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The paper in this book meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Orel, Vladimir E. Hamito-Semitic etymological dictionary : materials for a reconstruction I by Vladimir E. Orel and Olga V. Stolbova. p. cm. - (Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung, Nahe und Mittlere Osten, 0169-9423; 18. Bd.) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 9004100512 I. Proto-Afroasiatic language-Etymology-Dictionaries. 2. Afroasiatic languages-Etymology-Dictionaries. I. Stolbova. III. Series: Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Olga V. II. Title. Abteilung, Nahe und der Mittlere Osten; 18. Bd. PJ994.073 1994 492-dc20 94-32911 CIP
Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Handbuch der Orientalistik / hrsg. van B. Spuler unter Mitarb. von C. van Dijk ... - Leiden ; New York ; Koln : Brill. Teilw. hrsg. von H. AJtcnmiiller. - Teilw. mit Parallelt.: Handbook of oriental studies Abt. l, Der Nahe und Mittlere Osten - The Near and Middle East / hrsg. von H. Altenmiiller ... NE: Spuler, Bertold [Hrsg.]; Altenmilller, Hartwig [Hrsg.]; Handbook of oriental studies
Bd. 18. Orel, Vladimir E.: Hamito-Semitic etymological dictionary. - 1994
Orel, Vladimir E.: Hamito-Semitic etymological dictionary : materials for a reconstruction / by Vladimir E. Orel and Olga V. Stolbova. Leiden; New York; Kelln: Brill, 1994 (Handbook oforiental studies: Abt. I, The Near and Middle East; Bd. 18) ISBN 90-04-10051-2 NE: Stolbova, Ol'ga V.:; HST
ISSN 0 169-9423 ISBN 90 04 10051 2 © Copyright 1995 by EJ. Brill, Leiden, 17ze Netherlands
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And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech ... And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be withheld from them, which they have schemed to do. Come, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the Lord scattered them abroad from there upon the face of all earth: and they ceased to build the city.
Genesis 11 : 1, 6 - 8
CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Main works of reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxn Hamito-Semitic Etymological Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index
1 557
INTRODUCTION The present Dictionary comprises the reconstruction of the main lexical stock of Hamito-Semitic (Afro-Asiatic). 1 It is based on previous studies in the field (including such works as COHEN 1947 and DJAKONOV 1981-1986) as well as on the results of our joint research in 1987 - 1993. The authors were and are quite aware of the challenge presented by the present project as well as of numerous shortcomings and potential fallacies of the resulting work. However, we are certain that the absolutely clear necessity of such a work in the Hamito-Semitic field overweighs eventual drawbacks and imperfections in what we are presently suggesting to the reader. Moreover, we consider it an inevitable fate of our Dictionary to be in constant use and, therefore, to be constantly verified and corrected in the course of time. We will be grateful to all our prospective readers for their amendments, notes and marginalia as well as for more general constructive discussion. The term Hamito-Semitic is used as a name of a protolanguage and of a linguistic phylum whose limits are explicitly shown below, in the classification of Hamito-Semitic languages. Proto-HamitoSemitic was spoken not later than 10,000-9,000 B.C.E. 2 in the areas of Levant and/or North Africa (see OREL 1995). The present Dictionary may be used as a source of lexical data reflecting the Proto-Hamito-Semitic culture and homeland. Main families belonging to the Hamito-Semitic phylum are traditionally described as Semitic, Berber, Egyptian, Chadic and Cushitic. Indeed, some of these families (Egyptian) are characterized by more or less definite boundaries and inner structure, or at least, by well-determined outer contours (Semitic, Berber, Chadic). 1 We use here a triad of terms phylum-family-branch in order to facilitate the description technically and not to use the same term in a confusing way for different time depths and different positions in the taxonomy. There is no theoretical difference between the three. As to the term Hamito-Semitic itself, it is used as an absolute synonym of Semito-Hamitic and Afro-Asiatic. Our choice of this particular variant reflects a long tradition which, from our point of view, is the only relevant factor in terminology. 2 Approximate time of divergence according to the glotto-chronological evaluation based on the Star programme. See also MILITAREV 1984.
In the case of Cushitic even the limits of the family are not exactly known and have to be established on a certain level of approximation, cf. the famous case ofMbugu - Mao (see COPLAND 19331934; GOODMAN 1971) which we do not include in the Dictionary.3 It seemed practically justified to present Chadic and Cushitic data without recurring to Common Chadic and Common Cushitic resonstructions. Even though Common Chadic reconstructions are possible, both theoretically and practically, and may correspond to a certain historical reality, a Proto-Chadic language, it seemed much more convenient to group Chadic material under three headings: West, Central and East Chadic. These (sub)families also seem to be a lingua-historical reality. At the same time, using them allows us to group Chadic data into more compact and manageable clusters. Thus, our presentation of Chadic as separate West, Central and East Chadic is purely conventional. We deal similarly with Cushitic but for different reasons. Cushitic material appears in the Dictionary not as an integral whole but as a number of separate (sub )families (e.g. W erizoid or Omotic), some of them consisting of one language (Beja, Mogogodo, Dahalo). In contrast to Chadic, our reasons, as far as Cushitic is concerned, are less technical. Although all Cushitic (sub)families belong to the Hamito-Semitic phylum, we cannot be absolutely sure whether their prehistory included a stage that might be called "Cushitic" (see OREL, STOLBOVA 1992d). It is quite possible that grammatical and lexical features which are similar in Cushitic languages but differ from other Hamito-Semitic idioms are, in fact, nothing more than a result of a series of secondary interactions. If so, Cushitic is an areal but not a genetic union, a Sprachbund of certain HamitoSemitic dialects. But even if Proto-Cushitic existed, the relations between its branches are so vague that is, obviously, rational to present the material of different branches separately as it is, in fact, done in our Dictionary. Thus, the presentation of Cushitic data on the level of subfamilies and without a Proto-Cushitic reconstruction may be treated either as a pure technicality or as a meaningful solution depending upon the view of the reader.
This is a technical decision having no immediate connection with our opinion on the actual position of Mbugu ~ Mao. 3
Within the individual families, their classification (whenever it is well established and defendable) is reflected by the order in which data are presented in the Dictionary. Unfortunately, numerous elements of the Hamito-Semitic linguistic taxonomy are known to have more than one name. In such cases, our practical solutions are usually traditional and have no theoretical or extralinguistic implications. The resulting classification of Hamito-Semitic languages is as follows: 4 (A) SEMITIC - Akkadian; - Ugaritic, Phoenician, Punic, Amoraic, Moabite, Hebrew, Aramaic (Syriac, Palestinian etc.); - Arabic; - South Arabian (Sabaic, Minaean etc.); - Ge'ez, Tigre, Tigray, Amharic, Argobba, Gafat, Harari, Gurage (Selti, Gogot etc.); - Mehri, Jibbali, Shheri, Harsusi, Soqotri. (B) BERBER - Shilh (Semlal, Ntifa, Baamrani, Aksimen), Tamazight (Izdeg, Izayan, Segrushen); - Rif, Iznasen, Snus, Menaser, Shenua, Senhaja, Kabyle, Shauya, Figig, Mzab, Wargla, Sened, Jerba; - Awjila, Nefusa, Ghadames, Siwa, Sokna; - Ghat, Ayr, Ahaggar, Tawlemet, Taneslemt; - Zenaga; - Guanche; - Libyan.
(C) EGYPTIAN - Egyptian, Demotic, Coptic (Old Coptic, Fayumian etc.).
(D) CRADIC (D 1) WEST CRADIC - Hausa, Gwandara; - Sura, Angas, Ankwe, Mupun, Chip, Montol, Gerka; 4·
See the List of Abbreviations.
- Bolewa, Karekare, Dera, Tangale, Pero, Ngamo, Maha, Bele, Kirfi, Gera, Galambu, Geruma; - Warji, Kariya, Diri, Miya, Paa, Cagu, Siri, Mburku, Jimbin, Jimi; - Boghom, Kir, Mangas, Geji, Tala, Burma, Guruntum, Buu, Zul, Buli, Polchi, Zem, Tule, Dokshi, Dwot, Zakshi, Zaar, Sayanchi; - Fyer, Bokkos, Sha, Kulere, Dafo-Butura; - Ngizim, Bade.
- Xamir, Xamta; - Kwara, Dembea, Kemant; - Aungi, Damot.
Tera, Jara, Gaanda, Gabin, Boga, Hwona; Bura, Chihak, Kilba, N gwahi, Margi, Wamdiu, Reba, Hildi; Higi Futu, Higi Nkaf~, Higi Ghye, Fali Kiri, Fali Gili, Kapiski; Dghwede, Mandara, Padokwo, Glavda, Guduf, Zeghwana, Gvoko, Gava, Nakaci, Lamang; Matakam, Mofu, Mafa, Gisiga, Balda, Muktele; Sukur; Daba, Musgoy; Musgum, Mbara, Munjuk; Bata, Bachama, Gude, Gudu, Nzangi, Fali Jilvu, Fali Mubi, Fali Muchela, Fali Bwagira, Mwulyen; Logone, Buduma, Gulfey, Kuseri, Afade; Gidar; Lame, Lame Pewe, Zime, Zime Bata; Masa, Mesme, Banana.
- Somali, Oromo, Boni, Rendille, Bayso; - Arbore, Dume, Geleba, Konso, Gato, Bussa, Gidole.
(H 3) WERIZOID - Warazi, Gawwada, Dullay, Gobeze, Camay, Harso, Dobeze, Gollango, Gorrose, Gaba. (H 4) HIGHLAND EAST CUSHITIC - Sidamo, Darasa, Hadiya, Alaba, Kabenna, Bambala, Kambata, Tambaro.
Somray, Sibine, Tumak, Ndam; Nanchere, Tobanga, Lele, Gabri, Kabalay, Dorma; Kera, Kwan, Mobu, Ngam; Dangla, Migama, Jankor, Jegu, Bidiya; Mubi, Birgit; Mokilko; Sokoro, Barayn.
(E) BEJA (G) AGAW - Bilin;
Ometo (Gidicho, Basketo etc.); Yamma, Kaficho, Mocha, Bworo, Anfila; Hozo, Sezo, Gim, Nao, Sheko, Maji; Dime, Ari, Banna, Hamer, Karo, Basada.
(L) RIFT ( "SOUTH CUSHITIC") - Iraqw (dial.: Gorowa), Alagwa, Burunge; - Asa, Kwadza. Within the framework of the present Dictionary, several types of lexical items appear. Some of the reconstructed roots are not only
Proto-Hamito-Semitic; they may be also called Common HamitoSemitic. In other words, they are present in all or nearly all families and branches of the Hamito-Semitic phylum. Proto-Hamito-Semitic *les- "tongue" is also a part of Common Hamito-Semitic heritage as it is found in Semitic (*lisan- id., derivative with a suffix *-an-), Berber (*!Vs- id.), Egyptian (Eg ns id., Copt *les), Chadic (WCh *ba-lis-um- id., CCh *)V-ryas- id., ECh *ryas- id.) and Cushitic (Omot *mi-las- id., with a prefix *mi-). A similar case is represented by Proto-Hamito-Semitic *b:ab-l*!JabP- "vessel" which is also Common Hamito-Semitic registered in Semitic (Sem *IJabP-l!Jabiy- ''jug, bowl"), Berber ( *!J Vb- "big wooden plate"), Egyptian (b:bb "vessel"), Chadic (WCh *!Jabie)- "pot, gourd") and Cushitic (LEG *babub- "kind of gourd"). Cf. other roots attested in numerous branches of Hamito-Semitic: *sim- (Sem *sVm Vw-/*sVm J;y- "call, give name", Berb *sVm- "call, name" (v.), Egsmy "tell" (n), CCh *syam-sim- "whisper", LEG *sim- "welcome (v.)"), *kiln- (Sem *kann-/*kinn- "co-wife, female in-law", Berb *kVn- "co-wife", WCh *kin- "co-wife, sister", Agaw *kwin- "woman"). However, Common Hamito-Semitic words and roots form only a modest part of the reconstructed Proto-Hamito-Semitic vocabulary. Common Hamito-Semitic status is not a conditio sine qua non for a root to be unequivocally reconstructed as a Proto-Hamito-Semitic element. According to the theories accepted in modern historical linguistics and, particularly, in Inda-European linguistics, weaker requirements are acceptable (see SZEMERENYI 1962; PORZIO 1954). The reconstructed word may be attested in three or even in two branches if they are known not to be in direct contact. Thus, fairly acceptable are such Hamito-Semitic reconstructions as, e.g., *bur- (Sem *bfrr- "grill, lettice (of doors, windows)", Berb *bur"door", LEG *bor- "back (of a house)"), *tin- (Sem *tin- "clay, earth, dirt", Eg itn, iwtn "earth", CCh *tVn- id.), *ga)- (Sero *g }7)J;y- "rise, be high", ECh *ga)ay- "increase", Agaw *gwP- "be high"), or even *kiln- (Eg_tny "raise high", WCh *kunwa-), *Ceb-(Eg cbw "kind of bird", WCh *Hyabi- "hen, chicken"), *sab- (ECh *sVb- "rib", Rift *sab- "diaphragm, rib"), *mabar- (WCh *mabar"mouth", Bed ambar id.), *pasuq- (Sero *pas!J- "spear", WCh *pasuq- "arrow"). Exclusive isoglosses linking peripheral branches are of particular value since they are believed to reflect lexical archaisms, cf. , e.g. , isoglosses between Semitic and Rift that may be compared to Indo-Celtic isoglosses of Indo-European.
In some cases, morphological and/or phonological peculiarities lead us to a reconstruction of a Hamito-Semitic root based on the data of one branch. Such a reconstruction may be justified as an archaic relic of a root, better preserved in derivatives as in the case of *)ab- "stone" registered in several Cushitic languages (Agaw *)ab"mountain", Bed awe "stone", LEC *)eh- id.). This root is reconstructed as Hamito-Semitic because its derivative *)abun- "stone, millstone" is a well-attested Hamito-Semitic lexical element. Another example of a similar approach is our reconstruction of HS *bay- "build" based exclusively on CCh *b V- id. and ECh *bay- id. Such a reconstruction, as we believe, is justified by the archaic status of this verb whose derivative *bayit- "house" is attested in Semitic as well as in Chadic. Unfortunately, our knowledge of the Hamito-Semitic languages is extremely limited and most of the languages belonging to the Hamito-Semitic phylum have a very short written tradition or have no such tradition at all. Naturally, many of our reconstructions are based on scarce lexical material which is often excerpted from recently published sources. This may diminish or deteriorate the credibility of certain reconstructions for lack of additional data. However, we prefer to adduce this kind of material as well, hoping that in future it will be partly supported by new discoveries and partly discarded. At the present stage, it is obviously preferable to create an extensive data base open to a profound critical study. Thus, we tend to adduce even comparisons based on a very limited number offacts as, e.g., in *kaber-(CCh *kabyar- "bull": Budkaber ~ HEC *ko-bir- "buffalo": Had kobira), *nawac- (Sem *na[w]as- "kind of beer": Akk nasu ~ Eg wns.t "wine"), *ro)- (Eg rJ "snake" ~ WCh *rwa'- "cobra": DB rwa). As in other cases, we treat peripheral isoglosses as more reliable. A study of the Hamito-Semitic isoglosses may be an objective per se that in future will constitute a special subdiscipline similar to the linguistic geography of Indo-European (see OREL, STOLBOVA 1989; 1992a; 1992c). Historical and comparative phonology of Hamito-Semitic is terra incognita no more. As a whole, it was adequately summarized in a number of recent publications, see, e.g., an outline of the reconstruction suggested in DJ AKO NOV ET AL. 1987; cf. alsoDJAKONOV 1988. As far as the phonological inventory of Hamito-Semitic is concerned, only a few corrections must be made in Djakonov's phonological inventory. Thus, we do not accept his reconstruction of
labialized consonants (*kw, *~w, *g'-11 etc.) because, in individual families and branches of the phylum, they may be explained as secondary reflexes of velars and laryngeals before rounded vowels ( see below). We also abstain from accepting highly hypothetical reconstruction of sonants and laryngeals in syllabic function. As far as stops are concerned, the reader will notice that *p, even though it is present in our reconstructions of West Chadic, is missing in Hamito-Semitic. Despite a number of tentative etymologies suggested by GREENBERG 1958 and DJAKONOV 1965, we do not have sufficient evidence to corroborate the existence of this HamitoSemitic phoneme and prefer to interpret a few cases where it was reconstructed as a result of various individual irregularities in the development of *b and *p. The inventory of Hamito-Semitic consonants is shown in table 1.
sa, *h
*!J *!J
h h
*!J *!J
•4 *!J
!J, h !J, h
*r *r
*!J *!J
*k, *g
!J, h 3
*' 2
*h *h
*x *x *x *If:
*g *k *k, *g
h h, 0 h
Notes. _1. The distribu_tio:1 is regulated by a set of not fully known rules. 2. Occasional -h- m Kera and B1rg1t seems to reflect EGh *-'- different from •_)_ < HS *-'3. Rules of distribution unknown.
*!J *h
SA *J *C
' *h
0 0
*h *h
*!J *h,
*h *h •g
*!J *', *g
h h, !J h, b
*h *h
*'*h' *' *!J *!J, *!J
The Hamito-Semitic system of vowels as an important part of the phonological structure has been traditionally neglected. Deep changes of vocalism and vocalic alternations in individual branches of Hamito-Semitic, primarily in Semitic, prevented scholars from reconstructing a consistent system of vowels. In DJAKONOV ET AL. 1987 a binomial pattern was suggested in the form of an opposition *a vs. *a (the latter suggested as a further source of much later *i and *u). A new attempt of reconstruction has been recently undertaken in OREL, STOLBOVA 1989-1990 and 1992. Our tentative results are used in the present Dictionary and, therefore, Hamito-Semitic roots are correspondingly vocalized, thus allowing other scholars to proceed in the studies of the vowel structure of Hamito-Semitic. Our potential opponents are welcome to replace vowel signs with generalized Vor I\ symbols, thus arriving at a more usual variant of the Hamito-Semitic reconstruction. The system of Hamito-Semitic vowels is represented in Table 5. Its reconstruction is based on Semitic, Chadic, Egyptian (Ancient and Coptic) and Cushitic data. Table 6. Hamito-Semitic vowels.
*!J *!J
i1 0
Table 5. Hamito-Semitic sonants
*n *r *l *w
*n *r *l *w
*m *n *r
*w "y
Eg m n l, n, r ~ n, r w l, y
*m *n *r
*m *n *r ~
*w *y
*m *n *r *l *w
*m *n *r *l *w
r l, n
Note. 1. Distribution of variants remains unknown.
*m *n *r *l
*m *n
•r *l
*m *n *r
*r *l
1, l
*m •n *r *l *w
*l •c
*n *r *l *w "y
It may be shown that in Hamito-Semitic there existed certain distributional rules which were applied to the vocalism and which were similar to the rules that may be established for reconstructed ProtoChadic, namely, two middle vowels (*e and *o) could not appear within one C1 VC2 VC3 -root. Some of the vocalic alternations observed in Hamito-Semitic seem to have no immediate phonetic explanation, a factor caused by certain morphological factors (e.g. , grammatical number) and thus similar to the ablaut (alias apophony) of Inda-European and Kartvelian languages (see BRUGMANN 1904; KURYLOWICZ 1956; GAMKRELIDZE, MACHAVARIANI 1965). Such alternations may be described as HamitoSemitic ablaut (cf. OREL 1994; an early and extremely contradictory sketch of the ablaut in Semitic is represented in KURYLOWIC Z 1961). Within the Dictionary we prefer not to use this term, leaving morphonological alternations of vowels to be studied later, on the basis of the present collection of material.
On the level of separate branches, some clarifications are necessary. In Semitic, a"usual" inventory of vowels is traditionally limited to the reconstruction of nouns. It is generally believed that, in the verbal system, all traces of the ancient vocalism were completely destroyed due to a process of total rebuilding of verbal morphology. As we tried to demonstrate in OREL, STOLBOVA 1990, certain forms of the Semitic (actually, of Arabic) verb display reasonable correspondences with Chadic verbs. Such forms, including the vowel of the second syllable in the imperfect, are regularly shown in the Dictionary and used as a basis for the corresponding Proto-Semitic reconstruction. Thus, along with vocalized nominal forms such as zss- "fiire " , *dam- "bl oo d" , *d"zmm- ''cheetah, cat'', *gabr- ' 'man'', *h-h.zn- " mo1ar", the D1ct10nary · · VU$- "leaf" , *' sa hr- " new moon " , *ta. presents vocalized reconstructions of Semitic biconsonantal and triconsonantal verbs, e.g. *gad- "be considerable, be respectable (of men)" (Arabgdd[-a-]), *gVla'- "throw, overturn" (ArabgP [-a-]), *!;,us- "cut" (Arab l;,ss [-u-]), *!JVyal- "imagine" (Arab 1:Jyl [-a-]), *nVpalJ,- "strike (with a sabre)" (Arab nflJ, [-a-]), *nVia~- "smell" (Arab nsq [-a-]), *pid- ''shout, call'' (Arabfdd [-i-). It is also possible that some Arabic masdars preserve the original vocalism of the verbal root. At the same time, both on Semitic and Hamito-Semitic levels there exists a certain correlation between the grammatical meaning of a verbal root and its vocalism. While it is relatively well described on the Semitic level, this phenomenon still remains practically unknown as far as its Hamito-Semitic manifestations are concerned. We hope that the present Dictionary will be useful to those who will study the vocalism of the Hamito-Semitic verb in the future. It is worth noticing that Hamito-Semitic vowels in verbs are also sporadically reflected by the "weak" consonants of Semitic roots. Thus, in a number of cases, Hamito-Semitic verbs with *o, *u may have Semitic continuants of GuG- structure while some of the Hamito-Semitic verbs with front vowels correspond to ProtoSemitic GzC-. A similar phenomenon may be hypothetically presumed for Berber. In verbal roots, structures GVw VG- and GVy VG- seem to form correspondences to Hamito-Semitic roots with front and rounded vowels, correspondingly. In nouns, the reflexes of the ancient vocalism also seem to be close to Semitic. In Egyptian, ancient vowels are graphically reflected as matres lectionis, namely as 3, w, y, that are optionally used when positioned
*' ·-
between two consonants or in the beginning, or in the end of a word, to denote root vowels, cf., e.g.: ~Jb.t "knee" (BD) < HS *~ab-, hJy "capture" (MK) < HS *hay-, !JJb "hyppopotamus" (OK) < HS *!Jab-, sl;,J.t "herd of donkeys" (OK) < HS *cal;,-, 3sb "burn" (BD) < HS *sab-; syJ.w "kite" (gr) < HS *ce-, lmny "Sun-god" (reg) < HS *'[i]men-; rwhJ "evening" (n) < *ruh-, swl;, "wind" (XXII) < HS *sul;,-. Sometimes, the original vocalism may be also reconstructed on the basis of Egyptian palatalizations of velars (yielding to d and 1. in contact with front and rounded vowels) in such cases as ds "person" (pyr), dr "calf" (MK), dwy "call, say" (pyr), dbJ "palace" (OK), J.b.t, J.bw "sandal" (pyr), J.Jy "man" (pyr), lJy "take, catch, seize" (pyr). Coptic material is also of certain value since Coptic vowels seem to result from the ancient Egyptian vocalism, in its turn going back to the original Hamito-Semitic system (see OREL, STOLBOVA 1990), cf. such correspondences as Copt *kas "bone" (Boh kas, Shd kas) < HS *~as-, Capt *halme "source" (Lye halme) < HS *haram-, Copt *[1.]ow "mountain" (Boh toou, Shd toou) < HS *go(:)-, Copt *seh "young of an ass" (Boh seh, Shd seh) < HS *sek-, Capt *re "sun, Sun-god" (Akh ri, Boh re, Shd re) < HS *ric-. Chadic vocalism is one of the most important sources for the reconstruction of Hamito-Semitic vowels. On the level of Chadic subfamilies, historical vocalism was reconstructed, including hypothetically accepted vowels of the second syllable (see OREL, STOLBOVA 1990; STOLBOVA 1995). We prefer to reconstruct middle vowels in Chadic as *ya < *e and *wa < *o since individual Chadic languages tend to use both ya and e, wa and o indiscriminately. At the same time, in contact with velars, they are normally reflected as diphthongs or even as combinations of labiovelars with a vowel. Hence a natural assumption that, on the Proto-Chadic level Hamito-Semitic middle vowels were represented by *ya and *wa. As far as Cushitic vocalism is concerned, preliminary notes on the reconstruction and basic correspondences may be found in OREL, STOLBOVA 1992. Cushitic vowels still represent an interesting field of future research. Basic correspondences of Hamito-Semitic vowels are demonstrated in Table 7.
Table 7. Hamito-Semitic vowels
HS *a *e *i •o *u u
*a z, •y *i, ') *i, •y *i, ') *u, *w 1 *u, *w *u, *w 1 *u, *w . *i, *y I
3 3,y y, i 3, w w y,w
*a ')a
.. . *a ')a
*wa *u *u, *wi
*wa *u •u
a, e e, a
*a •a *ya, *i *a, *£ *i, *ya ! *wa, *u *wa, *a *u, *wa *u *u *(w)i
o, u u i, wi
Note. 1. Also *a in contact with labials.
Within the framework of the phonological reconstruction certain conventions are observed. The alphabetical order of the transliteration and transcription signs is as follows:
) ab c r c 9 cf def g g' h 4 !J Hi k /,; lmnopqqrsssttuu Vwy33 We also use certain additional symbols: V and C stand for any or unknown vowel and consonant, R stands for any sonant. A symbol in () means that it is optional: *du!J(!J)- may be read as *du!J!J- or *dub,-. A symbol in/} means that its reconstruction is probable but not certain: *da[pj- implies that the reconstruction *dap- is more probable than any other (eventually, than *daf-). I stands for "and" whenever variants of the same root or phoneme are reconstructed: *da)-/*daw- indicates that both *da)- and *daw- existed in HamitoSemitic. Alternations are denoted by ~ . Different meanings of a word within one linguistic branch are tagged with superscript numbers. In a number of our comparisons we have to accept metathesis in order to reconstruct Hamito-Semitic prototypes. Quite often, the phonological phenomenon described as a metathesis may be more exactly defined as a shift of a laryngeal, i.e., of a phoneme especially unstable and liable to morphonologically irrelevant movements within the root. Thus, we have to deal with metathesis in such cases as Sem *)adam- "earth" ~ ECh *dVHVm- "field"; Sem *)VlVt"drive, press close" ~ WCh *la)ac- "press"; Sem *b Pus- "be strong"~ ECh *basu)-id.; CCh *baraw- "arrow, bow"~ ECh *)abawar- id.; Sem *dur- "turn" ~ ECh *wVdVr- id.; Sem *'Vbal-1 *'Vbul- "be thick" ~ WCh *baHal- "big, be abundant" ~ ECh *b VHVl- "big"; Eg 4sr "arm" ~ WCh *saHar- "hand, arm"; Eg !]zd "rot" (n.) ~ ECh *3 aHwad- "rotten". Another typical case in
which we are ready to accept a comparison implying a metathesis is that of a' 'long'' word, i.e., of a composite or of an otherwise abnormally long structure exceeding the bounds of a standard triliteral pattern. Such structures are expected to be unstable, in particular, as far as order of phonemes is concerned, cf., for example: Sem *)argab- "intestines" ~ CCh *b Vrwag- "intestines" ~ ECh *burwag- "stomach"; Sem *binvtur-' ' vuIva " ~ CCh *pzcurzn- testicles"; Sero *!Janzab- "kind of pot" ~ Eg 4nb.ls "vessel". In some cases we also deal with metathesis in usual triliteral roots: Sem ' "be pregnant, have a big belly" ~ Eg bnd "difficult deliv*b Vtunery"; Sero *s VlV*- "gather" ~ CCh *ca*al- "gather, collect"; Sem *diman- "insect" ~ Eg dnm "worms" ~ WCh *dyaman- "spider". It is worth noticing, that under the same name metathesis we also deal with some regular correspondences that have not been sufficiently studied, e.g. such cases as Sem *sakin- "knife" ~ WCh *cank- id. and Sero *dagan- "corn" ~ WCh *dang- id. Within the Dictionary, words with derivational peculiarities that may be projected on the Hamito-Semitic level are, normally, placed · . b ack to *).z-nas- '' man ' ' under separate entries. Thus, words gomg and *nus- id. form separate articles although there is no doubt that they belong to one and the same Hamito-Semitic root. In other words, the Dictionary is organized according to the lexical and not the radical principle. Correspondingly, we prefer to separate nouns from verbs and, whenever it is possible, to put them under different headings. If, for some reason, a noun and a verb are brought together, under the same reconstruction, their corresponding meanings in the heading are separated with a semi-colon. Some of the words in Hamito-Semitic, as in any other linguistic family, have a dubious status of onomatopoeia. As we cannot guarantee their antiquity or disprove it, we mark such words as descriptive stems. As to loanwords and elements of old cultural vocabulary, they are also marked correspondingly in the notes. While phonologically, all lexical comparisons adduced in the present Dictionary were checked and corrected in accordance wit_h established phonetic correspondences, the problem of semantic verification turned out to be much more complicated. In order to minimize the arbitrariness in our lexical comparisons, we followed certain heuristic rules. Within the framework of the present Dictionary, preference is always given to comparisons based on complete semantic identity, cf., for example: •V
*)iben- "sleep": Eg lbJn id. (pyr) ~ CCh *HVbyan- id. *cala~- "gather": Sem *sVlV~- id. ~ Eg sJ!f id. (pyr) ~ CCh *ca~al- id. *dibur-/*dubiir- "back": Sem *dubr- "back" ~ CCh *di(m 'bur"back". '/ *gac- spear : WCh *gac- l'd . ~ C Ch *gac- id. ~ SA *gas- id. ?ak- "stone": Eg41id. (n) ~ WCh *4Vk-id. ~ CCh *xakwa1d. *mag- "be bad": WCh *mug- id. ~ Bed maag id. ~ LEC *magid. *ta)- "eat": Sem *t0-l*tVw- id. ~ WCh *ta)-l*tP- id. ~ CCh *ti- id. ~ ECh *ta(y)-/*ti(y)- id. *w ar- "th row "·. Sem *wur- 1'd . ~ ECh *war- id. ~ Agaw *waw Vr- id. *3a4af-"drag(oneself)": Sem *zV4Vp-id. ~ LEC *3aHaf-id. V
If th~ m~anings of compared words are not identical, the comparison 1s still treated as valid if the"semantic distance" between two meanings may be covered in one derivational step (whatever the concrete meaning of this vague term may be). Thus, we accept the following comparisons:
*)iga n- " vessel" : Sem *) zgan• ' ' cup, bowl" LEC *'agan-1 *gaHan- ''jar''. *)orab- "way, road": Sem *)ur(a)b- "way" WCh *'wara"road" ~ ECh *)war- "road" ~ HEC *'or- "road" ~ Rift *)uruw- ''path, way''. *ba'- "bush, tree": Eg bJ.t "bush" (a) ~ WCh *ba'- "tree" ~ CCh *bwaH- "bush" ~ SA *bah- "wood". *ha'- "dirt, mud": CCh *ba- "dirt" ~ Rift *ba'- "mud". *bab-l*bz!J- "burn, be hot": Eg bb!J "burn" (reg) ~ WCh *baH- "hot" ~ CCh *b VH-b VH- "hot" ~ ECh *biHwa' 'roast''. *gab- "weapon": Sem *gabab- "sling" ~ HEC *gab- "bow and arrow''. *yara'-l*yaraw- "reed": Sem 'yara'- "reed not used for writing" ~ Eg iJrw "reed, rush" (pyr) ~ WCh *yVraw- "reed". If the semant~c di~tance between the words seems to be critically big, then we cons1der_1t a co:'11-pulsory measure to confirm the possibility of such a comparison with typological parallels. Thus, we accept the reconstruction of *'adid- "female relative" based on ECh *'adid-
"daughter-in-law" ~ LEC *'adad- l*'aded- "aunt" ~ HEC *'adad' 'maternal aunt'' ~ Wrz *'atit- ''elder sister'' because similar types of semantic development are attested outside Hamito-Semitic, cf. Alb mater "sister" ~ Eng mother, Lith mosa "sister-in-law" ~ OPrus moazo "aunt". We also feel free to reconstruct *tibin- "brain, marrow" on the basis of Eg tbn "marrow" (med) and CCh *til;in' 'brain'' since in a number of languages the same word is used for "brain" and"marrow", cf. Russ mozg and NPers mayz. We also accept the reconstruction of *da'-l*daw- ''man, chief'' including such forms as CCh *da'i- "man, people" and Rift *daH- "stranger" because of the corresponding typological data (see BENVENISTE 1970, 92 f.). The present Dictionary covers all categories of lexical units with the exception of numerals, pronouns, prepositions and particles. These grammatical and semi-grammatical elements will be analyzed and etymologized elsewhere. Basically, the words within the Dictionary are either nouns or predicates. The latter group includes verbs, adjectives (usually translated as verbs, i.e., not red but be red etc.) and some adverbs. * * *
The present project was started in 1986 in Moscow and, after August 1990, continued simultaneously in Israel and Russia. Three main types of work were carried out: (a) processing of the previously published comparative material; (b) search for phonologically predictable counterparts of already known forms; (c) semantic screening. While (a) and (b) are traditionally used methods of data processing in comparative linguistics, (c) was an innovation. To carry it out, semantic card indices (databases) of individual linguistic branches were created. In such a database, words were grouped under generalized semantic headings, e.g., in the West Chadic card index, a card with a heading WALK contained various words for "go", "come", "enter", "run" and so on, in various West Chadic languages. A card with a heading HOUSE contained words for "house", "town"," compound'', "hut", "fence", "roof" and_ the like. In some cases, when a certain language was of particular importance for the study of vocabulary, we created card indices of
individual languages (e.g. of Akkadian). At the next stage, databases were used for semantic screening, i.e. for a cross-comparison of semantic units within the limits of semantically and phonologically acceptable parallels (see above). Although the work of lexicographers is devoid of many simple human joys, many friends and colleagues helped us during all these years. The authors appreciate the helpful criticism and/or assistance of the following colleagues: Dr. Anna Belova (Moscow) Prof. Igor' M. DJakonov (St.Petersburg) Prof Aaron Dolgopolski (Haifa) Prof. Vladimir A. Dybo (Moscow) Dr. SergeJ Nikolaev (Moscow) Dr. Baruch Podolski (Tel-Aviv) Prof. Andrz(!j Zaborski (Krakow) Some of the material used in the Dictionary was kindly provided by: Dr. Alexander Militarev (Moscow) Dr. Baruch Podolski (Tel-Aviv) Mrs. Rachel Torpusman Qerusalem). We are also grateful to Mrs. Natalia Orel and Mr. Alexander Kulik for their technical assistance. At the preliminary stage, the authors used the computer data base editor Star kindly submitted by its author Prof SergeJ Starostin (Moscow). Vladimir Orel Olga Stolbova
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS a(ncient) adj. - adjective Afd-Afade Ahg-Ahaggar Akh(mimian) Akk(adian) Aks(imen) Ala(ba) Alb(anian) Alg-Alagwa Amh(aric) Amor(aic) Anf(illa) Ang(as) Ank(we) Arab(ic) Aram(aic) Arb(ore) Arg(oba) Aun(gi) Av(estan) Awj(ila) Ban(na) Bay(so) Bch-Bachama BD-Book of the Dead Berb(er) Bgh-Boghom Bid(iya) Bil(in) Bks-Bokkos Bid-Balda Bmb-Bambala Bmr- Baamrani Bnn-Banana Boh(airian) Bol(ewa) Bret(on) Brg-Birgit Brm-Burma Brw-Barawa Bry-Barayn Bsd-Basada Bud(uma) Bur(unge) Bus(so)
Bwo(ro) Cam(ay) CCh-Central Chadic Ch(adic) Chb-Chibak Copt(ic) Cush(itic) DB -Dafo-Butura Dar(asa) Dem(otic) Dgh(wede) Dhl-Dahalo Dmb-Dembea. Dmt-Damot · Dng-Dangla Dok(shi) Dor(ma) Dul(lay) ECh-East Chadic Eg(yptian) Eng(lish) FBw-Fali Bwagira Fgg-Figig FG!-Fali Gili FJI-FaliJilvu FKi-Fali Kiria FMb-Fali Mubi FMch- Fali Mucella Fym-Fayumian Gaa(nda) Gaf(at) Gaw(wata) Gbn-Gabin Gbr-Gabri Gdf-Guduf Gdl-Gidole Gel(eba) Ghd-Ghadames Gid(ar) Gis(iga) Gk-Greek Gll-Gollango
Gob(eze) Gog(ot) Gor(owa) Goth(ic) gr-Greek papyri Grm-Geruma Grn -Geruntum Gul(fey) Gur(age) Gvo(ko) Gwn -Gwandara Gz-Geez Had(iya) Hbr-Hebrew HEC- Highland East Cushitic HF- I-Iigi Futu HGh-Higi Ghye Hil(di) Hmr-Hamar HNk- Higi Nkafa Hrr-Harari Hrs-Harso Hs-Hausa HS-Hamito-Semitic Hss - Harsusi Hwn-Hwona IE-Inda-European Irq-Iraqw Izd(eg) lzn(asen) Izy-Izayan Jib(bali) Jmb-Jimbin Jnk-Jonkor Kab(enna) Kaf(fa) Kap(iski) Kb! - Kabalay Kby-Kabyle Kem(ant) Klb-Kilba Klr-Kulere Kmb-Kambatta Kon(so) Kr- Karekare Krf-Kirfi Kry-Kariya Kus(eri) Kwn-Kwang
Kwr-Kwara Kwz-Kwadza !(ate) Lat(in) LEC - Lowland East Cushitic Lib(yan) Li th( uanian) Lmn-Lamang Log(one) LPe-Lame Pewe Lye( opolitan) math( ematical papyri) Mba(ra) Mbu(rku) Mch-Mocha med(ical papyri) Mgg-Mogogodo MHG-Middle High German Mhr-Mehri Mig(ama) MK-Middle Kingdom Mkk- Mokilko Mnd-Mandara Mng-Mangas Mnj-Munjuk Mns-Menaser Mnt-Montol Moab(ite) Mpn-Mupun Mrg-Margi Msg-Musgum Msm-Mesme Mtk-Matakam Muk(tele) Mus(goy) Mwu(lyen) n(ew) n.-noun Nak(aci) Nch-Nanchere Nfs-Nefusa Ngm-Ngamo Ngw(ahi) Ngz-Ngizim Nir- New Irish NK-New Kingdom NPers-New Persian Ntf-Ntifa Nz(angi)
OCopt-Old Coptic OEng-Old English Olr-Old Irish OK-Old Kingdom Ome(to) Omot(ic) ON-Old Norse OPcrs-Old Persian OPrus-Old Prussian Or-Oromo Ox(yrinhian) Pad(uko) Pim - Phoenician PIE- Proto-Inda-European pl.-plural Pol(chi) Pun(ic) pyr(amids) reg-royal tombs Rnd - Rendille Russ(ian) SA-Saha-Afar SAr-South Arabian sarc( ophagi) Say(anchi) Sbn-Sibine Sbn-Sibine Sem(itic) sg. - singular Sgr-Segrushen Shd - Sahidic Shh-Sl;teri Shk-Shcko Shn-Shenua Sid(amo) Skt-Sanskrit Slav(ic) Slt-Selti Sml-Sem!al
Smr-Sumray Snh- Scnhaja Sok(oro) Som(ali) Soq(otri) Sp(anish) Suk(ur) Syr(ian) Tgr-Tigre Tgy-Tigray Tmb-Tambaro Tng-Tangale Tob(anga) Tsl- Taneslemmet Tum(ak) Twl-Tawlemmet Ug(aritic) v. -verb W(elsh) War(azi) WCh-West Chadic Westc(art) Wmd-Wamdiu Wrg-Wargla Wrj-Warji Wrz- W erizoid Xmr-Xamir Xmt-Xamta Yam(ma) Zak(shi) ZBt-Zime Batua Zgh- Zeghwana Zng-Zenaga
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1 *'a- "walk, go"
Eg 3 "walk" (Westc.). WCh *'a- "come": Diri 'a-. ECh *)a- "go": Tum a-, Mkk )aa)-. Partial reduplication in Mkk? Cf. a possible derivative in *)ay- "come, run". 2 *)ab- "father"
Sem *)ab- "father": Akk abu, U g )ab, Phn )b, Pun )b, Hbr )ab, Aram )ab, Syr )abba, Arab )ab-, SAr )b, Gz )ab, Tgy )abbo, Amh abbat, Har aw, Soq )eb, Mhr IJ,ayb, Hss IJ,ayb, Shh )ry. Berb *'ab(b)- "father": Twl abba, Izy ibba, Izn ebbwa. Eg 3b.t "family" (OK), "parents" (n). Since the semantic relationship between ''family'' and "father" is quite obvious, Eg 3b. t may well be a derivative of an initial word for "father". CCh *'ab- "father": Bud aba. Hardly an Arabic loanword. Agaw *'ab- "father": Bil abba, Kem abaa. SA *'ab- "father": Saha abba. LEG *'ab- "father": Som aba, aaba, Or abbaa. HEC *'ab- "father, uncle": Sid aabbo, Dar aabbo, Bmb aabboo. Rift *)ab- ''father'': Asa aba. Doubtlessly, an onomatopoeia similar to numerous forms outside Hamito-Semitic. Cf. a similar stem in WCh *)ub"father": Hs uba. Cush forms may be borrowed from Sem. 3 *'ab- "stone"
Agaw *)ab- "mountain": Xmr abaa, Xmt aaba, Kwr abaa. Bed awe "stone". Note *-b- > -w- in the intervocalic position.
) AB- -
WCh *l;wal- < *HVbwal- "penis": Bks l;wel. CCh *bwal- "penis": Bata bolle.
LEG *)eb- "stone": Bay e)ebo. Secondary *e? Present only in Cush. Probably, an archaism from which a widely attested derivative *)abun- "stone, millstone" was formed. 4 *)ab-/*)ub- "fall, descend"
ECh *'ab- "fall": Tum ab, Mubi eb'i. SA *)ob- "descend": Saho ob-, Afar oob-. *o < *a before a labial. HEC *)ub- "fall": Sid ub-, Had ub-. Alternation *a ~ *u.
5 *)abac- "house, manger" Sem *)abiis- "warehouse" 1, "manger" 2 : Akk abiisu 1, Hbr )ebiis 2 . Secondary labialization of HS *a > Sem *u after a labial. Related to Arab )bs "collect, gather"? WCh *l;ac- < *HVbac- "compound, farm": DB !;as, Bks !;as. An earlier laryngeal indicated by the emphatic occlusive.
Sem *)abn- "stone": Akk ahn-, Ug )abn, Hbr )eben, Pun 'bn, Aram (Emp) )bn, (Syr) )abna, (Mand) abna, Src )abna\ SAr )bn, Soq )oben, Sha !J,obin, Mhr !J,aub'in, Gz )~bn, Tgr )~bn, Tgy )~mni, Har un. Eg bnw.t "stone, millstone" (MK). No traces of the initial 3-. WCh *)abun(i)- "millstone": Bol buni, Krk buni, Dera buni, Ngm buni, Krf bini, Ger bini, Glm biin, Grm biI]ni, Wrj v~n-ay, Paa vanka, Mbu av:}na. Forms with -i- seem to have appeared under the influence of -iin the last syllable. Otherwise WCh *)abun- /*)abin- should be reconstructed. CCh *bun- < *)Vbun- "millstone": Dgh vra, Mnd uvra, Logfuni, Gid buna, ZBt vana. Rhotacism *-n- > -r- in Dgh and Mnd. Initial v- in individual languages reflects *)-. Status of *'a- is not quite clear. Presumably, it is a prefix not preserved in Eg. On the other hand, cf. HS *)ab- suggesting a segmentation *)ab-un-.
6 *)abaw- "plant"
Sem *)ab-/*)abaw- "water-lily": Akk abu, Hbr )ebe, Arab )aba-. Eg 3bw "plant used in medicine" (med).
7 *)a-bi~- "run (back)" Sem *) Vbi~- "run away (of slaves)": Arab )bq [-i- ] . WCh *HVba~- "return": Ank bak. The prefix is manifested by initial voiced b-. Note the irregular root vowel. Omot *bi~- "run away": Orne bi~-ic-.
10 *)abVnan- "bird" Sem *)abun(n)- "kind of bird": Akk abbunnu. Eg 3bnn ''kind of bird'' (NK). ECh *bVnan- "duck": Ndm b~nan. Looks like a derivative of unattested *)ab Vn-. Sem *-u- may go back to HS *-a- after a labial.
11 *)a-cin-H- "leg, foot"
Derived from HS *ba~-/*bu~- "run". 8 *)abol- "genitals"
Sem *)abal- "genitals" 1, "body" 2 : Gz )abal abal 2, Amh abal 1 2, Gur abal 1 2.
9 *)abun- "stone, millstone"
Tgr !J,abal
WCh *'acin-H- "leg": Gej asan, Brw as:}n, Say yas~n, Grn )asag, Dwot )azuIJ, Buli asin, Wnd )as:}n, Tala as~n. The final cluster *-nH- or *-n VH- is normally reflected as -I)-. CCh *Hasin- "knee": Hnk sini, FKi sini, Kap rasine.
Morpheme *-H- shifted to the beginning of the word and appearing as a prefix. ECh *'[ajsin-H- "leg":Mig 'asin, Jeg 'isin-to, Bid 'eseeno, Mubi sin, Brg 'isil), Mkk zina. Bid may go back to *'asiHVn- with -ee- < *-iHV-. Agaw *sin-H- "calf": Bil siIJ. HS *'a- seems to be a prefix not preserved in Agaw. Note a potential Sem reflex in Arab 'sn "kick with a foot". Cf. *cin-1 *cun- "leg"
15 *)ad- "skin, hide" Bed ada "skin, hide". SA *)ad(d)- "hide": Afar adday. Mgg ata ''bull hide''. The word is preserved only in Cush branches. However, cf. a possible derivative in HS *)adam- attesting the HS status of the present root.
16 *)adam- "earth, field" 12 *'acir- "bind, tie" Sem *'Vsir- "bind, join" 1, "hobble" 2: Akk eseru 1, Ug 'sr 1, Hbr 'sr 1, Arab )sr [-i-] 1, Jib )es:,r 2 , Hss wesor, Mhr wesor, Shh 'ssor. CCh *ca-car- "plait, weave" 1, "tie" 2 : Mofu - sasar- 1, Mafa cacar 2 • Partial reduplication. ECh *sa'ir- "tie": Tum hzr, Kbl sa:rr, Lele saar. Metathesis. HEC *)usur- "tie": Sid usur-, Kmb usur-. Unexpected *-s- and irregular vocalism.
Sem *)adam- "earth": Pun )dmt "country", Hbr 'adama, Aram ,adamta. WCh *dam- "place": Tng t:Jm. No traces of the initial laryngeal. CCh *dam- "field" 1, "place" 2: Tera dam 1, Ngw dama 2 . May reflect an earlier *'adam-. However, considering ECh data, we could reconstruct *da'am > *dam-. ECh *dVHVm- ''field'': Mkk doome. Mkk -oo-· does not necessarily imply ECh *-wa-. It may also go back to *-aHa- or *-awa-. Metathesis of the original *'adam-. HEC *'ud(V)m- "desert": Kmb udma'a. A derivational and semantic variant of the original HS stem? The alternative HS reconstruction is *da)am-.
CCh *)ic- "flesh": Gis 'ise. An isolated form. A Cush loanword? Agaw *)Ve- "meat": Aun assi. Omot *)ac- "meat, body": Orne aco, Mch )acco, Yam asaa, Gim ac, Nao a.r-ku, Shk a'f-ko, Maji ac-ku. Alternation *a ~ *i.
14 *)acVw-/*)acVy- "illness" Sem *)asT,y- "kind of illness": Akk Eg :lsy.t "kind of illness" (med). ECh *)VsVw- "fever": Sok osso. Assimilation of vowels.
The vowel of the second syllable may be *a. The root displays an alternation of sonants *w ~ *y.
17 *'adam- "skin" Sem *'adam-/*)adtm- "skin": Arab )adam-, 'adzm-. Probably related to Arab )dm "be brown". WCh *'adam- "skin": Tng hadam. If not borrowed from Arab. Derived from HS *)ad- "skin, hide". Cf. also LEC *'idim"tanned hide": Som idin (pl. idmo). It may continue *'adimwith a regular change of Som -m > -n in the auslaut.
18 *'adar- "vessel" Sem *'adar- "metal vessel": Akk adaru.
) ADAR- -
WCh *rJ,yar- < *dVHVr- "pot": Brm rf,er. LEG *)adar- "pot": Som adar. Cf. Eg ldJ "expression related to the polishing of vessels" (OK) < *)idVr-.
19 *)ader- "master, lord" Sem *'ad"ir- "majestic, powerful": Ug )dr, Phn 'dr, Pun )dr, Hbr )addir. Agaw *)adir- "master, lord" 1, "God" 2: Bil adiiraa 1, Xmr iederaa, adiiraa 2 , Xmt adaraa 2 , K wr adarte 1, Kem adaraa 1 2. LEG *)ader- "uncle": Som adeer, Or adeeraa. Rift *da)ar- "chief": Gor daari. Metathesis. Semantically, the HS word may go back to an adjective with a meaning similar to Sem.
22 *'adus- "wall" Sem *'adus- "wall": Akk adussu. CCh *)adus- "fence" 1, "town" 2: Gude edsa 1 , LPe duso 2 , Lame mba-duso 2 . The anlaut in Gude reflects an intermediary stage of *yadus- < *)adus-. Cf. a corresponding verb in LEG *HVdis- "build" (Boni rf,is)?
23 *'ab-- "brother" Sem *)a/J- "brother": Akk a/Ju,Ug )ab:, Phn )/J,, Pun 'IJ,, Hbr )al},, Aram (Epigr) '}],, (Syr) 'a/J,a, (Mand) aha, Arab )a/J-, SAr )/J, Soq )ae/Ja, Mhr ga, Shr (e)ga, Gz )afFw, Tgr IJ,u, Har al},. WCh *'ah(ya)- "uncle" 1, "brother" 2 :Klrahy- 1 , Wrjyaha- 2 . Initial ya- in W rj reflects the influence of the second syllable. CCh *'ar- "son": Msg a}j,z. Msg auslaut -i" may go back to *-ya.
20 *)adid- "female relative" ECh *'adid- "daughter-in-law": Kera adfrh. LEG *)adad-l*'aded- "aunt": Som eddo, Or adada. Presumably, Som eddo < ededo < adedo. HEC *)adad- "maternal aunt": Sid adaada, Dar adaada. Assimilation of vowels. Wrz *'atit- "elder sister": Gaw ta-atite. Cf. Sem *'ad- "lady": Ug )dt, Phn )dt, Aram (Palm) )dt. A descriptive stem.
24 *'ab-- "fire" Eg J/].t "fire" (BD). CCH *)ar(u)- "fire": Bura )u'u, Klb hu)u, FKi uru, Kus ahu, Gul u, Bud au, Mba hu. Assimilation of vowels in several languages. In Gul, u goes back to *'uru- with the consequent loss of the second syllable. Reduplication in Eura and Klb. 25 *)ab-u3- "take"
21 * )adil- "dress" Sem *)adil- "attire, garment": Akk adilu, Gz )adl. *)a- may be a prefix. Eg dJy "coat" (pyr). Reflects an earlier *dil- (with *l > 3). An alternative reconstruction may be *dil-. A cultural (loan)word?
Sem *'V/Jud- "take": Akk a/]azu, Ug )/Jd, Hbr )IJ,z, Moab 'IJ,z, Aram (Epigr) 'M, (Palest) 'a/J,ad, (Syr) 'eb,ad, (Mand) ahad, Arab '/Jd [-u-], SAr '/Jrl, Gz '/Jz, Amhyaza. Agaw *'a3- "take": Bil ad-, Kwr az-, Aun as-. Reflexes of intervocalic *-3- in Agaw are extremely unstable. The intervocalic laryngeal is completely lost. HEC *'a¢- < *'aHV3- "take": Sid ar/,-. Emphatic -¢- seems to reflect the lost laryngeal.
26 *'akiir- "till"
30 *'ala~- "press"
Sem *)Vkir- "till": Aram (Syr) 'akar, (Mand) 'kr, Arab 'kr [-i-]. Sem *-i- indicates HS *e, *i or *u. CCh *kur- "hoe, prepare field for sewing": Mofu karw, Lame kura. Cf. Hwn kura "hoe" (n.), Bnn kawira id., Zime kura. ECh *kur- "hoe": Jegu kur-gees. The laryngeal left no traces.
Sem *'VlV,t- "drive" 1, "press close" 2: Hbr 'l$ )elaf 2. WCh *la'a?- "press": Hs liir;a, Tng lac/,-. Metathesis.
Aram (Syr)
Another possible reconstruction is *la)af-.
Connected with HS *'ekar- ''farmer''.
27 * 'al- "fat" Sem *aly- "fat tail (of sheep)" 1, "fat (ofleg)": Hbr )alya (Palest) 'aly 6ta 1, Arab 'aly-at- 2. Cf. Akk ellu "sesame oil". LEC *'aPal- "fat" (n.): Or alala. Reduplication. Dhl 'ahli "fat, oil". Note lateral -hl- reflecting HS *-l-!
Note the Rift form reflecting *-s- (Kwz as-ito) as Dhl.
28 *'al-/*'il- "be" Berb *'il- "be, become": Izn ili, Snh ili, Tua ili. LEC *'al-l*'il- ''be'': Som -aal, -iil. CCh *'al- "be": Mofu ala, Log ali, li. Alternation *a ~ *i.
Sem *'al- "stick, club": Hbr 'ala. WCh *)al- "stick": Tng ala, wala, Bks yal. Tng w- and Bks y- are occasional reflections of *'- in the initial position. LEO *'ul- "stick": Som ul, Or ulle. Wrz *'ul- "stick": Gaw ul-itte. Cf. SA *Ci[- "stick" (Saho Ci[oo, Afar Ci[oo) with initial *c_
Sem *)alan- "oak": Akk allanu, Hbr )allon. WCh *lan- "bush": DB lan. The first syllable completely lost. CCh *lu'an- "tree": Mba lUIJ, Msg lUIJ, pl. liiaJ)ai. Metathesis. Cf. also a partial reduplication in *lalan-H- "kind of tree": Mofu lalaIJ. Related to *)al-/*)ul- "stick"?
32 *)alVk- "bite, chew" Sem *)V!Vk- "bite, champ (the bit)": Arab )lk. Bed 'ay:ikW- "chew". Note intervocalic *-l- > -y-. The labiovelar may reflect a back vowel in the second syllable. Related to *'ilik- ''tooth''. 33 *'am- "arm" Sem *)am(m)- "elbow": Akk ammatu, Ug 'amt, Hbr 'amma, Aram (Epigr) )mh, (Syr) 'ama, )amta, (Mand) ama, SAr 'mt, Gz ):immat, Tgr 'ammat. WCh *)am- "arm": Bgh am-si, Kir warn, Pol am, Geji worn-ii, Ngz amai. Kir wa- indicated a rounded vowel of the second syllable. Related to *)am- "catch, seize" (for the semantic development cf., for example, Lith ranka "hand" ~ rinkti "grasp, seize").
Sem *)am- "maid, girl": Akk amtu, Ug )amt, Phn 'mt, Pun 'mt, Hbr )ama, Aram (Emp) 'mh, (Syr, Palest) )amta, (Mand) amta, amuta, Arab 'am-at-, Gz 'amat, Tgr 'amat. WCh *'am- ''woman'': Wrj amai, Kry am, Diri am, Cagu omey, J mb ama, Sha )amuy, Ngz ama. Cagu o- < *a- before a labial. HEC *'am- "mother, wife, woman": Sid ama, Had ama, Dar ama, Bmb aama, Kmb ama-ta. Rift *'am- "grandmother" 1, "sister" 2 , "mother" 3 , "girl" 4 : Irq ama 1 , Bur ama 2 , Kwz ama 3 , Asa 'ama-'eto 4, 'amama 1 . Onomatopoeia. 35 *'am- "catch, seize"
Eg Jmm "catch, seize" (pyr). Partial reduplication. CCh *'am-l*'im- "catch, seize": Tera oom, Msg ima, ime. Tera indicates *Hwa-'am-. The original form must have been *)am-.
ECh *'am- "catch": Lele om, Kbl am. Lele o- either reflects *-a- before a labial or goes back to *Hwa'a- as in Tera, see CCh. Related to *)am- "hand, arm". 36 *'amam- "honey" Sem *'amum- "kind of spice": Akk amumu. Secondary *-ii,- influenced by surrounding labials. Berb *'amVm- "honey": Izn 1:ammem1:. CCh *'amam- "honey": Bld 'amam, Mofu amam, Glv mama, Gvo mama, Mnd nama, Mrg mumu. Root vowel in Mrg assimilated to the auslaut. Probably, a reduplication of a root preserved in ECh *)im-l*'um- "bee, honey": Mubi um, Jegu )imo, Brg imiyu.
37 *'aman- "believe, know" Sem *'Vman- "be certain, believe": Hbr 'mn, Aram (Palest) hem'in,
Arab 'mn [-a-], Shr omen, Mhr hamon, Hss 'amon. Related are SAr h'mn ' 'confide'', Sab 'mn ''belief'', Jib 'un. WCh *)aman- "know": Sura man, Ang man, Ank man, Tal aman, Mnt man, Maha monayo, Bol mon-. The first syllable is preserved only in Tal. Agaw *'am Vn- "believe": Aun amn-aI). Borrowed from Sem? Wrz *'emen- "see": Cam emena. Secondary vocalism. 38 *)amas- "darkness, evening"
Sem *'ams- "night" 1, "evening" 2 : Akk musu 1, Hbr )emes 2, Arab 'ams- 2 • Cf. also Akk amsali ''yesterday'', Hss yemsi id., Mhr yemsi id. CCh *mVs- "shadow": Gudu masu. From Vm Vs-. Bed amas ''late evening''.
Borrowing from Sem? Rift *)amas- "middle of the night" 1, "tomorrow" 2: Irq amsi Gor amsi 1, Alg amasi 1 , Bur amasi 1 , K wz amasiya 2 . Borrowing from Sem? 39 *'ambiir- "termite" CCh *mVbur- "termite": Gude mufora, Bch mburey, Mwu muburu, FG mbur-ta, FJb mubale. -u- in Gude and Mwu may be influenced by the initial m-. Bed embira "termite". In the anlaut, e- is due to the influence of the following vowel. LEC *)abor- "termites": Som aboor. HS *-mb- > LEC *-b-, cf. LEO in HS *)anbab-l*'anbib- "plant, flower". LEO *-o- is a regular reflex of HS *- ii-. As in a few other cases initial *'am- in Cush corresponds to Chadic *m V-, *ma-. There are serious reasons to believe that both Cush *'am- and Chadic *ma- are prefixes going back to the same HS source. The alternative HS reconstruction is *mabur-.
12 'AN KOL· -
) AP·
40 *'an- "speak" Berb *'Vn- "say, tell": Izn ini, Snh ini. WCh *'an- "speak": Ngm OIJ. In fact, the WCh prototype must be reconstructed as *'an-Hwith a non-etymological laryngeal suffix. ECh *>an- "speak": Ndm ane, Kwn ane, Dng ane. Related to Kwn ;:,:ne "argue"? Bed an- "say". Related to Sem *'Vn- "moan" (Arab )nn and the like)?
41 *'an- "go, walk" WCh *'anwa- "go": Bal )on-, DB wan-. GCh *)an- "return": Heba anu. ECh *'Vnwa- "come, enter": Mkk ,inn-, Jeg ,ony-, );:,ny-, Mig
Secondary vocalism of the second syllable influenced by final -i. Agaw *'ambab- "flower": Bil amboobaa, Kem ambaab. Bil -oo- < *-a- in the contact with labials. LEG *abab- "kind of flower": Som ababo. Lack of nasalization may be a result of later change *-nb- > *-b- or, on the contrary, an archaic feature. Unusual root structure with a prenasalized
44 *'ankol- "liver, kidneys" EGh *'akwal- "liver": Brg ,okolo. Note *-nk- > EGh *-k-. Assimilation of vowels. Bed ';:,nkwePa ''kidneys''. Prefix *,a-l*'an-. Related to *kul- "kidney".
Mig and Jegu reflect initial *)wa-. LEC *'an- ''walk'': Kns anna. Omot *,an-H-"go": Orne a{)·. No external justification for the laryngeal in the auslaut.
42 *)an-/*'ayin- "sheep" Be rb *)an- " sheep " : G ua ana, hana. ~ WCh *yan- < *yayVn- "she-goat": Siriyani. Contraction. EGh *)ayin- "goat": Mig 'znu, Brg 'ayniJ!, Jegu 'en (pl.). Bed ano "sheep". Berb and Bed seem to reflect HS *)an-. Note the root-variant with an inlaut sonant.
43 *'anbab- "plant, flower" Sem *'anbilb- "reed": Akk embilbu, NHbr >abbilb, 'ibbiib, Aram (Syr) 'abbuba, Arab ,anbub-. Tgr c;:,mboba and the like are borrowed from Cush. In the second syllable, *-il- is explained by the influence of surrounding labials. WCh *,anb Vb- "flower": Pero anbibi.
45 *)antu'-/*'antaw- "mouse, rat" CCh *manduwa- < *ma-,anduwa- "rat": Gis monduwa-IJ, Mtkmuduwa, Mkt madawa. Prefix *ma-. SA *,andaw- "mouse, rat": Saha anthwa, Afar andawaa. LEC *'antu- "mouse": Or antu-ta. Voiced d of GCh and SA are not regular correspondences of LEG t. However, *-nt- seems to be a more probable reconstruction. The variants of the auslaut are reminiscent of usual alternations of) ~ w ~ y. A cultural term with an irregular phonology.
46 *'ap- "mouth" Sem *'anp- "nose": Hbr )ap, Aram (Syr) )a(n)pa, Arab ,anf-. Consonantal assimilation in Hbr. Secondary assimilation and change of meaning on the Semitic level. Bed yaaj ''mouth''. Protheticy-.Gf. HS *)ap-l*wap- "yawn, open mouth"? Agaw *)aff- "mouth": Bil 'ab, Kwr af. Bil -b- is believed to reflect an unvoiced geminate. SA *,af- "mouth": Saho aj, Afar af.
LE,~ *'af- ''mouth'': Som aj, Or af-an, Rnd af, Arb oho, Gel aaj, Kns f1:Ja,
HBC *'azj- "mouth"·. S'd ,-r. D ar aJa ,-r.) o, H ad afo )o, Ala afo, Bmb 1 aJo, afay, Kmb afo. Dhl afo "mouth". Omot *)af-/*)ap- "mouth": Dime )appo, Gll afa, Ari aajfa, Ban aapo, Hmr a(a)fo. Rift *'af- "mouth": Irq afa, Alg aafa, Bur aafa, Asa )af-ok, Kwz )afu-ko.
50 *)ar- "ram, goat" Berb *)ar- ''she-goat'': Gua ara. LEC *)ar- "sheep": Boni eriya, Rnd ari. Cf. Arb 'aar "bull". HEC *)aray- "sheep" (pl.): Bmb araay. Rift *)ar- "goat": Irq ari, Alg ara (pl.), Bur ara (pl.), Kwz ali-to. Note Kwz -[- < *-r-. Cf. also WCh *)ar- "meat": Dera ara.
Related to *)ap-l*wap- "yawn, open mouth".
51 *)ar- "vegetable" Sem *)ar- "greens, vegetables": U g )ar-t, Hbr )ora. WCh *'ar- "vegetable": Pero ara.
47 "') ap- I* wap- " yawn, open mouth" Eg wp, wpy "open (mouth)". WCh *)ap- "throw into the mouth" ap 2, Ang ep 2,
Hs afa 1, Sura
Note. a consonantal alternation in the anlaut. If the present stem 1s not related to the HS word for' 'mouth'', it may be compared with HEC *)af-/*)if- "spread (in the sun)": Bmb afKmb if-is-. '
48 *'aq- "field" Sem *)a!J- "meadow": U g )a!J. Eg J!J.t "fertile land" (NK). ECh *)ak- "field": Kera aka. ECh *-k- is a regular reflex of HS *-q-.
49 •Dar- "husband" Sem *)aray- "family member, relative": Ug 'ary, Arab )ara-. Agaw *)ar- "husband": Aun IJ-ara. Prefix I]-. HBC *)ar- "husband": Sid aroo, Had aro'o, Dar aro)o. Omot *)ar- "husband": Anf aroo. Borrowing from Sid?
52 *)ar-/*war- "eagle" Sem *)arVw- "eagle": Akk aru. WCh *war- "sea-eagle": Hs wara. CCh *war- "kite": HNk w.>ri, HGh w.>ri, HF wari, Kap w.>ri. A consonantal alternation *)_
~ *w- in the anlaut.
53 *)aram- "enclosed dwelling" 2
Sem *'aramm- "dam" 1 , "road" 2 : Akk )arammu 1 , Hss worem . Cf. a derivative in Hbr )armon ''fortress, palace''. Berb *rVm- "town, village": Ahg a-rrem. Complete loss of the first syllable. WCh *ram- "land, place" 1 , "town, village" 2: Bks ram 1, Sha ram 2 , Klr ram 2 . No traces of the initial laryngeal. CCh *)VrVm- "house": Ngw .>r.>ma.
54 *'arit- "earth" Sem *'arf- "earth": Akk er$etu, Ug 'ar$, Phn 'r$, Pun 'ri, Moab 'r$, Hbr 'ere$, Aram (Emp) 'rq, (Nab, Palm) )re, (Bibl) ,ara', (Palest, Syr) )ar'ii, (Mand) arqa, arda, Arab )arr/,-, SAr 'rrJ,, Jib )err/,. WCh *HVrit- "earth": Paa rifa, Cagu h'ife, Siri rnfu, Mbu rifi. ECh *)irat- "valley": Bid )iraarJ,ya.
) AS- -
16 Metathesis of vowels. May be connected with HEC *)irVs- "farm" (Sid irsa) and Agaw *)aris- "till, plough" (Aun ares-:)JJ).
58 *'as- "seize, grasp" Sem *) Vs- "grasp" : Akk asiisu. WCh *'as- "take away": Kr 'as. CCh *sVy- "seize": Klb asrya. Derivative of *si-?
55 *)ariw- "metal"
Sem *)VrVw- "copper": Akk wen1, eru. CCh *)arry- "iron": Bld )ariya, Mnd )ire. CCh *-iwa- > -iya-. ECh *)araw- "iron": Jegu )arro. Assimilation of vowels.
Berb *'Vs- "arrive": Tua as, Kby as. WCh *'as-l*'is- "come": Gwn iso, Bks yes, DB yes. Bks and DB y- may go back to *) •• ECh *)as- "come": Dng ase, Jnk )asso, Jegu 'as, Brg )asi, Bid 'aseIJ. Wrz *'as- "go": Gaw ass-.
56 *)a-ruw-/*)a-ruy- "lion"
Sem *)arway-/*)arwry- "lion" 1 , "ferocious animal, beast" 2: Hbr )arz, )arye 1, Aram (Palm) )ry) 1 , (Bibl, Syr) )aryo 1 , (Mand) arya 1, Gz 'arwe 2 . Derived from *)arw-. Cf. Arab 'arwzy-at- "wild sheep"? Eg rw "lion" (pyr). Probably, a form without prefix reflecting *ruw-. CCh *)Vruw- "hyaena" 1, "lion" 2 :FKi ru 1, Mwu ru 1, Mnd 'uruw·V:}ri 2 , FJl luwi 1. In Mnd -u- of the 1st syllable was influenced by the next vowel. FKi and M wu may go back directly to *ruw- < HS *ruw- and correspond exactly to Eg rw. ECh *)aruw- "leopard" 1 , "lion" 2 : Tum :)r:)W 1 , Mubi ori.iwa 2. Mubi o- is influenced by the following vowel. LEC *'ar- "lion": Som ar. Cf. also Som awr "he-camel", Rnd or id. < *)awr-?
*)a- seems to be a prefix that is not reflected (or not preserved?) in Eg and, partially, in CCh.
57 *'arVy.- "cattle" Sem *)ar!J- "kind of cattle": Akk ar!Ju, Ug )ar!J, Tgr )ar/J,i, Tgy 'ar/J,i. HEC *'ar(H)- "calf": Bmb a're. The function of inlaut -'- is not clear. Related to HS *ra!Jil- "sheep, ram"? Cf. Eg i!J.t "divine cow, priestess" (gr).
Sem *)asi'- "iron": Akk asiu. CCh *si'- "iron": Glf siu, Bud hyu. The initial laryngeal lost. ECh *.ryay- < *sya)- "iron": Lele sayu, Mubi ma-siyo. Prefix *ma- in Mubi.
Sem Vs Jiy- "send" : SAr 'sy. HEC *'as(s)- "send": Had ass-e)-. Derivative in _)e-.
62 *)asaf- "burning" Eg iif "burn" (XX), "be painful" (n). Unexpected l- before a non-palatal vowel as m some other cases. WCh *sa'af- "heat, pain": Hs ziifi. Metathesis. Reconstruction *sa'af- is also possible.
63 *)at- "walk, come" Sem *)Vt- "come" 1, "pass" 2 , "come back" 3 : Ug )atw 1 , Hbr )0' 1, Aram (Emp) 'ry 1, (Nab) y't' 1, (Palm) 't) 1 , (Palest) 'ata 1, (Syr) )eta 1, (Mand) ata 1 , Arab 'ry 1 , SAr )tw, 'ry 1 , Soq )ete 2 , Gz )atawa 3 , Tgy )atawa 3 , Tgr )ata 3 . Various derivations of the original *) Vt- using w, y and ) as C3 • WCh *)at- "ride": Bks )at. Bed )at- "tread". SA *'at- "tread": Afar cat-. Irregular c_. Omot *)at- "come": Gim at-.
Sem *)awan- "time, moment, season": Arab )awan- . Cf. also secondary morphonological variants )an- id., )iwan- id. WCh *win- "evening time" 1, "day" 2 : Tng wini 1 , Ngz w:ma 2 . The initial laryngeal lost. CCh *wan- "year": Nza wane, Mwl wan-ti, Bch wan-to. No traces of the initial laryngeal. HEC *)awin- "month, moon": Bmb awin-co. Wrz *)aw Vn- "evening": Gaw awne. Since CCh might have lost *'a- for phonetic reasons, it is not clear if it is a prefix or a part of the root. Is their any connection with Agaw *'iman- "time" (Bil emaanaa), SA *'aman- id. (Saho amaana) and LEG *)amin- id. (Som amin)?
Omot *'ay- "come": Omet ai. In Bed and HEC development *-ay- > *-e- seems to be pos. between *'ay- and *'a- '' w alk , sible. Is there any connect10n go"?
66 *)ayal- "deer" Sem *'ayal- "deer, ibex": Ug )ayl, Pun yl, Hbr )ayyal, Aram (Emp) y?, (Palest) )qyyala, (Syr) )ayla, (Mand) ayala, ayla, SAr yl, Arab )ayyil-, )iyyal-, Gz hayyal. . Eg ryr "deer" (1), Dem ywr id., Copt *)eyul: Boh eoul, Shd (e)ezoul. Borrowed from Sem? LEG *)el- < *)ay Vl- "gazelle": Som eelo. Dhl )eele "hartebeest". From *)ayal-. Cf. HEC *)ayan- "gazelle" (Bmb ayaane) and SA *)al- "goats (coll.), she-goat" (Saho ala, Afar alaa).
67 *)a-yil- "ram, sheep" Sero *)ayil- "mythological bull" 1 , "ram" 2 : Akk )alu 1, Ug )il Phn (pl.) )lm 2 , Hbr )ayil 2 . Berb *yil-l*)il- "sheep": Nfs t-ili, S~l t-ili._ .. SA *yil-/*)il- "sheep": Saho ille, illi, Afar tlle, zlli.
Though a phonetic process leading to the loss of *)a- i~ not ~xcluded, *)a- is, more probably, a prefix. The connect10n with *)ayal- "deer" is problematic.
65 *)ay- "come, run" Sem *)i'- "go and stay": Arab)). Based on *)Tj-. Berb *'Tj- "come": Tua ayu. ECh *)aw-/*)ay- "go" 1, "gallop" 2: Ndm ao 1, Sbn )aya 2 . An ancient morphonological variant *)aw- preserved only in ECh? Bed ee- "come". From *'ay-. HEC *'e- "enter": Sid 'e-. From *'qy-.
68 *)ayVm- "snake" Sem *'aym- "snake": Arab )aym-. WCh *)am- "python": Klr )amo. WCh *)am- < *)aym- as *)ac- "dog" < *)awe- (see WCh *)aw[ajc- "dog, wolf"). This type of development may reflect a specific variety of roots with no vowel between C2 and C3 • 69 *)ekam- "mountain"
Sero *)akam- "hill": Arab )akam-at-.
Assimilation of vowels *)akam- < *)ikam-. WCh *kya)am- "mountain": Bgh kyaam. Metathesis. The alternative HS reconstruction is *ke)am-.
70 *)ekar- "farmer" Sem *)ikkar- "farmer, plougher": Akk )ikkar-, Hbr )ikkar, Aram (Syr) 'akara, Arab )akkar-. Assimilation of vowels in Aram and Arab. An alleged Sum loanword in Sem. Eg Jkr "Earth-god" (a). Initial J- makes the reconstruction of *e more probable "Earth-god" - "plougher" . sem1~ 't' 1oa~· Semantically, ? wor d . The root is etymologically connected with HS *'akur- "till".
71 *)el- "leather sack" Sem *'it- ''leather sack'': Akk ilu.
W?~ *'al-ay- < *)al-ay- "skin bottle used as an oil container": Hs alaya. 72 *)em- "be hot, burn" Eg Jm, lJm "burn" (pyr). No palatalization of J-. Wch yam- "hot " : N gmyam.
73 *'en- "child"
WCh *yan- "boy": Grk a-yan. Prefix a- in Grk. LEG *)in- "child": Kon ina.
Omo *'er- "tongue": Anf srii-co. Although this stem is present only in Cush, its derivatives are found elsewhere and, therefore, it is treated as a HS archaism.
75 *'er- "see, know" ECh *)ar- "see": Smr yero, Sbn yara. Bed iray-, iree "see". Agaw *'ar(V)'- "know": Bil ar'-. The source of-'- is not clear. Note *-a- in the root. Wrz *'ar- "know": War a'aari, Gaw ara, Gob 'aar, Camara, Hss ar-, Dob ar-, Gll ar-. Secondary *-a-. Omot *)er- "know": Orne 'er-, ere, Mch ari(ha), Anf erri, Gim err-, era. Rift *'ar- "see": Irq ara, Alg ar-, Bur ar-im-. Secondary *-a-. Related to HS *'ir- "eye"? Some of the above forms may reflect HS *'ar-. 76 *'er- "woman"
Eg irw.t "women" (pyr). ECh *)ar- "woman": Mkk 'ere, 'erowo. Probably related to LEG *'or- ''wife'': Som oori. If Mkk 'erowo goes back to ECh *yaraw-, one could think of HS *'eraw- as a prototype of both Eg and ECh. 77 *)er- "tremble"
Sem *'Vr- "tremble": Akk araru, bararu. ECh *yar- "tremble": Tob yore.
78 *'erar- "container"
74 *'er- "tongue" LEG *)er- "tongue": Gel sre. Mgg erei ''tongue''.
Eg lrr "vessel" (n). i- reflects a front vowel. LEG *)arar- ''basket'': Arb )arar. Assimilation of vowels.
)ERAY- -
79 * )eray- "word, speech" WCh *yaray- "language": Hs yare. LEO *)eray- "word, speech": Som )eeray, 'eeray.
)ES- -
"fire" may be based on the fact of wi- pattern fo~bi~den in Sem. If initial HS *wi- (or *we-) yielded to Sem *'z-, 1t could also explain dubious WCh forms in *w- .
Derived from *)er- "tongue".
80 *)erib- "sew, tie" Sem *) Vrib- "tie (a knot)": Arab )rb [-i-]. WCh *rVHib- > *ril;- "sew": Wnd rip, Zaar ri:p, Pol rel;-in, Dwot rip. ECh *)VrVb- "sew" 1, "untie" 2 : Brg )orbi 1, Tum :mib 2_ Brg -o- is secondary. SA *rib- "sew": Saho rib, Afar rib. LEO *)erVb- "sew": Or erba.
81 *)erin- "tongue" CCh *)ir Vn- "tongue": Gis )irne, Mtk )arne, Mofu );;irne. Probably, from an earlier *yarin-? Omot *'eren- "tongue": Orne eren-saa. Assimilation of vowels, from *'erin-. Derived from HS *)er- ''tongue''.
82 *'es- "fire" Sem *'is- "fire"· Akk 'isat- Ug 'ist Hbr )es Phn '>s Aram (Emp) . ' ' ' ' )'fh, (Bibl) 'essa, (Palest) 'issata, (Mand) 's't', Gz ';;isat, Tgr 'asat, Amh ;;isat. Berb *HVs- "big fire": Ahg a-has. WCh *yas- ''fire'': Ang wus, Chip wus, Ank wuss, Grk wus, Bol osi, Krkyasi, Ngmyasi, Mahawosi, Bele ihi, Krfwusi", Gera wusi, Glm wu'fi, Grm usi, Gej isi, Klr wase. Forms in *w- are not clear. Contamination with *wu.f"roast"? ECh *'is- "fire": Brg 'issi. Probably, from an earlier *yasi-. Cf. Rift *)a.f- "fire" (Irq ala, Gor ala, Alga.fa, Bur a.fa) with a lateral *-.f-. An alternative reconstruction of the HS word for
WCh *yat- "eat": Fyer 'et. HEC *'it- "eat": Sid it-, Bmb it-.
84 *'ew- "be old" Eg Uwy "be old" (OK). -.l- and -y are a joint reflection of *e. ECh *yaw- "be old": Sbn y;;i, Kera hiwi, Mobu yewe. Another possibility should be considered if Eg - .l- goes back to · · h CCh *)"tr- ' ' old" (M w HS *r. In this case, comparison wit i'iri, Bch 'ryrry and the like) leads to the reconstruction of HS *\r- "be old". 85 *)i- "time, period of time" Eg i.t "time" (MK). Cf. U. t "moment of time" reflecting a front vow~l. . 1 1 2 2 WCh "yi- < *'i- "year" , "time" : Angyi- , Mntyi , Grkyi 1. Any relation to HS *'i(w)- "be, become"?
86 *'ib- "thirst" Eg lb.t "thirst" (pyr), Copt *'ibi id.: Fym ibi, Ahm eibe, Bhm ibi, Shd eibe. WCh *yib- < *'ib- "thirst": Bgh yip, Kir yip. Secondary y- reflecting *'- before a front vowel. Cf. Arab )bb [-u-] "desire"?
87 *)ibad- "lose, be lost" Sem *'VbVd- "lose, be lost": Ug 'bd, Phn y'bd, Hbr 'bd, Aram (Epigr) 'bd, (Palest) )abad, (Mand) abad. CCh *bidVH- "lose": Zime virf,i.
)IBAD- -
SA *bad- "perish, be extinguished": Saha bad-, Afar baad-. No traces of the initial syllable. LEC *bad- "be lost": Or bad-, Gel bad-. No traces of the initial syllable. Wrz *pat- '' get lost, disappear'': Gaw pat-, Hss pat-, Gol pat-. No traces of the initial syllable.
Maha udo, Krf icco, Gera wasa, Glmyiizu, Grm OCOIJ, Mpn OS. Prefix *ba-. Note some difficult forms with initial w-, cf. our notes to *'es- ''fire''. HEC *'is- "tooth": Dar isso. Omot *)ic- "tooth": Dime iicu. 92 *)icay- "be sad, be angry"
88 *)ibaq- "insect"
Sem *)ibb,- "kind of bug": Akk ib!Ju. Berb *bar- "in sect" : lzy af3a!J!Ju. Irregular reflex of *-q-. ECh *bag- "locust" 1 , "cricket" 2 , "spider" bago 2 , Kbl bagabaga 3 .
Sem *'Vsay- "be sad": Arab )sy [-a-]. For Sem *-s- cf. a derivative in Hbr )iis-on "misfortune". ECh *)is Jiy- "bad": Lele isiya. -iya may be a Lele suffix. 3:
Jegu bago 1, Bid
89 *)iben- "sleep"
Eg lbin "sleep" (pyr). Eg i- indicates HS *)e- or *)i-. Note intervocalic -i- reflecting a middle vowel. CCh *HVbyan- "sleep": Baka l;weni, Hwn l;ena. In Baka -we- < -ya- after a labial. Since HS *)eben- is hardly possible from the point of view of the vowel pattern, *)z"ben- remains the only tenable reconstruction.
90 *)i-bil- "camel, donkey" Sem *'ib(i)l- "camel": Arab 'ibil-, 'ibl-, SAr 'bl, Hss /J,e-yb"it, Mhr beybu, Shh yit. ECh *bil- "donkey": Lele bila-he. The first syllable left no traces. The initial *)i- is either a prefix (preserved only in Sem), or a part of the root (lost in ECh for phonetic reasons). In the anlaut HS *'e- is also possible.
93 *)id- "eye" WCh *)id- "eye": Hs ido, Surayit, Angyit,yid, Mntyit, Ank has-yid, Grkyit, Bol )ido, Krk 'ido, Derayero, Tng idu, Ngm ido, Maha ida, Bele ido, Krf iro, Gera iir/,i, Glm iirya, Grm ida, Diri ado, Jmb ida, Ngz da. Some forms with -r- may go back to HS *'ir- "eye" as well. CCh *)id- "eye": Tera idi, Nza di. ECh *)id-/*)ud- "eye": Dng udii, Mig )ir/,e, Jeg 'ude, Sok id-. ECh *)ud- < *)idu- or a trace of an apophony? Although this root is preserved only in Chadic, its derivatives also occur in Cush, see HS *'ind- "eye" and we may, therefore, consider it as a HS archaism.
94 *'igan- "vessel" Sem *)igiin- "cup, bowl": Akk agannu, Hbr 'aggan, Arab )iggiin-at-. Assimilation of vowels in Akk and Hbr? LEC *)agan-/*gaHan- "jar": Som agaan, Or gaanii. Assimilation of vowels. 95 *'i'al- "snake"
91 *'ic- "tooth" WCh *ba-'ic- "tooth": Ang as, Chip 'aras, Mnt yaas, Ank hag-has, Grk yas, Bol udo, Krk wudo, Tng wudo, Dera wuro, Ngm udo,
Eg i'r.t "snake" (pyr). ECh *)Pal- "snake": Dng aalo, Bid )aalo, Jegu 'illo, Brg 'eli. Assimilation of vowels in Dng and Bid.
26 An unusual combination of _)_ and
in one root.
Another possible reconstruction is HS *labP-.
96 *)ikoy- "hold, seize" Eg iJ.y "take, catch, seize" (pyr), Copt *J.'i: BohJ.'£, SdJ.i. Initial l- indicates *)i- or *'e-. -J.- is palatalized before *-a-. WCh *kway- < *HVkway- "hold" 1, "seize,grasp" 2: Dera kway 1, Miya kwi 1, Bgh kye 1 , Bks k,ay 2, DB kay 2. The first syllable lost without traces. Since *e and *a seem to be incompatible within one root, the reconstruction *'ekay- is less probable. 97 *)ikiic- "relative"
Sem *)ikis- ''family member'': Akk ikisu. WCh *kPuc- "child": Ang keus, Ngz kusai (pl.). Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *ki)uc-. 98 *)il- "swear; oath" Sem *)vz_ "swear": Hbr 'ly, Arab )ly [-i-], SAr )lh. Dhl 'ila "oath". Cf. Rift *lo'- "oath" (Irq la'z)? 99 *'il- "bring" Eg iny "bring" (pyr), Copt *'ini: Fym ini, Ahm eine, Boh ini, Sd ezne. HS *-l- > Eg -n-. ':Y in the auslaut as well as initial l- suggest a front vowel in the root. WCh *'al-l*'il- "bring": Bol 'al-, Krk )il-. Traces of old alternation *a ~ *i?
100 *'ilab- "wall" Eg lnb "wall" (OK). ECh *labi'- "fence": Kera la'f;i. Metathesis.
Eg lnm "skin" (pyr), Copt *)anam id.: Boh anam. Seems to have no connection with HS *)adam-l*'adim- ''skin''. WCh *)Vlam- "hide": Bade alm-:m. Cf. a denominative verb: Bks lama', DB lama', Sha lama' "skin" (v. ).
102 *)ilaw-/*'ilay "saliva" Sem *)i[aw-/*)i[ay- ''saliva'': Akk illatu. ECh *'Vlaw-/*)Vlay- "saliva": Mkk lee, Mubi !awe, Mig )ala. Consonantal alternation *-w- ~ *-y-. 103 *'ilik- "tooth" Agaw *'ilVk- "tooth": Bil )0lk111i, eruk, Xmr er0k!», Xmt er0kw, Kwr yerkw, Kemy0rko, Aw 0rkwi. LEO *)ilik- "tooth": Som ilig, pl. ilka, Bay ilka, Rnd ilka, Or ilka, Kon ilga, Bus ilica, Gid ilit, Arb ilkwa, Arb 'ilig. Wrz *'ilVg- "tooth": Gaw alge, Gob 0lago, War ilge. HEC *'ilVk- "tooth": Had inlfe, Bmb ilkaa, irlfa, Kmb inlfu-ta. Other HEC forms reflect *'in(V)k-., Related to *)alVk- ''bite, chew''. Even though exact correspondences between *land other laterals in Cush remain uncertain, cf. Rift *'i§ik- "tooth" (Kwz isikuko). The word for tooth looks like a Cush deverbative innovation and is preserved here because of the HS status of the corresponding verb.
104 *)i-ma)- "(be) good" Eg im) "good" (pyr). ECh *ma'i- "good": Sok maia.
*'i- may be a prefix or a part of the root (phonetically lost in ECh).
'rMEN- -
105 *'imen- "sun, day" Eg lmny "Sun-god" (reg). Initial l- stands for HS *'i-. WCh *myan- "day": Mnt mene. CCh *myan- "day": Dng mena, Mig me:ne. HS *'i- may be a prefix.
106 * 'in- "cord, tie" Eg lny "cord" (MK). Ancient deverbative? WCh *'in- "tie": Diri in. CCh *'in- "tie": Gude Jiin-, FB JiiIJ-, FM 'in- , FJ 'in-. Secondary -yi- < *-i- in Gude and FB. Note -IJ- < *-n)- reflecting a former shift of the laryngeal. ECh *'Vn -/*'Vi . w Vin- "t'1e " : K era ,m-tzn, · K wn en-te, Mig )onno, Sok una, Mub1 ewen, Brg 'unaayi. The vowel in Kwn could point out to ECh *-ya-. Other forms are explained by contraction.
107 *'in- "flow, be wet"
*'.in- " spread
(of water)": Arab 'nn [-i-]. Imperfect may reflect an original *)in-. WCh *)Vn- "be wet": Jim nu, Tala 'unu. Sem
108 *'i-nas- "man" Sem *'in(a)s- "man": Hbr ' 6nos, Aram (Syr) (')nas Arab 'ins- SAr 'ns, Jib 'snsi. ' ' Berb *)in Vs- "young man": Ahg a-yn:Js. Agaw *'an Vs'- "in-law": Kem ans-:Jn. By assimilation, from *'inas-. Derived from HS *niis-"man".
109 "''inawal-/*'inayal- ''plant'' Eg fnwn "kind of plant" (med). ECh *'inayal- "grass": Mig nyalu, M ubi inalo.
Both Mig -ya- and Mubi
-a- reflect a contraction of *-aya-.
An ancient composite or a structure with a prefix *'i-?
110 *'ind- "eye" CCh *'Vnd- "eye": Dgh nde. No traces of the original first syllable. SA *'int- "eyes" (pl.): Saho intit, Afar intit. Unvoiced *-t- -tt- in Dng and > -t- in Mig. Agaw *'ant-l*'int- ''louse'': Aun inti, antii. The vowel is fluctuating. Dhl 'ijj_oni, ita "louse". Rift *'it- "louse": Irq itna (pl.), Bur ita, Alg ita, Asa ita. Dhl and Rift either display a specific morphonological variant of the root without infix (*'it-) or are explained from assimilations of *-nt-. 112 *'ir- "eye" Eg ir.t "eye" (pyr), Dem yr.t id., Copt *yiri id.: Lye ieire. WCh *'ir-/*yir- "eye": Polyir, Say yir, Grnyerr, Kiryir, Talage-ir, Fyr yeer. *yir- is a result offurther development of *'ir-. Note a prefix in Tala. CCh *'ir- "eye": Lame iri, Msm ir, Bnn ira. Related to *'ir- is a CCh derivative *'aray- "eye" ( < *'iray-?): Bid 'aray, Mnj aray, Masa arai. ECh *'ir- "eye": Mubi ir-in.
118 *)iw-/*'iy- "come"
113 *)iru)- "caviar, fish roe"
Eg ry, iw "come", Copt *\'JI id.: Bhr i, Shd ry. CCh *)ry- "go, come": Masa ry. Bed )i- "come". LEG *'i- "go": Arb )Pit-.
Sem *)irufj- "caviar": Akk erutu. Eg lir.t "part of fish" (med). Metathesis. Derived from *)ur- ''fish''.
Consonantal alternation of *w ~ *y. Cush data may indicate an earlier form of the root, namely, *)i-.
114 *)irVy- "stick" Sem *'iry- "twig, stick" 1 , "stake" Cf. also Akk aru, aaru id. Eg Jry. t "kind of stick" (MK).
Akk uru
Arab )iry-
Cf. ECh *)war- "stick": Jegu 'orra. Related to *'ariw- "tree"?
115 •DisV)-/'0 isVw- "piece of wood"
119 *)iw-/*)iy- "jackal, dog" Sem *)ry- "jackal": Hbr )z. Eg lw "dog" (MK). WCh *'ry- "dog": Wrj rye-na. Suffix in W rj. LEG *)ry- "wild cat": Or ryyaa. Consonantal alternation of *w ~ *y.
Sem *)VssV'- "fir-tree splinter": Akk esse)u. Eg isw. t "thick wooden bar" (n). A cultural Wanderwort? Note the consonantal alternation *w ~ *'
116 *'itah- "pull" Eg lth "pull" (pyr). Eg l- stands for *)i-. CCh *taH- "pull": LPe ta', Msm ta. The initial syllable completely lost.
*' Vr Vw- "vomit": Akk aru. Based on an earlier biconsonantal *)Vr-. ECh *)war- "vomit": Mig werro, Mobu w:,re. Cf. also Smr hur:, reflecting the same root with a prefix.
121 *'or- "curse, insult" (v.)
HS *)i- may be a prefix.
117 *)i(w)- "be, become" Eg lw "be" (pyr). WCh *)i- "become" 1, "be" 2 : Ang g'yi CCh *)a- "become": Gisye-.
120 *)or- "vomit"
Bol i-
1 2.
Related to *'iw-l*'ry- "come", cf. Eng become ~ come? Note that the original root seems to have a structure CV-, i.e. *'i-.
Sem *)ur- "curse": Akk araru, Hbr 'rr, Soq )erer. Eg wir "curse" (XXII). Vocalic w-. WCh *)ar- < *'war- "insult, scold": Wrj ar-, Kry ar-, Ngz aru. CCh *)ir- ''insult'': Zime ir. Unexpected vocalism. ECh *war- "insult": Dng ware. HEC *)ar- "be angry, be annoyed": Sid aar-, Dar aar-, Bmb aar-. Vocalism of a stative.
122 *'orab-- "road, way" Sem *)ur(a)a- "way": Akk )urbu, )ar!J,u, Hbr )iira~, Aram (Emp,
Palm) )r}J, (Syr) )ur}Ja, (Mand) 'w}J?, (NAram) )ur}J. WCh *)wara- < *'waraH- "road": Sura ar, Ang ar, Ank war, Klr 'araw. *-H- is, probably, preserved as -w- in Klr but lost elsewhere. ECh *'war- "road": Bid )oora. An alternative reconstruction could be *'waHar- with a metathesis and a regular contraction of *-waHa- > Bid -oo- . HEC *'or- "road": Dar ora. No traces of the laryngeal. Rift *'uruw- "path, way": Gor uruwa. Secondary formation in -uwa. The loss of the laryngeal in Rift is irregular.
123 *'ow-/*'oy- "river, tide" Eg wiw "tide" (a). Initial w- is a vowel sign. ECh *'way- "water, river": Mkk 'ooye. Certainly connected with WCh *(')waw- ''pour'' (Glm waaw-). Note the consonantal alternation *-w- ~ *:Y--
124 *'ubun- "vessel" Sem *'ubun- "vessel": Akk ubbunu. CCh *bun-H- "water pot": Wmd bUJJ. Metathesis of the laryngeal forming a cluster with *-n-: *-n'- > -IJ. Note LEC *)ub- "vessel": Som ubbo.
125 *'ucok- "temple" (anat.) Sem *'usuk- "temple": Akk usukku. Eg sski "temple" (BD). Initial ss- may reflect *c. -3 probably indicates *o, or may be a result of the metathesis.
126 *'udun-/*)u3un- "ear" Sem *'udn- "ear": Akk 'uzn-, U g 'udn, Hbr 'ozen, Aram 'udna, (Syr)
)edno, (Emp) 'dn, Arab )udn-, SAr )dn, Soq 'idihen, Shr iden, Mhr heyden, Gz );;>zn, Tgr );;>zn, Tgy ';;>zni, Har uzun. Eg ldn "ear" (a). l- palatalized from *J- under the influence of *-u-. ECh *)udun-H- "ear": Jegu 'udUI]e, Brg udUI]i. -IJ- may be explained by the shift of the laryngeal.
An unexpected *d ~ *j variation in the root.
127 *)udur- "heart" Eg idr "heart" (1). l- palatalized from *.i- under the influence of *-u-. WCh *'udur- "chest" 1, "heart" 2 : Sura tugur 1 , Ang dur 12 . Sura inlaut -g- is regular. The first syllable is reconstructed on the basis of the anlaut in Sura and Ang. ECh *dur- "middle": Lele duro ni. Dhl duura ''gut''.
128 *)uf- "body, meat" Eg lwf, if "flesh" (pyr), "body (med). Eg -w- indicates HS *u palatalizing the preceding aleph *.J- > l-.
CCh *'[u]fwa- "body": Bud ju, Gis vaa, Mofu vaw, Tera v;;>-da, Gbn j;;>-t;;>, Gudujwa-si. The initial syllable is lost. Cf. also Kap guva id., Glv vura id., Zgh vura id., Mnd vuwa id. If these forms belong to the CCh root, they may continue *rV-'ufwa- with a prefix *rV-.
129 *)ug- "burn" Sem *'ug- "burn": Arab )gg [-u-]. ECh *'ig-l*'ug- "burn" 1 , "fry" 2 : Ndm yuga Ndmyu- < *'u-. Related to LEC *'eg- "fire": Arb 'eeg.
130 *'ukok- "jump, run" Eg i11. "fly" (pyr).
Mig 'iggo.
Palatalization of *k > 1 after labials. WCh *kwak- "jump, gallop": Ang kwok. The first syllable completely lost. ECh *)ukVk- "run": Mig )ukk-, Mkk )ukke.
*-o- reconstructed on the basis ofreflexes in WCh. Cf. Dhl Juk'"rise" with emphatic -k'-.
131 *Jum- "people" Sem *)umm- "people, clan": U g )um-t, Hbr Jumma, Arab )umm-at-. Rift *)im- "people" 1, "crowd" 2 : Irq imi 1, Alg imi 2, Bur im-et 1 . Assimilation of vowels.
Eg ln "today" (BD). CCh *)unya- ''today'': Klb Junya.
133 *)unay- "meat" Sem *)un J-y- "kind of meat": Akk um1. CCh *nay- ''meat'': Bld ne. No trace of the first syllable.
136 *Jur- "day" Sem *)urr- "day"
1, "light"
Akk urru 1, iiru 2 , U g )ar- 2, Hbr
)or 2 .
CCh *)ur- "morning": Gudu wilr. HEG *)or- ''midday'': Bmb orra. Related to *)ur- "burn, be hot".
137 *)ur- "burn, be hot" Sem *Jur- "set fire": Arab Jrr [-u-], )ry [-i- ]. Cf. also Arab )irr-at- "fire". EGh *)ur- "be hot" 1, "burn" 2 : Smr Jura, Bid Joor, Dng )ere. Assimilation of vowels in Dng. SA *Jur- "burn": Afar ur-.
138 * Jur- "fish" WGh *)ur- ''kind of fish'': Hs iiri. EGh *yar- "fish": Ndam ere. Assimilation of vowels. Omot *Jar- "fish": Shk or-us, Gim oru, Dime or-xo.
139 *)uril-/*Jurul- "reed" 134 *)up- "goat, sheep" Eg w JP "sheep" (pyr). w- reflects a labialized vowel after J. However, cf. *)up" strike" . WGh *)up- "she-goat": Gagu ufe.
Sem *)urul- "reed": Akk urullu. LEG *)ulul- "flute": Or ulullee. Assimilation of liquids. Omot *)uril- "flute": Mch urillo. An alternative reconstruction is *)ulul- (reduplication?). Assimilation of vowels in Sem and LEG?
135 *)up- "strike" Eg ip "blow" (n.) (MK). l- < *J- before *-u-. WGh *)up- "strike": Mnt wup. Secondary initial w- in Mnt. ECh *'up- "strike": Mig )uppo.
140 *Juriid- "vessel" Sem *)urid- "vessel": Akk uridu. WGh *ruJud- "beer-gourd": Hs riidii. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *ruJild-.
CCh *)us- "woman": Glv )usa. Agaw *)us- "female" (adj.): Bil us-ari, Xmr oos- ray. Cf. also Kem iyusee "woman" < *)i-)us-. Omot *)us- "woman having a child": Orne uso.
142 *)utal-/*)util- "jump" Sem *)Vtil- "take short steps": Arab )tl [-i-]. LEG *)utal- "jump": Or utaala.
that these forms belong to a different root including also WCh *)as- "grandfather": Fyer )as.
146 *)Vcup- "gather, harvest" Sem *)VsVp- "gather, collect" 1 , "harvest" (v.) Ug )asp 1 , Hbr 'sp 1 2 , Aram (Palest) )asap 2 . ECh *'Vsup- "harvest" (v.): Tum sub. Tum vocied -b is regular.
Akk esepu
1 2,
147 *'Vgor- "chew"
Eg lnln "cut" (pyr). Reduplication of the original *in. ECh *)Vn- "cut": Mubi iwin. An alternative (and less probable) reconstruction is *)Pin-. Since there us a possibility that *-w- in ECh is a secondary development of *)-, the original HS root may be *)in- .
144 * )iir- "belly, stomach" Sem *)ir- "breast": Akk irtu, U g )irt. CCh *)ur- "stomach": Msg ur-ni. Cf. also *war- < *ura- "belly": Mba war, Msg wara. Reduplication in Log werwer "lungs". ECh *)ur- "navel": Jegu )urre. LEG *)ur- ''belly'': Som uur-.
Sem *)is- "man": Phn )s, Hbr )i's, Aram ys, SAr JIS. If not from *)in(a)s-. WCh *wus-· < *)us- "brother": Siri wusi, ]mb wusa. CCh *)us- "man": Mba wus, Msg us, wus. HEC *)os- "child, boy": Sid osoo, Dar ose (pl.), Had oos-ico, Kmb osoo. Cf. Agaw *)as- "man" (Xmr aasaw) and Omot *)as- "man" (Orne asa, Mch )aso) with a different root vowel. It is possible
Sem *)VgVr- "chew": Arab 'gr. ECh *gwar- "chew": Sbn gw:Jra, Tob gure. No traces of the first syllable. Initial *'V- may be a prefix.
148 *'Vkul- "eat" Sem *'Vkul- "eat": Akk akalu, U g )akl, Phn 'kl, Hbr 'kl, Aram (Emp) 'kl, (Syr) )ekal, (Mand) akal, Arab 'kl [-u-]. Derived from this root are Gz ):Jkl "food", Tgr 'ak;;!l "grain", Amh ':Jh:Jl id. WCh *kal- < *ka'Vl- "food": Hs kalacz. Secondary derivative in -ci in Hs. Metathesis.
149 *'VI- "be exhausted" Sem *'VlVw- "be unable, be incapable": Arab 'lw [-u-]. Based on *'Vl-. LEG *'el- "exhaustion": Or eelaa. Nominal derivative.
150 *)Vles- "deceive" Sem *)Vlis- "deceive": Arab 'ls [-i-]. CCh *lyas- "deceive, lie": Msg les. ECh *las- < *lyasa- "deceive, lie": Mobu lase, Ngam lase. HS *)V- may be a prefix or a part of the root lost in CCh and ECh for phonological reasons.
151 *)V nil,i- "breath; breathe" Sem *)Vni/J,- "sigh" 1, "moan" 2 : Akk anii!J,u 1 2 , Ug )an/] 1, Hbr )n/J 2 , Aram (Syr) )ena/J, 2 , Arab )n/J [-i-] 1. Eg n/J,w.t "soul" (n). A deverbative formation reflecting *nu/J,-. Related to Eg ln/J, "live"? Initial *)V- may be a prefix.
152 *)VrVg- "plait, weave; mat" Sem *)VrVg- "plait, weave": Hbr )rg. Cf. Pun )rg ''weaver''. WCh *rag- "net" 1 , "thread" 2 : Hs riigii 1, Krf rogho 2, Secondary -o- in the first syllable in Krf. No traces of the initial laryngeal.
CCh *bwaH- < *baH- "bush": Gis qoh. *-wa- < *-a- after a labial. Note an unexpected laryngeal. Initial emphatic is caused by a laryngeal. SA *bah- "wood": Afar bahoo. Note an irregular laryngeal. CCh and SA may belong to a specific variant or a different word *bah- id.
156 *ba)-/*baw- "(gourd) vessel" CCh *ba)- "pot" 1, "calabash" 2 : Tera l;o 1, Gudu qa !;- in Tera and Gudu reflects a lost laryngeal. Agaw *baw- "gourd bottle": Xmr baw, bawa. Note a consonantal alternation *_)_ -
157 *ba)-f*baw-/*bay "walk, go" Eg isk "linger" (XVIII), Capt *)osk id.: Ahm osk, Bah ask, Sd osk. WCh *suki- "sit" 1, "rest" 2 : Bal siki 1, Paa siki 1, Pol sak 1, Gej suki 2 , Brw suk 1 , Dwot suk 1 . Initial *)V- may be a prefix.
*b 154 *ba)- "father" Berb *ba)- "father, owner, master": Kby {3a. CCh *ba)- "father": Log ba. An onomatopoeia.
155 *ba)- ''bush, tree'' Eg bJ.t "bush" (a), Capt *bu id.: Akh bou, Bah bo. WCh *ba)- "tree": Ang bau, Krk qa, Tng qau. q- in Krk and Tng reflects a lost laryngeal.
Sem *bu)- "go, come" 1 , "enter" 2 , "return" 3 : Akk b!Pu 1 , Ug ba) 3 Phn P 2 Hbr bl'w\' 3 Arab bw) [-u-] 3 SAr bw) 3 Gz ' ' V / ' ' ' bo'a 2 , Tgr biPa 2 , Tgy bo'e 2, Hrr bo'a 2. Based on biliteral *b Vw- or *b V)-. Berb *b Ty- "drive, bring" 1 , "come" 2 : Ghd abbi 1 , Siwa abba 1 , Ayr huii-at 1 , Twl huii-at 1 , Ahg ahi 1 , Tsl ihai 2 . Berb *b- > *fJ- yielding to h- under not quite certain conditions. Eg by] "go away" (pyr). Vocalic-]. WCh *ba)-/*baw- "return" 1 , "go" 2 , "come" 3 : Sura ba 1, Mnt ba 1, Ang be 1 , Dera ba 2 , Wrj buw 3 , Kry ba- 2 , Diri mbu 3, Miya ba- 2, Cagu ba- 2 , Mbu ba- 2 , Jmb bo- 3, Klr bo 3 • Wrj, Diri andJmb seem to reflect *haw-. Note prefix *mV- in Diri. CCh *ba)-/*baw-/*bay "go" 1 , "come" 2 , "go away" 3, "follow" 4: Tera qa 2 , Gaa al;i 2 , Gbn be£ 1, Hwn bai 1, Mrg qu 1, Wmd ba 2 , Gis be 3, Daba va 1 , Bch bay 4, Masa ba 2 , Bana bawa 2 , Baka qe-r/,i 3 . Cf. also Chb bi-ti "return" that may go back to *bay-. ECh *ba'-l*baw-/*bay- "accompany" 1, "come" 2 , "enter" 3, "go" 4 : Tob be 1 , Kera bi 2 , Mobu baye 3, Mubi qa, qow 4, Sok bii, be 4 .
40 160 *ba'as- "be rotten, be bad"
Bed bay- ''go''. SA *ba'- "go away": Afar ba'-. LEC *ba'- "go out": Or ba'-. Related to Som ba4- id. with a different laryngeal? HEC *ba'- "go away, go out": Sid ba-, Had ba'e, Bmb ba'-. Dhl be- "go". From *bay-? Omot *ba'- "go": Om baa-. Rift *baw- "follow": Asa bow-at-. Secondary -o- in Asa.
Sem *b V'as- "be rotten" 1 , "be poor" 2: Hbr b's 1, Arab h's
Consonantal alternation *-'- ~ *-w- ~ *-y-. Forms in *-y and *-w may reflect earlier *ba'i- and *ba'u-.
[-a-] 2. 2 ~ 1 n· . b- - 2 p WCh *ba'as- "stink" (n.) 1, "bad" : Hs basz , m .asa , aa basa-n 2, Cagu basi-n 2 . The intervocalic laryngeal is reflected in the Hs lengthening and, in particular, in the Diri initial emphatic. Agaw *bas- "be bad": Aun bas-;;m. LEC *ba'as- "spoiled, rotten": Som baas. HEC *bus- "bad": Sid busa. Secondary vocalism? 161 *ba'uc- "fill"
158 *ba'-/*bP- "hole, pit" Sem *b'i'- "hole": Akk b'i'u. Berb *b V- "irrigation ditch": Siwa ta-ba. Eg bJbJ "hole" (pyr), bJJ "snake's hole" (pyr), bJy.w "hole" (n). Reduplication. The form bJy. w seems to display a front vowel in the root. WCh *ba'- "hole": Krf boyo, Tng ba. LEC *bo'- "furrow": Or bo'oo. Secondary rounded vowel after a labial. Dhl /Joowi "nostril, small hole". From *ba'aw-? Rift *ba'- "pit": Irq ba'i, Bur ba'a. Alternation *a
WCh *ba'Vc- "fill to the brim": Hs bat;e. *-c- > Hs -t;- is regular. LEC *b V'us- "fill up": Or buusa.
162 *ba'uc- "vessel" Eg bis "wine vessel" (sarc). ECh *ba'us- "pot": Sbn fJasa, Smr busa, Ndm gas, Gbr basa, Kbl besa. Smr and Ndm /J- reflect the inlaut laryngeal. Derived from *ba'uc- "fill".
~ *i. 163 *ba'us- "be strong"
Eg bl "hoe" (v.) (OK). WCh *bu'- "dig, bury": Klr buy, Sha bu. Final -yin Klr is not very clear. Probably, Klr buy *bu'i. CCh *ba'- "dig": Log ba.
Sem *b V'us- "be strong": Arab h's [-u-]. ECh *basu'- "be strong": Gbr basua. Metathesis. Or from ba-sua?
i *wa after *b. Cf. Dhl bu)- id. and Rift *bu)- id. (Alg bu)- ) with a different laryngeal.
184 *ba'Vl- "be able"
181 *baCar "catch" Sem *bVVr- "catch (fish, birds)", 1, "fish" (v.) Soq bcr 2 . WCh *baHar- "catch, take": Sura ¢eer.
Akk ba)aru
Sero *bVVl- "rule, sway": Hbr b'l. ECh *baHVl- "can": Lele ¢al, Kbl ¢al. Cf. Rift *bel- "be, become" (Kwz bel-)? Related to *ba'il' 'man''. Sem may be a denominative.
182 *bacil- "man" Sem *bacl- "husband, master": Akk belu, Ug bcl, Phn bcl, Pun b'l, Hbr ba'al, Aram (Epigr) b'l, Arab bacz-, SAr bcz, Shr bacl, Soq ba'l, Mhr bat, Gz ba'al, Tgr ba'l, Amh bal. CCh *bVl- "man": Log b:Jlo, Gul bel-ewe. Derivative in *-aw- in Gul. SA *bal- "father-in-law": Saho ballaa, Afar ballaa. LEC *Hobo!- "relative": Or obbolaa. Metathesis and secondary labialization of vowels under the influence of *-b-. HEC *beHil- "master" 1, "friend" 2 : Sid biilo 1, Bmb beeli 2 . Vocalism may be archaic and reflecting *baHil-.
183 *ba'iir- "bull" Sem *baczr- "bull" 1, "young bull" 2, "camel" 3, "ox" 4 : Akk biru 1 2 , Hbr be'zr 1 , Aram bC'zrii l, Arab ba'ir- 3 , SAr b'r 3 , Gz b:lr-awi 4, Tgr fo':Jr-ay 4, Tgy b:Jc:Jray 4, Amh bare 4, Arg bara 4, Hrr ba)ara 4, Gur bawra 4, Soq be'er 3 , Mhr beyr 3 . WCh *bar- "ram" 1 , "bull" 2 : Cagu bare-n 1, Gera hara 2 • CCh *bar- "bull": Bud baru. ECh *bur- < *bVHur- "bull": Mkk buru. Bed be)raay "bull". Derivative in *-ay-. Agaw *bir- < *b VHir- "bull": Bil biiraa, Xmr biiraa, Xmt biraa, Kwr biira, Aun birii, Dam berii. SA *ba)er- "bull": Saho be)er, Afar ba)eraa. HEC *ba)or- "oryx, bull": Had baara, Kmb bora. Omot *b V)or- "bull": Ome booraa. Omot *o < HS *ii. Dhl ¢Pira ''water-buck''. Maybe related to Berb *barar- "she-camel" (Zng ta-bariir-t).
185 *bah[ii]l- "pit, well" Berb *baw[i]l- "pit (made in search of a well)": Twl bawel. From *baH(w)il-?? ECh *bal- "well": Smr b:Jla, Tum bal, N dam bal, Sok bal. LEC *bahol- ''hole, pit, well'': Som bahol, bahul, Or booll. HEC *baHVl- "hole" 1 , "ravine" 2, "precipice" 3 : Sid baallee Had balle, ballee 2, Kmb balliyaa 3 • Wrz *pVHol- "well": Dab poolle.
186 *bal;ial- "wild animal" Sem *b Vh Vl- "fierce animal": Aram (Pehl) Ml. LEG *bah.al- "wild animal" 1 , "lion" 2 : Som bahal Rnd goes back to ba~al-ti with -s- < *-lt-.
Rnd ba~asi
Cf. in CCh: Mnd )u¢ula, Glv )u¢ula ''leopard'' from )u-b VHVl-.
187 *bal;iar- "choose" Sem *b V~ Vr- "choose": Akk beru, be!Jeru, Hbr b/J,r, Aram (Palest) be~ar, SAr b/J,r. . ECh *baHar- "choose": Sbn ¢:Jr, Lele biiar, Kera vere, Kwn pan.
188 *bal;iar-/*bal;iir- "cut, tear" Sem *bV~ar- "cultivate, cut (camel's ear)": Arab b~r [-a-]. Berb *b VHVr- "pinch and turn": Kby f3e"er. From Arab? WCh *baHar- "cut": Tng ber, Glm ¢ar-. Dhl ¢iir- "cut grass, mow". Assimilation of vowels from *baMr-.
BA(j-lBitI- -
189 *bal}-/*big.- "burn, be hot" Eg
Omot *biir-
< *bVHur- "belt": Kaf buuroo, Mch buro.
"burn" (reg). Partial reduplication. WCh *baH- "hot": Paa bubau, Grn ba)a. Partial reduplication in Paa. The root vowel may be secondary. CCh *bVH-bVH- "hot": Gbn /Je/Je, Boka l;we11we, Hwn biba-t. Reduplication with modified vocalism. · · ECh *biHwa- ''roast'': Mig biyyu, Sbn !;w;J. Alternation *a ~ *i.
190 *bal}.iil- "leg" Berb *babil- "camel's leg": Izy a/Jabil. CCh *baHul- "thigh": Tera boli, Bnn ¢ala, Masa ¢ala-mo, Msg bu!.
191 *bal}uy- "be good" Sem *b Vbuy- "be beautiful": Arab b/1)! [-u-]. CCh *bay VH- "good": Zime l;ay). Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *bayuf!:-. Note Rift *hoc- "better, superior" (Alg hoc) with a different laryngeal.
192 *baHal- "horn" WCh *baHal-um- "horn": Mnt bulu, Grk /;;J/, Bol !Joolu-m, Krk l;eel;J-m, Dera /Jili, Tng /Jal, Ngm l;alu-m, Maha bele-m, Glm balu. ¢- in several languages reflects a lost intervocalic laryngeal. Note a suffix of body parts *-um-. Omot *baHal- "horn": Dime bal-tu, GIi baali.
193 *baHur- "thread, band" CCh *mV-bar- "thread": Masa mbaro. Prefix *m V-. Note that in forms with prefixes, traces of laryngeals and contraction of -VHV- patterns are usually lost. ECh *baHur- "thread": Kwn ba:ru, Jegu burre. SA *bar- < *b VHor- "loin-cloth" 1, "band" 2: Saho bor 1, Afar booruu 1, boor 2.
194 *bak- "squeeze, strike" Sem *buk- "squeeze" 1, "tear" 2 : Hbr b(w)k Secondary *-u-. Berb *bVk- "strike, pound": Tua bakkat. Eg bk "kill (with a sword)" (gr). CCh *bak- "strike, beat": Mnd bak. SA *bak- "destroy": Afar bak.
Arab bkk [-u-]
1 2.
ECh *!Jak- < *HV-bak- ''push'' (Bid qak) may be related to this root. Note also Dhl qakk-ee8- "kindle (fire)" - * "strike".
195 *baka)- ''be pregnant'' Sem *b Vka)- "have little milk": Arab bP [-a-]. Note an interesting semantic shift* "be pregnant" - "be unable to suckle a child''. Eg bki "become pregnant" (MK). SA *bak- "be born": Saho bak, Afar bak. A resultative derived from the main root. LEC *ba)ak- ''not giving much milk'': Or baakkuu.
196 *bakVr- "young animal" Sem *bakr- "young camel": Akk bakru, Hbr beker, Arab bakr-, SAr bkr, Mhr baker, Shr okrit, Hss baker. Berb *b VkVr- "lamb" 1 , "kid" 2 : Ayr e-bakar 1 , Ahg e-fokJr 1 , Twl e-bakar 1, Sml a-bukir 2 .
197 *ha\{- "insect" Sem *balf,lf,- "midget" 1 , "bug" 2 : Akk baqqu 1, Aram (Palest) baqqa 2, Arab baqq- 2, Hss belf,lf,et 2. WCh *balf,wa-l*balf,ya "cockroach" 1, "scorpion" 2 : Bks buko 1, Fyer !Jakya-n 2 . Note the shift of emphatization in Fyer: *balf,ya- > qakya-.
BAJ_(- -
198 *ba:(c- "baldness" Berb *ba~- "hair disease": Ahg ta-hara. Agaw *ba~(u)- "baldness" 1 , "bald" 2: Bil bakw 1 Aun b 2 *b k " , oxu . SA a - bald spot": Saho b:Jka, Afar foka. -:J- < *-a- after a labial. This root is probably reflected in Sero *baha~- "herpes· white patches on the skin" (Aram buhq-, Arab bahaq-, Gz b5q, Jib bh:J~) with a secondary inlaut laryngeal.
199 *ba:(c- ''pour, flow'' Sem *bu~- "pour out" 1, "rain" (v.) 2: Hbrbqq 1,Arabbqq[-u-] 2. Secondary *-u-. Berb *b Vlc- "soak" 1, "contain (liquid)" 2: Kby :;Jbb:;Jy 1, Ahg a-h:;Jr 2_ ECh *qwak- < *ba~- "rain (v.)" 1 , "ooze" 2 : Mubi bok 1 Bid bok 2 Note the shift of emphatization. · ' · · Agaw *ba~w- "flow": Kwr boyW-, bov-. Cf. derivatives in Kem bukW-ana "rain" (v.), Bil fokw-ana "cloud''. LEG *ba~- "flow": Or baq-.
WCh *ba~- "look for": Bgh bak. 2 LEC *be~- "observe" 1, "know" 2: Som beeq- 1, Or beeka . HEC *be[tJ- "know": Bmb beeh-, beek-. Omot *ba~-/*be~- "see" 1 , "know" 2 : Orne bi~- 1 , Kaf b4~1 Mch b~~i- 1 , Anf be~- 1 , Bwo be~- 1 , Gim be~-, bek- .
Vocalism *-e- is a Cush innovation.
202 *ba~-/*bu:(c- "run" CCh *ba~- "drive": Dgh baka, Mnd )abaka. Berb *b Vlcvy- "hurry, hasten": Kby bbuqqi. Based on *bV6;-. Eg M "run" (pyr). Agaw *bu~- "run away": Aun bu6;-, buk-. SA *buk- "running away": Saho buka, bukaa. LEC *ba6;- "run away": Som baqa-d-, Or baqa, Arb baqa-rf,-. HEC *ba6;- "flee": Dar ba6;-at-, Bmb ba~a-r/,-. Alternation *a ~ *u. Probably, connected with Sem *b V6;a'"go away" (Arab bq' [-a-]).
203 *ba:(c-/*bu~- "gourd bottle" 200 *ba:(c- "cut, split" Sem *bV~- "split": Arab bqq, Gz bqq. WCh *!Jak- < *ba(Ha)~- "cut" 1 , "split" l;ak 3 , Ang bak 1 , Fyr bak 2, Bks !Jak 2. Shift of emphatization. CCh *l;ak- < *ba(Ha)~- "cut": Dgh !;aka. Shift of emphatization. LEG *ba~a~- "tear": Or baqaqa. Partial reduplication. Wrz *pa~- "chop": Gaw paqq-as-.
Sem *ba6;-bi¥ "bottle": Hbr baqbuq, Aram (Syr) bagbuga. Reduplication. WCh *ku-bak- "clay gourd": Gera kubaako. Prefix *ku-. Agaw *ba~w- "gourd bottle": Xmr baw, bawa, Kem b:;Jywa. LEC *bu~- "gourd": Or buqe. HEC *bukk- "gourd": Dar bukke. Irregular *-kk-. Omot *bu~~- "gourd": Kaf bu~~oo, Mch buM:o. Alternation *a
201 *ba:(c- "look, see"
204 *bal- "eye, eyelid; blind" 1,
Sero *b ~~- "ex~?1-ine" 1, "look" Aram beqa Arab bqw [-u-]. Vanous tnhteral structures built on the basis of *bVk- . Eg bit "see, notice" (1). · Here, -i- is a sign for a vowel. 2:
Berb *bVl- ''eyelash" 1, "eyelid" 2 : Sgr a-blu 1 , Mzab a- bil Snus a-b:;Jl 2, Snh abet 2. Eg br "both eyes" (gr), Capt *belle "blind": Bhr belle, Shd bolle.
BALA!~ - BAL- -
209 *bala\c- "stone"
LEC *ball- "one-eyed": Or ballaa. HEC *ball- "blind": Sid ball-icca, Dar balla)a, Bmb balla)a.
Sem *bala~- "marble" 1, "limestone" 2 : Arab balaq- 1, SAr blq Gz balaq- 1 . WCh *bVlak- "stone": Hs ta-blaka. Unexpected non-emphatic *k. Prefix *ta-. CCh *pala1;- "stone": Lmn palak. Irregular development of HS *b- > CCh *p-.
205 *bal- "wing, feather"
Sem *nu-ball- "eagle's feather": Akk nuballu. Prefix *nu- (probably, from *mu-, see below). SA *bal- "feather": Afar bal. LEC *bal- "wing": Som baa!, Or baala, Bay baale, Kon balla. HEC *ball- ''feather'': Sid balle, Had balla)e, Bmb baalle. Omot *bal- "feather": Kaf baaloo.
Eg bn.t "field" (n). WCh *bun- < *Hu-ban- "field": Hs !Juna, Sura ban. Pr~fix *Hu-. Cf. a partial reduplication in Bks bib£n "garden". LEO *ban- "open space, plain": Som ban.
211 *ban- "hand, arm" Sem *bann- "finger": Arab bann-, bunn-. WCh *ban-H- "arm": Brm baI.J-li, Fyr beIJ. A laryngeal suffix. CCh *bin- "arm": Tera fon, Jara binna. Vocalism is not clear.
206 *bal- "cloud, sky" 2_
For the semantic development cf. Skt nabhas- "cloud" ~ Av nabah- "sky".
207 *balag-/*balug- "shine" Sem *bVlug- "shine" 1, "dawn" (v.) 2: Hbr blg 1, Arab blg [-u-] LEC *balag- "shine, sparkle": Or. balag. Cf. a deverbative in Som bilig "sparkling".
210 *ban- "field"
Probably, related to CCh *mV-bal- "arm, shoulder" (Log m-phala, Gul m-bala) and WCh *b V-bal- id. (Sura bal, Ang be!, Krk bebalia, Bks bal). If this connection is valid, a form with a prefix *mV- (dissimilated in Sem and assimilated in WCh) should be reconstructed.
CCh *bal- "sky" 1, "cloud" 2: Glv balabala 1, Log folukwi Suffix -kwi in Log. Reduplication in Glv. Bed bal ''cloud''.
212 *ban- "open" WCh *ban- "open, uncover": Hs banye. CCh *ban-H-/*byan-H- "open": Mofu baI.J, beJJ. ECh *bVn-H- "open": Kera biJJi. LEO *ban- "open": Or bana. Alternation *a
~ *i. A laryngeal suffix in CCh and ECh.
213 *bar- "child" 208 *balac- "eat, swallow" 1,
Sem *b vzac_ "swallow" "eat" Hbr bl' 1, Aram (Mand) bla 1, Arab bl' [-a-] 1, Gz balca 2 , Tgr balca 2 , Tgy balce 2 , Amh balla 2, Hss bola, Mhr bola, Shh belac. Agaw *balV'-- "eat": Bil folc. Agaw may be borrowed from Sem. Bil -~- may reflect *-a- . 2:
Sem *bar- ''son'': Aram bar, SAr brw, Shh ber, Mhr ber, Soq bar, Hss ber. Berb *barar- "son": Ayr a-barar, Ahg a-burir, Twl barar. Partial reduplication. Irregular vocalism in Ahg. 1 WCh *bar-/*byar- "young girl" 1 , "child" 2 : Hs bera , Ang par 2, Glm baryawa 1 • Hs indicates *e in the 1st syllable.
BAR- -
BAR- -
214 *bar- "man" WCh *(mV-)bar- "person": Glm mfor (pl.), Gera bar-mi, Zul mbar-me, Geji mbali-IJ, Paa m-bara-IJ, Mbu bar-gi. Cf. Hs bare' 'stranger'', Paa mbara-IJ id. CCh *-bwar- "man, person": Gis mburo, Bch !;wara. Secondary labialization of the root vowel. Individual forms contain prefixes *m V- and *HV-. ECh *bar- "man, person": Gbr barua, Dor bara, Ndam bar. SA *bar- "man": Afar barra. Related to *bar- ''child'' (cf.' 'human being'' = ''human child'' in early Near and Middle Eastern traditions)?
215 *bar- "take" Berb *b Vr- "take (in handfuls)": Tua a-bar. CCh *mV-bwar- "seize, grasp": Suk mbw:ir. *-wa- may be explained by the influence of the preceding labial consonant. Bed bari "get, collect, have". SA *bar- "grasp, hold": Saho bar-.
216 *bar- "clean, wash" Sem *bVr- "(be) clean": Ug brr, Hbr brr, Aram (Palest) berar, Gz brr. CCh *bar- "wash": Glv bar-, Mnd bara-. Cf. also *m V-bar-, *'a-bar- "cleanliness": Tera m-bari, Mnd 'abbara.
217 *bar- "antelope" Berb *bVr)y- "young antelope": Ahg e-baray. Formation in *-ay-. WCh *bar- "gazelle": Hs barewa. Cf. partial reduplication *ba-bar- "gazelle": Paa babar, Siri babari. Probably related to LEG *ba'ir- ''antelope'' (Som hair) and Rift *ba'ur- id. (Bur ba'uru).
218 *bar- "ditch" Berb *bar- "ditch": Ghd a-{3ar. Cf. reduplicated Mzab burbur ''underground irrigation channel". HEC *bar- "ditch": Had bare.
219 *bar- "fly" (v.) Eg bhJ "fly" (MK). Goes back to *bahar-, a triliteral stem built upon original *bar-. CCh *bar- "fly, jump": Msg hara. ECh *b Vr- "fly": Kwn bre. Agaw *birir- "fly": Aun berer-al). Partial reduplication. Note the modified vocalism. LEG *bar- "fly": Or barr-isa, barara. Partial reduplication in barara.
220 *bar- "wind" Sem *bari~- "hot wind": Arab bari~-. Based on *bar-? CCh *baraw- "wind": Mba baraw-ay. Cf. partial reduplication in Msg beber. ECh *ka-bar- "wind": Kera ka-bar. Prefix *ka-.
221 *bar- "beast of prey" Sem *bar-bar- "wolf": Akk barbaru. Reduplication. Eg bi "panther" (MK). WCh *bar- ''hyaena'': Hs baru.
222 *bar- "see" Sem *bVr- "see, examine": Akk baru, Arab bry [-i-]. Jib ebrer. Various triliteral derivatives of the original root. Eg br "see" (gr). CCh *bur- "remember": Bch bur-ina. The root vowel is irregular.
BAR- -
SA *bar- "learn" : Afar bar. LEG *bar- ''learn'': Som baro. Dhl l;ar- "know".
223 *har-/*hur- "morning" ECh *bur- "morning": Ndm buri, Mubi burburu. SA *her- "morning": Saho beeraa, Afar beeraa. The root vowel is irregular. Cf. also SA *bar- "night": Saho baar, Afar baar. LEG *bar- "dawn, morning": Som barii, Or barii, Arb barri. HEC *bar- "day": Bmb barra, Kmb barra. Dhl l;urra ''morning''. Alternation *a
224 *har-/*hur- "grain, cereal" Sem *barr-/ *burr- "cereal" 1, "wheat" 2: Akk burru 1 Hbr bar bar 1, Arab burr- 2 , SAr br 2 , Soq bor 2 , Mhr barr 2, Shr barr 2. ' Berb *bVr- "flour" 1, "sorghum" 2 , "bread" 3: Ghd a-f)ar-;m 1 Awj .i{Jr-iin 2 , Ayr a-bora 2 , Ahg a-bora 2 , Twl a-bora 2, Zng biiru 3 '. WCh *bar-/*bur- "kind of flour" 1, "gruel" 2: Hs buri, biri 1, Ngz barbari 2 . Hs biri < buri with assimilation of vowels. Reduplication in Ngz. ECh *bar-/*bur- "flour" 1 , "kind of millet" 2 : Smr bura 1 , Tum bar 1, Kbl ku-fora 1, Lele ku-bra 2. A derivative in *ku- in Kbl and Lele. Agaw *bur- "groats": Xmr bura. LEG *bur- "wheat": Som bur. Dhl puru "maize". Rift *bar- "grain": Bur baru. Alternation *a
~ *u.
225 *hara'- "recover" Sem *bVra'- "recover": Hbr br', Arab br' [-a-]. Cf. also SAr bry "health". WCh *'Vbar- "recover": Sura bar, Ang bar, Chip bar.
BARA'- -
Metathesis. The voiced anlaut corroborates the loss of the prefix. An alternative reconstruction is HS *'abar-.
226 *hara],{- ''lightning'' Sem *barlf;- "lightning": Akk berq-, birq-, Ug brq, Hbr baraq, Aram (Syr) barqo, Arab barq-, SAr brq, Shr berq, Mhr boreq, Tgr barq, Tgy barqi. CCh *baralf;- "lightning": Log barak. HEC *baralf;- "lightning": Sid banlf;o, biralf;o, Dar balalf;a, Kmb banlf;u-ta. Irregular changes of *-r- in the cluster *-rlf;-. Related to *barilf;- ''shine''. A parallel formation *birilf;- ''lightning" seems to be preserved in Dhl birik'ina id., Agaw *birVlf;id. (Xmr birqa).
227 *hara],{- "ram, goat, calf" Sem *baralf;- "ram": Arab baraq-. Berb *barak- "calf" 1, "cattle" 2 : Ahg a-b.irk-aw 1, Gua a-barak-i Irregular *-k-. WCh *barn:- "goat": Bol barke. ECh *birVk- "bull": Bid birki. Unexpected front vowel.
228 *haraw-/ *haray- '' stick, arrow'' Berb *buray- "stick": Ayr .i-boray, Ghd ta-buri-t, Ghat ta-buray-t, Ahg t.i-buri-t. Secondary *-u- after a labial. Eg bry "sticks, canes" (n). WCh *mV-bar- "arrow": Zaar mbara, Zak mbara. Prefix *m V-. CCh *baraw- "arrow, bow": Msg barau, Masa l;araw-ta. ECh *'a-bawar- "arrow": Kera al;oro. Metathesis. Note prefix *'a-. Note the consonantal alteration *-w-
229 *baraw-/*baray-' 'equid'' ECh *baraw-/*baray- "horse": Dng boora, Mig borow, Brg hooray. Metathesis in Dng. Omot *baray- ''mare'': Kaf baraayee, Mch baaraye. Consonantal alternation *-w- ~ *-y-. Cf. CCh *bwar- "donkey" (Log mburi, Kus borz', Afd boro) and ECh *bur- id. (Mkk buuru).
230 *bari].1.- "run, go" Sem *bVri4- "leave" 1, "run away" 2 , "run in awe" 3 : Phn br4 1 2 , Pun br4 1 2, Hbr br4 2 , Aram (Palest) bera4 2 , Arab br4 1 [-a-], Amh barayyii 3 . Sem *i of the second syllable is typical of verba movendi. WCh *HVbar- "escape" 1, "go out" 2 , "return" 3 : Ang bar 1, Tng bar 2 , Gera bon;i- 3, Glm bar- 3 , Wrj var 2. Metathesis. ECh *bir- < *barya- "go": Dng bire, bire. Dhl barry- "go out, depart". From *bariH-?
Irregular *m-. Derived from *bar- "beast of prey".
233 *barV'- "give" Sem *bVrVC- "give, yield": Arab br'. WCh *bar- "give": Hs bii., Ankpe, Bol bar, Krk bar, Ngm bar, Krf bar, Gera bar, Glm bar, Pol bu-, bi-, Geji fol, Brw bar, fo, Say !J;,r, Grn b;,r, bur, Ngz baru. CCh *bar-/*bir- "give": Tera v.Jri, Dgh bire, Gdf bar. ECh *baHir- "give": Dng bere, Mig biraw,]egu bir, Bid bere-n, Mubi bii.ra, Brg biri. Metathesis of the laryngeal.
234 *barVt- "boy" Berb *barat- "boy": Ghat a-bararj,. Dhl fJooreJ.e "boy". Derived from *bar- "child".
235 *bas- "cut" 231 *bari\c- "shine, be bright" Sem *bVri~- "shine (of lightning)": Akk barii.qu, Aram bereq, beraq, Arab brq [-i-], Gz brq, Amh biirriiqii. Eg bJ~ ''be light, be bright'' (pyr). Omot *[b]arik- "shine": Mch jiariqq(i)-. Secondary p- < *b- influenced by *P The present root may be further related to *bar-/*bur' 'morning''.
232 *barod- ''beast of prey'' Sem *barad-/*barud- "leopard": Hbr barod, bii.rild, Arab )abrad-. *b- corresponds to WCh *b-. Note a secondary formation in Arab. WCh *bwadar- "zorylla": Hs bodari, bildar'i. Metathesis. LEG *marod- "elephant" 1, "lion" 2 : Som maroodi 1 , Or marode 2 •
Berb *bVwVs- "be cut, be wounded": Ayr busu, Ahg buis. Based on the original *b Vs-. WCh *bas- "cut off": Bol bas-. CCh *bas- "break": Masa bas. Agaw *bas- "cut (skin)": Xmr bas-. Omot *bas- "slaughter": Kaf bas-, Anf bas-.
236 *bas- "apron" Eg bsJw "apron" (MK). Going back to *bVsaw-. CCh *bas-ay- "apron" 1, "loin-cloth" 2 : Gis basay 1, Bch bassy 2 . If not *ba-say-.
237 *bas- "walk" Sem *bits- "go away" 1, "trample"
besu 1 ,
Hbr bws 2•
BAS- -
BAT- -
Extension of the original *b Vs-. CCh *mV-ba[s}- "enter": Mofu mbaz-, mbaz-. A secondary voiced in Mofu? Prefix *mV-. ECh *bas- "come": Mobu b;,se, Ndam basi.
242 *bat- "speak" Sem *bvt- "chat": Ug tbt, Hbr bty, bf. Various derivatives of the biliteral root. WCh *bat-l*bayat- "speaking, speak": Krf baati, Fyr beet. *bayatseems to be a secondary extension of *bat-. CCh *m V-bat-/*m V-bit- "answer, speak": Gis mbirj,, mbarj,-, buborj,-, Mofu babarj,-, mbaq,. Omot *yibat- ''speak'': Kaf yibat-. Prefix *y V- and irregular *t < HS *t. Metathesis?
238 *bas- "live, beget" Sero *b Vsliy- "be, exist": Akk basu, Phn bsy. Based on the original *b Vs-. Agaw *bas- "beget": Kem baas. An ancient causative?
243 *baw-/*bay- "water" 239 *bat- ''move'' Sem *b Vt- "go away" 1, "go quickly" 2: Arab btt WCh *bwat- "accompany": Ang bwot. Secondary labialization of the vowel? ECh *bat- "return": Tum bad.
Tgr batta
240 *bat-/*bit- "cut" Sem *bit-/*but- "cut off, break off": Arab btt [-u- ,-i-]. u-vocalism is secondary. Berb *b Vt- "cut off, chop off": Ahg ;,-b;,t, Ayr;,- fot. ECh *bit- "strike": Bid bit. Alternation *a
*i. Cf. *bat- ''pierce, cut''.
241 *bat- "pierce, cut" Sero *but- "split, pierce" 1, "be split" 2: Arab btt [-u-] 1, Jib b.Jttat 2 . Secondary *-u-. Berb *b1 vt- "pierce" 1, "divide" 2: Ahg ;,bad. 1 2 , Twl ibdu 2 Sml . ' ibrf,u , Ntf barf,rf,a 1 , Izd brf,u 1 , Izy bq,u 1 , Snus ba#a 1, Izn ebq,a 2, Kby af}q,u 1 . WCh *I/at- < *bat- "cut": Bol 1/ot-, Ngm qat-, Gera qaq,-. Note the shift of emphatization. LEG *bat- "part; divide": Som bad-.
Berb *b Vw-b Vw- ''water'': Sgh bbubbu. Reduplication. WCh *bay- "watering of horses": Hs bai, bay"i. CCh *ba)i- "water": Nza mbii, bii, mbi)i, Bata mboy, boye. Bata -o- < *-a- after a labial. LEG *baw- "lake": Arb baww. Rift *bo)- "dew": Kwz bo)-uto. From *baw-? Consonantal alternation *-w- ~ *-y-.
244 *baw-/*bay- "place, house" Berb *b Vw- "enclosure": Ayr a-biwa, Twl a-biwa. Eg bw ''place'' (pyr). WCh *bayi- "place" 1 , "village" 2 , "hut" 3 : Surape: 1, Ang pi 1, Mnt bi 1 , Ank be 1 , Bal beyi 1 , Krk biyi 1 , Gera bi 1 , Zak bayi 2, Geji bi 3 , Ngm be)i 1, bi 3 . CCh *baw- "place, house" 1 , "yard" 2 : Bura vi 1 , Boka bi-ta 1, Ngw mbw::J 1, Wmd mbwa 1 , Mofu mbaw 2 , Log mba 1 • The variant *bi- in Baka may be a result of the morphonological development of *bay-. ECh *ba- "place": Sok ba. From *ba)-? HEC *bay- "place": Sid bay-, ba)a, Had beeyo, Kmb bee-ccu. Had and Kmb -ee- < *-a- before *-y-. Consonantal alternation *-wand *bayit- "house".
*-y-. Related to *bay- "build"
245 *bawal- ''urinate, flow'' Sem *bul- "urinate": Arab bwl [-u-]. ECh *bawal- "overflow": Bid bolol. Partial reduplication.
246 *bawar- "lion, hyaena" Berb *b(V)war- "lion": Nfs war, Ght a.-(i:;ir, Ayr a-har, Twl a-har, Zng war. Note Berb *b- > */3. WCh *b Vwar- "lion" 1, "hyaena" 2 : Sura mb:J:r 1, Ang bwar 1 , Pol bw:;,r 2, Fyr mbwar 1 . CCh *b Vw Vr- "lion": Gid bolu. Cf. Gis mo-bor ''lion'', Mofu ma-bar ''panther''. ECh *b[ajw[a]r- "hyaena": Dng boori, Mig booru, Mubi bori. LEG *warab- "hyaena": Som warab, Or warab-esa, Rnd waraba. Metathesis. Wrz *warap- "hyaena": Gaw oraap-atte, Hss araap-icce, Dob araapacce, Gll oraap-atte. Metathesis. Dhl (ioora '' dangerous animal'' . From *bawar-? Cf. *bar- "beast of prey".
247 *bawVd- "sorcerer" WCh *bad- "sorcerer": N gz barb-ra. Frow *bawad-? Agaw *bawVd- "witch-doctor" 1 , "werwolf" 2 : Bil bawda 1 2 , Xmr buda 1 2 , Kem buda 1. Contraction in Xmr and Kem. SA *bud- < *b Vw Vd- "witch-doctor": Afar buda. LEG *baw Vd- ''witch-doctor'': Som bida, Or bawda. Som is irregular. HEC *bud- "who has evil eye": Sid bud-akko, Dar buda, Bmb buda. Omot *bud- < *bVwVd- "witch-doctor": Kaf budo, Bwo budo.
BAWVJ.{- -
248 *bawV].c- "drop" (n.) Sem *bawlf- "shower": Arab bawq-. Agaw *but- < *bVwVt- "drops" (pl.): Bil botw.
249 *bawVn- "rope, band" Berb *baw(V)n- "leather sack with strings": Ahg a-bawn. Eg wbn "band (on mummy's forehead)". Metathesis. ECh *bwan- "rape": Mkk bonne. From *bawan-. Related to *ben- "tie". Note consonantal alternation *-w- ~ *-y- (in *ben-).
250 *bay- "chief, king" Eg by.ty "king of the Lower Egypt" (OK). CCh *bay- "chief": Mofu bay, Gis boy, Bld aboy, Mtk bay, Mafa boy, Daba foy, Mus bay.
251 *bay- "back, hump" Berb *'u-bay- "camel's hump": Ghat t-uhi, Ayr t- uh:;iy, Ahg t-uh:;i, Twl t-uh:;iy, Sml ta-yyu. Prefix *'u-. Note Berb *b- > */3-. Eg byi.t "head, occiput, beard, breast, back" (n). -i is a sign for a vowel. The meaning is uncertain. WCh *bay- "back": Hs baya, Bol boy, Krk bai, Ngm be, Maha boy, Glm bi.
252 *bay- "build" CCh *bV- "build": Lmn b-. ECh *bay- "build": Smr bi, Kwn bay, Mobu baye. Archaic verb preserved outside Chadic in a derivative *bayit' 'house''.
BEL- -
25.'3 *bayit- "house"
258 *bel- "blood"
Sem *bayt- "house": Akkbztu, betu, Ug bt, Phn bt, byt, Pun bt, Moab bt, Hbr bayit, Aram (Palest) bayta, beta, (Nab, Palm) byt, Arab bayt-, SAr byt, Gz bet, Tgr bet, Tgy bet, Amh bet, Gog bet, Mhr bayt, Shr but, Jib bet, Soq beyt. WCh *bit- < *b Vyit- ''hut, shelter'': Sura bit, Mpn bit. Cf. Zgh bat-iwe "hut" "build' '.
*/3-. CCh *byan- "tie": Log f/::m, b;m, Bud penai, fanai. Log 1/- may reflect a possible laryngeal prefix.
263 *ben- "be bad" Eg byn "bad, angry" (OK), Capt *bo)on id.: Bah bon, Shd boon. Inlaut :Y- seems to be a sign for vowel. WCh *ban- < *byana- "wrath" 1 , "bad" 2 : Tng bana 1 , Wrj emb::ma 2 . ECh *byan- "bad": Sok bena. Agaw *bin- "lie" (n.): Bil bin. LEO *ben- "lie" (n.): Arb been.
264 *ben- "building" Berb *byan- "tent, house": Ghat (;:i):Yan-an, Ayr e-han, Ahg ;:i-han, Twl e-Jum, Tsl e-han, Lib bn. Note Berb *b- > */3-. Eg bnbn "stela" (MK). Reduplication. WCh *byani(H)- "upper floor" 1 , "hut" 2 : Hs bene 1 , Grk fin 2, Ank pin 2, Krk ben 2, Bele bin 2 , Geji biJJ 2, Pol biIJ 2 . CCh *binVH- "hut": Glv veIJ, Nak vine, Gis veIJ, Bld viIJ, Gudu vin, Nza vine, Bch vunsy, Bata vino, Log v;:ini, Suk bina. ECh *byaHin- "hut": Mig beIJ, Mkk biino, Bid beena. A nominal formation corresponding to *ben- ''build''. WCh and CCh forms contain C 3 = -H-. The latter may be a result of the Common Chadic development and not necessarily leads to the HS reconstruction of *beniH-.
265 *her- "cereal" Eg brry "bread" (n).
BER- -
-rr- may mean a partial reduplication or an orthographic peculiarity. In any case, :JI stands for a vowel (of the first syllable?). CCh *ba-byar- "maize": Log babera. Partial reduplication. Omot *bar- "maize": Mch baaro, Anf baro. Omot *a < HS *e in certain conditions?
266 *ber- "cut" Sero *bVrV)- "cut, cut down": Hbr br, Arab br. Based on original *bVr-. Berb *bVrJ)- "cut": Sml bri. Based on original *b Vr-. CCh *byar- "cut off": Tng ber. Dhl 1/iir-"cut grass, mow".
267 *ber- "mouse" Sero *birr- "mouse, rat": Arab birr-. Berb *b Vr(r)- "pole-cat": Sml a-forr-an. ECh *byar- "mouse, rat": Smr de-bere, Tum b;:i:r-iiJJ. Prefix in Smr.
268 *be3- "sun, day" Eg bzy "Sun-god" (reg). :)I stands for a front vowel. CCh *bya3- "day": Msg beza. Rift *bes- "sunlight": K wz bes-iko. Continuants of *3 in Rift are not established. The present example may be decisive.
269 *be3ar- "corn" Sero *bizr- "seed" 1 , bizra 1, Arab bizr- 1 , Cf. denominative WCh *ba3ar- "corn": From *bya3ar-.
"peppers" 2 : Aram (Pehl) bzr 1 , (Palest) Hss bezar 2 , Mhr bezar 2 , Shh bizsr 2. Arab bzr [-i-]" sow". Mbu vazar, Jmb vazar, Tala bazr.
Etymologically connected with *ba3ar- "be torn, be peeled" (as
69 far as semantic change is concerned, cf. IE: *g'rHnom "something ground; grain").
270 *bi'-/*bay- "be angry" Eg b "evil" (1). The final laryngeal is not preserved. Eg may reflect an archaic form of the HS stem that may be then reconstructed as *bi-. WCh *bi'- "be angry": DB bi'. CCh *biH-/*bay- "angry" 1 , "bad" 2 : Gaa '1i"'1a 1 , Gbn /Ji/Ja 1 , FKi /JJy 2, Bud abi 2. Reduplicated forms in Gaa and Gbn may be related to CCh *bib- "hot". ECh *bJ:Ji- "anger": Bid beyo. Note the morphonological alternation in the root.
271 *bi'-/*bay- "bread, flour" Eg by.t "kind of bread" (med). CCh *bi'- "millet": Gul bio, Afa bio, Kus byo. Quite probably, a semantic archaism within the present root pointing to the original type of the cereal. Bed bi' "flour". HEC *boy- < *b[a]y- "flour": Bmb booya. Secondary change of vowel after a labial. As far as morphonology of the root is concerned, cf. *bi'-/*bay"be angry".
272 *bi'- "pierce" Eg wbJ "pierce, open" (pyr). Initial w- may stand for a rounded root vowel or represent a suffix. WCh *bi'u- "pierce": Diri /Ju, Paa qi, Miya /Jiya, Kry /Jiya, Siri /Jiyu, Fyer 900. :Y- in Miya, Kry and Siri is an innovation from *-'- in contact with a front vowel. CCh *bi'u- ''pierce'': Daba buh, Bud b£u, bihu. Note -h in Dab a.
273 *bPak- "slave, servant" Eg bJk "servant" (OK). WCh *biHak- "slave": Pol biy;,k, Kir /Jiyak. Kir '1- shows that WCh *-y- goes back to a laryngeal after a front vowel. Under the influence of the vowel, the laryngeal yielded to -y-. CCh *byak- "slave": Gis beke, Mofu beke, LPe byek. CCh *-ya- < *-iya- < *-iHa-. Related to *bo'- "slave, servant"?
274 *bPan- "separate, divide" WCh *f)yan- < *bi'an- "separate": Sura /Jen. Agaw *bin- < *biyVn- "divide": Bil ban, Kwr bin, Xmr bin, Aun ben-JIJ. Cf. also Sem *b J:Ji Vn- "separate": Arab byn [-i-].
275 *bi'an-/*biyan- "look, know" Sero *bin- "know" 1, "notice" 2: Ug bn 1, Hbr byn 2 . Sometimes compared with Sem *bayn- "link (n.); between", see HS *baw Vn- "rope, band" and cf. also HS *bi'an' 'separate, divide''. WCh *ba'an- "look": Pero qaan. Assimilation of vowels. ECh *'ibin- "know": Dng 'ibine, Mig 'ibino, Brg 'ibini, Sok ibine. Metathesis and assimilation of vowels. Note the alternation *-'- ~ *-y-. Any connection with *bi'an" separate, divide"?
276 *bi'ir- "pit, well; dig" Sem *bi'r- "balk" 1, "well" 2 : Akk biru 1 2 , Hbr b''er 2 , OAram byr' 2 , Aram (Emp) b'r 2 , (Palest) b•'ere 2, (Mand) bira 2 , Arab bi'r- 2 . ECh *bi'ir- "dig": Lele biir. LEG *biHir- "bore, drill": Arb biir-
BIC- -
Related to *bu)ar- "dig", *ba)Vr- "well, pit" as a morphonological variant.
The continuants of HS *-c- in Dhl are not well established. -1. 'might reflect *-c- in the intervocalic position. The root vowel -u- may be of a secondary origin.
277 *bPVy- "snake"
281 *bid- "monkey"
Eg byJ "holy serpent" (gr). Metathesis. CCh *b?vy- "python": HGh qiya, FG qiya, Kap ml/ya, HNk bg'ye, HB wg'ye.
278 *bibab- "goat, sheep" Sem *bibb- "wild sheep": Akk bibbu. WCh *b Vwab- < *b Vbab- "he-goat": Ang bwop. Unvoicing of *-b- in Ang is regular. Descriptive stem.
279 *bi~ur-/*pi~ur- "pudenda" Sem *bin V{ur- "vulva": Akk biHuru, Arab bun,;ur-. Metathesis in Proto-Sem and secondary -u- in Arab. Cf. also Hss beselet "clitoris", Mhr besselet id. CCh *picur-in- ''testicles'': FJ fterin, FM facuru. Metathesis in FG and Gude. The original stem seems to be *picur-. Numerous phonetic irregularities are connected with the meaning of the word. Note more distant variants in CCh: HNk subale, Kap sapule, FGl spurli etc. As far as the anlaut is concerned, see *ber-/*per- ''mouse, rat''. As a whole, the word seems to be an ancient derivative of an otherwise unattested and unreliable stem. 280 *hie- "spit" Eg bsy "spit" (pyr). WCh *bic- "spit": Ang bis, bes. ECh *b Ve- "spit": Smr ba:sa. Dhl quj_'u'- "spit".
Berb *bidd- Vw- "monkey": Ghd biddu, Ahg a-biddau. WCh *bid- ''monkey'': Hs biri, Mnt pit, Ank pit, Grk pit, p:1t, Bal bido, Krk bido, Dera bido, Bele bido, Krf biro, Gera birf,i, Glm birya, Paa vidi, Jmb vuda. Gera may reflect *bidVH-. CCh *birj,- ''monkey'': Tera vidi, Jara vide, Heba mbet/,a, Glv )avda. CCh *bit/,- < *bidVH-? Prefix in Glv.
282 *bi'ar- "burn" Sem *bV'Vr- "burn" (tr. and intr.): Ug b'r, Hbr b'r, Aram (Palest) be'ar, (Mand) bar. WCh *biHar- "heat": Mnt biar. CCh *bar- < *bVHar- "burn": Tera vara. ECh *bVHVr- "warm up": Kera boore. Secondary labialization of vowels after *b-. Agaw *)V-bVr- "flame" (v.): Aun abr-.iIJ,
283 bihal- "be angry" Sem *bVhal- "curse" (v.): Arab bhl [-a-]. WCh *biHal- "anger": Mnt bial.
284 *biH[o]d- "jump, run" CCh *biHVd- "go": Baka bit/,e-t/,i. LEG *bVHod- "jump": Som bood-. Omot *biHVd- "jump": Bwo bit/,-. Dhl f;uduw- "run away". -uw- may be a suffix.
285 *biHok- "rain" WCh *biHVk- "rain that succeeds sowing": Hs biko. LEG *bVHok- "rain": Som bokk-, Or booka.
BIL- -
BIR- -
286 *bil- "butterfly" WCh *bil- "butterfly, bird": Hs bilbilo, Glm l;il-iwi. Reduplication in Hs. Glm may go back to *HV-bilAgaw *b£t- ''butterfly'': Xmr bil. Rift *ba-bal- "butterfly": Kwz babal-iko. Partial reduplication causing a change of vocalism.
> !;it-.
Agaw *bir- "metal": Kem birr. LEO *bir- "metal": Som bir. HEC *bz'r(r)- "silver": Bmb birri, Kmb bira-ta. Omot *bir- "metal": Kaf bir-ewo. Cf. derivatives in SA *birit- "iron" (Saho birtaa, Afar birtaa) and Rift (Kwz betet-iko id.).
Related to *bal- "wing, feather"?
291 *bir- "jump" 287 bil- "door" Sero *'abut- "door, gate": Akk 'abullu, Aram (Syr) 'iibul-. Prefix *'a-. Secondary *u < *i after a labial. Agaw *bil- "door" 1, "hole, window" 2: Xmr bila 1, Kwr beta LEG *bat-bal- "door": Or balbala. Reduplication with modified vocalism.
CCh *m V-bir- "jump, fly": Daba mbir, Msg mbir. Prefix *m V-. ECh *bir- "jump": Kwn bare. Bed bir ''jump''. Agaw *bir- "jump" 1, "fly" 2: Xmr bir- 1, Aun berer-al) Partial reduplication in Aun. HEC *burr- "jump": Bmb burr-. *i > *u after a labial.
288 *bin- "man, male relative" Sero *bin- "son": Akk binu, Ug bn, Phn bn, Pun bn, Moab bn, Hbr hen, Aram (Nab) bn, Arab bin-, SAr bn, Hss IJ,e-bun (pl.). Hardly any connection with Sem *bar- id. WCh *mV-bVn- "person": Buli mban, mban. Prefix *m V-. CCh *bin- "brother": LPe bin.
292 *bir- ''finger'' WCh *bir- "finger-nail": Sha bar-an, Grn mbil. Prefix *m V- in Grn. Grn -l- < *-r- is regular. Omot *bir- "finger": Orne bir-aq,e.
293 *bir- "bird" 289 *binVg- "bird" Eg bng "kind of bird" (MK). WCh *bin Vg- "rough-coated fowl": Hs bingi. CCh *byanVg- "bird": Gid benga, buJJga. Secondary vocalism in bUl)ga.
Berb *b Vr- "quail": Twl ta-barr-ut. Eg b.l "kind of bird" (a). WCh *bir- "quail": Hs birabirii. Reduplication in Hs. Note a parallel variant buraburii.
294 *birV g- "be high" 290 *bir- "metal" Eg by.l "ore, copper" (XVIII). Vocalic :Y-. CCh *HV-bir- "iron": Mofu harry, Gis !;ire. Prefix *HV- reflected in the Gis initial emphatic. ECh *bir- "iron": Smr biri.
Berb *bVr Vg- "rise": Tua burg-at. Bed birga "high".
295 *bisVr- "plant" Sem *bisr- "onion" 1, "sprout, shoot" 2, "dates" bisru 1, Arab busr-at- 2, Hss beser 3, Mhr beser 3 •
Akk bisru,
-d- < *-g- after *o. ECh *bwagur- "hen" : K wn bogor-to, bugur-to, Kera th-b;}rg;}, (pl.) ga-bgur. Various assimilations of root vowels in individual forms.
Arab -u- < *-i- after a labial. Eg ibsJ "plant" (MK). Prefix *'- or a graphic sign for *-i- of the first syllable.
296 *bit- "jump" WCh *bit- "jump": Bgh pit. Bgh p- < *b- is regular. Omot *bitt- "jump" 1, "fly"
302 *ho'- "sun" 2:
Kaf bitt-
Mch biitti
Eg b' "Sun-god" (reg). WCh *bwaH- "sun": Bks qwe, DB f/we. The emphatic anlaut reflects the lost laryngeal.
297 *bo'- "grass" 303 *bo'-bo'- "pour, drink"
Berb *bu'- "grass": Izy a-bu, Gua buho. WCh *bay- < *ba'i- "kind of wild grass": Hs bayii. ECh *bwa'i- "grass": Bid boo'iboo'i. Full reduplication.
Sem *ba'-ba'- "gurgling of water": Arab ba'ba'-tDeverbative noun. Eg b'b' "drink" (pyr). ECh *bwaH-b[wa]H- "pour": Dng boobe, Jnk boobo.
298 *bo'- "slave, servant" Eg wbJ "servant" (MK). Initial w- stands for a rounded vowel in the root. WCh *bway- < *bwa'i- "slave" 1 , "servant" 2 : Hs bawa baya 1 , Ngz baayi 2 .
Derived from HS *ba'- "pour". Reduplication. May be an onomatopoeia. 1,
299 *bo'Vd- "vessel" Sem *bu'd- "implement": Akk bu'du, budu. Unexpected HS *u > *u after a labial. Eg bJd.t "dipper" (med). ECh *bwa'Vd- "gourd": Mkk boode, Bid booda.
Bch viirf,u-to
Sem *bul}-bul}- "middle" : Arab bul}bul}-at-. Full reduplication. CCh *bwax- "middle": Bud boho.
305 *bol;iVr- "sea, lake"
300 *bod- "penis" CCh *bwadVH- "penis" 1, "vagina" cu 2 . SA *bud- "penis": Afar buddaa.
304 *bol;i- "middle"
Gudu V;}th-
Sem *bal}r- "sea, lake": Aram (Syr) bal}ra, Arab bal},r-, SAr bl},r, Gz bal},r, Tgr bahar, Tgy bal}ri, Amh bahM. Regular Sem *-u- > *-a- after a labial. WCh *bwaHVr- "pond" 1, "rivulet" 2: Sura voror 2, Grk vor, voor 1 2 , Angfwor 2 . ECh *bwar- < *bwaHVr- "sea, river": Kera vor.
306 *bog.- ''give birth" 301 *bogur- "bird" Eg brJ) "duck" (OK).
Eg bb, "give birth" (NK). Conditions in which HS *!J, > Eg fl are unknown. WCh *bwaH- "give birth": Zaar qwa.
BOt,[- -
Emphatic in Zaar reflects a lost laryngeal. CCh *mV-buh- "give birth": Nza mbuho, FJ mbu.
307 *boHar- ''be yellow, be gray'' CCh *bwaH[a]r- "gray": Msg b:Jg:>ra'. Since *bwaHwar- with two middle vowels is morphonologically impossible, the reconstruction of *-a- in the second syllable is inevitable. LEC *boHor- "yellow": Or boora. Cf. Arb burri "red"? Assimilation of vowels. HEC *bor- "gray, brown": Kmb bora.
308 *bo),c- "rot, be rotten" Sem *bVh;- "rot": Hbr bqq, Aram bqq, (Mand) baq. WCh *l;wak- < *bwah;- "suppurate, fester": Sura l;wak. Shift of emphatization. HEC *buh;- "rot": Bmb buuh;-.
309 *bo]...- "goat" CCh *qwak- < *bwat- "goat": Mafa qokw. Shift of emphatization. -kw < *-k- appeared in the auslaut under the influence of the root vowel. Bed bok, book. Cf. ECh *bVk- "kine": Kera beke.
310 *bo].car- "cattle" Sem *bah;ar- "bull" 1, "cattle" 2 . "cow" 3 : Akk buqaru 1, Phn bqr 2 , Hbr baqar 2, Aram (Palest) beqarta 2 , Arab baqar- 2 , SAr bqr 2 , Hss beqar 3 • In the first syllable, Sem *-a- < HS *-o- is regular after a labial. -u- in Akk is secondary. Berb *bukVr- "one year old camel": Twl .Jburer. CCh *bwakVr- "goat": Tera bok.Jra, Tera-P. pok.Jr-ti, Bch bog.Jr-ey. Derived from *bah;- "goat". On the other hand, cf. *barah;"ram, goat, calf".
BOI, *a after an affricate. CCh *cipur- "guinea fowl": Mrg c;;ivur, Klb civ;;ir, Hil civa:ra:w, Bura Cf>Vur, Chb 3uvura. ECh *sib Vr- "guinea fowl": Smr sibir, Sok soir. May belong to HS *sa(m)bir-. Irregular anlaut.
428 *c;awan- "flint, stone" Sem *$awan- "flint, quartz": Arab $awwan-at-. WCh *9aw(Ji'.)n- "hill, pile": Hs 9auni.
433 *c;er- "speak, shout" Sem *$ir- "shout": Arab $11 [-i-]. WCh * -n is regular in Som.
469 *cakin- "net" Sem *J.ikin- "net": Akk sikinnu. Secondary vocalism with assimilation.
CCh *cakyal- "thigh": Bud cake!. An alternative set of comparisons may be suggested for Eg sdJ "leg" if it is connected with sd,:i "shin" (med). It could be identified with WCh *sag- "leg" (Miya sagu-hu) and CCh *sig"bone" (Log sigo).
471 *cam- "gather, join" Sem *cum- "collect, gather": Arab J.mm [-u-]. Secondary *-u-. WCh *cam- "link up, join": Hs camme.
472 *cama'- "eat, feed" Sem *J.Vma'- "feed (with rich food)": ArabJ.m) [-a-]. WCh *cam- "taste, test": Mpn cam. Cf. WCh *cim- < *ciHVm- "food": Hs cima. CCh *cam- "eat (hard food)": Mubi cam.
473 *capal}.- "catch" Eg sp!J, "catch with a lasso" (pyr). WCh *caHap- "catch": Hs caje, DB syap. Metathesis. DB -ya- < *-Jya- < *-aHa-. ECh *caHap- "catch" 1, "fish" (v.) 2: Smr s;,fo 1, Bid caap 2 , acap 1 . Metathesis. Voicing of *-p- in Smr is regular. An alternative reconstruction is *ca!J,ap-.
aAR- -
474 *car- "throw"
478 *ce'- "pierce"
Sem *1Vr- "throw": Aram trtr, Soq trr. Reduplicative stem in Aram. Cf. Arab nlr [-u-, -i-] "disperse". WCh *car- "throw, shoot" 1 , "strike" 2 : Hs cara 1 , Sura car 2, Ang car 1 , Mpn car 1 . Dhl laaro ''pierce''. 475 *car- "weapon" Eg ssr "arrow" (pyr). ss- is one of possible reflexes of HS *c-. Dhl laaro ''spear''. Derived from *car- "throw"? 476 *cawVb-/*cayVb- "clothes" Sero *lawb- "kind of clothes": Akk subtu, Aram (Syr) tawb-, Arab lawb-, Sok tob. Eg sbby.t "clothes" (gr). Partial reduplication *cVbib-. WCh *cwab- "put on": Pero cobbo. From *cVwab-. ECh *cwab- < *cVwab- "undress": Sbn cw.>b0. Consonantal alternation *-w-
477 *cawVr-/*cVr- "bull" Sero *lawr- "bull": Akksuru, Vg1r, Hbr sor, Aram (Syr) tawra, Arab lawr-, Gz sor, Hss 1awr. Eg ssr "bull (for slaughtering)" (pyr). ss- continues HS *c-. Eg may represent the original form of the HS root while Sem reflects a secondary extension in *-w-. Cf. WCh *taw Vr"bull" (Hs taro); ECh *tawVr- "cow, antelope" (Sok tor, Tum tor).
Sem *lV'ay- "pierce, wound": Arab/y [-a-]. Derived from a biconsonantal *lV'-. CCh *cV- "cut": Mofu c-. ECh *cwa'- "pierce": Kera co'e. Dhl li'- '' punch a hole' ' . The root vowel is not clear. The development of the laryngeal may be not quite regular.
479 *cem- "fog, rain" Eg .rym "fog" (sarc). Vocalic :Y-. CCh *ryam- "rain": Log sema, sama, Kus sama. Cf. WCh *cam- "rainy season": DB cam.
480 *cen- "house" Eg sn.wt "palace" (pyr). WCh *ryan- "house": Sha cen, Klr ryen. CCh *cin- "house, compound": Bnn sina, sina.
481 *cer- "shine; light" Eg ssr "shine" (gr). ss- may reflect HS *c-. WCh *ryar- "light" (n.): Buli b.>-sern, Wnd ceri, Geji cil-ti. Prefix *b V- in Buli.
482 *cer- "medicine" Eg syJ ''medicine'' (med). -J continues HS *-r-. CCh *ryarir- "medicine": Bud cerire. Partial reduplicaton.
483 *cer- "speak, shout" Sem *1Vr-1Vr- "chat": Arab lrlr.
CER- -
Reduplication. Eg ssr "speak out" (MK). ss- is one of possible reflexes of HS *c-. WCh *ryar- "cry out" 1, "explain" 2: Hs cera 1, Ang c'ir CCh *cz'r- "shout": Mba ciri. ECh *ryaryar- "cry (of guinea-fowl)": Bid cecer. Partial reduplication. Descriptive stem?
crw-/crv- -
Cf. Rift *caw- "reeds" (Irq cawo)? Consonantal alternation *-w- ~ *-y-. 2.
489 *cor- "be strong" Sem *j_VrVw- "be considerable, be big": Arab .t.rw. Based on *1 Vr-. Eg wsr "strong" (pyr). WCh *cwar- "strength": Gwn cori.
484 *cera)- "furrow" Sem *J.i-r- ''furrow'': Akk se-?u, si-?u. ECh *caHar- < *ryaHar- "furrow": Bid caare. Metathesis. The alternative reconstruction is *ce)ar-.
490 *cu'al- "beast" Sem *.t.u'al- "fox": Hbr su'al, Aram ta'la, Arab .t.u'al-, Jib i.t.'ol, Mhr yeJ.ayl, Hss yeJ.ayl, Shh il'ol. Dhl .t.eele "lion", .t.aali "lioness". Assimilation of vowels.
485 *cin- "move" Eg syn "hurry" (pyr). -y- is a vocalic sign. WCh *cin- "go": Bol cina.
486 *cir- "faeces, dirt" Eg sr "dirt" (gr). ECh *cir- "faeces, dirt": Mkk siiri. HEC *~ir- "faeces": Had ~iro. Cf. also Bmb sera id.?
487 *cit- "throw, shoot" Eg sry "throw, shoot" (OK). -y denotes a front vowel in the root. CCh *cit- "shoot": Gbn cit;,-, Boka cett-, Gaa citi.
488 *ciw-/*ciy- "grass, plant" Eg sw "kind of plant" (1). WCh *ciy- "grass": Hs ciyawa.
491 *cumal- "creamy milk" Sem *J.umal- "milk skin": Arab J.umal-at-. Cf. more archaic vocalism in Arab j_am'il- '' sour milk''. Eg smr ''cream''. Note -r < HS *-l-.
492 *ciil- "seed" Sem *Jil- "seed" : Arab Lil-. Secondary formation in Arab J_ayyil- id. WCh *cVl- "seed": Tng sala. CCh *culi- "seed": Klb culi, Hld cul£, Wmd culi, HNk cilt', HBz c;,lu. ECh *culwa- "rice": Mubi culwayo.
493 *cVbVl}- "close" (v.) Eg sb!J "close" (XVIII). ECh *cVb- "close": Kera cebe. Complete loss of the laryngeal.
avwAa-/aVvAa- -
494 *cVwag-/*cVyag- "shout, ask" Berb *sVwVy- "shout": Kby sug. Irregular development of *c-? CCh *cyag- < *cvyar- "ask": Bud cega. Unexpected change of *-g-. Consonantal alternation *-w-
*t;iraj-, they may be believed to be the source of Omot and HEC. Rift *?araf- "fingernail": Alg farafu, Bur farafu. Metathesis. Cf. phonetically close *t;ib VC- "finger". The vocalism of the first syllable may be tentatively reconstructed as *a ~ *i. 514 *~ur- "flint, flint knife" Sem *4irr-/*4urr- "flint" 1 , "rock" 2 : Akk ,rurru 1 , Hbr ,ror 1 , Aram tiir- 2 , Arab ~urar-, ~irr- 1 , SAr ~wr 2. Berb *vVr- "flint" 1, "rock" 2 : Qbl i-~ra 1, Ahg a-~aru 2. WCh *?ur- "knife without handle": Hs t;iirii. CCh *cur(i)- "hoe": FM curu, Gude cara, FJ cili, FBw caran. Related to HEC *t;ar- "whetstone" (Bmb t;ar-aanco)? Eg wdi.t "knife" (gr) may be connected with this root. 515 *~VHol- "shine, be bright"
Sem *4VhVl- "shine": Hbr ,rhl. LEG *fol- < *f VHol- "bright": Or follee.
516 *ca)-/*caw-/*cay- "move upwards" Sem *nVsa)- "rise, grow, raise": Akk nasii, Ug nsu, Hbr nP [-a-], Arab n'P [-a-, -u-], Gz nP, Amh nassa. Prefix *n V-. Eg swy "raise" (pyr). Cf. also z.ry "lift" with digraph zs- reflecting HS *c-. In both cases, -:Y is a suffix. WCh *ca)- "stand up": Wrj sa, Krysa-, Dirisa-, Miya.fa-, Paasu, Cagu .fu, Mbu sa-, Pol .fa, si, Geji sa, si, Zem sa, si, Brw se, su, Tala isa, N gz .fa, .fau. CCh *sa)-/*say- "stand up, rise": Tera za, Gaa se)e, Gbn sa)i, Hwn si, Mrg say, Klb .fry, Chb siiy, HB sa-vo, FK sa-tu\ Lame si-, LPe se, Baka ze)i. ECh *caw-/*cay- "stand up, rise": Smr so, Lele se, Tob say. Cf. Rift *ce-s- "lift, raise" (Irq ces-). Consonantal alternation *_)_ ~ *-w- ~ *-y-. 517 *ca)- "meat"
Sem *HP-/*s?- "sheep": Akk s1Pu, Ug Hbr se, Aram si-t-, Arab sii-t. Berb *[c]V- "meat": Ahg isa-n. Irregular reflex of Berb *c- in Ahg. WCh *caw-/*cu)- "meat": Wrj sii-na, Kry siwi, Miya siwiya, Paa .fuwi, Cagu su-n, Siri suyi, Geji su, Zem sau, Brw sau, Say su, Bgh saw, Grn su, Kir so, su, Tala su, Ngz suwai, Bade saa. WCh *_)_ > *-w- in unknown conditions. Note also WCh *sa"cow, bull''. CCh *siw-/*suw- "meat": Gbn suwe, Hwn suwe, Zgh suwe, Lame siau, seo, Msm siou, Bud hu, Glv suw, HF sii, Mofu afaw. Note CCh *(n V-)sa- "cow, bull". ECh *cVw-/*cvy- "meat": Lele sii, Mkk sey, Jegu su-ut. LEG *sow-/*soH- "meat": Som so\ Bay so)o, Gel so, Kon sowa, Gato soha, Gdl soha. LEG *-o- < *-a- before a labial? Omot *ta-)saw-/*sa'- "meat" 1, "goat" 2 : Orne asswa, aso 1, Mao saa 2 .
122 Rift *ca'- "body": Asa sa'a. Semantic development is not quite reliable.
Related to *cud-/*ca'ad- ''harrow, till''.
Consonantal alternation *-'- ~ *-w- in several branches. WCh and CCh reflect a secondary development of the root vocalism.
523 *caf- "lake" CCh *saf- "lake": Mrg safu. Omot *saf- "river, lake": Orne sajaa.
Sem *sa'bab- "shower": Arab sa'bab-. Partial reduplication. WCh *caHVb- "rainy season": Krf sa¢u, Gera sa¢u.
.524 *cag- "mix" Sem *m Vsug- "mix": Arab msg [-u-]. Prefix *m V- and modified vocalism. WCh *cag- "mix": Tng sage .
.519 *ca'Vp- "foot'' Sem *s[a]'p- ''foot'': Akk sepu, Jib sej, Soq saj. Agaw *sanp- "foot, heel": Bil saanfi, Kwr saanpaa, Dmb sanfa, Kem saambaa. Secondary nasalization or a reflex of an early HS cluster *-mplost in Sem?
.520 * ca[b ]ir- "thigh" Sem *sapr- "thigh": Akk sapru. Irregular Sem *p < HS *b. LEC *sabir- "back thigh ( of camel)" 1 , "thigh" 2: Som sibir sarba 2. Assimilation of vowels in Som. Metathesis in Or.
.521 *cad- "pit, well" Eg sd.t "well" (OK). WCh *cad- "pit": Hs sadda. May be derived from *cud-/*ca'ad- "harrow, till".
.522 *cad-/*ca'id- "field, land" Sem *sad- "field, vacant land": Ug sd, Hbr sade. Eg sdw.t "field" (MK). The function of -w is not clear. Is it a suffix? ECh *cVHid- "earth": Kwn cado, Mkk siir.jo.
.52.5 *ca'- "cut"
Eg "cut" (pyr). WCh *caw- "scratch" , "cut" 2 : Wrj saw 1, Paa sawo 1, Brm suwe 2, Dwot su-x 2 , Buli so 2 , N gz suwai 2 . *-w- goes back to intervocalic *-H- (before a rounded vowel). CCh *saH-/*say- "cut": Chb say, Mrg sa, FG sa-nti, HG sa-ve, HN sa-nte. *say- < *saHi-.
526 *ca'- "begin" Eg s:l' "begin" (MK), Copt *sa: Boh sa, Shd sa. -J- stands for HS *-a-. WCh *caH- "begin": Sura see . The development of the vowel is regular.
527 *ca'- "vessel"
Eg "vessel" (OK). WCh *caya'-l*cawa'- "pot": Sha .fya, sa, Klr swa'i. Based on *ca'- .
.528 *ca'ar- "hair" Sem *§aCr- "hair" 1, "wool" 2 : Akk sartu l, U g rcrt 2, Hbr sfar, sa'ara 1, Aram (Syr) sa'rii 1 , Arab sa'r- 1 , Gz slert 1 , Soq Ja'ihor 1.
Cf. denominative Sero *Ja'ar- "be hairy": Hbr s *a before a labial. Berb *c vJ- "hair": lzn aziif WCh *caHwap- "hair": Sura sw;yp, Chip sap, Mnt swep, Mpn siwep, Bol SOW:J, Maha sofi. *-iwa- < *-iHa-. LEG *sap- "pubic hair": Or sapii. Secondary Or -ji- under the influence of the laryngeal. HEC *sap- "hair, pubic hair": Dar sape. LEG loanword?
530 *cah- "wish, be able" Sero *sVh- "wish" 1, "like" 2: Arabshw, shy [-a-, -u-] 1,]ibJuthz' CCh *Jah- "be able, can": Mafa Jaha.
As far as the development of meaning is concerned, cf. the semantic history of Germ mag and daif.
534 *cag.iir- "snore" Sem *JVb,z'r- "snore": Arab s/Jr [-i-]. WCh *ca(n)Hur- "snore": Hs min-sari, Wrj far-m0, Diri farma, Paa zur-guna, Ngz zankor. Secondary cluster *-nH-.
535 *cakin- "knife" Sem *sak'in- "knife": Hbr sakk'in, Aram (Syr) sakkino. WCh *c[ajnk- "knife": Krf songe, Glm conga. Metathesis. The development of the original morphonological structure is parallel to WCh reflex of HS *cakin- ''net''. Dhl hlakane "sharp (knife)". Assimilation of vowels. Derived from *cuk- "cut, pierce".
536 *calag.- "break" 531 *cahar- "moon, star" Sem *Jahr- "new moon": Arab sahr-, Aram sahara, Mnd sira, Gz Jahr, Soq Jeher, Jib seh0r. WCh *caHar- "star": Ank sum-sar, Tuli sa-Jur, Zak ca-zur, Bot Jaar, Grn saar. Partial reduplication in Tuli and Zak. 532 *cab- "grow" Sem *sub,- "become high": Akk sab,u. Based on biconsonantal *JV!}-. WCh *caH- "grow": Wrj Ja, Sha sol;o.
Sem *JVlaf!:- "split": Arab slb, [-a-]. WCh *caHal- "crush": Tng seele. Metathesis. ECh *caHal- "break": Dng saale. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction could be *ca/Jal-.
537 *calay- "hail" (n.) Eg sny.t "hail" (pyr). Note -n- < HS *-l-.
CCh *sa-salay- "hail": Gis sasalay. Partial reduplication. 538 *calu].c- "cut, slaughter" Sem *sVlu~- "cut, split": Akk salaqu, Arab slq [-u-]. WCh *ca!VIJ;- "opening a vein (in the leg of an animal)": Hs salka. Cf. *cala!J- "break". 539 *cambar-/*cambir- "flute" WCh *cambar- "kind of flute": Hs samqara. Emphatic *-'/;- seems to have no phonological justification. Omot *sumbir- "shepherd's flute": Mch sumbiro. Secondary *u before a labial.
540 *cap- "leaf" WCh *caHVp- "leaf": Siri sapi, Miya sepi. Metathesis from *cap VH-? Cf. CCh. CCh *sapVH- "leaf'': Lame sapa, LPe sap, ZBt sab, Masa saq. -b- < -q- results from the emphatization of *-p-. LEC *saf- "leaf": Or sajo. HEC *sqf- "leaf": Had saf-ita, Kab slif-ita, Dar safa.
541 *car- "cut, saw" Sem *wVsVr- "saw": Araby.fr, wsr, Gz wsr, Mhr wusor, Jib ).fr. Prefix *w V-. WCh *car- "cut (trees)": Hs sara. CCh *sar- "adze, shave": Gis .far, Mofu far. LEC *sar- "cut": Som sar. 542 *car- "tree" Eg sJ "tree" (XVIII). -J continues HS *-r-. ECh *car- "tree": Bid caro.
543 *car- "buy, sell" Sem *sVrvy- "buy, sell": Arab sry [-i-]. Derived from *sVr-. WCh *car- "buy (in order to sell)": Hs sara.
544 *car-/*caCVr- "barley" Sem *.faCar-l*sa'ir- ''barley'': u g s'r, Hbr Je'ora, Aram (Syr) s::i'amta, Arab sa'ir-, Sab ;er. Derivative vocalism in Arab. The original form might have been *sar- influenced by or contaminated with *sa'ar- "be hairy". Eg sr.t "barley" (MK).
545 *cari'- "road" Sem *sari'- "road": Arab sari'-. ECh *caHVr- ''path'': Dng sare. Metathesis. The alternative reconstruction is *ca'ir-.
546 *ce)- "faeces" Eg sJ.w "faeces" (med). CCh *sya)- "faeces": Hwn ze, se. Omot *siy- "faeces": Orne siyaa. From *sPa-. Rift *ca)- "faeces": Irq ca)e. 547 *ceC- "sand" Eg sy "sand" (pyr), Copt *so: Akh sou, Boh so, Shd so. :Y stands for a front vowel of the root. WCh *ryay- < *ryaH- "sand": Bgh sey.
548 * ceJ.iat- ''squeeze'' Sem *sV4at- "squeeze": Hbr sht [-a-]. WCh *ryaHvt- "squeeze": Krf seetu, Gera see¢.
553 *cid- "vessel"
Cf. *{a/Jut- "squeeze".
Sem *sidd- "kind of vessel": Akk siddatu. Eg sdy "vessel" (med). -y is a vocalic sign.
549 *cel.c· "smell" (trans.) Sem *n Via~- "smell": Arab nsq [-a-]. Prefix *n V- and modified vocalism. WCh *cya~- "smell": Hs se~a.
554 *cid- "squeeze" Sem *sid-/*sud- "squeeze" 1 , "load, put on: Arab sdd [-i-, -u-] , Jub sedd 2 . ECh *cidVH- "squeeze, press": Smr sirf,a. Suffix *-VH-.
550 *cem- "go, enter" Sem *fim- "enter": Arab sym [-i-]. Based on biconsonantal *sim-. Eg sm "go" (pyr). ECh *cyam- "enter" 1, "run" 2 : Kwan seme 1, Mobu same seme 2.
Cf. HS *celJ,at- "squeeze". 2,
551 *cer- "root" Sem *fVrf-"root": Akk sursu, Ug srs, Hbr sores, Aram (Syr) serso. Partial reduplication. No reduplication is attested in Gz faraw, Tgr sar, Tgy sar, Amh sar, Gaf sar, Gur sar, Soq seralJ,. Berb *car- "root": Kby azar. WCh *cyarwa-"root": Hs saiwa, Bol sari-, Ngm sari, Maha sar-om, Krf sooriyo, Gera suura-na, Glm surya, Grm si1ra, Miya serwa, Paa sari, Siri si1ra, Mbu sar-nani, Jmb sera, Pol far-fa, Geji sar-ki, ser-ki, Say far-ta, Kir sari, Tala sari, DB sure. CCh *sar- "root": Mtk nzonzor, Dgh fala, Glv sali, Zime sor. *-a- < *-ya- after an affricate? ECh *cyar-aw- "root": Tum heraw, Ndam sirwe, Lele sara, Kera ka-sar, Bid cara, Mig caru. Agaw *sVr- "root": Kem sar, Kwr sar. 552 *cP-/*ciw- "darkness"
Sem *siw- "evening": Akk siw"itu. Eg sw.t "shadow" (pyr). Cf. LEG *rf,P- "become dark": Or rf,Pa. Note the consonantal alternation *-'- ~ *-w-.
555 *cilJ_ar- "grow, be long"
Sem *sVra/J- "grow": Arab sr/J [-a-]. Metathesis. WCh *ciHVr-/*cuHVr- "grow" 1 , "high, tall" 2 : Bol s£ir 1, Ank sur 1 , Sha solJ,o 1 , Tng soori 2 . Rift *ceHVr- "long": Gor ceer, Alg ceer, Bur ceedu. Cf. LEG *rf,erRend der.
< *rf,eHVr- "long, tall": Som rf,eer, Or rf,eeraa,
556 *cin- "speak" Eg sny "speak" (MK), Copt *sini id.: Fym sini, Ahm sine, Bhr sini, Shd sine. -y stands for a front vowel of the root. WCh *cin- "speak": Dik sin, Mng sin.
557 *cip- "moisten, be wet" Sem *nVsap-/*nVsup- "absorb (ofliquids)": Arab n.lf [-a-, -u-]. Prefix *n V-. Secondary development of the vowel in a derivative. ECh *cip- "moisten": Bid ciip.
558 *ciwam-/*ciyam- "rat"
564 *cor- "become dry"
Eg wsr "become dry" (MK). w- is a vocalic sign. WCh *cwar- ''become dry'': Krk s;}Wru.
559 *co(- "cereal"
Eg s'.t "kind of bread" (med). Cf. reduplicated sc:sc "kind of corn" (1). WCh *cwaH- "millet" 1, "meal made of millet" 2: Hs {iiwii 2, Sura swaa 1, Ang swe 1, Mnt sua 2 , Ank sua 2, Siri saw£ 2, Tng sau 1 .
560 *cogar- "tree" Sem *sagar- "tree": Arab sagar-at-. Assimilation of vowels. Cf. Hss segeret "plant name". CCh *swagVr- "palm tree": Sok sager, sogor. Secondary vowel of the second syllable.
Eg scd "cut" (med). WCh *cwaHid- "tatoo" 1, "scratch" sin¢- 2 , Klr sut 2, N gz saar/,u 2. CCh *swadVH- "chop": Zgh sor/,aya. Metathesis.
Ang Fit
Cagu se(/,-
565 *corah- "swallow" Sem *sVrah- "glut": Arab srh [-a-]. Note the semantic development. LEG *sor- < *soHVr- "feed": Or soora. Metathesis.
566 *cud-/*ca)ad- "harrow, till" Sem *sud- "harrow, till": Hbr sdd. Eg sJd "dig, till" (OK). WCh *caHVd- "till, plough": Wrj sar/,-, Kry seyaseef,, Miya sar/,-, Paa saef,u, Siri sar/,a. Dhl hlar/,- "sweep ground". -¢- seems to reflect a lost laryngeal.
561 *co'id- "cut, scratch" 2,
562 *cohVr- "fall" Eg shr "throw down" (pyr). Semantically, Eg is a causative in relation to Chadic forms. WCh *swaHVr- "fall": Bol soor. ECh *cuHVr- "fall": Kera suuri.
Note a parallel form of the root with an inlaut laryngeal. 567 *cu'- "knife"
Eg s'.t "knife" (pyr). CCh *suw- "knife": Gis suw-er/,, Bld suw, Mofu suw-eef,. From *cuH-. ECh *cuw- "knife": Mkk suwo. From *cuH-. Related to *ca'- "cut".
Cf. Sem *sVrvy- "put flatwise" (Akk seru). 568 *euy.at- "be afraid" 563 *com- "pot" Eg wsm ''pot'' (XVIII).
w- is a sign for a rounded vowel. ECh *cwam- ''pot'': Kera soma.
Sem *siyiim- "rat": Arab siyiim-. ECh *cVwVm- "rat": Tum soom. Consonantal alternation *-w-
Sem *sV!Jat- "be afraid": Akk sa!Jiitu [-a-]. WCh *cuHat- "be afraid": Fyer suswet, Tng soode, suude.
Partial reduplication in Fyer.
Sem *suk- "pierce (with a spear)" 1, "skewer" 2 : Arab skk [-u-] 1, Jib sekk 2_ WCh *cuk- "pierce, slaughter": Hs soka, suka. Omot *suk- "slaughter": Orne suk-, Yamsuk-, Kafsuk(k)-, Bwo suk-, Gim suk-.
Sem *suram- "big vessel": Akk suramu. Eg sJm.w "big mug" (OK). Note -J- < *-r-. Probably, a Wanderwort. 575 *cVmVm- "be ill" Sem *sVm Vm- ''become weak'': Akk samamu. Eg smm, sm "be feverous" (med).
570 *cuk- "sharp weapon" WCh *cuk- "knife": Sha suk, Klr suk. CCh *suk- "knife": Tera sug-di, Boka fax-t:1. Boka -x- < *-k- in contact with an unvoiced stop. HEC *suk- "big knife": Bmb suko, suuko.
576 *cVpVt- "be angry" Sem *sVpvt- "threaten": Akk sapiitu, sapatu. Eg spt "wrath" (BD). Eg -t- is one of regular continuations of HS *-t-.
Derived from *cuk- ''cut, pierce''.
571 *cun- "sorcery, magic" 1,
574 *curam- "big vessel"
569 *cuk- "cut, pierce"
Eg sn.w "sorcerer" (NK). ECh *cun- "magic, medicine" sune 2 .
* C". "fetish"
Kwn s:,:ne
1, Sok
572 *cup- "lip" Sem *sap- "lip": Akk saptu, Ug sp-t, Hbr sapa, Aram (Syr) sepeta, Arab saf-at-. *-u- > *-a- before a labial. Rift *suf- "lip": Irq suji, Bur suji, Kwz siji- to. Initial *1- is irregular. Cf. also Eg sp.t "lip" (pyr)?
577 *eaba)- "army, people" Sem *faba)- "army, soldiers": Akk,rabu, UgJb', Phn,rP, Hbqaba('). Eg dbJ ''army''. Related to *taba)- "wage war".
578 *eaba)- "wage war" Sem *fVba)- "attack" 1, "wage war" 2, "fight" 3 : Akk sabii?u 2, Hbr Jb) 2, Arab ef,P [-a-] 1, SAr r/P 1, Gz ,rb) 2 , Tgr ,rb) 3, Tgy ,rb) 3. Agaw *sab- "wage war": Bil sab-, sib-, Kwr sab-.
573 *cur- "make warm" Sem *sur- "keep in the sun": Arab srr [-u-]. Eg Jsr "roast" (pyr). Eg 3- may reflect prefix *) V-.
579 "'eafir- "plaiting" Sem *fapzr- "plaiting" 1, "braid" 2 : Arab r/,afir- 2 , Gz Eg -ng- in a contact position. LEG *dink- "dwarf": Or dinki. HEC *dink- "dwarf": Kmb d:mka, Tmb dinka. A borrowing LEC - HEC or HEC - LEC? On *-nk- see HS *ding- "bird".
716 *dinkar- "lizard" WCh *dVnkar- "lizard": Krk d::mkara, Ngm d:Jkura. Cf. Msg dil]idiifi id., Hs f!adangara id. Omot *dingar- "lizard": Kaf dingaro, Gim dingar. Omot *-ng- may be a regular reflex of HS *-nk-. Somehow connected with *dink- "dwarf"?
717 *dinVy- "divide" Eg dny.t "part" (n), Copt *toy(i): Boh toi, Shd toe. ECh *Ji-din Vy- "divide": Dng idinye. Prefix *)i-.
718 *dir- "learn, remember" Sem *dVrJ;y-/*dVrJ;y- "learn, understand": Arab dry [-i-]. Based on biliteral *dar-/*dir-. CCh *HV-dir- "remember": Lame q,ir-.
719 *dirac-/*dira~- "press, beat" Sem *dVrVs- "force out, trample": Akk drs, Aram Qud) drs, Arab drs [-i-, -u-]. Irregular vocalism of the second syllable. WCh *dir Vf- "press down": Hs dirfe, Kry ck>rc:J. CCh *dVrac- "push (away)": Mofu d:Jras. Sem ~ WCh correspondence is irregular as far as the affricate is concerned. CCh *-c- is inconclusive.
720 *disar- "cereal" Sem *difar- ''wild growing cereals'': Akk disarru. Eg dsr "corn" (OK). A cultural loanword?
721 *diway- "fly" (n.) Sem *dawJ;y- "Spanish fly": Aram daw:Jy-at. Assimilated from *diway-? WCh *diyaw- "fly": Krk diy:Jw, Pero tiyo. Metathesis from *diway-? CCh *dV)J;y- "fly": Hwn t/e, Gbn rj,eya. ECh **diw.: "fly": Dng duwo, Jegu diwo, Brg diwo, Mig duwwu, Mubi rj,uwo, Sok dou. Unexpected emphatic in Mubi.
722 *diy- "plant" Eg dy "cabbage" (gr). ECh *Hwa-diy- "grass": Mkk orj,iyu. Prefix *Hwa-.
723 *doh- "water" Sem *dVbb- "ocean": Ug dbb. Omot *dab- "rain": Orne dubi, Dime dobi, Kar dobi. Semantically, the HS word seems to denote abundance of (flowing) water. As far as the meaning of Semis concerned, cf. Olr ler "sea" ~ Slav *liti "pour, flow".
724 *doh- "speak, call" Sem *dub- "speak": Akk dababu. WCh *dwab- "call": Tng dobi. LEC *deb- "answer": Or deeb-isa. Unexpected vowel.
DOG- -
DON- -
725 *dog- "forge, beat" Sem *dug- "grind (to a powder)": Arab dgg [-u-]. Berb *dVg- "forge": Aks chg. CCh *dwag- "smith": Bid dogei. ECh *dwag- "forge": Mubi dogga. HEC *dug- "tan": Sid duug-, Had duug-, Bmb duug-. A typical case of tanning described as beating. Cf. another possible cognate: HEC *dig- "demolish, destroy" (Sid diig-, Dar diig-).
726 *dohan- "fat, grease" Sem *duhn- "fat, grease": Aram (Palm) dhn, (Syr) duhan-, Arab duhn-. Berb *dun- ''fat, grease'': Sml ta-dun-t, Znt r:a-t5un- t, Snus .a-t5un-t, Ahg t-achn-t, Twl ta-dh:m-t, Tsl ta-dhan-t, Zng ta-dun-t, lzy .adunn. WCh *dwan-H- "fat, grease": Sura q,:JIJ. Metathesis.
72 7 * *e. Prefix *:ia-.
Consonantal alternation *_)_ ~ *:Y-·
816 *fo)- "sand, dust" 813 *fiwa]J.- "smell, blow" (v.) Sem *pu~- "spread (of smell)": Arab Jw~. Berb "'JVwV~- "stink, smell": Kby ju~. WCh "'j[i]w[a]~- "blow": Bksfu', Shajyah, DBJu'. :Ya- in Sha results from *-Pa- < *-iwa-. CCh "'jiyaH- "smell": Mnd Viya)a. *-rya- < *-iwa-. ECh *pwaH- < *pVwaH- ''blow'': Tum po. Rift "'fa~- "blow": Algja~-Contraction of *-iwa- > *-a- or a more archaic form of the original root? Cf. "'jiwaq- ''blow''.
814 *fiwaq- "blow" Sem *Pub- ''blow'': Hbr pw~, Aram pw~, Arab Jwb. WCh "'jiqu- "blow": Paafuki, Sirifikuu, Shafuk, Fyer vivik. Partial reduplication in Fyer. CCh "'juqu(w)- "blow": Mafafukuw, Lamefuku, Msmfok. Secondary vocalism after a labial. ECh *pu[w]uk- "breathing": Mkk puukryo. -uu- results from assimilation (and contraction?). Agaw "'Jixw- "blow, breathe, rest": Bilji,,W, Kemji,,W, Aunfir-UJJ. Dhlfook'- "catch one's breath, rest". Contraction of *-iwa- yielding to -oo-.
EgjJ.t "dust(?)" (pyr). The meaning is not certain. WCh "'jwa)-"sand": Dera pwa. 817 *foC)- "mouth" Sem *pa(:)-l*pi(:)- "mouth" 1, "forehead" 2 , "face" 3 : Akk pa)u, pu 1, Ug p 1, Hbr pe 1, Aram (Syr) pa-t 2 , Arabji)-at- 2 ,faw-,fo,hat- 1 , Amhfi-t 2 3, Soqfio 2 3 . *-a- < *-u- after a labial. The stem has an irregular structure in which_)_ of Arab may be a result of a late analogical modification. WCh "'jwa(H)- "mouth": Fyer Jo, Bksfo, DB Jo, Joh. Related to *JP- "blow"?
818 *foe- "roast, cook"
Egjs "cook" (a), Copt *Jisi id.: Bohfisi, Shd pise. Capt may reflect HS *-e-. WCh "'jwac- "burn" 1, "cook" 2 , "roast" 3 : Fyerfwas Shafos 2, DB fas 3 • DB -a- < *-wa- after a labial.
FOI;I- -
819 *fo].i- "fire; burn" Eg wfo. "burn" (1). w- stands for a rounded vowel. GGh *'aj[wa]- "fire": Logfo, Msg afu, Gid afa, Mbafi. Irregular vowels in individual languages may continue *-yaHu-/*-waHu-.
825 *fu'on- ''meat, flesh'' LEG :foHon- "meat, flesh": Or Jon, foon. Rift *Ju'un- "meat": lrqfu'uni, Bur Ju'unai.
820 *fosag.- "be bad" Sem *pasalJ- "be bad, be spoilt": Arabfsb: [-a-, 4]. *-a- of the first syllable is a regular reflex of Sem *-uafter a labial. · WGh :fwas- "bad": DBfwas.
An archaic separate isogloss replaced in the majority of languages with such innovations as *'antu'-l*'antaw- and *ber-1 *per- "mouse, rat".
Note Arab 'fn [-i-] "make meat rot".
* ' LEG *'ad- "go": Som aad-. HEC *had- "go": Sid haadi. Note *h- < *'-. Omot *)at/,- "go": Orne aarj,-, Ari ada. Emphatic *d may reflect an old *' > *'. Rift *'ad- "go, tread": lrq ada-ha, Asa adi.
1043 *'adas- "bean, seed" Sem *'adas- "lentil": Hbr Cadasa, Arab *-a- after a labial. CCh *Hafur- "ground": Bokafur-ta, Gaafgr-ta, Mafa vara. In Mafa v- < *H(V)f-. Derived from *Jar- "clay, earth".
1052 *'agom· "tree" Sem *'agm- "palm tree": Arab 'agm-at-. WCh *'agwam- "mahogany" 1, "Balantes egypt." Jmb agwama 1 , N gz aguma-k 1. LEG *'agam- "kind of bush": Or agam-sa. Assimilation of vowels.
Miya agam
Cf. CCh *gwagwam- < *Cagwam- "bread tree" (Msg gogom) with assimilation c - g > g - g. 1053 *'agor- "bird" Sem *'agur- "crane": Hbr 'agur. ECh *gwar- "heron": Smr gwara. No traces of the anlaut laryngeal. 1054 *'al_i- "earth, field"
1049 *'afaw-/*'afay- "leaf, plant" Sem *'up Vy- "twig, foliage": Hbr 'opz. Secondary *-u-. Eg 'Jiy.t "kind of plant" (med). -J- stands for *-a-. WCh *Caf-cafaw- "leaf": Klr 'afafaw. Partial reduplication. Derived from *'af- '' grass, plant''. Consonantal alternation *-w- ~ *-y-. 1050 *'afii~- "be bitter" Sem *'api$- "bitter": Arab 'a}'i$-. CCh *Jue- "salt": Ngw fgca. Hwn reflects a CCh word for ash.
*'a- may be a prefix. 1051 *'ag- "strike" Eg 'Jg "strike" (MK). -J- reflects HS *-a-. ECh *)ag- "drum" (v.) 1, "beat" 2: Ndm age 1, Mkk 'igg- 2_
Eg '~.t "field" (OK). CCh *xax- "earth" 1, "clay" hahay 2 . Assimilation of laryngeals.
Gbn xaxa
FKi xaxgy
1055 *'ak- "be hot; fire" Sem *'ik-l*'uk- "be hot": Arab 'kk [-i-, -u-]. Secondary vocalism? WCh *'akwa- "fire": Diri akuwa, Miya aku, Cagu akwe, Jmb akwa, Ngz aka. CCh *'Vkk- "hot": Log kku. ECh *'ak(k)wa- "fire": Mig okko, Jegu 'oak. Bid aka, Brg 'aku, Sok aka. Nominal formation. 1056 *'al_..- "know, see" Eg 'Is "learn" (a). Agaw *'afs- "see, know": Kwr ax-, Dmb ax-, Kem ax-, Aun -aq-, Dmt -afs-. LEC *Hak- "know" 1 , "see" 2 : Gel :,k- 1, Kon -ak-, -yak- 2, Bus haake 2, Gdl -ak, -aki 2 •
239 238 Irregular laryngeal reflexes as well as unexpected non-emphatic *-k-. Is this really a continuation of *Cale-?
1057 *'a.I.cab- "hill, stone" Sem *Ca[cab- "hill": Arab 'aqab-at-. WCh *ka!J- < *tab- "polishing stone": DB ka¢u. Shift of emphatization.
LEG *caz- "mountain": Som 'al-, Rnd ~al-. Note Rnd ~-. 1062 *'alaJ,r- "tie, untie" Sem *c Vla[c- "be attached"
"hang, be suspended": Arab czq
[-a-] 1 , Hss 'ayleq . WCh *la[c- "untie": Dera lake.
*'a- may be a prefix. Semantically dubious.
*'a- may be a prefix.
1058 *'aJ,dd- "bind, spin"
1063 *'alal- "drink, chew"
Sem *C~id- "bind" 1, "knot" 2: Hbr cqd 1, Arab 'qd [-i-] 2. CCh *ktyad- < *kiHad- "plait": Bnn kiyedu. Metathesis. ECh *kVd- "untie": Ndam ~d:J. From *kVHVd- as in CCH? An alternative reconstruction is *M'ad-.
1059 *'al- "leaf" Sem *'al- "leaf, foliage": Hbr 'ale, Aram 'elw- (Syr). WCh *caz- "leaf": Pero alaw, Jmb alu-hu.
Sem *'V!Vl- "drink for the second time": Arab 'll. LEG 2*'alal- "chew": Som 'alaal-, Kns alal-, Gid alal-. Reduplication?
1064 *'am- "eat" Eg 'm "swallow" (n). Rift *'am- "chew": Kwz am-. Cf. Irq ayim id. Descriptive stem.
1065 *'am- "relative, friend" 1060 * 'al- "rise" Sem *'Vlvy- "rise, climb": Hbr '{y. Based on biconsonantal *'Vl-. Berb *'al- "be suspended": Ahg ali. CCh *)al- "jump": Masa halla. Irregular Masa h-. ECh *'al- "climb": Kwn ale, Kera li. Related to *'al- "top".
1061 *'al- "top" Sem *'al- "top, height, upper part": Hbr cal, Arab 'al-. SA *'al- "mountain": Saho 'al.
Sem *'amm- "relative" 1, "uncle" 2 , "ancestor" : Hbr 'am 3 Arab 'amm- 2 , Hss )om 3 , Mhr 'om 3 , Shh 'om . CCh *)wam- < *Jamu- "guest": Bch )omey, Nz worm:.
1 ,
Dhl 'ame "uncle".
1066 *'am- "people"
Sem *'amm- "people" 1, "crowd" 2: Akk ummiinu 1, Hbr 'am , Arab 'amm- 2 . Derivative in Akk. Rift *)Vm- "people, crowd": Irq imi, Alg imi. Assimilation of vowels. ·h Connected wit
*'am- " re1at1ve, . fnen . d"?.
1067 *camVw- "plant" Sem *CamVw- "kind of plant": Akk amu. Cf. Arab cam-at- id. Eg cJmw.t "field plant" (XVIII). -J- stands for *-a-. 1068 Han- "be tired, be ill" Sem *CVna)-/*CVnay- "be tired": Arab en\ cny [-a-]. Based on *Can-. WCh *can- "ache" (v.): Bks han. ECh *)ani- "illness": Mkk )eni. Mkk -e- < *-a- under the influence of -i. Related to *'Vnaw-l*'Vnay- "work, make"? 1069 Han-/*Cin- "exist" Sem *Cin-l*'un- "appear": Arab cnn [-i-, -u-]. Agaw *)an-l*'in- "be": Bil en-, in-, Xmr an-, Kwr en-. Bed )an- "be". SA *)an-l*'in- "be": Saha -in(n)-, -an-. HEC 'yon- "be": Hadyon-, Kmbyon-. Phonetically not quite clear. Probably, from *)Pon-? 1070 *'ana3- "goat, ram" Sem *Canz- "she-goat": Akk enzu, Ug cz, Hbr cez, Aram (Syr) cezza, Arab canz-. WCh *'a3an- "ram": Bks )azan. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *'a3an-. 1071 *Canduk- "navel, nipple" WCh *HVnduk- "heart": Fyer nduk. CCh *bu-)induk- "heart, chest": Lame v::iinduku, vunrf,uku. Prefix *bu-. The root vowel *-i- is not clear. SA *hondub- "navel": Saho hondub, Afar hondub. Unexpected *-b and irregular h-. A loanword?
HEC *mudukk- < *mu-'Vdu(n)k-, *hanrf,ur- "navel": Sid mudukko, Bmb hanrf,ura. Prefix *mu- in Sid. Bmb looks like a loanword (from SA?). Wrz *'adunk- "nipple, breast": War aadunku, Gaw carf,unko, Cam arf,unku. *d > rJ, is influenced by *'-. Rift *mudung- < *mu-'Vdung- "navel": Gor murungu, Alg murungu.
In Cush the prototype is reconstructed as *cadunk- which may be also an alternative HS reconstruction. At least, some of the Cush forms were borrowed and reborrowed. A very irregular and problematic root. 1072 *'anon- "breast, chest" Eg 'nn.t "part of the body" (pyr). The meaning is not definite. WCh *nwan- "breast": Hs nano. From *HVnwan-. HEC *)anon- ''breast'': Sid ununa, unuuna, Dar unuuna, Had anoon a, Ala onoona, Bmb ununa, Kmb anuuna. Various assimilations of vowels in individual languages. 1073 *'ar- "stone, rock" Eg 'r "small stone" (n). Cf. also cJ.t "precious stone" (a). ECh *'ar- "rock": Kbl arra. 1074 *'are].{- "see, understand" Eg 'r~ "understand" (XVIII). Agaw *'ari~- "understand, know": Xmr are~-, Xmt arek, aarqw. LEC *)are[tJ- "see": Som ark-, areg-, Or arga, Boni ark-, Gel argiye. Unexpected reflexes of *I;. 1075 *'ariw- "tree" Eg 'rw "tree" (med). WCh *'ariway- "tree": Bol rewe, Tng riya, Ngm roya, Siri aruwai, Kry riwai.
'ARIW- -
Derivative in -ay-. . ''tamarm. d" : G ava rzwe, . Z gh arwe, Nak zrzwey. .· Cch *'arzwayDerivative in -ay-. Assimilation of vowels in Nak.
1076 *atuw- "give, pay" Sem *'VtVw- "give (a present)": Arab 'tw. ECh *'atuw- "pay": Ndm atuwe.
1077 *'aw- "goat, bull" Eg 'w.t "sheep and goats" (OK). CCh *'aw- "she-goat": Gis 'aw, Bld 'awa. Rift *)aw- "bull": Irq aw, Alg aw, Bur aw. 1078 *'awag- "roast" Eg 'wg "roast" (BD). ECh *waHag- "roast, burn": Ndam woga, Kwn wage, Ndam wuga, Dng ogiye, Tum waag. Metathesis.
*'V- may be a prefix. Cf. also Dhl hag,W- "boil" < *HagVw-.
1081 *'awar-/*'ayar- "donkey" 2
Sem *'ayr- "donkey" 1 , "young donkey" 2 · Ug 'r 1 , Hbr 'ayir , Aram 'er- 1, Arab 'ayr- 1 . Eg 'J "donkey" (OK). Sem loanword? In any case, the inlaut sonant is not graphically expressed. -J- < *-r-. Omot *)awar- "horse": Kaf awaroo, Mao woore. Consonantal alternation *-w-
1082 *'awil- "genitals" WCh *yawil- < *'awil- "testicles" 1 , "vulva" yiwulu 1 , Say W:!lla 1 , Fyer wul 2 . Secondary vocalism in Dera. Bed 'awil "vagina". Agaw *'awil- "vagina": Bil 'awil-too.
Krk )i[aa 1, Dera
1083 *'awur- "hole" Sem *'awr- "cleft": Arab 'awr-at-. CCh *wur- "hole": HNk wurs. *HV- lost.
*'a- may be a prefix. Cf. WCh *wur- ''dig (a hole)'': Tng wure. 1079 *'awan- "palm tree" Sem *'awan- "big palm": Arab 'awan-at-. CCh *hawan-H- "date palm": Gis huwOJJ, Mafa hawan. Unexpected initial *h-. Probably, the original form contained a prefix: *ha-'awan-? Secondary -u- in Gis.
1080 *'awar- "give back, return" Sem *'ur- "pay debts": Arab 'wr [-u-]. WCh *waHar- "give back, lend": Tng wars, DB weer, Bol 'ar. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *wa'ar-.
1084 *'ayVn- "eye" Sem *'ayn- "eye": Akk znu, Ug 'n, Hbr 'ayin, Aram (Syr) 'aynii, Arab 'ayn-, Gz 'ayn. Eg 'n, yn "eye" (a). Borrowing from Sem? Omot *'an- "eye": Gim an. Regular develpoment from *'ayn-?
1085 *'a3- "fish" Eg 'ri, 'dw "kind of fish" (BD). ECh *'ac- < *'aJ- "sardine": Kera aco. Irregular unvoicing of the affricate.
Agaw *ca,,. u - "fiis h"·. B'l 1 ca3aa, X mr xazaa, K wr azaa, Kem azaa, asaa, Aun asi, Dmt asii. SA *Ca3- "fish": Saho caazaa. Note SA *-3- < HS *-j-.
1086 *'a.3- "sun" Eg cd "sun" (gr). CCh *)aj- "sun": Bud ii/ji. LEG *)a3- "sun": Or aduu. Note LEG *-3- < HS *-j-. Dhl 'ado "sun".
1087 *Ca.3-/*Ci.3- "river" Eg cd "waters" (BD). WCh *Caj- "rivulet": Klr )aji. CCh *)ij- "river": Lame ize. Alternation *a ~ *i.
1088 *'eh- "bird" Eg cbw "kind of bird" (MK). Suffix -w. WCh *Hyabi- "hen" 1, "chicken" 2: Bolyawi 1, Derayawe 1, Tng yabe 1, Pero yabe 1, N gm yabi 1, Krf yibbz' 2, Gera fibi 2, Glm yiwu 2 , Grm ibbi 2.
Berb *CV[_ "see": lzy ac(u. Unexpectedly preserved HS *C WCh *yal- "see": Zar yet, Dwotyel01, Wndyele. From *Hyal-. ECh *Hyal- ''look'': Brg heel£. Brg h- < *c_ is not regular. The form may continue a prefixal pattern *HV-yal-. LEG *'il- "look!" (imper.): Or ilaa. Dhl )eley- "know".
1090 *celal- "look" ECh *yalVl-l*'wa!Vl- ''look'': Mig )ello, Mkk wall- . Agaw *Ca[al- "look,,: Bil (alal. Assimilation of vowels. SA *)ilal- "wait" 1, "look" 2 : Saha ilaal- 1, Afar ilal- 2 . LEG *)ilal- "watch" 1 , "look" 2: Som ilaali- 1 , Or ilaala-
Partial reduplication of *eel- "see". It is quite possible that some of the Cush forms result from cross-borrowings.
1091 *cen- "vessel" Berb *y Vn- < *Hvy Vn- "plate": Ghd ta-yyin-t. Loss of *H-. Eg en "vessel" (OK). CCh *yani- "pot": Hwn 'ina, Da.bayen.
1092 *'en-Cen- "monkey" Eg cncn "baboon" (pyr). WCh *yamyan- "monkey": Fyer yamen, Sha amen, Klr rimen. Probably, goes back to *yan-yan- with dissimilation of nasals. Reduplication. A descriptive ste.m?
1093 *'eray- "river" Eg cry "waters" (gr). CCh *yaray- "river": Mba re, Msg ere.
1094 *'ib-/*Cub- "breast, bosom" Berb *'ab- "breast": Ghat abbui. Secondary *a before a labial? CCh *'ub- "breast": Dgh uf-;a, Mnd ube, Glv uba, Gdf uf-;a. LEG *Cib- "nipple": Som cib. Alternation *i
*u. Descriptive stem?
1095 *'i-i;ir- "bird" Sem *'hur- ''bird'': Akk )iiiUru, U g 'irSecondary *-u-? Cf. *yepur-. Rift *cirac- "bird": Irq tsir'i, Alg ciraca, Bur ciraca, Asa sira)a. Metathesis. Derived from *r;ir- "bird".
Sem *cVfVd- "harvest" (v.): Akk efedu, Gz 'fd. ECh *siHVd- "harvest" (v.): Dng sir/,e. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *r;i'Vd-.
Progressive palatalization of *g. CCh *)ig- "fat": Bud ma-ige. Prefix ma-. ECh *),ag-ay- "fat, grease": Mkk )egry. From *'ig-ay-.
Sem *'igl- "calf" 1, "young of animals" 2 : Ug 'gl 1 , Hbr 'egel Aram (Syr) 'egl- 1 , Arab 'igl- 1 , Gz '::,gw::,l 2 , Tgr )::,gal 1 . CCh *gyal- "cow": Bura gysl. Probably, from *gi'al-. Agaw *gall- "calf": Bil gar, Kwr gar, Kem giir, Aun gara. Omot *gal- "calf": Orne gallua.
*'i- may be a prefix unatttested in Cush. Cf. HEC *gal"camel" (Bmb gaale)?
1097 *'ic- "do, make" Sem *cVsr-y- "do, make": Ug cs1y, Hbr '.ry, SAr '.fy. ECh *)ic- "do, work": Mkk )ise. Agaw *)is- "do, make": Bil es-, is-, Xmr ies-, Kwr is-, Dmb es-. SA *).zs- ' 'do, make " : Sa h o zs-, · zs-, A£ar zs-. · HEC *)is- "do": Bmb i"ss-. Rift *'es-im- "do, act": Alg 'isi"m-, Bur 'esim-. Irregular *-s-. Rift may be borrowed from one of Cush branches. •V
1098 *'idar-/*yadar- "flock, herd" Sem *'Vdr- "flock, herd": Hbr ceder. Eg ldr "flock, herd" (OK). Borrowed from Sem? SA *wadar- "cattle": Afar wadar. An ancient alternation *y- ~ *w- in the anlaut or an irregular development of *y- > *w- in SA? All correspondences in the anlaut are irregular. Cf. also WCh *n V-dur- "ram": Sha ndur, DB nduur, Bks )andur.
Eg 'd ''fat, grease'' (OK).
1100 *'igal- "cow, calf"
1096 *'i~V d- "harvest" ( v.)
1099 *'ig- "fat, grease"
'ra- -
1101 *'il- "eye" CCh *)il- "eye": Budyel, yil, Gul el, Lmn ili. Agaw *Cit- ''eye'': Bil 'il, 'el, Xmr el, iel, Xmt ::,[, Kwr el, yel, Dmb il, yil, Kemyil, Aun el, ::,ll, ill. LEG *)i[- "eye": Som il, Or ila, Bay il,ili, Arb ille, Gel iil, Kon il-da, Bus il-ca, Gdl il-ta. HEC *)ill- "eye": Sid illee, Dar ille, Had illi, Ala ille, Bmb ille, Kmb ille. Dhl )i[a "eye". Mgg ila "eyes". Rift *'il- "eye": Irq ila, Alg ila, Bur ila, Asa, 'ilat, Kwz ilito.
1102 *'ilay- "rise" 1
Sem *'Vlaw-l*'Vlay- "be high" 1, "rise" 2, "cross" 3 : Akk elu , 1 U g 'lw, 'ly 1 , Hbr 'lw, '?Ji 1 , Aram 'lw, 'ly 1, Arab '?JI [-a-] 2 , SAr 'ly 3 , Gz 'lw 2 • Eg l'r "ascend" (1). Metathesis. WCh *yi'al-l*'ilay- "stand up": Surayaral, Angyal, Tng )il, Geji hi(ya.
1108 *'olrnb- "vulture"
Sem *Cu#,b- "vulture": Arab 'uqab-, Hss 'aqab, Mhr 'aqiib, Shh
Derived from *'al- "rise".
'eqsb. CCh *kwaq- < *!swab- "kite": Baka koqi. Shift of emphatization. The original source was *Hu-fsab-.
1103 *'im- "know, see" Eg 'm "know" (n), Copt *'imi id.: Fym imi, Boh emi, Shd eime. WCh *'im- "think": Tng yim-, Pero yim. CCh *'um- "teach": LPe wum. ECh *'um- "see": Mubi 'um.
Cf. WCh *la- "ache" (v. and n.): Sura laa, Ang le.
1104 *'iw-/*'iy- "cry" Sem *'uy- "cry": Arab 'wy, Jib 'wy. Based on Vw-. LEG ry- cry : som Cryy-, • B ay ry-, ' Or
*' *' . '' ''
1109 *'ol- "be ill" Sem *'Vl- "be ill": Arab 'll. CCh *wal- < *Hwal- "ache" (v.): Bud wel.
Secondary *u in CCh and ECh.
Consonantal alternation *-w-
Cf. ECh *kwamb- "eagle": Kera kombe.
1110 *'ol- "snake, leech"
*'i.3- "man, child"
Berb *'zj- "men" (pl.): Zng i3. Eg 'rid "young one" (n). The cluster dd stands for an affricate *j.
1106 *'og- "dig, cut" Eg 'd "hoe" (v.) (pyr). Palatalization of *-g- after a middle vowel. ECh *yuwag- "hoe" (v.) 1, "plough" (v.) 2 : Smryi"ga 2, Tumyag 1, Ndmya:ga: 1, Leleyagi 1, Kblyuwege 2. ECh *yuwag- may go back to *ywag- < *Hwag-. 1107 *'og- "shout, call"
Sem *'Vg-'Vg- "shout": Arab 'g'g. Reduplication. ECh *'wag-l*'wak- "call": Smr 'wogo, Sbn 'waga, Tum wag, Kwn 'oge. Irregular consonantism. Two different roots?
CCh *'wal- "snake": Msg wala. ECh *'yala- "snake": Brg 'eli, Jegu 'illo, Dng 'aalo, Bid 'aalo. From *'wala-? LEG *'ola-'ol- ''leech'': Som 'olaa'ol. Reduplication. Omot *'ul- "leech": Orne ulo.
1111 *'or- "grain, corn" Eg 'wJJ "bread" (NK). Vocalic -w-. ECh *'war- "corn": Mubi war. Mubi may also reflect *waHVr-.
1112 *'or- "goat" Eg 'r "she-goat" (med). WCh *'waru- "he-goat": Mnt ur, Grk ur, Klr war. ECh *'war- "goats" (pl.): Lele ore.
1113 *'oreb- "mix" Sem *'VrVb- "mix": Hbr 'rb. WCh *ryab- "mix": Fyer rep.
*-b- > -p in the auslaut. ECh *HwarVb- "mix": Kera horqe. Irregular h-, cf. ECh s.v. *eel- "see" and *'oruk- "rub". *o and *e are generally incompatible within one root.
1118 *'ucan- "burn"
Sem Vlun- "smoke ( of fire)" (v.): Arab 'J,n [-u-]. WCh *can- "burn": Sura can, Chip san, Mpn can. No traces of the anlaut laryngeal. A denominative verb in Sem?
1114 *'oruk- "rub" Sem *'Vruk- "rub": Arab erk [-u-]. ECh *HwarVk- "rub": Kera horke. Irregular h-.
1119 Hud- "count" Sem *'ud- "count": Arab cdd [-u-], Hss )adod, Mhr )ed, Shh ced. ECh *)Vd- "count": Brg )eddi. Brg -e- is secondary.
1115 *'otis- "sneeze" Sem *' V#s- "sneeze": Hbr cts, Arab cts [-i-, -u-], Gz cts, Jib ':Jt0s. WCh *Catus-/*Cwatus- "sneeze": Hs atusawa, Ngz waat:,si. Unclear *-u-. CCh *)wa(is- "sneeze": Dgh wdisa, Log rf,isa, Bud wattisi. ECh *Hwa#s- "sneeze": Mig haddiso, Mubi attasa, Brg war/4ase, Mkk waddiso. Assimilation of vowels in Mubi and Brg. LEC *hatis- "sneezing": Or hattissoo. Omot *ha(is- "sneeze": Mch hattissi(ye). Cush forms go back to *!Jatis-. Dhl l},aar!,i/5- id. is a loanword from LEO or Omot.
1116 *'ub- "dirt" Sem *CVb- "dung": Gz '0ba, Tgr Ciba, Amh abat. Eg 'bw "dirt" (sarc). -w reflects a rounded vowel of the root. CCh *)ubi- "faeces": Mrg ubi, Klb ibi, Hld )ubi, Kap uvye.
1117 Hubub- "fish" Eg 'wbbw "kind of fish" (reg). In both cases, w is a vocalic sign. WCh *cVbub- "fish": Ang bup. Reduplication in Sura pupwap id. Fyer pupwap id. may be borrowed from Sura.
1120 *Cuf- "heal, cure" Sem *cVpVw- "heal, cure": Arab c_Jw. Based on *cVp-. CCh *)uf- "heal, care": Gava )uja, N ak wufa.
1121 *Cufan- "vessel" Sem *Cupun- "vessel": Akk uppunu. Secondary *u after a labial. Eg c_Jn ''vessel'' (gr). WCh *JVn- "calabash": Ngzfuna, Jana. Ngz -u- < -:,-. CCh *Jan- "pot, calabash": Mbafanay. Suffix *-ay-.
1122 *cum-cam- "animal" Sem *cumam- "animals": Akk umamu. From *Cum-'am-? Eg cmcm.w "animal" (med). Reduplication.
1123 *Cupel- "hill, stone" Sem *'up(V)l- "bulge, hill": Hbr 'ope!. Cf. Akk pilu"limestone"?
CCh *pyal- "hill" 1, "stone" Suffix -ay in Mofu.
Secondary -i- before *y?
*'V- may be a prefix.
*'u- may be a prefix. 1129 *'Vf- "give" 1124 *'up VI- "insect" Sem *'up!- "louse": Akk uplu. Eg 'pnn.t "worm" (med). Cluster -nn seems to reflect *-!-.
1125 *'urag- "be lame" Sem *'Vrag- "be lame": Arab 'rg [-a-]. Assimilation of vowels WCh *'urVg- "lame person": Hs gurgu. Deverbative formation with different vocalism.
1126 *'ii~- "tree" Sem *'i!- "tree": Akk ifu, iHu, Ug 'f, Hbr 'ef, Gz 'erf,. Cf. Arab 'irf,-at- "kind of acacia". ECh *)u(- "fig tree": Sok usse.
Sem *'VpVw- "give": Arab 'jw. Based on *'Vp-. WCh :fa- "give": Fyer fa, Bksfa. CCh :Ja-/*HVfa- "give": Gulfii-re, Log va, Mafa va, Bud we.
1130 *'Vga3- "be weak" Sem *'Vgaz-l*'Vgiz- "be unable, be weak" 1, "be lazy" [-a-, -i-] 1, Hss )agoz 2 , Mhr )agoz 1, Shh 'agoz 2 . WCh *ga3i- "be tired": Hs ga3i. No traces of the original laryngeal.
Arab 'gz
1131 *'Vl,ia'ay- "maid" Eg Wy.t "maid" (MK). WCh *}J.ayay- < *&a'ay- "maid": Cagu hayai, Mbu raya, Jmb yaya.
*'V- may be a prefix. Note an unusual morphonological structure of this word. Is it an old compound?
1127 *'Vbar-/*'Vbir- "run, walk" Sem *'Vbur- "cross over": Akk eberu, Hbr 'br, Arab 'br [-u-], SAr 'br. *-u- < *-a- after a labial. CCh *bar- "run": FJ varu. ECH *bir- "go": Dng bire. Dhl l;ariy- "go out, depart". I;- < *b- after a laryngeal?
*'V- may be a prefix. 1128 *'Vbo)- "light, shine" Eg 'bJ "light" (gr). WCh *l;way- < *bwaH- "sun, day": Bks f;we, DB l;we. CCh *!Jiy- < *biH- "shine": Dgh l;iya.
1132 *'Vkaw-/*'Vkay- "tie, bind" Sem *'VkVw- "make a knot (on the horse tail)": Arab 'kw [-u-]. ECh *kay- "weave": Kwn ke, Kera ke.
*'V- may be a prefix. Consonantal alternation *-w- ~ *-y-. 1133 *'Vkiis- "turn" Sem *'Vkis- "turn upside down": Arab 'ks [-i-]. ECh *kus- "turn": Kbl kusu.
*'V- may be a prefix.
1134 *'V].cal-/*'VJ.dl- "teach, be clever" Sem *' ~il- "be clever": Arab 'ql [-i-]. ECh *HVkal- "teach": Smr g~l, Tum k~l, Kbl g~l~, Kwn gal. g- < *Is in the originally intervocalic position? The root may be connected with or derived from *'~e)- "be right, be true". *'V- may be a prefix. 1135 *'V].ce)- "be right, be true" Eg '/sJ "right, true" (MK). CCh *kya)- "correct": Boka ke)ke\ Gaa ke)ke). Reduplication. *'V- may be a prefix. The correspondence is valid only ifEg -J continues HS *-)-. Otherwise, if -J- reflects HS *-l-, Eg 'fsJ should be placed together with cognates grouped under *' Vfsal-1 *'VMl- "teach, be clever".
1136 *'V].ciip- "weave, sew" Sem *'~ip- "twist": Arab 'qf [-i-]. WCh */sup- "weave": Zar kvp. CCh *kap- "sew": Lame kap-. Secondary vocalism? ECh *kup- "sew": Tum kup. *'V- may be a prefix.
1139 *'Vn- "turn" Sem *'Vn- "displace": Akk enu, Arab 'nn. Eg 'n "turn" (MK). 1140 *'Vnaw-/*'Vnay- "work, make" Sem *'VnVw- "produce (ofland)": Arab 'nw [-u-]. WCh *n Jiy- "work": Fyer nyi. CCh *naH- < *nay- "do, malce": Tera nna, Bud na. ECh *nay- "work": Lele ne.
*' V- may be a prefix. May be derived from *'an- ''be tired, be
cf. , from the semantic point of view, cf. the history of Fr travail.
1141 *'VnV3aw- "day, sunshine" Eg 'ndw "sunshine" (pyr). CCh *nVJaH- < *nVJaw- "day": Mba nJa. ECh *n VJaH- < *n Vjaw- "day": Tum nJa, Ndm ja, Kblje.
*' V- may be a prefix. 1142 *'Vru- "near" Eg 'rw "closeness" (MK). WCh *ru-ru- "near, close": Krk ruru. Reduplication.
1137 *'Vlal- "do, build"
*'V- may be a prefix.
Sem *'VlVl- "do, act (severely)": Hbr 'll. WCh *lat- "build": Tng lat. Reduplication of *'al-l*'il- preserved in CCh *)il- ''build'' (Dgh )ila) and ECh *)al- "make" (Smr )al).
1143 *'Vtu\c- "go" Sem *'VtV/s- "cross": Akk etequ. WCh *tu/s- "go away": Hs tufsa. No traces of *HV-.
1138 *'Vlic- "mix"
*'V- may be a prefix.
Sem *'VliJ.- "mix": Arab 'lJ. [-i-]. ECh *lie- "mix": Kwn lise, Ngm lise. *'V- may be a prefix.
1144 *'Vtun- "push" Sem
*' Vtun- ''push'': Arab 'tn [-u-].
'VTUN- -
WCh *tVHun- "push": Mpn tun. Metathesis.
HA)-/HAW-/HAY- -
SA *hay- "live": Saha hay, Afar hay. LEG *,a-hay- "be": Som ahay.
An alternative reconstruction is *tVCun-.
Consonantal alternation *_)_
1145 *'VtP- "be dark"
1149 *ha)ad- "be weak"
Sem Vi V) - "be dark" : Akk etu. LEG *tP- "become evening": Or rf,i'a.
*' V- may be a prefix.
Eg .lhd "weak" (med). Metathesis. ECh *ha'ad-/*hawad- "weak" huwade 2 .
*-w- -
Tum had
An alternative reconstruction is *)ahad-.
1146 *'V3imb- "be sweet" Sem *'ViJub- "be sweet": Arab 'db [-u-]. *u < *i before a labial. *b seems to be a regular Sem reflex of HS cluster *-mb-. ECh *)VJimb- "honey, bee": Mig )jimbe. Deverbative noun. Note the cluster *-mb-.
1150 *ha'em-/*ha'om- "tent, room" WCh *'ahwam- "room": Bks 'ahom-. Metathesis. Rift *hem- < *ha)em- ''tent'': Irq heema. Assimilation of vowels. An alternative reconstruction is *)ahem-/*)a!zom-.
1151 *hab- "cut, split" 1147 *ha)-/*hay- "take"
Sem *hub- "cut": Arab hbb [-u-]. Secondary *-u-? Dhl ha/3- "split firewood".
Eg h.ly "capture" (MK). -]- stands for HS *-a-. WCh *ha)- "catch": Bks ha). ECh *hay- ''take'': Kera he. Consonantal alternation *_)_
1152 *habit- "fall"
1148 *ha)-/*haw-/*hay- "be, exist" Sem *huy- "be, become": Akk ewu, Amor hwy, Hbr hwy, Aram hwy. Based on *hVw-. Berb *h V)- "be, stay": Ahg iha, Ayr iha. CCh *hay- "live": Bud aiyu. ECh *hay- "be": Mig ,ay. Bed haay- "live".
Sem *h Vbit-l*h Vbut- "fall": Arab hbt [-i-, -u-]. WCh *habit- "fall": Hsgabta, Bol birf,-, Krk birf,-, Krf bito, Gera bad, Glm b::Jz-.
1153 *had- "take" Sem *hid- "rob, take by force" 1, "be taken away" 2 : Gz hyd 1, Amh hedii 2. Secondary formation based on biconsonantal *h Vd-. Eg hd "grasp, seize" (MK). WCh *had- "take" 1 , "carry" 2 : Tng adi 1 2 , Fyer ,at 1 .
HAD- -
HEC *ham- "go, walk": Sid ham-. Omot *ham- "go, walk": Orne ham-, haam-, Yam ham-, Kaf ham-, hamm-, Mch hammi, Anf ham-, Bwo haam-, aam-, Gim hamu, Shk
1154 *had- "thorn" Eg hd.t "thorn" (med). CCh *had- "thorn": Gis had-aw.
ham, am.
Rift *hPim- ''walk'': Irq -hPim-it-. Secondary intervocalic laryngeal.
Related to *had- "cut".
Alternation *a
1155 *had- "cut" ECh *h Vd- "cut with a sickle": Kera herf,e. Secondary emphatization of *-d-. Agaw *)ad- "divide": Xmr ad-ey-. LEG *had- "cut, shave": Or haada. HEC *had- "shave": Bmb haad-, haarJ,-.
1159 *har- "back" Sem *harVw- "back": Akk erutu, arutu. WCh *har- "back": Cagu ari. ECh *har- ''back'': Mubi har, Brg )ara.
1156 *ham- "water"
1160 *haram- "river"
Sero *hVmVw-/*hVmvy- "pour": Arab hmw, hmy [-i-, -u-]. Denominative verb based on *hVm-. WCh *ham- "water": Sura am, Ang am, Mnt ham, Ank ham, Grk ram, Bal 'amma, Krk amo, N gm ham, Maha amma, Bele amma, Krf amma, Gera hama, Glm ama, Grm amma, Fyer ham, Bks ham, Sha ham, Klr )aam, Ngz am, Bade )am-. ECh *ham- "water" 1, "rain" 2 : Dng ammi 1 , Jegu 'am 1 , Mubi 'aame 2 , Brg aame 1.
Sero *n Vham- ''be insatiable'': Arab nhm [-a-]. Prefix *n V-. WCh *h Vm- "eat": Paa 'mma. CCh *ham- "eat" 1, "chew" 2 : Bud ham 1, Daba hamu
Eg hnm.t "spring, source" (med), Copt *halme id.: Lye halme. According to Capt data, Eg -n- < *-l-. WCh *haram- "river": Klr haram. Irregular correspondence of liquida.
1161 *haraw-/*haray- "wild boar" Berb *r vy- "wild boar": Rif a-ruy. From *HVrvy- or *HVrVwvy-? Bed harawya "wild boar". Agaw *'arw- "wild animal": Bil arwee.
1157 *ham- "eat"
Consonantal alternation *-w- ~ *:Y-· 1,
1162 *haw- "want"
IJ,am 2 •
ECh *ham- "eat": Kera hams, Smr 'am-. Dhl ham- "toss a portion of food in the mouth".
Sem *hVw- "wish" (n.) 1 , "want" 2 : Ug hwt 1, Arab hwy 2 . Represented as triliteral *h Vw vy- in Arab. LEG *haw- "wish" (n.) 1 , "want" 2 : Som hawo 1, Or haw- 2 •
Descriptive stem.
1163 *haw-/*hay- "fall"
1158 *ham-/*him- "go, walk" WCh *yim- < *Him- "return": Krkyim. ECh *him- "go in" 1, "go out" 2 : Tum him
'o:mo 2 .
Sem *h Vw-/*h Vy- "fall (upon)": Arab hwy [-i-], Jib he, Hss hewo. Berb *hvy- "fall (upon)": Ahg ihi.
HAY- -
Eg hJy "descend, fall, return" (OK), Copt *hey id.: Boh hey, Shd hey. Vocalic -J-. WCh *hay- "fall": DB hay. CCh *hay- "descend": Bud hai. Rift *hu)- < *h Vw- "fall": Irq hu-, Alg hu-, Bur hu-. Consonantal alternation *-w- ~ *:JI-. If Eg /iJy "return" is a separate word (only homonymic with Eg hJy "descend, fall"), it should be compared with CCh *hway- "return" (Mba hoy), both Eg and CCh being reflexes of HS *hoy- "return".
1164 *hawag-/*hayag- "lift" Sem *hzg- "be lifted": Arab hyg [-i-]. ECh *hawag- "climb" 1, "lift" 2 : Smr haga )aga 1, Tob hoge 2 . Consonantal alternation *-w- - *:JI-.
Tum ag-
WCh *hay- "corn" hay 2 .
"kind of millet"
Ang he 1, Fyer hay
Cf. CCh *xay- "corn, guinea corn" (Zgh xiya, Glv xiya, Gudu xai, HNk xa, Kap xa, FK xa, Gdr hay) with a different laryngeal *b-.
1168 *hay- "give birth" Eg hJy "be born" (MK). Vocalic -J-. CCh *hay-/*hiy- "give birth": Klb aya, Mrg iya, HNkys, HGh Pya, FKi ya, Kap ya, Tera hya. ECh *hly- "birth": Mkk )e)iyo.
1165 *haway- "blow" Sem *huy- ''blow'': Arab hwy [-i-]. CCh *haway- "wind": Bch hawsy, Bata haue. Deverbative noun.
1169 *hay- "speak" Eg lhy "shout" (pyr). Orthographic representation of *h Ty-. Bed hay- "say". LEG *hay- "say": Som hay-. HEC *hay-/*hiy- "say": Dar hiyy-, Bmb hay-sn-. Omot *he- < *hVy- "say": Orne hii-._ Cf. also Dhl baaw- "name" (v. ).
1166 *hay- "building, town" Eg ihy "building" ( sait). Orthographic representation of *hT,y-. WCh *hay- "town": Bade he. CCh *ha)-/*hay- "town, place" 1, "compound" 2: Tera he 1, Gude xa 1, Gudu ha-cu 1, Bch ha 1, Gis hay 2_ Rift *)l!JI_ "neighborhood" 1, "dwelling" 2 : Irq aya 1, Bur aya 1, Asa ayo 2 , Kwz ayo 2 • Irregular *) __·
1167 *hay- "cereal" Eg lhy "cereal" (OK). Orthographic representation of *h Ty-.
1170 *ha3in- "heart, intestine" WCh *han3- < *ha3in- "guts": Hs hanjz, Bol azin, Krk azi, Ngm hazi, Krf a.330, Gera haza, Glm asin, Sha 'aji. Cf. the development of the root structure in HS *cakin- "knife" and *cakin- "net". Agaw *'V3in- "heart": Xmt aazsn.
1171 *her- "feline" Sem *hirr- "cat": Arab hirr-. CCh *'a-hyar- "leopard": Msg aharau, axerau. Prefix *)a-.
HER- -
1172 *her- "sheep, goat" 1,
Berb *h Vr- "ram" "sheep" "sheep and goats" Ahg e-harJ 3 , Twl e-hara 1, Sml a- hru 1, Gua hara Dhl heeri "goat, sheep".
1177 *himal- "tear" (n.) 3:
Ayr e-har;;i
Sero *hVmVl- "shed tears": Arab hml [-i-, -u-]. Denominative verb with a new vocalic pattern. CCh *himal- "tear" (n.): Bud himalo. Cf. metathetic HEC *Hil(V)m- "tear" (Bmb ilma)?
1173 *heraw-/*heray- "day" Eg hrw "day" (pyr), Copt *hrew: Akh hreu. CCh *hyaraw- "day": Budyi"row. Bud -ow- < *-aw-. ECh *hyariy- "noon": Dng )eriyo. Secondary *-i- before *y.
1178 *himis- "go" Sem *hVmis- "walk day and night": Arab hms [-i-]. CCh *yimVs- < *Himis- "enter": Tera ayimsi, Bokayimsi. Derived from *ham-/*him- "go, walk".
Consonantal alternation *-w- ~ *-y-.
1179 *hin- "head" 1174 *hey- "man" Eg hJy ''husband, nobleman'' (pyr), Capt *hay id.: Bah hai, Shd hai. -J- stands for a vowel. Bed hiyo "man, husband". SA *hey- "man": Saho heyoo, Afar heyoo. Rift *he- "man": Irq hss, Gor hee. The root may be related to HS *hay- "give birth".
1175 *hicir- "excrement" Eg hyr. t ''excrement''. Vocalic -y-. ECh *hPir- "faeces": Mkk )iiri (pl.). Cf. Rift *hor- "dung": Bur hori.
1176 *hilal- "moon" Sero *hilal- "new moon": Ug hll, Arab hilal-, Gz helal. Berb *HalVl- "moon": Ahg t-alli-t. Assimilation of vowels.
Eg hn "head" (gr). CCh *hin- "head": Terayin, Guduyin, FJ yin, Mwu hJne-gi, Msm yano, Gbn in-rf,a, Gaa in-da, Bch nne. y- < *h- in individual languages.
1180 *hinVn-/*b-inVn- "child" Eg n/Jn "child" (pyr). Metathesis. WCh *hinVn- "child": Cagu htnan. Irregular correspondence of laryngeals.
1181 *hiw- "enclosure" Eg lhw "enclosure" (n), Copt *)ohi id.: Fym ahi, Akh ohe, Boh ohi, Shd ohe. ECh *hiw- "enclosure": Kera hiw. Eg and Copt may indicate a different prototype *)Vhiw- (with a prefix?), also possible for ECh.
1182 *hi3-/*hu3- "child" CCh *hu3- "child": Lmn uuza, Zgh uza, Gis za. HEC *hi3- "brother": Krob hizo, Tmb izo.
HOT- -
Alternation *i ~ *u.
1183 *hob- "give, send" Sem *wVhVb- "give": Aramyhb, Arab whb, SAr whb, Gz whb. Prefix *w V-. Eg hJb ''send''. The function of -J- is not clear. WCh *hwab- "lend, borrow": Sura hw:,p. Cf. Berb *hub- "drag, pull along" (Ahg hub-at, Ayr hub-at)?
1184 *hoh- "burn; heat" Eg hh "heat" (med). WCh *hwah- "burn": Sha hwoh. Possible reduplication of *ha)-/*haw- "fry", cf. in CCh: Msm haou, LPe hao. 1185 *hor- "rest" (n.) Eg hr.t "rest, peace" (OK). ECh *hwar- "rest": Tum hor, Sbn wara.
1188 *hot- "fence, enclosure" CCh *hwarj,- < *hwat- "compound": Gudu hwod-ocu, Nza hwar/,e, Bch warj,iy. HEC *hut- "fence, enclosure": Sid hu(a.
1189 *hota)- "go" Sem *hVta'- "go ahead in awe": Arab ht' [-a-]. WCh *hwata- "come" 1 , "enter"2, "go" 3 : Tng wato wat 1 , Zem wuta 1, Say wat 2 , Kir wad 2 , DB hat 3 .
Connected with Rift *hPVt- "march, go" (Irq h?iit- , Alg ha)ut-) and Dhl huJ. ' - ''follow''?
1190 *hotar- "fortified site" Berb *hu[t]ar- ''fortified site'': Gua a-xodar, a-Jodar. Is Gua d a reflex of Berb *t? HEC *hotor- < *hotar- "yard": Had ootoro. Assimilation of vowels. Derived from *hot- "fence, enclosure".
1191 *ho3- "sleep" 1186 *hos- "grind" Sem *hus- "break into small fragments": Arab hss [-u-]. WCh *Hyas-/*Hwos- "grind": Sura )e:s, Chip )ess, Ank es, Bol )oss, Krf yasu, Gerayaso, Grm es-. 1187 *hot- "fire" Eg hwt "fire" (sarc). Vocalic -w-. WCh *Hwatu- "fire": Hs wuta, Tng wati, Geji wutu, wuti, Brw wut, wutu, Brm wut, Say wut, Dwot )utu, Kir wut, Tala wudi. CCh *hwat- "fire": Gbn wate, Boka xwafa, Gaa wata, Tera wati.
Sem *hVd- "sleep" 1, "be delirious" 2 : Hbr hzy 1 , Arab hdy [-i-] 2 . ECh *hwaj- "sleep": Mig 'orj,yo, Bid 'orj,y, Brg orf,yi, Dng wet/,ye, Ndam 'aJa. Cf. Dhl haduura "sleep"?
1192 *hubag-/*hubig- "strike" Sem *h Vbag- "strike" : Arab hbg [-a-]. WCh *hubag- "beat": Hs buga, Ang bak. ECh *mV-big- "slap": Tum mbig. Prefix *m V-. Bed bag- ''slap''. LEO *bog- "slap": Som bog. Secondary labialization of the vowel.
HUD- -
1193 *hud- "break" Sem *hud- "break": Arab hdd [-u-]. Eg hd "break" (MK). CCh *hVd- "break": Msg bada. WCh *hya[dj- "strike" (Ank het) also may belong to this HS root. Berb *h Vd- "destroy" (Kby hudd) may be borrowed from Arab.
1194 *hu-dam- "utter" CGh *hu-dVm- "swear": Gis hudom, hudum. Gis -o- < *-a- before a labial. LEG *dam- < *HV-dam- "communicate": Or rj,aam-.
*hu- is a prefix. The word is derived from *dVm-"utter".
1195 *hulim- "child, man" EGh *hulum- "man, person": Kera hulum. Assimilation of vowels. Rift *holim- "child": Alg holimo, Bur xwaylimo. Unexpected -ay- in Bur.
1196 *huliib- "soak" Sem *hVlib- "soak, be wet": Arab hlb [-i-]. WGh *luq- < *luHub- "sogginess": Hs luquluqu. Reduplication. CGh *luq- < *luHub- "wet" (v.): Hid luqu-ri, Klb alub-tu, Ghb lup-ti, WM l::Jb-di, Wmd lub-ta, FGI luqwi-ti, Kap luqi-ke, Gava luq-, Daba lub. EGh *lub- "soak": Kera lubi. The alternative reconstruction reflected by all Ghadic branches is *luhub-.
1197 *humac- "grass, straw" Sem *humf- "tough grass": Akk umfatu. CGh *humac- "straw": Mofu humas.
1198 *hunay- "(be) small" Sem *hunay- "a little": Arab hunayy-at-. ECh *hVnay- "small": Smr hnye.
1199 *hur- "pierce" ECh *hVr- ''pierce'': Tum liar. LEG *hur- "pierce": Or hura.
1200 *hur- "be pregnant" Sem *hVrf,y- "be pregnant": Akk aru, Ug hry, Hbr hry. Based on biconsonantal *h Vr-. EGh *hur- "be pregnant": Ndam ):}ra, Tum uror. Reduplication in Tum.
1201 hut- "dig" Eg htht ''dig'' (BD). GGh *hwa-hut- "dig": Mofu hwuhut. Different types of reduplication.
1202 *hiiw- "snake" Eg hyw "snalce" (pyr). Vocalic :Y·. GGh *hu[wj- "snake": Zime huu.
1203 *hVban- "gazelle" Eg hbn "gazelle" (MK). WGh *ban- "gazelle": Dwot bani. The anlaut laryngeal is lost.
*hV- may be a prefix.
1204 *hVbat-/*hVbit- "throw down" Sem *h Vbit- ''throw down, beat, destroy'': Akk abatu, Arab hbt [-i-].
1209 *l;ta)-/*l;taw- "vessel"
WCh *HVbat- "push, throw down": Ang bat, Sura bet.
Eg !Jw.t "vessel" (OK). CCh *xa- < *xa)- "pot": Mrg xa, Hld xa.
Cf. LEC *HVbot-: Or aboota "give a blow".
Consonantal alternation *_)_ ~ *-w-.
1205 *h Vben- "vessel" Eg hbn.t "big mug" (OK). WCh *HVbyan- "gourd, gourd bottle": Sura been, Mpn been. Voiced anlaut in Sura reflects the lost laryngeal. ECh *byanu- "pumpkin": Kbl fa-b;mi, Gbr ti-bini, Kwn bone.
1210 *l;tab- "cereal" Sem *!Jabb- "grain, corn": Arab !Jabb-. CCh *ma-xab- "sorghum": Mba mahal;. Prefix *ma-. Note the emphatization of *-b-.
1206 *hVdag- "go" Sem *hVdig- "go trembling": Arab hdg [-i-]. The source of the vowel in the second syllable is not clear. The meaning is questionable. WCh *rf,ag- < *HVdag- "go away" 1 , "follow" 2 : Hs q,aga 1 , Ngz q,agu 2. Derived from *dag-/*dig- "go". Cf. also ECh *HVdug- "enter" (Ndm rf,uge) with a metathesis of vowels.
Sem *!Jabu'- "fish": Akk abutu. Dialectal development of a vowel after *!J- in Akk. Eg !Jbi "fish" (OK).
1212 *l:im;:a'-/*}:i.a~ay- "count" Sem *!Ja.yy- "number": Arab !Ja.yy-. Deverbative noun. ECh *)asay- "count": Smr 'ase, Sbn )asa.
1207 *hVlak- "go, drive" Sem *hVlVk- "go": Akk alaku, Hbr hlk. CCh *lakwa- "enter" 1, "drive" 2 : Bura lukwa 1, Chb lukwa lagWa 2, Gvo lak,Wa-la 2.
1211 *l;tabu)- "fish"
Consonantal alternation *_)_ ~ *:Y-·
1213 *l:ia~ir- "press, squeeze"
*hV- may be a prefix.
Sem *!J,V.yir- "press, squeeze": Arab IJ.yr [-i-, -u-]. ECh *'asir- "press, squeeze": Kbl sar, Dng assire.
*h. 1208 *l;ta)- "head" Eg !J,J "occiput" (pyr). WCh *!Ja(')- "head": Geji ga, Buli ga, Wrj ra-may, Kry ra-m, Diri a-ma, Paa !Ja-ma. Forms in -m- may go back to possessives.
1214 *l;ta~ar- "fence, enclosure" 4 Sem *!Jafar- "enc1osure " 1 , " camp " 2 , " yard" 3 , " ar~~" ·• Akk 3 3 2 !Ja.yaru 1, Phn 4.yr 3 , Hbr !Ja.yer , Aram (Syr) !Ja.yara , Arab !Jaq,ar- 4 , SAr !J.ywr 4 , Gz !J,a.yur 1 . Irregular !J- in Akk. WCh *cVr- ''fence'': DB siri. As~imilation of vowels. Cf. DB saar "fence" (v.). CCh *!Jazar- "fence": Mofu zazar, Mafa gazar. Partial reduplication in Mofu.
Bed eseer ''enclosure''. Assimilation of vowels. -ee- seems to reflect *-aHa-.
Alternation *a -
Any connection with LEG *)ara3- "dwelling" (Or areddaa)?
1220 *];i.ak- "stone" 1215 *1,iadur- "go down" Sem *IJ,Vdir-/*IJ,Vdur- "descend": Arab !J,dr [-i-, -u-]. WCh *dwar· < *daHur- "descend": DB dor, Bks dor, Klr doro. Metathesis.
1216 *J;i.af- "bank" Sem *IJ,app- "bank": Hbr MP, Arab IJ,ajf-at-. WCh *IJ,a-lJ,af- "bank": Hs gaggafo. Partial reduplication.
Eg IJ,1. "stone" (n). *k > 1., presumably, before *o, cf. CCh *xakwa-. WCh *IJ,Vk- "stone": Sura y:1k, Ang yuk, yk. CCh *xakwa- "stone": FG hakwu.
1221 *1;takam-/*1;takum- "rope" Sem *IJ,akam· "martingale": Arab IJ,akam-at-. 2 Rift *IJ,agum- "trap" 1, "rope" 2 : Alg hagumo 1 , Bur IJ,aguum:, . Unexpected *-g-. Irregular correspondence of vowels in the second syllable.
1217 *1;tafal-/*1;tafil- "be fuUi' Sem *IJ, Vpil- "rise (of water)": Arab !if! [-i-]. WCh *Jal- < *HVfal- "full (of vessel)": Hsfal.
*IJ,a- may be a prefix.
1218 *J.ia'- "child" Eg IJ,'J "child, boy" (pyr). Cf. 'y "child" (1). -J is a vocalic sign. CCh *xwa)-l*xway- "boy, son": B!)ka xweya, Gbn wa, Gaa wa, Tera wi. Cf. *xway- "give birth": Log rwe, Chbya, Klb aya, Tera hya, HNkye, FKiya, HGh iya. Rift *ha)-/*haw- "children": Alg ha)ay, Bur ya)ay, Asa hawa, Kwz yawa.
1219 *1;ta'-/*1;m'- "move upwards" Eg 'IJ,' "stand up" (pyr). '- may be a prefix. WCh "'IJ,a'- "raise": Bks ha). CCh *xu- ''lift'': K1b hu, Mrg xu.
1222 *J.iaiVI- "earth, field" Sem *IJ,a~l- "field": Akk eqlu, Aram (Syr) IJ,aqla, Arab IJ,aql·, Gz IJ,aql. ECh *kVl- "earth": Tum k:1l:1. Loss of the anlaut laryngeal.
1223 *];i.a\dir- ''be angry'' Sem *IJ,V~ir- "despise": Arab IJ,qr [-i-], Gz IJ,qr. WCh *Ha~ur- "be angry": Paa akwar, Siri a~ur, Jmb ~war.
1224 *1;ta1$:Vw- "hip, thigh" Sem *IJ,a~w- "loins, hip": Hbr IJ,eq, Arab IJ,aqw-, Gz IJ,aqwe. LEG *IJ,VwVg- "hip, thigh": Som IJ,oog. Note HS *-~- > LEG *-g-. Metathesis. Omot *hakVw- "hip": Kaf hakkoo. Note HS *~ > Omot *k. Cluster *-aw- > -oo- in Kaf.
1225 *];ial- "be sweet" Sem *IJ,Vlaw-/*IJ,Vlaw- "be sweet": Arab IJ,lw [-a-].
J:IAL- -
Based on biconsonantal *IJ,al-. WCh *IJ,al- '' sweet juice sucked from the abdomen of a hornet'': Hs galla. Deverbative noun. CCh *xal- "sweet": Bud alli. Rift *hal- "sweet": Kwz hal-am-.
1226 *].:ial- "wash" Sem *IJ,Vl- "clean (adj.)" 1, "wash, clean" (Syr) b[l 2. LEC *IJ,al- "wash": Som IJ,al-.
Akk ellu 1, Aram
Assimilation of vowels. Unexpected *)-, see Rift s.v. *IJ,anV{"tooth".
1231 *l:iam- "salt" Eg fJmJ.t "salt" (med). Vocalic -J. WCh *IJ,am- "salt": Fyer )ama. CCh *xwam- < *xam- "salt": Msg !pm. Secondary vowel before a labial.
1232 *l;iam-/*l;i.im- "be black" Sem *ham- "become black": Arab IJ,mm [-a-]. HEC *hem- "be black": Had heem-. Dhl himm-aJ.e ''black''.
1227 *l:ial- "spleen, liver" ECh *)Vl- "spleen": Mkk )ell-eso. Secondary root vowel influenced by -e- of the suffix. LEC *~zal- "liver": Rnd 4al-esi.
Alternation *a
1233 *l;ian- "tumor" 1228 *l:ial-/*l;iil- "go"
Eg IJ,nlJ,n.t "tumor" (med). Reduplication. ECh *)an- ''tumor'': Tum an.
Eg IJ,n "go" (n). Cf. also IJ,ry "move away" (pyr)? Note -n < *-l-. CCh *xal-l*xil- "go": Mba hili, Msg IJ,ala. SA *hal- "enter": Saho hat, Afar hal. LEC *IJ,il- "enter": Arb hil-. Alternation *a
1234 *l;iankar- "throat" Sem *IJ,angar- "larynx": Arab IJ,angar-at-. Is the development of HS *-nk- into *-ng- regular? Bed hankar "throat". SA *)an*ar- "throat": Saha an*ar, Afar en*araa. Afar e- and emphatic **maybe traces of the lost *IJ,. Dhl IJ,ank'ara "hard palate". As well as SA, Dhl reflects emphatic *·*··
1229 *l;i.ala]...- "be smooth" Sem *IJ,ala*- "smooth": Hbr IJ,alaq. WCh *IJ,ala*- "smooth": Tng halak-halak. Reduplication.
1235 *]:ianV~- "tooth"
1230 *l:ialib- "milk" Sem *IJ,altb- "milk" 1, "fresh milk" 2 : Akkbilpu 1, HbrlJ,alab Mb 1, Aram (Syr) 4ateba 1, Arab IJ,atib- 1 , !Jalab- 2, Gz IJ,al'ib Irregular bin Akk. Rift *)ilib- "milk": Irq ilwa, Ala iliba, Bur iliba, Asa liba.
1, 1_
Eg n!J,d "tooth, fang" (OK). Metathesis. Rift *)anc- "tooth": Irq anc-amo, Bur aac-imo.
Unexpected */J-
> *'-.
An alternative reconstruction is *pa/Jud-. Cf. *!J,upet- "go"•
1241 *l,iar- "sky"
1236 *l,iap- "plant, grass"
Eg !J,r.t "sky" (pyr). WCh */Jar- "sky": Hs giir"i, Sha )are id. Irregular '- in Sha.
Eg /JP "kind of plant" (gr). CCh *xap- "grass": Bud hapu.
Cf. LEG *haror- "cloudy weather" (Or haroor-essa).
1237 *l,iap- "close, cover" Eg !J,Jp "cover" (MK). Vocalic -i-. WCh *Hap- "close": Tng ops. Tng o is a regular reflex of *a. ECh *) Vp- ''close, cover'': Mkk 'ipp-.
1242 *l,iar- "arm"
1238 *l,iapat- "arm, wing" Eg !J,pt "arm, wing" (MK). WCh *!J,ap Vt- "arm, wing": N gz gapta, Bade gapt-on. CCh *pVt- "wing": Budfifeto, Dabapsts. Partial reduplication in Bud. Assimilation of vowels. ECh *pat- ''arm'' : Sok patu, J egu poto. Secondary -o- in J egu.
1239 *l,iapur- "pit" Sem *!J,apr- "big well" "hole, cavity" lif;;ir-st 2. WCh *pur- "tomb": Tng pure, Pero pure. Loss of the anlaut laryngeal.
CCh *xar- "arm": Tera xar, Gaa hera, Hwn hara, Gis har. Cf. also Log r'ar-zeni "wrist". Bed har-ka "arm". SA *har- "arm": Saho /Jaraa. LEG· *!J,ar-k- "arm, hand": Or harkka, Kns harga. Wrz *xar-k- "hand": War !J,arko, Gaw !J,arko.
1243 *l,iar- "intestines" Sem *!J,Vrr- "gut": Akk erru. ..,. ..,. " CCh *xar(wa)- "intestines": Gis hor, HNk x;;irz, Kap xarz, FG xar, Bura Xi.Jel, Klb hali, Mrg yali, Hil xali. -l- in Bura and other languages is regular. Cf. Eg !J,rr "part of the body" (NK)?
Arab !J,ajr- 1, Jib
1240 *l,iapiid- ''go'' Sem */J Vpid- "hurry, take pains": Arab lifd [-i-]. WCh *pVi/,- < *pVHVd- "go": Dera porf,-owu, Ngm porj,-owu. Metathesis. CCh *paHud- "go" 1, "return" 2: Gaa purf,i 1, Gbn p;;idi 1, Daba
par/, 2.
Related to Dhl /June- ''chew''.
1244 *l,ias- "roast" Sem *!J,Vs-!J,Vs- "roast": Arab !J,s!J,s. Reduplication. WCh *!J,as- "roast, bake": Hs gasa.
1245 *l,ias- "seek, look for" CCh *xas- ''look for, search'': Mafa has. HEC *has- '' seek, look for'' : Sid haas-, Dar has-, Had hass-, Ala has-, Kmb has-.
1246 *l;tasar- "hand, arm" Eg l;sr "arm" (gr). WCh *saHar- "hand, arm": Sura sar, Ang siir, Chip saar, Mnt sai, :'--nk sar, B~l sara, Krk sara, Ngm sara, Maha sara, Krf sara, Gera sara, Glm sara, Grm saraJJ. Metathesis.
1247 *l;tasek- "cereal" Sem *l;aszk- "barley": Arab l)aszk-at-. CCh *syak- "millet": Gaa sek-ita, Gbn sek-ete, Baka sek-ta'a. Loss of the anlaut laryngeal.
*l)a- may be a prefix.
1248 *l;tas-/*l;tus- "cut" Sem *l;uf- "cut": Arab l;ss [-u-] Rift *l;as- "carve wood": lrq l;as-. Dhl haJ.'- "butcher meat".
WCh *IJ,aw-/*l;ay- "belly": Bol awo, Ngm hawo, Gera hawi, Krf awo, Glm awa, Fyer hye, Bks hihye. Partial reduplication in Bks. CCh *xwa-l*xay- "stomach": Wmd xay, Chb ray, HF xwi, Kap xwu, Masa haya. *xwa- goes back to *xaw-. ECh *'Vy- "breast": Jegu 'oyo. Secondary vocalism. Consonantal alternation *-w-
1252 *l;taw-/*l;tay- "food" Eg l;w "food" (pyr). ECh *'ay- "food": Smr haye, Ndam a:y. Rift *hay- "food": Asa hay-uk. Irregular laryngeal. Consonantal alternation *-w- ~ *:Y·· Cf. verbal derivative in ECh *'ay- "eat" (Lele ai).
1253 *l:taw-/*J;iay- "man" 1249 *l;tat-/*\mt- "rub off, sweep" Sem *l;ut- "rub off": Arab l;tt [-u-]. LEG *l;at- "sweep" 1, "rub" 2 : Som haad- 1 Or haad- 2 *+ < *-t- under the influence of. *h~. . ' · · ·
1250 *l;taw-/*l;taway- "return, go" Eg IJ,wy "go" (MK). CCh *xway- < *xaway- "return": HGh xwe, Mba hoy. Dhl ha'-"come, arrive". Irregular -'-. Rift *!Jaw- "come": Irq !Jaw-, Alg !Jaw-, Bur !Jaw-. Irregular *!J-. No traces of *-ay- in Cush forms.
WCh *l)aw- "chief": Gera hawi. CCh *xuy- < *xawfy- "husband": Log xiq. Dhl l)aayo, pl. l)aa'i "man, husband". -'- in pl. is not clear . Rift *IJ,aw- ''man, husband'': Irq l;aw-ata, Alg l)aw-ata, Bur l;awata. Consonantal alternation *-w"brother" (Irq IJ,iya).
Sem *l;awzy- "intestines": Arab l;aw'iy-at-.
*:Y-, Cf. also Rift *l;iy-
1254 *l:iawar-/*J;iayar- "breed, multiply" Sem *l;ayar- "having many cattle and a big family": Arab l;ay-ar-,
l)iyar-. LEG *l)or- < *IJ,awar- "multiply (domestic animals)": Gid hor. Cf. Or horii "cattle", Kns hor-eeta "wealth, livestock". Consonantal alternation *-w-
1251 *].iaw-/*l:tay- "stomach"
1260 *];led- "fly" (v.)
1255 *l_i.awil- "year"
Sem *!Jawl- "year": Arab /Jawl-. WCh *!Jawil- "year": Fyer wel, Sha wul, Klr )awul, DB wil. ECh *)aliy- < *!Jayil- "year": Smr )aliya, Kwn oleye, Tum :Jlay, Ndam lowa, Gbr ille, Mig )ila. Metathesis and change *-w- > *-y- before a front vowel. 1256 *l_i.ayaw- "family, people"
Eg w/Jy "family" (MK). Metathesis. SA */Jayaw- "people": Saho /Jeaw. Rift *!Jay- "kinsfolk, clan": Irq !Jay. The original biconsonantal root? Derived from */Jaw-/*/Jay- ''man''. 1257 *}.tayaw- "animal"
Sem */Jay(aw)- "animal": Ug /Jwt, Hbr /Jayya, Aram (Syr) /Jayuto, Arab !Jayaw-an-. CCh *xiw- < *xlyVw- "animal": Mnd xiwa. Contraction in Mnd. ECh *)ayVw- "animal": Jegu )aiwo, Bid )awyo. Metathesis in Bid. 1258 *l;i.a3ar- ''beast of prey'' Sem *!Jadar- "swamp lynx": Akk azaru. Irregular Akk a of the first syllable. Eg M,r "hyaena" (OK).
/Jdy "fly" (v.) (n).
Infinitive in -y. WCh *!Jyad- "fly" (v.): Gwn gede. 1261 *l_i.edV)- "bird" Sem *hi~- "kite": Arab !Ji~-at-. ECh *hyad-hyad- "ostrich": Kera het/,het/,i. Irregular *h-. Reduplication. Emphatic fluence of the laryngeal.
4 < *d under the
1262 *}.tenin- "penis, testicles" Eg /Jnn "penis" (pyr). LEC *!Jenin- ''testicles'': Som /Jeeniin. 1263 •J_i.enye_ "fill" Eg !Jnc "fill" (gr). WCh *!Jyan-H- "fill": Wrj yan, Paa /JyaJJgu. CCh *xyan- "fill": Lame yen, Misme hen. ECh *)wan- < *)inwa- ''fill'': Smr )on, Ndam ):Jna, Tum an, Kbl w:Jn:J, Mig )unaw, Brg )uni, Bid ween, Mkk )uune. 1264 *l_i.er- "star" Eg /Jry.w "stars" (pyr). Vocalic -y. ECh *hyar- "star": Tum heru. Irregular *h-. Tum h- may also go back to *s-. LEC *Mr- "light of sun or moon": Arb hiiro.
1259 *].le)- "seek, find"
Eg /JJ "seek" (pyr). WCh *!Jya)- "find": Paa !J,ya. ECh *yaw- "find":. Smr yo. Reflects */Jew-, a morphonological variant of the original root.
1265 *l_i.er- "be dry" Sem *h Vr- "be dried up": Gz !Jrr. ECh *)yar- "dry" (v.): Tumy;}:r.
1266 *l;ierac-/*~eruc- "sow" Sem *bVruJ.- "sow, till": Akk eresu, Ug brl., Hbr brs, Arab brl. [-u-], Gz brs. WCh *rac- "sow": DB ras. Loss of the anlaut laryngeal or contraction of *ryaHac-. ECh *ryaHVs- "sow": Dng rise. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *rebac-.
1267 *~ibVr- "harvest" Sem *bibiir- "harvest": Akk ebiiru. Derived from *b Vb Vr- "gather". WCh *birVb- "harvest, reap": Hs girba. Metathesis.
1268 *~ical- "lizard" Sem *bisl- "small lizard": Arab bis!-. CCh *cal- "lizard": Hwn ta-sala, Gis me-selesele. Various prefixes in individual languages. Assimilation of vowels in Gis. Any connection with Berb *)as Vt- "snake, viper" (Ayr assel, Ahg asset, Twl asso0 or Berb *baJVr- "lizard" (Izy baJJe}.)?
1271 *~in- "grow" Berb *b Vn- "be inflated": Kby ebnenni. Eg bn "grow" (gr). ECh *hin- "increase": Lele hin. Irregular *h-.
1272 *~int- "cereal" Sem *bint- "barley, grain": Akk uttutu, Ug M, Hbr Mtta, Aram bint-;:it-, Arab Mnt-at-, Soq binteh. HEC *hint-/*hant- "grass": Had hite, Kmb hite, Bmb han(e. *-nt- > + in Had and Kmb. Cf. *bund- "cereal".
1273 *\1ir- "snake" Eg brr.t "kind of snake, worm" (reg). ECh *hir- "snake": Tum hir;:i. Irregular ECh *h-.
1274 *~irba)- "chameleon" Sem *birba)- "chameleon": Arab birba)-. ECh *hir(V)b- "chameleon": Mubi hirbe. Irregular ECh *h-. Sem loanword? Derived from *hir- "snake". An ancient composite?
1269 *~idab- "bend" Sem *b Vdab-"be curved": Arab Mb [-a-]. Cf. also Hss bedeb "hunch-backed", Mhr 4edeb id., Shh bideb id. CCh *diHVb- "bend": Daba di¢. Metathesis.
1275 *~is- "faeces" Eg bs "faeces" (pyr). WCh *bisa- "faeces": Sura yes, Chip ees, Ank yes, Geji isi, Say nyis, Buli )is. ECh *)is- "faeces": Smr ?isi-ny, Ndam )isi-n, Jegu )is, Sok issi.
An alternative reconstruction is *dibab-.
1276 *~ogil- "go, cross" 1270 *~ig- "plant" Sem *big- "thorny plant": Akk egu, igu. LEC *big- "kind of aloe": Som big-.
Sem *bVgil-l*bVgul- "skip along": Arab !J,gl [-i-, -u-]. ... ECh *)wagil- "cross" 1, "jump" 2 : Mobu ogole 1 , Mkk )iigzla
I;Id- -
I;IOY- -
1282 *\10y- "break, strike"
1277 *l:10'- "medicine, poison" Eg wll.t "poison" (n). Vocalic w-. CCh *xwaH- > *xway- "medicine": HNk wiye, FKi wsy, Kap ywe, FGl ywoyi.
Eg IJ,wy "strike" (pyr). Vocalic -w-. WCh *IJ,way- "break": Fyer hoyo. 1283 *1,1.ul- "bird"
Cf. Asa ho'- "cure" (v.).
Eg IJ,n "kind of bird" (pyr). Note Eg -n < HS *-l-. CCh *xuli- "dove": HNk xwuli, HGh xwuli, Kap xwuli.
1278 *];1.0k- "scratch" Sem *}J,uk- "scratch, rub, scrape": Akk ekeku, MHbr IJ,kk, Aram (Syr) }J,kk, Arab IJ,kk [-u-], Gz }J,kk, Hss IJ,ek. SA *IJ,akuk- "scratch": Saho IJ,akuk, Afar }J,akuk. Partial reduplication. LEG *IJ,elf;-/*IJ,olf;- "scratch": Som IJ,oq-, Or hooq-, Rnd ox-, Gid heq-, Arb heeq-. Any connection with *IJ,ak- "stone" ("stone" as a scraping tool)?
Cf. Dhl hille "owl". 1284 *1,1.ul- "untie" Sem *}J,ul- "untie": Arab !J,ll [-u-]. WCh *!Jal- < *!J,ula- "loosen": Bal )all-. CCh *'ul- "untie": Lame )u[ee-, LPe )olai. Irregular *'- < *!J,-. ECh *wul- < *'ul- "loosen": Ndam wule.
1279 *1,1.ol- "jump" Sem *Mil- "jump (on horse back)": Arab }J,wl [ -u-]. ECh *)wal- "jump": Tum wal. 1280 *1,1.onbal- "bean" Sem *IJ,unbul- "haricot": Arab IJ,unbul-. Assimilation of vowels. WCh *m VbwaHal- "beans": Sura mbwaalaa. Metathesis. Assimilation of *-nb- > -mb-. *IJ,on- may be a prefix. Cf. CCh *l;ulgrain": Mnd l;ula, Gvo !;ula.
1285 *1,1.um- "be hot" Sem *hum- "be hot" 1, "warm" 2 : Akk ememu 1, Hbr IJ,am 2 , Aram (Syr) IJ,am 1, Arab IJ,mm [-u-] 1. Eg hm "be inflamed" (XVIII). Secondary modification of the laryngeal? Rift *ham- "heat (v. )": Irq ham-esa. Cf. Irq hame "sweat". 1286 *1,1.um- "drive, move"
SA *g. Any connection with Sem *bulafs-/*fJalufs- "old or torn clothes" (Akk aulaqu, Hbr &a,luq, Aram !J,aluqa, Arab aaluq, Soq !J,alaq)? The Sem word may be derived from Sem *b VlV/s- ''be torn''. In any case the correspondence of velars is irregular.
An alternative reconstruction is *'a'/Jam-. A cultural Wanderwort?
1332 *ba(n)cob- "tree, wood" Sem *hasab- "timber": Arab hasab-. D~labialized vowel of the- second syllable. WCh *caHwab- ''tree'': Bal sowi, Dera soof?i. LEG *hancab- "kind of tree": Or hanr;abii. Iniau~ -r;- may be a result of secondary emphatization caused by the laryngeal. -nr;- may go back to a HS prenasalized cluster.
1328 *bala1,c-/*y.alu1,c- "give birth, create" Sem *bYlufs- "create": Arab b[q [-u-]. WCh *laHafs- "give birth": Sura laak. Metathesis and contarction. An alternative reconstruction is *laaafs-/*labulf,-.
1329 *balat-/*b-alit- "mix" Sem *hVlit- "mix": Arab !Jlt [-i-], Hss aelot, Mhr aelot, Shh '/]olot. WCh ;_la~at- < *laHat-"mix": Bks lawat. Metathesis. CCh *larat- "mix": Mofu lahaq,. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *la'/Jat-l*la'/Jit-.
1330 *yam- "male relative" Sem *'/Jam- "father-in-law": Akk emu, Hbr !Jam, Aram (Syr) be-mo, Arab aam(w)-. CCh *ram- "chief": Bata home, Bch home, hamsy. Dhl bame ''uncle''.
1331 *bama'- "rebellion" Sem *!Jama'- "rebellion": Akk '/Jammii.'u. Eg ibm.w "enemies" (XVIII). Metathesis.
1333 *bansab- "vessel" Sem *aanzab- "kind of pot": Akk aanzabu. Is Sem *-nz- a regular reflex of the HS cluster *-ns-? Eg !JnbJs "vessel" (MK). Metathesis. Note !J- < *'/]-. The vowel of the second syllable is marked with -J-. An alternative reconstruction is *'/Janbas-. An ancient cultural word.
1334 *b-ar- "excrements" Sem *aar'-l*/Jary- "excrements": Hbr !J,ara'irn, Aram (Syr) !J,eray-, Arab '/]ary-. SA *har- "excrements": Saho haraa, Afar haraa. LEG *!Jar- ''excrements'': Som !J,aar. HEC *har- "mud": Had hara, Kmb haro. Related to */Jar- "defecate".
1335 *bar- "river" Sem *harr- "watercourse": Akk !Jarru. LEG *har"lake" 1 , "river" 2 : Som haro
1336 *bar- "defecate" Eg w/JJ "defecate" (OK).
Arb haru 2 , Or haroo 1 .
Initial w- reflects a prefix. LEG *IJ,ar- "defecate": Som !J,aar-.
1337 *b-as- "grass" WGh *!Jasu- "grass": Zar gwas. ECh *)was- "grass": Bid )awso. Secondary *-wa-? LEG *has- "leaf": Kns hasa.
1338 *basay- "grass" Sem *!Jasf,y- "thymian": Akk !Jasu. Eg !JJsy.t "medicinal herb" (med). -J- is a vocalic sign. WCh *!Jasay- "grass": Hs gasaya. Derived from *!Jas- "grass".
1339 *y.as-/*b-us- "rub, pound" Sem *!JVs- "crush, pound": Akk !Jasu. GCh *rus- "crush, rub": Mafa hus-. Bed -hasi- "rub". SA *IJ,es- "rub, pound": Saha IJ,esi-. e < *a after a laryngeal? HEC *has- "rub": Bmb haas-ry-. Alternation *a ~ *u.
1340 *y.atVm- "face, nose" Sem *!Jatm-l*!Jatm- "nose, beak": Hbr IJ,otem, Arab !Jatm-. Secondary emphatic in Hbr. Eg !Jnt "face" (pyr). Metathesis and regressive assimilation of *-mt- > -nt-.
1341 *b-at- "dig" EGh *rat- "dig": Brg gatt-. LEG *ha¢- "dig": Or haarf,a. HEG *ha¢- "dig": Kmb haaq,-.
1342 *b-awVy- "evening" Eg !J,Jwy "evening" (pyr). Vocalic -J-. CGh *rawf,y- "yesterday": Mnd )aw:Jya. A regular reflex of *r- in Mnd, cf. s.v. *!Jay- "voice".
1343 *b-ay- "voice" CCh *ray- "voice": Gava raya, Mnd 'rye. Secondary -i- in Mnd before :Y-· Dhl hwayu "voice, sound, noise". Sources of Dhl -wa- are unknown. Related to *!Ja- "speak".
1344 *b-a3od- "rot, be rotten" Eg !Jzd "rot" (n.) (1). EGh *3aHwad- "rotten": Dng zoq,e, Bid zoo¢. Metathesis. Note emphatic -¢- reflecting the lost laryngeal. An alternative reconstruction is *3a!Jod-.
1345 *y.ef- "be light" Sem *!Jip- "be light": Arab aff [-i-], Hss !Jej, Mhr !J,ej, Shh !Jef. WGh *Jifya- "light" (adj.): Fyer fifyo. From reduplicated *HVfif-? EGh *ryaf- "light" (adj.): Sok effi. LEG *IJ,a[f]- ''thin, light'': Or happii. Secondary Or -p- may go back to *1- in contact with a laryngeal. The vocalism is irregular.
1346 *b-ek- "wait" Sem *!JVkT,y- "wait": Hbr IJ,ky. Based on biconsonantal *!J Vk-. WGh *f:ryak- "wait": DB gyok, Fyer kwek.
-ljOM- -
1347 *b.il- "pierce"
Eg !Jm "illness (of stomach)" (med). ECh *rwam- "be sick, be ill": Lele homya, Kbl hum-IJa.
Sem *!J VlVy- "cut": Arab !Jly [-i-]. Based on biconsonantal *!J, Vl-. ECh *ril- "pierce": Sok gile.
1354 *bon- "sack"
Alternation *i - *u.
Eg bn "sack" (XXII). ECh *rwan-H- "sack": Kera hoIJ. Secondary *-H- in the auslaut.
1348 *y.ilVp- "field" Sem *!JilVp- "meadow": Akk bilepu. Eg !Jnp.t "field" (XVIII). Note -n- < HS *-l-.
1355 *bon- "do, make" Eg !Jn "do, make" (n). CCh *rwan- "do, make": Log y;;in, Bud wan.
1349 *bis- "peel" 1356 *b-or- "dry up"
Sem *n V!Jaf- "peel off (bark)": Arab n!Js [-a-]. Prefix *n V- with modified vocalism. Dhl hitl- "scrape scales off fish". Rift *!Jis- "peel,,: Irq bis-it-.
Sem *nVbVr- "dry" (adj.): Akk na!Jru. Prefix *n V-. CCh *rwar- "dry up": Tera rwari, Hwn xwar, Boka xweri, FG rwoli, HF rwelo, FJ xweru, FMch xuri, Nza hare, Mafa gwar.
1350 *b-iyal- "be clever" Sem *bzl- "imagine" 1, "think" 2: Arab ayl [-a-] LEG *hil- "clever": Or hilluu, Boni hilluu. Contraction of *My Vl-.
1351 *bo~- "break" Sem *b V$- "break off": Akk bafa$u. CCh *rwac- "break": Mafa hwac-.
1352 *b-ol- "cut" Sem *bul-"pierce": Hbr Ml, Arab bll [-u-]. ECh *rwal- "cut (animal) into pieces": Kera hole.
1353 *b-om- "be sick, be ill" Sem *!J Vm Vy- "be paralysed": Akk !Jamu. Based on biconsonantal *b Vm-.
Gz bly
135 7 * bor- "snore" Sem *!Jir-/*bur- "snore": Arab brr [-i-, -u-]. WCh *ba-bwar- "snore": Fyer gogor, Bks hagor, Sha )ahagar, DB hagar. Partial reduplication. Assimilation of vowels in individual languages. CCh *rur- "snore" (n. ): Mafa ghur-ghur. Reduplication.
1358 *boras- "mountain" Sem *!Jurs- "rock, mountain": Akk bursu, Hbr bores. Eg bJs.t "mountainous region, desert" (pyr). -]- < *-r-. WCh *rwaHas- "mountain": Tala ro:si. Metathesis.
1359 *b-orug· "move" Sem *!JVrug- "go out, drive out": Hbr &rg, Arab !Jrg [-u-], Hss Mrog. WCh *Hwarug- "drive away" 1 , "enter" 2 , "migrate" 3 : Hs riiga 1, Jim orogo 2, Buli w.,rgu 2, Tala r.,ga 2 , Ngz ragu 3 . CCh *rug- "run": Gude rug-. The initial laryngeal is lost.
CCh *bu3- "millet": Daba vuJi. Loss of the initial laryngeal. ECh *bus- "seed": Mkk buzu. Loss of the initial laryngeal.
*/Ju- may be a prefix. 1365 *b-ubV)- "hoe, till" (v.)
1360 *b-orVc;:- "receptacle" 1,
Sem *!Jir$- "basket" "water-jar" /]era$ 2. Irregular vocalism. CCh *ywarVc- "small pot": HF yw:,rce. LEG *⩖- "pot": Or horor;oo. Assimilation of vowels.
Arab !Jirf-
Hss !Jar$,
1361 *b-otam- "bird" Sem *!Jutm- "bird": Akk !Jutmu. ECh *yatVm- < *ywatam- "vulture": Kera ataame. Assimilation of vowels.
Sem *!Jab V)- "hoe": Akk /]abiitu. *-a- < *-u- before the labial. Eg !JbJ "dig, till" (pyr). Denominative formation. WCh *!Jub V'- ''hoe, hoe-handle'': Krf guje, Gera gufta, Glm giqa, Bks hu/;-el). -!;- reflects the lost auslaut * )
1366 *b-ubVs- "vessel" Sem *!Jubs- "clay vessel": Akk !]ubsasu. The root is preserved only in a form of a derivative. Eg !Jbs "vessel for myrrha" (gr). Cf. */]ansab- ''vessel''.
1362 *b-ot· "go" Sem *!JVWw- "march, go": Arab /Jtw [-u-]. Based on biconsonantal *!J vt-. CCh *ywat- "return": Masa h:Jta.
1367 *b-ucig- "stone" Sem */Jus'ig- "stone": Akk !Juszgu. Eg &sg "stone" (XVIII). Irregular &- < *!J-.
1.363 *bub- ''hole, pit'' Sem */]abb- "pit": Akk !Jabbu. With secondary *-a- before a labial. Berb */J Vb- "hole": lzy a!Jf3u. CCh *rub- "hole": Lmn oghuqu. Emphatization of -'1- under the influence of the laryngeal.
1368 *bud- "cut" Sem */Jud- "cut" 1, "dig, till" 2: Akk !Jadadu CCh *rud- "cut": Glv yud-, Nak wir¢a. Prefix *wi- in N ak. Cf. ECh *rad1369
Arab !Jdd [-u-]
< *rwada- "split": Tum gad, Ndm g.,da.
1364 *bubu3- "cereal" Sem *!]ubz- "bread": Arab !]ubz-, Gz !]afost, Hss !Jabz, Mhr !Jabz, Shh !]obz.
*bu'- "put"
Eg !]Jc "put, lay" (MK).
Traces of the a-grade? CCh *xuy- < *ru)i- ''put, throw'': HNk xuyt:, Log hi. Irregular development of the initial laryngeal under the mfluence of the inlaut laryngeal.
1370 *b.un- "voice, speech" Eg !Jn "speech" (MK). WCh *!Jun- "sound or murmur of voices": Hs giin"i. CCh *run- "voice": HGh xuna.
WCh *1Jun3- ''wild boar'': Hs gunzii. CCh *yin3ir- "pig": Ktk hinzir. Assimilation of vowels. Sem loan-word? ECh *yun3ir- "pig" 1, "porcupine" 2: Dng kinzir 1, Kbl kunju 2 . The reflex of HS *IJ in Dng is irregular. Assimilation of vowels in Dng. Note LEC *gol(V)j- "boar" (Or goljaa), HEC *gol(V)j"boar" (Sid goij·a), Omot *gudin- "boar" (Orne gudun~a, Kaf gudino), a Wanderwort of considerable resemblance to *1Jun3(ir)-. *-n3- seems to be a HS cluster. *1Jun3-ir- is a HS derivative. The original root is preserved only in the archaic WCh *1Jun3-.
1371 *bun- "tomb, grave" Eg !Jnw "tomb, burial place" (XVIII). Vocalic -w. ECh *gun- "grave": Tum mu-g:m, Ndm mu-gun, Dng ma-gine, Kbl cato-gun. Prefix *ma- in most forms. Connected with *gwan- ''bury'': Jegu gon-t-.
1375 *bur- "dig" Sem *IJVr- "dig": Akk !Jeru, Ug !Jr, Gz !Jrw. WCh *IJur- "enlarge (hole, well)" 1 , "dig" 2 : Hsgiire LEC *hur- "make hole": Or hura.
1376 *bur- "hole, pit" 1
1372 *bund- "cereal" Eg IJnd "kind of cereals". WCh *!Jund- "Pennisetum typhoidaeum": Hs gunrf,u. Note emphatic -rf,- influenced by the anlaut laryngeal.
1373 *b-und- "go" Eg !Jnd "go" (gr). WCh *wun(j,- < *Hund- "enter": Zar wunq,i. The reconstruction of *IJ- follows from the emphatic reflecting a lost anlaut laryngeal. On the other hand, *IJ normally yields to Zar g-.
1374 *b-un3-/*b-un3-ir- "pig" Sem *!Junzir- "pig": Akk fJuzzru, U g fJnzr, Hbr bazir, Aram (Syr) b8zira, Arab !Jinzir-. Note the development of HS cluster *-n3- preserved only in Ug and Arab.
Sem *hurr- "hole" 1 , "grave" 2 : Akk !Jurru 1 , U g !Jr 2 , Hbr Mr , Arab !Jurr- 1 , Hss !Jerrayt 1 . Eg !Jr "tomb" (n). . . . .. WCh *!Jir- "pit, hole": Wrj gir-na, Kry gir, Miya agzr, Paa ngzr, Sir1 y:;,ri, Jmb yira, Brm cir, Say gir, Buli rir, Pol gir. From *IJuri-? LEG *hur- "hole": Or huraa. Derived from *!Jur- "dig".
1377 *b-uray- "palm tree" Sem *fJarfjJ- "palm sprout": Akk IJaru. Assimilation of vowels. CCh *yuray- "Deleb palm": Msg burai, borai. Rift *!Juray- "Borassus palm": Irq /Juray.
1378 *b-uru *-mj-. LEC *gafur- "muzzle": Som gafuur. Irregular *g- < *k- and loss of inlaut *-n-. An expressive form with irregular phonetic changes or a loanword?
1428 *kap- "hand" Sem *kapp- "hand": Akk kappu, Ug kp, Hbr kap, Aram (Syr) kappa, Arab kajj-, Hss kej, Mhr kef. Eg kp "enemy's hands separated from his arms; cut off hand" (n).
1429 *kap- "earth" WC_h *kapu- "red sorrel": Mpn kupu. Wrz *kap- "earth": Gaw kappe.
1430 *kap- "house" Sem *kupp- "building": Akk kuppatu. Note *u. Eg kip "house" (MK). Vocalic -i-. WCh *kap- "hut": Hs kafe. CCh *kVp- "house": Tera kipi. Connected with *ka)up- "cover, close"?
KAPA)- -
1431 *kapa)- "move, go" Sem *kVpa)- "go away": Arab if [-a-]. WCh *kap- "come": Mnt kop. Loss of the auslaut laryngeal.
1432 *kar- ''lamb'' Sem *karr- "lamb" 1 , "fattened lamb, ram" 2 : Akk karru 1, Ug kr 1, Hbr kar 2 . Berb *kVrVw-/*kVrJ;)- "lamb" 1 , "young ram" 2 : Ayr a-k;irwa 1 , Twl a-karwa 1 , Sml i-kru 2 , Kby i-kmi 1 • Derivative in *-w-/*-y-. Cf. WCh? WCh *karwa- "sheep" 1 , "lamb, bull" 2 : Wnd karo 1, Tng karwa 2 . LEC *kar- "heifer goats" (coll.): Arb kaariy.
1433 *kar- "sun" Sem *karar- "day heat": Akk kararu. Partial reduplication. WCh *kar- "sun": Bele kaara.
1434 *kar-/*kayar- "dog" WCh *kar-/*kayar- "dog": Hs kare, Brw fara, Say kara, Bks kyara, Klr gyara, DB cira. CCh *kir- < *kJ;)Vr- "dog": Lmn kzm:, Mnd fare, Suk kzrra, Gid fore. SA *kar- "dog": Saho kare. LEC *ka[yjir- "dog": Arb kair, ker. Secondary *-i- after *-y-. Wrz *xa[yjar- "dog": War xsro, Gaw haaro, Gob hssro, Cam karo.
*kayar- seems to be a secondary formation based on *karpreserved in SA and, to some extent, in WCh. 1435 *karic- "belly" Sem *karis- "belly": Akk karsu, Hbr kares, Aram (Syr) karso, Arab karis-, Gz kars, Hss keres, Mhr keres, Shh surf.
1440 *katum- "metal"
Wrz *korVs- "meat": Gaw korse. Vocalism is not clear. Semantically, the connection between"meat" and various words for inner organs may be corroborated by such IE correspondences as ON kj9t "meat" ~ Skt guda- "intestines".
Sem *kVtm- "gold": Hbr ketem. WCh *katum- "pig of iron": Hs katuma. See our notes to *kacaf- "metal". 1441 *kaw- "set fire"
1436 *kas- "fall" Sem *nVkus- "turn over" 1, "fall" 2: Arab nks [-u-] Prefix *n V- with modified root vocalism. CCh *kas- "fall": Msg kasa.
Jib nkos
1437 *kat- "back" ECh *kat- "back": Bid kate. Rift *kat- "cow's hump": Alg kata, Bur kata-IJ. 1438 *kat- "be small" Sem *k Vt- "weak": Akk katu. Eg kt "small" (MK). WCh *kat- "small": Sura kat, Mpn kat. Cf. WCh *kwati- "small, narrow" (Ang kwzt) and CCh *kwati"smalI" (Mafa kwite)e) reflecting a different root vowel. 1439 *kat- "move, go" Eg ktkt "move" (Amar). Reduplication. ECh *kat- "go, go out" 1 , "follow" 2 : Mubi kat 1, Brg kaati 1 , Bid kaat 1, Kwn kote 2. LEG *kat- "run": Or kaat-. Omot *kat- "hurry, hasten": Kaf kaat-, Mch kaata-, Bwo kat-. ECh, LEG and Omot may reflect a prototype with an inlaut laryngeal *kaHat-/*kawat-. Cf. also in WCh: Hs katakata "first efforts of a child to walk".
1 2 Sem *k-uy- "bu rn'' 1 , ''kindlefire'' :Akkkawu ,Hbrkwy ,Arab kwy [-i-] 2 . Based on *kVw-. . WCh *kaw-l*kaw Vy- "roast": Tng kawe, Wrj kaw, Jmb kaw, Miya kaw, Kry kaw, Paa ku, Cagu kuwa, Siri ~u, Ngz kauyu. Cf. a similar structure with final *:Y- m Sem. CCh *ku[wj- "be hot": Log kku. . Cf. *kuw- "fire, hotness" (LPe kwu, Suk khu, Bnn kuwa, Z1me
ku). · - Tb k- ECh *kVwiy- "set fire, fry, burn": Lele kuy, Mub1 kewz, n uye, Kera ki. Cf. Sem and WCh forms in *:Y-· There are indications of a parallel variant that may be reconstructed as *kaw iji-. 1442 *ke'Vc- "be angry" Sem *kVCVs- "be ill-tempered": Hbr k's. Eg khs "anger" (XVIII). Irregular laryngeal. ECh *kyas- < *kyaHVs- "angry": Sok kesi kesi. 1443 *ken- "cereal" Sem *kin- "cereal": Akk kinztu. WCh *kyan- "seed": Ang ken. 1444 *ken- "know, learn" Eg J.ny "learn" (MK). . Palatalized *k- before a middle vowel. ECh *kwan- < *kyanu- "knowledge": Mkk konya.
KEN- -
Bed kan- "know". Unclear -a-. Agaw *kan-t-/*kin-t- "learn" 1 , "see" Kwr kin-t- 1, Aun kan-t- 2. HEC *ken- "know": Had ken-.
KI- -
1449 *ki- "leg" 2:
Bil fan-t-
Xmr kin+
Eg zyzy ''leg'' (BD). Reduplication. Palatalization of *k-. WCh *ki- "hip, thigh": Sura ci, Ang ci, Chip si. Palatalization of *k- before *-i-.
Cf. Sem *kVhan-/*kVhun- "foretell, predict"; Arab khn [-a-, -u-].
1450 *kP- "man, child" Eg 1]y "man" (pyr). Vocalic -y. Note the palatalization of *k-. ECh *kP- "child": Gbr kie.
1445 *kena].i- "darkness" Eg knb.w "darkness" (BD). No traces of palatalization! ECh *kyanaH- "night": Nch kena.
1451 *ki'- "put on (clothes)" 1446 *kenum- "darkness" Eg knm.t "darkness" (BD). No traces of palatalization! CCh *kyanum- "night": Bud kenum. ECh *kyalVm- "shadow": Mig kelmo, Mkk kelimo, Sok kilmio. *-l- < HS *-n- dissimilated before *-m-.
Eg J.Jy "put on (clothes)" (NK). Note the palatalization of *k-. CCh *ka'-l*kP- "put on (clothes)": Gis ki, Gudu ka, Nza ka'a, Bch ka. *ka'- goes back to *kPa-. Cf. LEG *ka'-l*kaw- "place, put, lay" (Or kaaya, Arb kaw-).
Related to *kena4- "darkness".
1452 *kPVd- "earth, ground" Sem *kid- "outside region": Akk kidu. ECh *kiri,- < *kiHVd- "earth, ground": Mig kida, Brg kirf,o, Mubi kir/,i, Dng kirf,a. Emphatization of *-d- under the influence of the laryngeal.
1447 *ket- "tie" Eg J.t "untie, disengage" (n). Palatalization of *k-. ECh *kyat- "tie": Mkk kette, gitte.
1453 *kic- "bite"
1448 *kew-/*key- "wind" Eg J.]w "wind, air" (pyr), Copt *t'iw "wind, air": Boh t'iou, Shd tiu. Vocalic -J-. WCh *kyay- "wind": Paa key. Consonantal alternation *-w-
Sem *nVkVt- "bite": Aram (Syr) nkt, Gz nks. Prefix *n V-. Berb *kVs- "bite": Ahg :Jks. HEC *kis- "bite": Sid kis-. Irregular -s-.
*-y-. 1454 *kic- "basket, container" WCh *kuc- "basket": Fyer kucci, Ank ta-kuci, Mpn k:Jci.
KIC- -
KIN- -
-u- from HS *ii,? Agaw *kic- "basket": Xmr kizaa, Kem kisaa. LEC *ki'f- "sack": Som kiis, Or keesaa. 1455 *kil- "fence" WCh *kil- "fence": Hs killa. Cf. Brm kwal "house", Bks kyel "place", DB kil id., Buli kila id. LEC *kel- "compound, fence": Or kellaa. Cf. also ECh *kul- ''hut, town'' (Lele kul, Kera kuli, Smr kulu, Kwn kulu).
1456 *kilam- "ivory" Sem *kilam- "ivory": Akk kilamu, gilamu. Eg kmry "ivory" (n). Metathesis. Ancient Wanderwort? The alternative reconstruction is *kimal-.
1457 *kilbab-/*kirbab- "insect" Sem *kulbab- "ant": Akk kulbabu. *u < *i under the influence of *b. CCh *kirbab- "flea": Bud kirbabo. Irregular alternation of liquids. Partial reduplication?
1459 *kin- "count" Eg .J.nw "count" (pyr). Suffix -w? WCh */f:inu- "count": Mnt kiln, Wrj /f:in-, Kry kin-, Miya /f:;;m-, Paa /f:;:m-, Cagu k:m-, Siri /f:anu, Mbu /f:an, Jmb /f:an. Secondary emphatic? Irregular alternation *k
1460 *kir- "steal" WCh *kir- "steal": Wrj kir-ai, Kry kir, Mbu kir, Paa kara, Jmb kara, Miya akir, Siri kari, Ngz karu, Bade kalu. Wrz *kere'- "steal": Gaw kere'-. Secondary -ec-?
1461 *kirim- "genitals" Sem *kirim- "womb": Akk kirimu. Eg .J.]m "foreskin" (MK). Note -J- < *-r-. Semantic development may be problematic.
1462 *kir-kar- "camel" Sem *kir-kar- "she-camel": Hbr kirkara. Berb *kVr-kar- "camels" (pl.): Ayr i-farkar, Twl i- karkar. Reduplication. Related to Dhl kiri "giraffe"?
1458 *kin- "egg" Sem *m V-kan- "lay eggs": Arab mkn [-a-]. Derivative with a prefix *m V- and modified vocalism. WCh *kin- "egg": Diri akin. LEC *)u-kun- "egg": Som (dial.) )ukun, ukkun, Rnd ukun. Prefix *)u-. Assimilation from *Ju-kin-. This word was obviously influenced by another LEC word for'' egg'' (cf. Som uga!}, and the like). Relation to Rift */f:an- "egg" (Irq qanhi, Alg qana)i, Bur qanaya) doubtful in view of the initial */r:-.
1463 *ki3- "container" Eg .J.z.t "box" (OK). Palatalization of *k-. Agaw *ki3- ''basket'': Xmr kizaa, kizaa. 1464 *ko-ko- "vessel" Eg J.i. "vessel" (n). Palatalization of *k-.
KO-KO- -
WCh *kwak- "pot": Gera kwaka. From *kwakwa-? CCh *kwakway- "calabash": Mtk kokway. Stem *kwakwa- with a suffix *-ay-. Reduplication. The original root may be preserved in ECh *kay- "pot": Mkk keyye.
1465 *ko'af- "door, gate" WCh *kwa'af- "doorway, gateway": Hs !sofa. Rift *ka'aj- "door, gate": Bur ka'afu, Kwz ka'af-uko. Assimilation of vowels. Derived from *'af- "mouth" with a prefix *ko-?
1466 *kob- "bend" Sem *n Vkub- "incline, bend": Arab nkb [-u-]. Prefix *n V-. Cf. Arab kbb [-u-] "upturn". CCh *kwab-ay- "bend": Bud kobei-hi.
1467 *koc- "be big" Sem *k11- "be massive": Akk kasasu. WCh *kwac- "high, long": Fyer koos. CCh *kwac- "many, much": Mba koco.
1468 *koca'- "peel, tear" Sem *kV.fa'- "peel": Arab k'P [-a-]. WCh *kwac- "tear": Bul kwasu. Loss of the auslaut laryngeal.
1469 *kod- "work, be tired" Sem *kud- "work (hard), be tired": Arab kdd [-u-]. ECh *kad- "be tired" 1 , "be tired ( of feet)" 2: Sok kadi 1, Mkk giq,rf,e. Secondary emphatization in Mkk (reflecting *kadyaH-?). Vocalism *-a- of a stative.
KOO- -
Wrz *kod- "work": Gaw kooao-. Partial reduplication.
1470 *ko'ar- "drive away" Sem *kVCar- "drive, push": Arab k'r [-a-]. WCh *kwaHar- "drive away": Hs kora, Buli karu. Cf. CCh *kar-uw- "hunt" (FKi karuwa).
1471 *koh- "egg" WCh *l;wah- < *kwah- "egg": Hs l;wai, Grk nkie. Shift of the emphatization. Prefix in Grk. Bed kwahi "egg". Wrz *'u-kah- "egg": Gaw ukahe. Probably, Wrz does not belong here if it is related to Som ugab id. and the like.
1472 *ko];ian- "shine; light" Eg Jhn "shine" (pyr). Palatalization of *k-. WCh *kwan-H- "light, day": Tng kaIJ, DB ma-kon. Metathesis. Prefix *ma- in DB. Wrz *l;an- < *kVHan- "day": Gaw l;ane.
1473 *kol- "gourd, calabash" Eg j_J. t "vessel" (OK). Palatalization of *k-. Note -J- < *-!-. WCh *kwal- "calabash": Hs kullu, Bol kula, Tng kwali, Pero kwali. Cf. Hs kwala "metal water-bottle" and, with partial reduplication kololo "kind of bottle-gourd". CCh *kwal- "calabash, pot: Gvo kwala, HGh kuli. ECh *kwal- "jug" 1 , "pot" 2 : Bid kolle 1, Mubi koli 2, Sok ko-kolo 2. Reduplication in Sok. Cf. Mig kolo-ngane '' clay mug''. LEO *'V-kol- "skin bucket": Or okolee. Prefix V-.
KOL- -
1474 *kol- "return, go around" WCh *kwal- "return": Bele kolu-. LEG *koll- "go around, run here and there": Or kolla-)a. Related to *kal- "go"?
147 5 *kolab- "container" Sem *kVlub- "basket": Hbr ~lub. Secondary vocalism? Eg .trb "vessel" (n), J.ib (XVIII). Loanword from Sem? WCh *kwalab- "glass bottle": Hs kwalaba. CCh *kwalab- "bottle": Mafa kwalaba. Hs loanword? Derived from *kol- "gourd, calabash".
1476 *kom- "vessel" Eg km.ty "vessel" (XVIII). No traces of palatalization. WCh *kwam- "kind of calabash or gourd": Hs kiimo. CCh *kwam- "calabash": Bud kamo.
1477 *kom- "cereal" Eg kim.wt.t "barley" (BD). No traces of palatalization. WCh *kwam- "peanut" 1, "maize" 2: Sura kam 1, Pero koomo 2 . CCh *kwam- "guinea corn": Nza kw;}rM. Cf. W0h *kima- "grain": Mnt siem, Brm kim?
1478 *kom- "fowl" Sem *kum ly- "waterfowl": Akk kumu. WCh *kwam- "old hen or guinea-fowl" 1, "hen" 2 : Hskwamma 1, Tng kom 2, Bol kom 2_
KOM- -
1479 *kom- "cattle" WCh *kwam- "cow" 1, "bull" 2 : Bal kw;Jm 1, Krk kwam 1 , Ngm kw;}m 1, N gz kwam 2 , Bade kwam 2 . CCh *kum- < *kwamu- ''meat'': Brm kum, Chb kum, Mrg kum, Klb kum, Wmd kumu. ECh *kwama- "buffalo" 1, "meat" 2 : Sok kam 1, Dng kuma 2, Mubi kome 2_ Agaw *kim- "cattle, cow": Bil kim, Xmr kim, Kwr kim, Dmb kim, Kem kemaa, Aun kemii. Innovative *-i-?
1480 *kor- "ass, donkey" Sem *kurr- "young of an ass, foal": Arab kurr-. WCh *kwar- "ass, donkey": Bol koro, Krk kwaro, Ngm karo, Ngz kwara, Bade koro-n. CCh *kwar- "ass, donkey": Tera koro, Gaa kwari, Gbn kwari, Hwn kwara, Klb kwara, Gude kwara, Gudu kwara, Bch kwarey-to, Bud koro, Msg kurek, Gid koro, Lame karo, LPe koro, Masa bra-ta, Bnn kw;Jra.
Of. also N za k;Jr;J ''horse''. ECh *kwar- "ass, donkey": Smr kora, Tum kora, Ndm kuro, Nch kora, Kbl kura, Dor kura, Kwn kura. Omot *kur- "ass, donkey": Orne kuraa, Kaf kuuroo, Mch kuro, Giro kur.
1481 *kor- "(be) round" Sem *kur- "ball": Arab kur-at-. Cf. Arab krw [-u-] "give spherical form to smth. ". Note the anomalous morphological structure of the noun. WCh *kwar-kwar- "round": Maha korkor. Reduplication. Cf. Dhl kiir-008- "make in a ball".
1482 *kor- "be angry" Sem *kVrVh- "be unhappy, be disgusted" , "hate" Hss keroh, Mhr keroh, Shh kereh.
Arab krh,
Based on biconsonantal *kVr-? WCh *kwar- "hate, disgust": Sura kwar. Any relation to *kar- "punish": Ang kar, Sura kar, Fyer kar? Agaw *kwar- "be angry": Xmr kwar-, Kwr kWar-, Dmb kwar-, Aun kwaz-. SA *kur- "anger, wrath": Sal10 kuraa. Omot *kar- "be angry": Kaf kaar. The source of *-a- is not clear. Dhl kor- "be in trouble".
Palatalization of *k-
:t- may be caused by a rounded vowel.
1487 *ko3- "be dry" Sem *kuz- "be dry": Arab kzz [-u-]. CCh *ka3- "dry up": Bud kaju. Unexpected *-a-. ECh *kV3- "dry up": Mkk koq,q,e, guq,rj,e.
1488 *kub- "house" 1483 *kora'- "field" Eg J.r' "field" (gr). Palatalization of *k-. WCh *kwaHar- "farm": Bol koori, Ngm kori, Pero kuuri. Metathesis. The alternative reconstruction is *ko'ar-.
1484 *kos- "tooth" Eg J.s "tooth" (MK). Palatalization of *k-. Bed koos ''tooth''. Rift *ko)os- "molar": Kwz ko)os-iko. Cf. Irq goso "incisor"? Note the inlaut laryngeal in *- o)o- developed from *-o-.
Sem *kiib- "building": Akk kiibu. ECh *kub- "straw hut": Smr kub'i.
1489 *kuc- "clothes" Sem *kus- "kind of clothes": Akk kusuu, Ug ks-t. Eg kis "kind of clothes" (1). -J- may reflect a vowel. Cf. WCh *kic- "plait" (Hs ki~i), ECh *kwas- "spin" (Tum koJ).
1490 *ku~er- "fat, grease" Sem *kuv- "suet": Arab kw;r-. WCh *kuf.yar- "fat, grease": Hs ki~e, Bol sidor, Dera suq,ot, Ngm siq,ar.
Connected with *kos- "pierce, cut"?
1491 *kuf- "river" 1485 *kos- "pierce, cut" WCh *kVs~ "cut (with a knife)": Paa kas. ECh *kyas- < *kwasi- ''pierce'': Kwn kesi. Omot *kos- "pierce": Mch kossi, Bwo kos-.
Sem *kupp- ''water spring'': Akk kuppu. CCh *kuj- "river" 1 , "lake" 2 : Gaa kufa H wn kuja-ra 1 .
1492 *kuha'- "speak, shout" 1486 *ko3- "knot, unite" Sem *kiiz- "unite, collect": Arab kwz [-a-]. Based on *k Vz-. Eg J.z "knot (v.)" (a), "unite" (n).
Eg khJ "utter a cry" (MK). Vocalic -J. WCh *kuh- "shout": Dera kui, kuhi. CCh *kPah- "speak": Log kaha. Metathesis.
Gbn kufa
Chb kufa
KUL- -
1493 *kul- "kidney" Sem *kuly- ''kidney'': Akk kalztu, U g klyt, Hbr kflayot (pl.), kilya, Aram (Syr) kulito, Arab kuly-at-, Gz kw:1tzt, Hss kelzt, Mhr kelyzt. CCh *kul-kul- ''kidney'': Gaa kulkul-ara. Reduplication. LEC *kal-/*kulal- "kidney": Som kalli, Or kalee, kulali-ti (pl.), Kon
KUM- -
Prefix *4V-. CCh *kum- "obtain": FK kum-anu\ FG kum-)vwi. Rift *kom- "have" 1, "grip" 2: lrqkom- 1 , Burkom-1 Asakom- 1 ' ' Kwz kom-os- 2_ Dhl kam- "hold". Unexpected vocalism.
Cf. Arb kal-ano id. Dhl kalle ''kidney''. From *kulal-?
In Cush there exists a parallel formation *kel-, cf. LEC *kel(Som kellii) and Omot *kel- (Orne kellawa). 1494 *kulum- "fish" WCh *kulVrn- "large fish": Hs kulrna. SA *kullurn- "fish": Afar kullum, kulluurn. LEC *kullurn- ''fish'': Som kalluurno (pl.), Bay kunnumi. Som -a- is secondary. Assimilation of sonants in Bay. Any connection with Sem *kall- "fish, whale" (Shh kal, Mhr
1498 *kun- "dog" Berb *kun- "dog": Gua cuna. Omot *kunan- "dog": Kaf kunano, Mch kunano. Partial reduplication. Related to *kan-, *ki1Hen- id.
1499 *kunac- "cereal" Sem *kunal- "emmer": Akk kunasu, Aram (Syr) kunnata. CCh *kanVc- "sorghum": Log kanse. Assimilation of vowels from *kanas- < *kunas-? Derived from *ken- "cereal"?
1500 *kunak- "tree" 1495 *kulup- "worm, crocodile" Sem *kulup- "worm": Akk kuluppu. Eg k.lp.w "crocodile" (MK). -]- goes back to *-l-. Related to *kulum- "fish"?
1496 *kum- "be black" Eg km "black" (pyr), Capt *kame "black": Bah k'ame, Shd kame. Wrz *kum- "black": Gaw kumma. Cf. Agaw *kVm- "be evening": Aun k:Jm-:JI).
1497 *kum- "take, get" Sem *4Vkum- "take": Akk ekemu, Arab 4km [-u-].
Sem *kanak- "kind of tree": Akk kanaktu. Assimilation of vowels. WCh *kunak- "sheanut tree": Kry kunnaku.
1501 *kur- "boat" Eg kr "boat" (n). ECh *kur-ay- ''boat'': Smr kuroi.
1502 *kur- "river, lake" WCh *kur- "pond": Ang kur. ECh *kur- "river" 1, "pond" 2 , "lake" 3 : Smr kuri 1, Sok koro 2, Je gu kiiraye 3. Agaw *kur- "river": Bil kuraa, Dmb kuraa, Kwr kuraa, Kern kuraa. LEC *kur- "rivulet": Or kuree.
KUR- -
1503 *kur- "knife" Eg krkr "knife" (gr). Reduplication. ECh *kur- "knife": Smr kura. Rift *kirar- "axe": Bur kirara. Partial reduplication with modified vocalism. 1504 *kur- "mountain" WCh *kir- < *kuri- "hill": Grk kir. CCh *kur- "mountain": Ksr kur, Log kurr. LEC *kur- "mountain": Som kur. 1505 *kurak- "bird" Sem *kurk- "crane": Akk kurku, Aram (Syr) kurk;;fi, Arab kurk-iy-, Gz kwaraki. CCh *kurak- "dove, francolin": Mba kurakay, Gudu kurku-to, Nza kurkute, Lame kuruk, LPe koroku. Secondary -u-/-o- of the second syllable in Lame and LPe. Descriptive stem. 1506 *kus- "be small" Sem *w Vk Vs-/*y Vk Vs- "become small": Arab wks, yks. Prefix *w V-l*y V-. WCh *kus- "short": Ank kuss. CCh *kus- "small": Chb IJkusu, Klb kusu, Mrg kwusu. Prefix *n V- in Chb. 1507 *kus- "rub, pound" Sem *kus- "pound": Arab kss [ -u-]. WCh *kus- "rub": Mpn kus. CCh *kwas- ''rub'': Tera kw;;s-ara, Zgh kas-duwe. Related to *kos- "tooth"? Any connection with *kus- "be small" (cf. ON smiir "little" < IE *sme- "rub")?
KUS- -
1508 *kus- "meat, bull" Berb *kus- ''meat'': Lib kusu. WCh *kus- "bull": Sura kus, Ang kus, Mnt kus. Cf. ECh *kas- "bull": Bid kas-ko. Semantically, cf. an exact · A v gav- " ox, cow " and also "meat". para11e1 1n 1509 *kuw- "be dark" Eg kkw "dark" (pyr). Partial reduplication. WCh *kuw- "dark": Angpi-kwi, Chippe-kowo, Surakoo, Mpnkuo. Prefix ,tpi- in Ang and Chip. 1510 *kuw-/*kuy- "shout" WCh *kuw- "shout" (n.): Hs kuwa. Agaw *kuy- "emit sounds": Aun koy-1). Consonantal alternation *-w- ~ *-y-. 1511 *kiiHen- "dog" WCh *kuHen- "dog": Fyer kweeIJ. Fyer -I) goes back to *-n-H-. Mgg kwehen "dog". Omot *keHen- "dog": Dime keenu. Related to *kan-, *kun- id. 1512 *kiin- "rise, raise" Eg tny "raise high" (pyr). Note the palatalization of *k-. WCh *kunwa- "rise" 1, "lift" 2 : Bol kon
1 2,
Dwot kun
1513 "'kiin- "woman, co-wife" Sem *kann-/*kinn- "co-wife" 1 , "female in-law" Arab kann-at- 2 • Secondary variant with *-a?
Akk kinitu
Berb *kVn- "co-wife": lzy iken, Snus ta-kna, Kby r:a-kna. WCh *kin- "co-wife" 1, "sister" 2 : Tng kin 2 , Wrj kinai 1, Kry kin 1 , Miya kin 1 , Cagu kine 1 , Mbu kina 1 , Jmb kina 1 , Sha cin 2 , Klr kin 2 . Irregular development of *-il-. Agaw *kwin- "woman": Bil ayiinaa, Xmr iuunaa, Xmt eqwen, Kwr iewiina, Dmb kiuunaa, Kem yiwiinaa, Aun xuonaa. Cf. numerous Cush forms with a voiced stop in the anlaut: Agaw *gan- "mother" (Bil ganaa, Kwr ganaa, Kem ganaa), Omot *gen- "woman, lady" (Orne gennee, Kaf gennee, Mch .. ) , Dhl gaana " woman " . ganne
1514 *kiisan- "beans" Sem *kisan- "bean": Akk kissanu. CCh *gusan-H- "kind of beans": Mofu gusau. Irregular voiced *g < *k.
1515 *kii.3- "slave" Sem *kiz)y- "servant": Akk kizu. CCh *ku3- "slave": Bch kilsa, Gudu kuza.
1516 *kVcVm- "beat, break" Sem *k Vsim- "beat, break into pieces": Akk kasamu, Hbr ksm, Arab ksm [-i-]. Eg ksm "strike" (MK).
Eg Mm ''binding'' (XVIII). Metathesis. Note the palatalization of *k-. The alternative reconstruction is *kV) Vm-.
1519 *kVnVy- "call" Sem *kVn)y- "call (by name)": Hbr kny, Arab kny [-i-]. Eg kny "call" (reg).
1520 *kVrVb- "ask" Sem *kVrVb- "ask, request": Akk karabu. Eg Ukb "complain" (pyr). Metathesis. Initial i- may reflect a prefix or a front vowel of the first syllable. The alternative reconstruction is *rVkVb-.
1521 *kVwVl-/*kVyVl- "dog, wolf" Berb *k Vw Vl- "wolf, jackal": Tua akulen. CCh *kyal- < *k)yal- "dog": Ksr kele, Log k;1le, Bud keli. Sem *kalb- "dog" may also belong here as a reflex of *kal- with the suffix of harmful animals *-b-. Note the consonantal alternation *-w- ~ *:Y-·
1517 *kVc- "dig" Sem *n Vkis-l*n Vkus- "empty, dig": Arab nks [-i-, -u-]. Prefix *n V-. ECh *kac- "dig, bury": Kwn kasi, kesi. Cf. CCh *kVc'- "dig": Mofu k:Jc-?
1518 *kVmV'- "bind" Sem *kVmP- "bind": Akk kamu.
Eg fF.lfsi "look" (n). Reduplication. WCh *ka- "see": Maha kai, Bgh kwa, Kir kwe, Ngz ika. Bgh and Kir go back to *fFwa)- < *!Faw-. ECh *ka)- "see": Tum ka.
332 1528 *iab- "speak, shout"
1523 *1,rn)-/*1.rnw-/*1,rny- "move upwards, fly" Eg l;:J "be high" (pyr). WCh *J;;a)- "rise": Sura kaa, Chip kaa. CCh *kwa)- "raise, lift": Gudu kwo:. From *J;;aw-? ECh *kaw-/*kay- "fly" 1, "rise" 2 : Mobu kaye
Bid kaaw
Sem *J;;Vb- "say": Akk qabu. WCh *J;;ab- "name" (v.): Tng ksb-. ECh *kVb- "talk": Ndm k;,ba. LEG *J;;ab-1;:ab- "shout" (n.): Som qabqab-. Reduplication.
Consonantal alternation *_)_ ~ *-w- ~ *:Y·-
1529 *iabul- "heart, stomach" 1524 *ia)-J*iay- "spit" Sem *fi?- "spit": Hbr qy). Transformation of the original biliteral root into a *CTJ, VCstructure. Cf. Akk gtPu, ka'u id.? Eg l;:Jc "spit out" (MK). Based on the original *l;:J? ECh *ka'ak- "spit": Dng kaake. Reduplication.
1525 *1.rn'-J*iay- "egg" WCh *l;:wa'-l*fs;way- "egg": Hs fs;wai, Grk nkie. Prefix in Grk. Omot *l;:ew- "egg" : Yam keewa.
1526 *iab- "vessel" Sem *lfab- "goblet": Akk qabiitu. Eg fs;by "mug" (MK). Suffix j!? WCh *kalt- < *J;;ab- "basket": Sha ka9a, DB kaqa. Shift of emphatization.
1527 *iab- "cold" Eg l;:b, J;;bb "cold". LEG *lfab- "cold": Som qabow, Rnd xobo, Arb l;:ab-. Som and Rnd go back to *lfab-aw-.
Sem *J;;alb- "heart, soul, middle": Arab qalb-. Metathesis. WCh *J;;abul- "stomach": Siri bokule, Mbu l;:ubulo. Assimilation of vowels. Metathesis in Siri. CCh *ku9ar- < *J;;ubal- "heart": Hwn ku9arjara. Metathesis. Alternative reconstructions are *J;;alub- and *bal;:ul- . Any relation to Afar qabul "fat" (n.)?
1530 *ia Eg -J-. Wrz *ker(V)p- "breast": Gaw kerpe. Irregular anlaut?
Akk qirbu
Cf. SA *gar(V)b- ''belly'' (Saho garbaa, Afar garbaa).
1578 *~oba}:t- "cloud, sky" Eg tb!J.w "sky" (pyr). WCh *twal;ay- < *twabaH- "cloud": Bol kebe, Krk kwabo, Ngm ke/Je.
1579 *~od- "vessel" Eg l;cd "pot" (med). Cf. Capt *kot "basket" (Fym kat, Boh kot and the like)? WCh *kwarf,- < *twad- "caJabash": Krf kwarf,o, Gera kwarf,a. CCh *n V-twad- "bottle": Log IJkoda. Prefix *n V-. ECh *kwarf,- < *!;cwad- "pot": Dng k:Jrf,a. LEG *!;cod- "receptacle": Or qodaa. Dhl k'oodo "kind of calabash". Cf. *!;cad- "vessel".
1576 *~irop-/*~orip- "bark" (n.) Sero *lf,irp- "bark": Arab qiif-. Cf. Arab qif "peel (bark)", Gz qif id.
1580 *~ol- "egg" CCh *kwal- "egg": Bata kwab.
~OL- -
1585 *~olif- "bark" (n.)
Agaw *)Vn-/swalal- "egg": Kem anfsulal, Aun ankwlal. Prefix *)Vn-. Partial reduplication. 1581 *1.rnl- "look, see" Sem *m V/sul- "look": Arab mql [-u-]. Prefix *m V-. Berb *fsVl- "look": Izy smuqe{. ECh *kwal- "see": Ndm ka:la, Jegu 'akal-. Agaw */swal- "look, see": Bil JsWal, Xmr JsWal, Xmt /saal-, Kwr IJlwaal, Dmb /swaal, Kem xal. LEG */solal- "see": Som qollaali-. Partial reduplication.
Sem *fsulip- "bark": Akk quliptu, Hbr tlippa, Arab qulaf-at-, Hss qelftt, Mhr qelefot, Soq qalifoh. Cf. Arab qlf "peel" (v.), Gz qwlj id. Secondary vocalism in Arab. SA *kolof- "bark": Saha kolojo. Irregular *k-. Assimilation of vowels. LEG *fsolof- "bark" 1 , "foreskin" 2 : Som qolof 1 , Or qoloja 2, Kon qolja 1 . Assimilation of vowels. Wrz *fsofol- "bark": Gaw qojfol. Assimilation of vowels. Metathesis. 1586 *~om- "house, enclosure"
1582 *J.rnl- "earthenware" Sem *fsull- "clay mug" 1 , "jug" HEC */sol- "jar": Bmb tole.
Akk qulliu
Arab qull-at-
1583 *~ol- "head, nape" Berb *fsVl-~ul- "occiput": Izy aqe{qu{. Reduplication. WCh *~wa-/swal- "brain": Hs ~wa~walwa. Partial reduplication. ECh *kwa-kVl- "brain": Kwan kokal. Partial reduplication. LEG *~ol- "nape": Or qolee. HEC *?wYV)l- "nape, back of neck": Had ~o'lo, Kmb to'lu. Secondary *_) __ Quite probably, related to *~ol- "earthenware". Cf. Lat testa "potsherd" > Rom *testa "head". 1584 *kol- "be hot burn"
Sem *~V!Vw- "roast": Akk qalu, Arab qlw [-i-, -u-]. Based on *~Vl-. CCh *kwalu- "hotness": Bch kwul-.
WCh *~wama- "hut": Ang kwam, Kry fsam, Miya Isam, Siri fsami, Mbu kam. Rift *fs~am- "enclosure": Bur qwama, Kwz kw'ama. 1587 *I.rnmal- "insect" Sem *~aml- "flea" 1 , "louse" 2 : Arab qaml- 1 , SAr qmlt 2 , Gz qWemal 2 , Tgy qWemal 2 . Ethio-Sem forms may reflect an earlier rounded vowel of the root. CCh *kwamal- "ant": Bud komiili. 1588 *~op- "container" Sem */supp- "box" 1 , "basket" 2 : Akk quppu qefet 2, Mhr qe.ffet 2, Soq qefet 2 . Cf. Akk qappatu ''basket'', Gz qafo id. CCh *kVp- "calabash": Bch kpa. ECh *kwap- "box": Mkk koop. LEG *fsuf- "basket": Som qujfo. 1589 *~or- "house, place" Sem */sur-an- "villages" (pl.): Arab qur-an-. Suffix -an-.
Arab qujf-at-
WCh *lf;war- "hut": Krk kwaro. Cf. partial reduplication in DB kukor "stone wall", see CCh. CCh *kwa-kwar- "town": Mtk kwokwa'f. Partial reduplication ( cf. WCh). ECh *kwaru- "place": Lele kiir, Kbl k:Jrr. LEG *lf;or- "block": Or qoroo. Rift *lf;or- "brick house": Irq qoori. A morphonological variant of *lr,er- "dwelling".
ECh *kwar- "duck" 1 , "chicken, rooster" 2 : Kera akorkoro kokira 2, Jegu kokore 2 , M ubi kurz 2 , Mig kukkira, kokiro 2 . Various types of reduplication. LEG *lf;or- "kite": Arb qore.
1594 *15,.orVmm;;n:. Eg mt, mwt "die" (pyr). WCh *mawut- "die": Hs mutu, Sura muut, Ang muut, Chip muut, Grk mud, Bol mot, Krk met-, Tng mud-, Ngm mato, Maha muto, Bele motu-, Krf muk-ko, Gera mudu-, Glm ~z-, Grm mut-, Wrj mry-, Kry mrya, Diri matu, Miya mry-, Paa mry-, Cagu mos-en, Pol misi, Geji musu, Brm mise, Say misi, Dwot mus, Buli musi, Fyer mot, Bks mot, Sha mot, Klr mot. CCh *mat-/*matVw- "die": Bura mta, Chb mti, Mrg mtu, HF mto, HNk mte, HGh mte, FG mti, Kap mti, Mnd mat, Bld muc, Nza mute, Log mti, Bud matte, Lame mata, Masa mita, Bnn matua. Metathesis in *matVw- > Bnn matua. ECh *mawut- "die": Smr made, Tum made, Dng muutu, Mubi mat, Sok miita, mzta. LEG *miit- < *mVwVt- "die" 1, "deadly ill" 2 : Rnd amut (1st sg.) 1, Gid muut 2•
Sem *made- ''bronze vessel'': Akk maziu. Eg mdJy "vessel" (n). Sem loanword in Eg?
1755 *mecit-/*mecut- "squeeze" Sem *m Vsut- ''squeeze'': Arab mst [-u-] • WCh *nyacut- "squeeze": Krk njarf,u, Tng sond-, Glm cuuz, GeJI cetz, Dwot nz::,t. CCh *n Vcz't- "press": Tera njerf,i, N gw nsit::,. V
In WCh and
cch· *n-
reflects the assimilation of *m-.
1756 *me}:t- "swim" Eg ml},y "swim, navigate" (a). Vocalic :JI· WCh *myaH- "swim": Bgh myau.
1757 *me}:tas- "big snake, crocodile"
1752 *may- "go, come" Eg nmy "go" (pyr). Prefix *n V-. WCh *may- "return": Bol maa, Dera mai. CCh *may- "go" 1, "come" 2: Gis me 1, Masa mai 2. EGh *maw-/*may- "outrun" 1 , "enter" 2 : Mobu mtrye
mw.> 2 .
SA *maH- "come": Saho ma, Afar ma. LEO *may- "come": Arb maye. ECh and SA seem to reflect co-variants of the main root with consonantal. alternations.
Eg mzl}, "crocodile" (OK). Metathesis. WGh *myaHas- "python": Hs mesa. LEG *mas- "snake": Som mas-. Contraction. HEO *hamas- "snake": Sid hamaso, Had hamas-icco, Bmb hamasi. Metathesis. Assimilation of vowels.
1758 *mek- "stone" Sem *mikk- "stone": Akk mikku, mekku. Eg mil "granite" (OK).
MEK- -
Together, Eg -J- and Sem *i may reflect only HS *e.
1759 *mer- "be near" Eg mr "nearness" (t). ECh *myar- "near, close": Nch mera, Kbl mra.
1760 *mer- "beast of prey" CCh *myar- "serval, wild cat": Lame mer, mereo, LPe meri-an. Rift *mer- "lion": Asa mer-ok. Cf. Alg mariyamo ''wild cat''.
MI)- -
1765 *mi'- "antelope"
Eg mJ "antelope" (pyr). 0Ch *miyaw- < *mi'-aw- "antelope": Lame miyeo, LPe miyeo, Zime miyeo. Agaw *miHiw- "kind of gazelle": Kem meewaa.
1766 *mi'es- "tree" Sem *m VHVs- "kind of tree": Akk mesu. WCh *myas- < *mVHyas- "mahogany" 1, "locust-bean" mes 1, Mpn mes 2 . 00h *myas- < *m VHyas- "tamarind": Log mesa. HEC *mi'es- ''cedar'': Bmb mi'eesaa.
1761 *meri)- "see, watch" Sem *'VmVr- "see": Akk amaru, Ug )amr. Metathesis. Eg mJJ "see" (westc). The alternative comparison for mJJ is CCh *mya'- "see" (Bud me). ECh *myar- "look, peer": Bid mer. Agaw *mirri'- "look, watch": Bil mili' y-.
1767 *migir- "grass" Berb *mVgVr- "cut (grass)": Kby emger. Denominative verb. LEO *migir- "kind of tough grass": Or migira. HEC *migir- "grass": Had migira. Rift *magir-/*migir- "firewood": Irq migir-, Alg magiru.
1768 *mi-'Vbal- "arrow, spear" 1762 *met-met- "speak, shout" Eg mtmt "speak" (XVIII). ECh *myat-myat- "shout": Sok metemetel). Reduplication.
Sem *mi-c(V)bal- "arrow": Arab mi'bal-at-. Eg m *-a- after a labial. WCh *mu!Vk- "stranger": Wrj m;;ilki-z;;ih;;i-, Diri murkyu. CCh *mulak- "stranger": Suk malak, Gis mulak. The semantic connection of ''stranger'' and'' ruler'' reflects a certain historical reality of a ''king'' or'' chief'' belonging to or coming from an outside socio-ethnic group. At the same time, note CCh *mul- "king" (Bnn mula, Masa mula), ECh *mul- id. (Kwn mula-te).
1792 *muluc- "lizard" WCh *muluH- "gray lizard": Bks mulu-sus. Cf. Hs mulwa "short thick snake". SA *muluc- "lizard": Afar mullu'-it. LEC *muluc- ''lizard'': Som muluca.
Eg mn "remain" (pyr). WCh *mun- "remain": DB mun. CCh *min- < *muni- "be": Msg mine.
1796 *mune)- "love" (v.) Sem *mun- "love" 1, "be favorable" 2 , "desire" 3 : Akk menu 1, Arab mnn [-u-] 2 , Soq mny 3 , Jib mutni 3 . WCh *munya- "love, like": Fyer muni, Sha mun, Pero meno. CCh *mun- "preferred": Lame mun.
1797 *mun-/*muyun- "ash, coal" Eg mn.w "ash, coal" (gr). WCh *muyun- "ash": Bgh muyun. Note the root pattern with "optional" C 2
1798 *muna];i-/*muni:l;t- "give" Sem *mVna!;-/*mVnil;- "give" 1, "offer" Soq mn!; 1 2. WCh *mun- "give": Pero munu.
Arab mnl; [-a-, -i-] ,
1799 *muq- "be wet" 1793 *mun- "bird" Eg mnw.t "dove, turtle" (OK). WCh *mun- "bird": Kry munu. Cf. a partial reduplication in ECh *min in- ''kind of bird'': Bid minzniyo.
1794 *mun- "heart, liver" CCh *mun- "liver": Hwn m;;ina-ra, Gbn m;;ina);;ita, Gaa m;;in;;i-tla, HNk mne, Kap mune, FG mini, Mtk m;;ina-cf,, Tera m;;inam;;ina. Dhl muna ''heart''. Cf. mani "large intestine"? Rift *mun- ''heart'': Irq muna, Bur muna, Kwz mun- ako, Asa mon-ok.
Sem *mu!J,- "soak, dissolve": Akk maaa!J,u [-u-]. Berb *mVr- "be damp": Ahg ;;imm;;iy, Twl ;;imm;;iy. ECh *muk- "rinse out": Mkk muk-.
1800 *muqcq- "marrow, brain" Sem *mu!J,!J,- "marrow" 1 , "brain" 2 ,: Akk mu!J,!J,u 1 3 , U g m!J, Hbr moal; 2, Aram (Syr) mu1;1;o 1 2 , Arab mu!J,!J,- 2 . CCh *m Vqyaq- "brain": Mnd m;;ikXJekxe.
Derived from *muq- "be wet"? Cf. Skt majjan- "brain", Av mazga id., Slav *mozg-1, id. ~ IE *mezg- "dip, sink".
1801 *muga'-/*mugaw- "male relative" Sem *maba,'- ''uncle'': Akk maaa.'u. Usual development of *u after a labial. Eg mhw.t "relative; subordinate; family" (MK). Irregular reflex of HS *-q-. WCh *muqa'- "king": Jim muga'a. CCh *mVq- "king": Kap m:Jys, Log myai, Bud mei. Consonantal alternation *-'- ~ *-w-. Note the semantic shift in Chadic.
1802 *muqV'- "strike, pierce" Sem *mV!JV'- "beat, flog": Aram (Syr) ml;'. Eg m!JJ "pierce (with a spear)". WCh *muHVq- "strike": Hs muta. Metathesis. ECh *muk- "beat": Mig mukkiyo. Rift *mux- "fight": Irq mux-. Cf. Dhl mukk-ee8- "take by force, plunder"?
1803 *mur- "man" WCh *mur- "servant": Hs muri-ma. CCh *mur- "man": Gudu m:Jr, Nza mure, Bch mursy, Bata mufon. HEC *mur- "infant": Sid mure. 1804 *murVQ.- "feed" Sero *mVrVI}- "feed": Akk maru. ECh *muHVr- "food": Ndam mur, Bid muro. Metathesis. Related to *mori'-l*mori~- "fat, oil". 1805 *murVt- "beard, chin" Eg mrt "chin" (1). From Berb (Nfs tu-mar-t "beard")? WCh *murVi- "beard": Diri mulrf,u.
MuRvr- -
The word seems to be derived from a root preserved also in Chadic, cf. WCh *mar-/*mur- "beard": Wrj mara, Kry mar, Siri muri, Ngz mari.
1806 *mut- "man" Sem *mut- "man" 1, "nobleman" 2 : Akk mutu 1 2, U g mt mefim 1 (pl.). Secondary vocalism influenced by the initial labial. WCh *mut- "man": Hs mut-um. ECh *muti- "man": Dng miti-ko, Sok mati, muti.
This root describes "man" as "mortal", cf. *mawut- "die". The same semantic development is well-known in IE, cf. Skt mrta- "dead" ~ Av masya-, OPers martiya- "man".
1807 *rout- "stick" Sem *mat- "stick, branch": Hbr mate. Eg mdw "stick" (OK). 1808 *m[u]yir- "snake" WCh *mVyir- "python": Sura miyir, Ang myirm, Chip mir, Mpn mer, m'ir. Agaw *mir-l*mur- "snake": Bil m:Jr-aawaa, Kem msr-swa, miir-iiwaa, Dmb merwaa, Dmt murii, Aun muri. 1809 *mu~f "cattle" Eg md.t "cattle" (OK). ECh *muJ- "ox": Brg muzo. 1810 *mii'- "lion" Eg mJy "lion" (pyr). Vocalic :JI. ECh *mu'i- "lion": Smr mi, mui, Tum mui, muy, Ndam mui.
1811 *mV)ad- "be large"
CCh *m Vsaw- "millet": Log msoa.
Sem *mV\2d-"many,much" 1 , "very" 2 :Akkmadu 1,Hbrmc)od2. CCh *m Vd- "large": Daba m:Jdde. Contraction.
Sem *mVdy- "knife": Arab mady-at-, midy-at-, mudy-at- . WCh *)i-mVd- "small axe": Grk imda. CCh *mVd- "axe": Gudu m:Jdo-cu.
1819 *mVtur- "run" Sem *m Vtur- "go fast (of horses)" : Arab mtr [-u-]. CCh *mVtVr- "run": Glv md:Jr-.
1813 *mVdun- "vessel" Berb *m Vdun- "kind of pan" 1, "kind of basin" 2 : Izn miidun Kby amdun 2. WCh *nVdun-H- "pot" 1, "drum" 2 : Sha ndUIJ 1 , Klr nduIJ 2_ Assimilation of the initial *m-.
Twl :Jm:Jl
1815 *mVlog- "bosom; suck" Sem *m Vlag-/*m Vlug- "suck": Arab mlg [-a-, -u-]. Eg mnrJ, "bosom, udder" (pyr), Copt *mnot: Boh mnot. Note the progressive palatalization of *-g-.
Sem *mVlVb-- "be good": Arab mlb,. Eg mnb "be fitting, fit". Irregular correspondence of laryngeals.
1817 *mVsaw-/*mVsay- "cereal" Eg msy "kind of corn" (n).
*n 1820 *na)-/*naw-/*nay- "see"
1814 *mVI- "speak, call"
1816 *mVIVJ,i-/*mVlVb-- "be good"
1818 *mVta]...- "be sweet" Sem *mVtVt- "be sweet": Akk mataqu, Hbr mtq, Hss matq, Mhr matq, Shh matq, Soq mataq. CCh *mVtak- "sweet": Mtk mtake.
1812 *mVd- "knife, axe"
Sem *m Vl- ''speak'': Aram ml!. Berb *mVl- "say, indicate" 1 , "shout, call" mmel 2 .
Consonantal alternation *-w- ~ *:Y-·
Berb *n Vn- "see" : Izy anni. Reduplication. Eg nw "see" (XVIII). WCh *na)-/*nay- "see": Sura naa, Ang ne, Chip naa, Bol innaa-, Krk naa, Krf nee, Gera nee, Glm ny, Grm nee, Wrj nah, Kry nah:J, Miya nay, Mbu nay. CCh *na)-/*nP- "see": Tera na, Gbn ni, Mnd n;;,- . *nP- goes back to *n Ty-. LEG *nay- "learn": Arb nay-. The semantic shift is similar to the development of Goth witan "know" < IE *weid- "see". Consonantal alternation *_)_ ~ *-w-
1821 * na)ib- "left" Eg Uby "left" (pyr). Note f- < HS *n-. Vocalic :Y· WCh *naq- < *na)Vb- "left": Zar naqi. While WCh reflects initial *n-, Eg may well indicate *l-
NA'IB- -
If *l- was originally in the anlaut, the reconstruction *la'Vb- is to be connected with HS *lib-/*lub- ''heart''. If *n- is reconstructed in HS, cf. *nib- ''heart''.
WCh *nVd- "go (away)" 1 , "come" ndayi 1 , Krf ndo 2 , Pol nduwu 1 • CCh *nad- "come": Wmd and-:,w. Alternation *a
Bol ndi-
Krk nde-,
~ *i.
1822 *nab- "speak; name" Sem *n Vb- "call" 1, "speak" 2, "nominate" 3: Akk nabu 1, Hbr nb' 2, SAr nb' 2 , Gz nbb 2 , Soq nb' 3 , Jib enbe 3 . WCh *nab- "read, count": Tng nabi. Omot *nab- "name": Hmr nabi, naabi. Deverbative formation.
1823 *nabal- "arrow, spear" Sem *nabl- "arrow": Arab nabl-. Rift *labal- "spear": Irq lawala, Alg Zabala, Bur Zabala. Assimilation of the initial *n- > *{-.
1824 *nacin- "(be) sharp" Sem *nasin- "sharp point, nail": Akk nasinu. Eg ns~ "sharp" (NK). < *s before *i.
1825 *na(:· "speak, call" Sem *n Vf- "dictate ( a letter)" : Arab nff. Eg nd "call" (OK). ECh *nas- "chat": Tum naj. Voicing of auslau t *-s- > -3.
1826 *nad-/*nid- "go, walk" Sem *nid- "go fast" 1, "run(away)" 2 : Vgndd 1, Hbrndd 2, Aram (Bibl) ndd 2, Arab ndd [-i-] 2 . Cf. also Hbr nd', ndy "move away". Berb *n Vy Vd- "walk": Izy nyuddu. Based on *nVd-. Eg nwd "move" (med). Based on *nVd-.
1827 *nadac- "swallow" CCh *n Vda- "swallow": HNk nda-re, FK nda-, HF ndaxo, Glv ndu, Mofu nd-, Gude nday-. SA *nadac- ''swallow'' : Saho nadac_, Afar nadac-.
1828 *naf- "breath" Eg nf "breath" (NK). SA *naf- "breath, soul" 1 , "face" 2 : Saho naf 1, Afar neej 2• LEG *naf- "breath, soul" 1 , "body" 2: Som naj, neef 1, Or nafa Arb nafa 2 .
Related to *nif- ''smell, breathe''.
1829 *nafar- "man" Sem *napr- "man, group of men": Arab nafr-. WCh *nafar- "man": DB naafara. Derived from *naf- "man, person" preserved only in WCh: DB naj, Gul nafu. Cf. also Pero neepe ''first born child''.
1830 *nafus- ''breath'' Sem *naps- "breath, soul": Akk napistu, U g nps, Hbr nepes, Aram (Syr) napsa, Arab nafs-, Gz najs, Hss nejeset, Mhr nefeset, Shh nefset. Berb *n Vfas- "breath": Ahg u-nfas. Metathesis of vowels. WCh *nufas- "breath": Hs numfasi, lumfasi, Sha lafwos, lujwos. Secondary nasal infix in Hs and dissimilation of *n- in Sha. Metathesis of vowels. CCh *na[fjus- "soul": Log nawus:1. A widely attested semantic pattern, cf. Lat anima ''breath'' ''soul''. SA *naJVs- "breathing": Saha nafse.
NA cvw-
Metathesis of vowels explained by the influence of verbal forms. Derived from *naf- ''breath''. Related to *nufas- ''blow, breathe''. Cf. also Sem *n VsVp- ''blow'' (Akk nasapu, Hbr nsp, Aram nsp) and Eg nsp "breathe" (gr) if these are not derived from *sip- "blow". 1831 *nagac-/*naguc- "ruler, man" Sem *n Vgus- "ruler": Arab nigas-, Gz n::igus. Cf. also SAr ngswn ''king's title''. Arab may be a Gz loanword or a deverbative. CCh *ma-n Vgas- "bridegroom": Gis mangas. Prefix *ma-. LEC *)angas- "tribal chief" 1 , "eldest son" 2: Som ugaas 1, Or angafu 2 . Metathesis in the anlaut. Assimilation of vowels in Or. Note *-ng- > -g- in Som. Omot *'angus- "first-born son": Orne angussaa . . As in LEC, initial *' Vn- corresponds to Chadic and Sem *n V-. *-s- < HS *-c- is not quite regular.
1834 *naha~- "cry" Sem *nVha/s-l*nVhu/s- "cry, shout" 1, "bray" 2 : Akk naqu 1 , Hbr nhq 1, Arab nhq [-a-, -u-] 1 , Gz nhq 1 , Hss nekaq 2 , Mhr neheq 2, Shh nheq 2 . ECh *nak- < *naHak- "cry": Kera nak-te. Contraction. Cf. CCh *,ryax- "ask": Daba nexu. 1835 *na]:i- "want" Eg n~y "want" (MK). :Y is a suffix. CCh *naH- "want, love": Glv na. 1836 *nab- "oil, fat" Sem *na!J,- "fat, grease": Akk na!J,u. Eg nM "oil" (n). Partial reduplication. -~- is a late Eg reflex of -!J,-. Irregular correspondence of laryngeals. A cultural word?
1832 *nag[i]H- "cattle" Sem *na'g- "sheep": Arab nacg-at-. Metathesis. Eg ngJ "bull" (OK). WCh *nungi- "cow": Sura nil), Ang nung, Mnt nung. WCh, presumably, represents a partial reduplication *nu-n Vgifrom *nu-n VgiH-. On the other hand, WCh could be borrowed from Fulbe. Note contradictory evidence of Sem and Eg as far as the laryngeal is concerned.
1837 *nay.- "bend" (intr.) Sem *n V!J,- "bend": Arab n!J,!J,. Agaw *naH- "bend": Bil na' y-. Cf. Bed nu'- "lower, put". 1838 *nay.as- "pierce" Sem *n V!J,as-/*n V!J,us- "prick": Arab n!J,s [-a-, -u-]. WCh *nas- "pierce (with spear)": Hs nase. ECh *nas- < *naHas- "pierce": Mobu nase, N gam nesi.
1833 *nacvw- "snake, worm" Eg new "kind of snake" (BD). WCh *nVHVw- "snake": Sura I)w:x:,, Chip nw:,, Mpn nwo. Omot *naHu- "worm": Kaf nau-ttoo.
1839 *nal}.iir- "nose" Sem *na!J,ir- "nostrils" 1 , "nose" 2 : Akk na!J,iru 1 , Hbr n8Mrayim Aram (Syr) n::iMre 1, Arab man!J,ir- 1 , Jib na~er 2, Soq na~rir 2 . Prefix *ma- in Arab. Berb *n V!J,ur- ''nose'': Ghat a-njur, Ahg a-ngur.
NAP- -
184 5 * nap- ,,.m t es t'me "
1840 *nakar-/*nakir- "refuse, deny" Sem *nVkar- "ignore, disapprove": Arab nkr [-a-], Jib nk:>r. ECh *nakir- "refuse": Toh naar, Dng nakir. Derivative from *kor- preserved only in Chadic: WCh *kwar"refuse" (Sura kwar) and CCh *kyar-l*kwar- "refuse" (Hwn kar, Gaa k~rja, Gbn kerja, Mwu ukoro, FMch kara).
Eg npi "guts" (sarc). Vocalic -J. CCh *ni-nap- ''liver": Daba ninap. . Partial reduplication. Cf. also FKi n;}jfo ''heart'', Log n;}fu id.
1846 *napil- "snake, worm" 1841 *nam- "man" ECh *nam- "people": Tum nemi-nam. Old collective. Cf. Kwn nom-to "woman", Sib (pl.) nam-de id. SA *num- "man": Afar nuum, nuumuu. Probably, *u < *a before *-m-. LEC *nam-/*nim- "man": Som nin, Or nama, Kon nama, Bus nama, Gdl nama. Regular Som -n < *-m. Vocalism of Som has no support in other forms. Omot *nam- "man" 1, "son" 2 : Kafanaamoo 1, Mch naamo 2 .
Sem *napil- "caterpillar": Akk nappillu. Eg npn "ak"( sn e reg) . -n < HS *-l-.
1847 *naw- "be tired" Eg nw "weak" (MK). .. ) . . WCh *naJ-/*naw-/*nay- "be tired": Ank ne, GeJl na - wz, WrJ nuw-, Kry nuwa. " . d ,, Secondary _)_ in Geji? Cf. also Kry nuwa tire ness . · wit · h *naw-/* nay- "be bad"?• Any connection
1842 *nan- "god" Eg nn "primeval god [Urgott]" (gr). WCh *nan- ''god'': Sura nan, Ang nen, Mnt nan, Ank nan, Mpn nan.
1843 *nan- "go, walk" Berb *n Vn- "go across": Izy ennu. Eg n,ry "go" (pyr). :JI is a suffix. CCh *nan- ''go'': Masa nana. LEC *nan- "go round" 1 , "walk" ete 2• Reduplication?
1848 *naw-/*nay- "be bad" Eg ny.t "evil" (BD). . WCh *ni'aw- "be bad": Ank nzau. Modification of the original stem. ECh *naw- "evil, terrible": Mkk nawa. Consonantal alternation *-w- ~ *-y-.
Or naannawa
Arb nannt-
Sem *na[wjas- "kind of beer": Akk nasu. Eg wns.t "wine" (XIX). Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *wanac-.
1844 *nani[J.c]- "plant" Sem *nani/f- "plant": Akk naniqu. Eg lnnk "medicinal herb" (med). Prefix l-? Irregular correspondence of Sem
1849 *nawac- "wine, beer"
1850 *nayaw- "vessel" Eg nyw "pot" (med), nw (n).
*If ~ Eg k. A loanword?
401 400
1856 *neb-- "saliva"
Ech *nayaw- " mug " : Jegu naayo.
Eg nb "saliva" (pyr). , CCh *nyah- "saliva": Mnd nyshs, Lame nee.
1851 *ne'ul- "moisten"
Derived from *nea- ''spit''. Reduplicated in ECh *naHan" saliva": Brg naani.
Sem *nV'Vl- "moisten": Akk na'alu. CCh *nVHul- "moisten": Masa IJul-. Masa IJ- < *nH-. ECh *nyaHul- "rain" (v.): Sbn nwa:fa:, Mig nyalo.
1857 *nek- "punish" Eg nyk "punish" (pyr). Vocalic :Y· CCh *nyak- "punish": Bch nyaka.
1852 *neb- "swim" Eg nby "swim" (pyr). Vocalic :JI· CCh *nyabi- "swim": Gul nebia.
Cf. ECh *nik- "disobey": Mkk n'ike. 1858 *nes- "sand"
1853 *neca'- "inhale through the nose" Sem *n Vsa'- ''introduce a medicine through the nose" "sniff ' ' snuffle" 2 : Arab ns' [-a-] 1, Hss se-nfa 2, Mhr se-nse 3 , Jib nz'fa 4 . Berb *nV[cj- "sneeze": Nfs ;:J-nzu, Siwa a-nzu, Mzab a-nzu, Sml 1
Eg ns "sand" (1). Irregular < *-s-. WCh *ni-nyas- "sand": Kir nineyesi, Tala nyenyes. Partial reduplication.
WCh *nyaHVc- "breathe": Klr nos, Bol nes-. ECh *nyaHas- "breathe": Mig naaso, Bid nes. Metathesis. Cf. *n Vcag- "inhale through the nose". 1854 *neg- "ask, shout" Eg nd "ask (advice)" (pyr). Palatalization of *g after *e. CCh *nVg- "answer": Glv nggw. ECh *nyag- "shout": Sok negi. 1855 *nelJ- "spit" Eg nb "spit" (pyr). CCh *nyah- "spit": Mnd nyaha, Bata naewi, M wl nqyi.
1859 *nes- "red" Eg ins "red" (pyr). l- may be a prefix. CCh *nyas- "red": Hwn nyis. 1860 *ni- "water" Eg nwy.t, n.t"water" (MK). CCh *ni- "water": Msm n'i. 1861 *ni'an-/*niwan "finger, fingernail" WCh *niwan- "nail": Bgh nyoon, nywoon, Kir nyoon. .. 1 * 'an "hand" 1 "finger" 2, Bil naI) 1, Xmr nan , Xmt , · A gaw na 2 naan 1, K wr naan, naana 1 2 , Kem naan . Assimilation of vowels. Reduplication of HS *'Vn- in Eg 'n "fingernail" (pyr)? Consonantal alternation *-'- ~ *-w-.
NIB- -
1862 *nib- "heart" CCh *nib- "heart": Daba niv, Mus nav. Omot *nib- "heart": Yam nibaa, Kaf nibboo, Mch nibbo, Bwo niiba. Cf. *lib-/*lub- id.
1863 *nib- "pour" Sem *n ~ 0- "sprinkle, flow": Hbr nb', Aram (Syr) neba', Arab nb' [-a-, -z-, -u-]. Based on biconsonantal *n Vb-. Eg nby "cast metal" (v.) (pyr). Infinitive in :J'.
1864 *nibuc- ''dig'' Sem *:~~u1- ':?ig out": Arab nb1 [-u-], Jib nb1, Hss nebot. WCh bzc Vn- bury": Hs bisne. Metathesis.
Note a nasal infix and various assimilations. WCh *kasa-nVgal- "sword": Wrj kasagala, Kry kamsagal, Cagu kasaJ)galen, Jmb kasangali. Compound consisting of *kas- "war" and *n Vgal- "sickle". CCh *n Vgil- < *nigal- "knife": Gude ngila, Nza ngala. ECh *)angul- "sickle": Bid 'angul. Irregular vocalism. Related to *n Vgil- ''cut''.
1868 *ni'ar- "prick, be sharp" Sem *n V'ar- "prick, knock": Arab n'r [-a-]. WCh *nar- "spear": Tng nar. Deverbative. Contraction from *niHar-. ECh *nyar- < *niHar- "sharp": Mkk nyerere, Ndam nyar. Partial reduplication in Mkk.
1869 *nihar- "flow" The alternative reconstruction is *bicun-.
1865 *nif- "smell, breathe" Sem *nVpa!J- "smell" (intr.): Arab nfa. [-a-],Jib nifx, Soq najah. Secondary formation based on *nap-? · Eg njy "breathe" (n). · CCh *nif- "breathe, smell": Daba nip, Mus nap. For the semantic development, cf. Bret c'houez "smell" and "breath''.
1866 *nig- "break" Eg ngy "break" (NK). Infinitive in :Y· CCh *lt"g- < *nig- "break": Mba ligi.
1867 *nigal- "sickle, sword" Sem *ni(m)gal- "sickle": Akk ningallu, nimgallu, Arab mingal- Hbr maggal. '
Sem *n Vhar- ''flow'': Arab nhr [-a-]. . Related to *nahar- "river": Akk naru, U g nhr, Hbr nahar, Aram nahra, Arab nahr-. ECh *nyar- < *niHar- ''flow slowly'': Mkk nyernyire. Reduplication.
1870 *ni].ias- "snake" Sero *na/Jas- "snake" : U g n/Js, Hbr nii/Jas. Assimilation of vowels. Cf. Arab /Janas- ' 'reptile, snake''? WCh *nyas- < *niHas- "python": Bks nyes, DB nis.
1871 *ni:\c- "grind" Eg
nd "grind" (OK).
Progressive palatalization of *-/s-. WCh *ni/su- "grind": Hs nifsa, Fyer nils, Bks nuk. Cf. partial reduplication in *ni-nufs- id.: Sura n11-0, Sha n11-0, Klr nyil].
1872 *ni:\{-/*nu:\c- "lick" Sem 'yVnn,- "lick": Akk enequ, Hbr ynq. Prefix 'y V-. Eg snt "suck" (pyr). Causative in s-. WCh *n Vt- "lick": Wrj n;;J~, Kry n;;Jfo. CCh *nit- "lick": Mba nik. Dhl nuut- "suck beer through a straw". Cf. LEG *nug- ''suck'': Arb nuug-. Alternation *i ~ *u.
1873 *ni:\{if- "tree, bush" Sem *nitip- "bush": Akk niqiptu. Eg nrjf.t "tree" (OK). Palatalization of *t.
1874 *ni:\{ud- "bird" Sem *nitud- "swamp bird": Akk niqudu. CCh *nVgur/,- < *nVtud- "dove" 1, "bird" 2: GbnJ]gudiya 1, Gaa gucf,iya 1, Bud I)gudo 2.
1877 *nin-/*nun- "water" Eg nnw "water" (pyr). CCh *nin- "water, dew": Msm nina, Msg eneni, Mba nini-¢. Alternation *i ~ *u. Any relation to Sem *nun- "fish"?
1878 *ninay- "man" Eg wnny.w "people, men" (XVIII). w- is a prefix. WCh *nin Vy- "man": Pero ninya. Omot *nVna[y}- "relative, nephew": Orne nainaa, Gim niania. Cf. ECh *nun- "(dead) body": Mkk nuune?
1879 *niwiw- "plant" Eg nywyw "kind of plant" (med). CCh *nVwVw- "grass": Gudu nwu:wa. Partial reduplication?
1880 *nol;i- "tie" 1875 *nim- "vessel" Sem *'inim- "goblet": Akk inimmu. *'i- may be a prefix. Eg nm "vessel" (NK).
Eg nw~ "tie" (BD). Vocalic -w-. WCh *nwaH- "tie": Bks no\ Sha no'.
1881 *no:J,c- "water" 1876 *nin- "be tired" Eg nny "be tired" (MK). Vocalic :JI. WCh *nin- "be tired": Ang nyin. ECh *linl)- "become tired": Tum laii, Ndm linya. With dissimilation of *n- > *l-. Reduplication of *naw- ''be tired''.
Sem *n Vt- "pour out": Akk naqu. Denominative verb? Eg ntw.t "liquid" (med). Vocalic -w. Ome *nolf- "water": Ari no/fa, noka, Dime naaro, Banna nooqo, Karo nuto.
1882 *nufas- "blow. breathe" Sem *nVpVs- "blow, breathe": Akk napasu, Soq nefos.
NUS- -
WCh *nufas- "breathe": Hs nurefasa, lurrifasa, DB nafos, Kul nos Sha lufwos. ' Agaw *n VJVs- ''blow'': Aun nefes-:JJJ.
1883 *nug- "cry" (v. and n.) Sem *nug- "cry": Akk nagagu [-u-]. Eg ngg "cry (of a goose)" (pyr).
1888 *nils- "man" Sem *nis- "man": Akk nisii, (pl.) nisz, U g ns-m, Aram (Syr) noso, Arab nas- (coll.). Eg nswy.w "servants" (MK). WCh *nusi- "brother": Bks nus, DB nis. Agaw *n Vs- "male": Kem niisiyii. Omot *nus- "husband": Nao nuuse.
1889 *nVbir- "increase" 1884 *num- "lie" (v.) Sem *nim-l*num- "lie, gossip": Arab nmm [-i- -u-]. WCh *num- "lie"; Ang nilm. '
1885 *nuta)- "go, run" Sem *nVta)- "go out": Arab nt) [-a-]. Eg nti "run" (pyr). WCh *nuHVt- "pass (by)": Ngz niitu.
Sem *n Vbir- "increase, grow": Arab nbr [-i-]. CCh *mVbVr- < *nVbVr- "increase": Glv mb:Jr-, Nak mb:Jr-. Assimilation of the initial nasal.
1890 *nVca'- "tear out" Sem *n Vsac- "tear out": U g ns', Hbr nsc, Aram nsC, Arab ns' [-a-]. WCh *n Vcac- "tear out, pull": Krk nza, Paa ca.
1891 *nVcuw- "wolf, jackal" 1886 *numur- "leopard, hyaena" Sem *namir- ''leopard'' < * ''spotted"·. Akk nzmru, · Hb r namer Aram (Syr) nemro, Arab nimr-, namir- Gz namr Hss nemr ' WCh *~ur~m-. " hyaena": Bks murum, Sha ' . murum,' DB murum. Ass1m1lat10n of nasals. Metathesis.
Eg wns "wolf'' (OK). Metathesis. WCh *nVcuw- "wild dog": Sura ncuws, Ang cewe. Secondary development of the root vowel before *w. Assimilation of vowels in Ang.
An alternative reconstruction is *nurum-.
Cf. Rift *)inr;a(n)w- < *nir;aw- "jackal" (Irq inr;aIJw), Sem *lay.!,.- "lion" (Akk nesu, Hbr layis, Arab layJ.-) and Dhl na'ee.!,_e
1887 *niis- "woman"
Sem *nisw- "woman": Hbr nafim (pl.), Aram nesfe Arab nisw-atWCh *nus- " woman" 1, "female" (adj.) 2: Fyer nusi ' 1 Sha nisi 2 · CCh *nus- "woman": Tera nusu, Glv nusa, Gvo nusa.' · LEG *)a-n Vs- "sister": Gel anso. *)a- is a prefix. Connected with *nus- "man".
1892 *nVcag- "inhale through the nose" Sem *n Vsag- "introduce a medicine through the nose": Arab nsg
[-a-], Tgy nsc. Berb *nVyV3- "swallow mucus from the nose": Ghat zu-nr:1z, Ayr z:J-ny:1z, Ahg zu-nr:1h, Twl Z:J-ny:Jz. Metathesis. An alternative reconstruction is *n Vgac-. Cf. also *noca'- id.
NVavr-:m, Cagu ngwar, Mbu ngur-t::>. ECh *nVrwar- "snore": Sbn IJW.:>r::>, Mobu ongore, Ngm ol]gore.
Cf. ECh *nVg- "tomorrow": Sok nogo.
Derived from *na/Jiir- "nose".
1896 *nV gil- "cut"
1902 *nVkVI- "be evil"
Sem *nvgt TT 'f " - mow, reap": Arab ngl [-i-]. CCh *nVgVl- "cut": Mafa ng::il-.
Sem *nVkVl- "have ill intentions, be perfidious" 1, "teach alesson" 2: Akk nakalu 1, Hbr nkl 1, Aram nkl 1, Arab nkl 2. Eg nkn "cause evil, harm, damage" (MK).
1897 *nVgol- "throw" Sem *n Vgil- ''throw'': Arab ngl [-i-]. WCh *n Vgwal- "throw": Glm l]gwal, Gera l]wal.
1903 *nVmVs- "move" Sem *nVmVs- "move, start": Akk namasu. Eg nms "come" (XIX).
1898 *nV guf- "cut, break" Sem *nVgup- "hew, cut": Arab ngf [-u-]. CCh *nVguj- "break (pottery)": Mofu nguf. Derived from *gif- "strike, pierce"?
1899 *nVgV'- "break, strike" Sem *n Vg V'- ''strike, crack'': Hbr ngg. CCh *n Vs Vr- "pull": Kap nsxu-mte, HF nsaxu-so, sxu-nto. ECh *swag- "pull": Toh soge. ECh probably continues a root without prefix *n V-.
410 411
1905 *nVtVf- "spit, sprinkle"
Cf. reduplication in Mofu papa ''till land with a spade''. Rift *po'- "dig (hole)": Kwz po'-otis. Assimilation of vowels.
Sem *nVtVp- "spit out": Arg nif. Eg nif "sprinkle" (OK). Derived from *tuj- ''spit''.
Cf. Dhl p>uC HEC *-'- in the intervocalic position.
2265 *so'- "back" Eg si "back" (pyr). CCh *swa'- "back": Gdf so. Cf. also *suxwa- id. (Glv suxa, Nak suxwa).
2266 *so'- "barn" Eg si "barn" (gr). WCh *sway-< *swaH- "house, barn": DB swry, Glm soo, Grm soo. CCh *sya'-l*swa'- "compound" 1, "house" 2: FMb se'z" 1, Lame .ryo 2, LPe .ryo, so 2, Zime so, uso 2 •
2267 *so>it- "dirt, be dirty" Eg sit "dirt" (NK). CCh *swat- "dirt": Bnn s:,t:,, BM sotiya.
2271 *socar- "set fire, burn" Sero *s0ar- "set fire": Arab Ser [-a-]. WCh *sawar- < *swaHar- "roast" 1, "burn" 2: Hs sijya 1, Ang sur 1 , Bol surru 1 , Krk suru 1 , N gm sur 1 , Krf suru 1 , Pero cuuro 1, Dera wuri 1 , Gera sur- 1 , Glm s;;,r- 1 , Brm sure 2 . CCh *sawar- < *swaHar- "roast": Tera zurr, Hwn s;;,r-aJ.J, Boka sura-tJ,a, Kap sur-ke, Mafa sawar, Gudu s;;,ra, FMb sir, Bch s;;,ra. Unexpected -z"- in FMb. Note voiced anlaut in Tera. ECh *sur- "roast": Mkk zurrye . Cf. Eg wsr "fire" going back to *sor-.
2272 *sol;t- "pit, hole" Sem *su!J,- "pit, hole": U g 'f!J,, Hbr su!J,a. WCh *sway- < *swaH- "hole, spring": Bks swry, DB swry.
SOI;I- -
2273 *sol- "be quiet" Sem *sVl- "be quiet" 1 , "be careless" ECh *swat- "keep silence": Sok sole.
Hbr sly 1, Aram slh
227 4 * sol- "pull" Sem *sul- "pull, draw" , "drag away" 2 : Hbr sly 1, Arab sll [-u-] 1 , Jib sell 2. WCh *sol- "pull": Ang swat, Tng sol, Krf sollu. CCh *sVl- "pull": Mofu s.Jl-. Partial reduplication in Mba sisal id.
2275 *so(m)b- "pubic hair" Sem *)isb- ''pubic hair'': Arab )isb-. Derived from *sVb-. HEC *somb- ''pubic hair'': Sid soobba, Had soomba, Kab siibbii, Kmb sobba-ta. One of the cases in which prenasalized clusters appear as voiced stops in Sem.
CCh *sVq- "pull": HNk ask.Jy, Kap nsxu-mte, HF sxu-nto. ECh *swag- "pull": Tab sage. Note *-g- < *-q-.
2279 *soyam- "grass" ECh *swawam- < *swayam- "grass": Bid sooma. LEC *soyam- "kind of plant": Or sooyama.
2280 *su)im- "hair" Eg smJ "hair" (pyr), Copt *smaw "temple": OCopt smau, Bah smau, Shd smau, smaau. Metathesis. WCh *suHim- "growth of hair" 1 , "hair" 2 , "pubic hair" 3 · Hs suma 1, N gm som 2 , Tng simz-ne 3 . Omot *som(m)- "hair": Yam somme. Contraction. Rift *sV)Vm- "hair" 1, "hairdress" 2 : Irq se)eemi 1 , Asa sem-ug 2 .
2281 *su)um- "sell, buy" 2276 *son- "river" Eg swn.w "waters" (BD). Vocalic -w-. Dhl sooni "river". Rift *so)on- "river": Asa so)on-k. Secondary inlaut _) __ Cf. CCh *sin- "river": Mrg sina.
2277 *sop- "speak, ask" Sem *sVp VH- "ask": Akk sepu. Based on *sVp-. WCh *swap- "speak": Tng s;,p,
2278 *soq- "pull" Sem *sVb Vw- "pull": Jib sxe. Derived from biconsonantal *sV!J-.
Sem *sPVm- "buy" 1 , "sell" 2 : Akksamu 1,Jibse:m CCh *sum- "buy": Mafa sum. Contraction. ECh *su'um- "sell": Dng suumiye, Brg suumi.
2282 *suf- "smell" (v.) Sem *sup- "smell, sniff(around)" (v.): Arab swf[-u-]. Based on *sup-. LEC *suj- "smell" (v.): Or suf-.
2283 *suCVr- "tree, forest" Eg s'r "forest" (n). WCh *sur- "kind of tree": Ang sur, Mpn sur.
2284 *suh-/*suhay- "shout" Eg swhy "shout" (XVIII). CCh *suw- < *suH- "shout, cry" 1 , "answer" 2 : Log suwe 1, Hld suwa 2 . ECh *sway- < *suHay- "shout": Smr sway, Jegu soy.
2285 *su1;t- "flow" Sem *sulj- "flow, pour": Arab sM [ -u-]. Cf. SJlj [-i-] "flow, spread upon the surface". WCh *suHi- "pour": Bks su, DB sun, Fyer si. ECh *saHay- "wet": Kera saaye.
Wrz *sols- "hit": Gaw soq. Related to *sufs- "push, pull"? The auslaut laryngeal is lost in Cush.
2290 * su~ul- ''foot, leg'' ECh *sugul- "thigh": Sok sugul. Omot *sukul- "foot": Orne sukule. Assimilation of vowels. No traces of the emphatic. Derived from *safs- ''leg''.
2291 *sulak- "bird" 2286 * suk- ''spear'' Eg sk "spear" (MK). CCh *suk- "spear": Gaa suk-ta, Gbn suk-te. Connected with *suk- "slaughter"?
2287 *suk- "slaughter" Sem *suk- "cut (ears)": Arab skk [-u-]. WCh *suk- "slaughtering (a camel)": Hs suka. Agaw *suk- "slaughter cattle ( after funeral)": Bil suuk-.
2288 *suJ.c- "push, pull" Sem *su¥ "push": Arab swq [-u-]. Based on *sVfs-. WCh *sa-sufs- ''drive away'': Hs sasufsa. Partial reduplication. ECh *swak- "push": Kera soke. Dhl suuk'- "pull, draw".
Sem *sulak- "chicken (of a partridge)": Arab sulak-. ECh *sulVk- "guinea fowl": Kera sulku, Kwan sulko.
2292 *sulV];t- "wall" Sem *sallj-/*sul&- "wall": Akksal!Ju, sul!Ju. Eg swJ&.t "fortified site" (MK). -w- stands for a rounded vowels.
2293 *su(m)bVl- "band, plait" Sem *subl- "hem": Hbr sobel. Eg sbn "band, bandage" (1). ECh *sVmbVl- "plait": Mobu s.Jmfole. HS cluster *-mb-?
2294 * sun- "know" Eg swn "know" (1), Copt *sow(u)n: Boh sooun, Shd sooun. Berb *s Vn- "know": Tua essen, Sgh ·ss.Jn, Kby issin. CCh *sun- "know": Daba sun-.
2289 * suJ.ca'- "beat" Sem *sVfsa'- "knock": Arab sqC [-a-]. HEC *sufs(ls)- "beat, hit": Had su#-.
2295 *sunal;i.- ''know, imagine" Sem *sVna4- "appear in somebody's mind": Arab sn4 [-a-]. ECh *suHan- "know": Tum han, Mkk suun-.
2301 *suwak- "go, come"
Derived from *sun- ''know''.
Sem *suk- "march and stumble": Arab swk [-u-]. WCh *suk- "galloping": Hs suka. Contraction. ECh *suk- "come": Mubi suk. LEG *sok(k)- "go away": Or sokka. Cf. also reduplication in Or suksuka "run, trot".
2296 *sunb- "cloud, sky" Eg sbn.t "sky" (gr). Metathesis. CCh *xa-sumb- "cloud": Gbn xusamba, Hwn hasumbe. Prefix *xa-.
Cf. *se*- "walk, run". Cf. also Bed sak- "go"; Agaw *sVk"approach" (Bil sakw-r-), LEG *sok(k)- "leave" (Or sokka), Omot *sak-l*sik- "approach, come" (Orne sik-, Kaf sakk-).
2297 *supay- "spear" 2302 *siif- "wool, cotton"
Sem *sVpay- "sharp driving stick": Aram (Syr) sapai-. WCh *suyap- "spear": Mnt suysp. Metathesis.
Sem *sip- "wool": Akk sipiitu. WCh *suf- "wool cloth": Hs sufi. Bed suf "cotton" .
Cf. CCh *sap- "spear": Bnn sappa.
2303 *siik- "sow"
2298 * sur- ''rope'' Eg
Sem *surr- "umbilical cord": Hbr sor, Arab surr-. Eg wsr.t "rope" (XX). Vocalic w-. Wrz *sur- "rope": Gaw surre.
From *sik-, with palatalization of *-k-. WCh *suk- "sow": Hs suka. Omot *sok- "sow": Kaf sok, Bwo sok.
An alternative parallel for Eg wsr. t is Sem *waj_al- id. (Arab wal_al-) from *wacal-. 2299 *surV'- "eye" Sem *su-?- "eyelid": Akk sur'u. Eg wsr.t "eye" (gr). Vocalic w-. Loss of the laryngeal in late Eg. 2300 *susan- "grass, lotus" Sem *susan- "grass" 1 , "lotus, lily" Arab susan- 2 . Borrowed from Eg? Eg sssn "lotus" (pyr), ssn id. (MK). Dissimilation.
Akk sisnu
szy "sow" (pyr).
Hbr sosan
2304 *siim- "name" Sem *sim- "name": Akk sumu, Ug sm, Hbr sem, Aram (Syr) semo, Arab (dial.) sim-, SAr s 1m, Shr sum, Gz s;:,m, Tgr sam, Tgy sam, Amh sam, Arg sam, Gur sam, Gaf samwa. WCh *sumi- "name": Hs sunii, Sura sum, Ang silm, Mnt sum, Ank sum, Grk tam, Bol sun, Krk sam, Tng svma, Ngm sun, Maha sum, Bele hin-ti, Krf simi, Gera sama, Glm sim, Grm simi, Diri sin, Paa sim, sun, Cagu siman, Mbu sin, Pol sum, sam, Geji sin, Brw sim, sin, Bgh isum, Kir wusum, wusam, Tala sum, sam, Klr sim, DB sum. CCh *sim(ya)- "name": Tera lim, Gaa sima, Gbn sima, Hwn sima, Chb sima, Mig sim, Mba sim, FKi fam, Daba zimi, Gude lc1ma, Gudu lim, FJ zimu, Log semi, Bud hsmi, LPe sem-r/,e, Masa sema, Msm sem. Irregular lateral resulting from the contamination with the word for ''ear''.
SUM- -
ECh *s TT. . T um h-zm, Ndam ham, Mig seme, v m- " name " : smr sumz, Mubi same, Mkk suma. Connected with *sim- '' call, speak''.
2305 *siip- "pole, beam" Sem *sip- "beam": Akk 'fipu. WCh *sup- "pole, support": Mpn sup, Tng suup.
2306 *siit- "woman" Sem *sitt- "lady": Ug st, Arab sitt-. Berb *sut- "women": Kby sur. WCh *sut- "sister": Tng sut. CCh *sut- "girl": Mwu suti.
2307 *sVf- "break" • d" v ,.{ v Sem *v-,J, sur- ' ' gnn : Hb r swJ, Aram swf. Based on *sVp-. Ef sfsf "break" (XVIII). Reduplication.
2308 *sVfif- "snake" Sem *sVpzp- "kind of snake": Hbr 'ft pzp-iin. Berb *sVfuf- "snake": Zng te-sfuj-;Jh. *-u- < *-i- between labials. Partial reduplication of *sef- "snake".
2309 *s%,al- "weave" Sem *sVl)al- "make a cloth ( of separate threads)": Arab sM [-a-]. WCh *s VHVl- "mat": Ang so:l.
2310 *sVk- "smell" (v.) Sem *sVh Vk- "blow": Arab shk [-a-]. Based on *sVk-.
Eg sJ.y "smell" (n.) (pyr). Suffix ':Y· CCh *sVk- "smell": Gbn s;Jk-t;J.
2311 *sV~Vr- "strike, pierce" • " : Akk saqaru, V s If-1- TT. v r- " pierce Gz sqwr, Tgy saqwii,rii.. Sem *VVi• Eg s~r "strike" (pyr).
2312 *sVp- "plait, sew" Sem *sup- "tie" 1, "plait" 1, "sew" 3 : Akksepu 1 , Arab-d.f[-u-] Gz sfy 2 , Hrr so.fa 3 , Gur sejii. 3. Eg spy "bind up (a ship)" (pyr). Suffix ':Y· ECh *sVp- "spin, twist": Mig sipiyo. LEG *sup(p)- "darn": Or suppa. ,J, " • v v tie, sew : G aw sap-, sapp-. W rz *vsai'Omot *sip(p)- "plait, sew": Kaf sipp-, Mch sippi-, Gim sif-.
Chaotic correspondences of vowels. Derived from *sip- ''rope''.
2313 *sVtVp- "cut, slaughter" Sem *sVtVp- "cut out": Akk satapu. Eg stji "slaughter" (pyr).
*"s 2314 *sa)·/*saw- "wish, like" Sem *s7?- "wish": Arab .ry) [-a-]. Based on *fV)-. Dhl hlaw- ''love, like''. Rift *sa)- "like": Irq saa)-, Alg saa)-, Bur sa)-. For the semantic development, cf. Sp querer "wish" _,_ "love". Note a consonantal alternation *-'- ~ *-w-.
2315 *sab- "mix, knead"
Eg sbb "reed, reed tube" (med).
Sem *sub- "mix": Arab swb [-u-]. Based on *fVb-. Eg sbb "mix, knead" (OK). Partial reduplication. WCh *sal;-l*saml;- "mix, knead": Bol lomb-, Tng lamb-, Wrj la/;rJ, Kry la/;rJ, Miya la!;, Paa zal;u, Siri sal;a. Secondary emphatization. Note a nasal infix in Bol and Tng. Bed saawi "mix, collect". -w- < *-b- in the intervocalic position.
Partial reduplication of *sab- "plant"?
2320 *saba:b,- "cut" Sem *fVbalJ,- "split": Arab sblJ, [-a-]. WCh *sab VIJ,- "wound, stab (with a knife)": Hs zabga. Connected with *sab- "axe, sword".
2321 *sabVb- "tie, weave" 2316 *sab- "rib" ECh *sVb- "rib": Kbl ka-s:Jba. Prefix *ka-. Rift *sab- "diaphragm" 1, "rib"
Sem *fVbVb- "bind, tie": Arab sbb. WCh *sabVb- "weave": Bol lol;l;-. Secondary emphatization. 2:
Irq sawi 1, Bur sabi
Partial reduplication of unattested *sab-.
Cf. Som laab id. with l- as a reflex of the lateral?
2322 *sado)-/*sadoy- "pull out" 2317 *sab- "axe, sword"
Eg sdy "pull out" (med). WCh *sa-sadwa)- "draw out": Hs zazzaq,o. Partial reduplication.
Sem *fabaw- "blade (of a sword)": Arab saba-t-. Derived from *fab-. WCh *sab- "sword" 1, "axe" 2 : Hs zabo 1 , zabi 2.
Consonantal alternation *_)_
Cf. CCh *zamb-/*zimb- "axe": HNk zimbwe, Mofu zamba, Gis zimbe.
2318 *sab- "plant" Eg s.lb "kind of plant" (pyr). Vocalic -J-. WCh *sab- "grass": Tng laba. Dhl hlaa[J-une "leaf". Irq *sab- "bush": Ala saba.
2319 *sabab- "reed flute" Sem *fabab- "reed flute": Arab sabbab-at-. Cf. Akk sab£-t- "musical instrument". Berb *sab(V)b- ''flute'': Mns ta-sabbu.t,.
"cow, bull"
WCh *saH- "bull" 1, "cow" 2: Dera la 2 , Pol sa 1 2 , Geji sa 2 , Dwot sa 2, Ngz sa 2. CCh *za- "cow, bull, cattle": Tera za, HG sa, Glv sa, Gis sa, Msg xe, Gul xa, FJ za-IJ, Mtk ze, Mrg sa, Gbn sa-ta, Boka fa-t~, Ksr sa, Bud ha. Bed 'fa) "cow". SA *sa'- "cattle": Saho sa'a, Afar saa'. LEC *sa'- "cow": Som sa', Or saa)aa, Arb se). HEC *sa)- "cow": Sid sa)aa, Had saqyya, Kmb sayaa. Rift *seH-l*saHe- "cow": lrq see, Alg see, Bur see, Asa se-ok, Kwz sae-ko. Cf. an isolated form in Berb: Kby rifran "kine".
2324 *sak- "feather, wing" Sem *siik- "become fully fledged": Arab swk. Derived from a noun. Secondary inlaut *-w-. CCh *zakwa- "feather": Glv ziikwa, Gdf zakwa.
2330 *sap- "receive" Eg 'fzp "receive" (pyr). sz- may reflect a lateral. WCh *sap- "receive": Sura lap, Ank lap, Grk lap, Mpn lap. Cf. Rift *sa[p}- "get": Irq saw-, Bur saw-?
2325 *sam- "plant, flower" Sem *.famm- "plant": Akk sammu. Eg smiw "flower" (med). Vocalic -i- and suffix -w. 2326 *sam- ''bird'' Eg sm "kind of bird" (XXII). CCh *)a-zam- "falcon": Gis )azam. Prefix *)a-.
2331 *sar- "clothes" Eg sr.t "clothes" (gr). WCh *sarar- "rags": Hs zariira. Partial reduplication. SA *sar- "clothes": Saho sara, Afar sara.
2332 *sat- "tie, weave" Sem *fVt- "tie, weave": Akk satu, Jib sett. WCh *sat- "spin": Bks lat.
2327 *sam- "be possible, be able" WCh *sam- "do, make, be possible": Ngz zamu. CCh *zam- "can": Log z~m. Rift *sam- "allow": Asa sam-. Semantically, "allow" .- "make possible".
2328 *sam- "burn; lightning" Eg sm, smm "be hot, be burning" (OK). Berb *sam- "lightning": Ahg e-ssam, Ndir i-ssim, Fgg u-s.;,m. Secondary -i- in Ndir.
2329 *sam- "sun" Sem *Jams- "sun" 1, "sun-heat" 2 : Akk samsu 1, Hbr semes 1, Aram (Syr) 'fems- 1 , Arab sams- 1 , SAr sms 1, Tgr sams 1 , Soq sam 1, Jib J,Um 2. Partial reduplication and dissimilation from *.famf-. Eg ssm.t "moon-disc" (gr). ss- reflects *J-. WCh *sam- "sun": Ang lem. Related to *sam- "burn; lightning".
2333 *seb- "wind" Sem *fib- "wind": Akk sub-tu, Soq siboh. CCh *£Vb- "storm": FKi z.;,va. ECh *syab- "wind": Kera ke-seba. Prefix *kya-. 2334 * si]:iar- "open" Sem *.fVIJ,ar- "be open, open (mouth)": Arab s/J,r [-a-]. Cf. Arab sr/J, "open", slid. WCh *siHar- "open": Cagu zar, Mbu zir.
2335 *simar- "green plant" Sem *fimiir- "dill": Akk simru, Arab samiir-. Assimilation in Arab. HEC *simar- "cabbage": Had simmaro)o, Kab simmara.
SIP- -
2336 *sip- "light, day" Eg ssp "light" (MK). Note ss- < *s-. Berb *s VJ- "day": Ghd a-sej, Ahg essef. WCh *'":p si - "I'1gh t " : Ang mege-fop, Pero lip. Related to *sVp- "shine, be light".
2337 *sob- "set fire" Se~ *sub- "burn, be hot" 1, "set fire" 2, "warm" (v.) 3: Akk sababu 1, Arab shh [-u-] 2, Soq sbb 3. WCh *sa(m)b- "take fire" 1, "set fire" 2: Ang lap lap 1 T lamb- 2_ ' ng Secondary *-a- < *-wa-. ECh *swab- "flame" (v. ): Bid 'olob. 2338 *suf- "heat, boil" WCh *sajaf- "heat up, make hot": Hs zafofo. Partial reduplication with modified vocalism. Rift *suf- "boil": Asa suj-.
*t 2342 *ta)- "gate, house" Eg tJ "gate" (XIX). CCh *)i-ta)- "hut": Daba ita. Prefix *)i-. ECh *)a-ta)-ay- ''kitchen'': Kera ataaya. Prefix *)a- < *)i-, cf. CCh. 2343 *ta)- "eat" Sem *tV)-/*tVw- "eat": Akk ta)u, Jib te, Sok te) (imp.), Hss tewo, Mhr tewo, Shh te). WCh *ta)-/*ti'- "eat": Hs c'i, Gera tii, Bol tii- , Maha ti, Kr£ tii-, Glm c-, Dera twi, Krk tu, Ngm ta, Wrj ta, tau, Diri cu, Mbu t'i, Jim ff, ta, Siri tu, Cagu cu, DB cuh, Sha ci, Klr cz", Ngz ta. CCh *ti- < *ta)i- "eat": Lame ti, LPe ti, Msm ti. ECh *ta(y)-/*ti(y)- "eat": Jegu t-, Mig tiyaw, Bid taa, Mubi tuwa, tiya, Dng te, Brg taya.
2344 *ta)-/*taw- "ash" 2339 *sur- "pour" Se m *sur' " pour " : A rab srr [-u-]. WCh *sur- "pour": Paa zur. CCh *zVr- "pour out": Mofu zar. V
Eg tJ.w "ash" (med). Cf. tJ "be hot" (OK). WCh *taw-taw- "ash": Klr atoto. Reduplication. Consonantal alternation *_)_
2340 *sVp- "shine, be light" Eg ssp "be light" (pyr). ss- reflects *s-. WCh *sVp- "shine": Sura fop. 2341 *sVw- "light, lightning" Eg sw "light, sun" (NK). CCh *'a-zVw- "lightning": Daba azaw. Prefix *)a-.
2345 *ta)•f*taw-/*tay- "go, run" Sem *)VtVw-/*)Vt)ry- "arrive, come" 1, "return" 2: Ug )tw 1, Aram )ry 1, Arab )ry [-i-] 1 , SAr )tw 1 , Gz )tw 2 . Prefix *) V- . WCh *ta-l*taw- "enter" 1, "go" 2 : Ang te 1 , Geji tewi 1 , Dwot tax 1 , Dera tawi 2. CCh *ta)-/*tay- "follow" 1, "go" 2 : Bud tea 1, Zime ta 2, Msm ta 2 . ECh *ta)-/*tay- "drive" 1 , '"go" 2 : Lele tee 1, Kbl tayi 1, Mkk taa)e 2 .
TAF· -
494 Agaw *tu)- "enter": Aun tu-IJ. LEG *tP- "run": Bay ti-. A different alternation grade or a case of phonetic development from *tfy-. Consonantal alternation *_)_ ~ *-w-
Alternation *a
2347 *tab-/*tib- "foot, heel"
*i. Cf. Dhl t.ipp-eem- "come from"?
2352 *taf-taf- "henna"
WCh *tab- "palm or sole": Bks taba. ECh *tab- "foot": Kbl taba, Mobu taba. SA *tibi'- ''foot, heel'': Afar tibi'. Unexpected *-'-. LEG *teb- "foot": Arb teb. Alternation *a
Derived from *taf- "hand, arm".
Eg ify "move away" (n). Suffix :Y· •1 B 1 WCh *taf- "go, go out" 1, "follow" 2: Hs tafi \ G':~ tafz , o 2 taf- 1, Krk taf- 1, Dera tai 1 , W rj taw- 2 , Paa taf- , Sm taf- , N gz t::ifu 1.
Eg tJy.t.t "cloth" (pyr). ECh *taway- "kerchief": Jegu tawaaye.
Omot *taf- "clap": Kaf tap.
2351 *taf- "go"
2346 *ta)ay-/*taway- "cloth"
Consonantal alternation *_)_
Eg tjtf "henna". ,f. "h WCh *taj-taJenna " tajtaf 1, N gz tajtaf 2 .
"Cochlospermum tinctorium"
~ *i.
2353 *tag- "go, run"
2348 *taba'- "follow" Sem *tVba'- "follow": Hbr tb', Arab tb' [-a-], Jib te', Hss toba, Mhr toba, Shh teC. ECh *taHab- "follow": Lele tab, Kbl ta:bi ka:si. Metathesis.
WCh *tag- "run away": Glm tag-. LEG *tag- "go": Som tag. Omot *teg- "go": Nao tsg, Shk t::ig. Secondary *-e-?
2354 *ta'- "flow" Sem *{i'- "flow" 1, "pour (of rain)" 2: Arab ry' [-i-] , Tgr )i:i-twa 2 . Based on *ta'-. 2 1 WCh *ta-/*ti- "ooze" 1 , "rain" (v.) 2 : Ang ta , Tng ti' • LEG *to)- "draw water": Or to)a. The source of *o is not clear. Dhl t'a-8- "wet" (v.). Is t ' - a regular reflex of *t-?
2349 *taf- "hand" WCh *taf- "hand, palm": Hs tafi, Bol taji, DB taf. CCh *tufi- "hand": Nza tivi, Bch tufa, tufsy. Contamination with *tuf- "five". ECh *taf- "hand": Sok tafa. Agaw *taf- "hand": Aun taf-.
2350 *ta£- "clap" WCh *taf- "clap (the hands)" 1, "take a handful" tafl 2.
Hs taja
2355 *ta'ab- "be tired, be ill" Sem *tVC-ab- "be tired": Arab t'b [-a-]. WCh *taHab- "be ill": Hs ta'f;u. ECh *ta)ab- "become tired": Mubi ta)aba. Cf. SA *tib- "be still": Saho tib, Afar tib? 2356 *tag-/*tub-- "belly" Sem *ta'!}- "inside, intestines": Akk tahu. WCh *tuH-/*tuH-k£- "belly, inside" 1,v "body" 2: Hs c£ki 1, Cagu 2 cuke , Kir tuwok 1, Geji tuki 1, Pol tu 1, Zem tuko 1, Brw tu 1, Say 1 tu , Brm tuk 1 , Dwot tu 1, Ngz t0ka 2. *-ki is a morpheme of parts of the body. Alternation *a ~ *u. 2357 *tak- "fly, moth" Sem *takk- "moth": Aram Qud) takk-. Eg tkk.t "ichneumon fly". Dhl J,akkwa)e "dung beatle". 2358 *takoc- "trample, pound" Sem *tVkVs- "trample": Aram Qud) tks. WCh *takwac- "pound": Ngz takwsu. Derived from *tuk- "beat, press". 2359 *takon- "suck blood" WCh *takwan- "bleed (smb.)": Mbu takwana, Diri takwan, Miya takwam, Siri takwana. Agaw *tVkwan- "bugs": Bil i0xwan, Xmr faxwan, Kwr tuukaan, Kem tuxaanaa. SA *tVkwan- "bugs": Saho i0kwan, Afar fakwan. LEG *tukan- "bug": Or tukana. Metathesis of vowels. An Agaw loanword? Note nominal forms in Cush. Derived from *tak- "fly, moth"?
497 2360 *taJ.-_- "lizard, chameleon" Berb *t n:-t Vlf;- "lizard": Ahg e-m.'l-t0yt0y. Reduplication. WCh *talf;- "chameleon": Siri tiilf;i, J mb ataya. Prefix a- in Jmb. 2361 *taJ,-.ar- "stick, pole" Sem *talf;r- "stick, sceptre": Aram (Syr) taqr-. WCh *talf;ar- "long bamboo pole": Ngz takarwa. 2362 *tal-/*tul- "speak" Sem *tul- "pronounce distinctly" 1 , "recite" tlw [-u-] 2 . WCh *tal- "ask": Sura tal, Ank tal-.
Akk telu
Alternation *a ~ *u. Cf. also ECh *tulul- "cry" (n.): Kera tulul. 2363 *talim- "brother" Sem *talzm- ''privileged brother'': Akk taltmu. CCh *twalim- < *talim- "brother": Msg tollimma. 2364 *tam-tam- "strike, press" Sem *tVm-tVm- "strike, knock": Tgy tamtama. . d" . E g tmtm " press, grm CCh *tam-tam- "slap": Mafa tamtam. Reduplication of *tum- ''break, beat''. 2365 *tamu)- "speak, shout" Sem *tVm V)- "swear": Akk tamu. WCh *tamu(H)- "tell": Ank tum, Krk tam. Rift *ta'am- "shout": Kwz ta)am-. Metathesis and assimilation of *tamu)- or secondary development of *tam-.
TAMVs- -
2366 *tamVs- "pound, squeeze" Sem *tVmVs- "squeeze": Tgr tamsa. WCh *tamVs- "pound": Hs tamsa. LEO *tam Vs- "spread out, scatter": Or tamsa-'a. Derived from *tum-. 2367 *tan- "snake, worm" Sem *tannin- "big serpent, crocodile": Hbr tannin, Arab tinnzn-. Partial reduplication. WCh *tan- "earth worm": Hs tana. 2368 *tan- "container" Sem *tann- "wooden bowl": Akk tannu. Eg tn.w "basket" (gr).
TAR- -
2372 *tar- "tear, cut" Sem *mVtur- "cut": Arab mtr [-u-]. Prefix *m V-. Modified vocalism. WCh *tar-/*tur- " tear " 1 , "b real" *Jawan-.
WUG- -
.kl" 2544 *wug- " move qmc y Sem *wug- "be fast, be quick": Arab wgg [-u-]. ECh *wug- "run": Ndam wuga.
2545 *wul- "rope" Eg wn.t "rope" (pyr). WCh *wul- "rope": Glm wula, Gera wula.
2546 *wuleg.- "be green" Eg wi!Jy "be green" (pyr). WCh *wVl- "green": Dera w:1li-w:1li. Reduplication. CCh *wulyaH- "green": Baka wexa, Hwo wuley-:1n. Contraction in Boka.
2540 *wiled- "give birth" Sem *w VlVd- "give birth": Akk waladu, aladu, U g yld, Hbr yld, Aram (Syr) 'zled, Arab wld [-i-], Gz wld. ECh *yidyal- < *widyal- "give birth": Smr yidele. Metathesis.
2547 *wulig- "enter, pass" Sem *w Vlig- "enter": Arab wlg [-i-]. WOh *wu!Vg- "pass by": Hs wulga.
2548 *wur- "pit, hole" 2541 *wisan- "sleep" Sem *w Vsan- ''sleep'': Hbr ysn, Arab wsn [-a-]. CCh *wisan-H- "sleep": Log wisan, Msg huiseIJ. Suffix *-H-. Log may be an Arab loanword.
Sem *warr- "pit": Arab warr-at-. *u > a after a labial. WCh *wur- "pit, furrow": Ngz wuriya. Of. Tng wure "dig (a hole)". OCh *wur- "hole": HNk wure.
2542 *wiy- "tree" Eg iwy "kind of tree" (gr). CCh *wiy- "bush": Nza wiye. ECh *wuy- < *wiy- "acacia": Sok wui.
2549 *wur- "water" Eg wrw "pond" (pyr). WCh *wur- "stream" 1 , "lake" 2 · Hs wuriya 0ontraction.
2543 *wuc- "urine" Eg wzs.t, wss.t "urine" (pyr). -zs and -ss are graphic symbols for the Eg reflex of *- c-. ECh *wuc- "urine": Smr 'uJo, Ngam wuJo, Tum wuJ, Mobu uJe, Ndam wuJo.
2550 *wurVm- "roof" Eg wrm "pavilion" (pyr), "roof" (n). WCh *wurVm- "cover, thatch": Tng wurme. Denominative verb?
Miya W:Jr
WUL- -
2551 *wiil- "vessel" Eg wnw "beer-mug" (gr). CCh *wul- "bowl, calabash": Msg ulai, Mnj wula. LEG *wit- "gourd": Or willee.
2552 *wii -w-. Consonantal alternation
*'- ~
*y- in the anlaut.
2570 *yabil- "bull, ram" 2566 *ya)- "go, come, run" Berb *yaH- "come": Izy iya, Kby .;,yya (imper.). WCh *ya'-l')aw- "go" 1, "run" 2 , "come" 3 : Grkya 1, Deraya 1, Krfyow- 1, Bghyuway 2, DB yo 1, Ngzya s_ CCh *ya)- "come": Dabaya. ECh 'ya)- "go": Tumye, Gbry.>, Toby.>. LEG *ya)- "run away": Som yaa)-_ Cf. Or yaa)a "flow".
Sem *yabil- "ram": Hbr yobel. Eg lbJ.w "ovis tragelaphus" (OK). -J < HS *-l-. CCh *b Vl- ''kind of ram'': Mafa bgfaw. ECh *bilVy- "buffalo": Mkk bilyo. Metathesis.
2571 *yac-/*wa-yac- "dog" Eg ls pl. "dogs pulling the ship of the Sun-god" (n). Bed yaas '' dog' '. HEC *wis- "dog": Had wisa. Contraction from *w Jiy Vs-. Omot *way Vs- "dogs": Orne wayse. A derivative from this root is found in Berb .*w Vs[i]n ''jackal'': Ghd wessin, Sml uss;in, Nfs ussen, Qbl ussen. Note prefix *wa- in HEC and Omot. 2572 *yad- "bird" Eg ldw "kind of bird" (med). Suffix -w. WCh *yadi- "bird": Grk yad, Dera yid;iyo, Tng )idi, Maha widi, Fyer yadu, Klr yidi. 2573 *yada'- "know, think" Sem *wVdV'- "know": Akk edu, Ugyd', HbrydC, Aramyd', Hss yiida, Mhr weda, Shh eda', Soq eda'. Eg id' "clever" (n). Borrowed from Sem? LEG *yaHad- ''think'': Or yaada.
2574 *yal- "stick, branch" Eg UJ.t "branch, scepter" (MK). WCh *yal- "stick": Tng ala, Bks yal. 2575 *yam- "water, sea" Sem *yamm- "sea": Hbr yiim, U gym, Arab yamm-. CCh *yami- "water": Gbn yeme, Chb yimi, HNk ysmi, FKi yamu, FG yimu, Gis 'iyam, Dabayim, Msgyem, Bldyam, Mofuyam. Eg ym "sea" (XVIII) is a Sem loanword.
2576 *yam- "day" Sem *yawm- "day": Akk umu, Ugym, Hbryiim, Aram (Syr)yawmii, Arab yawm-, Soqyom. Cf. Jib yum "sun, light", Gz yom "today". Based on biconsonantal *yam-? ECh 'yam- "day": Jeguyom. Note LEG *yawan- "(this) time" (Or yoowana)?
2577 *yama'- "wood, tree" Eg lmJ "fruit-tree; wood" (pyr). WCh *yaHam- "wood, firewood": Angyiim, Surayorom.
2578 *yamin- "right (side)" Sem *yamin- "right (hand)": Akk imnu, Ugymn, Hbryiimin, Aram (Syr) yiiminiiy, Arab yamzn-, Gz yammiin. Berb *(yV)mVn- "direct": Izy mni, imna. Eg lmn "right (side)" (pyr).
2579 *yar- "fire; burn" Eg lr.t "flame" (gr). The meaning is not quite definite. WCh *yar- "burn": Bghyar. CCh yVr- "heat": Budyir-ow. ECh *yar- "burn": Dng yere.
2580 *yar-/*yarab,- "cereal" Sem yarab- ''kind of barley'': Akk yarabbu. Eg lry.t "corn (as donation)" (XVIII). ECh *yar- ''corn'': Sok yere.
2581 *yara)·/*yaraw- "reed" .. "A Sem *yara ' - "reed not use d""1or wntmg : rab yara ' -. Eg Urw "reed, rush" (pyr), Ur "kind of plant" (med). WCh *y Vraw- "reed": Tng yiro.
Consonantal alternation *_)_ ~ *-w-.
2582 *yasar- "straight" Sem *yasar- "straight": Akk isaru, Hbr yiisiir, Aram yasrii. Cf. also Arab yasar- ''easy, tractable''. LEC *sir- < *s Ty Vr- "straight": Or sirri. Metathesis. HEC *sayar- "straight": Sid sera.
2583 *yatin- "day, sun" Eg itn "sun" (MK). ECh *yatin-H- "day": Jeguyeti-{J, )eti-!].
CCh *wur- ''neck'': FG wtiri, FMch wura, FBwuura, Gude wuro, FK wura. Secondary *-u-. ECh *wVr- "neck": Jegu were.
2588 *yayVl;i.- "grass, plant" Eg ly/J, ''water plant'' (XVIII). WCh *yay- < 'yayVH- "grass": Hsyaye.
2589 *yi'- ''back'' Eg iJ.t "back" (OK). CCh *ya)-/*ye- "back": Mrg yi, Log ya-h~, Mnd yi-ga. Agaw *yiw- "small of the back, waist": Kwr yewi.
2584 *yaw- "pour, flow" Eg lwy "pour out" (MK). WCh *yaw- "leak, drip" : N gz yau.
2585 *yawan-/*yawin- "silt, clay" Sem *yawi'n- "silt, dirt": Hbryiiwen. WCh *wan- < *yawan- "clay"; Ang uan, wan, Ank uan, Sura wan.
2586 *yawin- "water" Eg lwny "waters" (gr). Vocalic :JI· . " water " : B nn yowino. . Cch *yawinDerived from *ya)-/*yaw- "water, river".
2587 *yawir- "neck, throat" Eg lwJy.t "throat" (gr). WCh *h,a-:Jiawir- "neck, throat": Grk arreu, Dera wura, Wrj ryir-na, Kry rwir, wir, Mbu ywiro, wiro, Miya wir, Cagu wire, Siri yiri, Brm wiyer, Dwot yar, Say yM, Polyuar, Klr wir. Prefix *ba-.
2590 *yP-/*yiw- "house" Eg lwy.t "house, town block" (MK). WCh *yi'- "place": Kry iyu, Caguyi, Mbuyi. Consonantal alternation *.). ~ *-w-.
2591 *yil- "earth, field'' Eg lyr "field" (1). WCh *yt'la- "earth": Surayi"l, Angyil, Mnt ka-iil, Ankyil, Grk ril, Krkyali, Tngyelli, Pero illiy, Ngm 'eli, Glmyil, Grnyil.
2592 *yipac- "shine" Sem *yVpVC- "shine": Hbr ypc. CCh *pay- < *paH- "dawn" 1, "sun" LEC *[y}if- "shine": Or ifa.
2593 *yubil- "flow" Sem *wVbil- "rain abundantly (of the sky)": Arab wbl [- i-]. WCh *yub Vl- "dip, dive": Yng yuble. Related to *bot- "flow, be wet".
2594 *yub Vs- "be dry" Sem *y Vb Vs- ''be dry'': Hbr ybs, Arab ybs, SAr ybs, Gz ybs. WCh *bufy]Vs- "dry up": Hs buse. Metathesis. 2595 *yuw- "cow, bull"
Contaminated with *3a- ''man''. Alternation *a -
2598 *3a'-/*3aw- "go, come" Eg zJw "go slowly, crawl" (OK). WCh *Ja'- "come" 1, "enter" 2 : Hs zo 1, Wrj zau 2 , Kry zau Paa za 2, Mbu za- 2 , Jmb za- 2 . 2 1 CCh *Jaw-/*Jay- "walk" 1 , "enter" 2 : Log zuwa '. L:e ze ECh *n V-jaw- < *n V-3aw- "go": Jegu Jawo, Mub1 n3aa, n3au. *-J- < *-3- in contact with the prefix.
Eg lwJ "bull" (pyr). Bed yuwe "cow".
Consonantal alternation
*-'- -
2599 *3a'- "son"
Eg zJ "son" (pyr). CCh *Ja'-/*3 ay- "son": FG za, Gis za, Gude nzu, Gudu n3z, Nza nz;;iy, Bch nze. v•
2596 *3a- "man"
Eg z "man" (OK). WCh *3aj-/*3ij- "man": Cagu zafu, Juju, Wrj Jifa. Suffix j-. Other forms have an additional prefix: Diri nJ;;ivu, Paa nJuu. CCh *3a-/*3u- "man": Kap za, HNk za, HF zu, HBt zu. ECh *nVja(w)- < *nV-3a(w) "man":JeguJa, Mubi nJo, BrgJa. *-J- < *-3- in contact with the prefix. InJegu and Brg the initial sonant is lost. Some of the forms are contaminated with *3a-/*3i- "body, meat".
2600 *3a'ar- "plant" Eg z.lr.t "garden plant" (sarc). WCh *mu-3aHar- "grass": Bks muzaar. Prefix *mu-. ECh *'a-3 VHVr- "flower": Bid 'ozooro. Prefix *'a-. 2601 *3ab- "insect"
Eg d.t "body" (pyr). d- < *3- before a front vowel? WCh *3i-/*3u- ''body'': Bol zuwo, Krk zu, Krf Ji, Gera zuwi, Glm Ji, Grm Jii. CCh *3a- ''body'': Bura 3a, Chb 3a, N gw 3a, Klb 3a, Hld 3aw, Wmd i3;;iw, Mrg u3u, Mrg wu3u. ECh *3i- "body": Dng zi-r, Mig zi, Jegu zii-to, Mubijo-c, Bid zii-te, Brg zi. Agaw *3ry- "body, meat": Xmr ziyaa, Xmt srya, Kwr zeyaa, Dmb zeyaa, Kem sryaa.
Eg zb.t "kind of insect, parasite" (MK). Cf. ddb.t "scorpion" (1). CCh *3ab- "termite": Tera zaqa. Secondary emphatic. 2602 *3ab- "hair, wool" Sem *zabab- "wool, down, thick hair": Arab zabab-. Partial reduplication. Berb *3 Vb- "hair, wool": Zng a'-zbi. Eg zb.t "hairlock" (RGr). LEG *3ab- "hair": Or daabee, debb-esa.
3AGUL- -
2603 *3agiil- "monkey" ECh *3ugul- ''monkey'': Brg zuguli. Assimilation of vowels from *3agul-. Agaw *3agill- "monkey": Bil Jaggira, Xmt ziageraa, Kwr Jagiraa, Kem JegrJraa, Aun zagree, Dmt zagree. 2604 *3acab-/*3acib- "cut; axe" Sem *zVCab- "cut, chop": Arab zcb [-a-]. WCh *3aHib- "axe": Hs zii./Jz, Pero Jibi. 2605 *3a);iaf- "drag oneself, crawl" Sem *zVZzVp- "drag oneself, creep, crawl": Arab zl;j, Hss zebii.J, Mhr ze/Jii,j, Shh zbaf. LEC *3aHaf- "drag oneself, crawl": Kon taaj-, Glb zaaj-. 2606 *3ak-/*3ik- "go, come" Sem *zik- "march (in small steps)": Arab zkk [-i-]. WCh *3Vk- "come": TumJek. Alternation *a ~ *i. 2607 *3am- "think, remember" Sem *zVm- "think": Hbr zmm. WCh *3um- < *3amu- ''remember'': Pol zum. CCh *3am- "think": Glv dzam.
WCh *3an- "pour out": Diri zan. ECh *3yan- "flow, ooze": Bid zenyzerry. Reduplication. 2610 *3aril,c-/*3arul,r- "throw, push" Sem *zVrV{s- "throw" 1 , "dart" (v.) 2 : Hbr zrq 1 , Aram zrq 1, Arab zrq 1 , Hss zeroq 2 , Mhr zeroq 2 , Shh zoroq 2. SA *3 Vrig- "stir": Saho -izrig-, -idrig-. LEC *3arug-/*3aruk- "shift, push": Som durk-, durug-, Arb zarug-, Arb zurg-, zurug-.
*-g-1*-k- in SA and LEG seem to continue emphatic *·!!- . 2611 *3aw- "stick" Eg zJw "twig" (BD). WCh *3aw- "stick": Ngz zawa. CCh *3aw- "stick": Log zawa. Cf. Chb zuwa, Mrg rJzuwa that may also go back to *3uwal-. 2612 *3aw-/*3ay- "rope" Eg lzy "rope" (NK). WCh *3aw-/*3ay- "rope": Miya zowu, Ngz zayi, Bade zay£. CCh *3aw-/*3a)u- "rope": Tera zo, HGh zuwi, HB zuwo, Kap zuwe, Mnd zawa, Gude zu)wa, Nza zo)o, FMch zu)u, Lame zeo, Mafa zaya. ECh *3a- "rope": Tum ha, Ndam ha. Consonantal alternation *-w-
2608 *3amVn- "dwell, stay" Eg zmn "stay, dwell" (pyr). WCh *3amVn- "stay": Hs zamna, zauna. An original root may be represented in Dhl jem- "stay in a place''. 2609 *3an~ "pour, flow" T.I'. Sem *zyn-
• " rain
v. ) : Akk zananu.
2613 *3aw-/*3ay- "fly" (v.) ECh *3aw-/*3ay- "fly" (v.): Kwn sayi, Tob say, Lele se, Bid zew, Mkk zaawo. Rift *JP- "fly, jump": Asaji'-it-. Cf. Alg co'-ot- id. Rift *J- may be a regular reflex of HS *3-. Consonantal alternation *-w- ~ *:Y··
3Aw-/3uw- -
3rn- -
2614 *3aw-/*3uw- "rain"
2619 *3id- "increase"
Eg zwzw "kind of pool" (pyr). WCh *3aw-/*3a)- "water, rain": Cagu zaw, Geji zrye, Say za, Dwot za. Geji reflects *3ay-/*3ry-. ECh *3Vw- "rain" (v.): Tum haw. Agaw *3uw- "rain": Bil zuwaa, Xmr zoowaa, Xmt suwaa, Kwr suwaa, Dmb suwaa, Kem suwaa. From *3aw-.
Sem *zayad- "increase": Arab zyd [-i-], Hss zod, Mhr zryod, Shh z.sd, Soq zed. Based on the original *zid-. ECh *3id- "increase": Kbljida, Dng ziddrye, Mok ziid- ( < Arab?).
2620 *3if- "goat, sheep" Sem *zip- "sheep": Akk zzpu. CCh *3if-/*3uf- ''he-goat'': HF zija, Kap zuja.
2615 *3PVp- "cut" Sem *zPVp- "be cut off": Arab z3/. Berb *3 TiJ- "plane, shave": Ayr zaf-at. Eg lzp "chop with axe" (OK). Metathesis. Initial l- continues *)_ before a HS front vowel.
2621 *3ik- "shoulder" ECh *3ik- "arm, shoulder": Ndam jik-am, Kwn jigi-d. Agaw *3ikk- "shoulder" 1 , "back" 2 : Bil zeeg, zag 1 , Xmr ziig Xmt siig 2. Omot *zikk- "back": Orne zikkoo.
2616 *3ib- "go, walk" Eg zby "walk, pass" (pyr). Infinitive in :)J. WCh *3ib- "follow": Diri zibu. CCh *3ib- "go out" 1, "follow" zbi 2 . Cf. ECh *jwab-