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English Pages 113 Year 2020
Voter Fraud and the 2020 Presidential Election “Joe Biden wins by a Miraculous Landslide” T. H. Logwood “The only way Democrats can win is by cheating.”
Copyright 2020. Revised. All Rights Reserved.
Win at All Cost Here again, it is election season, and a presidential election year at that. And like the 2016 presidential election, it is mired in controversy and claims of deception. Like 2016, the source of most of the discontent and allegations of wrongdoings come from the democrat side. It is the republican side and the independent investigating journalists that have uncovered the many ugly truths about these democrat “dirty tricks“. Granted each side wants to win, the power, riches, and influence to be gained is an intoxicating drink for politicians. But why can’t elections be fair and honest, and seek to best serve the needs of the electorate? Probably because of the power, riches, and influence, elected officials can gain, at least if they are inclined to fulfill their own lusts instead of serving the people. More than the republicans (to be fair), the democrat party seems to have pulled out all of their dirty tricks to win or sway the outcome of many election races in 2016 and 2018. Will they do the same for this crucial and pivotal election cycle of 2020? It is fair and normal politics to lie, cheat, and make false promises “before” the vote, but to alter and falsify an election result “after” the tally, is shameful and disgraceful, bordering on treasonous. Just watch closely the election results for 2020, and pray that it is honest and fair. Whether you favor one candidate or party versus the other is not the point. The point is, some people and politicians will do whatever it takes, in this hi-tech savoy world, to win. The rule of law, decency and fairness, or even foundational traditions means little in their quest for control. It has been proven over the past number of years, that dirty dealings are undermining this country’s core, and our republic teeters on the brink of total destruction. What you need to do this election, is vote. Your vote is your voice, and if you do not use it, we all very well may lose it. Vote for this person or that, it doesn’t matter, just use that one greatest and best freedom we still hold, is our duty and privilege to vote. Join with other like-minded groups, tell friends and family, drive people to the polling spots, but get out and vote. “Lose our right to vote, nonsense. We vote all of the time, and the outcome is whatever it is.” Wrong! No, the traditional voting method of going to your assigned polling precinct to cast your ballot is changing, radically. Your private information when “registering” to vote, is being stolen (or can be). Identity theft is ever increasing, and some of that can and is being used to register fictitious voters. Bales of “miraculous late (fake)
ballots” suddenly appearing after an election result, that overturns the outcome. Using illegal immigrants to register and vote is all too common. Ever see intimidating “tough hombres” standing near the polling locations causing some people to turn away? How about the computer software that miscounts the electronic ballot, it happens. And the greatest fear source of voting fraud comes from mail-in ballots. How many stories have been reported that voter roles, that are supposed to be maintained by the state and local authorities, are still voting! Dead people, pets, and people that have relocated, are still voting in many elections. One of the provisions of the second phase of the 2020 Covid-19 federal laws has to do with mail-in ballots and how they are handled. That borders on unconstitutional, and a legal fight that will take years perhaps to be settled. But the point here is that voting is traditionally done in person, at a voting booth. Now, there is absentee voting, and vote by mail. Some are advocating for voting by computer. Only voting in person with a valid identification is the most reliable and honest way to vote, as there are great opportunities to cheat with the other non-verifiable methods. The uniqueness of the American form of government is the free and open elections, where the transfer of power is peacefully done. Because people, and especially some politicians, are corrupt in heart, so the temptation to cheat in our free society, is overwhelming. Under the proposed provision in the second Covid-19 relief bill, includes making 80 million mail-in ballots available. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, is holding up help for the people, so she and her party can use the pandemic for political purposes. This provision is a scam beyond scams, because there is no verification that they would be from valid voters. This part of the legislation has nothing to do with Covid-19 relief, but everything to do with political games. There are too many cases where false voters and fake ID’s, especially in states with no picture ID laws, have been usurping our election process. And the evidence time and time again, is linked and perpetrated by the democrats. Having blank ballots freely available at the post office or wherever they would be made available, invites mischief of the worst kind. Ballots can be mass produced on a copier to flood the market. One plan is to have canvassers can go house to house collecting your ballots so you don’t have to “risk” being around the disease while voting. And truth be told, they are All democrat dirty tricks! Never is there any evidence that the republicans do these things. This is very true, and not being reported, at least fairly, by the mainstream media. Now the scenario goes like this: Trump wins the regular election by a landslide, overwhelmingly, in both the popular vote and the Electoral College tally. Then over the following days, the mail-in ballots are trickling in, and being tallied. Slowly, the election results change. What key
states were won by President Trump, and now turned to the democrat candidate, Joe Biden. A week or so later, the red electoral map is now dotted with blue states, not just blue states, but key states. The legal fights begins, and the criminal groups like Black Lives Matter, and Antifa again take to the city streets rioting and looting. These domestic terrorist groups are controlled by the democrat hierarchy, and will create distraction while the democrat lawyers seek to change the election result. It is the currently reported nearly one thousand democrat lawyers will spring into action right after the winner is declared. With every legal victory, the democrats will put another nail in the American nation coffin. America will be destroyed if our election processed is manipulated. Or, and, perhaps the vote spread is too great so they can’t turn the presidential election, but they can (and have in 2016 and 2018) flip many congressional races. The mail-in ballot can also malign races for governor, mayors, and any other elected office. When a race is very close, invariably, there are the “lost” or “misplaced” ballots that suddenly show up to sway the results the other way. Without proper verification, cheating will happen. Just watch the election results and what happens afterwards. . It is true, do the research yourself to learn for yourselves. If there is a significant amount of fraud in this critical election cycle, America may be changed forever (and not in a good way). Watch the election results, then pay very closely to the days following, this may be America’s last free and fair election. NEWSBREAK: Election Coverage, Tuesday November 3, 2020. “It’s midnight now, and nearly all of the votes have been tallied. In a stunning unexpected upset, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are declared the winners by a sweeping landslide. The electoral vote has shifted back and forth while late and mail-in ballots are counted, edging Biden’s tally higher and higher. Even the deep Red states of Texas and Florida turned Biden Blue by late evening. In fact, nearly every state has turned blue, and last-minute counting will likely go on through the night.”
The American System The whole lure of American society is the “free and open” election process. No where else on the planet, throughout human history, has any country ever had a system of government whereby the people have the best chance to freely express their voice when choosing who will govern over them. The whole point of the revolutionary war, freeing the colonies from English tyranny, was over freedom of expression, self-governing, freedom of worship, and being able to “choose” our leaders without the heavy hand of government dictating every aspect our lives. The Founding Fathers were brilliant in designing a system of government that power is checked by the other branches of government, and, by various limitations of power each branch can exercise. Our system of government is a representative democracy, not a regular democracy. A regular democracy can bias an election by the masses of voters in the cities, leaving the rural areas without a fair input. A representative democracy assures fair or more equal balance in having someone represent an area, regardless of population density. For the national elections, there is a built-in balance of fair voter intent. Yet today in America, these rights and liberties we cherish most, are gravely threatened by corrupt politicians, various power brokers, and a variety of groups and organizations. Why? Because there are a good number of powerful people that has no moral compass, and they seek “the lusts of the eyes”, power, riches, and influence. Many of these radical voices have no clue what our system of government is all about, nor even how it’s designed. Many of these intellectual idiots cry out for democratic rule and demolishing the Electoral College, among other things. The concept of “free and fair” elections means nothing to them, yet some of the loudest voices come from our elected bodies. Was basic civics also removed from the schools? Among the greatest of attributes of America are the Rights and Freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution. We enjoy many liberties and opportunities that most other countries do not offer their citizens, but that is changing in America. There are so many great and generally overlooked or unappreciated freedoms we have, so often taken for granted. Not that America is a utopian nation by any means, with many challenges to overcome, but it remains a “work in progress”, ever changing. Still, this country offers the most and best to its citizens, more than any country ever in the history of man. So why would anyone want to change it, or take away our liberties?
Sadly, there is a great and increasingly powerful movement to destroy America, by stripping away our Rights and Freedoms. The plan is to replace individual liberty with government dependency, a utopian society where everything is “free and fair to all”. Government knows best, government is the answer for every need in life, and it should be decided and controlled by an elite group of intellectuals, who are best able to meet the needs of the common people. If history wasn’t erased or twisted in our radicalized public school systems, then that would read exactly from the Stalinist Manifesto (aka: Socialism 101). Socialism is not a good thing for a nation, it destroys it. Again, as civics, world government, and history are not taught in school, there is a whole generation of “stupid” people that will follow the latest craze and loudest voices. Those that profess the wonders of a government controlled society are the “radical left“, “liberals”, “globalists”, and “elitists”. They say “if socialism is done right, everybody is equal, everything is fair, free this, free that, and so on.“ In a perfect utopian fantasy world, where unicorns fly, perhaps so, but socialism just does not work. No country (or its citizens) have ever prospered from this ideology, none. Because history in our schools is being changed, each new crop of graduates is more accepting and in-step with such thinking. Does anyone remember World War II, and the fight against fascism and socialism? What happened to Cambodia under the rule of Paul Pott and the “red shirts“? Look at every example, like current Venezuela; how well has socialism worked for them? Socialism means taking away personal liberties, freedoms, and choice, and allowing a select few government bureaucrats to make all of the decisions for the populace. “Power given to a few, always turns corrupt, they abuse it, opposition is eliminated, and the nation is destroyed”. There have been no exceptions. During the 1940s and 50s, fascism, socialism, and communism, were dark and dirty words. Americans celebrated life, valued family and worship, shunned violence, and were abhorrent to the mention of demonology. The “Big” war was over, and the enemies of the freedom loving people were defeated, although communism was on the rise. Life in America turned from war production, to the greatest buildup of wealth and material goods the world had ever seen. America was the leader in protecting freedom and the rights of individual citizens, and the prosperity we had was evidence of that. The 1960s and 70s was a time of revolutions, drastic changes in social norms and acceptances, as the world again sunk into global conflicts and unrest. The “young generation” sought to rebel, turning away from social norms, for a more “liberated” radical freedom of self-expression and thought. American society was changing, pushed by radical thinkers
professing violent action to solve the perceived injustices of the day. But as the revolts did not materialize, the radicals got smart and blended into the society they hoped to overthrow. Why? In the land of plenty, the “havenots” wanted something they were not getting? It was noted by a former Soviet official, that “they can flip a country into a socialist State in three years”. America could not be defeated by military might, but it can be toppled by changing the mindset. Infiltrate the education system and reeducate the children into acceptance of alternate thinking. Control the media, including film, to spew propaganda to the masses. Then from the ranks of zombies, get them elected into public office and the courts to legitimize and solidify the socialist dogma. Get the people to become addicted to handouts, freebies, and the idea that government is their provider. Those radicalized during the social upheaval, became teachers and professors, went into film and the media (notably the news media), and have spent the last fifty years or so, culturing new generations of social radicals, those that would question and fight the social norms. Look at America now, it seems we are sinking ever deeper in the cesspool of depravity. This is now evident in today’s culture, where all of the normal traditional values are turned topsy-turvy. What was bad is now hailed as good, and everything good is now called racist, old-fashioned, or has a label with a “phobia” attached on the end. The younger generations are schooled by ever more socialistic thinking teachers, which is a byproduct of the 60s revolutionaries. The guise of “fairness’, “saving the environment”, open borders, and the merits of socialism are ever present in today’s media, and professed by more and more politicians. America celebrates death instead of life, with the murder rate of about 60 million (aborted) babies since Roe v. Wade. The traditional family, and the merits of individualism, is being replaced by government programs, with the intent of government providing “All of our needs“. As more people get hooked on government handouts and programs, taxes increase, and personal choices decline. This is the path to socialism, which leads to the end of personal freedoms and liberties, resulting in a communist society where there are no Rights. Everything in America is under attack these days. What was right is now wrong. Even monuments of our past heroes and events are under attack by those wishing to change our history. Not only have the schoolbooks been changed to a “more friendly” and “alternate reality” of what really happened, the social elites are tearing down historical markers, monuments, and changing the names on streets and buildings. This has been particularly
true with many of the American Civil War memorabilia, like the Southern Battle flag, and Southern statues of leaders and memorials. History happened, and defaming the events doesn’t change the realities. History taught in our public school system is not what it used to be. As the social warriors erase the events, our children are not taught our heritage, and the road we struggled to get to this very point. History is a great teacher for a nation. If you fail to teach history, you will repeat it.
Voter Fraud - It Wins Elections “The only way democrats can win, is to cheat”, is something that gets repeated often around election time. Perhaps it’s true, perhaps it’s overstated, but the fact it that fraud does happen. How much of the actual election or vote tallies are manipulated due to foul play? That is an unknown, although some people have tried to assess the depth and breadth of the problem. The fact is, that in our free and open nation, the temptation to cheat is strong. After all, we are just human, imperfect, sinful, and we will mess up sometimes. And sometimes, the leaders we elect to office, are in fact not the best choices. For some, it is the lure of power, riches, and influence, that can corrupt the soul, and damage a nation. Manipulation and deceit, with the backing of main stream media, and powerful wealthy donors, the democrats are using Gestapo-like tactics to quell any resistance, twist truths and news, and use the “mob” (or horde) of zombies to intimidate and harass opposition. Look at the antics they pulled during the 2016 and 2018 elections. Aren’t they are doing the same in 2020? Well, perhaps they are. Under the fanatical determination of Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, to destroy the president and America, she is pushing the democrat-led congress to get legislation enacted to alter the election. Under one of the provisions of the Cares Act, is money to support the US postal system, but, the bill is altered to allow more mail-in ballots, something like 80 million mail-in ballots! A little unclear about the details as the bill is under heated debate, but it has shady undertones that could allow a great deal of fraud regarding the election. A mail in ballot has no verification at all. It is sent out to anyone and everyone, there are no signatures, no verifications, no way to assure it goes to a valid voter. It can be forged, or filled in by a boiler-room of workers to all vote for a particular candidate, and there is no way for the local voting authority to validate the ballot legitimacy. The mail ballot system and fraud go hand-in-hand, a perfect opportunity for abuse and dirty tricks. Now there are legitimate mail in ballots, called “absentee ballots”. This mail in ballot requires the voter signature and verification, and there is a small amount of paperwork to fill out to “request” the ballot materials. This is a “verified” ballot. It has a less likely chance for foul play, although that can and probably does happen a little bit. The absentee ballot is important for our service men and women on duty overseas, or elderly people that have physical and health limitations that would limit them going to the
polling location. There are other folks that can use this type of ballot as well, and that is fair and reasonable, and greatly appreciated by those that need that. The reality is that mail fraud is real, do the research. Also check out the special investigation report by Glenn Beck on the Blaze TV channel (August 19, 2020). Perhaps exerts can be found on YouTube, but there is factual evidence to show the democrats are deep into manipulating this election. To sway people to vote for a candidate is one thing, but to commit fraud to change an election outcome, borders on revolution. This is serious. There are “current” stories of ballots being mailed to pets, parents that have long since passed away, and to people that have moved. What happens to these randomly sent ballots is anyone’s guess, but the democrats have great and nefarious plans for them, just watch the stories that come about in the days ahead. This is not the democratic party of JFK or even Bill Clinton. What was the welfare of the working man under the Kennedy-era Democrats, which was the cornerstone of the party, has given way to a radical socialistic dogma, with legions of brain-washed stooges (zombies) to carry out mob violence and sow endless discord. Rather than come up with solutions to fix an issue, or make lives better for the people, they use rhetoric and hate speech, and the double-standard, to advance a dark agenda. Is this what democrats want from their party and the party stewardship? Voter fraud and identity thefts are on a national scale, according to many experts. This is one area where the democrats have opened up their bag of dirty tricks. During the numerous democrat voter registration drives, many of the registration cards will ask for birth date, address, and last four numbers of the social security number. That is sensitive personal information that is never anyone’s business to know. Why is that needed? As the Springfield, Missouri democratic office would reply, “that information is used for follow-up purposes”. The scary prospect is that the personal information is being sold or used, to make fake voter registrations. And it does happen, and far too frequently according to various news stories. Personal information is an identity theft resource, that can (and has been documented) be used to fill voter registration boxes and vote tallies. If this is in fact true, and done in other places, then fake people can be set up as voters all across the country. And with little to no verification, fraud, in the worst possible way can occur. Let’s not forget the masses of “ballots” that suddenly appear after the vote tallies are completed, like in Palm Beach County, Florida, in Atlanta, Georgia, and in Arizona (just to cite a few). Were these real and honest
votes, or “just in time” to sway the election results? That never happens to benefit republican candidates. Remember the “hanging chads” in Florida? It was the 2004 presidential race between George Bush and Al Gore, where the Florida electoral vote might had gone to Gore if the “chads” were favorable. The particular ballot used a card punch system, whereby the vote cast was made using a pin or punch through the paper ballot. Sometimes the punches were only partially made, others had more than one punch (such s a change in vote), but this created a huge controversy. For months, ballot recounts and debates on how votes were cast, went on and on. Fake ballots and manipulated ballots appeared to further add confusion. The majority of these ballots were from the southern democrat controlled counties. At least four of the nationally covered races from the 2018 mid-term elections, were highly contested by the democrats, resulting in one race over turned by suspicious means. Once the voting is over, within the time period allowed by law, that is the end, is it not? No, apparently not. But wait... “surprise, surprise, surprise“, to quote Gomer Pyle from the famous TV show, when magically, thousands of untallied ballots miraculously appeared “after” the final vote count. And surprisingly, “All” of these mysterious ballots were marked for the democrat candidate. In all of these cases, the “misplaced” ballots were 100% for the democratic party candidate. How is that possible? That would be a statistical impossibility! Hmm, highly suspicious, and there was no way they were real. The only way democrats can win is to cheat? Shameful! JFK, where are you? In four 2018 highly reported races, those for the governorships in Georgia and Florida, and for the senator seat in Texas and Arizona, the results were very close and won by the republican candidates. The democrats objected and contested them. This has happened now for several years, in almost every race where the republican candidate had won by a very small margin, the “miracle ballots” would magically appear. These new votes, have, or would have, pushed the other candidate over the top. This is fraud in the worst case. In Arizona, signatures were not matching what was on record. Missing ballots suddenly appeared out of “manna”, and the rightful republican winner of the race had then suddenly lost. A recount produced the everslightest victory for the democrat contender. This is no less a travesty to every ideal we hold as fair and impartial elections. This is yet another example of why voter ID laws can help stem the mischief. In Broward County, Florida, Supervisor of Elections, Brenda Snipes, was again at the middle of the latest controversy. Suddenly after the
election, when the democrat candidate lost the governors race, she (they) found thousands of missing ballots, all of which were marked for the democrat contender. The supervisor is to report results within 30 minutes after the polls close, and over 43 hours later, Broward and Palm Beach counties have not reported their legal results. And, to this very day, she is still running the elections affairs of Broward County, Florida. How is it that this democrat election official is not jailed for tampering with the election process? If it were a republican doing these things (for years now), they would be in jail. Where is the justice? In fact, and reported on many news reports, a legal expert was brought in to contest the election result for governor. As the race was very close, the democrats again sought to change the outcome. It was reported this lawyer touted that, “the election result will be turned“. And from there a legal fight and vote recount got underway. “They” claimed they found some hundreds of thousands of unsubmitted ballots just within the that single Florida county. No other county in the state has had so much controversy or “miracle ballots“. This has happened several times over the past elections. If one were to do the math, that number of missing ballots, not only would have turned the governors race, but the added ballot count was far in excess of the number of voters registered on file in that county. This deceit is fraud of the worst kind, illegal in every sense of the laws we are suppose to be governed by. And yet, there was no investigation or prosecution of the wrongdoers. The rightful candidate for governor still won, but the democrats, under the leadership of Ms. Snipes in this case, tried every knavery to sway the election. In earlier campaigns, 2000, she was accused of this same trick, controversy, of destroying ballots, missing ballots, and not removing ineligible voters from the records. And not to forget the 2004 presidential race, where the “hanging chads” volleyed the question of which the intentions of the vote were for. This debacle also centered in Broward County. These are crimes against everything this country was founded upon, and crimes that were not investigated. It’s all very fishy, and grossly dishonest. How is it that we allow these people to run elections, run our governing offices, and are given control over our lives? Without fair and reasonable voter ID laws, elections can then be swayed, and illegitimate candidates will have subverted our right to vote in our otherwise fair and free election system. “Fair and free“, that is the premise and foundation of the laws for this country. Different than for all other nations, even throughout history, the hope for elections that are not tampered with, to freely choose the candidates, and then privately make
their vote, has been the greatest liberty America offers. Is that freedom slipping away? Voter fraud in this key and critical election of 2020, could well be the powder keg that ignites the next American Civil War. Truly so, because tensions are high these crazy days in this country, with the China Virus (Covid-19), mobs of criminals burning and looting in the major (democrat run) cities, and the inflammatory mainstream media fanning the divide between the people. The tinderbox hasn’t been so close to exploding since 1860! Voter fraud in this election can be that spark that ignites a very turbulent time for this country and for the otherwise peaceful change of power via the American election process. This is how it plays out: NEWSBREAK: Election Coverage, Tuesday November 3, 2020. “It’s midnight now, and nearly all of the votes have been tallied. President Trump has secured the largest landslide in electoral votes in history, and a huge proportion of the popular vote. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris do not concede the race.” The next morning, hundreds of lawyers hired by the democrat party file legal pleas contesting the “fixed” election. Thousands and millions of “late” ballots are received from the postal service, and the results tallied. The 99% of the ballots are for Biden and other democrat congressional races, and the lawyers are in a filing frenzy to dispute the election. The media is fanning the flames of conspiracy on the part of President Trump and the republicans. The republican lawyers file counter legal papers, and the fight is on. Uncertainty and controversy sparks mob violence (from the democrats), rioting and looting, innocent people are getting harmed, and crime skyrockets. The call for law and order is ignored by the democrat run cities, prompting marshal law and a federal response to restore order. Shots are fired, the crisis worsens, and the markets go into a tailspin as uncertainty and fear grip the nation. The violence and counter violence escalates through the end of the year. On December 20, when the Electoral College is to cast their votes from the November 3rd election result, Trump is declared the victor, yet the thousands of law suits prevents President Trump from continuing his duties. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, becomes the temporary president pro-tem, and enacts all sorts of crazy executive orders. The country dives into total chaos, normal life and business comes to a halt, the food supply is disrupted, and near anarchy grips the once proud and prosperous nation. America sinks into a total mess. This is a very real possibility for the election of 2020. The details and
such may not be quite correct, but the chaos and uncertainty will disrupt everything in life, and the country will be in an absolute mess. Will marshal law restore order? Will there be troops and bloodshed like this country has never seen before? Will the mail in ballot scheme achieve its purpose of destroying America, and giving way to a socialistic government?
Of Rights and Freedoms Now understand there are differences between Rights, Freedoms, and Liberties. A Right, is a constitutionally guaranteed action or principle, basic and fundamental to every American citizen. A Freedom and Liberty are really the same, in that, it reflects the personal and non-coerced option of choice. To be able to choose freely, over nearly every aspect of daily life, is a freedom and liberty coveted by the world, yet taken for granted by Americans. Why does everyone want to come to America? No one ever leaves America to go somewhere else. Why? This country has the greatest and most God-inspired system of governing a nation ever in the history of mankind. The great American experiment in freedom is also fragile, and vulnerable to abuse, yet has survived to this point. Our freedoms and rights have not been easily gained, bathed in blood and struggle against tyranny and forces always seeking to restrict and limit them. For over 200 years, from the American Revolution against English tyranny, to the wars and conflicts today have been waged to keep and maintain our rights and freedoms. Our young men (and women) have sacrificed their all in the defense of our freedoms. It is said of the innumerable battles fought for our liberty, “Who remembers the names? Only those who fought there, those who bled there, and those that died there.” This is the American story, the realities of forming and preserving a nation of freedom, and it is important our story is taught to our children. It is critical that they learn our past, so perhaps they can learn from the past what works or fails, and how to make better choices. The struggles continue today, more so from within our country, by our own people, to take our freedoms away. Why? Is it such a bad thing to have the freedoms to choose for yourself what to eat, what to wear, what to drive, where to live, what kind of work to do to earn wages, and so on? Is it so wrong to say something out loud that you don’t like? It has been our right from the beginning of this country to speak out, debate, and seek compromise. Yet, there is a great movement of people and leaders enacting laws to restrict our voice. What is happening to this country? Strife and conflict seems to be rampant throughout every part of our society, the political process is full of anger and crooked activities, and we seem to be a people divided along racial and ideological lines. What is going on? Just a few years ago, even talk of the positive attributes of socialism was rare, and never mentioned during an election bid. But now, many candidates
running for national office, even the highest office, the presidency, openly tout the promises and benefits of socialistic ideals. Something has changed in America, and not for the better. America, founded with the ideals of personal liberties and rights guaranteed by the Constitution, individualism and hard work, freedom of speech and worship, family, and the capitalist model for nation building, have all radically changed. The very core of every traditional value and precept of what America is (or was), is becoming something very different, and not in a positive way. There are groups and individuals, and great forces at work in this country (and outside the borders), trying to destroy America, seeking to turn it into a third-world socialist nation. A nation where a select group, the Elites, rule over every aspect of our lives, from our speech, what is taught in our schools to our children, what we do for work, what we should think, even what we should eat. After all, as a people, we can not make our own decisions, because these elitists are smarter than we are. They know better on how we should take care of ourselves, and how we should interact among our comrades. Who are these people? Who are these people? Call them leftists, elites, progressives, radicals, and so on, but it is very clear who they are. They are the “left wing” of the democrat party, who shouts for fairness and equality. It is the social warriors of Hollywood and the media that speaks of the “racism” in this country. They are the school teachers and college professors that erase and change history to something other than reality. It is the mobs of brain-washed young people marching in violent riots across the country demanding “the flavor of the day” hysteria. It is those screaming for radical changes to norms and tradition. The Elites are all of those that say things and seek to enact rules and laws to take away your freedom to make your own choices. They are the ones restricting the words you choose to speak, and constantly trying to make everything from jobs and wages to education, fair for everyone, a “level playing field“. These people are the ones that seek higher taxation to fund ever expanding government programs to redistribute resources to those they deem “unfairly treated” by society. The elitists are typically wealthy, and often famous, in positions of power or prominence, where they gain a public spotlight to express what should be done to make things “fair”. Some of these elites are very quiet and very powerful manipulators working in the background to bring about changes. They are all socialists, and hypocrites. Hypocrites because they talk of making everything fair, “taking from the rich to give to the poor”, but
yet, they squawk when they are asked to give their fair share. “Raise everyone’s taxes, but don’t touch my stash.” It is these powerful players that are pushing their masses to riot, to get legislation passed without due process, and trying to subvert the law for their own ends. Again, to be made plain and clear, what is happening is that these loudmouth social-warriors are trying to change America. Change America into a socialist state where individual thought and liberty is tightly controlled. It is just as a former Soviet official had explained, that a nation could be toppled in a few years by following a fairly simple formula. “You infect every part of society, and the highest levels, where policies, laws, and rules can be changed. Strip away rights, and replace it with government programs and laws. Educate the young into thinking State-first, and minimize individual merit.” It is a long-term plan for change, and with each election, more politicians are elected that support these ideals.
2020 - The Last Election Will the mail-in ballot program be the tipping point in the 2020 election? The 2020 election may well be the last free election we have in this country. Our liberties and rights are slipping away with every election cycle, and soon, our freedom of speech (expressed through our vote) may disappear. Once our ability to speak freely is gone, then all of our other rights will be silenced as well. This is becoming truer as “hate speech laws”, and other legislation are enacted, to promote “tolerance” and “fairness for all”. The cost is limiting the free expression of thoughts and ideas, and the ability to condemn or condone such. Strong words and a bold statement, but it may be very true as we watch and wrestle with the political and legal events as these weeks and months lead up to this key election. Watching the 2018 mid-term elections, the trend and precursor for the 2020 cycle is clear. Rather, the trend is scary. Opinion surveys and many commentators suggest that socialism and socialistic ideals are acceptable, and even desirable, particularly with younger adults. If the next generation, our youth and young adults, are so swayed by the promises of “free stuff” and “the government will take care of you”, then we are in grave danger indeed. What politician’s promise, government begrudgingly gives. And what the government gives, it can also take it away. The 2020 election cycle, does in many ways mirror the 2018 and 2016 elections. Voters were stereotyped and profiled into segments based on race, location, and other “biased” and politically inappropriate groupings. The tactic was to pit one segment against another, and distract the voter with emotional drama instead of serious debate. Yet, the democrats followed these same patterns as they did in the recent elections of misinformation and a narrative of their choosing. The opinion polling, controlled b y the democrat-controlled mainstream media, spewed out false and inconclusive data and information as to how American voters felt, and who and what they favored. Social media and the internet again misled the voter with negative and false information against the president, and hid or glossed over any wrongdoings by the democrat candidates. Rather than talk about programs and plans (as they had none), the democrats screamed out hate-speech and vulgarity towards anyone who disagreed with them. Watch how this same scenario plays out during the 2020 election. Remember the 2018 mid-term election? What was at stake, and who showed up to vote? The rhetoric and saber-rattling from both the republican and democrat sides, coupled with the endless blabbering dribble from the biased media, spelled out clearly the goals of the both parties. The
independent voters decided the vote, and the preservation of this country’s liberties continued. But for how much longer? What will happen in 2020, and 2024? Consider each candidate, and where they stand on personal rights and liberties, versus government control. Who benefits, and what are their underlying motives? At stake during the 2018 election, according to the pro-republican stance, was stability and legality. Under the strong leadership of President Trump, the economy has blossomed to an unfathomable growth rate around 4% (give or take a smidge) almost immediately after he took office. He kept his campaign promises of bringing at least one (now two) “Originalist” supreme court justices to the bench, repealed piles of burdensome and ridiculous government regulations, restored the rule of law (especially with regards to immigration), and prevented disastrous world conflicts such as with North Korea, Russia, and Iran. He upheld constitutional rights and principles, affirmed the right to life and the right to bear arms, among many other bold actions. The republican platform was to keep moving in this direction, build on job growth and the economy, following the “rule of law“, fix the illegal alien and immigration mess, and restore civility among our divided peoples. Looking back on the many and great accomplishments of President Trump, America is in much better condition, perhaps more traditional, like during the earlier eras. There is more personal choice and liberties, less government control, more jobs, and renewed world respect. Aren’t these good things? But what the democrats did, proven to be true, was to devise lies and deceptions to undermine the 2016 election. The whole 2016 Russian collusion issue was proven blatantly false, and devised by the Clinton campaign. The Steele dossier, paid by the Clintons, was an illegal slandering that cost the taxpayer millions in investigation costs, which continue today. The False Mueller investigation, also a democrat devised sham also proved utterly false, followed by the fake impeachment hoax. All of these deceitful ploys were to overthrow the American election system, and the due process of law. There are volumes of information still being investigated and made public as the Attorney General uncovers all of the criminal details and facts. Now without question, the democrat side during 2018 clearly fought for the opposite platform (against any action the president took). It can be clearly shown that there was never a single mention of policy, or what they would do to improve the lives of Americans. They took a different approach, and showed truly what the new democrat party stood for. Their intent was to unravel and destroy every positive action President Trump has accomplished. They yelled out hate-speech towards anything of growth,
improvement, or prosperity. They shouted out “phobia hysteria,” talked about impeaching the newly appointed justice to the Supreme Court, and shouted down anyone who would not get on their “bandwagon“. Many in congress writhed with hatred and made idle threats of impeaching President Trump himself. These elected democrats cried and had temper-tantrums about anything related to the mass invasion by illegal aliens. Never once, did any democrat candidate talk about “How” they would fix health care, restore jobs for Americans, do better with our international responsibilities, and so on. Ok, if you are unhappy with a policy or action, tell us in clearly, without the emotional drama, of “what” you would do differently. Their entire political strategy was to slander and malign anyone and everything that was that contrary to their anti-American hate-filled dialogue. Even the mainstream media, heavily biased against the president, was in lock-step with the democrat mob mentality. Is the new democrat party truly representative of all democrats?
And who showed up to vote in 2018? “It’s that time again, elections.” To some its dread and bother, a disruption in the daily routine, so too many people just don’t vote. To others, it is an opportunity for gain and advancement, propelling an agenda, or other ends. Whatever the motives, or lack of motives, the bottom line is this, we have a Right and a privilege to choose leaders in this country. Our Right is different than in most other countries in the world, because our election process is still free from the interference of government. Not many nations of the world can claim that. Certainly there is graft and corruption, and the lobbying of special interests that can influence “how” we vote, but the process itself is still relatively the same as our founding fathers intended it long ago. In the 2018 mid-term election cycle, the democrats made a strong showing, with a fairly high voter turnout. What the party had done very well, was to mobilize their campaigns, with workers and volunteers, that actively encouraged people to vote. Overall, the democrat machine was well tuned, enthusiastic, and passionate, resulting in a good turnout. Despite some of the questionable tactics and methods to get people registered and voted, “the process” of promoting the freedom to vote earns the party a resounding “Kudos”. The exit polling showed a very strong young adult block, but decreased voting from the African-American group, and Hispanic voters. Mid-aged suburban white women seemed to strongly support the republican candidates, as did increased voters among the Black and Hispanic communities. It is quite likely that many voters were encouraged to vote “against” the constant maligning of the Kavanaugh appointment, many being former democrats. The greatly improved job situation also prompted minorities to “vote red”. The traditional white male voter, backbone of the Republican Party, actually was down from the 2016 presidential election. Overall, the republicans made a weak and pathetic showing in many of the races. They were slow and lacking in messaging, showed little passion, and the underlying sentiment was, “who cares”. The results were appalling for a party that gained so much just two years earlier when they overwhelmingly elected Trump, “the Outsider”. The result of the 2018 mid-term election was a radical change in Congress, where the democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi taking control of the
House. Instead of working for positive changes, implementing plans and programs for the people, they have spent every taxpayer dollar to disrupt the presidents actions to improve the lives of the people. Nancy and the democrats initiated wasteful and needless investigations, endless political posturing, spewing hatred and discourse, almost inciting revolution, instead of serving the citizens, which they have sworn to do. Elections have consequences. The importance of your vote, which is your voice, should be expressed, and especially for the upcoming election. If you can physically do so, do vote. Whether you like a particular candidate or party, or a proposed law that’s on a ballot, let your voice be heard. You have the right not to vote, and that is a free decision for you to determine. But not to vote, is surrendering your voice to the outcome of those that did cast their ballots. As our society writhes with turmoil and unrest, the forces of change come about, heading towards a revolution or major upheaval of our liberties. And in this country, at this moment in time, many of these groups, will further seek to undermine our rights to vote, our power to voice our opinion, and that would sound the death-blow to America. If our speech (and the choices made through voting) is restricted or controlled by laws and deceitful leaders, then the path to a socialistic, and then a totalitarian country will be complete.
Voting is a Right and Privilege Vote, or not, it is your decision, but it far more important than you can imagine. It is your Right, and duty, as a citizen to change the face of the governing bodies, if you so choose. The process of voting came about in this country because of the forced hand of the English crown to dictate almost every facet of the lives of the colonial governed. The idea of the government controlling everything in the lives of the early Americans became intolerable to the point of the revolution. Over 200 years later, do we as a nation want to go back to everything being government controlled? In the new land, the New World, the colonies were largely established to be free of the dictates of their rulers in England. It was often related to spiritual choice and expression, that led groups to the new world seeking some relief from the overlords of government interference with their beliefs and speech, especially when contrary to government actions. The new land meant a certain amount of liberty to express thoughts and ideas, and the election process if not borne, was greatly fostered. It was greatly due to the interference of the governing bodies in the daily affairs of the colonists, that dissention grew and eventually turned to rebellion, hence the revolution of liberty had come about. Authority over our lives is contrary to our innate sense of freedom and independence. The founding fathers were absolutely brilliant in their crafting of the constitution, especially in regards to setting up the system of voting. They clearly understood what it meant to have a voice, to be able to freely express an opinion or idea without being arrested or suppressed by those in power. Certainly there are great dissertations of how the system of voting came about, but the point being, it did, and is meant so the common man (now including women) can have some say in how their lives would be governed.
The Political Divide Today, right now in America, there are groups that are trying to prevent your freedom of speech to be heard. That starts with your vote. There are many forces at work to strip away the rights and freedoms we hold, that are sanctioned by our constitutional foundations. Should I name them? They are in every slanderous news and media agency, half of the current governing body, and the various groups shouting and pillaging as they attempt to suppress any opposition or contradiction to their agenda. Groups like the “Me Too”, “Women’s March”, “Antifa”, “the Awake (or Awoke) Movement”, “Black Lives Matter”, and others, profess tolerance and inclusiveness, but truly are not. Hailed and supported by the biased distorting media, these groups preach fairness, while seeking to tear away at personal liberties and rights. If one disagrees to them, what happens? These groups shout, scream, and take violent actions against any dissent with “their” thinking. And then there are scores of lawyers waiting to file legal proceedings to support their censorship actions. The mob mentality and threats of violence and the destruction of personal property are old tricks of the socialist movement that has wrecked many nations in recent history. This is increasingly more common, as Stalinist tactics are used to push a darker agenda. Freedom to speak out, and freedom to assemble, are core Rights under our system, but disagreement and obverse thought are also guaranteed. Suppression via slander or violence are never acceptable, yet that is what these groups commonly use. Censorship is not just of the written word, but it also applies to anything verbally spoken. If you speak out
against the latest riots for instance, you’re called a “racist“, and groups will hunt you down and threaten your well being. Yes, speak out, let your voice be heard with truth or opposing thoughts, but without oppression. That is, if we are adults, let us discuss and reason as adults. When one shouts and fusses, then it is that inner child that needs a “time-out“, or maybe a solid spanking. If you don’t have anything substantive to offer, then screaming and potty-mouth babble will never sway a debate. For many in our media and leadership roles, they act more like nasty children, than people we should follow or admire. “When all else fails - scream the race card” If you disagree with the thinking of these zombie-like groups, they will shout you down, or take legal, and sometimes violent actions to silence thought. Watching groups or mobs march down the streets crying and wailing as they throw rocks and destroy property, screaming hateful insults, really does not help their cause. How many news stories and reports has been just that, mob violence, yet the media condones it as “peaceful protests“. As elections get closer, the divisive rhetoric and violence increases. Is that the new normal for American expression or speech? At what point does freedom of speech end? The answer is, when the rights of another is limited or effected. It is fair to disagree and oppose the thoughts and ideas of someone else, that is our Right. If you don’t want to listen, that is your right. If you disagree, that is your right. If you want to speak to the contrary and try to persuade others in thinking the same, that is your right also. But is there a line that cannot or should not be crossed? Yes. When you limit and prevent someone else from their rights, that must not happen. Your right is to speak freely, without governmental interference, or other parties suppressing your voice. That is how our fundamental laws work (or suppose to work). The rule of law tells us, that “one persons rights end when it interferes with another's“. If there is an alternate or opposing viewpoint on a subject, then can we not sit down together and reason? In a society where media and a wide diversity of peoples and opinions abound, there should be great ideas and discussions of every topic and idea to enrich and improve our lives. What we see is the contrary, where the media is controlled by biased deceitful owners and executives, that seek revenues by a ratings ranking system, hence controlling what the public will view. It is money that drives the media, emotions that fuels the information presented, and the control of free and open speech is the result. The “mainstream” media, the newspapers, TV, radio, and internet, are no longer “fair and unbiased”. For the most part,
they are greatly controlled by a few powerful moguls, which controls the content and narrative they want to promote. Over the past few years, they have shown how corrupt and disgraceful they have become. That is why they are referred to as the “fake news”. The freedom of speech relates exactly to the freedom and right to vote. If your vote elects leaders that uphold the rule of law, then they are apt to uphold the free dissemination of speech. If you are prevented from voting, intimated, threatened with violence or governmental control, your rights to speak out, through the casting of a vote, that is wrong. It is a violation of the most basic of American freedoms, and that must never be allowed to happen. But it has happened, and is happening in many precincts and places where people are suppose to be allowed to freely assemble and cast their voice. If poor leaders are elected to office, then they will enact more laws and regulations to limit your freedom of expression, even voting. And what was the basic of all basic American privileges, becomes a memory. With every regulation and law that limits what we can and can not do as a free people, then our liberties disappear. We as a people sink into the historical abyss of government controlling everything, and there is no more freedom. This is also exactly true of every right and freedom guaranteed by our constitution.
The New Democrat Party The new democrat party aligns itself to bold speech with no substance. Violent and divisive rhetoric to stir up the masses of brainwashed supporters to overthrow society, on every issue of tradition, the rule of law, and personal freedom. The new party professes the goodness of socialistic ideals, but white-washes the realities of repeated historical failures. They preach tolerance and fairness, only as long as you agree with their radical agendas. “Condemnation without solution“, is the tactic. The “peoples party” is no longer the party of the people, but by the party leadership pushing to overturn the rights of free speech, the rule of law, for an “equality for all“doctrine. They are indoctrinating of our school children with the idea that “government provides” versus hard work and achievement by merit. This is fact. In fact, the leftist control of the democrat party embraces the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. According the BLM website, they openly profess being a Marxist organization, where violence and chaos is their means to promote their demands. And if you read the hatefulness on their website, it is a wonder why the authorities doesn’t arrest everyone of them! They are all about overthrowing this government, destroying all of the norms and traditional values America has stood for, violence and mayhem, and so on. Yet the democrat party strongly aligns themselves with this dangerous terrorist gang. Today’s democrat party is far different than the party of years past. In the last election, and as the next election cycle approaches, the New Democrat Party has become “radically left”, that is, extreme in their platform of ideals that is suppose to represent the party as a whole. If this is not so, where is the opposition within the party to offer other viewpoints? It is said by some commentators, that “the new party is 2/5ths radical hardcore crazy socialists, 2/5ths are the silent middle, and 1/5th is the more conservative Kennedy-era democrats.” Because they fear the left, the moderates and conservatives remain silent, so the party has platform has become pure lunacy. Currently, the leftist controlled democrat party professes some destructive ideas. The leadership and many of the candidates and supporters profess ever bigger government, higher taxation of the “wealthy” and corporations (70% and 90%, respectively) to subsidize more and larger government redistribution programs. Taxation is the way to pay for programs and handouts, “leveling the playing field for everyone“. They then want open national borders where everyone is welcome, where each person
will be given services and financial support. That does happen now, but the influx of people into the country could easily be millions. They want free education, especially at the collegiate level, along with governmentsponsored free health care. Increased social security benefits to everyone, including “a woman's right to choose an abortion on demand” (even after birth). Changing the Constitution to eliminate the electoral college, so that “democracy” chooses the leaders, along with eliminating gun ownership, among other colorful changes. And the latest is the “Green New Deal”, which will save the planet from imminent destruction. The resounding theme is that personal choice and liberty is better served by government edict. Perhaps some or all of these goals sound good (on the surface), and should be done to make America better, but learn more of how and what that really entails. How to implement these ideas is where debate and discussion should happen, at least in the media who is suppose to be fair and unbiased. Reality and rational thinking is apparently something to be ignored by the democrats. There is just no money to pay for all of this stuff, even to tax every working American 100%! These proposed programs would cost tens of Trillions of dollars at the very least. Free stuff just does not happen, it costs somebody something. Free education costs a lot, it is not free. Who pays? Increased taxes for all to send some else’s kids to college, fair or right? Free heath care? A return to the disastrous Obama/Biden failure of the “Un-Affordable Health Care Act” is nothing more than insanity. That program alone wasted hundreds of Billions of taxpayer dollars, and robbed Social Security, in order to give fewer people poorer health coverage than before. It was considered a “tax” by a socialist biased Supreme Court ruling, now overturned as unconstitutional. It is tragic that a woman may have to choose between having a baby or not, but where is the outcry from groups like Black Lives Matter and the ACLU, when it is minority babies that are slaughtered. It is a double standard, controlled by a few elites making all the decisions for the masses. And the immigration issue isn’t fairly or openly discussed either. A nation is a nation because of its borders and controlling who comes into it. No other country in the world has open borders. The European Union (EU) has largely done away with the national boundaries, but at the cost of national sovereignty and rights. Europe right now is a mess, in every aspect. In America, it is the primary role of the president and the national government to protect the borders and the citizenry. Study the U.S. Constitution. And then to give new immigrants services and financial support? That comes from our taxes and paychecks, is that right? America needs to take care of the needs of its own people before mindlessly
admitting the masses into “our” nation. And the notion the this Green New Deal will save the planet, is pure fantasy from Hollywood and the Unicorn Utopians of Shangri La-La Land. As originally stated on the democrat website, the program would end all use of steel, glass, and cars, eliminate cows and hogs (because of the methane gases they produce). Oil and coal (the backbone of the world’s energy) would be replaced by solar and wind-generated energy. Every building will be remodeled to super energy efficiency, and high-speed trains to everywhere. And if you don’t want to work, the government will give you a check. Ponder these ideas, and consider the realities. It is not possible under any scenario, and then our current economy would become more like Venezuela or Ethiopia, no money, no work, no anything except repressive government control. This radical departure of party norms relates exactly to every election, where more and more districts and States are turning democrat blue. Turning blue, not by advancing sound policies and programs to make positive changes (as they offer none), but more so accomplished through unrealistic ideals and false promises. The general populace is being brainwashed by empty rhetoric that touts provision (through increased taxation and control), and unsubstantiated opinion and emotional outbursts, over logic and reason. Yet the vote turns blue, in more and more areas. The power of the individual is given over to mass hysteria. All power is given over to a handful of people, versus the tradition of hard work, individual achievement, and the free marketplace to find real solutions for the challenges facing our everchanging society. If this country is to be changed, let it be changed, but through the process of law as it was founded. But what is changed, may not be what is good or right, or even fair. And what changes, is not easily changed back. If traditions are deemed wrong, and what we have previously known as failed ideologies can become entrenched as doctrine. Then individual liberties are restricted, the rule of law becomes contrary to those established by our forefathers, and power becomes concentrated in the hands of a few. In other words, a socialist country. And power in the hands of a few, ruins nations. It is said, that “power leads to a hunger for more“, like any addictive drug. “Once those who thirst for power instead of service, attain power, they start to abuse it. As the abuse and corruption increases, then oppression of opposition begins. And the historical factual reality is then, citizens are mass murdered by their own government.” They start with eliminating the opposition, then they turn to the media and professors that initially supported the radicalization. Look at every socialist or totalitarian country, and count the bodies.
In recent times, just look at what happened to: Nazi Germany, Spain, Italy, and Japan of the World War II era, the failure of the Soviet Union, Cambodia under Paul Pott, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, many other nations throughout South America and Africa. Power corrupts, and the only way to stop the opposition is to remove them. That is the historical reality in every case. The idea that socialism can work is wrong. It only brings a nation, and its citizens, to ruin. Who, or what groups adhere to what you hold as good and right? What you believe in, and the rights and privileges you enjoy, are just a few votes away from being changed. Think for yourself, and decide in the way that works best for you. Align yourself with those that hold those principles and ideals you want. It doesn’t matter which party, just learn who the candidates are, and support those that have the values and principles that you value.
The Hate Trump Movement One of the greatest privileges this country offers, is free and open elections. By constitutional law, this country is to have free and fair elections, whereby the governed will periodically elect its leaders from their peers, in a peaceful transition of power. And for the most part, for over 200 years, our system of elections and voting is fairly honest. The outcomes are sometimes a question, and when one side loses, they lick their wounds, get on with business, and plan for the next election. At least, that is how it should be. Remember the 2016 presidential election? It turned a new chapter in American politics, where the outsiders were favored over the mainstream candidates. It was also characterized by hate-speech, threats, tempertantrums, protest marches, and a bias inflammatory media spreading yellow journalism the likes of which parallels pre-war Nazi Germany. The democrats could not stand the fact, literally the fact, that Donald J. Trump was elected president, over their deceptive and depraved failure in Ms. Clinton and the media propaganda machine. Who is Donald J. Trump anyways? Outsider, businessman, real estate tycoon, playboy, TV star, republican, moderate conservative, a disrupter of the status quo, and a nationalist. Who in their right mind would have ever guessed that “He” would become president, leader of the free world, defender of the Constitution, and for now, has brought a halt to the national decay this country has had. Against all odds, he won, and the leftist party of the democrats hasn’t accepted this reality, even to this very moment. And they never will. Elections have consequences, and this is part of the process. The republican party didn’t throw such a tizzy after Obama/Biden got elected. Not only the democrats, but the republican “Rhinos” and “NeverTrumpers“, the entrenched “Swamp Rats” of the DC power cesspool, all have been against him ever since his announcement to run for president. It isn’t just a dislike for the president, but hatred as for everything that he is, and stands for. These are the power-hungry wanna-be leaders, seeking to control the masses with their own sick propaganda of “One-Worldism” and global control. The power elites have been seeking control for decades, with the aim of destroying the constitution, and all of the freedoms granted therein. President Trump stands for our constitution, the rule of law, rights and freedoms, “America-first“, strong armed forces, secure borders, a robust
economy, individual liberty and choices, and a government “hands-off” policy. And the left progressives hates this. Are you better off than you were before he took office? Then why would anyone want change this, except for greedy selfish ambitions of something sinister? Even in the political volleying today, over the border wall and security, the most vile and deceptive leaders, Nancy Pelosi (Majority Leader in the house) and Chuck Schumer (Senate Minority Leader), have shown what’s in their hearts, hatred of America. They have a hatred towards the president, hatred of the constitution, hatred of truth and fairness, and hatred of the free people that side with the president. If politics and the control of the masses are more important than doing what is right and best for the nation, then those types of leaders need to be voted out of office. What type of leaders do we want in office? Do they serve the people, or line their own pockets? Do they support the rule of law and the constitution, or protect rights and liberties? President Trump is not the issue, it’s what he has done and what he hopes to accomplish that the Trump-Haters oppose. Those things are the Constitution, the rule of law, enforcing the laws, rights and liberties. In a society where government holds the power and makes decisions on behalf of the people, free speech is not tolerated, the good of the people is marginalized, and the health and productivity of the nation is stifled. “Power held in the hands of a few, will bring ruin to a nation.” That cannot be emphasized enough.
The Media - Free Speech or Not? Rights, freedom, and liberty, has ever been the cornerstone of having a free and uncensored press. Until the advent of the radio and TV, newspapers were the primary media to spread news and information. Certainly now with the internet, social-media is a huge vehicle for sharing news and ideas. But has it changed? What was the journalist’s creed of investigating and reporting factual information, has given way to bias slander and “yellow journalistic politics”. Many in today's media hide behind the First Amendment’s protection of free speech, even though it may be false, misleading, or without fact or evidence. Instead of sharing information and facts in a neutral manner, the media has become highly politicized and biased. It has been widely proven time and time again, the major media and news organizations have lied and manipulated important stories to fit their anti-Trump agenda. Proven facts about the whole Russian collusion scandal, the fake impeachment debacle, and the violent riots in our cities, are grossly and blatantly misrepresented. To this point, it has been the freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, which has helped to balance the rule of government, being a “check” on the concentration of power by government. In our free and open society, where speech is suppose to be open and nearly unrestricted, the media has been an important and key factor in assuring our liberties. But the media can be used to manipulate the people also. Media is a tool to reach the masses with whatever information they wish to promote. During the World War II era, the Nazi controlled government used the media to spew its biased propaganda to support its obscene objectives. The Japanese did the same, followed by the communists under Stalin, and the Chinese under Mao Tse-tung. The media can be a powerful tool for the good of the people, or for the power of the few. And true, our government used the media during World War II to support the war effort, that added some bias, but it was to support personal freedom, not restrict it. In more recent years, especially during and since the 2016 election, the media has been overly biased and inaccurate, and strongly in opposition to President Trump. The media has been taken over by elitists that seeks the downfall of nationalism and personal liberty. In the past, where laws of slander would prompt fair and accurate reporting, they now purposely malign anything positive the president has accomplished. In fact, the media
largely does not report any of the many positive things he has done. Rather, they promote false and biased stories, often without checking the sources or accuracy. Among the many examples where the major TV and newspaper outlets have not covered the truthful stories or events has been with the numerous Obama/Biden scandals, the Clinton email and dirty dealings cover-ups, the Clinton-Russian tampering in the 2016 election, the egregious investigations into the Trump election, among others. In the past where the news media would usually offer fair and honest investigated and substantiated reporting. They are now a propaganda arm of the democrat party. A good example of the false and misleading bias of the mainstream media is about President Trump and his use of trade tariffs. The president, who is a highly successful businessman, knows how to make deals, and has done so with foreign governments. One technique is to use tariffs as a negotiating tool. Tariffs are a tax on imported goods from another nation. It can protect a few major businesses, but results in higher costs for goods to the consumer. Overall, implementing tariffs are bad for the consumer, but they can be used as a leveraging tool in diplomacy. One of President Trump’s key negotiations has been with China, our largest trading partner. Since then President Nixon opened the dealings with China in 1968, the Chinese has abused and used our open society to lie, cheat, and steal from American businesses. President Trump uses trade tariffs to leverage our position to change China’s practices. Tariffs are a tool, not greatly good for the consumer, but if done right, can force the opponent to handle trade differently. That is exactly what the president has done, but the media “black-balls” his every move, citing only negative consequences for the American people. And did the media criticize Obama/Biden when he implemented 75 tariffs against China? Never once. As one businessman explained it, in order to do business in China, the company has to turn over 51% of that business to the Chinese government. 51% gives the government, not the business, control over the firm in China. They then steal the technology, as with the company Apple, use it to start their own Chinese company, offering products (like the Chinese Opel phones) to their own people. Apple, in this example, does not benefit from the sales or trade, but was used and abused by the Chinese government. Because of this practice, many companies have left or are leaving China for other locations, such as Vietnam or Malaysia, where those governments offer more favorable practices. Leaving the deceptive Chinese government controls to other countries, then results in lower cost of goods for American consumers. The media does not report or explain this either.
The tariffs are a negotiating tool, with the end result in a better deal for the American consumers. The bias and false reporting by much of the media is why President Trump refers to them as “fake news”. Yes, free speech is not to be infringed upon, but when the rights of one are effected by the misleading or wrongful reporting of slanderous information, that is wrong.
Slavery in America Throughout human societies, power and control over others is a dark side of our nature. Hence slavery, or the compulsion and control over other people have been a plague not easily cured. America started its young Statehood with slave ownership as a normal part of daily life. Through the struggles of history and blood, the ownership over people had been stopped by constitutional decree. But has it really? According to studies and reports of world activities on the subject of slavery, there are about 40 nations that practice and allow the ownership of people. America is on that list. The idea of slavery is not just physical ownership, but also through control. Someone who is controlled by another, is that not also slavery, or a form thereof? Control is the drug of the powerful. Throughout history, it was those in power, the rich, the government, the military, and the politicians that made the rules and laws to control people. Some rules are for the benefit of society as a whole, other regulations are made to increase or hold the power of the elite class. As groups or leaders grow in power, the end result is control. Control leads to restriction, and restriction more often is of rights and liberties, leading to eventual slavery. Which is which can be determined by the constitution, although the interpretation for modern application becomes debatable. If not stated or with precedence, then a law or ruling may be impeding on our rights. As that pertains to voting, for instance, does that restrict our freedom of speech? What about voter ID laws? The democrat party has been caught over and over manipulating election results by new ballots suddenly appearing after a close race, fake voter registrations, false mail-in ballots, and other deceptions. Perhaps voter laws are necessary in the dishonest world we live in, but one can argue that it is a way to restrict that right. In America today, there are news stories where people are held against their will as slaves (often for personal pleasures), but for the most part, slavery as we define it, is very rare. Not absent in this country, news stories do arise about slavery. “Human Trafficking” across our southern border with Mexico is a grim reality that slavery in America is alive. Even in America, children are kidnapped and sold into slavery, but that also is never reported by the media. In a sense, the major cities in America might be considered large slave plantations. The major cities, like San Francisco and New York, are now best known for “urination, defecation, needles and drugs”, instead of the
“the San Francisco Treat”, or “the Big Apple”. Look at the reports of rats and decay in Baltimore, the rampant gun violence in Chicago, and the crime and depravity in other cities. Why? Democrats have controlled the cities for decades, making promises every election cycle, doing nothing, and then asking to be reelected in the next election. This is true, look at any major city and who controls it, and check the status of poverty, crime, jobs, and any other metric, and how the people are doing. This is factual, look it up. The inner cities especially, controlled by years and years of corrupt democrat leaders, have kept the poor (often African-Americans) in a state of slavery. Wasn’t it the democrats who were the slave-holders of the south, during the American Civil War? Now, they have a stranglehold on the major cities, but the media never covers this. Instead, the media supports the democrat incumbents, without fair or honest reporting of the facts to the electorate. Where is the outcry of the “social warriors”, the ACLU, and Black Lives Matter? They all profess the needs of the poor in the inner cities, yet do nothing to help them? It is because they support the system. It is reasonable to argue that there are other forms of slavery being widely practiced in this country, such as by the banks. If you are in debt, you work as a slave to the bank to try and pay back what is owed. Financial slavery might be considered a type of control over people. It was of personal liberty to become indebted, but to some, it is involuntary servitude. Those who struggle with addictions are slaves to that control source. There is a huge mess with control substances in our society, and a large volume of the filth comes across our southern border with Mexico. This has gone on for decades, where politicians make unfulfilled promises, and the media uses a “bait and switch” trick to turn our attentions elsewhere. There are huge profits made for the gangs and corrupt public servants, from the importing of illegal substances, which is clearly a form of slavery. Governmental control by rules and regulations, may not quite be considered slavery, but as more of our rights get stripped away, then we can become slaves to the government, under legal means. In a society where the government controls the media and speech, the economy, and the conduct of virtually everything in life, personal choice does not exist, so isn’t that slavery also? Yet, the democrats, various hate groups, and the younger generations are more vocal about wanting a socialistic society. Look at the various debates and controversies mentioned today, and ponder whether our rights are being threatened, or society is positively fostered. Are the freedoms and liberties enhanced or preserved as guaranteed by our founding Fathers, or restricted by ever more restrictive laws crafted by leaders.
To be bold, look at many of the subjects people talk about. How about marriage and legal relationships? Do laws restrict or enhance “the pursuit of happiness”? If ones actions does not infringe upon another's’ right, then constitutionally, maybe it’s fine. Do voter laws suppress your right to vote? What would be reasonable in assuring “fair and free” elections? Are hatespeech laws lawful? What would constitute “hate”, a differing opinion? Too much is being litigated these days because a group or persons finds “offense” or “bad feelings” because of the words of another person. Talk is talk, but when it comes to laws, that sounds more like the suppression of free speech, which is censorship. How about gun laws and restricting the Right to bear arms? The intent of the Founders was to assure that the people would be able to defend themselves and their families from harm, and, to oppose a government that was unjust (tyrannical according to the document). Any infringement made by government is a violation of our rights. Don’t accept the lies argued to the contrary. The Bill of Rights has this as the number two in importance for a reason, it’s important. The democrat party is more so strongly in favor of increasingly greater gun control than the republican or independent parties. As they lean more and more to a socialistic government controlled society, individuals with firearms are a threat. If the people are disarmed, then they are easily controlled. Again, look at history. What happened in Germany when the National Socialist party gained power? They seized the firearms of private citizens. The rest is history. Look at every nation that restricted or ended the private ownership of guns. The government had no opposition to impose its will on the people. Remember the American Revolution? Way back in ancient American history, before Al Gore invented the internet, America was a group of independent colonies controlled by the English crown. Because the people had firearms, they were able to resist the control of the British government. If there were no weapons available, there would not have been any revolt, and no American nation today. Important to note, there are great lengths happening right now in this country to control these rights, and that spells the end of American liberty, and ushers in the destruction of this nation. Watch and glean from every news story, every speech made, every law and action taken, to see if our freedoms are being upheld or restricted.
Political Parties - Flipping Red to Blue The new democrat party aligns itself to bold speech with no substance. The party for the people is no more. The new party uses violent speech and divisive rhetoric to stir up the masses of brainwashed zombies to overthrow society, on every issue of tradition, law, and freedoms. The new party professes the goodness of socialistic ideals, no support for the rights of life, but whitewashes the realities of repeated historical failures. Condemnation without solution. The “Peoples Party” is no longer the party of the people, but by Elitists, pushing to overturn the rights of gun ownership, free speech, worship, the rule of law, and equality for all. They are indoctrinating of our school children with the ideas that “government provides”, versus hard work, family tradition, and merit through achievement. This radical departure of traditional norms relates exactly to every election, where more and more districts and States are turning blue. Turning blue, or democrat, was not a bad thing, but the Kennedy-era Democrat, the working man‘s party is long gone. The general populace is being brainwashed by empty promises that touts restriction and control, unsubstantiated opinion over logic and reason. Yet the vote turns blue, more and more often. It’s like in the movies, when the people change from normal to zombies, and the power of the individual is given over to mass hysteria. If this country is to be changed, let it be changed, through the process of law as it was founded. But what is changed, may not be what is good or right, or fair. And what changes, is not easily changed back. If traditions are deemed wrong, and what we have previously known as failed ideologies become entrenched, then individual liberties are restricted. The new rule of law becomes contrary to those established by our forefathers, and that seems to embrace evil over what we used to call good. And as power becomes concentrated in the hands of a few, there is no freedom of worship, freedom of speech, or anything else. Power is given over from the people (the individual), to the elites in government. Who, or what groups adhere to what you hold as good and right? What you believe in, and the rights and privileges you enjoy, are just a few votes away from being changed. Think for yourself, and decide in the way that works best for you. Align yourself with those that hold those principles and ideals you want. And of course, pray. Pray for wisdom.
The Election of Californication Just because what was, should never imply that something will remain. Pride or delusion can be a strong drink, but the truths and realities of this world have a sneaky way of catching even the best of people off guard. The results of the 2018 midterm elections was alarming from the perspective that democrat turnout was very high. The democrat Blue Wave, as it was called in the media, was successful in winning many more races than they should have. They won, or nearly won, as in many races, not because of the merits and experiences of the candidates, but rather from the marketing campaign that promoted them. They also won in a few races using dirty tricks. Documented cases where democrat election officials would stuff the ballot boxes with fake or duplicate votes, the mysterious mega-volume of “uncounted” ballots suddenly appearing after the election was decided, false voter registration, and other scams are used more often in recent elections. Traditional influences on voters, like jobs, economy, family, or faith, are no longer the driving principles many voter segments care about. If so, with the great economic rebound, and the successes President Trump has had (despite the media lies), one would forecast that republicans should have won by vast margins. That was just not so, the wins were marginal at best. Depending on the voter groups or segments, they care about different optics. Whether it is of hyped rhetoric, or emotional dribble and fear, many groups vote based on superficial perceptions. Facts and realities don’t assure votes any longer. Now what is so wrong and bad about Democrat Blue? “That is a biased and ‘racist’ statement. “Only dumb religious fanatics, and red-neck Walmart shoppers would say such things, obviously they are degenerate deplorable Republicans.” What difference does it make if a county or state is Blue or Red, democrat or republican, that’s just politics. At the end of the day, people are just trying to get through the day, free to do their own thing. Who should care which political party is in office, it has nothing to do with daily life.” What? Who should care? All of us. It comes down to personal choice versus government edict. Think about it. That is the whole point, it makes all the difference! It makes a difference who leads us. The values and principles our leaders have, and how every aspect of our daily lives is influenced by governmental policy and laws. All of that matters to Christians and most Americans. To what point can or should government dictate what “we the people” should, do, think, or act?
How is it, that a select group of leaders, rule over how we regulate our family values and beliefs? How can our elected leaders cower to the armtwisting tactics of radical anti-life, anti-family groups like Planned Parenthood, that uses public taxpayer money to lobby and bribe politicians to enact abortion laws? Because we are not standing up and getting our votes cast. We are not joining with other people and groups to support candidates and sound values. If we don’t like the laws, we need to elect leaders that hold to more sound principles. I we don’t stand for our values and the constitution, all of rights and freedoms will be gone.
A Blue America The end game is this: a democrat controlled Washington, forever. The new democrat platform values government-sponsored, governmentinfluenced, government control, of every aspect of American life, including reproduction and what a woman can or can not do with her body. In other words, a socialist or totalitarian America. No rights, no guns, limited speech, regulation and restriction, and individual liberty is dead. This is real and starting to happen, especially in the media and the public school system. The current democrat party is wrought with socialistic ideals of government dependence and influence over the masses. The Kennedy-era Democrats are gone, or what is left in the party, are dead silent. There are moderate and conservative democrats. There are many good and decent Democrats who are pro-life. Does anyone ever hear a peep from them? Their party won’t allow them to voice any dissenting opinion, and the fake news media never tells anything of them. Those good honorable people are puppets of the radical left wing of the party. Do we want them to regain power in Washington? “Kiss your guns goodbye.” Again, recall the Obama/Biden/Biden era. Eight years of governmental regulations, weak and decimated business and economic freefall, increasing taxes that drained your hard-earned resources, government failure to provide the promised health care, weak and disrespected influence worldwide, and division between the diverse peoples that make up America. What did they do for illegal aliens and our gun laws? What was ever mentioned of the gun scandals, giving guns to the Mexican gangs, or the trade tariffs implemented with China. Remember how the democrat leadership was anti-Christian, anti-Israel? Look at the Johnson Law (if that’s correct) where a pastor could not speak out about politics or politicians in the pulpit. Wasn’t that a violation of our 1st Amendment rights? Exactly as mentioned earlier, but it was in fact happening. The Obama/Biden/Biden era, was a leftist, near socialistic government takeover that was moving to void every right and freedom we are suppose to have. This is just a foreshadow of the things to come, if we the people don’t get active and elect good leaders. Compare then to now. Rather than assess or describe a candidate, look at their records of how they have handled the affairs of the people. How do each of the democrats (and republicans); deal with the economy and taxes, national sovereignty, and protection of the citizens. How well did each handle health care, education, immigration and borders, protecting the rights and freedoms
guaranteed under the Constitution? What was or is the stance in regards to guns, the constitution, church, life, and abortion? Of those principles that you value, how did each of these candidates fare? These are questions that should be asked at every election, for every candidate, regardless of party affiliation. The Clinton era started this country on a downward spiral of the democrat party. With each successive candidate and leader, the party platform, their principles have moved further and further away from mainstream democrats, and most Americans. With every scandal, corruption, and dirty laundry exposed, it has turned away the masses of would-be democrat supporters; hence they supported Trump in 2016. Certainly, this may be greatly generalized, but to the average voter, Christian, republican, conservative, or other, the democrat party has greatly changed, and not for the better. Voters can be swayed and convinced by the barrage of media and promises that candidates spew. The Kennedy-era generation is gone. Now the Millennials, the Generation-X, the younger voters, are easily bamboozled by social media hype and the fake biased news. The younger voter blocks are influenced by less than traditional values, and educational indoctrination by social activist teachers. Are they moved by candidate policies or promises? Perhaps they are more interested in the “feelings“and superficial things like the promises for free education, free health care, and free money, that gets their attention. “Kudos“to the democrat party voter outreach programs, it has been very successful in mass marketing. They reach out and follow up on interested voter prospects far better than any republican machine. And the republican base is getting old. The ol’ reliable republican base is changing, getting beyond voting age or ability, with poor outreach to the younger generation or the new citizen bases. The republican public image is that of old tired white men, supported by big business, and the pursuit of wealth. Family values and tradition doesn’t register with the younger voters, especially as the decline in marital commitments continues to plummet, leaving disenfranchised families. The younger generations are more tolerant of anything other than restrictive Christian churchy dogma. And a biased media deflates any positives that republican leaders make, and exonerates the new democrat values over truth and impartiality.
About Losing Our Liberties Is it possible to lose our Constitutional rights and freedoms? These are guaranteed under the law, aren’t they? This is America, the land of the free, isn’t it? Yes, but no. With each election, it results in more radical thinking politicians taking office, by which they get laws and regulations passed to silence free speech, for instance. Not so long ago, one could talk openly of another person or a group of people, have heated opposing debate, but that now is limited by “hate speech laws” and other controls. Yes, for sure it is not nice or kind to talk ill of another person or group, but can we not speak what's on our mind anymore? What if you spoke against a government agency or a governmental employee? Laws are being passed to limit what you can say against the government. What was accountability of government by the people, laws are starting to restrict that opposition, which can bring about serious consequences. The silencing of open discussion, debate, or defiance, is control of our liberty. Some politicians seek control over us by enacting more laws and regulations in every area of our lives. Learn who the candidates are before you vote. Does the party platform, their set of ideals, align with your own, and how you want to live? If democrat politicians (who have the mission to control the lives of the people) are elected, they will enact laws to reduce or eliminate the rights and privileges we hold, in particular our freedom to speak in opposition, our rights to bear arms, and the rule of law. As we lose our freedom of speech (again as an example), we become slaves to the government. If you are discontent with things now, wait until you have no choice at all! Don’t the republicans seek control also? Yes, sure they do, as all that are elected are subject to the lusts of power and control. It’s just that in recent times, the democrat party has become so radical in their quest to control people by restrictive laws and regulations. Is that right or even fair? Some think it’s fine, others are less happy, but the movement towards a socialist and totalitarian slavery will end the liberties and freedoms we still have. Some say, this country is just one election cycle away of this change. This trend in our elections and the types of people elected to office is actually very scary. Too many are pushing for a government led, governmental controlled society. All countries that have embraced that style of slavery, are unproductive, with a people that are miserable, no incentive to do anything, just mindless robots. Those nations, historically, have not
remained very long.
Other Freedoms to Lose Freedom to speak out and speak freely, is not the only right and freedom we can lose, but all of the others as well. They are inter-related, one effects the others. Gun rights are greatly threatened too. It is said the Second Amendment guarantees all of the others. Think about it, it is true. The Second Amendment protects the citizens’ right to bear arms, for personal and family protection, but also to stand against tyrannical rulers. This fight has escalated in recent years, flamed by the biased media, and outspoken elitists. Here too, the critics claim that having guns is unsafe, yet those individuals have armed security and walled homes. Like every other argument the leftists scream about, they hold themselves above as being more knowledgeable or better than everyone else. These people use a doublestandard, hypocrites, by example. It was largely due to the influence of democrat leadership that established “gun free zones”, places where the average law-abiding citizen can not carry a firearm Like schools or public buildings). In theory that sounds fine, but criminals don’t obey laws, that’s why they are criminals. Every mass shooting in recent history, has been in these “gun free zones”. It is like telling a potential criminal, “come here, there will be no one to stop you.” And this is true. In a gun free zone, only law enforcement, private sanctioned security, and criminals, have firearms. Whereas the regular citizen is trusting of the government to protect them, response time in a crisis incidence is slow, resulting in many deaths and injuries. In a non-gun free zone, the potential for a trained citizen to protect themselves, or stand up in the defense of others, is much greater, making crime less likely. This is factual, shown by years of statistical information held by law enforcement and government sources like the FBI. When guns are present, in the hands of regular citizens, crime is less. That is true. As you look at the history of every nation that has turned socialist, the first thing the government would do is to remove the guns. Remove the ability of the citizens to fight against injustice, and the people will be easily controlled. Remove the guns, and all other rights and freedoms can not be defended. Again, take Nazi Germany for example. There was strong active opposition to the rise of the socialists, but once the guns were seized, the Nazis eliminated all of the critics. And we are talking about the government killing its own citizens. It is that scary. With every shooting, the democrats, in particular, scream for more
controls, confiscation of weapons, and other limitations. Ammo taxes get added, taxes on firearm sales are increased, political arm-twisting gets certain models of firearms restricted or banned, and more rules and laws to limit our rights. But how does that reduce the crime level? It doesn’t, it increases it likelihood. Those people are calling for more registration, which becomes databases of gun owners. Then having lists of people, when gun confiscation does come about, they are easy to find. One trick to further restrict gun ownership is to increase taxes, then increase them again and again. Eventually, it becomes cost-prohibitive to own a gun. Or, if you don’t pay the tax, the government can seize your firearms. Another sneaky way the socialists are coming after gun owners is through the marijuana laws. Most states now make it legal to grow, own, or use marijuana, in varying degrees, as per state laws. The constitution reads that no one mentally incapable, or deemed medically incapable, can own or possess a firearm. That is basically what the founding fathers state. Well if most states now have laws allowing the long-time illegal drug use, then the government can then enact laws disallowing gun ownership if you are a marijuana smoker, or even for medical purposes. Then, the government can legally seize your firearms. Instead of trying to remove the Second Amendment, which is all but impossible to do right now, all the anti-gun folks need to do is get more restrictive laws enacted. Many states now have “Red Hat” or “Red Flag” laws. That is, a state or local law whereby the local lawman can seize your guns without “due process”. They are based on the idea, that verbal hearsay, not factual evidence, can trigger a seizure. If you don’t like your neighbor, or have a political rival, then call the sheriff and claim that person is a threat. Think about it. The more these groups seek ways to restrict gun ownership, and mass registration, the eventual outcome will be confiscation. Take away the guns, and the people will be under the control of the government.
More about the First Amendment The First amendment to the US Constitution was basically two issues, the rights of free speech, and the rights to freely worship. The free speech side has been extensively looked at, but what about the freedom of religious worship? Here also, religious teachings are also in the center of controversy these days. Speech and religion are the first and most important rights the founders declared. Why, that was what the English rulers suppressed most. You must not restrict free thought or personal preference of spiritual worship. That also includes the fight over abortion. What is life, the handling of “the pursuit of happiness” in conflict with religious belief, speech, and law? Laws are words spoken by men. Some are for the good of the nation and its citizens, others are for the power and gain of some leaders. When government enacts laws to restrict either speech or religion, that is wrong. America was borne on the rock of Our Judeo-Christian heritage. Examine every writing of most of the founding fathers, and it is clear that most were men of stout Christian faith. From our Christian roots, every freedom and right we hold are Biblical ideals. Our Constitution and our entire legal system, are based on our religious beliefs. And these days, the Christian faith, in particular, has been greatly under attack as well. We are free to worship whom and what we like, or nothing at all, without the interference of government mandating what we can do. The idea of “separation of Church and State”, has been grossly portrayed by those seeking to abolish Christianity. Thomas Jefferson and Hamilton had written about this matter from the beginning, citing that “not separation, but rather that “government shall not impose a religion”. In other words, government would not declare a “State religion“. Being a person of faith, whatever you believe, and part of the government structure, should not be an issue. It is, and watching every Supreme Court nomination hearing, and even most Cabinet level screenings, there are those people, mostly the democrats, that scream about the separation of Church and State. Having a person that holds a belief and moral compass in public office is a good thing. Look at the corrupt lying filth currently serving in office, and then decide which is better. Through many great struggles, those that claimed the “separation of
church and State” pertained to our public school system, prayer, and the teachings of faith had been stripped in the 1960s. Many of the early schools and universities had Christian roots, and the Bible was often the sole book available to teach children. As the support of faith is pushed out from public arenas, the quality of education, has turned increasingly poor, with our children having no sense of a moral compass. In our school system today, the mention of Christian faith is highly condemned, often with disciplinary action. But the mention of non-Christian thinking is praised. Is that not a restriction of our rights to worship? If ones actions do not interfere with the rights of another, then it is legal. And what about “the right to life”? The abortion question, is not just a freedom of religious worship, but it is also a freedom of speech. It may be that quasi notion, the “Pursuit of Happiness”. Perhaps the greater overall question is whether it is right and lawful for the government to kill, or sanction the killing, of its own citizens. Although the Supreme Court allowed the ability to kill unborn babies as a rule of law in Roe vs. Wade, is it right? No, it is a disgusting and abhorrence to everything good and honorable that this country touts to be. Murder is murder. An unborn child is still a human being, up until now. The State of New York, Virginia, and Vermont have passed new laws allowing the death of babies right up until the child takes its first breath. And, the voting members applauded the new law with resounding glee! It is said that liberty will die with resounding applause. Are we there? Whether life begins at conception or when a baby draws its first breath, is irrelevant. The question is, how can we as a nation allow the murder of our own innocent and defenseless citizens? We are suppose to be a nation ruled by law, but not all laws are good or just. Where is the sanity of our lawmakers? This is murder, plain and simple. Now if this hennas debauchery of injustice is not overruled, then the rights of free speech, religious worship, and “the pursuit of happiness”, are made mute. Our freedoms, as guaranteed under the US Constitution, are destroyed. Those lawmakers, supporters of such legislation, and any group or organizations that adheres with such, are murders plain and simple. Is this country really going down this path? Then truth and justice in America is a lie! What follows next? Well, because the murder of babies is made legal, the next step is to broaden that “definition” of whom can be (legally) murdered. Next will be young children no longer wanted by their parents, perhaps the elderly will be killed because they area burden to society. Then from there, any opposition group or segment of citizens might be legally murdered, like white males, Christians, deplorable republicans, and so on.
“When the sword is unsheathed, it is difficult to put it back without first spilling blood.” When a nation slinks into the depravity of celebrating and condoning death, then its end is near. If speech is restricted, by laws or groups, and gun are taken away (or further restricted), and the rights to assemble in our churches is then limited, then we have no freedoms left. And when the government is allowed to restrict your rights to own a firearm, or takes them away completely, then there will be no more questions about religion, free speech, abortion, rights to assemble, protests against the government, and so on. “Those who gain power will abuse it, then they will oppress the people, which then they will start murdering the citizenry (by law).” Strongly ponder these thoughts.
Make a Difference Your vote does count in 2020, and in every election. Your vote is your voice. It’s a liberty and a right that must not be silenced or impeded by opposition, or by the government. To allow your voice to be shut down, you lose the one easy, and best, freedom a citizen can hold. “Use it or lose it”, is a cliche sometimes used, and it is applicable now. Voting is your decision, takes a stand, either “for” or “against“, but voice your opinion, it does matter. Our government was founded on the principle that if people are left to live their lives freely, society grows and prospers, supported by happy citizens. Creativity and invention, improvements of life, make for a better world. As simplistic as that sounds, basically it’s true. Our system of government was designed and set up to assure the people would have the liberty to become all they can aspire to do. The freedom of free and open speech has been the cornerstone of the greatness this country has shared, rooted in the process of free and open elections. Every vote counts, and every citizen has a duty to make this country better, according to their own conscience. The importance of your vote, which is your voice, should be expressed, even now, and especially for this upcoming election. If you can physically do so, do vote. As mentioned previously, whether you like a particular party or candidate, or a person seeking reelection, let your voice be heard. You right is also not to vote, which is your free decision. But , is surrendering your voice by not voting, is to submit to the will of someone else. As our society writhes with turmoil and unrest, forces of change come about, heading towards a revolution or major upheaval of our liberties. And
in this country, at this moment in time, many people and groups, seek to undermine our rights to vote, our power of speech, all of our other freedoms and liberties we still have. That would sound the death-blow to America.
About the Author I grew up in a middle class family, had a father that worked, a mother that stayed home and raised children, the typical traditional American home. We had a small house, one car, (no) white picket fence, we had pets, regular schooling, church-goers, watched news and various TV shows, and had all of the cliche normal things in life typified during the 1950s and 60s. Life was normal and decent, reasonably peaceful, and safe. My father was a veteran, worked a blue collar job, and was a straightline democrat, just like his father before him. The Kennedy era thinking of party politics was pretty much his thinking as well. And for many decades, that seemed to work well in America. I too learned and adopted similar ideas of how life and government should work and coexist. But that has changed radically over the past couple decades as the democrat party is no longer the party of the average working man. One would best describe the party as what we used to call the CommunistSocialist party during that earlier era. Now the party is all about hate speech, bigotry, division, dirty-politics, rampant dishonesty and deception by party leaders and candidates, and everything revolving around government control. This is no longer the democrat party America once loved. The candidates and false narratives they promoted were enough to make me switch parties. Over the last many election cycles while the democrats drove further left, I pushed my family and friends to switch parties and vote further right. Not that the republicans are perfect by any means, but they do hold to more of the values and principles I do. The biggest area where they align with my own thinking are the ideas of limited government, a government hands-off ideology, and support of the Constitution and the foundations of this country. Upholding our rights and freedoms are more their forte, so this is where we will stay. My hope is to share these thoughts with you, so that you can glean some insight of the struggle we face over our dying liberties. Thank you reading this. Also consider these other books written about our Rights and Freedoms. These also are found on Amazon Kindle under the Politics section. Look for: “The Democrat Blue Wave is the Zombie Apocalypse” by T. H. Logwood ASIN: B07MYBFKT1
***** The American Civil War II By T. H. Logwood ASIN: B08CQ4PDMQ. ***** Don’t Tread on Me By T. H. Logwood ASIN: B07X5DRRYB ***** I Met a Man Named Donald By T. H. Logwood ASIN: B0842YF1HH. ***** “The End of American Liberty” by T. H. Logwood ASIN: B07HPYZWTF ***** Repent America, In the Name of Jesus! By T. H. Logwood ASIN: B07NBXYLLB ***** The Democrat Blue Wave is the Texas 2nd Alamo By T. H. Logwood ASIN: B07N7N2WG6 ***** “The U.S.S. La Porte (APA 151), The Pearl of the Pacific” by T. H. Logwood ASIN: B07L6JXRB9
6 EXAMPLES OF VOTER FRAUD There is now a wide array of empirical evidence that the 2020 election was not like others. Whether you are already believe that there was widespread fraud or you are a skeptic, the purpose of this document is to summarize a snapshot of the most compelling evidence, including: eye-witness accounts and confessions of fraud, technological vulnerabilities, statistical anomalies, voting irregularities, illegal voting, and audits of actual voting machines. You might be wondering: if there's evidence, why has it not gone through the judicial system? Courts have dismissed the cases without ever hearing the evidence. This is just a very small set of evidence we have compiled over the course of six weeks, but we are fully convinced that this election was stolen from President Trump and we must do everything possible to defend our Republic. Our weapon is the truth, and our advocate is the Lord.
1) THE CASE OF RUBY FREEMAN There are many examples of election officials directly participating in voter fraud, but perhaps the most notorious example is in the battleground state of Georgia by Ruby Freeman and her daughter. An October 26th Facebook live by Ruby Freeman in Fulton County, GA reveals that her daughter brought in suitcases of ballots that were counted after observes were told to leave, corroborating affidavits that flagged 8:22AM as the time these suitcases arrived. Freeman said “Y’all want to know who my new supervisor is? It’s my daughter.” She added that “I just do what she say do and it’s her show baby, it’s her show.”
IT WAS BALLOT TAMPERING! In a November 3 Facebook post, Freeman wrote “A lady had a problem with me telling her what a supervisor told me to tell her yesterday. This morning, lo and behold, out of nowhere, she came to give me a hug. You already know the end of that story. Judas, I’m not Jesus. Don’t play. I blamed it on Social distancing.” Freeman’s daughter is seen as the first to remove the ballots from the suitcases and issuing instructions to the other vote counters, subsequently retrieving a second suitcase of ballots. Although the lawyers she retained changed her Instagram into a parody account, that was a last ditch effort to cover up the truth and is not historically consistent with her previous posts.
Click to see the original video
2) FOREIGN ADVERSARIES DIRECTLY INVOLVED FRAUD BY DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS, EDISON RESEARCH Dominion Voter Systems and Edison Research were using an unencrypted virtual private network (VPN) that was penetrated by multiple foreign adversaries. See the affidavit.
IRAN AND CHINA TAMPERING IN US ELECTIONS The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released a report on October 30th, 2020 announcing an Iranian advanced persistent threat actor that was targeting state websites to intimidate potential voters and gain access to voter roll data. Edison Research was using an unencrypted VPN with login credentials that were easily accessible and used by foreign adversaries to monitor and manipulate votes. The internet protocol (IP) addresses into the “edisonresearch” host server were went in both directions, meaning that not only were Iran and China (and other adversaries) accessing the server, but also the Edison Research server was communicating back to these adversaries. Edison Research shares a virtual private server (VPS) with BMA Capital Management, which is a known company that provides Iran access to capital markets.
CISA* and the FBI are aware of an Iranian advanced persistent threat (APT) actor targeting U.S. state websites—to include election websites. CISA and the FBI assess this actor is responsible for the mass dissemination of voter intimidation emails to U.S. citizens and the dissemination of U.S. election-related disinformation in midOctober 2020. - CISA, Oct. 30, 2020 *Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Statistical analysis of the sudden and sharp vote surges for Biden are highly suspect because of their timing and concentration in vital battleground counties.
Publicly available data from the New York Times reveals that Biden’s lead over Trump in key battleground states, such as Michigan and Wisconsin, were the result of vote drops that occurred in the early hours of November 4th and nearly exclusively for Biden.
Consider the vote update in Michigan at 3:50AM EST on November 4th that delivered 54,497 ballots for Biden and 4,718 for Trump. Another even more anomalous update at 6:31AM EST delivered 141,258 ballots for Biden and 5,968 for Trump.
Similarly, a vote update at 3:42AM CST on November 4th in Wisconsin delivered 143,379 to Biden and 25,163 to Trump. While there are a few instances where ballot dumps also went to Trump, these were in significantly smaller magnitudes and less frequent.
Four of the seven most anomalous vote updates — that is, updates in which the margin and ratio are coextreme — are in electioncritical states and occurred during the same five hour period where the circumstances on the ground were contested and highly suspicious. Approximately 15% of the vote updates in the data set of 8,954 were from Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia. If we were to assume that any state could have these extreme vote updates, then there would be a 1.2% chance that three states represented in three out of the top four or four out of the top seven spots and a 0.99% chance that these three states would occupy the five out of the top seven spots. If all four of these vote updates were extreme — but not as extreme — that the difference in margin would be greater than the margin of victory in all three states. The media’s proclamation of Biden’s victory in these states relied on four of the seven most coextreme vote updates in the entire data set of the whole 8,954 vote updates.
4) BATTLEGROUND STATES A new report by Dr. John Lott in the Department of Justice reveals that precincts that the voting patterns observed in Georgia and Pennsylvania are highly anomalous. While comparisons between counties where voter fraud was alleged versus those where it was not reveal significant leads for Biden in 2020, they reveal no such leads in 2016 between Trump and Clinton.
"The estimates here indicate that there were 70,000 to 79,000 “excess” votes in Georgia and Pennsylvania. Adding Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin, the total increases to up to 289,000 excess votes." - John R. Lott, DOJ, Dec. 21st, 2020
Biden “won” Fulton County GA by 243,904 votes and 86,309 in absentee ballots. Even though in 2016, there was less than a percentage point difference in the fraction of absentee ballots that went to Trump cast in Fulton versus bordering and highly similar neighboring counties, Trump had a 7.19 percentage point lower share in 2020. Results are robust to controlling for demographic differences, such as race and age. Biden “won” Allegheny and Philadelphia Counties by 146,706 and 471,305 votes and 206,505 and 310,553 absentee ballots, respectively. Just as in Fulton County, GA, Trump’s share of votes was 3.4 percentage points lower in Allegheny County in 2020. The differences are even higher when looking at absentee and provisional ballots. Put together, there are at least 55,270 extra ballots that went to Biden.
If these differences in fraudulent ballots are incorporated, Trump would win GA and PA.
In Pennsylvania, 69,004 ballots were received after election day, (Nov. 3rd), and 19,660 after the 6th. Moreover, out of 161,774 mail-in ballot records that were changed between the November 10th and December 16th version of the data, 116,840 ballots were given new return dates. 69,004 ballots were marked as “returned” after November 3rd despite Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar reporting on November 10th (and to the Supreme Court on November 30th) that only 10,00 ballots were received after November 3rd. In Wisconsin, the number of “indefinitely confined voters” surged from under 70,000 voters in 2019 to over 200,000 in 2020. Social media profiles showed that these voters actually had active lifestyles. The 130,000 increment is over five times the margin that Biden “won” by in the state.
Many states exhibited abnormal turnout rates. For example, cybersecurity expert Russ Ramsland testified in Wayne County that 46 of the 47 precincts where Dominion machines were used had at least a 96% voter turnout rate and 25 of the 47 had a 100% turnout. In Georgia, affidavits and testimonies revealed that 2,500 felons with uncomplete sentences registered to vote and cast it, 66,247 underage people were registered to vote and illegally vote, 2,423 unregistered people voted, and 10,315 people who voted had died by the time of the election. Many more examples abound.
6) FORENSIC MACHINE AUDIT REVEALS SIGNIFICANT ERRORS Despite significant opposition and attacks, election security experts were able to audit Dominion Voter System machines in Antrim County, MI, revealing unusually high error and adjudication rates.
According to the report, Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. Cybersecurity specialists identified an error rate of 68.05%, which is far above the Federal Election Commission guidelines of 0.0008%.The results of these errors led to tabulation errors and ballots being sent to adjudication, which means that the vote is decided by the election worker using the machine (see here). For example, in Central Lake Township, there were 1,222 out of 1,491 ballots cast that were reversed, producing an 81.96% rejection rate. Although vote adjudication logs for prior years were available, all the logs for the 2020 cycle were missing. Moreover, all server security logs prior to 11:03PM on November 4th are missing. These logs are vital for audit trails, forensics, and detecting malicious intruders. The Election Event Designer Log shows that Dominion ImageCast Precinct Cards were programmed with new ballot programming on October 23rd and again on November 5th. That violates the Help America Vote Act, which includes a 90-day Safe Harbor Period that prohibits changes to election systems, registries, hardware/software updates without undergoing re-certification. Even if skeptics and critics win that there are limitations of the aforementioned audit, they should offer a random sample of machines in other battleground states for third-party review. In contrast, they have viciously attacked attempts to review machine logs and have even endeavored to wipe the machines in Georgia before the runoff.
WHAT YOU CAN DO 1) FLOOD social media with the truth! They can't stop us all at once! Use hashtags: #HereIsTheEvidence #EveryLegalVote #LetJusticeRoll #StopTheSteal 2) Put pressure on state and local officials. Call and email them to voice your concern and decertify the fraudulent vote. 3) Pray for the President and the team!
Critical Issues with the 2020 Election A Key Battleground State Synopsis Version 0.9.1 - Updated January 4, 2020 Background & Abstract Following the 2016 election, America endured three years of extensive and incessant investigations, fevered analysis, and, eventually, impeachment hearings – all premised on an assertion that, somehow, Russia “hacked” the election. The U.S. government spent tens of millions of dollars. It chased nearly every allegation. It had virtually unlimited (and sometimes illegal) access to public, government, and private information … and it came up empty handed. The only place it did not look for the alleged Russian “hack” was in th only systems that could have been “hacked”: the electronic voting, imaging, and tabulating machines on which the election was conducted and the software that controls them. The story of the 2020 election is much the same. Despite thousands of citizen reports and signed affidavits attesting to significant irregularities and at least one forensic audit of an electronic voting system claiming that it was – in fact – “hacked”, Secretaries of State around the country have repeatedly denied citizens their the legal right to observe, contest, and audit the election. A real “hack” can only be identified by looking at how the voting system operates, starting with the machines, the software, and the data it generates, including ballots and ballot envelopes, voter rolls, and adjudication logs, and at those who had access to the systems while they were in operation. This brief reviews the last-minute changes to the election process in the contested states and the magnitude of the resulting fraud the changes were designed to facilitate. It also looks at the status of the legal challenges where judges have dismissed cases before hearing evidence, and how both courts and election officials have refused access to the only systems that can be “hacked”: the electronic voting systems. It should come as no surprise that a full 47% of the American people believe that electoral fraud changed the outcome of the 2020 election. They understand that something is amiss.
Critical Issues with the 2020 Election
Questions for the Joint Session of Congress
Evidence of “Significant Irregularities” and Fraud What is a “Significant Irregularity”? What are “Votes” and How are “Votes” Counted? How are “Votes” Validated and Secured? How do “Significant Irregularities” occur? What is Electoral Fraud? Have the Courts rejected the evidence? No.
5 5 5 6 6 6 7
Arizona (10,457 margin vs. over 350,000 contested ballots) Actions and last-minute illegal rule changes Resulting “Significant Irregularities” and Possible Fraud Court Cases
8 8 8 9
Georgia (11,779 margin vs. over 530,000 contested ballots) Actions and last-minute illegal rule changes “Significant Irregularities” Suggesting Fraud Court Cases Conclusion: “Outcome Determinative Electoral Fraud”
10 10 10 11 12
Michigan (154,188 margin vs. over 660,000 contested ballots) Actions and last-minute illegal rule changes Resulting Fraud Court Cases
14 14 14 15
Nevada (33,596 margin vs. over 101,000 contested ballots) Actions and last-minute illegal rule changes Resulting “Significant Irregularities” and Possible Fraud Court Cases
17 17 17 17
New (99,720 margin vs. possibly 100,000 contested ballots) Actions and last-minute illegal rule changes Resulting “Significant Irregularities” and Possible Fraud Court Case
Mexico 20 20 20 20
Pennsylvania (80,555 margin vs. 1,144,230 contested ballots) Last-minute and Illegitimate Rule Changes Related “Significant Irregularities” and Possible Fraud
22 22 22
Court Donald J. Trump for President v. Kathy Boockvar (U.S. Supreme Court: 20-845) Conclusion: “Significant Irregularities” and “Outcome Determinative Electoral Fraud”
Cases 23 24
Wisconsin (20,467 margin vs. over 460,000 contested ballots) Actions and last-minute illegal rule changes Resulting “Significant Irregularities” and Possible Fraud Court Cases Conclusion
26 26 26 28 28
Conclusion (415,000 margin vs. over 2,200,000 votes contested)
Key Sources & References
Questions for the Joint Session of Congress Congress will meet in a joint session on January 6 to count electoral votes, to consider two primary objections to the qualifications of the electors certified in seven (7) disputed states, and to hear the evidence supporting them. The first objection is that the electors in the disputed states were not “appoint[ed] in such manner as [its] Legislature … direct[ed] ….” , as required by U.S. Constitution Article II §1. The second is that, because the disputed states did not follow the rules set by their Legislatures, the vote tallies “certified” by the disputed states are not accurate, and there is no way to know who won the election. The first question for the joint session is: “Did State X conduct its election in accordance with the rules established by its legislature?” If the answer is “Yes”, the electors are qualified and their votes must be counted. If “No”, none of the electors from that state are qualified. The second question for the joint session is whether it will hear the mountain of empirical evidence that shows widespread evidence of electoral fraud and other significant irregularities, including ballot stuffing and tampering with voting machines and software by both domestic and foreign actors who had illegal physical and Internet access to the machines. Congress has a constitutional responsibility to ensure that the challenged electors were chosen based upon the faithful execution of the laws made by their state legislatures and in a manner that respects federal election laws, including the Electors Clause of Article II, the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Voting Rights Act. At a minimum, Congress and the American people are entitled to see and hear the evidence for themselves, and the legislatures of the disputed states must be able to act to preserve the voting rights of their citizens. The United States, other democracies, and international organizations regularly investigate claims that elections in other countries were not fairly conducted. On December 18, 2020, the Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Venezuela and a voting machine company for election fraud. The Organization of American States (OAS) found that many of the defects claimed in the disputed states were present in the 2019 presidential elections in Bolivia, and seventeen (17) members of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) appointed a team of independent experts to investigate the August 2020 election in Belarus. The least Congress can do is to investigate voting rights violations at home.
Evidence of “Significant Irregularities” and Fraud There are four categories of evidence: (a) eye witness testimonies and confessions, (b) technological evidence that electronic voting machines were attached to insecure networks and the Internet; (c) electoral fraud and other “significant irregularities”, including votes by dead and unqualified persons, ballot stuffing, and manual “adjudication” of disputed ballots; and (d) statistical anomalies in the tabulation data that are recognized by international observers as indicators of “intentional manipulation” and of “serious irregularities”. We submit that the evidence in each category is so strong that, when considered together, a compelling case of "outcome determinative" electoral fraud can be shown by clear and convincing evidence.
What is a “Significant Irregularity”? A “significant irregularity” is any action that is inconsistent with federal law, or any action that deviates from the rules for the selection of presidential electors adopted by the state legislature. ●
The Electors Clause, U.S. Constitution, Article II §1: Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector. (emphasis added)
The Voting Rights Act, 52 U.S.C. § 10101(e), provides that … the word “vote” includes all action necessary to make a vote effective including, but not limited to, registration or other action required by State law prerequisite to voting, casting a ballot, and having such ballot counted and included in the appropriate totals of votes cast with respect to candidates for public office and propositions for which votes are received in an election; …
The Help America Vote Act [HAVA], 42 U.S.C. §15481(a)(6), provides that Each State shall adopt uniform and nondiscriminatory standards that define what constitutes a vote and what will be counted as a vote for each category of voting system used in the State.
The Voting Rights Act, 52 U.S.C. § 10307, also provides that No person acting under color of law shall fail or refuse to permit any person to vote who is entitled to vote under any provision of chapters 103 to 107 of this title or is otherwise qualified to vote, or willfully fail or refuse to tabulate, count, and report such person’s vote.
Summarized below is the definition of “what constitutes a vote and what will be counted as a vote for each category of voting system used in the State.”
What are “Votes” and How are “Votes” Counted? 1. A “vote” is a ballot, clearly marked by a qualified, registered elector (voter) in accordance with state laws defining the procedures for voting and the standards for determining the 5|Page
voter’s intent to choose a candidate (or slate). All state laws agree that the intent of the voter is to be determined by how the voter marks the ballot. 2. A “vote” may be counted only once for a single candidate (or, in the case of a Presidential election, only once for the entire slate of electors). a. Voters may vote only once, and each vote must have equal weight. Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186 (1962); Reynolds v. Sims, 377 U.S. 533 (1964). b. No “vote” can be duplicated by mechanical or electronic means, and “votes” are indivisible. Any tabulating system that produces fractional tallies is not counting “votes.” c. “Adjudication” of ballots where the intent of the voter is alleged to be unclear provides opportunities for state election officials to create or “flip” votes in violation of the Voting Rights Act and state law.
How are “Votes” Validated and Secured? State laws require election officials to validate each voter’s qualifications before authorizing the voter to cast it, including voters who submit absentee or mail ballots. State laws define the security protocols for an election, and both state and federal election laws obligate state election officials to certify that they complied with each security protocol, including “sealing” voting equipment and preserving records for use in election contests.
How do “Significant Irregularities” occur? “Significant Irregularities” occur when state election officials relax, refuse to enforce, or violate the ballot integrity and election security rules adopted by their state legislatures. As Texas pointed out in relation to absentee and mail-in voting in the Supreme Court in State of Texas v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State of Georgia, State of Michigan, State of Wisconsin: If a state court enjoins or modifies ballot-integrity measures adopted to allow absentee or mail-in voting, that invalidates ballots cast under the relaxed standard unless the legislature has—prior to the election—ratified the new procedure. Without pre-election legislative ratification, results based on the treatment and tabulation of votes done in violation of state law cannot be used to appoint presidential electors. The same principle applies to other changes made without legislative approval to the rules governing elections by state administrators and courts. If the changes impacted ballot integrity and the election outcome, we cannot know who won the election .
What is Electoral Fraud? Electoral fraud can be defined as any purposeful action taken to tamper with electoral activities and election-related materials in order to affect the results of an election, which may interfere with or thwart the will of the voters. There are two main categories of electoral fraud: outcome determinative fraud, where the fraud affects the outcome of the election such that the winners and losers are different from what they would have been had the fraud not been committed; and non-outcome determinative fraud, when the outcomes are not affected (i.e. the winners and losers would be the same even absent the commission of fraud). Both types of electoral fraud entail criminal behavior that should be punished according to the law; however, outcome determinative fraud has more 6|Page
serious political implications, in that it allows a party or candidate to take over public positions contrary to the popular will. Raphael López-Pintor, Assessing Electoral Fraud in New Democracies: A Basic Conceptual Framework, International Foundation for Electoral Systems, White Paper Series (2010) (emphasis added) online at: https://www.ifes.org/sites/default/files/rlp_electoral_fraud_white _paper_web.pdf (accessed December 21, 2020).
Have the Courts rejected the evidence? No. Many are of the mistaken belief that the evidence has been presented and rejected in the many state and federal court cases filed and dismissed since November 3. No court has had all the evidence before it. Nor could it. New evidence is discovered on a daily basis and it is impossible to audit the electronic systems without first getting access to them. In most of the cases, the court dismissed the case without considering the evidence or reaching the legal questions presented. The case filed in the Supreme Court of the United States by the Texas Attorney General and which was joined by 17 other state Attorneys General and more than 100 Members of the United States House of Representatives was the most prominent example of a case where the court heard no evidence. In a few others, the attorneys presented only limited evidence and lost for that reason.
Arizona (12,000 margin vs. over 350,000 contested ballots)
Actions and last-minute illegal rule changes ●
● ● ● ●
For ballots completely missing signatures, the legislatively- approved procedure was not to count the ballot, but a last-minute lawsuit changed the procedure and allowed ballots with missing signatures to be “cured” up to five days later.1 Although Arizona law allows observers to watch over “any significant voting or processing activities”, the County Recorder for Maricopa County decided that observers would have no right to observe the signature verification process.2 Multiple officials attempted to include an illegal video call voting process for Maricopa County, Arizona.3 An additional attempt was made to change Arizona’s voter registration deadline as the election neared, but it was overturned by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.4 Arizona law forbids “ballot harvesting”, but the laws are being challenged and it may have occurred.5 The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is resisting a subpoena from the Arizona Senate demanding audit access to the electronic voting systems.6
Resulting “Significant Irregularities” and Possible Fraud ● ● ● ●
● ● ●
1 2 3 4 5
22,093 mail-in ballots were “received” the day BEFORE the ballots were sent out to voters. 2,000 voters were “registered” as living on a vacant lot. 150,000 people registered in Maricopa County AFTER the registration deadline. 103,000 ballots in Maricopa County were sent for electronic "adjudication" with no Republican observation, meaning that poll workers had the opportunity to switch Trump votes to Biden or "vote" ballots where the elector's choice was not clear. 36,400 illegal immigrants are estimated to have voted. 50% of Republicans had requested ballots that were never subsequently recorded as having been “received” or “counted” by the state. 42,000 "Biden-only" votes were cast, meaning that the voter voted for no other candidate or issue. This huge statistical anomaly is a recognized indicator of electoral fraud.
https://healthyelections.org/sites/default/files/2020-11/arizona-110220.pdf https://healthyelections.org/sites/default/files/2020-11/arizona-110220.pdf - section G https://arizonadailyindependent.com/2020/09/30/last-minute-virtual-voting-option-will-be-ruled-on-next-week/ https://today.westlaw.com/Document/Ifa54ef28124711ebbea4f0dc9fb69570/View/FullText.html https://today.westlaw.com/Document/Ifa54ef28124711ebbea4f0dc9fb69570/View/FullText.html
One data analysis of Arizona election data showed between 120,000 and 306,000 fake people who voted.7
Court Cases Bowyer v. Ducey (Trial court: 2:20-cv-02321-DJH; Appeals Court: ; U.S. Supreme Court: 20-858) Summary: Lawyer Sidney Powell filed a federal lawsuit on Dec. 2 seeking to de-certify and invalidate improper votes in Arizona over election fraud, and to order officials to preserve equipment and voting data for inspection. The suit alleges that over 412,000 votes were cast illegally in the state. Most of the plaintiffs are Republican presidential electors in the state and members of the Republican party in the state. Dec. 6: Judge rejects request for a three-hour hearing to hear witnesses and limits hearing to motion to dismiss, and dismisses case on Dec. 9 without hearing a single shred of evidence. Dec. 11: Powell’s team files an emergency petition to the U.S. Supreme Court. Dec. 29: U.S. Supreme Court dockets Powell’s emergency petition. Dec. 30: Powell’s team asked the court to consolidate all four related-cases filed by the lawyer on behalf of Republican electors. — Ward v. Jackson, et al. (State Court: CV2020-015285; State Supreme Court: CV20-0343-AP/EL; U.S. Supreme Court: 20-809) Arizona Republican Party Chairwoman Kelli Ward filed a petition on Nov. 24 for early inspection of mail-in ballot envelopes and signatures, ahead of an anticipated elections contest against 11 Arizona Democrat presidential electors. Ward’s challenge alleges that some suburbs in Maricopa County had an unusually high number of duplicated ballots. It also claims that there were insufficient safeguards to verify mail-in ballots. Dec. 4: After two days of hearings, an Arizona judge denies relief for the plaintiff (pdf), ruling that the evidence did not show fraud or misconduct. The judge also found that there was a low error rate and that it would not impact the outcome of the election. Ward has indicated that she would appeal the case to the state Supreme Court. Dec. 7: Arizona Supreme Court granted a request to expeditiously review the ruling. Dec. 8: Arizona Supreme Court denies Ward’s request for relief and upholds trial judge’s decision. Dec. 11: Ward announces the Arizona Republican Party will appeal its case to the U.S. Supreme Court. Dec. 15: U.S. Supreme Court dockets Kelli Ward’s petition for a writ of certiorari and motion for expedited consideration filed on Dec. 11. Source: https://www.theepochtimes.com/c-arizona
Conclusion: “Outcome determinative electoral fraud” Disqualifying completed ballots received before election officials sent them out to voters would be sufficient to overcome the current 12,000 vote margin. Adding in the other balloting illegalities, like the ballots adjudicated without a Republican observer and ballots received after the deadline for registrations represents thirty times the margin necessary to change the outcome. In combination with the massive influx of mail-in ballots, the last minute changes to rules had an extensive impact on the ability of the poll watchers to observe and challenge possible irregularities such as allowing invalid ballots to be “cured” without challenge long after the day of the election.
Georgia (12,670 margin vs. over 530,000 contested ballots)
Actions and last-minute illegal rule changes ●
Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, without legislative approval, unilaterally abrogated Georgia’s statute governing the signature verification process for absentee ballots. Although state law prohibits the opening of absentee ballots until after the polls open on Election Day, the State Election board adopted a rule allowing the processing of absentee ballots three weeks prior to the election Georgia law [O.C.G.A. § 21-2-386(a)(l)(C)] authorizes and requires a single registrar or clerk—after reviewing the outer envelope—to reject an absentee ballot--if there is any issue regarding the signature. The State Election Board, however, unilaterally changed the rules to make it much more difficult to reject a signature.
“Significant Irregularities” Suggesting Fraud ●
After examining evidence of extensive abnormalities, the Chairman’s Report of the Election Law Study Subcommittee of the Standing Senate Judiciary Committee (Georgia) reported that overall “there was a lack of enforcement of the law.” “Proper protocols were not used to ensure chain of custody of the ballots throughout the Election, after the opening of ballots prior to the Election, and during the recounts. . . . It was possible or even likely that large numbers of fraudulent ballots were introduced into the pool of ballots that were counted as voted; . . . The Subcommittee heard testimony of pristine ballots whose origin looked suspicious or which could not be verified and the inability of poll workers to distinguish between test ballots and absentee ballots. Signatures were not consistently verified according to law in the absentee balloting process.” Coffee County could not replicate its ballot tallies after re-running them repeatedly, preventing them from being able to certify their 15,000 votes. As county election officials reported, “The basis for the dilemma is simple - the election summary report for the electronic recount tabulated votes in a manner that resulted in more collective votes being
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cast for the Presidential candidate than the total number of votes reflected within the report. The inconsistent count could not be reconciled.”8 2,560 felons with non completed sentences were illegally registered and cast their vote. 66,247 underage people were illegally registered to vote. 4,926 registered voters were registered to vote in another state after their Georgia registration date. 10,315 people who voted died by the time of the election. 305,701 absentee ballots were applied for too early and 2,664 absentee ballots were sent to voters too early. Georgia has historically had a 2.9% rejection rate for absentee ballots because of errors in their submission. In 2020, the rejection rate was only 0.34% (seventeen times less) despite a sixfold increase in the number of absentee ballots returned. 50% of Republicans had requested absentee ballots that were never subsequently recorded as having been “received” or “counted” by the state. Between 31,559 and 38,886 mail-in (absentee) ballots were mailed in but not counted.9 Matt Braynard found 17,877 early or absentee ballots that were cast in Georgia in the names of people who had filed out-of-state move notices and thus were not eligible to vote in Georgia. 80,000 Biden-only votes [no other candidates or issues were voted], which is a huge statistical anomaly), in light of President Trump’s recent recognition as America’s most popular man, 3x more popular than Biden Mathematically incongruous Georgia tabulation update listed at 1:34AM Eastern Time on November 4th, 2020, which shows 136,155 votes for Joe Biden and only 29,115 votes for Donald Trump. This starkly contrasts normal voting patterns in this area.10 DeKalb County failed to provide a chain of custody for the transport of absentee ballots from any of the 34 drop boxes used prior to the November 3 election to the registrar or designee at the county office.11
Court Cases Pearson v. Kemp (District: 1:20-cv-04809; Appeals: 20-14480; U.S. Supreme Court: 20-816) Lawyer Sidney Powell is representing a group of Republican plaintiffs seeking to invalidate the election results in Georgia over allegations of “massive fraud” in particular ballot stuffing and voter manipulation through the use of the Dominion voting system. The suit alleges, citing expert analysis, that at least 96,600 votes were illegally counted during the Georgia 2020 general election. Powell filed the suit on behalf of plaintiffs including Republican Party nominees for the electoral college, the chairman of the Cobb County Republican Party Jason Shepherd, and the Assistant Secretary of the Georgia Republican Party, Brian Jay Van Gundy. Nov. 25: Lawsuit filed; Nov. 27: Plaintiffs file a motion for injunctive relief
8 9
https://voterga.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/coffee-county-complete.pdf https://defendingtherepublic.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/COMPLAINT-CJ-PEARSON-V.-KEMP-11.25.2020.pdf , p. 60.
Anomalies in Vote Counts and Their Effects on Election 2020; https://votepatternanalysis.substack.com/p/voting-anomalies-2020
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Dec. 1: Judge postpones a scheduled Dec. 4 hearing; Dec. 2: Federal appeals court grants plaintiff’s request to expedite the appeal, after Powell sought an emergency appeal from the Eleventh Circuit. Powell was seeking a statewide order after a district judge temporarily blocked election officials from wiping or altering Dominion Voting Systems machines in only three counties. Dec. 4: Eleventh Circuit dismisses Powell’s appeal, ruling that they do not have jurisdiction to hear the case. The judges allowed the case to proceed in the district court. Dec. 7: Federal judge dismisses case, ruling that the plaintiffs have no legal standing to sue. Powell filed a notice of appeal; Dec. 11: Powell’s team files an emergency petition to the U.S. Supreme Court; Dec. 15: Supreme Court dockets case; Dec. 30: Powell’s team asks court to consolidate all four related-cases filed by the lawyer on behalf of Republican electors. Wood v. Raffensperger (District: 1:20-cv-04651; Appeals: 20-14418; U.S. Supreme Court: 20799) Lin Wood, in a bid to stop the certification of election results, claiming that election rules unconstitutionally changed by state officials could have invalidated absentee ballots cast in the 2020 election. Nov. 13: Lawsuit filed; Nov. 19: Federal judge denies a request to block the certification of the state’s election results. The judge ruled that Wood lacked legal standing as an individual voter to challenge Georgia’s election procedures. Wood hinted that he will file an appeal in the 11th Circuit; Nov. 24: Wood’s lawyers file an emergency appeal to the 11th Circuit court. Nov. 25: Appeals court grants Wood’s motion for expedited review of the case. Dec. 5: 11th Circuit upholds Nov. 19 ruling by a federal judge. Wood indicated on Dec. 6 that he plans to file an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court. Dec. 11: The Supreme Court dockets Lin Wood’s appeal that was filed on Dec. 8 — Favorito v. Cooney (State Court: 2020CV343938) A group of Georgian voters are demanding a “forensic inspection” of mail-in ballots in the county from the Nov. 3 presidential election. After Garland Favorito, a tabulation observer, noticed abnormalities to the election results he reported it to state officials and made an open record request for the interim upload results. Other petitioners in the case are also alleging a range of election irregularities during the counting and auditing of ballots. Dec. 23: Petition filed in the Superior Court of Fulton County. Hearing granted for Monday, Jan. 4 at 11 a.m. Source for above cases: https://www.theepochtimes.com/c-georgia
Conclusion: “Outcome Determinative Electoral Fraud” Just amending the absentee rejection rates to be normal would be sufficient to overturn the election result. If the rejection rate of mailed-in absentee ballots remained the same in 2020 as it was in 2016, there would be 83,517 less tabulated ballots in 2020. The statewide split of absentee ballots was 34.68% for Trump and 65.2% for Biden. Rejecting at the higher 2016 rate with the 2020 split between Trump and Biden would decrease Trump votes by 28,965 and Biden votes by 54,552, which would be a net gain for Trump of 25,587 votes. This would be more than needed to overcome the Biden advantage of 12,670 votes, and Trump would win by 12,917 votes. After examining evidence of extensive abnormalities, the Chairman’s Report of the Election Law Study Subcommittee of the Standing Senate Judiciary Committee (Georgia) concluded, “The 12 | P a g e
November 3, 2020 General Election . . . was chaotic and any reported results must be viewed as untrustworthy.”
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Michigan (154,188 margin vs. over 660,000 contested ballots)
Actions and last-minute illegal rule changes ●
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Michigan’s Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, without legislative approval, unilaterally abrogated Michigan election statutes related to absentee ballot applications and signature verification. Secretary Benson announced that her office would send unsolicited absentee-voter ballot applications by mail to all 7.7 million registered Michigan voters prior to the primary and general elections despite the law requiring a written signed request from the voter or a specific absent voter ballot application from the city clerk or a federal postcard application. Secretary Benson also violated Michigan law when she launched a program in June 2020 allowing absentee ballots to be requested online, without signature verification as expressly required under Michigan law. Michigan also requires that poll watchers and inspectors have access to vote counting and canvassing, however, local election officials in Wayne County made a conscious and express policy decision not to follow this law for the opening, counting and recording of absentee ballots. Michigan also has strict signature verification requirements for absentee ballots, however, Wayne County made the policy decision to ignore Michigan’s statutory signature verification requirements for absentee ballots. Voting machines were not “secured” in the manner required by State law. Ballots and ballot boxes were not “secured” in the manner required by State law.
Resulting Fraud ●
Secretary Benson’s unconstitutional modifications of Michigan’s election rules resulted in the distribution of millions of absentee ballot applications without verifying voter signatures as required by law. “While I was at the TCF Center, I was instructed not to look at any of the signatures on the absentee ballots, and I was instructed not to compare the signature on the absentee ballot with the signature on file.”12 Due to unconstitutional changes to Michigan’s election law, the Wayne County Statement of Votes Report lists 174,384 absentee ballots out of 566,694 absentee ballots tabulated (about 30.8%) as counted without a registration number for precincts in the City of Detroit. Large discrepancies exist between the Qualified Voter File (Absentee Voter Module) and 2020 Presidential Election results in Wayne County, potentially disqualifying 204,000 absentee ballots.13 Wayne County tabulations indicated that 71% of the reporting precincts did not balance. The Board initially refused to certify the numbers, but did so after the Republican Board of
Affidavit of Jessy Jacob - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EmZAiLwWEAAFdx8?format=jpg&name=large
https://mapthefraud.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DATASCIENC/pages/64258049/Large+Discrepancies+between+Qualified+Voter+Fi le+AV+Module+and+2020+Election+Results+in+Wayne+County+Michigan++Potentially+Disqualifying+Approximately+204+000+Absentee+Votes; 2020 Election Results from (MI.GOV): https://www.waynecounty.com/elected/clerk/election-results.aspx ; AV Ballots Verified Nov 7th, 2020 (Web Scrape) from (MI.GOV): https://mvic.sos.state.mi.us/voter/index ; Oct 13th, 2020 Published Voter Rolls from (TBD):
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Electors members were physically threatened and doxed.14 The Republican members of the Board of Canvassers, once in safety, attempted to retract their certification under duress but were not allowed to do so. The Antrim County forensics report discovered that the vote adjudication and security records were missing because they had been deleted the evening of Nov 4.15 This is a violation of state laws that require the records be maintained for 22 months. Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson sent a Board of Electors a directive on December 1st to all county clerks instructing them to delete all electronic records, also a violation of Michigan and federal law. Dozens of precincts had voter turnouts of at least 100%, including a 781% voter turnout in the City of North Muskegon and 460% in the Zeeland Charter Township. 33% of Republicans had requested ballots that were never subsequently recorded as having been “received” or “counted” by the state. Over 69,000 Biden only votes, despite Trump’s recent recognition as America’s most popular man, 3x more popular than Biden. Mathematically incongruous update in Michigan listed as of 6:31AM Eastern Time on November 4th, 2020, which shows 141,258 votes for Joe Biden and 5,968 votes for Donald Trump. This starkly contrasts normal voting patterns in this area. Mathematically incongruous update in Michigan listed as of 3:50AM Eastern Time on November 4th, 2020, which shows 54,497 votes for Joe Biden and 4,718 votes for Donald Trump. This starkly contrasts normal voting patterns in this area.16 Nearly 2,000 voters over the age of 100 were marked in the state’s mail voter database as having returned ballots, even though none were listed among known living centenarians.17
Court Cases King v. Whitmer (District Court: 2:20-cv-13134; U.S. Supreme Court: 20-815) Lawyer Sidney Powell filed a lawsuit in a Michigan federal court alleging that “massive election fraud” and violations to the state election code in the Nov. 3 election. It claims that the fraud took place through a “troubling, insidious, and egregious ploy ” of ballot stuffing, which gave Democratic nominee Joe Biden a lead in the state. The fraud allegedly was rendered invisible through the help of using election software and hardware from Dominion Voting Systems, the lawsuit claims. Plaintiffs in the civil action are six registered Michigan voters and nominees of the Republican Party to the electoral college. Nov. 25: Lawsuit filed in a federal court. The plaintiffs also filed a temporary restraining order. Dec. 7: Federal judge dismisses lawsuit, characterizing the allegations as “conjecture and speculation.” Dec. 8: Lawyers file notice of appeal to ask the circuit court to review the decision. Dec. 13: Powell’s team sends a letter to Supreme Court asking for permission to file new evidence under seal. Dec. 15: U.S. Supreme Court dockets case. Dec. 28: State respondents file response 14 15 16 17
https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/wayne-county-election-board-republicans-say-they-were-bullied-rescind https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/20423772/antrim-county-forensics-report.pdf https://votepatternanalysis.substack.com/p/voting-anomalies-2020 https://www.theepochtimes.com/10000-dead-people-returned-mail-in-ballots-in-michigan-analysis-shows_3573209.html
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opposing petition. Dec. 30: Powell’s team asked court to consolidate all four related-cases filed by the lawyer on behalf of Republican electors. https://www.theepochtimes.com/c-michigan Eyewitness Affidavits Several Michigan residents have signed affidavits, which were sworn under penalty of perjury, alleging they witnessed widespread election tampering in Detroit involving many thousands of ballots. City of Detroit employee Jessy Jacob stated in an affidavit that she was instructed to backdate thousands of absentee ballots on Nov. 4 to make them appear legal even though they were not in the Qualified Voter File (QVF) and had not arrived by the deadline. Robert Cushman, another poll observer in Detroit, submitted an affidavit that described behavior similar to what Jacob said she witnessed. Cushman said he saw large swaths of ballots being counted the day after the election for voters who were not in the authorized list of names. In some cases, he added, fake birth dates were being used to fill in birth dates. Alexandra Seely, a Michigan voter who worked as a Republican poll challenger, said in an affidavit that her challenges to suspect ballots were ignored and she was “harassed and threatened” for raising concerns. “I challenged 10 votes at table 23, they would not take out the log to record my challenges,” Seely’s affidavit says. “I had to write names and ballot numbers on my own. I asked to make incident reports. They would not allow me, and said they would make a note in the computer. They did not and proceeded to keep counting.” [Former MI state senator] Patrick Colbeck, a poll watcher at the TCF Center in Detroit, said in an affidavit that he observed an active Internet connection on the screens of the computers used to tabulate and adjudicate ballots at the absentee-vote counting center. sources: https://www.worldtribune.com/in-signed-affidavits-michigan-residents-say-they-witnessed-widespread-voter-fraud-in-detroit/ Affidavit of Jessy Jacob - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EmZAiLwWEAAFdx8?format=jpg&name=large
Affidavit of Alexandra Seely - https://justthenews.com/sites/default/files/2020-11/SeelyAffidavit.pdf
Conclusion: “Outcome Determinative Electoral Fraud” These non-legislative modifications to Michigan’s election statutes fostered an environment in which electoral fraud and other “significant irregularities” were almost guaranteed. Not only do these changes violate the Electors Clause, the number of illegal ballots counted as “votes” far exceeds the margin of voters separating the candidates in Michigan.
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Nevada (33,596 margin vs. over 100,000 contested ballots)
Actions and last-minute illegal rule changes ●
Previously, Nevada had implemented safeguards to protect free and honest elections, however, on August 2, 2020, the Nevada legislature passed AB4. “The law requires the state of Nevada to mail every voter a ballot and even allows ballots cast after election day to count. It also allows other people to sign and return ballots on behalf of voters over 65.”18 This massive change overturned a ballot harvesting ban and allowed a total stranger to pick up a ballot for anyone, opening the door to potentially widespread fraud.
“Significant Irregularities” and Possible Fraud ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
In Nevada, the 2020 rejection rate of mail-in-ballots was approximately 0.75%, less than half the 1.6% rate from 2016. Signature verification in Clark County had an unbelievable 89% fail rate.19 42,284 people are on record as having voted twice in 2020. 20,000 ballots were cast in the names of individuals without a Nevada mailing address. 2,468 ballots were cast by people who had moved to another state and thus were ineligible to vote in Nevada. 1,500 ballots were cast by dead people. Almost 4,000 non-citizens voted. Nearly 30,000 people voted who falsely listed non-residential, vacant, or non-existent addresses as their home addresses. Matt Braynard found 5,145 early or absentee ballots that were cast in Nevada in the names of people who had filed out-of-state move notices and thus were not eligible to vote in Nevada.
Court Cases Trump attorney Jesse Binnall wanted to audit the machines in Nevada but the court there wouldn't allow it. He had two whistleblowers,one said that when they logged out of the machine with USB drives, there would be one number of votes, but when they logged back in the next morning there would be a different number. The witnesses said votes were just disappearing. Binnall requested a full audit of the machines, explaining that it is extremely important to get full transparency with media narrative being, "Oh, the machines are fine. Oh, the machines are secure.” This is simply a "Trust us!" narrative. Once we've seen what's happening in Michigan, and now for instance in Arizona, you have Maricopa county that's obstructing a subpoena from the legislature to 18
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actually have a full audit of these machines, you just have to say, "what have they got to hide?” Binnall confirmed that in Nevada the courts didn't really look at the evidence, and many cases have been thrown out on technicalities or on "standing." Jesse Binnall: “It’s really, really unfortunate that courts are trying to find ways to dodge the issue. My case in Nevada is an example of that, where we were told: no live witnesses and you’re limited to only 15 depositions. So 130,000 instances of voter fraud, and you can only do it with 15 depositions. But we’re also going to limit your ability to get subpoenas and force people to show up. And over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, we were really limited for how we could actually put in our evidence, and so for instance, when we’re able to find evidence of almost 4,000 noncitizens who voted in the election, the court wouldn’t even hear that evidence, the court excluded it completely. And then when it went up to the Supreme Court in Nevada, they gave us two hours to brief our case, to brief all of our issues….8,000 pages of evidence, they gave us two hours to brief it. And we still in just over two hours, we put together a 40-page brief that walked them through all the important issues. And they paid so much attention to that 40-page brief and 8,000 pages of documents that they summarily affirmed the case a couple of hours after that. It’s just completely ridiculous that courts are more interested in being a rubber stamp for this media narrative that there was no voter fraud and ignoring the evidence to the contrary, that there was clear voter fraud, that courts have decided to abdicate their role to be neutral arbiters. That’s really sad.” Source: https://www.ntd.com/trump-attorney-jesse-binnall-interview_543521.html Two other Nevada cases: Law et al v. Whitmer et al (20 OC 00163 1B). - The United States Electoral College candidates in Nevada who pledged to President Donald Trump filed an election contest on Nov. 17, alleging irregularities, improprieties, and fraud in the state’s 2020 presidential election. The contest, filed in the First Judicial District Court in Carson City, seeks to have Trump declared as the winner in Nevada, or to have the election annulled. The plaintiffs allege that the election machines used throughout the state are unreliable, that observers were denied access to the ballot duplication process, and that alleged vote-buying occurred through some Native American outreach programs. Nov. 23: Defendants file motion to dismiss. - Dec. 4: State judge in Carson City dismisses election contest, ruling that the plaintiffs did not sufficiently prove that illegal votes were cast and counted and that legal votes were not counted. A spokesperson for the lawyer representing plaintiffs said they intend to appeal the ruling to Nevada Supreme Court.Dec. 8: Nevada Supreme Court affirms state judge’s order to dismiss election contest. Kraus v. Cegavske (20-oc-001421B) - Oct 23: The Trump campaign and the Nevada Republican Party sued election officials in the Las Vegas area, seeking to halt the ballot counting process immediately until Trump campaign volunteers are allowed to closely observe the process. The lawsuit was filed against Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske, a Republican, and Joseph Gloria, registrar of voters for Clark County, Nevada’s most populous county, which includes the city of Las Vegas. Oct. 29: A state judge rejects a lawsuit seeking expanded access to poll watchers, prompting the Trump campaign to appeal that decision to the state Supreme Court.
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Nov. 10: The Trump campaign moves to dismiss their appeal after reaching a settlement with state officials to allow for more observers. Source: https://www.theepochtimes.com/c-nevada
Conclusion: “Outcome determinative electoral fraud” While the Nevada Legislature did authorize changes in the law, those changes created both “significant irregularities” in established voting procedures, and set the stage for widespread failure to enforce state and federal laws that guarantee election integrity. Jesse Binnall, in testimony before the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, stated, “All in all, our experts identified 130,000 unique instances of voter fraud in Nevada. But the actual number is almost certainly higher.”20
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(99,720 margin)
Actions and last-minute illegal rule changes ●
New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver violated the state election code by permitting voters to deposit completed absentee ballots in drop boxes at voting locations rather than handing them to the location's presiding judge in person. Drop boxes were installed around the state this fall with federal funding from the CARES Act in an effort to reduce numbers of voters congregating at voting locations in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Republican Party of New Mexico sued over the state's use of drop boxes in October, demanding video monitoring for all drop boxes and accusing two county clerks of lax security measures. The party withdrew its complaint after Toulouse Oliver's office reiterated previously issued guidance to county clerks on their use. Source:https://www.lcsun-news.com/story/news/politics/2020/12/14/trump-campaign-lawsuit-new-mexico-absentee-ballotdrop-boxes/6546219002/
Resulting “Significant Irregularities” and Possible Fraud ● ● ● ●
The results for the presidential race from the state website count Biden/Harris 501,614 and Trump/Pence 401,894.21 Since the drop boxes represented a significant portion of the overall ballots, this potentially challenges hundreds of thousands of ballots. Some counties had suspiciously high voter registration rates of around 100%, including one with a voter registration rate of 109% and another of 177%.22 In comparison to the results in 2016, Biden’s totals were 130% greater than Hillary Clinton, who won New Mexico 385,234 to 319,667 for Trump, and Trump in 2020 exceeded his 2016 totals 125.7% - yet he allegedly lost.
Court Case Attorneys filed a lawsuit for plaintiff “Donald J. Trump For President, Inc.” against co-defendants MAGGIE TOULOUSE OLIVER, in her official capacity as Secretary of State of New Mexico, the ELECTORS of NEW MEXICO and the STATE CANVASSING BOARD OF NEW MEXICO, on Dec 14, 2020, requesting the court vacate the Defendant Electors’ certifications from the unconstitutional 2020 election results, and remand to the state of New Mexico legislature pursuant to 3 U.S.C. § 2 to appoint electors. The state Republican Party is subsequently accusing New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver of purposely delaying the release of election records requested by President Donald Trump's administration. The case asserts the Defendant, while taking advantage of federal funding earmarked for absentee-ballot drop-off boxes — also 21 22
https://electionresults.sos.state.nm.us/resultsSW.aspx https://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Judicial-Watch-Voter-Roll-Study-Oct-2020-1.pdf ;
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created another ballot-return option called the “drop box.” The word “drop box” does not appear in the Election Code, and the only creature of statute that looks in any way like it is the “secured container” concept from § 1-6-9(E), but the Secretary took the position that drop boxes were not “secured containers.” Rather, the Secretary took the position that drop boxes were simply an embodiment of the longstanding rule that an absentee-ballot “official mailing envelope may be returned in person to . . . an alternate voting location, mobile alternate voting location or election day voting location.” NMSA 1978, § 1-6-9(D). In short, her position is that there is no difference between the longstanding practice of a voter turning in his or her ballot “in person” and a voter turning in to a drop box placed outside the polling place. […] This procedure was simply not followed with regard to what the Trump Campaign believes was the majority of drop boxes in New Mexico, allowing individuals to drop off multiple ballots — meaning that, by definition, they were not the voter on all of them — without speaking to a person at all. Source: https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nmd.455803/gov.uscourts.nmd.455803.1.0_1. pdf
Conclusion: Outcome-Determinative Electoral Fraud Between the drop boxes with almost complete lack of protections for election integrity, abnormally high and statistically impossible voter registration rates in several counties, and other abnormalities, the state’s election results are indeed open to serious question
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Pennsylvania (80,555 margin vs. 1,144,230 contested ballots)
Last-minute and Illegitimate Rule Changes ●
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Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar, without legislative approval or ratification, unilaterally abrogated several Pennsylvania statutes requiring signature verification for absentee or mail-in ballots. The Pennsylvania Department of State’s guidance unconstitutionally did away with Pennsylvania’s statutory signature verification requirements. The governor approved, contravening state law, a last minute ballot deadline change allowing ballots to be accepted after election day.23 A further last-minute change allowed ballots to be accepted without postmarks24 Pennsylvania’s election law also requires that poll-watchers be granted access to the opening, counting, and recording of absentee ballots. Local election officials in Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties decided not to follow 25 PA. STAT. § 3146.8(b) for the opening, counting, and recording of absentee and mail-in ballots. Prior to the election, Secretary Boockvar sent an email to local election officials urging them to provide opportunities for various persons—including political parties—to contact voters to “cure” defective mail-in ballots. This process clearly violated several provisions of the state election code. Through removing the ballots for examination prior to seven o’clock a.m. on election day, Secretary Boockvar created a system whereby local officials could review ballots without the proper announcements, observation, and security. A great number of ballots were received after the statutory deadline and yet were counted by virtue of the fact that Pennsylvania did not segregate all ballots received after 8:00 pm on November 3, 2020 as required by order of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito.
Related “Significant Irregularities” and Possible Fraud ● ● ● ● ●
23 24 25
9,005 ballots with NO MAILED date. 58,221 ballots were returned on or before the date they were mailed.25 51,200 ballots were returned one day after the date they were mailed to voters. PA Secretary of State unilaterally removed legislative signature verification requirement for mail-in ballots.26 Completely unrealistic rejection rates for mail-in ballots. In 2016 Pennsylvania received 266,208 mail-in ballots; 2,534 of them were rejected (.95%).27 However, in 2020,
https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/06/04/pennsylvania-governors-11th-hour-ballot-deadline-change-spurs-election-chaos/ https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/last-minute-election-rule-changes-raise-big-questions/ https://drive.google.com/file/d/12b80UIkLok1oLyXcg1VMgaJCzvTNzmAu/view
https://apnews.com/article/pennsylvania-election-2020-pittsburgh-elections-presidential-electionsfc464c287c18823ff57fedc13facf7e5 27
https://www.eac.gov/sites/default/files/eac_assets/1/6/2016_EAVS_Comprehensive_Report.pdf (p. 24)
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Pennsylvania received more than 10 times the number of mail-in ballots compared to 2016 yet with almost zero rejections.28 682,777 mail-in votes were counted without a single Republican viewing and verifying the ballots, names, signatures, and dates. 8,021 mail-in ballots were counted for those who were confirmed dead. 40% of Republicans requested ballots that were never subsequently recorded as having been “received” or “counted” by the state.29 Matt Braynard found 7,426 early or absentee ballots that were cast in Pennsylvania in the names of people who had filed out-of-state move notices and thus were not eligible to vote in Pennsylvania.30 All forensic evidence, custody sheets, from Delaware County, disappeared shortly after the election.
69,004 ballots were marked as “received” after Nov 3, and 19,660 ballots after Nov 6, despite Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar reporting on November 10th (and to the Supreme Court on November 30th) that only 10,00 ballots were received after November 3rd.31 The PA Supreme Court usurped established PA legislation to allow ballots to be counted if received by Nov 6. PA election law states that ballots received after Nov 6 are to be rejected. PA’s deadline for mail-in ballot applications was Oct 27, yet some counties, such as Berk County, were allowing both the filling out of mail-in ballot applications and the receipt of said mail-in ballots as late as Nov 16.32 191,725 mail-in ballots were touched by alterations, irregularities, or anomalies.33
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112,516 ballots were given new return dates.34 151,775 mail-in ballots were changed on Nov 23.35
Donald J. Trump for President v. Kathy Boockvar (U.S. Supreme Court: 20-845) The Trump campaign filed the suit on Dec. 21 challenging three Pennsylvania Supreme Court rulings that “illegally changed” the mail-in ballot laws “immediately before and after the 2020 presidential election,” the legal team said. The team argued that those court decisions were 28
https://electproject.github.io/Early-Vote-2020G/PA.html (Data provided by the Pennsylvania Secretary of State’s office)
Affidavit of Dr. Steven Miller, I App. https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22O155/163392/20201214094921641_Appendix%20section%209.pdf 30
Affidavit of Matthew Braynard, I App. https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22O155/163392/20201214094921641_Appendix%20section%209.pdf
1327-1328: 1339:
This is based upon data from the Pennsylvania government’s OpenData website, located here: https://data.pa.gov/GovernmentEfficiency-Citizen-Engagement/2020-General-Election-Mail-Ballot-Requests-Departm/mcba-yywm 32 33 34 35
https://data.pa.gov ; https://hereistheevidence.com/election-2020/pa-update-records/ https://data.pa.gov ; https://hereistheevidence.com/election-2020/pa-update-records/ https://data.pa.gov ; https://hereistheevidence.com/election-2020/pa-update-records/ https://data.pa.gov ; https://hereistheevidence.com/election-2020/pa-update-records/
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issued in violation of Article II of the Constitution and the U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Bush v. Gore, that settled a recount dispute from Florida in 2000. The lawsuit seeks “all appropriate remedies,” which includes the vacating of electors that were committed to Joe Biden and allowing the Pennsylvania Legislature to call up their own electors. One of the cases sought meaningful access for Republican observers to view the counting of ballots. The majority panel in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled the state’s election code does not set a minimum distance poll observers need to stand in order to watch ballot counts and meet the laws’ requirements. The two other cases are a Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision issued before the election on Oct. 23 and another ruling decided on Nov. 23 that consolidates six cases. The campaign consolidated the three rulings. Dec. 21: The Trump campaign files petition for a writ of certiorari to appeal three decisions. A motion for expedited consideration was also filed. The case was docketed on Dec. 23. Dec. 30: Boockvar files a response opposing the request to expeditiously review the case. Dec. 31: The Trump campaign files a reply to Boockvar’s response. Source: https://www.theepochtimes.com/c-pennsylvania Eyewitness Testimony: Gregory Stenstrom, a Navy veteran and forensic computer scientist, testified Wednesday before the State Senate Majority Policy Committee hearing in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, about an election process in Delaware County he described as being “forensically destructive.” “In all cases the chain of custody was broken,” the GOP poll watcher said. “It was broken for the mail in ballots, the drop box ballots, the election day USB card flash drives." Not one procedure defined by the Delaware County Board of Elections and Election Process Review was followed, he added. Stenstrom said he, along with Democratic poll watchers, witnessed a person described as “not a part of the process” come in with bags of USB cards, uploading them into machines. "I personally observed USB cards being uploaded to voting machines by the voting machine warehouse supervisor on multiple occasions. I saw this personally. I brought it to the attention of the deputy sheriff who was there stationed, who was a senior law enforcement officer, and I brought to the attention of the clerk of elections," he said. "I brought it to their attention. I objected, and I said this person is not being observed," he continued. "He’s not part of the process that I can see, and he’s walking in with baggies — which we have pictures of and it was submitted in our affidavits — and he was sticking these USBs into the machines. "So I personally witnessed that happen over 24 times. We have multiple other witnesses who saw it, including Democrat poll watchers. As of today, 47 USB cards are missing, and they are nowhere to be found,” added Stenstrom. “I was told personally that these 24 to 30 cards that were uploaded weren’t there.” Stenstrom also said he was assured that there were between 10-20 GOP poll watchers at the counting center but he wanted to go see for himself. He was required to wait five hours before being allowed in.36
Conclusion: “Significant Irregularities” Determinative Electoral Fraud”
Pennsylvania officials unilaterally changed the law without authorization by the Legislature. By doing away with Pennsylvania’s signature verification requirements, extending the mail in deadline to three days after Election Day, adopting a presumption that even non-postmarked ballots were presumptively timely, blocking poll watchers in Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties 36
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in violation of State law, and the fact that voters from Democrat heavy counties were allowed to “cure” their ballots while most of those from heavily Republican counties were not given that option, a clear violation of Equal Protection, the election in Pennsylvania is not only open to question, but the alleged results as a matter of law simply cannot be legally certified. These nonlegislative modifications to Pennsylvania’s election rules appear to have generated an outcomedeterminative number of unlawful ballots that were cast in Pennsylvania. The conclusion that the fraud was “outcome determinative” is supported also by totaling the 118,426 ballots counted that could not have been “received” before they were mailed or that were “received” the day after they were mailed. Given the slow service of the U.S. Mail, these outcomes are physically impossible, and the numbers “certified” are demonstrably false.
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Wisconsin (20,467 margin vs. over 460,000 contested ballots)
Actions and last-minute illegal rule changes ●
Wisconsin Elections Commission undertook a campaign to position hundreds of drop boxes to collect absentee ballots—including the use of unmanned drop boxes, despite specific statutes requiring “that the privilege of voting by absentee ballot must be carefully regulated to prevent the potential for fraud or abuse.” The mayors of Wisconsin’s five largest cities—Green Bay, Kenosha, Madison, Milwaukee, and Racine, which all have Democrat majorities— joined in this effort, and together, developed a plan use purportedly “secure drop-boxes to facilitate return of absentee ballots.”37 However, the use of any drop box, manned or unmanned, is directly prohibited by Wisconsin statute, and any alternate absentee ballot site “shall be staffed by the municipal clerk or the executive director of the board of election commissioners, or employees of the clerk or the board of election commissioners.”38 Specifically, registering to vote by absentee ballot requires photo identification, except for those who register as “indefinitely confined” or “hospitalized.” However, WEC and local election officials also took it upon themselves to encourage voters to unlawfully declare themselves “indefinitely confined”—which under Wisconsin law allows the voter to avoid security measures like signature verification and photo ID requirements. Under Wisconsin law, voting by absentee ballot also requires voters to complete a certification, including their address, and have the envelope witnessed by an adult who also must sign and indicate their address on the envelope. However, in a training video issued April 1, 2020, the Administrator of the City of Milwaukee Elections Commission unilaterally declared that a “witness address may be written in red and that is because we were able to locate the witnesses’ address for the voter” to add an address missing from the certifications on absentee ballots. This is a clear violation of the law.39 Additionally, statute clearly states that ““If a certificate is missing the address of a witness, the ballot may not be counted.”
Resulting “Significant Irregularities” and Possible Fraud ● ●
37 38 39
Clerks provided absentee ballots to electors without applications as required by Wis. Stat. § 6.86. Clerks and deputy clerks authorized by the municipal clerk failed to write on the official ballot, in the space for official endorsement, the clerk's initials and official title, as required by Wis. Stat. § 6.87 (1). Clerks issued absentee ballots to electors who were required to enclose a copy of proof of identification or an authorized substitute document but failed to do so under Wis. Stat. § 6.87 (1).
https://www.techandciviclife.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Approved-Wisconsin-Safe-Voting-Plan-2020.pdf Wis. Stat. 6.855(3). Wis. Stat. § 6.87(6d).
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Clerks failed to enter initials on ballot envelopes indicating whether the elector is exempt from providing proof of identification, as required by Wis. Stat. §136.87 (2). Clerks and the boards of canvassers permitted absentee ballots returned without the required witness address under Wis. Stat. § 6.87 (2) to be counted in contravention of Wis. Stat. § 6.87 (6d). Clerks who received absentee ballots with improperly completed certificates or no certificates filled in missing information in contravention of Wis. Stat. § 6.87 (9). The clerk of the City of Madison ignored Wis. Stat. § 6.855 and created an event named “Democracy in the Park” and, of her own accord, designated alternate sites where absentee ballots could be collected; these ballots were counted in contravention of Wis. Stat. § 6.87 (6).40 It is alleged in an action recently filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin that over five hundred unmanned, illegal, absentee ballot drop boxes were used in the Presidential election in Wisconsin.41 While the Secretary of State tried to use the pandemic to classify more people as indefinitely confined, the WI Supreme Court struck this down. Ignoring this court ruling, the Wisconsin Secretary of State convinced over 215,000 to claim the status anyway under Wis. Stat. § 6.86 (2), causing chaos and confusion, and failed to keep current the mailing list established under that subsection and clerks in Dane and Milwaukee counties offered illegal advice that encouraged individuals to use indefinite confinement as a way to ignore the state’s photo I.D. requirement.42 43 The usual number of indefinitely confined voters in Wisconsin is 20,000. Thousands of “indefinitely confined” voters have been identified on Facebook with pictures that point towards clearly active lifestyles. Ethan J. Pease, a box truck delivery driver subcontracted to the U.S. Postal Service (“USPS”) to deliver truckloads of mail-in ballots to the sorting center in Madison, WI, testified that a senior USPS employee told him on November 4, 2020 that “[a]n order came down from the Wisconsin/Illinois Chapter of the Postal Service that 100,000 ballots were missing” and needing to be “found”. He filed a sworn statement that the USPS in actuality gathered approximately 100,00 late ballots and backdated them in an attempt to count them. 100,000 ballots supposedly “found” after election day would far exceed former Vice President Biden's margin of 20,565 votes over President Trump. 20% of Republicans had requested ballots that were never subsequently recorded as having been “received” or “counted” by the state. 63,000 Biden only votes (huge statistical anomaly), despite Trump’s recent recognition as America’s most popular man, 3x more popular than Biden. Mathematically incongruous Wisconsin update listed as 3:42AM Central Time on November 4th, 2020, which shows 143,379 votes for Joe Biden and 25,163 votes for Donald Trump. This starkly contrasts normal voting patterns in this area.44
2021 Assembly Resolution 3: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2021/related/proposals/ar3
See Complaint (Doc. No. 1), Donald J. Trump, Candidate for President of the United States of America v. The Wisconsin Election Commission, Case 2:20-cv-01785-BHL (E.D. Wisc. Dec. 2, 2020) (Wisconsin Trump Campaign Complaint”) at ¶¶ 188-89. 42
https://www.wispolitics.com/2020/wisgop-trump-lawsuit-highlights-indefinitely-confined-voter-increase/ Resolution 3: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2021/related/proposals/ar3 44
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The Wisconsin Elections Commission issued a rule that appears to give county clerks the authority, in contravention of state law, to fix incomplete (or "spoiled") ballots that are missing witness signatures.45
Court Cases Feehan v. Wisconsin Elections Commission (District Court: 2:20-cv-01771; Appeal Court: 203396; U.S. Supreme Court: 20-859) Sidney Powell filed a lawsuit on Dec. 1 seeking to de-certify and invalidate improper votes in Wisconsin over allegations of election fraud. She is representing a Republican presidential elector. One of the plaintiffs Derrick Van Orden was removed from the complaint after filing. Dec. 6: Judge rejects Democratic Services Corporation/Democratic National Committee’s request to join lawsuit. Dec. 9: Judge dismisses case. Powell said her team will seek an emergency review in the case. Dec. 10: Powell’s team files notice of appeal. Dec. 12: Powell’s team files a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court. Dec. 29: U.S. Supreme Court dockets case. Dec. 30: Powell’s team asked the court to consolidate all four related-cases filed by the lawyer on behalf of Republican electors. — Trump v. Biden (Trial: 2020CV007092; Wisconsin Supreme Court: 2020AP2038) President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence file an appeal to contest the Wisconsin recount in Milwaukee and Dane County. Dec. 3: Lawsuit filed. Dec. 11: Judge tosses out the case. The attorney representing the Trump campaign signaled that he intends to appeal the decision. Dec. 11: The Wisconsin Supreme Court agreed to hear the appeal. Dec. 14: The Wisconsin Supreme Court rejects lawsuit saying one of the campaign’s arguments lacked merit, while the other three were raised way too late. Dec. 29: Trump files a petition for a writ of certiorari and motion for expedited consideration at the U.S. Supreme Court. Source: https://www.theepochtimes.com/c-wisconsin
Conclusion These non-legislative modifications to Wisconsin’s election rules appear to have generated an outcome-determinative number of unlawful ballots that were cast in Wisconsin. The supposedly “found” ballots and the approximately 200,000 illegally claimed as “indefinitely confined” individually and together far exceed Vice President Biden's alleged margin of 20,565 votes over President Trump. Regardless of the number of such ballots, the non legislative changes to the election rules violated the Electors Clause.
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Conclusion for all seven states with contested electoral slates (415,000 margin vs. over 2,200,000 ballots contested) There is now a mountain of empirical evidence that voter fraud was present in the 2020 election and intentionally concentrated in specific counties of specific swing states. Ranging from eye witness testimony to statistical anomalies to significant machine vulnerabilities that were exploited by foreign adversaries, roughly 2.2 million votes are contested. With a margin between the candidates of less than 415 thousand votes across all contested states, this represents more than five times the votes needed to sway the election outcome of all battleground states in favor of President Trump. Even if some of these pieces of evidence were possible to somehow explain away or leave a bit of reasonable doubt, there is no way to explain all of them away simultaneously. Indeed, sophisticated statistical analysis points out that the anomalous behavior in Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin alone between 1:30 and 6:32AM EST November 4th has a probability of 0.00229%, which is effectively zero.46 In brief, it is the duty of state and national legislators to consider the evidence and maintain election integrity for not only 2020, but all future generations in the United States and all countries that model off of our democracy. State legislators have a duty to ensure that their election law was faithfully followed and to ensure that their authority to set the rules under which elections take place, upon which rules the certification of electors depends, is unchallenged. National legislators have a responsibility to act as national poll watchers, as it were, and to be the ultimate guarantors that the state laws were faithfully followed and that the Electoral votes opened in their presence are legal votes. In the face of clear and widespread evidence that that is not the case, and that the Electors from certain states were NOT legally certified, they have a responsibility to not count those illegal votes and be the final guarantors of election integrity.
Key Sources & References The following sources are heavily referenced, often directly quoted, and provide recommended further reading for anyone wanting to do a deeper analysis into the election fraud: ● ● ●
https://everylegalvote.com/assets/pdfs/The-Immaculate-Deception-12.15.20.pdf https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/12/yes-it-was-stolen-election-john-perazzo/ https://everylegalvote.com/
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Election Fraud Facts & Details Supporting Files for all items listed can be found at the following URL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6erroei8ti11hdv/Supporting%20Files.zip?dl=0
1 FOREIGN INFLUENCE & NATIONAL SECURITY CONCERNS IN US ELECTIONS The core software utilized by Dominion, the 2nd largest US voting machine vendor, originates from intellectual property of Smartmatic; a company that was founded in communist Venezuala with links to Chavez.
A. Smartmatic Ties to Hugo Chávez Warned About in 2006 B.
SmartMatic Sells Sequoia Voting Systems to US Holding Company After CFIUS Probe
Sequoia Admits that while they can change the source code (e.g. Software), Smartmatic still owns the intellectual property of the software.
D. Dominion Buys Sequoia from Smartmatic and Diebold from ES&S
ES&S, Dominion, and Hart Intercivic represent 92% of voting machine market and have a long history of significant security vulnerabilities that could be exploited by a nation state in ways that would be difficult to detect. E.
Map - Voting Machine Usage in the US
Defcon 27 - Voting Machine Hacking Village - Vulnerablity Report
G. Defcon 26 - Voting Machine Hacking Village - Vulnerablity Report.pdf H. History of ES&S and Diebold (Now Dominion) Vulnerabilities and Voting Inconsistiencies I.
An affidavit and scholarly statistical paper attest to Smartmatic rigging Venezualian elections. Smartmatic has also been accused of rigging elections in the Philippines and India J.
Venezuala Smartmatic Affidavit
Statistical Science - 2011 - Volume 26 - Number 4 - Analysis of the 2004 Venezuala Referendum - Official Results Verses the Petition Signatures
Smartmatic Voting Technology Firm Linked to Alleged Fraud in Elections in Philippines, Venezuela
M. After US, Here Is How Smartmatic Is Planning To Rig Indian Elections
Staple Street Capital, the parent organization for Dominion Voting Systems, sells to UBS Securities LLC for 400M. A. SEC - EDGAR Filing Documents - Series D Sale to UBS Securities LLC for 400M
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UBS Securities LLC, owner of Staple Street Capital had a 30% Chinese Board of Directors with Dominion Voting Systems intellectual property held in collateral by the Hong Kong Shanghai Business Corporation, People's Republic of China. B.
UBS Securities LLC - Company Profile and News
Dominion Voting Systems Patents Given In 2019 To Chinese Bank For Collateral
Staple Street Capital’s parent organization, US Based UBS Securities LLC shared chinese board of director members with Chinese controlled UBS Securities LTD CO, up until early December 2020 when board members rotated off the board; presumably for optics. D. UBS Securities LLC - Company Profile and News
Dominion VP of Engineering, Eric Coomer has had anti-USA, anti-police, anti-Trump and pro-Antifa statements on his Facebook, has public testimony of how electronic voting machines can be bypassed; and is quoted as having said, “Don’t worry about the election, Trump is not going to win, I made f****ing sure of that.” E.
Michelle Malkin – Eric Coomer Expose - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh1X4s9HuLo
Eric Coomer Explains how to Bypass Voting Machine Controls https://twitter.com/hppyjesusfreak/status/1330786115830247425
Chinese goals in 1963 to take over American without firing a shot, entered in Congressional Records included, “15. Capture one or both of the political parties”, “20. Infiltrate the press”, “21. Gain Control of Key Positions in radio, TV, and Motion Pictures” and many other relavant topics to current happenings. G. https://www.tysknews.com/Depts/New_World_Order/comgoals.htm
Multiple CISA reports exist identifying foreign interference and Election Systems in November 2020. H. Iranian Advanced Persistent Threat Actors Threaten Election-Related Systems I.
APT Actors Chaining Vulnerabilities Against SLTT, Critical Infrastructure, and Elections Organizations
Statistical Analysis by multiple mathematicians indicate massive fraud occurred. J.
Dr. Shiva – Affidavit explains weighted race algorithm
Quinell & Stanley - Affidavit A
2020 Presidential Election Startling Vote Spikes
M. Keshel - Affidavit
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Analysis of DeKalb county showed a “weighted race” Algorithm Suggesting a Consistent and Automated Motification of Vote Totals transferring 48,000 votes in Favor of Biden. N. Dr. Shiva – Affidavit explains weighted race algorithm
Ballots were run through the scanners multiple times, counting the votes each time that these went through. O. The same batch of ballots being scanned 5 times in a row in Fulton County, Georgia P.
Melissa Carone, MI – Affidavit
Q. Duplicate Scanner – Affidavit
Fulton County Video stating that 79.7% of ballots needed to be adjudicated, indicating the system was significantly misconfigured. R.
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DOMINON VOTING SYSTEMS OVERVIEW 12/2/20 – History, Executives, Vote Manipulation Ability and Design, Foreign Ties Katherine Friess
Table of Contents An Overview of Dominion Voting Systems ............................................................................. 2 History and Timeline of Dominion Voting Systems ................................................................ 2 Key Figures ........................................................................................................................... 5 Dominion Hardware and Software Vulnerabilities ................................................................. 7 Hardware .....................................................................................................................................7 Dominion Voter Systems has Components Manufactured in China ....................................................................7 Test Voting Failures .............................................................................................................................................7 Misleading Message .............................................................................................................................................7 Disappearing Message .........................................................................................................................................7 Sharpie-Marked Ballots .......................................................................................................................................7
Software .......................................................................................................................................7 Dominion Software is Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks ............................................................................................7 Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) Products Can Cause Malfunctions ...............................................................8 Smartmatic Software is Corrupt by Design ..........................................................................................................8
The Trump-Biden 2020 Election: A State by State Review .................................................... 11 Arizona ....................................................................................................................................... 11 Georgia ....................................................................................................................................... 11 Michigan..................................................................................................................................... 11 Pennsylvania ............................................................................................................................... 11
An Overview of Dominion Voting Systems Dominion Voting System is a Canadian company that sells electronic voting hardware and software, founded in 2002 by John Poulos, the company’s current CEO. It is currently the second largest voting hardware and software company in the world.i Dominion Voting Systems is subjected to multiple hardware, software, and cybersecurity vulnerabilities, as exemplified by various electronic voting equipment tests conducted by universities and state government officials. The Canadian company uses Smartmatic software, according to an affidavit of a high ranking Venezuelan military official who was present when Smartmatic was first used in Venezuelan elections.ii Dominion is also tied to the Clinton Foundation, as well as several state-run Venezuelan software and telecommunications companies, which had been involved with rigging elections for authoritarian leaders, like Hugo Chavez, and Nicolas Maduro. For example, Antonio Mugica, the founder of Smartmatic, admitted that his software could be hacked to rig an election when he told a press conference in London that Maduro’s government had inflated voter turnout by 1 million votes.iii Dominion Voting Systems was used in 29 states across the U.S. during the 2020 Election, and is responsible for several glaring technology “glitches” which resulted in thousands of votes being added to Joe Biden’s total ballot count.
History and Timeline of Dominion Voting Systems
Smartmatic was founded in 2000 by three Venezuelan engineers, Antonio Mugica, Alfredo José Anzola and Roger Piñate, to rig election results in favor of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, according to an affidavit of a former high-ranking Venezuelan military official who was present at the founding of the companyiv Smartmatic was officially incorporated in Delaware in 2000 by Alfredo Jose Anzola.v Later that year, Smartmatic located its headquarters in Boca Raton, Florida, after receiving funds from private investors.vi The company was then contracted to automate the electoral processes for the 2004 Venezuelan election. Since 2004, Smartmatic software has been used in local and national elections in Africa, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Italy Mexico, the Philippines, Singapore, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Venezuela. Dominion Voting Systems, a Canadian company that sells electronic voting hardware and software, was founded by John Poulos in 2002. It was originally headquartered in Denver, Colorado. The company provides election technology to countries globally, including the U.S., Canada, and Venezuela.vii The company uses Smartmatic software, and sends all of its vote tabulation data to Smartmatic during elections, according to the high-ranking Venezuelan military official’s affidavit.viii By 2004, Smartmatic expanded, with offices in Venezuela, London, Florida, and California. Smartmatic also had acquired Bizta, 28% owned by the Venezuelan government, which Smartmatic also had a large stake in.ix Bizta is also operated the owners of Smartmatic, Antonio Mugica and Alfredo Anzola.x During the 2004 Venezuelan election, Bizta and Smartmatic partnered with CANTV, a state-run Venezuelan telecommunications company,xi to win a $91 million contract to supply electronic voting machines for the upcoming election.xii Prior to this, Smartmatic was a “little-known firm” with no experience in voting technology before it was chosen by Venezuelan government officials to replace elections machinery prior to the
2010 2013
controversial August 2004 election. xiii Smartmatic, to date, denies any sort of link to the Chavez regime.xiv In 2005, Smartmatic purchased Sequoia Voting Systems, which is based in the U.S., but is owned by Venezuelan nationals.xv Sequoia provided technical assistance in the elections held in Chicago and Cook County by sending a number of Venezuelan nationals to support the machines manufactured by Sequoia.xvi In April of 2006, a Carnegie Mellon University computer science professor tested the Sequoia machines, and found that the machines could be easily manipulated and tampered with. This prompted Pennsylvania’s Allegheny County to turn down the purchasing of these voting machines.xvii In May of 2006, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) wrote a letter to the Treasury Departmentxviii raising concerns about Venezuelan state-owned Smartmatic’s purchase of Sequoia voting machines, which provides election machinery throughout the United States. She also cites Antonio Mugica and Alfredo Anzola who own Smartmatic, also own and operate Bizta, which is partially owned by the Venezuelan government.xix This sparked an investigation conducted by the U.S. Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. (CFIUS) on Smartmatic’s takeover of Sequoia, due to speculations of being linked to the regime of Hugo Chavez.xx Smartmatic quickly sold Sequoia, and the investigation ended.xxi Canadian company, Dominion Voting Systems, purchased the assets of Sequoia Voting Systems in 2010, a subsidiary of Smartmatic up until the CFIUS investigation in 2006.xxii Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic contracted in both 2010 and 2013 to provide electronic voting machinery and software for the Philippines elections, where claims of fraud, technology glitches, and malfunctions abounded.xxiii In 2014, Dominion Voting Systems agreed to provide “emerging” and “post-conflict” democracies with donated voting technologies through the DELIAN project, which the Clinton Foundation provided up to $2.25 million in funding to.xxiv The DELIAN project is a non-governmental organization registered in Canada that was launched in 2014. Through this project, Dominion Voting Systems technology was donated to Barbados, Dominica, Guyana, Jamaica, and South Africa.xxv In 2014, Lord Malloch Brown became the chairman of the board of SGO Corporation Limited, a holding company based in London whose primary asset is Smartmatic electronic voting machine technology.xxvi Lord Malloch-Brown is a member of the British House of Lords, and a former vice-chairman of George Soros’ Investment Funds, and former vice-president at the World Bank.xxvii The Washington Examiner reported that Smartmatic’s “globalist ties” have raised serious concern in the U.S. government for interference U.S. electoral processes.xxviii During the 2016 Trump-Clinton election, seventy-one million voters in 1,635 jurisdictions used Dominion, also tied to the Clinton Foundation, and a $2.25 million project together.xxix
Key Figures John Poulos, CEO of Dominion Voting Systems • John Poulos founded Dominion Voting Systems with James Hoover in 2003. • Hoover is currently the company’s Vice President of product line management.xxx • Dominion sells electronic voting hardware and software in the United States and Canada.
Nadeam Elshami, Lobbyist @ Brownstein, Hyatt et al. •Nadeam Elshami was a former Chief of Staff to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).xxxi •Elshami currently lobbies for Dominion Voting Systems; Dominion has paid him $150,000 this year so far, xxxii and $120,000 in 2019.xxxiii
Antonio Mugica, Founder of Smartmatic • Founder of Anoto Group AB, a Swedish cloud-based software provider, and Director of Panagroup Corporation in Caracas, Venezuela. • Smartmatic provides software for Dominion Voting Systems, according to a high-ranking Venezuelan military official present when the Smartmatic software was created.xxxiv • In the late 1990s, Mugica and his two other Venezuelan colleagues, Jose Anzola and Roger Pinate, created a system where thousands of data inputs could be placed into a network simultaneously. This system eventually build the foundation of Smartmatic.
Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Former Minister of State for Africa, Asia, and the United Nations
• •
• In 2014, Mugica partnered with British Lord Malloch-Brown to launch the SGO Corporation Limited, considered the London-based parent company of Smartmatic.xxxv • Lord Mark Malloch Brown has been closely associated with George Soros. • Through his work at Refugees International, he was part of the Soros Advisor Committee on Bosnia from 1993-1994, Mark Malloch-Brown rented an apartment owned by Soros while working at the United Nations.xxxvi In 2002, Malloch Brown proposed that the United Nations and Soros’s Open Society Institute, and other organizations, should work together to fund humanitarian functions.xxxvii In 2007, George Soros appointed Malloch Brown vice-President of the Quantum Fund. xxxviii Later that year, Malloch Brown was named vice-chairman of the Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Institute, two of Soros’s most prominent organizations.xxxix
Admiral Peter Neffenger, Chairman of the Board of Directors for Smartmatic, Biden Transition Team • Admiral Neffenger of the United States Coast Guard served under the Obama-Biden Administration as the Transportation Security Agency Administrator, from 2015 to 2017. • Admiral Neffenger is currently the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Smartmatic.xl • Neffenger currently is on Vice President Biden’s “Transition Team,” conducting Agency Review for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security team. • Neffenger was made a 'distinguished fellow' at the Atlantic Council think tank after he left the US government in 2017. • Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings, which employed Biden's son Hunter in controversial circumstances, donated $100,000 a year to the council from 2016 to 2018, while Neffenger was there.xli • In 2019, the British government, the government of the United Arab Emirates, Facebook, Goldman Sachs & Co, Bahaa Hariri, the brother of the former Lebanese Prime Minister, Saad Hariri, and the Rockefeller Foundation all donated over $1 million to the Atlantic Council.xlii
Dominion Hardware and Software Vulnerabilities Hardware Dominion Voter Systems has Components Manufactured in China John Polous, the CEO of Dominion Voting Systems, admitted that there are components in Dominion Voter Systems electronic vote tabulation machines that are made in China: these components include LCD components, actual glass screen on interface, chip component level of capacitors and resistors.xliii
Test Voting Failures During voting tests conducted on the Democracy Suite 5.5 Dominion Voting Systems electronic ballot recording technology by an engineer named James Sneeringer of the Texas Attorney General’s office in 2019, party names and proposition text were not displayed properly on the display screen, and one scanner was not accepting any ballots. Sneeringer concluded that these errors were caused by mistakes Dominion had made while setting up the standard test election used by the Texas Secretary of State. Additionally, the scanner had supposedly been accidently configured not accept machine-marked ballots.
Misleading Message During testing, the ballot-marking devices incorrectly informed voters that they were casting their ballots, when in fact they were only printing them. The ballots are not be counted until they were scanned on a different device.xliv
Disappearing Message While scanning ballots during the test run, a message quickly flashed on the display so briefly that it could not be read. After several attempts to re-scan the ballot, Sneeringer discerned that the message read “Ambiguous Marks,” which was displayed for a second or less, then reverts to a “System Ready” message. Sneeringer concluded that the voter would have absolutely no way of knowing what, if anything, is wrong with their ballot or if it was recorded, since the error message does not stay on the screen long enough to read it.xlv
Sharpie-Marked Ballots In January 2019, Brandon Hurley of the Texas Secretary of State’s office conducted another inspection on the Democracy Suite 5.5 voting systems. Dominion Voting Systems instructed that only black Sharpie markers should be used for marking ballots to be counted by the Democracy Suite 5.5 ballot scanner. However, when the black sharpie was used during testing, it did, on a few occasions, bleed through to the back side of the two-sided ballot in such a way that it could confuse the ballot scanner or kick the ballot out. This poor resolution on the scanner also failed to pick up some of the printed wording on the ballots.xlvi
Software Dominion Software is Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks Jake Stauffer, an Air Force cyber analyst who tested Dominion voting systems for the state of California prior to the 2020 election, observed vulnerabilities in Dominion’s Democracy Suite
(DDC) voting equipment which enabled remote code execution, denial of service attacks, and offline ballot tampering.xlvii The election software “glitching” in GA & MI, which incorrectly gave Joe Biden thousands of votes, is used in 29 states nationwide. Dominion blamed these glitches on a day-before “update,” which never actually happened, according to supervisor Marcia Ridley, of the Spalding County Board of Elections in Georgia. Dominion then corrected their statement, citing that its last update to its software was Oct 31.xlviii Dominion’s instruction manual explains how votes can be wiped away in an instant, with the capability of “dragging and dropping” votes to a separate folder, then deleting that folder entirely.xlix Several Democrats over the years like Caroline Maloney, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar have written letters with expert reports and some documentation of how corrupt this (Smartmatic) software is, and nobody in the U.S. government has taken action to date. l
Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) Products Can Cause Malfunctions The use of COTS printers with the ImageCast system, which takes pictures of ballots (in ballot marker mode) is a cost-savings measure, but the COTS hardware presents issues for service. During the inspection in Texas in 2019, one examiner noted that having the printer tray ajar during the voting process caused the system to wipe out all selections and require the voter to start over after the print tray is fixed. This would require a poll worker interaction and could greatly slow down the voting process.li
Smartmatic Software is Corrupt by Design In a sworn affidavit, a former high-ranking Venezuelan Military Officer states that the Smartmatic software was designed so that votes could be changed without being detected, and was set up so that there would be no public evidence of tampering with votes.lii He also mentions that Smartmatic software is used in Dominion Voting Systems.liii He cites that voters could scan their thumbprints on the Dominion scanner, fingerprints would be tied to his or her name and identity on record as having voted, but that voter would not be made aware that his or her vote had been changed in favor of another candidate. The officer cites that Smartmatic agreed to develop the software and hardware to accomplish favorable electoral results for President Chavez in 2004. After the Smartmatic electoral system was put in place, the officer closely observed several elections where results were manipulated by the Smartmatic software.liv For example, in December 2006, when Chavez ran against Rosales, Chavez ended up winning with a landslide over Rosales with a margin of nearly 6 million votes for Chavez, and 3.7 million votes for Rosales due to vote manipulation by the Smartmatic software.lv The military official was in the control room where multiple digital display screens were showing results and voting, because the Smartmatic machines all over Venezuela were connected to the internet. Because of this, government officials in the control room could observer the actual voting results in real time, and figure out if the vote was in their favor or against them.lvi Government officials in charge of the computer tabulation of votes had control of the reporting of votes by moving votes from one candidate to another through the Smartmatic software connected to the internet. When a candidate is losing, for example, during the Maduro-Radonski election in 2013, Maduro’s supporters utilized the Smartmatic software to calculate how many votes were needed to defeat the opponent, and made a decision mid-election to reset the entire system to fix results.lvii
Maduro and his supporters ordered the network controllers to take the internet offline in all parts of Venezuela: it took voting operators approximately 2 hours to change the votes from Radonski to Maduro. When they the internet was turned back on, Maduro’s supporters checked each screen state by state to be certain that each vote was changed in favor of Maduro.lviii Admiral Neffenger, who is the chairman of the board of directors at Smartmatic, is assigned to Agency Review under the Department of Homeland Security on Biden’s 2020 Presidential “transition” team.lix Sidney Powell cites that this Smartmatic software has been used to change election results all over the world, so it would be highly unlikely that Gina Haspell and the entire CIA would not know about it. During the 2020 election, Dominion voting machines were connected to the internet in 29 different states; anywhere these machines were connected to the internet, votes were being watched in real time, and switched for Biden if President Trump was ahead.lx
Evidence of Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic Election Technology Corruption Affidavit of a Venezuelan Lawyer lxi A Venezuelan lawyer legally residing in Florida who contested the Venezuelan presidential elections before the Venezuelan Supreme Court in 2012, 2013, along with the Venezuelan voting system in 2018 before the Venezuelan Supreme Court cited that in 2018, the Venezuelan Supreme Court came to a decision and determined that Smartmatic software was not acceptable for managing the Venezuelan elections.lxii The Court also ordered that the Venezuelan Prosecutor open an investigation to Smartmatic’s Directors because of their “participation in corrupt activities violating bidding law provisions.” lxiii In 2004, she noted that Bitza and Smartmatic entered a bidding process to provide both voting equipment and software to the Venezuelan National Electoral Council. Both companies had been “practically inactive” until then and had “no previous experience in performing elections.” Two members of the Board of Directors of the Venezuelan National Council were not allowed to supervise the bidding process because they were “perceived as favoring the opposition,” and one of the resigned because of this. lxiv Shortly before the 2004 elections, Jorge Rodriguez, an officer in the Venezuelan government who would serve as Chavez’s appointed Vice President in 2007, said that all optic scanners in Venezuela had to be substituted for electronic voting machines. lxv She mentioned that there was no rational reason to support the contracting of Smartmatic-Bizta in 2004 for the Venezuelan elections, especially since the Venezuelan government had spent $94 million on voting equipment just 5 years earlier. lxvi After the 2004 Venezuelan Recall Referendum in 2004, she cites statistical studies such as Giullermo Salas’s paper entitled “The Beginning of the electronic vote in Venezuela and the debate on its performance,” that proved that Chavez had, in fact, lost the referendum. After numerous reports of fraudulent elections involving Smartmatic software used in both the 2004 Chavez election, and the 2013 Maduro election, in addition to a growing “global international repulsion” for President Maduro, Smartmatic then decided to stop backing Venezuelan elections in 2018. lxvii
Affidavit of a Corporate Finance Consultant lxviii An investment banker and corporate finance consultant reported on concerns of two highly qualified colleagues in the technology space; one is an engineer in developing networks for Fortune 500 companies, and one is an architect for major Healthcare HMO networks and the largest software companies in the world. The two individuals reported concerns about reports of Dominion Voting Systems “crashing” in Georgia’s counties. Dominion’s website denied this claim, but the technology experts suspect this is a “dodge.” The experts suspect that the Log-in-System “KnowInc” connected to the Dominion “PollPad-System,” are the systems that crashed, which resulted in poll logging in voters with their own poll-worker ID cards and codes, which compromised every single vote cast this way; once this happened, all votes cast were linked to the identities of the poll workers instead of the voters. lxix He also cites that versions of Android used in the Dominion systems noted by analyst Brian Mechler, who conducted an inspection of Dominion electronic voting machines for the Secretary of State of Texas in 2019, are so outdated that they are not even supported by Google from a security standpoint. lxx For this reason, the affiant cites that it is unclear how Dominion could have met its obligations to maintain adequate security practices, or secure any faith in this system or its results. lxxi The affiant mentions that the report from Texas alone should warrant an audit of the Dominion system, and votes should be recast. lxxii
Affidavit of a Former Venezuelan Professorlxxiii A former professor at the Universidad Central de Venezuela and current U.S. citizen and automotive industry algorithm technical specialist at ZF cites his involvement in the 2004 Chavez Recount Referendum, experience with Smartmatic technology, and parallels in the Trump-Biden 2020 Election. He had written a report in 2011 entitled “Analysis of the 2004 Venezuela Referendum: The Official Results Versus the Petition Signatures.”lxxiv The report found that it is verified that the 2004 Recall Referendum results in each automated voting center were invented basd on the “number of signatures requesting referendum collected in each voting center,” and that the set of voting centers that were same-day audited is correlated with the number of signatures collected in those centers.” lxxv This meant that the exit polls anomalies would only be explainable if results were manipulated in some way related to the signatures, and that the difference between the official and true result is estimated at 1.3 million votes with an error of 20%. When the affiant heard that the Smartmatic technology was being used in Dominion Voting Systems equipment, he was alarmed and cited several critical parallels. In 2004, a “continuous satellite” connection was introduced by Smartmatic since 2004 in Venezuela’s voting centers, and was only supposed to be used for laptops in the voting center entrance to verify identity of electors and prevent people from voting twice. The equipment was used in close proximity to the voting machines in Venezuela, which left possibilities of communication with an illegal command center providing unfair advantages to one of the parties, similarly to the affidavit of the high-ranking Venezuelan military official. The affiant mentions that in the U.S., there are now reports of voting machines being connected to the internet, similar software glitches changing votes, voting software updates the night before the election, which is “unacceptable” he mentions because a new audit would be needed after the update, and that the Newcomb-Benford distributions to voting data follow votes for Donald Trump more than those of Joe Biden. This is similar to how votes for
Chavez in 2004 similarly did not follow the distribution, while those of the opposition followed it well.
Affidavit of a Concerned Citizen in Antrim County, MIlxxvi The morning after the election, William Bailey (Finishing write up)
The Trump-Biden 2020 Election: A State by State Review Arizona Maricopa County used the same Dominion Voting Systems (ImageCast 6 Hardware and Democracy Suite software) that caused problems in Antrim County, Michigan. Maricopa is home to 4.5 million residents, making it by far the state’s most populous county, and the fourth most populous county in the United States. The county seat is Phoenix, the state capital and the fifth-most populous city in the United States.8 • As results currently stand, Maricopa will be the only county in the entire state of Arizona to flip from Republican to Democrat in the 2020 election. Of these 2 million votes, about 1.875 million of them have been cast via absentee ballots, or nearly 94% of the total. Joe Biden currently leads President Trump by 2% in Maricopa County, resulting in nearly a 5% swing from the 2016 outcome.
Georgia A surge of 20,000 mail-in votes suddenly appeared for Joe Biden resulting from a Dominion Voting System glitch, while approximately 1,000 votes for President Trump disappeared. Joe Biden currently holds a razor-thin lead.lxxvii In Gwinette County, vote tabulating at 3:00 AM on November 4th halted, when a Dominion tabulation glitch occurred, in which 4,400 mail-in ballots had arrived that were left to count, along with 1,000 provisional ballots.lxxviii Garland Favorito filed an affidavit to the Georgia Secretary of State’s office claiming that the votes were “artificially inflated” by Dominion, in favor of Joe Biden.lxxix In 2019, Georgia contracted with Dominion to automate vote tabulations in all 159 of its counties.lxxx Ahead of Georgia’s early voting on October 12th, Secretary of State Raffensperger mandated that Georgia’s 30,000 voting machines adopt Dominion Voting Systems software for the upcoming 2020 Election.lxxxi
Michigan Dominion Voting Systems switched 6,000 votes for President Trump to Biden, in Antrim County.lxxxii Dominion Voting Systems is used in 47 counties across Michigan.lxxxiii
Pennsylvania In 2019, 67 counties in Pennsylvania, including Jefferson, York and Montgomery, installed Dominion Voting Systems electronic ballot counting machines.lxxxiv There were several issues reported already, for example, in York, in which Dominion’s electronic voting machines were jamming and not counting ballots which caused delays.lxxxv
Resources i
https://www.citizen.org/news/public-citizen-calls-on-largest-voting-machine-vendor-to-stop-selling-machines-thatconnect-to-the-internet-increase-costs-to-taxpayers/ ii https://amgreatness.com/2020/11/17/sworn-affidavit-from-high-ranking-military-officer-claims-smartmatic-wasdesigned-to-change-votes-without-being-detected/ iii https://nation.com.pk/16-Nov-2020/president-of-soros-linked-voting-software-firm-on-biden-transition-teamtrump-lawyers iv https://amgreatness.com/2020/11/17/sworn-affidavit-from-high-ranking-military-officer-claims-smartmaticwas-designed-to-change-votes-without-being-detected/ v "Division of Corporations - Filing - SMARTMATIC CORPORATION". State of Delaware - Division of Corporations. State of Delaware. Retrieved 22 July 2017. vi Hernandez, Sandra (9 July 2004). "Boca Raton, Fla., electronic voting system maker gambles on Venezuela vote". Knight Ridder Tribune Business News. vii https://www.dominionvoting.com/about/ viii https://www.ntd.com/whistleblowers-reveal-how-software-manipulates-votes-to-change-electionresults_529213.html ix https://votingmachines.procon.org/additional-resources/sequoia-alleged-to-have-ties-to-venezuelas-chavez/ x https://votingmachines.procon.org/additional-resources/sequoia-alleged-to-have-ties-to-venezuelas-chavez/ xi https://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-cantv/service-dont-rely-on-venezuelas-state-telecoms-firm-cantvidUSKCN1NR1GQ xii https://votingmachines.procon.org/additional-resources/sequoia-alleged-to-have-ties-to-venezuelas-chavez/ xiii https://votingmachines.procon.org/additional-resources/sequoia-alleged-to-have-ties-to-venezuelas-chavez/) xiv https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB116674617078557263 xv https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2006-04-08-0604080149-story.html xvi ABC Local, 7 April 2006, Alderman: Election Day troubles could be part of ‘international conspiracy’ xvii https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2006-04-08-0604080149-story.html xviii https://maloney.house.gov/sites/maloney.house.gov/files/documents/financial/acquisitions/20061130CFIUSSm artmatic.pdf xix https://electionupdates.caltech.edu/2006/10/28/us-government-investigating-ownership-structure-of-sequoiavoting-systems/ xx https://votingmachines.procon.org/additional-resources/sequoia-alleged-to-have-ties-to-venezuelas-chavez/ xxi https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB116674617078557263 xxii https://web.archive.org/web/20100704220058/http://dominionvoting.com/images/pdfs/DominionAcquiresSequoia Final.pdf xxiii http://www.capecharlesmirror.com/news/check-the-code-dominion-voting-system-tied-to-hugo-chavez-voterfraud-used-in-2020-swing-states/ xxiv https://www.clintonfoundation.org/clinton-global-initiative/commitments/delian-project-democracy-throughtechnology xxv https://www.clintonfoundation.org/clinton-global-initiative/commitments/delian-project-democracy-throughtechnology xxvi Ahmed, Murad (24 November 2014). "Lord Mark Malloch-Brown to chair election technology group SGO". Financial Times. Retrieved 8 June2018. xxvii https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/officials-raised-concerns-for-years-about-security-of-us-votingmachines-software-systems xxviii https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/officials-raised-concerns-for-years-about-security-of-us-votingmachines-software-systems xxix http://www.capecharlesmirror.com/news/check-the-code-dominion-voting-system-tied-to-hugo-chavez-voterfraud-used-in-2020-swing-states/ xxx https://gnews.org/568111/ xxxi https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/trump-lawyer-forthcoming-evidence-shows-dominion-votecount-manipulated xxxii https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/clients/summary?id=D000068717 xxxiii https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/clients/lobbyists?cycle=2019&id=D000068717
https://amgreatness.com/2020/11/17/sworn-affidavit-from-high-ranking-military-officer-claims-smartmaticwas-designed-to-change-votes-without-being-detected/ xxxv https://nation.com.pk/16-Nov-2020/president-of-soros-linked-voting-software-firm-on-biden-transition-teamtrump-lawyers See Also https://www.thetrumpet.com/23167-what-massive-voter-fraud-has-already-taught-us xxxvi "An Annan Deputy Is a Soros Tenant". The New York Sun. 15 June 2005. Retrieved 13 July 2007. xxxvii "Press Conference "Foreign Minister of Mexico and UNDP Administrator - March 18, 2002"". www.un.org. United Nations. Retrieved 9 March 2017. xxxviii "Ex-Deputy U.N. Chief Joins With Soros". The New York Sun. xxxix "Mark Malloch Brown appointed Vice-Chairman of Soros Fund Management, Open Society Institute". Global Public Policy Institute. 21 May 2007. Archived from the original on 20 November 2008. xl https://www.smartmatic.com/us/about/board-of-directors/detail/peter-neffenger/ xli https://www.wsj.com/articles/ukraine-companys-campaign-to-burnish-its-image-stretched-beyond-hunter-biden11573154199 xlii https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/support-the-council/honor-roll-of-contributors-2019/ xliii https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4921488/user-clip-dominion-parts-china xliv https://www.sos.texas.gov/elections/forms/sysexam/oct2019-sneeringer.pdf xlv https://www.sos.texas.gov/elections/forms/sysexam/oct2019-sneeringer.pdf xlvi https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/forms/sysexam/jan2019-hurley.pdf xlvii http://www.capecharlesmirror.com/news/check-the-code-dominion-voting-system-tied-to-hugo-chavez-voterfraud-used-in-2020-swing-states/ xlviii http://www.capecharlesmirror.com/news/check-the-code-dominion-voting-system-tied-to-hugo-chavez-voterfraud-used-in-2020-swing-states xlix https://romesentinel.com/stories/media-dismisses-powells-claims-of-evidence-of-election-tampering,106739 l https://romesentinel.com/stories/media-dismisses-powells-claims-of-evidence-of-election-tampering,106739 li https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/forms/sysexam/jan2019-hurley.pdf lii https://amgreatness.com/2020/11/17/sworn-affidavit-from-high-ranking-military-officer-claims-smartmaticwas-designed-to-change-votes-without-being-detected/ liii https://amgreatness.com/2020/11/17/sworn-affidavit-from-high-ranking-military-officer-claims-smartmatic-wasdesigned-to-change-votes-without-being-detected/ liv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_p1sonhp-k lv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_p1sonhp-k lvi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_p1sonhp-k lvii https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_p1sonhp-k lviii https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_p1sonhp-k lix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_p1sonhp-k lx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_p1sonhp-k lxi Affidavit of Adriana Vigilanza lxii Affidavit of Adriana Vigilanza lxiii Affidavit of Adriana Vigilanza lxiv Affidavit of Adriana Vigilanza lxv Affidavit of Adriana Vigilanza lxvi Affidavit of Adriana Vigilanza lxvii Affidavit of Adriana Vigilanza lxviii Affidavit of Douglas Anderson lxix Affidavit of Douglas Anderson lxx Affidavit of Douglas Anderson lxxi Affidavit of Douglas Anderson lxxii Affidavit of Douglas Anderson lxxiii Affidavit of Douglas Anderson lxxiv https://arxiv.org/abs/1205.3009 lxxv Affidavit of Douglas Anderson lxxvi Affidavit of William Bailey lxxvii https://thecitizen.com/2020/11/15/georgia-voting-irregularities-the-curious-case-of-bidens-20000-vote-surge/
https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/04/georgia-absentee-ballot-count-delay-434018 https://thecitizen.com/2020/11/15/georgia-voting-irregularities-the-curious-case-of-bidens-20000-vote-surge/ lxxx https://thecitizen.com/2020/11/15/georgia-voting-irregularities-the-curious-case-of-bidens-20000-vote-surge/ lxxxi https://www.ajc.com/politics/election/in-high-stakes-election-georgias-voting-system-vulnerable-tocyberattack/TBFT5U5BH5AZZPFPZTP3LFQ7RY/?clearUserState=true lxxxii https://californiaglobe.com/section-2/how-many-california-counties-use-glitchy-dominion-voting-system/ lxxxiii https://californiaglobe.com/section-2/how-many-california-counties-use-glitchy-dominion-voting-system/ lxxxiv https://www.witf.org/2019/11/05/few-reports-of-problems-as-pa-counties-roll-out-new-voting-technology/ lxxxv https://www.witf.org/2019/11/05/few-reports-of-problems-as-pa-counties-roll-out-new-voting-technology/ lxxix