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Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
Tape 1 Hello everyone and thank you for coming. Just so you know, I‟m not falling apart or dying before your eyes. I just happened to pull a muscle last night. We had the doctor in and I have my ribs bound. So, if I am moving a little strangely, don‟t let your imagination run away with you. That‟s all it is. We‟ll see it on the Scam, you know, web site, they‟ll be making up all sorts of stuff about, “see I told you they‟re doing merkaba the wrong way.” This isn‟t from merkaba, believe me. Anyway, we‟re glad to have you here. It‟s going to be a very interesting time. I can‟t even describe why... because they haven‟t given most of the information yet. As usual, when we‟re doing security work. We‟re entering a period called the Hethalon, that we know a little bit about or we probably wouldn‟t be here. I hope everybody has at least some familiarity of what the Hetharo was, and it‟s relationship to Hethalon because if you don‟t you‟re going to get lost fast. That‟s ok, if you get lost, just tag along for the ride and you‟ll catch up later when the published work will be there. I would like to say for people who were with us during Hetharo, the chart pack is still in progress, and we decided to just wait til the Hethalon finished as well, so you would get the whole chart pack together. We‟re working on graphs, as usual, all night long, that have to do with first of all what we‟re going to be experiencing during the Hethalon period. The Hethalon period is the magnetic peak, or the point when the planetary and solar galactic merkaba spirals (magnetic) spin at its fastest speed. This also, in this particular time frame because of the way the drama has unfolded on this planet, is also going to bring a very early onset of the 3 day particle conversion period, that many of you might have read about in the Voyagers volume II second edition and also first edition. Now, we‟re fortunate, because Hetharo on May 27 went very very well. Which means something called the Golden Fleece buffer field is activated in the planetary shields. If not, we would have been at this point , two weeks ago, we would have gotten the call for off planet evac, because it would have been very bad as far as what would have happened here. We‟re fortunate that things have gone well. They‟ve gone so well that certain scenarios that the Guardians were hoping wouldn‟t take place, actually won‟t. These involve Wormwood and Nibiru. We‟ll learn about those in the workshops, that are going to be part of this program. We‟ve just had, let‟s say, an act of mercy from the universe in response to our willingness to participate and do what we could to help, and this is very good. It doesn‟t mean the whole drama is over and done yet. But it does mean that we can move through from now until 2012 with a bit more peace and stability than otherwise would have been available. Now, the Hethalon is going to be very interesting for various reasons. We have the 3 day particle conversion coming in. We also have three stellar wave infusions coming in. If any of you remember in Voyagers Vol II way back, we talked about the stellar wave infusions and the last three of those came in on day 1, 2 and 3 of the 3 day particle conversion period. So, we‟re preparing for those infusions of frequency. One of the most important things, however, that we‟re preparing for, is the Secret Mission. We know a little bit about it. Actually quite a bit about it. I‟m working on the graphs. These have to do with some of the history that took place between 25,500 BC, when the Beast apparatus was connected to our planetary grids, and 22,326 BC, when the Eieyani races put something in the planetary grids to - it was almost like an override program - that would prevent full activation of the external Beast merkaba field if it were set in motion. It‟s connected to something called the Emerald Seal. The Emerald Seal is connected to something called the Ruby Seal. Now, we found out about the Ruby Seal in the information that was given to us after Hetharo, when we found out that we were transmuting it in our bodies. Oh, so that‟s the problem. Now, this has not been fun. The Ruby Seal was an Anunnaki coded reverse program metatronic seal on certain information, but also on something called the metatronic reversed external seed atom. We‟re going to learn in this particular workshop about some of these things. If you guys are sick of learning this stuff, believe me I am too. Let‟s have some fun at this point, OK? We‟re going to learn about something that will help us understand the significance of the work that we‟re doing in the planetary grids. Right now, we‟re in a remarkable place. We‟re in the location where the Arc of the Covenant anti-Christos metatronic seed atom lives. It‟s also the place where the Emerald Seal lives. We are going to activate it. What‟s nice is we have a little bit of help from the Anunnaki League as well, even though they are not on our team. It suits their purposes to allow us, without, let‟s say, an astral battle, to be able to orchestrate these events. We‟re going to do the precise same thing that we did in 22,326 BC. So, during the process of these workshops, we‟ll be shown graphs. Without the graphs, it‟s very hard to explain, this is connected to this, and this moves this way, that made that happen and that made this happen. You lose track of it when its just verbal. So, we‟re working on the graphs, and you will be able to see more of the relationships between the things The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
we talk about here, as far as metatronic seed atoms, Emerald Seals, and this wonderful new code that has been given. It‟s the other part of the code, the Krist code, that we used in Hetharo. Hetharo we used the electrical part of the Krist code. There is another band that goes all the way around it. The electricals at the center. The magnetic part is around it. Together they are called the veca Mahadra Adhrana. Now, the Adhrana is a part of the planetary anatomy, but it‟s also a part of our personal anatomy. Just like the Le-Tua, when we talked about the Le-Tua in the Paxos workshop, the Le-Tua is what the Guardian races have also referred to what our scientists call now the pineal gland. The Adhrana is the area in ourselves that is referred to as the hypothalamus. It‟s also been called the Well of Dreams. It‟s a very important part of our anatomy because it literally regulates everything from metabolic rate and temperature to how frequency is processed through the lens of the Le-Tua. So, we‟re going to be working with the planetary Adhrana and we‟re going to be working with it in ourselves as well. We‟re going to be using this code. It‟s amazing. Az pulled it. He pulls most of the heavy electrical mathematical codes. It‟s just beautiful. You‟ll get a copy of it. The whole thing is not in color yet, but this is going to be awesome in color. If you can remember the Krist code that we used in the Hetharo workshop and stand, this one is that in the center, all that in the center, plus these absolutely gorgeous bands of angelic script, there‟s I think three bands of them, three thick bands around. This is absolutely gorgeous. The frequency that comes off it can make you tired, or can make you want to - if you stare at it too long, go to sleep, or sometimes it will trigger emotional release, where you just want to cry. So, it‟s phenomenal, and I‟m very grateful that we‟re a speaker team of three now, and that Az as speaker 2 is doing really hard work pulling his beautiful codes, because it would exhaust me to try to do that and pull the graphs that I do. I‟m kind of like a secretary. I pull the graphs because the graphs are important insomuch that they will help your neurological mind, your linear mind, understand the reasons why you participate in things like the things that we do. But the real important tools are the tools of the sounds, and the symbols, because they are the active living tools that create the changes in our bodies. So, we work as a team very much. When we get into the program for this - actually a very short program compared to some of the trips we‟ve been on - we‟re going to be going, the stand we‟re going to do for the 11:11, 12:12, again we‟re going on a midnight one tomorrow night. Tomorrow is the 12 th, August 12. Now, the beginning of the Hethalon hopefully will go in as peaceful a way as the Hetharo. I know some people, particularly those Scam whatever they are called, let‟s say, were really hoping some kind of major cataclysm would take place on the 27th of May, or major epiphany where spaceships would come down and beam everybody up or something. They were very disappointed, because they didn‟t get their rapture. Who promised them a rapture in the first place? We didn‟t. What we did, what we accomplished, was subtle but very very powerful. First the changes occur on the inside, and that‟s the level of reality that we‟re working with. We‟re working with the shield. We‟re working with what are called the actual fields. Before they come virtual in the hologram, the pattern is set in the actual fields. So, if we‟re fortunate, during Hethalon as well, we will have a peaceful passage through this time. If I seem a little slow tonight, I apologize. It‟s a little bit hard to breathe because my ribs are wrapped, and it‟s just kind of like a little slower than my usual pace and talking a mile a minute. It‟s not a bad thing. You can actually see that I do have a mellow side. I‟m not always hyperactive. (Laughs) Anyway, we‟re going to be moving through a few workshops. Some of the workshops, the beginning ones, will be about we don‟t have three days to prepare for Hethalon, right? Hethalon starts tomorrow. So, tomorrow‟s workshop is going to be about Hethalon. We‟re going to learn about what is happening with the merkaba fields. We‟re going to learn about what needs to be to done with the grids. We‟re going to get the most important graphs, so you can go from A to B to Z as fast as possible, so you know the basics of what we‟re doing. Then, we‟ll catch up with ourselves, as the 3 day particle conversion period progresses. We will move from - this is what is happening with the grids, this is what needs to be done, which is kind of exciting stuff. They‟ve given us stuff at this point - I‟m taking the graphs down, and I‟m going, oh my God, they‟re actually going to publish this. If this stuff gets published, there are is going to be certain groups out there, particular in America, that are going to be very very upset with us. It‟s very very detailed information on how the reversed metatronic merkaba works. We need to know that, if we‟re going to understand what we‟re doing when we use the codes, in order to, let‟s say, stop it from working as well as they are hoping it well. One of the things we will be doing is preventing the Dimensional Blend Experiment from taking place. Now, we‟ve talked bits about the Dimensional Blend The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
Experiment, that was scheduled for 8/12/03. We haven‟t gotten into detail. We‟ll get into a little bit of detail about what the heck is this Dimensional Blend Experiment, and what does it have to do with that great big 55 spin monster reversed metatronic external merkaba? We‟ll get those pieces and be filled in, and we‟ll be able to see where using codes that we‟re using on the site that we‟re on now, we‟ll be able to make a huge difference for the outcome of this drama, because thanks to what our races have done in 22,326 BC, the gift they left behind, called the Emerald Seal, and thanks to the Anunnaki League, for deciding they didn‟t want to be under the dominion of the Andromie Necromaton from now until eternity. They didn‟t join the Emerald Covenant though. They‟re not our buddies. They don‟t want to be our buddies. But, they will assist us with this process. We‟re going to prevent the Dimensional Blend Experiment, by which the Wesedrak black hole in the parallel universe was intended to be ripped all the way down through our universe and into the Wese black hole to join the two of them together. What we‟re doing now is going to assist the Guardian races to prevent that from happening, and the Annunaki League will work with us in order to do this as well, because they want their freedom from the UIR and from the Andromie control. The Andromies are not happy about this. There‟s a bunch of Drak groups that were part of the UIR that are still siding with and staying with the Andromies. There‟s going to be issues, particularly, not much with us, but between the Anunnaki League members who defected from the UIR agreements, and the Drakonian and Necromaton Andromie people of the UIR. There‟s going to be issues politically that start to manifest themselves, and there‟s a very strong potential that in the next year or two, there will be more push for spot wars, let‟s say, because there‟s going to be a fight between these groups. We‟ll find out what that fight is going to be about. It‟s not a fight that we can prevent, if the Necromaton Andromies choose to do it. It‟s a fight the Anunnaki League will prefer not to do, but if they have to, they will. It‟s the whole product of all of these changes that are often so rapid, it‟s hard to keep up with what activated next. What does it do to the politics? Things have changed so fast here in the last two to three years, that it‟s very hard to keep up with who‟s on whose side now. What are they doing? What are we supposed to be doing? How do I function in my 3D life when I‟m activating DNA, everything hurts and I still have a regular 9-5 job or whatever it is? Yeah. We‟re going to bring all of that together. We‟re going into a resting period now, which is kind of nice. Very active resting period, but a period where the work that we‟ve done since 1999, when we began to bring information out, it will start to become full circle. It‟s been tough since 1999 because after the 2000 War Edict that was issued against the Founders races, we became targets for both the Drak and the Anunnaki groups, and it made our lives very difficult in ways we didn‟t even understand, because we were getting astral attack. We were getting people that we cared about get an astral attack trying to mess with us and the people didn‟t know it. There were a lot of hard tests. But at this point, what‟s done is done. Through the Hethalon, the last of the Christiac seed atom will be anchored on this planet, the magnetic portions of it. It will be in counterbalance to the metatronic anti-Christiac seed atom, that will also be activating its magnetic portions. After this, it is not about having to scream from the hilltops and try to protect people from being lied to. That was part of the reason we had to expose things and get ourselves in lots of trouble doing it. Excuse me, you‟re doing reverse merkaba. And now we‟re showing how they‟re doing reverse merkaba. We‟re going to expose them and we‟re going to publish it. There‟s very incriminating technical information that we‟re going to be publishing that will really cast more than a shadow of a doubt on some of the other merkaba teachings that are out there that are reversed. We‟re not here to fight anymore. We‟re here to do what we always planned to do, which was reset the Christos seed atom if it needed to be reset. After this, it has to do with the 12 pillars, anchoring the 12 pillars, while the other guys fight it out over their metatronic territory and their metatronic merkabas. So, we‟re going to be finally moving into a period of - it might be a bit tense, because we‟re kind of like - even though we‟re not doing the main war, we still irritated a bunch of people by assisting the Anunnaki League. Actually the Anunnaki League assisted us. We were going to do this anyway. It was time to activate the Emerald Seal. We‟re going to find out what that means. What‟s interesting is the Emerald Seal, where it is; did anybody see that great edifice made of glass and steel? (Caldea spa) What‟s really funny is we didn‟t know that was there. When we scheduled this trip, we had never seen it and we didn‟t know this thing was there. But, we did know something else was here. That was the location of the Arc of the Covenant AzurA. The AzurA point is the space between the 6 and 7 kathara centers in the kathara grid. This is the one that goes with the Arc of the Covenant gates. We‟ll get more into it. I‟ll show diagrams so you can see them. Literally, right across from this hotel, and it all worked out, it was like divine planning. We didn‟t know they even had the spot marked. I mean, what‟s the best way to hide something? We‟ve always said, put it right before your eyes, and call it The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
something different. That is the site of the Emerald Seal, of the Ruby Seal, and the site of the metatronic anti-Christos Seed Atom, that was implanted in the Arc of the Covenant gates both on the solar galactic level and on the planetary level. uring the workshops, we‟re going to learn about something called the Solar Cross. The Solar Cross vortex alignment. You might have heard about the Solar Cross from other sources. Interestingly, I know there‟s some Anunnaki stuff out Dthere, but I‟ve never read it. I don‟t know what they are calling the Solar Cross. The information we‟ve been given will show you what the Solar Cross is. It‟s a vortex alignment that was intended to complete the reversal of our planetary and solar galactic merkaba fields, so it could be dragged into formation of the 55, then 89, then 144, growing Beast external merkaba. There is a plan here that involved creating an external merkaba field, which is a vortex field, so large that it could literally swallow the entire veca. That‟s this system and it‟s parallel. It could work its way from there. This is what the Beast agenda was about. This is the agenda that for eons the indigo races and angelic human races have been standing against. Not against by fighting, but we fought when necessary. Many of us have died to protect places from this particular agenda. Right now, we‟re literally sitting on where this agenda anchors itself fully into the planetary shields. It was also the place that connects directly to the AzurA on the galactic level. So this is also the place that controls what‟s happening with the galactic merkaba fields. We‟re going to find out about the 34/21 NET and where that came from. We‟re find out some interesting things that are still on security clearance that have to do with 13,400 BC when the planetary monad was put into reversal, and the planetary seed atom was reversed. We‟re going to learn the anecdotes for the 1/3 of the planetary shield and merkaba shields, and the 1/3 of the galactic shields and merkaba fields, that, because of our efforts and because of the Eieyani‟s effort, have been able to put into flame body activation, so it will not fall. We‟re going to literally finish the deal and get the magnetic portions of the planetary, not just planetary, the galactic as well, merkaba fields into flame body alignment, so they will not go into the final reversal. Now, we‟ll also find out what the final reversal means in terms of the metatronic people, and the people who are going metatronic. Part of what I do believe is going on with how the Guardians are handling the release of information, has to do with - there is still the opportunity for people, individuals who have been going to Archangel Michael workshops or going to Thoth workshops, or playing with metatronics and thinking they were a good thing - there is still the opportunity for connecting with the Golden Fleece buffer field. They won‟t be able to bring their bodies through a stargate, but they will be able to hold off their merkaba going into full compaction so they don‟t end up finding themselves winding up in a black hole. They will be able to get out once the body is finished with its time on Earth. They will be able to transmute out through a Host Matrix. Because those people are many on the planet, the Guardians feel that it‟s worth, let‟s say, the potential fight it might create with the indigos, by exposing enough of the mechanics that really cast some doubts on the other guys‟ mechanics. This is done not to pick fights. I would like you to understand this. It‟s not to pick fights with the people teaching what we know to be reversed merkaba. It‟s to allow the people who are being suckered into those teachings, one last chance to realize there‟s something different available, that‟s much healthier. It‟s their choice and we respect their choice, but the Indigo High Council, all the way up the line, are putting themselves on the line, and we‟re going to expose even though it‟s even upsetting the Anunnaki League. But there‟s something interesting. The Anunnaki League, which for any of you that read the books know, includes the Thoth crew and the Jehovian crew, they are actually going to help us expose some of the teachings on the planet right now that are serving to activate the metatronic merkaba, because there‟s a difference now. The UIR people, which included the Anunnaki League, were planning to orchestrate the whole enchilada, as they say, the big 55 merkaba, that would then grow to be an 89 and then grow to be 144, and it would take the metatronic spiral all the way up until it merged the universes. The Anunnaki League have agreed to not allow that particular agenda to happen. They‟ve already got 2/3 of the Earth and galactic shields in metatronic reversal. But they don‟t have to blend those with those of the parallel universe. If they have help to get the Heliotalic frequencies, which the Guardian races control and direct, they can actually activate their 55, but not have to send Wormwood in to make the shields reverse and cause cataclysm here. They can take their 55 and run into their own black hole and not into the Wesedak black hole, because they wanted to go from Wesedak into Wesedrak and pull the Wesedrak right down. The Anunnaki League have agreed to not do the Dimensional Blend Experiment. This is really really wonderful. They are still not happy with us, because we‟re revealing so much that it‟s embarrassing to them, so they are going to be The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
pretending that they don‟t like us still, but they are actually, it‟s almost like running shot gun. We‟ll protect them from the UIR, and they are protecting us from the UIR. We‟re going to be moving into an agenda that‟s really fascinating. It‟s peaceful agenda. But it changes some of the conflicts, some of the uncomfortable relationships that were developing. At least now the Anunnaki League races are willing to help us in exposing some of this information about the reversed merkaba, telling us some of their tricks that identify, let‟s say, little bits of information here and there that they can fill in that actually connect directly to things that they taught the others. Right now they are having an issue, the people that started the Thoth movement, are not Anunnaki League anymore. The Thoth movement has been hijacked and the people claiming to be talking to Thoth are talking to someone different. The Anunnaki League doesn‟t like that very much. Thoth is one of theirs. Thoth can be very unfriendly. He can issue death threats if he doesn‟t get his way. Thoth is not a friendly person. He can kiss up to you if he thinks he has you on the hook. But the Thoth group, at first the Anunnaki crew, are a bit upset with the fact that the Drakonian crew that was the part of the UIR has been running their Thothian things. This is where you have a division. (You have) the original Thoth teacher, and all of a sudden one popped up and had a different name, and all of a sudden the two of them are saying they are teaching Thoth. One of them is and one of them isn‟t. The original isn‟t. That‟s why the Anunnaki League, particularly the Thoth group, is willing to let out some of the information that will help to show that the merkaba that they are teaching is reversed. Right now, they have a Drakonian teaching that, and it‟s a completely different agenda. The agenda that the Drakonian beings are teaching through that original Thoth paradigm, is the one that‟s in sync with the Andromies, which is the original one of activating the big 55, the 89 and the 144, and doing metatronic spiral merkaba all the way up. The Anunnaki League have defected from that. They don‟t want to do that. They are happy with the 55; well, not particularly happy, but its better than having to fight with the Andromies later. They‟ll take their 55 and run. So they are going to help us in exposing some of these things. We‟re not going to take them head on. It will simply be done by showing how things work and how they don‟t. We‟ve already been able to show in Hetharo, we showed the metatronic ratios. I remember chuckling when it came through, just the silliness of the whole game, because a bit before this, before we had this information from the Guardians, a certain teacher, let‟s say, decided to do a slam campaign against me, and the very information that he provided to try to make himself look like he was teaching the right ones and we were teaching the wrong ones, is so incriminating once the dynamics came through, because there was a sentence in there that has to do with our ratios can‟t be justified because they‟re not in nature. We‟ve shown how their ratios came out of our ratios, how the 33 1/3 electrical top spiral and 11 2/3 magnetic bottom spiral were mutated to become the 34 CCW electrical reversed field, and the 21 CW magnetic reversed field. We‟ve shown how their ratios, the teachings that they teach were stolen from our books in the first place. They were stolen from the CDT plates. That‟s how they had access to this info in the first place. We‟re beginning to show those connections and a little bit more about - you will learn a bit more about how the Beast activates. This is something that is going to be happening. Your body is going to try to do this too. Human‟s bodies, not just indigos, and plants and animals on this planet are going to have an internal struggle that‟s going on. The worst of it actually took place between Hetharo and Hethalon. I‟m glad, because if this gets any worse, I‟m going to be a disembodied voice in peoples‟ heads. Hello... I‟m still here. This has been – I don‟t know how it‟s been since Hetharo for most of you, but for us, we got hit right after Paxos with this whole level of purging things, and the Guardians have said that the purging issues have to do with the Ruby Seal, and the fact that we released it, and that releases the metatronic acceleration in our bodies. We have to purge it as being flame holders. We have to purge it before it hits the indigo shield. What we can‟t purge, you‟re going to get. And what you can‟t purge, the human shield is going to get. So, we took on a lot of frequency, reverse frequency, in our purging it, and bringing it back around so you don‟t get affected it, and the humans don‟t get affected by it. It‟s been a very rough time for us. I hope your time has been better. I hope it hasn‟t been physically, because this was very physical for us. After this Hethalon, I was saying, please don‟t tell me there‟s going to be another one of these, because I haven‟t even recovered from the first wave. Ma‟a said that, no, this one will be like the opposite. This one is where the fight will stop. Because once we‟ve anchored the magnetics in the Christos imprint, you won‟t have the metatronic merkaba trying to drag things one way, and your Christiac merkaba trying to drag The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
them the other way. You will still have a slower kind of methodical purging cycle as your metatronic merkaba begins to turn around, because everyone has one inside. We talked about that 11 to 2 smaller internal merkaba and the reversed monadic shield. We‟re going to be bringing our monadic shields back around into the proper spin polarity, and it‟s going to be progressively moving up the ___ spiral instead of down, where its like this internal war where your body is selfdestructing around you. That‟s what we experienced. Az, bless him, he never gets sick. He had it too. So, it wasn‟t just me. It started with the chest thing. It was all centered in the AzurA. Then it went to all sorts of weird muscle stuff in the back and in the upper rib cage, and all sorts of strange things that have to do with the vesica pisces mutation, the energy implants we talked about. We felt them physically. We‟ve really gone through a period that was just phenomenally like one foot in the grave. Oh boy. Are we going to be able to pull ourselves out from this? I know we can. But I wouldn‟t want to push it any further. I hope you guys never have to go through what that felt like. What‟s nice to know is Hetharo let that loose, because that‟s when the two merkabas started to activate. The metatronic and the Christiac one. Now the Christiac one will activate both on the electrical and magnetic, so it will get easier. There will still be purging. There are still things we have to clear in our karmic miasmic pattern, but they won‟t be as severe as when you have this monster merkaba inside you trying to play on all of them and drag them into acceleration. We can look forward to getting a bit healthier as we move after the Hethalon. I‟m looking forward to that. That applies to the Earth as well. We‟re going to know a lot more by the end of this workshop, than I know right now. I share with you, and anybody that knows me knows that if I know it, you‟ll know it. It‟s kind of like, yeah, that‟s part of my contract. If I‟m showed something, I will explain it to you. I will let you know. I don‟t withhold information. Neither does Az. We don‟t hold information away from people. That‟s why often we will learn with you. We will get it and half an hour later you get it delivered. So, there‟s a bunch of info coming. We have a lot of work. Even before tomorrow, there are ten graphs I have to get done somehow, between the two of us. We‟re in the process, what Az is saying too, we‟re in the process of getting the logistics for the stand for tomorrow night. We are doing part of it tomorrow night between 11:11 and 12:12. It‟s not going to be like the last one. We‟re going to do part of it there, and that‟s going to be a rather simple code drop, that can actually be done in shifts, where you don‟t need 100 people in one spot doing something for an hour. Then the next part is going to be where we are in a more private place, that‟s connected in the gridlines, I think they are going to tell us more about where this place is connected, where we get to go for our hike on the next day. That‟s where what you‟d call the “outside stand” will be, where there‟s actually placement of people, and doing something. We‟re still getting the information on what that stand is supposed to look like, just like in Hetharo. We didn‟t know until right before what it was going to look like. So, it‟s kind of like we‟re all on Guardian time at this point. And, I‟m so glad that so many of you - I think everybody here has been to at least something. I don‟t know. I might be wrong. If you haven‟t, most people get used to us after a while. We go on Guardian time. We would love to have perfect workshops and tell you exactly what time it would start punctually and be right there. It doesn‟t work that way with this. We get onto the grids here. We get security info released, right before it‟s needed. So, none of the people who are running reversed merkaba will try to intercept the info and try to stop us from doing what we‟re doing. Now, they have about three days to intercept. Sometimes we get info three days before. Sometimes we get it 10 minutes before. Sometimes we get it two seconds before. Alright. This means that there‟s information on what we need to do with frequency that‟s so important and so vital that if it were released, there would be counteractions taken by those who like to look at us as their enemies, which we aren‟t. I‟m glad that most of you that know us are patient and have adapted well to Guardian time. Guardian time is an interesting thing and it‟s almost like there‟s many lessons to the workshops, and many of them aren‟t about what we speak about at all. They‟re lessons that people learn being with each other in these workshops. There are lessons we learn about reacting to things. Everything from workshops being at a different time than you thought they were going to be, to dinners not being how you ordered them when you got your package. This kind of thing. All of these things are actually a form of training. They are a form of training for what we are all here for in the first place. Most people wouldn‟t be a part of this work if they didn‟t hold a hope somewhere that at some point they get to go back to Inner Earth, preferably with your body, but even if you don‟t take your body, you just want to go home. There‟s usually that desire. You think we‟re going to get very far if we whine about the menu when we The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
get to the gates? Do you think it‟s going to frustrate anybody but ourselves if we were told it would be about noon when that portal activates, but because of the grids it didn‟t activate until 4:00, and we had to stand there? Are we going to be angry? Or are we going to be, “yeah, we‟re on universal time, yes we are.” and just amuse ourselves well where we are. We‟re learning to use our resources better. We‟ve been taught here to be hyperactive in this thing we call our planetary society. We‟ve been taught to be very reactionary and very demanding in certain ways, emotionally. We feel insecure if things don‟t go exactly the way they are supposed to. It‟s a way of dealing with the insecurity we feel inside, because we all start from a place of insecurity here. Because deep down in our souls we know what we walked into. We know what we birthed into down here. We knew it was a prison camp and we knew we came in as the ones to set it free. That‟s a big one. There comes a time and it will happen for each of you at a different time in your own awakening process. Some of you may already have experienced it, when you really realize a few things, it just hits you, and it‟s kind of like stunning. You don‟t even know how to react to the fact that you know, and once you know, you can‟t go backwards. One of the things is, my God, I‟m an alien. Yes, you are. That‟s alright, so are most of the people on this planet. The second is realizing, my God, I really came from somewhere else. All the programming that you were fed since you were an infant here, that tells you this is all there is, if you pray to this God in the book that hopefully there‟s a heaven you‟ll go to later if you‟re lucky. Or if you‟re raised an atheist, there‟s nothing, just space dust. There‟s a knowing that comes and it comes with the awakening. It‟s like, I‟m not from here. And after that, the whole sickness, it can be awful. We went through a lot of our 20's being just horridly homesick. We even started when we were in childhood actually. We used to sit on the swing at the day care center and just cry, for no reason other than the fact that we wanted to go home. And the day care lady thought it was back to my mother, but it had nothing to do with my mother. It was everything to do with going home to our people. To the Christos people. Because there is a place of love. The systems aren‟t built on anti-Christiac principles like they are here. Supply and demand. Competition. It‟s peaceful there. What we need to remember is we have to relearn what it means to be Christiac beings. We have to remember what it means to get everything we need vertical, just from your own connection to God Source, so you get rid of those compensation patterns, where you try to get stuff from the outside, from other people. It doesn‟t mean you refuse to accept things from other people. But when you go through life trying to get more money, trying to get more love, you‟re going horizontal, trying to get stuff. It just shows your, when you do that, you‟re saying over and over to yourself, my Christos self isn‟t real. It isn‟t alive. There‟s a big shift in the 3D mind that needs to happen to get to the point where you can actually walk through a gate. One of it is realizing this shouldn‟t be hard cause I‟m from there anyway. Second, I better remember how I do this. We got the technicals. There‟s attitudes. There‟s attitudes we need to have. Oh my God. What am I going to do if I get through? Do I remember how to do Annuhazi? I don‟t have to worry about that cause they can use any language I have. They can translate. If you walk though a gate, on the other side you will be greeted. How will you behave? A lot of people, and the Eieyani are used to this, freak right out. Oh.............!!!!! The experience of turning your body into light and then back again! They think they died, because there‟s this really weird sound that happens in the ears right before it happens. It‟s like that white noise static, and then it stops, and there‟s a pop feeling, and you don‟t know where you went for a second. It‟s like your consciousness shut off for a second and then it pops back on. You find yourself again and there‟s that rush sound in your ears and everything goes white, and then you kind of fade back into perception. Most people when they get through that one, they are rolling on the ground in hysterics, and the Eieyani are used to like patting them on the shoulder, you had a rough trip that time, but you‟re ok. Once we get through the initial, oh my God, I‟m through a gate, some people just go down and kiss the ground, and the one thing the Eieyani don‟t want you to do if you get through a gate, please don‟t bow down and kiss their feet. They hate that. They really do. They feel so bad for people who are programmed into doing that. If you feel love for them, and you‟re glad they‟re there, and you‟re glad you got out, just give them a hug, and say, comrade, I made it! They are not into the subservient thing. They are ascended masters, but they will be the last ones to put that in your face. They want to be your friends. They are your friends. They are yourselves in the future time. The reason I talk about gates is because of the programs that we‟re moving into now after we get done with this stupid war stuff. I‟m so tired of this war stuff at this point, and so are they. But, we need to nurture it through to the final The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
conclusion of it, which is finishing what we came to do, which is the Reusha-Ta, resetting the cosmic clock. That‟s the good work we‟re going to do. We‟re going to be doing other things too that have to do with personal issues. Alright now. Alright now. Ok. Speaker 2 would like to say a few words. I‟ll pick up probably somewhere where I left off. Anyway, can I finish that thought though? I don‟t want to leave them hanging. You‟re watching an enigma happen here. (To Az) I won‟t say what you are going to say. I‟ll let you hold your piece of it. Sometimes it‟s really funny, because when we‟re getting stuff it comes out of both of us at the same time, like different pieces of the same thing, but I promise I won‟t say the piece that‟s yours. I just wanted to say that we‟re moving into programs that are personal and have to do with preparing for time travel and those kinds of things. I won‟t say anymore. Az: Excellent introduction. It‟s funny, cause something of this is really normal for us. It is starting to become more manifest and more obvious to me. It will probably get more obvious for you guys soon. I‟ve been thinking about what she was going to say, and she can hear me talk to her as well. Anyway, there is something in where Ash took it which is beautiful, because it‟s giving you a picture of an ___. There is something that I feel, some of you heard me talk about it in different ways before. I‟m going to talk about it in a very particular way right now, just as bluntly. So you understand. It‟s simple. Part of what you‟re going to do in the next couple of days is you‟re going to work to anchor the magnetic element of the Christos Seed Atom . During the process of that, the heliotalics will adopt the corresponding flow to the 45 degree shift. But more fundamentally, how are you going to do that? You‟re going to work with the most powerful code we‟ve ever been gifted to work with. You heard Ash say earlier that this, the universal veca Mahadra Adhrana. The Adhrana is the universal hypothalamus. You all should by now know what the hypothalamus in your current experience is responsible for. Fight or flight. Ash refers to it as the victim/victimizer game. It‟s the same thing. When we talk about you transcending the issues of the hologram, we‟re talking about the same thing again. You all traveled a long way, and you‟ve turned a penny to be here, most of you. A fair penny too. What I want to point out to you is this - it‟s one thing for us to talk to you about transcending the hologram, regardless of differences between who is teaching what and why and which merkaba is healthy and which isn‟t. It still leaves everyone with the same fundamental question. When you leave the workshop, how do you cope with the question, how do I resolve my identity? My desire to integrate Christ consciousness with all of the stuff that‟s coming at me from every damn direction. Alright. It‟s a big big issue. Ash has moved through it in her way. She was confronted with the questions that enabled her to transcend the questions I‟m putting to you in a way right now. I‟m going to come to another point about this in a second. I was in ways that were more immediately hurried and therefore more compressed and therefore more painful, but nevertheless, we were both asked to respond to the issue of disengaging the hypothalamic switch gear, which is the same as saying disengaging yourself from the hologram. What do you do when you do that? You start to introduce Christiac conditions for the identity that you‟re willing, if you want, to fight tooth and nail, to know more of. And to deny the mutation, the influences, your miasmic karmic rubbish that you‟re carrying around. You work with these techniques all designed to make it, to accelerate the process by which you can do what I‟m talking about doing. That is know more of the self that you want to know more about. Through which you can adopt the forthcoming healing and time travel exercises, so that you can go and have fun. With beings that are really open, incredibly amusing, so extraordinarily wise, and so free of baggage. And they don‟t need bank accounts either. Now... I‟m going to come to the point a second time, cause I‟ve touched on it. You are going to work with us, with a code that is the equivalent of the universal hypothalamus. You‟re going to have the privilege of anchoring into your own shields, right? What‟s the point of doing all that if you don‟t resolve to exploit the fact that you have that immense charge of what is the essence, a configuration of primal life force current? There is just sheer raw beautiful loving innocent potential. There is a charge existing in your field available for you to use. We will be pointing out this afternoon, utilize the Le-Tua manifestation technique. We‟re going to use this code full on. Both for personal and universal purposes. It actually happens to correspond to the anchoring of the magnetic component of the Christos Seed Atom, like I said in the beginning. But the significance to you personally, the opportunity that it will provide The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
you with, is something I couldn‟t resist pointing out, while Ash was moving in the direction she was. I don‟t want you to ever forget that you‟ve done this, when you do it, and it‟s available to you, and that you must find some means, some way of carrying with you the resolve to break the connections, to override the hypothalamic switch gear, that you‟ve been considered to be yourself, all of what you‟ve called your life. It doesn‟t matter what it takes. It doesn‟t matter if like me, a voice says, ok, are you ready to go boy? I said, yes, before I even thought about it. And then, I went, Oh, my God! But it‟s real. And the minute you take a step into this thing called the unknown, the minute you give yourself to spirit in that sort of fashion, but with a form of not really willingness, but an internal commitment to having yourself be the self you know exists, it‟s funny, cause the minute you take the first step, it‟s like you just popped this potential I referred to, except that this week you can have a code that has far more raw potential than any of them before. So, another pep talk, particularly, but just really pointing out in such an obvious way so you really understand what this is... so that you don‟t feel - the analogy that Reon was giving me this afternoon, which I couldn‟t quite get to work, it was about voyagers and navigators. So the metaphor that he gave me at the time, was of a guy on a boat, in the middle of the ocean, subject to the elements, the natural elements. It went into the need to use nighttime navigation. The hypothalamus analogy is rather like saying, I‟m frightened of the dark. Therefore I won‟t go up on deck and find my way home. You have to get past all these kinds of reasons and excuses that cycle and cycle over and over again. The forgetfulness of being in places where you go to a foreign country and you just wish you carried home along on your back. You‟re not able to shift. You can‟t flow. There‟s no smoothness in your being. And all you‟re doing is projecting over attachment to every damn little conflict you think of. You‟re just not ready to begin to adventure. You‟re not really ready to voyage the sea. And if I tell you very quickly, I‟m not able to deliver any more detail but it became perfectly obvious to me this afternoon, that some of us will see parts of the planetary template that are not visible, and parts of us will begin to make journeys there, and parts of us will be invited to live there. And return safely. Those of us who really understand what is being said in the many ways it‟s been said, cause Ash has talked about it before too, this is the key - this is the way of understanding what it is we‟re being challenged to achieve and in many respects is the simplest thing, isn‟t it? Our little patterns and programs and confusions and fears. Anyway... this week, you‟re going to play with the code. It‟s going to plug you into the universal hypothalamus. It can if you work with it. Override any remaining or residual problems. Even to the point of irritation that some people still carry. It will help you hugely, so please don‟t underestimate what this can do for you if you work with it. Ash: Thank you Az. That was very well spoken. Thank you. Okay, I think we only have like a half an hour left in the room anyway. We have to find out about air conditioning. It was interesting. My older daughter, Espirit, just came back from a five week student exchange program in Spain, and she said, they have no air conditioning anywhere. And it was 105 every day at least. She said it was pretty awful. I‟m hoping... when we went to Barcelona, the nice gentleman that drove us here said it‟s much better in Andorra. So far, so good. But it‟s getting warm. So, we‟ll do our best to keep you as comfortable as possible. But we have to work in the parameters of what‟s available with the locals. I know that when my daughter did the exchange thing, everybody suffered it. The only people who were really suffering, were the ones who were visiting, cause they weren‟t used to it. We have a lot to cover again in a very short period of time. Which means we do our all night thing and then like come in and do our thing and we‟re like zombies at the end of the week, but at least you‟ll have, hopefully you‟ll have things to take home with you too. This depends on what they are going to let us do at the hotel business center, and whether we can connect with something that resembles a Kinko‟s. I wish I could manifest a Kinko‟s down the street. We‟ll do our best to get you the paperwork that goes with this. It is going to be another course book. There‟s so much paperwork involved with this. So, you will get the techniques again, this time. Hopefully you‟ll get the graphs from at least the Hetharo period. We‟re working on getting them typeset and stuff is being added to them. You will have something to take home with you. Again, we‟re not just doing Hethalon. We‟re doing the rest of the “Dance For” program. It‟s part 2 of the Dance for Joy program. So, Hethalon aside would have to do with the final six (I‟m going to hear them groan), seurias, that go with the Dance for program. But there is a way of combining them, where you can get like three different movements, stretches in The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
the morning, and it does the whole thing once you program in. So... we‟re going to have six more seurias that go with the other six that we had. There‟s 12. We were told there are 12 altogether. We‟re going to go through our list of 12 gratitudes, 12 celebrations. Yes, thank you, and something else. These we haven‟t had time to do yet. I don‟t even know that yet. We‟ll have them by the end of the workshop. The most important part of the workshop is the Hethalon part. The Dance for Joy part, part of it is Hethalon. When we began the Dance for programs, we didn‟t know it was going to go into a Hetharo/Hethalon cycle. So, once that became apparent that it was, that became the precedent. We‟re actually going above and beyond anything that would have been contained in the Dance for programs, if we hadn‟t gone on Hetharo/Hethalon. Like the advanced merkaba mechanics that we‟re getting now, and the advanced codes that we‟re being able to work with, wouldn‟t have been given in the Dance for program. They‟d be like for 20 years later after you get through a gate kind of thing. So, we are going to finish up the Dance For program, and they say there is going to be a graduation, a bit of a graduation, from the Dance for program, and I don‟t know what they mean by that yet. So, hopefully we‟ll all get to graduate. It‟s kind of funny, like I show up and say, hello, I‟m going to teach this workshop. What are you teaching? I have no idea. We‟re all going to learn it together. We just show up. The most important thing for me, my priority, is to get as many graphs as I can for you ready, to explain the Hethalon process, so you understand what‟s happening, and you can also understand, it‟s almost like if you needed any proof to really know that we were teaching the Christiac merkaba mechanics, because the others have been saying that we‟re teaching the anti-Christiac ones. Like the pot calling the kettle black, as they say. This information will show you how the Christiac numbers were perverted, and what they‟ve done with that perversion, what the Metatronic spiral actually creates. And you will be able to go. The Guardians tell me this, because I haven‟t had time. I don‟t make a habit of like going and reading everybody else‟s work, so I can attack it. I just don‟t do this. We don‟t have time. But the Guardians are saying there‟s information that‟s going to be contained in this program, that‟s ours, that shows you how the Beast machine activates, that you can actually find illustrations and things that are very similar in the other people‟s books. It will show you what they won‟t show you in their books, is what it is connected to and what it‟s doing to the natural veca structure and what it‟s doing to your own body structure. So, you‟ll get that info. There‟s a piece in it, like, that one‟s settled. I get it. There‟s no hmmm, am I sure these are the right ones? Am I sure the other ones aren‟t the right ones? Where you kind of want to run away from all merkaba mechanics because you don‟t know who is telling the truth and who is not. There‟s enough information where you can really, for most people, just be like pretty obvious, isn‟t it? I think if most people, even the ones that attend, let‟s say, Anunnaki workshops or Drak workshops, if they saw, if they could understand the huge body of data that you have learned in the Dance for programs to begin with, if you don‟t know what a veca map is, the pictures aren‟t going to mean much to you when you see what the merkabas are doing within a veca map. But I bet that if they had the info that you allowed yourself to learn, that they‟d go, wow, that‟s a no-brainer. Get me out of that program, thank you. I‟ll take this one. Because it‟s so obvious with the mechanics. So, you have enough there, and if you have friends or anything that are into the other thing, and they are giving you a hard time, and you really care about them but they are kind of like telling you you‟re the bad ones, it‟s not personal. It‟s not about me. They can hate me. They can call me all sorts of names, or Az, or Mac, because they like to do that. That‟s their ways. The other groups. But, just say, did you ever compare the mechanics, compare the mechanics. Because now you will have the mechanics that show, right down to the detailed numbers, what they‟re doing and what it came from, which is the original Christiac ratios. So, there‟s a healing in that, knowing that, well, I resolved it in myself. There‟s going to be - there‟s a celebration in this. I can fee the energy behind it. I don‟t know what it‟s about yet. It has to do with what we‟re going to do with the Emerald Seal. The Emerald Seal is an override system that allows the Guardian races from the Ecka to split the metatronic seed atom in half. So, it can‟t activate on the 55, 89, 144. It will be able to activate only on the 55 and go back where it came from. So, I can feel there‟s this huge block of data on security release. Like trying to find the string to pull and it won‟t The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
come down yet. But, there is a celebration feeling that‟s coming in with this. There‟s a tremendous healing and I‟m getting a really strange wave moving through. Anybody feeling this? There is a really strange wave of familiarity running through the room. Almost like we‟ve done this before. Like we‟re sitting somewhere else right now, every one of us that‟s here, altogether. I just got hit with the feeling. It came through from the back of the room, all the way up through here, and it circulated back over. It‟s almost as if every one of us sitting here is also sitting somewhere else right now, and we‟re getting the briefing there too. A very strange feeling, like almost a time overlay. Much more clear than you usually can feel them. This might be indication that there‟s going to be a little playing with time. We are going through the first major Reusha-Ta shift during the Hethalon period. Just pay attention. I‟m getting this from Ma‟a. Just pay attention if you find any odd little things that might be considered time distortions. Or space time distortions. Just pay attention to weirdness, is what Ma‟a is saying. Make a note of it. And see by the end of the workshop, and after you go home, what that might of meant. Because it will make more sense later than it will now. I think we‟re in for some fun. Uh oh. Yeah. I mean fun can be really strange when you get into this. I‟ve walked down a street and from one block to another, knew certain stores were there, turned around, walked back, and two stores weren‟t there anymore. I walked through probabilities, into a different probability line where those stores had gone out of business and closed. They‟ve given me little nudges ever since I was quite young, so I‟d be prepared and wouldn‟t freak out, when the big time came for major time shifts. They‟re saying that there is going to be these types of events happening, but not just here. They are going to be happening on a planetary level. I do feel there is some serious stuff coming too that has to do with what the planetary shields are going to do. We‟re doing the magnetic peak this time. The magnetics go with the pcm universe. That‟s us. The particum universe. That means these will be the ones that impact Earth even more than parallel Earth, because parallel will be the more electrical. So, there‟s something coming with this. But I don‟t think it‟s going to be any thing like the sky falling, or anything right during Hethalon. I think there‟s going to be a series of events. I‟m just feeling out right now. I‟m just being very open and chatting with you as friends. I‟m sharing the feelings I‟m getting. We‟re going to be getting information on what this calm is before what potential storm. There is some type of storm here and there coming up, and it may be a storm that has more to do with politics and what people get into between the UIR and the Anunnaki League that defected. So, it‟s almost like enjoy this one, cause it should be peaceful, but watch out for little time glitches. And there is something to learn in each one of them, Ma‟a is saying. There‟s going to be more. There‟s a lot more coming. It will be tonight probably. We have to literally - there‟s no time to prepare for this one. We‟ll have what is most important. We have to go back - to finish working on the graphs. There‟s at least five more that are key for tomorrow. For tomorrow‟s workshop. So, this is what our life is like when we run these workshops. For you guys - tomorrow we‟re starting- it‟s 2:30 til 8:00? 6:00? Cause we‟re doing the nighttime thing. We‟ll do the workshop, the gridwork workshop. This is the one where you get the crash course in what is happening at the planetary grids. What is the Hethalon? What do you do with the Hethalon? What happens? Why is it worthwhile participating? And ok, let‟s get down to business. What do we do? The first phase of that will be later for the people who want to participate, later that evening. We are still trying to work out logistics of where the first phase will be. It‟s not going to be 100 people laying down or spinning. We would probably get arrested or kicked out of Andorra, right in the middle of town. We‟re going to do the first part between 11:11 and 12:12 tomorrow night, and then going into the morning. The next day we will finish it when we go on the hike thing. This ought to be fun. Hiking with the rib thing. This is going to be a place where we have more privacy so we can finish the things - we can put the codes that we need to activate, and we can activate them the next day, is what they‟re telling us. That will take us up to Wednesday. Then, we‟ll get into more of the workshop format things. I will definitely see if we can work on - it‟s getting hotter and hotter in here. I‟ll see if we can work on the A/c issue. Before we go, because tomorrow, because things are happening so quickly with this. It‟s not like tomorrow we will come and we will prepare for the next day or anything. We don‟t have that. Basically, the activations in the shields will be best, the first ones that you need to do, which would be activating the full lotus flow, and when you do it in a group, by the way, it amplifies the heck out of everything. The group energy amplifies on itself. (Question from The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
audience) We‟re supposed to but not so much tomorrow night. That‟s the hike day. Oh great. We get to hike in all white. Tonight it‟s not that important cause we‟re just dropping codes. We‟re activating them the next day. We have to have clear frequency, where all the frequencies can... yes, so that would be not tomorrow night. That‟s what he‟s saying. This is a surprise to us too cause we weren‟t sure yet. But it‟s for the hike day. We get to hike in white. Oh boy. Broad daylight, 100 people in white, hiking. Oh great! Could be worse. (Laughs) Fortunately, it‟s in the country. Like out there by a lake somewhere, which is very nice, cause it won‟t be like in the middle of town. So, anyway, for that.. What I wanted to do tonight, though, before we go, is begin the shield activation and amplification process. So, if you would be patient and do what we‟re going to do, the lotus bud and the 24 and the monadic spin. Kind of like the full run that we did in the Hetharo. If you weren‟t with us in Hetharo, this is a good chance to get real amplification on these techniques, because you have the group field support with you. Do you know how hot it‟s going to get in here doing this? I‟m almost tempted to say wait til we can find a fan, because this is going to get hot. Anyway, let‟s go through the bud and the 24 and see how people feel after that. If it‟s getting too hot in here, I don‟t want people passing out. So, if you‟ll be patient with us, what we can do is lower the lights, because that will make it less hot. I‟m hoping it‟s not as hot down there as it is up here. These lights are really really hot lights. You never have to do technique. It‟s not forced on you. But it is recommended if you want to get the frequency amplification to the level that will support you with what you want to do when you‟re playing with gridwork and that kind of thing. So, Az will read the activation sequence to you. I will be back in to say goodbye, but I‟m going to do a quick ladies run. Excuse me. Anyway... I‟ll do my goodnights now, even though I‟m coming back, cause I don‟t want to tie you up after. When you‟re done with the technique, just go back to your space. I‟m not going to chatter with you. I‟m so glad you‟ve all come. It‟s amazing to me - there‟s going to be 100's of people in different places on the planet that are going to be doing this too, to connect with us. It‟s phenomenal to me. These little books called the Voyagers books that began in 1999, what they‟ve created, what has created around them, is almost like there‟s a bunch of people called indigos on the planet that called out for them to come, and the books came, and it‟s like if you build it, they will come. If you write it, they will show up. I thank you all for being here. Thank you for sharing these times with us. I hope you have a wonderful Hethalon experience with us. It‟s a very previous time that you don‟t get to have very often. I will be quiet now. I can chatter forever. (Az gives intro and then goes through lotus seed technique and breaths) Az: You will by now all have your own versions, which may even deviate slightly from what is written in the original. But, to be just a slightly ponderous is all respect and proper deference to activating the lotus seed of the shield of this group. So, what you are going to do for yourselves as individuals, so to speak, as you would normally, the whole purpose of our wanting to do this is to activate the lotus seed in the group shield and unify the shield, so the emphasis on bringing the group shield up to a balanced state, to charge it with frequency, so it can hold the frequency, not just in any way to do with what is being presented by Ashayana or me or anyone else who speaks up here. But more specifically to bring you to a level of comfort, security and potency in terms of the work that we‟re going to do. My usual focus is a very practical one, where I like to feel the group up and really running like a team that is here to deliver the mission, and this is a terribly important one. So, I‟m excusing myself for saying that I‟m going to take you through this by the book, so to speak, because I need everybody to be doing this as if it was one person in the room. Technique 1: The “Lotus Bud” Breath 1 Complete Technique 8, Part A or B, before commencing the “Lotus Seed” Activation sequence. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
2 Breathe easily for a few moments, while focusing your attention on a large ball of Heliotalic energy located way out in the Universe at the Ecka Level (Density 6), at an angle that corresponds to a line which comes in from the right side of your body, at an angle of 45 degrees, and down through your right shoulder. The ball of Heliotalic Energy looks like a swirling mass of silvery, pastel, rainbow colored hues. 3 Forcefully INHALE, pulling the ball of silvery pastel rainbow frequency down the Heliotalic line, in through your right shoulder, and into the AzurA Point, just below the Thymus. 4 Hold this Inhale breath while imagining that the ball of Heliotalic frequency now stored in the AzurA separates out into 6 smaller balls of silvery pastel rainbow colored energy. 5 Forcefully EXHALE the six balls of Heliotalic energy outwards, simultaneously, in six directions; one vertically up, one vertically down, and 4 outwards at 45 degrees to the vertical axis of your body, to a distance of about 1 inch from the surface of your body (the limit of your Etheric body “skin”). 6 Hold the breath briefly while imagining, or feeling, the 6 balls of silvery pastel Heliotalic frequency stationed in your Etheric body … and … 7 INHALE forcefully, bringing the 6 balls of Heliotalic energy back into the AzurA. 8 REPEAT according to inner guidance, to build Heliotalic frequency in the AzurA and Etheric body field. Technique 2a: The First 6 ManA Breaths 1 From the final Inhale of the “Lotus Bud” breath, hold the silver pastel rainbow ball of Heliotalic frequency at the AzurA, momentarily … 2 Breathe easy for a few moments, whilst once again imagining the large ball of pale silvery rainbow energy, separating out into 6 smaller balls of energy. 3 Prepare for a sequence of 6 rapid INHALE: EXHALE breaths. During each breath, visualize or imagine pushing the 6 balls of energy out, on each exhale, through each of the 6 Density Merkaba grids stationed at D4, D7, D10, D13 and the Ecka D1 and Ecka D4 Void. Push the energy balls in 6 directions, simultaneously, as before (1 vertically up, 1 vertically down, and 4 outwards at 45 degrees to the vertical axis of your body). 4 Breathe the 6 breaths. Note: in the earliest stages do this gently/ slowly, before adopting a more rapid and forceful breathing technique. 5 On the sixth and final INHALE, draw the 6 balls of energy back into the AzurA … Technique 2b: The Second Sequence of 6 ManA Breaths 1 From the final Inhale of the first 6 breaths, returning the ball of pale silvery rainbow energy to the Azur-A, EXHALE pushing the large ball of energy up from the Azur-A down to the E-Umbi Point just below the navel. 2 Repeat steps 2-5 above, drawing the 6 balls of pale silvery rainbow energy, on the six and final breath back into the E-Umbi … Technique 2c: The Third Sequence of 6 ManA Breaths 1 From the final Inhale of the second 6 breaths, returning the ball of pale silvery rainbow energy to the EUmbi EXHALE pushing the large ball of energy up from the E-Umbi to the Rajna Point at the Pineal. 2 Repeat steps 2-5 above, drawing the 6 balls of pale silvery rainbow energy, on the sixth and final breath, back into the Rajna Point at the center of the Pineal. Technique 2d: The Fourth Sequence of ManA Breaths
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
1 From the final inhale of the third 6 breaths, returning the ball of pale silvery rainbow energy to the Rajna Point, EXHALE pushing the large ball of energy down to the Mahadra Point at the center of Earth‟s Core. 2 Repeat steps 2-5 above, drawing the 6 balls of pale silver energy, on the sixth and final breath, back into the Mahadra Point at Earth‟s Core, “popping” the Bottom Spiral Universal Merkaba Seal 14. 3 Exhale gently, INHALE and forcefully EXHALE pushing the pale silvery rainbow ball of energy UP through the LE-Te U-A (at the Pineal - Signet 11) and on up to Chakra 14, 36” above the head, “popping” the Top Spiral Merkaba Seal 14. 4 Breath easy, spending a few minutes to feel the circulation of energy throughout the Lotus petals formation in the Density Fields around you …. TECHNIQUE 3 ... MONADIC HELIO-OPATHY (RESTORING CHRISTIAC GENDER POLARITY FLOW) PREREQUISITES: A period of 2 weeks, working with the Amorea Flame Body Techniques is ADVISABLE to create maximal healing and corrective Merkabic function. Utilizing the Lotus Bud and Lotus Petal Breathing Techniques follows, and immediately thereafter the following..... KEY PROCESS ISSUE - MALE: FEMALE SPIN DIRECTION: The correct Male .v. Female spin direction of both the Monadic Shield Disc and the D-2 Merkaba Disc, during the following Healing Process, or Merkabic Correction / Metatronic Merkabic Anti-dote, is ESSENTIAL to the desired and effective objective of this technique. Establish The Correct Spin Establish the Necessary spin direction by imagining you are standing with your back to a wall that has a clock face on it. The 12 is at the top of your head, the 3 is at your left side, the 6 is at your feet and the 9 is at your right side. Females will spin from the 12 position towards the 9, then 6 and 3 o'clock positions - i.e. CCW. Males do this in the OPPOSITE direction of this female key, spinning from the 12 position towards the 3 and 3 o'clock position - ie CW . Both during Parts 3b and 3c. Use the diagram here to help see the spin directions. PROCESS SUMMARY: Initially, the process involves drawing the HELIOTALIC BREATHS IN 3 GROUPS OF THREE; each group being applied to: 1) correction of the rotation mutation in the Monadic Scalar Shield; 2) correction of the spin direction of the D-2 Merkaba Disc; 3) anchoring the "correction" in the AzurA and the Flame Body, forming a KEY link to the Universal Merkabic Parameter Field, further anchoring ALL in the personal and Universal Flame Body. TECHNIQUE PROCESS 3a: Sit for this please. Quiet yourself down, slow your breathing, and establish focus and intention on what it is you are about to do. Begin by doing the "Lotus Bud", Hetharo Technique - 1 of the Paxos, Greece workshop. Use this breath to a) open and charge the Lotus Bud with HELIOTALIC FREQUENCIES in the AzurA, and b) to draw additional HELIOTALIC BREATHS, pushing the frequencies out as far as you can through Densities 1-6....... then....... 3b: Begin by imagining, in the AzurA, a tiny speck which is the Monadic Scalar Shield (which if left unattended rotates in the opposite direction to the organically correct, natural DBP direction for your gender). Initiate Heliotalic breathing sequence with a 2-point Heliotalic Breath, simultaneously drawing HELIOTALIC FREQUENCY into the AzurA from both the electrical Heliotasis Line now positioned in the
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
Central Vertical Column, and the magnetic Heliotasis Line that remains in its original position entering the body via the right shoulder until August 2003. Inhale Heliotalic Frequency into the AzurA then begin the Heliotalic 6-Point Charging Sequence, using cycles of 3-Breath Sets (initially use only ONE cycle of 3-Breaths between "Shield-disc Action Breaths, then TWO 3-Breaths-Sets for a 6-breath charge, then FOUR 3-Breath-Set cycles for a 12-breath charge after 1 & 2 weeks respectively). To establish Heliotalic 6-Point Breathing Rhythm at the onset of the Charging Sequence the following format is suggested. * Immediately following the INHALE of the 2-Point Heliotalic Breath from step 3b, begin counting for the first 3-Breath-Set on the NEXT EXHALE; each EXHALE from the AzurA out along the 6-point axis marks the beginning of a breath, and the following INHALE return to the AzurA represents the completion of the breath, where the breath is counted, EXHALE the Heliotalic frequency from the AzurA out along the 6-point axis as far as you can, then quickly and forcefully INHALE this energy from the 6-point axis BACK to the AzurA and COUNT #1. HOLD Inhale briefly at the AzurA then forcefully expand the 2nd EXHALE out from the AzurA along the 6-pont axis, then quickly and forcefully INHALE back to the AzurA and COUNT #2. HOLD Inhale briefly at AzurA then engage the 3rd EXHALE out the 6-point axis, and again draw the 3rd INHALE back to the AzurA. On the 3rd INHALE, HOLD the breath, for as long as you are naturally able, giving the command: "Build charge, build charge" ... over and over, then FORCEFULLY EXHALE whilst visualizing the APPLIED FORCE of the breath applied to the rotational direction of the small Monadic Shield, PUSHING IT in the CCW FEMALE direction if you are of Female gender, or CW if MALE. Then move to the next 3-Breath-Set. (If you are using more than one 3-Breath-Set cycle, complete additional 3Breath-Sets before initiating the Shield-disc Action breath exhale.) 3c: Following the Monadic Shield-disc Action Breath, engage the next 3-Breath-Set cycle, using EXACTLY the same steps as in (3b). On the final EXHALE of the last 3-Breath-Set cycle, using the EXHALE to APPLY HELIOTALIC BREATHING FORCE to the mutated spin direction of the D-2 Merkabic Disc, which runs through your body between the Pineal and your tail-bone on a vertical axis. Use this Heliotalic Shielddisc Action Breath to PUSH the D-2 Disc in the organically correct direction; CCW Female or CW Male (looking at the front of your body as if you were a clock-face). 3d: Following 3c, initiate a final 3-Breath-Set cycle, again holding briefly between breaths within a 3-BreathSet, then after the final 3rd INHALE, HOLD the breath as long as naturally possible, building frequency ("build charge, build charge, etc"). On the final FORCEFUL EXHALE push Heliotalic frequency upwards from the AzurA to Chakra 14, and way out into the Ecka Levels, anchoring the organic D-2 Shield-disc Template and the Monadic Shield-disc Template into the personal and Universal Flame Body and Universal Merkabic parameter Field from the AzurA. 3e: Completion: Sit quietly for a few minutes (DO NO "leap up" right away afterward). When you feel ready, gently shake / move the upper part of your body, neck, head, arms bringing the energy balled up in the central vertical current (around the AzurA area) into the axiatonal lines distributing the energy throughout the body cells. Then, stand SLOWLY, and do whatever simple stretching exercises you feel moved to do (it is recommended to raise one arm vertically above the head, allowing the other arm to hang, and just stretch through the upper body, rib cage, and lower Thymus areas; then reverse, and repeat 3-6 times). Stretching will further assist the distribution process and, also, mimics expansion of the personal fields. It is strongly recommended that this Technique is done on waking and before bed, each day; the simple "6Point" breath can be used during the day to further amplify the effect. After a period of 2 weeks using this Technique AND Flame Body Activation it will become no longer necessary to do the Flame Body technique any longer (unless one wished to).
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
Ash: What we're going to do for this evening is, we're going to go through, ok, what are we doing first of all to prepare for Hethalon, because we don't have a lot of time. it starts tomorrow. We received a series of graphs between yesterday and today that explain some things about activation of the metatronic merkaba. This is very important to understand if we‟re going to understand what we are participating in when we participate actively in the Hethalon events. The lights are right in my face. I can't even see people. Thank you. So, we're going to go through a few things. There will be graphs that some of you have seen from the Hetharo period, and we're going to use those graphs, the earlier ones, to explain the same process. Because in Hethalon, we're going through the same process except on the magnetic spiral. because Hethalon is the magnetic peak, or when the magnetic merkaba of the planet and the solar galactic merkaba reaches its peak spin. So this is the magnetic activation. We'll go through these series of graphs, and it's interesting because Ma'a has said that any adjustments to the original Hetharo graphs, as far as the sequence that we're going to go through in the next 48 hours, we'll make as we go along. We've been spending the time on the graphs you'll see at the end of the workshop today, that have to do with something called the Solar Cross activation. There's something called the Solar Cross vortex alignment that is going to take place on the metatronic side during this period of Hethalon, and if we can understand what precisely that is, we can also understand what the Grand Cross activation is, and also get a little insight into why the sign of the cross and the crucifixion was used from Atlantian times to represent the metatronic merkaba. If we understand the metatronic merkaba, we can understand what it is we're actually assisting to make a difference in. We're doing something to assist the Eieyani races, that is a bit more, let's say, active than we usually play. The indigo shield usually tries to be as low key as possible. it doesn't engage conflict. It doesn't get into wars with people, whenever possible. We're not going to do that now, but we are going to do something that the last time it was done, in 22,326BC, it worked wonderfully for quite a while. We're going to be participating in activating a certain set of grids in the planet that have to do with what's called the Emerald Seal. Through the new graphs that we've been given, I'll be able to show you conceptually what that means in relation to the info you already know. We're going to be participating in something that is really very very exciting. We're going to actually, and you know how they say what you resist persists, so you try not to persist anything, but there is a limit to that, and one of the things that we're going to, in a way, be doing passive resistance to, is the activation of the 55, what they call the Grand Cross, galactic merkaba, that is literally a Beast machine, because it turns into a man-eating vortex that will literally go up the entire veca system. In the diagrams that we have for toward the end of the evening. I might get to them quicker. I'm getting pushed to get into those fast. Alright. I might do that. Alright. We're going to do that. I just got corrected. We're going to go through these first and then back to these. So... I will rearrange my packet for a second. Ma'a just asked me to do this, so I will do this. He wants the new ones up. We'll get back to those later. We're typesetting the graphs from the Hetharo period, because for those of you were part of that workshop - I don't even think the videos are out yet - if you've seen these graphs before, they were in scribbled handwritten form. we began the process of typesetting, but we will told not to do it until Hethalon because there was going to be info added to the graphs, that would need to be put on for Hethalon, so literally the whole Hetharo chartpack was held up, waiting for the info. We're going to do a quick recap on the history, and this is the info that if you have anybody that's giving you a hard time, that's working with reversed merkaba, show them this series of graphs and explain what it means. Give them something to think about. This is the info that's probably going to get me in a lot of trouble in the States. This information shows a history. It goes with the history that we've already revealed. It shows specific numbers and how merkaba The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
numbers were altered and changed. What this planet has gone through since literally 5.5 million years ago in the Electric Wars - that was an event that was in Seeding 1 of our races. Seeding 1 was destroyed by the same people who are here now, by the same black hole visitors who are here now. They are the same soul groups. They are the same dark avatar groups. They are the same FA groups. This is not a new battle. To understand what we're going to go through, we already went through Hetharo, and what we're going to go through in Hethalon, it helps to understand the progression of when something starts out normal, what is normal, where did it deviate? Where did the deviation begin? How far did it deviate? We're going to see that with the merkaba on the planetary and the solar galactic levels. When it comes time to understand the mission that we're a part of, if you want to be, the mission of activating what is called the Mahadra Adhrana. It's also called the Well of Dreams in the old days. It's literally a buffer zone, Arc of the Covenant buffer zone, that expands into the planetary body and the planetary atmosphere under certain conditions. Certain conditions have to do with activation of something called the Emerald Seal activator. That's what we're going to participate in. To understand the significance of what we're being invited to be a part of. It helps to understand this history, and to see some very interesting sacred geometries, if you want to call them that. You can also call them anti-sacred geometries. we're going to find out about the Solar Cross alignment. It's a vortex alignment. it's also an alignment that has to do with the stargates that are on the galactic level, as well as the planetary level. We‟re going to find out that during Hethalon it is taking place. Part of it started to take place during Hetharo. What is going to happen during Hethalon is something called the Grand Cross alignment. This is not a good thing, if you're interested in Christiac evolution. It is a good thing, however, if you're interested in metatronic evolution. By the time we get through these graphs, we'll begin to understand what it is we're participating in. So many times we feel powerless here on this planet. All of us are made to feel small. People are raised with belief systems that teach you you are small, insignificant, you can't make a difference, the individual doesn't mean anything. When we start to see what we're a part of, we can start to realize, we CAN make a huge difference. if it weren't for the people who paid attention to the work of the GA, we would not have anyone here on this planet to anchor the frequencies that will prevent the happening of what I'm going to show you. There is something that we've talked about in very mild and benign terms ever since 1999, and the release of the Voyagers Books. It's called the Dimensional Blend Experiment. There's other people that have been teaching about a thing called the Dimensional Blend Experiment too. I won't name them, but there's several teachers out there, usually associated with Thoth, that are teaching about that, almost as if it were going to be a good thing. Some blame it on the Zetas. It's not just a Zeta thing. We're going to find out what the Dimensional Blend Experiment is. If you can understand what the planetary merkaba fields are doing, it gives you an idea of what your own personal merkaba fields are doing. Whatever the planetary configuration takes, your fields will go through the same process. If it weren't for the information being brought back here, and if it weren‟t for people like you that were listening to that information, and felt the resonance within you, everyone would be activating their metatronic merkaba as we go through Hethalon. We would all be ascending into black hole fall and thinking we were ascending into Christ Consciousness. It's a really sad deception, but the thing is, the people who fall won't know the difference. That's the structure of the deception that was created for them. Fall peacefully and you don't even know you're falling, so they're all happy and they do what we want. That's basically what's taking place. There are a bunch of people, beings, races from black hole systems, that used to be as blessed as any other race. They are still blessed. They are still loved. However, their actions are not blessed. Their actions are blasphemy. If eternal life is what you value. We're participating in a series of events consciously, on this planet, that has been asleep since 13,400 BC. We are participating consciously in such a short period of time of awakening, in the most profound series of events, because with our assistance, the Eieyani and Guardian races, the Christiac races, and even the Anunnaki League defector people who are defecting from the UIR. They are not joining the EC. They have their own agenda. But, together we will be able to prevent the URI from activating the Dimensional Blend Experiment. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
Because that is what the UIR intends to do. The UIR at this point is composed primarily of Andromie Necromaton races, and of a large number of Omicron Drakonian races, and some of the Odecacron Reptilians that hang out with them from the pcm universe. You have another group that's competing with them, and they are standing against them. they are called the Wesedraks. They are from the parallel system in the Wesedrak black hole. It just so happens that the UIR on this side in their black hole want to rip a hole in time. They want to first invade the Wesedrak system in parallel, their black hole. Now it's a whole series of events to get there. But once they get there with this master merkaba, that's the merkaba that's called the Grand Cross merkaba, galactic level, they will be able to rip with that merkaba all the way back through from the partike universe, the anti-particle parallel universe, all the way back in our universe, through our universe, and down into their black hole. This is the Dimensional Blend Experiment that they have had in mind for ages. It took them til 25,500 BC in Atlantis, before they could get the apparatus set on the planet, by which such a thing could even take place here. But this is an old old argument. This is how Tara fell. We've talked in the Voyagers books very early on about the Fall of Tara 550 million years ago. That is what created this solar system, literally, because Tara (another word for Tara is Alcyon), used to be... Earth used to be and the solar system used to be part of a planetary body, or star body, that was called Tara. It's the Density 2 level of this planet. This whole solar system fell. These are the fragments, our planets here, are the fragments of what Tara was. What's left of Tara now is what we call Alcyon. This story, this drama, goes way way back, and as you know, for those who have followed this work, it goes way back to 250 billion years ago when we were all the way up in the Cradle of Lyra and the Lyra Elohim wars took place. This is the end of a very very long conflict. For the people who are part of this conflict now, the people on Earth now, there's not anybody here that wasn't a part of this drama before. We have the Atlantian masters returning now. They are the psychotic people who run anti-Christiac merkabas. They are all back! But you know what? So are the Christiac masters. Many of them are sitting right here in this room. Deep in ourselves, deep in the cellular memory of our own templates, the templates that are molecules manifesting, we have our ancient memory. We know the roles we've played before. There's a reason why every one in this room is here. It's not an accident. Even if someone was here still trying to figure out if they like this work or not, you showed up for a reason. Who got you here? Somebody did. You wouldn't be here if you hadn't participated before in the events that we have been trying to head off at the pass for ages now. The creation of this master metatronic merkaba. What's interesting is releasing the level of information that we‟re going to be publishing, because this information is slowly working its way into publishable form, where its typeset and you can read it. Before it was little scribbles on graphs, and then we released it to about 144 people at Hetharo. This hasn't gone out yet. This information is going to be a little embarrassing to some people, and there's probably going to be a counter - I hate to use the word attack. It's a negative concept. Let's say counter reaction to this information being published. You'll be the first to see how these pieces fit together, to see where the word Solar Cross, vortex alignment, and Grand Cross fit in, and what it means. These words are floating around the new age movement, and people are assigning all sorts of different meanings to them. Some of them are true, some of them are partially true, and some of them aren't true at all. You're going to see where they fit. What's really interesting too is by the time we get through with these diagrams - one thing that last night had me going in a good way - look at this. It's right there. It's right outside our window! Oh my God, it looks just like it. There was a particulars set of graphs that came through that showed the center area of this Grand Cross merkaba configuration. And what's really really funny is when we look out at the spa building, it's the perfect inversion of it to meet it! That's this place. We didn't know that building was here when we came here. We knew that the anti-Christiac seed atom was here. Not the planetary one. the bigger one that's in the ARC OF THE COVENANT gates. Which runs between the particle and antiparticle universes. The particle universe has its own Apollyon 666 Seed Atom and so does the antiparticle. the particle and antiparticle have their own, but there's the bigger one that connects into the galactic ARC OF THE COVENANT, that connects those other reversed The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
metatronic seed atoms. So this is what we're going to learn about this time, in the Solar Cross configuration. We're going to see where the pieces fit. We're going to go over and look at that spa building, and say, WOW! That really does work, doesn't it? You want to hide something, just put it right before their faces and call it something else. You'll also be able to see the blatant, in your face - the stuff is here. It's on the planet. Look at the HAARP mechanism in Alaska. Look at other buildings that are shaped like needles, long and pointy and go up to the sky. Check out churches and look at their spires. There's always the pretty architecture. Yes it is. But what's really neat is every one of those type of architecture run energy in very specific ways. Every architecture runs energy in very specific ways. When you see these needles, and these pyramid shapes, or these tetrahedron shaped things... domes are also good. Our guys use a lot of domes. Not geodesic ones, though interestingly. There's something to the mathematics of those that kind of goes with the other system, and its metatronic and I'm not sure why. If you start to start to realize that, Ok, you're sitting here and trying to realize that supposedly I'm an incarnate alien from another place and time, right, called IE, wherever that is, and I am here and I'm trying to wake up and remember who I am, and I am surrounded by a civilization that's built on all these things, and all these things - there's a whole shift in your perceptual filters. perceptual filters are going to be something we're going to be dealing with as we move on into Kathara Healing more. Ideas that we frame things in, some of them we framed the moment we came into our mother's womb, before we were even born. These act as filters through which we perceive the energy of reality, and interact with it. If it's hard for us to wake up, it's because we have a certain set of perceptual filters that are making that difficult. Perceptual filters are not just something you hold in your mind as an idea. They are that. They are also things that are held in the subconscious or the portions of the mind you haven't integrated yet. But they are also chemical realities in the body. Every belief you hold is an energy pattern that generates an energy pattern in your template, which generates a corresponding chemical pattern within your DNA. That chemical pattern interacts with the hormone production systems within the body, and it literally changes, it creates, the chemical reality of whatever it is the belief structure you're holding. When we begin to realize we have this set of perceptual filters that have kept us asleep for a long time. In certain ways, that was merciful. Can you imagine being five years old and remembering all of this? You'd be afraid to breathe. Terror would be the first response, because you know you're in a tiny body that's dependent on other people, until it gets bigger, and you realize you're walking around in a world where there are people smiling in your face, patting you on the head, saying they are going to help you ascend while they're helping you build a metatronic merkaba to fall into a black hole with. You can get really scared. So perceptual filters can help you in certain circumstances. but they can harm you in others. So, we're in a situation now where it's time to think about the idea of perceptual filters. Think about the buildings you see around you. Think about the reality you're looking at, that you're used to labeling one way. Oh that's a that. Oh that's a neat spa building. Isn't that neat architecture. Yeah, it is! It doesn't negate the fact that it's neat architecture. It's actually quite pretty even though its horrific energetically. It's a beautiful structure. Inside, from the pictures in the brochure, the structure over there is absolutely gorgeous. In fact, it looks like some of the places in IE. Some of the heliotalic fountain places, which is really fascinating. It's like, can't they do anything original? (Laughs) If we start to realize that the drama that we've spoken of in the Voyagers books, we're just spokespeople, we're just speakers, we're not know-it-alls, we don't try to be. we don't want to be your gurus. We don't want to be your ascended masters, or any of that. We would insult you. You have that yourself. A part of you is an ascended master. What we'd like you to do is realize the information that you've probably struggled in your way to decide whether you were going to accept or reject. This isn't easy information. We're getting called everything nowadays. Oh, they're a cult. Why? Because we don't believe in the other cults on the planet, that's why. (Laughs) So, it's like the Catholic church is a cult, so is the Protestant church, so is the Moslem church. What isn't a cult? Just because you have 50 million people participating instead of 500? 500 is a cult but 50 million is a certifiable religion? Give me a break. That's what's going on on this planet right now. There's The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
been a lot of resistance to these teachings. Not as much as there could have been, which I find absolutely fascinating. We must be protected because we're still breathing. I know that the information that we've progressively released really, I could say irritates, would be a mild word, irritates certain factions of Illuminati here, because they know we know. They must still think we're controllable, because if they thought we were not controllable, they would eliminate us. That happens a lot, at least in the States. I don't know about in Europe, but it probably does here too. In the States, you find people that go on the new age circuit, particularly if they are speaking about ET's or government conspiracies, and a couple of key people have just like gotten really sick really fast and died, or just happened to disappear and never be found again. Weird things happen to people who begin to speak out. We've been speaking out, but in a nonthreatening way, because we don't get political. We don't say, vote for this guy, not that guy. We don't teach to be a terrorist and blow this or that up. So, I guess we're controllable. That's a good thing. Let them think that. You're safe that way. But what you can realize, in the meantime, is you're awakening to a level of perceiving reality that most people on the planet have no idea of. it would terrify them. So there's something in your souls and your oversouls and your avatars that is extremely courageous, that would have brought you this far, far enough where you could in this time of everybody being put to sleep and the big show going down and nobody even knowing it except the key players who are orchestrating the negatives, you're waking up here to the literally - this was common knowledge in Atlantis. We taught this in Atlantis. We warned people in Atlantis. We warned them not to let them bring in the technologies that would -- see there was a technology trick that was done, and I'll show you how it's done when we look at the graphs. It's called tandem technologies. There's a certain way, if you can build a reversed eternal merkaba field, you can create free energy. It isn't free, however. It's being stolen from somewhere else. You can create it in a way that you can power spaceships, and things that can go through portals. This is what part of the technologies that were brought to Atlantis that wow'ed people were about. By the time these technologies were brought to Atlantis, there had been so much damage done to the planetary grids, that people had lost the ability, particularly the Leviathan races, which were the hybrids, who didn't have the ability yet, to go through stargates. This gave them the ability to build a craft that could take them through a stargate. That was a seduction. That was irresistible. So they let them in. They let them put in the Nibiruan Diodic Crystal Grid. We'll show you how some of those pieces fit in the creation of this Grand Cross metatronic merkaba. We're being approached in the same way now. This small group of people here, and the small groups of people that come to the workshops, and the people who are out there who care about this work and resonate with it - we're the same ones that in Atlantis got in a lot of trouble, saying don't let them do it. Don't let them do it. This is bad. The old teachings said this and this. Listen to the old teachings. Listen to the elders. Some of t hem still remember, listen to t hem. And the new generation said, oh yeah, but these guys are really nice and they are trying to be friendly now. They are going to help us with these things, and well, I don't see any harm in it. Why are we in this drama now? (Laughs) Because of what we did in Atlantis. Now... the people here, it's not as if we were the ones that made the decision to allow the metatronic merkaba in. We're still playing the same roles we did back then. We're the ones still trying to say, hey guys, we even partied with those guys for a bit. We know how it works. We see what it does. And we see what they are doing. You don't want to do this. You really don't. Nobody listened to us in Atlantis and they probably won't here either. That's okay. When I began speaking, in 1999, I didn't care if anybody listened. I didn't speak because I needed anybody to hear me. In fact, it took me a big of pushing from above to get me to come out of my shell because Tape 2 I hated public speaking. In fact, I dropped out of junior college because I had to read my speech, and it was The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
on unconditional love, and I got an A on it. But I had to read it. I was terrified of audiences. But I had to make a shift into speaking. The speaking is done out of love for the Christos, for the Guardians, and for the knowledge that was progressively setting us free. It didn‟t matter if anybody believed me. It didn‟t matter if they thought I was nuts, cause I was talking to people that nobody else could see. I spoke it because it was truth to me. And if anybody else wanted to hear, I was so grateful for having that truth, that that‟s what motivated me to come out when the Guardians said, „come on, you do have a contract for this‟ (laughs). They won‟t force you! „You do have a contract to speak, but you don‟t have to.‟ „Well, I don‟t really want to.‟ „But just imagine, other people like you out there, will get this information that helped you to see inside of yourself the peace that you‟ve found, the lack of fear that you‟ve found.‟ That was enough. I said alright. I felt terribly guilty if I didn‟t. So, I came in as speaker. I was amazed to watch how many people popped up. They had said, „don‟t worry, they are waiting for this information.‟ „Who?‟ „The indigos.‟ „Who are the indigos?‟ Cause at that point, I didn‟t even have that information translated yet. Right? „They‟re Melchizedeks.‟ Well, I know I am one, but who are they? I came into the job of speaker out of love and out of not needing people to approve of me. I was very fortunate that I didn‟t have those needs, cause I would have shut up a long time ago. When you get involved with a belief system that‟s really about awakening, and you find yourself awakening on a planet that has been imprisoned for a long time, and you realize you‟re part of the set it free team, that can be a scary thing. A lot of us are habitually trained since we‟re infants, to really seek the approval of others, to need others, to care about us, and to love us and to like us, and to honor and validate our ideas for us. If we carry that need, that perceptual filter, into our awakening, we‟re just going to create for ourselves heartache, because we‟re expecting something from others that they are not ready to give, and possible not able at this time. The information that we have been given is precious. There is one thing I do know, if you use the technologies that we have been given on the Christiac merkaba, you will not activate the metatronic merkaba, that will go into phaselock and take you into a black hole, and you‟ll think you are ascending, but you‟re falling. I know that. I can‟t promise you you‟ll be able to get your body through a stargate. I‟ve said this over and over. It depends on what you‟re carrying in your body. It depends on what your avatar really wants to do. But I can promise you that I know these are the true freedom teachings. And to carry that knowledge is a gift, but also a burden sometimes, in a situation like this. Cause not a lot of people are going to hear what you have to say. And some will pretend they do, but they‟re actually working for the other side, and they are being sent in to mess with you, or to redirect you somewhere else, or to find out how much you actually know. The game isn‟t fun down here, the way it‟s played. Because we‟re willing to not compromise Christiac principles, we‟re laying the seeds for changing the way the game is played. We‟re going to make a big change, because there are two races that are going to come out of the people that are on the planet right now, only two. I don‟t mean races, like a black one and a white one, a purple one or a green one. We‟re going to have all the colors that we have now, all the nationalities. But part of them will have a reversed seed atom, a metatronic seed atom, and the other part will regenerate the Christiac seed atom. It‟s a phenomenal place of evolution to be in. To be able to witness this consciously while in a prison camp planet that has been held hijacked since 25,500 BC, to be able to wake up fast and furious, look around you, look at the new age movement that you thought was your best friend, that you thought was going to get you ascension, that you thought was going to help you wake up. Realize, yes, they will help you wake up, to the fact that, that‟s not how to do it. It‟s a remarkable time. And one of the most remarkable things we‟re going to experience in this time is the Hethalon. It‟s going to be, I think, unless they are holding some surprises they haven‟t told me about, peaceful as far as the D2 elemental shield goes, which is the hologram that we see as physical here. Remember, we see as solid what‟s one dimension below our station of perception. We have been phaselocked into the D3 station of perception from the mutations in the DNA. So, we‟re seeing D2. It should be a smooth finale, I think. I‟ll just qualify that with, as far as I know. I haven‟t been told. I do know that if The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
there was something cataclysmic at any point that was going to come, if it would help us to move through it more effectively, they would let us know before the fact. But if that knowledge would actually harm us, and possible jeopardize our ability to move through it effectively, they would tell us after. They would just show us what we needed to do with ourselves. I don‟t feel a cataclysm coming around the corner. I don‟t think just because there‟s going to be some very interesting magnetic shifts happening in the planetary merkaba, and the solar merkaba, that we‟re going to see any wild activity out there. I will be able to show you with the graphs the phenomenal dynamics that are taking place on the inside right now. Before anything becomes manifest, the template for it has to get it first. We‟re moving into the separation of a blended planetary and solar galactic merkaba field. Literally, two merkaba fields are separating with the matter bases within. I‟ve never been on a planet before where this has happened, so I can‟t tell you from memory what this might look like. I don‟t know if any of us have in our incarnational histories. I do know that if it were just planetary merkaba going through this, they would have already started getting us out of the gates, because it would roll, and it would be not quite big bang, but life forms would have to be restarted here. But, the solar galactic template is shifting too. Part of that is metatronic too. Which means the stability of the Sun and the planets‟ orbits around it will remain. It will shift together. So, we‟re not going to have the pole shift that would happen, if the Sun wasn‟t doing the same thing. We‟ll move with the Sun. There‟s going to be a metatronic version of the solar body, and all the planets in the system. In fact, they get two thirds and we get one third of the grids, and we reset the other two thirds and they get a little help resetting their one third so they can go where they want to go. I still ask, but I don‟t ask as rapidly or with the intensity that I used to: What‟s it going to like? This is what I‟ve been asking them since they started giving us the big mechanics on the real big changes that we‟re going through right now. They seem real soft on the surface. Oh maybe a little ripple here there energetically. Maybe you felt lousy three weeks after or a month and a half. Whatever. But no big bangs, no plagues, no flying horsemen, doing anything like they said they would in the Bible, none of that on the outside. It seems to be really really passive. I hope it stays this way. But I get a feeling that progressively as we move through this separation toward 2012, it‟s going to become more apparent. And I also get a feeling sometimes, like now, when I‟m speaking (to Az: oh, you‟re doing it now, oh, I caught that beam of energy!) He‟s getting good. I get a feeling, it‟s coming from you (Az) and him (Ma‟a) at the same time, there‟s going to be something that occurs, and I‟m not sure when, but it‟s going to be a series of events that most of the indigos are probably going to find themselves separated from each other. We‟re not going to be able to go to a workshop and hang out with each other while stuff flies. There‟s going to be a series of events that takes place at some point, where we‟re going to find ourselves in our little places on the planet, wherever they may be, and we may find ourselves very very alone, and the things that we‟re learning now, and the things that we will progressively be learning as we shift back into kathara healing advanced style, will be to help us, and we‟ll know what that time comes. I get a feeling there‟s a series of events; hopefully they are not until 2012-2017. What happens when in the same time you anchor three Reuche pillars and you completely separate two solar merkabas? I don‟t know! But we‟re being prepared. So, right now, we can consider ourselves lucky, if Hetharo went like a lamb, came in like a lamb, no problem, no earthquakes (well, there were a few little ones here and there, but there usually are). The peace that we have now doesn‟t mean the changes we‟re helping to assist in aren‟t massive. It means the changes are being done in a way that respects and tries to protect all life forms with as much mercy as possible. The Guardians could have reset the template here ages ago. But it would have blasted the life field here that had mutations from here to eternity. This was the path of mercy - if there‟s anything left of it, fix it. Don‟t The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
throw it away. It has to do with the law of conservation of energy. If it‟s still usable, we‟ll use it. We‟re going to get into the graphs now. I would like to lead you briefly, I‟m not going to spend a long time, I don‟t think, on the history leading up to the building of the Solar Cross vortex alignment and the Grand Cross monster merkaba field, or actually merkaba vehicle is a more appropriate word. Merkabas naturally are always vehicles, but this one is a vehicle unto itself, because it separates from the fabric of the 15 dimensional time matrix and the Ecka God Worlds, and the entire core of creation, the template of creation. It is able to pull out of the natural framework and go off on its own, as long as it can “eat” things to keep fueling it‟s movement. And we‟ll show you how this is created on a planetary and a solar galactic level. It seems awesome, with little how we know right now and how little our scientists know right now, about the Sun, the stars, and the galaxies. Our scientists don‟t know about template sciences yet. That information was purposely blocked since Atlantis when the information was taken away. The picture we‟re in the middle of can seem so huge. It‟s almost unbelievable. Because it seems so “out there, far out,” how could it be that huge? Well, if we were back in Atlantis remembering, it wouldn‟t be that huge. It‟s like, oh, no, not them again. Here we go again, another round. This information was easy in Atlantis. It‟s hard now because it‟s been such a long time. We‟ve been brainwashed into thinking we‟re little tiny children to just live with the plants and the trees and the flowers and the government and God, and just as long as somebody tells us what to do, and we behave well, everything will be fine. And those of us who can‟t handle that framework get angrier and angrier, and they become criminals and do bad things and the system pounces on them. So, that‟s the basic rules of etiquette on living on the planet, while sleeping. We‟re moving into a space where it‟s like time to wake up. What does wake up mean? It means remembering this stuff is not even the big picture. This is just talking about this planet, the races that have been here, and the solar system. There are billions and billions of solar systems in one 15 dimensional time matrix. So, it‟s still a little picture. It‟s all how you look at it and how you define it to yourself. Are you going to look at yourself as a big avatar person? Because, if you do, you‟ll simply say, oh one of those little galactic dramas again. No problem. I can handle it. You don‟t have to get cocky. You can just be at peace. You don‟t have to be terrified. Or, if you prefer to say, oh, I read in the Bible that I‟m a child of God, and I‟m this little tiny pathetic sinful thing, and I have to beg for mercy. Oh, my God, what‟s a galactic merkaba field, oh my God, what‟s a Beast machine that makes black holes and eats things up like universes? It can seem really big, if you‟re making yourself seem really small. This is what perceptual filters are all about. Are you big or are you small? Big doesn‟t mean ego-bound. It doesn‟t mean, “hi, I‟m going to be master of the universe and show you how arrogant I can be.” That just shows you how small you really are inside still. It means giving yourself permission to be interdimensional, to be intergalactic. It means giving yourself permission, because a part of us has been programmed to say, “I must be absolutely wacky, if I think I‟m big chief.” Well, you still don‟t have to tell anybody that. Allow yourself to reclaim that part of your identity. Let yourself become big again. If you keep identifying with just the name you were given at birth here, the little life that you‟ve experienced here. If you keep defining yourself in terms of that being, the only you that there is, you will feel tiny next to a tree. Forget an intergalactic merkaba Beast! But you aren‟t tiny. None of us are tiny. Tiny is good. Little grains of sand are just as just as blessed as massive universes. But if we look at ourselves as being tiny, we look at ourselves as being frail, we look at ourselves as being perhaps not strong enough to handle what needs to be handled, not able to deal with The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
what needs to be dealt with, be it a mutation in our body that drags our emotions all over the place and our physicality as well. Are you bigger than that mutation or are you smaller? These are some of the questions we need to begin moving into. Because, I believe we are probably going to get challenged. Now that the indigos are waking up, I think the drama itself, and I think our avatar selves are going to allow us to experiences challenges in the drama that will bring us back to that question. Are you big or are you small? What are you telling yourself about yourself? How many times do you say, “I can‟t handle this” and freak out about something? Either outside or inside your head? How many times do you freak out silently and go get absolutely plastered, so you can pass out and not have to think about it? Some people do. These are coping mechanisms people develop here. People don‟t need coping mechanisms if they think that they are big. They only need them if they think they are small and powerless. So, this is the time where we start to realize the mechanics and the bigness of the drama we‟re in the middle of, we start to realize that we have a choice right then and there, am I bigger than this or smaller than this? My body might be smaller. That‟s alright. A grain of sand is small. But there might be an interdimensional tri-fold avatar in that grain of sand. Just because your body is small, doesn‟t mean your consciousness and your connection to God source is small. So, it‟s time to remember your bigness. So, when we look at this Beast - it is very big! It is going to activate tomorrow and over the three days afterward. Realize it‟s not going to activate inside of us. We got that far. Realize we‟re going to make a difference in how it activates, but realize were are bigger, each one of us, even if it comes to a time when the world seems to go crazy outside of you, be it politics and wars, or be it natural disasters, or whatever, you are bigger than the experience. You have the power to move through it peacefully. You have to start telling yourself that now. You will be much more able to move through with grace. Grace is an interesting word. Grace is just like love. There is a reality of energy in the state of grace. Honitilea is one word you could call it - when all your merkabas are working in sync and bringing all of your higher consciousness and direct connection to God fully into your body. Before we can get to Honitilea, you have to enter grace, where you get rid of the perceptual filters that you‟ve picked up either here or in some other lifetime, that are limiting you,. That are telling you things that make your emotional body feel afraid. We can teach ourselves to be fearless. We can teach ourselves to be effective. We can teach ourselves to face any experience in a state of grace. Grace means, you can not like something and have a preference for it to be a different way, but hate is unknown to you. You can use the hate and know you don‟t mean it. It‟s a non-word to you because the emotion of hate doesn‟t live in you. That‟s part of the state of grace. Being able to love those who are causing you harm, or causing the planet harm. That‟s part of the state of grace. That doesn‟t mean laying yourself down as a doormat so they can trample all over you. Part of the state of grace means being quietly assertive, where you honor yourself, because you are a face of God. You honor everybody else too, even if they forgot that and they are acting like they‟re not. But you can‟t forget to honor you. And this is what the other schools of thought that teach you to be a martyr. They slap the God in you right in the face. And when you honor those belief systems more than you honor the God that lives and breathes through you, you’re slapping God in the face, and you‟re slapping yourself in the face. So, this is the time to really get into the idea of grace. We‟ll probably talk more about after we get through the first day of the grid work events, the Hethalon events. We will move into the Dance for Joy program, and speak a little big more on subjects of personal development, what to do with your consciousness when you‟re in a situation like this planet‟s moving through. How do you find that place of peace, where you can be happy anyway? “Big merkabas coming your way, don‟t worry, be happy?” (Singing, laughing) Attitude is everything. And attitude can determine whether you‟re in a state of turmoil or nervous breakdown, or The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
whether you‟re in a state of grace and peace and you walk around smiling anyway, no matter what‟s going on. It doesn‟t mean a false smile, though. It means, if you‟re feeling yucky, let yourself fell yucky, but tell yourself “Ok, I‟m processing this. I‟ll get rid of it. I‟m not going to take it out on other people, but I honor myself enough to let me process it. I‟m not going to force myself to smile when I know I don‟t feel that,” but it means not getting stuck in the feeling. We‟ve been sick since we got from Paxos. We had to find very interesting ways to handle that, as you are watching your body curved around you, and you‟re crawling through your days, going, “ooow,” and one thing gets better and something else goes. How long does this last? You can get really really grouchy? You can feel like you can depressed. Or you can‟t. You can choose to look at it differently. We did really well with this. It‟s even harder when you have to live with somebody else, anybody else around you, be it a child, or a spouse, or a parent, because when you‟re feeling lousy and you‟re ready to bite anything that walks by just because you want to throw the energy somewhere, and if they‟re feeling lousy too, you‟re holding the energy/breath until it explodes or you‟re throwing it. There is a certain way you can start to look at it. And we‟ve been moving through this lesson, and we‟ve done it really well. We‟ve managed to harmonize. We‟ll say, “How are you today?” “Feeling lousy as usual.” We‟ve learned to support each other, but humor has been key to getting through it. So, these are some of the things, if you take them with you, some of the attitudes, little tiny simple things, you don‟t have to remember a billion different formulas of merkaba mechanics to make a shift in the ideas and the words you‟re telling yourself about a situation. “I feel yucky, ok, my body is purging.” What is yucky anyway? What is disease? It means your body is trying to get itself back to health. If you look at disease as a big bad thing that invades your body and causes you harm, and you‟re this poor little victim of disease, you‟re setting in motion something that will chemically suppress your own immune system, so that reality becomes more and more true. If you tell yourself that you‟re having emotional issues, be it mental issues, or be it physical issues - if you tell yourself, “my either mental, emotional or physical body is trying to rebalance itself back to its natural state of health,” you‟re reaffirming that the natural state is health, and you‟re looking at the dissidence as being simply a part of the body rebalancing itself. It completely changes the chemical reality, even the word disease means when it registers in your body. It helps to strengthen your immune system when you do that. They‟re starting to find this out. They are starting to do research with using affirmations and thought ideas, to see what they do chemically in the body. And they do. There are certain thoughts that create more endorphin production, more of the happy feelings of health and healing, that actually strengthen the immune system. We can really help ourselves by what we tell ourselves. Remember, we‟re big. Be careful how you frame that in your mind. Make sure you know what you mean when you say big. Because if you just say big, you may find yourself gaining weight until you don‟t know what the heck happened to you. It can happen. I know. Az: Just a thought - everyone has a strategy they‟ve grown accustomed to, to making the shift that Ashayana is talking about. What she‟s really explaining to you is in the thing called bigness, it‟s just another way of saying there is an expanded series of you some other place that other people would encourage you to bow down to, and what I‟m trying to say to you is, don‟t have a question about where you are or what you are. You can choose in the moment to sense a little bit of the expanded you, and play with the idea of that you, being here now, looking through the ideas that you have in your body, and listening through the ears that you have on the side of your face, and feeling with the hands that exist on the end of the arms, why not, why? Only the way that you‟re thinking, only the way that you choose prevents that from being. There The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
is no reason except your mental set, the way that you come to this question, and more importantly, the point from which you approach this as potential to be this thing called big you. The big you is reaching through this thing called your body for reasons. Some are very practical, immensely useful, and some are terribly influential. Others are to remind itself of what it felt like to have a relationship, to make love, to worry about money, to chose between vegetarianism or recognition that protein is not really so horrible. The people who are bound to be so incredibly spiritual and pure are absolute P1 Guardians. All sorts of reasons! And do you know what the key is? FUN! Ash: That‟s the one we‟re working on. Fun. Sometimes we get so busy, it‟s like forget fun. I didn‟t even do sleep yet. Or it‟s like sleep, food, and then maybe fun. Is it fun to experience deprivation? That‟s an interesting question from an avatar perspective. From an avatar perspective, it could be fun to experience deprivation, because you know you can create anything in the universe that you won‟t. So, it‟s a sensation. It‟s an experience that you learn stuff through. That feels that way, or that feels good. It‟s nice to know I can create something other than this. I‟m not stuck in it, right? Az: It seems that lots of people talk about spiritual stuff. And I‟ve thought I‟m glib, and in order that you don‟t I am, I‟m going to acknowledge that. It isn‟t always a lot of fun. But you‟ll be surprised how much you can shift the way you feel about thins, just by playing with the choice. If someone, let‟s say someone does something hideous in front of you with a knife to another person, I‟m not suggesting for a second that you‟re going to access the levels of yourself to understand all of that, project all of the appropriate sentiments into the situation, bless the person for killing somebody in front of you, and walk away laughing. There is a massive spectrum of alternative sensory experience. At this level, we‟re only able to talk about a tiny part of the range. And yet, we experience a fraction, a minuscule fraction, of what is still available. I just wanted to clarify that. Ash: Now... a brief overview of technicals, so we can get to the monster machine and talk about that. These were introduced in scribbly written form in the Hetharo workshop. Some of you have seen them and some of you may not have. They are basically taking us through a brief history of our planetary and solar merkaba field. So, we can understand where it came from, what it‟s supposed to be, what happened to it, what it made it look like, and where we are now with it. Because there are some big changes happening to the planetary and solar galactic merkaba fields. We talked about it before. One‟s going the Christiac way, one third of it, and the other part is going the metatronic way, with is the Anti-Christiac way. The difference between Christiac and Anti-Christiac isn‟t about who is the bad guy and who is the good guy. It‟s about eternal life, original creation, or finite life, false creation that tries to recreate the original creation, by stealing energy from the original creation. It still takes place within it and is still beloved. There are some people who are consciously changing to honor the metatronic merkaba system. There are lots of people, in fact. There‟s five or six major movements with thousands and thousands of people in each one of them, that will defend their teaches with a vengeance. I mean literally, grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Talk about growling fields. They throw energy and stuff. When they hear these teachings... we‟re not bringing these teachings out to cause harm to them or to the teachers. But somebody needs to tell the truth on this planet, even if nobody wants to hear it. Fortunately, some people obviously want to hear it, because you‟re here. And there‟s other people. It‟s funny, there‟s more people every few months. There‟s like an expansion. More indigos wake up, and go, oh, I remember that from somewhere. Hmm. That resonates. What‟s that? I have no idea. But I feel right with that part. The awakening is happening. There is going to be more of that happening and more quickly, as our The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
merkabas activate on the Christiac imprint, because people who are connected to the indigo shield, especially, will be on the quick course of wake up now, and we‟ll be finding more friends as we move toward 2012. We‟ll never be the majority on the planet, but a few close friends are a whole lot more enjoyable than five million ones that will smile in your face and stab you in the back, if you know what I mean. Brief history of planetary and solar galactic merkaba... I say solar galactic because we‟re talking about the planetary shield of the Sun. The Sun is actually the central point, the larger galactic shield, that the planets in the solar system, or any solar system, revolve around. So, our planetary shield is part of the galactic shield, which is the planetary shield of the Sun. I refer to it as solar galactic. They are the same thing. Solar galactic is one thing, meaning the Sun, and planetary shields, and merkaba fields. Very simply, we have taught from the beginning that with natural merkaba ratios, first of all you do not ever ever in a natural merkaba have a same spin spiral set, because that is a phaselocked merkaba that can only inhale or exhale, but it can‟t do both. It can‟t breath. It either sucks energy or throws energy. Natural merkabas have, in the particum universe, 33 1/3 CW positive charge, electric trop spirals, and 11 2/3 CCW magnetic bottom spirals. Now, we have different variations. This would be the density level. We have a density level merkaba for each three dimensional system. Then inside of it, you have three smaller dimensional merkabas. It‟s the dimensional merkabas, that we talked about in the Hetharo workshop, which we will be covering a lot more when we get into the healing things, we talked about how gender is formed, and how some merkabas are male and some are female, but both of them still have counter-rotating spiral sets, not same spin spiral sets. These are the Christiac ratios, and it has to do with taking the map all the way up through the Ecka systems. You can put them together and you get 45 and you take that up and you get 90, and you take that up until you get 360, full circulation of energy. So, these are the natural Christiac ratios in the particum universe. This would be on the density level, and for a planet, depending upon whether it‟s a male or female planet, the dimensional merkabas inside of this one, would have whatever is characteristic of the male or female gender. That‟s determined by something called the monad, or the monadic core, which is the shield, of the first little tiny Kristalla kathara grid, that‟s inside the template. It‟s the spin of the monad that determines the gender of the merkaba. So, we‟ll get into the gender spirals and things. I don‟t know if we‟re going to go into that. I think we are in the rest of Dance for Joy, but I‟m not sure where they want to go, because they are going to introduce something new in the rest of the Dance of Joy. But for now, we‟re talking about planetary and solar galactic merkabas. We‟re going to talk primarily about the density level ones, which are the big ones on the outside. The density level ones will follow the pattern of the D12 divine blueprint. The shield in between... now this is something called a differential shield, which means, if you subtract the lower from the higher, you get the actual amount of energy that‟s available in the shield for manifestation in any given time. So, the differential field for a natural 33 1/3 CW electrical top and 11 2/3 CCW magnetic bottom would be 21 2/3 CW, and this is the spin of the shield. So, the density shield, which is the shield that basically governs the spin of the other shields, the dimensional shields... that doesn‟t mean they will all spin in the same direction, but it sets the orientation for them. The differential field is the density shield. And what we are dealing with are the density merkabas. When we began teaching merkaba, we started with the large field outside of us, before we even learned about the inner smaller structures. We learned about the big one. Because we learned to reset the big one in order to begin healing the mutation in the smaller ones. Most people that teach merkaba out there, they‟re not only teaching metatronic merkaba, either knowingly or unknowingly, they are also teaching you how to use the smaller The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
fields. It‟s not going to do anything if your density level shield is running in reverse or is carrying a mutation. The planet started out... well when it was Tara and in density 2, there was a cataclysm that blew it apart. There was a restructuring done to the pieces of the template, that allowed the pieces to be segmented into a new set, a new kathara grid in density 1, that allowed for the Sun and the planets to be brought together. The rock in these things is a lot older than 550 million years ago when the Fall happened. It all originally came from Tara. There is a core to the planets in the system; it‟s actually the same material from the same hunk of rock that was a living breathing planet called Tara. We have the solar galactic density level merkaba field functions on these ratios. This is the particum universe. And in the anti-particle partike universe, it‟s reversed, at the same ratios. You have the top spiral magnetic, instead of electrical, and it‟s 11 2/3 CCW. Their bottom spiral is the same as the top spiral here. That is the natural ratio. And of course, because the numbers are the same, the differential field is the same also, 21 2/3 CCW. It‟s interesting... the differential field of a density shield will carry the spin of the D12 divine blueprint. The D12 divine blueprint shield will have the opposite spin to the monad. So, if you‟re in a particum universe, you have the female CCW magnetic monad, at D13, and it creates a deflection field, which is the field that goes the other way around, that becomes the D12 clockwise shield. So, in the particum universe the density shields are naturally supposed to spin CW, and in the partike universe, they are supposed to spin CCW. That‟s just the natural structure of the mathematics and polarity and spin ratios in the Christiac merkaba mechanics. Now, it‟s really funny, because merkaba mechanics teachings got very interested once the Guardian stuff got out there, in relation to the other stuff that‟s out there. I didn‟t even realize it at first. Oh my God, we‟re teaching the opposite of what they‟re teaching. Aren‟t we? That was before I knew why. It was kind of like, am I translating it right? Am I sure? This is different than the other merkaba teachings. And the beloveds were saying to me, be patient, you‟ll see why. No, you translated it the right way. Just let it go. Well, we‟re going to see what happened to the 33 1/3 and 11/23 ratios. The first thing that happened to the solar and planetary merkaba fields, after they were restructured, because when the Fall happened, there was a restructuring of, literally a creation of, a solar system that wasn‟t there before. By taking the fragments of Tara, that had been nearly blown to smithereens, and recoding them very carefully, because they had gates. You know, that planet its own set of 12 stargates. So, there were pieces of those stargates floating around. There were resequenced and their coding used to form a template, a galactic template with the biggest portion with the Sun as the central body around which the others could orbit, until eventually they could all bring themselves back together into ascension to return back to density 2, to become part of the Taran body. That was the original intention. At this point, that‟s not going to happen. At this point, with the Universal Hetharo/Hethalon cycle, which is the reset cycle, because the black hole problem caused the Fall from Tara to begin with, and it has gotten so bad that there‟s no other option at this point. But originally, they were going to try. The reason why the new template for this solar system was created after the Fall of Tara, and the Halls of Amenti were created, was to allow the re-evolution of the planetary bodies, or the fragments of Tara, that were down here, and the life forms, whose consciousness got stuck in them because there were people on Tara when that explosion took place, and their physical bodies were killed, but their consciousness, their templates that the consciousness anchors into, got stuck there, because they fragmented, and they were stuck in different pieces of the planetary body. This is why a lot of us have a local galactic history. Like, part of me ended up on Pluto, and a part of me ended up in Mercury, and a part of me ended up on Earth (laughs). It was a re-evolution thing. The reason why this solar system‟s kathara grid was set up, the solar galactic kathara grid and merkaba field. So, it started out with the new Christiac imprint on the galactic level. That rapidly deteriorated, however.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
The first big blow to the Christiac integrity of the merkaba fields and the shields of this planet and of the solar galactic system, was the Fall of part of the shields that occurred during the Electric Wars, 5.5 million years ago. This was again basically wars with the Anunnaki races, and the Draconians came in on that one. They were trying to see who was going to own Earth. Earth held stargate 3, not just on the planetary level, but the universal level. Tara held stargates on the universal level, so Earth/Tara/Gaia were always part of the universal stargate chain, the universal templar, not just small galactic ones. So, they were always, let‟s say, valuable territory for those who were interested in stealing large quantities of energy to fuel their black holes. During the Electric Wars, 5.5 million years ago, the seeding one races of the Angelic human and the indigo races were wiped out. They had to be reseeded in seeding 2. What happened to the planetary merkaba was rather fascinating. In the particum universe, it ended up going to 2/3 of its natural spin. 2/3 of the electrical top spiral remained, and 2/3 of the bottom spiral remained, because one third of them fell into full reversal into Phantom Matrix black hole status. Phantom Matrix was not metatronicked yet. It was simply reversed mathematical coding of the shields. It had the potentiality of being turned back around. It could be healed, because it wasn‟t mutated into the metatronicked phase bond, which is something that can‟t be undone once it‟s done. Whatever gets metatronicked, it has to go back as space dust. There‟s nothing you can do. You can prolong its life by feeding it, but you can‟t do ascension again. During the Electric Wars, it‟s not just Earth, but the Sun as well, which is universal stargate 4, lost a third of its shield and merkaba field spin speed, where it ended up with a third of the top spiral - a third of 33 1/3 would be 11 1/9, was put in counter-rotation. Remember the top spiral is supposed to be CW. This meant, a CCW rotation in phantom. And it lost a third of the bottom, which was 11 2/3. A third of that is 3 8/9. So, the numbers change. This is the phantom numbers. They were in phantom matrix. The differential shield for phantom matrix spun in reverse, at 7 2/9 differential between these two merkaba fields. which were the remaining Christiac merkaba fields and shield, we ended up with 22 2/9 CW on the top, which is 2/3 of the 33 1/3 natural organic spin. On the bottom we ended up 7 7/9 CCW, again 2/3 of the natural spin. The differential between these two is 14 4/9, still CW, which is natural for the particum universe. So, instead of having the 21 2/3 energy available for manifestation at any time on the planet, it was reduced to 11 4/9 (I believe she meant to say 14 4/9) thrust of energy. So what you can we you see shield spin starting to slow, is it means less and less energy is becoming available on the planet. The merkaba fields are getting smaller and they are rotating more slowly. The shields are holding less energy. This wasn‟t too bad. We still had 2/3 of the original energy supply left, and there was still the potentiality of re-integrating the phantom parts. When the Electric Wars took place, the same thing happened over here (parallel). Again, it had to do with the black hole experiment, that again they were trying to pull us into a black hole system. They managed to get us as far as phantom matrix, but they didn‟t get us into the WeseMetatronic system. So, on the partike side, we ended up with 7 7/9 top spiral remaining, and 22 2/9 on the bottom electrical spiral. So the ratios were the same. You had the phantom sides on parallel and in the particum universe, and you had the remaining Christiac merkaba fields.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
So, here‟s where we start to see the reduction in how fast the shield is spinning, and how large or how much energy the merkaba fields have, and how fast they are spinning. That wasn‟t too bad and there was still potential. What the Guardian‟s intention had been at that point was to use the Ecka gate systems... at this point in time they put in, I believe, the Great White Lion, and the Golden Eagle APIN systems, or Atlantian Pylon Implant Network systems, that would allow them from the Ecka systems to run energy into the template here, to pick up the merkaba speed enough, where they could begin to reintegrate and turn back around the reversed energy, so you could put the template back together again. In the meantime, they created a frequency fence barrier (called the Wall in Time) between the phantom matrix and the natural, on both sides. This made sure that this didn‟t accrete, keep pulling, energy from the good side, where it would turn it all into reverse. So the Wall in Time was a configuration, and these merkaba numbers were the configuration of our solar galactic and our planetary template, after the 5.5 million year ago Electric Wars. Then there‟s the next stage - and there were a lot of wars, and odd things that happened in between that. We dealt with the history in some of the Voyagers books, and that‟s just a tiny bit of the history. As far as the merkaba history, the next major event - this one was a beauty. The Lucifer Rebellion. Now, the word Lucifer is kind of funny, cause it wasn‟t just the Luciferians that were rebelling. It‟s just about everything Anunnaki in the Universe that was rebelling. The Luciferians are a particular group of Nibiruan Anunnaki. It‟s a family name. But it‟s not Lucifer. It was Lulatan. And they were combined with the Satan-Marduk Anunnaki line, and that‟s where the Luciferian line came from. So, it is a race line. It‟s not the big bad devil guy in the Bible. They kind of made it out to be that because they were each calling each other the devil, trying to make themselves look like God. The Lucifer Rebellion of 25,500 BC - that‟s a long time. There was a lot of other stuff back and forth, back and forth... attacks... fixing it, that went on between 5.5 million years ago and this time period. But, they were still fixable. If more fell to phantom, if they poked holes in the Wall in Time, the Guardians were able to bring it back around, and keep a pretty consistent Wall in Time with the 2/3:1/3 ratios, were you have 1/3 in phantom and 2/3 still natural. In 25,500 BC, all that changed. This is where some really wacky things happened. They were just starting to give me the history on this. This is some of the new information that I have on tiny print all around the bottom. There were a series of events set in motion, and there is a list someplace. First, we‟ll look at what happened with the merkabas. Now, the ratios are still appearing pretty consistent. You still have your phantom 1/3 side over there. You have your phantom partike antiparticle side over here. You have your antiparticle universe and your particle universe. However, you got this weird looking thing up here now. What‟s that? It doesn‟t belong there in the top merkaba spiral. That is a wormhole. It is called the primary Amenti wormhole. It was actually a whole network of wormholes. But this one was a particularly nasty one, that was meant to cause progressive reversal of the top spiral. In order to set in motion a series of events that has to do with reversing the shield and creating a same spin spiral set to begin forming the Beast machine Grand Cross merkaba, that we‟ll talk about as we progress into the graphs. The wormhole wasn‟t very big. It was between the bottom spiral, which is electrical in the partike universe, and the top spiral electrical in the particum universe. This was done to the density and all the way down to the dimensional 1, 2, and 3 merkaba spirals, for the solar galactic and the planetary level. A 2/3 of a rotation wormhole - that‟s not very much; it‟s not a whole 2/3 of the total. It‟s just 2/3 of the rotation‟s worth of energy - was deflected over into the top spiral from the bottom spiral here. A wormhole will begin to progressively suck in the energy around it, if it‟s going CCW. It will suck energy in. The wormhole did begin to do that. But what is fascinating is to see the set-up that was created to make this happen. And we‟re going to get in to some of that, because some of that has to do with understanding what‟s taking place now, because part of this machinery, let‟s see, is going to be activating during Hethalon; part of it activated during Hetharo, but the big part is going to activate in The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
Hethalon. I want to read these, and go quick through it, because some of this is new information that we didn‟t introduce in Hetharo because we didn‟t have it. I‟ll just read this and then talk about what we read. The Nibiruan Anunnaki Necromaton Andromies and Wesedaks infiltrate Earth, parallel Earth, planetary arc gates 2 (Stonehenge) via the Halls of Amenti arc gate interface system. The Halls of Amenti gates interface between Phantom and here. They were meant to help Phantom get turned around to be brought back in. And the Arc of the Covenant gates interface with the intergalactic gates. So they are different sets of gates. You have your regular planetary gates; you have your Arc of the Covenant gates, which are the half step gates, and you have the Halls of Amenti, which were meant to allow the evolution of what fell to Phantom, and allow the re-evolution of what fell from Tara in the first place. The invasion took place through the Halls of Amenti. So they were able to access from their Phantom side. They got into Phantom Matrix from the black hole systems, and were able to push through into Earth and into parallel Earth. They opened the Arc 2 wormhole, activated the Arc 2 Nibiruan Diodic Crystal Grid, seized Earth‟s Golden Eagle APIN system, and Halls of Amenti gates. Remember that was one of the ones that was set up after the 5.5 million years ago Electric Wars. It was the Guardian of the horizontals, or the Axi-B-tonal lines in the planetary grids. They would be the horizontal primary energy flow lines, where your Axi-A-Tonal lines would be your vertical ones. The vertical ones, the Great White Lion APIN system, had run and were rebalancing, and the Golden Eagle was supposed to handle and rebalance, with the Great White Lion, the horizontal grids. The intruder races got control of the Golden Eagle APIN system, and they used it to reverse planetary arc 11, which is at Newgrange in Ireland, and arc gate 2. Now, they reversed the shields. Every gate is a shield, a scalar shield, that has its own mathematical configuration, its own natural spin, which generates its own natural merkaba. So, they reversed the merkaba fields of the arc 11 and arc 2 gates. The 11 and 2 gates on any kathara grid represent key parts of the Staff, or the main Central Vertical Current of energy that runs through. So, this was a main victory on their part. It gave them massive control, and ability to infiltrate the entire arc gate system. What they did was after they reversed arc 11, and this is till in the planetary level only, they actually used this planet to do this to the galactic system - they accessed it from here - so they reversed planetary arc gate 11, Newgrange, and arc gate 2, which is the Stonehenge connection. They created an arc 5-8 blended artificial metatronic planetary 13 reversed seed atom at the planetary arc Azura (Andorra). Literally, this place, that we are going to hear a lot about because it‟s a very key point in understanding what‟s happening with the planetary galactic merkabas, is literally under that building. I have never landed almost on top of a site quite so close as we did to this one! Nobody said, oh, it‟s this building called this that‟s over there. It was just, go to Andorra. Where in Andorra? Just go. It will be arranged. Ok, so Darlene arranged it. She said, where do you want to go? I don‟t know where we want to go. We just want to go to Andorra. We don‟t know where we are going. Just show up! It was one of those. So, we just showed up. It was really funny when we were driving in. Look at that thing! What is that? Then they let us know, and then they showed us the graphs. You can see it‟s right there. That‟s what that connects to. So, you‟ll see some of this. But it is connected to the artificial metatronic planetary 13 reversed seed atom. But it‟s just in the planetary, the regular horizontal or vertical planetary grids. It‟s in the arc grids, which is the diagonal, the one that connects with the Ecka axis. So, they made the 13 reversed planetary seed atom. Then they used Earth‟s compromised Amenti and arc gates to infiltrate the solar galactic Amenti arc gates. So, after raiding the Halls of Amenti here, they were able to raid the Arc of the Covenant here. After raiding the Arc of the Covenant gates here, there were able to access the Halls of Amenti gates on the solar galactic level. This is why, when we talked about the Lucifer Rebellion before, that they got partial control over the D4 universal stargate 4 solar shield. This is how they did it. Believe me, every one of The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
these steps, this is what we didn‟t have time to get down. This is all in writing. It‟s like long tiny text translations of all these stuff. So, at some book, this is going to be a book, and it‟s probably going to get me in a lot of trouble here. I know a few people who will want to have my head after this goes out. They created the 13 reversed seed atom, they used the planetary arc gates and Halls of Amenti to raid the solar galactic gates. Then they created a galactic arc reversed 13 seed atom. So, now there‟s these seed atoms. You know how a seed atom is stationed in the AzurA. A normal Christos Seed Atom would be in the AzurA of the kathara grid. Well, there‟s also one in the kathara grid that runs on the diagonal for the arc gates. So, these are not just the planetary ones. They are actually larger. They are the ones that go between, the Amenti gates and the arc gates, between the particum and partike universes. They began the process of artificially linking through wormhole technology the partike and particum universes, in ways that they were never meant to be linked. So, now you have a planetary reversed 13 metatronic seed atom, and a galactic seed atom. That was just the beginning. There‟s a whole series of steps that they took to orchestrate this. And all of this was for one purpose - to build what they are going to be activating tomorrow. There‟s a lot of work put into that project. After they got the 13 reversed galactic seed atom, they created what is called the 34/21 solar galactic vortices. These become very important in understanding - they are actually pyramidal shaped vortices, and they are the heart and soul of the Solar Cross vortex alignment. When we get into those graphs, you‟ll know more about the 34/21 Solar Cross vortices were. After they created those, they created what‟s called the Tiamat spiral, which is literally a linking of energy into D5 phantom, where a piece of Tara that had blown off in the original Fall, that was taken over, it fell to phantom and was taken over by a group of basically Nibiruan Anunnaki, and a few of their relatives from elsewhere, and they named it Tiamat. And they have this whole nonsense story about how that‟s part of Earth, and Earth and Tiamat used to be one until Earth fell off it. Yeah, right. They made a link into Tiamat because Tiamat had been put on line with what was called the Wesedak black hole system. So Tiamat had already been compromised in Density 2. It is a Density 2 phantom planet. It was originally part of the Taran body. It was the part that wasn‟t saved. It was the part that was taken over in the Phantom matrix and linked into the Wesedak black hole system. This is really our problems down here, with the Wese‟s, came in. It came in with the Fall of Tara. It is literally the galactic karma in the solar system. It is all part of it. So, they made the Tiamat spiral, and there‟s a piece that gets into exactly where that is, but it links up through Alcyon, it links our solar gates up through the Taran Sun, which is called Rhabezoid in Density 2, and up into Alcyon, which is part of Tara‟s body, and then into Tiamat, into Phantom up there. It was literally a way to have a remote control facility for the Beast that they were creating down here. After they did this, they created the Nibiru-Wormwood patrol station. It was a patrol and broadcast station. This is the thing we talked about before, that had the artificial diagonal reversed orbit, that comes up every 3650 or whatever number years. They created that during this period. They had done this once before. They had gotten as far as beginning the creation of the Wormwood patrol station in seeding 2, before the 1000 Years War ended all of that. But they never fully succeeded. So, they were trying to do this ever since the Fall. They had been trying to do the same thing on Tara. That‟s why Tara fell. So, it‟s not a new drama. It‟s not like something somebody made up and is a fairy tale. This has been with us for a long time. They did the Tiamat spiral, then the Nibiru-Wormwood patrol station. They finally got that operational, where they used, and this is explained in the small text writing stuff (it‟s enough to make your head hurt, mine anyway, when you‟re translating this stuff. They give you specifically, they did this, and this, this turned this way, they used that energy this way, and that made this happen. The dynamics of how these things were done - this is just a summary of the things that were done to get that wormhole up there in that top spiral). I will also show you how all of these fit together with what‟s going to be happening tomorrow. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
After the patrol station was set up, then they formed the galactic Solar Cross vortex alignment, and the galactic 34/21 NET. There‟s a frequency fence NET. We‟re going to get into exactly what the Solar Cross is. This is one of the diagrams I was working on since last night. There‟s one of them - bless Az, he typeset it. I wrote it out with all little scribbly things and he actually found all the little pieces. You‟ll see this graph. It will show you what the Solar Cross is. It will show you how it‟s built. And after that there‟s graphs that will show you what it means in relation to what we‟re doing tomorrow, and what the planet is doing tomorrow. So, the Solar Cross vortex alignment and galactic 34/21 NET was created. They used the planetary templar to get to the galactic one. Then they used the galactic one to come back and finish the planet off. It‟s very interesting how they invaded from here. They went into the galactic system, took over that, and then plugged it back in down here. Because once they put up the galactic 34/21 NET, that we‟ll talk about later, they anchored it, and they anchored the galactic Solar Cross in the NET link, into both the particum and partike planetary arc AzurA‟s. So this Solar Cross thing that we‟re going to learn about in a little while, is what‟s going to anchor through that building tomorrow. It‟s what actually began anchoring in 25,500 BC, but it was shut off in 13,400 BC for reasons we will talk about in a little while. So, these things were already created and functional and turned on in 25,500 BC, Atlantis. Now, we‟ll see where they fit together. You have the Solar Cross and the galactic Solar Cross, linking into the planet at the planetary arc AzurA points, both here and in parallel. From there, they created the planetary Solar Cross and 34/21 NET field on the planetary level. Then, after all of those things, these were all the preliminary structures of plugging the Beast in here, next thing they did was create the Anti-Christiac planetary and galactic Amenti wormhole network. This is where we get into that funny looking little spiral in the top spiral of our natural merkaba, the little wormhole that doesn‟t belong there. And we‟ll learn a bit about wormhole mechanics because they are rather fascinating, and what we‟re dealing with wormhole mechanics, they are black hole mechanics, and this is what we are dealing with tomorrow, and what we have been dealing with all along, with the Beast. It is sci-fi at its best, but it‟s not fiction. These are real sciences. Think about scientists that have no heart anymore, that they don‟t believe in soul anymore and that kind of stuff? This is the type of consciousness that creates machines like this. It‟s a perversion of the natural laws of interdimensional physics, and it is wormhole science. After they created all these preliminary structures and energy systems plugging into the planetary and galactic templar, they created the Amenti wormhole network. They did this to initiate orchestration of the dimensional blend external merkaba Beast machine black hole fall experiment. Dimensional blend experiment was a nice way to put it. When we originally put the books out, because we were still, before the war edict was issued, and it was still, ok, are you going to be nice? Therefore we won‟t tell them all right now. There was a big thing in pencil before the war edict was issued. It was almost like having a gag order. Alright, the Anunnaki joined the Emerald Covenant, they are doing the Pleaedian Sirian agreements, and as long as they are doing that, they have all these lists of demands. Right? One of which is, don‟t tell the history yet! Wait til they get to like us first, because they‟ll hate our guts and they‟ll never ever trust us again if the humans know what we‟ve done here. So, part of our agreement was - I don‟t know how many years, they never told me - to agree to hold the history information, like this stuff. But when they defected, we released it, we had to. We had to let people know, because they were going to go for the activation of the machine. They had the ability at that point, even in 1992, even in 2000 actually, to not activate the Beast. The Anunnaki League were just as guilty as the Andromies in choosing to activate the Beast machine. This whole thing is how the Beast machine got structured into the solar galactic merkaba field and the planetary merkaba field here.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
The Dimensional Blend Experiment - they were going to use the Amenti gates to break through that Wall in Time frequency fence that exists between the Phantom and natural merkabas from 5.5 million years ago to break through that Wall in Time from particum Earth and partike parallel Earth, into the phantom black hole counterpart, and to accelerate their Amenti wormhole. So they created this wormhole and then they wanted to accelerate it, so it would reach critical mass spin speed. Now critical mass spin speed in relation to wormhole is something called zero point. And we‟ll talk about that in a little while. They tried to do this in 25,500 BC, to just push the whole thing right then. They realized they weren‟t going to be able to do it, so they pushed it up to the next stellar activation cycle. They decided that they would, instead of attempt to override the natural gate systems, they wouldn‟t have enough power to do that, so they decided they would accelerate the Amenti wormhole a bit more slowly, but in time to complete metatronic reversal of the solar galactic and planetary merkaba fields in the 22,326 BC stellar activation cycle. At that point in time, there‟s this whole process that they knew they could make happen, that would literally create the monster vehicle, the Grand Cross external merkaba. So, even back then, this is why they set this up here. This is why they invaded Atlantis. And they invaded first with seduction, offering technology. “Would you like to be able to through portals? Your races used to be able to do that, but lost that ability. Wouldn‟t it be nice to be able to take a spaceship through.” They created tandem technologies. They called them tandem because you can create one of these merkabas, but it‟s not like the full galactic level one. They could create it on smaller objects, or people. What you did was pull part of your energy from your antiparticle into your particle self in a forced energy heat envelope, but the part of yourself that was left over in the antiparticle universe had to move in tandem, where if you went one way, it had to go in the opposite, to hold the bond. I‟ll show you why. It has to do with what‟s called the vertical axis of the Solar Cross. I‟ll show you what that is, and you‟ll see why, if one side moves the other has to move in opposition to it. They brought these tandem technologies here based on reversed merkaba, and they built this entire system. All of these things were set up during that time frame. It wasn‟t like in the year 25,500 BC. It was probably 25,500 until... over about a 300 year span it took to install all of these progressively. That‟s what Ma‟a just said anyway. That‟s news to me. All of these things were intended to be able to create the Dimensional Blend Experiment in 22,326 BC. That‟s when the galactic and planetary stargates would naturally open, and that‟s when they would be able to create this monster merkaba and use it once it was activated in this galactic system, use it when this system came into natural alignment with the parallel Wesedrak black hole. There would be an alignment that we‟re actually going to be moving through in 2004, that would have naturally happened in a stellar activation cycle, and they were planning to use this monster merkaba, created here in time for when we came into that alignment, and then they would use it and then reverse it. This is when Nibiru came in. That‟s when they were going to release the Wormwood body from Nibiru, where it would literally come up and reverse the shield once this monster merkaba had fallen into alignment with the Wesedrak black hole in parallel, on a CCW spin, then they were going to hit - you know that whole thing we talked about with the Wormwood body coming up into our galactic plane between the Sun and Earth, and literally making the planetary shield and the Solar shield spin in the opposite direction. Once they got aligned with the Wesedrak black hole, they were going to hit the galactic shield with Nibiru, and turn it around to send it on a CW spin back down through. This was the rip in time they were going to literally rip open. This was what the Montauk experiment was about; this was what the Montauk Project and Philadelphia experiment - these were all part of it, the Phi-Ex wormhole network that we talked about in the Voyagers books. They are all part of this technology and they are all plugged into it. The technology went away for a long time as we‟ll see in a little while, and we‟ll see why, but it‟s coming back now, and we‟ll see why it‟s coming back now, after being, let‟s say, gone into the land of fiction for so many thousands of years.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
So anyway, the Dimensional Blend Experiment, as I said, is intended to first create the galactic planetary reversed external metatronic merkaba field through full metatronic reversal and mutation of the USG 4, Sun, solar galactic gate, and USG 3, Earth planetary merkaba fields, both in the particum and partike universes. Then, once they had reversed those merkaba fields, during a natural stellar activation cycle, when the gates opened between the particum and partike universes, the galactic reversed external metatronic merkaba field would be used to create a massive rip in space time by dragging the Wesedrak black hole in the partike parallel universe into and through the particum universe and into the particum universe Wesedak black hole, thereby expanding the Wese black hole systems sufficiently to consume the two 15 dimensional time matrices of our universal veca. This was the beginning. It‟s a spiral. It‟s called the metatronic spiral. It‟s also called something else. I know what it‟s called and I‟m not going to get in there because somebody else uses that term in their teachings, and I don‟t want to pick on anybody specifically. But it goes basically from the lower numbers, it goes from 13, then 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233 or whatever it is, that spiral. We call it the metatronic spiral. I do believe it‟s called in other terms out there, the Fibonacci spiral, and supposedly “it‟s proven in nature.” Well, it sure would be on a planet that has it‟s merkaba reversed! But it‟s not the natural configuration of anything, but you will find as a mutation on this planet. It‟s kind of funny, because some people say, “oh, well you just look at nature and see nature proves that we‟re teaching the right merkaba.” Yeah, right. I‟d like to see nature that wasn‟t mutated and then compare it to the nature that is mutated and then we‟ll have a discussion. Right now, we‟re dealing with a planet - the gene code of everything on the planet has been mutated, and literally the magnetic fields on the planet, which means the atmosphere and the inner core dynamics, have been mutated from their natural operation, by using external reverse merkaba mechanics. This is what this whole game has been about for them - to orchestrate the Dimensional Blend Experiment down here, because they already have, in density 2, 3 and 4, similar setups. They wanted to link all of those black holes together and literally take down the entire Veca. The frightening thing is, you‟d think they were just brilliant nuts, but they might be nuts, but it is brilliant, because it actually could work. But, there‟s the Hethalon and Hetharo cycle, which we told them kicks in automatically if you push it too far. They didn‟t believe us. They didn‟t remember. They are finding out now. That‟s why the Anunnaki League decided they don‟t want to play with the Andromies anymore. It‟s like, everybody‟s that‟s been in this conflict drama on the higher levels realizes the game is almost over here. After this game is over, we are going to be stuck with a whole new game for a very long time. So, choose wisely. The Anunnaki know that if they choose to fall in relation to the Andromies, there‟s a very good chance they will be dominated and taken over by the Andromies from now until eternity. Then you‟re going to have the problem again between Archangel Michael and Lucifer, where they are mad at each other again. (Laughs) These are the code names they use for these people. The Luciferians would be the Nibiruan Anunnaki, and the Archangel Michael crew are very much plugged into the Wesedak Andromie Necromaton, as well as a few other groups, and they hybridize with just about anything that has a valuable gene code that they can get their hands on. That is the Archangel Michael Matrix. They beam pictures at you. There was a word, a term, you (Az) heard it in a movie. You said, “I love this term.” Yes! Synthetic telepathy. This is what they have been beaming at us. I‟ll show you what they have been using for ages. They did it in Atlantis too. They had lots of people talking to Archangel Michael in Atlantis. This is the deception. There are so many people out there channeling. They don‟t know what they are channeling! They are being used as computer chips. That‟s about it. It‟s not even genuine people. Usually it‟s just broadcast. You know how you can have an electromagnetic domain when you go on the internet. Now you can even take a body and have one of those little warriors and stuff, 3D graphics. It‟s kind of like that. People get the visions of these angel people coming to them. You‟re getting holographic visions for sure. And the intent isn‟t what it appears to be. So, the Archangel Michael Matrix is The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
very much affiliated with the Andromie Necromaton from the Wesedak black hole. And there was a period of time when the Archangel Michael and Luciferians made agreements where they decided they weren‟t going to fight with each other anymore, and they actually joined. During this whole period, they helped each other to create this system. So they worked together to create it, but then they had falling out at different periods. They were fighting with each other. The Nibiruans would take back their part of the Beast, and the other guys would fight with them and sometimes flatten them, and sometimes suck their planet down into a black hole. They went through their own battles. But there had been agreements in the beginning, when these things were formed, and at various times they came back around to these agreement. Unfortunately, one of those times they came back around to these original agreements between the Wesedak Archangel Michael people, and the Nibiruan Luciferians was in the contemporary drama, where the Nibiruans made a really bad choice and they decided they would join the UIR, and they helped them to set the Beast in motion. Like we talked about before, once they set it in motion, they realized it was going to bite them. They realized they were going to get hit with red pulse in their own system. That‟s why when they started sort of working with us, but not really working with us and doing their own agenda, now it is very finalized. There are not too many options left. The Beast is activated, and we‟ll see what these things have culminated into, and what it is going to culminate into literally tomorrow, on August 12th. That is the beginning of the rising of the Beast. The Beast isn‟t going to be as big as it would have been. We‟re going to get “beastettes” instead of the big Beast (laughs). Which is kind of nice. Beastettes are still a problem, but it‟s kind of like cockroaches. A few you can deal with as long as there‟s not like millions of them all over the place. We‟re going to help - those of us who want to participate with the gridwork - are going to help the Eieyani races to make sure the large Beast machine, it is literally a black hole eating machine, it eats things and rips black holes - won‟t activate fully. The parallel side and the particum side will get the territories they have already claimed under metatronic reversal. They will be able to activate the 55 vehicles. The 34 plus 21 equals a 55 vehicle. What they won‟t be able to do is take that up from 55 to 89 by eating something else, and then from 89 to 144, at which point they were planning to intercept with the Wesedrak matrix, and eat that and come up to 233, and then reverse it back down. There‟s a whole eating cycle. They started with a small black hole spiral, and progressively one merkaba. I have the dynamics in little tiny print and I‟m still working on the graphs to get exactly how the process works. It comes down to, I believe, having two same-spin spiral sets, but you have a smaller, faster one, inside of a slower one. The faster one inside ends up reversing the one on the outside, and consumes it into itself. So, it takes on itself, plus the one that was on the outside. And they progressively move through systems doing that. They eat what‟s on the outside of them, and consume it, and grow bigger by doing so. I have little stickie papers. I don‟t why, but it comes in small. These graphs - every comes in about this big, and I have to write it tiny. Some people draw big and then reduce it down. I have to draw tiny and then blow it up to see what it is. I have, I think, 20 pieces of post-it notes that list out the stages exactly of what rotates what and how these merkabas eat. That‟s eventually going to be in the book. And, if anything‟s incriminating to the systems that the others are teaching, it‟s that. Because it shows how they are making their spirals and how they started with the 33 1/3, 11 2/3 ratios. We told them they were the natural ratios. In fact those other ratios don‟t exist, unless the original ratios existed in the first place to be turned back around. They are trying to recreate the original creation by eating it, and spitting it back out again in reverse. Very strange. As a result of the Lucifer Rebellion, 25,500 BC, the solar galactic and Earth planetary merkaba fields, of the particum and partika universes, entered an unnatural state of blended merkaba field, as the solar cross vortex alignment related Beast machine technologies, the 34/21 NET, and the metatronic 2/3 Amenti wormhole remained. Even though they were able to head this off... in 25,500 BC the Lucifer Rebellion ended with the Ecka guardian races sustaining the Wall in Time. So, they tried to break through to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
Phantom, to force the merger, but the Ecka races fortified the Wall in Time, so they couldn‟t break through to try to integrate the fallen merkaba of the Phantom Earth and the Phantom solar system. They wanted to put that energy into the natural energy here, with their wormhole, and turn the natural one back around, because you had two going on reverse, the wormhole and the Phantom one. But that didn‟t work then. But, even though they were able to stop them from activating the whole Beast thing during that period, they still had all of these other things, the blended merkaba field remaining. The blended merkaba field means you have a totally unnatural blend in the merkaba field top spirals. You‟ve got a wormhole of antiparticles coming from the antiparticle universe, leaking into, making a spiraling vortex within, the natural spiral, and progressively drawing, because it‟s CCW, drawing into itself, eating itself, and expanding itself by eating the natural top spiral, and taking the top spiral energy and progressively integrating it into itself on a reverse spin. So, we have been living under a blended merkaba field since this period of time. It got even more fun than this. There are some wacky things that have happened with the merkaba fields. One of the most fascinating, and this is the one of the last things that was released from the records, partially I think probably because it‟s most incriminating. I don‟t know why, but I have a feeling, the story of what happened in 13,400 BC is very incriminating to the Anunnaki League, because some of it is still off limits. I can‟t pull it off the records. That means there‟s sensitive negotiations still happening, and we don‟t want to get them too angry. They are not happy right now with the fact that we are going to release as much as we are releasing. So, we‟re going to find out. All this led to a very strange state. The blended planetary merkaba field ended up creating something quite fascinating, where literally we ended up with the top spirals stopping completely. Then, when that happens, the shield stops spinning. Usually that will cause pole shift, unless it done very very carefully. And it was done very very carefully. There have been pole shifts here, slight ones, but if you were to completely reverse a planetary shield or solar shield, you would have a physical pole shift, if the dimension one, two, and three shields, as well as the density shield, reversed. If you leave the dimension two shield, which is the physical matter base here, in it‟s natural spin, while reversing the others, and holding it for a certain period of time, before you let the other reverse, you don‟t get physical pole shift. The planet still rotates on its axis the way it‟s supposed to. Here, we‟re supposed to have a CCW rotation on the D2 axis of this planet. We have that. We have the earth going around the sun. That is in its normal rotation too. But, the D3 shields, the D1 shields, the D13 monad, and the Density 1 shields and merkaba fields, have been reversed. That happened in 13,400 BC. It all started with this. There are some interesting things that happened in 22,326 BC. This is when the first stellar activation cycle after the Beast was set up, was due to happen. This is when they were really hoping to fully activate the Beast machine. They already tried it during the Lucifer Rebellion and it didn‟t work. But they would have the stargates on their side if they did it at this period, when the stargates would actually open. That implied Earth‟s stargates would come into natural alignment with Phantom Earth stargates, and that would allow for the potential of blending the Phantom Earth reversed merkaba field with the remaining Earth merkaba field here, which would give it critical mass override, so this one could be reversed by the Phantom one combining with the wormhole. This is one of the new ones (graphs). At least this one, thanks to Az, is typeset for today. After I go through this one, I‟m going to need a break just to cool off, because the frequency is coming through. This is some of the new information off the plates, and when I start speaking it, because it‟s still live, it heats up and if you feel heat or frequency coming, it‟s because of the information from the frequency that this transmission came out of, like in the last 24 hours. I‟m going to take probably a five minute break and Az will take over, cause I‟m going to be on fire. I an feel it coming. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
This is as bad as Hetharo when they gave me all the number graphs, showing the spirals and how they were reversing. I translated once, and then I had to go 20 minutes later and teach it. Ok! Let‟s start at the beginning. What was that again? It‟s really not hard. It‟s fascinating but not that hard. The Solar Cross vortex alignment and solar triad, 13:21:34 pyramid vortex NET, NET field meaning Nibiruan Electrostatic Transduction Field... and, the arc 9 Amenti wormhole and the ozone hole. (Reading title of graph) Now, this is interesting. You know how we talk about the ozone hole in Antarctica? Here‟s A9, arc 9, which means the arc alignment is running this way. This is the veca map. Here‟s our universal veca. There‟s our parallel, our light field and parallel light field. The Ecka is up here, and this is the Ecka axis. Now, The Solar Cross vortex alignment - first I‟ll explain that part, the easy part. Then we‟ll go through the words, because the words are the translations that tell us all the specific stuff. When we talk about the Solar Cross, we‟re referring to this energy field here. These are the horizontals of the Solar Cross, one in the antiparticle universe, one in our universe. This would be the vertical of the Solar Cross. This is formed through the wormholes that were begun in 25,500 BC. I‟m going to read this through this way... (tape change) Tape 3 ... you have what used to be the 10:10 stargate. This would apply to whether you‟re dealing with the galactic kathara grid or the planetary kathara grid or the universal. You have your natural kathara grid stargate template for pcm and for pke, and they are linked together here at the 10:10 gate. That 10:10 gates is right in the middle of the gate run of the central vertical pillar of the arc gates system, the arc interface gates. What was done that we read about earlier, was forming a metatronic reversed seed atom on that gate, by taking the arc gate 5 below it, and the arc gate 8 above it, and forcing the shields together. 5 and 8 gives you a 13 thrust. That was just the beginning of creating what next became vortices of energy. First they are just spiraling vortices of energy that became pulled through - they pulled them through like a bowtie - I‟ll show you down here in a little while. They first were formed that way. Then they were pulled through each other to form like a bowtie effect here, making a vortex into each of the particle universe and the antiparticle universe, and then those vortices were stretched, anchoring them through implant systems into the natural stargate systems, and one of them, and this shows you why there‟s pyramids there, one of them is the 9:4 vortex connection. Now, this would be the 9:4 vortex. It started out as a small vortex. It started out as this one. But then it was pushed and the angles were changed to bring it outward, so it anchored in stargate 9, stargate 4, and over here, in what used to be the arc 5 gates, that used to be on a vertical axis. So, it takes you through this process, where they used to look like that, then they were reversed into a horizontal axis, forming the seed atom, and they became the vortex set. Each of those shields that were reversed and forced together, created a small merkaba field, or vortex. They were pulled through each other to form the vortex bowtie going out through, and then through that pulling together, you ended up with the 5 and 8 reversed in places, so the vortices overlap each other. You have the 5 here generating this one, and the 8 here generating this one. I‟ll read this through, but this is the formation of the 34 CCW and 21 CW vortices, the original ones. The reason those ratios were chosen for their metatronic spiral, was to be able to set the metatronic spiral in motion with the reversal of the natural Christiac spirals. They needed to be able to override the 33 1/3 top merkaba spiral, over on pcm side, and they created the 34. It could override it, and then it could take, using the 21, they could begin the opening of the metatronic spiral that builds on itself by eating the thing that came before it.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
This configuration is the solar cross. This is beginning its magnetic activation tomorrow. The rest of this has already activated. These vortices for the first time since 13,400 BC, came into activation at Hetharo. They are beginning their thing again. We‟ll read a bit of the small print to get more of an idea of what these things do. At the end, we‟ll be able to see what these turn into, what gymnastics these counter rotating energy fields do, to become the galactic Beast, and once we see what that Beast is, we‟ll be able to understand what we are going to do when we do our work tonight, which is just the beginning. We are code seeding tonight. And then tomorrow, we‟re activating the Mahadra Adhrana code, which is the Krist and Kristalla code together. And we‟ll see where that fits, what that means, and what it does in relation to the Beast machine, and how us anchoring that code here, because Earth is always been, as universal stargate 3, a key element in creating or not creating the Beast machine. How, because we‟re here to anchor this, the Eieyani races and the Christiac races will be able to prevent the activation of the metatronic spiral to take the whole system down into a black hole. It‟s quite phenomenal when you see how the pieces work. So, this is why we take the time to translate these diagrams, and why we take the time to typeset them. What we have here, remember up here, that‟s the Ecka system. If you look at a regular kathara grid, this is the arc 9 gate. That‟s at the regular kathara grid 11 gate. Right? Remember our 12 gate is in the center of the Ecka, the Amorea Flame? So, you have the 11 here, pcm. You have the 11 pka here. You have arc 9 shield interfaces with that 11. You have arc 10 shield which interfaces with that 11. Down in here, you would have the arc 11. Arc 11 is located in the same frequency vicinity of the Amorea Flame where our 12 and 13 gates would be. They‟ve created an artificial link. There are three pyramid shaped vortices here. You have one - this is the base of this pyramid, and it‟s vortex, it‟s spiral goes up this way. But that spiral is pyramid shaped. You have the other one, the 22 CCW one here. Then you have this third pyramid. Here‟s its base here. This is the one that‟s not activated yet. This is the one that once it becomes that third merkaba field to activate, what it is meant to do is eat half of the Ecka and consume this whole thing by turning it into what looks like a very large intergalactic spaceship. Anyway... I want you to see what these lines mean, when you see these shapes because you are going to see them again. This is the vertical axis of the Solar Cross. This is the horizontal axis of the Solar Cross, and it runs diagonally to our natural axis. If you think about kathara grids in our bodies - we‟re going to get into more of this once we get through the gridwork and things - we‟ll find out what this means in relation to our bodies. These things are beginning the process of activating in our bodies right now. And they have been since Hetharo. We are going to get a reprieve. There‟s been an electromagnetic conflict inside of our bodies ever since Hetharo, because you have this monster trying to activate inside of us in the smaller kathara grids, while we are trying to get our monads back in the right order and trying to keep the Christiac alignment. That‟s going to stop after the work that‟s done through Hethalon. Because through Hethalon, it will allow a peaceful separation. It couldn‟t be done if it weren‟t for the cooperation of the Anunnaki League. Because they were threatening to come in and stage a massive invasion and do a lockdown on the planet, shoot anything that argues, basically. They have done that before. They‟ve done it in Atlantis. The Guardian races knew that they weren‟t joking when they threatened. So, negotiation works with them. Whenever you can find something that they need you for, that‟s when they are willing to negotiate. So, there was something that was worth it to them, getting out from under the control of the Andromies, that made it worthwhile for them to leave the UIR, and in so living, they agreed to take the territory they have, and not activate the big merkaba that comes out of uniting these vortices. I‟ll give you an idea - I‟ll read this is a minute, and we‟ll go through it slowly, but these vortices, the 34 CCW in the pcm universe, and the 21 CW in the pke universe, and this third one that‟s still dormant, linking through the Anti-Christos seed atom in the arc gate system - remember that was formed by the 5 and 8 arc gates forced together at the 10:10 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
connection? - this one isn‟t activated yet. That‟s the 11:11:11 connection. This one connects into the seed atom here, to the 13 reversed seed atom when its activated. These two axes are meant to be forced together into the central axes. And when they do they bring these two vortices into a containment crystal shaped thing. Imagine two pyramids, the four sided pyramids, one on top and one on the bottom stuck together, like a crystal capsule. That forms in the middle once these are activated. That brings this into activation, the middle one, and it turns it into what you‟ll see later. It looks like a very big spaceship type vehicle. It is what is called the big one. When this is activated, and all these come together, it is called the Grand Cross external merkaba vehicle. That is what every merkaba mechanics that are presently on the planet have been teaching people how to activate. Because the only people who have been teaching merkaba mechanics are the people who have been working with angels who are doing these agendas. A lot of the people don‟t know - they think that it‟s the good stuff. I wish they had looked at the detail a little. Because the detail here is a lot more than the detail here. And it‟s put into a coherent perspective that covers everything from science to spiritually to your personal stuff, to where it all fits together. This is what they are creating. And what‟s funny is I do believe, and I don‟t know which ones but I‟ve seen one or two diagrams that remind me of this in somebody‟s, I forget which one of them, it‟s one of the Thoth teacher‟s books, but it‟s similar to this, and it gets even more similar when you see what this looks like once it‟s fully activated. So, there‟s nothing like having their own drawings incriminate them. We‟re showing the context in the veca maps. We already showed in the Dance for Love program the context of the Ecka maps themselves, and where they fit with the actual manifestation process that created the original creator space in through the dimensions. So, this is just showing one more thing in the context of the universal structure. Now, what this is about - it says, during the Lucifer Rebellion of 25,500 BC, the Nibiruan Anunnaki, Necromaton Andromie, and the Wesedak invader races collaborated to install the Beast black hole machine on Earth, in our solar system, and its parallel. Though installing Beast technology, they hoped to reverse the spin and polarity of the planetary and solar merkabas spirals, to create, via the Dimensional Blend Experiment, the galactic Grand Cross metatronic external merkaba vehicle, through which this veca system could be progressively pulled in to the Wesedak black hole during the 22,326 BC stellar activation cycle. So, they were aiming for that. That‟s when we ended up in a stalemate. We talked about that before. Why is the final conflict drama now? Because it‟s the next stellar activation cycle after the last one that ended in a stalemate. The first phase of the Beast was conducted in eight stages: 1) infiltration of Earth‟s Arc of the Covenant gates by the Halls of Amenti arc gate interface system, and opening planetary arc 2 and arc 11 wormholes; 2) construction of the Nibiruan-Wormwood control broadcast station; 3) creation of arc 5, arc 8 and stargate 10:10 D13 reversed artificial Anti-Christiac metatronic planetary seed atom in Earth‟s arc gate system, now Andorra; 4) to take over Earth‟s Golden Eagle APIN. That‟s the stuff we were talking about before, where they were installing the Beast. This is like a quick overview of it. So, they took over the Axi-B-tonal lines with the Golden Eagle; 5) they infiltrated the solar galactic arc gates and they created the D13 reversed metatronic galactic seed atom in the arc galactic gate system; 6) the creation of the Tiamet spiral that linked density 2 D5 phantom Tiamet Wesedak black hole in our solar system, arc gate network, via the USG 4 Sun; 7) creation of the Metatronic solar cross vortex alignment, the solar triad, 13:21:34 pyramidal vortices, NET. This is the solar triad, the three pyramids. This one right now has at its core a small merkaba that runs the 10:10 shield on a 20 charge, and actually spins 13 CW. They forced the natural merkaba of the 10:10 gates, which would be counter-rotating spirals, into a same-spin spiral set. That‟s where they got the 20. They bonded the shields of the two together. And right now it rotates at 13 CW. It creates a 13 CCW merkaba peripheral field. So, you have the 13, you have the 21 and 13 vortex. A vortex, when it spins, if you have a thing spinning this way, an actual field, it‟s creating around it this way, a virtual field, a vortex. So, this is spinning, this one here is spinning like this; and it‟s creating, an it‟s one solid piece; it‟s not the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
top spinning one way and the bottom spinning another. It‟s one solid piece, and it is generating this vortex, that‟s spinning this way. At the center of these, they cross right through our planetary AzurA. This is where the natural planetary seed atom would normal live. They were implanted with receivers to receive these currents so they could stretch it out and make the 9:4 link. What‟s interested in gate 9 on the planetary level is Tibet, and gate 4 is Giza. Did you ever wonder what those pyramids are for? They anchor, just like that thing outside (in Andorra), anchors. That thing outside anchors right here. It plugs in the transmissions that are coming from here. It receives them, the needles. Most of the needles do. When you see needles, they are receiving some part of these broadcasts. Most of them are receiving these. We‟re sitting right here in the middle of this. They have they huge edifice sticking up here to receive the frequencies that are being broadcast. And it‟s such a beautiful place too, particularly when they‟re encoding the water with it, the lovely waters that flow there. It will be really nice to show our love for the place and the beautiful architecture by leaving some beautiful Krist codes behind in the water, and that‟s what going to be done, that‟s one part of the mission that‟s going to be done here. It‟s not a big part because we couldn‟t get the whole group in, so it‟s not like a group thing, but some people, anybody that‟s going to go over there, if you feel like doing it. Once we activate the Mahadra Adhrana code, which is the full Krist code tonight, if you want to go over and just breathe some water. Hang out in the water, check out the spa, and breath some lotus with the new code. You don‟t have to if you don‟t want to. We‟re doing other gridwork that‟s just as important but it‟s aimed for that spot. It would have been lovely if we could have all just gone and hung out in the water. But, I don‟t think they would have let all of us in. Could you see us taking over the spa? I think you needed like a week reservation and we didn‟t find that out until we got here, and then there wasn‟t even a chance to try to do it. I wonder if it would have been healthy anyway. If you feel motivated to go over there and drop frequency, go. If you don‟t, trust that. It‟s running powerful “this stuff.” It might not be the right thing for you at a given time. It doesn‟t mean that your fields are weak. It just might mean maybe you‟re going through an activation now, and that‟s the worst time to put yourself into a potential compromised situation where you have more to deal with than you need to. So, trust your feeling on whether you go to the edifice or not. It literally looks like the inversion of this thing (diagram). Now, if you look at this thing - anybody that remembers the diagrams of the natural Eckasha merkaba this, but going all the way up to six, it has six, not just four, centers. This is the bottom spiral of the Eckasha merkaba, the natural one that forms when you bring the pcm and the pke universe together, a natural triveca merkaba vehicle. You have the big top spiral coming down. They are cutting it off here, trying to steal the Amorea Flame, actually, to use for feeding, to keep their system moving. This is the process during the 25,500 BC Lucifer Rebellion, that they went through all of these things to create this Solar Cross alignment, because what they wanted to do is during a stellar activation cycle, once this alignment was secured, they would use these vortices to progressively drag the natural merkaba spirals of the planet into reversal. They would force a blend between the natural merkaba fields and what was in Phantom, and the reversed wormhole. These vortices would be the mechanics by which they would force them into blend with the wormhole and with the Phantom. And they would reverse them and then pull them into this axis alignment. So, the natural merkaba spirals would no longer be at this axis alignment. They‟d be dragged into that axis alignment, and phaselocked in. You have the D13 reversed, from the 13 seed atom Blue Fire Sword current running this vortex, and once the axis alignment was pulled in here, it would fully reverse the planetary seed atom, or your own body seed atom, and activate this vortex with the Blue Fire Sword current coming from here. This phase actually already took place during Hetharo. So, we‟re on the last phase of this thing activating. I‟ll show you what that is. This is where it all started, at least in recent history. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
The creation of the metatronic Solar Cross vortex alignment, solar triad, 13:21:34 pyramidal vortices, that form the NET, Nibiruan Electrostatic Transduction Field, within the solar galactic and planetary templar, and the creation of the arc 9 primary Amenti 2/3 top spiral wormholes. These are the ones, after all these were created - after you had this created first, the seed atom, then they created these vortices and stretched them out so they became pyramidal shaped vortices. Then they were able to link in, and put the implants in - they are just not activated yet - to create this. They next did what we call the Amenti 2/3 wormhole. These were the very specific ones that were anchored in from here. If you look at how this angle comes on this vortex - the one that goes from what would be arc 8. You have this line coming here. Here‟s your vertical axis for the natural pcm universe. Here‟s your gate 11 and arc 9. This transmission angles right through the 9:11 gate to get into the 9 gate. What they did from here was open a hole within the shield between the 11 gate and the arc 9 gates, and create another little vortex. This is where that 2/3 wormhole, that small one see these didn‟t start out at the 2/3 one. This one started out as a 34 CCW, and this one started out as a 21 CW, but this one, the little one that runs from here (not shown on this diagram). Some of the other diagrams that showed the merkaba ripped apart in the top spiral, bottom spiral and middle shield, and little wormhole on the top. That little wormhole on the top is what emanates out of here, and it receives its energy from that crossover line that comes through at that angle, to form the top of that particular spiral. So, this is a pyramidal vortex rotating this way. This is another one rotating this way, that‟s anchor in the arc gate system. And this is the wormhole that began the process that you‟re going to see later, that has to do with progressively reversing the top spiral, that has to do with watching how this planet‟s merkaba fields and the solar merkaba fields got what we call metatronicked. There‟s another wormhole here, and that‟s the one we‟re talking about that has 2/3 of a rotation‟s worth of frequency. It accreted to the point of zero point critical mass, which we‟ll get into in a little while. That was the sequence of these. First, this was formed. Then this was set into rotation and formed this vortex. And then these vortices were formed, and once that structure was set up ... now this created a NET. We‟ll look at this in a minute. It created something in the radial body. You know, how every merkaba field of every vortex implies energy coming in and it creates something in the radial body within the merkaba field. I‟ll show you in a minute what this mess created. It created a NET field. This was the first; this was the second thing. These were created simultaneously, the 34 CCW and 21 CW, and then this system was put in and it is not activated yet. This is what they are trying to activate. All of this began 25,500 BC. This little wormhole up here - these began in the D2 shield. They progressively went through the D1 shield, the monad, up until the D3 shield and the density shield. So each level of the kathara grids in the planetary and solar levels, and that means in our bodies too, carried these configurations. Arc 9 is located, the place where it opens into the planet, is in Antarctica. Now, there is the ozone hole issue that has popped up here and there. Actually, all the way since 25,500 BC. That‟s when that wormhole first appeared. Cause that‟s what it is. The hole in the ozone is what this interface, right here, through Arc 9, is showing. This is the hole in the ozone layer. There‟s going to be more of them if things progress. But they are not going to progress as the Beast people would like them to. So, I found it fascinating. I didn‟t know that about the ozone hole. That was new stuff that came through. Here is the sequence of how the 13 reversed seed atom was created, and how from there the 34/21 vortices were created, and then pulled through each other to create the particum universe 34 and partika universe 21, and that takes you down into looking at this again, and the beginning of the formation of the pyramidal vortices or the solar cross installation. So, as long as we can find some place that lets us copy The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
these things - we were having an issue today about even getting mylars made, the overheads made - but we‟re going to do our best to get these, even though they are messy. If you want them, we‟ll let you have them, just so you can look at them. At least the drawings are there, even if the words aren‟t perfect yet. They are the right words but they aren‟t type set. It shows you the progression from taking natural arc gates on the vertical arc axis, arc 8 and arc 5, and squashing them together in the 10:10 gate configuration, which means pushing their shields together unnaturally, and forcing them into metatronic phase bond, that gave you a 13 thrust, the 8+5, anchored into what became a 20 shield, which would be their seed atom. So, the 20 shield was put on a 13 CW rotation, and once the 8 and 5 shields began their spin, they would create vortices, and those vortices would serve as merkaba fields that would circulate the energy that was being generated through the center one. So, you have the 5 and the 8 shields for arc 5 and arc 8. It started out on the vertical arc axis. They were shifted here, 90 degrees, over to the horizontal axis, to the arc axis. Remember, the arc axis is the diagonal that runs between the horizontal partike and the vertical particum universe. So, we‟re looking at the arc axis, which is the diagonal in the veca now. That‟s forced into horizontal. The 10:10 gates were forced in form an artificial 20 shield, 20 charge shield. The spinning of these shields each generated a vortex. The arc 5 shield was placed on a 21 CCW rotation, so the shield itself was rotating CCW. That generated into the partike universe a 21 CW reversed virtual vortex field. So this one, the 21 CCW arc 5 shield generated into the partike universe a virtual vortex. Remember, actual fields are the like the merkabic level, and then coming up more into manifestation, the stuff you see out here, is the virtual field level. There‟s a difference. If something spins CW on the virtual field, it means it spins CCW in the actual field. That‟s another little trick the others use in teaching merkaba mechanics. “Oh, spin your merkaba in a CCW rotation, because we know CCW vortices are good and they bring life force in.” They have you spin your merkaba CCW, and you‟re actually generating the opposite field. But they don‟t tell you that, because they don‟t tell you the distinction between the virtual field and the actual field. There‟s a difference between that and the deflection field, which is the other thing you can see spinning off the virtual field. So, there‟s a lot of twists in how the metatronic merkaba stuff is taught. But it all ends up serving the same purpose, which is creation of this monster machine. So the spinning of the arc shields, that were hijacked from their natural orientation and put on a horizontal phaselock with the 10:10 gates, spin and make a vortex of energy in the virtual field, 20 CW, because the 8-5 spins 21 CCW and that one generates this way. So, the arc 5 is in the particum universe right now, and it pushes over a 21 CW into the partika universe. And the pka arc 8 over here generates into the pcm universe a 34 CCW virtual vortex. So, this is where these first vortices are formed. Because we get these lines here, where we get that pyramid effect, first we had the seed atom, and the triangle vortices. These two pulled apart. These were reversed, pulled through each other, so you had the 8 from over here ending up over here, and the 5 from over here, ending up over here. And they took their spirals with them, the 8 spiral pulled through this way, and the 5 spiral pulled through this way. So you ended up with still pka vortex 21 CW coming out into the pka universe, and here, the pcm vortex, coming out of arc 8 with the 34 CCW rotation. And these were set, the 34/21 were set purposely to begin the process of creating the metatronic spiral. They were set purposely into the shields of the hijacked arc 8 and arc 5 gates. This was done on the planetary and solar galactic level, and on each dimensional level, and density level of the planetary and solar merkaba fields. So, this is how the seed atom was formed. This was the beginning of that process. Once the seed atom was formed, and these vortices were formed, the next phase was in bringing these on line. The squares, which are the bases, to form the pyramids... when these were brought through each other, they created this alignment. This point here plugs into the central seed atom. This point doesn‟t; that‟s the tip. The tip actually goes off from one into the other - the particum goes off into the antiparticle universe, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
and the partike goes off into the particum universe. You‟ve got one vortex that was expanded out into the solar cross configuration by the series of implants. That one vortex that ran from here to here was pulled through into this shield, and this shield, forming the top spiral. So, over here, this is the A5 shield, remember? Over in the antiparticle universe. The vortex from here first triangulated that way, then it was run from the - it had the horizontal axis - then the vertical axis of the Solar Cross was activated through the seed atom, allowing the 9, 3, 4, 10 connection. Remember that used to be stargate 10 in the center there? Once that triangulation was formed, the base of the pyramid was formed. The next was bringing the energy connections up, pulling them up, like you make a square and you have a dot in the middle, and you pull it up and make it a pyramid. Hooking that into arc 5, and the same thing on the other side, hooking what was the 21 CW vortex into the top of arc 8 gate. This created these two pyramids, with the tips running through each other. They serve as vortex NET fields, and what keeps them going was the spinning of this metatronic reversed seed atom. The spinning of these shields together kept this going, and kept the vortices going. The vortices fed energy into the gates to make the horizontal connections. So this is the Solar Cross connection that was made from the 34/21 vortices that were made from the hijacked A5 and A8 gate systems and the vortices their spinning shields make. So this is the process of how these things came into being, and vortex here, all it does right now is have a 13 CW spin, the seed atom. This one isn‟t activated yet. This is what they are going to activate tomorrow, or they are planning to. But it‟s going to go a little different than they originally supposed. Instead of it activating to try these two spirals together, because they would force this one through this way and this one through this way, making one central big fat axis in the center, and once that happened, this would come to life. This becomes, it looks like a spaceship. It‟s a heat envelope, a radiation envelope, that you get from combining merkaba spirals in a very creative but very anti-Christiac way that eventually causes them to implode, and also causes them to feed energy off anything that gets in their way. This was the beginning of this whole system. Down here, I was just showing the names of the places on the planetary templar. Where is the Solar Cross running? You have the arc 11 gate, which would be up here. That‟s this part of their apparatus. That‟s up here. Arc 11 is in Newgrange, Ireland, in the planetary templar. Here you have the 11:11, which are the other points of this one. That‟s not fully activated yet. Parallel is in the parallel place to the 11 over here. The 11 over here is stargate 11, Milk Hill, in the UK. What‟s interesting about that, is when we were doing the work in Paxos, at Cue Site 7, it popped up here. We were doing the Hetharo work, the lotus bud - we introduced the lotus breaths there - and what we called the lotus seed. There‟s a crop circle right up by Milk Hill that was just like the lotus bud. And there was another one right at Milk Hill - we didn‟t even know they were there. We went to do gridwork again, and for the second time we popped up there and we found crop circles. Anyway... Milk Hill is where natural stargate 11 is. Stargate 9 is in Tibet. The 9-4 connection. So, this is where the horizontal of the Solar Cross runs, from 9 down through the planetary seed atom, into 4, Giza. This is where the base of the pyramid is. Stargate 3 is Bermuda. If you look at them on the galactic level, you have somewhere between the area of Nibiru and Chiron, which were the 11 and 12 stargates in our system. It‟s somewhere out in that direction. I‟m working on a graph. I don‟t know when I‟m going to have it done. It shows the interface. We already showed the interface of the universal stargates, how they come down into the horizontal galactic ones. Well, now we‟re showing where the arc galactic gates fit into those diagrams. They are not finished yet, and they are not that important right now, for what we‟ll doing. So, that just shows you where these places are. Arc 5, poor arc 5 that got hijacked - this one is Bali, the island of Bali in the South Pacific. We have stargate 10, which connects to the parallel 10, in Iran, interestingly. On the galactic level that connects to Pluto, which has galactic stargate 10. Now arc 8, the other hijacked gate, was in Southwest Nohas, Atlantis, which is now under the Atlantic Ocean. So, it‟s that The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
5-8 connection, and the 10:10. Iran, Bali, and someplace in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, running the shields of the Anti-Christos seed atom. And then transmitting these frequencies out in these geometrical configurations to these different areas of the planet, in order to run the two vortices. The reason they call the Solar Cross a vortex alignment is because it‟s precisely what it is. This vortex here spins CCW, generated by the spin of the little hijacked seed atom they formed here, that‟s spinning CW. That‟s one vortex. And these two - this one and the one in the particle universe, are other vortices. So, it‟s literally the alignment of two vortices. The Grand Cross is when these two are brought together to activate this one. This over here shows you briefly. Here again is the antiparticle universe 21 vortex. Here is the particle universe 34 CCW vortex. This is showing the Earth. If we‟re looking at the planetary kathara grid and merkaba fields, this would be Earth. If it were the galactic one, it would be the Sun. So, this center area refers to the planet. This would be the density level kathara grid sticking out from it, like out into the atmosphere and beyond. The density merkaba field is like the merkaba field of the void space between the density harmonics. This shows you this configuration, the Solar Cross through here. Remember it‟s the 3, 10/10=20, 3 connection all the way across to the other. That‟s totally an unnatural connection of energy. That‟s a huge wormhole and it creates a vortex. You have the little wormhole over here as this angle runs through the 11 and arc 9 gates, and that‟s the one that‟s causing the ozone hole by its interface through the arc 9 gate on the D2 level. But here, you have a radial body. Remember, when we had this diagram, this diagram originally was showing you how the kathara grid fit into the merkaba field, and how the radial bodies formed within that structure. So out here you have your trion field level of the radial body structure. Remember, the trion field runs from the gate 2 to the gate 11 level, where the meajhe field, or the magnetic field, runs between the 5 and 8 in the natural structure of merkaba. What this mess, this vortex system does, is it creates an unnatural CCW running electromagnetic, and they said it was carried in positrons and muons, and their interactions with each other. That literally creates a barrier between the natural trion light field, an electron field, and the rest of the inner parts, the magnetic field. It literally blocks out the other outer layers of the body. This could be a person‟s body, or a planet, or a galaxy. This radial body structure is supposed to have its meajhe field on the inside, its matter field in there, it‟s trion field, and it‟s reon field, which is the divine blueprint reon units, that takes you into the primal light fields. It literally cuts off all this frequency from even coming in. It blocks out, because it puts a layer of the trion field in reverse rotation. It blocks out these energies from getting in to feed the natural systems like they normally would. This is what they mean by the NET, the electrostatic field. Those vortices progressively created a rotating frequency field carried by positrons and muons. Positrons are positive charged electrons or electron antiparticles. It literally blocks the natural energy from coming from the universe, and at the same time, as long as these vortices were rotating, this field would rotate with the natural radial body. As long as the natural radial body rotated, that meant they could broadcast, so they could send frequency, and they kept dousing the place with more frequency to hold the genetic mutations in order, to talk to people in their heads with that “synthetic telepathy,” that cute concept we saw in that movie. This was very very active. I‟d like to take a five minute break. When we get back, we‟re going to see a period of time where this was actually shut down, and then how it got started back up again. But for now, this shows you what those pyramids are, what the Solar Cross is, so you really know what a Solar Cross is when somebody throws that word around. If anybody says, “oh, we‟re going to do the Solar Cross gridwork, let‟s go,” you know, like run the metatronics! Know what they are running! You‟ll probably know more about what they are running than they do, because their guys don‟t tell them this. The Thoth crew - and I‟m not talking so much about the people here. I‟m talking about the people those people are talking to, the channels, the ones that are the great wonderful teachers from above. They are not telling them this stuff. Most of the people here think they are doing the right thing. But what they are doing is this. So, this NET field mutated into something The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
else, and this is what has helped to hold the DNA mutation in our bodies, and has helped to get us to the point where right now we‟re in the Final Conflict Drama, and we are losing 2/3 of the planetary grids, and we are gaining and bringing back into it‟s natural function, 1/3, which means it can be brought back to wholeness. So, that‟s a wrap up for a five minute break. There‟s more! It‟s more fun! (Tape change) We‟re activating something that we‟re going to learn a lot more about this weekend. It‟s called the Mahadra Adhrana. The Adhrana has to do with the hypothalamus in the brain. Consider it like the galactic brain hypothalamus, or the planetary brain hypothalamus, or your own. The code that we‟re going to work with we are going to do a code induction tonight after we get through with these graphs, and it has to be before we eat dinner. And because we are getting together later, I have to hurry this up, so you get dinner before you go to do gridwork. We‟re going to do a code induction that is going to allow us to carry within our shield the full pattern, on a microcosmic level, of the full Krist code, the Mahadra Adhrana code, which is the universal level of the full reset pattern. I‟ll show you when I get through with these graphs, to the point where you can see what the Beast machine is, that the metatronics would otherwise, if we did not run this code, it would activate the full Beast machine. I‟ll show you basically what the code will do in the grids, that will make the Beast into little “Beasties” instead of one big Beast. And it is nice to know that the Anunnaki League, even though they still don‟t like us, are at least cooperating in this endeavor. So at least, there‟s two groups that are not directly really angry with us. One are the Wesedraks, because the separation of this merkaba fields means their black hole is not going to get dragged into the other one, so they‟re happy about that. I‟m going to get back to the graphs. We went through this graph enough for now. We‟ll do our best to let you have paper copies of these before you leave. So, even if there are scribbles on them, you can at least see the diagrams. It‟s easier, I think, to look at them on the page, cause you can study them with a magnifying glass up close, to see where the lines actually go. We basically showed you the Solar Cross vortex alignment, which is this vertical between the particle and antiparticle universe, with the two horizontals running between the 9:4 gate connections. The vortices are the pyramidal shaped vortices, three of them, that it creates, one in the particle universe, one in the antiparticle, and one that‟s not activated yet that is supposed to take down the Ecka. We‟ve showed you the radial body mutation. It runs this unnatural field, this magnetic field, that‟s carried in positrons and muons within the electron field of our trion radial body field, and that was a broadcasting station before. That‟s where you get synthetic telepathy. That‟s where they can tap into anybody and anything. These things were created 25,500 BC, and they were active, and they were being actively employed, and the tandem technologies. That meant, if you created one of these merkaba fields on a small scale, on a personal level, you could actually create the whole thing by doing this to a the personal kathara grid, and the antiparticle one, force yourself together into the center space, and rip your own merkaba out of the structure of space-time, so you could access any of the Phantom or black hole vortices. They used technology here and would steal energy from one system to fuel something in another, very often. They‟d do a partial link, to partially activate the 34/21 vehicle without turning it into the 55, and whatever was in the merkaba field here, that had the 34/21 configuration, would have to move in synchronization with what was over there. So if you wanted to move this way over here, you‟d have to move that way over there. They did spaceship technologies with this, where they would create spaceships that could go through the reversed matrix portals, that one would go in one direction in this universe, but it had to have another going in the opposite direction in the parallel universe. There were technologies. It‟s even funny, in the UFO movement you can find some abductees who talk about being told about the technologies, and they are told “we have these wonderful technologies. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
We have spaceship here and another one over in parallel, and they have to move in tandem.” Yeah, right! This is why! Normally, you don‟t have to force them together. They each have independent movement. You and your antiparticle double are still connected through the DNA, but it doesn‟t mean you cough and bend to the right and the other one has to cough and bend to the left at the same moment! But when they are linked together artificially through the Solar Cross configuration, it created the tandem technologies. They only work as long as these vortices were spinning, as long as the seed atom was spinning. From 25,500 BC up through 22,326 BC, these vortices were spinning. 22,326 BC, the invader races, the same ones, attempted to activate the full Grand Cross, which is to pull these two vortices together and those two axes together into one big one, to activate this, and they were not able to do that. The next graph gives you a little bit of the story of what happened in the 22,326 BC Eieyani Massacre. This is when they tried to activate the Grand Cross. The solar galactic and planetary arc 9 primary Amenti 2/3 top spiral wormholes (reading title from graph). The top spiral wormholes, they would be the ones at the arc 9, gate 11, the regular kathara grids that came from the diagonal axes of the vortices. They reached what was called zero point. So, you have this little wormhole, this 2/3 wormhole that was started up in the top spiral in the pcm universe, and it was taking energy from the pka bottom spiral. Zero point means, you have a wormhole going CCW inside of a larger spiral going in the other direction, and it is progressively feeding energy from the other spiral. As the spin ratio of this one and the energy content of it goes down, as this one grows, there is going to be a point where they hit exactly the same amount of energy and speed at the same time. In this case, the speed that they both ended up at zero point at was 11 4/9. 22 2/9 was when the wormhole was started. That was when it still had 2/3 of the original 33 1/3 top spiral. That was when the wormhole was started in 25,500 BC. At this point, by 22,326 BC, that little 2/3 wormhole had grown to be 11 4/9 CCW rotation, and it had reduced the main spiral into 11 4/9 CW rotation. The main spiral that was 22 2/9 CW rotation was reduced to 11 4/9 CW rotation. I believe it‟s like 10 7/9 or something... yeah. There we go. 22 2/9 minus 10 7/9 = 11 4/9, and the 2/3 wormhole plus 10 7/9 CCW = 11 4/9 CCW. So there‟s the math on those. But this is called zero point, where you have one going CW and the other going CCW in the same place. They reach a static point where the pull and push between them - one is not pulling the other anymore. They reach a static stop point. When the top spiral of the wormhole and the natural top spiral reached zero point - they called it zero point before when they reached equal speed and thrust content, energy content, in reverse rotation to each other. The top spiral stopped, and when the top spiral stopped spinning, it causes the differential field shield to stop spinning and reverse. What happened during this period, the 22,326 BC period, was the beginning when this almost fully took place. This was the beginning of fully reversing the top density spiral, which would reverse the rest of the planetary merkaba fields, and the solar galactic ones. It reached zero point in 22,326 BC, but the Guardian races intervened. This is during the Eieyani Massacre period, when we got massacred for doing this, but at least we stopped it in time. We activated something called the Mahadra Adhrana, but only on the galactic level. Look at the veca map. There‟s one circulation of energy from the Ecka here, that‟s connected to arc 12. There‟s another circulation here. This one is known as the veca Mahadra, which is the electrical Krist code that was entered into the shields here at Hetharo. This one is the Adhrana, which is the CCW magnetic field. Now what this does, in relation to the spirals, is it breaks the link down the arc axis. It breaks the link of the metatronic seed atom, so the two spirals separate from it, so they can‟t blend and come together. It was done on a galactic level in 22,326 BC to prevent what would normally happen once zero point is reached. Because once zero point is reached, the top spirals will stop, and then the shield will stop and reverse, and then the entire merkaba will end up going into reversal, and whatever spin speed the bottom is, and will turn into what‟s called a same spin spiral set, which is a phaselocked anti-Christiac merkaba, that can only, if it‟s CCW suck energy in, or if its CW push energy out. It doesn‟t have the natural breathing anymore. So, in The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
order to stop this from happening, when the top spiral and wormhole reached critical mass zero point, the Eieyani races here and on the galactic level, using the Ecka gates, and opened this flow, and they ran the full Mahadra Adhrana on the galactic level only, not on the universal level. They did it through Polaris, which is, I believe, the galactic arc AzurA point. Density 1 Polaris is Density 3 Gaia. They ran this code sequence to generate this field. It created a buffer field that didn‟t allow the wormhole and the top spiral to fully connect with each other. It stopped them from going into the stop spin. It allowed them each to have enough frequency to keep spinning at that rate, and it held them safe in that rate to prevent full zero point from taking place. The invading races were not happy about this because what they were trying to do is get the whole thing in reversal. They didn‟t make it in 22,326 BC, precisely because we activated this on the galactic level, and it created this buffer field here. If you look at the code, you have the veca Mahadra, the inner part, and that one spins CW electrical, and then you have the new part of the code, that has the veca Mahadra in the middle, and then it has the Adhrana code around the outside. It‟s the full manifestation wheel code. It has all of the universal coding, not just the galactic level. Because they activated this in 22,326 BC, the planetary and solar merkaba were spared going into full zero point stasis, and the shields were spared from being reversed, and the whole thing was spared from becoming a phaselocked, same spin spiral set. We suffered the Eieyani massacre for that, but from 22,326 BC until 13,400 BC, the Earth existed with these ratios. The top merkaba was split between the wormhole 11 4/9 CCW, and the top spiral 11 4/9 CW with this Mahadra Adhrana buffer field in between. They call it the Well of Dreams, and I‟m wondering why. It is an Arc of the Covenant buffer zone, and it prevents zero point merkaba reversal among other things. The main thing to look at is this line. It sends a line of frequency from arc 12, fully all the way through arc 1. But it also circulates this. This is a circle in here that connects up here, and it literally circulates and drags energy through the whole thing, heliothalics. So, this is what we are getting prepared to do again. But this time, big time, on the universal level, we‟re anchoring the universal level. They‟re opening these levels all the way up. What it will do... remember these vortices here? They need to come together. It‟s going to separate them. But it‟s going to separate them gently. Just like here, these frequencies allowed the spirals to take enough energy to keep the rotation that they were at. These vortices would normally meet (?) each other, the 34 and 21, to form the 55 merkaba vehicle, the first level of the monster. If you subsidize, with heliothalics, the 34 vortex with 21, and if you subsidize the 21 with 34 heliothalics, you get too little 55 Beast machines, but you don‟t link them across them where they can eat up one black hole and drag it through another in the Dimensional Blend Experiment. So, this is what we are going to prevent. The Anunnaki are going to get their way. They‟ve got the grids they‟ve ensnared. They are going to do their anti-Christiac thing. But at least they are doing it politely. The Wesedraks over here are very happy, because they were all up in arms. They are fighting with these guys because they don‟t want their black hole being ripped into theirs. The ones who are really ticked off are the Andromie Necromaton, because they were the ones that were trying the hardest to have everybody else do the dirty work to make sure this thing happened. So, we‟re in the middle of an amazing event. You‟ll see in a minute how the monster machine is supposed to activate. We are going to do what we did back then, but on a higher level, a universal level. We‟re going to anchor the universal level. Tonight is the first part of it, between 11:11 and 12:12. Tomorrow is the next part. We‟re going to be running this. This is what happened in 22,326 BC. So, everything was actually not too bad. We still had the chance. We also had the heliothalics available on a galactic level, which meant that potentially those heliothalics could be interfaced through the Halls of Amenti gate system into here, into Phantom, to start reversing the Phantom back into the positive, and this really got the intruder races upset. They needed this one to combine with that one and that one, to make their full 34 CCW over on this side The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
and 21 over on the other side. They needed the Phantom part, the wormhole, and the regular natural merkaba on this side, to make the metatronic monster work. So, when the Guardian races, after 22,326 BC, after they recovered from the Eieyani massacre, began to interface through that spiral, through the Halls of Amenti gates, into Phantom, to begin to progressively reverse this back, which would make this speed go up. You get more energy back into here, taken out of there (?). They had to do something, because they were going to lose. They were going to not be able to do this. They didn‟t make it in 22,326 BC. The next stellar activation cycle would be during 2000-2017 AD. So, the whole stalemate got put up to this time frame. Now we‟re here in this time frame. There‟s more information, but you can read these on your own when you get them. If I go through reading them all, you‟re going to be here until tomorrow, before you go to dinner. (Reading title of graph): The great galactic zero point NETing and the age of darkness, 13,400 BC. Basically, to put it simply, what happened in this one is that the Mahadra Adhrana frequency buffer that the Eieyani races had activated successfully in 22,326 BC, progressively was being used to bring portions of the Phantom Matrix back into natural alignment, and the invader races had to do something about it. They invaded and they took out what is called the Emerald Seal. On the other diagram, the Emerald Seal was actually the activator crystal for the Mahadra Adhrana, the arc gates that go with that. So, the Emerald Seal was a nemesis to these guys. They put in something called the Ruby Seal to block and neutralize the Emerald Seal. So the Mahadra Adhrana frequency buffer could no longer work. Once that buffer came down in 13,400 BC, immediately the top spirals in the pcm universe went into zero point stasis with the wormhole. Remember, they had been left at 11 4/9 wormhole CCW, 11 4/9 top spiral CW. So, they stopped. The merkaba top spirals stopped spinning. The bottom spiral continued to spin on its usual 7 7/9 CCW. The shield stopped spinning when the top spirals did. It stopped and then reversed. Now these stopped and went into stasis, into like a static state. But the magnetic portions of the shield would continue to make it rotate, but it reversed its rotation to follow the bottom spiral. So the shield rotated CCW, when it was supposed to rotate CW. The density shield was supposed to rotate CW in the pcm, so it was reversed to CCW at 7 7/9, which was the speed that the bottom spiral was going on. That 7 7/9, that is where they get that 7.8 Hz core vibration, and it‟s also in the solar core vibration, running at increments of the 7.8 Hz. That‟s where they get this. When they stopped the top spirals, and the shield reversed to the same spin as the bottom, the 7 7/9, you ended up with a 7.8 Hz core vibration pattern, or a time pulse that was running the planet. You also ended up with a static NET field. The intruder races did this in order to stop the Eieyani from fixing Phantom, from bringing it back into the natural spiral, through the Mahadra Adhrana frequency buffer. However, once they stopped the top spirals, it also stopped the rotation of their vortices, but it was worth it to them, because they were going to lose the game completely if they let us keep taking and healing Phantom and putting it back where it belonged. They would never reach critical mass. We‟d eventually overwhelm them, particularly with the heliothalics, and we could have cleared the wormhole. So, even though they knew it would shut down their own mechanisms for a time, they could at least freeze it here. When the next stellar activation cycle came, they could very aggressively activate their Beast machine to make sure the spirals continued their process. Once that static NET let go, there‟s a chain reaction that would happen, that would have the whole thing - once these are reversed and you let go of this NET, these would be stopped - they would start rotating, just like the shield and just like the bottom spiral they would go into a same spin spiral set. Then, the 34 vortex over here would accelerate it up to a 34 CCW same spin spiral set, and it would be happening over there on the 21 CW same spin spiral set. So, they were trying to form two smaller anti-Christiac merkaba fields out of our planetary and solar galactic merkaba fields. This process has been set in motion. What happened when all of this occurred, when the shield stopped and reversed to 7 7/9 CCW like the bottom spiral and the top spiral stopped, it created The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
what‟s called monadic reversal on the planetary and solar galactic level. The D13 monad, which is the D13 primal light field currents, reversed to CW, which reversed the D1 shield from its natural CW to CCW. The D3 shield also reversed from CW to CCW, following the spin. The density shield also reversed to CCW. But, when this process was set in motion, the D2 shield was held from reversing. Normally, when the monad goes, all of the shields are going into reversal. But, it was held, and prevented from reversing when the monad went, which created it‟s own natural multilevel static field, because you ended up with negative and negative charged electrical charges pushing against each other, literally pushing the shields away from each other, and creating a NET in between each one, in between D1 and D2, between D2 and D3, between D3 and the density level merkaba. So, in the merkaba and in the shields, it created this whole static interface. This is when our DNA really went to soup! What it did here in the planetary fields is what it did inside of the natural structure of atoms in our bodies, as far as the circulation of energy, and put static fields where they didn‟t belong, where things were pushing away from each other when they should have been opening flows of energy. That allowed something interesting to happen. It allowed the place not to go into physical pole shift. The D2 shield was held in its CCW position, because it would normally be CCW spin. So it was held there. All the rest was allowed to reverse to a CCW spin, following the spin of the bottom spiral, and you ended up with them all going CCW, and it meant that the physical, the D2 elemental body of the planet, didn‟t go through physical pole shift. Everything else pole shifted around it. However, that was when the static field was up. At the point in time that the static field would come down, the monadic reversal would cause the D2 shield to reverse. And it would cause physical pole shift, pole shift of the D2 elemental shield. Now this - we call it the great galactic zero point NETing, because this started the age of darkness. This static field was a frequency field based on the 34/21 that didn‟t rotate anymore. It just hung there. Because it didn‟t rotate, they couldn‟t broadcast anymore. The vortices weren‟t spinning anymore. Because they shut ours down, they had to shut their own down. It began the age of darkness literally because their tandem technologies didn‟t work here anymore either. Once the shields were stopped, they couldn‟t open and use the wormhole vortices. So, all the technology, the Atlantian technology went out the window, because you couldn‟t use it anymore. The open communication, the synthetic telepathy that they were beaming into everybody‟s head then, that was shut down. But so was the DNA, where people didn‟t remember anything anymore. This in the bodies shut down the ability to pull in your own soul frequencies, which includes your memory of who you were before you came here and why you came. So, this began a process, a process of mercy in one way, but it was a process of entering a stage of our evolution where we lost everything but didn‟t even know we lost it, because we couldn‟t remember. And it‟s not so bad if you don‟t remember you lost it, except then, from this time period on, there‟s been progressive invasions. They still came in. They couldn‟t come in quite as frequently. And progressively more of their Halls of Amenti gates became damaged, or a few of them our guys got control over. They still visited up until the final sinking of Atlantis, but a lot of the technologies were shut down because they could no longer use the 34/21 vortices. They knew, when the next stellar activation cycle came, their mission was to get everything prepared for the new age movement. The new age movement in this time frame, was specifically designed to make sure the rest of this process finished so the Beast could fully activate. So, we went through from 13,400 BC, the evolution of the shield spinning - remember we started out at about 22 2/3 I believe energy available. Now it was reversed 7 7/9, which means it was actually sucking energy from the solar fields. It was like drawing energy in instead of transmitting energy out. The bottom spiral was 7 7/9, with the top spirals immobile, and a static field. Our bodies have evolved through this as well. This graph I‟m not going to take forever to explain. I‟ll just show it to you real quick. This is what happened in Hetharo. We didn‟t have time to time set this graph yet. This was one of the ones shown during the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
Hetharo workshop. It explained basically the process that happens once a set of spirals goes into same spin spiral set, and what happens when it does. What happened to the planetary and solar merkaba fields after the Hetharo, when the Blue Fire Sword initiation – think of the vertical axis of the Solar Cross and think of the horizontal axes as well. That‟s what the Blue Fire Sword initiation is. It‟s activation of the Solar Cross, and it‟s the first level of activation. The next will be the activation of the Grand Cross, which is the bringing of the two together. But what happens, when you take a merkaba, like the planetary or galactic ones, and you have the two top spirals that are being held still by a NET static field, and you have a slowly rotating in reverse bottom spiral, what happens if you take the NET field down. If you take the NET field down, you end up with the top spiral following the same spin direction as the bottom spiral. It‟s no longer receiving natural frequency from its own original kathara grid gate connections. What happened in Hetharo is we came into direct alignment with our Phantom axis, which is the axis of the Phantom matrix kathara grid, which is a natural phase of stellar activation cycles. The intruders knew that that would happen, and they had their plan set in motion. They have been working for about 25 years actively to get people to start activating their 34/21 shields, waiting for that great day when that third stationery merkaba field would activate within the 34/21. What happened was the NET field began to come down as we went into merger with Phantom. The Phantom spirals, that had 11 4/9 frequency CCW, joined with the 11 4/9 CCW frequency of the wormhole, and that took the rest, very quickly, of the 11 4/9 of what was left of the natural into reversal. Because we had been working along with these guys on our own agenda, which was to anchor the D12 Christos frequency here, we were working since 1999 to do that, progressively. Every time they would take a move forward and more aggression toward activating this, we would take a countermeasure and bring in more potential healing frequency. We have been able to salvage one third of the planetary shields. It‟s because we went into Hetharo/Hethalon cycle that we were able to generate enough energy to do this. In Hetharo, we managed to pull one third of the electrical merkaba fields and planetary shields, also on the solar galactic level - what we did here shifted the solar galactic merkabas as well because they were linked together through this whole system. We were able to pull it into electrical flame body activation, and reset of the seven outer cells of the Christos seed atom. We are going to finish that part, which is the magnetic part, pulling the one third of our magnetic grids in. The two thirds are what we need to understand a little bit about. We‟re going to do our thing. It‟s going to be very much like what was done in Hetharo, but just on a the magnetics. The magnetic spiral is going to be the one going through all the stages, and we‟ll cover those again, probably tomorrow. We‟ll talk more about the phases of Hetharo. Hethalon will be very similar. There will be some extra things we are going to do to activate the Mahadra Adhrana frequencies. This is the mess that actually took place in the 2/3 portions of the planetary and galactic grids, that have metatronic coding, which is most of the grids unfortunately. When the two spirals go into same spin, you have a negative charge on this side, they went in same spin at 7 7/9 CCW with negative charge. A negative charge and negative charge repel each other. They push away from each other, the merkaba spirals that are supposed to be shaped like a merkaba fields. Normally they are shaped like this, but they are together these two, top and bottom, would be together, like that. When you put them on same spin, the first thing they do is reverse. They create a charge that pushes them apart from each other, and it breaks the kathara grid. The spirals push away from each other and one inverts and flips over, and then they reassemble on a twisted kathara grid to get negative and positive charges back to each other. Over here it was a negative and a negative charge pushed away from each other, and inverted the spirals. When the spirals inverted, they shifted - first they went into Phantom shift at 22.5, and then they went fully into the 9:4 shift of the what are the horizontal axis of the Solar Cross. So, this is what happened to 2/3 of the planetary and galactic merkaba fields during the May 27, 2003 Hetharo.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
Anyway, 2/3 of the planetary merkaba is in this condition. Same thing with the other one in parallel. Now we have the 34 vortex CCW in the particum universe. We have the 21 CW in the partike universe. These vortices have actually captured the natural merkaba fields. The natural merkaba fields used to be these, these bigger ones. These are natural biveca ones. They are supposed to be there. That‟s the alignment they are supposed to have. They‟ve captured the frequencies of them from D11 to D2, and shifted them into same spin spiral set compaction onto the Solar Cross horizontal axis, and the Blue Fire Sword initiation activated the parallel 3 to the Anti-Christos arc seed atom, to the regular 3 gate connection, the vertical axis. So, the Blue Fire Sword Initiation that we went through in Hetharo, the Blue Morning, was activation of this, and that brought these into activation. So now these merkabas are spinning in reverse. This one is at 34 CCW same spin spiral set, and the one over here is the 21 CW same spin spiral set. What they are going to be doing is fully coming together. The period of stasis between Hetharo and Hethalon was a period where the Blue Sword frequencies in the Solar Cross were progressively amplifying and activating, progressively beginning the process of bringing those two pyramidal vortices together, in order to activate the third Grand Cross. There‟s an activation Az wants to get done before we go, because we should have it in our fields before tonight, so it can stew overnight, as they say. In simple terms, this is what they are trying to form - where the last phase would be bringing those two vortices fully together, the 34 and the 21, around the 20 going on a CW 13 spin speed. It would take the pcm universe merkaba from this side over here, and the pka one over here and force them together. Remember, they are on a same spin spiral set. One is 34 same spin and one is 21 same spin. When you have same spin spiral sets and you don‟t have the natural currents running through the Ecka regulating them, the faster rotating vortex will overwhelm the slower rotating one, and it will turn it to its speed spin, and eat it, so the 34 and the 21 come together in pcm and pka, and the 34 overrides the 21, reverses it, and consumes it, and grows to become a 55 (34+21). There‟s another stage, and I have the mathematics all the way til they get down to the Wese on this side, we can go through later because it‟s on scrap paper right now. The first part in activating this monster is bringing it to the 55 rotation, where you get 55 same spin spiral set in the center, that used to be a little 34/21 same spin spiral set. But now it‟s grown to be 55. The two vortices have been pulled through each other and they form this capsule. It‟s like putting two pyramids together. It forms the pyramidal capsule here. That rotates, so it begins to form a vortex on its own. This capsule, I believe, spins at 34, and you have 55 at the center. What happens is the 55 overwhelms the 34, changes its rotation and draws it in. So the 55 eats the 34 and becomes the 89, and it progressively, as the thing grows, as the systems it moves through, it progressively eats energy that way, and expands itself. What it‟s doing is its expanding a black hole. But what it has around it - up here what used to be where the 7 is, is also arc gate 2. It breaks off arc gate 1, takes arc gate 2 to arc gate 11, and the Amorea Flame - this is what they are after. They are after the Amorea Flame Ecka lineups, the planetary one, the galactic one, etc. It spirals these energies together in a closed circuit radiation envelope, and this creates this field, and actually several of these form and it creates a dodecahedron by the spinning of the 55 in the center. And that 55 becomes 89, so it becomes a bigger dodecahedron, and the geometries keep growing out from there. But it looks like this little spaceship vehicle. This starts as the 55 shield. That‟s the vertical axis of the Solar Cross, or what used to be the Solar Cross, but now you‟ve got the Grand Cross. This is the Grand Cross - this is the vertical, and this is the horizontal. They are literally planning to take over the Arc of the Covenant. Once they do that, this thing is free to spin now. It‟s not locked in to a natural kathara grid. It will spin first CCW because of the rotations that were set. The 55 shield spins CCW and it will eat the 89 and still spin CCW. Down here it just shows you a little more clearly how those shapes come together to form that. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
You‟ve seen this monster before (graph). There‟s about six diagram sequences here. They all come through like this. We get them all on one, then you have to pick them apart to get the stages. That‟s how they translate off the plates. It‟s really strange. It‟s enough to drive you batty sometimes. But if we look at this one again. This is the veca from a different level. This was showing almost like a time line, the time rotation, where this is where Hetharo was May 27, 2003. That the axis we‟d be at, the natural axis. The axis of the veca started to shift here. Now in Hethalon, we are shifting over here. The next phase, it‟s actually going to do a full shift around to enter what‟s called the Bridge Zone. We‟re moving up into the Bridge Zone time cycle. When the axis shifts, it‟s not just our axis shifting like theirs broke off and shifted. This is the turning of the gates where the whole thing turns. It‟s like a _____. See the whole thing turns? This one will angle in this way, and this one will meet us down here. That‟s what we‟re doing here. The pcm and pka universes meet at this axis, and the parallel light fields do the opposite up here and they meet here, at this particular alignment, which is the Hethalon alignment. After Hethalon, it would be in about 2004, we would pass, and it‟s not going to do anything to us, we would pass over the Wesedrak black hole in the parallel system and come into alignment with that. This is what the metatronic people are creating their monster vehicle for. Once they create that Grand Cross external galactic merkaba field, and it comes into alignment here, this is where they planned to bring Wormwood in, to reverse the shield. (Tape change) Tape 4 (To Az) So, you do the honors. You did the work. You do the honors. It‟s so beautiful. This is the whole Krist code. It is the Veca Adhrana. This is all literally angelic script., and that‟s higher mathematical, really heavy stuff. You can actually burn your eyes if you look at it for too long. This part is the male part, the electrical, it spins clockwise. The outer part spins counterclockwise. There are different speed ratios for different purposes. I know the one thing they are going to have us do is at some point there are exercises, to induce this code, induce it into the shield. Just imagine it once you get done with the techniques that you‟re going to run through, imagine it in your maharic shield down below your feet. This is a code that is the full spectrum and manifestation wheel. And there are a lot of things to do with this that we‟re going to learn in other workshops. This is the one about getting it activate and giving the planet the capability of holding it. So, I‟m excited about this. I‟m also excited about seeing it in color. Sue has done such a lovely job with most of them, putting in the color for us, and God bless her. I hope it‟s not as hard as it looks. But, it will be coming. This is really special. The frequencies are. Anyway...I just wanted to let you know what you would see in that inner part, you have like a circle within like an Eckasha tip on it, that connected to arc 12? Well arc 12 would be circulating energy through this, and that was the wider circle around in that other diagram. So, that‟s what you were seeing. I didn‟t have time to reduce this down and stick one there in that diagram yet. That‟s my part of tonight, and Az is going to take you through his part, with the technique to begin activation of this. Az: The contribution you are about to be making to the whole game should be becoming more apparent to you, so like good professional indigo team members, what distinguishes a star is what you can do in the last ten minutes of the game. I‟m asking you for it now. This is a different kind of induction from the kind that we‟ve ever done before, which is consistent with the significant of the induction itself, but also in the application of the geomancy, when it‟s integrated fully, not just in the density one template, but we‟re going The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
to actually induce this all the way to the Ecka worlds. For that reason, we will be actually doing the induction with our Christos avatar personnas to the forefront. We‟re not simply going to do it here as George Smith, or Annabelle Brown, or anything like that. For that reason, the beloveds are suggested that we would need to work with the song of Lyra as the vehicle. The vehicle is an energetic one, but within it in a breathing. If you sing any song, a pop song, you‟re expelling breath as you sing, and then you draw breath, as you continue singing. It isn‟t crucial, but try to be aware of your breathing and you‟re expelling and drawing breath, as you perform the Song of Lyra. As you‟re breathing, you‟re breathing with the code and the code is breathing is you. It‟s a little longer than normal. I‟ll keep it short and to the point from this moment, but I just would like us all to really enjoy doing it and do it well. There is something that we need to develop a little about this code, and there will be more on the significance of it in historical terms. Az goes through the induction of the Mahadra Adhrana code.] Heliotalic Breathing of the Mahadra-Adhrana Code 1. 1 Breath easy, slow the breath, and Imagine or feel the Code centered in the Le-Teu-A at the Pineal. 2 Focus on a ball of, silvery pastel rainbow frequency, at Density 6 Ecka, VERTICALLY above the head. 3 Forcefully Inhale and then Exhale Heliotalic frequency into the Code & Le-Teu-A, 3 times, anchoring the mathematical program of the Code. 4 On the 3rd and final Exhale, push the Code (only) down to the AzurA, just below the Thymus. Repeat 2 and 3 above, focused at the AzurA. 5 On the 3rd, final Exhale, push the Code down to the E-Umbi, just below the Navel. Repeat 2 and 3 above, focused at the E-Umbi. 6 On the 3rd and final Exhale, push the Code up to the Rajna point in the Pineal area. Repeat 2 and 3 above, focused on the Rajna. 7 On the 3rd and final Exhale, push the Code down to the Mahadra at Earth‟s Core. Repeat 2 and 3 above, focused on the Mahadra. 8 On the 3rd and final Exhale, push the Code all the way up, through the Le-Teu-A and into Chakra 14, 36” above the head, forming an Emerald-Blue-Green and pastel silver rainbow Star-burst Crest. 9 Inhale and Exhale Heliotalic frequency Forcefully, 3 times within the Mahadra-Adhrana Emerald-GreenBlue pastel-silver –rainbow Star burst Crest. On the final Exhale, forcefully push the Adhrana Code-Crest down to the Mahadra at earth Core and rapidly-forcefully Inhale the Adhrana Code-Crest up to the AzurA, hold the breath for as long as comfortably possible, and Exhale forcefully pushing the Adhrana Code-Crest up to the Le-Teu-A at the Pineal. 10 Pause briefly, and take 3 forceful inhale-exhale breaths. Before the final, 3rd exhale, pause and build charge … before finally, forcefully, exhaling pushing the Mahadra-Adhrana Code simultaneously down to the AzurA and, from the AzurA point, out on the 6 point axis of the Lotus Petals grid through all the Densities to Density 6, Ecka level. (That night at the stand - August 12, 2003) Ash: I also got, while we‟re waiting for the proper time, on the way out, what the Eieyani would like us to do, for those who want to, on the way out, as we talked about before, do the pillar one, two, three, back to one
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
run, but if we could do this in single file, single file our way out. Make a train that walks the ley lines, single file. And just touch each post, and if you feel moved to you can sing the “Um Shaddai Ur-A.” We‟re going to code the stuff that we‟re setting here in the shield, into the grids. These are connected. I‟ve traced them at least to several places. One is to the edifice Spa, that sits over the seed atom, the metatronic seed atom down in town. The other place is several of the Gaudi places that we‟re going to see in Barcelona. Also Paris and Montsegur. So, whatever is under these, and whatever they are communicating with, they are part of a link up, and whoever found this site, thank you, because it needed help and it‟s willing to help us. This is a good site to transmit back to the spa in town the Christic codes that will help it with its release. If we can try to imagine that each of our bodies walking is literally an energy pillar, like we do in stands; this time we‟re doing like a snaking curving motion through the lines. So, we have about a minute to go. Um eh tah nE E DU rA etrah Three times It is now approaching 12:12. We‟re going to go out loud, three times. Um eh tah neE E DU rA etrah (Axis III) We‟re being asked to do a quiet chant of the Mahadra Ahdrana, just above the breath, just quietly to yourself over and over, and as you approach the pillar one, switch to Um Shaddai Ur. (Transcribe Disk 5, track 4, here) Next day, workshop - August 13th, 2003 Az reviews Technique A with us. Anchoring the Planetary and Solar-Galactic Mahadra-Adhrana Christos Wheel. PART A: Opening the Rishiac Eye- Activating the Adhrana Triangulation (Can be done in groups, with or without RRT format, or individually, in any location, ideally between 11:11 PM August 12th and 12:12 AM August 13th. or at some time between 11:11PM August 12 – 11:11PM August 15th. Activations strongest during ideal August 12-13 11:11PM-12:12AM period.) Preparation: Activate Lotus Bud and 24 ManA Lotus Breaths and run simple Optical-Pineal Induction of Mahadra-Adhrana Kristos Code. Sit or stand comfortably, eyes closed and call to mind the Mahadra-Adhrana Code, imagining its image positioned at the 6th Chakra on the inside of your forehead. INHALE slowly drawing both electrical and magnetic Heliotalic Current in on a VERTICAL AXIS from Chakra-14 36" above your head, into the AzurA at the Thymus Base, then EXHALE, using the Heliotalic frequency to form a grapefruit-sized Heliotalic Ball within the AzurA. INHALE another Heliotalic breath from Chakra-14, EXHALE the frequency into the Heliotalic Ball at the AzurA, then breath naturally while imagining the Heliotalic Ball rises upward from the AzurA, through your Central Vertical Current, and into the Pineal Gland Le-Teu-A at brain center. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
INHALE a Heliotalic breath from Chakra-14 down to the Pineal-Le-Teu-A, then EXHALE, using the Heliotalic frequency to form a small, egg-sized Heliotalic Egg within the Pineal- Le-Teu-A. Breath normally for several breaths with mental attention focused upon the egg-sized Heliotalic Egg at the Le-Teu-A. Now, INHALE and EXHALE slowly, while imagining that the 6-Point Lotus Breath flow is opening within the Heliotalic Egg at the Pineal-Le-Teu-A. Take 3 INHALE-EXHALE Lotus Breaths, on each EXHALE directing the Heliotalic frequency into the Lotus Flow with the Heliotalic Egg at the PinealLe-Teu-A. Return to gentle Lotus Breathing from the AzurA center, and imagine that the energized Heliotalic Egg at the Pineal-Le-Teu-A now begins to move slowly forward on a horizontal plane toward the Mahadra-Adhrana Code image you earlier imagined on the inside of your forehead at Chakra 6. Imagine or observe internally that the Heliotalic Egg moves slowly forward horizontally toward the Mahadra-Adhrana Code, but gently stops movement in a region of the brain called the Optic Chasm, before extending outward to the inside of the forehead. Continue gentle Lotus Breathing from the AzurA, and imagine or observe internally as the MahadraAdhrana Code on the inside of your forehead begins to move slowly toward and into the Heliotalic Egg stationed at the Optic Chasm. INHALE a Lotus Breath into the AzurA then EXHALE upward, expanding the EXHALE breath into the Mahadra-Adhrana-encoded Heliotalic Egg in the Optic Chasm. Return to gentle Lotus Breathing from the AzurA while imagining that the energized-encoded Heliotalic Egg now moves backward into the Pineal-Le-Teu-A, and is rapidly pulled down your Central Vertical Current into the Mahadra Cup waiting at the 13th Chakra in Earth Core. INHALE a Lotus Breath into the AzurA then EXHALE forcefully downward into the Heliotalic Egg within the Mahadra Cup in Chakra-13 Earth Core. INHALE forcefully and rapidly, using the INHALE Breath to draw the Heliotalic Egg upward, back into the Pineal- Le-Teu-A, then EXHALE slowly, gently pushing the encoded Heliotalic Egg horizontally forward back into the Optic Chasm position. Return to simple Lotus Breathing from the AzurA, while keeping mental attention on the Heliotalic Egg at the Optic Chasm. Imagine that the encoded Heliotalic Egg at the Optic Chasm begins to gently spin Clock-wise (towards the right) on its vertical axis, rapidly reaching critical mass spin speed and blurring until the Heliotalic Egg suddenly pops gently, expanding the Mahadra-Adhrana Code into the Optic Chasm. Continue gentle Lotus Breathing from the AzurA, and imagine or observe that the Mahadra-Adhrana Code at the Optic Chasm rapidly expands outward to become a Counter-clockwise spinning encoded Heliotalic Sphere within the entire brain structure inside of your head. Turn your mental attention to the Pineal-Le-Teu-A at the center of the brain, and observe that a horizontal tube of Heliotalic light has now opened between the Pineal-Le-Teu-A and the Optic Chasm. Now imagine that this horizontal tube of Heliotalic light bends downward, extending diagonally from both the Optic Chasm and Pineal-Le-Teu-A to a third point below and a bit forward from the Pineal-Le-Teu-A. This third point represents the Adhrana Center, the control center of the Hypothalamus. Imaging that the encoded sphere of Heliotalic light continues to rotate counterclockwise within the entirety of your brain, as the 3-point triangular tube of Heliotalic light, called the Adhrana Triangulation, grows brighter and stronger with Heliotalic intensity. INHALE a final Lotus Breath at the AzurA, the EXHALE forcefully, using the exhale breath to push
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
Heliotalic current up from the AzurA, into and through the Pineal-Le-Teu-A, then horizontally forward through the Heliotalic tube into the Optic Chasm point of the Adhrana Triangulation. Return to gentle Lotus Breathing from the AzurA and imagine, or observe, that the Optic Chasm point of the Adhrana Triangulation now expands to become a small eye-ball-sized sphere, the TRUE Rajhna "Inner Rishiac Eye" or "3rd Eye". Imagine that the Inner Rishiac eyeball at the Optic Chasm Adhrana Triangulation point flashes quickly an image of the Mahadra-Adhrana Code, which then quickly disappears, revealing within the Rishiac Eye images of scenes or information revealed to you by your Christiac-Rishiac Identity. Return to normal relaxed breathing and open your eyes. Ash:I find that absolutely fascinating that it worked out in the way where you ended up taking the notes, because what we wanted you to do was have exercise to work with tonight, because this is the beginning of learning to link to the shield with each other, so you don't have to be physically present with each other all the time. Ma'a is with me and he's doing a little chuckle, almost like that was arranged. what I'm getting on this - I didn't even know anything about that. I knew that if Az couldn't get the copies, he was going to ask if you wanted to do that, so you would have. I noticed this too - most of the drafts, or any of this stuff you see that we produce, always comes through handwritten first. it is very difficult for some reason to translate into typeset, into a computer or a keyboard. it comes through in little scribbled handwriting. I was told a long time ago in my process, cause I‟m always complaining about it, if I could just get the first run down on the computer, it would go much faster, and I've been told for a long time, that yes, but you wouldn't remember it, because you're not embedding it in your own first, second and third strands, as much as you are when you're running it through the whole body. when you take down something, when you write, you're engaging the fourth chakra and the pineal gland together. you're encoding it more fully in cellular memory. So this obviously was somebody up there's arrangements, that you would end up going through this and end up with a copy anyway. we never would have put you through that if we knew we 'd have a copy. i appreciate your patience, and hopefully you can appreciate what the exercise about. that's what Ma'a's saying. It encodes it more. Another thing - there's something I didn't know we were going to talk about, that Ma'a is bringing through right now. He's talking about the codes in general. If you want to expedite your activation of your DNA and all of the parts of yourself that you're trying to get into body, you can - and we're getting to a point where I think we're going to put out a coloring book for grownups, or for kids - if you work with the codes - you take them in black and white, and color them, or trace them, particularly if you trace, trace the lines, train your hand and your eyes and your pineal, and your LeTua and your Adhrana, to remember how to make the shapes. The more you do that, the more you're actually imbuing yourself with those frequencies, so the faster your activations will take in the physical body itself. So, I guess that was a little lead-in to some exercises later that we'll be getting into, probably tomorrow. when it pops up like that spontaneously, it usually has something to do with the techs that we're going to do the next day. Anyway, I appreciate your patience and your good-natured - ok, we're willing to do that. Hopefully, there will be a reward behind that. there's a thing that happens with the technique that you just did. Before we got the tech, that we just got today - literally, that's why we're running late because it was running through - 16 steps. Wait - we're interrupting this broadcast, is what I'm getting. There is something coming through now. Alright. Explain why you're doing this now. Alright. Pardon me, I'm on line here. There's something happening with what I'm going to be describing to you, about what we're participating in the grid activations that are taking place. There's an infusion coming in now of the heliothalics, that has to do with a certain spin speed that the Mahadra Adhrana has reached, is beginning to reach. There's an exercise - I don't know what it is yet - it's going to come through live - those who would like to participate - it's some kind of focusing meditation. I'll bring this in while it's available. I'm going to sit down for this one, because I don't know what it is.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
It's kind of like, anyone who wants to do this now , they'll explain later, including us. Alright. Now, Visualize the place that we were, where we conducted the energy work, where we conducted the rounds. was there anybody who didn't go up to the place with the three pillars? Oh good. You were all there. We're being asked to visualize this place now. Visualize it in the evening setting. This has to do with the chamber of secrets. That I remember from Cathar days. That particular site we'll get into a little bit more later about what it's important, why it was used as the access site to the position down here in the city, which is that large lovely edifice that covers the spa, that big large building, the spa building. That is literally built over the arc center point, the AzurA of the Arc of the Covenant gates on the planetary level, and that is the point where the Grand Cross solar spirals will intersect with Earth to activate the Earth grids and the solar galactic shield, both will activate the Metatronic codes together. It's also the place where the natural seed atom, the natural Christiac seed atom would be, for the planetary level of the arc gate seed atom. The reason we used the three pillar site, and the three pillars don't have anything to do with our guys. that was somebody else's, let's say, receiving station, that was put up there in the form of art work display. Directly across from that, if we can remember where pillar number two was. Remember how we walked the lei lines? We started with one and went to two and went to three, right? Now, if you were back where we made the stand today, and you were looking directly at pillar two, and then there was that three way cross of mountains right behind it, and there was a strange fissure that looked almost like something with wings. That area, I had an experience with it the night we were there, and I knew something was up with it. This has to do with that. There is an access portal opening there, because of the heliotalics. It has to do with this group's history, that goes back to Atlantis and before but primarily it is focused in the Cathar days, that this particular group has very strong Cathar connections. There was a secret passage used, and it was activated specifically to assist in the saving of some of the Cathar gene lines who were being destroyed at Montsegur. The area where that passage opens is in that particular configuration of those three little mountains coming together, right behind pillar two. In fact, Pillar two is aligned with it. They are starting to show me a diagram. I don't know if it is for tomorrow or the next level of grid work. It has to do with this place, and with Andorra, and the fact that the natural AC Christos seed atom also lives here, under that funny building. If you picture the seed atom in the center of a kathara grid, where it exists in the AzurA point, and then imagine it forms a merkaba, a biveca merkaba around it, the six points are places as well. This particular one aligns with pillar two up there. It's one of those six points. Those six points are portal access gates. I remember a long time ago, I knew how all these worked, but my memory files have been dormant for a long time. I think it's on security seal cause we're not going to get the full thing now. We have been told there will be a time, I don't know when, that we'll be asked to come back to Andorra specifically because of that place, and hopefully that maybe we could find a way, if we could do camping on that mountain, or something, where we could get our bodies physically present more in its space, that where the three pillars are, but where those three mounts come together and what's on the other side of them and what's in between, that you don't see. The energy that they're asking us - it was like, literally, excuse me, interrupt this broadcast. this is coming in now, so we would like you to pick it up while you have the chance. There's a healing energy - I thought it was going to take place while we were up there. (Sorry we're late, Ma'a says). Anyway, there is a healing frequency that is being released. It is heliotalic, and it is being released because these sites are now activating because of the gridwork we've done up there. The energy that is being released from there - I get a little tiny dose of it the evening we were up there. The mountain talked to me. I know mountains are conscious. Everything is conscious. I'm used to, even from when I was small, hearing things that most people think don't talk, talk. The hardest thing were refrigerators. they really don't have much of a coherent consciousness (laughter). Something about what they are made of doesn't talk to itself even well. but most things, you can establish a telepathic rapport with. you have The receivers, The translators inside of you, that will allow you to translate that into your own language, whatever their consciousness is sending. I wasn't looking for that last night. I simply was just very The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
drawn over in that direction to pillar two, and I just kind of stood there, and I saw this area in The dark, it was (up to here with transcription) [This section of the workshop was not taped properly on my tapes and will be transcribed from the discs] Tape 5a (waiting for CD) Tape 5b (first part poor quality, waiting for CD) Az goes through technique with us: Anchoring The Planetary and Solar-Galactic Mahadra-Adhrana Christos Wheel. 21. PART C: Releasing The Solar Cross Andromeda Implant Clearing The Eumbi Band with The Silver-Black Wave Infusion (Can be done just prior to, during or any time following The August 15, 2003 “Day-3” Planetary Andromeda Activation Silver-Black Wave Infusion (D10 BT/D11 OT)) Preparation: Anchoring The Planetary and Solar-Galactic Mahadra-Adhrana Christos Wheel- PART A: Opening The Rishiac Eye- Activating The Adhrana Triangulation and PART B: Releasing The Solar Cross Orion ImplantClearing The Adhrana Band with The Blue-Black Wave Infusion 1. Sit or stand comfortably, eyes closed and call to mind The Mahadra-Adhrana Code, imagining its image positioned at The 6th Chakra on The inside of your forehead. 2. INHALE slowly drawing both electrical and magnetic Heliotalic Current in on a VERTICAL AXIS from Chakra-14 36” above your head, into The AzurA at The Thymus Base, then EXHALE, using The Heliotalic frequency to form a grapefruit-sized Heliotalic Ball within The AzurA. 3. INHALE another Heliotalic breath from Chakra-14, EXHALE The frequency into The Heliotalic Ball at The AzurA, then breath naturally while imagining The Heliotalic Ball moving downward to The Mahadra Cup in Chakra-13 Earth Core. 4. Take a series of 3 rapid INHALE/EXHALE Heliotalic Lotus Breaths from The Heliotalic Ball in The Mahadra Cup, then INHALE one further Lotus Breath and HOLD to build charge. 5. EXHALE forcefully, directing The Heliotalic frequency into The Heliotalic Ball in The Mahadra Cup, while imagining or observing that The Heliotalic Ball within The Mahadra Cup pops, releasing a brilliant Heliotalic Starburst into The Mahadra Cup. 6. Return to gentle Lotus Breathing and observe that The inside of The Mahadra Cup slowly begins to glow with a deep Silver-Black liquid light, until The entire Mahadra Cup is filled. 7. INHALE a Heliotalic Lotus Breath into The AzurA, then forcefully EXHALE The breath downward into The Mahadra Cup, observing as The Heliotalic frequency forms a Heliotalic Egg around The entire Mahadra Cup. 8. INHALE a Lotus Breath from The Mahadra Cup, using The Inhale breath to draw The entire Mahadra Cup up through The Central Vertical Current to The Eumbi Point just below The navel. EXHALE, using The Exhale breath to release The Mahadra Cup within The Heliotalic Ball into The Eumbi Point Celestite Crystal Core. 9. Taking gentle Lotus Breaths now from The Eumbi Point, imagine that there is an Electric Blue Metallic ROD extending on a horizontal plane within your body, from Kathara Center-3 (right) to
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
12. 13. 14. 15.
Kathara Center-4 (left), and running directly through The Eumbi Core Crystal; this is The unnatural Eumbi Band created by The Metatronic Solar Cross Andromeda Implant. INHALE a Lotus Breath into The Eumbi Core, using The Inhale breath to push The Mahadra Cup within The Heliotalic Egg, (still stationed within The Eumbi Crystal), into alignment along The shaft of The Eumbi Band within The Eumbi Core Crystal. EXHALE forcefully into The Mahadra Cup/Heliotalic Egg, and observe as The Heliotalic frequency from The Exhale breath splits into two directions as it enters The center of The Mahadra Cup/ Heliotalic Egg, one current of frequency running through The Eumbi Band Rod to right and into Kathara Center-3, The other current running through The Eumbi Band to The left and into Kathara Center-4. INHALE a forceful Lotus Breath into The AzurA Point, then EXHALE forcefully, pushing a line of Heliotalic current down The LEFT arm and into The LEFT palm. Return to gently Lotus Breathing from The Eumbi, and bring your left hand down your side to The Kathara Center-4 position. INHALE a Lotus Breath into The Azura, then EXHALE forcefully, pushing Heliotalic current downward and into The Mahadra Cup/Heliotalic Egg at The Eumbi Core Crystal Center. Breath gentle Lotus Breaths, while imagining that your left hand is now slowly and gently pulling The Eumbi Band Rod out from The side of your body on a horizontal plane.
When you sense that The tip of The Eumbi Band Rod that had been fixed into Kathara Center3 on The right has emerged now from The left side of your body as your left hand has drawn The Eumbi Band Rod out, imagine you are holding The Eumbi Band Rod in your left hand as you lift and extend your left arm out horizontally at shoulder level. When your arm is in position, release The Eumbi Band Rod and imagine that a Heliotalic spark suddenly appears at its center, making The Eumbi Band Rod disappear. 17. Take several, gentle, relaxing Lotus Breaths and open your eyes. The Metatronic Eumbi Band Rod Andromeda implant has now been removed. 18. Stand now and stretch upward, with arms raised over your head and sense The small inner dimensional Merkaba Fields that had been pulled into vertical compaction by The Eumbi Band Rod, now expanding vertically back into their natural positions. 19. Take a physical “Walk About” immediately, while imagining that Heliotalic current with DarkSilver liquid light at its center, begins rushing down your legs and into Chakra-13 as you walk. Continue walking at a comfortable pace for at least 10 minutes, taking occasional momentary breaks to stretch The legs if they begin feeling stiff or “prickly”, or if you sense internal swelling developing within your knees and/or ankles. The “Walk-about” is ESSENTIAL to prevent residual Eumbi Band Rod “metallic fragment” energies from lodging within The body. 20. After at least 10 minutes of comfortable walking, stop, sit down, stretch legs gently, and begin gentle Lotus Breathing. Then Imagine your Mahadra Cup within a Heliotalic Egg still within The center of The Eumbi Point Core Crystal. 21. INHALE a final Lotus Breath from The Eumbi, then EXHALE, using The Exhale breath to forcefully push The Mahadra Cup/Heliotalic Egg back down to its natural Chakra-13 Earth Core position. The Heliotalic Egg surrounding The Mahadra Cup will slowly dissipate on its own. Note: If you cannot walk due to physical disability or medical reasons, you may still use this technique but it is essential to conduct it with a partner who can gently but firmly massage one leg, as you massage The The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
other, during The “Walk-about” period. It is essential that this massage continue without interruption for AT LEAST 30 minutes, to ensure sufficient clearing of Metatronic Eumbi Band Rod energy “fragments”. If massage of legs, due to skin or muscle damage, is not possible, massage (again with partner for simultaneous work on both legs) of The Etheric Body about 1 inch above The skin can be substituted. So, make your way over to The Caldea center. If you have your Mahadra code take it with you. Otherwise, just call it to mind when you get over there. (We went on a walk to The Caldea spa and put The code in The waters there) If everyone back from The walk? Ok, good. At a certain point, I surrender. When I am taking downloads of information, I just have to say, fine, whatever, I‟m supposed to get it, it‟s there, it‟s not there, I got this piece, where‟s The next piece? That‟s what my evening was like and part of my morning. But we got what we need. I don‟t know if any of you have ever tried to put together anything on paper that requires graphs and typesetting and all that stuff. This does not happen overnight. You don‟t wiggle your nose like Samantha in Bewitched and there it is. We‟ve done our best to get you paperwork to go with The graphs. They are very rough, as you see. We have some more graphs, if I can also find out where The ones that went out this morning are. Are they up there, Jane? Yes! Now, there were two that I‟m probably going to save for toward The end, because they wrap up some very interesting things, as far as validating The reality of what we‟re going through. I‟m sure you probably all heard by now about what‟s happening in New York City, and Canada, and parts of The Eastern U.S. The electrical grids went down. Twenty-one power stations went completely out. In fact, they are still not repaired. This happened at our time 10:10 last night. Interesting numbers, aren‟t they? When you translate them back over there, it‟s 4:10-4:13 when they sent The pulses. That‟s arc 4. Manhattan‟s arc 4. We‟ll get back to this information at The end. Because I want to do is spend The rest of our time together exploring what we‟re working on inside of our bodies right now. Because The stellar wave infusions that we‟ve been catching The waves to try to help clear certain things in The body that are part of The metatronic system, that we wouldn‟t be able to clear otherwise if it weren‟t for The waves coming through, The stellar wave infusions. I would like you to see some of what that anatomy looks like, and what we‟re working to clear from our bodies. There are two more techniques that can‟t be used until tomorrow. They won‟t activate until tomorrow. That‟s day four. That‟s where we get a maharic and keerashay/kundaray infusion. In order to do full flame body, to connect with The Golden Fleece Host to do full flame body, planetary and solar galactic, you need to go higher than just The density three. You have to make The full pillar. What it‟s going to mean is, on a planetary level, and on a galactic level, we are going into full, what would be level 12 maharic seal. It also means that in this four day period, you‟ll have full activation of The Four Faces of man LPIN system, and also The Great White Lion, and reclamation of a third of The Golden Eagle. So these are The APIN systems that run these frequencies and allow for The anchoring of The Golden Fleece, and The opening of The Arc of The Covenant. What we‟re moving through right now is HUGE. What‟s hard for me is I wish I had three years to prepare for this, so I would have it all nice, from point A to point B. There are five things I was hoping to get finished as far as long typed stuff, that you can take with you. There‟s no way I‟m going to be able to get that stuff done. It would take me three days to finish it. And when we get things, especially for people that are new with us there are a few new people with us - I appreciate your patience and I hope you understand that we end up with this Guardian time thing happening, it‟s not because Az and I want it to, it‟s because we have to wait, and sometimes The Guardians have to wait for The right frequency lines to come through to give The info0rmation. So, it‟s not that we‟re irresponsible, or that we don‟t have any respect for your time. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
Tape 6 We have seen this one already, and I want to refresh your memory just briefly, what that looks like. This is The biveca map showing The monster machine that they are attempting to create. I just want you to visually touch base with this again. Remember these two spiral sets coming together from that. We‟ve explored this a bit as far as The planetary and solar galactic level. This is a relationship with kathara grids; that applies to The microcosm and macrocosm. That means this applies to your bodies too. We‟ve gone through before, in Hetharo, I‟ll go through those graphs pretty quick, we‟ve gone through understanding The multiple levels of kathara grids that operate in our physical anatomy or in our elemental body, mental body, emotional, and in our density level kathara grid, and up to The next density you have a set of three plus one. So, what does this thing do inside of that? What does it do to your merkaba field? If we can understand this, we can understand why we‟re using these techniques. Because we‟ll get a vision of what it is we‟re trying to clear out of our systems. Because even though we‟ve gotten our flame bodies, with The help of The Golden Fleece, activated enough where we‟re not going to go into full reversal, there‟s still a part of The internal merkaba structure that did go into reversal. The only reason it‟s not going in The rest is because we‟re running enough of The Golden Fleece and The heliothalics to make up The difference. But we still have this extra tacked on piece of ourselves that was reversed. We‟re still carrying it. That‟s The piece that needs to let go if we‟re going to be able to heal and keep up with The natural wave infusions that are coming now. But also, with The progressive escalation of what it means to move into The Bridge Zone in The universal flame body. One of The first things we have to work on is this purging, The metatronic shield. The part of our shields that have been damaged and began The metatronic inversion process. We‟ll also give you a glimpse of what‟s happening with people who have become fully metatronic. The difference with them is they wouldn‟t have a flame body that‟s holding The rest of The integrity in The rest of The merkaba fields. They will have their entire merkaba field having gone in this direction. So, I just wanted you to remember what that looks like. On The planetary and galactic level, that is The Beast machine that forms in The solar cross alignment coming into The grand cross alignment, down The center, and that is The black hole machine. When we get into The body, you can remember we have a density level kathara grid, and inside of that, we have a D3 mental body kathara gird, and here we have The D2 emotional body, and here‟s The D1 monadic one. So there is this embedding of kathara grids, and that implies, wherever you see a kathara girds, it means there‟s a merkaba field around it. And it also means there‟s an AzurA at The center. They all line up, at The AzurA point. When we get into The levels of merkaba, that is our density level merkaba that forms - that is The natural configuration of your merkaba field, how it‟s supposed to align. That would be your north axis, where your head it. This would be your left/right axis, that would be south. When we get into The Beast machine, and The parts of our field that have succumbed in this lifetime and other lifetimes too to The metatronic code, it completely changes that orientation. That was our density level merkaba. I‟m going to show you what happens to each one of these. There‟s that level on The density level. There‟s your D3 mental body level. There‟s The next merkaba in. Every one of these merkabas will carry The configuration you‟re about to see. The D2. They get smaller and smaller. Right down to D1. Every one of those carries a configuration - now here‟s a graph you saw that we didn‟t cover too much, but I think you have it in writing, and someday you might be able to read it, once I get it type set - but this part of this graph reveals something. What it reveals is what happens to The kathara grid structure when The top spiral and bottom spiral end up on The same spin spiral set. They push apart, break The staff, and then The staff flips, and The other side that has The other polarity pulls together. Meanwhile, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
they shift from The natural vertical axis over to The metatronic axis. What it does with The kathara grid, once it splits, and then The spirals invert - they come back together to form another merkaba field, an inverted one. The number alignments that used to be your natural kathara centers completely changed. You end up with The kathara center six shield and The kathara center seven shield being split, so you get half of one here and half of one here. Half of six here, half of seven here, half of six here, half of seven here. You end up with what used to be The number two kathara center up here at The top of that merkaba, and The 11 that used to be in The pineal, down at The bottom. At The center, you have what used to be your eight and your five kathara centers forced together into The metatronic bond, where it becomes The 13 seed atom. Over here, you end up with kathara center four and nine, and three and ten, being forced together. It‟s interesting if you look at this, cause if you add these up, they come out to 13 (4+9, 10+3, 6+7, 11+2). They are all meant to run - that is a self-contained finite merkaba field. Eventually it will compact itself to The point where it implodes, but it can take a long time, especially if done on a galactic level, where you‟ve hijacked The galaxy. Now one of these - this would be The particum universe side - has it‟s corresponding part on The anti-particle universe side. This applies to The planet and The galactic shield, but also to your own body. You have an anti-particle double somewhere over there in The parallel universe. And through this process of The planetary grids and The galactic grids being forced together this way, you are actually are being forced together and so is your parallel with you. Your energy fields are being pushed together. This configuration, when you put it into The body, looks like this. Not just one of these - see, this used to be your natural top spiral and that used to be your vertical axis. Well, The vertical axis, it shifted over this way, and The top spiral is actually what becomes The bottom spiral, when you get that reversal of kathara center two and eleven. That same number configuration is what forms this. You have The half six and half seven there. You have The four and nine there. You have The ten and three there. You have The other half of seven and six there. You have The five and eight seed atom, that forms The 13 seed atom. It also gives you The configuration in your merkaba field in each level it looks like this. We have this in our fields. We need to stop these vortices. Because eventually, our bodies will feel like we are being ripped apart from The fact that this thing is pulling in one direction and The natural flame body merkaba is trying to keep it in another direction. We have been experiencing progressive activation of this since Hetharo, because that‟s when that part of The fields that shifted into Metatronic reversal took on this configuration. Now, once that happens, what they‟re trying to do in Hethalon, and it‟s not just with The planetary and galactic level, but it would also effect your fields too. This would be The 34 same spin spiral set CCW. That would be fused to The other one, in The other spiral from The parallel, The 21 CW. And this is where you start to get The sacred geometries they talk about. We have dodecahedrons forming, and that kind of thing. We showed how The two spirals came together and through each other to form The capsule in The middle when The Grand Cross alignment happens. So, this was combing with another one, actually, and it begins to form an encapsulation of energy all The way around it. It‟s literally off The grids at that point. It becomes an energy sucking machine. It can suck energy from The grids around it, but it‟s not directly connected to them. It can‟t pull energy naturally from The organic spirals. It has to have reversed energy. It has to reverse energy in order to consume it. So, this is right now, if it were to continue, it would begin to create health problems, particularly for indigos, and also for humans, but particularly for indigos, because we run frequency, higher and a lot stronger than your average human template. We have more DNA coding, more shield coding, and that means more frequencies come into our bodies on a regular basis. When we begin to activate, we activate faster. That‟s why we need to get it out of our systems as soon as possible.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
The implants that we‟ve been removing with these techniques, they couldn‟t have been given before, because they‟re dependent on The specific combination and intensity of frequencies that come in with The wave infusions. If a planet hasn‟t had a particular stellar wave infusion yet, you can‟t pull that frequency out of The planet. If The galactic shield hasn‟t had it, you can‟t pull it into The galaxy until The galactic shield opens and The planet can get it, and then we can get it down here. Now, indigos have The ability to interface up above, both of those shields. Indigos can, under certain circumstances, bring in something that‟s not here yet. It usually tends to fry your system if you do. That‟s why they don‟t usually have us do that. We wait until it comes, and we get it first. The indigo shield will pick it up first. The technique you did today, I‟m getting this now. They‟re telling me that before we leave tonight, they would like give a preliminary for The first activation for tomorrow. We don‟t know if we‟re going to have time to get The things typeset. One came through live and we‟re going to have to go back and get it type set. They are all going to end up on The internet, because they can be used during, some of them, just prior, or any time after The stellar wave infusion. So, The people that aren‟t here will be able to use these techniques, and they are all going to be posted and available once we catch up with The backlog of all The typesetting stuff that has to be done. Because believe me, it wouldn‟t help you if you saw The notes that comes through. I can‟t read them either. For a while, I can have it cause The frequency is still here. But, this is what we‟re combating in our bodies, and it‟s been a combat. Fortunately, most of us haven‟t experienced too much with it since Hetharo. It could have been a lot worse, but The Golden Fleece buffer field has made a huge difference in our bodies, in our abilities to hold health, and all of that. So, this didn‟t get The best of us before Hethalon got here. Hethalon is here, and we‟re actually through The Hethalon phase, and we‟re now into day 3 of The particle conversion period. We have a major black out in North America, and we had an earthquake in Greece. Not too bad. Interesting that it‟s in Greece, cue site 7. The reason it hasn‟t been fire and brimstone, asteroids called Wormwood coming flying out of The sky, all The wacky stuff that actually I think a lot of people were looking forward to. Like, get it over with, yeah, let‟s get it going. Because we have been harnessed these things in The new age movement for ages now, for at least 20 years. Everybody has been promising, we‟re waiting waiting waiting. There is a song by Sarah McLaughlin. There‟s a line in it: Will The change come while we‟re waiting? Everybody‟s waiting. Anyway... we have been waiting for these changes, and The changes are so subtle right now. It‟s almost like a letdown. There‟s some evidence out there so far. The reason it‟s been this way is because of The buffer field. The Golden Fleece buffer field would not have activated if it hadn‟t been for The people participating with this work. It is this work that has brought that ability here, The codes that we‟ve been putting into The grids, even if we weren‟t sure what we were doing. Like a lot of people say, ok, I just got here, well, I bought The book, and I didn‟t quite read it. You know, cause it‟s a requirement for The next level. Is it ok if I am here? (Laughs) Here... stare at this cross-eyed, inhale, and blow it down to earth‟s core. Ok, you know, like sure. I‟ll go along. So, there‟s a lot of us, as we‟ve moved through this very rapid period of learning since particularly Sept. 2000, it‟s almost like you‟ll figure it out later. You know there‟s something to it and you just don‟t get why something is being done or what it means or how The pieces connect but it still feels right. At least The doing isn‟t hard. It‟s The understanding what it is you‟re doing that takes all The brain work, and all The paper work as well. So, we‟ve done something amazing here. If it weren‟t for The people who trusted themselves, trusted The feelings that they got from The work, and maybe later trusted The two of us, because it was never about The The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
two of us. We were just messengers. We just brought The information here. We never played guru. We never tried to say, follow us, we‟ll save you. None of that nonsense. But because of this, The changes that are going on right now are taking place in a gentle manner. As we progress, we have a lot of changes in our templates that are happening. There‟s going to be a separation in our bodies of that metatronic merkaba field and The shield that goes with it. Because, if not, we wouldn‟t be able to hold even in The Golden Fleece a progressive activation of The higher levels of The flame body, as we progress up into The Bridge Zone frequency. The Bridge Zone is a time pulse, and time pulses direct The function of The body, The molecules, atoms, electrons, protons, all of those things. And what is going to be happening on The planet is The time pulse is going to be progressively accelerating, but in a gentle manner. It‟s going to be accelerating in The part of The grids that are going into The Bridge Zone. It‟s also going to be accelerating in The metatronic part. But they are going to be accelerating in completely different rhythms, and they are going to begin pulling apart. What we‟re moving into looks like The calm before a potential storm phase. Be glad now that it‟s been boring, nothing flying through The sky, things being flattened. It‟s been really peaceful, everything‟s still going on. Somebody lost their electricity. That‟s really one of The biggest things we‟ve seen. We‟ll talk about that a little bit later, because it‟s directly connected to what has been happening. It‟s also directly connected to The pulse that we felt yesterday, The interference pulse that was coming through. It‟s demonstrating something, The fact that that blackout took place. You‟ll see why later and what The connection is. But, it‟s demonstrating that The UIR are indeed attempting to override what are doing and what The Anunnaki are doing. That pulse was aimed at The metatronic seed atom here. I believe they are trying to force it together. Because right now, it‟s in a hold pattern in The Golden Fleece buffer field. It separated, but The Golden Fleece buffer field is holding it together. If they can hit it a certain way and try to overwhelm The Golden Fleece buffer field just long enough, they can force it back together again, and that is a similar thing to what they did when they were able to get through The Mahadra Adhrana, as it was partially on The galactic level back in 13,400 BC. That‟s how they got The safety shields down here in order to do The phaselock on The merkaba fields and all that. It‟s a possibility, but at this point, The amount of frequency they would have to generate just to do this, because we‟re doing it on The universal level now, not just The galactic - it could cause a lot of damage. Not only to here, to this place, but to their systems as well. I don‟t know, and The beloveds don‟t know yet how far they plan to go with this. They are initiating it, but there is a time period involved. Right now, The planetary shields and The galactic shields are not running The frequencies of The flame bodies and The Arc of The Covenant gates and The Golden Fleece at their highest capacity. We‟re progressively building that. So The chance of them getting through to change what is happening here is getting less and less by The minute, literally. So, this may have been their one attempt, and hoping it would work, and it didn‟t. So hopefully, they will go away. They haven‟t in 250 billion years (laughs). There will probably be so more covert action, trigger events as we tend to refer to them. The 911 thing that happened when they took out The Trade Towers. The buildings just happened to be at The wrong place at The wrong time. They needed to activate The APIN grids underneath them that are connected to The Phi-Ex network. What they just did over there, and what caused The blackout over there, was an activation pulse through The Phi-Ex network, that came from The HAARP network, and it‟s connections to The black hole system. So, I‟ll show you in a little while, The alignments, The solar cross alignments, as they appear on The planet. But also, a fascinating chart - this one took a while to figure out where it was, where The angles were, but thanks to Kevin and Noel, they did some research - because we asked, if that is an alignment, you would think it might The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
show in The planetary alignments. The solar cross is here, and I know The astrologists have something they call a solar cross, but I know that‟s not it. I don‟t even know what The astrologists have. I never liked astrology. I always knew it was Nibiruan and I just didn‟t want to get into it. So, I asked if they could find out where The positions of The planets were for August 12-15. It took me a while to find The triangulations, to find where it was. But once it was there it was so obvious, oh, it‟s right there. What we‟ve shown with The vortices and The pyramidal vortex alignments and The solar cross alignments, can be seen, literally in The configuration of The stars for August 12-15. There‟s also a song, The Age of Aquarius song. “When The moon is in The 7th house, and Jupiter is aligned with Mars...” Well, Jupiter aligned with Mars. But that‟s not The big one. That helps to anchor The 666 seed atom we talked about before. Through that alignment, which happens to be in The Age of Aquarius, it‟s actually there. It‟s up in The planets right now. So this is some of The first “proof.” So, it‟s kind of interesting to realize, and I am grateful to Noel and Kevin for finding that information. We just basically said, “can you find out where The planets are?” Not for astrology, for astronomy. So, we have a graph that shows that. Then we have a graph that shows how The solar cross activates on Earth, where The positions are, and that will bring us to understanding what‟s going on over in North America right now, and it actually has come across here, both The Earthquake that happened on The morning of The 14 th, and The blackout that happened on The evening of The 14th, were directly connected to this. And right in The middle of that was The pulse we felt moving through. It wasn‟t our guys‟ pulse. It wasn‟t The natural gate pulse. We‟re hoping, and they don‟t know, they can‟t give us an answer, because I‟ve asked, what are they going to do next? They are watching. They are in a position of monitoring at this point, because they are not sure what action they are going to take. The Anunnaki League are actually doing The watching for The Guardians, pretty much, because they have more “ins.” They have a better “spy network” to get into The UIR.” They have some grids that are coded to their grids that they can use to find out. But we‟re actually, kind of like, on call, to find out what is next with these guys? I talked about a little bit in The orientation that there may come a time when it will be hard for us to be together, to do anything, and that will be The time for each of us to get our particular part of that mass awakening, when you just realize why you learned what you learned, and you‟ll be glad you learned it when you did. Because if you had tried to learn it when it was needed right in front of your face, there wouldn‟t have been time to learn it. So, what you‟re doing now, The healing you‟re giving your body, The protection you‟re giving yourself, by going into flame body with The part of The planet that is going into The Bridge Zone. You‟re giving yourself a gift that down The road a bit you‟ll appreciate more. That road could be anywhere from two days to ten years long. I don‟t know. It will probably be - you may be able to, even at this point appreciate that we‟re (something‟s coming in).... I don‟t know what they are going to say. Just hold on. As it comes through my head, I will hear what it is, and you‟ll hear it as it comes in. Ma‟a is asking us to consider for a moment The position that we‟re in right now, in relation to context. We look at our world, and it‟s doing it‟s thing as it‟s been doing for ages now, and look at the amount of people that are out there. You entered a space of having a level of knowledge, of information that is completely different from what most people out there know. It would take them probably quite a long time to get it. How long did it take you? It‟s been a couple of years now. It‟s been one step after The other. There was a huge body of knowledge to get to The point where any of us could understand what was happening today. We had to learn about kathara grids. We had to learn about merkabas. We had to learn about all sorts of stuff, including tons and tons of history. And it was history a lot of us would much preferred to be different. It would have been so nice to know Archangel Michael was a good guy. It would have been nice to know that it was The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
all peaceful and loving here, that this was just The wakening we‟ve always been promised and everybody is going to go off and smell flowers together and hold hands and sing songs. We‟ve gone through a lot of tests in this period. It is The information age, if you‟ve noticed. We‟ve gone through tests. This information challenged our belief systems, challenged everything we thought was real, or thought we knew. And for some reason, we still came back. There were tests that were put here a long time ago. Remembering all The other guys (?), tests they did not think The races here after they got done with them, would be able to pass. They figured it would be a cake walk... like no problem, they are all like oblivious, and 99% asleep and mutated. They are not going to be a problem at all. We‟ll, we‟ve become a problem, and that‟s good. There‟s a race line here that‟s being resurrected from an almost permanent near death experience. Since 25,500 BC we have been in a species near death experience, and nobody knew for sure if it was going into a complete bardoh if it was going to come back. Right now, The people who listen to this information and resonate with it, who feel it and work with it, and care about it, say, I might be a little out there compared to what other people think, but it feels right. It makes sense. Look at The other stuff that people teach - it‟s like, ok... what‟s that connected to? They don‟t connect The dots. They don‟t show you context. At this point, you‟re carrying knowledge that was originally yours, and this is just The beginning of it. There‟s a lot more knowledge that eventually we‟ll learn, but we don‟t have to quite learn so fast anymore. It‟s going to slow down once these changes lock in. Because The big hoorah is actually over. Now, that doesn‟t mean that The outer manifestation of The big hoorah is over. It simply means The big changes, we‟re moving through them right now. They will primarily finish with gate four tomorrow. Then we‟ll have a simple job for those who want to do gridwork, of resetting The Reusha pillars, and there will be a little bit of gridwork involved with that because it helps The planet, if we‟re here to directly assist. There will be kathara healing for those who want to go in that direction, to begin to clear out The stuff, and there will be time to sit down and take a breather. Ok, now that I‟ve got all this information now that I can‟t have a conversation with anybody out there - you learn to just talk about The things they‟re interested in. Little bits of things that you can almost use code language. Let them say angels, that‟s fine. If they like Archangel Michael, just respect their wishes. It‟s not worth arguing. We‟re moving into a time together now - we‟re beginning The building of The race line that was almost extinct. It‟s because of what‟s being done with you and The other people like you who participated in this work, and a bunch of others that don‟t even know they are part of this group. We are literally saving a couple of race lines. The human race line and The indigo race line. Try to feel The reality of what you‟re sitting in The middle of right now. This information is starting to show itself in very real ways. How many blackouts do you need to take out 21 power stations between Canada and Toledo and New Jersey. New Jersey and New York State were both declared states of emergency. I think this is The beginning of some of The wacky things that we are going to start seeing on a more regular basis. In France, 3,000 people died from The heat in The last couple of weeks. Yes, Paris! Just in Paris? That‟s even worse than I thought. I heard they were taking some flack for their, let‟s say, lack of response. It‟s getting strange out there. I kind of think it‟s funny, because one of The things in The new age movement that never settled right with me was they would tell you, „don‟t watch The t.v., because you‟ll get beamed with stuff.‟ yeah, you do. But you should watch what is going on in The world. You just put up your flame body. Even your maharic seal will protect you from that. Az was just pointing out that there‟s another weird thing that‟s happening. It was on CNN. The water on The The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
East Coast of The States, The water is like 20 degree below it‟s normal season temperature, and it‟s starting to effect The businesses, The tourist thing, because people aren‟t going swimming. They are weird things starting to happen. Little ones here and there. If we don‟t pay attention - we should watch The news. Watch it and make notes. When did that earthquake happen? What was it‟s magnitude. And compare it to what you know. This is what will make your experience here different than The other people who couldn‟t give a hoot about this work. You will be able see patterns. You will be able to watch things and know what is happening underneath that. That is a huge advantage. It carries a responsibility with it too. There‟s a bunch of people out there - well, let‟s say in New York City they were actually commending people in New York City because there were very little issues of rioting, or looting, or any of that wacky stuff when people have The lights go out for too long. It can get really strange in big cities. New Yorker‟s handled it very well according to The news reports. But what if that went on for two weeks? What if it went on there and Los Angeles and some of The major cities in Europe? What if it happened all at The same time? People would progressively begin to freak out. And of course The financial systems would collapse, as Az pointed out. We‟re moving into a time period that The changes you just became aware of, before The fact that they are out here, during The fact that The changes were actually happening; there‟s going to be a time when you start to look around... (unclear). Wow, we got some spaceships and some beautiful light balls, and some streaks of light across The sky. Something would have been nice. There will be a time when you look back, and say, oh boy, delayed reaction manifestation. Oh, I get it. Ok, it takes a while before it surfaces in The hologram. The changes that our planet has gone through, and our solar system, are monumental. Our bodies too. We‟re going to start feeling changes in our bodies in positive ways. You have a chance to heal now like you‟ve never had before since 25,500 BC. That doesn‟t mean that right away you‟ll have your eternal body back, be immune to pain, immune to cold, no need to eat, no need to sleep. Eventually, you‟ll get there. But, it‟s probably not going to be before 2012. What we need to do is be able to keep up with The time pulse. The time pulse in The planet is changing. The time pulse has to do with that 7.8 Hz vibration. That is going to be changing. In fact, it‟s already started to. I do believe some of The scientists know this. There‟s also changes in The magnetic fields that are happening. They are also being covered up. They are being covered up, because if people knew, they would put two and two together and realize something big is going down. So, we‟re sitting in The middle of this now. With one big difference. We know why. And we know what to do. We know where we want to go. And we know how to get there. I had a talk with my daughter once. She‟s 21 now. I believe she was in ninth or tenth grade, in high school. She was getting into this - she wanted to be a peer mediator. You get to go in and help your peers with problems and issues that they are having in school. Something, an awareness in me, said, I think it would be good for you actually, because there‟s going to be a time when things in The world might be very very different, and things might be a little scary to people around you, and they might be acting in very strange wacky ways, angry ways or upset ways, because they don‟t know what to do with The things happening around them. And this training can help you to be able to stay calm, have a little more insight, so you can help them instead of falling apart with them. In a way, this is like your mediation training, that my daughter did decide to go for. With The knowledge that we have, that knowledge helps you to get a grip on The largeness of The picture, to get a grip on The best way to handle your personal energy. It‟s not going to be something - if it starts to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
get really wacky out there, it‟s not going to be a really big help to start pulling out kathara graphs and saying, “look people look. See it‟s this.” They don‟t want to know. At that point, it‟s too late, because they are already scared. What they need to know is that they can be safe. That they are not their bodies, that there is a God, and that they will go home to that God. And let them call it what they want. We have a crutch here. We‟ve been going horizontal for so long that we‟ve gotten lazy on going vertical. Now, what happens if we find that we become so aware, that there‟s nobody who is anywhere near you that you are going to be able to have a conversation about what you‟d like to talk about. There is nobody to answer your questions. I never went to new age workshops. I was never into that. I couldn‟t afford it at The time. It was not an option. I bought a book here or there, and that was it. I always wanted to be able to go, but by The time we got our books out, I couldn‟t find one that I could go to to answer my questions. I tried it once, by invitation. I was slightly, gently dragged, convinced to go, with a group of friends from New Jersey. They bought The tickets for me and said, come on, you‟re going. It was a Drunvalo workshop. The first one I‟d ever been to. And I swear, I can‟t do anything without getting in trouble. I really really thought at that time, it was before The history was revealed, I really really thought that this person had more of The answers I had. I knew we were working with The same group. That was before The Pleaedian Sirian agreements were broken. I asked two questions. I can‟t remember what they were, but boy did I get in trouble. I realized a) he didn‟t have any answers. I asked about The Halls of Amenti, and I asked if knew something about The Sirian council giving us The okay to release The information on Keylontic Science, which meant kathara grid science and merkaba science. He danced around The questions. I won‟t go into what was happening in The astral field when I asked that question. But I realized something - this guy is supposed to be The best out here, The greatest metaphysical teachings, and they were teaching this stuff, and I was, I don‟t know... I realized something. It made me feel very lonesome, because I really really wanted to go. Please teach me something about this and this. I had about 20 million questions I was hoping he would answer. I didn‟t get those things answered. I did learn some other things however. So, it was definitely a learning experienced. But it makes you see that going horizontal gets pretty boring. Like, how many reiki classes can you take, for example? Reiki is ok. You can learn reiki. But they don‟t know about kathara grids. So, if you know about kathara grids, you have something to teach them. If they used it with The reiki, it would be even better. It would improve The reiki. You get to The point where you find it‟s hard to be The student all The time. You end up being The one who knows more than most of The people who teach. This is when going vertical comes in handy. And not distracting yourself by horizontal. You go up. Because there‟s lots of them up there. There‟s lots of Eieyani, there‟s lots of other Christiac races, that we look like kindergartners to right now. We were them once. We had that knowledge too. There‟s going to be a long time before we get our bodies to The point where they can hold that much data. Data is frequency. So, The reason why they wanted to go on this little tangent of exploration of context is because there‟s an “identity shift.” An identity shift? That is going to take place. I‟m saying this with a question at The end of it. Am I understanding this right? I‟m learning this too. An identity shift within The indigo shield. This is where The mass awakening stuff begins. You‟re going to feel a part of yourself with you, and you‟ll think, is that me? It will be you. It is you. They are going to talk more about it as we go along. It has to do with a little buzz word they dropped, “The graduation” from The “Dance for” program. What‟s that? There‟s going to be even one more part to it. It will come out probably in The Phoenix workshop. There‟s going to be a book, they told me, first of all, that has The Hetharo information, The Hethalon information, and will also contain The Phoenix information. If you came to any of those workshops, you will get that. It‟s a compilation of information that pertains to these things. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
The graduation is going to be a technique. Ok. Later, before we leave, right before we leave. It has to do with The A-team. The A-team are going to help us out here. I‟m just sharing with you The peripheral stuff. They are giving me little bits of it. Just know we‟re coming back to The graduation buzz word. Ok, they‟re saying, go back to whatever is showing on The graphs. We‟ll get through that. Then you‟ll see The chart I was talking about that shows The star alignments. We‟re trying to get you copies of these. We‟ll get a copy of The solar cross charts and this morning‟s technique. We‟ll go back to that and then we are going to come back to The graduation thing, whatever this is. I don‟t know what it is yet. But, guess what? We are getting to graduate together. Cause we didn‟t graduate yet either. (Laughs) We don‟t know what this graduate is, but consider it a gift, but a gift well earned. We‟ll take it from there. We‟ll come back and wrap up with that part. Remember, this is The thing that we‟re going to be clearing, this off axis metatronic merkaba field. The energy of ourselves that went in that direction would be The shadow energy. We talked about The shadow and clearing The shadow and after Hetharo, that you couldn‟t pull your shadow out anymore to integrate it, because it went into this configuration. That means you lost some energy there. Most people lost some energy to that. The heliothalics will replace The energy loss from your natural merkaba and they will also replace what was lost to The natural merkaba. So each of them separates from each other. Otherwise they would just fight with each other. This one would end up ripping apart this one from The inside, and it wouldn‟t be very pleasant. We are going to be clearing this out. Remember those kathara grids - they get smaller and smaller? So, it means you have this one as your density level one, then you have a smaller one that does The mental body thing, a little bit outside of you, then you have a smaller one, The emotional body one, and a smaller one in here (monad). So there‟s four levels, and this is just on density one. You have four levels times four densities, technically speaking. So, there are 16 of these that are going to be cleared from The fields. What we are doing with The techniques today, through this period - I‟m going to let you know what The technique sequence is. You‟ve already down three of them. These are The technique sequences, and they are all part of The anchoring The planetary and solar galactic Mahadra Adhrana Christos wheel. The part A one is The one we did on The 13th, and that was opening The rishiac eye. That was part A. What that is, activating The Adhrana triangulation, that is preparing for The release of The Adhrana band solar cross Orion plant. And that‟s what we did last night. That was part B. It was releasing The solar cross Orion implant, clearing The Adhrana band with The blue-black wave infusion. That‟s The thing we had to move out of here. That begins The process of clearing these. I‟ll show you in a minute where these things are in The anatomy. The third one, (we don‟t have part B yet in writing, because it came through live, so it means we have to go back, listen to The tape, and take it down, and typeset it.) Part C is The one you did today, Releasing The Solar Cross Andromeda Implant at The E-Umbi Band, with The silver-black wave infusion. That‟s The one we just got done doing. It was important to walk afterwards. Because if not, The stuff builds up in your legs, and it hurts. I mean, I‟ve had stuff clearing, things like this, that weren‟t a major one like that, it wasn‟t The EUmbi one, it was much smaller ones. It feels like you have shrapnel running through your veins in your legs. Those energy blockages, certain types of them, they really hurt, and that‟s why they say in The technique that it is essential that you walk. And if a person can‟t walk, it even gives suggestions on what you do then. It doesn‟t mean if you can‟t walk, say if you‟re in a wheelchair, that you can‟t do this activation and you‟re stuck there. It means that you need to do it with a partner and they can massage your legs. It needs to be The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
massaged out, but The massage takes a lot longer. You need at least 30 min of massage. But with two people, you can work on one leg and they can work on The other, because they need to go at The same time. That is The one you did today (Part C). There‟s two others. One‟s called part D, Releasing The Grand Cross Lyra Implant, Clearing The Metatronic Monad with The Maharic Wave Infusion. The maharic wave infusion releases tomorrow, which is day four, The day after The three-day particle conversion period. And Part E also activates tomorrow. That haven‟t given The times on when these waves are coming in yet, because they are still waiting. They know they are coming but they have to see. It depends on what these pulses that The UIR are sending do, because they tend to slow down things. They can either slow them down or make them happen faster, so they haven‟t given us The times quite yet. This is called Releasing The Metatronic Shield and Anti-Christiac Merkaba Field. That one, The final one, Part E, is when this literally separates, and it goes into The time pulse of The metatronic part of The planetary and solar grids, and The part that‟s you, that‟s no longer having this progressively activating inside of you, is that part that will continue to go into higher and higher levels of flame body activation, to ride through into The Bridge Zone time pulse continuum. So, there is literally a separation of time pulses that are happening right now. It is a separation that h as to do with time jumps. There was an article. It was put out right after Hetharo. It talked about The Reusha-Ta and Reusha-ah time shifts. Is there anybody who hasn‟t seen that? It was on The internet. Yeah, The Open Letter. Good, so you have some idea of what they are. Probably, I think it is going to get into it in The Ireland workshop more. That‟s November 7. They are going to get into The time mechanics a lot more there, because they are very closely related to manifestation mechanics. Once we get ourselves together, and get this out of our fields, then we will be able to begin making some difference in our lives directly. We made it on The inside first. Next thing is learning how to use it. Now you‟ve reclaimed your power and got your alignment back, what do you do with it? So, we‟ll be doing that probably at The Ireland workshop. In The meantime, we are going to release this tomorrow. They haven‟t let me know yet if I am going to be giving you paperwork to do it wherever you are, or how they are going to do it. They said either way. I think there are some people who aren‟t going to Barcelona? Guys who aren‟t going to Barcelona, what I would like to see happen, I would like to see by some miracle, somewhere between now and when we leave, I would like to say we will give you a written copy to take with you to do. We won‟t be able to do that, but we may be able to work something out, if we can get it tonight, if we could at some bizarre hour this evening typeset this thing and get it out on The internet. That would be The fastest way. They are going to let me know if they are going to be able to run it live before we go, which means tonight. But The frequency is not available until tomorrow. So, it‟s kind of like a glitch on that. But it doesn‟t matter if you pick it up exactly when The wave is releasing. It can be used when it‟s releasing, or anytime after that. This is why these techniques will be available for those who want to pick up The Golden Fleece Host Matrix. This is what they need to do. So, this is also going to be posted free on The internet. Once The activations happen in The planetary and solar girds, it‟s available to anyone. So, even if you don‟t get to do it tomorrow, it‟s not going to cause you any harm. See, you built enough frequency in your fields right now to where it would be very difficult to that to go into full 55 activation by combining with its double. You have support of The group fields, plus all The stellar wave infusions, and you‟ve worked with The other technique. So, if it was a couple of days before you were able to get to The internet to get it, if you run it by yourself you‟d be fine. You‟re not going to get stuck there. Oh, ok... I like that, he said, “or you could do this...” What Ma‟a is suggesting is, and this has to do with The The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
permission thing from The other people who are going to Barcelona. For The ones who aren‟t, when we run it, we can direct it to them. And if you want to receive it, we can literally direct it toward you. They are going to let us know how to do that if you want it. You can block it if you don‟t. You will get The activation, even if you have no idea what The steps are yet. Thank you. That helps. Whenever The written copy pops up, we‟ll try to get it on The internet. Then you will have it. But you don‟t have to wait til then. Realize if The other indigos will send The energy out to you through The indigo shield. You will receive The activation. And, Ma‟a is saying, pass it on. You can also send it, point it toward anybody you love or care about, or think might appreciate The frequency support. If they are going metatronic, it won‟t change that, if that was their choice. You won‟t be forcing your will on them. You‟re simply offering this to them and their avatar. Here, it‟s available if you want it. So, The indigos that go to Barcelona are going to transmit that out to The ones that aren‟t going to Barcelona, and then all of us are being asked to transmit out even further, literally through The Earth grids, but particularly if there‟s people you‟re concerned about or you care about, if you want to give it to The plant or animal kingdom. SO that‟s good. Something is coming through here, I am getting prickles. What‟s up now? Usually there‟s a wave or something coming through, certain types, The hairs stand up all along my arms. Do a lot of people get that? Yeah. So, there are The five steps that will be The posted steps for after The Hethalon, for people to use for anchoring The Golden Fleece Host Matrix. There will be more in The advanced class, let‟s say, you guys that have gone this far. (Change of tape) ... And that manifests in certain ways. We‟ve seen these. Those of you who were at The Hetharo workshop have seen this. When we separate that metatronic merkaba from The inside of us, and separate it‟s shield from our shield, this is The frequency fence NET that that was holding in place. These layers of The frequency fence static field, regenerated by The metatronic merkaba, their transmission source is going to shut down first. And then they will begin to dissipate as The natural frequencies that you are running in your body progressively begin to turn them around, to turn The energy back around and clear it. For some people - see, if things were going The way they were intended with The Plaedian Sirian agreements, these changes would have been kind of more abrupt, in a way, because it wouldn‟t have been an activation of The whole Beast machine. The mass awakening that we talked about had to do with these levels of frequency fence coming down, because they were supposed to shut off The metatronic mess. That was The agreement that The Anunnaki had made and then broke. What‟s going to happen instead, is when we heal ourselves of The metatronic merkaba inside, there will still be a residual energy left in these reverse patterns, and it will take a bit of time, a few months or so, for each level clear. This will be The one that goes first. So, you‟ll actually get your monad core clearing. That means we won‟t have to consciously set The right spin for your gender, because it will begin to hold The right spin on its own. The mental body one, and The density one will be The last to come down. Which means these are The frequency fence areas that are blocking you from being able to perceive beyond 3D. They are blocking out your information from your soul level and higher levels. They‟re also blocking out The information as far as seeing The rest of density one and other things that exist, like islands that exist that they haven‟t found yet on maps, because they are out of frequency range, but they are actually in 3D down here. Stargates. Those kinds of things. As these frequency fence areas in your field come down, it frees your perceptions to be able to see a spectrum of interdimensional light and sound on The density one level, that will be broader in The spectrum than can be perceived by The other people who have gone metatronicked. The metatronicked people will see only what is within their containment field, because they have a reversed merkaba smaller than The natural merkabas to begin with, and it‟s limited in frequency, where natural merkaba and dimensional structure has each dimension having The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
12 subfrequency bands? Theirs will have only 8. So there‟s literally parts of reality they will not be able to see any more. They will not be able to biologically or spiritually process. But, you will be getting back part of what you lost through The mutation. And it will take a bit of time. Some of it will be as we go toward 2012, when these outer fields start to clear sufficiently, where you can see beyond them. It‟s like having a pair of dirty glasses on, that have been spray painted in gray paint. You can‟t see ahead of them. So, it‟s going to be interesting as we move forward in time. As these things are healing in our body and in our perceptions, our perceptual field is going to begin to change. The little changes, The little things we talked about before, where you might see like a photo negative. Different kinds of light auras hanging around. Once these things are fully cleared, there are gates all over this planet, as you noticed on The maps. There are people who walk here within The frequency bands that are in that spectrum that we can‟t see right now, in that subharmonic spectrum. We‟re going to be getting that ability to see them back. This is part of The mass awakening, where we‟re going to get a chance to see The rest of density one reality, and see how it connects into density two. Also, this is going to be happening within each density level. You‟re in flame body activation now, even them it‟s being sustained in The Golden Fleece frequency field. This frequency field here, when that drops, it‟s going to allow The natural flame body opening between density one and density two. Remember, density two is where Tara. It means we will be able to start to see Tara, and as we integrate The next level, we‟ll be able to see Gaia. So, The promise is here. We will start to see things, and those things will progressively become more real. Or you may not see them at first. You may hear on The news that a new island was discovered off The coast of wherever. It was never found on The maps. If they are still with us, which they will be - they are going to be with us until 2012, The other guys in The metatronic state, and The Illuminati controllers. But if you watch The news, you‟ll hear little bits of interesting things that you might only hear once. Like it just comes through once and you never hear that broadcast again. There‟s going to be new things found and discovered in places. There will be new land that eventually you will be able to walk into, if you can clear your body of The residuals that are left. Even if you can‟t, it‟s The new land you can incarnate into. Some people were on The path when they came in here, but they weren‟t going to go through all The work to transmute The body. They were going to take it where they needed to. They would use it as a jumping point so they could incarnate into their eternal life body. Some people will choose bardoh, and there will probably be some training on how to do that well and help other people. There are people who are choosing bardoh on this planet who don‟t realize they are choosing it, and it‟s going to be frightening for them. There are lots of things that need to be learned. There are new lands opening up. If you start to see things appear and disappear sometimes, it might start small with objects. I have had crystals do that with me since I was a child, where you know exactly where it is, and all of a sudden it isn‟t there anymore, and you know you didn‟t move it. And then like a month later it pops back up, sometimes right where it was, other times in a completely ridiculous place, that you know you couldn‟t have put it there. These things are time leaps. It‟s almost like having holes pop up in this field here, where you get to see a little bit beyond it, and then it closes down again. Things are energy signatures. Objects around you? They can fall through those holes sometimes and come back again. So can little things like crystals, so can larger things like islands. This planet is much bigger than we have been able to see in The 3D hologram since The mutation took place. The reason we can‟t see parts of Atlantis that actually didn‟t sink, is because is because they are beyond The subfrequency bands that we can pick up right now. We‟re going to be moving towards these and very fascinating things. One of The things that‟s halfway done on The computer, is I‟m trying to take this, like we start with our Hethalon workshop, and each day I break it down to which stage, what happened on which side, what it all means, but there‟s this whole series of information to put together, and I‟ll have it for you, but probably not before we leave, because it‟s too much more work to put on it, and plus, we don‟t know how it ends yet. You‟re going to get The information. I‟ll show you how all these pieces fit together. And they do fit The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
together, what you‟ve gone through here, what you went through in Hetharo, and what it‟s moving toward. Because it‟s moving toward two main things that we need to be aware of. One of things is Reusha-TA and Reusha-ah time shifts, and The other is, if you‟re interested in continuing to be part of The active planetary grid service mission, there are The anchoring of The ReushA pillars, The 12 ReushA scepter pillars. After you get you all that - you just went through all this, all this happened, now you‟re here, and this is what is moving forward. So, there is a compilation of information. There‟s so much here, it‟s hard to keep track from one day to another. What did we do two days ago? So, if you feel sometimes like, whatever, I know we learned something, we did something important, but I don‟t know where it fits yet, we‟re trying to help you with that. We‟ll show you The sequence of events we went through. Anyway... getting back to this going down. Pardon my scribbles, but... I love to have five years just to put all these diagrams and books together, like in a normal book form. This mess, which wasn‟t The greatest, it was never refined from when it came through in Ireland, I think, this is The heliotasis line. Remember this was The heliotasis line when it was coming down before Hethalon? Now that‟s vertical, that‟s why we‟re pulling directly over our heads. What this was meant to do to show you really quick, where The implant systems are that we‟re removing, when we‟re getting rid of that metatronic merkaba. The one we did when we pulled The Adhrana band out from here, that ran from between 9 and 10, right through The Adhrana triangulation, and it twisted The optic nerve situation, between The eyes, and also between The three eyes, because there is supposed to be a relationship between The pineal, which is actually an eyeball in its own way. It‟s not The full part of it. It‟s actually part of an eyeball system, where you have The thing that‟s in The optic chasm. There‟s a little crystal in there that they don‟t know about yet. This one right here, when you pull it out The side of your head, that was The first one. The one we did today was this one. Once that was pulled, there is all sorts of fallout that was coming out of The E-Umbi, that was going down The legs and needed to wash through The legs, that‟s why you needed to walk. The one you‟ll be doing tomorrow is this mess, which is connected to The 5 and 8 seed atom. Remember 5 and 8 have been forced together, and then rotated them, where you have The 8/5 thing running on a horizontal, that is progressively going to shift back to vertical again to complete The spin angles on that merkaba, The metatronic merkaba. So, this is The mess. It‟s interesting. They completely messed up The currents in your body, as far as what frequencies you‟re running from your hands. This system, this is The arc gate system as it is in The body. So arc 5 and arc 8 have been pulled together in an unnatural. I wonder if any of you felt this. I used to have a problem with this since I was a kid. It would come and go. It used to feel like there was a string on The inside of my bellybutton, and every once in a while I‟d feel like it pulled, like somebody was taking it and pulling it. And you‟d kind of have to walk like this a little bit to not stretch out The muscle. It‟s really strange because my older daughter also complained about that recently, and she never heard about it before. If you ever have any kind of pulling sensation in here, or feeling like as if there‟s a force that‟s pulling you together here, it‟s because of The 5 and 8 arc gates inside, and The 5 and 8 normal kathara centers inside. They are literally being pulled into an unnatural compaction. And that‟s getting much worse, after Hetharo. That‟s part of what my body is fighting right now. I‟m getting it up here. The fight is taking place up here. It started again, The pulling down here at The navel area, but most of it for me has been centered up here. So, if you‟re getting physical symptoms, there‟s a very good possibility that you‟re experiencing this. What this is doing is it‟s pulling, that merkaba, once it reverses it pulls together into compaction, and then it goes in its reverse 34 CCW rotation. So, we‟re freeing these things. You have to free The top one first. There‟s a sequence to them. The bottom one next, that releases The top and The bottom of The staff, and then you release this one. We are going to do that tomorrow, because you need The maharic wave infusion, The big one coming in, with The D12 frequency, and I do believe you need – The maharic infusion will do that one, and I think that‟s technique D. Once that is separated, then you can literally use The final kundaray/keerahsay wave The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
infusion to separate The two templates, where The part of you that you weren‟t able to bring back from Phantom - because a piece of all of us got stuck in Phantom with this - some more than others, but that piece, that frequency will be replaced through The heliothalics, so you‟ll still have all of you, and The piece of you that really was no longer you, because once it becomes metatronicked, whatever was you, it‟s kind of like it gets, consumed, and recalibrated, so it‟s not even you anymore. It‟s not like your identity. So, The parts of ourselves that did go into metatronic fall, they will be kind of like - you won‟t have a connection to them anymore, because they don‟t have your template anymore. That part of your template was taken and mutated into that really twisted kathara grid. And that‟s why we did The shadow healing before all this took place. Once Hetharo happened in May, it made those two spirals phaselock, and you couldn‟t pull it back from that stage. It‟s interesting, there are some people who did go metatronic, not here, but I‟m saying on The planet, there are quite a few people who did go metatronic during Hetharo. They are not going to be able to bring their bodies through a stargate - well, they can down into a “false” stargate, but into a natural stargate they can‟t but when they can do is use these same techniques, and run The same frequencies, to create The separation. They will still be in The Golden Fleece buffer field. They can link into The Golden Fleece buffer field. They may not be able to completely separate because there‟s nothing left to separate. You can‟t build a whole new merkaba structure if it all got reversed. What they can do is stop The 34 CCW same spin set from merging with The 21 to form The 55, and they can‟t fall without The 55. So, if they don‟t activate The 55 vehicle, even they‟ve been doing Archangel Michael since The time they are two, and they are fully metatronicked and they have their Blue Fire Sword initiation and they are proud of it, and then realize, uh oh, I did something I shouldn‟t have done. All is not lost for them. The ability to take this particular body won‟t be there anymore. But they can use The Golden Fleece buffer field to keep The separation between The 34 side and The 21 side so they can‟t form The 55, which will allow them to keep The natural body here for as long as it‟s normal life span would have been, which is encoded in The DNA anyway, and after that point, they would be able to take The Golden Fleece and get out, while The remnant of The body went down into full reversal. So, it‟s like they would lose bits of themselves, that would be The molecular structure and The atomic structure, but they could pull The consciousness template out with The help of The Golden Fleece host. So, this is really good. It‟s good information, because it means there really is hope for anybody who wants to give it a try. There‟s a lot people who are going to say, “I like Archangel Michael, thank you.” There is a payoff to surrendering your power to someone else. You can be lazy. You don‟t have to do The work yourself. And then, if it doesn‟t come out right, you can blame them. So there‟s a payoff for this. And that‟s part of what‟s going on with The people who‟d much prefer The angels do it for them. Now, some people get in that pattern just because they have been taught that‟s The way we‟re supposed to be. As long as I am a good little sheep and I listen to God, and The angels are God‟s representatives, so if I listen to The angels my life will be just fine. I don‟t have to do anything. I don‟t have to know anything. I don‟t have to know about my body parts or my interdimensional body parts. I don‟t even have to particularly behave really well, because God forgives, and they always have that over there too. There is a whole program most people have been taught to run here. And The big responsibility is, if you want to be a grownup, you need to act like a grownup. If you want to be an avatar, you need to act like an avatar, and avatars don‟t go ask angels what to do for breakfast. What they do, is say, hmm, that‟s my responsibility, isn‟t it? If they need information, because they don‟t have enough, they try to find those who are demonstrating that they have The information, and they find it and take responsibility for it, like you guys have. It‟s such a joy to be with people who aren‟t waiting for The lottery angels to send them a million The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
dollars, who are waiting to be told what to do, an meanwhile, spending no time really being nice to other people, or thinking about how they are handling their energy. Is it harming other people? There‟s a lot of lip service to love, which often means: Well, I love you. How can you do this to me? Excuse me, that‟s not love. That‟s guilt. These things are so common in our society. These are programs that go with this mess. You‟re going to see a lot more of it too. You‟re going to see a lot of people, at some point, particularly The ones that are becoming full magentas, The ones who used to be indigos and aren‟t any more, there is a look behind The eyes, like they are almost not there. Is anybody in there? There‟s something in there, but it doesn‟t feel like a somebody. It‟s weird. It‟s almost like a vacant spot inside The head stares back at you. But they smile, but it‟s superficial. There will be more of this happening too. It‟s kind of like at this point, with The knowledge that we have this knowledge you went after, this knowledge that you‟ve come and you‟ve given energy in order to receive it, it‟s been an equal exchange. You‟ve got knowledge and it‟s going to give you insights. Trust your insights when you get them. Don‟t run around saying, “that one did this and that one did that.” Because The first person you need to keep track of is yourself. You don‟t know yet what you might have carried through with you from Atlantis, or from before. So be gentle with The other people who are choosing The other path. It doesn‟t always mean they are going to be gentle with you. Some will. Usually because they want something. Some won‟t, because one thing you will represent, like we represent to them right now, and this is one of The hardest things, is we‟ve been doing a really good job hiding for a long time. Be invisible, just like The rest of them, right? That‟s been a safety thing for eons here for us, since 25,500 BC especially. If we can hide, like when you‟re in Rome do as The Romans do, and they can‟t tell The difference; they don‟t know you‟re somebody else. This is going to be very hard to do from this point on. Not because you‟re wearing white everywhere you go, at least not on The outside (laughs). Because you‟re wearing emerald on The inside. And it will radiate The frequency of your own rishiac level, your own Eieyani level, your own Christiac level. It‟s going to be like a flashlight beaming continually, and they will feel it. And even if The person doesn‟t recognize what they are feeling, there will be an agitation between The fields. Mostly in their. Because our frequency, it makes their feels jiggle. You can learn to modulate this, which is a good thing to do, particularly if you like to stay invisible. (When you realize, oh my God, that was a Drak collective in there, and it just recognized me, and it didn‟t like me, and The person is going, oh, ok). You‟ll find this. Perfect strangers that we never did anything to and you only wished them love and happiness, will be sending you vibes. What did I do to you? You don‟t even know. They will feel things and won‟t even know why they are feeling it. It‟s The collective behind them and within them that‟s feeling it. You can learn to tone down your light. It doesn‟t mean put it out. Kind of put a pale silver field around it, a very thin one. What that does is it tones down The light. My cat taught me about this. She used to run whenever I tried to pet her with my hand when she was a kitten, and she‟s The one that told called me in The dream state; I had to go looking for this white Persian thing that was begging me to go find it, that it was an incarnation of, hey I‟m here, come get me, come get me, I had to find it, and then she wouldn‟t let me pet her. What? You wanted to come here. She telepathed me. I actually heard her. I know animals can telepath, but you don‟t look for it because you get into The habit of not and you just don‟t. And, just “pull back The hand frequency.” How? Oh, I‟m sorry. It was just too much for her little field. She‟s fine now that she‟s older. But, we effect people this way, not just children either. If we can realize that The frequencies were are going to be carrying and progressively growing into now are huge, compared to those that can be held in a metatronic merkaba, there‟s going to be an agitation factor. If you want to be able to just have peace wherever you go, be as invisible as possible. How was your day? That kind of thing. Learn to inhale it. It just pulls The flame body in around you a little tighter, and stretch it vertically. You‟re not losing energy. You‟re just kind of stretching it into a long teardrop shape. Now, if you want to do The opposite. Let‟s say you‟re in a plane that gets hijacked or something, and there‟s a bunch of wacky hijackers running around and you know they are going to crash The darn thing into a building. The first thing you probably The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
think is “oh no.” Second thing, hopefully is, “go ahead, I‟m an ahead. Ok. I‟m supposed to be here. This is an assignment. Ok. That is when you when you want to pull in your heliothalics, without any look on your face. This is when silent breathing is good. You can do The same thing that you‟re doing now and not make a sound. That‟s The next stage. Build it in here. And you can feel The charge building while you‟re doing The lotus. Keep doing it for a bit. You‟ll find yourself getting hot. You may find y yourself with The hair standing up on your arms before too long. And then once you feel you‟ve got a critical mass in there, you exhale, without making a sound. You can make a difference. You create The field for The universal Christos, The Christos of all those people has a field to anchor now. You have The ability to make a difference, to literally serve. Right now, excuse me, Christos avatar is needed, and you know that you‟re there. And you can do it without people around you knowing you‟re doing it. You are just doing it, to allow The frequencies of The Universal Christos to anchor. So, these are The things we‟re clearing out of our bodies, and these are The things that are also clearing in The planetary body, The part of The planetary that‟s going with us. When we get to The planet, it gets interesting. On The good side of things, say The Christos side of things (to be beyond good/bad polarity) this graph you‟ve seen. Remember, that was The Mahadra Adhrana wheel activating in The solar, galactic and planetary kathara grids. That opens The Well of Dreams. Now, The Well of Dreams is in The body‟s terms, The hypothalamus area, The connection between The hypothalamus, The Adhrana, and The Le-TuA. On a planetary level, it‟s a series of gates, a series of interface places, between here and parallel, that can be accessed from either side if those gates are open. These are going to be The places that we‟ll going to be eventually taught how to go in. If we get to take our bodies at any time, it might be 2012, and it probably will be... a few people, if you have contracts to do it, it depends on who you are, will be approached on your own. You may already have been, and offered an opportunity to experience something off planet or inplanet, one or The other. But, for most people, The full awakening of The body and The DNA will be in 20112012. We‟ll get into that in a little bit, because I‟m going to show you, this thing is going to progressively activate. When it reaches its full universal level activation and plugs The planetary level into The galactic and The galactic into The universal and all The densities, that‟s when we‟ll be able to begin going through. At The end of this graph, you‟ll see a line, it‟s probably too small to read it, but you will have a copy of this. This will help hugely, by The way, to remember what‟s happening when? What do I need to know next, for The next few months or whatever, few years. December 21, 2012, Voyagers will begin rapid acceleration from subharmonic six of mainline six, to subharmonic 12 of mainline 12. What that is, is The end of a story that began with Hetharo, The Reusha-TA and Reusha-ah time shifts. Time shift is literally, remember there are 12 subharmonic frequency bands in each full dimensional fre2quency band? The planetary time pulse, which is The partiki phasing rhythm, how fast or slow The partiki in The shield are turning on and off, The time pulse on each subharmonic is different, and in each dimensional band is different. They build on each other. The slowest ones will be down in D1, 2 and 3, in their subharmonics, and they progressively get faster and faster, going up The scale. This particular chart is getting into, when we get into resetting The 12 scepter pillars, and also when we‟re doing The Reusha-TA and The Reusha-ah time shifts, because it‟s through these time shifts, which are jumps from one - a Reusha-ah time shift is a jump from one subharmonic to another, and The Reusha-Ta, The bigger one, The master time shift, is from one full harmonic to another. There will be lots more information given on these, I think... You have a bit more detail in The papers you were given yesterday. We‟re going to be given a lot more mechanics as The programs move further dealing with that. And this is getting into real specialization as far as planetary gridwork. But remember, planetary gridwork is also body The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
gridwork. It‟s also your consciousness gridwork. Because if it applies to The planet, it applies to you. Understanding The time pulses has a lot to do with learning how to manifest consciously, and end up with a) what you wanted to manifest; b) where you wanted it, and c) when you wanted it. So this kind of information, even though it gets very technical as far as gridwork goes, it‟s also very practical as far as if you want to be able to begin having The type of experiences in your life that would be more fulfilling for you personally. So, The planet is going through this. And through this process, The process that began with May 27, Hetharo. Through this process, The linking of The Mahadra Adhrana planetary, galactic, and universal and Ecka, will progressively come into being. And until that full line-up is made, let‟s say if you only had The planetary to galactic, if you did get to go into The gates, you could only go up to The galactic level, because The rest of The linkings aren‟t made between The arc of The covenant gates, between The galactic and universal, and The universal and Ecka. So The process of activating that full Mahadra Adhrana is The process of resetting The cosmic clock here, and that‟s what this process is. Now, The time jumps, these are The post-Hetharo, this The double Reusha-ah shift, that ran from May 27 to August 8-12. This is telling you The subharmonics of which mainline started with, kind of like at zero point at Hetharo, then we move from subharmonic one of let‟s say frequency band one, to subharmonic three. So, they jump to ones, to threes, to sixes, to nines. This is that transharmonic time cycle that was mentioned quite a bit earlier. What we do when we activated each of these, our bodies, our planet, and The solar galactic shield, is jumping in time pulse, where The rhythm is getting a little faster. We‟ve moved through these already. This one, August 8-12, this is taking place literally through this period. Today‟s The last day, we actually have fully shifted into this. But we‟ve gone through a Hethalon Reusha-TA, full harmonic shift. So this is where we went from where we entered Hethalon over there, at subharmonic 12 of mainline 1, and we went from mainline 1 up to subharmonic 1 of mainline 3. So, we‟re doing The 1-3-6-9-12 thing. That was a bigger shift. Now usually The shift goes by, and then it hits. Part of The things that, I think, wiped out The electrical grids in The North American East Coast, it was because a pulse was set by The UIR, but it was sent at a very interesting time. They did this to amplify their pulse, because if you send a pulse out when you are making a big shift like this, depending upon what The pulse is, you can amplify it and make it happen faster, or you can actually slow it down and almost prevent it. I believe part of what they were doing with this pulse, was hoping to be able to slow this down so we couldn‟t complete The leap. Because if we don‟t complete this one, we‟re not going to be able to keep The leaps all The way up, as we‟re resetting The pillars. So it‟s important. And each leap that we are able to accomplish, each leap in The time pulse in our bodies, and in The planetary body, The stronger The planetary body gets in its flame body activation, so The less chance they have of doing anything to prevent it. Right now their main thing is they would like to activate their 55-89 etc. big Beast. They are going to try to pulse. I don‟t know if The pulses are going to stop because we reach a point where they know that they can‟t do anything, or if it‟s going to get worse. Meantime, we‟re working with this agenda, which is The one to get your time pulse in harmony with The planetary time pulse. The planetary time pulse needs to be able to make these leaps to keep up with The galactic time pulse. The galactic one needs to make a leap to keep up with The universal, and The universal needs to make a leap to keep up with The Ecka. This is resetting The entire time pulse from The Ecka seed, all The way down. It‟s kind of like you need to catch The wave of The planet, and The galaxy and The universe, in order to stay on line with that particular time continuum, time cycle. There will be completely different pulses emerging, going on The metatronic path. In 2012 we‟ll end up bringing literally The time pulses completely separate from each other. What this is going to look like, I‟m not quite sure. I know The buffer zone holds us all together until then. You‟re going to see bits of us leaving here and there. I mean 3000 people in France decided it was time to go home. You‟ll see little things like that. But there may be some bigger things. There probably will be, The closer we get to 2012. The process of getting to 2012 is this process here. We have time jumps, little ones, and then big ones. I‟ll read these in a minute. You also have these, The ReushA scepter pillars, when they are setting. You know The Reuche, that‟s in The necklaces, in The Eckasha, The core template of The god seed. The Reuche scepter pillar 13 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
consummates and activates, it did already, The 12 th to The 13th. That was technically The Hethalon cycle. It first initiated in May, when we brought The electrical 13 th pillar in and reset The electrical outer seed atoms, The cells of The seed atom. At The same time, when this occurred, August 12-13, you also had scepter Reuche pillar 1 initiate, so that‟s The first one, and then there are 12. It initiates there, and it consummates and activates. That‟s December 21, 2003. These are The main events, right here on one chart. They have to do with getting to 2012 and to The Bridge Zone. So, it takes you all The way up with The Reuche shifts, where they initiate, where they consummate, and also takes you up with all The subharmonic shifts, literally to where we need to get The time pulse of The planet in order to pass fully into The Bridge Zone time continuum in 2012. (Reading from chart): Galactic and planetary shields phaselock at subharmonic 6 of mainline 6, for passage through 2012. Now, that‟s not The highest it can go, but that‟s The highest tolerance level The planetary shields can handle, and when The arc gates open, that‟s what The planetary and The galactic shields will do. But that doesn‟t mean it‟s what indigos have to do. There will be some indigos that actually take The activation of The subharmonic shifts in their bodies, all The way up to subharmonic 12 of mainline 12, and that‟s when, if you can get your time pulse up to here, that means all your DNA is activating, that means you can go biologically to your gate. Some people will go there. However high you can go in frequency, will determine, even if you are going to drop The body this time, once you leave this body through it‟s natural bardoh process, that frequency your consciousness is still holding, so you‟ll be able to birth into a new form, an eternal life form that‟s holding very high frequency at birth. You‟ll be able to birth as a conscious avatar. Here will be in a different place, if that makes any sense? Here will be here, The Earth we know now, The part of it that is moving with us into The Christos template, is going into The Bridge Zone continuum, which is a time continuum through which The planet can reheal and remanifest The parts of itself that were damaged and lost. The people and The species on The planet will have time to re-coop to get back to their natural point, where they would be in The Density 2 cycle. The Bridge Zone is a bridge zone between Density 1 and full Density 2, where The planet itself becomes a star in Density 1 and evolves back into being Tara in Density 2. This is The path we‟re on, The Bridge Zone path, The Christiac path, and this is how it‟s done. We just got done with The first big Reuche-TA shift. The ones that happened right after Hetharo - if The rest of them are like this, I‟m just going to leave my body here. I mean, The frequency that is coming through! I can‟t imagine right now what it might feel like to go from where we are here... we just jumped into mainline 3. The whole planet and The solar galactic shields have to make it up to 6 of mainline 6. What will 12 of 12 be like? The frequencies are going to be awesome coming through. Of course, by then we‟ll probably be more expanded so they won‟t seem so troubling. That‟s what I‟m hoping for. I have a feeling that may be true, because as The frequencies have been coming in, and you know I‟ve been feeling quite sick since Paxos, but The frequencies that have been coming through, even through The period we‟ve been together here, and very very strong, and they are healing. I‟m finding myself not burning out and getting worse, but slowly kind of like crawling out of The grave. I think these are going to get easier. More intense, more energy, but we‟ll be able to hold and handle more energy. I hope that‟s The way it‟s going to go. Because if it goes that way in our bodies, there is a good chance that‟s how it will go in The planetary grids as well. And if it goes that way in The planetary grids, there will be less quaking, less natural disaster stuff, even social consciousness issues happening, like wars, financial systems collapsing, all that chaos stuff. So, we‟re going to making these shifts, and it‟s kind of like The point of direct free will choice on this planet has been passed. The choices have already been made. The consciousness field here made The choices. And there‟s not really a choice to get off this boat. I mean, even people who do bardoh now, they are still going to be connected to this universal matrix. They are still going to go through these shifts now, because we are The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
going to complete The Hetharo/Hethalon cycle, which goes into The Reuche-TA cycle of resetting The pillars, which goes into The Ecka-shi cycle. So, these are The time vibrations, or The time pulse rhythms, that everybody in this 15 dimensional matrix, needs to, from whatever their station is, to pick up on and get in harmony with. That‟s what it means to reset The cosmic clock, to get each of The little subfrequency bands all The way up The scale, in everything that there is, back in line with its original, as held in The Ecka, The original time pulse of partiki pulsation rhythm, that this matrix was originally created from. So, it‟s kind of a neat process. It‟s kind of fascinating. It‟s really fascinating, I mean understated. You‟ll get these before you leave. There will be techniques given at various parts. There will be probably more affirmation on what The UIR people are going to be doing. Because if they start throwing frequency around, or throwing warheads around, we‟ll be given more affirmation on how to help ourselves and The people around us in those kind of conditions. It‟s not going to change - what they do isn‟t going to change this. They are trying like heck right now to change this. Every time they throw a nuclear weapon; every time they throw a pulse that you don‟t see but The Earth feels, it changes The time pulse rhythm within The dimensional bands it was sent in. They are trying to change The time pulse rhythms that The Earth is going into now. I think there is going to be a release of information post-Hethalon, where there will be more information provided on this, and we‟ll get more information on what The UIR are up to, and damage control. Do we have to bring more frequency in because they slowed The pulse down, or what? They can‟t stop The Christos thing. They can fight with The people who are doing metatronic merkaba, The Anunnaki League people, and they probably are planning to do that. They are going to fight with each other, but they are not going to fight with us, because they can‟t stop The Christos flame body activation. So, this is what we‟re in The middle of now. One of The things that I wanted to show you - these are The graphs, The new ones they gave me, and again, we didn‟t have time to typeset, but I think they are enough to show, to illustrate The point we‟re trying to make. This is The one I‟d like to thank Kevin and Noel for, because they researched where The planetary positions were, and then we had to fight with it for a while to see where what was in relation to The solar cross alignment. But what we found rather amazed me, actually. Cause, I was thinking, eh, there‟s never that much correlation on The outside, and I don‟t need it. I already know The truth of what we‟re teaching. I don‟t have to have proof. It is nice when it pops up in a place where you happen to go to do gatework. That‟s always nice reassurance. This was kind of like that. We take this over here. Remember this diagram here? It showed The solar cross alignment, both on The particum universe side and The partike universe side, and then how when The spirals came together they would form The Grand Cross up The center. This is The particum universe kathara grid, and that‟s The partike universe kathara grid. Now from understanding kathara grids, we can understand a couple of things. The first thing is that each of The planets in our system has a stargate, it is a stargate. We have The galactic level stargates, and that would be The ones in our solar system, and then we have universal level stargates, which would correspond to The kathara grid that runs through The 15 dimensional time matrix. We were given these ages ago, as far as what gates were in what stellar bodies. The Sun is universal stargate 4. Earth is universal stargate 3, but it is also galactic gate 3. This is part of The reason why they figured, „they‟ll never figure it out,‟ right? Because, right now, our telescopes look up and there‟s nine planets. You think, ok, planet 1 is Mercury, and that holds gate 1, planet 2 is Venus, that holds gate 2, etc. You would think Pluto is 9. It‟s not. You‟re forgetting Maldak that they blew up in Seeding 2. The part that they trapped half of it to make The Wormwood body that they stuck in The diagonal orbit with The planet Nibiru. Nibiru used to be The 12 th planet. The planet called Chiron, before The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
it became a little body floating in space around Uranus somewhere, that was 11. There was a time earlier, in an early seeding, when they pulled Nibiru into Phantom, and they blew up 11 to get The gates. What they were doing is gate access. And then, for a while, they had number 12 planet, Nibiru, forced into The 11 orbit spot here. Now you do that by forcing together shields, like planetary shields, stellar body shields that don‟t belong together. But it didn‟t change The fact of which bodies held those shields. And those stargates still end up in The same place. We don‟t see Nibiru anymore, because it‟s in Phantom. It orbits through our system only once every 3658 (or something like that) years. What‟s important is finding The Solar Cross alignment. If we can find, on our side, remember we are not going to see The whole thing. We wouldn‟t see The whole line-up, because half of it is taking place in The parallel anti-particle universe. So, we wouldn‟t see those planets, and we wouldn‟t see that part of The Solar Cross. But we would see this one. We‟d see The 3-10 connection. We‟d see The 9-4 connection. What I find absolutely fascinating was this for 8/12/2003. This information, this outer one, ignore this one for a minute, where The little black balls are. These are The little white balls with numbers in them. This is The information, without The lines in it, that Noel and Kevin had found for us. They are The positions of The planets on this day, on Hethalon, August 12. So, this is The astronomical as well as astrological configuration of August 2, 2003, where The planet relationships are. We have Earth here, Neptune here, Pluto here, Jupiter here. Mars is galactic gate 4. Remember, The Sun is universal gate 4. Now, Mars and Jupiter are aligned (The Age of Aquarius song?). Interestingly too, these are in Aquarius. So we have this. We‟ll talk about why Jupiter aligns with Mars in a minute. We have The 3 Earth and The 10 line, Pluto. Pluto is The 10 th planet. It hold gate 10. It was originally The 10th planet. You have 9 over here, Neptune. 4, The solar gate. 3, 10, 9, 4, Solar Cross on The particum side on 8/12/03. Once you find that, if you have this axis, as The Solar Cross, that implies something. That implies you can very easily find what The natural axis was supposed to be. You already know that you have this, and you know how this fits into The kathara grid, so you can find The natural axis that‟s supposed to be there, The vertical and horizontal, and once you find that, because you know that The Phantom - and this is The one diagram I didn‟t have with me anywhere - when we showed The Beast machine a while back, we had a diagram that showed a kathara grid, and then it showed The Phantom axis coming down through The AzurA, and The Wesedak axis coming down, crossing through The AzurA, and making an X through The AzurA, and we explained that that was The 666 gate connection, Phantom 6, Wesedak 6, and our 6. So, taking it back it our Solar Cross here. You have The cross. That‟s The axis of The cross. That implies this was The natural vertical of The kathara grid. This was The natural horizontal of The kathara grid. If this is The natural vertical, that implies, this is The Phantom. That‟s The Wesedak axis. This is where they cross through The center of The AzurA. That‟s The 666 gates. Mars is over here, aligning with Jupiter. Jupiter is gate 6 on The galactic level. There‟s even 666 gate alignment. This is in The sky! Now! It‟s literally up there with The planets. Tape 7 ... you have this connecting The 4, that‟s 9-4, 3-10. They are almost in The same place. So that alignment, The actual Solar Cross alignment is this. And this has been in The sky during this period of Hethalon. You can look at it this way, The 9-4 and 10-3 connection (goes through The moon). This has been prophesied for ages. This is why The Dimensional Blend Experiment was known to be planned for 8/12/03. It was only when this alignment took place that they could link The 666 seed atoms, and that they could run The frequencies of The Solar Cross, to do The same thing in The parallel side, and they are trying to literally force The universes together. If they had succeeded in activating The big one, where these two pull in and becomes The full one, they would have had at one point, sent Wormwood up through, and it would follow Phantom axis, and it would The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
literally move around Earth, and come between Earth and The Sun, and make Earth literally stop on its axis, and go back into The opposite spin. Earth is gate 3. It would pull gate 4 with it. The Wormwood body with Nibiru stuck on The other side would literally pull it together where The two solar systems could be forced together between The black hole centers that they created in The middle, and then they were going to ride through 2004, when it came into alignment with The Wesedrak matrix over in parallel, and then they were going to suck that matrix in too, and rip it right back down into their black hole on this side. So this is what we‟re in The middle of. It even shows in The sky right now. I don‟t know what‟s going to happen once these graphs are cleaned up and there‟s The written material to go with it, when it gets published. It‟s probably going to cause a bit of a ruckus. Because that they can‟t deny is there. There was someone who once said, “oh, well nature proves it. If you can‟t find it in nature, it‟s not real.” That was in a particular open letter that was sent. It was someone justifying The metatronic code, because it could be found in nature. Well, yes it can. And The fact so can this be found in nature, and we can show you what this is a part of, all The way back right through The metatronic code, that particular statement that that individual made, it shows that everything we‟ve been saying is true. And it even shows in nature! We‟ve been saying The metatronic code has been here since 25,500 BC, and has caused progressive mutation. Of course you are going to see The metatronic code in plants, in animals, in humans! Because it‟s evidence of The mutation. Now, this one is going to be a little bit harder to explain away. I wonder if they‟ll try. They might. It will be interesting. I just thought it might be interesting to show you that this stuff we are talking about with these wild intense diagrams and Merkaba mechanics and all that, when you take them right back down to The something that The scientists already know is right up there in The sky, now. That is Solar Cross alignment. The Solar Cross alignment is meant to create The Grand Cross alignment, which is The hijack team‟s agenda of taking this solar system and what it‟s connected to, down into their black hole system. What‟s really weird too is there are some strange things coming out in science magazines lately. There‟s one little clip about how they are theorizing now that The universe is created from a black hole. Oh boy, here we go. The propaganda story already. They will form an explanation for their scientists that will allow them to let‟s say, expand their ability to work with science and physics and things like that, to get different kinds of power and that, all based on black hole mechanics. But they will teach it as if that‟s The way everything is. In their universe, that is The way everything is. But that‟s not how The universe started. This is why I am so glad we have this at this point. If you ever wondered if you were in The right place, whether it‟s really worth being a part of The teachings, what more evidence do you need? This is there. What we‟ve showed you with The merkabas can take you right into The Solar Cross alignment that is right up there in The sky. Az: I just wanted to tell you something that just occurred to me, is that The time of The earthquake which occurred off The west coast of Paxos two days ago, Greenwich mean time was 6:44. What‟s The numerical value? It‟s a strange coincidence. 6, 4, 4 - The time of The earthquake? Ash: That‟s weird. That‟s as strange as The timing of The blackout. That‟s what is going on in The sky, right? Look what‟s going on on Earth. This was a map that was published in The Voyagers books, and it was used to show many different things at different times, but what it is going to show now is where is Earth‟s Solar Cross alignment? The way it‟s running, again, we‟re dealing with The 9-4, 10-3 axes. There‟s two. One runs Earth‟s arc gates. And this is only The particum side. The other part connects to parallel Earth. There is one that links The arc gates, and there‟s one that links The planetary gates, and they interface with each other. There is one solar cross on The particum Earth that links The arc gates, and one that links The natural planetary stargate locations. This one, this big one here, this is The arc The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
gate one. It has arc 4, Manhattan. Arc 9 is down in The same place as parallel stargate 11, when you look at The other maps, The interface maps - South Pole. Arc 3, Alaska, has an interface in Washington. Arc 10, that‟s Baghdad. What‟s interesting too, is on this line, you have Cue 7, Paxos, Greece. They had an earthquake on The morning of 8/14, and it was 6.4. It wasn‟t Paxos exactly. Az researched it. 35 miles due west of Ioannina, which is a small island off Antipaxos, which is right across from Paxos. It‟s on The grid lines of Cue 7. Now, where we are, it‟s really hard to see on this map. This little dot back in here, is Monsegur, where gate 12 is, so it‟s down a little bit from there. So, we‟re on that line too. What they are aiming for, using The Phi-Ex wormhole network that‟s described in Voyagers, that has all those gate interfaces up in The NYC area, they are using it to pulse, they are trying to force The seed atom back together, so they can activate The big one. Now, The planetary one, down here, is interesting too. You have planetary stargate 4, Giza. You have planetary stargate 9, Tibet. You have planetary stargate 10, Iran, and you have planetary stargate 3, Bermuda. So you‟ve got this Solar Cross manifesting this way in The planetary grids. And right here, they interface with each other, where this comes down and connects in to that one, which connects The planetary one to The arc one and to The seed atom, where we are here. So, this is The whole line up that we‟ve been talking about, with The pyramidal spirals coming together, and this goes right back to Thothian merkaba mechanics, because they can explain even more about this than we can, not that they will. If we realize The significance of what we‟re sitting in The middle of. It‟s right there. It‟s above us now. As above, so below. That‟s what they like to preach a lot anyway. Well, they were hoping. It is taking us into a place of watching news unfold in The world, let‟s say, and having some reference materials to see. We have gridlines now. You see where certain of their main axes are. The Solar Cross axes are one of their primary ones. They will still be using The smaller ones to hold The 55 activation of The smaller vehicles. Their teachers here will still teach metatronic merkaba, and they will try to do The 55 activation. But if they are any set of teachings out there that start to try it make it go beyond The 55 activation, they are still UIR. Because The others are willing to keep it at 55 and tell you later someday you can make it higher. You‟ll be able to tell UIR teachers from The ones that were Anunnaki league defecting from The UIR. It‟s almost like a secret code you‟re going to be walking around knowing, like a secret language, that most of The people on this planet have no clue even exists. It‟s not about getting a big head. It could be disorienting but it doesn‟t mean to be. We‟re in a situation where we‟re watching a major drama unfolding, and realizing it goes back to a point in history that everybody else doesn‟t even realize exists. Eventually some of them well. Both sides are going to talk about Atlantis. The ones that made it fall will be teaching them their own version of Atlantis. They like to refer to themselves as the Atlantian masters. With this, we‟re going see, I think, more activity around both of The planetary Solar Cross lines, particularly involving HAARP. There‟s all sorts of triangulations that form, by The way, from these, smaller ones that plug in to their APIN systems. So there‟s lots of little triangulations that connect other sites into these main sites. But these are their main links, cause these link directly into The big Solar Cross that is in The planetary alignment. I don‟t know, and The Eieyani don‟t know right either, what The next couple of days is going to hold. They are just watching to see what frequencies they release and to see what agenda they are going to run. They may do something worse than knock out 21 power centers, or they may not. A lot of people say, “if they are so great, why don‟t they know everything?” Why don‟t you know everything? If you are response-able to something that is taking place in front of you, you need to watch to find out what‟s happening. This is why they won‟t make predictions unless it‟s past The point of prediction, where it‟s a certainty. Where they know certain things are going down. We‟ve never been in The business of prophesy for The sake of prophesy. In fact, we had The proof to show you what this stuff was before we even began The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
releasing or speculating about it. They don‟t speculate. They wait to see, and then they can give clear informed data. And right now they are waiting to see what is going to go down in The next couple of days. We do have a thing that we‟re being asked to participate in tomorrow, on day four, when The maharic and keerashay and khundaray infusions come through. This has to do with The site they are going to give us more information on, I think, when we get there. Because it‟s still on security lock, and they just won‟t talk about it right now. I can talk about it only as much as saying it has to do with an implant network that‟s, let‟s say, The Gaudi monuments and churches and things were built over. That‟s why we‟re going to Barcelona on The tour to see these structures. They are quite phenomenal actually. They can make some of The most beautiful anti-Christiac merkaba machines. We‟re going to help recode these. It has to do with an Odedicron group, which are a Reptilian group, that are working with The Wesedraks. The Wesedraks were The first ones to agree to The separation. They didn‟t want The big one, The big monster 55-89 one to activate in The first place, because if it did, it meant they had two choices. A) their black hole was going to be ripped down into The other one, and they‟d be destroyed or what was left of them would be controlled by The others, or b) they would have to fight to get control of it and not let it reverse. And they weren‟t looking forward to either of those. This site is an interface site. This is all I know about it so far. That‟s all they‟re releasing for now. It‟s an interface site with The Wesedrak system over in parallel. I believe High Council has been asked to intervene, because some of them can get out on host. There‟s large groups of Odedicron, The reptilian ones that ended up a long time ago when The fall happened in The first place in Lyra, they kind of got caught in The crossfire. They weren‟t taking a stand against The Emerald Covenant. So, there‟s a group attached to this, but they have some pretty dark coding right now. It is attached to The metatronic black hole. Some of those guys, The Wesedraks in there, are allowing The portions of their race lines that are left still in Phantom, that can still catch The Host Matrix, they‟re allowing them to do it. So, whatever we are going to be doing, which I don‟t know yet but I‟ll probably know when we show up on site, will be to assist in this process, but there‟s another piece to this that has to do, I think, with this network, with The big arc Solar Cross, and this is why it‟s still on security clearance. They say they can‟t release it at this time. What it has to do with is The black out stuff. Why The great power blackout occurred over there. Whatever this is connected into, The large arc Solar Cross, is a connection into The Gaudi lines, and I‟m not sure what it is yet. I‟m tried to feel it out. There‟s a danger in releasing that right now, and I don‟t know why. They‟re saying, we‟ll talk about it tomorrow. They protect us a lot that way. I know that too. Because if certain ones knew we knew certain things, they would probably flatten us if they could. So, actually some part of us agrees to not know until after whatever is done is done. It‟s a protection thing. They can tell if you have The knowledge of not. Just scanning. You can get good at that. If you start scanning people‟s fields, you can tell a signature of energy that represents a frequency that represents a body of knowledge. You can tell if they have that in their fields or not. They can tell what information has been released here. And sometimes, if they knew that certain information was released because of The frequency signatures in The field, it would send them right on our tail, and they‟d be directly after us. So we actually move through what we need to get it right before we do The something, so it makes it so they couldn‟t harm us from that angle anymore. And I know that‟s part of this. It‟s kind of interesting that The politics of this is very strange. It‟s shifting all over The place. It‟s not settled yet. We have some basis groups. We know that there‟s The Wesedraks, who are metatronicked and in their black hole, but they are delighted that they are not going to have to directly fight it out with The UIR people to save their black hole, so they will assist our races and they will assist, through gritted teeth and scowling faces, The Anunnaki defectors. They have a real problem with The Anunnaki. They don‟t like to interact with them. That‟s very mutual between Anunnaki and Wesedraks. You have The UIR people who stayed in The UIR. There‟s a bunch of Draks from this matrix, from The particum universe Wesedak black hole, there‟s a The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
bunch of Draks in there that stayed with The Andromie Necromaton, but most of The Anunnaki left. A few collectives didn‟t but most of The big ones did. The Thoth collective has left. The Enoch collective has left. The Jehovian main collective has left. So even though they don‟t much like each other, they like The Andromie even less. The Archangel Michael Matrix is another face for The Necromaton Andromies. So that matrix will continue to try to do The UIR agenda of activating The Beast. So, we‟re sitting in The middle of all this. It‟s rather fascinating. But what‟s nice is to sit in The middle of it and know we‟re safe. What would you do if you were in a place - wouldn‟t it have been a riot if this had happened here, if we had had this workshop in NY, let‟s say, going through all this? State of emergency is declared in several states. That would have had a little more impact if we had been sitting right in The middle of it. It would have really driven it home. It‟s kind of nice that we‟re tucked over here in The mountains, sitting right on top of The metatronic seed atom, that nothing happened to us so far (laughs). Nice and peaceful here. This knowledge is a tool that, it‟s kind of like put it in your pocket for now. Use The parts that you need to, which are The parts that help you heal The body right now, cause that The personal level you need most. Keep The other parts in your pocket, because there may be a time when there‟s nobody to ask. You might be able to make a connection, but you might have to wait, because if The frequencies get weird here, it is very difficult to get a direct, especially verbal translation line in. They are always there, your higher parts are always there and so are The Eieyani, but sometimes it‟s difficult to have an open communication line. Certain weather conditions. Certain electromagnetic conditions make it more challenging. So what if you‟re just you, you got your knowledge in your back pocket, and at least you know you can trust yourself to feel out where safety is. You‟ll know that you don‟t have to freak out. And The one thing you‟ll know is whatever goes on out here, I know where I‟m going, with or without my body, I know where I‟m going. I‟m going up, homeward, God-ward. And it‟s not a guess anymore. It‟s not - hopefully I was good and when I die, hopefully God will not punish me and send me to Hell. I hope I was good. Cause you don‟t know, in those systems, you just don‟t know. You try to be good, but nobody really told you exactly how God made that judgment. How good is good? How many times have you said The word „damn‟ and you‟re over The edge? (Laughs) You‟re completely out of that space at this point. You know where you‟re going. You work with these frequencies, and your time pulse of your consciousness template, of your bodies, to The degree that your body can hold it, are going to The Bridge Zone, and The Bridge Zone is going progressively into The ascension on The part of The planet that is going into a full ascension cycle. And it means you are going to be living on a place where The stargates are open, which is phenomenal. That‟s what it means to be on an ascension planet. It has The ability to run The frequencies up and down The spectrum. A descending planet falls into black hole status and can‟t run any of The frequencies, which means it can‟t open its gates into any of The natural gate systems. So, there‟s a big world to explore out there once we get out of this 15 dimensional universe. I‟m really curious to see, when we work with The techniques tomorrow to release that final, and it‟s not just one rod, it‟s The Solar Cross axis that‟s running across and holding The mess together in here, in The AzurA. I‟m really curious to see how fast, if this clears up really fast. This has been going for a month and getting worse instead of better, no matter what I‟ve done for it. So, it may be interesting to see. (Break) Last day, in Barcelona: Az: Ashayana is not well enough to come down this evening. She is actually exhausted and it appears she‟s The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
torn another muscle in another part of her chest. Nevertheless, The job gets done. That‟s what matters. We appreciate The way you are with this and The extent to which you‟ve grown to understand that The way this works is not like going to an office and unlocking The door, pulling The files, sitting down, and assuming your everyday mask, and squeezing coffee beans or whatever you do. You have a dinner to go to. We wish we could be with you but we won‟t be. However, you will go with our love and a lot more of yourself available than you did when you arrived in Andorra a week ago. This is something of a major finale, and I‟ve been asked to point out to you that what you‟re about to do is going to be extremely influential in terms of it‟s immediate effect, and its subsequent effects too. There is a part B, which is not to be performed anyway from 10-40 (?) days from now. You will be provided with that element of The technique part B, which will not be given, and can‟t be given and shouldn‟t be given this evening. But you were brought right up to The point that you need to be, and in 10-40 days from now, you will have part B which will complete this particular part of The process. So, between us, we‟ve scribbled this down as quickly as we can. I‟m not sure I can read my own writing any better than hers, but we will do our very best, and that will be good enough. So, just close your eyes, and begin gentle six point lotus breathing from The AzurA. Anchoring The Planetary and Solar-Galactic Mahadra-Adhrana Christos Wheel. 19. PART D: Releasing The Grand Cross Lyran Implant Clearing The Metatronic Monad with The Maharic Wave Infusion (Can be done during or any time following The August 16, 2003 “Day-4” Planetary Lyran Activation Maharic Wave Infusion (D11 BT/D12 OT)) Preparation: Anchoring The Planetary and Solar-Galactic Mahadra-Adhrana Christos Wheel- PART A: Opening The Rishiac Eye- Activating The Adhrana Triangulation, PART B: Releasing The Solar Cross Orion ImplantClearing The Adhrana Band with The Blue-Black Wave Infusion and PART C: Releasing The Solar Cross Andromeda Implant –Clearing The Eumbi Band with The Silver-Black Wave Infusion 1. Sit quietly with eyes closed and begin gentle 6-point Lotus Breathing from The AzurA. 2. Move your attention to The center of The AzurA and imagine that within The AzurA‟s Azurite Core Crystal there is a tiny crystalline microchip encased in a grayish-white jelly-like spherical capsule. This grayish-white jelly-like capsule is called The Metatronic Stellar activation cycle. Within The Metatronic Stellar activation cycle there is a cluster of 4 deep magenta-red nodules called The Metatronic Monadic Heart. At The center point of The 4 nodules of The Metatronic Heart there is a singular metallic Gold Cube called The Metatronic Cube. 3. INHALE a Heliotalic Lotus Breath into The AzurA and into The Gold Metatronic Cube, then EXHALE forcefully, using The Exhale breath to fill The Gold Metatronic Cube with Heliotalic light. 4. INHALE another Heliotalic Lotus Breath into The Gold Metatronic Cube at The AzurA, then use The EXHALE breath to forcefully push The Gold Metatronic Cube from The AzurA downward to The center of The 3rd Solar Plexus Chakra. 5. INHALE another Lotus Breath into The AzurA, then EXHALE, using The Exhale breath to push a current of Heliotalic light down The Central Vertical Current and into The Kathara Center-5 at The
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
7. 8.
9. 10.
Navel. Imagine that within Kathara Center-5 at The Navel there is another Cube colored shiny metallic Black. INHALE a Lotus Breath into The EUmbi Point just below The Navel, then EXHALE forcefully, using The Exhale breath to push Heliotalic Current upward and into The Black Cube at Kathara Center-5 Navel. Take 3 Inhale/Exhale Lotus Breaths into The Eumbi Point, using each Exhale to push Heliotalic Current up and into The Black Cube at Kathara Center-5 Navel. Place your attention next upon The center point of your Maharic Shield, 12 inches below your feet. INHALE a Lotus Breath from The Mahadra Point in Chakra-13 Earth Core, then EXHALE, using The Exhale breath to push Heliotalic Current from Chakra-13 up to The center point of your Maharic Shield. Breathe several gentle Lotus Breaths from Chakra-13, using each Exhale breath to build and expand a Heliotalic Ball at The Mahadra Point in Chakra-13. INHALE another Lotus Breath at Chakra-13 and into The Heliotalic Ball, then forcefully EXHALE, using The Exhale breath to push The Heliotalic Ball upward from Chakra-13 and into The center of your Maharic Shield 12-inches below your feet. Now, INHALE a thick stream of Pale Silver D-12 Maharic Current from The center of The Maharic Shield and EXHALE this Maharic Current into The center of The Heliotalic Ball that is still stationed in The Maharic Shield center point, filling The Heliotalic Ball with Pale Silver D-12 Maharic liquid light. INHALE a Lotus Breath from The Mahadra point at Chakra-13 Earth Core, then forcefully EXHALE, using The Exhale Breath to push Heliotalic Current up from Chakra-13 to The Heliotalic Ball at The Maharic Shield center, pushing The Heliotalic Ball upward to The Metatronic Black Cube that is still stationed in Kathara Center-5 Navel. INHALE a Lotus Breath now from The Eumbi point just below The Navel, and EXHALE, using The Exhale breath to push Heliotalic Current up to The Metatronic Black Cube and Heliotalic Ball at Kathara Center-5 Navel. Take another Lotus Breath, this time from The AzurA point, and EXHALE, using The Exhale breath to push Heliotalic Current downward, through The GOLD Metatronic Cube stationed at Chakra-3 Solar Plexus, and into Kathara Center-5 Navel. Imagine that The Heliotalic Current coming down from The AzurA at The Thymus Base, pushes The Chakra-3 Solar Plexus Gold Metatronic Cube down and into The Black Cube and Heliotalic Ball at Kathara Center-5 Navel, then pushes The Gold and Black Metatronic Cubes and The Heliotalic Ball slightly downward from Kathara Center-5 Navel and into The Eumbi point just below The Navel.
INHALE a Lotus Breath into The Eumbi point, using The Inhale breath to draw Heliotalic Current into The Heliotalic Ball at The Eumbi, expanding The Heliotalic Ball until it forms an eggshaped capsule around The Gold and Black Metatronic Cubes at The Eumbi. 16. EXHALE forcefully, pushing The Heliotalic Egg, with Gold and Black Metatronic Cubes inside, down into Chakra-13 Earth Core. 17. Breathe gentle Lotus Breaths while imagining that Chakra-13 Earth Core now opens like a round, horizontal “Well”, with Pale Turquoise D-13 light inside. Imagine that The Heliotalic Egg with Gold and Black Metatronic Cubes inside is now drawn into The D-13 Pale Turquoise light within The Chakra-13 “Well” and that The Chakra-13 “Well” now closes. The Metatronic Cube Implants, The
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
Grand Cross Lyran Implants of The Artificial Reversed Metatronic Monad are now removed from your organic 15-Dimensional Anatomy, as The energies of which The implants were composed transmute upon contact with natural Base-12 D-13 light, returning to their matrix of origin. 18. INHALE a final Lotus Breath into The AzurA, drawing Pale Gold “Golden Fleece” frequency from your outer field Flame Body into The AzurA upon The Heliotalic carrier wave. EXHALE gently, slowly filling The Azurite Core Crystal at The AzurA center with Pale Gold “Golden Fleece” light. Observe as The 4 deep magenta-red Metatronic nodules still stationed within The Azurite Core Crystal gently dissolve and disappear as The Azurite Crystal fills with The Golden Fleece frequency of The Arc of The Covenant Host field. 19. Your Metatronic Monad-Lyran Implant system, genetically carried through The Gaian-Taran Race Karma line, is now removed. In two weeks time following this Hethalon Technique-1D, The Golden Fleece Arc of The Covenant Host frequencies will reach critical mass accretion within your natural Christiac Monadic Shield, allowing The artificial Reversed Metatronic Shield and Metatronic Merkaba Field to gently but progressively separate (between now and 2012) from your natural Christiac Merkaba Field and Divine Blueprint Shield, within The Planetary Golden Fleece Buffer Field. Anchoring The Planetary and Solar-Galactic Mahadra-Adhrana Christos Wheel. PART E: Releasing The Metatronic Shield & Reversed Merkaba Field Separating The Metatronic Shield with The Kee-Ra-ShA/Khundaray Wave Infusion (Can be done during or any time following The August 16, 2003 "Day-4" Planetary Ecka Activation Kee-RaShA/Khundaray Wave Infusion (D13-14-15). Activation strongest from August 27-September 12, 2003, as Planetary Kee-Ra-ShA/Khundaray Wave Infusions reach critical mass accretion peak in Earth‟s core before diffusing throughout Planetary Shields thereafter.) Preparation: Anchoring The Planetary and Solar-Galactic Mahadra-Adhrana Christos Wheel- PART A: Opening The Rishiac Eye- Activating The Adhrana Triangulation, PART B: Releasing The Solar Cross Orion ImplantClearing The Adhrana Band with The Blue-Black Wave Infusion, PART C: Releasing The Solar Cross Andromeda Implant –Clearing The Eumbi Band with The Silver-Black Wave Infusion and PART D: Releasing The Grand Cross Lyra Implant –Clearing The Metatronic Monad with The Maharic Wave Infusion. 1. Sit quietly with eyes closed and begin gentle 6-point Lotus Breathing from The AzurA. 2. Call to mind The Azurite Core Crystal at The center of The AzurA, and imagine that you can see a spherical capsule of beautiful Golden-Silver-ONE (D-8/D-12/D-14) light surrounding and permeating The Azurite Core Crystal; this Golden-Silver-ONE capsule represents The critical mass accretion field of The Arc of The Covenant Golden Fleece Host Buffer initiated in Hethalon Technique-1 PART D. 3. Continue gentle Lotus Breathing from The AzurA while focusing your attention upon The spherical Golden-Silver-ONE capsule surrounding The Azurite Core Crystal, then INHALE Heliotalic Current into The Azurite Core Crystal at The AzurA, hold breath for a comfortable length of time to build charge, then EXHALE forcefully, using The Exhale breath to forcefully push an intense burst of Heliotalic Current from The Azurite Core Crystal upward and diagonally to The right, directly into The Kathara Center-6 point within The right shoulder area. 4. Imagine that there is a microscopic deep magenta-red nodule Metatronic Implant, known as The
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
"Sirian Nodule", implanted deep within The Kathara-6 Center; observe that The Heliotalic Current exhaled to Kathara-Center-6 in step-3 above now automatically Phase-locks, or "locks onto" The Kathara Center-6 Sirian Nodule Metatronic Implant. Continue at least 3 rounds of gentle Inhale/Exhale Lotus Breathing from The AzurA, using each EXHALE to send a burst of amplifying Heliotalic Current from The AzurA diagonally up and to The right and into The Sirian Nodule Metatronic Implant. 5. After at least 3 rounds of amplifying Heliotalic Lotus Breaths, INHALE forcefully, then EXHALE forcefully, using The Exhale breath to push a current of Golden-Silver-ONE frequency from The Golden Fleece capsule around The Azurite Core Crystal in The AzurA, diagonally up and to The right and into The Sirian Nodule Implant within Kathara Center-6. 6. Continue gentle Lotus Breathing from The AzurA, and imagine that The Golden-Silver-ONE current now surrounds and permeates The Sirian Nodule Implant in The Kathara Center-6, forming a spherical capsule of Golden-Silver-ONE light around The Sirian Nodule Implant. 7. Continue gentle Lotus Breathing from The AzurA, using each EXHALE breath to direct more Golden-Silver-ONE current from The Golden Fleece capsule around The Azurite Core Crystal and into The Golden Fleece capsule surrounding The Sirian Nodule Implant in kathara Center-6, progressively amplifying The intensity and brightness of both Golden-Silver-ONE Golden Fleece capsules. 8. INHALE another Heliotalic Lotus Breath from The AzurA, then forcefully EXHALE, again diagonally upward and to The right, but this time directing Heliotalic current further upward and into Kathara Center-9, in The brain behind The right ear. At Kathara Center-9 you have accessed The Sirian Nodule Implant Control Node, The anchoring point for The PCM universe 34CCW-R inverted reversed Metatronic Merkaba Field, from which you can release The Kathara Centers-9/4 diagonal center axis of The Metatronic Merkaba Field and corresponding aspects of The Metatronic Shield. 9. INHALE a slow, deep Lotus Breath from The AzurA, drawing in a thick 6-point current of Heliotalic light into a Heliotalic Ball within The Azurite Core Crystal and hold The Inhale breath comfortably to build charge. 10. EXHALE, slowly and firmly, using The Exhale breath to direct a thick Heliotalic Current from The Heliotalic Ball in The Azurite Core Crystal diagonally and upward to The right and into The Sirian Nodule Implant Control Node within Kathara Center-9 in The brain behind The right ear. 11. INHALE another Heliotalic Lotus breath into The AzurA, shift your attention to Kathara Center-9, then EXHALE forcefully, using The Exhale breath to push a thick tube of Heliotalic Current from Kathara Center-9 diagonally downward and toward The left, through The AzurA and across The inside of The body to a minute Metatronic Implant Node in Kathara Center-4 on The left (left ovary in women, left urethra in men). Imagine that a Heliotalic Tube now extends from The Kathara Center-9 Control Node anchoring point in The brain behind The right ear, diagonally downward through The body and to The second Node anchoring point in Kathara Center-4 on The lower left of body. 12. INHALE a Heliotalic Lotus Breath from The AzurA, then EXHALE forcefully, using The EXHALE breath to extend The Heliotalic Tube horizontally to The right, from The Kathara Center-4 Node anchoring point to a corresponding Metatronic Implant Node in Kathara Center-3, on The right side of The body directly opposite Kathara Center-4. 13. Continue gentle Heliotalic Lotus Breathing from The AzurA, and shift your attention back to The Sirian Implant Nodule Control Node in Kathara Center-9 in brain behind right ear. Observe or imagine that The minute Metatronic Control Node in Kathara Center-9 has been directing a counter-
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
clockwise rotating current of Electrical Blue-Violet D-13R frequency diagonally downward to Kathara Center-4; this unnatural CCW D-13R Metatronic current fuels The CCW rotation of The PCM Universe 34CCW Metatronic Shield and Merkaba Field. With your attention on The Sirian Nodule Implant Control Node in Kathara Center -9, and The CCW D-13R current it is generating, firmly INHALE a Heliotalic Lotus Breath from The AzurA, then forcefully EXHALE a stream of Clock-wise spiraling Heliotalic Current diagonally upward to The right and into The Control Node in Kathara Center-9. Take 6 more rapid Inhale/Exhale Lotus Breaths, using each Exhale to intensify and amplify The Clockwise spiraling stream of Heliotalic Current running from The AzurA to The Control Node in Kathara Center-9. Return to gentle Lotus Breathing from The AzurA, and observe or imagine that The Counterclockwise rotating D-13R current emanating from The Control Node in Kathara Center-9 momentarily stops rotating, then reverses to a Clockwise spin. As The D-13R current from The Control Node momentarily stops then reverses to Clockwise spin, The 34CCW Metatronic Shield and Merkaba Field correspondingly briefly stop then reverse to Clockwise spin, initiating separation between The unnatural Metatronic Shield Template and The natural Christiac Shield Divine Blueprint. Continue gentle Lotus Breathing from The AzurA and return your attention to Kathara Center-3 on The lower right side of The body, and The previously constructed Heliotalic Tube running from Kathara Center-9, to Kathara Center-4 to Kathara Center-3. INHALE into The AzurA, then EXHALE forcefully, using The Exhale breath to push two diagonal Heliotalic Currents from The AzurA, through The diagonal Heliotalic Tube, one current moving up to Kathara Center-9, The other moving simultaneously downward into Kathara Center-4. INHALE again from The AzurA, and EXHALE forcefully, using The Exhale Breath to direct a final Heliotalic Current diagonally downward only, first into Kathara Center-4, then horizontally to The right and into Kathara Center-3. Return to gentle Lotus Breathing, and observe now that a large flat disc of deep magenta-crimson light briefly "flashes on" within and around The body on a vertical plane; this is The Metatronic Shield. Imagine now that this Metatronic Shield disc begins a slow gentle Clockwise rotation as it begins spiraling outward from your body, in front of you and then disappears. Take a final INHALE from The AzurA, then EXHALE forcefully, using The Exhale breath to direct a stream of Heliotalic Current diagonally upward to The right and into The Sirian Nodule Implant in Kathara Center-6 in The right shoulder area. Return to gently Lotus Breathing and observe as The Sirian Nodule Implant at Kathara Center-6 pops to become a starburst of Golden-Silver-ONE light, and as The Sirian Nodule Implant transmutes, tiny starbursts of Golden-Silver-ONE light emerge within Kathara Centers 1 through 11, as all remaining Sirian Nodule Implant Nodes also transmute and disappear. Return to normal breathing with eyes closed and observe or imagine that The Kee-Ra-ShA "Trinity Flame" D13-14-15 runs up from Chakra-13 Earth Core into and through every cell of your body at up to Chakra-14 36" above The head. The Metatronic Shield is now successfully separated from your natural Divine Blueprint Shield within The Golden-Silver-ONE Golden Fleece Buffer field.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane
Transcription of Andorra Workshop, August 2003 (Dance For Joy – Part 2)
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1999 - 2011 A & A Deane