Hamito-Semitic Etymological Dictionary: Materials for a Reconstruction (HANDBOOK OF ORIENTAL STUDIES/HANDBUCH DER ORIENTALISTIK) [n ed.] 9004100512, 9789004100510

The Hamito-Semitic Etymological Dictionary, a project in the making since 1986, is the first dictionary to reflect the v

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Hamito-Semitic Etymological Dictionary: Materials for a Reconstruction (HANDBOOK OF ORIENTAL STUDIES/HANDBUCH DER ORIENTALISTIK) [n ed.]
 9004100512, 9789004100510

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The paper in this book meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Orel, Vladimir E. Hamito-Semitic etyrnological dictionary : materials for a reconstruction I by Vladimir E. Orel and Olga V. Stolbova. p. cm. - (Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung, Nahe und Mittlere Osten, 0169-9423 ; 18. Bd.) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 9004100512 I. Proto-Mroasiatic language--Etyrnology-Dictionaries. 2. Mroasiatic languages-Etymology-Dictionaries. I. Stolbova. Olga V. 11. Title. III. Series: Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung, Nahe und der Mittlere Osten; 18. Bd. PJ994.073 1994 492--dc20 94-32911


Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufuahme Handbuch der Orientalistik I hrsg. von B. Spuler unter Mitarb. von e. van Dijk ... - Leiden; New York ; Köln: BrilI. Teilw. hrsg. von H. Altenmüller. - Teilw. mit Parallelt.: Handbook of oriental studies Abt. I, Der Nahe und Mittlere Osten - The Near and Middle East I hrsg. von H. Altenmüller ... NE: Spuler, Benold (Hng.); Altenmüller, Hanwig (Hrsg.); Handbook of orientaI studies

Bd. 18. Orel, Vladimir E.: Hamito-Semitic etymological dictionary. - 1994

Orel, VladiJnir E.: Hamito-Semitic etymological dictionary : materials for a reconstruction I by Vladimir E. Orel and Olga V. Stolbova. Leiden; New York ; Köln: Brill, 1994 (Handbook of orientaI studie. : Abt. I, The Near and Middle East ; Bd.18) ISBN 90·04-10051-2 NE: Stolbova, Ol'ga V.:; HST

ISSN 0169-9423 ISBN 90 04 10051 2 © Copyright 1995 by EJ. BrilI, Leiden, The Netherlands

All righ/s reserved. No part qf this publication may be reproduced, translated, s/ored in a retrieval -v'stem, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, pho/ocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior wntten permission .fom the publisher. Authorization /0 pho/ocopy itemsJOr interna10Tpersonal use is granted by EJ. Brill provided that the appropriateJees are paid directry /0 The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drioe, Suite 910 Danvers MA 01923, USA. Fees are suiject /0 change. PRINTED IN THE NETHERLANDS

And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech . .. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have alt one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be withheld from thern, which they have scherned to do. Come, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the Lord scattered thern abroad from thm upon the face of alt earth: and they ceased to build the ciry.

Genesis 11: 1, 6 - 8

CONTENTS Introduction .......................................


List of abbreviations ................................


Main works of reference ............................


Hamito-Semitic Etymological Dictionary .............. . Index



INTRODUCTION The present Dictionary comprises the reconstruction of the main lexical stock of Hamito-Semitic (Afro-Asiatic).l It is based on previous studies in the field (including such works as COHEN 1947 and DJAKONOV 1981-1986) as weIl as on the results of our joint research in 1987 - 1993. The authors were and are quite aware of the challenge presented by the present project as weIl as of numerous shortcomings and potential fallacies of the resulting work. However, we are certain that the absolutely clear necessity of such a work in the Hamito-Semitic field overweighs eventual drawbacks and imperfections in what we are presently suggesting to the reader. Moreover, we consider it an inevitable fate of our Dictionary to be in constant use and, therefore, to be constantly verified and corrected in the course oftime. We will be grateful to all our prospective readers for their amendments, notes and marginalia as weIl as for more general constructive discussion. The term Hamito-Semitic is used as a name of a protolanguage and of a linguistic phylum whose limits are explicitly shown below, in the classification of Hamito-Semitic languages. Proto-HamitoSemitic was spoken not later than 10,000-9,000 B.C.E.2 in the areas ofLevant and/or North Africa (see OREL 1995). The present Dictionary may be used as a source of lexical data reflecting the Proto-Hamito-Semitic culture and homeland. Main families belonging to the Hamito-Semitic phylum are traditionally described as Semitic, Berber, Egyptian, Chadic and Cushitic. Indeed, some of these families (Egyptian) are characterized by more or less definite boundaries and inner structure, or at least, by well-determined outer contours (Semitic, Berber, Chadic). 1 We use here a triad of terms phylum-family-branch in order to facilitate the description technically and not to use the same term in a confusing way for different time depths and different positions in the taxonomy. There is no theoretical difference between the three. As to the term Hamito-Semitic itself, it is used as an absolute synonym of Semito-Hamitic and Afro-Asiatic. Gur choice of this particular variant reflects a long tradition which, from our point of view, is the only relevant factor in terminology. 2 Approximate time of divergence according to the glotto-chronological evaluation based on the Star programme. See also MILITAREV 1984.



In the case of Cushitic even the limits of the family are not exactly known and have to be established on a certain level of approximation, cf. the famous case ofMbugu - Mao (see COPLAND 19331934; GOODMAN 1971) which we do not include in the Dictionary.3 It seemed practically justified to present Chadic and Cushitic data without recurring to Common Chadic and Common Cushitic resonstructions. Even though Common Chadic reconstructions are possible, both theoretically and practically, and may correspond to a certain historical reality, a Proto-Chadic language, it seemed much more convenient to group Chadic material under three headings: West, Central and East Chadic. These (sub)families also seem to be a linguo-historical reality. At the same time, using them allows us to group Chadic data into more compact and manageable clusters. Thus, our presentation of Chadic as separate West, Central and East Chadic is purely conventional. We deal similarly with Cushitic but for different reasons. Cushitic material appears in the Dictionary not as an integral whole but as a number of separate (sub )families (e. g. Werizoid or Omotic), so me of them consisting of one language (Beja, Mogogodo, Dahalo). In co nt rast to Chadic, our reasons, as far as Cushitic is concerned, are less technical. Although all Cushitic (sub)families belong to the Hamito-Semitic phylum, we cannot be absolutely sure whether their prehistory included a stage that might be called "Cushitic" (see OREL, STOLBOVA 1992d). It is quite possible that grammatical and lexical features wh ich are similar in Cushitic languages but differ from other Hamito-Semitic idioms are, in fact, nothing more than a result of aseries of secondary interactions. If so, Cushitic is an areal but not a genetic union, a Sprachbund of certain HamitoSemitic dialects. But even ifProto-Cushitic existed, the relations between its branches are so vague that is, obviously, rational to present the material of different branches separately as it is, in fact, done in our Dictionary. Thus, the presentation ofCushitic data on the level of subfamilies and without a Proto-Cushitic reconstruction may be treated either as a pure technicality or as a meaningful solution depending upon the view of the reader.

3 This is a technical decision having no immediate connection with our opinion on the actual position of Mbugu - Mao.



Within the individual families, their classification (whenever it is weIl established and defendable) is reflected by the order in which data are presented in the Dictionary. Unfortunately, numerous elements of the Hamito-Semitic linguistic taxonomy are known to have more than one name. In such cases, our practical solutions are usually tradition al and have no theoretical or extralinguistic implications. The resulting classification of Hamito-Semitic languages is as foIlows: 4

(A) SEMITIC - Akkadian; Ugaritic, Phoenician, Punic, Amoraic, Moabite, Hebrew, Aramaic (Syriac, Palestinian etc.); Arabic; South Arabian (Sabaic, Minaean etc.); - Ge(ez, Tigre, Tigray, Amharic, Argobba, Gafat, Harari, Gurage (Selti, Gogot etc.); Mehri, Jibbali, Shheri, Harsusi, Soqotri.

(B) BERBER - Shilh (Semlal, Ntifa, Baamrani, Aksimen), Tamazight (Izdeg, Izayan, Segrushen); - Rif, Iznasen, Snus, Menaser, Shenua, Senhaja, Kabyle, Shauya, Figig, Mzab, Wargla, Sened, Jerba; - Awjila, Nefusa, Ghadames, Siwa, Sokna; - Ghat, Ayr, Ahaggar, Tawlemet, Taneslemt; Zenaga; Guanche; Libyan.

(C) EGYPTIAN - Egyptian, Demotic, Coptic (Old Coptic, Fayumian etc.).

(D) CHADIC (D!) WEST CHADIC Hausa, Gwandara; - Sura, Angas, Ankwe, Mupun, Chip, Montol, Gerka; 4

See the List

of Abbreviations.



- Bolewa, Karekare, Dera, Tangale, Pero, Ngamo, Maha, Bele, Kirfi, Gera, Galambu, Geruma; - Warji, Kariya, Diri, Miya, Paa, Cagu, Siri, Mburku, Jimbin, Jimi; - Boghom, Kir, Mangas, Geji, Tala, Burma, Guruntum, Buu, Zul, Buli, Polchi, Zem, Tule, Dokshi, Dwot, Zakshi, Zaar, Sayanchi; - Fyer, Bokkos, Sha, Kulere, Dafo-Butura; - Ngizim, Bade. (D2) CENTRAL CHADIC


Tera, Jara, Gaanda, Gabin, Boga, Hwona; Bura, Chibak, Kilba, Ngwahi, Margi, Wamdiu, Heba, Hildi; Higi Futu, Higi Nkaf~, Higi Ghye, Fali Kiri, Fali Gili, Kapiski; Dghwede, Mandara, Padokwo, Glavda, Guduf, Zeghwana, Gvoko, Gava, Nakaci, Lamang; Matakam, Mofu, Mafa, Gisiga, Balda, Muktele; Sukur; Daba, Musgoy; Musgum, Mbara, Munjuk; Bata, Bachama, Gude, Gudu, Nzangi, Fali Jilvu, Fali Mubi, Fali Muchela, Fali Bwagira, Mwulyen; Logone, Buduma, Gulfey, Kuseri, Afade; Gidar; Lame, Lame Pewe, Zime, Zirne Bata; Masa, Mesme, Banana. (D3) EAST CHADIC


Somray, Sibine, Tumak, Ndam; Nanchere, Tobanga, Lele, Gabri, Kabalay, Dorma; Kera, Kwan, Mobu, Ngam; Dangla, Migama, Jankor, Jegu, Bidiya; Mubi, Birgit; Mokilko; Sokoro, Barayn.

(E) BEJA (G)AGAW - Bilin;



- Xamir, Xamta; - Kwara, Dembea, Kemant; - Aungi, Damot.

(H) ((EAST CUSHITIC" (Hi) SAHO -AFAR - Saho, Afar.

(H2) LOWLAND EAST CUSHITIC - Somali, Oromo, Boni, Rendille, Bayso; - Arbore, Dume, Geleba, Konso, Gato, Bussa, Gidole.

(H3) WERIZOID - Warazi, Gawwada, Dullay, Gobeze, Camay, Harso, Dobeze, Gollango, Gorrose, Gaba.

(H4) HIGHLAND EAST CUSHITIC - Sidamo, Darasa, Hadiya, Alaba, Kabenna, Bambala, Kambata, Tambaro.



Ometo (Gidicho, Basketo etc.); Yamma, Kaficho, Mocha, Bworo, Anfila; Hozo, Sezo, Gim, Nao, Sheko, Maji; Dime, Ari, Banna, Hamer, Karo, Basada.

(L) RIFT (((SOUTH CUSHITIC'') - Iraqw (dial.: Gorowa), Alagwa, Burunge; - Asa, Kwadza. Within the framework of the present Dictionary, several types of lexical items appear. Some of the reconstructed roots are not only



Proto-Hamito-Semitic; they may be also called Common HamitoSemitic. In other words, they are present in all or nearly all families and branches of the Hamito-Semitic phylum. Proto-Hamito-Semitic *les- "tongue" is also apart of Common Hamito-Semitic heritage as it is found in Semitic (*lisan- id., derivative with a suffix *-än-), Berber (*lVs- id.), Egyptian (Eg ns id., Copt *les) , Chadic (WCh *~a-lis-um- id., CCh *)V-ryas- id., ECh *ryas- id.) and Cushitic (Omot *mi-las- id., with aprefix *mi- ). A similar case is represented by Proto-Hamito-Semitic *tJab-l*tJabe- "vessel" which is also Common Hamito-Semitic registered in Semitic (Sem *tJabz?-ltJabiy- "jug, bowl"), Berber (*tJ Vb- "big wooden plate"), Egyptian (tJbb "vessel") , Chadic (WCh *tJabie)- "pot, gourd") and Cushitic (LEC *~abub- "kind of gourd"). Cf. other roots attested in numerous branches of Hamito-Semitic: *sim- (Sem *sVm Vw-l*sVm ~- "calI, give name", Berb *sVm- "calI, name" (v.), Eg smy "tell" (n), CCh *syam-sim- "whisper", LEC *sim- "welcome (v.)"), *kün- (Sem *kann-I*kinn- "co-wife, female in-law", Berb *kVn- "co-wife", WCh *kin- "co-wife, sister", Agaw *kwin- "woman"). However, Common Hamito-Semitic words and roots form only a modest part of the reconstructed Proto-Hamito-Semitic vocabulary. Common Hamito-Semitic status is not a conditio sine qua non for a root to be unequivocally reconstructed as a Proto- Hamito-Semitic element. According to the theories accepted in modern historicallinguistics and, particularly, in Indo-European linguistics, weaker requirements are acceptable (see SZEMERENYI 1962; PORZIG 1954). The reconstructed word may be attested in three or even in two branches if they are known not to be in direct contact. Thus, fairly acceptable are such Hamito-Semitic reconstructions as, e.g., *bür- (Sem *birr- "grill, lettice (of doors, windows)", Berb *bur"door", LEC *bor- "back (of a house)"), *{in- (Sem *(in- "day, earth, dirt", Eg itn, iwtn "earth", CCh *tVn- id.), *ga)- (Sem *gPVy- "rise, be high", ECh *ga)ay- "increase", Agaw *gwe- "be high"), or even *kün- (Eglny "raise high" , WCh *kunwa-), *ceb- (Eg cbw "kind of bird", WCh *Hyabi- "hen, chicken"), *sab- (ECh *sVb- "rib", Rift *sab- "diaphragm, rib"), *mabar- (WCh *mabar"mouth", Bed ambar id.), *pasuq- (Sem *PaStJ- "spear", WCh *pasuq- "arrow"). Exclusive isoglosses linking peripheral branches are of particular value since they are believed to reflect lexical archaisms, cf., e.g., isoglosses between Semitic and Rift that may be compared to Indo-Celtic isoglosses of Indo-European.



In so me cases, morphological and/or phonological peculiarities lead us to a reconstruction of a Hamito-Semitic root based on the data of one branch. Such a reconstruction may be justified as an archaic relic of a root, better preserved in derivatives as in the case of *)ab- "stone" registered in several Cushitic languages (Agaw *)ab"mountain", Bed awe "stone", LEC *)eb- id.). This root is reconstructed as Hamito-Semitic because its derivative *)abun- "stone, millstone" is a weIl-attested Hamito-Semitic lexical element. Another example of a similar approach is our reconstruction of HS *bay- "build" based exclusively on CCh *bV- id. and ECh *bay- id. Such a reconstruction, as we believe, isjustified by the archaic status of this verb whose derivative *bayit- "house" is attested in Semitic as weIl as in Chadic. U nfortunately, our knowledge of the Hamito-Semitic languages is extremely limited and most of the languages belonging to the Hamito-Semitic phylum have a very short written tradition or have no such tradition at all. Naturally, many of our reconstructions are based on scarce lexical material which is often excerpted from recently published sources. This may diminish or deteriorate the credibility of certain reconstructions for lack of additional data. However, we prefer to adduce this kind of material as weIl, hoping that in future it will be partly supported by new discoveries and partly discarded. At the present stage, it is obviously preferable to create an extensive data base open to a profound critical study. Thus, we tend to adduce even comparisons based on a very limited number offacts as, e.g., in *kaber- (CCh *kabyar- "bulI": Bud käber - HEC *ko-bir- "buffalo": Had kobira) , *nawac- (Sem *na[wJa1- "kind of beer": Akk näsu - Eg wns.t "wine"), *ro)- (Eg rl "snake" - WCh *rwa)- "cobra": DB rwa). As in other cases, we treat peripheral isoglosses as more reliable. A study ofthe Hamito-Semitic isoglosses may be an objective per se that in future will constitute a special subdiscipline similar to the linguistic geography ofIndo-European (see OREL, STOLBOVA 1989; 1992a; 1992c). Historical and comparative phonology of Hamito-Semitic is terra incognita no more. As a whole, it was adequately summarized in a number of recent publications, see, e. g. , an outline of the reconstruction suggested in DJAKONOV ET AL. 1987; cf. also DJAKONOV 1988. As far as the phonological inventory of Hamito-Semitic is concerned, only a few corrections must be made in Djakonov's phonological inventory. Thus, we do not accept his reconstruction of



labialized consonants (*Jr:n, */fV, *gW etc.) because, in individual families and branches of the phylum, they may be explained as secondary reflexes of velars and laryngeals before rounded vowels (see below). We also abstain from accepting highly hypothetical reconstruction of sonants and laryngeals in syllabic function. As far as stops are concerned, the reader will notice that *p, even though it is present in our reconstructions of West Chadic, is missing in Hamito-Semitic. Despite a number of tentative etymologies suggested by GREENBERG 1958 and DJAKONOV 1965, we do not have sufficient evidence to corroborate the existence of this HamitoSemitic phoneme and prefer to interpret a few cases where it was reconstructed as a result of various individual irregularities in the development of *b and *p. The inventory of Hamito-Semitic consonants is shown in table 1. Table 1. Hamito-Semitic consonants. Stops Labial Dental Lateral Velar Postvelar Pharyngeal Laryngeal



b d







1 k q







AfTricates f


C j









Some of the roots included in the present Dictionary reflect various alternations of consonants on the level of reconstructed ProtoHamito-Semitic. The most important cases show us alternations of *w, *yand *). We te nd to register them in the notes, hoping that the phenomenon will be further studied and analyzed on the basis of our material. On the level of individual branches and families, some elementary notes are necessary as far as their consonantal systems (and their transliterations) are concerned. The presentation of Semitic material is fairly traditional (see, for example, DJAKONOV 1967); note only *f vs. *1 as Semitic correspondences of Hamito-Semitic *1 vs. *c. Thus, we reconstruct Semitic *fib- "wind" (Akk sub-tu, Soq siboh) and also *fVb- "burn, be hot, set fire" (Akk sabäbu, Arab sbb, Soq sbb) but *1a cr- "hair, wool" (Akk särtu, Ug rrt, Hbr 1i cär,



saCarä, Aram (Syr) saCrö, Arab saCr-, Gz seCert, Soq $aCihor). It is also worth notice that we follow certain conventions as far as the consonantal skeleton of the root is concerned. Namely, Semitic verbal roots ClVC2VC2- as weH as most of the roots with C2 or C3 = *w, *y, *> are usually reconstructed as *Cl VC2 - if the third consonant or the "weak" consonant is not supported etymologically in other branches of Hamito-Semitic. 5 Thus, we reconstruct Semitic Vs"cut" (Arab J,.ss), *",Vr- "be dry, be dried up" (Akk erim, Gz "'rr), *~Vd- "cut, tear" (Hbr qdd, Aram qdd, Arab qdd, Gz qdd, Tgr qdd, Amh qdd, Arg qdd, Hrr qdd, Gur qdd), *rVm- "be high" (Hbr rwm). In Semitic nouns where an alternation of Cl aC2C2- and Cl aC2- is possible, we always reconstruct Cl aC2C2- as, for example, in *dabb-/ *dubb- "bear" . The reconstruction of the Proto-Berber consonantism is comparatively much less definite. The system accepted in our Dictionary has one important peculiarity to be noted here: reflexes of HamitoSemitic unvoiced consonants are believed to remain unvoiced in Proto-Berber. Thus, the overall change of unvoiced phonemes to voiced ones is projected on a later chronological level while ProtoBerber lexical units appear as, for example, *cVlar- "goat" (Siwa zalaq, Ayr ;,-zolag, Ahg a-hulag, Twl e-zolag, Sha zalag) or *~Vp­ "marry" (Ayr;,tpf). The problem ofthe initial Hamito-Semitic *bin Berber still remains to be solved. In the Dictionary, we prefer to abstain from reconstructing two different reflexes, *b- and *ß-, and use the symbol *b- in all cases including the words where the merger *b- > h- is observed. Thus, we reconstruct *b ~- "drive, bring, come" (Ghd ;,bbi, Siwa ;,bba, Ayr huii-;,t, Twl huii-;,t, Ahg ;,hi, Tsl ihai) , *bag-/*bagag- "calf, lamb, kid, ram" (Nfs bru, Ayr a-bagag, Ahg a-barur, Twl a-bagag), *ba~- "hair disease" (Ahg ta-hara), *b "soak, contain (liquid)" (Kby ;,bb;,y, Ahg a-Mr), *b(V)war- "lion" (Nfs wär, Ght ä-lJ;,r, Ayr a-har, Twl a-har, Zng war), *>ubay- "camel's hump" (Ghat t-uhi, Ayr t-UMY, Ahg t-uM, Twl t-UMY, Sml ta-yyu). Egyptian data appear in a usual transliteration, but, in contrast to ERMAN, G RAPOW 1957, s stands for the unvoiced sibilant and z-for the voiced one. Coptic material is adduced in Common Coptic (supradialectic) reconstruction together with dialectal forms (for a detailed description see OREL, STOLBOVA 1990).



5 Sometimes in our notes we use the obsolete terms bi- and triliteral. The reader is expected to understand them as a poetic licence used instead of bi- and triconsonantal.



Reeonstruetions of Chadie eonsonantism, both at the Common Chadie level and at the level ofWest, Central and East branehes, are presented in STOLBOVA 1987 (West Chadie) and STOLBOVA 1995. In our Dietionary, however, we ehose not to operate on the Common Chadie level. As far as our orthographie eonventions for Chadic are concerned, the situation is rather complicated. In most cases, when our data co me from old sources, we have to follow the outdated transcriptions of the original texts. At the same time, we try to unify our transliteration wherever it seems possible (thus, various signs for t and t ' are reflected as t in the Dictionary while numerous ways of expressing pre- or postnasalization are uniformly replaced with superscript n). The same is true of Cushitic orthographies where similar problems arise and similar "half-measures" are taken. As to the phonological reconstructions of Cushitic branches, they are tentative and highly hypothetical. Although the general picture seems to be more or less understandable, a number of minor phonological questions remain unsolved. To some extent, our reconstructions are based on the unpublished materials on several branches prepared by OREL (a few publications are forthcoming), partly, on HEINE 1978 (Lowland East Cushitic), SASSE 1979, 1982 and HUDSON 1989 (Highland East Cushitic), EHRET 1980 (Rift). However, the basic work of reference on Cushitic comparative phonology and etymology remains DOLGOPOLSKIj 1973. Basic correspondences of consonants are demonstrated in tables 2 - 4 (double reflexes of a phoneme either are in a complementary distribution to each other or remain unclear). Table 2. Hamito-Semitic occlusives. HS






'p 'p

*J *J



'p, 'p


'b 't '(

'd 'k



'b 't

'b 't













'p 'p

'p, *J


f f






k k, Is g


b t

'b 't

'b 't


" d2 d




3 g3




k k







'k 'k 'g

'b 't 't

'k 'k, 'g 'g

'b 't




b t


Notes. 1. 'p is a WCh innovation. 2. The distribution is unknown. 3. In certain conditions, after and before palatal and rounded vowels, > 1, g. 4. '-g-, mainly in the intervocalic position.



Table 2. Continued. HS





*1, *p *1

*], *p



*b *t *t *d *k *t *g

*b *t


*d *k *t *g


*b *t




*k, *x *t, *k *k





*b *t *t *d *k *t *g

'p *t


*d *k 't *g






] b, PlI; J., t' J.

*], *p

*b *t *1




*b *t


*d *k *t *g

*d *k *t *g

d k(h)

k k' g


Note. 1. *p in the intervoealie position. Table 3. Hamito-Semitie affrieates and sibilants HS









*s *c

s *s

*s *c

s s

*s *c


s, ; *s

*f *3


*, '3

*s *s *s

·s, *;


*s *c *c *3


*f 1 *3


*( *3

c *f *~


's *c



*z *J.



's *s


·s, ·c s, d '3


s, ss 'f



's *c






f 'j


's *c

'z *s *H*z


c f









3 4-

*{ 5



d,j s





Notes. 1. Orthographieally, also 2. Reeonstrueted on the basis ofthe inlaut continuants -c- - -4-. 3. Yielding in most languages to 1 but appearing as s in Lele. 4. Generally, refleeted as s but preserved as c in Bid. 5. Note Bid 4y - 'j as a regular reflex. Our reeonstruetion of ECh 'c - *{ is purely eonventional as far as their real phonologie al value is eoneerned. However, the opposition between these two elements, separating them from *c - 'f and *c - 'f, is beyond any doubt. HS


*s *c

*s *s *s

*f *3


*3, ·s





*f *j, '3

f *j

*s *c


*s *s

LEC ·s, ·5,



*f '3



s *s *~ c



*f, ·5 *f 1




·s, *;




*j, *3


*s *s


·s, *;


Note. 1. Orthographieally, also







·s, *;

*s *c *c

*c *~

1 1


*f 1 'j




J. dz, d hl, J.' 2 hl, J.' 2 I, l' 2

r 2. -J.'- between vowels.



*, 1 'j




*j, *s

*s *f *j, 'd *s *c *c



Tabu 4. Hamito-Semitic laryngeals HS











"g "q "I[



*/J "/J

Berb ")

*) , *h *h "I)


"r "k, *g "r







*) *e

*) *)

*) *) 2


h h


*) *e , *)

Eg 3,


/J, !J 3 e /J,!J /J, !J



"g "q "I[



"r *r "q "I[


*) , "h "r "g "k "k, "g


"X "X "X "*

h h,O h k

Notes. 1. The distribution is regulated by a set ofnot fuHy known rules. 2. Occasional -h- in Kera and Birgit seems to reflect ECh "_e_ different from "-)- < HS "-)3. Rules of distribution unknown.

HS ")

"e "h "I)


"g "q "I[

SA ") , .e "e , ")

"h "I)

"h, .1)












"e , "h


0 0


"e ,



"h "h "h "g


"h, *1) "e , "g



h h, I) h, I) k' k k'




Rift ")

"e ,




"h "h, "I)


"/J "/J


Tabu 5. Hamito-Semitic sonants HS























", "Z


., *Z

"n "Z

n I, n, ,1 I, n, ,1 i,y









*n "Z

"w "y

"n "Z

"n "Z




Z, n








Note. 1. Distribution of variants remains unknown.




























·Z "w *y


"w *y


*n *Z

"w *y


"Z "w "y

"n "Z



A., /




"w "y







The Hamito-Semitic system of vowels as an important part of the phonological structure has been traditionally neglected. Deep changes of vocalism and vocalic alternations in individual branches of Hamito-Semitic, primarily in Semitic, prevented scholars from reconstructing a consistent system of vowels. In DJAKONOV ET AL. 1987 a binomial pattern was suggested in the form ofan opposition *a vs. *:) (the latter suggested as a further source of much later *i and *u). A new attempt of reconstruction has been recently undertaken in OREL, STOLBOVA 1989-1990 and 1992. Our tentative results are used in the present Dictionary and, therefore, Hamito-Semitic roots are correspondingly vocalized, thus allowing other scholars to proceed in the studies of the vowel structure of Hamito-Semitic. Our potential opponents are welcome to replace vowel signs with generalized Vor 11 symbols, thus arriving at a more usual variant of the Hamito-Semitic reconstruction. The system of Hamito-Semitic vowels is represented in Table 5. Its reconstruction is based on Semitic, Chadic, Egyptian (Ancient and Coptic) and Cushitic data. Table 6. Hamito-Semitic vowels.


u e

o a

It may be shown that in Hamito-Semitic there existed certain distributional rules which were applied to the vocalism and which were similar to the rules that may be established for reconstructed ProtoChadic, namely, two middle vowels (*e and *0) could not appear within one Cl VC2VC3_roo t. Some of the vocalic alternations observed in Hamito-Semitic seem to have no immediate phonetic explanation, a factor caused by certain morphological factors (e.g., grammatical number) and thus similar to the ablaut (alias apophony) of Indo-European and Kartvelian languages (see BRUGMANN 1904; KURYLOWICZ 1956; GAMKRELIDZE, MACHAVARIANI 1965). Such alternations may be described as HamitoSemitic ablaut (cf. OREL 1994; an early and extremely contradictory sketch of the ablaut in Semitic is represented in KUR YLOWICZ 1961). Within the Dictionary we prefer not to use this term, leaving morphonological alternations of vowels to be studied later, on the basis of the present collection of material.



On the level of separate branches, so me elarifications are necessary. In Semitic, a"usual" inventory ofvowels is traditionally limited to the reconstruction of nouns. It is gene rally believed that, in the verbal system, all traces of the ancient vocalism were completely destroyed due to a process of total rebuilding of verbal morphology. As we tried to demonstrate in OREL, STOLBOVA 1990, certain forms of the Semitic (actually, of Arabic) verb display reasonable correspondences with Chadic verbs. Such forms, ineluding the vowel of the se co nd syllable in the imperfect, are regularly shown in the Dictionary and used as a basis for the corresponding Proto-Semitic reconstruction. Thus, along with vocalized nominal forms such as *)iH- "fire", *dam- "blood", *dimm- "cheetah, cat", *gabr- "man", *!Jü~- "leaf', *sahr- "new moon", *täMn- "molar", the Dictionary presents vocalized reconstructions of Semitic biconsonantal and triconsonantal verbs, e.g. *gad- "be considerable, be respectable (of men)" (Arabgdd[-a-]), *gVla)- "throw, overturn" (ArabgP [-a-D, *~us- "cut" (Arab ~H [-u- D, *!J Vyal- "imagine" (Arab GYl [-a- D, *nVpa~- "strike (with a sabre)" (Arab nfo [-a-D, *nVsa~- "smeIl" (Arab nsq [-a-D, *pid- "shout, call" (Arabfdd [-i-). It is also possible that so me Arabic masdars preserve the original vocalism of the verbal root. At the same time, both on Semitic and Hamito-Semitic levels there exists a certain correlation between the grammatical meaning of a verbal root and its vocalism. While it is relatively weIl described on the Semitic level, this phenomenon still remains practically unknown as far as its Hamito-Semitic manifestations are concerned. We hope that the present Dictionary will be useful to those who will study the vocalism of the Hamito-Semitic verb in the future. It is worth noticing that Hamito-Semitic vowels in verbs are also sporadically reflected by the "weak" consonants of Semitic roots. Thus, in a number of cases, Hamito-Semitic verbs with *0, *u may have Semitic continuants of CüC- structure while some of the Hamito-Semitic verbs with front vowels correspond to ProtoSemitic ClC-. A similar phenomenon may be hypothetically presumed for Berber. In verbal roots, structures CVw VC- and CVy VC- seem to form correspondences to Hamito-Semitic roots with front and rounded vowels, correspondingly. In nouns, the reflexes of the ancient vocalism also seem to be elose to Semitic. In Egyptian, ancient vowels are graphically reflected as matres lectionis, namely as 3, w, y, that are optionally used when positioned



between two consonants or in the beginning, or in the end of a word, to denote root vowels, cf., e.g.: IsJb.t "knee" (BD) < HS *Isab-, hJy "capture" (MK) < HS *hay-, aJb "hyppopotamus" (OK) < HS *aab-, s~J.t "herd of donkeys" (OK) < HS *ca~-, 3sb "burn" (BD) < HS *sab-; syJ.w "kite" (gr) < HS *ci)-, imny "Sun-god" (reg) < HS *)[ijmen-; rwhJ "evening" (n) < *ruh-, sw~ "wind" (XXII) < HS *su~-. Sometimes, the original vocalism may be also reconstructed on the basis of Egyptian palatalizations of velars (yielding to d and 1 in contact with front and rounded vowels) in such cases as ds "person" (pyr), dr "calf' (MK), dwy "cali, say" (pyr), dbJ "palace" (OK), ib.t, ibw "sandal" (pyr), iJy "man" (pyr), iJ)! "take, catch, seize" (pyr). Coptic material is also of certain value since Coptic vowels seem to result from the ancient Egyptian vocalism, in its turn going back to the original Hamito-Semitic system (see OREL, STOLBOVA 1990), cf. such correspondences as Copt *kas "bone" (Boh kas, Shd kas) < HS *Isas-, Copt *halme "source" (Lyc halme) < HS *haram-, Copt *[1jow "mountain" (Boh toou, Shd toou) < HS *go(')-, Copt *sih "young of an ass" (Boh sih, Shd sih) < HS *sek-, Copt *ri "sun, Sun-god" (Akh ri, Boh ri, Shd ri) < HS *ric-. Chadic vocalism is one of the most important sources for the reconstruction of Hamito-Semitic vowels. On the level of Chadic subfamilies, historical vocalism was reconstructed, including hypothetically accepted vowels of the second syllable (see OREL, STOLBOVA 1990; STOLBOVA 1995). We prefer to reconstruct middle vowels in Chadic as *ya < *e and *wa < *0 since individual Chadic languages tend to use both ya and e, wa and 0 indiscriminately. At the same time, in contact with velars, they are normally reflected as diphthongs or even as combinations of labiovelars with a vowel. Hence a natural assumption that, on the Proto-Chadic level Hamito-Semitic middle vowels were represented by ya and *wa. As far as Cushitic vocalism is concerned, preliminary notes on the reconstruction and basic correspondences may be found in OREL, STOLBOVA 1992. Cushitic vowels still represent an interesting field of future research. Basic correspondences of Hamito-Semitic vowels are demonstrated in Table 7.



Tabu 7. Hamito-Semitic vowels HS


°a oe 0'I °0 °u 0-u

°a °i, ~ °i, ~ ·u, .w .u, .w 0·I






°a °ya 0'I °wa °u °u


1 1

°i, 0i, ·u, ·u, 0i,


0y ·w ·w 0y

),y y, I ), w W



0'I °wa °u ·u, ·wi



°a °a °ya, °i °a, 0'I 0'I °i, °ya ·wa, °u ·wa, °a ·u, ·wa °u O(w)i °u

Bed a, e e, a u u i, wi 0,

Note. 1. Also °a in contact with labials.

Within the framework of the phonological reconstruction certain conventions are observed. The alphabetical order of the transliteration and transcription signs is as folIows: , abc ~ C {c ~ d ef g g' h ~ tJ H i k Is lmnopqqrssstt uü VWY33

We also use certain additional symbols: Vand estand for any or unknown vowel and consonant, R stands for any sonant. A symbol in ( ) means that it is optional: *dutJ(tJ)- may be read as *duM- or *dutJ-. A symbol in f j means that its reconstruction is probable but not certain: *dafpj- implies that the reconstruction *dap- is more probable than any other(eventually, than *daf-). / stands for "and" whenever variants of the same root or phoneme are reconstructed: *da'-/*daw- indicates that both *da'- and *daw- existed in HamitoSemitic. Alternations are denoted by -. Different meanings of a word within one linguistic branch are tagged with superscript numbers. In a number of our comparisons we have to accept metathesis in order to reconstruct Hamito-Semitic prototypes. Quite often, the phonological phenomenon described as a metathesis may be more exactly defined as a shift of a laryngeal, i.e., of a phoneme especially unstable and liable to morphonologically irrelevant movements within the root. Thus, we have to deal with metathesis in such cases as Sem *'adam- "earth" - ECh *dVHVm- "field"; Sem *'VlVt"drive, press elose" - WCh *la'a{- "press"; Sem *bV'us- "be strong" - ECh *basu'- id.; CCh *baraw- "arrow, bow" - ECh *)aba war- id.; Sem *dür- "turn" - ECh *wVdVr- id.; Sem *'Vbal-/ *'Vbul- "be thick" - WCh *baHal- "big, be abundant" - ECh *bVHVl- "big"; Eg ~r "arm" - WCh *saHar- "hand, arm"; Eg fJzd "rot" (n.) - ECh *3 aHwad- "rotten". Another typical case in



which we are ready to accept a comparison implying a metathesis is that of a"long" word, i.e., of a composite or of an otherwise abnormally long structure exceeding the bounds of a standard triliteral pattern. Such structures are expected to be unstable, in particular, as far as order of phonemes is concerned, cL, for example: Sem *)argäb- "intestines" - CCh *b Vrwag- "intestines" - ECh *burwag- "stornach" ; Sem *bin Vtur- "vulva" - CCh *picurin- "testicles"; Sem */Janzab- "kind ofpot" - Eg !JnbJs "vessel". In some cases, we also deal with metathesis in usual triliteral roots: Sem *b Vtun- "be pregnant, have a big beHy" - Eg bnd "difficult delivery"; Sem *sVl~- "gather" - CCh *ca~l- "gather, coHect"; Sem *diman- "insect" - Eg dnm "worms" - WCh *dyaman- "spider". It is worth noticing, that under the same name metathesis we also deal with so me regular correspondences that have not been sufficiently studied, e.g. such cases as Sem *sakin- "knife" - WCh *cank- id. and Sem *dagan- "corn" - WCh *dang- id. Within the Dictionary, words with derivational peculiarities that may be projected on the Hamito-Semitic level are, normally, placed under separate entries. Thus, words going back to *)i-nas- "man" and *nüs- id. form separate articles although there is no doubt that they belong to one and the same Hamito-Semitic root. In other words, the Dictionary is organized according to the lexical and not the radical principle. Correspondingly, we prefer to separate nouns from verbs and, whenever it is possible, to put them under different headings. If, for so me reason, a noun and a verb are brought together, under the same reconstruction, their corresponding meanings in the heading are separated with a semi-colon. Some of the words in Hamito-Semitic, as in any other linguistic family, have a dubious status of onomatopoeia. As we cannot guarantee their antiquity or disprove it, we mark such words as descriptive sterns. As to loanwords and elements of old cultural vocabulary, they are also marked correspondingly in the notes. While phonologically, all lexical comparisons adduced in the present Dictionary were checked and corrected in accordance with established phonetic correspondences, the problem of semantic verification turned out to be much more complicated. In order to minimize the arbitrariness in our lexical comparisons, we foHowed certain heuristic rules. Within the framework ofthe present Dictionary, preference is always given to comparisons based on complete semantic identity, cL, for example:



*)iben- "sleep": Eg ibJn id. (pyr) - CCh *HVbyan- id. *cala/s- "gather": Sem *sVIV/s- id. - Eg s1/s id. (pyr) - CCh *ca/sal- id. *dibür-/*dubür- "back": Sem *dubr- "back" - CCh *di(m)bur"back" . *gac- "spear": WCh *gac- id. - CCh *gac- id. - SA *gas- id. *~ak- "stone": Eg ~1 id. (n) - WCh *~Vk- id. - CCh *xakwaid. *mag- "be bad": WCh *mug- id. - Bed maag id. - LEC *magid. *ta)- "eat": Sem *tV'-/*tVw- id. - WCh *ta)-/*ti)- id. - CCh *ti- id. - ECh *ta(y)-/*ti(y)- id. *war- "throw": Sem *wur- id. - ECh *war- id. - Agaw *waw Vr- id. *3a~af- "drag (oneself)": Sem *z VI) Vp- id. - LEC *3aHaJ- id. If the meanings of compared words are not identical, the comparison is still treated as valid if the"semantic distance" between two meanings may be covered in one derivational step (whatever the concrete meaning ofthis vague term may be). Thus, we accept the following comparisons:

*)igan- "vesseI": Sem *)igän- "cup, bowl" LEC *)agan-/ *gaHan- "jar". *)orab- "way, road": Sem *)ur(a)b- "way" WCh *)wara"road" - ECh *)war- "road" - HEC *)or- "road" - Rift *)UTUW- "path, way". *ba)- "bush, tree": Eg bJ.t "bush" (a) - WCh *ba)- "tree" - CCh *bwaH- "bush" - SA *bah- "wood". *ba c- "dirt, mud": CCh *ba- "dirt" - Rift *ba'- "mud". *bab-/*bib- "buro, be hot": Eg Mb "buro" (reg) - WCh *baH- "hot" - CCh *b VH-b VH- "hot" - ECh *biHwa"roast" . *gab- "weapon": Sem *gabäb- "sling" - HEC *gab- "bow and arrow" . *yara)-/*yaraw- "reed": Sem *yara)- "reed not used for writing" - Eg iJrw "reed, rush" (pyr) - WCh *yVraw- "reed". Ifthe semantic distance between the words seems to be critically big, then we consider it a compulsory measure to confirm the possibility of such a comparison with typological parallels. Thus, we accept the reconstruction of *)adid- "female relative" based on ECh *)adid-



"daughter-in-law" - LEC *)adad-/*)aded- "aunt" - HEC ·)adad"maternal aunt" - Wrz *)atit- "elder sister" because similar types of semantic development are attested outside Hamito-Semitic, cf. Alb moter "sister" - Eng mother, Lith mosa "sister-in-law" OPrus moazo "aunt" . We also feel free to reconstruct *tibin- "brain, marrow" on the basis of Eg tbn "marrow" (med) and CCh *ti~in­ "brain" since in a number oflanguages the same word is used for "brain" and"marrow", cf. Russ mozg and NPers marz. We also accept the reconstruction of *da)-/*daw- "man, chief' including such forms as CCh *da)i- "man, people" and Rift *daH- "stranger" because of the corresponding typological data (see BENVENISTE 1970, 92 f.). The present Dictionary covers all categories of lexical units with the exception of numerals, pronouns, prepositions and particles. These grammatical and semi-grammatical elements will be analyzed and etymologized elsewhere. Basically, the words within the Dictionary are either nouns or predicates. The latter group includes verbs, adjectives (usually translated as verbs, i.e., not red but be red etc.) and some adverbs.

*•* The present project was started in 1986 in Moscow and, after August 1990, continued simultaneously in Israel and Russia. Three main types of work were carried out: (a) processing of the previously published comparative material; (b) search far phonologically predictable counterparts of already known farms; (c) semantic screening. While (a) and (b) are traditionally used methods of data processing in comparative linguistics, (c) was an innovation. To carry it out, semantic card indices (databases) of individuallinguistic branches were created. In such a database, words were grouped under generalized semantic headings, e.g., in the West Chadic card index, a card with a heading WALK contained various words for "go", "corne" ,"enter", "run" and so on, in various West Chadic languages. A card with a heading HOUSE contained words for "house", "town", "compound", "hut", "fence", "roof' and the like. In so me cases, when a certain language was of particular importance for the study of vocabulary, we created card indices of



individuallanguages (e.g. of Akkadian). At the next stage, databases were used for semantic screening, i.e. for a cross-comparison of semantic units within the limits of semantically and phonologically acceptable parallels (see above). Although the work of lexicographers is devoid of many simple human joys, many friends and colleagues helped us during all these years. The authors appreciate the helpful criticism and/or assistance of the following colleagues: Dr. Anna Belova (Moscow) Prof [gor' M. Djakonov (St.Petersburg) Prof Aaron Dolgopolski (Haifa) Prof Vladimir A. Dybo (Moscow) Dr. Serge} Nikolaev (Moscow) Dr. Baruch Podolski (Tel-Aviv) Prof Andrzej Zaborski (Krakow) Some of the material used in the Dictionary was kindly provided by: Dr. Alexander Militarev (Moscow) Dr. Baruch Podolski (Tel-Aviv) Mrs. Rachel Torpusman Oerusalem). We are also grateful to Mrs. Natalia Orel and Mr. Alexander Kulik for their technical assistance. At the preliminary stage, the authors used the computer data base editor Star kindly submitted by its author Prof Serge} Starostin (Moscow). Vladimir Orel Olga Stolbova

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS a(neient) adj. -adjeetive Afd-Afade Ahg-Ahaggar Akh(mimian) Akk(adian) Aks(imen) Ala(ba) Alb(anian) Alg-Alagwa Amh(arie) Amor(aie) Anf(illa) Ang(as) Ank(we) Arab(ic) Aram(aie) Arb(ore) Arg(oba) Aun(gi) Av(estan) Awj(ila) Ban(na) Bay(so) Beh - Baehama BD - Book of the Dead Berb(er) Bgh-Boghom Bid(iya) Bil(in) Bks-Bokkos Bld-Balda Bmb-Bambala Bmr-Baamrani Bnn-Banana Boh(airian) Bol(ewa) Bret(on) Brg-Birgit Brm-Burma Brw-Barawa Bry-Barayn Bsd-Basada Bud(uma) Bur(unge) Bus(so)

Bwo(ro) Cam(ay) CCh-Central Chadic Ch(adie) Chb-Chibak Copt(ie) Cush(itie) DB-Dafo-Butura Dar(asa) Dem(otie) Dgh(wede) Dhl-Dahalo Dmb-Dembea Dmt-Damot Dng-Dangla Dok(shi) Dor(ma) Dul(lay) ECh - East Chadie Eg(yptian) Eng(lish) FBw-Fali Bwagira Fgg-Figig FGI-Fali Gili FJI- Fali Jilvu FKi-Fali Kiria FMb-Fali Mubi FMeh-Fali Mueella Fym - Fayumian Gaa(nda) Gaf(at) Gaw(wata) Gbn-Gabin Gbr-Gabri Gdf-Guduf Gdl-Gidole Gel(eba) Ghd - Ghadames Gid(ar) Gis(iga) Gk-Greek GII-Gollango



Gob(eze) Gog(ot) Gor(owa) Goth(ic) gr - Greek papyri Grm-Geruma Grn-Geruntum Gul(fey) Gur(age) Gvo(ko) Gwn - Gwandara Gz-Geez Had(iya) Hbr-Hebrew HEC - Highland East Cushitic HF - Higi Futu HGh-Higi Ghye Hil(di) Hmr-Hamar HNk-Higi Nkafa Hrr-Harari Hrs-Harso Hs-Hausa HS - Hamito-Semitic Hss - Harsusi Hwn-Hwona IE - Indo-European Irq-Iraqw Izd(eg) Izn(asen) Izy-Izayan Jib(bali) Jmb-Jimbin Jnk-Jonkor Kab(enna) Kaf(fa) Kap(iski) Kbl- Kabalay Kby-Kabyle Kem(ant) Klb-Kilba Klr-Kulere Kmb-Kambatta Kon(so) Kr-Karekare Krf-Kirfi Kry-Kariya Kus(eri) Kwn-Kwang

Kwr-Kwara Kwz-Kwadza l(ate) Lat(in) LEC - Lowland East Cushitic Lib(yan) Lith( uanian) Lmn-Lamang Log(one) LPe - Lame Pewe Lyc(opolitan) mathe ematical papyri) Mba(ra) Mbu(rku) Mch-Mocha med(ical papyri) Mgg-Mogogodo MHG-Middle High German Mhr-Mehri Mig(ama) MK - Middle Kingdom Mkk - Mokilko Mnd - Mandara Mng-Mangas Mnj-Munjuk Mns - Menaser Mnt-Montol Moab(ite) Mpn-Mupun Mrg-Margi Msg-Musgum Msm-Mesme Mtk-Matakam Muk(tele) Mus(goy) Mwu(lyen) n(ew) n. -noun Nak(aci) Nch-Nanchere Nfs-Nefusa Ngm-Ngamo Ngw(ahi) Ngz-Ngizim NIr-New Irish NK-New Kingdom NPers-New Persian Ntf-Ntifa Nz(angi)


OCopt-Old Coptie OEng-Old English OIr-Old Irish OK-Old Kingdom Ome(to) Omot(ie) ON -Old Norse OPers-Old Persian OPrus-Old Prussian Or-Oromo Ox( yrinhian) Pad(uko) Phn - Phoenieian PIE - Proto-Indo-European pI. -plural Pol(ehi) Pun(ie) pyr(amids) reg-royal tombs Rnd - RendiIIe Russ(ian) SA-Saho-Afar SAr- South Arabian sare( ophagi) Say(anehi) Sbn-Sibine Sbn-Sibine Sem(itie) sg. - singular Sgr - Segrushen Shd - Sahidie Shh-Si}.eri Shk-Sheko Shn-Shenua Sid(amo) Skt - Sanskrit Slav(ie) SIt-Seiti Sml-Semlal

Smr-Sumray Snh - Senhaja Sok(oro) Som(a1i) Soq(otri) Sp(anish) Suk(ur) Syr(ian) Tgr- Tigre Tgy- Tigray Tmb- Tambaro Tng- Tangale Tob(anga) TsI- Taneslemmet Tum(ak) Twl- Tawlemmet Ug(aritie) v. -verb W(e1sh) War(azi) WCh-West Chadie Weste(art) Wmd-Wamdiu Wrg-Wargla Wrj-Warji Wrz- Werizoid Xmr-Xamir Xmt-Xamta Yam(ma) Zak(shi) ZBt-Zime Batua Zgh-Zeghwana Zng-Zenaga


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1 *)a- "walk, go" Eg 3 "walk" (Westc.). WCh *)a- "corne": Diri )a-. ECh *)a- "go": Turn a-, Mkk )aa)-. Partial reduplication in Mkk? Cf. a possible derivative in *)ay- "corne, run".

2 *)ab- "father" Sem *)ab- "father": Akk abu, U g )ab, Phn )b, Pun )b, Hbr )äb, Aram )ab, Syr )abbä, Arab )ab-, SAr )b, Gz )ab, Tgy )abbo, Amh abbat, Har äw, Sog )eb, Mhr IJayb, Hss IJayb, Shh )ry. Berb *)ab(b)- "father": Twl abba, Izy ibba, Izn ebbwa. Eg 3b.t "family" (OK), "parents" (n). Since the semantic relationship between "family" and "father" is guite obvious, Eg 3b. t may weH be a derivative of an initial word for "father". CCh *)ab- "father": Bud aba. Hardly an Arabic loanword. Agaw *)ab- "father": Bi! abba, Kern abaa. SA *)ab- "father": Saho abba. LEC *)ab- "father": Som aba, aaba, Or abbaa. HEC *)ab- "father, uncle": Sid aabbo, Dar aabbo, Bmb aabboo. Rift *)ab- "father": Asa aba. Doubdessly, an onomatopoeia similar to numerous forms outside Hamito-Semitic. Cf. a similar stern in WCh *)ub"father": Hs ubä. Cush forms may be borrowed from Sem.

3 *)ab- "stone" Agaw *)ab- "mountain": Xmr abaa, Xmt aaba, Kwr abaa. Bed awe "stone". Note *-b- > -w- in the intervocalic position.


) AB- -


LEC *)eb- "stone": Bay e)ebo. Secondary *e? Present only in Cush. Probably, an archaism from which a widely attested derivative *)abun- "stone, millstone" was formed.

4 *)ab-/*)ub- "fall, descend" ECh *)ab- "fall": Turn ab, Mubi eb'i. SA *)ob- "descend": Saho ob-, Afar oob-. *0 < *a before a labial. HEC *)ub- "fall": Sid ub-, Had ub-. Alternation *a -


5 *)abac- "house, manger" Sem *)abüs- "warehouse" I, "manger" 2: Akk abüsu 1, Hbr )ibüs 2. Secondary labialization of HS *a > Sem *u after a labial. Related to Arab )b'i "collect, gather"? WCh *"ac- < *HVbac- "compound, farm": DB "as, Bks "as. An earlier laryngeal indicated by the emphatic occlusive. 6 *)abaw- "plant" Sem *)ab-/*)abaw- "water-lily": Akk abu, Hbr )ebe, Arab )abä-. Eg 3bw "plant used in medicine" (med).

7 *)a-bi\t- "run (back)" Sem *)Vbi~- "run away (of slaves)": Arab )bq [-i- ]. WCh *HVba~- "return": Ank bak. The prefix is manifested by initial voiced b-. Note the irregular root vowel. Omot *bi~- "run away": Ome bi~-ic-. Derived from HS



8 *)abol- "genitals" Sem *)abal- "genitals" I, "body" 2: Gz )abäl l , Tgr I}ab;;)ll, Tgy abal 2 , Amh aball 2, Gur aball 2.

)ABOL- -



WCh *f?wal- < *HVbwal- "penis": Bks qwel. CCh *bwal- "penis": Bata bolle. 9 *)abun- "stone, millstone" Sem *)abn- "stone": Akk abn-, Ug )abn, Hbr )eben, Pun )bn, Aram (Emp) )bn, (Syr) )abnä, (Mand) abna, Src )abna), SAr )bn, Soq )oben, Sha Mbin, Mhr ~aubln, Gz );,bn, Tgr );,bn, Tgy );,mni, Har uno

Eg bnw.t "stone, millstone" (MK). No traces of the initial 1-. WCh *)abun(i)- "millstone": Bol buni, Krk buni, Dera buni, Ngm buni, Krf bini, Ger bini, Glm biin, Grm biI.Jni, Wrj v;,n-ay, Paa vanka, Mbu av;,na. Forms with -i- seem to have appeared under the influence of -iin the last syllable. Otherwise WCh *)abun- /*)abin- should be reconstructed. CCh *bun- < *)Vbun- "millstone": Dgh vra, Mnd uvra, Logjuni, Gid buna, ZBt v;,na. Rhotacism *-n- > -r- in Dgh and Mnd. Initial v- in individual languages reflects *)-. Status of *)a- is not quite dear. Presumably, it is aprefix not preserved in Eg. On the other hand, cf. HS *)ab- suggesting a segrnentation *)ab-un-. 10 *)abVnan- "bird" Sem *)abun(n)- "kind of bird": Akk abbunnu. Eg lbnn "kind of bird" (NK). ECh *bVnan- "duck": Ndm b;,nan. Looks like a derivative ofunattested *)abVn-. Sem *-u- may go back to HS *-a- after a labial. 11 *)a-cin-H- "leg, foot" WCh *)acin-H- "leg": Gej aS;,n, Brw as;,n, Say yas;,n, Grn )asaI), Dwot )azUl), Buli asin, Wnd )as;,n, Tala as;,n. The final duster *-nH- or *-n VH- is normally reflected as -1)-. CCh *Hasin- "knee": Hnk sini, FKi sini, Kap raSine.


Morpheme *-H- shifted to the beginning of the word and appearing as aprefix. ECh *)[aJsin-H- "leg":Mig )asin, Jeg )isin-to, Bid )eseeno, Mubi sin, Brg )isiI), Mkk zina. Bid may go back to *)asiHVn- with -ee- < *-iHV-. Agaw *sin-H- "calf': Bil siI). HS *)a- seems to be aprefix not preserved in Agaw. Note a potential Sem reflex in Arab )sn "kick with a foot". Cf. *cin-/ *cun- "leg" 12 *)acir- "bind, tie" Sem *)Vsir- "bind,join" 1, "hobble" 2: Akkeseru 1, Ug)sr 1, Hbr )sr 1, Arab )sr [-i-] 1, J ib )es:Jr 2, Hss wesör, Mhr wesör, Shh 'esor. CCh *ca-car- "plait, weave" 1, "tie" 2: Mofu - sas:Jr- 1, Mafa cacar 2. Partial reduplication. ECh *sa)ir- "tie": Turn Mr, Kbl sa:rr, Lele saar. Metathesis. HEC *)usur- "tie": Sid usur-, Kmb usur-. Unexpected *-s- and irregular vocalism.

CCh *)ic- "flesh": Gis )ise. An isolated form. A Cush loanword? Agaw *)J!C- "meat": Aun :JEi. Omot *)aC- "meat, body": Ome aco, Mch )acco, Yam aSaa, Gim ac, Nao aS-ku, Shk aS-ko, Maji aC-ku. Alternation *a -


14 *)acVw-'*)acVy- "illness" Sem *)a1~- "kind of illness": Akk Eg 3:fy.t "kind of illness" (med). ECh *)VsVw- "fever": Sok osso. Assimilation of vowels.


The vowel of the second syllable may be *a. The root displays an alternation of sonants *w - *y.


15 ·)ad- "skin, hide" Bed ada "skin, hide". SA ·)ad(d)- "hide": Afar adday. Mgg ata "buH hide" . The word is preserved only in Cush branches. However, cf. a possible derivative in HS ·)adam- attesting the HS status of the present root.

16 ·)adam- "earth, fieId" Sem ·)adam- "earth": Pun )dmt "country", Hbr )adämä, Aram )adamtä. WCh ·dam- "place": Tng ~m. No traces of the initiallaryngeal. CCh ·dam- "field" 1, "place" 2: Tera dam 1, Ngw dama 2. May reflect an earlier ·)adam-. However, considering ECh data, we could reconstruct ·da)am > *dam-. ECh *dVHVm- "field": Mkk doome. Mkk -00-' does not necessarily imply ECh ·-wa-. It may also go back to ·-aHa- or ·-awa-. Metathesis of the original ·)adam-. HEC ·)ud(V)m- "desert": Kmb udma)a. A derivational and semantic variant of the original HS stern? The alternative HS reconstruction is ·da)am-.

17 ·)adam- "skin" Sem ·)adam-/·)adim- "skin": Arab )adam-, )adim-. Probably related to Arab )dm "be brown". WCh ·)adam- "skin": Tng hadam. If not borrowed from Arab. Derived from HS ·)ad- "skin, hide". Cf. also LEC ·)idim"tanned hide": Som idin (pI. idmo). It may continue *)adimwith a regular change of Sam -m > -n in the auslaut.

18 ·)adar- "vessel" Sem ·)adar- "metal vessel": Akk adam.


'ADAR- -


WCh *4yar- < *dVHVr- "pot": Brm tler. LEC *'adar- "pot": Som adar. Cf. Eg IdJ "expression related to the polishing of vessels" (OK) < *'idVr-.

19 ·'ader- "master, lord" Sem ·'ad!r- "majestic, powerful": Ug 'dr, Phn 'dr, Pun 'dr, Hbr 'addir. Agaw *'adir- "master, lord" 1, "God" 2: Bil adäraa 1, Xmr iederaa, adäraa 2, Xmt adaraa 2, K wr adarte 1, Kern adaraa 1 2. LEC $'ader- "uncle": Som adeer, Or adeeraa. Rift *da'ar- "chief': Gor daari. Metathesis. Semantically, the HS word may go back to an adjective with a meaning similar to Sem.

20 ·'adid- "female relative" ECh ·'adid- "daughter-in-Iaw": Kera adirb. LEC *'adad-/·'aded- "aunt": Som eddo, Or adada. Presumably, Som eddo < ededo < adedo. HEC $'adad- "maternal aunt": Sid adaada, Dar adaada. Assimilation of vowels. Wrz *'atit- "eider sister": Gaw ta-atite. Cf. Sem *'ad- "lady": Ug 'dt, Phn 'dt, Aram (Palm) 'dt. A descriptive stern.

21 $'adil- "dress" Sem $'adil- "attire, garment": Akk adilu, Gz 'adl. *'a- may be aprefix. Eg dJy "coat' , (pyr). Reflects an earlier *dz"l- (with $1 > 3). An alternative reconstruction may be (loan)word?

*dil-. A cultural



22 • 'adus- "wall" Sem ·'aduJ- "wall": Akk adussu. CCh ·'adus- "fence" 1, "town" 2: Gude edsa 1, LPe duso 2, Lame mba-duJo 2. The anlaut in Gude reflects an intermediary stage of *yadus- < ·'adus-. Cf. a corresponding verb in LEC ·HVdis- "build" (Boni rjis)?

23 • 'ab- "brother" Sem ·'aIJ- "brother" : Akk aIJu, U g 'aIJ, Phn '!J, Pun '!J, Hbr 'ä!J, Aram (Epigr) '!J, (Syr) 'aM, (Mand) aha, Arab 'aIJ-, SAr 'IJ, Soq 'ae/Ja, Mhr ga, Shr (e)ga, Gz ';:,{pw, Tgr !Ju, Har ;:,!J. WCh ·'ah(ya)- "uncle" 1, "brother" 2:KIr ahy- 1, Wrjyah:J- 2. Initial ya- in Wrj reflects the influence of the second syllable. CCh ·'ay- "son": Msg a!Jt. Msg auslaut -z may go back to ·-ya.

Eg JIJ.t "fire" (BD). CCH ·'ay(u)- "fire": Bura 'u'u, KIb hu'u, FKi uru, Kus ahu, Gul u, Bud au, Mba hü. Assimilation ofvowels in severallanguages. In Gul, u goes back to ·'uyu- with the consequent loss of the second syllable. Reduplication in Bura and KIb.

25 ·'abu3- "take" Sem ·'V!JutJ- "take": Akk aIJäzu, Ug '!Jd, Hbr 'Ij,z, Moab '!Jz, Aram (Epigr) '!Jd, (Palest) >alJad, (Syr) 'e!Jad, (Mand) ahad, Arab '!Jd [-u-], SAr 'M, Gz '!Jz, Amhyazä. Agaw ·'a3- "take": Bil ad-, Kwr az-, Aun as-. Reflexes of intervocalic ·-3- in Agaware extremely unstable. The intervocalic laryngeal is completely lost. HEC ·'arj- < ·'aHV3- "take": Sid arj-. Emphatic -rj- seems to reflect the lost laryngeal.


'AKÜR- -


26 ·'akür- "till" Sem *'Vkir- "till": Aram (Syr) 'akar, (Mand) 'kr, Arab 'kr [-i-]. Sem *-i- indicates HS ·e, *i or *ü. CCh *kur- "hoe, prepare field for sewing": Mofu ~rw, Lame kura. Cf. Hwn küra "hoe" (n.), Bnn kawira id., Zirne kura. ECh *kur- "hoe": Jegu kur-gees. The laryngeal left no traces. Connected with HS *'ekar- "farmer".

Sem *aly- "fat tail (of sheep)" 1, "fat (of leg)": Hbr 'alyä (Palest) 'atytä 1, Arab 'aly-at- 2. Cf. Akk ellu "sesame oil". LEC *'al-'al- "fat" (n.): Or alala. Reduplication. Dhl 'ahli "fat, oil". Note lateral -hl- reflecting HS ·-l-!



Note the Rift form reflecting *-5- (Kwz aS-ito) as Dhl.

28 *'al-/*'il- "be" Berb *'il- "be, become": Izn ili, Snh ili, Tua ili. LEC ·'al-/*'il- "be": Som -aal, -iil. CCh *'al- "be": Mofu ala, Log äli, li. Alternation *a -


29 *'al-/*'ul- "stick" Sem *'al- "stick, club": Hbr 'alä. WCh ·'al- "stick": Tng ala, wala, Bksyal. Tng w- and Bksy- are occasional reflections of *'- in the initial position. LEC *'ul- "stick": Som ul, Or ulle. Wrz ·'ul- "stick": Gaw ul-itte. Cf. SA * *-b- or, on the contrary, an archaic feature. Unusual root structure with a prenasalized


44 *)ankol- "liver, kidneys" ECh *)akwal- "liver' ': Brg )okolo. Note *-nk- > ECh *-k-. Assimilation of vowels. Bed );JnkWePa "kidneys". Prefix *)a-/*)an-. Related to *kul- "kidney".

CCh *manduwa- < *ma-)anduwa- "rat": Gis monduwa-I), Mtk muduwa, Mkt madawa. Prefix *ma-. SA *)andaw- "mouse, rat": Saho anthwa, Afar andawaa. LEC *)antu- "mouse": Or antu-ta. Voiced d of CCh and SA are not regular correspondences of LEC t. However, *-nt- seems to be a more probable reconstruction. The variants of the auslaut are reminiscent of usual alternations of) - W - y. A cultural term with an irregular phonology.

46 *)ap- "mouth" Sem *)anp- "nose" : Hbr )äp, Aram (Syr) )a(n)pä, Arab )anJ-. Consonantal assimilation in Hbr. Secondary assimilation and change of meaning on the Semitic level. BedyaaJ "mouth". Prothetic y-.Cf. HS *)ap-/*wap- "yawn, open mouth"? Agaw *)aif- "mouth": Bil )äb, Kwr aJ. Bil -b- is believed to reflect an unvoiced geminate. SA *)aJ- "mouth": Saho aJ, Afar aJ.

14 LEC ·'af- "mouth": Somaf, Oraf-an, Rndaf, Arboho, Gelaaf, Kns afa. HEC ·'af- "mouth": Sid afo, Dar afa'o, Had afo'o, Ala afo, Bmb afay, Kmb afo. Dhl afo "mouth". Omot ·'af-/·'ap- "mouth": Dime 'appo, Gll afa, Ari aaffa, Ban aapo, Hmr a(a)fo. Rift ·'af- "mouth": Irq afa, Alg aafa, Bur aafa, Asa 'af-ok, Kwz 'afu-ko. Related to ·'ap-/·wap- "yawn, open mouth".

47 ·'ap-'·wap- "yawn, open mouth" Eg wp, wpy "open (mouth)". WCh ·'ap- "throw into the mouth" ap 2, Ang ep 2.




Hs afa



Note a consonantal alternation in the anlaut. If the present stern is not related to the HS word for"mouth", it may be compared with HEC ·'af-/·'if- "spread (in the sun)": Bmb af-, Kmb if-is-. 48 ·'aq- "fieId"

Sem ·'aIJ- "meadow": Ug 'aIJ. Eg JIJ.t "fertile land" (NK). ECh ·'ak- "field": Kera aka. ECh ·-k- is a regular reflex of HS ._q-.

49 ·'ar- "husband" Sem ·'aray- "family member, relative": Ug 'ary, Arab 'arä-. Agaw ·'ar- "husband": Aun l)-ära. Prefix 1)-. HEC ·'ar- "husband": Sid aroo, Had aro'o, Dar aro'o. Omot ·'ar- "husband": Anf aroo. Borrowing from Sid?

15 50 *)ar- "ram, goat" Berb *)ar- "she-goat": Gua ara. LEC *)ar- "sheep": Boni eriya, Rnd ari. Cf. Arb )aar "buH". HEC *)aray- "sheep" (pl.): Bmb araay. Rift *)ar- "goat": Irq ari, Alg ara (pl.), Bur ara (pl.), Kwz ali-to. Note Kwz -1- < *-r-. Cf. also WCh *)ar- "meat": Dera ara. 51 *)ar- "vegetable" Sem *)är- "greens, vegetables": U g )ar-t, Hbr )örä. WCh *)ar- "vegetable": Pero ara. 52 *)ar-/*war- "eagle" Sem *)arVw- "eagle": Akk ara. WCh *war- "sea-eagle": Hs wära. CCh *war- "kite": HNk w;,ri, HGh w;,ri, HF wari, Kap w;,ri. A consonantal alternation *)- -

*w- in the anlaut.

53 *)aram- "enclosed dwelling" Sem *)aramm- "dam" 1, "road" 2: Akk )arammu 1, Hss wörem 2. Cf. a derivative in Hbr )armön "fortress, palace". Berb *rVm- "town, village": Ahg a-rrem. Complete loss of the first syllable. WCh *ram- "land, place" 1, "town, village" 2: Bks ram 1, Sha ram 2, KIr ram 2. No traces of the initiallaryngeal. CCh *)VrVm- "house": Ngw ;,r;,ma. 54



Sem *)arf- "earth": Akk er$etu, Ug )ar$, Phn )r$, Pun )r$, Moab )r$, Hbr )ere$, Aram (Emp) )rq, (Nab, Palm) V, (BibI) )a ra(, (Palest, Syr) )ar(ö, (Mand) arqa, arda, Arab )art!-, SAr )rt!, Jib )ert/. WCh *HVrif- "earth": Paa nla, Cagu hife, Siri r:Jfu, Mbu rt"ji. ECh *)iraf- "valley": Bid )iraat/ya.

16 Metathesis of vowels. May be connected with HEC *)irVS- "farm" (Sid irsa) and Agaw *)aris- "ti11, plough" (Aun ares-~IJ).

55 *)ariw- "metal" Sem *)VrVw- "copper": Akk wem, eru. CCh *)ariy- "iron" : Bld )ariya, Mnd lire. CCh *-iwa- > -iya-. ECh *)araw- "iron": Jegu )arro. Assimilation of vowels.

56 *)a-ruw-/*)a-ruy- "Hon" Sem *)arway-/*)arwiy- "lion" 1, "ferocious animal, beast" 2: Hbr )a rz , )arye 1, Aram (Palm) )ry) 1, (BibI, Syr) )aryö 1, (Mand) arya 1, Gz )arwe 2. Derived from *)arw-. Cf. Arab )arwty-at- "wild sheep"? Eg rw "lion" (pyr). Probably, a form without prefix reflecting *ruw-. CCh *)Vruw- "hyaena" 1, "lion" 2:FKi Tu 1, Mwu Tu 1, Mnd )uruw-v~ri 2, FJI luwi 1. In Mnd -u- of the 1st sy11able was influenced by the next vowel. FKi and Mwu may go back directly to *ruw- < HS *ruw- and correspond exactly to Eg rw. ECh *)aruw- "leopard" 1, "lion" 2: Turn ~r~w 1, Mubi orüwa 2. Mubi 0- is influenced by the fo11owing vowel. LEC *)ar- "lion": Som ar. Cf. also Som awr "he-camel", Rnd or id. < *)awr-? *)a- seems to be aprefix that is not reflected (or not preserved?) in Eg and, partially, in CCh.

57 *)arVb-- "cattle" Sem *)arlJ- "kind of cattle": Akk arlJu, U g )arlJ, Tgr )arl].i, Tgy )arl].i. HEC *)ar(H)- "calf': Bmb a)re. The function of inlaut -)- is not clear. Related to HS *ralJil- "sheep, ram"? Cf. Eg jlJ.t "divine cow, priestess" (gr).

) AS- -



58 ·)as- "seize, grasp" Sem ·)VS- "grasp": Akk aiäSu. WCh ·)as- "take away": Kr )as. CCh ·sJY- "seize": KIb asiya. Derivative of ·si-? 59 ·)as- "come" Berb ·)Vs- "arrive": Tua as, Kbyas. WCh ·)as-/·)is- "come" : Gwn iso, Bks yes, DB yes. Bks and DB y- may go back to .)-. ECh ·)as- "come": Dng ase, ]nk )asso, ]egu )as, Brg )asi, Bid )aseIJ. Wrz ·)as- "go": Gawass-. 60 ·)ase)- "iron" Sem ·)aii'- "iron": Akk aiiu. CCh ·si)- "iron" : Glf siu, Bud hyu. The initial laryngeallost. ECh ·.ryay- < ·sya)- "iron": Lele sayu, Mubi ma-siyo. Prefix ·ma- in Mubi. 61 ·)as- "send" Sem ·)VsJY- "send": SAr ).ry. HEC ·)as(s)- "send": Had ass-e'-. Derivative in -)e-. 62 ·)asaf- "burning" Eg ISj "burn" (XX), "be painful" (n). U nexpected i- before a non-palatal vowel as m so me other cases. WCh ·sa)af- "heat, pain": Hs zäfi. Metathesis. Reconstruction ·sa)af- is also possible.


63 ·'at- "walk, come" Sem ·'Vt- "corne" 1, "pass" 2, "come back" 3: Ug 'atw 1, Hbr '0' 1, Aram (Emp) '0' 1, (N ab) y't' 1, (Palm) 't' 1, (Palest) 'atii 1, (Syr) 'eta 1, (Mand) ata 1, Arab'0' 1, SAr 'tw,'0' 1, Soq 'ete 2, Gz 'atawa 3, Tgy 'atawa 3, Tgr 'ata 3. Various derivations ofthe original ·'Vt- using w,y and' as (;3. WCh ·'at- "ride": Bks 'at. Bed 'at- "tread". SA ·'at- "tread": Afar 'at-. Irregular '-. Omot ·'at- "corne": Gim at-.

64 ·'awan-/·'awin- "time" Sem ·'awiin- "time, moment, season": Arab 'awiin- . Cf. also secondary morphonological variants 'iin- id., 'iwiin- id. WCh ·win- "evening time" 1, "day" 2: Tng wini 1, Ngz w;,na 2. The initial laryngeal lost. CCh ·wan- "year": Nza wane, Mwl wan-ti, Bch wan-to. No traces of the initiallaryngeal. HEC ·'awin- "month, moon": Bmb awin-co. Wrz ·'awVn- "evening": Gaw awne. Since CCh might have lost ·'a- for phonetic reasons, it is not clear if it is aprefix or apart of the root. Is their any connection with Agaw ·'iman- "time" (Bil emaanaa), SA ·'aman- id. (Saho amaana) and LEC ·'amin- id. (Som amin)?

65 ·'ay- "come, run" Sem .','- "go and stay": Arab y'. Based on ., ~-. Berb .,~- "corne": Tua ayu. ECh ·'aw-/·'ay- "go" 1, "gallop" 2: Ndm ao 1, Sbn 'aya 2. An ancient morphonological variant ·'aw- preserved only in ECh? Bed ee- "corne" . From .'t:ry-. HEC ·'e- "enter": Sid 'e-. From ·'ay-.


Omot *)ay- "corne": Omet ai. In Bed and HEC development *-ay- > *-e- seems to be possible. Is there any connection between *)ay- and *)a- "walk, go"? 66 *)ayal- "deer" Sem *)ayal- "deer, ibex": Ug )ayl, Pun yl, Hbr )ayyäl, Aram (Emp) yP, (Palest) )ayyälä, (Syr) )aylä, (Mand) ayala, ayla, SAr yl, Arab )ayyil-, )iyyal-, Gz hayyal. Eg {)Ir "deer" (I), Dem ywr id., Copt *)eyul: Boh eoul, Shd (e)eioul. Borrowed from Sem? LEC *W- < *)ayVl- "gazelle": Som eelo. Dhl )eele "hartebeest" . From *)ayal-. Cf. HEC *)ayan- "gazelle" (Bmb ayaane) and SA *)al- "goats (coll.), she-goat" (Saho ala, Afar alaa). 67 *)a-yil- "ram, sheep" Sem *)ayil- "mythological bull" 1, "rarn" 2: Akk )tilu Phn (pI.) )lm 2, Hbr )ayil 2. Berb *yil-/*)il- "sheep": Nfs t-ili, Sml t-ili. SA *yil-/*)il- "sheep": Saho ille, illi, Afar ille, illi.


Ug )iI 2 ,

Though a phonetic process leading to the loss of *)a- is not excluded, *)a- is, more probably, aprefix. The connection with *)ayal- "deer" is problematic. 68 *)ayVm- "snake" Sem *)aym- "snake": Arab )aym-. WCh *)am- "python": Kir )amo. WCh *)am- < *)aym- as *)ac- "dog" < *)awc- (see WCh *)aw[aJc- "dog, woIr'). This type of development may reflect a specific variety of roots with no vowel between Cl. and C3. 69 *)ekam- "mountain" Sem *)akam- "hill": Arab )akam-at-.

20 Assimilation of vowels ·)akam- < ·)ikam-. Weh ·kya)am- "mountain": Bgh kyaam. Metathesis. The alternative HS reconstruction is ·ke)am-. 70 ·)ekar- "farmer"

Sem ·)ikkar- "farmer, plougher": Akk )ikkar-, Hbr )ikkiir, Aram (Syr) )akiirii, Arab )akkar-. Assimilation of vowels in Aram and Arab. An alleged Sum loanword in Sem. Eg Jkr "Earth-god" (a). Initial J- makes the reconstruction of ·e more probable. Semantically, "Earth-god" .- "plougher". Semitic loanword? The root is etymologically connected with HS ·)akür- "till".

71 ·)el- "leather sack" Sem ·)il- "leather sack": Akk Zlu. Weh ·)al-ay- < ·'yal-ay- "skin bottle used as an oil container": Hs iiliiya.

72 ·)em- "be hot, burn"

Eg Jm, Um "burn" (pyr). No palatalization of J-. Weh ·'yam- "hot": Ngmyam.

73 ·)en- "child" weh ·'yan- "boy": Grk a-yan. Prefix a- in Grk. LEe ·)in- "child": Kon ina. 74 ·)er- "tongue"

LEe ·)er- "tongue": Gel ere. Mgg erei "tongue".

21 Omo *)er- "tongue": Anf erii-co. Although this stern is present only in Cush, its derivatives are found elsewhere and, therefore, it is treated as a HS archaism. 75 *)er- "see, know" ECh *yar- "see": Smryiro, Sbnyara. Bed iray-, iree "see". Agaw *)ar(~-:'P- "know": Bi! ar-. The source of -)- is not dear. Note *-a- in the root. Wrz *)ar- "know": Wara)aari, Gawara, Gob )aar, Camara, Hssar-, Dob ar-, GH ar-. Secondary *-a-. Omot *)er- "know": Ome )er-, ere, Mch ari(hä), Anf erri, Gim err-, era.

Rift *)ar- "see": Irq ara, Aig ar-, Bur ar-im-. Secondary *-a-. Related to HS *)ir- "eye"? Some of the above forms may reflect HS *)ar-. 76 *)er- "woman" Eg irw.t "women" (pyr). ECh *yar- "woman": Mkk )ere, )erowo. Probably related to LEC *)or- "wife": Som oori. If Mkk )erowo goes back to ECh *yaraw-, one could think of HS *)eraw- as a prototype of both Eg and ECh. 77 *)er- "tremble" Sem *) Vr- "tremble": Akk ariiru, IJariiru. ECh *yar- "tremble": Tob yore. 78 *)erar- "container" Eg irr "vessel" (n). i- reflects a front vowel. LEC *)arar- "basket": Arb )arar. Assimilation of vowels.


'ERAY- -


79 ·'eray- "word, speech" WCh ·Yaray- "language": Hsyäre. LEC ·'eray- "word, speech": Som 'eeray, (eeray. Derived from ·'er- "tongue".

80 • 'erib- "sew, tie" Sem ., Vrib- "tie (a knot)": Arab 'rb [-i-]. WCh ·rVHib- > ·ril;- "sew": Wnd rip, Zaar ri:p, Pol rel;-in, Dwot

rip. ECh ·'VrVb- "sew" 1, "untie" 2: Brg 'orbi Brg -0- is secondary. SA ·rib- "sew": Saho rib, Afar rib. LEC .,er Vb- "sew": Or erba.


Turn ;Jr;Jb


81 ·'erin- "tongue" CCh ·'irVn- "tongue": Gis 'ime, Mtk ';Jme, Mofu ';Jme. Probably, from an earlier ·yarin-? Omot ·'eren- "tongue": Ome eren-saa. Assimilation of vowels, from ·'erin-. Derived from HS ·'er- "tongue".

82 • 'es- "fire" Sem ·'is- "fire": Akk 'isat-, Ug 'ist, Hbr 'es, Phn 's, Aram (Emp) 'sh, (BibI) 'eHä, (Palest) 'iHätä, (Mand) (Pt', Gz ';Jsat, Tgr ';Jsat, Amh ;Jsat. Berb • HVs- "big fire": Ahg a-h:Js. WCh ·yas- "fire": Ang wus, Chip wus, Ank wuss, Grk wus, Bolosi, Krk yasi, N gm yasi, Maha wosi, Bele ihi, Krf WÜSt, Gera wusi, Glm wusi, Grm usi, Gej isi, KIr waSe. Forms in ·w- are not clear. Contamination with ·wuS"roast"? ECh ·'is- "fire": Brg 'issi. Probably, from an earlier ·yasi-. Cf. Rift ·'ai- "fire" (Irq aia, Gor aia, Alg aia, Bur aia) with a lateral ._$-. An alternative reconstruction of the HS word for

)ES- -



"fire" may be based on the fact of wi- pattern forbidden in Sem. If initial HS ·wi- (or ·we-) yielded to Sem ·)i-, it could also explain dubious WCh forms in ·w- .

83 • )et- "eat" weh ·Yat- "eat": Fyer )et. HEC ·)it- "eat": Sid it-, Bmb it-.

84 ·)ew- "be old" Eg Uwy "be old" (OK). -J- and -y are a joint reflection of ·e. ECh ·Yaw- "be old": Sbny~, Kera hiwi, Mobuyewe. Another possibility should be considered if Eg -J- goes back to HS ·r. In this case, comparison with CCh ·)ir- "old" (Mw Piri, Bch )ryrey and the like) leads to the reconstruction of HS ·)ir- "be old".

85 ·)i- "time, period of time" Eg J.t "time" (MK). Cf. U.t "moment of time" reflecting a front vowel. WCh ·yi- < ·)i- "year" 1, "time" 2: Angyi- 1, Mntyi 2, Grkyi


Any relation to HS ·)i(w)- "be, become"?

86 ·)ib- "thirst" Eg Ib.t "thirst" (pyr), Copt ·)ibi id.: Fym ibi, Ahm eibe, Bhm ibi, Shd eibe. WCh ·yib- < ·)ib- "thirst": Bgh yip, Kir yip. Secondary y- reflecting .)- before a front vowel. Cf. Arab )bb [-u-]"desire"?

87 ·)ibad- "lose, be lost" Sem ·)VbVd- "lose, be lost": Ug )bd, Phn y)bd, Hbr )bd, Aram (Epigr) )bd, (Palest) )abad, (Mand) abad. CCh ·bidVH- "lose": Zirne vit/.i.


SA *bad- "perish, be extinguished": Saho bad-, Afar baad-. No traces of the initial syllable. LEC *bad- "be lost": Or bad-, Gel bad-. No traces of the initial syllable. Wrz *pat- "get lost, disappear": Gaw pat-, Hss pat-, GoI pat-. No traces of the initial syllable.

88 *'ibaq- "insect" Sem *'iblJ- "kind of bug": Akk iblJu. Berb *bar- "insect": Izy aßalJlJu. Irregular reflex of *-q-. ECh *bag- "locust" 1, "cricket" 2, "spider" bago 2, Kbl bag:Jbag:J 3.


Jegu bago



89 *'iben- "sleep" Eg ibJn "sleep" (pyr). Eg 1- indicates HS *'e- or *'i-. Note intervocalic -J- reflecting amiddIe vowel. CCh *HVbyan- "sleep": Boka !Jweni, Hwn !Jena. In Boka -we- < -ya- after a labial. Since HS *'eben- is hardly possible from the point of view of the vowel pattern, *'iben- remains the only tenable reconstruction.

90 *'i-bil- "came1, donkey" Sem *'ib(i)l- "camel": Arab 'ibil-, 'ibl-, SAr 'bI, Hss I}e-yb'it, Mhr I}eybit, Shh yit. ECh *bil- "donkey": Lele bila-he. The first syllable left no traces. The initial *'i- is either aprefix (preserved only in Sem), or a part ofthe root (lost in ECh for phonetic reasons). In the anlaut HS *'e- is also possible.

91 *'ic- "tooth" WCh *I}a-'ic- "tooth": Ang äs, Chip 'aras, Mnt r:J:JS, Ank hag-has, Grk ras, Bol udo, Krk wudo, Tng wudo, Dera wuro, Ngm udo,

25 Maha udo, Krf icco, Gera waSa, Glmyiizu, Grm oeol}, Mpn ös. Prefix .1J.a-. Note some difficult forms with initial W-, cf. our notes to ·)cs- "fire". HEC ·)is- "tooth": Dar isso. Omot ·)ic- "tooth": Dime iicu.

92 ·)icay- "be sad, be angry" Sem ·)Vsay- "be sad": Arab )sy [-a-]. For Sem ·-s- cf. a derivative in Hbr )äs-ön "misfortune" . ECh ·)is~- "bad": Lele isiya. -iya may be a Lele suffix.

93 ·)id- "eye" WCh ·)id- "eye": Hs ido, Surayit, Angyit,yid, Mntyit, Ankhas-yid, Grkyit, Bol )ido, Krk )ido, Deraycro, Tng idu, Ngm ido, Maha ida, Bele ido, Krf iro, Gera iitji, Glm iirya, Grm ida, Diri adö, Jmb ida, Ngz da. Some forms with -r- may go back to HS ·)ir- "eye" as weIl. CCh ·)id- "eye": Tera idi, Nza di. ECh ·)id-/·)ud- "eye": Dng udä, Mig )ir/c, Jeg )udc, Sok id-. ECh ·)ud- < ·)idu- or a trace of an apophony? Although this root is preserved only in Chadic, its derivatives also occur in Cush, see HS ·)ind- "eye" and we may, therefore, consider it as a HS archaism.

94 ·)igan- "vessel" Sem ·)igän- "cup, bowl": Akk agannu, Hbr )aggän, Arab )iggän-at-. Assimilation of vowels in Akk and Hbr? LEC ·)agan-/·gaHan- "jar": Som agaan, Or gaanii. Assimilation of vowels.

95 ·)i'al- "snake" Eg l'r.t "snake" (pyr). ECh ·)Pal- "snake": Dng aalo, Bid )aalo, Jegu )illo, Brg )cli. Assimilation of vowels in Dng and Bid.


)I'AL- -


An unusual combination of -)- and -'- in one root.

96 *)ikoy- "hold, seize" Eg l,ly "take, catch, seize" (pyr), Copt *l'i: Boh l'i, Sd li. Initiall- indicates *)i- or *)e-. -1.- is palatalized before *-0-. WCh *kway- < *HVkway- "hold" 1, "seize,grasp" 2: Dera kway 1, Miya kwi 1, Bgh kye 1, Bks k'ay 2, DB kay 2. The first syHable lost without traces. Since *e and *0 seem to be incompatible within one root, the reconstruction *)ekoy- is less probable.

97 *)iküc- "relative" Sem *)ik"is- "family member": Akk ik"isu. WCh *ki>ui- "child": Ang keus, Ngz kusai (pl.). Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *ki>üc-. 98 ·)il- "swear; oath" Sem *)V!- "swear": Hbr )ly, Arab )ly [-i-], SAr )lh. Dhl )ilo "oath". Cf. Rift *10)- "oath" (Irq lo)t)?

99 ·)il- "bring" Eg lny "bring" (pyr), Copt *)ini: Fym ini, Ahm eine, Boh ini, Sd eme. HS *-1- > Eg -n-. -y in the auslaut as weH as initiall- suggest a front vowel in the root. WCh *)a!-/*)il- "bring": Bol )al-, Krk )il-. Traces of old alternation *a - *i?

100 ·)ilab- "wall" Eg lnb "wall" (OK). ECh *!abi>- "fence": Kera lalJi. Metathesis.

27 Another possible reconstruction is HS ·labi'-.

101 ·'ilam- "skin" Eg Inm "skin" (pyr), Copt ·'anom id.: Boh anom. Seems to have no connection with HS ·'adam-/·'adim- "skin". WCh ·'Vlam- "hide": Bade alm-:m. Cf. a denominative verb: Bks lamo', DB lamo', Sha lamo' "skin" (v.).

102 ·'ilaw-/·'ilay "saliva" Sem ·'ilaw-/·'ilay- "saliva" : Akk illatu. ECh ·'Vlaw-/·'Vlay- "saliva": Mkk lee, Mubi lawe, Mig 'olo. Consonantal alternation ·-w- - .-y-.

103 ·'ilik- "tooth" Agaw ·'ilVk- "tooth": Bil '~l/cWi, eruk, Xmr eT:}/cW, Xmt er~/cW, Kwr yer/cW, Kemy~rko, Aw ~r/cWi. LEC ·'ilik- "tooth": Som ilig, pI. ilko, Bay ilko, Rnd ilko, Or ilka, Kon ilga, Bus ilica, Gid ilit, Arb il/cWa, Arb 'ilig. Wrz ·'iIVg- "tooth": Gaw ~lge, Gob ~l:Jgo, War ilge. HEC ·'iIVk- "tooth": Had in*e, Bmb ilkaa, ir*a, Kmb in*u-ta. Other HEC forms reflect ·'in(V)k-., Related to ·'alVk- "bite, chew" . Even though exact correspondences between ·l and other laterals in Cush remain uncertain, cf. Rift ·'isik- "tooth" (Kwz isikuko). The word for tooth looks like a Cush deverbative innovation and is preserved here because of the HS status of the corresponding verb.

104 ·'i-ma'- "(be) good" Eg Im] "good" (pyr). ECh ·ma'i- "good": Sok maia.

·'i- may be aprefix or apart of the root (phonetically lost in ECh).


'IMEN- -


105 *'imen- "sun, day" Eg imny "Sun-god" (reg). Initial i- stands for HS *'i-. WCh *myan- "day": Mnt mene. CCh *myan- "day": Dng mena, Mig me:ne. HS *'i- may be aprefix.

106 *'in- "cord, tie" Eg iny "cord" (MK). Ancient deverbative? WCh *'in- "tie": Diri in. CCh *'in- "tie": Gude 'yin-, FB 'yiIJ-, FM 'in- , FJ 'in-. Secondary -yi- < *-i- in Gude and FB. Note -IJ- < *-n'- reflecting a former shift of the laryngeal. ECh *'Vn-/*'VwVn- "tie": Kera :m-tin , Kwn en-ti, Mig 'onno, Sok una, Mubi ewen, Brg 'unaayi. The vowel in Kwn could point out to ECh *-ya-. Other forms are explained by contraction.

107 *'in- "flow, be wet" Sem *'in- "spread (of water)": Arab 'nn [-i-]. Imperfect may reflect an original *'in-. WCh *'Vn- "be wet": Jim nu, Tala 'unu.

108 *'i-nas- "man" Sem *'in(a)S- "man": Hbr )enös, Aram (Syr) (')naS, Arab 'ins-, SAr 'ns, Jib 'snsi. Berb *'inVs- "young man": Ahg a-Yn:Js. Agaw *'an VS- "in-Iaw": Kern ans-:m. By assimilation, from *'inaS-. Derived from HS *nüs-"man".

109 *'inawal-I*'inayal- "plant" Eg inwn "kind of plant" (med). ECh *'inayal- "grass": Mig nyälu, Mubi inälo.




Both Mig -yä- and Mubi -ä- reflect a contraction of *-aya-. An ancient composite or a structure with aprefix *)i-? 110 *)ind- "eye" CCh *)Vnd- "eye": Dgh nde. No traces of the original first syllable. SA *)int- "eyes" (pI.): Saho intit, Afar intit. Unvoiced *-t- < HS *-d- is not dear. LEC *)ind- "eye": Som inrjo- (pI.), Rnd indo, Arb iynr/a, Gdl iinda. Secondary -rj- in Som and Arb? Derived from *)id- "eye" with a nasal infix. 111 *)i(n)t- "louse" ECh *)int- "louse": Dng itta-, Jegu )int-aato, Mig itata. Assimilation *-nt- > -tt- in Dng and > -t- in Mig. Agaw *)ant-/*)int- "louse": Aun inti, antii. The vowel is fluctuating. Dhl )illoni, ita "louse". Rift *)it- "louse": Irq itna (pI.), Bur ita, Alg ita, Asa ita. Dhl and Rift either displaya specific morphonological variant of the root without infix (*)it-) or are explained from assimilations of *-nt-. 112 *)ir- "eye" Eg ir.t "eye" (pyr), Demyr.t id., Copt *yiri id.: Lyc ieire. WCh *)ir-/*yir- "eye": Polyir, Say yir, Grnyerr, Kiryir, Talage-ir, Fyr yeer. *yir- is a result of further development of *)ir-. Note aprefix in Tala. CCh *)ir- "eye": Lame iri, Msm ir, Bnn ira. Related to *)ir- is a CCh derivative *)aray- "eye" « *)iray-?): Bld )aray, Mnj aray, Masa arai. ECh *)ir- "eye": Mubi ir-in.


Sem ·'iru[lJ- "caviar": Akk erütu. Eg lJr.t "part of fish" (med). Metathesis. Derived from ·'ur- "fish".

114 ·'irVy- "stick" Sem ·'iry- "twig, stick" 1, "stake" Cf. also Akk aru, tJaru id. Eg Jry. t "kind of stick" (MK).


Akk uru


Arab 'iry-


Cf. ECh ·'war- "stick": Jegu 'orra. Related to ·'ariw- "tree"?

115 ·'isV'-/·'isVw- "piece of wood" Sem ·'VSSV'- "fir-tree splinter" : Akk esse'u. Eg isw.t "thick wooden bar" (n). A cultural Wanderwort? Note the consonantal alternation ·w - .,

116 ·'itah- "pulI" Eg lth "pulI" (pyr). Eg 1- stands for ·'i-. CCh ·taH- "pull": LPe ta', Msm ta. The initial syllable completely lost. HS


may be aprefix.

117 ·'i(w)- "be, become" Eg Iw "be" (pyr). WCh ·'i- "become" 1, "be" 2: Ang g'yi CCh ·ya- "become": Gisye-.


Bol i-

1 2.

Related to ·'iw-/·'iy- "come" , cf. Eng become - come? Note that the original root seems to have a structure CV-, i.e. ·'i-.



118 ·)iw-'·)iy- "come" Eg ry, iw "corne" , Copt .)ry id.: Bhr i, Shd ry. CCh .)iy- "go, come": Masa iy. Bed )i- "corne". LEC ·)i- "go": Arb )i'it-. Consonantal alternation of ·w - .y. Cush data may indieate an earlier form of the root, namely, ·)i-. ~

119 ·)iw-'·)iy- "jackal, dog" Sem .)iy- "jaekal": Hbr )l. Eg lw "dog" (MK). WCh .)iy- "dog": Wrj iye-na. Suffix in Wrj. LEC .)iy- "wild eat": Or iyyaa. Consonantal alternation of ·w -


120 ·)or- "vomit" Sem ·)VrVw- "vomit": Akk arn. Based on an earlier biconsonantal .) Vr-. ECh ·)war- "vomit" : Mig werro, Mobu w~re. Cf. also Smr hür~ reflecting the same root with aprefix.

121 ·)or- "curse, insult" (v.) Sem ·)ur- "curse": Akk aräru, Hbr )rr, Soq )erer. Eg wir "eurse" (XXII). Vocalic w-. WCh ·)ar- < ·)war- "insult, seold": Wrj är-, Kry är-, Ngz aru. CCh ·)ir- "insult": Zirne ir. Unexpected vocalism. ECh ·war- "insult": Dng ware. HEC ·)ar- "be angry, be annoyed": Sid aar-, Dar aar- , Bmb aar-. Vocalism of a stative.

122 ·)oral}- "road, way" Sem ·)ur(a)lJ- "way": Akk )urlJu, )arlJu, Hbr )öra!j, Aram (Emp,


)ORAtI- -


Palm) )r~, (Syr) )ür~ä, (Mand) cwlJr', (NAram) )urlJ. WCh *)wara- < *)waraH- "road": Sura ar, Ang ar, Ank war, KIr )araw. *-H- is, probably, preserved as -w- in KIr but lost elsewhere. ECh *)war- "road": Bid )oora. An alternative reconstruction could be *)waHar- with a metathesis and a regular contraction of *-waHa- > Bid -00HEC *)or- "road":- Dar ora.

No traces of the laryngeal. Rift *)uruw- "path, way": Gor uruwa. Secondary formation in -uwa. The loss of the laryngeal in Rift is irregular.

123 *)ow-/*)oy- "river, tide" Eg wiw "tide" (a). Initial w- is a vowel sign. ECh *)way- "water, river": Mkk )ooye. Certainly connected with WCh *(')waw- "pour' , (Glm waaw-). Note the consonantal alternation *-w- - *-y-.

124 *)ubun- "vesseI" Sem *)ubun- "vessel": Akk ubbunu. CCh *bun-H- "water pot": Wmd bUl). Metathesis of the laryngeal forming a cluster with *-n-: *-n)-



Note LEC *)ub- "vessel": Som ubbo.

125 *)ucok- "temple" (anat.) Sem *)usuk- "temple": Akk usukku. Eg sski "temple" (BD). Initial ss- may reflect *c. - 3 probably indicates *0, or may be a result of the metathesis.

126 *)udun-/*)u3un- "ear" Sem *)udn- "ear": Akk )uzn-, Ug )udn, Hbr )ozen, Aram )udnä, (Syr)

)UDUN-/'U3UN- -



)ednö, (Emp) )dn, Arab )ugn-, SAr )gn, Soq )idihen, Shr igen, Mhr heydin, Gz );}zn, Tgr );}zn, Tgy );}zni, Har uzun. Eg idn "ear" (a). i- palatalized from *}- under the influenee of *-u-. ECh *)udun-H- "ear": Jegu )udUIJe, Brg udUIJi. -IJ- may be explained by the shift of the laryngeal.

An unexpeeted *d -

*j variation in the root.

127 *)udur- "heart" Eg idr "heart" (I). i- palatalized from *}- under the influenee of *-u-. WCh *)udur- "ehest" 1, "heart" 2: Sura tugur 1, Ang dur 1 2. Sura inlaut -g- is regular. The first syllable is reeonstrueted on the basis of the anlaut in Sura and Ang. ECh *dur- "middle": Lele duro ni. Dhl guura "gut". 128 *)uf- "body, meat" Eg iwJ, if "flesh" (pyr), "body (med). Eg -w- indieates HS *u palatalizing the preceding aleph *}- > i-. CCh *)[ulfwa- "body": BudJu, Gis vaa, Mofu vaw, Tera V;}-tb, Gbn J;}-[;} , Gudu fivä- si. The initial syllable is lost. Cf. also Kap guva id., Glv vuya id., Zgh vuya id., Mnd vuwa id. If these forms belong to the CCh root, they may eontinue *yV-)uJwa- with aprefix *yV-. 129 *)ug- "burn" Sem *)ug- "burn": Arab )gg [-u-]. ECh *)ig-/*)ug- "burn" 1, "fry" 2: Ndmyuga Ndmyu- < *)u-. Related to LEC *)eg- "fire": Arb )eeg. 130 *)ukok- "jump, run" Eg lJJ. "fly" (pyr).


Mig )iggo.


'UKOK- -


Palatalization of *k > 1. after labials. WCh *kwak- "jump, gallop": Ang kwok. The first syllable completely lost. ECh *'uk Vk- "run": Mig 'ukk-, Mkk 'ukke. *-0- reconstructed on the basis ofreflexes in WCh. Cf. Dhl 'uk'"rise" with emphatic -k'-.

131 *'um- "people" Sem *'umm- "people, clan": Ug 'um-t, Hbr 'ummä, Arab 'umm-at-. Rift *'im- "people" 1, "crowd" 2: Irq imi 1, Alg imi 2, Bur im-et 1. Assimilation of vowels.

132 ·'un- "today" Eg in "today" (BD). CCh *'wrya- "today": KIb 'urrya.

133 ·'unay- "meat" Sem *'un ~- "kind of meat": Akk unu. CCh *nay- "meat": Bld neo No trace of the first syllable.

134 ·'up- "goat, sheep" Eg wjP "sheep" (pyr). w- reflects a labialized vowel after j. However, cf. *'up"strike" . WCh *'up- "she-goat": Cagu ufe.

135 ·'up- "strike" Eg ip "blow" (n.) (MK). i- < *j- before *-u-. WCh *'up- "strike": Mnt wup. Secondary initial w- in Mnt. ECh *'up- "strike": Mig 'uppo.

35 136 *)ur- "day" Sem *)UTT- "day" 1, "light" 2: Akk UTTU )ör 2. CCh *)ur- "morning": Gudu wür. HEC *)or- "midday": Bmb orra.


üru 2, Ug )ar- 2, Hbr

Related to *)ur- "burn, be hot". 137 *)ur- "burn, be hot" Sem *)ur- "set fire": Arab )TT [-u-], )ry [-i- ]. Cf. also Arab )irr-at- "fire". ECh *)ur- "be hot" 1, "burn" 2: Smr )ura, Bid )oor, Dng )ere. Assimilation of vowels in Dng. SA *)ur- "burn": Afar ur-. 138 *)ur- "fish" WCh *)ur- "kind of fish": Hs üri. ECh *yar- "fish": Ndam ere. Assimilation of vowels. Omot *)or- "fish": Shk or-us, Gim oru, Dime or-zo.

Sem *)urul- "reed": Akk urullu. LEC *)ulul- "flute": Or ulullee. Assimilation of liquids. Omot *)uril- "flute": Mch urillo. An alternative reconstruction is *)ulul- (reduplication?). Assimilation of vowels in Sem and LEC? 140 *)urüd- "vesseI" Sem *)urzd- "vessel": Akk urzdu. WCh *ru)ud- "beer-gourd": Hs rüdü. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *ru)üd-.


)us- -


141 ·)us- "woman" CCh ·)us- "woman": Glv)usa. Agaw ·)us- "female" (adj.): Bil us-äri, Xmr oos- räy. Cf. also Kern iyusee "woman" < ·)i-)us-. Omot ·)us- "woman having a child": Ome uso. 142 ·)utal-/·)util- "jump" Sem ·)Vtil- "take short steps": Arab )tl [-i-]. LEC ·)utal- "jump": Or utaala. 143 ·)ün- "cut" Eg lnln "cut" (pyr). Reduplication of the original ·in. ECh ·)Vn- "cut": Mubi iwin. An alternative (and less probable) reconstruction is ·)i-'in-. Since there us a possibility that ·-w- in ECh is a secondary development of .)-, the original HS root may be ·)in- . 144 • )ür- "belly, stomaeh" Sem ·)ir- "breast": Akk irtu, Ug )irt. CCh ·)ur- "stornach" : Msg ur-ni. Cf. also ·war- < ·ura-' 'belly": Mba war, Msg wara. Reduplication in Log werwer "lungs". ECh ·)ur- "navel": J egu )uTTe. LEC ·)ur- "belly": Som uur-. 145 ·)üs- "man" Sem ·)is- "man": Phn )s, Hbr )is, Aram ~s, SAr ~s. If not from ·)in(a)s-. WCh ·wus- < ·)us- "brother": Siri wusi, Jmb wusa. CCh ·)us- "man": Mba wus, Msg us, wus. HEC ·)os- "child, boy": Sid osoo, Dar ose (pl.), Had oos-ico, Kmb osoo. Cf. Agaw ·)as- "man" (Xmr aasaw) and Omot ·)as- "man" (Ome asa, Mch )aSo) with a different root vowel. It is possible

)ÜS- -



that these forms belong to a different root including also WCh *)as- "grandfather": Fyer )äs. 146 *)Vcup- "gather, harvest" Sem *) Vs Vp- "gather, collect" 1, "harvest" (v.) Ug )asp 1, Hbr )sp 12, Aram (Palest) )asap 2. ECh *) Vsup- "harvest" (v.): Turn sub. Turn vocied -b is regular.


Akk esepu

1 2,

147 *)Vgor- "chew" Sem *)VgVr- "chew": Arab )gr. ECh *gwar- "chew": Sbn gw;)r;), Tob gure. No traces of the first syllable. Initial


V- may be aprefix.

148 *)Vkul- "eat" Sem *)Vkul- "eat": Akk akiilu, Ug )akl, Phn )kl, Hbr )kl, Aram (Emp) )kl, (Syr) )ekal, (Mand) akal, Arab )kl [-u-]. Derived from this root are Gz );)kl "food", Tgr );)/c;)l "grain", Amh );)~l id. WCh *kal- < *ka)Vl- "food": Hs kiiliiE. Secondary derivative in -ci in Hs. Metathesis. 149 *)VI- "be exhausted" Sem *)VlVw- "be unable, be incapable": Arab )lw [-u-]. Based on *) Vl-. LEC *)el- "exhaustion": Or eelaa. Nominal derivative. 150 *)Vles- "deceive" Sem *)Vlis- "deceive": Arab )ls [-i-]. CCh *lyas- "deceive, lie": Msg les. ECh *las- < *lyasa- "deceive, lie": Mobu lase, Ngam lase. HS *)V- may be aprefix or apart of the root lost in CCh and ECh for phonological reasons.


)VNII;I- -


151 ·)Vnil;1- "breath; breathe" Sem ·)Vni4- "sigh" 1, "moan" 2: Akk anälJu 12, Ug )anlJ 1, Hbr )n4 2, Aram (Syr) )ena4 2, Arab )n4 [-i-] 1. Eg n4w.t "soul" (n). A deverbative formation reflecting ·nu4-. Related to Eg in4 "live"? Initial ·)V- may be aprefix.

152 ·)VrVg- "plait, weave; mat" Sem ·)VrVg- "plait, weave": Hbr )rg. Cf. Pun )rg "weaver". WCh ·rag- "net" 1, "thread" 2: Hs rägä 1, Krf rogho 2. Secondary -0- in the first syllable in Krf. No traces of the initial laryngeal.

153 ·)Vsuk· "dweIl" Eg lsk "linger" (XVIII), Copt ·)osk id.: Ahm osk, Boh osk, Sd osk. WCh ·suki- "sit" 1, "rest" 2: Bol siki 1, Paa siki 1, Pol s:Jk 1, Gej suki 2, Brw suk 1, Dwot suk 1. Initial ·)V- may be aprefix.

*b 154 ·ba)· "father" Berb ·ba)- "father, owner, master": Kby ßa. CCh ·ba)- "father": Log bä. An onomatopoeia.

155 ·ba)· "bush, tree" Eg bJ.t "bush" (a), Copt ·bu id.: Akh bou, Boh M. WCh ·ba'- "tree": Ang bau, Krk qa, Tng qau. q- in Krk and Tng reflects a lost laryngeal.

BA'- -



CCh *bwaH- < *baH- "bush": Gis qoh. *-wa- < *-a- after a labial. Note an unexpected laryngeal. Initial emphatic is caused by a laryngeal. SA *bah- "wood": Afar bahoo. Note an irregular laryngeal. CCh and SA may belong to a specific variant or a different word *bah- id. 156 *ba'-/*baw- "(gourd) vessel" CCh *ba'- "pot" 1, "calabash" 2: Tera qo 1, Gudu qa q- in Tera and Gudu reflects a lost laryngeal. Agaw *baw- "gourd bottle": Xmr baw, bawa.


Note a consonantal alternation *-'- - *-w-. 157 *ba'-/*baw-/*bay "walk, go" Sem *bü'- "go, come" 1, "enter" 2, "return" 3: Akk bd'u 1, Ug ba' 3, Phn b' 2, Hbr b(w)' 3, Arab bw' [-u-] 3, SAr bw' 3, Gz bo'a 2, Tgr bä'a 2, Tgy bo'e 2, Hrr bö'a 2. Based on biliteral *b Vw- or *b V'-. Berb *b Vy- "drive, bring" 1, "come" 2: Ghd :)bbi 1, Siwa :)bba 1, Ayr huii-:)t 1, Twl huii-:)t 1, Ahg :)hi 1, Tsl ihai 2. Berb *b- > *ß- yielding to h- under not quite certain conditions. Eg byi "go away" (pyr). Vocalic -i. WCh *ba'-/*baw- "return" 1, "go" 2, "come" 3: Sura bä 1, Mnt ba 1, Ang be 1, Dera b:) 2, W rj buw 3, Kry ba- 2, Diri mbu 3, Miya ba- 2, Cagu ba- 2, Mbu ba- 2, Jmb bo- 3, KIr bo 3. Wrj, Diri andJmb seem to reflect *baw-. Note prefix *mV- in Diri. CCh *ba'-/*baw-/*bay "go" 1, "come" 2, "go away" 3, "follow" 4: Tera qa 2, Gaa aqi 2, Gbn bei 1, Hwn bai 1, Mrg qu 1, Wmd ba 2, Gis be 3, Daba va 1, Bch b:)y 4, Masa ba 2, Bana b:)w:) 2, Boka qe-tji 3. Cf. also Chb bi-ti "return" that may go back to *bay-. ECh *ba'-/*baw-/*bay- "accompany" 1, "come" 2, "enter" 3, "go" 4: Tob be 1, Kera bi 2, Mobu baye 3, Mubi qa, qow 4, Sok bä, bi 4.




Bed bay- "go". SA *ba)- "go away": Afar ba)-. LEG *ba)- "go out": Or ba)-. Related to Som ba~- id. with a different laryngeal? HEG *ba)- "go away, go out": Sid ba-, Had ba)e, Bmb ba)-. Dhl be- "go". From *bay-? Omot *ba)- "go": Om baa-. Rift *baw- "follow": Asa bow-at-. Secondary -0- in Asa. Gonsonantal alternation *-)- - *-w- - *:)'-. Forms in *:)' and *-w may reflect earlier *ba)i- and *ba)u-.

158 *ba)-/*bP· "hole, pit" Sem *b2- "hole": Akk b2u. Berb *b V- "irrigation ditch": Siwa ta-ba. Eg bibi "hole" (pyr), bii "snake's hole" (pyr), biy.w "hole" (n). Reduplication. The form biy. w seems to display a front vowel in the root. WGh *ba)- "hole": Krf boro, Tng ba. LEG *bo)- "furrow": Or bo)00. Secondary rounded vowel after a labial. Dhl ~oowi "nostril, small hole". From *ba)aw-? Rift *ba)- "pit": Irq ba)i, Bur ba)a. Alternation *a -


159 *ba)-/*bu)· "dig, hoe" Eg bi "hoe" (v.) (OK). WGh *bu)- "dig, bury": KIr buy, Sha bu. Final :)' in KIr is not very dear. Probably, KIr buy

d may be explained by preeeding HS *e or *0. Note prefix *n V-. ECh *bag-ay- "be angry": Mobu bagay, Ngm bagaye.

176 *bag- "pierce" Sem *bag- "pieree": Arab bgg [-a-, -u-]. Berb *b Vg- "pieree": Twl a-beg, Sml t-bgu.

177 *bag-'*bagVy- "(gourd) vessel" Berb *bag Vy- "plate": Snh ta-bagi-t.




Eg bd, bdJ "pot" (OK). Vocalic -i. Note the palatalization of *-g-. CCh *bayVg- "gourd": Log m-boigo, Afd beiga. Metathesis from *bagf-Y-. An alternative reconstruction is *bay Vg-.

178 *bag- "fear" (n.) ECh *lJag- "fear" : Mubi lJaga. From *bag-. Emphatic lJ- in Mubi is due to the influence of HS *-g-. Agaw *bals- "horror, fright": Bil bagaagaa. LEC *bag- "fear" : Som baga. A normal reflex of HS *-g- is LEC *_c_. In the present case, -gmay indicate a loanword.

179 *bac- "dirt, mud" CCh *ba- "dirt": Tera ba, Daba buba, Mus Reduplication in Daba and Mus. Rift *ba c- "mud": Irq baca.


An ancient deverbative form? Cf. Dhl baa c- "defecate".

180 *bac- "pour" Sem *b 0- "rain" (v.): Arab bcc . Eg bClJ.y "pour" (pyr). Cf. bcc "drink (blood)" (gr). The stern seems to be based on Proto-Eg *b c. WCh *ba c- "pour": Cagu va-, vo-, Mbu vay, vaw. ECh *bwa(y)- "pour": Smr bo, Kbl b~yi, Mkk buuye (perl. ), Lele boy. *bwa(y)- < *bwaH(i)-. Secondary labialization ofHS *a > *wa after *b. Cf. Dhl bu)- id. and Rift *bu)- id. (Alg bu)- ) with a different laryngeal.

46 181 *bacar "catch" Sem *bVCVr- "catch (fish, birds)", 1, "fish" (v.) Soq bCr 2. WCh *baHar- "catch, take": Sura "eer.


Akk ba)aru


182 *bacil- "man" Sem *bacl- "husband, master": Akk bilu, U g bCI, Phn bCI, Pun bCI, Hbr bacal, Aram (Epigr) bCI, Arab bacl-, SAr bCI, Shr bacl, Soq bacl, Mhr MI, Gz bacal, Tgr bacl, Amh bai. CCh *bVl- "man": Log b;Jlo, Gul bel-ewe. Derivative in *-aw- in Gul. SA *bal- "father-in-Iaw": Saho ballaa, Afar ballaa. LEC *Hobol- "relative": Or obbolaa. Metathesis and secondary labialization of vowels under the influence of *-b-. HEC *beHil- "master" 1, "friend" 2: Sid biilo 1, Bmb beeli 2 . Vocalism may be archaie and reflecting *baHil-.

183 *bacür- "buH" Sem *baczr- "bulI" 1, "young bulI" 2, "camel" 3, "OX" 4: Akk bzru 1 2, Hbr lI'zr 1, Aram lr'zrä 1, Arab baczr- 3, SAr bCr 3, Gz b;Jcr-awi 4, Tgr b;JC;Jr-ay 4, Tgy b;JC;Jray 4, Amh bäre 4, Arg bara 4, Hrr ba)ara 4, Gur bawra 4, Soq beCer 3, Mhr beyr 3. WCh *bar- "rarn" 1, "bulI" 2: Cagu bari-n 1, Gera bara 2. CCh *bar- "bulI": Bud baru. ECh *bur- < *bVHur- "bulI": Mkk buru. Bed b~raay "bulI" . Derivative in *-ay-. Agaw *bir- < *bVHir- "bulI": Bil biiraa, Xmr biiraa, Xmt biraa, Kwr biira, Aun birii, Dam berii. SA *ba)er- "bulI": Saho be)er, Afar ba)eraa. HEC *ba)or- "oryx, bulI": Had baara, Kmb bora. Omot *b~or- "bulI": Ome booraa. Omot *0 < HS *ü. Dhl "Pira "water-buck". Maybe related to Berb *barar- "she-camel" (Zng ta-barär-t).





184 *ba'Vl- "be able" Sem *bVCVl- "rule, sway": Hbr bel. ECh *baHVl- "can": Lele /Jal, Kbl /Jal. Cf. Rift *bel- "be, become" (Kwz bel-)? Related to *ba'il"man". Sem may be adenominative. 185 *bah[ü]l- "pit, weIl" Berb *baw[iJl- "pit (made in search of a weH)": Twl bawel. From *baH(w)il-?? ECh *bal- "weH": Smr b:Jla, Turn bai, Ndam bai, Sok bai. LEC *bahol- "hole, pit, weH": Som bahol, bahul, Or booll. HEC *baHVl- "hole" 1, "ravine" 2, "precipice" 3: Sid baallee Had balle, ballee 2, Kmb balliyaa 3. Wrz *p VHol- "weH": Dob poolle.


186 *ba1.tal- "wild anima!" Sem *b Vl.z Vl- "fierce animal" : Aram (Pehl) MI. LEC *balJal- "wild animal" 1, "lion" 2: Som bahal Rnd goes back to balJal-ti with -5- < *-lt-.


Rnd bal}aJi


Cf. in CCh: Mnd )u/Jula, Glv )u/Jula "leopard" from )u-bVHVl-. 187 *ba1.tar- "choose" Sem *bVl.zVr- "choose": Akk bCru, belJiru, Hbr Mr, Aram (Palest) btl}ar, SAr Mr. ECh *baHar- "choose": Sbn /J:Jr, Lele baar, Kera vere, Kwn pari. 188 *ba1.tar-l*ba1.tir- "cut, tear" Sem *bVl.zar- "cultivate, cut (camel's ear)": Arab Berb *bVHVr- "pinch and turn": Kby ßecce'T. From Arab? WCh *baHar- "cut": Tng ber, Glm /Jar-. Dhl /Jiir- "cut grass, mow". Assimilation of vowels from *bal}ir-.

Mr [-a-].


189 *bab-/*bib- "burn, be hot" Eg

b!J!J "burn" (reg).

Partial reduplication. WCh *baH- "hot": Paa bubau, Grn ba'a. Partial reduplication in Paa. The root vowel rnay be secondary. CCh *bVH-bVH- "hot": Gbn ~e~e, Boka ~we~we, Hwn ~i~a-t. Reduplication with rnodified vocalisrn. ECh *biHwa- "roast": Mig biyyu, Sbn ~w;). Alternation *a -


190 *babül- "leg" Berb *babil- "camel's leg": Izy aßabil. CCh *baHul- "thigh": Tera boli, Bnn ~ala, Masa


Msg bul.

191 *babuy- "be good" Sem *b VlJuy- "be beautiful": Arab blJy [-u-]. CCh *bayVH- "good": Zirne ~ay'. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *bayub-. Note Rift *bo c- "better, superior" (Alg boC) with a different laryngeal.

192 *baHal- "horn" WCh *baHal-um- "horn": Mnt bulu, Grk ~;)l, Bol ~oolu-m, Krk ~eel:J-m, Dera ~ili, Tng ~:Jl, Ngm ~alu-m, Maha bele-m, Glrn balu. ~- in several languages reflects a lost intervocalic laryngeal. Note a suffix of body parts *-um-. Ornot *baHal- "horn": Dime bai-tu, GH baalz'.

193 *baHur- "thread, band" CCh *m V-bar- "thread": Masa mbaro. Prefix *m V-. Note that in forrns with prefixes, traces of laryngeals and contraction of - VHV- patterns are usually lost. ECh *baHur- "thread": Kwn ba:ru, Jegu bUTTe. SA *bör- < *bVHor- "loin-cloth" 1, "band" 2: Saho bor 1, Afar booruu 1, boor 2.

BAHuR- -

Omot *bür-

maro. Metathesis. Secondary emphatization in Xmr. An alternative reconstruction is *cimal-.

395 *cim- "grass, plant" Sem *sim-sim- "sesame": Arab simsim-. Reduplication. Eg sm.w "cabbage" (pyr), Copt *sim id.: Fym sim, Ahm sim, Bhr sim, Shd sim. WCh *cim- "steep herbs (for medicinal purposes)": Hs ~ima. ECh *syam- "hay": Mkk seemi (pI.). Rift *cam- "kind of grass": Irq camo. Dhllaam-ine "blade of grass". Innovative *a in Cush.

396 *cin-/*cun- "leg" Sem *sün- "lap, crotch": Akk sünu. Cf. Arab sin c- "joint (offingers)" and )sn "kick with a foot". Eg ins "leg" (med). Metathesis, Agaw *sin-H- "calf': Bil sil)o The laryngeal may be treated as a remainder of an archaie prefix moved to the end of the root (if so, the Agaw word may be compared with Chadic forms under *)a-cin-H-) or as a secondary suffix. Chadic forms with *)a-/*Ha-, aprefix ofbody parts, see under *)a-cin-H-.

397 *cinun- "bird" Sem *sinun- "swallow": Akk sinuntu, Arab sinini, sinünü. Rift *cu)unun- "hawk": Asa su)ununu. Secondary *-u)u- < *i due to assimilation.


CIP- -


398 *cip- "sweep" Sem *sVp- "rake up" I, "purify, refine" 2: Hbr spy I, Gz sJf2. Various formations based on biliteral *sVp-. Berb *cVj- "plane" (v.) I, "wash" 2: Ayr zafat I, Kby ucuf2. WCh *cVp- "take offthe top layers ofwashed corn" I, "sweep" 2, , 'skirn" 3: Hs ~äf-aie I, Diri s:1fa 2, Siri c:1fu 2, N gz S:1PU 3. ECh *sip- "sweep" I, "remove foam" 2: Bid sep I,Mkk sippe 2. Bid may reflect *sipa-.

399 *cir- "pot" Sem *si'r- "mug": Hbr si'r. WCh *cir- "smali pot": Ank sir. CCh *cir-/*cur- "pot": Zgh sire, Gava sura. Traces of an ancient apophony?

400 *cir- "pierce" Sem *s Vr-s Vr- "sharpen": Arab srsr. Reduplication. WCh *cir- "spit meat on skewers, pierce": Hs


Related to *cir- "thorn".

401 *cir- "thorn" Sem *si'r- "thorn, hook": Hbr si'ri'm (pI.). Eg sr. t "thorn" (BD). ECh *sir- "roasting spit": Bid si'ri.

402 *ciway- "pay" Sem *suy- "cost" (v.): Arab swy [-a-]. WCh *ciya- "pay": Wrj ca, Kry ciy, Miya C-, Mbu c- , Jmb si, sa, Ang si. Transformation of an earlier *ciwya-/*ciway-?

403 *co)ab- "drink" Sem *sVbP-/*sPab- "draw water"



"be satisfied

CO'AB- -



with drinking" 3, "buy wine in order to drink it" 4-: Akk säb- 1, U g Pb 1, Hbr sb' 2, Aram ud) sb' 2, Arab s'b [-a-] 3, sb' [-a-] 4-. Metathesis of *-'- within Sem. CCh *cwaHab- "suck": Mofu -sasab-, Gis sOQ, sUQ, Daba seQ, Zirne soQo. Emphatic -Q- reflects the lost laryngeal. ECh *swaHVb- "suck" 1, "drink" 2: Kera sOQe 1, Mubi suva 2.


404 *cok- "pot, vessel" Sem *'asuk- "vessel for ointments": Hbr 'asuk. Prefix *'a-. Eg sl.t "baking form" (OK). Progressive palatalization of *k > 1 after HS *0. WCh *cwak- "calabash": Ngm soko. CCh *swak- "pot": FKi saka, Zgh sa~, Glv s~ka, FJ saku, Bch suk-to, Log skwa, Ksr sko.

405 *coriy- "plant, grass" Eg s]ry "kind of plant" (med). -]- is a sign for a vowel. WCh *cwari- "grass, thatching grass": Hs ?,äri, Bol saro, Dera swari, Kry car, Miya car, Cagu cir-;n. ECh *swariy- "kind of grass": Mkk soriyo.

406 *cubVl- "pierce" Sem *sVllVl- "pierce": Akk salJälu. WCh *cul- "pierce": Sura sul, Chip Contracted from *cuHVl-.


407 *cuk- "elose" Sem *suk- "stop up" 1, "cover" 2: Akk sakäku 1, Hbr skk 2, Arab skk [-U-] 1, Jib sekk 2. CCh *ca-cVkwa- "stop up": Mofu sas~kw. Partial reduplication. HEC *?,uk- "elose (with a lid)": Bmb cuk-. Bmb c- is due to the orthographie peculiarities of the lexical sourees.


CVI;IA~- -




"cut, break"

Sem *snzat- "break, crush": Akksaqu, zaqu, Arab s~q [-a-],Jib s~t, Hss selJäq, Mhr se~äq. Berb *cvt(t)- "cut, pierce": Kby ceqq. 409 *cVmVk- "cover" Sem *sVmVk- "cover": Akk samäku. Eg skm "wrap" (gr). Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *c Vk Vm-. 410 *cVtVl;1- "bird" Eg st~ "kind of bird" (XXII). CCh *c Vl- "kite": Bch solo.

*c. 411 *c;a)al-'*c;awal- "jump" Sem *fül- "rush at, jump at" 1, "jump in fright" 2: Arab fwl [-u] 1, Jib fell 2. WCh *~al- < *~a)al- "jump": Hs ~alle. ECh *sa)al- "jump": Lele caal. HEC *~äl- < *~aHal- "jump": Had ~aall-, Kmb ~aal-. Consonantal alternation *-)- -


412 *c;ad- "grind" *~Vr!- < *~Vd- "grind": Ayr ~~~4, Kby Secondary emphatization of *-d-. Omot *~ad- "pound": Ome ?aad-.


413 *c;ad- "be thirsty" Sem *fVday- "be thirsty": Arab fdy [-a-]. Based on biliteral *f Vd-.


99 CCh *carj- < *fad- "liek" 1, "drink" 2: Mofu - S:Jrj- 1, Mafa carj. Shift of emphatization. ECh *sarj-j*sirj- "suck" 1, "liek" 2: Mig 'asirjo, Sbn cada 2. Shift of emphatization preceding the merger of HS *f in ECh. 414



Sem *$ Vda'- "split, separate": Arab $d' [-a-]. ECh *sad- < *saHad- "cut": Turn sad. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *facad-. 415 *.;:ag- "hair" WCh *fag- "hair (in the horse's tail)" Cagu g:J$iye 2. Metathesis in Cagu. Rift *fag- "hair" : Irq faga. U nexpected Irq f-.




Hs ~agiyii


416 *.;:ac- "stick" Eg

d" "twig" (med).

Partial reduplication (of orthographie nature?). WCh *faH- "stick": Bol ciiwa, ziiwa, KIr coh. CCh *n V-cah- "stick": Gis jaha. *n(~c-

> J-.

The following forms may be related to this root: (i) Sem .c~aw­ "stick" (Arab C~ii) with metathesis; (ii) Rift *cal],- "arrow-tip" (Alg cal],i, Bur cal],iya). 417


"shout, ask"

Sem *{V'a(c- "shout" 1, "call" (v.) 2, "thunder" (v.) 3: Hbr lq Aram Uud) $Cq 1, SAr lq 2, Arab lq [-a-] 3, Jib $aCak 1. Berb *[fJVwVk- "sing": Kby cewweq. Irregular anlaut. Eg d'k "call" (n). Note loss of emphatization in -k < *(c.



QA (A~- -


CCh *cak- "ask": Gbn C;)Xi, Boka saxa-rja, Hwn cake. Agaw *faw(V)~- < *faH(V)~- "ask": Xmt ?aw~-. Omot *f~Vk-/*fVwVk- < *fVHVk- "shout": Ome fäyk- , Kaf ?ook-. Dissimilation of *~ > *k as in Eg. Cf. also Som rjawaaq- "shout caused by grief'? 418 *c;a1.t- "be white" Sem *.fn- "be white" 1, "shimmer" 2, "be clear" 3: Hbr .flJ,IJ, 1, Aram.fM 2, (Syr) .falJ,ä 3, Arab .flJ,w [-u-, -a-] 3, Gz .flJ,w 3, Tgr .flJ,y 3, Tgy .fälJ,e 3, Soq .fl,y 3. Various triliteral formations based on *.f CCh *cay-"shining": Mafa caya)a. From *~aH-. Omot *~aH- "white": Ari faa-mi.


Cf. also Berb: Ghd itjua "light" (adj.)? 419 *c;a1.t- "metal" Eg dlJ, "kind of metal" (XVIII). CCh *cax- "iron": FG caX)'i. Derived from *falJ,- "be white"? Cf. a similar type of semantic derivation in Lat argentum "silver" and the like. 420 *c;:a1.tora)- "sand" Sem *.falJ,ra)-"desert": Arab .falJ,rä)-. WCh *ffaHwaJr- "sand": Kir )asoor, DB nJoor. DB nJ- < *n Vf-. CCh *cVrVl- < *~VrVr- "sand": Nak s;)yle, Mnd sili, Glv s;)y;)lu, suyvla. Cf. also HEC *saSar- "sand" (Had saSsara)? An old compound? 421 *c;:a1.t-c;:a1.t- "fieId" Sem

*.falJ,-~alJ,-"plot of land": Arab .falJ.falJ,-. Cf. non-reduplicated Jib .felJ,.

C;:AI;I-C;:AI;I- -



HEC *4o.rf.- "field, land, soil": Bmb 40.#00. From *~Ilf-, cf. HEC *rf.u-rf.uf- "python" < *~Ufac- "snake").

*~u- ~uf-

(see HS




"rope; tie"

Sem *$Vl- "join, attach": Hbr )#, Arab w#, y#. Denominative formation. WCh *~al- "tree used to make ropes" I, "rope" coli 2. CCh *cal- "rope": Mwu saalu.




Ang säli, Bol

"be clean"

Sem *$VpP-/*$VpVW- "(be) clean": Arab ifw [-u-], Mhr $öji, Hss $äfi, Jib $efi. Based on *$Vp-. WCh *~ap- "wash" I, "be clean" 2, "weIl washed" 3: Hs ~af3, Sura sugup I, Ang sup I 2, Mpn süp, suwup I, Say cap I, DB sapa 2. CCh *call- < *~ap- "wash": Tera sill-ara, Boka sap-a4o., Hwn c;)b:m, Gbn c;)p;)n, Gaa cap-an-. Shift of emphatization.



"be warm"

Sem *$Vt- "hot ashes" I, "set fire" 2 Akk $itu CCh *cat- "warm oneselP': Mofu -S;)t-, -Z;)t-.






"shout, speak"

Sem *$üt- "shout": Arab $wt [-a-, -u-], Gz $wt. Based on *$ Vt-. WCh *~at- "speak": Sura sat, Ang sat, Chip S;)t.




Sem *$üd- "hunt (v.)": Akk$ädu, Ug$d, Hbqwd, Arab Vd [-i-, -a-].




-i- in Arab is secondary and induced by intervocalic -y-. ECh *sawad-/*sayad- "chase"

1, "hunt" (n.) 2: Sbn cwada 1, Mubi saiyad 2. HEC *sa[yJad- "hunt": Bmb saad-. U nexpected s- indicating a possible borrowing from Sem.

Consonantal alternation *-w- -


427 *c;awal;1-/*c;ayal;1- "shout, ask" Sem *~ü~- "shout, call, damor": Akk ~ä~u, Ug ~~, Hbr ~w~, Aram (Syr) ~w~, Arab $Y~ [-i-], Tgy ?::Jwal]. bälä, Amh ?ohä, Jib e~yel].. WCh *~VwVQ-/*~J-yVQ- "ask": Wrj c;ry, Kry ~iy, Miya ~iy, Cagu ~a, Siri ~uw. HEC *~el].-"call": Bmb ceeh-. Bmb c- is an orthographie variant of ~-. HEC *-e- reflects a contraction of *-aya-. Consonantal alternation *-w- -


428 *c;awan- "flint, stone" Sem *~awän- "flint, quartz": Arab ~awwän-at-. WCh *~aw(J0n- "hill, pile": Hs ~auni. 429 *c;awlag- "stick" Sem

*~awlag- "stick": Arab ~awlag-än-. Derivative in -än-. CCh *cugul- "stick, beam": Masa sugula, Bnn sugul-da, Mafa


Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *~awgal-. As far as vocalism in CCh is concerned, see HS *dawlJal- "vessel". 430 *c;eb- "look" Sem

*~ Vb- "observe" : Akk ~ubbt1. D stirpes in Akk. WCh *fYab- "look": Tng sebi.

QEF- -



431 *t;ef- "flow, soak" Sem *$VpVW- "flow": Arab ifw. Based on *$Vp-. Cf. Hbr $Wp "flow". Berb *cVf- "weep": Ghd e~~;)J. HEC *ceff- "imbue, moisten": Ala ceffo, Kab ceffo, Kmb CeJjo.




Sem *#pär- "sparrow" 1, "bird" 2, "sandpiper" 3: Akk #bäru 1, Hbr #ppör 2, Aram (Syr) $eprö , Hss 'Zßfor 3. Secondary ~- in Hss. Cf. Arab cusjur- "sparrow". WCh *fapur- < *bapur-"guinea fowl": Wrj fapur. *-ya- > *a after an affricate. CCh *cipur- "guinea fowl": Mrg c;,vur, KIb civ;)r, Hil CZV;':r;J:W, Bura c;)vur, Chb 3uvura. ECh *sibVr- "guinea fowl": Smr sibir, Sok söir. May belong to HS *sa(m)bir-. Irregular anlaut.

433 *t;er- "speak, shout" Sem *#r- "shout": Arab $rr [-i-]. WCh *cyaru- "speak": Bol sor-, Tng seer-, Pero ceero.

434 *c;ibVc- "finger" Sem *#b c- "finger": Aram (Syr) $ib c-, Tgr f;)bc-it. Cf. a derivative in Ug )U$b" Hbr "}e$bä" Arab )i$bac, Gz )i4bac-, Tgy )~ab;)" Jib )i$ba" Soq );'$ba" Amh tat. Eg rJb c "finger" (pyr).

Sem *$~- "chick": Arab $~-. LEC *cuc- "chick": Or Cucoo. HEC *CiC- "chick": Had ciic-oola, Kmb ciic-oorra. Descriptive root with an alternation of vowels.




436 *.;:ig- "flower" Berb *~ig- "flower": Sus aZzig. WCh *~ig- "kind of tobacco flower": Hs ~igi. Agaw *~ag-/*~ig- "flower": Bil ?aga, Kwr $:Jge, Xmr $iya. 437 *.;:ihar- "in-Iaw" Sem *$ih(VJr- "son-in-Iaw" , "brother-in-Iaw" Soq $eher 1. WCh *~ VHVr- "in-Iaws": Sura s:Jg:Jr, Mpn s~r. Regular -g- in Sura.


Arab $ihr-


438 *.;:i1- "snake" Sem *$ill- "adder": Arab $ill-. WCh *~il- "tapeworm": Hs ~ilä. 439 *.;:i1al-'*.;:ilul- "kite, hawk" Sem *$alal- "night bird": Akk $allalu. Assimilation of vowels. HEC *~ulul- "kite": Sid fululle. Assimilated from *~ilul-. Borrowed in Or ?ulullee. Rift *cilil- "cry of the hawk": Irq cilili. Assimilation of vowels. Dhl tsilala "hawk".

440 *.;:in- "sharp object" Sem *$in- "thorn": Hbr $en. WCh *~in-"sharp point" 1, "tooth"


Hs ~ini


Siri ~inna


441 *.;:in- "nose" WCh *QV-?"in-"nose": Hs hanci, Sura P:Jg:J-zin, Mnt k;}z:JI} , Grk yiddiI}, Bol wunti, Krk )untin, Dera wariI}, Ngm wunti, Maha wotiI}, Bele unti, Krf wuttini, Cera wuncini, Glm wuzi, Grm umsi, Pol isin, Geji icin, Brw ng:J- s:Jn, Say nyi-c:JI}, Dwot ngu-zUI), Buli isin, Fyer sm. PreflX *QV-.

C;:IN- -



CCh *(xV-)cin-"nose": FKi n-c:m, FG k-'iin, Mtk x;)-can, Daba me-cir), Mus mi-ciI], Gude 'ii~, Gudu ein, Nza eine, Bch 'iine, Bata einne, Log xs;)ni, Bud cinne, Kus asen, Msg eunge, hantsiI] , Lame cini, Bnn eina. Prefix *x V- in several languages. ECh *sin-um- "nose" : Sbn .ryan-, Turn hun, Smr sen-dum, Nch Jinum-. Suffix of body parts *-um-. Archaie root preserved only in Chadic. Cf. *~in- "smell". Note prefix *IJ V- in WCh and CCh probably lost in ECh for phonetic reasons. 442


"smeIl" (v.)

Sem *'v,s-Vn- "smell": Akk e$inu. Cf. Arab $nn "have a bad smell", Gz $nw "be fragrant" . SA *sin- "odor": Saho sin. HEC *~in~- "smell": Bmb ~in~-. Partial reduplication. Omot *~in-"smell": Kaf ~iin-. Derived from


"nose' , .

443 * ~ir- "bird" Sem *$ir- "bird": Tgy $ir, Amh f;)re. Borrowed from Cush? Eg rJry.t "kite" (pyr). -y functions as a vocalis sign. WCh *~ir- "parakeet": Hs Ciryä. LEC *~ir- "kind of bird": Or ~irrii. Omot *~er- "bird": Ome feraa. 444 * ~ir- "cut" Sem *$Vr- "cut, split" , "separate" 2 Aram (Syr) $ry 1, Arab $wr 1, Soq $er 2. Various derivatives based on the original *$Vr- (*$VwVr-, *$VrllY-). LEC *~ir- "cut": Or ~ira.





"warm" (v.)

Sem *,fVrVlJ- "wann" (v.): Akk ,farälJu. Rift *ciri!)- "glow": Irq ciri!)-. Reflexes of HS *lJ are not quite clear. 446


"gather, collect"

Eg rir' "gather" (XX). WCh *~i"r- < *~iHVr- "pile up": Hs Metathesis.


An alternative reconstruction could be *fi'Vr-. 447 *c;it- "be silent' , Sem *nV,fit- "be silent": Arab n,ft [-i-]. Preflx *n V-. WCh *fit- "quiet, silent": Ang sit. 448 *c;iwar- "flock" Sem *,fiwär- "flock (of wild kine or bulls)": Arab #wär-, ,fuwar-, ,fryar-. Berb *~VrVw- "flock (of wild animals)": Tua asera, pI. i-serä-ten. Metathesis. 449



WCh *~afaf- "bubble": Hs ~afafo. Modifled vocalism in a reduplicated form? LEC *fOfOf- "drip": Or fOffopa. If Or -p- < HS *1-. Partial reduplication of *fof- "drop". 450 *c;of- "drop" Eg 4f "drops" (n). CCh *cVf- "sprinkle" (n.): Mafa c;,.ffe'a. LEC *~oJ- "drop": Or fopa. Note Or -p-.

QOF- -



Omot *faf-faf- "drip": Kaf ?aßafoo. Full reduplication with changed vocalism. Related to *fef- "flow, soak".

451 *c;o:b- "dry up" Sem *$VQ- "dry up" 1, "be dry" 2: Hbr ,I'lJy 1, Aram (Palest) $//. Derivatives in C3 = y, ) based on the original biconsonantal structure *$ VQ-. CCh *cwaH- "dry up": LPe co" Masa soya, Msm tcho)o, Bnn so)a-mo. Masa -y- < *-H-.

452 *c;or- "hair" Sem *$Vrr- "whiskers": Akk $erTetu. Eg dJi "plait" (of hair) (BD). -ii may go back to *-r or *-rr. WCh *fwar- "hair": Hs förö. The vowel may result from assimilation. Cf. also Berb *[cJVCVr- "hair" (KbyeccCer).

453 *c;ub- "cloth" Eg wrJb "cloth" (XVIII). Initial w- represents the root vowel. WCh *suQa- < *fuba- "cloth": Bol sUQa, Tng seb, Ngm suQa. CCh *cuQ- < *fub- "cloth": Bch suQwe-to.

454 *C;ul- "pour, drip" Sem *mV$ul- "drip": Arab m# [-u-]. Prefix *m V-. WCh *ful- "pour" : Hs fula.

455 *c;ur- "press together" Sem *$Vr- "press together, wrap": Hbr $wr, Aram $wr, Arab $rr. Secondary formation in Hbr and Aram based on *$Vr-.


QUR- -


ECh *sur- "press, pack" 1, "be heavy , load" ray 1, Mig sura 2. Mig -u- may reflect *-u- or *-uwa-.


Kbl S3r


Bid sur-

456 *I;urac- "throw" Sem *$Vra c- "throw": Arab $rc [-a-], Soq $er(r). WCh *~VHVr- "fall": Bol soor. Metathesis. ECh *suHVr- "fall": Kera suun. Metathesis.

457 *I;übur- "sharp instrument" Sem *#bär- "pointed tool": Akk #bäru. Regular HS *u > Sem *a after a labial. WCh *suQur- < *~ubur- "knife": Buli s3b3r, Say subur, Dira sUQun, Pol S3"3b, Dwot surup. Metathesis in Pol and Dwot.

458 *l;üf(aC)- "snake" Sem *$ipa c- "snake": Hbr $epa c. Cf. a derivative in Hbr #pc-önz id. Eg ddft "snake" (BD). Note dd- as a reflex of *~. HEC *rJu-rJuf- "python": Sid rJurJuufa. Partial reduplication. As far as *rJ < *~ is concerned in a situation of two contacting *~, see HS *~a~-~a~- "field".

459 *I;VrVf- "burn" Sem *$VrVp-"burn": Akk $aräpu. Eg dJj "burn" (trans.) (NK). -J- reflects *-r-.

CABA~- -



*vC 460 ·caba\}- "wing" Eg sblJ.t "wing" (gr). WCh ·caHab- "wing": Sura caap, Ang ciP, Chip S;Jp, Mpn cäp. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is ·calJab-.

461 ·cabVb.- "speak, shout" Eg sM "shout" (pyr). WCh ·cab-"speak": Tng saba. CCh ·cab-"ask": Msm tchab.

462 ·cad-/·cid- "breast" Sem ·J.ady- "breast": Hbr sad, Aram (Syr) t!dä, Arab J.ady-, Hss J.ödi, Mhr J.ödi, Shh J.ode), Soq todi. ECh ·cid- "breast": Ndam sid. Alternation ·a -


463 ·cac-/·cic- "catch" WCh ·ciw- "fish" (v.): Kry ciwu, Ngz suyu. N gz -uy- < •-iw(V)y-. DhlJ.ac-aaö "trap" (v.). Alternation ·a -


464 ·caclib-/·cuclib- "fox, jackal" Sem *J.aclib- "fox": Akk silebu, silibu, U g J.'lb, Hbr saCaltbim, Arab J.aclab-. Assimilation of vowels in Arab. CCh ·cz·-cVlVb- "jackal": Msg cicelebe. Partial reduplication. ECh ·culib- "wolf': Mkk sullibe.



Derived from *eu'al- "beast" with suffix *- (i)b-. Alternation *a - *u.

465 *cal;t- "bird" Eg sI). t "kind of bird". CCh *eah- "kind of bird": Mafa caha-caha. Reduplication in Mafa.

466 *cabar- "plan" (v. and n.)


Eg "idea, plan" (OK). WCh *eaHar- "intention, plan": Fyer eoor. ECh *eaHar- "imagine, predict": Bid eaar.

467 *cak- "plait" Eg sJ} "spin" (pyr). 1 < *k must be followed by HS *e or *0. Eg -} seems to stand for the root vowel *a. WCh *eak-/*eaHVk- "plait": Krk eiiku, Ngz eaakau. Secondary laryngeal? CCh *ei-eik- "twist": Daba eieiku. Partial reduplication with modified vocalism. Cf. ECh *eaHak- "100m" (Mig eaaka).

468 *cakam- "shoulders, nape" Sem *lVkVm- "shoulders, upper part of the back": Ug lkm, Hbr sekem. LEC *sagam- "nape": Som sagan, pI. sagmo. Voiced *-g- < *-k- before a sonant? Final -m > -n is regular in Som.

469 *cakin- "net" Sem *likin- "net": Akk sikinnu. Secondary vocalism with assimilation.

9AK1N -


WCh *cank- "snare": Hs caJ)kö. In WCh the HS group *-kVn- is transformed into a cluster *-nk-. Cf. HS *cak- "plait". 470 *caJ.c.e1- "thigh" Eg sdJ "leg" (n). Palatalization of *g

> d before

*e. Note HS *1 yielding to Eg


CCh *cakyal- "thigh": Bud cakel. An alternative set of eomparisons may be suggested for Eg sdJ "leg" ifit is eonneeted with sd~ "shin" (med). It eould be identified with WCh *sag- "leg" (Miya sagu-hu) and CCh *sig"bone" (Log sigo). 471 *cam- "gather, join" Sem *cum- "eolleet, gather": Arab lmm [-u-]. Seeondary *-u-. WCh *cam- "link up, join": Hs camme. 472 *cama)· "eat, feed" Sem *lVma)- "feed (with rieh food)": Arablm) [-a-]. WCh *cam- "taste, test": Mpn cam. Cf. WCh *Cim- < *CilNm- "food": Hs Cimä. CCh *cam- "eat (hard food)": Mubi cam. 473 *capal;1· "catch" Eg sM "eateh with a lasso" (pyr). WCh *caHap- "eateh": Hs cafe, DB syap. Metathesis. DB -ya- < *- J.Ya- < *-aHa-. ECh *caHap- "eateh" 1, "fish" (v.) 2: Smr s~b~ acap 1. Metathesis. Voieing of *-p- in Smr is regular. An alternative reeonstruetion is



Bid caap



CAR- -


474 ·car- "throw" Sem ·lVr- "throw": Aram trtr, Sog trr. Reduplicative stern in Aram. Cf. Arab nlr [-u-, -i-] "disperse". WCh ·car- "throw, shoot" 1, "strike" 2: Hs cara 1 , Sura car 2, Ang car 1, Mpn car 1. Dhllaaro "pierce".

475 ·car- "weapon" Eg ssr "arrow" (pyr). ss- is one of possible reflexes of HS Dhllaaro "spear". Derived from ·car- "throw"?

476 ·cawVb-/·cayVb- "clothes" Sem ·1awb- "kind of clothes": Akk subtu, Aram (Syr) tawb-, Arab lawb-, Sok tob. Eg sbby.t "clothes" (gr). Partial reduplication ·cVbib-. WCh ·cwab- "put on": Pero cobbo. From ·cVwab-. ECh ·cwab- < ·cVwab- "undress": Sbn cw~b~. Consonantal alternation ·-w- -


477 ·cawVr-/·cVr- "bull" Sem ·lawr- "bull": Akksüru, Uglr, Hbr sär, Aram (Syr) tawrä, Arab lawr-, Gz sär, Hss lawr. Eg ssr "bull (for slaughtering)" (pyr). ss- continues HS


Eg may represent the original form of the HS root while Sem reflects a secondary extension in ·-w-. Cf. WCh ·taw Vr"bull" (Hs tärö); ECh ·tawVr- "cow, antelope" (Sok tor, Turn toT) .


478 *ce)- "pierce" Sem *lV>ay- "pierce, wound": Arab1Y [-a-]. Derived from a biconsonantal *1V>-. CCh *CV- "cut": Mofu c-. ECh *cwa)- "pierce": Kera co)e. Dhl1ic- "punch a hole". The root vowel is not clear. The development of the laryngeal may be not quite regular.

479 *cem- "fog, rain" Eg .rym "fog" (sarc). V ocalic -y-. CCh *Cyam- "rain": Log sema, sama, Kus sama. Cf. WCh *cam- "rainy season": DB cam.

480 *cen- "house" Eg sn.wt "palace" (pyr). WCh *Cyan- "house": Sha cen, KIr Cyen. CCh *cin- "house, compound": Bnn sina, Sina.

481 *cer- "shine; light" Eg

ssr "shine" (gr). ss- may reflect HS

*c-. WCh *Cyar- "light" (n.): Buli b;)-sm, Wnd ceri, Geji cil-ti. Prefix *b V- in Buli. 482 *cer- "medicine" Eg syJ "medicine" (med). -J continues HS *-r-. CCh *Cyarir- "medicine": Bud cerire. Partial reduplicaton.

483 *cer- "speak, shout" Sem *lVr-1Vr- "chat" : Arab 111r.

CER- -



Reduplication. Eg ssr "speak out" (MK). ss- is one of possible reflexes of HS WCh ·ryar- "cry out" 1, "explain" 2: Hs cerä 1, Ang Cir CCh ·cir- "shout": Mba ein. ECh ·Cyaeyar- "cry (of guinea-fowl)": Bid cecer. Partial reduplication.


Descriptive stern?

484 ·cera)- "furrow" Sem ·lir'- "furrow": Akk ser'u, sir'u. ECh ·caHar- < ·CyaHar- "furrow": Bid caare. Metathesis. The alternative reconstruction is ·ce)ar-.

485 ·cin- "move" Eg .ryn "hurry" (pyr). -y- is a vocalic sign. WCh ·cin- "go": Bol Cina.

486 ·cir- "faeces, dirt" Eg sr "dirt" (gr). ECh ·cir- "faeces, dirt": Mkk siin:. HEC ·fir- "faeces": Had firo. Cf. also Bmb sera id.?

487 ·cit- "throw, shoot" Eg


"throw, shoot" (OK).

-y denotes a front vowel in the root. CCh ·cit- "shoot": Gbn ci~-, Boka cett-, Gaa citi. 488 ·Ciw-I·ciy- "grass, plant" Eg sw "kind of plant" (I). WCh ·ciy- "grass": Hs ciyäwa.


CxW-/CIV- -



Cf. Rift *caw- "reeds" (Irq cawo)? Consonantal alternation *-w- -


489 *cor- "be strong" Sem *lVrVw- "be considerable, be big": Arab lrw. Based on *lVr-. Eg wsr "strong" (pyr). WCh *cwar- "strength": Gwn cori. 490 *cucal- "beast" Sem *lu cäl- "fox": Hbr sücäl, Aram taClä, Arab lu cäl-, Jib il'ol, Mhr yelayl, Hss yelayl, Shh il'ol. Dhlleele "lion" , laali "lioness". Assimilation of vowels. 491 *cumal- "creamy milk" Sem *lumäl- "milk skin": Arablumäl-at-. Cf. more archaie vocalism in Arab lamtl- "sour milk". Eg smr "cream". Note -r < HS *-l-. 492 *cü1- "seed" Sem *Jil- "seed": Arab Jil-. Secondary formation in Arab layyil- id. WCh *cVl- "seed": Tng sala. CCh *culi- "seed": KIb culi, Hld culi, Wmd culi, HNk cili, HBz c;;)lu.

ECh *culwa- "rice": Mubi culwayo. 493 *cVbYg.- "elose" (v.) Eg sblJ "elose" (XVIII). ECh *cVb- "elose": Kera cebe. Complete loss of the laryngeal.




494 *cVwag-l*cVyag- "shout, ask" Berb *sVwVr- "shout": Kby sug. Irregular development of *c-? CCh *Cyag- < *cTj!ar- "ask": Bud cega. U nexpected change of *-g-. Consonantal alternation *-w- -






"goat, hoar"

WCh *~ang- "goat": Cagu $a.IJgen, Mbu ~angu. SuffIx *-(y)an- in Cagu. ECh *?ang- "goat": Smr cange. Agaw *bagan- "boar": Aun cyägänaa. Chadic word-structure of the present word is similar to the development in HS *cakin- "net". 496


"catch, seize"

Eg ff "catch" (MK). WCh *?aw-/*?ay- "catch, seize": Krk caw, Paa cei. Phonetically developed from *~acu-/*~aci-. CCh *ca-/*ci- "catch, seize": Mtk cz·, Gis je, Log si, Bud ca. 497


"snake, worm"

Sem *$VfJVr- "snake": Akk $iru. Intervocalic *-b- is also plausible. CCh *car- "worm": Log care. 498



Sem *!Vhar- "appear, be evident": Arab oz"hr [-a-], Mhr oz"ahar, Soq

tahar. CCh *car- "show": KIb a-cär. From *caHar-.





Sem *!VlJut- "extract oiI": Akk $aGätu [-u-]. WCh *?üt- < *?aHut- "press, squeeze out": Gim cuuz-, Pero cotto. Gim -z- < *-t- is regular. ECh *?it- < *?ay Vt- "squeeze": Kera ceete. Assimilation of vowels. ECh *-ayV- < *-aHV-.




ECh *?a?- "kind of bird": Bid ceecu. Reduplication. HEC *fi'- "bird": Sid fe'aa, Dar fi)a-, Had fi'a-, Kab fi'a-, Bmb fi)a-, Kmb fi)a-, Tmb p'")a-. Omot *fa)- "bird of prey": Mch ?a)o. Alternation *a Cush laryngeals.



*i. Irregular correspondences of CCh and


Berb *fVk- "plate for couscous": Ghd a-~ku. WCh *?akwa-n- "pot": Wrj ?akwän-na. Suffix *-n-. CCh *caxwa- "pot": FG caxwa. HS *k > CCh *x under the influence of the originally emphatic ECh *?waka- < *?akwa- "big vesse!": Bid cook-iya.





Sem *!Vl-!al- "locust": Hbr flä$al. Reduplication. WCh *?iHal-"locust": Ang cöl, Mnt siyel, Tng solo. Metathesis.




Sem *!il(l)- "shadow": Akk $illu, Ug Ztl, Hbr $il, Aram lullä, Arab ~ill-, Gz $elälät, Jib ~elel. WCh *(n V-)?ila- "shadow": Ang jil, Sha cala.


CCh *nV-jal- < *nV-cal- "west": Gis n3a1a. HEC *~al- "shade": Sid ~aale. Dhlliilali "shadow". Partial reduplication. Alternation *a -




"think, know"

Sem *wVtVm- "think": Arab w~m. Prefix *w V-. CCh *cam- "know": Padcam, FMcam, Nakcama-, Nzac;)m-an, Zgh cama.



"think, know"

Sem *tun- < *tVnVn- "think": Arab ~nn [-u-], Hss ~en, Shh 6~nin. Probably, with assimilation of the inlaut *-m- > *-n-. WCh *famwan- "think, remember": Hs ~ammäni, Ang can, Krk cawan.

Derived from *fam- "think, know".


"look, see"


Sem *n Vtar- "guard" 1, "look" 2: Akk n~äru 1, U g ngr 1, Phn Tl$r 1, Hbr n~r 1, Aram ntr 1, Arab n~r [-u-] 2, SAr ntr 1, Gz n~r 2. Prefix *n V-. Berb *~Vr- "see, look": Izn ~er, Snh ~ar. WCh *far- "guard": Hs ~are. Cf. Berb




"pupil (of an eye)" (Twl


"mouse, rat"

Berb *~Vw- "jerboa": Ayr e-tj:Jwi, Twl e-tj:Jwi. WCh *fiy- "field rat": Hs ~iyö. An old morphonological variant *fvy-? Agaw *)in-faw- "mouse": Bil insuwaa, Xmr iecuwaa, Xmt afuwaa, Kern yeswaa, Aun en~aa, Dmt in~ii. Prefix *)in-. Omot *)[iJn-~aw- "rat": Ome u~aa, Kaf ifoo, Bwo incoo, Gim u~, ur Note fluctuations of vowels in the prefix.

9AWAR 506




Sem *.tawär- "neck": Akk $awäru, Hbr $awär. Eg wsr.t "neck" (pyr). Metathesis.



"wind, cold"

Sem *tin- "cold" (n.): Hbr $inä. WCh *?yan- "wind": DB eyen.




Sem *tVl- "wag (of a tail)": Arab ~ll. Denomiantive verb. WCh *fila- "tail": Wrj falai, Geji eil. Omot *~ell- "tail": Kaf feero, Mch feero, Maji C;)ru.



"be dark"

Sem *tVlam- "be dark, be black": Akk $alämu, Arab ~lm [-a-], SAr tim, Gz $alma, Tgr $älma, Tgy $ällämä, Gaf $illämä, Amh cällämä, Arg felläma, Har flläma, Gur fällämä, Soq tim. Cf. U g +lmt "darkness" , Mhr ~alern id. CCh *CiIVm- "dark" 1, "black" 2: Bud cilim 1, Gul selern 2. Derived from *fal-j*fil- "shadow". Cf. also LEC * *a before a labial. Berb *cVJ- "hair": Izn azäJ. WCh *caHwap- "hair": Sura sW:JP, Chip sap, Mnt swep, Mpn siwep, Bol sow::J, Maha soji. *-iwa- < *-iHa-. LEC *sap- "pubie hair": Or sapii. Seeondary Or -p- under the influenee of the laryngeal. HEC *sap- "hair, pubie hair": Dar sape. LEC loanword?

530 *cah- "wish, he ahle" Sem *sVh- "wish" 1, "like" 2: Arab shw, shy [-a-, -u-] l,jib suthi CCh *sah- "be able, ean": Mafa saha.


As far as the development of meaning is eoneerned, cf. the semantie history of Germ mag and darf.

531 *cahar- "moon, star" Sem *sahr- "new moon": Arab sahr-, Aram saharä, Mnd sira, Gz sähr, Soq seher, jib seh;}r. WCh *caHar- "star": Ank sum-sar, Tuli sa-sur, Zak cä-zur, Bot saar, Grn saar. Partial reduplieation in Tuli and Zak.

532 *cab- "grow" Sem

*sü~- "beeome high": Akk sa~u. Based on bieonsonantal *sVlJ-. WCh *caH- "grow": Wrj sa, Sha saM.



533 ·calJ.- "urine; urinate" Sem *sulJ- "urinate": Arab slJlJ [-u-]. Denominative formation? WCh *caH- "urine": Bks saa. Agaw *sar- "urine": Kern sar, Aun car-:JI), caq-:JI). Aun appears to be regular. Dhl saa~aw- "urinate". Unexpected s-. Cf. *salJ- "urine".


534 *calJ.ür- "snore" Sem *s VlJir- "snore": Arab slJr [-i-]. WCh *ca(n)Hur- "snore": Hs min-säri, Wrj s:Jr-m;" Diri s:Jrma, Paa zur-guna, Ngz zankar. Secondary cluster *-nH-.

535 *cakin- "knife" Sem *sakzn- "knife": Hbr sakkzn, Aram (Syr) sakktnö. WCh *c[aJnk- "knife": Krf sange, Glm conga. Metathesis. The development of the original morphonological structure is parallel to WCh reflex of HS *cakin- "net". Dhl hlakane "sharp (knife)". Assimilation of vowels. Derived from *cuk- "cut, pierce" .

536 *calalJ.- "break" Sem *sVlalJ- "split": Arab sllJ [-a-]. WCh *caHal- "crush": Tng seele. Metathesis. ECh *caHal- "break": Dng saale. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction could be *calJal-.

537 *calay- "hail" (n.) Eg sny.t "hail" (pyr). Note -n- < HS *-1-.



CCh *sa-salay- "haiI": Gis saSalay. Partial reduplication.

538 *calu1;c.- "cut, slaughter" Sem *sVlu~- "cut, split": Akk saläqu, Arab slq [-u-]. WCh *calVlJ;- "opening a vein (in the leg of an animal)": Hs salkä. Cf. *calalJ- "break".

539 *cambar-'*cambir- "flute" WCh *cambar- "kind of flute": Hs samQara. Emphatic *-Q- seems to have no phonological justification. Omot *sumbir- "shepherd's flute": Mch sumbiro. Secondary *u before a labial.

540 *cap- "leaf" WCh *caHVp- "leaf': Siri säpi, Miya sepi. Metathesis from *capVH-? Cf. CCh. CCh *sapVH- "leaf': Lame sapa, LPe sap, ZBt sab, Masa saQ. -b- < -Q- results from the emphatization of *-p-. LEC *saJ- "leaf': Or saJo. HEC *saJ- "leaf': Had säJ-ita, Kab säj-ita, Dar saJa.

541 *car- "cut, saw" Sem *w VsVr- "saw": Arab ysr, wsr, Gz wsr, Mhr wuSor, Jib )sr. Prefix *w V-. WCh *car- "cut (trees)": Hs särä. CCh *sar- "adze, shave": Gis sar, Mofu s~r. LEC *sar- "cut": Som sar.

542 *car- "tree" Eg Si "tree" (XVIII). -j continues HS *-r-. ECh *car- "tree": Bid caro.


543 ·car- "buy, seIl" ·.fVr~- "buy, seIl": Arab sry [-i-]. Derived from ·.fVr-. WCh ·car- "buy (in order to seIl)": Hs särä.


544 ·car-/·cacVr- "barley" Sem ·.facär-/·.faCtr- "badey": Ug SCr, Hbr se'orä, Aram (Syr) s;Jcär;Jtä, Arab saCtr-, Sab SCr. Derivative vocalism in Arab. The original form might have been ·.far- influenced by or contaminated with ·.facar- "be hairy" . Eg sr.t "badey" (MK).

545 ·caric- "road" Sem ·.färic- "road": Arab säric-. ECh ·caHVr- "path": Dng säre. Metathesis. The alternative reconstruction is ·cacir-.

546 ·ce)- "faeces" Eg sJ.w "faeces" (med). CCh ·.rya)- "faeces": Hwn ze, se. Omot ·siy- "faeces": Ome siyaa. From ·si'a-. Rift ·ca)- "faeces": Irq ca)e.

547 ·ce c- "sand" Eg

ry "sand" (pyr),

Copt ·sä: Akh SOU, Boh sä, Shd sä.

-y stands for a front vowel of the root.

WCh ·ryay-

< ·ryaH- "sand": Bgh sey.

548 ·cel;tat- "squeeze" Sem ·sVl.zat- "squeeze": Hbr sl].t [-a-]. WCh ·ryaHVt- "squeeze": Krf seetu, Cera seec!.


Cf. *{aIJut- "squeeze".



"smeIl" (trans.)

Sem *n Vsa*- "smeIl": Arab nsq [-a-]. Prefix *n V- and modified vocalism. WCh *eya*- "smeIl": Hs se*a.

550 *cem- "go, enter" Sem *szm- "enter": Arab .fym [-i-]. Based on biconsonantal *sim-. Eg sm "go" (pyr). ECh *eyam- "enter" 1, "run" 2: Kwan seme seme 2.


Mobu s:Jme



551 *cer- "root" Sem *fVrs-"root": Akk sursu, Ug srs, Hbr sores, Aram (Syr) serso. Partial reduplication. No reduplication is attested in Gz s:Jr:Jw, Tgr s:Jr, Tgy s:Jr, Amh s:Jr, Gaf s:Jr, Gur s:Jr, Soq serah. Berb *car- "root": Kbyazar. WCh *eyarwa-"root": Hs saiwä, Bol sori-, Ngm sori, Maha sar-om, Krf sooriyo, Gera suur:J-na, Glm surya, Grm süra, Miya serwa, Paa sari, Siri süra, Mbu sar-nani, Jmb sera, Pol s:Jr-t:J, Geji sar-ki, ser-ki, Say s:Jr-t:J, Kir s:Jri, Tala s:Jri, DB sure. CCh *sar- "root": Mtk nionior, Dgh s:Jla, Glv sali, Zirne sor. *-a- < *-ya- after an affricate? ECh *eyar-aw- "root": Turn heraw, Ndam sirwe, Lele sara, Kera k:J-sar, Bid cära, Mig cäru. Agaw *sVr- "root": Kern s:Jr, Kwr s:Jr.

552 *ci'-/*ciw- "darkness" Sem *siw- "evening": Akk siwztu. Eg sw.t "shadow" (pyr). Cf. LEC *q,"'- "become dark": Or alternation *-'- - *-w-.


Note the consonantal




553 *cid- "vesseI" Sem *sidd- "kind of vessel": Akk siddatu. Eg sdy "vessel" (med). :y is a vocalic sign.

554 *cid- "squeeze" Sem *sid-/*sud- "squeeze" 1, "load, put on: Arab sdd [-i-, -u-] Jub sedd 2. ECh *CidVH- "squeeze, press": Smr sitP. Suffix *-VH-. Cf. HS




555 *CilJar- "grow, be long" Sem *sVralJ- "grow": Arab srlJ [-a-]. Metathesis. WCh *ciHVr-/*cuHVr- "grow" 1, "high, tali" 2: Bol siir sur 1, Sha so~o 1, Tng soori 2. Rift *ceHVr- "long": Gor ceer, Aig ceer, Bur ceedu. Cf. LEC *t/irRend der.

< *tleHVr-



"long, tali": Som tleer, Or t/.eeraa,

556 *cin- "speak" Eg sny "speak" (MK), Copt *sini id.: Fym sini, Ahm sine, Bhr sini, Shd sine. :y stands for a front vowel of the root. WCh *cin- "speak": Dik sin, Mng sin.

557 *Cip- "moisten, be wet" Sem *n Vsap-/*n Vsup- "absorb (of liquids)": Arab ruf [-a-, -u-]. Prefix *n v-. Secondary development of the vowel in a derivative. ECh *cip- "moisten": Bid ciip.




558 ·ciwam-/·ciyam- "rat" Sem • siyäm - "rat": Arab siyäm -. ECh ·cVwVm- "rat": Turn soom. Consonantal alternation ·-w- -


559 ·co c- "cereal" Eg SC.t "kind of bread" (med). Cf. reduplicated SCSC "kind of corn" (I). WCh ·cwaH- "millet" 1, "meal made of millet" 2: Hs ~äwä 2, Sura swaa 1, Ang swe 1, Mnt sua 2, Ank sua 2, Siri sawi 2, Tng sau 1.

560 ·cogar- "tree" Sem ·sagar- "tree": Arab sagar-at-. Assimilation of vowels. Cf. Hss segerit "plant name". CCh ·swag Vr- "palm tree": Sok soger, sogor. Secondary vowel of the se co nd syllable.

561 ·cocid- "cut, scratch" Eg SCd "cut" (med). WCh ·cwaHid- "tatoo" 1, "scratch" sint/- 2, KIr sut 2, N gz saat/u 2. CCh ·swadVH- "chop": Zgh sot/aya. Metathesis.


Ang fit


Cagu sit/-



562 ·cohVr- "fall" Eg shr "throw down" (pyr). Semantically, Eg is a causative in relation to Chadic forms. WCh ·swaHVr- "fall": Bol soor. ECh ·cuHVr- "fall": Kera suuri. Cf. Sem ·sVrJ)- "put flatwise" (Akk sm2).

563 ·com- "pot" Eg wsm "pot" (XVIII).



w- is a sign for a rounded vowel.

ECh ·cwam- "pot": Kera soma. 564 ·cor- "become dry" Eg wsr "become dry" (MK). w- is a vocalic sign. WCh ·cwar- "become dry": Krk s:Jwru. 565 ·corah- "swallow" Sem ·sVrah- "glut": Arab srh [-a-]. Note the semantic development. LEC ·sör- < ·soHVr- "feed": Or soora. Metathesis. 566 ·cud-/·ca)ad- "harrow, till" Sem ·sud- "harrow, till": Hbr sdd. Eg Sid "dig, tiH" (OK). WCh ·caHVd- "till, plough": Wrj sa4-, Kry seyasi4, Miya sar/-, Paa sa4u, Siri sar!a. Dhl hla4- "sweep ground". -4- seems to reflect a lost laryngeal. Note a parallel form of the root with an inlaut laryngeal. 567 ·cuc- "knife" Eg SC.t "knife" (pyr). CCh ·suw- "knife": Gis suw-e4, Bld suw, Mofu suw-e4. From ·cuH-. ECh ·cuw- "knife": Mkk suwo. From ·cuH-. Related to ·cac- "cut". 568 ·cubat- "be afraid" Sem ·sVlJat- "be afraid": Akk saaätu [-a-]. WCh ·cuHat- "be afraid": Fyer suSwet, Tng soode, suude.



Partial reduplication in Fyer.

569 *cuk- "cut, pierce" Sem *suk- "pierce (with a spear)" 1, "skewer" 2: Arab skk [-u-] 1 Jib sekk 2. WCh *cuk- "pierce, slaughter": Hs söka, süka. Omot *suk- "slaughter": Omesuk-, Yamsuk-, Kafsuk(k)-, Bwosuk-, Gim suk-.

570 ·cuk- "sharp weapon" WCh ·cuk- "knife": Sha suk, KIr suk. CCh *suk- "knife": Tera sug-di, Boka s:Jx-/';}. Boka -x- < *-k- in contact with an unvoiced stop. HEC *suk- "big knife": Bmb suko, suuko. Derived from *cuk- "cut, pierce" .

571 ·cun- "soreery, magie" Eg sn.w "sorcerer" (NK). ECh *cun- "magie, medicine" 1, "fetish" 2: Kwn

S:J:1lE 1,


sune 2.

572 *cup- "Hp" Sem *sap- "lip": Akk saptu, U g sp-t, Hbr säpä, Aram (Syr) septtö, Arab saf-at-. *-u- > *-a- before a labial. Rift *suf- "lip": Irq sufi, Bur sufi, Kwz sifi- to. Initial *s- is irregular. Cf. also Eg sp.t "lip" (pyr)?

57.3 • cur- "make warm" Sem *SUT- "keep in the sun": Arab Eg 1ST "roast" (pyr). Eg j- may reflect prefix *)V-.

s" [-u-].




574 *curam- "big vessel" Sem *suräm- "big vessel": Akk surämu. Eg sJm.w "big mug" (OK). Note -J- < *-r-. Probably, a Wanderwort.

575 *cVmVm- "be ill" Sem *sVm Vm- "become weak": Akk samämu. Eg smm, sm "be feverous" (med).

576 *cVpVt- "be angry" Sem *sVpV{- "threaten": Akk sapä{u, sapätu. Eg spt "wrath" (BD). Eg -t- is one of regular continuations of HS






"army, people"

Sem *!aba)- "army, soldiers": Akk,s-äbu, Ug,s-b\ Phn,s-b), HbqäbärJ. Eg dbJ "army". Related to *faba)- "wage war".



"wage war"

Sem *!Vba)- "attack" 1, "wage war" 2, "fight" 3: Akk sabä)u 2, Hbr ,s-b) 2, Arab rjb) [-a-] 1, SAr rjb) 1, Gz ,s-b) 2, Tgr ,s-b) 3, Tgy ,s-b) 3. Agaw *sab- "wage war": Bil sab-, sib-, Kwr sab-.




Sem *!ap'ir- "plaiting" 1, "braid" iPjre-t 1, Soq rjajr-;,h 1.


Arab rjafir-


Gz iPjr





Cf. Sem *jVp Vr- "plait, twist": Arab r/fr, Gz r!fr, Jib rf,:Jj:Jr. ECh *tyapir- < *~apiT- "kind of pubic hair": Bid r/yeepir. *-ya- < *-a- influenced by the front vowel of the following syllable. LEC *~if(V)r- "women's hairdo" 1, "braid" 2: Or ~iJra 1, Kon ~irf- 1, Gid ?irf- 2. Metathesis in Kon and Gid. U nexpected *i resulting from the assimilation of vowels. Related to


"plait, comb".

580 *eam- "be bitter" WCh *~amam- "(be) bitter": Hs ~ämi, Siri jämämu, Cagu jemama, Paa jammä. Partial reduplication. ECh *tyam- "bitter": Jegu )jeema. *tyam- < *~ami-. Omot *~am- "(be) bitter": Ome ?aam-, Kaf ?aamm-, Mch ?ammo. Ome and Kaf may reflect a secondary formation with an inlaut laryngeal *~aHam-.

581 *eamb- "lizard, frog" Sem *jabb- "turtle" 1, "lizard" 2: Hbr $äb 1, Arab r/abbrföb 2, Mhr rföb 2, Shh r/ob 2. *-b(b)- continues a prenasalized HS cluster *-mb-. WCh *~umb- "frog": Hs ~umbö. Secondary *-u- before a labial. Rift *camb- "frog": Alg cembecu, Bur cambecu.



582 *eap- "marry" Berb *~Vp- "marry": Ayr ;,tt:JJ. Rift *cap- "pay bridewealth": Kwz cap.

583 *ear- "enemy" Sem *jarr- "enemy": Akk $erru, $iru, Ug $r-t, Hbr $ar, Aram cär, Gz r/ar, Tgy $är. Eg rJJrjj "enemy" (pyr).

9URReduplication. Note -J Related to




*1. ECh *dVgVr- "monkey": Ndm d:J:gre. LEC *danger- "monkey": Som dar.Jer, Boni doSer. HEC *dager- "monkey": Had dagieraa, Kmb dagieraa.

652 *dangol- "elephant" ECh *dVng[waJl- "trunk" 1, "elephant" dil)gillu 1, Sok dogol 2. Omot *dongor(r)- "elephant": Ome dongor. Assimilation of vowels.


Dng dugulo



Derived from *dan(g)- "elephant". The reconstruction of *-ain the first syllable is tentatively based on the vocalism of *dan(g)-.

653 *dankal-/*dankul- "bean" WCh *dankal- "sweet potato": Hs dankali. Cf. Kanuri dangali. Agaw *'a-dangwal- "beans" : Bil adängWal. Prefix *'a-. LEC *dangul- "beans": Or daangulle.




Connected with *dagir-/*dagur- "beans, millet"? Cush shows voicing of the postnasal stop.

654 *daparan- "tree" Sem *daparan- "juniper": Akk daparänu, Ug dprn. CCh *dapVrVn- "acacia": Mofu dav;,rna. Voiced -v- < *-p- between two vowels? An ancient composite? For the first component cf., probably, WCh *dafpj- "leaf" (Krk dafo, Ngm daho, davo).

655 *daq- "fall, push"


Eg "fall" (XIX). WCh *4ak- < *datj- "upset": Tng 4ako. Shift of emphatization. CCh *dVq- "push": Mofu -tbg-.

656 *dar- "run" Sem *dVr- "run freely" 1, "run tirelessly" 2: Akk daräru drr 2. Berb *dVrVC- "gallop": Kby dre c. Secondary *_c_. CCh *dar- "run": Tera dara, Glv. Prefix *m V- and modified vocalism in Glv.



657 *dar- "road" Sem *darar- "straight way": Arab darar-. Partial reduplication. WCh *darVH-/*daHVr- "road": Grk der, Krk ndaru, Maha 4ore, Miya darhi, Mba diri, Jmb däru. Secondary inlaut laryngeal. Prefix *n V- in Krk. Mgg dar "way, road". Derived from *dar- "run". For the semantic development, cf. Gk (5öor; "road" - Slav *xoditi "walk" and many other similar formations in IE.


DAR- -


658 *dar- "dwelling place" Sem *där- "dwelling" 1, "house" 2, "granary" 3: Hbr dör 1, Aram däraeJ 1, Arab där- 2, Hrr dera 3. Berb *dar- "room" 1, "house" 2, "village" 3: Rif tha-ddar-t 1, Izn thi-ddar-t 1, Snus J.a-ddar-t 2, Kby m-ddar-. 3.

659 *dar- "man, master" CCh *dar- "bridegroom": Msg darai. Rift *dar- "master": Gor daan:. Cf. also Sem *där- "generation, family" (Akk däru, Ug dr, Phn dr, Hbr dör)?

660 *dar- "drive away" Sem *dVr- "drive away, make go": Arab dr, Soq 'edre. Eg dr "drive away" (pyr). Comparison with Arab t" "drive" is also possible. Omot *dar- "drive away": Kaf dar. Cf. *da4ar- "drive away".




Sem *dar~- "leather shield": Arab daraq-at-. ECh *darag- "shield": Mubi daraga (from Arab?).

662 *darib- "road" Sem *dar(VJb- "road, street": Arab darb-, Mhr darb. CCh *darVb- "road": Log darba « Arab?). Bed darib "road". Agaw *darib- "road": Bil därib. SA *darib- "road": Saho darib, Afar darib. LEC *darab- "enclosure": Or darabaa. Assimilation of vowels. Derived from HS *dar- "road". Some ofthe above Cush forms may be Arab borrowings.

DAS- -



663 *das- "vessel" Eg ds "day jug" (pyr). WCh *das- "kind of calabash": Hs dasa. CCh *dasya-/*daswa- "pot, calabash": Mofu des, Gude dosa. 664 *daw- "day" Eg dwJ.w "morning" (MK), Copt *towi id.: Bhm tooui, Shd tO~ue. -J stands for a vowel. ECh *daw- "day" 1, "sun" 2: Smr dawa 12, Sbn dawa 12, Turn tbw 2, Kera däway 1. 665 *daw-'*day- "arrow" WCh *dVyiw- "arrow" 1, "knife" 2: Jmb diwa 1, Tng diya Contraction. ECh *dVw- "dart" (n.): Turn ~w. LEC *daw- "arrow": Bay dawwe. HEC *day- "arrow": Bmb daaya. Traces of HS consonantal alternation *-w- - *:)1-.


Rift *da)- "quiver" (da)a-) may also belong here. 666 *dawa)-'*daya)- "be ill" Sem *dii?-/*duy- "be ill, be weak": Ug dw, dwy, Hbr däwe, Aram (Syr) ctwz, Arab dw) [-a-]. CCh *da)Vw- "illness": HNk tPwa, Kap tfa,wa, HF tfa,wa. ECh *dVw- "weak": Kera dewe. LEC *daya)- "be hurt badly": Or dayya)a. Consonantal alternation *-w- -


667 *dawak- "equid" WCh *dawak- "horse": Hs döki, Bol döso, Krk döku, Dera dok, döwi, Ngm doku, Bele döso, Krf duso, Gera dusa, Grm diisa, Miya duwak:J, Cagu däk:J-n, Siri dukwi, Mbu däku,Jmb dakwa, Ngz duka. Rift *da[/sJway- "donkey": Irq daqwai, Alg ndagWai,Bur daqwe, Kwz dagwagwai-ko.







Agaw *dikwar- "donkey" (Kern doxwaraa, Kwr dekoraa etc.) seems to be derived from this stern.

668 *dawal- "big vesse1" Sem *dal(V)w-l*dal(VJy- "bucket": Akk dalu, Hbr cftli, Arab dalw-, Hss dölew, Mhr delew, Shh ekle. Metathesis. Cf. Aram dlw "draw water", Gz dlw id. ECh *dal- "pot": Dor dali. No traces of contraction. LEC *daw Vl- "measure of weight" (Or daawlaa) may also belong to this root.

669 *dawal- "go, enter" Sem *dül- "go around": Akk dalu. ECh *dawal- "enter": Lele dool. Contraction of * -awa- > Lele


670 *dawgal- "vessel" Sem *dawtJal- "basket": Arab dawIJal-at-. WCh *duHVl- "pot": Sura tugul, Ang tül. WCh *u may go back to HS *-aw(VJ-. CCh *dawrVl- "pot, calabash": Log 4öli, Mofu dag;}lu. ECh *d[ujg Vl- "basket" 1, "pot" 2: Kbl dugul 1, Nch degele 2. ECh *g is a possible reflex of HS *IJ. Any connection with *dawal- "big vessel"?

671 *dawul- "fence" Sem *dawl- "vicinity": Arab dawl-. WCh *wVdul- "goat pen, sheep fold": Ang dul. Voiced Ang d- in the anlaut proves the existence of a preceding syllable. Note metathesis. ECh *dVlVw- "fence": Turn tbI.:J:Jw. Metathesis. The alternative reconstruction is *wadul-.




672 *dawVJ.t- "tree" Sem *dawlJ,- "high tree": Arab dawlJ,-at-. WCh *daw(VH)- "kind of tree": Hs dauye. CCh *duw- < *duHVw- "kind of tree": Gis t/uway. Cf. Dgh datja "branch" with reduplication. ECh *daH- "tree": Nch M. 673 *day- "put" Eg wdy "put" (pyr). Eg w- may be aprefix. CCh *day- "put": Log de-he. ECh *daH- "put (down)": Mubi da. Cf. a reduplication in Sok doudoi "lie down". Dhl rjaC_ "put into, insert". 674 *dayas- "trample, beat, push" Sem *düS-/*cUs- "trample": Akk daSu, Hbr dws, dys, Aram (Syr) dws, Arab dws, dys [-u-], Gz dsy, Mhr dös, Shh dos, Hss dös. Metathesis in Gz. The vocalism of the first syllable is conditioned by intervocalic *-y-. WCh *dyas- < *dayas- "pound" 1, "beat, strike" 2: Geji tksi 1, DB daS 2. HEC *dayas- "split": Kmb dayyaas-. Assimilation of vowels. Borrowing from Sem? 675 *delJ.an - "smoke" Sem *d"Vaan- "be smoked" 1, "dark-colored" Shh ed/}än 2. Secondary vocalism in a derivative. CCh *dyaHVn- "smoke": Gudu mi-t/eni. Derived from *da/}- "smoke". 676 *delJ.ul- "go, enter" Sem *d"Vaul- "enter": Arab dal [-u-].


Arab d/}n [-a-]





WCh *dyaHul-"enter" 1, "go out" 2: Sura rjel1, Chip rjeel 1, Mnt del 1, Pol f/.eli 2, Geji rjeli 2, Diri rjul:J 2. ECh *dul- "go out": Jegu dul.

677 *de\t- "shave, cut hair" ECh *rjVk- "cut hair": Mkk rjik-. Shift of emphatization. Rift *de/f- "shave bald": Irq de/fw-.

678 *deman- "c1oud, rain" WCh *dyaman- "rainy season" 1, "rain" 2: Hs dämunä, däminä, dämanä 1, Bade demanu 2, N gz rbman 1. Secondary vowels in the second syllable in Hs. CCh *dyaman- "rainy season": Gude dev;Jn, Log diman, Kus deman. Dissimilation of nasals in Gude. Agaw *dimin- "cloud": Bil demna, Xmr dimmena. Reflects HS *demin-? HEC *duman- "cloud": Dar duuman-ca, Bmb dumman-ci. Labialization of the vowel in the first syllable. Omot *daman- "cloud": Ome dämmänaa. Assimilation of vowels. Derived from *dam- "cloud".

679 *deman- "insect" Sem *diman- "insect": Akk dimänu. Eg dnm "worms" (BD). Metathesis. WCh *dyaman- "spider": Hs dämanä. de- is a forbidden sequence in Hs. Derived from *dim- "insect".

680 *den- "stone" Eg dny "stone block" (n). :y is a vocalic sign. WCh *dyan-H- "whetstone": Bks 'a-deI], ma-deI].

DEN- -



Suffix *-H-. ECh *dVn-H- "stone": Turn tbIJ. Suffix *-H-.

681 *den- "dweIl, remain" Sem *dün- "remain": Hbr dwn. Modifieation of bieonsonantal *dVn-. WCh *q,yan- < *dyaHVn- "sit": Ngm q,eno, Maha tjena. ECh *dyan- "dwell": Kbl den. SA *din- "sleep": Saho diin, Afar diin.

682 *der- "dress" (v.) Eg dr "put on (clothes)" (gr). WCh *dyar- "put on (clothes)": Kera dere. ECh *dyar- "take off (clothes)": Lele der.

683 *der- "bird" ECh *dyar- "dove": Mkk deere, Kwn dere. Agaw *dir(u)- "hen": Bil diruwa, Kwr dirwa, Aun dur-. Aun -u- < *-i- under the infiuenee ofthe rounded vowel in the seeond syllable. Omot *der- "rooster": Ome deeraa.

684 *dP- "sickness" Sem *dP- "siekness": Akk dPu. Rift *dP- "siek person": Kwz dP-ako. Related to *dawa)-/*daya)- "be ill".

685 *dPay- "fly" (v.) Sem *dPf-Y- "fiy" (v.): Ug ~y, Hbr WCh *diyaH- "fiy" (v.): Krk diyau. Metathesis.


Related to *dPVw-/*dPf-Y- "bird".


m'IM- -


686 *dPim- "be red" Sem *dV'Vm- "be dark red" ,"red" 2, "brown" 3: Akk d'm Amh dama 2, Hrr däma 3. Eg ldmy "red cloth" (pyr). Metathesis. A Sem loanword? Agaw *dVm(m)- "(be) red": Aun tbmma. SA *dum- "red": Saho duma. *-u- < *-z'- before a labial. LEC *diHim- "red, red-brown": Or diimaa. HEC *diHim-/*diHum- "red" 1, "become red" 2: Sid daama duumo 1, duu'm- 2, Dar diimma 1. Secondary vocalism in Sid? Rift *dim-ay- "red": Kwz dimayi-.

687 *dPVw-'*dPVy- "bird" Sem *da'-I*day- "vulture": Ug d'iy, Hbr dayyä. Secondary -a- in Sem. WCh *t/way- < *dVway- < *dVHay- "bird": Bgh t/way. CCh *t/iyaw- < *dPaw- "bird": Gis t/iyew, Bld t/iyaw. ECh *dVHaw- "night bird": Turn doo. Assimilation of vowels. Related to *di'ay- "fly" (v.).

688 *dib- "take" Eg dbdb "grasp, take back" (XXI). Reduplication. WCh *diHab- "take out, pluck, gather": Hs t/iba. Secondary inlaut laryngeal? The original root was *dib-. LEC *deb- "grasp" 1, "give back" 2: Som dab 1, Or deebisa 2.

689 *dibin- "round container" Eg dbn "round box; ring" (OK). CCh *dibin- "basket": Gude divin. Cf. *dabin- "fence, trap" -- * "round structure"?



DIC- -



690 ·dic- "sneeze" Sem ·daJ1- "cold, catarrh": Arab dalJ.-at-. Deverbative. WCh ·dic- "sneeze": Sha tbs, DB dis.

691 ·di(m)bur- "back" Sem ·dubr- "back": Hbr d!bir, Arab dubr-. Secondary formation in Hbr. Assimilation of vowels. CCh ·di(m)bur- "buttocks": WMrg dimbur. From ·dub- "back, tail".

692 ·did- "elder" Sem ·did- "honorable tide": Mhr I].a-did, Shh edid, did, Soq dedo. WCh ·did- "chiefs tide": Ang didi. Cf. Miya didi "in-Iaw". CCh ·did- "grandparent": Gis dide. Descriptive stern?

693 ·did- "bee" WCh ·did- "fly" (n.): Bol didi, Krf di:di, Gera didi, Ngm didi. Agaw ·did- "honey": Kern didaa. SA ·did- "wasp": Afar diidaa. HEC ·did- "bee, honey": Dar diida, Bmb diida. Descriptive stern. Reduplication?

694 ·did- "clothes" Sem ·did- "kind of clothes": Akk didu. WCh ·HV-did- "shirt": Ang did. Prefix • HV-.

695 ·dif- "vesseI" Eg dfy "vessel" (OK). :y is a vocalic sign.


DlF- -


CCh *dif- "pot": Mwu deevo, Nza Omot *dip- "gourd": Ome dijPee. Note emphatic -p-.




FMch divu.

696 *dic-/*du c- "speak, call" Sem *du c- "calI" 1, "be called" 2: Arab dCw [-u-] 1, Tgr d'y 2. Various triconsonantal formations based on *du c-. CCh *diHya- "calI, say": Lame rje, Masa rk's, Msm de, 4e, 4i, Bnn diye. ECh *diy-"say": Dng diye. Probably, from *diHya- as in CCh. Bed di "speak, call". SA *da c- "calI": Saho da c, Afar da c. The root vowel is not clear. Alternation *i -


697 *dicas- "walk" Sem *dVcaS- "trample" 1, "tread down" 2: Arab dCs [-a-] 1, Tgr dähasa 2. Cf. also Tgy dähasä, Gur dasä "destroy" with different laryngeals. WCh *diHVs- "follow": DB 4is-. CCh *dVHVs- "enter": Gbn ,psi. Cf. *dayas- "trample, beat, push". 698 *di1,las- "cut, skin" (v.) Sem *dVl]aS- "skin, peel off': Arab dl}.s [-a-], Tgr däl}.sa, Shh dl}.as, dl}.aS, Soq döl}.es. WCh *diHVs- "cut, skin": BoI4iss-. 699 *di1,lus- "hide, skin" Berb *dVs- "tanned leather": Ahg te-rbse, Ayr te-dase. No traces of the inlaut laryngeal. WCh *diHus- "hide, skin": Ngm 4isi, Gera c/isi, Grm 4uci, Bol4isi. Related to *dil}.as- "cut, skin".




700 *diHab- "enter, return" ECh *diyab- < *diHab- "enter" 1, "run away" Kera debe 2. LEC *deHeb- "return": Or deebi'a. Contracted from *diHab-.


Kbl diyab:1


Cf. HS *diHVp- "enter".

701 *diHVp- "enter" Berb *dJ]- "enter": Izn a-deJ. CCh *diHVp- "enter": Hwn rf,:Jj-:1n. LEC *daj- "hurry, hasten" (Or daj-) may also belong here. Cf. HS *diHab- "enter, return".

702 *dik- "bird" Sem *dik- "rooster": Aram (Syr) dik-, Arab dik-. ECh *dik- "rooster": Mubi dik. Bed diik "rooster".

703 *diJ.c- "build" Sem *nVdVlJ;- "build": Gz nadaqa, Tgr nadqa, Tgy nadaqa, Amh näddäqä. Prefix *n V-. WCh *rjik- < *diJs- "build": Sura rjik, Chip rjik. Shift of emphatization.

704 *diJ.c- "be small, be thin" Sem *diJs(Js)- "be small" 1, "be thin, fine" 2: Akk daqäqu 1, U g dq 2, Arab diqq- 2, Gz dqq 2, Soq dqq 2. LEC *diJs(Js)- "become faint, tenuous" 1, "smalI" 2: Som diq- 1, Or diqqa 2. Related to *daJs-j*duJs- "break, pound".


DIJ.(AR- -


705 *diJ.tar- "pot" Sem *di1J;är- "pot": Akk diqäru. CCh *digyar- < *digar- "pot, jar": Mofu rbger, Gis diger. CCh *-g- may reflect earlier intervocalic *1J;.

706 *dim- "voice" Sem *dimm- "moan" (n.): Arab dimm-at-. WCh *4im- "sound of voice": Hs 4imi, 4umi. u < i under the influence of the labial. Irregular Hs and WCh 4- < *d- reflects an original prefix *HV-. CCh *dim- "song": Gis dim-es. Related to *dVm- "utter".

707 *dim- "go, ron" Sem *dVm-dVm- "march": Tgr dmdm. Reduplication. Berb *dVm- "pant (when running)" : Ahg ;)dtbm. The meaning makes the comparison dubious. Eg dmy "move" (pyr). -y is an infinitive suffix. CCh *dim- "enter" 1, "go out" 2: Mnd rbm- 1, Bch d;}'fTI;) rbmu 2, Mwu udima 2. Prefix *'u- in Mwu. ECh *dVm- "enter": Sbn rb:'fTI;):.



708 *dim- "insect" Sem *dimm- "locust" 1, "louse, ant" 2: Akk dim-i-tu 1, Arab dimm-at- 2. CCh *da-daHVm- "locust": Mofu 4a-4amiy-daw. Partial reduplication. Note the inlaut laryngeal and the secondary vocalism.

709 *dim- "dwelling, place" Sem *dim- "tower"




Akk dim-atu


Ug dm-t


DIM- -



Eg dmy "town" (pyr), Dem dmy id., Copt *tmi "village" : Boh ,mi, Shd ,me. Copt shows that Eg :y continues a suffix.

710 *dimb- "gourd (vessel)" WCh *dimb- "gourd": Krf dimbi. LEC *dibb- "gourd, gourd vessel": Or dibbe. HEC *dibb-/*dimb- "drum": Sid dibbe, Had dibbe'e, Dar dibbe, Kab dibb-ita, Bmb diimba.

711 *din- "cloud, rain" Sem *azn- "Iong rain": Arab azn-at-. WCh *din- "cloud": Mnt tzn.

712 *din- "vessel" Eg dny.t "bowl, basket, vessel" (MK). :y stands for a front vowel. CCh *din- "cooking pot": Lame dinai, LPe d:mai. Suffix -ay- in individual forms.

713 *din- "be weak" Sem *dün- "be weak": Arab dwn. Based on biconsonantal *dVn-. Berb *dVn- "be weak": Zng a-d:m. Rift *din- "get old": Irq diin-.

714 *ding- "bird" WCh *ding- "guinea fowl": Grm dingi. Rift *ding- "stork": Irq dingi. It is diffIcult to say whether *-ng- is an original HS cluster or the result of the loss of a vowel in the second syllable (if a reconstruction *din Vg- is suggested).




715 *dink- "dwarf" Eg dng "dwarf' (pyr). *-nk- > Eg -ng- in a contact position. LEC *dink- "dwarf": Or dinki. HEC *dink- "dwarf': Kmb tbnka, Tmb dinka. A borrowing LEC - HEC or HEC - LEC? On *-nk- see HS *ding- "bird".

716 *dinkar- "lizard" WCh *dVnkar- "lizard": Krk tbnkara, Ngm tbkura. Cf. Msg diIJidiIJl id., Hs ~adangara id. Omot *dingar- "lizard": Kaf dingaro, Gim dingar. Omot *-ng- may be a regular reflex of HS *-nk-. Somehow connected with *dink- "dwarf'?

717 *dinVy- "divide" Eg dny.t "part" (n), Copt *toy(i): Boh toi, Shd toe. ECh *)i-din f.ji- "divide": Dng idinye. Prefix *)i-.

718 *dir- "learn, remember" Sem *dVrf.ji-/*dVrf.ji- "learn, understand": Arab dry [-i-]. Based on biliteral *dar-/*dir-. CCh *HV-dir- "remember": Lame rjir-.

719 *dirac-/*dirac;- "press, beat" Sem *dVrVs- "force out, trample": Akk drs, Aram Oud) drs, Arab drs [-i-, -u-]. Irregular vocalism of the second syllable. WCh *dirVc- "press down": Hs dirce, Kry tbrc:J. CCh *dVrac- "push (away)": Mofu tbras. Sem - WCh correspondence is irregular as far as the affricate is concerned. CCh *-c- is inconclusive.




720 *disar- "cereal" Sem *difar- "wild growing cereals" : Akk disarru. Eg dJr "corn" (OK). A culturalloanword?

721 *diway- "fly" (n.) Sem *daw JY- "Spanish fIy": Aram däw;,y-at. Assimilated from *diway-? WCh *diyaw- "fIy": Krk diy;,w, Pero tiyo. Metathesis from *diway-? CCh *dPJY- "fIy": Hwn rje, Gbn rjeya. ECh **diw- "fIy": Dng duwo, Jegu diwo, Brg diwo, Mig duwwu, Mubi rjuwo, Sok döu. Unexpected emphatic in Mubi.

722 *diy- "plant" Eg dy "cabbage" (gr). ECh *Hwa-diy- "grass": Mkk orjiyu. Prefix *Hwa-.

723 *dob- "water" Sem *dVbb- "ocean": Ug dbb. Omot *dob- "rain": Ome dubi, Dime dobi, Kar dobi. Semantically, the HS word seems to denote abundance of (fIowing) water. As far as the meaning of Sem is concerned, cf. OIr ler "sea" - Slav *liti "pour, fIow".

724 *dob- "speak, call" Sem *dub- "speak": Akk dabiibu. WCh *dwab- "calI": Tng dobi. LEC *deb- "answer' ': Or deeb-isa. U nexpected vowel.


DOG- -


725 *dog- "forge, beat" Sem *dug- "grind (to a powder)": Arab dgg [-u-]. Berb *dVg- "forge": Aks cbg. CCh *dwag- "smith": Bid dögei. ECh *dwag- "forge": Mubi dogga. HEC *dug- "tan": Sid duug-, Had duug-, Bmb duug-. A typical case oftanning described as beating. Cf. another possible cognate: HEC *dig- "demolish, destroy" (Sid diig-, Dar diig-).

726 *dohan- "fat, grease" Sem *duhn- "fat, grease": Aram (Palm) dhn, (Syr) dühän-, Arab duhn-.

Berb *dun- "fat, grease": Sml ta-dun-t, Znt ra-Dun- t, Snus ra-Dun-t, Ahg t-acbn-t, Twl tä-dh:m-t, Tsl ta-dh:m-t, Zng t:J-dun-t, Izy radunn. WCh *dwan-H- "fat, grease": Sura tPIJ. Metathesis. 727 *dolJ-Vn- "millet, grain" Sem *duan- "sorghum": Akk duanu, Hbr dölJ.an, Aram (Syr) du1].nä, Arab duan-. CCh *dwan- "corn": Mtk dawna. From *dwaHVn-. 728 *don- "stand up" Eg dwn "stand up" (med). -w- stands for a rounded vowel. WCh *dwan-H- "stand up": Fyer t/WaIJ. Secondary *-H-, probably, functioning as a suffix. 729 *don- "be strong" Sem *dVn- "be strong": Akk danänu. Eg wdn "be strong, be heavy" (XVIII). w- is a vocalic sign. CCh *dwanu- "strong, strength": Chb tbna, Wmd duno-ma, Ngw

DON- -



dina, Mrg tbna-ma, Mba dono, Log donö, Bud dunoa, Gul dunu, Kus dunu. ECh *dwanu- "strong": Srnr dwana, Sok duno.

730 *dub- "horn" Eg db "horn" (rned), Copt *tap id.: Boh tap, Shd tap. ECh *ba-dub- "horn": Turn ba-dubo. Prefix *ba-.

731 *dub- "back, tail" WCh *dub- "tail": Ang tup. CCh *dub- "back" 1, "buttocks" 2: Mofu duba 1, Gis tbba 12, Daba tbtbba 2, Msg tbba 1, Gid dubo 1, Zirne dUQu 1, FJ r/uba-kun 2. LEC *dib-/*dub- "tail" 1, "buttocks" 2: Sorn dib 1, Or duboo 1, Rnd dub 1, Arb dub 2. Cf. also Sorn dabo "tail, buttocks", Bay däbe id. HEC *dub- "tail (of sheep)": Dar duba. Ornot *dufi- < *duHVb- "tail": Orne duupiya. The developrnent ofHS *b to Ornot *p is not quite clear. It rnay be explained by the influence of an intervocalic laryngeal. CCh (Zirne, FJ) and Ornot rnay indicate HS *duHVb-. It is not clear whether the present root is also connected with Agaw *danb- "back, bottom" (Bil dänbt) and Ornot *damb- "anus, back" (Kaf dambo, Anf dombo).

732 *dubar- "speak" Sem *dVbur- "speak" 1, "retell" 2: Phn dbr 1, Hbr dbr [-u-] 2. Secondary *-u-. ECh *duwVr- < *dubwar- "speak": Kbl duw::Jr. Secondary *wa after a labial? HEC *dabar- "answer' ': Had dabar- "answer' , . Assimilation of vowels. Derived frorn *dob- "speak, call".


Arab dbr




733 *duc- "push, beat" Sem *dV1- "beat, push": U g dl., Arab dJ1. WCh *duc- "push" 1, "pound" 2: Ang tus


Dera duSe


734 *dud- "vessel" Sem *dud- "pot, cauldron": Akk dudu, U g dd, Hbr dud, Aram (Syr) dud-. Eg dd.t "pot, cauldron". WCh *dud- "calabash": Sura tu, Ang tut. Reduplication?

735 *dud- "bird" Sem *dud- "bird": Akk dudu. ECh *dudi- "bird": Smr dudi, Sbn dudi, Dng r/.ur/.a, Mig r/.ir/.u, Sok dirE. Secondary emphatization in Dng and Mig. Descriptive stern, cf. *did- "bee".

736 *dug- "bird" Sem *dugg- "thrush": Arab dugg-. CCh *dug- "kite": Chb dugu. Cf. also *kwa-dig-I*kwa-dug- "vulture" (FK kwatbgu, HF watbyu, KIb kwadiga, Gudu kadugwa).

737 *dugan- "darkness, night" Sem *dugn- "darkness": Arab dugn-. ECh *dugVn- "at night": Kera duugI). LEC *dukan- "darkness": Or dukkana. Unexpected *-k- < WS *-g-. HEC *dukan- "darkness, cloud": Bmb dukkani. Unexpected *-k- < HS *-g-.

*-k- seems to be a common Cush innovation in this word.




738 *duham- "be dark" Sem *duhm- "black": Arab duhm-. ECh *dVHam- "darkness": Gbr damä, Kbl dama. A reduplication in Mubi der/em id. with -e- in the root continuing *-uHa-. SA *dum- "be dark": Saho dum, Afar dum.

739 *duk- "bury" CCh *dVk- "bury": Gis dik, Mafa da-deg-. Secondary -i- in Gis. Omot *duk- "bury": Ome duk-, Kaf dukki, Mch duukki, Bwo duk-, Anf duk-, Gim duk-.

740 *dum- "destroy" Sem *dum- "destroy": Hbr dmm. LEC *dum- "be destroyed": Som dum. Any connection with *dum- "split, pierce"?

741 *dum- "worm, snake" Eg dm "worm" (NK). WCh *dum- "eel, water snake" 1, "snake" )acbmo 2, Krf duma 2. Prefix *)a- in Krk. CCh *dum- "ascarid": Mba dum-say. HEC *dum- "roundworm": Bmb duma. Omot *dVm- "python": Mch dämo.


Hs dumiya



742 *dum- "antelope" Berb *dVmVw-/*dVmJtY- "gazelle": Ahg a-dmü, Twl te-cbmi-t, Zng dämi, cbmma, Sha ra-cbmu-r. Derivatives of *dVm-. Omot *dum- "kind of antelope": Yam dumaa.


DUM- -


743 *dum- "split, pierce" Berb *dVm- "split": Rif :!Jdtbm. Eg dm "sharpen, pierce" (1). WCh *dum- "plunge a weapon (into aperson)": Hs duma.

744 *dumb- "ring" WCh *dumb- "bracelet": Hs dumbä. LEC *dub- "ring": Som duub. *-b- seems to continue *-mb-.

745 *dun- "sing, murmur" Sem *dun- "buzz": Arab dnn [-u-]. Cf. also Arab dndn id. Berb *dVn-dVn- "sing": Snus d:md:m. Reduplication. Related to *dün- "sound, voice". A reduplication *dVn- dVnmay be reconstructed.

746 *dun- "be bent" Sem *dVn- "be bent": Arab dnn, dn). Formations based on biliteral *dVnBerb *dun- "squat, be bent": Ahg dun-:!Jt.

747 *dur- "flow" Sem *dir-/*dur- "drip" 1, "flowabundantly" 2: Hbr drr 1, Arab drr [-u-, -i-] 2. Eg dr "prevent water from flowing down" (med). WCh *duHwar- "pour": Hs rjüra, Tng rjer, Pol rjur:!Jw. Secondary laryngeal. Probably, *duHwar- < *Hwadur-. Cf. nominal derivatives in WCh *dVHar- "river" (Gera doora, Bks rjara, DB rjeer, rjiyar), CCh *n V-dwar- "rainy season" (Msm ndor) and SA *darur- "rain-cloud" (Saho darur, Afar darur).

DUR- -



748 ·dur- "bird" Sem ·dUTT- "parrot" : Arab dUTT-at-. Weh ·durwa- "quaii": Hs durwä. Eeh ·dur- "hen": Smr dure.

749 ·dü'Vc- "grass" Sem ·dil'- "grass, new grass" 2: Akk daS'u, diS'u, disu, Hbr desc', Aram dit'ä, SAr dl'. Metathesis. Weh ·du'VC- "thatching grass": Hs rjüsä.

750 ·düm- "vesse1" Eg dmy "vessei" (n). -y stands for a vowel. Weh "bottle-gourd": Hs dumä.

751 ·düm- "feHne" Sem ·dimm- "cheetah" 1, "cat" 2: Akk dumämu 1, Arab dimm-at- 2, Gz rbmm-at- 2, Tgr rbmmu 2, Tgy rbmmu 2, Amh rbmm-ät- 2. Secondary formation in Akk. Weh ·dum- "hyaena": Sura ndumu, Grk domu, Ank tumu. Agaw ·dam-Vy- "cat": Kwr damyaa, Kern darrwya . • 0. in the root is not quite clear. Maybe *dumay- > ·damay-? SA *dumm- "cat": Saho dummu, Afar dumoo. Rift *du'um- "leopard": Irq du'uma, Bur du'uma, Aig du'uma, Kwz du'umayi, Asa du)umok. The original root structure is modified in Rift with an innovative inlaut laryngeal.

752 *dün- "sound, voice" Sem *dinn- "reverberation" 1, "bang, noise" dennet 2. Berb *dun- "rough voice": Ahg a-dun-a. Eg dny.w.t "howl" (n.) (MK). Related to *dun- "sing, murrnur" .


Mhr den




nüp- -


753 *düp- "push" Sem *dVp- "push": Hbr dpy, Hss döfa, Mhr döfa, Shh defa'. Cf. also Sem *dVIJ Vp- "push away" (Akk da)apu, Hbr dQP) and *nVdVp- "push": Hbr ndp, Arab ndf. WCh *dup- "push": Sura tup. Rift *dif- "beat, fight": Alg dif-, Bur dif-. Omot *dup- "throw": Kaf dup-.

754 *dV)V3- "bow" (n.) Eg diz "bow-string" (sare). ECh *dV'Vs- < *dV)V3- "bow": Smr riese, Kbl tPs:J. Smr and Kbl -s- may also refleet ECh *""3-.

755 *dVb\1l- "pot" Eg dbQ.w "eroekery" (OK). CCh *dVHVb- "pot": Gul rjEbsy. Metathesis. An alternative reeonstruetion is *dVIJ Vb-.

756 *dVg-dVg- "trample, press" Sem *dVg-dVg- "trample down" 1, "press, squeeze" 2, "tap" 3: Tgr dägdägä 1, Tgy dägdägä 1, Amh dagäddägä 1, Gur cbgädägä 2, Jib ecbgcbg 3, Shh adagdeg 3. Berb *dVg-dVg- "break": Ghat cbgcbg, Ahg cbgcbg, Twl dagdag, Kby ddegt5eg. Eg dgdg "press, squeeze, trample" (XX). Reduplieation in most HS branehes. The root vowel may have been *i. Cf. *dog- "forge, beat"?

757 *dVgol- "look, see" Sem *dVg Vl- "look": Akk dagälu. Cf. Aram (Syr) cbgil-üt-. Eg dgi "see" (gr). May be identieal with dgy "see, look" *dVgVl- with *-l- > -i.

Eg -n-. ECh *gwalan- "soup": Jegu goloI). Secondary vocalism of the second syllable. Cf. CCh *[gJunan- "soup" (Log yunan) with assimilation of sonants and irregular anlaut.

952 *gomaC- "gather, meet" Sem *gVmaC- "gather": Arabgm C [-a-], Hss egtöma, Mhr gatma', Shh gotma c. T stirpes in Hss, Mhr and Shh. WCh *gwama- < *gwamaH-' 'meet together": Hs gamu, Ang gwom, Mnt kwam, Bol gom, Krk gam, Tng komb-, Bade gam-. Secondary -mb- < *-m- in Tng.

953 *gon- "poultry" Eg r/nr/n "poultry" (MK). Reduplication. WCh *gwan- "rooster": Fyer gwene.

954 *gonV\t- "elbow, shoulder, wing" Eg r/nl} "wing" (pyr). WCh *I}Vgwan- "shoulder, wing" 1, "arm" 2: Sura k;}g:Jn gwon, gwong 1, Dwot kurun 1, Bks kOI) 2, Sha ngaan 2. Metathesis of the laryngeal. CCh *gwan- "elbow": Msg gono-gone. Reduplication.




GON(N)- -


HEC *gon(n)- "wing": Kmb gonna-ta. Rift *gon(g)olJ- "elbow": Irq gOIJgolJi. Unexpected inlaut -g-. Cf. a secondary deverbative formation in Sem *ginalJ"arm" 1, "wing" 2: Arab ginälJ-, ganälJ- 1, Mhr ginalJ 2. The root is, probably derived from *ganalJ- "bend" , cf. Lat ulna "forearm" , Olr uilind "elbow" derived from *el:J- "bend" . 955 *gor- "back" Sem *gur- "back of the house": Tgr g~ray, Tgy gWaro, Amh gWaro, Gur gWaro. HEC *gor- "back": Bmb gooroo. 956 *gor- "wall, house, dwelling" Eg gry.t "dwelling" (gr), grw "part of house" (MK), gry "wall", Copt *goye id.: Boh goi, Shd goie. According to Copt, -y reflects a suffix while *g- > Eg g- before HS *0. LEC *gor- "house" 1, "wall" 2: Som guri, guun: 1, Or goorroo 2. HEC *gor- "shed": Bmb goore, Dar goo)re. Omot *gorr- "house": Ome guolle. 957 *gor- "catch" Eg ngry "catch" (a), ngr "seize" (XVIII). n- is aprefix. ECh *gwar- "catch": Ndam göre, Sok g::Juri. 958 *gor-gor- "plant, leaf" Sem *gur-gur- "plant": Akk gurgurru. Eg grgr "leaf' (Amar). WCh *gwar-gwar- "kind of grass": Hs göragöra. Reduplication. HS *0 is corroborated by the palatalization in Eg. Cf. LEC *gor- "fruit found in the forest" (Or goraa).




959 *goraf- "friend, servant" WCh *ma-gwaraj- "friend": Bol gworavi, Krk njaraju, Ngm ngerJo, Ngz magir;,j, Bade mag;,rav-an. Unexpected -i- in Ngz. Agaw *gwirdJ- "servant": Bil [f1;,lf-aaraa.

960 *gora'- "throat, neck" Sem *gVr'- "throat": Gz [f1;,r'i, Tgy [f1ärära. The vowel of the first syllable may be reconstructed as *-ucausing labialization of the initial velar. WCh *gwar(VH)- "throat": Hs -gwarö. In a compound. CCh *gwar- "neck": Tera gura, Pad guara, Mba gur- rjoy. SA *gara'- "throat": Saho gara', Afar gara'. Assimilation of vowels. LEC *g[ojra'- "throat": Som gawra'. Is -aw- a reflex of *o? Cf. compounds with the same element in Agaw *gwir-gum"throat, neck" (Bil gurgumaa, Aun [f1ergum, Dmt [f1ergern) and SA *gur-dum- "throat" (Saho durgumaa, Afar gurdumee).

961 *gorum- "young man" Eg dim "young man" (MK). Palatalization of *g-. WCh *gwarum- "slave": Sura kurom, Mpn krorn, Ang kwarm, Bol ngaru, Krk ncarum. Prefix *n V- in Bol and Krk. LEC *gorom- "young man": Som gorom-saa. Assimilation of vowels. Rift *garVm- "boy": Irq garma. U nexpected *-a-.

962 *gorun-gorun- "knee" ECh *gwarun-gwarun- "knee": Sok gorungorun-du. Rift *gurun-gu(n)d- "knee": Irq gurungura, Aig gurunguda, Bur gurugunda.




Haplology and dissimilation from *guTun-gurun-. Reduplication.

963 *gos- "fish" Eg

ds "kind of fish" (n).

Palatalization of *g-. WCh *gwasi- "fish": Zem gisi, Say gwusi, Bks guse, Sha gwase. Cf. ECh *gwas- id. (pl.): Sib gose (sg. is dose!).

964 *gos- "be small" Eg

nds "smalI" (pyr).

Prefix *n V-. Note the palatalization of *g-. CCh *gwasi- "short": HF gusi, FKigwusu, Gudegwus, Nzagus, F] gwus.

965 *goy- "bird" Eg dwy. t "kind of bird" (sarc). -w- stands for a rounded vowel. CCh *gya- < *gJYa- "hen" 1, "bird" 2: Gude gyagya 1, Mnd giye 2. Reduplication in Gude. Secondary -i- under the influence of -yin Mnd.

966 * g03 - "woman " Sem *'agüz- "old woman": Arab 'agüz-. Cf. Arab 'gz [-u- ]"become old (of a woman)". Prefix *'a-. CCh *nV-gwa3- "woman": Gis IJgos, Bld IJgas, Mtk IJgwaz. Prefix *nV-. Unvoicing of final *-3 in Gis and Bld. Prefixes both in Sem and CCh.

967 *gu)- "container" Eg gwJ.t "box" (MK). -w- stands for a rounded vowel. WCh *gu)-ga)- "pail": Sura guugaa.

GU>- -



Reduplication. CCh *gu>- "pot": Gul guä. ECh *gu>- "basket": Kwn gu. Cf. reduplication in Tob gigü.

968 *gub- "fish" Eg gb.t "kind of fish" (OK). ECh *gub- "fish": Tob gubü.

969 *gub- "clothes" Sem *gubb- "jubba, kind of clothes": Arab gubb-at-, Tgr gäbbät. CCh *gVb- "man's clothes": Gava g;,b;,ya. Suffix -;,ya.

970 *gub- "hole, weIl" Sem *gubb- "weH" (n.) 1, "moat" 2: Akkgubbu gubbä 2, Arab gubb- 1, Gz g;,bb 2, T gr g;,bb 2. ECh *gub- "hole": Smr gubu.





971 *gub- "burn" Sem *gVb- "roast": Akk gubbubu. D stirpes in Akk. LEC *gub- "burn": Som gub-, Or gub-, Rnd gub-, Boni kub-. Dhl guß- "burn" (trans.).

972 *guc- "fingernail" CCh *nV-gis- "fingernail": Gude g;,sa, Zirne ngisi. Prefix *n V-. The above form may go back to *nigu.r-. Omot *gui- "fingernail, claw": Dime gui, Ari g;,saa, Karo guio. Cf. ECh *gus- id.: Kbl guse-maI).

973 *gud- "house" Sem *gudd- "djedda, town": Arab gudd-at-. CCh *gud- "house": Glv guda.


GUD- -


LEC *god- "hut"; Or godoo. HEC *god- "place, cattle-pen"; Bmb godoo, Dar goot/e. Wrz *kot- "house"; Hrs koto, Dob koto. Tgy gvada, Amh gvada are borrowed from Cush.

974 *gud- "find, seek" Sem *wVgVd- "find, meet"; Arab wgd. Prefix *w V-. CCh *gud- "seek anxiously"; Mafa gud-.

975 *gud- "soil" Sem *gad- "soil, ground"; Arab gadad-. Secondary formation based on the otherwise unattested root. Innovative vocalism. ECh *gVd- "fertile soil"; Sok gede. Assimilation of vowels in Soko Dhl gudde "land".

976 *gudin- "axe, hoe" ECh *gidin-H- < *gudin-H- "hoe"; Kera gidz1.J-. Assimilation of vowels. LEC *gudin- "axe"; Som gudin. Cf. HS *gadum- "cut; axe, hoe".

977 *gucal- "divide" Sem *gVCVl- "divide"; Arab g'l. ECh *gal- < *gVHal- "part, side"; Kera gal. Nominal derivative of the original HS verb. Agaw *guHal- "divide"; Kwr golee, Dmb golee, Kern gual:Jy. Contraction in Kwr and Dmb.

978 *gucal- "insect" Sem *guCal- "scarabeus"; Arab guCal-. WCh *n V-gal- "termite"; Bks ngal.

GU'AL- -



Prefix *n V-. CCh *nV-gVl- "termite": Nz ng::Jle. Prefix *n V-. Contraction of *-uHa-


*-a- in Chadic.

979 *gu1ul- "vessel" Sem *gull- "bowl": Akk gullu, gullatu, Hbr gullä. CCh *guIVl- "straw bottle": Msg gullai. Rift *gudul- "water jug": Irq gudulia. Dissimilation of liquids? Etymologically identical with *gulul- "ball"?

980 *gulul- "ball" Sem *gull- "round object": Arab gull-at-. WCh *gulul- "ball": Hs gulülu. Derived from *gol- "be round, go around".

981 *gum- "cut" CCh *gum- "cut off' 1, "carve" 2: Mofu ng::Jm 1, GisIJgom 1, Mtk gum 2, Hld gum-na 2. Prefix *n V- in Mofu. Rift *go)im- "carve": Irq go)im. Secondary inlaut *-)-. The original form could be *gom- .

982 *gun- "occiput" CCh *gun- "occiput, neck": ZBt guno, Bud IJguni, FG gona. Prefix *n V- in Bud. ECh *gun- "occiput": Smr g::Jg::Jne, Lele tu-gna, Ndam da-g::Jn, Turn gun kumu, Kera k::Jn::J-g, Kwn ku-kin. Partial reduplication in Smr and Kwn. Prefixes in Lele and Ndam. Omot *gon- "nape": Ome gonno.




983 *gup-I*gump- "knee" ECh *gupi- "knee": Smr gube, Turn gub, Ndam gub, Dng gipi, Mig gippi, Br gifi, Jegu gifo, Mubi gip. Bed gumba "knee". Omot *gumb- "knee": Sezo gubbi, Nao gum-ta. It seems that ECh lost the nasal element of *-mp- cluster. On the other hand, *-mb- cannot be reconstructed in order to explain Cush because of the unvoiced in ECh. A very difficult case. Cf. also HEC *gub- "thigh" (Bmb gub-eedi)?

984 *gur- "house, place" Berb *gVrur- "enclosure" 1, "wall" 2, "place, yard" 3: Nfs a-grur 1 2, Ahg a-gror 1, Ish a-grur 2, Tzr a-grur 3, Gua ta-goror 3, Sus a-grur 1 2, Kby agrur 1. Partial reduplication. WCh *gur- "place": Hs gure. CCh *gur- "enclosure": Mba guru.

985 *gur- "pull" Sem *gur- "pull": Hbr grr, Arab grr [-u-], Jib gerr, Hss ger. CCh *gur- "pull": Mofu -gur-.

986 *gur- "ash" Sem *gurär- "hot ash": Akk guräru. Cf. Akk kiräru id. A secondary formation. WCh *gur- "ash": Sura ku ur, Ang kur. ECh *gur- "coal": Ndm gure. Related to *gir- "fire".

987 *gur- "hole" Sem *gür- "cavity": Hbr gör, Arab gür-at-. ECh *gur- "hole": Smr gurö. -ö goes back to *-aw-.




988 *guray- "hen" Eg gry "poultry" (n). The final -y may be a sufftx, cf. ECh (Sbn). CCh *yVgur- "hen": Mnjyugur, Msgyugur, igur. Metathesis of *gurJY-. Assimilation of vowels in Msg. ECh *gur(JY)-"hen, rooster": Sbn g;,ray. 989 *gut- "container" Eg gt "box" (n). CCh *guta- "calabash": Bnn gw;,/,:}, BM nguta. Prefix *n V-. 990 *guy- "chin" Eg wgy.t "lower jaw" (pyr). w- is a vocalic sign. CCh *guyi- "chin, beard": Lmn goyo, Zgh gwiye, Glv gWiya, Gava gWuya, Nak gWiya. 991 *gu3- "stomach" WCh *guj- "internal organ (of a bird)": Hs gujiyä. ECh *gij-j*guj- "belly": Ndm güj, Kera giitb. Agaw *gwiz-uk- "stomaeh": Xmr gizuu, pI. gizuk, Xmt gizuu, Kwr gwazgu, Dmb gozgw, Kern gwazguu, Aun gwezguii. Generalized pI. in *-uk-? SA *guj- "belly": Afar gudee. LEC *guj- "intestines": Som guudo. 992 *gübac- "mountain" Sem *gabC-j*gibC- "hill, height": Akk gab)u, U g gb C, Hbr gibCä, Amh guba. a-vocalism seems to be secondary. CCh *guQa- < *gubaH- "mountain": Glv roba, Gava rUQa, Msm g;,b;,y. LEC *gubb- "summit": Or gubba. HEC *gubb- "highland" : Bmb gubba. Dhl gußa "plains".




993 *gül-/*gül-ib- "knee" ECh *gVl- "knee": Sok der-gel-, bo-golo. der- and bo- are prefixes. CCh *g Vl- "thigh": Mofu g;,l-aw. Msg guifa "knee" may be connected with a different Chadic root for "knee", *gVr-. Agaw *gwillib- "knee": Bil girib, Xmr girb, Xmt g;,r;,b, Kwr gerb, Dmb gulvie, Kern g;,rbii, Dmt gereb, Aun gerbii. SA *gulub- "knee": Saho gulub, Afar gulub. LEC *gilib- "knee": Som jilib, Or jilba, Rnd j;,/;)b, Bay gilib. HEC *gilub-/*gulub- "knee": Sid guluppo, Dar gulubo, Had gurubbo, Kab gulubi-ta, Bmb gilba, Kmb gulubi- ta, Tmb gulubi-ta. Wrz *kiIVp- "knee": Gaw küpayho, Hrs kilpayo, Dob kilpayo. Omot *gul(I)Vb- "knee": Ome gulb-ata, Bwo guubra. Metathesis in Bwo. Dhl gilli "knee". The dominating Cush form is derived from *gül- with suffix *-ib-.

994 *gün- "bend" Sem

"become curved": Arab 4gn [-i-]. Prefix *~ V- . WCh *n V-gun- "bend" : Boll)gün, Krk I)gun, Wrj ngunai, Kry ngun. Prefix *n V-. *~Vgin-

Prefixes in both branches of HS. Related to



995 *gürP- "stomaeh" Sem *girP- "stornach (of a bird)": Arab girP-at-, giriyy- at-. ECh *gur- "stomaeh": Lele gür-mu, Mig gur-müqu. Agaw *gir(r)- "stomaeh" 1, "intestines" 2: Bil gir, jir 1, Xmr zillaa 1, Xmt ziilaa 1, K wr jir 1, Kern j;,r 2. Palatalization of *g- in most Agaw forms. LEC *gere) - "belly": Arb gere). Assimilation of vowels. Rift *gurP- "belly": Irq gura, Alg gura)a, Bur gura)a. Secondary *-a- of the se co nd syllable.

225 996 *gVbVl- "edge" Sem *gVbul- "edge": Phn gbl, Hbr gebül, Ararn gbl. Eg gbJ "side of a room" (weste.) WCh *gVlVb- "edge": Dera g~lba. Metathesis.

997 *gVsVy- "go, move" Sem *gzs- "go (horne)": Akk gasu. Metathesis. Eg gsy "run" (XVIII). Derived from *gas- "move".

998 *gVwVb-I*gVyVb- "calI, answer" Sem *güb- "answer": Aram gawweb, Arab gwb, Hssyewäb. ECh *gyab- < *gJ;»Vb- "calI": Nchgeba. Consonantal alternation *-w- -


999 *gVwun- "be black" Sem *gün- "be black": Arab gwn [-u-]. If not related to Aram gawnä "color" borrowed from Iranian. WCh *[wVJgun- "dirty": Ang gun. An alternative reconstruction is *w Vgun-.

1000 *gV3im- "cut" Sem *gVzim- "cut": Hbr gzm, Arab gzm [-i-]. Cf. Arab grJm id. Berb *gV3 Vm- "cut": Izy gezzem, Kbyegzem.

* g. 1001 *ga)-I*go)- "stone" Eg (J.t "stone" (OK). WCh *gay- < *ga)i- "rock, stone": Gera giiwi, Glrn g(gai, Grrn gii, Sha wa-I)ay, DB hayi.

226 Partial reduplication in Glm. Prefix in Sha. CCh *ywa)- "mountain": Ngw ywa, Lmn xwa, Zgh xwa)a, Glv ywa. Alternation *a - *o?

1002 *gabur- "dust" Sem *gabar- "dust": Arab gabar-at-, gubär-, gubr-at-, Hss gebär. Seconary vocalism in gubär-, gubr-at-. *-u- > *-a- after a labial is regular. WCh *gabVr- "dust": Hs habrä. CCh *yur~- "sand": Mofu ma-hurqay. Metathesis. Secondary emphatization of -b- > -q- influenced by the initial *y. Derived from *bur- "earth, sand"?




Sem *gäls- "raven": Arab gäq-. WCh *gag- < *gals- "crow": Paa gäga. Assimilation. CCh *yak- "crow": Dgh yaga, Gis mu-ghak, ma-gaga, Mofu mangahak, Log yake, Bud ngage. Mofu reflects *yaHak-, cf. ECh. Prefix *ma(n)- in Gis and Mofu. ECh *gak- "crow": Mubi gak, Bid gaaga, Kwn gäga. Bid may reflect *gaHak-. Dhl )aak'ak'o "crow". Partial reduplication. A descriptive stern, possibly, of reduplicative nature (*gals*gag-, cf. WCh).

1004 *gal- "kill" Sem *gül- "make smb. perish quickly": Arab gwl [-u-]. Based on the original *gVl-. CCh *yal- "kill": Log y;,la, Bud hala.


1006 *gar- "army, raid" Sem *gär- "army": Arab gär-. WCh *gar- "raid": Hs harä.

1007 *gar- "skin" Sem *gar- "skin, hide, fur": Ug gr, Hbr (or. Cf. Hss geriret "bag, sack"? CCh *yar- "skin": Gis gar-ak. Suffix -ak in Gis. ECh *gar- "skin": Smr gare, Ndam gari.

1008 *garub- "darkness" Sem *garb- "sunset, evening": Akk erbu, Hbr (ereb, Gz (arab, Hss garb. Cf. *gVrVb- "be dark": Arab grb, Gz (rb. WCh *rubaH- "darkness": Sura rap, Ang räp, Say rub-gir, Dwot rup-jur. Metathesis. CCh *rub- < *rubVH- "darkness": Mtk ruva. Metathesis. Note that *gurab- "raven, crow" and *garub- "darkness" may be etymologically connected. Cf. Slav *VOffl'b "raven, crow" = *VOffl'b "black".



1009 *gawa)- "deceive" Sem *gü)- "deceive, tempt": Arab gw) [-a-]. CCh *raw- "lie" (n.): Chb xawi. Deverbative formation. 1010 *gawag- "locust" Sem *gawg-a)- "locust (beginning to fly)": Arab gawgä)-. WCh *nV-gwag- < *nV-gVwag- "locust": Ang gwok, Ank ngok. Prefix *n V-. Reduplication? 1011 *ga3-/*gu3- "keep, gather" Sem *guz- "keep, ding to": Arab gzz [-u-]. CCh *ra3- "collect, gather (in big amounts)": Mafa haz-. Alternation *a -


1012 *ger- "town" Sem *gzr- "town": Hbr 'zr. ECh *gyar- "house" 1, "village" 2: Dng ger 1, Mig ger M ubi gir 1, Bid geeru 1, J egu geer 2. Cf. partial reduplication in Mig geger "village" .

1, Jegu gir 2,

1013 *gic- "be bad" Sem *gal-/*gil- "be thin, be bad": Arab &'JJ. [-a-, -i-]. Traces of a-grade? CCh *ric- "be insufficient": Mafa hic-. 1014 *gor- "punish" WCh *gwar- "discipline (a person), break in (a horse)": Hs hörä. Rift *tJwar- "beat hard" 1, punish" 2: Irq tJwar- 1, Asa har- 2. 1015 *gor- "crow" WCh *gwar- "crow": Sura g:X)T:K).




CCh *yVr- "crow"; Glv (yaya-)x~ra. ECh *gVr- "crow": Ndam )agra. Agaw *xur- "crow": Kern xorai. Rift *Ilwa)ar- "crow": Irq Ilwa)ari, Bur - Ilwarariya, Asa aoaora)i. Secondary inlaut laryngeal. Descriptive root.

1016 *guf- "grain, flour" Sem *gVpVy- "clean, hull (grain)": Arab g[y. Denominative verb. CCh *yup- "flour": FK uyupu, FG xupwu, Glv )axupiya, Zgh kuje, Gava xupiya, Nak xaxpiya, Mtk gwuja, Log mu-xb'i. Partial reduplication in Nak.

1017 *gufir- "antelope" Sem *gupr- "young gazelle" 1, "young of deer" 2: Hbr Cöper 1, Arab gujr- 2. WCh *jir- < *gVfir- "antelope": Angfir. Any connection with MMs *)ajor- "antelope" (Asa )ojor-ok, Kwz ajul-atu)?

1018 *gulum- "young man" Sem *guliim- "young man, young slave": Hbr celern , Aram (Syr) c *a in contact with a labial. Arab glm "be lascivous" may be a secondary derivative from the present noun. ECh *hulum- < *gulum- "man": Kera hulum. Note the irregular development of the initial *g-. Cf. HS *gol-


CCh *ywal- "child": Log y'oli, Bud üli?

1019 *gum- "cover, shut" Sem *gum- "cover": Arab gmm [-u-]. WCh *gum- "shut": Mnt gwum.


6URAB- -


1020 *gurab- "raven, crow" Sem *guräb- "raven" 1, "Egyptian vulture" 2: Arab guräb- 1, Hss ye-gerib 1, Mhr yegerayb 1, Shh cgereb 1, Soq a'reb 2. Different vocalism is represented in Akk äribu, Hbr 'öreb. ECh *gurVb- "crow": Jegu gurb-aak. HEC *gurub- "crow": Bmb gUTTuba. Assimilation of vowels. Cf. CCh *rVrVb- "dove" (HGh x;;,rbe)? The root is derived from *gor- "crow".

1021 *gural- "genitals" Sem *gurl- "foreskin": Akk urulla, Hbr 'orlä, Aram (Syr) 'urlütö, Arab gurl-at-. Assimilation of vowels. ECh *gural- "testicles": Mubi gurli, Brg gulaali, Jegu gulle, Dng gulla, Bid gulal, Mig golile. Assimilation to *gulal- in most languages. Rift *gulal- "testicles" (Kwz gulala, Asa gulala) was borrowed from ECh.

1022 *guwut- "dig" Sem *güt- "dig": Arab gwt [-u-]. WCh *gu[wJut- "dig, scratch": Ngz guutu. CCh *nV-rut- "dig": Gude 1)gutj-, Mwl UIJg#i, Gudu gut/än. Prefix *nV-. Note that in Gudu the root is preserved without aprefix.

1023 *gVpar- "clothes" Sem *gVpar- "kind of clothes": Akk epartu. Cf. Akk apäru, epiru "cover the head", Arab gfr "cover". Eg 'pr "clothes" (gr). A cultural Wanderwort?

6VWVR- -



1024 *gür- "raid, plunder" Sem *gVwVr- "raid, attack" (v.): Arab gwr, Hss sew-gör. Eg cwJy "plunder". *-r- > Eg -JCCh *yVr- "kill": Mofu /z:}r. Related to *gar- "army, raid".

1025 *cab- "be big" Sem *c Vb ~- "be thick" 1, "be big" 2: Akk ebt1 Aram (Syr) )tbi 2, Arab Cby 1, Gz cabiy 2. Formation based on *cVb-. HEC *cabb-"be big": Kmb abba.


Hbr Cäbe

1026 *cab- "tree" Eg cJb "tree" (pyr). -J- stands for a vowel. ECh *)ab- "tree": Brg )abi.

1027 *'ab- "drink" Sem *cVb- "gulp, swallow in one draught": Arab cbb. SA *cab-/*cub- "drink": Afar -acab-, -acub-, Saho -ö'ob-. LEC *cabb- "drink": Som cabb-. Cf. CCh *Hub-wak- "drink": Nak xuboka?

1028 *'abal- "be big, be thick" Sem *cVbal-/*cVbul- "be thick": Arab cbl [-a-, -u-]. Secondary *-u-. WCh *baHal- "big" 1, "be abundant" 2: Bks ~all, DB ~al Metathesis. ECh *bVHVl- "big": Smr ~;}lli, Ndm ~;):l.







Metathesis. Cf. also partial reduplications in CCh *ba-bal- "big" (Msg bobolo) and ECh *bwa-bVl- "big" (Kera boblo).

1029 *'abod- "slave" Sem *cabd- "slave": Hbr cebed, Aram (Syr) cabdö, Arab cabd-, SAr cbd. *cVbVd- "work" (v.) seems to be adenominative. WCh *bawad- < *baHwad- "slave": Zar bad-am, Say baw;Jd-n. Zar -a- is a result of contraction. Metathesis. CCh *butj- < *buHVd- "slave": Lmn V;Jrja, Dgh vtja, Zgh vurja. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *bacod-.

1030 *'abül- "leaf" Sem *cVbil- "fall (of leaves)": Arab cbl [-i-]. Denominative verb. CCh *bV)ul- "grass, leaf': Zgh !Jule. LEC *baHal- "leaf": Or baala, Arb baal. Metathesis and assimilation of vowels. Cf. also WCh *b Vl- "flower" (Dera b;Jlei) and ECh *bil"flower, grass, leaf' (Kwn b;J:le, Mubi bil-bil-ic, Mkk -bile).

1031 *c acem- "leg" Eg sm c "leg (of falcon)" (pyr). Metathesis. WCh *cac Vm- "leg": Kry cuma-k:J, Diri aS;Jma, Paa cim-un, Siri cuma, Mbu C;Jma, Pol aS;Jm, aS;Jn, Zem aS;Jm, Kir waS;Jm. CCh *cyam- "leg": LPe sem, Zirne sam, Msm sem, Bnn siyema. First syllable lost. Phonetic variant of *ca?em- "bone"?

1032 *'acib- "pile up" WCh *(HV)cib- "pile up": Hs


233 Agaw *)acib- "pile up": Bil aJib-. Note *)- as one of two reflexes of HS *c_ in Agaw. SA *casab- "add": Saho casab-. Assimilation of vowels. 1033



Sem *c~r- "time, age": Arab ca$r-. WCh *(ar- "year": Tng s:Jr. CCh *car- "time": Glv sar-ta, Mnd sar-te. *ca- may be aprefix. 1034 *'acuc- "insect" Sem *cal1- "moth": Akk aJäSu, Hbr cäs, Aram caEä. Assimilation of vowels. WCh *c ucac- "ant": DB )uSaas. CCh *caci- "louse": Mnd caca, Glv caca, Zgh cici, Glv cica. Loss of the initial laryngeal. ECh *)acuc- "ant": Kera acuci. Metathesis of vowels in WCh and CCh. 1035



Sem *catab- "vessel": Hbr c~ab, Arab WCh *cab- "bag": Ang cep. LEC *(aHab- "bowl": Or c;aabii. Metathesis. 1036




Sem *ca!m- "spine" 1, "bone" 2, "back" 3: Akk e$em-seru 1, U g c-?m 2, Hbr ce$em 2, Aram Uud) Citmä 2, Arab c~m_ 2, Gz c~m 2, Hss )a-?emet 3, Mhr )ä-?emet 3. WCh *?yam- "bone" 1, "shin-bone" 2: Brw cem 1, Fyer sem 2. No traces of the anlaut laryngeal. *ca- may be aprefix.


1037 *'ac- "bird"

s] "kind of bird" (MK).

Eg c

-] stands for a vowel. WCh *yaei- "bird": Say Yo1i, Buli is, Gejiyaii. *y- < *H-. CCh *)01- "turtle dove": Chb )aZa. 1038 *'acer- "clan, member of the clan" Sem *co1rr- "clan" 1, "friend" 2, "family" 3: Arab CaTzr- 1 23, SAr Csr-t 1. WCh *HVc(y)ar- "person of the same age" 1, "friend" 2: Hs c;:ärä 1, Sura sär 2, Ang sir 2, Mnt cai-na 2, Dera ser 2, Tng SBr 2, Glm cor 2. Cf. Eg sr, sry "friend" (pyr) reflecting no laryngeal in the anlaut. 1039



Sem *caf- "bite": Arab c44 [-a-]. WCh *cafwa- "bite" 1, "eat" 2: Hs gäfä 1, Sura at 1, Ang at 1, Krk harju- 2, Dera a)rje 2, Tng )erj- 2, N gm harj- 2, Bele orju- 2, Krf a44u- 2, Gera harj- 2, Glm ary- 2, Grm arj- 2, Fyer )et- 2, KIr wod 1. Cf. Eg ws c "eat, chew" (med)? 1040


"hand, arm"

Sem *cafid-j*cafud- "arm": Arab Carjid-, Carjud-. CCh *syat/a- "hand, arm": Log sarje, Gul iede, Kus sede. From *(HV)(ed-, with a shift of emphatization. 1041 *caeib- "sharp weapon" Sem *cafb- "sabre": Arab Carjb-. ECh *cib- "knife": Lele sibi, Kwn sibi. Initial *HV- is lost.

*Ca- may be aprefix.

235 1042 *'ad- "go" Sem *cadaw- "run" 1 "cross over, pass by" 2: Arab cdw [-u-] Gz cdw 2. Based on *cad-. ECh *'ad- "follow" 1, "go out" 2: Dng ärje 1, Mkk'u#e 2. Emphatization eaused by the anlaut laryngeal *_c_ > *-'LEC *'ad- "go": Som aad-. HEC *had- "go": Sid haadi. Note *h- < *c_. Omot *'ar/.- "go": Ome aar/.-, Ari ada. Emphatie *d may refleet an old *c > *'. Rift *cad- "go, tread": Irq ada-ha, Asa adi.


Berb *cVd- "pass" (Kby ceddt) may be borrowed from Arab. 1043 *'adas- "bean, seed" Sem *cadaS- "lentil": Hbr CadäSä, Arab cadas-. CCh *HVda[sJ- "seed": Beh r/.as-ito. If not *da3-, cf. Mwl dazo id. 1044 *cadaw- "fish" Eg cdw, cJdw "kind of fish" (XVIII). ECh *daw- "fish": Tum doo, Kwn do. From *HVdaw-? *Ca-

may be aprefix.

1045 *cadil- "be true, be just" Sem *c Vdil- "be just": Arab cdl [-i-]. CCh *diyal- < *diHal- "truth": Beh diyalo, Daba ma-delele. Metathesis. Partial reduplication and prefix *ma- in Daba. An alternative reconstruetion is *dical-. 1046 *caf- "grass, plant" Sem *cap- "rush, reed": Akk apu. Eg 'f.t "kind of plant" (med). CCh *'tif- "grass": Mba 'tif.


'AF- -


1047 *'af- "health" Sem *'äpiy- "health": Arab 'äjiy-at-, Hss )äjyet, Mhr )äjyit, Shh 'ajyet. ECh *)aj- "health": Mubi aji. Both Sem and ECh may be deverbative formations going back to HS *'uJ- "be healthy". 1048 *'afur- "dust, sand" Sem *'apar- "dust, earth": Akk eperu, U g 'Pr, Hbr 'äpär, Aram (Syr) 'apro, Arab 'ajar-, 'ajr-, Har ajär. *-u- > *-a- after a labial. CCh *Hajur- "ground": Bokajur-ta, Gaaj;,r-ta, Mafa vara. In Mafa v- < *H(V)f-. Derived from *jar- "day, earth". 1049 *'afaw-I*'afay- "leaf, plant" Sem *'up Vy- "twig, foliage": Hbr cop:;:. Secondary *-u-. Eg 'jJy.t "kind of plant" (med). -J- stands for *-a-. WCh *'aj-'ajaw- "leaf': KIr )ajajaw. Partial reduplication. Derived from *'aj- "grass, plant". Consonantal alternation *-w- - *:)1-. 1050


"be bitter"

Sem *'api$- "bitter": Arab 'aji$-. CCh *juc- "salt": Ngw j;,ca. Hwn reflects a CCh word for ash.

*'a- may be aprefix. 1051 *'ag- "strike" Eg 'Jg "strike" (MK). -J- reflects HS *-a-. ECh *)ag- "drum" (v.) 1, "beat"


Ndm age


Mkk )igg-




1052 .c agom- "tree" Sem *cagm- "palm tree": Arab cagm-at-. WCh *cagwam- "mahogany" 1, "Balantes egypt." Jmb agwama 1, N gz aguma-k 1. LEC ·)agam- "kind of bush": Or agam-sa. Assimilation of vowels.


Miya agam


Cf. CCh *gwagwam- < *cagwam- "bread tree" (Msg gogom) with assimilation C - g > g - g.

1053 .c agor - "bird" Sem *c agür - "crane": Hbr Cägür. ECh *gwar- "heron": Smr gwara. No traces of the anlaut laryngeal.



"earth, field"

Eg cIJ..t "field" (OK). CCh *xax- "earth" 1, "day" hahay 2. Assimilation of laryngeals.


Gbn xaxa


FKi xax~y



1055 *'ak- "be hot; fire" Sem *cik-/*cuk- "be hot": Arab ckk [-i-, -u-]. Secondary vocalism? WCh *cakwa- "fire": Diri akuwa, Miya aku, Cagu äkwe, Jmb akwa, Ngz aka. CCh *)Vkk- "hot": Log kku. ECh *)ak(k)wa- "fire": Mig okko, Jegu )ook. Bid ako, Brg )aku, Sok oko. Nominal formation.



"know, see"

Eg cis "learn" (a). Agaw *)als- "see, know": Kwr ax-, Dmb ax-, Kern ax-, Aun -aq-, Dmt -als-. LEC *Hak- "know" 1, "see" 2: Gel :Jk- 1, Kon -ak- , -yak- 2, Bus haake 2, Gdl -ak, -aki 2.


1rregular laryngeal reflexes as weIl as unexpected non-emphatic *-k-. 1s this really a continuation of ·'a~-?

1057 *ca\tab- "hill, stone" Sem *'a~ab- "hill": Arab 'aqab-at-. WCh *kaq- < *~ab- "polishing stone": DB kaqu. Shift of emphatization. *'a- may be a preflX. Semantically dubious. 1058 *'a\tid- "bind, spin"

Sem *' Vlsid- "bind" 1, "knot" 2: Hbr 'qd 1, Arab 'qd [-i-] CCh *kiyad- < *kiHad- "plait": Bnn kiyedu. Metathesis. ECh *kVd- "untie": Ndam k:Jtb. From *kVHVd- as in CCH? An alternative reconstruction is


1059 *'al- "leaf" Sem *'al- "leaf, foliage" : Hbr 'äle, Aram 'elw- (Syr). WCh *'al- "leaf': Pero alaw, Jmb alu-hu.

1060 *'al- "rise" Sem *'Vlvy- "rise, climb": Hbr 'ly. Based on biconsonantal *'Vl-. Berb *'al- "be suspended": Ahg ali. CCh *'al- "jump": Masa halla. 1rregular Masa h-. ECh *'al- "climb": Kwn ale, Kera li. Related to *'al- "top".

1061 *'al- "top" Sem *'al- "top, height, upper part": Hbr 'äl, Arab 'al-. SA *'al- "mountain": Saho 'al.


'AL- -



LEC *'al- "mountain": Som 'al-, Rnd !)al-. Note Rnd I}-.



"tie, untie"


Sem Vla/s- "be attaehed" 1, "hang, be suspended": Arab 'lq [-a-] 1, Hss 'ayleq 2. WCh *la/s- "untie": Dera lake. *'a- may be aprefix.

1063 *'alal- "drink, chew" Sem *'VlVl- "drink for the seeond time": Arab '[[. LEC 2·'alal- "ehew": Som 'alaal-, Kns alal-, Gid alal-. Reduplieation?

1064 *'am- "eat" Eg 'm "swallow" (n). Rift ·)am- "ehew": Kwz am-. Cf. Irq ayim id. Deseriptive stern.

1065 *'am- "relative, friend" Sem ·'amm- "relative" 1, "unde" 2, "aneestor" 3: Hbr 'am Arab 'amm- 2, Hss )öm 3, Mhr )öm 3, Shh 'om 3. CCh ·)wam- < *)amu- "guest": Beh )ome}, Nz worne. Dhl )ame "unde".


1066 Ham- "people" Sem *'amm- "people" 1, "erowd" 2: Akk ummänu Arab 'amm- 2. Derivative in Akk. Rift ·)Vm- "people, erowd": Irq imi, Alg imi. Assimilation of vowels. Conneeted with *'am- "relative, friend"?


Hbr 'am





1067 *'amVw- "plant" Sem *cam Vw- "kind of plant": Akk amu. Cf. Arab cam-at- id. Eg Cjmw.t "field plant" (XVIII). -j- stands for *-a-.

1068 *'an- "be tired, be ill" Sem *cVna)-j*cVnay- "be tired": Arab Cn), Crry [-a-]. Based on *can-. WCh *can - "aehe" (v.): Bks han. ECh *)ani- "illness": Mkk )eni. Mkk -e- < *-a- under the influenee of -i. Related to *cVnaw-j*cVnay- "work, make"?

1069 *'an-/*cin- "exist" Sem *cin-j*cun- "appear": Arab cnn [-i-, -u-]. Agaw *)an-j*)in- "be": Bil en-, in-, Xmr an-, Kwr en-. Bed )an- "be". SA *)an-j*)in- "be": Saho -in(n)-, -an-. HEC *yon- "be": Hadyon-, Kmb yon-. Phonetieally not quite dear. Probably, from *)i-'on-?

1070 *cana3 - "goat, ram" Sem *canz- "she-goat": Akk enzu, Ug cz, Hbr cez , Aram (Syr) cezzii, Arab canz -. WCh *caJan - "rarn": Bks )azan. Metathesis. An alternative reeonstruetion is *caJan -.

1071 *canduk- "navel, nipple" WCh *HVnduk- "heart": Fyer nduk. CCh *bu-)induk- "heart, ehest": Lame v:!Jinduku, vunt/uku. Prefix *bu-. The root vowel *-i- is not dear. SA *hondub- "navel": Saho hondub, Afar hondub. Unexpeeted *-b and irregular h-. A loanword?




HEC *mudukk- < *mu-)Vdu(n)k-, *hantf,ur- "navel": Sid mudukko, Bmb hantf,ura. Prefix *mu- in Sid. Bmb looks like a loanword (from SA?). Wrz *cadunk- "nipple, breast": War aadunku, Gaw catf,unko, Cam atf,unku. *d > tf, is influenced by *c_. Rift *mudung- < *mu-)Vdung- "navel": Gor murungu, Aig murungu.

In Cush the prototype is reconstructed as *cadunk- which may be also an alternative HS reconstruction. At least, so me of the Cush forms were borrowed and reborrowed. A very irregular and problematic root. 1072 *'anon- "breast, ehest" Eg cnn.t "part of the body" (pyr). The meaning is not definite. WCh *nwan- "breast": Hs nöno. From *HVnwan-. HEC *)anon- "breast": Sid ununa, unuuna, Dar unuuna, Had anoona, Ala onoona, Bmb ununa, Kmb anuuna. Various assimilations of vowels in individual languages. 1073 *car- "stone, rock" Eg cr "smali stone" (n). Cf. also cJ.t "precious stone" (a). ECh *'ar- "rock": Kbl arra. 1074


"see, understand"

Eg cr/s "understand" (XVIII). Agaw *'ari/s- "understand, know": Xmr are/s-, Xmt arek, aarqw. LEC *'are[/sJ- "see": Som ark-, areg-, Or arga, Boni ark-, Gel argiye. Unexpected reflexes of */s. 1075 *'ariw- "tree" Eg crw "tree" (med). WCh *cariway- "tree": Bol rewe, Tng riya, Ngm roya, Siri aruwai, Kry riwai.


'AR IW- -


Derivative in -ay-. CCh *'ariway- "tamarind": Gava riwe, Zgh arwe, Nak iriwey. Derivative in -ay-. Assimilation of vowels in Nak.

1076 *atuw- "give, pay" Sem *'VtVw- "give (a present)": Arab 'tw. ECh *'atuw- "pay": Ndm atuwe.

1077 *'aw- "goat, buH" Eg 'w.t "sheep and goats" (OK). CCh *'aw- "she-goat": Gis 'aw, Bld 'awa. Rift *'aw- "buB": Irq aw, Alg aw, Bur aw.

1078 *'awag- "roast" Eg 'wg "roast" (BD). ECh *waHag- "roast, burn": Ndam woga, Kwn wage, Ndam wuga, Dng ogiye, Turn waag. Metathesis. *'V- may be aprefix. Cf. also Dhl hagW- "boil"

ara3- "dwelling" (Or areddaa)? 1215 *\ladur- "go down" Sem *IJVdir-/*IJVdur- "descend": Arab Mr [-i-, -u-]. WCh *dwar- < *daHur- "descend": DB dor, Bks dör, KIr doro. Metathesis. 1216 *\laf- "bank" Sem *lJäpp- "bank": Hbr MP, Arab lJäff-at-. WCh *lJa-lJaf- "bank": Hs gaggäfo. Partial reduplication. 1217 *\lafal-/*l;tafil- "be full" Sem *IJVpil- "rise (ofwater)": Arab 1ifl [-i-]. WCh *Jal- < *HVJal- "fuIl (of vessel)": Hsfal.

*1Ja- may be aprefix. 1218 *\lac- "child" Eg IJci "child, boy" (pyr). Cf. cJ> "child" (I). -i is a vocalic sign. CCh *xwa>-/*xway- "boy, son": Boka xwrya, Gbn wa, Gaa wa, Tera wi. Cf. *xway- "give birth": Log ywe, Chb ya, KIb aya, Tera hya, HNkye, FKiya, HGh i"ya. Rift *ha>-/*haw- "children": Alg ha>ay, Bur ya>ay, Asa hawa, Kwz yawa. 1219 *l;tac-/*l;tuc- "move upwards" Eg clJc "stand up" (pyr). c_ may be aprefix. WCh *lJa c- "raise": Bks ha>. CCh *xu- "lift": KIb hü, Mrg xu.



ECh *)u- "lift": Smr )u. Alternation *a -

1220 Eg




"stone" (n). > 1, presumably, before *0, cf. CCh *xakwa-. WCh *~Vk- "stone": Sura Y:Jk, Ang yük, yk. CCh *xakwa- "stone": FG hakwu. ~1





Sem *~kam- "martingale": Arab ~kam-at-. Rift *~agum- "trap" 1, "rope" 2: Alg hagumo Unexpected *-g-.


Bur ~guum:J


Irregular correspondence of vowels in the second syllable.



"earth, field"

Sem *~lsl- "field": Akk eqlu, Aram (Syr) ~aqlä, Arab ~ql-, Gz ~l. ECh *kVl- "earth": Turn k:Jl:J. Loss of the anlaut laryngeal.



"be angry"

Sem *~Vlsir- "despise": Arab ~qr [-i-], Gz ~qr. WCh *Halsur- "be angry": Paa akwar, Siri alsuT, Jmb

1224 Sem LEC



"hip, thigh"

"loins, hip": Hbr ~eq, Arab ~w-, Gz ~we. "hip, thigh": Som ~oog. Note HS *-ls- > LEC *-g-. Metathesis. Omot *hakVw- "hip": Kaf hakkoo. Note HS *ls > Omot *k. Cluster *-aw- > -00- in Kaf. *~lsw-




"be sweet"

Sem *~ Vlaw-/* ~ Vlaw- "be sweet": Arab




.l;IAL- -


Based on biconsonantal *4al-. WCh *4al- "sweetjuice sucked from the abdomen of a hornet": Hs galla. Deverbative noun. CCh *xal- "sweet": Bud alli. Rift *hal- "sweet": Kwz hal-am-. 1226 *1;lal- "wash" Sem *4Vl- "clean (adj.)" 1, "wash, clean" (Syr) 411 2 . LEC *4al- "wash": Som 4al-.


Akk ellu



1227 *1;lal- "spleen, liver" ECh *)Vl- "spleen": Mkk )ell-eso. Secondary root vowel influenced by -e- of the suffix. LEC *4al- "liver" : Rnd 4al-esi. 1228 *1;lal-/*1;lil- "go" Eg


"go" (n). Cf. also 4ry "move away" (pyr)? Note -n CCh *xal-/*xil- "go": Mba hili, Msg 4ala. SA *hal- "enter": Saho hat, Afar hai. LEC *4il- "enter": Arb hil-. Alternation *a -

< *-1-.


1229 *1;lalaJ.t- "be smooth" Sem *4ala*- "smooth": Hbr Mläq. WCh *4ala*- "smooth": Tng halak-halak. Reduplication. 1230 *1;lalib- "milk" Sem *4alzb- "milk" 1, "fresh milk" 2: Akk ailpu 1, Hbr 4äläb 1, U g 41b 1, Aram (Syr) 4alebä 1, Arab 4alzb- 1, 4alab- 2, Gz 4alzb 1. Irregular in Akk. Rift *)ilib- "milk": Irq ilwa, Ala iliba, Bur iliba, Asa liba.


l;lALIB- -



Assimilation of vowels. Unexpected *)-, see Rift S.v. *4anV("tooth" .




Eg 4mJ.t "salt" (med). Vocalic -J. WCh *4am- "salt": Fyer )ama. CCh *xwam- < *xam- "salt": Msg !pm. Secondary vowel before a labial.



"be black"

Sem *4am- "become black": Arab 4mm [-a-]. HEC *hem- "be black": Had heem-. Dhl himm-ale "black". Alternation *a -





Eg 4n4n.t "tumor" (med). Reduplication. ECh *)an- "tumor": Turn an.




Sem *4angar- "larynx": Arab 4angar-at-. Is the development of HS *-nk- into *-ng- regular? Bed hankar "throat". SA *)an/sar- "throat": Saho an/sar, Afar en/saraa. Afar e- and emphatic */s may be traces of the lost *4. Dhl 4ank'ara "hard palate". As weH as SA, Dhl reflects emphatic *-/s-.

1235 Eg


nM "tooth,

Ve- "tooth"

fang" (OK). Metathesis. Rift *)anc- "tooth": Irq anc-amo, Bur aae-imo.



Unexpected *fJ.-




Related to Dhl fJ.unc- "chew". 1236 *b,ap- "plant, grass" Eg fJ.p "kind of plant" (gr). CCh *xap- "grass": Bud hapu. 1237 *b,ap- "elose, cover" Eg fJ.Jp "cover" (MK). V ocalic -J-. WCh *Hap- "elose": Tng ope. Tng 0 is a regular reflex of *a. ECh *)Vp- "elose, cover": Mkk )ipp-. 1238 *b,apat- "arm, wing" Eg fJ.pt "arm, wing" (MK). WCh *fJ.apVt- "arm, wing": Ngz gapta, Bade gapt-on. CCh *pVt- "wing": Budfefeto, Daba petE. Partial reduplication in Bud. Assimilation of vowels. ECh *pat- "arm": Sok patu, Jegu poto. Secondary -0- in Jegu. 1239 *b,apur- "pit" Sem *fJ.apr- "big weIl" 1, "hole, cavity" Iif;,r-et 2. WCh *pur- "tomb": Tng pure, Pero pure. Loss of the anlaut laryngeal.


Arab fJ.afr-



1240 *b,apüd- "go" Sem *fJ.Vpid- "hurry, take pains": Arab lifd [-i-]. WCh *pVri- < *pVHVd- "go": Dera porj-owu, Ngm porj-owu. Metathesis. CCh *paHud- "go" 1, "return" 2: Gaa purji 1, Gbn p;,di 1, Daba pari 2.




Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *paQüd-. Cf. *Qupet- "go".

1241 *b.ar- "sky" Eg Qr.t "sky" (pyr). WCh *Qar- "sky": Hs gärt, Sha )are id. Irregular )- in Sha. Cf. LEC *haror- "cloudy weather" (Or haroor-essa).

1242 *b.ar- "arm" CCh *xar- "arm": Tera xar, Gaa hera, Hwn hara, Gis har. Cf. also Log r'ar-zeni "wrist". Bed har-ka "arm". SA *Qar- "arm": Saho IJaraa. LEC *Qar-k- "arm, hand": Or harkka, Kns harga. Wrz *xar-k- "hand": War Qarko, Gaw IJarko.

1243 *b.ar- "intestines" Sem *QV"- "gut": Akk erru. CCh *xar(wa)- "intestines": Gis hor, HNk X:Jn, Kap xarz', FG xar, Bura X)lel, KIb hali, Mrg raH, Hil xali. -l- in Bura and other languages is regular. Cf. Eg Q" "part of the body" (NK)?

1244 *b.as- "roast" Sem *QVS-QVS- "roast": Arab QsQs. Reduplication. WCh *Qas- "roast, bake": Hs gasa.

1245 *b.as- "seek, look for" CCh *xas- "look for, search": Mafa has. HEC *has- "seek, look for": Sid haas-, Dar has-, Had hass-, Ala has-, Kmb has-.


l;IASAR- -


1246 *b.asar- "hand, arm" Eg IJ,sT "arm" (gr). WCh *saHaT- "hand, arm": Sura saT, Ang säT, Chip saaT, Mnt sai, Ank saT, Bol sara, Krk sara, Ngm sara, Maha sara, Krf sara, Gera saTa, Glm saTa, Grm saTOJ). Metathesis. 1247 *b.asek- "cereal" Sem *~aSzk- "barley": Arab ~aslk-at-. CCh *syak- "millet" : Gaa sek-ita, Gbn sek-ete, Boka sek-ta)a. Lass of the anlaut laryngeal. *~a-

may be aprefix.

1248 *b.as-/*b.us- "cut" Sem *~uf- "cut": Arab IJ,ss [-u-] Rift *~aJ- "carve wood": Irq ~aJ-. Dhl hal'- "butcher meat". 1249 *b.at-/*b.ut- "ruh off, sweep" Sem *~ut- "rub off": Arab ~tt [-u-]. LEC *~at- "sweep" 1, "rub" 2: Sam ~aat/*+ < *+ under the influence of *~-.


Or ~aat/- 2.

1250 *b.aw-/*b.away- "return, go" Eg ~wy "go" (MK). CCh *xway- < ·xaway- "return": HGh xwe, Mba hoy. Dhl ha'- "come, arrive". Irregular -'-. Rift *tJaw- "come": Irq tJaw-, Aig tJaw-, Bur tJaw-. Irregular *tJ-. No traces of *-ay- in Cush forms. 1251 *b.aw-/*b.ay- "stomaeh" Sem


"intestines": Arab


lJ.AW-/lJ.AY- -



WCh *I}aw-/*I}ay- "beHy": Bol awo, N gm hawo, Gera hawi, Krf awo, Glm awa, Fyer hye, Bks hihye. Partial reduplication in Bks. CCh *Xwa-/*xay- "stomach": Wmd xay, Chb r~y, HF xwi, Kap xwu, Masa haya. *xwa- goes back to *xaw-. ECh *)Vy- "breast": Jegu )oyo. Secondary vocalism. Consonantal alternation *-w- -


1252 *1.taw-/*1.tay- "food" Eg I}w "food" (pyr). ECh *)ay- "food": Smr haye, Ndam a:y. Rift *hay- "food": Asa hay-uk. Irregular laryngeal. Consonantal alternation *-w- - *":)1-. Cf. verbal derivative in ECh *)ay- "eat" (Lele ai). 1253 *b,aw-/*1.tay- "man" WCh *I}aw- "chief': Gera hawi. CCh *xuy- < *XawD'- "husband": Log xüy. Dhl I}aayo, pI. I}aaci "man, husband". _c_ in pI. is not clear. Rift *I}aw- "man, husband": Irq I}aw-ata, Alg I}aw-ata, Bur I}awata. Consonantal alternation *-w- "brother" (Irq I}iya).

*":)1-. Cf. also Rift *l}iy-

1254 *1.tawar-/*b,ayar- "breed, multiply" Sem *I}ayar- "having many cattle and a big family": Arab l}ay-ar-, I}iyar- . LEC *I}or- < *I}awar- "multiply (domestic animals)" : Gid hor. Cf. Or horii "cattle", Kns hor-eeta "wealth, livestock" . Consonantal alternation *-w- -




1255 *b.awil- "year" Sem *l)awl- "year": Arab l)awl-. WCh *I].awil- "year": Fyer wel, Sha wul, KIr 'awul, DB wil. ECh *'aliy- < *l)ayil- "year": Smr 'aliya, Kwn oleye, Turn ;,lay, Ndam lowa, Gbr ille, Mig 'ila. Metathesis and change *-w- > *:)1- before a front vowel.

1256 *b.ayaw- "family, people" Eg wl].y "famiIy" (MK). Metathesis. SA *I].ayaw- "people": Saho I].eaw. Rift *I].ay- "kinsfolk, clan": Irq I].ay. The original biconsonantal root? Derived from *I].aw-/*I].ay- "man".

1257 *b.ayaw- "animal" Sem *I].ay(aw)- "animal": Ug I].wt, Hbr I].ayyä, Aram (Syr) I].ayütö, Arab I].ayaw-än-. CCh *xiw- < *xJYVw- "animal": Mnd xiwa. Contraction in Mnd. ECh *'ayVw- "animal": ]egu 'aiwo, Bid 'awyo. Metathesis in Bid.

1258 *b.a3ar- "beast of prey" Sem *l)arJar- "swamp lynx": Akk azaru. Irregular Akk a of the first syllable. Eg Mr "hyaena" (OK).

1259 *b.e'- "seek, find" Eg 1].] "seek" (pyr). WCh *I].ya'- "find": Paa lJ:Ya. ECh *'yaw- "find": Smr 'ya. Reflects *I].ew-, a morphonological variant ofthe original root.




1260 *b.ed- "fly" (v.) Eg


"fly" (v.) (n). Infinitive in ")'. WCh *lJyad- "fly" (v.): Gwn gede.

1261 *b.edV'- "bird" Sem *lJirP- "kite": Arab lJirP-at-. ECh *hyad-hyad- "ostrich": Kera het/het/i. IrregtIlar *h-. Reduplication. Emphatic t/ fluence of the laryngeal.

< *d under the in-

1262 *b.enin- "penis, testicles" Eg IJnn "penis" (pyr). LEC *lJenin- "testicles": Som lJeeniin.

1263 *b.enV'- "fill" Eg IJn' "fin" (gr). WCh *lJyan-H- "fin": Wrj yan, Paa lJyaI)gu. CCh *xyan- "fin": Lameyen, Misme hen. ECh *'wan- < *'inwa- "fin": Smr 'on, Ndam ';ma, Turn an, Kbl w;)~, Mig 'unaw, Brg 'uni, Bid ween, Mkk 'uune.

1264 *b.er- "star" Eg IJry.w "stars" (pyr). V ocalic ")'. ECh *hyar- "star": Turn heru. Irregular *h-. Turn h- may also go back to *s-. LEC *lJir- "light of sun or moon": Arb hiiro.

1265 *b.er- "be dry" Sem *IJ Vr- "be dried up": Gz IJrr. ECh *yar- "dry" (v.): Tumy;):r.



1266 *l).erac-'*l).eruc- "sow" Sem *IJ,Vrul- "sow, till": Akk eresu, Ug IJ,rl, Hbr IJ,ri, Arab IJ,rl [-u-], Gz IJ,rs. WCh *rac- "sow": DB ras. Loss of the anlaut laryngeal or contraction of *ryaHac-. ECh *ryaHVs- "sow": Dng rese. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *relJ,ac-. 1267 *l).ib Vr- "harvest" Sem *lJ,ibür- "harvest": Akk ebüru. Derived from *IJ, Vb Vr- "gather". WCh *lJ,irVb- "harvest, reap": Hs girbä. Metathesis. 1268 *l).ical- "lizard" Sem *lJ,isl- "smalllizard": Arab IJ,isl-. CCh *cal- "lizard": Hwn ta-sala, Gis me-selesele. Various prefixes in individual languages. Assimilation of vowels in Gis. Any connection with Berb *'as Vl- "snake, viper" (Ayr assel, Ahg assel, Twl aSsol) or Berb *lJ,aJVr- "lizard" (Izy lJ,ajJa)? 1269 *l).idab- "bend" Sem *IJ, Vdab-" be curved": Arab IJ,db [-a-]. Cf. also Hss lJ,edeb "hunch-backed", Mhr lJ,edib id., Shh lJ,idsb id. CCh *diHVb- "bend": Daba dil? Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *dilJ,ab-. 1270 *l).ig- "plant" Sem *lJ,ig- "thorny plant": Akk egu, igu. LEC *lJ,ig- "kind of aloe": Som IJ,ig-.



1;1 OGI L-




Berb *1}, Vn- "be inflated": Kby el},nenni. Eg I},n "grow" (gr). ECh *hin- "increase": Lele hin. Irregular *h-.




Sem *I},int- "barley, grain": Akk uttutu, Ug I},tt, Hbr I},ittä, Aram I},int-;)t-, Arab I},int-at-, Sog I},inteh. HEC *hint-/*hant- "grass": Had hite, Kmb hite, Bmb hante. *-nt- > -(- in Had and Kmb. Cf. *tJund- "cereal" .




Eg ~rr.t "kind of snake, worm" (reg). ECh *hir- "snake": Turn hir;). Irregular ECh *h-.




Sem *I},irbä'- "chameleon": Arab I},irbä'-. ECh *hir(VJb- "chameleon": Mubi hirbe. Irregular ECh *h-. Sem loanword? Derived from *I},ir- "snake". An ancient composite?




Eg ~s "faeces" (pyr). WCh *I},isa- "faeces": Sura yt:s, Chip t:6S, Ank yt:s, Geji isi, Say nyis, Buli 'iso ECh *'is- "faeces": Smr 'iSt-ny, Ndam 'isi-n, Jegu 'is, Sok isst.



"go, cross"

Sem *I},Vgil-/*I},Vgul- "skip along": Arab I},gl [-i-, -u-]. ECh *'wagil- "cross" 1, "jump" 2: Mobu ogole 1, Mkk 'iigila



1;I 0 C- -


1277 *b.o c- "medicine, poison" Eg wlJ.c.t "poison" (n). Vocalic w-. CCh *xwaH- > *xway- "medicine": HNk wiye, FKi WEY, Kap rwe, FGI rwo'yi. Cf. Asa hoc- "eure" (v.). 1278 *b.ok- "scratch" Sem *lJ.uk- "scrateh, rub, scrape": Akk ekiku, MHbr IJ.kk, Aram (Syr) IJ.kk, Arab IJ.kk [-u-], Gz IJ.kk, Hss I].ek. SA *lJ.akuk- "scrateh": Saho lJ.akuk, Afar IJ.akuk. Partial reduplication. LEC *1J.4-/*1J.0~- "scrateh": Som 1J.0q-, Or hooq- , Rnd ox-, Gid heq-, Arb heeq-. Any connection with *lJ.ak- "stone" ("stone" as a scraping tool)? 1279 *b.ol- "jump" Sem *lJ.ül- "jump (on horse back)": Arab IJ.wl [-u-]. ECh *)wal- "jump": Turn wal. 1280 *b.onbal- "bean" Sem *lJ.unbul- "haricot": Arab lJ.unbul-. Assimilation of vowels. WCh *mVbwaHal- "beans": Sura mbwaalaa. Metathesis. Assimilation of *-nb- > -mb-.

*lJ.on- may be aprefix. Cf. CCh grain": Mnd ~ula, Gvo ~ula.


SA *g. Any connection with Sem *lJuläls-/*/jälüls- "old or torn clothes" (Akk lJuläqu, Hbr IJ,älüq, Aram IJalüqä, Arab /jälüq, Soq IJalaq)? The Sem word may be derived from Sem *lJVlVJs;- "be torn". In any case the correspondence of velars is irregular. 1328


"give birth, create"

Sem *lJVluls- "create": Arab lJlq [-u-]. WCh *laHals- "give birth": Sura laak. Metathesis and contarction. An alternative reconstruction is *lalJals-/*lalJuls-. 1329 *balat-/*balit- "mix" Sem *lJ Vlit- "mix": Arab lJlt [-i-], Hss lJelöt, Mhr lJelöl, Shh lJalat. WCh *lawat- < *laHat-"mix": Bks lawat. Metathesis. CCh *larat- "mix": Mofu lahat/. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *lalJat-/*lalJit-. 1330 *bam- "male relative" Sem *lJam- "father-in-Iaw": Akk emu, Hbr IJäm, Aram (Syr) IJt-mö, Arab lJam(w)-. CCh *yam- "chief': Bata hame, Bch höme, haTTlEY. Dhl IJame "uncle". 1331 *bama)- "rebellion" Sem *lJamä)- "rebellion": Akk lJammä)u. Eg ilJm.w "enemies" (XVIII). Metathesis.

293 An alternative reconstruction is *)a/Jam-. A cultural Wanderwort?

1332 *ya(n)cob- "tree, wood" Sem */Jasab- "timber": Arab IJasab-. Delabialized vowel of the second syllable. WCh *caHwab- "tree": Bol söwi, Dera sool;i. LEC *ljan~ab- "kind of tree": Or han~abii. Inlaut -~- may be a result of secondary emphatization caused by the laryngeal. -n~- may go back to a HS prenasalized cluster.

1333 *yansab- "vessel" Sem */Janzab- "kind of pot": Akk /Janzabu. Is Sem *-nz- a regular reflex of the HS cluster *-ns-? Eg IjnbJs "vessel" (MK). Metathesis. Note Ij- < */J-. The vowel of the second syllable is marked with -J-. An alternative reconstruction is */Janbas-. An ancient cultural word.

1334 *yar- "excrements" Sem */Jar'-/*/Jary- "excrements": Hbr Ijarä)'im, Aram (Syr) Ijeräy-, Arab /Jary-. SA *har- "excrements": Saho haraa, Afar haraa. LEC *ljar- "excrements": Som Ijaar. HEC *har- "mud": Had hara, Kmb haro. Related to */Jar- "defecate".

1335 *yar- "river" Sem *IJarr- "watercourse": Akk /Jarru . LEC *har- "lake" 1, "river" 2: Som haro 1, Arb harn 2, Or haroo

1336 *yar- "defecate" Eg w/JJ "defecate" (OK).





Initial w- reflects aprefix. *~ar- "defecate": Som ~aar-.

1337 *lJ.as- "grass" WGh *lJasu- "grass": Zar gwas. EGh *)was- "grass": Bid )awso. Secondary *-wa-? LEG *ha1- "leaf': Kns ha1a.

1338 *lJ.asay- "grass" Sem *lJa1Vy- "thymian": Akk lJa1u. Eg lJJsy.t "medicinal herb" (med). -J- is a vocalic sign. WGh *lJasay- "grass": Hs gäsayä. Derived from *lJas- "grass".

1339 *bas-'*bus- "rub, pound" Sem *lJVS- "crush, pound": Akk lJa1u. GGh *rus- "crush, rub": Mafa hus-. Bed -hasi- "rub". SA *~es- "rub, pound": Saho ~esi-. e < *a after a laryngeal? HEG *has- "rub": Bmb haas-iy-. Alternation *a - *u.

1340 *hatVm- "face , nose" ~

Sem *!Jatm-/*lJatm- "nose, beak": Hbr ~otem, Arab lJatm-. Secondary emphatic in Hbr. Eg lJnt "face" (pyr). Metathesis and regressive assimilation of *-mt- > -nt-.

1341 *lJ.at- "dig" EGh *yat- "dig": Brg gatt-. LEG *ha4- "dig": Or haa4a. HEG *ha4- "dig": Kmb haa4-.




1342 *bawVy- "evening" Eg /jiwy "evening" (pyr). Vocalic -i-. CCh *yaw ~- "yesterday": Mnd )aw~ya. A regular reflex of *1'- in Mnd, cf. s.v. *ljay- "voice".

1343 *bay- "voice" CCh *yay- "voice": Cava yaya, Mnd )iye. Secondary -i- in Mnd before :Y-. Dhl hwayu "voice, sound, noise". Sources of Dhl -wa- are unknown. Related to *Ija- "speak".

1344 *ba30d- "rot, be rotten" Eg Ijzd "rot" (n.) (I). ECh *3aHwad- "rotten": Dng zö4e, Bid zoo4. Metathesis. Note emphatic -4- reflecting the lost laryngeal. An alternative reconstruction is *3a/jod-.

1345 *bef- "be light"


Sem */jip- "be light": Arab [-i-], Hss /je], Mhr /je], Shh /je]. WCh *fifya- "light" (adj.): Fyer fifyo. From reduplicated *HVfif-? ECh *yyaj- "light" (adj.): Sok effi. LEC *"'a[JJ- "thin, light": Or haPfiii. Secondary Or -p- may go back to *1- in contact with a laryngeal. The vocalism is irregular.

1346 *bek- "wait" */jVk~- "wait": Hbr fJ.ky. Based on biconsonantal */j Vk-. WCh *lJyak- "wait": DB gyok, Fyer kwek.



tI IL -

tI° M -

1347 *bil- "pierce" Sem *llVLVy- "cut": Arab llly [-i-]. Based on bieonsonantal *ll Vl-. ECh *ril- "pierce" : Sok gile. Alternation *i -


1348 *bilVp- "fieId" Sem *lliLVp- "meadow": Akk llilepu. Eg llnp.t "field" (XVIII). Note -n- < HS *-1-. 1349 *bis- "peel" Sem *n V{]aJ- "peel off (bark)": Arab nlJS [-a-]. Prefix *n V- with modified vocalism. Dhl hitl- "serape seales off fish". Rift *!Jis- "peel": Irq llis-it-. 1350 *lJ.iyal- "be clever" Sem *llil- "imagine" 1, "think" 2: Arab fJyl [-a-] LEC *hil- "clever": Or hilluu, Boni hilluu. Contraetion of *~iy Vl-. 1351 *boc;- "break" Sem *ll V$- "break off': Akk lla$ä$u. CCh *rwac- "break": Mafa hwac-. 1352 *bol- "cut" Sem *llul- "pierce" : Hbr ~ll, Arab lllt [-u-]. ECh *rwal- "cut (animal) into pieces": Kera hole.


1353 *hom- "be siek , be ill" Sem *ll Vm JY- "be paralysed": Akk llamu. Based on bieonsonantal *ll Vm-.


Gz llly


tI0M- -

tI° RAS -


Eg am "illness (of stomaeh)" (med). ECh *rwam- "be siek, be ill": Lele homya, Kbl hum-I)a. 1354 *bon- "sack"


Eg "sack" (XXII). ECh *rwan-H- "sack": Kera hOI). Secondary *-H- in the auslaut. 1355 *hon- "do , make" ~

Eg an "do, make" (n). CCh *rwan- "do, make": Log r;;>n, Bud wan. 1356 *bor- "dry up" Sem *nVaVr- "dry" (adj.): Akk naaru. Prefix *n V-. CCh *rwar- "dry up": Tera rwari, Hwn zwar, Boka zweri, FG rwoli, HF rwelo, FJ zweru, FMch zuri, Nza hore, Mafa gwar. 1357 *bor- "snore" Sem *air-/*aur- "snore": Arab arr [-i-, -u-]. WCh *aa-awar- "snore": Fyer gogor, Bks hagor, Sha )ahagar, DB hagar.

Partial reduplication. Assimilation of vowels in individuallanguages. CCh *rur- "snore" (n.): Mafa ghur-ghur. Reduplication. 1358 *boras- "mountain" Sem *aurs- "rock, mountain": Akk aursu, Hbr Mres. Eg a}s.t "mountainous region, desert" (pyr).

ga 2, N gz r;)gu 3. CCh *rug- "run": Gude rug-. The initial laryngeal is lost. 1360 *b.orV.,:- "receptacle" Sem *lJir$- "basket" I, "water-jar" 2: Arab lJir$lJerÖ$ 2. Irregular vocalism. CCh *rwarVc- "smalI pot": HF rW:Jrce. LEC *~oro~- "pot": Or horo~oo. Assimilation of vowels.


Hss lJar$,

1361 *b.otam- "bird" Sem *lJutm- "bird": Akk lJutmu. ECh *ratVm- < *rwatam- "vulture": Kera Assimilation of vowels.


1362 *b.ot- "go" Sem *lJVWw- "march, go": Arab lJtw [-u-]. Based on biconsonantal *lJ Vt-. CCh *rwat- "return": Masa h:Jta. 1363 *b.ub- "hole, pit" Sem *lJabb- "pit": Akk lJabbu. With secondary *-a- before a labial. Berb *lJ Vb- "hole": Izy alJßu. CCh *rub- "hole": Lmn oghuqu. Emphatization of -q- under the influence of the laryngeal. 1364 *b.ubu3- "cereal" Sem *lJubz- "bread": Arab lJubz-, Gz Shh lJobz.


Hss lJabz, Mhr lJabz,


t WC -

CCh *bu3- "millet" : Daba vuji. Loss of the initiallaryngeal. ECh *bus- "seed": Mkk buzu. Loss of the initiallaryngeal.

*!Ju- may be aprefix. 1365 *g.ubVJ- "hoe, till" (v.) Sem *!Jab V'- "hoe": Akk !Jabütu. *-a- < *-u- before the labial. Eg !Jb) "dig, till" (pyr). Denominative formation. WCh *!JubV'- "hoe, hoe-handle": Krf gufe, Cera Bks hu~-eIJ. -~- reflects the lost auslaut *_J_




1366 *g.ubVs- "vessel" Sem *!Jubs- "day vessel": Akk !JubsaSu. The root is preserved only in a form of a derivative. Eg !Jbs "vessel for myrrha" (gr). Cf. *!Jansab- "vessel". 1367 *g.ucig- "stone" Sem *!JUStg- "stone": Akk !JUStgu. Eg I}sg "stone" (XVIII). Irregular I}- < *!J-. 1368 *g.ud- "cut" Sem *hud"cut" 1 " "dig till" 2: Akk hadädu' 1 Arab hdd [-u-] ..., ... CCh *yud- "cut": Glv yud-, Nak wiyr/.a. Prefix *wi- in Nak. Cf. ECh *yad-

r-:>l. Complete loss of the anlaut laryngeal.

*b V- may be aprefix. Anyconnection with *IJV(eb- "be green"? 1385 *\).Veeb- "be green" Sem *IJV#b- "be green" 1, "paint" (v.) 2: Akk IJ~äbu 1, Arab Mb [ -i-] 2. CCh *(HV)zyab- "green": Log zebä. Auslaut -ä in Log may reflect metathesis of the laryngeal and further lengthening of the vowel. 1386 *\).Vf- "break" Sem *IJVpVy- "break": Akk !Jepu. Based on biconsonantal *IJVp-. Eg !1fhJ "break (a statue)" (sait). Reduplication. 1387 *\).Vl- "dose, lock" Sem *IJVl- "lock" (v.): Akk IJalälu. Eg ~n "dose" (XXII). Irregular ~- resulting from *IJ- in late Eg. 1388 *\).VlVy- "shine" Sem *IJVlVy- "be light": Akk IJelu. Eg ~Jy "shine" (XVIII). Irregular ~-. 1389 *\).V n- "preserve, keep" Sem *lJan- "storage place": Jib lJan. Deverbative? CCh *yVn- "preserve, keep, store": Mafa h:Jn. 1390 *\).Vpac- "calf" (anat.) Eg lJps "calf' (pyr).

304 WCh *pVaac- "calf': Mnt p;Jras. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *p VlJac-. 1391 *bV si~- "cut, pierce" Sem *a VSils- "pierce" : Arab asq [-i-]. ECh *sik- "cut": Brg sikki. Rift *sils- "cut": Irq siq-. Loss of the anlaut laryngeal in ECh and Rift. 1392 *bVtik- "cut, divide" Sem *aVtVk- "cut off': Akk aatäku, Hbr IJ,tk. WCh *tik- "divide": Bol tikk-. Cf. *tik- "half' (Bol tika, Dera tik, Tng tik-t). CCh *tik- "divide": FM tik, Mrg tikiya. The anlaut laryngeal is lost.

* lJ V- may be aprefix. 1393 *bVtVm- "dose" Sem *lJVWm- "stop up": Akk aatämu. Eg atm "dose" (pyr). Cf. a metathesized deverbative in CCh *tVyum- "dam": Log txum. 1394 *bVwar-/*bVyar- "be good" Sem *a"ir- "be favorable": Arab !Jyr [-i-]. CCh *xwar- < *rVwar- "good": Gava xwara. Irregular laryngeal. Consonantal alternation *-w- -


1395 *bVwit-/*bVyit- "sew, tie" Sem *aüt-/*lJ"it- "sew": Aram awt, Arab!Jyt [-i-], Hss aeyät, Mhr aetä, Shh lJate.

305 WCh *lJ Vwit- "untie": Bks hwet. SA *lJ,irj- "attach camels in Indian file": Afar lJ,irj- . Contraction. LEC *f;,it- "tie": Som f;,erj-, f;,irJ-, Or hirJ- , Rnd f;,irj-, Kon hirj-, Gid hirj-, Arb hirj-. HEC *hit- "tie": Bmb hirj-. Rift *lJed- "tie": Aig lJeed-. Irregular *-d-. Dhl hud- "sew". Contraction. Irregular -d-. Consonantal alternation *-w- - *:)'-. Irregular auslaut stops in Rift and Dhl may be indications of their being loanwords from other Cush branches.




Sem *lJü~- "go": Akk lJuqu. HEC *hi~- < *hJ.JV~- "approach": Bmb Contraction. Consonantal alternation *-w- -



1397 *bVyVt- "see, watch" Sem *lJit- "observe": Akk !Jtitu. Eg lJty "see" (BD). Metathesis. -t- < *-(- is regular. An alternative reconstruction is *lJ VtJ);-.

*k 1398 *ka)- "game" Eg lJ.w "game" (sait). Note the palatalization of *k-. WCh *ka)aw- "game": Ngz käwa. Suffix *-aw-.


KA'-/KAW- -


1399 *ka'-/*kaw- "bulI" Eg ki "buH" (pyr), Copt *ko id.: OCopt ko. CCh *kaw- "buH": Glv kawa, Gava kawa, Mnd kawa. Consonantal alternation *-'- -


1400 *ka'- "say, shout" Eg ki "say" (NK). CCh *ka'- "say, call": Log ka, Bud kaju, HNk ka- , HF ka-, Tera ga. ECh *ka'-/*kaw- "say": Turn kä, Dng käwe, Mubi kä. Dhl kaa c- "shout". _c_ reflecting *_' -? Rift *kaw- "teH": Bur kaw-.

1401 *ka'oc- "vessel" Sem *ka's- "vessel for beer" 1, "bowl" 2: Akk käsu 1, Arab ka's- 2, Hbr kös 2. Eg kis "vessel" (I). WCh *kwac- "kind of a drum": Hs kö~ö. Contraction from *ka'wac-. CCh *kwac- "quiver": Hwn kwasa-ra, Gbn kwici-te, Boka kwes-t::J, Wmd kwa3a, Chb kwa3a, Mrg kwa3a, Gude kwa3a, Mwl koso-ro, Bch kwoso-to, FJ kW:J3a, Gudu kwä3a. Contraction from *ka'wac-?

1402 *ka'up- "cover, dose" Eg skiP "cover" (caus.), Dem kp "cover", Copt *köp "hide": Boh k'öp, Shd köp. Cf. reduplicated kiPiP "cover (with butter, oil)" (sarc). WCh *kV'up- "cover, thatch" 1, "wrap" 2: Sura kup 1, Ang küp 1, Mpn küp 2. CCh *kap- "cover (with eloth)": Mafa kap. Contraction fro *kaHup-. Wrz *kup- "elose": Gaw kup. Dhl kupi- "cover". Rift *kuf- "elose, shut": Kwz kuf-um-.

KA)UP- -



Semantie syneretism of"close" , "shut" and"eover" as in Slav *kryti.

1403 *ka)Vn- "be true" Sem *kV'Vn- "be true": Akk kIlnu. CCh *kan- "true" 1, "truth" 2: Beh kana From *kaHVn-.


Bud kani


1404 *kab- "burn, roast" Sem *kVb- "burn" 1, "smoulder" 2: Akk kabäbu 1, Hbr kby 2, Arab kbw 2. Various formations based on bieonsonantal *k Vb-. CCh *kab- "roast": Bud kabi. Cf. Eg ~b "warm up" (gr) with an unexpeeted emphatie in the anlaut.

1405 *kab- "go, follow"

< *kab- "go": Mnt kop, Bol kolJ-. *a > *wa under the influenee of the following labial. Mgg khabi "follow". WCh *kwab-

1406 *kab- "shoe, sandal" Eg lb.t, lbw "sandal" (pyr). Note the palatalization of *k-. WCh *kab- "shoes": Ang käp. LEC *kab-/*kob- "shoe, sandal": Som kab, Or kobe), Boni kob, Rnd kob, Arb kobo, Kon xop-to. Seeondary -0- before a labial. Wrz *xop- "shoe, sandal": Gaw xope. Borrowed from LEC? An old Wanderwort. Any relation to *kab- "go, follow"?

1407 *kab-/*kib- "(gourd) vessel" Eg kb "vessel" (n).




WCh *kab- "smalI calabash": Hs käbö. Dhl kißo "gourd". Alternation *a -


1408 *kabel-/*kaber- "shoe, sandal" ECh *kVb-Vr- "shoes": Gbr kob-oro, Kbl kob-ro. SA *kab-el- "shoe, sandal": Afar kabel. Derived from *kab- "shoe, sandal" .

1409 *kaber- "bulI, buffalo" CCh *kabyar- "buB": Bud käber. HEC *kobir- "buffalo": Had kobira. Secondary *0 < *a before a labial.

1410 *kabVr- "be thick" Sem *kVbur- "be big, be thick": Akk kabäru, Arab kbr [-u-]. Secondary *-u-? WCh *kab Vr- "thickness": Hs kabrz.

1411 *kac- "cut, tear" Sem *k Vs ~- "cut": Hbr kSQ, Arab ksQ. Based on the original biconsonantal *k Vs-? WCh *kac- "snap (thread, rope)": Hs kat;a. Rift *ka)as- "split": Bur ka)as-. Typical development of the inner vowel into a cluster with a middle laryngeal in Rift .

1412 *kacaf- "metal" Sem *kasp- "silver": Akk kaspu, Hbr kesep. CCh *kVcaf- "iron" 1, "sand containing iron" mu-ksaf2. Prefix *mu- in Gis.


Log xsäf 1, Gis

N ames of metals are subject to semantic changes motivated by the history of the material culture, cf., e.g., Hitt baraSu-




"bronze" borrowed from Akk lJur~u "gold" or Finn vaski "copper" borrowed from one of IE words for gold (cf. Arm oski, Tokh A wäs). Such fluctuations may be observed even within one language, cf. Skt loha- "copper" and "iron" .

1413 *kaf- "descendants, clan" WCh *kwaJ- < *kaJwa- "inheritance": Mpn köp. Wrz *kaJ- "clan": Gaw kaJ-ko. Cf. Ir sliocht "descendants, race, family" - MIr slicht "trace, track" and, on the other hand, Russ nasledstvo "inheritance, heritage" < sIed "trace".

1414 *kahVp- "hole" Sem *kahp- "cavern": Arab kahj-. Copt *kipi "vault, cave": Boh k'ipi, Shd kipe. Not attested in Eg. WCh *kap- < *kaHVp- "hole": Hs kafo. Contraction. Wrz *kap- "irrigation ditch": Gaw kap-ko. A loanword? Cf. EgJP~. t "hole" (pyr) with a different laryngeal and palatalized 1. < *k. Metathesis of the original *kahep- or *kahop-?

1415 *kab- "house" Sem *kalJ-/*kulJ- "hut": Arab kalJ-, kulJ-. Secondary variant in kulJ-. WCh *kalJ- "house (with clay walls)": Hs kago, Gwn kago. SA *keH- "place" : Afar kee. From *kaHe-.

1416 *kakar- "circle, ring" Sem *kakkar-/*kikkar- "round bread, disk": Akk kakkaru, Hbr kikkär. ECh *kakVr- "arm-ring, bracelet": Kera kaak:Jray. Partial reduplication.




1417 *ka-kul- "basket" Sem *kul-kul- "basket": Akk kukkullu. Assimilation of vowels. CCh *k VkVl-/*kul Vk- "basket": Dgh kwulge, Nak klogo, Gava kwulekha, Mus kekele. Some forms underwent metathesis. Rift *kakul- "half-calabash": Kwz kakul-eto. Derived from *kol- "gourd, calabash".

1418 *kal- "go" Berb *kVl- "go, march": Siwa u-kel, Ntf ä-k:JI, Mns xel. CCh *kal- "run, go (quickly)": Mba kai, Mafa k:J1, Gis kai. ECh *kVl- "enter": Kera kele. Cf. Dhl kihl- "run"?

1419 *kal- "female in-Iaw" Sem *kall- "daughter-in-Iaw" 1, "bride" 2; Akk kallätu 1, Ug kl-t 2, Hbr kallä 1, Aram (Syr) kal~tö 1. WCh *kalya- "woman": Zem kai, Zar k:J1, Zak kyel, Buu k:Jli, Dok k:Jli.

Cf. Hs kölö "daughters". Rift *kwala)- "widow" (Irq kwala)o, Alg kwa)al- ito)o, Bur kwa)al-ito)o, Asa kala)ayt) may also belong to this root and reflect *kol- together with Hs.

1420 *kalah- "go" CCh *ka-kVlVh- "return, retire, go slowly": Mofu kak:Jlh. Partial reduplication. SA *kalah- "travel": Saho kalaah, kalaal},. Derived from *kal- "go".

1421 *kalem-/*kulem- "charcoal" CCh *kimyal- "charcoal": Bnn kimela, BM kimil-na. Metathesis.




ECh *kulim- "charcoal": Dng kulmo, Mig kolmo, Bid kilmo, Brg kilmo, Mubi kilim. Rift *kalern - "charcoal": K wz kalern -uko. Alternation *a -


1422 *kalim- "insect" Sem *kalm- "insect" 1, "louse" 2: Akk kalmatu 1, Aram kalm:Jtä 2. SA *kilim- "tick": Saho kilim, Afar kilim. Assimilation of vowels.

1423 *kaIVy- "vesseI" Sem *kaIVy- "vessel": Akk kalu, Hbr Ir!/i. WCh *kyal- < *kayal- "pot": Dera kile, Ngm kyelle, Kr /C;)li. Metathesis. CCh *kalway- "pot": Bud kaloi. LEC *kill- "smalI bowl": Or killa. Contraction of a metathetic form. An alternative reconstruction may be *kaVyI-. Any relation to *kol- "gourd, calabash"?

1424 *kama)-/*kamay- "food" Eg kmy "food" (gr). WCh *kamam- "snack": Hs kämämä. Partial reduplication of metathetic *käm- < *kaHam-. ECh *ka)am- "mush": Turn käm. Metathesis. Cf. *kwam- "eat": Smr kwam, Mkk koome. An alternative reconstruction is *ka)am-/*kayam-.

1425 *kan- "dog" ECh *kanya- "dog": Dng kanya, Jegu kany-. Omot *kan- "dog": Ome kana, kanaa, Mao kano. A morphonological variant of *kun- id., *küHen- id.





1426 *kanap- "wing" Sem *kanap- "wing": Akk kappu, Ug knp, Hbr känäp, Aram (Syr) ken'pö, Arab kanaf-, Gz k:mJ. Agaw *kan(V)p-l*kin(V)p- "wing": Bil ka1!ji", Xmt kenfaa, Kwr kamb, Kern kämbii, Aun kenfii. Traces of i-grade in Xmt and Aun.

1427 *kanpar-/*kanpur- "Hp, muzzle" Berb *k Vnfur- "lip, muzzle": Ntf a-kenfur, Snus a- kenfur. WCh *kapur- "mouth": Mnt kapur. Agaw *kanpar- "lip": Bil kanf~r, Kwr kanp~r, Kern k:Jmb~r, Aun kanfar.

SA *kamfer- "muzzle": Saho kamjer. Assimilation of *-np- > *-mj-. LEC *gafur- "muzzle": Som gafuur. Irregular *g- < *k- and loss of inlaut *-n-. An expressive form with irregular phonetic changes or a loanword?

1428 *kap- "hand" Sem *kapp- "hand": Akk kappu, Ug kp, Hbr kap, Aram (Syr) kappö, Arab kaff-, Hss keJ, Mhr keJ. Eg kp "enemy's hands separated from his arms; cut off hand" (n).

1429 *kap- "earth" WCh *kapu- "red sorrel": Mpn kupu. Wrz *kap- "earth": Gaw kappe.

1430 *kap- "house" Sem *kupp- "building": Akk kuppätu. Note *u. Eg kiP "house" (MK). V ocalic -i-. WCh *kap- "hut": Hs kaft. CCh *kVp- "house": Tera kipi. Connected with *ka)up- "cover, dose"?

KAPA)- -



1431 *kapa)- "move, go" Sem *kVpa)- "go away": Arab kF [-a-]. WCh *kap- "corne": Mnt kop. Loss of the auslaut laryngeal.

1432 *kar- "lamh" Sem *karr- "larnb" 1, "fattened lamb, ram" 2: Akk karru 1, Ug kr 1, Hbr kar 2. Berb *kVrVw-l*kVr~- "larnb" 1, "young rarn" 2: Ayr a-/c:}rwa 1, Twl a-/c:}rwa 1, Sml i-kru 2, Kby i-/c:}rri 1. Derivative in *-w-I*-y-. Cf. WCh? WCh *karwa- "sheep" 1, "larnb, buH" 2: Wnd karo 1, Tng karwa 2. LEC *kar- "heifer goats" (coH.): Arb kaariy.

1433 *kar- "sun" Sem *karar- "day heat": Akk kararu. Partial reduplication. WCh *kar- "sun": Bele kaara.

1434 *kar-'*kayar- "dog" WCh *kar-I*kayar- "dog": Hs kare, Brw /c:}ra, Say kara, Bks kyara, KIr gyara, DB cira. CCh *kZr- < *k~Vr- "dog": Lmn kirre, Mnd /c:}re, Suk kirra, Gid /c:}re. SA *kar- "dog": Saho kare. LEC *ka/yjir- "dog": Arb kair, ker. Secondary *-i- after *-y-. Wrz *xa/yjar- "dog": War xero, Gaw haaro, Gob heero, Cam karo. *kayar- seems to be a secondary formation based on *karpreserved in SA and, to some extent, in Weh.

1435 *karic- "heHy" Sem *karis- "beHy": Akk karsu, Hbr käres, Aram (Syr) karsö, Arab karis-, Gz kars, Hss kiref, Mhr keref, Shh surs.




Wrz *korVs- "meat": Gaw korse. V ocalism is not clear. Semantically, the connection between" meat" and various words for inner organs may be corroborated by such IE correspondences as ON kjpt "meat" - Skt guda- "intestines".

1436 *kas- "fall" Sem *nVkus- "turn over" 1, "fall" 2: Arab nks [-u-] Prefix *n V- with modified root vocalism. CCh *kas- "fall": Msg kasa.


Jib nkos


1437 *kat- "back" ECh *kat- "back": Bid kate. Rift *kat- "cow's hump": Alg kata, Bur kata-IJ.

1438 *kat- "be small" Sem *k Vt- "weak": Akk katu. Eg kt "smalI" (MK). WCh *kat- "smalI": Sura kat, Mpn kat. Cf. WCh *kwati- "smalI, narrow" (Ang kwi"t) and CCh *kwati"smalI" (Mafa kwite'e) reflecting a different root vowel.

1439 *kat- "move, go" Eg ktkt "move" (Amar). Reduplication. ECh *kat- "go, go out" 1, "follow" 2: Mubikät 1, Brgkaati 1, Bid kaat 1, K wn kote 2. LEC *kat- "run": Or kaat-. Omot *kat- "hurry, hasten": Kaf kaat-, Mch kaata-, Bwo kat-. ECh, LEC and Omot may reflect a prototype with an inlaut laryngeal *kaHat-/*kawat-. Cf. also in WCh: Hs katäkatä "first effarts of a child ta walk" .




1440 *katum- "metal" Sem *kVtm- "gold": Hbr ketem. WCh *katum- "pig of iron": Hs katiimii. See our notes to *kacaf- "metal". 1441 *kaw- "set fire" Sem *kiiy- "burn"


"kindie fire"


Akk kawu


Hbr kwy



kwy [-i-] 2.

Based on *kVw-. WCh *kaw-/*kawVy- "roast": Tng kawe, Wrj kaw,Jmb kaw, Miya kaw, Kry kaw, Paa ku, Cagu kuwa, Siri ku, Ngz kauyu. Cf. a similar structure with final *:)1- in Sem. CCh *ku[wJ- "be hot": Log kku. Cf. *kuw- "fire, hotness" (LPe fr:Vu, Suk khu, Bnn kuwa, Zirne ku).

ECh *kVwry- "set fire, fry, burn": Lele kiiy, Mubi kewz, Tbn kiiyi, Kera ki. Cf. Sem and WCh forms in *:)1-. There are indications of a parallel variant that rnay be reconstructed as *kaw Vy-. 1442 *kecVc- "be angry" Sem *kVCVs- "be ill-tempered": Hbr kCs. Eg khs "anger" (XVIII). Irregular laryngeal. ECh *kyas- < *kyaHVs- "angry": Sok kesi kesi. 1443 *ken - "cereal" Sem *kin- "cereal": Akk kinztu. WCh *kyan- "seed": Ang kin. 1444 *ken- "know, learn" Eg lny "learn" (MK). Palatalized *k- before amiddie vowel. ECh *kwan- < *kyanu- "knowledge": Mkk konya.


KEN- -


Bed kan- "know". U nclear -a-. Agaw *kan-t-/*kin-t- "learn" 1, "see" K wr kin-t- 1, Aun kan-t- 2. HEC *ken- "know": Had ken-.


Bil /c;)n-t-


Xmr kin-t-


Cf. Sem *kVhan-/*kVhun- "foretell, predict": Arab khn [-a-, -u-] . 1445 *kenal).- "darkness" Eg

"darkness" (BD). No traces of palatalization! ECh *kyanaH- "night": Nch kenii. kn~.w

1446 *kenum- "darkness" Eg knm.t "darkness" (BD). No traces of palatalization! CCh *kyanum- "night": Bud kenum. ECh */ryalVm- "shadow": Mig kelmo, Mkk kelimo, Sok kilmio. *-1- < HS *-n- dissimilated before *-m-. Related to



1447 *ket- "tie" Eg J.t "untie, disengage" (n). Palatalization of *k-. ECh *kyat- "tie": Mkk kette, gitte. 1448 *kew-/*key- "wind" Eg J.Jw "wind, air" (pyr), Copt *t 'ew "wind, air": Boh t 'eou, Shd teu.

V ocalic -J-. WCh *kyay- "wind": Paa key. Consonantal alternation *-w- -


KI- -



1449 *ki- "leg" Eg'!y'!y "leg" (BD). Reduplication. Palatalization of *k-. WCh *ki- "hip, thigh": Sura Cl, Ang ci, Chip si. Palatalization of *k- before *-i-.

1450 *kP- "man, child" Eg lJy "man" (pyr). V ocalic :y. Note the palatalization of *k-. ECh *kP- "child": Gbr kze.

1451 *kP- "put on (clothes)" Eg lJy "put on (clothes)" (NK). Note the palatalization of *k-. CCh *ka'-/*kP- "put on (clothes)": Gis ki, Gudu kä, Nza ka'a, Bch kä. *ka'- goes back to *kPa-.

Cf. LEC *ka'-/*kaw- "place, put, lay" (Or kaaya, Arb kaw-).

1452 *kPVd- "earth, ground" Sem *kzd- "outside region": Akk kldu. ECh *kirj- < *kiHVd- "earth, ground": Mig kida, Brg kirjo, Mubi kirji, Dng kirja. Emphatization of *-d- under the influence of the laryngeal.

1453 *kic- "bite" Sem *nVkJ1- "bite": Aram (Syr) nkt, Gz nks. Prefix *n V-. Berb *kVs- "bite": Ahg :Jks. HEC *kis- "bite": Sid kis-. Irregular -s-.

1454 *kic- "basket, container" WCh *kuc- "basket": Fyer kucci, Ank ta-kuci, Mpn k:Jci.


KIC- -


-u- from HS *ü? Agaw *kic- "basket": Xmr kizaa, Kern kisaa. LEC *kis- "sack": Som kiis, Or keesaa.

1455 *kil- "fence" WCh *kil- "fence": Hs killä. Cf. Brm kwal "house", Bks kyel "place" , DB kil id., Buli kila id. LEC *kel- "compound, fence": Or kellaa. Cf. also ECh *kul- "hut, town" (Lele kul, Kera kuli, Smr külü, Kwn kulü).

1456 *kilam- "ivory" Sem *kiläm- "ivory": Akk kilämu, gilämu. Eg kmry "ivory" (n). Metathesis. Ancient Wanderwort? The alternative reconstruction is *kimal-.

1457 *kilbab-/*kirbab- "insect" Sem *kulbäb- "ant": Akk kulbäbu. *u < *i under the influence of *b. CCh *kirbab- "flea": Bud kirbäbo. Irregular alternation of liquids. Partial reduplication?

1458 *kin- "egg" Sem *mV-kan- "lay eggs": Arab mkn [-a-]. Derivative with aprefix *m V- and modified vocalism. WCh *kin- "egg": Diri akin. LEC *)u-kun- "egg": Som (dial.) )ukun, ukkun, Rnd ukun. Prefix ·)u-. Assimilation from *)u-kin-. This ward was obviously influenced by another LEC word for" egg" (cf. Som ugalJ and the like). Relation to Rift */san- "egg" (Irq qanhi, Alg qana)i, Bur qanaya) doubtful in view of the initial */s-.

KIN- -



1459 *kin- "count" Eg lnw "count" (pyr). Suffix -w? WCh */sinu- "count": Mnt kün, Wrj /sin-, Kry kin-, Miya Ipn-, Paa Ipn-, Cagu km-, Siri Ipnu, Mbu Ipn, Jmb Ipn. Secondary emphatic? Irregular alternation *k -


1460 *kir- "steal" WCh *kir- "steal": Wrj kir-ai, Kry kir, Mbu kir, Paa ~ra,Jmb ~ra, Miya akir, Siri kari, Ngz kam, Bade ~lu. Wrz *kere'- "steal": Gaw kere'-. Secondary -e(-? 1461 *kirim- "genitals" Sem *kirim- "womb" : Akk kirimu. Eg 11m "foreskin" (MK). Note -J- < *-r-. Semantic development may be problematic. 1462 *kir-kar- "camel" Sem *kir-kär- "she-camel": Hbr kirkärä. Berb *kVr-kar- "camels" (pl.): Ayr i-~rkar, Twl iReduplication. Related to Dhl kiri "giraffe"? 1463 *ki3- "container" Eg lz.t "box" (OK). Palatalization of *k-. Agaw *kÜ- "basket": Xmr kizaa, kizaa. 1464 *ko-ko- "vessel" Eg 11 "vessel" (n). Palatalization of *k-.



KO-KO- -


WCh *kwak- "pot": Cera kwaka. From *kwakwa-? CCh *kwakway- "calabash": Mtk kokway. Stern *kwakwa- with a suffix *-ay-. Reduplication. The original root may be preserved m ECh *kay- "pot": Mkk keyye.

1465 *ko)af- "door, gate" WCh *kwa)af- "doorway, gateway": Hs fsöfa. Rift *ka)aj- "door, gate": Bur ka)aju, Kwz ka)aj-uko. Assimilation of vowels. Derived from *)aj- "mouth" with aprefix *ko-?

1466 *kob- "bend" Sem *nVkub- "incline, bend": Arab nkb [-u-]. Prefix *nV-. Cf. Arab kbb [-u-] "upturn". CCh *kwab-ay- "bend" : Bud kobei-hi.

1467 *koc- "be big" Sem *k 11- "be massive": Akk kasasu. WCh *kwac- "high, long": Fyer koos. CCh *kwac- "many, much": Mba koco.

1468 *koca)- "peel, tear" Sem *k Vsa)- "peel": Arab kP [-a-]. WCh *kwac- "tear" : Bul kW;Jsu. Loss of the auslaut laryngeal.

1469 *kod- "work, be tired" Sem *kud- "work (hard), be tired": Arab kdd [-u-]. ECh *kad- "be tired" 1, "be tired (of feet)" 2: Sok kadi




Secondary emphatization in Mkk (reflecting *kadyaH-?). Vocalism *-a- of a stative.

KOD- -



Wrz *kod- "work": Gaw koöaö-. Partial reduplication.

1470 *kocar- "drive away" Sem *kVCar- "drive, push": Arab kCr [-a-]. WCh *kwaHar- "drive away": Hs körä, Buli kaTU. Cf. CCh *kar-uw- "hunt" (FKi karuwa).

1471 *koh- "egg" WCh */swah- < *kwah- "egg": Hs /swai, Grk nkie. Shift of the emphatization. Prefix in Grk. Bed fcWahi "egg". Wrz *'u-kah- "egg": Gaw ukähe. Probably, W rz does not belong here if it is related to Som uga4 id. and the like.

1472 *ko\tan- "shine; light" Eg 1.4n "shine" (pyr). Palatalization of *k-. WCh *kwan-H- "light, day": Tng k:JI], DB ma-kon. Metathesis. Prefix *ma- in DB. Wrz */san- < *kVHan- "day": Gaw /sane.

1473 *kol- "gourd, calabash" Eg 1.}. t "vessel" (OK). Palatalization of *k-. Note -}- < *-1-. WCh *kwal- "calabash": Hs kullu, Bol kula, Tng kwali, Pero kwali. Cf. Hs kwala "metal water-bottle" and, with partial reduplication kölölö "kind of bottle-gourd". CCh *kwal- "calabash, pot: Gvo kW:Jla, HGh kuli. ECh *kwal- "jug" 1, "pot" 2: Bid kolle 1, Mubi köli 2, Sok kö-kolo 2. Reduplication in Soko Cf. Mig kolo-ngane "day mug". LEC *'V-kol- "skin bucket": Or okolee. Prefix V-.



KOL- -


1474 *kol- "return, go around" WCh *kwal- "return": Bele kolu-. LEC *koll- "go around, run here and there": Or kolla-)a. Related to *kal- "go"? 1475 *kolab- "container" Sem *kVlüb- "basket": Hbr k!lüb. Secondary vocalism? Eg lrb "vessel" (n), Mb (XVIII). Loanword from Sem? WCh *kwalab- "glass bottle": Hs kwalabä. CCh *kwalab- "bottle": Mafa kwalaba. Hs loanword? Derived from *kol- "gourd, calabash". 1476 *kom- "vesseI" Eg km.ty "vessel" (XVIII). No traces of palatalization. WCh *kwam- "kind of calabash or gourd": Hs kömö. CCh *kwam- "calabash": Bud bmo. 1477 *kom- "cereal" Eg kJm.wt.t "badey" (BD). No traces of palatalization. WCh *kwam- "peanut" 1, "maize" 2: Sura 10m CCh *kwam- "guinea corn": Nza k!V;)TfI:}.


Pero koomo


Cf. WCh *kima- "grain": Mnt siem, Brm kim? 1478 *kom- "fowl" Sem *kumJy- "waterfowl": Akk kumu. WCh *kwam- "old hen or guinea-fowl" Tng kom 2, Bol kom 2.




Hs kwammä


KOM- -



1479 *kom- "cattle" WCh *kwam- "eow" 1, "buH" 2: Bol kW;Jm 1, Krk kwam 1, Ngm kW;Jm 1, N gz kwam 2, Bade kwam 2. CCh *kum- < *kwamu- "meat" : Brm kum, Chb kum, Mrg kum, Kib kum, Wmd kumu. ECh *kwama- "buffalo" 1, "meat" 2: Sok käm 1, Dng kuma 2, Mubi kome 2. Agaw *kim- "eattle, eow": Bil kim, Xmr kim, Kwr kim, Dmb kim, Kern kemaa, Aun kemii. Innovative *-i-? 1480 *kor- "ass, donkey" Sem *kurr- "young of an ass, foal": Arab kurr-. WCh *kwar- "ass, donkey": Bol koro, Krk kwaro, Ngm Ioro, Ngz kwara, Bade köro-n. CCh *kwar- "ass, donkey": Tera koro, Gaa kwan:, Gbn kwari, Hwn kwara, KIb kwara, Gude kwara, Gudu kwara, Beh kwarey-to, Bud koro, Msg kurek, Gid koro, Lame karo, LPe koro, Masa Ior:J-ta, Bnn kW;Jra.

Cf. also Nza k:Jr;} "horse". ECh *kwar- "ass, donkey": Smr kora, Turn kora, Ndm kurö, Neh kora, Kbl kura, Dor kura, Kwn kurä. Omot *kur- "ass, donkey": Ome kuraa, Kaf kuuroo, Meh kuro, Gim kur.

1481 *kor- "(be) round" Sem *kur- "ball": Arab kur-at-. Cf. Arab krw [-u-] "give spherieal form to smth.". Note the anomalous morphologieal strueture of the noun. WCh *kwar-kwar- "round": Maha korkor. Reduplieation. Cf. Dhl kiir-ooö- "make in a ball". 1482 *kor- "be angry" Sem *kVrVh- "be unhappy, be disgusted" Hss keröh, Mhr keröh, Shh kereh.




Arab krh,


KOR- -


Based on biconsonantal *kVr-? WCh *kwar- "hate, disgust": Sura kwar. Any relation to *kar- "punish": Ang kär, Sura kar, Fyer kar? Agaw *kwar- "be angry": Xmr kWar-, Kwr kWar-, Dmb kWar-, Aun kWal- . SA *kur- "anger, wrath": Saho kuraa. Omot *kar- "be angry": Kaf kaar. The source of *-a- is not clear. Dhl kor- "be in trouble".

1483 *korac- "field" Eg J.rc "field" (gr). Palatalization of *k-. WCh *kwaHar- "farm": Bol koori, Ngm kori, Pero kuuri. Metathesis. The alternative reconstruction is *kocar-.

1484 *kos- "tooth" Eg J.s "tooth" (MK). Palatalization of *k-. Bed koos "tooth". Rift *ko)os- "molar": Kwz ko)os-iko. Cf. Irq goso "incisor"? Note the inlaut laryngeal in *veloped from *-0-. Connected with *kos- "pierce, cut"?

1485 *kos- "pierce, cut" WCh *kVs- "cut (with a knife)": Paa ~s. ECh *kyas- < *kwasi- "pierce": Kwn kesi. Omot *kos- "pierce": Mch kossi, Bwo kos-.

1486 *ko3- "knot, unite" Sem *küz- "unite, collect": Arab kwz [-a-]. Based on *kVz-. Eg J.z "knot (v.)" (a), "unite" (n).



325 Palatalization of *k-

> t- may be caused by a rounded vowel.

1487 *ko3- "be dry" Sem *kuz- "be dry": Arab kzz [-u-]. CCh *ka3- "dry up": Bud kaju. U nexpected * -a-. ECh *kV3- "dry up": Mkk kor!,tfe, gur/4e. 1488 *kub- "bouse" Sem *kub- "building": Akk kubu. ECh *kub- "straw hut": Smr kub'i. 1489 *kuc- "clotbes" Sem *kus- "kind of clothes": Akk kus'itu, Ug ks-t. Eg kJs "kind of clothes" (1). -J- may reflect a vowel. Cf. WCh *kic- "plait" (Hs


ECh *kwas- "spin" (Turn


Bol sidor, Dera sutf,ot, Ngm




"fat, grease"

Sem *kutr- "suet": Arab ku~r-. WCh *kuryar- "fat, grease": Hs sitf,ar.

1491 *kuf- "river" Sem *kupp- "water spring": Akk kuppu. CCh *kuif- "river" 1, "lake" 2.. Gaa ku+a 1 Gbn ku+a 2 Chb ku+a 2 ':J', ':J', ':J', H wn kufa-rä 1. 1492 *kuba'- "speak, sbout" Eg khJ "utter a cry" (MK). Vocalic -J. WCh *kuh- "shout": Dera kui, kuhi. CCh *kV'ah- "speak": Log käha. Metathesis.


KUL- -


1493 *kul- "kidney" Sem *kuly- "kidney": Akk kal'itu, U g klyt, Hbr Afläyät (pI.), kilyä, Aram (Syr) kulitä, Arab kuly-at-, Gz /r;W~I'it, Hss kel'it, Mhr kely'it. CCh *kul-kul- "kidney": Gaa kulkul-ara. Redu plication. LEC *kal-/*kulal- "kidney": Som kalli, Or kalee, kulali-ti (pI.), Kon

xalla .

Cf. Arb kal-ano id. Dhl kalle "kidney". From *kulal-? In Cush there exists a parallel formation *kel-, cf. LEC *kel(Som kellii) and Omot *kel- (Ome kellawa). 1494 *kulum- "fish" WCh *kulVm- "large fish": Hs kulmä. SA *kullum- "fish": Afar kullum, kulluum. LEC *kullum- "fish": Som kalluumo (pI.), Bay kunnumi. Som -a- is secondary. Assimilation of sonants in Bay. Any connection with Sem *kall- "fish, whale" (Shh käl, Mhr kell)?

1495 *kulup- "worm, crocodile" Sem *kulup- "worm": Akk kuluppu. Eg kJp.w "crocodile" (MK). -J- goes back to *-1-. Related to *kulum- "fish"? 1496 *kum- "be black" Eg km "black" (pyr), Copt *kame "black": Boh k'ame, Shd kame. Wrz *kum- "black": Gaw kumma. Cf. Agaw *kVm- "be evening": Aun


1497 *kum- "take, get" Sem *4Vkum- "take": Akk ekemu, Arab Mm [-u-].

KUM- -



Prefix *Q V-. CCh *kum- "obtain": FK kum-anu), FG kum-)vwi. Rift *kom- "have" 1, "grip" 2: Irq kom- 1, Bur komKwz kom-os- 2. Dhl kam- "hold". Unexpected vocalism.


Asa kom-


1498 *kun- "dog" Berb *kun- "dog": Gua cuna. Omot *kunan- "dog": Kaf kunano, Mch kunano. Partial reduplication. Related to *kan-, *küHen- id. 1499 *kunac- "cereal" Sem *kunal- "emmer": Akk kunasu, Aram (Syr) kunnätä. CCh *kanVC- "sorghum": Log kanse. Assimilation of vowels from *kanas- < *kunas-? Derived from *ken- "cereal"? 1500 *kunak- "tree" Sem *kanak- "kind of tree": Akk kanaktu. Assimilation of vowels. WCh *kunak- "sheanut tree": Kry kunnaku. 1501 *kur- "boat" Eg kr "boat" (n). ECh *kur-ay- "boat": Smr kuroi. 1502 *kur- "river, lake" WCh *kur- "pond": Ang kur. ECh *kur- "river" 1, "pond" 2, "lake" 3: Smr kuri 1, Sok korö 2, Jegu küräye 3. Agaw *kur- "river": Bil kuraa, Dmb kuraa, Kwr kuraa, Kern kuraa. LEC *kur- "rivulet": Or kuree.


KUR- -


1503 *kur- "knife" Eg krkr "knife" (gr). Redu plication. ECh *kur- "knife": Smr kura. Rift *kirar- "axe": Bur kirara. Partial reduplication with modified vocalism.

1504 *kur- "mountain" WCh *kir- < *kuri- "hill": Grk kir. CCh *kur- "mountain": Ksr kur, Log kurr. LEC *kur- "mountain": Som kur.

1505 *kurak- "bird" Sem *kurk- "crane": Akk kurku, Aram (Syr) kurk:Jyi, Arab kurk-iy-, Gz /cWäräki. CCh *kurak- "dove, francoIin": Mba kurakay, Gudu kurku-to, Nza kurkute, Lame kuruk, LPe koroku. Secondary -u-/-o- of the second syllable in Lame and LPe. Descriptive stern.

1506 *kus- "be smalI" Sem *w Vk VS-/*y Vk VS- "become smalI": Arab wks, yks. Prefix *wV-/*yV-. WCh *kus- "short": Ank kuss. CCh *kus- "smalI": Chb IJkusu, KIb kuSu, Mrg kwusu. Prefix *n V- in Chb.

1507 *kus- "rub, pound" Sem *kus- "pound": Arab kss [-u-]. WCh *kus- "rub": Mpn kus. CCh *kwas- "rub": Tera kw~s-ara, Zgh kas-duwe. Related to *kos- "tooth"? Any connection with *kus- "be smalI" (cf. ON smär "Iittle" < IE *sme- "rub")?

KUS- -



1508 *kus- "meat, buH" Berb *kus- "meat" : Lib kusu. WCh *kus- "buB": Sura kus, Ang kus, Mnt küs. Cf. ECh *kas- "buB": Bid kas-kö. Semantically, cf. an exact parallel in A v gav- "ox, cow" and also "meat".

1509 *kuw- "be dark" Eg kkw "dark" (pyr). Partial reduplication. WCh *kuw- "dark": Ang pi-kwi, Chip pe-kowo, Sura koo, Mpn küo. Prefix *pi- in Ang and Chip.

1510 *kuw-'*kuy- "shout" WCh *kuw- "shout" (n.): Hs küwa. Agaw *kuy- "emit sounds": Aun kOY-1). Consonantal alternation *-w- -


1511 *küHen- "dog" WCh *kuHen- "dog": Fyer kWee1). Fyer -1) goes back to *-n-H-. Mgg kwehen "dog". Omot *keHen- "dog": Dime keenu. Related to *kan-, *kun- id.

1512 *kün- "rise, raise" Eg J.ny "raise high" (pyr). Note the palatalization of *k-. WCh *kunwa- "rise" 1, "lift" 2: Bol kon


Dwot kun 2.

1513 *kün- "woman, co-wife" Sem *kann-/*kinn- "co-wife" 1, "female in-Iaw" Arab kann-at- 2. Secondary variant with *-a?


Akk kinttu



Berb *kVn- "co-wife": Izy iken, Snus ta-kna, Kby ra-kna. WCh *kin- "co-wife" 1, "sister" 2: Tng kin 2, Wrj kinai 1, Kry kin 1, Miya kin 1, Cagu kine 1, Mbu kina 1, J mb kina 1, Sha ein 2, KIr kin 2. Irregular development of *-ü-. Agaw *kwin- "woman": Bil :Jyiinaa, Xmr iuunaa, Xmt eqwen , Kwr iewiina, Dmb kiuunaa, Kern yiwiinaa, Aun xuonaa. Cf. numerous Cush forms with a voiced stop in the anlaut: Agaw *gan- "mother" (Bil ganaa, Kwr ganaa, Kern gänaa) , Omot *gen- "woman, lady" (Ome gennee, Kaf gennee, Mch gänne), Dhl gaana "woman" .

1514 *küsan- "beans" Sem *kisan- "bean": Akk ki'fSänu. CCh *gusan-H- "kind of beans": Mofu gusaIJ. Irregular voiced *g < *k.

1515 *kü3- "slave" Sem *kiz Vy- "servant": Akk kizu. CCh *kU3- "slave": Bch küsa, Gudu kuza.

1516 *kVcVm- "beat, break" Sem *kVsim- "beat, break into pieces": Akk kasämu, Hbr ksm, Arab ksm [-i-].

Eg ksm "strike" (MK).

1517 *kVc- "dig" Sem *n Vkis-/*n VkuJ- "empty, dig": Arab nkS [-i-, -u-]. Prefix *n V-. ECh *kac- "dig, bury": Kwn kasi, kesi. Cf. CCh *kVC- "dig": Mofu k:Je-?

1518 *kVmV)- "bind" Sem *kVmV)- "bind": Akk kamu.

331 Eg 1Jm "bincling" (XVIII). Metathesis. Note the palatalization of *k-. The alternative reconstruction is *kV>Vm-.

1519 *kVnVy- "calI" Sem *kVn~- "calI (by name)": Hbr kny, Arab kny [-i-]. Eg kny "calI" (reg).

1520 *kVrVb- "ask" Sem *kVrVb- "ask, request": Akk karäbu. Eg iJkb "complain" (pyr). Metathesis. Initial i- may reflect aprefix or a front vowel of the first syllable. The alternative reconstruction is *rVkVb-.

1521 *kVwVl-'*kVyVl- "clog, wolf" Berb *kVwVI- "wolf, jackal": Tua akülen. CCh *kyal- < *k~al- "clog": Ksr kele, Log k:Jle, Bucl kelt. Sem *kalb- "clog" may also belong here as a reflex of *kal- with the suffix of harmful animals *-b-. Note the consonantal alter. *-w- - *-y-. natIOn

*k. Eg 1J:#J "look" (n). Recluplication. WCh *1J:a- "see": Maha kai, Bgh kwa, Kir kwi, Ngz ika. Bgh ancl Kir go back to *1J:wa)- < *1J:aw-. ECh *ka)- "see": Turn ka.


Eg /si "be high" (pyr). WCh */sa'- "rise": Sura kaa, Chip kaa. CCh *kwa'- "raise, lift": Gudu /cWo:. From */saw-? ECh *kaw-/*kay- "fly" 1, "rise" 2: Mobu kaye Consonantal alternation *-'- 1524


*-w- -


Bid kaaw



Sem */sz'- "spit": Hbr qy'. Transformation of the original biliteral root into a structure. Cf. Akk ga'u, ka'u id.? Eg /si' "spit out" (MK). Based on the original */si? ECh *ka'ak- "spit": Dng kaake. Reduplication. 1525



Weh */swa)-/*/sway- "egg": Hs /swai, Grk nkie. Prefix in Grk. Omot */sew- "egg": Yam keewa. 1526



Sem */sab- "gobiet": Akk qabülu. Eg /sby "mug" (MK). Suffix ")'? WCh *kaq- < */sab- "basket": Sha kaqa, DB kaqa. Shift of emphatization. 1527




Eg /sb, /sbb "cold". LEC */sab- "cold": Som qabow, Rnd xobo, Arb /sab-. Som and Rnd go back to */sab-aw-.

*c~ VC-

333 1528


"speak, shout"

Sem */fVb- "say": Akk qabt1. WCh */fab- "name" (v.): Tng kEb-. ECh *kVb- "talk": Ndm hJba. LEC */fab-/fab- "shout" (n.): Som qabqab-. Reduplication.



"heart, stomaeh"

Sem */falb- "heart, soul, middle": Arab qalb-. Metathesis. WCh */fabul- "stomaeh": Siri bokule, Mbu /fubulo. Assimilation of vowels. Metathesis in Siri. CCh *kulJar- < */fubal- "heart": Hwn kulJarjara. Metathesis. Alternative reconstructions are */falub- and *ba/ful- . Any relation to Afar qabul "fat" (n.)?




Sem */f~~- "breast, sternum": Arab q~~-. Agaw *n V-[/flac- "bone": Bil naas, Xmr IJac, Kwr naaS, Dmb naaS, Kern IJaS, Aun IJac, Dmt IJaac. Prefix *n V-. Wrz *mi-/fec- "bone": War mi-/fece. Prefix *m V-. The vowel is not regular. Cf. */fas- "bone".




Sem */fu~- "cut": Akk q~~u, Hbr q~~, q$Y, Aram q~~, Arab q~~ [-u-], Shh qe~, Soq qe~. WCh *kac- < */fac- "scrape, plane (wood)": Hs käCä. Dissimilation of em phatics. Dhl k'ats- "circumcise". Omot */fuc- "circumcise": Maji /fuC-. Alternation *a -

*u. Cf. */fu(- "cut, pierce" .

334 1532



ECh *kac- "part, divorce": Bid kac-. Rift */sas- "divide": Irq qasis-. Cf. WCh *kac- "place in portions": Hs kasa (with deglottalization).




Sem */sadd- "lamb skin": Arab qadd-. WCh *kac/- < */sad- "skin": Krf kac/a. Shift of emphatization.





*/sada~- "pot, bowl": Akk qadu, Arab qadaIJ-. Based on the original */sad-? LEC */sadad- "vessel, gourd": Or qadaada. Partial reduplication.

Cf. another morphonological variant in */sod- "vessei" .




CCh *kac/- < */sad- "strike": Gis kac/, Mofu k:Jc/- , Mafa kac/-. ECh *kawac/- < */sawad- "strike": Mig kooc/o. Shift of emphatization. Bed kac/aw "strike". Metathesis. Note the shift of emphatization similar to Chadic. The original morphological structure is preserved in CCh.



"fiy" (n.)

Sem */sadü~- "fIy" (n.): Arab qadüIJ-. WCh */sud- < */sudaH- "fIy" (n.): Hs /sudä. Metathesis of vowels.



"earth, sand"

Eg /siIJ "earth" (MK).




V ocalic -}-. CCh *kay-kay- "sand": Muk kaykay, Msg kaikai. Reduplication.



"cough" (v.)

CCh *kaxag- "cough": Bud kahage. Dissimilation from *kaxax-? ECh *kaHak- "cough": Bid kaak. Dissimilation from *kahah-? LEC *lsak(V)k- "severe cough": Or qakkee. Descriptive root. An alternative reconstruction may be *Isal}.also r *Isal}.ak -.



"cuckoo, hen"

Sem *Isals~- "bird": Akk qaq';'. Eg M "cuckoo" (NK). WCh *kukway- "rooster": Fyer kukwe. CCh *kwak- "hen": Gul kwaku. ECh *kVkay- "bird": Bid keeke. Descriptive root. Alternation *a -





Sem *Isil- "fall": Akk qiälu, Ug ql. Based on *IsVl-. CCh *kal- "fall": Mafa kal-. ECh *kal- "drop": Bid 'akal.




Sem *Isül- "speak": Arab qwl [-u-]. Related to *Isäl- "voice" (Hbr qöl, Aram qäl, Gz qäl). ECh *kawal- "cry, shout" 1, "speak, call" 2: Lele ya-kolo ye-kuw~l:J , Dng kole 2, J egu kol 2, Brg kole 2, Bid kol 2. Prefix *ya- in Lele and Kbl. SA *Isal- "say, think": Afar -Isal-.



The original biconsonantal root structure is preserved in SA.


J:(AL-/I.{IL- -


1542 *].tal-/*].dl- "be smalI" Sem */sil- "be small, be light": Akk qallu, Hbr qll, Arab qll [-i-], Hss qel, Sog qel. WCh */sal- "smalI": Dera kalla. ECh *kal- "smalI": Kbl käle. LEC */sal- "thin, slender": Or qaPaa, qallaa, Kon qalla)-. Alternation *a - *i. Cf. CCh *kul- "short": Gudu kul. 1543 *].tam- "rise, lift" Sem */süm- "stand up, get up": Hbr qwm, Arab qwm [-u-], SAr qwm, Gz qwm. Secondary transformation of a biconsonantal raot into a *CVwVC- structure. WCh */sam- "lift": Geji kami, Buli k:Jmu. 1544 *].tamVb.- "stick" Eg /smlJ. "twig" (n). WCh */sam- "stick": Sura kam, Ang kam, Mpn kam. Loss of the auslaut laryngeal. 1545 *].tamVb.- "flour" Sem */samlJ.- "flour": Akk qemu, Hbr qemalJ., Aram (Syr) qemlj.ö, Arab qamlJ.-, Gz qamlJ.. HEC */sam(ay)- "flour": Bmb /samay, Had /sama, Kmb /sama. 1546 *].tan- "plait" Berb */sVn- "tie": Kby;,qq:m. Eg /sn "weave" (gr). Cf. Isny "weaver" (MK). WCh */sanu- "tie": Cagu /sun-, Bgh kan, Buli k:Jnnu. CCh *kanwa- "plait": Lame k:mwa, Msm kan. ECh *kwan- < *kanwa- "twist" 1, "plait" 2: Turn kOI) kini 2. Secondary -i- in Mkk.









"say, shout"

WCh *!swan- < *!sanu- "say": Say kwan, kwani. Omot */fan- "shout": Ome !san-. 1548


"head, occiput"

Sem *!sapa[yJ- "occiput": Aram (Syr) qöpyö, Arab qafo-. Berb *!saj- "head": Ghd iraj, Kby iyaj. ECh *kwap- < *kapwa- "occiput": Dng kopo, Mig kupo, Jegu kofo. 1549



Sem *!sarn- "horn": Akkqarnu, Ugqrn, Hbrqeren, Aram (Syr) qarnö, Arab qarn-, Gz qarn, Hss qön, Mhr qön, Shh qun, Sog qan. Derivative in *-n-. Eg !sr.ry "horns" (dual) (NK). Omot *fls]ar- "horn": Kaf karoo, Mch karo. 1550



Eg !sr "cloud" (pyr). WCh *!sar- "cloud": Bolloriya. 1551



Eg !sr "end (of a book)" (n). WCh *!sarya- "finish": Hs !säre, Tng ker, Buli kyem. ECh *kar- "finish": Kwn kar, Mobu k:Jre. 1552



Sem *!sär- "single mountain, hill": Arab qär-at-. Berb *!sar- "hilI": Shl irar. Eg !sJ J "hill". -JJ < *-r-? LEC *!sar- "high mountain, summit": Som qar, Or qara. 1553


"burn; fire"

Eg !s11 "fire, glaze (pots)" (pyr).




Partial reduplication. WCh *Isar- "burn": Kr karu, Krf ka'u, kaaru. CCh *kar- "fire": Mnd kara, Glv kara, Zgh kara. Cf. Mofu ka/Qr "burn" with partial reduplication.



"(be) cold"

Sem *Isarr- "(be) cold": Hbr qar, Arab qarr-, Gz qWrr. WCh *Isarar- "cold (of water, weather)": Hs kararä. Partial reduplication. A morphonological variant of *Isor- "cold" (n.).



"calI, shout"

Sem *Is VrV'- "calI, shout" 1, "read" 2: Akk qeru qr 1 2, Aram qr 1, Arab qr [-a-, -u-] 2. Based on biconsonantal *Is Vr-. Berb *IsVr~- "calI" (n.): Tua ta-yeri-t. Based on biconsonantal *Is Vr-. WCh *Isar- "cry out": Hs Isärä.




U g qr




Sem *Is JlCar- "cut (trees)": Arab qCr [-a-]. Metathesis. WCh *lsar(aH)-/*lsir- "cut": Hs lsira, Bol kar, Krk karaa, Dera kara-, Ngm kara-. ECh *kVr- "carve": Ndm /Qra. Agaw *Isara c "cut": BilIsaraac y-. LEC *Isar- "sharp, point" (v.): Or qara. Cf. also LEC *Isor- "cut, carve" (Som qor-, Or qor- , Arb qor-), *Isar- "shave oneself' (Arb qar-). Wrz *Isar- "sharp": Gaw qaru. HEC *Isar- "be sharp": Sid Isar-aa'm-. Dhl k'eer- "cut". Metathesis and contraction.




Berb *IsVs- "bone": Ahg eyes, Tua eyis, Snus iyes, Kby iyes, Siwa ayes.

J.(AS- -

J.(A W AS- / J.(A Y AS-


Eg Iss "bone" (pyr), Copt *kas id.: Boh kas, Shd kas. WCh *IJ.a-/sas- "bone": Hs /san, Wrj /säsü-na, Kry /säsu, Miya kusi, Paa Ipsi-ki, Cagu /se/ses;:ma, Mbu /salsas;;" Jmb Ip/sasi, Bks kyas, Sha gyis-aw, KIr gyis-aw, DB kyas. Prefix *fsa-. ECh *kas- "bone": Kwn kisi-gi, Dng käso, Bid kas-ko. Assimilation of vowels in Kwn. LEC */sas- "bone, leg": Gel/sas. Omot */sas-/*/sus- "bone": Nao /sus, Dime /sas, /sus. Unexpected *-u-.




Sem */su/- "cut": Arab qU [-u-], Gz qWU, Amh qWU· The vocalism *u may be reflected in labialized velars of Gz and Amh. LEC */sat- < */sa/- "circumcise": Bay /sat-. Dissimilation of emphatics. Omot */su/- "cut": Kaf /sut-. Rift */sat- "circumcise": Kwz /sat-. Dissimilation of emphatics. Dhl k'aat'-aa8- "divide". Alternation *a -




"nail, claw"

WCh */saw- "finger-nail": Wrj Ipwi-na, Mbu /sawi, Jmb /suya. ECh *kawak- "finger-nail": Mkk kooka. Partial reduplication. Wrz */soy- < */saway- "claw": Gaw qoy-akko.



"bow, arrow"

Sem */saws- "bow": Akk qaStu, Hbr qeset, Arab qaws-, Gz qast. CCh *kyas- < *k[aJyas- "arrow" 1, "bow" 2: Mba kese 1, Msg kise 2. ECh *kyas- < *k[aJyas- "bow": Turn kise, Bid kise, Mig kese, Sok ksse « Arab?). Cf. also Rift */sas- "arrow" in Kwz /sasa-mato. Note the consonantal alternation *-w- - *-y-.




1561 *:\.lawat- "food" Sem */sawt- "food": Hss qüt, Mhr qawt, Shh qit. WCh */swatu- < */sVwatu- "food, bread": Tng kutu, kwete. CCh *kwat- < *kVwat- "food": Lame kwati. 1562 *:\.layac;- "end, finish" Sem */s'i~- "end, finish" (n. and v.): Hbr qi~, Jib /se$i. WCh */sayac- < */saya~- "end, finish": Sura kyes, Mpn kes. Dissimilation of emphatics. 1563



Sem */sayt- "summer": Hbr qayi~, Aram (Syr) qaytö, Jib qo;;, Hss qay;;, Mhr qay;;, Shh qo;;, Soq qiyat. WCh */sif- "summer": Buli kis, Zul gisi. Contraction of *-ayi- > *-i-. Omot */se~- "heat" (n.): Mch /sem. Related to */se~- "be hot, be warm": Ome /sicu, Mch /se{?i. 1564 *:\.le)- "house" CCh *kyay- "house": Pad keya. From *kyaH-. LEC */se)- "enclosure, compound": Or qe?ee. Omot */s?- "house": Gim ke?oo. Any connection with Hs /sauye "village"? 1565



Sem */s'i!- "break, split": Arab qyt/. [-i-]. Based on biconsonantal */sV!-. ECh *kyaC- "break, skin": Bid ket/.y. 1566 *:\.len- "kill" Sem */sVna)- "kill": Arab qn) [-a-]. Based on biliteral */sVn-. Eg /sn "kill" (reg).





CCh *kyan- "kill, break in pieces": Mnd kyen-.

1567 *(tenin- "vessel" Sem */sinln- "bottle": Arab qinnln-at-. CCh */syanin-H- "smali pot": Gudu keniIJ. Partial reduplication?

1568 *(ter- "dwelling" Sem */sary- "town, village" : U g qr-t, qry-t, Hbr qiryii, Aram (Syr) qerl-t-, Arab qary-at-, SAr qr, Jib sire-t. Secondary vocalism. ECh *kyar- "house": Smr kerl. Omot */ser- "house, dwelling": Ome /sera. A morphonological variant of */sor- "house, place".

1569 *(teran- "monkey" WCh */syaran-H- "monkey": Bks kyeraI). Suffix *-H-. LEC */saran- "vervet monkey": Arb /saarran. Assimilation of vowels. Cf. WCh */sar- "monkey" (Sura kar, Ang ker) as a possible reflection of the original HS */sar- id. See */serVd- "monkey".

1570 *(terVd- "monkey" Sem */sird- "monkey": Arab qird-. ECh *mV-kyar(V)tj- "green monkey": Mig mekert/.a. Prefix *ma-. Phonetically, */syar(V)d- > *kyar(V)tj-. Related to */seran- id. Apparently, there existed HS */ser"monkey" .

1571 *(ti}.t- "moon" Eg

"moon" (BD). Vocalic -y.



I.a-*u*wa*- "bark" 1, "skin" Partial reduplication in KIr.


KIr ak'uk'weg


Ang kuk





1604 *1.tul- "lift, rise" Sem Berb

"raise": Arab qll. "rise": Sml ruli, rli, Sgh erliy. Inlaut *-w- continuing HS *u? CCh *kul- "lift": HNk kulu, Kap kJl-te, HF kJli-, FKi kJltu). *~Vl-


1605 *1.tum- "sweep" Sem *~Vm- "sweep": Arab qmm. WCh *~um- "sweep": Chip kum, Ank kum, Grk kokum. Partial reduplication in Grk. 1606 *1.tum- "be hot, burn" Sem *~Vm- "burn": Akk qamu. WCh *~um- "become hot": Bol kum. 1607 *1.tur- "go around, follow" WCh *~ur- "go around": Bol kur. CCh *kur- "accompany": FMch kuri. ECh *kwar- "go away" 1, "follow, turn"


Kera koore



guzze 2.



"run back and forth": Or qora)a.

1608 *1.tur- "skin, bark" WCh *~ur- "skin, bark": Bgh kwar, Wnd kur, Tala kuur, Zul kuuri, Bot koore, Kir kwär, Pol küri, Geji kür, Brw küru. Omot *~ur- "skin, bark": Ome ~uuro, kurra. 1609 *1.turab- "insect" Sem


"scorpion": Hbr caqräb, Aram (Syr) ceqarbö, Arab


Prefix *ca -. WCh *~urVb- "ant": Glm kurba.


~URA '- -





"strike, break"

Sem * Vra'- "strike (with a stick)": Arab qr' [-a-]. Based on **Vr-? WCh **ir- "grind" 1, "blow" 2: Glm kir 1, Ang kir Loss of the auslaut laryngeal. Secondary *i. CCh *kur- "forge": FJ kura. Loss of the auslaut laryngeal. LEC **ura'- "hit, bat": Or qura'a.




"cut, bite"

Sem **Vrum- "cut with teeth": Arab qrm [-u-]. WCh **urwam- "cut or bite head off' 1, "cut"


Hs *urmi 1, Ang

karm 2.




Sem **urus- "belt": Akk kurussu. Irregular reflection of Eg *Js "cord" (pyr). -J- continues HS *-r-.


A culturalloanword?



"beat, break"

Sem *wV(cVt-l*yV(cVt- "beat (smb.)": Arab wqt,yqt. Prefix *w V-I*y V-. ECh *kut- "break, pound": Kwn kuti. Cf. also Rift **et- "break in pieces": Irq qet-is-, Bur qet-is-.



"feed, cook"

Sem **üt- "feed": Arab qwt [-u-]. Derivative based on **Vt-. WCh **ut- "prepare food, cook": Tng kute. Related to **awat- "food".






"be small"

Sem *~VIVn- "be small, be thin": Hbr qln, Gz qln, Hss qaylen, Mhr qaylen, Shh qelen. CCh *kulun- "short, small": Tera kutun. Related to 1616



"be small"?


ECh *gue-"termite": Lele gusi. Agaw *#c- "worm": Bil ~esaa, Xmr Kern x:)saa. Dhl k'utsi "bee larva". 1617



Kwr xesii, Dmb xesee,


CCh *kut/- < *~ud- "testicles": Mnd kut/a, Pad kuda-ma, Mtk kut/e-ec. Shift of emphatization. Agaw *~wid- "anus, vulva": Xmr xWedaa. LEC *~od- "penis": Som qoodo, qoot/o. 1618



Sem *#dr- "earthenware": Hbr tfdirä, Aram qidrä, Arab qidr-, Hss qeder, Mhr qäder. ECh *gudur- "pot": Kera g:)tbrya, Mubi gudur. 1619 Eg


"(be) white, (be) yellow"

"yellow color" (NK). Vocalic :y. CCh *kun-H- "white": Bch kUl), Bata kUl)e. ~ny.t

1620 Eg




"kind of snake" (pyr).

1- may be aprefix lost in Chadic or a vocalic sign for a front

vowel. WCh *~ur- "snake": Tng kurot, Bol kureet/i.




CCh *kur- "snake": Bnn kuriya. Cf. a denominative formation in Sem *lfur- "hiss (of a snake)": Arab qrr [-u-]. 1621



Sem *If VI Vb- "cut": Arab q4b. ECh *kV{yap- < *kV{yab- "cut": Bid ke4ep. Note the unvoiced anlaut. Derived from *lfut- "cut, pierce" . 1622



Eg IfclJ. "shoulder, arm" (MK). Rift *kwal].- < *lfwal].- "shoulder": Irq kwalJ.a, Alg kwalJ.u, Bur kwalJ.a. Dissimilation of emphatics. The inlaut *_c_ is not preserved. 1623


"eat, bite"

Eg Iflf "eat" (XVIII). WCh *If V~- "bite" : Kry k:Jki. A nominal reflex of *lfnc- may be preserved "throat" . 1624



Sem *If Vl-If Vl- "brandish, agitate": Gz qWlqWl. Reduplication. Berb *IfVl- "spin": Tua erli. 1625



Sem *IfVlVs- "spit": Arab qls. Eg Ifis "spit". -i- continues HS *-1-.


Dhl k'ok'o

353 1626 *l,tVr- "dry" (v.) Sem Berb

"drying": Akk qarüru. *~ Vr- "be dry": Tua iyar.


1627 *l,tVrVs- "freeze" Sem *~VrVS- "freeze"; Aram (Syr) qrs, Arab qrs. Berb *~ Vr Vs- "freeze": Tua yeres. Derived from


"(be) cold",


"cold" (n.).

1628 *l,tVw-'*l,tVy- "remain, wait" Sem *~Vw- "remain" 1, "wait" 2: Akk qü)u 2, Hbr qwy (Syr) qw) 1 2. CCh *ki- < *~VY- "remain": Log ki. Omot *~VwVY- "remain, wait": Kaf ~ee-, ~eey-, ~way-. Consonantal alternation *-w- -




1629 *l,tVyVn- "forge" Sem *fin- "forge": Arab qyn [-i-]. WCh *lf:yan-un- < *~VYan-un- "farge": Hs Partial reduplication.


1630 *l,tV30r- "dirt, be dirty" Sem

*~V{jar-/*~V{jur- "be dirty": Arab qdr [-a- , -u-]. Cf. Hbr qdr "be dark". ECh *gVJwar- "faeces, silt": Kera goder.

*1 1631 *la)- "be tired, be siek" Sem *1V'ay- "be tired" 1, "be slow" 2: Hbr l'y 1, Arab l'y [-a-] 2. Cf. also Akk la)t1 "weak (?)" (in context with serru "baby"). Sem verb is based on biconsonantal *1V'-.

354 WCh *la)- "sickness, pain": Sura laa, Ang le. Nominal derivative. Cf. ECh *law- "to become weak for lack ofwater (ofplants)": Bid law.

1632 "'la)-/*law- "cattle" Sem *la)-/*lz")- "cow" 1, "heifer" 2, "wild buH" 3: Akk lu 1, Hbr li'ä 2, Arab la)- 3, Jib le) 3, Soq ):Jlha 1. Forms reflecting *-i- may belong to a different ablaut grade. WCh *la)- "cow": Dera la. WCh *la)u- "meat" may belong to the same root. Agaw *law-/*luw- "cattle, cow": Billaaw, Xmr luwaa, Aun luwaa. Secondary *-u- be fore a labial. SA *la)-/"'law- "cattle, herd": Saho laa, Afar laa, low. LEC *lo)-/*low- "cattle": Som 100), Or loo-n, Kon lowaa, Gdlloha. Secondary *-0-. Wrz *10)- "cow": Gaw 10)0, Cam 100)00, Hrs 10)0, Dob 10)0, Grr 10)0. Secondary *-0-.

1633 *la)ad- "fieId" Eg lJd.t "field" (MK). Initial 1- goes back to *1-. ECh *lawad- < "'laHad- "field": Jegu lood. LEC *lad- "land": Or laddaa. Contraction.

1634 '" lab- "cereal" Sem *läb- "roasted corn": Akk läbtu. Eg nb "cereal" (gr). Note n- < HS *1-.

1635 "'lab- "cow, bull" Eg nb.t "cow" (gr). n- < HS "'1-. ECh *labi- "cattle" ku-lba.




Smr labei


Ndam Ttbe






1636 *labP-/*liba)- "lion" Sem *labi' - "lion" 1, "lioness" 2: Akk lab)u 1, U g lbu 1, Hbr läbl> 2, Arab labu) _ 2. WCh *1 Vb V'- Vr- "wild cat": Sura r.Jlpl. Suffix *-r-. Note -q- < *-b)-. CCh *)a-lib-ar- "lion" 1, "hyaena" 2: Hwn lifori 1, Mrg ha-livari 1, KIb levari 1, Chb )alvari 1, Hld luvari 1, HF luveri 1, HB liv:1TU 1, HNk liv:1ri 1, Lam :1TVare 1, Mnd )uTUvw:1ri 1, Glv )arvara 1, FMch luvari 1, Gude livara 1, M tk laval 2. Note that Mtk reflects the original structure with *-)ar- > -al. SA *lub-ak- "lion" : Saho lubaak, Afar lubaak. Suffix *-ak-. *i > u before a labial. LEC *lib-alJ- "lion" : Som libalJ. Suffix *-IJ- or an irregular continuation ofthe auslaut laryngeal of the original HS form? Metathesis of root vowels.

1637 *lag- "river" CCh *lagwa- "river": Zgh gu-lagwa, Bnn 10M. Prefix *gu- in Zgh. Unvoiced Bnn -k- seems to be not quite regular. LEC *lag- "river": Or laga. HEC *lag- "river": Sid laga. Borrowed from LEC?

1638 *lag- "speak" Sem *lag-I*lug- "speak, chat": Hbr I", Arab 19w [-a-, -u-]. WCh *lag- "speak": Fyer lak, Bks lak, DB lak.

1639 *lag-/*lug- "neck, throat" Sem *lug- "throat": Hbr loa" Arab lug-at-. Dhllak'a "area under chin". Alternation *a - *u. Cf. WCh *la(- "neck" (Sha laha, DB la, Bks la) and CCh *lay- id. (Mba le).



1640 *lahas- "liek" Sem *lVhaS- "liek": Arab lhs [-a-]. Cf. also l~s id. [-a-]. WCh *laHVs- "liek": Hs läsä. If the inlaut laryngeal is of seeondary origin, the root may be related to *les- "tongue".




Sem *la~a*- "day": Arab la~aq-. Berb *la/s- "day": Ahg ta-laq. Bed li1f:'1 "day". Contraetion from *IVHi/s-?

1642 *lab.am- "meat, food" Sem *laIJm- "bread, food" 1, "meat" 2: Hbr le~em 1, Aram (Syr) la~mä 1, Arab la~m-, la~am- 2. Cf. Akk latJämu "ta eat", Arab l~m [-a-]"feed with meat". WCh *laHam- "meat": Brm laamu, Grn laam. Note Hs lamai "tuwo" .

1643 *la\}- "sheep, goat" Berb *laH- "rarn": Ayr tele, Ahg e-lah-;JY, Sus tili, Fgg tili. Eg 'nIJ "goat" (XIX). Prefix *'V-. Note -n- < *1. Bed naa) "sheep". Note n- < *1-. SA *la~- "she-goat": Saho la~, Afar laa~. LEC *la~- "fat-tailed sheep": Sam la~. Cf. also Arb leh "ewe". HEC *lah- "she-goat": Sid laah. Rift *le)- "goat": Irq le)i. Irregular *-)-.


1644 *lah- "knife , axe" Eg

nIJi "knife" (TS).

LAtI- -



Vocalic -l. CCh *lar- "spear" 1, "axe" 2: Log lara FBw r;)x-an 2, FMch raxa 2, FJ laxa 2.


Bud lai


Gude Taxa


1645 *lak- "think" Eg nkl "think" (MK). Vocalic -l. CCh *lak- "think": Gis lak. Cf. Or lakkaawa "count" (v.), Sid lakka)- "measure" (v.)?

1646 *la(c.- "kite" Sem *la~(w)- "she-kite, female eagle": Ug lqh, Arab laqw-at-. WCh *IVw "vulture": Mpn look. Secondary development of *la~-. CCh *la-lak- "kite": Msm lolokoi, Bnn laraka. Partial reduplication. Dissimilation of liquida in Bnn.


1647 *lal- "goat, cattle" Sem *lali'- "goat": Akk lalu, lali'u, Soq luloh. LEC *lal- "she-goat" 1, "cattle" 2: Or lal-eesa 1, Rnd lolyo 2. HEC *lal- "cattle": Sid laalo, Dar laalo, Ala laalo, Kmb laalu. Reduplication of *la)-/*law- "cattle" or *laIJ- "sheep, goat"?

1648 *lam- "speak, shout" Eg nnry "shout, cry" (MK). Suffix -y. WCh *lam- "say": Ank lern. CCh *lam- "cry" 1, "speak" 2: Lame lam ECh *IVm- "speak": Mwu [;}me.

1649 *lam- "lie" (v.) ECh *lam- "lie": Sbn lama. Rift *lam- "lie": Irq lama, Bur lama.


Mwu u-lamo



LAM- -


1650 *lam- "be soft" WCh *lwam- < *lam- "be soft": Ang löm. Vowel change before a labial. Agaw *lim- "be tender": Xmr lilern, Xmt [;)mlim, Kwr [;)[;)m, Kern ~1m)Y,

Secondary vocalism in a reduplicated stern.

1651 *lap- "spleen" WCh *lap- "spleen" 1, "liver" 2: Sura llap ma-laf2. Prefix *ma- in KIr. SA *)a-iif- "spleen": Afar aleifu. Prefix *)a-. Secondary *-e-. LEC *lap- "heart, ehest": Or lappee. Secondary emphatic in Or? Dhl ).afi "lungs". Note ).- and irregular 1-.

1652 *lap- "beans, corn" Sem *lupp- "beans" : Akk luppu. V owel labialized before *-p-. Eg npy "seed, grain" (n). Suffix -y, cf. ECh. ECh *lap- "millet" : Sok lap-iya.

1653 *lap-'*lawap- "be wet" Eg npi "wet" (sarc). -i is a vocalic sign. ECh *lawap- "wet": Ndam lwap, Smr lawe. Secondary estension of *lap-.

1654 *larVy- "stick" Sem *larVy- "twig": Akk iaru. Eg iry.t "stick" (MK). Eg i- < HS *l-.


Ang lap



LARVy- -



Another possibility for Eg is to cornpare it with ECh *)war"stick": Jegu )orra.

1655 *lat- "skin" Eg ntnt "skin" (rned). Reduplication. Eg n- < *1-. WCh *lat- "skin": Zar laat. Cf. deverbative *lut- "skin" (v.): Fyer lut.

1656 *lat- "man" Eg nry.w "people, men" (OK). :y may be a suffix or a reflex of a front vowel. WCh *lat- "person": Maha latu.

1657 *lat- "destroy, split, grind" Sem *IVta)- "split" 1, "strike" 2: Akk leta Based on biconsonantal *IVt-. Eg nt "slaughter" (gr). WCh *latu- "grind": KIr lot. ECh *IVt- "destroy": Mkk litt-.


Arab lt) [-a-]


1658 *lawVy- "twist, bend" Sem *lüy- "twist, bend" 1, "turn" 2: Arab lwy [-i-] Hss lewö 2, Mhr lewö 2, Shh le 2. WCh *lawya- < *law Vy- "bend" : Hs lauya. CCh *lay- "fold": Lame lei. Contraction of *law Vy-.

Jib lwy


Turn läw



1659 *lay- "water; pour" WCh *lay- "pour": Ang le. ECh *law-/*lay- "pour out" 1, "wet" (v.) Secondary variant in *-w-. SA *lay- "water": Saho laye, Afar lay, le.


Sok ileo



LE'- -


1660 *le'- "shine" Sem *1V'-IV'- "shine (of astar)": Arab 1'1'. Reduplication. WCh *lya'- "begin (of the day)": DB le'. SA *lela'- "day": Saho lälä', Afar lälä'. Reduplication. Note the development of hS * , Any relation to Irq lo'a "sun, God", Bur letu "sun", Alg lele'a id. in Rift?

1661 *le'-/*lew- "put on (clothes)" Eg nw "put on (clothes)" (I). WCh *lya'- "dress" (v.): Sura lee. ECh *IVw- "put on (clothes)": Turn l:Jw. Consonantal alternation *-'- -


1662 *leb- "elephant" Eg Jbw "elephant" (OK). 3- < HS *1-. WCh *lab- < *lyaba- "elephant": Tng laba-ta. Suffix -ta? CCh *nyab- "elephant": Log nevi. Irregular *n- < *1-. ECh *lyab- "elephant": Mkk 'elbi. With a typical Mkk metathesis in the first syllable. Any relation to Or arba "elephant"?

1663 *lecum- "fish" Berb *licVm- "fish": Ghd u-lisma, Ghat a-l:Jmsay. Metathesis in Ghat. Eg nsmw.t "fish" (NK). Final -w indicates *u of the second syllable. WCh *1(y)amVc- "fish": Hs lamsa.

1664 *len- "be soft" Sem *lin- "be soft, be co me soft"




Arab lyn [-i-]


LEN- -



Mhr liyön 1, Jib !e:n 1, Hss alyin 2, Mhr alyin 2, Shh elyzn 2. Based on *IVn-. Eg nny "be tired, be lazy". Metathesis. For the meaning, cf. MHG weich "soft" and "weak". WCh *lyan- < *1J..Yan- "soft": Ang len. Cf. reduplieation in Chip lenlen. The same raot may be also refleeted in Sura non id. with assimilation. 1665 *ler- "time" Eg nry "time, moment" (NK). Voealie -y. CCh *lyar-/*lwar- "time": Mtk !er, Bnn lora. 1666 *les- "tongue" Sem *lisän- "tongue": Akk lisänu, Ug LSn, Hbr läSön, Aram (Syr) lessönö, Arab lisän-, Gz lesän, Jib elsen, Hss lesen, Mhr lesen, Shh lisen, Sog lesin. Suffix *-än-. Berb *IVs- "tongue": Siwa elles, Kby i~s. Eg ns "tongue" (pyr), Copt *les "tongue": Fym les, Akh les, Boh las, Shd las. Copt attests the eharaeter of the sonant orthographieally denoted as n- in Eg. WCh *IJa-lis-um- "tongue": Hs haLSe, harse, Sura liis, Ang leus, Chip liis, Mnt liis, Grk lis, Bollisi-m, Krk lusu, Ngm linsa, Maha t/i-lis, Krf ilmisi, Gera t/e-linsa, Glm lim, Grm limsi, Fyer lis, Bks )alis, Sha )a~s, DB lis. Prefix *IJa- and a suffix of body parts. CCh *)V-lyas- "tongue": Gis eies, Msg desi. Prefix *)V-. ECh *lyas- "tongue": Mig li-t, Mubi lesi, Mkk )ilze, Dng k:s-en, leese.

Metathesis in Mkk, see s.v. *leb- "elephant". Omot *mi-las- "tongue": Kaf mi-laso. Prefix *mi-. See *lahas- "liek".


LI)AF- -


1667 *lPaf- "fingernail, claw" Eg UJ.t "claw (of the vulture)". CCh *li-lif- "fingernail": Masa lilifa. Partial reduplieation. Bed ne'aaf "fingernail, claw". Note initial *n- < *1-. SA *lific- "fingernail, claw": Saho lific. Metathesis. Note the developrnent of HS


1668 *lib-/*lub- "heart" Sem *libab- "heart": Akk libbu, Ug lb, Hbr lib, Ararn (Syr) lebM, Arab lubb-, Gz l:Jbb, Hss ~elbib, Mhr ~ewbib, Shh üb, Soq elbeb. Eg Ib "heart" (pyr). *1- > 1- before a front vowel. WCh *IVb- "lungs": Chip l:Jp. CCh *(HV-)lib- "beHy, stomaeh" 1, "heart" 2: Daba li/ii 1, Mus lib(i) 1, Mnd )urv;'-I]ude 2, Glv rivi-t/.iya 2, Zgh arve 2. ECh *lub- "heart": Mkk )ulbo. Metathesis in Mkk, cf. *leb- "elephant". Agaw *IVb-ak- "heart": Billäbbäka, Kwr läbakaa, Drnb läbakaa, Kern l:Jbäkaa. Suffix *-ak-. SA *lub(b)- "heart": Afar lubbi. LEC *lab-/*lub- "heart" : Sorn laab, Or lubbu, labbe. Seeondary *-a-. Ornot *lib- "heart" 1, "beHy" 2: Anfyiboo 1, GHlib)a 2. Rift *lib- "ehest": Asa liba. Alternation *i - *u.

1669 *lic- "be weak, be soft" Sem *IVl-IVl- "linger, tarry": Arab /J./l.. Reduplieation. On the sernantie developrnent see s.v. *layan"be soft" . Agaw *lic- "be soft": Xrnr lis-. SA *lis-lis- "soft": Saho lislis. Reduplieation. Not quite regular *-s- < HS *-c-.




1670 *lihab- "burn" Sem *IVhab- "burn, be bright": Hbr lhb, Arab lhb [-a-], Gz lhb. Eg rhb "glow". Note r-. Agaw *lib- < *liHVb- "heat, cook" (v.): Kern läb-, l:Jb-. Cf. also Bed liw- "burn" as a possible continuation of *lib-.

1671 *lib,ap- "cover" Sem *IVl}ap- "envelop, cover": Arab llif [-a-], Jib ellJ,eJ. WCh *lip- < *liHVp- "cover": Hs lulluqa, Bolliqq-, Dera lipe. Reduplication in Hs. Secondary emphatic *p goes back to *p in contact with a laryngeal.

1672 *lib,um- "kill, fight" Sem *IVlJ,um- "kill, fight": Hbr IlJ,m, Arab IlJ,m [-u-]. CCh *lim- < *liHVm- "war": Lmn l:Jmo, Daba limo

1673 *li1.tam-'*li\dm- "eat, swallow" Sem *l~m- "swallow, eat, gobble (a mouthful)": Arab lqm [-a-]. ECh *ligam- "eat": Turn lag;)m, Kbl liy;)m. LEC *li/sim- "swallow": Or liqim-s-. Assimilation of vowels. Derived from *l~- "liek". On the other hand, cf. Sem *IVl}am- "eat, feed" (see S.V. *lalJ,am- "meat").

1674 *li!- "water; be wet" Berb *lil- "sea, river": Nfs il:Jl, Zng eil, Sus ill. Cf. Lib *lil- "water" (apud Hdt.: AÜU) and Fgg ill "weep". Cf. also Kby derivative s-lil "wash". Bed lil- "be wet". Reduplication of *lay- "water; pour".


LIW- -


1675 *liw- "cloud, sky" Eg nw.t "sky" (pyr). Eg n- < HS *1-. WCh *liw-ay- "cloud": Sura lluu, Chip liwu, Bgh lway, Mnt luo. 1676 *liwVc- "mix" Sem *lii1.- "knead, mix": Akk ltiSu, Hbr lws, Arab Iw1. [-u-]. ECh *liwVC- "mix": Mobu luse, Ngam lise, Dng lewsi. 1677 *10)- "breath, soul" Eg nJw "breath" (XVIII). Vocalic -wo WCh *lwa)- "soul": DB lwa). 1678



Berb *1Vls;um- "camel": Siwa a-lrom, Ntf a-lrum, Tlt a-lrum, Izy alrem, Kby a-lrv~m, Rif aJ.r~m, Wrg a{;Jm. WCh *ra/sum- < *rwa/sum- "camel": Hs rä/sumi. Irregular *r < *1. CCh *lukVm- "camel, horse": Mba lukma. Cf. Log kurguma "camel". ECh *lwa/sum- "camel": Turn bgma, loguma, Dng lokumo, Ndam lugumo, Brg lokomo, jegu logom. Cf. Kbllak'ma "horse". A cultural term that may be a Wanderwort (of Berber origin?). 1679 *lo-lüm- "insect" ECh *lwa-IVm- "ant": jegu lolmo. LEC *lu-lum- "Iarvae of mosquitoes": Som lulumo (pI.). Reduplication of *lüm- "termite". 1680 *lom- "bird" Eg nm "kind of bird" (I). CCh *lwam- "dove": Ngw loma.

LUB- -



1681 *lub- "be thirsty" Sem *lüb- "be thirsty": Arab lwb. Based on HS *lub-. Eg lby "be thirsty". Reflects *1 Vb Vy-. Dhl J.uuß- "sip". Note J.-.

1682 *lubalJ.- "strike" Sem *IVbalJ- "strike": Arab IblJ [-a-]. ECh *IVb- "strike": Turn /;}b;J. Loss of the auslaut laryngeal. Dhl luß- "beat".

1683 *lugab- "be tired" Sem *LVgab-/*IVgub- "be exhausted": Arab 19b [-a- , -u-]. WCh *lub- "be tired": Dera luba. Contraction from *IVHub-. CCh *luHVb- "tiredness": Kap IUQwE, HF Mi, Bnn lobuwa, FMch ruQu. Nominal derivative with a different vocalism.

1684 *lu1.tur- "cloth" Eg nl}.r.w "kind of dress" (gr). WCh *luHur- "striped cloth": Hs nürü, lürü.

1685 *luk- "bird" ECh *lukuk- "kind of bird": Bid lukuku. Partial reduplication. LEC *luk(k)- "hen": Som luki, Or lukku, Bay luk- ale, Arb lukku. HEC *lukk- "hen": Bmb lukk-anco.

1686 *luk- "road" CCh *lak- "road": KIb laku, Bura laku, Mrg lagu.


LUK- -


Intervocalic *-k- > Mrg -g-. LEC *luk- "crossroads of forest paths": Or lookoo, luukoo.

1687 *lum- "eat" Sem *lum- "chew": Akk lamämu [-u-]. CCh *lum- "bite, eat": Mba lum, Msg lama, luma. Cf. Sem *IVl].am- "eat, feed" (see S.v. *lalJam- "meat").

1688 *lum- "gather" Sem *lum- "gather": Arab lmm [-u-]. ECh *lam-/*lum- "gather": Mubi.lamma, Bid lum, Mig lumme.

1689 *lübaJ.t- "be wet" Eg

iM "wet" (MK).

Palatalization of *l- > i-. CCh *lulJa- < *lubaH- "wet" (v.): Bura lilJ-enta, Hld lülJ-uri, Chb lup-ti, Wmd lup-ta, HF ~lJ-;;isi, FC lulJwi-ti, Kap lulJi-ke, Cava lulJ-, Daba lub, Msg lalJ, Zirne lalJ. ECh *lub- "wet": Kera lubi.

1690 *lüf- "cloud, fog" Eg nfy "fog" (gr). Vocalic -y. WCh *IVfVf- "cloud": Kry ~f;1f;1. Partial reduplication. CCh *luf- "cloud": Daba luv.

1691 *lüm- "boat" Eg imw "kind of ship" (OK). Palatalization of *1- > i-. CCh *lum- "boat": Zirne lum.

1692 *lüm- "big, many" Sem *li)Vm- "thousand"

1-. WCh *luna/s- "net": Mnt lung, Ank lang.

1695 *l[ü]w- "house, dwelling" Berb *liw- "room": Ghd ta-liw-in. Eg nw.t "village, town" (pyr). WCh *lu[wJ- "house, hut": Sura lu, Ang lü, Chip ~. CCh *luw- "town": Zgh luwa. ECh *)a-luw- "interior dwelling space": Kera aluwa. Dhl lawa "village" . U nexpected vowel.




Sem *)ilk- "heel": Akk ilku. Prefix *)i-. Berb *1V/s- "leg, calf': Twl e~r, Ahg i~r, Izy iler. Agaw *lik(u)- "leg, hip": BillikW, Xmr likW, Xmt lukW, Kwr likW, Dmb likW, Kern läkW;" Aun ~kW. SA *lak- "hip, thigh, leg": Saho lak, Afar lak. LEC *luk-/*lu/s- "leg, hip": Som lug, Or luka, lukaa, Rnd lux, Bay lukka, Arb lukk, Kon log-da, Gdllukke-to. HEC *lek-/*lok- "leg, hip": Sid lekkee, Dar lekka, Had lokko, Ala lokka-ti, Bmb luka, lukka, Kmb lokka-ta.

368 Wrz *lux- "leg": War lux-te, Gaw lux-te, Gob luh-, Cam lu'ge. Dhl luka "thigh". Irregular *k -

*/s in various branehes of HS.

1697 *lVJ,t- "liek" Sem *lu/s- "liek, lap": Hbr lqq, Arab lqq [-u-]. Cf. Akk leku "liek" « *LVh Vfs-). Berb *IVfs- "liek": Twl :Jll,;,r, Ahg :Jll,;,r, Mzab :Jll,;,y. WCh *la/s- "eat greedily" 1, "liek" 2: Hs la/se 1, Bks lok



lo/s 2.

ECh *lya-lik- "liek": Mig lelliko. Partial reduplieation. Bed lak- "liek". LEC *li/s-/*lo/s- "swallow, lap": Som liq-, Kon loq-, Gid loq-, Had liq-ir.



may be seeondary.

*m 1698 *ma-/*mi- "mouth" Berb *mV- "mouth": Ghd a-mi, Awj am, Ahg i-mi, Zng i-mmi. CCh *ma-/*mi- "mouth": Bata mee, Daba ma, Nza ma, Msg maa, mii, Gid mo. One of the eases representing a rare root pattern CV-. 1699 *ma'- "water" Sem *ma'-/*may- "water": Akk mu, Ug my, Hbr mayim (pI.), Aram (Syr) mayyö (pI.), Arab mä'-, Gz mäy. Berb *m V- "water" (pI.): Izy aman, Kby aman. Eg mw "water" (pyr). WCh *ma'- "water": Geji maa, Grn maa. CCh *ma'-/*maw- "river" 1, "water" 2, "dew" 3: FKi m:Jwa 1, Gude ma'in 2, FBw ma'yin 2, Log mü 3. If Log is not from *ma'u- it may go back to an apophonie variant *mu'-, cf. Bed.


Bed mu)- "liquid". A reflex of u-grade? Dhl ma)a "water". Rift *ma)-ay- "water": Irq ma)ay, Asa ma)a, Kwz ma)aya. Note parallel forms with sonants *may- and *maw- in Sem, Eg and CCh. Sem, Berb and CCh may refleet an archaie HS plural *ma)-in-!

1700 *ma)in- "woman, wife" WCh *ma)in- "wife, woman": Ngm mino, Krk men. CCh *mz·n- "woman": Gude munii, Msg minne. Gude -u- is irregular. ECh *ma)an- "eo-wife": Kera maaM. Assimilation of vowels. LEC *min-/*)amin- "woman": Bay amine, Gel minne. HEC *men-/*)amen- "woman" : Sid meen-to (pI.), Ala TTlElm-, Bmb aaTTlE&n-.

Omot *ma)in- "wife": Shn maan (pI.), Gim main. Rift *)amen- "wife": Irq ameni, Bur ameni. Dhl maani "barren woman". Contraetion. In Cush, several branehes re fleet *)amin-.

1701 *mabar- "mouth" WCh *mabar- "mouth": Hs mabäri. Bed ambar "mouth". WCh *ma- and Bed am- refleet the HS correspondenee that may be also traeed between Cush prefix *)am- and Chadie prefix *ma-.

1702 * mac- "be drunk" WCh *miwac- "beer": Ang mos, Sura mwos, Ank mwess, Mpn mwes, Grk mut-, Mnt mus. Derived from *mac-? LEC *mae- "be drunk": Or maeaw-.

370 Note

-c- preserved in Or in contrast to the expected reflex ofHS

*c > LEC *s, *$. Derived from the original noun? Omot *mae- "be drunk": Ome malto-, Kaf rrulS-, Mch maSa. Denominative form? 1703 *mac;:- "press, cut" WCh *maf- "press, squeeze": Hs Omot *maff- "cut": Kaf maf7-.


As to semanties, cf. W trychu "cut" - OEng thrycean "press". 1704 *mag- "be numerous, be big" CCh *magwa- "big, long, high": Mus mogwa. ECh *mag- "much, many": Turn miig. SA *mag-I*mang- "be strong" 1, "be numerous" 2, "filI" "plenty" 4: Saho meng- 1, meg- 2, Afar mag- 2, mangoo 4. Nasal infix in certain forms. 1705 *mag- "be bad" WCh *mug- "bad": Hs miigu. Secondary formation with modified vocalism. Bed maag "be bad". LEC *mag- "be bad": Or magu. 1706 *mac- "grain, cereal" Sem *miic- "corn, seed": Hbr miicii. ECh *may- "millet": Smr may, Ndam may. ECh *may- may reflect earlier *maH(i)-. 1707 *macaw-'*maCay- "wind" Eg mJ'w "wind" (MK). -j- stands for a vowel of the first syllable. ECh *maHay- "wind": Mkk maaye. Consonantal alternation *-w- -





1708 *macid- "stomach" Sem *macVd- "stornach": Arab macid-at-. Cf. also Arab macad- "side"? CCh *mVHid- "liver": Chb mide, Ngw mitja, Mrg mitja. ECh *myad- "beHy": Jegu med-et. *-ya- results from a contraction of *-aHi-.

1709 *mahar- "suck" Eg mhr "suck, milk" (gr). WCh *maHar- "suck": Ang mör. A regular contraction.

1710 *mahor- "slave, soldier" Sem *mVhVr- "service man, soldier": Ug mhr. Cf. the semantic development of OIr öc "young" (adj.) -"young man" -- "warrior". WCh *maHwar- "slave": KIr mahor, DB moor. CCh *mVhwar- "immigrant": Lame muhar. Secondary -u- after a labial.

1711 *mahaw-'*mahay- "forget" Eg mhy "be forgetful (of heart)" (MK). CCh *maw- < *maHaw- "forget": Bnn mawa. Contraction. Agaw *may- "forget": Xmr mii-t-, Kwr mey, Dmb mey, Kern maay. Narrow vowels in Xmr, Kwr and Dmb continue *-a- before *-y-.

Consonantal alternation *-w- -

1712 *malJ.- "tie" Eg mal "tie" (MK). Vocalic -l. ECh *maH- "tie": Smr mä.



MAljAL- -


1713 *malJ-al- "box, basket" Sem *maIJal- "box, basket": Akk ma!JtJ,alu. Eg mhn "box" (n). Irregular reflection of the laryngeal in late Eg. Sem loanword in Eg?

1714 *malJ-Vy- "wind" Sem *maIJVy- "storm": Akk metp1. Eg ImJIJ "turbulence" (sarc). Metathesis. V ocalic -J-. The alternative reconstruction is *y VmaIJ-.

1715 *makay- "stick" Sem *makVy- "stick": Akk makütu. CCh *makay- "stick": Bud makai.

1716 *makil- "boat" Sem *magzl- "barque, boat": Akk magzlu. Akk -g- substitutes *k? Eg mkr "ship" (XXII). Sem loanword? Note -r < *-1.

1717 *makVr- "(be) red" Sem *makr- "red": Akk makru. Eg mkrr "unknown color" (gr). -rr may continue *-r- or reflect a partial reduplication.




Sem *matV'- "vessel for offerings": Akk maqqu. Eg mdJ "measure (for dates)" (n). Palatalization of *-t-. HEC *maHat- "jar for milking": Sid maatte. Metathesis.




1719 *malaw- "desert" Sem *malaw- "desert": Arab maläe)-. -)- is of orthographie value only. Eg mrw "desert" . Note -r- < HS *-1-. 1720 *mam- "forget, doubt" WCh *mam- "forget": Siri mama, Mbu mamw-, Jmb mama. LEC *mam- "doubt": Or mama. Semantically, tertium comparationis may be formulated as * "not know". Hence, "not know exactly" -- "doubt', . 1721 *man- "know, test" Sem *mVnVw- "count" 1, "test, try" 2: Akk manü 1, Hbr m~ 1, Arab mnw [-u-] 2. Based on biliteral *m Vn-. The meaning"test, try" may be the most archaie in this grou p of words, serving as a source of other meanings connected with intellectual activities as such. WCh *man- "know": Mnt man, Ank man, Mpn män, Bol mon, Ngm man.

CCh *man-/*mun- "understand, analyze": Lame man, mun. Secondary *-u-. LEC *man- "mind": Som maan. Cf. also Eg mn.t "manner, way" (MK)? 1722 *man-/*mayan- "man" Berb *min- < *mf)Vn-"man": Zng min. WCh *man-/*min- "man": Krk mun (pt), Pol m.;)ni, Dwot mani, Buli m.;)n, Bar mani, Kir mini (pt), Bol menni, Geji mäni, Say mwan.

The variant *min- may go back to *mVyVn-. CCh *mayan- "man": Log meeni. LEC *mun- "male": Som mun. Secondary *-u-, cf. Omot. HEC *man- "people": Sid maana, Dar maana, Had maana, Kmb maana, Tmb mana.



Omot *mon-

Bnn matua. ECh *mawut- "die": Smr made, Turn mäde, Dng muutu, Mubi mat, Sok müta, mrta. LEC *müt- < *mVwVt- "die" 1, "deadly ill" 2: Rnd amut (1st sg.) 1, Gid muut 2.

1752 *may- "go, come" Eg m,ry "go" (pyr). Prefix *n V-. WCh *may- "return": Bol maa, Dera mai. CCh *may- "go" 1, "corne" 2: Gis me 1, Masa mai 2. ECh *maw-/*may- "outrun" 1, "enter" 2: Mobu maye mW;J




SA *maH- "corne": Saho ma, Afar ma. LEC *may- "corne": Arb maye. ECh and SA seem to reflect co-variants of the main root with consonantal alternations.




1753 *mayas- "know, hear" WCh *mayas- "know": Tuli miSt. Bed maasu(w)- "hear" . From *mayas- with *")1- > *-H-?

1754 *ma3i'- "vessel" Sem *magi)- "bronze vessel": Akk maziz1. Eg mdJy "vesseI" (n). Sem loanword in Eg?

1755 *mecit-/*mecut- "squeeze" Sem *m Vsut- "squeeze": Arab mst [-u-]. WCh *nyacut- "squeeze": Krk njaq.u, Tng sond-, Glm cuuz, Geji ceti, Dwot nZ:Jt. CCh *nVcit- "press": Tera njeq.i, Ngw nsit:J. In WCh and CCh *n- reflects the assimilation of *m-.

1756 *me1;l- "swim" Eg mlJy "swim, navigate" (a). Vocalic ")I. WCh *myaH- "swim": Bgh myau.

1757 *me1;las- "big snake, crocodile" Eg mzl}. "crocodile" (OK). Metathesis. WCh *myaHas- "python": Hs mesii. LEC *mas- "snake": Som mas-. Contraction. HEC *hamas- "snake": Sid hamaso, Had hamas-iüo, Bmb hamasi. Metathesis. Assimilation of vowels.

1758 *mek- "stone" Sem *mikk- "stone": Akk mikku, mekku. Eg mJl "granite" (OK).


MEK- -


Together, Eg -J- and Sem *i may re fleet only HS *e. 1759 *mer- "be near" Eg mr "nearness" (t). ECh *rrryar- "near, elose": Neh mera, Kbl mra. 1760 *mer- "beast of prey" CCh *rrryar- "serval, wild eat": Lame mer, mereo, LPe meri-an. Rift *mer- "lion": Asa mer-ok. Cf. Alg mariyamo "wild eat". 1761 *merP- "see, watch" Sem *)VmVr- "see": Akk amäru, Ug )amr. Metathesis. Eg mJJ "see" (weste). The alternative eomparison for mJJ is CCh *rrrya)- "see" (Bud me). ECh *rrryar- "look, peer": Bid mer. Agaw *mirri'- "look, wateh": Bil mili' y-. 1762 *met-met- "speak, shout" Eg mtmt "speak" (XVIII). ECh *rrryat-myat- "shout": Sok metemeteI). Reduplieation. 1763 *metP- "spear" Eg mtJy.t "spear" (BD). ECh *myat- "spear": Bid meta. Loss of the auslaut laryngeal. 1764 *mi(')- "child" Eg my "sperm, son" (XIX). Wrz *mi'ay- "baby, boy": Gaw mi'ay.

383 1765 *mP- "antelope" Eg ml "antelope" (pyr). CCh *miyaw- < *mi'-aw- "antelope": Lame miyeo, LPe miyeo, Zirne mryeo.

Agaw *miHiw- "kind of gazelle": Kern meewaa. 1766 *mPes- "tree" Sem *mVHVS- "kind of tree": Akk mesu. WCh *myas- < *mVHyas- "mahogany" 1, "locust-bean" TnES 1, Mpn mes 2. CCh *rrryas- < *mVHyas- "tamarind": Log mesä. HEC *mi}es- "cedar": Bmb mi'eesaa.



1767 *migir- "grass" Berb *mVgVr- "cut (grass)": Kbyemger. Denominative verb. LEC *migir- "kind of tough grass": Or migira. HEC *migir- "grass": Had migira. Rift *magir-I*migir- "firewood": Irq migir-, Alg magiru. 1768 *mi-'Vbal- "arrow, spear" Sem *mi-'(V)bal- "arrow": Arab mi'bal-at-. Eg m'bl "harpune" (pyr). Sem loanword? WCh *}umbul- < *mubul- "throw (a spear)": Bol }umbul. Denominative verb. 1769 *mic- "son, child" Sem *m Vl- "son": Ug mJ.. Eg ms "child" (pyr), Copt *mes: Akh mes, Boh mas, Shd mas. ECh *mic- "son, child": Bid mico, mica, Mig mzca. 1770 *min- "water, river" Eg myn.t "waters" (pyr). V ocalic :Y-.


MIN- -

CCh *min- "river" minu




FG mini


Kap mine




1771 *min- "worm" Sem *mün- "caterpillar": Akk münu. From *min-? Berb *mVn- "flea's eggs": Twl imniwan. Meaning? LEC *min(n)- "tapeworm": Or minni, Arb miinne. HEC *min(n)- "tapeworm": Dar minne. Rift *menan- "tapeworm": Asa menana. 1772 *min- "want" Sem *mVnJ.»- "want": Arab mtry, Soq mny, Gz mtry, Tgy mny. CCh *min- "want": Masa min. 1773 *minVc- "cow" Eg mnc.t "cow" (pyr). Agaw *miHVn- "young cow": Kern miyän. Metathesis. 1774 *mir- "river" Eg mr "channel, pond". CCh *mir- "river" 1, "pool" Prefix a- in Mus.



mir~ 1,

Mus amrai


1775 *mit- "insect" CCh *m Vd- "mosquito": Tera ~rb. Irregular Tera -d- < HS *+. LEC *mil- "worm" 1, "black ant" 2. Som mir! HEC *mil- "ant": Sid mila. Dhl muJ.a "smalI ant". -u- < *-i- after *m-.


Or mitii


MIT- -



1776 *mit- "pulI" Sem *mut- "pulI, stretch": Arab mtt [-u-], Hss met, Mhr met, Shh mit.

Secondary vowel. CCh *mit- "pull": Mtk mit.

1777 *mo)- "stick" Eg mJw "stick" (pyr). CCh *)u-mwa)- "twig": Msg umo. Prefix *)u-.

1778 *mo)- "be new" Eg mJ "new" (OK). WCh *mwa)- "new": Fyer mu, KIr möhwe, DB mwa. CCh *mway- "new": Tera mewa, Mofu nwuya.

1779 *modat- "tear" CCh *mwacf- < *mwadVH- "tear" : Gis moc!. LEC *mudal].- "tear off': Som mucjal].-. Som cf < *d has been influenced by the Iaryngeal.

1780 *mog- "head" CCh *mog- "head": Mnj mok, Msg mok. HEC *mug- "head": Bmb muga.

1781 *mo'u1;l- "bury" Eg m'I].'.t "tomb" (MK). U nexpected final -'. CCh *mwaHu- "bury": Lame mu)u, Msg mou. Wrz *may- "bury": Gaw may-.

1782 *mon- "move, go" Berb *mun- "accompany": Izy mun. Eg mnmn "move (away)" (OK).


MON- -

Reduplication. WCh *mwan- "go" mwän 2, Say man 3.







Ang mwen, Sura

Related to WCh *man- "return" (Ngm man) and CCh *min-/ *mun- id. (FJ mun, FM min, Mwu umina, Bch muna) ifthe above forms are not analyzed as *ma-n- and *mi-n-/*mu-n- correspondingly. 1783 *monVQ.- "slave" Eg mn~ "slave" (n). WCh *mwan- "slave": Bgh mwan. Loss of the auslaut laryngeal. 1784


Sem *mari'- "fat"


"fat, oil"

"fat cattle"


Akk maru


Ug mru



meri) 2.

Cf. Arab mrG [-a-]"oil" (v.). Eg mr~.t "fat, grease" (OK). WCh *mwaHir- "fat, oil": Hs mai, Sura mW:J:Jr, Ang mur, mwur, Mpn muur, mwoor, rrryar, Bol mor, Krk meru, Ngm mor, Maha mor, Bele muru, Krf muru, Gera moori, Glm m;,r, Grm moori, Pol miri, Geji mili, Brw miyir, Say mir, mäyi, Kir mär, Tala mir, Sha ma~, N gz m:Jr:Jk. Metathesis. CCh *mar- "fat, grease": Tera m;,T, Gude mara, Gudu mar, Bch mar:JY, N za mare. From *mwara-. LEC *mor- "fat": Or mOOTa. Irregular correspondences of laryngeals. 1785 *mos- "weapon" Sem *musay- "razor" 1, "knife" 2: Arab mus~- ,Soq mos mus 2, Mhr maus 2. Secondary *-u- after a labial. WCh *mas- "spear": Hs möJi. From *mwas-.



MOS- -



CCh *mwasa- "spear" 1, "iron" 2: Chb mwasi 1, KIb masu 1, Ngm mwasu 1, Wmd masu 1, Hil masu 1, Daba rn:]sa 2, Mus masa 2. ECh *mwasa- "iron": Mubi masiyo. Rift *mus- "spear": Asa muS-uk. 1786 *mos- "give birth" Eg msy "give birth" (pyr). Suffix :y. CCh *mwas- "give birth": Bata mwaza, Bch mwasa, Mwu kumwasa. Prefix *ku- in Mwu. 1787 *mu)- "man" WCh *mu)- "man": Dera mu, Tng muu, pI. mi. CCh *mP- "people": Log mi. From *mu)i-? LEC *moH- "man": Arb mo, moh. Omot *ma)-/*mo)- "man": Hozo mo, Sezo mao. Rift *mu)- "people": Irq mu, Kwz m~-iko.

1788 *mud- "speak" Berb *mVwVd- "ask, pray": Twl mud. Based on *mVd-. Eg mdw "speak" (pyr), Copt *mute: Boh mout, Shd moute. Vocalic -wo WCh *muq- "answer' ': Hs muqa. Unexpected *q. CCh *mud- "speak": Msg muda. ECh *mad- "ask" 1, "calI" 2: Jegu mäd 1, Ndam madid! 2. Partial reduplication in Ndam. Secondary vocalism? Cf. LEC *mod- "think"


HS *m Vw Vd- or *m Vd-): Som


1789 *muk- "press" Sem *muk- "be pressed": Hbr mkk [-u-]. WCh *muk- "press": Ang muk.


MUK- -


1790 *muk- "suck, drink" Sem *muk- "suck": Arab mkk [-u-]. WCh *muk- "sip" 1, "chew" 2: Ang muk


Mpn muk



mukk 2.

1791 *mulak-'*mulik- "stranger, chief" Sem *malik- "king": Akk malku, maliku, Hbr melek, Arab malk-, malik-. *-u- > *-a- after a labial. WCh *muIVk- "stranger" : Wrj m;,lki-z;,/uJ-, Diri murkyu. CCh *mulak- "stranger": Suk malak, Gis mulak.

The semantic connection of "stranger" and"ruler" reflects a certain historical reality of a "king" or"chief' belanging to or coming from an outside socio-ethnic group. At the same time, note CCh *mul- "king" (Bnn mula, Masa mula), ECh *mul- id. (Kwn mulä-te).

1792 *mulu c- "lizard" WCh *muluH- "gray lizard": Bks mulu-sus. Cf. Hs mulwa "short thick snake". SA *mulu c- "lizard": Afar mulluC-it. LEC *mulu c- "lizard": Sam muluca.

1793 *mun- "bird" Eg mnw.t "dove, turtle" (OK). WCh *mun- "bird": Kry münu. Cf. a partial reduplication in ECh *minin- "kind of bird": Bid mmznryo.

1794 *mun- "heart, liver" CCh *mun- "liver" : H wn m;,na-ra, Gbn m;,na);,ta, Gaa m;,n;,-tla, HNk mne, Kap mune, FG mini, Mtk m;,na-rj, Tera m;,nam;,na. Dhl muna "heart" . Cf. man i "Iarge intestine"? Rift *mun- "heart" : Irq muna, Bur muna, Kwz mun- ako, Asa mon-ok.

MUN- -



1795 *mun- "be, remain" Eg mn "remain" (pyr). WCh *mun- "remain": DB mun. CCh *min- < *muni- "be": Msg mine. 1796 *mune)- "love" (v.) Sem *mun- "love" 1, "be favorable" 2, "desire" 3: Akk menu Arab mnn [-u-] 2, Soq mny 3, Jib mutni 3. WCh *murrya- "love, like": Fyer muni, Sha mun, Pero meno. CCh *mun- "preferred": Lame mun.


1797 *mun-'*muyun- "ash, coal" Eg mn.w "ash, coal" (gr). WCh *muyun- "ash": Bgh muyun. Note the root pattern with "optional" C 2


1798 *munal)-'*munil)- "give" Sem *m Vna~-/*m Vni~- "give" 1, "offer" Soq mn~ 12. WCh *mun- "give": Pero munu.


Arab mnh. [-a- , -i-] ,

1799 *muq- "be wet" Sem *mutJ- "soak, dissolve": Akk matJätJu [-u-]. Berb *m Vy- "be damp": Ahg :JmTTUJy, Twl :Jmm:Jy. ECh *muk- "rinse out": Mkk muk-. 1800 *muqeq- "marrow, brain" Sem *mutJtJ- "marrow" 1, "brain" 2,: Akk mutJtJu Hbr möa~ 2, Aram (Syr) mu~M 1 2, Arab mutJtJ- 2. CCh *mVqyaq- "brain": Mnd TTUJkx,yekxe.


Ug mtJ


Derived from *muq- "be wet"? Cf. Skt majjan- "brain", Av mazga id., Slav *mozgb id. - IE *mezg- "dip, sink".




1801 *muga)-/*mugaw- "male relative" Sem *matJä) - "uncle": Akk maaä)u. Usual development of *u after a labial. Eg mhw.t "relative; subordinate; family" (MK). Irregular reflex of HS *-q-. WCh *muqa)- "king": Jim muga)a. CCh *mVq- "king": Kap m:Jre, Log mrai, Bud mei. Consonantal alternation *-)- in Chadic.

*-w-. Note the semantic shift

1802 *muqV)- "strike, pierce" Sem *mVllV)- "beat, flog": Aram (Syr) mlJ). Eg mai "pierce (with a spear)" . WCh *muHVq- "strike": Hs mü~a. Metathesis. ECh *muk- "beat": Mig mukkiyo. Rift *mux- "fight": Irq mux-. Cf. Dhl mukk-ee8- "take by force, plunder"? 1803 *mur- "man" WCh *mur- "servant": Hs murz-ma. CCh *mur- "man": Gudu m:Jr, Nza mure, Bch murey, Bata mur:m. HEC *mur- "infant": Sid mure. 1804 *murVl.I.- "feed" Sem *mVrVIJ- "feed": Akk mart1. ECh *muHVr- "food": Ndam mür, Bid muro. Metathesis. Related to *mori' -/*morilJ- "fat, oil". 1805 *murVt- "beard, chin" Eg mrt "chin" (I). From Berb (Nfs tu-mar-t "beard")? WCh *murV(- "beard": Diri mulr/u.


The word seems to be derived from a root preserved also in Chadic, cf. WCh *mar-/*mur- "beard": Wrj mara, Kry mar, Siri muri, Ngz mari.

1806 *mut- "man" Sem *mut- "man" 1, "nobleman" 2: Akk mutu 12, Ug mt mtttm 1 (pI.). Secondary vocalism influenced by the initial labial. WCh *mut- "man": Hs mut-um. ECh *muti- "man": Dng miti-ko, Sok mati, muli.



This root describes "man" as "mortal" , cf. *mawut- "die". The same semantic development is well-known in IE, cf. Skt mrta- "dead" - Av maJya-, OPers martiya- "man".

1807 *mut- "stick" Sem *mat- "stick, branch": Hbr mate. Eg mdw "stick" (OK).

1808 *m[u]yir- "snake" WCh *mvyir- "python": Sura miyir, Ang myirm, Chip mir, Mpn mer, mtr. Agaw *mir-/*mur- "snake": Bil TT/,;Jr-aawaa, Kern mEr-6Wa, mär-äwaa, Dmb merwaa, Dmt murii, Aun muri.

1809 *mu3- "cattle" Eg md.t "cattle" (OK). ECh *muj- "ox": Brg müzo.

1810 *mü)- "lion" Eg mJy "lion" (pyr). Vocalic :)I. ECh *mu)i- "lion": Smr mi, mui, Turn mui, müy, Ndam mui.


MV)AD- -


1811 *mV)ad- "be large" Sem *mV)äd- "many, much" 1, "very" CCh *m Vd- "Iarge" : Daba m:Jdde. Contraction.






1812 *mVd- "knife, axe" Sem *m Vdy- "knife": Arab mady-at-, midy-at-, mudy-atWCh *)i-mVd- "smalI axe": Grk imda. CCh *mVd- "axe": Gudu m:Jdö-cü.

1813 *mVdun- "vessel" Berb *m Vdun- "kind of pan" 1, "kind of basin" 2: Izn mädun Kby amdun 2. WCh *nVdun-H- "pot" 1, "drum" 2: Sha ndUlJ 1, KIr ndUlJ 2. Assimilation of the initial *m-.


1814 *mVl- "speak, call" Sem *mVl- "speak": Aram mll. Berb *mVl- "say, indicate" 1, "shout, call" mmel 2 .


Twl ;Jm:Jl

1815 *mVlog- "bosom; suck" Sem *mVlag-l*mVlug- "suck": Arab mlg [-a-, -u-]. Eg mnd "bosom, udder" (pyr), Copt *mnot: Boh mnot. Note the progressive palatalization of *-g-.

1816 *mVlV1.t-/*mVlVb- "be good" Sem *mVlVlJ- "be good": Arab mll). Eg mnIJ "be fitting, fit". Irregular correspondence of laryngeals.

1817 *mVsaw-l*mVsay- "cereal" Eg m.ry "kind of corn" (n).






CCh *mVsaw- "millet": Log msoii. Consonantal alternation *-w- -


1818 *mVtaI.t- "be sweet" Sem *mVtn:- "be sweet": Akk matiiqu, Hbr mtq, Hss matq, Mhr matq, Shh matq, Soq mataq. CCh *mVtak- "sweet": Mtk mtake.

1819 *mVtur- "run" Sem *mVtur- "go fast (of horses)": Arab mtr [-u-]. CCh *mVtVr- "run": Glv mtbr-.

*n 1820 *na'-/*naw-/*nay- "see" Berb *nVn- "see": Izyanni. Redu plication. Eg nw "see" (XVIII). WCh *na'-/*nay- "see": Sura naa, Ang ne, Chip naa, Bol innaa-, Krk naa, Krf nee, Gera nee, Glm ny, Grm nee, Wrj nah, Kry naluJ, Miya nay, Mbu nar. CCh *na'-/*ni'- "see": Tera na, Gbn ni, Mnd ~- . *ni'- goes back to *n ~-. LEC *nay- "Iearn": Arb nay-. The semantic shift is similar to the development of Goth witan "know" < IE *weid- "see". Consonantal alternation *-'- -

*-w- -


1821 *na'ib- "left" Eg lJby "Ieft" (pyr). Note 1- < HS *n-. Vocalic :)'. WCh *nal;- < *na' Vb- "Ieft": Zar nal;i. While WCh reflects initial *n-, Eg may weIl indicate *1-



394 If *1- was originally in the anlaut, the reconstruction *la)Vb- is to be connected with HS *lib-/*lub- "heart" . If *n- is reconstructed in HS, cf. *nib- "heart" .

1822 *nab- "speak; name" Sem *n Vb- "cali" 1, "speak" 2, "nominate" 3: Akk naba nb) 2, SAr nb) 2, Gz nbb 2, Sog nb) 3, J ib enbe 3. WCh *nab- "read, count": Tng nabi. Omot *nab- "name": Hmr nabi, naabi. Deverbative formation.



1823 *nabal- "arrow, spear" Sem *nabl- "arrow": Arab nabl-. Rift *labal- "spear": Irq lawala, Alg labala, Bur labala. Assimilation of the initial *n- > *1-.

1824 *nacin- "(be) sharp" Sem *nasin- "sharp point, nail": Akk nasinu. Eg nsny "sharp" (NK). < *s before *i.




"speak, call"

Sem *n V,f- "dictate ( a letter)": Arab n$$. Eg nd "cali" (OK). ECh *nas- "chat": Turn naj. Voicingofauslaut *-s- > -j.

1826 *nad-/*nid- "go, walk" Sem *nid- "go fast" 1, "run (away)" 2: Ugndd (BibI) ndd 2, Arab ndd [-i-] 2. Cf. also Hbr n~, ndy "move away". Berb *n Vy Vd- "walk": Izy nyuddu. Based on *n Vd-. Eg nwd "move" (med). Based on *n Vd-.






WCh *nVd- "go (away)" 1, "come" ndayi 1, Krf ndo 2, Pol nduwu 1. CCh *nad- "come" : Wmd and-;Jw. Alternation *a -




Bol ndi-


Krk nde-,


1827 *nadac- "swallow" CCh *nVda- "swallow": HNk nda-re, FK nda-, HF ndaxo, Glv ndu, Mofu nd-, Gude nday-. SA *nada c- "swallow": Saho nada c-, Afar nadac-. 1828 *naf- "breath" Eg nf "breath" (NK). SA *naf- "breath, soul" 1, "face" 2: Saho nafl, Afar neef2. LEC *nazj- "breath , soul" 1 , "body" 2.• Som nazj neef 1 Or nafa ':J" Arb nafa 2. ,~,


Related to *nif- "smell, breathe". 1829 *nafar- "man" Sem *napr- "man, group of men": Arab nafr-. WCh *nafar- "man": DB naafara. Derived from *naf- "man, person" preserved only in WCh: DB näf, Gul näfu. Cf. also Pero neepe "first born child". 1830 *nafus- "breath" Sem *naps- "breath, soul": Akk napistu, Ug nps, Hbr nepes, Aram (Syr) napsä, Arab naJs-, Gz nafs, Hss nefeset, Mhr nefesit, Shh nefset. Berb *nVfas- "breath": Ahg u-nfas. Metathesis of vowels. WCh *nufas- "breath": Hs numjäsz, lumJa'it, Sha lafwos, lufwos. Secondary nasal infix in Hs and dissimilation of *n- in Sha. Metathesis of vowels. CCh *naUJus- "soul": Log naWUS;J. A widely attested semantic pattern, cf. Lat anima "breath" ..... "soul" . SA *naJVs- "breathing": Saho nafse.




Metathesis of vowels explained by the influence of verbal forms. Derived from *naf- "breath". Related to *nufas- "blow, breathe". Cf. also Sem *nVSVp- "blow" (Akk naJäpu, Hbr nsp, Aram nsp) and Eg nsp "breathe" (gr) if these are not derived from *sip- "blow".

1831 *nagac-'*naguc- "ruler, man" Sem *n Vgu1- "ruler": Arab nigäS-, Gz ~gu1. Cf. also SAr ngswn "king's tide". Arab may be a Gz loanword or a deverbative. CCh *ma-nVgaS- "bridegroom": Gis mangas. Prefix *ma-. LEC *)angaJ- "tribal chief' 1, "eldest son" 2: Som ugaas 1, Or angafu 2. Metathesis in the anlaut. Assimilation of vowels in Or. Note *-ng- > -g- in Som. Omot *)angus- "first-born son": Ome angussaa. As in LEC, initial *) Vn- corresponds to Chadic and Sem *n V-. *-s- < HS *-c- is not quite regular.

1832 *nag[i]H- "cattle" Sem *naCg- "sheep": Arab naCg-at-. Metathesis. Eg ngJ "buH" (OK). WCh *nungi- "cow": Sura nil), Ang nüng, Mnt nung. WCh, presumably, represents a partial reduplication *nu-n Vgifrom *nu-n VgiH-. On the other hand, WCh could be borrowed from Fulbe. Note contradictory evidence of Sem and Eg as far as the laryngeal is concerned.

1833 *nacVw- "snake, worm" Eg nCw "kind of snake" (BD). WCh *nVHVw- "snake": Sural)w:J:J, Chip nW:J, Mpn nwo. Omot *naHu- "worm": Kaf nau-ttoo.







Sem *n Vha~-I*n Vhu~- "cry, shout" 1, "bray" 2: Akk naqu 1, Hbr nhq 1, Arab nhq [-a-, -u-] 1, Gz nhq 1, Hss nekäq 2, Mhr nehiq 2, Shh nhEq 2. ECh *nak- < *naHak- "cry": Kera nak-te. Contraction. Cf. CCh *rryax- "ask": Daba nexu.

1835 *nal;1- "want" Eg nl)y "want" (MK). -y is a suffix. CCh *naH- "want, love": Glv nä.


1836 *nah- "oil , fat" Sem *näa- "fat, grease": Akk näau. Eg nM "oil" (n). Partial reduplication. -1)- is a late Eg reflex of


Irregular correspondence of laryngeals. A cultural word?

1837 *nag- "bend" (intr.) Sem *n VlJ- "bend" : Arab naa· Agaw *naH- "bend": Bil na) y-. Cf. Bed nu)- "lower, put".

1838 *nagas- "pieree" Sem *n VlJas-l*n VlJuS- "prick": Arab nlJs [-a-, -u-]. WCh *nas- "pierce (with spear)": Hs naSe. ECh *nas- < *naHas- "pierce": Mobu nase, Ngam nesi.

1839 *nagür- "nose" Sem *naatr- "nostrils" 1, "nose" 2: Akk naatru Aram (Syr) m:J!Jtre 1, Arab manair- 1, Jib nal)er Prefix *ma- in Arab. Berb *nVlJur- "nose": Ghat a-nJur, Ahg a-ngur.

1, 2,

Hbr nt!Jtrayim Soq nal)rir 2.





1840 *nakar-/*nakir- "refuse, deny" Sem *nVkar- "ignore, disapprove": Arab nkr [-a-], Jib nk:Jr. ECh *nakir- "refuse": Tob naar, Dng nakir. Derivative from *kor- preserved only in Chadic: WCh *kwar"refuse" (Sura kwar) and CCh *kyar-/*kwar- "refuse" (Hwn kar, Gaa /c:}rja, Gbn kerja, Mwu ukoro, FMch kara). 1841 *nam- "man" ECh *nam- "people": Turn nemi-nam. Old collective. Cf. Kwn nom-tö "woman" , Sib (pI.) nam-de id. SA *num- "man": Afar nuum, nuumuu. Probably, *u < *a before *-m-. LEC *nam-/*nim- "man": Som nin, Or nama, Kon nama, Bus nama, Gdl nama. Regular Som -n < *-m. Vocalism of Som has no support in other forms. Omot *nam- "man" 1, "son" 2: Kaf anaamoo 1, Mch naamo 2. 1842 *nan- "god" Eg nn "primeval god [Urgott]" (gr). WCh *nan- "god": Sura nän, Ang nen, Mnt nän, Ank nän, Mpn nän. 1843 *nan- "go, walk" Berb *n Vn- "go across": Izy ennu. Eg nny "go" (pyr). -y is a suffix. CCh *nan- "go": Masa nana. LEC *nan- "go round" 1, "walk"


Or naannawa


Arb nannz-

ete 2.

Reduplication? 1844



Sem *nani/s- "plant": Akk naniqu. Eg lnnk "medicinal herb" (med). Prefix i-? Irregular correspondence of Sem *'s - Eg k. A loanword?

NAP- -



1845 *nap- "intestine" Eg npl "guts" (sare). Voealie -l. CCh *ni-nap- "liver" : Daba ninap. Partial reduplieation. Cf. also FKi TUJifo "heart" , Log TUJju id. 1846 *napil- "snake, worm" Sem *napil- "eaterpillar": Akk nappillu. Eg npn "snake" (reg). -n < HS *-1-. 1847 *naw- "be tired" Eg nw "weak" (MK). WCh *na)-/*naw-/*nay- "be tired": Ank ne, Geji na)- wi, Wrj nuw-, Kry nuwa. Seeondary -)- in Geji? Cf. also Kry nuwa "tiredness". Any eonneetion with *naw-/*ntry- "be bad"? 1848 *naw-I*nay- "be bad" Eg ny.t "evil" (BD). WCh *nt?aw- "be bad": Ank niau. Modifieation of the original stern. ECh *naw- "evil, terrible": Mkk näwa. Consonantal alternation *-w- -


1849 *nawac- "wine, beer" Sem *nafwJaJ- "kind of beer": Akk näSu. Eg wns.t "wine" (XIX). Metathesis. An alternative reeonstruetion is *wanac-. 1850 *nayaw- "vessel" Eg nyw "pot" (med), nw (n).




ECh *nayaw- "mug": Jegu naayo. 1851 *ne)ul- "moisten" Sem *n V'Vl- "moisten": Akk na)älu. CCh *nVHul- "moisten": Masa 1)ul-. Masa 1)- < *nH-. ECh *nyaHul- "rain" (v.): Sbn nw~:/;}:, Mig nyälo. 1852 *neb- "swim" Eg nby "swim" (pyr). Vocalic :y. CCh *nyabi- "swim": Gul nebia. 1853 *necac- "inhale through the nose" Sem *n Vsa c- "introduce a medicine through the nase" 1, "sniff, snuffle" 2: Arab nSC [-a-] 1, Hss se-nfä 2, Mhr se-nfe 3 , Jib nifa 4. Berb *n V[cJ- "sneeze": Nfs ~-nzu, Siwa ~-nzu, Mzab ~-nzu, Sml t-inzi.

WCh *nyaHVc- "breathe": KIr nos, Bol nes-. ECh *nyaHas- "breathe": Mig naaso, Bid nes. Metathesis. Cf. *n Vcag- "inhale through the nase". 1854 *neg- "ask, shout" Eg nd "ask (advice)" (pyr). Palatalization of *g after *e. CCh *nVg- "answer": Glv nggw. ECh *nyag- "shout": Sok negi. 1855 *neg- "spit" Eg nb "spit" (pyr). CCh *nyah- "spit": Mnd


Bata naewi, Mwl nayi.

NEtI- -



1856 *ne:g- "saliva" Eg nl1 "saliva" (pyr). CCh *nyah- "saliva": Mnd nyehE, Lame ne'e. Derived from *nea- "spit". Reduplicated m ECh *naHan"saliva": Brg naani. 1857 *nek- "punish" Eg nyk "punish" (pyr). V ocalic ")'. CCh *nyak- "punish": Bch nyaka. Cf. ECh *nik- "disobey": Mkk nzke. 1858 *nes- "sand" Eg

ns "sand" (I). Irregular -s
*l-. Reduplication of *naw- "be tired".






1877 *nin-/*nun- "water" Eg nnw "water" (pyr). CCh *nin- "water, dew": Msm nina, Msg eneni, Mba nini-rf.. Alternation *i -

*u. Any relation to Sem *nun- "fish"?

1878 *ninay- "man" Eg wmry.w "people, men" (XVIII). w- is aprefix. WCh *nin JY- "man": Pero ninya. Omot *n Vna[yJ- "relative, nephew": Ome nainaa, Gim niania. Cf. ECh *nun- "( dead) body": Mkk nuune? 1879 *niwiw- "plant" Eg nywyw "kind of plant" (med). CCh *nVwVw- "grass": Gudu nwu:wa. Partial reduplication? 1880 *nol;1- "tie" Eg nwlJ, "tie" (BD). V ocalic -w-. WCh *nwaH- "tie": Bks no), Sha no). 1881



Sem *n V(c- "pour out": Akk naqu. Denominative verb? Eg n/sw.t "liquid" (med). Vocalic -wo Ome *no/s- "water": Ari no/sa, noka, Dime naayo, Banna nooqo, Karo nu/so.

1882 *nufas- "blow. breathe" Sem *nVpVS- "blow, breathe": Akk napäSu, Soq nefos.




WCh *nujas- "breathe": Hs numfosa, lumfasä, DB najos, Kul nos, Sha lujwos. Agaw *nVjVs- "blow": Aun nejes-;'IJ.

1883 *nug- "cry" (v. and n.) Sem *nug- "cry": Akk nagägu [-u-]. Eg ngg "cry (of a goose)" (pyr).

1884 *num- "lie" (v.) Sem *nim-/*num- "lie, gossip": Arab nmm [-i-, -u-]. WCh *num- "lie"; Ang nüm.

1885 *nuta)- "go, ron" Sem *n Vta) - "go out": Arab nt' [-a-]. Eg ntJ "run" (pyr). WCh *nuHVt- "pass (by)": Ngz nütu.

1886 *numur- "leopard, hyaena" Sem *namir- "leopard" < * "spotted": Akk nimm, Hbr namer, Aram (Syr) nemrö, Arab nimr-, namir-, Gz namr, Hss nemr. WCh *mumm- "hyaena": Bks mumm, Sha mumm, DB mumm. Assimilation of nasals. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *numm-.

1887 *nüs- "woman" Sem *nisw- "woman": Hbr näEm (pl.), Aram nessi, Arab nisw-at-. WCh *nus- "woman" 1, "female" (adj.) 2: Fyer nusi 1, Sha nisi 2. CCh *nus- "woman" : Tera nusu, Glv nusa, Gvo nusa. LEC *)a-n Vs- "sister": Gel anso. *)a- is aprefix. Connected with *nüs- "man".

NÜS- -



1888 *nüs- "man" Sem *nis- "man": Akk nisü, (pI.) niE, Ug ns-m, Aram (Syr) nösö, Arab näs- (coH.). Eg nswy.w "servants" (MK). WCh *nusi- "brother": Bks nus, DB nis. Agaw *nVs- "male": Kern näsiyä. Omot *nuS- "husband": Nao nuuSe.

1889 *nVbir- "increase" Sem *n Vbir- "increase, grow": Arab nbr [-i-]. CCh *m Vb Vr- < *n Vb Vr- "increase": Glv mb:Jr-, N ak mb:Jr-. Assimilation of the initial nasal.

1890 *nVcac- "tear out" Sem *nVsa c- "tear out": Ug ns" Hbr nsc, Aram ns" Arab nsc [-a-]. WCh *nVca c- "tear out, puH": Krk nza, Paa ca.

1891 *nVcuw- "wolf, jackal" Eg wns "wolf' (OK). Metathesis. WCh *n VCuw- "wild dog": Sura ncuwe, Ang cewe. Secondary development of the root vowel before *w. Assimilation of vowels in Ang. Cf. Rift *)in~a(n)w- < *ni~aw- "jackal" (Irq in~aIJw), Sem *layl- "lion" (Akk nesu, Hbr layis, Arab layl-) and Dhl na ceele "dog" .

1892 *nVcag- "inhaIe through the nose" Sem *nVsag- "introduce a medicine through the nose": Arab nsg [-a-], Tgy nsc. Berb *nVyV3- "swallow mucus from the nose": Ghat zu-ny:Jz, Ayr z:J-ny:Jz, Ahg zu-nY:Jh, Twl z:J-ny:Jz. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *n Vgac-. Cf. also *noca c- id.





1893 *nVdaw- "speak, call" Sem *n Vdaw- "calI": Arab ndw [-a-]. WCh *nVd- "speak, say": Diri nda, Miya and-, Mbu nd-. Loss of the auslaut laryngeal. CCh *nVdVy- "ask": Zgh ndiy)a.

1894 *nVfVc- "go" Sem *nVpVC- "go": Akk nepu. Eg n.f "go (from)" (MK).

1895 *nVg- "shine; light" Sem *nVgVh- "shine": Ug ngh, Hbr ngh, Aram ngh, Arab ngh, Gz ngh. Based on biliteral *n Vg-. CCh *nVgya- < *nVg~- "light" (n.): Mnd IJrya, Mnd eIJya. Cf. EGh *n Vg- "tomorrow": Sok nogo.

1896 *nV gil- "cut" Sem *nVgil- "mow, reap": Arab ngl [-i-]. GCh *nVgVl- "cut": Mafa ng;,l-.

1897 *nVgol- "throw" Sem *n Vgil- "throw": Arab ngl [-i-]. WCh *n Vgwal- "throw": Glm IJgwal, Gera IJwal.

1898 *nVguf- "cut, break" Sem *nVgup- "hew, cut": Arab ngf[-u-]. GCh *n Vguf- "break (pottery)" : Mofu nguJ. Derived from *gif- "strike, pierce"?

1899 *nVgVC- "break, strike" Sem *nVgVC- "strike, crack": Hbr ng" Gz nagwa c.

NVeV c- -



CCh *n Vg- "break": Daba nga, Log ggi, Bud gai. Derived from *nig- "break".

1900 *nVba3- "pierce" Sem *nVlJaz- "pierce (with a weapon)": Arab n!Jz [-a-]. CCh *nVrV3- "throw (a spear)": Mafa ng:Jz-. Cf. *nalJas- id.

1901 *nVbor- "snore" Sem *nVlJir-/*nVlJur- "snore": Arab nlJr [-i-, -u-], Jib :JnlJerer, nalJar, Hss enlJirör, Mhr enlJirör, Shh enlJerer. WCh *n VlJwar- "snore": Krk ngor, Kry ng:Jr-:Jn, Cagu ngwar, Mbu ngur-~.

ECh *n Vywar- "snore": Sbn I]w:Jr:J, Mobu ongore, Ngm oIJgore. Derived from *naIJür- "nose" .

1902 *nVkVl- "be evil" Sem *n Vk Vl- "have ill intentions, be perfidious" 1, "teach a lesson" 2: Akk nakälu 1, Hbr nkl 1, Aram nkl 1, Arab nkl 2. Eg nkn "cause evil, harm, damage" (MK).

1903 *nVmVs- "move" Sem *nVmVS- "move, start": Akk namäSu. Eg nms "corne" (XIX).

1904 *nVsog- "pull" Sem *n VSVg- "puH, puH out hair": Jib nis:Jg. CCh *nVsVr- "puH": Kap nsxu-mte, HF nS:JXu-so, sxu-nto. ECh *swag- "puH": Tob soge. ECh probably continues a root without prefix *n V-.


1905 *nVtVf- "spit, sprinkle" Sem *nVtVp- "spit out": Arg ntf. Eg ntf "sprinkle" (OK). Derived from *tuf- "spit".

1906 *nVwur- "light" (n.) Sem *nzr-/*nür- "light" (n.): Akk nüru, Ug nr, nyr, Hbr nzr. Contraction. CCh *nVwur- "light" (n.): Log nür.

1907 *nVwVq- "rest" (v.) Sem *nülJ- "rest, be still": Akk nalJu, Ug nwlJ, Hbr nw4. Cf. Arab nwlJ "put a camel on its knees". WCh *nVwVq- "rest" (v.): Sura nook, Mpn nook. Cf. Ang nyok "life, rest".

1908 *nVyV(- "turn" Sem *nz(- "turn" 1, "be bent" Eg "turn" (OK). Metathesis.



Akk ne'u


Arab ny( [-i-]


An alternative reconstruction is *n VC J»-.

1909 *nV3al- "flow, pour" Sem *nVzVI- "flow": Hbr nzl. WCh *nV3al- "pour": Bol nzolu-, Krk nzalu, Ngm nzal, Kry zal.

*p 1910 *pa)- "dig, bury" CCh *paH- "bury": Mus pa, Mba pä, Log jä, Tera pa-ra, H wn pa-I) .


Cf. reduplication in Mofu päpa "till land with aspade". Rift *po'- "dig (hole)": Kwz po'-otis. Assimilation of vowels. Cf. Dhl p'ucc-uö-"drill hole"?

1911 *pa'-/*paw- "fly, jump" Eg pi "fiy" (pyr). Weh *paH- "fiy": KIr phax. CCh *paw- "jump quickly": Mofu paw. Consonantal alternation *-'- - *-w-.

1912 *pa'-/*paw-/*pay- "split, tear" Sem *pV'ay- "split" 1, "pierce" 2: Hbr p'y 1, Arabf'y [-a-] 12 Based on biconsonantal *pV'-. WCh *pay- "break in pieces": Bol poyy-. Cf. Tng pawa "act of slaughtering" CCh *puw- < *pawu- "split, te ar into pieces": Mofu puw- . Secondary *u before a labial. Consonantal alternation *-'- - *-w- -


1913 *pa'ir- "mouse, rat" Sem *pa'r "rat": Arab fa'r-. Cf. also reduplicated Akk perurütu. WCh *fiyar- < *pa'ir- "mouse, rat": Hs lJerä. Emphatic *fi- continues *p- in contact with a laryngeal.



"be thin"

Sem *pils- "be thin, be narrow": Akk piäqu. Eg pJls "thin" (NK). WCh *pak- "broad and thin": Hsfakä. Contraction of *pa'Vk-. CCh *Juk- "thin": Msgfuki. Contraction?


1915 *pa)us- "axe" Sem *pa)s- "axe": AkkpäSu, Arabja)s-, Soqjo)s, Shhju)s, Mhrjos. ECh *pa)as- "axe": Jegujas, Sok pas, Smr bas. Borrowed from Sem? HEC *Ja)as- "axe": Sidjaase. Borrowed from Sem? Dhljat'so "axe". Phonologie al details are not quite clear.

1916 *pac- "destroy, break" Sem *pVs- "destroy, break": Akk pasäsu, Aram (Mand) pss. ECh *pac- "break": Turn paj. Voicing of the auslaut affrieate in Turn.



"scrape, scrub"

WCh *p V{- "pare" : Dera pet/e. CCh *pai- "sweep": Mafa pac-. LEC *Ja[cJ- "serape away": Somjat/-. HEC *Ji~- "eomb" (v.): Kabjif?'o. Omot *pi~- "serub": Meh pif?'a. Seeondary emphatie p- in Meh. Alternation *a -


1918 *pac- "card, comb" (v.) Sem *nVpu1- "separate wool with fingers, eard": Arab Seeondary *u. Prefix *n V-. Berb *JVs- "separate, eard": Kby :1jsi. WCh *pac- "comb hair": Mpn paas. Related to .p VC- "distribute, divide"?

1919 *pac- "straddle, spread" Eg pSi "straddle, spread" (pyr). ECh *pac- "bifureate" (v.): Bid paaco.

nfi [-u-].

PAG- -



1920 ·pag- "split, chop" Sem ·pag- "strike" 1, "split, furrow" 2: Hbr pg' 1, Arab jgg [-a-] 2. _C_ in Hbr seems to be an extension of a biconsonantal stern. Eg pgi "kill (enemies)" (XVIII). ECh ·pag- "chop": Turn pog.

1921 ·pag- "open" Sem ·pVg- "open": Arabjgw [-u-]. Cf. Hss jegget "broad spacing of the teeth". Eg pgi "open" (MK). Vocalic -i.

1922 ·pagal- "vessel" Sem ·pagal- "yessel (for libations)": Akkpagalu. Eg pgi "bowl" (MK). -i < HS ·-1-.

1923 ·pacur- "dove" Eg pCr.t "doye" (NK). WCh ·par- < ·paHVr- "quail": Hs qarwä . •Ji- < .p- in contact with a laryngeal. CCh ·puruw- < ·paruw- "turtle doye": Mwl puruwo, Nza puruwe.

1924 ·pal;lar- "dig" Sem ·pVlJVr- "dig (earth)": Arabfo,r, Gzfo,r, Amhjarä. WCh ·paHar- "making holes for seeds": N gz paaru. Cf. SA *fara c- "dig" (Saho jara C) with a different laryngeal.

1925 ·pal;loc;- "scrape, cut" Sem .p~- "scratch earth, dig"": Arabfo,$ [-a-]. WCh ·pVwac- < ·paHwac- "scrape, rub": Ang pos, Mpn pwäs, pwes.


PAtI- -


1926 ·pa1J- "elose, lock" Sem ·pV!JP- "elose, lock": Akkpetpl. Based on ·pVlJ-. WCh ·paH- "elose": Surapä, Angpö, Bolfa, Krkf-, Fyer pa, Bks va, Sha VU, KIr fu, DB voh.

1927 ·pa1J- "field" Eg PlJ].t "field" (n). Vocalic -]. WCh ·paIJ- "eleared open space, farm": Hsfage.

1928 ·pa1Jal- "leg, thigh" Sem *paIJal- "thigh": Akk palJallu. WCh *pyal- < *paHal- "thigh": Ang pyäl. CCh ·paX Vl- "leg, thigh": Daba paxal, Tera holi, Mus hul. Related to ·palJud- "leg, thigh".

1929 ·pa1Jal- "break through, split" Sem *p VlaIJ- "split": Hbr plI]" Arab fllJ [-a-]. Metathesis. Eg PlJ] "split, break through" (MK). -] < HS *-l-. WCh ·paHal- "break through" 1, "strike" päle 2, Pero päl 2. CCh ·pal- "break": Mafa pal-. ECh *palVw- "break": Kera palwe. From ·palVH-, metathesis from ·paHVl-.


Hs lJalle



1930 ·pa1Jid- "fall, throw" Eg pM "throw down" (NK). WCh ·paHid- "fall": Hsfor/.i, Chip pit-, Ank petta.

1931 ·pa1Jud- "leg, thigh" Sem *paIJud- "thigh": Hbr pal],adayim (dual.), Aram (Syr) pül],d-, Mhr faIJed, Shh fuIJud.

PA~UD- -

PAI.e) wet": Sok peso.

1971 ·per- "bird" Sem ·pirr- "quaiI": Arab jz'rr-at-. Reduplication in Gzj:Jrj:Jr-t id. WCh ·pyar- "smalI bird": Hsjerü.

1972 ·per- "refuse" Sem .p Vr- "forbid, refuse": Hbr prr. CCh ·pyar- "refuse": Hil pYEri.

1973 ·pPa c- "rain" Eg pic.t "sky waters" (pyr). CCh ·pPac- "rainy season": Msg pia" Mofu piya, Mba piya.

1974 ·pic- "hand" Sem ·pas-I·pis- "palm": Aram (BibI) pas-, Qud) pis-t-.

PIC- -



Berb *Jus- "hand": Ahg ajus, Ghat a:JUs, Ghd uj~s, Siwafous, Sml ajus, Rif a-Jus, Kby ajus. Irregular *s < HS *c. Secondary *-u- < *-i- after a labial. ECh *pis- "hand, arm": Dng pise, Mig pesse, Bid pese, Mubifoso.

1975 *pic- "cloth" Sem *pVJ.- "cloth": Hbr peset. Eg pss.t "rnat" (MK). -ss is an orthographie representation of *-c-. WCh *pic- "shroud": DB pis. ECh *pVC- "apron": Kerap~si.

1976 *pic- "spit" Sem *nVpil- "spit": Ug nJ1, Arab nJ1 [-i-, -u-]. Prefix *n V-. Berb *.fVs- "spit": Ntf s-ufs, Izy fs, Snus s-uf~s. WCh *pic/s- "spit": Krfßs-, Gerafiisii-, Glm p~s, Kry p~3a, Paa p~su, Cagu p~c, J mb f~s. CCh *pic- "spew": Tera p~s~, Behfis~. ECh *pic- "spit": Mig pisaw.



1977 *pig- "stretch" Sem *pVg- "draw (the bow)": Arabfgg. Eg Pd "draw (the string"). Progressive palatalization of *-g-. WCh *pig- "pluek out, draw out (sword)": Hsfigä.

1978 *pil- "insect" CCh *pilu- "mosquito": Mbafulay, Mus aßli. Agaw *pil- "flea": Kwr peliya, Kemjäle. Omot *pil- "flea": Kaf pillo. Cf. Rift *pa'al- "flying termite": Kwz pa'al-iko.




Sem *pilafs- "dagger" pelq- 2.


"axe, hoe"


Akk pilaqqu


Aram (Syr)





Berb *bVln:- "blade": Ahg ta-b~q. Irregular *b- < HS *p-.




Sem *p VlV$- "divide, split": Gzfl$, Tgr fl$, Tgy fl$, Amhfl$· Agaw *jilif- "divide": Aunfelec-.

1981 *pir- "fly, soar" Sem *pVr- "fly" 1, "flee" 2: Ug pr 1, Aram prr 1, Arabfrr 2, Hss fer 1, Mhr farr 1, Soqfer 1, Tgy frr 1. Berb *fVr- "fly": Ahg j;m-t, Sml ji'rri. Eg pry "soar, rise" (pyr). Related to pry "go out". WCh *pz'r- "soar" 1, "stretch the wings" 2: Hsfira 1, Ang pzr 2. CCh *pVr- "bird's flight": Mafa parr, perr. Bed fir "fly" . Agaw *jir- "fly": Bilfir y-.

1982 *pir- "lock" (n.) Berb *jir- "lock" 1, "iron horse-Iock" tay1f;]r-t 2. Eg piy "part of the doorlock". -i- < HS *-r-.


Zng tijer-an



1983 *pir- "fruit, corn" Sem *pir- "fruit": Phn pr, Ug pr, Hhr p:J rz, Aram (Syr) pirä, Gz f;]re. Cf. Hssferrät "unripe fruit", Mhrferrät id., Shhferrot id. Berh *jar- "corn": Gua ajaro. The vocalism may reflect a different alternation grade. Eg pr.t "fruit, crop, seed" (OK). Agaw *jir- "fruit" 1, "corn" 2: Bil ji'r 1, Xmr fira 1, Kwr ji'ra 1, Dmh ji'ra 1, Kern ji'r 2. SA *jir- "flowers, fruit": Saho fire. LEC *jir- "fruit": Or firi.

P1RAtI- -



1984 ·pirab- "sprout, flower" Sem ·piraIJ- "sprout" 1, "flower" 2: Akk peru 1, Ug prIJ, Hbr peraIJ, Aram (Syr) parM 2, ArabJarIJ- 1, GzJarIJa 1. Eg prIJ "flower" (n). Derived from ·pir- "fruit, corn".

1985 ·pirat- "break, split" Sem ·pVrVt- "break": AmhJärrätä WCh ·pirVt- "split (firewood)": HsJirr!e. Cf. irregular -rrj- < ·-rt-. Cf. also HsJarrjO.,jarrjo,jurrJa "crack (nuts)" . ECh ·pyarVt- < ·pirat- "break, crack": Kera perte. HEC *Jir(V)t- "cut, prune": Bmbjirt-.

1986 ·piric- "break, grind" Sem .p Vris- "break" 1, "tear" 2: Aram (Syr) prs [ -i-] 1 2. CCh ·pVrVc- "grind": Mofu pirs-. ECh ·pirVs- "crush (grain)": Mkk pirza. Agaw *Jiris- "be destroyed": AunJeres-:JI].


Arab Jrs

1987 ·pirig- "separate" Sem ·pVrig- "open, enlarge, separate": Arabfrg [-i-]. ECh ·pir Vg- "separate": Bid pirgay.

1988 ·pirVq- "scrateh" Eg piIJ "scratch (eyes)". -i- < HS ·-r-. ECh ·pirVk- "scratch": Kera pirki.

1989 ·pita1.l- "open" Sem ·pVtal].- "open": Akk pettl, Ug ptl]., Hbr ptl]., Aram (Syr) ptl]., Arab ftl]. [-a-], Gz ftl]., Hss Jetöl]., Mhr foteI]., Shh Jetal].. CCh ·pVtVH- "open (ofeyes or anus)": MofuP:Jth-.


PITAl;I- -


ECh *pit- "open": Bid pit, Sokfitifiti. Reduplication in Soko

1990 *pit- "bark" (n.) CCh *pit- "bark": Mofu pap:1t, Mafa pit-. Partial reduplication in Mofu. ECh *pyat- "bark": Kera pete. Wrz *jet- "bark": Hrsfeete.

1991 ·po'ad- "elose, cover" Sem *pV'Vd- "elose": Akk padu. CCh *pwa'ad- "wrap up": Mofu pat/.-, Nza pat/.z·, Gis fot/.. ECh *pwad- "cover": Mobu podde.

1992 ·poc- "smear, scatter" Sem *pVs- "spread" 1, "smear" 2, "scatter" 3: Akk paSäSu 12, Hbr pfy 1, Aram Oud) psy 1, Arab fiw [-u-] 13, Sog pisi 1, Tgy






WCh *pwaei- "anoint"





Ang pwis


Tng pet/.a


Etymologically identical with *p VC- "distribute, divide"?

1993 *po'- "give birth" Eg P'P' "give birth" (gr). Reduplication. CCh *pway-/*pwaH- "give birth": Gude pwey-ik, FM P"yi, FB pwe.



"separate, split"

Sem *p VI)aj- "separate, split": Arab flt/. [-a-]. Eg plyj "separate, split open". LEC *joHo~- "separate": Arbfoot/.-. Assimilation of vowels. HEC *ja'a~- "cut maize": Kmbfaa~-. Assimilation of vowels.

POK- -



1995 *pok- "mug, howl" Sem *pak- "bottle, mug": Hbr pak. *u > *a after a labial. CCh *pwak- "water pot": Gaa po!c:J-ta, Gbn po!c:J-t:J. ECh *p Vk- "bowl": Kera p~ka.



"pee1, skin" (v.)

Sem .p~V"J- "peel, shell" (v.): Aram (Syr) pq). WCh *pwa/s- "skin, peel": Ang pok. ECh ·pwag-/*pwak- "skin" (v.) 1, "shell, pluck feathers" p~g 1, N dam p~:g~ 1, Kera poke 2.



Connected with *pa/sV"J- "bark, skin".


"heer, sauce"


Sem *pu/sä c- "beer, juice": Arab juqqä'-. WCh *pwa/s- "sauce": Sura pok, Ang pwuk, Mpn puk.



"cut, split":

Sem ·p~VC- "split, break, wound": Gzjqc. CCh *pok- "chop": Msm pok.




Sem *p Vli/s- "kill, slaughter" 1, "cut" [-i-] 2. LEC *Jol~- "break off': Or jolloqa.


Akk paläqu


Arab flq

Derived from *pal- "cut, divide".

2000 *pon-/*ponVc- "turn, return" Sem *pVn- "turn": Ug pnn, Hbr pny, Aram (Syr) pn), pny. Eg pnc "turn" (pyr). CCh *Jwan-H- "return": Lamej.?.Q, LPejag.




2001 *puc- "burn" Eg wps "burn" (NK). w- stands for a rounded root vowel. GGh *pVc- "roast": FKi wca, HKpsa-, HB pceyo, HGh wSaZe, Mnd

pSapSa. Reduplication in Mnd.

2002 *puc- "tear into pieces" Sem *p Vsa)- "tear into pieces ": Arab js) [-a-]. Based on *p Vs-. GGh *puc- "tear into pieces, pluck": Mafa puc-.




Sem *pau.- "horse urine": Arabja~~-. Berb *JVf- "urine": Ahg ta1;,~~-a. Borrowed from Arab? WGh *puii-ar-" urine " : Hsjifäri", Wrj c;,pr-ai, Kry cipir, Diri ax;,b;,!a, Miya c;,pur, Paa cipura, Siri ?ip;,ri, Pol b;,s, Geji qasi, Brm qas, Say qes, Dwot quzari, Buli q;,s. EGh *pu?i- "urine": Turn b;':3;,r, Ndam buj, Dng pirjye, Mig piji, Brg pidye.

2004 *pue- "break, crush" Sem *Pui- "break, crush": Hbr p$p$, Arabjrjrj [-u-]. Reduplication in Hbr. GGh *pui- "break": Kap puie, HNk pse, HF pso.

2005 *pudag-'*pudig- "break, split" Sem *pVdag- "break": Arabjdg [-a-]. GGh *pu4ik- "split": Mofu p;,d~-, Gis purjik. From *pudi~- < *pudig-.

2006 *pu1.t- "strike" Sem *n Vpa~- "strike with a sabre": Arab Prefix *n V-.

nfo. [-a-]

PUJ;I- -




strike (with sharp instrument)". Cf. also pa~-"hit, shoot". Rift *pu~-"hit": Kwz pux-umis. pu~-"hit,

2007 *pu1.tar- "jump" Eg p~" "run" (pyr). Note double -". WCh *pura- < *puHar- "jump": Hs Qurä, Ang pyar, Ank pär, Mpn paar. Emphatization of *p-. ECh *paHar- "jump": Smr par.

2008 *puk- "winnow" Berb *fVk- "winnow, peel (corn)": Ahgfukk-;,t-. WCh *puk- "winnow": Tng puk.

2009 *pur- "cut" Sem *pVrJY- "cut": Akk pani, Arabfry [-i-]. Reduplication in Arab frfr "cut, split". Berb *fVr- "shave, cut hair": Ahg ;,jr-;,n. WCh *pur- "prepare field by cutting trees": Tng pure.

2010 *pur- "container" Sem *pa"- "kind ofvessel" 1, "pot" 2: Akkparütu Derivatives of *pa"- in Akk and Hbr. Eg pr "box" (MK). WCh *pur- "large beer-pot": Tng puuri.

2011 *pur- "tear" Berb *fVrJY- "tear": Kby fri. Based on *fVr-. CCh *pur- "tear": Daba pur. Rift *puru c- "strip off': Irq puruc-us-, Alg puru c-. Secondary laryngeal.


Hbr pärur



PUR- -


2012 ·pur- "flower, grass" Berb *JVr- "kind of grass": Sml aj:Jr, RifJn·w. WCh ·pur- "tobacco flower" 1, "flower" 2, "grass" Paa pure 2, Cagu p:Jre 2, Pero pure 3. CCh *jwar- "flower": DghJ:Jra, Bud phörio. Bed Jar "flower" (pI.) Note the modified vocalism of pI. LEC *jur- "kind of grass": Or Jura. Omot ·pur- "flower": YamJuraa.




Connected with ·pir- "fruit, corn".

2013 ·pur- "untie" Berb *JVr- "untie": KbY:Jjru. CCh ·pir-I*pur- "untie": Tera p:Jr:J, Wmd pin·, Mtk p:Jr, FBw pir, Bch para, Mwu upuran, Gude pur-gic. ECh ·puwir- < ·pu'ir-' 'untie": Smr 'aw:Jr, Nch pure, Lele poor, Kbl puw:Jr, KeraJere, Kwan apre, Dng i- pire, Mig 'i-piro, Mkk 'eppire. Secondary laryngeal in the inlaut. LEC ·pur- "untie, disengage": SomJurayya, Or Jurra. ·u may reflect a different alternation grade.

2014 ·purVs- "cut, separate" Sem .p VrVS- "separate": Aram (Syr) pr'i. Berb *JVrVs- "separate" 1, "cut" 2: SmlJ:Jrs :JJr:Js 2. ECh ·purVs- "split": Sok purse.


Twl :JJr:Js

2015 ·putir- "mat" Sem ·putr- "mat": ArabJutr-. Secondary ·u? WCh ·ka-p Vtz"r- "mat": Wnd kaptir, Dwot kaptur. Prefix ·ka-.

2016 ·puwad- "heart" Sem ·pawäd-I·pu'äd- "heart" : Arab Jawäd-, Ju'äd- .



pu WAD- -



WCh *püd- "heart" : Sura puut, Ang put. Contraction from *puwad-. ECh *pwad-pwad- "lungs": Smr P:JrbP:Jrb, Turn podpod, Ndam P:Jt-P:Jt. Reduplication.

2017 *pV)in- "break, grind" Sem *pV'Vn- "grind": Akkpenu. WCh *pVHin- "break": Ang pzn, Mpn pzn.

2018 *p V)ud- "knee" Berb *fud- "knee": Nfs ujed, Siwafod, Ghat a- Jud, Ahg ajud, Zng o1fud, Sml a-Jüd, Ntf a-Jud, Izy a- JUD, RifJud, MzbJud. Eg pJd, p.ld "knee" (med), pd (XVIII). The ancient form of Eg seems to be preserved as pJd. If so, the unusual correspondence Eg d - Berb *d needs further analysis.

2019 *pVc- "distribute, divide" Sem *pVs- "distribute": Aram (Syr) pss, ArabflS. Eg pss, pss, ps "divide" (MK). Note ss and ss as graphie representations of a lateral.

2020 *pVd- "move" Sem *pid- "march, go (of cattle)": ArabJdd [-i-]. ECh *pad-I*pud- "pass by": Turn P:Jd, Ndm paria, Lele pudu. The root vocalism of Sem and ECh is contradictory . Cf. also Berb *fVd- "let in" (Sha s-ij:Jd) and Eg Jpd "run, hurry" (XVIII).

2021 *pVg- "take" Sem *püg- "take away": Akk puägu. Based on biconsonantal *pVg-. ECh *P Vg- "take": Turn P:Jg.




2022 .pVCal- "work, make" Sem .p VCal- "work, do, make": Phn pCI, Hbr pCI, Aram (Syr) pCI, Arab f'l [-a-], SAr pCI. LEC ·pal- "make": SomJal-, BoniJal-. Ome ·pal- "create, make": Kaf haI, Mch palli. DhlJal- "do". Contraction in all Cush forms.

2023 .pvg.- "exchange, sell" Sem .p VlJ- "exchange": Akk pubtJu. CCh ·pVxwa- "seIl": HNk P:Jxwi, Kap P:Jxwi. WCh ·pay- < ·paH(t)- "commerce": Tng paya. Deverbative with modified vocalism.

2024 ·pvg.Vr- "gather" Sem ·pVlJVr- "assemble": Akk patJiiru. Cf. a nominal derivative ·pulJ(VJr- "assembly, gathering": Akk pulJru, U g plJr. ECh .p Vr- "gather": Kbl P:JTT;}.

2025 ·pV1a1;1- "split, cut" Sem .p Vla~- "split" 1, "till, cultivate" Arab fl~ [-a-] 1 2. Berb *JVlVh- "cut, split": Ahg :J-foh. Irregular laryngeal.


Hbr pl~

Derived from ·pal- "cut".

2026 ·pV1Vs- "split, pierce" Sem .p VlVS- "pierce" : Akk paläSu. Eg pns "cut" (pyr). -n- < HS ·-1-. The alternative reconstruction is .p Vs Vl-.


Aram pl~



2027 *pVri3- "cut, separate" Sem *pVriz- "separate": Arabjrz [-i-], Mhrjeräz. Berb 'iVrV3- "cut": Snus ;,jr.Jz.

2028 *pVt- "scorpion" Eg Ptt "scorpion" (1). Partial reduplication. CCh *pVt- "scorpion": HF ptu, HB wto, FKi ti.

2029 *p Vttis- "flatten" Sem *p V{is- "flatten, forge": Arab fts [-i-]. Cf. *patis- "hammer": Hbr patfis, Aram Oud) paUis-. Eg pds "make flat, trample down". Regular -d- < *-t-.



"split, cut"

Sem *pVtuls- "break, split, separate": ArabJtq [-u-]. Berb 'iVtVk- "open" 1, "cut" 2: Siwa ;,jt:Jk 1, Ahg ;,fok f'rek 2, Izy f'rek 1, Kby eftek 1. Unexpected *k < HS *Is. CCh *pVtwak- "split": Mofu p;,tkw-. -kw < *-l5.- under the influence of *-wa-. LEC *fotols- "chip" (v.): Orjottoqa. Assimilation of vowels.

*q 2031 *qab- "kill" Eg ab "kill" (gr). WCh *qab- "kill": Tng kabi.

2032 *qafVC- "hold" Sem *a Vp- "pack": Akk aapu.





QAFV(- -



"catch, grasp, pack" (pyr). Cf. also yc "fist" (pyr). WCh *qaj- "security of hold" 1, "grasp, seize" ngap 1, N gz gafau 2, Bade gaf 2.


Hs kaf 1, Say

Cf. Dhll}.ap- "snatch quickly".

2033 *qam- "possess" Eg tJlm "possess, hold" (MK). V ocalic -l-. WCh *qam- "grasp": Hs käma. Dhl kam- "hold". Rift *kom- "hold, have": Irq kom-, Bur kom-, Asa kom- ,Kwz komos-. Secondary *-0- before a labial.

2034 *qapuc- "arm, shoulder" Eg tJp'i "arm" (MK). WCh *qapuc- "shoulder": Bul gapuia.

2035 *qatam- "ring, seal" Sem *tJatm- "ring" 1, seal (on a ring)" 2: Hbr I}.otem tJatm- 1 2, Jib tJotem 1, Hss tJötem 1, Shh tJotem 1. Eg tJtm "stamp, seal" (OK). WCh *qatam- "ring": Miya katam.

2036 *qaway- "be empty" Sem *tJüy- "be empty": Arab tJwy [-i-]. WCh *qäy- < *qaway- "empty": Tng kaayi, gaye.

2037 *qet- "tear" Eg tJtt "tear off' (MK). WCh *qyat- "tear, rend": Hs kita.

2038 *qi'- "plaiting" Sem *tJP- "kind of clothes": Akk tJPu.



Qr'- -




bi. t "kind of plaiting" (NK). 2039 *qirim- "separate, divide"

Sem *b Vrim- "separate, isolate" 1, "pierce" 2: Akk barämu 1, Arab brm [-i-] 2. WCh *qirVm- "stub with a knife, cut or bite head off': Hs kirma, kirme.

2040 *qis- "grind, rub" WCh *qis- "thrash": Hs kilä. CCh *qiz- "thrash, beat": Mafa /c;}z-. Rift *bis- "rub": Aig bis-.

2041 *qo)- "mix" Eg bJw "mix" (med). Vocalic -i. WCh *qwa)- "mix": Fyer goo.

2042 *qoc- "pierce" Sem *büJ- "pierce" 1, "penetrate, pierce camel's no se with a stick" 2: Arab bws [-u-] 1, Jib beH 2. Inlaut *-w- reflects the original structure with *-0-. Omot *koc- "pierce": Kaf kocc-. Irregular *-c-.

2043 *qom- "gather, join" Sem *bVm- "gather": Akk bamämu. WCh *qwam- "join": Grk kwom.

2044 *qor- "shout, say" Sem *bür- "bellow": Arab bwr [-u-]. Based ob biconsonantal *bVr-. Berb *kur- "cali": Ahg kur-;,t. Eg br "say" (OK).


QOR- -


WCh *qwar- "groan" 1, "shout, cry, call" kwar 2, Miya kwar 2, Jmb gwar-aI 2 •


Ang gwar


2045 *qot- "take (hy force)" Sem *lJVt- "take somebody's share": Arab lJtt. WCh *qwat- "take thing by force": Hs kwätä, kwäce.

2046 *qot- "elhow" Eg lJt "elbow" (MK). WCh *qu-qwat- "elbow": Sha kukwat. Partial reduplication.

2047 *qu)ah- "knife, sickle" Eg lJlb "chisel" (BD). WCh *qu)ab- "sword, knife": Hs taköbi, Sura k:Jp, Ang küp. Prefix ta- in Hs.

2048 *qudam- "pot" Sem */Jadäm- "night pot": Arab lJaddäm-at-. Assimilation of vowels. WCh *qudam- "pot": Bol kudam.

2049 *qul- "hoe" (n.) Eg I,.nn "hoe" (pyr). Irregular laryngeal. CCh *qul- "hoe": Wmd kul, Hld kwulu. Cf. Rift *lJwal- "dig up, till": Alg lJwal-, Kwz lJolJwal-.

2050 *qur- "voice, noise" Eg lJrw "voice, noise" (pyr). Vocalic -wo WCh *qur- "scream, cry" (n.): Hs kuriiruwa. Rift *lJur- "rumble, roar": Irq lJur-ay. Related to *qor- "shout, say".





2051 *qurap- "beat" Sem *lJ Vr Vp- "strike back": Akk lJaräpu. WCh *qurVp- "whipping": Hs kurfo. ECh *karap- "kick, trample": Bid )arap, Dng karpe.

2052 *qü3- "be angry" Eg


"angry" (MK). -y stands for a front vowel. WCh *quz- "be angry": Tng kuz-.

2053 *q Vb V)- "break, destroy" Eg lJbi "destroy" (pyr). WCh *q VHVb- "break": Tng keeb. Metathesis. Cf. *qab- "kill".

* q. 2054 *qac- "valley, river bed" Berb *yV3- "river bed, wadi": Ahg ta-Y;Jzz-it. Rift *lJas- "valley or ravine without running water": Irq lJasa.




*lJ~-/*lJt$- "sand, gravel": Akk lJi$$u, Gz tJo$ä. Secondary formation with inlaut *-w-I*-y-. Cf. Agaw. WCh *qas- < *qflf- "earth, sand": Hs ~asä. Agaw */süS- < */sVwVs'- "sand": Bil/süSä. Omot */sac- "sand": Kaf /säCo, Nao /s~a, Gim /saeay, /sac.


Cf., with a different anlaut laryngeal: Rift *hac- "sand" (Irq has-aI), Kwz has-inko, Asa haj-at).




"be friable"

Sem *IJ Vf- "be friable": Arab !Jt!w. ECh *kV{- "crumble": Bid kor/yor/y. Partial reduplication. LEC *1sa~- "walk on grain and spoil it": Or


2057 *qalüm- "boat" Sem *IJalim - "raft": Akk IJallimu. Eg IJmn. ty "ship" (OK). Metathesis. CCh *qwalum- < *qalum- "boat": Msg {plum, Log r'oam. Log r'oam < *r'walam.

2058 *qam-'*qayam- "tent, house" Sem *IJaym- "tent" 1, "hut, cabin" 2: Ug IJm-t 1, Arab IJaym- at 12, SAr lV'm 2, Gz IJaymat 1, Tgr IJaymät 2, Amh haym- ät 2, Jib IJom (pI.) 1, Hss IJim-et- 1 2. Berb *r(V)yam- "tent" 1, "village" 2: Ayr ta-ryam-t 1, Ahg ta-lV'amt 1, Twl ta-ryam-t 1, N tf ta-lV'am-t 2, Kby a-IJIJam 1. Eg IJm "temple" (pyr). ECh *kam-kam- "camp": Mig kankama, Bid kamkama. Reduplication. Dissimilation of nasals in Mig.

2059 *qan- "tent, house" Eg IJn "tent" (pyr). WCh *qan- "hut": Wrj




Jmb gan.

Cf. *qam-/*qayam- id.

2060 *qanic;:-'*qunic;:- "leg" Sem *IJan$- "hip": Akk IJan$ätu, Hbr IJal~äyim (dual.), Aram lJ,a,:J $im. Irregular sonants. Eg IJnd "part of the leg" (pyr). CCh *quni~- "hip, knee": Gis mit-kinja, Glv runja, Zgh gw ujc , GavagwÜa. Alternation *a -





2061 *qar- "fish" Eg tJJ.t ,"kind of fish" (a). -J < HS *-r-. WCh *qar- "fish with sharp fins": Hs ~aräyä. LEC *~ar- "fish": Gel kaara. Wrz *xar- "fish": Gaw xaare, Cam tJaar-ite, Hrs haar-ieee, Dob haarieee, GH haare. Ome *~ar- "fish": Hmr kam, kaara.

2062 *qar-'*qawar- "burn" Eg tJr.t "flame" (reg). Cf. also tJJ "roast" (n). WCh *qawVr- "roast (without oil)": Hs ~aurarä. Secondary *-w-? Rift *tJwar- "fry" 1, "hot" 2: Bur xwera)es- 1, Alg hareta 2.

xwer~es- 1,


2063 *qaraw- "war, fight" Eg tJrwyw "war". Partial reduplication. WCh *qar[aJw- "fight": Hs ~äro. ECh *kVraw- "war": Turn k:Jraw. Cf. Kera kuuri "fight" (v.).

2064 *qayul- "equid" Sem *tJayl- "horse" 1, "mare" 2: Arab tJayl- (pI.) 1, Soq tJayl- 2, Hss tJeyol (pI.) 1. Berb *yayul- "horse" 1, "mare" 2, "donkey" 3, "mule" 4: Jrb t;}yalli-. 4, Nfs t;}-y;,ll-;,t 2, Skn t-yall-;,n 1, Sml a-ryul 3, Sgr a-yyul 3, Mzab t-yalli-t 1, W rg a-yyul 3, Snd a-yyul 3. LEC ·~ay(V)l- "foal": Som qayl.

2065 *qen- "go, walk" Eg tJny "walk" (1). WCh *qyana- "enter, go": Tng ken, Fyer gan. ECh *gin- "go out": Sok gine.




2066 ·qof- "hoof" Sem ·aupp- "haar': Arab auff-, Hss ae!, Mhr ae!, Shh WCh ·qwaf- "haar': Hs *wäfa, Ang kwep.


2067 ·qol- "testicles" WCh ·qwal- "testicles": Hs *wälätai, Ang gwal. CCh ·qwal- "penis" 1, "testicles" 2: Bura kwal 1, KIb kwal 1 , Mrg kwal 1, FG H kW;;Jlaku 1, Bch kwaley 2. ECh ·kwal- "testicles" 1, "penis" 2: Kera k:!Jl:JI] 1, Kwan kalasa 1, Mkk kole 2. Agaw ·*wil- "testicles": Bil /f;Welaa. Ornat ·*ull- "testicles": Kaf *uroo. Cf. Dhl fr:1J'all-i8- "have an erectian".

2068 ·qon- "river" Eg anw "rivulet" (XVIII). Vacalic -wo ECh ·kwan- "river": Ndam kwan.

2069 ·qoq- "throat" Eg aa "throat" (MK). WCh ·qwaq- "throat": Hs mäM*o, Grk yya, Bgh gway. Prefix in Hs. CCh ·q[wJay- "thraat": Lag r'ayt, Bud wui, Gul ue, Kus uä. Dhl k'ok'o "thraat". Reduplicatian?

2070 ·qor- "tooth" WCh ·aa-qwar- "taath": Hsha*ört, Fyerhagor, Bks )agur, Sha )agaIJ.a, KIr )agwer, DB gur. Prefix ·aa-. Bed kwir "taath" .

QOR- -


2071 *qor- "shell" WCh *qwar- "shell of tortoise": Hs ~warya. Rift *{joror- "cowry shell": Irq xoror-ami. Partial reduplication.

2072 *qor- "bird" Eg {jir "goose" (BD). -i- stand for a vowel. HEC *~ur- "crow": Ala qura, Tmb qura. Descriptive root.

2073 *qul- "vesseI" Berb *rVlal- "wooden vase": Ghd a-r1al. Partial reduplication. Eg {jiw "vesseI" (pyr). -w stand for HS *u in the root. WCh *~ulul- "big pot": Hs ~ülülu. Assimilation of vowels. Partial reduplication. Partial reduplication in Berb and WCh.

2074 *qVyVb- "deceive" Sem *{jib- "deceive"; Arab tJyb. CCh *qVyVb- "deceive": Daba kiq. Contraction. Emphatization is caused by *q.

*r 2075 *ra'· "sing" ECh *ra'-aw-/*ra'-ay- "sing": Mubi rcwa, Brg raaya, Bid raa-. Rift *ra'- "sing": Irq da'-, Alg ra'-, Bur ra'-am-, Asa ra'-at-. Cf. a reduplication in WCh: Hs raira "sing", rha id.


442 2076 *ra)- "water level" Berb *Ha-ray- "water level (in a vessel)": Ahg t-äray- t. Prefix *Ha-. Eg ri "water-line" (MK).

2077 *ra)-'*raw-'*ray- "be, become, make" Eg lry "be, do, make" (OK), Copt *)iri: Fym ili, Akh eire, Boh·iri, Shd eire. WCh *ra)-/*raw- "become" 1, "work" 2: Gwn ra 1, Bks ro 2. CCh *ray- "become, build": Lame re, rey. ECh *riy- "become" 1, "work, make" 2: Dng orriye 1, riyo 2, Bid riy 2. Secondary *i be fore *y. Rift *ra)- "stay, remain": Asa ra)-. Dhl raw- "stay, remain". Consonantal alternation *-)- -

*-w- -


2078 *ra)ib- "dirt" Sem *rä)ib- "dirty": Arab rä)ib-. WCh *rä~- < *ra)ib- "diarrhoetic excrement": Hs räqo. Contraction.

2079 *ra)ob- "rain" WCh *ra)Vb- "dew": Hs räqä. SA *rVHob- "rain": Saho rob, Afar roob. LEC *rVHob- "rain": Som roob, Or rooba, Boni roob, Kon roopa, Gid roop. Cf. Sem *rVbib- "rain" (pl.): Hbr rebibim.

2080 *ra)up- "finish" (v.) CCh *ruj- < *raju- "finish, end": Mafa ruf-. Irregular *J. HEC *rap- < *ra) Vp- "be finished": Sid raap-. Emphatic -p- in contact with a laryngeal.

RA9- -



2081 *rac;- "go, run" Sem *rVwV,r- "run": Akk rt4u, Hbr rw,r, Aram rh,r, Gz rw,r. Secondary formation in *-w-. WCh ·rac-/*ric- "go": Hs räce, Dwot ris. ECh *)a-ras- "walk in large steps": Bid )aras. Prefix *)a-. Dhl ral- "go, walk".

2082 *racab,- "pour, soak" Sem *r VsaJ;- "leak": Arab rsl} [-a-]. WCh ·rVc- "moisten": Ngz r;,zu. ECh *rac- "wet, soak": Mobu rase, Ngm rasi. Cf. *ric- "sprinkle".

2083 *rad- "foot, trace" Eg rd "foot" (pyr), Copt *rat "foot, trace": Akh ret, reet, Boh rat-, Shd rat-. LEC *rad- "footprint": Som raad. Cf. also SA *radd- "descendant" (Afar raddi) and, probably, Omot *rot- "foot" (Hmr roti, rroti).

2084 *rad-'*rid- "go, run" Sem *rVdVw-/*rVdJ0'- "go" 1, "walk, tread" 2, "beat the ground in running" 3: Akk redu 1, Hbr rdy, rdw 2, Aram (Syr) rdy, rdw 2, Arab rdy 3. Cf. Arab rwd "run to and fro". SA *rad- "run": Afar rad-, -erd-. LEC *rid- "run": Som ord-, Boni -irid-, Rnd -in:d-. Connected with *rad- "foot". Alternation *a -


2085 *rado)- "be bad, be rotten" Sem *rVdu)- "be spoiled, be bad": Arab rd', rdw [-u-]. WCh *rat/.- < *radVH- "rot": Wrj ra,4:J, Kry ratj.-, Siri rat/a, Mbu rat/.-. CCh *rwad- < *radwa(H)- "bad": Nak rvad.




2086 *raf- "dwelling" Berb *rVj- "kind of room": Ghd :J-rref. CCh *raJ- "hut": Tera raja. 2087 *rag-'*rug- "tremble" Sem *rug- "tremble": Arab rgg [-u-]. ECh *rag- "tremble": Kwan rake, Mobu lage. Irregular Kwan -k- < *-g-. Alternation *a - *u. 2088 *rac- "sun, god" Eg rC "sun, Sun-god" (pyr), Copt *re: Akh ri, Boh re, Shd re. WCh *rayi- < *raHi- "sun": Geji ri, Sha are. ECh *raH- "sun, god": Mkk ra, Bid räya. Any relation to Sem *ray'- "daylight" (Arab ray'-) and Eg Cry "sky" (gr)? 2089 *racad- "thunder" Sem *racd- "storm, thunder": Akk rädu, Arab ra cd- , Gz racäd. Cf. also Hbr rCd "tremble", Arab,cd [-a-, - u-] "thunder" (v.). WCh *carad- "thunder": Pol haradu, Miya araduwa. Metathesis. CCh *raHad- "thunder": Mnd rade, Log räde. 2090 *rahaw-'*rahay- "bird" Sem *rahw- "erane": Arab rahw-. WCh *raHaw-j*raHay- "bird": Bol rayo, Krk räyi, Ngm räyi, Bele raawl. ECh *räy- < *raHay- "vulture": Mig räya. LEC *raHaw- "Iarge bird": Arb raaw. 2091 *raJ.t- "hand, arm" Sem *rä4-j*r7:4- "hand, palm": Akk rittu, Ug r4t, Aram (Syr) la4:J tö, Arab rä4-at-, Tgr rä4at.

RAl;l- -



WCh *raH-/*riH- "arm": KIr riyaw, Sha riyaw, Bks ra, DB ra. CCh *raH- "arm": Mtk ray.

2092 *rag-/*rig- "mix" Sem *rilJ- "mix": Akk ra!JälJu, Arab rlJlJ [-i-]. WCh *r~- < *raHi- "mix up": Bks royi. ECh *raHwa- "mix": Mig rawwo. Alternation *a -


2093 *ragil- "sheep" Sem *ralJil- "sheep" 1, "lamb" 2: Akk lalJru 1, Hbr räl}.ill, Aram Oud) raM- 1, Arab rilJl-, ratJil- 1, Soq re"'l-oh 2. Metathesis of liquids in Akk. In Hbr the word is attested as a proper name. Arab -i- may be a result of the assimilation of vowels. Eg rhny "Amon's lamb" (NK). Secondary h < *tJ in Late Eg. Vocalic -y. Probably, connected with SA *reH- "she-goat" (Afar ree-ta) and LEC *reH- id. (Som rih, Or ree, Rnd riyyo).

2094 *rak-/*rik- "be thin" Sem *rik- "be thin, be weak": Hbr rak, Arab rkk [-i-]. WCh *rak- "be thin": Hs räke, Dera rago. ECh *rVk- "become meager": Mkk )erk-iyo. Alternation *a -




"bank, coast"

Sem *ra~~- "bank, coast": Akk raqqatu. Eg rwd "bank, coast" (n). Palatalization and inlaut -w- reflect a secondary formation *rVwV~-.

2096 *ram- "land, field" Eg rmrm.t "kind of field" (pyr).





Reduplication. WCh *ram- "land, place": DB ram. 2097 *ram- "throw" Sem *rVmJY- "throw, shoot": Akk ramu, Hbr rmy, Arab mry [-i-]. Based on *rVm-. ECh *ram- "throw" 1, "shoot" 2: Ngam rarn 1, Mobu rarne 1, Smr rarn 2.

2098 *ram- "roar, speak" Sem *rVm- "roar": Akk rarniirnu, Arab rmm [-u-]. WCh *ram- "tell": Ngz rarnu. 2099 *ramVk- "(free) man" Sem *ramk- "priest": Akk rarnku. Eg rml "man" (pyr). Progressive palatalization of *k. 2100 *rasVw- "death, sleep" Eg rsw.t "dream, sleep" (n.) (MK). WCh *ras- "death": Hs rasüwa. 2101 *raw- "sky" Eg rw "sky" (pyr). WCh *rVw- "sky": Krk r:Jwi, Fyer ruruwe. Partial reduplication in Fyer. Cf. *ri'- "cloud": Bks ri', DB ri'o Rift *raw- "sky": Bur raw. 2102 *rawad- "descend" Sem *wVrVd- "descend" 1, "come" 2: Akk wariidu Arab wrd 2, Gz wrd 1. Metathesis. SA *ra[wJad- "descend": Saho raad-, Afar raad-.


Hbr yrd


RAWAl;I- -



2103 *rawab.- "move, walk" Sem *rülJ.- "go away": Arab rwlJ. [-u-]. Berb *rVwVH- "come": lzy,uAud. WCh *raw-I*ray- "enter" 1, "run" 2: Ank TU 1, Grk ru 1, Bol riiKrk raa 1, Bele rii- 1, Krf rii- 1, Gera n:i- 1, Glm ry- 1, Grm riiDira riya 2, Cagu rey 2, N gz r;JW;J 2. Loss of the auslaut laryngeal. LEC *ra[wJalJ.- "follow": Rnd raalJ.-.

1, 1,

2104 *re)- "see" Sem *rV'J-y- "see": Hbr ry, Arab ry, SAr ry, Gz ry. Bed reh-, erh- "see". 2105 *reb- "all" Eg nb "all, every" (pyr), Copt *nib: Fym nibi, Boh nib-, Shd nim. Irregular n- < *r-. Assimilation of consonants in Shd. WCh *ryab- "all": Sha ryap. 2106 *reb- "man" Eg rfly.t "men" (pyr). Vocalic :)I. WCh *ryaH- "male" (adj.): Bks re. Cf. CCh *raH- "man": LPe ra) (in a phrase sum ra) "person" .... *"man's name") 2107


"pour, soak"

Sem *r~- "pour out" 1, "sprinkle" WCh *rya/s- "moisten": Dera reke. 2108



Hbr rwq, ryq


Sem *r~ay- "climb, rise": Arab rqy [-a-]. WCh *rya/sJ-y- "rise": KIr regy-. LEC *ri~- "climb": Or riqa.


Gz rqy



REr.n, Kry s:>nasan, Miya s:>n, Paa asin, Siri sunsuni, Mbu s:>n, Bks sun-at, DB sunan. CCh ·sPwan- "dream": Gbn s:>na)-ata, Boka sin-ata, Bura suni, Chb sini, KIb s:»ünyi, Mba SaIJ, Mnd sine, Zgh suwana, Gvo suwana, Daba sini, Gude s:>nin, Gudu syon-cii, Nza so)oni, Log san, Lame syene, Bnn sryena. ECh ·suwan- "sleep, dream": Lele sön, Kera soone, Kwan suw:>n, Mig sunryi, Jegu suun-, Mubi suno, Brg soona, Mkk suun-, Sok sonzsonz.

SA ·son- "sleep" (n.): Saho sonoo, Afar sonoo. Contraction.

2227 ·sPub- "worm" Eg sJb.t "motley snake" (pyr). ECh ·sub- < ·sVHub- "worm": Lele subo. LEC ·siHib- "worm": Or siiba. Assimilation of vowels. There exists a possibility of comparing the above forms with Sem ·lu cb- "big snake" ( Arab lu cb-än- (note, however, an irregular ._C_). Ifthis comparison is valid, one should reconstruct HS in the anlaut.


2228 ·sib- "rope" Sem ·sibb- "belt" 1, "rope, thin cloth" 2: Akk sibbu 1, Arab sibbECh ·sib- "string, rope": Mkk sibe. LEC ·seb- "beh, leather strap": Som seeb, Gel seeb. HEC ·sib- "string, rope": Sid sibo.


Cf. Cush words for"sandal": Bed sib, Rift ·)isib- (Asa isiba)?

2229 ·sib- "tree" WCh ·sib- "tree": Chip sip, Mnt sip.

SIB- -



ECh *sub- < *sibu- "tamarind": Sbn subu. LEC *sib(b)- "kind of tree": Or sibbee. HEC *sib(b)- "kind of tree": Kmb sibbe-ta.

2230 *sib- "cut" Sem *sVb- "cut": Hbr sbb, Arab sbb. Eg sby "cut, castrate" (OK). Infinitive in -y. Agaw *sab-/*sib- "pierce, stab": Bil sab, Xmr sib, Dmt siäb, Kwr sab, Dmb sab, Kern säb.

2231 *sib- "be angry" Sem *sub- "insult" (v.): Arab sbb [-u-], Mhr seb, J ib sebb. Secondary labialized vowel. WCh *sib- "be angry": Wrj sib-, Diri subu. Assimilation in Diri. Bed sebib "punish, reprimand". Partial reduplieation.

2232 *sibin- "oil, butter" WCh *sib Vn- "oil": Wrj siv:ma. LEC *sibin- "butter": Arb siibin. Derived from a root preserved in WCh *sib- "oil": Kry siv, Miya su, Diri subu. Cf. *siman- "oil, fat".

2233 *sigaC- "speak, moan" Sem *sVgaC-"moan" (v.): Arab sg' [-a-]. WCh *siHVg- "talk": Ang seuk. Metathesis.

2234 *sigul- "stamp, seal" Sem *sigil- "roll, seroll, register": Arab sigill-. If not from Lat sigillum. Eg sdJw.t "stamp, seal" (OK).




Palatalization of *-g-. A cultural term, probably, a Sem loanword in Eg. 2235 ·sicüm- "cereal" Eg sm'y "barley" (OK). Metathesis. V ocalic :y. CCh *siHum- "seed" 1, "millet" 2, "corn" süme 2, Bud simo 3. Mba -y- < *-H-. ECh *siHVm- "sorghum": Bid szma. Contraction.


Mba siyom



2236 *sil,taf- "shave" Sem *sVlJ.ap- "shave (head)": Arab slf [-a-]. WCh *syaf- < *siHaf- "take off a thin shaving": Hs sife. Contraction. 2237 *sil,tat- "cut, slaughter" Sem *sVl,lat- "slaughter": Hbr'ibt, Aramsbt, ArabsbH-a-], Soqsbat, Hss seMt, Mhr seMt. CCh *syat- < *siHat- "cut": Mafa set. ECh *set- < *siHat- "cut": Bid seet. Cf. WCh *sitat- "cut, sharpen": Hs sittä, Bol sott, Ngz S;Jtu. 2238 *silJ.- "milk" Eg sG.w "milk" (gr). ECh *siH- "milk": Dor sz. 2239 *sik- "boat, ship" Eg sk.ty "kind of ship" (n). WCh *sik- "boat": Ank sik.




2240 ·sikun- "dweIl, sit" Sem ·sVkun- "place, impose" 1, "stay, dwell" 2: Akk sakä-nu 1, Hbr skn 2, Arab skn [-u-] 2, Jib skun 1, Hss sekön 2. WCh ·sikun- "sit" 1, "rest" 2: Jmb sin/Q 1, Pol s;ry:Jn 1, Bgh s:Jg:Jne 2.

Rift ·sukunun- "squat": Irq sukununu-)at-. Partial reduplication and assimilation of vowels. Cf. Dhl sukk-eem- "remain still".

2241 ·silal.t- "sharp weapon" Sem ·silä!)- "weapon" 1, "javelin" 2: Ug sl!) sill)ä 1, Arab silä!)- 1. Eg sJa.t "knife" (gr). Irregular laryngeal in a late Eg form. WCh ·sil- "axe": Paa sila. Loss of the auslaut laryngeal. CCh ·sil- < ·siHVl- "arrow": Gul silo Agaw ·sil- "knife": Xmr silo


Hbr sela!)



2242 ·sim- "meet" WCh ·sim- "meet": Tng sim-, simb-. Secondary -mb-. LEC ·sim- "meet": Or sima.

2243 ·sim- "suck" Berb ·sVm- "suck": Kby summ. ECh ·sim- "suck": Smr sisom, Sbn sis:Jm, Sok );,sime. Rift ·se)em- "suck in air": Kwz se'em-. Based on ·sem-.

2244 ·sim- "call, speak" Sem ·sVm Vw-/·sVmVy- "calI, give name": Arab smw, smy [-u-], Hss him, Mhr hmö, Shh smi. Based on ·sVm-. Berb ·sVm- "calI, name" (v.): Kby s;,mmi.


SIM- -


Eg smy "tell" (n). Infinitive in :y. CCh *syam-sim- "whisper": Bid sesem, Mig semsimo. An onomatopeia? LEC ·sim- "welcorne" (v.): Or sima. 2245 ·sim-/*simac- "hear; ear" Sem ·sVmac- "hear": Akk semu, Ug sm" Hbr sm c, Aram (Syr) sm c, Arab sm c [-a-], SAr im" Mand sma, Gz sm c, Tgr sämca, Tgy sämce, Har säma'a, Amh sämma, Arg sämma, Gaf sämmä, Gur säma, Hss höma, Mhr hima, Shh sic, Soq hyema c. Eg sm.t "ears" (n). CCh *sim- "ear": Tera zim, Bura sim, Chb s~ma, KIb himi, Hil ximi, Mba sumo, HB s~~, Hwn s~me, FKi simu, FG simwu, Kap si~y, Mnd iima, Zgh sime, Glv ximiye, Gdf iima, Nak simiya, Mofu sumay, Bld s~may, Muk sum, Mnj simay, Daba zimi, Gudu sim, Log sim, Kus sme, Msg iime. Irregular *s-, hypothetically, continuing *H-s-. Several forms may reflect *simay- < *simaH-. ECh ·sim-/·sum- "ear": Smr sumi, Turn hZm, Ndam ham, Nch semang, Lele suma, Gbr suma-in, Kbl sami, Dor sumami, Mubi somämu. Partial reduplication in Dor and Mubi. Forms with -u- are secondary. The ECh word is contaminated with *sVm"name" < HS ·süm-, cf. full neutralization ofthese meanings in Ndam ham "name, ear" and the like. 2246 ·simab- "tree, bush" Sem *simälJ- "thorny bush": Akk simälJu, semälJu. HEC ·sim- "young ensete tree": Sid sima, Gel sima, Kab sima. Loss of the auslaut laryngeal. 2247 ·siman- "oil, fat" Sem ·samn- "oil" 1, "fat, grease" 2, "fatness" 3, "melting butter" 4: Akk samanu, samnu I,Hbr semen 2, Aram (Syr) sumnö 3, Arab samn- 4, Jib s~mnun 2. Assimilation of vowels. WCh ·sinam- "oil": Diri sinama.




Metathesis. CCh *sVmVn- "thick, fat": Log s';:mUJn. ECh *siwan- "oil": Smr swäne, Ndam swän, Kwan suwäne, Bid seweI) , Mig sewen, Brg sewen, Sok sunne. Note transformation of intervocalic *-m- > *-w-. Presumably, derived from *sim- id. preserved in Berb *sVm"fat" (Kby Tass~mT). 2248 *sin- "tongue" Eg sn.w "tongue" (gr). WCh *sin- "tongue": Diri sin-tju. CCh *sin- "tongue": Hwn sene-wura, Masa sinano, Bnn sin-da. Partial reduplication in Masa. 2249 *sin- "earth, day" Eg syn "day" (OK). Vocalic :)I. WCh *sin- "field": Wrj s~nan, Kry sin, Diri s~na, Siri sinawi, Paa sina, Cagu sinan. CCh *sin- "field": Lame sini, LPe sine, Masa senena. ECh *sinya- "earth" 1, "sand" 2: Smr sinya 1, Ndam ~ny 1, Turn ~I) 1, J egu seny- 2, Mubi sin-ok 2, Brg sanyo 2, Sok sine 2. 2250 *sin- "tooth" Sem *sinn- "tooth": Akk sinnu, Ug sn, Hbr sen, Aram (Syr) sennö, Arab sinn-, Gz s~nn, Tgy s~nni, Arg s~n, Har s~n, Gur s~n, Gaf s~nä.

Berb *sin- "tooth": Ahg esin. WCh *sin- "tooth": Pol sin, Geji siI), Zem san, sin, Brw sen, Say sin, Dwot sin, Bol sin. CCh *sin- < *IJ.a-sin- "tooth": Gaa sena, Gbn sene, Hwn sana, Mba seI), HNk sine, FG s~ini, Kap s~ne, Gis seI), Bld sliI), Mtk senne, Bnn sina. Note the secondary lateralization of *-s- preceded by a laryngeal. ECh *siHan- < *Ha-sin- "tooth": Smrsan-di, Tumhiin, Ndamhan,


SIN- -


Gbr k-song, Dor ga-sena, Dng SaaIJO, Mig sa:nu, Jegu SaI)O, Bid seenö, Mubi sz1:JaI)u, Brg SaI)O, Sok s;,n. Rift *silJ.in- "tooth": Irq silJ.ino, Alg sz"lJino, Bur si~ino. Metathesis from *~ V-sin-. 2251 *sin- "smeIl" (v.) Eg sn "smell" (pyr). ECh *sunVn- "smell": Turn hUn;)n. Partial reduplication with modified vocalism. SA *sin- "smell": Saho siin-. Related to *san-/*sin- "nose" . 2252 *sinak-/*sinaJ.c.- "tongue" Eg snk "tongue" (XVIII). WCh *sinals- "tongue": Wrj sinlp-, Kry sinak:J, Miya sinaki, Paa sin/sz", Cagu sinls-an, Siri s;,nalsi, Mbu sinalso, Jmb s;,nak:J-lan. Irregular correspondence Eg k - WCh *Is. Derived from *sin"tongue" . 2253 *sip- "river, river-bed" Sem *Sip- "bank, coast": Arab sif-, Jib sif-t. Berb *sif-/*suJ- "valley" 1, "river, rivulet" 2: Ahg a-suJ 1, Sml a-sif2, Mzab suJ2, Snd suJ2, Shau suJ2, Kby ta-sif-t, a-sif2. -u- < *-i- before a labial. WCh *sip- "river": Ank szp. 2254 *sip- "blow" Sem *sVp Vy- "raise dust (of the wind)": Arab sfy [-i-]. Based on *sVp-. CCh *sip- "blow": Gaa sip;,nci, Gbn sipenci, Boka szpa-tja. Cf. Dgh saJa "breathe", Mafa saJ- id.? Any connection with Sem *n VSVp- "blow" (Akk nasäpu, Hbr nsp, Aram nsp) and Eg nsp "breathe" (gr)?

SIP- -



2255 *sip- "rope" Eg sp "ropes for ship building" (OK). ECh *sip- "string, rope": Mig sippu, Sok sipo, sifi. LEC *'1ep- "leather strap": Som '1eep-ako, Or seep-ani.

2256 *siq- "knife" Sem *SilJ- "big knife": Arab silJ-. WCh *siq- "knife": Mnt '1ik, Ank '1ik.

2257 *sir- "kite" Eg syJ.w "kite" (gr). :Y- stands for a front vowel. WCh *sirwa- "kite": Hs '1irwä.

has *sir-'*sur- "sing" Sem *Sir- "sing": Ug .ryr, Hbr .ryr, Aram .ryr. Based on biconsonantal *'1Vr- < *sir-. ECh *sir- "sing": Kwan sire. Omot *sur- "sing": Yam sur. Alternation *i -


2259 *sirVf- "warm" Eg srf "warm" (pyr). CCh *sirVf- "covered with sweat": Mafa '1irf-e'e. For the semantic development, cf. HS *daj- "heat, sweat".

2260 *sireb.- "river" Eg sr~ "rivulet" (gr). WCh *sirya- "river, spring": Siri s::>r::>-ngi, Jmb sirya.

2261 *sisa)- "night, darkness" Eg ssJ.t "night" (pyr). '1- < *s- before a front vowel.


WCh *sis- "shadow": Zaar sis. CCh *sisa)- "evening" 1, "shadow"


Gul saassa


Msg sesi 2,

Nzajun·-sisei 2.

Metathesis and assimilation of vowels in Gul. 2262 *sisim- "cloth" Eg ssmy "cloth" (gr). Vocalic -y. CCh *sisVm- "woman's bodycloth": Hwn sis:Jm-ar. 2263 *sitay- "vessel" Eg sryy "bottle" (n). ECh *)a-sVtay- "pot": Kwan aste. 2264 *sit- "go, come" Sem *sVeVw- "make large steps": Arab sew [-u-]. Based on biconsonantal *sVe-. WCh *si(- "enter": Ang sit. CCh *sVt- "pass by": Log sto. 2265 *so)- "back" Eg si "back" (pyr). CCh *swa)- "back": Gdf so. Cf. also *suxwa- id. (Glv suxa, Nak suxwa). 2266 *so)- "barn" Eg si "barn" (gr). WCh *sway- < *swaH- "house, barn": DB swey, Glm soo, Grm soo. CCh *sya)-I*swa)- "compound" 1, "house" 2: FMb se)i 1, Lame syo 2, LPe .ryo, so 2, Zirne sö, uso 2. 2267 *so)it- "dirt, be dirty" Eg sit "dirt" (NK). CCh *swat- "dirt": Bnn


BM sotiya.

SO'IT- -



Metathesis. ECh *sit- "be dirty": Sok sita. Contraction.

2268 *sof- "cut wood" Eg sfsf "cut with a knife" (XVIII). Reduplication. LEC *sof- "plane wood": Or sof-. HEC *soJ- "plane wood": Sid soJ-.

2269 *sog- "tree, wood" CCh *swag- "firewood": Mafa soegwe. LEC *sog-sog- "kind of acacia": Som sogsog. Reduplication.

2270 *so'- "cereal" Sem *su"- "cereal" 1, "corn" 2, "wild wheat" 3: Akk su'u s'-t 2, Arab su"- 3. HEC *so'- "badey": Had so'o, Gel so'a, Kab so'a. Note HS *-'- > HEC *-'- in the intervocalic position.



2271 *so'ar- "set fire, burn" Sem *sVCar- "set fire": Arab s'r [-a-]. WCh *sawar- < *swaHar- "roast" 1, "burn" 2: Hs söya 1, Ang sür 1, Bol surru 1, Krk SUTÜ 1, N gm sur 1, Krf suru 1, Pero cuuro 1, Dera wuri 1, Gera sur- 1, Glm s:Jr- 1, Brm sure 2. CCh *sawar- < *swaHar- "roast": Tera zurr, Hwn s:Jr-aIJ, Boka sura-t/o., Kap SUT-lee, Mafa sawar, Gudu s:Jrä, FMb sir, Bch s:Jrä. Unexpected -i- in FMb. Note voiced anlaut in Tera. ECh *sur- "roast": Mkk zuriye. Cf. Eg wsr "fire" going back to *sor-.



"pit, hole"

Sem *sü~- "pit, hole": U g s~, Hbr süM. WCh *sway- < *swaH- "hole, spring": Bks swey, DB swey.


SOI;l- -


2273 ·sol- "be quiet" Sem ·sVl- "be quiet" 1, "be careless" ECh ·swal- "keep silence" : Sok soli.


Hbr sly


Aram slh


2274 ·sol- "puH" Sem ·sul- "puH, draw" 1, "drag away" 2: Hbr sly [-u-] 1, J ib sell 2. WCh ·sol- "pul}": Ang swal, Tng sol, Krf sollu. CCh ·sVl- "puH": Mofu s;;,l-. Partial reduplication in Mba sisal id.


Arab sll

2275 ·so(m)b- "pubic hair" Sem ·'isb- "pubic hair": Arab 'isb-. Derived from HEC ·somb- "pubic hair": Sid soobba, Had soomba, Kab säbbä, Kmb sobba-ta.


One of the cases in which prenasalized clusters appear as voiced stops in Sem.

2276 ·son- "river" Eg swn.w "waters" (BD). V ocalic -W-. Dhl sooni "river" . Rift ·so'on- "river": Asa so'on-k. Secondary inlaut -'-. Cf. CCh ·sin- "river": Mrg sina.

2277 ·sop- "speak, ask" Sem ·sVp VH- "ask": Akk sepu. Based on ·sVp-. WCh ·swap- "speak": Tng s:Jp.

2278 ·soq- "pulI" Sem ·sVllVw- "puH": Jib Sxe. Derived from biconsonantal


SOK- -



CCh *s Vq- "pul!": HNk ask:Jy, Kap nsxu-mte, HF sxu-nto. ECh *swag- "pull": Tob soge. Note *-g- < *-q-.

2279 *soyam- "grass" ECh *swawam- < *swayam- "grass": Bid sooma. LEC *soyam- "kind of plant": Or sooyama.

2280 *su)im- "hair" Eg smJ "hair" (pyr), Copt *smaw "temple": OCopt smau, Boh smau, Shd smau, smaau. Metathesis. WCh *suHim- "growth of hair" 1, "hair" 2, "pubic hair" 3: Hs sumä 1, N gm som 2, Tng simz-ne 3. Omot *som(m)- "hair": Yam somme. Contraction. Rift *sV'Vm- "hair" 1, "hairdress" 2: Irq se)umi 1, Asa sem-ug 2.

2281 *su)um- "seIl, buy" Sem *sV'Vm- "buy" 1, "sell" 2: Akksamu l,jibse:m CCh *sum- "buy": Mafa sumo Contraction. ECh *su)um- "sell": Dng suumiye, Brg suumi.

2, Soqs)m 2.

2282 *suf- "smeIl" (v.) Sem *sup- "smell, sniff (around)" (v.): Arab swj [-u-]. Based on *sup-. LEC *suj- "smell" (v.): Or suj-.

2283 *sucVr- "tree, forest" Eg sCr "forest" (n). WCh *sur- "kind of tree": Ang sur, Mpn sur.




2284 *suh-/*suhay- "shout" Eg swhy "shout" (XVIII). CCh *suw- < *suH- "shout, cry" 1, "answer" 2: Logsuwe suwa 2. ECh *sway- < *suHay- "shout": Smr swoy, Jegu soy. 2285 *sul;1- "flow" Sem *sulJ,- "flow, pour": Arab sM [-u-]. Cf. sylJ, [-i-] "flow, spread upon the surface". WCh *suHi- "pour' ': Bks su, DB sun, Fyer si. ECh *saHay- "wet": Kera saaye. 2286 *suk- "spear" Eg sk "spear" (MK). CCh *suk- "spear": Gaa suk-ta, Gbn suk-te. Connected with *suk- "slaughter"? 2287 *suk- "slaughter" Sem *suk- "cut (ears)": Arab skk [-u-]. WCh *suk- "slaughtering (a camel)": Hs suka. Agaw *suk- "slaughter cattle (after funeral)": Bil suuk-. 2288 Sem


"push, pul!"

"push": Arab swq [-u-]. Based on *sV~-. WCh *sa-su~- "drive away": Hs säsu~a. Partial reduplication. ECh *swak- "push": Kera soke. Dhl suuk'- "pulI, draw". *sü~-




Sem *svtaC- "knock": Arab sqC [-a-]. HEC *suls(Is)- "beat, hit": Had sulsls-.






Wrz *sols- "hit": Gaw soq. Related to *suls- "push, pull"? The auslaut laryngeal is lost in Cush.

2290 *su1,ml- "foot, leg" ECh *sugul- "thigh": Sok sugul. Omot *sukul- "foot": Ome sukule. Assimilation of vowels. No traces of the emphatic. Derived from *sals- "leg".

2291 *sulak- "bird" Sem *sulak- "chicken (of a partridge)": Arab sulak-. ECh *suIVk- "guinea fowl": Kera sulku, Kwan sulkö.

2292 *sulVl;1- "wall" Sem *sal!}-/*sul!}- "wall": Akk sallJu, sullJu. Eg swi!}.t "fortified site" (MK). -w- stands for a rounded vowels.

2293 *su(m)bVl- "band, plait" Sem *subl- "hern": Hbr söbel. Eg sbn "band, bandage" (I). ECh *sVmbVI- "plait": Mobu s;Jmb;J!e. HS cluster *-mb-?

2294 *sun- "know" Eg swn "know" (1), Copt *sow(u)n: Boh söoun, Shd sooun. Berb *sVn- "know": Tua essen, Sgh -SS;Jn, Kby issin. CCh *sun- "know": Daba sun-.

2295 *sunal.t- "know, imagine" Sem *sVna!}- "appear in somebody's mind": Arab sn!} [-a-]. ECh *suHan- "know": Turn han, Mkk suun-.


SUNAl;l- -


Metathesis. Derived from *sun- "know".

2296 *sunb- "c1oud, sky" Eg sbn.t "sky" (gr). Metathesis. CCh *xa-sumb- "cloud": Gbn xus:Jmba, Hwn haSumbi. Prefix *xa-.

2297 *supay- "spear" Sem *sVpäy- "sharp driving stick": Aram (Syr) s:Jpäi-. WCh *suyap- "spear": Mnt suyep. Metathesis. Cf. CCh *sap- "spear": Bnn sappa.

2298 *sur- "rope" Sem *surr- "umbilical cord": Hbr SOT, Arab surr-. Eg WST.t "rope" (XX). Vocalic W-. Wrz *SUT- "rope": Gaw surre. An alternative parallel for Eg WST. t is Sem *walal- id. (Arab walal-) from *wacal-.

2299 *surV)- "eye" Sem *sur'- "eyelid": Akk sur'u. Eg WST.t "eye" (gr). Vocalic W-. Loss of the laryngeal in late Eg.

2300 *susan- "grass, lotus" Sem *süSän- "grass" 1, "lotus, lily" Arab süsän- 2. Borrowed from Eg? Eg sssn "lotus" (pyr), ssn id. (MK). Dissimilation.


Akk sisnu


Hbr sösän 2,




2301 ·suwak- "go, come" Sem ·sük- "march and stumble": Arab swk [-u-]. WCh ·suk- "galloping": Hs suka. Contraction. ECh ·suk- "corne": Mubi suk. LEC ·sok(k)- "go away": Or sokka. Cf. also reduplication in Or suksuka "run, trot". Cf. ·se/s- "walk, run". Cf. also Bed sak- "go"; Agaw ·sVk"approach" (Bil s:J!cW-r-) , LEC ·sok(k)- "Ieave" (Or sokka) , Omot ·sak-/·sik- "approach, come" (Ome sik-, Kaf sakk-).

2302 ·süf- "wool, cotton" Sem ·sip- "wool": Akk sipätu. WCh ·suJ- "wool cloth": Hs sÜfi. Bed suj "cotton" .

2303 ·sük- "sow" Eg s-P' "sow" (pyr). From ·sik-, with palatalization of ·-k-. WCh ·suk- "sow": Hs süka. Omot ·sok- "sow": Kaf sok, Bwo soko

2304 ·süm- "name" Sem ·sim- "name": Akk sumu, Ug sm, Hbr sem, Aram (Syr) Jemö, Arab (dial.) sim-, SAr slm, Shr sum, Gz s:Jm, Tgr s:Jm, Tgy s:Jm, Amh s:Jm, Arg s:Jm, Gur s:Jm, Gaf s:JmWä. WCh ·sumi- "name": Hs sünä, Sura sum, Ang süm, Mnt sum, Ank sum, Grk t:Jm, Bol sun, Krk s:Jm, Tng SVm:J, Ngm sun, Maha sum, Bele hin-ti, Krf sz·mi, Gera s:Jma, Glm sz·m, Grm simi, Diri sin, Paa sz·m, sun, Cagu sz·man, Mbu sin, Pol sum, s:Jm, Geji sin, Brw sim, sin, Bgh isum, Kir wusum, wus:Jm, Tala sum, s:Jm, KIr sim, DB sumo CCh ·sim(ya)- "name": Tera lim, Gaa sima, Gbn sima, Hwn sim:J, Chb sima, Mig sim, Mba sim, FKi s:Jm, Daba zimi, Gude l:Jma, Gudu lim, FJ zimu, Log semi, Bud hemi, LPe sem-t/,e, Masa sema, Msm sem. Irregular lateral resulting from the contamination with the word for "ear".


SÜM- -


ECh ·sVm- "name": Smr sumi, Turn him, Ndam ham, Mig seme, Mubi same, Mkk suma. Connected with ·sim- "cali, speak".

2305 ·süp- "pole, beam" Sem ·Sip- "beam": Akk Sipu. WCh ·sup- "pole, support": Mpn sup, Tng suup.

2306 ·süt- "woman" Sem ·sitt- "lady": Ug st, Arab sitt-. Berb ·sut- "women": Kby sur. WCh ·sut- "sister": Tng sut. CCh ·sut- "girl": Mwu suti.

2307 ·sVf- "break" Sem ·süp- "grind": Hbr swj, Aram swJ. Based on ·sVp-. Ef sjsj "break" (XVIII). Reduplication.

2308 ·sVfif- "snake" Sem ·sVpip- "kind of snake": Hbr se pip-än. Berb ·s Vfuj- "snake": Zng te-sjuJ-;)h. ·-u- < ·-i- between labials. Partial reduplication of ·se]- "snake".

2309 ·sVb.al- "weave" Sem ·sVl}.al- "make a cloth (of separate threads)": Arab sl}l [-a-]. WCh ·sVHVl- "rnat": Ang sö:l.

2310 ·sVk- "smell" (v.) Sem ·sVh Vk- "blow": Arab shk [-a-]. Based on


487 Eg s-V' "smell" (n.) (pyr). SuffIx -y. CCh ·sVk- "smell": Gbn s::Jk-t:J.



"strike, pierce"

Sem ·sV(cVr- "pierce": Akk saqäru, Gz sqWr, Tgy säqWärä. Eg slsr "strike" (pyr).

2312 ·sVp- "plait, sew" Sem ·sup- "tie" 1, "plait" 1, "sew" 3: Akksepu 1, Arab-!ff[-u-] Gz sjy 2, Hrr säfa 3, Gur sejä 3. Eg spy "bind up (a ship)" (pyr). SuffIx -y. ECh ·sVp- "spin, twist": Mig sipiyo. LEC ·sup(P)- "darn": Or suPfia. Wrz ·sap- "tie, sew": Gaw sap-, sapp-. Omot ·siP(p)- "plait, sew": Kaf sipp-, Mch sippi-, Gim sif-.


Chaotic correspondences of vowels. Derived from ·sip- "rope".

2313 ·sVtVp- "cut, slaughter" Sem ·sVtVp- "cut out": Akk satäpu. Eg stJi "slaughter" (pyr).

*"S 2314 ·sa'-/·saw- "wish, like" Sem ·s'2- "wish": Arab.ry' [-a-]. Based on ·fV'-. Dhl hlaw- "love, like". Rift ·sa'- "like": Irq saa'-, Alg saa'-, Bur


For the semantic development, cf. Sp querer "wish" ..... "love". Note a consonantal alternation ._'- - ·-w-.



2315 ·sab- "mix, knead" Sem ·siib- "mix": Arab swb [-u-]. Based on ·sVb-. Eg sbb "mix, knead" (OK). Partial reduplication. WCh ·saQ-/·samQ- "mix, knead": Bollomb-, Tng lamb-, Wrj laQ::J, Kry laQ::J, Miya laQ, Paa zaQu, Siri saQa. Secondary emphatization. Note a nasal infix in Bol and Tng. Bed saawi "mix, collect". -w- < ·-b- in the intervocalic position.

2316 ·sab- "rib" ECh ·sVb- "rib": Kbl ka-s::Jba. Prefix ·ka-. Rift ·sab- "diaphragm" 1, "rib"


Irq sawi


Bur sabi


Cf. Som laab id. with 1- as a reflex of the lateral?

2317 ·sab- "axe, sword" Sem •sabaw- "blade (of a sword)": Arab sabii-t-. Derived from ·sab-. WCh ·sab- "sword" 1, "axe" 2: Hs ziibö 1, ziibi 2. Cf. CCh ·zamb-/·zimb- "axe": HNk zimbwe, Mofu zamba, Gis zimbe.

2318 ·sab- "plant" Eg Vb "kind of plant" (pyr). V ocalic -)-. WCh ·sab- "grass": Tng laba. Dhl hlaaß-une "leaf'. Irq ·sab- "bush": Ala saba.

2319 ·sabab- "reed flute" Sem ·sabab- "reed flute": Arab sabbab-at-. Cf. Akk sabi-t- "musical instrument". Berb ·sab(VJb- "flute": Mns ta-sabbul.

C SA -



Eg sbb "reed, reed tube" (med). Partial reduplication of *sab- "plant"?

2320 *saba1.t- "cut" Sem *fVba!;.- "split": Arab sb!;. [-a-]. WCh *sabVl].- "wound, stab (with a knife)": Hs zabga. Connected with *sab- "axe, sword".

2321 *sabVb- "tie, weave" Sem *fVbVb- "bind, tie": Arab sbb. WCh *sab Vb- "weave": Bol Loqq-. Secondary emphatization. Partial reduplication of unattested *sab-.

2322 *sado)-/*sadoy- "pulI out" Eg sdy "pull out" (med). WCh *sa-sadwa)- "draw out": Hs zazzarjö. Partial reduplication. Consonantal alternation




2323 *Sac_ "cow, bull" WCh *saH- "bull" 1, "cow" 2: Dera La 2, Pol sa 12, Geji sa 2, Dwot sa 2, Ngz sa 2. CCh *za- "cow, bull, cattle": Tera za, HG sa, Glv sa, Gis sa, Msg xe, Gul xa, FJ za-I), Mtk Ze, Mrg sa, Gbn sa-ta, Boka !:J-t;), Ksr sä, Bud hä. Bed sa) "cow". SA *sa c- "cattle": Saho saca, Afar saa c. LEC *sa c- "cow": Som sa" Or saa)aa, Arb se'. HEC *sa)- "cow": Sid sa)aa, Had saayya, Kmb sayaa. Rift ·seH-/*saHe- "cow": Irq see, Alg see, Bur see, Asa se-ok, Kwz sae-ko. Cf. an isolated form in Berb: Kby risran "kine".

490 2324 ·sak- "feather, wing" Sem ·sük- "become fully fledged": Arab swk. Derived from a noun. Secondary inlaut ·-w-. CCh ·zakwa- "feather": Glv zäkwa, Gdf zakwa.

2325 ·sam- "plant, flower" Sem ·samm- "plant": Akk sammu. Eg smJw "flower" (med). V ocalic -J- and suffix -w.

2326 ·sam- "bird" Eg sm "kind of bird" (XXII). CCh ·)a-zam- "falcon": Gis )aZam. Prefix *)a-.

2327 ·sam- "be possible, be able" WCh *sam- "do, make, be possible": Ngz zamu. CCh *zam- "can": Log z:Jm. Rift *sam - "allow": Asa sam -. Semantically, "allow" + - "make possible".

2328 ·sam- "burn; lightning" Eg sm, smm "be hot, be burning" (OK). Berb ·sam- "lightning": Ahg e-ssam, Ndir i-ssim, Fgg u-s:Jm. Secondary -i- in N dir.

2329 ·Sam- "sun" Sem ·sams- "sun" 1, "sun-heat" 2: Akk samsu 1, Hbr semes 1, Aram (Syr) semS- 1, Arab sams- 1, SAr smS 1, Tgr sämS 1, Soq sam 1, Jib J.um 2. Partial reduplication and dissimilation from ·sams-. Eg ssm.t "moon-disc" (gr). ss- reflects ·s-. WCh ·sam- "sun": Ang lern. Related to ·sam- "burn; lightning".



2330 ·sap- "receive" Eg szp "receive" (pyr). sz- may reflect a lateral. WCh *sap- "receive": Sura lap, Ank läp, Grk läP, Mpn lap. Cf. Rift *sa[pJ- "get": Irq saw-, Bur saw-?

2331 ·sar- "clothes" Eg sr.t "clothes" (gr). WCh ·sarar- "rags": Hs zarära. Partial reduplication. SA ·sar- "clothes": Saho sara, Afar sam.

2332 ·sat- "tie, weave" Sem ·fVt- "tie, weave": Akk satu, Jib seU. WCh *sat- "spin": Bks lat.

2333 ·seb- "wind" Sem *fib- "wind": Akk sub-tu, Soq siboh. CCh ·zVb- "storm": FKi Z;)va. ECh ·Syab- "wind": Kera ke-seba. Prefix ·kya-.

2334 ·sil.tar- "open" Sem ·fVl}ar- "be open, open (mouth)": Arab sf)r [-a-]. Cf. Arab srf) "open", sr id. WCh ·siHar- "open": Cagu zar, Mbu zir.

2335 ·simar- "green plant" Sem ·fimär- "dill": Akk simru, Arab samär-. Assimilation in Arab. HEC ·simar- "cabbage": Had simmaro)o, Kab simmara.



SIP- -


2336 ·sip- "light, day" Eg ssp "light" (MK). Note ss- < ·s-. Berb ·s Vf- "day": Ghd a-se], Ahg esse]. WCh ·sip- "light": Ang mege-l:Jp, Pero lip. Related to ·sVp- "shine, be light".

2337 ·sob- "set fire" Sem ·fub- "burn, be hot" 1, "set fire" 2, "warm" (v.) 3: Akk sabäbu 1, Arab 'ibb [-u-] 2, Soq 'ibb 3. WCh ·sa(m)b- "take fire" 1, "set fire" 2: Ang lap lap 1, Tng lamb- 2. Secondary *-a- < ·-wa-. ECh ·swab- "flame" (v.): Bid )olob.

2338 ·suf- "heat, boil" WCh ·safaf- "heat up, make hot": Hs zäfafo. Partial reduplication with modified vocalism. Rift ·suf- "boil": Asa suJ-.

2339 ·sur- "pour" Sem ·fur- "pour": Arab srr [-u-]. WCh ·sur- "pour" : Paa zur. CCh ·zVr- "pour out": Mofu z:Jr.

2340 ·sVp- "shine, be light" Eg ssp "be light" (pyr). ss- reflects • s-. WCh ·sVp- "shine": Sura l:Jp.

2341 ·sVw- "light, lightning" Eg sw "light, sun" (NK). CCh ·)a-zVw- "lightning": Daba aZ:JW. Prefix ·)a-.

TA'- -



*t 2342 *ta'- "gate, house" Eg t] "gate" (XIX). CCh *'i-ta'- "hut": Daba ita. Prefix *'i-. ECh *'a-ta'-ay- "kitchen": Kera ataaya. Prefix *'a- < *'i-, cf. CCh. 2343 *ta'- "eat" Sem *tV'-/*tVw- "eat": Akk ta'u, Jib te, Sok tel (imp.), Hss tewö, Mhr tewö, Shh tel. WCh *ta'-/*ti'- "eat": Hs Cl, Gera tii, Bol tii- , Maha ti, Krf tii-, Glm c-, Dera twi, Krk tu, Ngm ta, Wrj ta, tau, Diri cu, Mbu ti, Jim ti, tä, Siri tü, Cagu cü, DB cuh, Sha ci, Kir ci, Ngz tao CCh *ti- < *ta'i- "eat": Lame ti, LPe ti, Msm ti. ECh *ta(y)-/*ti(y)- "eat": Jegu t-, Mig tiyaw, Bid taa, Mubi tuwa, tiya, Dng tc, Brg taya. 2344 *ta'-!*taw- "ash" Eg tJ.w "ash" (med). Cf. tJ "be hot" (OK). WCh *taw-taw- "ash": Kir atoto. Reduplication. Consonantal alternation *-'- - *-w-. 2345 *ta'-!*taw-!*tay- "go, run" Sem *'VtVw-/*'VtJi)- "arrive, come" 1, "return" 2: Ug 'tw 1, Aram '0' 1, Arab '0' [-i-] 1, SAr 'tw 1, Gz 'tw 2. Prefix V- . WCh *ta-/*taw- "enter" 1, "go" 2: Ang te 1, Geji tewi 1, Dwot t;}X 1, Dera tawi 2. CCh *ta'-/*tay- "follow" 1, "go" 2: Bud tea 1, Zirne ta 2, Msm ta 2. ECh *ta'-/*tay- "drive" 1, "go" 2: Lele tee 1, Kbl tayi 1, Mkk





TA'-/TAW-/TAY- -


Agaw *tu'- "enter": Aun tU-I). LEC *ti'- "run": Bay ti-. A different alternation grade or a ease of phonetie development from *t J.»-. Consonantal alternation *-'- -

*-w- -


2346 *ta'ay-/*taway- "cloth" Eg tJy.t.t "cloth" (pyr). ECh *taway- "kerehief': Jegu tawaaye. Consonantal alternation *-'- -


2347 *tab-/*tib- "foot, hee1" WCh *tab- "palm or sole": Bks taba. ECh *tab- "foot": Kbl taba, Mobu taba. SA *tibiC- "foot, heel": Afar tibz·c. Unexpected *_c_. LEC *teb- "foot": Arb teb. Alternation *a -


2348 *tabac- "follow" Sem *tVba C- "follow": Hbr tbC, Arab tbC [-a-], Jib teC, Hss töba, Mhr töba, Shh tC'. ECh *taHab- "follow": Lele täb, Kbl ta:bi ka:si. Metathesis. 2349 *taf- "hand" WCh *taf- "hand, palm": Hs täfi, Bol tafi, DB taJ. CCh *tuji- "hand": Nza tivi, Beh tufa, tufey. Contamination with *tuf- "five". ECh *taf- "hand": Sok tafa. Agaw *taf- "hand": Aun taf-.

2350 *taf- "clap" WCh *taJ- "clap (the hands)" taft 2.


"take a handful"


Hs täfa


TAF- -



Omot *taf- "dap": Kaf tap. Derived from *taf- "hand, arm".

2351 *taf- "go" Eg tfy "move away" (n). Suffix -y. WCh *taf- "go, go out" 1, "follow" 2: Hs tafi 1, Gwn tafi 1, Bol taf- 1, Krk taf- 1, Dera tai 1, Wrj taw- 2, Paa taf- 2, Siri taf- 2, Ngz t:Jfu 1. Alternation *a -

*i. Cf. Dhl1.ipp-eem- "come from"?

2352 *taf-taf- "henna" Eg tftf "henna". WCh *taf-taf- "henna" taftaf 1, N gz taftaf 2.


"Cochlospermum tinctorium"




2353 *tag- "go, run" WCh *tag- "run away": Glm täg-. LEC *tag- "go": Som tag. Omot *teg- "go": Nao lEg, Shk t:Jg. Secondary *-e-?

2354 *taC- "flow" Sem *ti C- "flow" 1, "pour (of rain)" 2: Arab ryC [-i-] )ä-twa 2. Based on *ta C-. WCh *ta-/*ti- "ooze" 1, "rain" (v.) 2: Ang ta 1, Tng ti 2. LEC *to)- "draw water": Or to)a. The source of *0 is not dear. Dhl t'a-8- "wet" (v.). Is t' - a regular reflex of *t-?







2355 *taCab- "be tired, be ill" Sem *t VCab- "be tired": Arab tCb [-a-]. WCh *taHab- "be ill": Hs taqu. ECh *ta'ab- "become tired": Mubi ta'aba. Cf. SA *tib- "be still": Saho tib, Afar tib? 2356 *tag-I*tug- "belly" Sem *lälJ- "inside, intestines": Akk tälJu. WCh *tuH-/*tuH-ki- "belly, inside" 1, "body" 2: Hs cikz' 1, Cagu cuke 2, Kir tuwok 1, Geji tuki 1, Pol tu 1, Zem tuko 1, Brw tu 1, Say tu 1, Brm tuk 1, Dwot tu 1, Ngz t:Jka 2. *-ki is a morpheme of parts of the body. Alternation *a -


2357 *tak- "fly, moth" Sem *takk- "moth": Aram Oud) takk-. Eg tkk.t "ichneumon fly". Dhllakkwa'e "dung beatle". 2358 *takoc- "trample, pound" Sem *tVkVs- "trample": Aram Oud) tks. WCh *takwac- "pound": Ngz takwsu. Derived from *tuk- "beat, press". 2359 *takon- "suck blood" WCh *takwan- "bleed (smb.)": Mbu takwana, Diri takwan, Miya takwam, Siri takwana. Agaw *tVkwan- "bugs": Bil t:Jxwan, Xmr t:Jxwan, Kwr tuukaan, Kem tuxaanaa. SA *tVkwan- "bugs": Saho t:JkWan, Afar t:JkWan. LEC *tukan- "bug": Or tukana. Metathesis of vowels. An Agaw loanword? Note nominal forms in Cush. Derived from *tak- "fly, moth"?

TAJ. -w-. Consonantal alternation

*'- - *y- in the anlaut.

2570 *yabil- "buH, ram" Sem *yabil- "rarn" : Hbr yöbil. Eg lbJ.w "ovis tragelaphus" (OK). -J < HS *-l-. CCh *bVl- "kind of rarn": Mafa b;)law. ECh *bilVy- "buffalo": Mkk bilyo. Metathesis.




2571 ·yac-/·wa-yac- "dog" Eg [s pI. "dogs pulling the ship of the Sun-god" (n). Bed yaas "dog". HEC ·wis- "dog": Had wisa. Contraction from ·wTJIVs-. Omot ·wayVs- "dogs": Ome wayse. A derivative from this root is found in Berb .·w Vs[iJn "jackal": Ghd wessin, Sml uss;m, Nfs ussen, Qbl ussen. Note prefix ·wa- in HEC and Omot.

2572 ·yad- "bird" Eg ldw "kind of bird" (med). Suffix -wo WCh ·yadi- "bird": Grk yad, Dera yid.7yo, Tng )idi, Maha widi, Fyer yadu, KIr yidi.

2573 ·yadaC- "know, think" Sem ·wVdVc- "know": Akk ed';', UgydC, Hbr yd', Aramyd', Hss yoda, Mhr weda, Shh eda c, Soq eda c. Eg [d' "clever" (n). Borrowed from Sem? LEC ·yaHad- "think": Or yaada.

2574 ·yal- "stick, branch" Eg lJJ.t "branch, scepter" (MK). WCh ·yal- "stick": Tng ala, Bksyal.

2575 ·yam- "water, sea" Sem ·yamm- "sea": Hbr yäm, Ugym, Arab yamm-. CCh ·yami- "water": Gbnyeme, Chbyimi, HNkyemi, FKiyamu, FG yimu, Gis )iyam, Dabayim, Msgyem, Bldyam, Mofuyam. Egym "sea" (XVIII) is a Sem loanword.





2576 *yam- "day" Sem *yawm- "day": Akk ümu, Ugym, Hbryäm, Aram (Syr)yawmä, Arab yawm-, Soqyom. Cf. Jib yum "sun, light", Gz yom "today". Based on biconsonantal *yam-? ECh *yam- "day": Jeguyom. Note LEC *yawan- "(this) time" (Or yoowana)?

2577 *yama)- "wood, tree" Eg im} "fruit-tree; wood" (pyr). WCh *yaHam- "wood, firewood": Angyäm, Surayorom.

2578 *yamin- "right (side)" Sem *yamzn- "right (hand)": Akk imnu, Ugymn, Hbryämzn, Aram (Syr) yäminäy, Arab yamzn-, Gz yammän. Berb *(yl-JmVn- "direct": Izy mni, imna. Eg imn "right (side)" (pyr).

2579 *yar- "fire; burn" Eg ir.t "flame" (gr). The meaning is not quite definite. WCh *yar- "burn": Bghyar. CCh *y Vr- "heat": Bud yir-ow. ECh *yar- "burn": Dng yere.

2580 *yar-/*yarag- "cereal" Sem *yaralJ- "kind of barley": Akkyara!J!Ju. Eg iry.t "corn (as donation)" (XVIII). ECh *yar- "corn": Sokyere.

2581 *yara)-/*yaraw- "reed" Sem *yara)- "reed not used for writing": Arabyara)-. Eg Urw "reed, rush" (pyr), Ur "kind of plant" (med). WCh *y Vraw- "reed": Tng yiro.



Consonantal alternation *-'- -



2582 *yasar- "straight" Sem *yaiar- "straight": Akk isaru, Hbr yäSär, Aramyairä. Cf. also Arab yasar- "easy, tractable". LEC *sir- < *s~Vr- "straight": Or sirri. Metathesis. HEC *sayar- "straight": Sid sera.

2583 *yatin- "day, sun" Eg itn "sun" (MK). ECh *yatin-H- "day": Jeguyeti{7, 'eti{7.

2584 *yaw- "pour, flow" Eg iwy "pour out" (MK). WCh *yaw- "leak, drip": Ngz yau.

2585 *yawan-/*yawin- "silt, day" Sem *yawin- "silt, dirt": Hbr yäwen. WCh *wan- < *yawan- "day": Ang uan, wan, Ank uan, Sura wan.

2586 *yawin- "water" Eg lwny "waters" (gr). Vocalic JI. CCh *yawin- "water": Bnnyowino. Derived from *ya'-I*yaw- "water, river".

2587 *yawir- "neck, throat" Eg lw}y.t "throat" (gr). WCh *l}aJlawir- "neck, throat": Grk arreu, Dera wura, Wrj ryir-na, Kry rwir, wir, Mbu rwiro, wiro, Miya wir, Cagu wire, Siri yiri, Brm wiyer, Dwot yar, Say y;}r, Pol yuar, KIr wir. Prefix *I}a-.




CCh *wur- "neck": FG wuri, FMch wura, FBw uura, Gude wuro, FK wura. Secondary *-u-. ECh *wVr- "neck": Jegu were.

2588 *yayVl;1- "grass, plant" Eg ly/J "water plant" (XVIII). WCh *yay- < *yayVH- "grass": Hsyäye.

2589 *yP- "back" Eg {J.t "back" (OK). CCh *ya)-/*yi)- "back": Mrg yi, Log ya-~, Mnd yi-ga. Agaw *yz·w- "smali of the back, waist": Kwr yewi.

2590 *yP-'*yiw- "house" Eg lwy.t "house, town block" (MK). WCh *yP- "place" : Kry iyu, Cagu yi, Mbu yi. Consonantal alternation *-)- -


2591 *yil- "earth, field" Eg lyr "field" (1). WCh *yila- "earth": Surayil, Angyz"!, Mnt ka-iil, Ankyil, Grk rz"!, Krkyali, TngyeUi, Pero iUiy, Ngm )eli, Glmyil, Grnyil.

2592 *yipaC- "shine" Sem *y Vp 0- "shine": Hbr ypc. CCh *pay- < *paH- "dawn" 1, "sun" LEC *[yJif- "shine": Or ifa.


Daba pay


Gid päya

2593 *yubil- "flow" Sem *wVbil- "rain abundantly (of the sky)": Arab wbl [- i-]. WCh *yubVl- "dip, dive": Yngyuble. Related to *bol- "flow, be wet".





2594 *yubVs- "be dry" Sem *yVbVS- "be dry": Hbrybs, Arabybs, SArybs, Gzybs. WCh *bubJVs- "dry up": Hs büSe. Metathesis.

2595 *yuw- "cow, buH" Eg lwJ "bulI" (pyr). Bed yuwe "cow".

2596 *3a- "man" Eg z "man" (OK). WCh *3a1-/*3i1- "man": Cagu zaju, juju, Wrj jifa. Suffix 1-. Other forms have an additional prefix: Diri nj;)vu, Paa njuu. CCh *3a-/*3u- "man": Kap za, HNk za, HF zu, HBt zu. ECh *nV-ja(w)- < *nV-3a(w) "man": Jeguja, Mubi njö, Brgja. *-j- < *-3- in contact with the prefix. InJegu and Brg the initial sonant is lost. Some of the forms are contaminated with *3a-/*3i- "body, meat" .


g.t "body" (pyr). g- < *3- before a

front vowel? WCh *3i-/*3u- "body": Bol zuwo, Krk zu, Krf ji, Gera zuwi, Glm ji, Grm jii. CCh *3a- "body": Bura 3a, Chb 3a, Ngw 3a, Kib 3a, Hld 3aw, Wmd ij;)W, Mrg U3U, Mrg wu3u. ECh *3i- "body": Dng zi-r, Mig zi, Jegu zii-to, MubiJo-c, Bid zii-te, Brg zi. Agaw *3&>- "body, meat": Xmr z&>aa, Xmt s&>a, Kwr zeyaa, Dmb zeyaa, Kern s&>aa.

3A-!3I- -



Contaminated with *3a- "man". Alternation *a -


2598 *3a)-!*3aw- "go, come" Eg zJw "go slowly, crawl" (OK). WCh *3a)- "come" 1, "enter" 2: Hs zö 1, Wrj zau 2, Kry zau Paa za 2, Mbu za- 2, Jmb za- 2. CCh *3aw-/*3ay- "walk" 1, "enter" 2: Log zuwa 1, LPe ze 2. ECh *nV-jaw- < *nV-3aw- "go": Jegujawo, Mubi njaa, njau. *-j- < *-3- in eontaet with the prefix. Consonantal alternation *-)- -



2599 *3a)- "son" Eg zJ "son" (pyr). CCh *3a)-/*3ay- "son": FG za, Gis za, Gude nzu, Gudu nji, Nza nz",y, Beh nze. 2600 *3a)ar- "plant" Eg zJr.t "garden plant" (sare). WCh *mu-3aHar- "grass": Bks muzaar. Prefix *mu-. ECh *)a-3 VHVr- "flower": Bid )ozooro. Prefix *)a-. 2601 *3ab- "insect" Eg zb.t "kind of inseet, parasite" (MK). Cf. ddb. t "seorpion" (I). CCh *3ab- "termite": Tera zalJa. Secondary emphatie. 2602 *3ab- "hair, wool" Sem *zabab- "wool, down, thiek hair": Arab zabab-. Partial reduplieation. Berb *3Vb- "hair, wool": Zng a)-zbi. Eg zb.t "hairlock" (RGr). LEC *3ab- "hair": Or daabee, debb-esa.


3AGÜL- -

3 AN-

2603 *3agül- "monkey" ECh *3ugul- "monkey": Brg zuguli. Assimilation of vowels from *3agul-. Agaw *3agill- "monkey": Bil jäggira, Xmt ziägeraa, Kwr jägz·raa, Kern jeg;>raa, Aun zagree, Dmt zagree. 2604 *3acab-'*3acib- "cut; axe" Sem *zVCab- "cut, chop": Arab zCh [-a-]. WCh *3aHih- "axe": Hs zäqz, Pero jihi. 2605 *3al.taf- "drag oneself, crawl" Sem *zVl)Vp- "drag oneself, creep, crawl": Arab zJif, Hss zelJäj, Mhr zelJäj, Shh zlJaj. LEC *3aHaj- "drag oneself, crawl": Kon taaj-, GIb zaaj-. 2606 *3ak-'*3ik- "go, come" Sem *zik- "march (in small steps)": Arab zU [-i-]. WCh *3Vk- "corne": Tumjek. Alternation *a -


2607 *3am- "think, remember" Sem *zVm- "think": Hbr zmm. WCh *3um- < *3amu- "remember": Pol zum. CCh *3am- "think": Glv dzam. 2608 *3amVn- "dweIl, stay" Eg zmn "stay, dwell" (pyr). WCh *3amVn- "stay": Hs zamna, zauna. An original root may be represented in Dhl jem- "stay in a place" . 2609 *3an- "pour, flow" Sem *zVn- "rain" (v.): Akk zanänu.

3AN- -



WCh *3an- "pour out": Diri zan. ECh *3yan- "flow, ooze": Bid zenyzetry. Reduplication. 2610


"throw, push"

Sem *zVrV(c- "throw" 1, "dart" (v.) 2: Hbr zrq 1, Aram zrq 1, Arab zrq 1, Hss zeröq 2, Mhr zeröq 2, Shh zoroq 2. SA *3 Vrig- "stir": Saho -izrig-, -idrig-. LEC *3arug-/*3aruk- "shift, push": Som durk-, durug-, Arb zarug-, Arb zurg-, zurug-. *-g-/*-k- in SA and LEC see m to continue emphatic



2611 *3aw- "stick" Eg zJw "twig" (BD). WCh *3aw- "stick": Ngz zawa. CCh *3aw- "stick": Log zawa. Cf. Chb zuwa, Mrg ;Jzuwa that may also go back to *3uwal-.

Eg lzy "rope" (NK). WCh *3aw-/*3ay- "rope": Miya zowu, Ngz zayi, Bade zayi. CCh *3aw-/*3a)U- "rope": Tera zo, HGh zuwi, HB zuwo, Kap zuwc, Mnd zäwa, Gude zu)wa, Nza zo)o, FMch zu)u, Lame zeo, Mafa zaya. ECh *3a- "rope": Turn hä, Ndam ha. Consonantal alternation *-w- -


2613 *3aw-I*3ay- "fly" (v.) ECh *3aw-/*3ay- "fly" (v.): Kwn sayi, Tob say, Lele se, Bid zew, Mkk zaawo. Rift *jV'- "fly, jump": AsaJi)-it-. Cf. Aig co)-ot- id. Rift *j- may be a regular reflex of HS *3-. Consonantal alternation *-w- - *:)'-.


3AW-/3UW- -


2614 *3aw-/*3uw- "rain" Eg zwzw "kind of pool" (pyr). WCh *3aw-/*3a)- "water, rain": Cagu zäw, Geji zrye, Say za, Dwot za.

Geji reflects *3aY-/*3ry-. ECh *3 Vw- "rain" (v.): Turn kJw. Agaw *3UW- "rain": Bil zuwaa, Xmr zoowaa, Xmt suwaa, Kwr suwaa, Dmb suwaa, Kern suwaa. From *3aw-. 2615 *3PVp- "cut" Sem *zPVp- "be cut off': Arab z"'f. Berb *3 VJ- "plane, shave": Ayr zaj-at. Eg izp "chop with axe" (OK). Metathesis. Initial 1- continues *)- before a HS front vowel. 2616 *3ib- "go, walk" Eg zby "walk, pass" (pyr). Infinitive in -y. WCh *3ib- "follow": Diri zibu. CCh *3ib- "go out" 1, "follow"


WMrg zuba


Mrg ziQu



zbi 2.

Cf. ECh *jwab-