FOL 2008 Transcript

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2008 FOL January Phoenix—Engaging the Load-Out; the Last Ascension Cycle & the Gate of AshaLA

Phoenix, Festival of Lights, January 2, 2008—Disk 1 Introductory Lecture [D1 C1 0:00:16] A'sha (Missing from DVD: ""Hello everyone! ______for both of us, because right now Az is recuperating from a slipped disk problem in his back so he can't come up here comfortably.") But he is on the mend. So I just want to thank you for being here and also for your patience as far as there were seven new graphs that they started with last night and it was essential information which often happens. If you‘re new—if you happen to be new to the work, this happens on occasion, particularly with security clearance dispensations which this one was. I had no idea about the word called AshaLA until this morning and this is what the whole program is actually about. So, even though it is FOL and I‘d like to wish you a happy FOL because this is a big one, right? We…usually FOL isn‘t a really long program. It was going to be a bit longer this time; I was just going to review slowly some of the things that we‘ve gone through. We‘re not going to do a slow one. We‘re going to see what‘s called a fly-by, and I don‘t mean space ships. I mean mylars flying by with explanations where necessary. Because there is…this is like the quick, quick sequence to get to a certain point of understanding. There‘s also a handout that we‘re going to—as long as the hotel cooperates—have printed out for you. Finally this is the first published release of what is called the Load-Out Schedule and it shows the Ascension Cycle, how it works, what the dates are, what parts of Starfire takes place when and what that means. There‘s something called the Folds of Creation that was information that was introduced—I think it was in Tribes 9. That was Tribes 9, wasn‘t it? That wasn‘t even Amsterdam. That was after Amsterdam workshop. We‘ll, it has to do with that. So we‘ll get to the point where we see…we‘ll just do a…just look at what we have learned this year. We‘re now at FOL 2008. FOL 2007 was the beginning, when we first heard the words ‗Aquari’ and the ‗Aquafereion Host’ and all sorts of new words that opened an entirely new chapter and level of the work.

[D1 C1 0:02:22]

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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2008 FOL January Phoenix—Engaging the Load-Out; the Last Ascension Cycle & the Gate of AshaLA

It has been the most amazing year and very hard year for us in certain ways to keep up with the information and the data flow. There‘s not even been time to typeset a graph in the entire time. So you‘ll see lots of handwritten things. Eventually, we‘ll hopefully have time to sit down and clean those up so we can publish them as a book. But right now the Beloveds had said to me last night…they said this is the first time this package of information has ever been given here—literally not just here on Earth—in the Milky Way, in our galaxy. Yeah. And it will be the last time. And not just because it‘s a bit of a grueling thing to do with pen and ink, but because of what is taking place. This is the last Ascension Cycle from the Milky Way and it is not just for us on Earth, but Earth holds a key place in that entire program of Ascension that affects many billions of different races that our scientists here don‘t even know exist yet that are in other places within the Milky Way galaxy. So what we‘ll see toward the end of the program is a recap of the most important of the information that was released in Amsterdam which has to do with understanding a bit more about our relationship to the Milky Way galaxy and the Milky Way galaxy‘s relationship to M-31, which is what our science here calls the Andromeda galaxy. The Andromeda galaxy is our home PCM Veca that we‘ve talked about in the Ecka-Veca Maps. The Milky Way is a phantom fall from that system. So when we talk about Ascension Cycles and Starfire Cycles, our pathway home, anything in the Milky Way‘s natural pathway home is back through M-31 and we are in the middle or, I don‘t know of middle, beginning, end—I mean, depending on what stage—of this immense host that has been running for billions of years—ever since there was between 350 and 360 billion years ago is when the separation between M-31 and what is now called the Milky Way galaxy occurred. And from that time there has been a major host matrix going on and there was one point that needed to be reached within that host matrix and it was a point where a large portion of the inhabitants of that system but not just the inhabitants—a portion of the quantum mass which means the matter base which also means stars and planets and things could also be pulled back into their path alignment with M-31 so they would evolve back in to that galaxy. We are today at FOL, this evening—we are going to experience something that they described as the most important—they‘d said this on the way over in the car—they said it is the most important event that has ever occurred in the Milky Way galaxy. And…yeah. So I‘m going to be learning about some of this as we go along too. They‘ve gotten me to a certain point; I can still feel security clearance on some of the other material. What I want to do is get you to a point…be you someone who‘s been with us for a long time, or someone who‘s relatively new. You‘ll be able to see in a concise form a very simple walkthrough of what we learned and it‘s going to be like: Well, we learned about this and we learned about that. We learned about this and we learned about that and how that connects to that; we learned about this and learned about that. Right? So by the time we get to learn about what you haven‘t learned about yet that‘s really important you‘ll have an idea of what it‘s all connected to. Right? We did a slower recap of things with a bit more density and detail involved in it in the Amsterdam workshop which is an excellent workshop for anybody that‘s new if you haven‘t seen it. It really puts together large Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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2008 FOL January Phoenix—Engaging the Load-Out; the Last Ascension Cycle & the Gate of AshaLA

bodies of data that took us seven years to accumulate the knowledge of—particularly the last year—and it will be slower than what you will see here because we have more strict timelines here. I believe the dinner is fixed at six? Or, no…six or eight but we have to be out of the room so they can set this room up. And they said absolutely have to be out at six for…or 6:30. 6:30 now? Okay, 6:30. So we can go till 6:30, and then we have to have that break and then there‘ll be dinner, but I believe we can use the room afterward as well so we‘ll get through the program. But there is…right at the end of seven graphs, upgrading seven graphs, they threw this new graph at me. It‘s the one that‘s not finished at the end. But it‘s enough…it will be finished enough to show you something really, really neat about what are called Adjugate Twins—Elemental Adjugate Twins and I‘m not talking about you go find your Adjugate Twin person. We‘re talking about…say your hydrogen atoms have an Adjugate Twin companion atom that is in what is called the Adjugate System which you‘ll see what that is and if you don‘t know what that is, you‘ll be able to see what that is by the time we go through these quickly. But, they are finally…this will be the first introduction of what is going to be the Krystal River Healing Program. And they are showing us how to use sound and for the first time they have given—or they are giving, in the process of giving—and it‘s a lot of data analysis that I have to, like cross my I‘s and dot my T‘s if you know what I mean. But it will give you the idea of how the system works, where we have now, the notes, the primary notes or prime notes that they call them that go with what colors that go with what Allurean Chambers, elemental chambers and when you use them you…it has to do with light and sound relationships between here and what‘s called the AdorA or Adjugate Matrix that is the other part of our system that‘s on opposite spin. It‘s natural too, but when you use certain combinations of specific tones, it enables you to create crossharmonics between them that allow for all sorts of things like fast Ascension, opening gates, and fast healing of the DNA template. So they‘re just beginning to show us what the Krystal River Healing Program is going to be about. They even had us bring tuning forks because there‘s going to be an exercise they want us to do. And this is going to be a first; I‘ve never used tuning forks before. But at the end, this evening, there‘s going to be a series of things we need to do for those who want to participate in the activation that is coming in. There is an activation incoming on the planet whether or not anybody is here, it is incoming—the fact that we‘re here will help buffer it so the Earth can hold it so it doesn‘t create earthquakes and all that kind of stuff. But what this…with these frequencies coming in, we will be asked to create a harmonic-type tone that is a trans-harmonic tone that has to do with using simple ones, the simple notes here. There are three simple notes they‘re going to have us strike a note on the fork and hold it here so you can hear it, right? And then they‘re going to have a portion, they‘re going to divide the room into three and have…I guess it‘s three; three or four; they haven‘t told me yet; it might be four, OK, and one section will use your voice to find that vibration, right? So you can make that sound. And we‘ll do…you know, strike it a couple times so you can hear it and hold it and that will be like…it‘s actually E, A and D—there are the notes. And it really doesn‘t matter which, you know, whether they‘re high or low that they want you to match to the forks and there‘ll be a section doing A Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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2008 FOL January Phoenix—Engaging the Load-Out; the Last Ascension Cycle & the Gate of AshaLA

and a section doing D in a certain order and there‘s going to be something else that comes through live that they didn‘t tell me about yet. This is the first time this particular type of healing technology has been able to be used on this planet and for a long time in most places in this galaxy. In Seeding Two, there were a reduced, alright, they‘re saying a reduced element of this technology was available during the Seeding Two period on Earth. And it had to do with something called the Halls of AshaLA and the Halls of AshaLA link in to what are called the Edons or the Edon domains. So this is the beginning of a wonderful set of events. It is at this point that there is no turning back in the Ascension Cycle. We had talked about for a while that we had entered in, I believe, August of 2007, we‘d entered the early phase of a Starfire Cycle that was called the KaLE-Hara Cycle. And whether or not the Aquafereion shield, the collective of Aquafereion Indigo humans on the planet—whether or not they reached a certain base pulse rhythm or core vibration would determine whether or not we would end up with three-day evac call immediately or whether we could ride out a cycle because the Ascension Cycle would occur. But it‘s not just an Ascension for this planet. It is a huge Ascension, as you‘ll see as the graphs, you know, get more in depth with the Amsterdam information. It is for the Milky Way itself. It doesn‘t mean science is going to watch one day as the whole Milky Way goes back up into M-31. That‘s not going to happen. The Milky Way…about a third will be capable of it. Their Ascension paths and each system will go at a little bit different timing. We‘re using Earth timing increments here because we‘re on Earth. But this is the beginning point of a shift of a portion of the Milky Way is literally starting to shift back into natural alignment with M-31 and that starts with the activations today. And it also starts a whole new world of Ascension potential. It means that there will be, and these—this is information that was introduced I believe in Amsterdam and Tribes 9 as well— that because of the success that we have completed a KaLE Hara Cycle, the KaLE Hara Cycle ends today. All right? We‘ve made it. Yes. Hey you guys! __________ Upward! It‘s—and it means we will enter stage two of Starfire which is called the KaLA Krysta. So we‘ll look at what those cycles mean. But we are in the middle of an amazing set of events. For billions of years, these set of events have been being waited for. It was one of the reasons why things were allowed to get so bad on Earth. Because if they had bailed out on the host before and just got the Aquafereion humans off Earth or whatever and Earth fell…it wouldn‘t just be Earth that fell into black hole status. It would also have been the Milky Way system, the complete Milky Way system. As we‘ll see in the maps that the gate maps and their interfaces at the end of the program, we‘ll see that Earth is key and always has been key to holding the host to its natural M-31 system. And we‘ll also find something else out that was just revealed to us during the last, like 24 hours. We have talked about a place called Urtha which is literally running through our atmosphere. Its Matter Body is running through our atmosphere. We found out in Amsterdam that that is actually located in M-31—and that‘s kind of fascinating. How could it be here and there at the same time? That has to do with the interface of the gates. It is running through our atmosphere. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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2008 FOL January Phoenix—Engaging the Load-Out; the Last Ascension Cycle & the Gate of AshaLA

There‘s another place called Sha-La 3. Now Urtha 3 is Universal Star Gate 3 in the M-31 Matrix, which is our home matrix. There is another one called Sha-La 3 that is what is called its Adjugate Spirit or its Eiradonis Gate and that is the host that will allow Earth and this system to actually evolve back into M-31. And then there is another one. It‘s called AshaLA and AshaLA is…they refer to it as the between zones. And they‘ve been taking me to this place in some Sadhis lately and I had no idea where I was. It‘s like, ―Where‘s this? It feels different than anywhere we‘ve been. It feels nice but different. It doesn‘t feel like the Adashi temples that we‘ve been doing journeys to.‖ And they wouldn‘t tell me. They said, ―It‘s just the space between.‖ Between what and what? You know what I mean? But they wouldn‘t tell me. Well, AshaLA is the space between Sha-La 3 and the Earth we‘re standing on. It too runs through our atmosphere but it is unique in certain ways and I‘m just learning about that has to do with being able to open Earth‘s core gates directly into it where there are very ancient but still very active healing temples that are of the Edon levels. The Edon level of AshaLA is called Ashalum of the UmShaddEi—the Edon levels. And this has to do with the Ashalum Passage and those kind of things that we‘ve talked about before—and it is a big event that the gates of AshaLA are opening. And we‘re going to learn more as we go. There‘ll be things that just kind of go on a roll, because I haven‘t learned them either. There‘s something on security clearance that‘s really big about this so I don‘t know what that is but it will come out. But I want to start where we basically started just looking at. And, no, I‘m not going to start with a Kathara Grid…―This is a Kathara Grid.‖ No! No! No! There‘s plenty of those workshops out there. Let me see if I have a pointer, yeah. Excuse me. No. I will start with this.

[D1 C2 0:15:39]

Now this was a graph that came through somewhere around Virginia Beach and then evolved from there and I‘m sure it will probably evolve past here but in the nutshell, what it does it give us a really quick way to say what we‘ve learned about, all right? Like in the last, not just year because it‘s actually taken several years to learn about Light Body and those kind of things as well, but in the last year it‘s been the crash course in Ascension. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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2008 FOL January Phoenix—Engaging the Load-Out; the Last Ascension Cycle & the Gate of AshaLA

Why? Because if we didn‘t make the completion of the KaLE-Hara, there would be no Ascension from this planet anymore. There would have been a three-day evac call for anybody whose body could withstand it and anybody who wanted to go through gate otherwise would have had to Bhardoah out fast and usually natural disasters and stuff take care of that when large groups of people decide they‘re going to leave a planet they do so on a wave or several waves that involve natural disasters. So we avoided all of that. But it all started, really, when we learned about Kathara, and then learned about Krystal Body and Light Body structure. This shows how those pieces fit together. We‘re down here. When we look at this, this has that, those, that eight axis. They call it a six-cycle, though, because you have six…one, two, three, four, five, six what are called Takeyon Cycles, which are key generation cycles or quantum building cycles. And then you have two—let‘s say, different type cycles. One is called a SEda cycle. And the SEda cycle is where we learned about Spirit Body, the structure of the Spirit Body. We learned before that the structure of the Light Body. The structure of the Light Body had to do with the Ecka maps of the God World Gates, the balls and the bones of creation. That was Light Body structure. After that we learned about what was called Rasha Body structure. Rasha Body has to do with the Dark Matter Templates. And the Dark Matter Templates are the interface between the Light Body and matter as we know it…external matter structure and what is behind the Rasha Body which is called the Spirit Body structure. The Spirit Body of the Cosmos is called the ELum-Eiradhona and it has a very specific and huge structure, huge and complex and beautiful, and we all exist within it. Everything exists within it. And they began to show us this structure of the ELum-Eiradhona which is born here. The whole cycle starts here with the formation of the first Partiki. Partiki 1 ends up born here. So from this point, call it the fertilization point where idea is fertilized in the mind of Source or it‘s also the same point if…when egg and sperm come together down here? So we represent the same point there. It‘s referred to as the sixth axis…axis six. All right? So this starts the cycle of Partiki 1 births here and then Partiki 2 begins to birth and when Partiki 2 fully births in and splits Partiki 1, that creates the beginning of phasing of the Partikis…splits into Particum and Partika and creates a generator unit. All right. So these would be the Partiki Cycles; the birth of the Partiki cycles. This one, the Partiki 1 Birthing Cycle is referred to as the NaVAna Cycle; the Partiki 2 one is referred to as the NuVAna Cycle, and together they are the NaVE-Na Cycle, the two of them together referred to as the NaVE-Na Cycle. After Partiki 1 and Partiki 2 do their thing and Partiki 1 splits and makes the first phase set, then you have the beginning of what‘s called the SEda Cycle. The SEda Cycle starts with those first three pieces—the first three sparks that are generated from Partiki 1 and Partiki 2 phasing create what is called the Cousha. And this is where the Triad births, where you have the three first sparks. You have the Triad Cycle and by the end of the phasing where you have the three full…three sparks form…backflow return sparks form. From the Triad Cycle of the Partiki, you end up with birth of the Cousha.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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2008 FOL January Phoenix—Engaging the Load-Out; the Last Ascension Cycle & the Gate of AshaLA

The Cousha Crystal starts the second trimester of the SEda Cycle and in this cycle it produces first what is called the Eye of Allurea. The Eye of Allurea is referred to as the Eye of God. And from the Eye of God structure the Spirit Body manifests first before the Light Body manifests. So that…this is the process by which not only the Cosmos is born and every little thing in it, but also the process by which an egg and sperm that come together and fertilize go through and this…I don‘t think I have all the times here, do I? We had this broken down into times. This is like the first 12 minutes after fertilization of the egg. It was a lot longer for the Cosmos, I‘m sure, as far as our time goes but… So the Eye of God was born in through here. The Eye of God is…replicates and builds quantum of Spirit energy that creates what is called the EcoushaTA Complex which is the eight-cell cluster. The Ecousha-TA eight-cell cluster is known as the Ecoushic Record. At the same time as this is happening here, let‘s see…over here, going in the other direction on opposite spin, but in the same place at the middle is something called the Kasha, where you have a Cousha forming over here, you have a Kasha that forms here on opposite spin. It forms what is called…where this forms the Ecousha-TA this forms the Akasha-TA, and the Akashic Record. So this is where we end up with the Akashic Record and the Ecoushic Record which hold the Divine Blueprints for the EtorA side that we are in and the counter-spin universe is in the same place as we are but on opposite spin which is the AdorA side. So all of this…we‘ve gone through all of these in excruciating detail sometimes as far as structure—lots and lots of diagrams that we‘re just going to touch on. We saw this, we saw this, we saw this…just to get you to through where you see how the structures fit together because these structures in here that have to do with the Spirit Body have the Ecousha-TA, the Reusha-TA and the REisha-TA and at that point, that‘s like first 12 minutes after conception, then you have…no hours, that‘s hours, I believe…first 12 hours of conception…then you have what is called the Rasha Cycle, and this is where the Dark Matter Templates form. And at the same time of the Dark Matter Templates forming, this is where the Light Body structure grows from the Tauren out through the Diad, the Miad, the Monad, and all of the things we saw in the Starborn Cycle of Light Body growth structure. So this is showing you from Partiki 1 all the things that occur and Spirit Body is born here and right here is the full Silent Bang of the Spirit Body being born. This is where the ELum-Eiradhona is born. And the Tauren is born at the center of the ELum-Eiradhona and the Tauren is the first light unit from which the Light Body grows. So…and all of these are conscious. This is conscious energy and it‘s conscious energy becoming quantified, be it in a Cosmos or in an individual. So here is where the ELum-Eiradhona is born and it goes through what‘s called the gestation cycle, the Rasha Cycle, in terms of a pregnancy, this is the cycle where the fetus is developing in the womb into a baby and there are certain stages that go with this. At the end of that, and on a cosmic level, you end up with what‘s called the Big Bang, and that‘s where…as you go through this, the Light Body is starting to build as well. You get through the first set of 12 harmonic key cycles, first what‘s called full Takeyon Cycle and that is where the birth occurs. That is where the big bang that creates the Eukatharaista Body occurs but it continually fills out where it goes next, it‘ll create the Diad and next the Miad and next the Monad.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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2008 FOL January Phoenix—Engaging the Load-Out; the Last Ascension Cycle & the Gate of AshaLA

But the Big Bang that creates the structures for the Ecka Map structures occurs there. So this is showing you again there is a rhyme, a reason, and a progression in creation and it is a perpetual progression. And it has cycles of expanding outward, and these are the expanding outward cycles and then there are cycles of returning back home and that it is what makes it eternal. The inflow…or the outflow into creation and then the return back into Source Consciousness field and it is continual and perpetual motion. And that is the difference between eternal life and finite life, eternal light and finite light. It is the difference between real Ascension and false Ascension. And unfortunately, since Atlantis the true Ascension teachings have been stolen from this planet and have been re-written, twisted, and don‘t do much else except help you fall down a black hole. And this is why these teachings are being brought back…so we can see the context and we can compare it to what others are teaching out there. If you have any doubt, go to other workshops. Go see what they‘re teaching. Go see if they can answer this paradigm. I‘d like to see them…I really would like to see some of the paradigms that are out there negate this, because they can‘t. A lot of them have drawn their material from it and then twisted it from there. We‘ll see little bits about that and what that has to deal with the Milky Way when we talk about the Daisy of Death, and the Bloom of Doom and the Bubble of Trouble that…that are created. That was a new one that came through this morning—The Bubble of Trouble. Yes, it‘s like a boil on the face of the galaxy. Right? A boil that is the galaxy. All right. Anyway, this is where it starts. This is a good way to begin. I‘m not going to go through all of these and name every one of them; we have done this in other workshops so if you are new, all of this information is stuff we have covered. So you‘re just seeing where this stuff we have covered fits. You‘ll see little bits of it just so have…well…when we do a diagram sequence, as we‘ve said before in other workshops, they are like a big code that carries a lot of encrypted information. And just by having it fly by, it helps to awaken the matching frequencies in your own field to bring that knowledge to you. Because this knowledge lives inside of you…even if it‘s still fragmented in your junk DNA, it belongs to you. It is the Kryst Code information that every Kristiac being when it‘s fully functioning in biology and its biology isn‘t blocking it, is aware of this information. So it is your information but when you see it fly by it helps to stimulate your own codes that correspond with it. And that‘s why we do take time to show key pictures. So we‘re going to show a few. Anyway this is where it starts. Next one, please. Got to start the fly-by.

[D1 C2 0:26:00]

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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2008 FOL January Phoenix—Engaging the Load-Out; the Last Ascension Cycle & the Gate of AshaLA

Okay. Now that cycle gives birth to what‘s called the Birthday Chart, all right? The Natural Krystic Biology Transfiguration Birthday Chart. This chart applies to various things. It was given to us in order to understand a bit of what is supposed to happen with the natural Angelic Human form, that‘s 12-strand pattern and by age 33 where Ascension into what‘s called the Adashi Return Cycles is supposed to occur. It does not on this planet right now because of the mutations taking place here. But the Birthday Charts are part of that cycle that you would see after you would have the original core cycle and where you‘d have the Big Bang and the birth. The Big Bang and the birth of the body would be here, so this would be the SEda Cycle, this would be gestation, then you would have birth. There are these cycles that on…as far as humans go they would go from year to year until you get to a certain point and then there is called Transfiguration Cycle. The Transfiguration Cycle would…is literally a leap in base pulse rhythm that is caused by certain things that are naturally supposed to take place between the Light Body, the Rasha Body, and the Spirit Body and what is called the Adjugate Twin part of your own energy that exists in the AdorA Matrix. That is what actually fuels this growth cycle. This is the natural growth cycle. The body‘s supposed to expand and get larger, which it does here but it is also supposed to progressively de-densify and progress through Density 1 integrating all of its frequencies and then Density 2, integrating all of its frequencies which make the body larger but less dense, to the point where you progress up to Density 3 frequencies, Density 4 frequencies and once you completed Density 4 frequencies you‘d hit the fourth transfiguration point…wait a minute…no…the fifth transfiguration point. This is the one. You‘d hit this point and then you go into this cycle. This is the process of going into what is called the Adashi Return Cycles. We‘ll look at in a couple minutes the difference between an Eckashi Expansion Cycle and an Adashi Return Cycle. They are part of the natural structure of the ELum-Eiradhona Spirit Body, both on a cosmic level and all the way down to your own little self and even smaller things than you. So these cycles are just showing you that there is a large program that goes with the structures that we have been learning about and finally those pieces are coming together where we can see the cohesion in them and the linear nature of them as well. (0:28:06)

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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2008 FOL January Phoenix—Engaging the Load-Out; the Last Ascension Cycle & the Gate of AshaLA

These can all be explained heavily scientifically more than we have gone and thankfully that wasn‘t my job to have to do that because I don‘t like numbers a lot and most of it is numbers. But these charts give you an idea of the cycles we‘re a part of. We have covered these since Virginia Beach we started them. I think we covered them again in Amsterdam where it talked a bit about the birthdays and there‘s going to be a whole body of information on the personal level as far as what is supposed to occur during what stages of birth. I mean, when you know this information and all that goes with it, you would understand, first of all, pregnancy…how it happens, fetal integration. You would understand how to talk to your child before you conceive. You would understand how to control conception. You would be able…I mean, the whole thing. All of this stuff is supposed to be conscious. It‘s because of the mutation on this planet that it is not and we‘ve been reduced to a breeding race…a breeding race of little soldiers to fight Fallen Angelic battles and that‘s going to stop, as least as far as the Krystics are concerned because we are on the Evac Plan and there are 223 years left where those gates are going to be open and we‘re not about to waste that time. So, anyway, this is giving the idea of the Birthday Charts. We‘ll analyze these. They‘ll give us lots more information on these than we…that we already have to understand more of how we can use these. You‘ll see this chart later with some other things put on it that are called the folds. There are four Folds of Creation that we will talk about later that have to do with the ELUm-Eiradhona Body and the natural processes by which Starfire Ascension or Krystar Starfire Ascension occurs. So this chart gets upgraded to show some of those things later on. Next one, please.

[D1 C3 0:30:00] The Krystar Krystal Capsule of the RashalA Body

We talk about Krystar and the Krystar Vehicle. This is the Krystar Crystal Capsule. This would be the flame around it and there‘s all sorts of things that activate within your field when you go into a Krystar State. In the Krystar State, you‘re able to levitate. You are able to disappear and turn into a point of light, go through a gate and pop up where you wanted to go as long as the gates are working properly, which we‘re trying to get them to do on this planet finally. So this is just to remind everyone of when we say ‗Krystar,‘ we‘re referring to the Krystar State that is a whole Ascension state of all of the layers of anatomy and through that process, you are enabled to ascend from a lower density to a higher one or from one Universe to another one or from a falling universe back

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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into a Kristiac Universe in the natural time cycles which is what we‘re doing. All right. So that‘s the Krystar Vehicle. Next one, please.

[D1 C3 0:30:53]

We‘ve learned about what was called The Eiradonis Body. The Eiradonis Body is fascinating; it‘s also referred to as the Resurrection Body. The Eiradonis body has to do with quite complicated material that is connected to what is called the Adjugate Twin state, Elemental Adjugate Twin, and it is a part of your anatomy that holds the Divine Blueprint for the physical body and it can be brought back into the body in order to—first of all, in order to reset the Divine Blueprint and purge the mutation and at a certain point during that process it actually comes into the body and then back out, then in, and back out. That process is what takes place during the KaLE-Hara Cycle. The KaLE-Hara Cycle that we‘ve talked about is referred to as the Resurrection Cycle. At the end of the KaLE-Hara Cycle, what are called the Conduit Twins, which is different from an Adjugate Twin—the Elemental Conduit Twin, or Eiradonis Body, engages and stays in the physical form and begin…and that sets in motion the next phase going into…or next stage going into the KaLA-Krysta Cycle. So we‘ll look at those cycles a little bit more. But when we talk about the personal anatomy of the Eiradonis Body…if you are here and all these are parts of the anatomy that correspond to the Spirit Body structure that you‘ll see bits of as we go, you know, along further and we‘ll look at that these again. But if you are here and this is your forward-moving Vector Projection Line, behind you is your Eiradonis Body, still facing the same direction you are, and facing the opposite direction, which would be on the opposite Event Horizon but on the same Vector is where your Spirit Body is. That‘s the other part of your energy that came into the AdorA system simultaneously with you. And the same goes…there‘s a part of you that incarnated in the AdorA side fully in matter form and its spiritual part is over here and that‘s what the Eiradonis is. The Eiradonis is what‘s called the Adjugate Spirit. So if you have an Adjugate Twin that is across…you…if you have a Vector line with two Event Horizons, one pointing that way and one pointing that way…if you‘re here on a EtorA line going this way, there is an AdorA line going that way but there‘s a line that runs between them, the EtorA system over here.

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You would have your ManA Body here, that makes your Matter Body…and your EirA Body, that makes your Spirit Body would be going out the other Veca…going out the Vector out the other Event Horizon and the part of you here, your Adjugate Twin self that is also ManA, but ManA in the AdorA system projects its EirA Body…Spirit Body…out and that would be where your ManA Body is.

So the Spirit Body, the Spirit of the Adjugate…the Adjugate Spirit…is our Eiradonis Body, and that‘s where these energies come from. It holds the perfect blueprint, the original core perfect blueprint of your body form, and that means it has the ability to purge out the core mutation that was set into our bodies here with literally mutation of that process that we saw—that started with Partiki 1—you know, the birthing cycle of Partiki 1, when an egg and sperm come together. Right at that point, there is a mutation that has been in our gene lines on this planet and has caused the progressive…well, death is one of the things it causes. It causes many other things like death and forgetting who you are and where you came from, forgetting your relationship to God, forgetting all this knowledge so you had to learn it again, all that…that‘s all because of the mutation and it starts literally at— at the conception or fertilization of egg and sperm. So this Eiradonis has the ability to override that imprint. So we are…it has been…the…we have not had the ability to do a full raising of the Eiradonis on Earth for a very long time. Jesheua 12 ascended through this process. This was his resurrection process. He wasn‘t dead first. All right? He didn‘t get crucified. That was Arahabi. That was a smoke screen run to cover up J-9‘s tracks on the Annunaki Side. J-12 used Raising of the Eiradonis technology back then, being helped by the Aquafereion races of Urtha in order to leave to get out first to Sha-La at…which is in what‘s called the AquA‘elle matrix and then to…well, he didn‘t go all the way up to Urtha. He went and then came back, so he still…he‘s back on Earth now, by the way. We‘ll talk about that later, I think. All right? Anyway…Eiradonis Body. Your ManA Body, that forms your Matter Body and your Light Body around it. And your Spirit Body, which also has a circle around it. This follows a form that has to do with the structure of the ELum-Eiradhona Spirit Body. Next one, please.

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[D1 C3 0:35:48]

She‘s got to go. Excuse me. Just shrink. Here we go. Okay. All of those things we just saw are part of the cycles of Ascension. If we start at core and there is the Core Domain, Inner Domain, the Middle Domain and the Outer domain. These domain cycles…they‘re literally structures of the Cosmic Spirit Body and Light Body. Each domain has its own large Light Body structure, its own Ecka Veca map that is connected to the one out that‘s connected to out from there that‘s connected to the one out from there. These are also what are called the Eyugha Cycles. So there are four Eckashi Expansion Cycles. This is the Eckashi Expansion Cycle as from Creation Point Center as on one Event Horizon as the energy comes out into manifestation through the Core, the Inner, and the Middle and Outer Domains. Our systems are in the Outer Domains, now. Each one of these four—the Core, the Inner, the Middle, and the Outer—represent what is called a Eyugha. That‘s what the Mayans were trying to teach everybody about the Eyughas, and the fact that we have entered the KaLA-Eyugha. Yes, we have. The KaLA-Eyugha is here. The Eyugha Cycles have to do with things called Alons, ShAlons and KAlons. We have the Aah-LA Eyugha, which has to deal with Alons, we have the Sha-LA Eyugha, which has to do with ShAlons and we have the KaLA-Eyugha, which has to do with KAlons. That‘s where the KaLA-Eyugha name came from. So this is the process we evolve actually from the inner—from the core—from Creation Point which is on the other side of Creation Point or before you get into Creation Point, let‘s say, there is the consciousness field of God Source. All of this takes place within the consciousness field of God Source and the ELumEiradhona Cosmic Spirit Body exists as the structure within the consciousness field of God Source. The Consciousness field of God Source itself is not quantifiable. It becomes quantifiable when it begins to take structure. But that is only the portion that is quantified—if that makes any sense. I think it does. All right? I said that kind of quick. Anyway, these are showing you the Eyugha Cycles. After you get out here, you fully expand, you accrete all the frequencies of the Core. Then you accrete all the frequencies of the Inner, then the Middle. The Middles are referred to as the Edons, all right? The Inners are the Adons and the outers are the Radons. Once you get to here and accrete all the frequencies of the Outer system, that is where you reach the turnaround point. That is where you enter a Starfire Cycle to do an Adashi Return and then there are three Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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cycles going back called EyADa Cycles that are the Adashi Return Cycles that would take you back into Creation Point. As that‘s going on one Vector coming out this way your Spirit Body is doing the same thing on the other— the opposite—the opposite Event Horizon on your Vector Line. So…because it happens at once. If ManU energy—they call it ManU energy—comes in here and it splits into ManA and EirA. The ManA later becomes the Mana, sends Prana back and the EirA goes out and forms a Spirit Body. The Prana that gets sent back from the ManA, interacts with the EirA from Spirit Body and together they end up forming the Eiradonis structures in between them so there‘s Eiradonis on this side and Eiradonis on that side. This is showing you a basic structure of creation that has to do with this larger structure here. So all these cycles have to do with this structure here. And this is simply looking at one Vector Line within the ELUmEiradhona Cosmic Body. Now the Cosmos has this, the universal level has them, so the galactic levels have them, a planetary level has them. Your body has these so you have an anatomy that matches these too. But we‘ve been talking about them on a cosmic level so we can understand our…a bit more of our position in relation to the Cosmos because through understanding these structures and the structures of the Ecka maps of the God World Gates, we can actually understand where we are in terms of what Vector within a cosmic body. We can actually know you are here and put a dot and we have a diagram that we‘ve shown that that will come. But this structure is showing you simply that there is the KaLE-Hara Body. There‘s the Hara bodies and this has to do with where the Hara energies come from and the Hara Line in the body that we‘ve talked about in the Kathara classes. Then this is the Reisha Body and the Mahara Reisha Body. And that would be the Spirit Body so on one Vector Line you have the central creation point. You‘d have the KaLE- Hara Body and the Mahara Reisha Spirit Body and at the center there‘s the HaRA-Krysta Body. Not the Hare Krishna. The HaRA-Krysta. All right? We went through a whole phase of learning about this from the Eye of God structure outward, from…through which eventually the ELum-Eiradhona Body forms. And there are all sorts of things. Like you find the DhaLA-LUmas, not Dalai Lamas but DhaLA-LUmas, which have to do with doorways in the center of these so the DhaLA…a DhaLA means ―window‖ or ―door,‖ or ―passageway‖ through and whatever‘s on the end of it referred to a place in the anatomy that we were speaking about. We‘re not going to cover all of that but that was in there so it covered all the teachings that have come out about Dalai Lamas and things like that; they all connect to this. This paradigm was the original paradigm in Atlantis. This much detail actually wasn‘t allowed in Atlantis because there were so many FAs…you know, doing nasty things with large crystals here. They didn‘t allow a lot of this to be published but parts of it that were published had been broken down into the 12 religions. And they weren‘t religions to start with. They were the 12 legions of the Kryst and those legions because religions where they were redone, twisted and used as control dogmas on the planet and they are the core of every religion on the planet as it exist today and they are the RE-Legions. We are bringing back the teachings of the original legion and there are basically 12 sets and each of the 12 Tribes of Humanity had Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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kind of custodianship over that particular set of information and also had the information encoded directly into their DNA. So, anyway—next one, please? Show you the structure…we‘ll go for structure here.

[D1 C3 0:42:05]

We look at that a little larger. This is showing you the KaLE-Hara Body, the Mahara Reisha Body and the HaRA-Krysta Body and it‘s also showing you these little bodies and, remember these are the Eyugha bodies—E-Y-U-G-H-A, the Eyugha bodies going outward. The four Eyughas and then the three Adashi Return Cycles, which are the EyAdas. And over here these are the AdeshI Expansion. Where you had Eckashi Expansion, here we have AdeshI Expansion here and EckashI Return here. And while these are going, these are going so it‘s literally a process of expanding outward and then coming back in to the center and that is the process of what Ascension is about. When we‘re talking about these structures in terms of the Cosmos, we‘re talking about a massive structure of spheres within spheres within spheres. Some of them…all of the spheres have different types, different types of energy. There‘s a different type of energy that forms the Spirit Body and then what‘s called the Light Body is a bit different type of energy than that and then the Rasha Body, which is the Dark Matter Template in between, and the body that goes with it…that has a bit different type of energy. So that‘s where…it‘s the type of energy and what the quantum of that energy is and how much of it is manifest and how much of it is, let‘s say, in AdorA side or EtorA side. There‘s all very, very specific— specific ways that in these teachings break down the different types of energies. So we‘re just beginning to get those. Knowing all those millions of details isn‘t the most important part. Understanding the greater picture and how the main parts of anatomy and structure and maps fit together so when you know that you just completed a KaLE Hara Cycle and that we are now getting ready to enter the KaLA Krysta Cycle you‘ll understand what that means and some of the processes involved, both personally and cosmically, with that.

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So this is again looking at one Vector Line with two Event Horizons—one projecting energy out that way and that would be the AdorA side in this diagram, and one projecting out energy this way in the EtorA side. The AdorA projection would be where the EirA, where ManU energy breaks down into EirA and ManA and that begins the process of projection out, and then, eventually when you get out to a certain point, which is the fourth Eyugha, here, that is the Starfire turnaround point, where the process…there‘s a whole process that has to do with the Folds of Creation that we‘ll look at before our presentations are done that has to do with going back into the center in order…it actually contracts back in and then pops back out and puts you in Adashi. So there‘s a whole process by which you don‘t just kind of like roll around the ball and then pop into the one going the other way. It‘s a little more complex than that, and they‘re trying to help us understand because they would like us to understand that some of the technologies that they have given and that they will give are directly about working with these parts of the anatomy and where the Spirit Body directly so it helps to understand what you‘re doing, not just have somebody say ―Here, go spin your Merkaba this way.‖ You know, those kind of things. So, as usual, they want you to understand, not just ―follow the leader.‖ Because when, in these teachings, there is one leader, and that is Source—God Source. And that one leader has infinite faces and every one of you are one of those faces. All right? So there are no followers and leaders. It‘s not a hierarchy in that way. There are some who have, say, more knowledge or a bit more DNA active right now, and that‘s okay. It doesn‘t mean they‘re any better or any more loved. It means they have a different job than ones who have, you know, not as much. So just because something might be smaller in one particular incarnation—right there it implies it‘s bigger somewhere else. Just so you know. So if you happen to be like, ―Hi, I‘m a 48strander in this life,‖ well, yeah, I‘m sure you have a 2-strander somewhere. Right? So it‘s all even in terms of that. It is all equal in value though not always equal in quantum at any one given point. So it is an egalitarian set of teachings. There is no differentiation as far as—well, as far as electrical and magnetic there is. Between male and female. But as far as value, there is not. Females were never meant to be subservient to males. Males were never meant to be subservient to females. We are all meant to be

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in service to each other. And to the universe. And enjoy that service as a loving expression within a loving eternal life universe. Anyway. This is 1 Vector. (Aside talking with the audience.) We‘ll see how this ends up much larger, and every time you see a Vector Line, and a Vector Line is the one that runs completely across, and it has two Event Horizons. An Event Horizon is what it‘s expanding energy out on to. So your Event Horizon is like your future. And you actually have these structures around your body, and these chambers, these big spinning chambers of energy that connect to these bodies, that actually project your hologram out as you go. And that‘s how we get the experience of a 3 dimensional matter based hologram. So it gets really interesting. It will get really interesting when we get to the parts of the teachings that teach us how to play more with that, with manifesting and de-manifesting. Because we‘ll actually know the structure. It‘s a lot more than just thinking it that way. There‘s a lot of stuff in the New Age Movement about using thought projection, and you can get some things to work with it. But usually the things you want most, are the things that—like sometimes you‘ll get the like reverse manifestation of what you were aiming for. It‘s because of the distortions in the system. That literally the Holographic Projection System is distorted by the mutation, and it‘s being controlled by something called the NETS, which are the Nibiruian Electrostatic Transduction Fields that are connected to the Black Hole Machine called the BeaST that is on-planet / inplanet, but also at the core of the Milky Way Galaxy. So we‘ll see how all of those things fit together, and what that has to do with ascension and why this is the last ascension cycle. As it is. But at least it‘s a bit long. It‘s 223 years. That after that point, this system, this Milky Way system goes into quarantine, and there will be no gates anywhere to any of the living matrix open. They will only have—well, the black hole people will be able to play with each other in this matrix, etc. But there won‘t be any Ascension Gates. There will be Decension Gates, but not Ascension Gates open. So anyway. It starts with this structure, and understanding the beginning structure of the ELum-Eiradhona Spirit Body, because this has to do with time Vectors, and what time Vectors we are in, and, there‘s going to be—alright, they‘re saying there‘s going to be a lot more on that when we start to understand probabilities and how to begin to move between probabilities. And at some point they‘ll help us understand how that‘s exactly what is being done in this host, in order to move the portions of the Milky Way that can still hold a Krystic BPR. A hosted Krystic BPR, to literally shift probabilities. So at least that part of the life field, and some of the matter base, will be able to go back into a natural place, where these events did not evolve in the way they have in this system. Which probably means, go back to M-31 before it fell. The part of it fell to become the Milky Way. So we‘ll see. That‘s later workshops they said. But it starts with this structure, which is KaLE-Hara Body, the Mahara Reisha Body, and the HarRA Krysta Body. Alright. Every time you see a Vector Line, this setup is implied. Alright? So when you see stuff as we go further, just remember that setup is implied, and that implies the Eyughas and the cycles, and all of that. Next one please.

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[D1 C4 0:50:02]

This is just—I‘m going to do this quickly because there was a whole—at least 2 workshops went heavily into this. This is when we were in the SEda Cycle. Remember, after the Cousha was born. First you had the Triad cycle. You had Partiki 1, Partiki 2. Partiki 2 splits Partiki 1, makes the triad. Triad sparks. Makes first 3 sparks and they form the Cousha. And then we started the second Trimester of the SEda Cycle. Alright. The Cousha forms here. By this process of quantum replication that I am not going to go heavily into now, but as you can see, there‘s lots of little numbers, and these all start to give you an idea of what type of energy has what quantum, how far in front of Creation Point certain energies are, or behind. Some are like 2/3 out and 1/3 behind. Behind would mean, on that other Vector on the AdorA system. So it‘s giving you an idea of how the core of energy is actually formed, and what determines the type of energy / the type of radiation that it‘s going to be, and thus the type of matter it can form. So all of this starts with what was called the Eye of God structure, alright? From the first Cousha, through its quantum replication, it built quantum, built quantum, to the point—and structure, to the point where it creates this Eye of God. See, all of these things are actually—they‘re showing you each piece of this, strung out so you can see it separately. But they‘re all on the Creation Point Center. Which would be this line. Some—this one? Is completely out. It has nothing in AdorA, and all in EtorA. It‘s in front of the Creation Point Door. What would be here, would be behind the Creation Point Door. Which means, if this is in EtorA, that would be in AdorA. But if you flipped the diagram around—like you know? Literally around on the machine. You could say the same, where there would be 1 that would be more in AdorA and the opposite in EtorA. So there‘s a whole set that go—if this is the EtorA line / Event Horizon going outward? It implies there‘s another one going outward this way with the same setup, but going in the opposite direction. But it showed you the first core structure. It‘s called the Eye of God structure. And the Eye of God structure creates what are called the Eternal LaVas, or the Core Currents. The first Core Currents of the Ka-Ra-Ya-Sa-Ta-HaLa—the Kryst. This is where the word Kryst comes from. From those sound tones, and the vibration they carry. So we went through the Eye of God structure, and that leads into building of more things. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Next one please.

[D1 C4 0:52:24]

We‘re still on the SEda Cycle. In that first diagram. OK. The Eye of God structure ends up creating the HarA Krysta structure. Where you have the HaRA Krysta Body, the KaLE-Hara Body, and the Mahara Reisha Body and one Vector Line, alright? First it creates this structure. Takes that, which is here. And then it creates another one here. And it creates this structure that later becomes crystallized. This structure is called the Ecousha-TA and the Ecousha-TA is the first—the Ecousha is the First Cell. We‘ve talked about the First of the First 8 Cells. Well this is the First of the First 8 Cells. When we talk about larger structures. When we‘re talking about planets, and galaxies and universes. This becomes what is called the ‘Record’. It becomes a condensed crystal—Memory crystal that holds the entire imprint of that system. Its original Divine Blueprint, plus anything—as long as the system is functioning properly, anything that occurs in that system will be recorded in that Core Crystal. It‘s like a micro chip, but on a planetary or galactic or cosmic level. So, you have the first cell. And what we get—now this was created on the Ecousha-TA side out of the Ecousha. Remember, if we go back to that first chart, while the Cousha was being formed the Kasha was being formed in the AdorA side on the opposite spin. So, on the AdorA side you have what is called the Akasha, or the Akashic Record Crystal. So we have Ecoushic Memory Crystal, and Akashic Memory Crystal, and then there is a third that forms when they open and combine. There is a place, actually within them, that holds the place where they are combined into what is called the REisha-TA Crystal, or the REiSHA-ic Crystal, which is the two imprints completely combined. These are connected—this first cell is connected to a cluster of 8 cells. Now all this formed from the Eye of God that formed from the stuff before, right? The 8 cells that form around this are referred to as ‘The Halls’. So you have the Halls of REisha-TA. You have the Halls of Records. This is what they‘re talking about when all the Egypt stuff and all of those things about the Hall of Records and all those kind of things. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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This structure is what they were referring to, but on a planetary, solar and galactic levels, usually, as far as the Egyptian teachings were going. Yes, they are places you can go in o. Because yours would—well actually, part of ours are actually large, but part of—you know, we have them on each dimensional level. Part are small, but part are large. We can actually go in to our own Hall of Records, and begin to regain our original Memory Matrix that belonged to us in the first place. Regain our original imprint. So they‘re going to teach us how to work with the Hall of Records. I do know that the new word that they had, the AshaLA? The Halls of AshaLA, are the Halls of Records connected to that particular star/planet/host that is called AshaLA. And AshaLA was the answer to a question I asked, that has to do with the galactic information they‘d recently given. I said, OK…we understand that the Amenti Rescue Mission had to do with the Fall of Tara in Density 2, which is Alcyone, in Density 2. And that all the planets in our solar system, including our sun, were once a part of Tara, which means they are part of the Pleiades. So Earth was put in—the Amenti Rescue Mission, was set in here 550 million years ago. (0:55:24) Once they revealed the information in Amsterdam, that showed that this was part of a much larger host that involved the whole Milky Way, it became obvious that, well…the Milky Way fell a lot longer—you know way before that. What was here before Earth was put here? Alright? There was—there is—a star. It‘s on a different Angular Rotation of Particle Spin (ARPS). It‘s an in between—between here and Sha-La, which is the Adjugate Spirit part of Urtha in M-31. All of these are accessible through the Vertical Maps. They have to do with our atmosphere, and going down into our core. But anyway. When we enter the Halls of AshaLA, we are going to be entering first—there‘s the journey we‘re going to be taking. We‘re going to be entering the 8 cell cluster that somewhere in a little bit we‘ll see around that. They will be the Halls. And then at some point we‘ll go into the Memory Record. The core First Cell Memory Record. There are very active healing temples in these places. They‘re going to teach us a lot more about them, but they are opening the gates. These can be—at a certain level, once we work with the technologies a bit to get our bodies to a certain rate, you can go physically. Which they open directly through Earth from Earth‘s core, so they can open through into any of the Spanner Gate sets, or the Hub Gate locations, and particularly something called the Adjugate Sites to the Hub Gates—or to the Alon, ShAlon and KAlon sites of the Hub Gates. So that‘s more information we‘re going to be getting into. But it‘s all connected to these structures. So you can think of them in terms of when an egg and sperm come together and a baby forms—as the Spirit Body - the baby forms, but you can also think of them in terms of the cosmos, because the Cosmos Body was born this way to. From Partiki 1 and Partiki 2, and their interaction. Next one please.

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[D1 C4 0:58:07]

All of it culminates into—as far as when we get through the whole SEda Cycle, there are several things that happen after that. That was the Ecousha-TA phase—Trimester 2. Trimester 3 is the Reusha-TA phase of the Spirit Body Cycle. And the REisha-TA phase is Trimester 4. And at that point, there is a big silent bang. That isn‘t the Big Bang that Science talks about. That‘s later. But, the Spirit Body is born. The Cosmic Spirit Body is the ELum-Eiradhona, and it has several parts to it. The LUma—with an L not an E. The LUma Eturna, is the central part. Now this is all huge 15 dimensional structure, as well as 3 dimensional. Like you can walk into it. We exist in it. I look at it as, like the massive apartment building in the sky that we‘re all hanging in. Alright? What you‘re seeing here, are actually the Core Flows. Each one of these—this would be one Vector Line, right? From here, coming straight across to here. That‘s one Vector Line. It would have two Event Horizons. One going out here, and one going out there, which implies it would have the KaLE-Hara Body, the Spirit Mahara Reisha Body, and the central HaRA Krysta Body. And each one of them would have that. The Core Flows of the LaVas that come from the Eye of God structure, which would be at the center, come through this figure 8 configuration. This is also the configuration that we later find has to do with the shape of what are called Spanner Gates. There are Spanner Gates that open the Core Flows that allow for the natural structures of probability interface, the natural structures of full ascension to occur. So the ELum-Eiradhona Body—there‘s going to be massive things to learn about it. If you look at this you can see that each one of these is built on a Kathara Grid. The properly proportioned Kathara Grid. So there are a set of 12 of them, but there‘s 12 on each side, so it‘s actually 24 Kathara Grids. It implies 24 balls, or cells, on the outer parts with their corresponding one on the inside. And this structure later will help us understand more about where we are located in the Cosmic Matrix, but also the interactions that take place in the Folds of Creation. Because when we talk about later, the Folds of Creation, are literally referring to very specific time cycles. There will be a folding of—say on 1 Vector, right? 1 Vector Line. Where it‘s KaLE-Hara and its Spirit Body come together, and so does its Adjugate Set. And they come together in to the center. And at that point they do a replica thing, and then they can pop back out, and that‘s how you get into the Adashi Return Cycles. If you‘re in the EtorA side and you want to turn around and go back into the return cycles, you go Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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through—you literally go through, where the parts of yourself on that Vector come together in the center, and then you expand back out. And when you expand back out that time, you‘re in the return cycles. So there‘s this whole process that involves this structure. That‘s why they wanted us to know this structure, and that‘s why I wanted to touch base again with the structure of the ELum-Eiradhona, the Cosmic Spirit Body. There‘s also many little ones like this inside of it. But we didn‘t try to draw that yet. Next one please.

[D1 C5 1:01:30]

Again, it brings it back to simple one Vector: two Event Horizons and the 3 parts of the body. So you‘d have your—this one is showing actually, what was called the 4:10 Vector. Now if you look at the 12 Vector Lines right? Put that one back for one more minute honey—the one right before it—yeah, thank you. We‘ll look at it more closely too in another way, but I just want to see this. I want to point something out.

[D1 C5 1:01:56]

Alright. If you notice, it forms a set of 12 Event Horizons, which means 6 Vector Lines, but 12 Event Horizons. And these 12 Event Horizons—wait a minute, I‘m getting interrupted about something, they want me to say something. Hmmm. Talk about the Vectors now? OK. Alright. I was going to save that for later. Anyway, the—when we have our Vectors, which are completely on the straight line across from each other. These are numbered like a clock, with 12 at the top, and if we‘re looking at the EtorA side coming down 1, Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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going all the way around through 12, just like a clock-face would. In the cosmic body we are on Vector, what is called 4:10. This has to do with Adjugates, when what is across the Vector Line is adjugate to each other. So if you‘re in EtorA system on 4, your Adjugate would be the AdorA system on 10, and that kind of relationship. This also has to do with the relationship between atoms and elements, as far as there are twin elements. So if we have like hydrogen here, there‘s an Adjugate Twin to the element there. And there are certain things that occur when you bring a ManA manifestation and its Adjugate together. When you bring them together it allows for the manifestations on both sides to pull into wholeness into the center, turn into light, and then it can expand back out into a Starfire Cycle, or, if you finish an Adashi Cycle, once you do Starfire Krystar activation, go through Adashi Cycle, once you get back in the second time, then you can go into full Krystar state, where that‘s a whole different state of manifest being, where you can be all over at once, and you‘re pure consciousness and you can manifest yourself as anything or nothing and all of that kind of thing. And you can go back fully into Source consciousness field while holding the integrity of your memory, and your sentient individual identity. But at that point your individual identity has even more than 1728 selves associated with it. But they‘re all you, and you know yourself as that being, called ―them.‖ Alright? Anyway…so we‘ll see in some of the diagrams the 4:10 Vector Line being used, because we are down, in the Cosmic one, we are down here in Vector 4, EtorA Vector 4. And that means AdorA Vector 10—it‘s not really a Vector. It‘s an Event Horizon— so we call it Horizon 4, and Horizon 10 AdorA is our Adjugate. So this would be where—this is where our Eiradonis comes from, is our adjugate side. So the first part in entering the Stage 2 of the KaLA Krysta Cycle—we just finished KaLE Hara now we‘re going into KaLA Krysta—is literally about engaging and progressively merging our atomic structure here and our Light Body structure with the Eiradonis body, which progressively de-densifies it to a certain point, that allows for it to go through into the next stage. Then we‘ll get into—there is a diagram at the end that will get into strand potentials, as far as, in the natural structure of how this works, there are certain DNA strand requirements that a being has to have. So if you came in with a 4-strand pattern, there‘s a certain point that anything less than 24 strands—the first fold of creation requires 24 strands. Alright? Even a 12-strand human wasn‘t designed on this planet. The genecode was not designed to go through a full one of these. These are the Master Cycles, where beings literally evolve and ride out the entire spectrum that goes up to 48 strands by the time you‘re done with the 4th fold. Angelic Humans were created with a 12-strand pattern, which meant, they were meant to leave halfway through the KaLA Krysta Cycle, which is Stage 2 that we‘re entering. And that would be at what is called the Bhardoah Point. The Bhardoah Point was a point where you could take your body with you, turn it to vapor, and incarnate into the Adashi Cycles. But you didn‘t have to go through and accrete all of the frequency that still has to do with the other Vectors, into the one body. One of the things that is happening since Tribe 9, in the activations that were done in that one after Amsterdam, they have given an upgrade, a genetic upgrade on the planet that is running literally, through the Hall of Records that has to do with the Aquafereion Shield. That whatever had a 12 strand imprint at birth, has been upgraded to 24, which means, yeah, an Indigo 2. And whatever was an Indigo 2, 24 strand or more, is upgraded to 48, so Indigo 1. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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So there‘s literally, as we speak, a genetic upgrade is beginning. And that will allow for the Angelic Humans—it will be available to about a third of the Angelic Humans and Indigos, those upgrades. It will allow for them to be able to go through this cycle as the Masters who—well, it‘s kind of like, if your planet‘s going through a really rough ascension cycle in a system that‘s falling, you know, ‗send in the Masters‘! Yeah, it‘s more like: appoint them, because they‘re down here. (Laughter.) Yeah, we‘re going to be give—I mean not just like us here, but literally the Angelic Humans of the planet, are also being given the upgrade so they can again reclaim their Templar Commission as guardians of this planet. And it will also allow them to overcome something called the Omega Kill Code, which is something that was meant to hit Aquari Indigos first, and to kill our bodies before we could get this information through in frequency. And we‘ve done well with that. We‘re still standing and not dead. It also affects the entire Angelic Human population. It is like a genetic virus. I believe they said it is a retrovirus, which means it‘s in the RNA. And it was meant to go after whatever was the weakest point in your body. Be it your immune system, your heart, or whatever. And you just shut it down, literally, before you could activate the codes that would allow for this galactic-level host to be held. And because of the upgrade in the DNA that has been given, and because we are now going to participate this evening in the opening of the Halls of AshaLA, it will clear the Omega Kill Code out of a third of the population, as far as the humans and Indigos go, which is really good. (Audience expressing their appreciation.) The third has to do with what the Earth grids can and can‘t transmit, because it‘s not just our shield at this point, the Aquafereion Shield. This would have to interface with the Earth shield. The third has to do with, a part of what is called the NET, the Black Hole NET, Nibiruian Electrostatic Transduction Field NET that runs in our atmosphere and controls our electricals in our biology and all sorts of things. Well, the Green Dragon Fallen Angelic crew—because they were going to lose to the Red Dragon crew and did not want to end up being eaten alive by their Black Hole, turned their grids over to the Krystics, and that means—they didn‘t have the majority grids—but one third of the NET will become plugged in to the natural Krystic programmings and will be able to carry that. So that‘s why it‘s only a third that can be assisted, but boy that‘s a lot better than it looked a few months ago. So, there‘s another good thing. Anyway, next one please.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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[D1 C5 1:10:24] The 15 Suns of Eiradhona Domain Projection Bodies ―Space-Time-Matter Domains‖

Will we ever get through this pile? Is it cold in here or is it me? Yeah. And again, that was just looking at 1 Vector with its 2 Event Horizons, and it‘s only showing 1 set. This would be—if it has the dot, dot, dot, that‘s referring to the spirit one. Alright? This would imply—I think I probably have them labeled wrong, but the dot, dot, dots are supposed to mean the Spirit Body part, and that would be the ManA Body. So it would be the EirA Body and the ManA Body, alright? And you‘d have also a ManA Body here, with it‘s Spirit Body over here. It gets really crazy when we get to the chart on how the prime notes and colors work. Oy. That is why it wasn‘t done. I wouldn‘t have shown up for 3 days if I had to finish analyzing which was on which. But it has to do with this structure too, and the Adjugates. The most important thing to understand about the Adjugate is, the Adjugate Twin of a thing is—of a ManA body, or a Matter Body—is, the Matter Body on the same Vector point in the opposite direction in the AdorA side, alright? The Adjugate Spirit is that one‘s Spirit Body that projects over and is with you, and that is your Eiradonis Body. So the simplest way to understand this, is when we say Eiradonis, you‘re dealing with the Adjugate Spirit. When we say we‘re going to merge Adjugate Twins, alright? Or Elemental Adjugate Twins, like the elemental components of us over there? That means we‘re going to merge with the Adjugate Body and bring the Adjugate Bodies together, as well as the Eiradonis Body. The first stage in Starfire is bringing the Eiradonis Body, in merging it with the EtorA Body. The second stage is the same thing happening on the AdorA side, and there‘s a point when they both come together, and come into the center into the HaRA-Krysta state. And that gets into the higher stages of the Starfire cycle. Next one please.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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[D1 C5 1:11:46]

This is just to show you in simple terms, you know all those little figure 8 shapes? These are—this is the Krystal Heart Code, it‘s known as. But it‘s the core flows coming from the Eye of God that would be at the center, which was that structure that created the first cell, and then the 8-cell cluster Hall of Records etc. And these would be the core-flows that come out of it. (1:11:29) When you see the bigger arcs coming up like this-these ones? They‘re actually 2 of the Azurite A‘s put together. One from the AdorA side, one from the EtorA side. ___________(Can‘t pick up what A'sha is saying.) One comes this way, that‘s one Azurite A. And then when you take its reverse one, it creates the other, and they actually form the lotus petals. They are literally the lotus petal runs that we learned about in Kathara 2-3. So all of this is connected. Next one please.

[D1 C5 1:12:44]

This is what they look like when you see them all together as far as—this is just showing 1 set of Hara bodies. Alright? That would be the Hara Bodies on 1 Vector, and again it‘s the 4:10 one. So that would be our EtorA KaLE Hara Body, would be here. And our EtorA, its Spirit Body, would be over here. That would be our Spirit Body Mahara Reisha in the AdorA side, but it‘s our Spirit Body. That—our Spirit Body, is the Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Eiradonis to the AdorA side manifestations. Just like their Spirit Body is over here with us, because their manifest body is there, and their Spirit Body is our Eiradonis. And it is the combining of these two first, then these two, with their Eiradonises, and then bringing them all together into the center, that allows you to actually enter the full Hall of Records state and the full core, where you can go into full Krystar activation, to make the flip into the Adashi Return Cycles. Next one please.

[D1 C5 1:13:45]

That is looking at the structure of—now let‘s say it‘s just the EtorA side—you actually have a set of 12 on— if you look around this, there would be the 12 lines. These lines are referred to by the way, as the Allurean Chambers, the Elemental Command Chambers. They literally manufacture the quarks and sparks and things through interaction with other parts of the anatomy. But they are the carriers of the core things that become the quarks and sparks that become the protons and atoms and things that our matter form is built about. And they all have specific characteristics. So we have these in our own body; the planet has them; the galaxy has them; the universe has them; the cosmos has them. They‘re all connected together, as far as by harmonics, where if it‘s a number 1 chamber—let‘s say, I have V‘s here, but it really should be H‘s because the Event Horizon—this would be Event Horizon 1, and it‘s Adjugate, Event Horizon 7. And that would be the 1:7 Vector Line, alright? So you see how that works. And you‘d have Event Horizon 2 and 8; Event Horizon 3 and 9; Event Horizon 4 and 10. That‘s the location in the Cosmic Body that our Eukatharaista Body exists in. Then you have 5 and 11; and 6 and 12. This becomes also the core of what are called the full music of the spheres. The core music of the spheres, or the Chamber Music. Yeah, at least they had me laughing today. A couple of them that they came up with that were really good. I don‘t come up with these, they do. They say, you know…they said…‘you can call that the bubble of trouble’, and I kind of went, ―Oh yeah! That works‖! They said that about the chamber music too. So we‘re going to begin the process of learning about chamber music later. But this is the structure when you take the flows out and things, so you can see the basic structures of all of those—remember there are 3 Hara Bodies on each Vector Line. Actually there are Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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6. There are 3 for 1 side—EtorA, and then there‘d be 3 for one side—AdorA. So it gives you 24 sets of them, AdorA and EtorA together. Next one please.

[D1 C6 1:16:06]

And remember all those Hara bodies? Each have their 4 Eyugha Bodies going out on the EtorA side. And then they have the—I forget what they‘re called bodies, going out on the Spirit side. So it creates these. Where you have the Eyughas out here, and—I don‘t have them numbered or anything here, but I think this is the fourth one, the turnaround one, where you turn around and then go back into center, through the Adjugate Integration and then come back out in the return cycles. What‘s interesting—Az—well I‘ll talk about that later, I have a diagram that shows it better. But just remember that each one of those sets of Hara Bodies that run a Vector Line, they each have those smaller Eyugha Bodies within them. So the cosmos is huge, as far as structure goes. It is a massive energy consciousness structure. And part of that energy consciousness is manifest as the stuff we know as matter. And really…it‘s all consciousness. And matter is just an illusion that consciousness takes on under certain conditions of bending of light and sound. Next one.

[D1 C6 1:17:10]

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This is just to remind us—and I‘m not going through this one—of Takeyon Cycles. We covered these from Tenerife onward, the Tenerife workshop onward, and it just showed how sparks build up to form Harmonic Keys, and Harmonic Keys form what are called Takeyons, and there‘s quantum building, quantum replication, and it‘s by this process that the Light Body structure grows. It amplifies an original quantum, and it replicates and replicates more and replicates more, and this is the process of an eternal-life system. Goes through cycles of Takeyon Cycles, of quantum-building, that leads to the point of being able to hold all of the frequencies that would be associated with a system that allows for a being to ascend from that system, through integrating the system, and allowing them to go into the HaRA-Krysta state at the center by merging their Adjugates for the turnaround. (1:17:18) So, these are just—we talked all about this in very, very heavy detail, about how Takeyons work and all of that. All these little print? Each one of these was a big sheet. So if you‘re new to the work, there‘s a lot of detail back there if you want to drive yourself crazy. There‘s like a million years of learning in here, that we just had to have a crash course, so we could see all this, almost like—maybe this is the presentation where you can just see it all strung together really fast, compared to any of the other presentations, to get the gist, so you know right where we are. And this is the greatest celebration, because we are finishing, as we speak, we are finishing the KaLE Hara Cycle on, not just the planetary level, but in the Milky Way. So this is really exciting. Next one please.

[D1 C6 1:18:53]

This is just to remind us that, as well as the Takeyon Cycles for light-body building, at the same time we also have what is called the Rasha Body structure—the dark matter templates building—that set the form for the Light Body, by translating the structures of the Spirit Body, through, into the dark Matter Body, and then through, into the outer Light Body structure of the Ecka Maps and our Light Body structure that we were learning about in K2 and 3. Alright? So this is just to show you Alons, ShAlons and KAlons. These are again, the Allurean Chambers. They're equivalent in the Rasha Body levels. So these are all parts of our anatomy—all parts of the cosmic anatomy. Alons and KAlons phase together into the ShAlon, and that allows what‘s called fertilization of the Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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ShAlons, and this is another process of quantum building, that at a certain point allows all of the layers, which are called—you have rings and spans. This is where we get spanner gates, alright? Rings are the spaces in between here. So where you see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. They are the rings of the Rasha Body dark matter template, and then the spans are crystalline bands that separate them. At a certain point of quantum building through the phasing of the Alons, ShAlons, KAlons, and what are called Orons out here. At a certain point, there‘s enough quantum built where all the polarity layers between them depolarize, and the whole thing turns into a wave. It actually turns into the beginning of what‘s called a Celestalline Wave, which is turning the whole entire structure into light radiation so it can then move to another spot and come back out again into manifestation. It is the process by which Star Gate passage is done when your body is working normally. It is also the process by which the universe and the cosmos live and breathe and are eternal. Where there are phases where they go into light, and then they come back out into manifestation, and individuality, and then come back into light and go back into Source and then come back out again. And it‘s perpetual motion universe. Next one please.

[D1 C6 1:21:04]

We learned about how the Rasha Body creates—actually what‘s called Elemental Command. It is in the Rasha Body that there‘s something called the NaVA-Ho Cell, that is the cell that phases and creates the beginnings of what become the periodic table of elements. This is the regular periodic table you can find on the internet. There is one that the Beloveds have given us too. Next one please.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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[D1 C6 1:21:29]

There are 144 natural elements. They‘re broken down into the 5 Elemental Commands. So all of this information is covered. We‘ve covered it in various ones. I didn‘t even have time to fill all these in, yet! But each one of them would be—it‘s like the periodic table but it goes up to 144. And these would all have their Adjugate corresponding on the AdorA side. And when you combined one here with its Adjugate, it creates the Celestalline Wave. It begins the process of that merging at the center that creates the ability of the matter form to turn to light by combining with its Spirit Body. That‘s done through combining with its Adjugate, who is connected to its Spirit Body over there, alright? So it‘s a whole huge process we‘re involved in, but it‘s very complex, but it‘s also simple. It‘s basically a simple process. But the elements, they start here. These all correspond—by the way these lines going up this way, I believe correspond to—I‘m just learning this one too. I used to know it, but I forgot it because it‘s been too long. I think these correspond to the Allurean Chamber Lines. Yeah, the 12 Allurean Chambers, and going across, these correspond to what are the rings. No, the spans. The spans in the Rasha Body. So all of this is very intricate and plugs right into the structure that they‘ve been trying to teach us about all along, of the Rasha Bodies. And the Rasha Bodies set the structure for the Light Body structures. So the 15 Geleziac Layers, or rings, of the Rasha Body structure sets the form for what become the 15 Dimensional Layers of the Light Body structure that we‘ve talked about in Kathara. Next one please. Next one honey. Yeah, thank you.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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[D1 C5 1:23:12]

This is just showing you how the adjugate situation works in relation to the elements. The 144 elements in the periodic table. Now some of them don‘t have names here yet, and some of them have really silly names. They‘re coming up with some really wacky names like Einsteinium and these kind of things. It‘s like, are they running out of ideas or what. Yeah, it is. It‘s on the periodic table, on the science one. There are some really other really strange ones. Californium. That‘s another one. Well at least you got 49 more there. Ohio-yum! (Laughter.) Alright. But, when you plot the...OK. When you take that chart that showed them, where you had the Allurean Chamber line running up and down vertically, and the span line running across this way so they were numbered… But, when you plot them, ok, when you take that chart that showed them, where you had the Allurean Chamber Line running down, up and down vertically, and the Span Line running across this way, so, in— they were numbered like: one, two—they were numbered one, two three, four five, six; then, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. So, the numbers went that way. You can also plot them this way. And this is how you find out their Adjugates. So, if Hydrogen is One its Adjugate is Seven. Now, the number refers to the Proton Number, all right. That‘s the Atomic Number. So, if a thing—like Hydrogen—has one proton, right, Nitrogen has seven protons.

This is how you begin to understand the relationships and all sorts of things. They haven‘t gotten into the chemistry, but, boy, when you get to this level of understanding how things and how they‘re supposed to bond and how they‘re not supposed to be bonded, you‘d probably be really frightened of everything in this Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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world, as far as what we breathe, what we eat, you know, what we wear. I mean, there are certain things that are natural and certain things that are not, and right now, the elemental base on this planet has been heavily mutated by the Black Hole Technologies that have been progressively employed here. So, these are the natural-state relationships. They will eventually teach us about those, too. But, right now, they‘re not going to go there. They‘re going to teach us about the music first. They‘re going to teach us how to sing them together rather than worrying about mixing them together in test tubes, all right? Yeah. So, anyway, this just shows you, you know, going all the way up to somewhere up here, I think. Down here—is there one more? Do we have 144 somewhere? Yeah, from one to 144, they are the naturally occurring elements that come from the first twelve of the 15 Geleziac Layers, and the 12 Allurean Chamber Lines. All right, next one, please…

[D1 C5 1:25:42]

Oop! I didn‘t even see him go. This is just to remind us, and I‘m not going through this one again, ever! Right, this was how the Light Body Structure was built from the first Tauren. And the Tauren is born when the Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body births. At that same point, the Tauren Point of Light is birthed at the center of it. And, so, the Light Body Structure begins to emerge. The Inner Light Body Structure starts to grow in the Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body from the Tauren. So, you have the Tauren, the Miad, the Diad, the Monad, the Amoraea—is this? Yeah, I‘m not even going to try to read these. I used to have them memorized, but I have so many other things memorized now, I can‘t remember these. But, this is the 1728-Cell Edon. Um, no, this one is. This is 144 Divine Blueprint. These are all Partiki power. I mean, these were measured in quantum, like how much Partiki power it has, and that goes back to the Eye of God stuff, that gives you an idea of how much Partiki power it has, even in terms of Oms and Urs and RUs, which are increments of measuring cosmic electricity. So, yeah, it‘s like really heavy. It can be really heavy on detail, some of this. This takes us all the way up through, as the Light Body is birthing, all this from the Central Creation Point, right at the point where the Tauren came in the center of the Elum-Eiradhona. Comes up to the Yunasai, which is the Inner Seed Atom. Then, it progresses into… Next one, please…

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[D1 C6 1:27:21]

It progresses into the birthing of the Eukatharaista Body, which would be this one, the big one at the top of the Stairway to Heaven. And, the Eukatharaista Body then births the four—they call it the Eckasha-Aah. Two Eckasha-Aah, one on the EtorA side and one on the AdorA side, equal Eukatharaista. All right, so the Eukatharaista is the two of them put together. The Eckasha-Aah is the one, you know, if you are referring to one of them. And, inside of that, it then births out a smaller, smaller replicas of this whole large structure, still all within the Spirit Body. You know, the Cosmic Spirit Body within the Spirit Body. But, it does the four Eckasha A, and then the… These are the four Eckasha A, the four Eckashas within each of the Eckasha A. And there‘s actually two Eckashas at the center, so there‘s twenty-four Eckashas; sixteen on the outside, and then, like, eight more in the center. And, it just births the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates, and these are the bones. And wherever you see the bones, there are spheres within spheres within spheres, but these would be a Light Body, which would be of ManA Currents that were coming in from the Tauren. So, all of this fits together, and it comes out in the things that we‘ve been being taught all along. But, it all exists within and grows within the Spirit Body, which grows first. Next one, please…

[D1 C6 1:28:44]

And it‘s through that whole process that we‘ve talked about before that all of these bodies, our Hova Bodies, things that we‘ve seen in the early days of this work, where we get our Unified Field. We turn on our entire Light Body Structure—that also would imply the Rasha Body Structure and the Spirit Body Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Structure. It is the process by which we ascend. It‘s the process that‘s supposed to occur in natural stages—the Birthday Chart—that, by the age of 33, we would naturally be able to go into an Adashi Return Cycle. If we were just a 12-strand being, and not one that was capable of going this way, when you get to the point, here, there‘s actually—it‘s called the Bhardoah Point, where you can properly die the body. But, you don‘t die it and leave it behind. You actually vacate it first and then progressively, turn it to vapor and take it with you and collect yourself as vapor and go back through into the center. And then you can come back out into the Adashi Return Cycles and go into the Adashis that way. That was how Angelic Humans had been designed originally, to be able to go that way. Now, the other ones that carried more strand, they could go through what are called Folds. We‘ll see that a bit later it talks about the Folds. But, there are four Folds: One would occur here, at the end of… This would be Stage Two of the KaLA Krysta. Once we get out of here we evolved all the way past the Density 1, Density 2, Density 3, Density 4, to enter the Density 5 Cycle, which corresponds with Adashi 1. This is where we would start, here, the KaLE-Hara Cycle, over here. This would be Stage 2 of the KaLA-Krysta Cycle. At the end of the KaLA-Krysta Cycle, there would be Fold Number 1. And, we‘ll see later what the Folds are about. Then, we‘d have another: Stage 3: Fold Number 2; Stage 4: Fold Number 3. And, Stage 5, Stage 5 would be the Fourth Fold. And, the Fold is about, literally, bringing it all back into the center, in order to allow for it to expand back out in the Adashi Turnaround. And it‘s about bringing the Matter Body through without turning it to vapor. So, some…there will be, because of the upgrade that‘s being given genetically, there will be people on this planet that will be able to graduate to this, biologically. Not everybody has to. Some—it‘s a choice. Some people will choose the fast way. This is the long way. Right to here will take 223 years from where we are, right? So, for those of us who are going to do the long haul down here, and hang out and see how long we can hang out, to try to hold the fort. Don‘t all jump at once, right! We would have to be able to do Fold 3. Which means we would have to be able to have…on our side, we would have this. Well, we‘ll go through the cycles later, and we‘ll talk about it more. But we would have to be able to accommodate a Fold 3. We would probably leave before that because this has to do with the AdorA side. We would assist the EtorA side through its Host Period. But, some of us will still be expected to stay here. What if we all decide we want to go the fast way, turn to vapor and pop up in the Adashi? If you come in this way, you would have to incarnate into a new body. You would take your imprint, but you would have to incarnate into a new form that was characteristic of the Adashi Cycles. And that, the form that has been offered as the closest match to what we could bring of ourselves from here is the AquaFarE form. Which is, it‘s a hominid-like form. It‘s a cross between—it‘s like an Aquafereion, where it‘s part human-like and part Aquari-like. And Aquari were the way, way, way back, original prototype that the Human form was designed after in the first place, way back. So, it‘s, they‘re very compatible. They can, like, breathe air and water and float and all sorts of really, really neat things. And they can control the densities and their matter base and disappear and reappear at will and so it‘s like it could be very tempting to say, ok, whenever the time comes—and it‘s not like, die a body, croak, and bury it. If your body happens to be sick, and it‘s not going to be able to catch the waves fast enough, and you‘re really just like, when it‘s time…and you have to wait ‗til it‘s natural time, though. It‘s not one of those suicide cult, crazy stuff. That‘s just wacky, because when you end the body‘s life, all you do is get yourself stuck. Your body, right now, is your best asset, no matter what condition it‘s in because it will assist you in accreting frequency directly. You may be able to accrete it fast enough, and keep up with the BPR of the Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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larger cycle, that where, indeed, you can, first of all, begin the process of stopping the aging process. And then begin the process of reversing it back to the natural age of 33, when that transition should be made. But not everybody will be able to do that. It depends on what‘s in your gene code, how much of the karmic mess you have to process. But, there are other options. But, you need to hold your body as long as you can. Unless it‘s at its natural point where, say, if you‘re in the hospital, you have everything wired up to you for the last nine years because you‘re just trying to keep it there, and you‘re not really in there anymore? That‘s not helping, all right. That‘s just keeping a part of you stuck. But if people die, we‘re going to be given, in the period coming, what are called the Bhardoah Rites. They are the Death Rites for people. Because there‘s going to be a lot of people out there on the planet who are going to choose, be it natural disasters or whatever way: plagues, things like that, are going to choose out, because they don‘t have the strand capacity. They can pick up part of the Host, but there‘s only a third of the Angelic Humans that can pick up the Host, all right, where as far as the genetic upgrade on that. And, there will be others who choose, and these decisions are being made on their spiritual levels, themselves, not the conscious levels. They will leave via various different ways. And there will be people, sometimes, that we love that will pass in that way. And it will be very helpful that we, now that these passages are opening, we can actually bring the Bhardoah Rites out. This is why they didn‘t do it before, because you were better off just doing what you were doing, and, like, whatever it was that you had been raised with as far as: somebody dies, you do this, right, whatever it is, whatever ceremony, that kind of thing. But, at this point, they are going to return the ancient Temple Bhardoah Rites because the Bhardoah Passages that lead directly to center, through the Core Gates, through Shala-13 Core Gate, and what‘s called the Ring of Fire are opening. So, you could have a safe and immediate Bhardoah. One of the worst things to do is bury a body. That was not anything that was ever taught by ours. That was taught by the Fallen Angelics, so that they could preserve the DNA, and so they could also access the bodies for access to the planet. They could run frequency through the bodies, the dead bodies, just to anchor on to the planet. So, some of the things that we have considered most holy that our religions have taught us, these are the Re-Legions, not the original Legion of the Kryst, that taught these things. That, if you had to, if you couldn‘t vaporize your body naturally, which is like, literally, if it‘s going to die, you know it‘s shutting down. If more than three Chakra Seals in a row close and shut down, the body will go into Bhardoah. It has, there‘s a particular silver cord that will snap at that point. And there‘s a process that you ease yourself out of body and from that point you can do things with the body that, when it‘s working properly and your consciousness is and you know what to do, you can progressively vaporize it. It takes anywhere from three to thirty-three days, depending on what‘s in there I guess and how strong you are, I don‘t know. They didn‘t tell me what the difference (is). But, within three days, literally, you just cover the body with something, just like a sheet or something, and keep it at peace. And you‘d be able to vaporize it and take it with you and it will disappear and leave maybe a little ash where it was. But not everybody‘s going to be able to do that. And right now we can‘t just go zapping dead people and making them disappear, because I would probably get in a lot of trouble for that, right? Think about it. But, the fastest, socially legal way to do that, at this point right now, would be cremation. And we do endorse cremation as the way out, you know, if somebody is going to die. And I know that‘s very hard for a lot of people who, if you may have family and mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers that are very into their religion thing and they‘re not going to do that. There are also Salvage Rites that you can help the consciousness, after all of that‘s done, after the funeral, after whatever, there are things that can be done to assist in Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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helping the Spirit and the Soul of the person to get out, even if they didn‘t go through the way that makes it most easy, but they are salvage. And we‘ll be taught some of those too when we get our Bhardoah training, as that progresses. So, that‘s some of the things that are coming. And that would pertain mainly to this cycle that we are actually moving in to. We‘re at the first stage of the KaLA-Krysta Cycle. It‘s called the Bharda. And the second stage is called the Ma-Sha. And at the end of the Ma-Sha Stage, if you have twenty-four strands or more, you can be there for the return of the Ma-ShaYa. It‘s not ‗Messiah.‘ The word was Ma-Sha-Ya, and it‘s a very specific thing that has to do with a very specific thing, anatomy part, that has to do with the Folds that we‘ve talked about. And we‘ll see a bit about those later, too. How are we doing on time, just so I know? I have fifteen minutes? Ok, because I just want to see what part I‘m putting in the evening session. So, anyway, there‘s a whole cycle we‘re going to learn more about that has to do with the Ma-Sha-Yas, the Ma-Sha-Ta-Ras, a.k.a.: ‗Masters.‘ All right, so you‘ve got the Messiahs, the Masters, except the Messiah word was a mistranslation, a twist. It was never about Messiahs coming, and external worshipping, external Messiahs and Messiahs martyring themselves on crosses or with bombs or any of that kind of stuff. It was never, ever about that. But, they did get the word from our books, because we did speak about the MaSha-Yas. And it‘s a certain thing that happens in the natural process of the Adjugate Twin Vectors coming together in a natural Ascension Cycle. You can put them in a person‘s body and a person who has gone through that would be called a Ma-Sha-Ya, but not a Messiah, right? And they would not want you to worship them, all right? We are becoming the Ma-Sha-Yas, as far as individuals and as a collective. But, the Ma-Sha-Ya is something much larger that is happening, and it is part of the Starfire process. So, it‘s happening with our Universe, not just with certain people in our Universe. All right, so we‘ll talk about that later. But, we‘ll talk more about that, and this has to do with, again, the core first cell that forms the Record, be it the Akashic Record that is from the AdorA side, holds the Blueprint for the EtorA side. So, the Akashic Record holds our Divine Blueprint. And, the Ecoushic Record that is from our side holds the Divine Blueprint for the AdorA side. And the two of them together are the REi-ShA-ic Record, and they are structured like this. They have the four outer cells and then the inner cells. And then from those grow what are the eight-cell cluster around this. And, I don‘t think, I might have passed it. Because there was a little one somewhere, I‘m flying. But, we‘ll look at that one later. (1:39:14)

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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And this is what it referred to as the Record. And then there are the Halls of Records, which are the eightcell clusters around them. And when it comes to the planetary level and larger, you are dealing with massive spaces that you can walk into under certain conditions. If your fields can do certain things, you will be able to pass into the Hall of Records. And it‘s kind of like a great multi-dimensional movie in surroundsound. You can access any timeframe of that planet‘s body: past, present, future—any space. You can read the Library, and that is what we‘re being trained to do. We‘re going to be trained to slide, to be able to go into there. Right now, we‘re learning to glide, which is the projections with the Rasha Body, and now we‘re using the Rasha Body with the Eiradonis Body. But eventually, as our Eiradonis Body merges with our Physical Body more, we will progressively develop the ability to slide. The first place we will be able to slide to are the Halls of AshaLA, which can be accessed directly through Earth and through sites on Earth. In fact, the first ones that are opening are the Spanner-7 ones. And that means when we leave here tomorrow, this will be, Phoenix will be fully slide-able, and the Halls of AshaLA will be open and running here with their Healing Temples. Yeah, so there‘s more to come on that stuff they‘re going to tell us about during break. Yup? Great! They‘re full of surprises this afternoon. Workshops are so surprising I don‘t even know what they‘re going to be about, all right? Next one, please…

[D1 C7 1:41:00]

I do look forward to retirement someday, though. This is just how we‘ve talked about the Krystar Vehicle, all right, and how it can levitate and completely turn into light and disappear. This is the Krystar, it‘s called the Crystal Capsule. It‘s like a crystalline capsule. It‘s sort of Etheric, a crystalline capsule. And, this is the larger Rasha Body, 15 Geleziac Layers around it. And, you‘d have around that the Light Body structures with their 15-dimensional things, and you‘d have the Chariot of Fire shape that we learned about in Kathara 2-3 and all of the Crystal Body structure. So, all of that stuff comes into activation and motion when you go into a Krystar State. So, we are just learning to see, to know where our parts are. And, eventually, we‘re going to be learning how to fix the core problem. We‘ve been working to fix the core problem with the Kathara Grid for a long time. And, then, with the Lotus Touch, that brought it to another level. But the outer level, what we would call the outer level, is the hardest one to fix because that is where most of the mutation is actually holding, in the Axiatonal and Meridian Lines, as literally holding into manifestation. So, there‘s certain things that you can get a bit of ease, but you couldn‘t flip over the pattern and make yourself healthy again, using just Kathara or any other modality that is out there. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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What we‘re getting the ability to do now with the Adjugate information and the sound tones that they are beginning to give us about combining the Adjugates, it will give us an ability to use the most powerful healing modalities that there are. We are in the process of, actually, just starting as of, I think, it was Tribes 9; it started. Or, it might have been 8, but they just started, where our Axiatonal Lines are actually recalibrating themselves to their natural pattern. And sometimes it can be a bit rough on your body, as far as, especially if you do really rapid activations like Az has gone through. And, that contributed to, you know, with his slipped disk and that kind of thing. So, it doesn‘t always cause that. But, when you‘re going through that, plus major Gold Flame activations, it might. So, anyway we‘ll talk more about, too, the Axiatonals when we get to a different section. I just wanted to show you the Krystar Capsule with the Rasha Bodies and the Light Bodies and all of that. I‘m not going to read all of the little bits on these. They went with the specific programs that these mylars were pulled from. Next one, please…

[D1 C7 1:44:16] (Graph)

Something‘s activating. The back is starting to go. Ouch! Ow. (To Az.) You getting that yet? You getting anything yet? My back just went oooww, all right? I think it‘s illustrating a point. Anyway, this one is just to show you the relationship of the Rasha Body in relation to your Physical Body. (To Az.) Can you turn this one this way, honey, for a minute, please? Right, this would be the D2 Level of your body. That‘s your Physical Body. We‘ve been using it in the Kathara, how we use the Kathara Grids, the proportions and things, and where it fits and where the points are, all right? The Rasha Body is this smaller, inner one. And it‘s the Hub Body. And, we‘ve been working with Mentor from the beginning: It‘s your Rasha Consciousness, is your Mentor in your Mentor Space. So, if you have just started out, and you saw some of the Mentor Space teachings, that was using, beginning the process of using Rasha all along. So they were teaching us way back in the beginning, without getting into the heavy detail. And now that I see the heavy detail, I understand why, all right? Next one, please… Yeah, next…

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[D1 C8 1:45:35]

We‘re not doing too bad. We might actually make it. This is showing you more of the anatomy. This has to do with the large Chakra Chambers that run through the AzurA, that are connected through the… This, here, is called the KaLE-Hara Chamber. Remember, we have the KaLE-Hara Body, right, KaLE-Hara Body, and this is the chamber that runs around it. We would have the Mahara Reisha Body, our Spirit Body, in the AdorA side, on the same Vector but opposite Event Horizon. In the center, down here, we‘d have the HaRA-Krysta Body. It‘s a lot to memorize all these words. (To Az.) Oh, could I see this one for a minute? Yeah. This cluster, here, this represents the eight-cell cluster. You have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight; eight-cell cluster Hall of Records configuration. So, this is the eight-cell cluster. These correspond, there‘s the smaller levels of what become the larger bodies that you‘re actually walking around in. So, you‘re walking around in your KaLE-Hara Body, and your Spirit‘s walking around in the other direction in your Mahara Reisha Body. And again the process of bringing those two together is the process by which Krystar Activation occurs, because you go into the HaRA-Krysta State. And the way that is done is by, each one has to integrate its Adjugate Spirit. So, the KaLE-Hara, or our EtorA ManA‘s Adjugate Spirit, is the Adjugate, which is the AdorA side‘s Spirit Body, which is our Eiradonis, and vice-versa. So, it‘s bringing the four together: Two Eiradonises, right, and two Manifest Bodies, completely together: Manifest and Eiradonis, Manifest and Eiradonis; then, the two sets together in the center. And, that brings you into a different state that they‘ll talk to us more about later that has to do with integrating the top two, the next Vectors. And, this goes back to the Elum-Eiradhona shape where you not only…first you bring together the cells, or energy bodies that are on the one Vector Line from both of the Event Horizons. Then, there would be the one that‘s at a ninety-degree angle to that. That would be the top and bottom to your Horizontal Vector, right? So, there‘s this whole relationship of bringing them into the center, and that allows you to go into full Krystar State. And you actually pull into the center, go in to Source—God Source Consciousness Field— through the Creation Point and then come back out again in the Adashi Cycles. And, when you pop out, back in the Adashi Cycles, a new Creation Wave also comes back out and starts its Core Cycle. As we enter Adashi 1 going back home, it starts its birth cycle in the Core Domains.

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So, it‘s a fascinating process. It‘s the natural process by which the Cosmos, the Eternal Life Cosmos works, and our anatomy is all plugged into it, which is really nice. Next one, please…

[D1 C8 1:48:33]

This is, again, just showing the Eiradonis Body. This is why what we had to do when we Raised the Eiradonis, we had to lay down on our backs. And when we lay down on our backs, it actually moves this into the Mahara Reisha Chamber, which is the one that runs vertical. And that allows, I think that‘s what they call it: the Mahara Reisha Chamber. So, we have the KaLE-Hara Chamber going out this way when we‘re standing up. But, when we lay down, that chamber still stays there. We actually lay down in the chamber so we‘re facing the other chamber. And that way we can pull the Eiradonis up through and into the bodies. So, this has been the Resurrection Technologies that we‘ve been working with; that we just started, really, as of Tribe 7, I think it was. And, we‘re learning about it every day. But, Raising the Eiradonis is: when you lay down in that chamber, you know, in your KaLE-Hara Chamber, so you can open to the top chamber, the vertical chamber, coming down. And, then you (breathes) breathe it into the body from behind you, because it is behind you. Now, when you work with our technologies, it works. We‘ll also see later, in the evening session, about the Time Keeper, which is a mutation, as what the mutation does to these natural structures in our body, and how using the Eiradonis can clear the structure of what is called the Time Keeper, because we‘re actually out of whack with the natural structure of our Hara Bodies. We‘re actually, instead of facing forward and moving forward in time, we‘re actually facing backward at an angle. And that allows other things to interface directly and come into our bodies from other Time Vectors connected to Black Hole Systems. And that‘s where we get major possessions and things happening. And also that is where we‘ve got many fleets, actually, at this point, of direct incarnates of Fallen Angelic groups that have accessed to bio-pattern of the Angelic Human form and Indigo form. So, we are not all Angelic Humans or Indigos on this planet anymore, even though it had started out that way. And then we attempted to host others and help them regenerate their DNA. Well, at this point we‘re the minority and the majority of persons on the planet are actually connected to Fallen Angelic groups. That doesn‘t mean they‘re all Fallen Angelics. Some are, most of them are mixed. They are just being used by the Fallen Angelics‘ Collective that they did come out of. And many of them are up for Host at this point, where they still have enough where they can have a Hosted ascension to whatever their next highest level would be. So, we‘re here to help everybody, and we don‘t judge whether you‘re Fallen Angelic or not. We just say: ―Well, we‘re not going to play the fall game, but if you want to play the rise game, you‘re very Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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welcome to join us. And we hope you do because after 223 years the choice isn‘t there anymore, you know.‖ So, anyway: Eiradonis Body, regular body, Spirit Body. And, just notice the Eiradonis Body is facing and moving energy in the same direction that your ManA Energy is moving forward in your Physical Body, and your EirA Energy, which would be your Spirit Body, is moving in the opposite direction, and that‘s what forms your Spirit Body. Next one, please…

[D1 C8 1:51:26]

This is showing you part of what your Krystar Body will look like when all its Core Flows are open. But this one didn‘t have, I just didn‘t have it done on this graph yet. It doesn‘t have the other part. It has the one side, the Astura Passage, the ―Azurite A‖. It has one side of those open on these, but when they‘re both open, it give you the lotus petal, where you see twelve lotus petals, but there‘s actually 24, all right, one for AdorA and one for EtorA side. And then they blend, I think, into one large set of twelve. So, this is the beginning of understanding the Core Flow structure. It‘s also the structure that we‘ll look at later in the evening that corresponds to what‘s called the Gyrodome technology, that is the Host technology on the planet that is a natural structure of the planet being activated, because the planetary body has a situation of the same Spirit Body construct. So, when you see these Core Flows, they go with the Spirit Body. They run the Spirit Body Energy that then runs into the Rasha Body and creates the Rasha Body Dark Matter Template and currents. And then the Rasha runs the energy into the Light Body Structure and that‘s what creates the Matter Currents and the EM Frequencies that we identify out here. So, they‘re all connected. Next one, please…

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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[D1 C8 1:52:50]

(Speaking with Az.) Yaay! Ok. What‘s the one before that? I mean, after that. I just want to see the one after, is what? Which one? Ok, I know where I want to go there. All right, this: we still don‘t have the numbers in yet, though. We had the old Axiatonal charts that we‘ll see later again, from the Kathara Manual. And they were showing you how the Axiatonals are running in the body right now. They are running the mutation. So, as we progressively work with these technologies, we are clearing, finally being able to clear the Axiatonal level of the mutation through the Core Flows. And that will allow us to get the natural structure of the Axiatonals back. I don‘t have them to compare right now, but the Axiatonal Lines are, if—you know how we have our Lotus Points and those kinds of things, but if you notice on the other diagrams—we‘ll compare them when we come back. But there‘s constriction points all over the place. Those constriction points aren‘t natural. They are caused by the mutation and when we begin to unravel the mutation at this core level, it has the Core Currents: the LaVas have the strength to overpower that mutation, where it can bring their natural structure back into life and literally, unplug—it‘s almost as if somebody had grabbed them and tied them with rubber bands, all right, and it literally just cuts off the Core Flows. Well, we‘re opening the Core Flows through a very elaborate process, including the Raising of the Eiradonis. And that is giving us back the ability to progressively heal the Axiatonals. So, we‘ll be getting the numbers for these. The numbers will change back into their natural order. And I‘m just not sure exactly just which ones run, but it we‘ll be like on a clock. They‘re kind of complicated, because they would run like the Density Shields do in the Kathara 2-3 Manual. We got into that, like, who‘s on first on which density level, right? So, I have to plug all of that in to which lines are doing what and where they cross over, right, because they would, depending on which density level, etc. So, this is the beginning of this healing. And, next one, which is the last one before break…yes…

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[D1 C8 1:54:45]

I also wanted to mention this: When we talk about the Rasha Bodies, with the 15 Geleziac Layers, you can imagine that you‘re here. And you actually have a Rasha Body. The Rasha Body structure actually connects to the Core Domain, to the Inner Domain, to the—wait a minute. Where am I in domains? Yeah, hello! One, two, three: Core Domain; Four, five, six: Inner Domain; Seven, eight, nine: Middle Domain, Edons: And, ten, eleven, twelve: The Outer Domains. Remember the Domains in the Eyughas, the Eyugha Cycles? Well, this is where we are focused here. Our anatomy actually connects down through the Chakra System to all of those domains. And each Chakra is supposed to be running portions of some of the Domain Frequencies. What is happening with the Chakras at this point, because of the mutation, is it has blocked off all of the other domains except for the Outer Domain, for specific frequencies of the Outer Domain. We are opening those back up, and as we open them back up, it activates the Rasha Body for the corresponding level. The Rasha Body activates the Light Body for corresponding level, and it also begins to turn back on the cellular memory. So, you will begin to get memory of the simultaneous lives that you have in the other Domain Cycles at the same time, as we work with this. This is so intimate that we can even see this in our eyes. Because where we look at what we have, this area would be—wait a minute. I‘ll do the iris. I think this is iris, here. This would be the iris of the eye; that corresponds to your “current‖, where you currently are. The pupil corresponds to where you have been. Right now, notice the pupil is dark, right? Because the Flows from the Middle Domains, the Edons, and the Inner Domains and the Core Domains have been shut off and aren‘t running in the bodies. What we‘ll progressively get as we turn these frequencies back on in our fields, is: We‘ll start to get flickers first, and a little bit of a band. There are Cousha, we‘ll just call them Cousha Rings, that separate the density levels. There is one between the pupil and the iris. It would be a bluish color, an indigo-y bluish color. That will be one of the first signs of the Inner Flows turning on, the Core and the Inner and the Middle Flows beginning to turn on. At some point, in fact, right before you went into a Krystar State, before you turned into light to go through a Star Gate, you‘d actually—the whole rainbow would flash on. So, your pupil would actually be like a light rainbow, it would be really cool, yeah. And they haven‘t really gotten into what different eye colors mean. I know that‘s there, too. But they haven‘t even touched that yet. The iris part of the eye, you know how it has that star-type effect? This has to do with specific portions of the frequencies arcing between the Allurean Chambers, because just like there‘s… The 15 Geleziac Layers show in the eyes as well. And the Allurean Chambers are where you get the Starbursts, and you can tell a lot by people‘s eyes. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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They haven‘t given us how to do that. In fact, they said don‘t try, because there‘s a natural barrier to being able to read people‘s eyes. And you‘ll get more so a reflection, a distorted reflection of your own than actually be able to see what that person has. Because it is a spiritual violation to actually look in the eyes of another, and even if you want to play with that sort of thing: ― Well, can me and Az, like, stare in a mirror at our own eyes, and then, just really quick, look at each other?‖ And they said no. Not if you want an accurate read, but you can look at your own in the mirror, all right. The mirror will reflect you, but if there‘s someone else trying to see it, they will not be able to see. And they will not see the same thing you see. So, it‘s, you can‘t, like: ― Did you see that? Did you see my eyes doing that? I got my blue ring!‖ Right? All right, what‘s a really cool sign, too, is out here, when this, once you‘ve integrated all the frequencies of the Rasha and Light Body Template, that go with ten, eleven and twelve there would be this, this turquoise-y color like a, the Aqualene Blue, like the egg‘s ring, that would be between the iris—around the iris—and the whites of the eye. And, eventually, the whites of the eye would turn on. I have a feeling that Adashi Masters probably just have: the whole eye is just like a solid eye of light. I have a feeling that‘s what it looks like. When they meet with us, so far, when I meet with the Adashi Masters, and we go for projection journeys to the Adashi Temples, they tone it down, if that‘s the case. I don‘t know if they put on fake lenses or something, just so they look normal, because if you meet something with, like, bright, flaming eyes, it might scare you to death or probably blind you or fry you on sight, you know? I would think fry you on sight is probably about what it could do by accident, you know. So, they do something to tone it down when they are dealing with us, so we can relate and we can see them, you know, in a hominidlike form that they carry, and that kind of thing. But, we are all evolving to, as we move through this ascension, what is naturally supposed to happen with Angelic Humans and with Indigos and lots of other life forms, too, on the Krystic Template. So, this is just the beginning. You can see it in our eyes. We can see it in our—I just got that one, yeah. You can see it in our Chakras, and you can probably see it in our smiles. I have a feeling we‘re going to be toothless. I don‘t know, I‘m not sure about that, but all I know is: as certain activations hit, and it just, like, teeth are committing suicide for no reason, just, like: crash, crack. And, like: ―Half one‘s gone!‖ It doesn‘t always happen. I obviously still have some in the front. Fortunately, the front ones stayed so far. But, if you have bits of that, that has to do with what parts of the body are beginning to run the higher frequencies in the body. And certain parts, and I guess teeth must be susceptible. Maybe they carry something they‘re not supposed to, because it‘s like they‘re not able to hold and grow to accommodate the frequencies that are coming in, so they crack, you know. So, if you have that on occasion, just take out dental insurance ahead of time, all right, because it helps. Hmmm? I will stop now. Yes, yes, ok. So, it‘s get-ready-for-dinner time. See you later. What time are we coming back? Ok, we‘ll be back for 10:15, ok?

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Evening Lecture [D1 C9 2:01:29] A‘sha Hello, hello, hello. Is this on? Is this on yet? Can you tell? There we go. Now it sounds like it‘s on. There we go.

[D1 C5 2:01:28]

Ah! I saw the light, I was blinded by the light. Oy, anyway... I hope you all had a nice dinner. I had an interesting dinner. You know, we didn‘t bring a notebook because we figured there was going to be no time to get any new stuff anyway. Yeah, right! Fortunately, there was a few pages of Double Tree note paper left. Mmm…this is the end of the program, and sometimes I put that at the beginning, but I‘m not going to do that this time, no. This is information that is fascinating, that has to do with the technique we‘re going to do at the end of the graphs and things. It just blows my mind. I mean, by the time I get to making these graphs and getting all the numbers right, and all the Vector Lines right, with their numbers. This is the key to the Light/Sound combinations. And it‘s—what do they refer to it as? Oh, one of the things that we will be accomplishing tonight, at the end of the evening, is called Sounding the First Tryne of the First Harmonic. Now, whatever that means. Well, we‘ll find out what it means at the end, but we need to go through some of the structure, and also understanding some of the parts of what this is all about in relation to the Milky Way and M31 and the rest of it. So, we‘ll go through those graphs first, that the—what you saw before was going to bring you up to, so you could understand it easy enough. But this stuff, I‘m going to have to read parts of this because I‘m glazed at this point. You know where you just see so much fly, so much information that you just can‘t even register it? You just feel kind of like—you know how, usually what people feel when they leave a workshop? Well, me too. But it is the most fascinating Sound/Light system that is going to be applied directly to healing, and it‘s all about the ELumEiradhona Spirit Body structure, and the Halls of Records, and the Akashic Record, and all of that. So, we‘ll get to that toward the end. But, just so you know, it‘s fascinating, and I‘m very, very excited about it. Whenever we can get it all down, and into the Krystal River Healing System, it‘s Sound healing, but also,

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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we‘ll be using Light. They keep referring to Light Gels, and I don‘t know what they mean yet, that are going to be used in certain healing practices that they‘re going to give us later, that involve tuning forks. Like these, and they also said, and I don‘t even know if anybody makes them. These are keyed to regular notes, like ―D‖ and ―E‖ and ―A‖. There‘s other ones that they go specifically by hertz. They said don‘t follow the hertz right now, just go for the tones that they are telling us, because there‘s distortion factor because of the matter base distortion here. So, they‘ll get to translating things into hertz and what notes that means, etc., at a certain point. So, we‘re just using these, the simple set of, you know, notes: ―E‖; ―E‖,―G‖, ―B‖, ―D‖, ―F‖; ―F‖, ―A‖ ―C‖, ―E‖, ―E‖; ―E‖,―G‖, ―B‖, ―D‖, ―F‖; ―F‖, ―A‖ ―C‖, ―E‖, that set. They also said, and I don‘t know if anybody even makes these or not, but they said it would be really helpful if we could get a set of sharps and flats as well. So, if anybody has heard of—I don‘t know a lot about playing with tuning forks yet, but if anybody knows where we could get these, but in sharps and flats for each of the notes, it would be—if you could pass the information on to us, it would be helpful, because we need to find them. And if nobody makes them out there, we‘re going to have to find somebody who can, right? So, yeah, they haven‘t showed me where they go yet. I‘m just trying to understand the basic, what they call Prime Notes. And, we‘ll see more about all of that toward the end of the program. What I want to get on with is, now that we‘ve seen kind of like a not-too-fast fly by. It was, like it flew by fast enough where you could still see it. You know, it wasn‘t so fast that it was invisible. The showing how the cycles…how creation, and from the beginning point of creation, the perpetual beginning point, it is highly structured. And that structure emerges from an intricate set of processes that are all about both science and spirituality, or consciousness and physics, at the same time. And we‘ve talked about the various aspects of structure; the ELum-Eiradhona Spirit Body, the Light Body structure. We‘ve looked at little bits of it here and there, just in terms of structure, but now we‘re going to look at it in terms of the…how this applies to things out here that we know, such as the Rasha Body Dark Matter Templates, and what they have to do with understanding the planes of, say, a planet or a star, so you know what the natural planes are. This is where you start to understand the Vertical Maps that are pulled from Spherical Maps, of the planes and how they interface. So, we will see that a bit. We‘re not going to spend a lot of time, because a lot of that has been covered already in other workshops. But, we will breeze through those to get to the point of the new information that was given in Amsterdam, which has to do with what is called the Procyak Black Hole System. That is the official name of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, and it is a very specific thing caused by very specific things. And we will see what that is, and then we will be able to understand what it is we‘re participating in, progressively, as we‘ve moved through this KaLE Hara Cycle, which is the Stage 1 of Starfire, and if you don‘t make it through Stage 1 and hit a certain base pulse rhythm, you don‘t make the rest. And they would have evac‘ed us, literally, at that point, because the Earth changes would have been so severe and so fast. Fortunately, we have made it through. So, we will begin to see what the Procyak Matrix is about, and with that, we will be able to understand what the big mission is here, where it‘s much more than just Planetary Ascension, and the last cycle of Planetary Ascension; the end of the Ascension Cycles here. And, it‘s also the same for the Milky Way Galaxy. That after that 223-year period that we‘ve mentioned, will go into a Universal quarantine, and it will be a Fall Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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System, a Black Hole Fall System. But, at least, it will be sovereign. Which means the black holes that are connected from other matrices that are connecting in through the center of the Milky Way, will be shut. Which means this, the Milky Way System won‘t be eaten by what were called the Wesedrak Systems in a different location. We‘ll see them on the maps. So, this is a good thing. It is a better option. It is going to fall, but there are portions of it…and now, because of the success that the Krystics have made all through this matrix, there will be a third of the grids that, from the entire Milky Way, that have the potential. That doesn‘t mean a third will. It depends on free choice all over the place, and also cause and effect, and action and consequence. But the highest potential would be a third of the grids can get pulled back into what is called the host situation, so they will not go into the quarantined fall, and they will get back in the evolutionary track, back into the natural time cycles of the natural Cosmic Eyughas. So, it‘s huge what we‘re a part of. We‘re a small team down here, an Earth team, but the teams of Krystics that have been on this planet have not been small to begin with, because this planet has served as an extremely important. It was—this has always been referred to as the Sentinel. But, it wasn‘t Earth that was referred to as the Sentinel. Remember, Earth fell from Tara in Density 2. What was here holding Universal Star Gate 3 position in the Milky Way before that? And that is a star that is called AshaLA. AshaLA, AshaLA? Yeah, AshaLA. That is the Sentinel, and we are directly connected to it. It interfaces through our atmosphere, just like Urtha and M31 does. So, anyway, we‘re going to find out a little bit more about how the structures we learned, that evolved from the cycles of creation and give us the structures of Spirit Body, and Light Body, and all those, how they, first of all, how they fit together. How the Spirit Body and the Light Body fit together, and how that applies to our Ecka Maps of the God World Gates, where we were able to locate in the Ecka Maps of our cosmic Ecka Veca System where our position was; where is our PCM Matrix that we keep talking about. What we have learned since the Amsterdam workshop is identifiable out here, that PCM Matrix that they‘ve been talking about all along, that we are in, is actually the M31 System, which science here calls the Andromeda Galaxy. Now, the Milky Way Galaxy is what is called a Phantom Galaxy. It fell out of angular relationship, and that creates spatial distance. I think there‘s about 2.2 million light years between M31, and the Milky Way Galaxy. And all of that gets into very intense time calculations. But, space/time and all that have to do with base pulse rhythm alignments, actually. So, they haven‘t gone that far, thank God, because I really don‘t want to have to translate all the numbers that are going to be involved with that. But, we can at least get an idea of where we are, in terms of the Cosmic ELum-Eiradhona Body. And, first we‘re going to look at this, which…(to Az) could you move that up a little bit, honey, please?

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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[D1 C9 2:11:12]

This was simply our Eukatharaista Body, or the Eckasha-Aah part of the EtorA Eukatharaista Body, that would have another part on the AdorA side, you know, on counter-spin, that would together, they would form the Eukatharaista Body. So, this is the EtorA side, or the EtorA Eckasha-Aah. Alright, it has within it its four Eckasha-A: one, two, three, four. And each of the Eckasha-As have their four Eckasha Systems. And, actually, there‘s two hidden ones at the center, so there are 24 God Seed Eckashas. And, each of the Eckasha Systems has its four Veca Quadrants, alright? So, in this map, without looking at yet, where the ELum-Eiradhona Body—I‘m so tired from bringing down that wave that, like my eyes are actually swelling, and turning red, and burning. It‘s really strange. I think my brain is doing the same thing. So, if my lips and my brain don‘t keep up the same speed, excuse me. I‘ll just correct myself as I go. So, in the Ecka Veca Maps, we had learned a while back, that our PCM, Universal PCM Veca Quadrant is here. Our coordinates within this, because it could all be done in coordinates, is: our PCM Veca is Eckasha-A Spectra 3. So, the Eckasha-A things are called Spectras. So, we‘re in Spectra 3, Eckasha Corridor 4. So, the Eckasha things are called Corridors. And we‘re in Eckasha Corridor 4. And we‘re in Veca Quadrant 4, which are these little ones. And we are in Veca Quadrant 4. That is where our PCM Matrix is. Our PCM Matrix is actually called the Aquinos Matrix, named after its central AzurA Sun. And the Aquinos Matrix is what the science here refers to as the Andromeda Galaxy M31. Now, we are here. Here would be our Ecka System and our Ecka Sun, Central Sun, what‘s called Pro-sEda, or is called Pro-sEda. Alright, there are names that go with each one of these. Awhile later, we‘ll be using a technology that refers to the Jesheua Code. And, it‘s using a set of commands that go directly with the names of the gates, the proper names of the gates, from M31 to the, what would be the Adjugate Spirit of M31, which is the one on the same side. Now, if we wanted to see; if this is us over here, and in our PCM Matrix, we know from studying Light Body that this would be the—this would be the PKA System. And that‘s called our Conjugate Twin. And this would be the PKA Primal Light Field, alright? If we plug in our information about the structure of the ELum-Eiradhona Body on a smaller level, not the big one that this is a part of, but the littler one that has to do with our Eckasha. If this was our EtorA Vector, this where we manifest, it would imply, first of all, that our Spirit manifested out on this Vector in the AdorA System. And, it would also imply that there is an AdorA Manifestation in the AdorA System, over here. And that is what is coming, what is in our PKA Primal Light Field. So, in the EtorA side, we see the PKA Primal Light Field, but on the AdorA side, that is where the Adjugate System is, alright, so that would be here, and our Ecka in the center of that. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Ok, so now that we know that this is our PCM Veca, and that PCM Veca is actually M31 Galaxy, this is…we‘ll get into this a bit more, where you can see these large, this is the problem with our PCM Veca. This would be it, right here, right, if you just took it away from its Ecka to bring it out and look at it. This would be its natural configuration here, its natural alignment would follow this axis, where its top would be here, and that‘s what will connect into the Ecka. This is the M31 System, and number 3, knowing this would be number 3 in that because this is the top, so you‘d go 9, 6, 3 down that side. That is where Urtha is, alright, Urtha Universal Star Gate 3 in the M31 System that is our PCM original Universal Star Gate 3. Now, just like we‘ve talked about, we have what is called the Eiradonis Energy that is the Adjugate‘s Spirit that rides in the same place as us, there is another grid that interfaces directly with M31 that is called the AquA’elle Matrix. Now, M31 is the Aquinos Matrix in the EtorA side. Its Adjugate counterpart in the AdorA side is called AquA‘elle, the AquA‘elle System, after its Central AzurA Sun. So, this set of gates and the, and its Adjugate Spirit, or Eiradonis Gates called AquA‘elle, would be running on this natural axis, and they still are. This is the Milky Way. We‘ll look at these more closely, but this is showing where all this mess is located in relation to the Ecka Veca Maps of the God World Gates, and where we are in relation to our Cosmic Light Body. Now, we‘ll see in a minute, we‘ll see where our Cosmic Light Body is in relation to the Cosmic Spirit Body, ELum-Eiradhona, with its Time Vectors and its Vector Quadrants and things like that. In the mean time, when we talk about others who have been involved in the drama, we have—-here we are. The whole drama started because of this one here, and this was between 480 and 450 billion years ago. This was called the Bourgha-MUsala-AhLAma Matrix, the Bourgha Matrix. And the Bourgha Matrix, we‘ve talked about it before, so I‘m not going to go into the heavy history. But, they did a grid experiment that failed miserably, and they turned themselves into some horrendously motivated, Anti-Krystic creatures that were intent on using Anti-Krystic, Black-Hole Technology, and developing it in order to eat the rest of the living Universe, to prevent them from going into—once the system reaches a certain point of fall, it will go into space dust return, which is the natural way of the units of consciousness in that system, if it cannot go through Starfire, it will eventually go into a fall situation. And, it will burn out the energy at its Core, and then it will implode and then explode, and go back to Partiki dust. And, that Partiki dust will then get carried in, back to Source, in the next Starfire Wave in the living system. There are systems of fall groups that have chosen to continue the path of Anti-Krystic pursuit, trying to eat the living system. And they can, they can, they have quite a lot of leeway. They‘ve done quite a good job on this one, our system. But, eventually the Kryst will prevail and always does. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Now this matrix, the Bourgha Matrix is considered…it‘s our Parallel Eckasha. So, this was our Eckasha System, and down here was our Veca within it. This is our parallel at that Conjugate axis, 90 degree. It was our Parallel Eckasha. Over here, we talk about the Wesedraks and the Wesedaks. They‘re part of what‘s called the WEsaLA System, which was a natural system. The whole thing isn‘t fallen; its Center Ecka isn‘t fallen, but its PCM and PKA Quadrants are fallen. This is where we get the Wesedak and the Wesedrak Black Hole Systems, that interface…the Wesedrak interfaced through, into our matrix, through the BeaST Technologies, but through what is called the Bourgha Triangulation, through a triangulation of energy that ran through the Bourgha Matrix, because these guys were working as a team at certain points, and other times they were trying to destroy each other, alight, and one was trying to eat the other. Then up here, we have the Wesedaks. Now, the Wesedraks would be associated with what we‘re now calling the Red Dragon crew, alright? And it is a base Drak and Bourgha Agenda. Over here, we have what are the Wesedaks, and they are associated with the Green Dragon Fallen Angelic crew. These guys created the YOdhA VOdhA Wormhole System, or the YOdhA VOdhA Matrix, and the Arimathaea. Remember Joseph of Arimathaea? That‘s the Jesheua 9 crew, right, wormhole system that plugs in directly, into our matrix and has caused this. They actually caused the beginning of this, and they created something called the Abaddon Procyak Center. Because this Milky Way, it‘s actual name is the Procyak Matrix. Alright, and it was called that because it was created from the fall of this sun, here, which was the Rajhna Sun in the M31 system, and that was Pro-cyus. So, this became the Procyak Matrix of Pro-cyus, of the part of it that fell. Alright, and that was what was at the center. Then the Wesedrak guys got in on it, and they hijacked this and created what‘s called the OberYon System. So, we‘ll see what these look like more closely. But, these are where they are in relation to where we are in the Cosmic Light Body structure. We have the Wesa Matrices here, with the Wesedraks and the Wesedaks. And over here, thankfully, we have a system called the Aquareion System, and this system is a system that has ascended. Its entire inhabitants have gone through a full Starfire and a full Adashi Return and have come back as a Krystar System, which means they are all Krysted, fully Krysted beings. They have…they are masters. They serve as a control here. Not a control everybody type control, but they keep check on, and they hold frequency, to assist other matrices that may be endangered by the black hole structures that were evolving. This is where the Host Line comes out of, where they are actually feeding from their Hubs, or their Cores, feeding energy into our system. Called, I believe, through the Arc of Aquareion, and uh, oh what was the name of the passage? Oh, no…the An-Sha-TA-Sa Passage, An-Sha-TA-Sa Passage, right! So, they have provided the additional energy that was needed in this system to create a Host for this situation, to be able to bring some of the fallen Milky Way system back into its natural alignment with M31, so it could evolve back into M31. So, this is the location of those. What‘s interesting here is when we talk about the First Cell and the Record, the Akashic Record and the Ecoushic Record, and together the REi-ShA-ic Record, they would be the first cell, the first eight-cell cluster, and the Record is actually the first cell, and then the Halls around them are the eight-cell cluster that emerges out of the first cell. On our Cosmic level, they would be located here in the center, where we would have the Amoraea Flame, or the Flame of Amoraea. Inside of that, we would have the Cosmic Halls of REisha-TA. And, I believe it was in Amsterdam that we did a journey to the Cosmic Halls of REisha-TA, and went in to actually encode the encryption of our Shield into this system. Because, through Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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all of this, literally, the races that are on the planet right now never, never went through the natural breathing cycles by which energy was cycled back and forth, through the whole matrix, and whatever your encryption is would be recorded in the Record. So, we actually weren‘t recorded in the Record. And, if we weren‘t recorded in the Record, we could not Starfire, because you could not pass into the center unless there is a co-resonant vibration. So, we have already achieved the process of, first of all, opening the Hall of Records. That was crucial and we had started that in 2000, and then it was shut down by 2004, I believe, because of the progression of the drama here, with the FA groups and the people run by the FA groups. Finally, we were able to get the Halls of Records open on the planetary, going through the planetary level, through the Aquafereion Shield, and working our way up to where we could reach this. So we could encode our encryption, and the encryption of everything the Aquafereion Shield carries coding for, which is the entire Hosting Matrix of the Milky Way System. So, we encrypted the Milky Way. We assisted the Beloveds. I wouldn‘t say we did it, but we assisted the Beloveds through a projection journey to encrypt the energy signature of the Milky Way System into the Cosmic Hall of Records. And, that means it will download into all of the levels down below that. So, this is where the Cosmic Hall of Records would be. In our Eckasha-A, there would be a similar structure. There would be an ELum-Eiradhona Body on the Eckasha-A level, and at its center, there would be the Eckasha-A Hall of Records. This would be inside what is called the Center Flame, just like this was in the Amoraea Center Flame, this is the Ad-DON-Dra 360 Center Flame. That is what we have been using when, ―I am the Ad-DON-Dra 360‖, is bringing in the frequencies and the coding, and activating them that we carry in our own DNA, and in our own bodies. So, the Ad-DON-Dra 360 is there. And, remember this is our Eckasha, and that is our Ecka, and this is where we are. And, that‘s what it looks like at the moment. So, that gives you a basic idea of the Light Body Structure and how it begins to interface, through the Hall of Records, with the Cosmic Spirit Body. Now, we‘ll see how this fits within the Cosmic Spirit Body ELum-Eiradhona. Next one, please.

[D1 C10 2:25:07] Our Cosmic Light Body within the Cosmic Manifest Spirit–Ecka Location Map of Cosmic Light Body with the Cosmic Spirit Body

These are some of the new graphs that started yesterday. Alright, now remember, in the structure of the ELum-Eiradhona, there are 12 Event Horizons, or Horizon Lines, that are formed by 6 Vectors, right, in the EtorA side. Let‘s just talk about the EtorA side. So, we have the Horizon, and each Horizon represents what is called a Chamber, an Allurean Chamber. And, they are the core manufacturing chambers that Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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take the frequencies of the Rasha Body Dark Matter Templates and translate them into the sparks that become quarks that become the atomic base out here. And, it‘s very, very specific, as far as from which parts of the Fifteen Geleziac Layer sparks come from, will determine what types of elements they will form. Hydrogen means one thing. You know, like, Nitrogen means another, and that kind of thing. So, it‘s all very specific. But, these are the Allurean Chambers. The ―C‖ refers to the Chamber number, and that is the same as the Horizon number, alright? So, we have Chamber 12, and notice, these are offset. Our 12, the Cosmic 12 Kathara Center, is in between; it‘s at 11.5, alright? What this means are the Manifest Vectors have a specific Vector Line set; they run the 4/10 and the 1/7. The 4/10 represents…now, we are in 4 down here, right there. That‘s where our system is. Our Adjugate side is 10, on the AdorA side. They just introduced two new types of twins, up on the little notepad. So, we have Adjugates. They already told us that the Conduit Twin was the Adjugate Spirit, in other words, the Eiradonis one. So, that‘s the Conduit Twin. The Adjugate is the manifest one on the opposite side, on AdorA. We have another set, here. This collective, together, are called the…what are they, resonant? No, not resonant, it‘s close to that though. Let me see what the word is. I just don‘t want to get it wrong. Resolute, they are called the Resolute Quadrant Twins, and that refers to sets of four. So, you would have the one Vector Line, right, with its Adjugates, and when they come together in the center, into the HaRA Krysta State, then it would begin the process of bringing these two together. And, it‘s through that process that all of the frequencies of that set would be brought together, and that is enough to go through Creation Point and pop back out, into Starfire and go back, and come into the Adashi Cycles. When you finish Adashi Cycles, a similar process is involved with becoming a Krystar being, or system, or universe. And this structure applies to every level of the body. Just like there are smaller Spirit Bodies for each. Every time you see a Kathara Grid, it implies an ELum-Eiradhona Body, just like it implies a Light Body structure. So, they go all the way down and all the way into the Densities. There‘s little tiny ones, and we all have little tiny ones compared to our planets. And then there are huge ones. And they are all connected at the center, through a Hall of Records and a Core Record, a REi-ShA-ic Record that is the memory chip that everything gets recorded into when it‘s working naturally. (To Az.) So, if we could lift this just a little bit, honey, please? So, this just shows you, which is interesting, these come in between. When we draw the—you know how we have that set of four lines that create an eight set, or an 8-Star as they say, that we use to show the time cycles, and we use to show the Takeyon Cycles, the Harmonic Key Quantum Generation Cycles. They plug into here. They actually come in between certain ones, where the rod would run this way, right? So, it‘s like—anyway, I‘ll do that in a later diagram because this one‘s a little confusing. If you‘ll notice, there is only one Eckasha-Aah showing here. It would imply there‘s one for the AdorA side, and there‘s also another double one. So, you need to take four of these. It makes a beautiful pattern in the center when you get the four of them lined up, because they will all form this type of axis. There‘s one main one that is the prime one that runs its, its resonant? No, Resolute, its Resolute Twin Alignment, would be the 12, the 6, the 3, and the 9. And, that is the double, the Core double one at the center. And then there‘s one for the AdorA side, and one for the EtorA side, we‘re looking at the EtorA side. So, it‘s just giving you an idea of how, this is the Cosmic Spirit Body. And remember it has all those Flows, and those Core Flows, and the Krystal Heart infinity-type shaped, eight shaped Gates that are shaped like 8‘s. And the Astura Passages, that form the Petals and all of that, right? All of that and, of course, everywhere you see Kathara Grids and Light Body structure, it implies all of those other things from the Tauren all the way up to the Yunasai, to the Big Bang, to spheres-within-spheres all over the place, to the Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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point where you try to draw them and you can‘t see anything left on the page, because there are so many spheres-within-spheres-within spheres. So, we try to break it down, so you can see the basic alignments. And, on any one of these, there‘s a natural process, and cycles by which the accretion—as frequency accretes, or turns on, in the Manifestation, through the Eckashi Expansion Cycles, or through the Expansion Cycles, it reaches the point where all of the frequencies associated with that Event Horizon have been pulled in. That is the point where it will reach Turnaround. Its Adjugate will be reaching the same point in its system at the same time. And that‘s the point where they can come together. The process of them coming together, of a system and its Adjugate coming together on that Vector Line, is referred to as a Fold. And, we‘ll see how the Folds work a little bit, because the Folds are what we are moving into a cycle of. And the first Fold is called the Ma-Sha-Yah Fold. And, that‘s where the word, or perverted word ‗Messiah‘ came from. And it had to do about the return of the Ma-Sha-Yah. And, the Ma-Sha-Yah is kind of like a savior, but it‘s not a being, and it never hung on a cross, exactly. So we‘ll see what that is. But this is the structure of Light Body fitting into the Spirit Body system. But again, it‘s only showing the EtorA side. Next one, please…

[D1 C11 2:31:56] 5 Elemental Density Planes ―Orta Body‖ of the Partikei Light Body-Shield

And, at the center you‘ve got the Halls of REisha-TA and the REi-ShA-ic Record. Somebody‘s ringing! Alright, okay, now when we had discussed how you have the Spirit Body, and then you have what‘s called the Rasha Body, or the Dark Matter Body. And that comes before the Light Body; it‘s in between the two. It interfaces between the Spirit Body frequencies and energies, and the Light Body that grows within the Spirit Body. And this was the 15 Geleziac Layers, or spheres-within-spheres-within-spheres, again, of specific types. The layers are referred to as Rings, and the things, the Crystal Bands between them are referred to as Spans. So, the Spanner Gates actually operate through activation of the Dark Matter Template Spans, where it opens the Spans; they open the Spans, so the entire Dark Matter Template can open, in order to open the Light Body and the Spirit Body together. So, this is showing the—we use these diagrams of the 15 Geleziac Layers of the Rasha Bodies to also show how they create the Density levels of matter that actually form manifest bodies. This applies to planets and stars, and those kinds of things, where at the Core the first three layers, or Rings: Rings One, Two, and Three create what is called the Solid Inner Core. Four, Five and Six create the Liquid Outer Core, which is referred to as the Aquifers. Layers Seven, Eight and Nine create the Lower, Middle and Upper Layers of the Mantle. And then 9.5, we call it 9.5; the Spans run on .5‘s, because if this is seven, and this is Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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eight, halfway between both is 7.5, right? So the Spans run on .5, and they are the Crystalline Bands. And, then the Geleziac Radiation Layers or Rings run between them. So when we get to here, this is where surface would be, at the 9.5 Span. And when you are talking about planets or solar, or any manifest body, you have at the 9.5 level, is where it would be the surface. So, we can look at this and know that if we applied this to Earth, because it‘s the basic structure of what‘s down under, going toward the Core, but it also gives—let‘s us know where the surface is, the surface that we‘re standing on. Now, these out here, these Rings and their Spans, apply to different layers of the Atmosphere. We have: The Inner Layers form the inner part of the Manifest Body. And the Outer Layers form the Atmosphere. So, here‘s the crust, and this would be the Atmosphere. Actually, this goes up to the Thermosphere Level on our planet. So, if this is the Crust, to get to this band, you have to go all the way up to the Thermosphere and, at some point—I have them somewhere. I just haven‘t plugged them in to graphs yet, as far as how many miles or kilometers up that is, or how many up the next thing is, and that kind of thing. So, this gives us a basic understanding of the structure of planes. Now, each—there are a set of these, 15 Geleziac Templates for D1, D2, D3 and what‘s called the Density Level. It‘s called the Four Sheath Body, which is a characteristic of the Rasha Body Dark Matter structure. So, you not only have to take 15 Geleziac Layers, you have to proportionally take the Kathara Grids and make four of them, with their 15 Geleziac Layers, to begin to see the interface of the planes, so you know what is where. Because each plane, each set of planes, has certain characteristics associated with them. Like the six, the stuff that manifests from the Sixth Geleziac Layer that has sets of Gates in the Aquifers, Aquifer Gates. Down here, the crystal—this is a Crystal Core, alright. There, it has Me-Ta-Els, which become metals, but it also has a Crystal Core Base. This is where we get the big underground crystal formations. And, there is an interface directly between these, and the same structures that exist in what is called our Host Star, which is Urtha Universal Star Gate 3 in our PCM Veca, in the M31, Andromeda Galaxy, which is actually the, Aquinos Galaxy. So, all of these things that we learned about structure become very, very practical all of a sudden. We start to be able to understand some things we wouldn‘t understand otherwise, about what we‘re walking around on and in, and where it is in relation to the rest of the Cosmos. Alright, next one, please…

[D1 C11 2:36:31] PCM LotE Density Template & LotE Staff Vortices (from K 2-3)

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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This, these diagrams are from the Kathara 2-3 Manual; have to do with the Light Body/Crystal Body structure. This is showing, there‘s a double set of them. This is how they first started to explain to us about the Host, and the fact that we are actually inside of another star at a different angular rotation of particle spin, and that the natural planes of that star interface directly with the Planes of our environment, that are created by the Rasha Body Dark Matter Templates. And, this is how we start to understand the Vertical Maps, and get the Vertical Maps. So, we have Earth here, and we have Urtha, here. Earth should be lined up with its north axis, going in the same direction as Urtha‘s. And, originally it was partially started that way. This is also part of a larger problem with the Procyak Milky Way that had to do with tilting back to get everything in its natural alignments so it could go back, open the currents to go back into a natural Starfire Cycle. So, Urtha‘s here. Earth, through many years—since 550 million years ago Earth, as we know the body, was brought here from Density 2 in this system. And, at that point it was, there was actually something else there that was holding, in the Milky Way, Universal Star Gate 3 position, and that star is referred to as AshaLA. And AshaLA is literally, it‘s an EtorA system, it‘s physically manifest. Then, we have the Sha-La 3 that is part of the AquA‘elle Spirit, or Adjugate Spirit System that is made of Eiradonis, which would be the Eiradonis from the other side, which is Ethos Energy, which is not as dense as a matter based system that we would know here, alright. So there‘s actually a stack of them, of spheres around spheres in direct interface. It means that our atmosphere directly interfaces with M31, through a set of other things that create that interface. But, it literally means you can walk up into the clouds and end up in M31, once things are all open and functioning the way they are supposed to be. Before you can go to Urtha, before we can ascend all the way to Urtha, which would be going back to the M31 System, we have to first, get our bodies and our DNA, or at least our Spirit Bodies. Like, we‘re—not everybody will take the physical body through. Some will choose to go through what is called the Bharda, and go through the full Bhardoah process, where they vaporize the body and take it with them, and just reincarnate into a fully Krystic form in the Adashi Cycles going back through M31 in the Andromeda Galaxy. But, there are stages that we have to heal. We have to begin to heal our bodies and make them slide-able. The first thing is to slide and the last thing is to span. And that means being fully able to go into Krystar State, is to run a full Spanner Gate, a Core Gate, so you can get from here in the Milky Way System, back up to where you came from in the first place. Because everything in the Milky Way, originally—well, I won‘t say everything in the Milky Way came from here because, the original things in the Milky Way came from M31. There have been many things that came from other Black Hole Systems that have invaded here, and there‘s been other ones that have come from Krystic systems to try to help, and got caught in falls and those kinds of things. So, this has been a very, very long-term mission. The reason things were allowed to go as far as they did on Earth, was because if they tried to pull, to stop this from Earth, it never would have got to the point where they could activate all these things to begin the big mission, which was to bring a portion of the Milky Way System out of its being locked into Procyak Black Hole and back into its natural alignment. And, it‘s a major—it‘s like major brain surgery, when, you know comparatively, the grid mechanics we have been learning; these are just like the primer book, right, the easy books. Every one of the things we have learned about has infinite amounts of detail that‘s just mind-boggling. But, they‘re teaching us enough so we understand the process, how they fit together; how the structures fit together; what they‘re basically supposed to do so we can know what to do with ourselves, and where Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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we‘re going. And, they‘re teaching us where we‘re going and as much about the grid stuff as they have, because it‘s not just that they‘re trying to get a bunch of mutated people who can‘t remember who they are anymore out of here (laughter). No, they‘re trying to help us wake up, because we are the Guardian Teams. The Krystic Races on the planet are the Guardian Teams, and we have been just as asleep and amnesiac as everyone else on this planet. So, these—we are being taught all of this because we‘re going to need to know it at some point. Oh, boy! Alright, that‘s scary. I look forward to us all being able to slide. If I could, if we can just get everybody to slide then our mission here is done, ‗cause we can slide you on through to the closest space which will be the AshaLA System, and then they can teach you the rest. And I can, you know, me, Az and Mac, we can go to workshops with you there. And no more mylars! Alright, so that‘s what we‘re looking forward to. In the mean time, what we‘re doing is what is called gliding. Before you can slide, you have to learn to glide, which first involves activating the Rasha Body and your Dark Matter Template, and actually moving the consciousness in your Rasha Body into projections to specific places, using specific coordinates. And all the journeys that we‘ve done so far have been about that. The next phase is to not just take your Rasha, but to combine your Rasha with your Eiradonis Body, and take them both. And then, at a certain point, we will be able to…when the Eiradonis Body fully integrates into the Atomic Body that will be when the body begins its ability to slide. Which means it will be able to slide into the Hosting System. First, the part that is the AshaLA System, which is a physically manifest system that resembles Earth, but was here, actually, before Earth was Hosted in, and after that, you would slide more, on to the; into the Adjugate Spirit AquA‘elle System of…Universal Star Gate 3 there is called Sha-La 3. And then, from there, you would finally be able to expand the DNA enough to hold the full Starfire frequencies where you could go to Urtha, which is the Universal Star Gate 3 in the M31 System, in the Andromeda Galaxy. So, all of this is connected. But right now Earth, instead of having its north axis aligned with the north axis of Urtha, no, Earth, Earth is 180 degrees upside down and then 23.5 degree tilt, right. So our south is actually up, and this is our north. Yeah, it‘s a bit of a mess, and that‘s a mess that is created by the Black Hole BeaST Technologies that have been progressively built here, but also throughout the Milky Way System. Next one, please…

[D1 C11 2:43:56] The Rasha-AmorA Body

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This is showing…(to Az) by breakfast? I‘m going too slow, ok, ok, ok. These are the harder ones, though. The whole pack is the harder ones, at this end of the pack. Ok, anyway. This is the beginning of understanding Vertical Maps. This is our…looking at the D2, which is the part we see as solid, and the D3 Levels of Earth‘s Rasha Body Geleziac Layers and their interfaces that create the planes, all right, going down from the center, going through our Mantle, up to here. Now, this is the D2 Grid. So, the D2, 9.5 Layer is the D2 Surface. That‘s what we‘re walking on. So that‘s how we know we are here, right. We know where we are in the map, in the Circular Map, or the Spherical Map. And, then, from here, we see the interface of where D3 comes in, alright, where, with more Geleziac Layers that starts to give more layers of the Atmosphere. From here, we can start to understand where the interface with—they started with M31. We have been doing projections to what are called the Adashi Temples. The Adashi Temples are the Ascension Return Temples, and they are in the M31 Galaxy. So, as we were projecting into certain layers of our own Atmosphere here at certain particle spin that is actually activated by using the technologies, it will compensate for the misalignments that are in our DNA and in our bodies now, so we can, at least, go through into a projection. We have been literally projecting to the Adashi Temples on Urtha. And Urtha, yes, interfaces with our Atmosphere right about the level of the Magnetosphere, outside, around the planet, alright. And, the Adashi Temples, that interface is directly in the M31 System, but it‘s accessed directly through our Magnetosphere. There are layers in between here where there are messes. There was something in 9562 B.C. that occurred, another whack of the BeaST, where there were something called Hibernation Zones created, where portions of the natural Geleziac Radiation Structure of the Rasha Templates and of the Light Body Templates that are built on them, that form the Light Body Planes of the Atmosphere, were actually split and put on reversal to create—literally make them disappear. So, what‘s manifest in them disappears from here, where it normally would be seen, and creates another artificial life field that has portions of the planetary quantum in it. This is where Atlantis went. One of them is called Oz. That one is in the Ozone Layer. I mean, this stuff was so—the stories we‘ve been being fed here, since the Greek Mythologies, one of them was called Olympus. I mean, all these things were almost tongue-in-cheek, nasty jokes that were channeled in, that were inspired to people by ones from the Hibernation Zones, who are working with the Black Hole Crews to take over the system. And we have, in each area on the D1, D2 and D3 Layers of the grids here, that split did occur. The split formed an area, a restrained area that was called a NET. So, you have a D1 NET, a D2 NET and a D3 NET. The D3 NET is called the Ego NET, which stands for Epi-genetic Overlay NET. It controls the Epi-Genetic Overlay, or the chemical coding on the DNA that actually controls the function of the gene code, alright? This one, the D2 NET, is the Intra-NET, and it actually controls, and manipulates, and creates a false form of electricity here that we use to power everything. It also helps to…this one is also the mind—control NET, where it‘s literally D3 Mental Body, it is a harness on the Mental Body, and there‘s all sorts of broadcasts of False Memory Matrix and all kinds of things of false stories, and things that are always broadcast through there. Most of the channels are pulling their information from there, alright? This is why we don‘t endorse channeling right now, until you know how to get around the NETS, alright‖. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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And, this one is the Derma-NET. This affects the DNA Template. This affects…the D2 one, affects the chemical DNA directly, and controls it. And, this one is the strongest one that actually does the Epi-genetic Overlay. It also gives the manufacture of the Ego, which is the part of the self that is completely lost. That part that looks out on the world, that is completely lost, has no real idea why it‘s here or where it came from, and goes into all these compensation behaviors to try to make itself feel important and like it has purpose, ‗cause it can‘t remember what it is, where it came from, and has been fed creation lies that have told it that it is worthless or that there is a jealous, angry God up there somewhere that, if you don‘t do right and you‘re not really sure what that might be, it‘ll kill you or, you know, send you to Hell. So, all of this is coming from this mess that is, literally, interfacing with the natural structure of the Planes in our system. Fortunately, we have this interface with the Adashi Temples, and then there is also, platforms in between that connect—they are called the Aurora Platforms. The Aurora System is the AquA‘elle System; it is the Ethos System, which is the Adjugate Spirit System that interfaces with us directly, and there are platforms that are easier to get to frequency-wise and DNA-wise before we can get to here. What we just learned today was, there is one more system even closer, that interfaces directly, as well, probably through the Aurora Platforms, I wouldn‘t doubt. They are probably the AshaLA Platforms; that is the AshaLA Milky Way Universal Star Gate 3 that Earth was hosted into. And, it‘s actually called the Between World, because its axis is between the Milky Way tilt and the natural one of the M31. So, it‘s the Middle World, the world between. And, all of these have to do with the Host and getting out of this system before 223 years are over. Because, in 223 years, a certain set of events will take place in the Milky Way System, and in M31, that will close anything that is not running the Krystic Frequency. So, the grids that cannot be pulled into Krystic Host and hold those frequencies won‘t be able to eventually Starfire, will go into self-contained quarantine, and it‘s something that happens as a result of just not being able to hold the frequency. It‘s not that anybody comes in and locks them in. It‘s a consequence to the actions that have been taken in this system, to the point where the grids have been so damaged. And, it is just like an override system of the natural immune system of the Living Light Body of the Cosmos, on the more local, PCM level. So, anyway, Aurora Platforms: One, Two, Three and Four. They run between our, between the Hibernation Zones. So, you can actually jump the platforms, and we‘ve been taught to project through the platforms to get to the Adashi Temples in projections. Eventually, some day, we‘ll be able to walk through them, but first we‘ve got to crawl before we can walk. And, we‘re probably crawling, at this point, into the AshaLA Healing Temples, because I don‘t know—I don‘t think you’ll have to crawl. But, boy, Az, Mac and I feel like we could really crawl at this point. It‘s been a really rough year, particularly since Amsterdam, because something called the Omega Kill Code activated in the Aquafereion Shield. It was meant to…it was put in by the Fallen Angelics into the gene code. It was meant to kill us before we could translate the rest of the information that would allow us to finish this, that would allow us to make it through the KaLE Hara Cycle, so we could go into the rest of it. And, it hasn‘t killed us, we‘re still standing, ouching and grouching a bit, but still standing. And they say that it will get better now. That, as of FOL, this is when it all changes and we start going on the mend. Because this is where (applause), yes, because this is where we open the Halls of AshaLA, which is that hidden star, the one they hadn‘t told us about yet, which is the direct access one. And, it will be the first slide station. So, we‘ll talk more about that in a little bit, but this is showing you where the Vertical Maps came out of. They actually came out of the Spherical Maps. You take a cross-section, going from the Core, upward. And Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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you just, you know, don‘t show the whole sphere. You just show where each line crosses, and it‘ll give you where each plane level intersects. But, you have to do it for D1, D2, D3, then, and what‘s called the Density Level. And, the Density Level is equal to Urtha‘s D1. And then you have to do Urtha D2, at least, if you want to see where Surface Urtha is in relation to the planes of our Atmosphere, alright? So, we have as a yardstick the Van Allen Radiation Belts where we know, our science here knows how far up they are, alright? This shows you where they fit within this structure so you can judge things. Ok, A4 is up above the Outer Van Allen Radiation Belt, but it‘s under, it‘s still below the Magnetosphere. This is the Inner Van Allen Belt; A2 is down below it; A3 is up above it. So, it gave us coordinates. It gives us coordinates so we can project and not get entangled in the NETS as we work to get rid of the NETS, and the effect that they‘re having on the DNA, and the rest of us. Next one, please…

[D1 C12 2:53:11] Vertical Maps

A‘sha: I‘m going as fast as I can Az: I wasn‘t talking to you A‘sha: This is just showing you the vertical stack of the Vertical Maps. Can you just pull this up a little bit, honey? So I can see the bottom, thank you. There, you would have Earth‘s Core. There, you would have the Level 1, what is called the Nada Geleziac Radiation Layer that forms the Nada Crystals, right? You have the Nada Crystal Layer. You would have the Aquifer Layers. Up here, you would have Surface Earth. Right, this is where you put all of them together: D1, D2, D3, you have to pull each of them out, make their vertical, then put all those verticals together to see where each of the planes interface. And, that‘s how the Vertical Maps were created. And, this shows you where the NETS are, in relation to where the D1 NET runs right through the Surface and partially down into the Upper Mantle. In the Upper Mantle, we actually have what are—what is a Crystal Base. This Crystal Base is actually the same thing as this, for Urtha; the Crystals underneath that are closer to the surface, the big crystals that are like, they are pylons. They‘re like, bigger than—they are bigger than the Empire State Building, those things (laughs). I can‘t think of the word…skyscrapers! Right! And there are also some artificial ones that have been seeded into here that form the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid Matrix, that was part of the BeaST Apparatus, that was progressively put in here during the Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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three Seedings on this planet. And, that is what everybody has been having wars over, and all of that, for the last 5.5 million or more years, on the surface of Earth. So, in these, the Aurora Platforms, there are specific ones. This one is the Aurora 1 Platform, fits in here. I pulled it out here, so you could see it better. It has a specific name. It is subterranean; it is between the Upper and Middle Mantles of Earth. It‘s called Ah’RU-NE’wa. I‘m not going to go through all the names of these. This one ends up, the Aurora 2 Platform, is referred to as the Cloud Cities of Ah-SA-LE’ Yon. They‘re in the Thermosphere area, right? Now, these are on the AquA’elle Layer. These would be partially physical, and partially Ethos. They interface directly with what is physical that is on that in-between particle spin. So, you would have a physical experience going there, or moving from here to there, if you could move from here to there. So, they‘re not just imaginary things for your mind to go to. But, that is the process of starting. Gliding is projecting. Once you can project enough, you bring frequencies back that progressively activate more in your body that, eventually get it to where you can slide, which is going through into one of the Host Fields. And, eventually, you would be able to Span, which means go all the way through a Spanner Gate, back to Urtha 3, which is in the M31 System. So, this is just the map. I‘m not going to go through all these. They have been covered in other ones. We have the Cloud Cities on Aurora 2. We have the Aurora 3 Platforms of the Ocean Cities, alright? And, these are in the—they‘re the Urtha‘s D2 Aquifers, that are in the Van Allen Gaps, and they‘re called Aquafereion. We have whole race lines in Aquafereion, and I won‘t talk too much about the race lines now, because there won‘t be time because I need to get to the most important stuff. Up here, you have the Winterlands, alright. And, these are the Aurora 4 Platform. And, it‘s just outside of the Outer Van Allen Belt, above D3, Upper Telos. It also shows you where Hibernation Zones are. Let me see, where‘s Hibernation Zone …H-Zone 1, the D1 Lower Hibernation Zone is called Agartha, among a few other things. Ever hear the Agartha channels and all that la-de-da, Inner Earth Stuff? Yah, then, we have the—nothing personal for the poor people who are channeling these things. They don‘t realize what they‘re plugging in to, and I feel bad for them. This is the Upper D1 H-Zone, and right in the middle is a NET. So, the H-Zones are actually formed, the Hibernation Zones that are on reverse spin, are actually reality fields that used to be part of these, that are now on reverse spin. You can‘t see them here because of that. And they, the NETS that are run by the Nibiruan Diodic Crystal Grid System in the BeaST Matrix, that are harnessing this area, in it‘s normal spin, but harnessed, and controlled, they split the field and they create an Upper, and a Lower Hibernation Zone. So, this is the D1 Hibernation Zone. D1 is associated with Etheric energy, so it would be more Etheric. The D2 Hibernation Zone, which is associated with Telluric Energy, which is what we see as solid and physical, is a physical, solid one. D2 Lower Hibernation Zone, this is where Atlantis and Lumeria, and a number of other things went during the Atlantean Deluge. Piece by piece, they were dragged into here. But, the big one occurred in 9562 B.C., when the Hibernation Zones were formed. And, then, right after that, in 9558 B.C., is when we had the big flood, where the last of the islands went down. No, they actually went up. They got on a reverse spin. So, this is where we, where, literally, Atlantis is there, and the Zetas like to hang out there a lot, but there‘s a lot more there than the Zetas, alright, and it‘s run by FA groups. And, here, you have the Aurora 3 Platform. Then if we go up, we have H-Zone 3 Lower. It‘s called Shambala, heh heh, yeah. We have H-Zone 2 Upper, the one that goes with this is another physical one. H-zone 2 Upper is Olympus. This is where we get the whole Pantheon-of-gods stuff that was coming up Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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through ancient Greece, and Rome, and all of those things. They‘re there. They‘re alive, and they‘re communicating, alright. They‘re trying to pull the rest of this system into reverse. This, there‘s a whole technology called the Caduceus Technology that is plugged into the NETS, that is meant to take hold of the Spanner Gates, once they‘re partially activated. And, literally, use that power, reverse its spin, to make the NETS begin to spin, and then to make them pull the rest of this, which would cause massive pole shift to begin with, into reverse spin, to pull it into the Hibernation Zones. That was what our guys got involved directly with stopping here, so that didn‘t happen. We would have had 3-Day Evac. Whoever can go, you can go, and, if you can‘t go, you don‘t just, like, well, get your Spirit out, and like, vaporize the body on the way through, because that‘s what happens if you go through a Star Gate before your body can handle it. It will, literally, turn you to vapor. [End Disk 1]

Phoenix, Festival of Lights, January 2, 2008—Disk 2 Evening Lecture (cont.) [D2 C1 0:00:04] A'sha

(Continued from Disk 1: "…and then to make them pull the rest of this, which would cause massive pole shift to begin with, into reverse spin, to pull it into the Hibernation Zones. That was what our guys got involved directly with stopping here, so that didn‘t happen. We would have had 3-Day Evac. Whoever can go, you can go, and, if you can‘t go, you don‘t just, like, well, get your Spirit out, and like, vaporize the body on the way through, because that‘s what happens if you go through a Star Gate before your body can handle it. It will, literally, turn you to vapor.") But, you can actually do that in a way where you don‘t lose yourself in space dust, where you can pull yourself back together and reincarnate into another form. But, we‘ll talk about that a little bit later. Anyway, this is showing you what‘s in there. Way up here, we have the Adashi Temples. This is where the M31 Interface is. So, these are coming through the AquA‘elle Matrix, which is the Adjugate Spirit Matrix of primary Ethos-base type energy, a bit less dense than here. And then, we would have one step more, which is the AshaLA one that is the physical level of it. And it is actually what was here before Earth and Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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the Amenti Rescue Mission from Density 2 were brought in and put in here as the solar system that we talked about in the Voyagers book. Anyway, I‘m starting to talk really fast, ‗cause I want to get you to the important stuff. I mean, it‘s all important. But, the things that will help you to understand what we‘re going to be doing as the activation is coming in tonight, and what we‘re going to be doing with it. Oh, in between the Aurora Platforms, there are what were called Ecousha Platforms, right? They ran in between, and they would link together Aurora Platforms. The Ecousha Platforms connected to specific sites on the AdorA side. So, you would have EtorA/AdorA, EtorA/AdorA, EtorA/AdorA. Together, the whole system was referred to as the Gyrodome Host System. And, what it does is progressively host an activation of the natural ELum-Eiradhona Body Structure of the Core Flows, of the Spanner Gates. Because, on the planetary and larger levels, the Core Flows, that are shaped like those figure 8‘s are referred to as Spanner Gates, and you can pass through them. They are the Core Gates. They go through, into the Core and into the layers beneath. Like, if we‘re in the Outer Domain, they go into the Middle Domain, the Inner Domain and the Core Domain, as well. So, they‘re much more powerful than regular, surface-level Star Gates, regular Kathara Star Gates. They‘re even more powerful than those. So, anyway, this is just showing you all of that. And when they all activate, it creates the Gyrodome Aqualene Sun Field, which is the Host Field around Earth‘s Atmosphere. But this is all connected to a whole bunch more. Next one, please…

[D2 C1 0:02:40] (Gyrodome configuration)

We‘re going to have to flip through these fast. Yeah. This is just showing you the configuration of the Gyrodome. That is the configuration of the Kathara Grids of the ELum-Eiradhona Body, where you would have the flows on each one of those like that, and you would have the Astura Passage it‘s called, which is the Azurite-A. And you would have one this way, and one going this way, that together form the Lotus Arcs, so that‘s where you get the structure of the ELum-Eiradhona. Next one please. I have to go really fast.

[D2 C1 0:03:06] (Color map–mural)

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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If you were looking at surface earth, you would see—this is a specific one that has to do with Spanner-7 ShAlon site. ShAlon has to do with what are called the Lons that are certain crystal bases. Alons, ShAlons, KAlons and Orons, and they phase together, and they create all sorts of things that I‘m not going to go into in this workshop because I‘ve discussed it before, so it is in other recent material. But, this is just showing you the encoded colored one. This is showing you the layers. This only goes up to the Aurora-3 platform I believe which would be here. So it‘s not showing Aurora-4. It‘s just showing you—it‘s actually encrypted where when you look at this, it actually begins to stimulate the corresponding frequencies of the grids in your own system. Next one please. Could you put the next one over that honey. It doesn‘t have to be perfect.

[D2 C1 0:04:05] (BW Overlay with Shalon-7 house etc.)

This is ShAlon-7, the house they wanted us to buy here in Scottsdale right close to the Mesa border. This is showing how ShAlon-7 is one of the sites that ShAlon, Alon, and KAlon-7—they connect in to the Spanner-7 gate which would actually run—now if we look at the Spanner Gates, and we realize each one of them is running on an Event Horizon. That implies this one, its Adjugate would be the 1, right? The 7 and 1 are Adjugates to each other. So Spanner-7—it has to do with the other alignments we‘ll see in the Milky Way, that the 7s have been the power gates here because of the Milky Way alignment back to M31. So this is just showing the Spanner Gate, and literally you would pass through, go into Krystar.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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This is a Krystar Capsule here. They are like elevators. It has a central chamber that comes down and activates, and you literally go. And there‘s one set of these that goes from Earth to Urtha. Another set that goes from Urtha to Sirius B in M31 System alright? So there‘s a stack of these going up and up and up, as you‘re getting into the larger and larger levels of the ELum-Eiradhona Body. So these are the Spanner Gates we talk about. This is just showing one Astura Passage, and when all the Astura Passages activate, they from that double one. When that AdorA side comes in, this is just showing on the EtorA side. So that gives you an idea. I‘m not going to go through all this detail. Gives you an idea of what a Spanner Gate is, how it is connected to the rest of it. Next one please. Looking at that pile and going…‗Oh dear!‘

[D2 C1 0:05:43] (The Krystal Heart of Aquarion Ecousha-TA Ascension Code)

This is just showing you just more directly what a Spanner Gate is. Could we put that up a little? I want to see this part here please. (Inaudible comments by A'zah.) Oh ok, right. Oh, ok. Spanner Gates have a KaLE-Hara Chamber. Remember the KaLE-Hara Chamber? That is the one that goes with the KaLE-Hara Body, right, the one that‘s projecting out on the EtorA Line. Then this is the HaRA-Krysta Chamber which is the vertical one. So it is structured in the same way, and our own bodies—when we activate those things in our bodies, enable us to go through these chambers on the larger level, be it planetary and then galactic, and then you know, universal etc. Each one of these hearts corresponds to the Aurora Platforms which are in the—they are in the Spirit of AquA‘elle Adjugate Spirit Ethos level that we talked about with the vertical maps. Next one please.

[D2 C1 0:06:44] (When Spanner Gate opens) Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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This is just showing that when a Spanner Gate activates fully, it opens these passages. You have the LA HE de Luna and the LA HE de Sol. LA HE means ―safe passage‖. And this one is through the moon, and this one is through the sun. The larger one is through the sun. And there‘s a whole thing that connects with these. There‘s actually—each Spanner Gate, there are a set of twelve Spanner Gates on the planet. It started with just one, Spanner-7 being the only one that could be opened. At this point they have begun the opening of all 12 of them, and that will mean all 12 HUB Gates, Arc HUB Gates, that we‘ve had the maps published for a while, will be opening, because the Spanner Gates run directly through the Arc Gate sets that we talked about quite a while ago. So, these—there will be 12 sets of these Luna and Solar Windows. These are passages through—when you start to go past earth‘s atmosphere, you can actually either go through—certain ones you go through the moon, and then you go through the sun, and there are safe ways to go and there are ways to get snagged into the Hibernation Zone and the fall group. And the safe passages are ways that you follow the core flows of the Spanner Gates so you don‘t get hung up in those when you‘re doing projections, and later when you are doing slides. So this is just showing you those things. Next one please.

[D2 C1 0:08:11] (Core Flows of Luma Eturna. Allurean Chambers)

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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That‘s just showing you the bunch of them together right? If you‘re looking at—each one of these is a Spanner Gate, and it‘s one of the core flows of the ELum-Eiradhona Spirit Body. And there‘s one on each of the levels—Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal, and Cosmic going up the stack of the Eckashas, from the Vecas to the Eckasha to the Eckasha-A to the Eckasha-Aah, all the way up to the Cosmic Body. And remember they run the Vector Lines Next one please—and the Allurean Chambers.

[D2 C1 0:08:45] (Spherical Map showing D2 and D3 Earth)

This is to show you, in relation to the spherical maps of Earth. This is where D2 Earth would be. Solid Earth. It‘s a 9.5 Level on the D2 Grid. This is where the D3—which would be considered the Mental Plane. It‘s actually made of Atmic energy which is a little bit less dense than the Telluric energy, but not as fine as the Etheric energy of D1. That shows where that would be in relation to the Van Allen Belts. So you can get an idea of where what is located. These are the fields that have been split by the NETS. Each one of them. D1, D2, and D3, to create those Hibernation Zones on each level. So that‘s just showing you some of that. These are actually holding in—the Van Allen Belts are not natural. They are part of the NET in greater structure, the NETs in greater structure, and they are actually holding earth in a very compromised position as far as its electromagnetic fields and its actual physical body. Next one please.

[D2 C1 0:09:44] (Yin-Yang flow & Tube Torus technology; Poison Apple)

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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This is a bit of its compromise. Oy. This is the Ying-Yang flow which is a mutation of the Yan-Yun natural flow. This is not a natural configuration. It is a configuration of energy formed by the Tube Torus, that is part of the Metatronic BeaST technology. The Tube Torus technology creates an energy sucking machine that has these vortices that suck energy in from other living things around it in order to fuel itself, because it can‘t—it is not open to the natural time lines anymore. It can‘t run the natural energy so it finds things to feed on. It‘s a vampiring technology, and that is what the BeaST machine has been progressively built on. So the Van Allen Belts are actually holding this in. This is called the Poison Apple Magnetic Field Configuration, and it‘s very different than the natural one of the Yan-Yun flows that comes from the Seed Atom. The natural Seed Atom would be shaped like butterflies. They have rod current that runs. So they look more like a butterfly current. These block the Rod because the Rod has been hijacked, and hijacked by the BeaST machine, and we are tilted. Our Merkaba Fields are tilted. The Merkaba Fields are progressively going from what should be a natural counter-spin spiral set. The top is electrical, it should spin clockwise. The bottom is magnetic, it should spin counter-clockwise. These merkabas are same spin spiral sets, where you have a set of them—a split merkaba with a top and a bottom spiral that go in the same direction, making the whole thing a containment field. One goes at 34 and the other goes at 21, and they are part of the BeaST system that literally harnesses a body in order to drag it into black hole fall, and keep some facsimile of its form intact. So they are part of the vampire hijack machine. Next one please.

[D2 C1 0:11:45] (BeaST Machine forms Tree of Artificial Life)

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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This is connected to more mess. What the BeaST machine does is take the natural Kathara Grid structure and deform it. A natural Kathara Grid is the Tree of Eternal Life. It forms what is called the Tree of Artificial Life, and it squeezes in the literal proportions of the Kathara Grid. The Kathara Grid proportions control everything from ARPS to how quantum of what interfaces with what and where, so it changes the literal matter base and how it operates within a system. This you might find in Kabbalah, and a few other type of teachings that came up from the Atlantean Period. You‘d also probably find it in the Daisy of Death paradigm books that are all over New Age book stores including the local ones. Ours aren‘t there. Hmmm. Anyway, so this is showing you the difference in the shapes from the natural one to what this Tree of Artificial Life creates. Next one, please. A'zah: What do we do? A‘sha: What?

[D2 C1 0:12:50] (Daisy of Death)

That nasty Tree of Artificial Life configuration is part of what is called the Daisy of Death. Now normally our natural Kathara Grid would have the natural lotus arcs at 45 degree angles, two up, two down, and then the vertical ones. What this does is actually, it splits the arcs, takes their energy and harnesses it, and springs them where they can‘t phase. The phasing of the lotus arcs are what allow the Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Light Body Cells and the Monad to move back and forth so they can spark and continue to generate their own currents. When the arms of lotuses are stretched and phase-locked, they cannot move the Monad, the Monad cannot spark, and the system becomes finite. It becomes a Dead Light System that cannot regenerate its own quantum. And that is what the Daisy of Death paradigm is. And I used to try to be careful about this, but at this point in the game, it needs to be said. It is the Flower of Life Paradigm that is teaching this stuff directly. It is teaching you to spin your merkabas at 34/21, which is the containment field set. And we have asked them. We have asked the ones who teach this to have a public discussion with us about it. Invite the public for free and share the cost of a venue, and they won‘t do it. Why I wonder? They teach along with this, the Fib-of-No-Chi Spiral and the Fibonacci Code and all of that. All of these are part of the BeaST Technology. And they are considered the cream of the cream of information out there as far as understanding metaphysics. And what they are, are the metaphysics that have been fed through the NET to people here who think they‘re talking to good guys, but they‘re not. And this is why we brought this information out so we could show the difference. So at least there was something to compare it to so people could make a choice, because we promised we would bring back the right of free will choice which would not have been here if the comparison weren‘t able to be made. So that‘s why we have identified these paradigms, and they‘re not the only paradigm teaching it. You got the ones that are just teaching the weird looking Kathara Grid, the Tree of Life thing. You have all sorts. The technologies that are being brought through, and the spiritual practices that are being brought through—most of the re-legions (religions) at this point have partial good stuff and the other part twist, because they have been hijacked into this whole paradigm since the Atlantean Period. So, this is what we refer to as the Daisy of Death that is part of the Tree of Artificial Life. And this gets even better as we understand what Procyak is about. Next one please.

[D2 C2 0:15:25] (Natural Krystic spiral, Golden Meanie Spiral, Fib-of-No-Chi)

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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This is the difference between the spirals, the natural Krystic Spiral that is born on the natural Kathara Grid proportions, comes out and will look like this on its natural expansion. This is the Golden Mean-ie Spiral, that is part of—yes, and its number sequences that are part of the anti-Krystic BeaST technologies. Down here it shows the interface of the two, where actually the Fib-of-No-Chi Golden Mean-ie Spiral is meant to hijack—cut across and literally hijack the energy of the Krystic Spiral before it gets out to where it can expand and become stronger, alright? So it starts out faster so it catch up with it and try to grab it before the Krystic Spiral can get it and expand. These are all parts of the effects that these technologies— the BeaST technologies which are black hole technologies forcing black holes and worm holes to be made when they should not be. These are all part of that. Next one please.

[D2 C2 0:16:37] Earth's Tilted Axis & Wobble, Planetary Clock & Star-Gate Misalignment

Yeah. Old type-set graph. In the days when we had time to type set anything, right? This shows the mess we‘ve just talked about where Earth is—progressively its merkaba fields have been brought into that—the 34/21 harness field and same spin spiral set harness field. Here is the Tree of Artificial Life grid. Here would be the natural Kathara Grid structure. It‘s tilted. It creates the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the difference between the solar plane, and where solar north is, and where our north is. It actually offsets our Planetary Shield from the Solar Shield, so the planet can‘t participate in the natural circulation of energy that would normally occur in a living solar system. This is showing the magnetic field, the Poison Apple. This down here is showing the beginning of something that we‘ll see more of later. Can we see over here honey please? Thank you. Alright, and this is showing all the tilts, the degrees of tilts. I think it‘s 23.5 degree tilt one way, and another part, is 11.5 the other way. And it creates a mess, and it creates this broadcast system that sucks in energy from the galactic level NETs. This is literally a control matrix. This has been run as a prison camp for quite a while now since Atlantis. It‘s just a prison camp where none of the prisoners don‘t know they‘re prisoners yet. They just wonder why they feel so miserable when they die. (0:18:08)

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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This structure here, if you notice, there‘s one Daisy of Death, right? And then there‘s another one outside of it, a larger one that harnesses more of the energy of the arcs. It actually fully splits the arcs in the natural Kathara Grid structure and phase locks them into the Daisy of Death position. This is the beginning of understanding what‘s called the Bloom of Doom, where you have more than one Daisy of Death configuration compiling and interfacing with each other. It gives you the Bloom of Doom. And that creates a distortion in the natural Radial Body Field and Light Body Field that should be spherical. And it creates this flattening and bulging at the poles. Flattening—I mean at the equatorial poles. It bulges and flattens the poles top and bottom. And this is the situation that Earth is shaped on. They talk about the bulge of the equatorial poles etc. It‘s all caused by this. This is referred to as the Bubble of Trouble, alright. Next one please.

[D2 C2 0:19:00] (Black Hole technologies)

This all has to do with. Remember when we saw where we are in the Cosmic Light Body Map over here? This has to do with the technologies of the Black Hole technologies from the Fallen Wesa System. The Wesadak and the Wesadrak System. The Wesadak System who created the Aramithea Wormhole, and the YOdhA VOdhA Matrix that is in their system. The Aramithea Wormhole plugs that matrix into directly, certain gates within our system. This was not just on the planetary level, this is on the Milky Way level. It all Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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started way back, and I think it was between 350 and 360 billion years ago, when the Milky Way fall started, when it began to fall from the M31 System with the fall, the harnessing and fall of the Density-3 Rajhna Sun in that system that was called Procyus. And it formed the Procyak, began the formation of the Procyak Matrix. Next one please.

[D2 C2 0:20:18] (PCM Gate Systems & our fallen (F-Gates?) & plugged into YOdhA VOdhA Matrix forming the Black Cube Matrix)

A'zah: Just thought you might mention ______ (Clarion?) might refer to the Wesak System. A‘sha: Oh yeah. This comes through too as the Wesak System. I don‘t know all about that, but it‘s another teaching set that is out there. Archangel Michael, all those guys. All of that stuff is coming out of the Metatronic teachings. The Metatronic teachings are the teachings of black hole technology, and they are the anti-Kryst teachings. And anti-Kryst means, opposite to the Krystic teachings, and Krystic means the Eternal Life Teachings. That‘s all! Not about big guys with horns and all that stuff. Yeah they have horns, but they‘re more like trumpets as opposed to horns like devils. Anyway, this system—we‘ve talked about this a while back and we‘re not going to analyze this heavily, but what it shows is a distortion in our natural PCM Gate Systems, and how it is being plugged into another system. These would be our Fallen Gates, our Phantom Gates are F-Gates. Phantom Gates, where they‘re falling, and part of them are plugged in already to this other set of stars that are in the YOdhA VOdhA System. So literally, they have interfaced with the Wesa Matrix that‘s way over in that other—it‘s called the Adjacent Eckasha, which is literally in a different Eckasha-A Spectra than we are. They‘ve interfaced these gates directly, and phase locked them into forming what‘s called the Cube Matrix or the Black Cube Matrix. Won‘t go any further on that one. They all have names, our gates that got interfaced with their gates. You‘ll see what this looks like a bit more closely in a minute or two. Next one please Or maybe even sooner. Now what‘s next?

[D2 C2 0:21:45] (Caduceus Network interface of the BeaST system)

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Part of that—coming back down to Earth for a moment, is—natural Spanner Gate would be here. This is called the Caduceus Network. Notice its little sign that they use for medicine and all of that kind of thing. You know, The Code of Caduceus? It is actually an interface of the BeaST system using the NETs to harness energy off of the natural Spanner Gate systems which are the natural core flows that run into the planet. And that‘s what our electricity is generated by, and a number of other things including our climate conditions. We are a climate controlled planet, believe it or not, except they‘re losing control at the moment. That‘s why the ice is melting, alright. And the ice is not melting just because we drive too much and put too many fluorocarbons up there. No, the ozone layer is actually depleting because of the things that are happening in the atmosphere that have to do with the BeaST activations that they have tried to do, to make us go into pole shift, to reverse the rest of this back into the Hibernation Zones. And you‘re probably not going to hear that on CNN anytime soon. But, that is the real cause of global warming, not to mention things happening at the core of the planet that have to do with all of this. So next one please, anyway.

[D2 C2 0:23:00] Organic Earth as ascension planet & living solar system

This one is just showing the configurations that would be part of a natural Solar System that was living. It would have its north axis north. Its top merkaba spiral north. Its 12 gate north. It would not have the tilted Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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ecliptic plane or anything like that. It would have—the top spiral would be the natural electrical spiral that goes at a 33 13 clockwise. The bottom would be a magnetic spiral that goes at 11 23 counter-clockwise. That has to do with the base kinds of energies. ManA Spiral would be 33 13 positive charge energy, and EirA energy 11 23 negative charge energy. And that is what the numbers are supposed to be. They‘re obviously using a different type of energy for the harness machines, because they use 34 and 21 and I forget which is which at this point. Which one is the electrical and which one is not. But the big difference is, they do not have the harvest set of spirals. But the two of them will go in the same direction, and they‘ll teach you to spin a whole Merkaba Field in one direction. And then you have another Merkaba Field. You have the boy one and a girl one. And the boy one you spin in one direction, and the girl one you spin in the other direction. Yeah right!!! What you‘re doing is spinning two—a split Merkaba set that has formed two un-natural same spin spiral sets that are harness containment fields. They‘re teaching people to use their bodies in order to fully activate the grids of the BeaST here. And that‘s what‘s being going on for about 20 years or so, since they have been consciously putting that out again since the Atlantean periods. Anyway. This is the normal configurations of what it should be, what it should look like. These are the natural flows of the Yan-Yun electromagnetic flows that are very different than the Poison Apple shape that we looked at before. These are the natural arc structures that should be at 45 degrees and when these arcs phase up, touch the top one, they‘re actually drawing with them the light spheres of what is called the Monad which is part of the Light Body Structure, that allows it to spark, and when it sparks, it makes more quantum and it feeds the whole system to make it a living system that is self-perpetuating. Down here please. (0:24:58)

And, when everything is sparking and arcing the way it‘s supposed to, there‘s a natural communication that‘s supposed to occur. All the north is supposed to be up in the same direction in the solar plane. And the solar plane, running the horizontal, and the tops of all of the planets, should be—the north, should be in the same place. This system, it‘s all over the place. Earth is like 23.5 0 compared to the Sun, and then you have, like Uranus is on its side, and a whole bunch of different really crazy ones. This system is a mess basically.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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When you have a natural system, there are natural arcs of energy that spiral through and create something that is called Hydrolase Conversion. A Hydrolase Conversion Cycle is a natural part of the cycles by which the Adjugate Twins come together, and the whole system can Starfire, regenerate itself, rebirth, and eventually evolve out of this system back into the Adashi Systems. This would be a natural system. This is not what our system looks like anymore. And just because of it appears in Nature, like you can go out and take pictures of it in Nature, does not mean it‘s natural. Organic, the way it started in the first place, is how it should be, and this is how it should be, this is not the way it looks. Next one please.

[D2 C2 0:26:00] The "BeaST" Black-Hole Machine…Our Atlantean Legacy

That‘s how it should be. This is what it looks like about now. It is a mess, and we‘re getting like more diagrams on this stuff, but this is just to show you. This is a big problem. We‘ve gone from the planetary problem now in to the solar system, but that‘s just a little problem compared to the bigger one! And they‘re all based on this Metatronic technology that has everything with the Fibonacci Spiral through to the Daisy of Death and the Bloom of Doom and the Bubble of Trouble and all of that, and the Poison Apple and all of that stuff. Next one please.

[D2 C2 0:26:44] (Universal Level / Milky Way Gate System)

I won‘t even go into analyzing this, as far as what‘s holding what and the directions they shouldn‘t be in. That goes back to this situation where we go from seeing the solar system to--this is the Universal level. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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And it‘s referring to actually, the Milky Way. Because the natural Universal PCM System is M31. And it was only a portion of some of the stars in that system that were pulled in to form the Milky Way System, and from there the Milky Way has been eating things around it. It actually pulls things in through the core. And it‘s being pulled in. The Procyak Wormhole at the center of the Milky Way that is beyond the Sagittarius A star—what they‘ve identified as the center of the black hole, the center of our universe, of our galaxy. That isn‘t— that‘s just the opening part of it. It goes further down and then it leads into the Aramithea Wormhole that leads into the YOdhA VOdhA Matrix in the Wesadak Matrix. Next one please.

[D2 C2 0:27:48] (Bloom of Doom Procyak system)

Now. Let‘s just say—now without looking at its tilt yet. But let‘s just say this was the Milky Way System. This is the Bloom of Doom Procyak System. These are stars and star gates interfaces. They are places out there in the Milky Way System. So you can see the Double Daisy. And there‘s actually a third Daisy that is in the YOdhA VOdhA Matrix in the Wesadak System. Now the Wesadaks and the Wesadaks (I think A'sha meant to say Wesadraks), which the Green Dragons and the Red Dragons have for eons been fighting with each other. Who‘s going to eat who? And the Wesadraks designed a technology working with the Bourghas that were from that other—our Parallel Eckasha Ecka-Veca System that fell. They created the Outer Daisy. That would be the Red Daisy. And the inside one was the first one created. That would be the Green Daisy. And then there‘s a White Daisy that is at the core of that, that interfaces directly into the YOdhA VOdhA System in the Wesadak Matrix that the Wesadraks are trying to take over. So, next one please.

[D2 C2 0:28:54] (Adro‘MA USG-9)

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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It‘s a mess. It‘s just like—you know you get to the point where this is so far out there—I just wake up in the morning and say, Oh my God! I know I‘m not crazy! You know, this makes too much sense to be crazy, but this is really out there as far as talking about this to anybody on this planet, right. But that‘s alright. It‘s really strange to start understanding. It‘s like, ‗you asked for it.‘ Yes, I did want to know. This would be the natural structure of a Veca. A PCM Veca for example or a PKA Veca. When you see the Kathara Grid, you would actually—this is what the Beloveds would call a Universe, right? A PCM Universal Veca with its 12 Star Gates. Now each of these star gates is actually a Central Sun, that is actually a Galaxy at the center of a smaller Galaxy within the Universe, and there would be a set of 12 smaller Galaxies that evolved around that first larger Galaxy. So each of these—there would be a set number of stars within each of them. Then there would be all sorts of little off-kicks of those in smaller clusters in this, that, and the other thing. To give you the structure of what is seen out there when the Hubble goes out and cruises and takes pictures. So this would be the natural structure that would be—these would be—when you see the shields, those are the rods, because the central shield goes out running the rod. And then the vertical would be at 90 degrees to that right? So they all spin. They have different start-spin positions. So they‘re all spinning and rotating, and these would be the natural configuration. Next one please.

[D2 C3 0:30:29] (Aquinos-Adromeda Galaxy PCM Veca EtorA, Jesheua Codes/Tones, 12 gate names & center suns)

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Now, on a natural configuration of our Universal PCM Veca, the M31 System before—this is what it still looks like. Portions of the smaller galaxy stars in each of these gates were progressively pulled in to form the Phantom System of the Milky Way or the Procyak System. So this is just showing the natural Kathara Grid gate structure of our original Aquinos Matrix which is our PCM Veca which science calls the M31 Andromeda Galaxy alright? So that is this. These are the names that go with each of them. There‘s a whole set of names. You‘ll be using these in the activation that‘s coming. These are part of what‘s called the Jesheua Code that has to do with Jesheua 12 and the whole Christ story but, we‘re not going to get into that here, we talked about it in Amsterdam. Because here we‘ve got other stuff we need to do. We‘ve got other stuff. So this is giving you the 12 gate names. And it‘s also giving you the sun, the names of the center Sun and these Suns. These are referred to as the—there are 4 Density Jha-Yah Suns alright? These are the JhaYah Suns, and it just gives the names of those. The, what‘s called the Veca-SEda Core Sun is the Density-2 one. And then there are 1, 2—wait. There‘s the number 1 at the EUmbi, number 2 at the Rahjna, and then you have the Mahadra Adhrana set. So that would be the natural Kathara Grid set. It applies to bodies, but it also applies to the structure of PCM Vecas and universes. Next one please.

[D2 C3 0:31:59] AquA‘elle Matrix–our Eiradonis Matrix

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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On the same axis, North is North but vertical at the moment. You are seeing the AM Gates, refer to Andromeda or M31. They are the ones that are in the Aquinos Matrix, the natural one on natural alignment. Interfacing directly with those, in perfect alignment with those, are the ones in what‘s called the AquA’elle or Spirit of AquA’elle Matrix, which is our Eiradonis Matrix that is the Adjugate Spirit, the natural Adjugate Spirit to M31. Next one, please. And they have their names too, and they are part of the Jesheua Code where we literally call the gate names and begin activating them in our bodies and in the Shield here in order to open those spaces into this space. This one can be—let‘s see what the next one is. Um, yes let‘s put that one up first I think, and then I‘ll put that one top.

[D2 C3 0:32:31] Aquinos M31 Galaxy, AquA'elle Ethos Host & Phantom Milky Way

Now to start this off simply, this is the alignment, and that would be the natural alignment of the M31 System, our PCM Veca, and we showed how that would plug into the larger Ecka-Veca Map structure, ok.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Now in the Ecka-Veca Map structure, the way that was done, it was like laying on its side just to show where it fit into that larger Cosmic Structure. But here you‘re looking at it with its vertical-vertical, NorthNorth, its self-contained North which would point to its Ecka. There would be you know this is the PCM Veca. That would imply there‘s an Ecka there. And then there would be the PKA Primal Light Field going up the other way which would be on the AdorA side the Adjugate Matrix, right the Adjugate side, right. Well, this is the natural set. Right now I have them as A-A Gates, which means they are both the Aquinos and the AquA’elle, Spirit of AquA‘elle Host right together. Here on the AquA‘elle Host by the way, I mean here is where Urtha is. First of all Urtha is the natural Universal Star Gate 3 in the M31 System right. The same place in the Ethos or the Eiradonis System, the AquA‘elle Matrix, the Spirit of AquA‘elle is called Sha-La. And then there is another one that is called AshaLA that is on the EtorA side in this system, and it is a physical, what was there before this Earth was hosted in to the Amenti Host System before this Earth was blown up because it used to be part of Tara on the Outer Domains—won‘t go into that right now anyway because we have talked about it before. But here is where we begin to see how can something in the M31System interface directly with our atmosphere, the Gates. There is one Gate all in this set, these are the Milky Way Gate Sets, the M-sets. ‗M‘ is for Milky Way right. A-Gates go with that Grid. The M-Gates go with the tilt; that is the 23.50 tilt which might be a little bit off but it gives you the idea because I didn‘t take time to have to measure everything exactly but it‘s pretty close. The center of it, this is the center, the AzurA center of the natural Grid set. It is not only tilted, but it is also dropped down alright, so it‘s down and off-tilt. So if this were ever going to be hosted back in or brought back in, it would have to tilt back and up alright, and that would bring the Milky Way Galaxy back into its natural structure of the M31 Andromeda Galaxy System. That‘s not going to happen at this point because of the mess that you‘ll see in a minute. This is showing the Black Hole, the reach of the Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way. Out here, we have little Earth in our system out here, our Solar System out here that is actually the sentinel because of its relationship with the AshaLA set that connects the threes. It‘s another 3-Gate; it is the M3 Gate, the original M3 Gate, which was, it was a part of the Urtha System. They allowed it to fall in order to do this. So when this fell in that tilt, its axis actually goes—this is the Milky Way tilt here. This is the natural one. Its axis is in between the two, so it would give, it gives a medium place, literally a space that is in between the two and that creates a manifest space the things from here can move into there but it also creates the torque between this and something that opens up at the Core that creates what is called the Tractor Beam coming directly from the Central Sun of Aquious which is M31 right. It creates a big Tractor Beam down here and it‘s between those Systems that a portion of the Grids that can plug into the Host, that can still hold the Kryst Host will be able to swing back and Earth is the swing. This is why it is the only Gate in the entire system that holds, that plugs into Urtha and to M31. And this is why Earth has been always under attack. This system has been under attack from the Procyaks and all sorts of other FAs for this reason because they wanted to stop us from bringing it back. They wanted to stop the Krystics from bringing it back into its natural Time Vector axis and back into the Living System. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Next one, please. (A'zah comments inaudibly.) In the end, not right now. It‘s too hard to line it up and stuff but at some point it doesn‘t matter. It just shows the Galaxy.

[D2 C3 0:37:23] The Milky Way "Bubble of Trouble" and the Procyak Black Hole

Now, this is getting a little bit more—same thing, you saw the Milky Way. Now, this is the Gate alignments of the Procyak Matrix that uses the artificial, the Tree of Artificial Life, and later you‘ll see the Bloom of Doom that forms in between that. But these are all specific stars. We have the natural Gates right, the A-Gates that are these and these, and they will have names, right. Then down here we have the Milky Way Gates which are the M-Gates. Then we have F-Gates which are fallen Milky Way Gates completely fallen because they are phasebonded into a set of completely reversed Gates in the YOdhA VOdhA Matrix. Alright so they are completely and directly phase-locked where the Cores of those stars are literally energetically linked even though it‘s in a completely different system in the Wesa System, alright, the YOdhA VOdhA Matrix. So the R-Gates are completely reversed in the YOdhA VOdhA System. They interface and are literally metatronically phase-bonded to specific star Cores. Each of these have names. These are the names that were on that other one that showed the Black Cube Matrix where we had the R-Gates would correspond to the ones that run the YOdhA VOdhA side in the Wesa Matrix. And the F ones would refer to the fallen Gates in our system. There are also these other 4: 1, 2, 3, 4 that are referred to as Phantoms and these have to do with the second Daisy, and you‘ll see in a minute. You‘ll see how this configuration, this mess right here is actually holding it all in place. At the center of this, it all started with the fall of a part of this natural star here that was our Rajhna star in M31 called Procyus, and a piece of that was fallen and harnessed using Metatronic type technology, and brought in to form the center of this. And from that, they progressively pulled pieces of the other systems of the smaller Galaxies of these systems out of M31 and progressively they stepped it down and ended up in the Milky Way Galaxy, and formed what is the Milky Way Galaxy. This has taken billions of years for this to occur but it has occurred. So the center, the FAs renamed the center that was a piece of Procyus,

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Abaddon. I think it‘s in the bible that they talked about Abaddon the Great Demon or whatever, another word for the devil that kind of stuff. Then there was another part that had to do with I believe the 8-System here that was called ObeYon, and that became OberYon, and that was controlled by the Wesadraks. And this is where you ended up with a Black Hole that had two different controllers that wanted to fight over making the Black Hole and using it as an eating machine, and whoever won would eat the other as well. So great game they had going there. So these systems here, we have Alpha Centauri, Omega Centauri. Remember over here, this is where Earth is, and exact same place and direct core alignment we have Earth. Then we have AshaLA. Then we have Sha-La. And then we have Urtha. They are literally the 4 layers that interface directly in our atmosphere and we are the sentinel system. We were the sentinel of the Host for all those billions of years, this system right here. Over here we have the Alpha and the Omega Centauri. Here we have the M-Gate-5 Alycone in the Pleiades that actually is the remnant of what was Tara. And up here we have, what is referred to I don‘t have the name up there but it‘s called Tiamat in ancient writings, and it‘s called Pleione I believe in the Pleiades, Pleione, something like that. I know you know how to pronounce it in the scientific spelling here but it‘s Pleione, P-l-e-i-o-n(-e), something like that. It is part of the Alcyone system right, where the Pleiadian system, and these all link together directly. And there is a set of codes of frequencies that are run into the NETs that are broadcast from here, from Alpha and Omega, you know the Alpha and Omega Order of Melchizedeks? Oh, the Archangel Michael and all of those guys, Thoth all of those guys. We‘re talking about Alpha and Omega right; these are false Melchizedeks. They are the ones that took the Kristiac teachings and perverted them as they were serving this particular agenda. They are the Fallen Angelics. So, the Omega system is what carries the frequencies that they have recently released into the Grids in order to kill us. It‘s called the Omega Kill Code. So it is from there, from Omega Centauri. So these are the Centauries that hold this line up. In here, now notice this place. This is the Milky Way Grid. This is the E-Umbi Sun. It‘s called Altair. Now the E-Umbi Sun Altair has always been a neutral territory because it interfaces directly with the A-Gates here so it‘s protected. That‘s why we have the Treaty of Altair way back in like 2000 before the war edict and everything, and finally the other guys broke the Treaty of Altair. But it has always been neutral ground, a place for negotiations to take place between the FA groups and the Krystic groups. And the Krystic groups are always trying to get the FA groups to stop being FA, and try to be nice and get healed. And sometimes they agree and bail out which they did recently. So anyway this is where these systems are. This is where we are and over here is where our Sun is. Originally we were put in the Amenti Host Mission was put in through here, and the Sun was actually over here. Through the progression of this mess, the whole Solar Plane has been shifted. They couldn‘t shift this. They had to stretch stuff around it because Earth was held by these other star configurations through the threes by the sentinels. So they had to stretch things out of their natural orbit to create the Solar System we have now, and in relation to that it would be over in this area, that the Sun that is called Sol is located alright. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Now there‘s also up I believe M4 was called Sola. That was original—now Sol was part of what used to be Tara that was up here in the Density-2 system that is now the Alcyone-Pleiadian system. And that whole template of the Amenti Rescue Mission that formed the Solar System came from there. But Sol was spliced in to make our Sun, was actually spliced into a part of M4 which was Solar, so this became Sol and this became the Sol System, and this is where our Earth was. Our Earth that we‘re standing on was part of up here in the fall of Tara. But the full Earth, the Earth you could call Earth but is really called AshaLA, that was the one that was here before the Amenti Host was put in and it still is. It‘s just at 11.75 degree tilt toward like between the 23.5 and the natural axis. So when we begin to get to the point where we can slide, we will be able to shift ARPS to that 11.75 axis and that would be our fastest way to Home because we could go from there and then interface with the Shala-3 which is in the AquA‘elle System, and from there we could span up into the M31 System and back Home. So, it‘s a big problem, a big plan, and we‘re right in the middle of it at this point. It‘s like the biggest war game that‘s been around for quite a while! This they call the Bubble of Trouble. Remember the Bubble of Trouble right? There is literally this bulge in the Milky Way, the natural Radial Body structure of the Milky Way as you get to the center, closer to the center is squashed because of that whole artificial Tree of Life, Tree of Artificial Life, and the Bloom of Doom that is within that we‘ll see in a second. Next one, please. I‘m not going to go through all these Gates right now because it‘ll take too long. But there are names for all of them including Urantia, and that has to do with the Urantia publications let‘s say.

[D2 C4 0:45:30] The Milky Way – Abadon-Procyak Time Warp Black Hole Galaxy & YHWH666 Death Daisy Seal

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Now this, which you can find in most book stores right, and you can even find the Necromancy, the Satanic Bible in most of the contemporary larger book stores but you won‘t find Voyagers. Don‘t you love it? Who runs this system anyway? Gee, I wonder alright. I‘m surprised I‘m still talking and breathing. They just said, ‗Give them time!‘ alright. (laughing) Why do you think we‘re teaching you to slide fast, right? Ok, this is showing that same configuration but just the Milky Way part with its plug into the Bloom of Doom, which are the Double Daisy of Death that has its third component in the YOdhA VOdhA Matrix. So basically the Red Dragons from the Wesadrak side are fighting with the Green Dragons from the Wesadak side that had the YOdhA VOdhA Matrix, each trying to eat the other. And the Red Dragons have sided with the Bourgha. Their Matrix is now exploding because of certain things that they try to do with the Bourgha Triangulation that they‘re driving against right now. Oh it‘s quite the Intergalactic fiasco. And here we sit on little prison planet quarantined and nobody knows about any of it. Oh boy! And by the time they realized something is happening, and they probably won‘t be May when the first Solar Bhardoah Wave because the Sun‘s Prana Seed Core had been forced-shut by the Bourgha on May 25th of 2007, no March 25th 2007 which means the Sun is now dying, which means it will burn up its Core fuel much faster than science ever guessed, not immediately. But it will start releasing Ring Waves. The first one is due on the period of Hetharo of 2008, in May 2008. There will be one every year for each of the 15 Geleziac Layers. The Bhardoah Waves occur as the Dark Matter Template separates from the falling Light Body so the Dark Matter Template Body won‘t fall but the Light Body structure will. So our Sun is going through this at this point. And that is the point. When they let us know about this, that really escalated the drama here as far as having to get the Ascension Gates open, having to get the Host activated because within 50 years they said, the radiation would be so bad nothing biological could live on this planet because of what would be released from the Sun. The Host allows for buffer fields on various levels in most planes to be put on it to transmute a bunch of the Gamma rays because what a Bhardoah Ring Wave is, is a Gamma burst. And they will start at the Core, and they‘ll be Core ones. And I don‘t know what they are going to do at the surface. Neither do the Beloveds really. That‘s why it doesn‘t hurt to be 3-Day Evac‘ ready just in case but they‘re not saying we have to worry yet about this year or even next year. But they said by about 2014, it could get a little weird as far as what the Sun is doing. And it is very possible it could knock out navigation systems and create a situation similar to what was seen in 9562 BC in which they had to open what they referred to as the Salvage Island Load-out Stations which were very fast openings of the healing temples in the AshaLA layer that they can only open a few of them. They couldn‘t open the whole set in order to prepare the races that could for the genetic shift to get off planet. So we‘re on the accelerated plan again as far as this with the opening of the Halls. There is a lot more to understand but they‘re not saying we have to be ready yet. But there may be periods of time where navigation doesn‘t work. That would be one of the first things because what the Ring Waves will do is not, if they start to get bad and they can‘t be fully transmuted enough, they won‘t at first fry the planet or the people on it. People may start to get a little, wake up more viruses and certain diseases, and certain types of people that aren‘t doing accelerated DNA activation will Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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become more sick from the Sun and what it kicks up. But it‘s not enough. It won‘t be enough to wipe out the entire planet and its life forms. But what it will do however is create storms. It will create really strange weather activity and extreme storm activity in certain areas that would be caused by the electromagnetic flux that our magnetic fields go through on the planet because of what they‘re being hit by from Solar storms. And it will at some point knock out satellites most likely, and navigation systems, which mean people are going to be stuck where they‘re going to be stuck. And it is a good time now because we have until, they said don‘t worry about it until 2014 where it could start getting weird, not necessarily will but could. There‘s going to be weird stuff that happens before but not full planetary navigation stopped right, and so would communication if the satellites were down and didn‘t work anymore. Now is the time, and they told me this right before we left today to let people know that it‘s time to make Home, which means find the Grids that in case your life goes in that direction and you‘ll end up in a planetary drama that is going in that direction, find the Grids. The best investment you can make right now isn‘t ringing the bell, like sticking gold under your bed, that kind of stuff. The most important thing is finding secure Grids and investing in real estate on them because they will give you spots. We‘re at this point we have the HUB Maps out. All of the HUB Gates are going to open and will interface with the Spanner Gates because of the activations that have been going on, so any of those areas are much safer than other places. It doesn‘t mean you might not get some rocking and rolling and whatever else that climate and Earth may do under your feet or over your head. What it does mean is you will have direct and immediate access to Grids that connect directly into the Hall of Records that connect directly into the Host so you could get out either by slide or by Bhardoah whatever is necessary. So they are saying it is make Home time which means if you can‘t buy something right now, that‘s ok, you‘ve got time, or even like rent it, whatever. You don‘t have to buy it, just rent it, whatever. But try to find an area you feel good about that has to with the HUB Map sites. At some point, the most powerful sites that would give a direct access going through into the AdorA side, manifest AdorA side, are called the Adjugate Sites. For every Spanner Gate there is an Alon site, a ShAlon site and a KAlon site, and for every set of those, there is an Adjugate to it. Right now they are just starting the process of activating the Spanner-7 Adjugate Sites. The first one was in Rocky Point, Mexico. A group just went down. We weren‘t down with them but a group went down with mac and they just began the activation process of the Adjugate Site to KAlon-7 which is Virginia Beach. Alright so eventually they will let us know where all of the Adjugate Sites are, and the Alon, KAlon, and ShAlon sites that go with each of the Arc HUB Gates. But right now, the Arc HUB Gates are the ones that they‘ve located like that are closest possible that will interface with all of those through Span-7 and Arc-7. So it is time to just think about making Home, and if it gets weird out there, don‘t plan on getting weird, but if it does, where you might prefer to be stuck until you can slide? Because that‘s what it will come down to. That‘s why they are going to give us advanced slide training so that we will be able to—first part is learning to glide, which means putting some of your attention on journeying, and literally learning to get yourself out, your consciousness out into the Rasha Body and the Eiradonis Body together and begin the process that will lead. Being able to slide which means you can take your physical body with you because there will come a point in time they said, it could come as early as 2014 but they don‘t think it will. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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But it will, there is a period in time in 9562 BC during what was called the Great Encasement when they did the Hibernation Zones, when the FAs did the Hibernation Zones, that all the navigation was completely knocked out. There was no way to get back and forth except slide. And there were certain ones who could slide because of the DNA content that they had. And they would go back and forth and help the others and actually bring things to them and work with them with the healing technologies so they can get their DNA up to slide. And if they couldn‘t if they were like say a regenerating Fallen Angelic race that would never get its DNA up enough where it could slide, they could at least get it up to where it could Bhardoah naturally and take the body out as vapor. And so we may come to another time like this when we are stuck some place and all of the things we‘ve come to depend on are aren‘t functioning the way they are there. Doesn‘t mean everybody is dead. Doesn‘t mean everything is wiped out or pole shift or any of that. It means imagine a system if satellites went down and you could not navigate a plane or anything that was depending on the magnetic fields and learning how to work with them. So all planes would be grounded, ships would be in their ports, and there would be storms. And that cycle, there are progressions of storms. They were so regular they would come every couple of days, and they knew what time, and every prepared and went underground. And we may be asked to do that again but not now, not yet. But it‘s time to seek out areas that are in the safe zone areas of the HUB Maps at least until we get—I don‘t know when they‘re going to give the Adjugate Sites and all of that. I think it depends on how well the Adjugate activations go because there was—well last time they tried to activate the Adjugate Sites was in Seeding-2 that was before when Seeding-2 Angelic Humans were destroyed. That has to do with what were described to me by Mac as craters that were found at the Rocky Point site which was the Adjugate to KAlon-7, and they weren‘t accidental. And it was in that Seeding-2 period, they didn‘t say exactly when, but during that Seeding-2 period that there were asteroid wars which means the FAs were shooting asteroids on purpose and making them hit Earth in order to stop certain activations, and the big one was the activations of the Adjugate Sites because that would have implied that what we were doing now we would have been able to do back then. And we couldn‘t do it back then because of what they did. And now we have got the Sites open, and we‘ve got the Hall of Records open, and they can’t stop it this time. So it could get a little strange once they figure it out, if asteroids start to just so happen to all of a sudden to pop out and start curving toward Earth field, you‘ll know why. But they are not saying we need to worry about that right now but good time to start thinking about making Home just in case alright. And later they‘ll talk about ok, once you know where Home is, what might you want to supply yourself with painkillers, antibiotics, I mean just things that if you can‘t get access to and just to you know—what if you get sick, what if you get hurt. Little things that would be easy to carry if you had to pick them up and run, you know if something happens, floods come and earthquake is going, something swelling in my house. I mean you‘re not going to just sit there and get swallowed with it but those kind(s) of things. So there is a survival aspect to this but it‘s not an emergency one—got to do it because it is all going to fall apart next year. It will be a progression of weird weather which we are already seeing but it will get more severe. And it could go to the point where we do a re-live of the Load-Out period. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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The Load-Out was when they began bringing them into the AshaLA healing temples to get the Aquafereion races and the Aquari human races of Seed-2 out, the NaVA-Hos to get them out and to get them back where they could slide because their DNA had been damaged by the Grid damage that was here then too. So that‘s what they‘re going to do with us. The Load-Out has begun. The Load-Out is the period of time, the cycle that is known as the Atonement Cycle or actually the Attunement Cycle where our bodies become attuned. We attune our bodies back to the natural Spirit Body pattern and the tones that will allow us to go through slide and Gate passage. And we are in the Load-Out phase now where the Load-Out is where you bring them in, you get them to where they can do passage, and start getting people off on their way into the natural next path of Ascension. And it‘s not just us, and even not just the people on Earth. Earth is a Load-Out Station for the Milky Way because of all the Gate things that we saw where it‘s all linked right through here. There‘s little passages that connect with things that you can get from here to there but this is the main Load-Out Station. And it‘s really funny because I think was Neil Young there was a song about that called ‗The Load-Out‘: ‗Flying Mother Nature silver seed to a new Home in the Sun.‘ Yeah, well the Load-Out has started as of FOL 2008. Next one, please. Mmm? Oh, that‘s the next one again.

[D2 C4 0:59:20] (Procyak Bloom of Doom system)

Ok, this is showing the same thing but showing the Bloom of Doom, and here showing the natural, the green ones would be the natural configuration of the Lotus Arcs. Through the Host that is now activating progressively step by step, these Arcs that have been, they have had 23 of their power pulled away from them into the Bloom of Doom structures. There is still 13 left but it does not have enough power to phase, or to spark, to become alive again and start moving the Monadic Light Ball structure that the Arc Points are connected to. The Host will feed the 23 energy missing into them and the Arcs have actually just started the phasing process again in the Milky Way, the Milky Way Arcs. That will allow a whole set of other things that are opening here that we‘re going to finish the final phase of tonight because we have been progressively piece by piece doing it, and I‘ll show you the passages and the other things. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Finally the last piece is in, and that will open a thing that is a Tractor Beam that comes right from the center Sun of the Aquinos Matrix or M31 and it links down right into Earth and it serves as the thrust that allows for the portions of the Milky Way that can pick up the Host because they have the anchoring frequencies of the Kryst you know, still enough of that in their Body Structure. We‘ll be able to take that part that is host-able and turn it back slowly, and then slowly the whole thing will evolve up, right. This has to do with Folds of Creation. What they are getting it ready to do is align with the Starfire Cycle because Urtha is going on a Starfire Cycle which means this is going to Starfire right, which means this if it‘s going to do anything it has to get itself back in alignment with that system. The Starfire of Urtha I believe is 2047 to 2052. Right after that there is a period, a cycle called, that has to do with what‘s called the Ma-Sha-Yah Fold, or the Return of the Ma-Sha-Yah, and that is the period, it is a period of bi-location where once this Starfires, the Ma-Sha-Yah which is the Bi-location Body, means you have one Body that is in the HaRE-Krysta state and another replica of it combined with its Eiradonis in its perfect form that comes back out temporarily until the AdorA side Starfires. And when the AdorA side Starfires, the EtorA side‘s Mah-Sha-Yah Body or Bi-location Replica that will still allow it to be there in form, that pulls back into the center. And that is the end of the 223-year starting at the end of 2007 Host period because once that happens, where it goes into what‘s called Fold-2. Then that is the point where whatever can‘t hold the Host that stayed at this axis, or the stuff that almost made it to the alignment of this axis will fall back, and it will go into its own electromagnetic quarantine, and it will become a finite system, and it will become a Black Hole. And it is a Black Hole System; it already is one. But the nice thing about it is at least the mess at the Core that connects it in the YOdhA VOdhA Matrix over in the Wesa System will be closed because of some of the things that you‘ll see in a minute. Next one, please.

[D2 C5 1:02:12]

(DVD gap.) Pleione (pronounced as ‗Plea-on‘), I think it‘s called P-E… Anyway, it‘s the one that‘s up in the Pleiades that isn‘t Alcyone. Pleione, I think it‘s pronounced, and Procyone. We have over here—we can‘t see over there--we have Procyone and a part of Sirius B which is that little dwarf-like, white dwarfed burnt-out thing that they call Sirius B that science knows is there. That part of Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Sirius B, they form the Right and Left Eye of Horus that are part of the 6-6-6 Matrix; all of this mess also appears in the body and it‘s related to certain chakras, that affect certain chakras. There are codes from each one of them that trigger into activation, that‘s how they activate the Omega Kill Code and also control the biology. So this steps all the way down, and the big things that look like trumpets that are the sucking vortices that the magnetic fields in the Poison Apple configuration around Earth, they actually draw in the broadcasts from these frequencies, I mean from the Galaxy, from the Milky Way Galaxy. And there are systems like this all over the Milky Way that have this Fallen Angelic apparatus in it, and that‘s why it is falling. But at least at this point, there is a third of it that has the potential to be drawn back into the Back-shift and Hostout. And there are 223 years left for that to happen, period, not just for Earth but for the Milky Way System that shift has to be made. It may take the others longer to go up, to actually go back into the M31 but they need to make the shift as far as ARPS into that alignment, and that is what we were doing. Next one, please.

[D2 C5 1:03:58] Amenti Host Solar System 550 MYA

Oh, that‘s just showing you where in the, if this was the Milky Way one…we‘re just showing it vertically right now because we are not comparing it to the others…but this is where the original Amenti Mission with the Solar Plane was put in, right. And this would be where AshaLA was located, right. Actually it was tilted to the 11.75 axis that way, and Earth was put in, in alignment with Milky Way, now at this point it‘s ripped down this way, where they tilted it more into the Procyak alignment. That whole mess is called the Procyak System; so really the Milky Way Galaxy is the Procyak Galaxy, and it is a phantom galaxy. This is where our Sun was. Next one, please.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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[D2 C5 1:06:48] Amenti Host Solar System 250 MYA

This is really a rough run, and I‘m still working on these. We also had 12 planets at that point, and Nibiru was the last one. Now, Earth is still here; they could not move that one because it is connected; it is the sentinel and that‘s why it was put here, because they figured they‘d destroy the whole Solar Plane anyway so this was a safety for Earth to be put in there. And that is the sentinel station but they have stretched stuff, they‘ve moved stuff, they‘ve whacked stuff electromagnetically to the point where we get our galactic configuration we have now. There‘s more space now between the Gates than...between the Orbits than there would have been naturally in the Amenti Rescue Mission. We have all sorts of whacky stuff happening out here. We‘ve got Pluto running up on a really weird axis through the Solar Plane. We‘ve got Nibiru out where we don‘t even see it. And it comes back with Wormwood on its tail, yah, I won‘t even go there! So this is the mess that it has turned out to be. This has…250 million years ago; this is when the tilt of Sol and the Solar Plane was actually set in motion. That was before Seeding 1 on Earth. Seeding 1 on Parallel Earth took place 250 million years ago, and that was in the PKA Matrix right on the same EtorA side, but the PKA System. And there were wars and all sorts of crazy stuff that went on over there, and the Angelic Human race was primarily destroyed over there through those wars. That‘s why it wasn‘t until 25 million years ago that the Angelic Human race was seeded on this Earth to try again, basically. So this was during that period, where the crazy stuff was happening over on Parallel Earth. Parallel Earth ended up going into phantom status, getting plugged into the Procyak System, and it fell into direct Wesadrak alignment in 2003 during the Hetharo period, I believe. And that‘s when the original Amenti Gates had to be closed, because they went phantom, where they opened up into the Wesadrak System. Yah, the Wesadraks got a hold of that part. So anyway, it‘s been a long 7 years. Next one, please. It's been a long night, too, starting yesterday morning.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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[D2 C5 1:06:48] The Aquinos M31 Galaxy, Aquaelle Ethos Host & Phantom Milky Way & AshaLA

Alright, this was just showing you the same thing that I‘ve already described about AshaLA, and I just have the axis. I think I have them, yah I have it in the wrong spot. Earth is here at this point because it got…it was naturally aligned with the Milky Way alignment. That one would have been in between, right, at the 11.75. But Earth at this point has been tipped at 180 0 and 23.5 over, and that‘s where you get the ecliptic, and all of that in relation to the Sun, and all that. But here we are, and fortunately we have the AshaLA System. Next one, please. Got to get through these (A‘sha chuckles).

[D2 C5 1:07:37] Live Earth 7-7-7

This has to do with an event that took place on July 7, 2007. I like to call it ‗Urtha Live‘! It had to do with a bunch of concerts that were about helping to stop global warming, a great cause, that kind of stuff, that were run by some very well-meaning people that I‘m not even going to get into, and what particular group that they work with. But, let‘s just call them allies at the moment. There is…what we did was, first we traced the main sites, the 7 concerts, on 7continents, on 7-7-7, right. Ok, we traced those, now to get the following, to get an interesting shape. And to get the shape, we started with over here, the time zones where it would be that day first, right, and brought them across. Can I have Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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the next one? I won‘t even go through the sites here. We can, we‘ll go through this again later, but these are the sites that the main concerts were held on, as far as the announced sites for the concerts that took place on July 7, 2007.

Each of those points, I‘ll just do it the fast way. Each of those points, actually over here, that point wasn‘t mentioned. That was Phoenix, and there was 1 wacky eruption. We live near one of the reservations in like the South end of Scottsdale and there was just a massive eruption of fireworks, as if some big crazy thing were going on, on 7-7-7, right. They‘re doing this whole big 7-7-7 promotion at some, I think it was a casino or something, possibly Reservation Casino. I do believe it had to do with the sites. When you have the firework things going off like that, do you have any idea what vibrationally that is doing to things? Or what it‘s, it‘s literally ripping holes in certain aspects of the Light Body in the atmosphere when they do those pretty things in the sky, so it was definitely connected. Our poor dog was hiding behind the counter, literally physically shaking. And it went on for, I think, almost an hour. You know how they have a big ending to show off the firework shows? This went on like that for almost an hour! What are they doing out there? It was rattling the garage door which was on the other side of the house away from where the sound was coming—it was wild! But anyway, each of these spots, this you have Phoenix. This one would be Washington DC. This one would be New York. This one, I believe was, that‘s first one down there, I think that was the South Pole one. This one was Rio de Janeiro. This one was London. This one, I believe was Hamburg. This one was--what was that? That might have been Turkey, yah, anyway, whatever. Each one… Istanbul, Turkey, and actually I think they cancelled that one, but it was still part of the Matrix. Actually, it tried to block what was handed over to Guardian care, alright. Then there was, this one down here, and I forget what that is. Anyway, it goes all the way out to China, and Japan, and down to Australia. Yah, this is South Africa, Johannesburg, right. So that was the whole list. These concerts, when you have huge concerts, and bunches of people coming together with music, and all the vibration that makes, you know something is happening. Somebody organized it for some reason. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Well finally, this was a good one, because what certain groups do, ones who were affiliated with the Green Dragon agendas, in fact Green Dragon Equari agendas which were a fallen group that Green Dragons that got involved with…of Wesadaks that got involved with Aquari, and ended up falling to become fallen Equari Green Dragons. These guys were working with the Inner Daisy crew, right, that had to do with the Wesadak Matrix. They realized they were going to lose to the Wesadraks because they have the larger harness field and they have more of the quantum of the grids. They turned over this Matrix. This is a Matrix that runs. I‘ll show you where it runs in a second. But they have turned it over into the Aquafereion care. And the Aquafereion are the races from Sha-La-3, the Krystic races that are part-Angelic-Human-andIndigo, and part-Aquari. So this tunnel system connects directly into what‘s called the Sala-KalE Passage, and that connects into a whole bunch of other passages. This is how we have recently gained control of a third of the NET fields, where we can‘t just pull them back into a natural or everything will go flying; I mean you can‘t stop the Caduceus network because if you try to stop it, it will actually create absolute mayhem, climate-wise. It will create pole tilt, and all of that kind of thing. So, it is not an option to stop it, but at least we can turn back around and transmute a third of it, and use that system at this point to interface with the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid System, the crystal bases that are running through the Planetary Grids, and this can be used in support of the Host. And that‘s beginning a whole process that is connected to being able to open the Adjugate Sites. Ok, next one, please.

[D2 C5 1:13:06] (Dragon APIN system)

This shows you a bit, where that design plugs into the map, and also into what was called the Dragon APIN System, and that was one of the old Fallen Angelic Atlantean Pylon Implant Network Systems that were pylon crystal things that were seeded in and buried in, in order to run the BeaST machine. So, it actually allows the takeover of a third of the whole Dragon Matrix which it is a negative Dragon Matrix, which is very good, and that will at least, it will allow for us to keep things…the Beloveds to keep things more stable here, and it will allow for the opening of the Adjugate Sites. Without that, the Adjugate Sites would not have been able to open on Earth so this is all good; it‘s all good, at least most of it anyway, minus the Bloom of Doom, and such. Next one, please.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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[D2 C5 1:13:54] (Map with Amsterdam & Shala-13 direct access off coast of Amsterdam)

We just opened, when we were in Amsterdam--there is another site that is connected into--that if it weren‘t for the fact that we got back the 7-7-7 Network, there are a third of that, we would not have been able to do what was done in Amsterdam. There was an old thing called…it‘s a Shala-13 direct access. Shala-13 is a Core Gate that leads into Sha-La directly through AshaLA, right, from Earth to AshaLA to Sha-La 3 in the AquA‘elle Matrix Host. These sites—they‘re off the coast of Amsterdam, were activated, and it allowed for this to be dismantled. There is what was called the 6-6-6 YOdhA VOdhA (pronounced as ‗Yod Hey Vod Hey‘) BeaST System Network, a very powerful network that ran a whole bunch of the NET Grids that was, that ran in Paris. It was a triangulation in Paris, in Belgium I think Brussels, and up in Amsterdam. And it created a triangulation of energy that controlled whole large portions, under the primarily Wesadrak situation. The Wesadaks and the Green Dragons turned over what grids they still held to the Krystics, and that allowed us to open this triangulation here between London, Dublin, and Amsterdam, and this is allowing for the Adjugates to open. So if it weren‘t for the 7-7-7 opening, we would not have been able to wipe, to clear this out, and activate this. If it weren‘t for this activating, and there‘s several others like it all over the planet, we wouldn‘t have been able to open Adjugate Sites, and none of it, we would not have made it into the transition from the KaLE-Hara Cycle. Next one, please.

[D2 C6 1:15:38] Milky Way, Procyak Mess

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Oh God! Ok, I‘ll try to do this one fast. I could use a break at this point, but if we have a break it‘s going to be like way too late, so we‘re going to have a break before we do the activation though. Ok, so you know like a potty run. Anyway, here again, this, on this tilt is the Milky Way. This, at the center of the Milky Way is the Procyak mess. This is the natural alignment we‘re supposed to be in. These outlined areas are chambers that have been progressively opened. We have the Sala-KaLE Chamber here that was opened, I think back in August, in Phoenix. I think that one was done there. There is the Sala-Sira Passage that has to do with, Sala-Sira has to do with the Gate-6 Set in the M31 System. That‘s the Sala-Sira Chamber. Oh, we‘ve activated this. This was called the Arcturian Bypass, because the 7 Gates—7 is Arcturus, and there is the mess of the BeaST stuff connected into Arcturus, and there was a bypass passage that ran through AquA’elle Host-5 and also the Double-A Gates, because they are in the same places, but one is in the AquA‘elle Adjugate Spirit Matrix here and, which is our Eiradonis, and the other is in M31. So we opened this in Tribes-9 which was the last tribes. We also opened this bit, and this part of this configuration here. This is the final part. It goes from…there is a bridge that goes from Altair, remember that is secured territory, because it is plugged into the number 2 up in the M31. It is called the Solar Bridge. It runs from Altair to Sol, our Sun, the falling Sun, the one that is dying, and it allows for an opening of Sol‘s passages even though it can‘t phase anymore; even though yes, it is still a dying Sun that has begun its Bhardoah process, and will still throw Ring Waves. It allowed at least a secure passage that will help A) transmute those Ring Waves; B) it allows this passage to open, which is the rest of the Solar Bridge which is what our activation is going to finish tonight. And when that opens, it allows…the finally the opening of the Core, the Hall of Records of AshaLA which was the original, you know the M3, the Milky Way 3 star that Earth is in. So, it means the Gates will directly open and interface, where we‘ll begin to have slide training to go and be able to literally physically go into the healing temples that are at the center there. And this will allow the activation of this, which is the Tractor Beam. And once these activations take place, this process began with the people who went on a journey to the Halls of REisha-TA, which are the Cosmic Halls of REishaTA in between, actually through what‘s called the Ring of Fire at the Core of the Halls of REisha-TA on a Cosmic level. That was done at Tribes-9, and that gave them, in their own personal bio-fields, a bit of a perk that everybody is going to get to have now, which is the opening of this Tractor Beam. And once you‘ve got that Tractor Beam, it can‘t guarantee that you necessarily get the body through physically. You may end up—it depends on who you are, and what‘s in our gene code, and how long— what I mean, none of us may get it through if it goes really crazy climate-wise, fast. But what it does guarantee is you will make the Host, either through a Bhardoah worst case scenario, or through where you go, and then you take the body as vapor once you go through what would be a natural death situation. Or best case scenario, you get trained to slide. It will make sure whichever way you go, you do get Home, and that will be available for a third of the population of this planet after tonight, and that is really exciting. It‘s also something you can transmit. So that‘s what we‘re up to. Ah next one, please. Ok, I got to show you how we‘re up to it if I ever get there. Oh God the Folds, oy, ok!

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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[D2 C6 1:19:44] (Hara Bodies, Adjugate Twins, & Conduit Twins)

Anyway, I‘m just going to really briefly try to go through this. We‘ll be talking much more about things like this in more workshops to come as we get more detail but—so I want to get to the music part. This is just reminding you of the structure of the Hara Bodies, right, where you have the KaLE-Hara, and then the Mahara Reisha is the Spirit Body, and the Adjugate relationships. This is just showing you that there are Adjugate Twins, which would be your manifest ManA in the EtorA side, and across that same Vector Line in the opposite Event Horizon on the AdorA side, you would have the Manifest System of your Adjugate; so they‘d be Adjugates, and then you have the Manifest Spirits. The Manifest Spirit is, if your Adjugate is over here, its Spirit is where you are over here in the EtorA system. That‘s where we get the Ethos, and the Eiros. The Eiros, which is over in the AdorA side is the Spirit of EtorA. And the Ethos, which is on our side, is the Spirit of AdorA. So the Ethos and the Eiros are the Eiradonis Currents. And one is called Ethos—the Ethos one goes—it‘s the AdorA Spirit, Spirit of AdorA but it‘s with us—it runs through our body. This is, when we integrate our Eiradonis, these are the frequencies of energy, and Radiation that we‘re naturally bringing into our body to begin the natural process of Starfire. So these are called Conduit Twins. When you have a manifest system and its Eiradonis, that is a Conduit Twin Set. So the Adjugates are 2 manifest ones that are on the same Vector—one on AdorA, and one on EtorA. And the Conduit Twins are the manifest system plus its Adjugate Spirit Eiradonis with it, alright. Then there‘s other Twins that we‘ll get to later. So anyway, this is just recapping that. Next one, please.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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2008 FOL January Phoenix—Engaging the Load-Out; the Last Ascension Cycle & the Gate of AshaLA

[D2 C6 1:21:45] The Folds of Creation (Ma-Sha-Yahnic Fold; Ma-Sha-Ta-Ra-ic Fold)

Thank you. Heaven help me! Ok, ah, can I scream yet, oh dear! Yah, this stuff, I‘m just learning too. But this has to do with the Folds of Creation. Can you bring that down just a little please so you can see the top. What did it do? Cut it off at the top. Oh well, there was a title on there once upon a time. So it is has to do with the Folds of Creation, returning to the Fold. This is the natural structure that the Spirit Body goes through as it integrates the Eiradonis into the manifest system, which de-densifies the manifest system to a certain state that allows for the opening of the Vector Line. So the AdorA side, and the EtorA side of the Conduit Pairs can come together into the center, that enter the HaRA-Krysta State etc, etc. Which is what we‘ve talked about, is the process of the natural Ascension to where you get into the center, and then you can—you turn to Light and come back out again into the Adashi Return Cycles. And that‘s a natural end to a KaLA Eyugha Cycle, which is the last Eyugha Cycle on the EtorA side, right. Oh, there‘s another diagram that‘s a little bit more clear, but the words are bigger here. You‘ll see these same words, and I‘m not going to go through every one of them now. We‘ll discuss this more heavily as far as exactly, what happens with what, and that was where, right? But what I want you to see where certain things are. These, first of all up here in the top, this would be—just look at these 3. That would be the HaRA-Krysta Body. This would be the EtorA System. Now this we‘re talking about on the—what is happening with the PCM Veca, and its corresponding one, so we‘re talking like the Universal level of this when it comes to our PCM Grid, and the AdorA side to that. We are on the 4 just like we are in the large Cosmic Body on the more local, smaller ELum-Eiradhona Body, Spirit Body, which we‘re still on the 4-10 Vector Line. So the 10 is where, on the AdorA side, the AquA‘elle Matrix is, right, and here we have the Aquinos Matrix, equals M31, right. Now also here would be the Spirit of AquA’elle that is the AquA‘elle Host that we talk about where we had Sha-La 3 as the Gate. Alright, and that is an Ethos System, then over here is the Eiros System that is the Spirit of EtorA, right, and that is the Aquinos Spirit, right, Spirit of M31. The process of Ascension has to do with these, first integrating. Each side would integrate, one at a time, first the EtorA side integrates the Spirit of AdorA, and the frequencies merge, alright. Now then we will go into what happens, because that takes us down to here. But before that, right now when they start out, the Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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2008 FOL January Phoenix—Engaging the Load-Out; the Last Ascension Cycle & the Gate of AshaLA

Ethos is…well remember how Ethos was down below our feet when we started working with the Pillar of Power and bringing the Ethos up, well the Ethos is here, and you could see a little Kathara Grid inside of that sphere if you wanted. And the EtorA Density System is here, so first this has to merge up here, and stick. (1:25:25)

The KaLE-Hara Cycle is the Resurrection Cycle where the Ethos keeps coming up. It brings the Eiradonis up. It keeps bringing the Eiradonis up until finally, they both engage. As this is going up and down, this is going on the other side too, so it‘s beginning the process of merging of the Conduit Twins on each side, right, so the KaLE-Hara Cycle is about that. The end of the KaLE-Hara is, they fully engage on each side, which means that they are not merged together yet, where the atoms of each type of energy are linked, but they have fully aligned, and are ready to go into the 2nd stage. And the 2nd stage is where the atomic levels of both fully merge progressively, I believe starting with 1 Density-1 like D1, and Geleziac Radiation Level-1 going up to 15, probably. Stage 2 is called the KaLA Krysta Cycle, right, and there is a bigger diagram on this. The KaLA Krysta Cycle is what we will be entering as of the 27th of May 2008, which is right around the time when the first Bhardoah Ring is going to be letting loose from the Sun, and probably not causing any damage or satellites down, or anything yet, alright. So we will be entering this Cycle. We have a bigger chart that will show the dates when we are entering each cycle. We can understand the Cycles; first of all the Cycle that we just went through, is about getting this and this, the Eiradonises to engage with their manifest system. Once they have engaged, then they can begin the process of merging those frequencies together, which will progressively de-densify the Manifest Body, bringing in the lighter energies of the Ethos Body. This is getting prepared for a slide. Now when we go into here, into this, that‘s what happens right here. That‘s where we are in this time-scale. Alright, we entered the KaLE-Hara here. This is the KaLE-Hara Cycle. We entered that I believe in August of 2007, and now we are here in January of 2008, and we have just completed that Cycle, and are preparing to enter Stage 2.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Stage 2, the KaLA Krysta Cycle, is what is called the EtorA Transfiguration Cycle. This is the Cycle by which the EtorA matter progressively integrates the Eiradonis Currents until it gets, first of all to the halfway point of integration. This is the normal point at which a 12-strand or less being usually does a Bhardoah, gets itself out of the body, drops the body, and then takes the body with it as vapor, and takes it from there, and then goes into incarnation into the Adashi Cycles into a form that is already in the Adashi Return Cycles. It doesn‘t go through full Krystar yet, alright. Now there is also the path, for those who are ambitious like where we are going, to finish the KaLA Krysta Cycle. Now this is happening literally on a Universal Level, and within the Galaxy, so it‘s not just on Earth, but our bodies are going to go through these too, alright. So here is, this is the period, this is called, this part of the KaLA Krysta Cycle is called the Bharda Phase, and it ends in the Bhardoah opening, which is an opening of the chamber, which would be the Allurean Chamber 6 that would allow you to go back to Core and pass the Ring of Fire, but you couldn‘t take your physical body with you. Now if your physical body is capable, and because of the genetic upgrades there is going to be a lot more people who are capable of sliding and more, and spanning, you go through the next phase which is called the Ma-Sha phase of the KaLA Krysta Cycle. The Ma-Sha phase ends in what is called the Ma-Sha-Yah Fold. (1:29:50)

The Ma-Sha-Yah Fold happens when all of the Eiradonis frequencies or the Ethos frequencies have been integrated into the EtorA matter, and at that point this whole bunch of stuff happens. And what happens at this point is a bi-location, where the original set of the EtorA matter and combined with its Ethos, goes into the HaRA-Krysta state and a bi-locating replica; like your consciousness would come back out, but have a form that is in the Hall of Records and lives there, alright, and stays there. You would be in a state of bilocation, simultaneously aware of both, and being able to pass back and forth. (1:34:44)

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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2008 FOL January Phoenix—Engaging the Load-Out; the Last Ascension Cycle & the Gate of AshaLA

The Ma-Sha-Yah, this body, it‘s the bi-located body that comes back out, and it‘s the perfected form of the body. It is called the Ma-Sha-Yah, and we‘re going to have…the Ma-Sha-Yah is the Host for this system, like for the period of the time that the Ma-Sha-Yah Fold is underway, which starts…this happens when Urtha Starfires actually, and that‘s between 2047 and 2052, and then the Ma-Sha-Yah returns. That is the return of the Ma-Sha-Yah, and with the Ma-Sha-Yah, we have the bi-location state, and the outside, the body that is in manifestation out here, can go back and forth through the Hall of Records, and has the ability to transit there. That applies to the Cosmic Level, the Galactic Level, and on any level that—these are natural parts of how those Vectors open up and come together. This is happening on the Universal Level. So that is the first phase, and that comes right here. So Fold-1 would happen there.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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2008 FOL January Phoenix—Engaging the Load-Out; the Last Ascension Cycle & the Gate of AshaLA

There is another chart. This is actually the one chart they wanted me to get fine-tuned enough that you guys could have a copy of it to take home, because it is the Load-Out Schedule. It is letting you see when, what part of the cycles are happening. It‘s a first publication release of this data, so it ought to be interesting when it gets out there, oh boy, right! But I figured they wanted you to have it; it would be helpful, alright, yah it‘s pretty cool. Then we go through here, alright, yah, after we do the KaLA Krysta Cycle we have the HaRA-Krysta Cycle, right, and that is the Transfiguration, the AdorA Transfiguration Cycle. So this one transfigured, the EtorA transfigured, went in, and brought back out the Ma-Sha-Yah Body. Now you still have the AdorA over here with its Eiradonis, but its Eiradonis isn‘t merged yet; it‘s engaged but it is not merged, so it is kind of like they are engaged but not married yet. So now it‘s the AdorA side for transfiguration, where it progressively marries its matter base to its Eiradonis base, which is the Eiros energy over there, which is our Spirit energy, right. That period takes place here, and it‘s considered Stage—that was Stage 2. That‘s Stage 3. That ends up in the next Fold. And this is where the Host of AquA‘elle, Spirit of AquA‘elle starts with the Ma-Sha-Yah Body of M31 coming in. And this is the point where, at the end of the third cycle the Ma-Sha-Yah goes back in, as this one goes through the same, where it brings out its Ma-Sha-Yah. So our Ma-Sha-Yah ascends into the HaRA-Krysta state, and into the Core when the other one come out. That is the point that will happen…the dates are clearer on the other sheets…I‘ll look at that. But at that point, the Host ends. That is the end of that 223-year period that started at the end of 2007, and will run to, I think it‘s 2030-something. The dates are on the other one more clearly. So that is, what is called the MaSha-Ta-Ra Fold, or the Ma-Sha-Ta-Ra-ic Fold. This one is referred to as the Ma-Sha-Yahnic Fold. That‘s where they get the ‗Messianic‘ word, and all that kind of stuff. This stuff, some of this stuff was written in the Atlantean text. It was known in the Atlantean time, not the whole thing, but they had talked about these Folds in not quite as technical physics-ways, because it would have been dangerous with the people on the planet at the time. But anyway, these words that come down in our religions were originally from these original texts, and teachings, that had to do with this entire original Krystic program of Ascension, the real one! So we get to this point, and we hit the Ma-Sha-Ta-Ra-ic Fold, the Master Fold; it‘s another word for that master. It‘s like that became Messiah, this became the Masters. So you have Messiahs and Ascended Masters, right, oy! It‘s like distortions that were put on these actual teachings. Then, ok and that was at the end of Stage 3, and that would begin after this. Then you would have Stage 4. That‘s when the Host is over and done, and you have a bi-located body temporarily out in the AdorA side but not in the EtorA side anymore. You‘re fully in, the EtorA side is fully in the HaRA-Krysta state. Then you have the—ok, that was at the end of Stage 3. Stage 4 comes next. Stage 4, I believe, is what is called the Hydrolase Conversion Cycle. And that‘s where progressively this one comes in, alright the AdorA side, the final one comes in, and the integration of what are referred to as…what was that word? The umm not resonant… (Audience.) Resolute. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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(A‘sha.) That‘s the one, thank you! Resolute Twins start to come in from the Vector at 900, and they progressively come in. And as they come in, the Hydrolase Conversion process—it‘s complicated. It has to do with the Adjugates all coming together, and fully transmuting the substance of the form, and at the end of that you end up with—let‘s see. Actually at the end of this cycle, this comes in. You end up with this Fold happening. This is where you began. You see, I‘m just learning these too. Fold 3 occurs at the end of the 4th Cycle which is the Hydrolase Conversion Cycle. And then there‘s the 5 th Cycle that, at the end of which is the 4 th Fold. So there are 4 Folds, and 5 Stages of Starfire Cycle, and each one requires a different amount of DNA strand count, because you not only have to have in your DNA, the frequencies that go with say the EtorA side, but you also have the ones that go with the Adjugate Spirit. And then to go further you have to have the ones from the AdorA side, and its Adjugate Spirit. And then to go even further you have to have the ones that go with the other one, this one that I still can‘t— reso—why do I keep on calling it ‗resonant‘ because it corresponds with, yah, it corresponds with Resonant Tone; that‘s why my brain keeps going there. Anyway, finally when these integrate after Stage 5, Fold 4, is it all goes into center, and that‘s the full Starfire Point. That‘s called the REisha Krystyanna (Ed. Note: Change to REisha Krystara as per Load Out Schedule) Cycle. Alright, so there are these Cycles. This is listed a little bit better. You have the same words that are here in tiny form, so you might need a magnifying glass on your sheets. But it puts it—the main information that‘s most important. It gives the schedule here with its dates is on a sheet to follow. Can I have the next one, please? I‘m hoping it‘s that one. Uh, you can skip that one. Yah, you can skip that. We need this one. Alright, I‘ve got that. Let‘s find the one that matches that. Yah, that‘s the one! Here that is. It‘s still a bit messy, but it‘s clearer.

[D2 C7 1:37:23] The KRYSTAR LAST-ASCENSION 223 yr. "Load Out" Schedule – 2000-3333 AD Cycle Ascn. – Evac of Milky Way

We are here. This was August, 2007. We are here. We finished Stage 1, the KaLE-Hara Cycle, alright. Stage 1 is this bit, right here. That was about engaging of the Eiradonises right, okay, so that‘s there.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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2008 FOL January Phoenix—Engaging the Load-Out; the Last Ascension Cycle & the Gate of AshaLA

And we‘re entering this stage here. This part that the Bharda phase is referred to as the Atonement Cycle or the Attunement Cycle. As you are progressively attuning the Matter Body to the Spirit Body, and to its natural state, if depending on what strand DNA content you have, or how tired you are, because some people will say, you know, it‘s easier to drop a body than put it through all these changes, I‘m just going to, like when it naturally decides to do its thing, that‘s alright. Let it happen if it happens, you know, but you don‘t do it on your own, like it‘s not—we do not endorse suicide at all. That actually messes up the process, because your body right now is your best vehicle to accrete frequency to get to the highest level possible, to keep up with the Base Pulse Rhythm that the Aquafereion Shield, and that the Host is going to go through, so you don‘t end up losing the Host. So your body is your friend at the moment, right, even though it might not feel like it all the time, darling, that‘s personal, ok. So, if like things with 12 strands or under activation would go out at this point in the Cycle, this would be halfway through the Stage 2 Cycle, the KaLA Krysta. That runs from May of 2008, through 2047, but halfway through would be about June of 2027. So this phase, between now or actually, between May, 2008, to 2027 is the Attunement Cycle, and there may be various ways large groups of people are choosing to go out this path. So if it starts getting a bit wacky in this period, and we start to see things that could appear to be horrific, like Earth changes in localized areas, but that take out large groups people here and there. Realize that there are huge agreements being made, as far as people that couldn‘t make it out any other way, that they couldn‗t carry on in the Cycles, that they got out at the right point for them to catch this, so they could catch the Host and go right into center, through Ring of Fire, and take whichever path, Ascension path out, so they didn‘t end up in the Fall. So if you start to see that kind of thing happen, the 3D self can go ‗Ohhh!‘ you know, but the rest of you, you have to learn to think as your large Self, and not your small self. We were taught to believe in our small selves here, in our littleness, our tininess, our puniness, in our powerlessness, our scarededness; we can choose to believe in our big Selves, the Cosmic Self that actually knows all this and more, right, we‘re just remembering, because we‘re a bit amnesiac. But we have to think like your big Self when you confront events, be they personal, or just watching them on TV. That could be perceived as, you know, devastating. Don‗t let your Emotional Body go off the deep end. You need that too; it‘s part of your Physical Body, actually it is directly connected into your cells. So anyway, understand that there will be some degree of people taking that path out. There will be ones, you know, who continue…people have been dying for ages here, so it‘s not exactly like it‘s something new, right. That the fact that you don‘t, you might not have to, is what‘s new, right! But anyway, if things happen, we have entered…before up in through here, we started to enter what was called the ‗Period of the Plagues‘. The Solar stuff when it kicks up with the Ring Waves, is going to stir up certain types of bacteria‘s, and viruses, and things that haven‘t been awake for eons, and eons. And there will be strange things, here and there, happening. Hopefully it won‘t be massively widespread, where it‘s like the things you hear about in the bible, about that period of time where you really wished you were dead, but you can‘t die, I‘m hoping it‘s not going to look like that. They haven‘t said, ‗Prepare yourself!‘ All they said is it‘s time to start thinking about making Home, in case the navigation systems go down at any point after 2014, alright. And that‘s just an in case; it‘s not a ‗Hurry up and do this!‘ Alright, anyway, when we go through here, this if we don‘t take that way out, if that way isn‘t the way that your Spirit and yourself choose to take out, then it‘s moving forward, and you need 24-strand Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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2008 FOL January Phoenix—Engaging the Load-Out; the Last Ascension Cycle & the Gate of AshaLA

potential to go through a Ma-Sha-Yah Fold, alright, which would be the end of the Stage 2, at the end of the Ma-Sha phase of the Cycle. And the Angelic Humans only had a 12-strand capacity, but through what is happening in the activation tonight that we‘re going to have at least a 10-minute break before we do that activation, I just need to sit down. But anyway after this, the 12-strand patterns, there are certain harmonics that once they are activated in the 12-strand pattern, even if it is only like the first 2 strands of the 12-strand pattern, it will begin to link into the 24-strand upgrade, genetic upgrade. So we are getting the upgrades through our Adjugates, actually, where we will get the capacity, if we could only run 12 strands tops, which means we would have to go out this way. It means that we can now, if we choose, you know work with our bodies, and go through this way, so we could do a Ma-Sha-Yah Fold. Those with 24 strands to start, which would be Indigo Twos, would be upgraded to Indigo Ones, which means they would have 48 strands, which would take them all the way around here. And they‘d be the ones that would probably end up here for 223 years, holding down the fort, and holding the Gates open. So there is a long process, and all of them have dates. So this one, Stage 2 is from 5 of 2008 through 2047. 2047 to 2052, the period when Urtha Starfires, or M31 Starfires, enters Ma-Sha-Yah Fold, this is the return of the Ma-Sha-Yah, right, and that‘s where that bi-location body…so it‘s not, you‘re not going to watch…there might be something weird to see briefly, but you probably won‘t see it for how many million years, right, because it‘s going to happen in M31, and there is 2.2 light million years distance between us. So when would we get to see it if it happened right now? Right, anyway, but it‘s not going to disappear and go away. It‘s going to go through, probably a flash of some sort, and then return the Ma-Sha-Yah, will return. Its Ma-Sha-Yah Body will return, and that Body will hold the Host of the AquA‘elle System, and the AquA‘elle Gates that plug into the Shala Gate here, that plugs directly into the Milky Way. So that will hold the Host for the period of time of the next Cycle, until the next Fold when the AdorA Transfiguration Cycle is completed. So this is the EtorA Transfiguration Cycle. Transfiguration means, that the manifest level and the Eiradonis level, not only engage, but progressively merge and become one, and it de-densifies, partially de-densifies the matter base, right. That is when you start being able to walk through walls and fly at will, and things like that, eventually. Oh my God! I‘m really looking forward to that too. You know, I would love to levitate a group into a Daisy of Death workshop, say ‗Hi! Anybody want to talk to us now?‘ (A‘sha chuckles with the audience.) But they‘d probably kill us before we got that far, so don‘t need to grand-stand, right. So then we go through this Stage 3, is the HaRA-Krysta Cycle, go from 2052 to 2225 AD, alright. So that is going to last quite a while, but at the end of that, from 2007 to 2230 AD, which is when the next Fold occurs, when Fold 2 occurs. That is the 223 years of the Host that are left, and at that point of this Fold completing, the Host gets pulled in. That‘s where the Ma-Sha-Yah returns Home, and we‘re not in a state of bi-location anymore. So there‘s going to be all sorts of changes. Who knows what they‘re going to look like on a Galactic level? I‘m fascinated! I have not been through one of these. Neither has the Milky Way. So if you don‘t know much Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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about this, don‘t feel bad, neither do most of us, except the Adashi Masters. And thank God they are there, to coach us and walk us through this. So anyway, this brings us up to 2230, and between 2025 and 2230 AD, this is where we will have the Fold 2 and that‘s the Ma-Sha-Ta-Ra-tic Fold (Ma-Sha-Ta-Ra-ic), the Master Fold, and that‘s where the AdorA side goes in. Then we have Stage 4, the HaRA-Krystyanna Cycle. This is the Hydrolase Conversion Cycle that involves really intense stuff, about a substance called Hydrolase converting to Hydros, and it‘s about the De-densification Cycle once you‘re in the Hall of Records spaces. It‘s real complicated. That goes between 2230 and 3230 AD. This was the ‗1000 Years of Peace‘ that has been referred to in the biblical stories, ok. And that peace will be on the AshaLA Earth. Alright, it will be the star AshaLA and that…there will be portions of Earth‘s Grids that do make the shift into the Host, that will actually end up as islands on this particular star. And that star will be aligned, and progressively aligned, and actually be the sentinel that holds the Tractor Beam that pulls the rest of the Milky Way System back into the alignment of the natural M31 System. Then we have the Fold number 3 at 3230 to 3233. It is the 3rd Starfire Point and that‘s when they pull in together, and start integrating the Resonant Tone Twins. (A‘sha laughs with reference to meaning Resolute Twins.) I keep doing that. It‘s like you have a block, you block it 3 times, and it‘s gone forever. Ah, I‘ll get that though. Anyway, that‘s when this Fold occurs, Fold 3 during that period of time. Then from 3233 to 3333 AD, that‘s where Stage 5 runs, and that‘s the REisha-Krystara. And that is where, after Hydrolase Conversion has taken place on all 15 Geleziac Layers of the Rasha Body, and the Light Body structure, and the Spirit Body structure together, then there is something called the Celestalline Wave Cycle. It‘s where it all turns into vapor, alright. All the layers turn into vapor, and you fully go into Creation Point Core, back into Source and then you come back out again, but you‘ll be in the Adashi Return Cycles, still manifest but in a lighter state, in the Adashi Return Cycles. And when you come back out to go to the Return Cycles, a new Creation Wave is born into the Core. So when we are in the Adashi-1 Return Cycle with 2 more to go, there is the Core Cycle that is coming out, the new Core Cycle is coming out. Where in Adashi-2, the Inner Cycle is coming out. Where in Adashi-3, the Middle Cycle is coming out. And we go back into Source, and that‘s when that wave, the New Wave hits its Outer Domain Cycle. So it‘s just this fascinating, beautiful, amazing, magical process actually of Eternal Life Creation, and here‘s the dates when it is coming our way in our system, so this gives the dates for that. And that is the point, the 3333 AD. 3333 AD is when it will complete that, and when we will go through the full Starfire and enter the Adashi-1 Return Cycle. Then of course there is Adashi-2, and Adashi-3. It takes a long—it‘s like a long, and winding road to get back to your door, alright, to get Home. So you will have a copy of this; it‘s not perfect. It‘s done on the Birthday Charts, by the way, so you also get a little glimpse at how the Birthday Charts work that we‘ve talked about.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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From…you can‘t really read what‘s at the center but if you see this, this refers to the Density-1 where you‘re integrating the frequencies of Density-1, integrating the frequencies of Density-2, integrating Density-3, integrating Density-4. Then you have Adashi-1, Adashi-2, and Adashi-3 Cycles that are the ones with the dotted lines, and they—you could look at them as Density-5, 6, and 7, but they‘re not really considered Densities quite in that way; they are Adashi 1, 2, and 3, alright. So these, once we get to here, these are Transfiguration Points, where each of these Cycles has…they call the 3 + 3 + 1 + 1 I think they said it was 1-2-3, 1-2-3 + 1 + 1 Leap, and then 1 Transfiguration Year, alright. So it‘s basically a 6-Cycle + 3. You have 3 that have to do with the EtorA frequencies accreting and then the next 3 have to do with the AdorA frequencies accreting, and then with them coming together, and are engaging and then fully merging. And then this is the BPR Raising Cycle where the Base Pulse Rhythm jumps because the AdorA and the EtorA sides on that Density Level merged, and that creates a Transfiguration Point. And at that Transfiguration Point you leap into the lowest BPR of the next Cycle, and then you start the Density-2 accretion. And this is what we‘ve meant by saying growth is done by accretion of frequency, or the turning on of frequency into the manifest form from the Light Body and Spirit Body structure around you. Anyway, you can play with that a bit and see what the dates are. This is the natural structure that shows that by age 33 in a human body, and an Human Angelic Body was designed to, and so are Indigos, to hit the 5th Transfiguration Point which would take them into the KaLEHara Cycle and the Stage-2 KaLA-Krysta, and then Stage-3 HaRA-Krysta, Stage-4, etc. And depending on how many strands you came in with in your template, whether you would go out this way at halfway through the KaLA-Krysta or whether you continued on to become a Ma-Sha-Yah. Or continue on to become a Ma-Sha-Ta-Ra. Or continue on to become a Ma-ha-Ra-Ta because this is referred as the Maharata Fold, and KHUM Bi-Vec‘TUS, Bi-Vector, 2 Vector(s) where you got 1 Vector and the 2nd Vector, so we sing the Maharata Song, Mah-Hah Rah-Tah KHUM Bi-Vec‘TUS; we are reaching out to this part of our own Self, but also to that level of consciousness in the Cosmos as well, in the Cosmos Body. Next one, please. When we get here we‘re done. Hey honey, we‘re done! Thank God!

[D2 C8 1:52:30] Metatronic Genetic Retrovirus

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Oh, this is to remind us that, I‘m not even going to go heavily into this. We talked about this starting in Virginia Beach, in 2007 Virginia Beach September where we‘ve got the mutation literally hits us from the point of egg and sperm meeting each other, because of certain things carried in egg and sperm, that cause a mutation in the fetal development that allows for…that totally messes up the whole Gestation Cycle. The Spirit Body is still born but it doesn‘t allow for natural fetal integration, which would be natural integration while the fetus is growing in the womb where the consciousness of the Spirit Body, a certain amount of that, comes directly into the physical body. It only lets a little bit come in and then harnesses it and blocks the rest. So it blocks the Spirit Body access, traps a part of the Spirit in there, and then allows an opening through what is called the Timekeeper, which has to do with a twist in the natural KaLE…our relationship to our natural KaLE-Hara Chamber, that allows other things to come in, feed off the Spirit that was in there, and walk around in our bodies. And that has been happening here for very, very long time because it is literally genetically programmed in. Next one, please.

[D2 C8 1:53:47] (―Mess it (Metatronic virus) makes of the Birthday Chart‖)

This shows you the mess it makes of what would be the Birthday Chart that had its nice little 8-axis. It shows them being split. This one isn‘t, all the dates aren‘t right, but it totally messes up like by age 33. This is why your body, instead of growing to age 33 and staying at that perfect most, like that would be the most filled-out perfect state, and it is at that point that 33-year-old body would be the one that if you‘re going to take a body through, that‘s what it would look like. That would be your perfect state, fully actualized, Avatar being Self, alright. It doesn‘t allow the body to get there. It starts literally down in here within the 1 st Density1 Cycle, the 1st years of childhood. It sets in motion what‘s called the death hormones, and they literally begin the process of killing the physical body, and that‘s why we have limited life spans. Next one, please.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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[D2 C8 1:54:39] Sextant Labyrinth

This is just a really messy version of what that would look like, if I ever get time to do it. It creates what‘s called the Sextant Labyrinth, and it is instead of the natural spiraling around finish Density-1, then do Transfiguration and leap to Density-2 etc, it actually, as it come(s) around, then it reverses the polarity on things, and it come(s) back around this way. Then you hit that again, and it reverses it this way. And it creates the Labyrinth configuration and it‘s Classic Labyrinth. There is a lot of those running around in the New Age movements, and showing up in people‘s lawns and stuff. And literally when you walk them, they are meant to help activate this entire Metatronic pattern in your bodies. And most people who work with them don‘t realize that. When they are built on the start-stop-start-stop thing, the best way to handle those is, when you hit that 1st stop, walk right over it and keep going in 1 direction, right, and walk over the stops! You actually help with the frequencies that are running in your body. You actually help the planetary grids that way, because these are holding the Sextant Clock that‘s connected to all the Metatronic stuff into the body and into the Planetary Grids. Next one, please.

[D2 C8 1:55:46] Timekeeper The Human Body with the Time-Space Continuum Behind

This creates what is called the Timekeeper. This is an illustration gently borrowed from something somebody gave me, that came out of one of the Alpha-Omega Order type Melchizedek people who were showing how you have this wonderful, the human body with the Time-Space Continuum behind! Oh boy,

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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sounds exciting, right? There‘s where our Eiradonis is and stuff. Yah I think this is good, right. I can‘t even see this part here. This is showing Space-Time Continuum expanding infinitely, yes right into a Black Hole! (Audience laughs.) Alright, alright, it‘s clear light gold cosmic realm, white light of God, Black Hole, right! (A‘sha laughs with audience.) Vertical halfway point of body whatever! Right, what it‘s not showing you is the relationship to the natural structure, where your Eiradonis should be, and where you should be standing and what direction you should be standing in, in relation to your KaLE-Hara Chamber. Next one, please, which is your projection, your Vector Projection Chamber, right moving toward the future, right.

[D2 C8 1:57:00] Sextant Mutation

I only have this it‘s a real scribbly little diagram but it actually has us reversed, where we are twisted at an angle. If we are supposed to be walking forward this way. It actually has the Matter Body aligned, where it‘s like twisted partially back toward it; it creates this space behind you that doesn‘t belong there that allows them to use the NET systems to tap right in, and come in. It also means you‘re facing your past instead of facing your future. Your currents, your Projection Currents are going backward in time, and then coming back at you, and then going back, and then coming back at you, and repeating karma over, and over, and over, and over again because your hologram is tied in a knot because it‘s through this process, through the projection line that we are creating the hologram as we walk through it; we project it out before us. If we‘re turned back toward the past, we are actually projecting it; it bounces back off in our face, comes back, wait a minute! Doing this, this also creates the total mess that we call our Axiatonal Line system, the one have published in the Kathara manual, because that is how it looks now and how it exists. And this is going to change back to its normal pattern when this turns around, because ‗Raising the Eiradonis‘ by actually lining things up, running the frequencies we‘re supposed to be running, lining things up naturally with the KaLE-Hara Chamber, and then laying down in it and ‗Raising the Eiradonis‘ will progressively clear that, and it will progressively shift back your Shield Clocks that are actually twisted that are keeping you in this alignment of Axiationals, and keeping you in that misalignment with what‘s called the Caduceus Vector. This has to do with the whole bunch of other stuff that had to do with the Caduceus network that is plugged into the Spanner Gates that is meant to hijack the frequencies, and the energy from the Spanner

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Gates to make false electricity, etc. So this is being cleared; we‘re in the process of starting to clear that. That gets rid of this. (1:58:37)

This is another one. Actually I drew this one but it was, whoever the artist is that did it, is another part of the Metatronic teachings that talked about this wonderful thing you have around you.


Yah, this is the harness field that is created by the mess. This is part of the Poison Apple harness field that creates a Tube Torus in your own body where you are actually sucking energy in, and things can suck energy off you, but there is no natural flow, and there is no quantum generation because your Arcs are stuck in a Daisy of Death pattern, and you can‘t phase and generate more energy. It is all based on this configuration of energy that has to do with the Tube Torus that creates the Yin-Yang instead of the YanYun. So anyway, there is a turning around, it actually fragments the shields that create the Axiational Lines, and it creates a total misalignment of the Axiationals and constriction of them all over the place.


Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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Now the Lotus Points are natural points, but there are points of constriction all through here that don‘t belong there. They are going to begin to change, and are beginning now, just starting to change back to the natural configuration. Next one, please. There is a whole bunch more to learn about chakras that we don‘t have yet, but boy we‘re going to. Next one, please. A'zah: You haven‘t told us yet. A‘sha: What? A'zah: You haven‘t told us yet. A‘sha: Ah, what‘s next? Oh God, yah! A'zah: What? A‘sha: Here we go, yah!

[D2 C8 1:59:56] Rough Example of Prime Tones EtorA & AdorA Sides

Yah, here we go into interesting territory. This is just to give you an example of where this is…a rough example, which means the only thing I‘m sure about on this is the structure, and the basic interplay of Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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relationships, and I know the tones are right, what are called the Prime Tones, or Primary Tones, right, on the EtorA side and the AdorA side. This gets wild! What is sound here is light there; what is light here is sound there. There is this whole set of Adjugate relationships between Adjugate Twins, Conjugate Twins, between— there is a whole system of understanding how color and music go together, and how you can use tones and color in very, very specific Core Template healing through the Akashic Record. And we‘re just beginning to see this, where you have each of the Allurean Chamber Lines right, which are the Event Horizons, but they are also chambers. Each of these is actually a vortex with its center, the small point at the vortex at the center and its wide part there. And when a chamber comes together, you have one vortex here, and one vortex there. When the right ‗Chamber Music‘ is played, you have the right notes of the Attunement are struck, it allows for the Adjugate Vortices to come together in the center and form a Merkaba Field. There is another set that go with the Eiradonis set that would be part of that. Now when all four of them come together, they open up the HaRA-Krysta Body and allow the whole thing to pull into the center. That would be like at the Fold 4 stage or whatever, they allow for Hydrolase Conversion, and then the Celestalline Wave that you literally turn to vapor and go back into Source, and then come back out again, of course! But anyway, it‘s all—there‘s a whole base musical note system that has to do with Base Tones, Overtones, Resonant Tones, Primary Tones, and a whole bunch of other things. This is the stuff that they kind of hit me with on the little notes that I‘m going to have to, probably look at them, maybe not. When we get-there‘s about 6 other diagrams that will go with this that they gave me during dinner up there, didn‘t have any paper or Mylar to put them on at the time; there wasn‘t this time. This is just giving you an idea. You would have here, in the EtorA system, this is the EtorA manifest or visible, lets say visible light spectrum, right, to D7. This is the EtorA invisible light spectrum that you don‘t normally see, alright. Still goes around, you know goes around from like 1 through 12, the 12 you know, we have 12 Dimensional Frequencies, right. Each one has a color, a light spectrum. And we can see 1, red all the way up through violet, but when it comes to like D8 gold, and then D9 silver, and then the D10, 11, and then the 11 which is the blue-black and the silver-black spectrum, and then the white light, the full pearlized, pearlescent white light of D12. We tend to not see them in our visual light spectrum in EtorA. The same thing is happening with the AdorA ones, and I‘m not quite sure what the numbering is on them yet, whether they go this way or that way. But what you have in this box here is going to be when these are finished. This will be the EtorA side from here, from Chamber-1, alright. This will be the EtorA side down to Chamber-7, and then this will be the AdorA side. The top one you‘ll see on the EtorA side will be the Primary Tone that goes with that chamber in EtorA, alright. This would be its main color, the EtorA D1 red goes with Chamber-1 on the EtorA side right. This tone and color, this is the Undertone or the Base Tone, right. This we‘ll look at a bit more when I, and something else, when I get the, look at my little notes. This is where I‘m trying to figure out, which is which, because this is a different note. This has to do with the Adjugate, and I have that written down some place there. I‘ll read it in a minute. And it‘s easier if I just read it off there to you. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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But you would have a Base Tone, the Primary Tone, and then there would be an Overtone as well, not to mention the main color and the Undertone color and the Overtone color. So it comes down to Base Tone, Overtone, you put those together they form a Resonant Tone, that does something with the Primary Tone that allows for a progression of things that start to open the chamber vortices, that eventually allow for the two to come together to form that Merkaba in the center. It is a fascinating, fascinating system that I am just learning and I‘m not sure who‘s on first except I know that these are right, but I‘m not sure which ones these plug in, and who‘s the Adjugate, and who‘s the Conduit, because then they introduced new ones called—let me, I‘m just going to read these. Oy, we‘ve got, what we know we have Adjugate Twins, and we know we have Conduit Twins which are we and our Eiradonis, and same over there; they have their Adjugate, their Conduit Twin too. Now there are Composite Twins. Composite Twins are on the same Vector Line, right they are running across, all the way across on opposite Event Horizons, so if you‘re on 1, your Composite Twin is on 7 but they are both on the same side. So if it‘s an EtorA on 1, it‘s the EtorA manifestation on 7 that would be the Composite Twin, right. Now, these each have to do with tones and what tones get combined to do what. This is the stuff that I didn‘t even have time to, I didn‘t even have a marker that I could scribble on these with, to just like, you know indicate it, because we didn‘t think there would be time to make anymore anythings. You know, where we came to do this workshop so we didn‘t bring any, you know, make-stuff supplies. Then we have the Resolute Twins which are the 4-way Twins, the Resolute Quadrant Twins where you get, you end up with 4: 2 vortices corresponding to the Adjugates, and 2 vortices corresponding to the Eiradonis ones, and on 2 different Vectors, right. 1, 2, 3, 4, I think that‘s 8, right. These have to be diagrammed, but it‘s actually fascinating, and it‘s what we‘re going to be beginning the process of using tonight. I‘ll read this a little bit to you. I find it absolutely fascinating. Let‘s see. Alright, a Prime Tone, let‘s say in the EtorA side, its Prime Tone is the Differential Tone. Now this goes back into where we‘re learning about Quantum Resolution and about EirA, ManA, Mana, and Prana, and all of those things in Key Resolution, Harmonic Key Resolution. So the Prime Tone would be the Core Tone of that manifest side of that manifestation, say if you‘re EtorA, it would be the EtorA Tone that goes with the Mana. It is the Mana Tone that would have a base quantum of 21 23 positive Partiki power, right, of the power of that many Partiki, right. Then you would have, that‘s the Prime Tone, then you would have the Base Tone that is the Conduit Twin, which is the Eiradonis, right. That is the Eiradonis Tone, alright, the Adjugate Spirit which would be EirA negative charge 11 23 , alright, energy. You would have the Overtone which would be the Composite Twin which would be the ManA 33 13 of the same side but opposite Event Horizon on the same Vector, right. Those 3 together form what is called a Tryne, T-r-y-n-e. Anyway, ok now here‘s a little, just to give you an idea where this goes, ok, so one Tryne has the Prime Tone, the Base Tone and the Overtone, right, 3 tones. Each Line has a set of four Tryne. Yes, each Vector Line, right, like say the ones 1/7 or the 4/10, has a set of four Tryne. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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(1 Vector Line =) 4 Tryne = 1 Octave. 12 Vector Lines = 12 Octaves = 48 Trynes = 1 Harmonic. There are 24 Harmonics in the Allurean Chamber set, and there are ways to use them. What we are going to do tonight has to do with, when you put a Base Tone and an Overtone together, and remember the Base Tone is who is the Base Tone? It is the Conduit Twin which is the Eiradonis, and the Overtone which is the Composite Twin. Together they form what is called a Resonant Tone or the ManU Tone, because it puts together 11 23 negative EirA and 33 13 positive ManA, and that creates 45 power ManU with the zero charge. That is called the Mu Tone. It also has to do with Muons, right; that is the Resonant Tone. The Mu Tone fires the Adjugate Spirit Eiradonis Tone, Prana 11 23 positive, and here it would be Ethos for the EtorA side. That, whatever I just said, after the Prana Tone fires, the Eiradonis Tone which would be the Prana Tone fires, the Eiradonis Tone fires, oh, the Prana Eiradonis Tone then fires the Prime Tone Differential Mana 21 23 and opens the Seal on the DhaLA LUma, which is the Doorway at the center point of the HaRA-Krysta Body, and that has to be opened for the Vector Vortices on an Allurean Chamber Vector Line, to come together to form the Merkaba. So, we‘re beginning the process of the 24 Harmonics, and remember each Harmonic has 48 Tryne. We‘re sounding the 1st Tryne of the 1st Harmonic, in opening the Allurean Chambers Vortex Sets. This begins the process of making it all happen faster. It is also the beginning of the process of opening the Halls of AshaLA, which are the direct ones we can physically access for slide that we can begin to project there. And I think they‘re going to add a journey right at the end of this, at least a short one to get in there, because then you can project there, after when you go home, once you‘re in with the Shield that gives us enough power to get in, you know, individuals. It‘s harder if you‘re just an individual that you don‘t start it in a Shield. That‘s why the workshops are worth coming to, because you‘ll get the strength of the Shield that amplifies your own power temporarily, long enough to get in there. Once you‘ve got in there, you start to get your own amplification to the, like to the Core so you don‘t have to always be in a group, but the group does amplify it. So I think we‘re going to do a journey on the end of the activation. We‘re going to do a journey to the Halls of AshaLA, and what are called the Healing Temples of Ashalum, which means we‘re going from AshaLA into the Middle Domain of AshaLA, which is Ashalum, into what are called the Ashalum Healing Temples. And this, once we‘ve accessed there, this has to do with the Hall of Records on the Edon level on the Middle Domain level of AshaLA, and we‘ll find out what happens there. But that is the most—these are— there‘s something precious about these spaces as far as healing of the Body-Mind-Spirit system, all of it of bringing it together. And this is where the Attunements can be done, the direct Attunements with the sounds, they are Healing Temples of Sound and Light, and that we‘re going to learn a lot more about these. There is something else, would you believe we have a Tribes Class this weekend like Saturday, so there‘ll be another something next piece. Next installment of data will be coming through there, but what they want us to do—can we put up, oh, the next one. Yah, I wanted to show you this on the tones. Where these…this chart is going to evolve, yah, the other chart with the little triangles on it, yah. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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A'zah: The journey, can they have a copy of the journey? A'sha: Oh! A'hza: The journey, if you print a copy of it… A'sha: Oh the journey that we do today? A'zah: Yup… A'sha: Ok. A'zah: Yup. A'sha: Yah, I‘ll do, can I do that later?

[D2 C9 2:13:56] (Music of the Spheres - ―Chamber Music‖ of the Allurean Chambers)

Ok, anyway, this is where these charts are going. First you would have the things that you saw there where we had like on the EtorA side, you have the main Prime Tone, and then you have the color that goes with that, and the chamber number, and the color that matches the chamber number. And then you would have the set, the one that is the Base Tone, the Undertone. And then you would have the set that would be the Overtones. And then you would have these. These represent the Vortices. If you look at 1 Allurean Chamber Line, it has 1 Vortice (sic) here, 1 Vortice here, and then the Ethos and Eiros, or the Eiros and the Ethos ones would be there. So there are a set of 4 vortices. First there would be a set of two that represent the Adjugates. Then there would be a set of dotted lines that would represent the Ethos and Eiros ones coming together. This is where you get into, this is the Tryne, right. So they are starting us with these which correspond, and has to do with the shapes of things when you see our Vortice on the 4/10 Line. The EtorA Vortice would come this way, alright, so that‘s the one with its point up. So these are going to refer to the EtorA set that activate the EtorA Vortice. Then there is going to be the other set that they give us that correspond to that one, there is going to be the Eiradonis set. I don‘t know how or what they are going to do with these. It‘s an amazing; it‘s going to be an amazing healing system. But, well it is; it‘s not going to be but is! You know, we just don‘t know how to use it yet. But, what we‘re doing now is we will have the Primary Tone, or the Prime Tone goes here. The Base Tone goes here, and the Overtone goes here. And it is at the center that the Mu Tone strikes, and brings up the Eiradonis Prana Tone that then fires the, and makes spark, the Prime Tone which has to do with, connected to the center there is a center Seal there. It allows the Seal to release, to begin the process of the Vector Line opening for the merger of the Adjugates, which is part of the whole Ascension process. So Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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it is a fascinating system and they‘re just starting to teach me, so I hope that gives you an idea that when we use the tones we will be using the Base Tone, the Overtone, you know Base Tone, Overtone, and a Primary Tone. We‘ll do the Primary Tone first, then I believe the Base Tone, and then we add the Overtone. And they‘ve just said to use, they‘ve given us at this point the specific ones to use. They correspond with A, E, and D, I believe, yah, A, E, and D. And in the other chart we‘ll see that, even though I don‘t have all the numbers exactly where they should be, I know the letters are right. A, E, and D correspond with the D1 and D7 aspects where they actually split, where AdorA and EtorA, where they spilt on the 1/7 Line, because that is the Line where you have part of it going…it is like on the Number 1 Chamber, the EtorA stuff starts this way, and the AdorA stuff starts this way, and then it meets again down at this Chamber. This has to do with the whole Transfiguration Cycle of how the energy cycles back and forth and creates Light on 1 side, sound on the other, and vice versa. So anyway, we‘re going to be working with the tones of…this one corresponded with D, I believe, and this one down here corresponded with E. And there‘s one, I‘ve found out regardless with which way you run the AdorA numbers, be it this way or this way, it still ends up as 4, as like number 4, D4 green on the AdorA side, and it ends up with D4 green on this side. There‘s something to that tone that I don‘t know what it means yet but it is A, and I believe it is A on both sides. So they are doing something to activate these Key Points in, and they are forming a Tryne with those 3 tones to begin the process. And that‘s the most I can explain about it right now. Umm, is there anything else that I need to show them? What else is there? A'zah: This one with 9 on them. A‘sha: Oh! Yah, actually I talked about that one already. Anyway, that was just the one that is showing that the Axiationals are going to go back what else is there? Oh, just the sounds. A'zah: Just some sounds and codes. A‘sha: Oh yah, I did need to see the one—isn‘t there one somewhere where did I scribble that, about the code sequence? The… A'zah: There is nothing out. A‘sha: There is nothing else, ok. I wonder if it‘s scribbled on there somewhere, or the one before it. No A'zah: No, no, no. A‘sha: I think it might have been on the one before. Yah, that one, is that? Yah, I just want to look at that for a minute, please. I think it got scribbled on the bottom. Yah, here we go! Here we go!

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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E is being used as the Base Tone. A is being used as the Primary Tone. And D is being used as the Overtone. And that, and what they‘re going to have us do is, once we hear the tones and strike them, this ought to be interesting because I‘ve never tried to do this with a microphone or anything before, but we‘ll give it a shot! We‘re going to try to get our voices to sound that tone, and there‘ll be 1, 2, 3, ok there‘ll be 4 groups: one will do the E; one will do the A; one will do the D; and the 4th group will actually do Soul songs and let whatever wants to come out, come out. So you can kind of pick which one you want to be. You know, if you want to just sing one of the ones that harmonize with everybody, and we‘re going to do it in a way with the tuning forks. When you strike them, you actually have to hold them up near your ear to be able to hear them, but you can even feel them, like you know the vibration of them. But if you go like this, it‘s different than if you just hold it right. Can you hear it? It goes wow…wow…wow…(A‘sha makes an oscillating A sound tone) They‘re going to want us to do that with the voices as well, right, yah. (Audience murmurs) And I, we‘ve never done this before, and this is the beginning of can you imagine getting all 12 together to do the octave? And then these are going to be huge! These are going to be orchestras. These are awesome, right? So we‘re going to start with this combination here. That‘s the one I was looking for. Ok, I think we could take a break. Yes, please, for a little bit. Could we do 15? 15 minute break? Yah! Alrighty, so I hope that was enough technicals anyway, alright. What? Ok, we‘ll be back at 20 after….

(End Disk 2)

Phoenix, Festival of Lights, January 2, 2008—Disk 3 Monday Morning Introduction to Activation [D3 C1 0: 00: 06] A‘sha All righty. We‘re back. Pardon me if. I‘m a little exhausted. I‘m going to sit down for this one. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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OK, basically the activation that‘s coming in, it‘s finishing the anchoring of the Bridge of Sol that we talked about, that goes from wherever it was—Altair through to the Sun and back over to Earth, that opens up the Tractor Beam right into M31 Center right actually—it allows the Tractor Beam to anchor from M31 Center. We‘re going to do it. The process by which we anchor these—and again, if anybody doesn‘t want to participate in the activations there‘s never any obligation or anything like that—if you‘re not sure about the work or whatever—that‘s fine. You just basically say ―I don‘t want to receive it right now‖ and you won‘t. Your own fields will block it from coming in. But if you want to participate, this is for those who do—the first thing that they would like us to do is to get a bit familiar with playing with the new sound technologies of the Tryne. And we‘re going to learn how to sound the First Tryne of the First Harmonic. And where we will do that—we‘re going to practice it first, to get used to doing the tuning forks, finding that sound with our voice, and doing it in three—actually, four groups, so the room can kind of be split in four—(counting the room) one, two, three, four—there‘s aisles that break it into four, isn‘t there? Yeah, that would work. The one group that is going to be asked to do Soul Tones—or Spirit Tones, at this point we call them— that just want to come through, which will be random tones that just come through, if you‘re comfortable with that. It doesn‘t matter what section you‘re in, you can do that instead of the tone that your section is doing, as long as some people in each section are doing the tone that is being asked. This ought to be really cool at some point, when everybody gets used to playing with these—the sounds can be really neat, because we‘re supposed to do the (A‘sha makes oscillating tone)—at certain BPRs and rhythms, and I think that will probably come out a bit—and it might even pick up on its own, it might do something strange, like one starts to go fast, one starts to go sl—it doesn‘t matter what we do. This is a learning experience for all of us. But it is an experience that will begin a process of all sorts of things that will culminate in opening directly in the ShAlon-7 grids, which are the Phoenix through Mesa area grids of Arc-7, Hub-7, all of that, Spanner7. It will open directly the first passage—Slide Passage—directly into AShaLA. And from AShaLA into its Edon domain, which would be the Ashalum Healing Temples. And that‘s the first—and we‘ll probably understand after the next workshop how big that is. Because at this point it‘s just information we just learned. But it is, as they said when we were driving in, the biggest thing that‘s ever happened in this galaxy. And that‘s kind of exciting, you know? It‘s kind of like, oh, okay, that‘s cool. So we do some tones. But before we do the tones we‘re going to practice with these first. Then Az is going to go over what are called the Jesheua Codes Command Tones, which are the gate tones that we talked about—one for the M31 Gate System, the natural one there, and they are the actual tonal vibration. The names of those gates are the Core Encryption Tonal Vibration, so when we sing them we‘re actually activating those things in the Aquafereion Shield, and in our own bodies and in our own direct connection there. So we will use those, the ones for the Eiradonis part, the AquA‘elle—Spirit of AquA‘elle—and then we‘re going to go from there, from those that, I think they were introduced in Amsterdam—then we‘re going to go Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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into what we practiced earlier with the tones, with the tuning forks. They‘ll let us know when they‘re going to be live with that, as far as, like, saying ―OK, you guys pick it up,‖ or ―You guys slow it down,‖ whatever—I don‘t know how they‘re going to do it. When we‘re done with the tone part, then we‘re going to go into a journey—the first journey to the Halls of AshaLA. And from there I think we‘re going to go into the Edonic Level. So there will be some type of—I‘m hoping it‘s short, because I‘m actually exhausted at this point. But I don‘t know—we thought it might be short, the one that ended up being an hour and 45 minutes or something. So I‘m hoping it‘s not one of those tonight. It might just be a quick jaunt down into the Ashalum—the Healing Temples of Ashalum. But once we go in there and pick up the codes as a Group Shield, you can at any time then go in yourself. You can just remember just a key part that you remember, like where it went, what did it look like—―Oh, yeah, I saw that colored thing there,‖ right? Remember that, and that will be enough to focus your encryption in getting back to there so you can project in there and start to ask questions, like ―How can I help myself healing with this? Is there something I can do with this?― You may just go in and get tones surrounding you, or lights, or both. So it‘ll open up the door to that healing space of the first of the Ashalum Healing Temples. And that‘s really, really big. The healing program is going to be massive. What this is going to do with, for Kathara Healing is phenomenal. It will give it direct bio—where you can not just clear the template underneath that takes ages for it to transmute the body into healing, but it will start with the more rapid, direct being able to work with the atomic structure itself. So I‘m really excited about this. So let‘s get started while we‘re conscious, all right? (Laughter.) It‘s been really—since Amsterdam it‘s really been a rough—biologically rough period with the Omega Kill Code thing. It just goes after—and it hits the center of the Shield—the Speakers, Flame Holders people that are the center of the Shield—they get like a triple dose of it, because it‘s meant to stop them from being able to anchor the Host. And the further out in the Shield, the less of the code would be in the DNA, but it was tacked on to the Flame Codes that would allow you to run the more frequency. And it‘s just been really hard. I went through a period where I thought I was going to be flattened and die in London, actually, on the way out back from Amsterdam, where it hit me with asthma. This body had asthma as a child. I hadn‘t had an asthma attack since I walked in, but sure, right in the middle of some market in London, happened, and I was afraid to get back in the plane, because planes tend to make me short of breath after about five hours, and it‘s an eight hour flight—managed to get back. Then tooth broke and went crazy; got it taken out, and for a week and a half it went into dry socket with pain levels I had never experienced except perhaps in childbirth, but in a different spot. And then during this period—right after Amsterdam Az‘s back started to go out, and then it progressively got worse and worse until at a certain point he was stranded up in Colorado and at a certain point he had to crawl into a car and drive himself down out of the place that‘s like 12 miles from a place nobody ever heard of, that‘s like two and a half hours from Denver. And it was really scary. I don‘t have a driver‘s license at the moment. I never got it renewed after I moved back to the States yet, because I have to take the test over. I‘m afraid of that, actually. So I couldn‘t go up and rescue him.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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So it‘s been really rough. So if I say the word ―exhausted‖ I‘m not whining, I‘m just letting you know where we‘re at. We‘re still standing but a bit tired. Looking forward to being able to go to the Healing Temples. So if you‘ve been experiencing since like November any acceleration of yucky things just biologically—or if you feel like your body is crumbling around you for no apparent reason, it‘s connected to the Shield processing and transmuting the Omega Kill Code. We have succeeded in doing that, but now we‘ll get the boost that we needed that we‘ll actually be able to turn that around now that we can go into the Ashalum Healing Temples. We will be able to come back stronger than ever. And that‘s not just us in the center of the Shield, it‘s the whole Shield. So there will be healing energies available that we are just beginning to learn how to use. Now I‘m going to give this a shot. The sequence—well, if we remember, they were in triangular formation with the Prime Tone up on the top, and when you‘re looking at it, on the left would be the Base Tone and then on the right would be the Overtone. And they asked us to have E as the Base Tone, A as the Prime Tone and D as the Overtone. And the sequence to use them in are: First you need to do the Prime Tone. And then you bring in the Base Tone. And so it‘d be like once you would do this in a round. We would have the people that are on the A, which is the Prime Tone, do it first and get their (Ash tones AAAAA with wah-wah oscillation) with the A going, right? And just keep it going. And as that‘s going, then we would bring in at a certain point the Beloveds say ―OK, now bring in the Base Tone,‖ which would be the E, and then the group doing the E would bring that in, start getting that moving, and let those two move together. And then we would bring in the D Tone, the Overtone, and have that start moving together. And at a certain part in there the Beloveds will probably say ―OK, now do the independent group that will do the spontaneous Spirit-Soul Songs that will come through.‖ And they will let us know how to take it from there. So what we‘re going to do in the practice round is really just find the tones, first of all, with our voices, and then try to hold them enough where we can plug one round into the next to the next, so it‘s not like ―whoops, we lost the As over there by the time we got to the Ds.‖ We want to avoid that, right? Because we‘re trying to build a standing wave—a huge standing wave that will do all the stuff we explained about—activating the Mu Tone, which is the ManU Tone in the center, and then the Prana Tone and then that opening the seal that connects on the center of the Vector Line in the HaRA-Krysta Body, all of that. So it‘s a complex pro—easy process, but complex of what it does. Same with this whole healing system. So let‘s just play for a minute here. So we‘ll start with A, since that‘s what we‘re supposed to start with, the Primary Tone. I want to see how this is going to work, first of all. (Sound of A tuning fork, audience softly beginning to tone along. Thumping. Fainter voice of A‘sha saying ―hit it right…that‘s good.‖) Yeah. Now, the trick to this is going to be—we can‘t keep beating on the stick while we‘re doing this, so it‘s—once the pitch is found with the tuning fork, then that group that‘s doing A—which this was the A that we just Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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did—that group being able to find your A—you know what I mean? And keep it going even after the metal stops singing, and you become, you know, the singing. All right, let‘s try that again. I won‘t go crazy with this, especially when I‘m tired—I‘ll be falling all over the place, like ―oops, where‘d my A go?‖ I don‘t know what note I‘m on at this point, I‘m so tired. I don‘t even know if I‘m going to try to do it actually because my voice is a bit raspy. (Sound of tuning fork, audience begins to tone.) Let‘s try it again. (Audience & A‘sha tone.) Yeah. OK. Keep—this group over here, to my—right? (Laughing.) I‘m dyslexic—to my right, if you guys can keep up the A for now, that would be good. OK? So if you‘ll keep up the A, all right, I‘ll see, I‘m doing it again. Yeah, I know, my brain‘s doing that, too (laughing). So I‘ll strike it one more, and just that group over there that will be the A Group. Do that tone. And keep it going once this stops. Then I‘m going to speak to this next group of people so you can do the E Tone. And remember if there‘s anybody that‘s choosing to do the independent one of the Soul Tones coming through, then just don‘t sing with your group until it‘s time for the Soul Tone group, and they will come up all over the place. There will be heads that are doing those in all of the groups. So we‘ll do it that way. But then again we‘re going to have to break this—one, two, three, four—into three again… Yeah. Hmm. OK. All right. They just said this. A—the A Tones, this will be the E Tones, that will be the D Tones, and that group—you can pick any one of the ones you feel like singing with, or the independent one, and then anybody that wants to do the independent one—that just does the own tones come out, and whatever they do—anybody can do that, in any of the groups. But in that last group, you can break yourselves down into whatever one you want to do—be it the A, the E or the D. All righty, so—let‘s go. For the As. Got to hit this in the right spot…I don‘t hit it on here because I don‘t like it the way it sounds—it‘s dulling it or something, hitting it on this striker (thumping, sound of tuning fork, audience begins to tone A.) Yeah, hold it—keep going. Keep going. Now we‘ll do the Es. (Sound of another tuning fork & additional toning.) Keep going, both of you. Keep going. And now we‘ll do the Ds. (Sound of another tuning fork & additional toning.) And now keep doing them, but cycle them more. (A'sha tones, oscillating the sound.) Now Soul Song people just play with it a bit—if you feel any tones coming, for Soul Tone people, bring those in now. You guys keep it up. (Additional toning from A'sha & audience.) Louder, everybody. (Continued toning.) Excellent practice round. Oooh. (Toning stops.) That was excellent. And fast. Very cool. (Applause.) And that‘s just one Tryne. Can you imagine four of them, with four—you know—12 different. You know there were only 7 notes that were identified. What might the others sound like? That‘s where we get into sharps and flats, what you want to bet.? Yep. Yeah OK, so that—what we just did? It may need to go a little longer, and start soft, but not—but quite quickly build to louder and stronger, louder and stronger, and then just hold it loud and strong for a bit—if you can Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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do that. I mean, it‘s OK to breathe too, you know what I mean? You have to breathe. But if we can do this, this would be really good. And then they‘ll let us know when the cutoff time is on that. And from there they‘ll probably have us do a breath thing—I see that coming. And we‘ll just explain what that is—OK, now—and then do a breath thing, and that will be the part where the other stuff that you don‘t hear on the outside is opening. And those kind of things. And then they‘ll take us right into the quick jaunt, they just said, down to the Halls of AshaLA. And that will go—we‘re actually going to be able to go right through the Ring of Fire in Earth‘s Core. Because usually you can‘t do that unless you‘ve got lots of strands activated, but using these tones will literally create a Harmonic—or the beginning of a Harmonic—in the field, in your biofield, that will allow you in a projection with the Eiradonis Body to actually pass through, and that‘s what‘s required to go into first the Core of AshaLA, and then from there into its Middle Edon Level, Ashalum. And that‘s where we will go to the Healing Temples. So that‘s going to be the sequence. We‘ll do the Jesheua Code—and they‘re like command tones, they‘re not sung—well, they are sung, but they didn‘t give us the music for them yet; they just want us to speak them. And we‘ll go into this again, just like we did here—where once we strike the A, As start, and once you start, keep going. Start soft and really quickly build, to strength, and just keep going. And the oscillation is important, or whatever you want to call this (making ―wah-wah‖ toning sound). Do whatever you have to do with your mouth that will keep the tone, but let the sound do interesting things. (Making sound) like that. You can do those. Or whatever you want. Whatever makes you feel good, as far as that bit—as long as the tone stays there. Right? And then once you get going, I‘ll just strike the thing once to begin the tone and then go, and then we‘ll strike this one and make the tone go and that one and make it go—and then, for the last group—you can chime in—if you‘re going to do A‘s, you can chime in with the A‘s when they start if you want to, or you can wait until the wave moves through. And then for independents, we‘ll wait until we get the call on that one, because that has something to do with the Mu Tone happening, I think. So for the ones who are just going to do independent tones, just wait until the Beloveds give us a cue. And then we‘ll take it from there. So this is neat—this is the beginning of the Krystal River Light-Sound Healing Program, which is advanced Kathara. So, I‘ll turn this over to you, my darling (hands mic to A‘zha).

Activation Preparations [D3 C2 0:2:21:29] A‘zah Right. I‘m not going to talk about this…

[D3 C2 0:22:17] (Jesheua-12 Code tones mylar.)

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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I don‘t suppose that a large proportion of our friends and family today have seen these before because these were introduced in Tribes-8. So Tribes-8 and Amsterdam and -9 are the only ones that have seen them. So anyway, what we have is a straightforward recital, and in smaller numbers I tend to encourage people to think that, you know, ―Mary did not have a little lamb—Mary DID have a little lamb—―You know, just the idea of expressing a little bit of your own feeling (laughter). So it may have been boring for Mary, but it doesn‘t have to be boring for us (laughter). But recitals tend to be—to invite that kind of flatness, whereas you just had this wonderful far out cosmic stuff, and now you have to read some words off a screen—it‘s bit of a step back, so to speak, but when you do do it, just try and let yourself feel into it a little bit. It‘s hard to do. It‘s harder than doing tones, actually, to express a little bit. Especially in short—in very short, sharp sequences. And since we haven‘t rehearsed this—it‘s very hard for you to run lines 1, 2 & 3 together as if there were all one line, as if you‘re singing a song. Because what we have to do here is a round or a complete cycle involves reading 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12—PLUS these four here. In sequence. And then to complete one round, we go 1, 2, 3, 4, 6—across to—fortunately I‘m not dyslexic—12—and then down these four. So having got to this point, we have one round. We‘re going to do three times round. And at the end of it we finish with an activation command which we derive from these Core Sun Names at the bottom here. The first is Pro-SEda. This one: Pro-SEda. And then we go Aquina-en-Tara, and then AquA’elle-en-Tara. Those three. OK? Pro-SEda—Aquina-en-Tara—oops—and across to this guy. All right? And we do that just once. (Someone—A‘sha?—asks a question and A‘zah comments as an aside). I don‘t know whether I have one in Scotland, hon. Well, it‘ll be too confusing to say if have them if you don‘t and then go get them, leave your seat and sort of stuff. It‘ll be quicker to go this way. (A'zah speaking directly to audience again.)

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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So then—um—what to point out? For those who haven‘t seen it before, where I‘ve got the cursor there— here in JhA’-ia, that is a capital I; and the dash across the top is supposed to be like the dot you have across a normal little I, and it appears somewhere else—where? There it is—8 on the right hand corner. There. That is Orīa—not Orla. OK? And that‘s the only tricky one I can remember. So, on something like three, we‘ll just go straight to: ―Ahn-TAus, Ah-SA-LON, Urtha, Sala-MA-eah, AlCA-us En’Tara, Sala-Sira‖ and so on, all the way down to 12, then down to these four here, to Pro-seta, then up to the top, those 12—de-de-de-de-de-dit—and these four—that‘s Round1. Then we go back to the beginning. Round 2 and so on. To the end, having done 3 rounds, we‘ll then come and use the activation command, which as I said is ―Pro-sEda, Aquina-en-Tara, and AquA‘elle-en-Tara. Okey-dokes? All right. (Someone comments or asks a question.) Where? I don‘t know where you are, darling. (Continued commenting from audience.) Where? No. No, you don‘t. It begins Pro-sEda and goes as I described it. ProsEda. Yes. Do they have Yorkshire on Urtha or not? (Laughter.) Anyway. One, two, three. (A'zah & audience.) Ahn-TAus Ah-SA-LON Urtha Sala-MA‘-eah Al-CA‘us En‘Tara Sala-Sira ETUŔ-a O-ShE‘na An-DRO‘-MA Ah-VA‘-jha Ah-VA‘-na Ah-Rah-ma-Lha AL-ZeA-Ta AL-TA‘-us Pro-cyus Pro-seta Ahn-tar-us Eiradus Sha-La Sala-Myra Al-cyus En-Tara Sira AR-tur-a Orīa Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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An-Dhrama-Meira Ah-vĒ-jha Ah-VĒ-Na Ah-rah-ma Al-MA-us Al-tara Pro-lara Pro-cyrus (A'zah.) Back to the top (A'zah and audience repeat Jesheua command tones.) Back to number 1 on the left (A'zah and audience repeat Jesheua command tones.) And finally the activation code, which is Pro-sEda—Aquina-en-tara and AquA‘elle-en-tara. OK, go for it. (A'zah and audience.) Pro-sEda—Aquina-en-tara—AquA‘elle-en-tara. (A'zah.) That‘s it. Ta A’jha-in’ta Do’-A (Audience.) Ta A‘jha-in‘ta Do‘-A Ta A‘jha-in‘ta Do‘-A Ta A‘jha-in‘ta Do‘-A.

Activation [D3 C2 0:29:00] A‘sha

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All righty. Now for the First Tryne of the First Harmonic of the Allurean Chambers. And begin with the A‘s (sound of tuning fork, then audience toning). Go—and keep going. Now the E‘s (sound of another tuning fork & additional toning). And keep going. Keep going. And now the D‘s (sound of another tuning fork & additional toning). And now I‘ll do the wah-wah-wah. (A‘sha joins in toning.) Keep building…building… And now the Soul Songs. (Additional toning.) Now slowly bring it more quiet, slowly more quiet, but keep going—slowly more quiet, but keep going— slowly more quiet, but keep going—and then bring it home to silence. And when you stop inhale upward from the AzurA and hold. Hold to build charge. And in a moment we‘re going to exhale all the way downward through Earth Core and into the Core of AshaLA. On three. One and two and three, now… There should be a back vibration that comes shooting back up within a minute or two, they said—just kind of like almost a shiver wave that goes woooooop up through you. That comes from down under. When you feel the shiver wave—once you feel that pass—I‘m going to hold my hands up in a position that you need to look at for a moment, because there is something called—we‘re just learning about—called the Orbs of Fire. There are six of them, but there are two that we‘re going to use first. They‘re part of the anatomy of the Spirit Body—anatomy that we‘re just—they just showed us how to use, but didn‘t elaborate on. But you‘re going to use these now. They‘re going to tell us what to do, actually. So, I‘ll show you—I‘m going to put this (microphone) down to show you where they‘re located. You take your arms and stretch them out in a V (A‘sha holds hand up above her head and at an angle). They will be right where your hands could grasp them as if they were orbs. OK? Now, try to imagine or visualize or see these orbs—they have different colors. I believe the one on the left is red-orange. I think. Don‘t worry about the colors for now, anyway…we‘ll learn more about them. But what we‘re going to do is we‘re going to inhale and bring them together as if they‘re arcs—they‘re not your arcs, they‘re something different—but we‘re going to bring them together and bring the hands and the palms together up over your head—on the Inhale. Bring them together, the two balls coming together, and then you‘re going to bring them down in front of you. Lower your arms as if you‘re carrying two balls down—and right to the E-Umbi right below the navel a bit. Take one more power breath—Inhale and then push them into the E-Umbi. You‘ll feel a little burst of probably heat in the lower part of the body—if you don‘t, that‘s all right, they‘re still working. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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This is the beginning of activating your personal Allurean Chamber sets. So we‘re just learning about this—this will be part of the Krystal River Healing program and the anatomy that goes with it. We‘ve used these—they taught us to do this just once when a group of us—a small group of us—were at our house, and we were charging salt bowls to clear their encryption and to put in—to restore the Krystic encryption in them. You know those Himalayan salt bowls that are popular these days? Yeah. They‘re really useful once you clear them. And—we‘ll get into that another time. But anyway, they taught us to do that—to reach for the Orbs of Fire and bring them down in that way, and then push them into—all of us at the same time—I think there were five of us there at the time; six would have been good, but I think we only had five—but pushed them into the salt bowls, and that does something about reaching core elemental encryption. So there‘s a lot of power in these. My hands are still tingling just from demonstrating it—without really fully doing it. I did do it, though, and I got a burst of heat here—I don‘t know if you felt that. So this is just the beginning. Now, with the activations that are now running in the Shields, the—there is going to—and with the tones that we just sent down—in—these are the tones that will open the Seals for the first—the—ShAlon—for the Spanner-7 link into the AshaLA Core. And we are waiting for just a bit more back wave to come up. And once that comes up they‘ll let us know when that happens. And it‘s at that point that we will do the next part, which will be the journey downward through the Ring of Fire at Earth‘s Core, which is through the Planetary REi-ShA-ic Record, and into the AshaLA REi-ShAi-c Record, and from there we‘re continue to project further into the Edon Level, where the Ashalum Healing Temples are. And this is a place that you‘re being invited to return to anytime you want to work for personal healing—or, later they‘ll actually teach us how to use this space when doing Kathara facilitation or any of those kind of things in combination with this. So this is the beginning. When we do these things—and we are waiting for the back wave right now, coming up from what we just sent down—um—what? They just said something to me. Vertical conversation. Wait. OK, I‘m supposed to tell you about the Bridge of Sol. When we get the back wave and begin the projection downward and arrive our whole Shield down together, so we each have our own independent Krystar Capsules—we‘re going to envision that Krystar Capsule shape around us, each of us individually, and then a big one around the whole Shield. So—it‘s almost like you have your own little car, flying car, inside a larger one, right? That holds your field intact in your own space, but also you can be a part of the larger thing without taking on the group energy kind of stuff, icky kind of stuff from other people. Once we go down with that it is going to—anchor the opening of final part of the Bridge of Sol, and as soon as that occurs, and as soon as we pass into the Edon Levels in the journey—the Edon Levels of Ashalum—that is when the Tractor Beam will literally come from M31 all the way through that particular Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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chamber that‘s slanted down from there, and anchor right into Earth, and that Tractor Beam is the LockOn—that is, Lock-On to Ascension. So anything that is plugged into the frequencies on the planet—that can run these frequencies—will actually plug into the Tractor Beam. And at that point particularly when you first do it—this won‘t automatically go out to everybody, and there‘s only a third of the populations that could anyway, because of the third upgrades—this is why the healing programs will be useful, because once you are one of those people who have had that Lock-On, you can transmit it to others. And you don‘t—you need to have a certain amount of energy. You have to build enough energy. You can‘t, like, transmit it to everyone on the planet and expect that to work. You have to build the ability, first, to help one person that might not be getting it otherwise. People that come to you—there will be, let‘s say, people who are interested in using the healing system. There will be arrangements made elsewhere as far as who comes to you, and they will all be made on the Levels of Spirit, as far as who needs the level of holding of that energy that you have to offer. So it is almost like your appointments for facilitation, if you‘re going to be a facilitator—you don‘t have to be, but if you‘re going to be, they‘ll be made elsewhere. You also might get a feeling sometime—that you just happen to be walking by someone and that—you get the feeling that you‘re supposed to give it to them, give them The Gift of AquA’elle. You don‘t have to do anything to them, you know, directly, because that would be violating without their permission. What you do is simply blow a spark out your right hand—oh, and it‘s a particular color, I don‘t know what it is yet—it‘s not aqua, it‘s something else—and just down towards their Maharic Shield. And if they want it, they have the right to accept it there. Their Avatar level of consciousness will choose whether or not that‘s appropriate. And it‘s almost like giving them a reserve for later, that their own spiritual parts will talk to them about whether or not that‘s where they need to go. So you‘re not inflicting anything on anyone. Even if it‘s a good thing, it‘s not a gift unless somebody wants it, right? So, anyway, this is the beginning of this. We‘re still waiting on the back wave—that‘s why we‘re talking about this now instead of afterward. But we‘re getting real close. So the Tractor Beam is what sets in motion the anchoring of this on this level through the Halls of Ashalum and AshaLA—will set the one-third Planetary Wide Genetic Upgrades in motion as far as across the collective, not just the people that are projecting right now in this room, with this Shield. But this will set it in motion. There is a whole bunch of other things that are great that this is about, too. This is the grand End to the KaLE-Hara Cycle. And there‘s something we‘ll probably learn about Saturday when we do the next Tribes class that has to do with ―what is that little period of time between the end of the KaLE-Hara and the beginning of the first phase of the KaLA Krysta?‖ Right? Because we‘re entering the KaLA Krysta in May—on May 27—and this is Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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January. So there is something there that we still need to learn, so there will be more to come as far as technicals on what. But this is huge, what‘s happening now, and finally there will be a wave of healing that we will be able to access these deep core healing frequencies that will begin to help us process the rest of whatever the Omega Code mess that‘s still trying to fire in the Shields, because it‘s still around in the Aquafereion Shield. To get rid of that, and then to begin the process of the healing of the other things that weren‘t meant to kill you fast, but they were just meant to kill you slow—you know, you get 70 years or 100 years if you‘re lucky in a life span—but that‘s just a longer term Kill Code because we‘re not supposed to die. So we‘ll work on that, and the healing programs will be geared toward that. OK, now. OK, the first step in doing the—a projection is—we‘re going to—OK, usually we lay on the floor for this, just so you know. We go into what‘s called a Shadra Shield. And we lay in configuration on the floor, so we‘re laying horizontal in the KaLE-Hara Chamber, right? We‘re laying down in it so we can access the Vertical Chamber—the large Vertical Chamber—to bring the Eiradonis up, through the back, because you‘re supposed to do it laying down. What they‘re saying is—because we can‘t do that in this room right now, with all these people—we‘re going to use the Rasha Body, that you can access at any angle, and we‘re going to use the Rasha Body to pick up the Eiradonis and then bring the Rasha Body back into the Physical Body with the Eiradonis, that way. So we can do that. It‘s not as strong an Eiradonis activation as you will get when you do the full lay down on the back and bring it up directly from behind. If you have done the Eiradonis exercises before, or if you have been part of the last Tribes class it was the first time that happened, this will be the activation where the Eiradonis will stay. Instead of popping in and out, doing the resurrection thing, this is where it will engage. Which means it will stay in, and that starts—you know, prepares the body for the process of the merger of the Atomic structure with the Ethos energies progressively through Stage 2. If you haven‘t done any Raising of the Eiradonis technologies yet, you will get part of the—they‘re saying you will get part of the activation through this, but it will be helpful if you can do—what journey number was that? Seven? Yeah. The original one that was given for Tribe-7 for the first Raising of the Eiradonis. If you can do that at least once, to begin the resurrection process, then it will just click in and stick by like— the first time you Raise of the Eiradonis it won‘t stick; it‘ll start phasing for a little bit—for—they‘re saying for a week or two--and then it will just come in and it will stay and hold this whole activation, the full activation. So even if you haven‘t done those before—I don‘t think we have that out yet. (Audience members say ―Virginia Beach.‖) Virginia Beach? It‘s in the Virginia Beach thing. OK. So it is on the DVDs of Virginia Beach. OK. At some point if we ever catch up with ourselves we‘re going to put these into a CD-type journey set that— they‘re going to be cleaned up, they‘re probably going to be even more fun—like, some really fun journeys—but we‘re going to have a set that can be used to progressively train yourselves to Glide, and that‘s the first step in training your body to Slide. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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So, anyway, they‘re saying, getting ready…

Journey to the Halls of AshaLA [D3 C3 0:47:20] A'sha The first thing we‘re going to do is imagine your Rasha Body—like, a small version of your Physical Body as it is now—inside of your AzurA. We‘re going to start it from your AzurA. And just breathe gently and kind of slow your breathing to about half what it is now, just to calm the body and the bio responses. Now, with your little Rasha self that is in the AzurA—imagine that it is sitting just as you are right now. Doesn‘t have to have a chair there, but it‘s just, like, sitting in the same position. And now imagine that it‘s laying down with its head pointed toward your back—like back, and the feet pointed out front, but laying on its back. And that‘s just what you would do if you were going to lay down to Raise the Eiradonis—you would lay your Physical Body down like that on its back. And in a moment we‘re going to use an inhale breath and hold—to bring up from it‘s back—from the Rasha Body‘s back—to bring up the Eiradonis, which is like a sparkly energy that just comes up directly from the back and comes into the body, and it has a form that‘s like the shape of the body but made of sparkly light. So it‘s just like a sparkly light version of yourself coming into the physical body. But this time we‘re bringing it into the Rasha Body, which is the little body that we‘re visualizing laying down inside the AzurA right now So we‘re going to inhale, and Raise the Eiradonis—into the Rasha. And hold. OK. Now we‘re going to very quickly stand up the little image of ourselves inside of our AzurA—stand it right up as if we‘re standing up and it‘s in the same position that you are now. It can be standing or sitting, but so it‘s vertical—and the exhale—we‘re going to push the Eiradonis outward and expand it into the size of the physical body. OK. The next stage is—we are going to imagine the shape of the Krystar Capsule. Remember that Crystal Capsule that was around us? That was our Krystar Vehicle. We are going to next move our Eiradonis Body with the Rasha Body, but the Eiradonis Body will be the size of your Physical Body, and the Rasha Body will still be the small little mini-me that‘s inside of the AzurA. We‘re going to first inhale and hold for a minute—and then push together the two of them forward, just about an arm‘s length out in front. (Sound of exhale.) And now from the AzurA and at the AzurA, imagine that there is a small crystal the shape of a Krystar Crystal Capsule—a little tiny one in there—and we‘re going to inhale and exhale and push it out right into the Rasha and Eiradonis Body that are in front of us.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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And we‘re going to use one more quick, sharp breath to activate it and expand it out around the Eiradonis Body and Rasha Body. And you will notice as the Krystar Crystal Capsule starts to grow from inside the Eiradonis Body and the Eiradonis Body is the same size as your body is, it‘s going to move outward in front of you more so it doesn‘t run you over. So it‘s going to be as if this Krystar Vehicle is forming around the Eiradonis Body and the Eiradonis Body is going to be a little bit further forward to accommodate the size of the Crystal Capsule. And in a moment what it‘s also doing is expanding your Vertical Column pillar, so the—ah—the Mahara Reisha Chamber, I believe that‘s called—that one—the vertical. So as it expands—moves out in front of you—it‘s expanding the width of that pillar that is vertical. And in a moment we‘re going to inhale—now—and first push it upward—push upward with the breath—and imagine that it is—the breath literally lifted the Krystar Crystal Vehicle with your Eiradonis Body and your Rasha Body together inside of it—way up over your head. About a bit more than an arm length, actually, but you can still feel it—it‘s, like, really large. Large but really fine gossamer-type energy. And now we‘re ready to journey. And we are going to journey directly downward, with our Krystar Capsule—we‘re actually going to pull the entire thing directly vertically down through our body with an exhale—we‘ll do that in a minute, inhale, go up and grab it and then exhale it down—but not yet, don‘t grab it yet—leave it up there. I‘m going to try to synchronize it so we can get the whole Shield to go down at once. And we‘re going to push it down and then through our body out down under—down to the ground, and then all the way down to Earth‘s Core— and then there will be a—an experience there that has to do with passing through the Ring of Fire at Earth‘s Core. So this is the beginning of the quick journey into the Halls of AshaLA. Now, inhale and use the inhale to go up and pick up an attachment line to the Krystar Vehicle. (Sound of inhale.) Hold for a moment. And then a strong, firm breath—Exhale it down and pull it literally down through you—and down, down— The Shield that was under our feet here has now doubled—it‘s bi-located and there‘s one down in Earth‘s Core, too. There‘s going to be a point as you pass through the Ring of Fire that‘s known as the Hyperspace Point, where you may see certain visuals in a certain spot, but then all of a sudden there‘s like a pop and then you‘re somewhere else. All right? This is natural. This has to do with how time travel actually works and gate passage actually works, but particularly Core Gates. All right? Now try to get a feel for your Eiradonis Body and your Rasha Body down there. Try to feel yourself in both places inside of your Krystar Capsule way down in Earth‘s Core, and you‘re in the whole Shield—like a big circular dish—Shield—that this—everyone in this room is right now connected to, because we‘re traveling as a Shadra, even though it‘s not in laying-down geometric form. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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The Shield is going to fold up in order to pass through the Ring of Fire—as if it were, say, a flexible plate made of energy—and somebody pulled the little middle point underside of it, and pulled the Shield down into a point and folded it up. It‘s at first like a cone-like structure, but then into a long skinny thing, almost like pulling on a napkin and making it close up. So our whole Shield is going to do that for a moment as we pass through the Ring of Fire at Earth‘s Core. And now to do this, let‘s first inhale and hold—and on the exhale we‘ll pop through the membrane at the Ring of Fire and that will be a Hyperspace pop and…now… You may get a sensation of, like, free-floating in space. Like outer space. Just as if you were kind of swimming-in-the-air kind of feeling—as you see, like, astronauts do, but without a space suit. Your Krystal Capsule‘s still there, still around you. Try to feel the reality of your Eiradonis and Rasha Bodies as they enter this Zero G state, state of zero gravity—where you float. We are still tethered gently—our Krystar Vehicle is tethered to the larger Shield, which has a large Krystar Vehicle around it so we can‘t go floating off and getting lost in wherever it is we are now. And where we are now is getting ready to pass through another Ring of Fire. This one is at the entry into the Core of AshaLA. Now, let‘s inhale—and just imagine a forward push of our Rasha and Eiradonis Bodies down there in the Krystar Vehicle. (Sound of exhale.) Now there will be a pop through the other membrane that is on the AshaLA. This is the first time it‘s been open in a very, very long time. But we‘re not at Ashalum yet. We have passed through the Hall of Records of the Outer Domain, AshaLA, to enter this Ring of Fire. In a moment we‘re going to hang out here, kind floating around as if we have a tether line or a silver cord attaching our Krystar—the bottom of our Krystar Vehicle—to the group Shield. The tether line can go as long as you want—and we‘re in this very interesting core space and you can‘t see really any parameters. It looks like you can float around forever, and yet still feel like you‘re enclosed. You‘re in the Memory Crystal—the Core Memory Crystal—right now, where the Shield is of AshaLA, and we‘re going to float around a little bit, kind of like if we were in a balloon. And the string will make sure you don‘t fly away or get lost or anything. But you can kind of experience the floaty swimming-in-the-air feeling that you‘ll feel inside your Krystar— you still have your Krystar around you. Try to feel that, because there will be a time in Slide when you can actually experience that with the Physical Body as well. And the more you can move your consciousness into the Eiradonis and Rasha State the more you will be able to even feel what the reality of what that is like, the more your body will become accustomed to holding the frequencies that are associated with—so it assists in Slide. And what we‘re waiting for in a moment here is there‘s going to be a rumble feeling. Not sound, so much, but a rumble from the Core of AshaLA. It‘s going to spread into Earth‘s Core, and it‘s going to also spread into the AquA‘elle—Spirit of AquA’elle—Sha-La-3—its 13-Core Gate. Number 13 Core Gate.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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This rumble has to do with a tone set that has been released. It‘s a set of three Harmonics—which are I forget how many Trynes—quite a few—that the AshaLA Star is going to release. And it‘s going to release it into the M31 Aquinos Matrix, right into its Central Sun in its AzurA. And in a moment there‘s going to be a massive bright light that just like beams down, like just a major bright light of—mainly it will look at first white with a silver tint, like silver specks floating around parts of it, with little shots of pale, pale Heliotalic rainbow colors and little bits of pearly pastel colors that have to do with the LaVas, the Core LaVas from the Eye of God. So in a moment… And as we experience this, this is occurring in the Earth‘s grid. We are anchoring and creating an easy anchor, instead of a hard whack anchor, for the Tractor Beam from the Center Sun of M31. All right. Now, they‘re going to ask us to inhale and hold in a moment, and as it comes in we‘re going to exhale with it—as it comes in. They‘ll let us know when that is. OK, let‘s Inhale now and be ready to receive the beam… And now exhale downward. And try to feel the spread of the light all around the Core down there. You can feel it as heat—almost as if it were like liquid lava skin on your Physical Body, just from what the Eiradonis and Rasha Body are experiencing down there in the Core. Just breathe easy now. And with your breathing there will be a stream of what appear to be—they‘re actually vapors. But they look like pale very pretty pastel colored smoke, and one is a pale turquoise, one is a pale golden-silver, and one is pale violet-pink. And they are entwined. Like braiding, as the smoke curls up. That smoke is going to curl up through your Krystar Vehicle that‘s still down there and all the way up the cord that connects your body to the Krystar Vehicle. All the way up. And you‘ll begin to be able to feel two little veins of it—of the three mixed, like braiding together but making two braids now—coming up beneath your feet and entering your feet through the Chakras by the balls of your feet. Try to feel the sensation of the vapors coming in. Vapors are thermoplasm. There‘s a thermoplasmic wave. Gentle. Feel it move up past the E-Umbi. And up through and past the AzurA. Up into your head and through and past the third eye in the Rajhna. And it starts to spin as it moves through the Crown Chakra, the seventh Chakra, and up and out.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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And it seems to stretch on for eons, way up over your head until—where you can‘t see it anymore. But you just know it‘s there. This Vapor Trail is a direct link to the AshaLA Core. It will stay with you for as long as you want it to be there and keep that open. It is that—like a cord. You could imagine your Eiradonis Body and your Rasha Body together with their Krystar Vehicle around them, sliding down from out of your body, down into—to go back to visit AshaLA. But before we bring the Shield up we‘re going to take it one step further. We‘re going to go to the Healing Temples of Ashalum. Which is the Inner—the Middle Domain of the—of AshaLA. It is the domain of the UmShaddEi Level, which is the Middle Seed Atom. And that‘s why it‘s called Ashalum. And we will remain there now…in a moment… All right. Now, just breathe gently and imagine that you are bringing—if you‘ve been floating off on your little cord off the Shield, the Group Shield, down in the Core of AshaLA, it is now time to bring in your tether line and park your Krystar Vehicle back on the Shield Platform that is inside the big Krystar Vehicle. In a moment there is going to be a shrinking, where literally the whole Shield and everyone‘s Rasha and Eiradonis Body in it are going to shrink and become very, very small momentarily in order to pass from the Outer Domain expansion to the Edon Middle Domain. So let‘s inhale and hold for a moment—and now that the shrinking has happened, we will use the exhale to push downward. And as we push, the entire Shield goes down through as if an endless well of—it feels like water, but also like air. Doesn‘t feel wet. But it has the consistency of water, but it is air. And we are moving downward. We are moving through the Core, through the Ring of Fire, through the Outer Domain, into the Edon Middle Domain. And here—we will begin to make friends here, because the Ashalum attendants—the attendants of the Ashalum Healing Temples—are lovely beings. Some of us have incarnations as them, as those beings. We may find ourself there. Or you may find someone who knows you. This is the beginning point of many, many healing journeys that you can go on, on your own. You have the Vapor Trail now. The Vapor Trail is that cord that will connect you directly. We have run the Vapor Trail down into the Edon Level. Now the Healing Temples are beautiful. Imagine Core Crystal Temples—those big pylon temples—of all sorts of colors. But as if—you know how cave—cave dwellers here, or cliff dwellers—have carved right into the rock cliff on Earth? You see these in Arizona and Colorado and places where Native Americans have lived in things. Well, imagine crystals like that, but that hold huge amounts of people, and have rooms of every kind. They are similar to the Adashi Temples, but not exactly the same. And we‘ll find—we will be going on healing journeys specifically to the Ashalum Healing Temples.

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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And this—this is a celebration. There are so many things that we wish we could say more fully in the English language here, but at times we reach a point where words cannot say enough, and almost take away from the direct cognition experience. When you move with—and if you ride your Vapor Trail down just by the intention of do so—just mentally think ―I‘d like my Eiradonis Body, my Rasha Body and my Krystar Vehicle to just—inhale—think it—and ride the Vapors down, and the rest will take care of itself because you‘ve done it once in group the long way. All right? You can leave a tracer of yourself there, which means you can leave a part of yourself, like make a double of your Rasha and Eiradonis Body in the Krystar, and leave that part of you there to go study or to go heal a certain body part—or to explore—while you come back, because you have other things to do in 3-D. But just remember to go and collect your tracer, so you can take to yourself and back into your Physical DNA the knowledge that it gained. Because it will have knowledge and experience or perhaps healing currents that it would, you know, use if you were to ask for healing treatments. You will meet someone here, each of you, when you next go there intentionally, by your own intention, when you are alone. You will meet someone that is a very loving fully Krystic Krystar being of the Edon Levels—of the Middle Levels—and there will be a reason why this particular being has met you. It will not necessarily be a human person—I had a journey not too long before, and I met an extremely intelligent what looked like jelly fish person that hung in the air with the tentacles like legs. And I remember thinking ―Jelly fish person?‖ I found out that‘s me on the AdorA side. It‘s one of my AdonA incarnations. And it knows a lot more than me. So you can meet ones that are human, you may meet ones that are you, or you may meet ones that know you, but there will be a reason why you meet first the ones you do. They will have first something to share with you, a gift of memory to give back to you that will help you with the next step to your personal journey. And they will agree to continue meeting with you. If you don‘t like that person you can ask for someone else. It‘s kind of like the Greeters we‘ve had at the Adashi Temples, when we projected to the Adashi Temples, but these are more like the doctors, as far as these have specific training in healing of bodies and of preparing bodies for ascension or for rapid ascension. These are the Load-Out Masters, where they have orchestrated evacuations from this planet at various times before, in order to preserve the species—the Angelic Human species, the Aquari Human species—so they have a specialty. It‘s like going to very special doctors that use light and sound—they don‘t need to use needles and things like that. So they use light and sound as their tools of healing. And sometimes they use—there are Video Rooms here, you can call them. They‘re like large spheres that have a single chair—that‘s kind of an angled chair of what—it is actually a seat of energy, but it resembles what would be kind of like a reclining chair—and in these spaces sometimes the healing is releasing a trauma from a different life or from a memory from this life, when—you can start to watch movies that pertain to the next step of healing, that allow the Mental and Emotional Bodies to release things so the Physical Bodies can release. So you may find yourself going through some of those. Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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You may find yourself being handed books—and if you find yourself being handed books or tomes of books or tapes or CDT plates or little things—they won‘t be full CDT Plates, they will be things that hold information. It is partially a symbolic transfer, but it is also a real transfer. You are being given certain information that was yours, and that—you‘re being asked to—to—study, sort of, but it‘s a study that you would do in the sleep state. Where when you go into dream state or Sa’dhi State—of short sleep that you wake up somewhere else kind of dream. You will explore the knowledge that was being given to you, and it will only be given to you in answer to a question that you ask—if you ask for assistance in a certain way, it will be given in response to that question. So, this has been a very powerful activation. We are going to bring ourselves back up now, and bring ourselves back, our Eiradonis Body back up, and with our Rasha and our Krystar Vehicle. If you would like to leave a tracer down there in the Ashalum Healing Temples, now would be the time to do that. And to do that, simply inhale, Hold for a moment—and then exhale, push out, and see come out in front of you down there another version just exactly the same, as if you just doubled yourself and the Krystar Vehicle down there. Now leave the lungs empty for a moment and on the next inhale we‘re going to pull up and pull the Krystar Vehicle with everything in it back up and leave the tracer down there. And hold at the top of the inhale—till the whole Shield comes in. And gently exhale. Your Krystar Vehicle with its Eiradonis Body and the Rasha are still up there—again, up above your head. Now simply use one more gentle inhale to go up and get them—and a gentle exhale to bring the whole thing—still big—down to the AzurA Level. And then one quick sharp inhale to pull it into a little tiny speck of light inside of your AzurA. Then relax and leave the little speck of light there. And you will have on call, any time you‘d like to travel fast, you have now your Rasha Body with the Eiradonis Body within the Krystar Capsule.

End of Journey Now, if you haven‘t done the Raising the Eiradonis at all before, you need to amplify that for that to remain there, by using the technique that was given in the Virginia Beach workshop. You could also use other things to amplify that, even if you have done those before. So we will be given more technologies that work with that. But for now you have kind of like an on-demand, or on-command, Krystar Vehicle fully loaded with its Eiradonis and Rasha Body for projection purposes. And you have the Vapor Trail, which is that set of three pale vapors that are coming up directly and connecting you directly to the Healing Temples of Ashalum. We‘d like to thank you for participating in these activations. It assists the planet itself for being able to handle these activations when they come in. Because they will come in whether or not we are here to Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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2008 FOL January Phoenix—Engaging the Load-Out; the Last Ascension Cycle & the Gate of AshaLA

anchor it, but if we were not here to anchor it, it would come in very rocky and the Bridge would have a very hard time holding it together. It is because the Aquafereion Shield was coded for this purpose, that collectively it would hold the ability to anchor these frequencies so they can spread out gently into the Earth and avoid potential Earth Changes that could otherwise happen when you have frequencies of this strength coming into a Planetary Core. So, we‘re going to return you now to yourselves—and with the accent you might hear, if you don‘t know me, not been to a workshop before or seen many, this is my Azara Level self, that is my Urtha Level self. I have incarnate there as one in the Adashi Temples, and when I interface directly to allow this body to carry that much of myself, I get what sounds like a bit of a Transylvanian accent. And so, it is there—it‘s not channeling. It is different. It is me, and I know that. And I know that—where I am in both spaces. That‘s why when some people say ―Oh, I‘m channeling Azara‖—―Ah, excuse me? No, you‘re not channeling Azara, I AM Azara, and I would know if you were channeling me. And you‘re not.‖ Right. So, anyway—anyway, thank you very much for your patience, and I‘ll let stop time, and I didn‘t even want to look at our late end time. But I hope you have enjoyed this workshop. I hope you will enjoy the Healing Temples. We have participated in huge things tonight. Hopefully soon we can catch up with the words that will allow us to explain how exciting this was. And now the Gates directly here, in the ShAlon-7, of Spanner-7 in the Phoenix area, are now open, so there will be huge healing frequencies available in this area. This will progress as we open other ones in other sites. And eventually we hope to get them all open through all of the Hubs as we move forward in time. So have a safe trip home, wherever Home is. And remember, it‘s time to start thinking about Making Home, just in case navigation goes down some day and you end up kind of stuck where you are until you learn to Slide. Think about where you might feel comfortable and might like that, and try to move yourself in those directions. Not in a hurry, but 2014 is the absolute earliest that level would happen—unless we went into— something like a big crisis mode that went wrong (Azara accent fades back to Ash‘s) and then we‘d have like three-day evac now, right? And they‘d let us know. We‘d get the three-day call, and they would take us into the Evac Chambers for a very fast Load-Out. But we‘re not looking at that happening. Things are going quite well, actually, for the Krystics and the Ascension Cycle. So, I will say good night. That‘s always the hardest part—I never know when to shut up. (Applause, someone in audience yells ―Thank you!‖) Thank you! Thank you all for coming. Can I say ―night night?‖ Night night! Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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2008 FOL January Phoenix—Engaging the Load-Out; the Last Ascension Cycle & the Gate of AshaLA

Have a very safe trip home. And New Year! Yes, I keep forgetting about New Year. Happy FOL!

[End of Workshop]

Copyright A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

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