, h a n u ' u , h a n a n u ' u , p o u h a n a n u ' u , poupou, hapou, h a p o u p o u , 'eloke'i, 'elehe'i, konopue, p o ' o m u k u , m u k u , m u ' o u ' o u , n u k u n u k u , n o ' u , p a n o ' u n o ' u , ne'ine'i, a h a ' a , paiaha'a, peke, pekepeke, popoki, pueo. bs.: 'apuki, ha a k o ' a , pinauea, p a k u p a k u , ana'e, polunu, ponulu. Cut short, m u k u , p a u p u . Too short, k a u m u k u , pakaulei, kaulei, k a u 'ekeke'i. Short cut, ala 'oVi. k a ' a k e p a . To hang short, k a u 'ekeke'i.
S h e t l a n d . Kekalana.
s h e w b r e a d . Pelena ho'ike. s h i e l d . Palulu, pale, pu'upale; pale kai:a (Biblical); pale lima, lulu, uhikino, p a k u ; ' a ' a h u a po'o (head). To shield, palulu, pale, lulu; kolulu (obs.); — modestly with the hand, p a ' u - h a l a k a . s h i f t . Ho'one'e, 'oni, huli lua, h a ' a k u ' e . Work shift, m a n a w a hana, mahele hana. s h i f t l e s s . 'Ae'a, 'akole, 'alopalopa, hilea. kilina, lopa, pakukui, pono no i k a noho; moelepo (fig.); kueleka (obs.). For saying, see g o a t , s h i f t y - e y e d . M a k a 'alo'alo, m a k a k a k a ' a .
8 E
s h i m m e r i n g . 'Olili, 'oliliko. See s h i n e ,
shin. Lapawawae.
s h l n b o n e . Ku'auwawae.
s h o r t a g e . Pokole.
s h i n e . Common forms are derivatives o / l a l i , hinu, lohi, lino, n a p a . Hulali, liko (as with dew); ' a n a p a n a p a , 'alohi. Also: hinuhinu, ho'ohinuhinu, '5hinu, 'ohinuhinu, pahlnu, pua, puwa, hoaka, a k a a k a , h u a k a , kuali, m a l a m a l a m a , mohala. lapalapa, ho'a'ia'i, a'ia'i, ho'aliali, ho'opuakea, lala, 'olali, la'ela'e, lile, 'olili, 'oliko, nolinolino. noweo, kuali, k a m a n i , moha. To shine brightly, as moon or stars, 'a a k a a k a , pa, k5nane, pa konane, papa. To shine shoes, ho'ohinuhinu k a m a ' a . The sun shines, pa k a la. The Lord make his face to shine upon you (Numbers 6:25), n a Iehowa e k a u mai i k a m a l a m a l a m a o k o n a m a k a m a l u n a iho ou. S h i n g l e . Pili. pili hale. Wooden shingle, pili la'au. To shingle, kapili. s h i p . M o k u (various kinds, PE 232); hale lana i ke kai (fig.). To ship, h o ' o u n a m a k a moku. s h i p b u i l d e r . Kapili moku. s h i p b u i l d i n g . Kapili moku.
s h o r t e n . Ho'opokole. Also: ho'ekeke'i, ho'opoupou, pu'e'eke, 'unu; n a ' i n a ' i (obs.). s h o r t e n e d . M u k u , p o ' o m u k u . Also: m u ' u m u ' u , menui, plki. s h o r t h a n d . K a k a u 'olelo pokole. s h o r t l y . Kokoke, auane'i, 'emo 'ole. s h o r t n e s s . P5kole. Shortness of breath, nae, naenae, 'oalku. s h o r t s . Lole wawae 'ekeke'i.
s h o r t s i g h t e d . 'A'ole 'ike i ko mua.
S h o t . P5ka. Bird shot, buckshot, grapeshot, poka lu.
shotgun. PQ ki lu. s h o t - p u t . Maika.
s h o u l d . Pono e, pono ke. s h o u l d e r . Po'ohiwi, h o k u a ; ' u h a m u a (of animal). Shoulder above armpit, kipd'ae'ae. Points or edges of the shoulders, klhi po'ohiwi, kipo'obiwi. Shoulder to shoulder, he klpo'ohiwi i ke kipo'ohiwi. Shoulder pads or protection, pale po'oniwi. Shoulder of a mountain, kihi po'oniwi. Shoulder arms! E amo p u ! To hoist the shoulders, h o ' o p a h a h a . To shoulder aside, ho'oke. To carry on the shoulder, ' a u a m o , pohaki'iki'i. To place on the shoulder, k a u po'ohiwi.
s h i p m a t e . Hoa wa'a, hoa holomoku.
s h i p p i n g c l e r k . K a n a k a helu u k a n a .
s h i p p i n g c o n t r a c t . 'Aelike kepa.
S h i p w r e c k . Hi (go aground); n a h a h a (broken to bits); piholo (sunk); alapoki (rare). Shipwrecked person, 'olulo. s h i p w r i g h t . Kapili m o k u , k a m a n a kapili m o k u .
s h o u l d e r blade. Hoehoe, iwi hoehoe. Fat or
shirring. 'Alu.
s h i r t . Palule, 'ahu. Shirt of block-print palaka. Aloha shirt, p a l a k a aloha,
muscle on the shoulder blade, k a h a po'ohiwi. S h o u t . 'Uwa, ho'Sho. Also: kani k a pihe, olo pi he, ho'okani pihe, wala'au. Shout with derision, uwa ho'ohilahila. s h o v e . P a h u , ke, hou, kula'i, kula'ilua, 'onou; — away, keku, ho'okeku. Shove ahead, regardless of consequences, 'onou po'o. S h o v e l . Kopala, kope; h a p a l e (obs.). Fire shovel, k o p e ahi, kope lehu.
shirtwaist. Pakana.
s h l s h . ' U h i u h a , makeha, ka'uka'uli. s h i v e r - H a ' u k e k e , n a k a , ku'ululu, ha'ullli, hulill, k a l a k u , ulupi'i. Shoal. Hapapa, kakaha, papa'u. S h o c k . 1. Alarm. Puoho, hikilele, ho'ohikilele, ho'olele hauli. 2. Sheaves. P u ' u . 3. Electric shock. L o a ' a i k a uila. s h o c k e d . K u n a h i h i , ma'e'ele, m a n a ' o n a ' o , lele k a hauli.
shoveler. Koloa-moha.
S h o w . 1. Demonstrate. Ho'ike, ho'oma'ike, ho'oma'iko'ike, kuhikuhi, ku, makili, nene; ohiohi (of wood grain). To show the sights, h o ' o m a k a ' i ka'i. Show me! 'Oliana! "Oia a n a ! Show it to me!
s h o w e r 'aumakua. Wasting sickness, hoki'i, mailo; polokawa'e (obs.). To feign or cause sickness, ho'oma'ima'i. side. 'Ao'ao, kukulu; paia (of house); kapa (of road). Left side, 'ao'ao hema. Right side, 'ao'ao 'akau. Side of the head, huapo'o. Worn on the side, as a tapa or lei, kikepa. To place on the side, pa'ao'ao. To side with, lcokua. To cut on one side, as the hair, 'oki kikepa. sideboard. Pahu 'ume o ka lumi 'aina. sideburns. 'Umi'umi peheuheu. sidesaddle. Noho kapae, noho kapakahi. sidewalk. Ala hele wawae, alanui hele wawae, alanui hele 'ao'ao, ala hele 'ao'ao. sideways. Ma ka 'ao'ao, moe kapakahi. Also: papio, a'e, hihe'e, nihi, kunlhl; pa'ao'ao (obs.). Stand sideways, kukaha. Sidney. Kikine.
Inane! 2. Spectacle. Hana keaka, ho'ike'ike, ho'ike 'ana. Shower. Kuaua; ua nauiu, nauiu (sudden); kualau, kuakualau (with sea wind); ko'lawe. Light shower, ua klllhune, kilika'a, ua kapakakapa; 'ehu kakahiaka (see m o r n i n g ) , showery. 'Ouaua. s h r a p n e l . Poka 'apanapana. shred. Welu, kihae (as ti leaves). shredded. Weluwelu. Shreveport. Kaliwapoka. shrewd. Ma'alea. s h r i e k . Pu'alala, alawl. Shriek angrily, keke, keke niho, keke nuku. shrill. Alawi, huini, kol, palali, wi. S h r i m p . 'Opae (various kinds, PE 268); mahiki (used ceremonially}. Leaf container for shrimps, pu'olo 'dpae, ki'o opae. Shrimp head, po'o 'opae (insult). For saying. PE panau. s h r i n e . Heiau. haiau, ahu; ko'a (fishing). Shrine where bones of dead chiefs were kept, hale poki.
siege. See besiege,
sieve. Kanana. kalana. s i f t . Kanana, kalana. To sift flour, kanana palaoa. s i f t e r . Kanana, kalana. Flour sifter, kanana palaoa. sigh. Nui ka hanu, nu, ho'onu; na'u (deeply); 'u. 'uhu, 'uhu'uhu, kani'uhu, nel. sight. Nanalna, maka, hi'ohi'ona. Out of sight, lilo, pio. Second sight, 'ike papalua. To sight or aim, lena, makia, kia. sight-see. Maka'ika'i. sign. Ho'ailona, ouli (symbol); papa hS'ike (as a store); kakau inoa (write). Also: mali'a, kahoaka. Plus sign in arithmetic, kahahui. Minus sign, kaha emi. Multiplication sign, kaliahio, kaha ho'onui. Division sign, kaha pu'unaue. Reader of sipns, kuhllani (in the sky); kilo (various kinds, PE HO). See o m e n . To sign a name, kakau inoa. Signal. Ho'ailona, pe'ahi, hS'all, ho'ani. Obs.: paeaea (with the arms); hi'all, paiho (with the hands). Signal flag, hae ho'ailona. Signal fires, lamaku. Signal to begin dancing or drumming, pa. signature. Kakau inoa, pulima, pulima kakau, hapapulima. signboard. Papa ho'lke.
See heiau.
s h r i n k . 1. Contract. Miki. Also: ho'ohaikl, lio'o'i'ika, kikenenei, lele, ne'ine'i, piki, pipiki, puku. 3. Recoil. 'Eke, 'ekeke'i, mu'e'eke, pu'e'eke, kueml, mene, plpika, kaumuku; kupau (obs.). shriveling. Mino, mimino, minomino, 'anuhenuhe, homi, 'i'ika, miki, pi'ao, ponalo, 'omino; 'omali (as fruit). Shriveled coconut meat, niu 'oka'a. s h r o u d . Pueo, kaula pu (of a ship or canoe); kapa olona (Biblical). S h r u b . No equivalent: la'ala'au, nahele. s h r u g . Ho'eheu (the shoulders). s h r u n k . Puku. See s h r i n k , s h u d d e r . Mania, manene, liha, liliha. me'eu ka 'ili. The ear shudders (as on hearing vile language), manene ka pepeiao. Shuddery feeling. If. okala; kakalald (obs.). shuffle. Kake, kakekake (cards); neneke. s h u n . Ho'alo, bo'owaiho, ke, ho'oke, ho'oke'e, kekepue. s h u t . Pani, 'apaul; panlku (abruptly); 'olepe (as Venetian blinds); mu (the lips). Shutting o f f , as from view, papani. Half-shut, as eyes, pioioi. To shut the eyes, pani i na maka. To shut up, confine, hana pa'a. Shut upl Kulikulil S h u t t e r . 'Olepelepe, 'ope'ape'a. s h u t t l e . Hi'a, hi'a-ka-'upena (for making nets); — for sewing-machine bobbin, holowa'a. Shy. Hilahila, 'ena. Also: 'ahe, 'e'ena, ha'e'ena, ho'eno, ho'iu, heke, 'oheke, 'ohila, ka'akepa, ku'ululu, makapa, wiwo. To shy, as a horse, pu'iwa, pu'iwa'iwa ;also: lele 'ao'ao, li'o, pi'ena. For sayings, see h u l a , l o b s t e r . S l a m . Kiama. S i b e r i a . Kipelia. s i b l i n g . Hanau mua (older); hanau hope, poki'i (younger). See b r o t h e r , s i s t e r . S i c i l i a n . Kikilia. Sicily. Kikilia, Kikili. s i c k . 1. III. Ma'i. Also: waiho ma'i; papa moe (fig.); hakaneno, nanawau, nipolo, nonopapa, 'opilo. Sick unto death, moe make. Lie abed sick, moe ma'i. Sick at the sight of food, maoa. Sick, as after childbirth, 'olohe. 3. To incite, as a dog. Kiki, ho'oki.
significant. T o . See important,
signification. Mana'o nui, 'ano. signpost. Kia ho'ailona. s i l e n t . Hamau, leo 'ole, malie. Also: 'a'a, hakanu, kokeano, kuaehu, mehameha, mu, mumu, mukel, la'i, mumule, nukuke, pihano, niau; miha (obs.). Silent night, holy night, po la'l, 'ihi'ihi e. To sit silent, noho malie, kaiamu. silk. Kilika, kalika, lole pahe'e. silkworm. 'Enuhe-kilika. Silly. Kohu 'ole, 'Qlala. s i l t . One, lepo. silver. Kala ke'oke'o, waikala, kala. silver o a k . 'Oka-klllka, ha'iku-ke'oke'o.
sliversldes. 'Iao.
s i l v e r s m i t h . Ku'i kala. silversword. Hlnahina, 'ahinahina, iliau. s i m i l a r . Kohu like, kohu, like, 'ano like, like pu, halikelike, hele a, ho'okahi. Of similar nature, ho'okahi no 'ano. To make similar, ho'opa'i a pa'i. s i m i l a r i t y . 'Ano like, like, s i m i l e . 'Olelo ho'opilipili, 'olelo ho'ohalikelike. s i m p l e . Ma'alahi. s i m p l e t o n . Wa'awa'a, wa'awa'aiki; Wa'awa'aiki-na'aupo (ignorant stupid one; name of a legendary simpleton). s i m u l t a n e o u s . I ka wa ho'okahi. s i n . Lawehala, hala, hewa, mea 'ino, 'ino, 'ino'ino, kina. Sin of eating forbidden vegetables or fruits, hala 'ai. Sin of eating forbidden fish or flesh, hala i'a. Sin of breaking clothing taboos.
sickbed. Moe ma'i.
s i c k e n i n g . Ho'opaiiua, lua'iku. s i c k l e . Pahi kakiwi, pahi keke'e. sickly. Ma'ima'i, 'oma'ima'l, pama'i, 'owall. Also: 'alalehe, hinale, ma'awe, mamae, 'omino, palakai, puanaiea, 'ukiki; nole (obs.). s i c k n e s s . Ma'i; ulapo (sudden). Siege of sickness, chronic illness, ka'a ma'i. Period of sickness, kau ma'i. Susceptible to sickness, pama'i. Sickness due to displeasure of the family god, ho'opa'ipa'l
skipjack S i t k a . K l k a k a , Sitaka. s i t t i n g h u l a . H u l a noho, h u l a a noho.
hala k a p a . To absolve from sin, huikala, kalahala. To wander in sin, lalau hewa. S i n c e . 1. After. M a h o p e mal, h o ' o h u a no. 3 . Because. N o k a mea, nani, h o ' o h u a no. S i n c e r e . 'Oia'i'o. I am, yours sincerely, 'o au 110, m e k a 'oia'i'o.
situation. Kulana.
six. Ono, 'aono, 'eono. Siz times, 'eono, paono. By sixes, to divide by sixes, paono.
sixfold. Paono.
sincerity. Ku'i'o. sinew. To, olona.
s i x t e e n . 'Umi kumaono, 'umi kumamaono. s i x t h . Ono. One-sixth, hapaono.
sinewy. Uaua.
sixty. Kanadno.
s i n f u l . Lawehala, hewa, 'ino, 'ino'ino. s i n g . Mele, hlmeni, memele, hea; k a n l (as birds). To sing genealogical chants, ko'ihonua. To pretend to sing by working the mouth, h o ' o m a ' o m a . To sing with a breaking voice, ha'iha'i. To sing, of the kahuli land shell, kolekoloa. To sing cheerfully, as birds, kani le'a; 'olehala (obs.). Singe, uluulu, unuunu.
s i x t y - e i g h t . K a n a d n o k u m a w a l u , k a n a d n o kumamawalu. sixty-flve. Kana5no kumalima, kanaono kumamalima. s i x t y - f o u r . Kanaono kumaha, kanaono kumamaha. s i x t y - n i n e . K a n a o n o kumaiwa, k a n a o n o k u m a maiwa. s i x t y - o n e . Kanaono kumakahi, kanaono kumamakahi. sixty -seven. Kanaono kumahiku, kanaono kumamahikti. sixty-six. Kanaono kumaono, kanaono kumamaono. s i x t y - t h r e e . K a n a d n o k u m a k o l u , kanaono kumamakolu. s i x t y - t w o . Kanaono kumalua, kanadno kumamalua. Size. Nui. Increase in size, ho'onui, ho'oulu, lalahu.
singed. 'Ania.
S i n g e r . P u ' u k a n i , mea mele.
singing school. Kula a'o himeni.
s i n g l e . 1. One only. Ho'okahi, kahi, lokahi. nlho Single flowering, lahilahi. Single-toothed, kahl. Single dip of poi, ki'o'e pol. 3 . Unmarried. M a l e 'ole, k u a k a h i .
single out. Koho. wae.
s i n g l y . K u a k a h i , pakahi.
Singular. Ho'okahi no.
s i n k . 1. Descend. Palemo, piholo, poholo. Also: napo'o, no, puhalu, holo a i'a; pohi (obs.). 3. Basin. K a h i holoi pa. s i n k e r . P o h a k u (ancient); k e p a u (modern). Also: ha, h a lawai'a; paka (on deep-sea line); pohakialoa, pohakioloa (on nets); p o h a k u luhe'e, 'lole, papa, p u ' u k u ' u a (on octopus lures). Kinds of stone used for octopus-lure sinkers: hawa'e, k a u a - ' u l a , k o m a n a , naninui, pala'a, papa, pulewa, walmano.
skate. Holo pahe'e. See ice skate, s k a t e s . K a m a ' a holo pahe'e.
s k e i n . 'Owili.
s k e l e t o n . Iwi k a n a k a , kino iwi. s k e p t i c . 'Aia, 'aiahua, ho'omaloka, ho omalau, m a h u a k a l a .
Sketch. 1. To draw. Ki'i. See d r a w . 2. Outline.
s i n k h o l e . Kalua.
Ho'ike pokole, mo'olelo pokole.
s i n k i n g I n . Nakele, pohona. s i n n e r . Lawohala, mea hewa. s i p . M u k i , mukikl, inu li'ili'i; pa wal (water). S i p h o n . 'Ohe-pi'o; 'ume lauoho (capillary action). s i r . No modern word; in old days as term of address: e k u ' u haku, e k u ' u lani (lit., O my lord, O my royal one). Dear Sir (in letters), aloha 'oe. Sire. K e ' a , ka m a k u a n a n a i 'imi, k a m a k u a n a n a k a hua. To sire a child, ho'ohua k a m a .
Sketchy. Malani.
s k e w e r . 'O, mea h o ' o p a ' a 'i'o no k a pulehu 'ana. s k i . Holohau. s k i d . Pahe'e, holo pahe'e, kakele; olokiki (obs.).
skiff. Wa'apa.
s k i l l e d . No'eau, loea, m a k a u k a u , a k a m a i , 'ailolo, lolo, ka'a, ma'alea, maiau, l a u k u a ; 'olohe (in the hula or lua fighting); pau lehia. Obs.: hialoa, lelehua, pa'anene, malalaioa. Skilled labor, h a n a lima 'ike. Skilled in warfare, k a ' a kaua. For
siren. Oeoo.
s i r l u s . 'A'a. 'A-iki-kau-e-lono, Hiki-kau-e-lono, Hlki-kau-lono-meha, Hoku-ho'okele-wa'a, Kelewa'a, Ho'okele-wa'a, K a u - a n o - m e h a , K a u l u a , Kau-'opae.
sayings, see s u r f e r , PE hawawa. See u n s k i l l e d ,
versed, skillet. Ipu hao. skillful. See skilled.
sisal. Malina.
s k i m . M a k a h a n i ; palani (lightly); ki'o'e, he'e (.as milk); p a k a k i (as a flying fish over water); p a k a (as a surfing canoe). To skim along, as a bird, k i k a h a ; hanal (obs.). s k i m m e d m i l k . W a i u i lawe 'ia k a m o m o n a . s k i m p . Ho'opi, pakiko; p a k u ' e i (obs.). s k i m p y . L a w a 'ole, pakiko; pinauea (obs.). s k i n . 'Ili, 'alu'alu. Light-brown skin, 'ill ma'ila. New skin, 'ili lua. Thick skin, 'ill pakalua. Sagging skin, 'olo. Peeled skin, 'ill maihi; paiho (obs.). Skin drumhead, 'ili kani. Skin prone to infection, 'ili 'a'ai. Skin eruptions, pu'upu'u, Dikela, h u h u n e . Skin emitting an acrid Oder, ill 'awa. To become skin and bones, ho'ohiwi. To skin, lole, ho'okolekole, hole, ho'opohole, mahole, mdhole, moholehole, uhole, maihi; ho'opalho (obs.). s k i n n e d . Lolea, pohole.
s i s t e r . 1. Sibling. K a i k u a ' a n a (older of a female); kaikaina (younger of a female); k a i k u a h i n e (of a male); t i t a (slang). Terms of address are frequently k u a ' a n a , kaina, kuanine. Older sister, nele m u a , m u a , h a n a u mua. Younger sister, hele hope, hope, h a n a u hope, poki'l, muli. They are brother and sister, he k a i k u n a n e a he k a i k u a h i n e laua. See b r o t h e r . 3 . Nun. N u n a , wilikina. s l s t e r - l n - l a w . W a h i n e ; wahine m a k u a (older); wahine 'opio (younger); kaiko'eke (of a female); punalua. s i t . N o h o j — haughtily, noho ' a h a ' a h a ; — quietly, noho malie, k a i a m u , akanoho, noho p u ; — properly, n o h o j j o n o ; — hunched up, h o ' o k u a p u ' u , 'oku'u,_ opu, p u k u ' i ; — with one knee drawn up, k u k u l u ; — on the heels, kikanalei; — with Jeet together and to one side, of women, noho papio; — with legs wide apart, helei, ki'ihelei, ualehe; — crosslegged, ' a h a ' a h a ; n e ' e p u (obs.); — on eggs, as a hen, moe; — flat, as on the floor, p a p a k i ' i (obs.); — up, as a dog, n o h o ho'okiki'i. Sit down, noho, noho i lalo. s i t e . K a h u a ; k a h u a hale (house); wahi, k u l a n a .
skinny. Wiwi loa, iwiiwi. See bony, thin,
s k i p . Lelele, lele. Also: 'alelele, k u l a p a ; ho'alo (o_mit)._ To skip, as stones on the water, p a k a , p a k a k a , pihipihi, p o h a k u kele; pohaki'ilei (obs.).
skipjack. Aku. 141
s k i r t
loa. A little sleep, hiamoe iki. Cod of sleep, Niolopua. Sleeping place, moe, kahi moe: ka' a n u ' a (in a grasshouse). To lull to sleep, ho'ohiamoe. To pretend to sleep, ho'omoemoe, bo'ohiamoe. To put to sleep, hox>nioe, ho'omoemoe, ho'ohiamoe. To sleep Quickly, moe koke. To sleep restlessly, moehewa. To sleep deeply, hiamoe loa, kaia 1 k a hiamoe. To sleep in death, hiamoe i k a make. See a s l e e p . For sayings, PE moe, uha'i.
Palekoki. Also: palaulau, pa'u. Short skirt, palekoki 'ekeke'i. Long skirt, palekoki l_5'lhi. Dancing skirt, pa'u hula. Ti-leaf skiri, ga'u la'i. Skirt festooned with leaves or ferns, pa'u heihei. Full skirt, akea k a hu'a o k a lole. Fisherwoman's skirl, pohuehue (poetic). Triangular piece inserted in a holoku skirt to add width, pi'i. skittering. Ho'okaholoholo (of a fishing lure).
skulk. Kolo pe'e. skull. Iwi po'o, puniu,
sleeping companion. Hoa moe.
po'o k a n a k a . Skull joint, punlu hui. skunk. 'Illo hobono. skunked. 'Ohule (slang). S k y . Lanl, aouli, lewa. Base of sky, kumulanl. Region just below horizon, kukulu-o-kahonua. Region just above horizon, kukulu-o-kalani, hikiku. Region above hlkl-ku, hiki-ka-papa-nul; region above that, hikl-ka-papa-lani. Region just below zenith, kama-ku-i-kahi-lewa. The five divisions of the sky from the horizon to the zenith: Kahlki-moe, Kahiki-ku, Kahiki-ka-papa-nu'u, Kahlkl-ka-papa-lanl, Kahiki-kapu-i-Holanl-keku'lna. Strata of the heavens: lewa ho'omakua, lewa lanl lewa, lewa nu'u, lewa lani. Low sky, lanl ha'aba'a. To study the sky, nana uli, kilo lam. skylight. P u k a malamalama. Skyrocket. K a o lele, kao, ahlkao lele. Slab. P a u k u palahalaha lahllahi: kaka, p a k a k a (as of salted pork). To cut in slabs, paka. slack. 'Alu'alu. Also: halula, bd'alu, pu'alu, ka'ulua. 'olu; ku'uku'u (a little at a time); mohalu, mohaluhalu; paleba, palaleha (careless); ho'oluea. slacken. Ku'u. kualiU'i, ho'alu, ho'alu'alu, ho'om5balu, ho'opahemo, ho'opahemohemo, 'oluea. slackening. 'Aluna. slack key. Ki ho'alu, ki ho'oku'u.
s l e e p i n g d r u g . L a ' a u ho'ohiamoe, huaale ho'omoe. s l e e p l e s s . Hia'a, makahia, makalahia. s l e e p y . M a k a hiamoe, molohai, molohi. malohi. Also: mania: maniawai (especially after bathing); molelehu, 'olelehu, lelehu, poluni, niolo, nipo. Sleepy day, 'oheahea ka la. To cause to be sleepy, ho'omania.
sleet. Ua me ka hau.
s l e e v e . Lima; lima 'ekeke'i (short); lima pihapiha (ruffled); lima puha'uha'u (puffed); lima pa i 'ai (loose-flowing); lima la'lki (long, narrow); lima 'uha hipa (leg-of-mutton).
sleigh. Wa'a holo hau.
slelght-of-hand trick. Kepuka.
S l e n d e r . WFwi. Also: kioea (person); 'oeoeo, puahilo. 'uhini, hinawenawe; makikoe (as a
tree). See Slim, slenderize. Ho'owiwi.
s l i c e . Poke, 'apana; kaha (lengthwise, as fish); pauku (in sections); papa'a (bread). Slice of bread, papa'a palaoa. To slice bread, 'oki'oki palaoa. S l i c k . Mania, nemonemo, hinuhlnu. See s l i p ,
slippery, smooth,
s l i d e . He'e, pahe'e, holo. Also: hane'e, hehe'e, ka'a (as earth); ho'ohehe'e (bu jerks); ho'ohe'ehe'e, kakele, kukele, pakelo, pakika, ual, olokfki. Projection slide picture, ki'i ho'olele aka. Ti-leaf slide, ho'ohe'e ki. Sliding game, koi. S l i g h t . Lihi, iki. Slight knowledge, 'ike nawele, 'ike malani. To slight, ho'oke'e. Slight touch of sickness, loa'a mahu'i i k a ma'i. s l i m . Wiwi. Also: pilahilahi, pilahi, palanaiki. p a i o a , p a n a n a i . Slim-waisted and broadshouldered, polinahe. See s l e n d e r , s l i m e . Wale, walewale; 'a'amo'o (as on fresh water); walewalena, hakelo, pe'ape'a. Slime pit, lua pikumena. s l i m y . Hakelo, kelo, kakelokolo (as mucus); pilalilali, na'e, leka, kika, 'u'ua, wale wai. s l i n g . M a ' a , ma'aku, ka'ala; ma'aalaioa (rare). Pocket in sling holding the stone, 'eke'eke ma'a.
Slacks. Lole wawae.
slam. Paniku. panl 'ino, Slander. Holoholo'51elo,
ulupa, 'upa (as a door) 'aki, 'Imi 'olelo, ho'oma'ino'ino. Also: 'ake, 'alapahi, paoke'e. 'ahi'ahi, haku 'olelo; waha 'o koko (one's blood); welewele lwi (fig.). slanderer. P a o k e ' e ; nalo-'ai-kae (fig.). See wood
S l a n g . 'Olelo 'eu ho'ohaku wale. Examples of Hawaiian slang: boki, hua-pala, kumu, maninl, pikaninl, piula, poloke, popolo, puki, pukupuku mai, tlta. slant. Hlo, hiona, pahlo, lala, kau kepa, 'okihikibi. Slanting lines, kahabl5. Slant eyes, m a k a lilio. Slap. P a ' i , ho'opa'l, k a p a ' i ; 'apohopoho (as the sea); pahipahi (as hands). To slap the chest in grief, pa'i a uma, pa umauma. Chest-slapping hula, pa'i umauma. Slapping sound, koha. s l a s h . 'Oki'oki wale; kuapa (as waves). Slate. P a p a kakau, papa pobaku. slattern. W a b i n e kapulu. slaughter. Luku, lukuna, luku wale, poluku. To plan slaughter, makaluku. slaughterhouse. Hale pepehl bolobolona, hale lole holoholona. Slave. Kauwa (various kinds, PE 128-129); k u a p a ' a . Slave labor, bana kauwa kuapa'a. slaving. P a ' u , ho'okuapa'a. See slave, sled. Holua, p a p a h51ua, k a ' a holo hau. To ride a sled, be'e bolua. Sled course, holua, holo holua, k a h u a holua. For saying, PE hSlua.
slingshot. Ma'aalaioa.
sllngstone. 'Ala o ka ma'a.
s l i p . 1. Slide. He'e, pahe'e, pakika, poholo, hane'e, 'ohua; pahi'a (obliquely); k a k e (back and forth); palaha (stumble); no'ohe'ehe'e; 'anu'u (fig.); — away, palemo; — o f f , pahemo: — out, as a fish from the hand, pakelo; — through, poholopu. Slip of the tongue, hepa k a 'olelo, olelo hewa, ho'opuka hewa. 2 . Scion. Lala, lala ho'oulu. 3 . Garment. M u ' u m u ' u . s l i p k n o t . Pikoholo, kakolea.
Slipped disk. 'Anu'u ka 'a'l, 'anu'u ke kua,
kfkala hane'ene'e. s l i p p e r . K a m a ' a pale wawae, pale wawae. s l i p p e r y . Pahe'e, palaha, pakelo, pakelokelo, pakika, lali, lalilali, hanupa, hanupanupa; kelo (as mucus); kika, kikika, kukele, nakele, kumole, polokake, 'u'ua, ho'owale hau. Slippery parrot fish, uhu pakelo (a wily person). See s l i c k , S l i p , s l i p s h o d . Kapulu, palale; manuea (rare). S l i t . 'Oki, kahe, puka, 'owa. s l o b b e r . H a ' a e ; pu'awai (obs.). s l o g a n . 'Olelo ho'eu'eu (lit., stimulating word). Sloop. K i a kahi, moku kia kahi.
sledge hammer. Hamale ku'i hao.
S l e e k . Nuka, nemonemo; pawa; kaha (Biblical); mahamoe (obs.). Sleep. Moe, hlamoe. Also: momoe, momomoe, bl'olani. Sleep late, moe awakea, moe loa. Overcome with sleep, pa'ubia. Indisposed to sleep, bia'a. Sleep with, moe me. Sleep alone, moekahi. Sleep in a reclining position, moe hilina'i. Sleep on the ground, moelepo. Eternal sleep, hiamoe
s n e e r
smile. Mlno'aka.
S l o p . W a i mea 'lno; — over, halale, haninl.
slop basin. Ipu 'aina.
s m i t e . Ku'l, ka, k a k a , kaki'l, hau, h a h a u , hauhia, hlli, pa'l, weloka. See h i t , s t r i k e ,
S l o p e . I h o n a , lapa, papall. Also: hene, benehene, ho'oihona, k u ' u n a , 'auina, k a ' a , bid, b o ' o k u ' u .
s m i t h . Ku'i hao, 'amala.
sloth. Holoholona-hlamoe.
s m o k e . Uahl. To smoke, ho'ouahl, p u a ; ho'opipl (as a ham). To smoke tobacco, puhi, p u h i p a k a . Smoke-colored, as clouds, lalauanl. s m o k e s t a c k . P u k a uahl. s m o k y . Uauahi, j > a ' a p u 1 k a uahl. Also: t e a , polohlna; p o h u h u (obs.). s m o o t h . M a l l n o (as the sea, any surface); p a h e ' e (as skin); 'ae'ae (as pol, dough); 'omolemole (as glass). Also: palaha, paklka, mole, momole, molemole, molea, kumole, hamole, 'omole, n e m o , nemonemo, k a ' a n e m o , niau, nia, anla, aniania, alania, kahanla, kalamania, kalanla, l a u m a n l a , manlania, 'apole, aukahi, aulike, paeaea, h a h u , hukihe'e, kaekae, nienie, kamani, mahola, mohani, mani, panl'o, wawali, waliwali, ka'i'l, hinu. Obs.: k a n a ' l , k a n u ' e ' e ' i n a , kiauau, m a h a moe, 'onlki, 'opapa, pawa, pikaka, polohl. To smooth fresh cement, palalna klmeki. To smooth and finish, as a canoe, kahl a malino; kikoni. Smooth, planed lumber, p a p a hole. Smooth-
s l o u c h . N o h o pololel 'ole; ol, uol (rare).
slough. See swamp,
s l o v e n l y . K a p u l u , ho'oponopono 'ole. s l o w . Lohl. Also: bo'olohj; p u p u (in movement or learning); 'ulolobl, kali, bo'okall, hakalia, h a k u p e , bakupehe, b o ' a p a ' a p a , ho'ohakalia, ka'ele, k a ' u n e , küloma, lelemu, ll'u, loíele, loma, m a n u k a , mill, mill 'apa, ñ a u a , nohill, none, p a n a u e a . Obs.: n o p a ; poholelua (as a vessel). To work slowly, h a n a lohl, kawele, m a n u k a . Slow-moving, ka'alolohi, kupa'eli, lemu, palela. His work is certainly slow and careless, m a n u k a noho'i k a n a h a n a . See s l o w l y . Slowly. Malte, aka-. Eat slowly, 'al malie. Speak slowly, 'olelo lohi. S l o w p o k e . Lolohl, lelemu; kálona (horse). To be a slowpoke, ho'onone.
slug. See sea cucumber.
s l u g g i s h . Malohi, lolele, lelemu, lola, külola, palílea, pu, kale; papalole (obs.).
shaven, kahanla. See slick, slip, slippery,
s m o t h e r . ' U m i ; po'ipo'i (cover); p a ' a k a h a n u . s m o u l d e r . Pipl, pi (as green firewood). s m u d g e . K a ' e , h a u k a ' e , pala, kapala, p a ' u ; h a ' e k a ' e k a (as with smoke). s m u g g l e . H o ' o p a e malu, pale hewa i ke kuke. Smuggled goods, walwai ho'opae malu. Lawsuit involving smuggling, hihia walwai kolohe. s m u t t y . H a u ' e k a , h a u k a ' e , penopeno.
sluice. Pani wai, ha, ki'o. sluice gate. Makaha.
s l u r . 1. Indistinct speech. H o ' o p u k a pono 'ole, ho'ohui 1 na hua'olelo. 3. Insult. 'Olelo ho'lno ho'onalonalo. s l u r p . Halale (as soup). B l u s h . Kelekele, h a u hehe'e, 'ükele.
snack. 'Al mama,
s n a g . H o ' o m a u , ho'ouluulu. s n a g g e d . M a u (as a hook); uluulu. s n a i l . Kama-loli, pupu, homeka. Fresh-water snail, hlhi-wal. wi. Chinese snail, p u p u - P a k S ,
sly. Ma'alea. See c u n n i n g ,
s m a c k . M ü k á , luka, m u k i ; ' u k a (to eat loudly, as pigs); kanono. s m a l l . Iki, li'i, lrili'i, ' u k u . ' u ' u k u , ' u k u li'l. Also: h o ' o k a n a h a ' i , b u a ll'l, hukiki, hukuli'l, huna, 'i'i, kupa-li'i, küplhipihi, ma'awe, m a m a mala, maukoli, mo'all, mo o'ali, mo'olio, mo'owlni, nawele, ne'ine'i, no'ino'l; 'olki, ' o ' u k u ' u k u (somewhat); palanaiki, pikanele; plkaninl (slang); piloli, p o k i . p ü ' u k u ' u k u ; 'alapu u (of creatures); komoi'i'l, 'a a (of stature); kekeko (and ugly). Very small, makall'l, komoi'i'l. Small thing, 'opinipihi. Small bit, ne'ine'i. Small fragments, k o ' a n a . Small and close together, pipipi. To make small, ho'oli'ill'l, ho'emi, ho'oiki, no'omakoll.
pupu-lo'i. See shell,
s n a k e . N a h e k a , nahesa, mo'o.
snake mackerel, •auliuli-pulii.
s n a k e s k l n . 'Hi naheka, ' a ' a m o ' o . s n a p . 1. Break. Ha'l, haki, hahaki, uhaki, kepa. 3. Bite. 'Akl, 'aki'aki, apu, kikepa; hae (as a dog); 'al k e p a k e p a (as the jaws); 'upikl (as a trap). 3 . Sharp sound. 'U'lna, 'a'ina, pa'ina, p a p a a'lna, p a ' a p a ' a ' l n a , kawewe, k a n a p l ; plnau (obs.). Snap the whip, ho'okanl 1 ka uwepa. Snap the fingers, p a n a 1 na m a n a m a n a . 4. Speak curtly. P i k a n a n a , ke'u, 'olelo kaki.
For saying. See bowl 3.
s m a l l e r . 'U'uku mal, emi mal.
s m a l l p o x . Ma'i-pu'upu'u-li'tli'i, kamolapoki.
snapdragon. Nani-o-Ola'a.
s n a p p e r . 1. Fish. ' U l a ' u l a (red; varieties are qualified by hiwa, koa'e, maoli, ' o p u l a u o h o ) ; 'oj>akapaka (blue; the four stages are 'ukikiki, pakale, ' o p a k a p a k a , kalekale)_; uku, uku-palu (deep-sea). Also: ahunihuni, m u . 3. End of whip. 'filau, h u ' a .
s m a r t . 1. Intelligent. A k a m a i ; h o ' o k a p u h i (fig.). Act smart, bo'olae. See w i s e . 3 . Pain. Llli'u; m a n e ' o (as the throat after eating raw taro or certain fish); walania, wawalanla, walawalania, m a h a n a h a n a . walenia, welenia, okooko, wi'u. s m a s h . N a h a , h o ' o n a h a . palahe, kimo, kipo,
snapshot. Ki'i.
paki. See split,
s n a r e . Hel. 'alehe, 'ahele, hele, pahele; pahelehele (example. For. 5:85); 'uplki, 'opiki, hihi; crab —, kao, paeaea; shrimp — , p u l u ' a h a ; bird —, ' a u k u ' u , kapi'o, k a u k a u ; p u ' u (plover); kipuka (owl); hipuka, pehe (obs.h To snare birds, kono, kawlli (with gum); kla, ka, k a m a n u ; pekeu (obs.). Snaring stick for birds, l a ' a u kla manu.
s m e a r . Pala, k a p a l a , hapala, palahe'a, kipalah e ' a ; h e ' a h e ' a (as u>ith red earth); h a u k a ' e , hoka'e, ho'opauma'ele, hamo, s m e l l . Honi, honlhoni (transitive). Also: h a n u , ea, 'ea. Sweet-smelling, 'ala, ' a ' a l a ; o n a o n a (soft); paoa, k u p a o a (strong); m a p u , moani (wafted); anuhea, walanuhea (cool, soft); kolopua, ho'ala, kana'e, nae, kaluhea, p6, puia. Bad-smelling, pilau, plena (as of rotten flesh); pllapilau (s»mewhat pilau); ' e n a ' e n a pilau (strongly p i l a u ) ; 'dhonohono, 'opilopllo, palanl, malani, ' u a ' u a l a (rancid); pilo, pelekunu, polopolona, kuuaholu, kllu (musty, swampy); nauna, hauhau, hauh a u n a (fishy); hohono, honobono, maea, pilo, puluea (body); h a n a h a n a , m a h a n a h a n a , k a k a (excreta, flatulence); eklkilau (drawing flies); lahea, 'eko, neko, weko, uweko, ino, wilu, niku, m a ' a (stench). Obs.: 'oka'oka, 'ona'ona, mouki, 'uki, 'iku'iku (bad). Strong smell, pood or foul, paku'i. The bad smell arises, k u k a lahea.
s n a r e d . Hel 'la, helea, hihla. See s n a r e ,
s n a r l . 1. Growl, snap. N u n u l u (dog); n a n a , k e k e niho. ST. Tangle. Hihia, hauhlll. hauhauhili, hauhlltki, hauhalakT, a u w a l a k i , m a u w e l e k a , mauhUi, hilikau, kauhihi; wilika'eka (of hair); uluulu, mlko. s n a t c h . Ka'lll, ka'ill'ill; a p u (as with the teeth); po'i. To snatch away ruthlessly, ka'lli ku, lalau ino. To snatch without being seen, as by a thief, 'elemio, palamimo. To snatch souls by sorcery, po'i ' u h a n e . s n e e r . ' A k a h o ' o m a ' e w a , ' a k a pahenehene. Also: ma'ewa, h o ' o m a ' e w a , l a u m a ' e w a .
s m e l l i n g s a l t s . Pa'akal ho'ohanuhanu.
s n e e z e
sneeze. Kibe. See Gesundhelt! snell. Ka'a.
s n i c k e r . 'Aka iki, hene lkl, henehene. 8nlff. H a n u , honi. honihonl. s n i f f l e . Pi, pipi, h a n u pi, hupekole. The sniffles, pipi k a ihu.
s o d o m y . Kokomi, kohe lemu, moe aikane; h o ' o k a m a k a (obs.). s o f t . Palupalu, palu; nahe, n a h e n a h e , hone, hoene, polinahe (as sound); '51u, holu, hdlule, holulo, 'olulo, 'oluheluhe (as a crab that has shed its shell); 'oninanina, lina, nina (as cheeks); pala, palapu, m a k a pala (as a boil); 'ae (as down); pahe, milu (as fruit); m o m o n a (as wood). Also: wali, waliwali. wawali: awe, puawe, hani, hapele, hawali, ho'alu'alu, honinanina, huki, hulina, kapehe, kololu, lu'a, m a h a h a , malule, melu, mona, naeheehe, naele, nakele, napele, napelepele, nawele, nenelu, nolu. n u ' a n u ' a . pane'e, palakea, peheu, pele, p u h a l u , pulu, ulika, 'ulina, 'upalu, uwa'uwali, wai'olu.
snip. 'Oki, 'ako.
s n o b b i s h . H u k i k u , ihu pi'i, k u k a i h u , ho'okeikei. s n o o d . K a ' a , ka'i. Part of snood lashing on composite hooks, as for bonitos, pou. s n o o p . Hakilo, pahi'uhi'u.
s n o o t y . Ihu pi'i. ha'akei.
s n o r e . Nono, hoho, h a n u n a , ihu h a n u n a , 'ola'ola ka ihu; ihu 'ola'ola (with short puffs); ihu na (with prolonged sounds). s n o r t . Hoh5, h a ' u , h a ' u h a ' u , ho'oki; pi (as a horse).
soft-boiled. Mo'a hapa.
s n o t t y . Hupekole, hakelo. See m u c u s ,
soft-mannered. Pahe.
s o f t e n . Ho'opalupalu, ho'owali. Also: ho'ae, ho'olu, ho'ohehe'e, kikoni, h o ' o p a l u h e ; 'upi'upi (an octopus). Softened and wet, nolu ehu. s o f t h e a r t e d . N a ' a u palupalu, aloha wale, s o f t l y . Malie, nihi; hoene (sound).
snotter. Pu.
snout. Nuku, ihu. For idiom, see lightning,
s o f t n e s s . Walina, nawele, 'olu. See s o f t ,
s n o w . Hau, h a u kea. Goddess of snow, Poli'ahu. For saying, PE 'ale.
s o f t p a l a t e . Klleo (including
soft-shelled. See soft.
snowball. P5po hau.
s o f t - s p o k e n . N a h e n a h e , '51elo palupalu, 'upalu, pahe. s o g g y . Howai, 'elo, napele, u wai; loliloll, 'ololiloli, p a l a k e (as taro). See s w a m p , s o i l . 1. Earth. Lepo. Sandy soil, 'aone, lauone. Fertile soil, lepo momona. Poor soil, lepo m o m o n a 'ole, k a h a 'eka. Stony soil, lepo 'a. Red soil, lepo 'ula. Cindery soil, lepo 'akeke. Exhausted soil, pahulu, k i p a h u l u . To fallow soil, ho'opahulu. See l i m e s t o n e . 3. Filth. Lepo. 'eka. To soil, ho'olepo, ho'eka, ho'oniku, ho opala, ho'oauma'ele, ho'opelapela, ho'oponeko, hoka'e, o'owt'u. s o j o u r n . Noho, noho hele, noho malihini.
s n o w b u s h . Lau-kalakoa.
snowflake. Hau-puehuehu.
s n o w s h e d . Hale pale hau. s n u b . 1. Avoid. Ho'opaweo. 3. Make fast. H o ' o p a ' a . hawele (as a rope). s n u b - n o s e d . N u k o k i , m e u m e u ; u (with i h u ) ; koki (as of a bulldog). s n u f f . 1. Tobacco. P a k a h a n u h a n u , p a k a honihonl. 3. Extinguish. Kinai, ho'opio. Snuffing out, as life, kinaina. s n u f f e r . ' U p a koli k u k u l (candle). s n u g g l e . N e ' e n e ' e a pill. s o . 1. Similar. Penel, pela, pe, la'a. That's so, pela no; 'oia'i'o k a ho'i. So do I, 'o a u pu. Maybe so, pela p a h a (very common); 'oia paha. And so on, a pela a k u . So that is your opinion, pela kou m a n a ' o 'ea. 3. Therefore. N o laila. So that, no L i'ole. 3 . Interjection. Ka. ka h o i . 'oia ho'i, ahe. Isthat so! 'Oia 'ea! 'Oia'i'o k a ho'il P e l a 'eal P e l a anell 4. Fifth note in musical scale. N o . s o a k . H o ' o m a ' u , h o ' o p a ' u , ho'ou, ho'u, u, p a ' u , p a ' u ' u , pe, pulu pe, pulu 'elo. j>ulu, p u l u k a , pelepulu. peno, 'e'elo, no'e'elo, k e ' a e ; ho'okelekele (as pandanus leaves); k u (as clothes); k u i k a wai (in water); pa'l (clothes in soapy water); peluluka (as in preparing pia,obs.). Bain-soaked, nolu ehu, nolu pe, u, no'u.
sojourner. 'Ohua.
s o l a c e . Ho'olu, ho'olu'olu, ho'ona, la'i. s o l a r . La. Solar system, k a h u a o na hoku. s o l a r p l e x u s . Houpo. Pulsation in the plexus, houpo-'ume-pau.
sold. See sell. All sold, pau 1 ka lilo.
s o l d e r . K e p a u kapili mekala, kapili mekala.
soldier. Koa, pu'ali.
s o l e . 1. Bottom surface. K a p u a ' i (of foot); 'ill pale o k a m a ' a (of shoe). 3. Only. Ho'okahi, wale no. s o l e m n . ' E ' e h i a , kuo'o. milumilu, ho'ano. s o l i c i t . Noi a koi. Libidinous soliciting, ho'owale wale moekolohe. s o l i d . P a ' a , m a n o a , p a ' a p u . Solid-black, hiwa p a ' a . Geometric solid, pa'a, pa'a'ili (various kinds, PE 273).
so-and-so. Mea.
s o a p . K o p a . Powdered soap, k o p a p a u k a . Laundry soap, k o p a holoi. Bath soap, k o p a ' a u ' a u . Perfumed soap, k o p a 'ala. Liquid soap, wai h o ' o m a ' e m a ' e . Soap bubble, h u ' a kopa. s o a p b e r r y . A'e, manele, mahoe.
solidified. Pa'a, maku.
s o l i t a r y . M e h a m e h a , kakahi, k a u k a h i . s o l i t u d e . H o ' o k a h i , mehameha, noho ho'okahi, n o h o n a m e h a m e h a ; ano (weird, alone). s o l o . Leoku pakahi, hlmeni ku p a k a h i (vocai).
soap plant. 'Anapanapa, kukuku.
s o a p s u d s . H u ' a h u ' a kopa. s o a r . KIkaha. lele ho'olahalaha, kaulele, ' e h e u , i o l a n a ; ka'alele, k a h a . For saying, PE 'iwa. s o b . H a ' u h a ' u uwe. s o c i a b l e . L a u l a u n a , m a k a launa, 'akeu. s o c i a l . See s o c i a b l e . Social club, k a l a p u ho'ohau'oli. s o c i e t y . 1. Club. ' A h a h u i (various kinds, PE 5-6). Also: hui; h u i m a l u (secret); k a l a p u . 3. Companionship. L a u n a ' a n a . s o c k . K a k i n i (stocking). See h i t . s o c k e t . Pona, p u k a h o ' o k o m o iho; k u m u ; n a p a n a (rare). Eye socket, pona, m a k a lua. Socket at a joint, iwi pona.
Solon. Kolona.
s o l u t i o n . 1. Explanation. Ha'ina, wehewehe 'ana, wehena, loa'a, ha'iloa'a, ke'ehina hana. 3. Liquid. Wai pa'ipa'i. solve. Loa'a ka ha'ina.
sombre. 'Ahiwa. See dark,
s o m e . Kekahi, wahi. Also: kahi, kauwahi, nahi, ona. Give_ me Some, n a ' u kahi. Some other day, k e k a h i la. Some other time, k e k a h i m a n a w a . Some place, k a u w a h i . s o m e b o d y . K e k a h i k a n a k a , kekahi mea. s o m e h o w . P e h e a la, 1 kekahi 'ano. s o m e o n e . Kahi, kekahi. Someone else, ha'i. s o m e r s a u l t . K u w a l a . 'owala, wala k u a (backwards). To somersault, kuwala po'o, 'owala. To turn a somersault, h o ' o k a k a ' a .
soda. Koka. soda water. Kolowaka, wai momona. S o d o m . K o k o m a , Sodoma.
a p a r s o r t . 1. Select. Wae, waewae, mawae, mowae, ho'oka'awale; ki (pandanus leaves). 2. Kind. 'Ano. s o u g h . Nei, hihio, 'owe, hoene, 'iolo, he. s o u l . ' U h a n e . Soul snatching, as by sorcery, po'i 'uhane. Tarrying place of souls, p u ' u k u 'akahi. s o u l l e s s . ' U h a n e 'ole. s o u n d . 1. Noise. Leo, kani, pa. papa, olokani; wawa, 'uwa, wawalo, walo (loud); nei, puwo, puo (muffed, indistinct); oeoe, aeae, hoehoe, k51oa, olo (prolonged); nahenahe, nahe, aheahe, hone, honehone, hihlo (soft); po'a, kani p e (hollow); wi (shrill); 'ou, 'ou'ou (sharp); ' o w e (of tearing); kani wahle (hard, ringing). Obs.: laolao, lu'i, ohaha, palalki, palala. Simultaneous sounds, olowalu. Sounds, as in language, leo 'oko'a. Sound " a y " of infants, 'a'aea. See D a n g ,
s o m e t h i n g . Kekahi mea. Also: k a u w a h i . s o m e t i m e . Kekahi m a n a w a , k e k a h i wa. s o m e w h a t . 'Ano, ho'ano, 'o-. Somewhat good, 'ano m a i k a ' i . s o m e w h e r e . Aia no i kahi e hele al, ma k e k a h i wahi. s o n . Keiki, kelki kane, k a m a kane. s o n g . M e l e (various kinds, PE 226). Also: h u l a (for dancing); hlineni (not for dancing); leoku (sung to an audience); lei, inoa, mele ma'i, wehl. Song of praise, leo ho'onani. Hawaiian type of song with English words, mele h a p a naole. Words of a song, h u a mele. Division of a hula song, 'oki. Beginning and theme of a song, p u a n a . Two or more last verses of a song, ha'ina. Song leader, alaka'i himeni. Song contest, h o ' o k u k u hlmeni. Song festival, ' a h a mele. s o n g b i r d . Manu-mele. s o n - i n - l a w . Hundria kane.
boom, letter, roar, rumble, shrill, tone.
2. Flawless. P a ' a , kina 'ole. 3 . Fathom. Ana i k a hohonu.
son of a bitch. Kanapapiki. Sons a n d Daughters of Hawaiian Warriors.
soup. Kal, kupa.
s o u p b o n e . K u ' e k u ' e pipi. s o u r . 'Awa, ' a w a ' a w a , ' a w a ' a w a h u a . Also: mala, malala, malailena, 'akia, mulemule, T i , lianah a n a ; halahala (obs.); ' a w a ' a w a 'akia (as acid, or extremely sour); kahania, m a m a l a h l a . h u a ' a (as poi). Sour smell, kualani, palani, palanioa.
'Ahahui Mamakakaua. s o o n . Koke, auane'i, koe, a k u , eia aku. As soon as, i. ia, hakalia no a, lawa; loa (obs.). As soon as I, i a ' u . No sooner than, i. No sooner than I, ia'u. As soon as the sun shines, let's go, aia a pa ka la, hele kaua.
See disposition,
soot. Pa'u, pa'u ahi.
s o u r c e . K u m u , mole. Also: momole, molemole, kula, k u p u n a , m a k a . Water source, k u l a wai, m a n o wai, p o ' o wai, p u k a n a w a i , ' o m a k a . Source of income or livelihood, k u l a waiwai. Source of life, m a n o wai (fig.). s o u t h . H e m a . Also: kaunalipo, lalo: 'elemoe (priestly name). Go south, hele iho 1 k a h e m a , ino. ho olhona.
s o o t h e . Ho'omalie, ho'ona. Also: na, h o ' o n a n a , h o ' o k a ' a h e a , kupalaiki, mail, malimali, ho'omalimali, pohu, no'oma'alili; p a ' a p a ' a n a (rare). s o o t h i n g . Hd'olu'olu, malina. s o o t h s a y e r . Kilo lani. k u h i k u h i p u ' u o n o , ha'i
•ouli. See seer, sooty. Pa'u, hapa'upa'u. sooty t e r n . 'Ewa'ewa.
South America. 'Amelika-hema. South Carolina. Kalolalna-hema. South Dakota. Kakoka-hema.
s o p . P e n u (as gravy); — up, k u p e n u . s o p o r i f i c . H o ' o h i a m o e : la'au ho'ohlamoe, l a ' a u moe {.drug). s o p r a n o . Leo wahine, kopolano. s o r c e r e r . K a h u n a , p o ' o k o ' i ; malevolent —, k a h u n a ' a n a ' a n a , k a h u n a ho'opi'opi'o, k a h u n a 'ai pilau, mo'oklko. Teaching sorcerer, k a h u n a a'o. A famous sorcerer of Kona, Hawa'e. A warning to avoid sorcerers: e m a l a m a o loa'a i k a niho, be careful or (you will be) caught in the teeth. For saying, PE 'ololi. s o r c e r y . H a n a k a h u n a (general); 'ana'ana, h o ' o u n a u n a , ho'opi'opi'o, k u n i (usually malevolent); h a n a aloha, kala aloha (love); kala, pale, ho'iho'i, 'a'e (counter). Sanctified stone used in sorcery, kahalili. Objects used in sorcery, m a u n u . Name of manu-lele sugar cane used in h a n a aloha sorcery, ka'awe. God of sorcery, Kukoa'e. Goddesses of sorcery, P u a , Uli. To induce &(/ sorcery, h a n a . To destroy by sorcery, 'ai h a m u , kalal 'ino, lumi, makia, ka'ina. To make a cross or an X in sorcery, k a h a pe'a. See p r a y e r , s o r d i d . P a u m a ' o l e , hauka'e, pa'ele, haumia. s o r e . ' E h a ; hehe, pala he'e, hilo (running). Also: mala, h e k a ; 'ukihi (at corner of mouth); aina, aleale, poaleale, malani, m a u n , pohole, p5holehole; ukokole (as eyes); p u h a (burst); pulele (on neck). Obs.: po'ana, p o n a n a , a l a p u k a . Eating, spreading, as a sore, 'a'ai. To become sore from rubbing, m a o a . Sore-eyed, noe'ula, makole.
s o u t h e a s t . Hikina hema, kauliki. s o u t h e r n . H e m a , lalo. Southern sky, lipo, k a u n a lipo. Liolio-i-Wawau. S o u t h e r n C r o s s . Hoku-ke'a, Newa, Newe, Kaulu, H a n a i - a - k a m a l a m a .
South H a m p t o n . Kau Hamekona. south pole. Welau-hema.
s o u t h w e s t . K o m o h a n a hema, kauweke. s o u v e n i r . M e a ho'omana'o. Also: p u k a n a , pa'a^ loha. Souvenir of a beloved, p u k a n a aloha,
sovereign. Mo'l. sovereignty. Ea.
s o w . 1. Pig. P u a ' a wahine. Old sow, kolo'u'a, p u a ' a k u m u l a u . 2 . Scatter. Lu, lulu, ho'ohelele'i. s o w b u g . Pokipoki.
sower. Lulu hua.
s p a c e . Lewa, haka, wahi h a k a h a k a , wahi k a ' a wale, wa, kowa, k o a n a ; apo-o-lewa (where birds soar); olowa (obs.). Outer space, lewa mawaho, lewa lllo loa. To make spaces, h o ' o k u a k u a . s p a c e r . H a h a ka 'upena, u n a (for making nets). s p a c i o u s . Akea. s p a d e . 1. Shovel. 'O'o, 'o'ope. 2. Playing card. Peki. King of spades, kini pekl. Ace of spades, 'eki peki, 'eki pihulu. s p a d l x . Iho, 'ikoi pua. S p a i n . Kepania, Sepania. s p a n . Apo, kaulua, klko'o. For life span, see
See boll.
s o r e n e s s . ' E h a ; m a o a (from rubbing). To cause soreness of the eyes, ho'omakole. s o r r e l . 'Ihl (various kinds, PE 89). s o r r o w . K a u m a h a . Also: m i n a m i n a , m a n e w a newa, kanl ' u h u , m o k u a h u a , p u ' u , 'u, l u ' u l u ' u ; manonl (obs.). Poetic references to heavy rain lu'ulu'u. and tears may signify sorrow; PE s o r r o w f u l . L u ' u l u ' u , k a u m a h a , pillhua; m a l a o a (obs.). s o r r y . K a u m a h a . Also: m i n a m i n a , mlhi, mlmihi, mlmimlhi, a u m l h i ; menemene. I'm sorry for you, k a u m a h a au nou. Don't be sorry, mal no'okaumaha.
S p a n i a r d . Paniolo. S p a n i s h . Kepania, Sepania, Paniolo. clover, kikania-pipili. s p a n k . Pa'l, pa'i i k a papakole. s p a n n e r . Paniani.
spar. 'Ope'a, o'a pe'a, o'a moku; kia (mast); pumi (boom).
s p a r e
speechless. 'Olelo 'ole, leo 'ole, mu, mumule,
spare. 1. Save. Ola, ho'dla, kapae. To spare life, ola, waiho ola. Spare my life, e ola au la 'oe. For example, PE ka'a'oko'a. 3. Extra. Keu, koe, ka'awale. kai'okla. To eat
oka, waha plo. speed. 'Awlwl, mama, wikiwiki, holo. Also: ka'abolo, ho'okaholo, hikiwawe. paukiki, miki, haulani. To speed recklessly, as an auto, holo upule, holo ino, holo akahele 'ole, holo nui,
sparkle. 'A (as a fire or gem); hulali, hulill. See glitter, shine, sparrow. Manu-li'lll'i.
spell. 1. Orthography. Pela, kepela, kauhua, ho'oku'i. How is your name spelled? Pehea e pela ai kou lnoa? 2. Power. Mana. Under the spell of, malalo o ka mana o: pa'a 1 ka mana o. spelling. Kepela, kepela 'ana.
sparerlbs. Iwl 'ao'ao.
sparingly. 'Au'a, kihau; muni (obs.). sparingly, 'al pakiko, ho'okawala. s p a r k . Hunaahl (of fire).
sparse. Kawala, kaka'ikahi; namauahi
See Inhabited, thin.
Eo okele 'ino. For saying, see kite. See fast,
spelling book. Puke a'o kepela.
spend. Ho'olilo; ho'omauna, lu
sperm. 1. See semen. 3.
S p a r t a . Kepalake, Separate; Kapaka, Sapata. s p a s m . Oiku, huki, 'a'ili'Ul, ka'apa. s p a t t e r . Paki, ho'opaki, mahiki, palale, klklko.
spawn. Pua l'a.
speak. 'Olelo (see PE 261). Also: wala'au, namu (colloquial, new); kama'luo, keaka, leo, '1, walawala'au, kala'au; hewa ka wataa (hastily, too much); pua, hua. hopilo, kupa'oi, pao'lo'i. Speak loudly, leo nui, leoleo, leoleowa, oleoleo, pakakl, ka'aleo. Speak softly, leo iki. Speak with force, ko'iko'l ka 'olelo, ha'ano'u. Speak harshly, oluntlu, "awaba, ho'okala, 'o'ole'a na 'Clelo, kipehf, paopao, ho'opukaku, puhaha. Speak largely unintelligibly, as with impediment or a foreign language, namu, palale, hikapalale, hapaku'e, hapu'upu'u. Speak vaguely, K&holo ka 'olelo. Speak cautiously, deliberately, 'olelo akahele, aka'olelo. Speak brokenly, pahemahema i ka ho'onohonoho 'ana 1 na hua'olelo. Speak
spider dance. Hula pe'epe'e-makawalu.
splderflower. Honohlna, 'ill-'ohu. spider web. Hihl punawelewele, 'upena nana, punawelewele. spike. Kla, hakla, makia, kui, meki, kukuna, hakui (as of sea urchin); kao (as tail of a sting ray); puapua (in the back of moth). Spike on a spur, kui kepa.
but little, 'ekemu. See garrulous, gibberish,
Indistinct, Jabber, rude, speech,
speaker. Ha'l'olelo, luna ho'omalu. To the honorable speaker, 1 ka mea banohano, ka luna ho'o-
nanawana; on the sphinx
spiked. Wanawana, 'o'e. spikenard. Naleko.
spear. Ibe, lhe pahe'e (short); pololu (long); lbe laumekl (barbed); ibe 'o (piercing); 'elau; 'au hau (of hibiscus wood); au'au (of loulu palm wood); kao, 'o, 'okoholua (fishing); poluhl, polokawa'e (obs.). Cluster of spears, makalau, maklnl. Fish spear shot from bow, pana l'a. Spear point, 'elau, maka ibe. Spear thrust, 'al, pahuna. Throwing of spears at a chief as test of courage and skill, ka all'l, kali'l. Art of spear throwing, lono-maka-ibe. Sport of spear throwingj 'o'o ibe, pahe'e, kahau. Spear fencing, kaka la'au. God of spear fighters, Lono-maka-ibe. To spear seals, 'o nulu. To spear octopuses, 'o be'e.
spill. Hanini, nlnl, palale; manini (obs.); — over, halale. s p i n . Nlniu, ho'onlniu. Also: molo, mola, 'oka'a, niu, poniu, '5nlu, poahl, ho'oniua, pokaka'a: mllo, 'omilo, lomllo, bilo (as thread); kuwili (as in a dance). To spin a top, ho'onlniu i ka hu, 'oniu; puniu (rare). The brain spins, ka'a ka lolo. s p i n a c h . 'Inlka (Ceylon). spindle. Kali, kui will lopl. Spindlelegs, 'auhaka.
spindling. Hinawenawe.
spindly. Aewa, holill, lila, lolopaioea, lolopaloa. Spine. Iwlkuamo'o, kuamo'o (backbone); kuku, kali, wanawana. Spines on fish fin, iwi ka, iwl kala, iwi ka lalo, iwi kala kua, kakala, pola, kokala. s p i n s t e r . Wahlne kane 'ole, kane 'ole. splnsterhood. Noho male 'ole.
See bath, mock, spearflsh. A'u.
spearmint. Kepemineka. Special. Kuikawa, mea i_ wae 'la. Special or occasional report, h5'ike kuikawa. Special order, kauoha nui. specialty. 'Olhana makaukau loa, mea makaukau loa. Specialty of the house (restaurant), mea'al po'okela o ka hale 'alna.
spiny. Wanawana.
spiral. 'Oni (of colors in a lei); paka'awill. A spiral design, mo'onl (in featherwork). spirit. 'Ubane, wailua; akua (various typei, PE 1U-1S). Also: ea, halll, boaka, kupu, makani, maull, 'ula. Holy Spirit, 'Ubane Hemolele. Unclean, evil spirit, 'uhane 'ino (Biblical); nukumane'o, aumiha. Disembodied spirit, 'ula lele. Spirit of dead, kino wailua, 'unlmpili, 'uhlnipill. Spirit of living, kino aka, kahoaka, makuakeahu; kakaola (visible). To feed spirits of the dead, kaku'ai. Traveling spirit, 'uhane nele. Guardian spirit, 'uhane kla'i. The multitudinous spirits, kinl akua. Abode of the spirits, kaha akua. People familiar with spirits, people who seek familiar spirits, po'e ninau kupapa'u. Possession by spirits, noho. Spirit possessing a person, 'uhane noho, akua noho. Spirit possessing partially, akua kihei pua. Spirit that possesses a medium and speaks through him, makani noho. Calling voices of the spirit, leo wawalo o ka hanehane. One who consults the dead or spirits, ninau kupapa'u. To summon spirits, ho'onobo. To communicate with spirits, lalo 'ubane. To speak through familiar spirits.
species. Lahui.
specific. Kuhikuht pono 'la. specifications. Na kuhlkuhl pono. specified. I 'olelo 'ia. At a specified kekahi manawa 1 'olelo 'ia.
Whale. Kepama,
kohola kepama, pama. Sperm oil, 'aila kepama, 'alia pama. sphere. Poepoe. poepoeplkol, pa'a poepoe; poopoehawa'e (flat). spice. Mea ho'omiko 'ai, mea ho'ono'ono mea'al; hua 'ala (Biblical). spider. Lanalana, lalana, nananana; ku'uku'u (variety). Spinning spider, punawelewele. Large house spider, pe'epe'e-makawalu. Spider, hit by the southerly wind, turns over (For. _6:4bl), lanalana, pa 'la e ke Kona, bull pu (of a weakling).
time, i
specimen. Mea ho'ike'lke.
speck. Kiko, huna, mahune, pula. speckled. Kiko, kikokiko, loll, '¡loll, pulepule, opulepule.
spectacles. Makaaniani; makaanianl 'uml'l (pince-nez). specter. Lapu, akua lapu, kahoaka. Specter of the Brocken, 'Akaku anuenue. s p e c u l a t e . H o ' o p u k a p u k a ( i n c e s t ) . See
s p e e c h . 'Olelo, ha'l'olelo; pepelu (repetitious); olelo lolelole (roundabout, twisted); ha'l'olelo bo'ole'a (eulogistic); kakaki'i (blundering: obs.). For various types. PE waha. See s p e a k ,
spy s p o u s e . Kane, wahine, kekahl, kahi; punalua (spouses sharing a spouse); 'epukane, hoa 'lnau, wai 'apo, pili'ao'ao, moe mau. How is your spouser Pehea kahi o 'olua? s p o u t . Kanuku, nuku, 'o'oma; puhi (as a whale).
nlnau 'uhane. Blessed are the poor in spirit (Matthew 5:3), pomaika'i ka po'e i ha'aha'a ka na'au. s p i r i t e d . Ho'eu'eu, ka'eu'eu, piha 'eu, ioiole'a, uilani. s p i r i t l e s s . Loha, ka'eu'eu 'ole, kupolo.
See waterspout,
s p r a i n . Maui, ho'omaui, 'anu'u. s p r a w l . Moe paki'i, kupeleleu, kahelahela (as a
spirits. Wai 'ona.
s p i r i t u a l . M a n a , lani, ' u h a n e , pill ' u h a n e . Spiritual powers, m a n a ' u h a n e , p a p a lani. Spiritual things, ko ka 'uhane. s p i r i t u a l i s m . Kilo 'uhane. s p i r i t u a l i s t . Kilo 'uhane. s p i t . Kuha, pupuhi; ki (cat). Spit constantly, pakl ke kuha. To make a cat spit, ho'oki. s p i t e . Mauhala, na'au kopekope. In spite of, i Toko o, me ka nana 'ole. s p i t t l e . Kuha, ha'ae, na'o; pu'awai, hlkianakoplli (obs.).
person). Fall sprawling, hlna palaha. s p r a y . 'Ehu, ehu, 'ehu kai, huna kai, hune kai, makakai, huna wai, huna wailele, uahi wai, 'ehu wai, 'ea, kahilihili, lelehuna, lelehune, 'upi, wai puhia, wai ehu; pu'awai, pohuhu (obs.). White spray, white caps, 'ale kuakea, papakea. Wind-blown spray, kilihune, kaiehu. The spray of surfing arises, ea mai ka makakai he'e nalu. Poetic references to spray may signify sexual relations. s p r e a d . Hali'i. laha. Also: 'a'ai (as a sore); 'a'ama (the fingers); apakau (as sunlight); hali'i ill (as rain over pili grass); hela (as the arms); ola, hohola, panola, 'uhola, holopapa, hihi, hlhina; ^a'ahihi, malele (here and there); pahihi, oha, hikaka (as vines); hikiki'i (as mist); holapu, ho'olapa (as fire); ho'oklo; ka'apeha (wings or tail feathers); kahela, kukawowo, ho'olaha, ho'olaulaha, laulaha, palaha, ma'au, mo'au, mana; manana (as octojjus tentacles); moana, moanaana, mahola. maholahola, moha, mohaha, mohala, mohalahala, mohahala. mohola, nakulu, nana, ne'epapa, nene'e; paki'i (fiat); peleleu, puakea, punohu, uhi, ulu. Obs.: ihe'e, nana'i, ualei. Patchwork spread or quilt, uhi 'apana. Spread the knees, hali'i kuli. Spread the news, ku'i ka lono, lonopapa, laulaha. Spread gossip, holoholo'olelo. s p r e a d e r . Wae, waewae (in canoe). s p r i g h t l y . 'F.leu. mikimiki. Also: kill, 'akepa, ouo, 'ina'inau. s p r i n g . 1. Water source. Puna, kumu wai, hapuna, puna wai; wai hu, mapuna, mapunapuna (bubbling); 'ele (covered with growth); pOhau (cool). Spring water, wai mapuna. Spring tide, kai piha. 3 . Season. No Hawaiian word; terms sometimes used: kupulau. la'a ulu. 3. Coil. Pilina. The springs are broken, pili pu ka pilina.
spittoon. Ipu kuha.
S p l t z b e r g e n . Kapikapakena, Sapitabagena. s p l a s h . Paki. Also: kapeku, po'o, paku'iku'i, ho'opaki, kuho, kikah5, hohd, mapu; kapau'u (as fish); kapakapa, kapake (as raindrops on water); 'olo'a (as surf on rocks). Sound of splashing, 'u'ina. s p l e e n . Akeloa, akeni'au. s p l e n d o r . Nanl, nani kamaha'o. Also: 'alohi, hlne, hoaka, kamahol; pollna (obs.). Heavenly splendor, 'ihi lani. s p l i c e . Ku'i, ho'oku'i; — on, paku'i. Also: ku'ika'a, kaumo'o, pana'i, 'uo; malina (as rope). s p l i n t . La'au ho'opololei. s p l i n t e r . Mamala, huluhulu, la'au. I have a splinter in my hand, ua ku ko'u lima i ka la'au. s p l i t . Wahi. Also: wahia, wawahla, 'akaka, mahae, naha, ho'onaha, 'owa; kohi (as breadfruit); 'owae (as dry earth); — open, makili, kulepe. Obs.: lepe ulu, muaiwa, 'uwia. Splitting of a breadfruit, kohina. Split hairs, 'ainemanema.
splitter. Kohi.
splotch. P5haka.
See bedsprlng.
s p o i l . 1. Decay. 'Ino, 'ino'ino, ma'ino'ino, pilau; pilapilau (not quite spoiled); palahu, palakahela, neh];kewai, punonu; kiohoa (as flowers); malau (obs.). 3 . Mar. Hokal, pahu'a, ho'opahu'a; ho'ohauka'e (as a ballot). 3. Pamper. Pai, mallard, pailani, ho'okamalanl (as a child). 4 . Booty. Waiwai kaua, waiwaipio, loa'a.
s p r i n g b o a r d . Papa lele kawa (for diving). S p r i n g f i e l d . Kepilepila, Sepireflla. s p r i n g y . Nolu, 'api'apl, bolu, 'olu, napa, nape, nenelu. s p r i n k l e . 1. Scatter. Pipi, pipi wai, pi, pi wai, pi kai, pi kai 'olena, kaplpi, kupipi, ho'okelekele; kaiehu (as poi being pounded); — with salt, kapt, kapipi, kopi, kopipi, kahunahuna. 3 . Rain. Ua killkfli, ua kilikilihune. s p r i n k l e r . Wiliwiliwai (lawn). s p r i t . Ko'o, o. Sprit line, kaula o. s p r o u t . Kupu. Also: 'okupu, ewe, heu, ho'oheu, 'oheu, holi, ho'oulu, ilo, iloilo, ho'oilo, ma'au, ma'u, ma'i'i, me'o, 'ome'o, nopu, oho, 'oDo, 'o'ili ka maka, palupalu; polapola (as a bud); pohuli, pu'u.
spoiled. See worthless,
s p o i l s p o r t . Pepehi i ka mana'olana.
spoke. Kukuna (as of a wheel). See speak,
s p o k e s m a n . W a h a 'dlelo. s p o n g e . Hu'a-kai,hu'ahu'a-kai, 'upi; 'ana (stony). Coconut sponge, lolo niu. s p o n g y . Kalekale, naele.
sponsor. Mea kako'o.
s p o n t a n e o u s . Kupu wale, ulu wale. Spool. Poka'a. Spool of thread, poka'a lopl. Spool pins on sewing machine, pou. s p o o n . Puna. Coconut-shell spoon, ki'o'e. Spoon for palau pudding, ki'o'e palau. Large or serving spoon, puna nui.
spruce. La'au hu. s p r y . 'Eleu. Also: ulele (obs.).
'akake, 'ele'io, puahia; 'ule-
spun yarn. Paniani.
s p u r . Kepa, kakala. Sharp spurs of fighting cock, kakala-pi-ka-wai. Budding spur of young cock, 'opu'u. To strike with spurs, as fighting cocks, klkakala. s p u r g e . Koko-kahikl; kaliko (wild variety).
spoonbill. Koloa-moha.
s p o o n f u l . Piha puna. s p o r t . M e a pa'ani, mea ho'ole'ale'a; mea ho'oikaika kino (body -strengthening). S p o t . Kiko, klkohu, kapala, pohaka, we'awe'a, awe'awe'a; puha'a'a (obs.). To imprint with spots, he'ahe'a. s p o t t e d . Kikoklko, kikiko, pakikokiko, ni'o, nini'o, panini'o, pani'o; 'oni'o (as a pig); kinohi, loll, 'noli; nokea (white); kapule (black); pulepule, 'opulepule, pikapika, 'apikapika; opikopiko (as with tattoo marks); puko'a; pona (as the sea with various shades).
spurn. Ho'ole 'ino.
s p u r t . Klki, mokl, mokimoki, pakl, kokoi.
sputtering. Pi, kukuku.
s p y . Kiu. Also: 'akiu, hakiu, makakiu, kilo, hakilo, halua, ho'omahua; ka'ukoe, ka'uwo (unarmed); maka'l; — cunningly, kiuho'opulu. To act as a spy, ho'omakakiu. For saying, see
spyglass Stamp collection. hS'ili'ili po'oleka. To put on a stamp, kau i ka po'oleka. 2. Imprint. Ho'ailona pa'i (printed). Bamboo stamp for printing tapa, ohe-kapala. 3. To bring down with force. Hehi, hehi 'ino, ke'ehi (as with feet); pahupahu (with force); kuni (burn, brand). s t a m p e d e . 'Auhe'o pu'iwa, hulimoku. s t a m p i n g . Pa'i. kapala. s t a n c e . Kulana, ke'ehina. s t a n c h i o n . Pine. s t a n d . 1. Upright position. Ku, kuku, kulia; — apart, separate, ku ka'awale, ku kahi, kukaka'ikani, kuka'ikahi; — with legs apart, ki'ihelei, ki'elei; — erect, 'oku, 'ulepe; 'okala (as hair); — rudely with hands on hips or crossed, kuaki'i, ku ' a h a ' a h a ; — together or in rows, kulike; — watching, or on cliff edge, hakakaupili. Stand ai the lop, ku i ke^aki. Stand up for Jesus, ku no Iesu. 2. Table. P a k a u k a u , pakau. 3. Platform. Kahua. s t a n d a r d . 1. Emblem. Kahili (tall staff, as of kauila wood, with feathers of tropic bird, frigate bird, 'o'o, 'i'iwi, chicken; symbols of royalty); kahili p a ' a lima (carried in the hand). Standardbearer, lawe kahili, pa'a kahili. 2. Criterion. Kulana pa'a (as weight or money); ana. Standard of living, kulana Cano) o ka nohona. S t a n d i n g . K u a n a , k u . Standing committee, komike mau. See s t a n d , s t a n z a . Pauku, 'oki; 'epe (obs.). s t a p l e . 1. Nail. Kui pi'o. To staple, 'umJ'i. 2. Principal food. 'Ai nui. Stapler. M e a h o ' o p a ' a 'umi'i; 'umi'i pepa (paper). Star. Hoku. Various star names, PB 71-71. See also c o n s t e l l a t i o n , p l a n e t , Aldebaran, Alpha, Altalr, A r c t u r u s . B e t e l g e u s e , Castor. E v e n i n g Star, Lyra, M o r n i n g Star, N o r t h Star, P o l l u x , Rigel, Sirius. Small star, hokuli'ili'i. Moving star, hoku-lele, hoku-lewa. Tiny, twinkling stars, makapipipi. Star observatory, hale kilo hoktl. To study the stars, kilo hoku. Other star names: 'Ae'ae-a-hiwa, 'Ai-kanaka, Ala-kea, Ali'i-o-Kona-i-ka-lewa. Aniani-i-kalani, 'Aua, Au-haele, Au-haku, 'Eu, Ha'ilono, Uaka-lau-'ai, Haku-po-kano, Halau-lani, Haloa, Hana-kalau-'ai, Hana-kauluna, Ha'o, Hauna-kelekele, Hi'ikua, Hi'ilei, Hikianalia, Hiki'au-moana, Hikikauelia, Hiki-kau-e-lono, Hikikau-lono-meha, Hili-na-ehu, Hinaia-'ele'ele, Hina-lani, Hinali'i, Hina-malailena, iiinaonalailena, Holu, Ho'oleia, Ho'omalana, Ho'omaliu, Hua, H u m u , Huo, Ihu-ku, Ihu-moe, I-kawaolani, 'Ili-'ula, Iwi-kau-i-kaua, Ka'a'ei, Ka^aka'a, Ka'a-lolo, Ka'aona, Ka'a-wela (Kalani-'opu'u), Kaekae, Ka'elo, Kaha-i-kaha'i, Kahela, Kahikinui, Kaho'ea, Kaholo, Kahu'a, Kahuli-ali'i, Ka-'ili-'ula, Kakaihili, Kakaili, Kalalani, Kaluao-ka-'ohe, Kalua-okaoka, Kamaile-hope, Kama'i'o, Kamaile-mua, Kamalama, Kama-lei, Kamalie, Kamalie-hope, Kamalie-mua, Kaname'e, Kane, Kani-ha'alilo, Kanikania'ula. KanoeMakali'i, Kaoma'aiku, Ka'onohi-ali'i, Kapakapa, Kapawa, Kape'a, Kapuahj, Kau, Kauaka-pu'u, Kau-ano-meha, Kau-kali'a, Kaukamalama, Ka'u-lama-'akala, Kaulana-a-kala, Kaulia, Kaulua, Kaulu-i-kua, Kaulu-ko'ako'a, Kaulu-lena, Kau-'opae, Kau-'opua, Kawa'e, Kawai, Kawa'u, Kawelo-ali'i, Kawelo-lani, Kaweo, Keahi-lele, Keala-ka'a, Kealohi, Kealohl-lani, Keawe, Ke'ehu-hiwa, Kehela, Keho'oea, Kekaihili, Kekau-hiwa-ka, Kekepue, Keola, Kedlewa, Kepani-pa'a, KikT-'ula, Koko-iki, Kona, Kona-mau-kuku, Kua-i'e, Kukui-a-kona-maukuku, K u m u k o ' a , Ku-go'i-lani-ua, Kupua-laloo-kalani, La'ela'e, Lalani, Lana-kamalama, Lani-ku-hana, Lea, Lehua-kona, Lena, Lewa, Liolio-i-Wawau, Lipo, Lono, Lua-ho'omoe, Maha-pili. Mahi'ai, Maiaku, Maiao, Ma'i'o. Maka-'alohilohi, Makaha, Maka-'amo'amo, Maka-hai-aku, Maka-hai-wa'a, Maka-holowa'a, Maka-lhu-wa'a, Maka-'io-lani, Makohllani, M a k u a - k a ' u m a n a , Maka-unu-lau, Malulani, M a n a k u , Mana-wahine, Maui, Maukuku, Mekeaupe'a, Melemele, Moha'i, Mulehu, N a -
s p y g l a s s . 'Ohe nana, s q u a d . Pauku, kuea. s q u a d r o n . Mahele 'aumoku, mahele koa. s q u a l l . KIkiao, k a u m u k u . s q u a n d e r . ' U h a ' u h a , ho'omaunauna, 'uha 'ai, lu. s q u a r e . Huinaha, huinaha kaulike, kuea. Square foot, kapua'i kuea. Square root, kumu kuea. s q u a s h . 1. Vegetable. Pu, ipu-pu, pala'ai. 2. See
s q u a t . 'Oku'u, ki'enenei, klkenenei, ki'elei, ki'olei, kikanalei, ki'ilill, 'auwae pu'u, ne'ine'i. s q u a t t e r . Mea noho kuleana 'ole; lopalau'eka (insulting term). s q u a t t y . Pepe. s q u a w k . Koha, kani halale. s q u e a k . 'Uwi'uwl, kakani, po'o. s q u e a l . 'Alala, 'uwi'uwi, wl, wiwi. s q u e e z e . 'Uwl, 'opa, kaomi, lomi. Also: 'umiki, 'umi'i, 'upi, kowi, kawi, hoka; p a h u p a h u (as fish); pikipiki, 'uwi (in milking); — out, paku, kawi, kowi, ho'opoheke. Obs.: kapa, kupi. To soak and squeeze, as in preparing pia, peluluka (obs.). s q u i d . Muhe'e. See liver, o c t o p u s , s q u i n t . Pipi, pipipi, maka pili. s q u i r m . Pihole, hole. Also: ka'anini, laumilo, ueue, oioi, 'oni, ne'e, s q u i r r e l . Kiulela. s q u l r r e l f l s h . 'U'u, ala'ihi; 'a'ala'ihi (young). s q u i r t . Paki, 'upi, ki, muki.
squish. 'Upi.
s t a b . Hou, 'o; polo (obs.). To stab with a knife, hou pahi.
stable, l . See b a r n . 2. See Arm.
s t a c k . Pu'u, kupa'i. S t a d i a . Kekakla. s t a d i u m . K a h u a pa'ani. Staff. 1. Stick. Ko'oko'o, pahu, 'au; music —, ko'oko'o, kumu pakoli, _o'a. Small staff, 'auli'i. To lean upon a staff, kalele. 2. Workers. Po'e liana. s t a g e . 1. Theatrical. K a h u a (platform); 'oihana keaka (profession). 2. Period. Wa, au. s t a g e c o a c h . K a ' a 'ohua. s t a g g e r . Kunewa, newa, kunewanewa; — forward, kikiwi. Also: hikaka. kanali'o, kupou. hio, ho'okiwi, pahila; mahlkaka (rare). s t a g h o r n . Uluhe. s t a g n a n t . Lana malie a 'opilopilo; 'ona'ona. Stagnant water, wai ku. s t a i n . Kohu. kapala, hauka'e, kikohu, palahe'a, kipalahe'a, kina'u. Stained red, kahe'a, he'a, kilihe'a, kihe'ahe'a, ma; hamo *ula (as tapa). To stain, kuhili, he'ahe'a. uhi. Octopus tentacle stain, 'dpikopiko. s t a i r s . Alapi'i, 'anu'u. 8 t a k e . 1. Staff. Pahu, papahu, makia. Stake taboo sign, pahu kapu. Goal stake, p a h u hope, pahu hopu. Stake in owl trap, 'oloka'a (obs.). 2. Wager. Pili. 3. Award. 'Ai. s t a l e . Malo'o (as bread); polopolona (as air). s t a l k . 1. Stem. H i . 'au, k u ' a u , ko'o. Also: hakai, 'au'au. Stalk with many branches, pu m a n a m a n a . Hereditary stalk, haho'oili (of a family longestablished). 2. To follow. Hahai malu, uhai malle, ho'omoho. hakupehe. s t a l l . 1. Compartment. Ke'ena; k a m a l a (for horses or cattle). Market stall, pakaukau makeke. 2. To stop. M a m a u , ho'omamau, nuha, pupu. Stalled, as a car, mau. s t a l l i o n . Lio laho. S t a l w a r t . U'i, lkaika, me'e.
s t a m m e r . See s t u t t e r .
s t a m p . 1. Symbol of paid money. Po'oleka (postage). War-savings stamp, po'oleka kaua.
s t i l e koa'e; — as house roof, kukuohi. Obs.: hanunu, ku'o'ill. See t o w e r i n g , steeple. P u ' o ' a . steer. 1. To direct. Uli, ho'okele, kia, kupe. Steering paddle, hoe uli (see t o n g u e ) . Steering rules, lula no na hoe uli. 2. Male bovine. Pipi po'a. s t e e r s m a n . Uli, ho'okele. S t e m . See s t a l k . Also: ku (as of a goblet); kano (as on a banana bunch); 'amoki'i (as of fruits, tubers); 'auka (long); hokua, hi'anakl u (uf vine); iwi (stem and midrib, as of ti leaf). Ti stem, 'au ki. Gourd-leaf stem, ha ipu. Place of attachment of stem to leaf, piko.
'au-ake-'ai-haku, N a - b o k u - p a , Naholoholo, N a kao, Na-lalani-a-pili-lua, N a n a , N a p e h a , Nauea-keau-haku, Nu'u-anu, 'Ololu, ' O m a ' o , P a ' a o , Pae-loa-hiki, Pai-kauhale, Pa-konane, P a m a 'ele, P a ' o p u a , P a p o l o h i w a , Pau-ahi, Pau-ahilani, Pauli-ku-ali'i, P a u m a k a , Pau-makua, Paumakua-lani. Pauwala, P a w a , Pili-lua, PTpa, Polapola. Polo-ahi-lani (also called Pohina, Polo-wehi-lani), PouPolohilani, Polo-'ula, hanu'u, Pua-ahi, Puanane, Pukoloa, Pupue, P u ' u w e p a , Uliuli. Ulu-koa, Ulu-loa, Unulau, ' U ' u , Waia, Waileia, Wai-loa, Wal-naku, W a wau, Wehewehe, W e l o . S t a r b o a r d . ' A o ' a o 'akau. Starboard ends of outrigger booms, muku (hence also starboard side of canoe). Starboard hull of double canoe, wa'a 'akea, wa'a kea. S t a r c h . Pla. Manioc starch, pia manloka. Starched clothes, lole pia. Stare. N a n a pono, taaka pono, haka, ho'a'a maka, 'a'a, 'a,\ maka. s t a r f i s h . P e ' a , pe'ape'a, 'ope'ape'a, boku-kai. s t a r g a z e r . K i l o hoku.
stench. See smell.
s t e n o g r a p h e r . K a k a u 'olelo pokole, kakau pokole. step. 1. Foot movement. K e ' e h i , ka'i, ne'e (to — on, hehi, step); ka'ina w a w a e (footstep); 'e'ehi; — firmly, hehi 'ino; — back, kuemi, mane; — over, 'a'e, m a u ' a ' e ; — lightly, hanl, kakakihi. Short step, ke'ebi pokole, e'e pokole. Long step, ke'ehi loa, 'e'e loa. In step, ka'i like. Out of step, p a ' e w a ke ka'i 'ana. Half step (military), ke'ehi pokole. 2. A rest for the foot. Alapi'i, 'anu'u; kaulu (as in a cliff); kipaepae. Too many steps, nui loa na alapi'i. s t e p f a t h e r . M a k u a kane kolea. s t e p m o t h e r . M a k u a h i n e kolea. s t e p p a r e n t . M a k u a kdlea. s t e p p i n g . Hehina, ka'i 'ana. sterile. P a . hua 'ole. Also: m a ' i ' a w a , lolena. For a sign of future sterility, PE 'dpulauoho.
s t a r t . H o ' o m a k a , maka, maka hou, ku; ho'ohele (as a clock); — and not finish, lemuku; — up and fly, lehei. Let's get started, e ho'omaka k a k o u ; hoe aku i ka w a ' a (PE hoe); hoea. s t a r t l e . H o ' o p u ' i w a , ho'ohikilele. S t a r t l e d . P u ' i w a , p i ' o l o k e , puoho, lele ka hauli, ho'olele ka hauli, me'eu. starve. M a k e pololi, ho'oki 'ai. s t a t e . 1. Condition. ' A n o , kulana, ku, hele a, po-, ka'a. 2. Political unit. M o k u ' a i n a . 3. To say. H a ' i , ha'i mana'o, ho'ike. Publicly stated, 'olelo laula 'la. Stately. Hanohano, kohu ali i. Also: ho'ohie, nlolo. s t a t e m e n t . 'Olelo, ha'ina. Bank statement, ho'ike panako. True statement, '5Ielo 'oia'l'o, 'olelo ku'i'o. s t a t e s m a n . L o e a kalai aupuni; makou (rare). s t a t i o n . H a l e , hale ho'olulu, kulana. Stations of the cross, alanui o ke ke'a. To station, ho'onoho, ho'okahua. See t e r m i n a l , s t a t i o n a r y . P a ' a , mau. Also: kupene, moku, pdhaku. s t a t i o n e r y . K a l a n a , kanana. Stationery supplies, lako kakau. statistics. H e l u ; papa helu (tables). Statue. K i ' i , ki'l kalai 'ia. His statue (of him), kona ki'i. A statue (by him), kana ki'i. stature. Ki'eki'e. S t a t u t e . K a n a w a i (various kinds, PE 119); 'dlelo-pa'a, 'olelo-ku-pa*a. Stay. 1. Remain. N o h o , ku; ho'opohaku (rare). Staying, noho 'ana. 2. Line, support. K a u l a ko'o, ko'o, he'e. s t e a d f a s t . K u p a ' a , 'onipa'a, pa'a, mau, kukla, ho'omanea, pa'amua. s t e a d y . See s t e a d f a s t . To steady, ho'okupa'a. Steak. P i p i k5'ala (broiled); pipi palai (fried). Steal. 'Aihue. Also: hue, 'aihuelia, 'aihuenia, l a w e malu, ho'opuhl, mio, huhuhue; mokio, puhe'emiki (and run); molulo, mdlulolulo (obs.).
sterilize. See disinfect.
s t e r n . 1. Severe. 'O'ole'a, kuo'o. 2. Rear end of a vessel. M u l l , hope; kikala; uma (of a canoe, obs.). s t e r n u m , l w l umauma. stevedore. Po'ola. s t e w . K u p a , ku. Chicken stew, m o a ku. Beef stew, pipi ku. To mix or stew with sauce or gravy, kakele. S t e w a r d . K u e n e , 'a'ipu'upu'u, pu'uku. kanaka lawelawe. s t e w a r d e s s . W a h i n e lawelawe, kuene wahine. stick. 1. Wood. L a ' a u . Also: ku'au^'au'au: pahu (staff); ko'o. Small sticks, la'ala'au. Digging stick, 'o'o. 'ala'a. Pointed stick, 'o, ku'ia. Stick dancing,_ kala'au. Carrying stick, 'auamo, a m o kau, mamaka. Stick for husking coconuts, 'o, '5niu. Stick snare for birds, la'au kia. Stick or spear used in game, ibe pahe'e. Stick held by priest while sacrificing, ka aha. Stick lure, melomelo, makalei. Stick for spreading oven stones, ulu. Stick vise to hold a canoe, kiwa'a (moll). 2. To adhere. Pili, ho'opili, pipili, ho'opipili, pilipili, ho'opiliplli; pili pa'a (firmly). 3. See
stick out.
stick o u t . 'Oi'oi, kiko'o, ko'oku; — tongue, ho'opake'o, 'oi'oi. s t i c k p i n . K u i 'omou, pine 'omou. sticky. Pipili, ho'opili. Also: pflalilali, pilali, lali, aweawe, 'uo'uo; 'alikalika (fig., stingy); 'ulika, 'ulikaLika, pilekaleka, leka, palololo, lina; plkale (as water on a poi board). Any sticky matter, pilipili. Sticky juice, kepau. Sticky mud, palolo. Not sticky, maumau (as poi of medium texture). stiff. ' O ' o l e ' a j malo'elo'e, lo'elo'e, 'aina (as from exercise); maku (as molasses); uani'i (as salted fish); la au (as wood); llki (as a limb). Also: ka'e'e, 'e'e, mauwa, ma'ulu'ulu, mala, 'i'i, ponana, pili'aiku. Stiff with cold, m a k e anu, nau'oki. Joints are stiff, 'o'ole'a na 'ami. Stiffbacked, nanai. Stiffen. H o ' o ' o l e ' a , ho'ouani'i, pa'akuku. stiff n e c k . ' A ' i k u , 'a'f 'o'ole'a. 'a'i uaua, uakaha, uauakaha. Stifle. ' U m i , 'u'umi, pa'apu; ikiikl, klkiki.
See ratlike, thief,
s t e a l t h i l y . N i h i , malu. s t e a m . M a h u , ho'omahu, uahi wai, puholo. To generate steam, hawai. To steam food, hakul. s t e a m b a t h . Pulo'ulo'u. To take a steam bath, ho'opulo'ulo'u. See s w e a t b a t h , s t e a m r o l l e r . L o l a mahu hana alanui, kimalola. s t e a m s h i p . M o k u a h i , mokumahu. Steamship line, laina mokuahi. steamy. Kumahumahu. Steel. K i l a . Heart of steel, p u ' u w a i hao kila. Steep. Laumania, ku, kunihl, kunlhlnlhl. Also: nihi, kahako. oheohe, kumole, ku'l, 'ullli, lele
Stifling sensation of inhaling smoke, Stile. A l a p i ' i (steps); puka pokaka'a
kenakena. (revolving).
etili Stone anchor, hekau, heleuma. Stone to sharpen tools, as adzes, p o h a k u hoana. Stone used in games of puhenehene and no'a, no'a. Red-hot stones put inside animals for cooking, 'eho. Stones marking land boundary, Iwi. Stone pile, p u ' u pShaku, 'eho. A row of stones, pae p o h a k u , ninl, nlho ka'l. Stone wall, pa pohaku. Stones set interlocking, nlho. Rough or jagged stone, 'oahl, lo'a'a. Type of stone laid near coral pile to attract fish, hinakea. Stone for chipping, haku k a ko'i. Birth stones, 'ili'ili h a n a u . Stones that break in fire, not desirable for the imu, makapa. Other stones: 'ala-po'o-malu. 'eleku, 'ele'u, haku, huipa, b u i ' a p a , ho'okole, lhu-o-kapua'a, iki-raakua, 'ina, kalapa-iki. kauila; k a w a ewa'e (also coral); k a w a ' u p u ' u . kepue, k u m u m a ' o , kumuone, kupaoa, lau-kea, luehu, mahlkihiki, makahinu, m a k a i ' a , makawela; makawi (Kauai}; mauna; p a h a p a b a (Oahu); pala'a, pe'ahi, poha, walanuukoke, waimano. Obs.: k a ' a u ' a u p u ' u , k a b a k a h a , maono, l u ' a u , maklkl, pakea, pia. To set stones, ho'oniho. To stone, hailuku, pebi, pehi 1 k a pohaku, a h u k u . To carve or new stone, kalai p o h a k u . Stone weighing down a mat, p o h a k u kaoml moena (a homebody). See b a s a l t , c h a l k ,
s t i l l . 1. Motionless, silent. Malie; lana, wailana (as_ water); ho'omalu (as during taboo). Also: lula, 'a'a, k u a e h u , 'elemoe, maialile, ulana. Keep still, kulikuli {silent); noho malie (motionless, silent). Stilt waters, wailana malie, wailana. For example, see k n o w . 2 . Yet. Na'e, koe, a hiki 1 keia wa. Still here, eia a'e no k a ; ke koe nel no. 3. Distilling apparatus. I p u h a o puhi 'okolehao. S t i l t . K u k u l u a e ' o , ae'o. To walk on stilts, k u k u l u ae'o, ae'o. To stand on stilts, h a k a k e . s t i m u l a n t . M e a ho'oikalka, mea ho'opalpai. S t i m u l a t e . Ho'oulu, ho'ulu, ho'oikalka, ho'eu'eu, ho'opalpai, ho'olalelale; ha'lnole (obs.). s t i m u l u s . K u m u ho'olalelale. S t i n g . Kikl, kikiklki, kui, n a h u , 'o, 'o'ol, huelo'awa.
s t i n g i n g fly. Nalo-nahu.
s t i n g r a y . Hihlmanu, lupe. s t i n g y . Pi, ' a u ' a . Also: hd'agi, pipine, l a u ' a u ' a , akao'o, kullpa'a, kullo'o, hall'l kuli, ka'i'i, 'i, o'o'o, m a u a ; maninl (modern slang); wekaweka; llnu, pu'aki (obs.). Fig. idioms, see p a l m , s t i c k y ,
strain. Stink. See smell, stlnkbug. Pu'u. stink vine. Malle-pllau.
checkers, coral, emerald, flint, lava, limestone, marble, onyx, pebble, pumice, rock, sinker, topaz,
s t o n y . Pohaku, 'a'a.
S t i p u l a t i o n . 'Olelo h o ' o p a ' a , 'ano. s t i p u l e . Pepeiao (as of nonl leaf). s t i r . 'Oni (move): kawill (as ingredients); — up (excite), ho'opi'lpi'i, hd'eu, ho'eu'eu, ho'eleu, ho'oulu, ho'ulu, ho'ouluulu, ho'ouluao'a, pal, ho'opal, ho'opalpai, ho'ala, ho'alaala, ul; kuehu, kalenu (as dust); ho'ohaunaele (as trouble). Also: 'oal, ho'ali, ko'ai, 'apl, nene, hanene, au, wiliau, 'ale, ho'onlua, ho'olepe; ulu lmu (an oten); ho'ehu, hoelo, 'dhani, hl'ali (as a fire). Heart-stirring, ho'oni pu'uwal. To stir with life, '¡nana.
S t o o l . 1. Seat. Noho, paepae, noho li'lll'l; See f o o t s t o o l . 3 . Feces. H a n a lepo, 'auka.
stool pigeon. Pekapeka.
s t o o p . Kulou, kunou. Also: ho'opoupou, 'alu, 'aluna, pahlo. Stooped, stoop-shouldered, 'o'ohu, k a n a h u a , ahua, ' a n a h u a , k u a plpl'o, 'onaha, p a l a k a h e l a : b a n u n u , kakaki (obs.). S t o p . 1. Cease. H o ' o p a u ; h o ' o k u ' u (disperse); walho (leave o f f ) ; k u (as a car). Also: alia, okl, ho'okl, ho'alia, k a k o n a ; — up, 'umoki. Stop UJ Uokil Stopped, k u , h o ' o k u ' u , mau, h o ' o m a u , ' o m u ' o . Stop the car, ho'oku 1 ke ka'a. Step work, ho'opau 1 k a bana. 2. See s t a y , s t o p p e r . 'Umokl, popo'l, mea ho'opa'a, pani, kl amo. Bottle stopper, panl 'omole. s t o r a g e . K a h l e walbo al. S t o r e . Hale k u ' a i ; — away, ho'ill'lli, h o ' a h u . To store in a house, ho'ohale p a p a ' a . s t o r e h o u s e . Hale ho'ahu, hale ahu walwal, hale u k a n a . hale p a p a ' a , waihona; olowalu (as for chief's property). To serve as a storehouse, to convert tnto a storehouse, bo'ohale papa'a. s t o r e r o o m . L u m l ho'ahu, lumi walho u k a n a .
s t i r r u p . Ke'ehi, '111 ke'ehi, h a o ke'ehl; gekeu (obs.). Leather covering for stirrups, pale wawae, ' o ' o m a noho. s t i t c h . H u m u (various kinds, PE 85); ku'l, bono; ho'oplhaplha (solid); k a (cross); ho'olholho (running, in quilting); h u m u h u m u , m a k a . To sew with long stitches, kaholo, ho'oholoholo. To sew a guilt so that stitches settle in grooves, ho'ololo. S t o c k . Waihona,_ k u m u p a ' a ; kea (in the stock market); po'o l a ' a u (as of a gun). To stock, ho'oplha, no'olako. See l i v e s t o c k ,
Stork. Klkonla, pla.
s t o c k a d e . Pa, pa kaua.
s t o r m . 'Ino. Also: 'ino'ino, 'ihi'awa'awa, 'o'oloku, pulalleho. Storm-beset at sea, 'olulo. Threatening thunderstorm, ho'obeklli. Time of storm, m a n a w a 'lno. Southerly storm, Kona-hea, Kona-nui-aniho. For the first time have I seen a Hilo storm, 'akahi au a ike 1 k a 'ino o Hilo (of evil). For
S t o c k h o l m . Kekokehome, Sekotehome.
s t o c k i n g . Kakinl.
s t o c k s . L a ' a u k u p e ' e (fetters). s t o c k y . Pu'ipu'l, poupou, n o ' u .
stoke. Pao, pao ahl. Stoker. Pao ahl.
sayings, see bird, weather.
S t o r m y . ' I n o , 'Ino'ino. Also: 'o'oloku, 'ole'ole'o, ho'ole'ole'o, ko'ele, polua, plkiplkl'o, pukDd; 'e'elekoa (obs.). Stormy appearance, lalauahi.
S t o m a c h . 'Opu. Also: 'opu 'ai'ai, p u ' u ' a l ' a l ; p u ' u _ ( a s of some fish). Stomach disorders: 'eha k a 'opu, nalajja k a 'opu, pualewa k a '6j>u, nalulu k a 'opu, p u ' u m a k a n l , 'opu 'akl, 'opu hull, hoaka, l u m a n a w a h u a , m a n a w a h u a . Lines on stomach of pregnant woman, alawela. To move the stomach muscles, as in certain hula dances, papa'i. The stomach is full, plha k a 'opu; p a ' a k a h o u p o (PE houpo). s t o n e . The common names are p d h a k u (various kinds, PE 308—309); 'lll'lll (pebbles); 'ala (dense basaltic); 'a'a, pahoehoe (volcanic). Precious stone, p d h a k u m a k a m a e . Soft porous stones used or polishing or scouring: n o h u , nonlnui, pohueiue, pollpoli, hiena, k a u a - ' u l a ; kohenalo (corrugated). Porous stones: m a h e u , m a k a ' a w e l a , k a ulalkl; 'oal. h a u (,obs.). Hard dense stones as used for adzes: 'alamea, laekoloa (kalania'ula, k a l a m a ' u l a ) , ke'e, 'awall'l, ha'lall'l, ehuehu, 'ala; h a u m e k u (obs.). Stone container used for sorcery, poho k u n l ' a n a ' a n a . Stone lamp, poho k u k u l . pohokano. Stone bowl, poho p d h a k u . Stone table, p a p a pohaku. Stone statue, kl'l p o h a k u , 'eho.
stormy petrel. See petrel,
s t o r y . X. Narrative. Mo'olelo. Also: ka'ao (fiction); mo'o'olelo, mo'o, k u a m o ' o 'olelo, kole. Short story, mo'olelo pokole. To tell stories, ha'l mo'olelo. To put several stories into one, hulka'l 'olelo. To record a story, ho'opa'a mo'olelo. Telling stories all night, k u k u ' l wana'ao. 2 . See l i e . 3 . Floor. Papahele, papa. Middle story or floor, p a p a waena. Second story, p a p a lua. Building with many stories, haleku'i. s t o r y t e l l e r . H a ' l mo'olelo. Also: k a k a ' d l e l o , k u k u ' l 'olelo, m a k o u .
story writer. Haku mo'olelo.
s t o u t . Pu'ipu'i, poupou. Rare: p o u h a n a n u ' u . nuka, kila; — and symmetrical, holoku. Stove. K a p u a h i . Kerosene stove, k a p u a h l 'alia m a h u . Qas stove, k a p u a h l ea. Electric stove, k a p u a h i uila. S t o w . H o ' a h u , waiho, kau, kapae.
s t r i p e d s t r e n g t h . Ikalka. Also: lwi kani, malu, la'au, 'o'ole'a; kamaehu (obs.). Past days of strength, ia'ae'ola. Limited strength, '5pu 'uku'uku. Extraordinary or supernatural strength, ikaika ho'okalakupua. Of superior strength, to exercise strength, maua'alina. To display strength, kakSuha. To conceal strength, lau'au'a. For a belief, PE ila. s t r e n g t h e n . Ho'oikaika. Also: ho'lkaika, ho'okupa a, ho'omanea, maika, ho'o'ole'a. Strengthen the body, ho'o'ole'a kino, ho'oikaika kino, s t r e n u o u s . Hana luhi, hana ikalka, 'o'ole'a. s t r e s s . Ko'iko'l, ho'okalele, kalele leo, kalele mana'o, kaulele, ho'oko'lko'i. Stressing, ko'iko'ina, ho'oko'iko'lna. Secondary stress in music, kaulele lki. Diacritic marking stress, kalele leo. s t r e t c h . KIko'o, kiko'oko'o, ho'onaele. Also: ho'oloa, aeae, huki, ho'olel, ho'opuhalu, kikl'l, hohola, kloea. kualapa, manana, ho'omanana, nlao, koloau; ho'ohelei, ho'owahalehe (as the mouth); ho'deoe (as the neck); nana (as muscles); — taut, ho'omalo'elo'e, ho'olillo, lena, kualena, kalena, paullnalina. Stretch the rubber, ho'onaele 1 ka laholio. s t r e t c h e d . Naele, hekau, lehe, mo'ou, kakauha; helel (sideways). To lie stretched out, moe kahelahela. He stretched his arms, kiko'oko'o 'ola 1 na lima. s t r e t c h e r . Manele, moe ho'olewa. To carry on a stretcher, manele. strew. Lu helele'l. s t r i c k e n . Lo'ohla, kupoull. Stricken with sickness, lo'ohla 1 ka ma'i. s t r i c t . A'o ikalka, ho'oku'uku'u 'ole, 'o'ole'a, nlhlnihi. Strife. 'A'ume'ume, paio, mokuahana, hakaka. Strike. 1. Hit. Ku'i, pepehi, hau, hahau, uhau, ka; kahoa (as a fish on a hook}; kani, ke (as a clock); koe (as a match). Also: kaka, hoa, hoahoa, ku, kuhewa, kua, hekau, kipe, kaki'i, 'illkl, puke, koke, kapehi, ho'oika; panapana (gently); pa'e (as distant sounds on the ear); haluku (as canoe sides with a paddle)i ka'ina (in sorcery); — indiscriminately, ku'lke; — down, kua; — against, ke'ehl, Ika; — with a side stroke or obliquely, pa lala, kaklwi; — from the back, kalawa kua; — with wings, as an angry bird, kipa'i. Obs.: hoko, olo'u, oma. To strike with the fist, ku'i lima. To strike with a net, uhau 'upena. To strike with sticks, 'ola'au. 3. Work stoppage. 'Olohanl. To cause a strike, ho'olohani. s t r i n g . Kaula, aho (cord); 'aha (as for musical instruments); kualna (twine). Also: hill; kali, kalli (as for threading things); ma'a. To string, kul, koi, manal, maklla, mokila (as leis); hill, 'uo. String of fish, kali l'a, kalli l'a. To string leis, kul lei. A stringing together, kuina. String trick, pukaula, 'oki kaula. To tie up strings,
Stowaway. Mea pe'e malu maluna o ka moku. straddle. Kiomana. Also: kukihelei, ki'lhelel, helel; kalena (as on a horse); hakakau (obs.). straggler. Mea hill i hope, s t r a i g h t . Pololel. Also: kalole (as hair); malo, kolihana, nlolo; oheohe, ma'ohe'ohe (and toll). Straight body, kino pololei, kino maid. Stand straight, ku pololei, ku a malo. Straight chair, nobo ku. Straight to the point, kuakahi. To go straight ahead, hele pololei, kamoe, moena. Vote a straight ticket, koho pololei. s t r a i g h t e n . Ho'opololei, lala. S t r a i n . 1. Filter. Kanana, kalana, ka'e'e; paka (as dregs from medicinal herbs); 'anana (as Juice or pol); hoka, paka (as ¡cava). 3. Exert. Ho'olkaika; kohl (as in childbirth); uhakole (as at stool); — and grunt, ho'l'i (fig., stingy). Also: oiku, uhu, 'anu'u, ho'onou. 3. Hereditary character. Welo. s t r a i n e r . Kanana, kalana. Pol strainer, kanana 'al. Kava strainer, hoka 'awa, mau'u. S t r a i t . 1. Channel. Kowa, kaikowa. 3. Trouble. Popllikla, pilikla. In straitened circumstances, kuhaiki. s t r a n d . 1. Fiber. Ma'awe, awe, mo'all, mo'o'ali, ka'a. Two-stranded, kalua, ka'a lua. Threestranded, kakolu, ka'a kolu. Strand of pandanus plaiting, mau'u. Strand of hair, will oho. 3. Shore. Kahakal, one.
stranded. 111.
Strange. 'E, 'ano 'e, mea 'e, kupalanaha, kupanaba, hllu, ha'oha'o. s t r a n g e r . Malibinl, mea 'e, kanaka 'e. To be as a stranger, ho'omalihlni. s t r a n g l e . 'Uml, 'u'umi, ka'awe; 'ahamaka (in lua fighting). Strangled, pu'ua. Strangling, 'umlna. Strangling cord, ka'ane. Strangling, choking sensation, ka'awe'awe. s t r a p . Kaula, kaula 'ill, 'ill, kalapu. To strap, kalapu. Tail strap, kaula huelo. Straps to carry a bundle, 'awe'awe. s t r a t a g e m . Papahana, lala, a'oa'o, hei. strategist.'Allhlkaua, ka'akaua, 'ike ka'a kaua, lau'au'a. strategy. Ka'a kaua (war). s t r a t o s p h e r e . Lewa mawaho, lewa luna lllo. s t r a t u m . Papa, 'apapa, nu'u, pa'a. Horizontal stratum, papa moe. Heavenly stratum, papa lanl. Highest stratum of the heavens, lewa lam. Lower stratum, papa lalo. stratus cloud. Ao loa.Drinking straw, mea omo. straw. Mau'u-malo'o. Draw straws, koho la'au. Strawberry. 'Ohelcnpapa (native). Strawberry shortcake, mea'ono-'onelo-papa.
kokd. See String figure, stringed Instrument. Plla 'aha.
strawberry guava. Waiawi.
Strawflower. Nani-mau-loa, pua-pepa. 8tray. 'Auwana. 'ae'a. Also: holoholo wale, hd'a'a, lololahlll, lolohlll, ku'ae'a, ewa. Stray cat, popoki pae hewa. s t r e a k . Wan»; no'a (colored); kiawe; kahe'a (red, as at dawn). Streak of gray in hair, wana hlna. Flying streak, as tail of a comet, welowelo.
s t r i n g figure. Hei. To make string figures, hei. Twist oj fingers in string figures, lumaha'i. L. A. Dickey (String Figures from Hawaii, Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 64) describes 115 Hawaiian figures (not including slip tricks). s t r i n g y . Ka'aka'allna, 'a'a'a. Strip. 1. A length. 'Apana (as of paper); molina (as of cloth, wood); kuakua (as of fish netting). Strip of pandanus leaf, klhae lau hala. 3. To tear. Holehole (as sugar cane); 'u'u (as maile); uhole (as tough skin); klhae (as leaves, and as thorns from pandanus leaves); koe, makoe (as leaves). Also: lhi, pehe, hahas, malhl, f wndanus ole, hole, pa'ipa'i. To strip flesh from bones, holehole iwl, welewele lwi, puholoholo, pa'l'o, walmahoehoe. To strip naked, wehe a kohana. To strip 'le'le roots, hole 'le. 3. See undress, stripe. Kaha (as on a flag or military insignia); halu'a, haua. Stars and stripes, na noku a me na kaha. Striped. 'Onl'oni'o, kahakaha, halu'a, ki'oki; peelua, moelua (double); moekolu (triple); kanl'o (crosswise). See s t r e a k e d .
See stripe.
streaked. Ma'okl'oki, ni'o, 'onl'o, kanl'o, nini'o, 'awe'awe'a, we'awe'a; mo'o (as dog or tabby cat). See sea. s t r e a m . 1. Water. Kahawal. Also: wal, waikahe, lau wal, kahena wai. Main stream, kahawal nul, moloalo. Small stream, 'a'alu. Stream source, kumu wai, mano. See HUo, river. 3. To flow. Kahe, kowelo, welo, wewelo, welowelo, 'dwelo, ho'ohuelo, pahlhl, kiawe, ho'oklawe. s t r e a m e r . Kllepalepa, mea ho'owewelo, kaula lei, puapua, alia. s t r e e t . Aianul. Street corner, klhl alanul, hulna alanui.
streetcar. Ka'a uila.
stripper la'o, ho'okanaha'i; 'olala (as plants). Obs.: 'anini, no'ino'i. Stupefied. Kupouli; pahola, hola (as fish by drugging). s t u p i d . Hupo. Also: wa'awa'a, wa'awa'a iki; Wa'awa'a-iki-na'aupo (ignorant stupid one, name of a legendary simpleton); puwa'awa'a, manoanoa, kuloma, peue. For saying, see gourd, s t u r d y . Ikaika, pa'a, pu'ipu'i, ka'ala'ala. To make sturdy, as a banana plant (in ancient prayers), haluapou. S t u t t e r . 'tJ'u, ma'u'u; 'a'a (as a dumb person). s t y . 1. Enclosure. Pa. 2. Swelling on eyelid. Uleule. Style. Paikini, kaila, 'ano. In the style of, a. s t y l i s h . Kaila, ku i ke kaila. suave. Nahenahe, aukahi, akahai, ho'omalimali. s u b d l s t r i c t . 'Okana. s u b d u e . Ho'okulou, ho'opio. See c o n q u e r , s u b j e c t . 1. Citizen. Maka'ainana, kanaka; uli, 'uha kakau (of chief). 2. Topic. Kumumana'o, kahua hana. kumuhana. Subject of a sentence, kumu'51alo, kumuha'i. s u b j e c t i v e . Pilikino. sublease. Ho'olimalima hou. s u b m a r i n e . Mokulu'u. s u b m a r i n e base. Kahua mokulu'u. submissive. Noho malalo (Biblical). s u b m i t . Wailio, ha'awipio. s u b o r d i n a t e . Malalo, o lalo: loha (fig.). s u b p o e n a . Palapala kena, palapala ki'i, kupina. s u b s c r i b e . Kakau inoa, ho'omoe, ho'opa'a. s u b s e q u e n t . Hope, mahope. subside. Emi, iho, ku'u, numi. subsidy. Uku kako'o.
stripper. Koe (of pandanus leaves). strip t e a s e . Hana keaka wehe na lole apau. s t r i v e . Ho'oikaika, ho'ikaika, ho'a'o. Also: 'apu'epu'e, na'i, kulia, makia. s t r o k e . 1. Blow. Hauna, hauhauna, hahau, bau, uhau, la'au, hili; kaula (as of a whip); pa (as of an instrument). Breast stroke, swimmingA 'au umauma. Stroke of war club, hauna la'au, la'au, mamala^ How manyclub strokes did you strike? 'Ehia mamala newa au 1 hahau ai? See fighting. 2. To touch lightly. Kahi, hamo. 3. Sudden attack. Huki, kuhewa, kauhola, ulupd, huklleo-pa'a. Stroll. Maka'ika'i, holoholo. Strong. Ikaika. Also: mahi, kani, wikani, lawa, lawakua, konakona, pukonakona, 'o'ole'a, ka'eo, pa'a, konapiliahi, puklki, ho'olchua, ho'olua, ukani lua, 'uo'uo, kilakila, mokila. kila. konaao, kulepe, ika. Obs.: wika'o. pulawa, kika, maua'alina. Very strong, ikaika loa, lawa lua. Strong_ arm, lima ikaika. Strong of limb, 'o'ole'a na lala, lalako'a. Strong-backed, lawakua. Strong sea. kai ka'o, huliamahi. To grow strong, as after weakness, pi'i hou ka ikaika, polapola, kokonoi'e. strongbox. Pahu hao. s t r o n g h o l d . Wahi pa'a, pu'ukaua; pa kaua (Biblical). s t r u c k . Pa 'ia: ka'ina (obs.). See s t r i k e , s t r u c t u r e . Mea i kukulu 'ia, 'ano. Sentence structure, pilina 'olelo. Social structure, pill nohona. S t r u g g l e . Paio, 'a'ume'ume. Also: ka'ahili, 'apu'epu'e, kupapa, kulapa, kupaka, ho'oke, ke, naku, namo, kua nui, ho'okuanui. S t r u m . Koekoe. s t r u t . Ho'okahakaha, hele ha'aheo. Also: haukalali, nana, nanai, hananai, koheo, ha'aheo, ho'ohaha, ka'i'i, heheo; pahaha, pahilolo (obs.). S t r y c h n i n e . Kikanaine. S t u b . Ho'oku'i. Stub the toe, ho'oku'i ka manamana. s t u b b l e . Kumukumu (as of beard). S t u b b o r n . Pa'akiki. Also: po'o pa'a, pa'a, lae ja'a, konia, kananuha, nulla, ha'i 'ole, kanu, olohe, kunono. ho'opohaku, uhakole, 'a'i uaua, ho'ouaua, 'o'ole'a. s t u b b y . Mu'ou'ou. See s h o r t , s t u c k . Pa'a, pupu, ho'omamau; mau (as a car). Stuck in the mud. pa'a i ka 'ukele. S t u d e n t . Haumana, haumana, mana. See reflect. Studio. Ke'ena. Painting studio, ke'ena kaha ki'i. Photographic studio, ke'ena pa'i ki'i. Studio apartment, ke'ena noho 'u'uku. Hula studio, ke'ena a'o hula, s t u d i o u s . Ho'opa'a ha'awina. puni ho'opa'a ha'awina. Study. Ho'opa'a ha'awina, huli. Stuff. 1. Matter. Mea, waiwai o kela me keia 'ano. Stuff and nonsense, mea ku i ke kohu 'ole, i ka '1. 2. Fill. Ho'opiha; i'aloa (as an animal). See eat, gag. Stuffed. Piha loa, ma'ona loa (with food). Also: la'iki, kuenenu'u; kinanape, kupalu. Stuffing. Mea ho'opihapiha. Chicken stuffing, mea ho'opihapiha moa. Stuffy. Pa'apu; ikiiki (and hot). Stuffy odor, polopolona. S t u m b l e . Ku'ia ka wawae. Also: 'okupe, ho'okupe, kupe, kaiepa, palaha, kullpe'e, kahehi, hill hewa ka wawae, 'anu'u. s t u m p . 'Omuku, 'okumu, 'auka. Stumps, kumukumu. Full of stumps, 'amokumoku, 'amukumuku. s t u m p y . 'Okumu, 'akumu, 'akumukumu, pano'uno'u: ponulu (obs.). s t u n t e d . Kanali'i, kakanali'i, 'anali'i, 'a'anali'i, homimt. Also: 'i'i, 'omino, palakai, 'ukiki, lakl, hanu'u; mallli (as fruits); mollli, 'olili, hala'o-
substance. 'I'o.
s u b s t i t u t e . Pani liakahaka, pani. hope, pana'i; kala (Biblical). See teacher, s u b t r a c t . Ho'olawe. s u b t r a c t i o n . Ho'olawe. s u b t r a h e n d . Helu ho'olawe.
suburb. Hu'a.
succeed. 1. Accomplish. Holomua, holo le'a. holopono, ko, loa'a. We have succeeded, ua pono kaua. 2. Follow. Ukali, pani, hahai. successful. Holo i mua, holoimua, holomua. Also: holopono, holo le'a, lele pono, pono, loa'a, ho'oholo i mua, kule'a, lalawai, ka'aka'ahiki, ulupono. Our work is successful, ua pono ka kaua hana. For saying, see top. succession. Ka'ina. Also: kaka'ina, mo'o, mo, 'ama'amau. Succession of people, mo'o kanaka. Genealogical succession, mo'o ku'auhau; mo'o ali'i (chiefly). See s e q u e n c e , successor. Ho'oilina, ho'ilina, hope, pani hakahaka. s u c c u l e n t . Wai nui, mea ulu wai nui (plant); 'ala'ala-wal-nui (a variety). s u c h . Like. Such as this, such and such, such as, e like me keia, e la'a me kela, penei ke 'ano. Such a, keu_ a. This is such a lazy cat, he keu keia a ka popoki molowa. s u c k . Omo, momo, mlnoi, mlnoinoi, muki; — in, miki, mlmiki. Sucking noise, muki. To suck blood, omo koko. s u c k e r . Keiki, well, kawowo, hehu; 'oha (taro); pohull (banana); maka ('awapuhi); 'uml'umi (attaching bivalves to rocks).
sucking fish. Omo.
s u c k l e . 'Ai waiu, omo, omo waiu. Suckling child, keiki 'ai waiu, keiki omo waiu. s u c t i o n . Omo. Suction cups on octopus tentacles, pikaplka, 'apikapika. Suction tube, "ill omo wai. suddenly. 'Emo 'ole, hikiwawe, honua, ponl.
suds. Hu'a.
supplied s u m m a r y . Ho'ike ho'opokole. ho'ulu'ulu pokole (synopsis).
s u e . Ho'opi'i. Sue for damages, koi poh5. S u e z . Kueka, Sueza. s u f f e r . ' E h a , eha'eha. Also: 'Inea. ikiiki, polikia. s u f f i c i e n t . Lawa, k a ' a i k a lawa. s u f f i x . H u a paku'i mahope o ka hua'Slelo. s u f f o c a t e . 'Umi, 'ai po'ala. Suffocated, pu'ua. Suffocation from smoke, k e n a k e n a . S u f f o l k . K u p a k a , Sufaka. s u f f r a g e . Koho paloka. Right of suffrage, pono koho paloka. s u g a r . Kdpa'a. Powdered sugar, k d p a ' a ho'ae'ae. hump sugar, p u ' u p u ' u kopa'a. Coarse sugar, k 5 p a ' a manoanoa. Brown sugar, k d p a ' a 'ula'ula. Refined sugar, k d p a ' a ho'oke'oke'o. s u g a r c a n e . Ko. Clump of sugar cane, pü ko. Cane leaf, lau ko. lau'o, lake, la'o. Sugar-cane tassel, kilepalepa ko. Sugar-cane stem and tassel, p u a ko. Cane growing along a border, pae ko. Sugar-cane refuse, ko 'aina, laina. Sugar cane held up with sticks, pü ko ko'o, pu ko'o. Sugar cane commonly used in medicine: ko-kea, kohonua-'ula, 'aina-kea (pü-kea), manu-lele. Sugar cane used in love magic: manu-lele, p a p a ' a , pili-mai, taukona. Other sugar-cane varieties: 'aina-kea-melemele; 'aki-lolo-'ula'ula (nanahu, red mutant); 'akoki, 'ala'ihi; 'awela (pua-'ole); 'awela-melemele (pua-'ole); 'aweoweo, 'ele'ele, halali'i, binahina, honua-'ula, hou, 'ili-'oj)ua, kani'o, k a u i l a j kea (ko-kea); kenikeni, koaki, ko-'ele'ele, k o - P a k e , ko-palani, k5-pua-'ole, l a h a i n a , lahi, l a h i - k a h a k a h a - ' a k a l a , lau-loa, lehu, máikoiko, m a i k o i k o - k a h a k a h a , m a k a - ' a , manini, má'ohe'ohe, mikokoi, moano, nika, 'ohi'a, 'oliana, opukea; p a ' a p a ' a (hq^opa'apa'a); pailolo, pakaweli, pakaiea, p a k e , pili-ko'a, póhina, pua-hala, uani-a-Pele, 'uala, 'uala-lehu, uhu, ule'ohi'u, 'ula'ula. uluhui, wai-'ohi'a, webe hala (wehewehe hala). To shoot sugar-cane tassels, ke'a pua. For sayings, PE kea 3, pu ko.
s u m m e r . Kau, kau wela.
s u m m i t . Wekiu, plko, po'o, p u ' u 'oi'oi, ni'o, panepo'o, pane, s u m m o n . Ki'i, k e n a , kahea. Also: kauoha, polo'ai, k a p a k a p a , baluna. To summon a spirit to possess, no'ouoho. s u m m o n s . P a l a p a l a ki'i, palapala kena, palapala hopu. s u n . L a ; kahikole (early morning); kahlku (before noon). Sun heat, la. To sun, ho'ola, kaula'i la, lalala, 'omea; lola (rare). Circle around sun, lua kalai lani.
s u n b e a m . Pohaka la.
s u n b o n n e t . P a p a l e 'o'oma. s u n b u r n e d . P a p a ' a la, 'owela, nono, 'ai la, paki'ai. Sunburned skin, 'ili p a p a ' a , 'ili p a p a ' a S u n d a y . Lapule. Communion
'Ai Pelena. See S a b b a t h .
Sunday school. Kula Kapakl. sundew. Miki-nalo.
s u n d i a l . Meabo'ikekekele, pakuhikuhimanawa. s u n d i a l s h e l l . P u p u - p u h i , halill, pulowa. s u n f l s h . Kunehi, ' a p a h u , m a k u a . s u n f l o w e r . I'ua-nana-la, nana-la. s u n k . Palemo. piholo. s u n k e n . Po'opo'o; 'olohaka, h a k a b a k a (as facial features); puhalu, poho; 'opi (as a jaw); polea (obs.).
s u n l i g h t . Malamalama o ka la.
sunny. La.
s u n r i s e . P u k a n a la, p u k a ' a n a o ka la. From sunrise to sunset (a whole day or whole life span), m a i ka la hlki a ka la kau. s u n s e t . N a p o ' o ' a n a o k a la. Sunset glow, alaula. Red sunset, a k a ' u l a .
See bagasse, sugar grinder. Wili ko.
s u g a r m i l l . Wili ko, hale will ko, hale pubi ko.
sunshine. Pa 'ana a ka la.
sugar plantation. Mahi ko.
s u p e r b . H o ' o k a h a k a h a , 'oi, po'okela, hlehlo.
s u g g e s t . H o ' o p u k a m a n a ' o ; bo'olale (as action). Also: ho'ohelehele 'olelo, ho'oloko, banl, ho'ohall 'olelo, ho'omaoe. s u g g e s t i o n . 'Olelo ho'ohali. s u i t . 1. Clothing. P a ' a , p a ' a lole, p a ' a lole komo. 3. Court action. Ho'opi i. Suit over land, ho'opi'i 'aina. Damage suit, ho'opi'i poho. Suit involving smuggling, hihia waiwai kolohe. 3. To please or satisfy. K u i ka m a k e m a k e , k u pono i k a m a n a ' o , kohu pono. Suit yourself, aia no ia ia 'oe (PE aia). Not suiting, ku 'ole i k a hoi (PE hoi). This suits me fine, kohu pono keia i a ' u : k u keia i ko'u m a k e m a k e . s u i t a b l e . Küpono, ku, kohu, pill pono,
s u p e r c a r g o . Kupakako.
s u p e r f i c i a l . Malani, i h u p o h u e ; hSpapa (fig.). He has a superficial knowledge of the hula, he 'ike malani kona i k a hula,
superintend. Ho'oponopono.
s u p e r i n t e n d e n t . H a k u h a n a , l u n a nui. School superintendent, k a h u k u l a nui. Superintendent of the Water Works, l u n a nui o k a 'Oihana Wai. s u p e r i o r . 'Oi a'e, po'okela. Also: Idlohana, 'oi'oi, ho'okela, lua 'ole. To act superior, ho'okano, ho'oio, ho'oi'oi, lanaha'akei, k u k a ibu. s u p e r l a t i v e . 'Oi loa, oki, ne'ene'eu. Superlative degree, ' a n u ' u loa.
s u i t c a s e . Paiki. s u i t o r . Mea not male.
supermarket. Makeke nui.
s u p e r n a t u r a l . H o ' o k a l a k u p u a . Also: a k u a , bo' a k u a , p a ' e ' e . Supernatural deed, h a n a mana. Supernatural forms, as of Pele, kino lau, kino p a e'e. Supernatural knowledge, 'ike p a p a l u a . Under control of the supernatural, kalakupua.
s u l k y . N u h a . Also: k a n a n u h a , n u n u h a , ho'ok a n a n u h a , ho'okololohe, k a n ü L ka'e, ho'olehelehe nui, mumule, konia, monu, n a l u w a ; ho'e'elo (tearfully); uhelehe (obs.). s u l l e n . See s u l k y . Also: ka'e, kQkona, h a k a n ü , niha, manlha, h o ' o k a m a n i h a , k a m a n l h a , m u mule, loha. See b e a d ,
See legendary beings,
s u p e r s t i t i o u s . Ho'omanamana.
supervise. Ho'oponopono.
sully. 'Olepolepo. See dirt, sulphate of soda. Hau'eli.
s u p e r v i s o r . L u n a , l u n a kia'l, l u n a ho'oponopono. Female supervisor, h a k u wahine. School supervisor, k a h u kula. Board of Supervisors, Papa L u n a Kia'i. s u p p e r . 'Aina ahlahl, p a ' i n a ahiahi. Poi supper, p a ' l n a 'ai poi. s u p p l e . P a l u p a l u , 'olu. Also: wall, waliwali, wawall. s u p p l e m e n t . Hope, p a k u ' i . Word supplements, 'olelo p a k u ' i hou. s u p p l i e d . Ho'olako 'ia; lillhua (obs.). Wellsupplied, lako, lawa puni, paki, laupa'l, k o ' a k o ' a ; p u l a w a (obs.).
s u l p h u r . Kukaepele, lepopele, kalapa, kulepa. Sulphur smoke, uahi 'awa.
s u l t a n . Kulekana.
s u l t r y . H a h a n a , k ó ' e h a ' e h a , ikiiki. s u m . H u i n a helu, huina, heluna, Sum of money, p u ' u kala.
s u m a c h . Neleau.
S u m a t r a . Kumakala, Sumatara. s u m m a r i z e . Ho'ulu'ulu a ho'opokole 1 k e kuinuhana.
supplies supplies. Lako (various kinds, PE 176); kuleana lako, ukana. Office supplies, lako ke'ena. supply. Lako, ho'olako, ho'olawa, ho'olawalawa, ho'olaupa'i; momoa, moamoa (with food). Supply and demand, ka nui a me ka makemake 'la. Well supplied, lako, lawa puni, paki, ko'ako'a, laupa'l; pulawa (obs.). s u p p o r t . Kàko'o. Also: ko'oko'o, ko'o, ka'lka'i, kokua, màlama, kalele, paepae; kaulanl (a chief). Support for birds, ko'o manu. Support for chickens, ko'o moa. Means of support, malama ola. He was sued for nonsupport, ua ho'opi'l 'la no ka màlama ola 'ole. Person with no property or means of support, ka'a'owe. Visible means of support, mea e akaaka al ka loa'a 'ana o ke ola. s u p p o r t e r . Kako'o. hope. Male supporter, 'eke ho'opa'a laho. suppose. Mana'o, kuhi, mahu'i, '1. To suppose wrongly, kaino, kainoa, kuhihewa. See p r e s u m e , suppress. Kaoml, hs'opau, klnal, 'u'uml. Suppression of crime, klnal 1 ka hewa. s u p r e m e . Po'okela, kl'ekl'eloa. Also: holo'oko'a, '1, kiakàhl. S u p r e m e C o u r t . 'Aha Ho'okolokolo Kl'ekl'e. s u r e . 'Oia'l'o. Are you sure? He 'oia'l'o kena? Make sure, ho'oia'i'o. Sure indeed, sure maoli no (in songs). surely. Hlkl, htki no. maoli. To. I'll surely come, e hlki 'l'o mal ana au. s u r e t y . Pana'i.hope. I will be surety for him, 'o wau no ka pana 1 nona, s u r f . Nalii. Some types of surf: 'ópu'u, kakala, lala, lauloa, muku, 'ohu. Surf just before breaking point, kua nalu. kiilana nalu. Breaking surf, kal po'i. kuapa. To rise and swell, of surf, lalahalaha. To surf, he'e, he'e nalu. To surf to mouth of stream, he'e pu'ewal. To mount or catch a wave, pae. To ride a wave into shore, pae 1 ka nalu. To surf, as with canoe, body, board, pàkà, kaha. Surf rider, he'e nalu. Body surfing, kaha nalu. he'e umauma. Surfs of localities had their own names; 97 are named (and mostly located) by Ben R. Finney, Journal of the Polynesian Society, 68:3ib-H7. For sayings, PE ka e'a'e'a,
surprise. Pu'lwa, ho'opu'lwa, ho'oha'oha'o. See
surprising. Kupaianaha, kupanaha, kamaha'o, ho opu'iwa, pu'lwa, ha'oha'o, ha'o, ho'oha'oha'o, ho'okahalia, kahaha, kameha'i. s u r r e n d e r . Ha'awipto, hS'ulepio. s u r r o u n d . Ka'apunl, ho'opunl. Also: ho'opo'ai, kipunl, kupuni, puana, kalawai, puni. survey. Ana: 'iml a ho'akoakoa (lit., look for and assemble); ana 'aina (land). surveying rod. La'au ana. surveyor. Mea ana 'aina. surveyor general. Luna ana 'aina nui. survive. Ola, o. Barely surviving, pipi. survivor. Mea ola. Sole survivor who reports news (in legends), 'aha'ilono. susceptible. Pama'l (to disease). s u s p e c t . Ho'ohuoi, mahu'i. suspend. 1. Hang. Kau, kaulia, ho'olewa: puallewa (in air); wele, welehia. 2. Abrogate. Kapae, ho'omalu. suspenders. Kaliki. suspense- Mana'o plholhol. suspicious. Ho'ohuoi, kikamu. Suspicious glance, maka lena. s u s t a i n . Paepae, ko'o (support); hanal (feed). s u t u r e . Hoai (various kinds, PE 68).
swagger. See strut.
swallow. 1. Ingest. Ale. moni, monla, monimoni, momoni, momomoni; — whole, alao, alapoho. Sound of swallowing, 'u'lna ka pu'u. 2. Bird. Manu-'io'lo. kualo. s w a m p . 1. Marsh. Poho, naele. Also: kele, 'olokele, kl'o lepo, 'ale. napele, nenelu. Sicampy foul odor, pllo. 2. Founder. Plho, plhopiho, plholo. s w a n . Nokekula. swap. Kuapo, pana'i. s w a r m . Huhui, hulhul, mumulu. Also: kauluwela, ne'epapa, nunu'a, ponalo, plkokoi. Obs.: muhu, mumuhu, mlnolnoi, monoinol. Swarm of bees (judges H:08), po'e nalo-meli. s w a r t h y . Haul!, haullull. s w a t c h . ' Apana lole 'u'uku mea ho'lke'lke. s w a t h e . Wahi, nunu. sway. Kahullhull, lulllull, maewa. Also: 'aku'aku, ewa, aewa, akalewa, polewa, malewa, ha'anapu, ha'i, ho'ohihina, holu, ho'oholu, ho'oluli, ho'olullluli. holunape, nape, ka'alele, kalue, kiawe, kulana, kulanalana, kulewa, ho'okalahe, lull, 'alull, kalull, ho'okalull, laumaewa, luaiele, naluli, naue, he'onaue, ninole, nlnlpo, nolu pe, puni wale, oloi, ue, 'uke, 'u'upekupeku; konai lobs.). swear. 1. Vow. Ho'ohlki. For a vow, PE manS. 2. See curse. Also: kuea (Eng.). No swearwords existed other than exclamations and insults, and from English: kanapapikl (son of_ a bitch), Kokaml (God damn), and kokahele la Paka (go to hell, you bugger). sweat. Hou; ho'opuluea (offensive). s w e a t b a n d . Pale hou. sweat b a t h . Imu loa, umu loa, puholo. sweater. Kueka. Swede. Kuekena, Suedena. Sweden. Kuekena, Suedena. Swedish. Kuekena, Suedena. sweep. Puluml, kahili; hio, kalu'u, puhoho (as the wind); kahela, kuhela (as waves). sweet. Momona, mona; manalo (water); kuhikuht, mokuhlkuhl; hone, nahenahe, polinahe (as music); laua'e, henoheno (as a lover); onaona (as eyes or disposition); 'a'ala, hone, 'ala, nae. anuhea. onaona (as fragrance). sweet basil. Ki-'a'ala, ki-paoa.
'6 l. See surfboard, surfer, wave,
s u r f a c e . 'Ill, 'lllwal, lau: papa (flat); alo (upper). Surface of the earth, '111 honua, papaku. Surface of the sea, 'ilikal. s u r f b o a r d . Papa he'e nalu. Of special names, the most common were olo (of wiliwlli wood, as long as 18 feet, for chiefs) and alala (of koa or breadfruit wood). Other names: kiko o, kloe, omo, 'oninl, 'owill, paha, pu'ua. To ride a surfboard, he'e nalu. s u r f e i t . Ana, kenakena, 'alkena. Also: noneS, paki. surfer. He'e nalu. The unskilled surfer tumbles, he 'o 'la ka mea hàwàwà i ka he'e nalu (of any lack of skill). s u r g e . HQ, màpu, hànupa. Also: haulanl, halehale, hànupanupa, olohla: h a i 'ale (as emotion). Also: hakuko'i/ha'anopu, loku, ho'onu'a, nape, kuahaka, ho'oui, kàhela, ma'alewa, palàha'a. Her love surges forth, mapu mal kona aloha, hu a'ela kona aloha, s u r g e o n . Kauka kaha. surgeonfish. Kala (various kinds, PE 112-113); manini (various growth stages, PE ZÌO); 'api, kakakl; kole (for saying, PE 149); mabalia, na'ena'e; mà'i i'i; paku'lku'l, palanl, pualu, puwalu. s u r l y . 'A'aka, na'au kopekope, keke, keke nlho. Also: ke'emoa, kakana, ho oke'eke'e, ho'a'aka. s u r m i s e . Kuhi, mahu'i, ho'ohuoi, ho'opu'opu. s u r m u l l e t . Weke (various kinds, PE 35i). s u r n a m e . Inoa 'ohana. s u r p a s s . Ho'okela, pakela, keu, pakeu, holo i mua, bololmua, holomua, oko. s u r p l u s . Koe, koena, keu.
s y s t e m
sweet calamus. 'Ohe-'ala. sweet cane. 'Ohe-'ala.
p u h a ' u , kuhela, p u ' u p u ' u , hake, h a n u p a . han u p a n u p a , ki'imanana, koiikoliko, nepu, pele, 'opele, m a k a p e h u , pehu, 'upehupehu; ho'opehu(as a cloud); p o h u k u , nupa, n u p a n u p a , {>ehu onu. Obs.: kualakai, n a n a n a , 'oal, pa'lli, hakakai, kuhakakai, pahaha. Swelling tonsils, p u ' u 'okohekohe. Swelling with pride or conceit, pehu. s w i f t . 'AwiwI, 'awlkl, wlkl, wlklwikl, kiki, m a m a . Also: ho'olehua, kaholo, kulu, lauhulu, palamlmo, nlau. Swift runner, kukinl koke. Swift disappearance or movement,}miona. To do swiftly, kiki. To mote swiftly, mio, miomlo. S w i m . 'Au; 'aukal (by sea); p a n a u (as a lobster). Go swimming, 'au, malo kai. To teach or learn to swim, ho'au. Swim evenly or abreast, 'au like. Swim with a drowning person, ho'au. Swim like a fish, holo a l'a. Swim with paddling motions, as in learning, m a n a h a l o (obs.). Paddle until you know how to swim, e m a n a h a l o a 'ike i ke au.
s w e e t e n . Ho'omomona.
s w e e t h e a r t . Ipo. Also: aloha, kane, hua-pala, hoa 'inau, 'ano'l pua. In songs a sweetheart may be likened to flowers ( p u a ) ; to any particular lower (as 'awapuhi, 'ilima, kalaunu, ldele, kukui, aniuma, lehua, maile, m a m o , mella, p i k a k e ) ; buds (liko); leis; fragrance ('ala. 'a'ala, onaona); ferns (laua'e, palai); birds (Tiwi, k a ' u p u , 'o'o, punua),' fish (kole, kumu, mano, ulua); and spring water (wal puna). Gone to pull in an ulua fish, ala i k a hukl ulua (a man). For sayings, see f l o w e r ; PE kai, punua, uhu.
sweetheart vine. Hua-pala. s w e e t p e a . Pl-wai-anuhea, pi-anuhea. sweet pepper. Nioi-piiha'uha'u.
s w e e t p o t a t o . 'Uala (various kinds, PE 334). Also: ae'a-hauka'e, 'apo, 'aumaktki, 'awapuhi, 'ele'ele, ha'ae, ha'ele-lepo, ha-loa, haldna-lpu, ha'ule-lani, ha-wai, he'I, heklll, h i i - a k a , hllo, hina-pu, hokeo, holei, h51ule, ho'ohamo, ho'om a n a m a n a , ho'omanana, ho'omau, hua-lani, huamoa, hua-'ono, ka'e-umu, kahulul, k a k a k a , kake* kakonakona, kala, kalia, kallka, kallkalau-ke'oke'o, kalika-'ula'ula, kamalino, k a m a u , kane-'ohe, Kapena-Keoe, kauaheahe, kawao, kawelo. kawelo-kupa, keau-mahina, keoe, klhe, klhl. klhlklhl. kihi-Iau-nui, ki'i-hekeke, kipapa. klpawale, koa'e, koall, kokoko'oha, koko-oKeawe. kome-'ula'ula, kona-pakeke, ko'oka, ku'i-popo, kupala, la'ela'e, lahalna, lahallle, la'ilal, la'l-o-Kona, lalo-loa, lana'l, Iapa, laum a n a m a n a , lau-'ula'ula, lehelehe nui, iihau, lihlllhi. Uko-lehua, llma-wiwi, mahlna, mahinakehau, ma'ihu'i-ke'oke'o, ma'lhu'i-'ula'ula. ma'l'o, maka'a, maka-klla, maka-koali, maka-nui, manini, maoli. maul, moe-ahua, mShihl, moi, moklawe, molina, moloka'i, nakulehu. nanani'ele'ele, nanani-ke'oke'o, na'u, naue-wal, ne'ene'e, nenewal, niho-popo, nlka, n u k u k a u , nukulehu, 'ohe'ohe, 'oki-llpl. '5-kohola, 'omea-lani, 'onohlnohi, p a ' a p a ' a lna, p a ' a u h a u . pa'ele, pa'elehili-manoanoa, paha, palowea, pakeke, pala, palakala, pala-mahlkl, palani, pall-kea, pa-nlnl, panl-'ole, papa'a-koall, pa'u-o-Hi'laka, pa'u'u, pehu, pia, piapia, plli-mai, poe, pohloa, pohuehuo, poni, pu, pua-Kawal-hae, pula-kamaka, punana, pu'u, uahi-a-Pele,unahi-unu,wai-aniani, wailua. wai palupalu, wehiwa. Sweet-potato vine or slip, lau. Planted sweet-potato vine, lau kanu. Collected sweet-potato vines, puku kallna. Sweetpotato sprouts, h a p u ' u p u ' u , h a ' u p u ' u p u , h a ' a p u apu, hawa'e, hawa'ewa'e. Root connecting sweet potato to tine, 'ani'unl'u. To hill up sweet potatoes, pu'e 'uala, kaiue. Small sweet potato removed in thinning a hill, hahae. Sweet potato from branch vine, lala. alala. Sweet potato grown on old vines, pu'u-kolea. First harvest, kaualkl. To grow a second crop, ka'io'lo. Volunteer sweet potato, pahulu. Small, poor sweet potato, au. Dried sweet potato, 'ao. Broken fragments, ku'o'o, ga'o'o. Method of preparing sweet potatoes, k u p u ' u . Sweet-potato pudding, piele. Cooked and fermented sweet potato, pa'l 'uala, poi 'uala, 'i'iaao. Cooked sweet-potato leaves, palula. Sweet-potato beer, 'uala 'awa'awa. s w e e t - t o n e d . Pu'ukani, nahenahe. s w e e t - v o i c e d . Pu'ukani, 'ale'a.
swindle, '¿puka.
swine. Pua'a.
s w i n g . Lele, lele koall, lewa, kalewa. Also: 'dlewa, maewa, ma'alewa; pulewa (as a ship at anchor); koall, ku'uwelu, 'ai'alele, ho'oleilel, — the arms, ka, hulellua; ' u k e (pendulously); kala; — and hit, k u ' l k a ' a ; — back and forth, kalue. ho'ohilala, kuekuene, h a ' u k e ' u k e . Obs.: puka'lka'i, makoiele. Swing a rope (as for jumping), k a 1 ke kaula. To ride in a swing, lele koall, leleplnao. Kind of swinging game, lele plna'i. s w i p e s . 'Uwi'uwi, kuaipa. s w i r l . Ho'owillwill, ho'oheheo; puheheo (as a full skirt); wal au. s w i s h . Heheo, ho'oheheo; h e (as of a whip); h a j a l e (as the sea); m u m u (as water in the mouth); m a k e h a (as skyrockets). S w i s s . Kuikilana, Sulzllana. s w I s s c l o t h . M a k a l e n a p u ' u (dotted); 'ulali'i (doited with red). s w i t c h . 1. Stick. L a ' a u hill, 'uwi'uwi. a . Beat. H a h a u , hau, uhau, hill, 'uwi'uwi, kahili. 3. Wig. 'Xki, lauoho ku'i, ohoku'l. S w i t z e r l a n d . Kuikilana, Sulzllana.
swivel. Pokaka'a.
swivel adze. Kupa. swivel chair. Noho pokaka'a. swivel rope. Kaula ki. swollen. See swell.
s w o o p . M a p u , m a p u m a p u ; k a h a (as a kite). The hawk that flies swooping, 'o k a 'io lele mapumapu. s w o r d . P a h l kaua. Flaming sword (Biblical), pahl wakawaka.
sword fern. Kupukupu.
s w o r d f l s h . A ' u ; a'u-ku (broadbill); a ' u a ' u (young stage).
s y c a m i n e . Kukamlno. s y c a m o r e . Kukomolea. Sydney. Kikine.
s y l l a b l e . Leo, h a k l n a 'dlelo, hopuna'dlelo.
symbol. H5'allona.
sweet wllllam. Ponl-m5'i-li'lli'i.
swell. 1. See swelling. 2. Wave. 'Ohu, 'ohuku.
s y m p a t h y . Aloha, aloha menemene. s y m p t o m . '5ull, 'oull hlld. s y n a g o g u e . ' Hale halawal. s y n o n y m . Hua'olelo like 'ole me k a m a n a ' o ho'okahi.
Also: ahua, 'alo, 'ako'ako. 'aui, ha'anopu, ho'ohua, kuahaka, kuhela, n u ' a , onu, 'opu'u, opu.
swellflsh. 'O'opu-hue.
s y n o n y m o u s . Ho'okahi no 'ano.
synopsis. See summary,
s w e l l i n g . Pehu, hu. Also: onu, 'ohu, hualake, lalahu, kala'e, me'ome'o, 'ohao, peheu, polohuku, 'u'ulukal: 'anako'l ( l y m p h gland); 'ea-kuka'a (disease); po'ohu (as on the head); 'eho (under the arm or between the legs); awalahlkl, haha'l, hauhauko'i (in the groin); ho'ohu, ho'oku, k u k a ' a : ho'olapa (as a blister); kalunu (as with moisture); kekewe (as with dropsy); nopu, n u n u .
s y n t a x . Hulpa'a.
syphilis. Kaokao. See venereal disease.
S y r a c u s e . Kulakuke, Surakuse. s y r i n g e . Hano, 'upi. To use a syringe, hano. s y s t e m . Ho'onohonoho 'ana, k a h u a . Solar system, ke k a h u a o n a hoku.
T a h i t i . Kahiki; Polapola, Borabora.
Tahltlan. Polapola.
t a l l . Huelo (of animal); hi'u (of fish); pewa (of fish, shrimp, lobster); p u a p u a , p u p u a , ko o, analio (of a bird); pola, kakaiapola (of a kite). Part of fishtail above and below the cleft, epaepa. Taillike, hueloelo. At the tail end, huelo maewa, h u e h u e l o . To spread wing or tail feathers, k a ' a p e h a . Consumed head, consumed tail, p a u po'o. pau hi'u (of complete destruction). t a i l o r . Kela, kela lole.
tallorblrd. Manu-humuhumu.
t a i n t e d . H a u n a , 'onuhenuhe. t a k e . Lawe, lawe aku, hopu, loa'a; — o f f , kala, wehe, wehewehe, unuhi, ho'ohemo; — by force, ka'ili, na'i, limanui, n u n u ; moluna (obs.); — hold of, lalau, hopu. Obs.: puaki'i, ho'okl'i, nai'i. Take without right, lawe wale. Take away every thing, ka i k a nele loa. See e f f e c t , t a k e n . Lilo, lawe 'ia. All taken, p a u i k a lilo; p a u k a ' a (obs.). Taken o f f , as clothes, hemo, puhemo. Taken aback, ho'opu'iwa, 'oku. t a k i n g . Lawena, hopu, hopuna. t a l e . Mo'olelo, ka'ao. Also: mo'o'olelo; k a ' a (now repluced by k a ' a o ) ; mo'o ka'ao. To tell tales, ha i mo'olelo, mo'olelo, pekapeka, p a k a ' a . To tell tall tales, p a l a u , p e l o . Tale concerning the gods, mo'o a k u a . Phrase at the end of tales, pipi holo k a ' a o (PE pipi). See g o s s i p , t a l e b e a r e r . Lawe 'olelo, ili 'olelo, holoholo'olelo.
t . No Hawaiian term. t a b e r n a c l e . Halelewa, ke'ena kapu, k a u h a l e Iewa, luakinl, auolo. Feast of Tabernacles, 'Aha'aioa Kauhalelewa. t a b l e . P a k a u k a u . Also: pakau, p a p a , p a p a k a u k a u , p u n e ' e . Dining table, p a p a 'aina, p a p a pa'ina, p a k a u k a u 'alna. Folding table, p a k a u k a u opi'opi. Extension table, p a k a u k a u uai i k a loa. Stone table, p a p a pohaku. Table of contents, p a p a kuhikuhi. Statistical table, p a p a helu. To table, as a motion, ho'omoe.
See gossip.
t a l e n t . N o ' e a u , kalena. To pool talents, lauaki. t a l k . 'Olelo, kama'ilio: wala'au (colloquial). Also: alau, papa'olelo, waha (various idioms, PE31,8); o'owaha, walawala'au, wale wai, huha, ' a ' a m a , kole. Loud talk, wawa, wa, h a u w a w a ; paleo, paleoleowa (reviling); 'owa, kuwa. Talk foolishly, idly, 'ohi, 'ole'ole, lehelehe ki'i, kakahili. Talk much, a. ho'a, ho'onui 'olelo, ko'u, 'uhlki. h o ' o p u l e l e h u a , k u h a ' u , 'ohi'ohi, h o ' o n u i n u i , kualehelehe, kakani, waha kale, pipinoke. (See also g a r r u l o u s . ) Talkinaboastfulway, ha'ano'u. Talk in roundabout way, ho'omea, 'ohikui. lalau k a 'olelo. Talk gibberish, hikapalale. Talk in a rapid, incoherent manner, nawa, kipalale k a 'olelo. To talk back, kike'dlelo, panepane. To talk with nasalized sounds, h a n u n a . For sayings, see c r o w ; PE niu, piha'a. t a l k a t i v e . W a l a ' a u wale, 'ama, kualehelehe. t a l l . Loa, loloa (as a person); ki'eki'e (as a hill, tree). Also: lo'ihi, lokihi, kilakila, aewa, makikoe. ku'i, kolihana, le'o, le'olani, leioa, lolopaioea, paioa, mokila, molola, oeoe, hi'i; — and slender, oeoeo, ma'ohe'ohe, pllahi; — and straight. oheohe, niolo. Obs.: mahoehoe, ue, hohopa, puhipaiala. Tall person, k a n a k a lo'ihi, k a n a k a
tableau. Kapalo.
t a b l e c l o t h . Uhl p a k a u k a u , pale p a k a u k a u .
tableland. Ki'eki'ena.
table m a t . Moena kau pakaukau. tablet. Kalana kakau, kanana kakau (writing); h u a a l e (pill); p a p a p o h a k u (stone). Memorial tablet, kla h o ' o m a n a ' o . t a b o o . K a p u (various kinds, PB IZh); p a p a 'ia, malu. Kinds of taboo: "ili kapu, 'anoho, k a p u moe, k u a ' a , k u a p a l a , kualoi, kualoiloi, k u a k a p u , haohaoa, p u ' u k o a m a k a , h o ' o m a m a o lani, k a h a pouli, ho'iu, 'ohi'a, m a u ' u mae. Taboo place, enclosure, wahi k a p u , p a l a m a , humu, p a e h u m u , kai hehe'e. Freed of taboo, noa, k a ' a n i ' a u . Taboo mark, kiko. Taboo sign or marker, pulo'ulo'u, p a h u k a p u , pahoa, ni'au. Taboo flag, lepa. Taboo ceremony, kauila, kauwila. Taboo borders, h u ' a k a p u . Taboo-surrounded, k u k a p u . Taboo night, kuapola, k a ' a p o l a ; po kuloa (hula). Disrespectful of taboo, ho'auwae. Without observance of taboo, ku. To lay a taboo, ho'okapu, ho'olahui, kainakini. To remove a taboo, ho'onoa, k a l a h u ' a , pi kai '51ena. To stretch the taboo cord, kakai. To break, as taboo, see b r e a k . Taboo on approaching the back of a chief: k u a ' a , k u a liholiho, k u a kapu, kualoi. t a b r e t . P a h u kani.
loa; lwi loa (fig.). See curly, long,
tallness. Ki'eki'e. talus. Ulu pali. tamarind. Wi, 'opiuma.
t a m e . Laka, ho'olaka, p a k a n a k a . t a m p e r . Kolohe, lawelawe kolohe. t a n . H a n a 'ili. To tan hides, ho'olu'u 'ili. See
tache. Lou.
t a n g e n t . Kahapili (of a circle).
t a c i t u r n . M u m u l e , molu, m u , koe'a. t a c k . 1. Small nail. Kut kakia. To tack, kakia. 2 . Nautical. Holo m e k a m a k a n i , punini. t a c k l e . 1. Seize. Lawelawe lima, lalau lima, lalau. 2 . Apparatus. H o a w a ' a (canoe rigging). Fishing tackle, lako lawai'a. T a c o m a . Kakoma, Takoma. t a c t . N o ' o n o ' o pono i k a mea e 'olelo ai. t a c t l e s s . Kama'ilio no'ono'o 'ole, pi'oa'ea. t a f f e t a . Kilika nehe, nehe, waili'ula.
t a n g l e . Hihia, ho'ohel, kahihi. Also: h a u h a l a k i , h i l f h e w a , mauweleka, uluulu, u n u u n u , wilika'eka, k a u h i h i ; wi'u (as a kite). t a n k . P a h u . Water tank, p a h u wai. War tank, ka'a kaua. t a n n e d . P a p a ' a la. Tanned skin, 'ill p a p a ' a , 'ill p a p a ' a la. See t a n . t a n n e r . H o ' o l u ' u 'ili, h a n a 'ill. t a n n e r y . Hale ho'olu'u 'ili, hale h a n a 'ili.
t a g . 1. Game. 'Io, pio. 2 . Symbol. H o ' a i l o n a ; m e k a l a (as of a dog). 3 . Follow. H a h a i mahope.
t a p . Kike, kikeke, ko'ele; ki'i pa (as gourd); 'ekeloi (as drum); hau, h a u h i a ; ' u k e (obs.). Water tap, piula wai. To tap someone else's head
tangerine. 'Alani-Pake.
tacit. 'Ekemu 'ole.
taffrall. Pale kai.
tantrum. Uwe 'ino, kupaka.
t a t t o o (rude, provocative), kikoni, p a n a po'o. Tap-tap, kuekue, k a u k a u k a l a l e . t a p a . K a p a jvarious kinds, PE lit); pa'upa'u, alaulau, ho'ola. Piece of tapa, mo'o, mo'omo'o, a m o ' o m o ' o , ho'ola. Tapa garments: p a ' u , xnalo, kikepa, kihei, hau'ina, palelei. Decorated outer tapa sheet, kllohana. Inner layers of sleeping tapa, iho. Tapa bed covering, k u ' i n a k a p a , k a p a k u ' i n a . Pile of tapa, h u ' a k a p a . Uncut tapa fringe, palalei. Tapa beater, l'e k u k u , i'e k u k u ho'oki.jpepehi, hohoa, hoahoa. Tapa beater part, mole-halu a. Grooved board for making ribbed tapa, p a p a hole. Ridges in tapa beater, nao. Tapa stamp, ohe kapala, la'au k a p a l a p a l a , 'upiki. Tapa dye, wai ele. Tapa ball of cord to carry fire, welu ahl. House for beating tapa, k u a . Tapa soaking, lauhuki. Tapa holder, ho'lhi. Tapa bast or pulp, kae, pulu. Kinds of tapa: ' a ' a h u ali'i, 'aeokahaloa, 'ahapi'l, 'ahunali'i. a k a a k a , 'akaharka-na'i, akala, akeakea, 'ala'ihi, 'apikigiki. 'ele'ele, 'eleuli, h a ' i m a n a w a , halakea, hill, holei, honina, hullli, h u n a k a n a ' i , i'e-ioio-kaha-loa, kahaloa, kalewal, k a l u k a l u , kelewal, k i k a m a , kllika'a, kiwa'awa'a, kopill, k u a m u , k u a ' u l a , ku'oulena, m a h u n a , m a l u a ' u l a , maolua, m a ' o ma'o, moelola, moelua, ninlkea, no'eno'e, 'oloa, olomea. i u n a ' o , 'onohi 'ula, 'o'u-holo-wai-oLa'a, p a ' a ' a , pa'i k u k u i , pa'lua, p a ' i ' u l a , p a k e , pakea, pala'a, p a i a u - a n a n u , palupalu, penu-akoa, pele, jpili, pili-moe, pilipuka, pi pi. po'ipu, puali i, puhenenene, p u u a n a , p u p u p u , p u ' u ko'a, p u ' u k o h u k o h u , p u ' u k u k u i , p u ' u lepe. 'ua, u ' a u ' a . 'ula'ula, ulu, waili'iii'i, wai-palupalu, welu 'ula. Designs or patterns on tapa and tapa beaters: 'aha, ' a h a a n a , anuenue, 'apl'i, h a ' a o : halu'a (various kinds, PB 51); h a ' u k a ' u k a , ha'uke, h a ' u k e ' u k e , ho'opa'i, ho'opa'i-halu'a, iwi-puhi_, k a p i l i p l l i , k a p u a ' i - k o l o a , k o ' e a u , ko'eau-halu'a; konane (various kinds, PE 152); kulipu'u, la'i-o-Kona, l a u - ' a m a ' u , l a u - m a ' u , lau-niu, lei-hala, lelepe, lu lehua, m a k a 'upena, n a ' e n a ' e ; nao (various kinds, PE 241); niho ll'lH'l, niho mano, nlho-will-hemo, ohikl, oho lupalupa, 'ohu'ohu, omoha, 'opihi, pa'iniu, pawehe-pupu, pepehl, pua-haia; pu'ili (various kinds, PE 323); p u p u ; 'upena (various kinds, PE 31/5). Tapa fragment hung as taboo sign, welu. Plants used for tapa, wauke, m a m a k i , 'oloa, 'ulu. Deities of tapa makers, Maikoha, Lauhuki, L a ' a h a n a , E h u . To beat tapa, k u k u , ho'omo'omo'o. To paint tapa, palani. To dry and bleach tapa, kl'olena. To print tapa, k a k a u . To unite portions of tapa by beating, paku. See a n v t l . Plants used to scent tapa, see p e r f u m e , t a p e . Leki. Bias tape, molina. Recording tape, lipine ho'okanl. Tape measure, lula. t a p e r i n g . Olomig, 'elemio, miomio, mu'olki, llpi, oeoe, 'io'io, 'omilo, 'uhinipill; — o f f , 'omu'om u ' o ; — to a fine point, 'uhini, mo'owini, hele a wlnlwlni.
tapioca. Kapioka.
t a p r o o t . Mole, momole, molemole. t a r . Ka, k e p a u .
tarantula. Kalanakula.
t a r d y . Lohi. Also: li'u, naua.
tares. Kikanla.
t a r g e t . M a k a , ho'ailona. Earth target, p u ' u lepo. Target shooting, kiki m a k a . t a r i f f . K u k e walwai, ' a u h a u . t a r o . Kalo {.various growth stages, PE 115); k o h a n a mi mi (obs.). Taro leaf, lau kalo, la'alo; p u a ' a hulu 'oie (fig., used ceremonially); lau kapalili, lau k a p a l a l a (legendary names). First taro leaves, laupa'e, l a u p a ' i . Young leaves, paha. Unexpanded taro leaf, lu'au, 'ao lu'au. Taro tog, hull; hull mio (spent strength). Taro shoot, 'oha. Center of_ taro corm, 'aihe. Taro where corm is cut away, kohlna. Taro plant after half of young leaf is removed, ' q p e ' a p e ' a . Small tubers, ala'ala'a. Taro stalk, ha. Last of taro crop, 'oene. Wornout ratoon crops, paUll, paunlhlnlhi, 'onihinihi, 'anlhinihl, p a n u p a h u . Cooked unpounded taro, kalo pa'a, ai 'oko'a, k u p u ' u , kuwala, kuelo, n e ' u . Dried taro, 'ao. Cooked taro leaves, l u ' a u .
p e ' u . Cooked, pounded but undiluted taro, p a ' i ai, 'ai p a ' a . Taro pudding, kulolo, piele. Taro baked in ti leaves, 'ai lau, 'oana. Cooked taro that has fermented, 'i'iaao. To peel, as taro stems, ihl, apiklpiki. To pound taro, k u ' i 'ai, k u ' i poi. To break up cooked taro in first stage of poi making, paki'ai. To pull taro, h u h u k i 'ai, h u h u k l i ke kalo. Taro patch, lo'l kalo, lo'ilo'l, m&la 'ai, ala'alai, aualalo'i, kipi, h a k u p a ' a . Division between iaro patches, pale kohina, k u a u n a , k a i k a , ika. Series of taro patches, k u a p a p a lo'i. Kinds of taro: 'a'apu-wai, ahe, 'akohi, 'ala, 'ala-o-Puna, ao'ao-leo-nui, 'api'i, 'apo, 'apo-wale, 'apu-wai, '&weu, 'eka'eka, ele'ele, 'elepaio, eulu, h a ' a k e a , h a e h a e ; ha-loa (poetic); haokea. h a p u ' u , h a p u ' u p u ' u , hekili, hele-mauna, hi'i-aka, hinalea, hina-pu, hinu-pua'a, hona, ho'omahamaha, ho'omahikl, ho'oleina-wao, huli-pu-loa, h u m u h u m u , 'te'ie, iheihe, iheihe-lel, 'l'i, 'ili-'a, 'iliuaua, 'io-aweawe, ipu-o-Lono, ka'eo-lau, ka'eonui; kai (varieties, PE 107); kalalau, k a m a u , kanaio, kani'o, kanawao, kele, kia'i-ma-ka-lae. klhi-lau-nui, ki'i-hekeke, k i k i p a l a p a j a , k o a ' e , k u a m u , k u a p a p a , kukae'iole, k u m u , kuoho, la'aloa, lapa; lau-loa (various kinds, PE ISO); lau-nui; lehua (various kinds, PE 184); le'o, li'apu, lihllihi-molina, lili-lehua, lola, lukea, maea, m a h a h a - ' u l a ' u l a , m a h a k e a , m a h a m a h a , maihua, ma'l'l'i, ma'ill, maka-'opio, makohl, m a k o k o ; m a n a (various kinds, PE 217-H9); m a h u n a , m a k a u a , m a m a n e , manini, m a n u a , mlmi-'iole, moano. moi, mokihana, nahiolea, nalo, naioea, naliiiko'i. n a n a , nana-piko, nao, n a u a , nawao. ne'ene'e, nina, nohu, n u k u - ' e ' e h u , n u k u k a u , n u k u - m a n u , oalu, oalu-nui, 'ohe, 'ohi'a, ola'aloa, 'o'olu, 'o'opu-kai, 'opelu, 'opeluhao'e, 'owa'owa, 'owau, 'owa-ulu-nui, p a ' a k a i , pa'akal-mikomiko, p a ' a p a ' a ' i n a , pa'ea, pa'elenili-manoanoa, pa'iaha, pakalea, pakea, pala, pala'i'i, palakea, pala-mahiki, p a l a u , panl-'ole, papakole-ka-wa'a, papakole-koa'e, papala-kea, p a p a m u , papa-pueo, p a u a , pau-'iole, pa'u-oHi iaka, pehua, pelu-ha'ele, pia, plapia, pi'iali'i, pi'i-nalawai; piko (various kinds, PE 302— 303); pili-mal, pohina, poni, pua-Kawai-hae, pu'u-konane, uahi-a-Pele, ualenu, u a u a , uia; u l a ' u l a (various kinds, PE 340); wa'e, wai-akea, wehiwa, welowelo-Ja, weo, wewehlwa. To eat cooked taro, 'ai i kalo m o ' a (enjoy a tranquil life of ease). See p o i .
t a r p a u l i n . Kapolena.
t a r r y . Kali ikl, 'apa, noho lki. t a r t . 1. Pie. Pai. 3 . Sour. ' A w a ' a w a , maniani. t a r t a r . P a l a niho (of teeth). t a s k . Hatia, ha'awina. t a s k m a s t e r . L u n a ho'oluhi. t a s s e l . Ku'uwelu, kilepalega; p u a (of sugar cane). To tassel, as sugar cane, 'o. t a s t e . H o ' a ' o . To taste food, 'ai, ho'opa i ka 'ai. Taste bulb, a'alolo ho a'o. To have a taste for, m a k e m a k e , paoa. In good taste, kohu, palawalkl. In poor taste, kohu 'ole; ' a ' o h e kohu iki; u a ' e w a k a pilina a ka nihoniho (PE pilina). How does the food taste? Pehea k a 'ono o k a 'ai 'ana? t a s t e l e s s . Ko'eko'e, h u k a k a i , m u h e a . Also: kahalahala, pu'apu'a, mu'umuna, 'a'alakai, 'oka'okai, kai, anea, 'ohea, maika. See I n s i p i d ,
t a s t e r . Hamu'lll.
t a s t y . 'Ono. Also: miko, kuhikuhi, mokae, mokaekae; k a e k a e (as a sweet potato); lololo (rare).
t a t t e r e d . Weluwelu, pe'a.
t a t t i n g . Lihilihl h a n a lima, t a t t l e . Holoholo'olelo. Also: waha nui, pekapeka, 'io'iolepo, lawe olelo, ili 'olelo, ' a m a , ' a h r a h i , t a t t l e r . 'tJlili. A tattler running on the beach, struck by a big sea, falls, he 'ulili holoholo k a h a k a i , pa 1 ke kai nui, h i n a (of weaklings). t a t t o o . K a k a u . k a k a u k a h a : — with dots and spots, kiko, kiklko; — solid black without design, pa'ele; pa'ele-kulani (one side only); uhi, k a k a u uhi. Long stripe tattoo, ala-niho. Tattoo brand on the forehead of a kauwa, or on the forehead of the seducer of a high chief's wife, hikoni. Tattooed
t a u g h t t e m p e r . N a ' a u , 'ano, 'ano o k a na'au. Good temper, 'olu'olu k a n a ' a u . Bad temper, h u h u wale, 'a'aka, lelepi, pi'ena, pikanana, 'ainiha, 'okaikai, ' hoahoa, pukalaki. Short temper, pokole k a n a ' a u , lele koke, puhipuhi ahi. To lose one's temper, pi'i k a h u h u , ku k a 'ehu,
eyelid, as a humiliating sign of a warrior's defeat, m a k a uhi. Tattooing ink, pa'u. Bone tattooing needle, moli. Straight line in tattoo pattern, moll, moliua. To tattoo with m51i needle, molimoli.
t a u g h t . A'o 'ia. ua a'o. See teach,
t a u n t . Ho'ùluulu, ho'opàpà, 'òlelokiké. Anciently, stylized taunts and boasts preceded
pi'i ke kai. See ash, control; PE Bpu, pi'i.
t e m p e r a n c e . Pakiko. Temperance song, melo kinai 'ona, mele kinai r a m a , mele ho'oie lama, mele ho'oie wai 'ona. Temperance union, ' a h a h u i ho'oie wai 'ona. Temperance society, pu'ali inu wai. t e m p e r a t u r e . Anu, wela, welawela, ka wela a m e ke anu. To take temperature, a n a piwa.
combat; see boast, ripe, t a u t . Malo'elo'e.
t a v e r n . Hale inu l a m a . t a x . ' A u h a u (various kinds, PE 28); h o ' o k u p u , uku, ho'oCku. Gift or tax given to a chief at the birth of a child, palala. Tax collector, l u n a a u h a u , l u n a 'ohi kàlà ' a u h a u . Tax building, hale ' a u h a u . t a x a b l e . Ku i ka 'auhau. t a x i . K a ' a 'ohua, k a ' a ho'olimallma. t e a . Ki, wai kl. Tea leaf, lau kl. Tea tree or shrub {tea family), anini. Plant used for tea, nehe. t e a c h . A'o. Also: kula, p a k a , kuhikuhi. t e a c h e r . K u m u , k u m u a'o. School teacher, k u m u kula. Itinerant teacher, a'o hele. Substitute teacher, k o k u a k u m u . k u m u pani h a k a h a k a , hope k u m u . Teachers' training school, k u l a k u m u , k u l a a'o k u m u . My teacher, k a ' u k u m u . See
tempest. See s t o r m .
t e m p l e . 1. Edifice. Luakini. See h e l a u . 2. Part of head. M a h a . Bald temple, hi'aloa. Temple muscle, T o m a h a . Back of the temple, k u a mafia. Soft spot in temple, 'api.
temporal suture. Hoai-maha.
t e m p o r a r y . Kuikawa, no k a m a n a w a pokole: pa (rare)._ Temporary house or shelter, hale pupupu, kamala. t e m p t . Ho'owalewale, ho'a'o, we'a, we'awe'a.
t e m p t a t i o n . Ho'owalewale.
assistant teacher. For saying, see reflect,
t e a c h i n g . A'o, k u m u a'o. Innermost a ' o loko. t e a c u p . K i ' a h a ki.
teahouse. Hale inu ki. teakettle. Kikila ki.
t e a m . 1. Group. Hui, 'ao'ao. 2. Draft animals. P a ' a , pukolo. t e a p o t . I p u ki, kikila ki. t e a r . 1. Weeping. W a i m a k a ; pukai (obs.). Tear duct, lua'uhane. In poetry, rain may signify tears (For. 5:361). Tears of heaven, na w a i m a k a o k a lani (of showers at a funeral: gods wept). See H l l o . 2 . Sunder. Hae, nahae, haehae. Also: hahae, uhae, haena, ho'opohae, nahaehae, mahae, m a haehae, ho'òlepe, 'òlepe, 'àwelu, ho'okepa, 'ai k e p a ; kihae (as leaves); — o f f , ihi. See t o r n . 3 . To run. Holo 'awiwi. t e a r f u l . Halo'ilo'i, halahalawai. t e a s e . Ho'ohenehene, ho'ohene. Also: henehene, 'uhene, ho'ohaehae, ahahana, ho'ohune, hauwene, ho'ohauwene, ho'ohae, hone, me'o, ho'ohana, h a n a wale^ w a h a p a ' a , h o ' o m a ' a u , kauloloa, none. Obs.: puhene. honole, ho'ouhuhi. Vexed by teasing, naulu. To tease for something, ne, ho'one.
teashop. Hale inu ki. teaspoon. Puna ki. t e a t . Ù, maka.
t e c h n i c a l . Loea, no'eau. Technical 'ike loea.
technique. 'Ano hana.
t e d t o u s . Luhi, k u a nui, ho'okuanui, none, nohili, p a ' u . t e e m i n g . Pupupu, pa'apu.
t e m p t e r . Ho'owalewale. t e n . 'Umi. Ten times, tenfold, by tens, to divide by tens, p a ' u m i . Ten days, anahulu. See t e n s , t e n a c i o u s . Pipili, pili pa'a. Also: aweawe, 'alikalika, lina. t e n a n t . H o a ' a i n a , mea ho'olimalima, mea ho'olimalima hale, lopa. t e n d . M a l a m a , lawelawe; k a h u (an oven).
tendency. 'Ano.
t e n d e r . l . JVot tough. P a l u p a l u . Also: 'upalu, huki, m a h a h a , puioku. Tender-eyed, m a k a wai, m a k a onaona. Tender feet, m a n e n e ka wawae. Tender vegetables, la'au Jialupalu. 2. To offer. Ha'awi. 3. Currency. Kala. Legal tender, kala m a ke k a n a w a i . 4. Ship. M o k u lawelawe. t e n d e r l o i n . 'I'oliu; uhao (obs.). t e n d o n . A ' a h u k i ; small —, a'a. t e n d r i l . ' U m i ' u m i , 'oka'i. t e n f o l d . Pa'umi. T e n n e s s e e . Keneki, Tenesi. t e n n i s . Kenika. t e n n i s c o u r t . K a h u a kenika, k a h u a kinipopo pa'i. t e n n i s r a c k e t . L a ' a u pa'i kinipopo, pa'i kinipopo.
tenon. Komo, ule.
t e n o r . Leo k a n e ki'eki'e.
ten-pounder. Awa (fish).
t e n s . K a n a . Count by tens, helu p a ' u m i . t e n s e . 1. Taut. ' I h a ' i h a , liolio; p a ' a p u o loko (repressed). 2. Grammar. Wa. Present tense, wa 'ano. Future tense, wa e hiki m a i ana. Past tense, wa i hala. t e n t . Hale lole, hale pe'a. Also: halelewa, uhi: p u ' o ' a (obs.). t e n t a c l e . 'Awe. Tentacles, 'awe'awe. Thin end of octopus tentacles, pilipili he'e. t e n t h . 'Umi. Tenth part, one tenth, h a p a ' u m i . t e n t m a k e r s . P o ' e h u m u h u m u hale lole. t e n u r e . Kuleana. t e p i d . M u h e a , heahea. Tepid water, wai anuhea. t e r e d o . M u wawahi-wa'a. t e r m . 1. Period of lime. K a u , mahele m a n a w a , wa. Office term, noho 'ana. 2. Expression. Inoa, 'olelo, hua'olelo. Terms of a fraction, palena. To term, k a p a . See t e r m s , t e r m i n a l . Hale ho'olulu. Air terminal, hale ho'olulu mokulele. Bus terminal, hale ho'olulu k a ' a . Train terminal, hale ho'olulu ka'aahi. t e r m i n a t e . H o ' o p a u , ho'oki.
teeter. 'U'upekupeku. See seesaw, teeth. Niho. See tooth, t e e t h e . P u k a k a niho. t e e t o t a l e r . Ho'oie lama, t e l e g r a m . Kelekalama.
telegraph. Kelekalapa.
t e l e p h o n e . Kelepona. To telephone, kelepona, k à h e a m a ke kelepona. Telephone operator, kikowaena. Telephone book, p u k e kelepona. The telephone is busy, p a ' a ke kelepona. t e l e s c o p e . 'Ohe n a n a , aniani ho'onui "ike. t e l l . Ha'i, ha'ina, ho'ike, 'ólelo. To tell tales, ha'i mo'olelo, palau, p à k a ' a (stories); ho'oholo 'ólelo, p e k a p e k a (gossip). To tell time, h a ' i m a n a w a . To tell woes, ' o h u m u h u m u . To tell evil, holehole (fig.). To tell of ancestors, ha'i k u p u n a . t e l l e r . Helu. Bank teller, l u n a helu kàlà. Election teller, helu paloka (balota).
think terminated.
Pau. Completely
class). For other uses of k-less (zero-type) possessives, PE xx). theirs. N o laua, no lakou, na laua, na lakou.
t e r m i n u s . H o p e n a alahao (.railroad). t e r m i t e . Naonao-lele, huhu. t e r m s . N a mea 'aelike (conditions). t e r n . N o l o , 'ekl'eki (.Hawaiian); kenola, manuo - K u . Noddy tern, noio koha. Gray-backed tern, (bridled, spectacled, or gray wide-awake tern), akalakala, kala. Sooty tern, 'ewa'ewa. Sea tern, oi'a ( Niihau). The tern that treads the billows of the distant sea, he noio 'a'e 'ale no ke kai loa (in admiration of a wise person). t e r r a c e - Lanai kaupoko 'ole, 'anu'u, kaulu 'anu'u, pali kamoe. Level terrace, kipapa, honua papa, Irrigated terrace, lo'i. t e r r a f l r m a . K a b u a pa'a. t e r r i b l e . Weliweli. terrify. Ho'oweli, ho'oweliweli, ho'omaka'u. Also: ho'upu'upu, ho'oma'e'ele. t e r r i t o r i a l . Kelikoli. t e r r i t o r y . K e l i k o l i , p a n a l a ' a u . Territory of Hawaiii, Panala'au o Hawai'i. terTor. Weli, weliweli, 'e'ehia. T e r r o r B a y . Ku'ono-'e'ehia. t e r r o r - s t r i c k e n . K a u ka weli, 'e'ehia, ku i ka weli. test. H o ' i k e . To test, ho'ike, ho'a'o, hailona, ho'opa.. t e s t a m e n t . Kauoha. Last will and testament, palapala kauoha, palapala ho'oilina. Old Testament, Kauoha Kahiko. New Testament. Kauoha Hou. testicles. Hua, huahua, kowau. Broken testicles, hua p e p e 'ia. See s c r o t u m , t e s t i f y . Ho'ike, ha'i mana'o. t e s t i m o n y . H o ' i k e , 'olelo ho'ike. t e t h e r . Kukulu, ho'opa'a, muki'i. T e x a s . Kekeka, Teseta. text. Po'o'51elo, kumumana'o. t e x t b o o k . P u k e a'o. textile. M e a ulana 'ia. Plaited li-leaf textile, kapa lau'i. T h a m e s . K a m e k a , Tamesa. t h a n . M a m u a o, 'oi. This is bigger than, nui keia mamua o. t h a n k . M a h a l o , ho'omaika'i. Thanks, mahalo. To give thanks, ho'omaika'i, mililani. t h a n k f u l . H o ' o m a i k a ' i , mahalonui.Scegrateful. T h a n k s g i v i n g D a y . La Ho^omaika'i. Also: L a Ho'alohaloha, L a ' A i Pelehu. t h a t . K e i a , la (Jar); kena, na (near the person addressed); ia, ua . . . la. That way, in that way, pela. Is that so? P e l a anei? Is that how? So that's it! Isn't it? P e l a 'ea? That's right, pela T o no, 'oia, 'a 'ola, 'oia no. That's so, that's it, pela no. That very day, o ia la ho'okahi no. t h a t c h . A k o , pili; ka'a lau niu (coconut-leaf); lolelau. Thatch needle, 'ohi'u. Thatch purlin, 'aho, 'a'alio, lolo, lolo 'iole. Thatch purlin support, 'ahopi'o kuahui. Thatch above a door, piko. To cut this thatch, 'oki i ka piko, mo ka piko. To thatch, ako, kaupoku, 'ohi'u, pa'i. To thatch the inside of the house, ka lau. To tie a thatch purlin to roof frame, ho'aho. t h e . K a , ke (singular); na (plural). Rare: nahi. t h e a t e r . K e a k a . Theater building, hale keaka. To act in the theater, ha.ia keaka. theatrical. Keaka. T h e b e s . K e p e k a , Tebesa. t h e f t . ' A i h u e ; hue (obs.). t h e i r . 1. Singular possessed object, dual. K o laua 0o-class); ka laua (a-class). 2. Singular possessed object, plural. K o lakou (o-class); ka lakou (a-class). 3. Plural possessed objects, dual. O laua (o-class); a laua (a-class). 4. Plural possessed objects, plural. O lakou (o-class); a lakou (a-
See their.
t h e m . I a laua (dual); ia lakou (plural). t h e m e . P o ' o m a n a ' o ; — of a song, puana. themselves. Laua iho, laua pono'i (dual); lakou iho, lakou pono'i (plural). t h e n . A laila, la wa, ia manawa, ia manawa no, la. a, eia ka; ina (obs.). The chief then came, a laila, hele mai ke ali'i; hele maila ke ali'i. t h e n c e . M a i laila, mai laila aku, no laila aku. t h e o l o g i c a l s e m i n a r y . K u l a kahuna pule, t h e o r e m . Mana'oha'i. t h e o r i s t . Ho'akamai. t h e o r y . M a n a ' o , kumumana'o. there. Laila, malaila, i laila {general); la, ala, maila (not specific); 'o, ma'o, i 'o (far); ai. There! A l a lal There it is, aia. See there! A i a ho'il There now! A i a k a ! There, I told you so! A i a l a ! To be there, ai laila, aia i laila. Down there, ai lalo, aia i lalo. Up there, ai luna, aia i luna. You, there! Eia ala! t h e r e a b o u t s . M a ia mau wahi. t h e r e b y . P e l a no. no ka mea, malaila. t h e r e f o r e . N o laila, no ia mea, no la ho'i. t h e r m o m e t e r . Kelemomeka, ana wela, mea ana wola, ana piwa. these. K e i a mau; ua . . . nei. These books, keia mau puke, thesis. M o ' o l e l o , mana'o. t h e y . Laua (dual); lakou (plural); mea ma. thick. Manoanoa, pepe'ekue; kupu (of liquids). Also: manoa, mano;_ pa'apu (as a crowd); maho'a, makolu, maku; hakuma, makuma (as clouds); honu-ge'ekue, pano'uno'u, hanu'u, nu'a, makuakua; makolukolu (as a board); kupuku. pupupu, popoki; 'a'aki (fig.}. Obs.: polo, pe'e. Thick-growing, nu'a, papa, nupolupolu, nuponuponu, pd. Thick-shelled, h o ' o m a k a u i n . The chief is thick with taboo (of high rank), manoanoa k e kapu o ke ali'i (PE manoanoa). t h i c k e n . Ho'omanoa, kuhua; ho'okupu, ho'omaku (as cream). thicket. Opu nahelehele, hihia, la'au, la'au kuku; puo a (obs.). Tangled thicket, hihipe'a. The dense thicket of the forest, ka hihia pa'a o ka nahele. See c l u m p , thickset. Poupou, no'u. t h i e f . 'Aihue. Rare: molulo, molulolulo, moluna, lima 'apa. For sayings, see d e m o i s e l l e f i s h ; PE 'iwa 1, po'i 4, piko pau Hole. See r a t l i k e , t h i g h . 'Uha. Inner side of thighs, bene 'uha. Hollow of thigh, hena. t h i g h b o n e . I w i hilo. Throbbing in the thighbone, konikoni lua i ka iwi hilo (thrilled to the very depths). t h i m b l e . K o m o , k o m o humuhumu; k o m o lima (rare). t h l m b l e b e r r l e s . 'Akala. t h i n . 1. .As the body. W i w i ; emi (to have lost weight); ho'owiwi, hoki'i, 1 ho'okilo, homali, mailo (tubercular). Also: hiwi, h i w i U w i j pili ke kua me ke alo (PE kua); maio, keke, naeheehe, lolopaioea, lolopaioa, paioa, paioea, leioa, lolio, loio, puaki'i, hala'ola'o, lala. 'olala, 'ukiki, panauea, 'o'olu, 'aka'aka'a, kanawe, hlnawe, amopu'u, maukoli, pilahi, kakaki, holowi, malalaioa. kolila. homa, haho. 2. A s cloth, paper. Lahl, lahilahi, lau lahilahl, lalahi, ho olahi, hakaka'e, nanahe. 3. Wispy, threadlike. Puawe, awe, 'ae'ae, ma'awe, hlnawenawe, aewa, wele, welehia, nawele, namauahi, hinau, puinawele, hlnale, puela, koloau. 4. A s poi, watery. W a l l , waliwali, wawali, kele, kakale, ho'okalekale. B. Spindly. Pioeoe, IDa. 6. Ridged. Lanlhlnihi.
thing. Mea. think. piolo,
M a n a ' o , no'ono'o. A l s o : ho'opu'opu, kakepakepa; — deeply, ho'okuano'o,
t h i n k e r t h r e a d f l s h . M o i (for growth stages and saying, PE 231). t h r e a d l i k e . A w e a w e , nawele, hilo. t h r e a d w o r m s . Ko'e-kai. t h r e a t . 'Olelo ho'oweliweli, ho'oweliweli; pu'umake (dire). t h r e a t e n . 'Oleloho'oweliweli. h o ' o w e l i w e l i . Also: k e k e niho, ke'eke'e nuku, ho'onuinui, hoana; hoko (obs.}. Threaten to throw, as at a dog, ho'ani, ho'ani paki. t h r e e . K o l u , 'ekolu, 'akolu. Three times, 'ekolu, 'akolu, kuakolu, pakolu. Three in one, kahikolu. Three-masted vessel, kia kolu. t h r e e f o l d . Pakolu, ka'a kolu. t h r e e f o u r t h s . ' E k o l u hapaha. t h r e s h . K a k a , ku'i palu, weloka. To thresh wheat, hehi palaoa. Threshing floor, kahua hehi. t h r e s h o l d . P a e p a e puka, ni'o. t h r i c e . ' E k o l u manawa, kuakolu. t h r i f t y . M a k a u U ' i , ho'omakauli'l, minamina, pakiko. Also: ko'ako'ana; panuhu (as of plants, obs.).
lololo; — with affection, hali'a aloha, h o ' o m a n a ' o aloha, n i n e . I think, mana'o au, ku'u mana'o. To think much, kau nui ka mana'o. See t h o u g h t , t h i n k e r . P o ' o no'o, po'o n o ' o n o ' o ; lelehua (obs.). t h i r d . Hapakolu, kolu. Two thirds, 'elua hapakolu. Third mate on a ship, kolomekl. t h i r s t . M a k e wai. For saying, see b u r n , t h i r s t y . M a k e wai, 'ono wai, 'a'aka. t h i r t e e n . ' U m l kumakolu, 'uml kumamakolu. t h i r t e e n t h . ' U m l kumakolu. t h i r t i e t h . Kanakolu. t h i r t y . Kanakolu. t h i r t y - e i g h t . K a n a k o l u kumawalu, kanakolu kumamawalu. t h i r t y - f i v e . K a n a k o l u kumalima, kanakolu kumamalima. t h i r t y - f o u r . Kanakolu kumaha, kanakolu kumamaha. t h i r t y - n i n e . K a n a k o l u kumaiwa, kanakolu kumamaiwa. t h i r t y - o n e . Kanakolu kumakahi, kanakolu kumamakahi. t h i r t y - s e v e n . Kanakolu kumahiku, kanakolu kumamahlku. t h i r t y - s i x . Kanakolu kumaono, kanakolu kumamaono. t h i r t y - t h r e e . K a n a k o l u kumakolu, kanakolu kumamakolu. t h i r t y - t w o . Kanakolu kumalua, kanakolu kumamalua. t h i s . K e l a , la, 'oia. nei, nela, ua . . . nei. This way, like this, penei. This and that, kela me keia. t h i s t l e . Fua-kala, pua-lele. T h o m a s S q u a r e . Kamakl Kuea. t h o n g . H a w e l e , kaula, li, aho. t h o r n . K u k u , 'oi'oi, kakala; kokala (as on pandanus leaf). Thorn hedge, pa la'au 'oi'oi. t h o r n y . K u k u , wanawana, 'oi'oi, kakala, kakalaioa, kalakala; ponlho (as cactus). Thorny tree, la'au 'o'oi. t h o r o u g h . Pau pono, piha pono. Also: le'a, malau. A thorough talk, ho'onoho papa 1 ka 'olelo. t h o r o u g h f a r e . Alanui. t h o r o u g h w o r t . Pa-makani-haole. t h o s e . K e l a mau; ua . . . la. Those of that place, k o laila. Those books, kela mau puke,
t h r i l l . Kapallli ka houpo, bau'oli nui. Also: naku'i; llinia (us by beauty); lalawe. Thrill in the heart, konikoni lua 1 ka pu'uwai. See t h i g h -
t h r i v e . Ulu pono, lupalupa, nupanupa, oha. Also: mahua, mahuahua, ahuahu, ola no, ko'u. t h r o a t . P u ' u , pu'umoni, pu'umonl'ai, kani'a'i. Front of throat, puana'I. Sore throat, pu'u 'eha, pu'upau. Throat irritation, 'ako. Throat cancer, pu'upau. t h r o b . K o n l , konikoni, kapallli. Also: pana, 'apl, hula; pakonl (as teeth); a'a konl. Throbbing ache, as of love, 'eha konl. Throbbing in the heart, konikoni lua i ka pu'uwai. t h r o n e . N o h o ali'i. t h r o n g . Pu'ulu, kupina'i. To throng, 'akoakoa, kuplplpi, kupina'i.
throttle. Uml.
t h r o u g h . 1. Finished. Pau. 2. In. M a , ma loko o. 3. By means of. M a o, no ka mea o. t h r o w . N o u , ho'olei; pehi (pelt); lu (scatter). Also: ho'okiloi, paki, ho'ohina, hlkau; — at, kapehi, kipehi, kupehi; — away, kiloi, kiola, ho olei wale; — down, as a fighter, hina; — aimlessly, carelessly, hikua; — with force, ho'okawala, hiuj — backwards, wala, walawala. wala kua, 'awala. Throw stones, nou pohaku. p a k ! pohaku; mano (rare). Throw a spear, 'o'o, o ' o ihe, pahu ihe.
thou. 'Oe.
t h o u g h . I loko o.
throwing net. See net.
though, mehe, mal, mehe
mea la, me. See although,
t h r u s h . 1. Bird. K a m a ' o , ' o m a ' o , keluka. Hawaiian thrush, 'amaui. Small Kauai thrush, puaiohi. Lanai and Molokai thrush, oloma'o. 3 . Disease. ' E a (various kinds, PE 3b). t h r u s t . B o u , 'o, ka, naku'e, nao; pahu, pahuna, pakelo (as a spear); holowa (obs.); — aside. kaupale, pale, ho'okapae; — on, 'onou; — up, peu; — in, ho'o. Thrust of war club, hauna la'au. t h u d . K a m u m u , mumu, haukamumu, pahu, haluku. 06s.: palunu, 'uke. t h u m b . M a n a m a n a lima nui, lima nui. Green thumb, lima ulu. t h u m b t a c k . K u l pahu, kui 'onou. t h u m p . N a k u ' i , haku'i, ko'ele, neneke; kamumu, haukamumu (as footsteps); pa, p o ' a ' a l a (as a drum). Obs.: mukiklki, mukekeke. t h u n d e r . Hekill. Also: hekikili, kill, ku'i ka hekili, 'u'ina pohaku a Kane, pohaku, pohaka'a, k a ' a ka pohaku. To cause thunder, threatening thunder, ho'ohekili. To thunder without rain, pamal5, hekili pamald, hekili p a m a l o ' o (considered an omen). Thunder following lightning, kanl a 'u'ina. Peal of thunder, ku'i hekili, kill, t h u n d e r b o l t . K u ' i ikaika ka hekili me ka lapa uila. t h u n d e r c l a p . K u ' i hekili.
t h o u g h t . M a n a ' o , no'ono'o, 'upu. Train of thought, ka helena o ka no'ono'o, au. Subject for thought, kumuno'ono'o. Random thought, m a n a ' o ulu wale. Explanatory thought, mana'o wehewehe. Evil thought, mana'o 'ino. I thought (but it was not so), kaino, kainoa, kuhi. I thought you had gone, kaino ua hele 'oe. Constantly in mind and thought, mea m a n a ' o nui 'ia, pulakaumaka; hollo (obs.). See c o r r o d e , t h i n k , t h o u g h t f u l . N o ' o n o ' o . Also: kuano'o, lana ka mana'o, kolokolohai, na'au ali'i. t h o u g h t l e s s . N o ' o n o ' o 'ole, na'au kuhill, ho'oponopono 'ole. t h o u s a n d . K a u k a n i . By thousands, to distribute to thousands, pakaukanl. t h o u s a n d f o l d . Pakaukanl. T h r a c e . Kelake, Terake. t h r a s h . Hahau, paluku, kupaka, hill; kaka (as grain). t h r e a d . L o p i . Also: ka'a, awe, ma'awe, mo'ali. mo'o'ali. Basting thread, lopi kaholo, lopi ho'oholoholo. Embroidery thread, lopi humulau. Worsted thread, lopi nuluhulu. Spool of thread, poka'a lopi. To thread, as a needle, ho'oplha, uo; kui (as beads).
toast master thundercloud. A o hakuma me ka lapa uila; manuheklll (obs.). Thursday. Po'aha. thug. Pela, peia, pe, penel, pe keia, 'oia, e la'a me keia. thwart. 1. Frustrate. Ho'ohoka, ho'opuhlli. 2. Canoe thwart. Wae, wae wa'a. thwarted. Hoka, puhlll, kahewa. thyme. Kaima. thyroid. 'A'ipau. tl. K i (various uses.PE 1H); ki-'ula'ula (ornamental.). Ti leaf, la'i, lau'I, lau ki, laki; lau'i pekepeke (short, stunted); lau ki pala (yellowed). Ti flower, pua ki. Ti-blossom stem, pu'au (rare). Shredded ti stalk, kilau. Brew from ti root, 'okolehao, lolo. Ti root as used for stain, mole ki. Fine pieces of ti root, as in the oven, 'ae ki. Tiroot oven, lmu ki. Glaze of ti-root juice, llki. Providers of ti, kumulau. Place where ti grows, wahi ulu o ke ki, 'eki. See raincoat, sandal, skirt. Tibet. Kipeka, Tibeta. tick. 1. Sound. Kani. Also: ko'ele, pa'ina; 'uke (obs.). 2. Insect. 'Uku-hipa, nalo-paka. 3. Mattress cover. Hulumanu. ticket. Kikikl, Hkiki. tickle. Ho'omane'one'o. ticklish. Mane'o. tidal wave. Kai 'e'e, kal ho'e'e, kal a Pele. Receding sea, as before a tidal wave, kal mlmikl. tide. Au, kai. Low tide, kal make, kal_ malo'o, kai malolo, kai a malo. Mid-tide, holulu, kaiku, kal maumau, kai pu. Rising tide, kai pi'i, kal apo, kal ea, kal nu u mal, kal ki, 'ae. High tide, kal nul, kal ulu, kal plha. Turn of the tide, kal moku, kai ho'l, nioke, kal emi, kal nu'u aku. tidings. 'Olelo (Biblical); nuhou (news). tidy. Maiau, ponopono, pa'ihi, palawaikl. tie. 1. To bind. Hiki'i, nikl'l, haki'i, naki'i, muki'l, puki'i, lawa, hele, ho'opa'a, hoa; ii (as shoelace); 'ope, pa'i (as a package); hipu u, nipu'u, ho'ohipu uL nakinaki (as a knot); — loosely, hualake, kamola, nala; — about neck, ka'awe; —, as a slip knot, kakolea; — round, ka'ai; — bundles of stripped pandanus leaves. kimo'o. .4(so: kama, ho'okamakama, hawele, 'awele, 'allkillkl, polikia, 'a'a, hauhoa, hauho, molo, pakolea, kalapu, ma'a, lapulapu, lino, mall, nikiniki, kukulu; nipe'a (Kauai). Obs.: minoiaol, pu'aka, 'obao. Tied to a stake, moku. See bind. 2. A draw. Pa'i, pa'i wale, pa'l a pa'i. 3. In music. Huina. Tlerra del Fuego. 'Alna-ahi. tiger. Kika.
(PE hele 3). Passing of much time on a piece of land, as an old family, au 'apa'apa'a. First time, 'akahi no . . . a (PE 'akdhi); maka mua. In no time at all, 'a'ole 'emo, manawa 'ole, '»mo 'ole; 'a'ole 1 'u. For a short time, for the lime being, no ka manawa; kuikawa. Any possible time, ka manawa e hiki mal ana. Time-consuming, lohi, none. Regular or usual time, manawa pa'a mau. Free time, manawa ka'awale^ A long time, to take a long time, li'u, li'uli'u, kulo'ihl. At the same time, ho'okahi, like. Portion of time, pauku manawa. From time to time, 1 keia manawa i keia manawa. A long time ago, see ago. To waste time, ho'opaumanawa. To pass the time, ho'ohala manawa; ho'olalau. To pass time pleasantly, bo'onanea, walea, luakaba, ho'oka'au. To have a good time, le'ale'a, nanea. To beat time with hands, pa. To speak of old times, bo'okahlko. What time is it? Hola 'ehia keia? See times, timekeeper. Kikola. times. Wa, au. Ancient times, wa kahiko. Good times, wa maika'i. Bad times, times of trouble, wa poplllkla. Times sign (in multiplication), kabahio. The Times (publication), Ha'l Manawa. timetable. Papa kuhikuhi, papa bo'ike. timid. Makaju. Also: 'ahe, wlwo, ho'ohilabila, 'e'ena, kaupe. tin. Kini, keleawe, piula. Tin pan or plate, pa kinl. tinder. Pulu, pulupulu. Tinder resulting from plowing with the fire plow, 'ahla. tinea. Kane. tingling. Konikonl, 'inl'iniki, hu'ihu'i, boubou 'ili. tinkle. Kani, wi, o. tinsmith. Ku'l keleawe. tint. Ho'olu'u lahllahi. tiny. 'U'uku, 'uku, 'uku li'i, li'i. Also: pu'uku'uku, makall'l, Uli'i, 'uli'i, klkiki, hune, komol'i'i, 'oplbipihl, peke, kuplhiplhl. Obs.: unana, 'anini. Tiny bit, mea hunabuna, huna, makoll, mea bunehune, hune, oka li'ili'l, okaoka. -tlon. 'Ana, -na, tip. 1. Top. Wekiu, welau, welelau, 'elau, 'elelau, welewelelau, kihi, 'aki, nuku, piko. See tongue. 2. To tilt. Kahullhull; wehe, wehewehe (as a hat). 3. Gratuity. Uku lawelawe. tipple. Wala ki'aha. tipsy. See drunk, tiptoe. Nibl, niao. tiptop. Maluna loa, koki. tire. 1. See tired. 2. Of an automobile. Lahollo ho'opa'a hulla. tired. Luhi, maluhiluhi. Also: piula (slang); maka lubi (of people, eyes); kaea; ma'opa'opa (as legs)i moluhi, luhi hewa, uiha, ma'uha, 'alnea, po'ie'ie, malka. tiresome. Maluhiluhi, manaka, ho'omaluhlluhi, uiha. tissue. A'a'a. Tissue paper, pepa lahllahi. Cleaning tissue, hainaka pepa. tithe. Hapa'uml, walwai hapa 'uml. titillate. Mane'o, ho'omane'one'o, ho'okola. title. 1. Rank. Kulana. 2. Right. Kuleana; 'alolio (in fee simple). Certificate of title (land), palapala ho'ona. 3. Heading, as of an article. Po'o, po'o'olelo, po'omana'o, lnoa. titter. 'Aka hene lki. to. I, la, lo; a, a hiki 1; e (purpose). To and fro, 1 'o 1 'ftne'l. ha'aku'e. I want to go, makemake au e hele. toad. Poloka. toadstool. Kukaello. toast. 1. Bread. Palaoa ho'opapa'a, lanla. To toast bread, ho'opapa'a palaoa. See broil. 2. Drinking. Inu ho omalka i. A toast/ Kamaul toaster. Mea ho'opapa'a palaoa. toastmaster. Luna 'aha'alna.
tlger's-claw. Wiliwill-haole. tight. Pill pono; llkllikl, kulikiliki. ho'olikiliki (as a dress); pa'a, 'i'i (as a cork); pu'ika'ika (packed); la'ikl. Also: 'allkillkl, gapa'a, ha'apapa'a, piplkl, 'lha'lha, malena, mu'ekeke'l, ho'omalo, kao'o, lena. See taut, tighten. Ho'ollklllkl, naki'i a pa'a, huki a maloeloe. Tigris. Kikellka, Tigerlsa. tile. P5haku 'ula. till. 1. Until. A, a hiki i. 2. Farm. Mahi. tiller, l . See rudder. 2. See farmer, tilt. KIkl'l, wala, walawala, kulana, 'o'upe, ho'okapeke; — back, as the head, bika'a. Tilted nose, lhu ku. Tilt the chair, ho'oklki'i i ka noho. timber. La'au; huka'a (resinous). timbrel. Kuolokanl. time. Wa, manawa, au; hola (o'clock). Also: hanana, la'a, la'ahia; ano (in songs); m m ; pale, lele (time interval in music). At a time, pa(followed by a numeral). At the time that, 1, IS, i . . . hana. At the time that I, ia'u. At the time that he, iaia. Time of, po-. By the time that, hele a
t o b a c c o (scold). Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth (Leviticui 14:20), he maka no ka maka, he niho no ka niho
t o b a c c o . Paka. Smoking tobacco, paka puhi. Plug tobacco, pepe'e paka. Chewing tobacco, paka nau. Wild tobacco, makahala. Tobacco pipe, ipu aka. Tobacco pouch or container, poho paka, ano paka. pahu paka. Guardian of high chief 's tobacco and pipes, kahu paka. To smoke tobacco, puhi paka. t o d a y . K e i a la. t o e . Manamana wawae. Big toe, manamana nui. Toe of a shoe, ihu, ihu kama'a. t o e n a i l . Mai'ao, manea o ka manamana wawae. t o g e t h e r . Pu. Alse: like, ho 'okahi, kumaumau, la'a. To do together, hana like, 'ilau. To paddle together, hoe like, 'ilau hoe. All together, papau, pau pu, papa. Close together, pili, pina'i. To put or bring together, ho'opili, kapili. Let's be together, e_pili kaua. Let us live together, ho'okahi no ko kaua noho pu 'ana. t o l l . Luhi, luhi 'ana, hana luhi, pa'u. t o i l e t . 1. Bathroom. Lua, wahi ho'opau pilikia, lua li'ili'i, ki'ona. Outside toilet, hale li'iU'i. Go to the toilet, hele i ka lua ( f o r a euphemism, see n a t u r e ) . 2 . Adornment. Ho'oma'ema'e a ho'a'ahu i ke kino. Toilet water, wai 'ala. Toilet articles, na mea ho'onani (ho'oma'ema'e) kino, t o i l e t p a p e r . Pepa haleu.
See false.
t o o t h a c h e . Niho hu'i. niho ka'i, pakonl. t o o t h b r u s h . Palaki niho. t o o t h e d . Niho, nihoniho, nihoa, '5niho. t o o t h l e s s . Niho 'ole, uka'e. Toothless gums, ka'e muka'e. t o o t h p i c k . La'au 'ohikihiki niho. t o p . 1. Uppermost. Wekiu, welau. Also: welelau 'elau, lau, 'aki, piko, kilohana, po o huku (of c hill); pane, kuamauna (as of a mountain), pa (of a hat); miona, lau'eki (as of sugar-cam tassel or shell qinger about to bloom). To top, ai top branches, eulu. To get on top o f , pi'i, 'a'e To have reached the top, ku i ke 'aki (success) Strive to reach the top, kulia i ka uu'u. 2. Toy Hu, '5niu, 'oka'a, 'ulili. Cord for spinning top kaula hu. t o p a z . Kopako. T o p e k a . Kopika. t o p i c . Kumuhana, kumumana'o, po'omana'o pu'olo (fig.). t o p k n o t . Pu. Also: pupu lauoho, maku'u, ka'eo niheu. To tie the hair in a topknot, pu i ka lauoho hamaku'u, kiki. t o p m a s t . K l a luna. t o p m o s t . Wekiu, panepo'o, kokl, maluna loa. t o p o g r a p h e r . Mea kaha palapala'alna. t o p o g r a p h y . Waihona 'aina, ke 'ano o ka moi 'ana o ka 'aina. t o p p l e . Hina pu, pohina, hina. t o p s a i l . Heke, pe'a heke. t o p s y - t u r v y . Kahuli pu, kuwalawala, klko'ola t o r c h . Lama, lamaku, lamalama, pulama, kukui ihoiho. Torch fishing, lamalama i'a. Many torches stand, ku ka lau lama (symbol of victory). t o r m e n t . Ho'eha'eha, 'eha nui, mea ho'opilikli nui, hana 'ino. Also: ho'oma'au, walanla, wala walania, walenla, wawalania, welenia. Obs. poheue, pdlio. See t o r t u r e ,
t o i l s o m e . Hana luhi, maluhiluhi, pa'u, manaka. t o k e n . Ho'ike, ho'ailona. t o l d . See t e l l . I told you so! 'Aikolo! Alolol A la'a la! Lolo! 'Ailolo! t o l e r a n t . Mana'o laula, 'olu'ohi me ka ho'ahewa 'ole i ko ha'i mana'o. t o l e r a t e . Ahonui, ho'omanawanui. t o l l . 1. Tax or due. 'Auhau, uku. 2 . To sound. Ho'okani, kani, ku'ike, kanike, ho'oeoe, o. t o m a t o . Ohi'a, 'ohi'a-lomi, '5hi'a-haole, kamako, komako; 'ohi*a-ma-kanahele {currant). t o m b . Hale kupapa'u, lua kupapa'u, ilina. t o m o r r o w . 'Apopo. Day after tomorrow, 'apop5 a ia la aku. t o n . Kaua, kona. t o n e . Leo, kani o ka leo; hua kani (in music). Deep tone, leo halulu, mali'u; kiklko'u {rare). Full tone, leo lele puni. t o n g s . 'TJpa, 'upa ahi. t o n g u e . Alelo, elelo, lelo. Tongue tip, 'elau alelo, welau alelo, lau alelo. Coaled tongue, alelopala. Double-tongued, elelo lua. To stick out the tongue, as in contempt, ho'opake'o i ke alelo. The tongue, steering paddle of the words of the mouth, 'o ke alelo, ka hoe uli o ka 'olelo a ka waha (advice to speak cautiously). t o n g u e - t i e d . Alelo pelu, pu'u ke alelo; hiki 'ole ke pane (unable to answer). t o n i c . 1. Medicine. La'au ho'oikaika. 2 . Music. K i alaka'i. t o n i g h t . K e i a po, i keia po. t o n n a g e . Hulna o na kona. t o n s i l . Pu'u. Swollen tonsils, pu'u 'okohekohe, pu'u kohekohe. t o n s i l l i t i s . Kohekohe. Bilateral tonsillitis, kohekohe-papa. t o o . 1. Also. Kekahi, kahi, ho'i. Me too, 'o au pu. I'm going too, 'o au kahi e hele. 2 . Excessive. Loa, nui loa; keu (.often followed by a), t o o l . M e a hana, meapa'ahana. Tools, ponohana, na mea ho'ohana. Tool house, hale pa'ahana. t o o t h . Niho (various kinds, PE H5-S46). New tooth, niho hou, niho peku. Back tooth, ku'i; ku'i lena (yellowed). Loose tooth, niho naue. Decayed tooth, niho popo. Tooth tartar, pala niho. Worn teeth, mauole. How or set of teeth, papa niho, pae niho. Point of a dog's tooth, maka ole. Whale tooth, niho palaoa; palaoa pae (washed ashore). Whale-tooth pendant, lei palaoa. Tooth of deceased beloved, heia. To pull a tooth, huki i k a niho. To fill a tooth, ho'opiha i k a niho. To expose teeth, ho'okeke niho, ha'akeke niho
torn. See tear.
t o r n a d o . Makani ka'a willwlli. t o r p e d o . Kopiko.
torpid. See sluggish,
t o r r e n t . Waikahe nui, holomoku. t o r r e n t i a l . Lanipili, loku, nu'u. T o r r l n f o r d . Kollnipoka, Torinifoda. t o r s o . Pauku kino, t o r t i c o l l i s . 'A'lku. t o r t o i s e . Honu. Land tortoise, 'ea-kua-neneke Tortoise shell, una. t o r t u r e . Ho'omainoino. Also: laumllo, ho'o ka'awlli. See t o r m e n t , t o s s . Ho'olei, kiola; — about or back and forth ho'oleilel, kiolaola, walakike, huhuhulei, 'akuku ka'apa; — , as a ship, hulei, huleilua, kahulihull ka'inapu, paiaha'a, paialewa, kulana; — , as witI alm of hand up, kuwala, kuala; — up, hapa apai (as a child); kuehu,_ kaiehu (as spray) ho oheheo. Also: lei, ka, hauna, hauhauna. Tt toss while sleeping, moe 'ino, moe kahua. t o t a l . Huina, huina helu; heluna (sum) holo'oko'a. t o t t e r . Ha'alulu, lull, kahulihull, kulanalana hikaka, kunewa, kapekepeke, kuhau, panana t o u c h . Pa, ho'opa, pill, meu, hand, ho'ohani pahiki, ho'opa iki, makahani, pa lihi (graze\ —, as of two objects, papa; — repeatedly, ho'opapa To touch the skin, pa 'ill. Touch and gone (as o a stolen object)! pa no lilol!
touching. See pathetic,
t o u c h s t o n e . Pohaku ho'opa. t o u g h . Pa'akikI, mauaua, uaua. Also: ho'ouaua 'uo uo, uo'o, laukani, pukonakona, oloolona kani, 'allkalika; ka'aka'allna (as banana skin) Somewhat tough, 'ouaua.
treading t r a m p . 1. Vagabond. Kuewa, 'ae'a wale. 3. See trample, walk, t r a m p l e . Hehi, ke'ehia, hehiku, n a k u . Bain trampling on the breadfruit leaves (For. 5:257), ka ua hehi lau 'ulu. t r a n c e . Akaku. t r a n q u i l i z e r . L a ' a u ho'omalielie. t r a n q u i l l i t y . Malie, l a ' i . n a n e a , walea, maluhia. Also: Spuhea, konale, palula, k u a p a p a , maanlani, kipu. Tranquillity of eventide, kipu ahiahi. For phrases, see c a l m , p e a c e , t a r o . t r a n s a c t . Lawelawe, hana, ho'oko. t r a n s f e r . Ho'olllo, ho'ili, ho'oili. ho; 'oloka'a (as a debt). Bus or streetcar transfer, pepa ho'ololi ka'a. t r a n s f i g u r a t i o n . Ho'opaha'oha'o 'ia 'ana. t r a n s f i g u r e d . Paha'oha'o. t r a n s f o r m . Loll, ku. t r a n s f o r m a t i o n . Loli 'ana. kuakino. t r a n s g r e s s . Lawehala, mau'a'e, hape. t r a n s i e n t . Kulkawa, mea kipa mai no ka manawa. t r a n s i t . Kuikawa, ma'alo. Transit goods, waiwai ma'alo. t r a n s i t i v e . See verb. t r a n s l a t e . Unuhi, unuhi 'olelo, ho'omahele, mahele 'olelo. t r a n s l a t i o n . Unuhina. Literal translation, unuhi kullke loa, unuhi pill. Free translation, unuhi laula loa. t r a n s l a t o r . Mea unuhi, unuhi 'olelo, mahele 'olelo. t r a n s m i t . Ho'ouna, ho'ili, ho'oili. t r a n s p a r e n t . Anianl. a k a a k a ; raallko (as fish of some species); kaka'e (obs.). t r a n s p i r a t i o n . H a n u , pi'iku. t r a n s p i r e . See h a p p e n , t r a n s p l a n t . K a n u m a kahi 'e. t r a n s p o r t . Hallhali, lawe. Transport ship, mokuahi lawe 'dhua; mokuahi lawe koa (of troops). Transported with emotion, lalawe 1 ke kino, t r a n s p o r t a t i o n . Halihali 'ana, lawe 'ana. t r a n s s h i p . Lawe mai kahi moku a kahi moku; ma'alo. t r a n s s h i p m e n t . Lawe i ka waiwai mai kahi moku a Kahi moku. t r a n s u b s t a n t i a t i o n . Ho'okuakino. T r a n s v a a l . Kanawaala. t r a p . 'Cmi'i, 'upiki, pahele, 'opiki. Kinds offish traps include: hina i, banal, kia, imu, 'ie, 'ie kala, 'ie lawe, makalei, 'dhua, nacnmaka-lua, ha, haha, pai, kula. Mousetrap, 'umi'i 'jole. Place where a trap is set, heau. Owl trap, pekeu (obs.). t r a s h . 'Opala, la'ola'o. Trash heap, p u ' u 'opala, ho'oleina. Wind-blown trash, wilikol (obs.). t r a v a i l . Ha'akdhi, kohi, kuakoko (of childbirth). t r a v e l . Ka'ahele, ka'apuni, huaka'l hele, huaka'i, mahoa; hoe (fig.); — around, ka'apuni, holopuni; — with brief stopovers, noho hele; — by sea, 'au, 'aukai, ' a u m o a n a ; — in the mountains, hele m a u n a ; — together, of two, hele lua. Fond of travel, puni hele. t r a v e l e r . K a m a hele. Fellow traveler, hoa hele. Commercial traveler, 'akena kalepa ka'ahele. Traveling company, po'e ka'ahele, ka'ialana. For saying, see s a i l . t r a y . Pa halihali. Mixing tray, papa will, p a p a will 'al. Wooden tray, pa la'au. Ash tray, pa lehu. t r e a c h e r y . 'Apiki, 'upiki, makaia, kumakaia, kipl, 'ope'a, ho'ope'a, pahele. To plot treachery, kalai 'ino. t r e a d . Hehi, hehihehi, ke'ehi, ma'awe, naku, meheu, kapna'l; — upon, 'a'e; — along, peki. To tread water, 'au ku, k u ' a u ' a u . t r e a d i n g . Hehina.
t o u g h e n . Ho'ouaua; m a k a u a u a (by drying). t o u r . Ka'apuni, ka'ahele, buaka'i ka'apunl, hele maka'ika'i. Tour group, po'e m a k a ' i k a i like, t o u r i s t s . Po'e maka'ika'i, malihini maka'ika'i, malihini. t o u s l e d . Puehu, pukalaki (as hair); maewaewa, huhulu (as feathers). For example, PE pauma. t o w . Kolo, ko, hekau, kauwo. To tow or drag a canoe, ko wa'a. To tow a ship, kolomoku. t o w a r d s . I, la, 15. t o w e l . Kawele. Dish_ towel, kawele pa, pale 'umeke. Bath towel, kawele 'au'au. Paper towel, kawele £epa. To wipe dishes with a towel, kawele pa. t o w e r . 'Ale'o, pu'o'a, haleku'i. hale paku'i, hulili, hale kaua, hale pukaua, kowela. Watchtower, hale kla'l. See o r a c l e t o w e r , t o w e r i n g . 'Ale'o, oeoe, halehale. T o w e r of B a b e l . Haleku'i o Papela. T o w e r of L o n d o n . Kowela o Lakana, Towera o Ladaiia. t o w b e a d . Po'o kea. t o w l l n e . Kaula kauwo, kaula kolo, hekau. t o w n . Kulanakauhale, kaona. t o y . Mea pa'ani, milimili; kd'ie'ie (water). t r a c e . Meheu, we'awe'a, 'awe'awe'a, nawele. To trace, ho'okolo, ho'omeheu. t r a c h e a . Kani'a'i. t r a c k . Meheu, kapua'i, mo'all, mo'o'ali, ma'awe, ho'oma'awe; mo'o. mo'owa (narrow); alahao (railroad). Track of a god, k a h a akua. To track, ho'okolo, ho'omeheu, kolokolo. To make a track, ho'omeheu. t r a c t . 1. Pamphlet. Paiapala, kelaka. 3. Land. 'Apana aina. t r a c t o r . K a ' a kauwo. t r a d e . 1. Barter. Kalepa. Also: k u ' a k u ' a i , ku'ai aku ku'ai mai, ho'oku aku'ai, plele, m a ' a u ' a u w a , kuapo; malaulau (obs.). Trade ship, moku kalepa. 3. Occupation. 'Oihana, 'oihana liana lima. One without a trade, k a h u a 'ole. t r a d e r . Kalepa, plele. Trading company, hui kalepa. t r a d e s c h o o l . Kula a'o 'oihana. t r a d e w l n d . See w i n d . t r a d i t i o n . Mo'olelo, mo'o'olelo, mo'o, '51elo mai na k u p u n a mat. t r a d i t i o n a l . M a i na k u p u n a mai, k u ' u n a . T r a f a l g a r . Kalapalaka. Tarafalaga. t r a f f i c . 1. Of pedestrians, vehicles. Ne'e 'ana i ke alahele. Heavy traffic, nui na k a ' a (motor). Traffic policeman, maka'i ku huina. 3. Trade. Kalepa. t r a g e d y . M e a k a u m a h a loa; keaka hopena k a u m a h a (theatrical). In poetry, heavy rain may represent tears and tragedy. t r a g i c . K a u m a h a loa, ho'eha'eha n a ' a u , 'awa'awa, 'awa'awahia. t r a i l . Ala, ala hele. Also: mo'o hele, meheu, kumeheu, kuamo'o L maka ala, makala, mokala, kaolo; steep —, hulili, ala 'ulili; — or follow behind, ho'okolo, hahal, ho'omoho (transitive); kowelo,_ koweloka (as a dress train). Trailing plant, la'au kolo, po'aha. t r a i l e r . K a ' a kauwo. House trailer, k a ' a hale, t r a i n . 1. Teach. A'o, h o ' o m a ' a m a ' a . To train as a kahuna, ho'okahuna, a'o i k a 'oihana kahuna. To train to grow straight, as an infant's crooked limb, or as a plant, 'omilomilo, pakolea, ho'oulu ono. Trained, 'ailolo, lae 'ula; hialoa (obs.). . See r a i l r o a d . 3. Of a dress. H u ' a , huelo. t r a i t . Welo, ewe, mana. True to the family traits, ku no i ke ewe. For example, PE mUna. t r a i t o r . K u m a k a i a , m a k a i a , p a o k e ' e . See treachery, t r a - l a - l a . Ea. 'uhe'uhene.
t r e a d l e t r i g o n o m e t r y . Ana huinakolu. trill. Kapalili, kuoloku, kupaloloi, ki'ilUi, ha'alulu. Trilling voice, ho'anu'unu'u ( H a w a i i a n style). trillion. Klliona, keliliona. t r i m . 1. Cut. 'Oki, 'oki'oki, pa'ipa'i. Also: pa'i koll, mu'o koli. 'ako, kipikipi, amu; nnolina (as the edge of a dress). 2. Decorate. Ho'onani, ho'okahiko. 3. Neat. 'Auli'i, mikioi, popohe. palanaiki, miomio. t r i m m i n g s . 1. Decorations. Na mea ho'onani, na mea kinohinohl; 'uiki (pipings). 2 . Cuttings. Na mea i 'oki'oki 'ia. Thaiched-house trimmings, loha. t r i n i t y . Kahikolu. kolukahi, kaukolu. Holy Trinity, Akua Kahikolu. t r i n k e t . Meali'ili'i ho'okinohinohi (ornamental); mea U'ili'i milimili (toy). trio. Pukolu, himenl ku pakolu. Music trio, leoku pakolu. trip. 1. Voyage. Huaka'i. 2. Stumble. 'Okupe, ho'okupe. Don't trip him, raai ho'okupe iala. tripe. 'Opu, 'opu 'apikapika, 'opu huluhulH, 'opu 'opi'opi, opu maka 'upena. Beef tripe. '5pu pipi. Pig tripe, 'opu pua'a. triple. Kaukolu. triplet. Pukolu. tripper. Pikoi, 'ikoi. t r i t e . Pakuwa. t r i u m p h . Lanakila, '5'ili pulelo. See fLrebrand,
treadle. Papa hehi. Treadle-board hula, hula papa hehi. treason. Kipi. See treachery, treasure. Mea makamae. To treasure, pulama. treasurer. Pu'uku, ikuone, kuene. Acting or deputy treasurer, hope pu'uku. treasury. Waihona, waihona kala, waihona waiwai, waihona mora, t r e a t . 1. Attend to. Lapa'au (as the sick); hana; wehewehe (.explain); — as a parent, ho'omakua. Treat your young brother kindly, hana maika'i 'oe i kou poki'l. 2. Pleasure. Mea ho'ohau'oli, mea e hoihoi ai. My treat, na'u e uku (for me to pay). t r e a t m e n t . Hana, noho. t r e a t y . Palapala 'aelike, ku'lkahi. treble. Pakolu. tree. La'au, kumula'au, kumu. Tree or plant consisting of several stalks or roots, as banana, pandanus, kava, pu, opu. Top part of tree, eulu. Tip of tree, elau. Fallen tree, kumu htna, mauwa. Gather in trees, as birds, ho'ola'au. The tree of life, ka la'au o ke ola.
tree fern. See fern.
t r e m b l e . Ha'alulu, kapalili. Also: naka. ulupi'i (as with cold or fear); naue, kuekuenl, 'apt, 'opa'ipa'i. t r e m e n d o u s . Nul lua 'ole, nul hewahewa, 'a'ole okana mai ka nui, 'a'ole oka'e mai ka nui. t r e m o r . 'Ola'i, '11, manunu. See e a r t h q u a k e , t r e m u l o u s . Napa. See quiver, t r e n c h . 'Auwaha, 'awa'a, wa'a, wa'awa'a. To dig a trench, 'ell, ho'auwaha, 'awa'a, ho'owa'a, ho'owa'alia. uwa'a. t r e p a n g . Loll (various kinds, PE 19i). See sea
torch. trivial. 'Ano 'ole, mea 'ole. See trifle.
T r o c h u s shell. Pupu-o-Ha'upu, Ha'ujpu. troll. Hi (as for bonito, 'ahl and kala). Trolling line, 'aho kalewa. trolley. Ka'a uila (electric). troops. Pu'all koa. troopship. Moku halihall koa, moku lawe koa. trophy. Ho'ailona lanakila. tropic bird. Koa'e, 'ula, koa'e-'ula. koa'e-kea. For sayings, see cliff; PE pSuma. Tropic o f C a n c e r . P5'ai-'olu-'akau. Tropic o f Capricorn. Po'al-'olu-hema.. t r o t . Holo kuku, holopeki, hulei, huleilua. Trotting, huhuhulei. trouble. Pillkia, popilikla. Also: hihia.. kauhthi, ho'oluhi, pu'u, la'a, la'ahia, no'ono'o> 'iha'lha, 'o'upe, olohi'a. To cause trouble, ho'opilikia. ho'ohihia, ho'opopillkla, 'imi hana, ho"ouluao'a, ho'ononi. In trouble, ku 1 ka pillkia, 'apiklpiki, 'o'ili, noni, makaua; kupiliki'i (in dire trouble). Poetic references to rain or storms may signify trouble. For sayings, see bird, w a l l ; PE ho'oilo, paehumu. troubled. Kaumaha, lu'ulu'u, pillkia. t r o u b l e m a k e r . Mea ho'opilikia, mea ho'oulu pillkia, 'lmi 'epa, 'eleao. t r o u g h . Holowa'a, holoa'a, ha. Water trough, kula wai, ha wai; pa wai (rare). Food trough, kneading trough, papa will 'at. troupe. Hul. Hula troupe, pa hula, trousers. Lole wawae. Long trousers, lo-le wawae loloa. Short trousers, lole wawae poko>le. Linen trousers, wawae olona. Triangular piect inserted at base of bell-bottom trousers, pi'i. trowel. 'O'o palahalaha, klla pa'i puna, hamo puna; hapale (obs.). t r u a n c y . Ha'alele kula. t r u a n t . Kelkl ha'alele kula. t r u c e . Ho'opau kaua, ho'omalolo kaua. Trucebreakers, pale pellka. t r u c k . Kalaka, ka'a kalaka, ka'a ukana. t r u c k f a r m . Wahl ho'oulu mea'al no k a makeke, mahina'al. trudge. Ko'ele, ko'ele wawae, kio'e; — along, peki.
trespass. Komohewa, komo wale, 'ae'a, kahaku, 'a'e, 'a'e ku. hehiku. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us (Matthew 6:12), e kala mai ho'i la makou 1 ka makou lawehala 'ana, me makou e kala nei 1 ka po'e i lawehala 1 ka makou. See sin. trespasser. 'Ae'a hauka'e, 'a'e kapu. t r e s t l e . Haka 'ulili, hullll, alahaka, kaulanahaka. t r i a l . Ho'okolokolo (court); ho'a'o (attempt); popilikla (hardship). Poetic references to rain ana storms may signify trial and tribulation.
See Hllo.
triangle. Huinakolu. Right-angle triangle, huinakolu kupono. Obtuse triangle, huinakolu peleleu. Irregular triangle, huinakolu 'ao'ao like 'ole. Isosceles triangle, huinakolu 'elua 'ao'ao like. Acute triangle, huinakolu 'oi. Equilateral triangle, huinakolu like. Triangle design on Niihau mats, nananu'u. Triangular sail, heke. t r i b e . Lahui, lahui pili 'ohana, 'alaea, 'ohana. t r i b u l a t i o n . Popilikia. 'eha'eha. See trial, t r i b u t e . Ho'okupu, uku, 'auhau, 'auwae'aina. Tribute to a high chief, kuapola'o. To assemble such tribute, ho'okuapola'o. Tribute from uplands, waiwai maloko. We pay tribute to Caesar (Luke ZO:lt), ho'okupu makou la Kalsara. t r i c k . Hana ma'alea: hana 'aplkl (bad); hana kolohe, hana 'epa. Rare: 'ope a, 'oeha'a, llmu. Card trick, hana ma'alea me ka pu'u pepa. For saying, PE ho'oko'iko'i. t r i c k l e . Kahe, kulu; paihl (obs.). tricycle. Ka'a hehi wawae. T r l d a c n a . 'Olepe-niu.
trifle. Mea 'ole, mea 'ano 'ole, mea lki, mea
li'iU'l, ikl. Also: 'oplhiplhl, palau'eka, ma'ilu, 'omilu. A trifle larger, nul ikl. Trifling affair, hana kalakalai. To trifle, kolohe wale, pa'anl wale, ho'omea. See gourd, trigger. Ki, kileo, kiko. trlggerflsh. Humuhumu (various kinds, PE 85). Also: mukumuku-waha-nui, 'uwl'uwl, 'uwl'uwl-lua.
t w i n k l e t r u e . 'Ola'i'o. Also: To, 'oia, ku'i'o, maoll. Come true, as a prophesy, ko 'i'o. t r u l y . Maoll, 'i'o, 'oia'i'o. Yours truly, me k a 'ola'i'o. t r u m p . Hull (in cards). To trump, kamau, hahau. No trumps, 'a'ohe hull. Spades are trumps, be pekl ka hull, t r u m p e t . Pu, pu ho'okani, pu kani, 'ole. Conchshell trumpet, pu puhi. Trumpet of animal horn, pepeiaohao. Trumpet leading an army, pu ka'i. t r u m p e t fish. Nunu, nuhu. t r u m p e t vine. Hua-pala. t r u n d l e b e d . Moeka'a. t r u n k . Pahu, pahu lole (clothes); kumu (tree); ihu (elephant); pauku kino (body). t r u n k f l s h . Pahu, moa, moamoa. t r u s t . Hillna'i, kalele, paulele, lelepau. t r u s t e e . Kahu waiwal. t r u s t t e r r i t o r y . N a 'alna noho kahu 'ia. t r u s t w o r t h y . Paulele 'ia. t r u t h . 'Ola'i'o, 'oia. Partial truth, 'ohaohala. t r y . Ho'a'o (sample); ho'olkaika, hd'ikalka, kulia (make effort); — out, ho'opa; — in court, ho'okolokolo. T - s h a p e d . 'Amana.
'omilo, laumllo, ue, ol, ka'amola, ka'a wale, kioe; — aside, 'aui, bill, ho'olala, ho'okihi, kihl, kapae, kaka'a, bo'ohala, klpa, kikaha, kepa, kikepa, kaha, kaha loa, kahaku, pe'a, pelu, pelukua, pipika, palal, paweo, ika; pinana'iea (obs.); — over, kahuli pu, 'owala; kuwalawala (repeatedly); palahuli, kaka'a, pelu; pulepe (obs.); — inside out, lole; — towards, maliu, kalelei; — this way and that, hou hewa; — and rush, hulimoku; — into, lilo, ku a. Also: haliu, buhuli, huhuhuli, ho'ohuli, loll, bo'oke'e, pauma. Turn the back, hull kua; 'dkoleoioi (as in anger). Turn back, hull hope. Turn in two ways or twice, huli lua. Turn and toss in sleep, moe 'ino, moekahua. Right, turn, ma ka akau, wili. 3. Time. Manawa. In turn, take turns, ka'ahele; 1 kekahi a i kekahi aku. This is your turn, kou manawa keia, ia'oe la wahi. To read in turn, heluhelu ka'ahele. t u r n c o a t . Lole lua, makaia, kumakaia; Iepelua (obs.). t u r n i n g . Hulina, ka'a, lauwili^ mola, molamola. Motions of turning hinges, ku'ami'ami, 'olepelepe. Turning point, huliau, kahana. t u r n i p . 'Uala-pllau, ananu.
turnkey, wiiikr.
t u r n s t i l e . Puka poniniu, puka uai. t u r n s t o n e . 'Akekeke, keke. t u r p e n t i n e . Kapenekine, tapenetine. 'alia ho'omalo'o pena. t u r t l e . Honu (various kinds and saying, PE 74-75); 'ea. Dark greenish meat in a turtle, lu'au, 'i'o lu'au. Turtle shell, una, 'ea. Turtle coloring, hillhili honu. Turtle markings on back, nanaka. Turtle back, ho'omakaull'i. Turtle, turtle, come up to breathe, e honu. e honu, e puha (turtle hula). See t u r t l e d o v e , t u r t l e d o v e . Kuhukuku. The voice of the turtle, ka leo o ke kuhukuku. See dove. T u s c a l o o s a . Kukakaluka, Tusakalusa. T u s c a n y . Kukekanl, Tusekani. t u s k . Nlho, ku'i. Pig tusk, niho pua'a. t u t o r . Kumu a'o, kumu. To tutor, a'o. twelve. 'Umi kumalua, 'uml kumamalua; 'ekolu kauna. t w e n t y . Iwakalua. t w e n t y - e i g h t . Iwakalua kumawalu, Iwakalua kumamawalu. t w e n t y - f i v e . Iwakalua kumallma, iwakalua kumamalima. Twenty-five cents, hapaha. t w e n t y - f o u r . Iwakalua kumaha, iwakalua kumamaha. t w e n t y - n i n e . Iwakalua kumaiwa, Iwakalua kumamaiwa. t w e n t y - o n e . Iwakalua kumakahl, iwakalua kumamakahi. t w e n t y - s e v e n . Iwakalua kumahiku, Iwakalua kumamahlku. t w e n t y - s i x . Iwakalua kumaono, iwakalua kumamaono. t w e n t y - t h r e e . Iwakalua kumakolu, iwakalua kumamakolu. t w e n t y - t w o . Iwakalua kumalua, Iwakalua kumamalua. t w i c e . Palua, lua. 'elua, 'alua, 'elua manawa, kualua. To do twice, ho'olua. Twice as much, papalua. For example, PE p&lua. t w i g . Lala 'u'uku. Twigs, la'ala'au. t w i l i g h t . Molehu, molehulehu, polehulehu, pulehulehu, li'ula, mali'o. Bare: malehaleha. malehulehu, mala'ola'o. t w i l l . 'O'eno, ho'ohewahewa; kuila. t w i n . Mahoe, mahana, kulua, palua. Twin peaks, mahana pu'u. t w i n e . Kuaina, kaula kualna. To twine, 'oai, 'owai, koali, hihi, ho'ohihi. t w i n k l e . 'Imo, 'amo, 'amo'amo, 'uiki, plpi; nakili (obs.). Twinkling star, hoku 'lmolmo.
tsunami. See tidal wave,
t u b . Kapu. t u b e . 'Ohe. Suction tube, «mo, '111 omo wai. t u b e r . Hua; 'ala'a (as of taro, rare}; bitter yam —, 'ala'ala. To form a tuber, hua, ho'i'o. t u b e r c u l o s i s . M a ' i - ' a l - a k e , a k e p a u , hokl'l, leiowl, wai-'opua. t u b e r o s e . Kupaloke. t u c k . 'Alu (as in a dress); hu'a (as in a mat). To take a tuck, tuck in, 'omau, pelu. Tuck creaser, 'alu. To tuck under, as a hen with chicks, papio. The dog tucked in his tail, pelu ka huelo o ka 'ilio. T u e s d a y . Po'alua. t u f t . Pupu. Tuft of dried ti leaves on »ctopus lure, pupua. Tufted, moa. t u g . Hluhlu, koni, ko, hukl. t u g b o a t . Mokukolo, kolomoku. t u g of w a r . Hukihuki, pa'ume'ume. t u i t i o n . Uku. School tuition, uku kula. t u m b l e . Ha'ule (from a height); hina (topple); — down, collapse, hlolo. t u m b l e r . Ki'aha. t u m o r . 'I'o ulu, pu'upu'u koko. Venereal tumor, 'anako'l. t u m u l t . Haunaele, pona'ana'a, klpalale, uluaO'a, 'ele^elepi, wawa. To_ cause tumult, ho'ale'ale, ho'uluao'a, ho'ouluao'a, ho'ohaunaele. t u n a . 'Ahi, hi'u-wiwi, kaha-ull; palaha (small variety). t u n e . Leo, leo mele. To tune, ho'okani pono, ho'oponopono. t u n n e l . Ana puka, lua pao, alapao, konela, konela puka. t u r b a n . Ka'ei po'o. t u r b i d . Lepolepo, lepo hua'l. To render turbid, haluku. t u r b o s h e l l , 'llilea. t u r b u l e n t . H a l o ' a l o ' a , 'alo'alo'a, 'ele'elepi, wiliau; kupikl'o (as sea). T u r i n . Kulino, Turino. T u r k . Kuleke, Tureke. T u r k e y , i . The country. Kuleke, Tureke. 2. ( N o t cap.) Fowl. Pelehu, palahu, pokeokeo. t u r m e r i c . 'Olena, lena; Ihe'ekal (used ceremonially). t u r n . l . Move. Huli; ka (as a rope for jumping); — around, twist, revolve, will, ka'a, kaawili, kulapa. molo, bole, wllimo'o, palawlll, 'olepe,
twirl o'clock, hapalua hola 'elua. Two-masted schooner, kia lua. Two-by-four lumber, papa lua ha. To count by twos, helu palua. To divide in two parts, ho'opalua. t w o t h i r d s . ' E l u a hapakolu. t y p e . 1. Kind. ' A n o . 2. Print. H u a , huaho'onoho. Printer's type, huakepau. To set type, ho'onoho hua, 'oniu huakepau, ho'olele huakepau, ulele kepau. To type, klkokiko. Typee. Kaipi, Taipi. t y p e s e t t e r . Ulele kepau. See type, t y p e w r i t e r . M I k i n i k i k o k i k o hua. To typewrite, klkokiko hua, kikokiko. typhoid. Piwa-ho'onawaliwali. t y p h o o n . Kaipuni. t y p h u s . Ma'i-kuni. t y p i s t . K i k o k i k o hua. t y r a n t . M e a haina.
twirl. Koali. t w i s t . W i l i , ka'awili, lauwili; milo (as thread, rope); kupe, 'okupe (as ankle); hilo (.braid). Also: wilinau, palawili, ' o w j l i ; nuke'e, 'uke'e (as the mouth); ka'a, ka'a; 'omilo, lomilo, laumilo. ho'omimllo, milo, mimilo, m i l o m i l o ; wilimo'o, ho'owilirao'o, napanapa (as an eel); keke'e, h o ' o k e k e ' e (.out of shape); ho'oai, 'uwi, ho'opepe'e, pepe'e, ue, kulapa, mola, molamola, kupaka, lino, molo. hole, lepe'a, 'ohu'i, 'ope'a, k a e k a , huki, hualala, lolelole. t w l t c b . K a p a l i l i ; hula, hulahula, 'iwi (as the eye); huki (as the mouth); 'a'ili. twitter. 'Io'io. t w o . Lua, 'elua, 'alua. Two by two, double, twofold, twice, two at a time, by twos, palua. Two of a kind, kaulua. In two portions, hapalua. Twosided or two-faced, alolua, rnaka lua, ki'ilua. Twofold, as a plaited mat, maka lua. Two-ply, malua, ka'a lua. Two-edged, 'oi lua, nao-makalua. Two-minded, na'au lua, kaulua. Two-thirty
uncertain. Kanalua, kula lalana, kunana. Also: hopohopo, kakalule, ku'ihe, kaumo'o, 'ohio, kapekepeke; pakole (obs.). Particles expressing uncertainty, ho'l, la. u n c i r c u m c l s e d . K a h e 'ole, olomu'o. Uncircumcised foreskin, puhi. uncivil. Ho'opuka ku, ho'okamanlha, hanahihl. uncivilized. Ho'ona'auao 'ole 'ia, na'aupo; 'a'alaioa (obs.). uncle. Makua kane, 'anakala. Younger brother of the father or mother, makua kane 'opio. Older brother or cousin of the father or mother, makua kane makua. Parents' brothers and male cousins, makua kane hanauna. unclean. Ma'ema'e 'ole, baumia, kapulu, hawa, 'ino, pe'a, pe'ape'a, pauma'ele, pelapela. unclear. Akaaka 'ole. Also: niniu; balale (as speech). unclouded. Kala'e, 'alaneo, kabania, palakea. uncombed. Kahi 'ole 'la, pukalakl. u n c o m f o r t a b l e . 'Olu'olu 'ole, ho'o'iha'iba; 'opihapiha (after overeating); 'ano 'e. u n c o m m o n . Laba 'ole, hana mau 'ole 'ia, 'ano 'e, kaka'ikahi, pakuwa 'ole, hlhlu. Uncommon word, bua'olelo bana mau 'ole 'ia. uncomplaining. Leo 'ole, ho'ohalabala 'ole, 'obumuhumu 'ole. unconcerned. Me ka no'ono'o 'ole, wale, unconditional. Kaupalena 'ole 'la. Unconditional surrender, ha'awipio 'oko'a. unconscious. Pau ka 'Ike, pau kalohe (PE 'ike); pau ka ho'omaopopo 'ana. See unaware, unconstitutional. Ku'e kumu-kanawai. uncooked. Maka. uncooperative. Huklku, laullma 'ole. u n c o u t h . Lula 'ole, pa'alula'ole; kakaki'i (obs.). uncover. 'Uwehe, hu'e, hua'l, wehe. uncovering. Wehe 'ana, hua'lna. u n c t i o n . Ukione (extreme). undecided. Kanalua, na'au lua, kunana, ku'ihe. under. Lalo, malalo, 1 lalo. underclothes. No general name. See slip, underdrawers, undershirt, undercut. Poholalo. underdone. See rare, underdrawers. Palema'l. underground. Malalo o ka honua. Underground stream, lllna wai. undergrowth. Nahelehele; ulueki (obs.). underhanded. Poholalo, ka'alalo, klmopo. underline. Kaha lalo. underling. Mea noho malalo aku o kekahi, manea. undermine. Poholalo, po'a, pao. underneath. Malalo lho. underpants. Palema'i. underrate. Ho'oha'aha'a, kawa'e. undershirt. Pale'lli. undersigned. Ka mea 1 kakau lnoa malalo iho. undersized. 'U'uku lho, 'a'a, Ti. underslip. Mu'umu'u. understand. Maopopo, ho'omaopopo, 'ike. I understand, maopopo ia'u; ho'omaopopo au. undertake. Ho'a'o, lawe, lele. To undertake wholeheartedly, komo 'oko'a. undertaker. Kanaka ho'olewa. Undertaker's establishment, hale ho'olewa, hale kupapa'u. undertow. Kai miki, kai huki, kal kuolo. underworld. Mllu. undesirable. Makemake 'ole 'ia, ku 'ole i ka makemake, ho'opaumanawa. undo. Wehe, wehewehe, wehe hou, bo'ohemo, kala, mokala, makala, molokala; — evil by prayer, kakaku.
u. '0. udder. 0. ugly. Pupuka. Also: 'lno, mumuka, maklnlka, haumanumanu; pouhu (oft}.). To make ugly, ho'opupuka. See homely, ukulele. 'Ukulele. ulcer. Puha, puho, hehe, kakl'o, me'eau. Stomach ulcer. '5pu puha; iki-'alamea (obs.). Medicine for ulcers, kuakala. ulcerous. 'A'al, hehe. ultimate. Hope loa. ultraviolet rays. Kuawehl. umbilical cord. Plko. Small hard spots on an umbilical cord, kukae'iole. umbrella. Mamalu, loulu. Umbrella rib, ni'au. umbrella plant. 'Ahu'awa-haole. umbrella shell. 'Oplhl-kapua'i-lio. umpire. 'Uao. u n - . 'Ole, hlkl 'ole ke. unable. Hlkl 'ole. unaccommodating. Na'au kokua 'ole, naua. unaccountable. Maopopo 'ole, kupalanaha, kupanaha. unaccustomed. Ma'a 'ole, mamallhlni. unafraid. Maka'u 'ole. Also: maka koa. u n a n i m o u s . Mana'o ldkahi. To do with unanimity, komo 'oko'a, hullamahi. unapproachable. Hlkl 'ole ke hele aku. Also: menani, pano; ku ma kapa (PE lit). Taboo on approaching a chief from behind, kua'a. u n a s s u m i n g . Akahai, ha'aha'a; mlmo (obs.). unattractive. U'i 'ole, pupuka, 'ano 'ole. Sexually unattractive, be u'l ku i ki'ona (lit., a beauty fit for the dung heap). unaware. 'Ike 'ole, maopopo 'ole. unbelieving. Hilina'l 'ole, maloka, ho'omaloka, ho'omalau, 'aia. unbleached m u s l i n . Kukaenalo. Flour sack or sack of unbleached muslin, as formerly used for poi, 'eke kukaenalo. u n b o u n d . Pa'a 'ole, ulehelehe. unbreakable. Hlld 'ole ke naha (ha'i, wahi), ha'i 'ole. unburden. Ku'u i ka lu'ulu'u, kala. u n b u t t o n . Wehe 1 ka pihl. uncared for. Ho'omaopopo 'ole 'ia. unceasing. Mau, pau 'ole. unceremoniously. Ku; 'o ku, 'o ka (PE ka . . . k0); me ka ho'obiwabiwa 'ole; ponolu (obs.).
u n d o n e unit. Hulna, kahl, ho'okahi. Unitarian. UnikaUo. unite. Hui, hul pu, pill pu, kapili, ho'ohui, ho'oku'iku'l, ho'okahi, hu, ku'i, ho'oku'lkahi. united. Hui pu 'ia. huihui, hui kahl, hui 'ia. Also: ne'epapa, papau, pupukahi, aukahi, wai kahl, ku'ikani, 'aplpl, puwalu; ho'opili (as friends). For saying, PE umauma. United Nations. Na Lahui Hui Pu 'Ia. United States of America. 'Amelika-hui. 'Amellka-hui-pu-'ia. unity. L5kahl, ku'lkahi. See unite, universal. Ma na wahi a pau. universe. Ao holo'oko'a. university. Kulanui. unjust. Kaulike 'ole, pono 'ole, ho'opono 'ole, 'ewa'ewa. unkempt. Kapulu, akepakepa, klwala'5. unkind. Loko 'ino, manewanewa, ho'omanewanewa. unknown. 'Ike 'ole 'ia, la'a uli. unlawful. Ku'e kanawai. unleavened. HQ ole. Unleavened bread, pelena hC 'ole, perena hu 'ole, popo palaoa hu 'ole. unless. Ke 'ole, ina 'a'ole. Unless you work hard, (you) won't get your grade, ke 'ole (ina 'a'ole) 'oe e ho'ikaika, 'a'ole e loa'a ana kou heluna. unlike. Like 'ole. unlikely. 'A'ole paha. unlimited. Palena 'ole, kaupalena 'ole 'la. unload. Wehewehe 1 ka ukana, ho'olel ukana, hu'e. unloading. Hu'ena. unlock. Wehe me ke ki. unlucky. Pomalka'i 'ole, pakalaki. Also: paoa, nluaua, niuniu, pahulu; lolomu (obs.). For sayings, see m u d hen; PE 'ole I, unele. unmarried. Male 'ole. To remain unmarried, noho male 'ole. unmerciful. Aloha 'ole, loko 'ino, halna. unnecessary. Ho'opaumanawa, waiwai 'ole, makehewa. unobstructed. Ke'ake'a 'ole. Also: kuakahi, papu, akea, molale, m51a'e, mola'ela'e. u n o b t r u s i v e . H a ' a h a ' a , akahae, hllu, nihl. ho'oi'ol 'ole. unoccupied. Ka'awale. unpalatable. See distasteful, unpleasant. Hoihoi 'ole. unprepared. Hemahema, makaukau 'ole. unpretentious. Na'au pepe, ha'aha'a. unprincipled. Pono 'ole, 'Ino na hana, kolohe. unproductive. Hua 'ole. Also: lolena, pau'aka, aukaha. unreasonable. 1. Unfair. Kaulike 'ole. a. Exorbitant. 'Oi mamua o ka mea kupono. 3. Not amenable to change. Ho'opa'aklki, po'o pa'a. unreceptlve. Ho'olohe 'ole, ho'opa'aklki, ku ma kapa. unrelated. 'Oko'a, pili 'ole. unreliable. Hiki 'ole ke paulele 'ia, kupono 'ole. Also: pau'aka, ho'owale hau, hoeha'a. unresponsive. Lohe 'ole, pane 'ole. Also: kukule, kupolo. unrestrained. Hlkl 'ole ke kaohi; ku'ulala (wild); lelepa (wanton); mohalu, mohaluhalu (relaxed). unrewarding. Hua 'ole, waiwai 'ole, pau'aka. unrighteous. Pono 'ole, hewa, keke'e. unripe. Maka, o'o 'ole, 'opiopio; kakahou (obs.). unruffled. La'l, malie. mallno. unsaddle. Wehewehe 1 ka noho lio. unsafe. Maka'u, pllikia, malu 'ole.
undone. Mawehe, maweke, ko 'ole 'la. undoubtedly. 'A'ole e 'ole, pela 'i'o no. undress. Wehe i ka lole. undulate. Ho'anu'unu'u, lio'olill. Also: kauba'a, 'anu'unu'u, ho'ali, hulili, 'ale'ale, palaha'a. uneasy. 'Ano piholhoi, panau, hopohopo. Uneasy stomach, nalulu ka opu. unemployed. Nele i ka hana, po'e nele i ka hana. unenlightened. Na'aupo. unenthuslastlc. Hoihoi 'ole, puhalu. unequalled. 'A'ohe lua, lua 'ole, ana 'ole, 'a'ole e loa'a. unethical. Ku 'ole i ka lula maika'i. uneven. Kaulike 'ole, kohu like 'ole. Also: lualua, malualua, 'awa'awa'a, kiwa'awa'a, kanapu'u, 'anapu'u, 'amokemoke, 'alu'alu, 'ahulu, dkumukumu, pa'ewa, ma'oi'oi, napa, napal, hao'a, ho'ole'ole'o. 06s.: kilepa, nanal. Uneven toeth, niho keu. unexpected. Mahu'i 'ole 'la, 'ano'al. u n f a i t h f u l . Kupa'a 'ole; lepelua (obs.). u n f a m i l i a r . Malihlni, ma'a 'ole, 'a'ole 1 ma'ama'ahla. This is unfamiliar to me, he mea malihlni keia ia'u. unfasten. Wehe, ho'ohemo, ulehelehe. unfastening. Wehena, wehe 'ana. unfavorable. Kupono 'ole. unfeigned. Ho'okamanl 'ole. unfermented. Hu 'ole. unfold. Lole: hohola, kauhola (as a lapa); 'ome'o, mohala (as a blossom); 'uhola. mohala, mohahala, m5halahala, mohola. unforgiving. Hulkala 'ole, mauhala. u n f o r t u n a t e . Po'ino, popilikia, make, niuniu. unfriendly. Laulauna 'ole. Also: maka lena, 'anlha, makaua, auakua, kona, kukona, laukona, 'auwae o'o, laDau, nanau. See chin, u n f u r l . Wehe, ho'olu'e; hohola (as tapa). unfurnished. 'A'ohe lako hale, 'a'ohe pon ohale. ungainly. 'Oeha'a. See awkward, ungodly. 'Ala. ungracious. Kakana, ho'okeamaka; linu (obs.). ungrateful. Aloha 'ole, maua. See gouge, unhampered. Hlhla 'ole, kuakahi. unhappy. Kaumaha; manonl (065.). unharness. Wehewehe i ka mea ho'opa'a. unhealthy. 'Oma'ima'l. Also: nanawau; nole (obs.). unholy. Halhaia. unhook. Wehe i ke kilou, wehe 1 ka lou. unicorn. Lae-hao-kela, le'ema. unicorn fish. Kala. 1 u n i f o r m . 1. Similar. Kohu like, like. 9. Dress. Makalike, pa'a lole makalike. Full-dress uniform, 'a'ahu 'olhana plha. unimportant. Mea 'ole. uninhabited. Noho 'ole 'la. Also: kokeano, wa'awa'a; kokahe (obs.). uninhibited. Ho'oko wale 1 ka mana'o e 'upu a'e ana, ho'oponopono 'ole, ku'upau. unintelligent. Hupd, kuanea. unintelligible. Maopopo 'ole. Also: kawala, kawalawala, klwawa, waha pu'u. To talk unintelligibly, ho'okawala. See gibberish, uninterested. Manaka, palaka, holhol 'ole; ma'oea, kukaikea (rare). union. Hul, plllna, ho'ohul 'ana; unlona (labor); — under a single ruler, kuapapa; — of two, koko'olua.Laha 'ole, lua 'ole. Also: ku kahl, unique. kiakahi, kakahl. For saying, see mulberry, unison. LSkahl. Also: ne'epapa, papa, kapapa, kiakahi, puwalu; llle (obs.).
utterance u p l a n d . Uka. Upland dweller, noho uka, ko a uka, ko kula uka. u p l a n d s . Uka: 'umeke 'al (ftg.). u p o n . I luna o, maluna o. u p p e r . Luna, maluna a'e, koki. u p r i g h t . 1. Erect. Ku, kupono; kapi'o (supports for a house). 3. Moral. Na'au pono, kohu pono, ho'opono, pololel. Also: papaku, nlolo, nakulu'ai, uluo'a. u p r i s i n g . Kipl, ala hou. u p r o o t . 'Ula'a, hula'a, hehu, hula, peu, 'aka'a; kula'a (rare). u p s e t . 1. Capsize. Ho'okahuli, auhuli, kahull, luma'i, 'olepe. Upset stomach, nahu ka 'opu, pualewa, 'o'oloku. 3. Worried. Pihoihol ka mana'o, pihoihol, pono 'ole ka mana'o, hopobopo; uluku (extreme). u p s i d e d o w n . Hulihia, kahull pu. u p s t a i r s . Papahele o luna. u p s t a r t . Ho'oi'oi, mi'oi'ol, kupu. u p t u r n . Ho'ohull 1 luna, me'ea. u p w a r d . A'e, i luna a'e. U r a n u s . Heleekela. Hereekela. u r g e . Koi, ha'akoi, ho'okina, ho'okikina, pal, ho'opai, lale, ho'olale, ho'olalelale, kauleo, une; — persistently, ho'ola'au, ho'okonokono. u r g e n t . Ko'iko'l, hiwi 'ole ke kapae. u r g i n g . K51na, kolkoi. U r l m . 'Ullma, Urima. u r i n a l . Miana. u r i n a t e . Mlml. Also: mi, pipi, hanawai; kama (obs.). To urinate repeatedly, mlml helele'l, mlml bono. To urinate painfully, mlml 'eha. Desire to urinate, pu'u mi mi, p u t mlml. Inability to urinate, mirni pa'a. Urinating contest (as of small boys), ho okahekahe wai, na'ina'i miml. u r i n e . _Minil. Also: wal mimi, mi, hanawai; kamahanau (obs.). Bitter urine, mlml 'awa. u r n . Ipu. u r t i c a r i a . Laina. US. Ia kaua, ia maua (dual); ia kakou, ia makou (plural). He saw us, ike 'ola la makou. u s a g e . Hana ma'a, hana mau. u s e . 1. Value. Walwai, pono; 'uko (rare). Of no use, waiwai 'ole, pau'aka. Of little use but better than nothing, ma'u. 3. Utilize. Ho'ohana. u s e d t o . Ma'a. ma'ama'a, ma'ama'ahia. u s e f u l . Waiwai. mea kdkua. u s e l e s s . Waiwai 'ole, makehewa, 'u'a, 'ole wale, 'uko 'ole, poho wale. Also: haloli'ili, pau'aka. For idioms, PE 'ala'ala, hawa'e. u s h e r . Kuhikuhi i kahi e noho al. u s u a l . Ma'amau, mea mau. Also: pa'a mau, kumau, kuluma, hana mau 'la. Same as usual, 'ola mau no. u s u r e r . Puni kuwala. u s u r i o u s . Puni kuwala. u s u r p . Ka'ili hewa, lawe 'Spiki, ka'ihi. u s u r y . Uku ho'opane'e, kuwala. U t a h . Uka. Uta; Mauna Pohaku. u t e n s i l . Ipu, mea pa'ahana. u t m o s t . Po'okela, nui loa. u t t e r . Ho'opuka, pua'l. See s a y . u t t e r a n c e . 'Oleic, mapuna leo, mapuna 'dlelo, puana.
u n s a v o r y , 'Onuhenuhe, 'a'alakai, ko'eko'e. One of unsavory reputation, lahea. u n s e e m l y . Pupuka. See I m p r o p e r , u n s e t t l e d . Kau lewa, pualewa, kalewa, kahullhuli; ku'una 'ole (not relaxed); ku'ia (mentally). u n s h e a t h . 'U'u, unuhl, wehe. u n s i g h t l y . Pupuka. u n s k l l l e d . _ H e m a h e m a , p a h e m a h e m a . Also: kaialile, hawawa, ma'uka uka, holona, 'onana; neki, poholelua (obs.). Unskilled laborer, limahana ma'uka'uka. For saying, see s u r f e r , u n s o c i a b l e . Laulauna 'ole. Also: laule'a 'ole, waiakua, koe'a, monu, 'iolea; lanau (obs.). See c h i n , h e a d , p o l . u n s t a b l e . Loll wale, hull lua, lauwili wale. Also: ewa, pulewa, lewa, kuewa, maewa, lolelua, mola, molamola, 'ae'a, kulanalana, ho'owale hau, limu, hoeha'e, malana'opi. See m o r n i n g glory, u n c e r t a i n , u n s t e a d y . Luliluli, kahulihuli, kulana, kulanalana, anewa. Also: naluli, polewa. palokeloke, muhe'e, naka, kapekepeke, ka'amola, kunapa, hikaka, 'ona, 'al'aiele, malana, kue'o, luni, pehe. u n s u c c e s s f u l . Poho. Also: pabu'a, paoa, lolomu, lihill. u n s u i t a b l e . Kohu 'ole, kupono 'ole, 'a'ohe kohu iki. For saying, PE pilina. u n s u r p a s s e d . Palena 'ole, lua 'ole, ana 'ole, launa 'ole. Unsurpassed knowledge, palena 'ole ka 'ike. u n s y m m e t r l c a l . Pa'ewa'ewa; nui pahupu (of site). u n s y s t e m a t i c . KIpalale. malele. To farm scattered patches unsystematically, mahi kikol. u n t a m e d . Hihlu, 'aliiu, io'ena, 'e'ena, 'eno, makanabele, hanahlhl. u n t i d y . Mokaki, kapulu, kiwala'o, hauhalaki. For saying, see c a n d l e n u t . u n t i e . Wehe, 'uwehe, wehewehe, kala, molokala, mokala, makala; palabemo (rare). u n t i e d . Hemo, wehe 'la, ulehelehe. u n t i l . A, a hlkl i. u n t o u c h a b l e . K a u w a (various kinds. PE 1Z8—129).
u n t r u e . 'Oia'i'o 'ole, hewa, pahilau. u n u s u a l . Mea 'e. 'ano 'e, 'e, 'ano hou, mallhini, ma'amau "ole, kuha'o, kameha'i. Unusual or rare work, hana hihlu. How unusual/ He ba'o wale ho'll u n w e a n e d . Ukuhl 'ole, 'al waiu. u n w e d d e d . Male 'ole. u n w e l c o m e . Holboi 'ole 'ia. u n w e l l . 'Oma'lma'i, 'oma'l. u n w h o l e s o m e . 'Ino, kupono 'ole. u n w i e l d y . Ho'oluhi i ka hall. Also: huha, lehelehe. u n w i l l i n g . Ku'e. u n w r a p . Wehe, wehewehe. u n w r l n k l e d . Mallno; ka'i'i (rare). u n w r i t t e n . Kakau 'ole. u n y i e l d i n g . Pa'akiki. Also: kona, konakona, m&kona, konia, kuna'e. u p . Luna, 1 luna, maluna. To come up from under, ka'a maluna. Up-and-down motion, as of a trip hammer, kimokimo. Up there, ala i luna. u p h i l l . I luna, maluna. To walk or go uphill, pi'I. u p h o l d . Kako'o, ko'o.
v a r i a b l e . Lolilua, loielua, loli wale, kakalule, 'olewa, kahullhuli.
v a r i a t i o n . Loli 'ana, ' a u i ' a n a . Variation kipuka.
of form,
v a r i a n t . Mana.
varicose veins. A'a kukuku.
v a r i e g a t e d . Ki'oki'o, pikapika, lolohuamea, kalakoa, ponapona. v a r i e t y . 'Ano, kela me keia 'ano, kela mea k e i a mea. Great variety, nui na 'ano like 'ole. v a r i o u s . Like 'ole, kela me keia. v a r n i s h . Waniki, 'iliki. v a r y . Loli a'e, j i u l e w a ; 'anini (obs.). To vary in appearance, k u h a p a ; mikololia (obs.). To vary in color or texture, kipona. v a s e . P i k a ; pika p u a (flower); k l ' a h a ' o ' o m a .
vassal. Kauwa ho'oluhi. See o u t c a s t ,
v a s t . Nui 'ino, nui loa. Also: p a l e n a 'ole, m a n o a , k u a h e w a , nui hewahewa, m a n u ' u n u ' u , one'ula.
V a t i c a n . Wakikana.
v a u l t . Waihona, ke'ena. Burial kupapa'u.
veal. T o pipi.
v e e r . Hull; klkaha, holohi'a (at an angle); puhili, "Ske'e (as the wind). v e g e t a b l e . No Hawaiian equivalent; early Hawaiians distinguished poi ( ai, poi) and accompaniments to poi (i'a, 'ina'i). Nearest equivalents to English term: mea ulu, mea kanu, m e a ' a i launahele, la'au palupalu. v e g e t a t i o n . Nahele, nahelehele. v e h e m e n t . I k a i k a loa, h a n a h a n a . v e h i c l e . K a ' a (various kinds, PE ¡00-102). v e i l . Uhi, palo uhi, uhi m a k a . pale m a k a , p a k u . v e i n . A'a koko; a ' a (small); ho'a'a. Network of veins, a ' a ' a . Valve of a vein, a ' a p a u . Vein of
pakauhelo. See outcast, parasite,
velocity. Welokike. See fast,
v. No Hawaiian term, v a c a n c y . H a k a , hakaliaka, wahi ka'awale. v a c a n t . H a k a h a k a , haka, kawalia. v a c a t i o n . Wa ho'omaha, ho'omahana, maha.
vaccinate. '0.
v a c c i n a t i o n . ' 5 lima (arm). v a c u u m c l e a n e r . Mikini h o ' o m a ' e m a ' e hale, v a g a b o n d . K a n a k a 'ae'a, kuewa, lewa. Also: 'ae'a h a u k a ' e , limu pae, limu lana, puewa, >alau'eka,_ kalole, kihoe, akauahelo ± lau hala ana, p a k u k u i , anea, 'olemu-ka'a,_'okole-ka'a, pe'e pao, kea plli mai, kueleka, pakaulei,
metal, au metala. See varicose veins,
v a g i n a . Kobe. Also: 'amo, ' a m o hulu, peo, kali; p i n e n e (obs.); osseous —, p u k a p a ' a . Cavity of vagina, poholua. Division between the vagina and anus, kohe lemu. v a g u e . Powehiwehi, a k a a k a 'ole, kapekepeke, 'ohio. v a i n . 1. Proud. Ho'okano, ho'okela. ho'oki'eki'e. Also: kana'Ie, ho'okana'ie, ha'akei, ho'oheo, hakalina, ' u ' a . 2 . Without results. Poho, m a k e hewa, hikauhi; h u a aelo (fio-). v a l e . Same as v a l l e y . Vale of tears, owawa o n a waimaka. v a l i a n t . Koa, ' a ' a ; k o ' a k a (fig.); k o a p a k a (obs.). v a l l e y . Awaawa, awawa, kahawai, owawa, oawa, ' a ' a l u ; h e k u a w a , k u a w a (used poetically); Hono-, H a n a - (used only in place names). Valley bottom, p a p a lalo. For example, see s h a d o w , v a l u a b l e . Waiwai, m a k a m a e . v a l u e . Waiwai, minamina, waiwai kaulike, waiwai T o . Of some little value, m a ' u . See p a r v a l u e , v a l u e l e s s . Waiwai 'ole, 'ole wale, lapuwale, 'ole loa. To keep doing something that is valueless, milika'a. v a l v e . P a n i ; pepeiao (of the heart); a ' a p a u (of a vein). v a m p . K a h o l o (hula step). v a n . K a ' a ; hunalewa (of army). v a n d a l . Kolohe, m e a luku wale, v a n d a l i s m . L u k u wale,
velvet. Weleweka.
v e n e r a t e d . Aloha 'ia, m a h a l o 'ia, mo'iu, mo'iu'iu. v e n e r e a l d i s e a s e . Kaokao, ma'i-hilo, hilo, ma'iwili, 'ako, kulu, waiki, palaki'o; kohe ' a k o (females); ule hilo (males). Rare: k u ' o h a , haha'lanana, 'opikopiko, pala, pala-hao, waikulono' a k o ' a k o ' a . Venereal sore, p u h i k a o k a o . See
V e n e t i a n b l i n d s . 'Ope'ape'a, 'olepelepe.
v e n g e a n c e . Ho'opa'i, a h u ili, makaia, p a n a ' i i k a 'ino. v e n o m o u s . M a k e . Venomous mouth, w a h a okooko (fig.). v e n t . P u k a ; miona (in stomach of fish). v e n t i l a t e . H o ' o k o m o m a k a n i , ho'okomo ea.
v e n t r i l o q u i s m . Ho'olele leo. v e n t r i l o q u i s t . Ho'olele leo. v e n t u r e . 'A'a, ho'a'o.
V e n u s . Hoku-ao, Hoku-loa, M a n a n a l o , M a n a l o , W e n u k a ; K a ' a w e l a (probably).
Venus's-flytrap. Mlki-aalo.
V e r a C r u z . Wela K a l u k a , Vera K a r u z a . v e r a n d a . L a n a i ; hale kia (with pillars). v e r b . H a ' i n a . Kinds: h a ' i n a pili, ha'ina pili a k u (active); h a ' i n a k o k u a (auxiliary); h a ' i n a 'oko'a, h a ' i n a plli 'ole a k u (intransitive); h a ' i n a keke'e (irregular); h a ' i n a ' o k o ' a (neuter); ha'ina pili, h a ' i n a pili a k u (transitive); h a ' i n a pili ia n a ' i (transitive active); ha'ina pili 'Ia mai (transitive passive). v e r b a l . 'Olelo, ha'i waha. Verbal will, ho'oilina 'olelo. v e r b a t i m . H a ' i e like loa m e k a mea i lohe 'ia, 'olelo waha. v e r b e n a . 6 w i , ha'uowi; wapine, vabine (lemon). v e r b o s e . H o ' o n u i 'olelo. Verbose and idle, palaualelo.
vanilla. Wanila.
v a n i s h . Nalowale. Also: olomio, poholo, palemo, mahani. v a n i s h e d . Nalowale, nalo, nalohia. v a n i t y . H a ' a h e o , h o ' o k a h a k a b a . Biblical: l a p u wale, h a n u .
vanity case. Poho pauka. vapor. Ea, noe, 'ohu, rnahu.
vulture v i r g i n . P u ' u p a ' a (female); ulepa'a V i r g i n i a . Wllikinla, Viriginia.
v e r d i c t . 'Oleloho'oholo, palapala ho'okd. v e r d u r e . Uluwehi, uluweblwehl, uliuli.
virginity. Pu'upa'a. virile. Ke'a, pukonakona.
verification. Ho'oia'i'o.
v e r i f y . H5'oia, ho'oia'i'o, ho'oku'i'o.
verily. 'Oia'i'o.
v i r t u e . Hemolele, pono.
virus. Mea ho'oma'i.
V e r m o n t . Welemoneka, W e r e m o n e t a . v e r s a t i l e . Makaukau i na mea like 'ole. v e r s e . Laina, lalani (line); pauku, 'oki (stanza). v e r s e d . ' I k e loa, 'ike no'eau, pa'a, m a k a u k a u . Well versed, ka'a. Versed in lore or legends, p a ' a mo'olelo. Versed in songs, p a ' a mele. v e r s i o n . M a n a (as of a tale).
versus. Ku'e.
v e r t e b r a . Pauku iwi o k a iwikuamo'o; (disjointed).
v i s c i d . Uaua, pipill, k a ' a k a ' a l i n a ; m a k a piapia, moekuhua (of eyes).
vise. 'Ümi'i.
v i s i b l e . K ü m a k a , 'ike maka. Also: puka maka, akaaka, pápü, 'o'ili lua, ko'iu'iu. v i s i o n . Haili moe, hihi'o, 'ike. Rare: akaku, pinauea, 'ea-kai-wawaka. v i s i t . M a k a ' i k a ' i , kipa, launa. To visit unasked or by chance, kipa wale. To visit from district to district, komo 'apana. To visit from glace to place, kipa hele. Visiting committee, komike komo 'apana. v i s i t o r . M e a maka'ika'i, mea kipa. v i s i t o r s ' b u r e a u . Pulo ho'okipa malihini. v i s o r . L a l a ; palulu (sun). v i t a l . 'Ano nui, waiwai pono, ko'iko'i.
vertical. Ku pololei.
v e r t i g o . Niniu, newa, poniu, poniuniu. v e r y . Loa, no, wale, maoli, pau, 'ino, bo'ikau, hewahewa. Very good, maika'i no, maika'i loa, m a i k a ' i maoli. Very, very many, nui 'ino. Very much, 'ino. Very, very much, a nui, nui 'ino. How veryI Kail Thanks very, very, very much, m a h a l o a nui loa. v e s p e r . Wepele, mele ahtahi. v e s s e l . 1 . Container. I p u ; 'umeke (circular); ipu lepo (earth); hue (narrow-necked). 2. Ship. M o k u . 3 . Anatomy. A ' a koko.
vitriol. Wikiliola.
v i v a c i o u s . 'Ele'eleu, ho'eu'eu, ho'ele'eleu, lamalama, vivid. 'A'ai, nohi. v o c a b u l a r y . P a p a 'olelo (list); huina 'olelo (word totality).
vest. Puliki.
V e s u v i u s . Wekuwia, Vesuvia.
vocation. 'Olhana. vocative case. 'Auihea.
veteran. Koa kahiko.
v e t e r i n a r y . K a u k a holoholona. v e t o . Ho'ole, wiko. vex. Ho'onaukiuki, ho'ouluhua, 'o'upe; ho'ouhuhi (obs.). v e x e d . Naukl, ukiukl, uluhua, naulu, pi'oloke, m a k a u a ; uheiehe (obs.). v i b r a t e . Hullli. Also: ho'olili, kuekueni, naue, 'anu'unu'u, ho'anu'unu'u, kuolo, kupaloloi, 'lolo. mahikl, nakulu, 'onini, kanulu, pilu. Heat vibrating, hawewe, kolillll, anea. v i c e . Hewa, hala, 'ino, hana haumia. v i c e - . Hope, pani. v i c e - p r e s i d e n t . Hope pelekikena. v i c e r o y . Ali'i ho'omalu. v i c i n i t y . K a h i kokoke.
v o i c e . 1. Physical. Leo. Distinct voice, leo akaaka. Harsh voice, leo kakala. Loud voice, leo nui. Low voice, leo iki, pihano. Male voice, leo kane. Middle voice, leo waena. Sweet voice,_leo nahenahe, 'ale'a, leo kaal. Wafted voice, mapuna leo, mapuna 'olelo. Voice of authority ana respect, leo hano. Voices of the gods, 'ikuwa. Voices of the spirits, na leo wawalo o k a hanehane, 'ulaleo, h a k a h a k a leo. Din of voices, pihe. Rising and falling of the voice, ha lha'i. Snatching the voice, 'apo leo. To deepen the voice, ho'oko'iko'i. To record the voice, 'apo leo. For saying, see e a t . 2 . Grammar. Leo pill. Active voice, leo pili aku. Passive voice, leo pili 'ia mal. v o i d . 'Ole loa (not in effect); hahalu (empty); ho'opauloa, pale (transitive). See e x c r e t e , v o l c a n i c . Pele, ' a ' a pele. Volcanic flow, lua'i pele, 'a pele. Volcanic ejecta, pohaha. Volcanic haze, noeuahi. v o l c a n o . L u a pele, pele, ahi 'ai honua; n'oa (obs.). Volcano goddess. Pele, v o l u m e . 1. Quantity. Nui. 2. Literary. Puke, helu. v o l u n t a r y . M a k e m a k e iho, koho e hana.
vicious. 'Ino. huhu, hae.
V l c k s b u r g . Wikapuka, Vikabuga. v i c t i m . Luaahi, pio, heana. Also: k a m a ; lua'oni (the second).
victory. Lanakila, eo. For sayings, see torch;
PE moi. v i e w . ' I k e n a , nanaina, nana, m a k a ; — down, halona; — out, kilohana. v i g i l a n t . M a k a ' a l a , kia'i. v i g o r . I k a i k a ; u'i (youthful). Also: ehuehu, ahuahu, ka'ala'ala, pa'a. v i l e . Haumia, 'ala'uka. v i l l a g e . Kulanakauhale, kauhale, kaiaulu. v i n e . La'au_hihi;_ creeping — , 'ahihi, kolokolo; long — , kali, kalina, k a (as of sweet potato). Sacred vine, k a hiwa. To send out a vine, ka. v i n e g a r . Pinika, wlneka. v i n e y a r d . M a l a waina, pa waina, mahi waina.
viol. Wiola.
v i o l a t e . 'A'e, hehiku, 'a'e ku, ' a ' e kapu.
volunteer. 'A'a.
v o m i t . Lua'i, pua'i. Also: hS'owa, 'auku'u; lua'i koko (blood). v o r a c i o u s . Pakela 'ai, ho'onu'u nui. Also: haupa, 'ai a mano, kapapa, 'a'ao. v o t e . Koho, paloka, koho paloka. Vote of confidence, 'oleloho'oholo hilina i. To vote for the sake of voting, without forethought, koho honua. To vote a straight ticket, koho pololei. v o t e r . M e a koho. Voters, po'e koho paloka, manakoho. v o t i n g . K o h o paloka. v o t i n g b o o t h . K e ' e n a koho paloka. v o u c h e r . Pila 'ai'e, palapala ho'oia'i'o. v o w . Ho'ohiki, 'olelo-ho'ohiki, 'olelo-pa'a. v o w e l . Hua palapala leo kahi, hua leo kahi, leokani. v o y a g e . Huaka'i, holomoana, holokai.
v i o l a t i o n . H a n a ku'e, ' a ' e kapu, hehiku. v i o l e n t . ' I n o , weliweli, uluulu, ehuehu, hao wale, v i o l e t . Waioleka. Kinds: 'olopu, nani-Wai'ale'ale; pa-makani (Molokai); pakalana (Chinese). v i o l i n . Pila, waiollna. v i p e r . M o ' o make, mo'o-niho-'awa.
vulgar. Pelapela.
Vulgate. Wulekake. vulture. Wulekula.
3 . Prefuneral vigil. Analna ho'olewa, kia'l kupapa'u. 3. Track. Awe, aweawe. w a k e f u l . Hia'a, ho'alahia. W a l e s . Wale. Prince of Wales, Keiki ali'i o Wale. w a l k . Hele wawae, hele; pi'i (towards mountains or uphill); iho (towards the sea or downhill). Also: wawae, au. To take a walk, holoholo, maka'ika'l. To walk slowly, quietly, hele maile, nihi ka hele; ka'a niau, kuoni, keni (rare). To help walk, as a child, ho'oholoholo, ho'ohelehele, ho ohele. To walk in line or succession, ka'i hele, ka'i, kaka'i. To walk with a stiff back, nanai. To walk with legs wide apart, krihelei, kalena. To walk lightly and swiftly, hele 'awiwi, auau, klau. To walk backward, kuemi. To walk with a cane, kauko'o, ho'okauko'o. Ungainly walk, 'oeha'a. To walk along absent-mindedly, klkaha. To walk unsteadily, ka'i hele, kupehe, hakupehe, kaupe. To endeavor to walk in spite of weakness, ho'okoene. To sway the hips xn walking, hele kalue. To walk upright, heleku. To walk in a brisk, haughty manner, kalali. To walk proudly, hele kikahakaha; pahaha (obs.). Walked on, hehi 'ia, meheu.
walking stick. See cane.
wall. Pa; pala (of house). Stone wall, pa pohaku. Adobe wall, pa lepo. Wall of a fishpond, kuapa; pa puni (circular or surrounding). Sea wall, pani kai, pale kai. Wall of interlocking stones, nlho. Long, straight stone wall, kualwi (Niihau). Walled city, kulanakauhale pa'a 1 ka pa. Pressed hard to the wall, pill pu 1 ka pala (in trouble). w a l l e t . ' E k e kala. walleyed. Maka 'ahewa. wallop. Hahau lkalka. wallow. Naku, ka'a. Also: haunaku, oiku; haluku (as a hog). To wallow in a mud puddle, ka'a 1 ke ki'o lepo. wallpaper. Pepa hale, pepa ho'onani hale, wall p l a t e . Kaola, lohelau. w a l n u t . Walanuka. w a l r u s . Pala'o, waleluka, waleluku, wolu. w a n . Nanakea, hakeakea, mamae; 'ikoko (obs.). w a n d . Ko'o, la'au; maile (in games of puhenehene and 'ume); ka'aha (held by priest while sacrificing). w a n d e r . 'Auana, ki'ihele, lalau, 'ae'a, kuewa. Also: hili, nahili, kakahill, auhili, loloiahili, kuawili, kualana, lanaau, 'a'au, lewa. ewa. maewa, ku'ae'a, hd'ae'a, hS'a'a, kuhilo, kaka'i a hele, kThoe, 'olemu-ka'a, ho'opanau, pakukul; pakauhelo (obs.). Wander mentally, lalau ka no'ono'o, lauele. Wander in sin, lalau hewa. Wander in the dark, hili pd. See v a g a b o n d , w a n d e r i n g J e w . Honohono, makolokolo. w a n d e r i n g t a t t l e r . 'Olili. w a n e . Emi; manono (as the moon). Waning moon, mahina hapalua hope, w a n t . 1. Desire. Makemake; mamake (colloquial). Also: make, lana ka mana'o, mana'o, ho'opu'opu. See Wish. 2. Lack. Nele, hemahema. w a n t o n . 'UhaMiha wale, maka leho. Also: lelepa, ku'ulala, pakukui, pakaukau, pakaulei; paki'aki'a, paki aki'aai (obs.). w a r . Kaua; paomomi (obs.). Civil war, kaua kuloko. Revolutionary war, kaua hulihla, kaua auhulihia. War finery (formerly helmet, feather cape), kahiko kaua. War maneuvers, ka'a kaua. War tank or chariot, ka'a kaua. War strategist, ka'a kaua. Heiau for success in war, heiau waikaua. For saying, see b a t h , w a r b l e . Kuoloku; nunulu (rare).
w. We.
w a d . Popo. Wad of tobacco, popo paka. Gun wad, 'umokl; panipu (obs.). Wad discharged from a weapon, poka ukall. waddle. 'Oeha'a, pau bananu'u. wade. Hele wawae 1 loko o ke kai (ka wai). w a f e r . Papa'a pelena, uwepa; papa palaoa (.obs.). w a f t . Mapu, mapuana, aheahe; — off to sleep, kuluhlo. Wafted fraqrance, moanl. White wafted smoke, 'o ka uahi mapu kea. Thejragrance of the maile wafted in the breeze, ke mapu net ke 'ala o ka maile. wag. Lull, kollli, koninl, 'onl'onl. The dog wags the tail, ho'okoiilni ka 'illo i ka huelo. wage. Uku. See wage w a r . Wages of sin (Romans 6:23), ka uku no ka hewa. wager. Pill, plllwalwal, 'ai. To wager one's bones, pill 1 na iwl. wagered. Mau, ho'omau. wages.w Uku, uku hana. To pay wages, uku hana. wage a r . Ho'ouka kaua, kaua. w a g o n . Ka'a. Horse-drawn wagon, ka'a lio. Wagon tongue or shafts, kolo, kolo ka'a.
wahoo. Ono.
W a l k l k l . Waikikl (lit., spouting water). wall. Uwe, 'alala, kanlkau: uwe helu (and weep in mourning). Also: plhe, olo plhe, kumakena, puwo, puo, makena,_ ka'akumakena, kupina'i, kuwo, aeae, leoleo, na, kanla'au. W a l l u k u . Walluku (lit., waters of destruction). W a l m e a . Walmea (lit., reddish-brown waters). Walplo. Walpi'o (lit., curved water). For saying,
see drowsy.
w a i s t . Puhaka, 'opu, 'a'a, pakana. Tight waist binder, kalikl. To gird the waist tightly, paulinallna. w a i t . Kali, kakali, alia, ho'alia; kapaka'i (rare); — on tables, lawelawe, kuene. Wait a moment, kali iki, eia iho, pela iho. Wait a long time, kuld'ihi. Wait patiently and you shall receive what you crave, ho'omanawanul 1 ka 'ono. w a i t e r . Kuene, kanaka lawelawe, mea lawelawe. House waiter, kuene hale, w a i t i n g . Kalina, 'emo. Waiting station, hale ho'olulu. w a i t r e s s . Wahine lawelawe, kuene wahine. waiver. Ho'ole 'ana. w a k e . 1. Awaken. Ala. To awaken someone, ho'ala. To wake suddenly, puoho. To wake up the child, ho'ala i ke keiki. Wake, it is light, it is bright ( UL 197), e ala, ua ao, ua malamalama.
war club. See club.
w a r d . 1. Fend o f f . Pale, ho'opale. Also: kupale, palekana, hoaka; ho'ohelhei (as sorcery); kolulu (obs.). Warding o f f , pale 'ana, papalena. Ward off clubs, 'dniu la'au. 3 . Person under guardianship. Mea ho'okahu 'ia. 3. Precinct, '¿pana.
w a v e watch or clock, papahola. 3. Guardianship. Uwaki. To stand watch, ku uwaki. w a t c h f u l . Maka'ala, miki, maka'ina. Watchful eyes, maka kilo, w a t c h m a n . Kia'i, ku uwaki. Watchman's stand, pa kia'i. w a t c h t o w e r . Hale kia'i, 'tmaka. w a t e r . Wai (fresh; various kinds, PE 3b9-35Z); kai (salt). To water, ninini wai, ho'okahe wai, ho'okahekahe wai, ho'okele wai. Spring water, wai puna, wai mapuna. Water source, mano wai, >o'o wai, makawai. Abundance of water, lau wai, awe wai. Charged water, wai pipi'i, wai pi'ipi'i. Flowing water, wai kahe, wai auha. Faucet water, wai piula. Ice water, wai hau. Potable water, wai manalo. Brackish water, wai kai, wai 'awa'awa. Polluted water, wai pilopilo. Sparkling water, wai lohia. Agitated water, lapa wai, pu'ewal. Water rights, kuleana wai. One in charge of water rights, kahu wai. To sprinkle with water, pi wai. To mix with water, as poi, ho'okele wai; emowai ( Kauai). To water at the mouth, moni ka ha'ae. To backwater in a canoe, ho'emi hope i ka wa'a. A water game, poha kihelei. A water toy, ko'ie'ie. Water given by Kane and Kanaloa, spring water, water to drink, water for power, water for life, may there be life ( UL 258), 1 ka wai kau a Kane me Kanaloa, he wai puna, he wai e inu, he wai e mana, he wai e ola, e ola no. See
w a r d e n . Kahu malama pa'ahao {prison); kahu malama 'apana (district); kahu. w a r d r o b e . Na 'a'ahu apau (clothes); ke'ena waihona 'a'ahu (clothes closet). w a r d r o b e m i s t r e s s . Wahlne malama kapa. w a r d r o o m . Ke'ena; lumi 'alna o na ali'ikoa. w a r e h o u s e . Hale ukana, hale ho'ahu. w a r l i k e . Punl kaua, makekau. w a r m . Mahana, pumehana^ .Aiso: hahana^hana, hanahana, mehana, ho'omahanahana, mahanahana, ho'opumehana, k5hanahana, puwelawela, 'owela, 'oikUki, larda, kohea, heahea, 'aheahea, m u l e . ' o h e a . Warm over a fire, ho'omahana, lala, 'olanl. Warm spring, wai welawela. Warm aloha, aloha pumehana. See h o t . w a r m t h . Mahana, pumehana.
warn. A'o.
w a r n i n g . A'o 'ana. Siren warning of disaster, oeoe ha'lna popilikia. w a r p . 1. Contract. 'A'apu, napa. Also: 'a'api, nenehu, napai, hualala, ehipa; popoli, manawai (obs.). 2. Lengthwise threads. Ma'awe loloa. 3. Nautical. Hekau, kaula ho'okolo rnoku. war p a r t y . Pu'ulu kaua, kaua. w a r r a n t . 1. Document. Palapala, palapala kl'I, palapala ho'oko. Bank warrant, palapala klko'o. Blanket warrant, pila kiko'o ho'ohuihui 'la. Warrant for arrest, palapala ho'opi'l, palapala hopu. 2. See j u s t i f y , w a r r a n t officer. Ali'ikoa uku. w a r r i o r . Koa. pu'ali. Fip.: au (strong); moa mahi, lehua, kapi'i; lau 'aua (experienced). Leader of warriors, papa po'o. Special warriors in Kamehameha's time, klpu'upu'u. God of warriors, Lono-maka-ihe. For savings, see c r a b ; PE holopapa 2, 'olelepa, pukd. w a r s h i p . Moku kaua, manuwa, 'ilio 'aukai. w a r t . 'Ilikona, pu'u. W a r w i c k . Waleweki. w a r y . 'E'ena, 'ahe. Also: ualehe (as a fish); a i ka 'upena, pa 1 ka makau (PE pa); klkamu, 5'eno (rare). was. No equivalent; see b e ; PE ua. w a s h . Holoi. To have washed, pretend to wash, ho'oholol. To wash clothes, holoi lole. To wash hands, holoi lima, w a s h b a s i n . Ipu holoi, ipu 'au'au, ipu wai 'au'au, po'i wai holoi. w a s h b o a r d . Papa holoi. w a s h c l o t h . Kawele holoi. w a s h e r . Pihipihi palpu. w a s h i n g . Lole holoi (clothes). w a s h i n g m a c h i n e . Mikini holoi. w a s h i n g s t i c k . Hohoa (beating). W a s h i n g t o n . Waklnekona, Wasinetona. w a s h o u t . Lilo i ka wai. wash p a n . Pa kini holoi. w a s h t u b . Kapu wai, kapu holoi. wasp. Hope-'5; kopena (yellow); nalo-lawe-lepo (mud). Slender abdominal stalk on body of wasp, pu'ali. waste. Ho'omaunauna, ho'opau, 'uha'uha. Also: ho'omauna, mauna, 'uha, kae; — away, emi, heki'i, ma-ilo, ho'omailo, maio, ho'omaio.ho'okllo, mae. Waste matter, na mea 'lno, 'opala, moka. To eat wastefully, 'ai 'uha'uha. To waste food, ho'opau 'ai (fig., worthless person). To waste time, ho'opaumanawa, 'apa, no'opaulina, ho'opaulinalina. w a s t e b a s k e t . 'Ie 'opala. wastrel. 'Uha'uha. w a t c h . 1. Observe. K i a \ ho'okia'i; ka'aka'a (rare). Watch carefully, nana pono, maka kilo, kilo, hakakaupili. Watch or you'll be hurt, malama o pa (PE pi). 2. Timepiece. Uwaki. uaki. Wrist watch, uwaki pulima. Face of a
coconut, waterfall, water bottle. Hue wai, ipu wai. water bubble. Hu'a o ka wai. w a t e r buffalo. Pipi Pake, water colors. Pena ki'i.
water container. Ipu wai. watercourse. Holowai. See ditch, sluice, w a t e r cress. Leko^ Kinds:
leko-'ele'ele, leko-
ke'oke'o, 'ihi-ku-kepau, pa'ihi. w a t e r f a l l . Wailele; — trickling, as down a cliff, wai hi (also: 'ohawai, hei, wai paihl). Upsidedown waterfall, wai puhia. w a t e r gourd. Hue wai, nuku-pueo.
water hole. Lua wai, ki'o wai, 'ele.
w a t e r l e m o n . Liliko'i, lemi-wai, lani-wai, lemona. W a t e r l o o . Wakalu, Watalu. w a t e r m a s t e r . Luna wai, kahu wai. w a t e r m e l o n . Ipu (various kinds, PE 96-97); ipu-haole. ipu-huluhulu, ipu-oloolo, ipu-po'okanaka, kani'o.
water meter. Ana wai.
w a t e r pistol. Pu kiki wai. w a t e r polo. Polo wai. waterproof. Komo 'ole ka wai. w a t e r spirit. Mo'o, mo'o kiha. w a t e r s p o u t . Waipu'ilani, waiko'ihi; pulehu (obs.). waterway. Alawai, makawai. w a t e r wheel. Huilawai. w a t e r works. 'Oihana wai. w a t e r y . Howai, kakale, kalekale, kele wai. Also; ho'okakale, ukalekale, 'okalekale, hokale, kele, kelekele, halahalawai, kewai, holowai, wawai, 'ohulu, palake. To make watery, ho'okalekale, kaiaka, piholoholo. w a t t l e s . Lepelepe, 'olo, 'a'ali;lepe,kQepe (turkey). wave. 1. Ocean. Nalu, 'ale; nanu (variant). To orm waves, nalu. High waves, kai pi'i, eaea, luia, nalu pu ki. Breaking wave, nalu ha'i, kai po'i; papakolea (obs.). Receding wave, kai emi, kai he'e, nalu miki. Long wave, nalu kua loloa, lauloa, 'onaulu loa. Waves that rise and fall without breaking, nalu 'aid. Wave that breaks diagonally, nalu ha'i lala. Broken section of wave, nalu muku, muku. Rough wave, nalunalu. Base of a breaker, honua nalu. Bend of a wave, 'opi nalu. Tip of high waves, hokua. A long-backed wave from the open sea, he 'ale kua loloa no ka moana (a boast). See s u r f , swell 2, tidal wave.
w a v e r
wed. See marry.
2. Motion. Ani, pe'ahi, ani pe'ahi; welo, 'owelo, kowelo, kalepa, kalepalepa (as a flag). Also: ho'ani, ho'ali; ho'okolili, kapalili (shake); konlni, kuehu, pulelo, holu, bolunape, kiani. Long may it wave, e ani mau loa ia.
w e d d i n g . M a l e 'ana. Wedding feast, 'aba'aina male. Come to our wedding, hele mat 'oe 1 k o maua male 'ana. w e d g e . Unu, makia: pewa, kepa. kepakepa (as for mending bowls); — by force, kihakahaka. w e d l o c k . N o h o male, nohona male. To live with a mate out of wedlock, moe mau, noho manuahl. W e d n e s d a y . P o ' a k o l u . Ash Wednesday, Po'akolu K a u L e h u . w e e . ' U k u li'i, 'uli'i. Also: pu'uku'uku. 'anall'i, kanali'l, kakanali'i, 'a'anali'i, makall'i, maiki; unana (obs.). w e e d . Nahele, nahelehele. Also: ma'au, kukanawao. Choked, as by weeds, kabihi. To weed, waele, wawaele, wele, welewele, welehia^ au, emu, ka'i, mahl waena, 'oheu, kibeu, kaheu, 'ola'o, 'ola'ola'o; olohl'o (obs.). w e e k . Pule, hepekoma. Next week, keia pule a'e. Week after next, keia pule a ' e a la pule aku. Last week, keia pule aku nei. Week before last, keia pule aku nei a ia pule aku.
waver. See hesitate, wave,
w a v y . 'Anu'unu'u, 'api'ipi'i, pi'ipi'i, nalu, ho'ali. Wavy hair, lauoho pi'ipi'i lau nut. w a x . 1. To increase. Mahuahua, ho'onui. See m o o n . 2. Substance. PQali. pilali palolo. Wax seal, to seal with wax, uwepa. See b e e s w a x , e a r -
w a x f l o w e r . Pua-hoku-hlhi. w a y . 1. Route. Ala, ala hele, alanul; ala w a ' a (canoe). Miss the way, lalau, balaki. This way and that way, i 'o, i 'o. 2. Manner, custom. ' A l i o , 'ao'ao, kuamo'o. Way of life, nohona. That way, pela. This way, penef. w a y l a y . P o w a , ho'ohalua; kimopo (at night). w a y s i d e . K a p a alanul. w e . K&ua (dual, inclusive); kakou_ (plural, inclusive); maua (dual, exclusive); makou (plural, exclusive). w e a k . N a wall wall; lahilahl (as coffee). Also: palupalu, nawall, ' o m a ' l m a ' l , ikalka 'ole, uwauwall, hawali, 'owall, 'omali, lule, malule, ha'lmalule, hemo, puhemo, jpalalu, halalu; ' o h e m o (as from dysentery); hakalalii (as from age or sickness); 'a'allna (as a fat person); kololu, nanaiea, puanaiea, pinauea, panauea, hlni, 'uhiniplll, 'unlhipili, nanahe, bakaka'e, hakaneno, panana, 'onana, mahaha, aheahe, nlnole, halina, kole. kunahlhl, manu'u, kahau, m a ' a w e , kuhelahela, 'alalehe, hanewanewa, nawele, pualnawele, puhalu, 'ohea, 'a'alole, holili, pulewa. Obs.: mabu, h o ' o m a n e w a n e w a , ubanui, ubeule, piloli, pelu'e, nlpolo, pake. Too weak to stand alone, hlnape. Weak-voiced, leo lkl, bano plio, pihano. w e a k e n . Ho'onawaliwali, ho'omalule. Also: ho'omamae, ho'onanawau. w e a k l i n g . 'Omali, 'opalupalu. For sayings, see
weekday. La noa.
w e e k l y . I keia me keia pule, keia pule keia pule; puka pule (as a journal); ma ka pule, w e e p . U w e ; u w e helu (and wail in mourning); makena (lamentation); loku. The heavens weep, the land lives, u w e ka lanl, ola ka honua. In poetry, rain and tears symbolize weeping. For saying, PE mUmane. w e e p i n g w i l l o w . Wilou-lohaloha.
weevil. Mu.
w e f t . K o a n a ; alokahi (single); alolua (double); makall'i (narrow); kaku (working); kamoe (recumbent). To add a new weft, haunu. w e i g h . K a u paona, ana kau maha. ana paona, mahlkl. To weigh anchor, buki 1 k e heleuma. w e i g h t . K a u m a h a , ana kaumaha, paona, weka, kau paona; k o ' l k o ' l (fig.). Metric weight, ana mekela. To lose weight, ho'eml, eml pu. ho'owiwi. To gain weight, ho'onui na paona, polapola. Weighted down, kau i ka m e a kaumaha: mauha'allna, pohaku (rare). Weight lifting, pohaku ho'oikalka. What is your weight? E h f a ou paona? weighty. Ko'lko'l {profound). w e i r d . A n o , 'e'ehla, aiwaiwa. w e l c o m e . Heahea. There no equivalent to the English; one may say hale: he hale ko'u, I have a house (Z always am welcome there). Call of welcome, heahea, kahea, pa kahea. To welcome guests, ho'okipa 1 ka malihinl. Welcoming song, mele komo. You are welcome, he m e t lki, he mea 'ole (lit., a little thing, nothing; modern). Expression of welcome: should/the desire /rise and come to the land, there is a house, poi, fish for you, the land is for you, 1 ku a hele mal 1 ka 'aina, he hale, he 'ai, he i'a nou, nou ka 'aina. To wear out a welcome, uluhua i ka pina'i. Welcome/ E k o m o m a l ! M a i l H e mal! w e l d . H o ' o p a ' a hao, ho'oku'i. Weld silver, ku'i kala.
banana, spider, tattler,
w e a l t h . W a i w a i , lako, loa'a. Source of wealth, kumu waiwai. To cloak wealth, 'aweka. w e a l t h y . See r i c h . For saying, see eel. w e a n . Ukubl (as a child). w e a p o n . Mea-kaua, mea make, mea pepehl kanaka, mea ho'eha. Coming prepared for war, long spears, short spears ('elau, the), clubs, shark teeth, daggers, feather cloaks, helmets, all weapons (For. 5:311), hele me ka makaukau no k e kaua, ka pololu, ka 'elau, ka ihe, ka newa, ka niho mano, ka paboa, ka 'ahu'ula, ka mahlole, na mea make apau loa. See c l u b , d a g g e r ,
shark, sling, spear,
w e a r . K o m o ; — a skirt, pa'u; — a hat, papale, papale 1 ka papale; — finery, kahiko; — well, pa a. To wear out, as old clothes, k o m o ma'u'a. w e a r i n e s s . Luhi. Weariness is released, there is peace, ku'u ka luhi, ua maha (of death). w e a r i s o m e . Maluhlluhl, manaka, makoea, uiha, maka'ele'ele. w e a r y . Luhi, maluhlluhl, pa'a luhi, pauaho. Also: luhi hewa, luhlna, moluhl, uluhua, ho'ouluhua, kunewa; heha (following sexual gratification): ma'Hha, uiha. 'alnea, una, kena, ikllki, auka. Obs.: maika, po'ana, po'le'ie. w e a s e l . M u k u e l a , mutuela. w e a t h e r . K e 'ano o ka m a n a w a ; au (rare). There is no general name; the type of weather may be specified, as in this saying: Kikl mal ka malie, a blkl mal no ka 'ino, fair weather comes, storms come too. Forecast of weather, wanana 1 k e an o ka manawa. weatherboard. Kuapo'l. w e a t h e r e d . Lolea, nalukai. w e a v e . See p l a i t . A l s o : lino, k a m o l a (tie, twist). w e b . ' U p e n a , hihi. Spider web, 'upena nananana, >unanana, punawelewele. Weblike, 'uhlnl, puanawale.
w e l f a r e . P o n o , pomaika'i. Public welfare, pono o ka lehulehu. Spiritual welfare, pono 'uhane. Welfare committee, komike ola. w e l l . 1. Good. M a i k a ' i , pono. He is well, malka'l 'ola. He works well, hana maika'i 'ola. Well done, m o ' a le'a (cooked); maika'i ka hana (well executed). 2. Source of water. L u a w a l , wal 'ell. Artesian well, luawai anianl. To well up, as tears in eyes, malo'l, halo'l, 'ale. 3. Exclamation. 'A! w e l l - b e i n g . Ola, maika'i, pono, ahona. W e l l i n g t o n . Wellnakona, W e l l n a t o n a . w e l l - k n o w n . ' I k e nui 'la, kaulana.
well-off. See rich. W e l s h . Wale, welt. Mo'ali.
w e r e . No equivalent; see b e ; PE ua, e (vert) W e s s e i . W e k e k a , Weseka.
whitewash w e s t . K o m o h a n a . Rare: hlkimoe, kane'ene'e, 'elehonua. For saying, see L e h u a . W e s t e r n H e m i s p h e r e . 'Ao'ao-komohana. W e s t I n d i e s . 'Inla-komohaiia. W e s t m i n s t e r . Wekaminlka. W e s t V i r g i n i a . Wilikinla-komobana. w e t . Pulu, pulu pe, raa'u, 'elo. Also: h o ' o m a ' u ' u , pele'u, ho'ou, ho'u, no'u, 'elo'elo, ho'e'elo, kele, kele lua, kllipohe; palapi (as green wood\; hakukele, halahalawai, p a n o p a ' u , p a n o ' u n o ' u , 'ue'uele, 'uhe. Wei and softened with mist or rain, nolu ehu. Wet with cold, kawau. Wet bundle, as of laundry, pop5 pulu. Symbolic connotations of wet are similar to those of rain. w e t n u r s e . K a h u walu, k a h u wale, pollwaiu, walu; nu'a-kea (for chiefly infants). w h a c k . Kanono. See b e a t , w h a l e . Kohola, palaoa. To whale, 'o kohola. w h a l e b o a t . Huelopokl. W h a l e t o o t h . N l h o palaoa. Whale tooth washed ashore, palaoa pae. Whale-tooth pendant, lei palaoa. Convex curve of lower portion of whaletooth pendant, alelo. w h a l i n g . ' 0 kohola. Whaling ship, moku 'o kohola. w h a r f . Uwapo. w h a t . 1. Relative pronoun. Mea. I don't know what he wants, 'a ole au 1 'Ike 1 k a n a m e a 1 m a k e m a k e ai. 2 . Exclamation. K e u a, a u w e . What a nuisance! He keu a k a ho'oluhl! 3 . Interrogative. Aha (idioms, PE 4-5)? H e a h a (things)? 'O wai (names, persons)? Pehea? What is thai? He a h a kela? What has he cot? What's his opinion? What business is it of his (sarcastic)? H e a h a kana? What of it? H e a h a la mea? What kind of . . . ? H e . . . aha? For what? To what? 1 k e aha? What are you doing? E a h a a n a 'oe? Lest what? O aha? Lest what happen? O a h a ' i n a ? To ask what, aha. What-d'you-call-it, mea. What time is it? Hola 'ehla? What page? K a ' a o ' a o 'ehla? K a 'ao'ao hea? w h a t e v e r . N a mea, n a m e a like 'ole, ala, pehea. Whatever you ask I'll do, na m e a au e nol mal net, 'o au e hana. See s p i t e , w h a t s o e v e r . N a mea like 'ole. Any whatsoever, 'a'ohe pllo. W h e a t . H u l k a , huapalaoa, palaoa. w h e e d l e . N e ho'ohune, ho'omallmall. Bragging and wheedling, k e a nui, ke a lki (PE 3). w h e e l . Hulla, p o k a k a ' a . Water wheel, huilawal. Disc wheel, hufla kaulike. Wheel axis, lho huila. Ferris wheel, hulla ponluniu. Wheel chair, noho hulla. To wheel a wheel chair, ho'oholo i k a noho hulla. w h e e l b a r r o w . Huilapalala, huilabalala, hullapalela. Wheelbarrow race, helhei huilapalala. w h e e z e . Han5, ho, huene, hanopllo. Obs.: pohano, hoholea. w h e n . 1. Declarative past. I k a m a n a w a . . . 1, 1 k a wa . . . i, i . . . ka h a n a ; 1 (PE i5). When you lived at Kailua, 1 k a m a n a w a ou 1 noho ai 1 Kailua; 1 kou m a n a w a i noho ai I Kailua. When he looked down (For. 4:ZZ5), a i n a n a iho k a h a n a . 2. Declarative future. I k a m a n a w a . . . e, 1 k a wa . . . e, ke, a, aia; hele (PE hele 3). When he arrives, a hiki mai ia; ala hiki m a i 'ola; k e hiki mal 'oia. When I, ia'u. 3 . Interrogative future, ¿ h e a ? I k a m a n a w a hea . . . e? I k a w& h e a . . . e? 4. Interrogative past. I n a h e a ? I k a m a n a w a hea . . . 1? I ka wa hea . . . 1? w h e n c e . 1. Declarative. N o laila, m a i laila. 2 . Interrogative. N o hea? M a i h e a mai? w h e n e v e r . Ala no, aia a, 1 k a wa, 1 k a m a n a w a . Whenever finished, ask again, aia no a pau, noi hou mai. w h e r e . X. Declarative. Kahi. 2 . Interrogative. Ala i hea? 'Auhea? Ai hea? M a h e a ? I hea? H e a ? Where is the place to go? ' A u h e a k a h i e hele ai? From where? M a i hea mai? N o hea? w h e r e a s . N o k a mea, 'oial.
w h e r e b y . M a m u l i o, m a m u l i o ia mea. w h e r e v e r . M a n a w a h i a p a u , m a kahi. Wherever you go, m a k a h i au e hele a k u ai. w h e r e w i t h a l . K a m e a ; k a m e a e hlki ai (lit., the thing able to do with). w h e t h e r . I n a . Whether . . . not, ina . . . 'ole. Whether you work or don't work, ina. 'oe e h a n a a e h a n a 'ole. Whether it rains or not, ina o ua, a ua 'ole. w h e t s t o n e . Hoana. w h i c h . 1. Declarative. K a m e a 1, k a i (past); k a mea e, ke (future). The thing which he will see, k a mea ana e 'ike a k u ai. The thing which he saw, k a m e a a n a i 'ike ai. Which is often untranslated: the house which, was sold, k a hale 1 k u ' a i 'ia. See w h o . 2 . Interrogative. Hea? K a mea hea?
whichever. Ka mea no.
w h i f f l e . P u n o h u , 'lolo. w h i l e . 'Oiai, 'oi, i, i k a m a n a w a , i k a wa. While I , ia'u. A while ago, a k u nei. To while away the time, h o ' o h a l a m a n a w a ; k u k a h e k a h e (pleasantly). While there is time, 'oi ola honua. See a s , d u r i n g , w h i m . M a n a ' o ulu wale, h f o . w h i m p e r i n g . Uwe, nene. w h i n e . ' U h i ' u h i (as a child); 'owe (as a bullet). w h i n n y . Ihihl. w h i p . H a h a u , hau, uhau, uwepa, huipa, 'uwi'uwi; will m a w a h o (as in sewing machines). Flexible hand whip, u w e p a klani. To whip, h a h a u , hau, uhau, haua, hill, hilikua; kawelowelo (as a flag in the wind). To whip gently or pretend to whip, ho'ohili. w h i p l a s h . ' O m u a (for dart throwing). w h l p s a w . P a h l olo lua. w h i r . Kapalulu, kanl. w h i r l . Nlniu. Also: ho'oniu, ho'oniua, p5niu, k a k a ' a , puhihlo. heheo, mllo, mlmllo, milomllo, wlli'okal, p o k a k a ' a , 'onlu, nlu, niuniu. w h i r l p o o l . Wiliwai, mlmllo. w h i r l w i n d . Puahlohlo, m a k a n l will, w h i s k . P u e h u , lawe hlklwawe. w h i s k b r o o m . Piilumi ehu lepo. w h i s k e r s . ' U m l ' u m l . To shave whiskers, kahi 'umi'uml. w h i s k e y . Wekeke, waikeke. w h i s p e r . Hawanawana, hawana, hamumu; hopilo (obs.). Kawaihae, whispering sea, K a w a i hae, k a i h a w a n a w a n a . w h i s t . 'Uwiki; k a m a u (probably). W h i s t l e . Hokio, hokioklo (with lips); pio (with fingers); hokio pueoeo (with hands): h u (as wind or top); oeoe (as siren); 'ulili, hulill (as of bamboo or police). Gourd whistle, hokioklo. To play the hokioklo,_muki. Ti-leaf whistle, pu la'i. Sound of whistle, o. w h i t . H u n a , kiko. W h i t e . Ke'oke'o, ke'o, kea; h i n a (of hair). Also: hakea, lakea, palakea, kuali, huall, aliali, a'ia'i, h u a k a ; lawa, u a k e a (as a cock); u a k e a (as mist, snow). White-haired, hina, 'ahina, ko'okea, po'o kea, go'o ke'oke'o, po'o hina. White of an egg, k a u w o ke'oke'o, ewe o k a h u a m o a . White-hot, lehuli'u. White mixed with a darker color, lawaa'ea'e. White and encrusted, kuakea (salty deposits). White-spotted, nokea. White of a blind person's eye, m a k a l ' a . White tapa, ninikea. White muslin, ke'oke'o (usually followed by maoll, pia or wai). White lime, hawena. Whitecaps, 'ale k u a k e a , p a p a k e a . White-beaked, nukea. w h i t e m a n . Haole, 'ilipuakea; hauhole (slang). To act like a white man, to ape white people or assume superior airs,_ ho'ohaole. Sayings about white men: haole kl kolea (PE kdlea); 'elelu kea, white cockroach (insulting); see p l o v e r , s a l m o n , w h i t e n . Ho'oke'o, h o ' o k u a k e a , ho'okuall, ho'aliall, ho'a'la'i. w h i t e w a s h . P a ' l p u n a , puna, h a m o p u n a , p a l a i n a >una, h o ' a ' l a ' i ; no'ohuie (keep opponent scoreess, slang).
w h i t h e r
whither. See where,
w i l e . H a n a ma'alea. w i l l . 1. Testament. K a u o h a , palapala ho'ollina, palapala kauoha. To make a will verbally, kaulana'olelo. To will, ho'Ili, ho'oili. 2. Desire. M a k e m a k e , mana'o. Thy will be done, e mälama 'ia kou makemake. 3. Verb markers. E . . . ana (Suture); e (imperative). I will go, e hele aku a n a au. See be. w i l l f u l . N a ' a u ho'oki'eki'e, uhu. Also: uaua, kunono, ho'ohuki, koe'ä, kä'ape, ho'olana, hanaea. w i l l i n g . Makemake, 'olu'olu. w i l l o w . Wilou. W i l m i n g t o n . Wilemikona, Wilemitona. w i l t . Mae. Also: kämae, 'ölala, laumeki, min. miomio, luhe, loha, 'ömali, mä. mamake, 'äheahea, make wale; nikipa'u (obs.) See w i t h e r . The fl«wer that never wilts, ka pua mae 'ole. Win. Lanakila, eo, loa'a, puka. w i n c e . 'E'eke. w i n d . 1. Air movement. M a k a n i (various kinds, PE £10). Variable wind, makani p&lua. Fair wind, makani 'olu'olu^ peawlui. Wind p u f f . 'önini. Wind-borne, pa makani, mäpu, lele, küpani, kö. Icy wind, hau'oki. Sound of wind, wi. Blowing of wind, j>a, loku. Gust or draft of wind, feihio, kikiao, kuhewa; limu (obs.). Windresisting, kumakani. Strong wind, makani ikaika, makani pähili. Increase or rising of wind, ulu, pehuea. Stormy wind, 'ena makani; puku kälina (poetical). To turn into the wind, ho'opi'i, k a ' a l u n a ; kupapaula (obs.). Northeast trade wind, Moa'e, A'e, Moa'e-ku, Moa'e-pehu, Moa'eLehua, A'e-loa, Kaomi, Noe. Southerly or leeward wind, Kona. Usual wind of a place, makani kama'äina. God of winds, La'amaomao. Winds associated with places: Ala-'eli (Manoa, Honolulu); 'Ähiu (Kahana, Oahu); 'Ala-honua, 'A'ala-honua (Hilo) ;Kuehu-lepo (Kau'); 'Äpa'ap a ' a (Kohala); K i p u ' u p u ' u (Waimea, Hawaii); Pu'u-lena (Kilauea, Hawaii); Ala-hou (Molokai); Kaua-'ula (Lahaina, Maui); Kili'o'opu, 'Akipohe (Waihe'e, Maui); Ka'ula (Pöhakuloa, Maui); Kä'ili-aloha (Kipahulu, Maui); Ala-'oli (Puna, Kauai). For other winds associated with places, see For. 5:93-103. Some other winds: 'Ai-loli, 'Ai-maunu, Amu, 'Aoa, 'Aoa lae-nihi, 'Ao'aoa, ' E ' a , 'E'eka, 'Ehu-kai, 'Eke'eke, Haunone, Holo-po'opo'o, Ho'oheu, Ho'olapa, Ho'olua, Huehu, Huli-alo-pali, I'a-iki, Ihu-anu, 'Imi-hau, Inu-wai, Ka'ele, Kaiäulu, Kakea, Kepia, Kihae-lä'i, Kili'opu. Klli-poe, Kiu, Kiu-inu-wai, Kiu-kal-nui, Kiu-ke'e^ Kiuwal-lehua, Koholä-lele, Koi-pali, Kolo-'apu'u-
w h i t i s h . Ha'akea, hakea, hakeakea. w h i t t l e . Kalakalai, kolikoli. Much whittling, nicked product, nui kalakalai, m a n u m a n u ka loa'a (PE kalakalai). w h i z . Kapalulu; — by, puhalahio, halahl. W h o . 1. Declarative. I, e, nana. The one who did, ka mea i, ka i, kai. The one who will, ka mea e, ke. See w h i c h . 2. Interrogative. Wai? 'O wai, na wai (subject, PE wai 5)? Ia wai (object)?
whoa. Ku. whoever. Ka mea no.
w h o l e . Holo'oko'a, ka'oko'a, 'oko'a, pa'a. Whole note in music, hua 'oko^a. Whole number, helu 'oko'a. To bake whole, kalua pa'a. W h o l e s a l e . K u ' a i nui, kujai ka'oko'a, kuka'a. Wholesale clothing, lole k u k a ' a . Wholesale buying, kii'ai kuka'a, ku'ai nui. w h o l e s o m e . Pono no ke olakino. w h o l e s t e p . Kanipiha (music).
whom. Ia wai.
w h o o p . ' 0 , ho'oho; 'ea (rare). w h o o p i n g c o u g h . Kalea, kunu-kalea.
whore. See prostitute,
w h o r l s h . Kuakalikea. W h o s e . 1. Declarative. Nona, nana. The _man whose hat was taken, ke k a n a k a nona ka papale i lawe ia. 3. Interrogative. N a wai, no wai? w h y . 1. Declarative. Ke k u m u , ka mea. 2. Interrogative. Aha? N o ke aha? I ke aha? He mea a h a ? Hea? Why not? Hea? Kaino? Kainoa? Why don't you come? Kaino ho'i e hele mai 'olua? Why go? I aha ai ka hele 'ana? Why indeed! He a h a iho la! No ke aha lal w i c k . 'Uwiki, kaula ahi. w i c k e d . 'Ino, h a n a 'ino. Also: 'ino'ino. 'aia, haihaia, kua'lno, pupuka, hewa, kina. To act wickedly or presumptuously, ' a ' a hewa, 'a hewa. w i c k e r . 'Ie. Wicker chair, noho 'ie. w i d e . Akea, laula. Also: palaha, palahalaha, palala, kilaha, moana, moanaana, peleleu. w i d e n . Ho'olaula. W i d e s p r e a d . Laha, laulaha (prevalent); waiho kahela (spread out). w i d o w . Wahlne kane make, w i d o w e d . Kane make, w i d o w e r . K a n e wahlne make, w i d o w h o o d . Nohona k a n e make, w i d t h . Akea, laula. Width of mesh or pandanus plaiting strips, koana. Wield. Ka'a, hahau, 'oniu. To wield a war club, k a ' a la'au. Wield power, noho mana, ho'ohana i ka mana. w i e n e r . Na'aukake. Wife. Wahine. Also: wahine male, pillalo, hanau k a m a , kahi. Fig.: lei, hulllau. His wife, k a n a wahine. To take as a wife, ho'owahine. Wife of a chief, haku wahine. Wife other than your own, ali'i wahine (polite term). Common-law wife, wahine manuahl. w i g . Lauoho ku'i, ohoku'i. See s w i t c h , w i g g l e . 'Oni'oni. See s q u i r m , w i g w a m . Wikiwama. w i l d . 'Ahlu, hihiu. Also: hae, makanahele, hewahewa, 'e'ena, 'eno, io'ena, hanahihi, ku kakalaioa, makapa, 'a'alaioa. Wild pig, p u a ' a 'ahlu, p u a ' a makanahele. Papaya growing wild, mlkana makanahele. To let a garden grow wild, ho'omakanahele. To act wild, as a frightened animal, ll'o. w i l d e r n e s s . Wao akua, wao nahele, nahele, ulunahele. w i l d - g o o s e c h a s e . H a h a i loa'a 'ole; pi'i ka lapa m a n u 'ole (climb a ridge without birds). For sayings, PE 'ala'ala-pu-loa, manu. w i l d n e s s . Haena. See w i l d .
Kona-hili-mal'a, gu'u, ;ona-mae, Kona-moe,
Kona-ku, Kona-lani, Ko'olau-wahine, Kuamu, Kuehu-kai, Ku'i-a-maninl, Ku'i-Lehua, Külolio, Ku-ma-kua, K u m u - m a ' o m a ' o , K u ' u a n u , Lani-ku'u-wa'a, Lawakua, Lele-ku'1-lua, Leleuli, Lili-lehua, Lü-hau-pua. Lü-pua; M a ' a ' a CA'a); Ma'a'a-kua-lapu, Ma'a'a-pa'imalau, Malailua, Malanai, Malua, Mälua-hele, Mäluakele; Malua-ki'i-wai (UL Ilk);Malualua, Miunuunu, Mikioi, Moani-'ala, M u k u , M u m u k u , 'Ö-lau-niu, One-hall, 'O'opu, Pa'alä, Pa'ala'a, Pahele-hala, Pakaiea, P a p a ; Pu'u-pele (Pu'ukapele); 'Okiu, 'Okiuklu, Ulu-mano, Unulau, Wai-'opua, Wai-pao. See b r e a k w i n d . 2. To twist. Will, wini, pöka'a, ka'a, pö'ai (twine); koke'e (obs.); — around, ko'ai; — or set, as a clock, kl. w i n d b r e a k . Kumakani, pälulu, pälulu makani. Obs.: p a ' a m u a , hono-makanl. w i n d i n s t r u m e n t . PQ kani. To play a wind instrument, player of a wind instrument, puhi 'Ohe; ho'ohillu (obs.). w i n d l e s s . Pohu, lQlä. w i n d m i l l . Will makani, huilawai; 'ena makani (rare). w i n d o w . Pukaaniani, puka hale, puka makani.
See curtain,
w i n d o w sill. Paepae pukaaniani. w i n d s h i e l d . Pale makani, pälulu.
world W i n d s o r C a s t l e . Kakela Winikoa, Kakela Winisoa. w i n d w a r d . 'Ao'ao Ko'olau, 'ao'ao makani, na'e. w i n d y . Makani, 'ohio, puhoho. The windy cloud, ke ao makani. w i n e . Waina. Wine-colored, 'ea'ula. Wine press, kaomi waina. w l n e b l b b e r . Pakele inu waina. w i n e g l a s s . K i ' a h a inu waina. w i n g . 'Eheu; m a h a (of flying fish). Wing feathers, hulu 'ekekeu. Wings, 'ekekeu, pekekeu, eheheu. Wing on stem of plant, molina. Wing of house, paku'i. Wing of army, mahele, lala. To stretch or flap wings, ho'eheu. To spread wings or tail feathers, ka apeha. w i n g e d , 'fiheu. w i n k . 'Imo, ho'imo, '»mo, 'awlhi. w i n n e r . Mea lanakila, mea eo. w i n n i n g s . Puka, loa'a. To take or grab, as winnings, hului. w i n n o w . Kanana, kalana. Also: pe'ahl, lulu, w i n t e r . Ho'ollo (for saying, PE 76); ho'Qo, kau anu. w i p e . Kawele, holol. ho'okawele; k a ' a ( K a ' u ) ; k a ' a malo'o: haleu (as with toilet paper). w i r e . Uwea. Wire screen, uwea h a k a h a k a . Telephone wire, uwea kelepona. Chicken wire, uwea maka 'upena. Telegraph wire, uwea 'olelo. Smooth wire, uwea poepoe. Barbed wire, uwea kuku. w i r e g r a s s . Manienie-ali'i. w i r e l e s s . Uwea 'ole. Wireless message, 'olelo uwea 'ole. W i s c o n s i n . Wikoneklna, Wikonesina. w i s d o m . Na'auao. Also: mall'u, lae, ihupanl, mahao'o, lawa. Spirit of wisdom, m a n a ' o akamai. Torch of wisdom, l a m a k u o k a na'auao. w i s e . Na'auao, no'eau, mahao'o, ihupanl. To pretend to be wise, ho'olae. For saying, see t e r n , w i s h . Makemake, ake, 'i'ini. Dream of a cherished wish, moemoea.
war w o m a n . Wahine (various kinds, PE 349). Chiefly woman, ali'i wahine, h a k u wahine. Woman easily taken, panoa. To behave as a woman, ho'owahine. Unattractive woman, lau'au'a. Fig. references, see c a n o e , g o u r d , s h a r k . Also see
old woman, women,
w o m a n l i n e s s . Wahine. w o m b . Pu'ao, 'opu, waihona keiki, pupu'u, a'a. Orifice of womb, lapa. Fallen womb, pu'ao pelu. w o m e n . Wahine. The women, na wahine, ka po'e wahine. w o n d e r . Kahaha, paha'oha'o, aiwaiwa, ha'oha'o. Also: makahehi, n i n e . To arouse wonder, ho'oha'oha'o. To look, as in wonder, maka leha. A wonder, he mea 'e. w o n d e r f u l . Kupalanaha, kupanaha, kamaha'o, kamahoi, mea 'e, aiwaiwa. To be or do something wonderful, ho'okamaha'o. w o n d r o u s . K a m a h a ' o , oki, oki pau. w o n ' t . 'A'ole e. w o o . Ho'oipo, ho'oipoipo, ho'onipo, ho'opilipili. w o o d . L a ' a u (various kinds, PE 174-175). w o o d b o r e r . Huhu-pao-la'au (of a slanderer, defamer). w o o d e d . P a ' a p u 1 k a ulu la'au. w o o d e n . La'au, papa. Wooden building, hale la'au. w o o d p i l e . P u ' u wahie, paila wahie. w o o d r o s e . Pili-kai. w o o d s . See f o r e s t . w o o d y . La'au. w o o f . Ma'awe pokopoko. w o o l . Hulu, pili. Sheep wool, hulu hipa. Wool on base of tree-fern leaf stalks, pulu.
wool carder. Koe.
w o o l e n . Huluhulu. W o r c e s t e r s h i r e . Wolekeka, Woreseta. w o r d . 'Olelo, hua'olelo, hua, lokou. Word-ofmouth, ha'i waha. Wordplay, ho'opilipili '51elo. Words of a song, h u a mele. I give my word, ke ho'opa'a nel au i k a ' u 'olelo. Life is in the word, death is in the word, i k a 'olelo no ke ola, i k a 'olelo no ka make (saying). w o r d y . Ho'onui 'olelo. w o r k . Hana. Work with hands (manual), h a n a lima. Tedious, prolonged work, pa'u hana. Unusual or rare work, hana hihiu. Work section, mahelehana. Work for a chief, ko'ele, Po'alima. To work hard, ho'oikaika, ho'ikaika, h a n a 'o'ole'a, p a ' a u a ; p u ' a k a (obs.). To look for work, hull hana. To work aimlessly, uselessly, h a n a wale. To work together, ho'olaullma, huki like; kuahui, kawao (rare). To put to work, ho'ohana. To work slowly, h a n a lohi, ho'onone, kalana'e. Working bit by bit, mikole. No work is leftl 'A'ohe nana i koe I Get going with the work, ' a ' a k o aku i ka hana (also PE hoe). For sayings, PE pa'i 5; pi. w o r k b e n c h . P a p a hana. w o r k d a y . La hana. w o r k e r . K a n a k a hana, limahana. pa'ahana. Fellow worker, hoa hana, hoa pa'ahana, hoa luhi, hoa lawehana, kahi. Feast for workers, 'aha'aina maka luhi. w o r k m a n . P a ' a h a n a , lawehana. w o r k m a n s h i p . 'Ano o ka hana. Good workmanship, no'eau ka h a n a 'ana. Poor workmanship, kapulu ka h a n a 'ana. w o r k p r o g r a m . P a p a hana, kuhikuhl hana. w o r k s h o p . Ke'ena hana, hale hana, hale pa'ahana, wahi hana. w o r l d . Ao, honua. Beginning of the world, k u m u honua. World's fair, ho'lke'ike honua nui. w o r l d l y . Punl 1 ko ke ao nei, pili kino, w o r l d w a r . K a u a honua. World War I I , K a u a Honua 'Elua.
wishbone. Iwl 'o.
w i s p . Uahi iki (as smoke); ehu (as mist, spray); ma'awe lki (as hair). w i t . 1. Sagacity. Akamai, na'auao. 3. See w i t t y , w i t c h . No exact equivalent; k u p u a . w i t c h c r a f t . H a n a mana, ho'okalakupua. See
w i t h . Me. To associate with, be with, pill. With me, me a'u. With him, me ia. He went with Ku, hele laua 'o K u ; hele 'oia me Ku. w i t h d r a w . 1. Go back. E m l hope, ho'i, ho'oka'awale, kuemi, ha'alele. 2. To take back. Unuhi. Withdraw money, unuhi kala. w i t h e r . Malili. Also: 'omino, homi, molili_, 'olili, palakai, ka'e'e, mae, mamae, 'omi, 'omimi, mlmi, mimino, lutae. See w i l t , w i t h h o l d . 'Au'a, lau'au'a, kaohi, ho'api, pa'a. w i t h i n . I loko, maloko. w i t h o u t . Nele, 'ole, ka i ka nele loa. w i t n e s s . Ho'ike, ho'ike p a ' a (as in court). To witness personally, 'ike maka. w i t t i c i s m . 'Olelo ho'aka'aka, 'olelo ho'omake'aka. w i t t y . Ho'omake'aka, hu'eu, laupa'apa'ani, ho'oka'au. w o b b l y . Kulanalana. Also: polokake, paloke, poloke, palokeloke, kaupe. w o e . Popllikia nui, k a u m a h a nui. Also: walanla, walawalania, walenia, wawalania, welenia. To relate woes, 'dhumuhumu. Woe! Auwe! Woe is met ' E h i a ua mea aloha, 'o waul Auwe ho'i aul
See grief, rain,
w o e f u l . Lu'ulu'u, k a u m a h a , uwe. w o l f . 'Ilio hae, 'Dio hihiu hae, lupo.
w o r m
wreath. Lei. See lei.
w o r m . Ko'e, ilo. Annelid worm, muiona. Small worm in sand, moe-one. Worm offal, popopo. Worm-eaten, huhuhu. A worm shell, po'apo al.
w r c c k . Wäwähi (break);
See shipwreck,
See army worm, bristle worm, cutworm, maggot, measuring worm, plnworm.
w r e n c h . Will, hao will (tool). See s p r a i n ,
wrestler. Mea häkökö.
w o r m y . Hollo, huhuhu. w o r n - o u t . 1. As a garment. 'Apulu; kahiko (.old); pawelu (ragged):_ 'alu'a (faded); 'unae (as a mattress). Also: aleuleu, paleuleu, 'u'a, kolo'u'a, lu'a, lohelau, pane'e, po'ie'le, pau ka pono. 2 . a person. Maluhiluhi,_pauaho, paki, mauole, lohelau. For saying, see HIlo. w o r r i e d . Piholhoi, pono 'ole ka mana'o. Also: niniu, nu, ho'onu, kapau'u, worry. Ho'opihoihoi, piholhoi o ka na'au, po'o nui. Marks of worry, as on the face, kahakahana kaumaha. Without worry, lana ka mana'o, loli'l. Don't worry, mai ho'okaumaha. worse. 'Oi aku ka 'lno. To grow worse, ho'olawehala. w o r s h i p . Ho'omana, haipule, pule; kakua (especially with food offerings). Image worship, ho'omana ki'l. Place of worship in a private house,
w r e s t l i n g . Häkökö. Hand wrestling, uma, pa'a uma, hulnalima. Sitting wrestling, häkökö noho, kula'i wäwae, kulakula'l. Standing wrist wres-
tling, pä uma. See fight,
w r e t c h . Lapuwale. Also: kümahumahu kole. limalima pilau, käpi pua'a. w r e t c h e d . Kaumaha, lu'ulu'u, 'Ino'ino. wriggle. 'Oni'oni, ueue, wilinau. w r i n g . 'Uwl, 'ul, 'üki, 'üpi: hüpf (obs.); — out, käwi, köwi. Wring the neck of a chicken, will i ka 'ä'i o ka moa.
wringer. Mea 'uwi.
w r i n k l e . Minomino. Also: 'a'apu, 'anuhenuhe, ho'o'l'ika; — the nose, hö'ekeke'l, pu'e'eke, ihu 'e'eke; — the eyelids, mioioi. w r i n k l e d . Minomino. Also: 'alu'alu, 'alu'a, pi'alu, hälu'a, lu'a, 'änuhenuhe, mino, mimino, pakalua, 'ömlno, 'opi, 'aua, 'uka, 'a'aka, 'öpukupuku, pukupuku, pakapaka, 'öpakapaka, päkäeaea, luluml. Obs.: päka, kolepela'alu. wrist. PQlima. Wrist Joints, pu'ulima.
kua'aha. See church, helau.
w o r t h . Waiwai, waiwai T o , waiwai kaulike, kupor.o, minamina. w o r t h l e s s . Lapuwale. Also: 'ole loa, hua 'ole, 'uka, 'ala'uka, hana, kole ka 'aka, pawelu. For
wrlstbone. Ku'eku'e.
sayings, see liver, mat, pebble, rotten, sea cucumber, waste; PE mai'a.
wrist watch. Uwaki pQlima.
w r i t . Palapala, palapala ki'l. Writ of error, palaala kuhikuhi hewa, palapala ha'i a kuhikuhi
w o r t h y . Kupono, pono. w o u l d . No equivalent term, and no conditional mood. English conditionals may often be translated by ina (for examples, PE infi). w o u n d . Palapu. Also: po'ohu. napele, paopao, nahoa, aleafe, poaleale. To wound, ho'eha, ho'owalania. Your love keeps wounding me, manuwa wale mat ana no la'u ko aloha (PE manuwS.).
woven. Ulana 'ia. See plait, weave,
Uluulu, 'apuni; kole ka waha
kole). See bicker,
ho'opö'ino, ho'opahu'a.
Eewa, palapala ha'i hewa. See habeas corpus,
w r i t e . Kakau, käkau lima, palapala, kauhua. w r i t e r . Mea käkau. Writer of stories, käkau mo'olelo. Writer about chiefs, kakau ali'i. w r i t h e . Ka'ariini, laumilo, ka'awili, napanapa, will, wilinau, külapa, küpaka; wllimo o (as a reptile). writing. Palapala, käkau. Writing desk, papa palapala. w r i t t e n . Käkau lima (by hand). Written message, 'elele waha 'ole. wrong. Hewa, pono 'ole, pa'ewa, 'olalau. To do wrong, hana hewa. To be in the wrong, ku i ka pilikia. To ao wrong, hele hewa. To cause one to do wrong, no'ohewa. To abet in doing wrong, kökua hewa. w r o u g h t . Hana 'ia. What hath God wrought (Numbers 23:Z3), kupaiauaha ka hana 'ana a ke Akua.
w r a p . 1. Bind. Wahi. Also: lauhulu, laulau, kama, kipola, kapola; — around, klpunl: — wet, as laundry, popo pulu. 2 . Garment. 'A'ahu, kuka. w r a p p e r . Wahi, palaulau, palau, kipola, laulau. Paper wrapper, wahi pepa. w r a s s e s . Hinalea (various types, PE 66). Also: 'a'awa (various kinds, PE 3); po'ou, 'opule, 'aki-lolo, pa-niho-loa.
wrath. Inalna. See anger.
Wyoming. Walomina.
year. Makahtkl. New Year, Makahikl Hou. Leap year, makahiki lele 'ol, makahikl la keu. Happy New Year, Hau'oll Makahiki Hou. yearling. Pipi kolo (beef). yearly. Makahikl, kümakahlki, 1 kela me keia makahikl. y e a r n . Ake, 'i'ini, nipo, ninlpo, nlponlpo, ll'a, ha'e, 'iloli. ho'iloli. y e a s t . Ho'ohü, hü. yell. 'Uwa, ho'oho; 'ea (.rare). yellow. Melemele, lena, 'dlena, 'Slenalena, lenalena. Also: malena, pualena, kamalena, mele, memele, púa hau; pala (as leaves). Pale yellow, halena, pla, hepia. Golden yellow, pala lunlehu, na'u. Reddish-yellow, pala 'ehu. To begin to turn yellow, ha'ama. yellowish. Halenalena, hálelo, 'ano melemele. Also: lelo, polena, mea; kehue (as soil). yellow J a c k e t . Hope-'o. yellow red. 1 Ula lena. Yellow S e a . Kal-melemele. yelp. 'Alala, 'alali. yes. 'Ae, 'e; o (giving permission); eo (in answer to a call by name, or to acknowledge a name chant in one's honor); u (signifying listening). yesterday. Nehlcet, inehlnel. Day before yesterday, nehinel a la la aku. y e t . 1. Still. Koe, na'e. Not yet, koe 'a'ole. 2. See b u t . yield. 1. To produce. Hua, ho'ohua; hua loa'a. 3. To agree. Ae, ku'u. y l a n g - y l a n g . Lanalana. yoke. Kua. Also: 'auamo, lei. To yoke or harness together, kaulua. Ox yoke, kua plpl, lei pipi, yokefellow. Hoa pa'ahana. yolk. Kauwo melemele (of an egg). yonder. 'O, 1 'o, ma'5. Y o r k t o w n . Iokakaona, Iokataona. y o u . 'Oe (singular); 'olua (dual); 'oukou (plural); kena; lü (rare). Vocative, e, 'ea. You here (sometimes affectionate), eia nei. You over there, eia ala. For, by you, nau. To, toward you, nou, 1 ou, la 'oe. y o u n g . 'Opio, 'Spioplo. Also: kiokio; kaekae (as a woman); mo o, mo'omo'o, alapu'u; 'ouo (of animals); 'ohua (of certain fish); 'olio (as of 'o'io or eel). Young people, po o 'opiopio, po'e u'l. younger. Muli, mull iho, hope, 'dpio. Younger branch of family, mu'o. youngest. Hope loa. muli loa. Y o u n g Feople's C h r i s t i a n Endeavor S o c i e t y . 'Ahahui 'Opiopio 'Imi Pono o Karlsto. y o u n g s t e r . Kelki, 'opio, 'oha. y o u r . 1. Singular possessed object, singular. Kou (o-class); kau (a-class); ko (neutral class). 3. Singular possessed object, dual. Ko 'olua tocia»)," ka 'olua (a-class). 3. Singular possessed object, plural. Ko 'oukou (o-class); ka 'oukou (a-class). 4. Plural possessed objects, singular. Ou (o-class); au (a-class). S. Plural possessed objects, dual. O 'olua (o-class); a 'olua (a-class). 6. Plural possessed objects, plural. O 'oukou (o-class); a 'oukou (a-class). For other uses of k-less (zero-type) possessives, PE xz. yours. Nou, no 'olua, no 'oukou, nau, na 'olua, na 'oukou. See y o u r , PE xx. yourself. 'Oe iho, 'oe pono'i. See bone, y o u t h . 1. Individual. 'Opio, 'opiopio. Also: u'l, 'ouo, ohl; liko (fig.). For sayings, see b u o y a n t , c o c k , m o r n i n g . 3. Time. Wa 'opiopio, wa u'i. Also: wa heu 'ole; 'ehu kakahlaka. Se« m o r n i n g ; PE liko. y o u t h f u l . 'Opiopio, u'l, 'ouo.
X. No Hawaiian term. X - r a y . Nana 1 loko o ke kino. X - r a y m a c h i n e . Mikinl nana ia loko o ke kanaka.
y. No Hawaiian term. y a c h t . Moku pe'a. yak. Iaka. y a m . Uhl (Oceanic; various kinds. PE 336-337; not to be confused with sweet potato). Also: palau, ulehlhl, ho'onohonoho, lehua, pi'a, ponl, laha, ni'ihau, 'alela, uhi-'alela. Bitter yam, boi; pi'oi (Kauai). Yam pudding, plele. yard. 1. Unit of measure. Ia, iwllei, glo. 3. Spar. Ia. 3. Enclosure. Pa. House yard, pa hale, yardstick. La'au ana. y a r n . 1. Spun material. Paniani, Iopl huluhulu. 3. Story. Kole, mo'olelo. yawn. Hamama, ho'ohamama. yaws. See ulcer, ye. 'Olua, 'oukou.
z. No Hawaiian term. zeal. Mana'o lkalka, 'l'tnl loa. zebra. Kepela, kuaka. zebu. Kepu. zenith. Ho'oku'l, lolopua, Kahikl-kapu-i-H51anlke-ku'ina; hlklaloalo, wekea (oi>s.). For example, PE haidwai. zephyr. See breeze, zero. 'Ole. zigzag. KIke'eke'e, klhlklhi, ma'oi'ol, ho'oke'eke'e. To go ziaiag, ho'okike'e, kanall'o. ZiQiao lines, lalna ho oke'eke'e, kike'eke'e. zinc. Klni. zinnia. Pua-plhi. Zlon. Kiona. Ziona. Zizanla. KIkanla. zodiac. Koklaka, ho'lke no ka helena a ka la. zone. Ka'ei, wahi 1 ho'oka'awale 'ia, mahele. zoo. Kahua ho'lke'lke holoholona, kahl lio'lke'ike holoholona. zoology. 'Ike no'eau 1 ke 'ano o na holoholona. zoom. Holo kapalulu. Zurich. Kullka, Zurika.
ally preceded have
an initial
by a glottal eliminated
substitutions English,
These as
orthography. letters
see Introduction
name is
with established
Andre. Anakale, Anadare. Andrew. Analu (not Biblical); Anekelea, Anederea (.Biblical). Andros. Anekaloka, Anedarosa. Anselm. Anakelemo, Anaselemo. Anthony. Akoni, Atonl; Anakoni, Anatoni (Catholic). Apollo. Apolo. Appolyon. Apoluona. Archibald. Ake. Archie. Ake. Ariel. Aliela, Ariela. A r m a n d . Amana; Alemana, Aremana. Artemas. Alekema, Aretema. Arthur. Aka, Ata. Asa. Aka, Asa. Aser. Akela, Asera. Ashur. Akela, Asera. Aubert. Aupeleke, Auberete. Aubrey. Aupele, Aubere. August. Aukake, Augate. Augustine. Aukukino, Augutino. Augustus. Aukukeko, Auguseto. Aurellus. Aulelio, Aurelio. Aymar. Alma. Azarlab. Akalla, Azaria. Ballam. Pala'ama, Balaama. Barnabas. Palenapa, Barenaba. Barsabbas. Palekapa, Baresaba. Bartholomew. Palekolomaio, Baretolomaio. Bartlmaeus. Pakimea, Batimea. Basil. Pakile, Basile. Belshazzar. Pelehakala, Belehazara. Ben. Peni, Beni. Benedict. Penekiko, Benedito. B e n j a m i n . Peni'amina, Beniamina. Bernard. Pelenalako, Berenarado (Catholic); Pelenako (not Catholic). Bethuel. Pekuela, Betuela. Bill. Pila. Bob. Same as Robert. Bonaventure. Ponawenekula, Bonavenetura. Boniface. Ponlpake, Bonlfake. Boyd. Poe. Bruce. Puluke, Buruse. Bruno. Puluno, Buruno. Caesar. Kaikala, Kaisara. Calaphas. Kai'apa. Cain. Kalna. Calus. Kaio. Caleb. Kalepa, Kaleba. Calvin. Kalawina, Kalavina. Carrolus. Kalolo. Caslmlr. Kasimilo. Casper. Kakapa, Kasapa. Cecil. Kekila, Kikila. Cedrlc. Kekelika, Kederika. Celestlno. Kelekino, Keletino. Cephas. Kepa.
letters. letters and PE
follow For for xvii.
Aaron. Ä'älona, Aarona. Abel. Apela, Abela. Abelard. Apelaka, Abelada. Abiah. Apia. Abla. Ablatbar. Apiakala, Apiekela. Ablatara. Ablhu. Aplhu. Abibu. Abljah. Api'la, AbUa. Ablnadab. Apinakapa, Abinadaba. Ablram. Apllama, Abirama. Ablshal. Apikal, Abisal. Abner. Apenela, Abenera. Abraham. Apelahama, Aberahama. A b r a m . Apelama, Aberama. Absalom. Apekaloma, Abesaloma. Adam. Akamu, Adamu. Adonljah. Akoni'ia, Adonila. Adonlram. Akonllama, Adonirama. Adrian. Akiliano, Adlriano. Adrlel. Akellela, Adertela. Agrlppa. Akelipa, Ageripa. Ahab. Ahapa, Ahaba. Abasuerus. Ahakuelo, Ahasuero. Ahaz. Ahaka, Ahaza. Abazlah. Ahakia, Ahazia. Ahlah. Ahla. Ablmelech. Ahimeleka. Aladdin. Alakana, Aladana. Alan. Same as Allen. Alban. Alepana, Alebana. Albert. Alapaki, Alabati. Alberto. Alepako, Alebato. Alex. Allka. Alexander. Alekanekelo, Alekanedero. Alexis. Alekl. Alfred. Alepeleke, Aleferede, Alapal. Allen. Alena. Aloysius. Aloikl, Aloisl. Alton. Alekona, Aletona. Alvln. Alewina, Alevina. Ambrose. Amapoloklo, Amaborosio. Amos. Amoka, Amosa. Ananias. Anania. Anastasius. Anakakio, Anatasio.
Charles. Kale; Kalolo, Karolo (Catholic). Christopher. Kilikikopa, Kirisitopa. Chrysostrom. Kalekokome, Karesotome. Cicero. Kikelo, Sisero. Clarence. Kalalena, Kalarena. Claude. Kalauka, Kalauda. Claudius. Kelauklo, Kelaudlo. Claus. Kalauka, Kalausa.
C l e m e n t . Kelemeneke, Kelemenete. C l i f t o n . Kallpekona, Kalifetona. C o n s t a n t l n e . Konekäkino, Konesatino. C o r n e l i u s . Kolenelio, Korenelio. C r l s p u s . Kelikepo, Kerisepo. C y p r l n u s . Kipiliano, Kipiriano. Cyrll. Kllila, Kirlla. C y r u s . Kulo, Kuro. D a m a s i u s . Kamaklo, Damasio. D a n . Kana, Dana. D a n a . Kana, Dana. D a n i e l . Kanlela, Daniela. D a r i u s . Käliu. Dariu. David. Kâwika, Davida; Kawiki. D e m l t r l u s . Kemlklllo, Demitirio. D e n n i s . Kenika, Denlsa. Dick. Same as R i c h a r d . D l o n l s l u s . Kienlkio, Dionisio. D o m i n g o . Kominiko, Dominlgo. D o m i n i k . Kominiko, Dominlko. D o n . Kona, Dona. D o u g l a s . Koukalaka, Dougalasa. D w l g b t . Kuaika, Duaita. E b e n . Epena, Ebena. E b e n e z e r . Epenekela, Ebenezera. E d g a r . Ekeka, Edega. E d m o n d . Ekemona, Edemona; Ekumena, Edumena. E d w a r d . Ekewaka, Edewada; Ekualo, Eduaro (Catholic). E d w i n . Eluene. Ailuene. E l e a z a r . Eleakala, Eleazara. Ell. Eli. Ellezer. Eliekera, Eliezera. E l l h u . Elihü. E l i j a h . Elia. E l l s h a . Elikai, Elisai. E l m e r . Elema. Elroy. Eleloe, Eleroe. E l t o n . Elekona, Eletona. E m m a n u e l . Emanuela. E n o c h . Enoka. E n o s . Enoka, Enosa. E p h r a i m . Epelaima, Eperalma. E r a s m u s . Elamo, Eramo. E r a s t u s . Elakeko, Eraseto. E r i c . Ellka, Erika. E r n e s t . Eleneki, Erenetl; Eneki, Eneti. E s a u . Ekau, Esaù. E t h a n . Ekana, Etana. E u g e n e . Iukini, Iuglnl. E u s e b i u s . Eukeplo, Eusebio. E u s t a c e . Eukakio, Eutakio. E v a r l s t u s . Ewaliko, Evarito. Ezeklel. Ekeklela, Ezeklela. E z r a . Ekela, Ezera. F a b i a n . Papiano, Fabiano. F a u s t l n u s . Paukekino, Fausetlno. Felix. Pelike. Felike. F e r d i n a n d . Peleklnako, Feredinado. F l o y d . Poloika, Fololda. F r a n c i s . Palakiko, Faraklko. F r a n c i s c o . Same as F r a n c i s . F r a n k . Palani, Farani. F r e d . Peleke, Ferede. F r e d e r i c k . Same as F r e d . G a b r i e l . Kapeliela, Gaberlela.
G a m a l i e l . Kamaliela, Gamaliels. G e l a s l u s . Kelakio, Oelasio. G e o f f r e y . Keopele, Geofere. G e o r g e . Keoki, Geogi. G e r a l d . Kelala, Gerala. G i d e o n . Klleona, Kikeona, Gideona. G i l b e r t . Kilipakl, Glllbati; Kiiipeka, Gllibeta. G l l m o r e . Kilemoa, Gllemoa. G o l i a t h . Kolla, Golia. G o r d o n . Kolekona, Goredona. G r e g o r y . Kelekollo, Geregorio. G u s t a v . Kukakawe, Gusatave. H a b a k u k . Hapakuka, Habakuka. H a g g a l . Hakal, Hagai. H a m . Hama. H a m a n . Hamana. H a n n i b a l . Hanlpala, Hanibala. H a n s . Haneke, Hanese. H a r a n . Halana, Harana. H a r o l d . Halola, Harola. H a r r y . Hale, Hare. H e c t o r . Hekeka, Heketa. H e n r y . Henele, Hanale; Heneli, Heneri. H e r b e r t . Hapaki, Habatl. H e r m a n . Helemano, Heremano. H e r o d . Heloke, Herode. H e z e k l a h . Hekekia, Hezekia; Hezekea. H i l a r y . HilaUo, Hllarlo. H i r a m . Hallama, Halrama; Hilama, Hirama. H o m e r . Homela, Homera. H o n o r l u s . Honolio, Honorlo. H o r a c e . Holeka, Horesa. H o r a t i o . Holakio. H o s e a . Bokea, Hosea. H o w a r d . Haoa. H u b e r t . Hupeka, Hubeta. H u g h . Hlu, Hluwe. H u g o . Huko, Hugo. H u m b e r t . Humepaka, Humebata; Humepeleka, Humebereta. I c h a b o d . Ikapoka, Ikaboda. I g n a t i u s . Ikenakl, Igenati. I n n o c e n t . Inokene. I r v i n g . Same as I r w i n . I r w i n . Iwini, Ivlni. I s a a c . Ika'aka, Isaaka (Biblical); Alkake (not Biblical). I s a i a h . Ikaia, Isaia. I s h m a e l . Ikema'ela, Isemaela. I s i d o r e . Iklkolo, Isldoro. I s r a e l . Ikela'ela, Iseraela. I v a n . Iwana, Ivana. I v a n h o e . Iwanaho, Ivanaho. J a c k . Keaka. J a c o b . Iakopa, Iakoba. J a e l . Ia'ela. J a m e s . Klmo; Iakopo, Iakobo. J a p h e t h . Iapeka, Iapeta. J a s o n . Iakona, Iasona. J a r e d . laleka, Iareda. J a s p e r . Iakepa, Iasepa. J e h u . Iehu. J e p h t h a h . Iepeka, Iepeta. J e r e m i a h . Ielemia, Ieremla. J e r o m e . Ielome, Ierome; Hieronimo (Catholic). J e s s e . Ieke, Iese. J e s u s . Ieku, Ieeu.
J e t h r o . Iekelo, Ietero. J i m . Kimo. J o a q u i n . Iökina. J o b . Iopa, l o b a . J o e . Keö. J o e l . Io'ela. J o h n . Keoni (not Biblical); I o a n e (Biblical). J o n a h . Iona. J o n a t h a n . Ionakana, Ionatana. J o s e . Hokè, Hose. J o s e p h . Iokepa, Iosepa; Iokewe, Ioseve (Catholic). J o s h u a . Iokua, Iosua. J o s i a h . lokia, Iosla. J o t h a m . Iokama. J u a n . Huanu. J u d a h . Iuka, l u d a . J u l e s . Klule. J u l i a n . Kullano. J u l i u s . Iulio. J u p i t e r . Iupika, Iupita. J u s t i n . Iukeklnl, Iusetini. J u s t i n i a n . Kuklnlano, Iutlnlano. K e l v i n . Kelewina, Kelevlna. K e n n e t h . Keneke, Kenete; Kenekl, Kenoti. L a b a n . Lapana, Labana. L a m e c h . Lameka. L a w r e n c e . Lauleneke, L a u r e n e t e ; Lowene. L a z a r u s . Lakalo, Lazaro. L e m u e l . Lemuela. L e o . Leone. L e o n a r d . Leonaka, Leonada. L e o p o l d . Leopolo. L e v i . Lewi, Liwai. L l b e r l u s . Lipello, Liberio. L i b e r t . Llpeleko, Libereto. L i n u s . Lino. L i o n e l . Laionela. L l o y d . Loeka, Loeda. L o r e n z o . Loleneko, Lorenezo. L o r l n . Lolina. L o t . Loka, L o t a . L o u i s . Lui. L u c i f e r . Lukipela, Lukipera. L u c i u s . Lukio. L u k e . Luka. L u t h e r . Lukeia, L u t e r à . M a h l o n . Mahelona. M a l a c h l . Malaki. M a l c o l m . Malakoma. M a n a s s e h . M a n a k e . Manase. M a n o a h . Manoa. M a n u e l . Manuela. M a r c e l l u s . Malakelo. M a r l o n . M a l i o n a , Mariona. M a r k . Maleko, M a r e k o . M a t t h e w . Makaio, Mataio. M a t t h i a s . Makia, Matia. M a x i m u s . Makimo.
M i k e . Same as M i c h a e l . M o h a m m e d . Mohameka, Mohameda. M o r d e c a l . Molekekai, Moredekal. M o s e s . Moke, Mose. N a a m a n . Na'amana. N a b a l . Napala, Nabala. N a b o r . Nahola, Nahora. N a p o l e o n . Napollana, Napollona. N a t h a n . Nakana, Natana. N a t h a n i e l . Nakana'ela. N e b u c b a d n e z z a r . Nepukaneka, Nebukaneza; Nebukadeneza. N e d . Noki, Nedi. N e h e m l a h . Nehemia. N e r o . Nelo, Nero. N i c h o l a s . Nikolao. N i c o d e m u s . Nikokemo, N i k o d e m o . N o a h . Noa. N o e l . Noela. N o r b e r t . Nolepeleko, Norebereto. N o r m a n . Nolemana, Noremana; Nomana. O b a d l a h . Opakia, Obadia. O b e d . Opeka, Obeda. O l i v e r . Oliwa, Oliva. O s c a r . Oka. O s w a l d . Okewoleka, Osewoleda. P a t r i c k . Pakelika, P a t e r i k a . P a u l . Paulo. P e d r o . Pekelo, Petero. P e r c y . Peleki, Peresi. P e t e r . Pekelo, P e t e r o ; P i k a (not Biblical). P h i l e m o n . Pilemona, Filemona. P h i l l i p . Pilipo. P h l n e a s . Pinehaka, Pinehasa. P i l a t e . Pilako, Pilato. P l u s . Pio. P o l y c a r p . Polikape. P o m p o n l u s . Pomeponio. P o t l p h a r . Pokipala, P o t i p a r a . P t o l e m y . Petolomai. Q u e n t i n . Ifuenekina, K u e n e t i n a . R a l p h . Lalepa, Ralepa. R a p h a e l . Lapa'ela, R a f a e l a ; Lapa'ele, Rafaele. R a y . Lei, Rei. R a y m o n d . L e i m a n a ; Remone. R e c h a b . Lekapa, Rekaba. R e g i n a l d . Lekinala, Reginala. R e h o b o a m . Lehopoama, R e b o b o a m a . R e u b e n . Le'upena, Reubena. R e u e l . Leuela, Reuela. R i c h a r d . Likeke, Rikeke. R o b e r t . Lopaka, Robata. R o b i n . Lopine, Robine. R o d n e y . Lokene, Rodene. R o g e r . L5kela, Rogera. R o l a n d . Lolana, Rolana. R o l i n . Lolina, Rolina. R o m e o . Lomlo, Romio. R o m u l u s . Lomulu, R e m u l u . R u f u s . Lupe, R u f e ; R u p o . R u p e r t . Lupeko, R u p e t o . S a l a t h i e l . Kalakiela, Salatiela. S a m s o n . K a m e k o n a , Samesona. S a m u e l . K a m u e l a , Samuela. S a u l . K a u l o , Saulo. S e b a s t i a n . Kepakiano, S e b a t l a n o ; P a k l a n a . S e r g l u s . Keleklo, Seregio.
M e l c h i z e d e k . Melekikekeka, Melokizedeka. M e l v t n . Melewlna, Mele vina. M e p h l b o s h e t h . Mepipokeka, M e p l b o s e t a . M e t h u s a l a h . Mekukala, Metusala. M l c a h . Mika. M i c h a e l . Mlka'ele, Mlkala. M l c h a l . Mlkala. M i c h e l l e . Mikala. M i g u e l . Mikuela, Miguela.
S e t h . Keka, Seta. S h a d r a c h . Kakelaka, Saderaka. S h e m . Kema, Sema. S i d n e y . Kikine. Silas. Klla, Sila. S i m e o n . Klmeona, Slmeona. S i m o n . Kimona, Simona. S l m p l l c l u s . Kimipilikio, Simipillklo. S o c r a t e s . Kokalake, Sokarate. S o l o m o n . Kolomona, Solomona. S t a n i s l a u s . Kanilao, Tanllao. S t a n l e y . Kanale, Sanale. S t e p h e n . Kepano, Tepano (Catholic); Kekepana, Setepana (Protestant). S t e v e n . Klwinl, Tivinl. T a r z a n . Kakana. T e d . Same as T h e o d o r e . T e r t l u s . Keleklo, Teretlo. T h a d d e u s . Kakalo, Tadalo. T h e o d o r e . Keokolo, Teodoro (Catholic); Keokoa, Teodoa. T h e o p h l l u s . Keopilo. Teopilo. T h o m a s . Koma, Torna; Kamaki. T i m o t h y . Kimokeo, Timoteo. T i t u s . Klko, Tito. T o b l a s . Kopla, Tobia. T o m . Koma, Torna. Tom Thumb, Koma Kamu. U l r i c h . Ulallko, Ulariko. Ulysses. Ulekl, Ulesl. U r i a h . Ulla, Uria. Uriel. Uliela, Uriela. T a l e n t i n e . Walenekino, Valenetino; Walekino, Walakino. V a l e r i a n . Waleliano, Valerlano. T e r n o n . Wenona, Venona. V i c t o r . Wikoli, Vitori. V l c t o r l n u s . Wlkollno, Vitorino. V i n c e n t . Winlkeneke, Vlnlkeneke. Virgil. Wilikllla. ViriglUa. W a l d e m a r . Waledema. W a l t e r . Walaka, Walata. W a r r e n . Walena, Warena. W l l h e r t . Wilipaki, WUlbati. W l l f o r d . Wilepoka, Wilefoda. W i l f r e d . Wilipeleke, Wiliferede. W i l h e l m . Wllehallama. W i l l a r d . Wilika, Wilida. W i l l i a m . Wiliama, Uilama. Willie. Wile. W U m o r e . Wllemoa. W l n f r e d . Winipeleke, Winiferede. Z a c c h a e u s . Kakaio, Zakaio. Z a c h a r l a s . Kakalia, Zakaria. Z a d o k . Kakoka, Zadoka. Z e b e d e e . Kepekaio, Zebedaio. Z e b u l u n . Kepuluna, Zebuluna. Z e d e k l a h . Kekekia, Zedekia. Z e p h e r l n . Kepelino, Zeferino; Kepilino. Z e r u b a b e l . Kelupapela, Zerubabela. Z o r o b a b e l . Kolopapela, Zorobabela.
Adella. Akela, Adela. A g a t h a . Akaka, Agata. A g n e s . Akeneki, Ageneti. A h l n o a m . Ahinoama. Ailene. Ailina. A l b e r t a . Alepeka, Alebeta. A l e t h l a . Alekia, Aletia. A l e x a n d r i a . Aiekanekalia, Alekanedaria. A l e z a n d r l n a . Alekanekelina, Alekanederlna. Alice. Aleka, Alesa. A l m a . Alema. A l m l r a . Alamila, Alamira. A l v l n a . Alawina, Alavina. A m a n d a . Amanaka, Amanada. A m e l i a . Amelia. A m y . Eme. A n a s t a s l a . Anakakia, Anatasia. A n d r e a . Anakalia, Aaadarla. A n g e l a . Anela. A n i t a . Anika, Anita. A n l t r a . Anikala, Anitara. A n n . Ana. A n n a . Ana. A n n a b e l l e . Anapela, Anabela. A n n e t t e . Aneka, Aneta. A n n i e . Ane. A n t o i n e t t e . Anakonia, Anatonia. A n t o n l a . Same as A n t o i n e t t e . A r a b e l l a . Alapela, Arabela. A s e n a t h . Akenaka, Asenata. A t h a l l a . Akalla, Atalia. A u d r e y . Aukele, Audere. A u g u s t a . Aukaka, Augata. A u r e l l a . Aulella, Aurella. A u r o r a . Alola, Arora. B a r b a r a . Palapala, Barabara. B a t h s h e b a . Pakekepa, Bateseba. B e a t r i c e . Peakalika, Beatarisa; Piaklllka, Blatirlsa. Becky. Peke. Bella. Pela, Bela. Belle. Same as Bella. B e r n a d e t t e . Pelenakeka, Berenadeta. B e r n a d l n e . Pelenakino, Berenadino. B e r n l c e . Berenike. B e r t h a . Peleka, Bereta. B e r y l . Pelulo, Berulo. B e t h . Same as E l i z a b e t h . B e t t y . Peke. B e u l a h . Peula, Beula. B l l h a h . PUeba, Bileba. B o n n i e . Poni. B r i d g e t . Piliklka, Blrigita. C a r l o t t a . Kaloka, Kalota. C a r m e l l a . Kamelia; Komela, Pua-komela. C a r m e n . Kalamela. C a r m l l l a . Kamlla. C a r o l . Kalola, Karola. C a r o l i n e . Kalolaina, K a r o l a i n a ; Kalalalna, Karalaina; Kealalalna. C a t h e r i n e . Kakalina, Katarina. Cecelia. KikiUa, Sisilia; Kekilia, Sesilia. C e l e s t l n e . Kelekina, Keletina. Cella. Kilia. C h a r l o t t e . Halaki, Harati; Kaloke, Kalote. C h l o e . Koloe. C h r i s t i n a . Kilikina, Kiritina. C h r i s t i n e . Same as C h r i s t i n a . C h r l s t o p h l n e . Killkiplne, Kirlsipine.
FEMALE NAMES Abble. ApI. Abigail. Apika'ila, Abigalla. A b l s h a g . Apikaka, Abisaga. A d a . Aka. Adelaide. Akelaika. Adelalda. A d e l i n e . Akellna, Adelina. 184
F l o r l n d a . Pelolina, Felorina. F r a n c e s . Palakika, Faraklka. F r e d a . Pelika, Ferida. G e o r g l a n a . Keokiana, Geogiana. G e o r g l n a . Keokina, Geogina. G e r t r u d e . Kekaluka, Getaruda; Kelekuluke, Gereturude (Catholic). G l o r i a . Kololia, Goloria. H a g a r . Hakala, Hagara. H a n n a h . Hana. H a r r i e t . Haliaka, Hariata. H a z e l . Hakela, Hazela. H e i d i . Heiki. H e l e n . Helena, Helene, Helina. H e l e n a . Helena. H e n r i e t t a . Heneliaka, Henerlata. H e p z l b a h . Hepeziba. H e r o d i a s . Helokia, Herodia. H e s t e r . Hekekela, Hesetera; Hekeka, Heseta. H e t t l e . Heke, Hete; Heki, Heti. H l l a r l a . Hilalia. H i l d a . Hileka, Hileda. H o p e . Mana'olana. H o r t e n s e . Holekeneke, Horeteueae. H u l d a . Huleka, Huleda. I d a . Aika, Aida. I n a . Aina. I n e z . Alneki, Ainesi. I r e n e . Ailina, Airina. Isabelle. Ikapela, Isabela. J a n e . Kini. J a n e t . Ianeke, Ianete. J e a n . Kini. J e n n i e . Kini. J e r u s h a . Keluka, Kerusa. J e z e b e l . Iezebela. J o a n . 15'ana, Koana. J o h a n n a . Id'ana, Koana. J o s e p h i n e . Iokepine, Iosepine. J u a n l t a . Wanika, Wanita. J u d i t h . Iukika, Iudita. J u l i a . Iulia, KuJia. J u l l a n n a . Kuliana. J u l i e t t e . Kuliana. J u n e . Iune. J u n o . Iuno. J u s t l n a . Iukikina, Iusitina. K a t e . Keke. K a t h e r l n e . See C a t h e r i n e . K a t h l e e n . Kakalina, Katalina. K a t i e . Keke, Kete. K e t u r a h . Kekula, Ketura. L a u r a . Lala, Lara. L e a h . Lea. L e n a . Lina. L e o n o r a . Leonola, Leonora. L e t l t i a . Lekikia, Letitla. L i b b l e . Lipe, Libe. L l b e r t a . Lipeka, Libeta. L i l l i a n . Liliana. Lily. Lilia. Lois. Loika. Loisa. L o l i t a . Lolika, Lolita. L o r e t t a . Loleka, Loreta. L o r r a i n e . Loleina, Loreina. L o u i s a . Luika, Luisa. L o u i s e . See L o u i s a . L u c i a . Lukia, Lusia.
C i n d e r e l l a . Kinikalela, Kinidarela. C l a r a . Kalala, Kalara. C l a r i c e . Kalalika, Kalarlsa. C l a u d i a . Kalaukia, Kalaudia; Kelaukla, Kelaudia. C l a u d l n e . Kalaukina, Kalaudina. C l e o p a t r a . Kaleopakala, Kaleopatara. C l o t i l d a . Kelokilaka, Kelotilada. C o b l n a . Kopina, Koblna. C o n s u e l o . Konokuelo, Konosuelo. C o r d e l i a . Kokelia, Kodella. C o r i n n e . Kolina, Korlna. C o r n e l i a . Kolenelia, Korenelia. C y n t h i a . Kinikia. Kinitia, Slnitia. D a g m a r . Kakama, Dagama. D e b o r a h . Kepola, Debora. D e l i a . Kelia, Delia. D e l l a h . Same as Delia. Delia. Kela, Dela. D e l p h l n e . Kelepine, Delepine. D e n l s e . Kenlke, Denise. D i a n a . Kiana, Diana. D i n a h . Kina, Dina. Dolores. Kololeke, Dolorese. D o r a . Kola. D o r c a s . Koleka, Doreka. D o r e e n . Kolina, Dorina. Doris. Kollka, Dorisa. D o r o t h y . Kolokea, Dorotea, Koleka. D r u s i l l a . Kelauklla. Derausila. E d i t h . Ekika, Edlta. E d n a . Ekena, Edena. E d w l n a . Eluina, Eluena. Ellene. Ailina. E l a i n e . Ileina. E l b e r t a . Elepeka, Elebeta. E l e a n o r . Elenola, Elenora; Elenoa. Eliza. Laika. E l i z a b e t h . Elikapeka, Elisabeta; Kapeka. Ella. Ela. E l l e n . Elena. E l m l r a . Elemila, Elemira. Elolse. Eloika, Eloisa. Elsie. Eleki, Elesi. Elvira. Elewila, Elewlra, Elevlra. E m e l l a . Emelia, Emalla. E m i l y . Emele. E m m a . Ema. E m m a l l n e . Emalaina. E r i c a . Elika, Erika. E r n e s t i n e . Elenekina, Erenetlna. Estelie. Ekekela, Esetela. E s t h e r . Ekekela, Esetera. E t h e l . Ekela, Etela. E u g e n i a . Iukinia, Iuginla; Iukina, Iugina. E u l a l l e . Ulalia; Iulalia. E u n i c e . Eunike; Iunia. E u p h e m l a . Eupemia. Eva. Iwa. E v a n g e l i n e . Ewanekelina, Evanegelina. Eve. Ewa. Evelyn. Ewallna, Evallna. F a i t h . Mana'o'i'o. F a n n y . Pane, Fane. F a u s t i n a . Paukekina, Fausetina. F i d e l i a . Pikella, FideUa. F l o r a . Polola, Folora. F l o r e n c e . Pololena, Folorena.
L u c i l l e . Lukila. Lusila. L u c l n d a . Lukina, Lusina. L u c y . Luke, Luse; Lukia. L y d l a . Lukia. Ludia; Lulia. M a b e l . Melpala, Meibala. M a d e l i n e . Makellna, Madelina. M a l v l n a . Malawina, Malavlna. M a m i e . Mame. M a r c e l l a . Makela, Masela. M a r g a r e t . Makaleka, Magareta. M a r g u e r i t e . Makalika, Magarita. M a r i a . Malaea, Maraea. M a r i a n . Mallana, Mariana. M a r i a n n e . Same as M a r y a n n . M a r i e . Malta, Maria.
P h l l o m e n a . Pilomena; Pilamina. P h o e b e . Po'ipe. P h y l l i s . Pllikl. P o l l y . Pole. P o r t i a . Polekia, Poretia. Prlscllla. Peleklla, Pereslla; Pereseklla. P r u d e n c e . Pelukena, Perudena. R a c h e l . Lahela, Rahela. K a h a b . Lahapa, Bahaba. R e b e c c a . Lepeka, Kebeka. R e l n a . Lelna. R e n a . Llna, Rina. R h o d a . Loke, Bode. R o b e r t a . Lopeka, Robeta. R o m e l l a . Lomella, Bomella. R o s a . Loka, Rosa. Rosabelle. Lokapela, Roaabela. R o s a l i e . Lokalia, Rosalia. R o s a m o n d . Lokamona, Rosamona. Rose. Loke, Rose. R o s e l l n d . Lokelina, Boselina. R o s e m a r y . Lokemele, Rosemere. R o s l n a . Loklna. R o w e n a . Lowena, Rowena. R u b y . Lupe, Rube. R u t h . Luka, Ruta. S a l l y . Kale, Sale. S a l o m e . Kalome, Salome. S a r a h . Kala, Sara; Kela, Sera. S a r a i . Kalal. S e l l n a . Kelina. S e r a h . Sera. S i b y l . Klpila, Slblla. S o n y a . Konla. Sonia. S o p h i a . Eopia, Sofia; Kopaea, Sofaea. S t e p h a n i e . Kekepanla, Setepania. S u s a n . Kukana, Susana. S u s a n n a h . Same as S u s a n . S u s i e . Kuke, Suse. S y b i l . Keplla, Seblla. S y l v i a . Kiliwia, Slllvla. T a b l t h a . Kapika, Tabita. T a l l u l a h . Kalula, Talula. T a m a r . Kamala, Tamara. T h e r e s a . Keleka, Teresa. T h e r e s e . Kelekia, Teresla. T h o m a s l n e . Komaklna, Tomasina. T r y p h e n a . Kelupalna, Terupaina. U l r i c a . Ulalika, Ularlka. U r s u l a . Ulukula, Urusula. V a l e r i a . Walelia, Valeria. V e r a . Wila, Vira. T e r n a . Welena, Vsrena. T e r o n i k a . Walonika, Varonika, Walanika, Welonika. V i c t o r i a . Wikolia, Vitorla. V i o l a . Walola. V i o l e t . Waloleka, Valoleta. V i r g i n i a . Willklnla, Viriglnia. V i v i a n . Wlwlana, Vlvlana. W l l h e l m l n a . Wllemlna. W i l l a. w n a . W i n i f r e d . Winlpeleke, Winiferede. T o l a n d a . Iolana. Y v o n n e . Iwone, Ivone. Z e n o b l a . Kenopia, Zenobla. Z i l p a h . Kilepa, Zilepa. Z i p o r a h . Kipola, Zlpora.
M a r i e t t a . Mellaka, Meriata; Maliaka, Marlata. M a r l l d a . Malllaka. Marllada. M a r i l y n . Melelina, Merellna. M a r l e n e . Malina. M a r t h a . Maleka, Mareta (Biblical); Malaka. Marata [Catholic). M a r t i n a . Malaklna, Maratina. M a r y . Malia, Maria (Biblical); Mele, Mere. M a r y a n n . Meleana, Mereana. M a y . Mel. M a y b e l l e . Meipela, Meibela. M e l i s s a . Melika, Mellsa. M e r c e d e s . Mekeke, Mesede. M i c h e l l e . Mlkala. M l l c a h . Mlleka. M i l d r e d . Millkeleka, MUidereda. M l l l l c e n t . Mllikena, Mllisena. M i l l i e . Mile. M i n e r v a . Minewa, Mlneva. M i n n i e . Mine. M i r i a m . Millama, Miriama. M o n a . Mona. M o n i c a . Monlka. M u r i e l . Miullele., Mluriela. M y r a . Maila, Malra. M y r n a . Milena, Mirena. M y r t l e . Makala, Matala. N a n c y . Nanekl. N a n e t t e . Naneka, Naneta. N a o m i . Naomi. N a t h a l i e . Nakell, Natell. N e l l . Same as Nellie. Nellie. Nele. N e t t l e . Neki, Neti. N i n a . Nina. N o r a . Nola, Nora. N o r e e n . Nolina, Norlna. N o r m a . Noma. O l g a . Oleka, Olega. Olive. Ollwa, Oliva. OUvla. Ollwia, Olivia. O l y m p l a . Olumepia. O r p a h . Orepa. O r p h a . Olepa, Orepa. P a m e l a . Pamila. P a n s y . Paneki. P a t i e n c e . Ahonui. P a t r i c i a . Pakelekla, Paterekla. P a u l e t t e . Poleke, Polete. P a u l i n e . Pollna. P e a r l . Momi. P e r s l s . Peleki, Peresi. P h U l l p a . Pillpa.
(Entries followed b y ellipsis p o i n t s (. . .) contain Hawaiian addition to those in t h e English-Hawaiian Dictionary.) abib. ' A p i p a , abiba. adjourn. . . . Ku'u, ho'oku'u, ho'onoa. bearer. . . . M a m a k a . beautify. . . . H o ' o n a n i n a n i . beaver. . . . Peawa, beava. b e d r i d d e n . . . . Waiho i kahi m o e . bison. Pipi k u a p u ' u . b o a r d of registration. Papa h o ' o p a ' a inoa, 'aha ' u a o . boatswain. Pokini. boatswain bird. Koa'e. b o o m (of a canoe). . . . 'Ekea. brackish. . . . Hukai, hukakai. budget. . . . M o ' o h e l u kala. canoe. . . . Parts: . . . 'Ekea (boom). chatter. . . . ' O h i p u a , 'ohikui. chestnut. . . . Pelane. chicken. . . . Moa ho'ohulihuli (cooked Modern. on a spit). Christmas Eve. Ahiahi Kallkimaka. cleptomania. K u k o 'aihue. compulsion. Kuko a ho'ok5. computer. Mikini h o ' o n o h o n o h o helu. Lit., machine setting figures. cord. . . . Koka (of wood). crusader. . . . Kulekia, kuresia. dare. . . . h o ' a ' a n o . deceit. 'Imi 'epa, 'apa'apa, nolu. See deceive, deceitful, encourage. . . . Paipai, hapai. etiquette. . . . Lula h o ' o k e o n i m a n a . expert. . . .Lehua. gospel. . . . 'Olelo maika'i. gossip. . . . Same as hearsay, hearsay. . . . L o h e 'olelo. hope. . . . ' A n o ' i ka m a n a ' o . judgment seat. Noho ho'okolokolo. juniper. . . . L o k e m a , r o t e m a . kin. . . . T o 'alaea. Kiwanis. Kiwani. kleptomania. K o k o 'aihue. Labor Day. L a n u i o na L i m a h a n a . licorice. Kanake 'ele'ele.
equivalents in
lopsided. . . . K a p a k e ' e . mandrake. . . .Hua k u k a i m a , hua kudaima. Mars. . . . Maleka, Mareka. Mercury. . . . Melekulia, Merekuria. methylated spirits. Mekulika, metulika. mini-skirt. Palekoki m u m u k u , palekoki m u ' e k e k e ' i . mound. . . . ' A p u ' u . muddy. . . . 'Okelekele. mulatto. Malaka. new year. Makahiki h o u . Ahiahi Makahiki New Year's Eve. Hou. nobody. . . .'Ole. Noel. Noela. notes (musical). K a n a w a i mele. overeat. . . . Ahu 'ai. perhaps. . . . Mea p a h a . postal department. 'Oihana leka. puzzle. . . . Pa'ani k o h o k o h o . rabbi. Lapi, rabi. rape victim. . . . L o l o l o k u k u i . ravine. . . . Pu'ali (grooved ravine). reef. 1. Coral.. . .Papa, laupapa, hapapa. resent. . . . H o ' o p u ' u . sapphire. . . . Kapeila, sapeira; kapila, sapira. Saturday. . . . K a k u k e , S a t u d e . Saturn. Kakulena, Saturena. sea cucumber. . . . K a ' u k a m a kai. Modern. sea horse. M o ' o lio. shamrock. 'Ihi-pua-kea. sharp. . . .'Oi (in music). Shiloh. Kilo, Silo. shoyu. Koiu. signet. A p o lima. soon. . . . As soon as . . . . i lawa no a. soy sauce. See shoyu. spread. . . . To spread, as butter, hapala, kapala, h a m o .
English-Hawaiian square. . . . H u i n a h a like, star. . . . Star name, H o k u - p o k a n o . stork. . . . Kekoleka, setoreka. striped. . . . Kahakaha loloa, 'oni'oni. stumble. . . . Hilikau na wawae. Sunday. . . . K u n e k e , Sunede. support. . . . Hapai. surrender. . . . Unconditional surrender, ha'awipio ' o k o ' a . swallow. 2. Bird. . . . Kelola, derora; kepola, zepora. taro. . . . Additional cultivars include ' a p u , 'ele'ele-makoko; lauloa qualified by 'ele'ele-'oma'o, 'ele'ele-'ula, palakea-'ele'ele, palakea-'ula, palakea-papamu; lehua-ke'oke'o, lehuamaoli, manini-'opelu, manini-'owali, niho-pu'u. Thummim. Kumima, Turima. Thursday. . . . Kaleke, Tarede. tidal wave. . . . Kai h o ' e ' e (incoming), kai miki (outgoing). toothpick. . . . ' O h i ' u niho, 'ohiki niho.
trend. ' A n o , au. Tuesday. . . . K u k e k e , Tusede. Urim. Ulima, Urima. useless. . . . H a k a n e l e . varicose veins. A'ahu'i. violin. . . . Pila k u o l o . water chestnut. Ulu-kai. wheelbarrow. . . . Ka'a huila kahi. wind. 1. . . . Puff of wind, ahe makani. worthless. . . . Hakanele.
ADDITIONAL GIVEN NAMES Antone. Akoni, Atoni. Clyde. Kalaila, Kalaida. Franklin. Pelanekelina, nekelina. Joaquin. . . . Wakina. Nicholas. . . . Nikolo. Sidney. . . . Kikane. Wanda. Wanaka.