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English Pages [126] Year 2010
FOL—January 1-3, 2010: Sarasota, Florida
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Festival of Light January 1-3, 2010: Sarasota, Florida Friday Evening Orientation [Audio Track 1] A‘sha We‘re going to have to have a digital recorder shelf right in front of the table – seriously! Good evening everybody, and welcome to Sarasota. This feels like a fun group. For anybody that might be new…I don‘t know if anybody‘s new anymore but, if you‘re new – if you don‘t know who we are, we‘re A & A – A‘sha and A‘san, and we‘re here on behalf of the Mashaya-Hana Councils and the Azurite Press of the Melchizedek Cloister. Anyway, it‘s really good to see you. I hope you‘ve had a great New Year‘s! I think…it‘s been a wonderful New Year‘s for us for one reason…and it‘s not because I just became a Grandma…that‘s another good reason…(applause) thanks to my lovely daughter, Zhan. But there‘s one thing we seriously have to celebrate…at least some of us do. I don‘t know if anyone‘s noticed, in 2009, that it‘s been a very rough energetic year in the Shield, and one of the greatest things we can celebrate, this workshop, is that it‘s OVER, right. So it is 2010, and let‘s make it a good one. A‘san: And we are still here! A‘sha: Still standing… A‘san: …and will continue to be here…for a little while. A‘sha: So it‘s really interesting. This is another one of those…I‘d have to count them up to find out because the Beloveds are chuckling at me these days and saying, ―why don‘t we just call them ‗Mystery Workshops‘?‖ A mystery workshop is when I show up and they haven‘t even told me the title of it yet. Which usually means it‘s on security clearance. We‘ve been working on graphs for about a week and I‘m on graph number 10 – they‘re rather intricate – and I‘m saying, ok, I understand this but where does this fit? What is the program? They‘re like, ―You‘ll see.‖ So we‘re in one of those modes where there‘s going to be lots of graphs. We‘re going to be learning some interesting things during this workshop. Usually the FOL workshops are a bit more just kind of like an overview and update of where we are, and a bit more of just like celebration and people getting together. But this year it‘s a bit longer, where The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 126
FOL—January 1-3, 2010: Sarasota, Florida
we do have…we have the Drum Circle on the beach tomorrow – we‘ve got the beach permits from 4:00 til 8:00 pm and in the afternoon, from about 3:00 to 12:00 we‘ll do… A‘san: How about 12:00 to 3:00? A‘sha: Sorry about that! Yeah, I‘m getting dyslexic on time, yeah, 12:00 to 3:00. Yeah that‘s better, thank you. From noon til 3:00, how‘s that? Because at 3:00 they board the buses for the beach. So we‘ll be working on whatever technique it is that we need to do, and the understanding of what grid work it is that we‘re participating in on the beach. The Beloveds have said there are three Activations coming through during this workshop – three rather large ones, and the first part will take place during the Drum Circle, and we‘re going to…when we have our first session tomorrow, before the Drum Circle, we‘re going to learn more about what that particular one is about. And that‘s going to take us up till about 8:00 pm unless it rains and gets really miserable on the beach or something. Because they said it‘s supposed to be chilly but sunny, so it should be pleasant, and if we‘re doing Drum Circle… because it ends up Drum Circle/Dance Circle/people bouncing around and you know, it shouldn‘t be unpleasant to be there. I just wouldn‘t recommend swimming in the water right now. It would be a bit cold. But once we do that…and I‘m hoping again…for me, what we‘ve come to call the ―Orb Fests‖ have a special meaning. They‘re just kind of like a re-affirmation of something you can see that says, ―Yeah, we are here. You know, we really are. We‘ll come visit you.‖ So they never promised that they will, because it depends on certain conditions energetically, whether they can say we will do another Orb Fest where, you know, bring your cameras because we‘ll do that. But when we do Drum Circle events – particularly when we‘re using some of the tones – the Orb Call tones – that allow for the inter-dimensional interface, the chances are, we probably will again have that type of phenomenon. So it‘s worth bringing your cameras if you care about catching Orbs. Orbs are the beginning, is what they‘re been saying for a long time. We‘ve been understanding Orbs from the inside out as we learned about the Jha-DA‘ body and the different levels of our Spirit Body and our Light Body structures. We learned about ourselves as Orbs – our Consciousness being able to go into the State of Orb in order to transmigrate from this planet in the process called Ascension. So when we see these Orbs that are in photographs now, it gives us a different perspective than just like, ―what are they?‖ or ―something‘s visiting.‖ We understand that we have that capacity too. We have the capacity to orb too. Not all Orb structures are visiting Consciousness in the same way as if we were visiting somewhere in our Jha-DA‘ body. Some of them are Elemental Orb Flows, so there‘s a lot to learn about these. But they‘re just the beginning of an interface between dimensional structures, and when we‘re dealing with Guardian Orbs we are dealing with Transharmonic dimensional structures. They don‘t just go up and down the dimensional scales – interface between like different Density levels – it also goes through from the Outer Domains where we are, through the Middle, the Inner and the Core. So there‘s a much larger range of localities from which the visitations can occur.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 126
FOL—January 1-3, 2010: Sarasota, Florida
So there‘s phenomena that I‘ve seen…I don‘t have any photos myself of this type of phenomena, but I‘ve seen Orb phenomena turn into where the Orbs start to circulate and form vortices, and then like space opens up inside the vortices and you can see into other places. So that type of phenomena is something that these Orb Fests may move into. So I‘m hoping that we have another joyful visitation Orb Fest tomorrow as we do the grid work. The point isn‘t to have an Orb Fest. The point is to do the grid work. Because through our participation in the energetic work that is assisting this planet in keeping its Ascension Gates open, that we are assisting in giving a gift to the planet in that regard…it gives a gift back to us, because it accelerates our own Ascension processes and potentials. So that‘s kind of the work that we do, but it‘s also fun. If that‘s work that‘s pretty good, because it‘s quite fun to do the drum circles. They did say something about introducing some new drum codes that…they haven‘t given them to me yet, but it has to do with the diagrams. The diagrams that we‘ve been working on we‘ll probably not see much of until Sunday because, unlike a lot of the FOLs, we‘re actually going to have the short orientation tonight, but we‘re going to have the afternoon session, then the beach thing, and then it‘s going to be dinner time, you know for the dinner, when you get back from the beach. But then we‘re also going to have Sunday, where we‘re doing program – we‘ll have technicals on Sunday, so that‘s when the graphs are probably going to become a part of the program. And there‘s more graphs to do. So I‘m going to be working. When you‘re not seeing me I‘ll be up doing graphs and things like that, to have that program put together. There‘s something that…they haven‘t mentioned what it is yet, other than the fact that there are a couple of surprises, right, and they‘re talking to me, but it‘s like a surprise to all of us. So once again we will have the opportunity to learn together. That‘s one of the things that…it‘s frustrating to me because as a person who is the person up there with a microphone that people come to see and expect me to teach you something, right, it can be really unnerving not knowing what it is I‘m supposed to teach yet. So I learn with you and that‘s good because it keeps us on the same playing field. It stops that ‗Guru-ness‘. You know what I mean, when you come in and…‖Oh, they know so much and we know so little.‖ It isn‘t – we learn together. You come and each of you bring a certain frequency with you – with your DNA and with your Consciousness. And the combination of everyone that comes allows for the release of more information in literally from the transmissions that the Beloveds send. So it‘s actually a community effort. I just happen to be the secretary that takes it down into writing and then tries to get it to you as fast as possible. So for me this has been an interesting year. 2009 for me has been like, ―can we skip that year please and just get it off the calendar?‖ You know, like wipe it off my memory, thanks. You know, I could have done without that one. There were a lot of good changes that occurred, but they weren‘t easy changes, and there was a lot of energy craziness in the Shield with the Alpha-Omega Temple Complexes being activated by the other groups, and all of that. So for me as this…that year went away, thankfully. And we enter 2010. 2010 – wow two years away from the big 2012. I‘m finding myself getting a bit philosophical about the whole experience of what this work has become – of having the information here on the planet in the first place. Sometimes I‘ll stand back from myself and just observe it – just observe the phenomena. I will just observe the work itself, ok, so it‘s this and it‘s this. What does it say The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 3 of 126
FOL—January 1-3, 2010: Sarasota, Florida
about God? What does it say about science…what does it say about structure? And compare that to the other things that I‘m aware of on the planet. And it never fails to…no matter how frustrated I get with my process sometimes – because I do get frustrated coming into workshops where I don‘t even have an itinerary yet – I don‘t enjoy that at all. But when I look at the work, when I take that step back and get a bit philosophical, or just compare what this belief system is – it‘s not about me, it‘s about what these ideas are and how life-giving are they for the potentials of the human race – compared to some of the other ideas that are out there. And it never ceases to amaze me when I compare, because you have little pieces of really good ideas in a lot of different places, a lot of different religions, a lot of different scientific perspectives, a lot of philosophies, but no one rounds it all up and shows where all of these pieces fit. No one gives Cosmic structure. I mean none of the other belief systems – even the ones claiming to be the Sacred Geometry masters and that kind of thing – like the ―Bloom of Doom‖ paradigm and all of that. They‘re not showing you Cosmic structure. They‘re giving a little bit about dimensions; they‘re giving a little bit about sacred geometry; they give a little bit about a thing that looks like a Kathara Grid that isn‘t; they give a little bit about the Fibonacci spiral and tell you a little bit about it. But the dots are never connected of how do all these pieces fit. And that‘s the one thing that this body of work consistently does. It shows us more and more pieces and how they fit, to the point where I myself – and I don‘t know if any of you feel like this – just feel overwhelmed by the amount of detail that is sometimes there. It‘s like, ―Can‘t you just like give me the Cliff notes or like the little summary please?‖ And they say, ―Well this is the summary.‖ Yeah right! When I look back further and see some of the things that we‘ve learned in the past to get us…and compared to what we are learning now…we are learning things about much more advanced DNA Activations, planetary Grid Activations and some very massive information on history – our historical realities on this planet and in this galaxy, and what that means for today. If we hadn‘t learned the things before…if we hadn‘t learned about what a Kathara Grid is, what the Light Body structures are, compared to the Spirit Body structures – what the cycles of…where does it start, from conception all the way through. You know, if we didn‘t learn about these things, what we‘re moving into now, we wouldn‘t be able to anchor the understanding of the larger things we‘re trying to comprehend. It‘s like ok, how does the body actually transfigure so it can go through a Gate? And when it goes through a Gate where exactly is it going to end up? And how does this process work, how can we get to the point where we can participate in it? So I look at this work sometimes – I try to remove myself from it and just look at it and say, ―do I really still believe everything that‘s being taught here?‖ And I always do. It always comes out where even when I look at it and try to be objective and say, hmmm, some of it‘s uncomfortable – I would prefer to have us have a lovely hunky dory history back there where there was no warring and all that kind of stuff over grids. But that‘s not the reality. I mean even now people are warring over grids, you know in different countries and…in fact the US is over in Afghanistan and other places. So the grid wars are in our face now, but they have been a part of our history. I would prefer that that wasn‘t there, but it is. Some of the things have been uncomfortable to learn, but I still always come back, for me personally, to the point where I would rather know this, even though The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 4 of 126
FOL—January 1-3, 2010: Sarasota, Florida
it‘s unpleasant, than think everything was one way and it actually isn‘t, where I‘m just being led like a lemming off a cliff to…in our speak, a 55-Activation where you completely lose your Ascension potential genetically from that point forward because you were spinning your Merkabas the wrong way, and the planetary fields took over and took you into Fall. I would much rather know the hard stuff, so these are some of the things that I think about. And I‘m only talking about me right now because I go through periods, just like any one person would…I think many of you probably have experienced various levels of it where you go ―Oh God, isn‘t there just a simpler way, a more peaceful way? I really don‘t want to deal with the FA‘s, you know Fallen Angelics, all that kind of stuff…what if I just don‘t believe they exist?‖ It‘s like just move forward in a happy, happy, light, love and clueless…sometimes it sounds good, after you‘ve learned some of the information that the Beloveds have given us. It‘s like, ―at least for a little while?‖ So I can calm down and not go ―what are they trying to do now, you know, in the planetary Shield?‖ But I wanted to talk about me just a little so you could understand me as a 3D person as well as the person who is the secretary who brings this information to you from the Beloveds. There‘s a lot of…it‘s been quite a journey, from the first time when the Beloveds and I wrote the Voyagers books – they wrote them – I took them down. That was how I learned all about that history. A lot of it I actually had flashes of. I didn‘t know where it fit. I had memories, incarnational memories of a lot of those periods. But I didn‘t have all the details – I didn‘t know what order they went in – I didn‘t know certain facts about it that came out when they were giving the CDT Plate Records. There have been times when I‘ve wanted to quit. Not quit with the Beloveds, but quit attempting to teach it publicly. Just because there‘s a lot from the other camps, let‘s say, on the planet, and people being moved by other soul groups who are supporting the Fall. It has not been pleasant! There‘s been a lot of slander, there‘s been a lot of just harassment, that kind of thing, directed at us – at A‘san and I – because of the things that we teach. And it would have been so much easier just to be an artist. And I was good enough where I could have been. You know I could have just pursued that and made my nice little living painting portraits and that kind of thing. So it‘s not that I didn‘t have an option. I didn‘t pursue those things because there was no time left after doing this and trying to take care of my family. There wasn‘t room for that. But one of the things that makes me keep coming back, where I still make that choice that we‘ll go public with the information, is the fact that you keep coming back. And the people who keep coming to the workshops who care and they want to learn…the fact that you care and you want to learn and you believe this too…it‘s like you get it. You get the fact that it‘s important. You get the fact that ok, here we go with whacky hours again. Well, when that happens it happens. It‘s not convenient but sometimes that‘s what it takes in order to get the information. If you guys haven‘t quit how could I? That‘s how I look at it. So it‘s been really rough for me in certain ways with this. Particularly this past year – I mean we got off moving over to Florida from Arizona and all of that. It‘s just been very, very hectic in a lot of ways. And then there was the craziness happening in the Shield, particularly around the July period, where the FA groups were really going after the Watchtower Shield specifically, so they could interface with the Shield of Solomon and try to take it down and put it on reverse code. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 5 of 126
FOL—January 1-3, 2010: Sarasota, Florida
And there was constant harassment – you know, astral harassment and that kind of thing that was happening – in our house, in our family, in the Shield in general. So it gets a little disheartening. I don‘t know how many of you have felt some of that energy in this last year, particularly since July. It‘s just almost like trying to climb uphill in mud, where you keep climbing but you keep ending up in the same place because the mud is making your feet slide, and you haven‘t slid further back than you were, but you haven‘t made any headway moving forward or upward either, because it‘s like constantly the mud is…you can‘t get traction to go up further. That‘s my interpretation of what the energy has felt like in the Shield since July. And I‘ve been talking with the Beloveds – should I say groaning at the Beloveds, like ―what is happening with this? There‘s stuff happening in the Shield isn‘t there?‖ They‘re saying, ―Yes there is, but you don‘t really need to know about it now, unless you want to take down a 60-page dissertation on the negative stuff.‖ And you know we‘ve done enough of that. If it‘s important and we need to know it, of course we will…I will be glad to take it down. But they‘re trying to keep me, and everyone else, focused on the positive direction this is about. There‘s a lot of turbulence in the Shield right now – there‘s going to be, through 2012 and past 2012, because literally…and we‘ll learn a little bit about this in this workshop with the graphs that they‘ve been giving me…we‘re going to look at the spirals – the Krystal Spiral and the Fib-of-no-Chi spiral, and what they have to do with the galaxy and the solar system, and something called Creation Spirals that are literally currents of energy that run through the natural systems and also the unnatural systems that have been created by the NET. We‘re going to look at those, and they‘re particular ones – particular currents – that have to do with these Creation Spirals, that are important to what needs to be done with the Ascension Groups. And we are Ascension Groups – we are planning to up, we are not planning to get caught in the Fall. What we need to do between now and 2012 – we are actually trusted as THE Grid-Keepers group on the planet as far as the Ascension Gates go. Because nobody else is listening. Any other group out there thinks they‘re doing the Ascension work…they‘re welcome to come and join with us. But what they‘re doing is they‘re doing Metatronic science, most of them. If they‘re willing to come and learn about…excuse me, this is why we spin the Merkabas this way, right, and if you‘re going to do grid work with us we suggest not doing it that way because actually, what you‘re doing is creating the opposite of what you think you‘re creating. So there‘s a lot of other people that consider themselves grid-workers; grid-masters; you know, time lords…whatever they consider themselves out there…there‘s a lot of groups in the New Age movement that are doing grid work and consider themselves trustees of the planet. But they know nothing about the information that we‘ve taught. They know nothing about the structure of a Star-gate; they know nothing about the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates, and if they don‘t know about that they‘re not grid-masters. They have little pieces of information and a little bit of knowledge can be a very dangerous thing – particularly when you‘re applying it to Star-Gates and things. So I‘m hoping, and I do believe, at some point we will see that there will be more people that actually do start to wake up from those type of groups, and start to say, ―you know what, this makes more sense,‖ and I‘ll be like, ―yeah, we know! Nice of you to notice – come on over!‖ The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 6 of 126
FOL—January 1-3, 2010: Sarasota, Florida
You don‘t have to believe in everything we teach to have a sense of unity in the desire to achieve Ascension. Ascension is not a fantasy. It‘s been created as a fantasy here since the teachings of Ascension were actually taken away, but it is a process, as we always taught. It is a bio-physical, bio-spiritual process that can still occur. So we teach the technicals and sometimes that‘s like going through calculus class and never escaping. That‘s what it feels like for me sometimes anyway. Don‘t make me remember Partiki spins anymore please – and that kind of thing – you promised there‘d be no math. But there‘s always a little bit of math…fortunately not a lot, because they would have had to hire someone else because I only have a tenth grade math education. I‘m just chatting about…it‘s kind of like overview step-back space that I am in that…what means the most to me, being stuck in the middle, between your relationship with the Beloveds…I tend to be stuck in the middle at the moment because I‘m the one that gets the written information down directly. And everyone can achieve their own relationship with the Beloveds – with the Adashi Masters. When I think of Beloveds, that‘s a very broad term. There‘s lots of Beloveds up there that are working the Krystic Eternal Life programs. But the ones that…as far as who am I going to point it at for myself…I like to look to the Adashi Adepts because they are the ones who have done this. They have achieved what we are attempting to achieve. They have transfigured, they have gone through the transfiguration from a biological system like this, and they have gone through to where they are…I mean some of them are actually Consciousness of suns and stars at this point. They have evolved their Consciousness that large. Others are still in the individual body, but an Eternal Life Body. So these are the ones that have actually gone through the processes that we‘ve gone through. So there‘s…we‘ve got the Buddha teams and we‘ve got all sorts of people that we can create relationships with now, that the Beloveds have taught us about, and each have their kind of specialty. Some of them are more for healing – you know, they help you with healing, some are for this, some are more for that. But in general the Adashi Adepts are the ones that are…they are the Ascension Masters, particularly in systems that are distressed. This is a distressed system. This is a system that has 200 years left before its Ascension Gates close, and that‘s it. And they‘re closed and that‘s it. And once that‘s it, they don‘t re-open. And it‘s not considered big and horrible in the greater scheme of the universe. It‘s considered cause and effect, and certain systems do go the direction that this system is going. But that doesn‘t mean everybody in the system has to. The people that listen to the work that the Beloveds have given us are in a unique position on this planet. Once you learn this information, first you can step back and go ―Wow!‖ There‘s not too many people on the planet who know any of this. It‘s kind of uncomfortable at first, right, because it would be a lot easier to say everybody celebrates Christmas because Jesus was born on the 25 th of December, and let‘s go do our trees or let‘s go do Hanukah or whatever our simple holiday structures were with simple belief systems that thousands, if not millions of other people share with you.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 7 of 126
FOL—January 1-3, 2010: Sarasota, Florida
Can you imagine how many people…you could probably fit them all in one room…who really know that this planet is going to become where it cannot sustain life within the next 200 years. That‘s huge – in terms of species evolution! I mean yes, we‘re having issues with the polar icecaps – they‘re not going to go away. We‘re having issues with the sun and solar storm potential – they‘re only going to get worse. This is a progression toward life after Earth, and that‘s why the Beloveds chose that title for ―Life After Earth‖. It‘s not that life is going to end in 2012, no. But the wheels for life as we know it on Earth, ending, have already been set in motion as of 2007, with the Solar Bhardoah starting. There are so few people. Everybody…sometimes I feel as if I‘m floating as a cloud, and I just look down on the Earth and see how the people and all the different cultures and countries, bustling around doing their everyday whatever-it-is they do every day. And some of them are rich and some of them are poor, and some of them are happy and some of them are sad. And everyone is focused just right here. You know, little tiny tunnel vision. And nobody really thinks about life after Earth. It‘s like…move through this hologram where you just think it‘s always going to be there, and like people have children and they think, oh well they‘ll just teach their children what they know and that‘s fine and that will work because it‘s always going to be there. We‘re literally a Wave of Consciousness – we represent the people who are a part of this group – and even the ones who know it intuitively, who never heard of this work – there‘s a knowing that we carry that Wow! We‘re the Wrap-Up Team. Because we‘re being allowed to understand the larger species issue that is taking place here. We are watching the beginning of the extinction of what was known as the Earth Human race. That doesn‘t mean that people are going to die and be gone and forgotten and all of that. It doesn‘t mean they won‘t evolve past death on this planet. Everyone will. The ones that are going in Ascension will have the next vertical step up into their evolutionary destiny, and the ones that are going into Fall will also have many, many eons in fall system evolution. So Consciousness is changing form, is what‘s actually occurring. It‘s not being annihilated. We‘re actually poised right before this huge set of events that progressively will lead to the complete change of the life forms on this planet. And to be able to…I find sometimes feeling very grateful because I‘ve been trusted with that knowledge – trusted not to freak out, go, ―Eeeee! Oh no, the world‘s ending, the world‘s ending!‖ – Chicken Little-type. Not going to do that. Just to be able to be shown that perspective of, yes, a transfiguration is occurring on this planet. It‘s not happening overnight, it‘s not happening in one day, it‘s not going to go ―bang, zoom,‖ in 2012 and everything‘s going to be shifted. We‘re going to see pieces of it and pieces of it, and we‘re the first wave of people who are actually aware of where this is going. This is not just like a trial run. This is not a fire drill, right. There is a certain amount of time left until this planet can no longer sustain life. At least science is starting to catch up with us on that one, where they‘re starting to realize…I mean that water‘s going to be gone within 50 years, as far as drinkable water. People keep having more and more children. There are more and more people starving. There are less and less food supplies, water supplies, all of that. This is not a sustainable culture, what has grown here. It is just not sustainable. It has worked in an attempt to dominate nature instead of working with nature in a cooperative way. And eventually systems that are The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 8 of 126
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built upon dominion and destruction find themselves being dominated and destroyed in one form or another. And our civilization is moving in that direction progressively. [0:27:47] We‘re fortunate in one way right now. We‘re not actually in the hardest part yet. That might not come for another 100 years…or it might come 2017. It depends on how the grids hold. Right now we have the illusions of, wow we can go to a supermarket, go grab whatever for dinner, pop it in the microwave, we can go watch TV, we can do the DVD thing, we just have this lifestyle that is great. We go in and we flush toilets all the time, we take showers, we take long baths, some of us have swimming pools. I mean, all this stuff! And this is like normal – what everybody on the planet strives to achieve. It‘s not just the American Dream. It‘s the dream of anybody who‘d like to be comfortable and have a nice place to be. Except that dream and that way is not sustainable with this many people on a planet. So we‘re in an interesting place where we can see that this is going to go nowhere – this cultural model will have to change, even for the time that‘s left. There‘s going to have to be much more green evolution, as far as taking responsibility for using the resources wisely that are left, while we are here. But it doesn‘t mean martyring yourself, because honestly you can‘t fix what is happening here – not while you have a huge amount of Illuminati-controlled beings on the planet who are hell-bent on not changing it. They‘re going to ride it to the end; exploit it to the end; suck as much energy out of it; dig as much coal; take as much oil; do whatever. Even if they were going to find out that if in 50 years, if they took any more oil out of the ground it would collapse the planet, do you think they would stop? No, they wouldn‘t – they would keep doing it. There is a Consciousness on this planet that the people who actually do still care about finding a balance and finding a peaceful way, are living with this other Consciousness that honestly doesn‘t care. And there is no solution to fix that. You can‘t fix a fight or an argument if one side has no interest in fixing it. And that is what we‘re living with here. That is why the times that we‘re moving into – these times of transfiguration, between now and the next 200 years – they‘re actually a blessing in disguise. It may seem like turmoil, and seem like a negative thing, but in truth it isn‘t. What is occurring here is a natural process of Consciousness using its Free Will to choose what direction it is going to move in. Some of us are moving up in frequency, others are moving down in frequency. That is a natural separation that occurs. For a while, for a long while, we‘ve lived a blended existence on this planet. This whole planet has held a blended field, where you had some of the worst of the worst and the best of the best and everything in between, as far as Consciousness goes. And worst I‘m saying… all beings are loved even if they are the worst in action. When I say ―worst‖ and ―best‖ I‘m referring to, in relation to the Eternal Life structure. Right, the worst would be the ones who totally have no respect or regard for the Eternal Life structure, which means they have no regard for themselves or anyone else, and they will do horrible, evil things and have no remorse and that kind of things. There are Consciousness like that on this planet, and there are the absolute opposite. You have saintly Consciousness on this planet, and even higher. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 9 of 126
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So this is an amazing experience. There will be time when we‘re in our life-after-Earth – wherever that will be, because some of us will go in one direction, some will go another direction. There‘s lots of directions even up or down. If you‘re going down there‘s lots of directions to go down in, and there‘s also lots of directions to go up in. There‘s a meeting place for where we‘re aiming for first and that‘s called Higher Earth. We‘re aiming for the planes of Higher Earth. From there it‘s almost going to be like, ok! First of all you get to know yourself a bit more and remember who you are a bit more, and decide where you‘d want to go from there. It‘s almost like, wow, we got to free country and now we‘re kind of…I won‘t even compare it to Ellis Island because that was not fun. It‘s not going to be like going to Ellis Island. It‘s going to be going into a free culture that respects you just because you exist, and would hope that you do the same, and the people there would be quite…wouldn‘t know what to do, really, with you if you were harmful and mean and disrespected them. They wouldn‘t react to it. They would just find it something peculiar about your Consciousness, and they would work with that and take it from there. So we are going to move into a place where we start relationships while we were here, with the Beloveds, with the Buddha crews – we call them Buddha crews for short – where we can start to begin to understand what is life after Earth really going to be like. What are we moving toward? Because we are moving out of here and so is the other Consciousness on the planet. I would hate to see how many more extinctions are occurring fifty years from now – what else is going to be extinct on the planet? If it weren‘t for the work that the Beloveds are doing here, our gene code, as far as the Angelic Human race, would be extinct. It would have been mutated beyond recognition into a Metatronic gene code – hominid gene code. And that‘s what a lot of the race is going to go into.
[0:33:08] But when we look at the big picture of this, a lot of it can seem very sad, very scary. It‘s like, we used to see things in movies a long time ago – little bits here and there – oh yeah, end-of-theworld stuff, whatever. Nobody would take it seriously. At least right now until 2012…until 2013…at least people are actually paying attention in the regular, like people that don‘t come to workshops and things…in your regular mass Consciousness, is actually going ―Oh all this stuff around 2012. Are we going to have our end times?‖ or whatever. Most people realize that, no, we‘re not going to. But once we all wake up in 2013 and we haven‘t become extinct and the world hasn‘t gone away and time has not ended, then it‘s going to be back to the ―same old, same old‖ for most of the mass Consciousness. Where it‘s like ―Oh yeah, another one of those like Y2K issues,‖ right, where nobody takes it seriously. So a lot of the Consciousness won‘t look at the issues that need to be looked at. A‘san: That‘s part of the mutation. A‘sha: Yeah, I agree. A‘san is saying he thinks that‘s part of the mutation anyway. They just can‘t plug in to the higher. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 10 of 126
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A‘san: It‘s just becoming more and more deadened. A‘sha: Yeah, it‘s becoming more and more deadened, you‘re right. But even though…it‘s going to be an interesting experience to be on this planet, especially after 2012 is over and it‘s 2013 and everybody‘s still here, where we still know certain things. We didn‘t learn these things because we went to a movie and saw it in the theatre and say, ―Oh wow, the world‘s going to end in 2012. Maybe it is…maybe we should think about that,‖ you know. We‘re not coming from that place. There‘s a lot of people that are, and that‘s the only reason they‘re even paying attention in 2012…once it‘s gone and everything‘s still the same, they won‘t think about those higher things that we‘re talking about, that maybe things should be changed. There are some who will. There‘s a whole movement of people who will be working with us…some of them are on the Ascension Path too, others are actually on the Kryst Fall path, where they‘re going to assist certain races that won‘t have a choice but to fall, but get them into what was called the Kryst Fall Matrix. And these people will actually be pushing to have a resource management revolution here – a green revolution where, really pushing like everything from animal rights to using resources wisely – from water to solar to wind. All of those type of things that you‘re seeing bits of, and they‘re growing now. Like the awareness of going green and doing things that are eco-friendly. Those kind of things, eco-friendly. That movement will grow, and as far as us being on the planet knowing what we know, most of the people in the green movements do not want to know about Star-Gates – they really don‘t. They‘re more interested in carbon footprints and those kind of things. Which, hey, that‘s cool. Except it‘s not going to matter if you have zero carbon footprint. If you don‘t know what to do with a Star-Gate, you‘re still going to get stuck on a planet that is going into fall. You‘re not going to stop global warming because it isn‘t just the hydrocarbons that is causing it. It is being caused by the torsion fields coming out of the core of the planet from the reversed Merkaba fields inside the core, and this is going to continue. So we are going to see the worst case scenarios, but not all at once, hitting one after another after another. We are going to run out of water on this planet. Science already knows that. We are going to run out of food supplies; we are going to run out of oil; we are going to run out of a lot of things. But as those things are occurring we‘re also going to have strange anomalies occurring with the planet itself, from more quakes to climate changes and those kind of things. These are realities that we are moving into. You can tell because even the Consciousness on the planet that is not interested in Star-Gates or Ascension and thinks we‘re all a bunch of airy-fairy people that believe in God and that kind of stuff…because there are a lot of people that really do not believe in God, on the planet. They take religion as just something for people who can‘t deal with how bad reality really is, right, ―because it gives them hope.‖ But even that kind of Consciousness is starting to recognize, ―uh oh!‖ How many babies are born per minute on this planet? I don‘t have the statistics but it‘s huge. How many more mouths to feed? How much more water is being created on this planet per minute? Ah, it isn‘t really. It‘s being recycled, where you have the rain and the ocean thing, but as far as useable water? We have an ocean full of it, but supposedly desalination is too expensive, and all of these things.
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When you have countries like America, that….I would be devastated if I couldn‘t go and take a hot shower, to be honest. If I had to take a cold shower, or no shower, I would not want to live on the planet anymore, I would just be so uncomfortable in my own skin. And I remember lifetimes like that. You get kind of numb to it after a while, where things crawl on you and you smell really bad and you don‘t notice anymore. But once you evolve past that, to go back to that is really, really rough. You know, because you kind of get pampered – where yes, I can go take a hot shower, and yes I can go to the refrigerator and pull out food that‘s not covered with mold, and eat something that‘s not going to make me ill. We have such an amazing lifestyle here, but it requires so much resources to just sustain that for every household. And you don‘t have to be rich in America to have that. Even lower and middle income…even people on welfare have hot and cold running water, indoor plumbing, food stamps…I mean those kind of things. (A‘san talks in a low voice for a while which A‘sha summarizes as follows) A‘sha: He‘s saying that even people that hold Consciousness like we do, where we‘re aware of the fact of the things that are not done right here, as far as raping the planet and those kind of things – we‘re still a part of it as well because we live here. I‘m not about to go – I don‘t think a lot of us are about to go – live out under a rock some place with the scorpions and throw away all your clothes. You can do that but it‘s not going to help. It‘s not going to fix the problem. You having hot water…you think the rest of the world that has it, is going to give up hot water just because it would be better if we all like tried to modulate it better? No, they‘re not. And we‘re not being asked to be martyred here. We‘re not saying like go the whole Buddhist thing where you give up all your worldly goods and your possessions, and just live on handouts and those kind of things. That‘s one way of looking at it, but the Krystos races actually don‘t look at it that way. They believe in fair exchange…they don‘t believe in asking for handouts…they believe that you have the power to give something that in return the Universe flows back to you with something. So they‘re not saying we need to deprive ourselves. But one of the things I believe they‘re asking us to come into looking at, as carrying the awareness that we do of the large drama that‘s taking place and the history that goes with it, and the fact that we have 200 years left of Star-Gates being opened (Ascension Gates being opened), and we are actually being entrusted as the Guardians of those Gates because there‘s nobody else down here who wants to know how to do it or even cares, or even believes anymore that they‘re real. So they would like us to start to move our lives in a way, where that really becomes central. Wow! I am part of a collective of people here – as far as ―What is my purpose?‖ – Wow! The purpose of this wave of people – this Wave of Consciousness – is to, first and foremost, keep those Gates opened, at all cost. Because right now we‘re the only ones that have been given the training to do that…who cared enough to keep coming to get the training to do that…who knows the difference between a Merkaba spin that‘s Krystic, and one that‘s creating a black hole torsion field. Right? We‘re knowing the difference between those things. So the first thing…never feel like you have no purpose in life. Sometimes…I know for me it can feel like that…just my little self just kind of like ―Whatever. Can I go home yet?‖ That kind of The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 12 of 126
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thing. They say, ―You are home – for now. You and the people like you are needed. Your Consciousness is needed there. Who else is going to run the Gates?‖ Question number 1, is what the Beloveds ask me. And I say, ―You guys?‖ And they say, ―We‘re not down there.‖ (To A‘san) Right, I will give you five minutes – you can have more than five minutes if you like. A‘sha: Yeah. I kind of got on a wave – I‘m not even sure why. I don‘t usually talk ―de..de..de..de‖ that much on Orientations. (To A‘san) Yeah. Let me finish this wave because they‘re going to move it around some place. It‘s funny because I‘ve got a crew – the Buddha crew is hanging out with me up here. They‘re always with me, but sometimes they come in closer. That means they‘re transmitting…so they‘re transmitting something…let me listen for a minute. They said…all right, I just got asked, ―Do you know why you went on that wave?‖ ―You mean a tangent?‖ They said: ―We‘re calling it a wave.‖ I said: ―No actually, I don‘t know.‖ What I just talked about was not what I was planning to talk about. That happens spontaneously sometimes with the Beloveds. They said: ―That was a wave, not a tangent, and it was a wave because it is some of the information that we‘ll be talking about and looking more closely at during the course of this workshop.‖ A‘sha: This workshop won‘t be a heavy workshop, in terms of like…heavy, oh gosh, we‘ve got to deal with all the responsibility aspects. We‘ll have parts of that. It should be a light and joyful workshop, but there will be some technicals on Sunday. But they‘re going to talk about…Ok, they‘re going to try to help us make a Consciousness shift, and one of the Activations that comes through…the three of them will help, but there‘s an Activation that will come through that will help make this shift. We‘re going to begin the process of bringing in the Higher Earth Encryption Lattice, directly into our bio-fields. We‘ve begun that process in the Irish workshop, and we‘re going to continue it with the next level so we can shift into a different perspective, perceiving ourselves actually in the roles that we serve. We have this old picture – all of us have an old picture – of who we were. We‘ve had that picture formed from the time we were in somebody‘s womb – in your mom‘s womb…where other people had an idea about that baby, whatever that idea was. Then the baby came out and they gave it a name. And then your whole concept of self has been formed from the external, horizontal environment. Every one of those ideas, that somebody projected at you, stuck to your field and created an encryption matrix.
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So we have all of these Encryption Lattices that have layers upon layers of misconstrued ideas about who we really are. Some of them are our own; some of them are just thrown on us from other people…from parents, teachers, all that kind of thing. But we actually have the ability to choose who we want to be from this point forth, starting with the fact that there‘s a whole group of beings – Ascended beings – that are looking at each one of us and seeing us as completely different than that twisted picture that we‘ve been raised with of ―who am I?‖ from the time we came in here and forgot who we were. They can see our history. They understand what a struggle it is and they respect us very much for even coming into a density system like this. They understand us as Guardians. They look at us as Guardians and they have that attitude of ―we‘ll watch your back – we are there. You are part of our Guardian families.‖ [0:45:50] (A‘san talking in the background.) A‘sha: When…the thing is we don‘t, on a conscious level, understand a lot of it. Right, but it‘s not our fault that we don‘t. (A‘san talking – inaudible.) A‘sha: Ok, yes, and this is why the Beloveds are talking about the shift. We are going to learn to shift to bring more of that encryption of ourselves. This is good though. A‘san looks like he‘s really wanting to speak tonight, so this is good. He‘s Speaker 2 – he should be speaking too. He‘s usually just very quiet and supportive and doesn‘t say too much unless he‘s running Rounds and Stands and of that stuff. A‘san: (in the background) I just got to feel really uncomfortable about what I wanted to talk about, so I didn‘t say anything. A‘sha: Oh, ok. Anyway, orientations aren‘t supposed to be long and drawn out, and I‘ve been long and drawn out on this one because we‘re running a wave, not a tangent, right? They will talk more about walking into this world. All right, it‘s 2010. It‘s two years before…yes, some heavy energetic stuff is going to go down. Is it the end of the world? No. But is it the end of the human race as an Angelic Human Race? Not the whole race, but a good part of it is going in a different evolutionary path. It‘s not being destroyed, but it is being changed into something else. So these are big times we‘re in, and we are a forefront Guardian Team on this planet. They would like us to really do that step back a bit where, as I was explaining before with myself, we step back and just kind of just look at it all again and say…look at it from a distance. Pretend you‘re flying over the world and then flying over yourself. Pretend you died for a little while, and now you‘re up in your tunnel. You go through the tunnel and you‘re floating in the clouds looking down on your life that you just left. Pretend you‘re dead temporarily where you can get a perspective, right. Because there‘s a perspective you get. I remember this from my near-death experience. It was like, ―Oh heck! That was so easy! If I‘d known that I wouldn‘t have wanted to die.‖ But what can be so icky-feeling down here and confusing, and you just don‘t know what to do with this or what to do with that. You know, it might be your career, it might be your home The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 14 of 126
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relationships, it might be just being in a body on planet Earth at this time, where you don‘t feel comfortable. There‘s a place where you can go that you don‘t have to die to get to, that you can move yourself vertically, actually up your vertical column, and go way past the atmosphere…imagine yourself way past Earth‘s NET. And then imagine popping through into what would be the Higher Earth planes which we‘ll be learning more about. Imagine…you can use the old symbology if you want to…floating on the clouds like angels…let‘s go ―ahhh – wow, I‘m still here! Wow, it‘s really cool up here. Now, let‘s go look at that thing that was really bugging me down there…Oh, that was so easy to fix! I just could have shifted my thoughts and I didn‘t realize it. I could have shifted what I was energizing, and it would have come out a better outcome.‖ There‘s a lot of things that we can learn to do to shift…before we can slide…which is go through the Gates in biological Ascension. We need to shift, and the shifting of our Encryption Lattice is the core shift that needs to occur. We can begin by shifting with the parts of our mind that we‘re aware of, but if we‘re not aware of a bunch of the other part of our mind that is like turned off in the DNA right now, so we actually don‘t have conscious awareness while we‘re conscious in the body…all of that is still an encryption force. So we‘re going to be learning more about the Encryption Fields. In fact, from now all the way through the rest of the Sliders workshops we‘ll be given techniques that are meant to clear portions of the Encryption Field and align them with the Higher Earth Encryption Field. And eventually it will seem like…you will find that there‘s a part of you that is very aware from those perspectives and you can hold that perspective while in the body here. It‘s like a form of just Consciousness bi-location without having to bi-locate the body, where you realize, wow, I‘m from there. And it‘s almost like you walking around saying ―yeah, I‘m kind of like in my past right now.‖ Because that‘s where you‘re going. That‘s where you‘re heading if you‘re heading for Ascension – first stop is Higher Earth. And once we are there we would look back on who we are here and how we got there. And if we can bring the encryption of Higher Earth – which would be a bit of a future…a little bit further in the future from where we are now – down into the Encryption Field here, it will strengthen us and move us forward into the spiral that pulls us into that future, and gives us enough resistance to not get drawn in to the Metatronic spirals that are activating in the planetary Merkabas with the 55-Activation and stuff.
[0:50:44] So we‘re going to learn a bit more in this workshop set about these spirals, and because there‘s certain activations that are occurring during this workshop period – there‘ll be three, they said, coming in. One has to do with what‘s called the Monadic Passage. The Monadic Passage is something very interesting, and what they‘ve done so far is taken me back into the graphs that go back into looking at Light Body structure, and also how it plugs in to Spirit Body structure. But when we went back into the Starborn cycle – when we started with the Triad, then the Diad, then the Miad, the Monad…and all that when we saw the expansion of the core of the Light Body. They‘re going to show how this fits in with those time charts where we had the Octant Cycle that showed from when we made the leap into Metagalactic-6 in April 2009, all the way till 2012. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 15 of 126
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They‘re going to show how those structures, and the spirals that go with them, fit in to this process. And there are a couple of key points that it‘s extremely important that we anchor certain frequencies in order to catch the right wave – because right now you have time-waves that are coming in…space-time-waves that are coming in. One of them is being generated by the 55-Merkaba set – from what I not-affectionately call the Met-NET – the Metatronic NET Field... but I call it the Met-NET for short. And that‘s all built on the Fibonacci sequence and all of that, and it is the ―Bloom of Doom‖ paradigm – the death-science…the Atlantean DeathScience technologies. Those currents are coming through. Some of the Orb phenomena that are occurring…because we‘re not the only ones that get Orbs, right, some of the Orb phenomena that occurs is actually coming in from the black hole systems from Parallel. With the diagrams they‘ve shown me so far I think we‘re going to be able to…once they take them to however many…I‘m on number 10…I think there‘s probably at least 12 if not 24 in this series, and that‘s what I‘m going to be doing after I leave here and when I‘m not with you. But they‘re going to show us some…help us understand where some of those Orb phenomena are coming from. Because that means where this inter-dimensional interface is occurring, and what ones we need to align with and how we do that. Because right now, literally, there are two major spirals of energy that are coming in through the galaxy, through the solar system, through the planet, through our bodies, and if we align with the one that is connected – the Krystic Spiral that is connected to the Higher Earth planes, it will progressively move our frequency into alignment with the Galactic level of the Krystal Spiral; Metagalactic level of the Krystal Spiral. If, on the other hand, we don‘t consciously anchor those frequencies that have to do with the Monadic Passage that they just identified, then the planetary fields will simply override and run through the fields the 55-Activation. So we‘re going to do the first part I believe, where we‘re entering this particular cycle that‘s the first cycle…when you see the diagrams it‘s easier to see it. But at a certain point, in that one graph that was published already in a couple of…I think at least two of the handbooks for workshops…where it showed the cycle – the Octant cycle – from April of 2009 all the way to 2012. There are certain flows that they‘re showing in there now, and they‘re also showing where those flows come from in relation to the structure of Light Body and Spirit Body, so you understand what they mean. But then when you put it into the time-frame we‘ll see certain activations of those currents are taking place. And they said there are three Activations occurring during this workshop period. So we‘ll look at that and there‘s a big one occurring in March – around the March 15th period – that is a major alignment period. What we‘re doing now…if we don‘t succeed in this workshop in anchoring certain frequencies, the key thing that needs to happen at March 15 th in the grids will fail, and that means the Host will fail. So this is how important the work that the Beloveds are giving us…have been giving us…is that literally, there are certain things, that to keep these Gates open and the potentials open, that simply need to be done. They‘re not all that hard. I mean drum circles are not hard for example – they can be fun. They are fun – they‘re supposed to be. But there are certain frequencies that The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 16 of 126
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do need to be achieved in the group Shield if the potentialities of keeping the Gates open are to remain on the planet. If one of those key periods fails the Gates won‘t stay open, period. The whole planet and the Shield gets drawn down into the spiral. And then it‘s kind of like host rescue, individually, for people who have been trying. If something like that ever happened – if the Gates close here – they will do their best to pull the Shield, which means anybody who has actually been trying and working with the Krystic technologies…they will do something to get you up and out before the potential‘s not there to do that. But they‘re not looking at that. We‘ve been doing a really good job anchoring the frequencies that the Beloveds are releasing. We can‘t say that, ―oh we‘re making it happen‖ – no. What we‘re making happen is we‘re cooperating with those who are bringing in those frequencies to keep the Gates open. So there‘s – between this workshop, the March 15th workshop and the May workshop – that is one key set of Activations that will occur that have to do with aligning the Monadic Passage and bringing those frequencies. It‘s a Density-2, 6-dimensional passage, and if that isn‘t achieved in the Aquafereion Shield, then come February, I believe it‘s February 11 th or 15th of 2011, that is when NET Earth needs to do a similar thing. NET Earth won‘t be able to do it if the Aquafereion Shield doesn‘t do it in its period.
[0:56:41] So the graphs that they‘re showing us, that they‘ve shown me so far…that I‘ve been doing so far, they are about this process. They‘re trying to show us what these frequency Activations are that are coming in; at what points we need to catch them and what we can do to do that. There‘s going to be a different BPR to use with some of the drumming that we‘re going to be given, and I think it‘s just for this workshop. And there‘ll be another one that‘s just for the next one – I think. Or it‘s just for those three – they haven‘t told me all of it yet. But it goes with the graphs. So on Sunday we‘ll get to see more of the technicals on the graphs. By sometime tomorrow morning I hope they‘re going to have given me the very specifics on what exactly we need to do for the drum circle, because the permit is only for a specific time on Saturday, and that‘s not negotiable – we can‘t change that. So that‘s the only time we get to go on Siesta Key. We go on Siesta Key because it is the GrU‘-al, which is the ―Holy Grail‖ of the ancient myths. It is Kathara Centre 2 on the planetary grid, but it also connects into a number of other things. It is the control for Earth‘s Density-1 level. It is now online with the Watchtower Shield which is down in the Pine Island area where we live, and there are certain things that…for people who don‘t know – a lot of you do know a lot about Siesta Key – but they have been asking us to do things on Siesta Key beach ever since 2000 when the Stellar Activation Cycle actually started. This is like a very special place. And we‘re going to create on the beach, by the drum circle…co-create with the Beloveds, another Transharmonic, two-Density Merkaba Field – just like we did the three of them in Ireland, when we went to Ireland. But we‘re going to use a different process to do that, but it will result in the same thing. And then there‘s something else where they haven‘t shown me how this works yet, but it has to do with bringing that online with the Monadic Passages. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 17 of 126
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So we start to catch those spirals that are the Krystal Spirals that are actually frequency bands that are moving through, coming in through the Milky Way core and running all through the Milky Way and all the solar systems that are in the Milky Way, including ours. So there are Krystal Spiral currents coming in and there are also the Metatronic currents coming in, and we are going to begin grabbing the Krystal Spiral‘s – anchoring them, and that is what will actually bring us up and out eventually into the Ascension, where we don‘t get dragged in to the Metatronic ones. So I will know a lot more by tomorrow when I see you about what we‘re doing on the beach, because that‘s got to be first. Like first things they‘re going to teach me is what are we doing on the beach, then I can teach them what are we doing on the beach. Once we get finished with that, that will be, I believe, the first Activation…um, they‘re saying they‘re not sure – one and two might occur during that period – it depends on…all right there‘s one major Activation that happens when we do the drum circle, and it depends on how fast something else responds to that whether the second Activation will take place while we‘re still there, or if it will take place the next day. But all three of them will be done by Sunday before we leave. And I don‘t know what the other two are but I do believe the Monadic Passage one is…oh thank you – it‘s number one. I thought it was number two. So number one must be – yeah ok. Don‘t mind me, I‘m talking to them not to myself, for anybody that doesn‘t know but most of you know me. They‘re saying the first Activation will have to do with creating that Transharmonic Merkaba Field – the two-Density Merkaba Field, and it is through that field that the next Activation, anchoring the Monadic Passage, will begin. And then there‘s a third one they haven‘t told me the name of yet, that has to do with something special personally and I don‘t know what it is but I can feel that this is the thing that they haven‘t talked about yet. They said it‘s still on security clearance, but don‘t worry – just have fun. They‘re saying have fun, fun is important – especially in the drum circle.
[1:00:49] If we can try to – all right they‘re asking me to do this. If we can try to recall – every one of us – they‘re saying this – every one of us has had, in some lifetime or other, be it past or future, a place where that childhood innocence could run free. Imagine the freedom. Imagine if you could drum and you could see the fairies dancing off your fingers with the drums. Imagine if you could dance and every movement you made made beautiful colors in the air. Imagine the abandon and the innocence of that pure joy-type state. They‘re saying that there is a state that everyone still has the ability, even if it‘s kind of like been put in your proverbial back pocket and forgot about it for ages – take it out and brush it off where you can remember that feeling. Because it‘s the feeling about that that can raise the frequencies to a certain level where certain things can happen that take…Ok…that take things beyond Orb fests…that Orbs are just the beginning of dimensional interfaces. There‘s a next step where more interface occurs and if we can cultivate that little nugget of just pure innocent joy – the glee that you sometimes see with children that are not worried about anything and they just like…did you ever see a kid just like go into giggles? Over something just silly – it‘s like hee, hee, and they‘re rolling on the floor and like tears in their eyes because they‘re giggling so much – that kind of just sheer joy. That is the frequency that is the most The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 18 of 126
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powerful. It‘s also difficult to achieve once you‘ve grown up and you have all these ideas and things that weigh you down, right? The Beloveds are saying that tonight, for those of you who would like, tonight, this workshop, the Mashaya-Hana Adashi Adepts are working directly with us because of the Monadic Passage thing – that‘s kind of like a higher level of the Councils because of the significance of the Monadic Passage. They said, if you want, just ask them before you go to sleep – and don‘t worry about projecting or anything – just ask them if they could dust off your nugget of pure joy just so you could feel it – even if it‘s in the dream state first. And they will assist you with that because it‘s actually just awakening a frequency that exists within your own DNA, and it has memories attached. They might not be from this life but they might be from another one. But there is that pure joy vibe. So see – yeah, just ask them, if you would like to get a head-start on the drum circle Activations, because they‘re hoping that we can bring that feeling into the drum circle, because that will make a very, very strong Transharmonic Merkaba because it is a very high frequency that can span the six dimensions, as opposed to just three-dimensional emotional body stuff.
[1:03:43] So as far as…I think I‘ve done enough orientation/disorientation…again, right. I still think it was a tangent but the Beloveds are saying, ―No, it‘s a wave – You‘ll see by the end.‖ So it means we‘re probably going to go back to wrapping up talking about green stuff and ok, what does it mean to be an aware Guardian on this planet, knowing that in 200 years the Gates are going to close? What do you do with yourself in the meantime? What do you encourage here on this planet? You know, do you worry about your carbon footprint that much, because that‘s not what‘s causing the global warming anyway. I mean, you can be all of those things – that‘s another conversation – I won‘t go back into it tonight, but I think they will address that a bit on Sunday once we‘ve learned the technicals on other stuff. It‘s…what do we do? Where do you go forth from here knowing this information and knowing that, hey, I‘m still here and I would like to create a joy-filled life, and also assist where I can where I can, in whatever ways I can – but not martyr yourself because that really doesn‘t help anything. So we‘ll probably revisit those subjects that I just…or somebody flowed it out tonight, and we will address those again before the workshop is over. For now I will give the microphone to Speaker 2 – A‘san, because you‘ve been waiting patiently. A‘san: When you‘re still just hovering in the air they dissipate, right. I was on the wave with you and I wanted to talk about it from my perspective – there‘s no point. The wave has been and gone. You‘ve worked the wave off and I‘ve gone with it. I could go back in and pick out bits, but there‘s no point. The moment has passed. There was a wave…there wasn‘t just you on it Darling, I was right there with you. A‘sha: Ok, he was on the wave with me there. That gets interesting because you have two Speakers wanting to do two different parts of the same wave coming in. We do this sometimes with writing stuff – it‘s interesting, at home. But anyway, well next time…but it‘s also like if I‘m trying to finish a sentence on the wave part that I‘m translating, and you interrupt it, because you want to do your wave, then I lose my part of the wave. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 19 of 126
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(A‘san talking in the background.) A‘sha: It‘s a good thought – an arrangement for sharing the microphone – that‘s probably a good idea. Ok, anyway…so I guess A‘san doesn‘t want to speak tonight. OK, anything that I have to… (Audience: Awww!) A‘san: Look, (applause) am I talking to myself or what? What does a wave do? It comes from far, far, far away, and if you‘re lucky you can feel it coming, and if you‘re luckier yet…and it goes up and up and up, doesn‘t it? And then there‘s a dip. Insincerity is not my middle name. The wave came and it‘s gone, right? I‘m not going to make it up. Announcements. Ordination is being offered at 10:00 am tomorrow, Saturday, in this room, and all are welcome. That‘s levels 1 and 2. The Christmas Story is being read at 11:00am after the ordinations – plus, the product room is open at 11:00 am if anyone still would like to purchase a radio receiver for the beach gridwork. And if you‘ve not picked up your receiver please see Araya. Ok. And my announcement in relation to this is…someone is going to show up around noon to give you three hours of instruction before you get on the bus. If you start any of this late you‘re going to ―cut your nose to spite your face‖, right? Because you‘ll be eating into that three hours-ish. And remember it‘s Guardian time, so starting at noon isn‘t very likely but nevertheless, we‘re looking at that space before the beach to get some of the instruction and the Activation. A‘sha: Oh wow! It just dawned on me. We have four hours on the beach. We have to wait towards sunset to start the drum circle. Why don‘t we do Ordinations on the beach instead of at 10:00am? A‘san: How about that? Ordinations on the beach? A‘sha: Oh by the way…the Beloveds have an announcement…they‘re also…I had a feeling they were going to do this. They‘re also going to offer Mashaya-Hana Baptisms – they‘re adult as well as child, so for anybody who would like one of those… What they do is they will clear any other tags that have been put on in this life or others, for other baptisms to whatever like you might not even know you‘re a part of that you don‘t want to be a part of, kind of thing. It is a protection-type thing. We do it with babies or kids, but you can also do it as an adult. They‘re going to upgrade the baptismal rights to the Mashaya-Hanic level, so they just let me know that. So we can do ordinations and baptisms on the beach. A‘san: So if we‘re going to move the 10 o‘clock thing to the beach, and since the Christmas Story takes and hour and fifteen minutes, and since a number of you need to go to the Product Room, evidently, from what this is saying…how about you begin with the Christmas Story at The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 20 of 126
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10:30, and just create the easement of an additional thirty minutes, right? Yeah? Is that ok with the people that are doing it? What Mac? Yeah? So then tomorrow morning begins after breakfast, 10:30, in this room beginning with the Christmas Story. Ok? A‘sha: Yeah, and the Beloveds are just letting me know. The sequence that they will do the ordination things…they would actually…anybody that wants ordinations that hasn‘t, to get those first once we get to the beach. Because we‘ll have quite a bit of time. We‘re there for four hours and it‘s right around sunset…anyway, we‘ll have time from 4 to 5…5 to 6…what does it get sunset about 6:30? A‘san: Quarter to six is sunset. A‘sha: Ooh, that‘s early. What they would like to do is what they‘re saying here…Ooh that means we‘ve got to start drum circle a certain time, Ok. They want to do the ordinations first, then drum circle, then the baptisms. After the doors have been opened and the fields have been built – the Transharmonic Fields have been activated with the drum circle, then they want to do the baptismals where they‘ll be able to run the frequency – the protection frequency – much stronger from the Higher Earth planes. So that‘s how we‘ll do it, ok. Yeah, and there‘s no obligation, by the way. If there‘s anybody new here, there‘s no obligation to participate in any of it. If you‘re like, hmm, what‘s an ordination? All right, you don‘t have to get one – it‘s just some people prefer to do that. And there are people…there are a lot of ministers with us at this point who have received ordinations that would be glad to explain it to you. And there are also some writings – I think we have something on the product list don‘t we – like Ministers Handbook, or something? They‘ll let you know about those kind of things. So it‘s not just some kind of weird thing. This has been explained in other workshops, if you haven‘t heard of it. Same with the baptisms. The baptisms are a little different actually. You can be baptized and not ordained, and you can be ordained and not baptized. But there‘s a certain set of frequencies that go with each that, ideally, you get them both together because actually it activates more of the frequencies that connect you to certain parts of your own identity through the Kryst network, all right? Which means it protects you from parts of your own identity that may have gone on fall paths in other lifetimes, and that kind of thing. So anyway, we can talk more about those tomorrow. That was just for anybody that isn‘t familiar with those. It‘s not an obligation, it‘s not mandatory, you know, ordinations or baptisms. But you‘re all very welcome to join if you‘d like. Anyway, I think I will say goodnight. Will you say goodnight? A‘san: Goodnight. Sorry the wave wasn‘t bigger than it was. A‘sha: I‘m sorry to stomp on your wave. A‘san: You did not neither. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 21 of 126
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A‘sha: Did my wave run over your wave? It‘s 10:30. Well, we will see you then at noon. We‘ll be down at noon to begin the preparation and the information for the beach event and then we‘ll do the beach event, and before that, 10:30 was the Christmas Story, right? Question from audience: Are the baptisms in the water? A‘sha: By the water. Now if it was warmer…we used to do them where you do the full dunk, with an adult. But you don‘t have to when it‘s freezing. You can do it the same way that we do with infants, which is a few drops on the head, actually. Yeah, so you don‘t have to freeze. I remember you (to A‘san) getting baptized in Kauai, where we did the full soak-em underwater thing. So anyway, have a good evening. It‘s so nice to have you here with us, and it looks like a great group. Let‘s have a good time!
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Saturday Lecture – Stand Preparation [Audio Track 2] A‘sha Can somebody help me with mylars, please? I don‘t have a lot for this session, but A‘san has to work out the rest of the Stand details, and he usually helps me. Anybody? Anybody…(Participant: I‘ll help) Ok, thank you. It‘s not hard. A‘san: It is, really. A‘sha: It is really, really hard. (laughing) All right. Yeah, she offered. This lady here offered. Names, I can never remember. (To participant) Yeah, I have that, too. Whoops, no, it goes the other way; it‘s backwards. All right, this is the top, on top, ok? Thank you.
[00:53] (Graph) Pointer is here. Ok, well, starting early this morning they gave, they started giving me the rundown on what we‘re supposed to accomplish today. This is bigger than the last one. I figured: Oh, we‘ll go out and do a few of the Code Set Drummings. No, I‘ll show you the list first of what the Drum Circle is going to entail, and then there are some mylars we need to look at briefly, and then a few techniques we need to run before we‘re ready to go on the buses. I‘ve got to move this over here somehow. Thank you. All righty, number one, please…
[01:31] (Graph) There we go. This is what we are going to accomplish on the beach. First, there will be the Ordinations, and, they will be run by the Ministers who usually do them. Then, right after that, we have an Elemental Command Arc Stand. This is similar to what was done in Ireland. But, this time, we‘re out on the beach, and it‘s…The Elemental Command Stands are something that we learned about in the 12-Tribes classes, and they were done with smaller groups. They‘re extremely important. What they do is anchor very powerful Se-Ur‘ Pillars. This time, what the Stand will do is bring in the frequencies of, it will anchor what‘s called the Monadic Passage. When we go into the graph sets tomorrow, we will see more of what exactly is that Monadic Passage. It‘s connected to something else called the Amoraea PassThrough, which is connected to the Amoraea Passage that we learned about a long time ago. All of these are very, very important frequencies, but, also, correspond to specific locations within the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates. So, when they ask us to participate in anchoring something like the Monadic Passage, anchoring the Monadic Passage is something that is absolutely essential to the processes involved with keeping the Ascension Gates open here during this Load-Out Cycle. So, this is a very, very big event. We are beginning the process of anchoring the Monadic Passage. If we missed that opportunity during this period here, of this workshop, the other periods where we have to bring more of it in would not be able to happen. So, this and the next two workshops are about activating that Monadic Passage here, in order to allow for the Gates to remain open.
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So, for that reason, they are going to include a full-on Elemental Command Stand, and that‘s A‘san‘s mastery. He‘s much better at those and organizing those, because that‘s—For those of you who have never seen one of those or been a part of them, they‘re, everybody is, has different, like, assignments in a large group shield, and we spin, and we tone, and we do all sorts of things that are very specific energy mechanics occur during the Elemental Command Stand. We literally call on co-cooperative force with the Elemental Force of the Cosmos, the Krystic Elemental Forces. Once the Elemental Command Stand is completed, the next thing is we go into the Drum Circle itself, where, after the Stand is done, we would all take a position in a large circle, and those of us who have drums would be the drummers. Those of us who don‘t have drums, they can either be, we would encourage you to, like, clap along or stamp your feet, or, if you feel moved, to be the Stompers which look like dancers, but you‘re actually stomping the codes into the ground. When we do these things, for those of you who might not have participated in them before, it‘s not just silly pagan rituals. They‘re not pagan at all. These rituals aren‘t rituals exactly. What they are, are energy mechanics. Every time your foot slaps the ground, you create a vibration. When you are running certain frequencies in your body, because of activations you are participating in from before, which we will activate certain things before we leave, you are actually opening the ground circuitry of the planetary grids to allow for those frequencies of the Kryst to come in and run into NET Earth‘s Grids. So, this is a scientific process. It‘s ascension science; it‘s Grid Master science, for those of you who might not know. It‘s not just a bunch of silly people bouncing around and toning things in a different language. So, we really do encourage anybody who has the energy to play Stomper. If you‘re not drumming, please get up and stomp with this. Now, there‘s a particular sequence to the Drum Circle itself, and there‘s a whole procedure to the Elemental Command Stand, which, when I get done with my part of the program, before we have to go today, then A‘san is going to give a quick run-through so you understand the organization of the Stand, so that‘s all understood by the time we get there, to the beach, ok? Or, at least most of it‘s understood by the time we get to the beach, right? So, and, these are going to be run as a set, where the Ordinations will get done, and they‘re kind of like on their own. And then there‘s not going to be a lot of roam-around-the-beach time this time, because we‘ll go in to—I think the ordinations take anywhere from a half hour to 45 minutes, I think. There‘ll be a little bit of break and a little bit more of getting organized for the Elemental Command Stand. But, once the Elemental Command Stand is underway, there is no break between that and the rest of the things that we‘re doing, right? So, it‘s one, big, very intense Energy Activation that we‘re participating in. There will be, there are, I believe, let‘s see: I‘ll explain some of these things as we get down here to these. These are why I brought a few mylars to point out some things about what these things mean. There‘s going to be an activation set up here and an activation set down here, number 5 and number 7. So, there are frequencies that are coming in from the Higher Gates, and they‘re not only just coming in from the Higher Earth Planes or even from Median Earth or AshalA. They‘re coming in all the way from Urtha this time. So, this is an Urtha-Level Activation, which is an M-31, the Andromeda Galaxy. So, literally, the pillars of energy that are coming in this time will be running directly from Andromeda and opening a new set of passages that, when we The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 24 of 126
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get into the more personal stuff tomorrow, we will find that there‘s another set of chambers that are opening which gives access in our brains to reaching certain places that we weren‘t able to reach before that have to do with Urtha directly. So, this is all connected. We can explain enough of this that we can understand what we‘re doing and basically why we are doing it, once we go out to do the energy grid work, which is what today is about. And then tomorrow that understanding will become fine-tuned as we go into understanding more about this new graph set that they‘ve given us, that is showing- that I‘m still going to be working on tonight- that are showing the spirals and what they have to do with the time-frames that we‘re working with here, and what exactly are the Monadic Passages, because there are two that have to open. This is the first one. And then there is something called the Amoraea Pass. You‘ll see what they are and understand more of what they mean once we get through those graph series. So, right now, just know that they exist, those things: Amoraea Passage; the Amoraea Pass-Through is very significant. It cannot open without the two passages opening, the two Monadic Passages opening. One is during this cycle, and the peak of that cycle is actually March 15th, which brings me back to: I think I tripped and said ―workshop of March 15 th‖. It‘s not a workshop; it‘s an activation of March 15th. It‘s the April workshop that services that activation. So, it‘s the April workshop that‘s connected to that Activation, but the Activation peaks, at its highest point, is at March 15th. But, well talk about those more tomorrow. I just wanted to correct that really fast, because there is no March workshop, ok? Anyway, back to what we were doing with Drum Circle. We‘re going to do, this time, the Codes that correspond to the Psonn of Freedom. And, that‘s a particular sequence. We‘ll look at that again. Most of the people that have been doing the drumming already know that sequence. And, I would just like to point out with these Drum Sequences: These are specific, very specific vibrational patterns, mathematical vibrational patterns that are set into the grids and set into the atmosphere in order to anchor very specific currents from very specific locations within the— not just our 15-Dimensional Time Matrix, but also that of the M-31 Galaxy and also of the Aquareion Matrix. So, for people who don‘t know what are these Drum Circles about, we don‘t just sit and drum at random. We do certain sets of very specific number codes in a certain way. And, you don‘t have to know how to drum to do them, either. It‘s not that hard to hit a drum three times or eight times, whatever that number is. So, it‘s really good for people who are even beginning, where you don‘t have to know how to drum. You beat on something; you can beat on the back of your chair. You can beat on your legs; you can beat with your feet, whichever it is. The process is about using the codes in sequence to create that mathematical vibration in the atmosphere and in the planetary grids, in order to anchor in, or give an anchoring rod down here—or receiver— to those frequencies that are activating in the galaxy and in the M-31 Galaxy, that bring in the Host. So, I just wanted to explain that for people who were like, ―What is a drum circle, really, besides a bunch of people beating on drums?‖ Most drum circles, like other types of drum circles, they don‘t think about those things. They just have people who are skilled at drumming different rhythms and patterns, and they can do a lovely, fun experience. They can be very healing, but it can also be the opposite without people knowing it if they don‘t know what rhythms are they actually activating in the planetary grids with those drums. All right, it can sound wonderful, but so can parts of the Metatronic Code that The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 25 of 126
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are taking the planetary grids into reversal sound wonderful. That doesn‘t mean they are. So, we‘re very specific; we don‘t often sound as nice as the people who are very professional with their drumming and that kind of thing. But it gets the proper encryption into the grids. What‘s going to be nice about this particular drum circle, after the Stand, is: We will do the Psonn of Freedom set, and that gets done six times, six rounds of that. Then, there is another set. Now, this one, it‘s called the Monadic Transharmonic Code Sequence, and it is usable during this period when we were anchoring the EtorA Side—as they call it—the EtorA Side Monadic Passage. And it comes into a 3 and 8, and then a 3-7 and a 2-8. So, that‘s a different code that we will put at the end. And there‘s 12 rounds of that at the end of the Psonn of Freedom. When we see the graphs tomorrow about, there‘s a lot of numbers. These graphs were really, really difficult to do as far as keeping track of numbers on things, and what corresponds with what. We had to get them to a certain point to see certain correspondences, so they could show me what that code was. And I will be able to show you what that code corresponds to in relation to the structures and dynamics of opening the Monadic Passage that we‘ll understand better once we see the graph sets from tomorrow. That is the new sequence that will be put in with the other one. The Psonn of Freedom itself is a ―Stack-Code‖, where it opens things going down and up, all the way up through the Eckasha-A-ah Level, which is the highest level of the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates. So, these are very specific. This is Ascension Science. This is not just fun or kind of vague, random healing-with-drums kind of thing. It‘s a very specific thing, and it‘s also very healing, as well. Once we get done with that part, then we‘re going in to what‘s called a BPR Amplification part and Transharmonic Dimensional Opening. This is when we begin to literally open the dimensional spectra between here, Higher Earth and Median Earth Level, AshaLA, Shala-3 and Urtha. So, we‘re beginning to open, literally, opening the Dimensional Interface Sequences, through the Aurora Continuum, of those places. What we will do during that period, as we, finally, this time, we got permission to actually play music on the beach. So, we‘re allowed to play something that can be heard. Before, we had to use the headsets, and it was nuts trying drum to music that you can‘t hear outside, so everybody‘s trying to keep their headsets in and trying to keep up with the drumming. I couldn‘t keep up with the drumming while the head set, the ear pieces were falling out of my ear and that kind of stuff. It was very frustrating the last time. So, this time we‘ve got permission to play them through the PA system, and we‘ve got the apparatus on the beach to do that. So, we‘re going to play a certain sequence of them, again, using the versions of some of our Sacred Psonns that Derek Pendleton has put together, because he just, he‘s got the gift of BPR, as far as bringing in the BPR that amps the frequency. So, we‘re going to run a part of those, and I will let—I believe it‘s Noel that organizes that part. I‘ll let you know that sequence after this. I‘ll show you what they showed me. And, it will end with the Freedom Song, from Suchi Waters Benjamin who has given us permission to use that song, because that holds a very important BPR and, also, underlying encryption. So, we‘ll use those, and what we‘ll do by using them, we will play them, probably, a couple rounds. We‘ll play them where we‘ll hear them, but we‘ll also do our best to drum to them and sing to them if we want to, right? So, it will be drumming and singing, but, also, with that music playing, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 26 of 126
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which ought to be a really nice experience. There can also be people who, you know, the Stompers, if they still want to do the dances to them. And that will be great because this is supposed to create—it‘s almost like a living event, like we create a living entity of the group shield ourselves. And we are anchoring, literally, the living being Consciousness of the Krystos while we are doing this. It‘s supposed to be a very energetic event, a very healing event, and, ideally, when you get really good at these, they are very transcendent events, where sometimes people, like, go out of body, and sometimes people—well, when you get really, really good—levitate, those kinds of things. We‘re not going to levitate today, but—at least I don‘t think we are. So, we‘ll go into that. So, from the mathematical code sequences, we‘ll go into drumming with the set music patterns, right, and building more frequency, and, the more we do this and the longer we can, the more frequency and more intensity it builds, right? And the more enthusiasm and good attitude and, like, happy feeling we can bring into this, it‘s like: Let‘s party, right? You‘ve got to amp up that kind of feeling, because that‘s what it‘s about. It‘s not about: ―Gotta do this right; gotta do this right‖, real serious stuff, right? Trust yourself; trust the Beloveds. Follow the patterns that we‘re doing as well as you can. Don‘t worry if you don‘t sing well. Don‘t worry if you drum off-rhythm; we‘ll be fine, right? Participate, enjoy, is what you‘re encouraged to do. You don‘t have to participate; it‘s not mandatory, but it‘s a big part of the program, and the activations are well worth it as far as the frequency boost it gives to your own field and your own spiritual development. So, once we get through with a couple sets of that set of songs that are on the CD, drumming with those and singing with those and groovin‘, all right, then we‘re going to ask for a group of what we call the Orb Callers. The Orb Callers are the people who have memorized the Orb Calls. We have the Ah-ShA‘-ah, that one. I‘m still memorizing them. It‘s like my memory is shot as far as memorizing little things that are important, like that, because I‘m trying to remember large blocks of what‘s the next program, and that kind of thing. But, the people who have this memorized, the full Orb Call thing, if they would be kind enough to get in the center of the group and just amp it. And, just use it as a mantra and call the Orbs, because, as you call the Orbs, what you are doing, you‘re opening the Inter-Dimensional Passageways through the Aurora Continuum. So, the more energy you build behind that, the more Orbs you call, the more you help that blend of Dimensional Frequencies through the Aurora Continuum to open. So, we would have an amping session, and, while this is occurring, and we would do free drum. Now, free drum means that‘s where we go into, while the Orb Caller people are doing their Orb Calls, the people with the drums or even just general stompers who don‘t know the Orb Calls, if you still feel like dancing, you can get up and just free-stomp, right? Wherever your feet are going, it‘s codes. This is where you free-drum with whatever rhythms you feel coming through you. You‘ll notice with drum circles, if one person or, like, a couple people that are good at drums will become the dominant ones at first. Follow along with them, and then, like, shift rhythms; then it kind of takes on a life of its own where it becomes a unique expression of frequency and rhythm and vibration to that particular group. So, we‘ll go into free drum space, where the drummers who are good can lead that show if they want to get us moving. But, anybody who feels like beating whatever on their drums: that is when you begin that expression. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 27 of 126
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And, we try to find where it all starts to harmonize. At first it might sound like the ones that really know how to drum are doing really good. And, then, you have all these other people beating on stuff, and the ones that really know how are going, like, oh boy, right, because the others are taking it in a different direction. Let those different directions occur during this period. Just focus on what you feel like you need to play. And, at a certain point, there will be a Harmonic that hits, where, even if they‘re discordant rhythms, they will find a place where they actually blend into something that sounds interesting. So, they‘re going to encourage us to move in to that space. So, you‘ve got Orb Callers doing the Orb Calls; stompers dancing, and whoever‘s doing the drumming, drumming. And, you can also do drumming on your legs if you want. You can sit down and just stomp your feet. You can stand up and dance and stomp your feet, whatever. When we get through that, during that period, while we are having the Orb Callers call Orbs and the free drumming, the first part of the free drumming, this is when Activation-1 occurs. And this is where the Arc of the Covenant Passage, that was, literally slid out of Egypt in the Ireland Workshop, and up, into what used to be the old anchoring spot, the old anchoring spot in Atlantis, which is connected into the Skellig Michael Grids up in Ireland. That was the first part, where we literally shifted a portion, well, shifted the Arc of the Covenant up into Ireland. Now, we‘re splicing it, all right? The Arc of the Covenant is an energy passage. So, you can actually take part of that quantum and move it this way and make one Arc that goes that way and one that goes another way. This is what we are doing. So, we were going to, during this period: that is when the Beloveds will, literally, begin the splice from the Ireland location into the GrU-al over here. And, this will activate, it will trigger activation of the GrU-al’s Density-2 Transharmonic Merkaba. So, the thing we had to manually activate over in Ireland on the Irish grids will trigger into activation during this period once the Beloveds slide the Arc over. So, the Beloveds—we‘re actually creating a frequency blanket, like a cloud of frequency that will allow the Beloveds to slide that part of the Arc Chamber over. So, part of it will stay in Ireland; part of it will move over here. There‘s going to be a couple other splices as we move toward 2012, as well. It means that there will be more access points to the Ascension Gates on the planet than just simply the Arc of the Covenant Portal Passage. All right, then, this next part down here, again, we‘re still moving with the free drum, right? This is where people can start doing Soul Songs. We haven‘t done Soul Songs in a while. That‘s where each person has a very specific, at any given moment, song that their Soul—their Light Body and their Spirit—wants to sing. So, this is not just Soul Songs, which would be Light Body, but Spirit Songs as well. This is where whatever tones—it doesn‘t matter if your voice stinks, right? Whatever tones you want to start, if you tune in to a place down in here in your body, and it may be a place that you‘re not used to tuning in to at all, where you actually keep it locked up, because a lot of people walk very quietly and introverted-ly here. This is where, let the frequency come up and out, whatever the tones are. This sound hilarious, by the way, when you have a huge group of people doing it, and you go: BlLALALA..…. All sorts of wacky sounds coming, right, but they build, and they form a crescendo, almost like a Psonn, P-S-O-N-N, unto themselves. When you sing your Soul Songs, you are actually tickling your dormant DNA and allowing the, whatever Ascension Codes you have in the DNA to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 28 of 126
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temporarily trigger into activation and run into the planetary grids. And the planetary grids and, now, because we‘re connecting NET Earth planetary grids in to Higher Earth planetary grids during this process, it won‘t, you don‘t have to worry about picking up more of the NET mess. We‘re actually bringing in the Higher Earth Frequencies. So, we‘ll have a period of where we have Soul Songs and Free Drumming happening. And, that ought to sound really interesting. And, the trick to this is: don‘t worry about the people who may or may not be on the beach that aren‘t a part of this. They‘ll just watch and gawk and go away most of the time. A few of them sometimes want to join, and, because we have a head count limit on the permit, right, we can‘t let them inside the area that the other, like, the city puts up. They actually put up tape: You have this spot on the beach, right? That‘s where we have a right to gather. So, we can‘t let them inside those barriers because we‘re at our head count limits. But, they can participate, like, around that, on the outside, on what‘s still considered still public beach area. So, we‘re not trying to tell other people who might want to participate that they can‘t. We just have to honor the head count limitation that the permits are for, or we‘ll get in trouble with the county, and they won‘t allow us to do this anymore. So, we have to be pretty—not let people that aren‘t in the workshops come into the boundaries that they put up for us. We wouldn‘t actually have those there. You know, it‘s not our idea to put up the little tape things on poles to show where we can and cannot go. That‘s part of the permit process. So, anyway, we‘ll do the Soul Songs and a bit of Free Drumming. And, what we‘re going to do: We‘re probably going to start this, to find out when sunset is supposed to occur. I haven‘t looked yet, but I think it‘s around 6-ish. It‘s what time? Around quarter-to-six? Ok, so it‘s right around there that we‘ll start the Elemental Command part. So, as we‘re moving through this, we‘ll be moving through sunset and into darkness. But, I don‘t think it will be fully dark by the time we get done, but it might. It depends on how long we go. If we can go for a while, and ―go‖ means, you can tell the energy is still there. You know, people are still there; they‘re making it happen and not flat-lining. Ireland was really hard, as far as this was. The grids were just really, really slow over there at the time that we were there, and it was exhausting to try to get enough energy up. I know I was almost asleep in the workshop. I had my head down and everything while A‘san was reading, and I never do that. It was a very challenging one, because the grids were very, very sluggish at that time in Ireland. It still worked. The Irish folks did a great job in bringing that one home. And, the people who came over to Ireland, you did a good job in very difficult circumstances. Here, it should be much easier. There‘s a perky-ness and a bubbly-ness to the grids in the Sarasota area and in the GrU-al especially. So, even if you‘re not too keen on beaches, this has some of the best energy that you can find on the planet. So, it should be a really lively one, and that‘s why you tend to have a bit more stamina when you get into these things here than you might in other grids. So, it should be, we should be able to amp it up more than we were able to in Ireland. Also, in Ireland, we had to the whole Stand and everything indoors because there wasn‘t any place we could go on sacred site that we could actually do anything that large in a public area. It would have been a little bit odd in the parking lot of the ferry place where you‘re supposed to be able to go visit the Skellig Michael from, which we didn‘t get to do. So, here we have a bit more freedom as far as really being able to crank it up and really generate an amazing Shadra Shield and Stand Shield. What we‘re going to do after that is here: It‘s called the Activation of the Amoraea Crystal Temple. This, I‘m going to show you a The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 29 of 126
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couple of diagrams, just to get the idea across of what this is about. The ―Amoraea‖ word we‘ll understand more when we see the graphs tomorrow about the Amoraea Pass-Through that is connected to the passage, but they‘re not the same thing. Ok, so, we are going to, the big highlight of what is going to occur on the beach happens in this part. It‘s Activation of the Amoraea Crystal Temple. This is, in simple terms, a massive Krystar Crystal Temple that will activate there. In Ireland, we activated the Merkaba Fields, the Density-2 Transharmonic Merkaba. Ok? And, I‘ll show a little bit of pictures of those. Here, where that activation is actually going to be upgraded, where, once it‘s done here, it will actually upgrade the ones in Ireland, as well, to form literal, two-mile-in-diameter- like, if you cut across the center, Krystar Vehicle-shaped Temples, yeah. And, I think they‘re going to teach us how to set those up in our home spaces, too, by the end of the workshop tomorrow, like how to, yeah (Participants applaud) And, these are awesome. They haven‘t told me the history of these, yet, or having these, when was the last time we were able to have this particular energy construct on the planet. But, I have a feeling: if ever, it was a very, very long time ago. And these, we‘ll talk more about. I‘ll show you the shapes in the diagrams in a couple of minutes. But, at this point in the Drum Circle, after we‘ve amped and set that massive frequency thing. We‘ve already had the Transharmonic Density-2 Merkaba activate automatically after the slide of the Arc, then we continue amping, and there will be a point where this literally pops into activation. And, this is what the EtorA Monadic Passage frequencies will anchor through. So, we‘ll have this Crystal Temple activating simultaneously with the anchoring of the frequencies. And, it‘s the first-level activation of the Monadic Passage, the EtorA-side Monadic Passage. And then as that, right after the drumming stops and these activations kick in, they will kick in right as we‘re given the nudge to move into the Baptisms. Now, you don‘ have to do the Baptism if you don‘t want to. What we‘re going to do is do it in a circle, because there‘s so many people you can‘t do individual ones. It would just take forever and ever. So, we‘ll just do a group one. What these Baptisms are, are an entry into a Frequency Protection Field, but a frequency entry, like a key, into the Mashaya-Hana Cloister Master Council. These are the Grid Master Councils. Now, you don‘t have to participate if you don‘t want to. Like I said, if you don‘t feel like it, you don‘t have to. But, another nice thing about these is, even if you don‘t plan to have a future here and life after Earth as a Grid Keeper or a Guardian of Grids in that way, it will still provide, it will clear out any other, unnatural Baptisms you might have gotten before, either in this life or in other lifetimes that are bleeding through. Like if you happened to be a Knights Templar in a different lifetime, and you had all the Metatronic coding that went with that configuration. And, it‘s funny, because you can actually see that in those DNA reads we used to do a long time ago. I freaked out a couple of Mason people who had gone through the Freemasons and stuff and gotten certain Ordinations or whatever they do, because I could see it in the DNA Scans, right? And, it was a particular symbol that would always come out, and I knew it was a Mason symbol. And, I said: ―Oh, so you‘re a Freemason, are you?‖ And, they‘d just, like, look at me: ―How do you know that?‖ I‘d say, ―well, it‘s right there in the DNA.‖ ―What do you mean it‘s in my DNA?‖ They don‘t realize that the energy work that they participate in is affecting their DNA directly. And, I didn‘t know. It was kind of like my learning experience, too. It was, like, oh, cool, I can spot Freemasons. Thank you, Beloveds, right? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 30 of 126
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And, it‘s not just Freemasons. If you were baptized Catholic, you will have a similar, but a different-looking configuration—Methodist. If you went through, say, the Muslim Rites or whatever religion you were associated with. Even though, at this day and age, most of the Priest Castes that do those Ordinations or Baptisms in religions, they don‘t even know what it actually does in terms of the bio-energetic field. They don‘t know anything about the Soul Groups, the races, the risen and the fallen ones, and what it‘s actually plugging into. They go on faith that it‘s something good because it‘s in the book that they‘re thinking God wrote, all right? So, when you get these, you do get an energy connection to various Soul Groups that are off-planet, and not all of them are Rising Soul Groups. In fact, many of them are fallen. So, one of the nice things about the baptisms is, it will clear any of those imprints out. That doesn‘t mean you can‘t be associated with whatever that religion is anymore. If you‘re comfortable with doing the Krystic work like this, but also say you‘re Catholic or you‘re a Muslim person, or you‘re Jewish, or you‘re a Buddhist, you can still do the things you‘re doing. But, if there was any negative twist put in on any of the other rituals that you had participated in before, you will be able to clear it through that baptism. That includes even people who were born high Illuminati, which is very interesting. It means it would clear—it won‘t take away, if you had two parents that were full-on Illuminati Avatars, that‘s a very specific genetic configuration, all right? You‘re not going to totally take that away. But, what it can do is neutralize it and still take whatever Angelic Human element is left because if you‘re walking around in a human body that looks human, there is some Angelic Human in there. It will actually amplify that and tone down the rest, so it gives you a chance to connect into the Hosts. So, that‘s why they are offering this level of baptism. Again, Mashaya-Hanic Level goes past our Milky Way Galaxy system, runs through that, runs up through the M-31 Andromeda System that our Milky way had fallen out of and goes past that, into the Aquareion Matrix. And the only reference we have to show where that is, in relation to the others right now are the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates that we‘ve looked at before. So, the baptisms, as we go through the simple baptism process, I know how we do the single baptisms. They haven‘t shown me yet. They‘ll probably show me once we‘re out there what they would like to do in relation to a group baptism. That doesn‘t mean it‘s like group marriage or the Moonies. It‘s not that kind of thing, right? It‘s a personal experience, but you‘re participating in it in a group. It doesn‘t mean you‘re connected to the group, or you‘re, like, stuck to the group or have to be a part of the group or decide… Even if you decide that you don‘t want to do any more workshops, even if you decide you don‘t believe in this information anymore, all you have to do is say ok, I rescind my baptism. I‘m no longer interested, and that will be done at your request. So, there are no strings attached in that regard. It is a protection field; it is a clearing and healing field. But, if you feel, at any point in your life, that you do not want to participate, all you have to do is ask the Beloveds. Say, look, I‘m not comfortable with this anymore, and I‘m choosing to make it go away. You don‘t have to do all these ―get them off me‖ rites; they don‘t get on you, right, that kind of stuff. It‘s simply like: ―I really don‘t want to be affiliated anymore.‖ And, that will be honored instantly. So, it‘s almost like one of those things where it‘s all gain and actually no negatives. Because, even if you decide to change your mind, and you decide you‘re on a different path, and you decide you want to go with the Metatronic crew or something, it‘s not going to prevent you from doing that. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 31 of 126
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Nobody is going to fight for you or try to pull you in this direction. That‘s not what this work is about or what the Beloveds are about. So, that will be at the end of that. And, as we‘re doing the Baptismal Rites, whatever they‘re going to look like, this is when the Crystal Temple will actually pop as the Monadic Passage opens. And, from that point, they‘re going to teach us how to do some interesting things with that first Amoraea Crystal Temple. I don‘t know what, but they‘re going to teach us how to go in there. These are more powerful than the ones we were able to first activate over in Ireland. And, what‘s nice is, it will also back-activate those. So, they will turn into these Crystal Temples, as well. These places connect into the Aurora Continuum and the Aurora Platforms, and they‘re going to teach us more about how they do that. They give us much more access; the Crystal Temple Krystar Temple structures give us much more access to the Aurora Continuum and the locations connected to it than a simple, Two-Density Level Merkaba. All right, so, I think we‘ll put on the next one.
[33:38] (Graph) So, this is what we‘re going to accomplish today. And, it‘s really funny, because some of this we have to practice a bit, especially getting organized for the Stand part because that‘s complex. I don‘t know how A‘san does it. It would make me crazy. I can do it on paper and get down the technicals, right, of how it‘s supposed to be done, but, then, trying to get all those bodies and all those positions and get everybody knowing what words they‘re supposed to be saying, I would lose my mind. I‘m very grateful for A‘san and his gift with being able to do that. So, we will do, probably, a practice round, but a shortened practice round of that. We‘re also going to do a practice round of the drumming before we leave. And, there‘s a couple of technique things that we need to move through, just to bring our activation levels up. And, I‘m still going: ―Do we really have to do that one before we go because we don‘t really have any time.‖ And, the Beloveds are going: ―I don‘t care; make time.‖ Oh, no, not that one! I mean, it‘s a technique that‘s great, and it works, as far as really shaking up the frequency and the body. Some of you may know already what I‘m talking about. We‘ve done it before; I forget where it was. I think St. Kitts might have been the first one. But, in order to begin amping, and freeing the GharE‘ from the cellular structure and awakening the GharE’ and freeing the Gharoche, getting the Gharoche off us, which is the negative, the twisted part- basically, the Metatronic part of our Spirit Body that is stuck in our atoms. It is the “Voice” one, which is, either people hate it, or, some people love it, because you can get—It really builds the energy. So, they want us to do a quick round of that before we go, and we‘re supposed to, like, board for buses at 3:00. I‘m thinking maybe 3:30. But, we have to do that one before we go, and they also want us to do one part of the Merkaba activation that we did in Ireland. And we‘ll do part one and that‘s like—it‘s a written technique, actually. We will do that one, and that will begin the activation of the Krystar Level of it, or the Crystal Temple level, for people who have already done it. And, for people who haven‘t done it, it will bring them up to where they have the Density-1 level of the Irish activation. And, that will kick in automatically to the Density-2 Level and pick up with the rest as we go through the drum circle. So, it‘s bringing everybody up frequency-wise to where you can hold the frequencies that are being generated in the drum circle. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 32 of 126
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[35:56] (Graph?) All right, this is just a little bit of reminders for people who may not have been to any of the workshops before, or whatever. The Aurora Continuum that we talk about, the Aurora Continuum is actually a space between the dimensional structures. It runs between the Outer Domains, that we are in, and the Middle Domains that are called the Edons. And there are certain Planes—we‘ve seen these maps before. There are Planes where the Aurora Continuum interfaces with Aurora Platforms, where it interfaces with our system here that can actually be judged on the Vertical Maps where it tells you different things. We‘ve looked at these before, but there are Vertical Maps that, by judging where the Van Allen Radiation Belts are in the Atmosphere, we can actually map out some of the Planes and their interfaces to the Aurora Continuum. So, we‘ve got Aurora Platforms and then we‘ve got Ecousha Platforms, which run on the AdorA side, which are the reality systems that are on the counter-spin but are in the same place as we are. So, this is, when we do this Crystal Krystar Temple structure, when it opens, it will interface more with the Aurora Continuum. They‘re already activated and open on the planet, but we will make them more accessible, because it will also open all of these, where it will allow a passthrough directly into the Ecousha Side, which means over, through the AdorA side. So, if there are areas in the planetary grids or in the plane structure of the planet here that are distorted from the NET, so it is blocking our passage if we‘re trying to project, these Temples will allow us to go in, flip over into the AdorA Side and sidestep those boundaries and then come back to where we want to go to get to Higher Earth here. So, it‘s like the back door to Heaven, sort of, right, if we look at Heaven as the Higher Earth Planes that we are aiming for, that are beyond the NET, where it has evolved since 13,000 years ago. It has evolved—in 13,400 B.C. actually—has evolved in a much better way than the Earth here has. If that is where our first destination where we‘re aiming for is, the—that exists in the atmosphere, as well. They haven‘t showed us where yet, but it does plug in to the Vertical Map Structures. And, with the activation of these Temples, we will be able to use the Ecousha Passages on the AdorA Side to sidestep the NET effects here because the NET is not affecting the AdorA side of the equivalent of what is Earth on that Side. All right, so, next one please…
[38:10] (Graph) I‘m not going to do too many diagrams here. These should just touch base for, give some visuals for people who haven‘t been here. This is just to remind us this is the Map, right? This is just to remind us, when we were over here in Ireland, and we set up the Skellig Michael area Temples, one in Dublin, one in Skellig Michael area and one out in the ocean area that used to be part of the Atlantis Continent Body. That‘s where we have the Arc anchored, and we have the three Transharmonic Merkabas over there. We‘re gong to now open a line between them and—if I can find Florida—somewhere here, right, down in here. We have Watchtower, which is down in the Pine Island area where we live, and then, right up here, we have the GrU-al‘ at Siesta Key Beach. It‘s right off the coast of Siesta Key Beach.
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So, we are actually opening a line between those, and an Arc splice will come over from that area into here, and then here is where we will have the first—the first one, it‘s the first to come and the last to go, they said. Even at the end of the Load-Out Cycle, when the Temples start shutting down and the Gates start shutting down, this will be the last one that will stay open. It will be the—and it will also be the congregating area for the last Guardian people, like the last crew; if everybody gets out, right, you got everybody out, and you‘re the captain of the ship or whatever; so, you wait until everybody‘s safe, and they‘ve got their safe passage, this will be, progressively, over the next 200 years, the ones working the Kryst Guardian route will pass, either Pass-Through—they don‘t have to live here, but they‘ll Pass-Through. But, the final Guard, and that might be our children or our children‘s children by then, right, or our children‘s, children‘s children 200 years from now, right? But, they would congregate in this area and be the guards of the first-to-come and last-to-go Temple. So, this is that Temple that is being activated today, as we begin the activation of it today. And there will be others. By the way, there‘s another area. I believe it‘s connected to the Ecousha-2 Platform in Maui. We thought we were going to have to do a Maui trip at the end of the year. They said, because we will—if we did not succeed with what is occurring today, and it‘s today and it actually runs for about a week; the whole activation runs for about a week, but we start it and anchor it today. If that wasn‘t successful, we would have to have a ground team out in Maui. But, there‘s nothing that can make this one unsuccessful at this point. It will work; this one will work. So, we don‘t need to go to Maui. There‘s somewhere else that they want us to go, and they haven‘t told us exactly where yet, but it has to do with activating a small one of these, a satellite in a couple of areas that are connected to ancient Mayan Grids that certain groups among the ancient Maya are actually, their Soul Groups are handing over the Grids to the Beloveds because they realize that they‘ve been actually servicing the Metatronic thing, and they don‘t want to fall. And, so, there‘s a Grid pick-up that we need to do. So, we‘ve been asked to look into cruises that go down toward, not to Belize, but down past that area, down south of that area. So, it‘s going to be some kind of cruise thing where the boat stops at a couple of different locations, and it has to do with Mayan sites. So, we‘re going to be doing that instead of the Maui trip, probably around October-ish, but we have to see what cruises are running in that vicinity during that time. A‘san: Sunset is quarter to 6. A‘sha: Quarter to six? Wow, that‘s early. A‘san: We need to have people on the buses in forty minutes from now. A‘sha: Forty minutes? A‘san: And you‘ve got your segment to finish, and I‘ve got mine to do. A‘sha: Ok, yes, well, you know what? We can actually do the drum circle practice, the practice for the drumming at the beach. Yeah, that would save the time from doing it here A‘san: (inaudible) A‘sha: Yeah, that gives us…and, the Ordinations take about how long? They could do them after instead of before if that‘s going to be a problem time. Well, anyway, I‘ll talk about that; The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 34 of 126
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we‘ll talk about that. We‘ll figure it out. We‘ve got about forty minutes before we need to do buses, so I‘ve got to hurry up with these. Anyway, that was just to show you some of the connections and things. So, we‘re not going to have to do Maui. The Maui thing will trigger, not yet, but it‘s going to trigger and open on its own because of the success of these activations. So, and, we‘ll also learn more about what it is going down south on a cruise ship. The ―cruise ship‖ ones are weird, because you‘ve got this whole cruise ship thing happening around you, right? And, then you have a group of, like, a hundred or two hundred people that are with us, and they‘re kind of go: Well, this is really strange, because they‘re all doing their cruise ship thing, and they‘re partying and the disco or whatever. It‘s like, very strange, but it can be fun if you like that sort of thing. So, you kind of get both worlds. Yeah, anyway, next one, please…
[43:02] (Graph) I‘ll go through these really quickly. This is just to remind us of, what, when we referred to the Encryption Lattices, that they are held in our Fields. Our Dimensional Encryption Lattices are held around us in our Fields around us. I‘m not going to go into heavy detail on these. So, when I refer to Encryption Lattices, I‘m talking about, literally, the lattices of radiation that control, actually, the Materialization of Atoms and, thus, events and our bodies, as well, that, literally, are in our own fields. And, it‘s the Encryption Lattices that we‘re beginning to change the ones that have kept us phase-locked into the DNA Mutation here and the Consciousness Block, and beginning to bring in the ones from the Higher Earth, or the Heaven places, in order to shift, literally shift the frequency and the BPR of our physical body rhythms, as well as shift our Mind into that greater understanding and being able to move into those spaces of perception and experience that would have to do with Higher Earth. So, this is just to remind us of the layers of our Trion Fields and Meajhe Fields in our Light Body Structure and how the Encryption Lattices are like a skin that forms around those. And, right now, we have a Metatronic skin because the planet has a Metatronic skin around its version of these. And that is controlling our personal ones. And we are progressively plugging ours into the Higher Earth Encryption Lattice, which will override the Metatronic Encryption Lattice of NET Earth that we are on. Next one, please…
[44:32] (Graph) This is just the same thing, showing you it in a—it is much larger than just the up-close ones we just saw. Just, I wanted to show you here, when we talk about this axis over here, that‘s actually the angular rotation of particle spin that our atoms are supposed to be on. Our Atoms, right now, are actually stuck in with our Light Body alignment, where they shouldn‘t be, because of the mutation. So, progressively, we are activating the parts of our, what‘s called our Aah-JhA’ Hydro-Acoustic Body that will allow for the atoms to progressively move into their natural angular rotation of particle spin that will allow us to begin to physically experience the areas of Higher Earth, because Higher Earth is on that angular rotation of particle spin, and we are here. And we see this and not that because of that issue of particle spin. So, there are certain parts of techniques where you have things coming in over the right shoulder. That‘s because of this orientation. It‘s coming in as a positive area for it to come over. There‘s also another thing called the Mashaya-Hanic Vortice that we opened a while back, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 35 of 126
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that comes through the brain that connects us directly up, into the Mashaya-Hanic Matrices. It‘s like a safe communication line that goes through the Aurora Continuum. And that is also coming through on the particle spin of that, but it comes through the brain. We‘ll look at that for a minute because we‘re getting more of those opening. Hold on one second. Next one, please…
[45:53] (Graph) Yeah, there‘s this one. Now, this little messy thing over in the corner is a micro version of the larger maps that came out in, I think—what are they—Sliders-5, I think, they came in, yeah, where they showed in the Probability Maps, connected to the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates and where we are and how we got into the Metagalactic-6 Alignment and how we now have to move Metagalctic-6, Galactic-3 Alignment and that that is how we hold the Host. We‘ll talk more about the technicals of that tomorrow. But, this connection actually affects, directly, our brain as well. Where, if we see our Milky Way Galaxy and the M-31 Andromeda Galaxy that we came out of, in their position there, we actually have a micro-version of receivers in our brain that affect the same way. And, this is where we opened what is called the Mashaya-Hanic Vortice, which, on the larger maps, was over here. And that‘s what allows us to connect with the Host that runs from the Aquareion Matrix, down through the M-31 Matrix and down into the Milky Way, because the Milky Way, at this point, is a falling Galactic System. It is going Black-Hole Fall. But, this allows us a lifeline to those systems that aren‘t in fall, and that‘s why the gates can stay open during this final LoadOut Period. So, we have this Mashaya-Hanic Vortice that was opened in our brains, and it literally comes down from, like, way up in the Universe and past our Universe and down, through the right side. There‘s also another one that loops through and goes back up. So, it‘s actually like having a big Eckasha-type link in your head, kind of thing. But, over in here, through that vortice, we‘re going to have ones that open back in, up this way. So, they‘ll be—I don‘t have it on this. That‘s one of the diagrams I have to upgrade. But, there will be another set that opens in the back and up, around, at that angle. And, that connects directly into, up in the M-31 Galaxy, up into Urtha directly. So, it‘s like an Urtha-direct communication line, where the other is a Mashaya-Hanadirect communication line. And eventually they will open and blend, possibly by the end of this workshop. They haven‘t told me yet. So, anyway, some of the activations we will be going through have to do with opening that next set of vortices. If you haven‘t done techniques that opened the Mashaya-Hanic Vortice, that will open naturally with the Baptism experience, by the way. It will also open naturally, but not as quickly, with just some of the other techniques. So, if you don‘t do the Baptism because you don‘t want to, that‘s ok. But, it will just take a bit longer for that vortice to open, if you haven‘t done the techniques in the workshops where that vortice was specifically opened. Next one, please…
[48:31] (Graph) I‘m trying to go faster here so we can get done what we need to do. This is just a really rough version of—this is our Earth and this is, when we talk about the NET, right? This is the unnatural Encryption Lattice that is literally surrounding the planet. It is created from the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 36 of 126
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Bloom-of-Doom Atlantean Death Science technologies that were started a long time ago on the planet. And, this is going into critical-mass activation, 55-Activation in 2012 that would allow it to blend with fallen Parallel Earth and open into the parallel system‘s wormhole, black hole system. So, it would put it on total fall. That is why Earth is on the fall path. There are bits of the Grids that we can protect because we are going to actually, we are anchoring an overlay that will go over that. It won‘t make it go away, but it will allow certain places in between, places where we have these Temples that are opening now, where you can literally jump through the NET and get beyond it and plug into the natural Encryption Lattices of Higher Earth, which would be considered ―Heaven‖ in our heavenly stories. So, this is the thing we are fighting. We also carry small versions of it around our Radial Body Fields. That is what‘s controlling our DNA, and you can blame it for everything, even why we die. You know, we‘re supposed to be Eternal Life. It‘s because of this. I call this, for short, the Met-NET, the Metatronic NET, so Met-NET for short. But, that‘s just to remind us that we are, actually—this is why, in 2012, this is fully activating at 55-Spin, which allows it to go into blend with Parallel. But, we are actually activating something that will be a natural Net Configuration over the NET, the Encryption Lattice that will allow—it will stop this NET from pulling Earth fully into the cataclysmic destiny that the ones who invented the Met-NET were planning for 2012. We are actually going to pull back, so we won‘t be able to save Earth, but we can hold them from pulling it. And, that‘s exactly what the purpose of us on the planet is going to be for the next 200 years, of the people working with the Beloveds. It is literally: Our presence on the planet is making it so this 55 cannot activate. And even if they killed every one of us right now, like, anybody that carries the codes that can hold the natural Kryst-Net, it wouldn‘t matter, because we‘ve got it activated sufficiently already where, whether we‘re on-planet or not, it will hold (Applause). So, that protects our lives, right? Anyway, next one, please…
[51:01] (Graph) This is just to remind us really briefly: this is the structure of a Merkaba Field. I‘m not going to go heavily into it; most of you have seen them a million times, even though it‘s backwards (A‘sha Laughs) Yeah, I do that, too. Flip it: yup, and then turn it around. There we go. No, it isn‘t, is it? Where are we? Anyway, the only purpose of showing this diagram right now is to show the shape of a Merkaba Field. The words aren‘t important right now. So, when we talk about the two-Density level Merkaba Field that we‘ve activated already over in Ireland, there was two Densities of this shape of Merkaba Field, where you have the top spiral that‘s electrical and the bottom spiral that‘s magnetic, and all of that. And, we‘ve learned there‘s tons of the Merkaba Field information. I believe it‘s in Kathara 2-3. I think that‘s where it showed up in. But, we‘ve covered this, tons of this for ages, actually, in the past. So, this is just to remind us: This is the type that was activated over in Ireland. And, that‘s the first type that will trigger into activation when we start over here. But, that will upgrade to the next one, which is: Next one, please…
[52:12] (Graph) If we remember way back when, we learned about the Eckasha Merkaba structure, where, this is showing it in relation to a map, all right, part of the Ecka Map of the God World Gates. It‘s The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 37 of 126
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showing it in relation to a Veca Map. It‘s massive; it doesn‘t just interface with one Universe, right, like let‘s say one Kathara Grid would be one Universe, 15-Dimensional System, not just with one, but, actually, with four, all right? And it has this tube inside. That‘s the Magnetic Field part of it, has the double Merkabas, top and bottom. It‘s a massive structure. What the Crystal Temples that are going to activate here, the first one here and, then, others, will look like this but times two, which means they will actually interface with eight, not just four Universal Structures. Next one, please…
[53:05] (Graph) Ok, so that would be one, if you look at the simple line structure, right? And, the is how the Krystar Vehicle around you is built, as well, where your fields activate to a certain level and go into the Eckasha Merkaba configuration. If you drew a line, this line down here, it actually gives you a Kathara Grid. It‘s based on a Kathara Grid running horizontally, if you can see that, and then the lines coming up. Well, it‘s going to be this, plus---now, you may need me to do this. I think I‘ll to do this. I won‘t torture you. I‘m going to put the next one on it and align it. Hold on.
[54:10] (Graph) It‘s the shape I‘m trying to show you here, not the words. So, don‘t worry about the upsidedown words and stuff like that. What I‘m showing you is the Krystar Vehicle itself. The ones that we use are formed by two of those Eckasha Merkabas put together, which means they have a, literally, an eight-Universe capacity. So, Eight different Universes, or at this level, it‘s Galaxies. So, there will be eight different Galaxies involved, probable versions of the Galaxy we‘re in. So, the Temples will be of this structure, and they look like massive crystals. If you saw them, it would look like a crystal of that shape. And, this is all on the inside of the crystal. This would be the outside lines of the crystal, right? So, it would come down like that and then come in like that. And, it would have the cut planes, like the cut effect of the planes on it. And it is a massive Krystar Crystal. So, that is the shape of the massive Amoraea Crystal Temple that is going to activate on the beach around us while we do the Baptism parts. All right, so that is the—and it will also have, it‘s not shown on here. But, remember, on the diagram just before, on the top point there and on the bottom of the skinny one, there were those double Merkaba Fields? They will also be there. They look like stars on top and bottom. So, there will be two stars inside and two stars outside. So, this is a major Temple structure. They‘ll teach us more tomorrow about what we can do with that temple structure, I‘m sure. Because they didn‘t even tell me this was going to happen until, like, last night and this morning, they began to show me, and that‘s why it took a while. What am I looking for? This is why they had me bring half of my office. Thank God it wasn‘t an airplane trip for us, because we never would have made it, right, because there were all these files we had to get, in order to—they said, just bring the back files. The back files, are you kidding? There‘s, like, 5,000 pieces of paper filed everywhere. But, I have certain ones that are very heavy, but they‘re portable. So, I had to bring all of those, because they didn‘t tell me what I was going to need to pull from where. So, this is some of the back stuff they wanted me to have access to, so we could remember the shape, remember where it came from and know that we‘re going to, one of these will open. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 38 of 126
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And, it actually will have this diameter this way, and, they spin. So, it actually makes a circular diameter. It‘s like a top spinning. So, these points actually carve out a circle, right, a circular field. And it creates a big sphere around it. It‘s actually a sphere with a cone on top. So, it‘s a big Eckasha around it, but that will be about two miles wide, all right. So, it‘s a two-mile diameter. These are huge, all right. They‘re very huge. They‘re larger, I believe, than the other ones. The two miles is the start, and that‘s the center. They also do something once there‘s three or more created. So, this will be, this will be the fourth, actually. But, it‘s the first, because there‘s going to be three more: The three sites in Ireland, one‘s in the middle of the ocean, but the other one‘s Skellig Michael and the other is Dublin. Those will turn into these, too. So, you‘ve got three that will turn into these over there. When three or more are activated, they do something. They‘re going to tell us more tomorrow about what they do, but they have a way of interfacing and interacting and creating much, much larger protection fields. But these are pass-through areas, where—we‘ll talk more about the Amoraea Pass-Through. But, it will allow for the thing that we‘ve talked about: Moving from the alignment of Metagalactic-6 that we‘re in now, that we finally got into, that we have to ride through, until 2012. In 2012, we‘re supposed to do a jump up to Metagalactic-12 Alignment. And that has to do with the Amoraea Pass-Through. So, all of these will—these have there own little Amoraea Pass-Throughs inside of them. And, once a certain number are activated, they will allow the Net Earth, or a portion of the Net Earth Grids to actually shift into that alignment to hold the Host for the 200 years. We‘ll talk more about that tomorrow anyway. But, that‘s the structure. Try to visualize that around you when we go into that phase of the Drum Circle. After the Drum Circle, we are doing the Baptisms. Try to sense the feeling of this thing. It‘ll start like a pop in the center of the Shield and then spread out almost like it moves past you, and then go out to its two-mile radius, kind of thing. So, you‘ll feel it. There‘ll be a little bit of a whoooo as it starts its expansion from the center point of the Shield, because that‘s where it will anchor first, in the center point of the Shadra Shield that we‘re creating in the Stand Shield. Next one, please…
[58:19] (Graph) That‘s just to remind you of what it looks like, in person, your Krystar Vehicle. And, interestingly, Krystar Vehicles, at a certain Point, can activate to where they fly, right, where they fully activate, and then you go hyper-dimensional and, literally, turn into Light. And that‘s where you can go through gates and stuff. I would imagine that these things do that on a much larger level, which means portions of the Grids may be able to still come through. I have to see what they say about that, but, at least, come through to the Higher Earth Realms. At least for now, these will act almost like elevators that will be able to take us into the Higher Earth Planes. But, they don‘t just connect to Higher Earth. They go all the way through the stack: Right now, all the way up to Urtha. This one will anchor from Urtha, which is in M-31 Andromeda Galaxy. And at a certain point, they‘ll activate where they connect all the way in to the Mashaya-Hana level directly, where they actually run the frequencies from there. So, they will literally be, like, elevators that go between this system and those other Ascension Systems. Next one, please…
[59:21] (Graph) The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 39 of 126
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Is there a next one? I‘d better hurry. Ok, yes, this gets into the little bit of techniques they wanted me to do with you before we do other things. Do we really have to have to do the ―Voice‖? We don‘t have time to do the Voice. They said: ―You can do a quick rundown of the Voice‖, ok. Call in the Sha-DA‘ Cloister. Ok, all right, what they‘re saying here is there‘s only parts of some of these they would like us to use. They want us to do just the Call-ins on the Floating Buddha Rite. All right, that was a technique we had a couple of workshops back, but just using the Elemental Orb Commands, which are: The Calling Command and the Raising Command that actually raises your Sha-DA‘ Shield up and up over your head and your Buddhas go with it. I won‘t explain these heavily. Most people know about them. If you‘re new—I think it was, what were these from, Sliders—the Buddhas—FoL last year? Ok, so, FoL last year has all the technicals of what these were about, for those of you who don‘t know what they are. But, they‘re simply: We use the Call Commands. They just want us to use these Call Commands, one round of those, those Call Commands from the Staah-Lei-yas of Translocation Technique that are the Edonic Call Command. They want us to follow with that. (A‘san speaks) Well, no, they‘re from past workshops. But, I have them up here so they can at least read them. And, we just have to do it; they don‘t have to do them on the beach. All right, we just do them here. So, activate those, and what those Call-ins are doing: We are actually calling in very specific different Guardian Groups that are assisting us in this Ascension path. We‘re calling in the Adashi Adepts and the ones who come in in Orb. And, they will visit, later, in Orb, where I do believe we will probably get Orb photos this evening, as well, as we have before when we‘ve done Drum Circles. So, we‘re going to do those two. Then, the only thing that could take too much time is this one. (To A‘san: You read faster than me. Could you read them through this? After I do these two, can you read them through this?) Yeah, it‘s Sliders-6 Technique 3 that we did over there. This one‘s important for everyone, even if you‘ve done it once over there because it‘s going to trigger, for people who haven‘t done it at all, it will trigger the activation of the Density-2 Transharmonic Merkaba Field in your fields. And, for people who‘ve done it already, who have that activation, it will begin the process of activating the Monadic Sequence that we‘re going to pick up full on when we go into the Drum Circle. So, they want this one run, even though it‘s a couple of pages long. It doesn‘t take too long once you get reading it, I don‘t think. All right, and it gets a little, if you get a little confused, especially if you‘re new, and haven‘t done this one before, on certain breathing where, let‘s see, I‘ll, for example: ―Where you‘re breathing in an upward half-circle arc around the right side of your body‖ Where you‘re breathing at certain things, some will go this way, and then some come down that way at certain points where you‘re actually using breath to inhale up, and then, like, exhale down, that kind of thing. Just try to follow the words. If you can‘t, just know that enough people‘s fields are already doing it. It will trip in on your own if you‘re actively trying to do it. Just do the breathing as they‘re saying. If you lose track of ―where‘s my spin,‖ just keep up with what they‘re saying, like inhale or exhale next. Don‘t worry about that; you will catch on. All right, so you don‘t have to worry about—we don‘t have to practice that horribly and get out diagrams and stuff to explain it, because it gets really weird, especially if you have any dyslexia. It makes me nuts trying to read The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 40 of 126
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it, actually. I‘m, like, ok, wait a minute. Start at the bottom, go up, what is that clock face, counterclockwise, that kind of thing. And, it‘s about running certain currents that will culminate in activation of the Density-1 level of the Transharmonic Merkaba. And then the Density-2 level will activate once we go out and start the stuff on the beach. And if you already have that level activated, it will just trigger into more full activation. It will start to pick up speed in preparation for the next levels. (to A‘san) So, that one I would ask you to help me with, because I‘m terrible. My eyes move too slowly, actually, in reading to do that one well. These are easy because the words are big. So, after we do that one, I‘m going to do just the two Orb Calls. We don‘t have to do these very many times, they‘re saying. Just do a one-through on, first, these. And, we‘re only going to use the, it‘s just, literally, the big words, the Commands that we‘re going to use. And, we‘re just going to say them once as a group, same thing with the Edonic ones. Then, we‘ll do that technique to activate the Merkaba. Then, we‘re going to do a quick run on—we don‘t have to drag out the drums for this. If drummers have them out, they can do it, but just to get a feel for the 3-8, 3-7, 2-8- Set, just a little bit to set that in the Field here, too. We‘ll just do a little bit of that because the most important stuff is giving A‘san some time to go over what he needs to do before we get on the beach for the Stand. (To A‘san: You don‘t have time, huh? You can do it on the beach then, right? Can you do it on the beach? Can we use a microphone on the beach? Are we allowed to do that? Well, you just told me you don‘t have the time, right?) All right, let‘s do this, anyway. Let‘s do these. We may do the, the Psonn-of-Freedom-practicestuff. We can do that part on the beach, actually, because it won‘t matter if we‘re just sitting there practicing the rounds a bit before we set in motion the Command Stand.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 41 of 126
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Technique Sequence Calling the Sha-DA’ Cloister Ok, so, start with, these are Calling the Sha-DA’ Cloister. That is the formal way of calling the Cloister Group, which is one Being—we did these before—one Being from each of the six primary races that are working with us on the Adashi Ascension, where we have the, let‘s see who we‘ve got: We have the Aquafar’E, the ZionA, the A’quai, the A’quA-elle, the Aquafereion and the Bhendi Aquari. This is what this set of Calls brings in. So, we‘ll just run those once. Then, we‘re going to call in the Ah-JhU-na’. The Ah-JhU-na‘ are the ones from Middle Earth, or, Edonic Earth, from the Edons in the Middle Domain. So, we‘re going to call them in. And, then, we‘ll go right into this technique that you can read better, because you‘re better at reading stuff than I am. Thank you. I‘m trying to pick it up here, move it faster. Ok, so let‘s call in the Sha-DA‘ Cloister. And, anybody that doesn‘t have these techniques, these, that is one of the most valuable workshops, really, is the ones that introduce the Buddhas and the Floating Buddhas, and, that was FoL last year, I think you said? Yeah, that is really important because that is where you learn about who your helpers are and how to directly connect with them, and the techniques to do that with. So, if you‘re new to the work, I do recommend that for that specific reason. Anyway, and excuse me if I stumble for saying these, oh gosh: Ah-ShA‘-ah NE‘Ra O‘cha-Sa, yeah. For some reason, I can always remember this part, but I lose the first part. It‘s: Whatever NE‘-Ra- O‘cha- Sa. Ok, yes, and you can activate your Krystar Vehicle with a ―Rasha Eira Krystar, Now‖ Breath (All do breaths) Ok, and let‘s do this one quickly, three times (All repeat): Ah-ShA‘-ah NE‘Ra-O‘cha-Sa Ah-ShA‘-ah NE‘Ra-O‘cha-Sa Ah-ShA‘-ah NE‘Ra-O‘cha-Sa All right-y, now, we‘ll do the Calling Command. And, I will do this a little slower, because I haven‘t done this since last year. Anybody know how to do this fast? I know a bunch of you have it memorized. Would somebody do this fast, come up and do this fast with the group, please, whoever has it memorized and can read it fast? Yeah, you, Jared, you‘re good at this. Thank you. Do what? Move it up? There we go. Ok, all right, good idea. Yeah, up, and there‘s still more at the bottom, I think. Yeah, higher, higher, yeah, there‘s one Command below that, ok. We didn‘t have handouts made of these yet because we didn‘t know we were supposed to use them until this morning. It‘s like, like, oh, I‘m glad I carry them around with me everywhere. Anyway, Jared, would you just mind running through this fast? He‘s really fast with the— because he has it memorized. Hey, yeah, you can just point to help people. There we go, thank you darling.
[1:08:30] (Jared reads Commands) So, three times with the first part of it: (All repeat) Ah ZhU‘TU Ah-VA‘ Cum-sa A‘-Vo Zha-Ta‘, A‘-TU, KEi‘-sa, Ah‘-RA, KA‘-Vo, SE-A‘-Ta A‘-JhUn e-ThrA‘ TU-ah Neu-en‘ CU-sa TA‘-va Um-Shed‘rah TE-SA Ha-VO The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 42 of 126
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Ah ZhU‘TU Ah-VA‘ Cum-sa A‘-Vo Zha-Ta‘, A‘-TU, KEi‘-sa, Ah‘-RA, KA‘-Vo, SE-A‘-Ta A‘-JhUn e-ThrA‘ TU-ah Neu-en‘ CU-sa TA‘-va Um-Shed‘rah TE-SA Ha-VO Ah ZhU‘TU Ah-VA‘ Cum-sa A‘-Vo Zha-Ta‘, A‘-TU, KEi‘-sa, Ah‘-RA, KA‘-Vo, SE-A‘-Ta A‘-JhUn e-ThrA‘ TU-ah Neu-en‘ CU-sa TA‘-va Um-Shed‘rah TE-SA Ha-VO The Raising Command: ―Once your Sha-DA‘ Cloister has taken its position as Orbs on the floor or ground around you, observe as they create a circle of energy that runs through each member‘s Orb and surrounds you. This is the Sha-DA‘ Shield.‖ So, after a moment, they‘ve landed around you. ―Inhale into your Ka-Ra-NA’-dis Seal, right below your sternum, (All inhale) hold, and, then, exhale, using the exhale breath to push a six-point breath horizontally outward from your Ka-Ra-NA‘-dis Seal (All exhale) sending a streamer of Living Water Energy out to the Ka-Ra-NA‘-dis Seal of each of the six Cloister members. Breathe normally and repeatedly chant, out loud if possible, the Raising Command, and sense first that the Sha-DA‘ Shield begins to counter spin, and next, that it begins to rise upward, carrying the six-member Cloister Orbs with it. (All repeat, gradually increasing in speed) E‘sta en-ta‘-Ro DE-A‘-SU NA-Va-Ro E‘sta en-ta‘-Ro DE-A‘-SU NA-Va-Ro E‘sta en-ta‘-Ro DE-A‘-SU NA-Va-Ro E‘sta en-ta‘-Ro DE-A‘-SU NA-Va-Ro E‘sta en-ta‘-Ro DE-A‘-SU NA-Va-Ro E‘sta en-ta‘-Ro DE-A‘-SU NA-Va-Ro E‘sta en-ta‘-Ro DE-A‘-SU NA-Va-Ro E‘sta en-ta‘-Ro DE-A‘-SU NA-Va-Ro E‘sta en-ta‘-Ro DE-A‘-SU NA-Va-Ro E‘sta en-ta‘-Ro DE-A‘-SU NA-Va-Ro E‘sta en-ta‘-Ro DE-A‘-SU NA-Va-Ro E‘sta en-ta‘-Ro DE-A‘-SU NA-Va-Ro E‘sta en-ta‘-Ro DE-A‘-SU NA-Va-Ro E‘sta en-ta‘-Ro DE-A‘-SU NA-Va-Ro E‘sta en-ta‘-Ro DE-A‘-SU NA-Va-Ro ―Now, the Sha-DA‘ Shield has risen directly up over your head. And observe that, as the ShaDA‘ Shield is over your head, the six Cloister members de-Orb and are now in their bi-pedal forms, sitting in the loose lotus position on their Hierophant Points. They have become the ―Floating Buddhas‖. Notice that the spin speed of the counter-spinning Sha-DA‘ Shield has progressively increased. The “UNION” Command” And, we‘re going to use this Command three times: (All Repeat) Yeah, we haven‘t gotten to that point yet. We have to inhale it first. But, when we say it, we‘re going to repeat it three times. Oh, sorry, raise it up, ok. Ok, yes, raise that up, and raise those up, ok. (laughter) The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 43 of 126
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―Inhale into your Ka-RA-NA‘-dis Seal, (All inhale) hold, and then exhale forcefully upward, using the exhale to push a bi-locate self (All exhale) vertically upward, into the center point of the Sha-DA‘ Shield, to become the seventh Buddha. Hold a moment at the bottom of the ―exhale‖. And, then, inhale, and repeat the ―UNION‖ Command three times. We‘re doing it three times this time. Yeah, sorry, three times this time. (All inhale) Ah‘-TU Se-TA‘ UM Ah‘-TU Se-TA‘ UM Ah‘-TU Se-TA‘ UM
Transharmonic Merkaba Activation (Sliders-6, Technique 3) A‘sha: Now, this is the Merkaba Activation one. A‘san: Ok, begin by visualizing the 48-Petal Crystal Lotus with the Silver Seed at the center at your Third Eye on the inside of your forehead. Do you want me to repeat that? Visualize the 48-Petal Crystal Lotus with the Silver Seed at its center at your Third Eye on the inside of your forehead. Inhale next, using the breath to draw the Crystal Lotus Gently downward, through your AzurA and into your Ka-Ra-NA‘-dis Seal at the bottom end of your breast bone (All inhale) Then, exhale forcefully upward, using this breath to push the Crystal Lotus upward from the KaRa-NA‘-dis Seal and up to the Trans-Luminal Upper Aurora Point far above your head (All exhale) Immediately inhale downward from the upper Aurora Point, using that breath to draw the Crystal Lotus and a stream of Golden-Silver Sparkle Current, called the Starlight Prana Stream, downward, into the Ka-Ra-NA‘-dis Seal (All inhale) Right, when you‘re holding your breath; it‘s difficult. Hold at the top of this inhale in the Ka-Ra-NA‘-dis Seal, allowing the Starlight Stream to fill the Seal with sparkling Golden-Silver Prana Light. Now, exhale firmly downward, using the breath to push the Crystal Lotus and the Golden-Silver Starlight Prana Stream downward, into the Trans-Luminal Lower Aurora Point in Earth Core (All Exhale) Hold at the bottom of this exhale, allowing the Starlight Stream to fill Earth Core with Golden-Silver Prana Light. Now, initiate the clockwise Starlight Prana Stream Circulation, leaving the Crystal Lotus in Earth Core. Inhale. Use the breath to draw the Starlight Prana Stream in an upward, half-circle arc, moving upward around the right side of your body. So, from the bottom of your feet, as it were, up around, towards the top of the right side of your head, all the way up to the TransLuminal Upper Aurora Point far above your head. Hold briefly at the top. Then, exhale gently, using the breath to push the Starlight Prana Stream in a downward half-circle, moving downward, around the left side of your body (All Exhale) from the top of your head down, through the left shoulder, all the way down to under your feet. And, that‘s into the TransLuminal Lower Aurora Point in Earth Core. Now, inhale upward once more, using the breath to draw the Starlight Prana Stream in an upward half-circle, around the right side of your body again, all the way up to the Trans-Luminal Upper Aurora Point far above your head (All inhale) Hold there at the top, and then exhale gently and speak the Electrical Spin Tone Command: The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 44 of 126
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Rhu-ShE‘-ma-NUOT –san ep‘et-ta (All repeat) Rhu-ShE‘-ma-NUOT –san ep‘et-ta As you exhale (All exhale), while using the breath to push the Starlight Prana Stream in a downward half-circle arc around the left side of your body and all the way down to the TransLuminal Lower Aurora Point in Earth Core. A‘sha: Normally, you‘d have to do 17 more full rounds of this. They‘re saying, for this application, we don‘t need to do because it will trigger into activation with the stuff that we‘re doing on the beach anyway. Ok, because it takes for ages to do that, 17 of those. A‘san: Ok, so we assume now that we would have done, if we had to do it now, the end of the 17th exhale tone. Now, we‘re going to inhale forcefully upward, using the breath to draw the Crystal Lotus upward from the Lower Aurora Point in Earth Core through your Central Vertical Current, up into the Upper Aurora Point far above your head (All inhale). Breathe normally after that for a few moments, with the Crystal Lotus positioned in the Upper Lotus Point and become aware of the clockwise Electrical Starlight Prana Stream Circulation circulating around your bio-energetic field in a clockwise, bottom-right to top-left circular rotation. Sense the upward-right ascent occurring with every inhale and the downwardleft descent occurring on your exhale. Just do that for a few seconds longer. Upward on the ―inhale‖, upwards to the right, up from the feet to the top, above the head on the ―inhale‖ and on the ―exhale,‖ coming down the left side of the body from the head, towards the feet. All right, now, we‘ll move on. A‘sha: We don‘t have to do all of these, either. A‘san: We don‘t? A‘sha: No, they need to say—this will trigger naturally next, because there‘s a lot of people that have already done these so there—it‘s actually riding in the Shield pretty well. So, if you do just key points for people who haven‘t done them yet, it will pop it into activation while you‘re in the Group Shield. The thing that we need to do next is skip to this step and just repeat this on an ―exhale‖. Have them inhale, hold, and then repeat the: Rhu-ShE’-ma-NUOT jhun’-ta em’, which is the Magnetic Code, the Magnetic Call, that gets the magnetic part of the Merkaba moving Just like the other one was the Electrical that we did. So, we just have to inhale and hold (All inhale). And, on the Exhale, say: Rhu-ShE‘-ma-NUOT jhun‘-ta em‘ (All repeat) Rhu-ShE‘-ma-NUOT jhun‘-ta em‘ Ok, let me see where they want to go next. Ok, there‘s one more part they want to do something with. Yeah, they‘re doing this where we don‘t—you can do this. If you haven‘t done these before, it‘s worth doing these. These are with the Ireland Workshop, but you don‘t have to. And, there‘s one last one that, it‘s Step-2 in Part C. As you breathe normally from the Crystal Lotus in the Ka-Ra-NA‘-dis Seal—So, ok, visualize that you‘re the Crystal Lotus visualization Shield is at your Ka-Ra-NA‘-dis Seal at the area of the breastbone. Ok, then, breathe. When you breathe in and out, breathe as if you‘re breathing from that place, from the Crystal Lotus Seal at your Ka-Ra-NA‘-dis. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 45 of 126
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And, now, as you breathe normally, but from that area, being aware of the area, speak what‘s called the Combined Electrical and Magnetic Spin Tone Command. Az, you‘re better at pronouncing these, you want to go with that? A‘san: Rhu ShE’-ma-NUOT –san ep’ et-ta; Rhu-ShE’-ma-NUOT jhun’-ta em’ (All repeat) A‘sha: It‘s the two of them together. So (All repeat) Rhu ShE‘-ma-NUOT –san ep‘ et-ta; Rhu-ShE‘-ma-NUOT jhun‘-ta em‘ And do one more of those (All repeat) Rhu ShE‘-ma-NUOT –san ep‘ et-ta; Rhu-ShE‘-ma-NUOT jhun‘-ta em‘ And, then, inhale once and hold (All inhale) Exhale forcefully into the Ka-ra-NA‘-dis Seal and the Lotus, the Crystal Lotus and (All exhale) expand the Crystal Lotus outward with the ―exhale.‖ And imagine that now you have a Crystal Lotus Shield that‘s 64 feet wide around you. All right, now, inhale again and hold (All inhale). And, on this ―exhale‖, we‘re going to push it outward to the Density-2 Parameter, that‘s 128 feet. So, and, exhale (All exhale). And, now, for moving into what we‘re going into with the Stands and everything, they want us to take that 128-foot Crystal Lotus that is around us, and from here. And, inhale and hold, and, with the ―exhale‖, we will move it down and put it right below our feet, at the Maharic Shield level (All inhale and exhale). And, they‘re going to send, just briefly, they‘re going to send a little burst through the Grids. And when this little burst comes up—it‘ll come up through your feet—it will trigger the Crystal Lotus, the large Crystal Lotus, to make this massive Eckasha Flame shape that goes way up, out into the atmosphere, with its base coming down into the 128-foot Crystal Lotus. All right, so, that‘s how we‘re going to move in to going to the beach. We‘re going be in that, our fields will be in that state from here to the point where we go to the beach and continue with activations. Ok, let‘s see, and there‘s one more. This is to—this is the ―Pop‖ one, isn‘t it? And, there‘s one more command that will—which one is this? What does it do? Do you want to do this now? They said, ―yes, you can do that now. It wouldn‘t hurt anything. It‘ll just make it go faster.‖ Ok, we‘re just going to leave the Lotus where they put it. And, then they want to just say this one. I‘m trying to see what is that supposed to do, though. What does it do though? Ok, I believe this amplifies it. It goes to 45. It takes the Density-1 into a 45-spin, is what this command does. It‘s: E’-Ta’La-VhUr-A’-san. And, let‘s do it three times: (All repeat) E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘-san E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘-san E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘-san And what that does, is accelerates the Merkaba spin speed to a 45 spin-speed for the Density1 level. And that will trigger, if you‘ve done this before, it will trigger also the Density-2 level. I forget what its spin-speed level is, but it‘s higher than that. So, when we come back from the beach, we‘re actually going to have the Crystal Temple activated within us. It‘s like the amplified version of the Krystar Vehicle. So, the speeds are The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 46 of 126
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much larger. I forget what they are, and I don‘t have them right here, but they‘re on the mylars. We‘ll look at those again tomorrow. But, it‘s like 2,300 and something. It‘s, like, 4 digits, as far as the spin-speed of that Merkaba, compared to the smaller spin-speeds that we‘re working with.
Clearing the Gharoche [Aqua-Tone Technique, short version] So, ok, that part‘s done. We have enough of that done. We don‘t have time; we wouldn‘t have time to do the ―Voice‖ the whole Voice through. And, that was the one where we really get the GharE‘ shaken up. But, they‘re going to give a quick-round version of how to do this. Once we‘re getting up to go to the buses, before we do, let‘s just take two minutes to find a partner and just do several of these things that we do from the Voice one all together at once, where we get the shakes and the, what do they call the gibber jabber, yeah, the ―Emo Gibberish Speak‖? The (A‘sha speaks gibberish): right, to get the energy moving in the body. And, just talk and, like, pick a partner. And, just do that for a couple minutes with each other while bouncing and stomping. It gets the energy flowing. It‘s hilarious when you do this. It takes about, almost 45 minutes to an hour to do this full technique. We don‘t have time to do it now. But, that will be enough to kick up the energy in the Physical Body and get the GharE‘ moving and get the Gharoche clearing out. Yeah, here you go. (Participants are performing the technique) Those who have done it before, demonstrate. For anybody who doesn‘t know, just watch. It‘s hilarious. So, we will do the rest at the beach, right? Did you want to do anything with them first? A‘san: I‘ve got to show them diagrams. A‘sha: I thought so, ok. Let them do this first. We still have diagrams. So, don‘t go away yet. All right-y, that‘s a good one, ok. All right-y, you got the GharE‘ going, excellent. We can do the full ones tomorrow, the full round, and really get it moving. All right, but this is good. You really got the energy moving up. A‘san still needs to go over the graphs with you as far as how the Stand, there are things that require graphs. So, we have to do that part here. Don‘t leave yet, ok, we still have some graphs. And, if anybody thought we were leaving, please come back, because we‘re not leaving yet, all right? But we wanted to get the energy moving and circulating right after we did the Merkaba Activation. So, A‘san is going to go into what we need to know for the Stand now, and how people are getting broken up and that kind of stuff, like, what groups and all of that. So, this is important. Ok, everybody back? A‘san: Ok, can---we need to get through this as fast as we can. And, there are certain things that will be better done here than they will be on the beach. In fact, there are things that we can‘t possibly do on the beach, like show a mylar. Had we played around with what was on that Wave yesterday, there‘s one place I know that I would have reached. And, that would be something that sounds like this: It doesn‘t matter how we maintain and develop our individual relationship with God, or Source, or the Work, or Kryst or anything. But, if we are sincere in The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 47 of 126
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being here, making the sacrifices that each of us has done in our own ways, to be here as a group, as a collective, we are like a machine. We are a fantastically powerful machine. And, I guess you probably suspect that any machine is as good as the weakest nut or bolt or spring or clip, yeah? This moment, this part in what happens when we gather is when we bring our eminence and our immensity together in a focused application for the benefit of things, places, beings, stars, planets, race lines and goodness knows what else that you can‘t begin to imagine. I know if I‘d followed the Wave, I would have spent time talking to you about what it means to carry yourself through the NET and the density of 3D and find more of yourself under those disadvantages. Now, you are at no bloody disadvantage whatsoever right now. And we are going to go out to the beach soon, and we‘re going to do something very important and very powerful and very potent and very pride making, in a Krystic way. So, please pay attention, and we‘ll get this done, and we‘ll get to the beach, and we‘ll get on with our business as quickly as we can, ok? If you weren‘t in Ireland, you won‘t know anything about what we‘re going to do, and I don‘t really have the advantage of time and practice. So, I need to be able to get this right, which puts you in the best, advantage position you can, to express your commitment and sincerity to the significance of all of this work. So, I‘ll go through it. And, you‘re probably glad, having said what I‘ve said, that I didn‘t spend an hour talking about all the other stuff yesterday. This is the part that can lead people who don‘t really understand what managing personal Consciousness means, really, when they ask; ―Where is the love?‖ The love isn‘t just in the challenges of technical detail and the challenges of memorizing some of it. It is actually in the management of Consciousness; in an environment which tends to encourage people to criticize those people who take it seriously. You can never satisfy them; so, you can never win that one. You can never win that fight, and it would be foolish of you to try. Now, then, just for interest‘s sake, how many of you were not in Ireland? Oy, better than halfall right, what we‘re going to do, and, just excuse me. I‘m going to do this as quickly as I can but not leave anything out that would be, that would disadvantage anyone. We‘re going to go to the beach, and we‘re going to perform a Stand. The Stand has two parts. The first is when we sit down, and I‘ll show you how we sit down and who sits where and with whom. The second part, we stand up. And, we stand up in the position that is the configuration of what we call the Reuche, the Divine Blueprint and a number of other different names, ok? Now, the standing up, sorry, the sitting position requires us to be in a shape. And we have to go and get ourselves organized in the shape. And some of you go into one part of the shape, and some of you go into another part of the shape, and so on. And, when we‘ve done in that shape, we have to take our bodies from that place to another, different place on the beach. And, you have to do that, right? I will take charge of what we do next and tell you and remind you what we are doing next, all right, but you are in charge of your personal fields, which includes your body unfortunately, and it has to do two things: One, it has to get in the correct sitting position, and knowing and remembering where that‘s supposed to be. And, secondly, when we‘ve done what we do when sitting down, you stand up and move your upright body to the next position that you have to look after. Incidentally, Jim and Noel, you can start breaking down gear, because that‘s another thing that we‘re so dependent upon. You don‘t need to listen to me talk about this. Ok, you can start breaking down the gear. Leave me the microphone…
[1:31:00] The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 48 of 126
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Sunday Lecture 1A [Audio Track 3] A‘sha Good evening/morning and thank you for your patience. It‘s been another one of those nights. (Applause) I don‘t know if there‘s still some people out in the lobby or not. How‘s the lobby looking back there? Clear... all right, a couple more? Ok, everybody‘s here? Good! Bless you. Bless you for still being here. I do apologize when the hours do this, but anyone who has been with us before knows that very often they do, because it is a live line that is running. What is nice is, right now, there is a 22-page chart pack for you at Kinko‘s (applause) which is why we‘re this late. And you know a lot of times I‘d rather…with the Beloveds, I would say to them ―do we have to do the graphs right now?‖ And often what they will say to me is: ―You need to remember that the graphs work like codes, with the optical pineal induction. By looking at them you actually bring in that frequency that allows for the activation in the DNA and in your fields, to be a receiver for the frequencies that we are attempting to anchor,‖ so they were insisting that the graphs be done. And the graphs this time are interesting; they deal with the Krystal Spiral a bit, but its relationship to, first of all, the Creation Sequence that we‘ve learned tons about as far as Light Body structure, and Spirit Body structure, and all of that. And when we plug that into the structure of the Probability Domains or Dominions in relation to the Universal or the Cosmic levels, and the Universal, and the Metagalactic, and the Galactic, and coming down to our Solar System, and then coming down to our Planet, and then to our personhoods on the Planet. When we talk about those structures in relation to the Krystal Spiral, in relation to the structure of the Light Body and Spirit Body, we start to see that there are supposed to be some currents, the Krystic Currents are supposed to flow through that structure in specific ways, and at specific times during the Time Cycles; the Galactic Time Cycles, the smaller Time Cycles that come down into the Planetary Level, and the larger ones that go up into the Cosmos from the Galaxy. When we look at the diagrams, we‘ll go through a bit about the basic structure of the Krystal Spiral in relation to those things, and why they wanted us to touch base with this information in this way, is to bring us to an updated, and more detailed version of the Probability Movements, Galactic Probability Movements Chart that was given earlier a couple of workshops ago that shows, between April of 2009 when we made the leap into Metagalactic-12 alignment, and then moving forward into 2012, and then into the highlight of the December 21st 2012, what all that was about. We got more information on the Date Cycles now. But what‘s most important is they have brought the Krystal Spiral information together, also comparing it with the Metatronic Spiral. They‘re calling that the Death Star Spiral at this point. That‘s the one we referred to as the Fibof-No-Chi Spiral or the Fibonacci Spiral, or the Golden Meanie that goes with the Golden Meanie Rectangle, the Golden Mean Rectangle. Those are all perverted creation mechanics The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 49 of 126
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coming from the Death Star Merkaba mechanics of, well most recently, the Atlantean periods in our past. So it shows a bit about these activations, first of all, understanding a bit about how the spirals are supposed to come in and flow through the Galaxy in a natural way, and at certain points in time certain things occur. There are certain alignments that occur because of the currents of energy of the Krystal Spirals, as they come through, that there are certain overlaps of currents that happen that allow for the opening of certain passageways between different layers of the Light Body/Spirit Body structure. It will be easy for me to go into this when I show you the graphs, because it applies to any level of the structure. But when we look at this graph series we are looking at it in terms of the Galactic and Metagalactic Spirals coming in, because what is most important about what we are going through between now and 2012 is, we have some very specific currents that we absolutely must align with, and certain portions of Earth‘s grids must align with, if we are going to be able to not be drawn into the 55-Metatronic activation that is taking place on December 21 st 2012. And, literally, in 2012 when the Metatronic mechanics fully activate on this Planet, they‘re only going to a 55. They‘re not going to fully go into the 55-spin because if they activate it to the 55 one, we‘ll talk more about what that means when we get on the graphs, if that occurred, that 55-activation, all of these things we are seeing in the theaters right now as far as ‗2012, the Armageddon, the Destruction, the End-of-Time, the Mayan Calendar ends‘, the Mayans think we‘re going to be like history; we are going to not be here by 2013. All of this information would actually come true if the Fall Force here were permitted to activate the 55-Merkaba mechanics on this Planet, which would activate the Metatronic Spiral to a 55current. If that occurred we would go into pole reversal very rapid, probably 3-day pole reversal, which would wipe out everything on the Planet. And it would allow for the Planet to be fully brought into alignment with Parallel Earth in the Fall Matrix and it would bring Earth and our Solar System fully on-line with the Procyak Black Hole System at the center of the Meta-galaxy, and also in our corresponding Veca System. So it would be a big fall if that were allowed to occur. That is not going to be allowed to occur. Everybody is going to wake up in 2013, but it could become a bit of a rocky ride. It depends on the things that occur between now and that period. And right now the group of people on this Planet that are listening at all to the information that the Beloveds have been progressively giving us and teaching us, we are the only thing that is standing between Earth going in that direction, and Earth having the 200 years left of the LoadOut Ascension Cycle. If it weren‘t for people here that cared enough to activate their own biofields enough where these frequencies could be anchored, it wouldn‘t matter how much Krystic frequencies the Beloveds threw at us down here—there would be no anchoring rods for it. So the mission that we are being entrusted with is huge. There is, literally, a history of a race that hangs in the balance, because when the activation occurs, the 55-Merkaba activations occur on the fall side in 2012, when those activations happen, the DNA of Humans and every life-form on this Planet is going to undergo very subtle but very distinct and permanent changes. The natural gene code of the Angelic Human that had an eternal life gene code, that had that ability to go through Star Gates in Ascension, that had the ability of Atomic The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 50 of 126
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Transfiguration; that will become ancient history, and it will no longer be a potential for the remaining human populations, if it weren‘t for the group of people who are activating their codes to catch the other spirals and anchor them here. And that‘s what it comes down to here, the dueling spirals; there is the Cosmic level spirals, coming down to Metagalactic levels, coming down to Galactic levels, coming down to Solar System levels, coming down to Planetary levels, then coming down to people and life form levels on this Planet. We are in the process of the dueling spirals. Some of the analysis that went into the…particularly the last graph that took hours, because they had me break down in days the time periods in that cycle, that diagram that we‘ve shown before that started in April of 2009 and goes to 2012. I had to break them down in days to get each Octant to get more specific, because there‘s certain things that are happening on certain days. By the time we get through all of this what‘s really exciting is, there is one massive activation coming in before we leave, and that‘s why they were kind of like: ‗don‘t worry about the time because you have to be there early for it anyway, early in the morning.‘ So it‘s going to be coming in. They‘re going to let us know when it‘s coming in. But, this particular activation has to do with the 2 nd part, part 2 of the Baptism that we talked about. During this activation when they let us know that the frequencies are activating in the Planetary Grids to some degree, but it‘s actually activating in the Aquafereion Shield which means in the Global Shield that is connected to the Aquafereion Races. The people are activating first; Earth will go through this a bit later. But the activations that are coming through tonight will create something. It will begin to…all right they are talking to me simultaneously, excuse me a minute. Umm, tell them what? ...ok. Ok, all right they wanted me to point out that with these activations these are the start of neutralizing any Illuminati genetic coding you may have in the DNA. (Applause) It doesn‘t matter if you are a full-born Dark Avatar coming from one of those matrices. If you choose of conscious free will to go into the Protectorate, they call it the Protectorate of the MashayaHana Councils you will be given the ability of Ascension. Now, for some people that will mean the Path of KaLE-RAma step-back, going back into the Edons and then having to work their way back out here again and not fall this time, that kind of thing, but it is not a fall path; it is a step-back path which still has the potentiality of Ascension at the end. That would be the worst case scenario for the worst of the worst Dark Avatar Illuminati type or even some that aren‘t so bad. But, as far as any of…even if a being was fully dark, has a horrible karmic history, all of that kind of stuff, if they decided in this life that they really wanted to make a change, and not serve that path any more, the activations that are coming through now are powerful enough to open the Path of KaLE-RAma for them. But for your average being that‘s a mix of both rise and fall frequencies, you know, you have some incarnations that totally fell flat, you have other ones that you know have Ascended to higher levels than you are, and so we‘re kind of like a blend, most of us are a blend of rise and fall, it will give us a very, very strong boost. What is really neat is by the time we go home, the large thing that we created on the beach, the Krystal Temple on the beach, we‘re going to be looking a little bit more at the structure of that, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 51 of 126
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because we‘re going to be getting one ourselves. Our Krystar Vehicle is going to go through its first phase of its not full Transfiguration yet but it is the beginning of Transfiguration-1, because we are initiating the DNA anchoring of the EtorA side Monadic Passage. In looking at these diagrams, we‘ll see where that is and how it is created through the Krystal Spiral flows. And there are certain points in time when we get through the diagram series we get to the enddiagram, that‘s the one that took forever, because I had to figure out all the times by days, and looking at the calendars between now and 2012 to see what months had how many days, and that kind of stuff, to get it. But by the time we get there, we‘ll see that there are some very specific times when very specific things are occurring. There are frequencies that will be coming in; sometimes we‘ll be in workshop when that happens. Well we never do workshops unless it‘s coinciding with certain frequency runs, but some of them will start a little bit before, and there will be certain things that we can do. They‘ve given us a very simple technique that is actually the technique we will use to complete the Baptism for those who choose to do that. If you don‘t choose to do that, that‘s ok too. You can simply have the amount of anchoring of the Kryst Host that you accomplished by being part of the Stand and the activation of that Krystal Temple on the beach, and make up your mind later, or never decide to. But, you can use the same process we are going to use tonight to finish anchoring that wave that involves an LTR Grid which is a Linguistic Template Reprogramming Grid. It‘s a power grid that they have done it in English because that‘s the anchoring encryption. At a certain point, probably in the next activation part that‘s part of this activation, because there‘s 3 parts to this, and the 3, this workshop and the 2 next ones, are covering that EtorA Monadic Passage activation. But, you‘ll be able to use this particular process that we‘ll use here tonight to complete the Baptism to, actually, create Safe Zones in your house, in your space, in your children‘s room, and it even applies to…you can‘t impose one on another person. If they are choosing a different path, they do have their right to do that unless they happen to be in your guard and protectorate. If you are their parent, and they are under the age of 22, actually, because even though it is 18 or 21 here when you are grown up, 22 is a power shift. So before the age of 22, you still have a right to assist your children. There‘s also ones where it could be parents or siblings. If you are in the care of someone where you are taking care of them because for some reason, maybe they were old, or maybe they were in an accident or something where they are not fully able to take care of themselves in an adult way, you do have a right to offer that; the protection field for people who are in your guard, and also for animals, for plants, those kind of things. So something that once you have it you can extend it; you just can‘t impose it. And what the ‗it‘ is, is quite fascinating; we will each have the first level of the Krystal Temple around us when we leave, our own personal ones. These are called the Urtha Amoraea Temples. They have to do with openings and activations that will occur in the brain; and that will allow for more direct communication directly from Urtha in M31, which is what science calls the Andromeda Galaxy. And anyway, I‘ll get on the graphs so we can see a bit about what is this Monadic Passage we are talking about. And there is a process, once we understand a bit about the structures of the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 52 of 126
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spirals, how they come together to form the EtorA side Monadic Passage, and the AdorA side on opposite spin, Monadic Passage. There is something quite grand that happens when those 2 things activate. A little while later 2 other things that are connected activate, and that at a certain point a quite amazing activation occurs, literally, in the Planetary, Galactic and Metagalactic Shield, that‘s called the Opening of the Amoraea Pass-Through. It is through that pass-through that we will be able to jump out of the range of the Metatronic Spiral, and into alignment with the Higher Earth Planes in 2012. So we‘ll see a little bit more about how these structures of energy operate, in the Planetary Grids, in the Galactic Grids. Right now we‘re still looking at the Metagalactic Shield with the Galactic information in it because we‘re still working on getting NET Earth to where it makes the Great Crossover shift into Metagalactic-6; the Aquafereion Shield already has. So we will look at the Krystal Spiral first, we‘ll start with that. And some people might not have seen this, because we dealt with Krystal Spiral quite a way back I think; it might have hit even Kathara 2-3, I‘m not sure if it‘s in there or not. But it was quite a few years back when we started bringing in information on it. So first one please, yeah, I‘ll find my pointer. This is just showing the Krystal Spiral, and it‘s being shown right now in its expansion grid. This is called the Eckashi, E-c-k, not Adashi but Eckashi Expansion Cycle, and it‘s literally that the mathematics that are held in these diagrams, and that are implied in relation to these spiraling currents, that literally the Cosmos is created through and sustained through. They are very specific mathematics, as most of you know that have studied any of this work. They are based on the Kathara Grid. This is called the Rotational Kathara Grid. In the Krystal Spiral if you noticed there is this little tiny Kathara Grids. And for those of you who don‘t know a Kathara Grid, this shape here is a Kathara Grid, ok. This little one here is at that axis, and every rotation it is rotating clockwise. These currents are coming out from a central point, and they are rotating clockwise on this one. This is the, what they call the EtorA side, E-t-o-r-A, and the EtorA side is the side in which, the side of the Cosmos, and the Universe, and the Galaxy in which our 3-dimensional hologram exist. This is where we find our Milky Way, and where we find ourselves. The AdorA side is in the same place as we are, and the structures are the same but it is on opposite spin, opposite angular rotation of particle spin. We have a base, a base; it just means it is the base but there‘s a lot of spins of different angles of particles and things, and within that core base. But we have a clockwise base spin, and the AdorA side has a counter-clockwise base spin. But there are many different currents that move, both forward and backward, clockwise and counter-clockwise, in both systems. Right now we‘re looking at the Krystal Spiral. This is the natural structure of expansion of energy. If energy comes from the source, it is also…if from the point of conception, let‘s say if you had where babies are made; where a sperm and an egg come together, that happens The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 53 of 126
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down in here somewhere. We‘ve talked a long time ago about the NaVA-Na and the NuVA-Na cycles of the pre-Partiki Creation Cycles that lead up to, from conception on. All of these graphs are interrelated with the process of birthing, be it birthing a person inside of a womb, and to the point where it comes out of the womb and grows, or birthing a Cosmos from a single Partiki within the Consciousness of God-Source, within the God-Source Consciousness Field. The Krystal Spiral is a progressive mathematical expansion of Creation Currents that when…that in the natural structure, and the natural mathematics following the Kathara Grid Radiation Encryption, it allows for the eternal life system in which the units that are created, particles that are created, have the ability to spark and generate, self-generate quantum. The difference between a Krystal Spiral, and what we‘ll see later called the Metatronic Spiral or the Fib-of-No-Chi, no energy, Spiral that‘s also a growth expansion spiral; it‘s built on a finite source of energy. It requires—it is a vampire spiral. It has to stick onto something that is alive in order to suck energy from it in order to grow and expand. So the Krystal Spiral structure is a natural structure. It is the Organic First Creation Structure and it is Eternal Life. And what it represents is literally the mathematical formula of growth and expansion, the quantum expansion rates of literally particles of quarks, and it is the natural core rhythm of how matter is actually made, how atoms form and all of that in natural systems. Right now we are in a mutated system but we still have the capacity, at least for now, to run Krystal Spiral Currents. Now, the Krystal Spiral, there is going to be some interesting comparisons of the two, not in this workshop, but coming up in some modules I believe. There is a module team working on that; the Kathara Team is working on the module that has to do with some of the comparisons. But for now I just want to point out the basic shape. Know that the shape of the Krystal Spiral implies a mathematical formula of expansion of energy. This one is going out clockwise, and that means it‘s the EtorA Krystal Spiral. And, right here it‘s being shown in relation to what we refer to as the Octant Cycle. All right, we‘ve seen before where we have the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, the 8 divisions of a circle. We‘ve covered the Octant Cycles before, not heavily, but we have talked about them. These go all the way back to when we were talking about Light Body in heavy detail. Can we see this part honey? Please, thank you. Oh-oh, here comes the heat. It was freezing before. Ok, where all of this has to do with what we were learning years ago where we talked about the Starborn Cycle, right, and we covered this information extensively. And when you put all of these together, there is all the same size Kathara Grids, notice that if you put them altogether you get that embedded set of spirals. You get the 1st level…well you have the 0-8. This is the size of the unit that 1st forms in the Light Body on what‘s called the 0-8 Axis, and that is called the Triad. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 54 of 126
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There is a whole cycle of growth and development that we‘ve talked about before when we talked about Harmonic Key Cycles, TakEyon Harmonic Key Cycles, this is the next phase: it‘s Axis-1. And certain things happen on each axis point, like at each growth point. So at Axis-1 this is where the Tauren Light Seed births. It‘s also the same place where the Spirit Body births. So, right in this place here, as the spiral just starts expanding, you actually have the—it‘s called the SEda Cycle, and in that SEda Cycle there is energy building, and building, and in that cycle the Spirit Body forms; the structures of the Spirit Body that we have covered before in numerous other workshops, and also the Light Seed. And at this axis that‘s when the whole thing pulls in, contraction to the center, pops out, and it comes out as the ELum‘Eir-adhona Spirit Body with the Tauren Light Seed in the center. That starts the phasing of the Tauren which starts the growth of the central cells of the Light Body. We‘ve covered all this before so I‘m not going to cover it heavily, but I just wanted to touchbase with that because, that is actually, as these things are occurring, as these levels of the Light Body are progressively building, when we start with the Tauren, the next thing to quantum-build is the Diad, and then the Miad, and then the Monad, and then the Amoraea. All of these are the Core Cells of the Light Body structure. They form after the Spirit Body births, because that births in that SEda Cycle that we talked about. So this is the progressive building until at a certain point the Yunasai forms which is referred to as the God Seed. From there more Light Body structures actually build, and there is a certain point in the diagrams where you will see that, not only does the Spirit Body as we have learned before, have the Probability Dominions that we have seen in the ELum‘Eir-adhona Spirit Body, and they are formed by the Hara Bodies. We‘ve talked about the Hara Bodies before, and seen the diagrams and structures on those. But the same type of structure also births with the Light Body, but it births later. It births after you go through a full round of…they call it Round-1. Round-1 would start with the 0-Axis, and it would go all the way through till you had a full Round till where you came back to the 0-Axis again. That would be considered Round-1. And before Round-1 there‘s 2 little Octants that are—the first set of these in Round-1 and the 2 before that, the 2 little areas before that that are the Pre-partiki Creation Cycles, they are referred to, actually, as Octates. So there‘s actually 12 Octate Cycles which means in a circle there‘d be 12 of these, so you go 2 on Round-0. And then you‘d have 8 on Round-1, and that‘s 10. And then there‘s 2 more at beginning Round-2. There‘s different things that happen in each point of the cycle, and in each point of the cycle the Krystal Spiral is expanding further out, bringing more energy out, building currents out into the Light Body structure as the Light Body structure is progressively building. So for new people that may know nothing about this, it‘s very much worth looking back in the Kathara 2-3 manual and taking it from there. And also you can ask a lot of people on the Kathara Team would know, specifically, what workshops might be helpful in learning this structure, because we covered it intensively, I mean, seriously, right down to Partiki spin The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 55 of 126
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numbers, and quantum, and it was very, very intensive. And that was quite a while ago so it‘s like I had to delete that file so I‘m not even try to go heavily into it now. But all of these structures, all of these were single large diagrams and then they were put together into a summary sheet so there is a lot of information about this, and about TakEyon Cycles. So if you feel lost, if you‘re new, just know that there is a massive amount of information that we‘ve already covered. So it‘s not that this doesn‘t make sense, it‘s that you just don‘t have the background yet, and if you want it, it‘s there. There is also no obligation to having to get it, because you can still pick up the activations if you‘re working with the techniques, so that‘s up to you if you‘re new. All right, I think there was about 25 new people or first time workshop people here, so I‘m trying to be not just kind of yeah, like I usually do when I know it‘s mostly people that have been through many of these with us. So anyway, this is just talking about the Octant Cycle. In Round-0 has only 2 Octates. In Round-1 which goes from the 0-Axis, and the 0-Axis is this axis. We can pull this down again honey, please. Thank you. Ok, so you‘d have these 2 here. Here‘s where you‘d have Pre-partiki Creation starting: Partiki-1 and Partiki-2, and they are called the Octates 1 and 2. Then you would have the Round-1 would start and this is the zero-point axis. It‘s the zero-point axis for the EtorA side but also for the AdorA side at first. There‘s certain things that happen later when at Round-2 Axis-1, you have to go all the way around once and then you get to here, in Round-2 you start moving Round-2 Axis-1. This is the point where, I believe it‘s the Yunasai God Seed births on Round-2. And it also creates a separation where it makes the AdorA side actually rotate clockwise from here to here, so it splits where you end up with the EtorA side having its 0-Axis there and that‘s on the clockwise spin. And these are spheres of energy within spheres of energy, ok; they are in the same place in space-time but they are on a different rotational spin. They were created together in the SEda Cycle when they first went here, but on Round-2 Axis-1, they actually split where the EtorA side goes back where zero-point fully aligns there, and the other, the AdorA side ends up with the zero-point over here. So the AdorA spin, and first its Octates and then its Octant Cycles actually would go in a counter-clockwise direction where the Octates and Octants of the EtorA side would go in the clockwise direction. And there are…some of the most difficult diagrams that they have had me do, just because you had to really pay attention to what you were labeling with what information; you couldn‘t do it while you were too tired. Where they show the sets of Probability Dominions, not just for one side, they show it for the EtorA side but also for the AdorA side, but also for the Light Bodies, so you have the Light Body and the Spirit Body spheres within spheres on the same axis.
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And there is all these alignments; these alignments become very important because, literally, it‘s from those alignments you can decipher the drum codes for example. You know what is aligning with what; what aligns with what; and what needs to activate in the grids at what time. So when we look at these structures that we are going to see, the alignments were very, very important. And that‘s why even though it would have been nice if they gave them to me a month ago to work on, because these were not simple diagrams that are coming. It‘s analyzing information from those diagrams that show these alignments that allows us, first of all, to understand what type of things are happening at what time, but also what code sets to use at what periods as far as drumming, not just drumming, there are other ways. You can use the, I forget which workshop it was but, we gave the base chart for translating the numbers like written numbers, numerals, into words. You can use them as mantras and as chants. There is a lot of ways. When you do those things you are actually creating a vibration reality in your body, and that is literally helping to anchor the specific things you are calling in. Eventually, we‘ll be given very specific codes to call in orb folk from very specific places. Right now we‘re just being taught to open the passages a bit, and that‘s why we are getting more Orb activity. Eventually that will increase and turn into not just Orb activity; it will turn into direct visitation. Before we‘ll Slide we‘ll actually first get visited, probably personally, instead of like a whole group. I don‘t think that we‘d ever have a group of Eieyani or anybody beam in and say, ‗Hi, we‘re just visiting your workshop!‘ It‘ll probably be personal encounters or very small group encounters. But anyway the Octant Cycles, so you have Octates that run from Round-0 all through Round1, and that takes us through this whole cycle to the birth of the Yunasai here. And then as Cycle-2 continues, another thing happens here: Cycle-2, Round-2, Axis-2: this is the point where the Light Body Probability Dominions actually birth. Before we had the Spirit Body Probability Dominions birth right here in Round-1, Axis-1; when the ELum‘Eir-adhona Spirit Body birthed. But it is a whole Round later and 1 shift-over that the Light Body follows suit, and it births out its set of 12 Probability Dominions, Light Body Probability Dominions. The Creation, whether you‘re talking about the entire Cosmos or just your own simple Light Body-Spirit Body structure of your own individual self; the interplay between the Probability Dominions of the Spirit Body structures and those of the Light Body structures, they are what actually generate the core quantum that creates the continuation of the Krystal Spiral. They actually phase together because the Light Body is 15-degree offset to the Spirit Body. The Spirit Body is actually the same axis that the atoms are supposed to materialize on. So your Light Body actually is supposed to be 15-degrees over from your Atomic Body, and we‘ll look at a little bit of that structure. Most of what these diagrams are for is to show the base structure and then to show it in relation to, not so much physical bodies right now, not our personal physical bodies, but instead The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 57 of 126
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the Galactic Body. So we know what spirals we‘re aligning with and what‘s coming at what times, so we realize…we understand what these movements we‘re going through until 2012, and what will happen in 2012. Next one, please. So it was Round-0 and Round-1, now next one: ―Pre-Octant, Round-1 StarBorn Cycle‖. Now StarBorn Cycle, that‘s what we called that set that was on the bottom of the other, when we studied that a long time ago; Light Body structure. All right, so that was Round-1; it‘s a PreOctant Cycle, it‘s an Octate Cycle. This is just showing you basically the same thing, but it‘s showing you now…we got rid of the Kathara Grids, we‘re showing here the Krystal Spiral, all right, so far as it came out in Round-1. This is the Round-1 Krystal Spiral that‘ll actually go up to here. And Round-2 would start here so this is the beginning of Round-2, and this is the beginning of the Inner Krystal Spiral actually starting to spiral outward into the Density, into the greater Density levels that are formed out here. Let me see: I want to find something here if it‘s on this one. No, I don‘t think it is. There is going to be more information on these, because these charts will also plug into what we call the Birthday Charts that show the years and the spiraling, the Octant Cycles basically in relation to years and Transfiguration years, and that kind of thing. But this is showing the Krystal Spiral as it goes through its 1st Round and begins to enter its 2nd Round. And it is over here that was the 45, yeah, over here on the Axis-2 that‘s where the Probability Structure of the Light Body would form, all right, so it‘s just the Inner Krystal Spiral. Now, these Krystal Spirals that actually are responsible for forming what are called the Monadic Passages and also the Amoraea Pass or Pass-Through as we‘ll see as the diagrams and structure progress. So down here, this is when we talk about the ELum‘Eir-adhona Spirit Body. This little diagram here is showing the ELum‘Eir-adhona Spirit Body as we had many, many diagrams explaining many, many parts of it, and this is just the basic shape and flows of it, just for those who don‘t know. All right, so the ELum‘Eir-adhona Spirit Body it births in Cycle-1. It births right here after the SEda Cycle, births right there; Axis-1, Round-1. So when you look at these…I don‘t have to go through all of this information. I want to use these and ride the wave with it, the way the Beloveds want me to. But thank goodness that if it weren‘t for 3 people: A‘san, Willa and Jared, these would not be typeset, and probably not readable. So they typeset them after I got them done (applause) which means you can read them in your chart packs.
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So the detail levels that get into all of this information, this is more so for your benefit when you take it home and read it. What the Beloveds would like to do with the time that we have together is take the information and ride the wave the way they want to. This was an original wave that came through; it always comes through, the data comes through in a wave, and this was how they familiarize me with the information. They brought it to my attention and taught me about it, and now they want to move it in whatever is going to go live wave. So I‘m not going to read all of these things. I‘m going to point out what I‘m being nudged is important to talk about right now. So all this information on the Octates and then the Octants, you can look at these and it‘s selfexplanatory when you have your chart packs. You can just look into your chart pack and say, ―Oh, ok, that‘s Octate-2 and that‘s Octant-3.‖ The Octants basically start in Round-2 Axis-2 with the birth of the Light Body Probability Dominions because it is with the birth of the Light Body Probability Dominions that the Light Body and the Spirit Body start phasing together. And that is the point where the atoms from Density-1 can, progressively Transfigure into Density-2, and so forth. So until that point…now later I haven‘t had time to plug these in, like the diagrams, literally, into the Birthday Charts that we‘ve looked at, but it is the same Octant configuration where you have the 8 pieces of the pie, and it is always this axis here that‘s called the Transfiguration Cycle in those Birthday Charts. What we are looking at here with Round-1, actually it applies to Density-1. Here would be Density-1 birthing into Density-1. If you were an infant in your mother‘s womb, this would be the point after conception, over here in Round-0; your Spirit Body would form during this period. You would go through your gestation cycle and your Rasha Body would form in this period, and right there in Round-1, your body would birth out. And that would bring you into Round-1 Transfiguration; it would take you into your 1st year of life. And that 1st year of life would bring you into the Density-1 frequencies. And that whole rest of this period all the way up to that point again, would actually be; you‘re accreting or bringing into your physical matter form, and expressing out into form as you grow. You would be bringing in the frequency sets of the Density-1 field in the Round-1 set. Then you begin to prepare for the…as you move into Round-2, and you still haven‘t hit the 2nd Transfiguration yet into Density-2. You‘re still growing through…you are actually accreting the AdorA part of the frequencies during this part of the cycle and your body expands; your cells grow from Year-1 during your 1st year from birth to Year-1, your body grows, from Year-2 to Year-3, your body grows. The body grows because the Krystal Spiral, or the Metatronic Spiral which is what the mutation is running, is expanding outward from the point of time when your body births. And your Light Body is also growing at the same time as your physical body structure is, but it births out with Round-2. So that means you‘d actually…if this was…if we were looking at the Birthday Chart, which we‘re not, but it is structured the same, this would be your birth point; this would be your 1st year, that would be Birthday-1, then Birthday-2, Birthday-3, Birthday-4, Birthday-5, Birthday6, Birthday-7, Birthday-8 and this is the Transfiguration year, then Birthday-9 would be over here. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 59 of 126
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So you would actually go through this whole cycle to Birthday-8, and it‘s at Birthday-8 that your Light Body would actually birth out its 12 Light Body Probability Dominions. And it is at that point that the Atomic structure, and the Spirit Body, and the Light Body structures will phase. And that‘s what allows for the beginning of the Transfiguration of the atoms that were expanded out and grown in the Density-1 Cycle to Transfigure into Density-2 level. It‘s because of the phasing of the Spirit Body and atoms, and the Light Body together, and that can‘t happen until the Round-2 Axis-2 birth of the Light Body Probability Dominion structure. So there is a lot to learn. This is just on a personal level that we are talking. But these cycles that we are talking about, these yearly cycles, they apply to the Cosmos as well. The entire Cosmos is structured following the Octant Cycle. All of the structures we talked about with Spirit Body, Light Body, all of that, we‘ve always said all along we‘re a microcosm, because we are structured just like…we are created in the image of God-Source. And not just Humans but all things have the Light Body-Spirit Body structure. And we live in…exist inside of the Light Body-Spirit Body structure of God-Source Consciousness Field. So it applies to the small and also to the large, these cycles do. If we come back here, can we come back a little down here, honey? All right, here again we‘re looking at the beginning of the Krystal Spiral coming out, it completed to here. So it would be right to here, if you cut off those two. Right to there would be its Round1, and that‘s entering Round-2. Now it continues to expand as the Light Body-Spirit Body structures continue to phase and generate more quantum; the spiral continues to expand as that quantum goes outward, expands outward into structure, into Atomic structure, into Light Body structure. So this is the Krystal Spiral just after it passes Round-1 going into Round-2. If we remember the Birthday Charts, those Birthday Charts went through Round-1 correspond to Density-1, and there was Density-2, and there was Density-3, and there was Density-4, and there was Density-5, and then there was StarFire Ascension after that period. So this is just showing…to show how large that spiral would be. It wouldn‘t be big enough on here to show it proportionally so we‘re just showing the beginnings of it. We needed to take it to a certain point that occurs in Round-2, and in a little while we‘ll see it. It occurs in Round-2 down on this axis. This is where we start to find out how that spiral, and the interfaces of the spirals between the Krystal Spiral going clockwise that‘s on the EtorA side where we are, and its counterpart that goes counter-clockwise on the AdorA side; how they actually form energetic pass-throughs. That when you look at them on a Cosmic level or a Galactic level, they are actually forming tunnels and gate sets that open at certain periods of time, that allow for certain energetic phenomenon to occur that couldn‘t occur in other times. And that is actually what we‘re moving toward in 2012, an energetic phenomena that is natural and organic as long as we can ride the right spirals. Because we are in the place of dueling spirals right now, which means dueling frequencies on the Planet, and we do need to hold enough frequency out of the Metatronic Fall Spiral, in order to keep the gates open. Or we‘ll all be stuck here, which we don‘t want. We are not going to let that happen. Neither will the Beloveds let that happen. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 60 of 126
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So, looking at the Krystal Spiral, what you‘re looking at with the other lines on here, I mean we have the Octant lines, or the Octate lines in the earlier parts of the cycle, these with the little white circles on them, they are the 45-degree Octant delineation lines. You have these other lines running in between. All right now what you‘re seeing, are what are called the Allurean Chamber Lines. We‘ve talked about the Allurean Chamber Lines, how the Atomic structure, our atoms, actually form through the interactions of sparks that become quarks that build to form atoms, and things that occur in the TE‘a-Wha Fields of our Aah-JhA‘ Body, and all the other structures we learned about that I‘m not even going to go into tonight because we don‘t need to because it‘s covered in other workshops. But the Allurean Chambers on the EtorA side, our side, they would go in the opposite direction of our Fire Chambers, our Fire…the spinning, as far as the base spin. Now the spin of the EtorA Fire Chambers is clockwise. So if this line here represents Fire Chamber, and the Fire Chambers correspond to the Light Body where the Allurean Chambers correspond with the Spirit Body; so the Fire Chambers…on this is Fire Chamber-12, and you have Fire Chamber 1, 2, 3, 4, etc, all the way up clockwise till you get to 11 and back to 12 again, so there are the Fire Chambers. And here in between them, now the Fire Chambers are at 30-degrees between them. In between them, which means at 15-degrees from a Fire Chamber, there is an Allurean Chamber. They are very specific alignments, as to how these things align: this Fire Chamber-12 would represent the 11.5 Allurean Chamber Line, and interesting it would represent that on both the EtorA and the AdorA side. There are some very interesting alignments occur when you start to track the structure of the Probability Dominions, which are the 12 balls that we‘ll see, the 12 spherical Domains…or Dominions that exist within the Spirit Body, and then the 12 that also go with the Light Body structure. As we‘ll see in the diagrams to come, the Fire Chambers actually are running…these are the axes that the Light Body Probability Dominions are on. Where the Allurean Chambers are actually the Dominions…or where the Atomic Body or Aah-JhA‘ Atomic Body, Spirit Body and atoms are located on. These are actually energetic structures within which the matter field take…corresponding matter field manifest or materializes itself. So we have Light Body at 15-degrees away from the Atomic Body and the Spirit Body. And it‘s the phasing when the Fire Chamber and the Allurean Chamber actually come together, they bring the Probability Dominions together, and they phase-spark and it allows for all sorts of interactions to happen. Now, it‘s a natural part of how a living Cosmos is structured, or a living Light Body field of a living being that is not on the Metatronic Fall Spiral. And right now you see a few numbers, a few numbers and letters. This is showing, first of all we had the Fire Chamber numbers. I‘m going to explain this part to you on this diagram before it gets more complicated as far as, before there are more lines with more numbers and letters. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 61 of 126
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And I‘m going to have to…there‘s keys to…ok, what is in A; what is in AD; what is in FC; what is in AC, right. There are letters all over here and they all mean something. Now, before we go into the letters that correspond to the Fire Chambers and the Allurean Chambers, let‘s just look at where the probabilities run: the probabilities run between Allurean Chamber Lines. So you have Probability-1: this is actually the materialization field of Probability-1. This is that Probability-1 is actually a sphere and you‘ll see where it is; they are all spheres. We‘ll see how they interweave with each other, but this would represent the cycle in which the Probability-1 materialization would be experienced. If you are looking at these cycles in terms of time, it would be the period of time that that probability‘s encryption is actually in materialization. So there is a part in each of the cycles that‘s actually the building part before it would materialize in our experience. And then there is a part afterward, after it passed that zone in its probability area that it would go out of manifestation as the energy currents spiral into the next probability set. So right now we are just seeing the lines, and in a little while we are going to see the lines with the spheres on them. And we are going to look at the numbers. We have probabilities. Now we are looking at the probabilities in the EtorA side, in our side, that run clockwise: we‘ve got Probability-1 goes in this range, Probability-2 this range, Probability 3, 4, 5. Notice that some of the probabilities, like Probability-1, it doesn‘t cross an Octant line, 1 of the Octant delineation lines. But Probability-2 does, where you actually have Octant-1 is here, but Probability-2 is here and also runs here, so half of it is over there as well as in the next Octant. So there‘s this whole alignment between the Probability Fields and the Octants, and now we‘re learning more about the alignments that have to do with the spheres themselves, and have to do with alignments between Chambers and between Probability Fields. And if I can get through explaining this without tripping over my tongue by the end of the morning or whatever it is, it is evening to me still, so you know, so if I slip up and say ‗evening‘, excuse me. But this gets complicated so for now what I‘ll show you is; have the Fire Chamber Lines, now the AD lines are the—let me see if I can remember this: AC, yeah…. Ok, the A-D lines represent the Allurean Chambers for the AdorA side. And it is on the Allurean Chambers of the AdorA side that the EtorA, our sides, Probability Dominions, Atomic Probability Dominions, actually materialized on…along the AD lines, which are the AdorA Allurean Chamber Lines. So you have the EtorA Atomic Probability Dominion with the AdorA Allurean Chamber running through it. We have AD AdorA Allurean Chamber, 1, 2, 3. Notice these numbers go with our probability numbers, because what these probabilities are counting are the spheres that are anchored on each of these points, the spheres that correspond to the Probability Dominions of the EtorA side, and they are running on the AdorA Allurean Chambers. So we have AD-1, AD-2, AD-3, AD-4, AD-5, 6, AD-7, AD-8, AD-9, AD-10, AD-11, AD-12, and in between 11 and 12 is AD-11.5, ok. Now, that was the clockwise spin. They are counterclockwise spins. They are counter-clockwise, because what they are actually…they are counting the EtorA sides Probability Dominions, Atomic Probability Dominions, so they are The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 62 of 126
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being numbered clockwise even though what is running through them are the AdorA side Allurean Chambers. Now we have the AC lines. These are actually the Allurean Chamber lines for the EtorA side, but they go in the opposite spin. See the Allurean Chambers go in the opposite spin to the base spin of whatever system it is. So the AdorA Allurean Chambers from the other side, the other side‘s base spin is counter-clockwise so their Allurean Chambers actually go clockwise, clockwise, and so do ours go the opposite. We are a base clockwise EtorA system; our Allurean Chamber sets spin in a counter-clockwise direction. So what we are looking at here, are these AC numbers, let me find AC-1. Here we go: AC-1 is over here, Allurean Chamber-1. That is the EtorA side Allurean Chamber that spins counterclockwise; the set of them spins counter-clockwise. So we have Allurean Chamber-1, then coming counter-clockwise 2, Allurean Chamber 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Allurean Chamber-8, Allurean Chamber-9, Allurean Chamber-10, Allurean Chamber-11, and Allurean Chamber-12, Allurean Chamber-11.5. This 11-place becomes very interesting later as we move forward through understanding what the Krystal Spiral does and what passages are where, and what happens in times like what‘s going to happen in 2012, so it‘s all connected. These numbers are important in understanding that. We don‘t have to memorize them all, but just knowing how they fit is important. So if we can remember…if I can remember, that the AD numbers are the clockwise-moving AdorA Allurean Chambers, and our probability numbers follow those; they go clockwise. We didn‘t even get into yet the probability numbers of the AdorA side, because there are interfaces, obviously there will be interfaces between these reality fields. There are alignments, and somewhere in here we find out what are called Transharmonic Twins. We had enough twins I thought, but now we got more; we‘ve got Transharmonic Twins. Yeah, we‘ll get into that in a little bit as the diagrams progress. But, so this is showing you the basics. So far we are just looking at one set of Fire Chambers. And these Fire Chambers actually go all the way out. I just drew them to here in this, just to show, so you could see the difference between the Fire Chambers and the Allurean Chambers, at first. So, because eventually, you‘re going to see all 24 lines, and it‘s just harder to see; if you don‘t know what you are looking at, it‘s a little bit more confusing to see. So, eventually you‘ll see the Fire Chambers are the same size, and they follow the Light Body-Spirit Body size as far as the structures go. So ok, we covered the FC lines, Fire Chamber lines. FC means EtorA side, our side, Fire Chambers; they are clockwise. AD is AdorA side Allurean Chambers and they are clockwise, and our probabilities, our Atomic Probabilities run with them. And the AC lines are our EtorA side Allurean Chambers that run counter-clockwise and the Probability Dominions of the AdorA side run on those, and they actually start over here. Here are the interesting alignments. Later we have our charts and thanks, thank goodness for the type-setter people that help so much, because they are actually typeset in the chart, in the things to come where we analyze what goes with what. This becomes helpful in understanding The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 63 of 126
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things like what drum rhythms go where or why did we use that drum rhythm that we used, the new code that we use with the 3 and 8, and those kind of things. So you‘ll see that there are interfaces. If you have AD-1 our Probability-1, actually interfaces with what would be the AdorA Probability-10, so you have 10 and 1. I‘ll start with the EtorA one: 1 and 10; you have 2 here and 9 over there; 3 here and 8 over there; 4 here and 7 over there, and so these correspondences go all the way around, and we have the charts that break them down. But the correspondences don‘t stop there; they also go into the Dominion Fields. And what gets really confusing but it‘s still…and that‘s why we analyze the numbers and pull charts from it for you is. When we get into Light Body structure, we‘re not talking about yet the Probability Dominions that form on the Light Body structure; we‘re just talking about the ones we know are there from the Spirit Body structure. When we get to the other ones that interface, it gets really kind of whacky, because you‘ll have a Fire Chamber that projects out its Light Body structure 30 0 forward, or if it is on the other side 30-degrees counter-clockwise. So you‘ll have like, for example, the Light Body for let‘s say our Probability-3, for our EtorA Probability-3 which would run the AD-3 line, is actually on 4; Light Body-3 is on Fire Chamber-4, because of that 30-degree projection ,and we‘re talking about the EtorA side. So these spins and things become very complex. The important thing about them is simply being able to get those in the analysis of the information, and to understand the basics of how they work. So we‘ll take it to the next level and see what the next chart is, because I think I have more on filling-in more of the correspondences on the next one. Next one, please. Ok, ‗Round-2 Light Body Probability Dominions Krystal Spiral Eckashi Expansion, and the Octant Cycles‘. So we went from the Octate Cycles that start with Round-0, and went through Round-1. And now we are just looking at the Round-2 cycles, and notice here, now Round-1 ended here. Round-2 starts here, and keeps going. At this point when we are at Round-2 Axis-1 that‘s where it moves from being the Inner Spiral into becoming an Outer Spiral where it‘s actually going into the potentialities of Density-2. It goes through its Transfiguration Cycle through here, and when it gets back to this axis, this is always the Transfiguration axis. So this is the point where the spiral starts moving from Density-1 frequencies up into Density-2 frequencies, and creating Density-2 level Atomic structure in the phasing of the Light Body and Spirit Body structures. And this is just showing, this is not showing the entire Round-2; it‘s just showing Round-2 which starts from over here which is the zero-point axis, the EtorA zero-point axis, and we are in EtorA so we are moving clockwise. And you got Round-2, the 1st Octant Round-2, the 2nd one and these are actually still not considered Octants; these 2, I think they are 11 and 12; Octate11 and Octate-12. And it‘s here that I think, yeah, Round-2 is here, is where the Light Body Probability Dominions birth. And still the spiral is just starting to expand outward. It‘s showing it to…this is Axis-2; this The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 64 of 126
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is Axis-3. And the axis, the axes are simply, there is Axis-1or 0 through 0-8 back around. They are the Octant or Octate axes, the Creation axis. So we have Axis-3, Axis-4 is showing, right now, what it is showing, it‘s just an expansion level. And remember, there are those rotational expansions of the Kathara Grid, the proportional expansions that…which gives you the shape of the spiral. And the mathematical equivalence of the spiral; which Noel and A‘san have done some amazing work, actually, comparing them with the Fibonacci, but that‘s not in this workshop. I don‘t know if we are going to do a workshop on this, probably going to be in a publication, module or something, I think. But anyway, when it comes back to the spiral, it‘s the Inner Spiral, we start going out into the Density-2 level capacity; we go through Axis-1, Round-2 Axis-1, Round-2 Axis-2, Axis-3, Round-2 Axis-4. We‘re stopping here for now, as far as showing the rotation, because again, each of those Kathara Grids gets bigger, and bigger, and bigger. We‘d be off the page by the time we got over to here, and we would have to shrink this down. So we‘re just looking at more of the inner, like the Inner Krystal Spiral, as it emerges from the Core Center Point of Creation, and then moves outward into the structure, beginning to build the structure of the Light Body. Here is where you would have at Axis-2 and Round-2: you would have the birth of the D-12 Light Body Probability Dominions that correspond with the Spirit Body Probability Dominions that had birthed in Round-1. So this shape begins to define something, and we‘ll see as the diagrams progress, what it is defining. If we notice the axis for a moment; this goes back to that first chart where I showed the StarBorn Cycle, again, the StarBorn cycle that we covered ages and ages ago in very, very big detail. Each of the axes…1 part of the Seed, the Core of the Light Body structure builds; when we are up here, we have the Tauren births out there on Axis-1. Then we have the Diad, and this is like in Round-1, the Diad birthed, then the Miad birthed. Then in Axis-4 the Monad birthed. Then Axis-5, the cell-cluster called the Amoraea birthed; Axis-6, the Adon births. So this is information we have had before, but these are where certain names come from. So when we are dealing with the word ‗Monadic Passage‘, it has to do with that word there, and it has to do with the Monadic Axis which on the EtorA side, going clockwise, is Axis-4 where the EtorA Monad births. So it‘s referred to…later we‘ll see that this becomes the Monadic Passage. And if we look at this spiral, now before we just showed it, the outer larger current, but there are also Backflow Currents that actually form petals, where I‘m not showing the Backflows yet. These little currents that come out here are little step-down currents that feed the Octant lines at certain points. And they spiral into the center of each of the Probability Dominions and become the step-down currents that become the big currents for the center of the smaller, each of the smaller Probability Dominions. So these are step-down currents, and the step-down currents from each rotation actually have a Backflow that starts, and they form what looks like flower petals that come in. So we‘ll look at the Backflows in a minute. Again we still have the numbering of the correspondences between the AdorA Allurean Chambers, the ADs, and the EtorA Allurean Chambers, and again our probabilities; our Atomic Probability structure follows the AD lines. Ok, so when we think about this in terms of the Galaxy stuff that we‘ve talked about before where we know where we‘ve made the leap into Metagalactic-6 alignment and what we need to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 65 of 126
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do is move into Galactic-3 alignment for 2012, by 2012, in order to make a certain leap into the currents that take us to Metagalactic -12 alignment. So this has to do…this leap that we are talking about, this 2012 set of events that we are talking about, has to do with these numbers. It would mean, right now, if the AD numbers are the Allurean Chambers on the AdorA side upon which our Atomic Probability Dominions materialize, it would mean we are here or this is where we are aiming for. We need to be here, or actually finish this cycle, the Probability-3 cycle by a certain point. We have to hold there, till 2012 for some other things to happen. So we are actually…there was a reason why we have to hold the Galactic...if we‘re looking at this as a Metagalactic Template or the Metagalactic Shield. And we‘ll look at the AD-3 Probability-3 as the 3rd Galaxy, ok. If we‘re just looking at it as a structure, it can be anything: a personal Light Body-Spirit Body structure. But these diagrams are going into when we look at it in terms of the Galaxy and the Galactic alignments, so we understand what spirals we are attempting to anchor and which ones we are trying to avoid, because they are both coming in progressively. Now anyway, the probability structures here, the PR-3, this would be the zone we are actually aiming for when we talk about Galactic-3. All right, we would like to finish this cycle and hold there until the 2012 events. Now this has to do with something that happens in Axis-4. We have the out-going lines: these are actually out-going flows of energy that are coming from the spiral. You have the main Krystal Spiral expanding out. Then it has its little chutes, little step-down currents that are coming out. If this were the—you could call this the Metagalactic Spiral, expansion spiral expanding energy through the Metagalactic Template from the Metagalactic Core. And each 1 of the probabilities, 1 of the 12 Probabilities, Atomic Probabilities, would represent a Galaxy. So each of these little Octant Flows would go into the Octant lines at certain points, and then spiral into the center of the Galaxies, the smaller ones that look just like this, but they‘d be smaller ones, on each line here. So you would have the Galactic Spirals forming. You have the Metagalactic Spiral feeding the 12 smaller Galactic Spirals. And the Galactic Spirals would feed the Solar System Spirals. And the Solar Spirals would feed the Planetary or the Stellar Spirals; that means the Planets in our Solar System, so they would all be connected. There‘s a whole set of spiraling currents that are coming through, and they only activate at certain periods of time. You don‘t always have currents coming out of the Metagalactic Core directly into your Planet. This is what Star Gate Cycles are about: certain points in time, certain levels of the spirals are in that expansion state where they come to the next level or step down to the next level. What we‘re approaching in 2012, because we are in a StarFire Cycle that was triggered, because this system was going in to fall and into crisis, it is literally an opening of the Gates all the way up.
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Well, so far it‘s been to the Metagalactic level. But in order to run the Krystal River Host which is coming from the Aquareion Matrix that is way across, and literally a different part of the Eckasha-Aah Light Body structure of the Cosmos, we need to open, we have to open more than just the Metagalactic level of the spirals; we have to be able to run the Aquareion Matrix Spirals. The next part is…before we can do that, we need to first…we‘re running a bit of it now, but as far as the spirals we‘re running the Core Currents. That‘s what‘s holding the Host, the currents and the LaVas that come out of the Core and the Spanner Gate Currents that have to do with the Spirit Body structure. But now we need to bring it into the Light Body structure, and that‘s why we got to plug into the appropriate sets of the spirals that are coming down from the Aquareion Matrix through M31 Andromeda Galaxy, and that‘s what we are actually going to plug into tonight. That is the activation that is going to happen tonight where that spirals that connect directly from M31 are going to fully come-on which means the Light Body, our Light Body structure here of the Aquareion Shield is going to anchor the Light Body Currents or the Krystal Spiral Currents from the M31 Andromeda Galaxy System and Urtha. That is going to open up a clear passage to Urtha, through…like direct interface there, but we‘ll talk about what is going to activate in the fields, in the DNA, in a little while when we get further on with the structure. We‘re getting back to structure and the Krystal Spiral. Again, we are only on 2 nd, not even really half way through. Actually, it is, if this is the 0-axis, we‘re halfway through the Round-2 rotation and it‘s grown that far; that much energy has built quantum and grown out and moved into the Light Body. So we stop there just to show a certain level, because something happens there. This is where the Monadic Pass, or EtorA side Monadic Passage will form on Axis-4, and that‘s why we stopped the diagram there for now. All right, next one, please… Ah, activation coming in! [End of Audio Track: 1:09:33]
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Sunday Lecture 1B [Audio Track 4] A‘sha Ok...Krystal Spiral Eckashi Expansion Flows, Rounds One and Two. Could you lift that up, honey, please? I just want to see if there's anything more. Round-2, Axis-4. Yeah, this is just…this is showing more information up here; just trying to explain the cycle. So that will explain how we had the Round Zero, which is the NaVA-Na and then the NuVA-Na cycles of pre-Partiki Creation, Round-0. Round-1 is once around to the (Zero) 0-Axis back to 0-Axis. Round-2 is the second Round from 0-Axis to 0-Axis. So this is just showing again the expansion of the spirals, and trying to explain a bit about where what Rounds start, and trying to make sense of the Rounds. It's also explaining some of the things that are in…this is Round-3, Octate-7. Why? Because Octants start over here. Octants start after 12 of these segments have gone past. The segments...those first 12 segments are referred to as the Octants. At the point where the Light Body Probability Dominions birth, at Round-2, Axis-2, that is the point where the word ‗Octant‘ comes into play. That is where the Octants start. That is where Octant-1 starts. You have Octant-1, 2...yeah...you can't see them down there—3, 4, 5— so, we're up to Octant-6 over here. Could you move it up again, please? So, the Octant Cycles, and remember the Octants start on Round-2. All right? You have Round-2. You have two of those Octants—Octants-11 and Octant-12 in Round-2. So, this is Round-2, between Axis-2 and 3. That's Octant-1. So Octant-1, Octant-2, Octant-3, Octant-4, Octant-5, Octant-6, Octant-7 is in Round-3 right? Octant-8 is also in Round-3, because you pass the (Zero) 0-Point again, right? So, you're in Round-3. So, there's all these alignments of Octants. It's a bit confusing without looking at it; to try to explain this without diagrams would be absolutely hopeless, I think. So, this is why the Beloveds did want you to have copies of this diagram set, so you can go look at what's aligned with what and how does it work, yourself, without having to hear it – ―what was that again?‖ So, anyway, this is showing you the expansion. The expansion is only going out to that Monadic Axis-4. Next one, please. [Graph] Clockwise EtorA Krystal Spiral, Clockwise EtorA Back-flows, and EtorA Round-2, Axis-4 Clockwise EtorA Monadic Passage, and Counterclockwise Adashi Return Ascension Flows. Hmm. Now we start to get into a bit more. So, we're still on the EtorA Krystal Spiral expansion. Krystal Spiral had expanded - before we saw it expands at Round-2, Axis-4, the Monadic Axis. These are…we've had these currents in before. These are the out-flowing step-down currents.
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Now back-flows are shown as well, but they're still clockwise. Notice, this is clockwise. Each one of these come out clockwise, and they continue clockwise in their back-flow, going back. So, they're looping currents that come out, expand, and go back in. They come out, expand and go back in. Expand and go back in. These are the currents that actually feed the Light Body structure and the Atomic Body structures. So, it is the beginning.These currents bring together, really, the Core Currents of the Light Body and the Spirit Body, and they blend them into the Primal Life Field Creation Currents of the Krystal Spiral. So, this is showing you a bit more of the flows that occur. When we get to this one, which is the step-down expansion out onto Axis-4, and then it's still going clockwise, coming back in flow, this gives you one very large petal—little petals that get smaller as you go back. This petal becomes what is called the Monadic Passage, and it actually goes—it starts with Round-2, Axis-4, and Round-2 is actually into the Density 2 cycles. So, when it opens, it actually forms a passage between, or a place to Pass-Through, between Density 2, which is D4, 5 and 6, and Density 1, and Core structure, literally going into the Central Core. So, it would open up a network, right here, a network of frequencies that would allow, when it was open, for passage between Density 2, Density 1, and the Core Densities that have to do with going back. If you want to look it—we've talked about, we are in the Outer Domains, and when we look at the structure of the Spirit Body, and of the Hara selves of the Spirit Body, we learn that we have the Outer Domains that our reality takes place within, our Galactic reality, our Cosmic reality. We are in the outer Radon Domains. Then you have the Middle Edon Domains, the Inner Edon Domains, and then the Core Domains. When you get passed down from Density 2 to Density 1, and Density 1 to where...back into the Transharmonic areas that we've referred to as the Aurora Continuum, and into what would be our Core, the Core we came out of, or the Core the Outer Domains came out of would be the Middle Domains. The Middle Domains came out of the Core that would be the Inner Domains, and there's the core Core that the Inner Domains came out of. So, at the core of this we would actually have the link into the Edon Middle Earth Middle Domains. When the Chambers open...well, when the Monadic Passage opens, it actually would open a passage into—I can't talk tonight because I'm tired. Not as tired as I was in Ireland, so I'm happy. The Monadic Passage into the Aurora Continuum at the Core, through the Rasha Field, through the Dark Matter Rasha Body Field that we've talked about in other workshops, and going back into Axis 2, the Edon Domains. It would also bring us into what is referred to as the Akashic Record. It would take us into the Akashic Record in the Akashic Halls of Records, (inaudible) and there's another set. This is the EtorA side. There's another set that occurs over here on the AdorA side, and again, if we notice the one on the EtorA side is on Axis-4, the Monadic Axis...that's why it will be called the Monadic Passage. It has very specific Allurean Chamber lines, and the AdorA Allurean Chamber lines. Remember our Atomic Probability Dominions, Atomic Spirit Body go together, run on the AdorA Allurean Chamber lines. So that would be 4. All right, so we're looking at our Dominion, Atomic The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 69 of 126
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Probability Dominion 4, which is, if we look at Octants...where are we in Octants? It is at the beginning of the Octant-3 Cycle actually, I believe. Yeah. So, we're...this is the Octant-2 Cycle, and this is the beginning of the Octant-3 Cycle. So, there's all these alignments that occur, and when you know certain alignments, when you understand what time periods are plugging into this, you know what coding would work to use for drum codes, or for using toning...what frequencies you're actually trying to anchor. This gets more complex as we go. This time, it's not just showing it with the Monadic Passage axis; it's showing it one step further. Still in Round-2, but the next expansion out, and this again is a proportional expansion done on the Kathara Grid rotations. Move that up a little bit honey, please. This is bringing it to Axis-5, which is the axis upon which, in Round11, the Amoraea Cell births. So, hence it's known as the Amoraea Axis. Just like you have the currents that came out and then back-flowed on Axis-5, you have the same thing happening here. Coming out there's still these EtorA step-down Eckashi expansion currents, and there's the back-flow currents. These aren't Adashi currents yet. The Adashi currents start here, where you have the Monadic Flow on Axis-4. It's a natural expansion outward and then back-flows. Then it does this twisty thing and comes out up there, on, literally, the other Event Horizon of the same Vector. So, when you're looking at these, we have Axis-4; if you take the Octant line all the way over, it corresponds with the (Zero) 0-Point Axis for the EtorA System. When these energies flow through here—the Eckashi...there's still the Eckashi Expansion Flows going clockwise...they go back into the center; literally step into the Akashic Record and move into the Edons, and reverse and come back out again as what are referred to as the Adashi Return Ascension Flows that are going counterclockwise. So, there's this flow of light petals. All right? That opens when certain things are opened here that have to do with the Monadic Passage. What we're going through, the activation we are going to finish anchoring in this workshop is the opening of this, or anchoring the opening of this. We are catching the spirals associated with this. There will be another period that we have to catch the ones associated with this, and another when we catch the rest of them when we finish the entire thing, and it's at that point that the full Monadic Passage will open on the EtorA side for us. So, we'll look more at that as we go forward. Notice that this is a big expansion. Here the Krystal Spiral size, which means...the size on the diagram refers to the expansion ratios in relation to quantum building, and literally size expansion. All right. It has gone from the Axis-4, got much bigger again, and it's now on the Axis-5, and this becomes later, after certain things occur, becomes what is called the Amoraea Pass-Through. You can't Pass-Through yet, if you just have one Monadic Passage open. It takes the two Monadic Passages, and there's going to be another one over here that we don't see yet, and their Adashi back-flows to open. At a certain point you will have this and that open and activated. ‗Open' meaning these flows are circulating through your template, through your Light Body/Spirit Body structure, or a The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 70 of 126
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planet's Light Body/Spirit Body structure, or a Galaxy's Light Body/Spirit Body structure. Our job here is to, literally, catch and receive with our bodies and the collective Aquafereion Shield that we form here, anchor the Metagalactic and the M31, and then the Metagalactic and then the Galactic and Solar Spirals coming down that are carrying the coding of these. The coding is a frequency encryption that carries the specific frequency encryption of these. So, there are these, and then in a little bit we are going to see that there's another set that runs this way; that has to do with the AdorA side. So, there's the Monadic Passage on the AdorA side as well. They both have to actually come into activation and when they come into activation certain things occur. After these activate, then that one activates, and then finally that one activates—it's on the opposite of the one that's going to be over here—and then they swing together. When these currents swing together, they draw with them the Probability Dominions and their corresponding Light Bodies. So, this is where you get pass-throughs and this is where, through this process, this will become an open chamber of passage through the center and into other Probability Dominions. This has a lot to do with what is going to occur in 2012 in frequency on the planet. If it does not occur, we would be going through the Metatronic end-times scenario that the fall force on the planet has been trying to make happen; but we're not going to have to worry about that, because it's going to succeed, the Krystal Spiral anchoring. Next one, please. [Graph] AdorA Krystal Spiral, the AdorA Back-flows, the AdorA Round-2 Axis-4 Counterclockwise Monadic Passage and Clockwise Adashi Return Ascension Flows. So this is showing you the AdorA side. All right? Can we move that up, honey? Notice now where the Octants are is showing the ones that are running...Octant-1, Octant-2, the EtorA side; but it's also showing the Octants as they are running on the counterclockwise on the AdorA side as well. So all that information is there so you can look at it when you have your diagrams and things, so you see what the alignments are. So, this is showing the Krystal Spiral, still the Krystal Spiral, but it‘s coming out from the same Zero Point counterclockwise. So, it forms, literally, the reverse reflection of what we just saw on the EtorA side, and those currents cross over and intersect each other at certain points, and it's at those points that certain things occur, like passages opening. So, we have the Monadic Passage over here on the AdorA Axis, Axis-4, AdorA. Now our Axis-4 is over there because we're going clockwise 1, 2, 3, 4, right? They are going counterclockwise, so this is their Axis-4. The 4-Axis and the 6-Axis align. So if it's Axis-4 AdorA it's Axis-6 EtorA, and vice versa. So, it's the 6/4 combination on the axes, but that's the Fire Chambers and things that are running through. This is where it starts to get really crazy, when you realize how many correspondences of things there are. The AD numbers again are the numbers that are moving clockwise, that we are following. They are the AdorA Allurean Chambers upon which our Atomic Probability EtorA Atomic Probability Dominions materialize. Right? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 71 of 126
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So we have, the Monadic Passage on the AdorA side has our Probability-7 sphere, and its what's called ‗Transharmonic Twin’ would be what's happening on the AdorA side. There you'd have our Allurean Chamber and its Allurean Chamber 4, which means it would be the AdorA Probability-4. So we have a 4/7 alignment between the Probability Dominions of AdorA and EtorA. This is different than the alignments where you had your Adjugate Twins, which would be Transvector Twins. Now, Transvector Twins get interesting too, because they have to do with the other relationships here. We're not going to talk about those now. I think as we move toward understanding more of the activations as we progress, through workshops from now to 2012, as we learn more about these activations and what they are doing in the body and on the Planetary Body, we may get into where the Adjugate fits. What we're doing right now is learning about the Transharmonic Twin, which means the twin literally on the AdorA side in the same place that we are, just on the opposite spin. There's our system that we're in, our Solar System, our Galaxy, etc. has a twin system on that side, but just because we're…say we're Probability-7—we're not, actually, but if we were, our twin is not a Probability-7 System. It's a Probability-4 System, which means they have a different encryption. They have a different amount of quantum available, and they have a different BPR, and a different .… They're on the same Angular Rotation of Particle Spin, but they have differences in BPR and angular rotation direction. So, there would be a lot of differences between, say, a 4system and a 7-system. Seven would have a lot more quantum compared to a 4-system. When we come over here, we're moving into Galactic-3, and I'm not showing the galactic things on here yet, but if AD 3 were our Probability 3, would be materializing, our 3 would have much less quantum and be smaller than its corresponding twin, our Transharmonic Twin, which would be the AdorA side 8 system. So, we're working with these. This is the reason why we are actually beginning...why we use that drum code. (17:51) That new drum code, where we had…we‘re trying to activate the beginning part of the Monadic Passages. So we activated 3 where we‘re going, or moving into the Galactic-3 alignment, fulfilling that activation that we‘ve talked about that we needed to get too. To do that, to open…begin the process of opening…sorry…the Monadic Passage, we are activating the frequencies of our Transharmonic Twin. So, when we get into these—why do we use the other numbers? It has to do with the Light Body structures involved, because right now we‘re just talking about the Spirit Body/Atomic, which means where the atoms are, as opposed to where the Light Body atoms are, where the physical body atoms are, structures. There‘s a phasing… there are phasing sets that occur between the Light Body and the Atomic Body structures, and that‘s where some of the other numbers come from. So, we‘re activating, literally, the frequencies of the Probability Dominions in our Bio-systems, in the Shield, and in the Planetary Grids in the part of the grids on Siesta Key that we have…that the Aquafereion Shield is running through. The Aquafereion Shield—we always identified it as a group of people on the planet that carry certain codes, the codes of the Aquari Races. It‘s more than just that. It‘s not just people as we know people ourselves, hominids, humans. It‘s also other life forms. They‘re just starting to let The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 72 of 126
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us know a little bit about—oh yeah, you know the Aquafereion Shield we always talk about? It‘s not just you guys. There are some of the plants, the animals, the birds, the crystals that are also from home. So, they are going to progressively start helping us to understand what parts of the other kingdoms on the planet are actually a part of the Aquafereion Shield too. So they are the co-Guardians with us. Eventually they are going to teach us more about knowing…not who our friends are, because everybody is our friend…when you come from the Krist you love everybody anyway, but that doesn‘t mean they are going to love you. It depends on what their orientation is, who you would have much more of a frequency association with, an easy love feeling; love as far as a sense of vibrational harmonization. There are plant species—this will also, of course, get into things are we progress toward 2012, about…hmm…. Ok, would my biology be more compatible, let‘s say, like my digestive track be more compatible with certain foods that were from sources that are from my home system, Krystic system? If you happen to have a very heavy Illuminati gene code that you got from your parents, you may have trouble with Krystic foods, right? But Illuminati ones may settle. If you‘re balanced you can probably do a bit of both and have little allergies here but not there. So, it gets into some very interesting and personal issues as we learn more about this. So, they are not going to do a lot in this particular workshop, except to let us know that when we talk about the Aquafereion Shield, they are talking about it in this larger context right now, not just the bunch of us walking around that are waking up and realizing we are connected to the Aquari line codes, who are ones who are the Keepers of the Ascension Host. That there is, literally, a world around us that has a lot of hiding members of family too, of the Krystic family. So, they will …we will progressively learn more about those levels of Consciousness that are on the planet. I‘m going to get back to these diagrams so we can ever get to the end of them. I get a little bit tired of looking at them after spending hours and hours and days…some of these took days because we had the drawings for 9 of them done by the time we got here, and there‘s 22 pages in your chart pack, so since we‘ve been here, we got the rest…most of them weren‘t other diagrams that…there‘s a few that were from other things that were just a bit of things added, but there is a lot of new stuff too. So anyway, back to these. So we will have the AdorA Monadic Passage would open in this section, when these currents activate, and across from that it would have its…this is the AdorA Adashi Return Ascension flows. So that‘s the AdorA set and that‘s the AdorA spiral going counterclockwise, expanding counterclockwise. Next one, please. [Graph] The Amoraea Passage Standing Wave Flame Field. Now…this is very reminiscent of when we did the Core Flame information that showed at the end of the Starborn Cycle; this is a different cycle actually. There‘s a smaller cycle with smaller flames inside of this that would be the flames that we‘ve talked about before the Yunasai births The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 73 of 126
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in the Starborn Cycle, where in that particular sequences…the Core and the Inner Flames… What these are actually forming, when these two currents come together, are the Middle and the Outer Flames. All right? So we are not even showing on here the Core Flame and the Inner Flame that were formed at the end of the Starborn Cycle that we learned about a couple of years ago. It‘s the same shapes happening, but now we have the Middle Flame and the Outer Flame forming. The Middle Flame has to do with the Middle Edons, being able to go back in, to step in, to the Densities that have to do with the Edon Middle Domains; and the Edons are not fallen, and they are not falling. They are a natural pass-through, through the Allurean Chambers into the Edons. You can Pass-Through into other places as well, into Ascension from there. So, we‘re going to be doing work with the Edons and with the … we are going to be meeting some of the race lines from the Edonic lines that do have their reality in there. We will be meeting people who will come in as Orb from the Edons. Not this workshop. They said they are going to start in the next workshop, I believe. Yeah? Ok. So, this is…we‘re beginning the process of understanding how the Middle and the Outer Flames are forming in the expansion cycles, expansion of the Krystal Spirals, all right? Now, the Amoraea Pass becomes a Standing Wave Flame Field once it‘s activated. It activates at certain points in time when the specific frequencies associated with each part, or each stepdown current of the Eckashi expansion spirals, both the EtorA ones and the AdorA ones, the flame field forms. First the Monadic Passages activate, and at a certain point…if we were going through this, and we will see later we will go through this as time, as each Octant, it happens at a specific time between where our Metagalactic-6 Cycle started in April of 2009, all the way through 2012. So, what we will…we‘re actually over in this section right now, moving into the Monadic activation on the EtorA side. There will be a period in time, not too far away…now we‘ll move past this period and there will be certain activations, but the whole Amoraea Pass, Transharmonic Pass, doesn‘t open, the full thing, until the AdorA Monadic Passage also opens. The back-flow currents, the Adashi Return Ascension currents for the EtorA System opens, and that means the Core starts to open, we‘re going into the Allurean Chambers and back into the Edons. Then finally, when we get in the cycle of the Rounds, the Rounds continue until this one opens, which is the Adashi Return Ascension Flows for the AdorA side. Once that is triggered open, once that point in the time cycles open or is reached, and this Chamber opens—because these are actually Chambers too. They are flows, but the flows actually form spinning chambers around them. Then, when that activates, the two Monadic Passages swing together and they pull together the Reality Fields, the Probability Dominions, and the atomic structure and Light Body structures that are in, pull them into merger. So they merge the two Monadic Passages, and simultaneously the two Adashi Return flows merge, and they actually create something we‘ll see in a little while. It‘s a Transharmonic Hyperspace Reality Field, and this has to do with opening Gates to very high places. That is going to occur to hold the Ascension spirals here in 2012 and beyond.
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If these things…if this Amoraea Passage or Amoraea Pass, does not open in 2012—2012 is actually where we hit this point, 12/21 in fact. Between 12/15, here, and then certain things happen that trigger on 12/21, the whole shift, where these axes will move this way…this one this way…these two will come together here, and this passage will open. For that to occur, the Monadic Passage on the EtorA side has to open and anchor, the one on the AdorA side has to open and anchor. The backflows have to be open here. They haven‘t been…we have the dates for this, but they haven‘t even gotten into the dynamics. We will be, I‘m sure, taught about what‘s that‘s about—how to open those Adashi Flows, when the workshop time comes around in there, in 2011 I believe, over here. It might even be passing in early 2012 at this point. I have it on the final diagram; it actually has the dates. Then when we hit the 2012...It‘s actually 12/15 and that‘s when it starts moving toward the shift, and it does a quick shift into the hyperspace place, and that‘s when certain things open. We‘re going to be asked to do something of holding shield. I‘m not sure what that‘s going to look like. They haven‘t explained to me yet. In fact, sometimes I go from one day to the next saying, ―Ok, what am I teaching in the next five minutes, because I don‘t know, because you haven‘t taught me?‖ They‘re actually…they‘re pacing it. They say I frustrate myself with the time frames. That I shouldn‘t worry about them. I say, ―But yeah, but there‘s like 200 people that are tired and they came to have a workshop and they can‘t wait ‗til next week!‖ They say, ‖Don‘t worry, it will get there.‖ So, anyway…with timing, I would love to know what we‘re going to be doing here, and there, and over here; but all I know is what we‘re doing here, and that‘s the area that we‘re moving into in time. These things are activating in the planetary…in the Aquafereion Shield on the planet, let‘s put it that way. I wouldn‘t say the planetary Aquafereion Shield. It‘s a little bit different. There is a difference in syntax actually. So, these are the currents that we have to get activated first. If we miss the anchoring of these currents, none of the rest will happen. If none of the rest happens, that‘s where we have to deal with something else that isn‘t as pretty a spiral, where we have another spiral that is also activating progressively on the planet. That‘s called the Metatronic Spiral, or the Fibonacci Spiral, or the Golden Mean Spiral, or basically the Metatronic Death Star Spiral, which is the spiral that goes with the inorganic, anti-Krystic, external Merkaba Mechanics of the Death Star Merkaba that we‘ve talked about and talked about and talked about, for a long time. We‘ve talked about that spiral because there are people on the planet that are actively teaching people to use the technologies to do that to their own fields. There are large groups on the planet, and off planet, that are actually activating the black hole machines here that create, that are generated through the reversed external Merkaba Mechanics of the Death Star Merkaba. We‘ve talked about Merkabas before, Merkaba fields, and the Death Star Merkaba is what generates the vortex sets called Torsion Fields, which are reversed same-spin vortex sets, that in turn form the Metatronic Spiral of currents, by sucking energy off…. The Metatronic Spiral starts with an adhesion, actually a frequency adhesion, of particles, of reversed particles The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 75 of 126
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stuck onto a living organism, or a living system, that then progressively those particles reverse and start to draw the quantum of life force energy off of the living system and draw it into the unnatural creation sequence of the Fibonacci Spiral, which is the Metatronic Spiral, and into a facsimile of Original Creation; but it has no relationship to its center point. It has no connection to the internal life God Source currents that actually flow through the centers of the natural cosmic structure that is built on the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates, which are built on the Kathara Grid Core Creation formula. So, these are the Krystal Spirals, and the forms and the types of passages and things that they create. But, there‘s also an interface of the Krystal Spirals with the Fibonacci Spiral, because right now we are in a blended system that is going into fall, because the Metatronic Spiral is actually in NET Earth‘s planetary grids as the greater quantum, which means there are more beings and things running the Metatronic reversed fall Consciousness, and frequencies that go with them, than there are Krystic ones on the planet. But…anyway…next one, please. [Graph] Here we go. Remember I said there were a lot of alignments? This is one set. This has to do with the Allurean Chambers. I believe we‘re on…the Aah-JhA‘ Atomic Probability Dominions. Now, they are the ones that are the Spirit Body and the Atumus, or the atoms, where the Domains are that atomic structure, physical atomic structure as we know it, and the Spirit Body structure is materialized. So, we call them the Aah-JhA‘ body, which is part of the Spirit Body that we learned before. The Aah-JhA‘ atomic—that‘s where the atoms are made. That has to do with the Ah‘yas that we talked about, or the Ah‘yas Unit that we won‘t go into right now; but it has to do with that, the Aah-JhA‘ Body has to do with the Aah-JhA‘ Units, and the atomic units that they form at the center of Ah‘yas Units. So, anyway…what these diagrams are about is trying to help us understand that, into the twinships between the AdorA and the EtorA side, the Transharmonic Twin alignments because it‘s in opening and bringing the frequencies of the Transharmonic Twins together, specific ones that are related to our system, that we will be able to anchor the opening frequencies of the Monadic Passage. The Monadic Passage, remember, is a Round-2 phenomena; Round-2 Axis-4 is when those frequencies start to cross and form that passage. That means it‘s a Density 2 passage. That means it would be an influx of energy and an Orb fall, let‘s say, like a rain fall but an Orb fall, from Density 2, which means D4, 5 and 6, as opposed to Density 1 Orb infusion. So, when the activation occurs this morning, it is going to come in on an Orb flow. I don‘t know if we will be able to get photos of them or not, but it will be coming in like Orb rain, coming in from dimensions 4, 5, and 6, Density 2. So, these…I‘m not going to go through every one of these. These are just showing the correspondences between the AD numbers and the AC numbers. The AD numbers, again, are the Allurean Chambers on the AdorA side upon which our Atomic Spirit Body Probability Dominions materialize. So, the AD-4 line would be our Probability-4 sphere; AD-3 our Probability-3. If you wanted to look at those, in the other chart we used GL for Galactic; that would be Galactic-3, Galactic-4. So, these have to do with the alignments that we‘re anchoring that we talked about before with the Metagalactic-6 shift and moving into Galactic-3 alignment. These are just showing those. Now, what shows up here is…there‘s 30 degrees between Allurean The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 76 of 126
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Chambers. The AdorA APR… here we go: AdorA Probability Dominion. So, a PR is a Probability Dominion, and that means EtorA. If there‘s no ‗E‘ or ‗A‘ in front of the PR, it means Probability Dominion EtorA. Right? EtorA Probability-12 is right here on AD-12, and the AdorA Probabilities go clockwise, so you have PR numbers. PR 1, PR2…that‘s our probability spheres. Right? There‘s only certain sections within them. That‘s what you get when you take the spheres away, where you see on the chart where it says Probability-1, Probability-2. It only is showing the segment of the sphere in which the encryption of whatever is held within that sphere is actually materialized into expression. There‘s a point in time when it‘s accreting, or building, before it comes into materialization, and then there‘s a point in time when it phases out of materialization, where it‘s no longer visible in materialized form. So these spheres correspond with what we saw before. It‘s just the lines that I said, like Probability-1, Probability-2, but they are actually spherical Domains. These are all the correspondences. Down here, we have the correspondences…the PR lines are the EtorA Probability Dominions. The PR‘s, they are clockwise; they move in the clockwise movement. They correspond with the AD lines, which are the clockwise AdorA Allurean Chambers. So, the AdorA Allurean Chambers, as we said, are EtorA Probability Dominions on them. So, you have your PR lines, right? So PR 1, Probability-1, would be on AD 1. All right? AdorA Allurean Chamber 1. PR 2, AdorA Allurean Chamber 2. Etc. Etc. Etc. You have to actually just look and see. Once you get the rotations down and the numbering, then you go and look, say, what was that? What was that? Okay. Where you get the alignments. So, we have the alignments of the PR‘s, which is the EtorA Probability Dominions, and their corresponding AdorA Allurean Chambers. Over here, we have the APR‘s. These are the counterclockwise AdorA Probability Dominions. So, that‘s the probabilities on the AdorA side. All right? They go counterclockwise, and they run along the AC‘s, which are the EtorA side Allurean Chambers. So, you have an APR number that corresponds with an AC number. Right? So…APR10 and AC 10. So far, it‘s not too bad. You got PR1 and the alignment that goes with it is also 1. AD1. PR2, AD2. This looks easy enough so far. APR10, AC10, but why is 10 up here? Why didn‘t we start with 1? Why? Because this corresponds with this. If we go find PR1, which is somewhere over the rainbow…this is PR10. I get totally dyslexic with this. PR1, right? Okay. PR1, which is on AD1, right? That‘s on the EtorA side. Now what‘s on the AdorA side? We‘ve got AdorA Probability-10 on Allurean Chamber 10. So that‘s why these run this way. That one sphere right there has all this in it; has Probability 1 on AdorA Allurean Chamber 1, and AdorA Probability 10 on EtorA Allurean Chamber 10. So, that would be one ball on the drawing. Each of those—PR2, same thing with that. PR2 would be this one, the next one down. PR1, PR2. We‘re counting the AdorA clockwise, and PR2 runs on AD2. On the AdorA side, there‘s The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 77 of 126
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APR, AdorA Probability-9, and AC 9, Allurean Chamber 9. So, this is just showing you those correspondences. These would represent the Transharmonic Twins. PR1 and APR10, PR2 and APR9, etc., going all the way around. It gets interesting when you get down here, because there‘s one here…let‘s see…these are interesting. They kind of cross over. When you get down here you have PR11, AD11, and you have APR12 and AC12. You have PR12 and AD12, and APR11 and AC11. So, you‘ve got these crosses happening on these. This gets even more wacky when you throw the Light Body structures into it. We‘re only looking at AD and AC lines so far; both of those are Allurean Chamber lines. The Allurean Chamber lines for the AdorA are the AD‘s. The Allurean Chambers for the EtorA side are the AC‘s, and they go with the opposite side, the opposite Probability Lines. So, probabilities in EtorA run on the AdorA Allurean Chamber lines; probabilities in AdorA run on the EtorA Allurean Chamber lines. But, now there‘s Light Body structure to come into it too. Before we go on Light Body structure, we‘ll just read this a little bit. That is where the Aah-JhA‘ Atomic Probability Dominions of the ELum‘Eir-adhona Spirit Body form at Round-1, Axis-1. So, when we‘re doing the Round-1 thing, we had the two Rounds here and Round-1, Axis-1. So, literally, the place in the Starborn Cycle that was the birth of the Tauren and the birth of the Elum‘Eir-adhona Spirit Body that we talked bout before in many other workshops. So, the Aah-JhA‘ Atomic Probability Dominions, they birth into existence at the stage of the Starborn Cycle where the Spirit Body Elum‘Eir-adhona births. All right? The EtorA and AdorA Aah-JhA‘ Atomic Probability Dominions, which are what birth right there with the Elum‘Eiradhona … that are on the same Event Horizon line exist in the same space and on the same angle of participle spin, but on opposite rotation and different spin speeds. These are Transharmonic Twins. That‘s what I was explaining before. They are not the Adjugate twins that are on the opposite vectors. They are not the various other kinds of twins that we‘re talked about in different workshops before. These are actually the Transharmonic Twins. Now, when we get here—I keep stepping on this, and it‘s like lower, and it almost makes me feel like I‘m falling, but it‘s only like a half an inch lower. Clockwise EtorA…Aah-JhA‘ Atomic Probability Dominions are the PR numbers and clockwise AdorA Allurean Chamber lines that they run on, the AD lines. So this is showing the PR‘s and the AD‘s. ―The clockwise EtorA Aah-JhA‘ Atomic Probability Dominions of the EtorA side— PR—materialize along the clockwise AdorA Allurean Chambers of the EtorA side. The EtorA‖ —get this— ―…the EtorA negative space, invisible Unified Field, within which EtorA atoms materialize on the EtorA side‖ —our side—―…is the counterclockwise AdorA Aah-JhA‘ body of the corresponding Probability Dominion on the AdorA side‖, which basically, I think, means if we‘re in 3, in Probability-3, it is the Probability-8 field on the AdorA side. That is our negative space, and vice versa. Over there, we‘re their negative space. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 78 of 126
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There‘s much more in the space between atoms than people realize. On the EtorA side, so on our side, the EtorA side, we have the EtorA Aah-JhA‘ Body that‘s going clockwise, and it‘s in a certain set of frequencies we don‘t see blowing around us from here, because we‘re looking at things from 3D. So we‘re seeing 2D as solid, but at certain levels of Consciousness you can actually see the EtorA side Aah-JhA‘ Body in its clockwise spin. Here we also have EtorA atoms and EtorA Infrasound Encryption Lattice. Remember? We said that on the EtorA side, our encryption is held as infrasound pattern. That same pattern on the AdorA side was actually a standing wave light pattern or light radiation pattern dot matrix. So on the EtorA side alone, we have our EtorA Jha-DA' body. We have our EtorA atoms that make up our physicality. We have the EtorA infrasound—a very low, low frequency sound pattern that is the Encryption Lattice that actually is the sound vibration points that the atoms collect upon and form into the structures that they form. Actually quarks; well sparks form quarks and quarks come together to form atoms and then atoms form molecules, following the encryption that is held as an infrasound or an ultra-low frequency sound pattern. That‘s why sound, the human body is extremely sensitive to sound in ways we have no idea. If we realized what certain types of music did to us, what certain types of television do to us, what certain types of languages do—all of those things that have to do with sound directly affect our physical bodies as well as the rest of our body structures, but we‘re not taught that. We‘re not aware of that. Most science on Earth is just beginning to realize the extent to which sound is very powerful. It is very powerful because, literally, the Encryption Lattice, which is the radiation imprint that literally decides or organizes our matter, how our atoms in our bodies are going to behave, how our Consciousness is going to behave—that Encryption Lattice is literally a sound pattern on this side. It‘s an infrasound pattern, a standing infrasound pattern. So, anyway…that is the sound pattern with atoms on top of it. Where our atoms are implies there is a sound vibration holding that atom in that structure in that form. So, we are made of this Encryption Lattice that is covered in atoms; the atoms form on the Encryption Lattice. What we also have on our EtorA side are the AdorA Encryption Lattice Standing Wave Dot Matrix Thermal Light Field. All right? Hmmm…so…we said that our own Encryption Lattice, it‘s sound over here, infrasound, and on the AdorA side it looks like a dot matrix. On the AdorA side, our infrasound pattern is a Standing Wave Dot Matrix Thermal Light Field, but on our side, the AdorA Encryption Lattice is a standing wave field. Now, the Standing Wave Dot Matrix Light Field is actually the…like in our atmosphere. Around every atom there is a field, a thermal radiation field, a heat…you can call it like a little heat…I don‘t like the word ‗envelope‘ because that‘s used in a different way that‘s not positive, ‗heat envelopes.‘ It is a thermal radiation that is connected to the atomic structure here, and also creates what I believe science refers to as the background radiation, when they are talking about space, like outer space and those kinds of things. There‘s background radio wave information that science uses now to explore space and those kind of things. This is where we‘re actually getting into some of the standing wave dot matrix Thermal Light Field, and it also has a sound equivalent, but of the AdorA side.
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Then, we also have EtorA negative space. We actually have negative space because there is a space between this body and the thing over there. So there‘s space. We have air and if we analyze the air in here, there would be molecules of various things in it. And even if we took all of those molecules out, we would have a vacuum. In that vacuum actually, what we…where that vacuum would exist would be in the AdorA Aah-JhA‘ Body. That vacuum…if you took all the atoms and things out of the air, the vacuum over here is a portion of the AdorA Aah-JhA‘ Body, or the frequencies there. We don‘t see the frequencies here. We don‘t see the particles that are from there, because they are on same spin as far as same spin angle, but they are on a different spin speed, and opposite rotation. So, they appear to be invisible or not here. The same thing applies in reverse, where this is what‘s on the EtorA side. We‘ve got our AahJhA‘ Body, we‘ve got our atoms, and we‘ve got our infrasound pattern encryption. Now, interestingly, to access the infrasound pattern, you need to go to the dot matrix light field. So, we would have to go to the AdorA side to make direct changes in the infrasound pattern that holds our atoms together, and they would have to come over here to do that. Because our infrasound pattern, to actually change that core level of infrasound radiation pattern, you need to adjust the thermal light field that is on the other side, that‘s not perceivable from here. From here, when we make adjustments with light and sound, we can actually make adjustments to the field, the infrasound pattern over there. So it‘s like when we create stuff here, it pops up there, right? It‘s like we‘re trying to manifest something here…where did it go? It didn‘t show up here. It probably showed up in AdorA (laughing), and vice versa. So, I‘m wondering how much of the mess down here actually came from the AdorA side; my own speculations. Anyway…when we get down to here…ok, so we have the EtorA negative space, which is the AdorA Aah-JhA‘ Body, right? We‘re in the AdorA Aah-JhA‘ body, and we see it as nothing, as no thing. All right? But right now it‘s filled with atoms that are from our side, EtorA atoms. Next one, please. Not actually next one. Down here please. I want to see this one. This is on AdorA side… what do we have? Here we have these dots here, the EtorA atoms…here you have the EtorA Encryption Lattice Standing Wave Dot Matrix Light Field. So where the EtorA atoms are here, over there is where we have the thermal field. Where every atom here is, there is a thermal field over there, and vice versa. When we have here the AdorA atoms that are over there we don‘t see the atoms, right, but there is a thermal field here. That, I believe, is what they call the radio wave background in the electromagnetic background of the Cosmos, or the Universe, as science looks at it here, where it literally is…we are seeing this part, and it implies that the atoms exists, but they are not over here. They are over on the AdorA side on opposite spin, but the same angular rotation, as far as the same angle of rotation. So, AdorA‘s negative space…the negative space, the space between objects and atoms over there, is actually our EtorA Aah-JhA‘ Body. So, we‘re much closer than we realize. It‘s almost like you turn in the right direction and poof, you‘re gone from here and you‘re over there, once the gates and passages are open and your body can do it. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 80 of 126
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So, anyway, this is teaching us something. These are the correspondences between the probabilities, the EtorA probabilities, and the AdorA probabilities, and their corresponding Allurean Chambers. Next one, please. [Graph]
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Sunday Lecture 1C [Audio Track 5] A‘sha (Inaudible) …Atomic Body. Now we‘ve got a set of them for the Light Body structures that go with each of those. So we had 12 EtorA Atomic Probabilities, and 12 AdorA Atomic Probabilities, that‘s 24. So of course we have 24 of these. Now a whole 48-strand pattern of DNA for example, would be able to run all of those frequencies. Which means it would have the ability to go anywhere in the cosmic structure to the level that it had those 48 sets. So I won‘t even get into DNA correspondences—like directly with the charts and stuff—but they plug in here too, the old charts that we used to use to explain how the DNA was structured in the 12-strand pattern. They would fit in with this too, but they didn‘t go there with this workshop. They wanted us to understand that we had the Atomic Spirit Body Probability Dominions, and also that relationship between where our atoms are here—we had the radiation imprint over there—and the space here is actually over there. (chuckles) The space between our atoms is actually the Aah-JhA‘ Body from the other side and vice versa. So they wanted us to begin to really look at that a bit more and understand that structure. So here we‘ve got again, we have the Light Body Probability Dominions form at Round-2 Axis2, at the end of the Octate-12 Yunasai Cycle and Star of Octant Cycles and the Transfiguration Point-2. So that‘s Transfiguration Point-2 is where this Octants start and the Octates finish. It‘s following the birth of the Yunasai up here, so that is where the Light Body structures birth. Ok. EtorA and AdorA Light Body Probability Dominions on the same Event Horizon line exist in the same space and on the same angle of particle spin, but on opposite rotation and differing spin speeds. They are Transharmonic Twins of the Light Body. Just like we had the Transharmonic Twins of the Atomic Spirit Body. So, this is the clockwise EtorA Light Body Probability Dominions, and theirs are ELB. EtorA Light Body. That‘s what ELB is for. And CW EtorA Fire—CW is clockwise—EtorA Fire Chambers. FC. Simple, Fire Chambers like we usually use it. If there‘s no E in front of it, it‘s just an FC, that means Fire Chambers on the EtorA side. So the clockwise EtorA Light Body Probability Dominions of the EtorA side—ELB—materialize along the clockwise EtorA Fire Chambers, FC. So ELB‘s and FC‘s go together. EtorA Aah-JhA‘ Atomic Probability Dominions…Domains…Dominions, that should be actually. That was typeset wrong. By whoever did that. PR. Let‘s see. Ok, so these are the Probability…the EtorA Probability Dominions. PR numbers, right. Then—which are on the AdorA Allurean Chamber lines—shift 15-degrees clockwise to phase with the EtorA Light Body Probability Dominions, the ELB‘s, of the same number. What did that say? (chuckles) If you have for…could we move this over a little bit more honey, thank you. Ok, let me see. Let‘s see if I can illustrate this concept. EtorA Aah-JhA‘ Atomic PR numbers. All right, let‘s find a PR-1. Make my life easy. PR‘s. Where did the PR‘s go? (chuckles) They might be over on this one. But they should be over on that one. No, they‘re supposed to be mixed. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 82 of 126
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A‘san: They aren‘t on that one. A‘sha: They aren‘t on that one are they? Hmm, it must be the next one that I put them all together on. We have PR‘s over here. Anyway, we deal with this more in the next one when we show the phasing, actually. So I won‘t try to explain the phasing when I don‘t have all my number references on this chart. So this one over here should show the PR numbers, I would think. It doesn‘t, it shows the ELB‘s. The ELB‘s are the Light Bodies, yep! This is showing just the…that‘s right. This is just showing the Light Body structures. The PR numbers go with the Atomic Domains and they‘re not shown on this chart. The one before showed the Atomic Domains, and this one‘s showing the Light Body Domains. That‘s why I can‘t find my PR numbers because they‘re not here. They‘re on the other chart, and they‘re also on the next chart where both of them are combined, where the information you see on the chart before this from the Atomic Body and Spirit Body, is combined with this structure of the Light Body structure where you see all the correspondences. So this is just Light Body. And phasing of the EtorA Light Body—the ELB and FC—Probability Dominion with its corresponding EtorA Aah-JhA‘ Atomic Probability Dominion, initiates Transfiguration of the EtorA Density-1 atoms into Density-2. Into the Density-2, Round-2 Cycle. So, once the birth of this Light Body structure, the Light Body Probability structure occurs at Round-2 Axis-2, that begins the phasing of the Light Body. The phasing means the 15-degree shift where the Atomic Body actually phases into the corresponding Light Body level and they spark and they generate quantum. And that phasing begins the process of generating enough quantum to Transfigure the Density-1 level atoms that were formed in Round-1, into Density-2 level atoms, as their quantum is actually amplified and upgraded in frequency. So there‘s a phasing that occurs between them. Over here we have—down here—we have the counter-clockwise AdorA Light Body Probability Dominions. So when you see the ALB that means AdorA Light Body Dominion, right? And they are on the AdorA Fire Chambers—an AF—AdorA Fire Chamber, just because I‘m trying to keep them in 2‘s instead of AFC‘s. I could have done it that way, but I just kept it as the AF. But AF is AdorA Fire Chamber, and FC is EtorA Fire Chamber. Because we always use FC in like old diagrams, we just used Fire Chamber before we talked about the AdorA side at all, and there‘s a lot…I like to try to keep things where it corresponds with back work that‘s been done, where Fire Chambers are FC‘s. That kind of thing. Allurean Chambers are AC‘s. And we‘ve always…when we learned about those things we talked about them in relation to the EtorA side that we‘re on. Once we learned about the AdorA side, I tried to get abbreviations that correspond to it without changing the original ones so there‘s still the correlation back to like K2-3 and those kind of techs and things. So that‘s why sometimes the abbreviations are strange unless you know the history on them. So anyway, we‘ve got ALB‘s. AdorA Light Body Probability Dominions and their AdorA Fire Chambers. AdorA Light Body Probability Dominions of the AdorA side materialize along the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 83 of 126
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AdorA Fire Chambers. AdorA Aah-JhA‘ Atomic Probability Dominions on the EtorA Allurean Chamber Lines shift 15-degrees counter clockwise. So the Atomic ones on the EtorA side shift clockwise into merger with their Light Body, and on the AdorA side they shift 15-degrees counter clockwise to phase with their Light Body counterpart. That‘s what that‘s saying. Phasing of the AdorA Light Body Probability Dominion with its corresponding AdorA Aah-JhA‘ Atomic Probability Dominion initiates Transfiguration of AdorA Density-1atoms into Density-2, or Round-2 Cycle. So again here, here we have these little keys that are happening now where we...so if you forget what an ELB is, or an FC or an ALB or an AF, you‘ve got the keys here to remind you. Because I was going wait a minute, I‘m looking at this and ―what was that again?‖ So I put the keys in because I was going crazy with these actually, trying to not lose track of them. Can we move this over a little honey please. Let me see that. Move this over a little bit please. Now here we‘ve got the EtorA Probability Dominion—the ELB—and its EtorA Fire Chamber number and what it corresponds with, which would be its Transharmonic Twin, the counter clockwise AdorA Probability Dominion and the AdorA Fire Chambers. So the same thing where we had the correspondences on the diagram before that were about the Spirit Body Atomic alignments, this is the same…like corresponding between the EtorA side Light Body structures and their Fire Chambers, and the AdorA Light Body structures and their Fire Chambers. And this gets a little bit more interesting when you start tracing them around and seeing who‘s where. It‘s not as straight-forward and simple as it was before because the difference with the Light Body structures is…a Fire Chamber, say Fire Chamber-1. When it births out its Probability Dominion (chuckling), its EtorA Probability Dominion, it actually sends it out 30degrees clockwise, which means Fire Chamber-1 births out its number 1 Light Body onto Fire Chamber-2. So the Fire Chamber that goes with Light Body-1—EtorA Light Body-1—is Fire Chamber-2. That‘s where you get differences in the numbers here. Now there‘s going to be times when these become even more important. I‘m sure that‘s why they gave them to us to this level. We did have to understand enough to see where those drum codes were coming from, but they‘re going to move us…there‘s going to be things to do with these charts at some point in the future, that‘s why they took the time to give them to us this time. So, you have EtorA Light Body-1 on Fire Chamber-2. EtorA Light Body-2, on Fire Chamber-3. EtorA Light Body-3, on Fire Chamber-4, etc, etc. EtorA Light Body-1, on Fire Chamber-12, EtorA Light Body-12, on Fire Chamber-1. And here you have the AdorA side. Again, AdorA Light Body-9, on Fire Chamber-10. AdorA Light Body-8, on Fire Chamber-9. So…because they‘re going this way. So these are all about the alignments. These are just like ‗quick view‘, where you don‘t have all the ELB‘s, ALB‘s and AF‘s and FC‘s, where it‘s just showing number correspondences.
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There‘s some interesting ones. You‘ve got 5:6, 5:6 happening in their alignments, and you‘ve got 11:12, 11:12 happening here, which is interesting. When we start to look at these, these become important later where we have here? Notice, because the ELB‘s, the EtorA Light Bodies. You have EtorA Light Body-12. EtorA Light Body-11because this one‘s going clockwise, so you have EtorA Light Body-10, 11, 12. This is EtorA Light Body-11 on, actually on EtorA Fire Chamber-12. And you also have going the other way, they come around, where you end up with AdorA Light Body-11 on AdorA Fire Chamber-12. So here you have an 11:11, 12:12 happening. And that becomes even more interesting as we proceed, because we‘re just looking at Light Body right now. There‘s also similar alignments happening on the Atomic Probability…the Atomic Probability Dominions as well. So you end up with 12:12:12:12:11:11:11:11 at a certain point, (chuckles) and that becomes important because that‘s actually known as the Kryst Buddha, or the Kryst Bud alignment., and that has to do with the Amoraea Pass-Through. So we‘ll see that in a little bit. So I was just pointing that out there. So these are all the alignments. We don‘t have to understand all of them, but understanding how they work and having access to them where you actually have something you can go look at and say, ―oh yeah, that was that‖ or whatever, will be good for future reference, and it will also help you to…these graphs actually help to activate in your own bio-fields, in your own DNA through the Optical-Pineal Induction, the codes that correspond to them. That‘s why they insist on graph sequences. It‘s what activates me enough to run the wave when it comes through, and it‘s what activates you once you see it, enough, to anchor the frequencies when they come through. So these do work like codes. Next one please.
[0:13:08] The Aah-JhA‘ Atomic and Light-Body Probability Dominion, and Fire Chamber and Allurean Chamber Alignments They‘re also quite useful if you‘re trying to remember anything. Like who is on what line? And here‘s where you combine them all. The Aah-JhA‘ Atomic and Light Body Probability Dominion and Fire Chamber and Allurean Chamber Alignments. There‘s all of them. And here‘s the keys that go with them. We have the key for the Atomic Bodies. The key for the Light Bodies. So we know what all the little letters are. And here‘s all the correspondences. Now these are just the correspondences again that were…I believe these were the ones still shown on the other side, right? Let me see. (A‘sha checks work) Yeah, ok. I‘m trying to see something. I think it‘s the next one isn‘t it that shows the phasing sets? Yeah. These aren‘t phasing sets yet I don‘t think. No, these are just the Transharmonic alignments. So that‘s showing the information from each of the other 2 graphs consolidated onto 1 graph so it‘s easy to see them. And this is also like kind of like a map if you want to find who‘s on first or who‘s wherever. You‘ve got your AD numbers running here, and the AD‘s were the AdorA Allurean Chambers and their corresponding EtorA PR numbers which are the Probability Dominions.
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And you also have on each line…you have the Allurean Chambers, the AC numbers over here, which are the Allurean Chambers here, and their corresponding APR numbers which are the AdorA Probability numbers over there. That‘s on the Allurean Chamber Lines. The Allurean Chamber Lines have dots on them. The ones in between them don‘t. So you‘d have like 30-degrees, and there‘s 15-degrees in between every…in between every one you have a Fire Chamber Line. So you‘d have a Fire Chamber on the EtorA side, you‘d have a Fire Chamber on the AdorA side. The Fire Chamber on the EtorA side would have EtorA Light Body number, and the Fire Chamber number would be one up from the corresponding Light Body number because of that 30-degree ‗project ahead‘ on the EtorA side. And it‘s actually project back counter clockwise on the AdorA side.
[15:32] On the AdorA side you‘d have the AdorA Fire Chamber and you would have the AdorA Light Body number, corresponding Light Body number. Here you have the Fire Chamber number is higher than the Light Body number. One higher than the Light Body number. So you have that going all the way around. You have the…where you have the AD‘s, the AC‘s and their PR‘s and APR‘s. Next—because you‘re switching from Allurean Chamber to Fire Chamber---you have your FC‘s and AFC‘s and your Light Bodies on the EtorA and the AdorA side, and it goes that way all the way around. So it shows the correspondences. Next one please.
[0:16:21] The Aah-JhA‘ Atomic and the Light Body Probability Dominion Transharmonic Twin Phase Sets Ok. The Aah-JhA‘ Atomic and the Light Body Probability Dominion Transharmonic Twin Phase Sets. So it‘s the Transharmonic Twins---which we talked about, the AdorA and the EtorA side— Phase Sets. This is where it gets even more fun. If you take just for an example the Galactic-3 alignment, that would be Probability-3 that we‘re moving into now. Ok let‘s see, where are we? AD. See…the more copies were made of them to make the next graph the worse they got. This one was pretty rough, a lot of mess on it. Let‘s see, AC, where are we? Let me find 3. Ok, Light Body-3, there we go. AC-8, AD-3. That is a 3 there. It‘s just really mucky and it‘s not typeset because we didn‘t have time to typeset all the little numbers or anything. Let‘s see, ok. So AD-3 is where our Probability-3…that actually says PR-3, but they‘re getting blobby so it‘s hard to read them, especially when they‘re this big. This is where our Probability would be. If you trace the circles, this was another one that would make you go cross-eyed. And it‘s showing ok, which circle as far as the Atomic one. The Atomic one is the solid one, and I had to omit all the other ones in order to find where the one that is just on the 3rd___on Line-3, on AD-3—is. So that was the one on AD-3. Now, AD-3 is…its Harmonic Twin is the AdorA side 8, which goes on the Allurean Chamber- 8, and that gives you the APR I believe, yeah, the AdorA Probability system—Atomic Probability system—number 8. So you have the 3:8 correspondence there. Now, that‘s on the Atomic level. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 86 of 126
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Now, the 3-EtorA Atomic will phase with the 3-EtorA Light Body. The 3-EtorA Light Body materializes on Fire Chamber-4 which is over here. And that‘s the one that runs the sphere that actually runs—where are we—Fire Chamber-4. No, that‘s this one. Yeah, if you take it right down to the end, that‘s this sphere. So the Light Body part that‘s running on Fire Chamber-4 which would be the Light Body-3— EtorA Light Body-3—goes there. Now if you come back to the Atomic one…we‘re only dealing with 1 Atomic one at this point right, the one set where you have the one Harmonic Twin set. So you had the AD-3‘s Light Body, the Light Body that would go with Probability-3 was down here. Then there‘s the one that would go counter clockwise with Probability-8 on the AdorA side. So that one would line up with whatchya call it? 8? Wait a minute, (chuckles) sorry I‘m just learning this too. This one, AC-8 would…creates APR-8. And APR-8 would go with AdorA Light Body-8 which is on AdorA Fire Chamber-9. There we go. (chuckles) I got that one out, almost not, but did, which would be this one. So you end up with 3 of these sphere Twin sets just to get 1 phase, because the AdorA one will phase…the AdorA Atomic part of this will phase counter clockwise up to its Light Body, and the EtorA side will phase clockwise into its Light Body. And all of these actually will do that. Every one of these lines has that configuration going on. So I just used those—the 3:8 alignment—because of our relationship to Galactic-3. Later. Because we are moving into the Galactic-3 spiral alignments that we need to actually hold, and this is why we need to hold them. That‘s going to bring us into, bring it…when we get to the end of Probability-3 and actually fulfil all of those frequencies, it will bring us into alignment with the EtorA Monadic Passage frequencies. So that‘s why we are moving to catch this Galactic Spiral, the Galactic-3 Spiral. That‘s why we need Galactic-3 and not like Galactic-7 or something as far as the alignments that the Beloveds are having us line our Gates up with, because this is what we are doing. We are actually lining our planetary Gates and our Aquafereion Shield—like receivers and personal Star Gates in our bio-fields and systems—with the proper spirals that will get us up and out into Ascension, as opposed to the ones that will drag us down into the black hole that‘s at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, etc. Ok, next one please I think. Wait a minute. One Transharmonic Twin Set…oh wait, we have to look at the correspondences here. Yeah, another one of those things you can read at home where I‘m not going to read all of them, (chuckling) but you have ok, EtorA phase sets. You have the EtorA Aah-JhA‘ Atomic, and the corresponding EtorA Light Body. The only thing that gets different here is the Fire Chamber doesn‘t…the Fire Chamber number doesn‘t—on the Light Bodies—doesn‘t match the number of the Light Body Probability Dominion. So it‘s actually one higher, the Fire Chamber number is one higher, and that‘s because of that 30-degree projection of the Light Body Dominion by each of the Fire Chambers. But this gives us the correlations. Now these would be Transharmonic Twin sets. Ok, we have the ELB‘s and the ALB‘s would be Transharmonic Twins, and the APR‘s and the PR‘s would be The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 87 of 126
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Transharmonic Twin sets. So this is what‘s happening. These are the AdorA phase sets. This is what‘s happening on the AdorA side, and this is what‘s happening on the EtorA side, and there are all the correspondences. We get some interesting things again. We have the 11:11 and 12:12 here. We have APR-12 and AC-12. Where is that? Let‘s look at these a minute. Honey, can we pull this down please. Let me see, 12. Let‘s look at the 12‘s, oh great, we can‘t even read them on this one. This is what‘s frustrating with using the portable printer/photocopier thing one after another. A copy of a copy of a copy, where you can‘t even read the copies anymore. There‘s a clearer one. Anyway, we end up with a 12:12 and an 11:11 happening on this line, and we‘ll see that clearer on some of the ones to come that…yeah, because I wrote that in clearer when I wrote new ones on that. So anyway, the correspondences are down there. They show you the lineups between them. So we have a 12:12 and an 11:11 set here. What we have over here, we have an 11:11 and a 12:12 set here as well. So we have an 11:11, 11:11 and a 12:12, 12:12 happening all up in that top ball region. Up in the area of the top, the top line going vertically up. Next one please.
[0:24:09] Probability Dominion Alignments, Krystal Spiral Flows, The Monadic Passages and the Amoraea Pass-Through Opening of the EtorA and AdorA Monadic Passages allows for opening of the Amoraea PassThrough into the REi-ShA-ic Record. So, the Amoraea Pass-Through actually opens into the Core REi-ShA-ic Record, where the EtorA Monadic Passage opens into the Akashic Record, and the AdorA Monadic Passage opens into the Akashic Record. A-k-a-s-h-i-c. The REi-ShA-ic Record—which is the 2 of those combined that holds the whole imprint for both sides—opens with the Amoraea Passage. It allows a Pass-Through literally, through the REi-ShA-ic Record, through the REi-ShA-ic Halls of Records, and into something else called the Halls of Amoraea which we‘ll see in a little while. When open, the Amoraea Pass-Through creates a Trans-dimensional hyperspace Aurora Continuum Materialization Field. Oh! (chuckles) There‘s an extra L. Yeah, field. Between the Atomic Density Dominions Outer Radon Domains, and the Atomic Density Dominions of the Middle Edon Domains. So it literally creates a hyper-dimensional reality space between the Inner and the Outer in the Aurora Continuum, which is…it‘s actually I believe, it‘s 6-dimensional. It‘s a 6-dimensional space, not just a 3-dimensional space. It‘s a minimum of 6-dimensional spaces. And I think it goes up to 12-dimensional depending on what levels of it activate. Let‘s see. Can we pull this up honey please. Thank you. In relation to NET Earth Ascension, opening of the Amoraea Pass-Through—which happens December 2012—will allow for later passage from NET Earth to Higher Earth on the KaLAKrysta Ascension Path, and to Middle Earth Edons on the KaLE-RAma Step-Back Path.
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The EtorA Monadic Passage opens into the Akashic Record Core Memory Cell on Axis-4. The AdorA Monadic Passage opens into the Eckashic Record Core Memory Cell Axis-6, and the Amoraea Pass-Through opens into the Core REi-ShA-ic Record and Middle Edon Domains. And this space here? That big flame that happens when the AdorA Currents—Krystal Spiral Currents—and the EtorA Krystal Spiral Currents cross over at the Axis-5. That forms the base structure of flows that becomes the Amoraea Pass-Through. But it only becomes the Amoraea Pass-Through after the Monadic Flows on the EtorA side are opened and activated after the ones on the AdorA side are opened and activated, then the flows which are the Adashi return flows that correspond with the EtorA Monadic Passage, and then finally the AdorA Adashi return flows. Once they open, that‘s when that whole phase occurs where everything comes together at the center. And when everything comes together at the center you end up with the 12:12:12:12 and the 11:11:11:11. Everybody lined up on that center line, and you end up with its Pillar opening through this whole section. And if it…if you‘re looking at a Galaxy you‘re talking about a Galaxy, and literally a Pillar of frequency spiraling through the Galaxy in the Domains that would be connected to this region. If it were your own bio-fields it would be literally a Pillar of frequency anchoring and opening through the levels of your own personal Light Body / Spirit Body structure, and taking you into the Core Edons. Now most people have had many, many incarnations out in the Outer Domains, particularly on Earth because we‘ve been stuck here for a long time because of the mutation. So to actually have the…where you came from…we all came from the Core, and we moved through Incarnations out into the Inner Domains first, then to the Middle Domains—the Edons—and then out from the Edons into the Outer Domains that we are in now, the Radons. So we…that is actually the home that we first came from before we came into the Outer systems. So when we open that Core we get to move the Consciousness back and forth, and eventually move the biology back and forth, where we can go home. And Earth has a version of itself there. You could call it Tara, but that‘s only Density-2 level of it even out here. There‘s a corresponding planet—they call it Middle Earth—and we are going to be having a lot of experience in dealing with the Middle Earth individuals because they are going to begin communicating with us through the Orb contact and that kind of thing, because they are essential. We could actually do a Pass-Through without having to go to Middle Earth—out of the ones that are on the Ascension Path—but anyone that is on the KaLE-RAma Path which is the StepBack Path, they absolutely must be able to go back to the Edons, because they can‘t fully hold an activation to go all the way up to the Higher Earth planes, and to the Median Earth planes beyond that. They would have to go and evolve a bit in the Middle Earth things and then come back out to be able to complete and get back on the path of Ascension.
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So we‘re all going to…because there‘s a lot of beings that are hosting, there‘s going to be numbers of Illuminati family lines coming in and doing Grid handover and saying, ―Ok, we‘ll take that KaLE-RAma Path, that sounds really good.‖ (chuckling) Better than a fall, you know, completely going into a system that will be finite life from that point. So anyway. We are working toward getting the Amoraea Pass-Through opened. That will occur in December of 2012, and there‘s a lot to do to prepare for it. Part of it is what we are doing during this workshop that, I mean…yes, it did happen, we are here. We had a very successful day when we did the work on the beach. The Beloveds would like to thank you and pass the ‗thank you‘ on for that. (clapping) You did good guys! It worked! And in a little bit we‘ll see a bit what we created there, and also learn a bit about…that we‘re creating one, well, we will be soon to create one around our own selves to take home with us, that we can then actually create versions of the temple that we created on the beach. We will be able to create versions of those in like safe spaces in other places, and to assist other people without imposing it on them. So it‘s all connected. All the…the thing that we did on the beach is very connected to these. It‘s connected because it‘s the beginning of anchoring the Monadic…EtorA level Monadic Spirals. The ones that are coming in from M31. So this is not just in our local Milky Way. These are coming in right now from Urtha and they will upgrade. We started the Urtha level ones, but they will begin to run the frequencies—the Light Body frequencies—of the Aquareion Matrix as well. So there‘s a progression in the build up of how strong the currents are. We had the Spirit Body currents running for quite awhile now since the Host started in around end of 2006 I believe it was, beginning of 2007, but now we‘re going right into Light Body as well. So it‘s the integrated body structure. I think that‘s enough on this one. Oh yeah! This is the shape of it by the way. The Flows. If you take it off all the other things, it‘s just showing you the Monadic Passages, the EtorA Monadic Passage, the AdorA one. This is the Amoraea Pass-Through, and this is the Adashi flows that go with the EtorA—Adashi Return Flows—that go with the EtorA Monadic Passage. And these are the ones that go with the AdorA Monadic Passage. And these petals pull together. When this activates, these petals pull together and those pull together and they form the Amoraea Pass-Through that allows for you to go into this space, and into the Edons. But… also another good diagram that kind of shows that hyper---how that hyper-dimensional space that they talk about---how that activates and forms. So there‘s another diagram that shows a bit about where that is in relation to these. Next one, please.
[0:32:53] The Axis of Amoraea There we go. The Axis of Amoraea would be Axis-1, Axis-5. Because, down here we have the Axis-5—that‘s in Round-2, Axis-5—that is where the first crossover of those currents occurs, the first large crossover of these currents, so it‘s a Density-2 activation. We have Axis-5 and it‘s Vector Line is actually the 1:5 Vector Line, and this is known as the Axis of Amoraea because that is the line that the Amoraea Passage fully opens on.
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We‘ve talked about Amoraea Passages before, but this is actually the Pass-Through. We‘ve talked about Amoraea Passages in relation to the Host, in relation to the Polarian Gates and a number of other things that we‘ve been working on for the last 10-years with the Beloveds, but this is the highest level of the Amoraea things that we have learned about so far. So this is again the structure of it. 2 Monadic Passages and the Amoraea Passage. Anything else on here that‘s important? Axis of Amoraea. Yeah, so it is…what we are moving toward is in the phasing of those balls, right, the phasing of the balls. Here we go again with balls. I used to talk about the balls all the time because I got tired of trying to say the long word, Probability Dominions of the whatever. They‘re balls (chuckles) all right, they‘re spheres. So, anyway. The…normally there‘s a normal phasing of the Probability Dominions and their Light Bodies, and creates sparks, generates quantum, etc. But at certain points you have the larger phasing that occurs when the Monadic Passages come together and the Adashi Return Flows come together and literally squeeze the balls into (audience laughs)…yeah, really. Like it brings the balls up. These balls kind of go (Ash makes a squeeze sound) and these kind of go (another sound demonstration) down there, and it puts all that frequency together, and with all that frequency together is what opens these passages and these flows, and it allows for PassThrough. It allows for things that are in this system, things that are aligned and have caught the Monadic thing…you‘ve had to…in order to not just Pass-Through the cycle and not pick up and be able to go through into this opening. If you don‘t pick up the currents here—the spiral currents here—and activate those in your system, be your system a solar system, or a galaxy, or a person. If you don‘t pick up those currents here by the time you get to here, you won‘t be able to pick up these. You won‘t have a high enough BPR or a strong enough BPR. I‘m not sure if it‘s high or low at this point actually. I have to…there‘s a lot more detail on BPR adjustments and things. So I‘m not sure if these are high or low BPR ones, if they‘re faster moving or slower moving since we‘re in an acceleration here with a mutation that isn‘t normal. So they might be slower moving than the mutation. Anyway, whatever their BPR is we need to pick up these first, and that is what we will do. When we leave here we will have the first set of these. There are 2 other sets, and they are coming in at time periods that are near the next 2 workshops. Within the frame of the next 2 workshops. We don‘t have…the workshops aren‘t going to be right on the peaks of those times. We would have tried to make them there if we had known about these things before, but we have their usual Hethalon one in May and the one before that around Easter. So you‘ll see on the time chart later that shows the…they‘re close, where we can still anchor the activations in those workshops. But for now, we‘re going to anchor this one. And they‘re really cool. By the end of this you‘ll…at least you‘ll have an idea of what this Krystar Krystal Temple around you looks like, and some of its purpose too. And there‘s…there is an activation before we leave, and it‘s the last and final one that actually fulfills the Baptism for those who want it. Anyway, back to this. Is there anything more I need to say on this Axis of Amoraea? No, there‘s just explaining that when this opens it brings the…when this activates, it brings the Monadic Passages and these 2 things together. They The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 91 of 126
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move the balls together and it opens a Trans-dimensional, hyper-dimensional space. And that‘s on the next graph I think. Next one please.
[0:37:31] (Graph) And there‘s stuff you can read about them, I‘m not going to read all of this stuff. Here is where it gets interesting. When those things occur, where these come into here and those go into here and the balls go squash, (chuckles) and the Transharmonic Passage through the REi-ShA-ic Record into the Edons opens, and the Amoraea Pass-Through opens, it actually creates this hyper-dimensional space. And this is where we will be making in 2012— the end of 2012—where we‘ll be making the literal leap shift in BPR, and literally shifting reality fields into a different Probability. A Metagalactic Probability Alignment. We will be shifting from the Metagalactic-6 that we are in, into Metagalactic-12, so we can pick up that Host Alignment that I believe was Metagalactic-12, Galactic-12, Solar System-5, I think. But it‘s the…I will look at that, I have that written some place else. But we…this is what is going to occur. Now what would happen otherwise, is we would actually be dragged down into the Metatronic Spiral which we will look at in a little bit, because this is…we‘ve been all looking at constructs—or energy constructs—that form from the natural mathematical ratios of expansion of the Krystal Spiral. There are other things that form through the un-natural, twisted creation spiral of the Fibonacci Spiral, or the Metatronic Death Spiral. So we‘ll see those in a little bit. So I just wanted to show you this, to get you to where you understood what the activations are about that we‘re going through in this workshop. It‘d be say, this part of the Arc. Then there‘s the middle Ray. That will be fully anchoring. And we will be doing the activations on this one in the April workshop, and then we will complete this one in the May workshop. There‘s also interesting things happening during the May workshop because it‘s also when Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave-3 releases. And that means D-1, D-2 and D-3. All of Density-1 of Earth has separated. Not just Earth, but our Solar System has separated from its Rasha Body which is part of the Bhardoah Death Sequence. So I don‘t…they haven‘t explained yet. There‘s some things that go along with that for each Density that lets go, and they haven‘t talked much about it other than bringing it to my attention that don‘t forget that Ring Wave-3 is releasing in May. So that‘s right when we‘re completing this activation. When the Aquafereion Shield is completing this activation. There‘s a time period to come over here, when we‘re activating over here. NET Earth actually just starts its Metagalactic shift as of this middle point, right. And that‘s around…it‘s a little bit before…it‘s actually in March. That‘s the March 15th period actually that I mentioned before. We don‘t have a workshop right on it, but there is an activation on it. And that‘s when this middle Ray of frequencies comes in. So I‘m going to go forward to, I think, the next graphs, unless they go into Galaxy. Because I‘m going to take a short, short break just to breathe and get something to drink. (chuckling) I know The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 92 of 126
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I need to take a break when my tongue starts sticking to the roof of my mouth, and it‘s very difficult to talk that way. And when my brain starts going a lot faster than my lips are capable of. So…and I just want to see the next graph to make sure where it is in this sequence. A‘san: (inaudible) A‘sha: Do what? A‘san: (inaudible) A‘sha: Can I see what picture it is? A‘san: (inaudible) Ok, yeah. When we come back…we‘ll just take like you know, like a 15, a 10-15 tops minute break. But we‘ll start with this, where we show where those structures fit in briefly—because we‘ve covered most of this before—but where they fit into the Galactic structure, and then we‘ll take it into the time structures as far as the time wheel, of what we‘re looking at with the activations. And, then we‘ll look at what the activation looks like as far as in our fields. Because this is where it gets fun. This morning we‘re going to end up with what‘s called the Stardust Blue Activation, and that‘s the first of the 3 Monadic Activations. So, let‘s give it 15, just because I never get back in 10 if I attempt to. So thank you for your patience. See you in 15-minutes, and thank you for hanging in there. (clapping)
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 93 of 126
FOL—January 1-3, 2010: Sarasota, Florida
Monday Lecture 2A [Audio Track 6] A‘sha Ok… this is just a graph that‘s published in a couple of different places. It‘s just the Ecka Maps of the God-World Gates showing the top level of the Ecka Maps and showing where when we talked about the Probability Dominions. Originally they showed us how you have the large one that would be the Cosmic level, the top of the Cosmic level one, it‘s the Eukatharista Body, it‘s called the Eckasha-I level all right. So we had numbers because each one of these like this one, the whole large Cosmic structure has a set of – actually we were only dealing with the sets of 12, 1 set of 12 but now we know that there are what, 4 on each alignment, you have the Light Bodies that go with them that aren‘t shown here. And the Ecka Maps are actually built on showing the alignments of the – I think they were built on showing the alignments of Light Bodies, so before they made the distinction between the Light Body sets and atomic Spirit Body sets. So the Spirit Body structure was shown in relation to the Ecka Maps. So what it does it actually gives us a map, a Cosmic Map of where our Galaxy is in relation to other things. Right here we‘re looking at the top as far as looking at the Eukatharista Body, the Light Body of God-Source that exists within the God-Source Consciousness Field and all of materialized and manifest Creation exists within this massive structure. But there is a structure that science does not know about yet. It‘s not just random. There are many, many sets of 15-dimensional time matrices that are all connected. Each place you see a ball you‘d see a Kathara grid and actually you‘d see 4 levels of a Kathara grid, that means there would be 4 reality systems connected to each ball, each one of the Reality Systems is a 15-dimensional Time Matrix and it‘s called a Universal Time Matrix. So Creation is huge. There is a process, there is a structure to it. These maps, the Ecka Maps of the God-World Gates that we dissected a long time ago where we showed piece by piece by piece how they were built and what the structures were. This is just when you get to the top and you can‘t even see them anymore, they‘ve been printed so many times. So the centerpoint would be the REi-ShA-ic Record and every set of Probability Dominions has a centerpoint and that would be the Bud out of which the rest of the probabilities in that set grow. So we have the largest one, the Eukatharista level. Then we have the next one down which is called the Eckasha-A – another word for the Eukatharista one is the Eckasha-I and then we had the Eckasha-A, and then down from there we have the Eckasha. This is Eckasha-A Core Flame is here, this is the Eckasha-A, this is the Eckasha-I I believe, yeah Eckasha-I, it‘s Eckasha-I-4. Eckasha-A-12 is this one, this is our next coordinate, Eckasha-A-12. Then inside the Eckasha-A there are 12 Eckasha‘s, we‘re Eckasha number 11. Inside the Eckasha‘s you have Vecas, Universal Vecas. So they are all Universes, it‘s not just 1 Universe, they are many, many Universes, it‘s a Multiverse.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 94 of 126
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So here we have Veca‘s. We are actually in what‘s called PCM Veca-5, we‘re in Veca-5. Our Parallel Veca is Veca-2 and this is where there are Black hole problems and this is where the main Black hole sets in the Fall Systems are bleeding through and actually forcing their way through the Consciousness, the Beings who live there, are forcing their way through into our System to try to drag the quantum of our System into their Black Hole System to prevent their Black Hole from imploding, as we have talked about a million times before. So this is our Veca here, this is Veca-2, this is our Veca-5. Now inside of the Veca‘s you will have a set of 12 – we are just 1 set, there is more as we see. You have the ones on the AdorA and on the EtorA spin but it goes in sets of 12 Meta-Galaxies. Each of the Meta-Galaxies inside of there will have a set of 12 Galaxies, primary Galaxies. There is a lot of fragment Galaxies floating about too but there will be 12 Primary Galaxies inside of a Meta-Galaxy and they will be 12 Primary Solar Systems inside of each Galaxy, and there will be 12 Planets or Stars in each of the 12 Solar Systems. So there is a whole step-down, it‘s called Stair-Step Creation, stepping down progressively. The structure remains. It‘s the same structures, they just materialize in smaller and smaller versions until you get down into Density-1 Systems like the system we are in here. Density-1 again is D-1, 2 and 3, Density-2 D-4, 5 and 6, Density-3 D7, 8 and 9 etc. going up to 15, 5 Densities‘ worth. So this is just to remind us of where we are in relation to the Cosmos and as we bring it in we will look at, we will bring it down to a Time Cycle because all of these are not just relationships in space but they‘re relationships of time. The rotations of these Probability Dominions in each of these layers gives us a, literally time tracks. So time is simultaneous, it all occurs at once but our Consciousness will be in a certain location within these spiralling energy structures – and that gives us like a railroad track of time. That gives us a linear projection of space-time where from where we are it seems like certain things are in the past behind us and certain things haven‘t happened yet in the future. And when we look at these probabilities, when we have the Core System, there is a Core Encryption say on – we‘re looking at the Eckasha-A level now, say there is a Core Encryption in the Eckasha-A that say materializes a Star System that looks like whatever, x, y, z right. All of these 12 smaller Eckasha ones would be versions, probable versions of that encryption. So when we bring it down to the Galaxies in a Meta-Galaxy, each of the 12 Primary Galaxies would be a probable version like a probable, a potentiality or probable version of that core reality system. The same thing applies when we take it down to the Solar System level. Our Sun, our Central Sun would represent the Solar System Core and the 12 natural Planets – or what should be Stars if they were living, that would be orbiting around that represent probable versions or probable reality fields or expressions of that Central Sun Encryption. So the probability structures are literally, they‘re reality fields that are born out of the Core Encryption that is held at their center, and there are 8 levels coming down from the Cosmic level. I think I have them listed somewhere in a nice little list... (asks A‘san to move graph to bottom) The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 95 of 126
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Our Cosmic coordinates – we‘re in what is called the Ah-RhA-ya Cosmos – there is also, I believe the other one is the Ah-RhI-ya Cosmos on the opposite spin in the same place right. All right we have our Cosmic Eckasha-Aah Probability-4. So these are the drum coordinates when we start to bring in the frequencies from on high there are certain ways of using these coordinates. You can use them directly but if you want to open a passage going up and then open it going down you use them in one sequence and then in the reverse sequence. There is all different ways to use the codes but these are the Vibrational Encryption Coordinates for our literal location within the Space-Time Matrix of God-Source Consciousness Field. So we have on the highest level we‘re in the Ah-RhA-ya Cosmos which would be the whole Eukatharista Body. We have the Cosmic Eckasha-Aah or Eckasha-A, Aah, yeah Eckasha-Aah we‘re Probability-4 which means we‘re the 4th one within the Cosmos, so we‘re in the 4th Probability set. The Eckasha-Aah Probability-4 – they actually refer to that as Eckasha-I, we can put an ‗I‘ there it would mean the same level, so we are in Probability-4. Coming down one we‘re in Eckasha-A Spectra-3 Probability-12. So Eckasha-A is there and we‘re Eckasha-A-12, that‘s the 12th Probability Dominion. When we get to the Eckasha they‘re calling them Corridors, Eckasha Corridor-4 Probability-11. We‘re in Probability-11 on the Eckasha level, so it‘s Eckasha-11 which would be that one and then Universal Veca Quadrant-4 Probability-5. So the Quadrants refer to other parts of that but it‘s this part, the probability alignments that we‘re looking at right now. And these were a filling out the Ecka Maps of the God-World Gates that we got ages ago when – 5 years ago I think that we‘ve been working with them at least. Now our Aquareion Host Field, the Aquareion Matrix is in our Parallel Eckasha-A. The coordinates of where the Aquareion Host is – that is that Matrix we talk about that it‘s not M-31. M-31 the Andromeda Galaxy is actually our natural Galaxy that the Milky Way fragmented out of. In other words, the Milky Way Galaxy with the Black hole at the center literally over many, many billions of years had fallen out of, literally fallen out of what we call the Andromeda Galaxy. They were 1 Galaxy and they were – it‘s actually the Andromeda Galaxy that when you take this down to the Galactic coordinates is our Home Galaxy. We are a fragment of that but that is still our Galaxy and that is where our Gate Alignments have to go through in order to get back Home because we came out of that system. This system, the Aquareion Host is what‘s running the Krystal River Host. It runs it through the natural M-31 Andromeda System and down to us in the Milky Way. And they are up here... I can‘t reach anywhere near up there. Ok, the Aquareion Mashaya-Hana Core is over here. And this is where those currents we talk about, remember I talked about there is a current that‘s coming down like a chamber here that runs through and then another one that goes up that way, it literally connects our little selves but also through larger structures – there is a piece, there is a version of this, a larger version around the Planet that goes through the Sun and that goes up to the Galaxy, that is a link of frequency that takes us from where we are down here in our Veca-5 System. Where are we? No, that‘s the Parallel System, wherever we are in Veca-5, I can‘t read this this close. Actually Veca-5 System, from our Veca-5 System it links us down through and it comes The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 96 of 126
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up and protects us from this one where say in our Parallel Eckasha, Eckasha-A, Veca-2, that‘s where the Black Hole Systems are. So we‘re in Eckasha-11, Veca-5 over in here. This is Veca-2 in the same Eckasha that has the Black Hole Systems in it and they run through the center of our Eckasha and the center of our Milky Way. This set of currents connects us to this matrix up here that is the Aquareion Mashaya-Hana Core. They haven‘t revealed where – it‘s probably so far away, or maybe it isn‘t. I don‘t know, you can‘t…I don‘t think science has identified even the region of space that this exists in. But I‘m not sure, they haven‘t told us yet. They might surprise me because they have identified where what science knows is there in relation to our Milky Way and our local group, where that fits in to these maps and that‘s what we will see when we go forward a little bit just briefly. Next one please...
[0:12:19] (Graph) Now these are just little bits updated. These next couple are just little bits updated on I think these are mostly out of Sliders-4 I think this was, where we showed how that structure, how the structure of the Probability Dominions – and this is just one set of them. It‘s not showing the 15degree offsets where the Light Bodies are. It‘s just showing one side of the 12 but it implies that those Light Bodies ones exist too, the Light Body on the Atomic Body sets. But it‘s just showing us a little bit more closely what we‘ve seen before. I‘m just touching base on it to form a sequence especially for anybody new so you have some kind of clue of what I‘m talking about. But it‘s showing also the Cosmic Krystal Spiral in relation to these other things that we‘ve covered before. The Eckasha-11 Multiverse and the Aquinos which is actually the name of what science here calls Andromeda Galaxy, it‘s actually called the Aquinos Universe, right but it‘s the M-31 thing. All right PCM Veca-5 and PKA which means the PartikA side is Veca-2. It‘s our Parallel Universe, that is literally our immediate Parallel Universe, it‘s Veca-2. So we can tell which ones are Parallel, which ones are Adjacent, which ones are Parallel Universes, which ones are Parallel Eckasha‘s from these maps. These maps are phenomenal, it‘s the beginning of... The ones the Beloveds have of these, they are 3-dimensional holograms that hang in the air and are…like you can move them with thought. You can plot courses and all sorts of things. It‘s amazing to watch them. And they move and they rotate where it shows all the rotations so you can track time backward and forward. Time is circular. It is circular because it runs on these time tracks in the different spaces and you move. You accrete frequency through one set of time tracks and that, you bring enough frequency into yourself and (it) expands your frequency and your quantum enough and it actually upgrades you to the next level. So eventually what Ascension is, is accreting all of your frequency. If you started out as part of the God-Source Consciousness Field you continually broke yourself down through the structures of the Cosmos to get down this far because you had too much quantum as full GodSource. So a piece of God-Source took its Consciousness and broke itself down into all these The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 97 of 126
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different simultaneously existing parts of Identity all of which are your own. Each one of you have a Family of Consciousness that is a part of you on each of these levels. But when you get down here and you‘re individuated it implies you have selves all the way up. I won‘t go into the 1728 incarnates and all that kind of stuff. We have covered that in other workshops. But what is important to remember is, it‘s accreting frequency. Ascension isn‘t going ‗boing‘, no, it‘s not (chuckle) like bouncing up gates. Well you can do that, but what allows you to do that is bringing the frequency that you originally had when you were at wholeness and At-OneMent with the God-Source Consciousness Field, bringing it back online with your atomic structure and your DNA which transfigures the atomic structure progressively – you‘re supposed to when the DNA is working right, and then that takes you to the next Density level up and progressively you work yourself back out of Density. That‘s what a natural evolutionary process is supposed to be. And it‘s supposed to be fun not mutated where you get stuck in Density worlds like we are down here. And you don‘t have to work so hard and have strange workshops at strange hours just to get your DNA to do what it was born to do in the first place, (chuckle) but anyway. These are the structures of Ascension. These are Cosmic structures, they are Cosmic Maps. Where you see circles they‘re actually spheres, spheres within spheres within spheres. Many, many balls within balls and they‘re all literal coordinates. So we saw our Galactic coordinates, I mean our stack of coordinates coming down and I can‘t remember when I‘m this tired. Here they are again. I‘m learning to write them down all over the place. So we have the Eckasha-I-4, the Eckasha-A-12, the Eckasha-11, the Veca-5, Universal Veca5, Meta-Galaxy. Right now we are in Meta-Galaxy-6. That is our local group. That is the center of…our Meta-Galaxy would be the center of our local group of Galaxies, what science calls the local group of Galaxies. Then we have our Galaxy, now we are... In April of 2009 we were in relation, we had just made the leap actually into the spirals, the Krystal Spirals that were running for Meta-Galaxy-6. So we actually jumped from Metagalactic4 to Metagalactic-6, the alignment we had to have in order to even be able to align with at this point in time the Monadic Passages. Now we entered Metagalactic-6 in alignment with Galaxy-1. We‘ve been progressing through to the point where we need to align with Galaxy-3 in Metagalactic-6. And that‘s what we are beginning the process of doing now through this Monadic Passage opening. That will bring us into the frequencies that will bring us into the 3-Alignment. And I believe by the March 15th – 16th that is, I believe I have to look at the map but I‘m pretty sure. I mean the map that has the dates on it, the date map, but I believe it‘s March 15 th – 16th is when we anchor in the 3Alignment, the Galactic-3 Alignment. And we‘re supposed to stay there until 2012 when the Amoraea Pass-Through thing happens and we shift again. And what we‘re shifting is literally the alignment. If these currents are spiralling outward – and they‘re really materialization currents – if you‘re aligned with one set, it will have you and your Planet and your Solar System moving along one set of Event Horizons, where if you‘re aligned with the different one you will experience, and your Solar System and your Planet etc., will experience another set of Event Horizons. We are attempting to align The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 98 of 126
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ourselves with the Event Horizons that allow for the natural Ascension to continue as a potentiality here even though this has become a Fall System. So we are keeping the Gates open with a lot of hard work from the Beloveds and us doing our best to hold them here. So they‘re our stack there as far as our coordinate stack and it‘s all about what Spirals we are anchoring in both personally and on a planetary level. If there is enough bodies – and it doesn‘t have to be headcount as far as how many bodies, it‘s the quality of frequency those bodies are running that will determine whether there is enough quantum on the Planet to hold those Spirals and prevent a full activation of the 55-Metatronic. We have been working for 10 years – the people that have been coming to the groups here. And they‘re coming from all over the place, you know there is people in all sorts of countries everywhere of all ages and professions and all of that. And everybody that does has been activating piece by piece – Light Body, Spirit Body, one piece of anatomy after another in order to bring in these frequencies. Right now the amount of frequency that the average person who has been a couple of years into this work is so far beyond the average person, no matter how smart or whatever high level whatever they might have even in Illuminati land down here. They can‘t run those kind of frequencies. The fields won‘t hold them because they haven‘t repaired any of the damage to the Light Body or the Spirit Body structures or the Physical Body structures. So we are a small group but we are powerful enough to anchor enough quantum to actually hold the Gates open which means stop the other Spiral from dragging all of us into the Metatronic sequence and into the reversals that would take us fully into Fall Alignment. Fall Alignment means being aligned with the Black Hole Systems that, the inorganic Black Hole Systems that are in Veca-2 and are making wormhole connections through our Metagalactic Core, our Veca Core and Metagalactic Core and into our Galactic Core. Even our science here has discovered yes, there is a Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way, yeah, and that‘s not naturally occurring either, but anyway. So this is just to remind us of where those structures that we were looking at as random structures that aren‘t random, but you can put them anywhere. You can put them in relation to your own body or you can put them in relation to the Cosmos, how these plug into the Cosmos and the Maps. Next one please...
[0:20:57] (Graph) Ok (to A‘san) ... over here, I‘ve got to talk about the little one. Now the natural Krystal Spiral would normally spiral and step down frequency through, there would be the big one that goes through the Eckasha-I level, the Eckasha-Aah Body and it would step down to the Eckasha-A and then into the Eckasha‘s. So all those Krystal Spirals there would be, you know each level there would be 12 smaller ones and for each of the 12 Domains – and that‘s only on the EtorA side that I‘m talking about because actually there is 24, because there is the AdorA side too. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 99 of 126
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But there is also this that is occurring and this is what the Black Hole Systems are running. This over here... So these are already published and I think it‘s Sliders-4 that I have got these parts out of so if you want Sliders-4 is the program that deals with and explains all of those things well. Also if you‘re new or something and you want to know more about that Sliders-4 and 5 both dealt with that. But here it‘s showing the different kind of Spiral. This is showing, this darker one here, this is a Metatronic Spiral. It has also been, it has numerous names but they‘ve been referring to it here as the Metatronic Death Star Spiral Harness. It is literally a set of frequencies that by attaching certain particles to the natural Core Flows that are coming out of whichever level of the template. And this goes up quite high, it goes up to the Eckasha level I believe, but you don‘t have Falls past that point. There is a certain point where you don‘t have conflict dramas like this where there is still Free Will but it‘s always used in service to the whole where you just…there is no division between, a Being does not experience the need to go against Cosmic Law in order to assert its independence. That only happens in the lower ones. In Veca Systems you can have Fallen Veca‘s and you can have, well you can have Eckasha‘s that have fallen Veca‘s within them. The Eckasha itself doesn‘t fall, the Eckasha level. So anyway we‘ve got the fallen Eckasha Systems, Ecka-Veca Systems in the Eckasha‘s, they‘re interfacing with us. Here we have M-31, this is where we are supposed to be but we‘re actually a fragment Galaxy. Milky Way fragmented out of M-31 and we taught, I think it was in the Amsterdam workshop we talked about that process and showed the diagrams on that. But we‘re actually out of alignment with the natural structures, the natural axis that we should be plugged into. We‘re tilted at 23.5° angle instead of aligning naturally with the Metagalactic Core. This problem that we talk about of having on Earth and in our Solar System is much, much bigger. It has a history that goes back billions of years and way before the Earth drama started. Actually, before the Tara drama started. So we‘ve talked about the history for eons and I‘m not going to go into the history of it now. But this spiral here, if you can tell in this little diagram you‘ll see this closer up soon, in this little diagram there is actually 2 spirals. The darker one is the Metatronic Spiral and the skinnier one in here that‘s the natural unfolding Krystal Spiral. (joking on mylar moving, laughter in audience) Chasing the Krystal Spiral... So the Krystal Spiral is here. And these are all numeric expansion formula basically and there is, you know we‘ve talked about that at other times and there is more comparisons and Noel has done amazing work with that as far as defining what it is. There is a sequence of numbers that where... The Fibonacci sequence or spiral goes I think 1, 2, 3, 5, 8... it like eats the number before, it takes the number where it is, eats the one before and adds it to that one to get the next one. Where the Krystal Spiral expands on I think like 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, it‘s a times 2, 64, it‘s a times 2 expansion rate. And there is a lot..I‘m not a math person but there is a lot of interesting The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 100 of 126
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information for math people in the comparison of those two spirals and Noel Tobin has started doing those comparisons. But anyway, as far as visually you get one spiral, the natural Krystal Spiral. It looks like it starts out smaller and there is a certain point right over here, it‘s actually here that the point of influence starts at what would be Axis-6, the natural 6-Axis on the Krystal Spiral. And then by Axis-7 that is when the Krystal Spiral as it‘s trying to expand, the Metatronic one that‘s running as the harness outside of it, overtakes it and takes its quantum and distorts its encryption and drags it into a different expansion. And it cuts it off from its core connection because all the Kathara grids at their top connect into either the next level up on a spiral rotation or to the centerpoint in the center of a Probability System. So literally the Metatronic harness is meant to cut Probability Systems‘ energy flows off and drag them into alignment with the black hole so the Living System that‘s still inside can be used as food by the black hole in order to be able to have quantum, for that black hole to have quantum so it can maintain its particle spin. Because if it goes to a certain point of losing, of its own quantum being spinned in its own spin, it will implode and then explode and then go back as space-dust. So that‘s what it‘s all about – it‘s the space-dust game. They have created this technology, it‘s a black hole technology in order to not have to meet the consequences of their actions. Their actions are what cause them to go, their systems to go, into fall in the first place. So anyway that‘s the Metatronic Spiral Harness there and that is the natural Krystal Spiral there. These occur in Round-1. Just like the Krystal Spiral unfolds – Round-1 goes to here and then these to here and then these two, when it goes, this would start Round-2, Axis-1 right. So it‘s actually in Round-1 that this harness emerges. This happens even, we‘ve talked about even in relation to the growth of the fetus in the womb where, there is a certain point in the gestation cycle that the mutation kicks in and it actually spirals backward to earlier and then forward and it changes the natural growth structure of the human body while it‘s even still in the womb. But in relation to Cosmoses and Universes and Galaxies and things it literally harnesses those natural Creation Spirals. And remember that the natural Creation Spirals had those back-flows where they would spiral out. The big one would spiral out and then smaller step-down currents would spiral out. And then there is those back-flow points where there is always a circulation, an exchange of energy through those spirals with the Core Creation Point and that would connect you to the next level up. And that the expansions and back-flow and out-flow there would connect you to the next level up until you were directly and openly connected to GodSource Consciousness Field, an open living connection to the Eternal Living God-Source Consciousness Field. This spiral, it actually hijacks those natural Creations Spirals and bends them in an unnatural configuration, reverses portions of their polarity alignments in their encryption and makes it so they can only circulate, which means they‘re finite. What was infinite, because it circulated back and forth through the Eternal God-Source Consciousness Field – the Krystal Spiral is eternal because first of all it can spark its own currents, it can generate its own quantum, it also circulates back and forth between the original God-Source Consciousness Field which is alive and always will be and the systems built within that Consciousness field. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 101 of 126
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But this is intended to take living things and make them finite. And in relation to our Galaxy and the Milky Way it is these technologies that created the fall of the Milky Way in the first place and from the Andromeda System. Next one please... so we‘ll look a bit more at the spirals, the comparisons, in a little bit...
[0:29:37] (Graph) Now, here, just looking at the maps a little bit more where this is just showing more of a closeup where over here – where are we? We have, this is our location in, I think this is our, I‘m trying to find the Veca numbers here, where am I? I think this is... yeah Veca-5. All right so this is Veca-5, this is an enlargement of the other things so you can see the Veca bigger. All right so you have Veca-5 – and this is showing the M-31 Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy fragment, I think... yeah. And actually the Milky Way is what is considered a fragment Mega-Galaxy or Meta-Galaxy so it‘s – a Meta-Galaxy has 6 smaller probable versions of itself that are considered part of it. And they‘re our local group actually, the Beloveds would actually consider those part of the Milky Way because they consider it a Meta-Galaxy. So anyway we are, let‘s see Milky Way Galaxy... over here. Now this is Veca-5. The line would connect to the center into Veca-5 and this is Veca-5 right, this circle here, this big one. So this is Veca-5. This line here is just showing the connection to the natural structure of the Kathara grid which is the radiation encryption that a Universe is built on. This should come in and align with the core, our Veca Core at that angle, that‘s the natural structure. And that is the structure that M-31 Andromeda actually still maintains, it‘s not a Fall System. Some of its parts are falling but its main structure is not falling, it‘s not a falling Universe. But here, this Kathara grid here would represent one of the probable versions of the Andromeda System, our Home Galaxy. This system here at this funny angle – it‘s actually supposed to be a 23.5-degree tilt over here between these two. It‘s actually a split of portion of the quantum of this Galaxy, of the M-31, was actually split off over a very long period of time and it became what we know as the Milky Way Galaxy. So the Milky Way Core would be there and the Andromeda Core would be there. In this map they sit as they rotate, as the Metagalactic probabilities rotate you would have the Milky Way down here – when you are on this side of it you‘d have the Milky Way down here and the M-31 up here. So you have M-31 Andromeda and the Milky Way fragment where they‘re rotating together. But the fragment is offset so it creates, it‘s literally running on a spacetime distortion system that is controlled by the Black Hole Systems. And our Earth is in there. I mean we have, we‘ve got the Veca-5 alignment and inside of the Veca we‘re in Metagalactic-6 and inside of that we‘re now moving into Galaxy-3 but all of those systems are still plugged into the Milky Way Galaxy. The Milky Way that science knows that we are a part of. The Milky Way Galaxy is still in that tilted configuration which means it is running in a space-time distortion loop. And that loop is going to close progressively. In 200 years our Galaxy Gates will close which means that whole The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 102 of 126
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system will be finally consumed by that Metatronic Spiral and it will be pulled into Black Hole Alignment. It doesn‘t mean it‘s all going to go ka-boom in 200 years. It means the Gates that allow the natural Krystal Spirals to outflow and backflow will be permanently closed. And that means the Consciousness that is within those fields, within the Milky Way, after that point will not have Ascension as an option, they will have Space-Dust Return eventually as the only option of getting back home and that‘s why it is a big deal. I mean this has been going on for billions of years and we are at the end times of the Milky Way cycle as far as it has reached critical mass of Fall Alignment and that is why our teams are keeping the Gates open. It‘s the last call basically, the next 200 years, to keep the Gates open so the Krystal Spirals can be, Consciousness can ride them up and out of here when, before the Gates close. So this is showing where our Milky Way is. This is a little thing from a science book that shows, here is our Milky Way and some various other things, various other little Galaxies. Andromeda I believe is here. That‘s the Andromeda Galaxy, and they have them on like stocks in this grid that just show relationship. Ok our Galaxy is here where these... These are all considered in our local group and that would be considered in our Meta-Galaxy. All right so we have the Milky Way and Andromeda. And we have the Milky Way and Andromeda in relation to the maps. These maps get a bit more detailed and I think it might, I think it was in the Andromeda workshop, (chuckle) yeah Andromeda workshop, not yet, (laughter) the Amsterdam workshop that I went into a bit more... yeah Andromeda workshop, wishful thinking me, oooh. Not yet but soon hopefully. Anyway, the Black Hole at Milky Way Core right, it‘d be Black Hole at Milky Way Core is actually here. This is the Metagalactic Core, this is the Milky Way Core. So there would be one of these on each of the versions of the Milky Way. So we have probable Milky Way Galaxies and probable Milky Way Meta-Galaxies. There is Probable Reality Systems – and this gets into a lot like some of the movies in sci-fi you see like Doctor Who and stuff on TV where they‘re flipping back and forth through time and different reality fields and sometimes you have like, there is Earth and then there is Parallel Earth. There is not just one Parallel Earth, there is many, many, many Parallel Earth‘s because there is many, many, many Parallel Galaxies and those kind of things. There is Parallel, there is Adjacent, there is Harmonic Twins, there is Transharmonic Twins, there are so many different versions that... It‘s really interesting, if you met a version of yourself even when if it was the direct version of this body you might not even recognize yourself. If we went to a different version of Earth just like literally through a gate and over it might look like a completely different place. It might look like a place that wasn‘t totally abused by the people who lived on it for example. Like when we go to Higher Earth even though that‘s right here with us at a different plane, a set of planes that are beyond the NET, it is pristine by comparison to what has happened here. They‘re not having water shortages. They have not contaminated their Planet in the way that has happened here. So anyway, there are Probable Realities Systems and they are formed by this invisible structure. The structure is invisible. I think you probably have to be God-Source Consciousness Field itself to be able to perceive the Cosmic levels of these structures within yourself because The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 103 of 126
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we are within them. So it‘s kind of hard to see what it looks like when you‘re a part of what‘s inside of it, it‘s kind of hard to see what‘s outside of the egg when you‘re inside of the egg kind of thing. This is showing, these maps do plug in to what is known scientifically as far as what‘s out there in the Galaxy and all of that. And this is the, again this is the, they call it the Golden Mean Spiral or the Fibonacci Spiral or the Metatronic Death Star Spiral, that is the structure of the spiral. Inside of it is an expansion ratio formula, it‘s called the Golden Mean Rectangle where it‘s an expansion literally and we‘ll look at it a little closer. There is a number expansion that is the Fibonacci sequence that expands with this form. And this is an unnatural creation structure. It is a creation structure that requires sucking the life force off living structures that were born out of the Krystic Eternal Life structures. Next one please...
[0:38:03] (Graph) These are just more of those maps. We covered these, this is Sliders-4 or 5 but this, we were doing more close-ups to see what is what. I just wanted to touch on this where it‘s showing where we have to make our, we analyzed this quite well in I think in... (to A‘san) was this Sliders-4 or 5, do you remember? A‘san: 4 A‘sha: 4... yeah, where we talked about the Great Crossover and...I think we started talking about this in April because that‘s when we had to do the Great Crossover into Metagalactic-6 where we started to trace the alignments that actually have to be made, what spirals we have to align with by 2012 to not get pulled into the Metatronic Spiral loop in 2012. So we analyzed that before. Over here you‘ve got, this area here is referred to the Dragon‘s Eye which takes you right into the Fall Systems over in the Parallel Veca and it all connects through the core of the Milky Way and the Metagalactic Core. These are all the Wormhole Systems and this is how we are going to get our Host through where we don‘t get dragged into them because of the connection to Andromeda, M-31 Andromeda Galaxy. And it‘s through those gates that the Aquareion Matrix from way up in that other area that we saw on the large Ecka Maps actually runs through M-31 to reach us. So this is how our Host is going. What‘s important, most important about this part here is, and you can read this because it‘s in the Sliders-4 set but it will also be in this one, so if you haven‘t read them you can see this much of it here. This is the alignment that – and this would be the Drum Codes that we‘re going to be using in 2012, well December 2012, right, where we‘re going to move from where we are now which is Metagalactic-6 moving into Galactic-3. We‘re moving into Galactic-3 and we‘re in Solar System-3 right now and we‘re Stellar-3 which means Planet-3 in relation to that Solar System.
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So right now we have the MG-6, GL-3, SS-3 and ST-3 positions. We need to, we‘re going to move in December 2012. We are going to begin that move through that Amoraea PassThrough into Metagalactic-12, Galactic 12, Solar System-5 because that aligns over here someplace if I can see where I‘m doing over here. It aligns in a way that it allows for the influence of Urtha which is our counterpart Planet – Star actually. It‘s a Star Planet, in M-31 where Urtha will be able to hold our Earth‘s Rod and, what they call the Rod and Staff, from going into flip, into roll. And that alignment that must take place in 2012 when the Metatronic thing hits because the hit is 55-peak spin. We need to go into that alignment and we will use the Amoraea Pass-Through to do that which implies we have to have the Monadic Passage from EtorA side and AdorA side and the Adashi Flows that correspond with those to open by 2012. And this is the alignment that we‘re working. This is the alignment that we need to go into and the way we will go into it are the activations that they‘re showing us now that have to do with the Krystal Spirals and catching and anchoring those Krystal Spirals. Next one please...
[0:41:49] (Graph) This is just looking a little bit more closely at just, this is just the EtorA side, the clockwise Krystal Spiral and this is showing you how, its expansion rate and its shape and the axes, right. It starts at the zero Axis so it goes Axis-0, Axis-1, Axis-2, Axis-3, Axis-4, Axis-5, Axis-6, Axis-7, Axis-8, 0-8, back to zero again right, that would be Round-1. That is just showing you how that forms and then this would be the first movement in Round-2. So that corresponds, those Axes correspond to the 8 delineations between the Octants to form the 8 Octants, the delineation lines between them. When we look at this, this is the ―Fib-of-No-Chi‖ Spiral and it doesn‘t have the, this one doesn‘t have the numbering but I don‘t know if the other one does. I had the numbers in here. This is the 55-block, that level of expansion is 55 and I forget it goes 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13... something like that. So anyway I don‘t have the numbers in here yet because we are running out of time. I was going to the point, I was just trying to get the basics done. But when you put these two together, this shows just a little more closely where they overlap. Now the Kathara grid shape right, that is the – you don‘t see the bottom. The bottom is not on there because it was too big, so that would be the normal Krystal Spiral as it was up there showing its expansions. It‘s actually the inside one. So that is the Krystal Spiral. Now right here at Axis-6, this is Axis-5, we‘re at Axis-6. At Axis-6 this starts, the harness field starts to actually put, exert pressure on and begin to pull on the Krystal Spiral and through this – and I forget at what Octant that is, I have to look back at the Octant chart but from Axis-6 to Axis-7 it continues to pull itself closer to the Krystal Spiral until it interfaces with it right through here at Axis-7. And this is where it bends it where the Krystal Spiral never gets to go to finish a complete Round because it gets hijacked before it completes Round-1. Now this gets interesting because this is activating in the Planetary grids and in the Solar System grids and then in the Galaxy‘s grids. So when we jumped into Metagalactic-6 we actually jumped past the Core Cycle. The activations that we are doing the Beloveds actually The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 105 of 126
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didn‘t have us start at 0-point because we would have got run over before we got started. They began opening certain parts of the Adashi Flows. We came in on Axis-2, Round-2 which means we came in in Octant-1. We entered the Metagalactic-6 in April of 2009 at the Octant-1 start which is Round-2, Axis-2. So that‘s where we actually came into the cycle which means we haven‘t run into it yet. When we take these into the time breakdowns between now and 2012 we‘ll find – here is our Axis-4 that‘s right where we‘re coming into, Axis-4 is where the Monadic Passage, that‘s the center of the EtorA Monadic Passage right. That‘s where the Amoraea Pass-Through should open after you get the Axis-6 AdorA Monadic Passage open. It‘s right in here that that influence starts to happen, where the Metatronic Spiral pulls itself closer and it starts pulling on the Krystal Spiral. So we need to not get caught in the lower spiral, we need to break through. There is part of the currents, the Creation Currents here are going to run this way. We jumped in past it but we still have to go around on Round-2, around it and if we don‘t hold the activations first of the Monadic Passage and then of this Monadic Passage, it will actually drag us back down into the vibration pattern or the encryption pattern of Round-1 and it will drag us into the Metatronic reversals just like the rest of the energy that is harnessed there. So that‘s a challenging period for us too. It shouldn‘t be too bad as long as we activate the Monadic Passage. We‘re doing the first activation of that while we are here and the next two workshops we‘ll finish that and then we can move through. And there is the time-period when this happens and I have no idea what kind of workshop they‘re going to have for that, but that‘s a pretty big point here and here when that interface is occurring. When we are trying to go around it in the next Round out but we are going to be passing right through it and if don‘t hold those frequencies from the passages, from the Monadic Passages we will get sucked down into the harness even though we emerged above it before and we will be pulled down into this one. This is going to go that way and that‘s when the Gates would close and we wouldn‘t have 200 years left of the Load-Out Ascension Cycle. But the Beloveds assure us that that isn‘t going to happen. They are very happy with the fact that there is enough people on this Planet who care and who go through the, they know it isn‘t easy. This process it‘s not easy for A‘san and myself and Mac to do our parts of our job as Speakers. It‘s very strange job on this Planet. You know in general it‘s very strange to have to say on, what do you do? I‘m a Speaker. What is that? Never mind, right, one of those things (chuckle). But it‘s your job too, you‘ve been, the people who come to these workshops, this is hard work, I mean you‘re sitting up at bizarre hours, listening to this stuff some of it is so technical you just go just bang, zoom over the head. I don‘t know what that meant. I know that feeling, I feel that way when the wave is coming through and I‘m trying to catch it on paper to teach so… Everybody has done an amazing job to get us this far and the Beloveds really appreciate it. And that goes out to the people who have been here, you know that aren‘t in this workshop but have been in other ones as well. You are making a huge difference. The picture is so big that most people on the Planet just don‘t get it, completely don‘t get the scope of it. It‘s like very The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 106 of 126
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myopic. I think that‘s short-sighted doesn‘t it? We have a much bigger picture that we‘re looking at and dealing with. So this is what we are going to do our best to avoid and as long as we have the Monadic Passage fulfilment here on the EtorA side when we go through the time period associated with that Axis we will have enough strength to not get drawn in when we go into these Axes. And if we make it through that activation we‘ll have enough strength not to get sucked in when it goes for its real pull because it‘s an acceleration in the currents that creates that pull in and it literally you wouldn‘t see this one going up there. It would actually be harnessed and the quantum would be taken off in a different direction and in alignment of the Fall Spirals. So it‘s about building quantum so we have enough quantum on the Krystal Spiral to not get sucked in at the Crossover Point where the harness field drags, begins the accelerated drag. And it‘s over here that the 55-activation would occur. So this is the stages before the 55activation. So I can hardly wait to see what the 55 is going to look like but they assure us not to be frightened because we have the antidote or the Beloveds have the antidote and we are working with it. Next one please...
[0:50:02] (Graph) Hm yes, here we go. This one took ages just to get…I haven‘t even filled in every one but you see all these little numbers here... Eventually they will all be filled in but I got the key ones. What they mean is ok you‘re in Octant-1 right, one quarter of Octant-1, half of Octant-1, one quarter, one third, one half, three quarter of Octant-1. For every one of the Octants we did that and we had the key time periods that they told us that were running on the main lines. So then they had me break it down literally into days and some Octants had like 166 days, some had 171 and there were variations in there depending on how many days or in what month and that kind of thing between the dates they had already given. So we‘ve got a bit more dates as to what goes down where. I haven‘t had time to put these in yet but they were the ones we‘ve already past those already. It was this point here coming clockwise, this is where we leaped in in the Metagalactic-6, in Metagalactic-6, Galactic-1. So this is our Galactic-1 Probability, Probability-1. Then there is Probability-2. We passed into that as we accrete the frequencies of Probability-1 and then started creating the frequencies of Probability-2. So Probability-2 we began August 4th of 2009. And Probability-2 goes all the way here it goes all the way down to here because that is one of the ones that crosses over an Octant line. That half point in Probability-2 was about September 30th and October 1st. You know it would be the next day, the start of the next one. So this is where even though it‘s only half-way through Galactic-2 Probability Alignment it‘s the end of Octant-1 on the EtorA side and the beginning of Octant-2 on the EtorA side. So this brings us to November, we‘re moving from going into Octant-2, November is, this one is at the quarter point? The quarter point is here, so the quarter point of Octant-2 and the – even The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 107 of 126
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the numbers are getting messed up now from the printing... one third, one half... I think that‘s the half-point isn‘t it? Yeah I can‘t read those very well. One third, yeah, is that a half? Can anybody tell? (participants) yes... A‘sha: Half? It‘s hard to see from here because they‘re all big and blurry from here. All right that‘s better. Ok so there is alignments, I haven‘t brought all of the thirds and the quarter marks and three quarter marks and two third marks but what this shows is... At this point when we‘re passing into Probability-3 – this is Galactic-3 Alignment, we started this November 24th of 2009 and we‘re moving through this actually up until March, March 15 th but before we get to March we‘re right here. This is occurring around the 2/3 point of Octant-2 which actually is January 18th of 2010. We‘re at January 3rd, right in this block here is where the first activation, it‘s called the Stardust Blue Activation-1, the Urtha Amoraea Temples Activation. So that is the first of the three EtorA Monadic Activations where we are bringing in the frequencies progressively of the EtorA Monadic Spiral in order to pick-up the frequency capacity to move through and go into the next set that we‘ll pick-up over here. So the timeframes now that we know where the Spirals are and what the basic movement of energy is and what we‘re trying to accomplish, now we can plug it into the timeframe so we see what timeframes what things we‘re lining up with. When we come here – that was number 1, Activation number 1, activation of the EtorA Monadic Passage number 2 occurs between March 15th and April 7th in that period right in there. And that‘s right when we‘re moving into where we would naturally move into Probability-4 Alignment, except we‘re not meant to move into Galactic Probability-4 Alignment. What we are going to be doing is holding. This is the end of Galactic-3 Alignment where we accreted all the frequencies, so Galactic-3, we‘re going to hold right there. And that‘s where they‘ve said before where we were meant to stay in Galactic-3 Alignment not to do the acceleration of the Metatronic Spiral. What it‘s going to do it accelerates up through the rest of the probabilities. We‘re going to stay there because we‘re going to anchor in the Monadic Passage and that‘s where we are going to open the frequencies and we‘re going to hang out in frequency in this space and the Metatronic Spiral is going to progress over into here. But at this point where the Aquafereion Shield – and when I say ―we‖ I‘m referring to the Aquafereion Shield, is going to hang out at that BPR space at Galactic-3‘s completed point. We‘re going to hang out there and that‘s like – we hit that point at March 15th so we‘re going to hold that BPR but at that same point, that‘s when NET Earth‘s grids begin to, they‘re continuing to accelerate with the Metatronic Spiral but they‘re going to start their Great Crossover. So it‘s the frequencies, we‘re sitting there holding and anchoring. There is actually going to run frequencies into NET Earth‘s grid to allow it to do what we just did as an Aquafereion Shield back in April of 2009 where they make the Metagalactic-6 Alignment so they don‘t get pulled The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 108 of 126
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into the other Metagalactic Alignments that would take them directly into black hole Fall. So that means some of the grids can be held at least temporarily, at least for that 200 year period. So we‘re going to…this is where NET Earth – this Earth that we‘re on – starts its, it makes its leap into Metagalactic-6. And way over here is where NET Earth‘s grids – whatever portions of them can hold it…April, sorry February 15th 2011 – that is when whatever portions of the grids can anchor the Metagalactic-6 Alignment, that is where they will complete and that is where they will have to, meaning the NET Earth grids, will have to have the Metagalactic-6, Galactic-3 Alignment. Now it‘s a Galactic-3 Alignment if you look at the AdorA side. So NET Earth is actually going to get its Galactic-3 Alignment but the Galactic-3 with the AdorA side on this axis. So the AdorA Monadic Passage will open into the NET Earth grids. The Aquafereion Shield is holding the EtorA Monadic Passage open and that will build between the two in the same place in the Earth‘s field that we‘re together in. We‘re here on the Earth‘s grids. We‘ll hold that frequency as the Metatronic Spiral continues to accelerate the rest of the Earth grids. Here is where it may get a little hairy as far as earthquakes and things like that. I‘m not talking wipe-out like you‘re seeing the 2012 doomsday stuff. No, but here is where you have the duelling spirals starting. We‘re holding the Krystal Spiral Alignment of a portion of the grids and of the Aquafereion Shield while the Metatronic Spiral is trying to pull the grids into fall. So we‘re holding and it‘s pulling. It‘s going to continue pulling but it‘s…so there is probably going to be a tension field that we feel build during that period of time that corresponds to the cycle that runs from Axis-6 to Axis-7. Now after the Axis-7 point that‘s when – at the Axis-7 point when that crossover on those spirals occurs that we saw on the other diagram – that‘s when, that‘s really when if it‘s going Metatronic it‘s going…once you…if you got trapped in that spiral you will go Metatronic. It will take the DNA, it will take your biofields into that BPR or it would take the Planet. So the part of the Planet‘s grids that are falling will by this time period, at that time by Axis-7 Alignment and a little bit after – probably I think it‘s till about the 1/3 mark isn‘t it? Yeah...ok. They just said about the 1/3 mark which brings us to about 29 th of September of 2011. That‘s when whatever is going into Fall Alignment will have been dragged in to the beginnings of that alignment. Kind of like the point of no return without major, somebody pulling you back as far as like hosting and that kind of stuff, because if you get caught in that Spiral it‘s going to take you into the Metatronic sequence where the portion of the grids that we‘re holding with the frequencies of the Monadic Passage and the Amoraea Passage…I‘m sorry the Monadic Passage on the AdorA side as well, that will give us enough quantum to pull out of that. And if we move past that point of intersection, past the point in through here when that final, where the Metatronic Spiral tries to drag the Krystal Spiral, we make it past that point there should be a ‗haaa‘ (exhales) an easing of the natural movement of frequency that we are feeling because we‘re still holding but we won‘t be feeling that pull on our holding any more because it already went. It will start to actually split where our frequencies will go in one The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 109 of 126
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direction and the frequencies of Fall will begin to go in another. We‘ll still meet. We‘ll still meet in 2012 but there should be a release of that. That‘s going to be an interesting period. It doesn‘t have to be a bad period (chuckle) but it‘s going to be an interesting period I would imagine because we‘ve got the happy thing happening which is the AdorA side – remember that‘s our Transharmonic Twin – side of the Monadic Passage opening. Yeahhhh fun right! Then we also have the Metatronic Spiral doing its acceleration thing. Not so fun. So it ought to be an interesting time. I have no idea what it‘s going to look like but I do know that will be a period where the grids will be under stress because of the two Spirals. Our Spiral trying to hold grids from being pulled in and the other thing trying to pull the grids in. So it is a bit of an ‗eek‘ thing you know there might be having a little bit of... If there is going to be quakes and thingies that might be a little hot period in-between here and here which means in-between February of 2011 and say September of 2011 so that would be…It doesn‘t mean it‘s going to happen, but if it does that‘s why. It also is a period – when you have tension periods like that you have forces pulling against each other. At this point they‘re not really pulling against each other. We‘re just going ―no, you‘re not pulling us in.‖ So we‘re standing and holding but the other force is trying to pull the Kystic Force in and that can…that usually shows in people and politics as well as places and plates, if you know what I mean. So you can have like political earthquakes or you know these types of periods where you have that duelling issue between the currents in the spirals will be more intense. There will be more tension because of literally the energetic tension that is being generated by those countering currents that are running through. But once the Metatronic thing goes, once it hits past Axis-7 and right about here, right inhere between a quarter and a third, but say by September 29th, that‘s when there should be an easing where the standing gets easier because you feel less and less of that counterforce trying to drag you in. When we‘re across from it we can also feel some of the effect. If we‘re running across like in the time periods over here where we first started out, if you take this 6 to 7 and run that over it‘ll take you from September 30th to... yeah about March we‘re in an interface right. It‘s not a direct interface but there is still the frequency connection between the Octant-5 over here and the Octant-2 over here. It is coming through the AdorA side right but you have the Octant-2, Octant-5 and this is that rough period between Axis-6 and 7. So there is an effect on the opposite side that‘s actually being felt through this period. So from October through until, October 2009 until March, around March 15 th we will still be feeling the first ripples of the tension of this cycle. So if you‘re feeling like ‗bleh‘ feeling ickyness in the Shield and stuff this is why. It‘s not, some people say ―oh the Shield is under attack.‖ Hm, not more than usual. It‘s not under really attack. What it is experiencing is picking up some of the frequencies that are The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 110 of 126
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coming through from a portion of the AdorA side that is also running this – the Metatronic Spiral and we‘re actually getting their…getting like a reflection of their Metatronic period so we‘re feeling a bit of that. But once we get these activations begun, you know we started them already on the beach, once we finish that this morning – and it‘s not a big long technique or anything, it‘s actually an activation that is going to come, the Beloveds are going to say... like if I‘m still on graphs they‘ll say, ―stop the graphs and go on that now (laughing) because it‘s coming in,‖ and they said it will be here before we have to leave so that‘s good. And there is just a simple, it‘s the finishing of the Baptism, the part where you say ―Ok I want to do this.‖ Now if you don‘t want to do the Baptism that‘s cool too. You don‘t have to but it is, the Baptism is anchoring under the protectorate of the Mashaya-Hana the other part of this, so it‘s up to you to decide what you want to do with it or not. You know you don‘t have to consider it a Baptism but they do because you‘re being put in the protectorate of their Field and of their Shield in a very specific way that has to do with activation of the Monadic Passage. And the Monadic Passage is a natural configuration in your own Light Body structure and Spirit Body structure, the natural Krystic part so it‘s not as if somebody is putting something else in your field. It‘s simply an activation that will activate and restore the natural structure of the…well you‘ll see what it is – the Krystal Temple in your own biofield. So it‘s up to you whether you want to do that or not. And if you don‘t that‘s all right. You still have the activation levels that you got before and you can still work with those energies to the degree, you won‘t be able to pick up the next current basically. The Baptism is almost like Baptism by necessity where the frequencies are coming in and if you want to ride the Krystal Spiral as opposed to not having enough frequency to withstand the pull of the Metatronic Spiral we suggest the Baptism is a good idea, that‘s why they‘re offering it (chuckle). But you don‘t have to. You don‘t have to like get a card that says ―I‘m a baptized – whatever.‖ We are (laughter) ‗Krystic‘, baptized Krystic. Ok anyway, where are we, let‘s see on times again when we look at times. Let‘s get past Metatronic…Yeah, ok so again when we go through this period let us pray for peace (laughing) because I think we‘ll going to probably need it. I‘m hoping that politics doesn‘t get wacky in that time period between February of 2011 and September of 2011. At least it‘s not too long of a period. All right this is only the Round-1 though because they‘ll be other rounds that if we make it and continue which we‘re going to do through the thing, you know through the alignment that we‘re making and the Krystal Spiral going up, we still will be doing the…this is only a Density-2 level round. We still have Density-3 and Density-4 and Density-5 to fulfil in our Krystar Ascension process, in the Birthday charts and that kind of thing. This actually corresponds to I think the first quarter of the Bharda Cycle on those Birthday charts, by the way for those of you who know the Birthday charts, you know the Load-Out Cycle charts. This is the first quarter I believe of the Bharda Cycle which is the first half of the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 111 of 126
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Stage-2 Starfire Ascension. That one ends in 2047 and I think 2027 is the half-way point. So 2012 is real early on still. Anyway, where are we... ok anything else... yeah. So you can see the dates going by. At some point they will probably have me fill in some more of them as far as thirds and quarters, we even had eighths figured out mathematically so we could put them in where we needed. They are going to show us more about dates and also about how to use this type of time scale to understand even like days and months and things better, but they haven‘t given me that information yet. But this is like better than astrology as far as understanding alignments and it can plug into astrology as well. Astrology is built on the Sextant Clock that is the Metatronic Clock and there is an interface between those two where you could tell some interesting things about what‘s really happening by knowing what the astrological alignments are. So that‘s for, that‘s another timeframe. I think probably after 2012 maybe we‘ll get into worrying about that, but anyway. We‘re up here January of 2012, all right that‘s where we are here. Before that at about the, what Octant is this? Octant-6 at about 2/3rds, the 2/3rds point of Octant-6, November 21st, around Thanksgiving time of 2011 this is the period where we begin entering the activations of the Adashi, the EtorA side Adashi Return Currents. So this period going into March, around March 11 th of 2012 that will be the period of time when we activate the 3rd Passage which is the one that connects with the EtorA side and that will go between, the centerpoint of that activation will be January 14th- 15th, 2012 but it actually starts back here, November. So around Thanksgiving of 2011 running through the height point of it, all the way to about March 11th of 2012, that‘s when that will activate. And again it‘s amplifying the frequencies again. So as the Metatronic Spiral is pulling, pulling, pulling over this way it‘s allowing enough frequency for the Krystal Spiral to keep up and keep itself in its natural arc instead of being pulled in. We got May of 2012. Here we‘ve got July 1st- 2nd of 2012 as we‘re moving forward. We have August 26th 2012, October 20th 2012, now we‘re moving into another one of those zones, and this is a big one of those zones. From about the 3rd, 2/3rds point of Octant-7 or 8? 8, this is Octant-8 on the EtorA side, all right so the 2/3rds point of Octant-8 enter here. That‘s October 20th to about December 15th,that‘s when we go into the first part of activating that other Adashi Return Current set. Then December 15th – this April, remember that‘s when we started, ok, that‘s when we leaped in at the Octant-1 point right there so that is what we did before. From December 15 th until the 21st we‘ll progressively bring in the other part of the other side of the currents from the Adashi Return on the AdorA side. And then we‘re going to go into 12:12:12:12, 11:11:11:11. An easy way to put that is they call it the Kryst Buddha, Bud, Buddha for Bud because it‘s the Hub, the Bud Cell, center cell and Kryst for obvious reasons. That is when the Host Alignment comes in and this is when we go into phase, where it‘s a very rapid phase but it‘s happening on the, (to Beloveds) all the way down from which... it‘s happening literally down the whole stack. Ok. There is a phase which is The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 112 of 126
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where the arcs come in and where these two come in, these passages come and the Monadic Passages join and open the Amoraea Pass-Through. So we‘ll open the Amoraea Pass-Through and it will bring the 12‘s and 11‘s into alignment up here and it will form – it‘s in 2012, December of 2012, so it is December 11 th through like December right before it happens on December 21 st, 2012 but on December 21st, 2012 right around midnight where it‘s like December 21st almost going into the 22nd where it hits midnight on the 22nd. Right in that period that‘s when this is going to do its phase and it‘s going to create that hyper-dimensional space of the Halls of Amoraea. It is a space that one can PassThrough. And we‘re going to learn a lot more about where you can Pass-Through to. You can go through to the Edons but also to other places. So we‘re going to while we‘re experiencing that path – and that is the path that will stay open. Once they are open, those Halls of Amoraea will stay open through the Halls of Records, the natural Halls of Records in the Planet and in the Galaxy and Solar System of course. We will stay there as long as things go well for that 200-year period while the Gates are open and we will know ourselves, progressively, seriously, we are like Custodians of the Load-Out Cycle. Most people on the Planet have no idea that they‘re nearing extinction. They have no idea. I mean the dinosaurs didn‘t either (chuckle), seriously. Bang, zoom, wooh, what happened? I‘m in the astral. Hm, you know, that‘s what it could be like. The extinction isn‘t going to be immediate. The extinction of gene code potential will be because as we‘re catching the right spirals going upward, the Krystal Spirals and holding that activation so we can open the Amoraea Pass-Through and experience direct connection. Eventually we‘ll be able to literally go in, biologically. Eventually. I think it‘s after 2017 I think, they won‘t become passable with the biology. But while that is occurring same thing on same dates on December of 21 st / going to the 22nd of 2012 that is when the 55-activation and the Metatronic Spiral peak and that is the point of being dragged in completely where there is no even Host pull-back that can be done. At that point a Being could still do the KaLE-RAma Step-Back to Edons if they decided say in 2014 that ―gee maybe it would have been a good idea to be on the Krystic Path and now my gene code‘s turned upside down and I‘m metatroniced, what do I do with that?‖ The Kryst always does have some kind of solution. The planetary grids will not be able to be pulled back, the ones that go Metatronic there. They will stay Metatronic but there are people that can create a protection field for themselves if they use the technologies that we‘re beginning in the Baptism. You‘ll see in a little bit what the Baptisms actually create because it is bringing in these frequencies that the Beloveds are considering. The Baptism and it‘s being, it does something in the field that is the activation of the 1st level of the Monadic Passage and that grows from there. So we‘ll see that in a little bit. But this gives you a basic little bit more detailed time chart and understanding of what activations we‘re involved in and where it needs to go and what times are going to be like—the pulling of the duelling spirals at times.
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And this is going to be another strange point for the duelling spirals because even though the Kryst Spiral will have gone and expanded up past where the Metatronic cut-off is, there is still that pull and there is still, we‘re going to be moving, literally shifting frequency paths as those close. The Metatronic Spiral is going to try to stop these arcs from phasing, it‘s going to try to stop the merger up here of those currents, it will try to pull enough in the opposite direction so that can‘t be achieved because if that‘s achieved, then you get the Halls of Amoraea fully opened and that allows even Illuminati to go through into KaLE-RAma Step-Back. And there is certain ones on the Fall Path who want to stay there, who do not want to lose quantum in the form of people saying, ―ooh I think we‘d rather do that.‖ So it‘s going to be an interesting period. It will probably be peaceful but we‘ll go through that. I don‘t know if we‘ll see any outward effects. I have a feeling they‘re going to tell us more about ok, we just did that and if it‘s subtle like a lot of stuff has been its like ―ok, great, nothing shook, nothing fell down, no major earthquakes or tsunamis or anything. Good, good.‖ I think it will go through gently and when we move through that gently it‘s actually a frequency shift and certain people will actually catch it and they will find themselves in very fast bilocation. Others, it will take them a little while and you have to wake up to it just like you have to wake up to projecting or even knowing you can. They are going to teach us how to use those Halls once they‘re open and ideally, hopefully get us used to, get us where at least some of us could have a personal experience with the Beloveds and those Halls, you know biologically by 2017 when they open for biological passage. But once they are opened, once we accomplish getting them open, they will stay open for the remainder of the Host. The Beloveds will give us more information as they always do, usually right before or right during the workshop as far as what to expect at some of these different periods of activation. They will let us know when there is going to be like, if there is going to be more potential issues with the grids staying stable or not. They will let us know more about what to expect for 2012 the closer we get there. But they are letting us know quite a bit right now, at least as far as what we need to, you know what frequencies we are attempting to anchor, how they fit, where they fit and why it‘s worth doing so. So once again we have the…this is another instalment in the never ending saga it seems of life on NET Earth and escaping from the NET. So we‘re going to the next diagram please...
[1:19:09] (Graph) (to A‘san) How long do I have? It‘s coming soon, I can feel the...
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Monday Lecture 2B [Audio Track 7] A‘sha …or actually was a drawing; it was a photograph of a drawing that shows the Metatronic NET field. It actually runs through the planetary geomagnetic fields. It controls the planetary geomagnetic fields and it is activating. It‘s attempting…well, they‘re attempting to shift it actually, which would cause pole shift, but they‘re not going to be able to shift it because the Krystal Spiral frequencies will stop it from activating, the 55 from going high enough into the next set of activation. So it won‘t be able to actually roll the planet like it was intending to do, like the ones who are using it were intending to do; but this will activate. This is the grid that‘s going to activate around the planet and in the planetary grids. It is what we call the ‗MET-NET’, the Metatronic NET field. So this is what we are counteracting with the technique that they‘re going to begin tonight, begin anchoring some of the frequencies of the Monadic Passage. They‘re giving us the English translation only tonight, but it will begin setting an Encryption Lattice and it‘s actually a mathematical lattice, even though it sounds like words to us. The words have feelings. The feelings actually connect to very specific mathematical formula, so what sounds like a simple set of words, nice words, but just a simple set of words actually is a mathematical encryption and that, it‘s referred to as a ‗Master LTR Grid’ or Master Linguistic Reprogramming Grid, which means encryption reprogramming grid. So, it will begin activating the natural structures of the Higher Earth‘s Light Body structures, which are not damaged the way the NET Earth ones are. So it will be our first influx this morning when we get the rest of this, what they‘re calling the ‗Baptismal Activation’. We will be getting our first influx of direct encryption from the Higher Earth and it‘s going to be coming from the Higher Earth Planes Encryption Lattice, and it‘s going to be coming in through the frequencies of the first set of frequencies of the Monadic Passage. If I‘m looking up it‘s because I‘m going, ‗OK‘, because they‘re saying this to me and I‘m saying it as they‘re saying it and I‘m trying to make sure I‘m getting it right. So I‘m kind of looking at them when I‘m saying it. Anyway, that‘s what we‘re going to progressively counteract, the METNET. Next one, please.
[Graph] That‘s just to remind you of the regular structure of Merkaba Fields. They have a top electrical and bottom magnetic spirals. I‘m not going to go into heavy analysis of this, but we‘ve taught this for ages. This is the kind of the shape of the merkabas we activated in Ireland and, as we talked about before we went to do the grid work at the beach, that we were upgrading that one. We were also going to create the shape of an Eckasha Merkaba, but a double Eckasha Merkaba; so, let‘s look at that. So, that‘s a basic merkaba structure that turns into—could we see this one please?
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When you put the two spirals together they look like this. They‘re two tetrahedral spirals of energy and that is a Merkaba Field, a singular Merkaba Field, and it has all sorts of different anatomy to it. Now, let‘s look at the next one please and that should be….
[Graph] Yeah. That‘s showing the larger one that has a double merkaba here and a double merkaba there, a long, skinny magnetic one and a big electrical spiral on top. You‘ll see it better down here. This is showing it in the Ecka Maps that actually spans four universes. OK, could we see this one honey?
[Graph] That‘s showing its shape without all the maps inside of it, so you can see the shape of it. OK, next one, please.
[Graph] The 3-phase Activation of the Aquafereion Shield‘s Silver Seed-EtorA Krystal Temple Now, this gets into our activation sets. I‘m going to sit down for this one to point this way. Pardon me, for some reason my hips are about 3,000 years old today, but the rest of me is doing great though. Ouch. OK. The Three Phase Activation of the Aquafereion Shields Silver Seed EtorA Kryst Temples; yes. Now, whenever it was - was it yesterday or the day before? At this point I‘m not sure. Before we went to the beach I showed a diagram of two of these put together, where I just had two mylars and I stuck one on top of the other. That right there is an upside down one of—can I see the one on the bottom of those? That is what we saw. The one down here is the diagram that we saw on the last page that was talking about an Eckasha Merkaba. You usually see it that way, with its electrical top up and it‘s magnetic pillar point down. That‘s considered a spiral even though it‘s strange and skinny. The Eckasha Merkaba is, basically it has twelve points, I believe, in twelve planes. There are six planes and points on top and six on the bottom, so one would be a twelve point. When you put two together you get a twenty-four point. Now with just the six points, the points they‘re talking about is how many points, literally, are sticking out on the bottom on the big one. So, six point would be here. This is the back. These are in that back that you can‘t see, this where they have the dotted lines, and it‘s showing it‘s built on a Kathara Grid configuration where you have one, two, then five points - three, four, then two front points. So, that‘s basically, there‘s six points in six planes of the electrical top spiral as the Mana spiral. Then there would be six planes, even though they‘re smaller, you have six points: you have one, two, three, four, five, six planes, of the magnetic bottom spiral. That‘s the EirA spiral. That‘s a natural Eckasha Merkaba. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 116 of 126
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This top spiral on the Eckasha Merkaba, its natural spin speed—now remember we were, we started with the top spiral with 33 1/3 and these numbers refer to TNS, trillionths of a nanosecond, rotations per trillionths of a nanosecond. A nanosecond is a billionth of a second, so whatever a trillion of a billion of a second is, that‘s how fast these spin, the number in front of them, and the direction. This is a clockwise; it‘s an electrical one and it spins clockwise. So this one spins 2733 1/3 rotations per trillionth of a nanosecond clockwise. Now compare that to the Density One level one that the top spiral spins at 33 1/3. This is fast. I‘m not sure where the speed of light fits in here, but I do believe these go, this is superluminal compared to…actually I think that even the Density 1 33 1/3 is considered superluminal, trillions of billions of a nanosecond. So, anyway, this one, I use this one because this is the one we‘re used to looking at, but this is the one that‘s activating second. The one that‘s activating very, very soon—actually it‘s starting, I can feel the heats coming—is going to be this one. Now this one is upside down, but this is still the top electrical. A while back when we looked at the relationships of Earth in relationship to the Galactic Template, in relationship to Urtha in M31, we found that in the interface we are upside down, that in relation to where the top of M31 and our Galactic Alignment should be, we are actually upside down and tilted 23.5 degrees. So we‘re not just tilted, we‘re 180 degrees plus 23.5 degrees tilted. This is the top, Urtha‘s top. This one connects into Urtha, but we would experience it, because our Earth and our Solar System is upside down, we would actually experience Urtha‘s top as coming in from below our feet, that way. Now, the channel that is going to open through the head this way, it‘s a link that will come in, but it actually runs through that. That merkaba will activate this way. So we would be standing in the center of this and it would be this big field, except we talked about in Ireland this Snap Point between…it‘s when a merkaba hits a certain space where it will go into Transharmonic state. It‘s a particular, when both of the spins reach a certain level of their numbers—and the top one is supposed to spin 2733 1/3 clockwise rotations and at the same time the bottom one needs to reach 911 2/3rds counter-clockwise rotations—when it hits those speeds, for a certain period of time it hits a Snap Point. The Snap Point is where the two combine and it pops, so they call it the ‗Snap‘, and we talked about the snaps. When it does its snap, that is when it does something that regular Merkaba Fields on the outer, like the Outer Domain ones don‘t do. It‘s only very specialized ones, and you can do it even with a Density 1 one. You actually have to combine it with a Density 2 to do it, but to snap you can pull into the Aurora Continuum between the Outer Domains and the Middle Domains. So it‘s Snap Point here, the Snap Point is always when you add together the spin speeds of the top and the bottom of the spirals, and that gives you the speed of how they will both go. They will counter rotate but at the same speed, so you‘ll still have counter-rotating spirals. You never have same-spin spiral sets, because that‘s a fixed form merkaba where you have both of the spirals going in the same direction. You‘ll always have one top one, and sometimes the top one is on the bottom; but the top one going clockwise and the bottom one going counterclockwise. They will always counter-spin the two vortices in the set.
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All right, so this one is a 3644 TNS, rotations per trillionths of a nanosecond, once it hits Snap Point, and that will be its equilibrium. That will be its rotation point and that will stay. When it does that, it actually becomes this type of, this shape in the field. It‘s as if it expands and doubles. This middle part actually becomes a Chamber, a column that runs up the middle, and it actually expands the Krystar Vehicle. I haven‘t had time to put this in relation to the Krystar Capsule but that turns, the Krystar Capsule is a little shorter on top and bottom. This is an expansion of it, where it‘s a taller Krystal shape basically around you. Now this one, the first one is, that has to do, the frequencies this one is running is, it has its NET Earth Shield of Solomon host to Urtha 3 in M31. So this is carrying the frequencies of NET Earth here where we are, in the Shield of Solomon that we‘ve talked about in numerous workshops, to Urtha 3 in M31. So that‘s that one. There‘s another one that later is going to activate—not tonight, but this one. When you go home this is the activation that you will carry with you. We‘ve got this and its rotations and the one on the beach too. When this activation comes in, it‘s actually coming in to baptize the beach, but it will baptize anyone else who wants to hold those frequencies as well. So we activated, what we did on the beach was we activated this one and it‘s reached its critical spin speed. It‘s been spinning long enough, so it is about to go into its Snap Point. The Beloveds are actually modulating it just a little; they‘re holding back the snap to make sure we‘re at a certain space with the Shield, and I don‘t know why they‘ve waited until the end. They said it wasn‘t ready. It was ready about an hour ago but the Shield isn‘t. They‘re waiting for a certain BPR to hit in the Shield. Their job is probably a lot more complicated than ours and I‘m, we get overwhelmed with our own. So I‘m not even going to ask on that one, because they modulate stuff like that. How do they know when to let certain gates open to let certain frequencies come in? They have to keep track of hundreds and thousands of people in an area to see what the grids there are doing, and it‘s a very complicated job once you get up there I would think. Anyway, we got this far on the beach and progressively got to its spin speed. We left and it had its spin speed, the natural spin speeds, but it had to stay at those for a while before it would hit snap. That means when it snaps, which is going to be very soon, we‘ll let you know. OK, thank you, whatever; I keep trying. When it snaps it pops, you know, like ‗snap, crackle and pop‘ again. I remember we had those a long time ago and I can‘t even remember what. It had to do with the Starborn sequence, but it will turn into this field, this shape in your field. This is referred to as the ‗Urtha Amoraea Krystal Temple’ that will form at the snap. It‘s an expansion, a Monadic expansion of the Krystar Vehicle, your natural Krystar Vehicle configuration in your field, and it is the beginning of bringing in the frequencies of the AtorA side Monadic Passage. This is called the ‗Stardust Blue Activation’; it‘s the first activation. The Urtha Amoraea Krystal Temple activates in activation one, and so it actually activates up in this part.
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There‘s a larger field that we actually set. When we set that big Krystal Temple on the beach, it was huge. Within it that activation will actually activate up here and then come down and settle into the center of it. This will start spinning. Not the outside one yet, but once this is activated this morning, when ours activates it will trigger in the activation of the one on the beach, which will trigger the ones that it‘s connected to through the Arc of the Covenant Passage out in Ireland. This will begin the process because they spin; they are meant to spin. That‘s what keeps them as Transdimensional Passages. Once they‘re spinning they begin activation where you actually might be able to use them. So, your fields will also have this configuration around you when you go home. You‘ll have this larger one just like the one on the beach, and the one on the beach will have a smaller one inside of it, and you will have a smaller one inside of the larger one. Your smaller one is the result of the activation of this merkaba set and that forms the first layer, the Stardust Blue layer of the Krystal Capsule. This has to do with the EirA currents, and they literally look like sparkly, silvery blue currents. Some of them are indigo sparkles, some of them are that strange kind of royal blue aquamarine blue—I think they call it, ‗ultramarine blue‘ in paints they call it that color—that actually come in from the Eiron streams. So, this one has to do, this activation has to do with the Eiron streams. The next one, and when you go home you will, that is if you choose to go through, finish the baptism, that is the first step in anchoring all of the Monadic frequencies. Every time you have one of the activations that bring in the Monadic frequencies, it gives progressively more immunity to the pull of the 55 Metatronic stuff activating in the planetary geomagnetic field. So it literally gives the DNA a boost. You would literally see, if you did a DNA scan, little tiny ones of those floating through in certain parts in the DNA. You won‘t see it the way they test DNA here, but if you were going to do a scan where you actually can open the strands and see what‘s in them, you see all sorts of symbols and things. You can trace people‘s past lives and future lives in the DNA when you know how to read them. So, you would see it… Participant: You had said kids can go through it. My grandkids last night did the first part. Why didn‘t they have them down here to just finish it? A‘sha: No. Actually the activation is coming in and unless they say they don‘t, you know, send a signal that they don‘t want it, they will naturally flow where the first part of the activation came in. But, there is a commitment part. You don‘t have to, you don‘t have to go wake them up right now. You can take this, because you will have a copy of this and other things. Did anybody get the handouts yet? Oh goody, they‘re here. All right, I‘m very happy, even the last page? Yep? Great, OK. Anyway, the little, there‘s a technique that you can use there with them that is the Baptismal Technique. It‘s where they‘re actually confirming for themselves and saying, ―I would like to be in the Protectorate of the Mashaya-Hanic Councils.‖ If they want to do that it will amplify it; if not, it will do a mild activation. They will get the capsule anyway, unless they decide they don‘t want it and then it will go away. I mean, they will just The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 119 of 126
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shut the frequencies off because they don‘t inflict them on people. So, no, you don‘t have to bring them down here. She asked if she needed to get the grandkids and bring them down here right now for this part because it‘s running not just in this room, it‘s going to run through the beach, it‘s going to run all over the place actually. This is a big activation. Now, the next one that‘s going to occur is here. This is the Monadic Activation 2. This is the top set. These are the bottom sets that activated and created the Stardust Blue Capsule. Then there‘s going to be the top sets that activate. These are connected to Higher and Median Earth and Median Earth is referred to as Amenti Earth, the original Amenti Earth. So, they refer to this one as the ‗Amenti Amoraea Krystal Temple’. So the Amenti Amoraea Krystal Temple will activate on March 15th, between March 15th and April 7th of 2010, and we‘re having a workshop right in that first week period, I believe. I forget what the dates are, but it‘s early on in April. It‘s right around this period and that is where we will do the official anchoring and amplifying of it. The frequencies of it will start in the already activated Transharmonic Merkabas, which means in the Ireland Grids and at the Sarasota Grids where we have the Temples. What we‘ll start to do here in the April workshop; it‘s interesting. April isn‘t a Sliders. The next Sliders was supposed to be May; Sliders 7 was always scheduled for May. So this is another one of those mystery workshops. What‘s that about? Humm. It has something to do with, from here we can start activating something and sending more of these so there are more sites that actually have the level one activations set in them, where we could actually do it remote from here; because this one will go into its second phase activation. So we can send a bunch of first phase ones out to various different grids. So I think that‘s going to be a little bit of what we do, and Heaven knows what else we do as far as activations and stuff; but at some point I‘m sure there‘s going to be things that we need, like journeys and things, to do again; but this one is just catching the activation tonight with a simple LTR grid. Anyway, March 15th through April 7th, and where that falls is the end of the Octant 2 start of Octant 3 cycle. So that‘s where that is. Then the final one is called the ‗Starlight Gold’—no wait, this is this one inside. Right where the blue one is, the Stardust Blue, the gold one, the Starlight Gold one will also go in the same place. It will be a field in the same space, but it will…you would see…if somebody looked at your fields and could see them, they would see the blue field and they would also see a shimmery silvery gold shield from this one. This is a ManA based one and the other one is an EirA one. So you basically have an electrical and a magnetic happening again, but they are counter spin sets. You have four spirals, but each set of two counter spins with each other and eventually they blend and they pop into the big one. So the Amenti Amoraea Krystal Temple activated in Activation 2 and it‘s in the same place as the Stardust Blue. So it activates down here and then shifts up just like the other one activated up there and shifted down. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 120 of 126
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Now the last one is this one, the Aquafereion Shield Monadic Activation 3, the MashayaHana Amoraea Silver Seed EtorA Gold and Silver One. It‘s the EtorA Monadic Krystal Temple Field. All right, this is what the Silver Seed is. I mean, there‘s lots of silver seed; it‘s like a code word that has many layers of meaning that are all interconnected; but what the silver seed really is, is the travel capsule. It has a silver seed inside of you that we‘ve used before, and there are levels of the Transfiguration process that are directly connected to it; but this is the Silver Seed Capsule and it is the Monadic Capsule. There‘s also a silver seed that corresponds with the AdorA side, and I believe a Silver Seed Capsule is a full 24-strand activation. I think it‘s like, your DNA, even if it wasn‘t fully repaired yet, they would activate a base underneath it that would enable your field to hold, and that‘s where the host comes in, until your DNA could hold the 24-strand activation and your body form hold it without blowing it apart—because it‘s a lot of frequency—there would be, that‘s where the Host would bring the frequency in, but hold it and modulate it. If you ever need to fly, like if they ever need to pull the Shield, the Krystic Shield out of here because it‘s going to roll or something, you would be able to activate long enough to get through into one of the other Domains, into Higher Earth or into Middle Earth or something. They would begin to use, to trigger activation for us so we could begin more visitation, first in projection and then, eventually, biologically. So, this is the big Silver Seed. There‘s another Silver Seed with the AdorA side that contains the other 24 strands. When you put them together, when they merge finally together in the, to form the Amoraea Pass-Through, you have the 48-strand activation, and right now it‘s a hosted one. There‘s nobody on the planet right now that could have opened these gates by themselves. It had to have a Host in the planet because of the damage to the grids and to our DNA. So, Silver Seed Number One will be ours, May 10 th through 27th. We have a workshop somewhere in the twenties, around the 22nd period; something like that. Twenty what? What is it? 25th? No, never mind, what? I got five minutes? Aah! OK. Anyway, I think I‘ll talk really fast right now all right? OK. All righty, well, you can read the rest of the things that are on here and then since we have five minutes, what are they going to do, come through and chase us? The most important one to put on next—no, that‘s just when we were going to talk about the Krystar Vehicle that we‘ve…most of you have seen the Krystar Vehicle before. I can put that on really quick. I didn‘t have time to change this, but I will just show you that this was the Mashaya-Hana Passage that comes through on the right that I‘ve mentioned before. It comes through this way and then goes back out that way. There will be an opening here back in through here and it‘s kind of like on the right side and up in the back. When it opened it was really neat. It felt like somebody was standing right behind me talking to me and like the other way I could feel, I could hear them and feel them way up over my head and I‘d have to project to them, the Mashaya-Hana; but this was like somebody was right here going, ―Hello, how are you?‖ Geez, what is that? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 121 of 126
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So, it‘s right about in that position in the upper part of the head, and it slants through and connects into the Mashaya-Hana Passage. This is the Urtha Passage and it connects, I don‘t have it on this map, but just like this passage has to do directly with the Mashaya-Hana Vortice that‘s coming in, this other part that‘s opening now has to do with an extension from where we are going into Urtha. So, literally, the map of the stars that exists in our brain, it will interface. I haven‘t had time to plug that into the map interfaces, but it is connecting directly. It‘s a direct line to Urtha, and for me the communication was like I said. I almost jumped because it was just so direct: ―Hello.‖ It was like, ―Whoa!‖ I could actually feel a presence standing behind me, and one of them introduced himself to me and said, ―Don‘t you know who I am?‖ And I said, ―well, he feels familiar, but what is that? Why are you on my head? Why are you so close?‖ And he said, ―It‘s a new thing. It has to do with the Stardust Blue Activation.‖ Also, if you find when you go to sleep that you, as you lay there going to sleep, if you see a big blob of purple that just kind of throbs, just let it be at the inside of your eyes if you see it and eventually it will kind of open up and the Beloveds will show you different things in those things. Some of it will just be; it will be symbolic vignettes that will help you to shift karmic patterns more quickly. Others will be direct experiences or direct projections to other places and they said, ―Look out!‖ Not ‗look out!‘ in a bad way, but ‗keep your eye out for….‘ As you‘re going to sleep at night, they will begin the process of bringing in the blue stardust, the Stardust Blue. It‘s a silvery blue; it looks like sparkles that come in and when it came in for me it just coated everything and I felt like I had this fairy dust all over me. It progressively, it‘s like it neutralizes Metatronic encryption in the body, and I could feel just layers of ick coming off. It was really neat when they first started, and there will be series of infusions of that and that‘s exactly what it‘s doing. It‘s clearing out part of, layers of the Metatronic coding that are already materialized in the body. So they said to expect that. Now the activation itself doesn‘t take long; the baptism thing itself has to do with just the words that are on that page. You can also use that as a mantra, and you can also use that in a way to set more Krystal Temples for yourself. If you choose not to do the baptism, you‘d only be able to do the Merkaba Activations in your Sacred Sites, because you can‘t activate more than you have activated in your own field. You can only give what you have. OK, could we put the words up please? Oh, I‘ve got to sit down for this one. There we go. OK, now the simple words that are there, It‘s also—actually, once the activation fully activates in the field, once you have your Stardust Blue Capsule, once the Snap Point happens—when you use that, at anytime you use that, it will actually fire those little blue Krystals in the DNA and in the blood. It will actually fire the blood Krystals, is what they‘re saying, and that creates certain transfigurative interactions in the atomic structure.
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So it can also create a huge protection field. So you can use it for healing, just activate it a couple of times a day by using that. I‘ve been using it as a mantra just because it makes me feel good. I feel this thing that opens with me when I say it gently, especially in a meditative way. It just does something good. So, they‘re saying that that will activate when you use that, not just this time, to bring it in; because they‘re using it as the anchoring to anchor the rest of the activation from the Monadic Passage that will allow for the pop point to be reached in the merkabas to form the Krystal capsules. Use that anytime you feel you would like to, literally, fire the DNA with the Monadic Codes, give an amp to it, or if you want protection or anything like that. I know something was trying to mess with me in the astral at one place where I was walking through. That was an Indian graveyard type place where there was a lot of spirits hanging about, and a lot of them weren‘t friendly; I remember that‘s when the Beloveds first gave me only a part of it, like the first two lines or something; then they said, ―…and say, ‗Let me pass‘.‖ Right and I said, ―OK‖, because I‘m saying it telepathically like (mumble) ―Let me pass,‖ and they did. They just kind of backed off in the astral, and I heard one of them go, ‖Oh, it‘s one of them.‖ I went to the beloveds, ―One of what?‖ They said, ―Don‘t worry. They‘re afraid of us, but they‘re also in awe of us, so don‘t worry about it.‖ So, you can use it in interesting ways. You can use it in a way where you don‘t have to say it out loud like, ―let me pass‖ or ―get out of my way‖ or whatever, like in the grocery store or in the bank line; but, anyway, you can use it for protection and for seriously calling in—it‘s almost like the fast Buddha call. It really just amplifies what you can hold as far as the Kryst frequencies and the protection frequencies.
Activation Introduction All right, so, the way they want to do this, it‘s very simple. They would just have us, first, repeat this and even if you don‘t want to finish the baptism, you can use the first part, but you don‘t have to use the second part if you‘re not sure. So, it will bring in some of the frequency, but you‘re not making any, you know, ―I decree that I‘m being baptized and in the protectorate of….‖ If you‘re not comfortable with anything there, you don‘t have to say it or intend it. So, the first one is safe for everybody. Regardless of whether you want a baptism or not, it will activate more of the Monadic coding in the DNA and in the body cells. So, we‘ll say that then to finish; this is what we‘ll say. They were going to give us a heads up like, ―Now!‖ when they‘re going to go, ―It‘s now‖ and/or whatever they‘re going to say. That‘s when the frequency is releasing and they‘re going to have us just simply inhale up and hold, and try to imagine the Merkaba that we‘ve activated, the big one, as if we‘re sitting in a big bucket, actually, because remember the upside down one?
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So, imagine that we‘re sitting in this big bucket with its point way down in what looks like Earth‘s Core, but it‘s actually connected to Urtha. So inhale and hold right after they say—we‘re going to, this is a practice one—when they say, ―Now.‖ Then exhale, and then in a normal breath we would just repeat this part, what do they call it? ‗The Intention Command of the Mashaya-Hanic Master Council Baptism’, and that‘s simply these lines here, and ―Ta A-jha Inta Do-RA‖ is supposed to be three times, they‘re saying now, as usual. It‘s usually used three times. All right, and he says you may also follow this procedure with rounds of the Psonn of Freedom in the FOL 10 EtorA Monadic Passage Code 1, which is on the other sheet for people who want it. We don‘t have time to do the drumming now, because I think we‘re close to being over and they‘re getting ready to run the activation now, but you can use this to set fields for people or places or for yourself. There‘s a lot you can play with this, these two commands. At some point they‘re going to give a power amp in one of the workshops where they will give the, they‘re not even Anuhazi, they‘re beyond Anuhazi whereas Anuhazi was local to our 15 dimensional system. They will give it in a hybrid kind of Anuhazi, because our bodies understand Anuhazi because we‘re down here, and the Mashaya-Hanic language. So they will give us a translation that will bring in more power, each level; but this is the anchoring rod which, there‘s enough in English, even if it‘s not your home language that‘s OK, but if you want to…. By the way, you can translate this into your first language and use it for yourself at home in your first language. That will bring it all the way into the Fetal Pattern Programming and that kind of stuff, but you don‘t have to if you don‘t want to.
Stardust Blue Activation – Completion of Mashaya-Hana Baptism OK, let‘s see. Well, let‘s say this one together first and then just breathe gently for a minute or two until they tell me it‘s time for the other. All righty: By the LOVE of Eternal Kryst I AM By the TRUTH of Eternal Kryst I STAND By the POWER of Eternal Kryst I FLY By the WAY of Eternal Kryst GO I ! Inhale and hold for a moment and exhale outward from the Kara-nA‘dis Seal, and puff out 128foot diameter of your Krystal Lotus. Try to feel the sense of it rotating, part of it clockwise, part of it counter clockwise; a counter rotating field but way out around you. Here they‘re going to have us inhale and hold for a moment. All right, it‘s releasing now. Exhale downward and then inhale back up into the Kara-nA‘dis Seal and AzurA, and then exhale outward to the sides through the arms. Put your arms out to your sides and exhale out through the arms. Now they would like those of us who would like to complete the baptism, they would like to finish with the decree, the intention command on three: one and two and three: The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 124 of 126
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By the GRACE of Eternal Kryst, I now SANCTIFY and RENEW this PLACE (or Body) and DECREE this AREA (or ―Being‖) as under the DIVINE PROTECTORATE of the Mashaya-Hana Master Council of Aquaereion, in the Name of the Krystal River Host and the Eternal GodSource of 1st Eternal Life Creation… Ta A-jha Inta Do-RA (three times) Oh cool, they just did something with the doorways. Oh neat, I can see it in the Etheric Vision. They just, where the doorways are rectangular here there‘s this shimmery shape, as if they‘re arched now and they said, as you Pass-Through the doorway to go out they‘re going to give the final whatever that does the pop on the personal ones. So, as you leave, they‘re going to transmit the frequencies. They, literally, they‘re going to run them; I would just suggest using these doors. Don‘t go out the side doors, because I don‘t see them on the side doors, but those doors back there are, they‘re activating them. So it‘s as if you‘re passing through a frequency screen that will make the Snap Point happen for your personal one. This will allow you to project into the one, any of the ones that are activated; the one at Siesta Key but also the ones in Ireland, and it will amplify your projection experiences. If you just aim for them and do simple Krystar Projection tTechniques or any of the old projection techniques, but aim for these Krystal Temples and it will enhance the experience and help get you to the next level.
[End Activation] I think we‘re done. I thank you for your patience with all of this. I hope you‘ve enjoyed the workshop and the Grid Work. We are very grateful to have you here, and have a very safe trip home. Until next time, God Bless. Don‘t forget the doors. You may or may not feel it; I don‘t know, but that‘s where they‘re going to transmit the frequencies.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 125 of 126
FOL—January 1-3, 2010: Sarasota, Florida
TABLE OF CONTENTS Friday Evening Orientation (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Saturday Lecture – Stand Preparation (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Technique Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Calling the Sha-DA‘ Cloister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Transharmonic Merkaba Activation [Sliders-6, Technique 3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Clearing the Gharoche [Aqua-Tone Technique, short version] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Sunday Lecture 1A (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Sunday Lecture 1B (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Sunday Lecture 1C (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Monday Lecture 2A (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Monday Lecture 2B (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Activation Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Stardust Blue Activation – Completion of Mashaya-Hana Baptism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 126 of 126