FOL 2009: Festival of Light 2009: Brave New World and the Floating Buddhas Supplement

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FOL 2009: Festival of Light 2009: Brave New World and the Floating Buddhas Supplement

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The Treaty of AI-Ben'- Yhan, "Being Buddha", Engaging YOUR "Place of Power", Healing the Wounds of Time, Elemental Command Slider Teams & the 12:12 "Aquai'-ah de So-La'-RA LU'-na" Transmissions

January 1-3, 2009 Phoenix, Arizona

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2008 Chronology of the Drama Mission Upgrade - 27

Jan/2-3/2008: Net-Earth Shield completes Hosted Star-Fire Stage-1 KalE Hara cycle (entered Aug/2007) and achieves sufficient Core BPR to engage entrance into Star-Fire Ascension Stage2A KalA-Krysta Bhardha; (to 2027 - end, then Stage-2B KalA-Krysta Ma-sha 2028 - 2047). NetEarth's Templar successfully connects, (via the Aquareion Krystal River Host, Aquafereion Host Shield & An-sha-TA-sa Passage), to the "223-year Load-Out Evacuation" Last Galactic Star-Fire Ascension Cycle of the falling Milky Way/Procyak black-hole-core galaxy. (FOL '08)

Drama Escalation - 28

Jan/5-7/2008: "Earth Changes Red Alert" at Omega Code activation. Fallowing Krystics' Nov/24/2007 success in blocking Red Dragon activation attempt of the "Omega Kill Code" in NetEarth's Templar, & Net-Earth's Jan/2-3/2008 successful hosted connection to the "223-year LoadOut-Evac" last galactic ascension cycle, the "Red/white Dragon" FA "Friendly-Enemies Alliance" (of Nov/07) finally succeeds in activating the "Omega Kill Code Last Extinction Order" in NetEarth's Templar, via Jan/4-7/08 Breach of parallel Planetary Star Gate (PSG) - 7 Puerto Rico, from Wesedrak-fallen Parallel Earth. Activation of the "Omega Code" initiates Earth Changes "Red Alert" and the need for Krystic's early activation of the "Shield of Solomon/AdorA Host", to retain Net-Earth's connection to the galactic "Load-Out Evac".

Kryst Councils Upstep - 7 JanIS-71200B: M-31 An-sha- TA'sa HublAdjugate A 1O-BudhA 'ea Councils (+ all previous) Mission Upgrade - 28

Jan/5-7/2008: Tribes-10 engages Red Alert early activation of Adjugate-13 St. Kitts-Core Gate, to initiate early activation of Net-Earth "Shield of SolomonlAdorA" Omega-Override Host and Adjugate-13 St. Kitts AdorA-10 - Gate mantel-level to protect Net-Earth from the "Omega Kill Code-Last Extinction Order", that was successfully activated in Net-Earth's grids by the Red/White Dragons' Jan/5-7/2008 PSG-7 Puerto Rico, Net-Earth's Templar breach. GreenDragon Hibernation Zones begin fall into Phantom Earth/Wesedrak alignment, under Red/white Dragon dominion.

Drama Escalation - 29

Feb/2008: After successful Jan/2008 "Omega Code" activation, White Dragons break "Red/white Dragons Friendly-Enemies' Alliance", invade Wesadrak Matrix & take over all Red Dragon grids of the planetary & galactic-Procyak BeaST. Red Dragons surrender and agree to serve as "footsoldier-cast" to the White Dragons, to avert Red Dragon genocide by White Dragons, forming the White/Red Dragon FA EquarilDrak Galactic-Templar Conquest Team. White/Red Dragons "Team" begins systematic takeover of UIR Anu-Drak & Green Dragon Caduceus-Earth and Hibernation-Zone grids; the global "BeaST-NET communication-lines" and bio-fields of Earth's UIR Anu-Drak & Green Dragon "channels" are covertly overtaken by White/Red Dragon forces for use in data disinformation & covert use of "the Net-Earth's bodies", to progressively transfer UIR Anu/Drak & Green Dragon Net-Earth BeaST Grids into White/Red Dragon Control. White Dragons implement their own expedited "Official Disclosure Invasion Agenda", preparing the seized Green Dragon Atlantean Hibernation-Zone Gates for direct White Dragon 3-D Invasion & "Global Martial Law" of Net-Earth, (via Atlantean Hibernation Zone based allied Zeta Ships), intended for Octl200B. The White/Red Dragons make their 1st attempt at fulfilling their Oct/200B "Official Disclosure Invasion/All Kill Agenda".

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved


2008 Chronology of the Drama Continued Drama Escalation - 29: Feb/200S continued

The White Dragon expedited Invasion Agenda intends rapid "Global Occupation Lock-down" so allied Zeta Ships can enter 3-D Net-Earth & use their "scalar-beam" technology to accelerate the progression of the "Omega Code" in Net-Earth grids, in order to expedite Splitting Net-Earth's Rod, and resultant initiation of rapid "All Kill" cataclysmic environmental Earth-Changes beginning end of 2012, (when particular, rare, planetary alignments occur within our Solar System that are conducive to the greater White Dragon galactic agenda. The White Dragon galactic agenda intends to use the "harnessed mass" of "Primary Host-Gate Earth", and our SOL Solar System, ... "dead or alive" ... , to enable their acquisition of the blackhole-falling "Milky Way" galactic system. Through the long-existing, inorganic Abbadon/Oberyonl YHWH Procyak black-holes at the Milky Way galaxy core, the White Dragons hope to invade, harness and acquire the quantum of the adjacent-EckashaA WesedaklWesedrak and parallel-Eckasha Bourgha black-holes and acquire the local PCM Universe-Aquinos/M-31 Andromeda Galaxy, to feed their fallen "EtorA-1 Q-Spirit" system that co-exists with us and M31 on our EtorA-4 Event Horizon.)

"Rebellion Unrest" begins to stir amongst some of the White Dragon-compliant Red Dragon groups, and the "Drak groups" that follow their directive, as the Red Dragons and Drak soulgroups realize that the "White Dragons' Invasion Agenda" intends rapid destruction of not only their "enemy" Anu & Green Dragon Net-Earth human-hybrid groups, but also destruction of their own Red Dragon and Drak-line Net-Earth human-hybrid groups, which their own original "RedDragon Invasion Agenda" intended to "save and relocate". Fearing imminent destruction and genocide, Anu, Green Dragons & rebelling UIR - Red Dragon groups plead "No Contest" to the Krystics and petition Krystic assistance and protection, but Krystics cannot intervene directly due to the UIR Anu-Drak breach and betrayal of the 2000 Emerald Covenant Treaty of Altair. With Krystic Aquareion Councils' help, UIR Anu/Drak & Green Dragons secure and enter protection negotiations with the Kryst-Fall Budhara, for potential KrystFall-Budhara Host of "Sovereign-Kryst-fall" - Net-Earth, following a successful 223-year Krystics' & "Hosters'" "Load-Out Evac". The Kryst-fall Budhara would only intervene in this potential "UIR Anu/Drak/Green Dragon Bailout" if the UIR Anu/Draks & Green Dragons pledged and delivered complete cooperation and direct unified assistance to the Krystics' Ascension Agenda and Krystfall-Budhara-Net-Earth-Host protocols. Krystics from all "levels" enter the Budhara/U IR Anu/Drak/Green Dragon Negotiations, offering to assist the Kryst-Fall-Budhara by securing and amplifying the power of their Gate-sets if the Kryst-Fall-Budhara chose to intervene in protection of the UIR Anu/Drak/Green Dragons. The White Dragon 200S-2012 Omega Invasion Agenda would rapidly become fatal to everyone except the few Krystics of Net-Earth that the Aquareion Host Shield could quickly PULL OUT in rapid-evac Slide-2 Translocation Ascension to MedianEarth. Entering these unified Krystic treaty negotiations was in the best interest of everyone that did not want to fall into rapid annihilation through the White Dragon agenda. Mission Upgrade - 29

Feb/16-17/200S: Tribes-11 engages the Dhani Awakening-1 & the Star of Solomon/AdorA initiation: initiates early Hosted opening of Net-Earth Bhardoah Chamber, Gha-fa Line & Eiradhani Breathing Tube, activates Median Earth "Rod of Palaidia" into Net-Earth Fontanels, to prevent Omega Code from Splitting Net-Earth Rod for rapid cataclysmic Net-Earth Changes; initiates close of Caduceus-Earth Bhardoah Chamber connection to Net-Earth & opens MedianAscension-Earth's Bhardoah Chamber into Net-Earth's Bhardoah Chamber, in preparation to close the White/Red Dragon-controlled Hibernation-Zone Gate-links through which the White/Red Dragons intended Oct/200S allied - Zeta-Ship Net-Earth Invasion.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copy rig ht A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rig hts Reserved


2008 Chronology of the Drama Continued Mission Upgrade - 30

March/29-30-2008: Tribes-12 (last "12-Tribes" Class-24+15) assists Krystics to evacuate U IR Anu/Drak/Green Dragons from their White/Red Dragon-falling Hibernation Zones, close Hibernation Zone Gale-links to Net-Earth, complete opening of Net-Earth and Median-Earth Bhardoah Chambers and close Caduceus-Earth Bhardoah Chamber connection to Net-Earth. White/Red Dragons are unsuccessful in blocking Krystics' closing of the Atlantean Hibernation Zone Gate-links through which they intended to launch their "White Dragon Agenda Official Disclosure Atlantean-Zeta-Ship-Invasion" in OcU2008. By blocking the White/Red Dragons' attempt to access the Atlantean-Hibernation-Zone Gate-links to Net-Earth, the Krvstics st succeeded in their 1 endeavor to block the White/Red Dragons' 1st attempt at fulfilling their Oct/200B 1I0fficial Disclosure Invasion/All Kill Agenda".

Drama Escalation - 30

April/2008: After failing to stop the Krystics' March/29-30/2008 closure of the Atlantean Hibernation Zone Gate-links, the White/Red Dragons next initiate their 2nd Direct-InvasionAttempt. by accelerating the spin-speed of the BeaST's-Caduceus-Rod, in hope of over-powering the spin-speed of the Net-Earth-Rod, to achieve opening of the Caduceus {Tropic of Cancer" Omega Sink-Holes, through which overt White/Red Dragon 3-D Net-Earth "Official Disclosure Airborne-Occupation I Global Martial Law Invasion" could be launched in OcU2008 (via White/Red Dragon-alliedAtlantean-Zeta-Ships).

Mission Upgrade - 31

May/22-27/2008: Krystics further expedite Adjugate-13 - Sf. Kitts Core Gate mantel-activation to amplify the spin-speed of Net-Earth's Rod & the Median-Earth Rod of Palaidia & Shield of Solomon/AdorA, bringing the Rod of Palaidia and Net-Earth's Rod into synchronized reciprocal counter-spin acceleration with the Caduceus Rod, thus temporarily preventing the Caduceus-Rod merger, for opening of the "Tropic-of-Cancer" Omega Sink Holes. By blocking the White/Red Dragons' attempt to expedite opening of the 1I0mega-Code Tropic-of-Cancer Sink-Holes", the Krystics succeeded in blocking the White/Red Dragons' 2nd attempt at fulfilling their Oct/200B 1I0fficial Disclosure Invasion/All Kill Agenda". (Also, Sol Bhardoah Ring Wave-1 Releases, with no 3-D observable consequences, due to the Krystics' "Aqualene-Sun-Buffer-Field", (which initiated Jan/2007 with the Krysts' Gyrodome/Aurora-PlatformAquareion Krystal River Host activations). (May/23/2008 HetharoWS).

NOTE: On Mission Upgrade- 31 May/22-27/200B:

(of Net-Earth-Rod & Median-Earth "Rod-of-Palaidia" entering with the CaduceusRod, to prevent imminent "Tropic-of-Cancer" Sink-Holdopening) would last only until mid-2009, unless remaining Net-Earth UIR/Anu/Drak/Green Dragon grids could be salvaged and combined with the Aquari-Kryst and Kryst-Fall-Budhara grids: a condition possible only through a formalized Kryst-Fall-Budhara-Host and "UIR Anu/Drak/Green-Dragon-Bai/out Host Treaty". Krysts began expedited Aah-JhA Body activation in the Net-Earth Aquafereion Shield, to prepare the Shield for rapid "PULL our TranslocationSlide-2 to Median-Ascension-Earth in early 2009, in the event that no "UIR Anu/Drak/Green Dragon Bailout Treaty" was agreed with the Kryst-Fall-Budhara/Sovereign-Kryst-Fall-Net-Earth Host Carriers. The quantum of Net-Earth'sgrids capable of running Krystic frequency would reach a point of critical-massaccelerationby mid-2009;if more of Net-Earthgrids were not broughtunder Kryst Coding, the Omegacoded grids of Net-Earthwould overridethe Kryst Grids at this critical-masspoint and the Kryst Grids and Net-Earth Rod and Shield would rapidly draw into reversal and Caduceus-Rodmerger, progressivelyopening the "Tropic-ofCancer"- OmegaSink-holesand causingrapidcatastrophicEarthChangesescalationbetween2008-2012.

The temporary



synchronized reciprocal counter-spin acceleration

If the Kryst-Fall-Budhara/UIR/Anu/Drak/Green Dragonnegotiationswent well, the Green Dragons'"Team"would be requiredto turn their remainingNet-Earthgrids over to KrysticAquareion-HostControl,which would double the NetEarth grid capacity, putting the critical-mass point at a co-resonant quantum just exceeding the capadty of the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved


Caduceus Rod and Omega Code. If alliances could be renewed between Krysts and the UIR Anu/Drak/GreenDragons' "Team", through a Budhara Host of the Green-Dragons' "Team", the Caduceus Rod spin and the Omega Code activation could be slowed, and rapid global cataclysm could be held off until post-2230AD, at completion of the 223-year Load-Out Hosted Last Galactic Star-Fire Ascension Cycle.

Drama Escalation - 31 June/2008

June/2008: After failing to stop the Krystics' closure of the Atlantean Hibernation Zone "White Dragon Invasion-Gate-links" (Mission upgrade - 30 March/29-30/2008), AND failing to stop the Krystics from preventing Omega-Sink-Hole activation (Mission Upgrade - 31 May/22-27/2008), the White Dragons' rapid Oct/2008 "Official Disclosure Invasion/All Kill Agenda" was no longer feasible, as Atlantean-Gate access to Net-Earth's Templar would remain blocked to at least mid-2009 (and until 2230AD if the Kryst-Fall-Budhara's "UIR Anu/Drak/Green Dragon Bailout" Host Treaty was agreed). The White Dragons were forced to revert to the old, slower, original "Red Dragon Official Disclosure Invasion Agenda". In early June/2008; the White Dragons expedited implementanon of the old Red Dragons' Official-Disclosure-Invasion-Agenda "First Invasion Protocols", orchestrating what in September/2008 became the "Sub-Prime Mortgage Collapse" and progressive Global Stock Market Fall. The "ground-work" for these covert economic-manipulation strategies had been progressively "put in place" by the Red Dragons over a number of years, to be "triggered into action" when the Red Dragons initiated their "First Invasion Protocols". The primary purpose of these strategies was to destabilize Net-Earth UIR & Green Dragon Illuminati World Management Team holdings & to gain full Red Dragon Control over Net-Earth's World Management Team and the global economic and political systems it controls. The Red Dragons' original "Official Disclosure Invasion Agenda" involved staging a progressive "global economic rollercoaster", beginning with the "Sub-Prime Mortgage Collapse", with simultaneous progressive political upheaval and rapid instigation of a "WW3 drama" to "reduce global head-count" by end 2009. The Red Dragon Agenda also held covert global political objectives that carried a vested interest in the Republican candidate winning the 2008 US Presidential Election, to carry forward the draconian "War-maker" approach that the UIR had set in motion with their covertly orchestrated "2000 US Election Coup", through which the 2000 election was originally falsified in favor of the Republican party. The Red Dragon Invasion Agenda, adopted out of necessity by the White Dragons in June/2008, intended for the 2008-2012 US Presidential Term to be held under a progressively more fascist Republican regime which, along with other global political "placements", was intended to be in place when the Red Dragons launched their Official-Disclosure-Invasion Final Protocols of a "2011 Worldwide Airborne-ET Occupation & Global Martial Law", following their orchestrated 2009 WW-3 drama. If the KrystFall-Budhara and UIR AnulDrak/Green Dragons agree a Sovereign-Kryst-Fall-Host "Bailout Treaty", and the Net-Earth UIR/AnulDrak/Green Dragon grids can be salvaged and combined with the Aquari-Kryst and Kryst-Fall-Budhara grids before mid-2009, the "Tropic of Cancer" OmegaSink-Hole Atlantean Gate-links will remain blocked from opening until 2012 - end, thwarting the White Dragons' ability to launch the original Red Dragons' Official-Disclosure-Invasion Final Protocols "2011 Worldwide Airborne - ET Occupation". The White Dragons will be forced to "orchestrate invasion from within", up-stepping their "mass body-snatch", "war-making" and "Martial Law" strategies, while working to "Direct Invade" from Wesedrak-fallen Parallel Earth, via breach of the Net-Earth PSG-sites. Breached PSG-sites will be the White Dragons' intended primary locations for Atlantean Zeta-Ship Occupation. Once breached, a PSG-site can be used to attack and harness the Net-Earth organic Templar Star-Gate of the same number, if the organic Star Gate does not carry a "live connection" to the Shield of Solomon/AdorA Host. If the "Watch-Tower", 4 Sentinels, 12 Spanner Gates & 12 Planetary Star-Gates & Arc-Hub Clusters of Net-Earth can be brought fully "on-line" (at minimum 2/3-quantum-thrust) with the Shield of

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved


Solomon/AdorA Omega-Override Host by 2012, the Net-Earth-Rod & Median-Earth "Rod-ofPalaidia" will remain in synchronized reciprocal counter-spin acceleration with the Caduceus Rod, preventing the Omega Code from splitting the Net-Earth Rod to open the Omega Sink Holes, and Net-Earth's Templar Star-Gates will carry sufficient hosted power to prevent breach of the PSGsites. With diligent pre-and-post-2012 Planetary Stewardship maintenance and "trouble-shooting", Net-Earth can potentially retain its 223-year "Safe Zones/Slide Zones" link to Median-Earth and the "Load-Out Evac" Last Galactic Hosted Star-Fire Ascension Cycle. Mission Up-grade - 32

July/2008-end: The IITreaty of AI-Ben'-Yhan" "Sovereign-Kryst-Fall-Host" for Net-Earth "Bailout Treaty" was agreed between the Kryst-Fall-Budhara Host and UIR Anu/Drak/Green Dragons, with promised Kryst support, at the end of July 2008. At this time the Aquafereion Shield Speakers were re-commissioned to FL, at the Median-Earth Watchtower Kara-nA'-dis Seal interface site, in preparation for the Nov/2008 (St. Kitts WS) Awakening of the Watchtower, and the April/2009 (Sarasota, FL WS) Kryst-reclamation of Net-Earth's PSG-2 GrU-al Control, Sarasota, FL. (The Watchtower site-FL was secured Sept/29/2008, the Shalon-7-site-AZ was transferred to MCEO-Aquari guardians Dec/1/2008, and the Alon-7-site-CO is hoped to oe transferred to MCEO-Aquari guardians between Jan/2009June/2009).

Mission Up-grade - 33

Aug/8-10/2008: The Green Dragons delivered on their 1st Treaty of AI-Ben'-Yhan commitment during the August 8-10, 2008 Sliders-1 - Hethalon Phoenix, AZ/Shalon-7 Workshop Period, during which they began transfer of their remaining Phoenix/Shalon-7 "Glass Tower" grids over to the Kryst-fall-Budhara and Krystic-Urtha-Aquafereion for Kryst re-coding; 2/3 of the Shalon-7 local "FA Metatronic Glass Tower" complex was transferred to control of the Kryst Host, allowing for more grid transfers to follow.

Mission Up-grade - 34

SepU19-21/2008: The Green Dragons delivered on their 2nd Treaty of AI-Ben'-Yhan commitment during the September 19-21, 2008 Sliders-2 International Day of Peace/Fall Equinox Virginia Beach, VA Workshop Period, during which they began transfer of their remaining Virginia Beach "Labyrinth Eastern-USA-Control"/KALon-7 "Glass Tower" grids over to the Kryst-fall-Budhara and Krystic-Urtha-Aquafereion for Kryst re-coding; 2/3 of the KALon-7 local and Eastern-USA-Control "FA Metatronic Glass Tower" complex was transferred to control of the Kryst Host. Through the "Labyrinth Eastem-USA-Control Glass Tower Network of Virginia Beach, VA',/KALon-7, the Green Dragon FAs had been controlling the Watchtower/Median-Earth Kara-nA'-dis Point Anchor-Shield, since the 9562BC Great Encasement. (9/19-21/08 Virginia Beach WS)

Note on The Watchtower: The Watchtower/Median-Earth Kara-nA'-dis Point Anchor-Shield is the point where the MedianEarth atomic body interfaces with the Median-Earth AND Net-Earth Aah-JhA Hydro-acoustic Body; it is the control point of the planetary morphogenetic field. When the Kara-nA'-dis Point Anchor-Shield is "held hostage", the planetary spirit body and light body flows cannot intermingle and the spirit body flows are shut off. The Watchtower Kara-nA'dis Point works just fine on Median-Earth, but in 9562BC the Green Dragons blocked/harnessed the Net-Earth Watchtower's Anchor-Shield and transposed the BeaST's Green Dragon Codes over the Anchor-Shield's organic programming (via the D-3 EGO-NET in Earth's atmosphere). In harnessing Net-Earth's Watchtower Anchor-Shield, the Green Dragons were able to not only block the organic elemental spirit flows and the "Slide-City" of Median-Earth from entering Net-Earth's Watchtower Anchor-Shield, but they were also able to misuse the Net-Earth Watchtower Anchor-Shield to take control of the Net-Earth Elemental Field, forcing Net-Earth's Elemental Field to X-reverse (following the false Green Dragon code overlays). The Median-Earth KaranA'dis Point Watchtower "speaks to and directs" the Net-Earth Kara-nA'-dis Point (Mexico caverns), which is the Elemental

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved


2008 Chronology of the Drama Continued Control Point for the Net-Earth Elemental Field. When the Median-Earth Watchtower Anchor-Shield becomes codeconvoluted, it directs the Net-Earth Kara-nA'-dis Point Elemental Control into that convolution and literally mutates NetEarth's Elemental Field and atomic-bonding. The Watchtower/Median-Earth Kara-nA'-dis Point Anchor-Shield (FL) is the point from which primarily the Green Dragons have controlled all of Net-Earth's Waters. It is the point from which the "Dragon" groups have "remote-controlled the Net-Earth Tides", through the Watchtower's connection to the "Lunar Seed" (the organic seed from and around which the false-moon was accreted). The Watchtower Anchor-Shield has been controlled remotely from Parallel Earth (which fell under 1/3 UIR-Drak-Zeta control 2000-2003 & White/Red Dragon 1/3 control in 2007) via Net-Earth's PSG-7 Puerto Rico, and its interconnected BeaST Vortex Network, which has primary control points in Cuba, Haiti & Venezuela (across the Gulf of Mexico). The "hi-jacked" Watchtower Anchor-Shield links Net-Earth Core to Caduceus-Earth Core to maintain the artificial merger of Net-Earth/Caduceus Earth Planes that forms the unnatural construct of IIBlended Earth" (the reality field we "se« in 3-D"), which has kept IINet-Earth Netted" and unable to engage organic merger with the Median-Ascension-Earth Planes. (Green Dragons turn over 1st 1/3 of Watchtower Anchor-Shield to Kryst Nov/2008 - St. Kitts WS and turn over 2nd 1/3 Jan/2009 FOL WS, giving the Krystic Aquari/AI-Ben'-Yhan union 2/3-control of the Watchtower Anchor-Shield. A final 1/6 of the Watchtower Shield will be pulled back into Krystic Union from White Dragon control April/2009 - Sarasota WS, temporarily reducing, until Load-Out end 2230AD, the White Dragons' Watchtower control to 1/6, to the "Kryst Alliance" 5/6 control. At 2230AD LoadOut end, 1/3 of the "Kryst Alliance" 5/6 Watchtower Shield will rise to "Median-Ascension-Earth"-Host, 1/3 will Sovereign-Kryst-fall under the Treaty of AI-Ben'-Yhan Kryst-fall-Budhara Host, & 1/6 will fall to White Dragon control leaving, at final separation, each "Team" with 1/3 of the Net-Earth Watchtower Anchor Shield and thus 1/3 of Net-Earth's Elemental Command, Lunar Seed, Tides, Waters and Endoplasmic "water-matter" base.

Mission Up-grade - 35

Septl29/2008: The Green Dragons delivered on their 3rd Treaty of AI-Ben'-Yhan commitment on September 29, 2008, PI FL Period, during which they relinquished control of the "Metatronic Glass Tower" grids corresponding to the Watchtower Anchor-Shield (FL.) over to the Kryst-fall-Budhara and Krystic-Urtha-Aquafereion for Kryst re-coding; 2/3 of the Florida/Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico "FA Metatronic Glass Tower" Complex was transferred to control of the Kryst Alliance Host, allowing for more grid transfers to follow.

Mission Up-grade - 36

Nov/2/2008 The Green Dragons delivered on their 4th Treaty of AI-Ben'-Yhan commitment of "Freeing the Net-Earth Krystic and Human Hostages" they had been remotely controlling, via the "NET" and field possession, and allowing them to make their own free-will choice in the 2008 US Presidential Election. This resulted in a large political margin of win for the Democratic Ticket, on which was running the Kryst Alliance Host chosen candidate (who was originally intended for "win" in 2012, to oversee the pending Kryst Alliance/Green Dragon "Official Disclosure FellowshipContact Event"). The "large political margin of win" for the Democrats in the 2008 election thwarted the White/Red Dragons' intention of again staging a "small-margin-recount" covert-cover-up-coup "Vote Fraud" (as in 2000), which they intended to use to place their chosen Republican candidate in the White House for the 2008-2012 intended "Official Disclosure Invasion" term. In the "Big Picture", the UIR-Drak soul-groups represented by the Republican candidate assisted in this democratic win, as they rebelled against White Dragon dominion and covertly sought Krystic assistance at the time of choosing the VP-Nominee; under Krystic Councils' advice, they "motivated" the Republican candidate to choose, "at the last minute", against the VP-Nominee desired by the White Dragons, and a RVP-Nominee was chosen that served to destabilize the Republican base, which greatly affected the voting outcome at the poles, allowing for the "large political margin of win" for the Democrats. Through this victory on the US grids, the White Dragons did not get the power-base they had hoped for to move the "War-maker" agenda rapidly forward. But they will still attempt to advance and fulfill their "Official Disclosure Invasion Agenda".

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved


2008 Chronology of the Drama Continued Mission Up-grade - 37

Nov/12-22/2008: The Green Dragons delivered on their 5th Treaty of AI-Ben'-Yhan commitment over the Sliders-3 - St. Kitts WS period, during which they turned over the 1st 1/3 of the Watchtower Anchor-Shield and thus the [st 1/3 of Net-Earth's Elemental Command, Lunar Seed, Tides, Water and Endoplasmic "water-matter" base, to the Kryst Alliance Host. Also, Shala-13AdorA Core-Gate crust-level activates, Median-Earth Grail Door opens, Shalon-7-Sentinel-1, Kitts-Sentinel-2, Shala-13-Caral, the Watchtower Anchor-Shield and the 1sl - Expansion of the Solomon-Triangle & Host Shield engage 1/3 activation.

Mission Up-grade - 38

Jan/1·3/2009: The Green Dragons will deliver on their 6th Treaty of AI-Ben'-Yhan commitment over the FOL '09 workshop period, during which they will turn over the 2nd 1/3 of the vyatchtower Anchor-Shield and thus the 2nd 1/3 of Net-Earth's Elemental Command, Lunar Seed, Tides, Waters and Endoplasmic "water-matter" base, to the Kryst Alliance Host. Also, the 3rd and 4th Sentinels/Alon-7-CO & Arc-Hub-1-Adare, Ireland, will initiate activation, initiating the 2nd Expansion of the Solomon-Triangle & Host Shield (expanding the Shield of Solomon "reach" into the California and European grids). The Kryst Alliance will achieve a 2/3 - Kryst to 1/3 White/Red Dragon control margin over Net-Earth's Watchtower Anchor-Shield and Elemental Command, which will allow the Net-Earth-Rod & Median-Earth "Rod-of-Palaidia" to remain in synchronized reciprocal counter-spin acceleration with the Caduceus Rod, to prevent the Omega Code from splitting the Net-Earth Rod to open the Omega-Sink-Hole Atlantean-Gate-links, thus thwarting White Dragon Zeta-ship direct-Invasion between 2009-2012. The "Watchtower", 4 Sentinels, 12 Spanner Gates & 12 Planetary Star-Gates & Arc-Hub Clusters of Net-Earth will be brought fully "on-line" (at minimum 2/3-quantum-thrust) with the Shield of Solomon/AdorA Omega-Override Host, 4 years earlier than the 2012 maximum deadline. The Net-Earth's Templar Star-Oates will carry sufficient hosted power to prevent the White Dragon 2009-2012 breach of the PSG-sites and Net-Earth's "Safe Zones/Slide Zones" link to MedianEarth and the "Load-Out Evac" Last Galactic Hosted Star-Fire Ascension Cycle will be secured through 2012-end. The Net-Earth Grail Window will activate, engaging a Hosted 2/3 quantumthrust of Net-Earth's organic Penta-gor'-ian Circulatory System, and Net-Earth's Core will receive its 1st Aquai'-ah de So-La'-RA LU'na" Ah-VE-yas Elemental Living Light Transmission from AshalA, initiating the "auto-pilot" of the daily/nightly 12:12-Sun/Moon Harmonic-Healing-Light Radiation-pulse Transmissions. The FOL '09 Aquai'-ah de So-La'-RA LU'na Transmission will bring the "Light-Quotient" of Net-Earth's Aquafereion Host Shield up to a minimum 75% Sha-LA-a Light, the minimum required for "Slide-2- Translocation".

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved


"Floating Buddhas" Elemental Command Cloister Sliders Teams Each "Personal Cloister" Team is composed of 1 member of each of the following 6 Kryst-Guardian Races. The members of your "Sliders Cloister" (called your IISha-DA' Cloister") have accepted service positions to be "on call" to assist you, whenever you telepathically request their presence; they will also "remain with you at all times in-orb" if you request that they do so. When you request their presence, they will enter Slide-1 Bi-Iocation Projection from their primary biological focus of residence, and "Orb" into the frequency bands of your primary biological focus of residence, to enter a state of "Live Conscious Communion" with you (either individually or together as the "6-point Sha-DA' Cloister Team", whatever you request). The more you work with your Sha-OA' Cloister, the clearer and stronger your communications and contact will become; they can hear and see you whenever you call them, but it may take some time for you to expand your own biological "inner sense" to hear, see or feel their presence and communication. Ask them to assist you with expediting your sensory sensitivity to their frequencies and they will work on multiple levels to do so. At times, for various types of interaction, they will "de-Orb" in your reality field to reveal their materialized form, within the "quantum, size & matter-density" appropriate to your reality field. One day, through S/ide-2 Translocation Projection, you may meet and visit them in their own reality fields of (Milky Way Galaxy) - Median-Earth & Ashala-3, (AquAelle M31Adjugate-Spirit Eiradonis Galaxy) - Shala-3, or (M31-Aquinos Andromeda Galaxy) - Urtha-3. I

Calling Your Cloister for Informal Communication Preparation: 3 "Krystar Breaths" (Inhale command "Rasha-Eira-Krystar-N OW" , Exhale out Krystar Vehicle) A. To request the presence of, and informal communications with, all of your "Cloister's members", when working alone, simply telepathically use the IIElemental Orb Cal/" Command below, repeated 3 times. B. To request the presence of a specific individual member or members, use the "Elemental Calling Tone" pertaining to the member's race group (from "Floating Buddhas" Chart), putting the "Elemental Calling Tone or Tones" as the prefix before the "Elemental Orb Call", and repeat "Prefixed Elemental Orb Call" Command 3 times.

"Elemental Orb Call" Command Ah-ShA'-ah

NE'Ra- O'cha- Sa!! repeat 3xs

Calling Your Sha-DA' Cloister for Formal "Sha-DA' Buddha Shield" Elemental Command Like the "Sha-Ora' Projection Shield" used in Elemental Command Group work, the "Sha-DA' Buddha Shield" is also a mathematical geomantic shield platform that is used to amplify the protection, power and range of Krystic interdimensional and elemental frequencies available for use within "intentioned endeavors" in healing, projecting, meditating, manifesting and Grid Work. Unlike the Group Sha-dra' Shield, the Sha-DA' Buddha Shield (also called the "Floating Buddhas Rite"), can be achieved individually, once you have anchored your 6-member Sha-OA' Cloister through your 1st "Floating Buddhas Rite". To activate your Sha-DA' Buddha Shield, first do 3 "Krystar Breaths", next repeat the "Elemental Orb Call" Command above 3 times, then use the procedure of the "Floating Buddhas Rite" on the following pages.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved


"Floating Buddhas" Elemental Command Cloister Sliders Teams All Groups are Krystic Adashi-Adept Ascended Ma-sha-yah', Eternal Life, Breatharian Species, who choose to retain a Ma-sha-yanic Biological Form in their home environment. (Gender Note: 4 potential genders - 1. Androgynous M-F combined-gender, 2. Male, 3. Female, 4. EUnic - no gender Asexual)

Primary Biological Residence

Race Name - Service Occupation & Description

Usual Orb ID

Elemental Calling Tone





glitter -orbs glitter-fields


radiant white can vary




light green-gold




Urtha-3 M31

Bhendi Aquari - Trainers (Children of the Aquareion from Aquareion Matrix)

Adashi Temples

Have various different species & body forms such as blue-aquatic-humanid, bi-pedalwinged-lions and white-humanid-genies, plus many others. Technical Teachings Specialists & Trainers. 4-genders.

Urtha-3 M31

Aquafereion - Greeters (Aquari-Earth-Human Hybrids from Aurora Platforms)

Adashi Temples Aurora Platforms

Refined Human Form, breathe air or water, various races, skin/hair colors, 4 genders, 8-18' tall-average height-12'. General Teachers & Urtha Hosts.

Shala-3 Eiradhani

A 'quA·elle - Healers (Eiradhani "Ethos Sparkle People" AdorA-Aquari-Human)

Healing Temples

AshalA-3 Ashalum Edonic Healing Temples

Median Ascension Earth Ah-VE-yas Cathedrals

"Shape-shifter Humanids made of M31-adjugate-spirit "Ethos-Sparkle-Matter"; palepastel-iridescent-metallic-sparkle-Light-Beings; various races, no gender, J12 originfamily; Spirit-Body "Resurrection-Healing" Specialists & Master Counselors.

A'quai - Healers (Children of M31 Edonic An-Sha-TA'-sa Aquari of Aquareion Matrix) original Edonic M31-Aquareion An-Sha-TA'-sa Aquari Elder Refined-Humanid form. Known as the "Radiant Giants" due to luminescent-gossamer-skin that perpetually radiates light from within; skin changes colors with inner-light radiation spectrum, which responds to all thoughts & emotions. Radiant white is base oscillation. 4-Genders, 72-216' tall-average height 144' (approx=16-story building) Biological Healing Spedalists.

ZionA - Attendants (Children of Median-Earth Aquai-A'* & Urtha-Aquafereion), Aquatic-Aquai-Human "Fish People". Start life in water-born gel-eggs, grow into small gossamer-skinned "fish" (no scales or slime); in adolescence transfigure to "Mer-folk" (Mermaids/Mermen etc.), then have choice to transfigure to bipedal. 6-18' tallaverage-12'. Master Tutors, General Healers & Companions, will be the [st ones we meet physically in Slide-2 Translocation to Median-Earth.

Median Ascension Earth

AquafarE' - Helpers & Playmates (Hybrid Children of Urtha Aquafereion)


Fae'Ri' - Helpers & Playmates (Children of the Median-Earth AquafarE')

Ah-VE-yas Cathedrals

Seeded on Net-Earth by the AquafarE' to engage specialized service as Telluric Elemental Command Force planetary guardians on Net-Earth. Many Human forms, Bipedal 3-8 inches tall on Net-Earth; appear microscopic when visiting Median-Earth. Many occupational specializations (some lines have fallen to Caduceus & Phantom Earth agendas).

Urtha-Aquafereion Aquari-Earth-Human Hybrids further hybridized with many other planetary & inter-universal Krystic race-lines to engage specialized service as Telluric Elemental Command Force planetary guardians on Median Earth (& elsewhere). Ah-VE-yas Many Aquari-Human forms, Bipedal 3-8' tall on Median Earth, but appear 3-12 inches Cathedrals tall when visiting Net-Earth. Many occupational specializations. Note: 3-8' tall Net-Earth-Humans retain their "home size" when physically visiting Median Earth; same size range as the AquafarE'; the tallest Treefolk on Median-Earth are an average 12 to 48 times taller than the 72-216 feet tall Median-Earth * Aquai-A' Elders, Aquai from AshalA that were seeded on Median Earth to serve as Kryst-Council Elders. Tallest Tree-folk 864' to 10,368'

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Presented


The Floating Buddhas Rite Calling Your Sha·DA' Cloister for Formal "Sha-DA' Buddha Shield" Elemental Command The "Sha-DA' Buddha Shield' is a mathematical geomantic shield platform that is used to amplify the protection, power and range of Krystic inter-dimensional and elemental frequencies available for use within "intentioned endeavors" in healing, projecting, meditating, manifesting and Grid Work. The Sha-DA' Buddha Shield can be achieved individually, once you have anchored your s-member ShaDA' Cloister through your 1st "Floating Buddhas Rite".

Preparation: 1. Sit comfortably on ground or floor, with back as straight as comfortable, in "Loose Lotus" position 2. 3 "Krystar Breaths" 3. Elemental Orb Call Command: "Ah-ShA'-ah NE'Ra- O'cha- Sa!! Repeat 3xs PART-1: Calling the Sha-DA' Cloister A. THE CALLING Command: Breathe normally and speak THE CALLING Command (out loud if possible) 3 times, then breathe gently while waiting for your 6 Sha-OA' Cloister members to "Orb in" and take their "Hierophant Positions" on the floor around you. Move to step B when you sense their arrival. Ah ZhU'TU Zha-ta',




A'-JhUn CU-sa TA'-va


Cum-sa A'-Vo




TU-ah Neu-en'



-8. THE RAISING Command: Once your Sha-OA' Cloister has taken its position as "Orbs" on the floor/ground around you, observe as they create a "circle of energy" that runs through each member's Orb and surrounds you; this is the Sha-DA' Shield. 1. Inhale into your Kara-nA'-dis Seal, hold, then Exhale, using the exhale breath to push a 6-point breath horizontally outward from your Kara-nA'-dis Seal, sending a streamer of "Living Water" energy out to the Kara-nA'-dis Seal of each of the 6 Cloister members. 2. Breathe normally and repeatedly "Chant", (out loud if possible) THE RAISING Command, and sense first that the "Sha-DA" Shield" begins to "counter-spin", and next that it begins to RISE upward, carrying the 6 Cloistermember Orbs with it. E'-sta




3. Continue Chanting until you sense that the Sha-OA' Shield has risen directly up over your head. Observe that as the Sha-OA' Shield moves over your head, the 6 Cloister Members "de-Orb" and are now in their bipedal form, sitting in the "Loose Lotus" position on their Hierophant Points. They have become the "Floating Buddhas". 4. Notice that the spin-speed of the counter-spinning Sha-OA' Shield progressively increases, and move to Step C. C. THE UNION Command: 1. Inhale into the Kara-nA'-dis Seal, HOld, then Exhale forcefully upward, using the exhale to push a "Bilocate Self' vertically upward into the center point of the Sha-OA' Shield, to "Become the 7th Buddha". 2. Hold a moment at "bottom of exhale", then Inhale and repeat the "UNION" Command 1 time only. Ah'-TU

The MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved




The Floating Buddhas Rite - PART·2 Activating the Sha·DA' Shield·Becoming


1. Lie down on your back, head toward the rear Hierophant Point and Transcendental Passage Bhardoah Chamber, keeping the spinning Sha-DA' Shield (with the "7 Floating Buddhas" still sitting in the "Loose Lotus" Position) suspended above where your head was when you were sitting. 2.

Inhale into the Kara-nA'-dis Seal, Hold, then Exhale gently and notice that, as you exhale, each of the "7 Floating Buddhas" in the spinning Sha-DA' Shield above you sends a streamer of "Living Water" downward from its KaranA'-dis to your Kara·nA'·dis Seal.

3. Breathe gently and observe that on each exhale more "Living Water" currents "pulse" down the "7 Buddha Streamers", progressively filling your Kara-nA'-dis Seal with Pale-Silver-Aqua Water.Light as you breathe. 4.

Inhale gently into your Kara-nA'-dis Seal, then upward into your AzurA, and Hold at the AzurA, then Exhale a 12· Point Horizontal Breath outward from your AzurA, through your 12 Fire Chambers. Hold at the bottom of the exhale, and sense a "gentle popping" sensation emerge from your AzurA Water-Seed.

5. Breathe normally and observe that a thin fluid DISC of Living Water Hydrolase now "spreads out horizontally beneath you", from the center-point of your Kara-nA'-dis Seal. The DISC will spread outward horizontally to a diameter about 3·times your physical height, like a "large circular blanket underneath your physical body'. 6. From your "7th Buddha" Bilocate sitting within the Sha-DA' Shield floating about you, Inhale (physically also), Hold, then Exhale downward, using the Bilocate's exhale breath to push a thick Ah·VE·yas Elemental·Orb Stream downward from the Bilocate's Kara-nA'-dis Seal to your physical-body Kara-nA'-dis Seal. Breathe normally. 7. Breathing normally, notice now that on each of your exhale breaths the spinning Sha·DA' Shield above you begins to lower, moving downward and expanding in diameter until it comes to rest on the floor/ground around you, expanding to the diameter of and anchoring within the "Living Water DISC', as all of the "7 Buddhas" return to their "Orb" state, while holding their Hierophant positions around you. 8. Continue gentle, "meditative breathing" for several minutes, sensing an increase of spin-speed in the counterspinning rings of the Sha-DA' Shield around your physical body; sense that, as the spin-speed increases, the "frequency power" held within the Sha-DA' Shield also increases, becoming a "gently humming and crackling EM field" spinning horizontally around your body. Feel for the sensation of an "energy cloud mattress" building directly beneath your body, and a feeling of "lifting", as if your physical body is beginning to "Levitate" upward into the air as it lies on its back. (Eventually this step CAN take you into physical levitation, once the body is more prepared). 9.

Inhale, Hold, then Exhale and use the Exhale to expand out a "Giant Gossamer Opaque-Silver-White-Orb" around you and the spinning Sha-DA' Shield and imagine that you can now only see the inside of your Orb, the Private Space of your INNER BUDDHA-SELF. Here, as the flows of the Transcendental Passage move gently through your Orb, YOU ARE BUDDHA.

From this state, you may "launch projection journeys", engage in Sha-Dra' Shield Grid Work, Engage "Remote Healing" on self or others, create thought-forms for materialization or engage personal healing and communication with the members of your Sha-DA' Cloister. Invite members to "de-Orb" and join you in your "Buddha Space".

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved


The Internal Body Quantum "War of Attrition" The Biological War between the + GharE'/Sha-LA-a Living Light & the - Gharoche'/Sho-na Dead Light within the Physical-Atomic Body Quantum Physical-Body Birth Imprints, their "Light-Quotient Potentials" & Options of Evolution The Gene Code of Each Human on Earth fits into one of the following 10 categories. The categories represent the +GharE'/Sha-LA-a to Gharoche'/Sho-na Ratio inherent to the gene code, and thus the evolutionary potentialities of the Biology.

M31-Urtha-3 Ascension Path (+80 to +100 Sha-LA-a Quotient) Dhani Aurora Spanner

Aquarl-lndlqo Ma·Sha-Yah Spanners


+100% Sha-LA-a

-0% Sho-na

(What Indigo·1 & 2 & Aquari·lndigo Walk·ins can transfigure to become .. Aquareion-Aurora "Kryst" genes with Hub-Span capabilities) Can Hub - Span Ascend to M31-Urtha-3 with Aquareion Host or Span Ascend to AshalA·3 or Span Ascend to Median-Earth or Bhardoah out to AshalA-3 Aquafereion Ascension with Aquareion Host or Bhardoah out to Median-Earth A qua farE' Ascension with Aquafereion Host Holders of Median-Earth's Aquafereion Host Shield, will Span Median-Earth's Aquafereion Shield to AshalA-3 Ascension post 2230AD.


+80% Sha-LA-a

-20% Sho-na

(Indigo-1 Aquari-Indigo Walk-in Imprint Aquareion/Aquafereion"Kryst" genes with major dominant Aquareion and minor Aquafereion coding.) Can S/ide-2 Ascend to M31-3 with Aquareion Host or Span Ascend to AshalA-3 with Aquareion Host or Bhardoah out to AshalA-3 Aquafereion Ascension with Aquareion Host or Bhardoah out to Median-Earth AquafarE Ascension with Aquafereion Host or Bhardoah out to Sovereign-Fall Cad-Earth with AI-ben'-yhan Host Holders of Earth's Aquafereion Host Shield, will Span Earth's Aquafereion Shield to Median-Earth Ascension in 2230AD.

The MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved


AshalA-3 Ascension Path (+75 to +80 Sha-LA-a Indigo-1 Aquari-Human Translocation Sliders


+78% Sha-LA-a -22% Sho-na (Indigo-1 Birth-in Imprint & Indigo-2 - Walk-in Imprint Indigo-1 Aquari-Human Birth-in Imprint, & 2007 Angelic Human Genetic Upgrade Aquafereion /Angelic-Human "Kryst" genes with major dominant Aquafereion and minor Angelic Human coding.)

Can Slide-2 Ascend to AshalA-3 with Aquareion Host or Span Ascend to Median-Earth with Aquafereion Host or Bhardoah out to AshalA-3 Aquafereion Ascension with Aquareion Host or Bhardoah out to Median-Earth AquafarE Ascension with Aquafereion Host or Bhardoah out to Sovereign-Fall Cad-Earth with AI-ben'-yhan Host Keepers of Earth's Aquafereion Host Shield, will Slide-2 or Bhardoah Ascend with Earth's Aquafereion

Indigo-2 Aquari-Human Translocation Sliders

Shield to Median-Earth

Ascension between present

Includes World Mgmt Team "Foot -Soldiercast" Earth Illuminati Groups

Bilocation Sliders

Indigo-3+ Includes World Mgmt Team Lower Management & Officer-cast Earth Illuminati Groups

Bilocation Sliders

& 2230AD.

75+/25- Biote-G1 +75% Sha-LA-a -25% Sho-na (Indigo-2 Aquari-Human Birth-in Imprint & 2007 Angelic Human Genetic Upgrade Aquafereion /Angelic-Human "Kryst" genes with major dominant Angelic Human and minor Aquafereion cocinq.) Can Slide-2 Ascend to Median-Earth with Aquafereion Host or Bhardoah out to Median-Earth Ghafar Ascension with Aquafereion Host or Bhardoah out to Sovereign-Fall Cad-Earth with AI-ben'-yhan Host Without Host, Bio-Death & Bourgha-White Dragon-Procyak Fall Median-Earth Ascension Path (+50 to +75

Angelic Human


60+/40- Mobiote-G1.5

Sha-LA-a Quotient)

+60% Sha-LA-a

-40% Sho-na

(Angelic Human Birth-in Imprint post 9562BC & Min after SL-2 for +50/50- Symbiotes & up, Angelic-Human/Leviathan-2 "Blended Hybrid" genes with major dominant Angelic Human and minor Leviathan-2 coding. *Can upgrade to Indigo-2 Median-Earth S/ide-2Ascension with Aquafereion Host or Bhardoah out to Median-Earth Ghafar Ascension with Aquafereion Host or Bhardoah out to Sovereign-Fall Cad-Earth with AI-ben'-yhan Host Without Host, Bio-Death & Bourgha-White Dragon-Procyak Fall

50+/50- Symbiote-G2

+50% Sha-LA-a

-50% Sho-na

(Indigo-3 Birth-in Imprint can go "up or Down; Angelic-Human/Leviathan- "Blended Hybrid" genes with equal-parts Angelic Human and Leviathan-1 or 2 coding. "Ups have minor dominant Angelic Human & major recessive Leviathan coding and can upgrade to Indigo-2 imprint with Aquafereion Host.) Can Upgrade to Indigo-2 Median-Earth S/ide-2 Ascension with Aquafereion Host. or Bhardoah out to Sovereign-Fall Cad-Earth with AI-ben'-yhan Host Without Host, Bio-Death & Bourgha-White Dragon-Procyak Fall

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc.

Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane. 2009. All Rights Reserved


Sovereign-Kryst-Fall Indigo-3Includes World Mgmt Team Lower Management Earth Illuminati Groups

Bhardoah Hosters


Host Path (-50 to -75 Shona

50+/50- Symbiote-G2 +50% ShaLAah -50% Shona Indigo-3 Birth-in Imprint. can go "Up or Down"; Angelic-Human/Leviathan Hybrid genes. "Downs" have major dominant Leviathan-1 coding, and thus will suffer greater "downward pull", but can "Hold" at "lndigo-3+ Level with Host.) Can Bhardoah out to Sovereign-Fall Cad-Earth with A/-ben'yahn Host or Bhardoah out to Median-Earth Ghafar Ascension with Aquafereion Host Without Host, Bio-Death & Bourgha-White Dragon-Procyak Fall. 25+/75- Probiote-G3+

Green & Red Dragons


+25% Sha-LA-a

-75% Shona

(Leviathan-2 Birth-in Imprint, have dominant Leviathan-1 Green or Red Dragon/Angelic Human Hybrid genes, with minor recessive Angelic Human coding. Will suffer Procyak "downward pull" but can "Hold" at "Sovereign-Fall Cad-Earth" with Kryst-Fall AI-ben'yahn Host.)

Includes World Mgmt Team Middle & Upper Management Earth Illuminati Groups

Can Bhardoah out to Sovereign-Fall Cad-Earth with A/-ben'yahn Host Without Host, Bio-Death

& Bourgha-White



Bhardoah Hosters

Bourgha-White Dragon-Procyak Fall Path (-75 to -100 Sho-na


Orchestrating Bourgha-White Dragon-Procyak Fall, no interest in Host

Leviathan-1 Includes Primarily "EliteExecutive Members" of the 'World Mgmt. Team" Earth Illuminati Groups & "Procyak Galactic Mgmt Team" Lower-Rank "Footsoldiers"

Abadon Prime Orchestrators of the Forced FALL Elite-Executive Members of the "ET Procyak Galactic Mgmt Team" & "Special-Ops" ET-hybrid "Assassin Units" of Earth Illuminati Groups.

25+/75- Probiote-G3+25% Sha-LA-a -75% Sho-na (Leviathan-1 Birth-in Imprint, have dominant Leviathan-1 Green or Red DragonlWhite Dragon Equari Hybrid genes, with minor recessive White Dragon Equari coding. Will suffer extreme Procyak "downward pull", proclaim loyalty to the White Dragon Fall-agenda and have no interest in Host agreements, such as the Treaty of AI-ben'-yhan.) Will Engage Procyak Galactic Black-Hole-Fall No interest in Kryst-Host, loyal to "While-Dragon-Fall


0+/100- Mesiote-G4 +0% Sha-LA-a -100% Sho-na (White-Dragon Equari-Bourgha Hybrid FA Birth-in Imprint, have dominant Equari-White Dragon FA genes, with dominant Bourgha coding. They are the Orchestrators of the Forced Procyak Fall and have no interest what-so-ever in Kryst-Host agreements.) Are Orchestrating the Galactic Procyak-Forced-Black-Ho/e-Fall


No interest in Kryst-Host, will become extinct with their "Loyals" through Self-created Black-Hole-space-dust-return in the future.

The MCED Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved