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English Pages [221] Year 2007/05
2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley Pisac, May 25—Psonn Circle [D2 2:10:06] (Yet to be transcribed) (blue>black)
Disks 1 & 2 Lima, May 22 - Introductory Evening [D1 C1 0:01:12] Ash Hello everybody. Thank you for joining us in this sacred place called Peru. Just because there are a few people who might not know us, we are Az and Ash Deane, the A&A Deane. We are speakers for the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order. I know there are some relatively new people with us on this trip. You must have some kind of very interesting type calling if you fit into that category, because many of the people that decided to join us have done so because they‗ve been studying the info for quite a while, and they know the depth and sophistication of the material, and some of the significance of this trip. This trip is not just about personal growth in a lovely sacred space, it is about a planetary guardianship grid commission that is of the highest Kristiac order. To be here for any of us - that include us as well - it is a very sacred entrustment from a huge group of what are known as the eternal life Kristiac races that have always taught the true ascension mechanics on this planet, and in many other systems. We are working directly with them in order to open specific gates this time, as we come through this sacred country called Peru. These gates have everything to do with the future evolution potentials of this planet and the people on it. So, I am going to try to find, as we move through this amazing trip… the places you will see, even if we weren‘t here to talk with you are still amazing. But to know more about them, we will be sharing with you information from the beloveds about their significance, not just in terms of contemporary history and understanding them now, but understanding what these places were, and what they are in relation to now and to the future in relation to what is taking place in the big drama this planet is a part of. If you could … I‘m trying to find an average space to talk to everyone, in the same kind of frequency, because there are some people I will lose very quickly if I go into things we were covering in the 12 Tribe classes, because there are some 12 T people here, and when I talk about the AnshatAsa Passage, and I talk about the Lone star Fall host, and the Aqualene Sun activation you‘ll know what I mean, and if you‘re not familiar with the 12T classes, or the Easter workshop in Phoenix, then I will lose you very quickly, and I don‘t want to lose anybody, because you all belong here, or you wouldn‘t have felt the need to come. That‘s what‘s interesting about this. With the 12T classes, and also with this particular trip, there was a particular signature in frequency, an invisible signature in frequency that was sent out by the beloveds who have called us together here. It is a frequency that responds to something in the DNA if you carry it. In short terms, it is called the Aquari Human code. It is a specific genetic line and soul group line of Angelic Humans and Cloister race Indigos that not all Angelic Humans carry these particular codes, and not all Indigo Cloisters carry these particular codes. The Aquari line codes have everything to do with a particular ascension path that was set many many eons ago, in fact between 480-450 billion years ago in Earth terms. There was a mission set that had to do with this, not just this planet, but with this universal Ecka/Veca system. There was an ascension passage that was set a long time ago in the event that things went bad here over a very long evolutionary period. There was, let‘s say, an escape valve that was put in and that escape valve in short terms can be looked at as a thing called the AnshatAsa Passage. Now the AnshatAsa Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Passage is like a lifeline to this planet in the position this planet is in right now. If you‘re new and you don‘t know what that position is, there‘s a lot to catch up on, because we‘ve been teaching ever since 2000, when we entered what‘s called a Stellar activation cycle, and the stargates on this planet began to open. It also opened a drama that had been left in a stalemate the last time the stargates opened, and we are now in stages of what‘s called the final conflict drama on this planet. We are beginning to see it in the politics around us when we watch the news. But, it is much much larger than that. The Earthly politics are small compared to the politics that are going on in the interdimensional spectrum that are actually moving the politics that we‘ll see coming out in the human lines on this planet. There are many many different soul groups on this planet, wearing the mask of human form. Not all of them are human. Most of them are hybrid, and humans are hybrid in the first place. We all came from somewhere else. We‘ve been living under an illusion of the mask of the Homosapien Sapiens, and under an illusion of history, a history that was very recently contrived and twisted. As early as 9558 BC, when the final sinking of the Atlantean islands occurred, even then there were massive amounts of history known on this planet. There were many many things known that were lost from that period. They were not lost because of an accident. They were lost through a contrived takeover plan that has been unfolding itself since that period. It may be shocking to some of you… I will just be very blunt. I like to try to ease people that are new to the work into things, because I don‘t want to scare you. We‘ve been teaching the history since 2000. We‘ve had access to the history. This is not the first time we‘ve taught this. Az and I and Mac have been Speakers before in other lifetimes and in other simultaneous incarnations in different space time frames. So we do know what we‘re teaching. We are in the middle of a massive drama on this planet. It is a Universal system, a 15 dimensional drama, not just something that has to do with our little planet called Earth. What we are doing in Peru is the one thing left that can be done that will allow for ascension potential at all to remain for the life field of this planet. This planet has lost its personal ascension potential. Earth cannot ascend anymore. There are two ways to evolve back to the Source from which we all came. One is through natural ascension after you individuate and go out into manifest form and experience cycles of space time in manifestation, you can then move through what is called an Adashi return cycle, and you go back into Source by reaccreting yourself, or becoming whole again, at which point you go back to the first creation point from which you emerged, and then you come back again into manifestation if you want. That is one way to go home. The other way to go home to Source is through what is called space dust return. Space dust return in scientific terms means black hole fall of a body, planetary body, star body, or a solar system, or an entire galaxy, or a universe. Earth has entered its space dust return path. There is no turning back for this planet at this point. We don‘t have to worry about it going tomorrow. Earth will be here for quite a long time - not as long as we hoped - but for quite a long time. We are a race that is in the middle of watching a planet go from where it still had its potential to regenerate ascension ability, to where that potential has been completely disengaged. Earth will not ever be in an ascension planet again. In fact, Earth would be entering what is called its Bardoah cycle, now, as of March 25, 2007, if it weren‘t for the interventions that are being done by a very large group of Kristiac races from this matrix and others. There‘s various names that have the Aquari on the name front of them. It is the age of Aquarius, as they say, because this is where the Aquareion soul groups, out of a parallel adjacent Eckasha matrix, who set the host here in the first place, 450 billion years ago, to try to protect this place from a fall that occurred nearby. They are intervening directly because we would be going into planetary Bardoah now. If we entered planetary Bardoah, which is the death cycle, there is a particular cycle of what a Bardoah is, be it for a person or a planet or a sun or a solar system, but once a Bardoah occurs, there is something called a prana seed, that is in the center (or the core of a planetary body or a star body) the center of the light body. When Bardoah occurs, the prana seed compacts into itself, and can no longer cycle, and that begins a separation between what is known as the outer manifestation of the body and its inner, what is called, the dark matter Par-TE‘-KEi template. Now, our Earth would be Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
going into Bardoah as of the 25th of March because on the 25th of March our Sun, the core of our Sun, where the core gates are, where the prana seed is, was struck on purpose by a certain matrix called the Bourgha matrix, with psychotronic pulses that forced compaction of the solar core gates, or the solar prana seed, which means our Sun has entered its Bardoah cycle. Normally, if there is no intervention, and a center Sun in the solar system enters Bardoah, the core prana seed within each of the planets that revolve or orbit around that Sun will follow suit very rapidly. Their core prana seeds will also compact and close, and the whole system will go into Bardoah together. That would be happening on this planet now, if it weren‘t for the intervention that‘s being given by the Kristiac races of the Aquareion matrix. If that occurred, what it would mean from that point forward, there would be no ascension of the life field out of this system. It would mean the life field on this planet would be completely locked in to the path of space dust return. We wouldn‘t go tomorrow, but we would not be able to ascend ever again out. To get home to Source we would have to go home in pieces. So, the fact that there is a huge intervention being done that involves three Eckasha systems, combining force in order to assist or host this system to allow a chamber to remain opened to the still living systems. To realize that we are in the process of assisting these Kristiac races, being their ground team, as it were, to allow for something called the AnshatAsa Passage to be anchored and opened here into this planet… it will stop, at least temporarily, the compaction of the Earth‘s prana seed. It is like putting Earth on a respirator, when it can no longer breathe on its own. The AnshatAsa Passage will allow for the sustained opening of an ascension passage that goes from Earth. If you‘re familiar with what we have taught, you will know when I say Urtha, what that refers to. If not, you‘re going to learn a lot on this trip! Earth, as we know it, is a hosted planet to begin with. Earth and this solar system emerged out of the fall of Tara in density two. Now, if we want to know where Tara is, look to the Pleiades. Alcyone is what is the remnant of what was a star called Tara. Our solar system, when Tara exploded, our solar system was actually harnessed by the Kristiac races of three different matrices, put back together into an attempted regenesis plan, and down stepped into density one, which is dimensions one, two and three, where we‘re located. In order to do that, certain portions of what was Tara, this entire solar system, each planet was part of the body of Tara originally. Now its pieces - it exists as a solar system with one Sun that we revolve around, which was also a part of Tara. So, a small solar system was made from the fragments of Tara. This was called the Amenti Rescue Mission. That was what the Voyagers Secrets of Amenti book started to bring back into our awareness. Even in the Atlantean period on this planet, in 9558 BC, this was already known. This was common knowledge history. Earth was a hosted planet, is a piece of Tara, that was hosted into a larger natural star body that is called Urtha. Urtha is called Universal Stargate 3. When Earth was hosted into Urtha, Earth itself became connected then to Universal Stargate 3. When we think of hosting of a planet into a star in such a way, the planetary grids or shield, or everything from its dark matter template to its matter template, are like a small sphere placed within a larger sphere of a healthy body. So, the idea with the Amenti Rescue Mission was an attempt to re-evolve the pieces of this solar system back into their wholeness so they could re-evolve back into density 2 and into the Tara system. The Amenti Rescue Mission has failed at this point. The Halls of Amenti were corrupted in 2003 completely, the new ones, which were set by the Kristiac races are no longer functional for what they were intended to do. We have gone so far beyond what any of us really were prepared for in this time frame, as far as the escalation of the drama that has occurred since the year 2000. In the year 2000 we entered a Stellar Activation Cycle, a Stargate opening cycle. It was known since the Atlantean periods by certain people on the planet that this would the time indeed when the Final Conflict Drama would happen, Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
because it was a final conflict drama that had started along time ago, had reached a certain crescendo during the Atlantean period, and then when the gates were forced close, it was a stalemate. The next time the gates were due to open on their natural cycles, if they actually did, that‘s when the chaos would hit, and that‘s when you would have visitors from everywhere elsewhere, from this universe, from other universes, coming in to finish what they started a long long time ago. Some of them are what we referred to as the Kristiac races. The Kristiac races does not necessarily mean a Christian. The Christian word was taken from the original Maharata texts. Every religion on the planet right now, from Buddhism, to Christian, to all of the other religions, they took parts of the Maharata texts and built stories within and around them. At certain points they became corrupted, where they have partial truth, and then partial corruption because the religions were the re-legions, the original legion of the eternal life Krist were the original teachings. The re-legions were taking those teachings, breaking them up into little pieces, and using them as control dogmas in order to control groups of angelic humans and Cloister race humans on this planet. Why the humans were a target on this planet is because they were the Guardian race of this planet, which means in their DNA they held the ability to activate DNA that would run frequency from the universal spectrum that could open and close stargates. That‘s why we‘ve been a target. So, we are in the final conflict drama now, but it‘s not just a small one that started in Atlantis our most recent Atlantis. This history goes back to 480-450 billion years ago in a matrix called the Bourgha matrix. It is because of what occurred there that we have discussed and we introduced that information in the FOL January 2007 workshop, so if anybody wants to catch up on bits, and you haven‘t seen that, it started there. We‘re progressively introducing more of it as we get more in each of the smaller 12 Tribes classes, but what we‘re in the middle of, at this point, in this trip to Peru, we have come here for a specific reason. It is a reason called activation the Gyrodome. We‘ve heard about the Gyrodome for at least six months, and I think it was almost a year, actually. What is the Gyrodome? The Gyrodome is part of the Aquareion host field. The information that… it‘s going to be interesting to see where I go with you, because some of you already know this from the 12 Tribes, some of you have a little bit of it from the last two workshops in Phoenix, and some of you have none of it whatsoever. This has to do with what‘s called advanced RashaLAe adept training. The RashaLAe is a word pertaining to specific parts of your light body anatomy, and the planet‘s light body anatomy. There are very sophisticated RashaLAe body activations taking place within the Indigo Shield on this planet, and within the part of the Indigo Shield that is called the Aquafereion Shield on this planet. If we think of the Indigo Tribal Shield as a large shield, and each little dot on that shield is a person that walks around with a gene code in a body that is connected to that tribal race shield, and in the center of the Indigo Shield there is a small very powerful shield that has very specialized coding, that is called the Aquafereion Shield. The Aquafereion Shield is the conduit through which those that carry the Aquari codes are the Aquari humans are connected to. And you can be Indigo or Angelic Human to be connected to the Aquafereion Shield. The Aquafereion Shield was set a very long time ago in the event that this system was going to go into full Bardoah and fall, and there was still a life field left here that had the potential for Kristiac eternal life evolution, where they could still get out. The Aquafereion Shield has the ability to host by activating itself as a collective on the planet to host the RashaLAe body activation levels of Earth. Earth can‘t activate its RashaLAe body anymore, because of the damage that‘s done to its core and the damage that‘s done to its grids. But, there is a force on this planet, part of which is the Indigo Shield and the core of that Indigo Shield, the Aquafereion Shield, carries the codes to when it activates, it can literally create a replica and hold Earth in a replica of what its own natural RashaLAe body activation would be if the planet were capable of doing that. The people that are drawn to find out what that workshop‘s about, or to go to that class, or to come on this trip to Peru, there‘s a certain call that was sent out in frequency, not in words, that has to do with the Aquari human coding. If you Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
have Aquari human coding in your DNA, you probably don‘t know. Most people don‘t know what‘s in their DNA except what came from their mom and dad. The Aquari human coding and the people who carry it are connected to the Aquafereion Shield. Your DNA is activating. The Aquafereion codes within your DNA are activating. You are part of a team whether you recognize it or not. That team is the on-planet ground team, ground crew, that will hold the host. It is holding the respirator line in to the planetary core at this point. When we come here to Peru, there are very technical activations that are being done. There will be several things that we will do that on the surface, while one may look like a dance, one may look like songs, one is called the silent meditation. Paperwork and paper trails, when you go to other countries, are a very good thing to not leave behind, particularly if they are technicals that can be misconstrued to mean things that they don‘t, particularly in this day and age . So, we will have something called the Krystal River Spanner‘s silent meditation. That is what is also known as a cluster stand. That is a very large event - we will learn more about exactly what the event is about after we get through some of the other, what are called, spanner conferences. They are shorter than workshops, but they are kind of like technical briefings on what you need to know to understand what we are going to do next where we are. I will need to go through some of RashaLAe body anatomy with this group, because some people know some of it and others have no idea what the word even means. This is really hard, because if you don‘t know the information, it is like trying to learn calculus when you haven‘t learned to count to 12 yet. But, if you are here, you have the Aquari codes, or you wouldn‘t have felt like coming on the trip in the first place. So, that means you also have the ability to speed learn, and pick up what you need to know, so you don‘t have to worry about being a million years behind as far as absorbing the knowledge. You‘ll get what you need. We‘re doing our best to produce something that resembles paper copy, even with the 12 Tribes classes. We learn each wave of information with you. It‘s not as if we come in, you know, all knowing, all seeing, and we know exactly what we‘re going to be teaching in this workshop. No. All along, every 12 Tribes class, every workshop, we get it and you get it, within sometimes minutes of each other! So, if you feel a little bit left behind, while we talk about words like RashaLAe and the Gyrodome and all sorts of other words like AquaFarEs and Aquafereions… there‘s a lot of new words we‘ve learned since January. Don‘t feel bad. You‘ll learn enough in this trip about the greater things that we‘re a part of, and that you‘re a part of by being on this trip. But even on a personal level, even if the larger scope of what this trip is about might feel overwhelming if you‘re just getting involved in the work, it also has an extremely significant personal aspect too, because if you were here, you are connected to the Aquafereion Shield and the Aquari human codes, or you would have bounced off of the trip. For some reason or another, you wouldn‘t have ended up here. That means your DNA is activating, whether you ever found this work or not, it still is, because the Aquafereion Shield is activating. It means you‘re part of a very large Kristiac team that still has ascension potential. So much ascension potential that it can hold open the ascension potential for the other life forms on this planet. If it weren‘t for what had taken place over the period of March 15-25, we would have had a much longer potential of ascension evacuation from this planet than we have now, because of what occurred with the solar core gates, because our Sun, Sol, entered solar Bardoah and it began its Bardoah cycle. There are about 500-1000 years left before it goes from the Bardoah cycle to the next natural stage, which is its nova cycle. If it weren‘t for the intervention… during Bardoah cycle once the core prana seed closes and the core gates close, an energy reverb starts to occur within the planetary body or the solar body, that is experiencing Bardoah, and gamma wave bursts start to emanate out from the core and they get stronger and stronger. These are the death throws that you hear about pertaining to people. People go through Bardoah too when they transition out of the physical body. In terms of a sun going into its Bardoah cycle, it means it will begin to cycle its gamma wave, they call them ring waves. They come out in rings from the core. They start slow and then they build progressively. The Beloveds have said that if it weren‘t for the intervention of the Aquareion host, which involves something called activation of the Aqualene Sun field Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
within the Earth‘s body and also within the Sun‘s body. If it weren‘t‘ for that, we would have about 50 years left on this planet before the radiation levels being thrown at us from the sun as it goes through Bardoah, would fry everything on the planet and nobody would get out, because we would all die of radiation poisoning. So, the intervention that‘s being done now not only will keep open the potential for ascension for this planet for the next 500-1000 years for the life forms that are still here - I mean even if we get to go, there are still our children or our children‘s children and all that. There are still a lot of life forms on this planet. They still have time to evolve. The Aqualene Sun that we will talk about at various times in various context during this trip, and which we will activate the first level of on the planet by the end of this trip, it is because that Aqualene Sun buffer field that both Earth and the Sun will have a buffer field of transmutation around them, so we will not get wiped out by the gamma bursts. So, instead of just having 50 years left before the radiation is so strong that nothing is going to be able to life here, we still have that 500-1000 year window on this planet for evolution. That is one of the other benefits that are coming from the intervention that is being given by the Aquareion races. So… we are in the middle of something really huge. If it seems huge to anybody that‘s new or even 12 Tribes people who have been through that and still going, ―oh boy,‖ you will learn all sorts of neat things. One of the things… and you‘ve got your packs, right? Alright. Now these, if you‘re just looking at them cold, you‘re saying, ―great, what is this?‖ these are the progressively building body of notes taken from the progressively building body of mylars that we are using in the 12 Tribes classes as we are learning each dispensation or the next level of what we need to know to go on to the next level of RashaLAe body activation and planetary RashaLAe body activation. These graphs are given to you in this pack and as you can see they are still in quite rough form, just so at certain points in various of the conferences, you‘ll see these come up on mylars, and you‘ll be able to see it and take it back to your room, and say, ‗ok, that was that that we just learned.‘ they are not all for this night or one night. They are not particularly in a sequence that, they have a cohesion when you look at them together. They are reference points that go with various things you will learn during the other times we get to talk with each other, and I get to put mylars up and show you sequences of things. They are key elements in those other longer sequences of graphs that I won‘t publish now because I can hardly even read them. Some of them are so bad, because its all new information coming through, and it comes through right before I have to deliver it. So, it‘s like scribble it on the last graph. What was the last one? Cross that out and put this up. There has not been time to do much of anything in terms of getting anything in writing. Eventually, this is going to make a heck of a book, if we ever get time to make the book. Right now, we‘re living the book. This trip is extremely important, even from the last highest level of information we were given came through in the 12 Tribes class four, 12 Tribes one class four, which was 4/21-22, 2007, and even since then, when we gave the process of what are called the NaVA-Ho cycles, or the NaVA-Ho prana breathing cycles, we began full engagement of that process, and there were certain date lines that were given at the end of that class as to when certain activations of Aqualene Sun and RashaLAe body would occur, which means certain things would open, that has been expedited even since then. What we were going to finish in, I believe, at the end of 2008 to beginning of 2009, we are going to finish by the time we leave Peru. Yeah. So it‘s another one of those, ‗oh no, not another acceleration leap.‘ which means that there‘s probably something nasty being done by the Fallen Angelics who are running the Threshold agenda here, that we referred to has to do with the Red Dragon alliance. There‘s an alliance of Fallen Angelic races from three different matrices who are attempting to harness this place in order to get Urtha, the host star that Earth is in, and drag it into their black hole system as fuel. It‘s an old game, and they are still playing it. They haven‘t told us what they‘ve done now. The last thing they did was the 25th of March, where they forced closed the prana seed core gates in our Sun. They tried to do it to Earth as well, but we had the first level of Aqualene Sun sub harmonic activation, which was enough to bounce it back, and it was bounced back by the Beloveds from Urtha because we had already anchored enough frequency here Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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through the 12 Tribes classes, to where we were able to bounce it back so Earth didn‘t get directly hit, but the Sun did. So, the last thing they did was force the Sun into Bardoah. These are not small players. This is not little Fallen Angelics being a nuisance. This is worse than any demon you might‘ve ever thought of. So, they‘ve done something else and at this point we are getting a little bored and tired of following their agendas too, because we‘ve had to reveal what they‘re doing. It‘s been like tit for tat. They do something nasty and our guys try to do something to correct it or to do what was next on the Kristiac line to compensate for what they‘ve done. It‘s been like this since the year 2000. We‘ve been in a psychotronics war since 2000 when our SAC started. A lot of people have no clue that that‘s what we‘re in the middle of. So whatever it is they did that required yet another acceleration in the Kristiac activations program, they haven‘t said, and I don‘t even know they are going to at this point, because we‘ve got our hands full in paying attention to our own stuff, and if we are working the Kristiac agenda and the Kristiac team what‘s most important is understanding what needs to be activated to hold the Kristiac host here, and that‘s what the material is focused on. It is extremely technical. Az and I look at each other and say sometimes, ‗not another level of technicals.‘ we thought it was hard enough learning crystal body in Kathara 2/3. That stuff was easy. That was just outer domain. Then you have the middle domain and the inner domain and the core domain. Then you have RashaLAe bodies, Rashala bodies, RashaLEa bodies, and what is the last one at the core? I mean, there‘s so many words, and so many diagrams that go with it at this point, it can make your head spin. If you just feel like you get that glazed over saturation at any point, don‘t worry about it. We go through that a lot too. Eventually you get what‘s most important. What is most important to understand is that we have been on a prison planet for a long time. This is not a new thing. It didn‘t just become a prison planet. The races that are current generations on this planet have been mind-controlled since Atlantis, actually since 13,400 BC when they did the Great Wipe Out and the Great Netting. There were certain changes forced in the electromagnetic fields of Earth that affected directly the DNA and the epigenetic overlay of the DNA, which literally shut down the DNA so we have no cellular memory, as far as where our other incarnations are and that kind of thing. This has been a place that has been raised as a prison planet since the Atlantean periods. Now, Earth is a lovely planet in itself. It‘s not that Earth is a bad planet. It‘s what‘s been done to it that is horrible. We‘re still at least even though it has suffered so much to the point that Earth itself is not an ascension planet on its own anymore. The planetary environment and the planetary consciousness as a conscious being still would like to see the ascension and the return to freedom, to eternal life freedom of the life field, that has been trapped on itself. It is decided, in fact, Earth could have made a different choice. Earth is conscious too. Just because it‘s shaped like a planet, doesn‘t mean it is not intelligent and conscious and aware. It knows the predicament it‘s in. It also understands space dust return. It knows that when you get to a certain position, there is a peace that comes in the thought of space dust return, if you can no longer return whole to Source, it is better to go space dust return than to have something that is running antiKristiac agenda harness you and use you to create harm to other things. Earth made a decision that it would accept space dust return if it could not ascend, and it would not allow itself to be dragged into another black hole system, so it could be used to attack other living systems, because that is what would happen if Earth allowed itself to be captured. Earth does not want to be captured. That‘s why Earth itself allowed for the opening of what is called the Spanner 7 gate network. Spanner 7 gate network leads from Earth, which is the smaller body that was trying to heal within the larger body of Urtha, a sphere within a sphere… the spanner gates opened from Earth into Urtha, which is the first layer of getting into ascension out of here, Urtha. And it‘s very very close. What you will see in … it‘s going to be interesting for people who Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
haven‘t seen them yet… they have just been introduced, I think, was it the first 12 Tribes class? No, it was the February, second 12 Tribes class, when we first learned about what are called the vertical maps, the vertical Starfire maps. I was so excited when they showed us this information. First you have to understand RashaLAe body anatomy a little bit, where you understand spheres within spheres, and there is a very specific order to the spheres within the spheres. There are 15 layers of spheres within spheres, so we have lots of circles within circles on diagrams. Once you can understand those in terms of RashaLAe, then you can understand them in terms of the planetary RashaLAe body, what it naturally would look like. Once you understand those spheres within spheres and the planetary RashaLAe, you will start to see where they correspond with certain layers of things that we can identify within the manifest field that we are walking around in. When we begin to understand RashaLAe body anatomy, which is the Par-TE‘-KEi body or dark matter template anatomy, we will see where the solid core of Earth forms the crystal core. Where the liquid outer core forms, which is called the Aquifers, which is where the three layers of the mantle form, where the crust is. And then going up from there, where what layers in the atmosphere and what they correspond to… because when you go up at a slightly different angular rotation of particle spin, in the same space but in different layers of our atmosphere going up, our planet and our atmosphere interfaces directly with the physical planetary body of Urtha, the larger star in which it is hosting. So the ascension stargates are much much closer than we ever imagined. We‘ve been given since 2000 locations on the planet of the natural planetary stargates, the arc gates host gates and those kind of things, that plug into the larger universal gates going up in the universal spectrum. And they are kind of like far away and out there. You can find a spot here, but it is like somewhere up in Sirius B, that kind of thing. Here, literally when you look up, you are looking into Urtha. The difference between seeing nothing when you look up and seeing the layers that would, let‘s say, be their subterranean cities, which are called the Adashi temple cities, that are in their middle mantle layer, is simply angular rotation of particle spin. When you begin RashaLAe body activations, you will begin to have your physical body be able to make the angular rotation of particle spin adjustments, so you will begin first to learn to what is called ‗glide,‘ where you can project… your physical body stays here but you can project in your RashaLAe out into visiting these specific areas to what are called safe zone paths, where you can start to meet your own Kristiac trainers and advisors there. So, they can assist you personally because there are not enough of us to go around. You‘ve got three speakers here, who are struggling to try to get this information down, and there‘s so much information that everyone is going to need to understand where we are now in the drama, and what personally you need to do. We can‘t access every one of your incarnational records to show you what your best evolutionary path is right now, what you‘ve got stuck in your DNA that shouldn‘t be there, and how to fix that. There are people who can help you with this. There are lots of them. They live on Urtha. Urtha is a star. If it were seen by one of our satellites that got out there and took a picture of it, it would look like a Sun. It has a life field on it. Our planet should have a corona sphere. Living planets have corona spheres they look like stars or suns. That doesn‘t mean they don‘t have life. There are bands in which life, even carbon-based life, can take place. So, Urtha is a star, and it has a biosphere. The biosphere is inhabited by various races. Some of them are called the Aquari races, or the Bhendi Aquari races, who came over from the parallel adjacent Eckasha into our Eckasha Ecka/Veca system in order to bring the Aquarian host here. They incarnated there, and then during several periods of Earth‘s history, in seeding one, seeding two and in seeding three, these Bhendi Aquari races hybridized with… offered hybridization to, the Angelic Human and Angelic Human cloisters that were on Earth, and because the Angelic Human cloisters were losing the Krist codes in their DNA, and they were not going to make it. They were falling. There were regenesis attempts and through these regenesis attempts the race line called the Aquafereion, which are part human and part Aquari, from the other matrix, they were created. The last group of Aquafereions that were brought in - there was what was called the prototype race, that actually came from seeding two, and began the opening. They were called Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho. They came here. They were seeded on Earth in 12,500 BC. They opened certain passages that would allow for the seeding three, which we are in, seeding three, big bioregenesis experiment that had to do with the Aquafereion 3 races, which are a little different. They don‘t have the full what are called NaVA-Ho codes. So, the races that we had talked about so far, that we are just learning about, the Aquafereion human hybrid races, the Aquari humans, that were brought in by hybridizing with the Aquari races from Urtha, they were invited to go to Urtha in 11,000 BC. There was a group of the Angelic Cloister humans that were brought to Urtha, invited to go to Urtha through the spanner gates, and they were brought to Urtha, and in couples, like male/female couples. They were offered what was called a three-way conception. It had nothing to do with three-way sex. It had to do with the male and female who wanted to be husband and wife couple, energetically allowing, in the Urtha environment, the fetus that they could create together would have both of their patterns, their Angelic Human or cloister pattern, and by energetically transmitting the pattern of the Aquari, who was literally just an energetic transfer, where they had the codes of the Aquari put into the fetus, so the babies that were born of that first level race, they actually stayed on Urtha, and stayed there. Their children were the first lines of Aquafereion to be brought back and seeded back on Earth. The people who were being drawn to this work at this point are being drawn because they carry Aquari human codes, which means you started there. You might have started in one of the earlier seedings as far as incarnating in from Urtha under the Aquafereion code. That would mean you would carry the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho codes as well. They have a bit extra stuff, compared to even just the ones that hold the spanner gate codes to Urtha that the Aquafereion carry. It‘s not about who is better than who. It‘s about working as a team to be able to open the gates between Earth and Urtha, so Earth can get a host. Urtha is going through a natural Starfire cycle. Starfire means it literally activates its full RashaLAe body and contracts into the Edon domains, which are the middle domains, and disappears from the outer domains. It‘s riding the light fantastic. It‘s still a Kristiac planet whose template is still working in Kristiac function and it still breathes. It‘s prana seed still works and its core Tauren light seed still works. It‘s capable of Starfire. This little planet called Earth, that is hosting in the middle of it, can‘t Starfire. If Earth tried to Starfire now, it would explode. It would just implode and then explode and go space dust instantly. So, Earth can‘t Starfire with Urtha. And you can‘t stop Urtha from starfiring when it‘s time for it to go. The host that we‘re given from the Aquareion matrix is going to allow Earth to not have to face space dust return when Urtha Starfires. Urtha starfires between 2047 and 2052. That‘s not too long from now. So, what we‘re in the middle of assisting to create… we‘re the anchoring team, the Aquafereion Shield, that are the incarnates, the children of the Aquafereion, that are still here, and our race lines are still here. We‘ve come up since the reseeding in 11,000 BC. They were the cloister Aquafereion. Then the Angelic Human were called the 12 Feathers of Aquafereion. They were seeded I think in 10,500 BC, between 10,500 and 10,000 BC. So these in seeding three were a relatively new regenesis race line, but were an old one because the same thing was done in seeding one, when the Angelic Humans were seeded here, and things went bad, and they ended up having the Angelic Humans basically exterminated during the Electric Wars 5.5 million years ago. This was done in seeding two as well, to least assist and get some of the Angelic Human cloisters out to Urtha when it went bad, the drama went bad down here with the Thousand Years War, when the seeding two Angelic Human and cloisters were wiped out. This is seeding three, and again the same forces that were responsible for the fall of seeding one and seeding two of the Angelic Human and cloisters again have succeeded in creating the fall of the planet at this point, which was what they were aiming for. Yeah. Anyway, it wasn‘t just the humans they were after, it was the entire planetary system and this Ecka/Veca system. But again, the Kristiac inhabitants of Urtha knew that during that period of time between 12,500 BC and 11,000 BC, they already knew it was going really bad, and the chances of Earth surviving and pulling out of the fall pattern that, because it was progressively having black hole technologies put into the templar, through the Atlantean drama, they knew it the prognosis was not good for the Amenti host succeeding. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So, again, they did what they had promised to do from the beginning. From the time the Amenti host was set 550 million years ago, they had agreed to allow for that ascension passage to remain open. They would allow some of their own to incarnate into the Angelic Human and cloister race strains, as the Aquafereion, and the Aquafereion, when the time came, if the time came, they would hold the planetary host field long enough for the life fields to evolve out, any of the life field that could still ascend could do a hosted ascension out of a falling matrix and into a still living Kristiac matrix that doesn‘t go back by space dust return. That‘s what we‘re a part of. If you are curious about coming a workshop like this one, to a travel event like this one, it means something about who you are, because you would have flat lined on this one - nah, don‘t want to do that, if you didn‘t have those codes, because nothing about what was published – ―oh, we‘re going to Peru, it means you‘re an Aquafereion‖. No. It‘s something that‘s put out in an energy signature by the Beloveds, not by us. It just rides through the little bit that they give us to put out as far as yes we are doing a trip, we‘re going to do something about that. What is that? Who knows? There is a code under there, and if you have the DNA that corresponds to that frequency, which is an Aquari Human frequency, those are the people who get a nudge to go. So, if you‘re here, it means you‘re part of a family you may not have realized you‘re a part of. They‘re a very sacred family. The Aquafereion are neat because they are very human-like. They look very human-like. They are not like some weird looking scary ET thing out there. Even the Aquari races from the other matrices. There are some interesting ones. There are the winged hominid lion people, and there are the EShaNUa. They‘re very nice. They are one of what we call the Aurora races. There are the RathaJhen, which are kind of, coined the phrase of the white genies, which are large, quite translucent, white hominid genie type beings, bald with very large eyes usually, that come in various colors. There are different biological characteristics to some of them, but others of them, particularly a group called, they‘re affectionately called the Blue Dragons, because they carry no dragon codes whatsoever. It‘s almost like a tongue-in-cheek joke. Dragon codes have something to do with certain groups that fell a long time ago they carry the antidote to those codes, so they could be brought into the Angelic Human lines, to help clear the dragon codes from the Angelic Human lines. These guys, called the Blue Dragons, are one of the Aurora races too, that we work with a lot from Urtha. They are very hominid looking. They are human shaped. They tend to have, not all of them do, but they tend to have blue skin, like the Sirian people do, from the Sirius star system, and they‘re known as the Aquatic bird blue hominids. They don‘t have wings or feathers but they have amazing energy forms that come off them that look like capes, and they can breathe air or water, so when they swim they look like birds, and they have certain characteristics that are associated with the core bird pattern that is part of their genetic makeup. But they look very much like very tall blue versions of us. What‘s nice about when you‘re in a Kristic place, a star or planet, like Urtha, you don‘t have a lot of the environmental messes and problems and DNA mutations resulting from them that create all sorts of messes in our bodies. Here we have all sorts of things that are wacky with our bodies. First of all, they die, and they‘re not supposed to. Second of all, there‘s all sorts of problems. Some are too thin, some are too fat to be comfortable, some are too skinny, some are sick, some don‘t have enough limbs, some have too many limbs, some have this color hair and you can‘t stand it. Some have this color eyes and they can‘t stand it. There‘s always something about our bodies here that doesn‘t quite feel right, because there‘s a part of us that will always resonate with our Kristic self, that knows that there‘s an integrity of form that exists and somehow there‘s something wrong. You‘ve got: ―got to love your body‖. Yes you do but they‘re almost like suits that don‘t quite fit down here. It‘s because of the mutation that is called the Homosapien Sapiens, because that is a mutation that isn‘t a natural race. It is not the natural human gene code. The Angelic Human gene code is an Oraphim gene code, which is a silica-based DNA. The carbon-based DNA here is part of the mutation, and it was engineered a very long time ago, way before Seeding 3. We are in the middle of the end Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
of what that evolution is like. We will have the ability to transmute the carbons and regenerate the natural Angelic Human and cloister DNA codes, to literally regenerate in the body the silica-based DNA, whether 12 strand or 24 strand or 48 strand if you are an Indigo 1 DNA templates. So, we are in the process of reverse mutating ourselves. (Someone asks question about what the Gyrodome is?) I will explain what the Gyrodome is, but not here. Because explaining what the Gyrodome is, it‘s much better to have graphology on the board. I will touch on the Gyrodome again. Yes. But I don‘t even want to go there without the series of diagrams that leads up to making it coherent to talk about the Gyrodome. But would you like to talk about the Gyrodome? Not without the graphs, right. Az was just asking if I wanted to talk about the Gyrodome because that‘s what we‘re here to do level-one activation among other things that are connected to it. And I answered him ‗no I wouldn‘t like to talk about it‘ because they will talk about it in the right context. What I don‘t want to do is get people lost and glazed on words like that, when it‘s not necessary, because it‘s harder to undo the twist then to get it straight the first time, where it: ‗Ok, yeah, that‘s the Gyrodome‘. So, we do have a series of graphology that we will go through, part of which is RashaLAe body anatomy, that will assist you in seeing and understanding what the word Gyrodome applies to. In very simple terms, if you can conceptualize, without the graph, a small sphere called Earth, which is a sick planet, that was hosting inside a larger Kristic star that is a living breathing star, and in between those two, there is a field called the Aurora field. It‘s a particular field of frequency that has components of the Urtha frequencies, mixed with components of the Earth frequencies. When this field activates, and there‘s very specific layers to the activation, this sphere around the Earth, between Earth and Urtha, activates to become a gyrating sphere, or gyrating dome. The gyration allows for the Stargate systems on Earth, the spanner gates, that are supposed to open directly into Urtha to allow for passage from Earth to Urtha. Because there‘s been so much damage here, we‘re completely out of alignment, where the top of our spheres is supposed to line up with the top axis of Urtha, and it doesn‘t. Actually, our south and their north line up. So, the gates wouldn‘t open. The Gyrodome Aurora field, or the Aurora field when it is activated to serve as the Gyrodome, creates a gyrating moving dome field that allows the gates to link up. It creates an intermediary field that will allow...say there are 12 spanner gates and only one of them is going to work - Spanner 7. There are 12 spanner gates. Let‘s say because the two spheres are out of alignment with each other, the gate numbers don‘t line up with each other, so the tunnels that open between them won‘t open. The Gyrodome allows for the tunnels... it will pick up the activation on the Earth level, gyrate it around and allow it to plug into the activation of the corresponding gate on Urtha. So, it creates a field that will allow... we are working on spanner 7. It is the one gate that will hold in its activation. There is so much damage to the planetary grids that you can‘t open any other of the other 12 spanner gates. We can only open spanner 7, which is the strongest gate. It will allow for a network of gates if spanner 7 opens and holds, it will allow for a whole network of gates on Earth to plug into Spanner 7. So, all over the planet, there will be places where there is literally ascension potential, first out to Urtha, and from Urtha... Urtha is the universal Stargate 3 planet. It connects to two other planets that are stars in our universal system. Our universal Veca, the whole thing, is falling. However, there are two other systems that also have Gyrodomes, which means they also carry the Aquareion matrix host. We have Urtha at USG-3, Sirius B at USG-6, and you have a part of Andromeda at USG-9. The part of Andromeda that actually is the connection point out of this fallen matrix and into the host of the Aquareion Matrix, that is in the parallel adjacent Eckasha, is part of the Andromeda matrix, or Andromeda galaxy, that was literally separated off from the Milky Way galaxy.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
There is a point in time when Andromeda - what science calls the Andromeda Galaxy, and what is called the Milky Way galaxy were one large galaxy, that represented this 15 dimensional universal matrix. There was a point, and I forget what it is, I‘m doing the history now... 700 million years ago I believe it was. I‘ll have to check my numbers. I think it was 700 million years ago. There were certain events that took place, and the Aquareion races got directly involved and they pulled a part of Andromeda into quarantine, so it didn‘t get caught in the fall here. So, it would be a midway station that would allow for the host to still come in to this Ecka/Veca system, even if it continued its fall. They don‘t call it the Andromeda Galaxy themselves. They call it the Aquinos galaxy. It is what our science calls the Andromeda galaxy. Andromeda was always USG-9 in our 12 dimensional universal Stargate system. So, there is a pathway, what we call the AnshatAsa Passage, which will lead from Earth to Urtha, while Urtha is still here before it starfires, to Urtha USG-3, to Sirius B 6, to Aquinos Andromeda 9 and from there it will plug into the Aquareion Matrix in the parallel adjacent Eckasha. That is still a living matrix. There is nothing fallen in that matrix at all. There are certain matrices, certain systems, that come into existence... every system has a purpose, or kind of like a mission statement, a plan as far as what type of manifest experiences the consciousness field that is manifesting in that system wants to participate in. Some matrices choose to be what are called the safeguard matrices. They choose to return the gift of full free-will expression, which includes the ability to take free-will expression into the direct opposite expression to the loving will of Source. That‘s what free will does. Source gave us that much. We can actually choose to explore the full extent of opposite expression, and the end of that is when you end up with space dust return, cause you messed up so many things that you can‘t go back to normal ascension. Some matrices come in and always stay as safeguard matrices, where because they so love creation, and Source, and the manifestation process, that they have the gift of free-will choice, but they find that no matter what they can explore would mean nothing to them if they can‘t give it back. ―Just let me know what you would like us to do to sustain this because we love this and we love Source‖. So, they have free will, and in their matrix there is free will, but they have evolved to a point where... well, the ones that came from elsewhere evolved there to a point, and the ones that came from there originally, who came out from Source to there and always had that consciousness, they have such a love affair with God Source, and the whole creation process, that wanting to do anything that would not be supportive of Kristic will, makes no sense to them whatsoever. The thought would actually cause them pain, to actually do something that would cause harm to the natural Kristic eternal life principle. So, they hold a certain type of consciousness that is absolutely loving, completely. And they have complete free will in their system as well. They just choose to use it in service to the eternal life first creation principle and don‘t feel they need to exercise it in trying to push the envelope and see how far you can go with opposite expression. They have watched enough of that around them. They see where that leads, and they have no desire to participate in it. But what they have done is, because it is painful to them to watch other systems, like say neighboring systems, go through a fall, which they did experience watching with what was called the Bourgha matrix in our parallel Eckasha. That matrix completely fell. It‘s on its way back to space dust return at this point. The consciousness became so corrupt and so damaging to other life fields that it was just heartbreaking to the Kristic ones who remained and were watching this. You couldn‘t reach them anymore. The things they thought, the things they did were horrible, and you couldn‘t talk them out of it. They were very very convinced they wanted to be anti-Kristic and they were going to be. Because they have seen what fall can do, they have tried to position themselves where they can‘t just stop falls, they would be taking the free will away from other matrices. They know that if Source wanted it that way, Source would have done it that way in the first place. That would annihilate free will expression and it would be a dictatorship and Source did not create a dictatorship. It created free will sovereign expression for those who chose to explore it because it was what it had. It gave the gift of what it knows itself in its creation freedom. (1:03:06) Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So, the Aquareion matrix people decided that their existence in manifestation would feel most meaningful to them if they could be in service where it was needed most, and service to the Krist where it was needed most. They saw their places as being assisting races that still had Kristic potential to still have the option of ascending, even if they found themselves caught in falling systems. They do this for other systems as well. But they were in a position in relation to the fall in what was called the Bourgha matrix, that is our parallel Eckasha Ecka/Veca system. When that fall occurred, they were close enough - we‘ll see when they bring out the diagrams, which won‘t be tonight because we have a 5am wake-up call, they were close to help, but far enough away to not get dragged down into the fall with them. So, they were in a perfect position to intervene directly and this is where we ended up with what is called the Krystal River Cooperative, which is a cooperative of three Eckasha groups. They are not just the Ecka/Veca levels but they are the Eckasha level groups, I mean systems, who formed a Kristic coalition to assist in this one particularly bad fall of an Ecka/Veca system, that was our parallel Eckasha‘s Ecka/Veca system. Our system got involved in the whole mess because when the Bourgha matrix fell, it is our parallel Eckasha system. They were able to... the Eckasha didn‘t fall, cause Eckashas can‘t fall, but the Ecka/Vecas within them can, and when their Ecka/Veca fell from their Ecka, they had just pierced into our Ecka in our Ecka/Veca system. If they had been quarantined at that point by the Kristic races, and they do have the right to quarantine them so they can‘t hurt other things, they would have gone into their natural space dust return, but because they had already plugged into our Ecka, it would have dragged our matrix in then, and that was like 450 billion years ago, I believe. So, instead of having the life field here that was already seeded here, end up going into quarantine black hole fall space dust return with the Bourgha, this coalition of three Eckashas with the Aquareion matrix at its lead, decided they would go for the long term plan, try to help this matrix re-evolve itself to where it could close the wormhole link that had been opened, so it could protect itself, so then the Bourgha matrix could be quarantined so it couldn‘t hurt anything else, but still have its own time and energy left and go back via space dust return. That‘s how the entire fall in our system, that we talked about a long time ago, 250 billion years ago, the Fall of Lyra, all of that started with the fall of the Bourgha matrix, and its plugging into us. The whole thing has been an attempt to try... an attempt by the Krystal River Coalition to hopefully regenerate this matrix and get it away from the one that was falling. That hasn‘t worked. This matrix will fall, but we can still get the life field that is Kristic-able, that can still hold Kristic frequency, that can get them out through the AnshatAsa Passage, out of this matrix, and into the living Aquareion matrix. From there, you have all sorts of... well the first stop there would be to move into the next, let‘s say if you wanted a genetic upgrade to the next higher level of evolution in your Krist codes, we‘ve been offered an opportunity to incarnate into, if we want to, some people take their bodies and don‘t have to incarnate into something different. They would just reverse mutate their bodies progressively and back to their original imprint. But some, if they are not able to fully take their bodies, we‘ve been offered an opportunity to incarnate into what are called the AquaFarE groups. These are in the Edon Middle levels, in the Gardens of Edon, in the Aquareion matrix. So, we have been welcomed into their system. Not just their outer domain system, but their Edon system. The Edon systems don‘t have wars like they do in the outer domains. It‘s much more peaceful there. Those Utopian visions that humans still carry little remnants of and heartaches for, there are systems. In fact there are more systems in the cosmos like that than there are like this. These are more the exception rather than the rule, these fall systems. But when you‘re in them, they can seem like they‘re the only thing that exists, because they progressively are cut off from knowing or seeing the other systems that are working, that are living. So, it‘s exciting what we‘re a part of. It‘s huge what we‘re a part of. To explain things more clearly like the Gyrodome and some of the activations that are called the NaVA-Ho activations... oh boy. We just learned this in the last 12 Tribes class. We got Comu NaVAs, NaVA-Ho, Navas, NavE harmonics, we got all sorts of new words. I am trying to put that into a simple graph form, since we didn‘t even have the graph on that in the last 12 Tribes class. We will understand it because we are going to be doing some interesting things, such as we‘re going to reach the Comu Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
NavE harmonic when we do the Krystal River dance evening stand in Cusco. We‘re still trying to arrange the outdoor space to do it in. Oh boy. Yes, it‘s one of those wait till we get there and talk to the locals kind of thing. Some things have to be arranged that way when you‘re in places like Peru, there‘s a lot of that, when you get there you see who shows up who you can talk to and who you can‘t. But it will happen one way or the other, even if it has to be in the room. We have the venues rented. What was really frustrating is, when we get to Machu Picchu, which is a main site ... we‘ll learn more about why MP is important, why Caral is important, why they are all important, but MP is, with its base at Aguas Calientes, is so small that there is not a room big enough to have a workshop. Darlene tried to find a room where we could have workshops there. Ideally, we were hoping to get the night visit on MP. Yeah. Good luck, a hundred and how many people? They won‘t even allow you up there at night. They used to let little groups in, but even when we had 40 people, they broke us into two groups, and let us in for an hour. That‘s not going to happen this time, not with this many people. We‘ll be there from dusk until dawn trying to get everybody in a tiny little group. Basically, I guess they probably aren‘t allowed to do that, but sometimes depending on who is working there, sometimes they do, depending on what crosses palms, I guess. But the rules have changed, since we‘ve been here. We‘ve been here twice before. They‘ve changed since then. They‘ve gotten a lot tighter. So, the chances of us getting a night, or even an hour up there - we used to try from 11 to midnight - because Picchu is amazing. It‘s just awesome with the moon and all that. But, we‘ll go up in the daytime, like regular tourists. What we‘re going to do is a cluster stand, which is a stand that doesn‘t look like a stand to any people who might worried about what a stand is. When we are in Cusco before that, that‘s where we‘ll have the main workshop where we get all sorts of technicals, and also on how we do this stand. Because it‘s basically groups of people will form 12 different clusters in various specific locations in Picchu. We‘ll understand what this about. Because there‘s not just the activation of the Gyrodome and activation of level 1 Aqualene Sun that‘s occurring. One of the most exciting things about all this work, for me anyway, the 3D part of me feels very comforted by it. The rest of my dimensional self can deal with the technicals. But the little part of me that‘s just a 3d person feels this stuff is sometimes overwhelming, just in detail... it has to do with the vertical maps. And what is opening where, because by the end of our trip, we will have opened the gates to what are called the Aurora 2 platform Cloud cities, and not just for projection, which is called gliding, but the slide zone, the Aurora slide zone level 1 will be open, which is part of the expedited program. That wasn‘t supposed to happen for three more workshop periods, taking this up till I think the beginning of 2009, but they are accelerating the activations again. That means that if it was just the cloud city gates were opening for gliding, which is RashaLAe projection, but your body stays here, it would mean you could project there, and begin having encounters with them there, if you were invited, and that kind of thing, or they could come from there, the ones who live there, because there are ones who live in these biome domains. Some of them are Aquafereion, some as AquaFarE... there are a whole bunch of other Kristic races, and also regenerating Kristic races that are evolving in these systems. When we are opening slide zones, it means it‘s not only available now for projection, but it will be available for slide encounters. A slide is different than a glide. The glide is a RashaLAe projection where your body stays here. A slide is a physical shift that you might not be able to fully span, and go into full RashaLAe body activation to become a spanner, and go right up through to Urtha... because the radiation levels there will kill you before you fully activate RashaLAe. There is that median zone that happens in the Aurora field, and that is the slide zone. There are certain levels of activation to it, before it actually merges to form a 3 dimensional field where a 3 dimensional body could move from here to there. It is like a meeting zone between the radiation spectrum that our bodies are used to here, and what they would eventually be used to at full healing on Urtha. So, it‘s a zone you can physically inhabit. At that point .... we won‘t immediately zap up and slide, but we will start getting personal slide training where you are now accessible to be approached by ones who live there, and there are very Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
specific... up there it‘s like bigger than preparing for Xmas down here as far as they know there is a huge group of evacuees coming out from this place. There is also a huge group that is going to stay and hold the host on this planet for the 500-1000 years... we‘re part of the ones that are going to train those guys. I‘m not going to be here for 1000 years, no, not until after a long vacation on Urtha. (Laughter) They will have the ability to meet us physically now, where it‘s not just you can have the etheric like encounters with them at this point. You can do projection, you can meet them in projections. We can begin the physical connections. That‘s really exciting. What‘s really exciting is to realize that there are bands... when you look up in the atmosphere... for example, when I talk about the cloud cities, there is a particular domain in our atmosphere that corresponds with what‘s called the thermosphere in our atmosphere. That‘s quite a ways up. That‘s way beyond the ozone layer. It‘s quite a ways up. In that particular band, that our science calls the thermosphere, at a specific angular rotation of particle spin that is different from the one that our thermosphere is on but in the same place, is where you have a biome field, and that is called the Aurora 2 platform. The Aurora 2 platform are the physical cloud cities, where literally you would look like... in ancient times there were the Cloud Walkers who would literally disappear up into the clouds. People would see them walk from the Earth up into the sky, up into the clouds, and disappear into them. That‘s when slide zones were open. So it‘s the beginning process of opening the slide zones, not only the ones that go up the first levels, which is the Aurora 2 platform, that go into the thermosphere cloud cities, but also the ones that go down into the subterranean cities as well. They would be in Earth‘s middle mantle. So, there are biomes there that are inhabited. I have the feeling the Quiventilliur, the ones they call the Yetis out here, I think they come from there is my feeling. (1:16:00) It‘s really funny. We‘ve been finding these lovely Yeti bears made out of llama here. All of a sudden it‘s like llamas... llamas always used to be the big thing, because llamas are like a Guardian presence that is on the planet. Camels are too, but they are a different soul group. I have the feeling they are Aquari connected, because they‘ve had a very important commission here. They can get ornery if you get in their way and they don‘t want you there, they will spit at you and bite you (laughing). They must be really thrilled about being killed and used for pelt. Anyway... we have llama bears at this point coming through. I think that the bears look very much like Yetis, which is funny, because Yetis are supposedly apes. This begins the process. What we‘re in the middle of is exciting because we‘re beginning to help the Beloveds to open the gates between the different layers, or plains, that exist between here and the physical surface of Urtha. We‘ll start to find out how not alone we are on this little prison planet, and also the fact that not everything that‘s out there ... we‘ve talked a lot about the nasty things you can run into when you start to project. There‘s a lot of Fallen Angelics messing around here, and falling ETs and all sorts of others. There are some nice guys too. When we are working with this particular host, which is the Aquareion host... we talk about the Aurora platform which has to do with that Aurora field between Earth and Urtha. The Aurora platforms are safe zones. They side-step and step over and around other zones that are called hibernation zones, that are also in our atmosphere, that are run by Fallen Angelics, and are actually the control centers for the prison planet. Hibernation zones - we got into that in the second class, 12 Tribes class in February? Yes. We‘re just learning about the hibernation zones, how they were created. We‘ve learned that one of them is in the ozone layer and that‘s where our mythologies of Oz come from. That‘s a D1 etheric level one. There is another one... there are actually three hibernation zones which are reversed spin zones that used to be part of Earth‘s natural RashaLAe body structure and its natural atmospheric structure. They were actually captured by capturing portions of Earth‘s core gates and reversing their spin. It caused portions of the Earth‘s light body to reverse spin and become invisible to the other portions that are on a not natural spin. We are still on a natural spin here. The hibernation zones were put on reverse spin at various stages. The hibernation zones are literally... our reality fields here are much Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
smaller because half of them are on reverse spin with another equally or a little bit bigger sized reality field. This is a hologram. They are running holograms. We have a 3D hologram that we experience as Earth, and there are also 3D holograms that the hibernation zones experience as Earth. In the D2 level ones, which would appear as physical to us, if we were seeing them in their opposite spin, is where we actually have Atlantis and Lemuria. They are time warp zones. They were literally pulled, these physical masses, the land masses, that were connected in to these grids that were put on reverse, literally were ripped from the physical structure of the planet here, and pulled in to a physical structure unto themselves in the hibernation zones. When people started astral projecting and all this stuff, it‘s like a mine field out there, because what most people do is they get snared into the hibernation zones, where they get all sorts of fallen Angelics pretending they are ascended masters playing with them, and all sorts of things, where they get their DNA messed up, and they end up becoming inhabitants after they die in their bodies. They become inhabitants of the hibernation zones, or prisoners, actually. The Aurora platforms allow a natural safe zone set, so you don‘t get snared into the hibernation zones. Progressively, as the Aquafereion Shield activates ... it won‘t activate all at once, but as we progressively activate the full Aquafereion Shield, which carries the Aqualene Sun and Gyrodome host here, which actually holds the replica of the planetary RashaLAe body... when all of that is activated, it will actually begin the process of the hibernation zones transmuting, because it will bring back the natural spin, and it will set the replica and activate the replica of what‘s supposed to be there. So, it will actually what is still Kristic and on proper spin, it will fill it out enough so it can sustain its structural integrity, while meanwhile it‘s going to progressively make it so that hibernation zones and those who live in them can‘t continue to mess with the grids here. There is something that we will talk about, when we get into the diagrams a bit. It has to do with what are called the Nets. These are specific frequency bands, electrostatic bands that keep the hibernation zones where they are, keep us where we are, and directly affect three different layers of our DNA - the DNA template, which is the etheric level, the DNA chemical DNA, and what‘s called the epigenetic overlay, which is something that science is just discovering. It‘s the chemical coding on the DNA that actually controls what parts of the DNA turn off and on and when. So, it‘s actually more significant in terms of what the DNA does than the DNA itself. Science here is just discovering that. So, there are three Nets. Each one controls one aspect of those parts of the DNA and corresponding parts of the planetary grids. As we activate Aqualene Sun levels in the planetary shields, it will progressively drop those Nets for those who are activating them. Which means we‘re going to start seeing more, and also start being able to do more, as far as not just glide and project in mental projections of our RashaLAe, which we‘re actually moving our RashaLAe and our consciousness through RashaLAe, but we‘ll also be able to learn how to slide. Eventually some of the people will learn how to slide, if their certain gene codes will be able to span, which means fully physically go to Urtha without getting roasted by the frequency there. It‘s a big process we‘re involved in. Tomorrow, I just want to talk about one more thing before we leave ... I think I‘m pretty much done for tonight. The orientations are usually pretty small and short while everybody is recuperating and trying to find out what are we teaching and when. It is all on security clearance, where we find out when we get there what tomorrow‘s about. Tomorrow we‘re getting up at 5AM in order to begin this journey. I guess we‘re leaving about 6 or 6:30. We have a 5AM wake-up call and I know you had a big day today as well. That‘s why I didn‘t get the mylars down tonight and I‘m not going into a two or three hour heavy thing. We‘re going to what are called the Caral pyramids. It‘s real funny, because I know nothing about the Caral pyramids in terms of what they teach here, so it will be really great to hear what the guides have to say when we get there. But what I do know about the Caral pyramids comes from the Beloveds. Caral is a very sacred place to the Beloveds. Before those pyramids were there, it was a sacred place, because it is the place of what they call the Aquafereion Shield Ecousha-TA. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
The Ecousha-TA is what is called the core seed crystal, into which, or let‘s say from which, the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho, that‘s the seeding 2, Aquafereion lineage race shield was seeded into Earth‘s shield. There is a particular acceleration bypass that... you have your regular Gyrodome and Aqualene Sun activations that take a certain amount of time. Then you have from Seeding 2 a direct gate. It‘s a passage. It‘s called the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho passage that leads directly from Earth to Urtha, without having to wait for all of the activation levels to build the opening of the spanner gates. There are only certain people who can activate this passage, and they are the ones that have the NaVA-Ho codes as well as... which means the Seeding 2 Aquafereion codes, as well as the Seeding 3 codes. In order to expedite the entire Aqualene Sun host activation, they are opening... They‘re having us, obviously at least some of us carry those NaVA-Ho codes, because they are having us go to Caral to transmit frequency, which means show up and breathe, because when you breathe, you are literally releasing the coding that is in the DNA into the grids. They will give us more when we‘re there. I think we‘re running around with those little headset radio things that Dar figured out how to talk to 100 people when there‘s no microphones available. So, we are going to try those out tomorrow. They are going to give us more on it. There is something we‘re going to do. We‘re going to give something, as far as just by showing up on the site, that will go into the grids that will activate this Ecousha-TA core seed crystal, and that will give us something back that has to do with what they refer to as the memory crystals of Caral. And the memory crystals, I think they are going to give us a whole technical at some point on these... the Ecousha-TA memory crystals. They have something to do with the natural creation cycle process, where whatever is created in... like, say... one sequence... the middle domains create the outer domains. In that process, that‘s part of the Krystar cycle that we‘ll talk about later, there is a little crystal that is created of everything that went before. The crystal is an imprint, a radiation imprint, of every energy signature that was in the stage just before. So, we‘re going to be picking up these crystals that have to do with first the core level. Through this process, there are four layers of Ecousha crystals. The first one is called the Ecousha-TA. Then there‘s Ecousha 1, 2, 3 and 4. They correspond to each of the domains of our RashaLAe body. The core one corresponds to the Ecousha-TA. Then we have the Ecousha 1, Ecousha 2, Ecousha 3 and Ecousha 4, and I believe they will go from the core one, that‘s the Ecousha-TA, then they have the inner, middle, outer, and then I believe the next one, the fourth one probably corresponds to what is called the Krystar activation. So, there‘s a whole new block of information having to do with the Ecousha-TA network, that we are going to be given, and it is directly connected to RashaLAe body activations and Aqualene Sun RashaLAe body activations. It‘s technical stuff, but tomorrow we are going to go to the site where the first seed crystal of the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho prototype Seeding 2 race was entered into Earth‘s shield in Seeding 2. That is the place where the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho passage opens. That is a direct passage link that links through what is called the AdorA side. So, instead of just having Aurora 1, 2, 3 and 4 platforms, all of which have to link together through activation of the Aqualene Sun fields and the RashaLAe on this side of the EtorA side, there is a way to do it faster by activating corresponding sites in what‘s called the AdorA system, which is our ... let‘s just leave it as our twin system. On the AdorA side, there are what are called the Ecousha crystal cities. So, we‘re beginning the process of opening the crystal city gates. This starts at Caral, and that allows for the expedited opening of the subterranean cities of Aurora 1, the cloud cities of Aurora 2, and we‘re going to go all the way up to, I believe, the Ecousha 2 initiating. The Ecousha 2 is between Aurora 2 and Aurora 3. So, we‘ll see this on the vertical maps and they‘ll make a bit more sense. But we‘re beginning the process literally tomorrow, when we show up at Caral. We‘ll be given more information on what it means and what to do there. They‘ll probably build the Ecousha-TA information into when I‘m going to introduce the RashaLAe body anatomy pieces, they‘ll probably put it in with that. This stuff will be in the next 12 Tribes class. We‘ll have to teach them about the Ecousha-TA so everybody‘s getting the next layer of learning.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Tomorrow, we do begin a process that opens the first what they call the 0.5 Ecousha-TA crystal city, and tomorrow we‘re going to be giving you what is called a projection map. It is a code. It is actually a three dimensional code, and you know how we use codes for optical pineal induction sometimes? And some of you that have worked with the Voyagers codes where there is actually a sequence, like a stack of codes, to project in through and to go up, and it creates corresponding activations in your bodies. Well, there is a code that after we got done with the last 12 Tribes class, April 22, 2007... they told me, ‗oh by the way you have to finish this projection map code.‘ ‗Okay.‘ ‗It goes on the wall.‘ ‗What?‘ Now... we‘re living in a place that is called the ShAlon 7/Shala 13 site. We were asked to buy houses in two different places, two different states, in order to secure the Alon 7 site that is connected to Spanner 7, and the ShAlon 7 site that is connected to Spanner 7, which are key sites. If we don‘t have those secured, Spanner 7 doesn‘t open, and no Aqualene Suns activate, and we‘ll all be stuck here. So, it‘s been going well. We got the sites. So, here we are. We had just got done with the 12 Tribes class. Just got this house in February, they put us through this whole big - this has to be changed, you have to change that. Forget feng shui. They just literally told us what has to be changed for the acoustics to hold the frequency that the sacred site is supposed to hold. Everything that goes in the house has to have Guardian approval, because it is all a frequency pattern. It either helps to sustain the Krist frequencies that are required for that space, or it takes away from it. Nothing is neutral in that regard. So everything from paint colors on walls to where walls need to be and where they don‘t need to be - that kind of thing. Yeah, I mean this is like there you go, got the mortgage, go in, fix it, now. We painted and moved things and built walls here, took stuff down there, completely redirected the cement path up to the door. I mean, just all over the place. They told us what had to be done and it had to be done before Peru because they‘re activating the site there. It is connected to the Caral site here, which we didn‘t know until last night. We did know they were activating it before Peru. So, we got 90% of the thing done. I mean, if you ever have done renovations in the house, it‘s like all of a sudden this crew of men are just in your house all the time, stomping around making dirt. There is always dirt somewhere. Can‘t they ever go home? And then they do go home, and they don‘t show up when they are supposed to. So, it‘s three days and they‘re supposed to have it done three days ago. It‘s been since February like that. We got through that phase pretty much. There‘s still a few things that have to be handled after we... well... I think we fired each other, the contractor guys. They fired us and we fired them. It‘s all soul group stuff up there. Nobody wanted to do the atrium. I know you did, but nobody wanted to help us because of the soul group connections. They were going to get in trouble with their Fallen Angelic buddies. Right? They were running away from one group that messed it up. I mean, the atrium was the key thing. It is used in one of the first axis key journeys that we used with the 12 tribes class 2. So that of course was the one they had the most problems with and it‘s still not fixed. But, to balance that out, they said, well, you have to do this code. This one is on the wall. Okay, in the living room. Okay. They didn‘t tell me when I first started, the code was the three walls of the living room. (laughter) It‘s like 14x17 with seven foot ceilings, Camelback Mountain gate connection in the middle of it. What I didn‘t know was it was going to become the cloud cities map. Yeah. Just got it done on what day was it, three days before we had to leave for this trip. This was a mural on the wall. And not only get it done. This was a mural on the wall, that took from 12 Tribes last class all the way to three days before we had to leave for here. Got that done, and you can really feel the frequency. And then we had to get it somehow... it didn‘t start on a piece of paper. It started on the walls... there wasn‘t a small version to give you. So, we had to take a photograph of it. All we had was a digital camera stuck up in Colorado some place, because we couldn‘t get up there because all the airplanes that were supposed to fly that day didn‘t that were supposed to go, so we took a 35 mm picture. It comes out terrible as far as the light. The colors are completely different. So I had to make a paste-up of what was on the wall. Did you ever try to get where you can make panels? You breathe differently from one to the next. So I had to make a paste up of the pieces of the five or six panels it took to take a vertical photograph on the walls. Did that, then got that Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
photocopied. The color is terrible in the 35 mm shots. Then I had to take the color photocopied paste up and recolor it with colored pencils to at least bring back some of the color frequency, because they insisted you guys had to have your own color copy of this code that is going to be activating while we‘re here that starts in Caral. So you will get this tomorrow. They are going to show us at some point what to do with them. You‘ll get them tomorrow. To Az: (sometime tomorrow night or before. I don‘t know if they want to use it on site. I know.) It‘s either going to be in the morning, when we‘re first like doing the codes, to have it on site if it‘s needed on site if you need it there. Or, if it‘s something that they are going to have us use in the evening after we get back, because that‘s when we‘re doing the Krystal Heart of Aquari activation, which is another code that goes with the big code. So, you‘ll either get it in the morning if we need it on site, or we‘ll be using it in the evening, because it doesn‘t correspond to what we have to do on site. So, we‘re going to get more on what we do live on site tomorrow. What we‘re going to do all the way through is do our best to look like tourists, as opposed to looking like any kind of strange metaphysical group doing strange things. The drama that we‘re in on this planet at this point, the Kristic races are not real popular among a lot of the others that are being influenced by the Fallen Angelics. The Fallen Angelics are waging war on this planet. They are building us up to World War III on this planet, and the Kristics aren‘t even involved in it. We‘re just sitting back and saying, ‗oh no, they‘re really going to fight each over out on this.‘ It is groups of Fallen Angelic ones from other places, motivating groups of humans here, to fight out grid battles, over who will live to grab the falling, what‘s falling on this planet. If we get away without seeing in the next five to ten years a WW III drama, I‘ll be amazed. But, it applies to when you are going to places like this too. They said that this time... in Peru we always had a nice time. In Morocco we called it the whole trip the Demonfest, especially the night in the desert. It was really bad and just nasty stuff coming in trying to get into people‘s bodies. It was Demonfest. But, Peru has always been pretty benign like that. It was always like a friendly... It felt friendly, particularly Picchu. I have this particular love in my heart for Picchu because I know I lived there before. Now I know why. It is directly connected to the Aurora 2 platform cloud cities. That‘s why they have legends of the cloud people still that are in the Inca tradition. (0:37:54) Anyway... I‘m getting that it‘s a good time to go. Sorry. If anybody doesn‘t know me, I do talk to the air, but it‘s not the air I‘m talking to. I talk to people, that nobody else sees. ‗It‘s a good time to go, the walls have ears.‘ Ok... don‘t they always? Anyway, we‘re going to try very much... we are just normal tourists. We are seeing a beautiful place, even if we didn‘t have one bit of word on the mystical magical ancient and contemporary nature of the sacred sites and things, there is a magic to these spaces and these spaces we‘ll go to. There‘s also some horrible, like really dirty energy spaces, but there are some really amazing spaces too. I always found Machu Picchu just magical. It was just like, even when you‘re there, when all the other tourists are there, and it‘s just like you‘re going to see an archeological site, there‘s a feel to that place, that if you kind of let yourself relax and sink back a little, it‘s just ethereal. It‘s quite amazing. So, I hope you can experience some of that. Picchu is one place. I‘ve not been to Caral in this lifetime. I‘m wondering - I don‘t know what it looks like, other than the fact that it has some kind of pyramids that they recently found compared to other things being found. I do know it is the place that is the anchoring point of where they first put the Ecousha-TA first crystal seed of the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho race line here. Where the shield was seeded. It connects directly to two places, they said. From there, one end connects into Picchu, and the other end connects into what is called Shala 13, which is in the Phoenix area. So, it‘s a link between those two places. It creates a triangulation between them. It is the first, something that has to do with the Sacred Valley of the Inca Trail that has something to do with this too, that they haven‘t told me about yet, but I feel it coming. They‘ll give it to us closer when we have to go. Tomorrow we‘ll learn more about Caral, what it is. We do know at least it is the first place where the first seed crystal of the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho race line, the Aquari human, was seeded in, the bioregenesis races were seeded in. That is Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
the place that has a passage from Seeding 2 that leads directly through the crystal cities on the AdorA side. It zigzags through all the way to Urtha. So it is a much faster direct passage to Urtha. Activation of this site begins the process of activating the full Ecousha-TA network, which are the other Ecousha layers, and they create acceleration in activating the Aqualene Sun and Aurora layers here. This is part of the acceleration that we didn‘t know was happening either until we got here. They said, ‗by the way, that was supposed to be in 2009. No. It‘s going to be before you leave Picchu.‘ So... we‘ll all learn together. It‘s wonderful to be here with a group of family from somewhere again. I always feel very special when I come to Peru. I used to say, it‘s lovely until on the way out, the airport always flattens me, I don‘t know why. This time, it‘s probably the last time I‘m going to do Peru, and I‘m going to try not to end up crawled up in the fetal position in the corner of the airport, when we‘re trying to get out. It‘s like the gates of hell. I used to crawl in the airport but only the exit. There is something about the frequencies there that twice, when you‘re coming down from Cusco, going up in the altitude, which is rough on the body, but we‘re also doing grid work, which means you‘re activating and running a lot of frequency, so you‘re on high sensitivity mode as well. And you go into, between the altitude changes, and going into a psychotronically embedded environment, which most airports are, and that one particularly, I don‘t know why, but twice it‘s... yeah...(my) neuro-network collapsed, just about, because I had my codes still turned on. This time I am trying not to do that. What we‘re going to do as we go along... we‘ll do Caral tomorrow. We‘ll do the next conference that will have some mylars and things about it and learn a bit more tomorrow evening. We‘re trying to no keep you up half the night because you‘re getting up early in the morning for a lot of these things. When we do the flight to Cusco... Cusco is a really neat place to be, but it is where we start to go into altitude, and that‘s when anybody who has brought anything to help you with altitude adjustment, use them in preparation for that. If you‘re sensitive to altitude, be aware that you do notice it when you go there, and you‘re lightheaded, nauseous, and your scalp falls asleep and you feel like your brain is going numb. Various things associated with altitude that I‘ve experienced and I‘m not too bad with altitude. So, if you‘re sensitive, just be aware. If you feel funny when you get to Cusco, realize that before looking for metaphysical attack reasons - because we probably won‘t be. We‘re pretty well guarded here. We have a lot of Aquari, both Aquari humans and Aquafereion and such from Urtha really looking out for us on this one. We will meet, they said the best of the best and the worst of the worst along the way, but the best of the best will keep us safe, and that‘s all we have to worry about. So, if you feel weird when we start going to Cusco and then Picchu, they are both places that are high altitudes, so before you get worried that you might be being assaulted or attacked in the astral, look first to the possibility that you might be having an altitude adjustment, and that there are things like... I know they give you coca tea when you get to Cusco. They usually give you ... they have it available for you. Coca tea always helped me. I can breathe again. I can think again. It makes you feel like all of a sudden like really brain dead or something, where you can‘t quite think or link thoughts together, and you get kind of like weird. I you get that, try the coca tea. If you don‘t have any thing that you know are good for altitude or whatever. It‘s important that we try to realize that as we walk through this, we‘re on a big mission, and it‘s also a personal mission. It‘s a homecoming mission because anybody that came here has to do with the Aquari human codes and this is the place where your lineage was seeded. Tomorrow we go to the place where your lineage was first seeded. That‘s pretty sacred. Because it‘s like finding the closest to home place that you‘ve got. You might not like what‘s there as far as what‘s on surface at this point. I don‘t know who built the Caral pyramids themselves, as far as what civilization was there. But the site that they were built on was ours, and it is the Aquafereion site. I have a feeling there is a connection to the people that are there as well. We may find that in some of the locals, where there‘s a feeling that you can spot an Aquari human when you feel one. That can occur. I get a feeling there are some there. There will be others too from other places and spaces. But, tomorrow we start our homecoming, and begin the opening process of the crystal cities of AdorA that will allow for the expedited activation of the Aurora platforms and the opening of the Aurora level 2 platform cloud cities. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
I think that‘s enough for tonight. Thank you for joining us and I hope you enjoy your stay in Peru. And I hope we have a really good time in Picchu. Picchu town, by the way, in the evening, after we‘re done, can be really really fun to walk by the river in the dark. Not down in the river, so you don‘t fall, but just walk around the town. It‘s really neat. Every time we have had an upgrade in contact, it occurred there in that area. Not at the mountain of Picchu, but down in the town at night on unofficial time. (0:46:18)
Caral, May 23—Introduction [D1 0:46:19] Ash (The following several pages in parentheses are from an audio recording that is not part of the DVD; the DVD section has static and is difficult to understand.) (Can people hear me? And you do have your own volume controls, right? Good. I‘m never used one of these before, so it‘s a bit odd. We‘ll see how it works out, if I can translate with the Sun on my face. I can hear myself over there, which is strange. (Laughs) I feel like I‘m bilocating. What we‘re going to do is we have asked the local guides if it was alright with them if we do a simple shaman fair, which would be our Krystal River Prayer and Invocation. We‘re going to sit in a circle over in that area. After we run the prayer, for those who want to participate, and as we always say, that anyone that is new to the group and doesn‘t what we do, and is not too sure about it, you are never obliged to participate. It is always if you want to, if you feel good about it do it. If you don‘t, nobody has a problem with that. What we are going to do, for those who want to, we will do the Krystal River Invocation and Prayer, and then we are going to do a quick journey downward. We‘re going to go down into something you‘ll learn more about tonight, when you get our color renditions of the mural that shows certain layers of planes that exist within the Earth and also within the atmosphere. We‘re going to be going to a place that is referred to as the subterranean cities, that are in Earth‘s middle mantle. It would be the middle mantle of Earth. When you get a bit more of the RashaLAe body anatomy, you will understand a bit more where the middle mantle is. Our science here just talks about the lower and upper mantle. There is a place between those two that is referred to as the middle mantle in the Guardian‘s teachings. So, we will go down into the Earth‘s mantle. Not all the way down, and not too close to the surface, will put you in about the middle. We‘ll be looking at a particular crystal structure. It looks like a very large sphere of aquamarine crystal, like the aquamarine stones you see here on Earth. We will be going there in order to pick up from this crystal the memory crystals, which are called the Ecousha-TA, first core seed memory crystals, from Caral, that were the ... this particular group of them were seeded here in 11,000 BC. There‘s another group that were seeded earlier in 12,500 BC that we‘ll be dealing with later this evening. These particular crystals pertain to... if you have Aquari codes, if you are an Aquari human... if you didn‘t have these codings with you you wouldn‘t have been drawn to come to this workshop. In fact, you probably would have been blocked from coming from forces beyond anything 3D... as far as something didn‘t work out, you had to be elsewhere, your plane didn‘t fly, whatever it was. You all have an invitation to this place. It is the place that the Aquari line humans were first seeded, Earth‘s third seeding races were first seeded, and their bioregenesis where our Krist codes in the DNA were being regenerated, through assistance of the Aquari races, in order to create the Aquafereion line of the humans. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
During that period, when the first seedings occurred, seedings of race lines into a planetary field occur first through seeding of a core crystal, that holds an encryption, or an electromagnetic radiation signature, that holds the DNA imprint of that collective race, and it also holds the imprint, the specialized DNA imprint, of each individual consciousness that will incarnate into an individual body within that race line. So, this particular crystal is a crystal that all of us, whether or not we have the more specialized Aquafereion NaVA-Ho codes, or if we just have the Aquafereion Aquari human codes, we all have our encryption in this particular crystal cluster that is down... it‘s a cluster, but it‘s in the form of a sphere, as if it were a polished stone, clear aquamarine stone sphere. We‘re going to go down, and we‘re going to go down in RashaLAe projection, which means your RashaLAe body will activate, because our RashaLAe bodies are naturally activating at this point in time, because of the frequencies that are being released in the Indigo Shield. We will travel down, and as a group we will sit around this, as if our whole group shield went down into the ground and into the mantle, and are sitting around this crystal, and we will extend our physical arms outward, as if it were in front of us here, and then we will also be doing the same with our RashaLAe bodies, another version of ourselves. Imagine a version of yourself that looks just like you, sitting in a circle just likes you, goes down... that part of you will be touching this crystal. You will receive only ... you will receive little sparks of frequency that will stick to both palms. You‘ll touch it with both palms. It will stick to both palms. It won‘t go into the palms, but these would be the…) (1:46:20—DVD tract begins:) …memory crystals from whenever it was that you came through that imprint. If you have Aquari codes, which means you wouldn‘t be at this workshops if you didn‘t, there‘s a part of your own encryption that is held within this sphere, and when you go and you touch this sphere with the intent of calling home your core seed memory imprint from here, you will receive in crystal form like a crystal layer of crystal dust on your palms. You will take that with you in your RashaLAe body. Once we get to that point, we‘re going to be asked to move down further into a particular gate, which is the gate that was used between Urtha, which we‘ve talked about briefly in the orientation, and Earth. In the core of Earth and Urtha, there is a gate link called Shala 13. From Shala 13 on the Urtha side, you can pass through into Shala 13 of Earth, and then from there there would be a next stop up, if you were incarnating, as a person individually or as a race, into this place that we call Earth. This particular place is in what is called an Aquifer. (1:47:35) Our science here would call it the liquid core level, there‘s the solid core and the liquid core. In the Guardian teachings, they call the liquid cores the Aquifers. They are the deep silica Aquifers, that would be the liquid core, and then you have the mantle levels above it, when you are going down through the Earth. We are going to go down from the mantle into the Aquifers. We‘re going to transmit some of the frequencies that we have picked up, which will only be our individual ones that hold the encryption that is connected to you personally. We will transfer a copy of those frequencies into another crystal, that is the first core crystal of the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho shield that was seeded here in 12,500 BC. That process will activate the Ecousha-TA. It‘s called the Ecousha-TA core seed crystal, of the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho shield. When we do this activation through project the crystal dust into this other crystal that we‘ll see down deeper, that other crystal will actually expand and move out and become a sphere that is a portal. We won‘t be going through that portal right now, but we will be able to see into it, as if you were looking into a very large, one of those snow globes that you shake up and there‘s things happening inside. It‘s kind of that effect. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
(1:48:48) Inside of that you will see there‘s a whole reality field. This particular place has a name. It is called a crystal city. They refer to the crystal cities because they are made of various types of silica. It is connected to what is called the AdorA side. The AdorA - we are in the EtorA universal matrix. You could say, in easy terms, it‘s our twin side. Our twin is the AdorA side of the same matrix. The AdorA side has reality systems just like the EtorA side does. Reality systems here on the EtorA side, like Earth, have corresponding place and reality field in the AdorA side. When we open this crystal and transmit our signature codes, as a collective of Aquari humans, it will allow for the opening of the Ecousha-TA crystal, and the opening of the gate between the AdorA side and the EtorA side of what here is Earth, and what there is another stellar body. But there are crystal cities all the way up going into the atmosphere, both on the AdorA side, and there are ones on our side as well. We have crystal cities. We have cloud cities. We‘ll learn about these more. But the important thing that we are doing now is beginning a process that will allow for rapid expedited activation of the Aqualene Sun fields that we talked about briefly in the orientation. So, the purpose of coming to Caral for this group has been to participate in this particular opening, because you personally will get back an encryption, the dust that you will get from the aquamarine crystal, the dust that holds a radiation encryption that belongs to you when you first entered incarnation through Urtha into this reality system. So, it‘s the beginning of accessing your own core cellular memory, and from that it will allow you to access... there are other layers of these crystals. In fact, there are four layers. Each one goes with a domain level of the bodies we‘ve talked about - the core, inner, middle and outer bodies - and they are all part of the RashaLAe body activation that is known as the Krystar activation. So, there‘s a lot of technicals that have to do with this, that in terms of what we need to do here, is not give a technical workshop... it is simply enjoy the beauty of this site. Realize this site is very very old. Before the temples, or the pyramids that they have found here, there are many things that took place in these sites as well. We‘re gotten a little bit of insight from our Beloveds on the pyramids that are here, and ones that they have said have not been discovered yet. It was funny, Az and I were walking, and we were on line with the Aquafereion, and they said, ―they haven‘t found the big one yet.‖ ―Really? Where is it? Can you give us a hint?‖ And they said, ―well, it‘s over in that direction, but it‘s very very deep, and it‘s under a layer of bedrock. They are not seeing it because their radar won‘t penetrate.‖ ―Really?‖ It has something to do with an earthquake that took place that created a slide in a part of the plates. The temples, most of it got crushed, but a part of it, cause it got wedged under a tilt in the plate, is still actually intact, and at some point it may be discovered. They didn‘t say whether it would be or not. They did say it was there. They said this particular temple wasn‘t the first one that was built. It wasn‘t the ones from the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho races, because they were seeded here in 12,500 BC, so that was much earlier than this particular one. This particular one did, however, have to do with the Aquafereion 3 races, which were the humans from this period, from this seeding, combining with the Aquari races from Urtha. They were seeded in 11,000 BC. But this particular pyramid had to do with a group of them that were here on this site because of its sacred significance to these crystals that we have talked about and the gateways that we have talked about. It was constructed in 4,200 BC. They said it was ... whatever quake and plate slide that it experienced, that was the end of the large temple, or that had it wedged under a piece of shelf that has not been dug under at this point, was around 2,300 BC. So, there is still a potential one that can be found. There is physical evidence that they have identified as directly pertaining to the Aquari human races that we‘ve talked about, that were seeded here. (1:53:17) This is a sacred site to the Aquari races, particularly because this was their core seeding site, where they passed through first from Urtha, through into Shala 13 core gate, that is inside of the solid core of Earth, and out into the Earth Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
field. So, this is literally the seeding site. This is the cradle of the Aquari human civilization. The races that have come from there - some people around here - there‘s a very strong Inca presence. We‘ve talked in other workshops about the Inca people, because they were connected with the Angelic Human and the Cloister races, that‘s in the Voyagers books. This particular group, the Aquari humans, were not directly genetically linked with the Inca people. What‘s interesting about what the guides were saying is the people here were not considered Inca either, and they don‘t really know what they were. They don‘t know how to categorize them. They were just different. They didn‘t do the Inca things, they could tell by some of their, I guess, their artwork. They have found that they weren‘t using Inca tradition. So, even the later temples, these I think they were placing around 3000 BC, weren‘t they? That was 5000 years ago, 3000 BC, right. So, the ones our Beloveds were talking about, meant its physical and around 2300 BC, that would have been still standing when these were actually being built. So, these civilizations were connected to them. What they have said about these particular pyramids is they weren‘t ours directly because what you had at that point in time were... you had some Aquafereion NaVA-Ho races that carried the codes for both the EtorA and the AdorA side, that were the original prototype races of this bioregenesis race that were seeded in 12500 BC. They stayed, and they were kind of like, they were a priest caste, not in an elitist way, but they had more dealings with the Urtha people than they did with the Earth people. They were here to protect and to guide and to teach, and help acclimate the new ones that had come in, that were just Aquafereion human and Aquari, that had come in. So, there were castes of what would be considered priest castes, that spent most of their times in like the big temples, and the big temples were the ones that held the gate access keys. This particular one held something that they called the Well of Creation, because it was actually an open conduit that... a hole down into the ground that led way down in the Aquifers. It has long since been sealed. It was sealed on purpose for certain reasons of protecting the gates from being invaded. The particular Aquafereion NaVA-Ho races that were the guardians of this particular Well of Creation, they didn‘t live in the temples or in the pyramids like this. They didn‘t live on surface. They lived in the subterranean cities that are associated with what‘s called the Aurora 1 Platform. The main city banks that are still there... they are still inhabited by Aquafereion races, and they have security screens where you can‘t find them no matter how far you dig because they are at a different ARPS. If they invite you there, you can actually come, because they will teach you how to use your RashaLAe body so you can make that shift in arps, at which time you would experience them as physical and they would experience you as physical as well. Now, we are not going to do that. But we are going to go down into the level where the subterranean cities exist, and this is where we need to pick up the Ecousha-TA seed codes, our memory crystals of Caral. Later, I believe, possibly tonight in the workshop, people will probably be very tired by then because it will be late by the time we get back, and everybody eats, and then we do a workshop, but at some point we are going to do a visitation down through this area that you will see in the Aquifers, that actually passed through the subterranean cities, and kind of say hi on the way and keep going down into the waters, into the Aquifers, into the liquids, where we see this effect of a spherical portal doorway opening up, and there is a city, a crystal city on the other side of that. It appears to be under an ocean but it is really liquid silica that is part of the core Aquifers, the liquid part of the core of the AdorA side, of the twin, let‘s say, a twin to Earth, one of the many twins to our planet. It connects directly through the gates. We will be traveling through there in a particular journey, once we understand the structure of the RashaLAe body a little bit better, because some people don‘t know what that is, and you do need to understand a bit of what you‘re doing when you‘re working with this. But we will go far enough to see where it is. Once we get that far and this opening occurs, where it goes from being what appears to be this one is an amethyst crystal that is deeper underneath in the Aquifers, and up above that we have the aquamarine crystal that was in the subterranean cities. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
But when the Aquifer crystal opens and goes into the phase where it looks like the snow globe effect, that means we have successfully opened the gate link, and then there is another point. There is a receiving pillar that is funny, because the first place I saw - I saw the pillars sticking up out of the Earth, and it was over there, and walking right toward it, there‘s a stone boundary we‘re not allowed to go past, right... you‘re not allowed to walk past the stone boundaries are. So, we finally got permission just to walk up to the little ridge, where we can see what was over there, and it was really hilarious. I saw exactly where the pillar was coming out. It‘s the road we came in on. It‘s right by ... it sits across... it‘s big. It sits across and spans the road we came in. So, we can... because that‘s not part of the site they are worried about getting stepped on because it hasn‘t been excavated yet. We can on the way back out stop there briefly. We don‘t have to get off the buses. But there will be a simple.. it‘s just simple breathing in... (breathes) code drop... to allow the activated codes. Cause you will get certain activations when you get down into the Aquifer levels, that will amplify the codes that you picked up, that you transferred, and then there‘s a receiving site that the rest of those codes need to be brought into, so people who want to participate in the exercise, when we ask the buses to stop, just for a little bit, and because o the time frame we‘re not going to ask for them to let everybody get out and sit on the side of the road, which we could do but it would take twice as long for us to get back if we keep doing that, so we will be doing the finishing of this. We‘re going to leave our RashaLAe bodies down there, once we get down there, until we get back on the buses with our physical bodies, get over there, stop briefly, release the codes down and bring your RashaLAe body back up. So, I probably won‘t be talking to you once we‘re on the buses because I don‘t think these things have that far of a range. I don‘t know if this will work. When we get there and the buses stop, it will time to simply, just breathe downward, which releases the codes in your own DNA, your own spiritual codes, let‘s simply put it that way, and then (breathes) bring back up your RashaLAe body with yourself that you left down there, when you did the journey this time, and again, if you don‘t want to participate, you don‘t have to. You can sit in a circle with us and do part of it, not all of it, whatever you‘re comfortable with. If you don‘t want to sit in the circle, you don‘t have to do that either. It‘s completely up to you, and what your comfort zone is. We need to get over there and start going... we‘re going to ... (To Az): Will you read the Krystal River Prayer? And anybody who has that and knows that can read it with you? So, we‘ll do the Krystal River Prayer and Invocation first, which gives you about the biggest protection you can get as far as any techniques that can be used that can be used to make sure you‘re safe when you‘re running energy work. Then we will go into the live journey, which I‘ll need to have the headset back for us to do that. (talking to Az) If you‘re going to run this, do we need to use this?
Caral, May 23—Journey [D1 2:01:46] Az (Group does Krystal River Prayer—not transcribed.)
[D1 2:14:29] Ash This won‘t take very long from what I hear actually because sometimes when we go on journeys in 12 tribes classes we return about an hour and a half later. (…) We‘d be sun dried Azurites, no. I just have to review the scribbly notes that they gave me, as far as we‘re going where first, when and what we‘re doing there. We need to sit in the circle, not in the center for this part. We can leave the crystal in the center, though. A triangulation would be good. Yeah. We‘re going to come and join you in the circle, because there is going to be a large crystal sphere, Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
aquamarine sphere, in the center when we get down into projection. Its field will radiate up through, up, literally not just to the surface, but all the way up through the atmosphere, and up to Urtha. So, we‘re getting out of the line of crystal fire (laughs). She‘s there. I‘ll go over here, somewhere over there, a triangulation someplace over here. One point, two point. This will work. Okay, thank you. There we go. I know, I‘m so wired in. Excuse me... I have to go off the air so I can cough without blowing your air drums out! I tend to cough a lot in deserty type environments. The sand gets me until I get used it. I‘m not used to it even though I live in Arizona. First, sit comfortably and try to focus on the rhythm of your breathing a little bit, when you get a feel for...when you can hear the rate of your breathing, try to consciously slow it by about half, just gentle easy breathing, slower breathing. You‘re going into a more relaxed state. What we‘re going to do in a few moments, we‘re going to try to synchronize movement. Each one of us has a body that is referred to as the RashaLAe body. With RashaLAe body activations that are taking place in the Indigo Shield now, even if you haven‘t had RashaLAe body training yet, you can still while participating with a group who some of the members do have RashaLAe body training, you can still participate with them and go on what are called RashaLAe journeys. A RashaLAe journey is literally a part of your consciousness that you choose to send into other locations, by using the vehicle of a part of your light body that is known as the RashaLAe body. It is simply... it would look like a replica of your own body as you have it. You can actually change your RashaLAe body to look like anything you want, or turn into a spark of light, but for now we do use the image of what you know yourself to be right now, because it will assist your self, the part of your consciousness that stays in body, it will assist you to make the link between the experiences you will have in RashaLAe and the experiences that your physical body is registering as real. So, we do ask you that in this RashaLAe projection, just imagine you have a sphere of light that‘s much more intricate than just a sphere, but a large sphere of light around, surrounding your body. There are actually 15 layers of spheres within spheres of the RashaLAe body. But imagine you are sitting within it in your physical body, and that that particular part of your field, called the RashaLAe body, when we begin to journey together, it is going to go downward, moving down through the Earth‘s crust, and down further into the Earth‘s mantle. We‘re going to go as a group, so it will be as if your RashaLAe body is taking an image of you, like an image of what you are and who your are, part of your own consciousness in your own image. It‘s a form of bilocation when we do it this way. It‘s called projection. We‘re going to project that image down with our RashaLAe body, as a group collective. We‘ll find ourselves at the first stop in this group projection. It is as if there is a circle, the circle that we are as a group here, as if it forms a shield, that you don‘t see the shield, but we‘re just sitting on the perimeters of the circle of the shield, and the whole shield will descend down. It‘s going to descend down to the place in the middle mantle of Earth, where the aquamarine crystal is. The aquamarine crystal, again, is the core Ecousha-TA crystal for the Aquafereion races that were seeded in 11,500 BC. All of us would have, as Aquari humans, would have a portion of our own personal encryption in there, when we first passed into the incarnations in the Earth cycle, through that race line, to end up with the codes that are the Aquari codes now that we carry. If you didn‘t have Aquari codes, you wouldn‘t have ended up in this workshop. So, even if you don‘t... you‘re not too sure about who we are and what our teachings are, you‘re still part of a family that is known as Aquari, and you will be able to receive your Caral memory crystals. They‘re memory crystals that are connected directly to this site that is called Caral here because this is the site where the Aquafereion race was first seeded in, where it came in from Urtha, through Shala 13 and up through the subterranean cities, to here, up through here into the subterranean cities. From the subterranean cities it came up into Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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surface life on Earth. So, it is a very sacred site. It is the cradle of civilization for the Aquafereion races. There are also a few other cradles that after they were brought here, they were scattered in various other places. So there was more than one colony. But this was the place where the first ones came, and the first colonies were set, from which the others connected. The others that we will learn something about too have to do with Machu Picchu. They also have to do with certain areas in the United States, in Arizona and in Colorado. There are networks of gate links that connect these sites through the subterranean cities and through other places known as the cloud cities. Just because something appears to be far away from another thing on surface Earth, that was not always a problem for the ancients, because the ancients knew how to use gate systems, and the gate systems were still functioning in those times. We are bringing the gate systems back into function in these times. This is the first part in activation of the Caral site that is the cradle of civilization for the Aquafereion shield. So, we are going to begin this journey simply as imagining ourselves in our RashaLAe body spheres, large sphere around you, and as a group, we‘re going to start to descend, and just as if a 3D carbon copy of your physical body goes down, where your physical body stays here, and it goes down in sphere, or in orb, as it‘s often called. You‘re in your orb or sphere RashaLAe body, moving downward into the Earth. We‘ll try to do this together and I will watch with the inner eyes when the shield stabilizes and begins to reach the location where we need to do our first stop. It is at that point that we will ask you to, in your RashaLAe body down there, and also here to reach your arms out, to extend your arms out. You‘ll be doing this. Putting palms on what down there will be literally putting your palms on a large, a massive, it will be the size of the circle - the circle would be right around the outside of it. And you could touch it with your arms extended. You would be touching down there this beautiful aquamarine crystal, but up here it will also anchor into the physical body here, because that crystal will, once it is called, and we are calling it into activation by interacting with it, it will send its field up down into the Earth and also up into the Earth. So, we will also pick up part of the codes with our palms here, so it‘s important to, when we hit the stage where it‘s time to put your palms on the aquamarine crystal down in the Earth‘s mantle, to also put your physical arms out and your hands up, so you can get the part that will be carried in the air, carried in the molecules of the air, and let it brush past. Remember, this is like crystal dust of aquamarine color, pale aquamarine blue, that will stick to the outside of the hands. It‘s not something that you take into your body or anything like that. It holds your memory encryption. Just the dust on the palms, and you will leave the dust later. We will leave the dust. The dust is just meant to stimulate by giving you back on the outside the radiation signature that belongs to you in the first place. You have a part of your own crystal body structure that holds, the RashaLAe body structure that holds the exact same encryption. The dust is simply meant to stimulate that in your own selves. So, you‘re not taking anything in to yourself. You are simply touching something that will create a vibration that you have a co resonant harmonic vibration existing dormant within you, and that will start to vibrate on its own, because it is a part of you. So, you‘re not taking in anything foreign to yourself from this crystal, just so you know. There will be a point when we deposit back the dust, when we go down to the amethyst crystal in the Aquifers, and that will cause the opening of the snowball effect, where the snow sphere.... that is the opening of ... it is the first opening that is necessary for the expedition of the Aqualene Sun activations on this planet in order to secure the ascension passage, the Aquareion host ascension passage. We‘ll get more on the technicals of what that is when we get back into workshop time tonight at the hotel cause you need diagrams to show it. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So, what we will do... is simply as a group on a mental three... simply inhale... hold for three... and then exhale, and as you exhale begin to push down with the RashaLAe sphere, and begin to descend. Let‘s stop the descent.... inhale... hold for a second... then push down again with the exhale. And one more... inhale... hold... exhale... now, you can just breathe individually and naturally, and we‘ll synchronize the movement of the shield sufficiently. Just imagine and try to feel the sense of you and your replica body in your RashaLAe, or your RashaLAe body collectively, moving downward through the Earth‘s crust. Imagine the feeling as your eyebrows are passing the sand level that your bottom is sitting on right now. Imagine you‘re moving down further and further. You‘re moving through rock as if you were a ghost moving through a wall, with no resistance, no problem. We have a little bit of a descent to go before we get to the middle mantle point. The first indication will be almost - there‘s a sense, if you can feel the sense of this group shield moving downward. Some people will be able to feel that sense of… like… below you, you can actually feel that you are connected to something that is like a disk moving down. There will be a bit of resistance before too long. Just a little bit of an… oops, bumped into an energy field, kind of bounced up a little and continued on through the energy field. That energy field is the field being generated by the aquamarine crystal. So, very soon we will kind of like hit the little bump and then continue our descent… here we go. My whole body felt that one. That didn‘t hurt but it was kind of a surprise. Okay. We‘re moving into the auric field, the field surrounding the aquamarine crystal now, and if you can try to see through the eyes of your RashaLAe body, and try to imagine it‘s a bit dark and murky down there when you first start to get used to using your RashaLAe vision, but what you will first notice is the lovely aquamarine glow, and as the shield settles - cause you‘re actually coming down over the aquamarine crystal - and it will end up being in the center of our shield. We‘re beginning the descent down over the crystal at this point, and very soon, when we get to where our sitting platform, or our shield is aligned with the bottom of the crystal, we will stop the descent temporarily of the RashaLAe. It wobbled. I have a little bit of wobble on the shield as it‘s settling. The shield is stopped now. So your RashaLAe bodies are down here. Try to… especially if you haven‘t done RashaLAe projection before, try to get a feel for that part of you. It‘s easy to lose track when you‘re just starting and you end up somewhere stuck between the outer crust and the middle mantle and you lost track of yourself and can‘t feel it anymore. You have made it down because of the support of the group shield. There are a number of people who have done RashaLAe journeys before, and they have those fields activated in their RashaLAes. That gives you support. You are all down there. I am checking to make sure there‘s no drifters, people still hanging someplace up in between and haven‘t settled. Everybody is down there. Everybody came down together. That‘s good. That‘s really good for having some people who are new to the work. That‘s very good. Now… since we‘re all in RashaLAe down in the middle mantle of Earth, this is an area … this particular crystal exists within the subterranean cities in the Aurora 1 platform. The subterranean city, if I can remember its name, is referred to as… Ah‘RU-NE‘wa. So, this crystal is a physical crystal that is located in the Aurora 1 platform subterranean city of Ah‘RU-NE‘wa. It‘s actually in a large courtyard in their underground city. We‘ll get to explore at a different time. But we are just passing through to pick up the codes here. In Ah‘RU-NE‘wa, this was a place where the Aquafereion, particularly the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho from 12,500 BC, they primarily lived here, and they came to the surface when it was important to do certain things, and they went back down into Ah‘RU-NE‘wa, and resided there. They didn‘t build temples on the surface then. Their groups didn‘t. Later, when the straight Aquafereion groups came they did build temples on the surface, or home situations… temple cities on the Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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surface. But, the Ah‘RU-NE‘wa is a place that we have passed through before, we of Aquafereion human descent, because we spent time there before. We would acclimate there before we went all the way to Earth‘s surface, because of the radiation differences. Ah‘RU-NE‘wa would have a closer radiation signature to that of Urtha than as you come up to the surface areas here. So, it was an acclimatization zone, where we would acclimate biologically to that area first before coming here. (2:31:01) It may be a place that, when physical invitations for Sliders begin, that some of us will be taken there, you know, offered to be taken there if you‘re invited in to visit some of the other places that do exist. It would be a place that is most compatible with our bodies, as they exist right now. And the cloud cities would be next, as far as what would be compatible with our bodies. So, right now, we are actually sitting in a courtyard, and we are being seen by the people who live in Ah‘RU-NE‘wa, and they were expecting us. They knew we were coming. They know that we are here, to simply pick up the Caral memory crystals from the Ecousha-TA crystal, and this large aquamarine crystal is the Ecousha-TA core seed crystal of the Aquafereion human shield. Now, let us extend out… we‘re down there in RashaLAe state… extend out your RashaLAe body arms and at arm‘s length each one of you will be able to touch the surface of the aquamarine crystal. You may feel a bit of fuzziness in your physical palms while you do this. You may or may not. Don‘t worry if you don‘t. Try to feel it for a moment. The crystal itself is a conscious identity in and of itself, that is directly connected to all of the incarnates of the Aquafereion shield. What it is doing right now is sensing, so we‘re allowing it to sense who we are, and what our encryption is, so it can find within itself the encryption that actually matches ours. There‘s a point coming inside. If any of you can see this, some people will be able to see with their inner vision, what your RashaLAe body is seeing with this large aquamarine crystal. In the center of it now, it looks like something where light is starting to happen… there is a light starting to spin. It looks like a spinning light in the center. It has located and registered the signatures of everyone who agreed to participate in this and wanted to participate, and it‘s getting ready to simply broadcast a little burst of frequency. The little burst of frequency will cause a film to form really quickly on the outside of the aquamarine sphere, and that film will very rapidly turn to dust, a beautiful crystalline aquamarine crystal dust, and that dust will simply stick temporarily to the outside of the palms. That‘s going to happen any minute now, any second actually. When I say now, it is when that burst is going to be released and the dust goes to dust. (inhales) That‘s when you need to just inhale just a little bit so you pull the dust to the palms, so it sticks on the outside of your palms. It‘s coming any second. Okay, now, simply inhale… just keep your palms there for just a little bit, to make sure you get all of the dust that goes with your encryption. The crystal just flashed, which means everyone‘s got the amount that belongs to them. Everybody‘s got their encryption. Even though Ah‘RU-NE‘wa is a lovely place to explore and visit and is fascinating… it is a fascinating biome, and it is a physical biome, it is beyond protection screens, and at a different angular rotation of particle spin, but its right there underneath us as we walk on the surface of the Earth. There will be other times to visit and explore here. Some of the Quiventilliur races, by the way, the ones known as the Yetis, that come up on surface sometimes, there are large colonies of them that reside here as well, and they are very fond of particular Aquareion humans, because the Aquareion humans have been very nice to them. We are going to move on, though, because we have a mission today. The mission is to activate the core Ecousha-TA crystal of the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho race line that was seeded really as a prototype race, Aquari human race, that was seeded in 12,500 BC. These were descendants of the seeding 2 and seeding 1 Aquafereion races. They carry within them the codes that led to specific chambers of direct access between Earth and Urtha, that the seeding 3 Aquafereion Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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lineage was not given because of the danger to Urtha being raided from the surface if the Aquafereion humans had been taken over or attacked. They could have been used to raid the Urtha gates, so seeding 3 Aquafereions weren‘t given the codes to the AdorA side that would allow for opening of a direct passage called the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho passage. We‘re going to assist in the opening of the NaVA-Ho passage now, and this allows a much more rapid access through the Aurora platforms into the Urtha Adashi temples. So, it will allow for expedition of the ascension mission, which is necessary at this point because of what the Fallen Angelic agenda people are doing with the planetary grids as usual. They are trying to override and block the activations of the AnshatAsa Passage ascension tube, and this will ensure a more rapid activation of the Aqualene Sun RashaLAe body activations of Earth… it will ensure that they cannot do that. So, it‘s another expedited activation. We weren‘t planning to have to do this when we came to Caral. We were simply going to pick up our personal memory crystals. But, we are being asked for those who want to, to use them, if you pick them up, you can take those crystals now and participate in the next part of the descent journey, down into the liquid silica Aquifers that exist below the mantles of Earth. They are considered by science the liquid core of the Earth, the liquid outer core. We are going to move down as a group shield again, simply with three breaths to harmonize the descent movement… let‘s do those now. Inhale… hold… exhale down. Inhale... and exhale down. And inhale... exhale down. Now, the shield is moving downward now. The RashaLAe shield is moving downward into the Aquifers, and very soon, we will again come upon a crystal, but this time the crystal is in a pinky violet color. It‘s in the form of amethyst, but it is much more pinky and vibrant violet than the amethyst that you see on Earth. We are going to approach that and again there will be just a little bit...actually much less of a bounce back feel when the shield comes down over it. We are entering that now and there is hardly any kickback at all. This crystal is smaller. It wouldn‘t take up the whole area yet between... in this circle that we are sitting in. We are in a much larger circle with a small crystal at the center, that is the pinky violet Ecousha-TA seed core crystal of the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho. What we‘re going to do is transmit a copy, we‘ll keep the originals. We‘re allowed to keep the originals, and then we will just transmit and release them. We‘re going to transmit a copy of the dust codes on our palms, the aquamarine dust codes that are our Caral memory crystal codes. We are going to transmit this toward the center, and do this physically with your physical hands as well. Put your palms out, with thumbs together, and imagine you are moving a particle beam of fine blue dust particles toward the center area of the shield. Just simply begin to breathe inhale and use the exhale to push outward, sending out the streams of blue crystal. In the RashaLAe state, these crystal codes are going to stick to the outside of the pink violet sphere. There‘s a sound pitch that has now emanated from the violet sphere, and that means it has received the sufficient coding that it required, and in a moment it is actually going to do a pop and expansion, and it will expand again to be the size of the circle that is in the middle of our circle and our shield here. When it does, it will no longer appear as violet. It will appear as if it was a crystal globe that we‘re still sitting on the outside of, because we‘re on the Earth side, and we will be able to see in, as if looking into a huge crystal ball. You can see there‘s a whole other world and reality field in there. You‘re looking into this world to a place that at first what you see appears to be ripply, as if it‘s under water, but there is some kind of light. It‘s like radiant light water, where it looks as colors of aquamarine and colors of violet, and also colors of more greeny Aquafereion type turquoisy blue, blue-green. There will be rippling colors of liquid light that are running through this sphere. It‘s almost like close your RashaLAe eyes and your physical ones and squeeze them tight and look real hard with your third eye vision, and you can make out the shapes of what appear to be in this watery light substance buildings of different shapes and sizes. There are domed buildings with what appear to be towers. There are structures that look like they could be natural, perhaps underwater cliffs, that if you squint a bit more closely, you can actually see that there are what appear to be Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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doorways and windows in them. This is a place that is on the AdorA side, or the twin matrix to our EtorA matrix, and the name of this place is Ah-RU-NE-Pet. It is the corresponding point to the Ah‘RU-NE‘wa subterranean cities of Earth. This is going to happen in a moment. It hasn‘t popped yet. It‘s actually assimilating the codes in the right sequence, in the right order that we have given it. They‘re just saying it will pop any second now. If we had more time what they would have had us do is all lie down, lie back and spend a bit of time actually experiencing moving our consciousness into and seeing a bit around inside of the sphere. But that will take too long to do that. So, we won‘t do that here and now. But we can do that another time before we leave on the Peru trip. So, what we simply are going to do at this point... alright... they‘re asking us to put our hands just on the ground, like in front of you, just your two palms down. Just breathe normally and the pop is going to come as that crystal turns into a large spherical clear crystal gateway portal. It‘s going... now. It goes in about three waves, so it will be like three waves that come up and you can actually feel them a bit. Some people will be able to feel them with their palms coming up from the Earth. If you happen to be a person who did feel a little bit of an (sound) coming upward, when I said it‘s popping now, that implies certain codes that go with the AdorA side. It implies Aquafereion NaVA-Ho alignment in your own DNA, as well as the standard Aquafereion human alignment. If you felt that, simply inhale and push back down and send a recognition back to that. That‘s a lot of breaths. We‘ve got a lot of NaVA-HOs here. Nice. Now, we can bring our palms up and we‘ve done the first level of the activation. The next thing we need to do is we need to go to the other site that is on the way out, and we can do it literally from the buses. We don‘t even have to get off the buses. We‘ve made the connection with the land and sand and the physicality. We‘re going to leave our RashaLAe bodies temporarily down there. What we can do is imagine that they‘re lying back around the large sphere, the thing that we would do here physically if we had time to join our RashaLAe body with this, just kind of lying back and watching the sphere, and we‘re going to start to see things inside of it that will show us some things about the AdorA side and our connection to it. Our RashaLAe bodies can go through that experience while we get our bodies together, so they can get on the buses, and those kinds of things. What we will do when we get to the point where we ask the buses to stop on the road out, there‘s a large pillar there. It‘s a receiving pillar. It takes a little bit of time for the codes that we just picked for our own memory crystals to activate in our bodies, because they were stimulated by the palm dust. We‘re going to release the palm dust into that pillar when we stop the buses. So remember, you still have a bit of dust on the palms. Some of it stuck to the crystal but you still have some. You don‘t need that. It was just there to stimulate the awakening of your codes that you carry in your own DNA. (2:45:28) So, we will... when we stop the buses, we will first just literally, physically, with your hands, just release the palm dust. We‘ll do it in the area where there is this receiving pillar. It will go back down into the area of this large sphere, as far as the dust goes, and it will just transmute and go back to its natural, its own natural Partiki dust. So, it was just a medium to carry the vibration that you needed to activate your own codes. What we‘ll do... before the buses start... is simply... from your palms let the dust go, and inhale your RashaLAe body back up. There will be experiences that your RashaLAe body self experienced. While you are getting ready to get on the bus, your RashaLAe body was shown other things and given clues to about, perhaps, your own incarnational history in relation to the Aquafereion races. There will be things shown to you in that large snowball sphere. This is the beginning of the Aquafereion races assisting you to get your memory back because we have had our memory wiped out on this planet since 13,400 BC. That‘s why there were Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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ancient technologies after that time that were devised by Kristic races to hold the memories for us, because our bodies, our bioflesh could not hold them anymore. So, there were large storage things, memory crystals, that were set to hold things that we could not remember once we got into bodies here. We just received the core memory crystal, our own personal encryption. There will be more. There are four other primary crystals that we will get. Also, planets have them, and stars. So, we are also assisting the activation of these within the Earth body, and within the Urtha body. So, we‘ll talk more about it when we get into the workshop tonight, where we‘ll start to play with the maps a little bit, and you‘ll get to see the mural map that I was telling you about. We‘ll get to begin to journey a little bit with an exercise we‘ll do there. It‘s going to be an interesting trip, there‘s going to be fascinating things they are going to teach us on site. We had no idea what we were going to do here today, just that we had to come. It had to do with getting the memory crystals. Now we know what we had to do. We just did it. I had no idea we were gong to do a live meditation, as well as the Krystal River prayer. We actually had to ask permission. It was protocol. Not because anybody here gave us a hard time, but because the local guardian people of the site were very sweet about it having us here, and there was absolutely no astral interference coming in, which is rare. Usually there‘s some kind of little battle going on over our heads, where you have the Kristic ones holding off the creeps that are getting upset because we‘re healing the grids out from under them, none of that. The grids were good here when we got here. The people who have been taking care of them have been doing a good job actually of taking care of them. So, we had to ask if it was alright if we sat down and did the prayer, so the protocol was followed with it. We didn‘t know which way that would go when we came, so they didn‘t tell us what we were going to do here. Just show up and we‘ll let you know. So, thank you for participating with this. We‘re going to, kind of, meander back to bus time and we‘ll explain where we need to stop so the bus people know, so we‘ll get that message across. So, when you find you‘re on the bus on the way out and the bus stops, that‘s the time to simply let the dust go, any remaining dust off the palms, and to bring your RashaLAe body back up. Now, if you forget to do that - if you happen to fall asleep because you‘re tired on the bus - you‘re not going to lose your RashaLAe body. It will find you wherever you are, alright? But, the memory imprint will be easier for you to access if you can remember to bring it up there. Because the memory will still be fresh from its experience, and you will bring it on line with your own DNA. It may unfold later when you‘re sleeping tonight. You may start to have releases in dream state, where you start to have dreams of other times and of being other places and people that were connected to these places. So, it may start that way. Do try to bring your RashaLAe body back with you now. It will come back to the hotel, but it won‘t be able to hold the memory imprint quite as strong for you if you don‘t remember to pick it up on the way out with the buses. Thank you and that worked really well. The group worked really really well, and in very good harmony together. Thank you on behalf of all of us.
Lima, May 23—Lecture [D1 2:49:16] Ash For anybody who doesn‘t know us already, when we give live stuff, sometimes the times get backed up a bit, because it takes me a while to get the information down to where it needs to be so it can be used for that evening. What we were given tonight, what we just got finished working on, is the first part of the key to the maps. You‘re going to be getting a Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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handout now in color and what that is, is a map. You‘ll begin to see by the end of the evening what the map pertains to, and how it corresponds to what we did in Caral today. (…) I‘m not going to keep you up too late tonight because we all have a 5am wake-up call, and when we get into Cusco, we will have more time to do longer workshop type things, where we can cover more of the technicals. We‘ll cover enough technicals tonight so you understand about vertical maps, when I talk about the vertical maps, what they are. We won‘t go into RashaLAe body anatomy tonight. We will do that later. First you will see the product of RashaLAe body anatomy, which is the structure of the natural radiation fields and planes that make up our planet that we call Earth, and its relationship to its hosting star called Urtha. Once we see that, we can understand the vertical maps. So, you‘ll be able to understand what we did today, and what, as we do our little journey to Cusco, why we are going to Cusco, and what is next, and how that pertains to Picchu. We are in the process of opening a set of conduits to Urtha, a set of ascension passages to Urtha, that are called the Aquafereion passage. We are opening them on the NaVA-ho run, which means first we open the seeding 3 Aquafereion passage, and then there will be a set of other activations that have to do with the code that is at the end of your packet that you got, the ascension code, as they called it, the Heart of Aquari I believe they call that the Heart of Aquafereion. We will see later, not on this map, but this is the beginning of understanding how the ascension chambers work and how they are connected. We will see what we activated today, and what we will be activating in the next couple of days. Then, that will lead to understanding eventually, there‘s another set, that once these are activated, that we‘re doing right now, there is another set that we will activate part of before we leave Peru, that have to do with…imagine passages in the shape of that code, the code that is at the end of your package. Because once we finish with the set that we started today, and open this particular set of passages, we will then be opening the corresponding passages that are literally shaped like the code, that is called the ascension code. So, we are in the middle of some very heavy duty technicals. We need to get everybody to where they understand what the vertical maps are so you‘ll begin to understand the real tangible physical significance of what we are doing. This is not just hypothetical. There is a lot of science. We‘ve been bringing science through from the last seven years, from the first Partiki all the way through the creation sequence, to get to understand how certain configurations of light body structure, be they for a person or a planet, how they came to be. We will backtrack and go back to that, so we link together our understanding of what is here, to how it got here in the first place, so there‘s a coherence to the entire ascension teachings that we bring. They are not just fluff-headed ones, you know, assign it to the angels, and you say three hail Mary‘s and you‘re out of here. It doesn‘t work that way. It is quite sophisticated. This is the beginning. I‘m excited because finally, I got to find out part of what the mural on my wall is about, because they have always said when we were doing it, it is a three dimensional code, and it is a map of the ascension chambers. I‘m looking at it, going okay, right, because they had me paint it. They showed me what to paint where, but they didn‘t even tell me what it was at the time. I didn‘t know what the pink cloud layers were. I didn‘t know what the blue cloud layers were. I did know one thing - that we had Camelback Mountain in Arizona and Phoenix right in the middle of it, on the ground level. So that was all we knew when we got it. So, we just learned tonight an exciting part of how the chambers connect, how Caral and Cusco and Machu Picchu connect into Arizona, and that connects into other things. When we get into the other stages of this map, once we‘re through with activating these we‘ll probably get there sometime when we‘re in Cusco, where I have the time to plug in that code you have into the map you‘ll get tonight. What I‘m also trying to do is get done... you will get the color version that doesn‘t have the chambers marked yet. Right now, by the time we get done with our presentation tonight, the last Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Mylar you will see up here - it is being run off right now. Its what I just got finished with right now before I came down. It shows on that map the first set of ascension chambers that we are in the process of opening. I‘m hoping to get you at least a black and white copy of that, so when you look at your colored one - you can use this colored map for projection journeys. Eventually we will do the... as more of the passages open and we‘re shown where they are on the map, we‘ll do acetate overlays that you can lay over that and use them as literal projections for when you do RashaLAe body projection at home, and those kinds of things. So, these are something that we suggest you keep. We went through a lot of trouble to do a paste-up of some really horrendous photos of the mural, so you can have this color version, so you can begin to work with it. Before you leave the trip, we will have, what we just got tonight, plus what we will be getting in Cusco, added in, at least on the black and white version, so you will see where these passages are in relation. So there is a key to his map. Right now, it‘s just kind of a pretty picture. But there is a key to this map that shows you what layers refer to what and what passages go between what layers. This map plugs into technical diagrams you‘ll see a bit of tonight that show you the different layers going up in Earth‘s atmosphere and layers going down to Earth core. So this is ... finally I got to do something in color, which was nice. For the last ten years I‘ve been having to do things in very tight graphs in black and white. This is the first time we finally moved into the colored version. They wanted it colored because it holds the frequency. The color is close enough to what came out on the wall. It‘s holding the color frequencies associated with each of those bands. For example, I will just tell you one thing real quick on that one. When you are looking at the pink cloud bands, they pertain to the Aurora 2 platforms cloud cities. The passages to that were just opened during the Ring 3 journey in the 12 Tribes class number four in April. So, these are specific coordinates even though they just look like pretty pictures. There will be a time eventually, where we do these in large form, for people who want them. We are thinking of doing them on a set of cotton curtains that you can... they can be a mural you can paste on your wall, but if you don‘t own your house you can‘t do that. What you can do with a set of cotton curtains is put them on any window on a curtain rod, pull them closed when you want to use it as a life size…we have a life-size one that‘s big. It takes up from the floor to the ceiling, all the way around three walls in our living room. You kind of lie down in it and you can feel the frequencies. And it‘s not even activated yet. They are going to activate the wall, because we are activating the passages during this trip to Peru, so we‘re hoping to get them on some kind of portable thing that you can use as a life-size projection space. I do believe at some point, when slide zones start to fully open and our bodies are prepared to go through them, you can probably walk through your mural. I‘m having a feeling that there will be a time when the physical bodies are ready to do the slides, they will be able to use those. These are the maps that give you the coordinates so you can step over and around what are called hibernation zones, which are the reversed spin zones that are being run by some not very nice Fallen Angelic races and mutated versions of human races from seeding 1, 2 and seeding 3. So, there‘s things you don‘t want to run into when you are going up and out into higher spaces. These maps are meant to get you through that chaos in order to stay on the Kristic path. The first place to go will be to Urtha, because Earth is a small body within the larger stellar body of Urtha, at a different arps. I‘ll show you what that means, but first what I want to show you is just to do a quick run through on the ... we‘ve talked about the Krystal River tri-Eckasha, or three Eckasha councils. We talked about the (…) Aquareion Matrix and how they hosted a very long time ago. They began the host for this matrix. There is a simple map, if we understand the basic Kathara grid and we understand the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates that we got very early on, several years ago, that are in the Kathara 2/3 manual. They hold the key to Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
understanding basic relationships to where our Veca system is in relation to these others, and you can see the three, which three Eckashas are involved with running the currents. So, when you are running the Krystal River and related currents, you are running the Krystal Spiral, the core crystal currents from the three Eckasha system into this system in order to provide the host. So it gives a little orientation as to ... there is a place where these beings exist in relation to where our matrix exists. (…) (End Disk 1)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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Disk 2
2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Lima, May 23—Lecture (continued) [D2 0:00:11] (Kathara Grid)
This is just a quick reminder of the Kathara grid and the Kathara grid structure, because that is what the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates, which were just the maps of the outer domains, before we actually learned about the middle domains, the inner domains and the core domains. But, they are all built on configurations of a very specific Kathara grid that holds the mathematics, and the creation imprint of what is called the Krist code. When we use the word Krist, it is coming from understanding that original first creation mechanics, that allows for natural perpetual motion and eternal life cycles, as opposed to finite life cycles. So, we‘re not just referring to the word Christian or Bible. In fact, the Christian Bible has very little to do with any of the original teachings, and that is really sad. Certain parts of them were taken, and at this point most of them have been edited out, and they‘ve turned it into a control dogma. The same has happened with the Koran, the same has happened with the Buddhist texts, the same thing has happened with every religion on this planet. Originally, we all had one religion. The religion was about understanding the original Legion of the Krist, the original eternal life cycle that we are all a part of, and when we talk about Kathara grids, you can find a mutated version of this in the Kabbalistic teachings - I forget which book it is, but I think it is the Kabbala directly. So there are pieces of this that have come up from the Atlantean times, when we had a record wipe. This place was swept where there were no more of the Maharata texts left. The Maharata texts were the written versions of this information, that was alive even still in the physical in Atlantis. Those texts were destroyed. So, people who are just coming in to this work, there is a huge spectrum to this. We are not just one little religious perspective among billion different ones. We represent the original perspective, out of which the others fragmented. If anybody has a problem with that, if people out there who are very devout in their religions, we always say everyone is welcome, because every religion originally came from this understanding of the cosmos, and your eternal life nature. So, whatever your affiliation, you are welcome here, and there is a place where ... one question is, whatever your books may be that you find sacred, where did they come from? Do you really think God came down, sat down with a pen and wrote them? They came through people translating information, all along, every one of them. You can say every one of them was channeled, and it depends on whether that channel was clear or not as to how clear the information was given. So, we do represent a unified cosmological perspective that embraces both science and spirituality, where they are shown as a coherent force of eternal life creation. In that eternal life creation, ascension is a reality, not just a false Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
promise that is made to a bunch of people who will follow this or that. We show you what it is about. We show you that it has to do with Stargate passage which has to do with DNA capacities, once you are in a manifest form. What we are working on now is all based on the Krist code, which is based on the Kathara grid. What we are doing is opening the ascension passages that are still available on this planet. It‘s really exciting at this point that you are part of the work, because it is getting very close now. It is not the maps that go all the way up and out to the cosmos, because we have those too with the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates. It took you so far out as far as understanding your 15 dimensional matrix and its main 12 stargates, and how that connected to a whole bunch of others. You felt like, kind of like, a little piece of sand on a beach someplace, that the cosmos was so large, that even the thought of ascending home, home seemed so far away you could hardly even conceptualize it. Now, the first step toward home is being able to move between Earth and Urtha, and from Urtha, the passage opens to Sirius B, which is another lonestar fall host system because this whole Ecka/Veca is falling. But, there are host systems like Earth is going through. We will eventually be able to get out into the Aquareion matrix, and you‘ll see where that is in a minute. So, I just wanted to remind you of the Kathara grid, the Krist code structure, and the fact that all of the maps are built on them. Whether they are maps that have their 3D pretty hologram put on them, like the maps in color that you have there, or whether you‘re looking at the bones of those maps, which are the Kathara grids, or the balls, which are the spheres which form on the Kathara grids. So we will get into structure more heavily later. I just want to get you to the point where we play with the vertical maps a bit, so then you will understand when you go to Cusco tomorrow, a bit of what we are participating in there. We will take it from there, at some point into a very really quick course in the RashaLAe body anatomy, and how that applies to these maps. So, you will see the product of RashaLAe body anatomy and first creation physics, when you see the vertical maps. Before you see the vertical maps, you will see the circular maps which are spherical maps, that show you the different layers and planes that exist within the Earth‘s body and within Urtha‘s body, and how they interface with each other. That‘s when you find out where platforms are, where gates are, and where you can move your consciousness first, and then eventually your body, once you reverse mutate the gene code from the mutations that have been done here. There is still actually the possibility of getting the body through, through slide, which goes into the Aurora fields, which are still fully hosted, and a few people may actually be able to reverse mutate sufficiently, within enough time to reach the 2047 deadline, when Urtha starfires. Some people will actually go out with Urtha. They will choose to leave, and they will take their bodies out through and go to Urtha and they will starfire in with Urtha. But most people on this planet won‘t. There is a whole bunch of the Indigo team that is needed, particular the Aquareion Indigo team to hold the host here and hold the gates open. So there will be generations that follow us, long after we leave, whether we take our bodies or not, that will at least for 500-1000 years hold these gates open, that we are opening now, in order to allow the potential for evolution out of here for the life field before our Sun goes into nova. It‘s a big plan we‘re a part of. Next one please.
[D2 0:06:07] (Stairway to Heaven)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
This was just reminding you of that little Kathara grid, we have shown it builds what‘s called the Stairway to Heaven, and this is just in the outer domains. We start down here at the... oops, where are we? Where is the bottom of that? There it is, very strange. We were down here, a single Kathara grid. They group into sets, and they form... I‘m not going to go through all of this. All of this has been covered in workshops from the K2/3 on upwards, so anybody that is new that wants to understand about these, there‘s heavy technicals that go with these. There‘s even light technicals that go with these. There‘s workshops that explain this clearly. If I try to even explain that these are the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates, that these are Veca systems. The core is the Ecka system. That builds up to form an Eckasha. That builds up to form an EckashaA. Four of those build up to form an Eckasha Aah, which is the structure of the Eukatharista body of the outer domains. If I start going into those explanations tonight, we won‘t get two minutes sleep before we have to have our bags out in the morning. I‘m not going to do that to you because we are doing up in altitude tomorrow and that‘s hard on the body. I‘ll talk really fast and let you see... because when you look at these graphs you think you‘re just seeing them fly by. You are still picking up on some level in your fields the frequency that they hold, which is the direct cognition of the knowledge that they hold. You can always go back and find what was that graph, and where was it. I‘d like to find out more about that, about the technicals, so you... you know, for some people who want to do it, some people already know it and they are so tired of hearing it, that they‘re just like: ―get on with it already‖. So, for people who are new, I‘m trying to balance it out, because there are new people among us that don‘t know a whole lot about the sophistication and coherence that the material holds. It is there and if you want to look at it later after this trip, you can. But you‘ve come in right at a very high level of technicals that were are working with, and fortunately, there‘s enough people who have been with us for a while, and have been going through RashaLAe body training, so they can hold the field, and the frequencies available, that will assist you in our own body‘s natural RashaLAe body activations. It will probably drop off a bit after the trip because you don‘t have the support of the group shield, but it will come back. The activation levels, if you start to get insights, you start to actually feel things and understand things then when you get home, and a week later you can‘t even remember why the trip was kind of neat. You know something was happening and you can‘t remember what it was, that‘s normal. Your DNA went back to its usual activation level it was at before, because it will pick up while you‘re with the group shield and the RashaLAe body activations. You will get that level back, and then you will go beyond it in your own right. So, don‘t let that kind of freak you out or disappoint you, if you get home and you can‘t remember why you thought it might have been good stuff. That happens. Also, if you do techniques and you fall asleep half way through, if you‘re new, that‘s not new, everybody has been doing that from the beginning. Eventually, you‘ll stay awake during a technique as your DNA can hold the frequencies you‘re bringing in. So, that‘s another little thing, if you‘re just starting with techniques, you may find yourself literally fading off to sleep, and what you‘re doing is picking it up on the higher levels of consciousness, from the astral field. You‘re actually shifting the focus of consciousness, because your DNA and your Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
body can‘t hold it anymore. So, your consciousness is paying attention, where you‘re asleep... you might not remember when you come back, but you did pick up the rest of the exercise. If you‘re doing a journey tape, for example, you actually continued on the journey. You just won‘t have 3D memory of what you experienced, but eventually you will be able to hold and run a whole journey tape, and actually stay awake and focused, and it will feel more and more real as you work with it, as you anchor the frequencies. This graph is just to show you that the Stairway to Heaven exists. It starts down here where we are, on Earth in Density 1, and it progresses all the way up through from what is called the Density 1 level of a Veca system, all the way up through to the core of the Ecka system. From the Ecka to the Eckasha system. Now, from the Eckasha level on up, fall does not occur, in those reality fields, in those reality domains. So there are portions of your consciousness that are actually stationed in all of these places. In order to get down all the way into here, as in a manifest form, you‘ve had to leave portions of your huge consciousness behind in those other higher stations, in order to make your consciousness small enough to fit in the frequency bands that are down here. So, you do have parts of yourself through the entire spectrum of the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates, and these are just the outer domains. These outer domains were created by the same set of things on what‘s called the middle domains. They are called the Edons, or the Gardens of Edon. From those, they were created from a step behind that, that were called the Inner domains, and they were created from the core domains. So, your light body structure is huge. Your consciousness is huge. We‘re all connected and actually a microcosmic reflection of cosmic structure. We will get into that when we do RashaLAe training, but right now I just wanted you to do about the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates, and how it creates what we call the Stairway to Heaven, from the Veca systems to the Ecka systems, to the Eckasha systems, to the EckashaA systems, to the larger Eckasha Aah, which has four EckashaAs in it. They are the outer domain gates, that helps in understanding placement, as far as when we‘re understanding the Krystal River currents, and who are these three Eckasha level matrices that are actually releasing the currents of their core natural Krystal Spiral, which is the eternal life spiral from the center of their, literally all the way back through domains, center of their core. They are releasing Krystal Spiral support into our matrix, in order to hold this host, so the entire thing doesn‘t fall and go black hole status. Next one please.
[D12 0:11:45] (Eckasha Aah)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
I‘m going to do my best... if I talk too fast, let it just go by, and some part of you will absorb what you need by osmosis. The other stuff we will cover at other times, a lot of it‘s been covered before. This is just to show you the large scale of the Eckasha Aah. It‘s also called the Eukatharista body of the outer domains. The outer domains have this whole structure, what you‘re seeing here are the, this is the Eckasha Aah. It has four EckashaA, Inside of each EckashaA, it has four Eckashas. So, we are dealing with the Eckasha levels of Krystal Spiral. In each of those Eckashas there is an Ecka/Veca system. We are in a Veca system with an Ecka at its core, so we are one of these little guys down here, where our reality field is located. It‘s connected to a larger thing called our Eckasha. There are other Eckashas around us within the EckashaA that we are in, and there are other EckashaAs that have other Eckashas and Ecka/Veca systems in them. So, this helps you find a little bit about placement. These are cosmological maps. These are the big maps that go way out there. It‘s almost hard to even fathom how far out, because you can‘t send anything that Hubble can take a picture of is nowhere near up here, it‘s way down, running around down in one of the little density ones, down in one of those little Vecas. Next one.
[D2 0:13:11] (graph)
That‘s the Eukatharista body. This is it again here too, the Eukatharista body. And for a while back, we showed that over in this area, this is the Eukatharista body and this is the Eckasha Aah. These are the four EckashaA with their four Eckashas inside of them. This is our Eckasha here. So this is where we are in the cosmological maps. Our Veca system, our pcm or particum Veca is that little spot right there. So, this is our Eckasha. That is our Veca. In the very little tip of that Veca is where our density 1 system is, where our Earth and the solar system is located. Over here, this is the different EckashaA. It‘s considered the adjacent. This relationship is considered an adjacent relationship. They are not parallels. They are adjacent. Our parallel Eckasha would be here, I believe. So, here‘s our Eckasha, our parallel Eckasha would be here. This is the adjacent EckashaA. So, these are adjacent systems. Over here, we talked quite a while ago, a number of years ago, about a partially fallen matrix that held the Wesedak and the Wesedrak fallen black hole systems. That whole matrix itself isn‘t fallen. But its PCM and its PKA side - its smaller parallels on the Veca levels are, and they create the Wesedrak and Wesedak black hole systems. The natural Kristic structure of that system is called the WEsaLA matrix. There is still a lot of viable Kristic aspects in the WEsaLA matrix, but it does have its two black hole systems that are going to go into their spacedust return. So, taking it from this map that we had a long time ago, when we started to show our placement, our Eckasha and our Veca‘s placement in relation
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
to the WEsaLA matrix, we‘ll now see where the Aquareion matrix is. The one that has been holding the host for both of our matrices since the Fall of the Bourgha matrix. We‘ll be able to see where the Bourgha matrix is as well. Next one please.
[D2 0:15:22] (graph)
This is looking at the same time, just larger, so you can see a little bit of the detail of the bones better. We‘re again looking at the bones, and the bones... when we are talking about the maps are actually stargates. Each Kathara grid has 12 Kathara centers, and when we‘re dealing the larger templar structures of the cosmos, they are stargates. So, there are sets of 12 stargates. So, all of these large balls are 12 stargates, main stargates of the Eckasha Aah. These are the EckashaA systems. One, two, three and four. This is our EckashaA here. I believe it‘s tilted at a different angle. Down here we have our EckashaA and our Eckasha, and our Veca system and our parallel Veca. So, this is the PCM and PKA of our Veca system, within our Eckasha, within our EckashaA. Our parallel, which would be at 90 degrees to us... our parallel Eckasha would be this one. Our parallel Eckasha‘s Ecka/Veca system is the system that was the Bourgha matrix. It was called the Borenthasala. They were the original Kristic Ecka level races that were seeded into that system. We won‘t go through why. We‘ve covered this and a couple of other things about how they got into creating something called the Victim/Victimizer game, in order to try to solve certain problems involving why the potentiality of fall existed within the Krist program. In doing so, they fell themselves very badly and became something that chose to use full on anti-Kristic things, eating other things in order to sustain itself, because they wanted to prove that God was wrong, and they wanted to prove that they would be better at running the entire creation than Source ever was. They had very twisted thinking by the time that they fell. They are still in existence, but they are our parallel Eckasha. They represent our parallel Eckasha. So, we are neighbors in our EckashaA. Because they fell, not only their Vecas fell, but their core Ecka fell, before it fell it plugged in to our Ecka because we were close and because our Ecka was the parallel, and these were parallels on the EckashaA level. They were able to use that parallel Eckasha connection to create a time-rip into our Ecka. Over here, in this adjacent EckashaA, we have the WEsaLA matrix. That‘s the one that had the Wesedak and the Wesedrak Vecas fallen. These are considered in the adjacent matrix. It‘s the adjacent EckashaA, and they have a parallel. This is their Eckasha. This is their EckashaA, the adjacent EckashaA to ours. And this is their Eckasha. Their Eckasha hasn‘t fallen, but two of their Veca systems have fallen, Wesedak and Wesedrak. The WEsaLA matrix still has its core that is viable, it is still Kristic, it is rehabilitating, so it is not a fully fallen matrix - only these two parts of it are. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Over here, the parallel to the WEsaLA... the WEsaLA is the adjacent matrix, so this is the parallel adjacent matrix. This is the Aquareion matrix. The outer domains are referred to as the Aquareion level. The Aquious are their, I believe, their middle Edon Hub levels because each level has a Hub. Then, as we go deeper, their inner Hub levels are, I believe, the AnshaTAsa... I can never pronounce this word. I‘m tired. AnshaTAsa. So, when we hear words like the AnshaTAsa Passage, we‘re referring to the inner Hub domain level of this particular matrix. There is nothing fallen in this matrix. They hold full on Kristic status, and they have no fallen parts to them. It is the combination of frequencies, or Krystal Spirals, natural Kristic Krystal Spirals, from the Aquareion matrix, from the still viable Kristic portions of the WEsaLA matrix, and from the AdorA side, which is kind of like ... we didn‘t even get into the AdorAs when we were doing these maps yet. If we‘re the EtorA side, there is a, going in counterspin, our twin, and it‘s a different type of twin than a parallel would be, but it‘s in the same place as we are, so we are the EtorA side of this matrix, and we have a compliment twin that is the AdorA side. So, the AdorA side is not fully falling, they have Kristic potential. So we have the three matrices here running, they form what is called the Krystal River cooperative. It was run by the ones who had not fallen at all. They were close enough to help, but they were far enough away to not get dragged into the fall of the Bourgha matrix. So it is from this matrix, this matrix, and the AdorA side of our matrix that we are running the Krystal River Spiral and the other currents that will come through. There is a current that has been anchored here from, I believe, their outer domains. It was called the Arc of Aquari. That came from their outer domains. Recently, we‘ve anchored the AnshatAsa Passage, there, I said it right that time. It comes from the inner Hubs of this matrix and it has anchored into our matrix and into our Earth. This is the lifeline that is coming in directly. They actually come in - the AnshatAsa Passage comes in from their Hubs to our Hubs, which are fine, and out into our outer domains, through our Edons and to our outer domains. So, there‘s a lot of help that we‘re getting in this drama down here, but it is a very large drama, a drama that involves not just little Veca systems, but entire Eckasha and EckashaA systems. It is quite a large drama. It‘s been going on for 480450 billions years. That is when our parallel Eckasha‘s Ecka/Veca, the Bourgha matrix, fell. So, I just wanted you to see the basic relationships in the cosmological maps that is how, to where we are positioned and where our little Veca system is, and where we are way down here in the Density 1 level of our Veca system, and where these others are located. So there‘s the Bourgha matrix, there is the Aquareion matrix, and there is the WEsaLA matrix. These three, our AdorA side, still have Kristic potential and are running their Krystal Spirals to hold the host. The life line, we‘ve talked about it being almost like a respirator tube that is holding Earth‘s prana seed from compaction, it is coming directly from the Hubs of this matrix and down, and it is literally like a respirator that breathes life force in, and allows the things that… if it were lungs we were talking about, and not the planetary templar, it allows the energy to keep circulating, just like a respirator would allow the lungs to keep moving oxygen and to keep breathing. So, right now that is the status that Earth is in, and it‘s doing a lot better than the Sun, because the Sun has undergone the core compaction of its prana seed, which means it has entered Bardoah. Normally, as I said before, a planet, any of the planets that are orbiting around the Sun, if the Sun enters Bardoah, the entire solar system will enter Bardoah. Eventually, at the end of the Bardoah cycle, there is what is called the nova cycle. That is where it implodes and then explodes and goes back to space dust return. We‘re not looking at that right now, and we wouldn‘t have been for about three billion years, until they fully compacted and started the Bardoah cycle on the Sun. It was frequencies being blasted in from the Bourgha matrix that did indeed compact the core gates in our Sun. so, they‘ve been sending psychotronics, or scalar wave blasts of frequency, just like we anchored Kristic pillars of energy, well, they can anchor all sorts of reverse spin twisted coded frequencies from their fallen matrix. They created what is called the Bourgha time rip triangulation. They created one time rip, an energy blast line that went from their matrix to the fallen Wesedrak matrix in Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
the WEsaLA matrix, and they created another one down through Belatrix in our system to enter our system, and then they connected them through what is called the E-Umbi lock in our Veca‘s universal Stargate. So there is a triangulation running this way, by which some very nasty, and again, they have the power of three fallen matrices‘ currents that they have been using to really cause harm here. What their objective has been was to harness this, make it fall, harness that, make it fall, and drag it in, and just because the Aquareion really annoy them, because they are always getting the way in them succeeding in eating all of our creation, or assimilating it The Bourghas are known as the assimilators, because they want to assimilate everything into their matrix, in other words eat it in order to sustain and hold off the point at which they would hit space dust return, in which they would hit natural Bardoah. So, we are dealing with a triangulation of reversed spin currents that are not as strong as the three Kristic currents, because the reversed spin currents are never as strong as the original eternal life currents, but they can still pack a wallop, and they can overwhelm smaller systems, even if the smaller systems are running Krist or partial Krist. So, the Aquareion matrix got directly involved in this drama when the Bourgha got directly involved and activated their triangulation, and that was recently. I forget when it was - like the end of last year I think it was, 2006. I have that written down someplace, when they began opening the triangulation and working with the Thetans. There‘s something called the Threshold grid that was put in our system a long time ago by the Thetans and a group of fallen Lyrans, and the Bourgha, that was meant to run the triangulation, and it has been dormant for a very long time. In the last two years, the Threshold has been activated by the Thetans, and the Bourgha have opened their triangulation in order to finish the kill, basically, is what they are aiming to do. That is why the Aquareion matrix and the Urtha races got involved, let their presence be known, brought the information back here about the fact that we are a hosting planet inside of a larger star that‘s going to Starfire, which is a good thing, that they had to reveal because if they didn‘t assist us directly, and if there were no one here on surface to understand what is happening, there would be nobody to open the gates, and there would be nothing that they could do… if they just tried to bring in the Krystal River streams without any bodies here that were capable of anchoring it, the gates wouldn‘t open, and it would just destroy the planet. But because the Indigo Shield is here, and in particular because the Aquareion Human Indigo Shield is here, we have the ability to hold and run those frequencies, and to literally create collectively a planetary RashaLAe body activation, even when the planet itself can‘t run those things anymore. So, because we are on planet, because those codes that we have are on planet, and will be for 500-1000 years, not necessarily you, but there will be generations of people with codes like this, that will hold these frequencies, so Earth is able to eventually evacuate its life field. So, I just wanted to show you where … who is who in relation to the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates, so you could at least, particularly if you‘re new, at least have an idea that we‘re not just talking out of ears, like it‘s said sometimes. There is a lot of detail and sophistication with the information that we‘ve been given, and it‘s quite scientific and quite … it can be too scientific sometimes, quite intense. We‘re part of a big plan. The little things, it seems like we might be doing little things as we go through Peru, sit down in a circle and do some meditations and those kind of things, they appear to be little things on the outside, but they are huge. We are literally opening ascension chambers. We are opening evac ascension chambers, because this planet is in full on evac. It has 500-1000 years, so far, as long as everything goes well, for that evac to take place. So, it‘s not a three day, like we‘re going in three days, forget packing your bags. We have been on three day standby or three day notice for quite a number, I think over a year at this point. If it goes bad, and it looks like, either because the Bourgha and their Red Dragon alliance friends do something drastic, because they Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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know they are not going to win and they try to just destroy it in the first place, there is still a standing three day evac order, which requires RashaLAe body activation, and the Indigo Shield has been prepped for over a year to be able to engage that, which means we would literally be beamed up to Urtha as fast as possible if it was going to go bad here. So, in anybody who could, it wouldn‘t be just people who come to workshops, it would be anybody that has the ability to, when the frequencies are set to go into mass RashaLAe body activation, whoever could hold it would be able to get out, but, so far they‘re quite calm about that. They haven‘t talked about three day evacs in a while, because of the Aquareions getting involved, and revealing that they have been holding the host for so long, and because there‘s enough of us conscious to actually do the work on the ground that‘s needed, and open these chambers to be able to hold this host field. So it looks a lot, the prognosis is a lot better than it could be otherwise if the Aquareion humans weren‘t on planet. Next one please. (Question from audience about term matrix, etc.)
[D2 0:30:31] (Urtha/Earth)
Knowing a little bit about the God World gates - or some of you know a lot about them because you‘ve been studying them for years - if we bring it back to home, here we are on Earth, in Density 1, which is the lowest part of that little Kathara grid that‘s called a Veca Kathara grid, where the Kathara centers 1, 2 and 3, or stargates 1, 2 and 3 are located down at the bottom, that would be Density 1. Our Earth ... this is a really choppy diagram because I haven‘t had time to actually fine tune any of these diagrams because they keep giving me new stuff on top of new stuff. It‘s enough to show you - I‘ve talked about Earth being a planet that is hosting inside of a larger stellar body that is still in Kristic state, where it still is a functional living stellar body. That stellar body is called Urtha. It‘s called Urtha 3, referring to its position as universal Stargate 3 within our 15 dimensional time matrix, within our Veca. So, Urtha is universal Stargate 3. That‘s why we‘ve always said that Earth is Stargate 3, because Earth is in the center of Urtha. So universal Stargate 3 anchors into Earth through Urtha. Normally, in a hosting situation, a hosting planet - I‘m getting cold rushes, it‘s like on/off, on/off with the coat.. (talking off microphone). If this is the host star, and this is the little sick planet, let‘s say, that is hosting within it, in order to attempt to bioregenerate, which means regenerate its grids enough where it could go back into its natural ascension path, back into Density 2, as a part of Tara, which was the Amenti Rescue Mission‘s objective. It was 550 million years that the Amenti Rescue Mission was set, and I took the pieces of Tara that had exploded and attempted to re-evolve them through hosting them through Density 1's star, and creating our little solar system, a hosting system, in order to bring those Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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pieces back together, so the natural light body structure of Tara could return, so it would be capable of Starfire and the natural processes that are involved with just being part of a living matrix. Starfire is a natural part of a living matrix. At a certain point, Starfire occurs, where the planet literally reaches certain frequency accretion, and its full expansion rate, and then it actually disappears, pops off, contracts in to the middle domains, and then when it finishes there, it contracts in to the inner domains. So, there is a continual flow that planets and stellar bodies and solar systems and persons are supposed to be able to do in a natural Kristic flow. When you have grid damage to the extent that occurred on Tara, where its pieces went flying all over the place, it didn‘t have its shield intact anymore, and if the shield of a planet, or person, isn‘t intact, it won‘t be able to engage Starfire or the natural time rhythms of expansion and contraction that go with an eternal living universe. So, there are many attempts to host such planets if they still have the ability to possibly regenerate what their original pattern was, so they can get back on their natural ascension path. The Amenti Rescue Mission was an attempt to do that. It was an attempt unfortunately that has failed. The failure point has come during our particular time on this particular planet. This was the Final Conflict Drama that would determine whether Earth would be able to pull out of the mess it was in, and it‘s not just an Earth mess. It was a mess that effected our whole 15 dimensional Veca system, because of the Bourgha matrix ... it‘s sad that the Amenti Rescue Mission did not work, but it is a glad thing that there‘s somebody that‘s been watching over this all along, and that they are still able to assist us in evolving the life field out, so when this system falls, it will not have to fall with the Kristic life field trapped inside of it. So, there is at least a silver lining to that cloud. This is Earth. This is Urtha, universal Stargate 3, in our 15 dimensional matrix, which would be the Kathara center 3 position, if you looked at the Kathara grid that represents the bones of our 15 dimensional time matrix. This isn‘t showing you proportionally. Urtha would be actually much bigger. It is just showing so you can see where the smaller sphere that represents our Earth body, and the larger spheres representing the star body that Urtha is. In between here there is a field that we refer to as the Aurora field. That is the field that has part of the coding of Earth and part of the coding of Urtha. It allows... this is the field that will activate to become the Gyrodome, or the gyrating dome, that will actually allow the misaligned gates, which are called spanner gates, that are supposed to run... they kind of run in loops, where it looks like a big flower. 12 of them. It runs from Urtha‘s natural stargates through what would have been Earth‘s natural stargates, and back out again. Earth‘s natural stargates cannot run the spanners. That happened a long time ago, so they activated the Arc of the Covenant gates on Earth, where the spanners were plugged into those, and for a while that worked. Then they became compromised. At this point there is only one spanner gate between Urtha and Earth that is viable at all. It is called Spanner 7. Spanner 7 connects to Urtha‘s planetary Stargate, or stellar Stargate 7, which connects to its 7 point on its Kathara grid, which connects to Urtha‘s Rod, which is the horizontal frequency running across its Kathara grid. It is like a tube of energy running through it horizontally. That 7 gate... because of its association with the Rod, the 6 and the 7 gates would be the strongest ones to be able to hold a connection on a hosting planet that is in a crisis situation like Earth is. So Spanner 7 was chosen on the planet because it had the potential of holding its spanner open because of its relation to Urtha‘s seven gate, and that‘s relationship to the Rod that runs through the Urtha star planet. Normally, this Earth, in its first...when it was first positioned in its host, its top north Staff was aligned with Urtha‘s top north Staff. That was the natural position for the host. Through the damages that occurred here from that period between the three seedings of the human races and there‘s been a number of things in the Voyagers book where we just touched on the history of the fall of the two races, from the 5.5 million years ago, the Electric Wars, all sorts of things that occurred that have progressively damaged Earth‘s grid, and they have... what should have been a natural Staff alignment between Urtha and Earth has been changed. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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We have known that... you can even see it in our solar system… we‘ve known that we have the 22.5 degree tilt from the solar axis, right? So, we‘ve been tilted in relation to our own Sun. Our north should be in the same position, or orbital spin, our Staff should be aligned with our Sun so they can arc together, and a natural energy flow can open, so our planet, just by its position, that even science verifies how it ... what gives us the equinox and all of those things, they are not natural configurations. They are caused by a tilt in the Earth‘s staff, and that tilt also puts it out of alignment with Urtha, and that meant, when that full tilt occurred, it meant that the spanner gates couldn‘t line up anymore. The Aurora field allows for a field to ... if something wanted to come from Earth, it could come out, say... if the gates were working... you would come out gate four, but you would find gate four is not aligned with gate four anymore on the other side. What the Aurora field would do is it would allow you to come out gate four, hang out in the Aurora field, the Aurora field would rotate and line up with gate four on Urtha, and then you could go out through gate four on Urtha. So, it gyrated, or it would spin... it would spin in cycles to allow for the opening and closing of the gates even after the damage had occurred. It also has the potentiality to be activated as a full on gyrodome, which will allow various things. We‘ll talk about it more, because they get into heavy technicals about Aqualene Sun activations, but the gyrodome will allow the holding of the host, so Earth can survive when Urtha starfires. Urtha is going to starfire between 2047 and 2052. What that means is that it is going to flash off. Earth is a very twisted little planet sitting here at this point. It‘s very damaged. It can‘t ride Starfire or it would explode, and it has several black hole systems trying to pull it in as food at this point. It is in a falling Ecka/Veca system. The planets that can Starfire out of this system will Starfire, go into their Edon levels in the middle, and they will be fine, and they will rebirth back out on their natural Starfire cycles. The other things in this Ecka/Veca systems are falling black hole status. Because there are certain other larger black holes, like the Bourgha black hole, and the Wesedrak black hole that are trying to use this falling system as food, there are two options for most things in this Veca system. One is Starfire, two is become food. The third option comes in because of the Gyrodome. When the Gyrodome fully activates, it will actually allow and hold a protection field, that is directly connected to the Aquareion Matrix over in the parallel adjacent Eckasha, over in that other EckashaA, that will allow it to hold the status of what‘s called LoneStar fall, which means it‘s still falling. That can‘t be stopped at this point. But it will be in its own black hole system. This solar system will become its own black hole system, as opposed to being dragged into another and literally ripped apart, and simply be used as quantum energy food. It‘s a much better alternative. It also allows for Earth first to survive Starfire during 2047-2052 when Urtha disappears and isn‘t holding it up anymore. At that point, that‘s when the Aquareion host fully kicks in. It is that host that is holding Earth from being dragged in and used as food in other systems. There are two other systems in our falling Ecka/Veca that have a similar alignment, and that is Sirius B, which is connected to universal Stargate 6, and Andromeda, part of Andromeda, which is connected to universal Stargate 9, and that‘s where we get the 3-6-9 alignment going up and over into the Aquarian matrix. So, it is the last remaining ascension passage in this falling Ecka/Veca system. It‘s kind of neat to be part of the Earth team that is being trusted to be functional enough and take it seriously enough to actually open what needs to be opened in order to hold that host. The host makes the difference between space dust, or our system, our planet literally being poisoned by radiation within the next 50 years, and becoming desolate where nothing can live on it. That means we would all get stuck here and all the plants and animals and things would get stuck here. So, what we‘re doing is huge. It‘s very humbling when you just realize somebody up there trusts you enough. You walk around saying, ―I feel so clueless down here.‖ Every little new thing you learn, you realize how clueless you used to be, and you realize you were probably really really clueless compared to what 20 years from now you would be. So, we‘re trusted with a huge mission. They believe in us. They know that even though we don‘t remember all of who we are, and all of what we know, we have it in us, and we have it in our RashaLAes... there‘s a movement of the Krist. It doesn‘t Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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always need to have the 3D part of itself fully understand the whole program, but it moves... the Krist itself... we are representatives of the Krist, the eternal life force. It will move with us and through us, and it will get us where we need to be and help us to understand what we need to do so we do it well, even sometimes despite ourselves. So, we‘re part of a big mission, but that doesn‘t have to be scary. Even if you decide you never want to go to another workshop again, the fact that you have Aquari human codes, you are part of the mission. You signed on for it or you wouldn‘t have Aquari human codes. You can do with that what you want, but they will assist you whether or not you want to understand more of the bigger picture in 3D from us, as we‘re getting it. You are still being looked over and watched over and helped at this point. You are not alone in this at all anymore. We have incarnations of ourselves on Urtha as well. So, it‘s very close in the family. We have simultaneous incarnations on Urtha. That means there is somebody directly on Urtha that cares very much about how you do down here, and that you‘ll be ok, so please feel supported during this. This Staff misalignment is kind of interesting. For a long time we knew it had a 22.5 degree tilt in Earth‘s Staff compared to the Sun. What we didn‘t know is it‘s not just that. This is actually... this is north Staff, the north pole of Urtha, that aligns with north in our Ecka/Veca system in the Kathara grid. This is south of Earth. Our north is down here, so when we look up to our north, we are actually looking at Urtha‘s south. It is completely a 180 + 22.5 degree shift. So, it is really really distorted. That creates a great mess when it comes to the gates and the gate alignments. But the Aurora field is the antidote to that. The Aurora field has been used, like in partial activation, during other times, to allow for that gyration that would allow you to go in at one gate here, and it would shift you around to where the other side of that gate was on Urtha. But now it‘s literally being used to hold the host. It will be fully activated as the Gyrodome, that will allow it to activate RashaLAe body and hold the Earth in a host RashaLAe body that is sustained by those on planet who can hold that host, as the anchor here, and on the other end of it, it will be going through Urtha, until Urtha decides... when it goes through Starfire, and its not in this domain anymore, it will go right through into the Aquareion matrix, because they are not starfiring at the same time, they‘re on a different cycle. So, they will be still out in the outer domains, in order to hold Earth while Urtha goes into its Starfire cycle and goes into the Edons. Next one please.
[D2 0:45:10] (graph)
If I can get through this quick enough because at least we‘ll know what to do tomorrow. This is just to show you a little bit more about if this little Kathara grid here represented Earth, and this big one here represented Urtha, what you‘re seeing here are these rings. This we‘ll learn more about. You will learn more about when we do RashaLAe body anatomy. What you‘re looking at are sets of 15 rings. There is a RashaLAe body structure that has to do with the dark matter templates, Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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and the dark matter templates are what the outer atoms and molecules organize upon. They are actually the organizing force behind, and they‘re not actually dark matter; they‘re very bright. But science here calls it dark matter, because they can see the influence of this matter or force they can‘t see. This energy that is somehow creating an influence or affect out here, but they can‘t see the energy that is creating the affect. They can only see the affects. They call it dark. So it‘s not dark, but it‘s actually bright if you see it. It‘s very very bright. It‘s brighter than the light spectra we have out here. But we refer to them as the dark matter Par-TE‘-KEi templates. This applies to personal RashaLAe bodies, it also apples to planetary RashaLAe bodies. The important thing right now about understanding is there are sets of 15 layers of geleziac radiation. They each have different types of qualities that form the base shield of the RashaLAe body. There are four sets of 15 embedded, where you have a small Kathara grid that would be, say, the D1 grid. That would have 15 layers. The D2 grid, that the D1 is within, would have another 15 layers. So, all these 15 layer sets are going through each other. You have D1, D2, D3, and a fourth that is called a density level. So, they come in sets of four, each with 15 layers. This is basic RashaLAe body structure. When you take a hosting planet, it has its four sets of 15 layers that progressively give it the geleziac radiation layers, and the layers are spheres. They are not just flat circles. They are spheres of energy. When you take a hosting planet, you not only have the four levels of 15 for that planet. You also have the four levels of 15 that correspond with the larger hosting star that it is within. When you put those altogether, you have many spheres within many spheres. What they create are planes that interface with each other. All these spheres are actually spinning through each other, and certain ones from D1 interface with ones from D2 interface with ones from D3, interface from ones from the density level, which interface with ones from the host planet or star. The way this works in relation to Earth and Urtha is... we‘ve talked before that we have the D1, D2, D3 and our density 1 Kathara grid. So that‘s our four sets of embedded one. We talked about this in terms of our bodies. Urtha has a set of four as well, Kathara grids, progressively getting bigger. Our density level, the big one that we‘ve been working with, represents the D1 little one level of Urtha. So that‘s actually how you get the proportions and how you can tell what geleziac layers interface with what, in between where Earth‘s geleziac layers are and where Urtha‘s geleziac layers are. This gives you the key to understanding the beginning of what become the vertical maps. They are first spherical maps. Where you can begin to see what layers, first of all in just a set of four, what layers form the core, the inner core. What layers form the outer liquid core, which we call the Aquifers. What layers form the three layers of the mantle. Where‘s the crust in relation to this? And going above the crust, what layers form what layers of the atmosphere? Where‘s the thermosphere? Where is the magnetosphere? Where‘s the ozone layer in all of this? We will dissect that more when we get into RashaLAe body, because there is a name for each of those 15 layers. There‘s a specific tonal frequency for each of those 15 layers. It is the same for each set of 15 layers. So be it the D1, D2, D3 grid, whatever grid, there are 15 geleziac layers and there are 15 tonal signatures that are the audible translation of their actual core vibration signature. We‘ll be using those tones in order to activate RashaLAe body when we get into, not tomorrow, but before we leave Cusco we will be doing some of that. We will be finishing that, I believe, the last day at Machu Picchu. (0:49:49) So, there are names for each of these layers, and there are numbers for each of these layers. Between these geleziac layers or spheres, there are what are called crystalline bands. As we come out into the larger structure, the bands become what are called the spans. So, when we talk about spanners, we are talking about those that can activate not only the layers of the RashaLAe body, but also the crystalline bands or spans between them. And when you activate the layers, which are also called rings, and the bands, or spans, it allows the entire RashaLAe body to depolarize all of its layers and turn into one unified field, which allows it to enter a state of what is called Kryst Star activation. It can then turn into a point of light and pull into the domains that it emerged out of. We‘re in the outer domains, so that means we‘d pull into the middle domains. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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So there is a natural structure of RashaLAe body, a huge structure of RashaLAe body. There are things called fire chambers. There are things called Alons, KAlons and ShAlons that are all part of this. There are things called Na VA Ho cycles that are all part of this. A bit technical. We‘ll get into some of that. Enough so you can understand what we do step by step. But what you need to understand now, first of all what we did today, and why we‘re going to Cusco, and then why we‘re going to Picchu. It has to do with opening certain chambers, and those chambers can be best understood by understanding simply the vertical maps, and where those chambers are in relation to them. To understand the vertical maps, you first need to have a basic understanding of the spherical maps. So, if you have Earth and its four sets of 15 geleziac layers here, you have Urtha around it. Urtha is actually at its center. And you have its four sets of 15 geleziac layers here. You have all of these layers or bands, and this is where we start to get planes of existence forming between. This is where we start to be able to tell where, say, our ozone layers is in relation to Urtha‘s surface. Literally, we are inside of that larger stellar body. We don‘t see it because we are at a different angular rotation of particle spin, very different at this point. We would have been able to perceive Urtha as physical if we were back in natural Staff alignment. We would be at a similar angular rotation of particle spin, just at a slower base pulse rhythm, or a slower vibration, so it would have been much easier to perceive it as physical. At this point, we have the 180 + 23.5 off shift to the Staff, but Urtha is still on its alignment to what the natural Kathara grid and the natural cosmological maps would be. That means it‘s running on a natural time cycle and a natural base pulse rhythm. (0:52:30) So, we can begin at least to understand that when we have one set of four 15 geleziac layers that form... this is where we get the formation of the matter levels of our elemental levels, that form the matter base that we‘re dealing with in our 3D hologram. I think... first I‘ll point out here just, because we‘re going to go onto that diagram to see that, it‘s a little easier. What we‘re seeing here in this Kathara grid, this is Earth‘s body and its layers and its atmosphere. This layer here is called the Rha Ka layer. It has to do with the tonal signatures of Ka here and the Rha here, and it forms the band in between called Rha Ka. It‘s called rock; it‘s also called the crust. Ok? So that would be Earth‘s crust. We also have out in the atmosphere here... this is where we will start to see what science knows is there and compare it to where that is on these maps. So, we can get an idea where certain things actually exist in relation to where we are standing. These little areas here actually represent a band that goes around. Science calls it the inner Van Allen Belt. This outer one here is another. It would be a band. You‘re just seeing a cross-section of it. That would be the outer Van Allen Belt. There are specific numbers as far as how many miles up these things are. So, we haven‘t had time yet to go analyze the science books that tell us how far up the Van Allen Belt is and that kind of stuff. There is a space between called the Van Allen Gap. There are particular planes in relation to these things. If we know where the Van Allens are, that science has already identified in relation to our planet‘s surface, we can then identify where in relation to the Van Allens the other layers are, and we can find where in relation to the Van Allen Belts Urtha‘s surface would be. Urtha‘s surface is way out here. We‘re way down here inside of Urtha‘s core. In fact, our crystals - there is a crystal base that runs in our upper mantle. It is actually the core, what is called Nada crystal, the core first radiation level crystal of Urtha. So, you start to get the actual proportional relationships between the Earth and the Urtha body. What it also shows is we‘re here living on the surface of this spheres, and the surface of this sphere is out here. There‘s certain characteristics to different layers, like, always on what‘s called the Ma 8 layer, which is the middle mantle layer, both here and here, you will have what are called the subterranean biomes. You will know where Urtha‘s subterranean biomes are. You will know where Earth‘s subterranean biomes are. This is why RashaLAe body anatomy was important, and it will be and that‘s why you will get some of that, so you do understand what exists where. There are planes in certain types of life fields that exist within each set of these bands. So we can tell where there are biomes. We can tell where there are what will be called cloud cities. So, we‘re going to get into that in a little bit. But I want to first go down to an easier diagram that will show one set. I think it shows one set of four. What‘s the next one I have there? Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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[D2 0:55:40] (graph)
That‘s just showing the mess that the Earth‘s magnetic fields are in relation to the tilt. Just put that up for two seconds. Just let it flash by. With the tilt - this is the mess of our planetary electromagnetic fields. We call it the Poison Apple. It‘s like an apple configuration. It is all based on Metatronic science. So, when you go to anything that‘s teaching that Metatron was a good thing... well, Metatron‘s brilliance helped to create this mess, and this is what is causing our planet to fall, basically. Metatron‘s mess was plugged into the Threshold, which was the Thetans‘ mess, which was plugged into the Bourgha‘s mess, which was called the Bourgha Time Rip Triangulation. So, it‘s literally an evolution of what we call the BeaST black hole machine configuration. But this is the planet‘s electromagnetic fields. We have really nasty vortices coming out the north and south poles. They actually act as satellite dishes that pull in the frequencies from the black hole systems. They are gong to be used to actually rotate us and pull us right into the black hole systems. So, this is what our planetary magnetic fields look like at the moment. Next one please.
[D2 0:56:35] (graph)
Back to more positive things. Now... this is showing one set of 15 geleziac layers. To make it simple, so you can understand it a little bit more easily... you can see the numbers on here. You have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen and fifteen. This way it shows it. In simple terms, you have the one, two and three, and these aren‘t dimensions. Each dimension has a set of these 15 layers. So, let‘s say we‘re just looking at the D2 grid now. We‘re using the D2 grid because we are perceiving from D3 station of consciousness. The thing we see as solid here, what we see as solid, is the D2 spectrum. So, we‘ll use the D2 grid. Remember there would be a larger D3 Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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grid and a larger density grid around that with its 15 geleziac layers, and a smaller one that would be inside here, that would be the D1 geleziac layers as well. But this represents D2 Earth right now. We have geleziac layers one, two and three. These three layers would comprise what science here calls the solid inner core of the planet. You have the next layers out - four, five and six. These are what our guys call the Aquifers. These are what science here would call the outer liquid core. We have layers seven, eight and nine. These are what our guys call the lower, the middle and the upper layers of the mantle of Earth. Science just does two of them. Somewhere in here, they don‘t recognize there‘s a third layer that is different from the one above it and the one below it. So, there are actually three levels to the mantle. Right here, we have the crust. The crust would be the band between this level, which is nine, and nine happens to have the tonal resonance called Ka, so it‘s called the Ka 9 band, and out here you have the 10 band, which is called the Rha band. So you have the Rha Ka band, which is the 10/9 band, running between them. That is the crust of the Earth that our buildings are built on, we‘re standing on and walking around on. Up above the crust, this is the Rha 10 light field. This goes all the way up to what our science identifies as the thermosphere. So, that‘s a particular, however many miles up. It‘s past the stratosphere, past the ozone layer and all those things. So the ozone layer and all those things would actually be in our inner atmosphere. This is where everything from planes flying and weather in the ozone layer, all that is in here. When we go out here, in our atmosphere, we eventually end up with the magnetosphere. That‘s that thing that has the magneto-tail that gets like blown off by the solar wind a bit, and it stretches out, when we see it in the science books. That layer is running at the same layer as the crust level of Urtha. So, where our magnetosphere is, is the crust level of Urtha. But it is at a different angular rotation of particle spin. The magnetosphere is not a natural configuration. It is part of the Net matrix here, that has been holding this planet into its twisted grid alignments. There are several things that... I won‘t go into heavily the Nets tonight, because I want mostly for you to do is be able to understand how this plugs into the verticals and how the verticals plug into the colored map. Then we will be able to see... did we get the Mylar back, the final one? It is ready? Yes. Ok. Thank you. So, if we can understand that simply these geleziac layers actually form the different layers of things from the core to the Aquifers, the liquid core, to the mantle layers, to the crust, then to different layers of the atmosphere, we can start to understand where RashaLAe body - because this is the planet‘s RashaLAe body, it‘s natural RashaLAe body structure and what that has to do with manifesting things that we know are physical and real. Let‘s go to the next one.
[D2 1:00:58] (graph)
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
It‘s getting late and I want to let you guys go. As you can see, when we start to put in things and fill in what is at what layer, it starts to get very complicated, as far as diagrams go. I think I have to do them wall size too in order to be able to write clearly and so you can identify and label. But again, it‘s the same thing, where we have the one, two and three layers, the four, five and six layers of Aquifers, the seven, eight and nine layers of the mantle, the Rha Ka 10 layer, and what you‘re seeing here are what are called Aurora platforms. They are spheres, but they‘re just shown here like in a cross-section. These are spheres that run at specific layers in between some of these bands in order to create... literally they are connected to the Aurora field that we saw that exists between, that surrounds Earth, between Earth and Urtha. So, these are aspects or bands that run in the Aurora field. Some of them run not only around Earth, but actually go down into Earth as well. We have what‘s called the Aurora 1 platform, the Aurora 2 platform, the Aurora 3 platform, and if you look here, this is where the inner Van Allen Belt is found, the Aurora 3 platform. Here we have the outer Van Allen Belt. You have the Aurora 4 platform. And out here we have surface Urtha. These Aurora platforms are safe zones. These are where, as they progressively activate - we are bringing them into activation, so the passage to Urtha is being opened. There are things that are unnatural characteristics, that are happening in the Earth‘s RashaLAe body, and thus in its manifest matter body and its layers of its atmosphere and its core. There are three things, three levels of something called Nets. These are electromagnetic distortion fields that are created by the BeaST machines that we‘ve mentioned - the BeaST, the Threshold and the Time Rip Triangulation of the Bourgha. They all culminate into forming something called the Nets. There are three levels of Net. There is the D1 Net called the Dermo-Net, and I believe that‘s the one that runs here. It‘s a nasty band of frequency that actually splits what would be the natural geleziac layers, and the corresponding layer of the atmosphere. It splits them - and that‘s running right through the crust. It goes partially up into the atmosphere, and partially down into the mantle. That is actually mutating our etheric template for our DNA, our DNA template, and it‘s holding it in an unnatural configuration. It is also splitting the natural light field of what would be the natural RashaLAe body of the planet. What this creates is something called reverse spin zones, both below where the Net is and above. These are what we call hibernation zones. Those zones actually are part of our reality hologram. They have their 3D qualities, and each dimensional level has them. D1, D2, and D3 and together they form 3D systems just like here they form 3D systems, but they are on the opposite angular rotation of particle spin. We can‘t see them. There were originally parts of this planet, and its atmosphere, and its matter base that were right here with us. But, there were certain cataclysms that were orchestrated by using the Net, and the BeaST machines, in order to put these parts of the RashaLAe body on reverse spin, and split the fields, and they created 3D holographic fields going in opposite direction in opposite expression, running on anti-Kristic energies, using energy vampiring principles. They are called hibernation zones. They exist above and below each layer of the Net. We have a D1 layer of the Net, and hibernation zone the D1 lower and D1 upper hibernation zones. We have a D2 layer of the Net that actually controls the physical DNA template itself. That has D2 lower and D2 upper hibernation zones. Then we have the D3 Net, which is called the Ego-Net or the Epigenetic Overlay Net. It controls the chemical overlay that tells the DNA what to do in our physical bodies, and we have a lower D3 and an upper D3 hibernation zone. We do not see the hibernation zones because they are on opposite angular rotation of particle spin to what we are. They didn‘t start that way. They weren‘t hibernation zones - that‘s not natural. It‘s a configuration that is done by these black hole technologies that have progressively been built up here particularly since Atlantis, before 9,558 BC. We are dealing with - if you try to get out of here and go out to Urtha, you got this mess to go through. Anybody that tries to astral project, you never even get to D4 in Density 2. What you do is get hung up in these zones, in these hibernation zones. These zones are populated. They are inhabited by various different cultures, Fallen Angelic cultures. It‘s really funny - a lot of our mythologies have been channeled down by them. We have, for instance, the whole Oz story… it has to do with the particular one that has to do with, let‘s see, this is our Rha layer - I believe that‘s our surface, D1. Our Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Ozone layer, I believe, is up here, and there‘s a hibernation zone right up there. Oz is the Ozone hibernation zone. The Ozone layer is not natural. So, if there‘s a hole in it, well… it may cause some problems at the moment, but it might not be as bad a thing as some people think. What it‘s doing is at the moment, not just blocking solar radiation from us, it‘s also blocking all the gates going to Urtha. But it‘s not the only thing blocking them. There are two levels of Nets and hibernation zones above that. We have the Oz band, and I believe that‘s the D1 upper. There‘s one that‘s underneath, actually, it goes down into the crust that‘s below. This Net runs the crust. So, below it, it goes down into the mantle a bit, so in the lower part of the upper mantle there‘s actually another hibernation zone. This is where you get the false Inner Earth stuff, like the Agartha stuff and all that kind of thing, where people are channeling people from Inner Earth. They‘re not channeling people from Inner Earth. Shamballa is up there someplace. One of them - I won‘t even go into it. We‘ll look into more closely which one‘s called which because I can‘t remember off the top of my head. But we have up in here the Shamballa band. We have the Olympus band. One of the most important ones we have, because it‘s the D2 physical one, and I believe it‘s the lower D2 band, and it‘s up here someplace, and we‘ll get into looking at these more closely when it‘s not so late. That is where Lumuria and Atlantis were pulled into. They were pulled in through time warp technology. They used to be on this planet, and Atlantis didn‘t sink. It got sucked in and put on different spin. It still exists and it‘s populated, and a whole bunch of Zetas live there among other people. That‘s where a lot of the Zeta Reticuli and all that kind of weird alien stuff that‘s happening, they‘re coming from right there. They are extraterrestrial, but they‘ve been terrestrial for quite a while. They‘re hanging out in the Atlantean and Lemurian civilizations. These are not places you want to go when you start to learn to project. They are places that have been trying to harness people for a long time, including people when they die. Because when your body - if you Bardoah - and you drop your body, you would naturally be able to go through natural ascension chambers, and because we‘re on a hosting planet, the first place you would go would be expand out into Urtha, before you would worry about going into Density 2 and into Tara and those kind of things. They have been snaring people in these zones for thousands of years. So as we‘re working to open the Aurora fields; it‘s going to progressively open some of the hibernation zone fields, where there will be evacuations of souls that have been stuck, once they drop their bodies. For thousands of years that they have been held in these places, they still have the ability to ascend. So there is a great homecoming for a lot of souls. There may be sadness in this mission because the Amenti Mission did fail, but what we‘re watching now are souls that have been trapped for a very very long time in these hibernation zones finally having a chance to be set free, because what is going to happen is the Aurora fields are going to first activate - we‘re in the process of activating them as we do planetary RashaLAe body activation through the host of the Aquari human shield. Once they activate, then they begin a process through what‘s called the Aqualene Sun activation, of blending. So they blend, and create a blended three dimensional field that becomes like a new Earth, where it carries the coding and a lot of the configurations of Earth into the Aurora field, and you literally end up with a slide zone Earth that is the Aurora Earth, that is the one that is still going to hold for ascension. It‘s existing within the same place of the one that we‘re on now. It‘s going to be interesting, because there will be slide zones. You can be walking down the street, and all of a sudden your RashaLAe activates and you actually slid. It might take you a few minutes to realize where you walk past something and you could have sworn that building was there but it‘s not there here. There‘s some really strange experiences that can start happening when you start the beginnings of slide training, and you will always be guided by the part of you that is on Urtha. It will guide you in those things, so you‘re never… you don‘t have to freak out if you know that store was there yesterday and it‘s not there anymore. Now there‘s a mall. How did that happen? You‘re not losing your mind. You are beginning to expand perceptions into that. So at least now you have a basic understanding of what we talk about when we talk about the spherical maps going from Earth core outward, and seeing where we interface with the fields of Urtha. So, we have our solid core, our liquid core, the Aquifers, our mantle levels, and our surface levels, our crust levels, and then our atmospheric levels, and the same thing applies to Urtha. So, there is a relationship between Urtha‘s crust, Urtha‘s mantle… Urtha‘s mantle I want to Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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talk about just for a minute, because in every one of the Ma 8 layers of the middle mantle layers, there are biomes, the subterranean biomes. We have subterranean biomes of Urtha here, they are called the Adashi temples. We have in Earth the same layer, where we would find our Ma 8 layer. We would have our subterranean biomes, and we will see a bit of this when we get into the vertical maps. So, I just want to give you at least a basic understanding of how these fields interface. When we do the 12 Tribes classes, we are looking at them more closely, and we are learning the names of them, and we are showing how it builds up to this. You‘ll see some of that. This trip, because this is an action trip - any of the big ones where we‘re taking, especially a lot of people - a lot of people to move through Peru, bless Darlene with all of that. We have weird hours, going around on coaches and airplanes, hauling luggage around, and it‘s tiring. It‘s not like a workshop where you just go for three days and get an intensive. We will give you kind of like a briefing on the intensive, enough hopefully so you can understand the significance of the trip you‘re on and the work you‘re participating in. Next one please.
[D2 1:12:33] (graph)
Oh yes. This one. We need the two of those together. This shows how the vertical maps come to be. Way down in this corner… way, way down in this corner, you got to start way down. First let‘s find this one. Its this corner here that has to align with the center of that one. It‘s something like this. They actually do align. I can‘t see what‘s happening up here. (talking about setting up graph) In simple terms, to get these straight line vertical ascent things of the layers, which is showing the layers, you take a cross-section, where if you mark off… you take the vertical line on circular maps, the spherical maps, and you mark a point on that line at each layer where one of those spheres crosses through that line, at each layer, that will give you the stack of layers going up. So, then you can take it off the sphere and look at the stack of layers, vertically going up, from the core, which is the center, going up. You can put that down, and it would give you the same stack of layers going down. So, the vertical maps are simply a cross-section of the spherical maps.
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Now what this particular diagram is showing is the - (this is a strange machine. It‘s not fitting the Mylars like they usually do. I‘m afraid to play with it, because I don‘t want to spend 20 minutes trying to get it back where is at least focused) we‘re almost where we can go to sleep, because you need to be able to have some sleep before you deal with tomorrow. We have the lines going across, and first what I did is draw them all the way across, to show where the line placements were. Then I plugged in the Earth D1, D2, D3 and Earth Density Kathara Grids, which is progressively bigger lines, like lines back there for the 15 sets on each one, and then I did the same for Urtha. What you end up with is the D1, D2, D3, Density 1 Earth, which equals - it‘s the same place as - Urtha D1. So, this shows you…and then Urtha D2. We stopped at Urtha D2 because that is where we would see the manifest level, or what we call the physical level of Urtha, just like the D2 layer is the layer we see as physical and manifest here with the consciousness stationed in D3. What it gives you at the end of putting them altogether - because they are embedded grids - it gives you … (what is that? This little thing there that‘s sticking out? (laughter) let‘s see if that‘s anywhere near where I wanted to be. This is really interesting.) (I‘m trying to get over here… but the photocopier is fascinating. You look here and you think it‘s going to end up someplace up there and it isn‘t. This is worse than trying to cut your own hair in the mirror. (laughter) Did you ever try to do that? Cut your own hair? Why did my hand just go that way? I was aiming for that, right? I don‘t know if everybody does that or people who have dyslexia, but I have a real problem with that one.) You saw how this started out as the circular map, and you did the line on each, and saw where the crossovers were that showed you the stack of spheres within spheres - where those spheres were on the vertical staff line, then we pulled them out for the D1, 2 and 3, and Urtha D1, which is our density level; and Urtha D2. When you put them altogether, embedded, because they are embedded Kathara Grids - D1, D2, D3 etc., it gives you this vertical stack. This is the beginning of the vertical maps. We‘ll see this up closer, because there are so many lines, and so many layers, you can‘t even see what‘s in there when you do it this small. So, what I had to do is once I had these, when I brought all of these over, because every one of these has something in common with each other, be it D1, D2, D3, whatever. On each one of them, they have the 15 geleziac layers, and layers 1, 2 and 3 will represent the solid core. It‘s called the Nada crystal core. On the 4, 5 and 6 layers, they will always be Aquifers. The 7, 8 and 9 layers will always be the three layers of the mantle. (1:17 50)
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
The Rha Ka layer will always be the crust. Now, each of these also has certain configurations where, for instance, the Ma 8 layer, whichever dimensional level it‘s in will always have the subterranean biomes. You might have layers of biomes now, running through each other, when you put all of these dimensional ones together. This will show you not only the physical ones, but which ones are etheric atomic, which ones are telluric atomic, which we perceive as physical, which ones are atmic atomic, that go with the D3 grids. So, it‘s really really complex when you put them altogether. What we need to see most are what the D2 ones are, because that‘s the ones that are most physical to us. So, what we‘re dealing with when we‘re getting into the maps simplifying this, so you can even put labels on what something might be, and then perhaps see what it might look like… we‘re going to take this… this has all of the dimensional levels on it, and it will take me ages to actually get this one finished, where I bring all of this information across. There are certain ones that will always have doorways, passages. The Aquifers - on the top of the Aquifers, between the Aquifers and the lower mantle, there are sets of doorways. There will always be a set of gates. Doorways are gates. They are gates that lead between the Aquifers and the mantle level above them. So, you will have them on each of the D1, D2, D3 levels, and also of the Urtha D1, D2, D3 levels. When you put them altogether, you find interfacing of all sorts of things. For instance, on the 2 level, you might have - 1, 2, 3 equal the solid core - part of that solid core is the 2 level, and it‘s actually what‘s called the Adama Flame layer. It‘s literally a layer of radiation, and it‘s called the Adama Flame. It‘s a layer of light. When we take… these would be Earth‘s right here. When we take the expansion up through the proportions of the spheres that are all built on Kathara Grids that are embedded, we find that the Adama 2 level - that‘s just the 2 level - of Urtha‘s solid core is the light field that is on our surface. So, it starts to show you the interface of the dimensions. This is where the vertical maps came from. There‘s a lot more to do on them. Let‘s get a little bit closer look at them.
[D1:20:08] (vertical map enlargement)
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
What I did was took this stripe, and this is Earth core down here. It‘s the place where Earth‘s core and Urtha‘s core intersect. They are in the same place, but Urtha‘s core is much bigger. Earth itself is actually like a small crystal inside Urtha‘s core, and Earth core crystal is a little tiny crystal inside of that. So, down here you would have Earth core. This is also where you would have what is called the Prana Seed that holds the three Core Gates, which are Shala 13, Urta 14 and Ruta 15. They make up the Prana Seed gates, the Core Gates. Urtha has a big set of them. Inside of those, interfacing with those, Earth‘s little set are involved. These are the ones that on the Earth level would be going into compaction, because they have gone into compaction on the solar level in Sol, the Sun. Because the AnshatAsa Passage - (when I say it fast it comes out) - the AnshatAsa Passage is holding open, so they don‘t go into compaction, so Earth doesn‘t go into Bardoah at this time. It is holding open the life-line between Earth, Urtha and the host frequencies, which is something our Sun cannot do any longer. When we look at this, again we have all these tiny layers, that‘s what those little dots, those spheres within spheres, that you can hardly even see the numbers at the core when you‘re looking at these circular maps. These are the lines that come from those. Each one of these is actually a circle - they‘re a sphere. It‘s round but you‘re just looking at a crosssection as you‘re going up. This whole thing goes all the way up to - these would be Aquifer levels, and I believe these are part of Urtha‘s Aquifers. Yeah, because Earth‘s surface is down in here someplace. These are just to show you - I haven‘t like finished these yet - they‘re just to show you the beginning of how the vertical maps evolved. We have clearer ones too. Earth‘s D2 middle atmosphere - so this is like our middle atmosphere. Earth‘s mantle is down here, which means our crust, I believe, is right around in this layer. So, this is going up. Actually some of Urtha‘s Aquifers are in our atmosphere. So, there are layers that don‘t appear as water when you‘re on this angular rotation of particle spin, but they would appear as waters or liquid silica, which is a different type of matter base. It‘s liquid - it‘s like water, it‘s like you could swim in it, but you can breathe it as well. It‘s not wet in the same way that water is here. It‘s a substance that, in it‘s pure form, that the Aquifers are made of, there‘s nothing equivalent to it that science has identified here on this planet. It is silica-based. It is considered pure silica, pure liquid silica. So, as we go up in our atmosphere, there would be stations where we had the subterranean biomes… first of all, this is the D2 level. Our surface level is D2, which we perceive as solid. Before we got to the Urtha things, we would have our D3 level. These correspond to the mental body planes. They are physical, but they‘re of a different kind of matter. D2 is out of what‘s called telluric atomic matter. A little bit less dense than that is what is called atmic atomic matter. That‘s what the D3 planes are made out of. But they are still physical, but a little bit lighter. So, when you start to go out into projections and things, and you find yourself in different states, where you‘re noticing your body feels lighter, or different, but you‘re still physical, you‘re actually passing through … there are some that are lower that are etheric that are kind of like that, that are lighter than the physical, and then there are ones going upward that are lighter than the physical. So, as we go up, we would first go into the D3 bands, before we intersect it with our own density bands that intersect with the D1 etheric bands of Urtha. Then we would move into the D2 physical bands of Urtha. So, there are these planes of existence and perception, that we would pass through, and planes of matter. If we were going through a natural gate set that went, we would actually pass through those different… our bodies would actually change to move through those different states of matter, and then come out physical again at the top. The body would be the D2 level on Urtha, and your consciousness stationed in D3. It is the way the 3D systems are structured. You will have your consciousness focused in D3. The part you see as physical manifestation will be D2. And then there is the D1 level that is the etheric, that appears as the etheric underneath it, that is actually holding the form for the other things above it. So, there are three levels of atomic reality, and the first one is the etheric atomic, the second is the telluric atomic, and that‘s what we perceive as physical, and the third one is the atmic atomic, and that‘s what would be considered the mental planes. There are all different states of atomic matter in manifestation. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So, anyway, in our vertical maps, way up here, where you can‘t even see on the top here, you have Urtha‘s D2 crust. Before you get to Urtha‘s D2 crust up here, you have these, which are the D2 Urtha middle mantle, or Ma 8 level, and that‘s where the Adashi crystal temples are. And that‘s where we are being invited and we‘re actually starting to journey there in projection first, before we learn to slide there we have to learn to glide, and we‘re meeting what are called Advisors, where we‘re being taught how to do this, where we have a personal - first a Greeter, and if you‘d like to take them on as an Advisor, kind of like Presidents have advisors. It kind of looks like this, you might want to do that.. Its not somebody telling you what to do, it‘s somebody to fill you in of what you need to know to make clear decisions about things pertaining to the ascension. We have been doing journeys to the Adashi temples with the 12 Tribes classes. They will become available for everybody at some point, but we‘re still in the middle of opening the Rings to get up into the layers of the Adashi temples. What we‘re working on in Peru is connected to this, but it‘s actually a bit bigger in certain ways, because it will expedite the activation of the planetary RashaLAe body Ring layers, that allow you to reach different, let‘s say, floors within the Adashi 7 temple, because Spanner 7 is the only Spanner gate that can work. It is only Adashi temple 7 that is the one that can be accessed directly from Earth. The Adashi temple 7 - you would be able to go in Urtha‘s mantle to other Adashi temples, but they haven‘t allowed us to do that yet. They‘re just basically trying to get us connected to the Adashi temples here in Urtha‘s mantle, so we can begin getting instruction personally. There‘s no way we would be - just like three of us, the three Speakers - would be able to help people to the level they‘re going to be needing, education and that kind of stuff, as far as how to work with what is happening on this planet. So, they are actually making contact with those who want to have contact. So, you will… these are the Aquari races, or the Bhendi Aquari races from Urtha and also the Aquafereion. The Aquafereion are the Greeters, because they are very much like us, and we are very much like them because we are their children. So, the Aquafereion races have been the Greeters, and they serve as Advisors if we would like them to. They will begin personal training. They will start you in the dream state, if you‘re happier with that, or they will try to help you establish a clearer communication line, because right now, you are pulling stuff in from the hibernation zones. You don‗t know what you‗re talking to. There are creepos that will be following you around and trying to pretend that they‘re your Advisors and give you bad advice, that kind of stuff. The more we go through RashaLAe body activations, the greater our protection field is built, where as far as your line, as far as communication, will get clearer and clearer, and harder and harder for the hibernation zone people to interface with. So, it‘s a process, not something you snap your fingers and bang, you‘re ascended. But, it‘s a process worth doing. This gives you an idea of the vertical maps. This gives you a little bit close-up of just these lower parts. Over on here I was starting the close-ups. (Can we look at this part, honey, please?) Down here would be the Earth‘s core, Urtha core, this would be Earth‘s what are called the layer one Nada crystals. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
These here would be the Urtha Nada one crystals. Where they fall in relation to Earth is … this is our surface Earth right here. They are our upper mantle selenite crystal beds. They have already started to find these, like in Chihuahua Mexico. They have found these amazing huge selenite crystal beds. It is very very hot in the areas, and they‘re very… they‘re tall, like skyscrapers. They are selenite rods the size of skyscrapers. They are seeing the tips of these, and that‘s just the beginning of … the tips that go up a bit into the crust. But these go much much much deeper. They go into the mantle layers. What they are is this little layer, this is the Earth‘s layer of them, this little tiny layer of crystals around the solid core, and there‘s what‘s called ethers inside of those. There‘s this larger … this is the little tiny core of Urtha is here, in relation to … it is literally our planetary… right under our planetary surface with these massive crystal beds. This is the flame layer, that‘s around that, on the Urtha level. It‘s literally giving us our light field, that is the space around our objects here. It is this field. So, this is just beginning to show you how the interfaces of the layers of the RashaLAe body actually form the layers of matter and the planes of existence within matter forms, and how that pertains to our planet and its situation at the moment. Next one please.
[D2 1:29:58] (graph)
Almost done. This shows a little bit more clearly. I will go through these more clearly and read things more when we have a little bit more time, and it‘s not so late, and you don‘ have to be up at 5am. This was taking that vertical map, and just blocking it off - actually it‘s a little bit easier to understand the layers - showing where the core crystal is, our Earth core crystal. We‘ve got our Earth Aquifers, we‘ve got the D2 Earth subterranean fields. This is where the Urtha D2 Nada crystals would form that crystal bed I was talking about beneath our crust. It would be in our mantle. This would be our Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
surface Earth here. This would be our Rha light field, called the Rha 10 light field, but normally this would be the whole Rha light field, and things would grow bigger here. Trees and all those things would be taller and larger. But what we have is the Ozone layer here, because this is part of the Net. This Net field runs here. It‘s like a tube - see this jiggery thing? That would be like a tube of frequency that runs through our crust, that split‘s the natural light fields below itself, and above itself. That‘s what gives us our Ozone layer, and that‘s where we have Oz. So, we know where the Ozone layer is, and right in it and directly above it is where we have the Oz layer, and that‘s, I believe, called the D1 upper, so it‘s made of the D1 etheric matter. That would be etheric Oz. That is a hibernation zone. This is giving you an idea of how these work. The ones I want to just focus on now, aren‘t the hibernation zones which are the ones that are in the shaded, scratchy stuff, or even the Nets that are causing them, which are these things that are a tube that have the jittery thing. What I want to focus on is what is happening in-between, where those Aurora platforms are. You have the Aurora 1 platform here, and that is etheric and telluric mixed. Alright, so they are like combining the matter fields that surround them, so it‘s a lighter weight matter than you would have here in the telluric matter realms. But it wouldn‘t be as light weight as etheric, so it‘s not fully etheric. We won‘t get into even the states of matter… but I want you to know what is where. We have the Aurora 1 platform here, and that is running - let‘s see - the Aurora 1 platform is between our middle and upper Earth mantle. It is a physical etheric - D1 and D2 frequencies combined. We have the Aurora 1 platform. It connects to a physical site on surface. It is called ShAlon 7. This is the place we were asked to secure in Phoenix, Arizona. Up here, going up a bit, going up past our Ozone layer, past the hibernation zone Ozone layer, up to here, in the layer that science would identify as the outer layer of the thermosphere, where our thermosphere turns into something else… it‘s in the thermosphere, that outer layer of the thermosphere, that you have the A2, or the Aurora 2 platform. These are what are called the cloud cities. They are physical cloud cities. Different angular rotation of particle spin but they are literally cities of a particular type of matter that combines, I believe, D2 and D3 matter, so they‘d be telluric atmic matter, a little bit dense than here, but still physical, and not etheric. They are physical cloud cities in the Aurora 2 platform. These are the ones we‘re beginning to visit. We had what‘s called the Ring 3 journey that was in 12 Tribes class 4. They opened the gates to these, the beginnings of the gates to these, so we were able to do our first projections to there, and there‘s something called the University - each of these places have names, like basic names for the whole area. There is a diagram in your chart pack that gives those names, so you can see a little bit more on them. I think you have this in your chart pack. You have the one - this one I think, another one, and then you have this clearest one that has little circles out here as well. We‘ll talk more about what these layers mean. These little things refer to the fields in which, the locations in which the Aqualene Sun activations of the RashaLAe body take place, where the Aqualene Sun activates. They will be the areas that those frequencies come through, both in your personal body, but also in the planetary body. After we go to Aurora 2 platform, up here we have Aurora 3 platform. Now Aurora 3 platform is in the Van Allen Gap. So between the Inner Van Allen Belt and the Outer Van Allen Belt there is a space that science calls the Van Allen Gap. That is where this platform is located. These are what are called the ocean cities. The name of the ocean cities are referred to Aquafereion. That‘s where our name - the name of the Aquafereion lineage came from, because they were seeded through from Urtha through here, down into Urtha‘s Aquifers. So these are physical ocean cities, and again, at a different angular rotation of particle spin and in relation to our Earth‘s atmosphere they are in the Van Allen Gap. We will be going to these. They haven‘t opened these. We haven‘t journeyed to these yet. Above those, we have what are called the Aurora platform 4. These are the - I believe they call these the Winterlands. They call them the Winterlands. These, by the way, connect to our physical Earth site, surface site called Alon 7 in Colorado. That‘s the other site we were asked to secure. The level coming down, the Aurora platform 3, connects to what‘s called the KAlon 7 site, which is in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The Aurora 2 platform connects to a site called Machu Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Picchu in Peru. This is where we‘re beginning to open a set of chambers that correspond to the Aurora 2 platform, and through Machu Picchu. They are much more sophisticated than just simple vertical line. There is a triangulation that occurs, that involves Machu Picchu, well, first Caral, which was the anchor point for the entire thing. When they came in, they came in to the Aquifers underneath Caral. From there they accessed Shala 13 of Earth. I won‘t try to describe this without the map. It takes this map and it makes it more clear by showing you the particular configuration of the ascension chambers that are opening, and what we‘re actually helping to open. We are going to Machu Picchu in order to assist in opening a series of chambers that first lead into to the Aurora 2 platform, which are the physical cloud cities. Those cloud cities would be located in the thermosphere. When we perceive them in projection, they have a pink tint. They appear to be a band of pink clouds. So, when you look at your colored picture there, when you see the band of pink clouds, it corresponds to this layer on the maps. It corresponds to the cloud cities, and there are names to these. I have it on the next diagram. I think I wrote out the names to them. So Machu Picchu is connected directly to them. It‘s also connected to some other things we‘ll see soon. Another one please.
[D2 1:37:41] (graph)
This is just showing it a little bit more clearly. I blew it up a little bit just so this could be read more. We‘ll go through this one in one of the other workshops perhaps when I get into the different bands of the Nets and those kind of things. I‘ll go to the next one…
[D2 1:38:03] (graph)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
This is where I have the names of the places. (Which part do we want to look at first? That‗s the end of that. That‗s good.) The diagram you saw before that showed the Nets going over and everything, would actually extend off that, but we‘re looking at this part of it now. This is the vertical map. These are where the Aurora platforms would fit, but it wouldn‘t fit on the paper if I put this in between that, this in between that - I‘d have to have a very large paper, and it wouldn‘t fit on Mylars, etc. so, I just put little arrows in-between here and here, is where the Aurora 1 platform would be, in between here and here, where is here and here? Well, here we‘re at Earth‘s D2 middle mantle biomes. Right above those, you have the Aurora 1 safe zone, which is this. The Aurora 1 safe zone, or Aurora 1 platform, is a subterranean Earth between upper and middle mantle. It‘s called A-RU-NE-Wa. We went through Ah‘RU-NE‘wa in the meditation that we did, the projection that we did today. Ah‘RU-NE‘wa is connected to something else down here that we will see on the other maps. They just showed me this stuff when we went upstairs. It‘s also connected to ShAlon 7, which is the space on the crust of the Earth in Phoenix, Arizona. That connects into something called Ecousha 1. The Ecousha stuff is new to this set of workshops. They didn‘t talk about these at all in the last 12 Tribes class or anywhere else. The Ecousha-TA matrix is a series of crystal seeds that connect into the AdorA twin side of this Ecka/Veca system. On the other side of this system, there would be crystal cities – of various different types of crystal - and they are directly connected in to the Aurora fields here. They hold part of the Aurora field. The Ecousha-TA matrix was used in the Seeding 2 attempts of the Aquari to do bioregenesis here, where the Seeding 2 Aquafereion NaVA-Ho races carried the codes to both the Aquafereion shield and passages here on the EtorA side, but they also carried the Ecousha codes that went with the ones on the AdorA side. If you open both sides, you get the merger of A1, 2, 3 and 4 much faster than if you simply opened them ring by ring, and let them accrete. We have gone on since, even the last 12 Tribes class in April, we‘ve now gone on another expedited activation, where instead of - I think we were going to finish the full activation of this to here opening would have taken till like 2009. We‘re going to do this while we‘re here. It‘s going to be done by the time we leave Peru, because they‘re opening the EcoushaTA matrix. We opened the Ecousha-TA, which is considered the core seed crystal, and then there will be four other crystals. The core seed crystal corresponds to the core domain body. We‘re not just talking about the outer domain anymore. We‘re talking about the outer, down to the middle, down to the inner, down to the core. The Ecousha-TA crystal corresponds to the core. It is the seed crystal. Then coming outward, you would have the inner crystal, which would be Ecousha 1. Then you would have Ecousha 2 coming to the middle domains. You‘d have Ecousha 3 coming to the outer domains, and Ecousha 4 will be going into what is called the Kryst Star domains, or the Kryst Star cycles of the Adashi cycles, which we‘ll learn a bit more about later. However, the Ecousha crystals, which have to do with the memory crystals of Caral, that we began the activation of, we have begun the activation of below Ecousha 1, down here, you would have - it wasn‘t on these because I didn‘t know about it until we got here, and they started giving us the map. Down underneath Aurora 1, down here in our Aquifers, is where the Ecousha crystal 4, the seed crystal 4, the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho races from Seeding 2 is located. In activating that crystal, we begin the process of activating the bands of the crystal cities on the AdorA side, in-between, that allows for a very rapid activation of the Aurora platforms, and their physical sites that are on planet, and also what is called the Aqualene Sun fields between them. So, it‘s a more rapid activation of the Gyrodome that we‘re participating in. Each one of these cities and places has a different name. We have the Aurora 1 platform that is the subterranean ones, that is Ah‘RU-NE‘wa, that we passed through on our way down further today. We also have, when we go upward, the Aurora 2 platform, which is the cloud cities, that are the pink layer on the colored diagram. They are Ah-SA-LE-On cities and they are in the thermosphere. We have - and notice between Aurora 1 and Aurora 2, that‘s where Ecousha 1 is. Between Aurora 2 and Aurora 3, you have Ecousha 2. These also have city complexes with names attached to them, Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
but on the AdorA side, which is the twin side to our EtorA Ecka/Veca system. There are workshops where we got into describing that, and it‘s a bit of a tongue twister. So, I‘ll save that for … if you want to look that up, we‘ll find out what workshops focus more on explaining AdorA, EtorA and all of that. It started in India, I know that. What‘s most important is to understand what we‘re working on now. We‘re opening… we‘re firing the Ecousha crystals. We will go all the way up on this Peru trip to beginning the initiation/activation of Ecousha 2. We‘ve already done the Ecousha-TA, which is the one that is like Ecousha 0. The next will be Ecousha 1 during our process between Cusco and Machu Picchu we will be activating that. We will be activating and opening the gates or ascension passage that runs from the core all the way up through. We started activating it in Caral, bringing it up through into Picchu, and it will also activate the corresponding physical sites. The cloud cities of Ah-SA-LE-On in the thermosphere have their physical Earth crust coordinate at Machu Picchu. So, Picchu is very important in opening the passages to the cloud cities. Then we have the Ecousha 2 crystal above that, and I don‘t know if I have - Ecousha 2, the place is called Esh-fa-Ta-RA. It actually has a physical coordinate connection to Maui, partially Kauai but mainly Maui in Hawaii. So, we‘re just going to begin the initiation of that, but initiation means it started vibrating. It started activating but it‘s not going to fully open yet. So, we‘re going to literally open these passages, these new ones going all the way down. That‘s quite accelerated compared to if these layers had just had gone through their activation levels, and then began to slowly merge. It would have taken a lot longer. So, it looks like - they haven‘t given me the whole spectrum of when what activates now - but they‘ve upgraded how fast it‘s going to activate, but before it was in for around 2012, where we would have full Gyrodome activation, and all of that. At this point, it looks like it may be somewhere in 2009, as far as the whole thing completing. So, what we have on Aurora 3 is the Ecousha 2 that will start initiation. The Aurora 3 platform - these are the ocean cities, and they are actually Urtha D2 Aquifers. We had our D2 Aquifers down here. Urtha‘s D2 Aquifers are here. Where that falls in relation in relation to Earth is in the Van Allen Gap. These are called - these Aquifer cities, the ocean cities, are called the Aquafereion collectively. They are referred to as the Aquafereion band. That is where, I believe, the conceptions occurred. It was in these domains that the humans and Cloisters that were invited up from Earth, and the Aquari came down from Urtha, to meet in a zone that was comfortable for both of them biologically. So, we are very keyed - the Aquafereion shield is very keyed to this domain, because, I believe, it is where the conceptions occurred that would have part of its frequency spectrum of each one in order to create the Aquafereion bioregenesis. I‘m not sure when these are going to activate yet. I know we are going up to initiating the activation of Ecousha 2 while we‘re here. The Aurora platforms called Aquafereion, they connect into the physical site of Virginia Beach. Ecousha 3 is between Aurora 3 and Aurora 4. Ecousha 3 is called En-TU-Ha-VA. That‘s what it is called on the AdorA side. It has its EtorA side connection point on surface Earth, and that is in Tenerife, and we‘ve been told that at some point, we need to go back to Tenerife to do that. So, hopefully, we‘re hoping to be able to do a camping trip, where we get to camp on the volcano or something. I don‘t know how that is going to work out, but… I don‘t know if we are going to Maui either, but these are sites that will activate, whether we‘re sitting on them when they do or whether we‘re someplace else and assisting them remote. I don‘t know exactly how they are going to go. But they did say Tenerife they want us to go back to. So, we have the Ecousha 3, then going up we have Aurora 4 platform, which are called the Winterlands. Their official name is NU-A-ShA-Va. These are just outside of the outer Van Allen Belt, above D3. Don‘t worry about the hibernation zone relationship, we won‘t even get into those. Just outside of the outer Van Allen Belts is good enough for now. These are connected to a physical Earth site - called Alon 7. That‘s in northwestern Colorado. That‘s the other place we were asked to secure before we knew why. Why have we invested every penny we had to get a mortgage on these places? It was - how we even did that, I don‘t know. ― What do you do?‖ ―We‘re metaphysical teachers. Hi bank. Could we have a mortgage?‖ (laughter) It was amazing. We actually got mortgages, like 30 years each one of them. How old are we going Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
to be by the time we get those paid up? 900. This is why we never bought anything before. We always rented wherever it was that we were asked to go and live. It was always a rental. We‘ve been married for seven years, and we‘ve been still just living in rentals and that kind of thing. It would be nice to someday have a place to call home. But we‘re always on commission, like being in the army, where, it‘s like, ‗ok, now you have to move here, now you have to move to Sarasota, now you have to move here.‘ Okay. Finally, they said, ‗now you need to buy this place and that place.‘ ‗What?‘ Trying to come up with even a down-payment to do it was rather brutal, but somehow it worked out where we just got by, just got it through. Even the last one was funny. They said, …they bounced it, ―no, we‘re not going to give them that‖ because of something to do with we hadn‘t been in the country long enough. But they had just given us one a year before and we were in the country even less. And somebody pointed that out to them, and they said, ―they shouldn‘t have gotten that one either.‖ But as soon as they gave us the first one, they decided oh whatever, so they gave us the second one. It was definitely arranged from above, and moving Guardian people around, and getting papers to be signed. It was very interesting. And it wasn‘t easy. ShAlon was brutal. There was a lot of interference. They said go get it now. We don‘t care if you don‘t have the down-payment. We‘ll help you get the down-payment. Because if you don‘t get it now, they will make sure - as far as the soul groups running people around on the ground - that you will never get it, because they were going to try to stop. The Alon was one thing, but to get ShAlon - that‘s where all the things linked through, as you‘ll see in a minute. So, it was quite a victory on the Beloveds side to actually be able to secure the grids at ShAlon and Alon. So our houses are going to be activating as we go through this. (1:50:27)
Our Alon won‘t be for a bit, until we get into the Aurora 4 platform. But it connects into the Winterlands, or this place. This is where the Adashi - what‘s called the Adashi Passages - because once you get into Aurora 4 platform, and the Winterland zones, which it‘s like beautiful there. I ended up stumbling into this once trying to find my cat. It looks like mountains with snow on them, lovely blue sky, and I didn‘t remember coming through this part, but I remembered I ended up out here someplace, looking up at these mountains, and I‘m thinking ‗where am I?‘ and it‘s snowing. It probably wasn‘t snowing, but it was like it was covered with snow. It was quite beautiful. Later I found out where I was, when they showed us the platforms and those kind of things. There‘s a passage that goes through from here. You actually come up from - you can come up either from down here, if we weren‘t doing the Ecoushas, you could come through the Ecousha as well, through their subterranean levels here, up into this passage that goes horizontally, and it goes over, it comes out here, into Urtha‘s - the lower part of Urtha‘s middle mantle, and that‘s called the Adashi Passage, and it takes you into the Adashi temples.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So, when we‘re doing projections into the Adashi temples, we‘re actually passing through some of these places in order to get to the Adashi temples in Earth‘s mantle. We‘ve been doing it where, when Ring 1 activated, we would be able to … or when Ring 1 opened, it would be like we could arrive on floor one of Adashi 7 temple. We were up to Ring 3 activating, and opening, in the last 12 Tribes class, which meant we could go up to floor three. Each floor - they are projection journeys and they are amazing. The temple space is massive. They are like planets unto themselves almost. It is huge. They are literally under the mantle, and they are crystal. They are made of beautiful selenite crystal beds. They have different floors to them and I imagine they probably have 15 floors as there are 15 Rings to the RashaLAe. Floor 4, Ring 4, is opening while we are in Peru. The initiation started by class 4, but it won‘t open usually until class 5. So, it‘s like the one class will activate it, but it won‘t open ‗til the next class. So, that‘s how we‘ve been doing the journeys with them. This one‘s going to open early while we‘re in Peru. They already told us it will open before 12 Tribes class 5. What they are going to have us do with that, I‘m not sure, but we may end up with a projection journey to the 4 th floor, or level 4 of the Adashi 7 temple. This just takes you up further into the upper mantle of Urtha, and then up to Urtha‘s crust, and then out into Urtha‘s atmosphere. What is interesting, and we found out recently, was just as we talked about the level one of the geleziac layers is called the Nada crystal, and Earth is a small band of Nada crystal, compared to Urtha‘s, is down inside of Earth. Well, Urtha‘s is so large that its layer one is actually right below, right in our upper mantle. It was those huge selenite crystals coming out. Well, there‘s another level. Where we have these crystals, the Adashi temples are at the base of these large crystal clusters here. What these are on Urtha, in Urtha‘s upper mantle, is if you go up to the next layer, what is Urtha directly connected to? Urtha is USG-3. If you look at the Kathara Grid, and go vertically up to Density 2, what‘s the next thing you see? Kathara Center 6. Which means Stargate 6. Sirius B. So, the crystals that are in the upper mantle of Urtha in Density 1, they are the Nada crystals of Sirius B in Density 2. So, there is a direct connection. When you‘re looking from the outside there appears to be many light years of space between certain bodies, but they are not. They are linked through the RashaLAe. So, once we get to here, we begin to be able to access the ascension passages through Sirius B, then through Andromeda… so this is how the AnshatAsa Passage, which is going to run from the Aquarian matrix all the way down through, through Andromeda 9, down through Sirius B, which means it will interface here with Urtha, and then down through Urtha 3 and to Earth. So, it‘s all connected. The maps are fascinating. They go all the way up, and they probably go all the way up the AnshatAsa Passage, crossing over into that parallel adjacent Eckasha system that is the Aquareion matrix. We‘re just learning the bottom part of it, which we‘re dealing with here, because this has to be opened if that passage is going to be able to open on Earth and stay for 500-1000 years as the one ascension passage left out of this system, out of a fallen system. Next one please. First put the colored one on, because if we can get the color through that would be really really nice.
[D2 1:55:51] (photo of color mural)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
(ooohs from audience) That‘s a copy of what you got there (in chart packs), but this is a smaller copy so it fits on a Mylar. Each one of these layers corresponds to something. We‘ve already said that the pink cloud layer corresponds to the Aurora 2 platform. This thing that looks like Machu Picchu, but ghostly Machu Picchu, actually corresponds to the Ecousha 1 layer, which means its ghostly looking because its in the AdorA, and it has a name, which I have on the other sheet. But it is the Ecousha 1 temple, and it‘s literally the AdorA Machu Picchu. There is a twin Picchu that is on the AdorA side, and that is referring to this band. So this band is referring to the Ecousha 1 band. When we get down here, this little purple band that‘s transmuting - purple means the Violet Ray of Transmutation - it‘s transmuting. That is the Ozone band. That would mean the Oz hibernation zone area. As we come down here, you‘re going to see some other things that go on this, that we‘re going to try to get to you, at least a black and white copy of the maps to see what we‘re opening. Now I‘m just showing you what the bands are. Here, by the way, if this is the Aurora 2 platform, with the cloud cities, this is the Aurora 3 platform with the ocean cities. It doesn‘t right now go up any further. I have a feeling that has to do with the mural that needs to go on the wall in the Colorado house. I just have a feeling. This would be our ceiling level, where our ceiling starts in the Arizona house. That‘s the ShAlon 7 house. So, it literally is the whole living room space, and what‘s called the atrium is keyed to this map. This is the total projection map. It beams the frequencies, at certain times you can feel it cycle in the room that it‘s in, and you can actually feel the frequencies coming off it.. It will assist in activating those frequencies within your own RashaLAe body, so you have projection access to the specific things that are radiating the frequency from the maps. The little ones will work the same. This level is where, and you‘ll see in a minute, right here is where we have ShAlon 7, our little house would be. So that‘s the crust. Then you would have the upper mantle, which is still in this area. The Aurora 1 platform will be here. That line there would represent the Aurora 1 platform. Then coming down, you would be going into the subterranean biomes of Earth, in the middle mantle. Then this little band would represent the lower mantle, and this would represent the Aquifers. What we did today in Caral is we activated the Ecousha-TA crystal of the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho, which are the Seeding 2 races, that exists in the Aquifers down underneath Caral. What that did I had no idea. Until they gave me this, and this is why we‘re a little late tonight. This next one… this is the beginning of getting you the keys, the keys to the maps so you‘d have… you can have your pretty colored one, but you can also have another one that maybe you can run off on Mylar, where can put it over so you can use it with or without. Eventually you won‘t need to have passages drawn on it, because you‘ll know where to go with them.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
[D2 1:59:20] (mural with Astura)
This is the first part. Let‘s start down here. I was so … tickled. Oh! It‘s an Astura! That‘s the Azurite A! Right? It‘s an Astura shape. That‘s not an accident. That is the way that the tunnels run. (arranging the mylars) What we did today was right in through here. Here we have the AdorA a-RU-Nepet. Remember A-Ru-Nepet? That is where we had the violet crystal experience. Up here was where we had the aquamarine color crystal experience in the Ah‘RU-NE‘wa area of the subterraneans. This is all through the Aurora 1 platform, which would be this one. So, what‘s interesting is, on the EtorA side, where you see things have dotted lines and have straight lines. The parts of the chambers that run on the EtorA side are straight solid lines. The parts that have dotted lines are the parts that run through the AdorA side, in order to side-step the hibernation zones and the messes here. They actually allow for the zones to link much faster before full Aqualene Sun activations allow the platforms on their EtorA side to blend on their own. It actually links them together through the AdorA side. So the passages can open. That‘s something that can only be done by… it‘s the beginning of what‘s called the activation of the NaVA-Ho Passage. The NaVA-Ho Passage starts with this. This was actually the Seeding 3 passage for the Seeding 3 races. It is shaped as the Astura, as you can see. The Astura is interesting because it starts with Shala 13, which would actually be beneath Phoenix. The access point would be beneath Phoenix. When we activate this crystal that we activated today, the A-Ru-Nepet crystal, that begins opening of a link between Phoenix. This is at Caral. This is located at Caral, beneath Caral in the Aquifers, and this is located a little bit higher, but still beneath Caral, in the subterranean middle mantle aspect of Earth. So we opened this chamber. We activated this crystal and this crystal, opened this chamber on the AdorA side, that allows this on the EtorA side to very quickly link in to what is above here. Which means it began the activation of what runs right through our house at ShAlon 7, that goes on this vertical run, but here‘s the next thing we‘re going to do when we go to Cusco and when we go to Machu Picchu. Notice there‘s a split from here, from Ah‘RU-NE‘wa - they call this side Ah‘RU-NE‘wa-TA and Ah‘RU-NE‘wa. So the Ah‘RU-NE‘wa Passage would go this way, and the Ah‘RU-NE‘wa-TA would go over this way. It bends over this way. It goes from Caral‘s subterranean city, up … this one goes all the way up into here, which is in the pink cloud bank, which is the Aurora 2 platform, and these are the Ah-SA-LE-On cities. The Ring 3 journey we‘re are going to…also, here… there is a crossover point. It is a place in the outer outer stratosphere, above Cusco. What that space does when certain things are activated, that forms say a pillar that comes up and stimulates them into activation, it activates this branch. This is physical Machu Picchu that we‘re going to. So Caral, Cusco, Machu Picchu, we‘re opening that link. We‘re opening this and this, which triggers the activation of this set, which will go on its own. This goes up into some of the others… they haven‘t even put on those other, you know, going up higher when we go into Ecousha. They show think up here, up to the Ecousha 2 layer, which gets interesting. There‘s another part that it would have been another hour or two before I got down here, if I tried to put the next part in. this is Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
the part we‘re immediately participating in. We just did Caral and opened this whole passage here, and it‘s on its way to our house in Arizona. It actually comes up through the atrium. It‘s interesting, because here it comes up on the EtorA side, then it crosses over to the AdorA side from the Aquifers through the lower mantles, and up into the subterranean cities, and from there it‘s on the EtorA side again, which means it‘s opened on this side again, up to our house, and then in our house again, it shifts, and goes into the AdorA side, all the way up, and this rides up into the Aurora 2 platform as well, and then it goes into the EtorA side again. So, they shift between … it‘s like weaving a thread, except the thread is a tube and the tube is an ascension tunnel. This one - that‘s the one we‘re working on here – so we‘ve done that. We‘ll do this when we are in Cusco. We‘ll do this when we‘re in Picchu. And then there is something else we‘re going to do that has to do with something over here, and it has to do … yeah… when we‘re in Cusco at some point I will have the other part of this… this is the part one of the chambers. There is another part that comes from over here, and runs to this spot over here. This spot over here is called the Ecousha 2, and it‘s name is Esh-a-Ta-RA. This is the one that connects into Maui. It‘s the step between the Aurora 2 and Aurora 3 platforms, I believe. We‘re also going to be activating at some point probably over at Picchu the Ecousha 1 crystal, which is the twin of Machu Picchu on the AdorA side, that is called - how do you say that again? AmU-a-ha-DA is the twin of Machu Picchu on the AdorA side. So, we‘ll be activating that first. Then we‘re going to activate the Ecousha here. So, we‘ve begun the process of activating first the Seeding 3 part of the ascension chambers to Urtha, which is the thing that‘s in the configuration of the Astura shape, or the AzuRa-TA tunnels, and they are the Aquafereion Passage. And the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho Passage has to do with what‘s over here. The diagrams were more difficult. There‘s something that‘s shaped like an Eckasha here, that when its activated with certain things we do here, there is something called the Four Hearts of Aquari that activate, and it creates a chamber that … there‘s a link between it and what is going on over here, where we have the Astura chambers. When this activates, it actually shifts, pulls into alignment with the main vertical run of the Astura chambers, and it opens a configuration chamber that looks like the shape of that Heart of Aquari code, that figure eight shape of eternity shaped thing. Yeah. The ascension code. And that is the NaVA-Ho Passage, and that is the one that is the expedited passage that gives direct link up into Urtha and up into Adashi. So, they are opening that because of whatever the reason is that they‘ve had to expedite the Aqualene Sun activations. They haven‘t even said why. At this point we‘re not even trying to keep track of what the Fallen Angelics are doing, because we‘re busy. What‘s most important is finding out what needs to be opened, how to hold the ascension host. They are actually activating that, there‘s the Seeding 2 passage, that was used for the seeding of the Aquafereion races, or the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho from Seeding 2, who carried the advanced codes of the AdorA side as well as the EtorA side. It is pretty exciting what we‘re involved in, and tomorrow we‘re flying to Cusco, and it‘s probably, hopefully, you‘ll get some sleep. I just wanted you to understand first of all, even though there‘s a lot to RashaLAe stuff that will help you understand this more. What‘s most important is as we walk through this trip, particularly if you haven‘t had any of this yet, didn‘t know what a vertical map was… to know what we‘re doing. We just did this. We were sitting there on the ground and we went down. We did this thing with these two crystals. Now, this shows you what you were participating in. It shows you what your efforts have assisted to do, which is open this part. Now, we‘re going up over this way, and we‘re going to do the Cusco work that‘s at that crossover point. Then we‘re going to go over to Picchu and then they‘ll show us what to do after that. (2:09:08) So, I just wanted, and I hope I have achieved that, to get you to a point where it could bring it home the meaning of… really give it some tangible substance for you, in what you‘re participating in. It‘s not just like airy fairy air-headed stuff that we‘re doing. That‘s a lot of technicals that go with it, but more important than understanding the technicals and the Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
diagrams themselves, is actually being there and doing it. So, we want to keep this as experiential as possible, but also give you enough knowledge to where you can appreciate the significance of the experiences you‘re moving through. So, I would like to thank you for a very good job today. (audience applauds) You‘ve done a wonderful job in activating this. Thank you. And its so exciting to be with you all. I will let you go so you can catch a little bit of sleep before you have to get your bags out at 5 or 6 or whatever it is. Goodnight. See you in the morning.
Pisac, May 25—Psonn Circle [D2 2:10:06] Alrighty... are we on? Can you hear me? Hello everybody and welcome to Pisac Ruins. This is a very beautiful place and I don‘t remember being here before, although supposedly we did go on a tour here before. I don‘t remember this space, so its interesting. It is very beautiful. There is a very large reason why we‘re doing the Sacred Valley tour this time, including this particular ruin site, that we didn‘t know until last night. We‘ve been working on more of the maps and the keys to the maps since about two this morning, and we have some interesting things to show you when we get into workshop time this evening. We can give you a beginning. The Beloveds are going to come on live for a bit and talk a little bit about this site before the period of time when there were civilizations that are known here. The ruins of those civilizations would be far under the ruins of these. But they are very significant to the greater - what would you call it - ascension mission, the Spanner mission that we‘re a part of. We learned last night that, as well as some of the other things we‘ve been learning, as far as the Chambers and the different Stargate links that run from Earth to Urtha through this region of Peru. We learned about something called - if I can remember the name exactly - the Takeyon Cousha Cluster Temples. Now, these particular temples we‘ll talk more about in the workshop, and we‘ll get some specifics. They have to do with the seeding of the prototype races that became the Aquari Human lines here. These were the ones connected to the first seeding‘s passages that were done in Seeding 2, which the Beloveds have placed - they haven‘t given exact dates yet but they‘ve placed it around 900,000 years ago. This is when the Seeding 2 Aquafereion NaVA-Ho Passages were set. The reason we are in the Sacred Valley today is because we are going to visit several sites that are connected to these Cousha cluster temple sites. Very deep beneath the surface of the Earth, but not down into the mantle - this is still in the crust level - particular sites held sets of crystal spheres. They were mostly quartz. Some of them selenite. A few of them specialized different types of stone. Some of them were brought in directly from Urtha, where they would actually be Urtha crystal base as opposed to Earth crystal base. They will only be about the size of a bowling bowl when they were planted, but these particular crystals connected into this large matrix of interwoven, what became temple sites, because where the crystals were planted, the ancient Ancients from Seeding 2 knew precisely where they were. That is why sites became sacred sites. Sites that had to do with Gates were always Sacred sites. And even if the people thousands of years later forget why they were sacred, they still knew they were sacred and they still served as Custodians of the land, even if they didn‘t have the race memory anymore, as to why they had originally started taking care of those places. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
This is a place like that, and so is Cusco, and all of the places we will visit today fit into that category. The particular thing we‘re talking about as far as the Cousha Cluster Temples had a very specific purpose. They connected directly into the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho passage set of Gates that... and we will look at those more closely. They‘ve given us the diagrams that go with them and how they plug into the - let‘s say - we‘ll call it the Astura Aquafereion Passage from Seeding 3 that we just introduced in the last workshop, that looks like the Azurite A, but running up to the cloud banks and down into the core. That is a more recent one that uses only part of the frequencies and only part of the gate sets that go between Earth, Urtha, Sirius B, Andromeda, and then out to the Aquareion matrix. The Passage from Seeding 2 was a full-on direct passage. In Seeding 3, because of damage that had already been done to Earth‘s grids, it posed a huge security risk. They weren‘t able to allow the opening of that much of the Gate sets. What we‘re participating in in this particular Peru trip is quite amazing, because we didn‘t know that we were going... the Beloveds were going with it this far either. We are opening the passage from 900,000 years ago. We are opening the direct passage that is ... it is called the ... in simple terms it is called the Krystal Heart of Aquari Passage. It is literally you were all given a little chart pack at the beginning, and there was what is called an Ascension Code on the last page, I believe, that looks kind of like an eternity sign, or a figure 8 with various things in it - four hearts and those kind of things. This is not just a code. The reason that particular code works to activate RashaLAe body is because it is - literally it holds the math of the configuration. It is literally the shape of the passages that run the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho Passage from Seeding 2. We are going into an acceleration in the ascension program because of whatever reasons they haven‘t said, but it has to do with the solar Gates and what‘s happening with the Sun that we‘ve talked about before. When we leave Peru after this trip, we will have activated ... initiated the activation of that very large ancient, ancient gate set. Not just a smaller one that‘s shaped like the Astura. When it comes to those particular very large scale activations of Stargate ascension chambers, the sites that we‘re going to see today are significant because all of them are connected to those bowling bowl size crystal balls that were implanted in the lower crust of the planet in various places. We‘ll talk more about the specifics of how they work in relation to the larger chambers when we get back into workshop, when I can show you graphs and those kinds of things. Basically, these cluster temples - they call them clusters because they are plugged in into the EcoushaTA and the Ecousha matrix that runs the NaVA-Ho Passage. They‘re smaller and the crystals that run are also smaller. They don‘t hold as much power, and they are called Coushas, instead of Ecoushas. The sites we visit, all of them will have not just one of these bowling ball sized things, but they go in clusters, and in the very, very ancient times, in Seeding 2, there were indeed temples built in both the subterranean levels and also the surface levels of Earth. There were temples built... the center of the temple would be positioned directly over the site where the crystals existed. These were considered the high priest temples because they were the places that certain ones who were trained in using the NaVA-Ho Passage, and who had the DNA that could actually activate RashaLAe body to that body level, were the ones who would live and take care of those temples. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
It wasn‘t an elitist structure in the sense that there was a lower class that were treated badly and a higher class that was snobbish and arrogant. It wasn‘t about that. It was about who had what codes to what gate systems. In the Seeding 2 cultures, the Kristic cultures of the Aquafereion races there, the ones that held the high priest positions were the ones that held the key codes to those crystals, where they could activate them just by using their energy bodies, through what now today would be called shamanistic type ritual, but knowing what they were doing to activate them. They could activate different parts, smaller parts of the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho Passage sets, so they could travel between here and Urtha on a regular basis and bring different types of things - sometimes knowledge, sometimes literally crystals, or sometimes plant-life down. They would seed different things here that would assist the evolving Aquari Humans from Seeding 2, that they were actually put in charge of, as the parent race, to assist them in their evolution so they would survive here, and prosper. So, we are right now at one of the cluster temple sites, and deep below they showed me where to go. It‘s interesting too, because this happens to be in the recent sites, as far as the Incas, it was considered - one of the other guides told me it was considered an Inca ceremony - in the holes, you can see some holes running up through there - they used it as a burial place. He also explained, it‘s kind of lovely, that they considered the Earth the mother, and that when people would die they would put their body back into the Earth, and they would put them in the fetal position, just like when you come out into the world, you started out in the fetal position, and they would put them back in, and give them back to the mother, so they could go on from there. It was interesting that our Beloveds said that is the place, and it is deep down under here, but not in the mantle, still in the crust, under this particular mountain, that there is one of the large, say center control, bowling ball crystals, or Cousha crystals, that control a matrix of temples. So, it wouldn‘t be just this site that would be connected to it, there would be several others. Some of them don‘t have ruins on them at all. They‘re just land at this point in time. We are here to begin a process of activating - there‘s a series of them we‘re going to activate. We also started to activate them last night in Cusco, where Az and I and Mac and Curry and things were kind of... it got very strange there for a while. We had to go to a different hotel, the hotel that we‘re going to have the workshop in, because there was a main control Cousha crystal there, that controls the group of temples around Cusco, and we needed to go there and fully activate it, and they needed our bodies on the grids in order to begin those activations. The activations they are beginning are activations of that part of the Aquari crystal code that you have in the back of your thing. They are starting the opening of those passages, quite early. Seriously - I don‘t think they were supposed to open, if they were going to open at all, until ... no earlier than 2012, and technically not until 2047 when Starfire was going to happen. So, something is up that they‘re activating them now. So this began last night and it wasn‘t something any of us knew about. It was one of those ‗fly by the seat of your pants,‘ : ‖you‘ve got to go do this now. You‘ve got to go do that now.‖ So we did. The hotel that all of you are now staying at, that we were staying at but they had us move, is also sitting on one of these. The Temple of the Sun is sitting on one in Cusco, that has been corrupted. What they are starting to do is they are using the ones that are still viable to clear the ones that have been corrupted, and putting them all back on line. That‘s why it‘s important...because we said, ―should we try to move the group off that grid? Is it a bad one?‖ They said, ―no, it‘s one of the ones that was plugged into the Temple of the Sun, and that had been corrupted a long time ago,‖ but what we‘re doing is clearing it. They need to stay there because they are on duty. They‘re actually clearing it. We had to clear this site and send it over to the hotel while your fields were clearing that one. So, we‘re putting - down there in Cusco, we‘re putting the Cusco matrix of Cousha temples back on line. Up here, we are beginning the process - this particular one, there is a Pisac cluster, alright? So that name would go with a whole cluster of them. This is one of the main control ones. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So, we were guided to come here. There are two more, I believe, yeah, one is the place that begins with an ―O‖ that I can‘t pronounce, that we‘re going to today, Oly somebody, that we‘re doing after lunch. There‘s another cluster that we‘re going to activate. There‘s one more, I think today. Oh... yeah... there‘s another one... we‘re not going onto the site, but we‘re going onto an access site that is where we‘re having lunch. So, we‘re going to do the main work. It‘s actually going to take place in a circle at lunch. So, we‘re have our lunch... we‘ll probably do the lunch first. It will give you some ManA to work with, some more ManA. Yeah. Then, as long as it works out alright - because I think we have permission to do a sit-down circle - we will do a full activation circle there to link the networks. Then we will go on to the Oly place. Then there‘s one more at the Tambo whatever place that we‘ll see tomorrow. All of these together - pardon me I‘m just terrible with trying to even phonetically sound out these words, because when you phonetically sound them out, they don‘t sound like that anyway in Spanish or whatever language they‘re in, if it‘s Quechua or I don‘t know what it is. So, I‘ll just use references, so if you look at your itinerary you‘ll know what I‘m talking about, the Oly place, the Tamb place, the Sacsay place. So pardon me, I just don‘t have enough brain cells to worry about being perfect when it comes to that. The ones we‘re activating today, and finally tomorrow when we do the Tamb place, these are connected ... when these all come into activation, they open a chamber. When we were at Caral, we began the process of opening the EcoushaTA chamber that ran from Shala 13 up into the Aquifers and over into the AdorA side, opening the AdorA side, and then up into the Caral first seeding sites. This is just the base part of the Astura Chamber that is from the Aquafereion Seeding 3, the Aquafereion Passage Seeding 3. So, we began that process. If you think of the shape of the Azurite A in the Astura, it was like we just activated the bottom part. It‘s going to not look right no matter which way I point it. But if it goes (makes whish sound) that part way down there is what we activated in Caral. What we are now doing is activating the next part of the chamber that goes over in the arc. It is a chamber, and it is literally a chamber, an ascension chamber, that runs... it connects Caral to Cusco. So, it‘s opening that chamber, between Caral and Cusco, and doing all these temple activations in the Sacred Valley and Cusco are... the product of doing that will open that chamber. So that chamber will be opened between the end of this evening and tomorrow afternoon. Then there‘s another chamber that links Cusco to Macchu Picchu. Then there‘s another chamber - I think they call it the … something … the Spanner 7 loop. We‘ll be activating that from Picchu. So, it‘s very technical what we‘re dong. We have the maps, and it‘s easier if I can point to things when we have them up on the mylars. I just wanted you to understand when we‘re here on a site like this, when we do a simple little thing like sing a few rounds of the ―BE-TU‖ song, that I call it, which is the Psonn of Aurora, it is beginning the activation of the Cousha crystal temples there, and again these they refer to as the Takeyon temples. Now we talked about Takeyon fields, some of you may be familiar with that part of that work, some may not. The Takeyon fields have to do with the harmonic keys and phasing and being able to turn yourself into light so you can go through ascension passages, basically. So, these temples, and the sites they‘re connected to - whether or not there is a temple still sitting on the surface - they have the ability to generate Takeyon fields. Each one of them, of a cluster, would be able to, once the full Aquafereion NaVA-Ho Passage was open, all of those crystal sites, those temples sites would be able to be used to access the passage for direct passage upward.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
What‘s fascinating that we learned tonight too, that we‘ll show you some of - because these diagrams are very complicated, and of course they take a long time, and we don‘t have a long time to do diagrams before the next workshop the way this is run - but there‘s not only one of those eternity shaped crystal heart codes. There are a set of four of them that link and form together the AnshatAsa Passage that goes - the first one goes from Earth up to Urtha. The next one goes from Urtha to Sirius B. The next one goes from Sirius B to Andromeda, the Aquinos Matrix. And the fourth one is from the Aquinos out to the Aquafereion parallel adjacent Eckasha matrix. So, there‘s a whole set of them, and it‘s very... it is fascinating. We will talk more about how these things work. This is fascinating to me too. If I ever knew this - which I probably did or I wouldn‘t be allowed to teach it this time - I don‘t‘ even remember when I knew this. I don‘t ever remember teaching this before. But I remember using the passage somewhere, way, way a long time ago. So I‘m excited about the new material, and I hope you will be too. We wanted to just let you know a little bit about what we‘re doing when we‘re on these sites. It‘s not just - okay, we‘re dragging through Peru and seeing the sites that everybody else sees and then maybe get to some good stuff. We are doing the good stuff. There is a reason why - it‘s really funny. All of these sites have been around for ages and ages, right? Well, all of a sudden, particularly in the last 100 years, all sorts of things have been ‗discovered‘, right? Under jungles and all that... why are these temples being discovered now? This was not an accident. People have been being led for about two or 300 years, and earlier in Egypt, to find these things, and to find these temples. Why? So people would start walking on them again, because it is the DNA and the activations of frequency in people‘s bodies that bring them to life. It‘s no accident that it‘s almost become a fury of activating sacred site temples in the last 100 years, particularly in the last 20, with the New Age and the whole bit. Everybody is traipsing all over everything. The sites that have become open to the public are ones that are code hungry, and a lot of them... they weren‘t being guided by Kristic races, by the true Guardians. They were being guided by ones connected to the hibernation zones, that we‘ve spoken of, because they have been trying progressively to take over the matrix. They have part control of the matrices that run these systems, and what we‘re doing now in order to activate them is we are taking the grids back, the Beloveds are, we are just here to help, which makes us not real popular with ones who work for the other groups that are activating them for the hibernation zones on the anti-Kristic codes. The sad thing is most people in these movements don‘t realize that that‘s what they‘re actually helping. They think they‘re doing the Kristic work. At least we have given you the technicals all along. We‘ve given you the history, we‘ve given you the technicals. We‘ve told you stuff I would have preferred not to talk about - black holes, all that mess, but we‘re at a point now where, because we have been successful with the activations that have taken place so far between anchoring the AnshatAsa Passage that occurred with the 12 Tribes early classes, and with what we have achieved at Caral, it‘s going to happen now. These passages are going to open. So, it‘s a very big homecoming that we‘re in the process of. The passages don‘t just open overnight. Sit on three sacred sites, bang, zoom and then you‘re gone. It‘s not that easy. These are complex energy machines that run between planetary systems and star systems and galaxies! So, they haven‘t given the date when ... they have said that... when we leave, I think it‘s the day we leave Peru, is the when the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho Passage comes into full initiation. It will have an activation cycle, following that initiation. They have not said when the level one of it comes on a full activation, but they have said we will be in full Aqualene Sun activation level one when we leave. So, before we leave we actually hit Aqualene Sun activation level one. These things won‘t mean much to you until you start to see the anatomy of what this is, and that‘s why we will do the workshop tonight and give you a crash course in the Gate stuff, and then in the RashaLAe body stuff enough where you can see how it applies to the planet, and bigger things like interstellar ascension, and also the personal things where RashaLAe body anatomy applies to you too, because you have a RashaLAe body individually as a person, and it works the same way as the larger ones that run Gates. In other words, your RashaLAe body is your walking Stargate, just like the larger ones are the main Stargates on the planet at this point. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So, it‘s really exciting. We don‘t have to stay long, and I know that there‘s a certain time we‘re supposed to be for lunch and that kind of stuff, so I am not going to go on and on, but they did want you to know that we are activating part of the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho Passage, that was from approximately 900,000 years ago, so it is that level that we‘re participating in, and they are the big ones. They are the more powerful ones. And each site we go to today will be a part of that. We‘ll probably get live... you know, live updates, as we go along, which is kind of neat. The headsets are really great for that, because otherwise I am trying to scream it five times in five different directions, so hopefully people can hear it, so I hope this makes it a lot more pleasant for you. So, thank you Darlene for doing this, because Dar came up with this and it‘s a very good idea. What we‘re going to do... and I am going to go off the headsets for this, just because I don‘t want to be screaming the Aurora song in everybody‘s ear. If you need your papers and you don‘t have it, that‘s okay, just hum, but most people know it at this point. I don‘t have time to memorize these things anymore, because I‘m always live on line getting the next bit through. So, okay if it‘s on paper put it over there. You‘ll see with me and Az and Mac that because we‘re getting live line, and because there is just no time to sit down and memorize it and that kind of thing, because we have the next bits coming in, that‘s why... so we really appreciate the people who actually do have the time and care enough to memorize the songs and some of ... I like to call them the song-birds, they have the most beautiful voices, do so much better justice to it than I ever could. Thank you all for doing that. We will go off the headsets. What we‘re going to do is simply - we don‘t have to do the prayer. It‘s already coming up from Caral. We‘ll actually be pulling the frequency up from Caral as we do this, so it‘s already been set there for that part. So here we just need to do ... they‘re saying three to six rounds. Three is essential, six would amplify but it‘s up to you, and if you feel like doing six, go for it. But if you feel like doing three, you can stop there. Whatever you prefer, but a minimum of three and up to 6, just rounds of the BE-TU song, Psonn of Aurora, we‘ll do that now. And I just have to find out... right after we do that, we need to go, don‘t we? Where‘s Dar? Yeah. Cause we‘re running overtime already, aren‘t we? We‘re not running overtime yet? Ooh... we might even get 15 minutes to go explore on our own, and feel it out if we want to, if we can get the BE-TU song done by a quarter after. Okay. Dar would like us to keep these on, though, so not to hear me, but when she needs to call you for round-up on the buses, so, we don‘t lose anybody. If you go wandering off for 15 minutes. It is a lovely place, just like spread out on the grass and kind of go, wow! I mean, the energy coming out there is beautiful as well, so we‘ll try to get through the BE-TU song here and get the official work done, and then just leave your headsets on so when Dar needs to make the call for coaches leaving, you can hear her. Okay? I‘ll just kind of scream one, two, three... I just want to say for a second... that this is the first time - I forgot to mention and they are nudging me and saying, ‗would you mind letting them know‘ and it‘s not our guys that are saying that, all sacred sites have various levels of Guardians that come with them from the traditions of the people that had lived here. This site is very, very active with the ancient Inca people that lived here, and they still guard their sites here. They still take it very seriously. They are very Azurite friendly, which I was very happy to find, because you don‘t always find that, depending on who they are working for. They did, however, ask, as a protocol, a very ancient protocol of simple respect... when I went over there, they asked me for tobacco. They asked me to make an offering of tobacco. And it wasn‘t so much to them. It was to the Earth, because that is what they did. They made offerings of similar type things, and not to smoke a cigarette either. I dissected a cigarette, to give them the thing and kind of cleared it of the chemicals as much as I could. And they were happy with Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
that. They would like us to know that they are with us as we do this, and they approve of what we are doing on this site. That won‘t be always the case when we go to a site. It means the crystal here wasn‘t corrupted. Some sites we will feel real energy that doesn‘t want you there, because it‘s one of the crystals that did get corrupted and we‘re taking it back, and too bad. At this point we‘re going to open those ascension passages. They belong to the Angelic Human races in the first place. The Inca people were always part of that. There was a time - at some point they will give us history too, they‘re just letting me know, where the Aquari Humans of the more recent seedings did indeed intermingle with some of the Inca races, and there are different family groups of the Incas that carry Aquari Human codes from those times, and they are much more recent. They aren‘t the 900,000 years ago ones. They are the ones that came in from the - anywhere from 12,500 BC to the 10,500 BC area frame. So they are there too. They just wanted me to acknowledge to you that they are there, so you know that they are present. I‘m sorry. I‘m just a little rusty on ancient protocol! I‘m kind of getting ... reprimanded gently because I forgot to mention that. It should have been protocol that I did and I do apologize to you. I hope you accept that. Thank you. Please don‘t bite me! (Laughter) Alright, I think I am done now, so we will do BE-TU. (Group sings Psonn of Aurora) Um-ah-A TrA Ena A Eck-a-sha Wow that was live, I‘ve got hairs standing up all over from that one, don‘t know if anyone felt that one. They were anchoring, they were anchoring through me the Ascension Code, and that was a prayer of love and protection for all of the people everywhere that have ever passed through this place. May you be blessed eternally! (cheers and claps) At ease team!
Cusco, May 25 MP Stand Instructions [D2 2:41:24] A'hza (first minute inaudible) …as I speak so we‘ve shuffled ourselves around a little bit because my stuff is pretty much ready in the absence of a little bit of technical, I think. So, we‘ll get into what‘s happening and how we are going to do that, when we get to Picchu. And this will be the thing we do during the day that we do discreetly but, before I get involved in that, the manager who has been extremely helpful in accommodating us has reminded me of just one extremely important request that they are making of us, and that was that when we finish, we leave zipped, nada, no noise please at all, OK? They‘ve done us a huge favor, and in terms of what the other hotel had done, they saved us a huge amount of money too, because all of these special and extra arrangements are coming out of our personal pocket. Its nothing to do with you guys, we are just fixing things as we go along. These people were just so lovely in the way that they work to accommodate us, and they‘ve asked us one special thing and that‘s the one. So, please respect that. If I can read my writing... the Picchu Stand is called a Cluster Stand. The Cluster Stand is in the nature really of what we‘ve already been involved with doing, the linking of the Cousha spheres and to some degree the way in which we‘ve been working, working with the familiar Reuche formation, and I hope that the newcomers understand what I mean when I refer to the Reuche formation. It‘s a common enough geometric structure. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
The purpose of the Picchu Cluster Stand is as follows. It opens Ring 4 of the Adashi 7 temple of Urtha. Aside from the fact that we‘re working Ring 4 level, everything else in that regard should be reasonably familiar to everyone by this point, although, Ash will pick up on that when she does the rapid bringing up to speed part of the presentation, right after when we‘re done with this part. What is does in moving beyond things to do with 12 Tribes, although we are aware of the Spanner gates and the potentiality that exists through the Spanner 7 network, and the relationship to other new network of gates that is contingent on the Spanner 7 operation being successful; that brings into being or it begins to open the Spanner 7 loop between Earth at Picchu and the Aurora 2 platform at Urtha. The Aurora 2 platform is called the A-SA-LE-on, and that relates to the cloud cities, and the cloud cities are identified in the map charts, or the map chart code that you have, as the pink cloud layer. If you look for the pink cloud layer, that is the Aurora 2 platform, the A-SA-LE-on cloud cities. Now, not only does it open the Spanner 7 loop, but it also activates other sectors that we have not yet got information on. Before you leave Peru, you will know what they are. The stand itself, our collective effort of the stand will fulfill the Aquafereion shield RashaLAe host, the core YamU, the NaVA-HO Sa Transharmonic, and it will lead to early initiation, that‘s versus the 2009 frame that we‘ve been previously advised, of the inner Hub ComU NaVA-Ho, and the prana exchange cycle of the Earth host which is associated directly with it, and also acts as preparation for Picchu day two, the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho Passage initiation. And all of that relates to the 2009 time scale that we previously had. Aside from appointing people who are experienced in stands, and who I hope will be capable of the basic navigation that I will outline in a minute, in leading their teams to the appropriate locations, because the center part of the stand will be enclosed in four walls, in other words, the location the Beloveds have given us, means that the Speakers will be out of sight. And I can‘t pogo to that degree long enough to keep an eye on the locations and the alignments and everything else. So, really, we‘re going to have to relay very much on each of the tribe leaders, or the Twelve Feather group leaders, to actually get their teams to the correct places, and to undertake as much onsite alignment work as they are capable of doing. And that which can‘t be done, just know that we will not be alone, and that there will be hoards of those from the Aquari race lines, and related race lines who will be working to make any adjustments on our behalf that are necessary. So, you‘re not to worry. But, as usual, you hear me say do your level best, take it seriously. This is a thing of such sacred significance and importance, as you are already aware of. Just do your damdest and the little bit you can‘t manage to deal with, know that it will be dealt with on our combined and collective behalf, alright? So, not to worry, just relax and enjoy doing it but simply concentrate and do your best. So, what I will do first, I think, is I will appraise you of the assignments and your group affiliations for this purpose. I have yet to decide and try and figure whether or not what we do tomorrow night, which is a structure of three concentric circles, whether I can utilize the teams I‘m going to announce now, as a way of forming those three concentric circles. I am going to try but I have to think about it a little bit more than I have been able to in the time we‘ve had. I will tell you about that. It would make it a lot easier to move numbers of people around, because 124 people is a fairly large number to manage on the ground, in the dark, late at night, when doubtless we‘re tired and wondering how we are going to make the train to Machu Picchu at four in the morning. So, group one, Signet 1 as it will be referred to in traditional sound language, is (Names of group leaders) Who goes with who? Tricky combination. You need to check that I give you 10 names, and the 10 include your own, so you get nine. We have 12 groups of 10 people to have this work. That means there will be four in the 13 th position as opposed to the usual three. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
(Gives the names of all the team members) Did we or did we not photocopy for your packs this particular drawing? (No) Well... it‘s better in a way, making determinations and decisions by committee as I know very well takes an awful long time, and rarely ever reaches the best decision to support group interests, so it doesn‘t surprise me that I decided not to copy everyone in on this, but what we need to do in order to get this to work as well as we can, one is, the group of 12 team leaders need to borrow this map from me, because its the clearest depiction of what we have up on the screen here, because it just focuses on the actual Reuche configuration within the Picchu site. You‘ll need that to do your best to interpret and translate locations. There is also a black and white copy of the same thing. I‘ll let you, any of you, as long we decide who... I mean Mirko, you are number one, you might as well be the guy who takes the paper. You guys get in a huddle, study it, and I‘ll just highlight things as best as I am able to off-site. So, what is going to happen is when we arrive and we‘ve got ourselves through the bathrooms and stuff, which... (laughter) You‘re noting how observant I can be, right? We‘re probably the only touring group where the girls invade the boy‘s toilets very sensibly. Its quite right, I take my hat off to you. We will obviously be mindful of the lead time, let‘s say, and the lead time too, particularly as it relates to getting ourselves ... here‘s where you‘ll be when you come in from the coach OK? So, what we need to be mindful of is that those teams that have to get themselves from this point to this area here, here and here, the furthest most points where the teams have to get themselves set up, there will be a preagreed time, like synchronize your watches, and somebody will pull off the atomic time from their mobile or something, and say we‘re all working on... it‘s twelve o'clock now. So, I‘m serious. So, the team leaders themselves will be the people who will actually keep on eye on that, adjust their own time, so the time is synchronized properly, so the go time will go at the same time for everyone. And when we do go, what we‘re doing is we will be doing the full Krystal River Prayer Sanctification, and then we‘ll be doing something with the new Krystal Heart Ascension code, but as we speak we don‘t know what we‘re going to do, but we know we‘re going to be using it. They are the two principal activities that the stand involves itself in. We will do those things, get ourselves ready, establish a sensible start time, which bears in mind how long it‘s going to take the teams, not only to walk this distance which will take a comfortable fifteen, from memory, fifteen minutes, twenty minutes maybe, to get here, and then we have to find them a little time for assessing and being comfortable with their location. Some are easier than others, and a couple are a little bit tricky. I‘ll just pick off the easy ones, I‘ve written them in. Here, on any of the guide maps, there is the ceremonial bathing area, and the Temple of the Sun, is right here by team seven‘s location. So, they‘ve got a very easy local reference. They know that the plane that they‘re working through is this plane here. Eight have only a quarry behind them as reference, with the Temple of the Sun, this is high ground, so team eight can be looking down toward where these guys are. Because they are on high ground, they ought to be able to pick up a bit of an alignment through this area here. How much can be seen across to the temples area, which is what this is known as. This is the temple zone. It‘s all in this area. But this particular spot looks down here to the temple of the three windows, and the sacred plaza, which is this part here. So, this group need to position themselves on the high ground looking more or less at forty five degrees down to the Temple of Three Windows. So, they don‘t have too much trouble. Eleven... (question)... which one? This is ten. Eleven has a rather nebulous location, just as the twelve's do, on this main plaza area, which is all grass. That‘s going to be a little bit difficult. What will help 12 is that they will be in alignment with the observatory, that‘s known as the Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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Intewatana, and the observatory is very high. You can‘t miss that. So, twelve will be lining up with this building, which is known as a residence... that‘s what it‘s known as. And the speakers will be inside this structure, where the walls, and we‘ll be in the corner here. So, twelve will be lining with the observatory. Six should be able to see the observatory as well, on high ground, back up there. It‘s like ... what do you call it? It‘s not like a monolith. It‘s a ruin, but it tends to look like a chimney that stands up quite high with a bit of building below it. It‘s unmistakable. So, that will help six, who‘ve also got a slightly nebulous position. In their case, they‘re just inside the walled area here. We‘ve got open spaces – there‘s a lawn if I remember right, here. This is the only wall running along to make that L shaped there, so they are referencing along this wall, and looking to make an alignment through that building where twelve will be on the grass and you won‘t be able to see twelve, I think, up to the observatory. Eleven have got a bit of a tricky job. I will try to help on the site if I can. Number one is not too difficult because this whole wall here is known as the place of the three doorways. There‘s doorway one there, doorway two there, and doorway three. Team one will be right by the wall of that doorway, on this long wall. So, you walk the plaza, and you come in behind the buildings, the buildings that goes along, up and down, and then the walls of the three doorways begins. You‘ll be by that third door there. This is known as the high group of buildings, this is the last of the main development of Machu Picchu really. The nearest reference on any map is this, the Eastern Urban sector is this group of buildings here, next to the high group. This whole area is the high group. So, two has got a slightly nebulous location. How much they can see of three‘s location, or four is debatable. I can‘t remember this part of the site well enough to offer any guidance off site at all. I can‘t really say. So, I‘ve touched on what six can do to help themselves and the alignment arrangements. Four and two will have to figure something out. Twelve are helped by the observatory. Eleven will be helped by the position of twelve, and to some extent by looking down the line where there‘s a whole sequence of water running down here. So, looking down this line, that‘s the best that eleven will be able to manage, and they will be able to see 1 over here straight across the plaza. Group five has less of a difficulty in two ways. One, because they position themselves directly below - there‘s a whole water run that comes down through here - and on the map, there are fountains marked in this location. So, they‘re really looking up the water course, up that way knowing that seven is in the main bath area of the Temple of the Sun. That‘s quite a significant general location that can be seen reasonably easily. Also as reference, both to four and five, this is where the Condor Temple is in this building right here. And you can see the midpoint line is right there. So, if five can get their fix sorted out, then by striding it out, and noting where the Condor Temple, just there, if they doubled the distance in their stride, they know they will be pretty well close to where they need to be. That‘s the only helpful suggestion I can make. So, that‘s why we approached it this way, and appointed people who will… (End Disk 2)
Disk 3 Cusco, May 25 MP Stand Instructions (continued) [D3 0:00:04] A'hza
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
…think about and discuss presumably the best ways of creating ways of referencing their location beyond anything I‘ve said. All I‘ve done is quickly identify some of the things that I‘m reasonably confident about and can offer as guidance. The individual team leaders should try to take that kind of referencing a little further forward, so that you can get to your appointed locations, and we will allow plenty of time for you to just look like tourists, inconspicuously of course you know the theme. So, obviously we won‘t be suggesting that you use whites, and we won‘t be suggesting you use any overidentifying jewelry in an obvious way, or I‘m a conscious cat person whatever or anything like that. So, that is the beginning and end of the briefing for the cluster stand at Picchu, when we go in during the day because these days the rules have changed so much from when we were here before. Going at night is absolutely not allowed. Hiring the cafeteria which we offered to do was a bit of a sniffle, but there‘s absolutely no way we can organize buses to take anybody away again after six o‘clock in the evening. So everything was just backing us up to a daytime covert way of getting the job done. So, that‘s the way we have to do it. That‘s why the guidance of the Beloveds has been to accept it this way, run it this way and that‘s what I‘m sharing with you. (Question) It runs this way, I think. Mirko, just check with me on your map. South is this way, north is that way, bottom right corner of your map, is that right? North is this way? South is that way, right? On this kind of plane. Yes? So, you see this line? This is the plane that‘s drawn on the south/north line, if you like. That is true south/north. (Question) No, you just stand like a tourist. Some of you will be closely examining stonework. Others of you will be looking for white fish in the waterfall. Others of you will be taking minute grass samples. (Laughter). Some of you will be cross-examining llama collectibles and things like that. (Question - are we using our headsets there?) Yes, we will, but there won‘t be any instructions given beyond ... the only instruction that remains, other than trying to help the team leaders on location spotting, will be instruction on using the ascension code. That‘s the only thing that will be given in addition. There will be no direction given. We will be given a time enough to get to where we need to be, and at the appointed hour we will all just begin doing what we have to do. (Question) Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Where is it in terms of these? I don‘t think it‘s too difficult because... your team leaders will be working this out as they think about it. Here, where the Speakers are, is a structure with four walls, okay? So, when you come in, the main pathway is a straight line, you come along, down there, and along here. This is the wall of the building where the Speakers will be. Three is in this little tea junction, a little way down from that road. It doesn‘t have a name on any of the maps, but it‘s not too difficult. (Question) Yeah, but the numbers are so tight that if anybody drops them, then that‘s it. We could reassign one from the center, because there are four, but that‘s all we could do. And then, we‘ll just have to live with it, if it turned out that way. (Question) Yes, but in a modest voice level. We won‘t be shouting it. We won‘t be mumbling. Just use your judgment. It will be over so quickly that if anybody takes exception, we‘ll have finished anyway, and that will be that. (Question) I don‘t know the exact time yet. It depends on how everything pans out, what time we get there, if everybody‘s well, everyone‘s together. We have preferred times in mind, but it‘s more important that everyone‘s up there and feeling good and where they need to be. There‘s going to be no issue over a difference in time. It‘s not critical to that extent. Are we done with the questions? Is that it? (comment) No, we‘re going up to Sacsayhuaman, we‘re going on shop fest as well. We‘re going to finish the other activation I think. We reviewed the day‘s schedule, and we realized there would be a revolution if we didn‘t take you shopping. (Laughter) so we got this flash of light thinking we‘d get back by four, and have that delightful, that juicy delicious 90 minutes of additional time which you didn‘t get at the end. But it became evident that the best thing to do was to bring that part of the program into tomorrow, and reorganize it and pay for the extra couple of hours of bussing you around. Then tomorrow night, we go out doing hanky panky in the Shaman‘s back yard. Oops, not to speak about that yet. There are things about that that we‘re going to tell you before you go home. You don‘t need to worry about any of that right now. We‘re going to go into the Shaman‘s back yard tomorrow night between about 11:30 pm and 12:30 am, and we‘re sorry, but we have to be there between those hours. So, we will finish our day, you‘ll get off to your hotel by, say between five and six. Have a quick shower if you‘re into hygiene, have dinner and then go bye bye for three hours and rest up, so you‘re somewhat rested and your resources have been brought up a little bit, because you‘ll have a very early start after you‘ve been up in the Shaman‘s back yard. It‘s a location that we organized during the afternoon, which is very much on the grids we need to be on to get the maximum effect of why we‘re going there. There is a wedding and a big hacienda location which should be finished just before we get there. We will arrive in darkness and do our business and come right back and go to bed and have ourselves to the train station for Machu. I think the train leaves at 6 am, the morning after tomorrow night. It would be a pity to have to sleep on the train but we‘re all going to feel a bit pooped, but I will say that the journey through from Cusco to Machu Picchu is quite, at times, delightful, and one of the most delightful things is when the train does stop, it‘s beset by hoards of delightful Inca people, offering the most unbelievable bargains. (Laughter) I don‘t want to encourage you to develop this shopping habit, but it is wonderful just to talk with the children, who are thrusting more or less the same range of things at you, but, you know, to just play with them a little bit, and share your bits of cash out, and they so appreciate a dollar you wont believe it. Taking a dollar to their families is like taking a King‘s ransom in America or Europe. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Anyway, it is a bit boot campish, the way its developing but we‘re here to perform rather than sit and be good students, actually, though there is a mass of information to come. I have to let her know that I‘ve finished my part of the evening and I have to go drag her up here. So, if you‘re done with me for now, I‘ll scoot and have her back here just as quickly as I can.
Cusco, May 25—Lecture [D3 0:11:44] A'sha (Not proofed) Good evening everyone … There is going to be a very fast wave of data coming through tonight. We‘ve about 6 months of information. It is going to be consolidated into between now and midnight, so you can understand what we‘re in the middle of doing, and then we will backtrack and into a bit of RashaLAe Body anatomy so you‘ll understand the personal end of it too. But I‘d probably at a certain point, the wave will come through, the Beloveds will … that‘s when I start speaking very quickly, and you know so just bear with me with that. When that happens, there‘s actually a data wave coming through me alright, and it means it is going to you as well. So anybody that wants it, it will run through your field if you want it; just say ‗Yah, I want that. I want to understand this.‘ And you will pick up information between the lines. So all of the information that will be covered, has been covered or will be covered in more broad form but right now the most … shhh! Thank you. The most important things will be, sorry I‘ll just … I just lost my line. I haven‘t slept up for a very long time now just so you know when we got back there‘s no time to sleep, we‘re back on graphs. So if I‘m just a bit as a matter of fact not having much sense of humor is because I‘m just way over-tired. But anyway, we‘re going to start where we left off. We‘re going to cover what we were doing on the grid stuff because this is what you are walking through between today what you did and what we are doing tomorrow, and on through the rest of the trip. So we understand the significance of what we are in the middle of while we are on the site, and then we‘ll take that from the Planetary Level that we‘re involved with, we‘ll backtrack it to RashaLAe Body in general, and then to where that comes from. We‘ll end up understanding a bit about Adashi Cycles which are the Ascension Return Cycles, and then we‘ll bring it back around through RashaLAe anatomy back to where we are. And we‘ll finally just give in, let‘s hum some new psonns, the RashaLAe Body Direct Activation sound tones. And they are very specific. And right now the Mylar for those is being copied by Alton, thank God! And you‘ll also be getting a copy of those for your packs so you have them with you because we will need them tomorrow night. We‘ll also need them Day 2 in Picchu, and you can use them when you go home for like amping your RashaLAe Body activations, and we‘ll also be taught afterwards like as the work progresses how to use them for various other things as well because they are the core Elemental Command tones, that‘s what they are referred to. So we are excited about
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
that. I knew they were coming but I didn‘t know when they‘d be coming. So we do have those tonight. That was the last thing we did after we got the maps. So I will simply start, and I will go quick with the things we‘ve covered like skipped through in the 1 st Mylar presentation. We‘ll start there with simply just going back to if we remember we are on planet Earth. Planet Earth has a hosting planet inside a larger celestial body or star called Urtha, and that was from the Amenti Rescue Mission that began 500 million years ago with the fall of Tara from Density 2. So we covered a bit of that.
[D3 0:14:54} (Urtha/Earth)
This diagram is messy one just to remind you that to conceptualize it you can picture Urtha as the larger Stellar Body with little Earth inside of it, and in between the 2, there is the Aurora field which is a buffer field between the 2 that has the coding, the core coding, or the RashaLAe Body coding of both Urtha, portions of Urtha, and portions of Earth. So it is a field that blends both of these fields. This is the field, the Aurora field that progressively activates through what are called the Aqualene Sun activations to form the Gyrodome and to form the Host. So we did talk about that. I‘m not going to backtrack on that because we‘ll be here for an hour and a half just backtracking. We‘ve explained a bit about the Gyrodome, about the Host, about the position that the Aquafereion Shield, or the Aquari Humans on the planet are in, in relation to where they actually came from, and why they came, and the fact that we‘re being called as Aquari coded Humans to hold the Host for this planet, the RashaLAe Body activation host, because it will keep the 1 last Ascension chamber open on this planet and the network connected to it. The work we were doing in Peru is the beginning of opening those chamber networks that run between Earth and Urtha, and then eventually there will be the ones that run from there to Sirius B, from there to Andromeda Aquinos Matrix, and from there to the Aquareion Matrix in the parallel adjacent Eckasha that will allow us to be able in the life fields here to be able to still ascend out of an Ecka-Veca system that is falling. So we have again about 500 to 1,000 years left to before the Sun completes its Bardoah phase, and enters its Nova phase. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
And this, the activations we are participating in now allow for that 500 to 1,000 year period for evacuations of life forms through natural Ascension and bio-regenesis processes because otherwise because of what is taking with the Solar Gates we would have no more than 50 years before the radiation levels from the Sun through the gamma ray ring burst that come through the Bardoah Cycle will literally destroy the life on this planet. So we‘re not going to have to see that fate because there are still enough Aquari coded Humans to handle the Earth end because the Aquari races and Aquafereion races, and all the Kristiac races that are supporting us, they can handle their end from where they live where they are located but there needs to be a ground team, and that‘s why the Aquari Humans were seeded here because they knew that it could possibly go very badly here where the Ecka-Veca would fall, and we were the last hope, and that hope is being called. So that is in a nutshell what we have talked before. Now we‘re back to Urtha, Universal Star Gate 3, and Earth, the little falling planet inside of it. Urtha is going to StarFire between the period of 2047 and 2052 which means it will literally blink off; it would no longer be surrounding Earth, and it will blink off into the Edon Middle Domain levels of its own natural cycles. It will come back again because Urtha is still a living planet, and you will see by the end of the evening something called the Krystar Eternal-Life Cycle which is the cycle of 1st Creation how it comes out through the Core, the Inner, the Middle, and the Outer Domains where we are and then turns back around again, and goes through 3 what are called Adashi Cycles back into Source and it is a perpetual motion cycle that consciousness continually comes out into manifestation, and then returns back into Source. Even falling systems will return back to Source but they will not return with the structural integrity of their templates any longer; they will return as space dust units but they are still able to return. One thing that I hadn‘t mentioned in this group that I‘ve mentioned in other workshops is that anything that is going into a Fall system that it is past the point where it can receive regenesis or an Ascension host, where it does have to go through space dust return, if there is a group from that same time cycle space that will be able to do Ascension and go into the Adashi Cycles, if that group can hold the memory imprint which is the radiation signature in the core of the RashaLAe Body of the other life forms or a planet, be it a planet or a person or a race line whatever … If the Kristiac imprint of the original imprint before the Fall can be held as memory, if they can be remembered, and despite what horrible things certain races might have done as they fell … but remember once upon a time they were Kristiac too, just like the ones that still are. And if they can be remembered with love, and their race lines can be remembered, we can carry that signature back with us, and they will actually be as space dust once they go through that, and be able to return in an Adashi Cycle and pick up that imprint. So they can actually go back to Source whole but it is a longer process. So the fact that we can remember, this is part of why for the whole time they have been telling us about the Fallen Angelic races. Somebody has to remember them with love because they don‘t remember themselves anymore. But if we can remember with love what they once were, that they were created in the Krist the Eternal-Life Cycles just like we were, we will be able to give them back that template, and they will be able to reassemble themselves are they go back into Source where they will be able to remember the lessons that they learned of why maybe pushing the envelope to the extremes of opposite expression to Source isn‘t a good idea. So it means a lot to Source and to many races who are so mentally ill at this point, and spiritual ill, that they don‘t even know what they have lost but the ones who aren‘t ill and do know the value of the Krist and the Eternal-Life Cycles, Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
they are the ones who suffer most when they watch other beings that they love go through that but we can hold that memory imprint of love, and anything that goes back to space dust can have its encryption held within something that can return, and it will have the ability to pick up its template as it passes through its last Adashi Cycle and goes back into Source. So we are also doing something on that line. But more practically and tactile speaking, as far as what we are doing roaming around Peru, and the things we are going to be doing, and the things that we have done, it all has to do with activating the Aurora field to create the Gyrodome Host. One of the things the Gyrodome Host will do is activate this field, the Aurora field in a way that it will allow when Urtha goes into StarFire and literally disappears from this space-time continuum, this will not just fall and implode and go to space dust, or be dragged into the Bourgha or the Wesadrak Fallen Matrices, it will actually hold a field around Earth that will allow it to stay where it is in the Lone Star Fall state, and it will allow like a respirator tube to go from Earth, 1st through Urtha before 2047. But even after Urtha goes into StarFire, the AnshaTAsa Passage that goes to the Aquafereion Matrix will hold, will literally be the life-line that holds Earth, and the Gyrodome fields. So we‘re part of a huge, huge mission. We‘re just a small team but a very essential one in the Ascension of the life fields from Earth. But we have huge cosmic support in this one. We also have huge cosmic data camp(?) coming in that sometimes is very, very difficult to keep track of. Next one, please.
[D3 0:22:04]
Here we go! Ooi, here it comes.… My hairs are standing in my arms. That means that a wave is incoming. This is usually where I start going fast. We also talked about this. This particular diagram pertains to, it is actually the end of a long series of diagrams that 1 st teaches you about RashaLAe Body anatomy in general and how it goes into the 1st Creation Cycles, and how that creates RashaLAe Body anatomy. And eventually you get to how to understand RashaLAe Body anatomy which we will get to back later, gives you an understanding of the interwoven planes of matter and consciousness that form a planetary or a star base.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Alright so if we look at this we are looking at the Par-TE‟-KEi Body or the Dark Matter Template of Earth. Alright we‘re looking at, you only see 2 Kathara Grids here but technically there would be 4 but there would be so many lines on here that you won‘t be able to read anything. But we have, I believe on this one you have the D1, there would be a little Kathara Grid in here. And notice the Kathara Grid, there is a very precise way that they expand within each other. What would be the 12th point in the smaller one always ends up in what‘s called the Rajhna lock that‘s on this line in the next one up larger, and the 1 point will always be what‘s called the E-Umbi lock on the next larger so it‘s a specific mathematics of expansion that are involved in relationships. So they aren‘t just hypothetical draw-your- circles-where-you-want-to.
So what this is showing you is the … D1 isn‘t shown because it‘s tiny and it messes up the middle of the diagram. You can‘t see them but it is implied there. D1, D2, D3, and there is another big one called the Density-1. It has the Kathara Grid, and the Kathara Grid fits right within what is called the 15 layer Par-TE‟-KEi Body Template. And there‘s a whole series of things that occur to create Par-TE‟-KEi Body Templates. We‘ll touch on those as we wrap, as we get toward the end. But the most important thing that we need to remember in relation to what we were doing in Peru is that because of this particular natural structure, the organic structure of matter forms, we are dealing with an Earth system that has its core … 1st of all every one of those I will remind you, that every one of those 4 Kathara Grids has a 15 layer geleziac template alright. So you‘re dealing with 15 and 15 and 15 and 15 embedded through each other and they are spheres within spheres within spheres. Because these spheres are embedded within each other, it ends up with 15 layers running through different layers as you expand out. And these give you different fields and planes, different types of matter and atomic structure. And they form different levels of what we perceive as matter. Now when we are dealing with the D1 grid, it creates what is called the Etheric atomic type of matter, and that is something that we don‘t physically see with our physical eyes but it is the type of thing you can see with your 3rd eye as people say. So when people read auric fields, and those kind of things, they tend to be looking at the Etheric level which would be the D1 level, and the D1 level has its 15 layers. So each level has 15 layers.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
When we get to the D2 level that will correspond with this grid, we are dealing with what is called the Telluric atomic matter base. And that is the one that we perceive as physically solid here. When we are focused in a 3-dimensional system, the Mental Body is focused in D3 level. What we experience as the Physical Body is focused in the D2 level. It is also known as the Emotional Body. So your Emotional Body actually is your Physical Body. And the D1 level is the Etheric Body level, the full Etheric Body level. So we are seeing as solid the 15 geleziac layers that correspond with the D2 grid.
Earth‘s atmosphere goes out to a certain point where it‘s D2 grid 15 layer stops but it continues out further because there is still the D3 layer which has what is called Atmic-Atomic type of matter which is a bit more dense than the Etheric but less dense than Telluric. So we don‘t see that as solid but when we do projections, when we do dream states and those kind of things, there are certain states that we experience even now we‘re still a lot asleep, that we are actually experiencing reality fields in those bands of the D3 layer. The D3 layer is considered the Mental Body or the Atmospheric Body. When we are talking about our personal self, we end up with our Etheric Atomic Body, our Telluric Emotional or Physical Body, and our Mental Body layer is formed from this.
When we‘re talking about a Planetary Level, we‘re talking about layers that form together as they are interwoven between those 4 Kathara Grids and their 15-layer systems that will form the core … And when we look at this, we are looking at 1 set of 15. We are dealing with the D2 grid which is the one we perceive as solid, the physical Earth that we are walking on.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So we always use the D2 grid as the one that you‘re just going to get the other ones out of the way so you can see what you are looking at with the 15 geleziac layers that we‘re working with, we‘ll use the D2 grid. And a bit of the D3 because the atmosphere actually extends out into the D3 layers so in the D2 grid we end up with the 1st 3 geleziac layers of the 15 layer system being what is called the solid core that would be the 1, 2 and 3 layers. Layers 4, 5, and 6 are the liquid core or what the Beloveds refer to as the Aquafers. Layers 7, 8, and 9 refer to the lower, middle and upper mantel of the planet. The division between the upper mantel which is called the Ka field, it‘s called the Ka9 field we‘ll see what that‘s about later, and the Rha10 field is the Rha10- Ka9 field, and that is the crust, Earth‟s crust. And what goes above the crust is the Rha Light-Field, the Rha10 Light-Field, and that is what we see as the lighter, the space between objects when are walking around here. So we are walking around on the D2 crust, the layer of the D2 crust that is the Rha10-Ka9 layer which is considered the … I think this is the 9 … it would be the 9.5 layer because there are … We‘ll talk about the numbers 1, 2, 3 to 15, and then there are the point 5 layers which are referred to the Bands that form between those geleziac layers of radiation. When we talk about layers, it is gelezaic radiation layers we‘re talking about. It is a type of radiation in the form of primal gels that we are talking about, and they have to do with what are called the E-ta‟s, and that goes back to the 1st Creation stuff that we talked about I think in Tenerife that started with … ‗There was once a Partiki. Source created a Partiki, and then created another, and set it all in motion.‘ We‘re not going to go there right now because that takes ages to explain but the information is there. Well what we need to understand is remember that we have these what are referred to as the spherical or circular maps that show us the different planes and layers within the Earth‟s atmosphere. In this particular one, we‘re showing several things. We are showing the D2 grid and its 15 geleziac layers, and how that interfaces with the D3 grid and its 15 geleziac layers, and we‘re also showing some things that we, that science here has identified in relation to our physical Earth and what can be perceived. Here we have what are called the Van Allen Belts alright. We can see how many miles up or whatever they are in the Earth‘s atmosphere because science has identified that they exist. So we can see where they exist. The Beloveds showed us where they exist in relation to this structure so we can tell … This is the inner Van Allen Belt here I think it would be a belt of … I think that‘s the proton band of it … Isn‘t it protons on the inside and electrons on the outside, yah, I forgot. But anyway anybody that wants to play with it can look up all the stuff on Van Allen Belt, and learn even more of the details on it. It is just that it is most important to know where they are in relation to understanding the maps if we are going to be opening Ascension chambers and wanting to Ascend.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So we‘ve got inner Van Allen Belt here. We‘ve got the outer Van Allen Belt here, yah this is the Electron Belt, and that is the Proton Belt. There‘s a space between them that is referred to by science here as the Van Allen Gap where there is no Belt. And then there are layers that go out from there that lead up to what would be the magnetosphere around the Earth. That‘s the thing you see when they show the Sun, and they show the Earth with its little magnetosphere and the tail blowing off from the solar winds so you see that magnetos-tail, and that kind of thing in those diagrams in science books. And so that layer will actually correspond to up here. And I‘ll show diagrams that show that a bit more clearly because the magnetosphere actually corresponds to the surface crust layer of Urtha. If we remember that Earth is hosting within a larger Stellar Body that literally our geleziac fields are part of the body of their gelezaic fields. Our cores are united. We‘re a smaller sphere within the inner part of that star so if we go forward and upward, the 1 st place of Ascension out of here is going through the Urtha field and that‘s still a Density-1 field like Urtha is a Density-1 planet which means D1, 2, 3 alright. Urtha is not a Density-2 planet like Tara, and our Density-3 one like Gaia. It is not like those. It is another full-spectrum Density-1 planet, a star, and it is in the Universal Star Gate 3 position in our Universal Veca‘s Kathara Grid. So the 1st place of Ascension would be going out of Earth, through Earth‟s atmosphere and out to Urtha where we experience Urtha‟s surface, and that kind of thing. So what we are talking about 1 st is opening Ascension Passages that have to do with opening passages that would open between Earth‟s Body and atmosphere, and the Urtha Body and atmosphere. Now the Earth, the natural relationship that would have existed between Earth as a hosting planet, and Urtha as the host planet, is no longer there. There‘s so much damage to these grids. Our Earth is actually tilted completely upside-down where the natural north is for this Universal Veca system, our system is pointing south and also with the 23.5 0 shift. So the alignment, the natural alignment in the Amenti Rescue Mission that had to do with what are called Spanner Gates that would span between Earth and Urtha, and loop around, they are out of alignment because of the misalignment of Earth‟s axis, and it throws all of the Gates out of alignment. The Aurora field that we talked about when it activates and the Gyrodome will allow for you to pick up like a Gate number here on Earth, and even though you went straight it wouldn‘t connect you to the proper Gate anymore on Urtha so the Gate won‘t open. It would actually shift you around to where the natural opening for the Urtha Gate is. So it will shift the misalignment back to alignment so that the Aurora field is literally a field that will become a 3-dimenional holographic version just as this is 3-dimensional. And Urtha is 3-dimensional just like this solid is 3-dimensional is perceived and experienced as physical. The Aurora Zone as it activates, 3 levels of Aqualene Sun, Gyrodome activation, it will become a full 3-dimensional reality field that we will physically be able to slide into, and from that Slide Zone we will be able to pick up the natural Gate connections to Urtha. And there are certain passages and chambers that have to do with that process, and that is what we are activating while we are here in Peru. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
The chambers that we talked about have to do with what is called the Astura Passage which is part of the more recent Aquafereion Shield Passage in the Aquafereion Ecousha Passage which was used to seed the Seeding 3 Aquari Human races in 12,500. There is also another one much older that we talked about a bit today. It was from about 900,000 years ago in Seeding 2 and this is the big one we are activating. The small one form Seeding 3 has to be activated 1st which is the Astura or the Azurite „A‟ configuration, bless you, and the other on that has to do with the Krystal Heart Aquafereion code that you have in the back of your 1st chart packs. That is literally the configuration of the Gates that once they activate, they ride on that center vertical line of the Astura Passage, and open a direct line through into from Earth to Urtha. And what we just found out recently is there are not just 1 of those eternity ones, or figure 8 shaped ones – there‘s one from Urtha. There‘s another from Urtha to Sirius B, which is USG 6. There‘s another from Sirius B from the Andromeda Galaxy, what‘s called the Aquinos Matrix which is the hosting matrix, and that is the 3rd figure 8 one from Sirius B to Andromeda. And then from Andromeda to over to the Aquafereion Matrix in the parallel adjacent Eckasha is the last one. So there are 4 layers to that. 1st we have to activate the one that is closest to us which is the one from Earth to Urtha. And that‘s what we‘re in the process of doing. The activation of this wasn‘t due at all until like 2047. So something‘s up that they haven‘t talked about that their making sure that these passages are open and it‘s probably in case something weird happens with the Sun I would imagine because the Sun‘s entering its Bardoah Cycle. They are probably getting it just in case anything goes weird because when planet, when a Solar System enters its Bardoah and once the Sun does, all the planets unless they have a host line will enter Bardoah. I think they are opening the passages not because something horrible again has happened, but something worse, but I think because it is a precaution. That is the feeling I‘m getting right now is because of precaution just in case something goes whacky with the Solar Gates to the point where we don‘t have that 500 to 1,000 years anymore if they made the 3Day Evac call. I think we‘ve been on standby for ages now as far as preparing whatever and whoever can ascend, and has any Kristiac codes left where they can do a hosted Ascension where they can get out if it‘s going to go bad, and shut down when nobody gets out. So I think they are preparing us for the event that if it is ever needed we will be ready, and the passages will be ready because they are really amplifying the time frame on this activations, and I didn‘t know that when we are coming. We left off at 12 Tribes Class 4. Well it‘s like ok, we‘ve got a year for that thing to happen. Well that thing is happening on the thing that we‘ll talk about later. It is happening while we are in Machu Picchu. It‘s like oh, ok. And that is leading to rapid activation of the 1st Krystal Heart of Aquari link which is the Earth to Urtha figure 8 shaped one. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So anyway it has to do with going back to these geleziac layers that form the different layers and planes from Earth Core all the way up to Urtha‟s outer fields. We are working the spherical maps and we‘re working them in an easier form that‘s called the vertical map form. They are called the Vertical StarFire Maps actually is how they actually refer to them. And vertically is simply taking a cross-section of this if you marked off every little line where layer changes into another, changes to another on that vertical axis right? You will end up when you drew a straight line from that, you will end up with a vertical cross-section of the planes as they go up and down from the core and out. And if you turn that up and around, it will be the same going down so you can take it from the Zero Point which would be the Core Gates. The Core Gates are referred to as the Prana Seed of a planet or a person. The Core Gates are ShaLa-13 which is the most powerful one; it would be at the top like say a small ball at the top. Then you have 15 is over here. It‘s called Ruta-15, and you have Urtha-14. These phase like Partiki do, and for anybody that does not know what that is, there‘s lots of books and stuff out on that at this point, like material out on it. But basically the Gates phase: you have the one at the top; 1 sphere on the top and 2 below it; and the 2 below it go together and spark, and then pull in, and with the Spark and fire the big 8 at the top of the 13th Gate. And then they all pull into Source as a Backflow current to Source and then they, except when they deal with the Prana Seed, it doesn‘t go immediately back to Source, it goes back into the area of the Seed Atom. So again to the anatomy of that a little bit. But the Prana Seed phases, it generates sparks that gives Source back energy, and energy is returned as Backflow Return so it is part of the natural living system. When Core Gates compact, a thing, being will enter its Bardoah Cycle. That is what happened with the Solar Gates. That would be happening to the Earth Gates now if it wasn‘t for the efforts that the Beloveds are doing and the efforts that you guys are doing and the people who have been attending 12 Tribes classes and those kind of things. So we all would like to thank you all for your participation on behalf of every kingdom that ever cared about ascending on this planet! So we also have these things, and this is where they would be positioned in the spherical maps or if you just looked at them vertically and put that up there because these would be here too. They are just showing where those bands would be running. (0:39:14)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
You have the A1s on these diagrams refer to Aurora, so you have that Aurora field has various platforms or layers to it: Aurora-1 platform, Aurora-2 platform alright. Then we have the inner Van Allen Belt right? Then that is in Aurora-2; it‘s like right below that. Then above it you have the Aurora-3 platform. Then up here we have the Gap, the Van Allen Gap. Here we have the Van Allen outer band. And here we have the Aurora platform outside of that and running through it a little bit. When we fully activate the Aqualene Sun fields in the Aquafereion Host Shield, which is in the collective RashaLAe Body of the Aquari coded humans and indigoes that are on the planet, we‘re holding a surrogate host because the planet can‘t activate its own fields anymore. But when those Aqualene Sun levels activate, these, what are now layers that form like Domains or biomes in the area that they are located, they will actually blend and merge. A1 and A2 will blend and merge; A2 and A3 will blend and merge; A3 and A4 will blend and merge. And they will form a full 3-dimensional field. It will have a D1, D2, D3, and a Density field just like a natural D1, D2, D3, and the Density level fields would be in natural Creation. It is a natural Kristiac host mechanics that have been used, that have been used to create this. So as we are doing these activations what we are, one of the things that we are moving toward is opening the passages by allowing that Aurora field to activate into that 3-dimensional field because if you want to take a 3-dimesional body through the Gates, you have to have a 3-dimensional field in order to take the 3-dimensional body alright. So it‘s all connected to each other. We will get into the Aurora platforms a little bit more. The A1 platforms have to do with the, and those things … you‘re getting the Key to …. I don‘t know if they handed it out yet but there is a Key to that pretty colored map you‘ve got that shows where the various layers are where I had the time I have to put the print in. And they have it? Yah, so you have that so you can start looking at them together. You can even like make a Mylar of it and stick it over the color version so that you can see what it is except I think the color versions we gave you the bigger ones so you Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
could see a little more clearly, so you have to size it. You have to bring it back down to an 8 12 by 11 size to get those 2, the Key to fit over it on Mylar. (0:41:41) But it will give you a clear idea of a lot of things. There‘s also dates and all sorts of things, shows passages and all sorts of things on the Key. And it was important to get that to you because otherwise you are just looking at some pretty clouds and trying to figure out ‗Where am I? Where am I going?‘ So the Key will assist you and you will probably get by reading the information, hopefully you can read it I hope. I didn‘t even see if they printed well but they are all hand done because we don‘t even have a computer with us. We are all typesetting … What? They‘re good? Good! I‘m glad! So anyway, next one, we‘ll go on to the next one with this. Oh yah, remember we have the, I will do this one more on this one. We have the 3 artificial NET fields that are generated by the anti-Kristiac technologies that are a culmination of the Beast machine of the fallen Metatronic crew, the Threshold machine of the fallen ThEtans crew, and the Bourgha time-rip triangulation that are the creation of the Bourgha fallen parallel Eckasha Ecka-Veca. So these fields are created by the culmination of those technologies, and they have been activated. What I didn‘t mention at this group is in 9,562 BC is when the final, there was a certain set of events that took place that actually allowed for full reversal of these fields when the NETs came on full strength and it allowed for the splitting of the natural layers that would be there. (0:42:59)
So we ended up instead of having our surface Earth here, and then this large Light-Field that we call our inner atmosphere, that was split by this band here that was called the Derma-NET or the NET Band 1, and it created what are called Hibernation Zones. There are 3 NET layers, and above and below each one is a reversed spin layer of what should be going in the same direction of angular rotation of particle spin and like spin direction. Those Hibernation Zones are inhabited and there are 3-dimensional Light-Fields like we have here, and they are controlling … the ones who inhabit them have been controlling Earth and its grids fully since 9,562 BC. That is before the 9,558 BC final fall of Atlantis. It was when the Atlantean islands went under. This technology was used to force the Atlantean islands to go under, and what was left of Lemuria except that they missed Hawaii. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
What was left of Lemuria also went under, and where it went under too wasn‘t down at the bottom of the ocean. It went into particle spin reversal and literally manifested as part of the solid body of the Hibernation Zones. So when we are dealing with opening passages, the particular passages of the Aquafereion Passage, the Astura Passage and the larger one from Seeding 2, the Aquafereion NaVa-Ho Passage. They are created specifically to be able to move through these fields where you can move through these fields safely and not get grabbed in them. Because if you try to project, even if you were just projecting and leaving your body here and just going on a glide as they call it projection, you will literally get snared in these other fields and taken into reversal because they are powerful fields. They are stronger than an individual person‘s fields. They are strong enough to hold the planet in reversal, have the fields in reversal. So they will literally take you in there. And you will get a nice tour of anti-Kristiac Land, and you will see all sorts of things that are not what they appear to be. You will see the ones who claim to be Ascended Masters, and yah, they are Ascended Masters of the Hibernation Zones. And you will see all sorts of spiritual mumbo-jumbo happening. You‘ll also find Atlantis and Lemuria quite physically intact, and being run by whole crew of very … some of them are humans, and some of them are Zetas, and those kind of things. They are all coming from the Atlantean level which will correspond to what‘s called here is the D1 NET right. You have below it what is called the lower D1 Hibernation Zone. Here you have the upper D1 Hibernation Zone – that is referred to as Oz as it is in the ozone layer. Here you have the D2 NET up higher. You have the lower D2 NET and the Hibernation Zone and the upper D2 Hibernation Zone. The lower D2 Hibernation Zone is where Atlantis and Lemuria and a whole bunch of other things are. And that is a fully physical, full-on physical system just like D2 here is a full-on physical system when you‘re perceiving in there. We don‘t see them but they do see us because they created this and they know how to use instrumentation based on their technologies to be able to monitor and control here but people here don‘t have a clue that they even exist because we‘re at the original angular rotation of particle spin that this system was supposed to be on except we‘re upsidedown and we are left-and-right reversed as far as the natural Earth‘s relationship but we are still on a particle spin that we‘re supposed to be. We‘re just upside-down, and left-and-right reversed where we can‘t see the Hibernation Zones; they can see us. And when you think about the Matrix movies, and those kind of things, I couldn‘t watch it. The 1 st time I was like all over the Matrix movie. Somebody took me to see it and I got to 1 point I just … I got to leave right – this is just too real, what is taking place here. But I didn‘t know about consciously the Hibernation Zones then. Now I understand why I felt that way. When I looked at that movie, I said this is weird. We‘re like trapped in a hologram as if we‘re trapped in a video game, and somebody is pushing our buttons and playing with us. And that‘s exactly what‘s been happening particularly since 9,562 BC when they got the Hibernation Zones on full-on reversal, and began to be able to control the fields fully here. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So when we‘re working with the Ascension Passages that we‘re opening, they will clear out, 1st they will move through them where you will safe platforms to pass through, and secondly the activations that are required, the natural RashaLAe Body activations that are required in order to open these chambers, will begin the process of transmutation of the reversals because they pass through those fields, and they are stronger than those Hibernation Zone fields. So the Hibernation Zone people are right now very, very nervous about the fact that the Kristiac races have not given up, and they are going to indeed open these passages. We‘ve told them that they‘ve been told them for ages that if you push that far, you‘re going to lose because we‘re not going to hurt you but we‘re not going to just let you just keep taking systems down like that. The Kristiac races know they have every right to act on behalf of the Krist using Kristiac technology. Opening the Gates, the passages is doing that because the Kristiac races who have tried to uphold even in memory-wipe, tried to uphold the truth of the Krist, and of Eternal-Life, and of people being nice to each other, and of a loving God, and behaving properly toward each other instead of like being maniacs and sucking energy off each other, they uphold that. They deserve the … the Kristiac races deserve this opportunity, and it has always been known that it would be given. And the ones that are running the Fallen Angelic agendas, they just don‘t get it! What do they think? That Source is really that weak? I guess they must – they really think they can take over but they are going to start finding that the Hibernation Zones are going to transmute. There are things that the Beloveds from the Urtha level are doing so that it doesn‘t occur too quickly. They have time to evac to whatever Black Hole system they will like to go. So they have time to evolve into evacuation into fallen systems because they can‘t go into Ascension systems because their whole code shields are reversed. They don‘t have any chance; they made their choices a long time ago in the Atlantean period, many of them. But they are being given a chance because of the Aqualene Sun fields that not only is helping the ones ascending, but it will assist the ones that are going to be trapped, and they would literally be going back to space dust as these activations occur if there weren‘t certain buffers put in to these activations that are being run from the Urtha and the Sirius B level to assist them so they won‘t … We will begin to drop the NETs in our own RashaLAe Body fields, and in the fields that is (sic) the Aurora field host for Earth but it will not cause those, that the ones in Hibernation Zones to go into immediate transmutation. It will allow them the same 500 to 1,000 years as long as the Sun thing holds for all of us to figure out where else they might like to live as far as Black Hole systems in the local neighborhoods because … But right now they are still fighting, and they are still trying to send whammies. We‘ll probably talk more about that on the closing as we leave this trip after everything is done, and we do our stands and things. We‘ll have a conversation perhaps about what some of the things that they are still trying to do as far as throwing energy and trying to zap the indigoes, and those kind of things but we don‘t have to worry about it now. We are very, very protected here, and we have a lot of support from all of the Kristiacs but particularly from the Aquafereion, and the Aquari Bendhi races that are on Urtha. They love us very much because we are part of them. We have incarnations there so it‘s like our incarnations of the Krist have a great love for each other so they are fighting for us. In other words they are not going to just give up and say ‗Well, there is too much work!‘ So we have a lot of support. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
We don‘t need to be frightened but there is a lot of whacky forces flying around out there at this point. And most of them at this point are not coming from the Bourgha Matrix because the Bourgha Matrix is because of the anchoring of the AnshaTAsa Passage, and the fact that they had to begin the process of Aqualene Sun activation fast to stop the forced bardoah of the Solar Gates to come into Earth as well. It actually created a deflection field from the frequencies coming in from what‘s called the Bourgha triangulation which means it will bounce back their triangle currents coming in. And when you, when they are sending say particle currents for example, it turned them around to anti-particle currents so they have an incoming particle current and an out-going anti-particle current. And if it is not of the Krist where you have the 3rd element involved which is not ShaLa Light-Fields that have 3configuration, it‘s only a Bi-Veca Light-Field, you end up with particle, anti-particle annihilation which means they are in the process of sending their own Matrix back into space dust. So they‘re looking for new places to reside as well. So the Bourgha aren‘t really attacking at this point. They realized that oops that wasn‘t really a great idea was it? It did do what they said it would right? They were thinking that the Aqualene Sun stuff was not strong enough and they are stronger than the Krist and all that. Well, they tried it and we put the deflectors up just to stop it from taking Earth into full bardoah. And they are in the process of figuring out where they are going to live next, and trying to make friends with some of the ones in other Black Hole systems they have really offended over the years and centuries. And nobody really wants them so they have their own problems; they are not after us. The ones that are creating a problem for the Kristiac races at this point are much closer to home. They‘re from the Hibernation Zones and we basically have what are called the Knights Saxony and the Knights Paraclete who are hybrid humans from Seeding 3 who are working with certain groups called the Belil Mahatma which are hybrid of various things. Some of these have codes that were stolen through either forced, some of it was like physically forced rape hybridization. Others were physically forced just rape the DNA and take it and combine it in the laboratory so they have some pretty strong codes they‘re also. So these are where the main problems are coming from at this point. But we don‘t need to worry about the problems because we are working with the guys that have the solutions. So we‘re not going to spend a lot of time right now on the problems. What we are going to look at is the solution so we understand what we are walking through the next couple of days the really neat stuff we‘re involved in. So I think that‘s enough for this diagram. Oh this is just showing you these 2 little things here, are just showing you what bands when the 3 layers of the Aqualene Sun fields activate in the RashaLAe Body of the Aquari Humans that are holding the host on planet, they will activate in these areas. So they‘ll literally be frequency spectra that run through these areas I just showed them in a little cross-section here so it didn‘t convolute the diagram more. But they would be the Aqualene Sun Level 1, and that I believe blends A1 and A2 levels, the Aurora Levels 1 and 2. You have Aqualene Sun Level 2 activation I believe blends 2 and 3. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Aqualene Sun Level 3 activation blends 3 and 4. And that‘s when you get full activation of the Gyrodome field which is the 3-dimensional literally host field for Earth that has partial codes which means also partial configurations, land configurations of Earth, and partial configurations of Urtha. So it is a blend. It would appear I believe as a planetary field that looks like Earth but a little different, and looks like Urtha but a little different. So there are similarities already between Earth and Urtha but it would be a place in between as if you took the let‘s say probably, the lower frequency portions of Urtha so that they could meet us down here, and the highest frequency portions of Earth. So the places they can hold the highest frequency on Earth will be the places that you will see manifest in those fields. Other places you will not see manifest in those fields. But those fields there will literally be as long as the Sun thing holds out and the host holds out, and it‘s not a 3-Day Evac call, we will literally have after 2047-2052 period where Urtha goes StarFire, we will literally have 2 Earths existing in the same space at different angular rotation of particle spin. And there will be the ability, the people who have learnt how to first glide, then slide, then span, will be able to move between the Aurora field and the Earth field, and they will be able to help anything that can still come up to the Aurora field out. So there are about 500 to 1,000 years for whatever groups, and it might not be ours. We might just get this done so that the next troupes can come in where a lot of people…A lot of people now that are learning the work will actually stay. And that‘s why they‘ve been drawn to it now instead of it before. But there is like a lot of the old guard that are really, really, really tired, and once it‘s all open they would actually like to go Home for a while at least for a vacation right, yeeeh … (0:15:00) So it‘s a long term mission as far as what we consider our life span here, 75 to 100 year life span or 500 to 1,000 years, that‘s a pretty decent period. It is actually a blink of an eye or not even a sneeze in terms of Urtha time for example. But it gives us a period where we‘ll have 2 fields called Earth living together. We will have the Old Earth and the New Earth and some of the stuff in Revelations in the Bible was attempting to tell us about this. It was also attempting to tell us about the coming of the Age of Aquarius because the Age of Us-us was about the Aquari Humans and about the activations of these fields which would be the end. It would mark the end of the Final Conflict drama. And it would be inevitably the Krist does always wins. It is the Eternal-Life code, and whatever the problem that is created, there is a solution in the Krist. Sometimes it is very detailed like what we were doing right now. I have a feeling it is easy compared to some things that are happening out there in the Cosmos. I don‘t even want to know how they work! So anyway this is what we‘re doing: Aqualene Sun levels that will activate; Aurora platforms that will blend because of it, which means you‘re going to have blending that is happening through the Van Allen Belts. There are going to be some changes that science is going to start seeing and probably not have any idea what are they. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
What is this weird band happening in between the Gap? There is stuff on occasion that shows up on the Van Allen Gap that already does actually. There are little periods and it is connected to the Solar Cycles of what you … There actually appears to be a 3rd band in the middle but then it goes away again. And they are trying to figure out that it must this coming from the Sun whatever. It‘s interesting how science tries does try to fill in the details here because it hasn‘t a clue about some of these things because we don‘t have the technicals anymore since Atlantis. So a lot of people that are interested in science and physics have been drawn to this work because it does address physics. Physics is part of Creation mechanics. It is part of spirituality and it is part of God Source. So we‘re dealing with both ends but trying not to make it too hard. I picked up a physics book once just to find out something I figured out what it was, something about quarks I think. And the jargon that is used – you have to have 3 dictionaries just to read a simple statement about a quark and how many types there are in this kind of thing. All of the coded language that is used in these sciences, it does more to distort and confuse than it does to actually help people. It was really meant, it was done that way on purpose so only a few elite would be actually be able to hold it. And your average person would just be clueless and ‗Not any more, no!‘ because it is so hard. When we teach physics, we don‘t do that. We teach you to know an average mean, and yes you can go into the detail. But you could plug all this stuff in, into detail, and take that and make physics here look easy right? But you don‘t need to do that to understand what reality is about and to understand how to activate Star Gates or your RashaLAe Body. So anyway we are in the middle of 1 big drama, and finally there‘s some good things happening, (0:18:00) and that is the activation of these passages. Next one, please.
[D3 0:59:09] (layers)
Yah, this is just to remind you real quick, I‘m not going to go through this again. I just want to remind them that remember we said these spherical maps become the vertical StarFire maps by taking a cross-section of those planes and how they interface … Yah, just stick it on real quick, we don‘t have to … Ok, thank you. Yup, thank you.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Now you could take one of these and that would represent 1 of the 15 geleziac layers. But we have D1, D2 and D3 and the Density level of Earth. The Density level of Earth is in the same place as the D1 level of Urtha. And then you‘d have D2 level of Urtha which would be the physical level of Urtha. So we didn‘t take it any further. There will also be the D3 level of Urtha and the Density level of Urtha. And what‘s fascinating, the Density level grid of Urtha would be the D1 level of Sirius B. This is how close things are – they look far away and you can go Light years and not reach them unless you are running the RashaLAe, the natural space-time mechanics. So when we think of space travel, science does it the hard way here because they don‘t understand how the passages work and how activating certain things … You don‘t even need space ships, and it doesn‘t even take Light years, and it doesn‘t even take nanoseconds once it works properly. So all we have shown here is the D1, D2, D3 of Earth‟s Density level equals D1 level of Urtha and D2 level of Urtha. When you get all those and string them out, and that was from just marking off the vertical line from the Core all the way up to the top of the geleziac radiation circles, and putting a point where each of those circles cross the line, and then just bringing the line up horizontally, it gives you the stack of the layers going up. And when you put them all altogether, D1, D2, D3, and the Density level which is Urtha D1 and D2, you get this (0:19:56) which is a mess especially small.
[D3 1:00:54] (large detail)
And to see what that might be, we went to these which were taking that little column on the side which is the bunch of them run together when we see them from upside-down or whatever. I get totally dyslexic with this going on to here. This was the mess that was the end line on the last diagram you saw, where it shows the D1, D2, D3, and Urtha D1 and Urtha D2. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Urtha‘s D2 level would be … this would be the middle mantel of Urtha in D2 level, and then there would still be the crust in the surface. It shows you the concept. Now what it also shows you is the, again starting at the Core going up we have the Earth‘s fields, and where the Urtha fields intermingle all the way up because these spheres are not completely separated from each other; they run through each other and just at the different angular rotation of particle spin. So this is how we get the vertical maps. At some point, I‘ll be able to identify each of these layers and by name as well which is D1 Urtha equals D2, D-what Earth right (0:21:00) because they are translation things where you have some things appearing in the same band, and it might be say D1 something or other on Urtha and it might be Density level something or other on Earth so there‘s a whole bunch of correspondence charts. But we don‘t even have to understand all of that yet. We‘ll get it eventually but it‘s like just the detail that‘s kind of like adds a nice picture frame to it where it just makes you feel you can‘t get a razor blade in between kind of like the Incas built the … didn‘t need motor right because the pieces fit so snugly. It would do that with all of this information. But if we have enough detail just to get the gist of what it is in an intelligent way where our linear minds can understand yah that makes sense. Linear minds, it‘s not just airy-fairy air-headed stuff! So this shows you how the spherical maps which are based on the Par-TE‟-KEi RashaLAe Body Template, how they create the vertical maps going up from Earth‘s core all the way up to Urtha and eventually up to Sirius B, and eventually further up it into Andromeda, and eventually further up to the Aquafereion Matrix in the parallel adjacent Eckasha. Next one, please. A‘hza: There is coffee back there. There is a coffee stop for a formal break. So they can help themselves quietly. A‘sha: Could they take the coffee and bring it in? A‘hza: They can … A‘sha: Give them 5 minutes? Yah, ok. Alright they have a coffee break out there. But if we take time for a full-on like go out there hang out, we‘re not going to make it. We have to stop at 12 - alright, that‘s it! So what we can do is, if you want to just like go out and bring your cup back with you, you can do that if you want to. But I suggest like do it in shifts so you don‘t end up with a traffic jam where everybody is standing out there waiting to get because then you got a formal break again because I can‘t talk to seats! So if you just kind of meander out and get a coffee, I guess start from the back will be the easiest whatever, I don‘t care what - you guys can figure it out, you‘re grown-ups right! Yah alright, but I‘m going to keep going so we get to go where we need to go.
[D3 1:03:45] (simplified vertical map)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Alright now when we take the vertical StarFire maps, mess that shows every plane from D1 in its 15 layers to D2 in its 15 layers coz that‘s what the 1st line-up does, and you can‘t even, there is no room to even write what each one is on the side; the lines are so close together. So what I did was to simplify it to the D2 levels what is physical both for Earth, and if there are areas that are in the D3 level of Earth‘s grids that correspond to the atmosphere, we‘ll put those in. But the most important thing about it is understanding that each of those layers and any of those 15-layer Par-TE‟-KEi Body grids, you will have very specific characteristics.
You will always have, the D1, 2, 3 level will always be solid crystal core-space, and that will correspond to you would have what is called the Na-Da crystal, the layer 1 Na-Da1 crystal. From that you would actually have what is like a liquidflame field, not quite liquid actually – what do they call it? (0:24:00) It is a combination of a vapor and an E-ta flame field. That would be the Adama2 Flame field. And then you would have what‘s called the Ja-Fa3 which actually appears as a blank space or they used to call it, it is called the Guff I believe in some of the Jewish traditions in the Kabbalah. But it is a space that appears to have nothing in it. It is actually called neuroplasm, and it activates at certain points where it does indeed have stuff in it, a matter type thing. But it is stuff you don‘t see till it activates with activation of the various levels of the RashaLAe Body. So you will always have whether you are dealing with the D1, D2, D3 Density levels and the 1, 2, 3 level that will always be the solid crystal core with its layers. On the D4, 5, 6 levels you will always have the Aquafers. You have the, I mean the layer 4, 5, 6 Aquafers and we‘ll see what the names are in a few minutes. We‘ll see how this corresponds with what are called the tones of the RashaLAe. But we‘ll have the Aquafers here. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
On top of the Aquafers, between the Aquafers and the lower part of the mantel, you will always have Gates alright. So this is the lower mantel.
This is the middle mantel. And the middle mantel, you‘ll always have what is the subterranean biome fields where they literally are life fields in D2 layer will always be physical. They are physical life fields that science cannot perceive yet no matter what ground-penetrating equipment they use because they have certain shields around on them that have to do with particle base. And we don‘t have instruments that can penetrate those fields. So there are also, this is where we start to see where the Aurora fields fit in because we also see where we see the Hibernation Zones fit in. The Hibernation Zones again occur because of these NET fields which are static fields of frequency, reversed current frequency that polarize and split the natural layers. They polarize the one… these 2 layers here on each of the levels so you end up with a lower … This would be the D1 NET. It creates a lower D1 Hibernation Zone and an upper D1 Hibernation Zone. They would be Etheric matter base. This is Oz up here (upper D1 Hibernation Zone), and this gets into Agartha, and Lilliputan, and all those things that mythologies talk about, about the little people, nasty little people, and those kind of things because there are smaller people in these kingdoms too but they are not nasty. They are the Kristiac ones. The Aurora fields are actually the platforms that activate through the larger Aurora field that we talked about between Earth and Urtha. And they are the safe zones that were put in because of the progressive damage to the grids here. And they were put in, in the event that this succeeded in the 9,562 BC, the full reversal that created the Hibernation Zones did indeed occur so that‘s when the Aurora platforms began not activation but kind of like idling because they knew that there was going to be a time they had to activate coz once it went that bad you‘d have the Hibernation Zones created on D1, 2 and 3, you had literally a split RashaLAe Body structure. So it‘s just not the outer part of the body of the Earth that was damaged, it went into the Dark Matter Template, and that point it is really, really very much the point of no return so it‘s the point of salvage, what can you salvage from this to bring back the Krist? And that‘s when the Aurora platforms began their activation cycles.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
It was known from the beginning which is a very long time ago, 450 billion years ago I think, they started falling 480 billion years ago the Bourgha, and then 450 they completed it and started going after other matrices. When the Aquafereion races or the Aquarius races, just call them Aquarius races, from the Aquareion Matrix got involved and formed the Krystal River Cooperative, they knew it could go this bad, and there was a good chance they probably would. (1:08:34) So they knew what type of technologies they had to put in from the beginning in order to have that salvage. They also knew that they would be sending teams of their own incarnates in to assist and try to help and not go that bad but if it did, they didn‘t want those teams stuck where they had to fall too. And that‘s why we were being given the information back because we are part of those teams. So this shows you, you have your biomes always. On this level, you have the Aquafers. Aquafers Dor is in the lower mantel in the middle level biome, and here you have the Aurora 1 field right? Then you have what are called the upper mantel. In the upper mantel you will have a crystal base. The crystal base interestingly, remember down here we had the small layer 1 Na-Da1 crystal. Well when you take those maps up proportionately in the relationship between Earth and Urtha, you will find that this is Earth‟s Na-Da crystals, Na-Da1 crystals. This level on Urtha‟s Core are these crystals that are huge crystals that are in our upper mantel. And they already start to find those. We talked a little bit about the ones that we found in Chihuahua Mexico that kind of thing. So those would be, they are huge compared to the crystals at Earth‘s Core, but these are the Core level 1 of Urtha‟s Core. And what we see as our surface, our D2 Earth‘s surface here, this whole field, what is above the crystal level is the number 2 level which is the ADa-Ma2 level which is that Flame field or Light field (Kha10). Our (Kha10) Light field is their Adama2 Flame band. Alright this is how they correspond. The same type of thing occurs naturally between Urtha as USG 3, and if you take it up to the next Density level to USG 6, which would be Sirius B, they have the same type of relationship where the fields intertwine. This is what they are really referring to even though most people don‘t realize it yet. Science doesn‘t realize it yet. They are theorizing that there is a Unified Field. It is indeed unified. Things are much more unified than even I have realized when I started showing how these things are. This will go all the way up in a natural matrix that would go all the way up to D12, all the way up through the Ecka. So these fields are blended. They‘re not a billion miles apart from each other. They only appear to be that way depending on what layer you‘re perceiving from. And so this goes all the way up.
We are here. We have the crystals in our upper mantel that are actually the Core crystals of Urtha. We‘ve got the surface Earth.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Here we have the ozone layer which is cause by the … It‘s the bottom part of the D1 Upper Hibernation Zone that is caused by this NET fields spiraling through. The implant systems that keep this NET field here are literally implanted in our crust, in the Earth‟s crust. And they were progressively implanted over a long time of the Fallen Angelics working here particularly during the Atlantean period the last Atlantean period. We have our Aurora Safe Zone 2 here. Now when we get into D2 Trion Light Field when we get into Radial Body stuff, that‘s just to make the connection to what we‘ve talked about before earlier on. We talked about Radial Body and we have the Meajhe field, the Trion field, and the Reion field, simple Radial Body structure right on the Outer Domains. That‘s just to show where that corresponds. They fit in there too. The also important thing about all of this is, it takes us all the way up through Earth‘s surface, up into Earth‘s atmosphere, up into Earth‘s atmosphere, up into Earth‘s atmosphere. Earth‘s atmosphere goes all the way up to the magnetosphere could we pull it down just a little bit please – which is the magnetosphere would be here. Look what else is happening in our atmosphere? (1:12:09)
This here where our magnetosphere is, at a different angular rotation of particle spin, the natural one, we have Urtha‟s crust, its D2 crust. So from our magnetosphere down, we have the different layers of our atmosphere. This is where we have the interfaces between the different layers, be it the Aquafers on the layer 4, 5 and 6 of Urtha, the Aquafers they would be in here right, and they would have Gates just like the Aquafers have Gates here. They go into their lower mantel. When we get into the middle mantel of Urtha, we have middle mantel biomes whenever you have that 15-layer geleziac structure. The middle mantel biomes are called the Adashi Temples. These are the ones, and there is only 1 we can access and that‘s Adashi 7 that runs through Spanner Gate 7. That‘s what we‘ve been trying to access. When we do our glide projections to these that we‘re doing in the 12 Tribes classes, and eventually we‘ll have it out like a package of the journeys once we get done with them, and them in writing and functional as far as for regular people who haven‘t gone through 12 Tribes classes with all the detail, these are what we are projecting to. Eventually we‘ll be able to through the Aurora field when the 4 layers of the Aqualene Sun activate and blend the Aurora platforms together and form a full version of Earth, the New Earth shield, we will able to physically go to these places, and we will experience them. They are gorgeous physical crystalline temples. They are selenite crystal temples and they are just amazing. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
And they are like city complexes, like one floor on one of these temples is just massive. There are ones that are focused on healing. There are ones that are focused on learning. They have the most amazing libraries and things to do. They have universities. They have all sorts of things there. And what is really nice is that they are populated by Kristiac races. It is from these places we will first learn to remember what does it even mean to live in a Kristiac society. We have been living on a planet that has been run by anti-Kristiac ethics for a very long time, giving lip service to religious spiritual stuff, and actually using it to control and manipulate and suck energy off people. They even understand how do Kristiac people behave in relation to like do they stress out? Do they get bad days and get nasty with each other and say, ‗I‘m sorry.‘ Actually they don‘t. They have peace. They just simply are completely peaceful. They don‘t have the Emotional Body chaos that goes with the mutation down here. So there is a time when we are going to relearn some of this because even the most aware of us here, it‘s almost like we have post-traumatic mutation disorder or something (laughter from the audience) right? We‗re going to need to heal to deal with these people. I mean and they know this too. They know that if they brought one of us right now through the Gates, if we could physically survive it, the 1 st thing we‘d probably do is to freak out because we didn‘t get to take this, that, or this person or that person. Or some of us will just be like bouncing off walls ‘Oh my God! It‘s really real! Wow! It‘s really real! I‘m really here!‘ ‗Yes, we‘ve been telling you that for a long time!‘ They will try to relate to the emotional bounciness, and sometimes chaos that we would bring with us right now. In certain ways we have to go through periods where before we could go to Urtha fully physically, we would actually contaminate their fields at this point because of the things that live in our body. Remember all those bacteria and fauna and flora and stuff that are supposed to be good for us and help us digest things? Some of these would be absolute poison if they were brought there. The Aurora field gives us a chance to, the ones who are going into Ascension, gives us a chance to evolve our bodies and actually purify our bodies in a way that we wouldn‘t be contaminant to Urtha that would cause severe problems there. It would also, it‘s also very mutual because if we went to Urtha and we are a contaminant there, it also means Urtha‘s fields would be too strong as far as the radiation levels and we get fried very quickly. So the Aurora fields will allow an experience of a New Earth that is still connected for quite a very long time to the old falling Earth, the Lone Star Fall Earth but where we can heal and grow to the point where we are indeed capable of handling the radiation levels, and once we are, we won‘t have the things in and around our bodies that would actually cause problems there. So it will be an education zone for the ones that are on the Ascension path. For the spanners, spanners will learn how to go back and forth, and to assist in the evolution, rapid evolution of ones on the Lone Star Fall Earth so they can help them to get to the Aurora fields, so they can continue on the Ascension path. It‘s a big mission we‘re a part of. And it is all about, in simple terms, in very simple terms we have the natural structures of the interwoven layers, gelezaic layers we have also the Aurora platforms safe zones between them. And right now they are biomes, and they are inhabited but they are not linked together in a way that we would be able to pass into them as a 3-dimensional field. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
When we finish the 3 levels of Aqualene Sun activation that will actually activate in these particular bands if we took this and brought it over there, it will show you, these lines would run through here and it will show you where that level of Aqualene Sun would activate. So here you got Aqualene Sun level 1. Then that would blend Aurora 1 and 2. You have Aqualene Sun level 2. It would (0:06:00) blend 2 and 3. Aqualene Sun level 3 would do 3 and 4. And that would bring you up into where you are at the Adashi level. This will be the Gyrodome activation when you have these fields activated, and this literally turns into an Earth around an Earth, an Aurora Earth and the falling Earth. And the Aurora Earth will be a place that we are progressively brought to a sliders, and eventually taught to be spanners because spanners could not only go to Aurora, they will be able to go to Urtha. So some people won‘t have the time left on their DNA codes. If your body is very, very tired, these activations on a rapid level, your body might not be able to handle it. You may want to be a spanner but you may have to settle for being a slider, which means you can do the Aurora space for a while. You may also decide that it is not worth it bringing the darn thing through in the first place, get it through Aurora, so you don‘t leave anything on the fall system, and then literally have a choice of what kind of body form would you like to incarnate into next because we‘ve been offered the opportunity for those who don‘t want to take their bodies or can‘t to actually incarnate into an Aquafereion Aquaferi race which is a Middle Edon race, which means get out of the outside Domains completely and be able to be a part of a complete Kristiac field in a body form that is perfect in a sense of those fields. You don‘t have the aches and pains, and hurts and things that you get in bodies here. So it will be very personal and it is not something we can help each of you with. That‘s why you need to meet people that can, the ones that can advise you, and show you your incarnational records, show you what you don‘t remember right now because of the mutation so you can make a conscious choice about what you like to do next. If you want to take your body, they will show you how to take it as far as you can. If you decided you don‘t want to take your body because there is too much work and you want to just kind of like enjoy it while it is here, and do some sliding and then like let‘s get on to a bigger better form, they will show you how to do that too. So there is training we will be getting, and we will be getting it from here which are the Adashi Temples and they are connected. Right above the Adashi Temples this is their middle mantle. And above the middle mantel layer biomes you will have the crystal layer right? Remember this crystal layer (Ka 9 upper mantel) here on Earth was actually the core crystal layer on Urtha. This layer that is above the Adashi Temples that is in the upper mantel of Urtha physically manifest, these are the core crystals of Sirius B. So this is where the Sirian Passage plugs into Urtha and that‘s how you would get out of the Density 1 system into Density 2. But in the particular passage that they are activating, the Aquafereion Shield NaVA-Ho Passage, it will not just take you into Density 2 Sirius B, it will take you from Density 1 Outer Domain Urtha to Density 2 Sirius B Edon Domain Middle. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Then you will go from Density 2 to Density 3, so from Sirius B going to Andromeda. And you would go from Density 2 Sirius B (Middle) Edon Domain into the (Density 3 Andromeda) Inner Adon Domains so they also (0:09:00) take you back into Core. It is a very fast evolution path as far as the Adashi Cycles back. So you are actually not going up and then you have to go in each layer, you‘re actually going up and in, up and in, up and in. And that will allow you to pass from 1 Eckasha system to another because there will be a lot involved in trying to get there is a different EckashaA than we are. They are in a completely different Eckasha than we are completely because they are in a different EckashaA. You will have to be able to activate in your RashaLAe literally all of the frequencies of both of those matrices in order to crossover from the Outer Domains. So they are actually taking us up and in, up and in, up and in, and we can cross through in the HUBs because we do carry HUB codes as Aquari Humans and then we will be in a free system again where we are not in a fall system anymore. But we will have a lot of neat experiences between here and there. There are lot‘s of evolution available in any of those. We can go to Edon and hang out there a while. We can even go from the Edon level of Sirius B to the Edon level of Earth where that part of Earth wasn‘t harmed. So there are many options once we get out of here. Once we get the life fields out of here, it‘s back … game‘s on again where you can start feeling good and yah life is not so bad after all. But it feels drudgery, you get a bit of drudgery when you‘re stuck on planets that have been falling many thousands of years and you‘ve been the clean-up crew so anyway there is a lot to look forward to. But what we are doing now is all the site activations we are doing have to do with the beginning of opening these passages. When you see these little diamond shapes over here, this implies that ok, this is the Aurora 1 platform. Each of these first of all has a site in Earth‘s crust that connects to that place. So you have the Aurora 1 platform that is the subterranean cities between the upper and middle mantels of Earth and they are called the Ah‟RU-NE‟wa or the name of that whole collective of biomes and there‘s many little names of cities and things in between them. That is connected to a place called ShAlon-7, and that‘s in Phoenix Arizona. And that‘s the place that we finally were able to get a house on so they can activate the grids properly. And when we go up here, now this is something new that they‘ve added recently, in fact I think for this workshop, they started to show us where Ecoucha platforms are. The Ecousha platforms correspond to the AdorA side which for those of you who haven‘t had the understanding that the eTOR-A side that we are on and the twin side, the AdorA side, is simply a set of reality fields that are part of our natural RashaLAe Body configuration or manifest body configuration where you would have 1 set of bodies going on 1 spin, and then the other set would be going on an opposite spin naturally. They wouldn‘t all be going 1 way because each layer goes in a different direction that kind of thing. But if you had it going 1 way in the eTOR-A system, it would be going in the opposite direction in the AdorA system, and that would be a completely natural thing. It has to do with the Radial Body structure or the RashaLAe Body structure.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So when we talk about the AdorA side just, (0:12:00) just consider the twin that is in the same place as our fields are but just on the opposite spin but not a reverse spin in terms of anti-Kristiac because for the structure of Light Body, that is the natural spin for that system that is considered the Adashi Spin or the Return Spin alright when they get you back into Source where you are spiraling out on the Eckashi eTOR-A Cycles, and you come back in on the AdorA Cycles that are the Adashi Cycles. So anyway we have these Ecousha platforms. They are like the Aurora platforms. They are bands that are part of this entire Ascension Evac Matrix that was put in to this system, to this Ecka-Veca system, and they would activate. When these activate, they activate the equivalent Aurora fields over on the AdorA side. So they expedite very, very rapidly the activation of these sites and the Aqualene Sun fields to allow for the blending of these fields to occur much more quickly. When these fields blend through just, if they were not activating the Ecousha‘s right, what would occur is there would a much slower merging of these fields eventually the Aqualene Sun. We‘ll talk about how these merge – it has to do with the NaVA-Ho Cycles. We‘ll see that in a little bit but they would be a much slower blending. They would eventually blend; they wouldn‘t have to … You don‘t have to activate the AdorA side in order to allow this field to activate but when it is it‘s twice as strong, and it activates twice as quickly, and that is what is necessary at this point to prevent the Earth‘s Core Gates from going into the reflection of the bardoah position that the Solar Gates are in. So what we are doing now, we not only have a surface Earth crust layer that connects to each platform, its main connection point, but now we also have an Ecousha location right. So this one is the location, these are physical locations over on the AdorA side. The Ecousha 1 place is called the A MU‟a ha‟-DA alright. What it is, is the AdorA side of Machu Picchu. It looks like Machu Picchu but it is the AdorA side. So the ranges that we see here that we‘re working with here, that we are only dealing with the big main Gates now - there are tons of networks once we get these open. There are all sorts of networks all over the place and not just here. They go into other places around the globe so they‘re lots of places that you can get out by that kind of thing. So it‘s not just like everybody‘s got to run to Peru to ascend. It does help though; it gives you a little boost in frequency alright. So it‘s important if we want to understand what we‘re involved in, in the grid activation in some of the things we are doing. We are going to be going through some of these. Some of these sites have been activated. The ShAlon-7 had partial activation. By the end of these trips, the trips to Peru, it‘s going to have full-on activation because some of the things we‘ll see in a minute alright. Aurora-1 was activated with the (0:15:00) Ring-1 journey it was called and that was in the 12 Tribes Class 2 in fact in February. This was the Auora-2 platform which is called Ah-SA-LE‟-Yon, and these are the cloud cities I believe that was Journey 3. Was that Journey 3, yah 2? No, that was Journey 2. Was that Journey 2? And I have it on the other thing. But when did we go to Ah-SA-LE‟-Yon because that was a really neat one? That was 2, wasn‘t it? … Right I think it was Journey 2. Anyway it doesn‘t matter which journey it was. We have it on one of the other things. It was 2 or 3. We‘ve already activated these in other words. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
When we do a projection, when we do a 12 Tribes class, the class does a particular Stand called an Elemental Master Command Stand. It allows for the activation of the corresponding ring so if it is Class 4, they would initiate the activation of Ring 4. But it takes a while for that Ring to open so the next class, which would Class 5, would get to go on the Ring 4 journey. So this is how it has been going. And the journeys correspond to activating various parts of the Aurora fields and the corresponding sites so we‘re getting the information on breaking that down and what classes did what and where are we coz now we are in Peru, and we are going to be activating other things. Ring 4 journey, that was initiated by, let‘s see, the last class, which was Class 4, but they weren‘t able to travel because it didn‘t open yet. It is opening … I believe that‘s opening on the 1st day of Machu Picchu. Alright so Ring 4 will open. We‘re also going to have Ecousha-1 activation. This means we‘re beginning the rapid activation of the Aqualene Sun fields. So we will be doing the Ecousha-1 activation. There‘s another one that actually breaks it down more, has little stars by the ones we are going to be participating in directly. So we have also here Earth‘s Machu Picchu is connected directly, the physical sites connect directly to the Aurora tube platform which are the cloud cities; they are the pink band on your colored ones that is the pink cloud band. They‘re in the thermosphere alright where science defines where the thermosphere, the end of the thermosphere is, they would be at the end, like coming down into a little bit, and out to the end of the thermosphere, up in the atmosphere. Then we have Ecousha-2. This gets fascinating. Ecousha-2 we‘ll see where it gets really complex. With the figure 8shaped code, the Krystal Heart of Aquari, this has to do with Ecousha-2 activation. By the time we leave, we will initiate the activation of Ecousha-2 alright. Ecousha-2, the location in AdorA that it is connected to is called Esh‟fa ta‟RA. And its anchor point over here, these all have a connection point that they will connect into on the eTOR-A side. They connect to AdorA Maui and Kauai, and also to eTOR-A Maui and Kauai. Here on the Ecousha-1 connects to Machu Picchu both AdorA and eTOR-A side. So these are (0:18:00) physical locations that are associated with direct access to these passages. So we‘re going to get up to this point of initiating activation of this level by the time we finish the grid work we‘re doing. There‘s an interesting configuration that takes place here that we have to look at the other more complicated diagrams to even decipher any of it that I can talk I‘ll be amazed because I just learnt it. The Ecousha-2 makes a rapid link between the Aurora-2 and the Aurora-3 platforms, which means between the Aurora-2 cloud cities and the Aurora-3 ocean cities, which are the Aquafers of the Urtha level. But in our atmosphere they will appear, at the right angular rotation of particle spin as literally underwater cities, and they are the cities of the Aquafereion that is the name of that band, the Aquafereion band. And that is the place where the conceptions occurred, where the Angelic Humans and cloister races were brought from Earth up the passages this far, and then they were met by the Aquari races coming down to the Hibernation Zones. So they have a medium zone that will allow for a bio-form that will be created that will be able to go up and down. That‘s why the Aquafereion races bear that name of Aquafereion because that is where that hybridization was created. And Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
that is where the souls could come in from Urtha and take them all and come down in here, and as a healing team because that‘s what the Aquari Humans are; that was part of their commission. So we have the Ecoushas will link, make a fast link between the Aurora platforms. So Ecousha-1 which is on the maps, on your colored maps, that is what they call the sapphire blue bands; they are those blue clouds that are down below the pink clouds but they are above the purple band that has yellow clouds floating through it. The purple band corresponds to the D1 Hibernation Zone-1 I believe, upper Hibernation Zone. I think that‘s Oz that corresponds to the ozone layer. And it‘s purple because it is beginning to transmute - that‘s why we‘re getting holes in it, there‘s more holes forming in it. And this is why we‘re getting global warming. It‘s not just the greenhouse effect. There‘s a lot of more happening that is actually making things melt. Things are heating up because of the activations that are progressively taking place in the grids that have been for the last 20 years. But what we are going to see are the cloud cities and the subterranean cities will link through that blue cloud layer so there will be Gates in the blue cloud layer that will link those 2, and when they activate, they will form full Aqualene Sun level 1 activation and those 2 biomes will open to each other. So all of a sudden we have subterranean biomes that are safe and we have cloud cities that are safe that would we will be able to begin visiting in ‗slide‘ because you get a Slide Zone when you put when these merge and they form a sphere together. They form what is called a Slide Zone. So we will also then when Ecousha-2 (0:21:00) fully activates, we‘ll begin the initiation of that. They haven‘t said when it will complete its activation because it is a bit more complicated as we go up. That will more rapidly blend the cloud cities, the pink platform with the Aquafereion platform. Aquafereion platform Aurora-3 corresponds to the Aqua white area of the clouds that are up above the pink ones in your colored diagram. So Ecousha-2 would blend those together. The Ecousha-2 corresponds to that over on the right hand side of your color diagram, you see this gold cloud with this crystal cluster coming up out of it right? That there corresponds right at the moment to the Ecousha-2 location or the Ecousha-2 domain. And something really neat happens because when you begin a certain level of activation and Ecousha-2 begins to activate, and it actually shifts. We‘ll see in a minute some of the things that happen if I can explain them because there is a lot. And it shifts over and lines up … It shifts over horizontally directly, lines up on the vertical that is running on the Astura Passage the main vertical line and all sorts of neat things start to happen from there. So this is where we begin the activation of the NaVA-Ho Passage from Seeding 2. Alright so we‘ll look at that in a minute. And I‘m going to talk real fast because I want to get you to understand those parts alright. But I think at least, I hope I‘ve covered enough where you get the gist of what the vertical maps are about. And from here you can start to tell what sites need to activate and what they do. The ‗what they do‘ is most clearly illustrated on the map Keys that we were just given in the last like 28 to 48 hours that go with the colored map.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So that colored map, each layer on this could actually be found in there but they highlighted the main ones that are most important to see what chambers go through where. So eventually if we have time, we will mark off on the colored ones exactly where which bands are. We‘ll find the Hibernation Zones and like maybe put like little Mr Yuck faces things on them or something, you know a little band of Mr Yucks there, that kind of stuff, I don‘t know. But if we ever have the time for that, if not it‘s enough to know this shows you that they exists within that space. And what the colored map shows you are what you need to think about if Ascension is what you want to do. Now if you want to go to the Hibernation Zones we would have to put them on the maps too but you know let‘s try the Kristiac ones first, and if you don‘t like those, then maybe we can get the other maps alright. Eventually they‘ll probably show us anyway. Yah, ok now, we‘re going to go back into the point where we left off of the other night where we showed on the colored maps this is the Astura Passage that is the core chambers of the Seeding 3 Aquafereion Passage. And its, this is the Aquari Human Passage. The people who can pass through this (0:24:00) passage don‘t have to have the NaVA-Ho codes that would imply that they have Seeding 2 coding in their DNA as well which would hold the Ecousha coding from the AdorA side. So that is the main difference between the 2 races because there was such a risk of the bodies being snatched here, taken over or hybridized to death, that it was such a risk to the AdorA side that they weren‘t given to the Seeding 3 races because if the bodies were ever taken over in a critical mass, they could go through and break through the Gates into the AdorA side and take both sides of the matrix out. So that‘s why the Seeding 2s were given it. That didn‘t work there either because the Angelic Humans got wiped out in Seeding 2 and that‘s why Seeding 3 had to be done. One thing about the Seeding 2 I don‘t think I mentioned, if anybody has a co-resonance with anything we‘ve talked about once in a while, the Procyone issue comes up – we‘ve talked about it in Morocco. There are a bunch of us that have Procyone coding. What that implies when we just found that out, what that implies is Seeding 2 Aquafereion races, when Seeding 2 was going bad in the 1,000 years war period, they evaced them. And (when) they evaced them out, they couldn‘t open the Urtha Gates directly because it would have allowed for invasion of Urtha. So what they did was picked them up physically in space ship type things, and they took them out, like out and up into Density 2 layer. They had to assist them biologically to make the transition but they were brought to what was then called the Star, well it was called something different but now it is called what science identified as what‘s left of it, is what science identifies as Procyone. (D3 1:36:58) They were there and they evolved for a time but they were raided, and the ones that survived that raid were again evaced out, and they were taken from Procyone back to Sirius B, and then from there back down to Urtha, and from there they were able to still contribute coding to Seeding 3. But they carry the Procyone codes and the Procyone codes are connected directly to the AdorA side matrix. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So basically the Seeding 2 ones could live and exist in biomes on either side. They have a very strong connection to the AdonA races so if that name when we brought up the AdonA races – you know they are the ones who like to sing all the time – I love them! That is where that‘s coming from, and it implies a Procyone code if you feel a real strong resonance there, which implies you carry the NaVA-Ho codes as well as the Aquafereion codes from Seeding 3. So I just want to add a little bit of that there. Now we are back to these. I want to get into just technicals on these so we understand what the activations are that we‘re doing. That‘s the most important thing. Even if I have to if I run out of time and I can‘t go through in a functional way RaShaLAe Body anatomy, we still have I more conference when we get done with the activations. But what‘s most important is understanding what you are doing when you are doing the activations. Why are we doing this here? Who knows right? It‘s something to do with Ascension right? You will know more about it than that right! So what we have when we‘re shown first all was the (0:27:00) more recent the Seeding 3 Aquafereion Passage and that was opened. The grids for it were set at the beginning of Seeding 3 which I forget where that was, 840,000 years ago or something. But it was activated and opened to create the Seeding 3 Aquafereion lineage in 12,500 first BC, and then again 11,000 BC, and 10,500 BC, and 10,000 BC when they seeded what are called the 12 Feathers of Aquafereion where they took each of the 12 tribes of Angelic Humans and they brought them into hybridization. They invited them if they wanted to participate, the Kristiac ones. And they invited them in to create a race line where there are each of the 12 Angelic Human 12 tribes had an opportunity to get Aquari coding. So they were the 12 Feathers of Aquafereion that‘s what they are considered. This is all connected very much to what are considered indigenous people on this planet both in Native American Indian, in the South American Indian populations, in any of the Inuits up in the Alaska regions. All of these - the aborigines in Australia – all of the indigenous people that really, really for ages have known that they had sacred commission as protectors and guardians of Earth. There are connections to all of them to these. Some of them were raided and raider races were created from them; not all of them created had Aquari codes. Some of the indigenous tribes were actually part of the 12 tribes themselves or some of the cloisters which we got into a bit in the Voyagers Book. So this is all connected. When we hear words like NaVA-Ho, it wasn‘t that they named these passages after like the Navajo Indians, no! Try the other way round. Where did that word ‗NaVA-Ho‘ come from? Where did ‗Navajo‘ come from? It is not-quitepronounced-right version of or spelt-right version of the very, very ancient word ‗NaVA-Ho‘. That implies Seeding 2 coding in that particular line. And the NaVA-Hos were not just from upper Arizona. In fact they were seeded in Phoenix, and first they were seeded here in Caral. So there is a lot of things that are not known about the tribes and who they really are all over the place. That‘s why we refer to the 12 Feathers concept. There‘s also other reasons and I think feathers have a symbolic value in some way that I don‘t know about yet. But they call them the 12 Feathers of Aquafereion which are the human 12 tribes, and then there‘s also the cloister race set that came first in 11,000 BC, and before that there was the prototype that carried, did carry the NaVA-Ho Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
codes from Seeding 2. And they were brought in, in very small doses in 12,500 BC just to get the grids ready so the new seeding ones could be brought in to regenerate the Angelic Human 3 races because they were falling; they were losing their Kristiac codes and their Gate codes in their DNA. (0:30:00)
*(0:00:00) Clip017-052507-Ash So here we are. We‘ve got the Astura Passage. This is very interesting. First we have ShaLa-13 at Earth‘s Core – that‘s the Gate 13 right, down here. Then we have the AdorA Ah-RU-Ne-pet which was connected to that, one of those crystals we activated. We‘ll see which crystals are which more clearly on the next one because the key went from here to something much bigger. Alright, this is just the beginning of understanding how these passages work. So we have, this is the passage that we opened at Caral. We had, this would be that pinky amethyst crystal here alright that we activated. And this above it would be the aquamarine crystal. And this is the AdorA side, that‘s why it is dot, dot, dot … coz it‘s not fully manifest here. It is fully manifest on the AdorA side. That is the part of this chamber that we opened. Now this chamber part was already opened from activations that were already done in the Ring classes and things. And this part was already opened between ShAlon-7 and the biomes but they weren‘t linked. They always call it Shalon-7 ShaLa-13 – it is like which one is it? It‘s both when that passage is opened coz that passage that we just opened in Caral linked them. So our house activated when we did the work in Caral which we didn‘t know was going to happen. They said you have to have that mural done before you go because we are activating the house in Peru. It was like alright, right, whatever because a lot of times you get this stuff – they‘ll say these things that you don‘t know the technicals – you haven‘t a clue! You know that they know what they are talking about. You say, ‗Ok, no problem, right, we‘ll do that!‘ Because it always turns out where they will always give you the technicals when it‘s time to write them down. And it makes perfect sense so it was one of those. Yes, now I see why the mural and at least a certain amount of the atrium that Az is building that is showing us what to do with these atrium space. That was a really strange atrium space, an in-door, out-door space which was like, it had 4 walls of our house around it right? But it had no roof on that space! They call it an atrium – it is part of one of the designs of the little houses around here that are very strange. I mean it is really little – you can‘t fit like a table and chair or anything in there. It is just like a little space that you can go and like sit out but it also runs a chamber, alright. So we opened this. That brought this whole line into activation. Now there is this part. This is a part of the passage too right that we are going to see in a minute what our grid work is going to do. There is this passage here that needs to be opened. There‘s something right here that is like a seal, like a membrane that when it is opened, it will allows for the rest of the passages to open (sic). There‘s (sic) another set of passages that go from here to here. Over here is physical Machu Picchu on Earth. This spot here is in the stratosphere above Cusco. Hello, right? This here has to do with I believe the Sacred Valley, and this when we are activating those things they call – let me see if I can remember what they call them – the (0:03:00) Cousha Cluster Takeyon Temples – there we go! Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Cousha Cluster Takeyon Temples. Yes, we‘ve talked about those cluster temples that are connected to the sites and the Sacred Valley, and also the one that begins with the S-a-c that I can‘t pronounce that‘s not far from here at all, Sachsayhuaman, that one, they are connected to that. They all have to do with opening this passage. There is a whole network of those that once they activate, will open this passage. And that will also, our Stand before we leave for Picchu, what‘s that? Is that tomorrow? That is tomorrow already isn‘t it? The, yah, the Stand that we‘re going to do very near Sachsayhuaman because they wouldn‘t let us go to Sachsayhuaman at night and it needs to be done at night, as close to midnight as possible would be the best. So we‘re going between 11.30 and 12.30, yah, we‘ve got 1 hour right to do a particular set of activations. But it‘s close enough - it‘s quite close to Sachsayhuaman itself which is the center pillar and something else you‘ll see in a minute. But we‘re going to open that membrane, and it‘s going to bring on-line. These passages will come on-line here. It will open this – it will bring them on-line here with the A2 platform, the Aurora-2 cloud cities platform. Then the next bit of stuff we‘re going to do is going to open this passage that connects Cusco into Machu Picchu. And then there is another bit – this is where we left off the other … when we 1 st introduced this particular configuration. There‘s also passages that run up here. This goes all the way up into, I think it goes up to, yeah it goes up to Urtha‘s surface. So we‘re just seeing right here in these colored maps – we are only seeing here up to the A3 platform. There is still the A4 platform, and the Winterlands and then the Aurora layers and the RaSha template layers. I have a feeling that we are going to end up with some more murals in some place in our Colorado house! I just have a feeling. There is something about making them life-sized where they are literally – they can beam in 3-dimensionally and they are life-sized. That‘s important, and that‘s why I know they are going to ask me to do another one of those. It‘s a bit challenging – it‘s easier to draw something on 8 12 by 11 and color it. It‘s much quicker than doing 14 by 17 by 7 foot tall but anyway, what we‘re working on now are these layers first. (D3 1:46:27) Once we get there, we‘ll be able to do the higher ones. So that little spot does represent the house that we just bought. In Phoenix, it is sitting on ShAlon-7. And it is a very nice little neighborhood there. And what‘s very interesting is we have a 2-block radius in any direction from that house that can plug directly into that. And what‘s really interesting is at 2 houses, as soon as we moved in, 2 houses next to ours, yah, we‘re rich, if we are interested in selling whatever! But they have signs here now by own …. I don‘t know if they don‘t like us or what! I didn‘t even know … it‘s just the frequency (5:44) – we‘re gone. They are like fix-you-uppers, but not like nasty fix-you-uppers; it‘s a nice neighborhood. It‘s not like the big fancy houses in upper Scottsdale. It‘s just across the Scottsdale border, so it‘s like affordable Scottsdale or so, right (0:06:00). And it links to there and so there‘s a bit of them… There‘s actually more of them; there‘s probably 6 or 7 within the 2-block radius going all the way around because I‘ve seen several ‗for sale‘ signs. Yah, and there are like 2 or 3 bedroom single-storey ones, they‘re not, it‘s a small development, just so you know of anybody who is interested right? Yah, grab all the lot … what? Whenever left. Ok, alright, I‘m actually doing alright. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
I got through some of the hard stuff because I can do all the anatomy stuff because it‘s actually old stuff because I can do that as wrap up. Ok, so we‘re going to be doing, we‘re going to be finishing this tomorrow when we finish the sites that we didn‘t do today because we wouldn‘t have gotten back here in time to do what we needed to do here if we went to the other sites. Um, we‘re almost doing boot camp again. We did boot camp in Egypt once – it was like did anybody get the time to sleep? Because it is like we have to go to this site – we have a ticket for this time. And we have to up at this time – we have to be on the bus at 4 am. What? Right, that kind of thing! So it‘s not quite as bad as that – it‘s a bit of a kind of a boot camp thing. We purposely had taken out days out of the schedule to make it more affordable because you know it‘s be quite costly if all we‘re all going to relax here for 2 days, relax for 2 days, you‘ll double the cost of the trip! And we try to make it where it is reachable for as many people who wanted to come but it is a bit hard on us because we‘re like rushing from 1 bit to the next the kind of thing. So we apologize for that but we hope to understand that it was to make it affordable for more people that wanted to participate. So we are going to be doing this, finishing this branch that will open up that layer. Then we‘re going to be opening up this on the night-time stand up by Sachsayhuaman whatever, Sachsayhuaman there we go! Mac likes to call it Sexy Women so you‘ll remember it right! I always call it like Sachay Human like humans that sashay – that‘ll help me remember it a little bit. It wasn‘t even pronunciation either so we will be doing this part. The there is another part that you‘ll see in a minute. It is a loop and that is the Spanner-7 loop alright that will fully bring on the Spanner-7 link in Earth. Then these start going up into the higher layers of Aurora-2, Aurora-3 where it gets into the Ecousha-2 layers. I got to show you a couple of things here – that‘s the new stuff coming through.
[D3 1:49:40] (Ecousha Cluster Takeyon Temples)
1st of all I want to have a bit of visual reference we I talk about the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho because these connect to the NaVA-Ho 1 Seeding Passage Ecousha Cluster Takeyon Temples, the ones that we‘re talking about that activate these sacred sites. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
This is the configuration they take – the 1st one, the power-based one is the Cusco Cluster alright – get this! This is hilarious … We didn‘t know this right? We did not know this when … we just do what we had to do in the hotel at Cusco, and then we get to Picchu. Nothing ever works out as an accident in our lives anymore. I don‘t know if it ever it but we are very aware that it doesn‘t anymore. (D3 1:50:17) The Cusco one is the control cluster. It releases the Ecousha 1, what‘s called the Aquareion seal, which is that membrane… in the Astura shape where they cross over and they are that membrane thing that‘s like right up above Cusco. It releases that when they consummate and consummation of the E1 cluster is the activation of these three other ones. These are the smaller... they call them the subjugate clusters. Now, the clusters are fascinating in themselves. Each cluster has a series of temples, not just one. Each one of these has one of those bowling ball shaped, like clear quartz crystals, and some of them specialized ones that aren‘t clear quartz. Some of them are, say, malachite, or azurite, or different types of stone, not just quartz. In depends on... they didn‘t say which one were which. But just think of them as crystal bowling balls, that are down in, they are very close to the end layer of the Earth‘s crust going down. But they are still in the crust layer. What you have is a center one, then you have four primary control ones around it, and then each of those have two off them. They form a Reuche configuration. What these do is fascinating, particularly when you see the Figure 8 code, or the Heart of Aquari code. First of all, we‘re just looking this as the base diagram. We‘re not looking at it three dimensionally yet.. Each of these has what is called a chamber. This first one is called Number 5. It starts out here. Number 1 chamber. These correspond to the numberings that you‘ll see on the Hearts. And the chambers that go with the Hearts on the Krystal Heart of Aquari diagram that has all the information on it. So, there‘s literally a chamber that forms from the activation of this passage, the passage, the NaVA-Ho Passage Figure 8 configuration. The first heart, when it activates, creates a chamber here. The second heart creates this one. The third heart creates this one. The fourth heart creates this one. Each of these correspond to a specific frequencies in the vertical maps, as we‘ll see. These are little microcosms of the larger Gyrodome field. The Gyrodome is a huge one that works like this around the entire planet, and is actually in Urtha, and it holds Earth, but these little temples are ... they‘re actually not small in terms of temple size. They haven‘t said how many miles, but you get an idea because - look at these four points. This site they call the city square out here in Cusco, the one with the trees, not the one with the big fountain, but up around - I don‘t know if any of you have seen it - it‘s not too far from here, in walking distance, the one with the trees, not the one with the fountain. Here is the Temple of the Sun. That‘s one of the places, I believe. This one here is this hotel. It‘s under where this hotel was built. No, I‘m sorry. The other hotel. I‘m looking at them and saying, yes, the hotel we‘re in. No, we‘re not there anymore. We‘re here, and you‘re there, and you‘re over here visiting us. Right! Your hotel is this one. And that connects to here. And the hotel we‘re in right now, that I can‘t really pronounce - it‘s called the Pico - is here. This one is this one.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
When we give these numbers, we have 12 - it‘s a Reuche configuration - this is the 12, that‘s the 3, that‘s the 6, that‘s the 9. That is the most powerful out of the four. That‘s why we are here because these two were highly compromised. There have been certain points in history where these have been compromised by the other grids. What‘s we‘ve don e and what we started doing the first night, you guys needed to stay where you were, and we needed to come over here, because they activated our fields in order to activate this one, in order to activate this one, because these were not compromised, and they overrode these, and by midnight that first night you were over in the other hotel, it actually blasted through, and created a protection field and they are in the process... well, they did a reclamation and it‘s going from the outer bit, where they actually harnessed the outer thing and they are clearing it to its core, so your hotel is getting clearer by the minute over there. This one will go - actually, it will probably go through its clearing cycle from this one. This is the stronger activation. So, you have 12 clearing 6. That‘s easy, as far as frequency. The 12 will hold more frequency than the 6. So, it‘s in the process of clearing. All of them are structured this way. They didn‘t give the locations of every point on every one, so each of these, like this hotel, the one you‘re in and the one we‘re in over here, these connected to other main sites that are points of the Reuche, and then there are lots of little sites that run these rings. These rings... we have what are called ... we‘ll look at thi s one, number one. It‘s called the Oron ring. Then we have the KAlon, ring, then the ShAlon ring and the Alon ring, and then the core ring, which is called, I think, the Eton ring. (1:55:23)) These rings correspond - the Alons, KAlons, ShAlons that we‘ve talked about before, in relation to RashaLAe body phasing and things. So, we‘ll get into that when we get into RashaLAe body anatomy. However, they are literally fields, and what they do when they activate - oh, and around them, this outer field forms what is called a Takeyon field, or a Takeyon chamber. Takeyons are supraliminal - faster than the speed light particles - in other words, like an invisibility chamber. Once all of these activate, they open. I‘ll show you what they open like, over on this second one. If this were Earth‘s surface... it‘s a bit hard to draw with just black and white, no shading and stuff. If this were the surface line, and this was down below the surface, and this was above the surface going up into the atmosphere, those four points creates a pyramid shape vortice, with four points to the pyramid. They come up straight up to that point that we talked about. This is in the stratosphere over Cusco, for the big one. The other ones have their points in the sky as well, where they meet. That point there would actually be the point up over there, and there is literally this vortex that forms. (1:56:39)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
As these rings activate, they actually form spheres, or domes. It will be on the surface they are energetic domes. You would have the one dome, two dome, three dome and four dome that form, and that would be the Oron, KAlon, ShAlon and Alon domes that would form. Inside of this, you have the center one forms - a dome forms here, but it also forms a full pillar. That literally goes right down to Shala 13 in Earth‘s core and all the way up to whatever level of the gates will be activated. Whatever level of the Krystal Heart of Aquari gates are activated. So, it plugs right in. These are like little conduits that... you can use them to make a fast activation on the main chamber, or artery, that we saw that was the one that went over this way. But, there are also sites that can be used to access the main artery, once the whole set is opened. So these were always known as sacred sites, before even the Incas built temples here. There were certain races that came in, thanks to the Aquafereion races, that were given the knowledge of what sites they were supposed to guard, and then when the raider races came in and started making their raider hybrids, they were told what sites to go after. That‘s why we see things like, you had a Mayan temple on a certain site - say like, the one that‘s on this hotel. They even said this, the hotels you guys are staying in, it had once been, a quite large, not Mayan, sorry, Incan temple. And then when the Spanish came in and had wiped out the Incan empires, they had built their - what do they call it? They didn‘t call it temple. They called it something else big. Not mansion. But something like that. No... it wasn‘t. It was something that referred to not just little houses or spots. It was a major building. No, the hotel that these guys are staying at. This is what one of the people that worked there told me. There‘s one wall in there someplace that is actually part of the original Inca temple. Then the other walls were from the period where the other guys, the Spanish people came in, and built their temple over it. You have this stuff going on all over the planet when you had sacred sites. It wasn‘t just here. There are other sacred sites that connect into the Mayan empires, and into the native American empires, and the invasion there was America, basically, the American people that came from Europe. People get motivated by things in this day and age, and they have, since the memory wipe-out, they don‘t know what motivates them to do things. They try to do things for a good reason, but they find out later, like especially when you pass over and you get to review your records, that you actually have been used to, say, create activations in temples or sacred sites, that were actually supporting the hibernation zones or something. So, there has been trickery here. That‘s why you don‘t blame... if I were a Incan person and looked at the history, I could be upset with people from Spain. But, if you look beyond that level of the drama, everybody has been manipulated, but you have this going on all over the place. You have layers of temples. Below all of those you had the original sacred site of why that temple ended up there in the first place, why those sites were chosen as sacred. It wasn‘t just because they had a nice view or you could grow nice corn there. Some smaller sites were like that. But, these were protection contracts, that were indeed given to various different indigenous races. So, we have sets of these. This is the one that‘s around Cusco. When we go and do our stand, this spot here would be its power spot, like its most powerful one, where the pillar comes up. That is the one I can‘t pronounce - I can if I do it fast without thinking about... yeah, that one. We tried to get on that site for the evening. No way, no how would they let us on the site. Something about liability issues.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
One hundred and some people - you could lose a few over the edge, I can understand that. If it were like 40 they might go for it, because they are easier to keep track of. But this many people, with terraced steps... terraces, not just steps. But terraces. Some of which go way down. People like to roam, and they know that, so I have a feeling that‘s why they said, ‗no, no, no, don‘t want to talk about it. It‘s not going to happen.‘ But, there‘s a private individual or family that occasionally rents out parts of their property that‘s in the same area, for venues, like if they‘re having a wedding. For instance, tomorrow night, and the wedding ends at 11:30, and we show up at 11:30, because it‘s connected right into the grids. It‘s not too far away from this site. It‘s right within this parameter. So, we‘re going to go there, and when we do our... it‘s going to be a simple stand there. We‘ll see... we‘re going to feel out the parameters are far as is no sound required, as far as not getting kicked off the site by the people who own it. Just so we can be there doing it. If we have to do a quiet mediation, we will but hopefully they will be game and they will let us do a spinning singing round, which would be really nice. If not the Beloveds will amplify it in a different way for us. It always helps when we can do those full on stand up ones where you‘re spinning your merkabas manually, and you‘re doing the tones and that kind of stuff. So, we‘re going to do that to activate this complex and the center point, and that will bring this whole complex into activation. These are already in the process of having whatever nasty stuff they were connected to, cleared out. It will take them a little while, especially this one. This one wasn‘t as strong and nasty as the one that was under the Temple of the Sun, because this one was a nine, so it had more quantum potential. But these are being cleared. The ones who have been controlling these are the ones, not from other planets, but the ones from the hibernation zones. So, believe me, they are not happy with us right now. That‘s too bad as far as I am concerned. I mean, we‘re not trying to offend anybody or hurt anybody, but excuse me, they are trying to take us all down a black hole, and that‘s just not going to happen, if the Kristic races can help it. We‘re gong to activate this. Then there‘s these other ones that we will see before we do this. This list here... I just want to put this list right there. We have the Ecousha cluster 2. This was at the Pisac Ruins. That was the center one for that. We did that today. So, that‘s in its process of activating. Ecousha cluster 3. This we were going to do today, but it would work out better, and we‘d actually have more energy just to do it tomorrow earlier. So, we‘re going to do this one tomorrow, and we‘re going to do this one, which we were going to do anyway, tomorrow. So, that means the three subjugate clusters are activated. This one, the beginning phases of it are initiated, so now it can go into full activation because we‘re going to do the stand to bring them altogether and activate them all to do that. What that will allow to happen is it will allow release of the Ecousha 1 seal, which opens that blue cloud layer that goes into AdorA. It will open those passages. What that means in terms of other things, what do I have next... oh God this one. How am I doing on time?
[D3 2:04:03] Aquafereion NaVA-Ho Ecousha-TA Passage Activation Code, The Krystal Heart of Aquareion Ecousha-TA Ascension Code
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
I‘m probably going to do RashaLAe body anatomy in the closing workshop, because this is the most important stuff, because this is RashaLAe body anatomy but on a planetary level. It applies to your body too. Now, we‘re going to get back to this code. Oy. Help me look at this temple one while I talk about it, the one I just had up, those activation temples. Ok, I know where I‘m going. Keep in mind for a minute the Cousha cluster temples that we just looked at and how they worked. Now, look at this for a minute and I‘ll explain some things about this. I‘m going to put them both together back on the colored map and show a bunch of things. This ... .if I can talk myself through this tonight, I‘ll be amazed. This is the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho Ecousha-TA Passage activation code for the Krystal Heart of Aquareion Ecousha-TA Ascension Passage of the NaVA-Ho shield from Seeding 2.
Now... this little bit over here is this when it‘s dormant. If you look at your color maps for a minute, you have that gold cloud in the pink band. There‘s a gold cloud inside a pink cloud with a crystal cluster in it over on the right side. If you were to show its full energy configuration, you would see that. That is the Ecousha 2 platform. It is a platform in the AdorA side. The Ecoushas are platforms in the AdorA, just like the Auroras are platforms over on our side, the EtorA side. When this activates, it becomes this. What it does is shift over from that space where it‘s over on the right side, and it comes horizontally over and anchors right on the central vertical line of the Seeding 3 passage.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So, this whole thing opens its central line, it will end up being the central line, the straight vertical, on the Astura Passage of Seeding 3. It gets fascinating when you see line-ups and things. All of this - every one of these bits - lines up with all of those maps that show the layers. Be it the cloud maps, the pretty color ones, or the ones that are more technical that show the bands and the hibernation zones and that kind of stuff. These all line up together, and this fits in a very particular way. What I wanted to show a little bit about, if I can read any of this, we have what are called the four Hearts. These Hearts refer to ... I‘ll show you what they refer to. I have a diagram that shows it better. You have an A site and a B site. They go together with that layer. And those A and B sites form - that‘s what the Hearts are about. The two spheres put together. These are good hearts.
These hearts are actually - when the diagram is done to hold the math, which this part of it is and this was freehand but it holds the math good enough as an activation code. These are for people who have seen the flame codes, and we have that little inner flame that‘s down at the bottom of the big flame codes. There‘s that little sacred heart flame, the little one. These are those, they‘re very specific. Those flames, the shape of them and everything that are heart-shaped, they came from very specific stuff on the Krystal Spiral that we went through from Tenerife on, about the Krystal Spiral, and how it spirals out, and then there‘s the back spiral and how that forms the heart shape and the flame shape and those kind of things. So, all of it is based on the math. It‘s based on the physics that we‘ve been teaching all along. So, these are the same configuration. What they do is connect to chambers down here. If you follow this as a straight line down, and think of them... they first showed them to me as if... say you had a tube of very fat macaroni, but it was macaroni that was shaped like a heart, and the top was cut at an angle, but it was a tube that went down, and then there was a skinnier piece of macaroni that Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
was still hollow, that was shaped like a heart that went down inside of that. They tried to explain so I‘d understand that these are the opening tops, but they go down to form chambers. At the bottom of the chambers, they have a corresponding layer. (2:08:24)
If you just look at this one - the Heart 1. Heart 1 would come down and the width of it, its widest part, would be here. It would come down. It would form this chamber down here. Now this chamber, this area here goes with it. It‘s hard to see it without shading. If these were shaded or put in color, you could see the difference in the colors, but we didn‘t have time for any of that.
This part here is the chamber. This doesn‘t go with 1. This goes with the chamber for the smaller one inside of it, which would be 2. So 2 would come down and it would come out inside of 1. So this is the 1 coming down. But this is the little chamber for 2 coming out inside of it. Then 3 comes out inside of 2. Four comes out inside of 3. Then, this is still like the... if you were looking at the bottom part of that tube, this would be the bottom part of four. This would be the bottom part of 3, the bottom part of 2, the bottom part of 1, of that tube within tubes. This would be the fifth one that connects with that spot. All these spots connect directly with specific spots on the maps. The fascinating thing about all of this is, I found, was this. When the Ecousha... this connects with what was called the Ecousha 2 platform on those other maps that showed the Ecousha layers and the Aurora layers in black and white, where they showed more of the detail of the information on it. With this one, when the E2 activates, it goes from being in its dormant... the passage goes from being in its dormant state, and location, and shifting into its activation state. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
There are four layers of these. One goes from Earth to Urtha. The next one goes from Urtha to Sirius B. The next one from Sirius B to Andromeda. The next one from Andromeda over to the Aquareion Matrix in the parallel adjacent Eckasha. (2:10:16) So, this is just one of them. There are all sorts of things we‘re going to learn about these activations. These also activate in our bodies, in our own RashaLAe bodies. It‘s not just a planetary RashaLAe body, the big ones. But we have small ones in our own bodies as well. These are the fast activation of the RashaLAe bodies.
We are going to begin the process, by the time we leave Peru... I believe it‘s the second night at MP, before we leave the next day, the work we do that second day, is going to begin this process, but it‘s the second night, while we‘re still there, this is gong to initiate activation. It activates a bunch of stuff below it. It brings into really rapid activation the Aqualene Sun Level 1, which blends Aurora 1 and 2 together. So, it‘s blowing open the passages very quickly basically. That means we may get, depending on how fast... depending on what time what opens by, we are still at Picchu, overnight, that night. We have to leave in the morning to come back to, I think, Cusco, or then to Lima, whatever it is. The hop, skip and jump back. We may, at least get a decent glide journey out of it as far as being able to have some experience. But it will probably be in the evening, sometime, maybe even after we go to sleep. I‘m hoping we get to do something with the group. But I don‘t know if it‘s time for that yet. I don‘t know if the group is physically ready for that yet. I don‘t know if we’re physically ready for that yet. Wouldn‘t want to go through: ―Yay.... (space dust) Oops, wasn‘t quite ready, shouldn‘t have rushed that one.‖ Maybe that‘s why they have been teaching me patience lately. Just little silly things that have made me say: Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
―no, I‘m not going to be muttering under my breath and getting more feel tense. I will be calm now. I will be as patient as necessary,‘ as I‘m doing certain diagrams and looking at the clock and going, ‗ummm.‘ (2:12:02) So, there may be a reason why they are working on us with patience. It has to do with those things, yes, it was supposed to happen at 4pm and it happened at 3am. It did happen. It got there, patience. Sometimes Guardian time requires it. So I think ... I don‘t know what we will be able to experience or not. They will take us to the level we can. They would love to be able to visit us. If we can have some kind of journey, maybe they will introduce themselves individually, where we will get to meet an Advisor or guide without having to do the first journey. There are journeys that we take in glide, where we go to the Adashi Temples, and we first meet a Greeter. The Greeter, if we like them, they are willing to be our Advisor, just to advise us on every silly 3D thing. You can talk to them about. Then you have your Trainer, that will teach you specific heavy stuff about ascension. So there are journeys that are coming. There are journeys already available. I don‘t know their status in relation to the product list, but the 12 Tribes classes have been working with them. We still have spaces in the 12 Tribes 2 set of classes, but the 1's have been filled for a while. But we‘re teaching the heavy dynamics, the personal level as well as the planetary level of this. So, this is like a 12 Tribes condensed class. This is new. The 12 Tribes classes don‘t know about this yet. None of us did. So, we just got this. This is just for you guys. (Laughing) So, anyway, there‘s a whole bunch of things that happen here. What‘s important is each of these Hearts corresponds to locations. The Heart number 1 corresponds to the Aurora 3 Aquafereion Ocean Cities platform. That‘s in the Van Allen Gap. This is the Aqua White Cloud Band in your colored maps. This also has its anchoring point in Virginia Beach. It‘s the KAlon 7 site in Virginia Beach. That goes with this tunnel. That means probably its anchoring site - there‘s a whole bunch more that goes with this. They just didn‘t have time to give it to me right now. I believe the Virginia Beach anchoring spot is probably what happens with these, where they come down through the areas that they‘re connected to here. We have the number 2 part. Number 2 is Ecousha 3, the En-TU-Ha-VA, the name of that place. That‘s an AdorA side place. It‘s the middle of the outer Van Allen Belt. Its anchor point is Tenerife, here. So, I don‘t know which sites we‘re going to need to go to, or not, which are automatic. They haven‘t said yet. (2:14:35)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
This one, again, we go back another Aurora site. So, we‘ve gone Aurora 3, Ecousha 3, Aurora 4, which is the NU-WAShA-Va, which are the Winterlands that are on the vertical maps. These connect to Alon 7 in Colorado. That was the first property that they had us purchase in order to secure and sit on it. Now, we‘re sitting on the one in Arizona. It‘s up there and it‘s secured and it‘s doing its activation things, but it‘s dormant for a bit, because we‘re still working on down here, the parts that correspond to the Aurora 1 level, Aurora 2 level, Aurora 3 level. When we get into the Alon 7 site, which is the Colorado house, it will be when we get into these activation levels up here. The house is ... it‘s ready, but it‘s kind of just humming gently, where the ShAlon one is now activating. They will go through an activation process of that too, when we get into the higher ones, we will see where those passages go on the ones we see on the colored maps. When we get to the fourth heart, this is Ecousha 4 platform, and it anchors in Urtha‘s Adashi mid mantle. So, that one anchors up in Urtha, and that‘s this heart. Then there‘s this little ball, this little ball on top - it‘s a sphere of some sort.. This opens the ether core chamber, the Eton seed in Urtha‘s upper mantle. That opens all the way down the center line. That would come down in to form what‘s called the Eton chamber on the large layer. So these work very much like... and again, we have the Eton level 5, then we have 4, which is the Alon chamber, 3 which is the ShAlon chamber, 2 which is the KAlon chamber, 1 which is the Oron chamber. These all correspond to the layers of the RashaLAe body, which I will at least get you through so you see where the layers and the bands are. If I don‘t get through the creation sequence yet, that‘s fine. I want you to see where these Lon words come from, if you haven‘t seen where they come from, and what the 15 layer structure is about in the RashaLAe body, because all of this is built on activation of specific parts of that. (2:16:43)
This is literally the shape of the chambers that activate. Imagine these as curving tubes, as really neat kind of vertical upward slides, instead of downward slides, upwards. Actually they go both ways. You can use them from the top and come down. So, they can visit us down here too with these if they chose to, if it wouldn‘t poison them to come into our atmosphere right now. So, I think that what the Aurora zones are for, because they can‘t even come all the way in, because they‘d die of asphyxiation with the frequencies that are here, not just the fluorocarbons either, the other stuff. The frequencies that are running are such a saturation of reverse frequencies.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
The aurora zones will be the slide zones where you‘d have a merging of Aurora platforms through the Ecousha platforms on the AdorA side. They will give a meeting space, where they can meet us and we can meet them, and we can progressively heal so we can make it through up to the first stage, which would be where we are on ... this is Urtha‘s crust, right, where we would eventually be able to make it up to Urtha‘s crust. This whole chamber plugs into that map. This is just looking at the different rings. This is the one that became the diagram that showed the rings before we put the Reuche in it, of the Cousha Cluster Takeyon temples. This is just showing the rings, where you have Heart 1, Heart 2, Heart 3, Heart 4, which refers to the chambers that connect to the Hearts. The Hearts are chambers. Right here is something fascinating. This stuff just loses me completely at a certain point. There‘s a little set of flames, there‘s a little Heart here. This is a Krystar Crystal Capsule by the way. If you haven‘t seen the Krystar Crystal Capsule in the diagrams around the body that we‘ve had out before, this is the Krystar Crystal Capsule. There‘s another one down here. This is the one, I believe, we activate when we do the first level of activation. I think this one activates. This is the one that goes with the... actually, it isn‘t. This one goes with the core one, going over to AdorA. If you were going to go full on over to the AdorA side, you would activate this crystal that runs here, and it runs the chambers this way. This one is the first one we‘ll be activating that there‘s a little flame down here and this is the part, right there, that they call the Krystal Heart of Aquari. It‘s the core flame set. I will show you in a minute... yeah, we‘ll have time tonight. I‘ll show you what the Krystar Crystal Capsule looks like when we showed it with the body diagram in it, and the natural flames that were part of the RashaLAe body activations. And you will see that these little Hearts here... there‘s one that‘s standing up like a Heart, and another is upside down like an Eckasha with the Heart …they pertain to the things we‘re learning about the core flames, and those kind of things. The anatomy stuff we‘re learning there. In relation to this, as a chamber set, as a gate chamber set, this is called the Krystal Heart of Aquari. It activates with the initiation of E2. I think I‘ll show it to you over here on this one. If we put the color one back... yeah... and put the fancy one on top of it. Yeah. You got it ready, thank you.
[D3 2:19:53} (mural and code overlaid)
This is what we‘re activating. There used to be 12 of these on the planet, but only one can work now. This is the spanner 7 set. Spanner 7 is being run on the NaVA-Ho Passage from Seeding 2, the big one.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So not only do you have the one we knew we were activating there, which was the Astura, or the Azurite A. Now here would be the Azurite A. Loop loop loop. The Spanner loop is this part here. That bit has to activate first. That‘s the Seeding 3 part. All of this corresponds to the map. This would be Urtha‘s surface up here. Or actually, this is Urtha‘s crust. This area here that corresponds to this part of that code refers to Urtha‘s surface biome. Here‘s the crust and that would be its Rha 10 light field, that they call it, so that would be its surface level, just like this is our surface level w ith its crust here. This is Urtha‘s crust, and the place where our magnetosphere is, where Earth‘s magnetosphere is running. This here is Urtha‘s upper mantle. That‘s where those Sirian crystals would be, the ones that connect into Sirius B. This one, Heart 4 of the Ecousha 4 is the Adashi mid-mantle Urtha to Urtha upper mantle Sirius B Nada crystal bed. So, through this one you have the connection between the Adashi temples in the middle mantle of Urtha up to the upper mantle where you have the Sirius B gates connection, where you can start taking the passage up out of Urtha into Sirius B. When you get down to here, you have the third Heart, you have Aurora 4, which are the Winterlands, the Alon 7 site, and the Adashi Passage that we‘ve shown in other ones. It‘s at the top of the one that‘s in black and white. You‘ll see a little thing on the left there that‘s the Adashi Passage that goes over to the Adashi Temples. I think it‘s on both of them. That‘s just showing you that‘s where the Adashi Passage is. The Third Heart is the Aurora 4 Winterlands. The second Heart is the Ecousha 3 which are the ones that anchor in Tenerife that are the En-TU-Ha-VA. And you have Aurora 3 Aquifers. This is where the first Heart and the first chamber connect to. These are the Aurora 3 Aquifers, or the Aquafereion Ocean Cities. So, these are literally the gate spans that open... the chambers open here in the configuration, just like the small Ecousha temples do. These are the big Ecousha ones. These are major activators. There would be ideally a set of 12 of these that kind of fanned out like a flower from the core, but only one of them can activate at this point. So, there would be 12 of them, and each of the 12 would have four layers, going all the way out to the Aquareion Matrix in the parallel adjacent Eckasha. This is very complex but is very precise. The layers are very precise. What we are activating... by the time we get... oh, you do have a copy of this bit in black and white. This is the one... if you photocopy this bit, and we don‘t like to have that because people abuse the stuff, like other people who aren‘t you guys, get stuff and photocopy and abuse it and change stuff. So, that‘s we don‘t like people photocopying. But for at least, for the people here, I think they could do a Mylar of this if they wanted to, and bring their other one down to 8 ½ x 11 size or whatever the standard Mylar size is, so you could put them together to get this. So, you could see more clearly, so you‘re not just dealing with black and white. This is the stuff... this shows dates - May 25, this is the Sacred Valley opens Caral to Cusco chamber. This is the stuff that we‘re working on now. This is still in the Seeding 3 part, which is the Astura Passage. This is what we‘re going to be opening in Cusco at that private site that‘s connected to the Sacsayhuaman place. That‘s tomorrow night. Then we‘re going to be doing this passage. This is May 26 th. The Krystal River Dance. Actually that‘s tomorrow. Tomorrow we do this bit. We were going to do all of this today, but because we only did part of the sites, part is this is going to be done tomorrow as well.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Tomorrow May 26th, we‘re going to be doing this span here. Then when we get to Picchu on the 27 th, we‘ll be opening the Spanner 7 loop, as it‘s called, from Picchu, going into the Aurora 2 Cloud Cities. So, we‘re opening Picchu to Cloud Cities, Aurora level 2. This part also opens. This part from here over Cusco, up to here, the other part of that loop opens on the 26 th also, when we do that stand. So, when we‘re doing these activations, this is very precise what we are activating, what we are participating in. So, that‘s the first day at Picchu. We‘re doing this bit, will open. Then we begin - the second day at Picchu will culminate through a variety of things, will culminate in the activation of that bit. Remember, this was the Krystar crystal at the center of the first Earth to Urtha Crystal Heart Ascension Passage. This crystal had that little heart at the bottom, that was the Krystal Heart of Aquari for that particular group. This one, they call it the A-LA-HE De Luna. It's the Zero Point Heart. It‘s the lunar heart. There's a passage right there through the moon. There‘s another one... when we get up to the next crystal… say you have the one Figure 8, right? Well, the next Figure 8, that is the one that goes from Earth to Sirius B, its bottom part here would be here. The crystal bit ends up at the top part, so up there, where we don‘t see it on the grid, but this would be the bottom part of it, this is where you would have the Krystar crystal that goes with the Urtha to Sirius B grid. And down here someplace you would have another one of these little passages, that one actually anchors through our Sun. So, we have the solar and the lunar gates. There‘s another one that forms here, and it connects into AdorA and that‘s the Krystar that you would actually be able to travel over into the AdorA side - that complete parallel opposite spin - fully into Adashi for a real quick trip home, if you didn‘t even want to go through where you get to go to the Edons for a while on the Adashi slow train, you could take the Adashi fast train right back to Source by activating all of them. When you see the Krystar crystal, you also see this little flame - the heart-shaped flame bits at the bottom - and all of them are referred to Ah-LA-HE, which refers to passageway, or a way of passage is more precise, a way of passage. Those words are used in a different context in the BE-TU song, the Song of Aurora. We‘re getting the English translation for that too. I hope we have it finished in time to get you a copy of that. It‘s really beautiful. So, anyway, this bit… 12am on May 29 th, that‘s midnight… we go to Picchu on that day, then we are spending the night in Picchu town, as I call it, Aguas Calientes. We will still be there at 12am that night, because it‘s in the morning, technically it‘s in the morning, but it‘s really night when you‘re going to sleep. It‘s after… it‘s probably about 7am that we‘re probably leaving to come back, but we‘ll still be there when the Lunar Passage activates. That‘s why I am wondering if they are going to do something that night with us in any way, shape or form, that might be pleasant or memorable. We could use a: ‗Whoa, that was cool!‘ I don‘t know. It might be, ‗yeah, that‘s kind of neat. I think I heard somebody talk to me.‘ I don‘t know what level it will be, but this is activating, and eventually the next step will create the activation of the so lar one, and it will go through … Sol can‘t do it, which is our Sun. But, Sol is a hosting star also. In the Amenti Rescue Mission, you had Urtha, Universal SG 3, hosting our planet Earth. You had Universal SG 4 in the Kathara Grid right across from three, that was called Sala, not Shala - that‘s Shala 13 down in the core - but Sala 4. Sala 4 is all right. Just like Urtha 3 is all right. So, this one can still open through Sala. That‘s what it will do. Our Sun can‘t open it anymore because it‘s entered Bardoah and its core gates are compacted. But it can anchor from Earth through into Urtha, and the Aurora platforms, and into Sala. So the whole set of passages can still open. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
What‘s another interesting thing they wanted to point out, and a little hint about some of the Incan architecture. See this shape that forms when these things are activated? (2:29:53)
The three windows… one, two and there‘s one more that goes up to the one that connects Sirius B to Andromeda. There‘s a doorway as opposed to a window shape. I don‘t know what that looks like when you‘re crossing over to the other passage. That‘s probably even more complicated than this - when you get from the Andromeda Matrix that was part of our system, but then all the way over into the other EckashaA into the parallel adjacent Eckasha. There‘s probably a different configuration or a more advanced one than this. But, they call them the three windows, the three windows of Creation. This one corresponds to that, so that would be the lunar window. There would be the solar window, and there isn‘t a window directly down here, I don‘t think… or yeah, actually there probably is. There might be four windows, actually. They only showed me three so far - the one that goes up to Andromeda. (Az saying something). I know, there is the Temple of Three Windows in Picchu, and they are that kind of windows. These windows are actually doorways, and that shape is very characteristic of the doorways. They‘re not just like rectangles. Some of them are arched, which have to do with a different kind of configuration, I‘m sure, because these particular doorways form through the very specific shapes of energy fields that form with this configuration. The Inca people learned about these things. They knew a lot of this, because they did have contact with the Seeding 3 Aquafereion races, and they were taught many things by them, and there are some strains, as I mentioned before, of Inca people that did hybridize or intermarry with the Aquari Humans. So, there are Aquari humans that come in all shapes and sizes at this point, in all nationalities. Not just Inca, not just Native American, not just that. So, they are in all races at this point, because there was a progressive spreading of the codes. That was a good thing. It was a bad thing in certain ways because there were raider races that came in and stole the codes through forced takeover of cultures and civilizations. That happened to the Incas. The Spaniards came in and they really devastated the culture, and they forced interbreeding to the point where they bred out. They consciously tried to breed out Inca-ness out of the Inca gene code, transposition of race identift? Literally to hybridize out the race line you didn‘t want. What are these bodies to begin with? This is not the only place that this has been done. It has been done throughout the history, particularly since Atlantis and a lot of places. I wanted you to get as far as at least seeing what we‘re in the process of activating. It‘s really exciting. So the lunar gate will open the last night we are still sleeping at Picchu. And maybe we‘ll get to go a little moon hopping. I don‘t know. But this is the passage through the moon that is safe. It will be the passage through the Sun when that part opens, that will
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
be safe. There are passages, but they‘re connected, most of them are connected into the fall zones, the hibernation zones. But these aren‘t., these are the pure ones that will get you up and through. I wanted you to see that part. What‘s the next one? I‘m going to have to probably hop, skip. There is one part I want to show them. I need to show them a couple of things. Did they ever get back with the tones? They did. Good.
{D2:33:14] (vertical map simplified)
I need to do the beginning … I‘ll show this real quick. I‘m not going to go through this with you, but you have a cop y of this. This is simply showing you the diagram you saw before, but it‘s also showing you where the Hearts are, in relation to that, so you see that the pretty picture diagram plugs into that, plugs into the code that we‘re going to be using. That particular code holds the math of these activations in your personal RashaLAe body as well as in the group RashaLAe body that‘s holding the host on this planet. You can read this bit on the ones that you‘ve got, because we won‘t have time to go through it. I would like to put that one up.
[D3 2:33:53] (Krystar body)
This one is to simply show you that when I talk about the Krystar body… we‘ve talked about this and had other diagrams that led up to how the shapes came about. They‘re built on the natural Kathara Grid shape here, and the connection of fields and things. This is called the Krystar Crystal Capsule, and it is the thing that forms on the bottoms of … the larger Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
part at the bottom. You‘ll see it at each of the bottoms of the spheres, of the flame shapes, in that … I‘d like a short word for that code. The Krystal Heart of Aquari code. It‘s a mouthful. Anyway, this is just showing you that this bit here came in when they gave us the shape of the Krystar body and that kind of stuff, in earlier things that had to do with RashaLAe anatomy. It also showed where these flame shapes formed. These are the little flame shapes we were talking about, as far as the first one, was the Ah-LA-HE-de-LU-Na. so, when we talked about that, this is the part that they‘re talking about. You had the Krystar crystal – except you‘re seeing them small in relation to the size of the passages themselves. You have the Krystar crystal, and you had the little flames. It would also imply that this flame that exists… and there‘s spheres of energy and shields spinning, within that, but if we showed that in that code on that map you wouldn‘t see any of it because it would all be lines all over the place. So, these all connect together. They are the same anatomy we‘ve been teaching all along. It‘s just getting more sophisticated applications. We‘re seeing how it‘s applied in the universe and cosmos in more sophisticated ways. This is showing you the Krystar body on a personal level as well, where it connects into your AzurA. It gets fun ny too, because this is a HUB body. We‘re actually going to RashaLAe HUB, which means your physical body is here, and something interesting happens that I do want to show them about the mentor space, remember, over the shoulder. Before we go to that, I want to show you this too. Here‘s your Krystar. This is the Krystar body in relation to your Par-TE‘KEi body, the 15 layer… we‘re looking at the D2 layer, I believe, here, where you have your 15 geleziac layers and the 15 Bands in between them. You also have what are called 12 fire chambers. There are 12 lines, like the numbers on a clock. These are fire chambers. You have parts of these layers contained actually on the bands. You have what are called Alons, ShAlons and KAlons. These are crystal sets. Then out here, somewhere, you have what are called Orons. Through something called Prana Exchange, a particular type of breathing rhythm… first you have to begin the Prana Exchange, but then you go through a series of a type of breathing that will allow these crystal sets… the Alons will pull into the ShAlons, the KAlon will come down into the ShAlon. They go through what‘s called fertilization and conception. Then a whole series of them pulling apart and coming back together and sparking and generating quantum occurs, until eventually they make enough sparks where they spark… it‘s a lot more detailed than this… but they spark and activate the Rings first, and then they spark the final one out here. When that one out here, the Oron, sparks and begins to activate… the Alons, KAlons and ShAlons do that first… when that happens, then there is what‘s called a sparking of the Bands that occurs. The Bands between them - when you get into the larger layers… they are called layers and Bands on the template layer, when you get into the Par-TE‘-KEi body that forms on that, the layers become the Rings, and the Bands become the Spans. Spanners are ones who are capable of activating not only the Rings, but also the Spans, or the Bands between. When you activate first all the Rings of the RashaLAe body, and then go into the Span activations, progressively, what you are able to do is fully activate Krystar, and literally turn into light and ascend, and it‘s all done like by thought - where do you want to go? You think it. At that point, you are the map, because it‘s alive in your RashaLAe body. So, this is the beginning of learning advanced RashaLAe adept training, basically. What we are doing in RashaLAe training is activating the Rings and the Bands. On the large shield level… we talked about the Aquafereion Shield holding the planetary host, we have the ability as a collective to activate a replica of what would have been Earth‘s natural RashaLAe body through the assistance of the Aurora fields. What are we doing are activating the Rings, when we do the 12 Tribes classes. We activated Ring 1, Ring 2, Ring 3 and Ring 4 through four classes. We do Ring Journeys, where as soon as a Ring opens, we are able to project and go into a Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
glide projection experience to the Adashi Temples. So, all of this is connected. We‘ll cover a bit more of this in anatomy in the last bit. I wanted you to see where the personal bits fit into this. I wanted to show you one more thing … I need to show them… wait wait wait. The Ring Tones are coming next. Oh yeah. I‘ll show you this one quick as we make the transition from bodies to just looking at fields.
[D3 2:39:21] (RashaLAe in Mentor position)
We‘ve talked about, when we got into anatomies between the outer domains and the middle domains and the middle domains, we always talked about the Hubs as being lined up, where if you had your Kathara Grids that you are using, like in learning Kathara Healing, where you have your 12 up here, and your alignment… the Hub starts with its 12 point… it‘s smaller… its 12 would line up with where your 9 Kathara grid on the outer domain would be. What it turns out to be is… looking at this, you‘re tilted over here… because we are looking at what we‘ve been looking at with the Krystar, that would be at the RashaLAe natural vertical axis, which would be this. If we are looking at our Kathara Grid, where this is our outer physical body… this would be the Kathara Grids that we‘re used to looking at with Kathara Healing, our outer body. When you go into the full Krystar activation, that is over here. That‘s at this angle, a 45 degree shift. Remember the mentor space? It‘s your RashaLAe self. It‘s your RashaLAe body consciousness that we‘ve been working with all along. We didn‘t know that until they showed us all this. So the mentor space is the consciousness associated with the Hubs, and when you go into full RashaLAe body activation, you actually de-manifest this body and turn into light and condense, and get smaller, and go into RashaLAe state for travel. I thought that was kind of neat. So, I wanted you to understand on a personal level, all these things that happen with the RashaLAe body of a planet, or a planetary host field, also happen personally with your body. There are two more diagrams that we‘ll do tonight. Do we have time? I‘ll speed talk if I have to. Yes, 12 minutes! Alright, 10 minutes, whatever. It‘s not like five minutes late already, and that makes me happy. I can‘t be five minutes late. I know. They will be very upset with us. [D3 2:41:29] (geleziac layers)
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
This is just to let you see where this…without all the other stuff that it is connected to - the 15 geleziac layers, which would be the white spaces, and the dark spaces would be the Bands between them, right? The layers become the Rings, and the Bands become the Spans. Each one of these layers has a name. A core vibrational tone that is audible. Remember the one, two and three, when we‘re talking about a planet, forms the crystal core. The four, five and six forms the liquid core or the Aquifers. The seven, eight and nine form the mantle layers. The 10, 11 and 12 form the atmosphere layers. The 13, 14 and 15 form what should be the coronosphere. Our planet… a natural planet… should have a corona sphere, should be a star. And yes, there is a life field beneath that. So, when we see stars there are very often life fields beneath them. Science just thinks nothing can live there, because it doesn‘t understand the natural way angular rotation of particle spin works in relation to fields. Now, if we look at the tones of these, these become very important. If you want to speed activate the Rings and the Spans, you use the tones in a specific way that go with each of them. The tones are derived specifically from their name vibrations. Their names aren‘t just something funny to call them. They are the core vibrational signature. So, we got the Na‘-da… you don‘t have to use the Or on the end of it when you‘re using the tones. These are just the Rings. These would correspond to the Ring Tones. You have the Na-Da, the A-da‘-ma, the Jha‘-fa, the Tao, the E‘-Da, the Jha‘-Da, the Ta or the Ta‘-ur, the Ma‘-jha and I do use the whole one in there. The Enaka, is what they call it. We refer to these sometimes short, like Ma 8, Ka 9. But it‘s actually the Enaka, and that‘s where you get the Keys of Enaka or the Keys of E-No-Ka, for anybody that hasn‘t heard that one yet. It‘s all connected to Takeyon cycles and the formation of keys that actually generate quantum in order to activate RashaLAe body. Okay… I‘m just trying to put little bits of filler in there, to try to link. Here you have the Rha, the Sha, the La, the Ka, the Tha and the Ra, but it doesn‘t have an ―h‖ in that one. There‘s another one that comes in here. These would be the Ring Tones. On this diagram all that it is showing you is what the names, or the vibrational signatures of the layers are. The same would correspond to the Rings. When I‘m talking really fast, it‘s like the thought goes before me and the words didn‘t catch up fast enough: ―wait a minute. What‘s the word?‖ So, pardon me. When I‘m tired that happens. These correspond to the Bands between them. If you have the Na-Da and the A-da‘-ma Rings, between those Rings you would have what‘s called the 1.5 Band. You have 1 and 2. Between 1 and 2 you‘d have 1.5. So, this is what these .5 numbers refer to. They refer to the Band scale, or the Span scale between them. They‘re different. These are geleziac radiation. These are crystalline radiation. So, these are crystallized Bands with geleziac or gel-like layers. These are the tones that would go with them. You have the Na-Da, and the A-da‘-ma. So you have A-da‘-ma Na-Da would be Band 1 or the Span 1 tone.
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
It goes that way all the way up. You have the Jha‘-fa A-da‘-ma, the Tao Jha‘-Fa, the E‘-da Tao. They are the combinations of the two, and this gets down to the matter layers too. This plugs into particle physics really big time, but they‘re not going to do that with us for a while. They all pertain to different types of currents that form dif ferent types of matter that form that create the atomic base that we know and don‘t know yet. (2:45:22) So, anyway, these tones are what will activate the Rings. The Ring Tones correspond with 1, coming out to here, the 15 Ring Tones. We‘re activating Rings this way. Then when you get out here, remember they had those little Oron crystals there? And you‘re already past the Alons, ShAlons and KAlons, the things from here, and they began phasing and generating quantum, which makes the whole activation start moving faster. Finally it triggers activation of the Orons that were out here that you‘re not seeing on this diagram. And then you began the Span Tones, that would be the Bands between, and they go from 15 down to 1. There‘s a specific way to do it very quickly, as far as RashaLAe body activations. That is not only knowing those tones, and using them in sequence, but using that… and these correspond to density levels as well, where you have the Rings.
[D3 2:46:15] (tones)
These would be the Density 1 Rings that correspond to the core. Density 1: 1, 2 and 3. Density 2 would be 4, 5, and 6. Density 3 would be 7, 8 and 9. Density 4 would be 10, 11 and 12. Density 5 would be 13, 14 and 15. These also correspond to what are called Elemental Commands. The cloud or ether command would be the first one. Flows command, Crystal command, Wind command, Vapors command. That‘s like the bigger version of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Ether. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
That corresponds to that. You are working Elemental Command. When you use Elemental Command is RashaLAe body dark matter template Command, in simple terms. You have going vertically, starting with 1 - these are called the NaVE harmonic. These are the Ring Tones. There are several NaVE harmonics. You have the Ya‗mu NaVE core set of NaVA-Ho things that occur. We won‘t have time to get into the Na-VA-ho cycles. The Na-VA-ho cycles have to do with specific sets of breathing cycles that bring into activation the different layers of first the core domain parts of the RashaLAe body, then the inner, then the middle, and then the outer, for full RashaLAe body activation. So, first we have… the NaVE harmonic is something that is struck at a certain point in the Prana Exchange cycle of these breathing cycles. These breathing cycles are part of what is called the Prana Exchange cycle. These harmonics use the Ring Tones. So, when it is time… when a certain level of RashaLAe body activation has hit, where you hit what is called a NaVE harmonic, that is when, if you use the Ring Tones in a specific way, it jumps to the next level of activation. So, if you are just beginning the process of entering the NaVE harmonic on the core harmonic, it will jump you right up to the same thing on the inner harmonic. So, it‘s a way of jumping, and activating progressively much faster for less time in between activation levels. That is what they‘ll have us doing. We‘re look at those more when we do the last workshop, when we look at RashaLAe body anatomy more, and I will look at the NaVE cycles more. We‘ll also look at the Krystar perpetual life cycle, where all this fits. This is the last one we need to work with. We will be using these tones, but not just going from one up to 15. Because we have to go from the inside to the outside with the Ring Tones, and then from the outside back to the inside with the Span Tones, but they‘re doing the amplification harmonic, where with Line 1, the first thing you‘d sing, would be the NaDa Ta‗-ur. Then line 2, A-da‗-ma… and they are going to give us probably a song to go with this, but I don‘t know when they are going to give that part. These are the words to the songs. Even if you just speak them, you are creating the vibration sets in your RashaLAe body through the sound of your voice. So line 2 would be, you go Na-Da Ta‗-ur, A-da‘-ma, Ma‘-jha, Jha'-Fa, E-na-Ka‘. This is pronounced ―tdow‖, which is how it sounds. You have Tao Rha, E‘-Da Sha, Jha‘-Da Lha, and then these actually go this way, so you turn them around and you have Ka-Tha-Ra. So, they would be the Ring Tones. I don‘t know how many times we need to do them yet. This is the last thing I was doing before I was trying to run up here to be on time after Az was done. Then we have the - these correspond with the NaVE harmonics. The NaVA-Ho-Sa harmonic is a Transharmonic. This is when… you got the Rings open, so when the Rings open, it begins the process, it begins preparing the Rings and the RashaLAe body for merging of all of its Rings, so it turns into one unified field of light. First it prepares the Rings for merging, but they can‘t merge yet because the Spans are still holding them polarized into their 15 spaces. When we do these tones, it begins the process of activating from 15 down the Spans between them. Once the Spans are all activated, they dissolve the polarity bands between the Rings. So the Rings and the Spans all blend into one field, allows it to turn into one field of light, and actually pop into the center, and that‘s when you go into Krystar activation a nd all sorts of other complicated things. They will give us the physics some time. They did a bit of that when they started key Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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activations, when they started talking about keys. The stuff is brutal detail-wise. Like even to read it, it‘s really difficult. It‘s like reading one of those physics books here. It‘s very easy when it comes down to what you have to do here is a very similar thing. You would use the tones, by going from 15, which comes out to be, 15 is Ah-Rie‘-a Eck-Ra-A‘. This is the new one, they just gave us the Eck-Ra-A‘ part. They didn‘t give us that before on the charts. So, it would go from that one to this one. If you string that out because we don‘t read in vertical form here - some of us do, if you happen to know any of the oriental languages - but most of us are stuck on the horizontal. We would read it this way. We‘ll practice these tomorrow so we don‘t have to worry about it when it‘s time to actually use them to know how to do it. Then we would go into line 2 - again going the 12/6. Line 3 would be the 11/5. It would do that all the way down. They are going to show us how to use these, how many times you need to use them, and in what places. These are going to be used for the farewell Psonn circle at Picchu on the 28 th. First we will use a full set of the Ring Tones, but each line will begin with a prefix Ka‗-mU. Ka‘-mU refers to the inner cycles, not the core cycles but the inner cycles. So, if you have line… I‘m not even going to try line 1 on that one. That‘s a mouthful. Let‘s say line 2. Line 2 is the Kha-La Ta-jha-Da‘. You‘d do Ka‘-mU Kha-La Ta-jhaDa‘. That corresponds to the activation of the inner layers. Before that, we‘re going to finish what we just started with… I think two Tribes classes and one of the workshops, had the beginning of the first Prana breath cycle. So a Prana breath cycle is a Na-VA-Ho cycle. There‘s one for the core, one for the middle and one for the inner. Anyway, I just want to show you on these - we‘re doing the core ones first. They are the Ya‘mu. You would put the Ya‘mu prefix before the line. This is going to be… we‘re going to be shown how to use these in the activations. You will get a copy of this also. We have to go before anybody gets angry at this hotel because they‘ve been so nice, very, very quietly, please. Az is saying, seriously, not to (talk loud), because it will get us in trouble, and they won‘t be nice again and let us in for other things we might want to do some day here, so, very quiet, and thank you, and we will see you tomorrow. We‘ll do RashaLAe body anatomy in the closing workshop, alright. So, you get the rest of it. (End Disk 3)
Disk 4 Ollantaytambo, May 26—Psonns, Tones, etc. [D4 0:00:04] Group, Ash, Az (not transcribed)
Sacsayhuaman, May 26—Tones [D4 0:22:58?] Ash, Group (not transcribed)
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Hotel Circle, May 29—Krystal River Journey [D4 0:25:18] Ash
Move your attention to the sound of your breathing. When you become attuned to the sound of your breathing . . . . to go about half speed on your breath . . . to reduce the breath to about half as quick as it is when you first engage hearing the sound of your own breathing, and spend a few moments downscaling your Base Pulse Rhythm by slowing the breath. If we could get ourselves into a state that is a little bit closer to the alpha brain-wave pattern by slowing the breath, and moving into that inner focus, we will have a much deeper experience of the journey to begin with, so I‘m going to give you a moment or two to concentrate on that without me chattering in your ear. I‘ll be back in a minute but I want you to listen to the sound of your breathing – consciously slow it. One really useful way to slow the breath is to imagine that you‘re breathing and that there is a staircase in front of you, and you‘re beginning to take the steps down the staircase . . . and each step down your breath slows a little bit more . . . and each step down, a little bit more. Try to imagine yourself going to the bottom of a staircase – just within your own self – slowing the breathing. (0:27:06) Alrighty. Now . . . We are going to begin a journey from the place that we are – which is what is going to be referred to as the Hotel Circle . . . . out in front of this hotel at Machu Picchu. From this Hotel Circle we are going to create a RashaLAe body image of ourselves, which means, really, becoming aware of your RashaLAe self. Your RashaLAe body is always with you and it is now activating . . . so hold, in your mind, the intention of an image of yourself just as you are – clothed just as you are right now, and sitting in the position just as you are right now. And imagine now that you‘re going to inhale . . . and that image is going to be imprinted into the RashaLAe body . . . and then exhale gently. And the RashaLAe body is now ready to move you, in your present-moment consciousness, down into this journey of the RashaLAe. (0:28:19) Now, as a group, we‘re going to begin the RashaLAe journey together, and we‘re going to begin that by simply breathing gently . . . . and imagining now that as we breathe, our RashaLAe body, with the image of ourself as we are in it, is going to begin to travel upward as a bubble – rising up out of your body – a large bubble – as if your whole body was inside of a bubble. And now that bubble is rising with a duplicate of you in it. Let‘s raise the RashaLAe bubbles just above the body level so they‘re all kind of hanging over your head . . . or if you‘re laying down, over your belly region. Just wait a minute there for everybody‘s RashaLAe orb or bubble to come up and out, so we can all move upward together. We‘ve all been up the path to Machu Picchu from this place, so what we‘re going to do in a moment, is travel our bubbles together, as if somebody released a flurry of soap bubbles from down here . . . and they travel up the winds and the thermals . . . . spiraling up – up into the place where we had lunch at Machu Picchu. Imagine the scenery going by as you‘re moving up and up and up in your RashaLAe. Imagine the beautiful trees. Imagine you could even see one or two of the busses traveling the road, right now, but you‘re way above it. You‘re getting the Condor‘s eye view as you float in your RashaLAe bubble all the way up.
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
And now we‘re going to meet in a cluster of bubbles – as if there‘s a cluster of soap-bubbles collecting at the same spot where we met in Machu Picchu – at that little area that was overlooking the back portion of the Picchu ruins site. Imagine we‘re all going to land now for a moment at that spot – like where we were when we did the activations in the last two days . . . in a big lovely pile of pale heliotalic pastel light bubbles. We‘re going to meet there for a moment. There‘s a few people still spiraling up so we‘ll wait till they get up there too. Now . . . from this location, because it is the site we used to access the core-gate systems for activation of the site, we‘ve left an opening that will take us downward when we go – we won‘t go yet, but when we begin to travel again we will move downward right into the Earth, to a place where we were sitting, and then we will move forward – and we‘re going to move to a place inside the mountain of Machu Picchu . . . but we‘re going to do it from the site that we were sitting on yesterday. So now, as a group . . . just imagine we‘re all a group of lovely heliotalic soap-bubbles sitting at that site that we were at. Now we‘re going to inhale together – hold - then exhale and push downward . . . and as you push downward . . . feel your RashaLAe soap-bubble body going down . . . down . . . into the Earth. And then there‘ll be a little resistance point. You‘ll feel a little bounce. And just stop there. Stop the movement of your RashaLAe body there. Just breathe gently till everybody‘s RashaLAe body comes back into the collective of the soap-bubble pile. Now we‘re going to move, in a minute, as if we were a . . . . . . imagine the image of a washing-machine with too much soap-powder put in it . . . and imagine how the soap-bubbles would start coming out of the top, or out of the door (if you have a front-loader) and go sloshing onto the floor bringing bubbles everywhere. Well imagine now that we‘re going to be like a wave of soap-bubbles . . . a soap-bubble wave . . . a heliotalic soap-bubble wave of pretty pastel colors. And we‘re going to move forward – bubbling forward – directly forward in front of us, from the place we were at Picchu, in under the Earth and toward the mountain – the big mountain – Machu Picchu. But there‘s an opening inside – way deep down in the Earth, and you will notice this opening . . . imagine the soapbubbles are flowing – almost like lava flows, but it‘s soap-bubbles instead. And we‘re going to flow to a point where you will see a glowing emanation of Aqualene color – that pale-silvery/greeny-blue color that is affiliated with the Krystal Heart of Aquari and the Krystal River. Move toward that and notice, as our soap-bubble collective moves toward it, we begin to take on the color of the Aqualene Sun – that lovely pale aqua color, with silver and pale gold light running through it. Now we‘re going to stop, as a collective, right around the place where this Aqualene color seems to be emanating, and we‘ll notice that there is a little flame of the same color. It is called the Aqualene Sun fire-water flame, and inside of it is a fire-water crystal. This place is inside of Machu Picchu – deep down in the Earth. And it is a meeting-place . . . a place where the gates connect. We‘re going to stop here for a moment and . . . imagine some of the watery aspect of our soap-bubbles is going to dry up, and we‘re a little bit dryer and we‘re not floating around any more – like sloshing around anymore. Now we are just simply collecting as if we were the soap-bubbles . . . the kind that you blow – as when you were a child. They‘re a little bit firmer and not as wet and sloshy as from washing-machine bubbles. We‘re going to take on a bit of firmness in our cluster of soap-bubbles that are our collective of RashaLAe bodies – working together as a team – and we‘re going to sit here for a moment inside of Machu Picchu. Now, from inside of Machu Picchu we are going to begin a journey in a second . . . . we‘re going to go from Machu Picchu to Cusco, using the Picchu-to-Cusco Astura channel that we opened in the last few days through the Cousha Cluster Temple Network openings. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So what we‘re going to do now is imagine that a large Aqualene-colored bubble forms around our cluster of RashaLAe body bubbles, and as one large bubble, with many bubbles in it – holding their individuality – we‘re going to first move upward . . . imagine we‘re just moving upward in this large bubble. . . up through the mountain, Machu Picchu. We‘re going to go up to a certain point – not quite outside of the mountain yet – not in the air around it yet, and then we‘re going to feel the bubble that we are in – the collective bubble – moving in an arc kind of path. We‘re going to feel ourselves, in this bubble, arc upward . . . we‘re going to begin arcing upward, and it‘s going to go quickly where we‘re going to arc upward and what we‘re doing is following the arc from Machu Picchu to the stratosphere over Cusco – which is the Astura channel that runs from Picchu to Cusco. So we‘re going to travel that arc. We‘ll see it on the maps again in the workshop. (0:35:47) But for now just feel this collective bubble that you‘re part of, moving upward and then quickly outward and over . . . actually to the right, in an arc. And then it‘s going to come to a rapid stop position. It‘s a very quick journey when you‘re traveling the Astura channels. Imagine now that you are at the end of the arc journey, and you find the whole bubble, with all the RashaLAe bodies of ourselves in it, and it is positioned actually in the stratosphere level - way up in the atmosphere over Cusco, and right over the Sacsayhuaman site where we did the daytime activation. Imagine you can see that site below. . .(I‘ll just call it the ―Sachay‖ site) . . . imagine we can see that site below us. Try to get a visual link from your memory of being there. Where we are, at the Sachay site, is in . . . we have entered the central chamber, or the central pillar of the Cusco Cousha cluster of Takeyon Temples. This is the control temple, and it activated the other night, and we are now in the central pillar that came up out of the centre, right out the Sachay site . . . and we‘re going to, in a moment, take this pillar to the next stage in the journey. Now inhale, as a collective, and hold for a moment . . . and as we exhale, exhale downward and feel the entire collective bubble move downward to the ground level of the Sachay site, and down a little bit further under the ground. We‘re going to enter the ground just a little bit below the Sachay site where our feet once stood. Let us stop there for a moment. (0:38:04) Now, in this position, just below the ground of the Sachay site, try to see clearly with the eyes of your RashaLAe body (if you can‘t don‘t worry . . . the vision comes eventually, the more RashaLAe journeys you do), but if you can‘t see it try to imagine that you can see in front of you, . . . and if we‘re all in this collective bubble in our little bubbles . . . let us say we all turn with our backs toward each other, facing outward, so we can see what is around the bubble . . . we can see what is around, underneath this site. And now, if we were looking . . . all of us looking outward, with our backs to each other . . . and then we look up, just a little bit, at the top of where our bubble is – so we‘re all looking at the same point, right at the top of our bubble . . . notice there, you‘ll see what appears to be an aqua-colored portal. This aqua portal is the opening to the Cusco-to-Caral Astura chamber. And in a moment we‘re going to go through together, to continue the journey from Cusco to Caral via the Cusco-to-Caral Astura chamber. When we enter this aqua portal, we‘re going to find that it is a water portal, so in our bubble we will travel as if we are in an under-sea exploration bubble, where the water is around us. This water is actually what is referred to as the Krystal River Flow – the Aqua Krystal River Flow. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So now let us inhale for a moment, and hold . . . and on the exhale we‘re going to push just a little bit upward – together and move through the aqua portal that was at the top of our collective bubble. And we‘re moving through it now . . . we‘ve just passed through this portal . . . through the membrane that is its doorway, and now we are going to begin to feel that our whole bubble (our collective bubble) begins to arc downward – through the Aqua Krystal River . . . which is the Astura passage between Cusco and Caral. It‘s like a very rapid running-the-rapids while white-water-rafting, but we are ―Aqua-water-rafting‖. We‘re riding the Aqua Krystal River Astura passage between Cusco to Caral. There may be some bumps and . . . try to feel the sensation, because as we‘re moving . . . this one takes a little bit longer, and as there were a few sites that needed more clearing than others . . . and they‘re fine now – they won‘t bother us – but they do form a little bit of inconsistent harmonics in the chamber, or the channel that we‘re following. So it‘s as if we‘re running into a little bit of rough water here and there, and then it smoothes out again. But we‘ll do this little bit of aqua-water-rafting in our bubble for a moment or two. This one takes a little bit longer until we come out at the bottom, which will be at Caral. Try to feel as our bubble, collectively, is moving . . . try to feel the sensation of being in there. The last channel we went through went so quickly – you could hardly keep the mind up with the passage – forget the emotional-body imprint. However, this is going to take a little bit longer to get from Cusco to Caral – down the Astura chamber/channel . . . so let‘s try to feel . . . we are in this collective bubble . . . all of us in our little RashaLAe bubbles inside of it. Imagine we are actually in . . . submerged in this lovely aqua Krystal River. Imagine you could hear the river flow around you . . . just like you can out here. You could hear is rush past as we rush through it. Feel the little bumps here and there as our bubble bounces around. But our bubble is fine and stable . . . we don‘t get wet, but we can see the water flowing around us . . . beautiful aqua . . . being immersed in an aqua stream. (0:42:06) We are coming close now to the bottom. Before we get to the bottom there will be a lull-point, where motion starts to go very, very slowly. So this will be . . . the longest part of the entire passage will be this place . . . because you‘re actually entering a time-zone where the Base Pulse Rhythm becomes much, much slower . . . and then picks up very, very quickly. So we‘re moving into this slower BPR now . . . it‘s almost as if the bubble is just bobbing in the currents and the currents have almost stopped. And all of a sudden our bubble will be picked up very quickly, as if a current picked it up and popped it upward – just a little bit – so it‘s like a whoosh like on a roller-coater, but under water, in water in a water-tunnel. Now, we‘ve moved through the little whoosh, and where this little whoosh has brought us to, at the end of the Cusco-toCaral passage . . . we‘re emerging beneath Caral at the subterranean Aqualene crystal that we visited the first day, when we came to Caral. This is the centre of the Ah-RU-NE-Wa subterranean link into the Astura passage. And we‘re going to stop there for a moment, as a group, and see that we did our little ‗up‘ bit from the . . . . exiting from the Astura passage there, and notice that, directly above us once again, there is something that we can look at collectively together . . . but looking up in our RashaLAes, and what that ‗something‘ is, is the aquamarine crystal – Cousha crystal – that we saw in our journey that we did at Caral. We‘re just going to use this as a rest-point for a moment, then we‘re going to go on with the journey from here – in a moment. (0:44:05) Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Now, as we rest they would like us to do something while we‘re here at the Aquamarine Crystal. We‘re just going to take an inhale breath and hold . . . and as we inhale imagine that little blue sparks . . . aqua-blue sparks . . . are coming from the Aquamarine Crystal over the top of our collective bubble, and they‘re coming down to fill our bubble . . . and to fill our lungs with Passage Keys . . . so that we will be able to breathe and move the RashaLAe body and anchor the physical body into the journey with these Passage Keys. Just inhale and exhale . . . . pick up the Keys, and then exhale. And now we‘ll continue on with our journey. We‘re on Step 5, just so everyone knows. We‘re now going to travel downward in our collective bubble. From the Ah-RU-NE-Wa Aquamarine Crystal point underneath it – we‘re going to go down . . . still downward . . . moving downward quite slowly, to a point called Shala13 . . . that will look like a deep-blue-aqua glowing region, way below us right now. So we‘re going to be moving from AhRU-NE-Wa and its Aquamarine Crystal – downward to Shala-13, which is the Earth/Urtha core gate. And we move down . . . we‘re just about arriving. This is the entrance to the Astura main channel . . . that central vertical one that runs up . . . up and down through the Aurora fields . . . from Urtha‘s surface all the way down into Earth and Urtha‘s core. So we‘re going to begin the journey in the core of the Astura main channel. So we‘re going to stop for a moment at Shala-13, and to access the Astura main channel . . . . first we‘re going to notice that the collective bubble kind of collapses downward and turns into, simply, a shield-platform that is below us – where we are sitting or laying, so we don‘t have the big bubble over us now. We just have our own little RashaLAe bubbles sitting in position in this collective shield that we are a part of. In this location at Shala-13, imagine that you can see, around us, as if we‘re sitting on top of . . . a very beautiful aqua lake - a lake of very intense aqua waters. And our shield, collectively, is going to now move downward through the aqua lake and into the aqua lake at Shala-13. Notice, as we move down, our RashaLAe bodies serve as little swimsuits or underwater suits, where we can easily breathe, and our bodies here can easily breathe as we go underwater at the aqua lake at Shala-13. We will also begin to notice that, at Shala-13, the water changes from what we know as the feel of water here, to a different kind of water that is . . . it‘s not etheric . . . but it‘s like water-air combined. It is water that you can breathe. (0:47:25) Take a few breaths now, as we have gone under the surface of the Shala-13 aqua lake, and as you breathe in and inhale, realize that your RashaLAe body is taking, directly into its lungs, water from the aqua lake of Shala-13. The water feels a bit like water, but it breathes like air. It is a substance that is not available on surface-Earth, so there is nothing to directly compare it to. It is a particular type of matter that is characteristic of the core of the Shala-13 gate. So as we breathe a few moments, breathing in the breathable waters of the aqua lake, try to feel the aqua lake waters move through your RashaLAe body, and then through, also, your physical body that is stationed here at Machu Picchu. Try to feel the aqua lake waters come in through your nose and into your lungs – into the physical body too – hold both perspectives – physical and RashaLAe. Exhale, and feel the aqua lake waters come out through . . . . all through your body . . . running through your system. . . . energizing and clearing, and bringing in Astura code activation into the physical body as well as the RashaLAe. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
(0:49:01) Now we‘re going to continue our journey. We are in the waters of the aqua lake at Shala-13 – on the group shield that we are sitting on – each of us in our RashaLAe body bubbles, and now we are going to move up with the shield . . . up, vertically, through the aqua Krystal River Chamber that is the central channel of the Astura passage. So imagine now, as we breathe . . . as we inhale . . . and hold . . . we get a bit of movement, and as we exhale . . . we stop. As we inhale . . . we move upward a little bit further, and as we exhale . . . we stop. And one more breathe . . . inhale . . . upward a little further . . . . and exhale . . . and stop. We have just moved through the aqua Krystal River Channel at the centre channel of the Astura passage – going up from Shala-13, and we‘re going up now, simply to a stop-point that is known as Shalon-7. Shalon-7 holds what is called the Atrium Elevator of the Astura passage. It is an Ecousha site that is a Base Pulse Rhythm accelerator point, that will allow you to pick up the RashaLAe Base Pulse Rhythm necessary to go further up the Astura passage. So as we merge up through the Aqua Krystal River Channel – central channel of the lower Astura passage – we‘re going to find . . . we now simply pop . . . the shield actually almost disappears, and then pops up . . . and it is on ground level. It‘s gone all the way from the core – very quickly up to ground level at Shalon-7 – which is located in the Phoenix Arizona area. It is actually part of lower Scottsdale that the site is at. So we are now together, sitting on a shield in our RashaLAe bodies, in a very small elevator that is called the Atrium – the Shalon-7 Atrium. Let us stop here for a moment and simply breathe for a few moments to pick up the codes of the Shalon-7 site and its surrounding grids. It will give us easy access to moving through this elevator whenever we choose, after we have done this journey. It will give us an easy path from the elevator, to going into the Aurora Slide-zone 1 field of the New Earth. But for now we must go the long way for the first journey. We‘ll be moving soon, from Shala-13 surface level Atrium elevator, which you could visualize as being a lovely aqua-y/blue . . . but silvery aqua-y/blue color . . . and if you will look up for a moment, before our shield goes upward, notice that there is a Reuche structure . . . the Reuche core structure, like on the necklaces (for those of you who may not be familiar with Reuche) . . . and it is made of light, and it is directly above the shield that we are sitting on, at the top of the Atrium. Just notice that that is there. As we pass through that point, when we begin to move . . . that is when the Base Pulse Rhythm acceleration begins. And that is the purpose of that particular configuration of the Reuche, up above, at the top of the Shalon-7 Atrium chamber. . . . Hold for a moment. (0:52:47) Now let us inhale and hold . . . and on the exhale we‘re going to push downward and begin moving our shield upward with a downward push . . . like a jet propelling. We are now collectively on the shield, rising up the Atrium in Shalon-7 . . . we are passing through the Reuche configuration at the top of the Atrium – moving directly up – and as soon as we pass through fully. . . as soon as the shield passes through that Reuche structure at the top of the Atrium, there‘s going to be a very quick . . . as if all of a sudden you turn to light and move so quick you lost track of yourself and your RashaLAe for a second . . . just a whoosh . . . straight, vertically up . . . and that is going to take us, instantly to Urtha‘s mid-mantle Adashi-7 temple, and we will emerge at the fourth floor of the Urtha mid-mantle temple. This fourth floor can be characterized . . . is connected to what is called Ring 4 of the Aquafereion shield . . . of the Aquafereion host-shield . . . and the fourth floor emanates, from it centre, an aqua-y/green. . . pale aqua-y/green light, and in a moment, when we collect our bearings and get our RashaLAe body vision back, we‘ll be able to see a bit more of where we are sitting – in the Adashi-7 temple – floor 4. And what we‘ll first see, as our RashaLAe vision comes back, Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
is that our shield is collectively sitting on top of what appears to be a very thick floor made of translucent, milky-white selenite crystal that is glowing green . . . that indicates the fourth floor frequency resonance. We‘re sitting here collectively, and we‘re going to soon be met by a large collective of individuals who will assist us in the first passage to the Aurora Slide-zone 1. So just rest for a moment here, in the Adashi-7 fourth floor temple. This is the greeting area of the fourth floor . . . each of the floors has a greeting area . . . and then many, many different areas for different purposes go off on that floor. For this journey we will stay in the greeting area, because we have a different journey to take from here, and this journey must be accessed from here. We could not access the Aurora-1 slide-zone even if it had been opened, until we were able to reach the fourth floor of the Adashi-7 temple. And again, the Adashi-7 temple is connected to the Spanner-7 gate-set that we have been activating between Earth and Urtha. Right, now as we sit and relax on our shields, on the fourth floor of the Adashi-7 temple . . . our shield is like a circular disk that we‘re all connected to and just sitting on, or laying on. Notice that, from every angle around the shield, there seems to be being of light of some sort, that you can‘t see what they look like yet, but they‘re just like hominid forms of some kind, made of light . . . walking toward the shield. This group is a combined group of what are called the Bhendi Aquari races of Urtha . . . the trainers . . . and also the Aquafereion human-hybrid Aquari races from Urtha, that are known as our Advisors, or our Greeters. They‘re all coming in together, and they are going to surround the shield in order to create a certain activation that will allow us to take a journey . . . it actually takes all of them to do this . . . all of us, and all of them . . . to open the passage-ways of the Na-VA-Ho passage – through which we can access the Aurora1 slide-zone. So for a moment, just observe with your RashaLAe eyes, these being of light coming toward you. For those of you who have journeyed before, see if you can spot your Greeter, or your Trainer, or both of them . . . because they will be looking for you and trying to line up with you and they‘ll come up right to the edge of the shield where you are laying or sitting. For those of you who have taken the Ring-3 journey, and know what the triangulation formation is . . . you can see yourself forming that with you Bhendi Trainer and your Aquafereion Advisor. It will strengthen the whole activation for you. If you haven‘t done these other journeys before, that is alright . . . they will be available soon . . . through transcript form at least, and then eventually we‘ll have them available as a set that you can journey on your own at home. But for now, we can all get here together – even if you haven‘t done the other journeys – because of the power of the activations that have been done through this trip to Peru – and opening the Seeding 2 Na-VA-Ho passage. So we‘re going to travel now in a very interesting way. This is the first time this has occurred in any of the journeys that we‘ve done so far. But the group of the Aurora races – we‘ll call them collectively the Aurora races from Urtha, which means your Bhendi Trainers and your Aquafereion Advisors. The Aurora races surrounding the shield now, are going to send a frequency into the centre of our shield – which would be located, in relation to our physical bodies laying down . . . it would be the centre of the fountain area (from which we are transmitting). So they‘re going to send a frequency into this area of the Adashi-7 Temple level 4. And simultaneously this frequency is going to anchor in this stone thing that is in the centre of this physical fountain around which we are all gathering or lying . . . even if you‘re not right in the immediate proximity, that is the shield‘s centre – as far as the physical body layout goes here. (0:58:54) So this activation is taking place on the physical level of D3 here on Earth as well as on the Adashi-7 fourth floor temples. Right . . . so they‘re transmitting a frequency into that centre point of the shield. And in a moment we‘re going to watch Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
quite an amazing transformation from the RashaLAe body level. You will not see it from the physical body level, but we will see it from the RashaLAe is we pay attention. Now, as we‘re sitting in our shield, imagine we turn our RashaLAe bodies to face the centre . . . because before they were facing outwardly with their backs to each other. Now imagine that we‘re facing the centre where we can look at the centre – even if you‘re laying down, just imagine you‘re turning your head where you can see the centre. And in the centre of the shield, up on the fourth floor of Adashi-7, you‘re going to watch what looks like a large fountain of Aqualene-colored water emerge . . . squirting directly up like a fountain, in the centre of the shield. It squirts way, way up into the air . . . inside of the Adashi-7 temple level four greeting area. And then also try to observe, as this fountain shoots up into the air, it just keeps pumping little spurts of this wonderful Aqualene water up . . . the frequencies of the Aqualene Sun are squirting upward. Imagine that instead of . . . like water would go up and then come back down in a fountain effect . . . . as it starts to go up and come back down . . . as soon as it makes the curve to come back down, the water turns into little sparkling lights . . . and this whole cluster of little sparkling lights is forming from this fountain that emerges from the centre of our shield. And the sparkling lights spiral outward . . . they surround the entire shield, and in a second the shield is actually going to pop off for a second . . . we‘re all going to disappear – just for a second – our RaShaLAe bodies just go pop . . . and that‘s going to be as we inhale . . . let‘s inhale now, and pop off . . . and exhale, and pop back on. (1:01:06) Now notice that our collective shield . . . our Aquafereion host-shield that collectively we‘re on, has taken the frequencies of the Aqualene Sun that were given to us through the centre, and transmuted them into a vehicle of transport that will allow us to go through the portions of the Krystal Heart NaVAHo passage that are opened. . . so we can go into the Aurora Slide-zone level 1. The vehicle of transport is very fascinating – what we have created here – for if we, sitting on our shields, look around us, we will find ourselves in RashaLAe, as if we have entered a StarTrek Movie, and we are sitting in a circle, and this shield is a circle that is the central control area . . . in the control room of what appears to be a space-ship. This is called a Merkabic city craft. It is a vehicle of energy, but within the perceptual codings of the holograms – both here in 3D, and in RashaLAe state . . . it would appear, both from the inside and the outside, as a vehicle of transport . . . that would look like what we know as a spaceship. So imagine that we are like Captain Kirk, in the centre now of the inside of a spaceship, and we have the beautiful viewer screens that look out upon where we are going to travel. What is interesting is that, if anyone in 3D saw this with physical eyes, they would indeed see what appeared to be a large spaceship. It would be disk-shaped when it was interfacing here. But we‘re not going to be seen by 3D right now. We are simply going to use this city craft – this Merkabic city craft that we have created – to journey to what is called ―Aquarius‖ – the New Earth – level 1 . . . which is the Aurora slide-zone level 1 density 1 of the New Earth. Now, this journey is going to take place in our spaceship, as we collectively watch our spaceship move. Now we‘re not aware of movement because we‘re in a ship and it doesn‘t really feel like it‘s moving, but we can watch outside . . . . imagine that we‘re in this circular room of the control-room of the spaceship, and there are these huge floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook . . . and what you can see, at the moment, is overlooking simply what is inside of the Adashi-7 temple level 4, because we haven‘t left the hangar yet. But now this spaceship is going to begin to move horizontally, and it‘s going to be moving, in relation to where we are, horizontally and to the left for a bit . . . and as it moves horizontally to the left, try to use your RashaLAe eyes – turn them Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
forward now – backs to each other – where we can look out the wonderful windows that encircle the circular room of the spacecraft. Imagine you can now see stars, as if we‘re moving out on a platform that sticks out into space . . . moving out from the 4th floor of the Adashi-7 temple onto a launch platform. And from here we‘re going to notice that there‘s a sensation of spinning, around us, but we still feel like we‘re stationery. The city craft is actually spinning its outer bands – its merkabic fields of the RashaLAe are actually activating – but it feels very calm because we‘re sitting at the still-point at the centre of it. And imagine you can sense the spinning, and as the spinning is being sensed, the ship itself - the city craft itself – is gliding off the platform and into what appears to be deep space, and you can see many, many stars . . . and you can see a little bit, in the distance over on the right side – only the windows on the right – you can see a little platform from the Adashi-7 temple as it goes away in the distance, as we move away from it. There‘s going to be a certain point where the ship comes to a gentle stop, and simply hovers in the air – or in space (as it so would be) – and just try to sense the hovering of the rings around the city craft, and we are sitting peacefully within it on our shield. The craft is now going to enter the Krystal Heart Passage – the Krystal Heart NaVAHo passage. This is the point at which . . . this ship is the vehicle with which we cross over to the Krystal Heart NaVAHo Passage. This will not be necessary once the full . . . once we have made this journey once and opened all the conduits. We‘ll then be able to leave directly from the Atrium, and end up directly either at Adashi, or at the Aurora-1 slide-zone1. But for the first trip we need to open the passages using this spaceship of the Aquafereion shield. So the spaceship is now . . . you‘ve crossed into . . . we‘re beginning to cross into the Krystal Heart NaVAHo passage from the centre-line of the Astura passage. And the first thing we‘re going to notice is the ship starts to feel like it‘s traveling a bit downward, and then you‘re going to see through the windows on the right side . . . so everyone is on the shield as if you‘re sitting in the control-room . . . try to imagine you‘re turning your RashaLAe heads to look out the right side windows. You‘re going to see a massive trapezoid-shaped door. This trapezoid-shaped door is actually a window. It is a Takeyon window that . . . within it there is a membrane-barrier that separates the Aurora 1 slide-zone – or the New Earth – Density 1 – from the Krystal Heart NaVAHo passage. And it is the way to get from the NaVAHo passage through into the New Earth – Density 1. So, in a moment our ship is going to travel downward – through the Krystal Heart Passage – through this membrane, and as you move through the membrane and the trapezoid window, we‘re also going to notice something. . . it‘s a very strange perspective . . . you almost get a flash of insight while you‘re traveling . . . that you can‘t see Earth‘s moon . . . because you are inside of it. You are moving, actually the spaceship is moving through the core of Earth‘s moon – through what is called the LA-HE-de-Luna passage. The LA-HE-de-Luna passage or chamber is a link – it‘s a midway station platform – that is called the temple of Luna, in easy terms, that is a link between Earth and its passages, and the New Earth NaVAHo passage. So we are moving, with the spaceship, through this trapezoid-shaped window . . . and getting the flash of insight that this window is actually located in the centre of Earth‘s moon. And we‘re actually moving from the field of Earth now, into the field of the New Earth. We‘re still just watching our journey through the windows . . . and in a moment we‘re going to disembark our ship. But hold on for a moment as the movement continues. We‘re moving through the lunar passage now. As we get to the other side, where the first part of the lunar window passage . . . we‘ll notice that the collective ship appears to come to a stop, because here it has landed on what is called the Midway Station, which is a frequency platform, that itself is referred to as the temple of Luna-A. And at this point we will be able to disembark our city craft, and our city craft will simply emerge back into the centre . . . you‘ll feel a vibration in a second or two in the shield, and it‘ll literally pop off and go back into the centre as a spark of aqua light. And we‘ll find ourselves sitting now again simply Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
in the shield – in the collective shield – no bubble over us – just our little RashaLAe bubbles in the shield, and we‘ll be sitting at the Temple of Luna-A. The Temple of Luna-A looks like a step-pyramid but we‘re inside of it, so if you were to take a walk outside off of the shield, you would be able to see it from the outside, but you‘d still be inside the core of the moon (believe it or not). . . this is how these plane interfaces work. . . they‘re very, very complex. But this temple looks like a simple steppyramid . . . something like you might see in Sakkhara or at Caral – those type of pyramids. (1:10:14) We can rest here for a moment, and then we‘re going to go through the other side of the trapezoid-shaped window – and this is the passage directly into the Aurora-1 slide-zone. Eventually this window will be able to be passed with physical bodies who are activated for ―slide‖. So this is . . . what we are doing now is called a glide. We learn first to glide or project in RashaLAe, while our physical bodies stay behind on Earth. The next thing we‘re going to do is Slide, and eventually some of us learn to Span – which is being able to go all the way, physically, from Earth to Urtha. So, for now, we are gliding, and we are in the Temple of Luna-A, and just taking a rest before we go through the passage – the last part of the trapezoid window passage. This is going to be interesting because, to pass through this passage, we must go through . . . we have the support of the group shield . . . but we each must go through individually. It is a particular safety-feature of the Temple of Luna-A . . . that each individual must pass by themselves, because they hold a certain set of codes that are their own, and the temple must recognize those codes are secured codes that are not an attempted invasion or something. So if someone was trying to use your body by tacking on this journey with you, for instance, and they were hoping to be able to get into spaces of the Aurora zone . . . of the Aurora slide-zone 1 . . . in order to work a Fallen Angelic agenda, they would be dropped at this point because they cannot pass this point. So the Temple of Luna-A has a filtering system – it will recognize you as an Aquari-coded Kristiac being, being able to pass through – and any field-attachments that you may have that you‘re still trying to clear. . . it will actually screen them off, and they will be kind of stuck on the outside of a bubble that surrounds the Temple of Luna-A, and they have their choice of what they want to do from there. They can wait, to try to tack back on to you – because some people have karmic issues that they‘re still clearing this – so it‘s not going to take the karma away for you – but it will hold it off so you can still journey, to get to the point where you can find the power-base to clear that karma. So any of the negative things you have picked up from you other lifetimes that may be bleeding through your DNA from other lifetimes . . . you can leave it here at the Temple of Luna-A, as we each begin our solo journey – but together – we‘ll be like individual bubbles floating together like soap-foam again . . . into the last part of this trapezoid-shaped window. And it‘s going to be very interesting what we come up in the other side – in the trapezoid-shaped window. (1:13:00) So we‘re going to begin the journey now . . . we‘re going to begin to disembark our ship. The ship has dismantled itself and put itself back into the core. We‘re sitting on our shield. And now imagine that you‘re in the shield in the same position your body is physically here on the Earth. But now, in your RashaLAe body only, you‘re going to get up and stretch your legs inside of your RashaLAe body orbs – so there‘s an orb of energy around you . . . you can stretch your physical legs if you want to, too, but don‘t go walking around OK? You can stand up and stretch, but when you‘re done stretching sit down. We‘re going to stretch the RashaLAe body legs out . . . imagine you‘re stretching and getting yourself into a vertical walking position. Because what you‘re going to do is, we‘re going to move toward the centre (but only in our RashaLAe bodies) . . . move toward the centre of the shield . . . walking in our RashaLAe bubbles or orbs, and we‘re going to meet at the centre like a ring around the centre-point of the group shield. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
We‘re going to notice now that the doorway that we saw outside of the ship – or the trapezoid-shaped window . . . we passed through one layer of it. The next layer is going to be . . . not outside of the ship anymore – but the ship is gone and it is literally now a trapezoid-shaped window that our shield is standing in the middle of. And as individuals we‘re going to each move – one at a time, but quite quickly . . . it doesn‘t have to take forever for 130 people. We‘re going to move ourselves as a RashaLAe body soap-bubble, and go into the centre of shield, and down just a little bit, because it‘s like a little tunnel . . . just a little step down . . . down into the centre. And from there you‘re going to find yourself, in your RashaLAe . . . before any of us do this we‘re going to find . . . (if because of the way I worded that you‘d already started to go down, don‘t worry about it), there‘s like a safety net that has to open before anybody can go down, because as soon as the safety-net opens and we begin to take our RashaLAe bodies down, there‘ll be a really rapid spiraling sensation, and it could be a little bit dizzying and you might even feel a little bit of physical vertigo in the physical body . . . but maybe not there . . . but you‘ll be spiraling really down what is a water-portal. So as soon as we move our individual RashaLAe bodies into the centre of the shield and down this little down-step, we‘re going to spiral very quickly down a water portal. And this water portal is going to go downward and then curve back upward – like in a U-shape . . . and it gets a little strange, because it might feel . . . I remember going down this once and my RashaLAe body was like . . . I don‘t know if I can drown in RashaLAe, but I‘m afraid I‘m going to drown because I can‘t hold my breath anymore. Because it was water that you couldn’t breathe . . . it was a different type of matter water, and it wasn‘t like the kind from Shala-13. So when we open this net - this safety-net at the top in the centre of the shield – we‘ll be passing through the final membrane of the Luna window, and into – directly – a place in the New Earth Aurora-1 slide-zone. And we will go down through a water tunnel and come up . . . the first thing you will see . . . and I‘ll telling you this before we do this because it will happen really fast . . . . the first thing you will see when you come up is like a whirl-wind – like a string of bubbles going down into this water chamber. And it goes way down in a U-shape, and then comes back up . . . and you‘ll start to feel like you‘re swimming. Your body will actually want . . . your RashaLAe body will want to swim, even though it‘s still in its bubble. Let it swim as if it were swimming, trying to get to the surface . . . where it could go past the surface of the water, and breathe air. So your RashaLAe body will go through this, and you find yourself popping up into a place where you are breathing air, and it is a place very similar to Earth – but it is not. (1:16:40) So we‘ll do this part now – where we‘re all gathered around as individuals now, around the centre-point in our collective shield, and the centre-point, in a moment, is going to open, and a net is going to be pulled back, and a very large opening is going to be made, that is the opening to the mouth of the water chamber . . and we can all just jump in as If you‘re diving into a pool - we‘re jumping . . . I mean you can dive in if you want to – if you like to dive and you‘re a good swimmer – or if you don‘t like water too much and if you‘re not too much of a swimmer – remember you have your RashaLAe orb-suit around you, so you don‘t have to worry about anything – you‘re very safe . . . it‘s like a safetydevice . . . you can‘t drown in it, even though your physical body might react to this as if it might be afraid it is . . . it won‘t be drowning. So we‘re all going to just leap in together as if we‘re jumping into a swimming-pool together. Inhale . . . . hold . . . . and on the exhale we‘ll jump. All of us together, but individual, in our individual bubbles. And now the spiraling sensation is going to start in the RashaLAe bodies . . . and we‘re going to be brought downward through this tunnel of water, and then slanted back upward. And as we go upward we‘re not spiraling quite so fast . . . and the spiraling seems to stop, but we‘re not above water yet. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So we‘re going to want to imagine our RashaLAe bodies swimming inside the bubble – pushing the water down with the hands and moving the head up to get your nose up above the water – because there is a level where the water-level meets the air, and that‘s what we‘re aiming for. We‘ll all pop up at a little bit different time, depending on the Base Pulse Rhythm and the core-vibration that our RashaLAe bodies held. So, imagine now – each individually – that you are reaching your pop-up point, as if you‘re coming up from underwater in a swimming pool, and coming up back to the air. So just imagine that point where . . . . (big inhale) and let your physical body inhale a big breath of air, as you reach the air level – and you can now breathe, because you‘re not underwater anymore. (1:18:45) There‘s a few I‘m noticing that are noticing a few people who are getting stuck in the chamber – and that‘s OK – they‘re getting a little scared down at the U-bend . . . don‘t worry . . . we‘re coming down to get you. Alright we got you. Alright we‘re going to float you up now . . . going to float you up, up, up, to the surface . . . those people who‘re feeling that they might be stuck . . . go (makes big breathing sound) don‘t do it out loud because you don‘t have to identify who you are . . . but I know you‘re down there – and there‘s about 8 of you. Alright . . . you‘re alright . . . we got you up to the surface now - you can breathe – just breathe gentle . . . let‘s all breathe gentle together now and relax, and get our group back in harmony. Because that passage can be a little bit scary when you first encounter it. We don‘t have to go through that passage after the first journey . . . this is just opening the entire set of passages. And later the Atrium link will be an easy way to by-pass that. OK, now let‘s imagine that we are all just surfaced and our RashaLAe bodies, with our Orbs around them . . . they have their head above water . . . but they still have the body part . . . .you know, from the neck up is above water and you‘re breathing air . . . but from the neck down your body is still floating as if you‘re kind of treading water in the swimming pool . . . but you don‘t have to tread water, because your RashaLAe body orb will actually hold you up like a floatation device. From this position, with your head just above water, look around – just kind of turn your RaShaLAe body head around and see if you can see what‘s there – because where you‘ve actually popped up . . . looks like a swimming pool. It looks just like a swimming pool you might find at a YMCA, or a swimming pool you might find in your back yard. It is a very precise swimming pool coordinate. It is called the receiving station. And it is the first point of entry into the Aurora Slidzone level 1 Density 1 . . . and it‘s connected directly to Shalon-7 on the Earth side . . . and it is a replica of the Shalon-7 site. So the swimming pool that we‘re all popping up in is known as the Receiving Station . . . is actually a replica of the one that is in Shalon-7 . . . which is simply a rectangular-shape swimming pool with a half-round set of stairs on the . . . if you‘re looking at it directly – if you‘re looking at it from outside, there‘d be a side of stairs (rounded stairs) on the one side, and a little diving board platform on the other . . . it‘s not a huge swimming pool . . . it is a receiving station, and there is a portal that connects this place, that is a replica of the land-mass of the Shalon-7 site, that has been brought through and replicated into the Aurora field – so it is part of the New Earth field. That site connects directly to its sister-site of Shalon-7 on the Earth side. There will be numerous place like this that we will eventually learn about, that connect to different Earth sites, and hold a replica imprint of what the physicality of that site looks like on Earth. So this one that we‘re in now – floating around now with our heads above water –is . . . we‘re in the swimming-pool of Shalon-7 – but on the New Earth Aurora 1 Slide-zone level. (1:22:10) This is a very, very massive receiving station. There are portal-links all over the bottom of this swimming pool – on both sides – that link into portal-networks that link into what are called the ‗Arc Gates‘ of Earth . . . the Arc Hub gates. So this Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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place that we have just been brought to . . . eventually we will be trained . . . some of us . . . to be receivers – that will actually help people to get up out of the water. Because there‘s be all sorts of people coming on host from all sorts of places – including out of Hibernation zones. They will be being rescued, and they will be trying to make it through that Ushaped chamber . . . you know that U-shaped water-tube. And they will be popping up in the swimming pool, and the ones from the Hibernation zones will often be almost drowned from the trauma of the passage from the Hibernation zone over. And there are, literally, lifeguard teams being trained in RashaLAe, that will assist in this place. And it‘s literally a physical place on New Earth in the Aurora 1 field, where they will pull them out the water and give them CPR if necessary etc. and get the RashaLAe bodies working again – from the passage from Hibernation zones. What we‘ll do now is simply float together – individually – but as if we‘re trying to keep up with each other – float our RashaLAe bodies up, up and out of the water, as if we‘re. . . in our RashaLAe bodies . . . our RashaLAe bodies are over the swimming pool area . . . and everybody can come in and almost like . . . the energetic equivalent of . . . you know how a dog shakes off water after its been swimming? . . . we kinda do that movement with the RashaLAe orbs sphere that‘s around you . . . you just shake it off a bit, and it kinda stabilizes the frequency when you do that. We are now in the first location, that is the easiest access point of the Aurora-1 slide-zone. We have opened the Aurora1 slide-zone passage. We are going to open the coming-back-end of this passage in a little while, and we‘re going to open it back directly through into the Shalon-7 pool portal . . . because there‘s a portal – two portals actually – in the bottom – two large portals in the bottom of that swimming pool, that the Beloveds opened from the Shalon-7 to Shala-13 grid network. That would be our passage back – we take the quick way back, and that makes the quick way available to other people, so they can pass through that gate-set very quickly into the Aurora-1 New Earth field. But for now, before we leave . . . we don‘t want to just come over the passage and go . . . we‘re going to have a little meeting with a collective of individuals that are the Bhendi trainers and Aquafereion advisors who assisted us in activating our shield as a city-craft in order to make the transit across over into the NaVAHo passage. We‘re going to meet with them for a moment, and to do this we‘re going to just rise our bubbles up into the air. And we still have shield, but we can‘t see the group shield now . . . we‘re just individuals rising up together to a meeting point that is up over the Shalon-7 replica-site on New Earth. And there we‘re going to see, as if hanging in the middle of the air over this swimming pool . . . is a beautiful fire-water aqua flame. It almost looks like it‘s a flame made of glass . . . as if it were fire-water that solidified and turned into glass. We‘re just going to meet, as if we‘re having a pow-wow for a moment . . . around this fire-water centre crystal, over the pool of the Shalon-7 New Earth site. For those who would like to receive it, there‘s going to be a gift offered. This gift isn‘t from any particular individual. It is a gift of frequencies that are actually about to reach critical mass flow within the Aurora-1 slide-zone, and it‘ll be like a frequency-burst that the slide-zone itself gives off, that creates an acceleration of the RashaLAe body activation - and it will come from this crystal – this fire-water crystal that‘s hovering in the air above the Shalon-7 New Earth site as we gather around it . . . . anybody that wants to receive it . . . just in a moment, just inhale, and that‘s when you‘ll pick up the frequencies that are releasing from the Aurora-1 slide-zones . . . and anybody that wants to just inhale now . . . hold . . . and simply exhale in a relaxed manner . . . and those frequencies will open through into your RashaLAe body, and when you bring your RashaLAe body back to your physical body it will bring it back – the same frequency-acceleration back into your physical body.
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
But we‘re not doing that yet, so we‘re still up there in pow-wow, over the Shalon-7 swimming-pool on the New Earth side in the Aurora-1 slide-zone. And now we are going to begin our journey back, so we can bring the full activation of these passage ways right back into our physical bodies, which will allow us to prepare the physical bodies for their ability to do Slide, and the easy slides will be through the links we will now make – the return passage – the quick-way link between the Shalon-7 side, and its chamber sites that connect into Earth that we‘ve been studying . . . and directly through the lunar window, into the swimming pool of the Shalon-7 New Earth sites. That will be the really quick bypass to get to the Aurora-1 slide-zone field New Earth Density 1 . . . very quickly. We‘re going to come back now, and open that final link passage as we do. Again, we‘re still like in a pow-wow of our individual RashaLAe bubbles. We‘re going to go back downward to the surface of the Shalon-7 pool on the New Earth side, and here we‘re going to create a group effort, where we‘re going to keep our individual RashaLAe bodies, but we‘re going to all move into a tight bubble-cluster right over the water, and just touching the surface of the water as if our bubbles were just riding on the surface of the water – but pull in tight as a tight cluster. And in a minute we‘re going to create an activation sphere around us – where as a group we have the power to activate this final passage-link. We‘re going to – in a second . . . don‘t do it yet – but in a second we‘re going to inhale and amplify, and then we‘re going to exhale . . . and when we exhale we‘re going to make this big sphere around our cluster of bubbles, and then we‘re going to pull it in and condense it, and take it through to open the final passage. So we‘re still in a bubble-cluster pulling tightly together in our bubble-cluster RashaLAe, and now together let us inhale and hold . . . and then on the exhale we‘re going to push outward together and make a bubble around our cluster. . . . . . now we‘re going to gently inhale again . . . and hold . . . and on this final exhale we‘re going to exhale very crisply and sharply, and push . . . and we‘re going to move this sphere right down through the pool. . . . . . Exhale now! . . . Down through the Shalon-7 pool on the New Earth side and now we‘re going to push upward with last little bit of breath . . . and we‘re pushing up into – and opening the membrane at the bottom of the pool at Shalon-7 Phoenix. So we have just made the link between the Shalon-7 Phoenix site - the pool that‘s near the Atrium – and the Aurora-1 slide-zone New Earth site. So those two swimming pools, and the Atrium and what all the Atrium is connected here to . . . the gates we‘ve just been exploring, are all connected. So we now have a slide-zone passage. You can use the imagery of this slide-zone whenever you want to. When you go on from here, imagine the swimming pool . . . imagine that you‘re going down into the swimming pool on the Earth side at the Shalon-7 site . . . just hold that intention in your mind if you don‘t have a clear visual. . . but we‘ll try to get a picture of that out, by the way, because it is a physical site. Right, we‘re down through there and you would like hold your breath as if you were diving under water – right – hold your breath – activate the RashaLAe – and dive into the swimming pool, down to the bottom. Go through a U-shaped bend – holding your breath – and then exhale up, and you‘re popping up with your head above the water on the New Earth side. It will be as simple as that. That‘s all you need to remember for journeying, from here on in, to get to the Aurora slidezone 1 site. So you‘ll simply be able to go through the aquifer passage of Shalon-7 swimming pool passage. And you can go there anytime you want, and you will be met by all sorts of people that work at the receiving station. And you‘ll probably find that some of you may have a version of yourself working as lifeguards, or various other paramedics and things at the receiving stations already. So this was the Ring 4 journey to the Adashi temples. This was quite a long one, and it is a hugely significant one. Because this group here, that has been with us on the Peru trip- you have opened the direct-link passage between the Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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Aurora-1 slide-zone . . . which is Aquarius / New Earth Density 1 . . . swimming pool there. . . swimming pool here . . . they‘re directly connected. You have opened this passage. And now that it is opened, this passage-way is open to all of the hosting races and all of the races on this planet. So thank you very, very much for you participation in this entire trip. (1:31:50) We‘re going to end this journey now. We will have workshop this evening. I‘m not sure what time it is. But we‘ve got the trip back into Cusco, and then dinner, and then we will do the wrap-up workshop where we‘ll talk about more of these things – more of RashaLAe body, and we‘ll talk a little bit more about the technologies that will come forth from here as far as RashaLAe body training – moving into Slider training, which is preparing the body to be able to make that journey directly, where you would actually be able to use the visualization and to be able to actually go through – pop up in the swimming pool as light – pop through the swimming pool here – over into the swimming pool in the New Earth site. So this is the beginning, and I hope you enjoyed this journey. You can leave what‘s called a tracer there is you want. You can send it back up to the swimming pool on the New Earth side, if you want. A tracer is like a little image of your RashaLAe body that holds a portion of your consciousness, and gets to roam around and walk around there, and pick up information for you, and eventually you can call it back whenever you want – or it may just come to bring you information when it wants. So if you want to leave a tracer, just inhale and push a little image of you and your RashaLAe body back up into the swimming pool on New Earth side. And let it rise to the surface, and just notice that its head got above water, so that means it made it into the passage to the New Earth side. There you go . . . I don‘t see any tracers drowning so we‘re doing alright. OK. So we‘re going to come out of the meditation now, and onward with our day, and thank you again for joining us. Signing off now – the disembodied voice at the centre of the fountain. Catch you later. Bye.
Libertador Hotel, May 29—Lecture [D4 1:33:35] A‘sha Ok, what I was trying to say was thank you for your patience. Not too bad, just a little bit late from what we intended. I know it‘s late and everyone is tired. We especially know what that means and feels like because while you‘re having dinner which I hoped you enjoyed, we were up in transmission. And the reason that we‘re running a little bit late is very well worth it because right now being photocopied, I don‘t think it‘s been handed out yet coz I don‘t think it‘s done yet, there is the last 2 pages which they just gave me upstairs while you‘re having dinner. And it happens to be, it‘s hand-written because we don‘t have type-setting, but it is a journey that you can use when you go home, and it‘s really cool. Yah, so it‘s the 1st one and it‘s the direct excess one through the atrium pool system thing, and it‘s really neat. So you will have a copy of that so you can start to play as soon as you get home if you want to. Alright and it‘s something you can use repeatedly and you will have different effects the more you use it and it will grow with you ok. So we wanted to make sure and the Beloveds wanted you to have that gift before you left and it was worth taking a little bit of extra time it took to write down the 16 steps or whatever it is, somewhere between 13 and 16, I can‘t remember at
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
this point. But that is coming to you and it will be handed out as long as photocopiers stay within the Krist and behave alright. So what I would like to do, this has been for us an amazing trip. You‘ve been a wonderful, wonderful group, and we‘re very, very grateful to have been able to share this experience with you. This experience, even us, we‘re used to getting technicals and transmissions and stuff, this one is rather mind-blowing! I mean the things we‘re been learning in the 12 tribes classes were hugely advanced compared to what we were learning in December but this just took a quantum leap again into massive things. Can‘t wait to tell the 12 tribes classes, the next one, because the information we‘re been a part of in this workshop is just off the charts as far as spiritual significance goes and as far as practical significance goes as well. You‘ve all done an amazing job, and as a team we have managed to do our end, on the Earth end, of anchoring all the things that allow for the opening of these passages and they have indeed opened. The Astura Passage is opened from Seeding 2, and the Krystal Heart Passage, the NaVA-Ho Passage from Seeding 1 is in the process of its opening cycle. So that, it is just amazing, the drama that we‘re involved in at this point, and we‘re like in the peaceful end of the drama, the planet is in a drama, and that is not a drama we created here. That‘s a drama that existed for a long time. So what I want to do is, this has been, even for us, kind of like we go ‗Where did we start with this?‘ Where there is so much information given and so much tactical things done where ‗Go here! Do this! This will do this. This will do that!‘ So to keep track of what we did is just even difficult for us. So that‘s why we try to keep you with a bit of a paper trail that became sort of a chart pack by the end of it so you have something to remember what was that about. I know I‘m exhausted. I know it was pretty cool but what did we do? You‘ve got that and what I‘d like to do with this final presentation is, we‘ve been really up there and out there with the big drama stuff, alright the big cosmic level information, and the big Planetary Level information that has to do with grid work and Star Gates and by-pass passages and various Seedings. And particularly for new people, just coming in the work that don‘t have a lot of familiarity with the last like 7 years of teaching, it‘s probably like ‗Woh! That is a very strange New Age workshop to go to. What has this have to do with little me right?‘ Because a lot of us, we would have liked to from the beginning talk much more about taking this much more slowly before we ever got to this kind of information. There was a whole series of trainings that involved personal spiritual growth and dealing with it on a personal level first before we had to deal with it on a Cosmic or Planetary Level. But because of the drama the planet is in, there was no time for that. So progressively we have been taught masters templar mechanics and those kind of things in order to allow the potentiality of Ascension to still be available. What I would like to do tonight though is take us from where we left off to a quick run-down of what we did. Show a little bit of new stuff that they gave again that has to do with the Caduceus Seal or the Death Seal thing that is the thing that is keeping our DNA in fragmented form and that prevents us… Well it actually is what causes the death of the human body that is the core of the mutation. And it is a core Gate malfunction that was purposely induced in 9562 BC. So we‘ll cover that a little bit so we understand what that is. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
We‘re just going into the fact that the activations that are taking place on the planet now thanks to the fact that we were able to get to the Krystal Heart Passages open, that we‘ll begin in the Aquafereion Host Shield before the Lone Star Fall Earth Shield. In the Aquafereion Host Shield that will be the host shield for what is referred to as the New Earth or the planet you could call Aquarius, this New Earth Aurora-1 Slide Zone Field or Aurora Slide Zone Field is just the beginning of a process of creating what is referred to as the Ascension Earth. So co-existing with each other you will have Lone Star Fall Earth and Ascension Earth. We are all directly connected to this but in our shield, in the Aquafereion Host Shield, we‘ll begin the purging now of the Caduceus Seal. This allows some amazing potentialities in terms of cellular regenesis and those kind of things for us biologically. Some of us will go in those directions. Other of us as will simply as we get older and things like that, depends on what‘s in your DNA and how long it would take for you to heal so you might get to the point ‗Am I going?‘ till you can get to the point of where you could fully go through Gates. (0:06:00) It doesn‘t matter at this point whether we still end up stuck in the cycles where we can‘t transmute the bodies fast enough to get the full body through because whether or not you become able to fully slide first with your physical body, and then later go into spanning where you can actually go physically to Urtha, even if you can‘t get to that point because let‘s say there‘s just too much time it would take to transmute whatever level of the karmic imprint that‘s coming through in your own physical body, it doesn‘t matter at this point. It doesn‘t matter for other people out there in the world. If they‘re still stuck in the body die-syndrome, that‘s ok because they can Bardoah the right way and you can still go through these passages whether or not you take your body. We‘re learning first to glide because in the event that anything happens whacky, more whacky than it has with the Solar Gates, and there is for some reason we‘re unable to have the time necessary to complete the clearing of the Caduceus mutation in our bodies, if that means that we have to leave our bodies, we‘ll still be able to, when that time occurs, whenever it might be, still be able to take these passages out to the same place, places we would go, and we will be able to incarnate up into the Aquaferi races and go into the Edons so it is not that we would die and not make Ascension. But what this whole course that we teach is about is not about accepting the ultimate fate of death and learning to die well. If death is what‘s going to happen to the body, then yes learning to die well is a good thing and that‘s ok. But there is still the potentiality of first sliding where you could actually become a physical inhabitant of the New Earth that is being born through the Aurora Field which is the Ascension Earth. And there is a potentiality after making it from there to fully reversing and clearing the mutation from the gene code where you could indeed become a spanner which goes back into the original imprint of the Angelic Human or the Indigo Human and the Aquari Human form which is a breatharian Eternal Life System that just doesn‘t die in general at all unless it gets stuck on a mutated planet. So this is the beginning of the hope that all the promises that have been made from the times of the churches forming of the re-legions, and teaching us all sorts of things that if you do this, do that, then you go Home to God. Then you will be able to be eternal la-de-dah. Right, lots of promises but never explaining first of all how exactly does that process work, and 2 nd of all what do you have to do really. I mean you‘re not going to get here by 3 Hail Maries and 4 Our Fathers or etc, etc. Depending on Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
whatever religion you‘re raised with, there are bits of truth, and there are a lot of deceptions and there is nothing else in between as far as telling you technically. We‘ve given you the technical program. You‘ve seen the technical program and especially the new people. You‘ve seen it from the big story right. You haven‘t quite seen it from the big story down to the little story that‘s part of the big story that is you as an individual. So what I‘d like to do is go through a series of graphs quickly, get done with the big story bits as far as ‗What did we do here?‘ Yah, recap that, show where the Caduceus Seal fits into all of this on the Planetary Level, and then I would like to take it into like I promised RashaLAe Body anatomy just enough where you can begin to understand the cycle that you personally and what your Light-Body Structure is structured like, and what you are part of because we are a microcosmic reflection in Light-Body Structure of the macrocosm. So when we begin to understand what‘s happening with the bigger picture, it is also what‘s happening with the little picture that is our own bodies. There is a lot more for all of us to learn. But if we can, if I can by the end of this workshop, I‘m going to try to move it quickly because I know we are all tired, and we have to get up and do all the regular 3D gethome things starting tomorrow morning. But I would like to be able to anchor the large experiences that you‘ve been a part of here because this was large, and it can so large to the point where you lose sight of the large, and you just kind of glaze. And I go through glaze a lot with some of the transmissions and I have to just put it down and come back the next day, and sleep in between, and then come back and it‘s like ok, my brain can deal with this now. Let‘s pick it up where we left off right. I know that between the tiredness of the exertion of the trip, and the sophistication of the information, I mean sophisticated to us too. We‘re just learning it and trying to teach it to you. If there is a glaze factor happening where your brain just kind of shuts off and says, ‗I don‘t know, whatever. I think it was cool. This sounds great, yah! How that pertains to me exactly I‘m not sure!‘ Well I‘m hoping to at least anchor it down where you can understand your Light-Body Structure is built on the same structure, and the one part that is keyed to this is that I think we‘ve already got across the point that we have the same RashaLAe Body structures of the 15 layers and the 15 bands in between that create the rings and the spans and we‘ve used the tones to activate them in the larger shields which also begins the activation of the inner personal shields. However there is just a little bit that I would like you to understand about what is called the Krystar Eternal Life Cycle so you see what this whole thing that we‘ve been teaching is about both personally and in terms of the larger cosmic picture because there is a natural Inhale and Exhale of God you could say through which manifestation comes into being through very specific cycles of expansion, and then reaches a point of turnaround that is called the StarFire Point, and that is a natural point in the cycles. And in the StarFire Point there is a return set of cycles where what was manifest comes back. It is like the Inhale back to Source, and then it can make its choice from there whether it wants to Exhale or rest a while in full at-one-ment in non manifestation in the full manifest consciousness fields of Source. So there is an amazing cycle; it is the 1st Creation Cycle, the Eternal Creation Cycle. It is the core of all physics, and it is the core of all spirituality. It is the place where they were never separated in the 1 st place. The separation of spirituality and science is a lie, and there are many lies that have been told on this planet and they haven‘t been told by accident (0:12:00) nor by just simple confusion. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
This is the end drama of what was called the Atlantean Conspiracy, and this was a long drama that started way before Atlantis on this planet. We don‘t have time to go through the 950 billion years of history, and where 480 million years ago, the fall of the Bourgha Matrix and all of those things. That stuff has been released in some of the 12 Tribes classes and we‘re working hard try to catch up with the timelines to put together a full sequential timeline that shows … There‘s some in the Voyagers Books that were originally given and progressively they went back further and further in time to where this drama started with the fall of the Bourgha Matrix as far as over here. So the history can be another time. What‘s most important is understanding this huge exciting thing that we are part of now. The Ascension Earth is being born. There have been many forces on this planet for a very long time who tried to stop that. The human beings that may be let‘s say in service to those forces, there was an old saying once said, and that was ‗Forgive them for they know not what they do.‘ And that still applies. Some of them do know what they do, and they do it anyway, and you forgive them anyway because if they of what they do in terms of serving the anti-Kristiac agenda, which creates space dust return, it shows an illness of mind and spirit, and it is an illness. And you wouldn‘t judge and condemn a being that had Alzheimer‘s and did crazy things, or a being that had brain damage and did horrible things because they were out of control of themselves and their energy. The fallen angelics that we talk about that have done some horrendous things including what‘s been done here, they have done it out of illness, and the Kristiac races are the ones who remember that. The ones who are ill do not. So who is it that becomes the custodians of the whole picture? The Kristiac ones that still have the gift of remembrance. So if we can look at ourselves as very, very fortunate, that we can even get this far, that we still have the Ascension potential, and that we still can know, we can still sense the difference between what is right and what is not right in terms of Eternal Life Creation, we have a gift and we are very fortunate on this planet to still have it. So there is a forgiveness and a love that is a maturity of spirit that we hope to bring through with as we progressively work with personal RashaLAe Body trainings where we can walk through these dramas. We can walk through things where certain shamans don‘t realize what forces they are actually pulling in and planning to set you up and get you whacked. And they don‘t know it, and they hope you don‘t know it. And we did know it. And sometimes people get offended with you because they were planning on doing one thing and they thought it was the right thing, and all of a sudden you change the plan. And we have absolute right to change the plan if we are shown that it is something that is endangering our Kristiac stance. So there is no hostility in the things. You‘ve watched us walk through 2 grid reclamations. One was here in Cusco, and the other was at the Tambowhatever (Tambomachay) place with the little waterfall thing. I can‘t even pronounce the Tambo-cha-chay whatever right. The other one is like sing (a) song, let‘s go. They know we‘re here now – ‗Go!‘ Because the fallen angelics particularly from the Hibernation Zones now will pay attention because right now the only thing standing between the fulfillment of their agenda which is sovereign Black Hole Fall for this system so they can control it including everything that is in it which means Ascension Passages will be completely closed. The only thing standing between the fulfillment of their great dream and its opposite is us.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
We, the members of the Aquafereion Host Shield, are the ones on planet that are keeping the Ascension Passages open. And it also allows an opportunity for certain types of evolution even for fallen ones. So the fallen ones are very frightened about losing their head count down here because of these Gates being opened. And you know what, they will. Not all of them, but many. So if there are certain forces that are hostile toward people who are involved with this work, they‘re not, it‘s not a personal thing. It‘s because we‘re an obstacle to the fulfillment of their anti-Kristiac agenda. Personally I look at it this way: that‘s their problem. Nothing personal against them but we have no hostility toward them. However those Ascension Passages will be kept open if there is anything I can do about it, and we have together done a huge thing about it because we have a huge support first of all from the people of Urtha, and 2 nd of all from the massive amounts of Kristiac races in the Eternal Life Cycles. They are huge - the count there is huge compared to the number of fall races. So it may seem like we are outnumbered on this planet but this is just because we went into a fall system to try to help. There are many, many not-fall systems. They are the Utopian vision that has lived as common knowledge. That is what we are headed toward. So what I want to do now is a quick run-through of what we‘ve already seen just to keep because the graphs are actually like a sequence of codes that even if you see them flip by with little bit of explanation, it‘s giving you a sequence, and it‘s the sequence in the DNA, a sequence that will allow you to hold certain understandings on a conscious level. And that‘s why sometimes we will show you sequences of graphs sometimes in one order, and sometimes in another order. I won‘t hit you, don‘t worry. Hi! … I love you! (A‘sha giggles) Hey should I do the thing like they did on the train, yah the train dance. I swear I thought that was like the Dance of the Choking Lama! I don‘t know the way to squeeze that poor lama. Yah, they mean well. You know they have lovely traditions and I have a great love for the Inca people because many of the Inca people were well at certain points, they are not going to have the time to hit the history in this thing. But at certain points the Inca races that were part of the Angelic Human 12 tribes anyway, some of them were in the, went through a bio-regenesis with the Aquari races. So there are Aquari humans among them and among the ancient ones of them. So there is a strong affinity with their culture. (0:18:00) So when I see the people of their culture, I can sense that feeling still in there. You could still feel it in the people in India as well. Certain places you feel it more where you could feel that presence. And it‘s the presence of the Krist actually, and most of it comes from the Aquari human upgrade because none of us will have it at this point if it weren‘t for that intervention. What‘s exciting about all of what we‘re involved in was a little side thing that they just mentioned. The bile of this we‘re actually now engaging a regenesis of the Aquari codes within not only the Aquari human template but within the indigo cloister template and the angelic human template. That means Ascension Passage through the Krystal Heart NaVAHo Passages will be available as an option to the whole spectrum of life fields here. There will be certain life fields here that can‘t take their bodies such as the many four-leggeds and the tree people and those kind of things but their consciousness will be able to ride out with those others who will now will get some of their Ascension codes back enough to get out of here. So it‘s really exciting. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
We are at the beginning of a new bio-regenesis upgrade and it is the NaVA-Ho code up-grade where we are getting back the Seeding 2 Angelic Human Aquari codes, and that‘s big because the Seeding 3 humans and cloisters never had them except for the little group that re-seeded in 12,500 BC to bring these codes back in, and they were very cloistered and they were the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho humans that small cluster of them that were brought in through Caral in 12,500 BC to set the grid and set the potential of this upgrade in the Planetary Grids in case these events unfolded as they had. So we‘re in the middle of something huge and exciting.
[D4 1:53:17] (Urtha/Earth)
Remember our explanation started with just understanding that Urtha is the Host Star into which the smaller body of Earth was placed. In between we have the Aurora Field. Most of the, all of the activations that we have been working with in opening of the Ascension Passages have to do with activating the Aurora Field and its various components in order to allow passage from this falling system of earth into the larger systems of Urtha. Urtha is going to StarFire which means StarFire is good. It is the natural part of evolution. It is when a being or a planet or a system gets to that final point of expansion and hits its turnaround point, and then goes back in from the Outer Domains which are called the Radon Domains into the Middle Domains that are called the Edon Domains. And then there are several other steps going back toward Source. So Urtha is entering its StarFire Cycle between 2047 and 2052. Earth cannot StarFire with it; however the Aurora Field because it holds the full imprint of earth‘s original imprint from the Amenti Rescue Mission, and it holds the partial imprint of Urtha, this field here will activate to become literally an Ascension Earth. It‘ll exist in the same place as the Lone Star Fall Earth for I believe 500 to 1000 (0:21:00) years while this host stays open. So you will have these 2 planetary bodies. What we are learning to do, what we just opened the 1 st set of Gates to do is to be able to 1st of all activate the 1 st layer of this 3-dimensional field that will be the Ascension Earth. It will be the Density 1 Ascension Earth just like here we‘re in Density 1 earth, D1, 2 and 3. This will be a D1, 2 and 3 Density 1 level of Ascension Earth that is opening now, that was what we referred to as the Aurora Slide Zone Level 1, and in opening that we are going to begin to slide.
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
To slide is being able to move from the physical manifestation here of the Lone Star Fall Earth and its damaged grids through the Aquafereion Host Shield into the Aurora Field that is activated as the Ascension Earth. And there will literally be two 3-dimensional Earth Domains with very close similarities. There will be places here that look very, very much the same on the other side but then there will be differences. Places like Machu Picchu does (sic) have a manifestation in the Ascension Earth or the New Earth or the Aurora Earth if you want to refer to it that way. Places like ShAlon-7 which is the place in Arizona, that has a location that looks very much physically like it as you will see in the end of the evening. Places like Alon-7, there is a place in Colorado, all of these places and many, many more have physical manifestations of the same thing but on a Kristiac Ascension path that are able to plug into the Krystal Heart Passages. They will be manifest in both spaces. What sliders will first learn to do is first slide and go into the Ascension Earth reality domains. And once they learn how to do that, they will receive personal instruction in how to slide back and forth so they can slide back and assist others in learning how to slide or at least assist others in learning how to Bardoah out because some people and some races don‘t have left enough in their gene code to create a slide in time, like in time for the StarFire Cycle and the different things that will be happening with that 2047- 2052. So there is a lot of job openings once we get to learn how to slide there will be a lot of very important job openings when we get to Ascension Earth. And after a while when we get the full Aurora Field activated, or the Gyrodome Field activated, it will activate, 4 levels will have a Density 1 level of Ascension Earth, a Density 2, a Density 3 and a Density 4 level. And that‘s what the 4 layers we talked about, and they each correspond to what‘s called the Aqualene Sun activation of the Radial Body Field in the Aquafereion Host Shield. Once we get those 4 opened, then the potentiality of some people graduating from being sliders who already can biologically go back and forth, the next step is undergoing the final transmutation of any of the (0:24:00) distortion codes from the Caduceus where you can actually be able to go through the Spanner-7 Gate into Urtha and then there is a lot of other choices available once you go to Urtha as far as what path of evolution do you want to take now that you are a Kristed being, and you have got your Eternal Life back. It‘s kind of interesting when you think of life being eternal, what do you do next you know? There is always something to do next because it never ends right! There‘s also places where you can simply just rest and re-group and like get in touch with your thoughts and your feelings, and kind of get over post-traumatic mutation disorder because a lot of us are going to have that, you can have it right now personally. We‘re just getting out of it – it‘s like … So there will be places, the Ascension Earth that will activate in this field here will be a place where we can start to do some of that re-habing for ourselves where we can have a bit of relaxation space, a place where we can talk to people. Even if you call them counselors because they were kind of considered that kind of snooty relationship, and they really don‘t want you to look at them as ‗You‘re the important counselor holding my power and you are going to tell me what to do‘ because they don‘t want to do that with you. What they want to do is like be an advisor like presidents do, like they have advisors. And the president still decides what he wants to do. But the advisor kind of looks around and gives the president an opinion on what it thinks it‘s advisable under circumstances that have been looked at and analyzed. And that is the role that the advisors will serve. You will encounter advisors when you begin playing with the journey that you will take home with you where you get to meet yours and yours will be one of you. It will be your incarnation on Urtha of your simultaneous incarnation of you that Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
exists, co-exists right now on Urtha, and they will meet you in the Aurora Field in the Slide Zone Level-1 Density-1 field. So that is the beginning. That will be the technique that you will take home with you where you can begin to meet them. We have had other classes, the 12 Tribes classes meet their advisors. They had to go up from here through the Aurora Fields into a glide projection to the Adashi-7 Temple. We‘re are still doing those but there is a short-cut way once you got those codings activated in your RashaLAe which the journey that you did today actually did for you. So you will be able to, this particular group and any one that has been through the 12 Tribes classes before this will be able to use this journey. But we ask you not to when you get to, when you see this paper work, please don‘t put it out into the Net for other people because if they don‘t have those activations particularly the Access Key Journey that came in, that did we did on 12 Tribes class 2 in February, if they do not have that, and they do not have the journey that we did today, they will not have enough frequency involved in their RashaLAe body to withstand the current pull of the Hibernation Zones. So it is a protection thing that we‘re not releasing it yet until we can put out the Access Key Journey and this journey and then the quick technique that becomes a journey in itself as a set alright as a CD set so we‘re planning to do that. But in the meantime we will ask you to hold that to yourself or just like put anyone that has gone to the 12 Tribes classes so far. Even people that are going on the next 12 Tribes class they will give us a way to introduce them where they can introduce them to the frequencies where they will be able to use the same journey without getting the tape home because this is the quickest way to meet your advisors to start your own personal Ascension training. And we will get it out as soon as possible so please don‘t think we‘re withholding information from groups of people because we‘re not. But there is a protection element. If you don‘t have the frequencies in your RashaLAe body is not holding it, wishful thinking is not going to get you there. You start playing with these projections, and you don‘t have the right frequency activated yet, and the Hibernation Zones have such a strong pull, they will reverse your spin and pull you right in. So that‘s why we don‘t release them until we have the sequence where we can put them out to anybody ‗Here use this step, this step, and this step, and then you‘ll be fine coz safe passage is the key ok. So anyway it‘s all about moving from where we are stuck here in through what will become the New Earth field and the Beloveds refer to it as the planet called Aquarius or Aquarius Earth or New Earth or whatever you prefer to refer to it as but it is the Ascension Earth and in simple terms we‘ll probably put it out when we start like journeys that are going out to the public like meditation techniques and stuff, it will simply be Journey to Ascension Earth without all the heavy explanations that our groups will know. Anybody will be able to at some point to use the techniques once the Aquafereion Host Shield has activated to a certain level so they will be able to go out to people who don‘t want to know anything about this work but seems like kind of neat meditation they will be able to ride the host once our shield gets activated to a certain level. I‘m going to start just going through fast.
[D4 2:02:28] (Spherical Maps, RashaLAe Body, Aurora Platforms & NET Fields)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Now all of the gate systems we‘ve learn about if you recall started with an understanding of what are called the circular maps. They were simply the maps of the different planes of existence that exists in any Planetary Body and any RashaLAe body that have to do with the structure of the RashaLAe of the sets of 15 rings and 15 bands and there are 4 embedded sets that would form a full RashaLAe body structure. The RashaLAe body structure gives us literally the spherical maps because these are actually spheres, not circles, of a Light-Body structure, part of which that Light-Body structure in the D2 level frequencies or the Telluric Atomic currents is what we perceive as physical manifest matter which means the RashaLAe Body structure this will apply to your bodies with the center being at the AzurA right. Ok, the center point just like with your Kathara Grid, your center point would be the AzurA but on a planetary level it applies to a planet or a star or a sun where you have your Core Domains exists like the solid core is the Ring 1, 2 and 3, the Ring 4, 6 and 6 are the liquid core called the Aquafers, the 7, 8 and 9 layers are the lower, middle and upper mantle layers. And the layers coming out from there the band between 9 and 10 would be the Ra9-Ka10 or the crust layer of the planet. And going out from here we would have the atmospheric layers that would include the D3 Mental Body planes that are a little bit different matter, Atmic Atomic, which is a little bit less dense than the Telluric Atomic of the physical system. So I just wanted to remind you that all of the Gate Systems we‘ve been dealing with are built on the core understanding of the RashaLAe Body structure which is a part of the natural 1 st Creation physics from which the entire cosmos is set in motion, perpetually alright. Now we had the Aurora-1, Aurora-2, Aurora-3, and Aurora-4 platforms. These are spherical bands or safe zones that run now in between the earth‘s fields. We have now what are called the NETs. We have the D1 Derma-NET, the D2 Intra-NET, (0:03:00) and the D3 Epi-genetic-Net or Ego-NET, the Epi-NET. These NET Fields polarize and split unnaturally the natural-like spherical spheres of the PartikE Template or the dark matter template of the RashaLAe Body of the planet and they create what are called Hibernation Zones which are reversed spin areas that are also 3-dimensionally manifest. In those areas we actually have whole civilizations that have been controlling this system here as if we were in the Matrix movie, controlling it from their systems through a whole set of systems connected to what we talked about as the Beast machine and the Threshold Grids and all of those things. And at the core of the grid that is holding these into, that is Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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linked into the Hibernation Zones by which they are controlling our Planetary, Earth‘s Planetary Light-Body structure, are what are called the Caduceus Circuit and we will see that in a little while. But I just wanted to remind you that we‘re playing with these vertical maps, and the vertical maps are the StarFire Ascension Maps. When we play with those, and we are looking at the different things and where they‘re located, they are all based on literally just a cross-section from the core all the way up and out. If we have earth‘s sphere living inside of Urtha‘s sphere, we have all these intermingled, interwoven planes that correspond with various levels of Earth and Urtha. And when we look at just a cross-section that would mean putting a little mark on each, where each sphere crosses that main axis from the core all the way out to Urtha‘s surface, and just took those points, took them off the spheres, and just drew lines across, we would get literally the breakdowns of where each of those geleziac layers 1, 2, 3, 4, all the way up to 15 for each of the 4 layers D1, D2, D3, and the Density layer grids would be. So that‘s how we got from the spherical maps we‘ve got the vertical maps and they are these. Getting hot ….
[D4 2:06:37:57] (StarFire Ascension Maps of Earth and Urtha)
Just want to remind you that when you do that cross-section, this is what you get from Earth and Urtha‘s core where they are both linked in the same place because those spheres, Earth‘s sphere is inside of Urtha‘s sphere, and their core what is called Prana Seeds are linked. You end up with this vertical run of the planes and how they intersect with each other. To look at just a little bit of this, which I believe goes up to would be up to here when you enlarge this section just so you can see what‘s going on, you end up with the different layers going between from Earth‘s core all the way up to Earth‘s surface I believe is here on this one and going up into Earth‘s atmosphere. We‘re getting into a blend with the Aquafers of Urtha. The Aquafers remember are the liquid core layer, the 4, 5, 6 rings form the Aquafers. So these are the larger 4, 5, 6 rings of Urtha that actually would exist at a different angular rotation of particle spin to Earth and Earth‘s surface so they‘ll be up in Earth‘s atmosphere. So this is just to remind you how the vertical maps were pulled. They are pulled from technicals as far as the spherical maps. And the spherical maps are pulled from technicals as far as the 1st Creation sequence and how the Light-Body structure itself is born from the 1st Partiki Unit. Next one, please.
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
If we look at that a little closer and I‘m just going through this really fast, you have these you can look at in your packs. You can look at them a bit more. And this is just the beginning of introducing this work so don‘t think you have to absorb it all right now. I certainly don‘t think I have to absorb it all right now because if I do, I quit. I don‘t even have time to fully memorize the Psonn of Aurora yet.
[D4 2:08:21] (Planes of Interface between Earth & Urtha: Prana Seed Structures & Aurora Platforms; Hibernation Zones & NET Fields)
So it‘s not a rush to have to understand this but it does give you a decent understanding of what we are dealing with and you have some visuals to take home with you so you can have a clue as to ‗What did we talk about?‘ And this just shows you that breakdown from Earth‘s core, and Earth-Urtha core link right through the 3 Gates which would be 13th Gate down here is the one on the top that‘s ShaLa-13. We have over here Ruta-15, and over here Urtha14. Ok, these are natural structures when their shields or little spheres are spinning in their proper order, everything works well. They are part of what‘s called the Prana Seed of Earth. And the Prana Seed has to do with the living flow of energy, the ability of the outer portions of the RashaLAe Body to create and generate frequency that will allow a current of Backflow to go back into the Seed Atom and back to the 1st Partiki and to the 1st Creation Point. So a full Backflow Return can come back out again through the Prana Seed, out into the RashaLAe dark matter template and then out into the manifest Outer Domain Creation Bodies, so Prana Seed is the natural part. You have 1st, as you come from the 1st Partiki, through the (1st) Creation sequence up to birth of the Yunasai Seed Atom or the Inner Core Seed Atom, you would then have next, a series of things that would birth the dark matter template. And through that process as the dark matter PartikE is born, you will have also born the Prana Seed. So the Prana Seed is the next step out from the Seed Atom. So where our Seed Atom is located in the Outer Domains is in the AzurA. That means we have a Prana Seed there. We have our Middle Domain Seed Atom we‘ve just leaned last year located in the region on our physical body out here in the Outer Domains. It interfaces in the regions of the reproductive organs. That would mean that there is also a Prana Seed, a Middle Edon Prana Seed would be connected with that. They haven‘t told us too much about that yet but I have a feeling it has something to do with sit on your codes and induce it that way instead of Optical Pineal Induction. It is the Edonic Induction when you sit on it.
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
(2:10:20) So that‘s all connected to the structure of the RashaLAe Body and the layers, the sets of 15 geleziac layers and the bands and between them. So this is giving us the maps that in black and white form there‘s all sorts of things but I just marked the D2 level ones because I don‘t even know what size paper to start with to try to put them all on.
There are so many things interfacing where you have like you know Earth here interfaces with something like Earth here. D2 Earth middle mantle interfaces with something that‘s a part of Urtha as well. Not just that, it has the D1, D2, D3 level Earth and the D1, D2, D3 level of Urtha, and also the Density Level of Earth which would be the largest Kathara Grid and set of geleziac spheres around Earth that corresponds directly with the D1 Level of Urtha. So this is just a simple breakdown of the D2 level of how the planes interface so you can see the stack going up from Earth‘s Core going up to where you‘re standing, and going up above your head up into the atmosphere to see where you are in relation to these maps. We have here the ability to show where the Aurora Platforms interface. Aurora-1 safe zone‘s here. Aurora-2 safezone‘s here. Now here the Aurora-1 platform is down below earth‘s upper mantle where we have these crystals. The crystals of Earth‘s upper mantle are actually the Na-Da core crystals of Urtha and part of them have been compromised by the mess of the grids that the Beast and the Caduceus flow have put in, and we‘ll see that in a little bit. We have, these particular diagrams show, and if you look at the small print on them. I know it‘s small but I don‘t know how to get it on there otherwise without making these like poster-size and we didn‘t have that; we couldn‘t do that in this workshop. But you‘ll be able to read things. You‘ll see where the NETs are. You see the NET is like… That‘s like a cross-section where you cut a tube and that NET runs like a tube through these areas, runs right through Earth‘s surface, goes up to the ozone layer, it actually forms the ozone layer and ozone band. And down below it goes into Earth‘s upper mantle half-way into those crystal things. Down here is where used to talk about the Nibirian-Diodic Crystal Grids, and the subterranean crystal bases that they were running the Beast machine off of. They are connected into this area into what are called the Hibernation Zones. (2:12:46)
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
These particular NET fields, the D1 NET field which is the Derma-NET, the D2 NET field which is the Intra-NET, and the D3 NET field which is the Epi-genetic-NET or the Ego-NET, Epi-genetic Overlay NET right. These 3 NET fields because they split the natural Light-Fields that will be part of the RashaLAe geleziac templates form the Hibernation Zone reversed spin zones both below and above them. So each NET has 1 Hibernation Zone below. This would be the D1 lower Hibernation Zone, and the D1 higher Hibernation Zone. D1 higher Hibernation Zone is from the ozone layer moving up and it would… This is where our stories of Oz, and the Wizard of Oz and all the stuff come from as well as mythologies and legends that have been seeded here on purpose by the inspiration given to us from people who live in the Hibernation Zones. So we have been cultivated in order to be dragged into Hibernation Zones because the fallen angelics‘ plan for this Atlantean Conspiracy was to reverse the entire Light field and take the entire Earth and not just Earth that is also connected into this entire Ecka-Veca system, it was a massive takeover plan. And it worked pretty good because at this point this Ecka-Veca system is falling but it didn‘t work perfectly because there is still this Ascension passage host left. So anyway we have the NETS, and we have the Hibernation Zones, D1 lower, D1 upper, and the ozone layer. We have the D2 NET is a Hibernation Zone where Atlantis and Lemuria physically exist alright. These are main control areas right now for surface Earth and what goes on down here as far as programs being sent in, Emotional Body impulses. Did anybody ever think of where do your thoughts come from? Everybody has thoughts and feelings but where do the thoughts come from? Oh a thought just came, from where? We tend to not think about this right? Sometimes they‘re yours; sometimes they‘re from your own higher levels of consciousness and your own expanded identity, and sometimes they‘re not. Sometimes they are literally been rode in on a wave that at various times are like pulse waves that are literally coming in from the Hibernation Zones down in to your Light-Body structure, and you were picking them up as if they were your own. And they will mess with your Emotional Body just like if you think a thought, and it is negative, it will direct your Emotional Body and your bio-chemicals to create a sensation that is unpleasant emotionally. If you choose to change a thought to a more positive one, and you put as much energy into making that a positive thought as you did putting the negative thought in, you will find that you will progressively shift your bio-chemicals and create a more peaceful harmonious feeling in your body as far as emotion goes.
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But when you have these nasty Hibernation Zones sending in frequencies down into your natural Light-Body structure through the Earth‘s Light-Body structure, what you‘re getting are things that they are not even your negative thoughts. They are thought forms that are being fed into this system, various different individuals get certain type ones depending on who you are and if they know you and you don‘t remember who you are although it moves some of you, if you have been movers and shakers in Atlantis they want to get control of the bodies here. But also they are moving races. They are moving races right now into trying to create a World War 3 drama here because it serves their agenda. So it is very important to when you‘re doing spiritual growth to really ask yourself where did that thought come from? To learn to take a little bit of a step aside from yourself and say, ‗What am I thinking right now?‘ Because you‘ll find some weird things like part of you was thinking about this over here, another part‘s over here, another part‘s over here. You actually find you are thinking about several things. And you didn‘t even realize you were thinking about anything. And some of those thoughts will indeed be yours as you try and figure things out and on various levels. Others will be weird thoughts, especially thoughts that try to make you feel bad about yourself, or bad about somebody else. Nobody loves me. Or that person doesn‘t love me. Or that person meant to be mean to me. Or that person said this. And that meant this. And it might not be true. (0:15:00) They are sending in distortion filters to try to create conflict between people and within people. So the more mindful we can become of taking in breaths, slowing down a little. What is my mind doing right now? This is key to getting control of your mind coz if you won‘t control your mind, somebody will be glad to. And that‘s what‘s happening on this planet. Nobody is taking responsibility for controlling their thought patterns because they learned through the false information that it wasn‘t necessary to do that. And it is necessary to learn to observe yourself. Self-reflection like in the word translations of the Aurora Psonn is to be aware, to be self-reflective. Think about what you are doing and realize if you see something in there, that there is a thought coming up that is saying something bad about yourself that‘s making you feel bad, which will make you feel defeated, which will make you just do actions that do not support your growth because you don‘t believe you actually can. You can break that vicious cycle by when you see a thought like that coming up like that say, ‗Excuse me, no! Don‘t fight with it right. No!‘ And turn your back right, and put in the opposite. ‗I choose to know that I am loved. I am loved by the Krist no matter what I have done, no matter what I have become or not become. The Krist loves me just as I am. And I can grow from here to be whatever I would love to be in the Krist.‘ You can change the focus of your mind and you can overcome the influence of these nasty NET fields that are beaming in programs from the Hibernation Zones. We can blow this matrix and that‘s we were doing. What we really are is we have been in a prison planet particularly since 9,562 BC when they fully activated the Caduceus flow that we will see in a minute. We are the escapees. We have been planning for a very long time to have a prison break. And this is it guys alright! (Laughter from the audience) And we‘re going to take all the hostages that we can with us alright! And certain ones in the Hibernation Zones are not too happy about that! You know they are all rushing around trying to figure out ‗Oh oh we have a potential riot on our hands!‘ ‗Oh yes you do!‘ And we‘re fully armed. We are going to be able Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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to disappear, and then you can‘t do anything about it! So it‘s kind of, if you want to look at it like we are breaking out of a control matrix. And it doesn‘t mean standing against governments or getting involved in petty dramas here with other people who are being messed with. Alright the governments and stuff on this planet, they are made of people. Those people are being messed with too. Some of them actually mean well. Others are the people, just like the governments anywhere else, don‘t mean well but whatever they are doing these are petty dramas compared to the size of the drama we‘re in. Whatever the laws of the land are, obey them. Just keep your freedom, and get them out of your face you know! Pay your taxes. You‘re engaged in control drama as soon as you‘re engaged on silly little levels. If you have the Krist, you have to know that the Krist will support you and if you believe that, you‘ll start taking actions that allow the Krist to show you how you can become self-sustaining, and how you can help yourself with your financial bit. But as soon as you feel that you have lack, lack consciousness that one of those NET programs, that you feel you have fight with the government, hide my taxes, not pay taxes right? You‘re engaging a battle alright. You‘re engaging a battle you will not win because you are believing you have more lack than you do abundance. If you believe you are a being of the Krist, and really understand the eternally loving and giving and abundant nature of the Krist, you will know. You may go through little periods where the tide goes out. But that tide will come back in. You will be sustained. You will be guided to where you need to be. You will be guided to how to get out of the messes you‘ve found yourself falling into be it financially, in relationships or where you live those kind of things. The 1st part is realizing the Krist will, the Universal field of the Krist that is directly connected to Source at all times that is directly connected to you, if you give it mental space and let it in, and you give it a bit of trust and realize you are part of that it, and trust more in that self than in the lies of the programs you have been taught here about lack consciousness, you will start to find abundance comes to you more and more. And the more abundance comes to you as far as huh, yah made the rent this month, yeah right! Or huh, finally got that mortgage, or, or great, I can finally buy a new pair of shoes, and my toes won‘t be hanging out the sides! I am really happy! You need to also appreciate what you do have. We get so hung up on what we don‘t have, seeing what we lack that we forget to see what we don‘t lack. If we are in a place like for example you went to Machu Picchu. We have lovely rooms or decent rooms, and you go take your bath and there is no hot water! (Laughter from the audience) So well it‘s really a nice bath tub. It even has those little jets and stuff but no hot water! So it‘s like well, you could be upset about this, or you could say, ‗This is funny! We just have to be a little patient and be able to enjoy the gift of this nice, comfortable room.‘ I mean we‘re not sleeping on rocks you know naked some place in like hot desert sun or freezing snow. I mean there‘s a lot of things in your life no matter where your life is right now that you can genuinely find a vibration of gratitude for. And when you begin to look at what can I be grateful for… Do my lungs work? Can I breathe? Hey, that‘s a place to start! If you‘re breathing, be grateful! Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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Seriously, hold gratitude because gratitude is a vibrational signature that allows more of the Krist frequencies to anchor in your body. And the more of those Krist frequencies you can anchor in your body, the stronger you will have frequencies you will have to swat at that those NET things that come floating into your head. ‗Excuse me! No, I‘m not going to except that thought as my thought.‘ If something like tries to push you to be mean to someone or to steal something, or to not to pay your taxes, all of these are coming from lack consciousness programs that are being fed to us by the NET. The NET people, the ones in the Hibernation Zones controlling this have a vested interest in keeping us in lack consciousness coz it keeps us scrambling around like little ants doing our jobs day to day, working, working, working, for what? To get to the point where we die either in a big house or broke! It‘s all a game! And it is a game because they are feeding off this living system and they‘re planning to take it in as final food. We don‘t have to play the game anymore. It all comes down to understanding that we do have a bit of problem on this planet. It is called the Hibernation Zone people. And bless them they are very twisted of mind and spirit at this point. Hating them is not going to help – it will only give them an anchor. So try to release any hatred or anger. Anger is a natural reaction. When you start to realize what‘s been done here, and you start to realize ‗Oh my God! This is worse than the Matrix movie!‘ And it isn‘t science fiction! It could really make you just kind of flip out and go rahhh! You know, really angry, but you don‘t know where to point it! Because it‘s not going to help if you point at these guys, you just engage in a battle with them. And they‘re still hiding behind rocks that you can‘t see, and they can shoot at you in ways you don‘t know yet so try not to engage them. Just ok, they‘re there but you have now the ability to learn enough about your own Light-Body structure, and you‘re learning about the Planetary Light-Body structure so you could say well what I‘m focused on is getting out of here and getting my original Krist imprint healed and back, and helping other people that still can, and other life forms that still can to do that. ‗And what you guys want to do, well that‘s up to you and that‘s your business but bug off you know, leave me alone,‘ because they will try to engage you in stupid waste of energy, and getting your mind in lower focuses, little mental masturbation patterns right, just little intellectual shooting matches though there‘s a whole bunch of them on like the ‗sovereign crew‘, even the ones who have the website. They like to do that, you know. They do a lot of that mental masturbation and trying to plant little seeds of doubt and little seeds fear and all sorts of things. You can just say, ‗You know …‘ Or they‘ll say bad things about you. If somebody says something bad about you, you have 2 choices: 1, defend yourself; 2 say, ‗That‘s your problem you know. I‘m not even going to engage it!‘ And don‘t waste your energy, that kind of thing. Little dramas suck energy from you. You need your energy right now for RashaLAe Body activation so little things in life do matter. Everything you do, everything you think, everything you feel does one thing or the other; there is no middle ground on this one. It either serves the Krist or it serves its opposite.
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Ask yourself whenever you‘re thinking something or whenever you‘re about to do something, is this in service to the Krist, and the Krist of myself? And try to feel the answer. Don‘t listen for ‗yes‘ or ‗no‘ because you would often get in words. You can get interference from the Hibernation Zones. They love to talk to you in words, and if you let them channel right out of your mouth, they‘ll be glad to. But what you need to do, there is a feeling sense behind every word stream, behind every time you answer yourself in your head. There is a feeling sense that goes into direct cognition that‘s like a million words of understanding wrapped up into one feeling. Alright direct cognition is where you look for your answers. Does this motion or action serve (0:24:00) the Krist right now? And just get a feel, and you might just get a pretty good one like (A‘sha makes a sound) , ‗What are you thinking? Of course, not!‘ And you go ‗Oh yah, I knew that. I wasn‘t a good idea really!‘ So you can really become self-directing if you realize you have that directive force right within you. Now getting back into these, we‘re trying to bring this in where you see the personal connections to all this in terms of spiritual development, spiritual growth, because it is very personal right down to what you are thinking and what you are letting your mind do or not do right but it is also very big in relation to the vertical StarFire Ascension Maps and huge Gate Systems. So we have the Hibernation Zones. Eventually this will become a book I hope where you can have all the little arrows and the pretty colors to show all the difference where it is easy to read. In the meantime you have these in your packs so you can at least read them. It just shows you where the Aurora platforms would fit in the vertical maps, and this kind of just brings them out because the paper wouldn‘t be long enough to do it this large where you can actually see some of the detail of what you are looking at. (2:26:52)
So I just kind of pulled them out into like zones of their own so you would see the Aurora-1 platform. It‘s the subterranean Earth between the upper and middle mantle, and that‘s called Ah‟RU-NE‟wa. That‘s the name of that domain. Here we have the Ecousha platforms that connect in between. They connect 1 Aurora platform to the other and they are connected to the AdorA sets or let‘s say the EtorA systems twin side. Alright they are connected to the AdorA system, and when you activate these platforms as well as these (the Ecousha platforms), they create a very rapid Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
blending of these platforms into the Gyrodome field that forms the Aurora Slide Zone field which will be the 4-Density reality domain of the New Earth or the Ascension Earth. So in a nutshell, this is what it is. They are all connected to different sites. This is where you get the ShAlon-7 site in Phoenix connects into these and into the Ecousha-1 platform which is the A MU‟a ha‟-DA that is the AdorA side of Machu Picchu. So you can just read these all the way up as far as detail. We don‘t have the time to cover all of it unless we‘ll never get out of here, and you know like you‘ll miss your planes and be stuck in Peru, and they won‘t let us have this room that long. Well, so we‘re just going to, I just want to point out the things that are on these diagrams if you want to like, well enlarging them will help but even looking at them with a magnifying glass helps. That‘s what I do. I just keep them small so they are easy to store. I don‘t bother making big massive ones because then my house becomes overwhelmed with big massive sheets of paper. So I just keep them small and I use just a standard magnifying glass when I want to read detail. So I keep them in my micro-chip form which these are like micro-chips of huge amounts of data. And you can just pull up what part of it you want and use a magnifying glass so whatever. So the information is at least there so you don‘t have to try to remember where was Aurora what? At least you can go look at the thing and see. Now these connect to as we have shown before. Yes please. Those vertical maps plug right into… Show the plain one first please honey. A‘hza: The one without the color? A‘sha: The colored one without the other thing. A‘hza: Because that wasn‘t the signature anyway. A‘sha: Whoops! A‘hza: That was straight down. A‘sha: Ok. That‘s because I needed 3 down as well.
[D4 2:28:55] (1st Resonance Alignment Imagery with color)
The vertical maps that we talked about are in simple terms symbolized by this piece of art work. This is the 1 st piece of full-on resonance alignment imagery. It is actually going to be used because it connects directly. It is the mathematical
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
code that directly is connected to the mathematical programs that hold together the hologram of the Earth‘s fields and Urtha‘s fields. So when you begin to play with these coz you‘re going to be able to play with these colored ones. That‘s why they gave you the plain colored ones without any markings on them. They gave you the Keys so you see where stuff fits. There‘s going to be a point in time where you use these for projections, for slide projections that they gave us the 1st technique that you‘ll get at the end, and we won‘t have time to do it here. But it‘s a personal technique that is meant for you to take home. You can read it on to a tape whatever and take it from there and play with it because it will grow with you. Every time you use it, it will bring you somewhere different. If you fall asleep during it, 1st it will get to the point where you can go all the way through while being awake. Then you will begin to notice that your advisor person will take you on different journeys, take you to places that you‘re curious about, things that you want to learn those kind of things. But one of the things we‘ll be doing is projecting through this point right here the moon image alright. These are mathematical codes held in 3-dimensional form on a 2-dimensional piece of paper. There is a lot of resonance alignment imagery we won‘t go into it right now. It has to do with photography as well that every image of a place or photograph of a place is the electro-magnetic signature. It holds the encryption of that exact moment in place in time of it‘s a photograph. Photographs can be used as windows, and a lot of let‘s say ill-trained shaman and other types of people who play those games can actually access photos and project through them and mess with you. That‘s why a lot of native cultures don‘t like their pictures taken because they feel it‘s soul stealing because things can get in through the picture and mess with their fields unless you know how to protect. So when it comes to these, the resonance alignment imagery, have very specific, these plug directly into the vertical map diagrams. They‘re not just pretty little planes and pink clouds up here. We have the Keys that we have given you which you can make an overlay of. Like I said you have to, with yours you have to reduce these in the color copier, save the paper and reduce them down to a color copy, the same size, 8 12 by 11, same size as the Key. So then you can put the Key over when you want to see how they interface with each other because it‘s a lot easier to see it. (0:29:44) A‘hza: We‘re on-line. A‘sha: Yah ok. [D4 2:31:26] (1st Resonance Alignment Imagery with Astura Passage)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So when you want to do the linear logical mind study where you are remembering where things are using this way, right if you remember the 1st things we learnt about was the Astura Passage which goes from ShaLa-13 in Earth‟s core which is the 1 Gate that wasn‘t compromised in 9,562 BC, and it runs vertically all the way up through the core of the moon and all the way up into the Aurora Urtha‟s surface biome. And it then comes down over to Machu Picchu, and then this part comes up here into the Aurora tube platforms. The pinks are the Aurora tube platforms. The pink clouds represent the Aurora tube platforms. The blue clouds are actually like a sapphire-blue but the color didn‘t come up too great on the photocopy. They represent the Ecousha-1 zone once it‘s activated. The little purple band in here represents the ozone layer and the (ice?) layer which would be the D1 upper Hibernation Zone, and it is transmuting so we call it purple with the violet ray of transmutation alright! So this is just to begin to show you how those vertical maps become things that are actually things that you can see out there because now we have mountains, and we have cloud layers, and those kind of things. Each of these layers you will see in some of the progressive maps that were map Keys that were built on it, you will see the breakout of the different areas where the Auroras are, where the thermosphere is because these begin at the thermosphere level. These are at the thermosphere level, the pink ones. So it shows you where the Van Allen Belts are in relation to this. We began to plug this into this particular map. So you do with the map Keys. The Astura Passage was the Seeding 3 passage between Urtha and Earth, and that was for the Seeding 3 races. It was not as large or strong a passage as the Seeding 2 NaVA-Ho Passage was because there was too much of a risk of Earth being used to invade Urtha by the fallen angelics that were here because there was already a lot of grid damage. Seeding 3 occurred because Seeding 2 was wiped out. Seeding 2 occurred because Seeding 1 was wiped out. So these fallen angelic have been here for a long time, and fighting for this territory for a long time. The Hibernation Zones are relatively new. They were a product of the 9,562 BC period in history there in the Atlantean drama that was orchestrated. It was called The Great Encasement. And we talked a bit about that in 12 Tribes 1 and 2, and that will come out in the history. But these are what we‘ll see as the Caduceus flow is relatively recent compared to a lot of other things like Seeding 1 was ended 5.5 million years ago. These are very recent compared to those things. So this was the Seeding 3 passages. This alone was not strong enough to purge the Caduceus circuit. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
The Caduceus circuit that we will see soon is actually a perversion of the natural vertical chamber of the Astura Passage where it actually polarizes the Astura Passage and breaks it down in twist currents as you will see. But what we have done, this is to first looking at the positive stuff, 1 st of all 1st we learn about the Astura Passage and that‘s the Azurite „A‟ which is called the Astura symbol because of the Astura Passage. We learned too that there is a loop here. That‘s called the Spanner-7 loop that links Machu Picchu into the Aurora-2 platform, and it completes the Astura Passage and opens the Spanner-7 Gate network. Next one, please. What‘s next?
[D4 2:34:51] (The Krystal Heart Aquafereion NaVA-Ho Passage Code)
We learn that from Seeding 2 there was a code, and it was called the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho code, or the Krystal Heart code, Krystal Heart of Aquafereion NaVA-Ho. And this code is not just a pretty picture. It is a mathematical imprint of the precise RashaLAe Body passages that correspond to the Seeding 2 NaVA-Ho Passage which are the big strong passages that when activated run on the same vertical as the Astura Passage. The Krystal Heart code and the passages that it represents have the frequency ability, the strength to be able to clear the Caduceus flow out of the Astura Passage and to merge with the Astura Passage to form the Ascension passages out of here despite all of the Hibernation Zones and all of the NET fields. So we are activating in our RashaLAe Body host field for the planet. We are activating the NaVA-Ho Passage Krystal Heart code, and what that looks like in relation to the maps ... ah yes, put that one up instead. You also have these where I believe where it explains different parts of them. I‘m not going to go into that. They are in your thing (chart pack). Yah I just want to show how that relates to the maps… keep them going, keep them going, … yea, calling one up again! Ok … I know they need their little register marks on them which they don‘t have. We‘re lucky they‘re relatively the same size. Most of these diagrams were done as we were traveling through Peru. You know the painting one was done from photographs of the mural on our wall that they insisted we get done before Peru. But all of these little diagrams with all of the detail in them, they were all done through this process while we were hiking our way through Peru. So if they are a little messy, pardon the mess, but at least you got them.
[D4 2:36:38] (The Astura Passage, the Luna Passage, ShAlon-7, ShaLa-13, Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
the Krystal Heart NaVA-Ho Spanner-7 Gate & Arc Hub Gate 7)
This is showing where we have the Astura Passage. The Astura Passage was, if you are going to draw an Azurite ‟A‟, I always go ‗Hu, hu, hu, right?‘ But this has a loop in it, so that shows you the Spanner-7 loop that runs through the Astura Passage and this shows you where the 1st part of, it‘s actually the 4th layer of…. There are 4 of these eternity-shaped or figure-8 shaped Gate passage systems. One, this is the one that runs between Earth and Urtha. There is another one that runs between Urtha and Sirius B. And there is another one that runs between Sirius B and Andromeda Aquinos. And there is another one that runs between Andromeda Aquinos and the Aquafereion Matrix in the parallel adjacent Eckasha. So this one is the 1st one we got to get activated because if we don‘t get this one activated, we‘re not getting out of here. We don‘t have to worry about the ones on top because we‘ll never see them. So what we‘re doing is, and we have made huge progress, we have through our journey activated this central passage of Astura. We‘ve activated the entire Astura, and that begins the process of activating the Caduceus Death Seal in the bodies, and you don‘t want to activate the fullest through with this loop until you simultaneously activate the Krystal Heart NaVA-Ho code because that is what will transmute the Caduceus both in the small body of your personal RashaLAe Body and also in the larger Planetary Body. Right now this is being done in the Aquafereion Host Shield collective alright. The Caduceus Seal is not being purged yet on the Earth, on the Planetary Lone Star Fall part of Earth because if it was it would blow open the Hibernation Zones very quickly and if it was done on a Planetary Level. So we are doing it on the host shield first because we have the ability to run the frequencies. Earth doesn‘t have the ability to hold the full frequencies of this activation but the Aquafereion Host Shield that out collectives here represent do. So we hold the host for the Earth because if we open these full passages into the Earth‘s body the parts of the grids that are falling, it would just explode because it would hit the Caduceus configuration that is running on this axis that you‘ll see in a little bit, and it would just transmute it. The Hibernation Zones would come back into regular spin as they burn and Earth would look like a star very quickly. And that would fry the life fields so that‘s not going to be done. Slowly over a period of time that we are able to do the AnshaTAsa Passage host to the Aquarian Matrix through that 500 to a 1,000 year period before our Sun moves into its Nova Cycle, the Caduceus Seal will be progressively released from Lone Star parts of the Earth as well. It doesn‘t mean that those parts of the Earth‘s grids will be able to Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
transmute. What they will do is at some point when the Solar Nova Cycle occurs, they will go back to space dust. But they will ride back as space dust on an Ascension Wave through the Aurora field or the Ascension Earth field host, and that host field will hold the original imprint. So Earth will be able to once it goes through what‘s called the ‗trial of fire‘ where it goes into space dust but then because something held its full memory matrix and imprint, it is able to not have to go back to Source as space dust but can enter the Adashi Cycles with its imprint given back. And that is part of what on the long term layer that is happening here as far as long term evolution of the planet. We probably, this team would probably would be gone by then and out, and they‘ll send in the next team that helps in that process. But maybe not so; Az might stay for that. Bless you. Better you than me! Alright, oh God, knowing me though! I have this thing about making mother hen. I tend to, well as long as any of the ones that I‘ve helped awaken and train and like are now in important positions, I just kind of like want to come for support so that they can come visit if they need anything, you know that, that kind of thing. So I got to get over that. But anyway, so in the Aquafereion Host Shield that are the collective on planet of the Aquari humans represent, we are activating this, and going into simultaneous purging of the Caduceus code which we have the ability to do in a balanced way. Our bodies have the ability to do this without crashing and burning, and it will move through our body systems in whatever way is natural. Our bodies can do this because we have simultaneous incarnations on Urtha already, and it will progressively allow us a more open link to those incarnations. So those incarnations of ourselves on Urtha are actually giving us the ability because they are there. We have the ability to run this without exploding because if we just did it and we were cut off from everything else except what the Earth itself is plugged into, we would too explode. But because we have simultaneous incarnations of the Aquafereion Host Shield, and every face in it down here has somebody up there too, that allows a natural link of frequency where they can process and move through our systems in like progress us through the reverse mutation and our bio-regenesis to where our bodies can progressively receive the full activation of this code. And eventually it will be able to expand and go Home and then meet ourselves which can be very interesting. And ourselves don‘t necessarily look like what we look like here. They are on a different Planetary Domain Level, and they might be much larger, taller, and things like that. So they don‘t always look like us but anyway these are the passages that we‘ve opened. We‘ve fully opened the Astura Passage from Seeding 3, and we have activated this part of the, this is what is called the, what‘s it called, the LA HE De Luna Chamber that runs through the core of the moon. And even though the moon is an artificial body, it was artificially constructed by some of the Fall races, not just from the Hibernation Zones but from other Planetary Systems that invaded here as well. But at its core there was a Seed in Seeding 2, I believe they put in the Luna core an access crystal that allowed for this activation of these particular chambers, Ascension chambers to open with the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho code.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So this is the 1st window. See you have these chambers, these passages. Think of them as like 3-dimensional tubes right that you could float up and down. There are also fields here. You can float up and usually the main passage is floating up this way up the central tube. So there‘s all sorts of structures involved with. These are energy structures involved with these Krystal Heart Gate sets or span, I guess they are a type of span. Yah alright, just so you know that they are a type of Span Gate but they are the more advanced Span Gates. With these are the Seeding 3 not quite as advanced Span Gates so we de-evolved basically since Seeding 2. But anyway these Span Gates there is progressive levels of activation but when we hit a certain level of activation, this particular thing, see this trapezoid shape here that is the window that we talked about - the Takeyon window, and it has to do with activation of the different layers some of which were explained on that diagram. I just chose this with lots of arrows pointing to different things where it doesn‘t show any of the map behind it. It just shows the code with bits of explanations about the different parts of this code or these chambers. So there is a whole bunch of really heavy-duty dynamics that involve the activation of these levels. Each of these levels has a name. It has to do with very specific frequencies. All of that will be there probably eventually, help me ok! Shoot me first actually! Enough detail already – there is enough detail on what you‘ve got for all of us I think for a while but what we need to know is basically what‘s opening, now that we‘ve opened it because we‘ve opened all these passages through the journey we did in Peru. And the only part that was opened before was there was this bit down here that was opened before I believe from ShaLa-13 up to here which was that violet crystal that we visited in our 1 st Caral projection journey.
And then from here up to ShAlon-7 was opened. But this part, they used to call this ShAlon-7 but then they started calling this ShAlon-7/ShaLa-13. So what do you mean? How can it be 2 spots? It‘s because it runs the central chamber once this bit right here is opened. (2:45:00) And that‘s what we did in Caral. We opened that space between the subterranean biomes and going down into the Aquafers and that allowed this passage to open. And that had to do with opening the AdorA side, what was it called? It is the Zero Point Ecousha-TA of the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho Passage that opens into the AdorA side that allows for this passage to open, to create rapid or expedited activation of this entire network.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
And that‘s what we did. And we didn‘t know that we‘re going to do that. We had no idea about this bit other than the fact that they gave us a new pretty code. Didn‘t know exactly what it meant but it was the Aquari Heart code in my mind. That‘s how I known it when they showed me. And now we know what it is about. That came through like 2 days before the Peru trip and yah, and the mural was done like 3 days before the Peru trip. So this was the crash course as usual. You‘re not the only ones that get the crash course, we get it all the time too. We live it to the point we are really hoping that we can at least take just a weekend someday will be really nice where we didn‘t have to do anything and just relax! So I think we‘ll get there eventually. But here we are, we‘ve activated this - the Luna Passage is open. That means there is a passage way between the Astura Passage that is activated into the Krystal Heart Passage between Earth and Urtha. There are still levels of activation that have to be done to fully open these chambers. So we‘ve got to where we activated the level 1 activations. It has to do with blending the Aurora-1 platform and the Aurora-2 platform through the Ecousha-1 platform which creates level 1 activation of the Gyrodome, and full activation of the level 1 what‘s called the Aqualene Sun field which is the running of the currents that have to do with these. These are pillars of currents coming down. If you drew a line between each of these, each of these Flames corresponds with those Hearts. They are like chambers, and each of them carries specific frequencies. So the Aqualene Sun activations have to do with bringing those frequencies from those chambers into the RashaLAe Body activation of the Aquafereion Host Shield so they are available in the fields of Earth. Ok, sorry if I get going a bit fast on occasions because if a wave comes through, it‘s like I‘ve got to ride it because I wouldn‘t know how to word that either. So it words itself sometimes …. But we‘re activating this. We have activated this. We are able to pass through here now. When we did our 1st journey we actually did pass through these passages and we‘re able to go into the 1st Aurora Slide Zone. (2:47:49)
And the Aurora Slide Zone is the Density-1 Level that has just actually been born or been formed by merger of the Aurora-1 and the Ecousha-1 platforms have formed the Density-1 Level of Ascension Earth. And that is literally running through in the same place as Earth running through the fields. And this is where we are beginning to journey, and that is eventually where everything on the Ascension path will end up. That is the 1 st stop before you get to Urtha. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
It‘s also after the Urtha StarFire Point of 2047 to 2052. After that point, the Aurora field will be the Ascension path of Earth, or the Ascension Earth, and it will co-exist with the Lone Star Fall Earth for the period of time that the host is kept open. And at the time when the host is pulled and at the time when the Solar Bardoah Cycle finishes and it goes into Nova, at that time the host will be brought up into the, I believe they go up into Sirius B because I think the Nova thing only applies right now to Density-1 in our Density-1 system because it‘s our Sun Sol that is going to be moving into a Nova Cycle. I don‘t yet the status of the Sirius B system or the Andromeda system. Andromeda I think is fine. Sirius B might be having a similar problem; it might be hosting in the same way. But at the point 500 to 1,000 years from now, when this host is finished and that line has to be pulled, that is when this Earth, the Ascension Earth will actually go up. It will go up the AnshaTAsa Passage and it‘s actually be going up in frequency. And it will expand into the Sirius B path, and that will expand into the Andromeda path and eventually it will end up in Andromeda for a while, and then it will actually transfer over into the Aquarian Matrix. And that because this New Earth is actually being held by the Aquafereion race shield, it is the Aquari codes that are allowing this Aurora field to activate so it is the Home matrix of this place wouldn‘t be the same place that Earth itself that came out of. It would be the Aquarian Matrix over in parallel adjacent Eckasha because the Aurora field or the Ascension Earth is being held by the core code frequencies from that matrix and the races that carry them. So the final place of full Ascension for the New Earth would be over in the Aquarian Matrix but that is a long, long, long time from now. Right now, what we are just beginning to do is to activate the fields that would allow for that Ascension Earth to be born in order to allow the life fields here to ascend. They don‘t all have to go to the Aquafereion Matrix. They will be able to go through the AnshaTAsa Passage and cross over to whatever their Home matrix is. But if their Home matrix is in an imploding system like it is in this Ecka-Veca system, there are all sorts of sophisticated things as far as time leaps and being able to use the AnshaTAsa Passage to leap forward in time to after the natural StarFire Cycle completes here and the whole thing gets re-born again where they can go back into the re-birth aspect of this system but that‘s a long way off too. So there‘s a lot of options that I‘ll be very glad to let the people of Urtha explain to you! And I‘ll be very glad if they don‘t right now explain them all to me because my head is already full. So this is what we had activated because of the work you‘ve done that we‘ve activated that passage that‘ll allow this whole thing, this whole loop Spanner-7 and the Seeding 2 Spanner-7 Gate which is the Krystal Heart NaVA-Ho Passage. Remember there are 7, this is Spanner Gate 7. There are 12, there would be 12 natural Spanner Gates on the planet. So only the 7 is able to open at this point. But these 7 will be able to plug into the entire set of 12 Arc Hub Gates. So it will allow, this hasn‘t happened yet but it is the next stage in the work we are going to be plugging them in actually starting I think tonight or tomorrow night they are starting in Arizona to plug them into Arc 7, and from there they will be able to plug the Spanner-7 host system progressively into the global positions of the Arc Hub Gates. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So the Hub maps that we had out before, they are still important. They knew they would be here (otherwise) they wouldn‘t have us go through all that trouble of locating them, and putting them, and making books of them. So, next one, please.
[D4 2:52:06] (The Aquafereion NaVA-Ho Codes & the Astura Passage Activation; Spanner Gates & Ecousha Clusters)
Are we doing on time? Not too bad since when we started. So not too bad since when we started. This is just a recap. I believe these are in your package. They‘ve got these too, didn‘t they? You got these? Yah! Ok, these are to remind you because this is what we were activating when we were doing the Sacred Valley tour and also when in Cusco we were activating these Aquafereion NaVA-Ho Ecousha Cluster Takeyon temple sets. There are 4 of them. The control one is in Cusco, and this gives you a little bit of information on how they operate, and it is really sophisticated. They are like a little mini version of the Krystal Heart code as far as the different fields that activate inside of the Krystal Heart code those little Eckasha-shaped things that connect and Pillars that you don‘t see but they are actually there and they go up to the Hearts on top. They are like mini versions of the Krystal Heart code larger passages with the little ones. So we activated the whole network of those while we were here, and this is just, you have it there (in your chart packs). You can read what happened when. And this is to show you, this is kind of like looking down at them this way, you know what they look like this way. But if you are looking at them like in a cross-section, it shows you they are actually domes. They are actually dome fields that form domes within domes within domes, and a large Pillar that comes up the top of the dome, and that is literally an Ascension Pillar where you can move up and down that Pillar into various different things that these grids connect to. These are Ecousha Clusters and I have a feeling there‘s lots more of them on the planet elsewhere. There‘s probably one, a good set of them for each of the Spanner Gates. So there‘s probably a set of 12 of them at least. At least a set of 12 with 4 in them, 4 Clusters in them. But the other ones aren‘t going to be significant right now. Maybe they will be later. We might be able to put them on-line with Spanner-7 I don‘t know.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
But we did put them on-line, and putting them on-line or activating them, which meant making them go into Pillar activation instead of just being dormant and flat and just sitting as codes in the grid. They actually came into activation and that allowed for the activation of the Astura Passage that ran from Caral to Cusco I believe. And then there is another passage that runs from Cusco to Machu Picchu. So this was about activating the Astura Passage using the NaVA-Ho coding systems and temple complexes from the Seeding 3 Astura Passages from using the Seeding 2 coding of these temples because these temples were created and they were coded in Seeding 2. And they were kind of resurrected in Seeding 3 as potentials and they were plugged into the codes of the Asturas so they could run the Astura if they needed to. And that‘s what we did – we activated those. And that was like during Caral and Sacred Valley we went through that process. Next one, please.
[D4 2:54:51] (Resonance Alignment Imagery: Luna Window & RashaLAe Activation; Spanner-7 Loop of the Astura Passage)
This one, if you noticed we started out with a schedule that a little bit different picture on picture on it. So we just kind of gave you a little bit of resonance alignment imagery as far as what we actually accomplished on the journey. It‘s showing you in real short hand form the bits we‘ve accomplished on each day of our journey. It‘s also giving you a little clue. And there is a frequency here that they wanted a picture done. Alright, ok. There is something in this frequency-wise that assists in activation of RashaLAe. There is some kind of visual mathematics that has to do with it. It also shows where there is the window in Picchu that connects into that Luna window that we showed you inside of the Krystal Heart grid. So this would represent the loop, the Spanner-7 loop in the Astura Passage but the Astura Passage would be going off that way, and this is indicating passage of it. There is probably a lot more to that as well. I have a feeling you can meditate with these and they will talk to you. They will give you more information. I‘m just getting a nudge on that one. So anyway they are starting to give you in a nutshell the basics of what we did. That got a little bit clearer as we went into the final bit of pages where we literally wrote out in longhand what it was. It‘s like micro longhand. But if I wrote it out big, it would be like 15 pages, and that times 130 people, they might not have gone for as far as letting us run them at the hotel, so we had to condense information as much as possible. Next one, please.
[D4 C9 2:56:27] (Hub Map)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Now that entire set of Gates with the Astura Passage of Spanner-7 and the Krystal Heart Passage, they all plug into … Now this is us down here in Peru, doing nothing down here with these right, they plug into, direct line, into what is in Arizona, this is actually in Mesa not far away from the Scottsdale place where ShAlon-7 is, the Arc 7 Hub or the Arc Hub 7 Gate. And that is a Cluster Gate system itself that has Gates, its center point is here, and that will start activating already with ShAlon-7 activating. But ShAlon-7 will bring this into activation tomorrow evening it will start that activation. And that will start this whole Cluster. And that Cluster plugs in to all of the other Arc Gate systems on the planet. There are 12 Arc Gates and their Clusters so all of these little points will represent Gates. All the little points within points are little Gate access points. So what it is doing is making the whole Spanner-7 network available globally, and this is just the beginning of that process. If it wasn‘t for the success of this trip, none of this would be happening, and we would be probably moving into only the Bardoah training as far as dying well on a falling planet. But fortunately, we‘re not, and this was a very, very successful trip, and a very, very successful mission, and I‘m just really excited about it. So that is the link. This is the next piece of what we activated down here. This is the next piece that is beginning its activation with its center point at Arc-7 being activated by the ShAlon-7 site that was already activated from the Caral link. So I think this kind of symbolizes the Caral link. Next one.
[D4 2:58:14] (Vertical Map: Van Allen Belts, NET Fields & the Aurora-2 Platform)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
These maps were just to show you a little bit more. I put the same thing again in various different ways as the vertical thing, the vertical map where you can see just a bit clear what is running where, where the NETs are and those kind of things. Just so they are a little bit easier to read than the ones that are smaller. So that, I think the one is in your pack too, or cleaner one – that might be the one before. This shows where the Van Allen Belts are in relation to the NETs. And these are all markers science here has identified as Van Allen Belts and how far up there in the atmosphere. So science has identified the thermosphere, and that is where the pink cloud layer or the Aurora-2 platform is. So there are some definite things that we can use as markers knowing how far up you could actually calculate by miles or whatever at this point. Next one, please. (2:59:01 End of Disk 4)
Disk 5 Libertador Hotel, May 29—Lecture (cont.) [D5 0:00:03] A‘sha
(Repeat of Disk 4:…that might be the one before. This shows where the Van Allen Belts are in relation to the NETs. And these are all markers science here has identified as Van Allen Belts and how far up there in the atmosphere. So science has identified the thermosphere, and that is where the pink cloud layer or the Aurora-2 platform is. So there are some definite things that we can use as markers knowing how far up you could actually calculate by miles or whatever at this point. Next one, please. )
[D5 0:00:31] (Phoenix map: Threshold Glass Tower Temples of ShAlon-7)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
That whole network of the … This shows, this is getting a little bit closer into ShAlon-7 territory where it shows this particular set. These are a set of what are called Threshold Glass Tower Temples and the center one is in Tempe I believe, that‘s in Tempe Arizona. These were part of the Threshold anti-Kristiac Grid that was plugged into the Metatronic Beast Machine, Black Hole Machine. This whole mess, and there‘s one of these messes of nasty Glass Tower Temples that are meant to reverse the currents in any of the local grids, and they are meant to actually harness, this one is meant to harness the ShAlon-7 site so it wouldn‘t be able to activate so none of these Gates will be able to activate. So this Cluster … we actually went through a grid war over it that nobody saw. It wasn‘t a war on 3D but it actually was. It was coming out in really weird things like trying to grab real estate before they stopped it where we couldn‘t get into the territories of ShAlon-7 and stuff.
But from like FOL period of January of 2007, they started activating all of this, and we had to block the activation of it. All of these things, the Threshold, and all of the other nasty parts of the Beast systems that we‘ve talked about over the years, they are all part of …. We don‘t have to shut that one – I have to get closer … Yah, we can go … ok we can get rid of those 2. I just speed up so I want to show my Caduceus bit. Right, alright I‘ll show them now. Yah, put that one up.
[D0:032:10] (Spherical map. )
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
All of these things from the Threshold Tower sets to the mess that we have in relation to Earth‘s upside down relationship to Urtha‘s natural structure where it should be, they should be north and north pointing in the same direction. And we have south pointing where the north is and then at 23.5 0 off, all of this is held in place now fully through the Hibernation Zones. And the Hibernation Zones, they harness the Astura Passages, the natural Astura Passages, and there wiould be 7, not 7, 12 Astura Passages on planet naturally, one for each of the natural 12 Gates. The Astura Passage … you can put that one. First put this one on. Then we can put the color one behind it, yah.
[D5 0:02:58] (Color map with the Caduceus)
This mess, yah… Now remember see this line here, this would be the top of the natural one. This is showing the natural flow. This would be the Level 1 Krystar Crystal in the NaVA-Ho Gate set, right the passage set. So this would be the NaVA-Ho set. This mess, the Caduceus set, it doesn‘t affect the NaVA-Ho set directly. What was done, what it was created to do was to harness the Astura Passage and the Spanner-7 Gate. Every one of the 12 Spanner Gates has one of these messes in it. And what it does, it does some fascinating things actually. It was using a set of implants in various points within the Planetary Grids and also within the different fields of Earth. It required first of all the reversal of Earth‘s Core Gate 14 - Urta, and 15 - Ruta. And that‘s where this was enabled. So this is relatively new construction compared to some of the other grid messes that have come up from earlier times. (0:04:22)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
This, the ability to open the Caduceus Circuit as it is known, came in 9,562 BC when the full reversal of the shields that control Earth‘s Core Star Gate 15 and 14 occurred. It didn‘t get 13. 13 is the more powerful one, the most powerful one, ShaLa-13, but Urta-14 and Ruta-15 were reversed. And they allowed for the creation of this Matrix, so the Caduceus Circuit. The Caduceus Circuit has links in various spots. These little dark square implant systems show you where it links and twists the natural currents. Those natural currents come from 3 places - these 2 reversed shield Core Star Gates, and this is where the Earth‘s Prana Seed became phased-locked where it couldn‘t phase and create Prana Sparks that are Backflow Sparks. And if you can‘t create Backflow Sparks, you will not get a Mana Return, which means it stops the natural give-back to Source, and then Source gives back to you the flow on this planet. So the planet begins to die because of this but it is not in Bardoah yet. It didn‘t end in Bardoah Cycle. But the Caduceus flow runs through the Astura Matrix and harnesses the Astura Currents. It splits and polarizes the Astura Currents into these 2 currents. And then they polarize this way here, and then they re-polarize this way, and they are a mess. What this thing does is fascinating though. It creates various levels of mutation in the planetary fields. It holds the Hibernation Zones into place. It was because of opening the Caduceus Circuit that they were able to create the Hibernation Zones during that period of time 9,562 BC. And the Caduceus flow also creates what is called the Ankh flow. See the Ankh flow here? … yah, which goes down to here. This was used in the ancient Egyptian times, and before the ancient Egyptian times. What is the Caduceus flow is, is create an unnatural electrical current. It is the electrical current we call electricity here. It is not a natural current. It is based on distorted light. Electricity as it is known on this planet is not organic. It is not natural. The lightning that happens here is almost a knee-jerk response from the natural parts of the planetary system that are left in relation to this mess that is going on. This mess is actually giving us what we call our electrical systems. And what we can do with them is all based on these flows of the Caduceus and they also create a messed up electrical system within the bodies of every life-force form on this planet. So the Caduceus Circuit feeds and creates the Ankh Circuit which allows for its down-stepping system. And that creates what‘s called the Triple Cross Circuit. Now the Triple Cross, notice where these things go. The arms of the Ankh extend out to about here (proportionally to the size of its loop which has a proportion to the size of the Caduceus flow. Then the arms of what are called the Cross Flows come here. They harness the Luna window. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So you have 1 cross here), 1 cross here, 1 cross here, 1 cross here - this is the crucifixion of the Krist, the Krystar Crystal … I mean somebody up there has a really nasty sense of humor in the way they have woven stories into our sacred stories, and worshipping the martyrdom of Christ and the whole bit. ‗Excuse me, I‘m not going to worship that!‘ I will not worship a martyred Christ because 1st of all the guy Jesus, he didn‘t get martyred. He ascended. He ascended out of here; he was not crucified! That was a lie. And another thing is, it was all really about a tongue-in-cheek way of presenting the fact right before our face and calling it something else! The best way to hide something is to put it right in front of somebody‘s face and label it something else. And that‘s what they did! The crucifixion of the Krystar where we are unable to activate the natural things in our body that will allow us to be able to go through the Astura Passage if we are from Seeding 3 or go through the Krystal Heart Passage from Seeding 2. But it is the Krystal Heart Passage that does hold the power to be able to transmute these. And if you transmuted them in the Planetary Body itself, Earth would just simply explode! But because there is the host field of the Aquafereion Host Shield collective on this planet, we can activate the RashaLAe Body Host Field in the planet and hold these frequencies for the planet, holding the Gates open on the planet for the progressive evacuation between 500 and 1,000 years of the life-fields here. So the Caduceus flow is that interesting isn‘t it? That became a sign for medical things here and for healing. Think about the, what is it the Hypocritic Oath, or the Hippocratic Oath! (Laughter from the audience) I‘ve nothing against doctors. Doctors are usually well-meaning people who go through all sorts of horrible training in order to be able to help people. So they have a genuine desire to really, really help people but they are being taught things. If you trace back the Hippocratic Oath to Hippocrates and all those guys, who were these guys anyway? I mean if you look back at all the old artists and musicians, who were they? The old masters or whatever their trade was, these were incarnates that were given special knowledge in order to be able to move forth the evolution of the semi-comatose people left on this planet after they did the 9,562 BC hijack that wiped out most of the cellular memory! So the people that seeded our sciences here were being guided by people in the Hibernation Zones in order to get us to a point where they can assist us all in finishing the kill, and that‘s what we‘re in the middle now! But the kill is not going to be finished coz there were still enough Aquari coded humans left on the planet to be able to wake up and open these passages. So what we‘re going to able to do in our shields, what we are in the process of doing is clearing out first on our own organic Spanner-7 line in our RashaLAe Bodies. We‘re opening these passages which will begin clearing the Caduceus.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
The Caduceus is known in the body as the Death Seal. It creates certain types of, because of its unnatural electrical currents, it creates certain types of completely unnatural inorganic chemical and hormonal responses in the body that make the body die. It‘s like they did this on purpose in order to harness the mutation. They gave a life span as if we were little robots that will serve certain purposes for only so long, and then our bodies would kill us, and they have been doing this. Talk about this is a prison planet, and it has been since this period. But it is not a prison that can‘t be escaped from. We‘re the escape crew but we‘re going to not just run away, we‘re going to stand, and it‘s called the ‗Last Stand‘ of the Aquafereion or the ‗Last Stand‘ of the Aurora. The Aurora races are the ones who run the Aurora Fields. And we are not fighting. We are simply standing, and in our stands we open the Gates, and in opening the Gates we‘ll first will allow the Ascension passages to be there, and secondly we have the ability … There was the 1st Stand long time ago and I believe it was 75 million years ago. It was before Earth was seeded with Seeding 1 but after parallel Earth was seeded. It was Seeding 1, and they were attacked, ok, by certain groups that control these things. And they told me not to go there – it will go too long into a story. Ok, never mind, we‘ll get into that in another one. That was in one of the 12 Tribes classes. Yah, tangent waves are great – they just would go on and on. Anyway they wanted you to see where in relation to the grids we‘ve been working with where the Caduceus Seal fits. It is a seal that we‘re going to learn more about how this operates in the body, and what it means that we‘re going to be clearing it through progressive rapid activation of our RashaLAe Bodies. What does it mean potentially for our atomic healing as far as being able to take our bodies into slide and then perhaps span, you know? So they wanted you to see what that is and the fact that all these histories, all these ‗oh neat‘ that they used to use Ankhs in Egypt. This was not neat, ok. These were not healing tools unless you happen to have reversed current completely running through your bodies. Sure then they heal you why because they transmit reversed current. They also connect into various layers. We can almost see just by looking at the diagrams, scribbled diagram bits where they‘re interfacing with certain fields so they would be running certain fields. There is some point in here where this line here runs the ozone band. So the Ankhs were actually running on ozone energy and creating some type of twisted ozone fields in, and from what I read even science today knows that ozone is probably not a good thing because it actually causes breathing problems, and it does something funny in when it is all right up in the atmosphere because it makes a nice screen from where the solar is. But when it is in the atmosphere and you‘re breathing it, it actually causes problems. So these people that put out these ‗ozone machines‘ to help purify your air, well you can keep them because what they are really doing is, there‘s certain … there‘s stuff out there that I‘ve just read. I‘ve seen these in newspapers where it is proven that it causes respiratory problem and various types of things. So you know I‘m just talking from little bits that I‘ve read in relation to ozone machine and things.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
You can read up on it, and you‘ll be surprised there are some decent stuff that suggests that this stuff is not really good for you but the ozone layer at the moment is good for us because it is keeping us from frying from the solar rays which we wouldn‘t do if we had our corona sphere activated, which we can‘t do because we have all the Hibernation Zones. So here we are with our lovely medical healing Caduceus knot, and our Ankh, and our 3 crosses, you know the 3 crosses with Jesus and the 2 thieves. Hah, hah, hah right! (A‘sha chuckles mockingly) Oh they‘re thieves alright! Ooi, yup, that would be the Jesus cross right that‘s crucifying the Krystar! I mean it‘s just … the story is just actually horrendous really because you look at so many people who really believe say the Christian story, or really believe say the Muslim story, or really believe the Jewish story as the only story. And they refused to look beyond. They have allowed themselves to become so brain-washed because they are so scared because it‘s scary out here because we can‘t remember anything. And people don‘t treat each other nicely here, and bad things happen to good people, and people don‘t understand why. And they don‘t understand why God lets that happen and all sorts of things. So they believe whatever story even if it‘s half-baked that comes by that gives them a little hope, and that‘s really, really sad because the original story wasn‘t halfbaked. It was full-baked – it was a cake. It was a beautiful cake of Eternal Life, and we still have that ability to get that back. Next one, please.
[D5 0:14:38] (Vertical Map: The Caduceus, the Ankh, 3 crosses, & Krystal Heart embedded flows)
Trying to not like take this till 4 tomorrow morning coz I know you are tired. This is just another one. I haven‘t, these aren‘t perfected yet simply because this is not proportional to the maps that are built on the mural so they‘re just…it gives you the same idea though. It‘s just showing you about where these fields connect in where this is just showing you just half of where the Caduceus flow plugs in right, and then its Ankh flow inside that, and then it just kind of showed where the 3 crosses were. (0:15:12)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
And this here is showing where the natural Krystal Heart codes would plug in, where the Hearts would be and what they represent. And there is the little proportional thing - I have to stretch it out and make it taller to actually do it right. But it is showing you basically the connection where this side is representing the good codes where that map with the clouds fits in with this simple map with just the lines, and where the Caduceus flow, and the natural Krystal Heart flow comes in. So it‘s just another version of showing you the same thing we saw on the cloud maps. Another one….
[D5 0:15:48] (Text: The Great Encasement, the Atlantean Flood, Stellar Activation Cycle)
Just a little bit of history. This is just the end of a long history line that we‘ve been introducing in the 12 Tribes classes in various other places. So it‘s just the period of time we‘re talking about here the 9,562 BC. It was called the Great Encasement. This is when the Bourgha took control of Urta-14 and Ruta-15 of Earth‘s Core Gate, and part, they only got a little bit part of ShaLa13 which has been reclaimed. They reversed the shields and they plugged the Gates into the Bourgha time-rip triangulation to create the Hibernation Zones. And at this point they are having the Hibernation Zones taken away from them by the Sovereign Knights of the Golden Serpent people. They are the Knights Saxony and the Knights Para Clique, and there are orders of them on the planet. Right now they call themselves this. Alright they are serving the agenda of these Hibernation Zone people. And this is all plugged into the Zeta movement and what‘s happening with the UFO movement stuff.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
I mean it‘s out there. It‘s just been called something else so nobody really makes a connection between New Age stuff and the like abduction stuff. Yah, the New Agers don‘t like to talk to abductees, and abductees don‘t like to talk to New Agers because they think they‘re air-headed I mean that kind of thing. So it‘s all a part of what is going on that in recent times it was brought to its head in here with the Bourgha getting involved and taking control of these 2 Gate Systems in our (Earth) Core, and that is when the Caduceus flow was able to be … the Caduceus Circuit was able to be formed. And that‘s when the full-on Death Seal began as mutation within the DNA where it shortened our life-spans to the point where we have hardly any time by the time … By the time we figured out there might be something wrong, we‘re dead right? So and what‘s going to be nice is in clearing the Caduceus Seal at least first out of the Aquafereion Host Shield, and that means out of the bodies that are connected to it. It‘ll first be, the Aquari humans will first be able to clear it because they can run that frequency first but we will be able to step down that potential to the degree which we are able to clear it to begin healing our bodies more rapidly. It will be to a degree where we can step that down, that potential down to the cloister indigoes, and then to the Angelic Human races on the planet. But it all started way, way back but its most recent mess was 9,562 BC that was right before the 9,558 BC Atlantean flood – this stuff is what they used to orchestrate the Atlantean flood and the wipe-out of the records and the whole bit where they decided to start over. Let‘s start a new world and make them all completely clueless, and the ones that survive will teach them new languages, and will ‗raise‘ them and ‗cultivate‘ them to activate these grids for us when the time comes. And the time comes, this was the time they always predicted with the, everything from the Mayan calendar to all sorts of other things have predicted you know like the Final Conflict drama. They have told that the End Times will come. This is the time Noah‘s referring to, the next Stellar Activation Cycle, and that was known, back in these periods it was known that the year 2,000 AD was the next because they cycle on specific years. They knew that that was the next time that the Star Gates were due to open and that‘s when they‘re going in for the kill. And they were really, really set up and prepared to do that. So anyway we‘re fighting … it‘s like kind of like the David and the Goliath thing. But if you shoot that stone in just the right place, you can activate the Krystal Heart grids, and then at least you can … you don‘t have to slay the giant but at least you cannot get stepped on, and that‘s what we‘re basically doing. But it was here that that started … also there‘s something else here … Oh this is where it wasn‘t mentioned in these classes because we didn‘t know about it yet. But during the Great Encasement in the formation of the Hibernation Zone fields, this is when the Caduceus flow was set into activation, and the Death Seal was set into activation. So this also traces the history back a bit to some of the other things that were built up to this. So it wasn‘t that it started here. The End Game almost began here, and this is the tail end of the End Game because back here we have that was supposed to be 550 million years ago in the fall of Tara and the Amenti Rescue Mission started. And it was still the mess that happened way back before that, but this is the simple progression of some of the things. This has to be plugged into the Voyager Book time lines and there‘s all sorts of other time lines that came in through various places that we have literally a history that spans back to like 950,000, no, 950 billion years forward. And it‘s not Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
every little thing that happened; it‘s the major things that happened and affected where we are right now that they‘ve told us about. Next one, please.
[D5 0:20:33] (NaVE Harmonic RashaLAe Ring Tones)
Now, these are the tones. Can you bring it down a bit honey, please? Remember these? These are the NaVE Harmonic RashaLAe Ring Tones. It all came down to our work this time. It came down to something very simple – singing. Or even we didn‘t even sing these yet. There are songs that go with these melodies, and there‘s various ones depending on which combinations you use them. And there are different ways, they are telling me there are different ways to use these for not only the … This was for rapid activation of the RashaLAe Bodies. But there are ways to use them in different combinations for healing various aspects of things, or expediting healing in various aspects by using the RashaLAe Body currents for healing. So they are going to teach us about those and all sorts of song combinations for different things. Some are for manifesting. Some are for I-don‘t know-what, but there‘s all sorts of different categories that these tones are used in combinations for but they are all RashaLAe Body tones. They are the Ring Tones, the ones that correspond to the 15 Rings, and that would mean each layer of the 15 Rings that you have. If you have D1, D2, and D3, and your Density-1 Level, every level of the 15 Rings would hum to these tones. So when you sing the tones and set that vibration in the shield that begins the activation processes of the corresponding Ring, and down here we have the Span Tones which correspond to the Bands that are between, that run between the Rings and the RashaLAe Body or the Par-TE‟-KEi Template as it‘s formally called. So these are the, all these Gate activations came down to these. And these are the same things that bring it down to our personal RashaLAe Body because it‘s the same tones that worked open big Gates are the same tones that worked open the Gates within our RashaLAe Body System and enable us to travel to big Gates. Next one - thank you.
[D5 0:22:24] (The Par-TE’-KEi Body Template)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
If you remember those tones correspond to the 15 Rings, and the Rings would be the white spaces, and the Spans would be the Bands, or the Bands that run between black spaces. So this is where we start all of those maps that we begin to understand, the spherical maps that led to vertical maps and all that were built on the Par-TE‟-KEi Body Template. And the Par-TE‟-KEi Body Template is that 15 geleziac layers where there are 15 Krystal Bands between them. There is a whole bunch of specifics that go with these but each one of these layers has a core resonance, or a core vibrational signature, its radiation signature and vibration. And its audible version is the name of the tone, I mean of the Band. So that‘s how we get the Ring Tones. The Ring Tones are the vibration that can be, that you can speak, like that is audible that corresponds with each one of the Ring Bands. And the Span Tones are the ones that correspond to the resonance of the Ring, the Bands in between. The Bands in between if you have say, you have layer-1 and layer-2, in between you would have a Band or Span-1.5, and you would have characteristics of the geleziac radiation state here and characteristics of the geleziac radiation state there mixed together to form a different geleziac radiation state. Alright so each of them are combinations of the 2. Progressively, they build up to form what are referred to as the core Elemental Commands. Next one, please.
[D5 0:23:54] (The Par-TE’-Kei Template)
Going faster! In the 1st Creation mechanics they form what‘s called the Par-TE‟-KEi Template. Now that‘s before the Par-TE‟-KEi Body that forms the RashaLAe Body. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
But in the Par-TE‟-KEi Template each group of 3 of the Rings form an Elemental Command where we have the solids, the liquids, the gases, the vapors, and at the center are called the E-tas. So there are actually 5 elements. When we do say an elemental altar, we use the 5. There is a specific configuration using them. This gets a little tricky when you get into the technicals because there are certain control points within the Par-TE‟-KEi Body Template, and this means of a planet or a person or a cosmos. They are all structured on the same Par-TE‟-KEi Body Template. But this is where the substances that the things that the things before we have atoms, the pieces, the quarks and things before quarks, the things that come together to make quarks, they are all formed from these Dark Matter Templates. And as a result of certain things that these templates go through, and the Spark Pulse Currents that they manufacture, we get the first currents or the Cosmic Soup of the Big Bang that allows for the formation of atoms and things as we know them from which life as science knows it here theoretically evolved. So these things are actually, when we get into the Par-TE‟-KEi Templates, we are getting into the Dark Matter or notyet-seen-by-science templates that control and direct the formation of matter in the system that can be observed, and these Par-TE‟-KEi Templates have literally to do with the core Creation of the elements. And elements are not just things – they are consciousness. They are consciousness fields so they are alive. Just think of the atom hydrogen. Did you ever think of hydrogen as every hydrogen atom in the entire cosmos represents an entity collectively? They are each part of an entity called hydrogen. It is conscious; it is aware. It knows things. It doesn‘t think in a linear form in the same way as you or I do down here in these bodies, but it is conscious, and it is a living. And that‘s just an example of hydrogen, hydrogen atom. So the elements are consciousness fields. The geleziac Rings we are talking about are not just radiation thingies of physics, they are consciousness fields of spirit as well. They each have specific characteristics. They are each made and formed from Partiki units which were the original units of the consciousness of God Source, or the 1 st manifest units of radiation that the physics of the cosmos or the manifest body of God Source was made from. So we have the Elemental Commands that come from the dark matter templates . Next one, please.
[D5 0:26:48] (The Par-TE’-Kei Body Template—not shown on DVD) The Par-TE‟-KEi Body as they call it, and the Par-TE‟-KEi Body Template is actually, even though the RashaLAe Body is structured like it, its actually a couple stages back; it actually creates the RashaLAe Body, what we are referring to as the RashaLAe Body. There are stages and levels to that Creation. This is just showing you the same thing I think a little bit more clearly. Could we see the next one, please? Well there‘s other classes … well in the 12 Tribes classes we‘ve been going through these progressively. This has been what‘s introduced in those. There are a series of cycles by which we get to first of all the RashaLAe Body, how it‘s created in the first place.
[D5 0:27:25] (LightBorn, StarBorn, LifeBorn, & GodBorn Cycles)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
We have what is called the Light Born Cycle, and this is the point where from Partiki number 1 and 2, the 1st Partiki from the consciousness field of God Source, God intended creation of the 1 st Partiki. We also have a bunch of stuff on before the 1st Partiki which are all detailed just like the technicals we get on this stuff. So there is, we have long-winded versions of what each of these cycles stand for. But basically there is a life-cycle of Creation, a 1st Creation Cycle that perpetually re-births itself. It starts with the Light Born Cycle which is the 1st Partiki and 2nd Partiki. 1st Partiki is created by Source. Source creates the 2nd Partiki and in the same place it comes through, splits the 1 st one, creates the Triad and begins Partiki phasing which means the 2 that spilt come together and make Sparks. So they start to generate quantum. And from that point on, that 1 Partiki and the 2 nd one coming through it, the entire structure of Light-Body Creation, and the manifestation that occurs within it was created. So we have Partiki 1 and Partiki 2, the Partiki 2 splits Partiki 1 to form the Triad. This gets into very complex things as far as the Starborn Cycle for a buddy here; we‘ve been working on the Starborn Cycle. That was a lot of really intense diagrams. It shows you where here you got the Tauren Light-Seed was born by the end of this. It started with Partiki 1 and up to the Triad, and then finally at the end of this bit called the Light Born Cycle, the Tauren Light-Seed is born. And then other things happen. The Tauren Light-Seed is the thing that has like 3 what are called E-Na-Ka Partiki units and a PartikE unit in the center. It is a little tiny, tiny thing in terms of your own body. And in that PartikE unit inside of the 3 balls is the 1st set of 15 geleziac layers. That is where the larger structures later come from of the RashaLAe Body. So we‘ve got the Starborn Cycle. It goes from the Tauren, the birth of the Tauren all the way through a set of shifts in axis spins and corresponding expansions of quantum that get to the point of what is called the birth of the Rosetta and the Seed Atom or the Yunasai Seed Atom. That part is up to that point. The birth of the Yunasai is called the Starborn Cycle. And at the end of it, the Par-TE‟-KEi Seed Atom or Yunasai Seed Atom and the Rosetta Cluster are born. We‘ll see those really quick in a minute for those who don‘t know what they are but really briefly because we‘ve covered those for about a year in different workshops so the information is available out there.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
After this, because we left off as the Starborn Cycle, ok what happens when you get to birth of the Yunasai which we just went through by the way as far as, I forget which tape it was, within the last 2 days birth of the Yunasai occurred within the Aquafereion Host Shield. It had started with the birth of the Tauren in the Tenerife workshop of February 2000 (sic). Was it February? Yah, February 2006 right? Yah where we started the Tauren, birth of the Tauren. And we‘ve progressively worked up to where we hit re-birth of the Yunasai here, and the re-birth of the NaVA-Ho code of Seeding 2 which means we have the Krystal Heart codes so we can use the Aquafereion Passage, so that‘s how all of those things we did before were plugging into what we‘re doing now. (0:30:53)
After that there‘s something called the Life Born Cycle, and this is the pre Big Bang, the Little Bang, the Middle Bang, and the birth of the Par-TE‟-KEi Template, the Par-TE‟-KEi Body, the Par-TE‟-KEi Body 5 Elemental Planes, the Prana Seed, and the Rasha-AmorA RaSha Body. And then we get to birth of the Par-TE‟-KEi Dark Matter Bodies of the RaSha, and these are the RaSha Bodies. Now it will take me another 3 hours to go through each one of these but it is the structure of Creation that starts with 1 point of Creation, the 1st Partiki, and from there, there is a progressive expansion.
When you get past this, the Life Born Cycle, it goes into this, what‘s called the God Born Cycle. This is the Big Bang. After all these things take place from the birth of the Yunasai through this whole cycle by which the Par-TE‟-KEi Body Templates and the RashaLAe Body are created which are the HUB Bodies as opposed to the inner bodies. This God Born Cycle is where the Big Bang occurs, and the Eukatharista Outer Domain Bodies are formed. So there is a particular structure of Creation, a sequence of Creation. And that takes us all the way from the 1 st unit all the way up to the Outer Domain Light-Body Structures and Creations that create the matter forms and the Elemental forms that our Cosmos is made out of both the seen and unseen aspects of it. Next one, please. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
[D5 0:32:08] (Partiki 1 & 2, 1st Phase Set, Backflow Sparks, & Backflow Return Sparks)
When I talk about the start of 1st Partiki and the 2nd Partiki, these are how detailed diagrams where I‘m not going to go through each one of these. These are introduced in Tenerife. It started out with Partiki 1. Then Partiki 2 is put through the Center Point, same Creation Point, and it splits Partiki 1, Partiki 2 took the place of Partiki 1. And in the same place Partiki 1 that was split becomes the Partika and the Particum. So you have Partiki, Partika and Particum, and they form a phase set where they are still linked to the Creation Point in the center, and they phase together and spark here, and they create what is called a Backflow Spark. (0:32:44) And the Backflow Spark goes back into Source, and when it goes back into Source, it gets replicated and Source sends a Backflow Return Spark out. That is the difference between (Eternal-Life Creation, and perpetual motion Eternal-Life Creation, and Finite-Life Creation because in Finite-Life Creation, a thing can spark but it doesn‘t send Backflow back to Source so it can‘t get amplification and replication, and replenishing of its quantum.
Anyway this whole process we‘ve gone through this in various workshops started with the 1 st Partiki and that forming the 1st phase set or the Partiki, Partika, Particum phase set are what allow for Spark Generation which allows for Replication of Quantum through the process of Backflow Sparks and then Backflow Return Sparks being brought out from Source. Next one, please. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
[D5 0:33:30] (The Tauren Light Seed – Eternal Life Ec-Ka-Sha God Seed)
We get to the birth after the cycle of … Now that was the beginning of Light Born Cycle, the end of the Light Born Cycle, that was the one at the top, was the birth of the Tauren. This was the Tauren we are talking about. The Light-Seed that is shown really big but yours is like really tiny inside your body. So you have the 3 E-Na-Ka Partiki units which are actually Backflow Return Sparks from Source. Alright they have to do with the phasing of that little Partiki unit in the center, alright the Triad it was called in the center. And then here you have what is called, this area right here, the center sphere, you see these are actually spheres, the center sphere is called the PartikE. The PartikE Template is actually what‘s called the 1st Photo-generator Cell. It has a breakdown of different geleziac layers within inside of it, 15 different geleziac layers, and that is where the 1st format for the RaSha Bodies comes from. It is from the 1st little tiny PartikE Photo-generator Cell within the 1st Light-Seed Tauren. Next one, please.
[D5 0:34:25] (The Tauren & Harmonic Key Generation)
And this is for people … some of the people have had this before, others haven‘t. But I want you to see where it plugs into your personal body too.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
This is 1st Creation. We‘ve gone from big massive Star Gates and real complex stuff into 1st Creation mechanics where you begin to see how this thing you call RashaLAe Body is created in the 1st place. And it is the same way the Cosmic RashaLAe Body or the Cosmic Body of itself has been created. We went through a whole series of talking about how that PartikE, that Parti .. Parti … excuse me, the … there‘s so many PartikEs, yah PartikE, that‘s the one I‘m looking for. The PartikE unit inside of the Tauren, which is the center Photo-generator Cell, goes through a process of what is called Key Generation or Harmonic Key Generation, which is a process of quantum-building, and at a certain point of quantum building, this is like …. These are the diagrams that show the different series of Harmonic Keys being formed and their quantum distribution, and this is the detail level that they give us this in. So just so you know for the new people here, we‘re not talking out of re-run for this one – they gave really intense detail. This is just to show you where this connects in. We have started with the Life Born (Light Born?) Cycle. We‘ve moved into the Tauren. The Tauren generates Sparks. You have the 3 spheres, and that center Photo-generator Cell, and the little Light-Seed that the Tauren is contracts. And when it contracts, it actually rubs the outer 3 spheres in through the layers, the geleziac layers of the center one, and that creates sparking. And when it expands, the Sparks expand out, and they create Sparks progressively after a set of say 12 contractions, sets of 12 Sparks come out, builds quantum. So it progressively builds quantum at a certain point there is a point called Flash-Point when the entire thing flashes back into the Creation Point, replicates, and comes back out times 2. And this is how we get a progression through Key … what was called Harmonic Key Generation progression of the building of the structure of the Light-Body from the Tauren outward. Next one, please.
[D5 0:36:34] (Proportional Expansion of the 1st Creation Cycle Axis-0 to Axis 1/9 Krystal Spirals, Flame codes, & Heart codes)
This progression starts with that little Triad that was the 1st Partiki, and the 2nd Partiki, and split the 1st one and made the Triad phase set right. The 1st thing you have the birth of the Tauren. The Tauren is birthed on this axis (1).
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
After the Tauren cycles to a certain degree and makes certain amount of Sparks with its Key Cycle, it then flashes off. It goes through Flash-Point. It goes back to Source, replicates, comes back, times 2, and becomes what is called the Diad. Now the Tauren had, is known as the, do I have the unit numbers here, let me see … Umm, Tauren Light-Seed … That had 3 units, 3 Partiki units. When it replicates and comes back, the Tauren itself, the original comes back in the center but its replica times 2 comes back, and that is called the Diad, and that is called the 3-3-3. It has 3 Partiki of … It has the 3 Partiki of 1 side of the 3 Partiki. On the other end it has the 3 of the Tauren in the center. This comes back … This cycle, the Diad Cycle, with the Key Cycle, generates quantum, hits Flash-Point which is critical mass Quantum Generation, goes back in its center, comes back out times 2 again, creates the 6 Partiki, 3 in the center, 6 Partiki. So it‘s a progression of building and replication. This is how the Light-Body structure forms from the 1st little Partiki unit. It goes all the way through these cycles so when it gets up to here, and each of these are different axes by the way so these are what the axes bit refer to, the Tauren is at this axis (1). Then when it births the Diad, it shifts 450. It would be at this axis (2). Next shift 45 0 at this axis (3). Next shift 450 to this one (Axis-4), next to this one (Axis-5), next to this axis over here (Axis-6), and next to this axis over here (Axis-7). And next would be back to what‘s called the Zero-Point axis coz that is the axis here that the original, Partiki 1 and Partiki 2 formed the Triad. This whole process of quantum building and replication is known as a Takeyon Cycle or the Ta-Key-ons alright. The Keys are formed and built through Takeyon Cycles. Through 1 Takeyon Cycle which has these rotations and building of this structure that has 1 st … It first has the 3 Partiki. Then it has 3 with the 6 around it. Then it has the 3 with the ‗3‘ in ‗3‘, and then the 3 and 3 with the 6 and 6 around it. It progressively builds. And these are spheres within spheres within spheres. It forms like a flower, a flower-shaped structure of Light-Cells, Photo Light-Cells. And they get to the point where you over here at the 6-axis, and this is where there‘s a particular mathematical formula, this is part of the Krist Code formula, mathematics of the Krist code, the Eternal-Life code that allows for Quantum Replication at these specific increments. It allows for specific rates of expansion. All of these are very specific mathematics that I won‘t even attempt to go into now or we‘ll never get to the end of this where we can wrap up this workshop. So I‘m not going to give a workshop I gave before here just to catch up (with) people that might be new. So this information, I‘m just scanning it really quick so people that are new, and also people who have been with us for a while can see where it fits with the big stuff we‘ve been dealing with on this trip alright. So we get up to the point where we hit the … Here you have … it is called the Adon 144. There‘s 144 Partiki at this point. It started out with the 3 Partiki units of the Tauren, and it progressively built up the number of Partiki units to here. You had 48 over there. You had 48 X 3. The amount of replication begins to increase the larger the thing gets when it hits Flash-Point, it goes into Source replicates times whatever, and comes out bigger with more quantum.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So this is all leading up to … this is all before the Big Bang. Alright all before our science and that Big Bang point that they theorized might have been there when the Cosmic Soup kind of went ‗boom!‘ and created all the atomic stuff that eventually accreted to form the matter systems that we know. This is all before that. So we got in. We go from here which is called the Divine Blueprint the 144 Partiki units. This is called the Edon, the 1,728 where you have 144 X 12 creates 1,728 Partikis – it‘s building up quantum. Up here which is called the RashaLa, which has 20,736 of the Partiki units which is I believe the 1,728 X 12. So we went from times 2 replications into times 3 replications into times 12 replications of quantum. And this at the end of it all, at the end of 1 Takeyon Cycle, there is a big Flash-Point when Zero-Point axis is reached. And there is what is called the Flame Cycle, and the rotation of the whole set of cells, the Light Cells that have been formed. And this is the cycle we actually just got done completing. And right here when it goes back from the Zero-Point to the next round on the 1-Axis, the number 1 Axis that is where the birth of the Yunasai occurs. And the Yunasai is the 1st Seed Atom, and it is considered the Seed Atom of the Inner Domains so all of this stuff takes place 1st in the Core Domain. Then we go into the birth of the Seed Atom and the Inner Domains. All of the Flame pictures that you might see that we use, they‘re all based on a very specific mathematics that have to do with the Krystal Spirals that emerged from the centers of … During these cycles there are specific Krystal Spiral currents that come out from the center that have to do with the Partiki Currents that are the breakdown of excess replica currents from Source. If a thing goes in and replicates it again, it will form a set of crystals. If a thing goes in and replicates again because a thing ahead of it does its replication, anything, any of those quantums (sic) get broken down into what are called Partiki Spark Currents. And they form a spiral of energy that expands outward and at a certain point there is a Back Spiral that has to do what‘s called the AdorA side. If we are the EtorA side, or the positive charged side, there is a negative charged side corresponding to what is the AdorA side and that has a reverse spin cycle but it is part of the natural structure. (0:42:40)
So this is where we get the Flame codes that we‘re working with. These Heart codes, the Krystal Heart of Aquari code, if you look at those little 4 Hearts that go up in a stack on top of the Krystal Heart code, they are all these Hearts and they pertain specifically to parts of the anatomy that we covered when we covered the Starborn Cycle. So it‘s not
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
just little Hearts drawn there. They are very specific. Their proportions are specific, and it all plugs into the rest of the Light-Body structure. But this is the Yunasai when we talked about the Yunasai Inner Seed Atom. This is just the beginning of the Starborn Cycle. Next one, please. Yah, we‘ll put that one up yah … Next one …
[D5 0:43:11] (The Yunasai & the Birth of the Rosetta)
With the Yunasai is also born what is called the Rosetta, and the Rosetta is all of those little clusters going from the 1st one of the Tauren right down there. When they finish their phase cycle, go in and replicate, the original doesn‘t disappear; it comes back with the replica larger around it. So by the time you get through up to the birth of the Yunasai, you have this amazing cluster of Light-Cells, and collectively that is called the Rosetta. There is a different pronunciation of the Rosetta for each Domain because each Domain goes through a series of these. But these, this is only the beginning. This is up to the birth of the Yunasai. Then a whole bunch of other things happen. I‘m not going to go through this piece by piece; it‘ll take me ages!
[D5 0:43:57] (6 ‘Cracks’, 6 ‘Pops’, & ‘Bing Bong Bang’ of the Par-TE’-KEi Template)
But this is where we get into from the Yunasai Seed Atom is the next phase of forming of the Par-TE‟-KEi Dark Matter Templates, and this is where we get into the yah, this is the Life Born Cycle. So the other up to the Yunasai was Starborn Cycle. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Now we get into the Life Born Cycle. It has to do with the Yunasai contracting and sparking among its Light-Cells, and then releasing energy, and eventually it will hit a point where something occurs. They call it the 6 „Cracks‟, the 6 „Pops‟ and the „Bing Bong Bang‟ or whatever it is. There is a whole series of steps by which the Par-TE‟-KEi Template which is the 15 geleziac layer large template, not the little tiny one inside the Tauren, but the 1st 15 layer Par-TE‟-KEi Template is formed. This we just got, what was for 12 Tribes 3 or 4? It was just … this is just trying to come through.
We have it but it takes about an hour just to describe from the point of the Life Born Cycle to where it creates 1st the inner, I think it‘s the inner 6 (6 ‗Cracks‘) get created 1st, and there is a particular type of expansion they are created from. Then it goes into the 6 „Pops‟ which create the 7 through 12 layers of the Par-TE‟-KEi Template, and this is considered the RaSha Body or the Par-TE‟-KEi Body Template. And we have layer 7 through 12 are formed here, and before that you have layers 1 through 6 are formed here.
So this is the beginning of the Bang Cycles but we‘re not on Bangs yet. We‘re just on 6 ‟Cracks‟, and then next phase 6 „Pops‟, and then there is another one after this …
[D5 0:45:29] (Life Born Cycle: From Yunasai or Par-TE’-KEi Template formation to RaSha Body formation)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Yeah here we‘ve got the Bing Bong Boom! We‘re not a Bang yet! So this is a progressive expansion from that Yunasai. Again there is replication occurring but the pattern becomes different. It becomes larger within certain types of expansion.
Some of them are embedded expansions where we end up with those embedded Kathara Grids that are the bones. And others of them are, there is another type of expansion, oh the Spiral expansion that is based on the spiraling Kathara Grid that the Starborn Cycle runs on.
So it‘s very complex. These cycles are very complex. But what they do is progressively build up the structure, the progressively expanding structure of the Light-Body that becomes the matter body once it reaches the outer Eukatharista level of expression. This is way before that. So we have the Starborn Cycle goes into Life Born Cycle. And then after we get the Par-TE‟-KEi Templates formed, we go into what is called the Big Bang Cycle. And this is where the Eukatharista Body, and this where the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates, and the Kathara 2-3 information was about the Crystal Body Structure, they were talking about the structures of the Outer Eukatharista Body layer. These come … this is where the Big Bang occurs. There are several other … there is more detail to all of these that are still in progress as far as like graphs are in progress but this is the basic structure. So you go from Yunasai formation or Tauren formation to Yunasai formation to RaSha Body or Par-TE‟-KEi Template formation to RaSha Body formation. And there‘s where we get our product of … I‘m going to skip through a bunch of these; it‘ll take me 9 million years yah just going that long. This one I will use. Ok.
[D5 0:47:13] (Par-TE’-Kei Body Template Layer 1, Prana Seed Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
RashaLAe Body Phase Cycle, Key Fertilization, & Krystar Activation)
So the end product of those is before we get to the Big Bang of the Eukatharista Body, we get to the formation of the Par-TE‟-KEi Body Template and its Par-TE‟-KEi Body and that is the RashaLAe Body. There‘s actually the RashaLAe Body would have 4 layers of these. This is just showing 1 layer of the Par-TE‟-KEi Body Template. So if you had the 4 embedded layers of those, that would give you your RaSha Body, or your RashaLAe Body. What you‘re seeing here are something called … these are just crystal bands but we have Alons, ShAlons, and KAlons. They are sets of crystals that do something called Phase Cycle within the RashaLAe Body structure. There is also something out here at the very outer perimeters of the RashaLAe Body called Orons, and they are (0:15:00), there‘s a very complex breathing pattern that the RashaLAe Body has. At the center here by the way too you would have that Prana Seed with the 13 (Shala), and the 15 (Ruta), and the 14 (Urtha) Core Gates here. And it means you have Core Gates too on your smaller RashaLAe Body structure but planets have them too. So in way back behind the Prana Seed is the RaSha Body going deeper in toward 1st Creation Point. You would have your Yunasai Seed Atom, and then behind that you have your Tauren Light-Seed, and behind that you‘ve got the 1st Partiki. So this is coming outward into manifestation. But these are spheres; they‘re not just flat you know, we‘re dealing with spheres. These particular sphere layers do something called Phase Cycle where at a certain point of pulsing because there‘s an expansion and contraction that occurs with the RashaLAe Body, at a certain point of sparking, and sparking is interesting coz when we get into the tones, where we‘re using the Ring Tones … And oh the breaths, remember when we did the inhale-exhale breaths, the 12 rounds? This is what I wanted to explain to you, one of the things I wanted you to understand where that fits. At an inhale, the RashaLAe Body contracts. When it contracts on the 1st breath, layer 1 in here, the Na-Da layer, pulls into the core a little bit, and sparks. And on the exhale, that spark made in layer 1 goes into the Band 1.5. So your inhale
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
is making the sparks and the exhale is charging the Band just above it. So the 1 st round of breaths create the activation of the Na-Da 1 level and charged its Band. So when we are doing this breathing, we are progressively charging the rounds of breathing that we do with the RashaLAe activations that form those Nava Cycles that we all looked at briefly to show you where they fit. They are directly connected to the contraction, expansion and sparking which is Spark Generation or Quantum Generation potential of the RaSha Bodies. So as we do our breathing … this is how it goes … We have 1 round of breath of 12 + 1 breaths. 12, I believe the 12 breaths create the sparking of the 1 layer, and then … you know I‘m not going to try to do that at the top of my head. I have what is like a 6-page dissertation. I won‘t read it to you either because that‘s another 45 minutes of very, very technicals but just so you know this information is here. A lot of it is here already. It‘s just, there‘s so much of it that‘s come through so fast, we don‘t even have it in sequence yet as far as ‗What do you teach people first?‘ This trip is about opening Star Gates but we didn‘t know that until we got here directly. So anyway there is a process of when we are doing the breathing, the inhale contracts the RashaLAe Body which causes sparking of the corresponding Ring, and then the exhale puts those sparks into the Span or Band outside of that Ring. And progressively as we do the breathing, it sparks each Ring, and then charges each Band. Now at a certain point of that, there is a quantum being built in the RashaLAe Body during this process, at a certain point when we get to the point where you have sparked all of the Rings and charged all of the Bands, then there comes a point where something called ‗Fertilization of the Lons‘ as it is called where you have the Alons … We wouldn‘t even get into Alons are the carriers of Prana and they are also the carriers of the Joules, you know the Joule heat units or units of work that science talks about here, it‘s gets all into that. There is a whole bunch of stuff on Key Generation from Tenerife on that talks about that, and it works on the larger RashaLAe Body Level 2. Let‘s just take/make it simple for here having Alon crystals and ShAlon crystals and KAlon crystals. Alon crystals carry the Joule crystals; they are Prana carriers. We have ShAlon crystals that are the Base Tone crystals and they carry EirA current or EirA frequency, and in each of those frequencies has a different specific quantum. And then we have KAlons here that carry what is called the Mana (ManA?) frequency. So when a certain quantum is reached of Spark Generation here, and all of the Rings have sparked and then the exhales charged their Bands, you will have Key Fertilization where the Alon ascends up to the ShAlon, and the KAlon descends down to the ShAlon, and then they make bigger Sparks. And there‘s this whole cycle of things that take place that is extremely complicated and I wouldn‘t at this hour even attempt to describe by myself. But it has been read in some of the workshops, like literally read from the transcripts that they gave us because I … it‘s easier sometimes to just read how they worded it, to give me the understanding instead of trying to make it simpler even though the words are very complex, they get very complex with it.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
But I wanted you to understand that with your personal RashaLAe Body as well as with the Aquafereion Shield Host RashaLAe Body as well as with the natural Planetary RashaLAe Body, there‘s this cycling. When the Bands and the Rings and Spans charge, and they hit a critical mass, then this whole other cycle of these Lons start to cycle and generate more and bigger quantum. And it is the generation of this quantum within the RashaLAe Body that allows the RashaLAe Body to pick up sufficient charge to be able to go into a Krystar activation, which means turn the whole thing including the matter inside of it into Light in order to pass through whatever chambers are being chosen in a Krystar travel. So this is all connected to Ascension directly, and I just wanted you to see that part. There is another part that I‘d like you to see here, and I could join … whoever‘s sleeping I can definitely join you there …. Yah, that‘s alright…. Yah, that doesn‘t mean you have to stay awake. Can I join you? (0:21:00) Just crawl up on the floor too. Which one do I want? Urr … no, I don‘t need that one. I don‘t need this. I want to get to the next one. Yah, that‘s what I want to get.
[D5 0:54:16] (4 Eckashi Eyugha Cycles, StarFire Point, ReishaLAe Activation, & the full Krystar Body)
So this is the last part or bit that is most important that I wanted to get you to. It was understanding a little bit about that whole process that we just talked about from the 1st Partiki and the Light Born Cycle and birth of the Tauren all the way out to birth of the Seed Atom, all the way through the birth of the layers of the Par-TE‟-KEi Bodies to the RashaLAe Body Templates, and then to the final Big Bang birth of the Eukatharista Body. This not only happens once. That happens to form … it happens … starts from the core…. 1st the Yunasai is born. Then you have that whole set all the way up to the Eukatharista Outer Body layer of the Inner Domains. Then the whole thing goes again. And it births another Partiki unit, that births another Tauren, that births another Seed Atom that‘s called the UmShaddEi Seed Atom that‘s called the Middle Seed Atom. And from that emerges its set of Par-TE‟-KEi Templates, and Big Bangs that form its Eukatharista Body, and that forms the Edon Middle Domains. And again that goes through that whole same cycle for the 1 st.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
This births the 1st Partiki for the Outer Domains. From that comes the Tauren for the Outer Domains and the Seed Atom for the Outer Domains, and from that comes the Big Bang of the Outer Domains. That‘s where we are existing right now in the Outer Domains, Creation Domains. Each one of these Domains, they are electro-magnetic reality Domains where holographic, 3-dimensional holographic space-time experience takes place, each one of these is called a Eyugha Cycle, Eyugha, E-y-u-g-h-a, a Eyugha Cycle. You can look at these diagrams that I‘ve done. They are a bit scribbly. You can look at the ones in your packs, and you‘ll see that the inner one is called the Ra-LA Eyugha. This one here, it has to do with certain things that have to do with Alons, KAlons, ShAlons, and other Lons. This would represent the Alon Shield level, the Inner Domains. The ShAlon Shield level would represent the Middle Domains. The KAlon Shield level would represent the Outer Domains. And this is where we get the names of the Eyughas. Here with the Core Cycle we have the Ra-LA Eyugha which is Eyugha 1. We have Eyugha 2 which is called the Aah-LA Eyugha because it is the Alon Cycle. We have the Sha-LA Eyugha because it is the ShAlon Cycle. And we have the Ka-LA Eyugha, or Kalayuga as a lot of the New Age people have been teaching, in the Outer Domains because it is the KAlon Cycle. These are the larger cycles. This whole set of 4 cycles of expansion are known as the Eckashi, E-c-k-a-s-h-i, expansion cycles from 1st Creation. After, at the completion of the 4th Eyugha Cycle, the Ka-LA Eyugha Cycle, there is the turnaround point which is the StarFire Point, the natural StarFire Point. (0:24:00) And this is where the StarFire Body which is referred to as the ReishaA Body I believe of the Krystar activates and this is where we get into the RaSha Body activations. Each of, when we talk about RashaLAe Body, we are actually specifically talking about that Inner Core Body before the Big Bang part, the Par-TE‟-Kei Template level of the Outer Domain Body. That is the RashaLAe Body. If we go into the Edon Level, the Middle Level, it is called the RashaLEa Body. If we go into the Core Level, it is called the Rashallah Body, I mean Inner Level, sorry, Rashallah Body. And if we go into the Core Level it is called the RaSha Body. When we get up to the point of full expansion, and Universes and Cosmos work this way too but so does your own incarnational cycles.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
And from the 1st point when you individuated from Source into clusters of identities in order to out-step yourself, downstep and out-step yourself into the manifestation Domains, eventually that whole cycle of Self or Cosmos comes into StarFire Point. And this is what Urtha is going into now, StarFire Point where it activates the full RaSha Body set, the RashaLAe Body goes into what is called ReishaLAe Body activation. ReishaLAe, alright and this is where the Outer Domains activates the full Krystar Body and goes RashaLAe and Krystar in what‘s called a Krystar Body Capsule, and goes into the Backspin Cycles where they are going back to Source now. These are called, where these are the 4 Eckashi Eyugha Cycles, these are the 3 Adashi Return Cycles or Ascension Cycles. When we talk about the Adashi Temples of Urtha, these are the particular naturally occurring Krystal Temple sets that are able to run the specific currents that are associated with the Backflow currents to Source. So we have, what we are at here is the point where Urtha is going to move through this between 2047 to 2052, Urtha is moving into this level of RaSha Body activation. It is going into a state of ReishaLAe, and it‘s moving back from the Outer Domains into the Middle Domains or the Edons. This is what‘s going back to Edon is about. Some of us will be able to take that path, and it is 1 particular path of Ascension where you have various options of what you do next that kind of thing. This is what Earth is not capable of doing anymore because of the grid damage. There is a lot I can talk about here but they also … let me see what they want you to know most about in relation to what we are doing coz there‘s tons and tons of things to talk about … You can talk about what particular units are like. Units are radons out here; they are edons here; they are adons here, and they are etons there. I mean there‘s real specific dynamics to go with this. But this just shows you where you have your RaSha Bodies coming out here, and then you have your Reisha Bodies going back there. And that‘s where the Sanskrit bit gets into like Rishis and that kind of stuff. It has to do with activating these levels of the (0:27:00) natural Light-Body structure. As we are going out here in the Eckashi Cycles, it‘s starting small, and then expanding and getting bigger right as far as the manifestation. This reaches its biggest expansion point, and at this point, it starts to condense and get more intense, and more focused but smaller. So from the Krystar Body full expansion, it then contracts back into the Edonic Domains, in the Edon Domains, and then from there it would contract. It is getting more concentrated and condensed; the consciousness is getting more condensed; the energy is condensing back. It goes back smaller into the Inner Cycles, and back into the Core Cycles, and then back into Source. And after the 1st projection, say something comes out for the 1 st time, goes through its cycle, goes all the way back through the Adashi Cycles, goes back to the 1st Creation Point which would be the point where the 1st Partiki emerged in this Light-Body Structure. Then 1 part of it re-births, it‘s a replica re-birth, and its original will go into full Krystar StillPoint activation where it literally forms … Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Here we go there‘s that word they just taught me. They just gave me. This is the last thing we came out (with). I need to look at my papers to see how they did that. This is why they wanted to show this diagram. Then they could give us the last words of the last line of the Aurora Psonn. Alright when a 1st cycle of something goes, it doesn‘t have the full Krystar. It actually builds the Krystar. The Krystar is the final full expansion phase as it‘s going to turn back around and go into the Adashi Cycles. But once it completes an Adashi Cycle, and goes back into Source, replication occurs 1 st of all if the consciousness chooses to, it will be able to come back through, start again its Seed Cycle again but at the same time it will come through with the full Krystar Body. Now that can only happen at the end of a full Adashi Cycle, and the choice to re-birth out will allow this large body to actually be around the Seed from the beginning so you literally exist in a state, and expand and grow and evolve in a state that is referred to as the SŪ NŪ ah KĀe… which are the last 4 syllables in line 8 of the Psonn of Aurora. It means being in a fully Krysted existence. So it‘s not only building the Krystar Body until you can fully activate in RashaLAe; the 1st cycle out and back does that. But once you go through 1 cycle in the manifestation Domains, you can come back out again but in full Kristiac consciousness in any of the Domains. It is a transcendent state of existence. You could choose to know yourself as a cosmos or a solar system or a planet or a star. It is a level I don‘t really know a lot about coz they just told me about this particular aspect. They‘ve been telling us about how you get to here, full expansion, go into Krystar activation, StarFire Point, and then go back in from the Outer Domains into the Middle Domains. Then from the Middles into the Inners, and from the Inners into the Core, and from the Core go back into Source. But then there is the big one where you can actually choose to re-birth in a fully Krysted state starting the expansion over again but fully within the StillPoint of this body. All these bodies will be on top of each other by the way. I‘m just having them strung out so you can see the different cycles involved with them. They all represent space-time cycles, and we are in the end here of the Outer Domain Cycle, the Ka-LA Eyugha of this particular system. Ok, next one, please.
[D?5 1:03:37] (4 Eckashi Cycles, 3 Adashi Return Cycles, Space Dust Return, Ascension, RaSha Bodies, Reisha Bodies, & Urtha StarFire)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
One more, I‘m just about there. That‘s the wrap-up that‘s what they wanted. Yah, I‘m very close to finishing. So hang in there – we‘re almost done! I just wanted to … I mean you‘re always free to leave – you‘re not like hostages here. But I‘d like to be able to anchor stuff in so you can appreciate the depth of what you‘ve just moved through particularly on a trip like this coz this is really intense. This is showing you the same thing a little bit clearer that Core Cycle that I referred to as the StarSeed Cycle. The Inner one is the Starborn Cycle, the Middle one as the StarFlame Cycle; the Outer one is the StarBurst Cycle, then the StarFire Point. And we go into StarFire Cycle which is the Adashi 1 Cycle. Then the StarLight Cycle which is the Adashi 2 Cycle. And the StarShine Cycle which is the Adashi 3 Cycle. And then there is the back into Source. That is where you go where you have managed to go through the whole circuit of Eternal-Life Creation without doing space dust return. Space dust return is simply something that loses its template integrity because of the choices it made and the energy consequences that happen because of those choices. It will still go back but it will go back in pieces where it‘s not able to have the option of returning in fully Krysted status where it can re-birth that, what is that word again? I‘m just learning this bit, the yah, the SŪ NŪ ah KĀe state. So space dust return you will always go back. The space dust will go back. It will ride on whatever still holding on its template, and will go back as like particle dust with that during its next StarFire Cycle. But there is an advantage to Ascension. This is what Ascension is: 1st Creation is manifesting (0:03:00) progressively, expanding within the consciousness field of Source as part of the manifest body of Source. And then you hit the full expansion point, and then it turns around and you go back and then you contract back in again. It is an eternal breathing cycle. So this is the physics. This is the core of the physics of the Eternal-Life Cycle but it is also the core of spirit. When all of this we‘ve already showed way back as far as like where is your Soul? Where is your Oversoul? Where is your Avatar? Where is your Rishi? And that‘s when we talked about your immediate 15-dimensional anatomy on the outside. You also have the RaSha structures that go into all of these levels. Each layer has a RaSha Body. Each layer in the RaSha Body would be that Par-TE‟-Kei Template level. That creates the Big Bang that creates the Eukatharista Outer Body, and each layer of these has one of those. That‘s why we have a RaSha Body on each layer. And then these are the Reisha Bodies, the return bodies. So we‘re going into Reishic states basically, you know the ascended states when you go into the Adashi Cycles. And this is what these Adashi Temples are all about, and this is what these Gates are about. They are about getting back into the natural cycle. Some of us will be able to ride Urtha StarFire right back in and go back into the Edons. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Other of us will stay here for a while and hold the host for Earth, and for the period of time where things can be evolved out through the New Earth field, the Aurora Gyrodome field, and there will be a point in time where that also goes back into a natural Adashi Cycle. So it can go back through the Adashi Cycles and do a Krystar return if the consciousness of that planetary field so chooses at that time. Next one, please.
[D5 1:06:59] (The 4 Mu’s Cycles, the Krist, & the Ka-LA Eyugha)
It‘s a bit detailed this stuff! I just get really like tired sometimes. Now this is just the beginning of taking what you just saw as far as the breakdown of those 4: the Core, the Inner, the Middle and the Outer Domains, and then going back into the Middle, and back into the Inner, and back into the Core, and back into Source. So that‘s showing you the same template of that. And this was just the beginning of trying to show where the Mu‟s fit. The Mu‟s Cycles, remember the Yamu NaVA Cycle, Yamu NaVA Hosa, and the Comu NaVA Hosa? These cycles are cycles of the Prana exchange that have to do with that quantum building that I talked about, about the inhale breaths sparking and the Rings, and the exhale charging the Bands with those sparks. These are all connected. It‘s really, really complex material but what it all has to do with is activating each of the RaSha Body layers for each of the Domains. We just completed the Yamu Cycles here. So we fully activated in the Aquafereion Host Shield we fully activated the RaSha Body Core, (0:06:00) the Core Body. We have begun and completed the Comu NaVa Hosa Cycles, however you say that, NaVA Hosa. There‘s a rhythm to that that sometimes they getting it, sometimes they don‘t. NaVA, NaVA, NaVA Hosa, NaVA Hosa is good. Yah, that‘s it! The Comu Cycles here, the Comu NaVa Hosa Cycles, we completed that. It meant we fully activated the Inner Domain Rashallah Body. The next cycle we‘re thus triggering now is the cycles of the RashaLEa Body which will be the KA-mu Cycles that will culminate in what is called KA-mu NaVA Hosa. And this has to do with very specific things that are taking place with those Alons, KAlons, and ShAlons, and in what are called the 12 fire chambers that are of the RashaLAe Body structure there. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Those 12 (fire) lines that you saw that the Alons, KAlons, and ShAlons are lining up on their fire lines, and it is all about quantum building and expansion to the point where the RashaLAe Bodies are capable of activating fully in order to be able to go in to a Krystar ReishaLAe activation. So it‘s very complex information. As you can see we do get a lot of detail. They don‘t just tell us little bits about something; they give us the whole dissertation on it when they give us a piece. I‘m trying to put those pieces together in a way that you just don‘t get burned out by detail where it is practical so you can at least understand what you‘re part of. And when you‘re doing the breathing, you know what you are doing: you‘re sparking your Rings, and then charging your Bands, those Spans, with those sparks. So there‘s progressive points where when we reach, when we complete activation of the RashaLEa Body, that will be completion of the KA-mu Cycles, and that will bring us into the Outer Domain RashaLAe Body Cycles which are the Sha-mu Cycles. And when they are complete, then, this is progressively activating each level of the RashaLAe Body on the Core, the Inner, the Middle, and then the Outer Domains. And that prepares us for Krystar activation where you can activate the corresponding things; they call this the Sha-mu NaVA Cycle. So this goes into the ReishaLAe Cycles where you go into the Adashi Return Ascension Cycles. And this is the story of true Ascension. It is the story of perpetual motion Eternal-Life Creation coz everything, the Cosmos is created outward. It cycles back. It doesn‘t just like blow itself up when it gets to a point. Science likes to say that our Universe is expanding. It is going to expand, expand, expand until some point it just wipes itself out. Only false systems will do that; Black Hole systems that can‘t do the natural Quantum Generation that occur during the RashaLAe Body phasing. Our system, our planetary system is being hosted so there still is a RashaLAe Host and we are the host on this planet to be able to take us out of this system and back into natural Kristiac Adashi Cycles. This is what the word ‗Krist‘ is about. It has to do with the core sound tones Ka-Ra-Ya-Sa-Ta-Ha-La Ka-Sha whatever they are. It has been ages since I did that one too. But even the word ‗Krist‘, the Christians didn‘t start that. They stole it; nothing personal but the ‗Krist‘ word began with ‗K‘. It had to do with the Core 1st Creation tones, and this is another part of the body of the work that we have, so all of the religions that are on the planet right now have stolen little bits and pieces of this. You can find bits of it in the Sanskrit, in the Hindu religion. You can find bits of it in Buddhism. You can find bits of it in Christianity. You can find bits of it in the Muslim religion. It‘s just all over the place and it‘s in bits; it‘s shattered, just like our DNA. This is the original teachings. This is 1st Creation mechanics and perpetual motion Krystar Cycle. And we are entering a point we are in the Ka-LA Eyugha and the Ascension or the Adashi Passages are opening. And what you have participated in through this workshop is the opening of this last host opportunity to pick up this Adashi Cycle where life forms here will be able to still continue and go back in and heal so that they can go into the natural perpetual life-cycle. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
And we wanted to get you to the point where you can understand the significance on a personal level. You have a body that is your RaSha Body. We can go into the next one. A‘hza: Do you want to go into anyone of these? A‘sha: Urr … we‘ll do this one 1st. Yah, thank you.
[D5 1:12:44] (The RaSha Body)
The same structure that gave you the vertical maps of the planet and the whole bit, if we look at the … We‘ve been looking at the RaSha Body on this vertical axis like this would be the top. Now if we‘re going to continue looking at this, this would be our RashaLAe Body or our RaSha Self, ok. Now in relation to the Kathara Grids of our Outer Domain Bodies that we have been using in the Kathara manual and those kind of things, the RaSha Body lines up at a 450 angle where you would have the 9th point of the Kathara Grid. This is not quite proportional exactly but where you would have the Kathara Center 9 on the Outer Grid would be the 12th point of the RaSha Body. Now right now we‘re looking at the RaSha Body still vertical, and that makes our larger body, our physical body look strange because it is at a funny angle 45 0. Now what, when we‘re looking at the Kathara stuff with our physical bodies the way we‘re seeing it at the mirror right now … Yah, thank you.
[D? C32 0:11:30] (The RaSha Body & the Kathara Grid, & the Krystar Activation)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
What we actually see is the print that is filling out and blocking in … We are used to looking at our body and our Kathara Grid here. This will put our RaSha body here. So our little RashaLAe self that we go running around in, and go orbing in and stuff, it is actually this Self here. And if you have taken the Kathara classes, remember we started with the mentor space over the right shoulder? They have been using RashaLAe all along but it was too complicated to explain in the beginning. With the Kathara manual it had to start somewhere, and the Kathara Grid was the place they needed to start because all the bones of Creation were built on that, and the mathematics. So you do have your RaSha Body. When you activate the RashaLAe Body states, when you go into projection, what you are doing is activating the RashaLAe Body and it‘s also around your Outer Body as well but you‘re activating these levels in here too. And a part of your consciousness is condensing itself and going into that RaSha state, shifting angular rotation of particle spin, 450 counter-clockwise I believe, and going into travel. And you can do that while your physical body is still here. At a certain point of full activation I believe is when you hit the ShA-mu Cycle where you go into Krystar activation, what you‘ll get is this body, your physical body will also go into full … because the frequency goes so high in the RaSha Body and in the fields of the Outer Domain Body, it will also condense and compact and go with this body, and you will be able to physically go in the Domains that the RaSha Body can travel, and then re-expand out again into physicality. So it‘s like a vehicle of transport when you activate this body system, and it allows at a certain point for you enter Krystar activation where the big body gets to shrink down a bit, join the RaSha Body and the states of consciousness that are in it, and be able to go and travel as Light through what are called the Krystar Passages of Ascension.
[D5 1:15:45] (Krystar Crystal Capsule)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Now the Krystar Body forms a Krystar what is called a Krystar Crystal Capsule around the body that has certain Core Flame activations. It has spinning shields. It is a crystalline capsule of life. It is connected at the AzurA. This is when you are in full ReishaLAe Body exhalation. When you go into Krystar activation, it takes you out of the RashaLAe activation and into ReishaLAe activation into Reisha Cycles. This is the vehicle you need to pass a StarFire yourself to be able to go through and ride the StarFire wave into the Edons. So some people who fully go into here, it is also the level we need to hold the host field here so even though the ones who aren‘t going to immediately go out with Urtha StarFire, the ones who are staying to hold the host on the planet, will also need to go into Krystar activation in order to have enough frequency in the bodies to be able to hold that host. So we are all moving toward the Ascension vehicle of the Krystar activation.
[D5 1:16:48] (Krystar Capsule and RaSha Body structure)
When you put that in relation to your RaSha Body structure, it would appear simply as this. This is your Krystar Capsule, and this is just the crystal part shown with the Flame in relation to the 15 layers and the 12 Fire Chambers, and the Alon, ShAlon, KAlon, and Oron fields of your ReishaLAe Body structure. And all pf this stuff we‘re doing with the Gates and things, as we work with activating Gates, it is also progressively beginning the corresponding activation levels in your own personal RaSha Bodies. It is a big story we‘re a part of. It is so big it makes me very tired especially this time of the night. I bet it does you too.
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
I hope that both the people who have been with us for quite a long time, those who have been with us for a bit, and those who are just new, I hope I have brought this, I have brought a huge spectrum of information together. I just didn‘t hit you with the new stuff on the technicals on the Gates. I tried to bring it into so everyone including the new people could see how it goes right down to the core of your spirituality, not just the Gates and stuff on planets that are stuff you might not have thought about before. Alright all of it is connected. As we heal, help to heal this planet, we help to heal ourselves. And if you just focus on healing the self, and you don‘t understand what, how the self is connected to the planet, you won‘t understand what needs to be healed in the self. Right now, we are purging one of the major blights on the face of the DNA of the human template, and that is the Caduceus Seal. And that will, I can‘t wait to find out more from the Beloveds. They will eventually, they will give us more classes on how to work with this. What potential is this giving us back because this is the Death Seal? And if we clear the Death Seal what does that mean? Does that mean we can actually clear our templates enough to go into Krystar activation which means be able to take our bodies with us and not only heal them from whatever mess they might be in at the moment, you know whatever hurt, aches, pains, things that are going wrong with it, but we can actually, after all of these thousands of years on this planet, be able to pass through the Gates first in slide into the New Earth field, and then up into span right up to Earth. And then after that it‘s like I can‘t even imagine sitting up there and going ‗Wo! We‘re here! We made it!‘ Gosh! What do you do now? Could we just go relax for a while, like could we not have emergencies for a while? But we‘re in the middle of not just a Planetary, but a 15-Dimensional Universal Time Matrix emergency. We are part of the rescue team, and we are bringing to the life field on Earth by anchoring the things we have, the last chance of holding that Ascension Passage for 500 to 1,000 years if things go well. And I just want to thank you for being with us, and being a part of this learning journey because we‘re learning too. We knew we‘re going to teach Ascension but not this particular path. This is the fast path. There is usually the path of the Outer Domains that you get on all the way up to the top of the Eukatharista Body. Then you go into the Middle Domains. No, this is going right through because the Outer Domains here are falling. You can‘t go from Density-1 into regular Density-2 because Density-2 is falling, Density-3 is falling, and the access between Density-4 and its core has cracked, and is off tilt in our Universal Time Matrix. But we‘re actually, this is the fast path; this is the evacuation path of Ascension to get those that are Krist-able) out of a system that is going space dust Fall. So I just want to thank you for being with us. I hope that you have enjoyed this trip. It has been amazing for us (applause from the audience) and just have a very, very safe trip home. And I don‘t know if I forgot anything but I‘m so tired I can‘t remember if I did. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Member of the audience: Ash, did you find the Aurora Psonn? A‘sha: Mmm? Member of the audience: The last psonn? A‘sha: Ahhh! Thank you! I did forget something last. No, they don‘t. Where did I get that? A‘hza: The translations, I don‘t think you‘ve explained it. A‘sha: Oh, I haven‘t given it a chance. Where did it go? … in my pack. You need a pencil for this, pen for this whatever. Just so you can scribble it down. Is it there? Yah, there it is. It should be the 1st page, yah. Thank hon.
A'sha--Psonn of Aurora Translation [D5 C33 0:18:50] Alrighty, we‘ll cover the Aurora Psonn. Now we had the translation. And I‘ll also read the whole thing once I tell you the translation of the last line because the way … I didn‘t have time to pull them all out into ‗Here, just read it this way right!‘ Because they were trying to show you which part of the tones like the words in the Anuhazi and Aquari language coz this is a hybrid language of Aquari and Anuhazi together, which ones meant which, coz these are words used in other places too in other psonns. But the last one, the ‗MĒ Ta Blen DĀ SŪ NŪ ah KĀe‘, where they have described this is now ‗MĒ Ta – that refers to ‗an Absolute Unshakable Conviction‘. And ‗Blen‘ used in this context refers to, let‘s see, ‗affirming‘ … I got to read my writing; it‘s all scribbled. It refers to ‗an Affirmation or Statement of‘. So when you put ‗MĒ Ta Blen together, it means ‗I State and Affirm with Absolute Unshakable Conviction.‘ So it is a power statement. Member of audience: Can you repeat please? A‘sha: Yup! ‗I State and Affirm with Absolute Unshakable Conviction.‘ And that‘s ‗MĒ Ta Blen. Now ‗DĀ‘, just like above refers to ‗The Will‘ and here would be ‗The Will to‘. And the ‗SŪ NŪ ah KĀe‘ refers to ‗be as the embodiment of the Eternal-Life Krystar Body in the SŪ NŪ ah KĀe‘ Transcendent State‘. So they didn‘t give us this line translation until we had a clue of the Krystar Cycle and then that option of return where you get to return as a Krysted, fully Krysted being in the SŪ NŪ ah KĀe‘ state. That is that fully Krysted being state, and it happens after you‘ve come out and manifested once, gone through the Adashi Cycles Home, and then come out fully manifest as a Krysted being. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Basically these are what Avatar around here on this planet a lot (sic) to mean much … they mean this state but whether they are calling Avatars or not this (sic) … So it is a state that where they have worded it here because it‘s hard, some of these things are hard to translate into English because you need a million English words to explain 2 syllables in some of them. These are direct cognition languages where they actually, sometimes I can see them open up in like spheres with pictures in them, like direct cognition just-knowing stuff comes from just this small bit of syllable. So it‘s funny when people say, ‗Well I don‘t want to do it without knowing the English translation.‘ Well, I‘ll give you the English translation but that‘s just a layer of it. These are huge languages. That link English is too small for it; any language here is too small to fully translate. That‘s why they give us the tones because the tones actually activate the corresponding levels of consciousness within the shields and the RashaLAe Body. But anyway, the way they described that last part ‗SŪ NŪ ah KĀe‘, they said in quotation marks ‗Be as the embodiment of the Eternal-Life Krystar Body in the SŪ NŪ ah KĀe‘, which is the word up there that we are translating, ‗Krysted Transcendent State‘. Member of the audience: With a ‗C‘ or ‗K‘? A‘sha: ‗K‘. Yup … We‘ve been up and using ‗C‘s for a while now. That was just the translation so people realize we‘re talking about the same thing alright, yah as far as like Christ with a ‗C‘, and Kryst with a ‗K‘; the Christ with a ‗C‘ came out of the Kryst with the ‗K‘ as far as … it was the same story but bigger with the ‗K‘. Alright now if you put those together, let‘s see, what it means in simple terms if you want to put those 2 pieces of the ‗MĒ Ta Blen DĀ SŪ NŪ ah KĀe‘ together, what you get for line 8 is ‗I State and Affirm with Absolute Unshakable Conviction the Will to be AS the Eternal Krystar Body in the SŪ NŪ ah KĀe Krysted Transcendent State‘. Everybody ok with that? Anybody needed to repeat it? One more time – yah I know it‘s a mouthful, the whole thing is a mouthful. It‘s a lot easier in Anuhazi Aquari alright, much shorter. Alright again line 8 is ‗I State and Affirm with Absolute Unshakable Conviction the Will to be AS the Eternal Krystar Body in the SŪ NŪ ah KĀe‘ Krysted Transcendent State‘. Member of audience: Do you include ‗be as the embodiment of‘? A‘sha: No, in some of these they showed you like the bigger meaning of a particular part. And I actually went there, and if you want me to I will read like the lines line by line. I wanted to have this part. I didn‘t get a chance to … see the bottom stuff on this? It was what I took what was written above underneath, and just put it down in its primary meaning for line by line. It won‘t take long. Actually we can probably just like post this somewhere because I think it‘s going to get posted on a site. I‘ll read it to you once, but don‘t worry about writing it down. Ok, yah, ok. Oh did those pages come back yet? A‘hza: Yes, they‘ve got them. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
A‘sha: They got them? Oh good! By the way, the pages that you‘ve got, the last 2 pages, sorry they are not typeset, but they are a personal journey that you can take. And it‘s a journey that is to be repeated much more than once because when you start to use it, that‘s why you‘re given the color maps, particularly maps without all the things written on them, so you can use them as projection vehicles, as resonance alignment imagery. Actually the technique that you are given which is the Ring 4 Journey technique will take you, it‘s the direct pass into the Density-1 New Earth Aurora Slide Zone layer 1. We don‘t have to go all the way up, all the way down, all the way up, and all they way over the long one we did today. We opened those passages so now we can do the quick route which are the water, the Aquifer Water Chamber route they call it. And you‘ll see as you work with that what they are, and it is quite fun, and it is where you can meet with your advisor. (0:27:00) If you‘ve already met with your advisor with the other techniques, the Ring techniques, they‘ll meet with you there. And we call them the greeters. And if you like your greeter which will be one of the incarnations of you that are on Urtha simultaneously, if you feel comfortable with your greeter, they will take on a role if you would wish as your advisor, just like the president has an advisor just to help you out if you have questions or to make suggestions, that kind of thing as far as helping you with understanding your path in this whole Ascension drama that this planet is in. They will also mind their own business if you want them to, and they won‘t bother you unless you ask because that‘s spiritual protocol. ‗Ask and you shall receive‘ but God‘s not going to bug you, and neither will those in service to the Krist; they are there and you can call on them at anytime once you meet them. So they will be the same ones that you will meet in this journey if you‘ve gone on some of the other journeys, the same ones that you met before that you hooked up with in the other journey. This begins the process – these are your greeters. There‘s (sic) many, many people to meet in these places and many things to talk about with the greeters. So I hope you enjoy this passage. I‘ll read really quick the lines just so you know real quick what the song says in English, and the English just can‘t hold the whole of it. But line 1 says, “The Silent Strength of Eternal Grace Expressed NOW and in this place”. Line 2: “Brings Loving comfort, peaceful solace in the face of disharmony, suffering, or spiritual challenge as this condition may be or is in the present experience.” Line 3: “The Silent Strength of Eternal Grace Expressed NOW and in this place.” “Brings Perpetual Renewal by the means and way of Eternal Living Light.” And they call those the Affirmative Co-creation Commands to focus manifestation and embodiment of that which is called upon. So you‘re calling upon like the Cosmos when you are using those. Now these they call the Affirmative Self-directive Commands to focus and direct your personal power and your personal energy. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
So line 5 which starts that part is “A Stoic, Noble Stance I will hold in appropriate or perfect bearing in context of the Circumstance around me.” (Line) 6: “The power of my Burning Passion and Desire will be enacted or brought forth Spiritual Love, Reverence, and Loving Respect.”
Line 7: “The unknown or uncertain circumstance will be met with Calm Bravery, Self-Reflective Clarity, great patience and tolerance.” “In Loving humility, gentleness and Harmlessness as the will, the means and the Way of Safe Passage.” And line 8: ―I State and Affirm with Absolute Unshakable Conviction the Will to be AS the Eternal Krystar Body in the SŪ NŪ ah KĀe Krysted Transcendent State‖. And you‘re singing all that and a lot more because you‘re actually using the tones that activate the levels of the RaSha Bodies in order to create the Krystar activation. And there‘s a lot more. There are 6 verses to this from what I hear. I don‘t know what the others are. I haven‘t heard them yet but it is very special. It is a Command Psonn. It‘s used to activate grids and we‘ve been using it to activate the NaVA-Ho Passage grids which means it must be quite highly coded as far as the sound tone frequencies they carry if they are activating the Seeding 2 level crystal complexes. So that bit you have your journey… What, what?... Ok, Az just said this will be posted within a week of our getting back in full, like we have it typeset properly and that kind of stuff. What‘s interesting is looking at the words up above – that‘s why we broke it down where you look at let‘s say where‘s the one word ‗R‘? It‘s on the letter ‗R‘ which is the ‗Ta-Lus‘ right? The … wait … ‗Să – Neu – eń Ā – Ta – Lus‘. Yah, ‗Să – Neu – eń – Ta – Lus‘, that ‗Ta-Lus‘ part, T-a-L-u-s, if you look down under ‗R‘, look at all that one little word means. „Ta –Lus‘ means ‗Calm Bravery, Self-reflective Clarity, great patience and tolerance‘, ok. So there are some interesting condensed words that mean huge things compared to how many little English words or whatever language here you would use to string them out. Another one is the ‗Jhá …en‘ alright under ‗S‘: ―In Loving humility, gentleness and harmlessness” So when you put … when you have the LA which is what? ―Will be met with‖. Even ―Ta –Lus Jhá …en‖, what does that mean? “Calm Bravery, Self-reflective Clarity, great patience and tolerance in Loving humility, gentleness and harmlessness.” I mean there‘s all sorts of really good affirmations you can pull out of here once you can see what parts … that‘s why they did that way so you could see some of the … what the words meant so you can use them in another context as well if you wanted to as affirmations. Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
Like ‗BĒ TŪ, BĒ TŪ‘: ―The Silent Strength”; ‗ĕ–Te–Ta‘: “of Eternal Grace‖; BĒ TŪ ĕ–Te–Ta, BĒ TŪ ĕ–Te–Ta‟, yup ‗ĕ–Te–Ta‟: ―The Silent Strength of Eternal Grace.” So there‘s a lovely saying all into itself – ‗BĒ TŪ ĕ–Te–Ta‘. And then you go ‗ét – A‘ at the end of it. It uses the suffix, and that … and well you can read the words, what those bits mean. See you can pull bits out and use them as affirmations, or greetings or whatever to each other, which is for yourself or each other that kind of thing, and they wanted us to see that. Am I done? A‘hza: I do think so. A‘sha: Jo has a question. Jo has a question. Jo: I want to know about the code that we received … A‘sha: Yes. Jo: Is that ok to share with others? A‘sha: Urr … Jo: Is it ok like the Phoenix work, the latest Phoenix workshop? A‘sha: Yah, actually, but it is in its rough form right now where that‘s going to be rendered in full color and such too. Umm … it doesn‘t hurt I mean to have the black and white one go out? Yah, but I‘m not sure … It won‘t hurt them to use it but I don‘t know how much it will activate in their systems until they do … There‘s 2 things: the Ring 1 Access Key Journey and this journey that we did today will be key in that being able to activate in their systems so they can look at it, and play with it, and that …but it‘s not going to activate until they do the full spectrum of RashaLAe Body activation. So it‘s kind of like you can give it to them but just look at but know that at some point if they do these other things, it will work for them. So don‘t mislead them into thinking that it‘s going to do something for them until they have those other things that need to work with it. Jo: Also it was in Phoenix we did have the pleasure of hearing your 1 st voyager journey. A‘sha: Yes. Jo: Would they be able to do the journey we did today? I don‘t think so. I think … A‘sha: They need to do the Access Key Journey Ring 1. See at this point anybody can do the Access Key Journey Ring 1 but as it was done from the live transmission coz there was a wave, a carrier wave put through that. That‘s why it‘s taped, and we put that on CD fast, and we‘re trying to get that out, the Access Key Journey from the original live transmission which was in Tribes 2 class. That combined with the, what we did today, and what we were trying to do is try to get a set of those: the Ring 1 and the Ring 4 set, and then the Krystar code, then all those can be used together. So right now if they have done, any of the people that have done the Access Key Journey, which could be people that weren‘t in 12 Tribes, they could have been people that were just at the Phoenix workshop. If they use this 4-journey, you know the one we did today, we don‘t have it yet ready for anybody. It has been recorded. It was recorded, wasn‘t it? A‘hza: Yes. A‘sha: Good! (Sigh of relief) Yes! And these are a set though, 1 and 4. Jo: Are you saying we don‘t have to do … Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
[D5 1:37:44] A‘hza Jo, the best part you have done is to bring to our attention something we need to do. And that is to actually provide an official statement, not to have it pass from word to mouth because we‘ve all seen what happens when we allow things like that to be announced, quote, unquote. We will pay attention to it and issue an official guideline on what people should do, and what state it should go through.
[D5 1:38:23] A‘sha They have said that as soon as we can on the product list, they‘re going to … I forget what the title is … they‘re going to use the Ring 1 Access Key Journey, and this journey that we did today on as just like CD sets so they can be used as just a set of 2 CDs and meditations, and they‘ll be sold probably with the code because then you can activate the Krystal code in the system once you use those 2 journeys. So they are going to be packaged as like a quick catch-up as far as frequency in RashaLAe Body activation goes. And then later we‘re going to have a bunch of journeys but they are going to do the one for package in order to allow people to use the NaVA-Ho code Kryst … there are so many words to that title of that code my mind goes ‗Which one we‘re going to use first?‘ But it is the Aquafereion NaVA-Ho Krystal Heart code. Alright so we‘ll do the 1 and 4 package but we just don‘t have them yet. But we have 1 done but 4 was just in its rough form, so it is coming for people who might be interested in it that you know about and that kind of thing. And I guess that‘s all I have to say other than I just, ok, one more … Member of the audience: I have a quick question: Using the Ring Tones as a technique, which prefix would be the best one to use now? The Comu that we used in the Last Stand? A‘sha: You could but it doesn‘t hurt to energize the core ones either. Alright so you could use either, or you could use both. You could run a cycle, go through the Yamu‟s, and then go into the Comu‟s. You can even start playing with the Sha-mu‘s, or whatever, yes Sha-mu‘s, no, KA-mu‟s, the KA-mu‟s are next. Yah, they won‘t activate unless the rest of your RashaLAe Body is ready for that. But you can even start using the KA-mu on those, the KA-mu prefix. And that would begin the RashaLEa Body activation level. Alrighty, I think I‘m going to say good night now for the 3 rd time A‘hza: Yah, we‘re going to say good night. A‘sha: Thank you! Thank you yeah for being with us! (Applause from the audience) It‘s been wonderful guys! A‘zha: It‘s absolutely wonderful! (End of Workshop)
[D5 1:40:33] May 26, Libertador Hotel--A'sha Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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2007 May 21 – 31, Peru. "The Krystal River Dance & the 1st Dance of the Cycle of ‗Last Stands‘; Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley
(Hotel audio with scenic footage added…not transcribed)
Copyright A'shayana & A'hzayana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings (TM) Series
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