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Festival of Light January 2-3, 2009 Phoenix, AZ
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Festival of Light January 2-3, 2009 Phoenix, AZ Orientation [FOL 2009 Audio Track 03 Orientation] Ash … through during this FOL period. So I‘m just here to give a little bit of a briefing on – especially if you haven‘t done those Techniques before there‘s a couple of things that will help you understand parts as far as, what part of your anatomy is being worked with and that kind of thing. So at the end of this I will show some of the graphs pertaining to that just so it‘s clear what you‘re doing when you go into the Technique catch-up. As far as the rest of the material – we‘ve been getting some very interesting material since the last workshop, the last workshop was St. Kitts in November. It has been crazy for us, at the end of November we got back from St. Kitts and we had 6 days to pack everything up at ShAlon here, to get in the truck to move to Watchtower over in Florida and while that was in the truck coming over we had to paint the whole house which there‘s still 3 – the bathrooms are left to do but… So it has been crazy just ongoing like all nighters round the clock for about a month. So if I look a little more tired than when you saw me last in St. Kitts that‘s why. Same with Az we‘re both a bit exhausted but we‘re here. What we‘re going to do for this workshop, where are we? We are here...
[0:01:07] Festival of Light (FOL) 2009 Workshop: ―Brave New World & the Floating Buddhas‖ - Azurite Press Program Itinerary You had the Christmas Story. I hope you enjoyed that. This becomes the annual tradition of reading the Christmas story but this the: Orientation: Your Transcendental Self- Being Buddha. This has to do with some of things we learned about our Bud Selves in the Kitts workshop and it‘s really just the beginning of, it‘s just the orientation really for the rest of the things. We‘ll show again the graphs that we introduced there that explains what your Bud Self is and where your levels of Bud Self or Buddha Selves are in relation to the structure of your Spirit Body, your ElumEir-Adhona Spirit Body. So we‘re just going to give a bit of a recap on that. The rest of this program gets interesting with some new material. The, tonight when we come in – and hopefully we‘ll be on time, it‘s looking good so far unless they hit me with a big dispensation or something, I don‘t know what‘s coming yet. It looks like we should be able to stay relatively on schedule. We‘ll post it on the door if it has to change but I think we‘re doing alright with that. This has to do: A transcendental View of the Earth Drama. That‘s viewing from the Buddha perspective basically, trying to get a idea of the Earth drama as it‘s unfolding here and we are going to cover a little bit about what are ―Orb People‖ which we began to learn more about in the St. Kitts workshop period where we actually had – I don‘t know if we have them available. Do we have any Orb pictures available Noel? Did people submit some of them and stuff? Oh that‘s good, if we could use those for tonight just to give people an idea, who haven‘t seen them. We did several Techniques on the beach in St. Kitts that actually had to do with calling in Elemental Command from the Median Earth level. Literally calling in Elementals from the Median Earth level and we were getting pictures of them like The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 119
Festival of Light January 2-3, 2009 Phoenix, AZ
Orbs all over the place. And a lot of people got them, it wasn‘t just like one or two people got you know a few Orbs floating around. We also had some meetings there of other Guardian groups, one called the ZionA and one called the Aquafar‘E and both of those are from Median Earth. We will be for people who weren‘t at the Kitts workshop, in our workshop this evening we will be getting a catch-up activation as far as meeting your ZionA what is called Attendant alright, and also meeting the Aquafar‘E. And they‘re like – when they manifest cause they could actually manifest fully here, they actually look like little fairy folk that there‘s always legends about them those kind of things. And Earth level has them too, NET Earth has them also but these are the ones from Median Earth. So we will catch up on that if you haven‘t met your ZionA Attendant yet. And then we‘re going to go through an activation really, it‘s a composite field activation that has to do with awakening the personal Homing-Seed. This is a part of our Karanadial Complex in our bodies that link to our Aah-JhA Hydro-Acoustic Bodies that actually holds the core encryption patterns of what grids on planet Earth your body was actually supposed to be born on but wasn‘t because of – it might have been but most of time you‘re not born on them because of the distortion in the Va-Bha-TE Cell. So we‘re going to activate this Homing Seed that actually carries the encryptions and that will begin a process that if you‘re in the right space, if you‘re like living on the right grids and you know that‘s where you belong you‘ll feel it. But if you know that, you know I know that I don‘t belong here for ever. There is some place else – is there really a place on NET Earth that I can even feel at home. This Homing-Seed will actually start moving you toward that direction where you‘ll get like feelings and ideas of where you might want to go and… That doesn‘t mean you have to move there either but it will give you more of an idea of what your home grids are, where your body is actually tuned and you can even, even if you just visit that place it can actually be very healing for you because you‘ll establish a direct report with the NET Earth grids, the Ascension level NET Earth grids. So we‘re going to activate the Homing-Seed and that is the beginning of something else. When we get down to here, this is the Floating Buddhas. I love that, they come up with some really funny names for things. This is where we actually – and the 2nd night tomorrow night, we actually get to meet our… We have a team and they call it – what‘s the big long thing, ―The Floating Buddhas Elemental Command Slider Teams‖. We each end up with a team of 6 that will be the permanent team that will work with you personally until you get you know to Slide or Bhardoah or however you‘re going into Ascension. So these teams, it‘s really neat, they come in, in a configuration and they are going to begin teaching us how to work with what are called the Clusters, so we become a Cluster our self or a Cloister. So we become a Cloistered Being where we actually have – there are 6 points in the field, in our bio-fields, not in our bodies but in the larger Aah-JhA Body that these Assistants will be there to hold until we have enough quantum build like quantum build in our own bodies to allow us to actually split ourselves into 6 or seven bi-locations – one in the middle where your Physical Body is and 6 around you, to do certain more sophisticated grid and materialization practices. So we are moving toward being able to do that but right now because we don‘t have enough light quotient in the body to fully do that to break ourselves up into 6 pieces that can each hold enough frequency. They will actually hold those positions for us so we can begin working with the higher level Geomancies of Median Earth and working with Elemental Command. It‘ll also be part of what will allow us later I don‘t know when they‘re going to start that but working with directly Planetary Stewardship in regard to the Harmonic grid-points and holding the grids together as time goes by and the Omega Code The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 119
Festival of Light January 2-3, 2009 Phoenix, AZ
continues to try to fracture them. So these are the beginnings of working with the team, working as a Cloister and they may or may not – I‘m not sure but I think they‘re going to do one where not only will you anchor your own Cloister but then there are Sha-Dra positions that a group of people who each of them are now represented over the power of 7 right, where yourself and the 6 others can get together and really, really amp the field. These, the Cloister that will work with you that goes home with you – if you want them, I mean they‘ll go away if you want them to go away, there‘s no obligation to have one. But there literally will be a support team. There are 2 of them that serve the role of Healers that we haven‘t met yet. We‘ll be meeting those on the 2 nd day and they‘re called the A‘quai – and the A‘quai are from AshalA level – and the A‘quA-elle which are from the Shala-3 level. So there are 6 all together. We have already met our Aquafereion and Bhendi Trainers from the Urtha level. So there is literally this team of 6 Beings that each of us will have to work with. Some work as Healers, some work as Trainers like the Bhendis where they teach you, you know more sophisticated stuff and that kind of stuff. Some will work as Counselors and some work as just Attendants. The ZionA that we met in Kitts will be the Personal Attendants where whatever it is you can go to that one and –e (he/she) will try to help you or assist you in whatever the issue is. You know it can be – they‘ll even assist you with certain types of healing or counseling or they‘ll refer you to one of the others that are more specialized. But it‘s like having your little team of experts right there with you. And it amps the protection in your own fields as far as being able to start opening more direct communication with them because there is always the risk of if you have something in your field – and most people have something in their field that they prefer not to be there, if you try to open the lines of communication it‘s always a risk that the others, the negatives are going to try to come in and twist the line. When you have this group of 6 with you there is less of a chance, it can still happen but there is less of a chance because they will each watch for each other and amplify the line which, if you‘re talking to one, all the others will amplify the line. So it‘ll be harder to be, for that line to be tapped, which means you have the potential of clearer communication with them than before so you can go higher in opening the senses that allow for direct communication. We‘ve had direct communication for a long time and it‘s, in the early days it was like God I‘m glad they were protecting me because I could hear everything and couldn‘t tell the difference between you know I could be talking to a FA and it‘s saying, hi I‘m a Guardian, I wouldn‘t have known the difference. And if I didn‘t really have a good Rashapasie looking out after me I wouldn‘t have been gone, I wouldn‘t have made it this far. But it‘s challenging when especially verbal communication comes. You‘ll probably get it first in direct cognition where it‘s just, you can feel like a thought transfer and you just GET IT. And you kind of respond back in kind. You can ask for that to be slowed down and if it slows down it can go into direct verbal. So they will try to communicate with you in direct verbal in your home language whatever language you‘re the most comfortable with. If say Spanish is your home, your native language and you‘re more comfortable with that they would use that to communicate with. But as far as if you don‘t, once you make the connection with them if you don‘t hear them right away don‘t worry about it they‘re still there. Just cause you can‘t hear them or see them doesn‘t mean they‘re not there. They will be with you as long as you want them there. And when we do the invites of bringing them in to do the Cloister tomorrow evening then you literally got your own team to go with you form that point forward. And let‘s see, OK. As far as – I‘m not going to go too much into that now because we have, you know we have two days to talk about that here. We‘re also going to get into something called – this is a mouthful Aquai‘-ah de So-La‘-RA LU‘-na Transmissions. That‘s a mouthful. They could have just said the A‘quai Solar-Lunar Transmissions if they wanted to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 3 of 119
Festival of Light January 2-3, 2009 Phoenix, AZ
keep it easy but no… they always have these great wonderful spellings and pronunciations. So they are a set of Activations that are going to start, the 1st one, the night one the lunar one is going to start tomorrow, we‘ll going to catch that activation tomorrow evening. And that starts a cycle of two times a day from now until the LoadOut Cycle of 222 left I think years is done, where twice a day there will be a pulse, a nanosecond pulse released from Median Earth‘s Core through Earth‘s Core and out and it will literally go out to the Solar Core and bounce back. Part of it will bounce back through the reflected Moonlight part of it will bounce directly. So there‘ll be, the strongest points to pick these ongoing activations up will be at, like 12:12 in the morning – which would be like midnight or 12:12 in the afternoon, you know noontime. And they‘re going to ask us to – if we want to advance the things that we‘ll go over again in this evening‘s when we do a little bit of a review on what we learned about the activations we‘re doing and about the Transfiguration Processes that we‘re starting in our body. But these will amplify the Light-Quotient factor in our own bodies progressively. And it just means going out and standing and breathing the Moonlight for a few minutes and/or the Sunlight. If you can‘t get out at 12:12 it‘s OK. That will be the strongest point but they‘ll be actually run, continually running. Once they bounce back they will continue being in the Earth‘s Field but the strongest point is at the 12:12 points. So at any time you could go out and just (in-breath) spend 12 minutes in the Moonlight, spend 12 minutes in the Sunlight. I won‘t use sunscreen when I do Sun but I won‘t say don‘t, you know I won‘t tell you not to use sunscreen but that‘s up to you because some people do have very sensitive skin and I wouldn‘t want you to end up getting skin cancer or anything because you know Ash said not to use sunscreen right (laughter)… no, no, I take my chances and you know and do it that way. But literally just let the, I mean ideally if we all lived out in the middle of nature you just kind of like stand there with no clothes on and let it you know your whole body, your whole skin absorb it. But that‘s probably a little hard especially if you live in a city or something. You‘ll get arrested for streeking?? Just as much as – especially if you‘re somewhere cold, you don‘t need to go out and stand there for 12 minutes and freeze to death either but as much skin even if it‘s just your eyes and maybe the backs of your hands if you can deal with that but don‘t give yourself frozen by if you live in a cold area either. But this will be ongoing, so it‘s like they‘re going to have us anchor the first one. And they haven‘t told me yet but I have a feeling we‘d better ask for permission to go out by the pool at midnight or something. So I‘m going to find out about that if we‘re going to need to. So from that point forward we will be able to really, really amp our progressive Light-Quotient building in the body through simple ritual like this and these combined with the Ah-RA‘-yas which are the exercise sets that we introduced at Kitts and which there will be a catch-up for. I believe Hollis Orr is going to do a catch-up on these for everybody. These are important they‘re not just ―exercises‖. They‘re supposed to assist you – oh boy exercises, no they actually assist in bringing into the Axiatonal Lines the literal codes from the different levels of what you‘ll see as your Buddha Selves, so more of your own Spirit Body Codes will be brought in progressively. So they‘re important, they stretch the Axiatonal Lines to be able to hold those extra frequencies from the activations that are coming in now and if the muscles and things are not stronger developed – that‘s why we do some weight training and that kind of stuff, it‘s not just like cardio, it‘s weight training and stretches and those kind of things. It literally amplifies the amount of energy that can run in the Axiatonal Lines and it strengthens the muscle tissue around that the Axiatonal Lines flow through so you don‘t end up with pulled muscles. I don‘t know if everybody has ever had one of those where you get the Kundalini activation in the back and it almost The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 4 of 119
Festival of Light January 2-3, 2009 Phoenix, AZ
whacks your back out of alignment where you get ―auw‖ and you go around like for two days like this. Well that happens when the Central Vertical Current has turned on at a higher level of current that the present physical structure isn‘t used to. And that‘s why we‘ve always done them quite gently where you don‘t get really bad Kundalini activations in the back and stuff. We tend to get them frequently, Az and I, it‘s like whose back is out this month you know. But the same thing can happen when you start turning on those amplified currents in any part of your body. So in order to avoid damaging the muscles when we exercise them and build them up, they will be able to handle more of energies coming in. Because if it gets to a certain point where say you‘re doing activations that are coming naturally on Light Body activations and your own Spirit Body activations, they‘re coming in at the body, it reaches a point where the body can‘t hold it, they‘ll actually back off the activations. So you‘ll get stuck there where your Light Quotient won‘t go up pass that point until the body has strengthened enough to hold it. Now some people have things like injuries and those kind of things that you can‘t force yourself to exercise. If you can‘t do some of these exercises that‘s OK, there are easier versions you can do. Some of them you can do like kneeling instead of standing and that kind of stuff. You do the ones you can and the idea is not to hurt yourself and also if you have any physical conditions that you‘re concerned about check with your doctor first and make sure, is it OK if I do this and this and this one. If you can‘t do the whole set of anyone of them it‘s OK, but you know a little bit is better than nothing. If you have a problem with your upper back or an arm or something then you won‘t be able to do two arms with the arm weights. That‘s OK. Use one arm if you can, if that would irritate the whole area don‘t do those, that‘s OK right those kind of things. So work with your doctor. If for any reason a doctor does tell you that you can‘t use a particular you know a set of those exercises ask him if he has something that he would recommend that would help the same areas, help strengthen gently the same areas that he would approve or she would approve for your condition. So you can still work with them. The cardio is also important. I know the cardio is important cause I loose my voice between how much I smoke and staying up all night doing like painting and moving and now it‘s like doing this again my voice goes completely. If I do for three days just do an hour or even a half hour cardio it completely clears the voice again and the lungs so the cardio does a lot. It also helps, it amplifies the speed at which your activations will naturally come through the body so it amplifies the field spins and the how rapid your coding will come in from your Bud levels. So together the exercise and the cardio, the physical exercise and the cardio exercise combined with some of the techniques that we‘ve introduced in other workshops and now combined with the Solar and Lunar light absorbing on a daily basis will create literally a program that you can use and take home and it will strengthen, it will strengthen your body and you‘ll probably feel better also as far as it will help clear the mind and that kind of thing as it‘s balancing the energies. But it will put you on kind of a rapid Light Quotient moving forward course, and its simple maintenance. The salt and soda baths still help a lot especially when you‘re doing the exercises cause it literally… I find especially that especially the baking soda, I will amp up the amount of baking soda sometimes if I have sore muscles from exercising and it seems to pull the soreness right out. I remember once I was so sore and it wasn‘t from exercising it was from an activation that was coming through and all my bones hurt and I put a whole box of baking soda in the bathtub and it was like sitting on a beach (laugher in audience) just like sand, it was so much it wouldn‘t even you know… in a warm bath and it literally pulled all the pain out. I was amazed that it worked. I didn‘t even have any salt at the time, I found baking soda so I put a whole – and it was a big box not one of the little boxes, a big box (laughter). I don‘t recommend that unless you feel like you‘re dying as far as muscle pain and stuff because it will dry your skin out The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 5 of 119
Festival of Light January 2-3, 2009 Phoenix, AZ
and those kind of things. It is a program, a life-healing program and a life program that will assist you directly in developing the Light Quotient and your ascension potential with the Physical Body. Now when we get back up to where we are here which is up in here. Tonight we‘ll go through more of the, kind of like Sliders-1-2-3 overview. It will be just an overview for if you‘ve been to one and not the other to see where they all went, to see what we learned here, what we learned here, what we learned in here. It‘ll be done pretty quickly I think – [to Beloveds] yes please, to get us back up to where we know where the parts are and what they‘re doing and things like that. And then we‘re going to go into what is a Shield Status Briefing and the Safe Zone Maps. So the Safe Zone Maps, the Safe Zone Map that we introduced in St. Kitts workshop will be introduced again and we‘ll talk a bit about that. I don‘t know if they‘re going to give any new data on locations but I think they are and the Cloistering which has to do with certain areas the people are going, once your Homing-Seed is activated certain areas, people are going to be drawn to go to certain areas or say move to certain areas and literally cluster there and form little clusters like little communities within the communities that exist in those places. And we won‘t tell you where they are but they will begin to open up and your own Spiritual Self will start teaching you about. Where is a place that will support you grid wise and that means you‘re a person that will support the grids in that place as well. So it will begin activating a co-resonance thing between you and the Earth grids that still have the potential, the portions that still have the potential to do ascension to Median Earth. And the Clustering or the Cloistering of the – you know making little Cloister Groups in these areas. It doesn‘t mean you have to do a communion just like you know you‘re moving to a similar area like 50 mile radius of wherever but you‘ll find first of all you have a little bit of community of somebody else that knows what you‘re talking about when you talk about any of this work. But you‘ll also will be able to, as a small collective even if you‘ve never even speak with each other, just your presence on the grids will actually open up a potential for that area to be able to make it into a Median Earth Slide. So there are certain areas that are going to activate first in the planetary grids. So if you don‘t get all of a sudden ―ah I‘m starting to get a feel, I‘m supposed to go where? I don‘t feel anything yet‖. It may mean that your site areas are not activating yet so don‘t worry it will come. Just stay put? or if you feel like going some place go there. But there will be a certain resonance once your site area activates in the planetary grids – and they‘re going to start activating now. They‘ll start talking to your Homing Seed. And even if you only just go there once that is enough where your Codes will interact with the Grid Codes there and even if you don‘t move there, even if you just are going to go and visit that will give that area the ability to be on the potential Slide going up map. So there is more we‘re going to learn about this. They‘re just teaching me about this too. Yeah the Inborn Personal Homing-Seed and ―Inborn‖ this actually comes in at the Fetal Integration Point where that is anchored into the Fetal Integration Point when the Spirit anchors into the baby, the Fetal Body. Alright, Making Home… And they‘ll talk a little bit about ‗Making Home‘ and finding YOUR ―Place of Power‖ because this place that your HomingSeed is connected to will be Your Place of Power. It would be the place that if you say want to go on a Vision Quest or on a talk to your Personal Cloister Quest where you wanted you know the strongest support from the grids it would be in that area. And it would be also an area to go if you wanted to work on say materialization or manifesting things in your life that is where your strongest power base would be. If it‘s some place you‘re going to visit and not live in you could – if it‘s too far away to like go there often, you can take a photo of the place like find, say if you go and it‘s in another country. You find The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 6 of 119
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the grids and say this feels good, I feel good here, take a photo of the area you can use it for remote access so you don‘t have to worry about having to go back to that place all of the time. So it becomes a Place of Power where it literally, the grids in those places will support us just as we are supporting the grids. It will also make it easier for your Cloister Team to open lines of communication and to reach you and to work with you more directly. They also would be the easiest places that if they ever had to do a Shield-pull which means if it ever, if the Omega Code ever starts the Earth Changes to the level where it can‘t be held together here they will pull the Shield up into Median Earth. That Power Place would be your strongest place to be able to catch the Shield from. Whatever Light Quotient level you had it would support you enough to be able to pull through if they had to do an emergency evac Shield-pull. Now if it happens to be somewhere far away from where you are you can actually try to project through it. That‘s when you hold that picture right that you took of the Power Spot. But it‘s worth going to the Power Spot at least once, to your Personal Power Place. And don‘t worry if it doesn‘t open up for a while. If you don‘t feel it for a couple of years, you forget it‘s there and all of a sudden something, you may end up going on a trip to one place and have a detour to somewhere else or get stuck somewhere else for a little bit and go ―waw this feels right‖. And there will be a feeling like ―ha this is it!‖ You also may get like a series of them running through your head first where there might be a series, it‘s almost like clearing the karmic trail before you get to Your Core Power Point. There might be a few other places that you need to pass through and leave Codes behind that were part of the Va-Bha-TE Cell. So you might find yourself moving a couple of times right which isn‘t fun. I mean at this point I told the Beloveds I‘m not moving ever again except vertical because I can‘t stand it. We moved, our whole life together Az and I has been moving. We moved from Florida to England, then we moved from England to Arizona and Colorado and now we‘ve moved from Colorado and Arizona over to Florida and the whole last part was from England back has happened since 2006, May of 2006. It‘s only 2009, January. So anyway, finally we‘re on our Power Spot and they assigned us to the Watchtower grids, that‘s Pine Island in Florida. And there is, some people will have a strong feeling for one of the Sentinel grids which we‘ll talk about when we get into this. The sentinels are 3 Power Points like literally Planetary level Power Points that hold the Shield of Solomon activation together and they are a strong triangulation in the Shield of Solomon. So we‘ll talk more about those things this evening and finding our Place of Power. Also for those who haven‘t met your ZionA Attendants and the Aquafar‘E Helpers. Everybody met, saw the Aquafar‘E come in a little bit. I don‘t know if they saw them but they had pictures of some of them. They came in as little Gold Orbs and these guys came in as kind of Indigo-Purple-y-Blue larger size Orbs and some people could see them and some people got photos of them. Mostly we got photos of the little guys which are the Ah-VA-yas Elementals from Median Earth but we will be bringing these guys in again. If you haven‘t met your ZionA Attendant you will have the chance to do that this evening and all of us will have a chance to meet our Helpers cause even though they came in, they didn‘t really introduce themselves or anything but this is where even if you were at the Kitts workshop the Aquafar‘E, you know your Aquafar‘E Helper will begin, they kind of helped the ZionA Attendants and they‘ll help you personally too and they‘ll… If you start dreaming of fairies know your Aquafar‘E is trying to talk to you because they are literally, they come, they look like tinker bells the ones I‘ve seen look like Orbs and if you look in them they look like tinker bells but you don‘t see The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 7 of 119
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the wings right, they don‘t fly with wings. Some of them have wings they said but I haven‘t seen the winged ones, mine isn‘t winged but it floats. So we‘re going to meet those guys. I met a lady a long time ago in Pennsylvania who had these fascinating photos and I knew her well enough to know she wasn‘t lying and she didn‘t falsify them. She had – and they told her, the fairies told her and they literally were fairy folk, told her how to get pictures of them. She had to use black and white film and that was it and it was in bright/brought daylight in her garden and she actually had black and white shots that looked like little naked people, they didn‘t have wings either but they looked like little naked people. And I said, are you sure you didn‘t, you know that‘s not a model and you just… I didn‘t, you know nobody will believe me but I didn‘t. And they used to appear to her in her garden physically where she would talk with them and they would teach her things about spirituality and that kind of stuff. These were the Earth level ones. The Median Earth level ones can do that too. So eventually, but first you may just like have this little gold ball flipping around and saying ―come with me, come with me‖. I remember when we first met them I didn‘t know who they were or what they were but I saw with my inner vision, it was so close to 3D vision I could almost see them with my physical eyes. All of these little tiny Gold Orbs started to pop up out of the ground when we were at Kitts in this one place. And I was with my daughters at the time and I go like ―what‘s that?‖ And then more and more of them started to pop up like not just by where we were but then like off in the distance you could see them popping up where the grass was. I‘m going ―what is this? Hello Beloveds what are they?‖ And it was hearing almost like this tsitsitsi… like talking amongst themselves where there is this really high pitch chatter and I kept getting this direct cognition wave push that said ―come with me, come with me, come with me, come with me‖ right. And they started to roll where it looks like they‘re rolling like in a wave of these little Gold Balls and they wanted us to follow them so we followed them down to the beach and we had this really – it was at night, and we had this really weird not unpleasant but it was a weird experience down the beach. It was the first one, it was just me and my daughters and a friend. And it was kind of like a prelude to what would come when we did the ShaDra Circles and things on the beach in the nights to follow. But they can manifest physically where you can see them. At some point in time once you establish your report they may do that. You can ask them to do that and just like you know ―come on guys do it physical, show me‖. They will at their discretion, they will use it that way because they also like the Beloveds feel that the burden of proof is in the eye of the beholder. And for some people they know they‘re already past that where it‘s not like ―I‘m not going to believe it until I see it‖ kind of thing. And usually you won‘t see it until you believe it because you‘re partly responsible for manifesting your hologram. So they will use their own discretion with that. Ok let‘s see where we‘re… we‘ll talk a little bit more about Orb people because we are Orb people too when we go in projections to visit say Median Earth and those kind of things. When we do our Journeys we look like Orbs too. So the people in Orbs that are coming in Orb they have a physical manifestation as well so it‘s not just you‘re talking to flying balls. You know these are like people in there right. So they‘re going to teach us a little bit more about, I don‘t know what they‘re going to say about them but they‘re going to speak more about the Orb people and what. Just like people here sometimes they‘re nice people and sometimes they‘re not nice people that do, you know that are harmful and same thing is with Orb people because you can have Orbs on either side. There was a question my daughter Zan asked me. She was getting pictures of, she said ―they looked like ripped Orbs mom, what are they?‖ I said ―I don‘t know, I‘ll go vertical with that one‖, but it implies some kind of field damage of some sort. So I‘m hoping to get an answer to that question, I haven‘t gotten one yet but except that there is field damage of some sort and I think it could be, if it‘s a negative one the dark part that looks ripped could actually be something good is The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 8 of 119
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actually starting to come in and access the field or it can be vice versa if it‘s a positive one that is working Kristic energies it could be a damage that‘s coming in on the negative side to harm the field. So I‘m hoping to get a little bit more on that question because I still don‘t have a full answer on the question that Zan had asked. But that‘s in the Orb people discussion I think. OK, let‘s see, so that‘s where we‘ll get the review. Now up here, I don‘t want to talk too long because we have the catch-up things to do and this is supposed to be a brief orientation but I do want to show you for when you go into the Techniques, the catch-up Techniques just a really quick brief on the anatomy parts that are involved with this and a bit about what they mean. We‘ll deal with that a little bit more intensively in the workshop this evening but I just want, so you have an idea especially if you‘ve never run them before. I can say your TE‘a-Wha Window... what is a TE‘a-Wha Window? You know what I mean, so you see the parts so you know what you‘re doing. And as far as like where the Windows are located, I do not remember how high what ones are but it‘s in the Technique itself so I won‘t even try to remember to put that one when I‘m showing the diagrams. Next one please... To understand the TE‘a-Wha Windows and the Aah-JhA Body structure we start with going back and just looking at the ElumEir-Adhona structure. Remember the Spirit Body structure, that‘s the ElumEir-Adhona. It has its 12 Allurean Chamber Lines with its Flows and its Core Gates. And each one of these has a sphere at the end of it and it represents, those spheres represent the Event Horizons that go with the ElumEir-Adhona Spirit Body. Now this in context... next one please, in context as far as where are you – just ignore that one the red one for right now, where are you, this area here is this area down here. So that ElumEir-Adhona Spirit Body is huge OK. So if this is your little self here in your physical this is this whole huge Orb around you and around that there is even a larger one that the ElumEir-Adhona and the Aah-JhA Hydro-Acoustic Body are in. So this is like this massive sphere that you‘re inside in that has layers to it. OK next one please... Now if we look at that sphere there are layers in this sphere – this shows you one Density‘s worth of the layer structure. There are different bands on the D-1, the red ones pertain to D-1, then you have the D-2 level, the D-3 level and the what‘s called the Density-1 level what spans up into the next set of like D-4, 5 and 6. So these pentagonal shapes here they call them the Pentagonal Flows, they‘re, I wont go heavily into this right now because we‘ve talked about it before too, ever since Slide-2 I think we introduced this, maybe even in 1 but these are the flows by which your field actually manufactures its own elements. You literally, when your fields are working properly you manifest your own living elements, the 144 elements to be exact and it‘s also the natural breathing structure of an Eternal Life Body and atomic form and the field around it. When we are working with the opening the TE‘a-Wha Windows and things, there is TE‘a-Wha Windows, the TE‘a-Wha‘s go with D-3, this would be the TE‘a-Wha Window. And they‘re not just on 1 Fire Line – cause these are running actually on the Fire Lines, these lines are the Fire Lines and these are the Allurean Chambers between them. In the Aah-JhA Body the Fire Lines go with the Light Body and the Allurean Chamber Lines go with the Spirit Body. So this is where the Light Body and the Spirit Body start moving energy together, actually form elements and atoms. And on this one, on this main Fire Line-12 this is where the main windows open – and these are the ones we‘re opening first. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 9 of 119
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We have the TE‘a-Wha Window on D-3, it corresponds to the D-3 fields and the I AM EGO band of consciousness, of conscious awareness. That‘s the self you know yourself as when you look in the mirror, I AM here. Then there is another one called the GrU‘-al Window and that corresponds with your I AM Body Consciousness band of focus. And up here you have the I AM God Self band of consciousness and the flows that correspond with that. And down here you have the D-1 this goes into the I AM Element level of consciousness. And then there is one more inhere that‘s not on this particular drawing that goes with the Rasha Body. And we‘re going through a process. First we open the TE‘a-Wha Windows and then they become Doors where they actually extend down in to the level below and up into the level above. Then we open the GrU‘-al set. And the GrU‘al are the GrU‘-al Control. It controls the whole set of them on the what we call the physical level here. So the GrU‘-al Control we‘ll be opening those. And in St. Kitts we opened the D-1 and the Rasha levels. We don‘t have to do a catch-up on the Techniques that were used in St. Kitts because if we do the two sets of catch-up Techniques from Slide-1 and Slide-2 and then the two composite Techniques that we are going to do with the assistance of our Team that‘s coming in it will actually trigger in activation of all the things that happened for the people that went to Kitts an did those exercises, everybody will get that activation catch-up by using these two Techniques with the proper catch-up ones. So it saves us from having to go through like a weeks work of the different things that we did in St. Kitts cause we don‘t have a week to go through them anyway. We will have in the end of the program probably tomorrow we had these set of homework Techniques that people were assigned that were the Mindfulness Field Techniques. We are going to be going back over those a bit and taking them with you and they are going to be something you can do not just once but all the time when you‘re working with your Cloister Team. And it gets real interesting when you start to see what they are. So we have some of those coming in. But back to here, when we will talk about opening the Doors, TE‘a-Wha Window and Door will come down, GrU‘al is the orange one, the red one goes with the D-1 that‘s the Jhan-Dha‘s, that‘s the GrU‘-al, that‘s the TE‘a-Wha and that‘s the Jha-Dha Doors and Windows. That is what we‘re talking about and that is in that large body structure that you saw around you. So you‘ll literally opening them. In the Kitts activations not only did we open the D-1 and the Rasha level, at a certain point in the activations all of these lines, all of these Fire Chamber Lines have a set of these and all of them opened and turned on something that‘s called the Uni-genetic Underlay – and we‘ll talk more about that when we go through the workshop tonight. But we will get that, that‘s the activation that will trigger automatically once we do the catch-ups from Slide-1 and 2 and the new ones. So we‘ll get that automatically if you hadn‘t got it already in St. Kitts. So literally it‘s like you have these open doorways that become, well first they stay as windows for a while but these are what allow the frequencies to come right into the atomic structure to allow for Transfiguration of the atomic structure into the Density above. We‘ll also probably cover again the 18 steps involved, basic steps involved in how elemental, the body goes into Transfiguration. We‘ll cover those again in tonight‘s workshop. Next one please... There is one or two more... [to Az] I don‘t even need that one. This is just showing the different Vector Lines, I mean the different Vector Lines and their Vector Twins, I don‘t really need that one in there. This is where we get into being Buddha. [to Az] Can you put the one up again that has the, let‘s see... put it kind of next The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 10 of 119
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to it where you can see the little body on that one. And if we remember this one, the little body over here that was in that where we were showing you have the body and you have this big field and your Aah-JhA Body around you right. Now that one, and of course that would have, that was this part down here on that diagram and that has all of these Allurean Chambers Lines coming out around it. Each one of those – if you have your individual self here, each one of these would be a Probable Self of you. And right now – [to Az] you can take that down now, so let‘s say right here say you are here, you are 1 Probable Self in a set of 12 – and this is your Density-1 level Self, the core of which is 1 full incarnation alright. So you are – and this is, these would have the same, from the same Fetal Pattern. So you are 1 of 12 Probable Selves. And if you put them all together, the encryption of all of them together you would have your full Incarnate Self, your full you, that would be your Density-1 God Self or your Density-1 Bud level. Now when we started these activations from Kitts we all still represented a Probable Self, we didn‘t have all the coding turned on in our body yet that corresponded to that full Incarnate Self. The activations progressively take us through activating the full Incarnate Self, the Buddha level-1, our Bud Self level-1 where you literally get the encryption turned on in the body in the DNA of the full set of 12. The next stage is your Transcendental Self. And that‘s your Density-2 full Soul Self. The full Soul Self if you see here, the full Incarnate Self from Density-1 represents 1 line out of 12, 1 Incarnate out of 12 at the center of which is the full Soul Self. So the Soul has 12 Incarnates. Your full Incarnate Self would be 1. Yourself as a full Soul Self would have the encryption of all of these Incarnates, the 12 Incarnations right, Simultaneous Incarnations and that would be your Density-2 Buddha level Self. These are the ones that we‘re bringing into activation and literally bringing the codes from those other – first of all the other Probability Lines literally online in your own body and energy fields and then from those 12 Incarnations. You‘re bringing the codes in from those lines so you can literally activate and progressively bring in this level of consciousness, yourself as Soul. The next one will be yourself as Over-Soul as it goes up the stack. So we‘re going to go up to the Over-Soul level. I didn‘t even have that on this map. But this is literally one of these on each of the levels. You have your Density-1 one which would be the D-1, 2, 3 where we have the TE‘a-Wha Fields and all of that that we just talked about. Then you‘d have the D-4, 5 and 6, then you‘d have the D-7, 8 and 9, then you have the D-10, 11 and 12 and there is another one that corresponds with D-13, 14 and 15. So these are literally the levels of the Self, how they are positioned and how they sit within the structure of the ElumEirAdhona Spirit Body. We open these Chambers then once we get these codes to activate we open the Chambers that run between them and it literally creates a line – and we‘ll be facing out here technically so this would be literally a line from where we came, the Chambers, the Bhardoah Chambers open to allow frequency, open access. That also allows eventually for your Physical Body to go up here or to go up here and to literally upscale its atomic structure into Slide Ascension. So these, I just wanted you to understand about the Bud Selves and the Buddha Selves because they will be a product of using the catch-up exercises and the two new Techniques that we will get will literally turn these levels of consciousness on. It may take you a while to be able to find yourself in them but it‘s opening into the body these codings. And these are the codes, these Chambers that open bring in very, very strong frequencies and currents. They‘re TransThe MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 11 of 119
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Vector which means they cross just the single Event Horizon your Probable Self is on, you as a Probable Self is on right now. It is bringing in the other parts of yourself, the coding of the other parts of yourself in other Time Vectors. So it‘s allowing you to actually progressively build the ability to move through time and space with your body. Not just space but you know time. So it‘s the beginning of kind of like learning to become Doctor Who without the phone booth you know where you travel where you can literally time travel through the process of Slide. And this is what eventually we will learn how to do if we get our bodies to the point where they‘re atomically able to do that. But you don‘t need machines to do it. In fact good luck with that, usually they cause more harm than good as far as throwing machinery around, you know through time. But the physical bodies were meant in their natural state to be able to do these things. So we‘re turning on our Buddha Selves and the Transcendental State corresponds with the full Soul Self level so that is like your Buddha-2 level that‘s the Transcendental State. There is other states too, I think the next one is the Transmutational State with the Density-3 which I believe we‘re activating through the process of this workshop. And then there is one the Transfigurational one goes with the Density-4 level which would be your Avatar level of Self. And then there is one more above that. So this is the beginning of literally turning on the coding and if you didn‘t because of the Va-Bha-TE Cell distortions that we pick up here and the mutation. We would normally get the imprint of all of this in our DNA but we didn‘t get all of that because of the distortions of the Fetal Integration process. So it is literally turning it back on. And it comes from your own Self, it‘s your own literal line of encryption codes going all the way from your Rishi Self all the way down eventually. So we‘re turning it on up to the Over-Soul level, and next I wouldn‘t doubt that at the next workshop which is the Sarasota one we‘ll probably do the Avatar level as well. And this, it just expedites the process and it brings back to the body the ability to Slide because without that if you only have the codes that go up to here you‘d only be able to stay at Density-1 with your Physical Body. That would be the capacity of your Physical Body. If you only have the codes up to here you‘d only be able to go to a Density-2 level system because it only has two levels of codes. So as we progressively turn on more of these code levels in our DNA and in our bodies it is progressively giving our bodies the ability to not only go Slide to Median Earth which is still considered a Density-1 system but you need the full set of Probable Selves to be able to Slide to Median Earth but then to Slide to Asha-LA which would correspond with the frequencies of Density-2 and to ShaLa-3 which would correspond to Density-3 and then to Urtha which would actually correspond to the frequencies of Density-4 even though it is a Density-1 system where it is. The frequency of that Galaxy is so strong compared to this one it would be equivalent to our Density-4 level of frequency. So this is the progress. This is the beginning of turning on the full Bud Codes or the Buddha Codes of our own selves in our bodies to bring the atomic reality of Slide into the Atomic Body itself. And I think, let‘s see, oh one more... Now on this one I just wanted to show you, to point out again that the Ah-RA‘-yas, those exercises, they – let me see if I can read my writing, the exercises bring into the body, the Physical Body which right now is primarily made of what are called Shona atoms, they‘re made of the Dead Light as opposed to the ShaLAa Living Light. It brings into them the radiation encryption of your other Probable Selves and God Self via the Axiatonal and Meridian Lines allowing for time leap, biological time leap for Slide. So when we are doing these exercises all those frequencies that we were just talking about coming in through the Bud Codes, the Buddha Codes are turning on progressively in the Axiatonal Lines systems in the body and literally bring The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 12 of 119
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them into the atomic structure. So we‘ll probable look at that a little bit more tonight when we go over some of the processes cause I think what I want to do is – I‘ll go through quick just to hold context the Slide-1 and Slide-2, the basic, what they covered but to bring back what the highlights of Slide-3 were because we did learn quit a bit about the Uni-genetic Underlay and all of that and the process of Slide in there. So I‘ll focus on that when I‘m doing the bit of overview tonight. But I just wanted to remind you that the exercise parts, the Ah-RA‘-yas. When the Ah-RA‘-yas class is, the catch-up class is please do go even if you can‘t exercise just to watch, to see what it is and that kind of thing. It would be good if you could exercise cause it will give your Axiatonal Lines an initial kind of first stretch – even though it takes more than just doing them once right, the exercises once, they‘ll give them a first stretch for the activations that will be taking place particularly on the second night when we get our Cloister sets with us and that kind of stuff, our Cloister Teams. So I‘m going to turn you over to Az and Noel for the next part which is... yeah there is going to be a comfort break before they start the Techniques. So far we think we‘re good for 8.30 for tonight by the way but for now we‘re going right into the – let‘s see how long is the comfort break... you can have a comfort break, Az is saying it‘s a little bit shorter than what we have on there so I had to guess on the times when I put that together so you can take a comfort break and relax till 2.30 and then come back for 2.30 to start the catch-ups, the catch-up Techniques...
[AudioTrack 5] We‘ve been pretty decent as far as staying on schedule, and they were giving me things two weeks before. I had a feeling FoL‘s are going to be a little different, where they‘re on security clearance. And I thought when I went up I would get a nice little nap so I‘d be refreshed, good luck with that! I‘ve been on the computer the whole time, so if I seem a bit tired or spacey that’s why. I was tired and spacey when I came in the first time, (chuckling) but that doesn‘t stop us from going. What they…first of all what I want to do is…we‘re getting in here just about in time to go back outside again for the 12:12 pulse, because that is releasing. That first…how do we pronounce it again? I‘m just going to call it Solar-Lunar Transmission Pulse. As we get into the program when we come back in, we will do…have a…well just a few mylars to get through this evening. Just a few! (chuckling along with audience) We‘ll do a bit of a review of the planetary level stuff that we‘re dealing with, so that will lead into the last…however many pages that they gave me on what the chronology of the drama, since 2008. Now, I think it was back in the middle of 2007 somewhere, we went—well it took us several months to do it—but we went through and created some paper. I think it got handed out at one of the workshops, and haven‘t seen it in a while. But it started with just listing all of our work, what we‘ve done since the drama started in like 1999/1998, all the way through. It charted the Grid… the things that were happening in the Grids. It charted the mission upgrades that we‘ve had to do, and also the FA mission upgrades that have been done. Well they had me do the rest of that from middle of 2007 all the way through, and I think we‘re on like…the last one is mission upgrade number 39. Thirty-nine I think. Yeah! I mean we‘re just…there was a huge amount of them. They wanted us to do this so we could see what tonight is about, because there‘s a lot going on as far as what is happening at this workshop. Whenever they give me very little information about a workshop, for the itinerary or for like description, I have a feeling The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 13 of 119
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it‘s a really big one as far as what the grid stuff going down is, and this was following that pattern. Because there‘s some really exciting things taking place because there are some new people, and some people had parts of this and parts of that as far as understanding the Rods and the Rod splits and that kind of thing that we talk about as far as the Earth Body, and those kind of things. We will go through a brief run like we did in St. Kitts to bring us up to scope as far as understanding more clearly of, what the sinkholes are, who‘s doing what with what. Then we will go into reading what the drama is about, and what we are going to be participating in, in this particular workshop set. And you‘ll get that best by having some of the visuals first, and like the visual chain of understanding how those pieces of the Earth stuff fit together, so when you hear them referred to in the reading…because I‘m going to have to read the other part, it‘s like all type block text stuff. I‘ll put it up on mylar so you can read it too, but we‘ll be reading it off the paper. You will see progressively what 2008‘s work has been about. I didn‘t even get a chance to pull out of the computer yet the 2007 ones, because I have to pull it and then paste-up to put it in with the one that left off somewhere in the middle of 2007. So those aren‘t even fully paginated. But we‘ll take it from the start of 2008 and where we were at then so we can see what this is about. And this is a really, really big workshop as far as Grid Work happening, and it‘s exciting to be a part of it. Once we get done with that block, we‘ll take just a regular comfort break because the break we‘re going to take now is not really a break, it‘s just the 12 minutes outside to try to find the moon. I mean I‘m looking at where can you see it from here? But if we can go by the pool...we can‘t go in the pool thing because it closes at 11 I believe, and we didn‘t have the special permissions in advance to go in. So I don‘t know if they would allow us to do that, and unless Haldun or somebody‘s here that could arrange it quick, we‘d probably just need to mill around. We don‘t have to do anything like a big cluster together, but the idea is when we go out for 12:12 and like….what is it now? It‘s like a quarter to 12 at this point. When we go out, it is just simply a (inhales) breathing with your Krystar Vehicle—the ―Rasha Eira Krystar Now‖— and just breathing gently and absorbing the moonlight from the air, because it‘s going to come through with that 12:12 pulse. It is the first Solar-Lunar Transmission Pulse. There is a part of the writings that were given, explain a bit more of what that is, and why it‘s important and significant. So we‘ll understand more about that by the time we come in and finish the first part of the mylar program that takes us up to those writings. Then if we‘re still alive and awake (laughing)…by the time we get through most of the diagrams and stuff, are the ones that are on the planetary Grids and those kind of things. When we get to the second part, that‘s when we‘re going to go back into the bodies a bit more, and understanding the Light Quotient and the processes involved that we…kind of like an overview of the processes that we have learned about through the Sliders classes—the last three Sliders classes—to bring us up to the point where we understand a bit more about what is going to be happening in the activations that we‘re getting, and especially to understand about Light Quotient. Because that was kind of a vague concept, and it‘s been thrown around and bantered about in the New Age Movement for a long time without any real explanation of it. So we got a really good explanation of it, more in-depth in the St. Kitts workshop, so it will be more in depth there, but it will be enough to… for people who weren‘t there, to get a bit more of a gist of what it‘s about, and then be able to see the percentages it requires to do certain functions like Slide 2 Translocation, and those kinds of things. What the exciting thing is, is that we‘re getting a Grid amp tonight. It‘s a four year jump again. And what … yeah! Here we go again. What we will be achieving by the end of the activations in this workshop when you go home, everyone present, and that implies too…even if a person happened to be born Illuminati Leviathan Lines where you have a heavy saturation of Shona Light in your body as opposed to the Living Light Sha-LA‘-a. Even those on the Host will be able to go up to a 75% Light Quotient. (Audience applauds). And this is very significant, because that is the minimum required to be able to do a Slide 2 Translocation. Yeah! So it means the people that are here in this room will be able to… if they ever pull the Shield, like in an emergency where things that are going right right now, that are actually going in Guardian The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 14 of 119
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favor for a change for the first time in eight years, but if anything happens between now and 223—I think it still is, 223 years from now (Note: later corrects to 222yrs)—they will pull the Shield, and it means the people that are doing these activations, are getting the acceleration that if they had to pull it—like Monday morning—you would be able to go. Same applied to the people in the St. Kitts workshop where they just started… it‘s almost like getting a Level 4 Minister Ordination all at once, even if you never had one before. (chuckling) So it‘s very, very powerful activations that are coming through. That is why they want us to catch them live when this first Solar-Lunar Pulse comes through. And it‘s coming through… it‘s a first pulse of energy radiation—light radiation—that is coming through into Net Earth‘s Core from the Core of AshalA—not just Median Earth—but AshalA as well. And it literally goes through, like nanosecond bursts, and I have a feeling it‘s like a starburst. I don‘t think it‘s just like one little zissstt, (makes sound) I think it‘s like a starburst effect. And it goes and interacts with the Solar Core and then bounces back, and it then triggers a reaction with the Lunar Core. So in the…you get two of these a day. The one at night will be bouncing back through the reflected light—the moonlight coming back—and it moves faster than…like this is nanosecond speed, so it‘s like, it‘s here, it‘s gone, it‘s back, that kind of thing. So it‘s really, really fast. It will last and then will continue to build in the Net Earth‘s Grids and things like that, through from now until the end of the Host down here which should be, if things go well, 2230AD. And a lot of us will probably be out of here by then, where some of us will Bardoah out if we can only get our bodies to a certain level of Light Quotient. At least we know now...I mean at this point you should be able to Slide, but there are still things in the body that have to be healed, and that‘s why they‘re bringing in The Healers in this particular workshop—the last two ones of our team that will assist us in the Slide where they will work with the bodies for healing purposes. Like if…say if you have missing organs, or if you had an organ transplant or things like this. All of those things affect your Light Quotient. Organ transplants for example, you‘re taking on somebody else‘s biological coding, the encryption. So that would be something that would not be particularly resonant with your own. It would be like the donated Va-Bha‘-TE Cell, for example, where you have another encryption that would have to transmute and you’d have to become free from. And you can‘t exactly say ‗well, I‘m going to take it out whatever it is,‘ if you had a transplant! You need to keep it there. But you can work with it to get it to the point where when you are ready for a Slide, you can go through a healing process very quickly where you do get to bring the body out and literally set free the organ in it. Now they haven‘t said whether you have—if you‘ve had an organ transplant or anything—whether you have to Bardoah out at the end or not, but I don’t think it‘s always necessary. I think there are things that they can do to reset the original…almost like…I don‘t know if you could physically re-grow a new one of your own, but that‘s what would happen in the process of literally going through, turning to light and coming back out on the other side. Where you would free the one that wasn‘t yours, and literally the pattern that belonged to you…and this we can‘t do by ourselves, this requires work directly with the AshalA Healers, the A‘quai Healers from AshalA. But they have Healing Temples specifically for that. There‘s going to be times as the Grids progressively become able—the planetary Grids—able to open the Slide Zones which are the Safe Zones. There will literally be…there are Slide Cities that temporarily Slide in to a certain level, and Slide Zones on Earth slide up to meet them there, and then there‘s this partial Transfiguration that occurs that allows transport in between the two sets of Planes. Because what we‘re dealing with here are sets of interwoven Planes of what used to be one Planetary Body to start with, that was Amenti Earth—Amenti Rescue Mission Earth—that was Hosted into AshalA which was the natural Star Gate 3 in the… well in the Milky Way System, but the Milky Way itself fell, and we went into this in the Amsterdam workshop. But at this point you have Median Earth, one third of the quantum of the original Amenti. You have Blended Earth which is one sixth quantum of Net Earth where we are, one sixth quantum of Caduceus Earth which we don‘t see, but it is running in the same reality field as us but on a different particle spin. And The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 15 of 119
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then you have one third quantum of Phantom Fallen Earth which is completely in alignment with the Wesedek and the Procyak Black Holes at this point. So we are on Net Earth, and there‘s going to be a process by the end of this whole Ascension Cycle where there is going to be a separation between those Grids as far as some of them will go up, some of them will go into what‘s called Sovereign Kryst Fall with the Budhara Host, thanks to the Treaty of Al-Ben-Yan which came through. It was finalized right at the end of July (2008), and it really saved the day for a lot of us, because the Beloveds were getting ready to pull the Aquafereion Shield and get whoever could go at that point up and out, because it was going to go bad quickly here because of what the White Dragons were doing. And we‘ll read some of that. We‘ll see the progression of what those events were. But fortunately that Treaty did come through and because of that Treaty the activations that have taken place since then have been enabled, and what we‘re going to do tonight has been enabled, which will enable a final huge hurrah victory for the Sarasota workshop in April, which is literally where we get to … we will be able to pull back the Watchtower Shield. Because part of the Watchtower Shield has actually been compromised a long time ago by the Green Dragons first. Now the Green Dragons are losing the game, so the Red Dragons and the White Dragons are taking it over. The White Dragons took over the Red Dragons that they made friendly enemy deals with, so now it‘s the Whites dragging the Reds along under fear of imminent death, because they said ‗either work with us or we‘ll kill you. We‘ll just do genocide and wipe you out.‘ So they‘re like ‗Okaaay.‘ Guess it‘s a White/Red Alliance, not a Red/White Alliance anymore, and the Greens are pleading no contest because they‘re just ‗Uh oh. We‘re in trouble!‘ The Greens teams would include the Anu race lines that we‘ve talked about before. The Jehovian Anunnaki, the Thothian Anunnaki and a lot of others, and their hybrid lines here. And the ones that usually go with the Red Dragons are the Drak lines, but there are also…which would be like Omicron, Odedicron, those kind of things. But there was a bunch of the Drak lines that rebelled against the Draks themselves and joined the UIR in 2000, and they are coming out too on the Treaty of Al-Ben-Yan Host. Not all of them, but a lot of them are. So it‘s pretty mixed across the board as far as who is coming in on the Host, who‘s a part of the Agreement, which is good. Because it…it would be sad if it were just for the ones affiliated with the Green teams or whatever. But there is room for Red Dragons who are saying ‗Get me out of here. I don‘t want anything to do with the Whites. I don‘t even want to talk to the Reds who are part of my Soul Groups anymore, because they‘re choosing Fall.‘ And it‘s a lot scarier for them actually, because they are the ones under immediate death threat and they have the genetic vulnerabilities to those family lines, where they can run Codes and they can body snatch and that kind of thing. So they‘re under a lot of protection at this point from the Kryst Councils and the Kryst Fall Budhara. The Kryst Fall Budhara are working the Kryst agenda, but they are in a Fall Matrix. We talked about how they fell a long time ago in order to protect us and try to stop some of this from happening. They chose a Fall to try to block and hold the Gates so the Bourgha and the Bourgha Budhara didn‘t raid over here. And they fell in the process, and they‘ve stayed there to monitor Gates the whole time. So they are working directly, holding the Host for the ones who cannot make Median Earth or higher Ascension for the ones in Sovereign Fall. That Host is being held by the Kryst Fall Budhara, which means those who had made the Agreements of the Treaty of Al-Ben-Yan will have to…because they broke the Treaty of Altair Agreements with the Krystics, so we can‘t even directly intervene with them. I think it‘s 100 or 200 years or something if a group broke, before we can directly intervene in their karma on their behalf if we‘re asked. So fortunately the Kryst Fall Budhara, with a bit of persuasion (chuckling) have accepted the Host, but they have some pretty strident terms. We‘ll see when we get to the reading part at the end of the first section, if we ever get to the end of the first section, that there was some pretty strident delivering on commitments The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 16 of 119
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that were made, where there‘s no room to squeak out of your Agreements at this point, is what… yeah…(Az commenting to Ash) Yes. Stringent? Stringent. Demanding Challenging. Yes ok.‘(Ash chuckles) Yes. Protocols that the ones…the Green Dragons etc. are going to have to accept if they expect the Budhara to hold this Host for them, because if it‘s not held for them there will not be a Sovereign Kryst Fall Earth. There won‘t be a Sovereign Fall without a Kryst Fall Earth because it will all get brought into full White Dragon Fall and down into the Wesedek merger eventually, so it‘ll be completely locked out of Ascension potential. And the Kryst Fall Matrices are run on Krystic principles. They go into…you‘ll see a lot of this coming through with more advancements in the ‗Green‘ movement on the planet, as far as using resources wisely and taking better care of your planet, and Green Technologies and those kind of things. All of this is really not about Ascension Earth, because that already runs on much higher levels, even at that. All of these are energy management tactics that are being brought in so the Green Dragons, who will end up here with the Kryst Budhara as their Host, and basically the ones that are telling them what the rules are, and ‗you break those rules, we withdraw from the Host and they capture.‘ But they‘re learning already. They‘re beginning to bring those—and they have been for a while anyway—but bringing in energy management resources for planets that no longer have the ability to generate their own. So they are fall system planets, but they are bringing them in to try to run them in a Krystic way, where it‘s not stealing energy or using the Metatronic machinery in the way it‘s used as vampiring. But where resources can be managed well for long periods of time. So that is where you‘re seeing this pop up, literally, in the hologram. There will be a whole movement here to advance that progressively as we move along. What we are basically being trained for, our groups, is first of all to help during this process, to help the Treaty of Al-BenYan hold. It‘s a Treaty that we‘ve backed up. The Krystics have backed up. They have said that…they offered to strengthen and protect the Kryst Fall Budhara‘s Gate Systems and things like that, and to back them up if they took the chance on taking this Host, because it‘s considered a very dangerous Host because these guys are known for breaking their Agreements and trying to take over whatever was trying to help them. So the Budhara were not really happy about the thought of having to engage to the level where they‘d have to open their Gates to allow energy to come in to sustain enough frequency in the Grids here that it didn‘t get pulled into Phantom Earth Fall and the rest of it. So the Kryst backed them up with that. So we will help the Budhara so the Budhara can help the Greens, and that way we can kind of also get around that little 100 or so year rule, that if you broke Emerald Covenant Agreements, that we can‘t review them…your petitions for help. Especially if you betrayed them big time, and that‘s what happened in 2000 where it was a big time betrayal of breaking the Treaty of Altair. It kind of gets us in where we can still help completely, but without breaking the protocols of those Agreements because there are like…they are like not just Galactic, but Inter-Galactic and Universal Protocols of Action of the large Kryst Councils and stuff, so they do need to be honored. And there‘s reasons for them. Basically to keep Kryst Councils alive, right? (chuckling) So anyway… how are we doing on time? Yeah! It‘s almost 12. (Az commenting to Ash) There‘s no visible moon. Okay. Yeah! The (amounts?) will still be there, but it would help if we could get anywhere near where the haze of the moon is, or something. If we go out reception out the front? Right! Okay. So we can see it from the front? (Ash still listening to Az) How about if we go by the fountain? Can we go by the fountain? Oh Okay, I didn‘t hear all what you‘re saying. Okay. Alright yeah! So we‘ll go out to the fountain that we‘ve worked at before, out in the front where you get a clear view. We just have to be quiet so we don‘t have security and policemen and things coming up and saying ‗why are there 280 people out at the fountain at midnight…what? (Az commenting to Ash again) Okay… good. Yeah. Alright great! So we‘ll be going out there, and it‘s really just go out and breathe, but they‘d like us to stay out for the 12 minute run of The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 17 of 119
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when it hits, pops, comes back, and it‘s strongest for those 12 minutes. And again tomorrow at noon we will do the same thing, because we will get the burst then too. I thought the Wave was going to come through tomorrow night but they said no, the first one‘s coming through tonight. So we actually get this one, tomorrow‘s day time one, and tomorrow‘s night time one, and depending on when your plane leaves or whatever, maybe even the other day time one. And things are always stronger when we’re in Shield, when we‘re together with the group. The strength of the Shield amplifies all over the place, so you get it even amplified more than if you were just doing it by yourself. So there are some advantages to coming to workshops even if you don‘t get to go to sleep at normal hours. (laughing) Participant: Could you please briefly summarize how to bring up the Krystar Krystal Vehicle? A‘sha: You inhale with the commands. Rasha Eira Krystar…(inhales) Now! So you go (Ash demonstrates 3 breaths), Rasha, Eira, Krystar (exhales) Now. And just (exhales). And each time you amplify it and make it bigger as you stretch it out. And that‘s all you have to do for now to catch this Wave. That will, at this point, because so much activations in the Shield that are done already by so many people, that pretty much doing that, will plug you immediately into the Host so whatever level of activations that the entire Shield…like the highest level of the Shield is having. But it won‘t be as strong…if you didn‘t, say, do the exercises or techniques. You would get a sub-harmonic activation as opposed to a whole harmonic activation, or a sub-frequency as opposed to full frequency. But with the Rasha, Eira, Krystar Now that is enough to anchor these, and that‘s all you really have to do. And then…you can do like three of those where you‘re consciously doing it and then just let the words go, and just breathe, and it will continue to do that. And they said there‘s going to be…okay they‘re going to let me to know what. I just got a ripple coming up from my feet, there‘s something starting already. (Ash to Az) What time is it? We‗ve got to go in a minute or two, just so we‘re out there in time. Okay, I just got ‗That was The Quickening‘ (Ash chuckling) There‘s a Quickening that happens in the Earth Core before the burst. They‘re saying…okay. What will happen is there‘s actually going to be a Pulse that comes through from the Net Earth Core, because it‘s coming through where the Cores of AshalA and Median Earth and Net Earth meet. It‘s going to come through there, but there‘s also going to be another one that releases up in the atmosphere. One‘s going to send a current down, one‘s going to send a current up, and then when we‘re breathing, and they‘ll let us know out there, kinda go yep! Here it comes. And it‘s like…our watches will all be like a little bit different than each other‘s, so what they‘ll do is they‘ll let us know when. At which 12:12 did the spark come? (chuckling) And at that point you just take the breathing, but instead (breathes) just do the Krystar breathing, still without having to think the words, but feel the currents. Try to feel the currents as the ones coming downward—and that would be the electrical one—and the ones going upward, which would be the magnetic one. And then at a certain point, if you can get a sense that they‘re running decently, like say maybe after about six minutes, then go (inhales) and inhale just a bit of it into first your Karanadis Seal, and then (inhales) up to the AzurA. So Karanadis inhale and up to the AzurA. It‘ll take some of that quantum that‘s coming through, and then again (exhales) push it down the arms and out the hands and out the fingers to open all of the senders. And then just kind of build it. You can play with it for the next six minutes as it‘s coming through and see if you can feel the difference. Because sometimes you can actually feel the difference when you start running it in the arms and hand chakras, where you can actually feel the electromagnetic resistance in the palms and in the fingers, and sometimes it feels like stretchy where you can play with it. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 18 of 119
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So see if you can find those feelings or those effects when it starts to happen. So we‘ll get out there and just like, kind of like get in a comfortable spot. We‘re going to be there for 12 minutes. I don‘t know if there‘s any really room to sit. (Ash addresses Az) You can sit around that fountain, we did that once before. Oh no! I hope the sprinklers aren‘t on (chuckling) right, right. Good point! Forgot about those. They just might be. Well, if the sprinklers are on we can kind of like roam around, and then after the first six…we‘ll let you know when the Pulse goes. And then it‘s just breathe and try to be aware of the two currents that will be moving, one down, one up. And then after six minutes—you can watch your own watches on that—or we‘ll give a ‗about now‘ type thing, and then that‘s when you breathe into the Karanadis, inhale some of it, then pull it up into the AzurA and send it down the palms. And then, when you breathe through the next half of the six minute period, just do normal breathing, but it will be going (inhales), and part of it will be going down the palms. So it will be building in your hands, and they‘re going to have us do something with that later that has to do with activating the Homing Seed with a bit of help from our friends. Because the ZionA and the Aquafar‘E are going to assist with that particular activation which I believe is also going to be by the end of this evening. So we‘ve got a lot to accomplish and I‘ll try not to keep you up too late, but it is probably going to be a bit of a late one. So I hope you‘re okay with that. What time does anything start tomorrow? Let me see. At 10:00. I‘m easier looking at the words on here. (Az speaking in the background to Ash) They‘ve moved the Ah-RA‘-yas back? Oh that‘s good. That‘s good, because if we‘re going to leave here like four in the morning and have to be out there to do Ah-RA‘-yas exercise…Ah-RA‘-yas at 8:30. Ooo, ouch, that‘s a bit rough. Alright, that‘s good. So they moved them back. That‘s good. We will definitely be running late tomorrow. I mean everything is bumping itself forward a bit. But, at least we got three, where we stuck relatively to the times so, I hope…I won‘t apologize (laughing) anymore and just say thank you for your patience to begin with (audience clapping)…in advance. So I guess we should probably head out there, yeah? We got about five minutes according to my watch. Ok. So here we go. [Audio Track 6] It‘s a bit nippy out there. Welcome to warm, sunny Arizona! (laughing) Arizona‘s quite amazing. It‘s like cold in the winter, but it‘s extremely hot in summer. It‘s got the two extremes, but not too extremely cold. If you want cold, go to Colorado. It‘s really cold up there. We had snow up to about here, that when we drove up to our driveway, they plowed the road, but the driveway was like up to here (laughing) with snow. You could see the tops of the trees, they were like six foot trees we had planted, and they looked like little bushes sitting on the top of the snow. Participant: So every night and every day we do that same thing, breathe it into the Karanadis and out the AzurA and play with it? A‘sha: Yeah, you can do that. She‘s asking if every time you go out to either solar or lunar, you can just call it ―solaring‖ or ―lunaring,‖ that, yes, you would bring it like (breathes) do the Krystar breath for about three times, breathe normal for a little bit, and then just try to feel the currents running or sense them there, and bring it in through the Karanadis, again up to the AzurA and down the palms and keep that circulation open. Eventually, they are going to teach us how to dance with them, and make like… yeah. That‘s a while away, I think. Maybe not, though. Maybe it‘s in Sarasota. I don‘t know. They started that with the Ah-LEi‟-yahs, the ones where were doing the light sticks in St. Kitts, which was kind of wild. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 19 of 119
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Alrighty. There‘s a few more people. Okay. Everybody in? Yes? Participant: I have a question. Once we get 75% light in our bodies, is it possible to go back from that or (inaudible). A‘sha: Is it possible to go backward from that? Okay, he‘s asking if once we have the 75% light in your bodies, is it possible to go back from that? The answer is yes, actually. If you don‘t work the techniques and keep the activations up, it will ride as a subharmonic for quite a while, but you can get… you would have to do stuff not only like not practice techniques. You could get away with not doing that for a while. But if you got involved with something else… say if you joined a Satanic cult, for example, and were participating in negative occult ritual or something like that, or going to certain Archangel workshops and things like that, where you get re-implanted and those kind of things, those things would again try to take part of that light that you turned back around to natural, and try to pull it apart again. So, there‘s still like a bit of a war of attrition—that struggle between the light. I think it‘s about 95%. Once you hit 95%, I think – I‘ll have to double check on that, but I think at that point, it‘s not reversible, where they can‘t pull it back after that. But 75… particularly… if you came through with a full Kristiac gene code—good luck with that on this planet—but if you happen to, the chances are you probably couldn‘t even be pulled back at 75% light. But, if you… like most people have some of the Leviathan Illuminati coding in your gene code and in your atoms, that would imply that there is still the possibility that if you added more of the same, of the reversed spin stuff to your fields, it would eventually pull some of those light units apart and take the quantum down. So, that‘s a simple answer to that question, anyway. What I‘d like to do now, I think everybody is here. There are still a few people roaming around out there. I just don‘t want them to miss stuff when we go into it. Anyway, I‘m going to start. May I have the first one please? [graph] So, the first part is we‘re going to be talking about, how did they word it on here—The Transcendental View of the Earth Drama. This is kind of like the overview of how things work, and then kind of looking at it from, once we go into the readings that they gave, it‘s about looking at it from the way the Beloveds see it. And also interacting with it, once you observe what is happening. Choosing to interact with it from a transcendental state of awareness, from the Buddha perspective, where you don‘t let it freak you out. You don‘t let it scare you. And you realize it as part of a large cosmic drama game, because these happen in fall systems. We came in… we chose to come in to a fall system. People that come to workshops like this chose to come in to a fall system so they could help, because they were part of the templar teams, to assist in trying to bring people out of it. So, there is a choice factor, where we can realize, it wasn‘t inflicted on us. And that helps to get rid of the anger and all of those kinds of things. So, when we see the drama, that we are going to ‗capsulize‘ what we‘ve been shown over the last two years and in the Sliders classes, if we can remember to observe it as if you are already in your eternal life space, where, as if your body has already ascended, and you‘re sitting up there, and part of your awareness is just sitting up there in the transcendent Buddha state, where you have all the awareness of your 12 incarnations right there on line with you. And once you realize that, once you start to experience yourself in several different time frames simultaneously, it‘s not like, ‗oh in the past I was this person, and then that one died, and I reincarnated to become this person.‘ It doesn‘t work like that. It‘s simultaneous time, which means your other 12 … well actually 1728 … but for The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 20 of 119
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immediately that we‘re putting on line, your other immediate 12 incarnate selves, full incarnate selves that came from 12 different parent sets in different space-time zones. They are all there at once. And that central self, the soul level Buddha self, is aware of them, and can move in and out of the memory of them, and it‘s like memory, but it‘s living memory. The memory is actually the action that is occurring where it is occurring, and you can tap into it at whatever time, and it appears to the center self as memory, but the central self also knows that memory is not a dead thing that is gone. These are ongoing drama facts that are part of its simultaneous existence. So, if we can perceive this, in relation to our structure of our identities in relation to our Density 2 level Buddha self, imagine the same thing in relation to the Earth drama. We are on one probable Earth right now—one out of a set of 12 that collectively, if you put all their encryptions together, you would get the full Amenti Earth pattern, for example. So, we are in a probability. As we move with these activations, what we‘re progressively doing, and as we move back to Median Earth, we are progressively bringing in the other probability lines of Earth as well, into the Earth‘s shield, which will allow a portion of Earth‘s shield to pull into the center to go into merger with the main rest of itself, that is Median Earth. Median Earth has the original Amenti encryption pattern, even though it lost, even though the Amenti pattern has lost a third of its, literally, quantum mass to Phantom Earth fall, and another third of it right now is stuck in the blended Earth. If we can get part of the Net Earth up into merger, the encryption … we‘ll bring enough of the encryption back that it will trigger the encryption there, where it will get its whole pattern back, so it will have … Earth itself on the Median Earth level will have its whole Amenti pattern back and it can take it from there. So, it becomes host ascension-able, that part of it, even though it lost quantum. It kind of works the same with us, that as we bring these other vector codes, or other horizon line codes of our own selves back into our bodies, it‘s not as if we‘re taking those incarnates and popping them out of their space/time place. We‘re getting a replica of those codes in our self. What that does is free us from a connection to fallen portions of our own identity set as we go up the stacks. Some people have fallen Avatars. They are literally born out of fallen Avatars. If their Avatar is fallen that means that their Oversoul would be fallen. That means that their Soul level would be fallen to start with. That means that their incarnate cluster would be fallen to start with. There are some people that do have that problem. Usually it‘s the Illuminati races that have that. That means they would have much… their atoms would be made of much, much more Shona light field, the dead light field, than the natural living light field. But, even so, because the universal Krist idea that Source set in motion is merciful, and it allows the free-will choice for any one incarnate, which means even if you have a fallen Avatar, and your whole family line has become compromised and made choices where they ended up being part of black hole fall, that means you still have the ability, but sometimes it requires hosting, like this planet is going through right now, to be able to open enough frequencies in the body to get your own natural codes back, so you have the full set of them, so you can heal and pull yourself up and out through Adashi Ascension. And that‘s really what we‘re doing down here. It‘s easier for some people that were not born with, say like 99.9% of everything is fallen from my Avatar level down. But you can still get out, even if it was that bad. But it does take work, and the more saturation you have, the more of a fight it is, as far as that goes, because the soul groups will be trying to get into your body, basically, and trying to do the body snatch, and hang on to you, because they don‘t like to lose head count, particularly if you‘re dealing with the rather aggressive fallen races, and that kind of stuff. But it is worth the fight, because you still can get the codes back, and that is what these teachings are about. That is why the A‟quai Healers are coming on line. Because they can start the processes with us personally that help to unravel that. That‘s not something you can teach to 300 people in a workshop, because there is a different process that might be needed for everyone, because everyone has a different type of codes. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 21 of 119
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Sometimes they will take you in projection journeys to various different types of healing temples, and ask you to go with them and entrust them for various processes in healing, that will assist in pulling those things off that don‘t belong there, and getting your natural codes back. So, it is a direct opportunity for personal host intervention, to help you with those kinds of things. And you also have the ability to ask them to help with others. If you have people that you love that are not interested in hearing about any of this, you can still transmit to them a connection, and you can ask your cluster if they would be willing to host, and they will probably say they won‘t host them, but they will find them one, and they will approach them from another level, from a higher level up, and if they are willing to work with them from that level. So, it‘s almost like you can‘t inflict a slide team on somebody you love, but you can point out to your guys, your slide team—would you please see if you can get a slide team working with this person? But it will be done vertically with them personally. Your only responsibility in it is…you can help with healing and stuff, but as far as hooking up hosts for them, you need to just let the Beloveds know that there is somebody that you would wish they would go and please find a host, and if they are willing, then it comes up to the free will of the person, if they are willing to accept it, from the vertical thing. What the Beloveds will do is they will approach the highest level—from their Avatar all the way down, they will approach only the ones of the person‘s own family line, that have the highest light quotient, and they will ask them to work with their incarnate here, to try to reach them. So, they will work it that way, and that is something that is very difficult to do from here, when we‘re just trying to do that with ourselves. I‘m going to go through a lot of these graphs really quick. They are graphs that you‘ve seen before. I just want to leave the trail of where we‘re going before we get to the reading and the trail of visuals that creates a wave of condensed understanding. [graph] This is just to show the Starfire Cycle that we are now in. We started out over here at FOL ‘08. We finished the stage 1 KaLE Hara cycle, entered the KaLA Krysta cycle, first part, which is this one. We‘re in this band right here. It started FOL ‘08 and it will go to – what does it go to? – 2023 … I forget. I don‘t have it written on here in a way that I can see it. But it‘s half way between…this is 2047 over here. I have to do the math. I think it‘s 2023, but I‘m not sure. So, this is the cycle we‘re in right now. We still have all this way to go, and the host cycle ends here. The host ends 2230. So, from 2007, it was 223 years. So, 2230 is somewhere over here, I think. Yeah. Somebody type-set this really nice for me, and my eyes are used to looking at the scribbles (laughing), so I can‘t read it. You know, your eye knows how to go to it, because you looked at it before. Anyway, we still have to go through this. This will get us to the Ma-Sha-Ya fold. Then we move up into here, I think. I think that‘s where the date is. I need to put the dates in bigger. I had them written a bit like scribbled a bit larger so I can see them from the little tiny numbers. But anyway, this is to remind us that we are in this last Starfire Ascension Cycle. It‘s a natural ascension cycle, but it was triggered because of the progressive damage to the Earth‘s grids, that came from a very long, long, long history of things that have occurred here, that we‘ve really, really studied a lot of over the years, the last eight years, and because of the events that have taken place between 1999 and now, it has gone into, triggered into Starfire Ascension, which is the opportunity for the host to come in, because without it, the ascension gates would have completely closed. Earth would be going into cataclysmic Earth changes by 2012, and we‘d all become basically extinct and floating around down The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 22 of 119
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here and stuck in a fall system. So, fortunately, there were Aquari humans still on planet. There were people interested in remembering the Azurite teachings and their connection with the Aquari Azurite families. And they came to the workshops. We have accomplished keeping it open and alive this long. And because people like you and a lot of them are you guys, because some of you have been with us for a long time. It is the work that we‘ve been doing to anchor what the Beloveds are doing with the host that brought the host here in the first place. It is a commission that will last for as long as we can last, as the Aquafereion Shield team. We are the host shield. We are the only ones on the planet that are anchoring the host into this planet. And we are all being appointed as… like fourth level Melchizedek minister ordination is coming through with this set as well, as far as the activations with this set, so if you didn‘t… we had that too in Kitts. If you weren‘t there, it‘s coming through on this one too, so people from here, they are giving you the level 4. They are giving us all the level 4, (applause) and that is hopefully so we can choose and be ready to… be able to hold the activations of being part of the Planetary Stewardship Templar Team that holds this host on planet, and holds the ascension gates open, and works with what we will see in the reading. They are just giving us a hint of what has to go down between now and 2012. Then there‘s a whole set of commissions for several generations after, as far as holding this host. There are several books that need to be written, that have to do with breaking the information into digestible pieces – like one book on history, one book on this, one book on that. That will assist in training the next generations coming up. And other people that are here now that might get interested, but it is really hard to come in new on this at this point. There is so much high saturation data. So, there are a lot of things that are going to be done, and quite a lot of them are actually occurring when we do the activations and things at workshops. So, we will see some of the things that in the workshops this year, or last year, 2008, that were actually accomplished by the groups that came. And we‘ll see what our workshop this time is about, because every one of them have been planetary shields clinics as well as personal healing and activation workshops— all year since 2007. Next one please. [graph] I‘m going to have to move a little faster. This is just to show placement. We‘re going to be talking about the planetary Rod and the things that are happening with it, at the end. So, I just wanted to give you the round-up, especially if some people haven‘t seen these. This is just the Ecka Map of the God World gates. This is just showing our location. Down here is our original PCM universe, which is the M31 Aquinos galaxy. This here, on the twisted slant, is the Milky Way, that was once a part of this. The Milky Way itself is twisted and going into fall, and inside of that you have the Procyak black hole system. And that is over here, in relation to the Ecka maps of the God World gates. It‘s right there, that one. So, this is just to remind you of where we are there. Next one please. [graph] This just a close-up of that little one. You saw where we have here. The A gates are the M31 gates, and that was our The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 23 of 119
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original PCM universe. The M gates, the Milky Way gates, and they are at a tilt, so it misaligns all sorts of things. And then the next one, back down in here, you actually have the off-center core, because the natural core would be here, of the M31 galaxy, right? This is tilted and actually drags the core down to here. So that is the core center, using the radiation maps. That is the core center of the Milky Way galaxy black hole set. You have the Abaddon black hole, and the OberYon black hole, and it connects into the Yod Heh Vod Heh black hole wormhole system that goes into the Wesedek and Wesedrak matrices which are at an adjacent part of the Ecka/Veca maps. Next one please. [graph] This is showing the Procyak interface in the Milky Way. So, this part here is the Procyak system, and it‘s what‘s holding the black holes open, and holding them together. This is the part that is built on the twisted Metatronic, where it took parts of these natural gates that were already twisted out of alignment, and then phase-locked them into the artificial Tree of Life that‘s part of the Daisy of Death program, and that‘s considered the Procyak grid, and from that you get the Bloom of Doom. Next one please. [graph] … which is that mess at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. And these are all twisted phase-locked arcs of energy that keep unnatural alignments between suns and stars that shouldn‘t be, and they allow for an interface between parts of the gates in the stars in our galaxy to interface directly with the Wesedek and the Wesedrak black hole systems. So we covered all this intensely in the Amsterdam workshop. I am just touching on it to remind you of the sequence of how we get to the Rods. Next one please. [graph] Once upon a time we had a normal merkabic structure and normal Kathara grid structure of our planet, that allowed us to have a relationship with our Sun that had the natural arcs of energy that would naturally allow for the breathing system, the solar symbiosis to occur—being Hydrolase Conversion—between the planets in our system and its central sun, and all that‘s messed up now. That also would allow for the formation of the natural crystal body structure of our solar system, but it doesn‘t look like that anymore. Next one please. [graph] Because of the progressive distortions from the Milky Way down to our solar system down to our planet, we don‘t have this anymore, where they are speaking to each other and breathing. What we have is this mess here, where our planets are all on really weird orbits, especially this one here. I think that‘s Pluto‘s orbit there. And then out further from that you have Nibiru‘s orbit, and these are all sorts of unnatural gate link systems that link through our solar core and then into our planetary core, that form a tilt in the literal axes. One is a Green Dragon tilt and one is a Red Dragon tilt… of our The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 24 of 119
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whole solar system, and its solar plane, and all of its gates. The one that is controlled by the Red Dragon sets goes to the Wesedrak matrix, and the one that‘s on the Green slant goes to the Wesedek matrix. Next one please. [graph] This is just to show up closer what it does when we have our planet, okay? And these are the maps that we got the vertical maps from, where it shows if this is Urtha, just the star Urtha, its natural Kathara grid structure, this is our twisted one in it. Actually the Van Allen radiation belts are helping to hold that axis tilt. It‘s actually upside down. This would be north on Urtha, and this would be south on Urtha. It‘s actually where our north is pointing. So, we‘re actually upside down in relation to the natural planes of Urtha. I forgot to show on the one… there‘s one that I wanted to show them to remind them of the connection between them. Yeah, go back. I think it‘s just one or two. I just wanted to point out something on this one back here. It‘s like, how can Earth be directly connected through its atmosphere and its core to a star – no, not that one. The one that shows the… the first one that shows… let me find it. Yeah, let‘s try that one. I‘ll just go back to this one for a second, just to point out how it is that our atmosphere here, in the Milky Way galaxy, and Earth can be directly connected to a star called Urtha that is in the M31 Andromeda galaxy. That is through this connection right here, the Universal Gate 3 connection. Earth is plugged into that. First you have Earth, then you would have Median Earth, which was part of the original Amenti Earth. Then you would have, in the same place, but at different angular rotation of particle spin, you would have AshalA, which was the original Universal Star Gate 3 here in the Milky Way tilt. Then you would have the Shala-3 system, which has to do with the AquA-elle matrix, which is the interface matrix on the Eiradonis level. Then you would have Urtha, the big one around it. So, they are directly connected through the core and atmosphere. Literally, like one inside of the other. So, the planes here are connected into the planes of Median Earth that are connected into the planes of AshalA that are connected into the planes of Shala-3 that are connected into the planes of Urtha. And that‘s how we get the vertical maps, which are what we were starting to show there. Just in case, for anybody new, because it‘s like ‗how in the world is this planet connected to the Andromeda galaxy?‘ That‘s how. Through the radiation signatures at the cores of stars that literally create planes through our atmosphere and going upward and outward, that are at a different angular rotation of particle spin, but exist in the same place, at a different base pulse rhythm as well. So, that gives us our vertical map stack. We have Earth, and this isn‘t even showing the interfaces between here, which would be more circles between circles. But these are not just lines. They are actually orbs within orbs within orbs. Earth is an orb and it has an atmosphere that‘s an orb around it. And through that atmosphere, there are plane interfaces going all the way up to Urtha. And that‘s where we started going to the Adashi temples. We were literally going to the Andromeda galaxy, before they explained all of this to us, and let us know that, by the way, Urtha is in M31, ―but I thought you said it was in Earth‘s atmosphere.‖ ―It is.‖ (laughing) It was like, okay, and that‘s when they had to show us the Procyak stuff and show us how those systems interface to help us understand how that can be and to make logical sense of it. So they explained that a bit. So this is just showing you stuff we already know. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 25 of 119
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Next one please. [graph] At least some of us do. If not, it‘s in back programs that you can get and watch. Our planet itself is here. It has its natural Kathara grid twisted, and it‘s got these nasty looking big vortices in what‘s called the Poison Apple system, that‘s the magnetic field and the magnetosphere, and it actually creates… it‘s all part of the BeaST program, and the Metatronic grids that create, literally, a phase locked field around us, a quarantined field around the planet. Science calls it the magnetosphere and tells us it protects us from the solar wind so we don‘t fry. We‘re supposed to have a coronosphere, like a star. It‘s shut off because of this and the other damage. So, yeah, we‘d fry now if you took this down and didn‘t start up the core again where it could actually put a barrier, a light barrier that would transmute that, and actually use and interact with the solar wind in order to have a living, breathing exchange. Our planet can‘t breathe because of this. The little bit of breathing it‘s been doing is plugged into the Wesedrak black hole systems through these nasty vortices that form at the poles of the planet. So, our bodies have the same problem too, the same configuration is the snare that is around the Net, that is around our bodies, and within our bodies, that is an unnatural magnetic field that is blocking out the ability to have the natural living light breathing cycles that are normal and organic to a Kristiac system. Next one please. [graph] That‘s just showing you, reminding you of the very detailed levels of the vertical maps, and how the vertical maps form, where if you take from the Earth‘s core, and that‘s where all of these things link, through the core gates. And if you would go up – here‘s where you have D2 Earth surface, you would be going up into D3 mental body area which is the D3 atmosphere of Earth, and there are already interfaces from the bigger levels going up. So, I‘m not going to cover these again. We‘ve already gone extensively over them. This is just to remind people how the vertical maps come. If you take a cross-section of this and take this line going up and put a dot, every time you have one of the spheres crossing it, it gives you the boundary of that particular band or sphere of energy, and what is contained within it. So from that we pulled the vertical maps that we‘ve been using. The vertical maps are still significant and important. The slide zones that are opening, and the places where slide cities can anchor, have to do with the Aurora platforms. They anchor through the Aurora platform sites. Not all of the slide cities are directly Aurora platform sites that we‘ve named, but they all have to anchor through the Aurora platforms that we talked about back in 2007. So, for instance, you know the mural thing that we had posters of? That was a mural that was actually a full-sized wall mural that the Beloveds had me paint on the wall, and they were working with me while we were painting it, literally coding it and charging it with the frequencies. That takes you up to the Aurora 3 platform level. So, it is literally a projection mural, where at certain points, it would be kind of like fly through your wall, and literally, once you get your body where the atoms can do that, you would actually be able to ride it up through… that‘s why we made it available because when we did the transfer on the house to others, thankfully, to Azurite Aquari Guardians who wanted to take ShAlon and they inherited the mural… we got the picture of it, because we wanted to take a piece of it with us, because I like to use it. I like to project through it and those kind of things. And that‘s why we made it available for anybody if wanted them. So, what it‘s actually showing is the encoded resonant alignment imagery art of the technicals that you see The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 26 of 119
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on this… it is showing where Aurora platforms are. Next one please. [graph] I think I have the vertical map on this. This is the old one. I couldn‘t find the new one. But the Aurora platforms come in between – where are we? – anyway… yeah, the Aurora platforms… so that is Aurora 1, Aurora 2, and Aurora 3. From here to here is what that mural is coded to, and then this one, the Aurora 4 platform, that connects up into Urtha. That is the one that is actually on the wall in the downstairs room at the Colorado house, because those grids connected up, the Alon 7 grids connected up in so that‘s where we put that one. We didn‘t get that one photographed yet, but it‘s still not officially sold, so maybe we‘ll get up there to do that too, if anybody wants a picture of that, and then you can kind of use them together, stack the posters or whatever. But they are encrypted, direct projection ones. That‘s why we bothered having them. And this is what they are actually showing you, but in nice colors and things like that. You have on the one that‘s here, you have the subterranean platform that actually starts. We had it at ShAlon, it was down in the ground under the floor, going down through the floor of ShAlon, down into the Earth. That‘s where the Aurora 1 platform would be in the subterreaneans. So, you just see it starting at the sand level of the desert scene with the mountains coming up. Then it would take you up into the cloud cities, and we have the cloud cities, and the ocean cities start at the top part of it, like at the top part of that mural, where you go into the aqua blue colors, where you have clouds, and then they start bleeding into an aqua blue. That‘s where we‘re going into the ocean cities. And then the other one up in the other house starts here, with that same aqua blue color, and it has the blue band down on the bottom, and then goes up into what are the mountains that are… it‘s a painting of the mountains that are literally outside the window of Alon, that are directly connected into the grids, and it has the… it takes you to the rest of the layers up. So, they are literally projection ones. I just wanted to point that out, that they are a lot nicer than looking at these. But Noel did a really nice job on the other. He cleaned that up for us. But I didn‘t find the mylar for it in time, so we have to look at the old one. This is just to remind you of where all these pieces fit. Next one please. [graph] This is one of the old ones of what should be a Spanner Gate, Spanner 7 Gate for example. There are 12 Spanner Gates. Those Spanner Gates, if you could see this outline out here, this wider one, it‘s that nice figure 8 shape of the NaVA-Ho Core Gates, which you see in the Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body. You see 12 of them going on each of the Event Horizons. This is the Caduceus perversion of the natural structure of those gates, where they are actually twisted and polarized and turned in on themselves to create artificial electricity, basically. And this is literally what our electricals run on. This is the Caduceus network that runs on this planet. There‘s a bit of a difference of BPR between what‘s called Caduceus Earth and Net Earth. We are on Net Earth in the Net Earth planes. The Caduceus Earth and the Net Earth are bonded together, and they‘re blended. They‘re bonded into something called Blended Earth. But by the time the portions of the Net Earth grids that are going upward, they‘re going to actually pull away from those, and the parts that can‘t are going to go down into fall with Caduceus. The Caduceus part is going to fall. It‘s either going to go Sovereign fall if the treaties hold, and the Budhara keep the host going for the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 27 of 119
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Sovereign fall Green Dragons and stuff, or it will get completely pulled into the White Dragon agenda with Wesedek alignment. So this is the Caduceus mess that we‘re fighting. We have the same configurations in our bodies that we‘ll look at later. I‘m just going to look at the planetary body right now, and we‘ll look later, a quick review at the body parts as far as personal. Next one please. [graph] Alright. This is Earth Tectonic Plates Map which is just basically showing the tectonic plates on Earth, right, of the crust. How the plates fit together. That‘s like science knows that. Next one please. [graph] This is showing the continents in relation to the tectonic plates. So we‘ve got America over here. We have the Watchtower and St. Kitts down here and that kind of stuff. You have Ireland and England over here, so that gives you an orientation of where we are on the map. They showed us this. This is how they began to show us about understanding the planetary Rods, and also the extinctions that have been orchestrated on this planet before, by purposely splitting and moving the Rods, and that is how we start to understand what sink holes are about. What they are trying to accomplish with…it used to be the Red, Green and White Dragons were interested in accomplishing, but now it is just the White Dragons dragging the Red Dragons along with this. It is called the Omega Fall Agenda or the Omega Kill Agenda because it was meant to be the last extinction when they moved the Rods for the last time. Every time the Rods were moved before, it created an extinction. When we go back through our history, way, way back, you will see the points of extinction. They are the points when the Rods were purposely moved in order to begin the splits that actually rearranged the continents and the plates to what they are today. There‘s history that goes back to, what do they call it, Pannotia, and those kind of things, way back…Gondwanaland—all those very, very ancient things that science tells us and gives these names to. The changing from those continent structures to these, what we have today, has to do with the movements that were orchestrated during those extinction periods. Those extinction periods happened because of the movement of the Rods, and this was the last one intended. It was meant to be the final kill. Once it‘s activated in the grids, it can‘t be stopped. I‘m still putting the history together, but I believe it was during Tribes 10… when was that? January? Yeah, January of 2008, that the Omega Code … there was a breach at Parallel Star Gate 7, which is the Puerto Rico gate, from Parallel Earth. They breached the templar, and from there they activate the Omega Code, the Red/White Dragons, at the time. And once it is activated, you can‘t stop it, but you can counterbalance it for a time. And that is what the host mission can do at this point. It can counterbalance that and hopefully hold it together, hold the planetary grids together. It‘s going to need people in shield here to hold the frequencies to do that, and sometimes to do direct intervention grid work. If something is starting to crack or blow, try to hold things together with harmonics that they‘ll teach us. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 28 of 119
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Anyway, this is just showing the continents and the plates. Next one please. [graph] These spots here are showing harmonic convergence points. These harmonic convergence points, these little dots, are where three or more plates actually touch, and they are very important points in relation to grids and what they do, because you can trigger these to do good things or you can trigger them to do bad things. The Omega Code is meant to trigger them to split at different times. But to literally, eventually split in a way that would crack the planet‘s shell, or skin, crust, right across the Equator, and literally turn part of it one way and part of it another, completely rearrange the continents. Nothing would survive that. Nothing alive on the planet would survive that kind of movement. That‘s what the Omega Kill Code was originally intended to do, and then pull the whole thing into alignment, depending on if the Red Dragons or the Green Dragons, because they were the ones fighting over that at first, depending on which ones got control, it would either pull it in one direction or another into alignment with the Wesedek or Wesedrak black hole systems. So, we‘re in the middle of the fact that it just got activated. There‘s going to be times when they are going to teach us how to work with the harmonic convergence points, and bring healing frequencies and host frequencies into them. So, we can help to postpone the inevitable Earth changes, because they are inevitable at this point. There are going to be cataclysmic Earth changes, but in can be in 222 years, as opposed to in 2012, like the FA groups were intending. So, that‘s pretty long. That gives us a long time… several generations of evacuation, of training of people, and of the next generations to let them know, and I‘m glad that … what‘s lovely about the groups that come here, you have people that are really, really old and people that are really, really young, and lots of people in between. It‘s cross-generational already. So, if we can gently reach out to the younger generations…and they are already starting to wake up and come in. There will be people here to hold this information and to hold the frequencies and to know how to run the gates for the rest of the Load-Out period. And we will be learning how to work with these. They haven‘t said how yet. We have to get our own fields up. I think we‘re going to get the next level. We‘ll begin a little bit more of that with Sliders 6, 7 and 8, where we learn our next step for own bodies, but we also get a bit more into learning how to work with the planet itself. Which means, say, if you live in a hurricane-prone zone, like we just moved to. Pine Island is not too bad. It got hit in 2004 when they had the four of them coming in while we were going to Belize and everybody was getting stuck in Miami, because the planes stopped flying and stuff during that period. Some of the buildings were damaged, but it was only the wind, they said, most of it. They didn‘t get a lot of water on that one. It‘s protected. But if you live in a place like that, or if you live, say, in California, where there are lots of earthquakes and fires and mudslides, and there‘s always something that seems to happen in California. It‘s a very active area. And it has the fault lines running through it, which don‘t help. It‘s kind of like living on the Caldera in Yellowstone in Wyoming, you know. It‘s like… yes, that‘s starting to rumble these days a bit more too. Yeah. If you live in those areas, especially it would be helpful to learn, just even if you don‘t want to go out and do big shield stuff with whole groups and stuff, just to know a little bit of how you can work with your team, the team that goes with you, your slide team, to gently nudge and do some gentle Elemental Command and … plugging into the Kristiac part of the elements, the atoms that happen to be making up the storms and stuff, and trying to gently surrender to the Beloveds, work with them. There will be techniques to show us how to work with influencing things like that. Influencing Elemental Command to protect people and yourself, but also your town and that kind of stuff. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 29 of 119
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So, there‘s progressive levels of stewardship. It can be just the personal kind where you learn a little bit of… ok… this is coming at our area. What do we do with that? To ones where you travel around and do big stuff, and … like go outside and stand around a fountain at midnight and freeze with a group of 280 people (laughing). Not everybody… you don‘t always have to do that. So, there‘s lots of levels of it that are coming. So, we will learn how to work with these points, and we will learn how to work with a lot of other points too. Next one. [graph] We‘ll get into the Rods in a minute. Now, to understand the Rods, it has to do with this picture, and I‘ve shown this before. What you‘re actually seeing is a front… wait a minute, where‘s front? Front and back would be … the chambers that run, one out the front and runs through you and around you, and going out the back, where the Bardoah Chamber is, right? And then there‘s the Rod chambers that run this way, through you this way. Right? What you‘re seeing is if this were put in a sphere shape, you are seeing where they come out, and this… if you turn it around, tape that end to that end, you‘d still have to do the sphere part on top. But these are called fontanels, and they are literally where those energy chambers come out, the horizontal ones come out on the planet. The vertical ones come out, the poles—the top and the bottom. Next one please. [graph] Now, when we put that configuration on the map, this is what it gives us. The coordinates are quite precise. This one here… look at that. That‘s at 22 degrees west. It‘s the back Rod. That‘s the back of the planet. I‘ll show you why the Greenwich Meridian is over here, in a minute, if you haven‘t seen these before. You would think like zero point would either be front or back or something. But it really isn‘t. That‘s over here. That would be Greenwich. 22 West is the back. You come over… you‘ve got 112 West is actually the East Rod. Now, when you have the … if you think of a Kathara grid and how the Rod comes out, where you‘ve got East on the left, and West on the right, that‘s actually the East Rod, the East end of the Rod, that would be the one coming on the left. It‘s supposed to be. Here is actually the front, the actual real front of the planet, which is 158 East, and here is the West Rod, which is at 68 East. Interesting. We‘ve got the West Rod in the East, and the East Rod in the West. This has to do with a crust off-shift that was done during the last extinction, which I believe was 65 million years ago, when the dinosaurs lost it because there was supposedly an asteroid that hit here in the Yucatan peninsula, and it created … that was actually done on purpose. It was aimed here on purpose, and directed to hit in a way that would create a crust off-shift, where, what‘s normally the equatorial line, it would actually begin a split of the Rods and move them up this way to the Tropic of Cancer line. So there‘s an offset between the crust and the mantle levels with the Caduceus Earth. The Caduceus Earth aligns with the Tropic of Cancer, as opposed to aligning with the natural Equator. Median Earth comes through and interfaces with our Net Earth in the same places. It‘s in the same place as we are at the same basic angular rotation of particle spin. It‘s just a different BPR, and they have shields around it, and so they could not blend, because of various reasons. So, we are still aligned, our Net Earth grids are still aligned with here. There is another set, when the Rods were split…and they were split several times to move them various ways, but the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 30 of 119
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last one is what created the crust off-set. The crust off-set has to do with why we‘ve got zero Greenwich line and then 180 West over here, as the false front and back of the planet. That is actually the alignment of the Poison Apple magnetic field alignments, and they are not natural. They are plugged into the BeaST machine. Next one please. Oh, let me say one more thing. If you look up here, looking at this on a sphere… if you look at this map in terms of a sphere, you have the front/back chamber, and the back is the Bardoah Chamber. It‘s a big wide one that would actually go back and that‘s the one that would plug back in to the next level. If this is a probable…Light and Spirit Body of one probability, that would plug back in its Buddha level self, its Density 1 God Self level, that one full incarnate of itself. And that would plug back in going even further, out into the Density 2 level, into the Buddha level 2 level, etc. so, that‘s the chamber that would connect to those things. They call it the Transcendental Passage. That comes out over there. So, if you … it‘s literally this part right here, but it keeps going and connects into other things that you don‘t directly see here. It would also have the KaLE Chamber coming out the front. And this would be the natural Rod, and that would be the natural Bardoah Chamber on the back, and KaLE Chamber on the front. This one, literally, is the energy comes out from the past, projects out into the future, and then intersects with the outer portions of the Aah-JhA‘ Body, and turns back around, and comes back as a hologram that you perceive. So, there‘s a whole process here, not just on the planetary level, but your own fields do this natural process too. Right now, our fields and our Aah-JhA‘ Bodies are split because of the splitting of the Rods. So, part of them are going in the natural particle spin, and part are going in reverse to that, and they are phase-locked in the middle. We have been working progressively to undo that in our bodies, so then we can help portions of the planetary grids undo that in the planetary body. Next one please. [graph] So, that is where the chamber comes out. This one is showing the off-set here again, the horizontal Rods we‘re looking at, and the Staff. When we say Rod and Staff, it‘s the Rod that goes left/right, and the Staff that goes vertically, and the chambers go back and forward. So, that‘s referred to as the six directions. You got up, down, left, right, past and future. And they are the six directions. So, when people call on the four directions, they are calling on the Metatronic stuff. When you have those prayers, ‗calling of the four directions,‘ there are six directions to call. And each of those directions you‘re calling are trying to bring in the currents from the Rods and the Staffs and the chambers. This one, up here, here is another set of chambers… well, chambers and Rod. This is from the split. I‘ll show you in a minute where the ones were before. They were down here on the Equator, our natural ones, and Median Earth ones run the Equator line. That‘s the center. These are shifted up to where… they‘re shifted up, was it, 22.439 degrees, I believe, something like that, to the Tropic of Cancer line. So, their center is literally a crust off-set between Cad Earth…these are called the Caduceus ones, and they correspond with the Cad Earth planes and fields that are in the same place as us, but they are shifted up, literally upward, north, 23.439 degrees. They are also shifted over, where this is the zero line, where it‘s actually the… it appears to be the front, where zero, if you start counting zero, as far as counting the… I can never remember if its longitude or latitude… counting the lines or the numbers going around the globe, right, especially when I‘m tired. That always gets me, longitude and latitude. I think longitude is the long one, but then I‘m not sure if that‘s right. Think long. Yeah, anyway. These are also twisted fontanels, or split apart fontanels that were part of the natural Rod and chamber structure, and they were shifted upward and then over. They were shifted 22 degrees over to the East from the natural alignment, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 31 of 119
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because remember it was like 22 degrees…I don‘t have it on this one. I have it on the other one. About 22 degrees somewhere in here is where the natural rear chamber is, the Transcendental Passage and all of that are supposed to be over there. So these are the set that are referred to as the Caduceus Rods. These are the Rods that they are trying to activate and get the spin speed up, so they can actually drag the other ones, split the Net Earth, drag them up, and then open what I‘ll show you in the minute, the sink holes in between the two. Next one please. [graph] Okay, the blue ones are our Net Earth‘s as they exist right now, and the Median Earth/Ascension Earth‘s in their natural positions. These are the Caduceus set. By activating these, it makes those chambers and Rods spin, and that‘s what the Omega Code is meant to do. So the Omega Code began the spinning of the Rods, and eventually they reach a critical mass spin, where these are supposed to reach a critical mass spin that would override the quantum of Net Earth and actually drag it in, and first pull it up, and when it pulls up, it does something interesting. You‘ll see the shapes of these. That means the energy parameter of them actually overlaps. So, I‘ll show you that in a minute. So, it starts out like this, and they‘ve already… what they are trying to do now, one of the big things the White Dragons are trying to continue to orchestrate is, make a faster activation of this process, because the process is happening. This is the… once these Rods start on the Omega Code, you can‘t stop them. So, at some point that cracking is going to occur. Those Rods will split. But if our shield can do well, it won‘t be while we‘re on planet with the host, while there‘s humans on the planet that are still host-outable. Next one please. [graph] Now, this is showing, you have the … this is our natural one, our Net Earth and where our Net Earth was, because it got moved in this diagram, our Net Earth and Median Earth. So this is showing now the Median Earth one is still there, but they actually first… activate this one at a higher quantum and spin rate than he Net Earth one was going. It drags the Net Earth one up there, and then they actually shift it over, away from this one first, until later when they just bring them all together and eat the whole thing. But it creates an overlap of an EM field where this one will put the other one on a reverse of whatever its natural spin is, and it creates an open spinning nasty vortice set here called a sink hole. And it goes all at once. You will get two… you can do all four of them, all four points. They can shift them all at once, or what they usually do is they do one first, and then the other, but you have to do two points, because if you shift one side of the Rod, for example, the other side is going to shift too. It‘s going to counter shift, in the opposite direction. What they actually have to do to get this configuration to work, is they have to snap it in the middle. They actually electromagnetically cut off the currents in the center of the planet in the core, and shift them both up, kind of like breaking this. If you took this and pulled both of the outer ends up, and then a point came down in the middle…so, to get that kind of configuration, they actually have to do that. There‘s another set of these that plug into other things that we don‘t have to worry about right now, that actually do the same type of thing on the bottom. And in the old, old days, one were the Green Dragon grids and one were the Red, but the Reds took over part of these, and the Reds and Greens tend to fight over these at this point. That is part of the BeaST system that they have been fighting over. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 32 of 119
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Now, there were times when these sink holes could be activated, not on Net Earth, or Net Earth would have been ripped apart at those times, but have been activated on Caduceus Earth and Phantom Earth, to create sink hole effects. And there are gates that open between these, and what we call the hibernation zones, that were formed in the Caduceus Earth on the opposite spin. They used to be part of our reality fields, but they were actually put on opposite spin and dragged into the Caduceus Earth, base pulse rhythm and angular rotation of particle spin, so we don‘t see them anymore. That is what happened to places like Atlantis and Lemuria. There were continents here that aren‘t any longer. The way they took them out was to activate the Rods to a certain degree, but not the ones directly here. They would activate the Net Earth one a little bit here, and make another. There would be like another overlap point. And then they would activate the Phantom Earth and Net Earth ones, and actually drag in pieces of land mass. This is how they took Atlantis down and out, and piece by piece, not all at once, and the same thing with Lemuria. So, there is these little sink holes that would form, that open on Net Earth, and then the bigger ones that would form and open in the Caduceus Earth and the Phantom Earth sets. So, what they are trying to do again is to completely split the Net Rod, and bring it up here, and the Net chamber, and bring them up into this alignment, to open these sinkholes, in order to get a hold of, to try to put those two quantums together, plug them into the Wesedrak systems to get more quantum thrust, so they can spin faster, and override the 1/3 original Amenti quantum left of the Median Earth Rod, so they can take the Median Earth out too. If they can eat that quantum, then they would try to go after AshalA, and work their way back up to M31. This is not the only system in the Milky Way that they are trying to do this to. So, there are other systems like this, on certain stars in the Milky Way that have been taken out the way they are doing it with this one. Next one please. [graph] This is just showing the sink holes a little bit more. Now, this is showing just the Net Earth being pulled up into alignment with the Caduceus. It‘s not showing down here where we have the Median Earth set. Right now, fortunately, we are still aligned. Our Net Earth one isn‘t up here yet. The sink holes are not open. And one of our big jobs on this planet is going to be making sure that doesn‘t happen. If that happens, it‘s just going to be a mess. You‘re going to have all sorts of plate cracking and stuff, and quakes, and volcanoes, and storms, and it will just… it‘s meant to be a rapid kill code, where it just takes things out on the planet. So, our job is going to help keep the alignment of the Net Earth and the Median Earth chamber and Rod sets, so this can‘t happen, so those sink holes can‘t open. Next one please. [graph] This again is looking at our natural set of them, without the others being shown. What‘s also interesting, if that cracking starts to happen, this is showing, these little dot, dot, dot lines are the plate lines, right? These are the harmonic points, those simple little black dots. But these little circles here, these are all methane deposits. Yeah. That frozen…where methane is bonded into ice kind of stuff, underwater, underground and they tend to run along a lot of the plate lines. And if those plates start to crack, they‘re going to start to go off, and I mean, open, and all sorts of weird things can happen with that. I mean, it can toxify the waters and the air to the point where nothing can breathe, and those kind of things. So, it‘s another reason why it‘s worth keeping those Rods where they belong, and not letting the Omega do its kill thing while we‘re still left on the planet, and while anybody else is still left on the planet. It‘s been really, really rough, actually The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 33 of 119
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since they activated the kill code in January of 2008, but we finally have begun to make some victories in this horrendous game that we‘re playing, and it‘s not a fun game. It is….from the Buddha‘s perspective, I guess, this happens in fall universes, and it is kind of like a game between the ones who are trying to take it down into fall, and the ones who are trying to bring it back up, and that kind of thing. So, in that way, it‘s a game. But it is not a funny game. It is literally a life or death of many, many species game. Next one please. [graph] This is where, once upon a time, we did have… these little pieces are what used to be Atlantis, so these were actually part of Atlantis. There‘s England and Ireland, right, and those areas there. Here is Bermuda Islands, right. And over here, this is all down in the… like Cuba, Haiti, Southwest Florida, right? All of these areas here were originally part of the Atlantian continent, and the Hawaiian Island out here were originally part of the Lemurian continent. Where those continents were, I think is the next one. [graph] Where they once were… and these are the little drawings that show where those ovals were that you saw, what was left. These were the size and shapes of the continents. These were the land masses that were actually taken out through the sink holes. And this was Lemuria over here. It was big. And all you‘ve got left are the little Hawaiian island pieces that are in through here. This is showing the power of sink holes, really, and what they can do. It did create grid instability, but they did it in a way, they did it through what are called harness fields, where you can actually harness a part of the land, and not rip the plates, and not make the Rods fully spin, because if you get them spinning at a certain rate, that‘s when the cracking starts. It didn‘t crack the plates when they progressively pulled these in. They just activated the spins of the Rods to a certain degree, and literally, it would be like a light wave ran through a piece of land, and then it started to vibrate like this. If you were standing on that land before you blinked off and disappeared with it, you would see almost like EM heat waves in the air, as stuff started to literally come apart, and then it would go pop and literally disappear from where it was, and get drawn as energy, as light, as radiation, down through the sink hole, and then re-manifest on the other side, where it was directed. So, they kind of worked like wormholes, but they‘re different. So, that is how they removed those continental pieces out of our maps. Next one please. [graph] That‘s what they are hoping to do with the whole thing, actually. Now this is getting into what we began to introduce in St. Kitts, the Safe Zone Maps. The safe zone maps have to do with something called the Shield of Solomon, which is the host shield that is plugged into the larger host, but it also runs the frequencies of not only our E4 Event Horizon that we are on, that our systems are on, but our Adjugate Twin System in our Universal Cosmic Spirit Body, is the A10 system, the AdorA 10 system. So, that is the strongest frequency you can actually bring down through the center into our Event Horizon. The Kitts gate, which was the Adjugate 13 gate, Adjugate Shala 13…we have a Shala 13 gate over here in Caral, Peru. That is the core gate. Its Adjugate Twin gate is over here in St. Kitts. That‘s why they sent us to St. Kitts, because that is the point where you could anchor the first flows, and hold open the flows of the vector line from A10 all the way through, so we‘re not just being supported by frequencies from our own Event Horizon, but we‘re going right across the center of our Universal Cosmic Spirit Body, and bringing in the stronger frequencies from the A10 vector. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 34 of 119
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So, that‘s why St. Kitts became very important as the fueling point for something called the Shield of Solomon. The Shield of Solomon is meant to be able to run enough frequencies through the A10 gates to be able to prevent the Omega Code, at least temporarily, to prevent the Omega Code from shattering the grids, where it can counter the Rod spins, and it will keep the grids together long enough for a proper evacuation to take place. The whole plan has been there for a long time. This infiltration hasn‘t just happened since 2000. This has been going on and on for millions of years. So, this plan has been in order for quite a long time as well, as far as bringing the Shield of Solomon activation into Earth. The Shield of Solomon starts with a triangulation of energies. The first part of it, they call Expansion 1 of the Shield of Solomon, which is the one we did first, what we did in Kitts, and it actually connects in. There‘s a little, another line that would go from here. I didn‘t put it on here yet, and over to here. That connects Kitts into the Watchtower. It also connects Kitts into ShAlon 7. And then ShAlon 7 back to the Watchtower. Then, ShAlon 7, all the way down to Caral, and Caral back to Kitts. So, it creates this triangle here, and it has that little thing there too, that I don‘t have drawn in yet. Then there is the Level 2 Expansion of the Power Core of the Shield of Solomon, which goes from Kitts all the way over to Adair, Ireland, and then back through to ShAlon, and connects all this. Then there‘s another one that we‘ll see on another map, that expands the size of this triangle, connects through the Colorado Alon 7 grids, and allows it to connect into the harmonic points over here, which allows it to anchor the San Andreas fault, and to stabilize a bit of the Caldera and stuff that‘s running through Yellowstone. So, Alon, if we can get that secured…we‘re in the process. It looks promising that some very nice grid guardians are interested, and we‘ll see somewhere between January and June whether it is going to go to someone in the awake guardian Azurite family, or if it‘s just going to go, because we can‘t carry it. We can‘t carry the mortgage on it. We have that house we‘re paying the mortgage on. We have the house that they just wanted us to buy over there that we‘re carrying the mortgage on. And it‘s just too much. So, we‘re going to see. So, right now, we don‘t have the California one activated yet. But they must feel positive about the grid handovers that are happening, because we literally… ShAlon was bought by somebody in the group that is very trusted by the Beloveds to hold frequency there properly. That is a key gate. I believe that one of the things, they gave us a long list of things that by the end of this workshop, what is going to occur, I do believe they‘re activating Alon, so it is going to activate the larger triangulation. They‘re also activating something else…oh yeah, and Adair. They are also doing Adair, the initiation of the activation. And then when we go over to Ireland in 2009, we‘re going to finish that activation and do something else. There‘s another shield that connects into, I think, more into Europe, that‘s involved with that, that they haven‘t told me about yet, but first you have to initiate the activation of this thing. These are called Sentinels. That‘s called a Sentinel. The Kitts gate is referred to as a Sentinel. ShAlon is considered a Sentinel and Alon is considered a Sentinel. Then you have the Watchtower. We‘ll read a bit about the Watchtower and what they actually do. The Watchtower is the Karanadis Point of Median Earth. So on Median Earth, the Karanadis Point of the planet is there. The Watchtower is the Median Earth Karanadis Point anchoring shield down here. This is actually a shield that has a certain diameter that will, and I forget what it was, 144 miles, was it? Across? Yeah, diameter across. That actually it connects directly in, and it is a slide city platform. It‘s one of those. The portions of it that are made of Sha-LA-ah light can upstep, and the portions of it that connect to the elemental kingdom up in Median Earth shift down and they meet, the two sets of atoms meet, and the elementals from Median Earth literally bond to the light units, or the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 35 of 119
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mana that we are collecting in our body, the light quotient around the atoms, and literally pulls them up into elemental manifestation up there for slide. So, they‘re literally slide platforms. There are other ones of these too. That is the power grid as far as this. It‘s almost like air traffic control of the planet. This is the primary gate that feeds it and links it into the host from the A10 vector, which gives it more power than it would have otherwise. Now this whole configuration also has what are called … so you have one Watchtower, four Sentinels, and I believe there‘s 24 Lighthouses. 12 or 24 on that, I forget. It‘s the harmonic conversion points. I think there‘s 24. Yeah. So, each one of those harmonic convergence points, that are those points where three or more grids fit together, there are configurations within the Shield of Solomon in the planetary grids, going down the mantle and up into the crust, that actually activate and plug in to the Shield of Solomon, as it progressively activates. So, this is the core triangulation of the Shield of Solomon. Then, this plugs into the Arc Hub gates and they can plug into the planetary gates, so it allows for the expansion of these areas that now are plugged into zones that can slide. So it allows for the creation of slide zones, where zones, where that up and down between Median Earth and here can happen on the atomic level. So, what the Guardians‘ job is going to be for here, for the next 222 years, is going to be to progressively get this activated, which we‘re working on now, and then to hold that activation and begin to learn how to work the slide gates, and how to work with this, because it‘s … It‘s fascinating material … it‘s a very complex process. First we had to understand for years, for 10 years they‘ve been teaching us about all sorts of things—about the grids, to the point where it‘s exhausting. It‘s like who‘s on first? I don‘t even know anymore, as far as the grid work goes, it‘s so intensive. But they are trying to help us understand. This is very high level stuff. If it weren‘t a crisis evac situation, they never would have taught us this information that they are giving in the last couple of years, but they could see it was progressively going that way. Somebody has to hold the host or nobody‘s going to get out of here. Fortunately you guys are here, because me and Az and Mac couldn‘t do it by ourselves either. You know? We‘d be fried by now. So, this connects in. These are the natural rods and chambers. This is where… I don‘t have it on this one, but it‘s through this one that comes the Transcendental Passage. That‘s the Bardoah chamber in the back. There‘s all sorts of processes that we will eventually learn about this. We do have … this is the core of the Shield, that plugs into the next one, which is, I think that‘s showing the lighthouses, right? Yeah. This is just showing you the lighthouse areas. These are the lighthouses, the harmonic convergence points. These two are actually… they‘re considered… you have these two close together and these two close together. They consider those one lighthouse, for some reason. This is the grid space that the Shield of Solomon will cover. That triangulation, that they don‘t have on this map, I‘ll show you both together in the next map. But the triangulation that we saw before actually activates this whole shield set, where whatever quantum of the Net Earth planetary shield is holding the ability to anchor Krist frequency, or the Krist host, it will start with this. This is the Solomon Shield. So, this creates a safe zone, or a potential slide zone area. This again is the Transcendental Passage chamber going out the back. I don‘t have it on this one. But it would literally be that chamber sticking out the back, if this was rolled up as a sphere. If this map was taken like this and made a sphere. So, these are lighthouses. Next one please. This is colorful. Let‘s see if I can remember how to explain this one. I need to take my shoes off. I‘m getting numb feet for some reason. It‘s a weird feeling. There you go. Alrighty. Let‘s see. Okay. These are ascension grids – the Shield of Solomon, right? And there is a configuration in here referred to as the Star of Solomon, that they haven‘t gotten to yet. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 36 of 119
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This little green, the lighter green triangulation was the one we activated in Kitts. That didn‘t include yet the California grids going over into here, and then down in expanding the size of the power base triangulation. If you notice, this is where our Net Rods are and also the Median Earth. This is where they want to split them to. This is where the Caduceus Rods are. So, these are where the sinkholes would show up in all of that. It‘s probably best not to sit on a sinkhole. We‘re pretty close there wherever we‘re going. Let‘s see… where‘s Florida? There‘s so much on here, it‘s hard to see where Florida is. Down here. so, the Watchtower is there. Fortunately, well, yeah, it interfaces with the Caduceus Rod, and this is like Green Dragon control territory. They are handing these grids over to us, all of the Green Dragon grids are being handed over to us, or, if there are going to be grids that can‘t hold the Krist that are going to go Krist fall, they‘ll be handed over to the Krist fall Budhara. But they‘re just saying, ―heh, here you go.‖ So, there are progressive events where grid handovers are being done because the Green Dragons are going to lose them. They‘re going to get them going on the Red spin, shift them over, and pull us up into here, and take the whole thing out in through the Kill Code, and they don‘t even… the Red Dragons had one agenda. They were planning the longer, slower Omega Kill Code, and so were the Greens, where there‘s time for evacuating their own kind and those kind of things. The White Dragons, they have a Kill All agenda. They don‘t care. They want it done fast. They want the quantum of the planet, and they want access to the gates. They don‘t care. Even their own get off. And they made the deals with the Red Dragons. Well, they didn‘t make deals. They said, ―we‘re going to kill you now, or you‘re going to help us.‖ The Red Dragons are the ones who petitioned them in the first place, because they were losing grid strength in relation to the Greens. So, they got involved with the Whites, and the Whites took it right out from under them and basically said, ―you wanna die now or later?‖ Yeah. So, they are kind of caught between a rock and a hard place. So, we are in the middle of an amazing grid war, and it‘s crazy, because you go out there and you certainly don‘t hear it on CNN. People think we‘re wacky. Someone said, as we were all coming back into the room, somebody in a car was driving out, right, and they stopped, rolled down their window, and said, ―are you aliens?‖ (laughter) Nooooooooooo, not really. Well, kinda. When you see 280 people out at midnight, looking up at the sky… they probably thought we were waiting for spaceships to land. In fact, we‘re doing the opposite. No, please don‘t land, because they won‘t be friendly if they do. (laughing) So over here… now this whole segment of the planet, going from the core, but extending into these areas in the map, these are potential ascension grid areas. America‘s lucky. It‘s sitting in the middle of… South America is sitting in there pretty good in there too. I think that‘s South America. It‘s so light it‘s hard to see. Yeah, it‘s South America. You come over here… if it weren‘t for the fact that we also have the Hub cluster gates… and I always wondered why the Arc Hub cluster gates … there were so many of them over in Europe and stuff, but not a lot of them over here. It was like they got all the good stuff then. Well, that‘s because we had all the good stuff here. There‘s a system of activating these things progressively where they plug into the Hub cluster gates, and then those gates plug into the natural planetary stargates that we lost control of years ago with this drama, during somewhere between 2001 and 2004. We‘ll be able to put at least a two third quantum capacity, the rest of all these gates, back on line with the Host Shield of Solomon. So, even though this… now these grids over here are primarily keyed to the Krist Fall host, so, the Green Dragon areas. This will be the portions of the planetary grids, the major portions that will go Sovereign Fall. These are the main ones that will be eligible for, if they can hold the frequency, doing the up-shift into Median Earth. But there will be a lot of places in between each where there‘s options for both. So it won‘t be just that everyone from Europe will have to run over to America or South America, and anybody that wants to go Sovereign Fall has to get out of America and go over to Europe. It doesn‘t have to work that way, and China as well. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 37 of 119
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So, when we get the Arc Hub cluster maps, I‘ll just show you the idea of where these guys are. So, you see that they spread all the way over, so Ireland would be the link, which brings the power base of the Shield of Solomon over into the European grids, and from there they can connect into all the Arc Hub gates, and the Span gates and all of those things. We don‘t have the listing of where all the Span gates are, the Spanner gates, which are the core flow NaVA-Ho chambers. We just know where Spanner 7 is, I think, at the moment. But, literally, the entire gate system can get put on at about two thirds quantum, where one third of the quantum will ultimately be divided into going upward into the Median Earth ascension, one third of the Net Earth quantum will go into Sovereign Fall, and one third of it will end up going into full Caduceus fall and into Phantom fall under the White Dragons. So, it‘s going to be a three way split, basically, of the Net Earth grids. When the end comes, the end isn‘t going to be for another 222 years on the host, and even after that, there may be something that once the evac is done here, it‘s not going to be that the planet‘s going self-destruct then. We‘re going to progressively assist the Beloveds in anchoring the separation between these grids, where you can get progressive upswitch for the ones that are going up, and progressive protection for the Green grids, so all of the Green grids don‘t get ripped right down into Phantom, and then only the parts that can‘t be held will go into the Wesa falls with the White Dragon and that kind of thing. So, there‘s a lot of… at some point there is going to have to be official friendly contact to assist in this, because this is such a big mission. Even though we‘ve done really, really well for the fact that we remembered none of this and we‘re mutated down here too just like everybody else on the planet (laughing), right? I think we‘ve all been doing really, really well, trying to keep up with understanding how this is working, and not freaking out when we‘re told things like ―your plates are going to crack,‖ and … oh Lord! That kind of stuff. But as far as some of the... as we progress into the future with this, there‘s going to be progressively more sophisticated grid mechanics required, because the Omega code will progressively activate and speed up, which means it will progressively…there will be a fight happening between our Solomon grids trying to hold the planet together, and the other part pushing it apart, that kind of thing. So, there‘s going to be definitely there will be contact at some point. Right now, the contact that‘s been, being trying to push for has been the White Dragons trying to push for contact to come in and raid, to literally just come in and get rid of us and just take over and split the Rods and get it all done. So, we‘re going to read a little bit about… a little bit… how many pages, I forget. That‘s page 16 and there are 24 or something, however many pages are in there…nine pages of reading the step by steps of the 2008 drama only. That‘s only the stuff that has happened in 2008, that brings us up to where we are, so we can understand what we‘re going to be able to do in this particular workshop and in Sarasota. So, I think that explains most of it. Yeah. Did I miss anything significant? This is the front chamber, by the way. That would be the KaLE chamber, the one that comes out the front. That‘s the Bardoah chamber Transcendental Passage that goes out the back and connects the planet into its next level, into its own bud levels of Budd levels. I think that does it. Next one please. [Graph] Alright. Now, these are the old Amenti maps, right? I just want to point out that you‘ve got star gates, the natural The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 38 of 119
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planetary star gates, that we lost control of these between 2000 and 2003 or 2004. I think it was 2003 actually. But these will… two thirds of their quantum will be able to potentially come back on line with its Shield of Solomon. So, the Amenti maps will still be important because they will show you in those big things where you have the middle one that has the … it actually is over here, The Shield of Solomon. This map is oriented a little bit different than, as far as where America is compared to… it‘s relatively scaled, but it‘s just a different panning perspective than the ones you were seeing before. So, you‘d have the Shield of Solomon over here, and you‘d have the Green shield that‘s going to go Sovereign fall over there, but you‘d have all these other places still located in both sides that are connected into the Solomon host shield. So, any of those places would be viable, as far as where to be for ascension. Some will be more difficult than others. It is better when you have stronger cluster areas, and you don‘t have a lot of people that have been taken over by the other side and really just scowl at you every time you breathe and that kind of stuff. You can find communities like that, that are very, kind of like a bit gone already, where their bodies are still walking around, but what‘s in them is not highly pleasant anymore. So, there are some places, star gate cities, and I‘m not even going to try to read these. They are so tiny. They are still on the product list, aren‘t they? The Amenti maps? They‘re available through the Azurite Press. These connect into the Hub cluster gates. I think this is the next one I have. [Graph] It‘s printed a bit dark, but I think we can see them. Now, this isn‘t showing…there‘s are quite a few that overlap in various places, but these are the Arc Hub cluster gates, which are the Arc of the covenant gates, from which the Hub cluster gates run. These are quite huge. They cover very, very large areas that I‘ll give you an idea of in a minute. I mean, just like here‘s two of them, for example. This is the one that anchors in Mesa, Arizona, which is part of the ShAlon 7, Span 7 collection of gates. That goes all the way here. It goes way out of Arizona. This is the one that‘s up in Seattle. It goes way past Seattle. You got one over here, on Manhattan Island. You have another one here in Bermuda. You have one at Adair. And this is the one, the Adair one… Adair is in Ireland. That is the one that is the other Sentinel, that allows for that power base triangulation to pull over into Europe and into Ireland, and then to feed the European grids, the Solomon frequencies. There‘s another one up here, at Newgrange. I remember us going to Newgrange. That was scary. The little lady…she was like a very militant little person, little lady, tour guide that took us into Newgrange. I mean, she would not let us… ―You don‘t touch stones. You don‘t sing. (laughing), You don‘t meditate. You don‘t anything. You walk through and I talk.‖ I was like, ―can we just walk through silently?‖ ―No!‖ (laughing) so, we were supposed to be doing grid work in the thing. She was like, ―okay,‖ and she was really getting under my skin at this point. I didn‘t realize they had backup security with like automatic weapons, it looked like… I swear… no… they had some kind of gun thing, though, that was noticeable, and she called security and stuff. I kind of … just a little bit lost my temper and said, ―you can control what we do with our bodies, you can control what we do with our mouths, but you can‘t control what we do with our minds.‖ I said it really nice, just very peaceful and quiet. She freaked. She went in a tizzy, like just going around in circles, ―I‘m calling security.‖ She looked like she short-circuited, like she had something in her fields. Almost like a robot going, (makes repetitive sounds). She wouldn‘t let us out. We were stuck in this one area. It was good, because meanwhile, I was going, okay, put a crystal on the ground and get the energy work done. Meanwhile we‘re in there and she‘s not letting us go out or in, because we‘re waiting for security to come. Oh God. Fortunately, the guy who came, who was a more armed security guy, he was very nice about it. He calmed her down. ―We didn‘t do anything.‖ I learned to shut up, actually. I did after that one. Oh my God. Thank God it wasn‘t in Peru or somewhere where they get even more militant with guns. I might The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 39 of 119
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have been locked up in jail for speaking. Anyway… I‘m very glad it‘s in Adair, and not in Newgrange. (laughing) it‘s lovely over in Ireland. We‘ve done a lot of work with Eye Island, which is something 11, which 11, I can‘t remember. There are so many gates that we have to remember. It‘s in the 11 sequences, Eye Island is. It‘s not one of the direct Hub gates, but it‘s connected into them. So, we‘ll be going over here into Adair, and to this island that I can never remember the name of. Skellig Michael? Yes, Skellig Michael. An island off the coast of the island of Ireland, an island within the island. We‘re going to something. They haven‘t told me a lot about it yet, other than the fact that we‘re going over there to fully activate the Sentinel grids there. But there‘s also something to do with being off with the fairies, because we are going to play with the Aquafar‘E over there, and do something with the Elemental Command kingdoms, like the fairy kingdoms, the Aquafar‘E, but also, I think the fairy folk here, that aren‘t just … they are the ones from Net Earth… I think we‘re going to be doing something with those guys. They told us that a while back, but then we never ended up going, and it seemed like the workshop, whatever they were giving me on it, just kind of fell off the shelf and was gone, and they didn‘t give me anything else. They are bringing it back to that now. But at a much higher level, I have a feeling, as far as the Shield of Solomon goes. So, these areas will all activate, and over here, it‘s kinda like you look and say, ―gee, China is still in trouble, and all those areas over here.‖ But, there is still a couple of the regular planetary star gates that are over there, so once the Hubs are activated and plugged in, what is it, 8 and 9? Yeah. There‘s one in Xian, China, and one somewhere else up there in the Taklamakan desert, wherever that is. Yeah. Now, these are ones that were corrupted before, but we will progressively get two thirds of them back on line, the planetary star gate system, which means the Amenti gate systems, which is really good, because we lost control of them and had to shut them down, or block their access to the rest of the grids when they fell. So, there‘s a lot of areas now that will be opening up into the Shield of Solomon host, and that‘s really good news for people who have to live all over the planet. If you happen to live in China, or something, and you look at this map, you‘d go, ―oh God.‖ Right? ―How do I get out?‖ Right? You don‘t necessarily have to because there are ways to pull from your main gate, once you have your homing seed activated, actually. That will assist you to be able to tap where your home gate is, regardless of where it is. Especially if you can visit it once though, it actually strengthens the whole relationship between you and that site. But you can just pull energy through breathing from the area, and if they ever pull the Shield, you would actually get the frequency run through you, pop up and you‘d pop up with people in the shield, wherever they ended up bringing it up through. So, it would give you a host-out from wherever you are, and that kind of thing, once the homing seed is activated in the body. So, people don‘t have to be frightened of running for slide zones. What are slide zones? They are safe zones, and they are zones where … full slide zones are where you get slide cities that can come up and down. Other ones are interfaces that will pull you through the gate set to where the closest slide city is, where you can go fully up and down. So, it‘s a fascinating process, and I‘ve had an amazing… I knew none of this stuff consciously when I walked in here, because it wipes when you walk in, right? And Katy, my walkout, didn‘t know any of this whatsoever. So, all of this, we‘re all learning together. I think it‘s quite amazing how far we‘ve all come, to be even able to understand something at this level. So, anyway, this is why it‘s good news at this point. Next one, please. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 40 of 119
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[Graph] I think there‘s an activation coming in, because I‘m getting a back thing, with the kundalini. This is showing a little bit closer what an Arc Hub cluster gate looks like. This is the one that‘s in Mesa, so it‘s in the Mesa, Phoenix, Scottsdale area, ShAlon 7 grid set. And look at the size of that. That expands out all over the place. The most powerful areas of them are what would be the center Hub here, and all of these little spots too, the points of the Reuche… that‘s what they actually are. It‘s a Reuche configuration. They would all be the most power grids, but all these areas too would plug into these, and they would plug into the next one. So, you have the first one that‘s the core most powerful one. Then you have these four on the inside that are the next most powerful. Then you have the eight on the outside that are most powerful. All of them are configured like that, all of the Arc Hub gates. And this is showing the link between ShAlon 7 and the Mesa Arc Hub gate, all the way down here into Shala 13, which is the core gate at Caral in Peru. Next one please. [Graph] Almost done with this set. Before we go into the next set, we are going to do the break because I have to get down what the technique is at the end of the next set. This is just showing—here‘s Pine Island, right? It‘s off Fort Myers, and Cape Coral, Florida. This up here is where the GrU‘-al is, right off Siesta Key, Florida, and that‘s where Sarasota is. That‘s where we‘re going for the next workshop. It doesn‘t run as perfectly as it looks like here, when you bring it in closer, it‘s actually a little bit off, but it‘s still in the parameter enough. Pine Island is still in the parameter enough to catch it. This goes all the way down and links into the place called Monkey Hill that is on St. Kitts. That is the location of where the Adjugate 13, Shala 13 AdorA gate. They call it the mother gate because it runs the Spirit Body frequencies from the A10 vector. That is down here. We don‘t have the other one drawn over here yet, but this is just showing the link with those. It‘s showing it more closely on a real map with names on it. Next one please. [Graph] (Az speaking, inaudible) Eight miles off that line? Okay. Az is saying that the Watchtower is just eight miles off that line, and the island itself is only 17 miles long by two miles wide. So, it‘s like parameter-wise this is not too bad. But actually, what anchors in the … you have, Sanibel island is down here. Here‘s the Watchtower island right here. The center, actually no, it‘s here, the Watchtower. This is Cape Coral over here. This is the Watchtower. This is on the mainland. Cape Coral is a bridge that takes you over to the island. Thankfully, because if they said I had to go live on one of the captivas that are out here, and you have to take a boat to get there, I wouldn‘t want to go. I wouldn‘t. I really, really, really wouldn‘t. (laughing) Fortunately, there is a bridge. You can drive over. It‘s not a long one. So, there‘s the Watchtower. And this is the Watchtower shield. It‘s about 144 miles in diameter. So, it extends way out into the ocean, and it extends quite a bit over onto the mainland of Florida too. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 41 of 119
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Next one please. [Graph] Oh yeah, Sarasota is not marked on this one. The GrU‘-al is here, though, so you just go straight. It would be right over in here, straight across. This is where the coordinates…where the GrU‘-al is. It‘s actually in the ocean, off the coast of Siesta Key. So, you just take that in straight and Siesta Key would be right in here someplace. It‘s not marked on that map yet. There you go. This is Pine Island down here, a place called Matlacha that is kind of like part of it, right there. There‘s where bridge that goes over. Yes, it‘s an island, but it is protected by these out here so it doesn‘t get hit first with the storms. It‘s close enough to the mainland, that if it does get hit, you can run. (laughing). Quickly. It‘s really lovely. It doesn‘t have a fancy white sandy beach. Just one little area up here in the tip has a bit of white sand beaches. The sand beaches tend to be the ones that face directly into the Gulf, and because it‘s … these are the barrier islands. These are the ones that have the really… quartz, it‘s actually white quartz sand. Like 99.9% white quartz or something. Yeah. That‘s what was at Siesta Key, as you will see when we go to Sarasota. It‘s the Siesta Key beach that‘s right off Sarasota that we use when we do the activations and stuff, the GrU‘-al beach, let‘s say. And they had their sand analyzed at some point, whoever the community is there, and it‘s one of their tourist attractions. 99.9% pure crushed quartz crystal. And they don‘t know why. Right? So, I was just trying to figure out how did that get there? Yeah. It had to do with things that had to do with the Atlantean temples, and when certain things exploded, and things like that. We got into that in the early days when we were talking about that, about some of the things that used to be there in the Atlantean periods, and how that was one of the areas that were affected with the crystal temples exploding, the generator temples. Literally, some of it is still remaining with the white sand. You do have the white sand, a little bit of it, like I said, on the northern tip of this. Most of this here, they have mangroves around them. It‘s very, very pretty. And it‘s all beautiful green, and lots of palms as well as pines. But out here, you‘ve got the captiva islands. What is that about… 40 minutes, 30 minutes boat ride? From here to here? about 30 minutes? Well… you know… average (talking to Az)… okay, 30 if you‘re quick, 60 minutes if you‘re slow, in your boat. They come out here to one… I think it might be this one down here. It‘s one of these in this string, and it might not be showing on the map, that‘s called Cayo Costa, and it‘s a natural preserve where people aren‘t allowed to live on it anymore or build on it. So, it‘s completely natural and pristine like you would have found back in the days when the Indians lived there and stuff. It is also a historical site that the island itself is. They have Calusa Indian ruins there that are very protected and a big research center, and that kind of stuff, so it‘s quite a protected area as well. They have a lot of protection too as far as their flora and fauna and that kind of thing. They are very protective of it. There‘s a whole bunch of, what are they, bald eagles? Twenty pairs of bald eagles live there, protected. And other things too, of course. But it‘s like a little paradise. It really is. We didn‘t even know it was there. We lived right up here. Siesta Key is right there, and this whole area is considered Sarasota. We were there. Here‘s Sarasota, Bradenton airport. So, Siesta Key, our house, was someplace in here. Siesta Key was here. We were only about a half hour walk from the beach. But it was a quick drive, but you could never find a parking spot, ever, ever, ever. The parking lot would be so full on the beach, because it was a public beach that you would have to drive around the blocks repeatedly, especially when we brought a workshop in. Oh my God! And people would get mad at you if you stood in a parking spot and waited for the next car. They‘d like threaten to run you over to get out, first come first serve kind of thing. So… hopefully we‘ve got permits and everything, and they know the buses are coming in. It‘s done official through The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 42 of 119
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Darlene and Travel agent stuff. We‘re not going to be trying to fight it out in the parking lot. We‘re going to go up here and do the work. So, that‘s the relationship. You‘ve got Sarasota up here, and Siesta Key, and then down here you have the Fort Myers area. You have Pine Island off of it there. And then down here a little bit, you have someplace called Naples. Naples is down here a little bit and the Florida Keys are down further. It‘s nice, because it‘s a little bit warmer than it would be up here, just because it‘s a little bit further south. It‘s also nice that it‘s protected here, and it‘s not stuck out on the Keys. I‘d be terrified to live on the Keys. It must be gorgeous there, but with the hurricanes and stuff, it‘s a bit, I would think it‘s a bit intense. But some people like that. I figure that it‘s a nice place between two worlds, where it‘s close enough to the main land, it‘s protected, but it‘s still an island and it‘s pretty. So, anyway, that‘s where the Watchtower is, and literally, they‘ve anchored it into the property that they had us purchase. So, it‘s almost like a beacon in there, and that shield is activating. That shield will continue to expand to a certain degree. I don‘t know how far out it will eventually expand with the progressive activation of the Shield of Solomon. So, this is a huge grid set-up. This is a huge Guardian commission. I really wish they‘d send the ‗big guys‘ in, the good big guys. And let us all take a break and just slide on up and have a little R&R. I‘m really hoping it starts soon. Next one please. [Graph] That‘s just showing again the sites of the Lighthouses that go with the Watchtower and the Sentinels. Next one please. [Graph] I‘m just going to touch on these really quickly. We‘ll talk about later, one of the interesting things that occurred in 2008, that we‘re about to, kind of like, consummate in the United States, on January 21, I believe, with the swearing in, yes, of our new president… the areas that … and this is just looking at state by state, and we‘ll look at it, taking it down a little bit, and seeing what the counties did. When you have areas, and anywhere—we only had the ones for the states, but you can do this for whatever country, there will be certain parties that are … and it‘s not always the same party aligned with one group. Sometimes they actually switch. In America it has been pretty consistent all along, since the Civil War period, where usually what became, first of all, the Rebels, the Rebel movement from down south, was associated with the Red Dragon crews. They‘re the Drac races and that kind of stuff. It didn‘t mean everybody that was a Rebel was one. But the general agenda was associated, that the Rebels were following, was being moved by the Drac groups at the time, and they were eventually backed by the Red Dragon crews. Because the Dragons didn‘t come in for a while, but they had set up and they moved these political things. The Green Dragons were the ones running the basically Yankee platform. That kind of divided up, and these are just … they are generalizations, but they are accurate generalizations. There are still lots of differences in between. But then the Democratic philosophy and the Republican philosophy, they were actually part of that. The main Republican philosophy was associated with the Rebel philosophy, which was associated with the Red Dragons ultimately. And the Democratic philosophy was associated with the Yankee philosophy, the original core of the Yankee philosophy, which was associated with the Green Dragons. There wasn‘t a lot of Blue showing as far as Blue Dragons or Kristics. This has been a templar power struggle the whole time. Where you have concentrations of people that have a certain strong ideology, for example, and most of the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 43 of 119
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community is oriented to this, or is oriented to that… say, if there‘s more Democrats in that area, or more Republicans in the area, or Muslims in one area of the planet and Christians in one area of the planet – this tells you something. Those concentrations of people … no person is here alone. Everybody has a soul group connection that you come in with and it‘s not … sometimes you‘ve got things that are messing with you from soul group collectives that aren’t your own. So, we all have something that moves us from somewhere, when we‘re not awake yet, and that kind of thing, where we start getting more control over moving ourselves. You can look at maps like these to get a general idea of where you might feel more at home if you‘re of one philosophy compared to another. When you look at them big, it‘s a little harder to tell, because all these break down into much smaller areas. Can we see the next one please? [Graph] This takes you into the counties, right? So you‘ve got … the red are the Republican voting or primary Republican county areas. And the blues are the primary Democrat areas. And I think these read… you can look these up, I think they still probably have them on the internet, wherever we found those, because Az found those. The New York Times had them? So, these are New York Times maps of the recent election. They also had them back going through to show the differences, like in 2004, and that kind of stuff, which was kind of interesting. But, it shows you an idea. It‘s kind of scary when you see how Red it is. At first, I kind of went, ―Uh oh.‖ I find it remarkable with how Red that is, the fact that Mr. Obama, the Democratic candidate, is our next president. Yes. Yes. There was a bit of help there, across the board. Next one please. And we‘ll read about that. [Graph] This is another one, what do they call it? The bubble maps? I‘m not even sure exactly, what does this mean? (Az speaking) the size of the bubble indicates how far, say, Obama was ahead in that cluster. (laughing) Look at Pine Island. (continues laughing) Boy, they squeezed us right in there! I mean, over here, I think we‘re in Arizona here, I‘m still learning my shapes, the state shapes. It‘s awful red right here. But of course, Mr. McCain was a senator from there. So… it‘s understandable. You have these little clutches. I find it fascinating, too, that there is this much support all through California, because right now you have a Republican governor over there, and that kind of stuff, so I would have thought it would have been more…but this is encouraging. And then up in here… but it‘s still a lot of Red bubbles. But that doesn‘t mean they‘re bad people there, and anything. It‘s people under the influence of what major philosophy, which indicates behind the scenes what groups are trying to move them. If you would look at … you can take, like the religions, for example… say the Muslim religion. Even though the majority of it… and it started out, actually, as a, let‘s say a Draconian approach… it split. And you would have both red and blue bubbles over there. So, every area has broken down at this point. You can‘t just say, oh because it‘s Muslim, it‘s straight across Red, or because it‘s Christian it‘s straight across Green Dragon. There‘s versions of each within each, at this point. These give you a little bit of an idea as far as localities, where you might feel a little more comfortable as a Kristic or an Azurite, and there‘s no guarantee like on your street. You might be like you‘re in a blue area, but you‘re on a Red Street, and they don‘t like you. But these kind of things can help us understand. I think that was the last one of those. Would you like a short, bathroom break before we read? It‘s nine pages of the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 44 of 119
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reading. It‘s going to take a little bit of time. But all of this information that you‘ve just seen will help you to better understand, when we start reading the chronology of the drama for 2008, because in understanding that, we will see much, much more clearly what this workshop is about, and what we are doing now, and in Sarasota, so you‘ll understand what we‘re part of, and the celebration that is in there. Because once you see at the end, when we wrap it all up, it‘s like, ―oh, cool! That‘s this one?‖ This is the stuff I knew they were… not hiding… it was on security clearance. They didn‘t tell us. So, about… what… 2:15? There‘s a lot of people. Fifteen minute break? We‘ll try for 2:30 to be back. It‘s 2:15. So 2:30 we‘ll aim for.
[Audio Track 7] (00:00) I‘m going to read them because, sometimes, little bits of detail will come through that aren‘t in the writing itself, you know, where it will just come in on the line with it. So, I‘d like to be able to read them to people and just, like, discuss them a little as we go to, you know, clarify or whatever. So, that‘s why we will do the reading on them. This will take us through 2008. There‘s more on the rest of 2007 that‘s not even out of the computer yet, and that has to be all pasted up into the stuff that we had published before, that started in 1998, I believe, and move forward tracking the drama. Eventually- we won‘t have that whole document for everybody tonight. I think it was given out maybe in Virginia Beach or something last year, or Amsterdam. I can‘t remember; it might have been Amsterdam. But, it only took us up to, like the Virginia Beach- I‘m getting tired- Virginia Beach workshop. (To Az: Thank you, honey) And, the way it was set up before is: I had all of what were called the Drama Escalations chronological, like, in a year, but all together. And, then, I had the Mission Upgrades all together, numbering them from ―1‖, starting, like, in 2008--- Not 2008, in 1998, moving forward. So, when you see the numbers here: Mission Upgrade 27; that is where we started the chronology of 2008, all right? There had already been that many upgrades in the Kryst Mission, that had to be done because of the Drama Escalations being orchestrated by the progressive… starting with the UIR in 2000 and working forward. There have been, you know, we start 2008 with Drama Escalation 28 and Mission Upgrade 27, and, then, Mission Upgrade 28, and we progress forward. By the time we get done, we are on- let me see----When we get to 2009, we have Mission Upgrade 38, which is what we are involved in at FOL, right? And, then, Mission Upgrade 39 will be at the Sarasota workshop. So, we‘re going to try---I left off in, like, somewhere around Amsterdam of 11/07, and it took ages just to get this far, just to bring it up this far again. I mean, there‘s nine pages just in 2008 alone. There is, I think five or six at least to finish 2007, which was already half -way done. So, at some point, we‘re going to put all of these together, where you do: Drama Escalation/Mission Upgrade and keep flipping them back and forth so you can see the relationship between the two of them. When we just categorized for a year what occurred, you know, which Drama Escalations and which Mission Upgrades, it was harder to tell the connection between them. Like, if you had, you know, Drama Escalation 28, then, you had Mission Upgrade 28. When you can see them together, you can see what the response was to the Drama Escalation that was launched by the, you know, FA groups. What becomes important in this is: there‘s a couple places where you get ―notes about‖, right? They‘ll describe something, and then they‘ll go: Note On. And, then, we get some descriptions of things that will help, like the Watchtower. They explain a bit about what the Watchtower is, a bit more about certain, a couple of the Sink Holes and the technical dynamics that go along with things, so we have a better idea of what is occurring in the Planetary Templar, what we need to do in order to achieve, you know, what end. I mean, the final end is, yes, being able to ascend and get through this Host to get part of the planet out. But, there are technical s that- between, like, now and 2012 that will be precedent. And, then, there will be things after that, that we will learn more about that, you know, take it The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 45 of 119
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from there and, if we can get things through to 2012. And, it helps to understand the Drama itself, the Drama Escalations, as they have been occurring- right, trying to talk here. So, if I‘m tripping over my lips a lot, I apologize. I‘m probably as tired as you are because I went to bed at 6:00, Sixsomething this morning and was up by 9:00- something this morning, and then tried to lay back down for a little bit, but I couldn‘t go back to sleep, so I just laid there like a corpse. And, I was really weird because I was in a state like: ―Oh, please, go to sleep. I got one more hour I could squeeze in here, please body!‖ And, the most I could get was in that state where you can see through your eyelids. Did you ever get that, where you actually can see right through your eyelids as if you‘re eyes are open, but they‘re not? That‘s a neat stage, isn‘t it? I love it. And, you‘re still wide- awake in there, right? So, I‘m, at this point, getting slightly exhausted, you know, and my body starts to grumble at the activations when they even ripple in, and this is from what we did outside, this--- It‘s right behind the Kara-nA‟-dis Seal is where I‘m getting it. Some people might get it in the tailbone, you know, like, because it‘s Kundalini Activation of the highest order. Morewe‘re way beyond just Kundalini now, but it‘s a good way to paraphrase what it is; you know, the bigger activations. So, anyway, I‘m going to read this and see what comes through, as far as little bits in between that clarify or make something a little bit more clear because, sometimes, they will do that. Ok, page one of- and I don‘t know how many pages all this is going to be when it‘s done because there‘s also the sheets that go in that list all of the workshops and Tribes Classes and that kind of stuff. So, we see what took place in that year and that kind of thing. Yeah, and, of course, there‘s the Council Upgrades, where you had Kryst Council Up-Steps, where they up-stepped--You know, they started with the Guardian Alliance back in 1998-1999, and now we‘re on Kryst Councils Up-Step 7 is what was January of 2008. And, I think we finally hit- and I hope I have the sheet with that on it because I‘m not seeing it here, actually. I think we‘re on 8. No, we might be past 8. Let me see, I‘ll come to it if it‘s here. If not, I‘ll have to bring it in tomorrow. Oh yeah, here it is. Yeah, Kryst Councils Up-Step 9 is when we meet the AhShaLA Aquai and the AquA‟-elle Healers. So, they will be coming in, I believe, tomorrow. And, tonight, we will do a quick meet-and-greet with the ZionA, the ZionA and the AquafaRE. And, it‘s not going to be a long technique or exercise, but it will be enough to bring them in and anchor. And, tomorrow night we will be doing more, or should I say the morning after, we will be doing more with the Slide Team- that- your personal Slide Team Activation, all right? So, first of all: Mission Upgrade 27 (To Az: If I get too tired on this, you could help me with this, yes, love, because you‘re good at reading things, and my eyes go buggy) Mission Upgrade 27: January 2-3, 2008. That was the FOL period of 2008. All right: ― The Net Earth Shield completes the Hosted Star-Fire Stage-1 KalE- Hara Cycle that it entered in August of 2007. And, it achieved sufficient Core BPR- Base Pulse Rhythm- to engage entrance into Star-Fire Ascension Stage 2A, KalA Krysta Bhardah Cycle.‖ And, that will go- we are in the Bhardah Cycle- that will go until 2027 end. And, then, Stage-2B KalA Krysta, which is the Ma Sha Stage, will go from 2028 into 2047, all right? There might be some typos in here, and I‘ll just have to---You know, I‘ll verbally correct them if you see them, as far as numbers especially. All right: ― Net Earth‘s Templar successfully connects via the‖- I can‘t even talk; I‘m sorry- ― Via the Aquareion Krystal River Host Aquafereion Host Shield and An- Sha- TA -sa Passage to the 223-year Load Out Evacuation Last Galactic Star-Fire Ascension Cycle of the falling Milky Way/ Procyac Black Hole Core Galaxy. All right, so that was all covered in FOL ‘08. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 46 of 119
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Now: Drama Escalation 28 came right after that. ―Between January 5th through 7th 2008, we went to Earth Changes Red Alert at Omega Code Activation, following the Krystics‘ 11/2-4 ‘07 success in blocking Red Dragon activation attempt of the Omega Kill Code in Net Earth Templar and Net Earth‘s 1 / 2-3, ‗08 successful Hosted connection to the 223-year Load Out Evacuation Last Galactic Ascension Cycle. The Red/White Dragon FA friendly-enemies Alliance of 11, 2007‖---You see, when I pull out the 2007 sets here, you‘ll see where some of the stage was set for what is occurring here in 2008. All right: ― Finally succeeds in activating the Omega Kill Code Last Extinction Order in Net Earth‘s Templar, via the January 4-7, 2008 breach of PSG-7 that anchors in Puerto Rico, from the Wesedrak- Fallen Parallel Earth.‖ So, they breached over, through Parallel Gate-7, into Earth‘s Templar from Parallel Earth. All right: ― Activation of the Omega Code initiates Earth Changes Red Alert and the need for Krystics‘ early activation of the Shield of Solomon/- it‘s also called the Shield of AdorA- Host to retain Net Earth‘s connection to the Galactic Load Out Evac.‖ And, right there, when that occurred, between January 5th and 7th 2008, we had Kryst Councils Up-Step 7, where who came on- line with us were the M-31 An- sha- TA -sa Hub and the Adjugate A-10 BudhA‟ea Councils. So, it stepped up a large step-up to our Adjugate Vector, the A-10 Vector Universal Councils. And, plus, everything previous. All the Councils- we never dropped a Council. All the councils we‘ve worked with before just kind of like say: Ok, we worked as far as we could, and they surrender it up to the higher one, as far as, like, command. And, that doesn‘t mean they boss them around; it means the levels of knowledge and power and wisdom available that---You know, each Council will go to the limit of its expertise and then hand it upward to one of the larger councils from the larger areas. But, we keep the whole chain, you know, the whole Dial-Up, basically, all the way through, all right? Mission Upgrade 28, which happened at the same time. All of this, these three things, happened during the- was itTribes-10 period workshop, all right? So, we had: 1/ 5-7 2008: ―Tribes-10 engages the Red Alert early activation of Adjugate-13 St. Kitts Core Gate.‖ So, we began the early… Initiated activation- in Tribes-10- of the Adjugate-13 Kitts Gate. ―To initiate early activation of Net Earth Shield of Solomon Omega Override Host‖ Because that‘s what that Solomon Shield is. It overrides temporarily the Omega running in the Grids. ―And, the Adjugate-13 Kitts AdorA-10 Gate Mantle Level was activated to protect the Net Earth from the Omega Kill Code Last Extinction Order, right, that was successfully activated in Net Earth‘s Grids by the Red/White Dragons in 1/ 5-7 2008 Puerto Rico breach, yes. Ok, you could read those parts because I‘ve already- we‘ve talked about them. ―Green Dragon Hibernation Zones begin to fall into Phantom Earth Wesedrak alignment under Red/White Dragon dominion. ― Now, I will pull the ones for sometime tomorrow on 2007, so you see how the Red/White Dragon thing came together, of, you know, how they got together. And, at this point, we‘re still putting ―Red/White Dragon‖, all right? This was before certain other things occurred- down a bit lower- because it was the Red Dragons that were actually…petitioned the White Dragons for help so they could override the Green Dragon, you know, codes in the Grids and get control of the BeaST Machine, etc., But, the Red Dragons learned to regret that rather quickly. All right: Drama Escalation 29. This happened in February of 2008, like during February 2008; not just on a specific day. ― After successful January ‘08 Omega Code activation, the White Dragons break the Red/White Dragons‘ FriendlyEnemies Alliance. They invade the Red Dragons‘ Wesedrak Matrix and take over all Red Dragon Grids of the planetary and galactic Procyak BeaST. Red Dragons surrender and agree to serve as ―foot soldier caste‖ to the White Dragons to avert Red Dragon genocide by White Dragons, forming the White/Red Dragon FA Equari…‖ That‘s where you get the Dragons: They‘re Equari, not Aquari. They are a fallen line of what were Aquari Races. And, you know, and we talked about that a while ago, when we got into the Dragon, Dragoon Races and the Equari and all that. So: ―They formed the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 47 of 119
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Red/White Dragon FA Equari/Drac Galactic- Templar Conquest Team.‖ And, we‘re using ―Drak‖ as kind of like to refer to various races, where you have the Omicron Draconians; you have the Odedicron Reptilians, and there‘s a lot of other Drak association, associated cultures. The word ―Draconian‖ as it‘s used, like, here on Earth, not referring to race lines, but more to attitudes and usages of power. You can say, like, a government was very draconian. And, it goes back to- I know it is used a lot in Englandwhere it‘s just very, like, militant and---I don‘t know if it‘s necessarily fascist, but it can be, that kind of stuff. So, that is the mentality also of most of those particular cultures: of, you know, the Drak cultures. So, it‘s used kind of like in both ways. It doesn‘t always refer to just the Omicron Draconians, all right? Now: ― The White/Red Dragons ―Team‖ begins systematic takeover of URI Anu… of the URI---Remember, in 2000, where they formed the UIR- sorry, I‘m doing reversal. My what‘cha‘ma‘callit‘s kicking in: the twist of the letters. All right, but the UIR was the United Intruder Resistance that formed in 2000, when the ones who had agreed to the Treaty of Altair broke it and formed the United Intruder Resistance. Some of them were Anu; some of them were Drak, all right? So, now that you‘ve got that Red and White Dragons teams, they‘re beginning systematic takeover of both the Anu and the Drak Grids from the ones that were of the United Intruder Resistance because the Drak Races turned against the members of their own kind that sided with the United Intruder Resistance. They were considered defectors from the Drak Races, who were fighting for a period with the United Intruder Resistance. So, you have both Anu and Drak race lines and the Green Dragons, you know, kind of like grouped together. All right, so, what happened was: ― The Red/White Dragons began systematic takeover of the UIR Anu/Drak and Green Dragon Caduceus Earth and Hibernation Zone Grids, the global BeaST NET communication lines and bio-fields of Earth‘s UIR Anu/Drak and Green Dragon channels, all right? These are the channel ones, that are, like, the people that are channeling out there. They‘ve always been channeling through one set of codes or another. You‘re either---Because we don‘t do channeling, and we don‘t teach, like, you know, like, channeling, let things coming into your body and going into a trance and let it speak out your mouth. We don‘t do that. Only your own self is allowed to channel through yourself, like, you know, a level of your own self you can bring through. I, you know, Azara- me/Azara- comes through sometimes, but that is me and we did teach the difference. So, the channels that are used to, say, running the Green Dragon line, a lot of the Anu, you know, channels and even the UIR Drak channels that were running the Green Agenda and their teachings were coming out with the Green Agenda, their lines and their channels themselves- their biological channels- ― have been covertly overtaken by White Dragon, White/Red Dragon forces, for use in data disinformation and covert use of their Net Earth bodies to progressively transfer UIR Anu/Drak and Green Dragon Net Earth BeaST Grids into the White/Red Dragon control. ― So, they‘re literally hijacking the, all of the Green Dragon and the Anu and the UIR grids and putting them under what, what had---Well, the Reds, thought would be Red/White Dragon control, but, at this point, is under White Dragon control, all right? ― The White Dragons implement their own expedited, „Official Disclosure Invasion Agenda‟, preparing the seized Green Dragon Atlantean Hibernation- Zone Gates‖ Now, these are, the Hibernation- Zone Gates from the platforms that were referred to as the Atlantean Platforms in the Hibernation Zones that we talked about when we did the vertical maps and stuff. They were preparing, they took these gates from the Green Dragons in the Hibernation Zones when they started taking over the Hibernation Zones, and they were planning to use these to invade Net Earth, literally, with ships. So, they‘re preparing to seize the Green Dragon Atlantean Hibernation- Zone Gates for direct, White Dragon d-3 invasion and ‗Global Martial Law‘ of Net Earth via Atlantean Hibernation Zone- based allied Zeta ships. : The Zetas are The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 48 of 119
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allied with--They were allied with the Red Dragons, most of them. Now, 99% of them, except for a few that were allied with the Anu, are involved directly with serving the White Dragons, and the Zeta ships are the ones that are positioned to be able to come through with physical, 3D presence and, literally, stage, like, an Independence Day-type scenario. Yeah, so one of the things we are going to be working toward doing, progressively, is blocking gate access, so they can not bring the Zeta ships in from the Atlantean bases, because, if they do, all Hell is going to break loose here. Yeah, I mean, it‘s going to be horrible if that occurs. It‘s not going to be a friendly ET-Contact thing at all, and we would instantly go under martial law, you know, planetary, literally, global martial law. So, it‘s part of what we will be trying to protect the planet from. All right, now, this was intended, the White Dragons intended to do this, to bring them in through the Atlantean, through the Atlantean Gates, in October of 2008. They didn‘t get here yet. It was really weird because, right around then, there was some weird stuff coming out on the Internet from Galactic Federation and stuff. It wasn‘t from Galactic Federation; it was being put under their banner and through their channels, but their channels didn‘t realize their lines had been taken over by the White/Red Dragon brigade. And, they were really trying to push for this, and there‘s a few reasons why they didn‘t show up yet, all right? ― The White/Red Dragons make their first attempt at fulfilling their 10 October 2008 Official Disclosure Invasion/All-Kill Agenda‖. All right? They were going to expedite the Red Dragons‘ original agenda. The Red Dragons were going to do things a little bit more slowly, and they were planning to pull some of their people out and off before, you know, before they used the Omega to completely crash the planet. These guys don‘t care; they just want the quantum of the mass, the planetary mass and the access to the other gates that it‘s connected to. So, we have a problem. It‘s kind of like: ― Ground control to Major Tom‖. You know, it‘s more like Major Tom to Ground Control, you know? You‘ve got incoming, right? All right, is this the next one? Yeah, yeah, now: ―Drama Escalation 29, February 2008, continued:‖ So, this is the continuation of what we were just reading, same, same drama escalation: ―The White Dragon expedited invasion agenda intends rapid global occupation lock-down, so allied Zeta ships can enter 3D Net Earth and use their scalar beam technology to accelerate the progression of the Omega Code in Net Earth Grids, in order to expedite splitting Net Earth‘s Rod and resultant initiation of rapid All-Kill cataclysmic environmental Earth Changes beginning in the end of 2012.‖ So, they want to invade now, get in, beam the heck out of the Rod, and split it and set in motion… By the end of 2012, there‘d be cataclysmic Earth Changes here that would wipe out everything. They want to do it at the end of 2012 because, they said, one particular, rare planetary alignments occur within our Solar System that are conducive to the greater White Dragon galactic agenda. ―The White Dragon galactic agenda intends to use the ‗harnessed mass‘ of primary Host Gate Earth and our Sol Solar System, dead or alive, to enable their acquisition of the Black Hole-falling Milky Way Galactic System, through the longexisting, inorganic Abbadon/ Oberyon and YHWH Procyak Black Holes at the Milky Way Galaxy Core. The White Dragons hope to invade, harness and acquire the quantum of the adjacent Eckasha- A Wesedrak, Wesedek/Wesedrak and Parallel -Eckasha Bourgha Black- Holes and acquire the Local PCM Universe Aquinos, which is the M31Andromeda Galaxy.‖ They‘re going after Andromeda. I mean, they‘re not just satisfied with the Milky Way, all right? And, what they want it for is to feed their falling -„EtorA-10 Spirit‟ system. Now, that gets into understanding---They‘re still on our Event Horizon, on our Universal Event Horizon, because you have, we are EtorA-4. We‘re on the ―4‖ Line, ok? The EtorA-10 Material System would be on the 10 Line, right, at the 10-point, if you think of the Allurean Chamber lines. But, the Spirit Body part of the E-10 System would be back on the 4- Line, right? So, they‘re actually in the same The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 49 of 119
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place on different particle spin than we are. And, they‘re actually, they are a fallen system, and it‘s a large fallen system. We‘re a ―4‖ system; they‘re a 10-code system, so they have a lot more power, technically, than we, alone, would. That‘s why it was necessary to open the A-10 Host, where we, from our own, you know, to get our own adjugate frequencies in, to be able to counter balance what the E-10s were throwing at us. Ok, now, let‘s see…. Yeah, so what they want to do is, they want to feed the EtorA-10 Spirit System that co-exists with us and M-31 on our EtorA-4 Universal Event Horizon. So: ― Rebellion unrest begins to stir among some of the White Dragon-compliant, between some of the White Dragoncompliant Red Dragon groups and the Drak groups that followed their directive, as the Red Dragons‘ and Drak Soul Groups realized that the White Dragons invasion agenda intends rapid destruction of not only their enemy Anu and Green Dragon Net Earth Human Hybrid groups, but also destruction of their own Red Dragon and Drak- line Net Earth Human Hybrid groups, which their own original Red Agenda Invasion intended to save and relocate. Fearing imminent destruction and genocide, the Anu Green Dragons and rebelling UIR Red Dragon groups plead nocontest to the Kystics and petition Krystics for assistance and protection. But, Krystics cannot intervene directly due to the Anu/Drak breach and betrayal of the 2000 Emerald Covenant Treaty of Altair. With Krystic Aquarian Councils help, the UIR, Drak and Green Dragons secure and enter protection negotiations with the Kryst-Fall Budhara for potential Kryst-Fall Budhara Host of Sovereign Fall, Sovereign Kryst -Fall Net Earth, following a successful 223-year Krystics‘ and Hosters‘ Load Out Evac.‖ So, as long as they assist us in getting up and out, you know, we will assist them. And, as long as---We will assist the Budhara. And, as long as the Budhara have our assistance, they will assist them. So, that‘s how the negotiations for this Treaty of Al-ben‟-yhan, which comes later, went together. All right, ok; let me find where I am. It just takes me a while for my eyes to relocate where I left, ok. Anyway, I‘m going to jump down to the last paragraph there ‗cause it‘s---You can read it there, and we can, you know---Eventually, we‘ll have this more, you know, we will have the 2007 part with it, too, and you can just read it as a document. All right, now: Anu/ Drak…Actually it‘s not a paragraph; it doesn‘t start there. My eyes are going. Right, ok: ― Krystics from all levels enter the Budhara-UIR Anu/Drac, Green Dragon negotiations, offering to assist the Kryst-Fall Budhara by securing and amplifying the power of their gate sets if the Kryst-Fall Budhara choose to intervene in protection of the UIR, Anu/Drak and Green Dragons. The White Dragon 2008-2012 Omega Invasion Agenda would rapidly become fatal to everyone except the few Krystics of Net Earth that the Aquareion Host‖- it should be Aquafereion- “ Host Shield could quickly pull out in a rapid Evac Slide-2 Translocation.‖ And, remember, you need 75% of Light Quotient in a body, which is that Mana Quotient that collects in your atoms, in and around the nucleus of your atoms, all right? So, at least now we will, you know, the whole Shield here will be Translocation-able if necessary, translocate-able, if necessary. But, before, there wouldn‘t have been that many people in the Shield that would have made it out yet, all right, so, they would be the only people that would make it out, who could do rapid pullout in a Slide-2 Translocation to Median Earth. ― Entering these unified Krystic treaty negations was in the best interest of everyone that did not want to fall into rapid annihilation through the White Dragon agenda.‖ So, it‘s kind of like a no-brainer, really, of joining them, you know, be it Krystic or not. Ok, #3: Mission Upgrade 29, I think. Yeah, then we had Escalation 29, was there. I want to be sure I have my numbers right, too. I haven‘t had a The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 50 of 119
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chance to read through this once yet. So, if there‘s a little bit of errors in numbering or something, that‘s the stuff I‘ll catch before I have these printed or anything. All right; Mission Upgrade 29: ― February 16th and 17th, 2008‖ This was Tribes-11 Class. ―Tribes-11 engages the Dhani Awakening, the first part of the Dhani Awakening, and the Star of Solomon/ AdorA Initiation; initiates early, hosted opening of the Net- Earth Bhardoah Chamber, the Gha-Fa Line and the Eira-Dhani Breathing Tube; Activates Median Earth Rod of Palaidia into Net Earth‟s Fontanels to prevent Omega Code from splitting Net Earth Rod for rapid, cataclysmic Net Earth changes. Initiates close of the Caduceus Earth Bhardoah Chamber connection to Net Earth.‖ So, we‘re starting to shut down the Caduceus Earth connection interface into Net Earth, all right, because the other guys are going after the Hibernation Zones, that connect into the Caduceus Earth line, and that‘s where they‘re going to invade from, right? So, this is what the Tribed-11 class did. I mean, these Tribes classes were amazing. There was 24 people in most of them. The last one had an extra 15, but, if it weren‘t for, you know, what we were doing there. None of us---We wouldn‘t be here at this point. We would have had the Shield pulled at this point. Ok, so we did all this. ― Initiates close of the Caduceus Earth Bhardoah Chamber connection to Net Earth and opens the Median Ascension Earth Bhardoah Chamber into Net Earth‟s Bhardoah Chamber.‖ So, it closes the connection between Net and the Cad one, and it opens the connection between ours and Median Earth, the Chambers, because there‘s a whole set of things that have to be done in order to get, you know, the Slide- Zones open and the Shield of Solomon activated. ―…. In preparation to close the White Dragon- or, wait, Red Dragon-Controlled- Hibernation Zone Gate- link‖ So, this was all to close those Hibernation Zone Gate links. ― Through which the White Dragons intended October, 2008 allied Zeta ship Net Earth invasion.‖ So, they were literally planning a full-on invasion, just to get it over with. Then, right after that, we had Mission Upgrade 30, which was March 29th-30th, 2008, the Tribes-12 Class. That was the last of the 12-Tribes, the 12 12-Tribes Classes. And, that‘s where we had, actually, 15 more people. We had invited 15 more of people that had been from previous classes and asked them if they could come and assist. Because we knew they were going to try to whack us. And, they tried, but, because they were expecting 12, they didn‘t recalibrate their whack strong enough for the extra 15 that had come. So, it was successful. Ok, so: ― The Tribes-12 Class assists Krystics to evacuate UIR Anu/Drak/ Green Dragons from their White/‘Red Dragon-falling Hibernation Zones.‖ So, we started clearing the Greens out of the Hibernation Zones before we shut the gates down, right, because we knew there was potentialities of treaties being formed and that, so, you know, we offered to help them before we shut the gates, where they couldn‘t get out, all right? ―…Began closing the Hibernation Zone Gate links‖ That‘s when they started closing them down; get them out and then close the gate links to Net Earth. We completed opening of the Net Earth and Median Earth Bhardoah Chambers and closing of the Caduceus Earth Bhardoah Chamber connection to Net Earth. The White/Red Dragons, in this one: ―The White/Red Dragons are unsuccessful in blocking the Krysts‘ closing of the Atlantean Hibernation Zone Gate links, through which they intended to launch their Official -Disclosure Atlantean- Zeta- Ship-Invasion in October of 2008. By blocking the White Dragons attempt to access the Atlantean Hibernation Zone Gate links to Net Earth, the Krystics The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 51 of 119
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succeeded in their first endeavor to block the Red/White Dragons‘ first attempt at fulfilling the October, 2008 Official Disclosure Invasion/All Kill Agenda.‖ So, there---We really, we actually blocked them. They didn‘t let us know this heavy level of stuff when we were in the middle of the Tribes Classes or anything. They probably didn‘t want to terrify us to death: ― By the way, the ET‘s are coming; the ET‘s are coming!‖ Oh God, right, just what we didn‘t need. We had enough on our plates with the Grid activations and stuff to go, like: Seriously, they‘re planning, they‘re really planning to come in October, right, and you‘re in, like, March- uh oh, right? So: Drama Escalation 30. So, we were successful on those two counts, right? Now, you have Drama Escalation 30. This was in April of 2008. ― After failing to stop the Krystics‘‖- the two things we just did- ― the Krystics‘ March, 2008 closure of the Atlantean Hibernation Zone Gate links, the White Dragons next initiate their second direct invasion attempt by accelerating the spin speed of the BeaST‟s Caduceus Rod, in hope of overpowering the spin speed of the Net Earth Rod to achieve opening of the Caduceus „Tropic- of- Cancer‟ Omega Sink Holes.‖ So, they were trying to get the Sink Holes open. ― Through which overt White/Red Dragon 3D Net Earth Official Disclosure Airborne- Occupation and Global Martial Law Invasion could be launched‖ So, they could bring the Zeta ships out of the Atlantean Hibernation Zones through the Sink Holes, as well, the Sink Hole links. The Sink Holes link into the gates, once they‘re open and activated. So, we shut down the main Hibernation Zone links and the Caduceus links, so they tried to force the Rods to go into the beginning of the Hibernation Zone- not the Hibernation, the Sink Hole- activations, so they could still meet their schedule of October 2008, bringing in the ships. Ok, let‘s see--- All right, so they do that; then: Mission Upgrade 31. This was in, this was the Hetharo Workshop period of May 22nd-27th 2008. ― The Krystics further expedite Adjugate-13 St. Kitts Core Gate Mantle Activation to amplify the spin speed of Net Earth‘s Rod and the Median Earth Rod of Palaidia and the Shield of Solomon/AdorA, bringing the Rod of Palaidia and the Net Earth‘s Rod into synchronized, reciprocal counter-spin acceleration with the Caduceus Rod, thus temporarily preventing the Caduceus Earth Rod from overpowering and drawing the Net Earth Rod into Caduceus Rod merger, for opening the ―Tropic- of –Cancer” Omega Sink Holes. By blocking the White/Red Dragons‘ attempt to expedite opening of the Omega Code Tropic of Cancer Sink Holes, the Krystics succeeded in blocking the White Dragons‘ second attempt at fulfilling their October 2008 Official Disclosure Invasion All-Kill Agenda. Also, during this workshop period, Sol Bhardoah Ring Wave -1 released.‖ All right, the first one was in 2008; the second is in May 2009, and they will progress. We talked about those. And, this one had no 3D observable consequence ―due to the Krystics‘ ‗Aqualene- Sun- Buffer- Field‘, which we‘ve talked about in 2007, in early 2007 after the Bhardoah Cycle was initiated by reversing and closing the Prana Seed in the Solar Body. That‘s when our Sun entered Bhardoah, where it is dying. And, it won‘t be able to, you know, it won‘t continue to burn anymore. It‘s not going to be an ascension sun. All right, so let‘s see. Yeah, all right, ok, and, by the way, the Aqualene Sun Buffer Field initiated in January of 2007 with the Krystics‘ Gyrodome/Aurora Platform AquafereionAquarian- Krystal River Host. So, when all the started, when we started the Krystal River Host, that is when we began the Aqualene Sun Buffer Field activations on the Sun. So, in May, we got all of this accomplished, and we blocked the second attempt of the 10 October 2008 White/Red invasion plan, direct invasion plan. Now, here we go. Ok,then, they said: ― Note on Mission Upgrade 31‖ which is the last one we read. ― The temporary Sink- Holes protection of the Net Earth Rod and Median Earth Rod of Palaidia entering reciprocal counter-spin acceleration with the Caduceus Rod to prevent The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 52 of 119
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imminent Tropic of Cancer Sink- Hole opening‖ Now, that‘s in paren.‘s, right? So, they‘re talking about what we just described over there that created a temporary Sink- Hole protection, where it won‘t let the Sink Holes activate, right? ― The Temporary Sink- Holes protection would last only until mid-2009 unless the remaining Net Earth UIR Anu/Drak and Green Dragon Grids could be salvaged and combined with the Aquari-Kryst and Kryst-Fall Budhara Grids, a condition possible only through a formalized Kryst-Fall Budhara Host and UIR Anu/Drak and Green Dragon Bail-Out Host Treaty. The Krysts began expediting the Aah-JhA‟ Body activation in the Net Earth Aquafereion Shield to prepare the Shield for rapid-pullout Translocation Slide-2 to Median Earth in early 2009 in the event that no UIR Anu/Drak Green Dragon Bail Out Treaty was agreed with the Kryst-Fall Budhara/Sovereign Kryst-Fall Net Earth Host Carriers‖- I love these sentences. They‘re a million miles long. Then, they put in here a little bit of the technical s: ― The quantum of Net Earth‘s Grids capable of running Krystic Frequency would reach a point of critical mass acceleration‖ All right, because more frequency and more frequency is going to be coming through as the Rods progressively, you know, do spin and counter-spin, and it‘s going to be bringing more frequency in on both sides. So, by mid-2009, there would be the grids, the Net Earth Grids that could still hold Kryst Frequency would reach a critical- mass acceleration point. ― If more of Net Earth‘s Grids were not brought under Kryst Coding, the Omega-Coded Grids of Net Earth would override the Kryst Grids at this critical -mass point. And, the Kryst Grids and Net Earth Rod and Shield would rapidly draw into reversal and Caduceus-Rod merger, progressively opening the Tropic of Cancer Omega Sink Holes and causing rapid, catastrophic Earth Changes escalation between 2008 and 2012. If the Kryst-Fall Budhara UIR Anu/Drak Green Dragon negotiations went well, the Green Dragons‘ team- that meaning all of those guys, right, because I didn‘t want to have to repeat all of that again. The Green Dragons‘ ―Team‖ would be required to turn their remaining Net Earth Grids over to the Krystic Aquareion Host control, which would double the Net Earth Grid capacity, putting the critical mass point at a co-resonant quantum just exceeding the capacity of the Caduceus Rod and Omega Code. If alliances could be renewed between the Krysts and the UIR Anu/Drak Green Dragons ―Team‖ through a Budhara Host of the Green Dragons‘ ―Team‖, the Caduceus Rod spin and the Omega Code activation could be slowed and rapid global cataclysm could be held off until post-2230 AD at completion of the 223-year Load Out Hosted Last Galactic Star-Fire Ascension Cycle.‖ So, all of that means pretty much what it says. It‘s easier, I think, to read it, you know, without even having to hear it. I don‘t know. But, I still need to be able to read it and see if there‘s things that need to be added in between there. So, basically, the Beloveds are preparing our Shield for pullout because, if these agreements don‘t happen, we‘re not going to be able to have the thrust power in the grids to hold off the invasion of the White/Red Dragon thing‘s Zeta ships. You know, in 2009 we won‘t be able to cross that point, that mid-2009 point. So, it‘s kind of like, well, just in case those guys don‘t come to an agreement, we‘ve got to get our guys out of here. And, they didn‘t tell us they were getting ready to pull the Shield just in case, right? If I had known it was this close, I think I would have been slightly terrified, and that‘s probably why they won‘t tell us unless we really, really need to know something like that. They‘ll tell us afterward, but why scare the heck out of us and make our Shield BPR go down, and you know, we‘re more vulnerable and shaky. So, I had no idea it was this bad; it was this close to Official Disclosure. All right: ―Drama Escalation 31‖: This is through June of 2008. ― After failing to stop the Krystics‘ closure of the Atlantean Hibernation Zone ‗White Dragon- Invasion- Gate links…‖ So, they failed to stop us from closing, you know, the Hibernation Zones ― And failing to stop the Krystics from preventing the Omega Sink Hole activation…‖ So, we also succeeded in doing that in May. ― The White Dragons‘ rapid October 2008 ‗Official Disclosure Invasion All-Kill Agenda‘ was no longer feasible, as the Atlantean Gate access to Net Earth‘s Templar would remain blocked to at least mid-2009 and until 2230 AD if the Kryst-Fall Budharas‘ UIR and Anu/ Drak Green The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 53 of 119
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Dragon Bailout Host Treaty was agreed, and the resultant things we would do because of that, right? ― The White Dragons were forced to revert to the old, slower, original ‗Red Dragon Official Disclosure Invasion Agenda‘. In early June 2008, the White Dragons expedited implementation of the old Red Dragons‘ Official Disclosure Invasion Agenda ‗First Invasion Protocols, ‘orchestrating what, in September 2008 became the ‗Sub-Prime Mortgage Collapse‘ and the progressive global Stock Market Fall. The groundwork for these covert global economic manipulations strategies had been progressively put in place by the Red Dragons over a number of years to be triggered into action when the Red Dragons‘ intended---When the Red Dragons initiated their First Invasion Protocols. The primary purpose of these strategies was to de-stabilize Net Earth UIR and Green Dragon Illuminati World Management Team holdings and to gain full Red Dragon control over Net Earth‘s World Management Team and the global economic and political systems it controls.‖ So, here‘s where our crashing, slightly crashing economy is coming from. It was planned, you know, for quite a while, all along, and they just pushed the button on that one and made it happen. All right, now: ― The Red Dragons‘ original ‗Official Disclosure Invasion Agenda‘ involved staging a progressive, global economic roller coaster.‖ All right, so, it‘s crashed; then it would come up a little bit. Then, it will crash again; then, it will come back up again. It‘s meant to keep it destabilized: Up and down; up and down, right? So: ― Involving and staging an economic global roller coaster beginning with the Sub-Prime Mortgage Collapse with simultaneous, progressive political upheaval and rapid instigation of a ―World War 3‖ Drama, to ‗reduce global head count‘ by end, 2009.‖ That is what they had planned, yeah. They were planning the WWIII Agenda, and it has something to do with--- I mean, there‘s several different plans that they‘ve got, like, you know: let‘s try that. If that doesn‘t work, let‘s try that one. But, one of them that seems to be slightly popular at the moment is to have the Palestinians, the Hamas, be given some nuclear weapons by a covert force that probably turns out to be Iran. And, of course, Hamas will hit Israel with it if they go that direction. And, then, of course, America will have to go in and take out Hamas, and of course that‘s going to make all the Muslim, you know, people over there even more angry at us over here. And, if it‘s found that Iran is the one that supplied them, of course---Well, I don‘t know how Obama would handle that. I know how George Bush would handle it! You know, splat, he‘s gone, too, right? So, this is one of the scenarios. There‘s, also, issues happening in Pakistan and Kashmir. And, there‘s a few other fronts where they‘re trying, they‘re setting little fires here and there and seeing where. But, what they want to do is bring it in to at least a short nuclear exchange that creates craziness by the end of 2009. All right, now this was the Red Dragons‘ original Plan. ―The Red Dragon Agenda also held covert political, global political objectives that carried a vested interest in the Republican candidate winning the 2008 Presidential Election, to carry forward the Draconian‘ War- Maker‘ approach that the UIR had set in motion with their covertly-orchestrated ‗2000 US Election Coup‘, through which the 2000 Election was originally falsified in favor of the Republican Party.‖ So, they‘re, literally, you know, confirming again that that was a covert coup that we just did nothing about. We went: ―Oh, bummer. The Democrats lost‖, right? ― The Red Dragon Agenda adopted, out of necessity now, by the White Dragons in June 2008.‖ They were going to use their own agenda of: just go in and whack ‗em, but we blocked the gates, the Atlantean Gates, so they couldn‘t use the Zeta Ships to do that. All, right, so, now, they‘re back on this track, all right, since June of 2008, ―intended for the 2008-2012 US Presidential Term to be held under a progressively more fascist regime‖. So, that‘s what The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 54 of 119
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they were hoping for. What they were hoping for was to body- snatch the candidates once they got into, you know, the people, once they got in because they had links to them because of Soul Group affiliations. And, that doesn‘t mean the candidate on the Republican side was a White Dragon, because he wasn‘t. All right, next one… Let‘s see; now, continued… Drama Escalation 31… Ok, so they intended in this agenda, the Drak Agenda, originally, the Draconian Agenda had intended for the 2008-2012 Presidential Term to be getting progressively more fascist, a Republican regime, which, along with other global political placements‘- that are doing the same thing; it‘s not just in America this is happening. It‘s happening all over the place, all right, in its own little way, through fixing elections and that kind of stuff. ‗ Was intended to be in place when the Red Dragons launched their Official Disclosure Invasion Final Protocols of a 2011 worldwide, airborne ET Occupation and Global Martial Law, following their orchestrated 2009 WWIII Drama.‖ So, it‘s almost like: Start up the wars, reduce the head -count and then come in playing the oh, you know, we‘re your space brothers, and you can‘t be blowing each other up like that game, right? That was the original; that was the Red Dragons‘ original agenda that- parts of which now, or most of which- the Whites have had to adopt because they can‘t use their own; because they can‘t get in the gates they wanted to. ― If the Kryst-Fall Budhara and UIR Anu/Drak Green Dragons agree to a Sovereign -Fall Kryst Host Bailout Treaty‖ Here we go, the bailout treaties. I mean, they started here before they even started showing up in, you know, in the economics here, the bailout treaties. Now, we‘ve got four. I think it‘s, like, the major car companies over here are needing bailouts. The banks first needed the bailouts, and everybody‘s getting bailouts these days, right? Here‘s where they started. This was only in June, right, this was before the bailouts manifested down here. All right, if we got a bailout treaty; if we got the, you know, the Host Treaty: ― And the Net Earth and UIR Anu/Drak Green Dragon Grids can be salvaged and combined with the Aquari Kryst and Kryst Fall Budhara Grids before mid-2009, the Tropic of Cancer Omega Sink- Hole Atlantean Gate links will remain blocked from opening until 2012 end, thwarting the White Dragons‘ ability to launch the original Red Dragons‘ Official Disclosure Invasion Final Protocols, the ‗2011 Worldwide Airborne ET Occupation‘.‖ So, it will block that from happening if we were able to get that treaty and do the gate work that was required. So, we‘d have to--- First, we‘d have to get the treaty, and, then- how‘d they word that? And, then, once we have the treaty, if the Green Dragons‘ team grids can be salvaged and combined with our grids before mid- 2009, then we could block this, all right, at least until end of 2012. All right, so that would be one of the things on our agenda, has been on our agenda and we‘ve actually been participating in, in 2008, ok, and since June. ― The White Dragons will be forced to orchestrate invasion from within, up-stepping their ‗Mass Body Snatch‘ ‗WarMaking‘ and ‗Martial Law‘ strategies while doing- if they can‘t get in- they will progressively, if they can‘t get in these gates now, and they can‘t complete the Red Dragon Protocol to where they can get in the gates, they will have to try to, you know, orchestrate invasion from within. Because, they‘ve already been doing body snatching and that kind of stuff, you know, on a mass level with ones who have vulnerabilities to their gene code; I mean, in their gene code to those race lines. And, while they do those things, up those strategies: ― While working to ‗Direct-Invade‘ from Wesedrak-Fallen Parallel Earth via breach of the Net -Earth PSG- sites.‖ So, they‘re going to be continually going after the Parallel Earth Star Gate Sites here, the ones that link into Parallel Earth, because they have control over Parallel Earth. And, that‘s how they got in to activate the Omega in the first place, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 55 of 119
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through Parallel-7. So, they‘re going to be going after the Parallel Gates, all right, while they‘re harassing us and doing whatever they can to stop, you know, to stop these agreements and to get those gates open. ― Breached PSG- Sites will be the White Dragons‘ intended primary locations for Atlantean Zeta- Ship occupation.‖ So, this is interesting. If they do get in, if they get to do their airborne invasion, you can go back to Amenti Maps, see where the PSGs are and know where you‘re going to have the ships, the main ships hanging, as far as the ones that would come in. So, it‘s kind of like, if it got to that point, and it was put out that: uh oh, they‘re coming in, they are the places that you don‘t want to be. They‘re like the Unsafe Zone Maps, as far as that goes. But, at that point, there wouldn‘t be a lot of Safe Zones unless we have certain things activated. Then, our Shield, at least, will be able to get out and, hopefully, more than just that. But, ideally, we do our job well down here and things go well, and we are able to anchor the whole Host, where we can block this from occurring all the way through until the end of the Host here---And, at that point, it isn‘t going to matter, because we‘ve got our guys out and the others, the Green Dragons will be on the Host with the Budhara. And, then, they won‘t be able to- the White Dragons won‘t be able to do this anymore. This has something to do with needing the planetary alignments that are coming in 2012. And, I‘m not sure. They haven‘t given me a lot of detail on that. But, the Mayans and stuff have been predicting this stuff, and there‘s a lot of books written about it. I haven‘t read any of them. It always bored me, honestly, that, like, I don‘t care, all right, whatever; unless it‘s something we really need to know. But, there is something. I don‘t know what it is, but this is why that area, that time is so crucial. And, it may be that after that time, at least they‘ll back off a little and not keep trying. I don‘t know; I haven‘t heard that good news yet, right? So, we‘re hoping, but I‘m not sure. But, I do know that they‘re doing this now because of that 2012, you know, rather rare planetary alignment, that helps them with the Galactic part of the agenda. Is it a major Grand Cross thing again? Oh, Gosh, I forget how that worked, but I remember it from when we were in Andorra. I think we did that or something. Yeah, ok…. ― Once breached, a Parallel Star Gate, a PSG- Site on Earth, can be used to attack and harness the Net -Earth‘s organic Templar Star- Gate of the same number.‖ So, that‘s why they especially went after Parallel-7 because, with that, they could go after Planetary Star-Gate-7 and work their way up to the Spanner –7 Gate, that was the first opening thing that was allowing all of this high-level Hosting to anchor. So, they were hoping to be able to go after, you know, the ShA‘-Lon-7 A-Lon-7, the whole network of the Spanner-7 Gate. But, they didn‘t get that far, but they did get the Omega activated. All right: ― If the organic Star- Gate does not carry a ‗ live- connection‘ to the Shield of Solomon/AdorA Host, it will be able to be harnessed and taken over by a breached Parallel Star Gate. If the Watchtower‖ Now, here‘s where the good news starts to come in. ― If the Watchtower‖ And, there‘s only one on Earth. That‘s the one that comes down on Pine Island. ― The 4Sentinels, the 12-Spanner Gates and 12 Planetary Star Gates and Arc- Hub Clusters of Net- Earth‖-all of that- ― can be brought fully on-line at minimum 2/3 quantum- thrust with the Shield of Solomon/AdorA Omega Override Host by 2012, the Net- Earth Rod and Median Earth Rod of Palaidia will remain in synchronized, reciprocal counter-spin acceleration with the Caduceus Rod, preventing the Omega Code from splitting the Net Rod to open the Omega Sink- Holes. And, Net Earth‘s Templar Star- Gates will carry sufficient hosted power to prevent breach of the Parallel Star Gates.‖ So, that‘s something we‘re aiming for, that 2/3, minimum 2/3 quantum, you know, thrust activation of Watchtower, four Sentinels, twelve Spanners, twelve Planetary Star- Gates and Arc- Hubs and, yeah, all of that. So, if we can get all of that on a minimum 2/3 quantum thrust on the Kryst Code--- And, that requires combining the grids from those that are doing the negotiations to get these treaties and the Kryst Grids and the Budhara Grids combined. If we can put all of that The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 56 of 119
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together, we would have enough to be able to be able to do these things: Stop the Sink Holes from opening. And, if we can do all of that by 2012, we‘d have enough to do that. So, the original date for aiming to do this would be 2012. Something interesting is happening by the time we get to tonight and tomorrow: Another 4-Year Leap, right? Yeah: ― And, the Net- Earth‘s Templar‖ Let‘s see where am I? ― With diligent pre- and- post-2012 Planetary Stewardship, maintenance and ‗trouble- shooting‘, Net Earth can potentially retain its 223-year Safe Zones-Slide Zones Link to the Median Earth and the ‘Load Out Evac‘ Last Galactic Hosted StarFire Ascension Cycle. Now: Mission Upgrade 32; July 2008 and the Treaty of Alben‟-yhan. Hey, just in time, guys! Were you going to wait for, like, the end of September, or until October 1 st pops up? Oy! Just in the nick of time. ― The Treaty of Alben‘-yhan ‗Sovereign -Kryst-Fall- Host‘ for Net- Earth ‗Bailout Treaty‘ was agreed between the KrystFall Budhara Host and UIR Anu/Drak Green Dragons- with promised Kryst support - at the end of July 2008. At this time, the Aquafereion Shield Speakers- That‘s we, the three of us, actually- the three speakers- were re-commissioned to Florida at the Median- Earth Watchtower Gate in the Kara-nA‘-dis Seal interface site in preparation for the November 2008 St. Kitts Workshop: Awakening of the Watchtower, and the April 2009 Sarasota, Florida Workshop Kryst Reclamation of Net- Earth‟s Planetary Star Gate-2 GrU‟-al Control, Sarasota, Florida. The Watchtower site in Florida was secured on September 29th 2008.‖ And, that‘s actually the day we closed on the house, finally, you know, on the house that we had bought over there. You know, we had to get a mortgage and all that kind of stuff. God, we got right in under the wire before it got so hard to get mortgages or anything. Talk about timing, because right before all of that hit the news, you know, ok. So, that was secured on September 29th of 2008. The ShA‘Lon-7 site in Arizona, the one here where we have been living, was transferred to MCEO Aquari Guardians. Let‘s see: I think on December 1st, 2008. And, the A-Lon-7 site in Colorado: It was hoped –to- be transferred to MCEO Aquari Guardians between January and June. (Az speaks) Really? There‘s a contract up to be signed on A-Lon? Oh, that‘s wonderful. Az just let me know that there is progress, you know, being made on that; so, that is really good (Applause) Thank you, all. It becomes very weird being a Guardian, and, like, most people, if they want to, like, buy a house or go move to an apartment or something, they‘re: Gee, where would I like to live? And, us, like, we get assignments like we‘re in the military. You know, like: No, you‘ve got to go secure that gate, then you‘ve got to go secure that gate. How many mortgages can one person get? We don‘t make that much money. I mean, God! We‘re not millionaires or anything like that. You know, we have a comfortable living, but- you know-not a three-mortgage comfortable living, kind of thing. So, we really thank the people who have cared enough and who liked the places and wanted to be there, to- you know, for buying the houses. And-it was funny- we didn‘t begin telling about A-Lon being, you know, a crucial piece in strengthening that triangulation, the Solomon Triangulation, until after the offer had been made. And, it was right, like, it was, like, in Kitts when it was, like, finalized and, you know, the people who were going to buy it said: Look, we want to do this and this and this. And, it was the workshop right after that, like, in the Kitts set- or the lecture after that- that we had actually gone into: Oh, and by the way, this is where A-Lon fits in. It is one of the Sentinels; it is, like, the Fourth Sentinel, and the Sentinels don‘t really have a number like: one, two, three, four as far as significance. They‘re all important, and they‘re all part of the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 57 of 119
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thing, but this is the one that links in the California Grids. And, I think there‘s more to that; I think there‘s stuff that can go up from there and they start linking the Lighthouses, those Harmonic- Points. So, we‘re just really happy with all of that. Now we‘re on page six, are we? Yes: ― Mission Upgrade 33‖ This was the Hethalon Workshop, 2008 Hethalon, 8-10 2008. ― The Green Dragons delivered on their first Treaty of Al-ben‖-yhan commitment during August 8-10 2008 Sliders-1 Hethalon Phoenix, Arizona ShAlon-7 Workshop period, during which they began transfer of their remaining Phoenix ShAlon-7 Glass Tower Grids over‖ And, they‘re the Metatronic Glass Tower Grids that we were working, you know, trying to stop activation of back in 2007. So, they turned over their Phoenix-area, ShAlon-7 Glass Tower Grids over to the Kryst-Fall Budhara and the Krystic Urtha Aquafereion for Kryst re-coding. ― 2/3 of the ShAlon-7 local FA Metatronic Glass Tower Complex was transferred to control of the Kryst Host, allowing for more grid transfers to follow. ―Mission Upgrade 34‖ We‘ve been having a lot of Upgrades here and not too much of a Drama Escalation. So, you know, heads-up! You know, when you go through a period where: Wow, we got that done, ooh! We got that done, ooh! Ooh, got that done; they haven‘t whacked us. They haven‘t done anything nasty yet. You know, it‘s kind of just, just pay attention. Keep your Shields up. They‘ve been doing the personal thing, like, trying to mess with you personally if they can, you know, get at you, that kind of thing. But, we‘re kind of so used to that now, it‘s‘ boring. You know, it‘s still a pain in the neck and, you know, isn‘t fun, but it just gets really old. So, now Mission Upgrade 34 was September 19-21 of 2008. And, that was the Virginia Beach 2008 Workshop, the Sliders-2. All right, so: ― The Green Dragons delivered on their second Treaty of Al-ben‖-yhan commitment on the September 19-21 2008 Sliders-2 International Day of Peace Fall Equinox, Virginia Beach, Virginia workshop period, during which they began transfer‖ And, this is what that Wave- Run, was happening during that Wave- Run, when we did the, you know, when we linked in with that, that large group that, you know, we were invited- anybody was invited- to join in the toning session. All right, so this was the International Day of Peace Fall Equinox Workshop, during which: ― They began transfer of their remaining Virginia Beach Labyrinth Eastern USA Control/KA-Lon-7 Glass Tower Grids over to the Kryst-Fall Budhara‖ So, that whole Labyrinth set is the hub set, or like a connection set of the Metatronic Glass Tower Grids, the labyrinth that we talked about at a certain area that‘s there that I won‘t mention. But, anybody that, you know---Well, I won‘t. I‘m not going to mention it. Anyway, anybody that goes to Virginia Beach, look up metaphysical stuff and see what you find. And, there is a big labyrinth there, right? All right, ok, let me find my place again: ― 2/3 of the KAlon-7 local and Eastern USA Control FA Metatronic Glass Tower Complex was transferred to control of the Kryst Host, through the Labyrinth Eastern USA Control Glass Tower Network of Virginia Beach, the KAlon-7, the Virginia Beach/KAlon-7 site ― That‘s what Virginia Beach was; it still is. ― The Green Dragon FA s had been controlling the Watchtower‖ That‘s the one down in Florida, all right, the Pine Island one- ― The Watchtower Median- Earth KaranA‘-dis Point Anchor- Shield‖--- Because that is what the Watchtower is. The Watchtower is actually the Median Earth Kara-nA‟-dis Point, and what- on the Net- Earth part of it- is what is called its Anchoring -Shield. So, that is what we are, you know, we‘ve been directed to go. And, they‘ve been doing this since 9562 BC, when the Great Encasement occurred. That was right before the 9558 BC, when they took out, finally took out the rest of Atlantis in the Great Flood stuff and all of that. So: ‖ Note on the Watchtower‖ And, this was helpful to me because it helped me understand a bit better about what the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 58 of 119
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Watchtower does. ― The Watchtower Median Earth Kara-nA‘-dis Point Anchor- Shield is the point where the Median Earth Atomic Body interfaces with the Median- Earth and Net -Earth Aah-JhA‘ Hydro-Acoustic Body. It is the control point of the Planetary Morphogenetic Field. When the Kara-nA‘-dis Point Anchor- Shield is held hostage, the Planetary Spirit Body and Light Body Flows cannot intermingle, and the Spirit Body Flows are shut off. The Watchtower Kara-nA‘-dis Point works just fine on Median Earth. But, on 9562 BC, the Green Dragons blocked and harnessed the Net Earth Watchtower‘s Anchor- Shield and transposed the BeaST‘s Green Dragon Codes over the Anchor -Shield‘s organic programming.‖ And, this was done via the d-3 Ego- Net in Earth‘s atmosphere that was part of the BeaST that was already up and running. : ―In harnessing Net- Earth‘s Watchtower Anchor- Shield, the Green Dragons were able to not only block the organic Elemental Spirit Flows and the Slide City of Median Earth.‖ All right, because there would normally be a Slide City that would be able to go up and down at the Watchtower, then, they blocked its ability to do that. Here we go again; boy, this small print is brutal when it‘s on paper. Ok. Ok, so: ― It not only blocked the organic Elemental Spirit Flows and the Slide City of Median Earth from entering Net Earth‘s Watchtower Anchor Shield, but they were also able to misuse the Net Earth Watchtower Anchor Shield to take control of the Net Earth Elemental Field, forcing Net Earth‘s Elemental Field into half-reverse, following the false Green Dragon Code Overlays. The Median Earth Kara-nA‘-dis Point Watchtower speaks to and directs the Net -Earth KaranA‟-dis Point, ― Which is in Mexico, in the Chihuahua Caverns in Mexico, where those big crystals are that they‘ve recently discovered. All right, so that‘s the one that goes with Earth, but it follows the direction of the Median Earth one that anchors in the Shield over in Florida. Ok, so: ― The Watchtower Point ‗speaks to and directs‘ the Net- Earth Kara-nA‘-dis Point in Mexico, which is the Elemental Control Point for the Net- Earth Elemental Field. When the Median Earth Watchtower Anchor- Shield becomes codeconvoluted, it directs the Net- Earth Kara-nA‘-dis Point Elemental Control into that convolution and literally mutates Net Earth‟s Elemental Field in atomic- bonding.‖ So, it literally starts creating unnatural forms of matter. All right: ― The Watchtower Median-Earth Kara-nA‘-dis- Point Anchor- Shield in Florida is the point from which, primarily, the Green Dragons have controlled all of Net- Earth‟s Waters. It is the point from which the Dragon groups have remotecontrolled the Net- Earth tides through the Watchtower‘s connection to the ‗Lunar Seed‟, which is the organic seed from and around which the False- Moon was accreted‖ All right: ― The Watchtower Anchor- Shield has been controlled remotely from Parallel Earth, which fell under 1/3 UIR Drak/Zeta control between 2000 and 2003, and White/Red Dragon control in 2007‖ All right, so they‘ve been controlling, they‘ve been controlling the Watchtower Shield from Parallel Earth via Net Earth‟s PSG Star- Gate-7, Puerto Rico and its BeaST Vortex Network, which has primary control points in Cuba, Haiti and Venezuela. That‘s just across the Gulf, all right: ― The hijacked Watchtower Anchor- Shield links Net- Earth Core to Caduceus- Earth Core to maintain the artificial merger of Net- Earth and Caduceus -Earth Planes, that forms the unnatural construct of ‗Blended - Earth‟, the reality field we ‗see in 3D‘, which has kept ‗Net Earth Netted‘ and unable to engage organic merger with the Median Ascension Earth Planes.‖ So, we‘d actually, we‘d have merged with the Median- Earth, the natural, you know, coding if they hadn‘t done this. It was right through there they were keeping us force-blended into, you know, a merger with- into a tilt- with the CaduceusEarth. All right, now, I‘ll take this bottom part here, because we actually---This gets put into bullets. That was like a quick: this is this, and then that got pulled forward into the rest of the Mission, which we‘re getting there. God help me. Getting there; God help you; you‘re still awake. I‘m still awake, too. We will get through this, but I don‘t think I‘m going to get into the Body things other than the activation tonight, just so you know, because it‘s going to be time to do the Ah-RA‟-yas The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 59 of 119
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by the time we get done, you know, without any sleep. And, they are worth going to, you know, to see them and learn them, even if you just have to lay there and go: ―Ok, I‘ll try that when I get home‖, right? And, the Ah-RA‘-yas things do come out with the package that will be from Slide-3. So, the paper work that goes with those, as far as the charts, are coming out with that, and so are the live ones that were done on the beach. So, you can see, you know, what they are and stuff if you‘re interested in doing those programs. Now: ― Mission Upgrade 35, September 29th 2008, all right: ― The Green Dragons deliver their third‖ Am I on the right page? Yup. All right, let me---I‘m not sure I did the right thing here. That‘s page 6, yeah; that‘s page 7; that‘s 34. Yup, that‘s 35, ok: ― September 29th 2008 the Green Dragons delivered on their third Treaty of Al-ben‘-yhan commitment on September 29th 2008 Pine Island Florida Period, during which they relinquish control of the Metatronic Glass Tower Grids corresponding to the Wathchtower Anchor- Shield- in Florida- over, they handed them over to the Kryst-Fall Budhara and Kryst Urtha Aquafereion for Kryst recoding. Two-Thirds of the Florida, Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico FA Metatronic Glass Tower Complex was transferred to control of the Kryst Alliance Host, allowing for more Grid Transfers to follow.‖ ―Mission Upgrade 36‖ There‘s quite a few. I think this was the record, as far as how many we got, mission accomplishments we‘ve got without them doing anything horrible, right? Mission Upgrade 36, November 2nd 2008. And, I believe that‘s right. That‘s Election Day, right? Did I read that right, November 2nd? Yes, I believe so. ― The Green Dragons delivered on their fourth Treaty of Al-ben‘-yhan commitment of freeing the Net- Earth Krystic and human hostages that they had been remotely controlling via the NET and FieldPossession and allowing them to make their own free-will choice in the 2008 US Presidential Election. This resulted in a large political margin of win for the Democratic ticket, on which was running the Kryst- Alliance Host-chosen candidate, who was originally intended for win in 2012, to oversee the pending ‗Kryst Alliance Green Dragon Official Disclosure Fellowship Contact Event‖ That was originally scheduled for, by, you know, by us guys. And, it was originally really supposed to be there in the Treaty of Altair. You know, way back, the one they broke. All right: ― The large political margin of win‖ If it had been just a tiny point- spread, they could have done and got away with what they did in 2000, but there was no way this time. I mean, it was, like, 8:30 or something, and it was like: Pffft, they could just declare the winner. I was obvious; there was no way the other candidate was going to win. All right, so: ― The large political margin of win for the Democrats in the 2008 Election thwarted the White Dragons‘ intention of, again, staging a small margin recount cover, ‗covert cover-up coup vote fraud‘, as in 2000, which they intended to use to place their chosen Republican candidate in the White House for the 2008-2012 intended Official Disclosure Invasion Term. In the big picture, the UIR/ Drak Soul Groups represented by the Republican candidate‖ It doesn‘t say he is one; they just said they are represented by him, all right? ― Groups represented by the Republican candidate assisted in this Democratic win, as they rebelled against White Dragon dominion and covertly sought Krystic assistance at the time of choosing the VP nominee. Under Kryst Councils‘ Advice, they motivated the Republican candidate to choose, at the last minute, against the VP nominee desired by the White Dragons. And, Republican VP nominee was chosen that served to destabilize the Republican base, which greatly affected the voting outcomes at the polls, allowing for the large political margin of win for the Democrats. Through this victory on the US Grids, the White Dragons did not get the power base they had hoped for to move the‘ War-Maker Agenda‘ rapidly forward. But, they will still attempt to advance and fulfill their Official Disclosure Invasion Agenda.‖ The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 60 of 119
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But, that was a direct, a huge… I mean, did you see how many people were so happy just across the world. I mean, they cared; somebody really cared. They were, like, yeah, you know? And, of course, one of the things that they‘re probably going to do is cause harm to that man, and I‘m sure everybody, you know, just in 3D, you know, security teams on his team know that. So, they probably---I hope he has a million times more security than George Bush ever had, right? But, it appears that, the Beloveds said that if things work well, he should be elected for two terms if it works well, because he was supposed to be there in 2012 anyway. All right, so, we‘ll see, and I hope it works. They said; he won‘t be perfect; nobody is perfect here. And, you can‘t please all the people all the time, but he will try to bring it into fairness, and he will redistribute things, some things that have, you know, been being horded, actually, by Red teams and stuff. And, he‘ll try to make a more fair allotment. So, he will do his best to be a fair man. Of course, he is definitely something that the White Dragons would love to get into body with, right, to take over that body. So, that‘s going to be one of the things, but he has held well so far, you know. And, that was one of the things they were frightened about in the early days was: because he was so young and also because how hard he was actually going to be, you know, how hard this campaign was going to be for him and how unpleasant, that they were afraid it would weaken him to where they could do that; and, so far, so good. So, hopefully, he will stay the same nice man that he appears to be, right, all the way through this and do another term in 2012. Ok, next, let‘s see; where are we? Ah: ― Mission Upgrade 37‖ Am I there? Yeah, ok. This was November 11-22 2008. That was the Kitts Workshop period: ― The Green Dragons delivered on their fifth Treaty of Al-ben‘-yhan commitment over the Sliders-3 Kitts Workshop period, during which they turned over the first 1/3 of the Watchtower Anchor -Shield and, thus, the first 1/3 of Net Earth Elemental Command, Lunar Seed tides, waters and Endoplasmic Water Matter Base to the Kryst Alliance Host. Also, Shala-13 AdorA Core- Gate Crust Level activates; Median- Earth Grail Door opens; ShAlon-7 Sentinel-1, Kitts Sentinel-2, Shala-13 in Caral and the Watchtower Anchor- Shield and the first expansion of the Solomon Triangle and Host Shield engage 1/3 activation.‖ So, we got---Remember, we had to have a minimum of 2/3 activation by 2012 to be able to block these, you know, the invasion attempts, and hold that block. And, we had to get through with some of this before that mid-point in 2009 to be able to hold, you know, so the Rods didn‘t begin to split and, you know, and get overwhelmed. Now, we finally are getting there. 2009, here we go, and here‘s us: ― Mission Upgrade 38, January 1-3 2008, FOL ‟09 Workshop‖ That‘s us! ― The Green Dragons will deliver on their sixth Treaty of Al-ben‘-yhan commitments over the FOL ‘09 Workshop period, during which they will turn over the second 1/3 of the Watchtower Anchor- Shield and, thus, the second 1/3 of Net Earth Elemental Command Lunar Seed tides, waters and Endoplasmic ‗Water- Matter‘ Base to the Kryst Alliance Host Also-― Right, this was---I mean, we had until 2012, potentially, to get all of that done, but they‘re doing another 4-year leap, and it‘s going to be done in this workshop. This is why, I think, it was on security clearance. They weren‘t going to mention any of this until we got here, right? Yeah, ok, let‘s see: ― Also, the Third and Fourth Sentinels: Alon-7 in Colorado and Arc- Hub-1, Adair, Ireland will initiate activation.‖ So, they‘re going to initiate those activations early. We still need to go and take it past---And fully activate the Adair sites and things that are related to that. So, we have to do the Ireland trip. But, at least as far as, you know, we know now, and we are committed to it at this point (Az speaks) Oh yeah, and, by the way, there will be a bit more workshop time in there than that‘s on the schedule that you‘ve seen already, that Dar was putting out. There will be a bit more workshop time on there than there is listed at the moment. Ok, let me see; now, I may not lose my point, because this is the exciting part. The whole thing was, like, to survive to get to this set of paragraphs here, right? Where‘d I leave off? Ok: The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 61 of 119
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― Also third and fourth Sentinels will activate‖ Which means the Four Sentinels will be activated by the time we leave. ― Will initiate activation, initiating the second expansion of the Solomon Triangle and Host Shield‖ So, that‘s the one that will reach into California and the European Grids. So, this is going to spread the Shield of Solomon activations, literally, through the California Grids and, then, out into the European Grids, you know, starting the European Grid extension through, you know, Ireland. ― The Kryst Alliance will achieve a 2/3 Kryst to 1/3 White Dragon control margin over Net Earth‘s Watchtower AnchorShield and Elemental Command, which will allow the Net -Earth Rod and Median- Earth ‗Rod- of- Palaidia‘ to remain in synchronized, reciprocal counter-spin acceleration with the Caduceus Rod, to prevent the Omega Code from splitting the Net Earth- Rod to open the Omega- Sink- Hole –Atlantean- Gate Links, thus thwarting White Dragon Zeta -ship direct invasion between 2009 and 2012. The Watchtower, 4-Sentinels, 12-Spanner Gates and 12-Planetary Star Gates and Arc- Hub Clusters of Net- Earth will be brought fully on-line at minimum 2/3 quantum thrust with the Shield of Solomon/AdorA Omega Override Host four years earlier than the 2012 maximum deadline‖ All of that (Applause) Yup, that‘s what I said: ―whoah‖. And, this is just going to happen with the activations that are happening. We just happened to, you know, anchor them in the Shield. And, this is why we‘re getting, I believe, an extra boost, with the up to 75%, you know, Light Quotient, because of the level of these that are coming through. You know, they are much stronger; they‘re like, we‘re getting a 2012-level instead of the 2008 level, right? All right, so: ― The Net- Earth Templar Star- Gates will carry sufficient hosted power to prevent White Dragon 2009-2012 breach of the Parallel Star Gates.‖ So, this will give us enough power to prevent them from breaching the Parallel Gates, Parallel Star Gates ― And Net- Earth Safe- Zones, Slide- Zones link to Median Earth and the Load Out Evac Last Galactic Hosted Star-Fire Ascension Cycle will be secured through 2012 end. The Net Earth Grail Window will activate, engaging a Hhosted 2/3 quantum- thrust of Net- Earth‘s Organic Pentagorian Circulatory System.” So, we‘re going to get a two-thirds activation the pent---You know, the Pentagorian Flows, which was those pentagonal flows that look like star-shaped, like, five-pointed star shapes, in the Field around you. Well, the Earth has those, too, so that it will start to manufacture, the Elemental Kingdom here will begin to manufacture Net Earth, some Net- Earth level of the naturally occurring Elements and Elemental Bonds. So, at some point, there should be weird stuff getting found, scientifically speaking, where just Elements that weren‘t found before, that, you know, weren‘t identified, I would think would be starting to pop up. And, also, ones that aren‘t natural may be starting to disappear or change. So, I‘m not sure about that, what that might look like. I mean, that could be scary, too, if it happens to be, like, something, you know, chemical bonds that are holding your body together at the moment, that kind of thing. It won‘t be your body so much, but I‘m wondering about the planetary body. But it will be, this will be done gently. They‘re not going to, like, blast stuff through, because, you know, the grids wouldn‘t hold. So, anyway, let‘s see. So we will also be turning on the Pentagorian Circulatory Systems at 2/3 quantum- thrust: ― And Net- Earth‘s Core will receive its first‖ Here we go ― Aquai‟-ah de So-La‟-RA LU-na Ah-VE‟-yas Elemental Living Light Transmission.‖ Now, the Ah-VE‘-yas Elementals are, basically, the Orbs, all right? And, when you see the Orbs, it means you are connecting with the Ah-VE‘-yas Elemental Living Light Field in the Median Earth level. So, we‘re going to get our first transmissions- that already started, all right? We got the first, Lunar one, and there‘s going to be one, two more probably before we leave, if not three, depending on what time we‘re leaving. Let‘s see---Ouch! Ok, and what this will do is: ― Initiating the ‗auto-pilot of‘ the daily/nightly 12:12 Sun/Moon Harmonic Healing Light Radiation Pulse Transmissions. The FOL ‘09 Aquai‘-ah de SolarA LU‘na Transmission will bring the Light Quotient of Net Earth‘s Aquafereion Host Shield up to a minimum 75% Sha- LA- ah Light, the minimum required for ‗Slide-2 Translocation‘.‖ The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 62 of 119
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Oh, I‘m getting it in the back really bad. Ouch! Excuse me, ow, ow, ow. Yeah, it‘s coming right in the back of the KaranA‘-dis. I think we‘re probably getting ready, ‗cause I‘m, like, laying like this under the table, right? You know, you see me at the microphone, like, ow! I do believe they‘re starting to anchor the final transmission that will bring in the---They‘re gonna have us do something, and I don‘t know what that something is yet, but it‘s going to come in live: where it will bring in the ZionA. The ZionA, by the way, are the Mer-People. They go through a stage; they start out as fish, and they go through a phase of being like Mermaids and Men. And, then, they can make a choice whether they want to go fully hominid or not, but they can breathe water and air. And, most of them choose to, like, drop the tail and, you know, do the---That‘s their adolescent phase, is when they‘re in that. And, it‘s funny: my daughter Spree had an experience with one of them when we went, when we were at Kitts. And, she was like: ― What was that? It saw me, and it ran. I scared it. I don‘t know what it was‖- because she went swimming. We went off, we went out in a boat ride, and she likes to be in deep water, and I don‘t. So, she went swimming with some of the people. And, she swam out quite far; she‘s a lifeguard and she‘s, you know, good at that stuff. And, she came back, and she was: ― What was that, mom?‖ And I didn‘t know at the time. We found out by the end of the trip what the Mer-People were, right? And, that‘s a phase that they go through at adolescence, and then they can either---They can stay if they want to, but they can then go into full hominid form, where it just transmutes into legs and, you know, and that kind of thing. So, they‘re very, very lovely people. They‘re called the ZionA, and- some of them- they basically have the three -gender thing. Actually, they have kind of a four-gender, where they have one with no gender whatsoever. They have one with both gender, and, then, they have one with either gender. And, usually, they are sending the ones that are eunuch, where you don‘t have to worry about weirdness that, you know, if you‘re a guy and it‘s a girl, or guy and guy, whatever, all right, where they‘re just sending the ones that sexual orientation is not much of anything. The eunuch- ones are asexual, which means they‘re not bisexual; they‘re not homosexual: They‘re not sexual at all, you know, so they‘re not interested in that. So, you don‘t have to worry about that type of invasion. These guys will stay with you from, like- as long as you want them. I mean, and they‘ll hang kind of like over in the Mentor Space or float around in an Orb and, you know, be with you. And, sometimes, you‘ll- you might be able to get pictures of them, eventually. They come through in an Orb that‘s about that big, kind of like a plate, not quite as big as a full plate, dinner plate- a salad plate, maybe? And- I forget how I described it in the last workshop, but it‘s about that big. And, then, they come in with a helper that is of the AquafarE of the Median Earth. And, they‘re the ones that look like little Tinker-bells. And, their Orbs are only about, like, this big, all right? How did you describe that size before? Do you remember? (Az Speaks): A large orange or a small grapefruit, ok? So, the little guys, they‘re a gold tint, and the others are kind of like an indigo/violet-blue tint. So, the ZionA are the indigo/violet-blue ones. So, if you start seeing Orbs or sensing Orbs- you might sense them first before you pick them up with your eyes- realize they are there. They will hang out with you; they will listen. They will mind their own business if you don‘t want them, you know, hearing you. They‘re not going to, like, hang there and listen to all your thoughts to yourself. But, if you ask them, they will be there instantly. And, these guys are the ones that you‘re meant to---They will be the first ones you will physically meet in a Slide, all right? So, they are, yeah, from Median Earth. Before you ever meet the ones from the Adashi Temples that are all the way, you know, to Urtha, your first stop would be going to Median Earth. And they would be the first onesyour Attendants. And, they call themselves, they call them “Attendants”; because they are there to attend you, whatever your needs may be, to try to help you with, you know, whatever stage, too. You know, you can talk to them. If you‘re upset, you can ask them for advice on how to do different things, like, you know, how do I get out of this situation; The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 63 of 119
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or, where do you think I should go. And, they will, you know, respond in a Krystic way. If you ever get a communication from them that seems like they‘re telling you to do something funny, or say: Oh, you‘re going to die, so do this instead. Don‘t listen to them. That is not them; that‘s just interference coming in on the line. They won‘t talk to you that way. They‘ll never ask you to do something anti-Krystic. They will never ask you to steal, to murder, do any of that stuff, you know. They won‘t tell you to go take drugs; they won‘t tell you any of that stuff. So, you know, just be careful, like with any of the communications. And, the AquafarE are very- they‘re much more---These, all these guys have much more emotional quality to them. Like, they‘re not emotionless at all, but some of them are very peaceful inside, where the emotion is just really very broad but very, very loving. But, the AquafarE are very, like, I wouldn‘tthey‘re not clingy. They‘re like mature, fuzzy, cozy bonds. You know, they have a deeper Emotional Body thingy, like as far as, you know, they‘ll show more excitement, right, if they‘re excited. They‘ll, if something‘s bothering them, they will show more demonstration of that, just in the feelings that they radiate. And, eventually, these are the ones that might assist us- I think; I have a feeling over in Ireland there‘s going to be something when we start to get some of these guys awakened from the Net Earth level, where they will, eventually, or can if they want to, they can choose to manifest fully for you here, where you could actually see them. And, at first, it might be, like, etheric. But, as your perceptions and your atomic structure starts moving up in the frequencies going toward Median Earth, and they can move theirs down where you can start experiencing each other physically. You know, where you can meet them, and that kind of thing. And, I think it would be kind of neat to hold one: ―Hi! ― you know? Because they are hominid; they are hominid people, and they do have gender and that kind of thing. So, it---These guys are going to be coming in soon. Boy, you know what--- That… he is just talking that part. He took that off my back there. I am going to finish this. They‘re saying, ok, just finish this. But, it is 4 AM, yeah. But, we‘re almost done with this. I don‘t have to read this part. I just want to get to the last one because this is what the Sarasota thing is about. So, this is huge, what‘s going down at FOL ‘09. It is just all that stuff, tons of stuff. And, then, just for the Sarasota Workshop: that is Mission Upgrade 39. It‟s April 10-13 2009: ― The Green Dragons will deliver on their 7 th Treaty of Al-ben‘-yhan commitment over the Sarasota Workshop period, during which they will directly assist the Kryst Alliance to pull back, to pull back‖ Here we go; ― Pull back into Krystic Union a final 1/6 of the Watchtower Shield from the White Dragon control‖ Oh, boy; we‘re pulling one-they have a third. We‘re pulling half of that back. This ought to be interesting. Bring the drums! We need the drums. But, with full cooperation of the ones who took the GrU‟-al out from under us in the first place, all right? So, they-the Greens- were the ones controlling the majority of those grids there, and they‘re the ones that took them back from, you know, took them back, out of the Kryst, when they broke the Treaty of Altair. So, we‘re getting all those turned back over, so, there should be quite a lot of help of some sort around there. As opposed to, we would have a 2/3-1/3 relationship with that. So, we should have 2/3-support, technically. And, it‘s, like, let‘s see, you know? It‘s a beautiful place to go. But, anyway, so, we are going to have to pull back another sixthquantum of the Watchtower Shield, out of the White Dragon control, which will---This is only temporary. It goes back later, when the final separation at the end of the Load Out occurs, so we each, all end up with a third of the Net Earth, you know, Grids. But, it will: ― Temporarily reducing until 2230 AD Load Out end the White Dragons‘ Watchtower and Net Earth Elemental command /control to a 1/6 quantum- thrust, while raising the Kryst Alliance to 5/6 quantum- thrust control. The White Dragons will, of course, continue all attempts to fulfill their Official Disclosure Invasion ‗All-Kill Agenda‘. With Diligent pre- and post-‖ Here we go again ― 2012 Planetary Stewardship, maintenance and ‗trouble-shooting‘, the Net -Earth Safe- Zones/SlideZones link to Median Earth and the Load Out Evac Last Galactic Hosted Star-Fire Ascension Cycle can be secured until The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 64 of 119
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2230 AD Load Out end. If all goes well, at 2230 AD Load Out end, 1/3 of the Kryst Alliance 5/6 Watchtower Shield will rise to Median Ascension Earth Host, 1/3 will Sovereign Kryst Fall under the Treaty of Al-ben‘-yhan Kryst-Fall Budhara Host, and 1/6 will fall back to White Dragon control, leaving at final separation. Each team with 1/3 of the Net Earth Watchtower Anchor- Shield, and, thus, 1/3 of Net Earth‘s Elemental Command, Lunar Seed, Tides, Waters and EndoPlasmic ‗Water- Matter‘ Base.‖ There we go, yeah, God! (Applause). Thank you. I‘m just catching my breath here. So, yeah, so much for the nap I was going to take, you know, because that all came through, you know? I had pieces of it, but none of them fit together. I didn‘t know what was what. And, just to---I have to do all this manually, where, to do the borders like this, I‘m not- I don‘t know how to set the margins, right? So, I have to go; didididi, and make each line go over, right? Yeah, I never had time to learn to use the computer, right, ok? So, yeah, here we go again. Ok, I can feel it coming. They‘re going to do a quick, quick in-and –drop, which means they‘re going to, they‘re going to have us use---Ah, I need that for a minute I think, thank you. Let me find the Calling Card. There are the Calling Tones; where are they? Where‘s my other sheet? (Az speaks off mic) Yes, no, it‘s another one that was with this. Where‘d it go; is there something floating around somewhere? I don‘t think it got mixed in. Let me see if I can find it. It probably got mixed in here. Yeah, there it is. Ok, they‘re going to have us do a very simple- what‘s called the Elemental Orb Call, which actually begins a process of opening the, you know, in your own Field, the Net- Earth to Median- Earth connections. And, it also brought---It is also what brought in the Orbs, that we got pictures of, that we‘ll look at tomorrow, do the Orb-People part tomorrow, because it‘s already way into tomorrow. But, we will cover that stuff there. But, there is a particular, you know, Command, Word Command that we use for bringing in, for opening to the Median Earth Elemental Field. And, that‘s what we need to do to begin bringing in- inviting in- the ZionA. There‘s also… They‘re going to have me combine two things. This was a new thing that they gave me. All right, where are we? ZionA, ok: KA‘-VO SE-A‘ Ta… Ok, now, when we did this the first time, the ZionA came in- and the AquafarE came in and just, like, just to hang out and be with us. We did Shadra Shields out on the sand, you know, that took quite a long time to do it. They had us use one particular Command, that was the Elemental Orb Call, which just means it opens the, you know, the Gateways between- and the Pentagorian Flows- between the two levels. But, this time, this was just given to uswhen was it- on January 1st, was it? Was it New Years Eve? It was New Years Eve it was given to us. We did a small Circle at a particular Grid Site in Scottsdale, where each of the ones that eventually become our Team, right, and two of which are these guys. One is the ZionA, and the other are the AquafarE. They have what they call an Elemental Calling Tone just for them. So, they‘re going to combine the Calling Tone of them, as a direct, as their direct invite. They‘re going to combine it to the- let me see. Beginning or end, it‘s one of them; beginning, ok. They‘re going to have me put it on the beginning. So, we‘re going to, literally, use the names. Now, the name for the ZionA Attendants---And, it‘s, like, for their whole, you know, group, and it will bring one personally to you, right? You know, one will, you know, come in as your Attendant, are the KA‟- VO. That is their Elemental Calling Tone: KA‘-VO. And, the AquafarE Helpers are the SE- A‟- Ta. So: Ka VO and Se- A‘- Ta. So, we‘re going to do it: KA‘- VO SE- A‘- Ta, then, the Elemental Orb Call, which will open the Flows in, you know, between our Aah-JhA‘ Body and the Median Earth Aah-JhA‘ Body. And, the Elemental Orb Call is: Ah –ShA‟-ah NE‟Ra- O‟cha-Sa; Ah-ShA‘-ah NE‘Ra- O‘cha- Sa. Yeah, and we‘ll get, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 65 of 119
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we‘ll try to get these typed up and stuff, so you can take them home with you, too. So, we just need to- do what now? Ok, they‘re going to have us do something with the frequencies that we brought into our palms from the Lunar Transmission. Ok (To Az: Can you hold this, please? Where I can talk, too) Ok, alrighty: All right, the first thing they want us to do is, of course, do a real quick activation of your, you know, Krystar Capsule: Rasha- Eira -Krystar, Now! (Participants do breaths) And, then, on the third---On the fourth inhale hold. Ok, on the fourth inhale hold. Put your attention at your Kara-nA‘-dis Seal, and take your right palm and put it over the area right on your body in front of your Kara-nA‘-dis Seal, at the base of the ribcage area, breastbone, and put the left hand over the back of that. And, then, exhale sharply, (All exhale) pushing inward, and it will send a stream of the Luna Transmission Light that we picked up, all the way through. And, now, we‘re going to inhale that stream up from, from the Kara-nA‘-dis Seal, up to the AzurA.(All inhale) And, from the AzurA, when we exhale, we‘re going to push part of it up and part of it down, so we get two currents going. So, exhale and part of it all the way up to where it disappears, and part of it all the way down to Earth‘s Core (All Exhale) Ok, Alrighty, now, let‘s see. They‘re showing me pictures, so I have to see a minute. Ok, now, this time, to do the Invite, they said three- repeat is plenty. So, we‘re going to do the Names, you know, the Calling, the Elemental Calling Tone for the ZionA and the AquafarE, and, then, the Elemental Orb Call. And, we will repeat the whole sentence three times. Since I don‘t have it on a mylar, I think I will say it, and, then, you repeat it after me. All right, so I will say it once; you repeat after me. I‘ll say it once; you repeat after me, just in case it gets a little bit difficult of hearing, like, you know, what was that, you know, that kind of thing. Ok, so, let‘s do one: KA‘- VO SE- A‘- Ta (Repeat) Ah-ShA‘-ah (repeat0 NE‘Ra- (Repeat) O‘cha-Sa (Repeat) KA‘- VO (Repeat) SE- A‘- Ta (Repeat) Ah-ShA‘-ah (Repeat) NE‘Ra (Repeat) O‘cha-Sa (Repeat) Now, one more time: KA‘- VO SE- A‘- Ta (Repeat) Ah-ShA‘-ah (Repeat) NE‘Ra (Repeat) O‘cha-Sa (Repeat) Ok, now, inhale and hold into the AzurA for a moment (All inhale). And, you‘re going to release a twelve-point breath outward around you, all of your Allurean Chamber Lines (All Exhale) There you go. Ok, and now they‘re saying just sit and breathe normally for a little bit and try to sense. There will be a sensation of a bit of a current running, like a little bit of an amplification of the Central Vertical Current running the- that you picked up- the Lunar Transmissions from, and also running down your arms and maybe a little tingling in your palms and things. If you don‘t get it, that‘s all right. It‘s still happening. Now, this isn‘t your ZionA yet; this is your own Currents linking to the Median Earth Level of your Aah-JhA‘ Body. And, this is where you‘d begin to bring in the Elemental Force, like, the Elemental, you know, things like the Elements like Hydrogen that you‘re starting to get open to those, into your Field, from the Median Earth Level. So, just breathe for a few seconds or a few minutes, however long this is going to take. I‘m going to ask. They‘re gonna come in, in, like, a Shield Drop, where it kind of looks like a big, sparkling plate made of little light dots. And, it comes and sits, like, hovering in the room. And, then, they‘re going to just kind of like tear off and, you know, go to everyone. And, they‘ll send enough for everybody. And, if you‘ve done this in Kitts before, and you already have your connection, your ZionA connection, it will be the same one. So, they will come with you. In fact, they‘ve probably already still stayed with you. They‘re saying they will, there‘s a part of them, when they come and stay with you, they don‘t, like, pack their bags and abandon home. What they do is bi-locate, right, just like we‘re The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 66 of 119
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learning to bi-locate. So, when they are with you, they are also- parts of them- off doing things where they live, you know, in their 3D environment. So, they can- they will actually assist. They‘re saying that they will be coming in with the big Shield because it helps the whole Shield, like, to stabilize. And, then, they will send another part; they will amplify the part that you picked up before, so you‘ll get a bit even more of them there, as far as, you know, to, more of their consciousness there with you. Which may help, especially if you haven‘t found any contact with them yet. Because, you know, they can try contacting you, but, until you have enough circuits open in your own self---And, some people will have, because of whatever Karmic stuff they might have got themselves into, their own Spirit Body levels will not let them open in ways that would be harmful to them. So, they will kind of like block a lot of the hearing things and seeing things if you‘re under protection from your own Spirit Body, that it doesn‘t feel it would be healthy for you or if it‘s dangerous for you. So, if you don‘t have open communication when you started, you know, with the, meeting the ZionA before, that‘s ok. Eventually it will come. They are there, and, eventually, when you get through Slide, be it through Bhardoah, where you end up leaving a body, or if it‘s through, you know, direct, full-on Slide-2 Translocation. They will be the one that meets you first. And, they will have their little Tinker-bell Effect with them where that is their AquafarE Helper. So, they‘re kind of like your Attendant and the AquafarE are kind of like attending them and helping them to attend you. And, they‘re also there to---I wonder if, sometimes, if it‘s, like, just to cheer us up and baby sit us sometimes; I don‘t know. I kind of feel like mine baby sits me, where he just like plays with me emotionally and, like, you know, someone to interact with it, like, you know, with a child, nicely. That‘s what I feel like sometimes because they‘re emotional, and they‘re fun; and they‘ll joke and do funny things to cheer you up and that kind of stuff. Ok, so, all right. They say they‘ll let us know when the Shield is dropping in. It‘s in the process of, actually. It‘s way up above the hotel at the moment. I just got this: ―Oh, my gosh! It looks like a huge UFO.‖ One of the big, flat, light ones, you know, made of dots. It would really be hilarious if we ended up with another ―lights over Phoenix‖ thing. It‘s usually not our guys that are doing that. Ok, it‘s coming down, ok. All right, yeah, it‘s just entering and moving through, into---It‘s going to just hang, like, on this side, the underside of the ceiling here, and it‘s just started to crest. Well, I‘m getting, like, jitters all over here. I don‘t know if anybody else is getting anything. (To Az: This is too far back, ok? I‘ll hold that. No, I‘m getting the jitters up here, in the Field, not from your arm. Yeah, thank you. I was going further and further back, and my neck was breaking) Ok, all right, so, everybody that would like to have a ZionA to hang out with you- and they won‘t go in your body or anything. They will hang out as an Orb that you can talk to, basically. And, they‘ll come, and they‘ll go, but they‘ll always be in attendance. And, they will pop in whenever you call them. They will be there. And, even if you can‘t hear, you know, hear their end of the conversation yet when you talk with them, at least know that they do hear you, and they are there. And, if you feel like you need help or protection, just call them in and say:‖ Please, help me; you know, just please help‖. We‘ll be able to amplify this once we have the whole team come in with tomorrow night‘s, you know, activations. But, this is the beginning. These are meeting the other, you know, the two we‘ve met-the Aquafereion and the Bhendi Aquari-before. And, if not, it implies---If you‘ve not done any of those techniques- but you probably have- the, bringing these guys in will imply that you also get the Bhendi Trainers and the Aquafereion Greeters from Urtha, also. There‘s a stack; there‘s an alignment with those two, so they will come with the territory, even if you‘ve not met them before through the techniques earlier on, in 2007, when we did meet them. Ok, they‘re getting ready to do the disbursement, where they go: rrEE. Now, if you just so happen to not want one, you The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 67 of 119
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don‘t have to do this. It‘s ok if you don‘t, you know, want the buddy Orb hanging with you, you don‘t have to do that. And, they will come in together. They will each---All right, they‘re actually gonna, the Purple Orb, the purple-y/Indigo colored one, the bigger one, is going to come now. And, inside of that, it‘s actually carrying the other one, the little AqufarE. And, once it gets hanging out in your, like, Mentor Space area, it‘s going to kind of like birth it and pop it out. It‘s giving it a ride in. It‘s giving the AquafarE a ride in. All right, all right, ok, so: They say if you want to receive the, you know, the ZionA Orb, just inhale and hold for a minute (All inhale) And, when you exhale, they are going- we‘re going to exhale together-they‘re, in a second, they‘re going to, you know, go disburse the Orbs. And, it will come, as you exhale, it will come and pop into your Mentor Space. Ok, and Exhale (All exhale) Ooh, that one had a kick! Try to sense the presence because they came in right over, they‘ll be, like, hanging right over the right shoulder area. Try to feel that area a little bit with your hand because you might get, you might not be able to see them or feel them yet, but you might be able to get the finger-tingle stuff happening when you pet them, because you can pet them. They don‘t mind if you pet their---Because you‘re not petting their body, you‘re petting their Orb Body, right, which is different than the more personal touching flesh and stuff. Now, when you… We‘ll be showed a way to meet them a bit more clearly, where we go in to an UmShaddhi Spacewhat‘s called an UmShaddhi Space- to be able to start engagement with them and- in your Krystar Vehicle, though- and that‘s where you can, you‘ll start to see them without Orb, where you won‘t just see them as Orbs; you will see what they look like. And, they are hominid, and they have rather large, beautiful, slanted eyes, not like real, real slanted, but quite almond-shaped eyes. And, they have, they do have round pupils. And, some of those guys, the Zionites, have more of the cat-like pupils. But, these guys have more human-like, looking pupils. And, they have what looks like hair, but- and when it‘s dry, it actually kind of feels like kind of silky, gossamer silky hair. But, what it really is are thin rows of vertical little fins that, when they‘re in the water and it hydrates, it is like very gossamer fins that are on their head. And, they can be very long –some of them- or very short. And, they have a little bit of webbing in between the fingers, and they have six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, of course. And, they have a little bit of webbing, but they do not have slimy skin. They have lovely, soft skin. So, it‘s not like, you know, touching a porpoise or, you know, or anything. It‘s kind of like a non-slimy version of, like, the silkiness of a stingray, you know, how stingrays are. But-I don‘t know- I‘ve seen them, and I‘ve pet one, and they had them in a petting zoo somewhere that we went to in Florida, and it‘s kind of like that. They‘re lovely; it‘s not gross. They don‘t smell like fish, they‘re not…. It---Don‘t think of fish like we think of fish here, you know what I mean, ‗cause it, like, the fishy smell, all that slimy stuff, you know, that kind of stuff. It‘s not about that at all. They‘re Aquatic Human, and, you know, they‘re just, they‘re, you know, human-type beings, and they‘re just lovely. So, when you go to sleep tonight, remember that they‘re there. They‘re going to do one more thing before we leave. They‘re going to assist you in activating the Homing Seed, so it begins to broadcast its beacon. And, there‘s something that they have, where they, that was needed---Oh, it‘s the AquarfarE that were required for this, ok. But, there‘s something that we‘re born without, everybody down here is born without because of the blocks in the grids, that we have a connection to, in the Elemental Kingdom up in Median Earth, that they are going to return those Codes to us and into the Kara-nA‘-dis Seal that will allow the activation of the Original Homing Imprint which goes with Median Earth and would also go with the part of Net Earth‘s Grids that your biology is connected to, and the rest of you, as well. Ow! Sorry, here we go again. I keep getting it right in the back area of the Kara-nA‘-dis Seal. Usually, it used to be right behind the AzurA- when I‘d feel it filling up- or the tailbone. This time, I‘ve been getting them really heavy, like: oof_ Load The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 68 of 119
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energy right in the back of the Kara-nA‘-dis Seal. My back went out the other day, and right there, too. Now I know what it‘s about. All right, so, they‘re going to, the AquafarE are carrying those codes, you know, the ones that belong to you. (To Az: Ok. Ok; that‘s too much. That hurts too much, honey. Thank you for rubbing it. That helped a bit, yeah) Ok, so what they are going to do is: If you want the Homing Seed to be activated, they‘re just going to pop in and out really quick. They‘re not gonna, like, you know, go in your body and stay there and possess you, no. They‘re not going to do this stuff. They‘re going to pop in, drop, and come back out. And, it‘s just like a little Orb, that goes pop, pop, right in to the Kara-nA‘-dis Seal. They‘re returning to you the codes that go with your Elemental encryption from Median Earth, which was the original Amenti Ascension Earth, your original Amenti Earth that Net Earth is a part. So, that will activate in the Net Earth Grids, the potion of the grids that you are directly connected to, and go through that Homing Seed thing that we talked about earlier. Ok, so, it‘s an easy activation. If you start getting, by the way, where you‘re starting to get, like, tight areas and stuff, the Ah-RE‘-yas, that are- yeah, Ah-RA‘-yas- that you will be doing tomorrow can be a big help. Even if you just do the stretches one. If you happen to start getting some of these activations tonight, where you‘re, where you‘re getting stiffness just in the spine, and you‘re all exhausted already- like I am- so it doesn‘t help, either, you now. But, if you need to just do some basic stretches, just wherever, if it‘s getting tight, try to gently stretch it out, all right, because that will allow the energy to spread, because you‘re beginning to bring in, you know, much stronger energy than the Body will be used to handling, all right? So, we‘re just going to---They said, the AquafarE, the ZionA is going to stay over your right shoulder and observe and monitor. But, the AquafarE is going to come down, and it‘s funny, because it‘s already taking off somewhere. I don‘t know where it went, but it‘s flipping around in my field like a tinker-bell, and- you know, like in the Peter Pan movies, all right? But, it‘s going to stabilize like right here, and---All right, they‘re going to come in front of you, and it‘s going to- all at the same time- they‘re moving in to, like, the front -of -you position, right? They‘d be, like, right in front of where your Kara-nA‘-dis Seal would be. Oh, you know what they said? They‘re not even going to go all the way in. What they‘re going to do is just beam the---You know, do a pulse from sitting out there. Good, ‗cause I would rather that, personally. And, they‘re going to beam a, just a little pulse, that is your code package. If you want, you can, you know, fully (Inhales) amp your field, if you have any, if you‘re worried at all about it being anything that doesn‘t belong with your field. You know, if you don‘t trust the whole process. You don‘t have to do it if you don‘t trust the whole process. You can like, take it, you know, put it in your pocket, and say, ok, I‘ll take it and put it over here for now, you know, and check it out. If you don‘t want to receive it immediately, that‘s ok. If you want to take it and think about it, take it to the guidance levels that you use and say: is it right for me to do this now? You can just say, would you please just kind of like, hang it over there and put it somewhere in your field like an ornament, with an Eckasha shape around it. So, you can, like, delay activations of things temporarily by doing that if you‘re not certain about them, if you‘re not sure about them, say: Well, I‘ll do that part of it, but don‘t run it in me, and I‘ll put that over there. And, then, you would just bring it in yourself. You can do that, too. But, they‘re- for those who already trust the process- they‘re just going to do a little burst, and---How are we going to do this? We‘re going to inhale and hold, ok, and, then, when they do that, when we exhale- after we inhale and hold for a minutethey‘re going to just go: PP, and send the codes in when the Homing Code, you know, the rest of the Homing Code The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 69 of 119
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encryption in when we exhale. Ok, so… Try to sense, sense where it is in front of you, because some will be closer; some will be further away. Try to sense where that is. Or even close your eyes and try to see, or see-feel, where you can feel a little warmth or fuzziness or something. I get the tinglies on the palms of my hands or my fingertips when I engage an Orb that I can‘t see yet. So, I don‘t know if you will or not. Ok, hello! I just want to pet them. This one sounds like a girl, it does. You can hear them chatting. I think---I don‘t know if they‘re chatting to this one or to themselves; I‘m not sure. Or, to me; they‘re not really talking to me. Anyway, if you get that, if you get this funny little, like, kind of (Does fairy chatter), like chatter-y, but it‘s a very pleasant sound, a lilting- type chatter, it might, that might be the first way that you know that you‘re, you know, the AquafarE is talking with you. Like, if you don‘t see the Orbs or sense the Orbs there, you might get it that way first. So, all right, we‘re going to inhale (All inhale). And, on the exhale, they will transmit the burst of the code. Ok, exhale now (All exhale). And, hold at the bottom of the exhale. And, now, inhale upward and bring the transmission up to the AzurA (All inhale). And, then, again, when we exhale, exhale down the arms and out the palms and the fingertips. And, we‘ll create a replica (All exhale) while the codes that‘ll stay there but will create a replica of the code encryption in our hands. And, they‘ll show us later. Well, not later, but, you know, later during the workshop, what to do with, now that the hands have the Homing Seed activated as well---I don‘t know; they haven‘t told me what that‘s about. I knew what the inside part‘s about, but we‘ll find out a bit more, I guess, about that tomorrow, because now it‘s in your hands, as well. Ok, I just got one thing you can do to start, is you can, say, pick up a little bit of dirt or a little rock or something of the Earth, or a leaf: and holds it, because it will spread. It will send the code through the Earth Grids and start getting location-al signals and anything that‘s connected to the Earth- that is natural- that is either like stone, you know, stone, bone, dirt or living, like, you know, a living leaf. Or, go hug a tree, right, and let the tree talk. So, this will start the process of---I mean, you might start dreaming about it, you know, right, like, more quickly. You don‘t have to do that, but, you know, you can do it tomorrow, too, like, you know, like, because we‘re tired now. It‘s, like, way early in the morning. But, there‘s more to the hand thing, but for starter that we can, know, start connecting with the Earth, the Net Earth itself and to start sending the codes out and finding out more about where is this spot that, ideally, my body would have been born on if it hadn‘t been entangled in the Va- Bha‘-TE Cell. And, the, both of them said they would speak with you once you go to sleep, you know, in your dream state after your body has refreshed. They‘re not going to keep you too active in the dream state because then your body doesn‘t get rest either, and it needs rest for tomorrow, and it‘s really late. So, that‘s this part. I hope this was---We have still more to do, where we‘ll deal with the Orb People and stuff. I‘ll stick it in with tomorrow‘s workshop. We‘re already backing things up in the morning ‗til 10:00; I have a feeling, you know, to the Ah-RA‘-yas for 10:00. I do have a feeling it‘s going to be another late one, so I think I would rather just say something like: Why don‘t we get together for the 12:12 Transmission and then take the workshop from there, which means it will give you some time to take a nap or whatever before the fact if you want to. There is the technique thing, the catch-up thing. But, if I don‘t start---Well, it‘s scheduled from 1:00 to 4:00 (Az speaking) Right, you know what? Well, Mac said they already changed the schedule where they put the Ah-RA‖-yas in at 10:00 (Many people speaking off mic) Yeah, I didn‘t make that schedule change, so I‘m trying to find out what, what she did. I don‘t think she---Is she still here? She‘s not still here, is she? (Az speaking) All right, I‘m listening to you. It‘s after the Amenti Module. So, it‘s at Noon, at Noon, ok? So, I guess the Ah-RA‖-yas have been rescheduled; I guess Mac must The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 70 of 119
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have announced it_ between Noon and 1:15. Ok, that works, ok, 2:00 to 5:00. Yeah, it would be helpful if we could write that down because I‘ll never remember it. Yeah, and, but, so, I think we‘re just going to meet, as far as the workshop itself goes, we will meet for, you know, for 12:12, you know, Midnight and take it from there. And, I hope there‘s a bit of time where you can get, you know, at least a little bit, like, you know, even a half-hour power nap can be helpful if you start to feel awful. You‘re never obliged to stay, and I never mean to have the things run late like this. But, when they come in like this, with this much live transmission, you know, that I didn‘t know anything about two weeks before…. Well, I do my best. So, anyway, thank you for your patience and we‘ll see you tomorrow, and have a great sleep. It‘s important not to lose this part. It didn‘t say to do that one yet. It‘s going to come in, but they didn‘t say to do the day one yet. This goes with the written work; I don‘t want to lose that. She‘s feeling where the other thumb touches. I get that sometimes…
[Last 57 or so minutes of Track 11 FOL 2009 and Track 12, Lecture 2] Next one please. It‘s not my nightmare one yet is it? No, no, it‘s coming soon though. I have a nightmare one that I look at it and go, oh god. It came out good in Kitts. That‘s where I scribbled it all and put marker all over it and I knew exactly what all of it was there, but I‘m on a whole different train of what they‘re teaching me on this. It‘s like, oh boy, let‘s see if I can explain it this time, the second time. If I don‘t explain the next one coming well, you can always get it when the Kitts things come out because it did come out. The explanation fit right in with the context of the way the sequence was being given there much better than I‘ll probably do tonight. [Graph] This is just when we talk about light for a long time, quite a ways back they‘ve talked to us about the different types of light where we have a natural type of light that is formed by three units where you have basically a Partiki, a PartikA and a Particum unit that are able to phase where they can generate, literally they‘re self re-generating light units and that‘s the natural structure. They‘re called Sha-LA‟-a Light units and they have a natural Crystal Body structure that is like the Crystal Body structure we‘ve learned about in K2-3, and this is a mutated one. This is called a Shona Light Field. Shona Light has only two of these, it actually takes part of these and I remember, way back we explained exactly how it breaks apart the natural ones. It breaks them off from their Spirit part, the part that‘s like the unified ManU part and it convolutes them and brings them into the Vesica Pisces phase lock and tilts their axes to form artificial dead light that has the ability to suck energy and it attacks other living light cells and it attaches itself to them. So, a couple of these would come after one of the natural living ones until they overwhelmed it‘s quantum and then they would literally break it apart, break it off from the other part, the Spirit part of its own construction and The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 71 of 119
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form another what is called Calorene. Because when Shalas get broken they become Calorene structures instead of KAlor structures. KAlors have to do with the complicated stuff that‘s inside each of these light cells which we‘ve talked about in other workshops too. So, basically, a good portion of our matter base that we are made of is made of Shona Light fields because of the mutation in our body. In Kitts we gave out the list that actually, and because it‘s in that chart pack we‘re not going to do it again because we‘ve already got a bunch that we‘re giving you guys this time, so it‘s in that chart pack if you want it. But where it shows the different basic race lines that are on the planet and what they‘re incoming Light Quotient actually is because some of the illuminati races have hardly any where most of their atoms are made of Shona fields. Then other ones have progressively, like Indigo 2‘s have a certain level, things called Dhani‘s, going up higher have a certain level of higher light in them which means, higher light, higher Light Quotient means more of your atoms would be made of Sha-LA‘-a Light than they would of Shona Light. There‘s a certain portion, 75% of the atoms in your body need to be made up of Sha-LA‘-a light in order to be able to do a Slide to Translocation and even more to go through a full on Transfiguration where you get to get out of here permanently. So, the quotient of light, when we talk about that we are talking about your atoms, in your atoms, how much of them are made of the twisted light, the Shona fields, or how much are made of the Sha-LA‘-a fields and when we work with these techniques we are progressively clearing the Shona fields more and freeing the distorted light patterns that used to be natural light but they got broken and twisted and convoluted, freeing those, transmuting them where they just go back into Partiki dust and then replacing simultaneously more of the Light Quotient in our bodies. You don‘t just take the atoms out and they‘re gone because if you keep doing that you‘re not going to have enough quantum left. You have to have your original quantum in order to finish a full Transfiguration out of here. So, you get the encryption back and, with the host, what it does is it gives us more energy to replace the quantum we lost in having to get rid of the stuff that needed to transmute out and go back to Partiki dust. So, we‘re progressively building our light base in our atoms where more of our atoms will progressively become made of the Sha-LA‘-a living light that has the ability to spark and make it‘s own spark generations which means it keeps the currents flowing, and all sorts of different currents, not just the big ones. It also means that because it can still build quantum, that the whole field is building quantum and it allows for, there‘s a certain point in that process where the Aah-JhA‘ Body sparks that the smaller light units need to spark and communicate and talk with the Aah-JhA‘ Body, and at a certain point of spark collection from the little light units that our atoms are made out of, then there will be a response in the Aah-JhA‘ Body and more big sparks will be made so another flow of atoms will be made. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 72 of 119
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So, there‘s a whole relationship between the light units themselves that make up the atoms and the larger body structures that are making those in the first place and if that communication gets hijacked the ability for, and that‘s what happens with Shona fields. They can‘t send any sparks up. They can‘t make sparks. The atoms can‘t make sparks, these little invisible sparks that would actually trigger the natural Aah-JhA‘ Body structures to make more dispensations of big flows of atoms, so it hijacks the whole process. We are clearing this process and with the activation tonight we will have the 75% ShaLA‘-a restored and we‘ll have the, and it doesn‘t matter; even if you came in with 20% Sha-LA‘-a to 80% Shona it will bring the quantum up to 75% Sha-LA‘-a light, and that‘s big. (Applause) [Graph] Yeah, OK. I think I‘m going to go by that one really fast. Yeah, this is the one that, yeah, in this, a bit messy there. This is where we actually, the process I just briefly explained was more in depth explained. I can‘t remember who is what at this point but this is from, the last one, this is from Kitts. But it showed how the Pentagonal Flows, what was flowing where, what connects with what and then where they spark and where the spark lines are, and then how they, there‘s three different kinds of sparks. You‘ve got sparks that happen over here on the Fire Chambers and then sparks that also happen here on the Allurean Chambers and they come together where you get three sparks that come together to form a living elemental unit called an Ah-VE-Yas Elemental. When we see orbs, we‘re seeing one part of these and it implies that the other parts, when we see the little orbs, not the big orbs that are full on people orbs but these are people too. When your body makes these, these are part of, these are things that later will collect, and they‘re tiny, the ones your body makes, they would be tiny and they come together as the quarks that form, like 6 of them come together and form a nucleus and an atom and they all have the intelligence already that was picked up, they‘re intelligent, they carry the encryption of the information from the currents, the living currents of consciousness that they were made from. These guys come together and literally make the atoms themselves but you can see the ones…when we see the little orbs where, and there‘s some pictures of those that I‘d like to show in a couple of minutes if they‘re available. OK, you can do that? You have that Density 2 level also of your Aah-JhA‘ Bodies and so does the planet. The Median Earth level, even though it‘s still in Density 1, it‘s a bigger level that‘s separated from our Density 1 level NET Earth. When we do certain activations, it opens up these flows again in both the Median Earth grids and in the NET Earth grids and it is allowing some of the quark/spark people to come in from the Median Earth levels which is good because the more of them that come in, the more they will come together and assist in forming atomic structures or setting a template in the Morphogenetic Field down here, in the atmosphere down here that will allow for the smaller elementals of Earth to come together and begin accreting into the proper forms that they should have been. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 73 of 119
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So, they‘re conscious too and they communicate too. They communicate by direct cognition. You might get one that is a cluster of one and you might only see one little orb. It‘s connected to a whole bunch of other ones that actually are atoms of something up there. You might be talking to a hydrogen atom up there when you talk to one of those little orbs, literally, a conscious being. Now, we make our own smaller ones for our own bodies. And the planet, when it‘s functioning normally, also makes its own. The planet has not been able to make its own for ages now because of the distortions in the grids. What we are going to be able to do with the hosted activations that are coming through, because at the end of tonight we will have 2/3rds of the Watchtower Shield and thus 2/3rds elemental control back under the Krystic banner, at least temporarily. We‘ll end up with 1/3 rd going up and 1/3rd going to Sovereign Fall at the end, but, it means the Earth will start to be able to produce some of the natural Density 1 atomic structures, and I‘m really wondering if they‘re going to start finding some new elements that they never knew were there as far as on the atomic charts and that kind of stuff. It will be interesting to see what they call them. They name them some really wacky stuff like Californium, Einsteinium, whatever. When it comes to these and orbs, when we see the small orbs, and they usually come in, in fields. There‘s another thing that sometimes comes in with them but not always that has to do with, and we were seeing this in St. Kitts. People got some really neat orb pictures there. There was another effect I was noticing while people were taking pictures because in the dark at a little bit of back light, over back behind the beach, you couldn‘t see the orbs with your eyes really, but there was this silver twinkling in the air that I kept noticing, especially if you take a picture in the air like this, the flash wouldn‘t, there were just like silver sparkles and I saw it three different times on three different occasions and said, ―What is that?‖ When we get to the chart that talks about the 6 races that are coming in with us to work as our teams, one of them I believe I found the answer to what were the silver sparkles. It was more like who were the silver sparkles, so, this is where orbs are literally formed, be they big or small. You have the little elemental orbs that are called the Ah-VE-Yas Elementals (Note: Sounds like ‗AhVA-Yas,‘ but she may mean ‗Ah-VE-Yas‘) and they imply, if you see them here they imply there is more of them that you‘re not seeing that has to do with direct atomic structure, consciousness atomic structure up in Median Earth and we can, sometimes we can call in the orbs and they‘ll come in. It means we‘re opening the connections between NET Earth and Median Earth. You can also get elemental orbs that are distorted that are coming in from the Caduceus Earth, from the twisted grids and, same thing, it implies there‘s been a dimensional interface, an opening between two dimensional bands or two separate bands. In this case they‘re, we have a NET Earth D1, 2 and 3, so does Caduceus Earth, so does Median Earth. We‘re all Density 1 so it‘s just opening between those The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 74 of 119
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barriers between them and what we‘re aiming to do is open it up to Median Earth because a lot of the people that are working, there are some people that work with occult things that can bring in orbs too, but what they‘re doing is they‘re opening the Caduceus lines and bringing stuff in from Phantom Earth and bringing things in from Caduceus Earth. They‘re bringing in the fall stuff. You can get some really nasty fairies too. There are fallen fairy folk that are from this planet. This is where they come from. Can we see a couple of the orb pictures? I just want to, I haven‘t seen these yet but from what I hear there are some really intense orb pictures that were taken on Kitts by a lot of different people and even I got some and I never get some. I never get orb pictures. My daughter gets a lot of them all the time. I never get the pictures. So we‘re going to see if we can get a few of them up here for an example. [orb pictures] And some of them are direct visitors, others are those little elemental ones where you might be talking to a part of a hydrogen atom or something, but others, some of them may be the ZionA, some of them may be the Aquafar‘E. Can we make any of them big? I‘d like to be able to see them as big as possible and then click through them if we could. Oh no, no, not low battery. Do we have a power cord? These are the people that have submitted orb pictures that were at the Kitts workshop and they sent them in with their names and stuff. Why don‘t you show the clusters first and then some of the big ones, whatever have the, a couple of them. That looks like a really good cluster too. Is that as big as it will get? You see them all up here? They‘re pretty good size ones, these guys are. They‘re not just the little tiny, tiny ones. I think, they don‘t have a tint color though. Sometimes you can‘t see the color in them. I think these might be connected with the Aquafar‟E, at least some of them where they‘re not just the direct Ah-VE-Yas Elementals but that‘s the effect. Sometimes you can get them where they‘re all over the place. We got some in Paxos too when we were in Paxos. See? Yeah, we can get them better, and the camera will pick them up but your eye can‘t. That was good with the low light on, it showed them better. Look at these. [orb photo] I love this photo, this is great. Who did that one? I‘m not sure. Look at that one. Now, this is even with the lights on, these lights. That was a string of lights from two poles on the beach and you still can see the ones that aren‘t strings of lights that are floating around all over the place. That one was definitely an Aquafar‘E. [photo] It looks like the, yes, they were, is this the one? I can‘t tell if that was like, yeah, now here we‘re The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 75 of 119
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starting to get some colored ones. These aren‘t taking pictures of light lights, these are orbs. [photo] Look at this one. Can we bring that one up at all bigger? Can that get bigger? [photo] Oh, look at that. Orb storm. [photo – purple orb] Purple one. Now that would be… [photo – green orb] Look it, we‘ve got the green ones. They told us the greeny-gold ones were the Aquafar‟E and the bluey-purple ones were the ZionA because they told us they were going to come in and they did. [photo – green orb] There‘s another Aquafar‘E, green one. [photo – orb cluster] Look at these. Oh, look, this is real subtle but there are some big ones. Is there any way to intensify it where you can see it more clearly? [photo] Wow, even got a swoosh on that one. I like that guy. If that could be brought bigger you would see all sorts of detail inside of it. [photo] I haven‘t seen these. That was on the hike, not even on the beach days. [photo] There‘s another one. It‘s almost like playing orb tennis. Look at the size of that one. So, it‘s not like it was a fluke, somebody got a few dots on the camera lens, I don‘t think so. There are so many of them. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 76 of 119
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Anymore worth a peek at, and then I‘ll get back on. So these are ―orb people‖ and the funny thing is when you project up to Median Earth, you look like one of those too. You won‘t once you get up there and fully materialize but when you project up you actually have your orb around and they would see your orb first. [photo] Oh, look at that one. Look at these, oh my goodness, I haven‘t seen these yet, these are gorgeous. [photo] Look at that one. Hi. [photo] I would love to have these analyzed with that spectral stuff they do where they can pull heat signatures apart. [photo] Oh that‘s gorgeous, look at that one. Sometimes you‘ll find them where you can actually see faces in them and stuff where it‘s actually transmitting an image of the face of the person if he unrobed or deorbed, they call it, that it would look like their face. Sometimes you‘ll find ones that have more than one being in them like orbs within orbs, that kind of thing. Thank you people, I don‘t know if any of you were here that sent in orb pictures but thank you for this. I haven‘t got even a chance to see them yet but this is neat and helps illustrate the point really well. Thank you for taking pictures of them and I thank the beloveds for having them come and visit. Thank you, people submitting orbs. (Applause) At least you know there are other people out there, especially in the UFO movement that get orb pictures but they don‘t know what they are. They actually don‘t, we were taught what they were. We were taught about the orbs before they came and we were amazed because they showed up in the pictures after we did a shadra that night out on the beach. It was like, oh cool, they came and then it was like, humm, we were going to do another shadra out there a couple of nights later, wonder if they will come again, and they had us call them and sure enough, we got more pictures. They did come again so it‘s like in direct response to what we have been teaching and they‘re even coming in in the colors that they said they would, the purplely blue ones and the green gold ones. OK, back to boring. My orbs just can‘t hold their own. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 77 of 119
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This went into analyzing each of the parts of a Ah-VA-Yas orb or elemental orb. There‘s three different parts of it and it has, literally, breaking it down into what part of it is ManU, what part of it is Kee, what‘s Chi, what‘s Prana. They have names for all the parts. They have quanta for all the parts. Different parts have different charges, all of that. We covered that a little bit better in, than I will tonight, in the St Kitts information because this was stuff that just came through there and when we‘re seeing them we are seeing a part of them. We‘re seeing the Ah-VE-Yas part which I believe is that part up there so it implies these other portions of it that are still in the other, wherever they‘re coming from. They‘re coming from Median Earth. The other part is still up there but the part we‘re seeing is interfacing and what they actually do, they‘re, the elemental ones are very significant in the process of slide because in the process of slide there‘s a thing that occurs and I won‘t read it because it takes bloody forever to read. Again, it is published in the Kitts thing, it‘s the 18 steps to slide. It talks about how, after going through all these activations of various different things if you don‘t watch, get the Kitts workshop it will take me another whole workshop just to explain them again, but, these guys actually swing down, when the orbs come in there are certain things that happen in your body and when your body gets to a certain level, your atoms, the part of your atoms that are made of Sha-LA‘-a light actually swing up in frequency and a part of these guys actually shift down in frequency, bond and shift, and this is like, say if you have 75%, 75% of your atomic structure would shift up into the next reality field and then to shift back down you would, these guys would release your atomic structure and bring it back down. So, it‘s a relationship, I described it much better, it‘s kind of complex, I described it much better in the Kitts workshop and there is, thanks for Tammy because I had it all, it was on a mylar, it was all hand written stuff in long hand because that‘s how it came through and we didn‘t have a lot of backup as far as photocopying and things there on mylars, but, Tammy typed it up so it is typed up in the chart pack that goes with it and it explains a bit about that process. It‘s definitely a workshop worth watching because it explains some of these processes even more clearly and I don‘t want to go into all of that tonight because if I do, well, first of all it‘s already been done in the Kitts workshop. Second of all we‘ll be here to like 8 o‘clock in the morning and some people have to leave at six and we want to get on with the big part of this workshop which are the Floating Buddha‘s, so this is just explaining some of the stuff and the right things. This is some of the stuff that is coming from those books we‘ll probably never fully write that have to do with the really hard core manifestation techniques, not techniques but processes that occur. So, anyway, when we see orbs we are seeing the elemental orbs, the little guys are those guys. When we‘re seeing the big ones we are seeing, just like when we go into orb our self, we are seeing people in orbs. They are orb people, they are persons that are alive from someplace else and they will, they can come for either good purposes or not good purposes so don‘t just, just because you have orbs don‘t immediately trust them Run your Krystal River or whatever and then see if they still come back. Next one please. We‘re getting there. This is just reminding us of the Shona fields. When we talk about the embedded Kathara grids that we The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 78 of 119
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had and we talked about this a long time ago, the Shona fields were shaped like what are called bucky balls which are Buckminster Fullerenes and it‘s carbon 60, C-60, like the C-60 atoms are shaped like that or something? So, it goes with the C-60 atom shape. They‘re actually using this structure to harness and mess with DNA and to capture things inside this configuration when they‘re doing genetics and stuff now. I‘ve been reading little bits of it in science magazines, for nano technology and those kind of things. The mess in our body systems that are caused by the mess in our fields that are caused by the messes in the planetary grids actually create these layers that some of them are in the body, some of them are around the body but they are literally elemental harnesses, and, look at that. They‘re shaped like pentagrams too. They‘re little pentagrams all put together and they would have the pentagram flows instead of the pentagonal flows. Next one please. These are also printed in the sliders 3 chart pack thing, handbook. This is just saying, I‘m not going to go heavily through this but I just want to point out because we went through it in more depth in sliders 3, but, the gene code of each human on earth fits in to one of the following 10 categories. The categories represent the GharE Sha-LA‘-a to Gharoche Shona ratio inherent to the particular gene code and thus the evolutionary potentials of the biology. Now there‘s one step that‘s even more difficult, once you see all these and get all that, there‘s, we have an epigenetic overlay and our regular DNA. You may have a different overlay, say if you were maybe your DNA was this but you had an overlay of that or vice versa or going down. There‘s several pages of this. We‘re starting at the top. These are the ones that have the ability, this is what it takes to get to M31 Urtha ascension to go directly up there. You would have 100% Sha-LA‘-a light to 0% Shona can Hub span ascend to M31. That means you can use the span gates to go through the Hubs all the way through and these are all the options, the evolutionary options you have and this is what Indigo 1 and 2 and Aquari Indigo walk ins can transfigure to become. Aquarian Aurora Kryst genes with hub span capabilities. These are the holders of Median Earth Aquafereion Host Shield so the ones who come through on Dhani and go into full Dhani activation levels, and it‘s a lot of DNA healing for most of us as far as light quotient healing and bringing our light up because we‘ve just got 75% where we‘re almost on this page. Not quite there yet. This we won‘t, I don‘t think we‘ll be able, some of us might be able to do it early but it‘s in 2047 when the MaShaYah level of the starfire cycle kicks in and I don‘t know if we can go into MaShaYah fold without the whole hosting planet set doing it so I have to find out about that, but, that‘s an 80%, minimum of 80% light quotient to 20% Shona and Indigo 1 Aquari Indigo walk in imprint, so it‘s the imprint that an Indigo 1 Aquari Indigo walk in would have. For me, for example, my body birthed in with a smaller incarnate of me in it and then we helped her to walk out so I could walk in, that‘s how Indigos get in body in the first place because they have too much frequency with them to come in to do fetal integration in a baby body here. We would blow the baby body‘s light body apart and kill it. So, anyway, these little things indicate what imprint, like whose got that type of imprint. It gets real interesting when we get down into the lower numbers. So, the Aquarian Aquafereion Kryst genes with major dominant Aquarian and minor Aquafereion coding can slide to ascend, now slide to ascend is translocation so they can do slide to ascend, translocation to Urtha to AshalA to Median Earth or they can, if they want to because you don‘t have to, there‘s no obligation to take your body with you and The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 79 of 119
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drag yourself through exercises and all of that but if you want to Bhardoah out and go out the old way, they can also Bhardoah out to AshalA 3 Median Earth or they can Bhardoah out if they wanted to go Sovereign fall cad earth because that is the other option that is coming out of this. It is still a Kryst option but most people, some people will actually decide even at this level or even at that level that they just want to go and help there and they‘re not afraid of space dust return and say, OK, I‘m going home either way. It‘s OK, and so there will be teams of people who decide to go there and stay there with them in the Kryst fall matrix because it could be for a long, long time but they will eventually loose the eternal life ability because things still die in that matrix. The bodies still die in that matrix and there are certain ways that they can move the consciousness on to another incarnational experience but eventually it will burn out so you end up with that getting stuck in space thing so most of the individual beings will die there just like they do here a lot sooner than, say, the solar system is going to die or anything like that. So it‘s a choice though, even ones that are going up, the Aquari Indigo MaShaYah spanners, they can span if they want. Now we get to the point where we can span. Span is the highest level where you can use those spanner gates, the ones shaped like figure 8‘s, the core gates. Then it comes back down into, OK, if you can‘t full span you can slide 1 or 2, that kind of thing. So, they can Bhardoah down here if they want to. These are the holders of earth Aquafereion Host shield. That‘s most of us down here, will span earth‘s Aquafereion Shield to Median Earth ascension in 2230 or before. It depends on who goes, nobody is obliged to stay until 2230 but some of us have to or at least train well another generation or two or three to be able to hold that commission. So, these are the basic, what their main job is in this current drama that these are the ones that are going to slide out, slide part of their shield out in 2230 that have these codings. They are the highest codings on planet right now as far as gene codes go, next one please, and, as far as light quotient distribution in gene codes. Now, went down from 80% Sha-LA‘-a to 78% Sha-LA‘-a. This is the Indigo 1 birth imprint and Indigo 2 Indigo walk in imprint and Indigo 1 Aquari human birth imprint and 2007 angelic human genetic upgrade, so, in 2007 the angelic humans on the planet, a portion of them got this as a genetic upgrade where they were brought up to the 78%, the positive means on the positive side. Positive vs. negative in the usual sense of that, not charge on this one. This is, is it a good thing or is it a not good thing so you‘ve got the 78% positive which is positive Sha-LA‘-a. These guys can translocation slide. Unless they get the next upgrade levels, because they can still upgrade into even going all the way up to Dhani with the host stuff, if they want to. If they don‘t host to upgrade to the Dhani‘s, the ones who can span, they can translocate slide but they can‘t go through the full spanner gates so they‘re not quite up enough to do a full span yet. They can do a partial span to Median Earth. They can slide to ascend to AshalA but it means they can‘t stay there yet. They have to come back to Median Earth until they get more light quotient so they can slide to ascend to AshalA, they can translocate but that‘s not transfiguring. They can‘t fully transfigure and you have to be able to transfigure to transmigrate which means not just go visit but move out and stay there, so they‘re still tethered a bit to Median Earth but they can get out of here. They can get out to Median Earth. If they want to they can Bhardoah out to AshalA Aquafereion ascension. They can Bhardoah out to Median Earth Aquafar‘E ascension. I The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 80 of 119
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spelled Aquafar‘E wrong there but, so, these are ones if they Bhardoah out, sometimes people will choose to, OK, I‘m just like going to let the body do what it does, keep it‘s light quotient up as high as I can but I‘d really like to try a different form and I‘d like to reincarnate or incarnate as my final body that I‘ll go through my final full MaShaYahonic fold and stuff with, I‘d rather have the body of an Aquafar‘E, lets say. Some people will come to that especially when they start to meet them and see the differences. Some people will choose to just take the energy back from this body and put it into a form that they find more enjoyable or attractive for their own purposes. So these are options where people can Bhardoah out if they want to and incarnate directly into one of the Guardian forms up in Median Earth. Now we get down here. Here‘s where we start having a problem, this biote thing. A biote is a person who had whatever gene code that started out relatively Kristic but it got a field attachment. These have been being raised on the planet, this process of invading this planet has been going on for a long, long time, since the Atlantean periods where there are generations, G1 means generation 1. This is the imprint that got hit with the biotes. That‘s where you have, say, there are several groups that do it but White dragons are one, Red dragon groups are another, where they would actually do field possession of a person who is a Krystic or partly falling but a still Krystic person. They had to have something to attach to. Now, we still have the ability to, at 75% light, to get that attachment and a lot of people are born with it because, this started a long time ago where actually most of us that got hit by these guys were hit back in Atlantean periods and it comes with you. It goes literally through the genetic structure, even when you change from, all right, well, you have a different parent line and family line in one life and then you have a new one in this one, it comes through on your own encryption so you literally end up with babies possessed in the womb and that kind of stuff. The biote is the first one where it got infiltrated and when you put two of those together you get what‘s called a mobiote which has, this one has 75% light to 25% dark light. This one takes it down to mobiote will be born with 60% light. It‘s losing Sha-LA‘-a and gaining Shona as it goes. Put two of these together and make a baby, you get a symbiote. They have raided here and there are millions of people that have this problem on the planet. The further it goes the more, what it‘s leading up to is finally, when we get down further on the next page, it leads up to a full on possession of what used to be a living being by things that are not even living anymore and they look, the ones mostly doing it are associated with the White dragons, mostly. Some of them are Red-White hybrid type things. They look like scorpions. They look like, they call them Scorpious. They have, they look like little tiny eggs and you can sometimes see them in people‘s fields if you do a certain level scan and, only if the person‘s fields actually want you to, if their higher self wants you to see them, so I don‘t want people going around saying, oh I see one, oh I see one. Let‘s grow up past that because too much of that has been going on in the last few years anyway. But, they just look like a little egg or something just attached to the spine somewhere in the midsection of the spine and when they activate, and they don‘t always activate. A person can have them for ages and ages and even the body dies for other reasons and it never activates, but, right now they are doing mass activations of them across the planet, the White dragons are, as the teams that they are going to get into, try to get into these bodies and run them around and make wars and stuff. It‘s invasion from The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 81 of 119
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within and, especially now that they can‘t get the gates open to bring the big ships in. Geez, but, what they do when they activate is they quite rapidly grow and they‘ll expand up and down from the point where they stuck on and the head will grow up until it grows and literally takes over the neuro networks in the brain and the tail simultaneously, the back and the tail stretch out and go down until that little scorpion thing on the end of the tail that does look like a scorpion that you see here will attach into the duct at the base and, at that point it kind of does have your body. You can try to do an extraction which doesn‘t always work and isn‘t always easy and usually there‘s more of them waiting to try to come right in anyway, but, it‘s a level of disgusting spirit body rape, actually, that takes over a physical body. So, these generations have also been born on the planet. They look human too and they started out at some percent human. Some of them are still 75% light but they‘ve got an attachment. If they get together with another one that has the same attachment or with one that has one of the higher level attachments, what they usually try to do is send in, if they‘ve got a biote they just snatched, got a hold of somebody, they‘ll try to hook it up with one higher level of saturation so it dominates the other one and it forces the activation faster and they‘ll try to make a baby with the highest coding possible. The highest is taking the worst of them and putting two of them together where you get a full high born low born one if you know what I mean where you get, and, they are actually creating those on the planet. They have been since Atlantis and now they are bringing them into activation so it‘s not particularly pleasant some of the things that are going on. We could leave that out of the Sunday school book, you know what I mean? And it‘s not meant to make us all paranoid where we‘re going around, are a biote, are you a mobiote? We‘ve got 75% light at this point regardless of what status we might have been in. It still means there could be an attachment there but if you continue to work with the techniques it will progressively make it, the biote thing attaching, unable to be in your body comfortably. Part of the reason I think I‘ve been half poisoning my body for the last 20 years is to keep it toxic enough that they didn‘t want to be in there either because we didn‘t have enough frequency running in the shields here to be able to stop them from doing something like that. So, at this point we do have the frequency and it‘s like, Ok, now I don‘t have to poison it with way too much nicotine and that stuff, but, in the old days we didn‘t have the frequency levels here. We bring it down this way, these guys, the Indigo twos, it was Indigo twos that actually got hit with this attachment level back in the Atlantean period so generations of them came up. So that was generation 1, then we had generation 1.5. It was kind of like in between these two and that was the mobiote. These guys still have the capacity to upgrade to that level of light and to progressively pull out of that situation and move higher with help and hosts, but, without a host they will have biological death with a Borgha White Dragon Procyac fall and possession. It will take possession of the body and the spirit will, if they want to keep the body, it will eventually be eaten alive because they actually use what‘s left of the GharE spirit and just use it as energy to fuel walking around in the body until it burns out the quantum so you kind of just get eaten and a part of your spirit body will always remain, it detaches at a certain point of saturation here so a part of your spirit will go home but a lot of your embodied spirit, your GharE, gets lost and that causes real karmic problems as far as getting stuck in the space time system where that‘s taking place. So, it is definitely worth doing upgrades and getting up as high as The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 82 of 119
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you can especially past this line. Now, Median Earth ascension path. They can still make it with the host. A lot of these can still make it with the host. They can upgrade up to the Indigo 2 imprint Median Earth slide ascension with Aquafereion host or they can Bhardoah out to Median Earth GaFa ascension which is another one of the races there with Aquafereion host, or they can Bhardoah out to Sovereign fall Cad earth with Albenyan host. But, without any of the host, either the Kryst host that‘s going up or the Albenyan host of the Kryst fall, without it they will be taken into, by the White dragons, into the procyac fall. Now, this one, Indigo 3‘s, this is the ones that tried to take on helping some of the other ones and then they turned on them and literally tried to snatch their bodies, so Indigo 3‘s came in, they were actually strong. Sometimes they had an Indigo 1 imprint but they took on something lower in order to try to bring it up but there was a number of years ago we said they‘re Indigo hunting, they‘re just trying to take out the Indigo 3‘s and claim the whole bunch of them and the Beloveds had to do things to intervene in a lot of that. Now, a lot of these also, the Indigo 3‘s, includes the part of them that was the part that was supposedly going to host with the one that is higher that actually brought the higher ones codes down to form an Indigo 3 and they were all upgraded to Indigo 2‘s when they started snatching the 3‘s but they would have with them ones, and you‘ll find them in places like this, world management team, lower management and officer cast earth illuminati groups so you find a lot of them in those saturations that have the Indigo 3 imprint. They have 50-50 and they have what would be a symbiote attachment and that‘s a generation 2 of these guys. They would be like the child of two of these guys put together, you end up with a symbiote. The Indigo 3 birth imprint, it can go up or down. Angelic human leviathan blended hybrid genes with equal parts angelic human leviathan 1 or 2 coding, ups have minor dominant angelic human and major recessive leviathan coding and can upgrade to Indigo 2 imprint with Aquafereion host so that is what our Indigo 3‘s did, they upgraded with the Aquafereion host so they were the ones coming in with, it‘s kind of like a high Indigo 3. They can upgrade to Indigo 2 Median Earth slide ascension so they can still do slide ascension if they do the upgrade. They did get the upgrade, the Beloveds sent it through the shields so it would upgrade all of them so it wouldn‘t be dragged down by the other thing. They can also Bhardoah out to sovereign fall cad earth if they want to but without a host, again, they will be taken by the Procyac, the White dragons. All right, next one please, we‘re almost done with these. Question: can‘t hear it….. Ash: There probably is but right now the best thing, Hez was asking is there anything someone can do in the early stages of these attachments before they start growing. The answer is yes but I don‘t know if it can be done from here or under the level of power that we have available right now because we‘ve been basically told, hands off in most cases because it can come back at you and can get into your field so it‘s not something you want to really try to mess with but now, and I think this is probably another reason they‘re expediting them. If they waited four more years there would probably be not much left that didn‘t have some of these attachments in them, to do these activations. They‘re bringing The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 83 of 119
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in the healers. When we do the healing stuff tonight, these are the guys you would work with to do that. When you have your team and two of them are healers, they would be able to take that stuff on and you could be near the person but don‘t do anything yourself to go after them, this is just what I‘m getting now in answer to that question, and you just bring them in and just be near the person and let them do their thing and if there‘s anything that can be done, they will help do it. But, the best thing is to keep yourself clear and to teach somebody how to do it if they would bother learning how to do the techniques we‘re going to learn tonight. So, that would be the best thing to have people learn how to do it so they can keep that stuff off them themselves. This is where we‘re going even further down. You have now the negative Indigo 3. This is like the lower Indigo 3, the lower end of the 50. It‘s again a symbiote. These can Bhardoah out to sovereign fall cad earth but they‘re not getting, they won‘t be able to make it out on a slide, or they can Bardoah out to Median Earth too, a Gafa ascension which is different than an Aquafar‘E, it‘s a different race line there. But, again, without a host they‘re going down procyac. Now, we find these world management team, lower management still are at the illuminati groups. We get down to here you‘ve got 25% Sha-LA‘-a, 75% Shona light and some of them are literally born with this imprint. Probiotes, they‘re called probiotes, the ones born with that imprint. They‘re leviathan 2 birth imprint, have dominant leviathan 1 green and red dragon plus angelic human hybrid genes with minor recessive angelic human coding will suffer Procyac downward pull but can hold at sovereign fall cad earth with Kryst fall Albenyan host, can Bardoah out to sovereign fall cad earth which means they‘re not going to be able to do a slide. They will not be able to reach enough level of transfiguration of the atomic structure to be able to take the bodies out with them but as long as they Bardoah our properly and once the body dies and goes through it‘s usual mana depletion that causes death, as long as it is cremated it will be able to separate the stuff off it that doesn‘t belong there so it can at least do part of what it is. But, cremation is extremely important because without it a part of your quantum gets trapped in the body and you are tethered and your spirit body is tethered to the space time location from which you left a body and when that happens you loose quantum in your fields so you have to reincarnate into that same space time vector so reincarnation is not a natural state where you‘re going circling, circling, circling until you don‘t have any of your quantum left. That‘s what happens when people are repeatedly being buried. I know there‘s a lot of people because of the religions that bury their dead and that‘s the way it is and you‘re not about to tell your elders and stuff, oh you‘ve got to be cremated and stuff because a lot of them don‘t want to hear it. There are certain rites that can be done and eventually we‘re going to be given the Bardoah rites that you can actually help extract the GharE because the GharE gets stuck in the body so you‘ve lost part of your spirit body quantum so there‘s a way to separate the GharE and then to, it‘s quite complicated for the ones who have been buried, honestly. It‘s something that we would first be taught how to do it right in the first place, it‘s like the natural Bardoah rights, but for the interventions that have to be done. They are being done on a mass level on this planet. They‘re being run through the Ashalum temples of AshalA because there are mass levels. People have been burying things here for ages and ages so they‘re doing mass levels of GharE The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 84 of 119
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release and it‘s a specialization you can actually take as far as how to deal with it once you get up there but I don‘t know if they‘re ever going to bring that level teaching down here because it‘s really complicated as far as energy systems, knowing what to do, timing because you have to go across time zones and stuff like that because it‘s usually not just one body. If you had one body, it died, got buried in this time frame, then you incarnated here and that one dies, you‘ve got series of them upon series so it‘s a bit of a complicated thing. Anyway, we‘re back to here. Here is the Borgha White dragon procyac fall path. These are the ones that were born with 75% to 100% Shona quotient, minimum, very tiny bit so they are like another form of probiotes but they have no interest in hosting. They are orchestrating the Borgha White dragon Procyac fall. These are the leviathan ones. This includes primary elite executive members of the world management team earth illuminati groups and procyac galactic management team lower rank foot soldiers and then these other guys, they‘re literally, they have zero Sha-LA‘-a quotient and it‘s all Shona light field. They‘re called the meziote and I always get like meziote and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy, so, I don‘t know why. And then these are called the Abadon. These are the prime orchestrators of the forced fall. The elite executive members of the ET Procyac galactic management team and the special opps ET hybrid assassination units of earth illuminati groups and they are orchestrating the fall, there‘s no interest in the Kryst host. They will become extinct with their loyals through self created black hole space dust return in the future but quite a ways in the future probably. So, these are the ones, and they‘re on planet with us too. They‘re walking around in human forms. This is what you have walking around in human form. That whole spread of different types of people and we all fit in that spread somewhere and we have no idea in what way because we don‘t remember. What‘s sad about, when you have the Shona part, a strong Shona part but you still have the Sha-LA‘-a part you have the innocent 3D personality self and then you have this other thing that moves them and freaks them out and manipulates them and sometimes they‘re bad and don‘t remember, wipes the memory where it‘s like somebody running around in your body doing something nasty and then you don‘t even have the right to remember but people are upset. You go, what are you upset about. Oh, never mind, you just killed four people. It‘s not quite that obvious usually but that‘s the type of thing that you have with that so, fortunately, with the activations and the healings that we are moving into now it will block a lot of that. It will give us the 75% base regardless of where we came from to work with from there and then we will progressively be given more technique to bring that up even higher so we‘re out of the range where they can‘t attach any more so that‘s what we‘re working toward. Next one please. This is the mess that we‘re clearing from our bio-fields. We started doing this in sliders 1. We cleared the caduceus mess that is twisted, it is our 11 and 12 axitonal lines that have actually been twisted into the caduceus snake configuration and we have this poison apple field around us. It creates this nasty harness, electromagnetic harness around our bodies which blocks, of course, the natural processes and you would actually put a bucky ball around that, that bucky ball Shona field shape that actually The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 85 of 119
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twists the way that the atoms form and the sparks form and it blocks the natural structure of the Ah-JA acoustic body. So, we have been clearing all of this. We cleared this in the shields in the sliders 1 techniques did this part. All right, next one please. This is also part of that. It creates this, instead of having one just nice Aah-JhA‘ Body field it splits the light body field and it aligns the portions of the pentagonal flows, it pulls them in to what is a pentagon flow, one going with the point up but the other upside down and it phase locks them into a vesica pisces lock and this is where it blocks the currents of the spirit body from coming into manifestation and it just regurgitates and re-circulates the light body, part of the light body is turned in reverse so you have something with the opposite polarities so they can bond and they can make sparks and they make artificial sparks, it makes those artificial Shona light fields that only have two units with them instead of three units. So, we are clearing this too. This stuff, it was, the techniques from slide 1 also pulled these back together, undid this mess so they would come back together into the natural light body and Aah-JhA‘ Body structures. Next one please. We‘re getting there. I‘m not going to get into that. That was just showing it actually twists us up in relation to our transcendental passage actually. It turns us around where we‘re actually pointed in the wrong direction so all these things are getting undone. This is the stuff that we have progressively been healing in the sliders classes. The next one please. This one, did we do this in slide 2? Yea, after slide 2 class activations we had before, and everybody was born with the imprint before and you see it in the Kathara grids, I mean in the Kathara manual, the Kathara grids where you have this shape that comes down, the primal life force currents run this way. There is a twist missing because the monadic core was twisted and fallen so you didn‘t have this current coming over and this, which actually reverses the currents that go through the head and the eyes and the brain and all of that kind of thing. No wonder we‘re getting dyslexic because when we do the activations it‘s turning these back on and clearing out this so it‘s clearing the monad so it‘s not reversed anymore so we get the natural flows back on so it‘s re-circuiting literally the energy flows that are going through the eyes and the brain and the whole bit so that‘s why we‘re, where dyslexia is coming in from a bit of this so people that have dyslexia, if they‘re just like sometimes kids are born with that and all of that kind of thing, it has to do with their Sha-LA‘-a quotient. Obviously they have some Sha-LA‘-a quotient in there because they are anchoring both of the frequencies from the planetary grids. The ones that would just keep them nice and focused and not have that problem, that would mean they were all Shona because this configuration where you couldn‘t do the cross over was a Shona configuration. This is the result of the healing the bodies enough where there‘s some Sha-LA‘-a coming in. So, dyslexia appears, and dyspraxia and all those with the left-right reversal problems especially associated with the eyes, they do indicate that there‘s potential there for that person to be able to slide or at least to Bardoah ascension out. So, they look like diseases but they‘re actually gifts in disguise in a certain way. Next one please. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 86 of 119
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That creates these type of currents once it‘s fixed it creates these type of currents flowing through and around the body so it‘s just, and this is just showing in a thin way without the Kathara grid how it‘s running through the body and these connect into working with the axitonal lines. It opens up the axiatonal line flows instead of have them constricted at all the points and those kind of things. Next one please. Oh boy, yea, this is a very quickly done rough close up of, if we looked at, could we bring that one back for a minute, way back in the beginning. It‘s the one where it shows the embedded, I forget what it‘s even called. It‘s the big one that shows the density levels of the, and the chambers of the transcendental passage. Where did that go. I thought it was in there. Yea, that one. This is a close up of the overlaps but done really quick without having time for templates just get it down. Yea, put that up first. This is just showing certain cross over bands of this one, where these things connect and you have one, like your incarnate, full incarnate Buddha level at density one and then you have your full soul level density 2 which would be 12 incarnates, 12 of those. It‘s showing that there are areas in each of the Ah-JA bodies that will light up what they call the Aqualene sun bands and it is showing their overlap. So you have some that go with this that go this way and then some that come from here and others that come from here and it‘s showing the overlaps in between them, but like a close up if you looked at them consolidated. If you put that one back on, so here I believe, if I could read my writing it would be helpful. Here you would have your I believe density one self. Oh, it is showing the AshalA level. All right, I think that‘s your Buddha one and that‘s your Buddha two level. It‘s also showing it in relation to Median Earth so our Buddha ones will take us where we can go net earth Median Earth. When we get to our Buddha two levels I believe it‘s off into the AshalA lands, so these bands would correspond with AshalA because you can also understand the structure of, can we put the other back again for a minute? You can use this to understand a little bit about the plane structure interface between Median Earth and AshalA, between net earth, Median Earth and AshalA if phantom earth would be here and this, if you‘re looking at it on a planetary level as far as the planet‘s spirit body and so the personal one, you would have earth here as a probable earth. This would be the whole earth, the whole Amenti earth encryption. That would be the Median Earth, the original Amenti earth encryption, the Buddha earth, Buddha level one earth. Then you would go up here. AshalA corresponds to, that was our host star, corresponds to the density two level so when we activate each of our levels in ourselves it‘s bringing us, it opens the transcendental passage, brings those currents into circulation progressively allows us to go in to those corresponding reality fields. And, the next one up would be, if this is AshalA, the next one up would be up here and that‘s the one we‘re opening this time and that would take us up to Sha-LA‘-a and that‘s interesting because that‘s the one that‘s actually made out of Eiradonis energy which is ethos energy and it‘s the sparkly energy. We‘ll find out about the sparkle people that are one of the healers that are coming from Sha-LA‘-a and they open, they would have to open this for them to be able to come in so that‘s why we‘re opening this one this time. So, these are showing the structure of, not only how we fit our, our density levels fit within each other but also how the relationship of the frequencies fit within the planes of earth to net earth and all of that. So you would have down here, this would actually be split. Part of this would be caduceus and then The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 87 of 119
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you would have one more down here that would be phantom because literally that spirit body was split into all of those pieces. So, anyway, next one besides those two. All right, I‘ll put that one back just for a minute. So, it‘s just showing where certain, oops, that‘s a different one. The previous next one, yea, before I go there. So this is just showing what bands in between there, there are bands called Aqualene sun bands that literally activate with the living water frequencies, the hydrolase frequencies as we progress through these activations and this leads to something called turning on the unigenetic underlay which is like a web work of cellular communication lines that cross through and in the physical body structure. Next one please, we‘ll get to those in a minute. It corresponds with too, when we talked about in tribes way back where there‘s a particular line that flashes blue on occasion around the iris between the iris and the whites when the things start to activate and this is something that would actually happen. There would be that aqua flash before somebody kind of disappeared and went through a slide gate and turned up on the other side. So these are, we‘ve talked about these before. Those bands in the hydro acoustic body levels and the spirit body levels correspond to with this band in the eyes flashing. Next one. And all of that corresponds with the active, full activation of the Krystar vehicle and the Krystar vehicle once it‘s fully activated can levitate. Part of an actual Krystar vehicle structure is being able to do what is called the ShaDA shield and that is the new information that we‘ve learned about and that‘s what we‘re going to go into in a minute now. OK, next one please, I just want to show the, this one I think. I‘m not even going into those, no. They‘re all published in the other thing. They can be read. It will take me three hours just to read them and explain them. There we go. This is just to give you an idea of what the unigenetic underlay is like. Once a certain level of these activations takes place in the body it actually turns on through the axitonal lines and meridian lines. They actually join so they‘re not just separated electrical meridians and magnetic axiatonals. Magnetic axiatonals are actually running spirit body frequency and the meridian lines are actually running light body frequency so when we do the activations that we‘ve been participating in and the ones from the last workshop are the ones that do this, this will trigger when we do these because you didn‘t go through this process yet. The process of this activating. We had one of the Shadra shields out on the beach that actually it activated during while we were in the Kitts workshop. But it actually allows the light flows of the meridians and… [Track 12] ….Aquarian activates here in the Karanadis Seal and it‘s the first eternal life atom from Median Earth so it‘s actually an atom from Median Earth, from your own level of Median Earth actually activates within your Karanadis, within your Karanadis Seal and there‘s lots of things this had to do with the technicals that we talked about. The slide 3 workshops from Kitts did cover this well and that‘s the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 88 of 119
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information I was embedded in at the time so I was able to come out with more of the detail. At this point I don‘t want to forget the stuff I have to go into that has to do with our activations but I do recommend listening to the lectures from there because they, the flow was really good as far as that wave coming in with this information. But all these things are connected in this. You‘re going to get your space suit activated tonight, it will begin the process of that activation. Doing the exercises allows for the axiatonal lines and the meridians to stretch enough to run enough energy to be able to sustain this, to keep that conduit open so it is assisting. That‘s why they brought the physical fitness programs out with it too and they‘re just beginning those. We at least got the pictures and like we demonstrated them but we don‘t even have them all written out yet like an exercise book. That will take bloody forever. I don‘t know if I‘ll ever get to that point. But, anyway, at least there‘s enough there that it can be used. You know what I mean, you can see basically what it is and you can listen or watch the DVD and do the exercises with it so you know what they are. All of that sustains the ability of the axitonal lines and the physical body itself, the atomic structure to be able to hold the level of activations we‘re going into now and without those activations you will not slide a body out of here. So, we‘re literally being taught, I mean, a slider is a space time traveler kind of like the Doctor Who types and, you know, there is, seriously, so we are literally getting the training to be able to do that and how to heal our bodies so we can. Next one please. Yea, I want to put that up just for a minute. Which one is that? OK, you know what? Put the other one up first please and then we‘ll go back to that when we come back. I just want to show you this. We‘re going to take a 10 minute break here, 10-15, then we‘re going to go back and this is the end part of where we get in to understanding the Buddha bits and going into the technique so we‘re still functional and awake. This is the chart, you‘ve got a copy of this but this is showing you where they‘re from, I‘m just going to cover this one briefly, where they‘re from and you‘ll have one of these, one of these, one of these, one of these, one of these, and one of these in your team, all right? Six of them will come in. You will be the 7th floating Buddha where you learn to project and work in certain configuration with them. The one thing I just wanted to point out was this part right here because I want to leave them with this thought right here. Some of them show how tall they are, some of these guys are huge by the way. The Aqui healers, 72 to 216 feet tall. Average height 144 feet, approximately a 16 story building if you say 9 feet per floor it comes out to about like that. These guys are big. Not all of them are huge but those guys are huge. Down here, and they also have some of them on Median Earth as well. Some of them came from there and were seeded down there as the Krystic High Councils just to hold. They‘re known as the radiant giants, I think they‘re called, because they are giants compared to us. When we go over there we‘re going to still be whatever height we are pretty much right now until we continue growing. This is really funny, yea, exactly. Tinkerbell, somebody just said, yea, we‘re going to be tinkerbells even if we take these bodies through. What‘s nice to know though is the Aquafar‘E up there, and if we go up there to see them they are 3 to 8 feet tall like us so they‘re going to be our size. When they‘re down here they appear 3 to 12 inches like little tinks, like little tinkerbells but, so you‘ve got all of us, all right, we‘re all The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 89 of 119
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the same size there, great. Then we come to our ZionA. These are what, 6 to 18 feet tall, average 12, OK, you‘ve got a little bit bigger ones than us. Then we‘ve got these guys, the Aqui that are up there. These are 72 to 216 feet tall. What‘s funny is the trees, the trees tend to, the tree folk, and they were telling me stuff before I couldn‘t figure out, they tend to grow 12, 24 or 48 times the size of the largest Guardian race that is on the planet. Tallest tree folk are 864 to 10, 368 feet tall. Try climbing that one, whoa! So, we‘re going to go there. When we finally get into slide we get to be the fairies because everything is huge. Also, if everything is huge that implies certain things about the environment, the Gforce, the whole bit. It will feel lighter. We will not have this heavy heaviness in our bodies. It will feel, if the environment can sustain the trees and those type of life forms, we will feel very, very light in that environment, so we will probably be able to do things quite easily like what we‘re learning to do, levitate and fly without wings and that kind of stuff. I was so excited when I realized this. We are literally going to slide through and we are going to be in the fairy kingdoms. We are going to be the fairy kingdoms where there‘s a whole, and, but here there‘s fairies here too and these guys that are here I think they are 3 to 8 inches tall and they are here, here they are that tall and there they would be microscopic, if they slid up. So, we‘re going to appear as the elemental fairies. They have a very special job and that‘s even without birthing into the Aquafereion, I mean the Aquafar‘E. You can do it through Bhardoahing out and birthing in to them, reincarnating into them, or you can just bring your body through because you‘re going to end up in the same levels of evolution there anyway. But they have very special entrustments there. They are the telluric elemental command force that means the D2 level controlling the elemental climates there and they work under the guidance of the higher level ones, these guys up here, but they are the elemental command for Median Earth as well, and so are our fairies down here. Our little guys, they work for the ones for down here but some of them fell into caduceus and stuff and got really twisted so you have some really twisted fairy folk down here too. So, I was excited about the fact that, oh my god, we‘re going to get up there and there will be small trees too but they‘ll be like, kind of like dust on the sidewalk to the big guys who won‘t even see it and I just wonder if they step carefully and I hope they do. I‘m sure they had that worked out as far as, you know, you don‘t step on, don‘t step on the faries or something. But I had no idea of this, they started this right after the workshop last night. They had me up until I think it was about 7-1:30ish and writing this down, scribbling this down on paper so I had to put this together today. We also have the calling cards which are the elemental calling tones for each of those and there‘s going to be a way you‘ll see to use that when we get back. The only ones we don‘t have are for the earth fairies yet because there‘s a bunch of them because in the fairy lines there are whole bunches of different types because they‘ve been hybridized. We‘ll get into who exactly they are but these are ones that are helpers and playmates as well as telluric command, they are telluric command. They‘ll play with you, they‘ll just like, you know, the ones from here will like fly around your head and that kind of stuff and eventually let you see them and I know you can, some people can get photographs of them in their form. They‘ve very hominid looking, the ones I‘ve seen in the photos of but the ones down here. I don‘t know if the other guys let you take their pictures up there but the ones I saw here were naked. They were like little naked men and women and leaves that were huge that you could, either somebody The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 90 of 119
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did some really weird photo shop there or, and I knew the lady and she wouldn‘t lie to me about it so she actually had taken them, they were here. So, it‘s going to be fun. We‘re going to learn how to play with the fairies, I think that‘s going to happen in Ireland, I don‘t know why but there‘s, because they‘re still very active over there, right, when we go do the Ireland thing. Maybe a little bit more tomorrow, not tomorrow, in the next workshop I mean. But, anyway, we‘ll go through this a little bit more when we come back and then we‘ll go right in to the techniques and hopefully it will, you will enjoy these techniques and the fact that you can take them home, that you can take this experience home with you and the more you practice it, the more you‘ll actually get those energies into that space, into that Buddha space and that is the space where you can begin to make contact directly with your team and where, eventually, you will go into in order to slide. It‘s like going into orb. You‘re actually activating your orb around you and it doesn‘t matter if people are in your orb, they actually won‘t register in your orb. It‘s a space that omits anything that‘s not in your signature so it‘s just you and the inside of your orb and, even from outside, if you see orbs around everybody they would all be interfacing through each other, it blocks that from your own space because it‘s only your encryption that can see inside of it and it becomes a sanctuary that you can bring other people into. You can work with your team to bring them into it, you can also bring people in if you are having conflict with someone, try to reach them, hail them on a higher level, hold the image of them there and try to get them to come in and talk to you and they can‘t hurt you inside your orb because your Krystar vehicle is activated inside that. So, anyway, we‘re going to be getting into the techniques when we get back which will be 15 minutes. Do a 15 minute break and then we‘re in for the wrap up. Thank you. Applause. [Audio Track 13] A‘sha: When you get the final handouts you will get four pages that are stapled together, three of which have numbers 1, 2 and 3, the last of which in the stapled pack does not have a number. The one that does not have a number in the back of your stapled pack actually goes with the ones you got earlier, the Chronology. The single paper you will also get with the pack that‘s being handed out now, that is page 4 that goes with the set you have, and these are the Techniques. And also, this chart, because this chart gives you something that you need for the Techniques. It gives you over here, the Elemental Calling Tones. For now you get one person from each of the six. You don‘t get one of these yet…these we‘re going to meet in Ireland I believe. But, there are 6 different Race Groups here. The Chart tells you where they‘re from and a bit about them and kind of what they look like and that kind of stuff. And some of them have actually descriptions of the color Orbs they come in on. But, most important, they have those little Call Names. And when you use the Techniques, when you‘re at home, you will use the Call Names. If you just want to, say you want to talk to your one that is a ZionA, you would use a certain practice that‘s in the techniques there, and use the KA‟-Vo Calling one, right, to bring in the ZionA one. If you want to bring in the Aquafar‟E, you use the SEA‟-Ta Name as the Calling Tones. So that‘s why I gave you this Chart, but also because it‘s interesting. It tells you some basic facts about who your team members are when you‘re working with them. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 91 of 119
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Participants: Thank you Ash. A‘sha: You‘re welcome. Participant: Asks a quiet question – if the word Zion here is the same as the ZionA. A‘sha: It‘s probably connected, but I have no idea. They haven‘t talked about that connection yet so…(A‘zha speaks something low). I don‘t know. The Seal of Zion? (A‘zha speaking low). Is that…I don‘t even remember what that is if we‘ve talked about it. We‘ve talked about that before though, in I think, in a way. (A‘zha speaking low). Well, I know the word ‗Zion‘ gets abused a lot down here too, so I don‘t know yet about that. Ok, when you see the technique ones, and the reason it was important to get these techniques…the reason it was important to get you the paper copy of these is so you could run them at home. And the first part of Part 1 is all about…can we put this one up? Honey, can you find the Mylar that‘s that one? This would be…if we look at page 3 in that stapled pack you just got you will see that there‘s a bunch of…there‘s a thing called “The Calling Command,” “The Raising Command” and “The Union Command.” So it was important that you had those Commands because they are literally, the words, they are like a hybrid Anuhazi-Aquareion Language. And they are the Commands you have to use in the way it‘s described in the technique. We will go over the techniques before we do them. The first part is quite easy, when you get to the first page that you have in your handouts there, all right. So these Commands we will get to and we will use them. They go with Part 1 of what is called, “The Floating Buddhas Rite.” And they call them ―Floating Buddhas‖ because what you have first are the Team comes in, in Orb around you on the floor and they create a Shield around you literally, a Shield, by running energy through their Karanadis Seals. And then that Shield…(2 second skip/ silence, no words), which means they pop out of their Orb form and they go into their bipedal form. Now, the ones that are huge like the…the guys that are huge are the A‟quai Healers, right. They will proportion the amount of energy in their, because they‘re bi-locating down here, in the amount of energy they send so they can fit comfortably into this space. So they will proportion their form. They won‘t be 216 feet tall when they come in right (Laughs), because we would be like at their toes. I think what I would like to do first, then we will go through these and then Az will read you through the actual techniques. When we get through first the description of them, as I speak about them a little bit more, and then a couple other things before we go into the actual technique part. Then, at the end of it, we will go into the live parts. And the live parts, you don‘t have those here because they‘re going to come through live, but they have to do with the, once you‘re in the Buddha Space, which Technique 1, the first technique, Part 1 and 2, that will get you into the Buddha Space, working with your Team. Then the second one is meeting them, meeting the Healers, where they‘re going to actually in that space, come in and de-Orb and literally do like a Kathara Session on you. And then, and we‘re having a problem as far as ―lay down space‖ because there‘s a number of people that said they can‘t find any place to lay down in the room, so I‘m wondering if the Beloveds are just going to adjust this. I think they can do the same thing without it being ―laying down,‖ but it‘ll be a little tricky because you have to have one down in the floor under your bottom, right (Laughs). I‘m going to see if they will make an adjustment for that so we don‘t have to do the lay down part here. But I think you still do because you have…it‘s important at least in Part 2 of the first technique because we have to lay down to align with the Transcendental Passage because that Passage stays put and when we‘re vertical it‘s coming out our backs. But when we lay down our head aligns with it. So literally our Central Vertical The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 92 of 119
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Column aligns directly with the Transcendental Passage. So, if we can, for people who do have a spot just try to make a bit of space around you. If I realized it was going to be…we‘ve had people on the floor before with big ones like this in here and it never…it‘s like you multiplied or the room shrunk, I‘m not sure which (Laughs). Because usually…what? Yes. Good, very good idea. Yes, we can do it with knees bent, which will make quite a bit of space going back this way, so it might be able to get another row in either the front or the back. You can do it with your knees bent so you don‘t have to take up full length. When you do these at home ideally, you would do it where you have space to lay out completely flat. I want to look at the descriptions now. So we‘ll be using these, and I wanted you to have the handouts before because it might be easier for you to look at your paper at the time, to use these so you can read it right off your paper when the time comes. But, first I want to look back at the chart, which is the Chart on page 2 I believe. Could you put that one up honey, please? [Graph/ Mylar] “The Floating Buddhas Elemental Command Cloisters Sliders Team” – this one. Ok, this is the ―getting to know you section‖…(Ash sings this line) all right, oy! So here you go. We‘ve got our Bhendi Aquari Trainers. Now, we have quite a bit more information in the Krystal River Prayer itself. It explains a bit about who the Bhendis are because there‘s several different race lines of them. We‘ve got these guys—the blue, Aquatic, Hominids, the Bipedal Winged Lions, the White Hominid, Humanid…they call them ―Humanid,‖ not ―Hominid‖ and not ―Humanoid.‖ They like the word ―Humanid‖ all right. Genies, plus a lot of other different types. So your Bhendi Aquari may be a completely different form than any we‘ve talked about. Some of them are pretty straight forward forms, like Aquafereion. These are the Greeters we met and these are from the Tribes Classes, the early Tribes Journeys. These are all the way up in M31 Andromeda Galaxy and we interface with them and they with us through the Aurora Platforms that run through Earth‘s atmosphere, etcetera. They are the ones that run and are the Attendants of the Adashi Temples. They are Adashi Adepts, all right. And they are, who they are, are the children of the Aquareion from the Aquareion Matrix. That was when we did the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates. It‘s literally over in that other Eckasha-A, from us. It‘s near us but it‘s in the Adjacent Eckasha-A. All right, and they were the ones that started, these guys were the ones that started the Krystal River Host ages and ages ago when the Bourgha began falling and that kind of stuff. So they are the children of the Aquareion from the Aquareion Matrix and they are on, in our M31 Andromeda Galaxy, which is the Aquinos Galaxy, which is the original one our Milky Way was part of and fell out of because of its black hole problems. All right, so these guys are technical teaching specialists and trainers. There are four genders of them. Now most of these, for most of these you won‘t find genders. Four genders has to do with this, all right, four potential genders. One is Androgynous where it has male and female combined, right, like a Hermaphrodite, where you‘ve got parts of both, right. Then you have a male, a female…in whatever that means there. That doesn‘t necessarily mean that apparatus looks the same as ours does. It may be very different. It may be more just internal. Sometimes it‘s just the configuration of the energy systems or its relationship to reproduction and that kind of stuff. So just because we have females that look like that and males that look like that, it may be a different type of organ structure, just like their digestive systems would be very different because they‘re Breatharians, right. So they don‘t have to eat things anymore, all right. And the other one is a Eunuch, which is no gender; it‘s A-sexual. It has no sexual parts as far as that, and it doesn‘t do The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 93 of 119
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reproduction but it can do Budding, which means it can create spawn, but literally just of itself and manifest offspring without any eggs, sperms, anything coming together or having to do anything like that. So they are self-reproducing. So not all race lines have the four genders, but some of them do. These guys do have four genders. Mostly what they will do are, with us, sometimes if one of them happens to know you and it does have one of the polarized gender affiliations, male, female or even androgynous, they might send one that‘s more female or more male. But what they are trying to do is if your record shows that some of their Eunuchs or Androg ones know you…because it completely takes any fear of the sexuality thing out, right. Because what none of these will ever do is want to have, well, copulate with you. They can, sometimes they will hold you or touch you in comfort, but it is not about a sexual exchange. And there are other things that would try to come in and would actually do that with you in the Astral and that kind of stuff, they try to have Astral Sex. I mean there‘s people that give workshops about how to have Astral Sex with lizards, yeah. It‘s like, ―I think I‘ll pass on that one, thank you,‖ right. Yeah. So they won‘t bring that into the picture. They can help with sexual healing, as far as helping heal the things that might be causing issues there in your own personal life here, but they won‘t do it by attempting or trying to get you to have sexuality with them, and that is a protection thing. Once we get out of this place and into Slide where we are Trans-Locating into somewhere else, there will be plenty of chances for new forms of relationships, all sorts. I means sometimes, once our race lines get out and we are say on Median Earth, then we will begin to be mingling with the locals and there will at times be marriages between us and them and those kind of things. And we will probably end up, some of us in the future, having a new race line that was born from our combination say with the Aquafar‘E, because right now I think they‘re the only ones that are anywhere near our size, right (Laughs). I mean sometimes size matters, I‘m sorry (Laughs). God. You know, when you‘re dealing with the A‘quai, size definitely matters (Laughs all around). Yeah, and even these guys, the short ones are 8 feet tall and they go to about 18 feet tall, but the average is about 12. That‘s still pretty disproportionate as far as having any kind of relationship like that. They‘d be more likely to carry us around like a kid on their shoulders and that kind of thing. Yeah. There‘s something that‘s really fun about the idea of being the little ones, where actually the gravity won‘t be as strong on us up there. You know, if it‘s gravity enough to keep them on the ground, that‘s going to affect us differently. We are going to be much, much lighter and we‘re probably going to be able to levitate much more easily there than we could here too. So, it‘s going to be neat. Imagine where you‘re walking under like an equivalent of a dandelion and it‘s massive, where you hide under a toadstool when it rains kind of thing, like you see in the little fairy pictures. We‘ll have a chance to be in that…I keep getting this little flash, what was it, the Lord of the Rings movie that had the fairy kingdoms? And they were beautiful right, I mean elaborate and gorgeous, not like just living under leaves type stuff. You know, they had beautiful structures, they had beautiful homes that they created and palaces and things. The cultures are more like that, all right, with the Aquafar‘E. They are just…they‘re more advanced than our Human cultures are here and they have architecture and they have arts and dance, and all of that kind of stuff. So they are very developed cultures. They are not just like little fairies that hang out with plants and wear loincloths or anything, right. There are some I think that are like that, but it‘s because they choose to be, but there are ones that are quite sophisticated in culture much more so than we are. Ok, so we‘ll be calling one of each of these in as our Team Member. It will be the same one, the one that you meet now, and if you already have a Bhendi that will be the same Bhendi that you have been dealing with since you started doing the Journeys in 2007, the Journeys to the Adashi Temples; same with the Aquafereion Greeter. If…I know in that one they had said if you felt uncomfortable with either one of those at that time you could ask for a change in the Journeys, in the first Journeys they were doing to the Adashis. You can still do that if you want to, but the original ones are going to come in if you haven‘t asked already. So it‘s kind of like, they‘ll offer a change for that if you want a change from these. 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If you‘ve met them and you‘re starting to have communication, you just don‘t particularly like them or something like that, they will do a substitute. But, do it now and they‘ll send in a substitute, and these guys…because whatever‘s coming in, it‘s locking in as your Team. So if you don‘t like the other ones…I mean you‘re taking a chance, ―Oh, maybe I won‘t like these, maybe I won‘t like these even less.‖ You can switch back to the other ones if you like these less, but that‘s as far as it goes (Laughs). Because this is a big orchestration they‘re trying to do, I mean, see how complicated it is trying to get this many people to have space to lay down in a room? Imagine assigning all of these guys right, to Teams that are going to last for 20, 30, maybe 40, 50 years? And then, that‘s to get you there. Then there‘s going to be Teams that are assigned to the ones that are staying all the way for the 222 years that are left. So this is a big orchestration happening up there, as far as assigning us each…, for every one of us there are 6 of them committing to this. And that‘s just a lot of orchestration, so it‘s like if everybody starts changing, ―No, I don‘t like them,‖ ―Can I try another one,‖ ―Can I try another one‖…it‘s going to make them nuts. So, they‘ll lock into the Shield tonight. If you decide…you get about, what did they say…ok, they said you get about a month, 4-weeks, to decide whether you want to keep the new ones or go back to the old ones, because you already have the signature with you of the old ones so they can still switch out. But after that just let it be and deal with them and talk to one of the other ones you like better, you know what I mean (Laughs). They will still do everything they can do to help you. Sometimes the frequency is so high and the difference in the consciousness is so high where it almost feels like really strange because they‘re not like hyperactive emotionally like humans tend to be down here. They‘re still emotional, but it‘s very peaceful and very broad emotion. And you know, you can tell them, ―I‘m really upset about this…ra, argh, ah.‖ And they‘ll listen and say, ―Ok, ah yes, I understand‖ and they‘ll try to explain to you, ―Well, you could try this or whatever.‖ And if that‘s not working and you‘re still going, ―Ahhhhh!‖ and spewing, right, they will try to call in one of your Healers, right (Laughs), because they‘re not quite sure what to do with that. They understand it, what it is – energy short circuit happening, right, and they don‘t judge you on it, but they will try to get you to the place that you can find what you need right now to get yourself more back in balance and feeling better. So they will probably bring you to one of your Healers or something. That‘s why, it‘s most often best…we‘re going to have the chance with the techniques, when you go home, to call on any one of them, or say three of them instead of all of them. There are times where you‘ll want to call on the whole team to do the Sha-DA Shield, but there are times where you‘ll just want to call one of them in and just talk about this or talk about that. That‘s why they‘re showing their specializations. If what you want are some technical teachings on the ascension stuff…and be careful what you ask for (Chuckles), yeah, and make sure you have a pen and three notebooks handy because these guys…I mean, you won‘t really get to communicate on technical teachings in the conscious state, your conscious state here, until you have, until you can hear/feel them, where you can hear what they‘re saying to you. And then you write it down and that kind of stuff. So they will actually beam you information packages that you‘ll access in the dream state and you‘ll start to get direct cognition type things for the technical trainings at first. Eventually some of you, not everyone has contracts like the one I have with these guys, that are meant for a written translation of something. Sometimes it‘s just a cognition translation, where you end up being able to have activations that are specialized and you get guided to go do grid work here or go do that there. Not everybody has ―they have to put it on paper‖ type of things. Some people will get it in art, like making paintings or sculptures. Some people will get it in all sorts of things. So it‘s across the board. So you don‘t always have to… it‘s like, ―Well, I can‘t hear them in linear language‖ and ―I can‘t write this stuff down because I don‘t hear it.‖ They will give it to you in whatever form is most natural for you right now. They will try to help you develop those skills so you do have the ability to do that at some point, but don‘t worry about it if you don‘t. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 95 of 119
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If you don‘t see them yet, if you don‘t hear them yet, know that they are there and they will bring you data packages in the dream state. They will also, they will begin to filter into memory little cognitions, little things like that, that will work to open your senses. Because ideally, eventually, you do get your senses open enough where you can have a conversation with them and you know they‘re there even though your physical eyes don‘t see them that you know they‘re there. You can see-feel them and you could even draw them if you know how to draw. You can see-feel them enough where you could even draw their portraits and you can have just literally, a telepathic exchange with them. That‘s what they‘re aiming for first, and that will go into more and more where we begin to have, well start maybe getting pictures of them. I‘m hoping, we‘re getting Orbs right now…as our frequency goes up, because the Orb pictures have to do also with the frequency being held in the person‘s field that is behind the camera, as well as what is happening outside of the person. So, as our fields go up we‘ll get Orb pictures. But eventually, some people can take pictures of the Fae‟Ri‟ from here, from NET-Earth. I‘ve seen them. I know they can. If we get our fields to a certain level we can probably take pictures of the Aquafar‘E too, not just in Orb form, where we can actually see them in their … de-Orbed or uncloaked. That‘s a twoway street though they have to agree to do that. They have to want to do that, and sometimes they will, sometimes they won‘t. And they tend to be very camera shy, a lot of…at least the Earth level ones are, the NET-Earth level. They don‘t really like it and they have to really, really trust you and feel good with you. It‘s almost like a personal invasion to them, ―Don‘t take my picture,‖ because they know things can access through photographs, right. Technique: Clearing Photographs You put a picture of yourself up somewhere, you don‘t know how to seal your field, and people can actually tag you and stuff through your photographs and, yeah. I mean even like kid photographs, the whole bit. There‘s certain ways, there‘s a certain thing you can do where even if you just activate your Krystar Vehicle with the 3 breaths and then take a photo, any one photo of you is connected to all of your other photos that have ever been taken. And you actually get in your Krystar Vehicle, activate it and hold the image of the Allur-E‟ah Ra-sha-tan or even stare at it first, do opticalpineal so it‘s real strong in your field, and literally just blow it through into the Karanadial Point of…if you can find it. If it‘s a shot that doesn‘t get down that far on your body where you can‘t see in that picture, where your Karanadial Point would be, put it in through the Pineal between your eyes. Send it in and then just push with the intention, ―To all pictures of me everywhere,‖ right, that this is protection and to keep stuff off me. And I met one person, not in person, that knew how to do this really well. And I looked in the thing, I picked up the picture of the person, and he was a Karate Master of some sort. And I never met the guy personally, but I picked it up and I was curious and I just wanted to do a little bit of a field scan to see if he was a good guy or not good guy, right. And this overlay, it was like a pop-up, came right out of the picture where he says, ―I didn‘t give you permission to do that.‖ I went, ―Woah! This guy‘s good!‖ I mean he was good at that. I don‘t know if he was a good guy, but man, he knows his energy stuff for sure. So, you can use that technique. Just literally go into your Krystar Vehicle and push an image of the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan through one of your photographs with the intention and (Ash breaths out)…it‘s ―full protection‖ and put your own pop-up in, like, ―No, I don‘t think so. You have to knock first.‖ I mean you could do something cute, but put a thought like what it‘s going to say, because it can actually, if you do it strong enough, it will put something up that if people try to do it, it will bounce it back at them or talk to them, all right. So it is worth doing because that is one way that people can still access your Bio-fields and do field implants. They‘re not as strong as if they come up and hit you on the back and do the spiking and stuff like they do, but they can still mess with you and that kind of thing, so it‘s worth doing that. That was a little one that just came now that I remember, but I The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 96 of 119
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don‘t know if I ever talked about it with people. So anyway, when you get home clean your photos. Just take one and clean the whole bunch of them; clean the whole run. Ones that are especially important are past relationship ones like between male and female past sexual relationship ones. If there was like a break up or something, particularly if it was somebody where there was really animosity between you or something, it is important to go in…you can do another little thing where you push in with the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan and literally kind of create like a gentle knife effect between the two fields and a protection bubble around you to stop them from accessing your fields further. Because they still can access from the Astral if there was a sexual relationship, all right. It also applies to if there was a rape involved, all right. Like even, and you don‘t have a picture of that obviously, but you can go back to the horrible moment and just (Ash breaths out strongly) feel a ―field cut‖ right, around you, that even though it was a horrible experience you can still put a big Eckasha around you in a Krystar Vehicle around the ―you‖ that was there in your memory and it will stop that from coming back if there was like a field thing where they can still mess with you. So, there‘s a lot of little protection things that you can do to clean up your life and your fields and get the past off you. Participants: Ask questions about children. A‘sha: Yeah, there‘s basically, because the laws of the land say basically it‘s ―of age‖ is 18, it is not an imposition for a parent to assist a child remotely that like, I might not want to drag them to a workshop because it‘s a bit heavy stuff or they might not want to go, but you can through their photographs, assist them. And you don‘t need to do, what looks like to them if they‘re not into the work, hocus-pocus over them like (Laughs), but you can actually use a photo and just use it for remote, bringing the protection around them. You do have a right to do that because they chose you as a parent, so with that comes an obligation of care, so you‘re not violating. But once the person is 18, then it‘s really up to them to do it. And hopefully you can teach them a little bit about how to protect themselves by then, where they might be open to even a little bit of technique of this or that for protection and stuff, but yes. Ok, I‘m going to get back on here so we can get to the Grand Finale. The A‟quA-elle- Healers, these…so these are the two that are going to come in, because we‘ve met these before and we‘ve met the ZionA and the Aquafar‟E before. And for those who didn‘t meet them before, they did come in yesterday for you with the techniques that we did. So you‘ve already got these guys and these guys hanging out with you as Orbs. And these guys and these guys are on-line up there in the Adashi Temples. They‘re going to come down and send Orbs down into this, into the Sha-DA.‘ I keep wanting to call it Shadra because of the Shadra Shields. These two, I just want you to know a little bit about. The A‘quA-elle are from Shala 13, (Note: According to handout it‘s Shala 3, perhaps mis-spoke here.) it is the Eiradhani; they are called the Eiradhani Healing Temples. These guys, they‘re Eiradhani, Ethos Sparkle People, AdorA-Aquari-Human. So they‘re Aquari-Human Lines, like the Aquari Lines combined with Human, but they are from the AdorA Side and the AdorA Adjugate Spirit Side. So they are actually, they are made of Ethos. What they look like are, they have Hominid forms but they almost look not solid when we see them. These are the guys that actually can spread out as just waves. Those sparkles that were in the air sometimes when the Orbs came, they weren‘t just ―thingees,‖ they were them in their, in this form; in their glitter fields form, where they‘re little almost like nano-glitters but in the air. And you could only see them, when you‘re photographing them, you could only see them when the light, the flash formed. You couldn‘t really see them otherwise, but you could see them with your physical eyes in the flash of the light when in the dark when we were taking the Orb pictures. So these guys, they will look like people made of sparkles, as if it‘s just like light beams but made of sparkles, billions of The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 97 of 119
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little sparkles, and of different color ones. They‘ll come in, in different colors and that kind of thing. They can shape-shift into anything. So if you prefer…when they come in for working the Shield, they will come in, in their most true form. First they‘ll be in Orb and then they will go into like their ―home form.‖ But, because they‘re shape-shifters, if you‘re going to ever want to deal with them one on one, ask them to come in and do the Calling, say, ―Would you come on in and would you please help me with this particular healing thing? I think it might need the Spirit Body Resurrection stuff,‖ because that‘s their expertise. They would come in and kind of give you a nudge of ―What form would you prefer, animal, plant, cloud – whatever.‖ And whatever form you‘re most comfortable with they would take on. Or, if you say, ―Well, I don‘t care, just be yourself,‖ they would come in as their Eiradhani Form, which literally looks like…you know some of those strange computer effects that you see in sci-fi movies and stuff where it shows a person but just as a heat signature? Well, this is like a sparkly light signature, but it moves and it‘s 3-dimensional, but it doesn‘t have like the hard skin and stuff, the solidified skin. And you could put your hand through it. It would just be like light moving around. Yeah, this is their ―home form.‖ All right, ok, they are shape-shifter Humanids right (Laughs), made of M31 Adjugate Spirit Ethos Sparkle Matter. That is the type of matter that is there. So they are matter beings, but it is a particular type of matter that you don‘t often see here unless it‘s visiting. All right, they‘re pale-pastel and it‘s usually…they change colors too…pale-pastel iridescent metallic sparkle Light Beings. So they are ―light beings,‖ but not just white-light beings. These guys are Sparkle Matter; pale-pastel iridescent metallic sparkles, right. There‘s various races they have, like various different race types. And I don‘t know how to differentiate between them yet at this point. They have no gender, so they are just genderless. They‘re Hominid forms but they‘re literally light beings and they don‘t do any of the gender thing. So they would, in other words, be the Eunuchs right, complete Asexual Eunuchs. These are the original family line that the whole J-12 Family Line came through. I mean, I know way earlier we talked about what J-12‘s family line, Jesheua‘s family line was before he was here, before he birthed. This is the family line that they all came out of and that is the family line he will eventually, because he‘s still…last time I heard I think he‘s got 2 of them in. I can‘t remember if the third one incarnated in yet, but a part of him is staying on Median Earth I think, so he‘s there for a while. There‘s a part of him staying here, so he‘s not going back fully into that form yet, but eventually he will be back into this form. Jesheua will go back into the original form he came in and so will a lot of us. I mean as we work up through…these are on Shala. We would have to get through Median Earth Ascension and AshalA Ascension to be able to go back fully into those forms. So some of us came from there, some of us came from here. I know I have a Bhendi-Aquari and I know that‘s where Azara‘s coming from, my Azara Level. And she‘s my Bhendi because I‘m her, she‘s me, but she‘s up there, right. So anyway, I just wanted you to know a bit of what they‘ll look like and what they do. So these guys are Spirit-Body ―Resurrection-Healing‖ Specialists and also Master Counselors. So if you ever get where you‘re, you just want to see clearly on something, you‘ve got a confused relationship or something like that or even if you‘re just trying to figure out ―Where is this homing signal trying to put me?‖ These guys are good, they‘re like great Psychologists/ Psychiatrists. They don‘t do pills you know (Laughs) what I mean. They‘re the ones you can talk a lot of things through, heavy, deep things through. And they‘re also very good with the Resurrection-Healing; they‘re Specialists. So a lot of times, the stuff that‘s causing loops of confusion in the field that have to do with what you might go to a counselor for and try to talk it out, but it‘s not working and you keep talking and it‘s not working, they would employ these type of healing technologies to assist with that. They‘re going to help tonight, these 2 are actually going to work together. One will, when we‘re sitting, one will be in front and one will be in back. This guy, the Eiradhani A‟quA-elle will be the one in back of you doing certain energy things with its palms. And the A‟quai- Healers will be the ones sitting in front of you. And they will put themselves into a proportionate size to your own body because these guys, let‘s see, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 98 of 119
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what is their size? They don‘t even say on size on these I don‘t think. No, but they‘re Aquari-Human. I think I may have that written some place but just didn‘t get it on the chart. I don‘t know but they said they‘ll come in somewhere between 6 and 12 feet tall, whatever. 12 feet will be a little high they said, for trying to do the healing applications, so they‘ll try to proportion to the room and the people that they‘re working on. So they‘ll basically come in like around our size. They said 6 foot is a bit of a squish but they can do it, they just said (Laughs), right. Ok, you know, where they have to get that much energy in and they have to contract it in that much; hold it in that much, because they need a certain level of frequency to do the work that‘s going to be done tonight. All right, so they‘re going to come in, they‘ll try to be, some will be like 6 foot. These guys are going to try the same but it‘s going to be difficult, very difficult, they just said. They‘re going to try for 12 and then these guys are going, ―Ok, if you‘re going to do 12 we‘re going to do 12 (*feet) too‖ (Laughs). Great, so you‘re going to have these two 12-foot beings, one in front of you, one in back of you (Laughs). And when you‘re sitting down, how tall are we? Right, what like 3-feet high when we‘re sitting down or something, half our height. These are really, really big. They said, ―Don‘t worry, we‘ll be really, really gentle‖ (Laughs). They‘re already on-line, this is funny, I haven‘t talked to these guys before but they‘re coming in now. They have a sense of humor. Ok, anyway, so they‘re from the Eiradhani Healing Temples of Shala 3. These guys, A‘quai- Healers, are the AshalA 3, they‘re from AshalA 3. They are from the Ashalum Edonic Healing Temples. That means the Middle Domain Healing Temples, where we‘ve gone on Journeys before. All right, they are children of the M31 Edonic An-Sha-TA‘-sa Aquari of Aquareion Matrix. Now, they are the Hub guys and the Edonic Level of them. But the An-Sha-TA‘-sa are the ones, the An-Sha-TA-Sa Passage, ages ago we opened that up to be able to fortify the Host through the Hubs of that Galaxy…or not just Galaxy, but that Eckasha-A Matrix. So these are, this is like a very big line, that‘s why they‘re so big. They‘re very, very highly coded. They‘re a Master Healers Race, Krystic Healers Race. Let‘s see, ―The original Edonic M31-Aquareion An-Sha-TA‘-sa Aquari Elder Refined-Humanid form.‖ Now our prototype, when you trace it all the way back, the proto-type for what became the Turaneusiam Human Races and those kind of things, they came out of the Aquareion Races and these Races, the An-Sha-TA‘-sa Races. So they were like the, I wouldn‘t say ―proto-type‖ because that usually means ―Well you make one first because you‘re going to make more of them.‖ It was more like, ―They were so excellent let‘s try to make a smaller version of that, that will fit down there.‖ So they were the model that was used, the inspiration that was used to create the original human or Humanoid, Hominid whatever form. And so they are very closely related to us. So they‘re really like just huge, gorgeous giants, right, because they‘re huge. Let‘s see, ―They‘re known as the ‗Radiant Giants‘ due to luminescent-gossamer-skin.‖ They do have skin, unlike these guys that just have sparkle, right. But, they have skin and they have more of a solidity of matter but the skin is luminescent all the time and like gossamer, just like…I don‘t even know another word to describe that. It‘s amazing and I‘ve seen it, I‘ve been able to touch it in the Astral. It‘s just like, ―Woah! Nice skin!‖ right, because if you had that down here they‘d be hunting you. You know how it works down here with things with nice skins and furs end up pelts. So they don‘t have hair on their skin at all and the skin perpetually radiates light from within themselves. So it‘s almost like opaque-translucent, where you can‘t see organs inside or anything, but you can see continual color movement and color shifts as the energies shift and change. And it‘s diffused, like looking through a curtain where you can still see the light and the colors come through, but you can‘t see the internal organs or anything you‘d probably be better off not wanting to see, like whatever‘s in there just leave it there. I wouldn‘t want to look at the inside of my physical body from the outside. It would be kind of ―yuck.‖ So anyway, this is why they color them. The skin changes color with the inner light radiation spectrum. So whatever the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 99 of 119
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inner light is doing, that is, the skin takes on that hue, which responds to all thoughts and emotions. So as they think and feel, the light is changing inside of them and so are the skin colors changing. And when they‘re just in like peaceful mode, and not overly engaged in any emotion or anything, they have a radiant white base oscillation, so they radiate white. When I first met the one, and it was only since the Shield started coming together here right before the workshop, it was so bright. I could tell it was Hominid, but it was so bright I couldn‘t see features or anything. It was like just so much light coming around it or I didn‘t know if it was around it or within it, but I could see the shape of it. I could see it move, but it just radiated so much light it was like a light beam. They are considered light beams, but they do have skin and they do have biology. So all of these do have a form of biology that is characteristic to the places where they are. These guys are on AshalA, which is a 3-dimensional reality system and has its own Density 1 reality level, so they are fully physical as we would know it, just in a completely different form than what our bodies are in right now. But it is a form that we can progress to. We have a lot of options once we get up even to Median Earth, as far as what codes we might want to take on, or even finding what codes are even more our original ―home,‖ home codes. Like from what Galactic System did we originally come from. And we have choices of going into Re-evolution through some of the other fascinating race lines like that. Like we can grow up to be an A‘quai, if we want to and that kind of thing. So there‘s a lot of options once we get up there. But again these are, would be perceived as giants, because compared to our height right here, they are, they go up to 216 feet tall; average 144. And when we get up there we‘re still going to be this size, all right, so it‘s going to take a while before we go through Transfigurations that actually take us beyond what we consider our ―species‖ right now. So we would be like the little Fae‘Ris and they would be like the big giants, all right (Chuckles), when we get up there. But they will come in and they will come in, in Orb first and they will squash down. They said 12 feet and they said, ―Ok, if you‘re going to do 12 we‘re going to do 12.‖ So we‘re going to have 12 foot beings coming in but they‘re sitting with you, but on a literally different plane, all right, frequency band set. So they‘re part Etheric, part in Atmic and so you don‘t need the space for them to fit into the room because they‘re actually creating a plane interface right into the room. Ok, so that‘s those guys that are coming in, the ones we have not met yet, directly. And usually these guys come in, in radiant white Orbs, but they can vary too, just like their skin can. It depends on what their feeling, the color changes that would come. These guys either have glittery Orbs or glitter fields, where it might just be like a field all of a sudden of glittery sparkles appears in the air in front of you. And I found that easier to see with the physical eyes, because I didn‘t see the Orbs with my physical eyes at all. We were catching those on the camera. But the sparkles didn‘t get caught on the camera, but I could see them with my physical eyes. So we might get a little bit of that happening with them. Ok, I think that‘s…ok, the Aquafar‟E are going to come in too, right, with the ZionA. These are the ones that have the light green-gold, green and gold-y type colored, a bit smaller Orbs. And the Indigo-Violet Orbs that there was pictures of too, these would be the ZionA Attendants. These are the Aquatic-A‘quai Humans; they‘re Fish People, but not slimy disgusting as we talked about before. They start life in water born gel eggs, grow into small, gossamer skinned fish – no scales or slime. In adolescence they transfigure to Mer-Folk, mermaids and mermen, right. And they can choose to stay in that form if they want to. And they are in, they live in the water at that point; they breathe air and water. But, if they stay ―mer,‖ they decide to stay in the water. Then they have a choice to transfigure to being Bipedal if they want to. So, they can literally become Breatharian and Aqua-arian, where they can breathe water, breathe air, but have legs and things. The only thing they retain is a bit of webbing, a little bit of webbing not full webbing, but just a little bit where the skin between the fingers is a bit, you have a bit more than we do on our hands. And from what I‘ve seen of them they are quite beautiful. When they‘re dry they look like they have this gossamer hair, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 100 of 119
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and it can be different colors too. But when you see them in the water you realize it isn‘t hair, it‘s fins, but like vertical fins, little thin rows of very like elegant little fins that look like hair when they‘re dry. But when they‘re saturated in the water they work like fins do. And I believe some of them have the capes…not all of them, they‘re saying, where there‘s a certain point where this again, kind of gossamer fin-like cape…it reminds me of the shape of sting rays but it‘s really thin and it‘s translucent. You can see right through it kind of thing. It grows on some of them. Not all of them have that, but some of them, and it kind of flutters behind them. And, it helps them with the swimming, the ones that do a lot of time and stay more water-born than decide to going into land and living on land. They tend to develop the cape structures and it just folds down like between their shoulder blades when they‘re on land so it doesn‘t look like this horrible, icky thing sticking out or anything (Laughs). It just kind of folds down neatly like a very gentle, soft fin down the back. So, they‘re fascinating. It‘s a fascinating biology. I‘m half tempted to say, ―You know go ahead, give me Bhardoah. Let me incarnate into those guys, right. I want to try that.‖ But I don‘t think it‘s an option yet. I think you have to get up here first, right, and then into the Aquafar‘E and then graduate it up from there. We could probably transmute up from there, I wouldn‘t doubt. But, we‘ll find out when we get there. But these guys are going to come in and what‘s really nice is they don‘t smell at all like fish (Laughs). And, they have much nicer faces. They have very Human-like faces but very chiseled features and elegant, chiseled features and they look again like a refined Human, but with those few added little interesting things, right. And they have the almond shaped eyes, but large almond shaped eyes, with round pupils. And they do have pupils, but the pupils change colors and do rainbow stuff and then they have the iris affect around it too. And I don‘t see white though, when I‘ve seen them. Maybe they have whites of the eyes, but I haven‘t seen the white part. So, they‘re kind of like rainbow, almond eyed, Fish People, the Mer Folk. They are the Master Tutors, General Helpers and Companions. These will be the ones that we‘ll first meet physically in the Slide 2 Translocation to Median Earth. And they will literally be like the companions that will be hanging around with us to get us settled when we go there, to help us get used to this Brave New World we‘ve just entered once we get to that point. They will also be the first to try to make a physical appearance, but it may be easier for these guys to make the physical appearance first. So somewhere between these two, where if we can‘t get up there yet, they will try to come here and, either individually or in small groups in private settings, they may come. Because they‘re not about to put a bunch of them down in the middle of a workshop here and people outside are seeing it and the whole bit. They‘re not going to make a spectacle, because if they start…if it gets out, if we do start having contact like that, we‘re all going to end up someplace down at Guantanamo as a National Security risk, right. Forget terrorism stuff, we‘re not terrorists, but my God they‘re dealing with people from other dimensions that they‘re bringing through, ―Aaahh!‖ Right (Laughs), yeah. So they‘ll be very, very careful about that type of thing. It will never be done in a public way like that, that would endanger us, because it would endanger us. In fact, they probably won‘t let us levitate until they‘re very, very sure that we‘re not going to go too far with that, because even that would make us very good lab rats for what governments and science do here on this planet. So, it will be small, private groups where they will try to make, where first they‘ll do more Orbs. It‘s worth having a digital camera around and just say, ―I feel somebody around‖ and shoot the air a bit with a camera just to see if we can pick them up. And after a while they will try to bring that in more and start giving you form. If you use the techniques that we‘ve given you here that you can use when you get home, if you use those a couple times a week just to create and strengthen that contact platform and ask them to come in, progressively, eventually it will work. If you keep doing it and like, ―I‘m still not getting anybody,‖ they are there it‘s just you‘re not picking up on them yet. They see you, they hear you and they‘re probably trying to answer you back but you‘re not hearing them yet. And if that‘s it, that‘s ok, just keep getting yourself there. There‘s a thing they used to tell me about how to survive workshops, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 101 of 119
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right, ―Just show up,‖ right. They would tell me, ―Just show up, right, we‘ll take it from there.‖ I said, ―I don‘t know what I‘m teaching. I can‘t stand this anymore.‖ They‘d say, ―Just show up,‖ right. For years they did that and finally they somehow would manage to ―made it through another workshop.‖ Yes, they showed up with the information and I showed up terrified because I didn‘t know what the heck I was going to be teaching. It was a very hard set of lessons for me. So with this, just keep going back into that space, right. Get yourself into the Buddha Space that you‘re going to first get into tonight, call them in, know they‘re there even if you can‘t perceive them and just don‘t give up. Eventually, they may start talking to you with the waking dream stuff and all of that. By the way, I‘m going to post those. Somebody was nice enough to post transcripts for me from, for the mindfulness exercises from Kitts. So I have to go through those and pull out the chat, chat, chat that didn‘t belong there, make formalized techniques, but I am going to, I think, put them out for everybody to pull off the internet, that kind of thing. Yeah, but there was just no time to do that and get these down tonight, and these were the activation ones that had to be done tonight. So, these are things you can do that will help, that if you‘re not getting the strength of inner communication yet, use the Contact Techniques, the Buddha Space Techniques. If you‘re not getting anything there use them anyway, but combine them with the Mindfulness Techniques that involve being able to spot ―Waking Dreams‖ and these kind of stuff, and various other things where you can get messages like 3 songs in a row that have a certain feel on the radio. And there‘s certain message in there where they start to show you their presence that ―Yes, they‘re with you‖ in ways out here in your hologram. If they can‘t get through to you directly through the contact space, those exercises will strengthen these exercises. They are really pushing just to be able to make contact with you at this point because what needs to be done next is too sophisticated, as far as our biologies and everything, and there‘s too few of us to be able to teach it directly and they can‘t come in yet to give big workshops and that kind of thing, because they can‘t come into these frequencies right now, fully. We have to Slide part of the way up and they can Slide part of the way down. That‘s what the Slide Cities will be for. So, anyway we have these guys we can call in at any time. These will be the easier ones. If you want healing, call these, but call these guys first and ask them to pass the message on when you‘re first just learning to communicate with them, like one on one or whatever. Ask them to do the, it‘s like a Dial Up, like a stronger Dial Up than we‘ve used before, right, a stack of them. So you can talk to the Aquafar‘E and say, ―Hey guys,‖ and they‘re helpers, they‘ll play with you. And these are the ones that you‘ll probably be able to pick up on first, where in their little goldie-green colored Orbs and stuff. But eventually you may catch out of the corner of your eye…I‘ve been getting this lately…where I feel little people, like Tinker Bell flitting by me. It‘s like…(Laughs) I don‘t see it with my physical eye but I almost catch the movement, right. And then if I close my eyes I can kind of track where it is but I‘m not seeing it yet, but I get that image where I know that it‘s like a little either Elfin or Fae‘Ri‘ body. And it‘s a Fae‘Ri‘ body that doesn‘t have wings. They leap about and fly and stuff and they don‘t need tinklings, Tinker Bell wings. So, these guys, they will be trying to work on the contact first, to open up the communication lines. You can call any of them, and these guys will pass the messages up. If it‘s something you want from this one, like Master Tutors, General Healings and, or just somebody to hang around with you…‖I‘m feeling lonely or, and I just need some company and protection,‖ right, they will pass the message to these guys. If you need a more, heavier healing, you can call these in directly. It is worth doing. They didn‘t have me write down the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 102 of 119
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end part of these techniques. That will be done live, but you‘ll be able to remember them enough. You do the first part that you do have that‘s written down and simply, once you get into that space ask them to come. And just ask them to come by using their, the KEi‘-sa / Ah‘-RA, KEi‘-sa / Ah‘-RA, right. And just kind of ―KEi‘-sa / Ah‘-RA, KEi‘-sa / Ah‘-RA,‖ ask them to come. You can also use the formal ―short technique‖ that‘s to just when you want certain ones to come. You can use that too, or you can really just intend for ―Would you please come‖ and try to work with the visualization that ―Yes, they will come,‖ all right. Remember the feel of them. Remember what they‘re supposed to look like. Remember they will come in together and work with you, one in the Eiradonis form and one in that gossamer light beam form. And you can work with healing, a particular part of your body or your mind or whatever it needs. So you can call them and I do recommend doing that. Invite them in – once a week, once every two weeks, just whatever you feel you need. So, ok, these guys are so cute because they are 3-8 feet tall, so some of them are taller than we are, but when they‘re interfacing here they‘re like 3-12 inches high. So that‘s where you get the little flitting Fae‘Ri‘ effect right. And later we‘ll meet the Fae‘Ri‘ when we do…I don‘t know if we‘re going to meet any of these in Sarasota yet. We might, but I know we‘re going to meet them and interact with them in Ireland when we go there, because there‘s a really strong presence of them there. So, and I think we‘ll be taking this and there‘s going to be at least one more chart, if not two, of the different specific groups of these guys that would work with us in different capacities. These are the Fae‟Ri.‟ They are actually the children of the Median Earth Aquafar‘E, all right. They‘re these guys‘ kids that they put down here to try to assist and run the Telluric Elemental Command Force Templars down here. And part of them got corrupted because of the Caduceus Grids and that kind of thing. So, not all of the Fae‘Ri‘s, that‘s why they‘re opening up this line of connection first, so you don‘t end up to start talking to Fae‘Ri‘s but you find out they‘re mischievous little demons. You know what I mean? Because they can act like that when they get twisted. They can get possessed too and do bad things and harmful things. So, most of these are still good because they did come out of the Aquafar‘E. And they were supposed to be the little Guardians that controlled the Elemental Temples, that controlled the Atomic workings of the planet. So, some of them are still good. Two thirds (2/3) of them are going to probably come back on-line, at least for Host. We‘ll be able to probably to pull 1/3 of them out to here and another 1/3 will go with the Kryst Fall and the other third is totally twisted into the White Dragon Agendas at this point. So, let‘s see, what page are we going to do now? I want to get through this to get on with this before I‘m too tired to run the last part of it. Ok, I want to see which one I want to do next. Ah, I know what I need to show is that Mylar with the configuration on it, the little scribbly, little drawing…yeah. When we get to the Floating Buddhas Rite, Part 2, which is that single page that has that page #4 on the bottom…actually it‘s in both of them isn‘t it? Yeah, it‘s in both those, Part 1 and Part 2, yeah. I‘m just learning these too. Yeah, actually we started with Part 1. There‘s…this is…it didn‘t photocopy all the way down to here, but this is the Hierophant Shape, right, the 2 triangles, the Star of David effect that is actually 2 vortices, right, as we learned, the Merkaba Shape. All right, and so we have the Merkaba Shape; it has 6 points, right, 6 outer points. If you were sitting in the center of it…you can just imagine the first part of it if you were sitting in the center. Imagine you‘re in the center of a good-sized Merkaba and as if it were painted on the floor or drawn on the floor. And there would be one point out in the front of you, one point back here a bit, one here and then there would be a set of 3 behind you. We talked about this before in the other exercise, right. So these will be what are called the Hierophant Points. Now, the Hierophant word is what they referred to, that symbol in Kathara 1. They called it the Hierophant Code, right, and we used that for activating the Maharic Seal and all of that stuff in the early days. So it‘s the Hierophant Configuration, which is the Merkabic Configuration, that‘s different than a Pentagonal Configuration. You can also do these things later for different purposes using the Pentagram Shape, but The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 103 of 119
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you have to get a certain…and probably in a circle, but they‘re not doing those tonight. They‘re doing the 6-pointed one, all right. You will become the 7th point in the middle. Now, in each of those points you‘re going to end up with, when we do certain things to call them in, you‘re going to end up with them coming in, in their Orbs first and just sitting at those points around your body, right. Then they‘re going to activate their Karanadis Seals and create like a horizontal circulation of energy between them so it creates a Shield, literally, around you right, spinning around you. And part of that Shield is like one energy band but part is going clockwise and part is going counter clockwise. So it‘s…these are major Merkabic Activations that are taking place but all the way through, even the little tiny Merkabas that are inside and around your atoms and quarks and things. So they‘re going to create the Shield; that Shield is called a Sha-DA‘ Shield or a Sha-DA‟ Cloister Shield. They will hold those positions when we start moving into the technique. Even though the energy is spinning through them, right, they are still holding the positions that they‘re in. They‘re not moving their bodies. And once they will be in their Orb shape here so you‘ll have these Orbs sitting around you, 6 of them in the Merkabic Configuration and there‘ll be like this band of energy flying like a wheel, spinning between them, like a horizontal wheel spinning like this on the floor, right. I don‘t know if you can see me, where it‘s spinning like this on the floor, right, around you. At a certain point there‘s another set of commands that will be used. While this is going on there‘s some commands. First we have to do the Calling Command, which is the longest one. Then there will be the Raising Command. Once the frequencies build up to a certain level and they‘re all in, you‘ve got your 6 of them in…and we‘ll do this all at the same time. They‘re going to synchronize it with the Shield so it keeps it simpler. But when you‘re doing it yourself you try to sense, just get a sense, ―Ok, are they all, are the Orbs all in? Have they all landed? Have the Orbs landed?‖ And once, there‘s a certain point where…tonight we‘ll call it, but where you know the frequency is built up enough, we‘ll begin raising the Shield, Raising the Shadra Shield, where it will actually come up around you and go up over your head and sit on top of your head and then sometimes it will go up past your head. This time they‘re going to all stay somewhere between the top of your head and the bottom, where the ceiling is. So they‘re not going to go shooting way out. Sometimes they can, but tonight they‘re going to try and keep it in that range in the room for everybody. And ok, once we get them up there, as soon as they get up there and clear your head it actually expands out a bit, the diameter of it. It still stays, they still stay in their Hierophant Shape but that circle of energy that they‘re circulating expands out so it makes the Hierophant Shape bigger. They still hold the 6 positions but the whole thing expands out. And at that point, they actually pop into their, they de-Orb and they turn into their shapes and they sit in what they call the Loose Lotus Position, right, like little Buddhas. And they, you‘ve got this, these Floating Buddhas literally flipping around up on a Shield on your head. They‘re stationary but they‘re floating and the Shield is spinning through them, right. Then there‘s a certain point where we go into Bi-Location and send a part of ourselves up to sit in the center with them so we become the 7th Buddha. So it is Becoming Buddha. And then there‘s other things we do once we get up there. But that is beginning to, and that‘s the first part, then there‘s another part that has to do with Activating the Shield. Now this part needs to be done while you are sitting, and that is the preferred position, in that ―Loose Lotus‖ where you get the spine as straight as you can, comfortably. If you can‘t straighten your spine too much just get it as straight as you can without straining, because you don‘t want to strain because that‘s going to, it‘s going to make the energy more blocked. But the idea is to not do too much slouching or stuff, because think about what your Central Vertical Column is doing, where it‘s pointing when you‘re slouching and those kind of things. All right, so try to keep it in the kind of ―Walk like a Guardian‖ thing, like try to be mindful of the, what the body is doing for a little bit and hold its posture kind of nicely, without being rigid, that kind of thing, to keep your Central Column straight. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 104 of 119
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And then you will flip a part of yourself into Bi-Location to sit up…try to sense whatever level the Shield is at with them and try to go up to there. If you can‘t sense it they will either, if you over-shoot it they will pull you back down. If you under-shoot it they will pull you up so it will get you in the center of the Shield. And from there certain other activations take place where you go into fully activating the whole Shield. It ends up at a certain point when we go into Part 2 that we have to lay on our backs. And that‘s where usually at home you would lay with your legs straight out, but for this, as long as you can lay on your back with your knees bent it will save space, so there‘s enough room, hopefully, for everybody to find a place to lay in that position. And then there‘s a certain thing to do to activate the Buddha Space, to activate your big, private Orb Space. And eventually you‘ll get visuals on it. I always get like, ―Woah!‖ All of a sudden, with my eyes closed, I am in there and I can see it. I can ask people to come in to talk with me and that kind of stuff. It‘s really neat. You see it in here but…with inner vision. I see it in here but I‘ll open my eyes and I can‘t see it anymore. But I can see it with the inner vision. Sometimes it‘s clearer than others. If I‘m tired it‘s a bit difficult, it‘s just like fuzzy but I can feel it there. It may take a while of using the technique to get to the point where you can actually see the space, but there is space to see. It is like being inside of a massive ping-pong ball. It‘s really wild, right. It‘s like being, seriously, it has that kind of opaque, white color to it from the inside and that is a space. It‘s similar to how you can go into your Krystar Vehicle, but it‘s much bigger. It‘s around the Krystar Vehicle, so your Krystar Vehicle actually fits in it. So anyway, you‘ll be going to that space, and that is the space we‘ll get to a certain point…I think it‘s step 9 in Part 2, then we‘ll go live, and that‘s when the Beloveds are going to run us through bringing in the other guys, what…it‘s not up there anymore. It‘s the A‘quA-elle and the A‘quai, but I forget their Calling Names, the KEi‘-sa and the Ah‘-RA; KEi‘-sa / Ah‘-RA, there we go. Yep, the KEi‘-sa / Ah‘-RA. So we‘ll take it from there. I want to…let‘s see, I want to go back to one. I think it was one of the first ones. Remember the one that described the techniques? I want to talk about that for a little bit before we go and, because when we get done with this that will be the end of…that will be our good-night. I‘m not going to go back up on Mylars and things. There‘s a couple things I just want to touch on before, that I want to wrap up on, before…hm? (Az speaking to Ash) I don‘t think I need page one…no, that‘s not it. That one. Ok. Yeah, that‘s Technique 2 actually.
Technique Intro – The Floating Buddhas Rite [Audio Track 14] A‘zha: Ok, so if you please settle down. We have people who are going to begin heading out to the airport in about 40 minutes and we don‘t want anyone to miss anything. We should be ok on time. So, the first part is going to be a reading of the Introduction to the Floating Buddhas Elemental Command Cloister Sliders Teams. This is a recap of what you‘ll be doing when you go home and you start working with the Technique. Pardon? Louder? (per Ash) Louder. (A‘sha: Thank you.) And of course we have to get this part onto the DVD as well, because not everyone will have the benefit of hard copies that you‘re carrying with you. So, ―Each „Personal Cloister‟ Team is composed of 1 member of each of the following 6 Kryst-Guardian Races. The members of your „Sliders Cloister‟ (called your Sha-DA‟ Cloister) have accepted service positions to be ―on call‖ to assist you whenever you telepathically request their presence. They will also remain with you at all times in-Orb if you request that they do so. When you request their presence they will enter Slide-1 Bi-Location Projection from their primary biological focus of residence and ―Orb‖ into the frequency bands of your primary biological focus of residence, to enter a state of “Live Conscious Communion” with you (either individually or together as the ―6-point Sha-DA‘ Cloister The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 105 of 119
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Team‖; whatever you request). The more you work with your Sha-DA‘ Cloister the clearer and stronger your communications and contact will become. They can hear and see you whenever you call them.‖ So, be careful where you are when you do it (Laughs). A‘sha-yana: You can also put a privacy screen up and just do a head shot if you‘re in the bathroom or something (Laughs). A‘zah-yana: Or, if you‘re feeling light-hearted you‘ll want to ignore that (Moans and Laughs). ―But, it may take some time for you to expand your own biological inner sense to hear, see or feel their presence and communication. Ask them to assist you with expediting your sensory sensitivity to their frequencies and they will work on multiple levels to do so. At times, for various types of interaction, they will de-Orb in your reality field to reveal their materialized form, within the quantum, size and matter density appropriate to your reality field. One day, through Slide-2 Trans-Location Projection you may meet and visit them in their own reality fields of (Milky Way Galaxy) – Median Earth and AshalA-3, (AquAelle M31-Adjugate- Spirit Eiradonis Galaxy) – Shala-3, or (M31- Aquinos Andromeda Galaxy) – Urtha-3.‖ Now, this section‘s called, “Calling Your Cloister for Informal Communication.” Ash says: You may want to stress the ―informal.‖ A‘za: Informal Communication, hm. ―Preparation consists of 3 Krystar Breaths, which is the Inhale Command: RashaEira-Krystar-Now. Exhale out your Krystar Vehicle.‖..usual routine. Of the 2 steps that follow A) To request the presence of, and informal communications with, all of your Cloister members when working alone, just simply telepath the use of the Elemental Orb Call Command which follows this, repeated 3 times.‖ And the Elemental Orb Call Command is the ―Ah-ShA‘-ah NE‘Ra- O‘cha- Sa,‖ which is repeated 3 times. Step B) of this is ―To request the presence of a specific individual member or members using the Elemental Calling Tone which pertains to the members race group from the Floating Buddhas Chart,‖ which you have. ―Putting the Elemental Call Tone or Tones as the prefix before the Elemental Orb Call, and repeat the Pre-fixed Elemental Orb Call Command 3 times.‖ So you put the prefix on once and repeat the Orb Call 3 times, right, or all of them 3 times? Ash: You put the prefix on it and then it‘s part of it, and then you repeat the whole thing 3 times. Az: So the prefix is included and it‘s all done 3 times. Ash: Yeah. Az: Right. That‘s clear. Now, the final part of this introductory comment is called ―Calling Your Sha-DA‘ Cloister for Formal ―Sha-DA‘ Buddha Shield‖ Elemental Command. The Sha-Dra‘ Projection Shield used in Elemental Command Group work, the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 106 of 119
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Sha‘DA‘…right? Ash: Like the Sha-Dra‘. Az: Oh, that‘s transposed. Ash: Yeah, it is. Az: Yeah. Ok, well we‘ll re-run that. We‘ve got a little bit of a wiggle here. ―Like the Sha-Dra‘ Projection Shield used in Elemental Command Group work, the Sha-DA‘ Buddha Shield is also a mathematical, geomantic shield platform that is used to amplify the protection, power and range of Krystic interdimensional and elemental frequencies available for use within ―intentioned endeavors‖ in healing, projection, meditating, manifesting and grid work. Unlike the group Sha-dra Shield, the Sha-DA‘ Buddha Shield (also called the Floating Buddhas Rite), can be achieved individually once you have anchored your 6-member Sha-DA‘ Cloister through your First Floating Buddhas Rite. To activate your Sha-DA‘ Buddha Shield, first do 3 Krystar Breaths, next repeat the Elemental Orb Call Command‖…that‘s the ―Ah-ShA‘-ah NE‘Ra- O‘cha- Sa. Just do that 3 times and use the procedure of the Floating Buddhas Rite on the following pages.‖ Technique – The Floating Buddhas Rite So now we‘re going to do the Floating Buddhas Rite, Part 1. So, if you would please sit comfortably on the ground. I don‘t want to see you floating at this point (Chuckles). Your back as straight as possible and as comfortable as you can get it in the Loose Lotus position. And please take 3 Krystar Breaths in your own time. Followed by the Elemental Orb Call 3 times: Ah-ShA‘-ah NE‘Ra- O‘cha-Sa. Part 1: Calling the Sha-DA‟ Cloister: The Calling Command. Breathe normally and speak the Calling Command out loud, if possible, 3 times. Then breathe gently while waiting for your 6 Sha-DA‘ Cloister Members to Orb in and take their Hierophant positions on the floor around you. Move to step B when you sense their arrival. So we just run this right? (Asking Ash. She offers a few low comments to Az). Yeah. All the way through is one round, yeah. Ok, so line by line: Ah ZhU‘ TU…Ah-VA‘…Cum-sa A‘-Vo Zha-Ta‘…, A‘-TU…, KEi‘-sa…, Ah‘-RA…, KA‘-Vo…, SE-A‘-TA* (*A‘sha later corrects the pronunciation and spelling to ―SE-A-Ta‖) A‘-JhUn…e-ThrA‘… …TU-ah Neu-en‘ The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 107 of 119
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CU-sa…TA‘-va… …Um-Shed‘rah… …TE-SA… Ha-VO Az: And again, all the way through: Ah ZhU‘ TU…Ah-VA‘…Cum-sa A‘-Vo Zha-Ta‘…, A‘-TU…, KEi‘-sa…, Ah‘-RA…, KA‘-Vo…, SE-A‘-TA* A‘-JhUn…e-ThrA‘… …TU-ah Neu-en‘ CU-sa…TA‘-va… …Um-Shed‘rah… …TE-SA… Ha-VO Az: One more time all through: Ah ZhU‘ TU…Ah-VA‘…Cum-sa A‘-Vo Zha-Ta‘…, A‘-TU…, KEi‘-sa…, Ah‘-RA…, KA‘-Vo…, SE-A‘-TA* A‘-JhUn…e-ThrA‘… …TU-ah Neu-en‘ CU-sa…TA‘-va… …Um-Shed‘rah… …TE-SA… Ha-VO Az: We move on to Section B. (Ash comments) What? (Ash: We wait ‗til they come in) Oh yes. Ash: Just breathe and wait until they come in. And we can say this in the middle. They‘re waiting…they corrected the sound tone on that, that‘s a typo. It is SE-A‘-Ta, as it is on the other chart. So when you‘re calling, that‘s the name of the Aquafar‘E; SE-A‘-Ta. It should be a small ‗a‘ at the end of that line. It still works. They know, they filled it in for here, but when you‘re using it at home it‘s SE-A‘-Ta…end of line 2. Now try to sense when they come in. Just try to sense for a feeling of presence or something that seems to give you a little sense that they‘re going to come in. Most of them are in right now. So if you‘re not sensing them they‘re probably there anyway. Ok, they‘ll give a call on this one when…I‘m seeing streamers of them, like Orbing in. I don‘t see them with my physical eyes but… Yeah? (Low question to Ash) They‘re from the other night. This is the corrected one, as far as that, yeah. Az: So are they all in now? Ash: There‘s still 2 streamers going, there‘s one set there and there‘s something over there. We‘re still waiting for the last of them to come in. Most of them are there, but I‘m still seeing 2 streamers of them and like they‘re petering out, but it‘s like these little streamers of Orbs moving in. I wonder if we could get them on film? It doesn‘t matter anyway. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 108 of 119
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Alrighty…in? Everybody in? Yeah. Ok. Yep, they‘re in…here we go. Az: Ok, so the Sha-DA‟ Cloister has taken its position as Orbs on the floor around you. Observe or try/ intend or connect in whatever way you can as they create a circle of energy that runs through each member‘s Orb and surrounds you. And this is the Sha-DA‘ Shield. Next, or Step 1 in this section is: Inhaling into your Karanadis Seal…Inhale and hold. Then on the Exhale, use the breath to push a 6-point breath horizontally outward from your Karanadis Seal, sending a streamer of living water energy out to the Karanadis Seal of each of the 6 Cloister Members. Breathe normally and repeatedly chant…out loud is ok, but not too loud probably, at this time of the day (Ash: Yeah, softly but verbally), the Raising Command. And sense first, that the Sha-DA‘ Shield begins to counter-spin and next that it begins to rise upward, carrying the 6 Cloister Member Orbs with it. And the Raising Command is: E‟-sta… en-ta‟-Ro… …DE-A‟-SU… NA-Va-Ro And just keep on going with that…(A‘sha: And pick up the speed…keep going faster) just keep on going, faster and faster. (*About 1-2 minutes of fast toning with A‘sha) A‘sha: The Shields are rising so we can start to slow it down to a stop. (*A‘sha tones it slowly 3 more times – the last time very slowly). A‘z: As you may have read already, that the consequence of the chanting like that has raised the Sha-DA‘ Shield up over your head. The 6 Cloister Members, as a result, have de-Orbed and are now in their Bipedal form sitting in the Loose Lotus position on their Hierophant points. They have become the Floating Buddhas. Now, the Union Command, Step C: Inhale into the Karanadis Seal, hold and on a forceful exhale, use the breath to push a Bi-Locate Self vertically upward into the center point of the Sha-DA‘ Shield to become the 7th Buddha. Hold a moment at the bottom of the Exhale, then Inhale and repeat the Union Command one time only. Breathe normally before repeating once: Ah‟-TU… …Se-TA‟… …UM Now we move on to Part 2, which is entitled: Activating the Sha-DA Shield- Becoming Buddha. Ash: That‘s not part of the same page. Az: They don‘t have it in there? Ash: It‘s not part of the stapled pack, it‘s the single one. Az: Oh, it‘s the loose sheet. This is relating to the loose, single sheet that you were given, not the stapled one. It wasn‘t The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 109 of 119
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stapled anyway. Ok, Step 1 consists first in lying down on your back. And this is where the good suggestion of getting into position but with knees up, just to conserve a little bit of space so that everyone can get down. Your head is pointing toward the rear Hierophant and Transcendental Passage Bhardoah Chamber that‘s behind or above your head. Keeping the spinning Sha-DA‘ Shield with the 7 Floating Buddhas still sitting in the Loose Lotus position suspended above where your head was when you were sitting just a few seconds ago. Step 2, please Inhale into the Karanadis Seal, hold, then Exhale gently and notice that as you Exhale each of the 7 Floating Buddhas in the spinning Sha-DA‘ Shield above you, sends a streamer of living water downward from its Karanadis into your Karanadis Seal. Breathe gently and observe that on each Exhale, more living water currents pulse down the 7 Buddha Streamers, progressively filling your Karanadis Seal with Pale-Silver-Aqua Water Light as you breathe. So breathe on like this just for a minute or so. On each Exhale, more living water currents pulse down the 7 Buddha Streamers, progressively filling your Karanadis Seal with Pale-Silver-Aqua Water Light. Ok, Step 4, Inhale gently now into your Karanadis Seal and then on upward into your AzurA and hold the Inhale breath at the AzurA. Then, Exhale a 12-point horizontal breath outward from your AzurA through your 12 Fire Chambers and hold this breath at the bottom of the Exhale, sensing a gentle popping sensation emerging from your AzurA Water-Seed. Breathe normally and observe that a thin, fluid disk of Living Water Hydrolase now spreads out horizontally beneath you, from the center point of your Karanadis Seal. This Disc will spread outward horizontally, to a diameter about 3 times your physical height, like a large, circular blanket underneath your physical body. Now, from your 7th Buddha Bi-Locate position sitting within the Sha-DA‘ Shield floating above you, Inhale (and do this physically), Hold and then Exhale downward, using the Bi-Locate‘s Exhale breath to push a thick Ah-VE-yas Elemental-Orb Stream down from the Bilocate‘s Karanadis Seal to your physical body‘s Karanadis Seal. And then breathe normally. Continuing to breathe normally, notice now that on each of your Exhale breaths, the spinning Sha-DA‘ Shield above you begins to lower, moving downward and expanding in diameter until it comes to rest on the floor around you, expanding to the diameter of and anchoring within the Living Water Disc, as all of the 7 Buddhas return to their Orb state, while holding their Hierophant positions around you. Continue gentle, meditative breathing for several minutes, sensing an increase of spin speed in the counter-spinning rings of the Sha-DA‘ Shield around your physical body. Try to sense that as the spin speed increases, the frequency power held within the Sha-DA‘ Shield also increases, becoming a gently humming and crackling EM Field, spinning horizontally around your body. Feel for the sensation of an energy cloud mattress building directly beneath your body, and a feeling of lifting, as if your physical body is beginning to levitate upward into the air as it lies on its back. And incidentally, eventually this step can take you into physical levitation once the body is more prepared. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 110 of 119
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Just spend a little longer sensing an increase of the spin speed in the counter-spinning rings of the Sha-DA‘ Shield. As the spin speed increases, the frequency power held within the Shield increases also, producing a gentle humming and crackling EM Field. Now next, please Inhale and Hold, and on the Exhale use the breath to expand out a Giant, Gossamer Opaque-SilverWhite Orb around you and the spinning Sha-DA‘ Shield. And imagine that you can now only see the inside of your Orb, the private space of your Inner Buddha Self. Exhale, expand out a Giant, Gossamer Opaque-Silver-White Orb all around you and the spinning Sha-DA‘ Shield. And imagine that you can now only see the inside of your Orb, the private space of your Inner Buddha Self. Here, as the flows of the Transcendental Passage move gently through your Orb, you are Buddha. From this state, you may launch Projection Journeys, engage in Sha-Dra‘ Shield grid work, engage remote healing on self or others, create thought-forms for materialization, or engage personal healing and communication with the members of your Sha-DA‘ Cloister. Invite members to de-Orb and join you in your Buddha space. – End of Part 2 of this Technique – A‘sha-yana: (Live) All right, just send the intention for them all to come in for a minute, just to de-Orb and meet you in this inner, this outer-inner space (Chuckles), inner-outer space, your Buddha Space. We‘ve already done the Calling them and things. It‘s the end, so we don‘t have to go through that all over again. Once we‘re in this space you just simply send the intention like, ―Please come on in. Can I see you for a moment?‖ They will adjust size-wise so they fit, in this particular part. They will get bigger once the Healer ones come in, once they come in to do the physical work directly on you. Imagine that they‘re all the same size as about you are, and they‘re just sitting there in their Buddha positions. And see if you can see or feel any detail about them at all, because eventually you‘ll be able to see them sitting there before when you close your eyes in this space. They‘ll change position sometimes, too, they said. Like sometimes, you‘ll see, say, the ZionA sitting right in front of you, other times it will be one of the other ones. So it‘s not always the same one on the same Hierophant position. I‘ve got my ZionA in front. Ok, now if at home you spend some time with this, really like lean into it, you will eventually be able to use this space for contact. I mean literally, just like blink off, tune out this world out here and be in this space that is your Buddha Space, and you can interact with them and talk with them, and it will get stronger and stronger. Eventually you‘ll learn to bring your whole body fully into that space when we go into the actual Slides. But for now, we‘re going to say a quick Greeting and then a quick ―see you later‖ as all of them except for the 2 Healers, are going to go back into Orb. They will keep their positions as Orb, but the 2 Healer ones, the A‘quA-elle, which are the Eiradonis Sparkle People, that one will take a position at your knees. So it will kind of be like at the point in front of you when you‘re laying down, the Hierophant point in front. And the other will take the position, the other being the A‘quai, which is the really, really big ones that are shrinking down for this. And they are the ones that have the beautiful, gossamer, luminous skin where they‘ll start out with the radiant white light base coming out of them now, and those colors will change as they run the healing currents. That one will be directly behind you. (* Later in the technique A‘sha refers to the A‘quA-elle behind and the A‘quai in front) The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 111 of 119
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And what they‘re going to do, because of their height and trying to get enough frequency in, which means bigger body form, they‘re going to sink into the floor up to about their Karanadis Seal, so you‘ll just have the top of them there, above the floor. So, their hands can be there as if they were doing a Kathara Healing-type thing with you. Now, this is going to be called the KEi‘-sa / Ah‘-RA, which are their names. The KEi‘-sa are the Eiradonis ones and the Ah‘-RA are the A‘quai. It‘s called a KEi‘-sa / Ah‘-RA clearing. And just breathe gently and try to feel the sensation. Because in a moment they‘re going to…try to feel first, that these 2 large palms cupping the top of your head and radiating white light that has the most loving feeling to it. It‘s an amazing feeling. And try to feel on your knees now, these 2 really large hands gently resting on the knees, because there are chakras in the kneecaps, right under the kneecaps area. And they are going to transmit that way, so try to feel the presence of their gentle touch on you. They ask you to Inhale (hold, as A‘sha talks), and on the Exhale they will both start running currents. The one at the top will run it down and the one at the bottom will run it up and they will meet in the middle, at your Karanadis Seal and keep running, also, down and up. Exhale and start the currents running. Try to sense around you the sparkles. You might even be able to see them, if you kind of open your eyes a little bit and peek around, you can see some of the sparkle energy that comes with these, with the KEi‘-sa. The energy is just going to run for a few moments…try to feel it swaying through you. And try to feel them swaying in synchronization, as the one on top leans forward, the one at your knees leans backward where it is, so they‘re kind of like rocking the energy back and forth through you. What they are doing is moving enough energy through to be able to clear the false homing-seed imprint that came in, that was connected with the Va-Bha-TE Cell. And they‘re actually washing it out of the nuclear core in your atoms, because it‘s not located in any one place. It‘s actually imprinted in all the atoms. One of them is doing the washing and the other is actually taking the codes from your own homing seed that you activated the other day and putting that in. So, where they‘re washing the false one out of the atoms, they‘re putting the natural homing code back in. And they‘ll do this for a few moments. You can have them do this, by the way, bring them in, in this configuration, when you want to do any kind of healings and clearings in your body. They‘re literally giving you a ―cell wash‖ or an ―atomic wash.‖ And they just move gently back and forth in a synchronization rocking with your body in between. Try to feel the swaying of the energies moving through you. Try to feel a bit of a burden lifting. It seems for me, I‘m feeling it in the center first, like in the center part of my body first, and it‘s spreading more, toward the outer parts of it. But it‘s like, almost like a (*A‘sha sighs), a release of tension feel in the atoms themselves, is what I‘m trying to describe it as, and it‘s as if an old tension that was the old encryption that didn‘t belong there is being cleansed away. Try to feel your atoms actually relaxing. Literally the atoms are relaxing. The electrons are actually shifting, their speed of spin just a little bit, to a more natural, normal pattern. Try to feel it spread out from the middle all the way up and down your body as the currents from the Healers move back and forth through you. And just breathe gently for a few more moments. They‘re going to give a call when it‘s done, when the encryptions are reset. (*Silence) Now, they‘re going to give one more breath of like a push of energy to amplify the energy right into, to create a spark The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 112 of 119
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together, one coming from the top and one coming from the bottom, to create a big spark in your Karanadis Seal. So in a moment, just Inhale, hold for a moment, and when we Exhale, that‘s when they‘re going to transmit the spark. So try to feel that. And that will go right up through your knees and down through your head and meet in your Karanadis Seal. All right, and Exhale now…and that‘s when the sparks come in. Try to feel like this shudder, this Starburst that almost makes you feel like a shudder, like a firework went off inside, but a good one that cleaned out the rest at every angle. And try to feel a flooding sensation as the waters run through your, both your…the Living Waters are running now through the Axiatonal Lines and the Meridian Lines. And now, the lines are starting to cross. The Uni-genetic Underlay is beginning to activate now. Try to feel that, that cross-hatching running all through the body like a netting, a web-work that works all through. It‘s cellular communication lines, the atomic communication lines. Try to feel the sensation of lightening, and almost like a tingling inside your skin. It‘s also inside the skin of your organs, inside…it‘s even inside your bones. This is your own natural Uni-genetic Underlay, which is the Hydrolase Flow Lines and the Lines through which, when you do a Slide, that the Celestalline Wave runs through. Ok, now they‘re going to have us switch position and get into the sitting position, into the Loose Lotus sitting position. And we‘re going to move into: ―Healing the Wounds of Time,‖ and what is called the ―Love Touch- Return to Trust.‖ All right, now in this position they are going to, the A‘quA-elle, the Sparkle Person, is going to still be behind you and the A‘quai Light Being is still going to be in front of you. They are still up to the, only like from their Karanadis Seal up, from the floor and the rest is going down under, in the planes, just so they can be closer to you. What they are going to do…they know that there‘s so much over the centuries, and also even in this lifetime, of imprints of fear and pain and the inability to trust anymore; the abandonment of hope. There‘s so much of this stuck in our atomic structures from this life alone, but we also have it from the other parts of ourselves that we have been integrating, from the parts that were our other Probable Selves. The parts that were our other Incarnate Selves, and they‘re going to assist us in healing some of these wounds of time, and they‘re going to do a similar thing, but not exactly the same. They‘re…this is almost like, instead of just rocking energy back and forth through you, and this is where I‘m going to describe it to you first, what they‘re showing me. And when they start it, and when you do this, you can call them in to do this exactly at home, too. When they start it, the idea is just to try to lean into the feeling and not have to listen to me too much, or anything like that, just to lean into the feeling. Because what they‘re going to do, there will be little bits of things that I say as they tell me what they would like, but they‘re both going to…it‘s like a double hug (Chuckles). First, you‘re going…the one behind you, the A‘quA-elle, is going to begin with massaging your back, gently. Try to feel the tingle. It‘s not doing it yet, but this is what they are going to do, because once they start, it won‘t be me like trying to interpret things, they will just lead you through this. But, it will start with a back rub that is actually sending the Eiradonis energy right through your cells and trying to loosen your muscles. Try to feel it loosen pain. They‘re going to start this part now, ok. And meanwhile, the other one is still in front of you not doing anything yet, ok. All right, so try to feel the presence of the A‘quA-elle behind you, the Sparkle Person, and the large hands gently rubbing your back with just the right amount of pressure. Imagine the Sparkles that this Being, this Light Being is made of, are actually going into the skin and healing as they go, healing the muscles, healing the atoms. Try to feel the feeling of it. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 113 of 119
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They‘re going to start at the bottom now and just gently move up, and up the back and then out to the shoulders. Just try to feel the fluid motion of it. At some point you will feel tingling. When you work with them with this you‘ll feel, if you don‘t this time, you will feel it the more you call them in to do this. Now try to feel those large, gentle hands coming up over your shoulders and beginning to gently massage your neck. Feel them massaging your neck and lean into it a little bit. Just try to feel the sensation. Try to feel the absolute, just pure love as the sparkles go into your cells. The hands are moving up now, cupping the back of your head and massaging that spot that gets so sore sometimes, where the head hooks onto the neck. Just try to feel it, the loosening. Try to feel the fingers moving up behind your ears…all those spots that you never even think could use a rub. Feel them moving into a head rub now, going up and just gently massaging your whole scalp as the tinglies are going in…the little sparkles are going in. And now, the A‘quA-elle behind you is going to move downward, back down to your tailbone area and begin massaging there, and massaging the tailbone area. And as the Being does this, the A‘quai in front of you is now going to raise its lovely hands up that are radiating just beautiful, gentle, diffused but bright at the same time, white light. And it‘s going to put its hands directly on and over where your lungs would be, over your lungs and heart. Try to just feel the sensation. It‘s a new energy. It‘s a different type of energy feel that carries the most amazing like wave of love. Try to feel the absolute empathy and compassion. These Beings are empaths to the umph degree. They can feel everything that hurts. They feel everything you feel just by touching you and being near you, and they want to send healing to where there is any hurt. Try to feel the presence of the love on your chest as those gentle hands just sit there for a little bit. They‘re not even transmitting anything, just the lightest kind of just touching the surface of your skin. And try to feel at the same time the gentle massaging of the tailbone area, as those large hands from behind come around and actually massage your hip bones, the tailbone with the thumbs and he‘s coming around and massaging the hip bones with the finger tips, because his large hands…he can reach the hip bones. Just feel all the tension down there in the pelvic girdle starting to release, as the sparkles come through. And now the hands of the A‘quai, in front of you, are going to move, and he‘s going to gently place both hands, one on each side of your face, and just touch your face gently, with the most loving touch, almost like a lover, but not a sexual lover. Like you might hold the face of a child that you absolutely adore and find beautiful, a beautiful spirit that you are touching…that‘s the sentiment. Try to feel the feeling of the love in the hands as he caresses you and just gently, gently caresses to ease pain. He‘s going to try to move his fingers across your brow to release the stress from across the forehead…to release the stress. He‘s using the thumbs under the cheekbones gently, to relieve the stress in the face…release and heal…release and heal. He‘s going to gently stroke your eyelashes with a very loving gesture, just gently petting your eyelashes. And then gently, gently just petting your eyelids just a little bit and easing tightness that happens in your eyeballs and your muscles inside. Just feel the easing of the tightness. Now, feel the presence of the A‘quA-elle behind you and feel that he is moving actually close, where he‘s putting his chest against your entire back and wrapping his arms more fully around you, to where his hands are resting from behind, coming around you, resting on your knees. He‘s hugging you from behind. This is where we let go of the fear of trusting and learn how to trust again, like relaxing into a lover‘s arms, but a lover of Spirit. Try to feel the Absolute Love. It is a The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 114 of 119
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type of love that the Krystics share with each other there. They are affectionate and touching and, even the ones that are completely genderless, they still, they love at an amazing capacity. Try to feel that healing wrapped around you from behind. And now feel the presence of the A‘quai in front of you moving a bit closer to you as well. And he‘s going to remove his hands from your face, gently, and put them on your shoulders and rub your shoulders a bit from the front, because he‘s sitting in front of you. And he‘s just going to gently pull you a little bit forward into a hug, where you can rest your head on his shoulder, while he puts his arms around your shoulders and hugs you from the front. So you have one hugging low from behind, the other hugging high from the front, and just feel like you‘re being in a womb, a womb of love. Here it is safe. Here you can trust. Here no violation will occur. You can come back here to be with the Healers any time you want to. You can ask them to come to you. And, there‘s many other types of healings they can work with, but it starts with the love and the trust. Feel the energy move between them now, as the sparkles are like carriers of the love that the A‘quA-elle is feeling, move forward through you, but also into the A‘quai in front of you, where they‘re loving each other too, with you in the middle. And feel the beautiful, white beams of light coming through the skin of the A‘quai in front of you and moving back into the A‘quA-elle behind you. And they both start to…there‘s energy moving in both of them as they‘re experiencing the love. And in the love the healing comes. And you are in the middle of this love. Literally, a sacred, chaste love union that has nothing to do with sexuality. It doesn‘t need to. It‘s so far beyond that. You‘re almost melting. They actually do have the ability to melt into each other just to experience fully what the other is feeling and then pull back apart and be themselves again. They‘re not going to do that right now though. Ok, now feel them relax a bit. And they‘re not pulling you forward, and your head comes off the shoulder of the one in front of you. And the A‘quai in front of you is going to telepath something to you. You may not hear it yet in words, but through this hug they were able to understand where the deepest hurts right now are, and he‘s going to telepath something to you that you may hear as words. You may start getting images or feelings coming up that flit by, because what this love energy has done is actually move out of your atomic structure imprints of the Gharoche, from you and also from other lifetimes. Try to feel the release and try to feel the hands again on your face, of the A‘quai. And this time he‘s going to touch your eyes gently, and he will telepath to you the direct cognition. It will have words too, if you can hear them, of ―It is all right to cry. Let it go. Let it wash away. Let it be gone. Let it be healed. Feel the release. Let it go. It is gone, that which is not of the Kryst is not eternal. It is gone.‖ When you do these healings at home, and sometimes they will lay you down at this point and lay down next to you and hold you. One holds you from behind, one holds you from the front. And this is why they will send the genderless ones in for this, so there‘s no problem of worrying about that. And they will actually hold you, full body on, laying down, like a side to side. They‘ll have you on your side. You can take this from there. If the tears need to come, let them, because behind the tears there is release of joy. There‘s joy under that. It‘s gone. It doesn‘t have to stay. Whatever it was, it doesn‘t matter anymore. With this, any persons that come to mind that are connected to the pain that you‘re feeling now, if they‘re from this life say, ―I accept forgiveness now. I will for-give. I will give away the pain. It is gone. It is done. I release this.‖ Feel the love. You never have to feel that lonely, frightened-ness again. These Healers will come to you not just for a biological The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 115 of 119
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healing, but to heal all that hurts and harms. They are like your lovers, but where sex isn‘t involved. It is that pure love that lovers actually try to look for in each other, which is very hard to find down here. They are committed, and it will be these 2. They are committed. They‘re not going to send in another set. These are the ones that will work with you. They will let you get to know them and they would like to get to know you. And they will come just to hold you when you go to sleep sometimes, if you want that. Like when you‘re a child and you feel troubled and your mom takes you and puts you, or dad takes you and puts you in bed and just wraps up around you and says, ―It‘s ok‖ and you kind of go…(Ash sighs). As you relax in their Shield they are willing to give you that comfort. It is being able to relax in the protection of their Shield. So if you‘d like them to do that…they won‘t do it without you asking and right now you will keep, once you open a connection with them like this, it will last for about 48 hours. So you don‘t have to keep doing it and calling them all back again and all of that. You don‘t have to go through the whole technique to bring them back. You would just use that really quick thing on page 1 to call them back in and get yourself, try to quickly get yourself into that space where you‘re not doing full Sha-DA‘. You can do it, but it takes longer. If you just want them to come in quick and ―just help comfort me please,‖ part of healing is comforting and nurturing to a Being. So they are very willing to do this. From this point on you have not only the family you have down here, your biological ones and the ones that you find in the Group Shield here, but you have a very special family, a Slide Family. And that family will stay with you until they successfully help you to get to Median Earth, one way or the other. At times they will talk with you, once they open more communication and you get to where you can hear them more. They‘ll talk with you about choices. About, ―Do you want to do the full biological Slide? Do you feel you‘d rather incarnate directly into an Aquafar‘E and just do proper Bhardoah?‖ You, at this point, have the Family Link that you need. These are your Slide Family. And, you have the ability with them, that if the Shield was ever pulled they can get you out really fast and help you maintain that 75% Light Quotient. The Light Quotient will go up from here and they will work with you to raise it, personally. This is actually a transformation point in your lives, to have these Beings with you. Please get to know them and take…they are really there, and they are really real. And, the more you work with the techniques, the more you will realize that is true. They will help you learn to shift the focus of being imbedded in a reality here and ―this is the only one that seems real and everything else seems imaginary.‖ You will start to see how not imaginary the places from which they come are. If you would like, they will stay with you now in the form that they‘re in, except they‘ll have to walk around as if they‘re wading through water up to their waist kind of thing. Because they‘re going to stay where they can like look at you eye to eye. If they‘re 12 feet tall, it‘s going to be like you‘re looking at their kneecaps. So they‘re going to move themselves downward so they can like, if…at some point they‘ll actually do eye contact. That‘s what they‘re doing right now. They‘re still here. They‘re still with you. If you like, when you walk out tonight, feel them holding your hands, right. They‘ll position themselves where they can actually walk out as if you‘re holding hands together, one on each side, doesn‘t matter which. You have your Team with you now. The other guys are just as loving too, but these guys carry a very, very special set of empath frequencies that allow them to actually…if you put two of those together, they can blend into one Being and energetically, literally get into each other‘s skin and become a Being that‘s a composite of the two of them and larger than sum of its parts, but then pull themselves back out again. They are capable of doing this with each other and with other Beings. They‘re not doing that right now to that degree, but that empathy allows them to run the great joy and love that they live all the time, to you and through you. And that‘s what this was about. This has washed the Karmic Imprints off that you would have picked The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 116 of 119
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up otherwise from your other Vectors. It has cleared those out. So you‘ve got ―you.‖ And it‘s cleared out some of the other things from your past here, that they suggest calling them in frequently…as frequently as you need, but at least about once a week, if not more. And you don‘t even have to do the long call, just hail them and give a little bit of time, even if it‘s right before you go to sleep, to do this Comfort Touch, this Love Touch/ Return of Trust, thing. And just let them hold you and just run the love through you. And you will find that it…it will just really shift a lot of things. It will take off layers of your own Karmic Imprint from this life that come up, because as DNA activates, stuff kicks up on the Gharoche side as well. Let them help you with it. This is just the beginning. Later, once you move through a cycle of working with the Healers, then there‘s a part that‘s going to want to say, ―Hm, ok, what about like the Trainers or the other ones? Or, how about the Aquafar‘E, because I‘d like to play. I forgot how to play.‖ You know, that joyful play that kids can do, the silliest of things, but they‘re just having an absolute great time, where they‘re light-hearted and the Spirit is just flowing. The Aquafar‘E can help you with that too. So can the Healers. So, this is the beginning of a relationship, of a very intimate and wonderful relationship with you and a group of 6 other Beings that do have biological forms in their reality fields where they are. They are projecting to you, and they are very good at it. Because you will find that eventually, you‘ll actually be able to see them. And you will actually…I, I‘ve seen these guys and I‘ve seen, which one was it? I‘ve seen the A‘quA-elle…a long time ago I actually saw one of these and I didn‘t know ―who‖ or ―what‖ it was. But, it looked like it was sleeping next to me on the bed, not doing anything, but it was just like this sparkly person, asleep, and with the head on the pillow and the whole bit, just sleeping next to me. And I remember waking up in the middle of the night and it was there and I…‖Uh oh,‖ because I didn‘t know who it was then, but now I‘m realizing that Being…and that was ages ago, that was like right after the walk-in and walk-out occurred for me. These people are with you. They are your Team. You will get to know them more and more. But, you also get out of it what you put into it. If you work with the techniques, work to meet them, make appointments with them. Don‘t like forget about them for 6 months and then say, ―Oh yeah, are you still around?‖ They will be, but they‘ll be a bit bored then. (Laughs) If you let them go for like a month or something and forget they‘re there, I would suggest to run the long version of this first, right. Do the whole connection. Bring the whole Shield in again, because they will. They‘re obliged to come in. That is their service contract that they chose. So, you‘ll get the whole bunch in and then go back to the Healers. Say, once you‘ve got the whole bunch in say, ―Hi everybody. Sorry I forgot you. Could the Healers please stay with me for a while now?‖ So, you can take it into that kind of thing. This…in that process, the Level 4 Ordinations have been run through, so they are now…the degree of them that you can hold in your bodies right now, is active and on-line in the DNA. The parts that your DNA might not be ready to hold yet are in your field, and it will just progressively, automatically go on autopilot. I think that…oh…hot (Laughs)…he just did something. Oh, that felt neat. He just did something on my back, like tapped it. Made me jump. Is there one more thing you‘re going to do? He‘s going…(Ash shares no words- just a motion). Ok, what? All right, the Sparkle One (Chuckles)…I keep forgetting their names. The Sparkle Man, Being…it‘s not even a man…Being is going back behind you again and he‘s going to rub just a little bit in 2 spots. One, right behind your AzurA and the other, simultaneously, with the other hand…and I‘m not sure which hand is which…doesn‘t matter, is going to be right behind your Karanadis Seal, but on the spine. Like, where would be behind those spots, if you went through yourself. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 117 of 119
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He‘s going to tell me what it‘s about in a minute. Try to feel the little tingle as the sparkles go in. Oh, I see what you‘re doing. Cool. Ok, in a minute, he‘s going to run the silver sparkles literally through all the bones and up and down the spine. Because, that is where the Biotes attach. So if you have any of those things in you, this will Transmute them and get them out. All righty. Cool. All right…so it‘s still rubbing the spots just a little bit, gently, and like transmitting little bursts of it, building up in those 2 points, the current. And now, the Sparkle Currents, and these are the Currents from AshalA all right. And now, all right, now he‘s just going to take his 2 hands with the big thumbs and literally run up and down the spine with the thumbs, and it‘s going to spread what was transmitted in there up and down through the spine. And imagine your spine, the whole spinal cord and right through the bone itself and all around it, is actually being cleaned by this Sparkle. It‘s like ―sparkle plenty‖ that you use on chandeliers. It‘s just going through going, ―(Ash makes her own ‗cleaning noises‘)…and sparkling, like scrubby bubbles almost, like those commercials, but they‘re little, tiny sparkles, but covered in it. It‘s like your whole spine is running Sparkles. Now it‘s going right up into the tip of the spine…top of the spine, at the neck, and like going into where the head hooks on and going all the way down into the…it‘s actually running the whole skeleton now. Ok, cool. ―That gets other stuff off,‖ he said. And, going into the tailbone and right down the legs. Feel it going all through the legs…from the bones, spreading out through all the muscles, through the ankles, releasing all of that tension and all the swelling that sometimes happens when you‘re on airplanes and over tired and all that. Feel it in your feet, going through your feet. Feel it coming down your arms now, and through your arms, and out your palms and your hands. And finally feel it coming up your neck and all through your head and through your face, and your eyeballs and your lips. He‘s just running the frequencies that come from the Ashalum, the Edonic Ashalum Temples of AshalA. And now, he‘s going to stop with the moving of the thumbs up and down and just give you one final, just, kind of like a ―See you later‖ hug from behind. He‘s just reaching around you. And try to feel the arms around you here, kind of... And just put your head down on his huge hands. And he‘s just going to say, ―Bye, for now. And we are with you. And, please don‘t forget. And if you‘d like, we will be with you in the dream state too, and we‘ll start teaching you things.‖ They will start teaching you things about healing things in your body, yourself, as well…about adjustments you can make and things you‘re doing, and eating and exercising and all that, as well as the things that we‘ve taught. All righty. So, all right, they got rid of the Biotes. I love it. These are the things that grow into Scorpions, that take over the bodies, right. He‘s just saying, too, ―You can amplify that Silver-Sparkle Current.‖ It will run in the spine and in the bones now as a protection field, so those things can‘t re-attach, but if you feel it‘s dwindling just do ―Rasha Eira Krystar Now‖ for a quickie. And, if you feel it‘s dwindling, then just run another version of these and call them back again to re-do this, where you can just call them in on the short call, which is page 1, right, and just use the…what are their names? They‘re the KEi‘-sa / Ah‘-RA. Call for the KEi‘-sa / Ah‘-RA using that technique in the front, where you would put it as a Pre-fix and then use the Elemental Orb Call Command. And just lay down, ask them to come in…if you want them to do the sit up things, the back rubs and that…if you want to have a full body back rub, where you lay down on your belly and have them do that, they will have them do that. So you can call them in and ask them to re-charge the Protection Field that‘s running the bones, right. Because if it‘s running the bones, it‘ll make it so those things can‘t attach to the body anymore. And then we‘ll work on getting it through and out of the muscles and stuff, like the poisons that are left behind from those attachments. And they‘ll be in other courses. So, I do believe it‘s time for everybody to go. And there‘s lots of people in the room now (Chuckles). I hope you have enjoyed this. I hope you experienced the sensations and could feel their presence. I mean, I wasn‘t even lying down The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 118 of 119
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and I could …so I wasn‘t getting the full level activation, but man I was feeling good. Was going, ―Oh yeah, do the back, please, please. Rub, rub, yeah, yeah, yeah.‖ Yeah, it‘s like having our own personal masseuse with this stuff. And as long as you‘re…they are very sweet Beings and they would actually feel hurt if you yelled at them or anything, or got upset with them, or… They wouldn‘t know what to do with it really, like personally. Not if you‘re upset about something else and you‘re crying and stuff. They can handle that, right. That‘s not a problem. But if you said, ―You better come in‖ and ―Get over here. You‘re supposed to serve me.‖ Uh, they won‘t know what to do with that attitude. They‘re very…they‘ll, they‘ll have to go higher and go, ―Uh, don‘t know. What do you do with that? I wanted to go hug you, but it‘s like this and stuff,‖ right. So they would have to get advice on how to handle those kinds of outbursts directed at them. They‘re good at healing stuff that‘s happening with you, but when it‘s directed at them they‘re just kind of like… they just don‘t deal with that in their world. So, try to be kind and sweet with them. They are just, they are literally Beings made of pure, Krystic love. And they will teach you about that, and it will actually raise your standard of what you expect in, as far as exchanges and things. And, what you expect from yourself, as far as giving love. They will help us learn how to heal and also to give love and trust again, and to receive it back as well, which is one of the biggest problems the Human Race and anybody down here has at this point. So, I really hope you have a very safe trip home with your Sha-DA‘ Shield Team. And, it‘s also a good idea to journal when you‘re working with them, because you might find things that while they‘re there, or right around the time they are there, that you understand them but you forget it later, right. So, just try to write down like once a day or something, little notes about when you‘re interacting with them and that kind of thing. We will soon get the Mindfulness Techniques out because these are great to work with, if not every day, like a couple times a week with them. If you don‘t have the time to sit down and go Orb-ing out like this, right into Buddha State, at least do the stuff with the Waking Dreams and with the Mindfulness Techniques. So, I do believe that‘s it, and I think people, yeah, we just hit 6:00, and that‘s when the people have to leave. Participants: Thank you! (Clapping) A‘sha-yana: Thank you for being here. We love you guys. And thank you guys, thank you up there! I just feel so grateful for this Team. (Much Clapping). Participant: (Question about the 6 points of the Hierophant) A‘sha-yana: No, that was explained; they change. Sometimes you‘ll have one that‘s like, say you have a ZionA in the front, and then next time you‘ll see it‘s one of Healers in the front. So, they make up the…they will decide where they best could be for that time. Yeah, sure.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 119 of 119