Volume 19, Tome I: Kierkegaard Bibliography: Afrikaans to Dutch (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources) [1 ed.] 9781138209404, 9781138209459, 9781138209466, 9781138209497, 9781138209510, 9781138209572, 9781138210110, 1138209406

The long tradition of Kierkegaard studies has made it impossible for individual scholars to have a complete overview of

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Table of contents :
Half Title
Emil Aarestrup (1800–1856)
Abelard (1079–1142) – French philosopher and theologian
Abraham – Biblical figure (Old Testament)
Abraham a St. Clara (1644–1709) – Austrian religious writer
Adam and Eve – Biblical figures (Old Testament)
Adolph Peter Adler (1812–1869) – Danish philosopher and theologian
Theodor W. Adorno (1903–1969) – German philosopher
Endre Ady (1877–1919) – Hungarian poet
Aeschylus (c. 525/524 bc–c. 456/455 bc) – Greek playwright
Sylviane Agacinski (1945–) – French philosopher
Giorgio Agamben (1942–) – Italian philosopher
Agamemnon – literary figure (Greek mythology)
Agnes (and the Merman) – literary figures (Danish mythology)
Lars Ahlin (1915–1997) – Swedish writer
Aladdin – literary figure (Middle Eastern folk tale)
Woody Allen (1935–) – American film director
C.J.L. Almqvist (1793–1866) – Swedish poet
Amor – literary figure (Roman mythology)
Alfred Andersch (1914–1980) – German writer
Hans Christian Andersen (1805–1875) – Danish poet and writer
Sherwood Anderson (1876–1941) – American writer
Johannes Anker Larsen (1874–1957) – Danish writer
Anselm of Canterbury (c. 1033–1109) – Christian philosopher and theologian
Antigone – literary figure (Greek mythology)
Apuleius (c. 125–c. 180) – Roman writer
Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) – Italian philosopher and theologian
José Luís López Aranguren (1909–1996) – Spanish philosopher and writer
Hannah Arendt (1906–1975) – German American political theorist
Ariadne – literary figure (Greek mythology)
Mori Arimasa (1911–1976) – Japanese philosopher and writer
Aristophanes (c. 446 bc–c. 386 bc) – Greek playwright
Aristotle (384 bc–322 bc) – Greek philosopher
Johann Arndt (1555–1621) – German theologian
Sivar Arnér (1909–1997) – Swedish writer and playwright
Achim von Arnim (1781–1831) – German poet
Antonin Artaud (1896–1948) – French dramatist and poet
Athanasius of Alexandria (c. 295–373) – Egyptian Christian theologian
Attar of Nishapur (c. 1145–c. 1221) – Persian poet
W.H. Auden (1907–1973) – Anglo-American poet
Augustine of Hippo (354–430) – Christian philosopher and theologian
Paul Auster (1947–) – American author
Franz von Baader (1765–1841) – German philosopher
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) – German composer
Alain Badiou (1937–) – French philosopher
Jens Baggesen (1764–1826) – Danish poet
Mikhail Bakhtin (1895–1975) – Russian writer and critic
James Baldwin (1924–1987) – American writer and poet
Nicolai Edinger Balle (1744–1816) – Danish bishop
Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905–1988) – Swiss theologian
Samuel Barber (1910–1981) – American composer
Július Barč-Ivan (1909–1953) – Slovak dramatist and writer
Heinrich Barth (1890–1965) – Swiss philosopher
Karl Barth (1886–1968) – Swiss theologian
Donald Barthelme (1931–1989) – American author
Roland Barthes (1915–1980) – French philosopher
Czesław Bartnik (1929–) – Polish philosopher and theologian
Georges Bataille (1897–1962) – French philosopher
Christine Battersby (1946–) – English feminist thinker
Charles Baudelaire (1821–1867) – French poet
Jean Baudrillard (1929–2007) – French philosopher
Bruno Bauer (1809–1882) – German philosopher
Zygmunt Bauman (1925–) – Polish sociologist
Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten (1714–1762) – German philosopher
F.C. Baur (1792–1860) – German theologian
Karl Bayer (1806–1883) – German philosopher
Pierre Bayle (1647–1706) – French philosopher
Marie Beaumarchais – literary figure (Goethe’s Clavigo)
Simone de Beauvoir (1908–1986) – French philosopher and writer
Andreas Frederik Beck (1816–1861) – Danish journalist
Vilhelm Beck (1829–1901) – Danish religious author
Ernest Becker (1924–1974) – American anthropologist
Samuel Beckett (1906–1989) – Irish playwright and writer
Saul Bellow (1915–2005) – American writer
Carmelo Bene (1937–2002) – Italian author and actor
Victoria Benedictsson (1850–1888) – Swedish writer
Walter Benjamin (1892–1940) – German-Jewish philosopher
Nicholas Berdyaev (1874–1948) – Russian philosopher
Ingmar Bergman (1918–2007) – Swedish film director and writer
Henri Bergson (1859–1941) – French philosopher
Guðbergur Bergsson (1932–) – Icelandic writer
Hector Berlioz (1803–1869) – French composer
Georges Bernanos (1888–1948) – French writer
Bernard of Clairvaux (1090–1153) – French religious writer
Adam Bernd (1676–1748) – German theologian
Carl Bernhard (1798–1865) – Danish writer
Thomas Bernhard (1931–1989) – Austrian author and playwright
Rachel Bespaloff (1895–1949) – Ukranian-born Jewish writer
Bhaktivinoda Thakur (1838–1914) – Indian philosopher and religious thinker
Ludwig Binswanger (1881–1966) – Swiss psychiatrist
Wilfred Bion (1897–1979) – British psychoanalyst
Eugen Biser (1918–2014) – German theologian
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson (1832–1910) – Norwegian writer
Lucian Blaga (1895–1961) – Romanian philosopher
William Blake (1757–1827) – English poet and painter
Maurice Blanchot (1907–2003) – French philosopher
Brand Blanshard (1892–1987) – American philosopher
Max Blecher (1909–1938) – Romanian writer
Franz Blei (1871–1942) – Austrian writer
Steen Steensen Blicher (1782–1848) – Danish author
Karen Blixen (1885–1962) – Danish writer
Ernst Bloch (1885–1977) – German philosopher
Alexander Blok (1880–1921) – Russian poet
Maurice Blondel (1861–1949) – French philosopher
Harold Bloom (1930–) – American writer and critic
Ludovicus Blosius (1506–1566) – Flemish religious writer
Léon Bloy (1846–1917) – French writer and poet
Bluebeard – literary figure (French folk tale)
Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt (1842–1919) – German theologian
Emil Boesen (1812–1881) – Danish pastor
Boethius (c. 480–c. 524) – Christian philosopher
Torsten Bohlin (1889–1950) – Swedish theologian
Jacob Böhme (1575–1624) – German mystic
Niels Bohr (1885–1962) – Danish physicist
François-Adrien Boieldieu (1775–1834) – French composer
Heinrich Böll (1917–1985) – German writer
Bernard Bolzano (1781–1848) – Bohemian philosopher and theologian
Bonaventure (1221–1274) – Italian theologian and philosopher
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906–1945) – German theologian
Yves Bonnefoy (1923–2016) – French poet and literary critic
Jorge Luis Borges (1899–1986) – Argentine writer
Louise Bouchard (1949–) – Canadian poet and writer
August Bournonville (1805–1879) – Danish ballet master and choreographer
O.K. Bouwsma (1898–1978) – American philosopher
Georg Brandes (1842–1927) – Danish critic
Berthold Brecht (1898–1956) – German playwright and poet
Fredrika Bremer (1801–1865) – Swedish writer
Clemens Brentano (1778–1842) – German poet and novelist
Robert Bresson (1901–1999) – French film director
K.G. Bretschneider (1776–1848) – German theologian
Otokar Březina (1868–1929) – Czech poet and writer
Hermann Broch (1886–1951) – Austrian writer
Hans Brøchner (1820–1875) – Danish philosopher
Max Brod (1884–1968) – Jewish writer
Joseph Brodsky (1940–1996) – Russian and American poet and essayist
Suzanne Brøgger (1944–) – Danish writer
Viggo Brøndal (1887–1942) – Danish linguist
Cleanth Brooks (1906–1994) – American literary critic
Hans Adolph Brorson (1694–1764) – Danish religious writer
Robert Browning (1812–1889) – English poet and playwright
Emil Brunner (1889–1966) – Swiss theologian
Giordano Bruno (1548–1600) – Italian philosopher and astronomer
Martin Buber (1878–1965) – Jewish philosopher
Georg Büchner (1813–1837) – German dramatist and writer
Charles Bukowski (1920–1994) – American poet and writer
Rudolf Bultmann (1884–1976) – German theologian
John Bunyan (1628–1688) – English writer
Kenneth Burke (1897–1993) – American literary theorist and philosopher
Judith Butler (1956–) – American philosopher
Lord George Gordon Byron (1788–1824) – British poet
John Calvin (1509–1564) – French theologian
Albert Camus (1913–1960) – French philosopher and writer
Elias Canetti (1905–1994) – Bulgarian-born author
Captain Scipio – literary figure (Jules Henri Verony de Saint-Georges’ Ludovic)
John D. Caputo (1940–) – American philosopher and theologian
Thomas Carlyle (1795–1881) – Scottish writer
Edward John Carnell (1919–1967) – American theologian
Giacomo Casanova (1725–1798) – Italian author
Ernst Cassirer (1874–1945) – German philosopher
Leonardo Castellani (1899–1981) – Argentine writer and theologian
Willa Cather (1873–1947) – American author
Cato Uticensis (95 bc–46 bc) – Roman politician and philosopher
Stanley Cavell (1926–) – American philosopher
Louis-Ferdinand Céline (1894–1961) – French writer
Miguel de Cervantes (1547–1616) – Spanish writer
Aimé Fernand David Césaire (1913–2008) – French poet
Charlie Chaplin (1889–1977) – English actor
François-René de Chateaubriand (1768–1848) – French writer
Anton Chekhov (1860–1904) – Russian dramatist and author
Chrysostom (c. 347–407) – Greek Christian theologian
Cicero (106 bc–43 bc) – Roman philosopher and jurist
Emil Cioran (1911–1995) – Romanian philosopher and essayist
Henrik Nicolai Clausen (1793–1877) – Danish theologian and politician
Clavigo – literary figure (Goethe’s Clavigo)
Arthur Hugh Clough (1819–1861) – English poet
Paulo Coelho (1947–) – Brazilian writer
Hermann Cohen (1842–1918) – German-Jewish philosopher
André Comte-Sponville (1952–) – French philosopher
Confucius (551 bc–479 bc) – Chinese philosopher and politician
Joseph Conrad (1857–1924) – Polish-English writer
Benjamin Constant (1767–1830) – Swiss-French writer and politician
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543) – Polish astronomer
Harvey Gallagher Cox Jr. (1929–) – American theologian
Benedetto Croce (1866–1952) – Italian philosopher
Don Cupitt (1934–) – English philosopher
Cyprian of Carthage (d. 258) – Christian theologian
Ernesto Dalgas (1871–1899) – Danish writer
Dante (1265–1321) – Italian writer
Charles Darwin (1809–1882) – British scientist
Carl Daub (1765–1836) – German theologian
David – Biblical figure (Old Testament)
Günther Carl Dehn (1882–1970) – German theologian
Gilles Deleuze (1925–1995) – French philosopher
Don DeLillo (1936–) – American writer and playwright
Paul De Man (1919–1983) – Belgian-American philosopher
Thomas De Quincey (1785–1859) – British author
Ludwig Derleth (1870–1948) – German writer and theologian
Jacques Derrida (1930–2004) – French philosopher
René Descartes (1596–1650) – French philosopher
Anne Desclos (1907–1998) – French writer
Desdemona – literary figure (Shakespeare’s Othello)
John Dewey (1859–1952) – American philosopher
Emily Dickinson (1830–1886) – American poet
Denis Diderot (1713–1784) – French philosopher and writer
Hermann Diem (1900–1975) – German theologian
Wilhelm Dilthey (1833–1911) – German philosopher
Diogenes Laertius (c. 3rd century ad) – Greek writer
Diotima of Mantinea (5th century bc) – Greek philosopher
Alfred Döblin (1878–1957) – German writer
Dōgen (1200–1253) – Japanese religious thinker and philosopher
Don Juan/Don Giovanni – literary figure (Mozart’s Don Giovanni)
Don Quixote – literary figure (Cervantes’ Don Quixote)
Yoon Dong-ju (1917–1945) – Korean poet
Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821–1881) – Russian writer
Eugen Drewermann (1940–) – German theologian
Carl Theodor Dreyer (1889–1968) – Danish film director
Hubert Dreyfus (1929–) – American philosopher
Marguerite Duras (1914–1996) – French writer
Emil Durkheim (1858–1917) – French sociologist
Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921–1990) – Swiss author and playwright
Gerhard Ebeling (1912–2001) – German theologian
Ebenezer Scrooge – literary figure (Dickens’ A Christmas Carol)
Ferdinand Ebner (1882–1931) – Austrian philosopher
Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg (1783–1853) – Danish painter
Meister Eckhart (c. 1260–c. 1327) – German theologian and mystic
Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758) – American theologian
Paul Edwards (1923–2004) – Austrian-American philosopher
Dave Eggers (1970 –) – American writer
Albert Ehrenstein (1886–1950) – Austrian poet
Albert Ehrhard (1862–1940) – German theologian
Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff (1788–1857) – German poet
Magnús Eiríksson (1806–1881) – Icelandic theologian
Werner Elert (1885–1954) – German theologian
Mircea Eliade (1907–1986) – Romanian historian of religion
George Eliot (1819–1880) – English author
Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888–1965) – British poet and playwright
Jacques Ellul (1912–1994) – French philosopher
Elvira – literary figure (Mozart’s Don Giovanni)
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882) – American writer and poet
Shūsaku Endō (1923–1996) – Japanese writer
Friedrich Engels (1820–1895) – German philosopher
Erasmus Montanus – literary figure (Holberg’s Erasmus Montanus)
Erasmus of Rotterdam (1465–1536) – Dutch philosopher and theologian
Johann Eduard Erdmann (1805–1892) – German philosopher and theologian
Louise Erdrich (1954–) – American writer and poet
Erik Erikson (1902–1994) – German-American psychologist
Joan Estelrich (1896–1958) – Spanish writer
Péter Esterházy (1950–2016) – Hungarian writer
Rudolf Christoph Eucken (1846–1926) – German philosopher
Euripides (c. 480 bc–406 bc) – Greek playwright
Johannes Ewald (1743–1781) – Danish poet
Cornelio Fabro (1911–1995) – Italian philosopher
Emil Fackenheim (1916–2003) – Jewish philosopher
Farinelli (1705–1782) – Italian singer
William Faulkner (1897–1962) – American writer
Faust – literary figure (German folk tale, Goethe, Thomas Mann)
François Fénelon (1651–1715) – French theologian
Feng Youlan (1895–1990) – Chinese philosopher
Luc Ferry (1951–) – French philosopher
Ludwig Feuerbach (1804–1872) – German philosopher
Paul Feyerabend (1924–1994) – Austrian philosopher
Ilia Fibiger (1817–1867) – Danish author
Mathilde Fibiger (1830–1872) – Danish author
I.H. Fichte (1797–1879) – German theologian and philosopher
J.G. Fichte (1762–1814) – German philosopher
Figaro – literary figure (Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro)
Leopold Flam (1912–1995) – Belgian philosopher
Benjamin Fondane (1898–1944) – Romanian-French poet and philosopher
Theodor Fontane (1819–1898) – German novelist and poet
Michel Foucault (1926–1984) – French philosopher
Francis of Assisi (1181/1182–1226) – Italian mystic and preacher
August Hermann Francke (1663–1727) – German theologian
Semyon Frank (1877–1950) – Russian philosopher
Harry Frankfurt (1929–) – American philosopher
Viktor Frankl (1905–1997) – Austrian psychiatrist
Paulo Freire (1921–1997) – Brazilian educator
Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) – Austrian neurologist
Max Frisch (1911–1991) – Swiss author and playwright
Gustaf Fröding (1860–1911) – Swedish poet and writer
Erich Fromm (1900–1980) – German-American psychologist
Ernst Fuchs (1903–1983) – German theologian
Carlos Fuentes (1928–2012) – Mexican writer
Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900–2002) – German philosopher
William Gaddis (1922–1998) – American writer
Mahatma Gandhi (1869–1948) – Indian activist and author
Arne Garborg (1851–1924) – Norwegian writer
Arnold Gehlen (1904–1976) – German philosopher
Erik Gustaf Geijer (1783–1847) – Swedish writer and philosopher
Eduard Geismar (1871–1939) – Danish theologian and philosopher
Giovanni Gentile (1875–1944) – Italian philosopher
Anthony Giddens (1938–) – British sociologist
Étienne Gilson (1884–1978) – French philosopher
Jens Finsteen Giødwad (1811–1891) – Danish journalist
René Girard (1923–2015) – French philosopher and critic
Heiner Goebbels (1952–) – German composer
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832) – German writer
Friedrich Gogarten (1887–1967) – German theologian
Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) – Dutch painter
Nikolai Gogol (1809–1852) – Russian dramatist and writer
William Golding (1911–1993) – British writer and playwright
Meïr Goldschmidt (1819–1887) – Danish editor and author
Witold Gombrowicz (1904–1969) – Polish writer and dramatist
Christian Dietrich Grabbe (1801–1836) – German dramatist
Julien Green (1900–1998) – American writer
Graham Greene (1904–1991) – British author and critic
Gregory of Nyssa (c. 335–after 394) – Greek Christian theologian
Stanley J. Grenz (1950–2005) – American theologian
Herbert Paul Grice (1913–1988) – British philosopher
Edvard Grieg (1843–1907) – Norwegian composer
Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig (1783–1872) – Danish poet and theologian
Andreas Gryphius (1616–1664) – German poet and dramatist
Romano Guardini (1885–1968) – German theologian and philosopher
João Guimarães Rosa (1908–1967) – Brazilian writer
Gulliver – literary figure (Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels)
Anton Günther (1783–1863) – Austrian theologian
Thomasine Gyllembourg (1773–1856) – Danish author
Lars Gyllensten (1921–2006) – Swedish writer
Jürgen Habermas (1929–) – German philosopher
Pierre Hadot (1922–2010) – French philosopher
Theodor Haecker (1879–1945) – German writer and critic
Dalimír Hajko (1944–) – Slovak philosopher
Hakuin Ekaku (1686–1768) – Japanese Buddhist thinker
Bent Haller (1946–) – Danish writer
Ole Hallesby (1879–1961) – Norwegian theologian
Johann Georg Hamann (1730–1788) – German philosopher
Hamlet – literary figure (Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark)
Béla Hamvas (1897–1968) – Hungarian writer and philosopher
Peter Handke (1942–) – Austrian writer and dramatist
Martin A. Hansen (1909–1955) – Danish writer
Peter Härtling (1935–) – German writer and poet
Charles Hartshorne (1897–2000) – American philosopher
Carsten Hauch (1790–1872) – Danish poet and dramatist
Stanley Hauerwas (1940–) – American theologian
Václav Havel (1936–2011) – Czech playwright and politician
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804–1864) – American writer
Anne Hébert (1916–2000) – Canadian writer and poet
Ingemar Hedenius (1908–1982) – Swedish philosopher
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831) – German philosopher
Johan Ludvig Heiberg (1791–1860) – Danish playwright and philosopher
Johanne Luise Heiberg (1812–1890) – Danish actress
Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) – German philosopher
Heinrich Heine (1797–1856) – German poet
Joseph Heller (1923–1999) – American writer
Hans Frederik Helveg (1816–1901) – Danish pastor and theologian
Ernest Hemingway (1899–1961) – American writer
Dieter Henrich (1927–) – German philosopher
Michel Henry (1922–2002) – French philosopher
Heraclitus (c. 535 bc–c. 475 bc) – Greek philosopher
Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776–1841) – German philosopher and psychologist
Johann Gottfried Herder (1744–1803) – German theologian and philosopher
Herodotus (c. 484 bc–c. 425 bc) – Greek historian
Alexander Herzen (1812–1870) – Russian writer
Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907–1972) – Jewish theologian and philosopher
Hesiod – Greek poet
Moses Hess (1812–1875) – German-Jewish philosopher and writer
Hermann Hesse (1877–1962) – German-Swiss poet and novelist
John Hick (1922–2012) British philosopher
Etty Hillesum (1914–1943) – Dutch-Jewish author
Hippocrates (c. 460 bc–c. 370 bc) – Greek physician
Emanuel Hirsch (1888–1972) – German theologian
Shin’ichi Hisamatsu (1889–1980) – Japanese philosopher and religious thinker
Louis Hjelmslev (1899–1965) – Danish linguist
Harald Høffding (1843–1931) – Danish philosopher
E.T.A. Hoffmann (1776–1822) – German writer
Gunvor Hofmo (1921–1995) – Norwegian writer
James Hogg (1770–1835) – Scottish poet and writer
Ludvig Holberg (1684–1754) – Norwegian-Danish writer
Friedrich Hölderlin (1770–1843) – German poet
Holger the Dane – literary figure (medieval folklore)
Homer – Greek poet
Hōnen (1133–1212) – Japanese religious thinker
Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844–1889) – English poet
Horace (65 bc–8 bc) – Roman poet
Jens Christian Hostrup (1818–1892) – Danish poet and theologian
Heinrich Gustav Hotho (1802–1873) – German historian of art
Frantz Gotthard Howitz (1789–1826) – Danish doctor
Friedrich von Hügel (1852–1925) – Austrian theologian
Victor Hugo (1802–1885) – French poet and writer
Huineng (638–713) – Chinese religious leader
David Hume (1711–1776) – Scottish philosopher
Edmund Husserl (1859–1938) – German philosopher
Aldous Huxley (1894–1963) – English writer
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Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources Volume 19, Tome VI

Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources is a publication of the Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre

General Editor JON STEWART Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Editorial Board FINN GREDAL JENSEN KATALIN NUN PETER ŠAJDA Advisory Board LEE C. BARRETT MARÍA J. BINETTI ISTVÁN CZAKÓ HEIKO SCHULZ CURTIS L. THOMPSON

Kierkegaard Bibliography Tome VI: Figures A to H


First published 2017 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN and by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2017 Peter Šajda and Jon Stewart The right of Peter Šajda and Jon Stewart to be identified as the authors has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Šajda, Peter, editor. | Stewart, Jon (Jon Bartley), editor. Title: Kierkegaard bibliography / edited by Peter Šajda and Jon Stewart. Description: New York : Routledge, 2016– | Series: Kierkegaard research: sources, reception and resources ; volume 19 | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2016024126 | ISBN 9781138209404 (v. 1 : hardback : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781138209459 (v. 2 : hardback : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781138209466 (v. 3 : hardback : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781138209497 (v. 4 : hardback : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781138209510 (v. 5 : hardback : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781138209572 (v. 6 : hardback : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781138210110 (v. 7 : hardback : alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Kierkegaard, Sören, 1813–1855—Bibliography. Classification: LCC Z8464.25 .K54 2016 B4377 | DDC 016.198/9—dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016024126 ISBN: 978-1-138-20957-2 (hbk) Typeset in Times New Roman by Apex CoVantage, LLC Cover design by Katalin Nun Copyright © Jon Stewart, 2017. All rights reserved.

Contents A Emil Aarestrup (1800–1856) – Danish poet Abelard (1079–1142) – French philosopher and theologian Abraham – Biblical figure (Old Testament) Abraham a St. Clara (1644–1709) – Austrian religious writer Adam and Eve – Biblical figures (Old Testament) Adolph Peter Adler (1812–1869) – Danish philosopher and theologian Theodor W. Adorno (1903–1969) – German philosopher Endre Ady (1877–1919) – Hungarian poet Aeschylus (c. 525/524 bc–c. 456/455 bc) – Greek playwright Sylviane Agacinski (1945–) – French philosopher Giorgio Agamben (1942–) – Italian philosopher Agamemnon – literary figure (Greek mythology) Agnes (and the Merman) – literary figures (Danish mythology) Lars Ahlin (1915–1997) – Swedish writer Aladdin – literary figure (Middle Eastern folk tale) Woody Allen (1935–) – American film director C.J.L. Almqvist (1793–1866) – Swedish poet Amor – literary figure (Roman mythology) Alfred Andersch (1914–1980) – German writer Hans Christian Andersen (1805–1875) – Danish poet and writer Sherwood Anderson (1876–1941) – American writer Johannes Anker Larsen (1874–1957) – Danish writer Anselm of Canterbury (c. 1033–1109) – Christian philosopher and theologian Antigone – literary figure (Greek mythology) Apuleius (c. 125–c. 180) – Roman writer Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) – Italian philosopher and theologian José Luís López Aranguren (1909–1996) – Spanish philosopher and writer Hannah Arendt (1906–1975) – German American political theorist Ariadne – literary figure (Greek mythology) Mori Arimasa (1911–1976) – Japanese philosopher and writer Aristophanes (c. 446 bc–c. 386 bc) – Greek playwright Aristotle (384 bc–322 bc) – Greek philosopher Johann Arndt (1555–1621) – German theologian Sivar Arnér (1909–1997) – Swedish writer and playwright Achim von Arnim (1781–1831) – German poet Antonin Artaud (1896–1948) – French dramatist and poet Athanasius of Alexandria (c. 295–373) – Egyptian Christian theologian Attar of Nishapur (c. 1145–c. 1221) – Persian poet

1 1 1 14 15 16 18 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 30 30 31 31 33 33 35 35 36 36 36 37 40 40 40 40 40 40


Kierkegaard Bibliography

W.H. Auden (1907–1973) – Anglo-American poet Augustine of Hippo (354–430) – Christian philosopher and theologian Paul Auster (1947–) – American author

41 41 43

B Franz von Baader (1765–1841) – German philosopher Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) – German composer Alain Badiou (1937–) – French philosopher Jens Baggesen (1764–1826) – Danish poet Mikhail Bakhtin (1895–1975) – Russian writer and critic James Baldwin (1924–1987) – American writer and poet Nicolai Edinger Balle (1744–1816) – Danish bishop Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905–1988) – Swiss theologian Samuel Barber (1910–1981) – American composer Július Barč-Ivan (1909–1953) – Slovak dramatist and writer Heinrich Barth (1890–1965) – Swiss philosopher Karl Barth (1886–1968) – Swiss theologian Donald Barthelme (1931–1989) – American author Roland Barthes (1915–1980) – French philosopher Czesław Bartnik (1929–) – Polish philosopher and theologian Georges Bataille (1897–1962) – French philosopher Christine Battersby (1946–) – English feminist thinker Charles Baudelaire (1821–1867) – French poet Jean Baudrillard (1929–2007) – French philosopher Bruno Bauer (1809–1882) – German philosopher Zygmunt Bauman (1925–) – Polish sociologist Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten (1714–1762) – German philosopher F.C. Baur (1792–1860) – German theologian Karl Bayer (1806–1883) – German philosopher Pierre Bayle (1647–1706) – French philosopher Marie Beaumarchais – literary figure (Goethe’s Clavigo) Simone de Beauvoir (1908–1986) – French philosopher and writer Andreas Frederik Beck (1816–1861) – Danish journalist Vilhelm Beck (1829–1901) – Danish religious author Ernest Becker (1924–1974) – American anthropologist Samuel Beckett (1906–1989) – Irish playwright and writer Saul Bellow (1915–2005) – American writer Carmelo Bene (1937–2002) – Italian author and actor Victoria Benedictsson (1850–1888) – Swedish writer Walter Benjamin (1892–1940) – German-Jewish philosopher Nicholas Berdyaev (1874–1948) – Russian philosopher Ingmar Bergman (1918–2007) – Swedish film director and writer Henri Bergson (1859–1941) – French philosopher Guðbergur Bergsson (1932–) – Icelandic writer Hector Berlioz (1803–1869) – French composer Georges Bernanos (1888–1948) – French writer

45 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 49 54 54 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 60 61 62 63 63 63 63



Bernard of Clairvaux (1090–1153) – French religious writer 64 Adam Bernd (1676–1748) – German theologian 64 Carl Bernhard (1798–1865) – Danish writer 64 Thomas Bernhard (1931–1989) – Austrian author and playwright 64 Rachel Bespaloff (1895–1949) – Ukranian-born Jewish writer 65 Bhaktivinoda Thakur (1838–1914) – Indian philosopher and religious thinker 65 Ludwig Binswanger (1881–1966) – Swiss psychiatrist 65 Wilfred Bion (1897–1979) – British psychoanalyst 65 Eugen Biser (1918–2014) – German theologian 65 Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson (1832–1910) – Norwegian writer 65 Lucian Blaga (1895–1961) – Romanian philosopher 66 William Blake (1757–1827) – English poet and painter 66 Maurice Blanchot (1907–2003) – French philosopher 67 Brand Blanshard (1892–1987) – American philosopher 67 Max Blecher (1909–1938) – Romanian writer 67 Franz Blei (1871–1942) – Austrian writer 67 Steen Steensen Blicher (1782–1848) – Danish author 68 Karen Blixen (1885–1962) – Danish writer 68 Ernst Bloch (1885–1977) – German philosopher 70 Alexander Blok (1880–1921) – Russian poet 70 Maurice Blondel (1861–1949) – French philosopher 71 Harold Bloom (1930–) – American writer and critic 71 Ludovicus Blosius (1506–1566) – Flemish religious writer 71 Léon Bloy (1846–1917) – French writer and poet 71 Bluebeard – literary figure (French folk tale) 71 Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt (1842–1919) – German theologian 71 Emil Boesen (1812–1881) – Danish pastor 72 Boethius (c. 480–c. 524) – Christian philosopher 72 Torsten Bohlin (1889–1950) – Swedish theologian 72 Jacob Böhme (1575–1624) – German mystic 72 Niels Bohr (1885–1962) – Danish physicist 72 François-Adrien Boieldieu (1775–1834) – French composer 72 Heinrich Böll (1917–1985) – German writer 73 Bernard Bolzano (1781–1848) – Bohemian philosopher and theologian 73 Bonaventure (1221–1274) – Italian theologian and philosopher 73 Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906–1945) – German theologian 73 Yves Bonnefoy (1923–2016) – French poet and literary critic 75 Jorge Luis Borges (1899–1986) – Argentine writer 75 Louise Bouchard (1949–) – Canadian poet and writer 76 August Bournonville (1805–1879) – Danish ballet master and choreographer76 O.K. Bouwsma (1898–1978) – American philosopher 76 Georg Brandes (1842–1927) – Danish critic 77 Berthold Brecht (1898–1956) – German playwright and poet 81 81 Fredrika Bremer (1801–1865) – Swedish writer


Kierkegaard Bibliography

Clemens Brentano (1778–1842) – German poet and novelist 81 Robert Bresson (1901–1999) – French film director 81 K.G. Bretschneider (1776–1848) – German theologian 81 Otokar Březina (1868–1929) – Czech poet and writer 82 Hermann Broch (1886–1951) – Austrian writer 82 Hans Brøchner (1820–1875) – Danish philosopher 82 Max Brod (1884–1968) – Jewish writer 83 Joseph Brodsky (1940–1996) – Russian and American poet and essayist 83 Suzanne Brøgger (1944–) – Danish writer 83 Viggo Brøndal (1887–1942) – Danish linguist 84 Cleanth Brooks (1906–1994) – American literary critic 84 Hans Adolph Brorson (1694–1764) – Danish religious writer 84 Robert Browning (1812–1889) – English poet and playwright 84 Emil Brunner (1889–1966) – Swiss theologian 84 Giordano Bruno (1548–1600) – Italian philosopher and astronomer 85 Martin Buber (1878–1965) – Jewish philosopher 85 Georg Büchner (1813–1837) – German dramatist and writer 88 Charles Bukowski (1920–1994) – American poet and writer 89 Rudolf Bultmann (1884–1976) – German theologian 89 John Bunyan (1628–1688) – English writer 92 Kenneth Burke (1897–1993) – American literary theorist and philosopher92 Judith Butler (1956–) – American philosopher 92 Lord George Gordon Byron (1788–1824) – British poet 92 C John Calvin (1509–1564) – French theologian Albert Camus (1913–1960) – French philosopher and writer Elias Canetti (1905–1994) – Bulgarian-born author Captain Scipio – literary figure (Jules Henri Verony de Saint-Georges’ Ludovic) John D. Caputo (1940–) – American philosopher and theologian Thomas Carlyle (1795–1881) – Scottish writer Edward John Carnell (1919–1967) – American theologian Giacomo Casanova (1725–1798) – Italian author Ernst Cassirer (1874–1945) – German philosopher Leonardo Castellani (1899–1981) – Argentine writer and theologian Willa Cather (1873–1947) – American author Cato Uticensis (95 bc–46 bc) – Roman politician and philosopher Stanley Cavell (1926–) – American philosopher Louis-Ferdinand Céline (1894–1961) – French writer Miguel de Cervantes (1547–1616) – Spanish writer Aimé Fernand David Césaire (1913–2008) – French poet Charlie Chaplin (1889–1977) – English actor

93 93 95 95 95 96 96 96 96 96 96 97 97 97 97 98 98



François-René de Chateaubriand (1768–1848) – French writer 98 Anton Chekhov (1860–1904) – Russian dramatist and author 98 Chrysostom (c. 347–407) – Greek Christian theologian 98 Cicero (106 bc–43 bc) – Roman philosopher and jurist 98 Emil Cioran (1911–1995) – Romanian philosopher and essayist 99 Henrik Nicolai Clausen (1793–1877) – Danish theologian and politician 99 Clavigo – literary figure (Goethe’s Clavigo)99 Arthur Hugh Clough (1819–1861) – English poet 99 Paulo Coelho (1947–) – Brazilian writer 100 Hermann Cohen (1842–1918) – German-Jewish philosopher 100 André Comte-Sponville (1952–) – French philosopher 100 Confucius (551 bc–479 bc) – Chinese philosopher and politician 100 Joseph Conrad (1857–1924) – Polish-English writer 100 Benjamin Constant (1767–1830) – Swiss-French writer and politician 101 Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543) – Polish astronomer 101 Harvey Gallagher Cox Jr. (1929–) – American theologian 101 Benedetto Croce (1866–1952) – Italian philosopher 101 Don Cupitt (1934–) – English philosopher 101 Cyprian of Carthage (d. 258) – Christian theologian 101 D Ernesto Dalgas (1871–1899) – Danish writer 103 Dante (1265–1321) – Italian writer 103 Charles Darwin (1809–1882) – British scientist 103 Carl Daub (1765–1836) – German theologian 103 David – Biblical figure (Old Testament) 104 Günther Carl Dehn (1882–1970) – German theologian 104 Gilles Deleuze (1925–1995) – French philosopher 104 Don DeLillo (1936–) – American writer and playwright 105 Paul De Man (1919–1983) – Belgian-American philosopher 105 Thomas De Quincey (1785–1859) – British author 105 Ludwig Derleth (1870–1948) – German writer and theologian 105 Jacques Derrida (1930–2004) – French philosopher 106 René Descartes (1596–1650) – French philosopher 111 Anne Desclos (1907–1998) – French writer 112 Desdemona – literary figure (Shakespeare’s Othello)112 John Dewey (1859–1952) – American philosopher 113 Emily Dickinson (1830–1886) – American poet 113 Denis Diderot (1713–1784) – French philosopher and writer 113 Hermann Diem (1900–1975) – German theologian 113 Wilhelm Dilthey (1833–1911) – German philosopher 113 Diogenes Laertius (c. 3rd century ad) – Greek writer 114 Diotima of Mantinea (5th century bc) – Greek philosopher 114 Alfred Döblin (1878–1957) – German writer 114 Dōgen (1200–1253) – Japanese religious thinker and philosopher 114 Don Juan/Don Giovanni – literary figure (Mozart’s Don Giovanni)114


Kierkegaard Bibliography

Don Quixote – literary figure (Cervantes’ Don Quixote)121 Yoon Dong-ju (1917–1945) – Korean poet 122 Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821–1881) – Russian writer 122 Eugen Drewermann (1940–) – German theologian 128 Carl Theodor Dreyer (1889–1968) – Danish film director 128 Hubert Dreyfus (1929–) – American philosopher 129 Marguerite Duras (1914–1996) – French writer 129 129 Emil Durkheim (1858–1917) – French sociologist Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921–1990) – Swiss author and playwright 129 E Gerhard Ebeling (1912–2001) – German theologian Ebenezer Scrooge – literary figure (Dickens’ A Christmas Carol) Ferdinand Ebner (1882–1931) – Austrian philosopher Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg (1783–1853) – Danish painter Meister Eckhart (c. 1260–c. 1327) – German theologian and mystic Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758) – American theologian Paul Edwards (1923–2004) – Austrian-American philosopher Dave Eggers (1970 –) – American writer Albert Ehrenstein (1886–1950) – Austrian poet Albert Ehrhard (1862–1940) – German theologian Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff (1788–1857) – German poet Magnús Eiríksson (1806–1881) – Icelandic theologian Werner Elert (1885–1954) – German theologian Mircea Eliade (1907–1986) – Romanian historian of religion George Eliot (1819–1880) – English author Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888–1965) – British poet and playwright Jacques Ellul (1912–1994) – French philosopher Elvira – literary figure (Mozart’s Don Giovanni) Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882) – American writer and poet Shūsaku Endō (1923–1996) – Japanese writer Friedrich Engels (1820–1895) – German philosopher Erasmus Montanus – literary figure (Holberg’s Erasmus Montanus) Erasmus of Rotterdam (1465–1536) – Dutch philosopher and theologian Johann Eduard Erdmann (1805–1892) – German philosopher and theologian Louise Erdrich (1954–) – American writer and poet Erik Erikson (1902–1994) – German-American psychologist Joan Estelrich (1896–1958) – Spanish writer Péter Esterházy (1950–2016) – Hungarian writer Rudolf Christoph Eucken (1846–1926) – German philosopher Euripides (c. 480 bc–406 bc) – Greek playwright Johannes Ewald (1743–1781) – Danish poet

131 131 131 132 132 132 133 133 133 133 133 133 135 135 135 135 135 136 136 136 136 136 137 137 137 137 138 138 138 138 138



F Cornelio Fabro (1911–1995) – Italian philosopher 139 Emil Fackenheim (1916–2003) – Jewish philosopher 139 Farinelli (1705–1782) – Italian singer 139 William Faulkner (1897–1962) – American writer 139 Faust – literary figure (German folk tale, Goethe, Thomas Mann) 139 François Fénelon (1651–1715) – French theologian 142 Feng Youlan (1895–1990) – Chinese philosopher 142 Luc Ferry (1951–) – French philosopher 142 Ludwig Feuerbach (1804–1872) – German philosopher 142 Paul Feyerabend (1924–1994) – Austrian philosopher 145 Ilia Fibiger (1817–1867) – Danish author 146 Mathilde Fibiger (1830–1872) – Danish author 146 I.H. Fichte (1797–1879) – German theologian and philosopher 146 J.G. Fichte (1762–1814) – German philosopher 146 Figaro – literary figure (Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro)148 Leopold Flam (1912–1995) – Belgian philosopher 149 Benjamin Fondane (1898–1944) – Romanian-French poet and philosopher149 Theodor Fontane (1819–1898) – German novelist and poet 149 Michel Foucault (1926–1984) – French philosopher 149 Francis of Assisi (1181/1182–1226) – Italian mystic and preacher 150 August Hermann Francke (1663–1727) – German theologian 150 Semyon Frank (1877–1950) – Russian philosopher 150 Harry Frankfurt (1929–) – American philosopher 150 Viktor Frankl (1905–1997) – Austrian psychiatrist 151 Paulo Freire (1921–1997) – Brazilian educator 151 Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) – Austrian neurologist 151 Max Frisch (1911–1991) – Swiss author and playwright 153 Gustaf Fröding (1860–1911) – Swedish poet and writer 155 Erich Fromm (1900–1980) – German-American psychologist 155 Ernst Fuchs (1903–1983) – German theologian 155 Carlos Fuentes (1928–2012) – Mexican writer 155 G Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900–2002) – German philosopher William Gaddis (1922–1998) – American writer Mahatma Gandhi (1869–1948) – Indian activist and author Arne Garborg (1851–1924) – Norwegian writer Arnold Gehlen (1904–1976) – German philosopher Erik Gustaf Geijer (1783–1847) – Swedish writer and philosopher Eduard Geismar (1871–1939) – Danish theologian and philosopher Giovanni Gentile (1875–1944) – Italian philosopher Anthony Giddens (1938–) – British sociologist Étienne Gilson (1884–1978) – French philosopher

157 158 158 159 159 159 159 160 160 160


Kierkegaard Bibliography

Jens Finsteen Giødwad (1811–1891) – Danish journalist 160 René Girard (1923–2015) – French philosopher and critic 160 Heiner Goebbels (1952–) – German composer 161 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832) – German writer 162 Friedrich Gogarten (1887–1967) – German theologian 164 Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) – Dutch painter 164 Nikolai Gogol (1809–1852) – Russian dramatist and writer 164 William Golding (1911–1993) – British writer and playwright 165 Meïr Goldschmidt (1819–1887) – Danish editor and author 165 Witold Gombrowicz (1904–1969) – Polish writer and dramatist 166 Christian Dietrich Grabbe (1801–1836) – German dramatist 167 Julien Green (1900–1998) – American writer 167 Graham Greene (1904–1991) – British author and critic 167 Gregory of Nyssa (c. 335–after 394) – Greek Christian theologian 167 Stanley J. Grenz (1950–2005) – American theologian 168 Herbert Paul Grice (1913–1988) – British philosopher 168 Edvard Grieg (1843–1907) – Norwegian composer 168 Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig (1783–1872) – Danish poet and theologian 168 Andreas Gryphius (1616–1664) – German poet and dramatist 176 Romano Guardini (1885–1968) – German theologian and philosopher 176 João Guimarães Rosa (1908–1967) – Brazilian writer 177 Gulliver – literary figure (Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels)177 Anton Günther (1783–1863) – Austrian theologian 177 Thomasine Gyllembourg (1773–1856) – Danish author 177 Lars Gyllensten (1921–2006) – Swedish writer 178 H Jürgen Habermas (1929–) – German philosopher 181 Pierre Hadot (1922–2010) – French philosopher 182 Theodor Haecker (1879–1945) – German writer and critic 182 Dalimír Hajko (1944–) – Slovak philosopher 183 Hakuin Ekaku (1686–1768) – Japanese Buddhist thinker 184 Bent Haller (1946–) – Danish writer 184 Ole Hallesby (1879–1961) – Norwegian theologian 184 Johann Georg Hamann (1730–1788) – German philosopher 184 Hamlet – literary figure (Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark)187 Béla Hamvas (1897–1968) – Hungarian writer and philosopher 189 Peter Handke (1942–) – Austrian writer and dramatist 189 Martin A. Hansen (1909–1955) – Danish writer 189 Peter Härtling (1935–) – German writer and poet 191 Charles Hartshorne (1897–2000) – American philosopher 191 Carsten Hauch (1790–1872) – Danish poet and dramatist 191 Stanley Hauerwas (1940–) – American theologian 191 192 Václav Havel (1936–2011) – Czech playwright and politician


Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804–1864) – American writer Anne Hébert (1916–2000) – Canadian writer and poet Ingemar Hedenius (1908–1982) – Swedish philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831) – German philosopher Johan Ludvig Heiberg (1791–1860) – Danish playwright and philosopher Johanne Luise Heiberg (1812–1890) – Danish actress Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) – German philosopher Heinrich Heine (1797–1856) – German poet Joseph Heller (1923–1999) – American writer Hans Frederik Helveg (1816–1901) – Danish pastor and theologian Ernest Hemingway (1899–1961) – American writer Dieter Henrich (1927–) – German philosopher Michel Henry (1922–2002) – French philosopher Heraclitus (c. 535 bc–c. 475 bc) – Greek philosopher Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776–1841) – German philosopher and psychologist Johann Gottfried Herder (1744–1803) – German theologian and philosopher Herodotus (c. 484 bc–c. 425 bc) – Greek historian Alexander Herzen (1812–1870) – Russian writer Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907–1972) – Jewish theologian and philosopher Hesiod – Greek poet Moses Hess (1812–1875) – German-Jewish philosopher and writer Hermann Hesse (1877–1962) – German-Swiss poet and novelist John Hick (1922–2012) British philosopher Etty Hillesum (1914–1943) – Dutch-Jewish author Hippocrates (c. 460 bc–c. 370 bc) – Greek physician Emanuel Hirsch (1888–1972) – German theologian Shin’ichi Hisamatsu (1889–1980) – Japanese philosopher and religious thinker Louis Hjelmslev (1899–1965) – Danish linguist Harald Høffding (1843–1931) – Danish philosopher E.T.A. Hoffmann (1776–1822) – German writer Gunvor Hofmo (1921–1995) – Norwegian writer James Hogg (1770–1835) – Scottish poet and writer Ludvig Holberg (1684–1754) – Norwegian-Danish writer Friedrich Hölderlin (1770–1843) – German poet Holger the Dane – literary figure (medieval folklore) Homer – Greek poet Hōnen (1133–1212) – Japanese religious thinker Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844–1889) – English poet Horace (65 bc–8 bc) – Roman poet Jens Christian Hostrup (1818–1892) – Danish poet and theologian Heinrich Gustav Hotho (1802–1873) – German historian of art


192 192 192 192 224 227 228 243 244 244 244 244 245 245 246 246 246 246 246 246 247 247 247 247 248 248 250 250 250 251 252 252 252 253 253 253 253 254 254 254 254


Kierkegaard Bibliography

Frantz Gotthard Howitz (1789–1826) – Danish doctor Friedrich von Hügel (1852–1925) – Austrian theologian Victor Hugo (1802–1885) – French poet and writer Huineng (638–713) – Chinese religious leader David Hume (1711–1776) – Scottish philosopher Edmund Husserl (1859–1938) – German philosopher Aldous Huxley (1894–1963) – English writer

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Abraham a St. Clara

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Adam and Eve


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Adolph Peter Adler

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Adolph Peter Adler


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Theodor W. Adorno

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Endre Ady

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Woody Allen

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Thomas Aquinas

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Johann Arndt

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Augustine of Hippo


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Augustine of Hippo

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Paul Auster


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B Franz von Baader (1765–1841) – German philosopher Koslowski, Peter, “Baader: The Centrality of Original Sin and the Difference of Immediacy and Innocence,” in Kierkegaard and His German Contemporaries, Tome I, Philosophy, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2007 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 6), pp. 1–16. Mikulová Thulstrup, Marie, “Baader,” in Kierkegaard’s Teachers, ed. by Niels Thulstrup and Marie Mikulová Thulstrup, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1982 (Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana, vol. 10), pp. 170–6. Reuter, Hans, S. Kierkegaards religionsphilosophische Gedanken im Verhältnis zu Hegels religionsphilosophischem Systems, Leipzig: Verlag von Quelle & Meyer 1914 (Abhandlungen zur Philosophie und ihrer Geschichte, no. 23), see pp. 63–8. Tabarasi-Hoffmann, Anna-Stanca, “Søren Kierkegaards Baader-Rezeption im historischen Kontext,” Athenäum. Jahrbuch der Friedrich Schlegel-Gesellschaft, vol. 22, 2012, pp. 103–38. 渡部光男 [Watabe, Mitsuo], 「キェルケゴールの思想的背景としてのフラ ンツ・フォン・バーダー」 [Franz von Baader as a Background of Søren Kierkegaard], 『キェルケゴール研究』 [Kierkegaard-Studiet], no. 4, 1967, pp. 67–81. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) – German composer Pelikan, Jaroslav, Fools for Christ: Essays on the True, the Good and the Beautiful. Kierkegaard, Paul, Dostoevsky, Luther, Nietzsche, Bach, Philadelphia: Muhlenberg Press 1955. Alain Badiou (1937–) – French philosopher Badiou, Alain, “Le penseur vient témoigner en personne. Entretien avec Alain Badiou,” in Søren Kierkegaard (special issue of Europe. Revue littéraire mensuelle, vol. 972, 2010), pp. 92–8. Burns, Michael, “Alain Badiou: Thinking the Subject after the Death of God,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Social-Political Thought, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2011 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 14), pp. 41–51. Jöttkandt, Sigi, “No Three without Two: Badiou with Lacan with Kierkegaard,” in Kierkegaard and Political Theory: Religion, Aesthetics, Politics and the Intervention of the Single Individual, ed. by Armen Avanessian and Sophie Wennerscheid, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum 2014, pp. 221–37.


Jens Baggesen

Peixe Dias, Bruno, “Existential Truths and Challenging Acts: The Antiphilosophy of Kierkegaard According to Alain Badiou,” in Kierkegaard and the Challenges of Infinitude: Philosophy and Literature in Dialogue, ed. by José Miranda Justo, Elisabete M. de Sousa, and René Rosfort, Lisbon: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa 2013, pp. 151–9. Jens Baggesen (1764–1826) – Danish poet Blicher, Henrik, “Jens Baggesen: Kierkegaard and His Master’s Voice,” in Kierkegaard and His Danish Contemporaries, Tome III, Literature, Drama and Aesthetics, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 7), pp. 33–48. Billeskov Jansen, F.J., “Baggesen,” in Kierkegaard: Literary Miscellany, ed. by Niels Thulstrup and Marie Mikulová Thulstrup, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1981 (Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana, vol. 9), pp. 83–90. Mikhail Bakhtin (1895–1975) – Russian writer and critic Фришман, Алекс [Fryszman, Alex], “О Серене Кьеркегоре и Михаиле Бахтине ‘с постоянной ссылкой на Сократа’ ” [On Søren Kierkegaard and Mikhail Bakhtin “with Continual Reference to Socrates”], in Мир Кьеркегора: Русские и датские интерпретации творчества Кьеркегора [The World of Kierkegaard: Russian and Danish Readings of Kierkegaard’s Works], ed. by Alex Fryszman, Moscow: Ad Marginem 1994, pp. 106–22. — “Теория коммуникации С. Кьеркегора и диалогическое мышление М. Бахтина” [S. Kierkegaard’s Theory of Communication and M. Bakhtin’s Dialogical Thinking], in М.М. Бахтин и перспективы гуманитарных наук [M.M. Bakhtin and the Perspectives of the Humanities], ed. by V. L. Makhlin, Vitebsk: N. A. Pankov 1994, pp. 31–8. — “Я и Другой. Критика романтического сознания у Бахтина и Киркегора” [The I and the Other: Critique of Romantic Consciousness in Bakhtin and Kierkegaard], Русская литература [Russian Literature], no. 38, 1995, pp. 125–41. — “Kierkegaard and Dostoyevsky Seen Through Bakhtin’s Prism,” Kierkegaardiana, vol. 18, 1996, pp. 100–25. — “Być może Bachtin?” [Bakhtin Perhaps?], Teksty Drugie, no. 1, 1996, pp. 139–48. — “Kierkegaard és Dosztojevszkij Bahtyin prizmáján át” [Kierkegaard and Dostoevsky through the Prism of Bakhtin], trans. by Adrienn Gálosi, Pro Philosophia Füzetek, no. 32, 2003, pp. 19–43 Haardt, Alexander, “Ethische und ästhetische Persönlichkeit. Zum Verhältnis des Ethischen und Ästhetischen bei Sören Kierkegaard und Michail Bachtin,” Studies in East European Thought, vol. 61, 2009, pp. 165–79. 見附陽介 [Mitsuke, Yosuke], 「M. M. バフチンとS. キルケゴール―対話と実 存について」 [M.M. Bakhtin and S. Kierkegaard: On Dialogue and Existence], 『ロシア語ロシア文学研究』 [Bulletin of the Japanese Association of Russian Scholars], vol. 42, 2010, pp. 41–8.

Nicolai Edinger Balle


Neumer, Katalin, “Dialog in Wahl. Ein narratologischer Aspekt von Kierkegaards Sprachphilosophie, mit Ausblick auf Bachtins Romantheorie,” European Journal for Semiotic Studies, vol. 3, 1991, pp. 127–44. Pattison, George, “Bakhtin’s Category of Carnival in the Interpretation of the Writings of Søren Kierkegaard,” Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, 2006, pp. 100–28. Щитцова, Татьяна [Shchyttsova, Tatiana], “К истокам экзистенциальной онтологии: Киркегор, Бахтин, Хайдеггер” [On the Origins of Existential Ontology: Kierkegaard, Bakhtin, Heidegger], in Мартин Хайдеггер и философия 20 века [Martin Heidegger and 20th Century Philosophy], ed. by Tatiana Shchyttsova, Minsk: Mensk 1997, pp. 92–8. — К истокам экзистенциальной онтологии: Паскаль, Киркегор, Бахтин [On the Origins of Existential Ontology: Pascal, Kierkegaard, Bakhtin], Minsk: European Humanities University, Propilei 1999. — “Mikhail Bakhtin: Direct and Indirect Reception of Kierkegaard in Works of the Russian Thinker,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art, Tome V, The Romance Languages, Central and Eastern Europe, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2013 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 12), pp. 105–19. Szilágyi, Ákos, “A szerző feltámasztása. Kórus és incognito: Bahtyin és Kierkegaard” [Resurrecting the Author. Choir and Incognito: Bakhtin and Kierkegaard], in Søren Kierkegaard 1813–2013, ed. by Zoltán Gyenge, Budapest: L’Harmattan 2014, pp. 113–47. James Baldwin (1924–1987) – American writer and poet Hatton, Nigel, “James Baldwin: ‘Poetic Experimentators’ in a Chaotic World,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art, Tome IV, The Anglophone World, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2013 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 12), pp. 27–39. Simawie, Saadi A., “What is in Sound? The Metaphysics and Politics of Music in The Amen Corner,” in Re-viewing James Baldwin: Things Not Seen, ed. by Quentin Miller, Philadelphia: Temple University Press 2000, pp. 12–32, see pp. 19–26. Nicolai Edinger Balle (1744–1816) – Danish bishop Barnett, Christopher B., “Nicolai Edinger Balle: The Reception of His ‘Lærebog’ in Denmark and in Kierkegaard’s Authorship,” in Kierkegaard and His Danish Contemporaries, Tome II, Theology, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 7), pp. 23–39. Thulstrup, Niels, “The Official Books of the Church,” in Kierkegaard and the Church in Denmark, ed. by Niels Thulstrup and Marie Mikulovà Thulstrup, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1984 (Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana,vol. 13), pp. 28–71, on Balle see the section of this article, entitled “Balle’s Primer,” pp. 60–71. Watkin, Julia, “Kierkegaard og Balle” [Kierkegaard and Balle], in Kierkegaard inspiration. En antologi [Kierkegaard Inspiration: An Anthology], ed. by Birgit


Hans Urs von Balthasar

Bertung, Paul Müller, Fritz Norlan and Julia Watkin, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1991 (Søren Kierkegaard Selskabets populære skrifter, vol. 20), pp. 35–46. Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905–1988) – Swiss theologian Ballan, Joseph, “Hans Urs von Balthasar: Persuasive Forms or Offensive Signs? Kierkegaard and the Problems of Theological Aesthetics,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Theology, Tome III, Catholic and Jewish Theology, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2012 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 10), pp. 3–24. Brunier-Coulin, Claude, Réception de Kierkegaard chez Balthasar et Barth, Paris: Les éditions Franciscaines 2014. Cihak, John R. Balthasar and Anxiety, New York: T.&T. Clark, 2009, pp. 6–7, pp. 9–13, p. 25, pp. 21–2, pp. 67–72, pp. 75–83, p. 97, p. 109, p. 112, p. 116, p. 125, p. 129, pp. 136–7, p. 142, p. 168, p. 175, p. 180, p. 222, p. 225, p. 242, pp. 262–3, p. 266. Dadosky, John D., “Recovering Beauty in the Subject: Balthasar and Lonergan Confront Kierkegaard,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, vol.  83, 2009, pp. 509–32. Endriß, Stefan, Hans Urs von Balthasar versus Søren Kierkegaard: Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion über das Verhältnis von Theologie und Ästhetik, Hamburg: Kovac 2006. — “Balthasar versus Kierkegaard. Zur Frage des Verhältnisses von Theologie und Ästhetik,” Trierer theologische Zeitschrift, vol. 117, 2008, pp. 85–96. Henrici, Peter, “Hans Urs von Balthasar – ein katholischer Kierkegaard?” in Gott für die Welt: Henri de Lubac, Gustav Siewerth und Hans Urs von Balthasar in ihren Grundanliegen, ed. by Peter Reifenberg and Anton van Hooff, Mainz: Matthias Grünewald 2001, pp. 304–14. Raguž, Ivica, “Što teologija treba čuti, dobiti i preuzeti od Antikrista? Hans Urs von Balthasar o Friedrichu Nietzscheu” [What Should Theology Hear, Get and Take from the Antichrist? Hans Urs von Balthasar on Friedrich Nietzsche], Obnovljeni život, vol. 63, 2008, pp. 417–42. Słowikowski, Andrzej, “Egzystencjalne znaczenie lęku (Kierkegaard, Tillich, Balthasar)” [The Existential Meaning of Anxiety (Kierkegaard, Tillich, Balthasar)], Nowa Krytyka, vols. 24–5, 2010, pp. 169–92. Torralba, Francesc, “Teologia de l’angoixa. Kierkegaard i Urs von Balthasar” [Theology of Anxiety: Kierkegaard and Urs von Balthasar], in Fe i teologia en la història. Estudis en honor del prof. Dr. Evangelista Vilanova [Faith and Theology in History: Studies in Honor of Prof. Dr. Evangelista Vilanova], ed. by Joan Busquets and Maria Martinell, Barcelona: Abadia de Montserrat 1997, pp. 449–56. Samuel Barber (1910–1981) – American composer Giordano, Diego, “Samuel Barber: Kierkegaard, From a Musical Point of View,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art, Tome IV, The

Karl Barth


Anglophone World, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2013 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 12), pp. 41–9. Heyman, Barbara B., Samuel Barber: The Composer and His Music, London and New York: Oxford University Press 1992, pp. 348–59. Staubrand, Jens, Søren Kierkegaard, International bibliografi, Musikværker og skuespil baseret på tekster af Søren Kierkegaard / International Bibliography Music Works and Plays Based on Words by Søren Kierkegaard, Copenhagen: Det Kongelige Bibliotek/The Royal Library 1998, pp. 21–25; republished, Frederiksberg: Edition Søren Kierkegaard Kulturproduktion 2004 (2nd ed. 2009). Wittke, Paul, Samuel Barber: An Improvisatory Portrait, New York: Schirmer 1994, pp. 1–31. Július Barč-Ivan (1909–1953) – Slovak dramatist and writer Vanovič, Július, “Søren Kierkegaard  – Július Barč Ivan  – Teológia krízy  – Franz Kafka” [Søren Kierkegaard  – Július Barč Ivan  – Theology of Crisis  – Franz Kafka], Tvorba, vol. 15, no. 4, 2005, pp. 11–12. Heinrich Barth (1890–1965) – Swiss philosopher Schwab, Philipp, “ ‘Kierkegaard, der Denker.’ Zur Kierkegaard-Interpretation Heinrich Barths zwischen Existenzphilosophie und Idealismus,” Bulletin der Heinrich Barth-Gesellschaft, vol. 19, 2013, pp. 4–32. Karl Barth (1886–1968) – Swiss theologian Anz, Wilhelm, “Die Wirkungsgeschichte Kierkegaards in der dialektischen Theologie und der gleichzeitigen deutschen Philosophie,” in Die Rezeption Søren Kierkegaards in der deutschen und dänischen Philosophie und Theologie, ed. by Wilhelm Anz et al., Copenhagen and Munich: Fink 1983, pp. 13–16. Balthasar, Hans Urs von, Karl Barth: Darstellung und Deutung seiner Theologie, Cologne: Hegner 1951, p. 36–8, pp. 75–9, pp. 99–100. — The Theology of Karl Barth, trans. by John Drury, Garden City, New York: Doubleday 1972, p. 24, pp. 53–7, pp. 189–92. Barrett, Lee C., “Karl Barth: The Dialectic of Attraction and Repulsion,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Theology, Tome I, German Protestant Theology, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2012 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 10), pp. 1–41. Beintker, Michael, Die Dialektik in der “dialektischen Theologie” Karl Barths, Munich: Kaiser 1987, pp. 230–8. Bohlin, Torsten, “Luther, Kierkegaard und die dialektische Theologie,” trans. by Anne Marie Sundwall-Honer, Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche, vol. 7, 1926, pp. 163–98; pp. 269–79. Brazier, Paul Henry, Barth and Dostoevsky: A Study of the Influence of the Russian Writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky on the Development of the Swiss


Karl Barth

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Karl Barth


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Karl Barth

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Karl Barth


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Donald Barthelme

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Christine Battersby


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Charles Baudelaire

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Marie Beaumarchais


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Simone de Beauvoir

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Victoria Benedictsson


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Walter Benjamin

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Nicholas Berdyaev


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Ingmar Bergman

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Bernard of Clairvaux

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Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson


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Lucian Blaga

Brandes, Georg, Samlede Skrifter [Collected Writings], vols. 1–18, Copenhagen: Gyldendal 1900, vol. 3, pp. 374–6. Collin, Christen, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson – hans Barndom og Ungdom [Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson: His Childhood and Youth], vols.  1–2, Kristiania: Aschehoug 1923, vol. 1, p. 112, p. 115, pp. 150–4; vol. 2, pp. 338–44. Erichsen, Valborg, “Søren Kierkegaards betydning for norsk åndsliv” [The Importance of Søren Kierkegaard for Norwegian Intellectual Life], Edda. Nordisk tidsskrift for litteraturforskning, vol. 19, 1923, pp. 209–429, see pp. 270–5, pp. 356–63, pp. 395–402. Lindemann, Esben, “Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson: Kierkegaard’s Positive Influence on Bjørnson in His Youth and Adulthood,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art, Tome III, Sweden and Norway, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2013 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 12), pp. 109–44. Lønning, Per, “Søren Kierkegaard på Bjørnson-festival” [Søren Kierkegaard on Bjørnson Festival], Kirke og kultur, vol. 101, no. 4, 1996, pp. 299–312. Lucian Blaga (1895–1961) – Romanian philosopher Arsinevici, Adrian, “Nuets og Øieblikkets Nydelse hos Li Tai Po, Kierkegaard og Blaga” [The “Now” and the Enjoyment of the Moment in Li Tai Po, Kierkegaard and Blaga], (Pré)publications, no. 189, 2003, pp. 9–16. Preda, George, “Lucien Blaga and Søren Kierkegaard: A Spiritual Encounter,” Journal of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol. 5, 1984, pp. 26–36. William Blake (1757–1827) – English poet and painter Clark, Lorraine Joan, Blake, Kierkegaard, and the Spectre of Dialectic, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press 1991. Jackson, Timothy P., “Is Isaac Kierkegaard’s Neighbor? Fear and Trembling in Light of William Blake and Works of Love,” The Annual of The SCE (The Society of Christian Ethics), vol. 17, 1997, pp. 97–119. Rovira, James, Blake and Kierkegaard: Creation and Anxiety, London and New York: Continuum 2010. Schneider, Matthew, “The Anxiety of Innocence in Blake and Kierkegaard,” European Romantic Review, vol. 16, 2005, pp. 351–9. Scrimgeour, James R., “ ‘The Great Example of Horror and Agony’: A Comparison of Søren Kierkegaard’s Demoniacally Despairing Individual with William Blake’s Spectre of Urthona,” Scandinavian Studies, vol. 47, 1975, pp. 36–41. Tanner, John S., “Anxiety in Eden: Eve and the Psychology of Sin in ‘Paradise Lost’ and The Concept of Anxiety,” Literature and Belief, vol. 7, 1987, pp. 41–8. — “The Ontological Terror of Beauty in ‘Paradise Lost’: A  Perspective from Kierkegaard,” Phenomenological Inquiry, vol. 13, 1989, pp. 155–68. — “Boundaries and Despair in ‘Paradise Lost’: A Perspective from Kierkegaard,” in Proceedings of The XIIth Congress of The International Comparative Literature Association, ed. by Roger Bauer et al., Munich: Iudicium Verlag 1990, vol. 2 (Space and Boundaries in Literature), pp. 243–9.

Franz Blei


— Anxiety in Eden: A Kierkegaardian Reading of “Paradise Lost,” New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press 1992. Maurice Blanchot (1907–2003) – French philosopher Bousseyroux, Michel, “La répétition finale: Nietzsche, Freud, Kierkegaard et Blanchot,” L’en-je lacanien, vol. 15, no. 2, 2010, pp. 41–57. Danta, Chris, Literature Suspends Death Sacrifice and Storytelling in Kierkegaard, Kafka and Blanchot, New York: Bloomsbury Publishing 2011. Greenspan, Daniel, “Maurice Blanchot: Spaces of Literature / Spaces of Religion,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Philosophy, Tome II, Francophone Philosophy, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2012 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 11), pp. 63–81. Michaelsen, Cathrine Bjørnholt, “Ways of Dying: the Double Death in Kierkegaard and Blanchot,” Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, 2014, pp. 255–83. Popovics, Zoltán, “ ‘Hemiplegia.’ Maurice Blanchot Kierkegaard-ról és a szorongásról” [“Hemiplegia”: Maurice Blanchot on Kierkegaard and Anxiety], Pro Philosophia Füzetek, no. 32, 2003, pp. 1–17. Taylor, Mark C., Altarity, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987. Verstrynge, Karl, “ ‘…dat filosofie slechts zichzelf kan zijn door literatuur te worden.’ Kierkegaard, Derrida en Blanchot” [“…that Philosophy can be Itself only by Becoming Literature.” Kierkegaard, Derrida, and Blanchot], in De complete Onno [The Complete Onno (Zijlstra)], ed. by Pieter Vos and R. Van Riessen, Amsterdam: Artez/Protestantse Universiteit 2013, pp. 120–5. Brand Blanshard (1892–1987) – American philosopher Capek, Milic, “Professor Blanshard on Kierkegaard,” The Modern Schoolman, vol. 48, no. 1, 1970, pp. 44–53. Max Blecher (1909–1938) – Romanian writer Băicuş, Iulian, Max Blecher  – Un arlechin pe marginea neantului [Max Blecher: A  Harlequin on the Edge of Nothingness], Bucharest: Editura Universităţii Bucureşti 2004, pp. 32–3, pp. 38–9, p. 79, pp. 81–2, p. 112, pp. 197–204. Iversen, Karsten Sand, “Kødets fortvivlelse” [Despair of the Flesh], in Max Blecher, Hændelser fra den umiddelbare uvirkelighed [Incidents from the Immediate Unreality], trans. by Erling Schøller, Copenhagen: Basilisk 2010, pp. 142–55. Stan, Leo, “Max Blecher: The Bizarre Adventure of Suffering,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art, Tome V, The Romance Languages, Central and Eastern Europe, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2013 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 12), pp. 3–20. Franz Blei (1871–1942) – Austrian writer Haecker, Theodor, “Franz Blei und Kierkegaard,” Der Brenner, vol. 4, 1914, pp. 457–65.


Steen Steensen Blicher

Steen Steensen Blicher (1782–1848) – Danish author Albeck, Ulla, “Blicher,” in Kierkegaard: Literary Miscellany, ed. by Niels Thulstrup and Marie Mikulová Thulstrup, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1981 (Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana, vol. 9), pp. 112–17. Fenger, Henning, “Kierkegaard og Blicher,” in Kierkegaard-Myter og KierkegaardKilder. 9 Kildekritiske studier i de Kierkegaardske papirer, breve og aktstykker, Odense: Odense Universitetsforlag 1976 (Odense University Studies in Scandinavian Languages and Literatures, vol. 7), pp. 102–8. — “Kierkegaard and Blicher,” in his Kierkegaard, the Myths and Their Origins. Studies in Kierkegaardian Papers and Letters, trans. by George C. Schoolfield, New Haven and London: Yale University Press 1980, pp. 123–31; see also p. 39, pp. 87–9, pp. 110–11, pp. 173–4, p. 176. Langballe, Jesper, “Stafetten til Kierkegaard” [The Relay to Kierkegaard], in his Anlangendes et menneske. Blichers forfatterskab  – selvopgør og tidsopgør [Concerning Man: Blicher’s Writing: Self-Confrontation and Confrontation with the Age], Odense: Odense Universitetsforlag 2004, pp. 400–34. Nielsen, Henrik Skov, “At give ret, ret at give” [Giving the Right, the Right to Give], Passage, vol. 61, 2009, pp. 125–149. Rossel, Sven Hakon, “Steen Steensen Blicher: The Melancholy Poet of the Jutland Heath,” in Kierkegaard and His Danish Contemporaries, Tome III, Literature, Drama and Aesthetics, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 7), pp. 49–65. Karen Blixen (1885–1962) – Danish writer Anz, Heinrich, “ ʻHiobs Gemeinde'. Überlegungen zur Poetologie des Dichters bei Søren Kierkegaard, Henrik Ibsen, August Strindberg und Karen Blixen,” Text & Kontext, vol. 21, 1998, pp. 7–25. — “ ‘Seinerzeit eine Art makabre Modefigur.’ Aspekte der Wirkungsgeschichte Søren Kierkegaards in der skandinavischen Literatur,” in Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, 1999, pp. 208–14. — “Erbauliche Geschichten. Zum Wirkungsgeschichtlichen Gespräch zwischen Karen Blixen und Søren Kierkegaard,” in At være sig selv nærværende. Festskrift til Niels Jørgen Cappelørn, ed. by Joakim Garff and Ettore Rocca, Copenhagen: Kristeligt Dagblads Forlag 2010, pp. 420–9. Bertung, Birgit, “Har Søren Kierkegaard foregrebet Karen Blixens og Suzanne Brøggers kvindesyn?” [Did Søren Kierkegaard Anticipate Karen Blixen’s and Suzanne Brøgger’s View on Women?], Kierkegaardiana, vol.  13, 1984, pp. 72–83. — Om Kierkegaard, kvinder og kærlighed – et studie i Søren Kierkegaards kvindesyn [On Kierkegaard, Women and Love: A Study of Søren Kierkegaard’s View on Women], Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1987, pp. 79–91. Brahde, Per, Magt og afmagt. Kierkegaard og Nietzsche spejlet i Karen Blixens forfatterskab [Power and Powerlessness: Kierkegaard and Nietzsche Mirrored in the Authorship of Isak Dinesen], Aalborg: Aalborg Universitet 2004 (Arbejdspapirer om filosofi og videnskabsteori, no. 5).

Karen Blixen


Hagemann, Tim, “ ‘Nymphe und Einhorn trinken aus einem Waldsee.’ Einige Anmerkungen zu Karen Blixens Kierkegaard-Rezeption in ‘Karneval,’ ” in “Alles ist nicht es selbst”. Das kairotische Gedächtnis der Dichtung. Festschrift Gisela Dischner, ed. by Gert Hofmann and Esther Kilian, Aachen: Shaker 2001, pp. 117–20. Henriksen, Aage, “Det ubevidste” [The Unconscious], in his De ubændige. Om Ibsen – Blixen – hverdagens virkelighed – det ubevidste [The Irrepressible: On Ibsen, Blixen Everyday Reality, the Unconscious], Copenhagen: Gyldendal 1984, pp. 212–20. Johannesson, Eric O., “Isak Dinesen, Søren Kierkegaard, and the Present Age,” Books Abroad, vol. 36, 1962, pp. 20–24. Kleinman, Jackie, “Two Ages: A Story of Søren Kierkegaard and Isak Dinesen,” in Two Ages, ed. by Robert L. Perkins, Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press 1984 (International Kierkegaard Commentary, vol. 14), pp. 175–87. Landkildehus, Søren, “Karen Blixen: Kierkegaard, Isak Dinesen, and the Twisted Images of Divinity and Humanity,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art, Tome II, Denmark, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2013 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 12), pp. 1–16. Maiorani, Arianna, “Blixen e Kierkegaard: dialogo sul seduttore” [Blixen and Kierkegaard: Dialogue on the Seducer], Intersezioni, vol. 20, no. 1, 2000, p. 43–57. Makarushka, Irena, “Reflections on the ‘Other’ in Dinesen, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche,” in Kierkegaard on Art and Communication, ed. by George Pattison, New York: St. Martin’s Press 1992, pp. 150–9. Pelensky, Olga Anastasia, “Isak Dinesen and Kierkegaard: The Aesthetics of ‘Ehrengard,’ ” in Karen Blixen/Isak Dinesen: Tradition, Modernity, and Other Ambiguities, ed. by Poul Houe and Donna Dacus, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota 1985, pp. 46–53. — “Isak Dinesen and Kierkegaard: The Aesthetics of Paradox in ‘Ehrengard,’ ” in Isak Dinesen: Critical Views, ed. by Olga Anastasia Pelensky, Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press 1993, pp. 322–32. Rasmussen, Inge Lise, “La maschera del seduttore in ‘Ehrengard’ di Karen Blixen a confronto con il ‘Diario del seduttore’ di Søren Kierkegaard” [The Seducer’s Mask in “Ehrengard” by Karen Blixen compared to “The Diary of a Seducer” by Søren Kierkegaard], NotaBene, Quaderni di studi kierkegaardiani, vol. 2, Kierkegaard e la letteratura [Kierkegaard and Literature], 2002, pp. 65–74. — “Echi kierkegaardiani ni ‘Il pranzo di Babette’” [Kierkegaardian Echoes in Babette’s Feast, NotaBene, Quaderni di studi kierkegaardiani, vol.  3, L’arte dello sguardo. Kierkegaard e il cinema [The Art of Looking: Kierkegaard and the Cinema], 2003 pp. 71–9. — “La disperazione e il desiderio di morte. Echi di La malattia per la morte di Søren Kierkegaard in Alkmene di Karen Blixen” [Despair and the Desire of Death: Echoes of Søren Kierkegaard’s The Sickness unto Death in Karen Blixen’s Alkmene], Notabene. Quaderni di studi kierkegaardiani, vol.  5,  Le malattie


Ernst Bloch

dell’anima. Kierkegaard e la psicologia [The Sicknesses of the Soul: Kierkegaard and Psychology], 2007, pp. 169–77. Roed, Susan, “Vejen fra kaos til kosmos – tre eks.: Grundtvig, Kierkegaard og Blixen” [The Road from Chaos to Cosmos: Three Examples: Grundtvig, Kierkegaard and Blixen], in her Pamves træ. Om krise, kunst og religiøsitet [Pamve’s Tree: About Crisis, Art and Religiosity], Århus: Forlaget Philosophia 1988, pp. 53–74. Schuler, Jean, “Kierkegaard at ‘Babette’s Feast’: The Return to the Finite,” Journal of Religion and Film, vol. 1, no. 2, 1997, pp. 9–13. Smyth, John Vignaux, “Art, Eroticism, and Sadomasochistic Sacrifice in Søren Kierkegaard and Isak Dinesen,” in The New Kierkegaard, ed. by Elsebet Jegstrup, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press 2004, pp. 179–98. Ernst Bloch (1885–1977) – German philosopher Fahrenbach, Helmut, “Kierkegaard und die gegenwärtige Philosophie,” in Kierkegaard und die deutsche Philosophie seiner Zeit. Vorträge des Kolloquiums am 5. und 6. November 1979, ed. by Heinrich Anz, Peter Kemp, and Friedrich Schmöe, Copenhagen and Munich: Fink 1980, pp. 149–68. — “Kierkegaards untergründige Wirkungsgeschichte. Zur Kierkegaardrezeption bei Wittgenstein, Bloch und Marcuse,” in Die Rezeption Søren Kierkegaards in der deutschen und dänischen Philosophie und Theologie. Vorträge des Kolloquiums am 22. und 23. March 1982, ed. by Heinrich Anz, Poul Lübcke and Friedrich Schmöe, Copenhagen: Text und Kontext and Munich: Fink 1983 (Text & ­Kontext, Sonderreihe, vol. 15), pp. 30–69. Lehmann, Günther K., Ästhetik der Utopie. Arthur Schopenhauer, Sören Kierkegaard, Georg Simmel, Max Weber, Ernst Bloch, Stuttgart: Neske 1995. Müller-Funk, Eros, “Philosophie und Dichtung: Kierkegaard, Kristeva, Bloch; Ansichten von Don Juan,” in his Die Dichter der Philosophen: Essays über den Zwischenraum von Denken und Dichten, ed. by Matthias Schmidt, Munich: Fink 2013, pp. 75–91. Riedel, Manfred, Tradition und Utopie, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp 1994, pp.  40–3, pp.  157–63, pp.  163–71, pp.  194–9, pp.  206–8, p.  221, pp.  222–5, pp. 225–8, p. 252. Vaisfeld, Alina, “Ernst Bloch: The Thinker of Utopia’s Reading of Kierkegaard,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Philosophy, Tome I, German and Scandinavian Philosophy, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2012 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 11), pp. 67–83. Ward, Koral, Augenblick: The Concept of the ‘Decisive Moment’ in 19th- and 20th-Century Western Philosophy, Aldershot: Ashgate 2008, pp. 149–74. Alexander Blok (1880–1921) – Russian poet Fink, Hilary, “From the Aesthetic to the Ethical: A Kierkegaardian Reading of Blok’s ‘Neznakomka,’ ” Slavic and East European Journal, vol. 44, no. 1, 2000, pp. 79–91.

Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt


Maurice Blondel (1861–1949) – French philosopher Henrici, Peter, “Per una filosofia cristiana della prassi” [For a Christian Philosophy of Praxis], Gregorianum, vol. 53, 1972, pp. 717–30. — “Maurice Blondel di fronte alla filosofia tedesca” [Maurice Blondel in Front of German Philosophy], Gregorianum, vol. 56, no. 4, 1975, pp. 615–38. Pegueroles, Joan, “Otra verdad, otra razón en Newman y Gadamer, Kierkegaard y Blondel,” Espíritu, vol. 47, no. 117, 1998, pp. 37–46. Perrot, Maryvonne, “De l’esthétisme à l’alternative. Deux penseurs sur le chemin de la foi: Kierkegaard et Maurice Blondel,” in Kierkegaard, la découverte de l’existence, ed. by Régis Boyer and Jean-Marie Paul, Nancy: Centre de recherches germaniques et scandinaves de l’Université de Nancy II 1990 (Bibliothèque Le Texte et l’idée, vol. 1), pp. 125–42. Harold Bloom (1930–) – American writer and critic Klitgaard, Anders H., “Bloom, Kierkegaard and the Problem of Misreading,” in The Salt Companion to Harold Bloom, Cambridge: Salt Publishing 2007, pp. 290–302. Sousa, Elisabete M. de, “Harold Bloom: Critics, Bards, and Prophets,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art, Tome IV, The Anglophone World, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2013 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 12), pp. 51–79. Ludovicus Blosius (1506–1566) – Flemish religious writer Šajda, Peter, “Ludovicus Blosius: A Frightful Satire on Christendom,” in Kierkegaard and the Renaissance and Modern Traditions, Tome II, Theology, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 5), pp. 31–41. Léon Bloy (1846–1917) – French writer and poet Götz, Karl August, “Léon Bloy und Sören Kierkegaard,” Die Anregung, vol. 14 (supplement), 1959, pp. 277–8. Bluebeard – literary figure (French folk tale) Panth, Ian W., “Bluebeard: Demoniac or Tragic Hero?” in Kierkegaard’s Literary Figures and Motifs, Tome I, Agamemnon to Guadalquivir, ed. by Jon Stewart and Katalin Nun, Aldershot: Ashgate 2014 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 16), pp. 79–87. Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt (1842–1919) – German theologian Mettler, Artur, “Nachfolge und Reich Gottes. Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855) und Christoph Blumhardt (1842–1919),” Reformatio. Evangelische Zeitschrift für Kultur und Politik, vol. 17, 1968, pp. 139–51.


Emil Boesen

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer


Heinrich Böll (1917–1985) – German writer Kim, Lee-Seob, 「뵐과 키에르케고르의 동질성에 관한 연구」 [A Study of the Homogeneity between Böll and Kierkegaard], 『독일어문학』 [Deutsche Sprach-und Literaturwissenschaft], vol. 23, 2003, pp. 91–112. Ueberschlag, Georges, “Le défi du ‘Paradoxe Absolu’. A propos de S. Kierkegaard, H. Böll et P. Lagerkvist,” in Kierkegaard, la découverte de l’existence, ed. by Régis Boyer and Jean-Marie Paul, Nancy: Centre de recherches germaniques et scandinaves de l’Université de Nancy II 1990 (Bibliothèque Le Texte et l’idée, vol. 1), pp. 197–213. Witzel, Frank, Die Dame im Gruppenbild als christlicher Gegenentwurf zum repressiv-asketischen Traditionsstrang des Christentums. Eruierung, Vergleich und Bewertung zweier theologisch-ethischer Konzepte. Heinrich Böll:“Gruppenbild mit Dame,” Sören Kierkegaard: “Der Liebe Tun,” Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2000. Bernard Bolzano (1781–1848) – Bohemian philosopher and theologian Лунгина, Дарья [Loungina, Darya], “Керкегор и Больцано. Две возможности для священника середины XIX в.” [Kierkegaard and Bolzano: Two Possibilities for a Priest of the 19th Century], Точки [Puncta], nos. 1–2, 2011, pp. 160–7; republished in Acta Humanitas. Časopis pro společenské vědy, vol.  3, 2013, pp. 46–56. Bonaventure (1221–1274) – Italian theologian and philosopher Mollo, Gaetano, “Fede e ragione: un raffronto tra san Bonaventura e Søren Kierkegaard” [Faith and Reason: A Comparison of St. Bonaventure and Søren Kierkegaard], Miscellanea Francescana, vol. 75, no. 1, 1975, pp. 721–32. Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906–1945) – German theologian Ake, Stacey, “ ‘As we are so we make’: Life as Composition in Søren Kierkegaard and Dietrich Bonhoeffer,” in Українська К’єркеґоріана: Доповіді міжнародного семінару, присвяченого пам’яті Григорія Маланчука, “Сьорен К’єркегор і його роль в інтелектуальному житті Європи” [Ukrainian Kierkegaardiana: Reports of the International Seminar Dedicated to the Memory of Gregor Malantschuk, “Søren Kierkegaard and his Role in the Intellectual Life of Europe”],  Lviv: Сentre for the Research in Humanities at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv 1998, pp. 69–81. Barth, Friederike, “Dietrich Bonhoeffers ‘Nachfolge’ in der Nachfolge Kierkegaards,” in Lebendige Ethik. Beiträge aus dem Institut für Ethik und angrenzende Sozialwissenschaften. Hans-Richard Reuter zum 60. Geburtstag, ed. by Thorsten Meireis, Berlin: LIT 2007, pp. 9–37. Bravená, Noemi, “Søren Kierkegaard’s Impact on the Theological Heritage of Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Stimulation and Challenges for Present,” in V tieni Kierkegaarda: in The Shadow of Kierkegaard, ed. by Roman Králik, Abrahim H. Khan, Máhrik Tibor, and Ciprián Turčan, Nitra: UKF 2011, pp. 91–110.


Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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Jorge Luis Borges


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Louise Bouchard

Maciel, Maria Esther, “Poeticas do Artificio: Borges, Kierkegaard e Pessoa” [Poetics of the Artifice: Borges, Kierkegaard and Pessoa], in Borges em dez textos [Borges in Ten Texts], ed. by Maria Esther Maciel and Reinaldo Marques, Rio de Janeiro: Sette Letras 1998, pp. 127–38. — “Poéticas del artificio: Borges y Kierkegaard. Conversación con Lars R. Olsen,” Variaciones Borges. Revista del centro de estudios y documentación Jorge Luis Borges, no. 7, 1999, pp. 248–57. Paez Álvarez, Ciro Alonso, “Ironía y resignación. Apuntes sobre un texto de Borges,” Revista al Margen, vol. 18, 2006, pp. 3–43. Louise Bouchard (1949–) – Canadian poet and writer Gronhovd, Anne-Marie, “Isaac dans un imaginaire féminin: Les Images de Louise Bouchard,” French Review, vol. 71, no. 6, 1998, pp. 985–96. August Bournonville (1805–1879) – Danish ballet master and choreographer Denby, Edwin, “Flight of the Dancer,” in his Looking at the Dance, New York: Horizon Press 1968, pp. 23–9. Gilpin, Heidi, “Lifelessness in Movement, or How do the Dead Move? Tracing Displacement and Disappearance for Movement Performance,” in Corporealities: Dancing Knowledge, Culture, and Power, ed. by Susan Leigh Foster, New York: Routledge 1996, p. 106–28. Kramer, Nathaniel, “August Bournonville: Kierkegaard’s Leap of Faith and the ‘Noble Art of Terpsichore,’ ” in Kierkegaard and His Danish Contemporaries, Tome III, Literature, Drama and Aesthetics, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 7), pp. 67–82. LaMothe, Kimerer L., “The Poet and the Dancer,” in her Between Dancing and Writing: The Practice of Religious Studies, New York: Fordham University Press 2004, pp. 85–102. Roth, Colin, “Speaking of Irony: Bournonville, Kierkegaard, H.C. Andersen and the Heibergs,” Fund og Forskning i Det kongelige Biblioteks Samlinger, vol. 50, 2011, pp. 345–70. Sorainen, Kalle, “Bournonville,” in Kierkegaard: Literary Miscellany, ed. by Niels Thulstrup and Marie Mikulová Thulstrup, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1981 (Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana, vol. 9), pp. 164–5. O.K. Bouwsma (1898–1978) – American philosopher Hustwit Sr., Ronald E., Something About O.K. Bouwsma, Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America 1992, pp. 73–83. — “O.K. Bouwsma: Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein, and Conceptual Clarity,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Philosophy, Tome III, Anglophone Philosophy, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2012 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 11), pp. 1–10.

Georg Brandes


Georg Brandes (1842–1927) – Danish critic Aall, Anathon, “Påvirkning av G. Brandes og Søren Kierkegaard” [The Influence of G. Brandes and Søren Kierkegaard], in his Filosofien i Norden. Til oplysning om den nyere tænknings og videnskapshistorie i Sverige og Finland, Danmark og Norge [Philosophy in Scandinavia: History of Newer Ideas and Knowledge in Sweden and Norway], Kristiania [Oslo]: Jacob Dybwad, 1919, pp.  283–90 (Videnskapsselskapets skrifter, 2. Historisk-filosofisk Klasse, 1918, no. 1). Ahlenius, Holger, “Søren Kierkegaard, en dansk biografi och en svensk diskussion” [Søren Kierkegaard: A Danish Biography and a Swedish Discussion], Vår lösen, vol. 20, no. 4, 1929, pp. 82–7. Ahnfelt, Arvid, “Några ord om Søren Kierkegaard (Med Anledning af dr. Brandes’ Föreläsningar)” [Some Words on Søren Kierkegaard (On Occasion of Dr. Brandes’ Lectures], Sanningsökaren, vol. 1, no. 1, 1877, pp. 15–17. — “Søren Kierkegaard 1–2,” Ny Illustrerad Tidning, vol. 12, nos. 48 and 50, 1876, p. 422, pp. 443–4, p. 446. Allen, Julie K., “Georg Brandes: Kierkegaard’s Most Influential Mis-Representative,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art, Tome II, Denmark, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2013 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 12), pp. 17–41. Anonymous, “Dr  Brandes’ föreläsningar” [Dr.  Brandes’ Lectures], Stockholms dagblad, November  18, 1876, p.  2; November  21, 1876, p.  2; November  25, 1876, p. 3; November 28, 1876, p. 3. Anonymous, “Doktor Georg Brandes” [Doctor Georg Brandes], Göteborgs-posten, November 20, 1876, p. 1. Anonymous, “Dr  Brandes’ skildring af Kierkegaard” [Dr.  Brandes’ Depiction of Kierkegaard], Göteborgs-posten, November 24, 1876, p. 1. Anonymous, [on Georg Brandes’ lectures on Kierkegaard], Göteborgs handels- och sjöfartstidning, November 23, 1876, p. 3. Anonymous, [on Georg Brandes’ lectures on Kierkegaard], Upsala-posten, December 1, 1876, p. 2; December 4, 1876, p. 2. Anonymous, “Dr. Brandes’ Forelæsninger,” [Dr. Brandes’ Lectures], Morgenbladet, Kristiania, December 15 and 24, 1876. Anonymous, “Dr. G. Brandes,” Fædrelandet, December 16, no. 294, 1876, p. 1. Anonymous, “Georg Brandes,” Aftonbladet, November 18, 1876, p. 3; November 22, 1876, p. 3; November 25, 1876, p. 3; November 28, 1876, p. 3. Anonymous, “Hr. Dr. Georg Brandes,” Dagbladet, no. 274, November 23, 1876. Anonymous, “Mod det akademiske kollegiums vægring” [Concerning the Academic College’s Refusal], Dagbladet, December 14, 1876. Anonymous, “Søren Kierkegaards Portrait” [Søren Kierkegaard’s Portrait], Illustreret Tidskrift, December 3 and 17, 1876. Anonymous, “Stockholms-bref” [Stockholm Letter], Göteborg handels och sjöfartstidning, 1876, no. 272, B; no. 274, p. 2; no. 278, p. 2. Anonymous, “Svar til G” [A Response to G], Dagbladet, no.  301, December  27, 1876, p. 1. Anonymous, “Bref om dansk literatur” [Letter on Danish Literature], Aftonbladet, May 23, 1877.


Georg Brandes

Anonymous, “Dr. Brandes i Norge” [Dr. Brandes in Norway], Morgenbladet, Kristiania, January 9, 1877. Anonymous, “Dr. G. Brandes,” Dansk Folketidende, January 14 and 26, 1877. Anonymous, “Föreläsningar öfver Sören Kierkegaard” [Lectures on Søren Kierkegaard], Uppsala, March 29, 1877. Anonymous, ”G.B. Søren Kierkegaard,” Illustreret Tidende, June 10, 1877, p. 375. A.W.A., “Sören Kierkegaard,” Ny Illustrerad Tidning, November 25, 1876, p. 422; December 9, 1876, pp. 443–6. Bärthold, Albert, Die Bedeutung der ästhetischen Schriften Søren Kierkegaards mit Bezug auf Georg Brandes: “Søren Kierkegaard, ein literarisches Charakterbild,” Halle: Fricke 1879. Billeskov Jansen, F.J., “Brandes,” in The Legacy and Interpretation of Kierkegaard, ed. by Niels Thulstrup and Marie Mikulová Thulstrup, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1981 (Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana, vol. 8), pp. 204–8. Borchsenius, Otto, “Til Hr. Dr. Georg Brandes” [To Dr. Georg Brandes], Morgenbladet, no. 244, October 19, 1880. Cain, Geoffrey, “The Truth-Seekers: Ibsen, Strindberg, and Kierkegaard as seen by Georg Brandes,” in Litteratur og magt: Nordisk-Baltisk litterært symposium [Literature and Power: Nordic-Baltic Literary Symposium], ed. by Leon Nikulin, Viby: Diaspon 2000, pp. 41–55. — The Truth Seekers: Ibsen, Strindberg and Kierkegaard as Seen by Georg Brandes, Hellerup: Det kritiske Forlag 2008. Dingstad, Ståle, “Dr. Brandes’ Forelæsninger” [Dr. Brandes’ Lectures], Morgenbladet, no. 346 A, December 15, 1876. Drachmann, A.B., “G. Brandes og Søren Kierkegaard” [G. Brandes and Søren Kierkegaard], Tilskueren, 1912, January-June, pp.  148–53; republished in Tilskuerens Festskrift til Georg Brandes [The Spectator’s Festschrift to Georg Brandes], Copenhagen: Gyldendal 1912, pp. 38–43. Fenger, Henning, “Georg Brandes and Kierkegaard,” in The Activist Critic: A Symposium on the Political Ideas, Literary Methods and International Reception of Georg Brandes, ed. by Hans Hertel and Sven Møller Kristensen, Copenhagen: Munksgaard 1980, pp. 49–54. Frederiksen, Emil, “Georg Brandes og Katholicismen” [Georg Brandes and Catholicism], Credo, vol. 15, no. 1, 1934, pp. 6–14. Garborg, Arne, “Dagbladet og Kollegiet” [Dagbladet and the College], Aftensbladet, Kristiania, no. 8748, January 5, 1877. — “Dr. G. Brandes,” Aftenbladet, Kristiania, no. 8738, December 19 and 21, 1876. Grage, Joachim, “Der Märtyrer der Moderne. Rolle und Funktion der Biographik in Georg Brandes’ Kierkegaard-Rezeption,” in Anekdote – Biographie – Kanon. Zur Geschichtsschreibung in den schönen Künsten, ed. by Melanie Unseld and Christian von Zimmermann, Cologne: Böhlau 2013 (Biographik. Geschichte – Kritik – Praxis, vol. 1), pp. 161–76. Grau, Gerd-Günther, “Jüdischer Nietzscheanismus. Brandes, Nietzsche und Kierkegaard,” in his Vernunft, Wahrheit, Glaube. Neue Studien zu Nietzsche und Kierkegaard, Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann 1997, pp. 64–94.

Georg Brandes


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Georg Brandes

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K.G. Bretschneider


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Otokar Březina

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Suzanne Brøgger


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Viggo Brøndal

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Martin Buber


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John Bunyan

Wolf, Herbert C., Kierkegaard and Bultmann: The Quest of the Historical Jesus, Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House 1965. John Bunyan (1628–1688) – English writer Watkin, Julia, “Pilgrim on Life’s Way  – Kierkegaard in the Light of Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress,” in Kierkegaard – Poet of Existence, ed. by Birgit Bertung, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1989, pp. 132–45. Kenneth Burke (1897–1993) – American literary theorist and philosopher Burgess, Andrew J., 「レトリックと喜劇的なもの―キェルケゴールとケネ ス・バーク」 [Kierkegaard and Kenneth Burke on the Rhetoric of the Comic], trans. by Yoshinobu Kudo, in 『宗教と倫理―キェルケゴールにおける実存 の言語性―』 [Religion and Ethics: Language of Existence in Kierkegaard], ed. by Kinya Masugata, Kyoto: Nakanishiya-shuppan 1998, pp. 73–83. Ercolini, G.L., “Burke contra Kierkegaard: Kenneth Burke’s Dialectic via Reading Søren Kierkegaard,” Philosophy and Rhetoric, vol. 36, 2003, pp. 207–22. Judith Butler (1956–) – American philosopher Rancher, Shoni, “Suffering Tragedy: Hegel, Kierkegaard, and Butler on the Tragedy of Antigone,” Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, vol. 41, vol. 3, 2008, pp. 63–78. Thonhauser, Gerhard, “Judith Butler: Kierkegaard as Her Early Teacher in Rhetoric and Parody,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Social-Political Thought, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2011 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 14), pp. 53–72. Lord George Gordon Byron (1788–1824) – British poet Ryan, Bartholomew, “Lord George Gordon Byron: Seduction, Defiance, and Despair in the Works of Kierkegaard,” in Kierkegaard and the Renaissance and Modern Traditions, Tome III, Literature, Drama and Music, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 5), pp. 1–11. Shilstone, Frederick, “Byron, Kierkegaard, and the Irony of ‘Rotation,’ ” Colby Library Quarterly, vol. 25, 1989, pp. 237–44. Smith, Troy Wellington, “P. L. Møller: Kierkegaard’s Byronic Adversary,” The Byron Journal, vol. 42, no. 1, 2014, pp. 35–47. 王齐 [Wang, Qi], “唐璜的神话在‘说’些什么?” [What Does the Don Juan Myth Talk About? Byron, Kierkegaard, Camus and Their Interpretations of Don Juan], 外国美学 [Foreign Aesthetics], no. 18, 2000, pp. 236–53.

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Albert Camus

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John D. Caputo


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Thomas Carlyle

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Miguel de Cervantes


Cato Uticensis (95 bc–46 bc) – Roman politician and philosopher Šajda, Peter, “Kierkegaardova krátka poznámka ku Catovej samovražde. Stoa a zápas o autenticitu dánskeho kresťanstva” [Kierkegaard’s Brief Comment on Cato’s Suicide: The Stoa and the Struggle for the Authenticity of Danish Christendom], in Osamelý havran [A Solitary Raven], ed. by Cyril Diatka and Roman Králik, Nitra: FF UKF 2007, pp. 193–200.

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Louis-Ferdinand Céline (1894–1961) – French writer Treiber, Gerhard, Philosophie der Existenz. Das Entscheidungsproblem bei Kierkegaard, Jaspers, Heidegger, Sartre, Camus. Literarische Erkundung von Kundera, Céline, Broch, Musil, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2000.

Miguel de Cervantes (1547–1616) – Spanish writer See also Don Quixote Grimsley, Ronald, “Cervantes,” in Kierkegaard: Literary Miscellany, ed. by Niels Thulstrup and Marie Mikulová Thulstrup, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1981 (Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana, vol. 9), pp. 158–9. Oubiña, Óscar Parcero, “Miguel de Cervantes: The Valuable Contribution of a Minor Influence,” in Kierkegaard and the Renaissance and Modern Traditions, Tome III, Literature, Drama and Music, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol.  5), pp. 13–29.


Aimé Fernand David Césaire

Aimé Fernand David Césaire (1913–2008) – French poet Dragucci-Paulsen, Françoise, “Le mythe du nègre chez Rimbaud et Césaire constamment rapporté à Kierkegaard,” Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures, vol. 49, no. 1, 1995, pp. 52–64. Charlie Chaplin (1889–1977) – English actor Adorno, Theodor W., “Kierkegaard prophezeit Chaplin,” Frankfurter Zeitung und Handelsblatt, no. 377, May 22, 1930, p. 1. François-René de Chateaubriand (1768–1848) – French writer Basso, Ingrid, “François-René de Chateaubriand: The Eloquent Society of Symparanekromenoi,” in Kierkegaard and the Renaissance and Modern Traditions, Tome III, Literature, Drama and Music, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 5), pp. 31–62. Grimsley, Ronald, “Romantic Melancholy in Chateaubriand and Kierkegaard,” Comparative Literature, vol. 8, 1956, pp. 227–44. — “Chateaubriand,” in Kierkegaard: Literary Miscellany, ed. by Niels Thulstrup and Marie Mikulová Thulstrup, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1981 (Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana, vol. 9), pp. 160–1. Rohde, Hermann Peter, “Ørkenens sønner” [The Sons of the Desert], in his Gaadefulde stadier paa Kierkegaards vej [Mysterious Stages on Kierkegaard’s Way], Copenhagen: Rosenkilde og Bagger 1974, pp. 64–80. Anton Chekhov (1860–1904) – Russian dramatist and author Sauvagnat, François, “Hvorledes J. Lacan var inspireret af Søren Aabye Kierkegaard og Anton Tjekhov. Eller: Faderens begær hos Kierkegaard og Anton Tjekhov” [How J. Lacan was Inspired by Søren Aabye Kierkegaard and Anton Chekhov. Or the Father’s Desires in Kierkegaard and Anton Chekhov], Drift, nos. 1–2, 2005, pp. 135–43. Tambourgi-Hatem, Nicole, “Contemporaneités: Tchekhov, Kierkegaard, Michel Henry,” Annales de philosophie de l’Université Saint-Joseph, vol. 17, 1996, pp. 39–63. Chrysostom (c. 347–407) – Greek Christian theologian Stan, Leo, “Chrysostom: Between the Hermitage and the City,” in Kierkegaard and the Patristic and Medieval Traditions, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2008 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 4), pp. 47–65. Cicero (106 bc–43 bc) – Roman philosopher and jurist Krarup, Per, Søren Kierkegaard og Borgerdydskolen [Søren Kierkegaard and the School of Civic Virtue], Copenhagen: Gyldendal 1977, pp. 68–76.

Arthur Hugh Clough


Rasmussen, Thomas Eske, “Cicero: A Handy Roman Companion. Marcus Tullius Cicero’s Appearance in Kierkegaard’s Works,” in Kierkegaard and the Roman World, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 3), pp. 11–37. Emil Cioran (1911–1995) – Romanian philosopher and essayist Bélanger-Michaud, Sara Danièle, “Le Mal sonore dans l’écriture de Cioran, ou l’écriture à l’écoute des demons,” Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, vol. 42, no. 4, 2009, pp. 63–78. Salgado, Elton Silva and Jorge Miranda de Almeida, “O desespero como necessidade e aprofundamento do drama de viver: Cioran e Kierkegaard em diálogo” [Despair as Need and Depth of the Drama of Living: Cioran and Kierkegaard in Dialogue], Revista Húmus, no. 9, 2013, pp. 33–46. — “O desespero em Kierkegaard e Cioran” [Despair in Kierkegaard and Cioran], in Anais da XIII Jornada Internacional de Estudos de Kierkegaard. SOBRESKI, vol. 1, no. 1, 2013, pp. 132–41. Santos, Deyve Redyson Melo dos, “Kierkegaard e Cioran: melancolia e pessimismo” [Kierkegaard and Cioran: Melancholy and Pessimism], Cadernos UFS Filosofia, vol. 7, 2010, pp. 17–26. Henrik Nicolai Clausen (1793–1877) – Danish theologian and politician Kirmmse, Bruce, “H.N. Clausen and Orla Lehmann: The Liberal Alternative to the Golden Age Mainstream,” in his Kierkegaard in Golden Age Denmark, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press 1990, pp. 238–44. Plekon, Michael, “Kierkegaard, the Church and Theology of Golden Age Denmark,” Journal of Ecclesiastical History, vol. 34, no. 2, 1983, pp. 245–66. Pyper, Hugh S., “Henrik Nicolai Clausen: The Voice of Urbane Rationalism,” in Kierkegaard and His Danish Contemporaries, Tome II, Theology, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 7), pp. 41–8. Thulstrup, Niels, “H.N. Clausen,” in Kierkegaard’s Teachers, ed. by Niels Thulstrup and Marie Mikulová Thulstrup, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1982 (Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana, vol. 10), pp. 158–69. Clavigo – literary figure (Goethe’s Clavigo) Fimiani, Antonella, “Clavigo: A Little Tale about the Sense of Guilt,” in Kierkegaard’s Literary Figures and Motifs, Tome I, Agamemnon to Guadalquivir, ed. by Jon Stewart and Katalin Nun, Aldershot: Ashgate 2014 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 16), pp. 103–11. Arthur Hugh Clough (1819–1861) – English poet Nadel, Ira Bruce, “Kierkegaard and Clough,” Victorians Institute Journal, vol. 6, 1977, pp. 43–7.


Paulo Coelho

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Cyprian of Carthage


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D Ernesto Dalgas (1871–1899) – Danish writer Lindemann, Esben, “Ernesto Dalgas: Kierkegaard on the Path of Suffering,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art, Tome II, Denmark, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2013 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 12), pp. 43–64. Poulsen, Mogens, Kierkegaardske skæbner: Emil Boesen, Ilia Fibiger, Mathilde Leiner og Ernest Dalgas [Kierkegaardian Fates: Emil Boesen, Ilia Fibiger, Mathilde Leiner and Ernest Dalgas], Copenhagen: Petit 1955. Dante (1265–1321) – Italian writer Cortese, Alessandro, “Dante,” in Kierkegaard: Literary Miscellany, ed. by Niels Thulstrup and Marie Mikulová Thulstrup, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1981 (Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana, vol. 9), pp. 150–3. Farias, Domenico, “La cultura tra invidia e comunione: Kierkegaard e Dante” [Culture between Envy and Communion: Kierkegaard and Dante], Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica, no. 55, 1963, pp. 317–42. Miles, Thomas, “Dante: Tours of Hell. Mapping the Landscape of Sin and Despair,” in Kierkegaard and the Patristic and Medieval Traditions, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2008 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 4), pp. 223–35. Reich, Ebbe Kløvedal, “Kierkegaard og Dante. Frihedens gåde” [Kierkegaard and Dante: The Mystery of Freedom], in Kierkegaard inspiration. En antologi [Kierkegaard Inspiration: An Anthology], ed. by Birgit Bertung, Paul Müller, Fritz Norlan and Julia Watkin, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1991 (Søren Kierkegaard Selskabets populære skrifter, vol. 20), pp. 9–17. Thust, Martin, “Die Innerlichkeit des Gerichts, der Schrecken des Verzugs: die Vergeistigung Dantes,” in his Sören Kierkegaard. Der Dichter des Religiösen. Grundlagen eines Systems der Subjektivität, Munich: C.H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung 1931, pp. 434–78. Charles Darwin (1809–1882) – British scientist Giles, James, “Darwin at 200 versus Kierkegaard at 2000,” Søren Kierkegaard Newsletter, no. 61, 2013, pp. 8–11. Carl Daub (1765–1836) – German theologian Hirsch, Emanuel, “Die Einführung in die Frage Glaube und Geschichte durch Karl Daub,” in his Kierkegaard-Studien, vols.  1–2, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann 1933, vol. 2, pp. 93–105.



Stewart, Jon, “Daub: Kierkegaard’s Paradoxical Appropriation of a Hegelian Sentry,” in Kierkegaard and His German Contemporaries, Tome II, Theology, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2007 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 6), pp. 53–78. Thulstrup, Niels, “Daub,” in Kierkegaard’s Teachers, ed. by Niels Thulstrup and Marie Mikulová Thulstrup, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1982 (Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana, vol. 10), pp. 208–11.

David – Biblical figure (Old Testament) Engelke, Matthias, “David and Solomon: Models of Repentance and Evasion of Guilt,” in Kierkegaard and the Bible, Tome I, The Old Testament, ed. by Jon Stewart and Lee C. Barrett, Aldershot: Ashgate 2010 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 1), pp. 101–13. Poole, Roger, Kierkegaard: The Indirect Communication, Charlottesville, Virginia: University of Virginia Press 1993, pp. 115–25.

Günther Carl Dehn (1882–1970) – German theologian Niebergall, Friedrich, “Predigttypen und Predigtaufgaben der Gegenwart 5. Kierkegaard, Barth und Thurneysen, Dehn, Ehrhard,” Die christliche Welt, vol. 39, nos. 27–28, 1925, pp. 738–43.

Gilles Deleuze (1925–1995) – French philosopher Battersby, Christine, The Phenomenal Woman: Feminist Metaphysics and the Patterns of Identity, New York: Routledge 1998, pp. 148–75, pp. 176–97. Binetti, María José, “Mediación o repetición. De Hegel a Kierkegaard y Deleuze,” Daimon. Revista de Filosofía, no. 45, 2008, pp. 125–39. Bouaniche, A., “ ‘Faire le mouvement.’ Deleuze lecteur de Kierkegaard,” in Kierkegaard et la philosophie française. Figures er réceptions, ed. by Joaquim Hernandez-Dispaux, Grégori Jean, and Jean Leclercq, Louvain: Presses universitaires de Louvain 2014, pp. 127–51. Colebrook, Claire, “Inhuman Irony: The Event of the Postmodern,” in Deleuze and Literature, ed. by Ian Buchanan and John Marks, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2000, pp. 100–34; see pp. 113–17; p. 127. Fioravanti, Andrea, “L’indicibile come paradosso: il volto di Bergman attraverso l’analisi di Gilles Deleuze” [The Unspeakable as Paradox: Bergman’s Face through Gilles Deleuze’s Analysis], NotaBene. Quaderni di Studi Kierkegaardiani, vol. 3, L’arte dello sguardo: Kierkegaard e il cinema [The Art of Looking: Kierkegaard and the Cinema], 2003, pp. 59–70. Justo, José Miranda, “Gilles Deleuze: Kierkegaard’s Presence in his Writings,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Philosophy, Tome II, Francophone Philosophy, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2012 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 11), pp. 83–110.

Ludwig Derleth


Starčević, Goran, Vaje v eksistenci: Na poti od Kierkegaarda do Deleuzea [Exercising Existence: Following the Path from Kierkegaard to Deleuze], trans. by Martina Soldo, Ljubljana: KUD Apokalipsa 2013 (Filozofska zbirka Aut, vol. 68). Don DeLillo (1936–) – American writer and playwright Greenspan, Daniel, “Don DeLillo: Kierkegaard and the Grave in the Air,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art, Tome IV, The Anglophone World, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2013 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 12), pp. 81–99. Paul De Man (1919–1983) – Belgian-American philosopher Andersen, Claus Elholm, “Tankestreger og ironi. En læsning af Kierkegaard og Paul de Man,” [Dashes and Irony: A Reading of Kierkegaard and Paul de Man], Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek, vol. 31, no. 2, 2010, pp. 127–53. Bøggild, Jacob, “Breaking the Seals of Slumber: An Inquiry into a Couple of Examples in Kierkegaard and Paul de Man,” Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, 1997, pp. 253–69. Mininger, J.D., “The Insistence of Desire: Paul de Man on Kierkegaard on German Romanticism,” Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, 2009, pp. 167–83. — “Paul de Man: The Unwritten Chapter,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Philosophy, Tome III, Anglophone Philosophy, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2012 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 11), pp. 29–47. Newmark, Kevin, Irony on Occasion: From Schlegel and Kierkegaard to Derrida and De Man, New York: Fordham University Press 2012. Norris, Christopher, “De Man Unfair to Kierkegaard? An Allegory of (Non)-Reading,” in Kierkegaard  – Poet of Existence, ed. by Birgit Bertung, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1989, pp. 89–107; published also in Deconstruction and the Interest of Theory, Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press 1989, pp. 156–86 and in (Dis)continuities: Essays on Paul de Man, ed. by Luc Herman, Kris Humbeeck and Geert Lernout, Amsterdam: Rodopi 1989 (Postmodern Studies, vol. 2), pp. 199–239. Roy, Ayon, “Hegel contra Schlegel; Kierkegaard contra de Man,” PMLA, vol. 124, no. 1, 2009, pp. 107–26. Thomas De Quincey (1785–1859) – British author Mondragón Reyes, Rogelio, “Kierkegaard, Dostoievski y De Quincey: algunas claves para comprender las motivaciones de un terrorista contemporáneo,” Bien común y gobierno, vol. 8, no. 91, 2002, pp. 84–91. Ludwig Derleth (1870–1948) – German writer and theologian Aler, Jan, “Ludwig Derleth (1870–1948), Ein katholischer Mystiker, der auch auf Nietzsche und Kierkegaard hörte,” in Gestalten um Stefan George. Gundolf, Wolfskehl, Verwey, Derleth, ed. by Jan Aler, Amsterdam: Rodopi 1984, pp. 89–155.


Jacques Derrida

Jacques Derrida (1930–2004) – French philosopher Beyrich, Tilman, Ist Glauben wiederholbar? Derrida liest Kierkegaard, Berlin and New York: De Gruyter 2001 (Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series, vol. 6). Binetti, María José, “Kierkegaard-Derrida y la reconstrucción del sujeto,” Daimon. Revista de Filosofía, no. 40, 2007, pp. 119–30; republished in Analogía filosófica: revista de filosofía, investigación y difusión, vol. 22, no. 1, 2008, pp. 3–24. Bjarnadóttir, Birna, “Hvers vegna er dauðinn besta gjöfin, Kierkegaard?ˮ [Why is Death the Best Gift, Kierkegaard?], Tímarit Máls og menningar, vol. 61, no. 4, 2000, pp. 47–62. Bosch, Hans (Johannes Jozephus Godefridus) van den, Een apologie van het onmogelijke. Een kritische analyse van Mark C. Taylors a/theologie aan de hand van Jacques Derrida en John D. Caputo [An Apologia of the Impossible: A Critical Analysis of Mark C. Taylor’s A/Theology on the Basis of Examples of Jacques Derrida and John D. Caputo], Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum 2002. Bridges, Thomas, “Derrida, Kierkegaard, and the Orders of Speech,” Philosophy Today, vol. 32, 1988, pp. 95–109. Butin, Gitte Wernaa, “Abraham – Knight of Faith or Counterfeit? Abraham Figures in Kierkegaard, Derrida, and Kafka,” Kierkegaardiana, vol. 21, 2000, pp. 19–35. Caputo, John D., “Instants, Secrets, and Singularities: Dealing Death in Kierkegaard and Derrida,” in Kierkegaard in Post/Modernity, ed. by Martin J. Matuštík and Merold Westphal, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press 1995, pp. 216–38. — The Prayers and Tears of Jacques Derrida: Religion without Religion, Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press 1997. — “Pillanatok, titkok és szingularitások. A  halál adománya Kierkegaard-nál és Derridánál” [Instants, Secrets, and Singularities: Dealing Death in Kierkegaard and Derrida], trans. by György Kalmár and Kata Simon, Vulgo, vol. 2, nos. 3–5, 2000, pp. 161–80. — “Looking the Impossible in the Eye: Kierkegaard, Derrida, and the Repetition of Religion,” Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, 2002, pp. 1–25. — “Instants, Secrets, and Singularities: Dealing Death in Kierkegaard and Derrida,” in Philosophy of Religion: Kierkegaard Contra Contemporary Christendom, ed. by Daniel W. Conway and K.E. Gover, London and New York: Routledge 2002 (Søren Kierkegaard: Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers, vol.  3), pp. 64–86. — “Either/Or, Undecidability, and Two Concepts of Irony: Kierkegaard and Derrida,” in The New Kierkegaard, ed. by Elsebet Jegstrup, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press 2004, pp. 14–41. — “直视不可能性:克尔凯郭尔、德里达以及宗教的再现” [Looking the Impossible in the Eye: Kierkegaard, Derrida, and the Repetition of Religion], trans. by Wang Qi, 世界哲学 [World Philosophy], no. 3, 2006, pp. 4–21. Chang, Sung-Shik, 「찰스 하지(Charles Hodge)의 하나님의 섭리로 본 데리다의 ‘코라’(khora)와 키에르케고어의 ‘믿음의 역설’(Paradox of Faith)」 [Derrida’s “Khora” and Kierkegaard’s “Paradox of Faith,” Viewed through Charles Hodge’s “Providence of God”], 『교회와 문화』 [The Church and Culture], vol. 24, 2010, pp. 153–84.

Jacques Derrida


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Jacques Derrida

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Jacques Derrida


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Jacques Derrida

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René Descartes


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Anne Desclos

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Wilhelm Dilthey


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Diogenes Laertius

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Fyodor Dostoevsky


Шестов, Лев [Shestov, Lev], “Кирхегард и Достоевский” [Kierkegaard and Dostoevsky], Путь [Path], no. 48, 1935, pp. 20–37; republished in his Киргегард и экзистенциальная философия (Глас вопиющего в пустыне) [Kierkegaard and the Existential Philosophy (Vox clamantis in deserto)], Paris: Sovremenniye Zapiski, Dom Knigi 1939, pp. 7–22 (2nd ed., Moscow: Progress, Gnosis 1992, pp. 7–26). — “Kierkegaard et Dostoiewsky. (Les voix qui clament dans le désert),” trans. by Boris de Schlœzer, Cahiers du Sud, vol. 23, 1935, pp. 755–62. — “Kierkegaard y Dostoyewsky,” no translator given, Sur, no. 5, 1935, pp. 7–39. — “Kierkegaard y Dostoyevski,” no translator given, Cahiers du Marseilles, no. 23, 1936, pp. 179–200. — “Kierkegaard und Dostojewski,” Deutsche Beiträge, vol. 2, no. 4, 1948, pp. 324–43. — “Κίρκεγκωρ και Ντοστογιέφσκυ” [Kierkegaard and Dostoevsky], trans. by Christos Malevitsis, Εποπτεία [Epopteia], no. 41, 1979, pp. 959–70; republished in his Σπουδή στον Ντοστογιέφσκυ [Study on Dostoevsky], Athens: Imago 1981, pp. 269–79. — “Kierkegaard och Dostojevskij” [Kierkegaard and Dostoevsky], Artes, vol. 20, no. 4, 1994, pp. 99–112. — Достоевски и Ницше; Киркегор и екзистенциалната философия [Dostoevsky and Nietzsche; Kierkegaard and Existential Philosophy], ed. by Isaac Passi, trans. by Nedyalka Videva, Sofia: Universitetsko izdatelstvo Sv. Kliment Ohridski 1993. — “Kierkegaard i Dostojewski” [Kierkegaard and Dostoevsky [selections from his Kierkegaard et la philosophie existentielle]], trans. by Jacek A. Prokopski, Odra, no. 4, 2001, pp. 46–59; republished in Tylko wiara. Antologia tekstów Lwa Szestowa [Faith Only: An Anthology of Leo Shestov’s Texts], ed. by Patrycja Wyligała, Cracow: Wydawnictwo M 2004, pp.  20–2, pp.  83–4, pp. 197–8. Słowikowski, Andrzej, “Podwojenie  – Kierkegaard i Dostojewski” [Redoubling: Kierkegaard and Dostoevsky], Pamiętnik Literacki, vol. 98, 2007, pp. 85–110. Stojanov, Trajce, “Мојот избор: Кјеркегор, Ниче, Достоевски“ [My Choice: Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Dostoevsky], СУМ  – Списание за уметност [ART: Magazine for Art], vol. 8, no. 31, 2001, pp. 112–24. Thomassen, Einar, “Kierkegaard og Dostojevskij” [Kierkegaard and Dostoevsky], Edda, vol. 55, no. 42, 1955, pp. 246–65. Török, Endre, “Dosztojevszkij és Kierkegaard. ‘Istennel szemben soha sincs igazunk’ ” [Dostoevsky and Kierkegaard: “In Relation to God We Are Always in the Wrong”], Pannonhalmi Szemle, vol. 1, no. 1, 1993, pp. 43–5; republished in Kierkegaard Budapesten [Kierkegaard in Budapest], ed. by András Nagy, Budapest: Fekete Sas 1994, pp. 347–51. 吉沢慶一 [Yoshizawa, Keiichi], 「倫理的実存と宗教的実存―キルケゴールと ドフトエフスキイの実存的思想をめぐって」 [The Ethical and Religious Existence: On the Existential Thoughts of Kierkegaard and Dostoevsky], 『 明治学院大学キリスト教研究所紀要』 [The Bulletin of Christian Research Institute, Meiji Gakuin University], vol. 9, 1976, pp. 49–72.


Eugen Drewermann

张春超 [Zhang, Chunchao], “陀思妥耶夫斯基与克尔凯郭尔” [Dostoevsky and Kierkegaard], 商丘师范学院学报 [Journal of Shangqiu Teachers’ College], no. 4, 2002, pp. 41–2. Zohrab, Irene, “Dostoevsky and Kierkegaard in the Context of State Censorship: Problem Statement. Part I,” The Dostoevsky Journal, vols.  14–15, 2013–14, pp. 106–49. Eugen Drewermann (1940–) – German theologian Granito, Alessandra, Eugen Drewermann interprete di Kierkegaard. Le quattro forme kierkegaardiane della disperazione rilette alla luce della psicoanalisi [Eugen Drewermann Reading Kierkegaard: The Four Kierkegaardian Forms of Despair Reinterpreted in the Light of Psychoanalysis], Naples: Orthotes 2013. Heymel, Michael, “ ‘Der letzte wirkliche Prophet des neuzeitlichen Christentums’. Eugen Drewermann als Schüler Sören Kierkegaards,” Theologische Literaturzeitung, vol. 118, 1993, pp. 707–18. Saint-Germain, Christian, “La fonction liberatrice du desespoir chez Eugen Drewermann,” Laval Theologique et Philosophique, vol.  53, no.  2, 1997, pp. 385–93. Van Otten, Josephine, “Angst, vertwijfeling en geloof, de Kierkegaardse triade bij Eugen Drewermann” [Anxiety, Despair and Faith, Kierkegaard’s Triad in Eugen Drewermann], in Kierkegaard en het moderne denken in een bevrijde stad [Kierkegaard and Modern Thought in a Liberated City], ed. by Josephine van Otten, B. van Parijs and Chris Vonck, Antwerp and Wilrijk: Faculteit Vergelijkende Godsdienstwetenschappen and Antwerp: Werkgroep Kierkegaard 1994, pp. 70–89. Velden, Mar van der, In God geborgen. De theologie van Eugen Drewermann [Secure in God: Eugen Drewermann’s Theology], Nijkerk: G.F. Callenbach 1994. Carl Theodor Dreyer (1889–1968) – Danish film director Haghdoost, Saeed, ‫تاثیر اندیشه کی‌یرکگارد بر سینمای تئودور دریدا‬ :‫رستاخیز‬ ‫[ عشق و‬Love and Resurrection: Kierkegaard’s Impact on Theodor             Dreyer’s Films], «‫[ »یرهشمه هماندرخ‬Kherad Nameh Hamshahri], vol. 17, 2007, pp. 16–18. Iiritano, Massimo, “Amore e paradosso. Una lettura kierkegaardiana del ‘Gertrud’ di Dreyer” [Love and Paradox: A Kierkegaardian Reading of Gertrud by Dreyer], NotaBene. Quaderni di Studi Kierkegaardiani, vol.  3, L’arte dello sguardo: Kierkegaard e il cinema [The Art of Looking: Kierkegaard and the Cinema], 2003, pp. 15–38. Modica, Giuseppe, “Ordet di Dreyer. Percorsi kierkegaardiani” [The Word by Dreyer: Kierkegaard’s Routes], Giornale di Metafisica, vol.  23, no.  1, 2001, pp.  5–34; republished in Il religioso in Kierkegaard. Atti del convegno di studi organizzato dalla Società Italiana per gli Studi Kierkegaardiani tenutosi dal 14 al 16 dicembre 2000 a Venezia [The Religious in Kierkegaard: Proceedings of the Congress Organized by The Italian Society for Kierkegaard Sudies in Venice, December 14th–16th, 2000], ed. by Isabella Adinolfi, Brescia: Morcelliana 2002, pp. 320–47.

Friedrich Dürrenmatt


Venâncio, Romero, “Bergmann e Dreyer: herdeiros cinematográficos de Kierkegaard” [Bergmann and Dreyer: Heirs of Kierkegaard in Cinema], Cadernos UFS filosofia, vol. 7, 2010, pp. 105–17. Züfle, Manfred, “Die filmische Ästhetik Carl Theodor Dreyers, aus dem Horizonte Sören Kierkegaards betrachtet,” Schweizer Rundschau, vol.  64, 1965, pp. 494–512. Hubert Dreyfus (1929–) – American philosopher Hannay, Alastair, “Comments on Honderich, Sprigge, Dreyfus and Rubin, and Elster,” Synthese, vol. 98, no. 1, 1994, pp. 103–6. McPherson, Ian, “Global Nihilism and Local Meanings? Dreyfus on Kierkegaard and Heidegger Today,” Educational Philosophy and Theory, vol. 34, no. 4, 2002, pp. 395–401. Westfall, Joseph, “Hubert Dreyfus: Seeking the Self in a Nihilistic Age,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Philosophy, Tome III, Anglophone Philosophy, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2012 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 11), pp. 49–69. Marguerite Duras (1914–1996) – French writer Pepper, Thomas A., “Prepositions of Death: Kierkegaard’s The Sickness unto Death Read with Duras’ ‘La Maladie de la mort,’ ” Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, 1997, pp. 85–99. Petit, Françoise Barbé, Marguerite Duras, au risque de la philosophie: Pascal, Rousseau, Diderot, Kierkegaard, Lévinas, Paris: Éditions Kimé 2010. Emil Durkheim (1858–1917) – French sociologist Ganguly, Indrani, “The Phenomenology of God. Two Perspectives,” The Indian Journal of Theology, vol. 28, no. 2, 1979, pp. 78–90 Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921–1990) – Swiss author and playwright Bark, Joachim, “Dürrenmatts ‘Pilatus’ und das Etikett des christlichen Dichters,” in Friedrich Dürrenmatt. Studien zu seinem Werk, ed. by Gerhard P. Knapp, Heidelberg: Stiehm 1976 (Poesie und Wissenschaft, vol. 33), pp. 53–68. Bühler, Pierre, “Foi et humour. Une petite dramaturgie de la foi chrétienne, d’après Dürrenmatt,” Bulletin du Centre protestant d’études, vol. 3, 1976, pp. 5–39. — “Le grotesque de la grâce. Motifs bibliques dans l’œuvre de Dürrenmatt,” Foi et vie, vol. 90, no. 5, 1991, pp. 93–102. — “Humour et quête d’identité: Le Suisse Dürrenmatt et le Danois Kierkegaard,” in La Littérature suisse: Les Masques de l’identité, ed. by Michel Reffet, Strasbourg: Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, 1999, pp. 43–57. — “Gnadenlosigkeit? Christologische Figuren in den späten Werken Dürrenmatts,” in Die Verwandlung der ‘Stoffe’ als Stoff der Verwandlung. Friedrich Dürrenmatts


Friedrich Dürrenmatt

Spätwerk, ed. by Peter Rusterholz and Irmgard Wirz, Berlin: Erich Schmidt 2000, pp. 161–78. — “Friedrich Dürrenmatt: un écrivain s’inspire de Kierkegaard,” Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie, vol. 145, nos. 3–4, 2013, pp. 325–35. — “Friedrich Dürrenmatt: A  Swiss Author Reading and Using Kierkegaard,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art, Tome I, The Germanophone World, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2013 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 12), pp. 43–59. Hensel, Georg, “Der Dramatiker nach Kierkegaard und Einstein. Lobrede auf Friedrich Dürrenmatt zur Verleihung des Georg Büchner-Preises,” in Herkules und Atlas. Lobreden und andere Versuche über Friedrich Dürrenmatt, ed. by Daniel Keel, Zurich: Diogenes 1992, pp. 25–42. Immoos, Thomas, “Dürrenmatts protestantische Komödie,” Schweizer Rundschau, vol. 72, 1973, pp. 271–80. Liechti, Anna, “Drei Männer vor Gericht. Dürrenmatts Auseinandersetzung mit der Dialektischen Theologie,” Quarto, vol. 7, 1996, pp. 111–18. Mingels, Annette, Dürrenmatt und Kierkegaard. Die Kategorie des Einzelnen als gemeinsame Denkform, Cologne: Böhlau 2003. — “Jener Einzelne: Kierkegaards Kategorie des Einzelnen als Grundkonstante in Dürrenmatts theologiekritischem Denken,” in Dürrenmatt im Zentrum. 7. Internationales Neuenburger Kolloquium 2000, ed. by Annette Mingels and Jürgen Söring, Berne: Lang 2004, pp. 259–84. Müller Farguell, Roger W., “Durch einander. Dürrenmatt und Kierkegaard,” Schweizer Monatshefte, vol. 6, 1994, pp. 23–6. — “Zur Dramaturgie aporetischen Denkens. Dürrenmatt und Kierkegaard,” in Neue Perspektiven zur deutschsprachigen Literatur der Schweiz, ed. by Romey Sabalius, Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi 1997 (Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik, vol. 40), pp. 153–65. Rüedi, Peter, Dürrenmatt oder Die Ahnung vom Ganzen, Zurich: Diogenes 2011, pp. 25–7, pp. 203–11, pp. 261–3, pp. 370–3. Rusterholz, Peter, “Theologische und philosophische Denkformen und ihre Funktion für die Interpretation und Wertung von Texten Friedrich Dürrenmatts,” in Contemplata aliis tradere. Studien zum Verhältnis von Literatur und Spiritualität, ed. by Claudia Brinker et al., Bern: Lang 1995, pp. 473–89. Rusterholz, Peter, and Irmgard Wirz (eds.), Die Verwandlung der ‘Stoffe’ als Stoff der Verwandlung. Friedrich Dürrenmatts Spätwerk, Berlin: Erich Schmidt 2000, pp. 13–22, pp. 55–75, pp. 129–95. Weber, Emil, Friedrich Dürrenmatt und die Frage nach Gott. Zur theologischen Relevanz der frühen Prosa eines merkwürdigen Protestanten, Zurich: Theologischer Verlag 1980, pp. 38–62, pp. 228–37. Weber, Ulrich, “ ‘Ob man sich selbst ein Stoff zu werden vermag?’ Kierkegaard und die Entwicklung des subjektiven Schreibens im ‘Mitmacher’-Komplex,” Quarto, no. 7, 1996, pp. 65–79. — Dürrenmatts Spätwerk. Die Entstehung aus der Mitmacher-Krise, Frankfurt am Main and Basel: Stroemfeld 2007 (editionTEXT, vol. 6), pp. 126–32, pp. 161–71.

E Gerhard Ebeling (1912–2001) – German theologian Ackley, John B., Church of the Word: A Comparative Study of Word, Church, and Office in the Thought of Karl Rahner and Gerhard Ebeling, New York: Lang 1983, 286–91. Gmainer-Pranzl, Franz, Glaube und Geschichte bei Karl Rahner und Gerhard Ebeling: ein Vergleich transzendentaler und hermeneutischer Theologie, Innsbruck: Tyrolia 1996, pp. 201–4. Jeanrond, Werner, Theological Hermeneutics, London: SCM 1994, pp. 153–7. Marleé, Reneé, Parler de Dieu aujourd’hui: la théologie herméneutique de Gerhard Ebeling, Paris: Editions du Cerf 1975, pp. 17–18, pp. 92–4, pp. 175–81. Nelson, Derek R., “Gerhard Ebeling: Appreciation and Critical Appropriation of Kierkegaard,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Theology, Tome I, German Protestant Theology, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2012 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 10), pp. 145–53. Pilnei, Oliver, Wie entsteht christlicher Glaube? Untersuchungen zur Glaubenskonstitution in der hermeneutischen Theologie bei Rudolf Bultmann, Ernst Fuchs und Gerhard Ebeling, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2007, pp. 240–9. Schlögel, Herbert, Nicht moralisch, sondern theologisch. Zum Gewissensverständnis von Gerhard Ebeling, Mainz: Matthias Grünewald 1992, pp. 79–94. Wendebourg, Ernst-Wilhelm, “Erwägungen zu Ebelings Interpretation der Lehre Luthers von den zwei Reichen,” Kerygma und Dogma, vol. 13, 1967, pp. 99–131, see especially pp. 124–30. Werbick, Jürgen, Die Aporetik des Etischen und der christliche Glaube, Munich: Ferdinand Schöningh 1976, pp. 67–96. Ebenezer Scrooge – literary figure (Dickens’ A Christmas Carol) Kállay, Géza, “ ‘Vén ember mit cselekszel?’ – a ‘halálos betegség’ szorongató öröme: Scrooge, Lear és Kierkegaard” [“What Wilt Thou Do, Old Man?”—The Anxious Happiness of “The Sickness unto Death”: Scrooge, Lear and Kierkegaard], Liget, no. 3, 2010, pp. 37–54. Ferdinand Ebner (1882–1931) – Austrian philosopher Feddon, Dustin and Patricia Stanley, “Ferdinand Ebner: Ebner’s Neuer Mann,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Philosophy, Tome I, German and Scandinavian Philosophy, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2012 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 11), pp. 105–21.


Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg

Salamun, Kurt, “Ferdinand Ebners Existenz- und Dialogphilosophie,” Synthesis Philosophica, vol. 13, no. 2, 1998, pp. 313–25. Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg (1783–1853) – Danish painter Linnet, Ragni, “Former på filosofien. Om Kierkegaard, Eckersberg og tidens blik” [Shapes of Philosophy: On Kierkegaard, Eckersberg and the View of the Age], Bulletinen. Meddelelser fra Dansk Kunsthistorisk Forening, vol.  22, 1995, pp. 26–33. Meister Eckhart (c. 1260–c. 1327) – German theologian and mystic Becker, Hjördis, “Mirroring God: Reflections of Meister Eckhart’s Thoughts in Kierkegaard’s Work,” Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, 2012, pp. 3–24. Florin, Frits, “Was Kierkegaard Inspired by Medieval Mysticism? Meister Eckhart’s ‘Abgeschiedenheit’ and Kierkegaard’s ‘Udsondring,’ ” Kierkegaardiana, vol. 22, 2002, pp. 172–90. Larrañeta Olleta, Rafael, “El poder revelador y liberador de la nada. Conato de retorno al Maestro Eckhart partiendo de Kierkegaard y Heidegger,” in Ética y Sociología. Estudio en memoria del profesor José Todolí O. P., ed. by Luis Méndez Francisco, Madrid and Salamanca: Universidad Complutense de Madrid-San Esteban 2000, pp. 603–24. 松井吉康 [Matsui, Yoshiyasu], 「エックハルトとキェルケゴール―『内面 性』を手がかりとして」 [Eckhart and Kierkegaard], 『キェルケゴール研 究』 [Kierkegaard-Studiet], no. 23, 1993, pp. 17–26. Meessen, Y., “Eckhart et Kierkegaard  – la Percée et I’Instant,” in Kierkegaard et la philosophie française. Figures er réceptions, ed. by Joaquim HernandezDispaux, Grégori Jean, and Jean Leclercq, Louvain: Presses universitaires de Louvain 2014, pp. 11–22. Šajda, Peter, “Majster Eckhart sa plaví do Dánska. Krátka úvaha o  súčinnosti myšlienok Majstra Eckharta a Sørena Kierkegaarda” [Meister Eckhart Sails to Denmark: A  Short Reflection on the Synergy of the Ideas of Meister Eckhart and Søren Kierkegaard], in Zápas Sørena Kierkegaarda [The Struggle of Søren Kierkegaard], ed. by Roman Králik, Nitra: FF UKF 2006, pp. 156–64. — “Kierkegaardovo odmietnutie mystika Majstra Eckharta” [Kierkegaard’s Rejection of Meister Eckhart’s Mysticism], Filozofia, vol.  63, no.  2, 2008, pp. 161–8. — “Meister Eckhart: The Patriarch of German Speculation who was a ‘Lebemeister’: Meister Eckhart’s Silent Way into Kierkegaard’s Corpus,” in Kierkegaard and the Patristic and Medieval Traditions, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2008 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 4), pp. 237–53. Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758) – American theologian Bell, Richard H., “On Trusting One’s own Heart: Scepticism in Jonathan Edwards and Søren Kierkegaard,” History of European Ideas, vol. 12, 1990, pp. 105–16.

Magnús Eiríksson


Paul Edwards (1923–2004) – Austrian-American philosopher Daise, Benjamin, Kierkegaard’s Socratic Art, Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press 1999, p. viii, pp. 99–110, pp. 132–3. Madigan, Timothy J., “Paul Edwards: A Rationalist Critic of Kierkegaard’s Theory of Truth,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Philosophy, Tome III, Anglophone Philosophy, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2012 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 11), pp. 71–85. Dave Eggers (1970 –) – American writer Dulk, Allard P. den, “Voorbij de doelloze ironie. De romans van Dave Eggers en David Foster Wallace vergeleken met het denken van Søren Kierkegaard” [Beyond the Aimless Irony: A Comparison of Dave Eggers’ and David Foster Wallace’s Novels with Søren Kierkegaard’s Thought], in Het postmodernisme voorbij? Nederlands-Vlaamse Filosofiedag 2007 [Beyond Postmodernism? Dutch-Flemish Day of Philosophy], ed. by Loes D. Derksen, Edwin Koster and Jan van der Stoep, Amsterdam: VU University Press 2008, pp. 83–98. Albert Ehrenstein (1886–1950) – Austrian poet Köster, Thomas, “Zerfall ohne Zauber: Paradoxie und Resignation in Albert Ehrensteins Tubutsch,” German Quarterly, vol. 63, no. 2, 1990, pp. 233–44. Albert Ehrhard (1862–1940) – German theologian Niebergall, Friedrich, “Predigttypen und Predigtaufgaben der Gegenwart 5. Kierkegaard, Barth und Thurneysen, Dehn, Ehrhard,” Die christliche Welt, vol. 39, nos. 27–8, 1925, pp. 738–43. Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff (1788–1857) – German poet Hirsch, Emanuel, Kierkegaard-Studien, vols.  1–2, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann 1933, vol. 1, pp. 6f., p. 10, pp. 303–8, pp. 310f., p. 317. Purver, Judith, “Eichendorff: Kierkegaard’s Reception of a German Romantic,” in Kierkegaard and His German Contemporaries, Tome III, Literature and Aesthetics, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2008 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 6), pp. 25–49. Rehm, Walter, “Jakob Burckhardt und Eichendorff,” in his Späte Studien, Bern: Francke 1964, see pp. 276–81. Magnús Eiríksson (1806–1881) – Icelandic theologian Albertsson, Eiríkur, Magnús Eiríksson. Guðfræði hans og trúarlíf [Magnús Eiríksson: His Theology and Religious Life], Reykjavik: Ísafoldarprentsmiðja 1938. Anonymous [Erik Bøgh], Søren Kierkegaard og St. Erik og St. Magnus Dyrkelsen. Et Bidrag til Bedømmelsen af S. Kierkegaards Virksomhed item Erik Bøghs og Magnus Eiriksons Productivitet [The Cult of Søren Kierkegaard and St. Erik


Magnús Eiríksson

and St.  Magnus. A  Contribution to the Judgment of S. Kierkegaard’s Activity item Erik Bøgh and Magnus Eirikson‘s Productivity], Copenhagen: Cohens Bogtrykkeri 1870. Cauly, Olivier, “La foi est-elle un paradoxe ou ‘une vertu de l’absurde’? À propos d’une critique de Magnus Eiriksson (Theophilus Nicolaus),” in Actes du Colloque francodanois, ‘Retour de Kierkegaard/Retour à Kierkegaard’, Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, les 15 et 16 novembre 1995, ed. by Henri-Bernard Vergote, Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail 1997 (special issue of Kairos, no. 10), pp. 99–114. Fabro, Cornelio, “Faith and Reason in Kierkegaard’s Dialectic,” in A Kierkegaard Critique: An International Selection of Essays Interpreting Kierkegaard, ed. by Howard A. Johnson and Niels Thulstrup, New York: Harper & Brothers 1962, pp. 156–206, see especially pp. 179–84. Fremstedal, Roe, “Eiriksson’s Critique of Kierkegaard and Kierkegaard’s (drafted) Response” in Magnus Eiriksson: A Forgotten Contemporary of Kierkegaard, ed. by Gerhard Schreiber and Jon Stewart, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press 2015 (Danish Golden Age Studies, vol. 10), pp. 145–66. Nielsen, Svend Aage, Kierkegaard og Regensen. Kierkegaards forhold til F.C. Petersen, Poul Martin Møller, D.G. Monrad, Magnus Eiriksson, Carl Ploug, P.L. Møller, Hans Brøchner og J.C. Hostrup [Kierkegaard and the Regensen College: Kierkegaard’s Relations to F.C. Petersen, Poul Martin Møller, D.G. Monrad, Magnus Eiriksson, Carl Ploug, P.L. Møller, Hans Brøchner and J.C. Hostrup], Copenhagen: Graabrødre Torv 1965. Possen, David D., “On Kierkegaard’s Copenhagen Pagans,” in Christian Discourses and The Crisis and A Crisis in the Life of an Actress, ed. by Robert L. Perkins, Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press 2008 (International Kierkegaard Commentary, vol. 17), pp. 35–59. Schreiber, Gerhard, “Ist der Glaube ein Paradox und ‘kraft des Absurden’?  – Kierkegaards Auseinandersetzung mit Magnús Eiríksson,” in Kierkegaard and Faith, ed. by Roman Králik et al., Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona 2007, pp. 34–46 — “Magnús Eiríksson: An Opponent of Martensen and an Unwelcome Ally of Kierkegaard,” in Kierkegaard and His Danish Contemporaries, Tome II, Theology, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 7), pp. 49–94. — Je viera paradoxom a ‘cestou absurdna?’ Názorový rozpor S. Kierkegaarda s Magnúsom Eiríkssonom” [Is Faith a Paradox and “the Way of Absurd”? The Conflict of Opinions of S. Kierkegaard and Magnús Eiríksson], trans. by Jozef Štefčík, in Kierkegaard’s Mirror for The Present Age/Kierkegaardovo zrkadlo pre súčasnosť, ed. by Roman Králik, Abrahim H. Khan, Tibor Máhrik, and Miroslav Sapík, Toronto and Šaľa: Kierkegaard Circle and Kierkegaard Society in Slovakia 2010 (Acta Kierkegaardiana, Supplement, vol. 1), pp. 160–72. — “Magnús Eiríksson. Vanræktur samtímamaður Sørens Kierkegaardˮ [Magnús Eiríksson: A Neglected Contemporary of Søren Kierkegaard], trans. by Aðalsteinn Garðarsson, Skírnir, vol. 188, 2014, pp. 116–43. Skjoldager, E., “An Unwanted Ally: Magnus Eiriksson,” in Kierkegaard as a Person, ed. by Niels Thulstrup and Marie Mikulová Thulstrup, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel

Jacques Ellul


1983 (Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana, vol. 12), pp. 102–8; Robert J. Widenmann, “His Servant: A.C. Westergaard,” pp. 109–18. Theunissen, Michael and Wilfried Greve (eds.), Materialien zur Philosophie Søren Kierkegaards, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp 1979, see pp. 147–67, pp. 171–4. Þráinsdóttir, Jóhanna, “Er trúin þverstæða? Gagnrýni Magnúsar Eiríkssonar á trúarskoðunum Kierkegaards í Ugg og óttaˮ [Is Faith a Paradox? Magnús Eiríksson’s Critique of Kierkegaard’s Theological Position in Fear and Trembling], Tímarit Máls og menningar, vol. 61, no. 4, 2000, pp. 35–45. Walsh, Sylvia, “Echoes of Absurdity: The Offended Consciousness and the ­Absolute Paradox in Kierkegaard’s Philosophical Fragments,” in Philosophical ­Fragments and Johannes Climacus, ed. by Robert L. Perkins, Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press 1994 (International Kierkegaard Commentary, vol. 7), pp. 33–46. Werner Elert (1885–1954) – German theologian Krügel, Siegfried, “Sören Kierkegaard im Urteil Werner Elerts,” EvangelischLutherische Kirchenzeitung, vol. 14, 1960, pp. 99–104. Mircea Eliade (1907–1986) – Romanian historian of religion Altizer, Thomas J.J., Mircea Eliade and the Dialectic of the Sacred, Westport: Greenwood Press Publishers 1975, pp. 54–6, pp. 60–1, pp. 65–6, pp. 73–80. Stan, Leo, “Mircea Eliade: On Religion, Cosmos, and Agony,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on the Social Sciences, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2011 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 13), pp. 55–80. George Eliot (1819–1880) – English author Schleifer, Ronald, “Irony and the Literary Past: On the Concept of Irony and The Mill on the Floss,” in Kierkegaard and Literature: Irony, Repetition, and Criticism, ed. by Ronald Schleifer and Robert Markley, Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press 1984, pp. 183–216. Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888–1965) – British poet and playwright Hanzo, Thomas, “Eliot and Kierkegaard: ‘The Meaning of Happening’ in The Cocktail Party,” Modern Drama, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 52–9. Jacques Ellul (1912–1994) – French philosopher Cabral, Sarah Pike, “Jacques Ellul: Kierkegaard’s Profound and Seldom Acknowledged Influence on Ellul’s Writing,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Philosophy, Tome II, Francophone Philosophy, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2012 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 11), pp. 139–56. Eller, Vernard, “Four Who Remember: Kierkegaard, the Blumhardts, Ellul, and Muggeridge,” Katallagete, vol. 3, 1971, pp. 6–12.



— “Ellul and Kierkegaard: Closer than Brothers,” in Jacques Ellul: Interpretive Essays, ed. by Clifford G. Christians and Jay M. VanHook, Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1981, pp. 52–66. Rognon, Frédéric, Jacques Ellul: une pensée en dialogue, Geneva: Labor et Fides 2007, pp. 168–209. — “Ellul lecteur de Kierkegaard: La réception de l’œuvre kierkegaardienne dans la pensée de Jacques Ellul,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, vol. 64, nos. 2–4, 2008, pp. 1181–1206. Elvira – literary figure (Mozart’s Don Giovanni) Antoni, Luisa, “Don Juan in donna Elvira v luči zapeljevanja pri Kierkegaardu” [Don Juan and Donna Elvira in the Light of Seduction in Kierkegaard], Revija Apokalipsa, nos. 26–8, 1999, pp. 259–74. Eckerson, Sara Ellen, “Donna Elvira: The Colossal Feminine Character, from donna abbandonata to the Embodiment of Modern Sorrow,” in Kierkegaard’s Literary Figures and Motifs, Tome I, Agamemnon to Guadalquivir, ed. by Jon Stewart and Katalin Nun, Aldershot: Ashgate 2014 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 16), pp. 171–86. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882) – American writer and poet Fromm, Harold, “Emerson and Kierkegaard: The Problem of Historical Christianity,” The Massachusetts Review, vol. 9, 1968, pp. 741–52. Lee, Ronald F., “Emerson Through Kierkegaard: Toward a Definition of Emerson’s Theory of Communication,” Journal of English Literary History, vol. 24, no. 3, 1957, pp. 229–48. Shūsaku Endō (1923–1996) – Japanese writer Johnson, Patricia A., “Kierkegaard and Endō. The Dialectic of Religiousness,” Union Seminary Quarterly Review, vol. 39, 1984, pp. 85–99. Friedrich Engels (1820–1895) – German philosopher Hogrebe, Wolfram, Deutsche Philosophie im XIX. Jahrhundert  – Kritik der idealistischen Vernunft: Schelling, Schleiermacher, Schopenhauer, Stirner, Kierkegaard, Engels, Marx, Dilthey, Nietzsche, Munich: Fink 1987. Erasmus Montanus – literary figure (Holberg’s Erasmus Montanus) Allen, Julie K., “Erasmus Montanus: The Tragi-Comic Victim of the Crowd,” in Kierkegaard’s Literary Figures and Motifs, Tome I, Agamemnon to Guadalquivir, ed. by Jon Stewart and Katalin Nun, Aldershot: Ashgate 2014 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 16), pp. 201–8.

Erik Erikson


Erasmus of Rotterdam (1465–1536) – Dutch philosopher and theologian Jensen, Finn Gredal, “Erasmus of Rotterdam: Kierkegaard’s Hints at a Christian Humanist,” in Kierkegaard and the Renaissance and Modern Traditions, Tome II, Theology, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 5), pp. 111–27. Laporte, André, Trois témoins de la liberté: Erasme de Rotterdam, Martin Luther, Søren Kierkegaard, Geneva: Université de Genève 1949. Stewart, Jon, “Satire as Philosophy: Erasmus’ Moriæ Encomium,” International Studies in Philosophy, vol. 26, no. 2, 1994, pp. 73–90. Johann Eduard Erdmann (1805–1892) – German philosopher and theologian Bitter, Stephan, Johann Eduard Erdmann. Kirchliche Predigt und philosophische Spekulation in der Entwicklung eines theologischen Hegelianers, RheinbachMerzbach: CMZ Publisher 1994 (Arbeiten zur Theologiegeschichte, vol. 1), pp. 172–6. — “Erdmann: Appropriation and Criticism, Error and Understanding,” in Kierkegaard and His German Contemporaries, Tome II, Theology, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2007 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 6), pp. 79–100. Hirsch, Emanuel, “Die Auseinandersetzung mit Erdmanns Hegelianismus und der Begriff des Humoristischen,” in his Kierkegaard-Studien, vols. 1–2, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann 1933, vol. 2, pp. 84–93. Thulstrup, Niels, “Kierkegaard and Erdmann’s Lectures on Faith and Knowledge,” in his Kierkegaard’s Relation to Hegel, trans. by George L. Stengren, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press 1980, pp. 116–27. — “Kierkegaards Kenntnis der philosophischen und theologischen Tradition,” Theologische Zeitschrift, vol. 35, 1979, pp. 351–62. Louise Erdrich (1954–) – American writer and poet Hatton, Nigel, “Louise Erdrich: Existence with an ‘Edge of Irony,’ ” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art, Tome IV, The Anglophone World, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2013 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 12), pp. 101–7. Erik Erikson (1902–1994) – German-American psychologist Coles, Robert, Erik Erikson, the Growth of his Work, Boston: Atlantic-Little Brown 1970, pp. 3–11, p. 204, p. 320. Mooney, Edward F., “Erik Erikson: Artist of Moral Development,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on the Social Sciences, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2011 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 13), pp. 81–94.


Joan Estelrich

Joan Estelrich (1896–1958) – Spanish writer Perarnau Vidal, Dolors, “Joan Estelrich, l’oblidat precursor de l’estudi de Søren Kierkegaard” [Joan Estelrich, the Forgotten Precursor of the Study of Søren Kierkegaard], Els Marges. Revista de llengua i literatura, no. 78, 2006, pp. 37–54. — “Joan Estelrich: el olvidado precursor del estudio de Søren Kierkegaard,” in Recepción de Kierkegaard en iberoamérica. Argentina, Brasil, España, México y Portugal, ed. by Patricia Carina Dip, Madrid: Bubok Publishing S. L. 2012, pp. 173–208. Péter Esterházy (1950–2016) – Hungarian writer Nagy, András, “Péter Esterházy: Semi-Serious,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art, Tome V, The Romance Languages, Central and Eastern Europe, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2013 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 12), pp. 121–38. Palkó, Gábor, Esterházy-kontextusok [Esterházy-Contexts], Budapest: Ráció 2008, pp. 5–276. Rudolf Christoph Eucken (1846–1926) – German philosopher Budde, Gerhard, “Kierkegaard und Eucken als Volkserzieher,” Württemberger Zeitung, vol. 19, no. 20, 1925, p. 153. Euripides (c. 480 bc–406 bc) – Greek playwright Irina, Nicolae, “Euripides: Kierkegaard and the Ancient Tragic Heroes,” in Kierkegaard and the Greek World, Tome II, Aristotle and Other Greek Authors, ed. by Jon Stewart and Katalin Nun, Aldershot: Ashgate 2010 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 2), pp. 235–46. Johannes Ewald (1743–1781) – Danish poet Ravn, Kim, “Johannes Ewald: Poetic Fire,” in Kierkegaard and the Renaissance and Modern Traditions, Tome III, Literature, Drama and Music, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 5), pp. 63–76.

F Cornelio Fabro (1911–1995) – Italian philosopher Zizi, Paolo, Ontologia della libertà. (Tra Kierkegaard-Heidegger-Fabro) [Ontology of Freedom (In Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Fabro)], Sassari: Edizioni Unidata 1987. Emil Fackenheim (1916–2003) – Jewish philosopher Beyrich, Tilman, “Kann ein Jude Trost finden in Kierkegaards Abraham? Jüdische Kierkegaard-Lektüren: Buber, Fackenheim, Levinas,” Judaica, vol.  57, 2001, pp. 20–40. Farinelli (1705–1782) – Italian singer Widenmann, Robert J., “Farinelli,” in Kierkegaard: Literary Miscellany, ed. by Niels Thulstrup and Marie Mikulová Thulstrup, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1981 (Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana, vol. 9), pp. 166–8. William Faulkner (1897–1962) – American writer Bedell, George C., Kierkegaard and Faulkner: Modalities of Existence, Baton Rouge: Lousiana State University Press 1971. Μακράκης, Μιχάλης Κ. [Macrakis, Michalis K.], Η λυτρωτική δύναμη του πόνου στη ζωή και στο έργο του Φιοντόρ Ντοστογιέφσκι: Ιδιαίτερα στο τελευταίο του έργου Αδερφοί Καραμαζόφ: Η φιλοσοφία και η θεολογία του πόνου στον Ντοστογιέφσκι σε σύγκριση με τους Kierkegaard, Santayana, Strindberg και Faulkner [The Redemptive Power of Suffering in the Life and Work of Fyodor Dostoevsky: With Special Reference to his Last Work The Brothers Karamazov: The Philosophy and Theology of Pain in Dostoevsky Compared with Kierkegaard, Santayana, Strindberg and Faulkner], Athens: Ekdoseis Apostolikis Diakonias 1984 (2nd ed., Athens: Ellinika Grammata 1994). Faust – literary figure (German folk tale, Goethe, Thomas Mann) Brandell, Georg, “Människouppfattningen hos Sören Kierkegaard och i Goethes Faust” [The Perception of Humanity in Søren Kierkegaard and in Goethe’s Faust], Religion och kultur. Tidskrift för religiös idédebatt och kyrkliga reformer, vol. 25, no. 3, 1954, pp. 100–3.



Clair, André, “Le mythe de Faust et le concept Kierkegaardien de démoniaque,” Revue Philosophique de Louvain, vol. 77, no. 33, 1979, pp. 24–50. Gockel, Heinz, “Thomas Manns Faustus und Kierkegaards Don Juan,” in Akten des VI. Internationalen Germanisten-Kongresses Basel 1980, vols. 1–4, ed. by Heinz Rupp and Hans-Gert Roloff, Bern, Frankfurt am Main and Las Vegas: Peter Lang 1980, vol. 3, pp. 68–75. Grammont, Guiomar de, Don Juan, Fausto e o Judeu Errante em Kierkegaard [Don Juan, Faustus and the Wandering Jew in Kierkegaard], Petrópolis: Catedral das Letras 2003. Guerrero Martínez, Luis, “La melancolía como pasión romántica. Werther y Kierkegaard,” in La melancolía. Entre la psicología, la filosofía y la cultura, ed. by Luis Guerrero Martínez, Valeria Martija, Sara Fernández Barreiro, Mexico City: Universidad Iberoamericana 2010, pp. 31–46. Hiebler, Heinz, “Søren Kierkegaards Don Juan- und Faust-Konzeption und ihr Bezug zur deutschen Literatur am Beispiel von Nikolaus Lenau, Max Frisch und Peter Härtling,” in Europäische Mythen der Neuzeit. Faust und Don Juan. Gesammelte Vorträge des Salzburger Symposiums 1992, vols. 1–2, ed. by Peter Csobádi et al., Anif and Salzburg: Müller-Speiser 1993 (Wort und Musik, vol. 18, nos. 1–2), pp. 153–64. Kamla, Thomas A., “ ʻChristliche Kunst mit negativem Vorzeichen’: Kierkegaard und Doktor Faustus,” Neophilologus, vol. 63, 1979, pp. 583–7. 川井義男 [Kawai, Yoshio], 「キェルケゴールと『ファウスト博士』」 [Kierkegaard and Doctor Faust], 『キェルケゴール研究』 [KierkegaardStudiet], no. 19, 1989, pp. 17–26. Kiesel, Helmuth, “Kierkegaard, Alfred Döblin, Thomas Mann und der Schluss des ‘Doktor Faustus,’ ” Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch, vol.  31, 1990, pp. 233–49. Kolberg, Sonja, “Verweile doch!” Präsenz und Sprache in Faust- und Don-JuanDichtungen bei Goethe, Grabbe, Lenau und Kierkegaard, Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2007. Lilhav, Preben, “Faust,” in his Kierkegaards valg [Kierkegaard’s Choice], Risskov: Forlaget Sicana 2003, pp. 84–97. Lisi, Leonardo F., “Faust: The Seduction of Doubt,” in Kierkegaard’s Literary Figures and Motifs, Tome I, Agamemnon to Guadalquivir, ed. by Jon Stewart and Katalin Nun, Aldershot: Ashgate 2014 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 16), pp. 209–28. Μακράκης, Μιχάλης Κ. [Macrakis, Michalis K.], “Η επίδραση του βιβλίου του Ιώβ ως ‘πρόκληση’ στον Φάουστ του Γκαίτε και με σύντομη αναφορά στην επίδραση αύτη από διαφορετική άποψη ως ‘επανάληψη’ στο ομώνυμο έργο του Κίρκεγκωρ και ως ‘θεοδικία’ στους Αδελφούς Καραμάζοφ του Ντοστογιέφσκι” [The Influence of The Book of Job as “Offense” in Goethe’s Faust, as “Repetition” in Kierkegaard’s Homonymous Book and as “Theodicy” in Dostoevsky’s Brothers Karamazov], Scientific Annals of the Faculty of Theology, University of Athens, vol. 34, 1999, pp. 121–64. — “Ο Δον Ζουάν, ο Φάουστ και ο Περιπλανώμενος Ιουδαίος ως ενσάρκωση του φόβου, της αγωνίας και της απελπισίας των τριών αντίστοιχων φάσεων του



αισθητικού σταδίου στον υπαρξισμό του Kierkegaard” [Don Juan, Faust and the Wandering Jew as Incarnations of Fear, Anxiety and Despair: Three Aspects of the Aesthetic Stage in Kierkegaard’s Existentialism], Scientific Annals of the Faculty of Theology, University of Athens, vol. 40, 2005, pp. 137–68. Mortensen, Finn Hauberg, “Don Juan, Ahasverus und Faust in Søren Kierkegaards ‘Enten-Eller,’ ” in Nordische Romantik. Akten der XVII. Studienkonferenz der International Association for Scandinavian Studies 7–12. August 1988 in Zurich und Basel, ed. by Oskar Bandle et al., Basel and Frankfurt am Main: Helbing und Lichtenhahn 1991, pp. 151–9. Olesen, Tonny Aagaard, “Kierkegaards Faust” [Kierkegaard’s Faust], Fønix, no. 2, 2002, pp. 74–90. — “The Young Kierkegaard on/as Faust. The Systematic Study and the Existential Identification: A  Short Presentation,” Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, 2009, pp. 585–99. Paul, Fritz, “Kierkegaards Verführer, Don Juan und Faust,” in Gelebte Literatur in der Literatur. Studien zu Erscheinungsformen und Geschichte eines literarischen Motivs, ed. by Theodor Wolpers, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1986, pp. 198–216; republished in Kleine Schriften zur nordischen Philologie, ed. by Joachim Grage et al., Vienna: Edition Praesens 2003, pp. 132–52. Risum, Janne, “Performance and Life: Kierkegaard, Faust and Don Juan,” in Don Juan and Faust in the XXth Century: Theatre Conference 27.9–1.10.1991, Prague, ed. by Eva Šormová, Prague: Department of Czech Theatre, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Department of Theatre Studies, Faculty of Philosophy Charles University 1993, pp. 11–21. Sandberg, Hans-Joachim, “Der Kierkegaard-Komplex in Thomas Manns Roman ‘Doktor Faustus’. Zur Adaption einer beziehungsreichen Thematik,” Text & Kontext, vol. 6, 1978, pp. 257–74. — “Kierkegaard und Leverkühn. Zum Problem der Verzweiflung in Thomas Manns Roman ‘Doktor Faustus,’ ” Nerthus, vol. 4, 1979, pp. 93–107. Santos, Deyve Redyson Melo dos, “O Fausto de Wolfgang von Goethe: uma leitura de dentro da obra de Kierkegaard e de Thomas Mann” [The Faust of Wolfgang von Goethe: A  Reading from Within of Kierkegaard’s and Thomas Mann’s Oeuvres], Pensando. Revista de Filosofia, vol. 2, no. 4, 2011, pp. 162–83. Spera, Salvatore, “Il mito di Faust. Aspirazioni letterarie, riflessioni filosofiche, preoccupazioni religiose del giovane Kierkegaard” [The Myth of Faust: Literary Ambitions, Philosophical Reflections], Archivio di Filosofia, 1974, pp. 309–40; republished in his Il giovane Kierkegaard. Indagini critiche sulla filosofia della religione e studi sugli aspetti inediti del pensiero kierkegaardiano [The Young Kierkegaard: Critical Investigations on the Philosophy of Religion and Studies on Unknown Aspects of Kierkegaard’s Thought], Padua: CEDAM 1977. Steffensen, Steffen, “Drei Faustgestalten,” in Dikt og idé. Festskrift til Ole Koppang på syttiårsdagen, 18. januar 1981, ed. by Sverre Dahl, Oslo: University Press 1981 (Osloer Beiträge zur Germanistik, vol. 4), pp. 151–60.


François Fénelon

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Ludwig Feuerbach


Scheme in More Recent Philosophy and Theology], Wageningen: H. Veenman & Zoon 1941, pp. 5–18. Brun, Jean, “Feuerbach et Kierkegaard,” in Permanence de Kierkegaard (special issue of Cahiers du Sud, vol. 55, no. 371, 1963), pp. 34–43. Casini, Leonardo, “Singolo, genere umano e storia universale. Un confronto tra Feuerbach e Kierkegaard” [Singular Individual, Humankind and Universal History: A Comparison of Feuerbach and Kierkegaard], Filosofia e Teologia, vol. 4, no. 2, 1990, pp. 317–28. Christens, Christian Fenger, “En Parallel mellem to af den nyere Tids Philosopher” [A Parallel between Two Philosophers of More Recent Times], For Litteratur og Kritik, vol. 3, no. 1, 1845, pp. 1–17. Cristaldi, Mariano, “Kierkegaard, Feuerbach, Marx e la dialettica” [Kierkegaard, Feuerbach, Marx and Dialectics] and “Struttura del paradosso kierkegaardiano” [The Structure of the Kierkegaardian Paradox], in his Filosofia e Metafisica: studi sull’antimetafisicismo contemporaneo [Philosophy and Metaphysics: ­Studies on ContemporaryAnti-Metaphysics], Catania: Tip. Etna 1957, pp. 61–104 and pp. 105– 27; republished as an appendix to his Problemi di storiografia ­kierkegaardiana [Problems of Kierkegaardian Historiography], Catania: Giannotta 1973, pp. 137–96. Czakó, István, “Kierkegaard Feuerbach-recepciójának alapvonalai a filozófiai forráskutatás és a szöveganalízis tükrében” [Outlines of Kierkegaard’s Reception of Feuerbach in the Light of Philosophical Quellenforschung and Textual Analysis], Pro Philosophia Füzetek, no. 25, 2001, pp. 85–99. — “Kierkegaards Feuerbach-Bild im Lichte seiner Schriften,” Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, 2001, pp. 396–413. — “Feuerbach: A Malicious Demon in the Service of Christianity,” in Kierkegaard and His German Contemporaries, Tome I, Philosophy, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2007 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 6), pp. 25–47. Elrod, John W., “Feuerbach and Kierkegaard on the Self,” The Journal of Religion, vol. 56, 1976, pp. 348–65. Enders, Markus, “Das Verständnis von Wahrheit bei Søren Kierkegaard, Ludwig Feuerbach und Friedrich Nietzsche,” in Die Geschichte des philosophischen Begriffs der Wahrheit, ed. by Markus Enders and Jan Szaif, Berlin and New York: De Gruyter 2006, pp. 301–35. Evangelista Ávila, José Luis, “Migajas filosóficas como propuesta de alteridad. Una lectura a la luz de Feuerbach,” in El individuo frente a sí mismo. El pensamiento de Søren Kierkegaard, ed. by Catalina Elena Dobre, Rafael García Pavón, Leticia Valadez and Luis Guerrero, Mexico City: Porrúa 2014, pp. 209–22. Hannay, Alastair, “The ‘Abstract’ Individual,” in his Kierkegaard, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1982, pp. 302–28. Heegaard, Poul Sophus Vilhelm, Indledning til den rationelle Ethik [Introduction to ­Rationalist Ethics], Copenhagen: Gyldendalske Boghandel 1866, pp. 368–84, pp. 410–38. Jager, Okke, “Beschouwingen over het eeuwige leven in de 19e eeuw: Feuerbach, Marx, Nietzsche en Kierkegaard” [Considerations on Eternal Life in the 19th


Ludwig Feuerbach

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Paul Feyerabend


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Ilia Fibiger

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Max Frisch

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Carlos Fuentes


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William Gaddis

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Eduard Geismar


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Giovanni Gentile

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Heiner Goebbels


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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Henriksen, Aage, “Teologi og erfaring. Om Søren Kierkegaard, Grundtvig og Goethe” [Theology and Experience: On Søren Kierkegaard, Grundtvig and Goethe], in his Den eneste ene – og andre essays [The Only One – and Other Essays], Copenhagen: Gyldendal 2004, pp. 93–107. Hultberg, Helge, “Kierkegaard og Goethe” [Kierkegaard and Goethe], in Kierkegaard inspiration. En antologi [Kierkegaard Inspiration: An Anthology], ed. by Birgit Bertung, Paul Müller, Fritz Norlan and Julia Watkin, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1991 (Søren Kierkegaard Selskabets populære skrifter, vol. 20), pp. 47–53. Jaspers, Karl, Unsere Zukunft und Goethe, Zürich: Artemis-Verlag 1948, pp. 24–7. Kahn, Ludwig W., “Goethes ‘Iphigenie’, Kleists ‘Amphitryon’ und Kierkegaard,” Monatshefte, vol. 39, no. 4, 1947, pp. 234–6. Kinter, Achim, “Epilog: Wanderjahre und Entweder-Oder,” in his Rezeption und Existenz. Untersuchungen zu Sören Kierkegaards Entweder-Oder, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 1991 (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Germanistik und Skandinavistik, vol. 26), pp. 94–109. Kolberg, Sonja, “Verweile doch!” Präsenz und Sprache in Faust- und Don-JuanDichtungen bei Goethe, Grabbe, Lenau und Kierkegaard, Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2007. Kristiansen, Børge, “ ‘Subjectivitetens Forsigværen’  – om forholdet mellem dannelsesromanens ‘totalitet’ og ‘modernitetens’ realitet hos Goethe, Keller, Thomas Mann og Henrik Pontoppidan i lyset af Søren Kierkegaards eksistensfilosofi” [Subjectivity’s Being for itself: The Relationship between the Bildungsroman’s “Totality” and the Reality of “Modernity” in Goethe, Keller, Thomas Mann and Henrik Pontoppidan in Light of Søren Kierkegaard’s Existential Philosophy], Nordica, vol. 24, 2007, pp. 151–77. Lesniak, Slawomir, “Kierkegaard und Goethe,” Orbis Litterarum, vol.  56, 2001, pp. 221–9. Lilhav, Preben, “Faust,” in his Kierkegaards valg [Kierkegaard’s Choice], Risskov: Forlaget Sicana 2003, pp. 84–97. 溝井高志 [Mizoi, Takashi], 「キェルケゴールの視点から見たゲーテのメフィ スト観」 [Goethe’ s Mephistopheles from Kierkegaard’s Point of View], 『同 志社哲学年報』 [Societas Philosophiae Doshisha], vol. 24, 2001, pp. 1–22. Nagel, Bert, “Stufen der Distanzierung von Goethe: Kleist, Kierkegaard, Musil,” in his Kafka und Goethe. Stufen der Wandlung von der Klassik zur Moderne, Berlin: Schmidt 1977, pp. 26–9. Oppel, Horst, “Kierkegaard und Goethe,” Deutsche Vierteljahresschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte, vol.  16, no.  1, 1938, pp. 126–59. Roos, Carl, “Kierkegaard og Goethe” [Kierkegaard and Goethe], in his Germanica, Copenhagen: Gyldendal 1938, pp.  125–50; republished in his Essays om tysk Litteratur [Essays on German Literature], ed. by Hakon Stangerup, Copenhagen: Gyldendal 1967, pp. 83–103. — Kierkegaard og Goethe [Kierkegaard and Goethe], Copenhagen: Gads 1955. — “Zur Goethe-Lektüre Kierkegaards. I. Die Romane,” Orbis litterarum, vol. 10, nos. 1–2, 1955, pp. 214–35. Siegmund, Georg, “Die Krankheit zum Tode. Goethe  – Kierkegaard,” Hochland. Monatsschrift für alle Gebiete des Wissens, vol. 53, 1961, pp. 534–42.


Friedrich Gogarten

Sløk, Johannes, “Kierkegaards Bestimmung des Begriffes ’Gottes Worte,’ ” in Kierkegaard Symposium: Orbis Litterarum, Tome 10, Fasc. 1–2, ed. by Steffen Steffensen and Hans Sörensen, pp. 214–35. Steffensen, Steffen, “Kierkegaard og Goethe,” Kierkegaardiana, vol.  2, 1957, pp. 75–80. — “Kierkegaard und Goethe,” Nerthus, vol. 3, 1972, pp. 19–55. Stewart, Jon and Katalin Nun, “Goethe: A German Classic Through the Filter of the Danish Golden Age,” in Kierkegaard and His German Contemporaries, Tome III, Literature and Aesthetics, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2008 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 6), pp. 51–96. Vedel, Ellen, Goethes Clavigo og Enten-Eller: Et bidrag til studiet af Goethes betydning for Søren Kierkegaard [Goethe’s Clavigo and Either-Or: A  Contribution to the Study of Goethe’s Significance for Søren Kierkegaard], Copenhagen: Tegnernes Forlag 1978–79. Williams, Forrest, “A Problem in Values: the Faustian Motivation in Kierkegaard and Goethe,” Ethics, vol. 63, no. 4, 1952–53, pp. 251–61. Friedrich Gogarten (1887–1967) – German theologian Drescher, Hans-Georg, “Entwicklungsdenken und Glaubensentscheidung. Troeltschs Kierkegaardverständnis und die Kontroverse Troeltsch – Gogarten,” Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche, vol. 79, 1982, pp. 80–106. Jacob, Günter, “Der Geistbegriff bei Gogarten und Kierkegaard,” Die Christliche Welt, vol. 43, 1929, pp. 68–73. Marck, Siegfried, “Existentielle Dialektik. I. Die dialektische Theologie. Kierkegaard, Barth, Gogarten, Emil Brunner,” in his Die Dialektik in der Philosophie der Gegenwart, vols. 1,1–2, Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr 1929–31; vol. 1,1, pp. 91–112. Penzo, Giorgio, Friedrich Gogarten. Il problema di Dio tra storicismo ed esistenzialismo [Friedrich Gogarten: The Problem of God between Historicism and Existentialism], Rome: Città Nuova 1981. Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) – Dutch painter Nigg, Walter, Religiöse Denker. Kierkegaard, Dostojewskij, Nietzsche, van Gogh, Bern: Haupt 1942 (2nd ed., Berlin: Weiss 1952). Ryssel, Fritz Heinrich, Große Kranke: Sören Kierkegaard, Vincent van Gogh, Reinhold Schneider, Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus Mohn 1974. Nikolai Gogol (1809–1852) – Russian dramatist and writer Бибихин, Владимир [Bibikhin, Vladimir], “Кьеркегор и Гоголь” [Kierkegaard and Gogol], in Мир Кьеркегора: Русские и датские интерпретации творчества Кьеркегора [The World of Kierkegaard: Russian and Danish Readings of Kierkegaard’s Works], ed. by Alex Fryszman, Moscow: Ad Marginem 1994, pp. 82–90.

Meïr Goldschmidt


— “Керкегор. Керкегор и Гоголь” [Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard and Gogol] and “Керкегор (продолжение)” [Kierkegaard (continuation)], in his История современной философии [History of Modern Philosophy], St. Petersburg: Vladimir Dal’ 2014, pp. 133–43. Бичко, Ігор [Bychko, Ihor], “Сьорен К’єркегор і Микола Гоголь: екзистенціальні паралелі мислення” [Kierkegaard and Gogol: Parallels of Existential ­Thinking], in Українська К’єркеґоріана. Доповіді міжнародного семінару, присвяченого пам’яті Григорія Маланчука, “Сьорен К’єркегор і його роль в інтелектуальному житті Європи” [Ukrainian Kierkegaardiana: Reports of the International Seminar Dedicated to the Memory of Gregor Malantschuk, “Søren Kierkegaard and his Role in the Intellectual Life of Europe”], Lviv: Сentre for the Research in Humanities at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv 1998, pp. 36–49. William Golding (1911–1993) – British writer and playwright Mitchell, Charles, “The Lord of the Flies and the Escape From Freedom,” Arizona Quarterly, vol. 22, 1966, pp. 27–40. Meïr Goldschmidt (1819–1887) – Danish editor and author Andreasen, Uffe, “Efterskrift” [Postscript], to the photomechanical reprint of Corsaren 1840–46, vols. 1–7, Copenhagen: Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab / C.A. Reitzel 1981, vol. 7, pp. 9–64, especially pp. 32–43. Behrendt, Poul, “Det tidsforskudte Tanke-Ærinde. En rekonstruktion af sammenstødet mellem Søren Kierkegaard, P.L. Møller og Meïr Goldschmidt 1845–46” [The Thought-Errand Displaced in Time: A Reconstruction of the Collision of Søren Kierkegaard, P.L. Møller and Meïr Goldschmidt in 1845–1846], in Tænkesedler. 20 fortællinger af fædrelandets litteraturhistorie. Festskrift til Flemming Lundgreen-Nielsen [Thought Notes: 20 Tales of the Country’s Literary History: Festschrift for Flemming Lundgreen-Nielsen], ed. by Henrik Blicher, Merete K. Jørgensen and Marita Akhøj Nielsen, Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2007, pp. 151–75. Borchsenius, Otto, “M. Goldschmidt og Korsaren” [M. Goldschmidt and The Corsair], in Fra Fyrrerne. Literære Skizzer [From the Forties: Literary Sketches], vol. 2, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel & Otto B. Wroblewsky 1880, pp. 231–325. Bredsdorff, Elias, Goldschmidts “Corsaren”. Med en udførlig redegørelse for striden mellem Søren Kierkegaard og “Corsaren” [Goldschmidt’s The Corsair: With an Extensive Account of the Dispute between Søren Kierkegaard and The Corsair], Copenhagen: Sirius 1962. — “ ‘Корсар’ в издании М.А. Гольдшмидта (1840–46) (с подробным разбором конфликта между С. Киркегором и ‘Корсаром’)” [“The Corsair” in Meïr Aron Goldschmidt’s Edition (1840–46) (with the Analysis of the Corsair Affair)], in his Литература и общество в Скандинавии [Literature and Society in Scandinavia], trans. by William Pokhlebkin, Moscow: Progress 1971, pp. 23–150.


Witold Gombrowicz

— Corsaren, Goldschmidt og Kierkegaard [The Corsair, Goldschmidt and Kierkegaard], Copenhagen: Corsarens Forlag 1977. Brøndsted, Mogens, Meïr Goldschmidt, Copenhagen: Gyldendals Uglebøger 1965, especially pp. 58–84. Garff, Joakim, SAK. Søren Aabye Kierkegaard. En biografi [SAK. Søren Aabye Kierkegaard. A Biography], Copenhagen: G.E.C. Gad 2000, especially pp. 325– 68 and pp. 583–7. Grimsley, Ronald, “Goldsmith (sic),” in Kierkegaard: Literary Miscellany, ed. by Niels Thulstrup and Marie Mikulová Thulstrup, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1981 (Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana, vol. 9), p. 163. Jørgensen, Carl, Søren Kierkegaard. En biografi med særligt henblik paa hans personlige etik [Søren Kierkegaard: A Biography with Special Focus on His Personal Ethics], vols.  1–5, Copenhagen: Nyt Nordisk Forlag 1964, vol.  2, pp. 130–67. Kirmmse, Bruce H. (ed), Encounters with Kierkegaard. A Life as Seen by His Contemporaries, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press 1996, pp. 65–88. Kondrup, Johnny, “Meïr Goldschmidt: The Cross-Eyed Hunchback,” in Kierkegaard and His Danish Contemporaries, Tome III, Literature, Drama and Aesthetics, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 7), pp. 105–49. Kyrre, Hans, M. Goldschmidt, vols. 1–2, Copenhagen: H. Hagerup 1919, especially vol. 1, pp. 88–93. Rubow, Paul V., “Corsaren” [The Corsair], in his Kierkegaard og hans Samtidige [Kierkegaard and his Contemporaries], Copenhagen: Gyldendal 1950, pp. 34–46. — Goldschmidt og Kierkegaard [Goldschmidt and Kierkegaard], Copenhagen: Gyldendal 1952. Toldberg, Helge “Goldschmidt og Kierkegaard” [Goldschmidt and Kierkegaard], in Festskrift til Paul V. Rubow [Festschrift for Paul V. Rubow], Copenhagen: Gyldendal 1956, pp. 211–35. Tudvad, Peter, Kierkegaards København [Kierkegaard’s Copenhagen], Copenhagen: Politiken 2004, pp. 377–90 passim. Witold Gombrowicz (1904–1969) – Polish writer and dramatist Breczko, Jacek, “Kierkegaard w twórczości i refleksji filozoficznej Gombrowicza i Miłosza” [Kierkegaard in the Works of Gombrowicz and Miłosz], in W kręgu Kierkegaarda [In Kierkegaard’s Circle], ed. by Antoni Szwed, Warsaw and Kęty: Duński Instytut Kultury and Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki 2014, pp. 371–90. Filutowska, Katarzyna, “Gombrowicz bojący i drżący. Gombrowicz a Kierkegaard. Ironia w ‘Dziennikach’ Gombrowicza” [Gombrowicz Fearing and Trembling: Gombrowicz and Kierkegaard], in Gdzie wschodzi Gombrowicz i kędy zapada [Where Gomborowicz Dawns and Dusks], ed. by Jakub Macha and Aleksander Zbrzezny, Warsaw: Wydział Filozofii i Socjologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 2004, pp. 71–87. Kaftański, Wojciech, “Witold Gombrowicz: The Struggle for the Authentic Self,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art, Tome V, The Romance

Gregory of Nyssa


Languages, Central and Eastern Europe, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2013 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 12), pp. 139–56. Świderski, Bronisław,“Kierkegaard i Gombrowicz. Czy można kochać dwóch mężczyzn naraz?” [Kierkegaard and Gombrowicz: Is It Possible to Love Both Men at the Same Time?], in Aktualność Kierkegaarda. W 150 rocznicę śmierci myśliciela z Kopenhagi [The Relevance of Kierkegaard: On the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Death of the Thinker from Copenhagen], ed. by Antoni Szwed, Kęty: Wydawnictwo Antyk 2006, pp. 101–8. — “Gombrowicz i Kierkegaard” [Gombrowicz and Kierkegaard], Kronos, no. 4, 2013, pp. 176–93. Christian Dietrich Grabbe (1801–1836) – German dramatist Christensen, Arild, “Titanismus bei Grabbe und Kierkegaard,” Orbis Litterarum, vol. 14, 1959, pp. 184–205. Kolberg, Sonja, “Verweile doch!” Präsenz und Sprache in Faust- und Don-JuanDichtungen bei Goethe, Grabbe, Lenau und Kierkegaard, Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2007. Schneilin, Gérard, “ ‘Herzog Theodor von Gothland’ als ‘Krankheit zum Tode’. Zur Relation zwischen Christian D. Grabbe und Sören Kierkegaard,” in Deutschfranzösische Germanistik. Mélanges pour Emile Georges Zink, Göppingen: Kümmerle 1984 (Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, vol. 364), pp. 249–69. Julien Green (1900–1998) – American writer Bespaloff, Rachel, Cheminements et Carrefours. Julien Green, André Malraux, Gabriel Marcel, Kierkegaard, Chestov devant Nietzsche, Paris: Vrin 1938 (2nd ed. 2004). Graham Greene (1904–1991) – British author and critic 阿部曜子 [Abe, Yoko], 「G. グリーンのキェルケゴール受容」[The Reception of Kierkegaard by Graham Greene in the Case of A Burnt-Out Case], Persica. Journal of the English Literary Society of Okayama, vol. 28, 2001, pp. 57–65. Noxon, James, “Kierkegaard’s Stages and A Burnt‑Out Case,” A Review of English Literature, vol. 3, no. 1, 1962, pp. 90–101. Salvatore, Anne T., “Socratic Midwifery: Greene and Kierkegaard,” College Literature, vol. 12, no. 1, 1985, pp. 26–32. — Greene and Kierkegaard: The Discourse of Belief, Tuscaloosa and London: University of Alabama Press 1988. Gregory of Nyssa (c. 335–after 394) – Greek Christian theologian Ballan, Joseph, “Gregory of Nyssa: Locating the Cappadocian Fathers in Kierkegaard’s Church-Historical Narrative,” in Kierkegaard and the Patristic and Medieval Traditions, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2008 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 4), pp. 95–102.


Stanley J. Grenz

Eliopoulos, Panos, “Eudaimonia in the Theories of Soeren Kierkegaard and Gregory of Nyssa,” ΣΧΟΛΗ: A Journal of Ancient Philosophy and Classical Tradition, vol. 2, no. 1, 2008, pp. 160–7. Χοτογιάν, Άρτιν [Hotojan, Artin], “Κίρκεγκωρ και Γρηγόριος Νύσσης: Διαλογισμοί στην περιοχή της υπαρξιακής θεολογίας και μεταφυσικής” [Kierkegaard and Gregory of Nyssa: Meditations in the Area of Existential Theology and Metaphysics], Ελληνική Φιλοσοφική Επιθεώρηση [Hellenic Philosophical Review], vol. 17, 2000, pp. 143–58. Stanley J. Grenz (1950–2005) – American theologian Martens, Paul, “Stanley J. Grenz: An Unfinished Engagement with Kierkegaard,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Theology, Tome II, Anglophone and Scandinavian Protestant Theology, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2012 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 10), pp. 45–62. Herbert Paul Grice (1913–1988) – British philosopher Ramsland, Katherine M., “Grice and Kierkegaard: Implication and Communication,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 48, 1987, pp. 327–34. Edvard Grieg (1843–1907) – Norwegian composer Fiala, Václav (ed.), Trojzvuk. Sören Kierkegaard, Edvard Grieg, Jean Sibelius [Triad Chord: Søren Kierkegaard, Edvard Grieg, Jean Sibelius], trans. by Václav Fiala, Prague: František Borový 1945, pp. 13–57. Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig (1783–1872) – Danish poet and theologian Allen, Edgar Leonard, “Grundtvig and Kierkegaard,” Congregational Quarterly, vol. 24, no. 3, 1946, pp. 205–12. — Bishop Grundtvig: A Prophet of the North, London: James Clarke 1948. Anonymous, “Sören Kierkegaard und Nikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig,” Kopenhagener Zeitung, vol. 1, no. 2, January 17, 1856. Anonymous, “Streiflichter auf die neueste Geschichte des Protestantismus. Die religiöse Bewegung in den scandinavischen Ländern. 1. Dänemark: Zustände, Ecclesiolae, Baptisten und Mormonen; Grundtvig, Dr. Kierkegaard,” G. Phillips’ und G. Görres’ Historisch-politische Blätter für das katholische Deutschland, ed. by Joseph Edmund Jörg, vol. 38, 1856, pp. 1–48. Antorini, Christine, “Grundtvig mod min vilje” [Grundtvig against My Will], in Alle mine kilder. En samling af foredrag om arven efter Grundtvig og Kierkegaard som kilder til inspiration [All My Sources: A Collection of Lectures about the Heritage from Grundtvig and Kierkegaard as Sources of Inspiration], ed. by Niels Jørgen Cappelørn, Joakim Garff, Hans Grishauge, Irene Ring and Henrik Wigh-Poulsen, Copenhagen: Vartov 2006, pp. 110–23.

Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig


Augustinus, P., “Grundtvig og Kierkegaard” [Grundtvig and Kierkegaard], Menighedsbladet. Kirkeligt Samfunds Blad, vol. 21, no. 47, 1939, columns 765– 8; vol. 21, no. 48, 1939, columns 779–82. Bertelsen, Otto, Dialogen mellem Grundtvig og Kierkegaard [The Dialogue between Grundtvig and Kierkegaard], Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1990. — Søren Kierkegaard og de første grundtvigianere [Søren Kierkegaard and the First Grundtvigians], Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1996. Billeskov Jansen, F.J., “Grundtvig og Kierkegaard” [Grundtvig and Kierkegaard], Kredsen, vol. 60, no. 2, 1994, pp. 7–31. — Grundtvig og Kierkegaard  – med ni åndshistoriske essays [Grundtvig and Kierkegaard: With Nine Intellectual-Historical Essays], Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1996. Bjerg, Svend, Gud først og sidst [God First and Last], Frederiksberg: Anis 2002, pp. 161–8. Bukdahl, Jørgen, “Martin A. Hansen og Grundtvig” [Martin A. Hansen and Grundtvig], Vartovbogen, 1965, pp. 96–116. — “Kirkekamp og broderstrid. Grundtvig og Kierkegaard” [Attack on the Church and Fraternal Conflict: Grundtvig and Kierkegaard] in his Tordenvejret og gentagelsen [The Thunder and the Repetition], Copenhagen: Gyldendal 1974, pp. 48–73; published also in Kierkegaardiana, vol. 9, 1974, pp. 196–219. — “Grundtvig kontra Kierkegaard” [Grundtvig against Kierkegaard], in his Om Søren Kierkegaard: Artikler i udvalg [On Søren Kierkegaard: Selected Articles], Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1981, pp. 95–9. Cappelørn, Niels Jørgen, “Gudbilledlighed og syndefald: Aspekter af Grundtvigs og Kierkegaards menneskesyn på baggrund af Irenæus” [God-Imagery and the Fall from Grace: Aspects of Grundtvig’s and Kierkegaard’s View on Humans on the Basis of Irenaeus], Grundtvig-Studier, vol. 55, no. 1, 2004, pp. 134–78. — “Gottebenbildlichkeit und Sündenfall. Aspekte der Anthropologie Grundtvigs und Kierkegaards vor dem Hintergrund des Irenäus,” trans. by Richard Purkarthofer, in Theologie zwischen Pragmatismus und Existenzdenken. Festschrift für Hermann Deuser zum 60. Geburtstag, ed. by Gesche Linde, Richard Purkarthofer, Heiko Schulz and Peter Steinacker, Marburg: Elwert 2006, pp. 429–67. Christensen, M.G., “Grundtvig and Kierkegaard,” Lutheran Quarterly, vol. 2, 1950, pp. 441–6. Christensen, Villads, “Grundtvig og Søren Kierkegaard” [Grundtvig and Kierkegaard], Meddelelser fra Søren Kierkegaard Selskabet, vol. 4, no. 2, 1953, pp. 11–2. Dockum, H.C. van (Pseudonym of Hendrik Clewits), “Grundtvig en Kierkegaard” [Grundtvig and Kierkegaard], in his Vacantienotities uit en over Denemarken [Holiday Notes from and on Denmark], Assen: De Torenlaan 1952, pp. 138–49. Fich, A.G., “Over Kierkegaard, Grundtvig og Nielsen” [On Kierkegaard, Grundtvig and Nielsen], Theologisk Tidsskrift, 1875, pp. 201–40; pp. 304–45. — “Martensen, Kierkegaard og Grundtvig” [Martensen, Kierkegaard and Grundtvig], Theologisk Tidsskrift, 1880, pp. 385–416.


Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig

Garff, Joakim, SAK. Søren Aabye Kierkegaard. En biografi [SAK. Søren Aabye Kierkegaard. A Biography], Copenhagen: Gads Forlag 2001, pp. 28–33, pp. 282– 8, pp. 661–6. Gregersen, Niels Henrik, “Selvets tilblivelse hos Grundtvig og Kierkegaard” [Becoming a Self in Grundtvig and Kierkegaard], in Religion. Tidsskrift for Religionslærerforeningen for Gymnasiet og HF, vol. 2 1993, pp. 12–25. Grønbech, Vilhelm, “Kierkegaard og Grundtvig” [Kierkegaard and Grundtvig], in his Kampen om Mennesket [The Struggle for the Human Being], Copenhagen: Jespersen og Pios Forlag 1930, pp. 184–202. Hansen, Niels Buur, “Mennesket i verden og verden i mennesket” [Man in the World and the World in Man], in En Orm – en Gud. Om Mennesket i Verden [A Worm – a God: On Man in the World], Odense: Odense Universitetsforlag 1997, pp. 41–61. Harbsmeier, Götz, “Kierkegaard und Grundtvig,” Evangelische Theologie, vol. 25, 1965, pp. 72–83; republished in Sören Kierkegaard, ed. by Heinz-Horst Schrey, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1971 (Wege der Forschung, vol. 179), pp. 385–99. — Wer ist der Mensch? Grundtvigs Beitrag zur humanen Existenz. Alternativen zu Kierkegaard, vols. 1–2, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1972. Helveg, F., “Søren Kierkegård og efterslægten. (Om Papirerne og forholdet mellem Kierkegaard, Grundtvig og Hamann)” [Søren Kierkegaard and His Descendants. (About the Papers and the Relationship between Kierkegaard, Grundtvig and Hamann)], Nordisk månedskrift for folklelig og kristelig oplysning, vol. 1, 1881, pp. 133–56, pp. 278–305. Helweg, Ludvig, “En Udtalelse af Grundtvig om S. Kierkegaard,” [A Statement from Grundtvig about S. Kierkegaard], Nordisk månedskrift for folkelig og kristelig oplysning, vol. 2, 1877, pp. 319–20. Henningsen, Bernd, Die Politik des Einzelnen. Studien zur Genese der skandinavischen Ziviltheologie. Ludvig Holberg, Søren Kierkegaard, N.F.S. Grundtvig, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1977. Henriksen, Aage, “Teologi og erfaring. Om Søren Kierkegaard, Grundtvig og Goethe” [Theology and Experience: About Søren Kierkegaard, Grundtvig and Goethe], in Den eneste ene – og andre essays [The Only One and Other Essays], Viborg: Gyldendal 2004, pp. 93–107. Hohlenberg, Johannes, “Søren Kierkegaard og Grundtvig” [Søren Kierkegaard and Grundtvig], in his Den ensommes vej [The Lonely One’s Road], Copenhagen: H. Hagerup 1948, pp. 253–73. Hoirup, Henning, “Grundtvig and Kierkegaard: Their Views on the Church,” Theology Today, vol. 12, no. 3, 1955–56, pp. 329–42. Holm, Anders, “Historien i øjeblikket og øjeblikket i historien. Grundtvig og Kierkegaard i gensidig belysning” [History in the Moment and the Moment in History: Grundtvig and Kierkegaard in Reciprocal Light], Vartovbogen, Copenhagen: Forlaget Vartov 2004, pp. 139–54. — “The Contemporary Grundtvig: An Addition to Climacus’ Critique in Concluding Unscientific Postscript,” Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, 2005, pp. 24–36.

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— “Duelighedens og mulighedens skole. Om Grundtvigs og Kierkegaards syn på dannelse” [The School of Capability and Possibility: On Grundtvig’s and Kierkegaard’s Views on Bildung], in Vartovbogen, Copenhagen: Forlaget Vartov 2008, pp. 29–46. — To samtidige. Kierkegaards og Grundtvigs kritik af hinanden [Two Contemporaries: Kierkegaard’s and Grundtvig’s Critique of Each Other], Copenhagen: Anis 2009. — “Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig: The Matchless Giant,” in Kierkegaard and His Danish Contemporaries, Tome II, Theology, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 7), pp. 95–151. Holm, Kjeld, “Grundtvig-stemning og Kierkegaard-inspiration” [Grundtvig Mood and Kierkegaard Inspiration], in Alle mine kilder. En samling af foredrag om arven efter Grundtvig og Kierkegaard som kilder til inspiration [All My Sources: A Collection of Lectures about the Heritage from Grundtvig and Kierkegaard as Sources of Inspiration], ed. by Niels Jørgen Cappelørn, Joakim Garff, Hans Grishauge, Irene Ring and Henrik Wigh-Poulsen, Copenhagen: Vartov 2006, pp. 66–83. Holm, Søren, “Grundtvig und Kierkegaard. Parallelen und Kontraste,” Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie, vol. 23, 1954, pp. 158–76. — Grundtvig und Kierkegaard. Parallelen und Kontraste, trans. by Günther Jungbluth, Tübingen: Katzmann 1956. — “Holberg, Grundtvig, Kierkegaard, drei dänische Denker,” Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, vol. 7, 1965, pp. 49–61. Holmgaard, Otto, Extaticus, Copenhagen: Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck 1967. Jensen, Henrik Fibæk, “Grundtvigs erkendelsesteori” [Grundtvig’s Epistemology], Grundtvig-Studier, 1979, 29–65. Jensen, Jørgen I.,…det tredje øjeblik. Mellem Grundtvig og Kierkegaard […the Third Moment: Between Grundtvig and Kierkegaard], Frederiksberg: Aros 2008. Jensen, L.C., “Martensen, S. Kierkegaard og Grundtvig” [Martensen, S. Kierkegaard and Grundtvig], Kirken og Hjemmet. Kristeligt Ugeblad, vol. 9, no. 27, 1908, pp. 418–25. Jensen, Søren, “Kierkegaard i den teologiske tradition. De danske forudsætninger for Søren Kierkegaards teologiske anskuelse” [Kierkegaard in the Theological Tradition: The Danish Presuppositions for Søren Kierkegaard’s Theological Outlook], in Denne slyngelagtige eftertid. Tekster om Søren Kierkegaard [This Rogue Posterity: Texts about Søren Kierkegaard], ed. by Finn Frandsen and Ole Morsing, Århus: Slagmarks Skyttegravsserie 1995, pp. 399–430. Jones, Llewellyn, “Kierkegaard or Grundtvig?” in Christian Century, vol. 69, no. 20, 1952, pp. 588–89. Jørgensen, Sven-Aage, “Lessing in Dänemark. Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Grundtvig und Kierkegaard,” in Nation und Gelehrtenrepublik. Lessing im europäischen Zusammenhang, Detroit: Wayne State University Press and Munich: Edition Text + Kritik 1984 (Lessing Yearbook, special issue), pp. 315–24. Jungersen, Fredrik, Dansk Protestantisme ved S. Kjerkegaard, N.F.S. Grundtvig og R. Nielsen: Ti Foredrag holdte paa Borchs Kollegium [Danish Protestantism


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— Dansk kirkekundskab [Knowledge of the Danish Church], Copenhagen: G.E.C. Gad 1979, pp. 111–41. — “Konfrontation. Duellen mellem Grundtvig og Kierkegaard” [Confrontation: The Duel between Grundtvig and Kierkegaard], Aalborg Stiftsbog, 1982, pp. 11–26. — Regeneration [Regeneration], Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag 1977. — “Tiden 1849–1901” [The Period 1849–1901], in Den danske kirkes historie [The History of the Danish Church], vols. 1–8, ed. by Hal Koch and Bjørn Kornerup, Copenhagen: Gyldendal 1950–66, vol. 7 (1958), pp. 43–68. Løgstrup, Knud Ejler, and Götz Harbsmeier (eds.), Kontroverse um Kierkegaard und Grundtvig, vol. 1: Das Menschliche und das Christliche, Munich: Ch. Kaiser 1966. (Knud Ejler Løgstrup and Götz Harbsmeier, “Vorworte der Herausgeber zu dieser Reihe,” pp. 7–11; Harald Østergaard-Nielsen, “Das Erbe Kierkegaards und Grundtvigs im Widerstreit,” pp.  13–49; Kaj Thaning, “Das Menschliche und das Christliche bei N.F.S. Grundtvig,” pp.  50–80; Hinrich Buss, “Das Menschliche und die Existenz, Grundtvig und Kierkegaard,” pp.  81–93; Götz Harbsmeier, “Kierkegaard und Grundtvig,” pp. 94–108 [1965]; Jytte Engberg, “Vom Unterricht im Dänischen an der Volkshochschule in Dänemark,” pp. 109– 18; Jørgen Kristensen, “Die Ordnung der dänischen Volkskirche,” pp. 119–40.) Ludvig, Nils, “Kierkegaard eller Grundtvig? Sommarminnen från Fana i Norge 1951” [Kierkegaard or Grundtvig? Memories from the Summer in Fana, Norway 1951], Lunds stifts årsbok, vol. 51, 1959, pp. 43–8. Lund, Herman, “Søren Kierkegaard [and N.F.S. Grundtvig],” Le Temoignage. Journal de l’Eglise de la Confession d’Augsbourg, 1877. Lundgreen-Nielsen, Flemming, “Grundtvig and Romanticism,” in Kierkegaard and His Contemporaries: The Culture of Golden Age Denmark, ed. by Jon Stewart, Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter 2003 (Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series, vol. 10), pp. 203–30. Malantschuk, Gregor, “Grundtvig og Kierkegaard: Et Grundtema i Jørgen Bukdahl: Tordenvejret og Gentagelsen” [Grundtvig and Kierkegaard: A Basic Theme in Jørgen Bukdahl’s Thunder and Repetition], Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift, vol. 38, 1975, pp. 139–43. Max [Lybeck Sørensen], “Indre Mission er en Krydsning af Grundtvig og Søren Kierkegaard” [Indre Mission is a Cross between Grundtvig and Søren Kierkegaard], Kristeligt Dagblad, January 1, 1942. Michelsen, William, “Om Grundtvigs tidsopfattelse” [On Grundtvig’s Conception of Time], Grundtvig-Studier, 1976, pp. 42–51. — “Grundtvigs stilling i dansk åndsliv med særligt hensyn til Søren Kierkegaard” [Grundtvig’s Position in Danish Intellectual Life with Focus on Søren Kierkegaard], in Grundtvig og grundtvigianismen i nyt lys. Hovedtanker og udviklingslinier. Fra de senere års Grundtvigforskning [Grundtvig and Grundtvigianism in a New Light: Main Ideas and Lines of Development from Grundtvig Research in Recent Years], ed. by Christian Thodberg and Anders Pontoppidan Thyssen, Frederiksberg: Anis 1983, pp. 289–96. — “Om Grundtvig, Kierkegaard og det moderne Gennembrud” [On Grundtvig, Kierkegaard and the Modern Breakthrough], Grundtvig-Studier, 1988, pp. 96–9.


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— “Über Grundtvig, Kierkegaard und den ʻmodernen Durchbruch,'  ” GrundtvigStudier, vol. 1988–89, pp. 76–80 (2nd ed., Copenhagen: Danske Boghandleres Komissionsanstalt 1989, pp. 96–9). Mikulová Thulstrupová, Marie, “Grundtvigovo a Kierkegaardovo pojetí křesťanství” [Grundtvig’s and Kierkegaard’s Concept of Christianity], Křesťanská revue, vol. 52, no. 6, 1985, pp. 124–30. Møllehave, Johannes, “Lidt om Grundtvig, lidt om Kierkegaard, en anelse om Dostojevski” [A Bit about Grundtvig, a Bit about Kierkegaard, a Touch of Dostoevsky], in Alle mine kilder. En samling af foredrag om arven efter Grundtvig og Kierkegaard som kilder til inspiration [All My Sources: A Collection of Lectures about the Heritage from Grundtvig and Kierkegaard as Sources of Inspiration], ed. by Niels Jørgen Cappelørn, Joakim Garff, Hans Grishauge, Irene Ring and Henrik Wigh-Poulsen, Copenhagen: Vartov 2006, pp. 124–40. Nagy, András, “Kierkegaard és Grundtvig” [Kierkegaard and Grundtvig], Partium, no. 4, 2011, pp. 80–7. Paulsen, Anna, “Kontroverse um Grundtvig und Kierkegaard,” Kierkegaardiana, vol. 7, 1968, pp. 150–9. Plekon, Michael, “Kierkegaard, the Church and Theology of Golden-Age Denmark,” Journal of Ecclesiastical History, vol. 34, no. 2, 1983, pp. 245–66. Rasmussen, Anders Fogh, “Grundtvig og Kierkegaard – nogle af mine vigtige kilder” [Grundtvig and Kierkegaard: Some of my Major Sources], in Alle mine kilder. En samling af foredrag om arven efter Grundtvig og Kierkegaard som kilder til inspiration [All My Sources: A Collection of Lectures about the Heritage from Grundtvig and Kierkegaard as Sources of Inspiration], ed. by Niels Jørgen Cappelørn, Joakim Garff, Hans Grishauge, Irene Ring and Henrik Wigh-Poulsen, Copenhagen: Vartov 2006, pp. 9–25. Roed, Susan, “Vejen fra kaos til kosmos – tre eks.: Grundtvig, Kierkegaard og Blixen” [The Road from Chaos to Cosmos: Three Examples: Grundtvig, Kierkegaard and Blixen], in her Pamves træ. Om krise, kunst og religiøsitet [Pamve’s Tree: About Crisis, Art and Religiosity], Århus: Forlaget Philosophia 1988, pp. 53–74. Rothholz, Walter, “Einflüsse Grundtvigs und Kierkegaards” in his Die politische Kultur Norwegens. Zur Entwicklung einer wohlfahrtsstaatlichen Demokratie, Baden-Baden: Nomos 1986, pp. 94–100. Scharling, Henrik, “Søren Kierkegaard og Grundtvig. Tvende Foredrag holdte ved Universitet i Christiania” [Søren Kierkegaard and Grundtvig: Two Lectures Given at the University in Christiania], Dansk Tidsskrift for Kirke og Folk, vol. 1, 1869–70, pp. 3–28. — “Grundtvig, Søren Kierkegaard, H. Martensen” [Grundtvig, Søren Kierkegaard, H. Martensen], in his Menneskehed og Christendom i deres historiske Udvikling. En Fremstilling af Historiens Filosofi [Humanity and Christianity in their Historical Development: A Presentation of a Philosophy of History], vols. 1–2, Copenhagen: Gads 1872–74, vol. 2, pp. 274–308. Serrand, A.-Z., “Être ou ne pas être,” Vie Intellectuelle, 1955, pp. 101–7. Skjoldager, Emanuel, Hvorfor blev Søren Kierkegaard ikke Grundtvigianer [Why did Søren Kierkegaard not Become a Follower of Grundtvig?], Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1977 (Søren Kierkegaard Selskabets Populære Skrifter, vol. 16).

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Skovmann, Roar, Danmarks historie [The History of Denmark], vols. 1–14, ed. by John Danstrup and Hal Koch, Copenhagen: Politikens Forlag 1962–66, vol. 11, pp. 395–412. Steffensen, Steffen, “Grundtvig und Kierkegaard,” Ausblick, nos.  4–5, 1950, pp. 49–50. Stewart, Jon, Kierkegaard’s Relations to Hegel Reconsidered, New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2003, pp. 497–502. Støvring, Steffen, Lidenskab for liv, præsentation af fire eksistenstænkere  – Kierkegaard, Grundtvig, Nietzsche, Løgstrup [Passion for Life, Presentation of Four Thinkers of Existence: Kierkegaard, Grundtvig, Nietzsche, Løgstrup], Copenhagen: Akademisk 2014. Thaning, Kaj, “Grundtvig og Kierkegaard” [Grundtvig and Kierkegaard], Dansk Udsyn, 1957, pp. 348–68. — Menneske først  – Grundtvigs opgør med sig selv [The Human Being First: Grundtvig’s Confrontation with Himself], Copenhagen: Gyldendal 1963, pp. 658–90. Thulstrup, Niels, “Grundtvig” in Kierkegaard and the Church in Denmark, ed. by Niels Thulstrup and Marie Mikulová Thulstrup, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1984 (Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana, vol. 13), pp. 198–226. Toftdahl, Hellmut, Kierkegaard først  – og Grundtvig så. Sammenligning og vurdering [Kierkegaard First – and then Grundtvig: Comparison and Evaluation], Copenhagen: Nyt Nordisk Forlag and Arnold Busck 1969. — “Debatten om Grundtvig og Kierkegaard. En kritisk gennemgang” [The Debate on Grundtvig and Kierkegaard: A Critical Examination], Grundtvig-Studier, 1969, pp. 47–86. — “Grundtvig og Søren Kierkegaard” [Grundtvig and Søren Kierkegaard], in Grundtvig-Studier, 1973, pp. 30–49. Vind, Ole, Grundtvigs historiefilosofi [Grundtvig’s Philosophy of History], Copenhagen: Gyldendal 1999, pp. 484–92. Weltzer, Carl, Peter og Søren Kierkegaard [Peter og Søren Kierkegaard], Copenhagen: Gad 1936. — Grundtvig og Søren Kierkegaard [Grundtvig and Søren Kierkegaard], Copenhagen: Gyldendal 1952. Wigh-Poulsen, Henrik et al. (eds.), Grundtvig – Kierkegaard. En samtale på høje tid [Grundtvig – Kierkegaard: An Overdue Conversation], Copenhagen: Vartov 2002. (Niels Henrik Gregersen, “Når der bliver mere ud af mindre. Grundtvigs menneskesyn” [When there is more from less: Grundtvig’s View of Humanity], pp.  11–30; Ebbe Kløvedal Reich, “Modsigelsen  – en grundtvigsk diagnose” [Contradiction: A Grundtvigian Diagnosis], pp. 31–42; Pia Søltoft, “For Gud er Alt muligt” [Everything is Possible for God], pp. 43–57; Kim Arne Pedersen, “ ‘Sjæle og kroppe i tusindtal…’ Om sammenhængen mellem menneskesyn og kirkesyn hos Grundtvig, undersøgt med baggrund i Kierkegaards forfatterskab” [“Souls and bodies by the thousands…” On the Relationship between the View of Humanity and the View of the Church in Grundtvig, Examined against the Background of Kierkegaard’s Writings], pp.  59–89; Kresten Drejergaard, “Grundtvigs vej fra studerekammeret til gudstjenesten” [Grundtvig’s Way


Andreas Gryphius

from his Study to the Church Service], pp. 91–109; Morten Kvist, “Grundtvigs kirkesyn. Om ‘den kirkelige anskuelse’ og sakramental kristendom – afslutningen på en historie eller begyndelsen på en ny?” [Grundtvig’s View of the Church. On “the view of the Church” and Sacramental Christianity  – the End of a Story or the Beginning of a New One], pp.  111–23; Britta Schall Holberg, “Det forpligtede liv – om at være en del af en historisk tradition” [The Obliged Life: to be Part of a Historic Tradition], pp.  125–32; Peter Tudvad, “Kierkegaard mod konstitutionen  – ‘Medicin mod en Frihedsruus’ ” [Kierkegaard against the Constitution: “Medicine against an Intoxication of Freedom”], pp.  133– 48; Svend Auken, “Det politiske hos Kierkegaard og Grundtvig” [Politics in Kierkegaard and Grundtvig], pp.  149–57; Marianne Jelved, “Den enkelte og fællesskabet” [The Single Individual and Community], pp. 159–66; Henrik WighPoulsen, “Melankoli og profeti. Om Grundtvig, Lundbye og guldalderkunsten” [Melancholy and Prophecy: On Grundtvig, Lundbye and Golden Age Art], pp. 167–86; Joakim Garff, “ ‘Hvad har dog ikke denne Pen formaaet…?’ Om det æstetiske hos Kierkegaard” [“What has this pen not managed to accomplish…?” On the Aesthetic Kierkegaard], pp. 187–205; Svend Erik Werner, “Tålt ophold – om den autonome musik, Grundtvig og Kierkegaard i et nutidsperspektiv” [Tolerated Residence: On the Autonomous Music, Grundtvig and Kierkegaard in a Contemporary Perspective], pp. 207–22.) Żejmo, Marek, “Grundtvig i Kierkegaard: dwie krytyki duńskiego luterańskiego Kościoła państwowego” [Grundtvig and Kierkegaard: Two Critiques of the Danish Lutheran State Church], Studia Koszalońsko-Kołobrzeskie, no. 11, 2007, pp. 229–43. Andreas Gryphius (1616–1664) – German poet and dramatist Jens, Walter and Hans Küng, Dichtung und Religion: Pascal, Gryphius, Lessing, Hölderlin, Novalis, Kierkegaard, Dostojewski, Kafka, Munich: Kindler 1985. Romano Guardini (1885–1968) – German theologian and philosopher Knoll, Alfons, Glaube und Kultur bei Romano Guardini, Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh 1994, pp. 90–5, pp. 244–7, pp. 494–6. Pauly, Stephan, Subjekt und Selbstwerdung. Das Subjektdenken Romano Guardinis, seine Rückbezüge auf Søren Kierkegaard und seine Einlösbarkeit in der Postmoderne, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2000 (Forum Systematik, vol. 4). Šajda, Peter, “Isolation on Both Ends? Romano Guardini’s Double Response to the Concept of Contemporaneity,” Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, 2010, pp. 201–21. — “The Choice of Oneself: Revisiting Guardini’s Critique of Kierkegaard’s Concept of Selfhood,” Filozofia, vol. 66, 2011, pp. 868–78. — “Romano Guardini: Between Actualistic Personalism, Qualitative Dialectic, and Kinetic Logic,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Theology, Tome III, Catholic and Jewish Theology, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2012 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 10), pp. 45–74.

Thomasine Gyllembourg


João Guimarães Rosa (1908–1967) – Brazilian writer Biziak, Jacob dos Santos, “As figuras estéticas kierkegaardianas: um estudo comparativo entre Hoffmann e Guimarães Rosa” [The Kierkegaardian Aesthetic Figures: A Comparative Study of Hoffmann and Guimarães Rosa], Travessias Interativas, vol. 8, 2015, pp. 590–606. Gulliver – literary figure (Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels) Grimsley, Ronald, “Gulliver,” in Kierkegaard: Literary Miscellany, ed. by Niels Thulstrup and Marie Mikulová Thulstrup, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1981 (Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana, vol. 9), pp. 173–4. Pedreira, Frederico, “Gulliver: Kierkegaard’s Reading of Swift and Gulliver’s Travels,” in Kierkegaard’s Literary Figures and Motifs, Tome II, Gulliver to Zerlina, ed. by Jon Stewart and Katalin Nun, Aldershot: Ashgate 2015 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 16), pp. 1–11. Anton Günther (1783–1863) – Austrian theologian Kronabel, Christoph and Jon Stewart, “Günther: Kierkegaard’s Use of an Austrian Catholic Theologian,” in Kierkegaard and His German Contemporaries, Tome II, Theology, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2007 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 6), pp. 101–15. Thomasine Gyllembourg (1773–1856) – Danish author Bukdahl, Jørgen, “Dannelsen og dens koterier” [The Coteries of the Cultivated], in his Søren Kierkegaard og den menige mand [Søren Kierkegaard and the Common Man], Copenhagen: Munksgaard 1961, pp. 52–64. — “The Coteries of the Cultivated,” in his Søren Kierkegaard and the Common Man, trans. and ed. by Bruce H. Kirmmse, Cambridge: William B. Erdmans Publishing Company 2001, pp. 55–69. Fenger, Henning, “Kierkegaard – A Literary Approach,” Scandinavica, vol. 3, 1964, pp. 1–16. Fenves, Peter, “Chatter.” Language and History in Kierkegaard, Stanford: California 1993, see pp. 195–207. Hansen, Søren Gorm, “Den vellykkede dannelsesroman eller den etiske roman” [The Successful Bildungsroman or Ethical Novel], in his H.C. Andersen og Søren Kierkegaard i dannelseskulturen [H.C. Andersen and Søren Kierkegaard in Bildung Culture], Copenhagen: Medusa 1976, pp. 149–64. Kjær, Grethe, “Thomasine Gyllembourg, Author of ‘A Story of Everyday Life,’ ” in Early Polemical Writings, ed. by Robert L. Perkins, Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press 1999 (International Kierkegaard Commentary, vol. 1), pp. 87–108. Nun, Katalin, “Thomasine Gyllembourg’s Two Ages and her Portrayal of Everyday Life,” in Kierkegaard and His Contemporaries: The Culture of Golden Age


Lars Gyllensten

Denmark, ed. by Jon Stewart, Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter 2003 (Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series, vol. 10), pp. 272–97. — “Korszakok. A 19. század első felének Dániája a kortárs szemével – Thomasine Gyllembourg és Kierkegaard” [Thomasine Gyllembourg’s Two Ages and her Portrayal of Everyday Life], Tekintet, no. 6, 2003, pp. 89–110. — “Thomasine Gyllembourg: Kierkegaard’s Appreciation of the Everyday Stories and ‘Two Ages,’ ” in Kierkegaard and His Danish Contemporaries, Tome III, Literature, Drama and Aesthetics, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 7), pp. 151–67. Pattison, George, Kierkegaard, Religion and the Nineteenth-Century Crisis of Culture, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2002, pp. 19–20, p. 31, p. 37, pp. 50–64, pp. 68–9, p. 92, p. 222. Lars Gyllensten (1921–2006) – Swedish writer Benktson, Benkt-Erik, Samtidighetens mirakel. Kring tidsproblematiken i Lars Gyllenstens romaner [The Miracle of Contemporaneity: Concerning the Problem of Time in Lars Gyllensten’s Novels], Stockholm: Bonniers 1989, pp.  27–32, pp.  37–44, p.  50, pp.  59–61, pp.  88–9, p.  105, p.  110, pp.  118–19, p.  177, p.  180, pp.  199–204, p.  207, p.  213, p.  221, p.  251, pp.  265–70, pp.  283–5, pp. 298–9, pp. 313–37, p. 345, pp. 348–53, p. 362, p. 369, p. 389, pp. 396–8, pp. 403–5, p. 411, p. 413. Brudin Borg, Camilla, “Lust och lärdom. Gyllenstens ‘Sju vise mästare om kärlek’ och erotiska motiv hos Kierkegaard” [Desire and Learning: Gyllensten’s Seven Wise Masters on Love and Erotic Motifs in Kierkegaard], Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, vol. 29, no. 1, 1999, pp. 86–104. — “Lars Gyllensten: Inventor of Modern Stages of Life,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art, Tome III, Sweden and Norway, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2013 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 12), pp. 27–51. Dymel-Trzebiatowska, Hanna, “Don Juan w interpretacji Tirso de Moliny, Sørena Kierkegaarda i Larsa Gyllenstena. Perspektywa intertekstualna” [Don Juan in the Interpretations of Tirso de Molina, Søren Kierkegaard and Lars Gyllensten: Intertextual Perspective], in W kręgu Kierkegaarda [In Kierkegaard’s Circle], ed. by Antoni Szwed, Warsaw and Kęty: Duński Instytut Kultury and Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki 2014, pp. 435–48. Isaksson, Hans, Lars Gyllensten, trans. by Katy Lissbrant, Boston: Twayne 1978, pp. 46–50. Johannesson, Hans-Erik, Studier i Lars Gyllenstens estetik. Hans teorier om författarskapets villkor och teknik t.o.m. 1978 [Studies in Lars Gyllensten’s Aesthetics: His Theories Conditions and Technique of the Authorship up to and including 1978], Göteborg: Skrifter utgivna av Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen vid Göteborgs universitet 1978, pp. 106–20. Larsson, Bo, Gud som provisorium. En linje i Lars Gyllenstens författarskap [God as Provisional: A Line in Lars Gyllensten’s Authorship], Stockholm: Verbum förlag 1990, pp. 25ff., pp. 148–72.

Lars Gyllensten


Ljungdal, Arnold, “Gyllensten, Kierkegaard och mysticismen” [Gyllensten, Kierkegaard, and Mysticism], Aftonbladet, October 13, 1964, p. 4. Lundgren, Lars O., Den Svenske Sokrates. Sokratesbilden från Rydelius till Gyllensten, Lund: Humanistiska förbundet 1980, pp. 179–88. Stenström, Thure, Existentialismen i Sverige. Mottagande och inflytande 1900–1950 [Existentialism in Sweden: Reception and Influence 1900–1950], Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 1984, pp. 219–43.

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Pierre Hadot

Silva, Josué Cândido da, “A ética pós-metafísica de Kierkegaard: uma leitura habermasiana” [The Post-Metaphysical Ethics of Kierkegaard: A Habermasian Reading], in Anais da XIII Jornada Internacional de Estudos de Kierkegaard. SOBRESKI, vol. 1, no. 1, 2013, pp. 340–51. Tilley, J. Michael, “Jürgen Habermas: Social Selfhood, Religion, and Kierkegaard,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Social-Political Thought, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2011 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 14), pp. 73–87. Westphal, Merold, “Commanded Love and Moral Autonomy: The KierkegaardHabermas Debate,” Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, 1998, pp. 1–22. Pierre Hadot (1922–2010) – French philosopher Flynn, Thomas, “Philosophy as a Way of Life: Foucault and Hadot,” Philosophy and Social Criticism, vol. 31, 2005, pp. 609–22, see especially, pp. 616–19. Gregor, Brian, “The Text as Mirror: Kierkegaard and Hadot on Transformative Reading,” History of Philosophy Quarterly, vol. 28, 2011, pp. 65–84. Irina, Nicolae, “Pierre Hadot: Philosophy as a Way of Life: Hadot and Kierkegaard’s Socrates,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Philosophy, Tome II, Francophone Philosophy, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2012 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 11), pp. 157–72. Theodor Haecker (1879–1945) – German writer and critic Becker, Werner, “Der Überschritt von Kierkegaard zu Newman in der Lebensentscheidung Theodor Haeckers,” Newman-Studien, vol. 1, 1948, pp. 251–70. Cristellon, Luca, “L’interpretazione del paradosso kierkegaardiano in Theodor Haecker” [The Interpretation of the Kierkegaardian Paradox in Theodor Haecker], in Kierkegaard: filosofia e teologia del paradosso, Atti del Convegno tenuto a Trento il 4–6 dicembre 1996 [Kierkegaard: Philosophy and Theology of Paradox. Proceeding of the Congress of Trento December 4th–6th, 1996], ed. by Michele Nicoletti and Giorgio Penzo, Brescia: Morcelliana 1999, pp. 301–26. Dallago, Carl, “Über eine Schrift ‘Sören Kierkegaard und die Philosophie der Innerlichkeit,’ ” Der Brenner, vol. 4, issue 2, no. 11, 1914, pp. 467–78; vol. 4, issue 2, no.  12, pp.  515–31; vol.  4, issue 2, no.  13, pp.  565–78; published separately as Ueber eine Schrift. Sören Kierkegaard und die Philosophie der Innerlichkeit, Innsbruck: Brenner 1914. — “Eine Auseinandersetzung (A propos Theodor Haecker, ‘den Konvertiten’),” Der Brenner, 7th series, vol. 1, 1922, pp. 176–217. Garaventa, Roberto, “La ricezione di Kierkegaard nel mondo di lingua tedesca: Christoph Schrempf e Theodor Haecker” [The Reception of Kierkegaard in the Germanophone World: Christoph Schrempf e Theodor Haecker], Notabene. Quaderni di studi kierkegaardiani, vol. 8, Insegnare il Cristianesimo nel Novecento. La ricezione di Kierkegaard e Rosmini [Teaching Christianity in the Twentieth Century: The Reception of Kierkegaard and Rosmini], 2011, pp. 117–41.

Dalimír Hajko


Granito, Alessandra, “Kierkegaard contemporaneo. Sull’attualità di Una recensione letteraria a partire dalla ricezione haeckeriana” [Contemporary Kierkegaard: On the Modernity of A Literary Review, Starting from Haecker’s Reception], NotaBene. Quaderni di studi Kierkegaardiani, vol. 9, Kierkegaard duecento anni dopo [Kierkegaard Two Hundred Years Later], 2014, pp. 97–131. Janik, Allan, “Haecker, Kierkegaard, and the Early Brenner: A Contribution to the History of the Reception of ‘Two Ages’ in the German-Speaking World,” in Two Ages, ed. by Robert L. Perkins, Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press 1984 (International Kierkegaard Commentary, vol. 14), pp. 189–222; republished in Social and Political Philosophy: Kierkegaard and the “Present Age,” ed. by Daniel W. Conway and K.E. Gover, London and New York: Routledge 2002 (Søren Kierkegaard: Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers, vol. 4), pp. 123–47. Kleinert, Markus, “Theodor Haecker: The Mobilization of a Total Author,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art, Tome I, The Germanophone World, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2013 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 12), pp. 91–114. Larsen, Holger, “En tysk Søren Kierkegaard,” Freds-Varden, vol. 6, 1918, pp. 118–23. Malik, Habib C., Receiving Søren Kierkegaard: The Early Impact and Transmission of His Thought, Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press 1997, see pp. 371–91. Mumbauer, Johannes, “Die neuen Tertulliane (Sören Kierkegaard und Theodor Haecker),” Literarischer Handweiser, vol. 58, 1922–23, no. 12, pp. 545–50. Šajda, Peter, “Haeckerova kritika liberálnej tlače inšpirovaná Kierkegaardom” [Haecker’s Criticism of the Liberal Press Inspired by Kierkegaard], Filozofia, vol. 69, no. 5, 2014, pp. 378–87. Thomas, John Heywood and Hinrich Siefken, “Theodor Haecker and Alexander Dru: A Contribution to the Discovery of Kierkegaard in Britain,” Kierkegaardiana, vol. 18, 1996, pp. 173–90. Thonhauser, Gerhard, “Theodor Haeckers Kritik der Gegenwart in Heideggers frühen Freiburger Vorlesungen,” in Crossing Borders. Grenzen (über)denken. Beiträge zum 9. Internationalen Kongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Philosophie in Wien, ed. by Alfred Dunshirn, Elisabeth Nemeth, Gerhard Unterthurner, Vienna: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Phiolosophie 2012, pp. 1037–47. 山本邦子 [Yamamoto, Kuniko], 「キェルケゴールにおける『現代』にまつわ る一考察―ヘッカー、ゾフィーとともに」 [On “Modernity” in Kierkegaard with Th. Haecker and S. Scholl], 『新キェルケゴール研究』 [Kierkegaard ­Studies], no. 7, 2009, pp. 59–76. Dalimír Hajko (1944–) – Slovak philosopher Králik, Roman, “Hajkova inšpirácia Sørenom Kiekregaardom” [Hajko’s Inspiration by Søren Kierkegaard], in Cestami filozofie a literatúry [The Ways of Philosophy and Literature], ed. by Jozef Leikert, Nitra: Kulturologická spoločnosť 2009, pp. 110–23.


Hakuin Ekaku

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Johann Georg Hamann


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Tyler, Parker, “Hamlet’s Cell,” in his Every Artist His Own Scandal: A Study of Real and Fictive Heroes, New York: Horizon Press, 1964, pp. 121–88. Béla Hamvas (1897–1968) – Hungarian writer and philosopher Farkas, Szilárd, “Válságból válságba  – kierkegaard-i lábnyomok Hamvas Béla életművében” [From Crisis to Crisis: Kierkegaardian Traces in the Works of Béla Hamvas], Létünk, no. 1, 2014, pp. 40–67. Lőrinczné Thiel, Katalin, “A  kierkegaard-i hatás néhány vonatkozása Hamvas Bélánál” [Some Aspects of Kierkegaard’s Influence on Béla Hamvas], Eszterházy Károly Tanárképző Főiskola Tudományos Közleménye. Tanulmányok a társadalomelmélet köréből [Scientific Proceedings of Eszterházy Károly College: Studies in Social Theory], vol. 20, 1991, pp. 31–8. — “A hit lovagja és a ‘várakozó.’ Kierkegaard hatása Hamvas Bélára” [The Knight of Faith and “Someone Waiting”: Kierkegaard’s Influence on Béla Hamvas], Pro Philosophia Füzetek, no. 28, 2001, pp. 143–51. — Maszkjáték. Hamvas Béla Kierkegaard és Nietzsche tükrében [Playing with Masks: Béla Hamvas in the Light of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche], Veszprém: Veszprémi Humán Tudományokért Alapítvány 2002. Peter Handke (1942–) – Austrian writer and dramatist Hofe, Gerhard vom, and Peter Pfaff, Elend des Polyphem. Zum Thema der Subjektivität bei Thomas Bernhard, Peter Handke, Wolfgang Koeppen und Botho Strauß, Königstein: Athenäum 1980, pp. 28–57. Martin A. Hansen (1909–1955) – Danish writer Andersen, Anders Thyrring, “Forførelse, tavshed og uret. Kierkegaard-inspirationen i Martin A. Hansens Løgneren” [Seduction, Silence and Injustice: The Kierkegaard Inspiration in Martin A. Hansen’s The Liar], Spring, no. 14, 1999, pp. 186–210; republished in his Polspænding. Forførelse og dialog hos Martin A. Hansen [Terminal Voltage: Seduction and Dialogue in Martin A. Hansen], Copenhagen: Gyldendal 2011, pp. 221–60. — “Helten og Digteren. Polspænding, synsvinkelrelativisme og kristen dialektik i Martin A. Hansens Lykkelige Kristoffer og Søren Kierkegaards Frygt og Bæven” [The Hero and the Poet: Terminal Voltage, Viewpoint Relativism and Christian Dialectics in Martin A. Hansen’s Happy Kristoffer and Søren Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling], in his Arvesyndens skønne Rose. Punktnedslag i Martin A. Hansens digtning [The Beautiful Rose of Hereditary Sin: Topics in Martin A. Hansen’s Poetry], Copenhagen: Gad 2002, pp.  9–38; republished in his Polspænding. Forførelse og dialog hos Martin A. Hansen [Terminal Voltage: Seduction and Dialogue in Martin A. Hansen], Copenhagen: Gyldendal 2011, pp. 110–35. — “ ‘Man maa slippe Grundtvig for at faa fat i ham igen.’ Martin A. Hansens forhold til Kierkegaard og Grundtvig” [“One must let go of Grundtvig in order


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to  get  hold of him again.” Martin A. Hansen’s Relation to Kierkegaard and Grundtvig], in Efterdønninger. Grundtvig 225 år. Vartovbogen 2008/09 [Aftermath: Grundtvig after Years. Vartov Book 2008–2009], ed. by Bjørg M. Tulinius et al., Copenhagen: Forlaget Vartov 2008, pp. 139–58; republished in his Polspænding. Forførelse og dialog hos Martin A. Hansen [Terminal Voltage: Seduction and Dialogue in Martin A. Hansen], Copenhagen: Gyldendal 2011, pp. 285–303. — “ ‘Som forførere og dog sanddru.’ Strategisk skrift hos Martin A. Hansen og Søren Kierkegaard” [“Like seducers and yet truthful.” Strategic Writing in Martin A. Hansen and Søren Kierkegaard], in Sprog og forførelse. Om sandhed og løgn i religion og politik, litteratur og filosofi [Language and Seduction: On Truth and Lies in Religion and Politics, Literature and Philosophy], ed. by Povl Götke, Frederiksberg: Alfa 2008, pp. 31–49. Bjørnvig, Thorkild, Kains Alter. Martin A. Hansens Digtning og Tænkning [Cain’s Altar: Martin A. Hansen’s Poetry and Thinking], Copenhagen: Gyldendal 1964, see especially pp. 325–30. Bredsdorff, Thomas, Dansk litteratur set fra månen  – Om sjælen i digtningen [Danish Literature Seen from the Moon: On the Soul of Poetry], Copenhagen: Gyldendal 2006, pp. 217–33. Dahl, Per, Thorkild Bjørnvigs tænkning [Thorkild Bjørnvig’s Thought], Copenhagen: Gyldendal 1976, pp. 63–80. Fürstenberg, Henrike, “Das Tagebuch des Lügners  – ein Vergleich zwischen Søren Kierkegaards Johannes aus ʻForførerens Dagbog' und Johannes Vig aus Martin A. Hansens ʻLøgneren,' ” in Das Tor zur Moderne. Positionen der dänischen Literatur der 1950er Jahre, ed. by Sven Hakon Rossel, Johannes Norregaard Frandsen, AnneMarie May and Monica Wenusch, Vienna: Praesens Verlag 2009, pp. 193–208. Garff, Joakim, “ ‘…da er der en, der nikker i Smug nær dig.’ Om at fornemme det fremmedes medvirken i teksten  – kierkegaardsk kætterbrev” [“…then there is one who secretely nods near you.” On Sensing the Unknown Working in the Text – A Kierkegaardian Letter of Heresy], in PS. Om Martin A. Hansens korrespondance med kredsen omkring Heretica [PS. On Martin A. Hansen’s Correspondence with the Circle Around Heretica], ed. by Anders Thyrring Andersen, Copenhagen: Gyldendal 2005, pp. 148–64. Henriksen, Jens Ole, “Synderinden  – et motiv hos Martin A. Hansen og Søren Kierkegaard” [The Woman in Sin  – A Motif in Martin A. Hansen and Søren Kierkegaard], in Biskop for Herren – og så mange andre. Festskrift til Kjeld Holms 60-årsdag [Bishop of the Lord – and so many others: Festschrift for Kjeld Holm’s 60th Birthday], ed. by Anne Ehlers et al., Frederiksberg: Anis 2005, pp. 247–57. Kingo, Anders, “Åndsfællesskab. Om ligheder og forskelle i Martin A. Hansens og Søren Kierkegaards tænkning” [Spritual Community: On Similarities and Differences in Martin A. Hansen’s and Søren Kierkegaard’s Thinking], in PS. Om Martin A. Hansens korrespondance med kredsen omkring Heretica [PS. On Martin A. Hansen’s Correspondence with the Circle around Heretica], ed. by Anders Thyrring Andersen, Copenhagen: Gyldendal 2005, pp. 165–177. Lindemann, Esben, “Martin A. Hansen: Kierkegaard in Hansen’s Thinking and Poetical Work,” in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Literature, Criticism and Art,

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Tome II, Denmark, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2013 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 12), pp. 65–99. Mikkelsen, Hans Vium, “Martin A. Hansen som dialektisk teolog. Eller: Martin A. Hansen mellem Kierkegaard og Løgstrup” [Martin A. Hansen as a Dialectic Theologian. Or: Martin A. Hansen between Kierkegaard and Løgstrup], in PS. Om Martin A. Hansens korrespondance med kredsen omkring Heretica [PS. On Martin A. Hansen’s Correspondence with the Circle Around Heretica], ed. by Anders Thyrring Andersen, Copenhagen: Gyldendal 2005, pp. 178–98. Schow, H. Wayne, “Kierkegaardian Perspectives in Martin A. Hansen’s The Liar,” Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction, vol. 15, no. 3 1974, pp. 53–65. Toftdahl, Hellmut, Kierkegaard først  – og Grundtvig så. Sammenligning og vurdering [Kierkegaard First – and then Grundtvig. Comparison and Evaluation], Copenhagen: Arnold Busck 1969, pp. 183–90.

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Václav Havel

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Johan Ludvig Heiberg


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Johan Ludvig Heiberg

— “Színpad és nemzeti kultúra. A Dán Királyi Színház a 19. század első felében és a Heiberg család” [The Theater in Copenhagen During the Golden Age and the Heibergs], Tekintet, no. 1, 2000, pp. 59–75. — Women of the Danish Golden Age: Literature, Theater and the Emancipation of Women, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press 2013 (Danish Golden Age Studies, vol. 8). Olesen, Tonny Aagaard, “Heiberg’s Critical Breakthrough in 1828: A  Historical Presentation,” in Johan Ludvig Heiberg. Philosopher, Littérateur, Dramaturge, and Political Thinker, ed. by Jon Stewart, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press 2008 (Danish Golden Age Studies, vol. 5), pp. 247–307. Pattison, George, “Søren Kierkegaard: A Theater Critic of the Heiberg School,” The British Journal of Aesthetics, no.  23, 1983, pp.  25–33; republished in Kierkegaard and His Contemporaries: The Culture of Golden Age Denmark, ed. by Jon Stewart, Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter 2003 (Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series, vol. 10), pp. 319–29. — “Johan Ludvig Heiberg. Kierkegaard’s Use of Heiberg as a Literary Critic,” in Kierkegaard and His Danish Contemporaries, Tome III, Literature, Drama and Aesthetics, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 7), pp. 169–87. Rasmussen Pin, Inge Lise, “Ros som modstand. Det spændte forhold imellem Søren Kierkegaard og Johan Ludvig Heiberg” [Praise as Opposition: The Tension between Søren Kierkegaard and Johan Ludvig Heiberg], in Literature as Resistance and Counter-Culture. Papers of the 19th Study Conference of the International Association for Scandinavian Studies, ed. by András Masát and Péter Mádl, Budapest: Hungarian Association for Scandinavian Studies 1993, pp. 104–9. Reuter, Hans, S. Kierkegaards religionsphilosophische Gedanken im Verhältnis zu Hegels religionsphilosophischem Systems, Leipzig: Quelle & Meyer 1914 (Abhandlungen zur Philosophie und ihrer Geschichte, no.  23), see pp. 68–74. Rocca, Ettore, “Poesia apocalittica e morte dell’arte. Heiberg, Martensen e Kierkegaard” [Apocalytic Poetry and the Death of Art: Heiberg, Martensen and Kierkegaard], Rivista di filosofia neoscolastica, nos. 3–4, 2013, pp. 963–77. Scopetea, Sophia, Kierkegaard og græciteten. En kamp med ironi [Kierkegaard and Hellenism: A Battle with Irony], Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1995, see especially pp. 235–8, pp. 240–7. Smith, Steve, “Kierkegaard, Johan Ludvig og Johanne Luise Heiberg. En analyse af ‘Krisen og en Krise i en Skuespillerindes Liv’ ” [Kierkegaard, Johan Ludvig and Johanne Luise Heiberg: An Analysis of The Crisis and a Crisis in the Life of an Actress], Den danske Tilskuer, vol. 5, 2005, pp. 87–137, pp. 196–201. Stewart, Jon, “Perseusz Heiberga a Z papierów jeszcze żyjącego Kierkegaarda” [Heiberg’s Perseus and Kierkegaard’s From the Papers of One Still Living], in Tożsamości Kierkegaarda [Kierkegaard’s Identities], ed. by Alina Djakowska, Artur Przybysławski, and Aldona Schiffmann, Cracow: Aureus 1999 (Principia. Pisma koncepcyjne z filozofii i socjologii teoretycznej, vol.  23), pp. 25–42.

Johanne Luise Heiberg


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Martin Heidegger

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Martin Heidegger


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Martin Heidegger

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Heinrich Heine


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Joseph Heller

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Johann Friedrich Herbart

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Etty Hillesum


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Emanuel Hirsch


Kiefhaber, Martin, Christentum als Korrektiv. Untersuchungen zur Theologie Søren Kierkegaards, Mainz: Matthias-Grünewald 1997, pp. 16–21, pp. 27–31. Kodalle, Klaus-Michael, Die Eroberung des Nutzlosen. Kritik des Wunschdenkens und der Zweckrationalität im Anschluß an Kierkegaard, Paderborn: Schöningh 1988, pp. 270–80. Law, David R., “Christian Discipleship in Kierkegaard, Hirsch, and Bonhoeffer,” The Downside Review, vol. 120, no. 421, 2002, pp. 293–306. Malantschuk, Gregor, “Probleme der Abfassungszeit von S. Kierkegaards Schrift ‘Über den Begriff der Ironie’  – Zur Übersetzung des Werkes durch Emanuel Hirsch,” Kierkegaardiana, vol. 5, 1964, p. 132–5. Mulert, Hermann, “Hirschs Kierkegaard,” Christliche Welt, vol. 48, no. 17, 1934, columns 543–5. Przywara, Erich, “Hirsch, Emanuel, Kierkegaard-Studien,” Theologische Revue, vol. 33, 1934, columns 200–3. Richter, Liselotte, “Konstruktives und Destruktives in der neuesten KierkegaardForschung,” Theologische Literaturzeitung, vol. 77, no. 3, 1952, pp. 141–8, see pp. 144–8. Scheliha, Arnulf von, Emanuel Hirsch als Dogmatiker. Zum Programm der “Christlichen Rechenschaft” im “Leitfaden zur christlichen Lehre,” Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter 1991 (Theologische Bibliothek Töpelmann, vol. 53), pp. 55–8, pp. 72–3, pp. 304–6, pp. 336–62, pp. 427–8. Schjørring, Jens H., Theologische Gewissensethik und politische Wirklichkeit. Das Beispiel Eduard Geismars und Emanuel Hirschs, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1979. Schnell, Jenny, “Kierkegaard. Zu den Kierkegaard-Studien von Emanuel Hirsch,” Monatsschrift für Pastoraltheologie, vol. 33, 1937, pp. 228–32. Schulz, Heiko, “Die theologische Rezeption Kierkegaards in Deutschland und Dänemark. Notizen zu einer historischen Typologie,” in Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, 1999, pp. 220–44, see pp. 228–32. Steffensen, Steffen, “Emanuel Hirsch als Kierkegaard-Übersetzer,” Søren Kierkegaard Selskabet. Meddelelser, vol. 5, 1954, pp. 6–7. — “Emanuel Hirsch: Wege zu Kierkegaard,” Kierkegaardiana, vol. 9, 1974, pp. 357–60. Theunissen, Michael, “Das Kierkegaardbild in der neueren Forschung und Deutung (1945–1957),” in Sören Kierkegaard, ed. by Heinz-Horst Schrey, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1971 (Wege der Forschung, vol. 179), pp. 324–84, see pp. 329–34. Tillich, Paul, “Die Theologie des Kairos und die gegenwärtige geistige Lage: Offener Brief an Emanuel Hirsch,” Theologische Blätter, vol. 11, no. 13, 1934, pp. 309–10, pp. 314–17. — “Open Letter to Emanuel Hirsch,” in The Thought of Paul Tillich, ed. by James Luther Adams, Wilhelm Pauck, and Roger Shinn, San Francisco: Harper & Row 1985, pp. 358–9, pp. 368–9. Wilke, Matthias, Die Kierkegaard Rezeption Emanuel Hirschs. Eine Studie über die Voraussetzungen der Kommunikation christlicher Wahrheit, Tübingen: Mohr 2005.


Shin’ichi Hisamatsu

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E.T.A. Hoffmann


Rømhild, Lars Peter, “Die Humor-Theorie Harald Høffdings (1916). Ihre Auseinandersetzung mit Kierkegaard, die Kritik von Høffding durch seinen Freund und Schüler Valdemar Vedel,” Jahrbuch für internationale Germanistik, vol. 22, 1990, pp. 111–20. Sorainen, Kalle, “Kierkegaard och Høffding” [Kierkegaard and Høffding], in Eros och Eris. Kulturessäer tillägnade Rolf Lagerborg [Eros and Eris: Cultural Essays Dedicated to Rolf Lagerborg], ed. by Bertel Appelberg, Stockholm: Natur och kultur 1944, pp. 266–85. — “Kierkegaard und Høffding,” Orbis litterarum, vol.  10, nos.  1–2, 1955, pp. 245–51. — “Høffding,” in The Legacy and Interpretation of Kierkegaard, ed. by Niels Thulstrup and Marie Mikulová Thulstrup, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1981 (Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana, vol. 8), pp. 209–14. 鈴木俊吉[Suzuki,Shunkichi],「ヘフディング『パスカルとキェルケゴー ル』」 [Pascal and Kierkegaard by H. Høffding], 『倫理研究』 [Ethical Studies], vol. 21, 1933, pp. 2–9. Teisen, Niels, Til Overvejelse i Anledning af Prof. Høffdings Bog om S Kierkegaard [For Consideration on the Occasion of Prof. Høffding’s Book on S. Kierkegaard], Odense: Milo’ske Boghandels Forlag 1893. Törnudd, Arne, “Professor Høffdings föredrag om Kierkegaard och Nietzsche” [Professor Høffding’s Lecture on Kierkegaard and Nietzsche], Åbo underrättelser, April 10, 1911. E.T.A. Hoffmann (1776–1822) – German writer Bartha, Judit, “Alteregó-centrumok polifóniája. Megjegyzések E.T.A. Hoffmann ‘Az ördög bájitala’ című regényének olvasásához” [Polyphony of Alterego Centers: Notes to the Reading of E.T.A. Hoffmann’s “The Devil’s Elixir”], Pro Philosophia Füzetek, no. 28, 2001, pp. 61–70. — “E.T.A. Hoffmann: A  Source for Kierkegaard’s Conceptions of Authorship, Poetic-Artistic Existence, Irony and Humor,” in Kierkegaard and His German Contemporaries, Tome III, Literature and Aesthetics, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2008 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 6), pp. 115–37. — A  szerző árnyképe. Romantikus költőmítosz Kierkegaard és E.T.A. Hoffmann alkotásesztétikájában [The Shadow of the Author: The Myth of the Romantic Poet in the Aesthetics of Kierkegaard and E.T.A. Hoffmann], Budapest: L’Harmattan 2008. Biziak, Jacob dos Santos, “As figuras estéticas kierkegaardianas: um estudo comparativo entre Hoffmann e Guimarães Rosa” [The Kierkegaardian Aesthetic Figures: A Comparative Study of Hoffmann and Guimarães Rosa], Travessias Interativas, vol. 8, 2015, pp. 590–606. Egenberger, Stefan, “The Poetic Representation of the Religious in Kierkegaard’s Postscript: Climacus’s Humoristic Style against the Backdrop of E.T.A. Hoffmann’s Understanding of Humor,” Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, 2005, pp. 113–36.


Gunvor Hofmo

Ekmann, Bjørn, “ ‘Und immer hat’s geklungen…’. Zu Dämonie und Erlebniskrise in Brentanos ‘Lore Lay’ und in der von Hoffmann und Kierkegaard gedeuteten Mozartschen Don Juan-Figur,” Text & Kontext, vol. 19, 1995, pp. 213–60. Haustedt, Birgit, Die Kunst der Verführung. Zur Reflexion der Kunst im Motiv der Verführung bei Jean Paul, E.T.A. Hoffmann, Kierkegaard und Brentano, Stuttgart: Verlag für Wissenschaft und Forschung 1992, pp. 53–177, pp. 260–74. Mesterházy, Balázs, “A szétcsúszás alakzatai két 19. századi szövegben” [The Forms of Mutual Distancing in Two Texts from the Nineteenth Century], Literatura, vol. 3, 1998, pp. 241–63. Schings, Dietmar, Schauplatz Gendarmenmarkt 1800–1848. Heinrich von Kleist – Karl Friedrich Schinkel  – E. T. A. Hoffmann  – Sören Kierkegaard  – Adolph Menzel, Berlin: Vorwerk 8 2010. Starobinski, Jean, “Ironie und Melancholie. Gozzi  – E.Th.A. Hoffmann  – Kierkegaard,” Der Monat, vol. 18, no. 218, 1966, pp. 22–35. Gunvor Hofmo (1921–1995) – Norwegian writer Gaare, Odd, “Lege i lidelse og lidenskap. En medlidende essaymontasje som omfatter Gunvor Hofmo og noen av hennes dikt og Søren Kierkegaard og noe av hans tenkning, men også en lege som ble så fortvilet at han døde…” [A Doctor in Suffering and Passion: A Compassionate Essay Montage Comprising Gunvor Hofmo and Some of Her Poems and Søren Kierkegaard and Some of his Thinking, but also a Doctor who was So Distraught that he Died…], Kirke og kultur, vol. 105, nos. 5–6, 2000, pp. 477–93. James Hogg (1770–1835) – Scottish poet and writer Hutton, Clark, “Kierkegaard, Antinomianism, and James Hogg’s Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner,” Scottish Literary Journal, vol. 20, 1993, pp. 37–48. Ludvig Holberg (1684–1754) – Norwegian-Danish writer Allen, Julie K., “Ludvig Holberg: Kierkegaard’s Unacknowledged Mentor,” in Kierkegaard and the Renaissance and Modern Traditions, Tome III, Literature, Drama and Music, ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot: Ashgate 2009 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 5), pp. 77–92. Bertung, Birgit, “Kierkegaard og Holberg  – i meddelelsesdialektisk perspektiv” [Kierkegaard and Holberg: In the Perspective of the Dialectic of Communication], in Kierkegaard inspiration. En antologi [Kierkegaard Inspiration: An Anthology], ed. by Birgit Bertung, Paul Müller, Fritz Norlan and Julia Watkin, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1991 (Søren Kierkegaard Selskabets populære skrifter, vol. 20), pp. 26–34. Billeskov Jansen, F.J., “Holberg,” in Kierkegaard: Literary Miscellany, ed. by Niels Thulstrup and Marie Mikulová Thulstrup, Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel 1981 (Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana, vol. 9), pp. 65–82.



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Gerard Manley Hopkins

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David Hume


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Edmund Husserl

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Index Aall, Anathon, 77, 192. Abe, Yoko, 167. Ackley, John B., 131. Acone, Giuseppe, 192. Acselrad, Marcio, 24. Adams, James Luther, 249. Adams, Nicholas, 212. Adamsen, Johannes, 246. Adinolfi, Isabella, 24, 31, 62, 118, 126, 128, 147, 192. Adler-Vonessen, Hildegard, 151, 228. Adorno, Theodor W., 98. Afonso, Filipa, 36. Agacinski, Sylviane, 1, 31. Agajanian, Shaakeh, 187. Ågotnes, Knut, 220 – 1. Aguiar Guimarães, Jacquissom, 239. Aguiar, M., 192. Aguilar Rocha, Samadhi, 40. Ahlenius, Holger, 77. Ahnfelt, Arvid W., 24, 77. Ake, Stacey Elizabeth, 33, 73. Albeck, Ulla, 64, 68. Albertsen, Elisabeth, 12. Albertsson, Eiríkur, 133. Albrecht, Erhard, 193. Alby, Juan Carlos, 41. Alcorta y Echeverría, José Ignacio, 228. Aler, Jan, 105. Alfsvåg, Knut, 95. Allen, Diogenes, 114. Allen, Edgar Leonard, 168. Allen, Julie K., 77, 136, 149, 252. Allison, Henry E., 193. Almeida, Jorge Miranda de, 18, 43, 56, 63, 99, 144 – 5, 149, 151, 152, 193, 239. Alsina Clota, José, 122. Altizer, Thomas J.J., 135. Amato, Luigi, 187. Ameriks, Karl, 142, 146, 199. Amir, Lydia B., 184. Amoroso, Leonardo, 85, 228. Anagnostou, Lefteris, 202. Ančić, Nediljko Ante, 17. Andersen, Anders Thyrring, 189 – 90, 191. Andersen, Claus Elholm, 105. Andersen, Jens, 25. Andersen, K. Bruun, 254.

Andersen, Kim, 25. Andersen, Tine, 146. Andersen, Vagn, 193. Andersen, Vilhelm, 162. Anderson, Albert, 184. Anderson, Paul Irving, 149. Andic, Martin, 36. Andreasen, Uffe, 165. Andrew, Dudley, 61. Andrijauskas, Antanas, 13. Angehrn, Emil, 203. Angermann, Asaf, 18. Antal, Éva, 193. Anton, Herbert, 203. Antoni, Luisa, 115, 136. Antorini, Christine, 168. Anz, Heinrich, 18, 19, 68, 70, 89, 90, 91, 202, 208, 232, 235 – 6. Anz, Wilhelm, 49, 89, 162, 193. Anzai, Makoto, 36. Apostolopoulos, Charalambos, 85. Apostolopoulou, Georgia, 207. Appelberg, Bertel, 251. Appeldoorn, Johan, 250. Arbaugh, George E., 142. Arendt, Jens, 16. Arendt, Rudolph, 89. Arildsen, Skat, 82. Armaos, Dimitris, 85. Árnason, Kristján, 193. Arndt, Andreas, 32, 205, 212, 213, 215, 221. Arnold, Heinz L., 20. Arsinevici, Adrian, 66. Artola, José María, 193. Asensio, Juan, 63. Asfour, D. Mohammad, 233. Ashton, Paul, 194. Assel, Heinrich, 248. Assiter, Alison, 55. Astrada, Carlos, 228, 229. Atasoy, Kamil, 1. Athanasiadis, Kyriakos, 85. Aubrey, Edwin Ewart, 89. Augustinus, P., 169. Auken, Svend, 176. Aumann, Antony, 193. Avanessian, Armen, 45, 181, 186 – 7, 199. Avrain, Bruno, 151.


Kierkegaard Bibliography

Axt-Piscalar, Christine, 15, 150. Aylat-Yaguri, Tamar, 218. Bach-Nielsen, Carsten, 26. Bacsó, Béla, 228. Baeumler, Alfred, 193. Băicuş, Iulian, 67. Bajić-Gojković, Olga, 207. Bal, Karol, 221. Balassa, Péter, 1, 62. Ballan, Joseph, 40, 48, 150, 167. Ballestín Cucala, Cristina, 238. Balslev, Anindita Niyogi, 240. Balthasar, Hans Urs von, 49. Bandera, Cesareo, 160. Bandle, Oskar, 119, 141. Barac, Antun, 241. Bárdos, József, 15. Barfoed, Niels, 115, 254. Bark, Joachim, 129. Barlyng, Marianne, 254 – 5. Barnett, Christopher B., 47, 84, 121. Barrett, Lee C., 3, 15, 31, 41, 43, 49, 72, 81, 104. Barros, Marcos André, 181. Bartels, Cora, 89. Barth, Friederike, 73. Barth, Karl, 84, 89. Bartha, Judit, 251. Bärthold, Albert, 78. Bartholo, Arthur, 60. Basso, Elisabetta, 65, 113. Basso, Ingrid, 98, 115 – 16, 253. Battersby, Christine, 104. Baudler, Georg, 184. Bauer, Matthias, 80, 117, 148, 244 – 5. Bauer, Roger, 66. Baum, Manfred, 231. Baumgarten, Eduard, 162. Baumgartner, Walter, 24. Bavaresco, Agemir, 185. Bayer, Raymond, 112. Beabout, Gregory, 15. Beaufret, Jean, 228 – 9. Beaver, Aaron, 83. Beck, Elke, 18, 181. Beck, Samuel J., 1. Becker, Hjördis, 132. Becker, Peter von, 161. Becker, Werner, 182. Beckers, Gustav, 88. Bedell, George C., 139. Beerling, Reinier Franciscus, 229. Behler, Ernst, 193. Behrendt, Poul, 165.

Beintker, Michael, 49. Beitchman, Philip, 193. Bejerholm, Lars, 72. Bélanger-Michaud, Sara Danièle, 99. Bell, Richard H., 54, 132. Bellantone, A., 193 – 4. Bellinger, Charles, 58, 160 – 1. Bello Reguera, Eduardo, 62. Belohorszky, Pál, 122. Bencard, Mogens, 27. Benesch, Klaus, 158. Benjamin, Andrew, 60, 81. Benjamin, Walter, 18. Benktson, Benkt-Erik, 178. Benoit, Raymond, 192. Bense, Max, 194. Benyovszky, Ladislav, 111, 194. Benzo, Massimo, 194. Berardini, Sergio Fabio, 59, 229. Berendsen, Desiree J., 1. Bergenmar, Jenny, 60. Berger, Herman, 194. Bergman, Shmuel Hugo, 1 – 2, 85. Berry, Thomas, 122. Bertelsen, Otto, 16, 169, 244. Berthold-Bond, Daniel, 93, 194, 229. Bertung, Birgit, 28, 47 – 8, 51, 68, 79, 83, 90, 92, 103, 105, 146, 163, 248, 252. Bespaloff, Rachel, 2, 167. Betz, John R., 184. Betz, Werner, 25. Beyer, Gudrun, 89. Beyer, Harald, 65. Beyrich, Tilman, 2, 85, 106, 139. Bibikhin, Vladimir, 164 – 5. Bičevskis, Raivis, 187, 229. Bielik-Robson, Agata, 194. Bieliková, Mária, 247. Bienenstock, Max, 162. Bigelow, Patrick, 37, 229. Billeskov Jansen, F.J., 27, 46, 78, 162, 169, 252. Binetti, María José, 96, 104, 106, 194 – 5, 217, 229. Binswanger, Ludwig, 229. Birkenstock, Eva, 229. Biser, Eugen, 89. Bitter, Stephan, 137. Bižaca, Nikola, 17. Biziak, Jacob dos Santos, 177, 251. Bjarnadóttir, Birna, 2, 63, 106. Bjerg, Svend, 169. Bjørnvig, Thorkild, 190. Blackham, H.J., 246. Blanchet, Charles, 2.

Index Blanchette, Oliva, 2, 195. Blanshard, Brand, 2. Blasberg, Cornelia, 64. Blažeková, Zuzana, 55. Blicher, Henrik, 46, 165. Bloch, Jochanan, 87. Bloom, Harold, 210. Bobé, Louis, 162. Boer, Roland, 18. Bogen, James, 195. Bøggild, Jacob, 25, 105. Bohlin, Torsten, 49, 184, 195, 248. Böhm, Thomas, 5 – 6, 108, 233. Boldt, Joachim, 2. Bolin, Wilhelm, 115. Bolkestein, Marinus Hendrik, 142 – 3. Borchsenius, Otto, 78, 165. Børge, Vagn, 115, 187. Borgese, Giuseppe Antonio, 115. Bork, Jens S., 25. Bornemark, Jonna, 110. Boroday, Jury, 200. Borre, Roger van den, 95. Bosch, Hans (Johannes Jozephus Godefridus) van den, 96, 106. Bouaniche, A., 104. Bousquet, François, 2, 120. Bousseyroux, Michel, 67, 151. Bouzeas, Konstantinos, 188. Bové, Paul A., 59, 84. Boyer, Régis, 25, 71, 73. Braeckmans, Luc, 42 – 3. Brahde, Per, 68. Bramming, Torben, 184. Branczik, Leo, 115. Brandell, Georg, 139, 162. Brandes, Georg, 25, 66, 162. Brandes, Peter, 11. Brandmair Dallera, Ilsemarie, 184. Brandt, Frithiof, 25, 115, 224. Bravená, Noemi, 73 – 4. Bravo Jordán, F. Nassim, 25, 217. Brazier, Paul Henry, 49 – 50, 122. Brechtken, Josef, 195. Breczko, Jacek, 166. Bredsdorff, Elias, 25, 165 – 6. Bredsdorff, Thomas, 27, 62, 190. Brentari, Carlo, 159. Bridel, Philippe, 50. Bridges, Thomas, 106. Brien, Abbé, 33. Brinker, Claudia, 130. Brinkschmidt, Egon, 50. Brod, Max, 229. Brodetsky, Oleksandr, 93.


Brogan, Jacqueline, 244. Brøndsted, Mogens, 166. Brophy, Liam, 187. Brouillard, Henri, 2. Brown, James, 50, 85, 229. Bruaire, Claude, 195. Brudin Borg, Camilla, 59 – 60, 178. Brummack, Jürgen, 153. Brun, Jean, 7, 143, 185, 195. Brunier-Coulin, Claude, 48, 50. Bruun, Carsten, 161. Bruun, Søren Kjær, 2. Bubbio, Paolo Diego, 2. Buben, Adam J., 107, 109, 230, 233. Buber, Martin, 2, 230. Bucceri, Stefania, 122. Buchanan, Ian, 104. Budde, Gerhard, 138. Budz, Volodymyr, 195 – 6. Bühler, Pierre, 50, 129 – 30. Bukdahl, Jørgen, 25, 169, 177, 227, 243 – 4. Bukdahl, Jørgen K., 38, 89, 219. Bultmann, Rudolf, (1886-05-10) 230. Buning, Marius, 59. Buonaiuti, Ernesto, 50. Burch, Matthew, 230. Burchill, Louise, 56. Buren, John van, 89, 230. Burgess, Andrew J., 14, 17, 37, 74, 84, 92, 94, 126, 142, 145, 150, 159, 194, 196, 206, 231. Bürgy, Martin, 230. Burns, Michael, 45. Bursztyka, Przemysław, 13, 29, 126, 194. Burzyńska, Małgorzata, 122. Buschmann, Arno, 64. Busk‑Jensen, Lise, 146. Busquets, Joan, 48. Buss, Hinrich, 173. Butin, Gitte Wernaa, 2, 106. Bychko, Ihor, 165. Bykhovsky, Bernard, 196. Cabral Ferreira, Acylene Maria, 239. Cabral, Sarah Pike, 135. Caicedo González, Juan Diego, 62. Cain, Geoffrey, 78. Callan, Edward, 41. Camargo Prochno, Caio César Souza, 153. Candler, Peter M., 6, 203. Cantoni, Remo, 122, 196. Capanaga, Victorino, 14. Capek, Milic, 67. Capelasso, Odete Teresa Sutili, 158. Cappelørn, Niels Jørgen, 94, 124, 168, 169, 171, 172, 174, 193.


Kierkegaard Bibliography

Caputo, John D., 106, 196, 230. Carignan, Maurice, 16. Carlini, Armando, 230. Carlisle, Clare, 230. Carlson, Thomas A., 2, 115. Carlsson, Lena, 123. Carneiro, Miguel Ivân M., 85. Caron, Jacques, 149, 192, 224. Carrere, Ernest Daniel, 151, 230. Carrillo Castillo, Lucy, 115. Carroll Keeley, Louise, 18. Carus, David, 203. Casini, Leonardo, 143. Castellana, Wanda, 196. Castellani, Leonardo, 33. Castro, Franklin Roosevelt Martins de, 185. Casuscelli, Paolo, 115. Catteau, Georges, 63. Cauly, Olivier, 2, 134. Cavallazzi, Alejandro, 196. Cavell, Stanley, 16. Cerasi, Enrico, 50, 74. Chamberlain, Jane, 1. Chang, Einsik, 192. Chang, Sung-Shik, 106. Charlesworth, Max, 33. Chen, Junhui, 100. Cheng, Chung-Ying, 100. Chevallier, Philippe, 3. Chiesa, Mario, 61. Chiuchiù, Lorenzo, 93. Choi, Sang-Wook, 196. Choi, Seung-il, 181. Chrétien, Jean-Louis, 119 – 20. Christens, Christian Fenger, 143. Christensen, Arild, 72, 167. Christensen, M.G., 169. Christensen, Nina, 25. Christensen, Villads, 169, 187. Christians, Clifford G., 136. Christiansen, Karin, 181. Christiansen, Lars, 196. Chryssides, George D., 3. Cihak, John R. 48. Ciolini, Gino, 200. Cirell Czerna, R., 196. Čiževskyi, Dmitrij, 123. Clair, André, 16, 140. Clark, Lorraine Joan, 66. Clausen, Jørgen Stender, 80. Clegg, Jerry S., 100. Cloeren, Hermann J., 196. Closs, August, 162. Cochrane, Arthur C., 50, 160, 230. Cole, James Preston, 151.

Colebrook, Claire, 104. Coles, Robert, 137. Colette, Jacques, 89, 115, 119, 185, 230. Collin, Christen, 66. Collins, Guy, 107. Collins, James D., 197. Colombo, Yoseph, 3. Come, Arnold, 15, 50. Comstock, W. Richard, 197. Connell, George B., 8, 13, 100, 122. Conti, Romina, 199. Conway, Daniel W., 3, 5, 106, 183, 216. Corbin, Henry, 185. Corino, Karl, 12. Cortella, Lucio, 197. Cortese, Alessandro, 16, 103, 184. Craemer-Schroeder, Susanne, 162. Crestani, Jaison Luís, 81. Cristaldi, Mariano, 143. Cristellon, Luca, 182. Crites, Stephen, 197. Crocker, James, 72. Cross, Andrew, 3. Croxall, T.H., 16. Crumbine, Nancy Jay, 10. Cruysberghs, Paul, 23, 197, 242. Cseri, Kinga, 231. Csobádi, Peter, 117, 140, 154, 191. Cuartas, Juan Manuel, 157. Cuervo, Óscar, 3. Culjak, Toni Ann, 113. Cullen, Bernard, 197. Cunha, Djason Barbosa da, 231. Cunningham, Conor, 6, 203. Curado, Eliana Borges Fleury, 197. Curi, Umberto, 115. Curry, David, 3. Curtis, Jerry L., 93. Czakó, István, 1, 3, 143, 148, 197 – 8. D’Cunha, Rocky, 158. Dacus, Donna, 69. Dadosky, John D., 48. Dagognet, François, 211. Dahl, Per, 190. Dahl, Sverre, 141. Dahnii, Andrii, 231. Daigle, Christine, 3 – 4. Daise, Benjamin, 133. Dalferth, Ingolf Ulrich, 109, 145. Dallago, Carl, 41, 182. Dallera, Ovidio, 184. Dalrymple, Timothy, 3, 15. Damgaard, Iben, 126. Damião, Carla Milani, 60.

Index Danstrup, John, 175. Danta, Chris, 3, 67. Danuser, Hermann, 121. Davenport, John J., 3, 107. David, Claude, 3. Davidsen, Maria, 25. Davidsen, Mogens, 25 – 6. Davini, Simonella, 23. Davison, R.M., 246. De Geest, Dirk, 153. De Natale, Ferruccio, 231. De Nys, Martin J., 33, 198. De Rosa, Gabriele, 33. Degiorgio, Lorenzo, 228. Dehs, Jørgen, 56. Dékány, András, 5, 22 – 3, 197. Delecroix, Vincent, 157. Démuth, Andrej, 215, 231. Denby, Edwin, 76. Deniau, Guy, 157. Derisi, Octavio Nicolás, 33. Derkse, Wil F.C.M., 6. Derksen, Loes D., 133. Desmond, William, 197, 222. Desroches, Dominic, 3 – 4, 18. Detering, Heinrich, 26. Dethier, Hubert, 149. Deuser, Hermann, 18, 89, 107, 198, 231. Diatka, Cyril, 97. Diem, Hermann, 90, 248. Dietz, Walter, 41. Dijnes, Torben, 33. Dingstad, Ståle, 78, 198. Dinklage, Karl, 12. Dinkler, Erich, 186. Dip, Patricia Carina, 35, 60, 138, 155, 198, 245. Dirscherl, Erwin, 4. Disse, Jörg, 151, 231. Djakowska, Alina, 226. Dobre, Catalina Elena, 4, 32, 55, 85, 94, 110, 143, 152, 196, 213. Dobrokhotov, Alexandr, 111. Dockum, H.C. van (pseudonym of Hendrik Clewits), 169. Doedens, Udo Gerhardus Martin, 50. Dolar, Mladen, 152. Dolby Múgica, María del Carmen, 41. Dolgov, Konstantin, 93. Domaradzki, Mikołaj, 198. Donier, R., 4. Donnelly, John, 10. Dooley, Mark, 107. Dorrien, Gary, 50. Dotti, Jorge, 101.

Doude van Troostwijk, Chris, 31. Drachmann, A.B., 78. Dragucci-Paulsen, Françoise, 98. Drejergaard, Kresten, 175 – 6. Drescher, Hans-Georg, 164. Drilo, Kazimir, 146, 198. Driscoll, Giles, 231. Drury, John, 49. Duckles, Ian, 107. Ducrocq-Poirier, Madeleine, 192. Dulk, Allard P. den, 133. Dunaway, John M., 114. Duncan, Elmer H., 4. Dunning, Stephen N., 157, 185, 198. Dunshirn, Alfred, 183, 241. Duquette, Elizabeth M., 152. Durkan, John, 37. Düsing, Edith, 148, 231. Dymel-Trzebiatowska, Hanna, 115, 178. Dyrerud, Thor Arvid, 216. Earle, William, 198. Ebbesen, Sten, 58. Eckerson, Sara Ellen, 136, 148. Eddins, Dwight, 41. Edgar, Matthew, 198. Edwards, Aaron, 50. Egenberger, Stefan, 64, 251. Ehlers, Anne, 190. Eichler, Uta, 148. Eisenstadt, Oona, 107. Ejrnæs, Bodil, 4. Ekmann, Bjørn, 81, 115, 252. Elbrønd-Bek, Bo, 115 – 16. Eliopoulos, Panos, 168. Elkholy, Sharin, 89. Eller, Vernard, 135 – 6. Elovaara, Raili, 59. Elrod, John W., 143. Elster, Kristian d. y., 162. Enders, Markus, 143. Endriß, Stefan, 48. Engberg, Jytte, 173. Engelbrecht, Barend Jacobus, 50, 198. Engelke, Matthias, 104. Ercolini, G.L., 92. Erhardt, Otto, 116. Erichsen, Valborg, 66, 187. Eriksen, Tore, 29 – 30. Erős, Vilmos, 198. Erro, Carlos Alberto, 231. Escoubas, Eliane, 18. Escuela Cruz, Chaxiraxi María, 18. Estève, Michel, 63. Evangelista Ávila, José Luis, 143.



Kierkegaard Bibliography

Evans, C. Stephen, 4, 8, 10, 13, 122, 247. Evans, Jan E., 121. Faber, Bettina, 88. Fabris, Adriano, 4. Fabro, Cornelio, 4, 16, 33 – 4, 37, 42, 50, 134, 187, 198 – 9, 208, 231, 248. Fahrenbach, Helmut, 70, 90. Farias, Domenico, 103. Farina, Marcello, 199. Farkas, Szilárd, 189. Farré, Luis, 199. Faubert, Michelle, 254. Fauteck, Heinrich, 31. Favrholdt, David, 72. Feddon, Dustin, 131. Feger, Hans, 146, 199. Fehér, Ferenc, 201, 213. Fehér, István M., 232. Fendt, Gene Joseph, 187. Feng, Jun (Jimbut), 199. Fenger, Henning, 68, 78, 162, 177, 199, 225. Fenves, Peter, 177. Ferjanc, Matej, 94, 116. Fernández Barreiro, Sara, 140. Fernández Villar, Eduardo, 75. Ferreira de Oliveira, Maria Consolata, 152. Ferreira, M. Jamie, 19, 199. Ferrie, W.S., 188. Ferro Bayona, Jesús María, 152. Fiala, Václav, 168. Fich, A.G., 169. Figal, Günter, 60, 199, 232. Figueiredo, Lídia, 35. Filutowska, Katarzyna, 166. Fimiani, Antonella, 99. Fink-Eitel, Hinrich, 149. Fink, Hilary, 70. Fink, Peter Lehmann, 26. Finkelde, Dominik, 199. Finn, Mary E., 254. Fioraso, Nazzareno, 4, 121. Fioravanti, Andrea, 62, 104. Fischer, Friedrich Carl, 162. Fischer, Hermann, 90. Fischer, Norbert, 238. Fischetti, Natalia, 199. Florin, Frits, 132. Floris Margadant, Guillermo, 194. Flynn, Thomas, 182. Fondane, Benjamin, 232, 245. Forte, Bruno, 62. Foster, Susan Leigh, 76. Fox-Muraton, Mélissa, 65. Francisco, Luis Méndez, 132, 235.

Franco Barrio, Jaime, 199. Frandsen, Finn, 30, 56, 171, 227. Frandsen, Johannes Norregaard, 190. Frangos, Vassilis, 61. Frankovits, Andre, 56. Fransson, Ola, 250. Franzén, Carin, 152. Frederiksen, Emil, 78. Fremstedal, Roe, 4, 134, 181. French, Peter A., 2, 4. Frick, Peter, 74. Friedman, Maurice, 88. Friedman, R.Z., 4. Friis Johansen, Karsten, 38. Frisch, Max, 116. Fromm, Harold, 136. Frost, Tore, 21. Fryszman, Alex, 46, 123, 164, 204, 205. Fu, Peirong, 94, 232. Fujimoto, Kiyohiko, 253 – 4. Fujita, Kenji, 199. Fujiwara, Yuka, 200. Fukasawa, Hidetaka, 150. Fürstenberg, Henrike, 190. Furtak, Rick Anthony, 58. Gaare, Odd, 252. Gabriel, Merigala, 159. Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 207, 232. Gaidenko, Piama, 152, 200. Gaitanis, Vassilios, 123. Gajek, B., 186. Gallucci, Marcello, 116. Gálosi, Adrienn, 46. Galzigna, Mario, 118. Gane, Mike, 56. Ganguly, Indrani, 129. Garaj, Radovan, 155. Garaventa, Roberto, 182, 217. Garborg, Arne, 78. García Conejo, Héctor, 19. García Martín, José, 200. Garðarsson, Aðalsteinn, 134. Gardini, Michele, 232. Garff, Joakim, 4, 26, 68, 161, 166, 168, 170, 171, 172, 174, 176, 190, 199. Gavazzeni, Gianandrea, 116. Geismar, Eduard, 200, 248. Gellman, Jerome I., 4 – 5. Gemmer, Anders, 51. Gendrot, Nathalie, 96. Gens, Jean-Claude, 157. George, Peter, 123. Gerdes, Hayo, 200. Germano, Ramon Bolívar C., 200.

Index Gettlich, Anna, 188. Giannatiempo Quinzio, Anna, 200. Gibson, Suzie, 107. Gicquel, Hervemaria, 16. Gigante, Mario, 200. Gijsen, René, 112. Gilbert, Thomas, 225. Giles, James, 36, 103, 114, 184. Gill, Jerry H., 10, 91. Gilpin, Heidi, 76. Gintly, Tibor, 22. Giordano, Diego, 48 – 9, 161, 217. Giovanni, Biagio de, 200. Giraud, Vincent, 116. Givone, Sergio, 200. Glenn, John D., Jr., 31, 191. Glinkowski, Witold, 85 – 6. Glöckner, Dorothea, 35. Gmainer-Pranzl, Franz, 131. Gockel, Heinz, 116, 140, 153. Godfrey, James, 200. Goggi, Giulio, 147. Goicoechea, David, 107. Golomb, Jacob, 86, 94. Gomes, Arthur Bartholo, 201. Gomes, Fernando, 94. Gómez, Mariano Álvarez, 235. Gómez, Vicente, 19. González, Darío, 19, 31. Gordis, Robert, 5. Gordon, Haim, 86, 87. Görner, Rüdiger, 64. Götke, Eva Tøjner, 5. Götke, Povl, 190. Götsch, Dietmar, 55. Götz, Karl August, 71. Goulet, Denis A., 5, 34. Gouvêa, Ricardo Quadros, 42. Gouwens, David J., 51. Gover, K.E., 106, 183. Grage, Joachim, 78, 119, 141, 254. Graham, Archie, 184. Grammont, Guiomar de, 116, 140. Grande Sánchez, Pedro José, 233. Grangier, Edouard, 5. Granito, Alessandra, 128, 183. Grant, M. Colin, 15, 84. Grau, Gerd-Günther, 78 – 9. Green, Allan, 185. Green, Mary Jean, 58. Green, Ronald M., 5, 58. Greenspan, Daniel, 38, 39, 67, 105. Greenspan, Louis, 215. Greenway, John L., 26, 123. Gregersen, Niels Henrik, 170, 175.


Gregor, Brian, 74, 182. Greiner, Bernhard, 107. Grelland, Hans Herlof, 233. Greve, Wilfried, 4, 5, 61, 165, 206, 241, 248. Grimsley, Ronald, 72, 97, 98, 112, 116, 149, 166, 177, 255. Grishauge, Hans, 168, 171, 172, 174. Grøn, Arne, 15, 126, 201. Grønbech, Vilhelm, 170. Grondin, Jean, 157. Gronhovd, Anne-Marie, 76. Groot, Ger, 31. Gropp, Rugard Otto, 193. Grosshans, Hans-Peter, 145. Großmann, Andreas, 230. Grudnik, Monika, 51. Grunnet, Sanne Elisa, 201. Guanti, Giovanni, 42. Guarda, Victor, 201. Guardini, Romano, 31, 123. Guarnieri, Maria Cristina Mariante, 61. Guerreiro, Denise Cestari Gules, 123. Guerrero Martínez, Luis, 25, 32, 55, 94, 107, 110, 140, 143, 152, 157, 196, 213. Guignon, Charles, 233. Gullón, Ricardo, 123. Gumbiner, Joseph Henry, 5. Gunton, Collin, 51, 201. Guo, Xiaoli, 201. Gustafson, James M., 93. Gutiérrez Marín, Manuel, 51, 84. Güzel, Cemal, 4. Gyenge, Zoltán, 5, 22 – 3, 47, 72, 201. Ha, Sun Kyu, 60. Haardt, Alexander, 46. Habermeier, Rainer, 60. Hábová, Ľubica, 152. Hachiya, Toshihisa, 90. Haddock-Lobo, Rafael, 108. Haecker, Theodor, 67. Haenchen, Ernst, 248. Haensel, Uwe, 121. Haga, Silje, 5. Hagemann, Tim, 38, 69. Hagen, Eduard von, 201. Haghdoost, Saeed, 128. Halamis, Moshe, 8, 86. Hale, Geoffrey Arthur, 19. Hall, Amy Laura, 5, 93. Hall, Douglas John, 51. Hall, Harrison, 233. Hall, Ronald L., 97. Halsall, Robert, 82.


Kierkegaard Bibliography

Hamilton, William, 117. Hammacher, Klaus, 231. Hannay, Alastair, 5, 129, 143, 188, 201, 223. Hansen, Knud Lundbek, 79. Hansen, Leif Bork, 16, 22, 26. Hansen, Niels Buur, 170. Hansen, Peter Gunelius, 79. Hansen, Søren Gorm, 26, 177. Hansen, Uffe, 37. Hansen, Valdemar, 250. Hansen-Löve, Aage A., 152. Hanson, Jeffrey, 5, 108, 245. Hanssen, Leon, 117. Hanzo, Thomas, 135. Hara, Tasuku, 233. Harbsmeier, Eberhard, 51, 90. Harbsmeier, Götz, 170, 173. Harding, Brian, 108. Harper, Ralph, 123. Harrelson, Walter J., 5. Harris, Kathleen, 153. Harrits, Flemming, 19, 60. Harshav, Barbara, 241. Harsløf, Olav, 80. Hart, John W., 51. Hartnack, Justus, 201 – 2. Hasegawa, Hiroshi, 202. Hasenhüttl, Gotthold, 90. Haslund, Irene, 233. Hass, Jørgen, 202. Hatton, Nigel, 47, 137. Haug, Hellmut, 90. Hauschildt, Eberhard, 90. Haustedt, Birgit, 81, 252. Hay, Sergia Karen, 185. Heckel, Hans, 117. Heegaard, Poul Sophus Vilhelm, 143. Heinamaa, Sara, 58, 256. Heinen, Ulrich, 12. Heinicke, Hartmut, 121. Heiss, Robert, 202. Heller, Ágnes, 38. Helmes, Günter, 117. Helveg, F., 79, 170, 185. Helweg, Frederik, 16, 202. Helweg, Ludvig, 170. Hems, John M., 5. Hennigfeld, Jochem, 203. Henningsen, Bernd, 170, 253. Henrici, Peter, 48, 71. Henriksen, Aage, 69, 79, 163, 170. Henriksen, Jens Ole, 190. Henriksen, Mads Gram, 202. Henry, Jules, 233. Hensel, Georg, 130.

Hentschel, Markus, 248. Heqin, Zhang, 210. Herbert, Gunnar, 246. Herman, Jan, 118. Herman, Luc, 105. Herms, Eilert, 248. Hernandez-Dispaux, Joaquim, 104, 109, 132, 193 – 4. Herrera Guevara, Asunción, 19. Herrero Fernández, Francisco Javier, 202. Herrmann, Friedrich-Wilhelm von, 238. Hertel, Hans, 78. Hess, Mary Whitcomb, 84, 244. Hetzel, Andreas, 55. Heuch, J.C., 79. Hevesi, Ludwig, 117. Hewitt, Elinor, 215. Heyde, Ludwig, 222. (Heyerdahl) Børsand, Grete, 2, 19. Heyman, Barbara B., 49. Heymel, Michael, 128. Hidas, Zoltán, 86. Hiebler, Heinz, 117, 140, 154, 191. Higashi, Senichiro, 114, 233. Himmelstrup, Jens, 36, 57. Hincapié Sánchez, Jennifer, 157. Hintz, Marcin, 212. Hirabayashi, Takahiro, 28, 202. Hirsch, Emanuel, 30, 31, 90, 103, 133, 137, 146, 147, 202. Hjort, Stig Dankert, 152. Hobermann, John M., 233. Hobuss, João Francisco Nascimento, 19. Hochenbleicher-Schwarz, Anton, 147. Hodgson, Peter Crafts, 57. Hoeven, Johan van der, 202. Hofe, Gerhard vom, 64, 189, 203. Hoff, Johannes, 5, 108, 233. Høffding, Harald, 82, 188. Hoffman, Karen D., 94. Hoffmann, Christian, 154. Hofmann, Gert, 6, 69. Hogrebe, Wolfram, 113, 136. Hohlenberg, Johannes, 16, 119, 170. Hoirup, Henning, 170. Holberg, Britta Schall, 176. Holler, Clyde, 38. Holm, Anders, 170 – 1. Holm, Kjeld, 171, 201. Holm, Søren, 146, 171, 203, 253. Holmer, Paul, 9 – 10. Holmgaard, Otto, 171. Holmgård, Jan, 109. Holmgren, Holger Stig, 154. Hong, Joon-Kee, 152.

Index Hong, Kyoung-sil, 63. Hoping, Helmut, 5 – 6, 108, 233. Hopper, David H., 74. Horn, Angelica, 112. Horreüs de Haas, Gerardus, 250. Horváth, Károly V., 193. Hose, Jochen, 248. Hösle, Vittorio, 6, 203. Hotojan, Artin, 168. Houe, Poul, 26, 37, 69, 79, 111, 112, 191, 223. Howles, Tim, 225. Høybye, Poul, 26. Hubben, William, 123 – 4. Hübner, Hans, 91. Hübscher, Alfred, 233. Hude, Elisabeth, 81. Huggler, Jørgen, 148. Hughes, Carl S., 17, 108. Hühn, Lore, 19, 203, 219. Hullot-Kentor, Robert, 19. Huls, Jos, 6, 117. Hultberg, Helge, 163. Humbeeck, Kris, 105. Hunsinger, George, 233. Huntington, Patricia J., 233. Hüsch, Sebastian, 94, 117, 233. Hustwit Sr., Ronald E., 16, 76, 97. Hutter, Axel, 146, 198, 201, 203, 205, 209, 214, 218. Hutton, Clark, 252. Hwang, Jong-Hwan, 96. Hyman, Gavin, 101, 237. Hyppolite, Jean, 203. Ichihasi, Akinori, 55. Iiritano, Massimo, 128. IJsseling, Hester, 203. Illbruck, Helmut, 241. Ilyina, Anna, 108. Imam, Imam ‘Abd el-Fattah, 203. Imbach, Josef, 154. Immoos, Thomas, 130. Irina, Nicolae, 114, 138, 182, 246. Isaev, Sergey, 6, 10. Isaeva, Natalya, 6, 10. Isaksson, Hans, 178. Ishizu, Teruji, 203, 234. Ito, Genichiro, 86. Ito, Kiyoshi, 185. Ito, Yukio, 203. Itzkowitz, Kenneth Jay, 55, 108. Iversen, Karsten Sand, 67. Jaarsma, Ada S., 181. Jackelén, Antje, 100. Jackson, Timothy P., 66.


Jacob, Günter, 164. Jacobs, Louis, 9. Jacobs, Rolf, 26, 117. Jacobs, Wilhelm G., 232. Jager, Okke, 143 – 4. Jakubowska, Janina, 74. Jambet, Christian, 185. James, David, 56, 117, 203. James, William C., 41. Janic, Susana, 57 – 8. Janik, Allan, 183. Janke, Wolfgang, 147, 204. Jansen, Peter, 247. Jansson, Mats, 59 – 60. Janz, Curt Paul, 117. Jarauta Marión, Francisco, 204. Jareski, Krishnamurti, 32. Jarolíková, Katarína, 155. Jaroszewski, Tadeusz M., 74. Jaspers, Karl, 91, 120, 163. Jaspert, Bernd, 89. Jasso Barranco, Berenice, 32. Jean, Grégori, 104, 109, 132, 193 – 4. Jeanrond, Werner, 131. Jegstrup, Elsebet, 6, 70, 106, 107, 108, 188. Jelved, Marianne, 176. Jenkins, Bill, 96. Jens, Walter, 124, 176, 253. Jensen, Finn Gredal, 22, 137, 245, 246, 253. Jensen, Henrik Fibæk, 171. Jensen, Jørgen Bonde, 27, 79, 227 – 8. Jensen, Jørgen I., 171. Jensen, L.C., 171. Jensen, Povl Johannes, 32, 37, 38. Jensen, Søren, 5, 171, 244. Jeppesen, Niels, 27. Jerade Dana, Miriam, 6. Jespersen, Anders Holbech, 225, 228. Jespersen, Niels, 225, 228. Jessen, Mads Sohl, 225. Joest, Wilfried, 204. Johannesson, Eric O., 69. Johannesson, Hans-Erik, 23, 178. Johansen, Udo, 204. Johnson, Daniel M., 100, 204. Johnson, Howard A., 134. Johnson, Patricia A., 136, 157, 234. Johnson, William A., 152. Jones, Llewellyn, 171. Joós, Ernő, 234. Jörg, Joseph Edmund, 168. Jørgensen, Aage, 26, 27, 28 – 9. Jørgensen, Carl, 166. Jørgensen, Jørgen, 161. Jørgensen, Kai E. Jordt, 51.


Kierkegaard Bibliography

Jørgensen, Kirsten, 79. Jørgensen, Merete K., 27, 165. Jørgensen, Sven-Aage, 171. Jossua, Jean-Pierre, 57. Jöttkandt, Sigi, 45. Jung, Hwa Yol, 100. Jungbluth, Günther, 171. Jüngel, Eberhard, 51, 91. Jungersen, Fredrik, 171 – 2. Justo, José Miranda, 46, 104, 243. Kaczyński, Maciej, 13, 29, 126, 194. Kaftański, Wojciech, 124, 161, 166 – 7. Kahn, Ludwig W., 163. Kakoliris, Gerasimos, 111. Kal, Victor, 6. Kalivoda, Gregor, 38. Kállay, Géza, 131. Kalmár, György, 106. Kamla, Thomas A., 140. Kamp–Kan, Line, 188. Kampmann Walther, Bo, 84. Kangas, David J., 147, 204. Kardos, András, 201, 213. Karelse, Leendert Matthijs (Leddy), 51. Karowski, Walter, 204. Karpenko, Andrei, 234. Karul, Róbert, 20. Kaser, Hanah, 8, 86. Kashiwabara, Keiichi, 112, 234. Kasperski, Edward, 29. Kastanas, Theodoros, 61. Kato, Takao, 147, 234. Katz, Marc, 60. Kavaliauskas, Tomas, 6. Kawado, Yoshitake, 147, 234. Kawai, Yoshio, 82, 140, 154. Kawakami, Shoshu, 108. Kawakami, Tetsutaro, 117. Kawanago, Yoshikatsu, 185. Kearney, Richard, 188. Keel, Daniel, 130. Keenan, Dennis King, 161. Keferstein, Lutz Alexander, 6. Keiling, Tobias, 241. Kelly, Geffrey B., 74. Kemp, Peter, 19, 70, 82, 90, 202, 208. Kendall, Stuart, 56. Kern, Edith, 59. Kern, Walter, 204. Kerrigan, William, 152. Kesselring, Rudolf, 91. Khan, Abrahim H., 3, 14, 73, 74, 94, 126, 134, 142, 145, 150, 159, 194, 196, 206, 231.

Kidd, Ian James, 145. Kidder, Paulette, 97. Kiefhaber, Martin, 249. Kiesel, Helmuth, 114, 140. Kilian, Esther, 69. Kim, Yeong-cheol, 87. Kim, Gyun-jin, 204. Kim, Jean-Jacques, 120. Kim, Lee-Seob, 73. Kim, Sun-Hye, 204. Kim, Sung-Kon, 117. Kim, Yeong-han, 51. Kingo, Anders, 52, 190. Kinter, Achim, 163. Kinzel, Till, 185. Kirabayev, Nur, 215. Kirkpatrick, Matthew D., 74. Kirmmse, Bruce H., 26, 27, 82, 99, 112, 166, 177, 227. Kiss, Pál, 52. Kissel’, Mikhail, 204. Kitada, Katsumi, 142. Kitano, Hiroyuki, 243, 250. Kito, Eiichi, 204, 234. Kivelä, Jyrki, 255. Kjældgaard, Lasse Horne, 6, 225. Kjær, Grethe, 177. Kjær, Iver, 27. Kjær, Niels, 113. Klauck, Hans-Josef, 6. Klein, Alessandro, 204 – 5. Klein, Ernst Ferdinand, 172. Klein, Richard, 19. Kleinert, Markus, 37, 183, 185, 205. Kleinman, Jackie, 69. Klentak-Zabłocka, Małgorzata, 7. Klindt-Jensen, Henrik, 205. Klitgaard, Anders H., 71. Kloeden, Wolfdietrich von, 52, 147, 185. Klossowski, Pierre, 55, 117. Klug, Christian, 64. Knapp, Gerhard P., 129. Knappik, Franz, 205. Knoll, Alfons, 176. Knop, Julia, 5 – 6, 108, 233. Knudsen, Jørgen, 79. Kobel, Erwin, 149. Koch, Carl, 72, 172. Koch, Carl Henrik, 16 – 17, 58, 82 – 3, 205, 250. Koch, Hal, 173, 175. Kocziszky, Éva, 23, 118. Kodalle, Klaus-Michael, 19, 94, 124, 205, 249. Koenen, Erik, 214.

Index Koepp, Wilhelm, 52. Kofoed, Niels, 172. Kojima, Hiroshi, 86. Kolberg, Sonja, 118, 140, 163, 167. Koldtoft, Lone, 27, 109. Komel, Dean, 157. Koncz, Sándor, 91. Kondrup, Johnny, 79, 166. Konoplev, Nikolay, 205. Konzen, Paulo Roberto, 185. Korneev, Mikhail, 240. Kornerup, Bjørn, 173. Kosch, Michelle, 7, 147. Koskinen, Lennart, 234. Koslowski, Peter, 45. Koster, Edwin, 133. Köster, Thomas, 133. Kosuth, Joseph, 27. Kotsko, Adam, 108. Kozłowski, Jan, 74. Kozuma, Tadashi, 205. Králik, Roman, 3, 7, 14, 43, 52, 73, 74, 82, 94, 97, 116, 126, 132, 134, 142, 145, 150, 159, 181, 183, 194, 196, 197, 206, 231, 237, 242. Kramer, Nathaniel, 23, 76. Krarup, Per, 98. Krech, Volkhard, 31. Kreisberg, Ove, 27. Krekel, Hendrik, 52, 114, 234. Kreuzer, Johann, 19. Kribl, Josip, 61. Kristensen, Jens Erik, 234. Kristensen, Jørgen, 173. Kristensen, Sven Møller, 78. Kristiansen, Børge, 154, 163. Krizek, J., 205. Krobb, Florian, 82. Krochmalnik, Daniel, 79. Kronabel, Christoph, 177. Kroner, Richard, 206. Krügel, Siegfried, 135. Krummacher, Friedhelm, 121. Krusteva, Maria, 124, 247. Küchenhoff, Joachim, 203. Kuçuradi, Ioanna, 4. Kudo, Yoshinobu, 92. Kühle, Sejer, 28, 225. Kuhlmann, Gerhardt, 91. Kühnhold, Christa, 172, 206. Kulak, Avron, 108 – 9, 206. Kūle, Maija, 206. Kumano, Yoshitaka, 52. Küng, Hans, 124, 176, 253. Kunii, Tetsuyoshi, 193, 206.


Kupś, Tomasz, 7. Kurematsu, Yasuo, 118. Kutsenko, Viktoria, 235. Kuyama, Yasushi, 124. Kuypers, Etienne, 235. Kvist, Jens, 172. Kvist, Morten, 172, 176. Kwiatkowski, Stanisław, 235. Kyrre, Hans, 166. Laczkó, Sándor, 5, 22 – 3, 197. Ladegaard Knox, Jeanette Bresson, 15, 142. Ładyka, Jerzy, 74. Lammertyn, Cecilia, 195. LaMothe, Kimerer L., 76. Lampert, E., 246. Lancellotti, Marco, 96, 101, 235. Landkildehus, Søren, 17, 69, 160. Landmesser, Christof, 230. Lang, Candace D., 54. Langballe, Jesper, 68, 172. Langlois, Jean, 7. Lansink, Cyril, 154. Laoureux, S., 109. Laporte, André, 137. Larouche-Tanguay, Camillia, 206. Larrañeta Olleta, Rafael, 32, 118, 132, 144, 206, 235. Larrauri Olguín, Gibrán, 55, 152. Larsen, Holger, 183. Larsen, Kristoffer Olesen, 159. Larsen, Leif Johan, 159. Larsson, Bo, 178. Lasogga, Mareile, 150. Latiolais, Christopher, 206. Lauder, Robert E., 59. Lauer, Christopher, 37. Laursen, Virginia R., 82. Law, David R., 74 – 5, 249, 255. Lê, Linda, 120. Leach, Stephen Cole, 17, 186. Leclercq, Jean, 104, 109, 132, 193 – 4. Leconte, Claude-Henri, 120. Lee, Jung H., 7. Lee, Jung-Bae, 75. Lee, Ronald F., 136. Lee, Seon-suk, 235. Lee, Seung-Goo, 7, 52. Leeuw van der, Gerardus, 159 – 60. Lehmann, Eduard, 172. Lehmann, Günther K., 70. Leider, Kurt, 85, 101. Leijen, Arie J., 6. Leikert, Jozef, 183. Leiner, Martin, 51.


Kierkegaard Bibliography

Leisegang, Hans, 206. Leitner, Andreas, 124. Lemire, Roseline, 157. Lemmens, Willem, 1, 33. Lerch, David, 7. Lernout, Geert, 105. Lesniak, Slawomir, 163. Lessing, Arthur, 206. Leverkühn, André, 206. Levi, Zeev, 86. Levy-Valensi, E. Amado, 7. Lewandowski, Artur, 124. Lhote, Aude-Marie, 7. Li, Zhongmin, 7. Lieb, Fritz, 124. Lieblein, J., 79. Liebsch, Burkhard, 109, 207. Liechti, Anna, 130. Liehu, Heidi, 207. Liessmann, Konrad, 118. Liguš, Ján, 52. Lilhav, Preben, 140, 163, 172. Lillegard, Norman, 38. Lilleør, Kathrine, 28. Lima, Fransmar Costa, 18, 118. Limentani, Ludovico, 207. Linck, Ieda Márcia Donati, 157 – 8. Linde, Gesche, 169. Lindemann, Esben, 66, 103, 190 – 1. Linder, Sten, 60. Lindhardt, Jan, 201. Lindhardt, Poul Georg, 172 – 3. Lindström, Valter, 159. Linnet, Ragni, 132. Liodakis, Antonis, 10, 110. Lippitt, John, 7, 155, 230. Lisi, Leonardo F., 41, 140, 188. Lissbrant, Katy, 178. Listov, Andreas, 144. Liva, Laura, 23. Ljungdal, Arnold, 179. Llevadot (Pascual), Laura, 55, 109. Llewelyn, John, 109. Loder, James E., 207. Løgstrup, Knud Ejler, 173, 235. Løkke, Håvard, 39. Lønning, Per, 66. López Quintás, Alfonso, 94. López, Diana, 195. Lőrinczné Thiel, Katalin, 189. Loshchevsky, Kyrill, 207. Loungina, Darya, 73. Löwith, Karl, 56, 112, 144, 207, 244, 247. Lowrie, Walter, 84. Lozar, Janko, 235.

Lübcke, Poul, 18, 19, 70, 89, 91, 208, 232, 235 – 6. Lüdeke, Roger, 152. Ludvig, Nils, 173. Lund, Herman, 173. Lundgreen-Nielsen, Flemming, 173. Lundgren, Lars O., 179. Lundström Gondouin, Johanna, 60. Lundtofte, Anne Mette, 79. Luz, Zvi, 7. [Lybeck Sørensen], Max, 173. Ma, Ming-Qian, 59. Ma, Ya’nan, 142. Macchi, Giuliano, 116. MacCracken, David, 161. Macha, Jakub, 166. Maciel, Maria Esther, 76. Mackey, Louis, 7. Macrakis, Michalis K., 94, 118, 124 – 5, 139, 140 – 1, 152. Madariaga, Salvador de, 188. Madigan, Timothy J., 133. Mádl, Péter, 226. Madsen, Carsten, 19. Maes-Jelinek, Hena, 41. Magno, Joseph A., 7. Magurshak, Dan, 236. Mahn, Jason A., 191. Máhrik, Tibor, 3, 73, 74, 134, 145. Máhriková, Jana, 145. Maiorani, Arianna, 69. Majoli, Bruno, 208. Makarushka, Irena, 69. Mäkinen, Olli, 244. Malantschuk, Gregor, 28, 73, 165, 173, 249. Malesic, Jonathan, 144. Malevitsis, Christos, 127. Malik, Habib Charles, 80, 183, 250. Malm, Mats, 60. Manasse, E.M., 42. Mancinelli, Paola, 161. Mandryshchuk, Larysa, 236. Manger, Philip, 154. Manis, R. Zachary, 7. Manno, Ambrogio Giacomo, 238. Marangianou, Evangelia, 110. Marck, Siegfried, 52, 85, 164, 208. Marcuse, Ludwig, 152. Marek, Jakub, 15. Mariani, Eliodoro, 91, 236. Marino, Gordon D., 5, 7, 37, 111, 112, 153, 223. Markley, Robert, 135.

Index Marks, John, 104. Marleé, Reneé, 131. Marques, Reinaldo, 76. Marshall, Ronald F., 17. Martens, Paul, 17, 52, 168. Martija, Valeria, 140. Martinell, Maria, 48. Martinez, Roy, 38, 86. Martini, Maria Luisa, 158. Martins, Jasson da Silva, 20, 36, 158, 161, 208, 245. Martinson, Mattias, 20. Masát, András, 226. Masugata, Kinya, 8, 18, 38, 86, 92. Matassi, Elio, 118. Mátrai, László, 144, 208. Matsuda, Akira, 118. Matsui, Yoshiyasu, 132. Matuštík, Martin J., 87, 106, 157, 181, 192, 233. Maughan-Brown, Frances, 24. May, Anne-Marie, 190. Mayer, Hans, 116. Mazzù, Domenica, 208. McCarthy, Vincent, 236. McCormick, Samuel, 225. McDonald, William, 208. McInerny, Ralph M., 34. McKinnon, Alastair, 52, 208. McNeil, Brian, 110. McPherson, Ian, 129. Meessen, Y., 132. Mehlich, Julia, 125. Meir, Ephraim, 8, 86. Meireis, Thorsten, 73. Melchiorre, Virgilio, 208. Mendelson, Edward, 41. Méndez Francisco, Luis, 132, 235. Mener-Lüne, Ilse, 184. Menezes, Magali Mendes de, 118. Merlino, Gabriel, 217. Mesnard, Pierre, 8. Message, Jacques, 65. Messer, August, 51. Mesterházy, Balázs, 252. Mettler, Artur, 71. Metzger, Hartmut, 208. Meyer, Richard M., 144. Meynen, Gerben, 236. Michaelsen, Cathrine Bjørnholt, 67. Michel, Gerd, 154, 191. Michel, Pierre, 41. Michel, Willy, 154, 191. Michel-Michot, Paulette, 41. Michelsen, John M., 256.


Michelsen, Per Arne, 159. Michelsen, William, 173 – 4. Miegge, Giovanni, 125. Migliorini, Giulio, 125. Mikkelsen, Hans Vium, 191. Mikulová Thulstrup, Marie, 23, 27, 31, 32, 34, 37, 38, 40, 42, 45, 46, 47, 54, 57, 64, 68, 72, 76, 78, 82, 83, 87, 89, 93, 97, 98, 99, 103, 104, 134 – 5, 139, 146, 147, 149, 160, 166, 174, 175, 177, 184, 208, 251, 252. Milano, Andrea, 34, 209. Milchert, Thorsten, 236. Miles, Thomas, 103, 254, 255. Milet, Jean, 120. Miller, Quentin, 47. Mills, Ian, 114. Mingels, Annette, 130. Mininger, J.D., 105. Minobe, Hitoshi, 250. Mironov, Vladimir, 150. Missotten, Geert, 118. Misztal, Dawid, 255. Mitchell, Charles, 165. Mitsuke, Yosuke, 46. Miyata, Akira, 8. Mizoi, Takashi, 163. Mizuta, Makoto, 36, 86. Mjaaland, Marius Timmann, 8, 109 – 10, 184, 209, 236. Modica, Giuseppe, 118, 128. Moggach, Douglas, 56. Mohanty, J.N., 240. Møllehave, Johannes, 174. Möller-Christensen, I.Y., 80. Mollo, Gaetano, 73, 209. Molven, Frode, 220 – 1. Mondragón Reyes, Rogelio, 105, 125. Montagu, Ashley, 233. Montani, Pietro, 32. Monteiro Mattar, Cristine, 149 – 50. Moonen, Christoph, 245. Mooney, Edward F., 3, 8, 10, 137, 209. Moran, Dominic, 8. Morel, Jean, 236. Morgan, John Henry, 58, 75, 88. Morgan, Marcia, 20. Morgan, Silas, 96, 101. Morigi, Silvio, 161. Morita, Mime, 36. Morsing, Ole, 20, 30, 56, 171, 227. Mortensen, Finn Hauberg, 25, 27, 28, 119, 123, 141, 193, 209, 250, 253. Mortensen, Klaus Peter, 28. Mose, Gitte, 119. Mueller, Gustavo, 209.


Kierkegaard Bibliography

Mülder-Bach, Inka, 152. Mulder, Jr., Jack, 64, 101, 246. Mulert, Hermann, 249. Mulhall, Stephen, 236. Müller Farguell, Roger W., 130. Müller-Doohm, Stefan, 19. Müller-Funk, Eros, 70, 119. Müller, Ernst, 209. Müller, Hans Martin, 31, 147, 202, 248. Müller, Paul, 28, 47 – 8, 51, 79, 90, 103, 163, 252. Müller, Philippe, 209. Mumbauer, Johannes, 183. Muñoz Fonnegra, Sergio, 201. Murakami, Kyoichi, 209. Muránsky, Martin, 87. Muroi, Mitsuhiro, 28. Mylius, Johan de, 25 – 6, 28 – 9. Nadel, Ira Bruce, 99. Nadler, Käte, 186, 209. Nagae, Hiroaki, 209. Nagel, Bert, 163. Nagel, Bruno M.J., 6. Nagele, Rainer, 60, 81. Nagy, András, 8, 54, 62, 118, 120, 127, 138, 174, 209, 221, 225, 242. Nagy, Péter Miklós, 65. Naidong, Yang, 124. Nakamura, Kohei, 236. Nakao, Takashi, 210. Nakazawa, Hideo, 83. Nalepa, Agnieszka, 62 – 3. Narukawa, Takeo, 58. Nason, Shannon, 210. Naumann, Hans-Peter, 24. Navarria, Salvatore, 52. Ndreca, Adrian, 210. Necatigil, Behçet, 29. Nedergaard-Hansen, Leif, 57. Neidhardt, W. Jim, 207. Nelson, Christopher A.P., 17, 95. Nelson, Derek R., 131. Nemeth, Elisabeth, 183, 241. Nemoianu, Virgil, 96. Neubauer, Vanessa Steigleder, 157 – 8. Neumann, Janus, 184. Neumer, Katalin, 47. Newmark, Kevin, 22, 61, 105, 110, 210. Nicholson, Graeme, 215. Nicoletti, Michele, 53, 145, 182, 238. Niebel, Wilhelm Friedrich, 112. Niebergall, Friedrich, 52, 104, 133. Niecikowski, Jerzy, 210. Niedermeyer, Gerhard, 186.

Nielsen, E. Brandt, 17. Nielsen, Henrik Skov, 19, 68, 110. Nielsen, Jens Viggo, 80. Nielsen, Marita Akhøj, 165. Nielsen, Rasmus, 80. Nielsen, Svend Aage, 83, 134, 160, 254. Nientied, Mariele, 97. Nigg, Walter, 125, 164. Nikulin, Leon, 78. Nissiotis, Nikos Angelos, 237. Niwa, Haruo, 9. Nogueras, Luis Rogelio, 29. Nomura, Chisako, 55. Noort, Ed, 11 – 12. Nørager, Troels, 9. Norborg, Sverre, 237. Nordentoft, Kresten, 153. Norlan, Fritz, 28, 47 – 8, 51, 79, 90, 103, 163, 252. Norrby, Tore, 188. Norris, Christopher, 105. Nouguchi, Eduardo Armaroli, 125. Novak, Grga, 241. Novaković, Marko, 20. Noxon, James, 167. Nun, Katalin, 22, 23 – 4, 32, 36, 39, 57 – 8, 71, 95, 99, 112, 114, 121, 136, 138, 140, 146, 148 – 9, 164, 177 – 8, 188, 225 – 6, 228, 245, 246, 253. Ogawa, Keiji, 52. Oh, Peter S., 53. Oklova, Marina, 125. Olesen, Søren Gosvig, 100, 234. Olesen, Tonny Aagaard, 29, 141, 226, 244. Olivares Bøgeskov, Benjamín, 34. Oliveira, Flávio Valentim de, 83. Olsen, Ole Andkjær, 152. Olsen, Regine, 119. Olšovský, Jiří, 82, 237. Omer, Mordechai, 9. Omine, Akira, 147, 210. Onasch, Konrad, 125. Onisto de Freitas, Luiz Gustavo, 63. Onnasch, Ernst-Otto, 222. Onuki, Atsuko, 20. Oppel, Horst, 163, 188. Oppenheim, Lois, 59. Oppenheim, Michael, 86. Orlando, Pasquale, 34. Orr, Leonard, 59. Orseth, Dag, 159. Osmo, Pierre, 211. Osolsobě, Petr, 38. Ostenfeld, Ib, 144.

Index Østergaard-Nielsen, Harald, 173. Otani, Hidehito, 29, 210. Otani, Masaru, 121, 186, 193, 206, 220, 243, 244, 254. Otoshi, Hiroko, 86. Ottesen, Doris, 26. Oubiña, Oscar Parcero, 97, 121. Overgaard, Søren, 126. Oya, Kenichi, 254. Oya, Toshikazu, 87, 142. Ozaki, Kazuhiko, 83, 210, 240. Packer, Jim, 101, 153. Padilla Caina, Euclides, 119. Paez Álvarez, Ciro Alonso, 76. Pailin, David A., 9. Palermo, Sandra, 61. Palkó, Gábor, 138. Palmer, Donald D., 9, 121. Pan, Yihe, 29. Panth, Ian W., 71. Papazu, Monica, 125. Paravidini, João Luiz L., 153. Paresce, Enrico, 186, 255. Pareyson, Luigi, 144. Park, Chan-Kook, 237. Park, In Cheol, 256. Park, In-Sung, 210. Passi, Isaac, 127. Pataki, Stjepan, 241. Patterson, David, 9, 101. Pattison, George, 8, 9, 15, 42, 47, 62, 69, 101, 121, 126, 161, 178, 219, 226, 230, 237, 247. Pattison, Richard F., 54. Pauck, Wilhelm, 249. Paul, Fritz, 119, 141. Paul, Jean-Marie, 71, 73. Paula, Marcio Gimenes de, 9, 15, 17, 18, 35 – 6, 42, 43, 63, 112, 144 – 5, 255. Paulsen, Anna, 174. Pauly, Stephan, 176. Pavón, Rafael García, 9, 32, 55, 94, 110, 143, 152, 157, 196, 200, 213. Pedersen, Jørgen, 31, 42. Pedersen, Kim Arne, 175. Pedersen, Viggo Hjørnager, 25 – 6, 28 – 9. Pedreira, Frederico, 177. Pegueroles, Joan, 71, 158. Peixe Dias, Bruno, 46. Pelensky, Olga Anastasia, 69. Pélicier, Yves, 119. Pelikan, Jaroslav, 45, 126. Pellegrini, Alessandro, 210. Pellegrini, Giovanni, 9. Peñalver Gómez, Patricio, 110.


Peñalver, Mariano, 113. Penelhum, Terence, 255. Penzo, Giorgio, 53, 145, 164, 182, 238. Pepper, Thomas A., 9, 129. Perarnau Vidal, Dolors, 138. Peretti della Rocca, Cristina de, 110. Pérez-Borbujo Álvarez, Fernando, 217. Pérez, José Luis, 94. Perini, Roberto, 210. Perkins, Robert L., 2, 4, 7, 9 – 10, 17, 18, 19, 23, 27, 30, 31, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 52, 53, 55, 69, 75, 84, 86 – 7, 88, 95, 100, 107, 108, 109, 134, 135, 177, 181, 183, 195, 197, 208, 209, 210 – 11, 212, 223, 230, 233, 236, 247. Perrin, Christophe, 112. Perrot, Maryvonne, 71. Pessel, Włodzimierz Karol, 29. Peters, John Durham, 61. Petersen, Bente, 152. Petersen, Chr., 155. Petersen, Nils Holger, 119. Petit, Didier, 10. Petit, Françoise Barbé, 129. Petkanič, Milan, 126, 151. Petras, John W., 87. Petrenko, Elena, 147, 215. Pettazzi, Carlo, 20. Pfaff, Peter, 64, 189. Pieniążek, Paweł, 124. Pieper, Annemarie, 211. Pieper, Frederico, 237. Piercey, Robert, 211. Pieretti, Antonio, 237. Pierson, Allard, 80. Piller, Christian, 150 – 1. Pilnei, Oliver, 91, 131, 155. Pimenta Shyrley, 153. Pinsker, Sanford, 59. Pintér, Tibor, 119. Pinto Leite, Ana, 112. Pinto, Valeria, 237. Pinzetta, Inácio, 211. Piper, Henry B., 211. Pires, Jr., Hugo, 149. Pizzuti, Giuseppe Mario, 10, 53, 211. Plecháč, Miroslav, 172. Plekon, Michael, 99, 174. Plotnitsky, Arkady, 21. Ploug, Carl, 80. Płużański, Tadeusz, 211. Podoroga, Valery, 10. Pöggeler, Otto, 211, 237. Pohlmeyer, Markus, 80, 117, 148, 218, 244 – 5.


Kierkegaard Bibliography

Pokhlebkin, William, 165. Polish, Daniel F., 87, 246. Politis, Hélène, 10, 144, 211. Pollok, Konstantin, 119. Polo, Leonardo, 211. Pondrom, Cyrena Norman, 23, 126. Pons, Jolita, 10. Ponton, Lionel, 206. Poole, Roger C., 80, 104, 211. Popkin, Richard H., 256. Popovic, Pol, 59. Popovics, Zoltán, 67. Poppenberg, Felix, 119. Pospíšil, Ivo, 38. Pospiszyl, Kazimierz, 119. Possen, David D., 57, 134, 211 – 12. Possenti, Vittorio, 126. Poulsen, Andreas Norkild, 80. Poulsen, Birgitte Kvist, 212. Poulsen, Mogens, 72, 103, 146. Povlsen, Steen Klitgård, 228. Prada e Silva, Martha, 65. Prather, Kieran, 119. Preda, George, 66. Preti, Giulio, 144. Proimos, Konstantinos, 10, 110. Prokopski, Jacek Aleksander, 126, 127, 212, 215, 237 – 8. Przybysławski, Artur, 226. Przywara, Erich, 249. Puchniak, Robert B., 40, 42, 253. Puleo García, Alicia Helda, 222. Purkarthofer, Richard, 148, 169. Purver, Judith, 40, 133. Pyo, Jae-myeong, 87. Pyper, Hugh S., 15, 99, 110, 212. Quesnoy, Roger, 186. Quevedo, Amalia, 110. Quinn, Philip, 10, 23. Quist, Wenche Marit, 238. Raabe, Anne, 24. Rabelo, Edna Maria Souza, 56. Rácz, Péter, 1, 87. Rad, Gerhard von, 10. Radermacher, Hans, 212. Radnóti, Sándor, 201, 213. Rae, Murray, 53, 75. Raguž, Ivica, 48. Rahimi, Pejman, 238. Raida, Constantine, 108, 148, 236. Rajan, Tilottama, 21. Ramsey, Robert Paul, 212. Ramsland, Katherine M., 168.

Rancher, Shoni, 32, 92, 212. Ranjbar, Abdol Ali, 124. Rapic, Smail, 148, 181, 212. Raptis, Charis E., 117. Rasmussen Hornbæk, Birgitte, 254 – 5. Rasmussen (Pin), Inge Lise, 69 – 70, 226. Rasmussen, Anders Fogh, 174. Rasmussen, Anders Moe, 112, 146, 198, 201, 203, 205, 209, 212, 214, 218. Rasmussen, Joel D.S., 212. Rasmussen, S.V., 83. Rasmussen, Thomas Eske, 99. Rauh, Johann, 205. Ravn, Kim, 138. Raymond, Didier, 119 – 20. Rechtmann, H.J., 53. Rée, Jonathan, 1. Reffet, Michel, 129. Reger, Joachim, 65. Regina, Umberto, 11, 23, 85, 110, 115, 238. Rehm, Walter, 32, 133. Reich, Ebbe Kløvedal, 103, 175. Reichenbach, Bruce, 94. Reifenberg, Peter, 48. Reinhardt, Kurt Frank, 212, 238. Reinhardt, Stephan, 24. Remington Abramson, Neil, 11. Rendón Rojas, Miguel Ángel, 126. Repar, Primož, 11, 157, 235. Replogle, Justin, 41. Reuter, Hans, 45, 186, 212, 226. Reymond, Robert L., 85. Rhijn, Maarten van, 53. Richter, Liselotte, 249. Riedel, Manfred, 70, 238. Riis, Ricardt, 17. Rinaldi, Francesco, 213. Ring, Irene, 168, 171, 172, 174. Ringleben, Joachim, 186, 213, 238. Risum, Janne, 120, 141, 228. Ritschl, Dietrich, 213. Rizzacasa, Aurelio, 213. Robinson, Fred Miller, 153. Robles Reyes, Mariano, 9, 94. Rocca, Ettore, 4, 11, 23, 32, 68, 85, 110, 115, 120, 199, 226. Rochlitz, Rainer, 61. Rodemann, Wilhelm, 186. Rodrigues, Heliana de Barros Conde, 149 – 50. Rodríguez Suárez, Luisa Paz, 238. Roed, Susan, 70, 174. Roey, Marc van, 213. Rognon, Frédéric, 136. Rohatyn, Dennis A., 38.

Index Rohde, Hermann Peter, 98. Rohden, Luiz, 158. Roloff, Hans-Gert, 116, 140. Romano Betech, Victoria, 213. Romero Pérez, María Clara, 113. Romeyer, Blaise, 42. Rømhild, Lars Peter, 251. Roos, Carl, 163. Roos, H., 38. Roos, Jonas, 237. Rosas, L. Joseph, 11, 15. Rosati, Massimo, 181. Rose, Gillian, 20. Rosemont, Henry, Jr., 100. Rosfort, René, 46. Rossatti, Gabriel Guedes, 29, 36. Rossel, Sven Hakon, 68, 112, 190, 209. Roth, Colin, 29, 76. Roth, Ulli, 65. Rothholz, Walter, 174. Rothko, Christopher, 9. Rouanet, Sérgio Paulo, 20. Rougemont, Denis de, 188. Rovira, James, 66. Rowiński, Cezary, 121. Roy, Ayon, 105. Royal, Robert, 96. Rozema, David L., 213. Rózsa, Erzsébet, 213. Rubow, Paul V., 80, 166. Rudd, Anthony, 7. Rudolph, Arthur W., 213. Rudolph, Enno, 91. Rudolph, Kurt, 25. Rüedi, Peter, 130. Rugenstein, Kai, 153, 248. Ruin, Hans, 110, 239. Rupp, Heinz, 116, 140. Rusterholz, Peter, 129 – 30. Ruttenbeck, Walter, 53. Ryan, Bartholomew, 92. Rybiński, Łukasz, 20. Ryssel, Fritz Heinrich, 164. Ryu, Yang-seon, 122. Sa, Mi-ja, 153. Sabalius, Romey, 130. Sacchi, Dario, 11. Sagi, Avi, 11, 87. Saint-Germain, Charles-Éric de, 213, 239. Saint-Germain, Christian, 128. Šajda, Peter, 14 – 15, 20, 29, 71, 87 – 8, 94, 97, 126, 132, 142, 145, 150, 159, 176, 183, 194, 196, 206, 231. Salamun, Kurt, 132.


Salgado, Elton Silva, 99. Salmony, H.A., 186. Salvatore, Anne T., 167. Sampaio, Silvia Saviano, 43, 161. Samyn, Liesbet, 213. Sánchez Hernández, Francisco Xavier, 94. Sanchez Sorondo, Marcello, 53. Sandberg, Hans-Joachim, 141. Sandelin (Sorainen), Kalle, 76, 83, 159, 251. Sanders, Andries F., 11 – 12. Sannwald, Adolf, 144. Sans, Georg, 214. Santana, Alberto Ramos, 113. Santos, Deyve Redyson Melo dos, 18, 43, 63, 99, 141, 144 – 5, 151, 193. Santos, Gilfranco Lucena dos, 239. Santos, Vinícius Cunha dos, 239. Sapík, Miroslav, 74, 134, 145. Sapundjieva, Ralitsa, 247. Sârbu, Mihaela, 126. Sars, J.E., 79. Sasaki, Kazuyoshi, 113. Sass, Louis Arnorsson, 214. Sato, Koji, 57. Sato, Takuji, 95. Sauvage, Micheline, 120. Sauvagnat, François, 98. Scaramuccia, Andrea, 160. Schäfer, Klaus, 38. Scharling, Henrik, 174. Scheliha, Arnulf von, 249. Schiffer, Daniel Salvatore, 56. Schiffmann, Aldona, 226. Schilder, Klaas, 93. Schilpp, Paul Arthur, 88, 162. Schings, Dietmar, 252. Schjørring, Jens Holger, 58, 160, 249. Schleifer, Ronald, 135. Schlinkert, Norbert W., 64. Schlœzer, Boris de, 127, 215. Schlögel, Herbert, 131. Schmeller, Thomas, 6. Schmid, Hermann, 61. Schmidinger, Heinrich, 64, 148. Schmidt, Jochen, 20, 72. Schmidt, Klaus J., 214. Schmidt, Matthias, 70, 119. Schmidt Andrade, Ciro, 239. Schmidt-Bergmann, Hansgeorg, 120. Schmidt-Dengler, Wendelin, 64. Schmied-Kowarzik, Wolfdietrich, 214. Schmitz, Walter, 153, 154. Schmöe, Friedrich, 18, 19, 70, 89, 90, 91, 202, 208, 232, 235 – 6. Schnädelbach, Herbert, 112.


Kierkegaard Bibliography

Schneider, Matthew, 66. Schneilin, Gérard, 167. Schnell, Jenny, 249. Schnitzler, Günter, 3. Schøller, Erling, 67. Scholtens, Wim R., 247 – 8. Schoolfield, George C., 68, 162, 199, 225. Schow, H. Wayne, 191. Schreiber, Gerhard, 134, 146. Schrempf, Christoph, 17. Schrey, Heinz-Horst, 170, 204, 213, 214, 249. Schröer, Henning, 53, 91. Schuler, Jean, 70. Schuler, Jeanne A., 21. Schulz, Heiko, 12, 20, 31, 39, 53, 72, 91, 145, 169, 214, 249. Schulz, Walter, 148, 214, 239. Schulze-Maizier, Friedrich, 186. Schwab, Philipp, 19, 49, 214. Schwartz, Yossef, 31. Schwarz, Egon, 12. Schweidler, Walter, 239. Schweppenhäuser, Hermann, 214. Sciacca, Giuseppe Maria, 214. Scopetea, Sophia, 37, 38, 214, 226. Scrimgeour, James R., 66. Scruton, Roger, 214. Seidel, George J., 239. Sekine, Seizo, 12. Sekste, Inguna, 80 – 1. Seland, Andreas Engh, 89. Semenov, Nikolay, 214. Sen, Krishna, 34, 113. Senyshyn, Yaroslav, 11. Serban, Claudia, 239. Serkova, Vera, 214. Serrand, A.-Z., 174. Servotte, Herman, 41. Sestigiani, Sabina, 32. Seyppel, Joachim H., 12. Sfriso, Maurizio, 215. Shain, Ralph, 110, 215. Shakespeare, Steven, 8. Sharma, Anurag, 59. Shavers, Rone, 158. Shchyttsova, Tatiana, 42, 47, 126, 214, 239, 243. Shearson, William A., 215. Sherman, David, 21. Sherwood, Yvonne, 107. Shestov, Lev, 127, 215. Shibata, Jisaburo, 207. Shields, James Mark, 121 – 2. Shilstone, Frederick, 92. Shinn, Roger, 249.

Siefken, Hinrich, 183. Siegmund, Georg, 163. Sigad, Ran, 12. Silman, Johanan, 8, 86. Silva Pinto, Joaquim Henrique, 239. Silva, Elias Gomes da, 21. Silva, Gabriel Ferreira da, 95. Silva, Jadson Teles, 39, 145. Silva, Josué Cândido da, 182. Silva, Marcos Érico de Araújo, 239. Silva, Romero Junior Venâncio, 63, 81. Silvestri, Filippo, 215. Simawie, Saadi A., 47. Simmons, J. Aaron, 12, 107. Simon, Kata, 106. Sirovič, František, 215. Siwiec, Marek Kazimierz, 240. Sjöberg, Birthe, 40. Sjöstedt, Nils Åke, 60, 81. Skjoldager, Emanuel, 95, 134 – 5, 174. Skok, Petar, 241. Skovmann, Roar, 175. Slagstad, Rune, 21. Slemmons, Timothy Matthew, 158. Sløk, Camilla, 120. Sløk, Johannes, 164, 240. Slootweg, Timo, 215. Słowikowski, Andrzej, 48, 127. Smith, J. Oates, 101. Smith, James K.A., 240. Smith, Joseph H., 152, 219. Smith, Ronald Gregor, 186. Smith, Steve, 226, 228. Smith, Troy Wellington, 92. Smok, Sebastian, 12, 122. Smyth, John Vignaux, 21, 54, 70. Śnieżyński, Krzysztof, 7. Sobota, Daniel Roland, 240. Sochańska, Bogusława, 29. Söderquist, K. Brian, 58, 215. Søe, Niels Hansen, 53 – 4, 160. Sokel, Walter Herbert, 12. Soldo, Martina, 105. Solomon, Robert C., 215. Søltoft, Pia, 4, 21, 29, 88, 151, 175, 199. Sommaruga, Giovanni, 95. Sondrup, Steven P., 25. Song, Jae-Woo, 240. Soppa, Sebastian, 216. Sørensen, Peer E., 19, 29 – 30. Sørensen, Villy, 30. Söring, Jürgen, 130. Šormová, Eva, 120, 141. Sosnowski, Maciej, 13, 29, 126, 194. Soual, Philippe, 223.

Index Sousa, Elisabete M. de, 46, 63, 71, 243. Soykan, Ömer Naci, 240. Spanos, William V., 240. Spera, Salvatore, 141. Spiegelberg, Herbert, 256. Sprigge, Timothy L.S., 216. Springsted, Eric O., 114. Stack, George J., 39, 153, 240. Sťahel, Richard, 151. Stambaugh, Joan, 240. Stan, Leo, 67, 95, 98, 135, 245. Stangerup, Hakon, 163. Stanley, Patricia, 131. Starčević, Goran, 105. Starobinski, Jean, 252. Staubrand, Jens, 49. Staudigl, Michael, 241. Stavtseva, Olga, 240. Steel, Carlos, 42 – 3. Steene, Birgitta, 209. Steffensen, Steffen, 141 – 2, 164, 175, 186, 249. Steffes, Harald, 114, 186 – 7. Stegane, Idar, 159. Stegmaier, Werner, 79. Steiger, Johann Anselm, 12. Steiger, Lothar, 12, 216. Steinacker, Peter, 169. Steiner, George, 32, 216. Steiner, Henriette, 21. Steinert, Hayo, 64. Stengren, George L., 34, 39, 137, 146, 220. Stenström, Thure, 159, 179, 192. Stepanyan, Karen, 123. Stern, David S., 12, 110. Stern, Guenther, 240. Stern, Michael J., 63. Stern, Robert, 216. Sternad, Christian, 241. Stevanović, Lada, 32, 216. Stewart, Jon, 1, 3, 12, 15, 17, 20, 22, 23 – 4, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48 – 9, 53, 55, 56, 57 – 8, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 75, 76, 77, 81, 82 – 3, 84, 85, 87 – 8, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 103, 104, 105, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 121, 124, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 142, 143, 146, 147, 148 – 9, 150, 154, 155, 158, 160, 161, 164, 166 – 7, 168, 171, 173, 175, 176, 177 – 8, 182, 183, 185, 186, 188, 190 – 1, 193, 203, 211 – 12, 216 – 18, 225, 226, 227, 228, 236, 244, 245, 246, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256.


Stidsen, Mads, 1. Stiltner, Brian, 12, 34. Stock, Timothy, 95. Stojanov, Trajce, 127. Stokes, Patrick, 107, 109, 233. Stolle, Jeffrey, 13. Stolzenberg, Jürgen, 148. Støvring, Steffen, 175. Strawser, Michael, 111. Strowick, Elisabeth, 13, 64, 153. Strümper-Krobb, Sabine, 82. Stucki, Pierre-André, 13, 218. Styková, Eva, 62. Suances Marcos, Manuel, 187, 218. Subramanian, Sharada, 218. Sucharek, Pavol, 151. Summer, Richard M., 30. Sundwall-Honer, Anne Marie, 49. Suozzo, Pietro, 63. Sussman, Henry, 218. Suto, Takaya, 150, 187. Sutton, Agneta, 13. Suzuki, Shunkichi, 251. Svendsen, Hans Jørgen, 120. Svendsen, Margit, 30. Sverdiolas, Arūnas, 13. Swearingen, James E., 55, 108. Świderski, Bronisław, 167. Szabó, László Vásárhelyi, 232, 247. Szaif, Jan, 143. Szilágyi, Ákos, 47. Szűcs, Ferenc, 54. Szwed, Antoni, 12, 20, 51, 115, 122, 166, 167, 178, 217, 218, 237 – 8. Tabarasi-Hoffmann, Anna-Stanca, 45. Tabbi, Joseph, 158. Taels, Johan, 33, 42 – 3, 242. Taheri, Ghodrat-o-Allah, 40. Takahashi, Ken, 28. Takahashi, Wataru, 218. Takenouchi, Hirobumi, 241. Tambourgi-Hatem, Nicole, 98, 245. Tanabe, Tamotsu, 219. Tanaka, Kazuma, 8, 18. Tanner, John S., 66 – 7. Tanyeri, Ali, 29. Taşdelen, Demet Kurtoğlu, 218 – 19. Tatsukawa, Kenji, 84, 250. Taylor, Carole Anne, 113. Taylor, Mark C., 10, 13, 67, 219. Taylor, Mark Lloyd, 13. Teisen, Niels, 251. Terzakis, Fotis, 21. Tessitore, Fulvio, 198.


Kierkegaard Bibliography

Tetenkov, Nikolay, 150. Thaning, Kaj, 173, 175. Theodorakopoulos, Ioannis N., 62. Theunissen, Michael, 4, 61, 135, 206, 219, 241, 249. Thiem, Annika, 61. Thodberg, Christian, 173. Thomas, John Heywood, 54, 91, 183, 219. Thomassen, Einar, 127. Thomassen, Niels, 241. Thompson, Curtis L., 85, 219. Thompson, Diane Oenning, 126. Thompson, Josiah, 7, 16, 193. Thomsen, Christian Braad, 152. Thomsen, Hans Jørgen, 29 – 30. Thonhauser, Gerhard, 92, 183, 241. Þráinsdóttir, Jóhanna, 135. Thulstrup, Niels, 23, 27, 30, 31, 32, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 45, 46, 47, 54, 57, 64, 68, 72, 76, 78, 82, 83, 87, 89, 93, 97, 98, 99, 103, 104, 134 – 5, 137, 139, 146, 147, 149, 160, 166, 175, 177, 184, 187, 208, 219 – 20, 224, 251, 252. Thust, Martin, 13, 103. Thyssen, Anders Pontoppidan, 173. Tielsch, Elfriede, 148, 153. Tietjen, Mark A., 17, 34, 39, 241. Tietz, Christiane, 75. Tigchelaar, Eibert, 11 – 12. Tillema–de Vries, Joanna Maria, 188. Tilley, J. Michael, 57, 182. Tillich, Paul, 249. Tilliette, Xavier, 13. Tirvaudey, Robert, 241. Tisseau, Henri, 119. Tisseau, Paul-Henri, 101. Tjønneland, Eivind, 37, 220 – 1. Tkalčić, Marijan, 241. Todorov, Vladislav, 221. Toeplitz, Karol, 13, 221. Toftdahl, Hellmut, 175, 191. Tøjner, Poul Erik, 221. Tojo, Kunihiro, 13, 221. Toldberg, Helge, 166. Tomasoni, Francesco, 145. Tonon, Margherita, 21, 32, 221. Torii, Masao, 241. Törnudd, Arne, 251. Török, Endre, 127. Török, Ľuboš, 3. Torralba (Roselló), Francesc, 13, 34, 35, 39, 43, 48, 112, 145. Torrance, Thomas F., 54. Tortora, Giuseppe, 221. Toyofuku, Junichi, 13, 32, 221 – 2.

Treiber, Gerhard, 82, 95, 97, 242. Troelsen, Bjarne, 30, 227. Trowitzsch, Michael, 51. Tsakiri, Ioulia, 228. Tsakiri, Vassiliki, 111. Tschuggnall, Peter, 14. Tseng, Shao Kai, 120. Tsourtou, Vicky, 10, 110. Tudvad, Peter, 166, 176. Tullberg, Steen, 82. Turčan, Ciprián, 73. Turchin, Sean, 54. Turnbull, Jamie, 3, 14, 94, 126, 142, 145, 150, 159, 194, 196, 206, 231, 256. Tuttle, Howard N., 242. Tzanakis, Manolis, 10, 110. Tzavaras, Yannis (Johann), 39, 245. Uchida, Katsutaka, 34. Ueberschlag, Georges, 73. Ueding, Gert, 38. Umlauf, Václav, 242. Unseld, Melanie, 78. Unterthurner, Gerhard, 183, 241. Uoki, Tadakazu, 54, 222. Urbańska-Bożek, Maria, 29, 212. Uriel Rodríguez, Pablo, 88, 111, 145. Uscatescu, Jorge, 43. Ussher, Arland, 242. Utz, Konrad, 185. Uzdański, Grzegorz, 13, 29, 126, 194. Vaccaro, Gian Battista, 21. Vaisfeld, Alina, 24, 70. Vajda, Mihály, 242. Valadez, Leticia, 32, 55, 94, 110, 143, 152, 196, 213. Valastyán, Tamás, 111. Valcárcel, Amelia, 222. Valčo, Michal, 43, 75. Valls, Álvaro Luiz Montenegro, 21, 35 – 6, 120, 158, 161, 222, 245, 256. Valone, James J., 14. Valori, Paolo, 256. van der Stoep, Jan, 133. Van Eechaute, Ann, 1. Van Eekert, Geert, 42 – 3. Van Herck, Walter, 1. van Hooff, Anton, 48. Van Otten, Josephine, 128. Van Parijs, B., 128. Van Riessen, R., 67, 111. van Stokkom, Bas, 224. Vancourt, Raymond, 256. Vanden Berghe, Paul, 33.

Index Vandiest, Julien, 222. Vanheeswijck, Guido, 42 – 3. VanHook, Jay M., 136. Vann, William, 3. Vanovič, Július, 49. Varušak, Nataša, 220. Vedel, Ellen, 164. Velasco, Emilio, 110. Velden, Mar van der, 128. Venâncio, Romero, 63, 129. Veninga, Jennifer, 23 – 4. Vergote, Henri-Bernard, 43, 88, 120, 134, 145. Vergouwe, Suzanna, 29. Verhoeve, Pieter, 222. Verhofstadt, Edward, 120. Verhoof, Koos, 14. Verstrynge, Karl, 19, 30, 57, 67, 111, 222, 242. Vetö, Miklos, 223. Vetter, Helmuth, 242. Vettori, Vittorio, 160. Vēvere, Velga, 80 – 1, 187, 206, 229. Viallaneix, Nelly, 14, 119. Vidal i Auladell, Felip, 14. Videva, Nedyalka, 127. Viero, Cristóvão Atílio, 21. Vikár, György, 120. Vila-Chã, João José, 35, 107, 150 – 1. Vind, Ole, 175. Vinten-Johansen, Peter, 227. Virasoro, Miguel Ángel, 222. Visker, Rudi, 242. Visser, Gerardus Theodorus Maria, 242. Vobis, Bonaventura, 222. Vogel, Manfred, 14. Vogt, Annemarie, 242. Voigt, Friedrich Adolf, 222. Völz, Filipe Ferreira Pires, 222. Vonck, Chris, 128. Vorobyova, Nataliya, 227. Vos, Pieter Hendrik, 14, 67, 111. Voss, Stephen, 4. Vučković, Ante, 17. Waaler, Arild, 39. Wada, Wataru, 8. Waelhens, Alphonse de, 242. Wahl, Jean, 88, 223, 242 – 3. Walker, John, 202. Walsh, Sylvia, 22, 30, 54, 58, 111, 120, 135, 223. Walter, Anne, 120. Wang, Qi, 92, 95, 106, 120, 217. Ward, Koral, 70. Warren Berry, Wanda, 88.


Wasserman, Jerry, 256. Watabe, Mitsuo, 45, 223. Watanabe, Mamoru, 121. Watkin Julia, 17 – 18, 28, 30, 47 – 8, 51, 79, 90, 92, 103, 163, 252. Watts, Daniel, 223. Watts, Michael, 14, 223. Webb, Eugene, 161. Webb, Stephen H., 54. Weber, Emil, 130. Weber, Hans-Emil, 187. Weber, Samuel, 61. Weber, Ulrich, 130. Webster, R. Scott, 113. Wegelius, Martin, 81. Weinkauff, Bernd-Dolle, 25. Weiss, Gail, 111. Weiß, Gernot, 64. Weissberg, Liliane, 153. Wellnitz, Philippe, 154. Wells, William Walter, 54. Weltzer Carl, 30, 43, 58, 175. Welz, Claudia, 223, 243. Wen, Quan, 223. Wendebourg, Ernst-Wilhelm, 131. Wennerscheid, Sophie, 45, 154, 181, 186 – 7, 199. Wenusch, Monica, 190. Werbick, Jürgen, 131. Werner, Svend Erik, 176. West, David, 223. Westfall, Joseph, 14, 17, 30, 54 – 5, 61, 72, 97, 129. Westphal, Merold, 9, 14, 55, 59, 87, 106, 157, 182, 211, 223, 233. Wetzel, Thomas, 30. Whitmire, John F., Jr., 111. Whittaker, John H., 14. Whittemore, Robert C., 223. Widenmann, Robert J., 39 – 40, 135, 139, 220. Wiechens, Peter, 55. Wigersma, B., 223. Wigh-Poulsen, Henrik, 168, 171, 172, 174, 175 – 6. Wild, John, 40. Wilde, Alan, 54. Wilde, Frank-Eberhard, 224. Wilke, Matthias, 148, 150, 249 – 50. Williams, Cornelius, 35. Williams, Forrest, 142, 164. Williams, Meg Harris, 65. Wind, Hans Christian, 224. Winkel Holm, Isak, 15, 21, 37, 40, 254 – 5. Wiora, Walter, 121.

278 Wirz, Irmgard, 129 – 30. Wit, Theo W.A. de, 224. Wittke, Paul, 49. Witzel, Frank, 73. Wohlfahrt, Günter, 243. Wohlstein, Herman, 88. Wolf, Ernst, 90. Wolf, Herbert C., 92. Wolf, Uvo Andreas, 90. Wolpers, Theodor, 119, 141. Wolsing, Peter, 148. Wood, David, 107. Wray, J. Thomas, 75. Wren, David J., 10. Wyligała, Patrycja, 127. Wyller, Egil A., 21. Wyschogrod, Michael, 243. Yabu, Hikari, 253. Yaffe, Martin D., 100. Yagi, Busaburo, 243. Yamamatsu, Yuta, 75, 224. Yamamoto, Kuniko, 183. Yamamoto, Yasuo, 21. Yamanaka, Hiroshi, 154. Yamashita, Taro, 224. Yaneva, Desislava, 243. Yang, Seung-gap, 41. Yang, Yuchang, 255. Yasif, Ali, 2. Yavuz, Hilmi, 29. Yi, Jinnam, 14, 35. Yi, Peng, 14. Yoon-Jung Kim, David, 93. Yoshida, Keisuke, 22.

Kierkegaard Bibliography Yoshizawa, Keiichi, 127. Yu, Wen, 224. Yuan, María Sol, 195. Yun, Ji-Gwan, 124. Yun, Won Jun, 111. Zabalo, Jacobo, 121. Zahle, Peter Christian, 187. Zamora Zaragoza, José Antonio, 22. Zarone, Giuseppe, 43. Zawacki, A., 243. Zbrzezny, Aleksander, 166. Zecchi, Stefano, 256. Zeigler, Leslie, 88. Żejmo, Marek, 176. Zelechow, Bernard, 121. Zeltner, Aimee, 88. Zeuthen, Ludvig, 224. Zhai, Zhihong, 35. Zhang, Chunchao, 128. Zhang, Liang, 22. Zhuk, Igor, 243. Ziegenaus, Anton, 204. Ziegler, Philip Gordon, 54, 75, 224. Zimmermann, Christian von, 78. Zimmermann, Jens, 74. Zimmermann, Jörg, 121. Zimmermann, R.L., 224. Ziolkowski, Eric J., 37, 56, 96, 122, 150. Zizi, Paolo, 139, 243. Zohrab, Irene, 128. Zorgbibe, Guillaume, 43. Züfle, Manfred, 129. Zwanepol, Klaas, 224. Zwick, Elisabeth, 35.