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English Pages 96 [95] Year 1967
Old Norse - Icelandic Studies A Select Bibliography
CENTRE FOR MEDIEVAL STUDIES University of Toronto TORONTO MEDIEVAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Editor: John Leyerle Director, Centre for Medieval Studies i. OLD NORSE-ICELANDIC STUDIES, by Hans Bekker-Nielsen, Co-editor of Bibliography of Old Norse-Icelandic Studies and of Den Arnamagnceanske Kommissions Ordbog. In Preparation MEDIEVAL RHETORIC, by J. J. Murphy, Chairman of the Department of Rhetoric, University of California (Davis). OLD ENGLISH, by Fred C. Robinson, Stanford University. MEDIEVAL LATIN LITERATURE, by Peter Dronke, Cambridge University.
Compiled by
© University of Toronto Press 1967
This Bibliography was prepared during the author's term as Visiting Professor to the Centre for Medieval Studies in the University of Toronto^ 1965-66. The inception of this visit as well as continuing support came from the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies in Toronto.
EDITOR'S P R E F A C E The study of the Middle Ages has been developed chiefly within university departments such as English or History. This pattern is increasingly being supplemented by an interdisciplinary approach in which the plan of work is shaped to fit the subject studied. The difference of approach is between Chaucer the English poet and Chaucer the civil servant of London attached to the court of Richard II, a man interested in the Ptolemaic Universe and widely read in Latin, French and Italian. Such interdisciplinary programmes tend to lead readers into areas relatively unfamiliar to them where critical bibliographies prepared with careful selectivity by an expert are essential. The Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto takes such an interdisciplinary approach to the Middle Ages and the need for such bibliographies has become apparent in our work. The Centre has undertaken to meet this need by sponsoring the Toronto Medieval Bibliographies. Each title presents a list of works selected with three specific aims. One is to aid students relatively new to the area covered by the title, for example Old Norse and Icelandic. Another is to guide more advanced readers in a subject where they have had little formal training, for example, Medieval Rhetoric or Latin Literature; and the third is to assist new libraries in forming a basic collection in the subject presented. These aims of the series indicate that volumes should be selective and reasonably brief; they are not meant to be inclusive listings for readers already expert in the subjects. Individual compilers are given scope to organize a
presentation that they judge will best suit their subject and also to make brief critical comments as they think fit. Clarity and usefulness of a volume are preferred over any demand for exact uniformity from one volume to another. J.L.
PREFACE This bibliography was compiled to serve as an intelligent student's guide to Old Norse-Icelandic studies, an area of scholarship that is well defined both geographically and chronologically by the most commonly used definition of Old Norse as the language(s) of Norway until c. 1370 and of Iceland until 1540. It is by nature selective, but offers a fairly wide range of different kinds of material relevant for the study of the language, literature, and other aspects of civilization in Norway and Iceland in the Middle Ages. The references to standard handbooks and bibliographies will furnish the student with sufficient additional bibliographical information, if his studies take him outside the ground covered here. An effort has been made to include sufficient books and articles in English and German so that the student with little knowledge of modern Scandinavian languages will have adequate secondary material for Old Norse-Icelandic studies. For the advanced student a reading knowledge of other Northern tongues and a sound knowledge of Old Norse are desirable. I have had the English-speaking students' interests in mind and have listed a large number of translations into English; apart from a general reference to Thule, the many, and often excellent, translations of Old Norse texts into German or one of the modern Scandinavian languages have not been included. The plans for this bibliography were made during my stay as Visiting Professor of Old Norse in the Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto during the academic year 1965-66. I had collected and classified the material by
the end of March 1966., which is the cut-off date. My original files contained more than twice the amount of material presented here; although it was sometimes hard to cut out old favourites among books of Old Norse lore and learning, I stopped at the present size and scope of the bibliography. For the student or scholar interested in Old Norse-Icelandic studies living in or near Toronto, this bibliography will have an extra attraction, since the Centre for Medieval Studies, in collaboration with the University Library, has made most, and will eventually make all, titles in this book available through the libraries on the campus. Almost every period of the literary history is represented among the recommended readings in Section IV: remnants of pre-Christian literature or tradition, various types of medieval epic, romance, and works from the last centuries of the Middle Ages. From the earliest specimens of literary creativity in Norway and Iceland down to the late medieval examples of Icelandic writing, more than half a millennium passed. The Norwegian and the much more numerous Icelandic manuscripts are the foundation of the modern study of the literature of this period. References to facsimile editions are found throughout this book, an admonition to pay attention to the Old Norse manuscripts from the earliest fragments from c. 1150, through the beautiful examples of Icelandic manuscript production in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, to some valuable post-medieval manuscripts. Section IV is divided into various groups reflecting the traditional division of Old Norse-Icelandic literature into Skaldic poetry, Eddie poetry, Islendinga sogur, Konunga sogur and so on, although it is sometimes difficult to see the virtues of this system. Since some sort of order was called for, I followed tradition and made use of the old categories in
this section; it has the advantage that texts of a natural affinity or texts grouped together by eminent editors such as Finnur Jonsson, Rafn or Unger are found under one general heading. In this and other respects I have tried to suppress my own prejudices or inclinations. For friendly criticism through all stages of the work, I am indebted to Professors L. K. Shook, B. Wilkinson, J. F. Leyerle, and H. N. Milnes. Dr. R. H. Blackburn, Chief Librarian of the University of Toronto, also helped me, as did Mr. Thorkil Damsgaard Olsen, my co-editor of the annual Bibliography of Old Norse-Icelandic Studies. I owe them all a debt of gratitude. Finally, my thanks go to two librarians, who, in the spirit of their profession, gave me generous help in compiling the bibliography: Miss Joan Magee of the University of Windsor, who assisted in collecting material for the first draft^ and Mrs. Else Bekker-Nielsen, my wife, who assisted me through all stages of the work, both in Toronto, when the main work was done, and in Copenhagen during a slight revision of the manuscript. I wish to acknowledge the generous financial assistance from the Canada Council that allowed me to concentrate on bibliographical work during my stay in Toronto from September 1965 to April 1966. Toronto, April 1966, and Copenhagen, October 1966. H. B-N.
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CONTENTS Editor's Preface Preface Abbreviations I. Introductory Material (a) Bibliographies (b) Periodicals (c) Collections, Saga-Libraries, Series
5 7 13
. . . .
II. Study of Language ( a ) Grammars, Introductions, Readers . . . . (b) Dictionaries, Concordances (c) History of Language, Metrics, Stylistics etc. . (d) Manuscript Study, Catalogues of Manuscript Collections III.
Literary History and Criticism
IV. Texts V. Background Material Index
15 15 16 17 20 20 21 22 23 26
31 81 86
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The Arnamagnean Collection,, Copenhagen Arkiv for nordisk filologi Aarboger for nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historic Acta philologica Scandinavica Altnordische Saga-Bibliothek American-Scandinavian Review Beitrdge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur BiblAM Bibliotheca Arnamagnceana CCI Corpus codicum Islandicorum medii aevi CCN Corpus codicum Norvegicorum medii aevi EdAM Editiones Arnamagnceance Edda Edda. Nordisk tidsskrift for litteraturjorskning EG Etudes germaniques EIM Early Icelandic Manuscripts in Facsimile GkS Gammel kongelig Samling. The Old Royal Collection of Manuscripts in the Royal Library, Copenhagen GR Germanic Review GRM Germanisch-romanische Monatsschrift Grundriss Grundriss der germanischen Philologie JEGP Journal of English and Germanic Philology IF Islenzk fornrit IT Islenzk tunga KLNM Kulturhistorisk leksikon for nordisk middelalder MM Medium SEvum MI Manuscripta Islandica MLN Modern Language Notes
Modern Language Quarterly Modern Language Review Maal og Minne Mediaeval Studies Nordisk filologi Publications of the Modern Language Association Saga-Book of the Viking Society for Northern Research Scandinavian Studies Safn til sogu Islands [Skrifter udgivet af] Samfund til udgivelse af gammel nordisk litteratur Year's Work in Modern Language Studies Zeitschrift fur deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur Zeitschrift fiir deutsche Philologie
Introductory Material (a) B I B L I O G R A P H I E S
Bibliography of Old Norse-Icelandic Studies. 1963 ff. (Copenhagen ig64ff. In progress). [Annual bibl.] Cornell University Library. Catalogue of the Icelandic Collection bequeathed by Willard Fiske. Compiled by Halldor Hermannsson (Ithaca, N. Y. 1914. Reprint 1960). Additions 1913-26 (Ithaca, N. Y. 1927. Reprint 1960). Additions 1927-42 (Ithaca, N. Y. 1943. Reprint 1960). Islandkatalog der Universitdtsbibliothek Kiel und der Universitdts- und Stadtbibliothek Koln. Hrsg. von der Universitatsbibliothek Kiel. Bearbeitet von Olaf Klose (Kiel 1931). [Bibliographical references to Old Norse-Icelandic studies can also be found in the ,,Litteraturkronika" of ANF and the ^Bibliography of Scandinavian Philology" in APS, in Germanistik, in the annual bibliographies of IT, PMLA and SS, and in YWML. For specialized bibliographies, see Section IV below: AMERICA, DISCOVERY OF; EDDIC POETRY; FORNALDAR SOGUR; ISLENDINGA SOGUR; KONUNGA SOGUR; LAWS; SAINTS' LIVES; SKALDIC POETRY; SNORRA
EDDA. Catalogues of manuscript collections are listed in Section II (d) below.] (b) P E R I O D I C A L S
The periodicals and serials included below are by no means exclusively devoted to Old Norse-Icelandic subjects, but any student in the field should be familiar with and consult them regularly, not least because of the book reviews found in most of them. The abbreviations in parentheses are those commonly used by Old Norse-Icelandic scholars; they are employed throughout this bibliography. Aarboger for nor disk Oldkyndighed og Historie (AN OH) Act a philologica Scandinavica (APS) American-Scandinavian Review (ASR) Arbok hins islenzka fornleifafelags Arkiv for nordisk filologi (ANF) Arv Beitrage zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur (BGDSL) Edda. Nordisk tidsskrift for litteraturforskning (Edda) Etudes germaniques (EG) Frodskaparrit Germanic Review (GR) Germanisch-romanische Monatsschrift (GRM) Germanistik Historisk tidsskrift [Oslo] (The) Icelandic Canadian Islandica Islenzk tunga. Lingua Islandica (IT) Journal of English and Germanic Philology (JEGP) Maal og Minne (MM)
Mediaeval Studies (MS) Medium JEvum (M^E) Modern Language Notes (MLN) Modern Language Quarterly (MLQ) Modern Language Review (MLR) Nordisk tidskrift for bok- och biblioteksvdsen Publications of the Modern Language Association (PMLA) Saga-Book of the Viking Society for Northern Research
Scandinavian Studies (SS) Scandinavica Skirnir Speculum Studia Islandica Year's Work in Modern Language Studies (YWML) Zeitschrift jilr deutsche Philologie (ZDP) Zeitschrift fur deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur (ZDA) (c) COLLECTIONS, S A G A - L I B R A R I E S , SERIES
AltnordischeSaga-Bibliothekl-KVlll (Halle 1892-1929). (ASB) Altnordische Textbibliothek. N. F. hrsg. von Walter Baetke I ff. (Halle 1952 ff. In progress). Bibliotheca Arnamagnceana I ff. (Copenhagen 1941 ff. In progress). (BiblAM) [Monographs in the field of Old Norse and Icelandic studies.] Corpus codicum Islandicorum medii aevi I—XX (Copenhagen 1930-56). (CGI) [Facsimile editions.]
Corpus codicum Norvegicorum medii aevi I ff. (Oslo 1950 ff. In progress). (CCN) [Facsimile editions.] Early Icelandic Manuscripts in Facsimile I ff. (Copenhagen 1958 ff. In progress). (EIM) Editiones Arnamagnazance. Series A I ff. (Copenhagen I958ff. In progress), Series B I f f . (Copenhagen 1960 ff. In progress). (EdAM] [Editions of Old Norse and Icelandic texts.] Islendingasagnautgdfan: Islendingasogur I-XIII (Reykjavik 1946-49; 2nd ed. Akureyri 1953). Byskupa sogur IIII (Reykjavik 1948; 2nd ed. Akureyri 1953). Konunga sogur I-III (Akureyri 1957)—[and other groups of texts]. Islenzk fornrit II ff. (Reykjavik 1933 ff. In progress).
Islenzk handrit. Icelandic Manuscripts I ff. (Reykjavik i956ff. In progress). [Facsimile editions.] Manuscripta Islandica I f f . (Copenhagen i954ff. In progress). (MI) [Facsimile editions.] Nelson's Icelandic Texts I ff. (London 1957 ff. In progress). [Bilingual editions with English translations.] Nor disk filologi I f f . (Copenhagen I95off. In progress). (NF) Safn til sogu Islands og islenzkra bokmenta ad fornu og nyju I f f . (Copenhagen 1856-1912 Reykjavik 1913 ff. In progress). (SSI) [Papers and monographs in the field of Old Norse and Icelandic studies.]
Saga Library, ed. by William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson, I-VI (London 1891-1905). [English translations of various Islendinga sogur and Heimskringla.] [Skrifter udgivet af] Samfund til udgivelse af gammel nordisk litteratur I f f . (Copenhagen i88off. In progress). (SUGNL) Thule. Altnordische Dichtung und Prosa I-XXIV (Jena 1912-30; rev. ed. Dusseldorf 1963 ff. In progress). [The most comprehensive collection of translations into a nonScandinavian language.]
Study of Language (a) GRAMMARS, I N T R O D U C T I O N S , R E A D E R S
Kenneth G. Chapman, Graded Readings and Exercises in Old Icelandic (Berkeley and Los Angeles 1964). Stefan Einarsson, Icelandic (Baltimore 1945; 4th printing Baltimore 1961). G. N. Garmonsway, An Early Norse Reader (Cambridge 1928). E. V. Gordon, An Introduction to Old Norse. Second Edition revised by A. R. Taylor (Oxford 1957, reprint Oxford 1962). Andreas Heusler, Altisldndisches Element arbuch. 4. Aufl. Heidelberg 1950). Wolfgang Krause, Abriss der Altwestnordischen Grammatik (Halle 1948). Adolf Noreen, Altisldndische und altnorwegische Grammatik . . . 4. vollstandig umgearbeitete Auflage (Halle 1923).
Elias Wessen, Isldndsk grammatik. Andra upplagan (Stockholm 1961).
(b) D I C T I O N A R I E S , C O N C O R D A N C E S
Arni BoSvarsson, Islenzk ordabok handa skolum og almenningi (Reykjavik 1963). Richard Cleasby and Gudbrand Vigfusson, An IcelandicEnglish Dictionary . . . (Oxford 1874). Second Edition with a Supplement by William A. Graigie (Oxford 1957). Johan Fritzner, Ordbog over det gamle norske Sprog I-III (Ghristiania 1883-1896; reprint Oslo 1954). Geir T. Zoega3 A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic (Oxford 1910; reprint 1961). Frank Fischer, Die Lehnworter des Altwestnordischen (Palaestra LXXXV; Berlin 1909). Hugo Gering, Vollstdndiges Worterbuch zu den Liedern der Edda (Halle 1903). Einar Haugen,, Norwegian Word Studies. II. The Vocabularies of the Old Norse Sagas and of Henrik Wergeland (Madison, Wise. 1942). Ferdinand Holthausen Vergleichendes und etymologisches Worterbuch des Altwestnordischen (Gottingen 1948). Anne Holtsmark, Ordforrddet skriftene (Oslo 1954).
i de eldste norske hdnd-
Alexander Johannesson, Isldndisches etymologisches Worterbuch (Bern 1950-56).
Finnur Jonsson, Lexicon poeticum antiquce linguce septentrionalis. Ordbog over det norsk-islandske skjaldesprog oprindelig forfattet af Sveinbjorn Egilsson . . . 2. udg. (Copenhagen 1931; reprint 1966). Ordbog til de af SUGNL udgivne Rimur . . . (SUGNL LI; Copenhagen 1926-28). Ludvig Larsson, Ordforrddet i de dlsta isldnska handskrifterna (Lund 1891). E. H. Lind, Norsk-isldndska dopnamn och fingerade namn frdn medeltiden . . . (Uppsala 1905-15). Supplementband (Oslo 1931). Norsk-isldndska personbinamn frdn medeltiden . . . (Uppsala 1920-21). Jan de Vries, Altnordisches etymologisches Worterbuch (Leiden 1961). Chr. Westergard-Nielsen, Ldneordene i det 16. drhundredes trykte islandske litteratur (BiblAM VI; Copenhagen 1946). (c) H I S T O R Y OF L A N G U A G E , M E T R I C S , S T Y L I S T I C S ETC.
Kenneth G. Chapman, Icelandic-Norwegian Linguistic Relationships (Oslo 1962). Andreas Heusler, Deutsche Versgeschichte I-III. 2. Aufl. (Grundriss 8; Berlin 1956). Winfred P. Lehmann, The Development of Germanic Verse Form (Austin, Texas 1956).
History of Language
Rudolf Meissner, Die Kenningar der Skalden. Ein Beitrag zur skaldischen Poetik (Rheinische Beitrdge und Hiilfsbilcher zur germanischen Philologie und Volkskunde I; Bonn and Leipzig 1921). Adolf Noreen, Geschichte der nordischen Sprachen, besonders in altnordischer Zeit. 3., vollstandig umgearbeitete Aufl. (Grundriss 4; Strassburg 1913). M. Nygaard, Norron syntax (Kristiania 1905). Bemerkninger) rettelser og supplementer til min Norron syntax (Kristiania 1917). Didrik Arup Seip5 Norsk sprdkhistorie til omkring 1370. 2. utgave (Oslo 1955). Studier i norsk sprdkhistorie (Oslo 1934). Nye studier i norsk sprdkhistorie (Oslo 1954). Vemund Skard, Norsk sprdkhistorie til 1350 (Oslo 1962). Friedrich Stroh, Handbuch der Germanischen Philologie (Berlin 1952). Elias Wessen^ De nordiska sprdken (Stockholm 1941; 7th reprint 1965). (d) M A N U S C R I P T STUDY, C A T A L O G U E S O F MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS
Hreinn Benediktsson, Early Icelandic Script as Illustrated in Vernacular Texts from the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries (Islenzk Handrit. Icelandic Manuscripts. Ser. in Folio. II; Reykjavik 1965).
Manuscript Study
Vilhelm Godel, Fornnorsk-isldndsk litteratur i Sverige (Stockholm 1897). Katalog ofver Kongl. Bibliotekets fornisldndska och fornnorska handskrifter (Stockholm 1897-1900). Katalog ofver Upsala Universitets Biblioteks fornisldndska och fornnorska handskrifter (Uppsala 1892). Olafur Halldorsson, Helgafellsbcekur fornar (Studia landica XXIV; Reykjavik 1966).
Jon Helgason^ Handrit asp jail (Reykjavik 1958). Kristian Kalund., Katalog over den Arnamagnceanske hdndskriftsamling I-II (Copenhagen 1889-94). Katalog over de oldnorsk-islandske handskrifter i det store kongelige bibliotek . . . (Copenhagen 1900). (ed.) ? Palceografisk Atlas. Oldnorsk-islandsk deling (Copenhagen 1905).
Ny Serie. Oldnorsk-islandske Skriftpr0ver c. 13001700 (Copenhagen 1907). Gustaf Lindblad, Det islandska accenttecknet. En historiskortografisk studie (Lundastudier i nor disk sprdkvetenskap VIII; Lund 1952). Pall Eggert Olason, Skrd um handritasofn ins I-II I (Reykjavik 1918-37).
Handritasafn Landsbokasafns. I. aukabindi (Reykjavik 1947).
Manuscript Study
Larus H. Blondal, Handritasafn Landsbokasafns. II. aukabindi (Reykjavik 1959). [With a supplement by Jakob Benediktsson, ,,Skra um skinnbloS i Landsbokasafni Islands."] Didrik Arup Seip, Palazograji (Nordisk Kultur XXVIII B; Stockholm, Oslo? and Copenhagen 1954). Olai Skulerudj Catalogue of Norse Manuscripts in Edinburgh, Dublin and Manchester (Kristiania 1918). Harald Spehr5 Der Ursprung der isldndischen Schrift und ihre Weiterbildung bis zur Mitte das 13. Jahrhunderts (Halle 1929). [Valuable contributions to manuscript study are also found in the introductions to the volumes of the facsimile series (see Section I ( c ) ) 3 and in many of the editions listed in Section IV.l
Literary History and Criticism The following is a selection of works of a general, or fairly general, nature dealing with Old Norse-Icelandic literature. Other contributions to the study of literature are found in Section IV below. Bo Almqvist, Norrbn niddiktning. Traditionshistoriska studier i versmagi. i: Nid mot furstar (Nordiska texter och under sokningar XXI; Uppsala 1965). Theodore M. Andersson, The Problem of Icelandic Saga Origins. A Historical Survey (Yale Germanic Studies I; New Haven 1964). Walter Baetke, Uber die Entstehung der Isldndersagas (Berichte iiber d. Verh. d. Sachs. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Leipzig. PhiloL-hist. Kl. Gil 15; Berlin 1956). Hans Bekker-Nielsen, Thorkil Damsgaard Olsen, and Ole Widding, Norron Fortcellekunst. Kapitler af den norskislandske middelalderlitteraturs historie (Copenhagen 1965). William A. Graigie, The Art of Poetry in Iceland (Oxford 1937). Bjarni Einarsson, Skdldasogur (Reykjavik 1961). Stefan Einarsson, A History of Icelandic Literature (New York 1957). [Also in an Icelandic edition (Reykjavik
Literary History
Peter Hallberg, Den fornisldndska poesien (Stockholm 1962). The Icelandic Saga. Translated with Introduction and Notes by Paul Schach (Lincoln, Nebraska 1962). [Transl. from Den isldndska sagan (Stockholm 1956; reprint 1964).] Jon Helgason, ,,Norges og Islands digtning," Litteraturhistorie. B. Norge og Island (Nordisk Kultur VIII B; Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen) 3-179. Norron litter at urhist one (Copenhagen 1934). Andreas Heusler, Die altgermanische Dichtung. 2. Aufl. der neubearbeiteten und vermehrten Ausgabe (Potsdam 1941). Die Anfdnge der isldndischen Saga (Berlin 1914). Anne Holtsmark, Studier i norron diktning (Oslo 1956). Finnur Jonsson, Den oldnorske og oldislandske litteraturs historie. 2. udg. I-III (Copenhagen 1920-24). W. P. Ker, Epic and Romance. Essays on Medieval Literature. 2nd ed. (London 1908; several reprints). Halvdan Koht, The Old Norse Sagas (New York 1931). Wolfgang Lange, Studien zur christlichen Dichtung der Nordgermanen 1000-1200 (Palaestra CCXXII; Gottingen 1958). Henry Goddard Leach, Angevin Britain and Scandinavia (Cambridge, Mass. 1921).
Literary History
Paul Lehmann., Skandinaviens Anteil an der lateinischen Literatur und Wissenschaft des Mittelalters (Sitzungsberichte d. Bayerisch. Akad. d. Wiss. Philos.-hist. Abt. Jg. 1936, Heft 2. - Jg. 1937, Heft 7; Munchen i93 6 ~37)[Reprinted in Paul Lehmann, Erf orsc hung des Mittelalters . . . V (Stuttgart 1962).] Knut Liest01, The Origin of the Icelandic Family Sagas (Oslo 1930). [Transl. by A. G. Jayne from Upphavet til den islandske cettesaga (Oslo 1929).] SigurSur Nordal, The historical Element in the Icelandic Family Sagas (Glasgow 1957). Islenzk menning. I (Reykjavik 1942). [Vilhjalmur Bjarnar has prepared an English translation to be published in the near future.] ,,Sagalitteraturen," Litteraturhistorie. B. Norge og Island (Nordisk Kultur VIII B; Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen 1953) 180-273. Bjorn M. Olsen, Um Islendingasogur. Kaflar ur hdskolafyrirlestrum. BuiS hafa til prentunar Sigfus Blondal og Einar 61. Sveinsson (SSI VI.-3; Reykjavik 1937-39). Fredrik Paasche., Norges og Islands litteratur inntil utgangen av middelalderen (Oslo 1924; 2nd ed. [with supplements by Anne Holtsmark] 1957). „ Uber Rom und das Nachleben der An tike im norwegischen und islandischen Schrifttum des Hochmittelalters," Symbolce Osloenses XIII (Oslo 1934) 114-45.
Literary History
Hermann Palsson, Sagnaskemmtun Islendinga (Reykjavik 1962). Bertha Phillpotts, Edda and Saga (London 1931). Paul V. Rubow, Two Essays. Henrik Ibsen. The Sagas (Copenhagen 1949). [,,The Sagas" transl. from ,,De islandske Sagaer" in Smaa kritiske Breve (Copenhagen 1 936)5 a reprint of two papers in Tilskueren 1928.] Paul Schach, A Guide to the Study of Old Norse Literature ([mimeographed] University of Nebraska n. d.). Margaret Schlauch; Romance in Iceland (New York 1934). Dag Stromback, ,,The Dawn of West Norse Literature," Bibliography of Old Norse-Icelandic Studies 1963 (Copenhagen 1964) 7—24. Einar 61. Sveinsson, The Age of the Sturlungs. Icelandic Civilization in the Thirteenth Century (Islandica XXXVI; Ithaca, N. Y. 1953). [Transl. by Johann S. Hannesson from Sturlungaold (Reykjavik 1940).] Dating the Icelandic Sagas (London 1958). [Also in an Icelandic, revised and expanded, edition (Reykjavik 1965).] Islenzkar bokmenntir i fornbld. I (Reykjavik 1962). Jon Porkelsson, Om digtningen pa Island i det 75. og 16. drhundrede (Copenhagen 1888). G. Turville-Petre, Origins of Icelandic Literature (Oxford 1953).
Literary History
Jan de Vries, Altnordische Literaturgeschichte I—II (Grundriss 15-16; Berlin 1941-42). Zweite, vollig neubearbeitete Aufl. I (Grundriss 15; Berlin 1964). Jan de Vries, ,,Die islandische Saga und die mlindliche Uberlieferung," Marchen, Mythos, Dichtung. Festschrift zum go. Geburtstag Friedrich von der Leyens am 19. August 1963 (Miinchen 1963) 169-76.
Texts This section contains a list of texts recommended to the student of Old Norse-Icelandic literature. Each entry and /or its subdivisions includes references to (a) editions, (b) facsimile editions, (c) translations, (d) bibliographies, and (e) studies relevant for the text(s), in that order. None of the entries is exhaustive, and the list itself is selective. In some cases a reference to KLNM has been included, whereas in most cases it is tacitly understood that this encyclopedia should be consulted for references to the most recent scholarly literature. General treatments of Old Norse-Icelandic literature are listed in Section III, but occasional references to such works will also be found here. A G R I P see K O N U N G A SOGUR. A L E X A N D E R S SAGA Finnur Jonsson (ed.), Alexanders saga (Copenhagen 1925).
KLNM I, 75-76 (Ludvig Holm-Olsen). AM 645,4° Ludvig Larsson (ed.), Isldndska handskriften No 645 4° i den Arnamagnceanska samlingen . . . (Lund 1885).
Discovery of America
Anne Holtsmark (ed.), A Book of Miracles . . . (CGI XII; Copenhagen 1938). [Facsimile edition of AM 645,4°.] Cf. SAINTS' LIVES.
AMERICA, D I S C O V E R Y OF Matthias PorSarson (ed.), ,,Eiriks saga rauSa," Eyrbyggja saga ... (IF IV; Reykjavik 1935) 193-237. (ed.), ,,Grcenlendinga saga" [sometimes called 55G. |)attr"], Eyrbyggja saga . . . (IF IV; Reykjavik 1935) 239-269. Halldor Hermannsson (ed.) 3 The Vinland Sagas (Islandica XXX; Ithaca, N. Y. 1944). Dag Stromback (ed.) 3 The Arna-Magncean Manuscript 557 4toJ containing inter alia the History of the first Discovery of America (CCI XIII; Copenhagen 1940). [Facsimile edition.] Gwyn Jones, The Norse Atlantic Saga. Being the Norse Voyages of Discovery and Settlement to Iceland, Greenland, America (Oxford 1964). [With translations of Eiriks saga and Grcenlendinga saga.] Magnus Magnusson and Hermann Palsson (transl.), The Vinland Sagas. The Norse Discovery of America . . . (The Penguin Classics L 154; Harmondsworth, Middlesex 1965). Arthur Middleton Reeves (ed. and transl.), The Finding of Wineland the Good . . . (Reprint New York 1965).
Discovery of America
Halldor Hermannsson, The Northmen in America (982c. 1500) (Islandica II; Ithaca, N. Y. 1909). [Bibliography.] The Problem of Wineland (Islandica XXV; Ithaca, N. Y. 1936). Helge Ingstad, Vesterveg til Vinland. Oppdagelsen av norrone boplasser i Nord-Amerika (Oslo 1965). Jon Johannesson, ,,The Date of the Composition of The Saga of the Greenlanders," SBVS XVI: i (1962) 54-66. [Transl. of ,,Aldur Grcenlendinga sogu," Nordcela (Reykjavik 1956) 149-58, by Tryggvi J. Oleson.] Tryggvi J. Oleson, Early Voyages and Northern Approaches 1000—1632 (The Canadian Centenary Series. I; Toronto 1964). The Norsemen in America (Canadian Historical Association Booklets. XIV; Ottawa 1963). Matthias EorSarson, The Vinland Voyages. With an Introduction by Vilhjalmur Stefansson (New York 1930). [Transl. of Vinlandsferdirnar (SSI VI: i; Reykjavik 1929) by Thorstina J. Walters.] R. A. Skelton, Thomas E. Marston and George D. Painter, The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation, with a Foreword by Alexander O. Victor (New Haven 1965). /EVINTYRI AND
Hugo Gering (ed.), Islendzk Mventyri. Isldndische Legenden, Novellen und Mdrchen . . . I-II (Halle 1882-
Biskupa sogur
KLNM IV, 71-76 (L.B0dker). KLNM IV, 97-98 (Anne Holtsmark). B A N D A M A N N A SAGA see I S L E N D I N G A SOGUR. B A R L A A M S SAGA see SAINTS' LIVES. BERGSBOK Gustaf Lindblad (ed.), Bergsbok. Perg. FoL Nr. i in The Royal Library, Stockholm (EIM V; Copenhagen 1963). [Facsimile edition.] Cf. K O N U N G A SOGUR.
BISKUPA SOGUR Jon SigurSsson and GuSbrandr Vigfusson (ed.), Biskupa sogur I-II (Copenhagen 1858-78). GuSni Jonsson (ed.), Byskupa sogur I—III (tslendingasagnautgdfan; Reykjavik 1948; 2nd ed. Akureyri 1953). [A useful companion volume to this edition is Anndlar og nafnaskrd (Reykjavik 1948; 2nd ed. 1953).] Jon Helgason (ed.), Byskupa sggur. i. Hefte (Copenhagen 1938. In progress). [Contains Byskupa cettir; tsleifs pdttr; Hungrvaka.] Byskupa sggur. MS Perg. fol. No. 5 in the Royal Library of Stockholm (CCI XIX; Copenhagen 1950). [Facsimile edition.]
Codex Frisianus
G. Turville-Petre and E. S. Olszewska (transl), The Life of Gudmund the Good, Bishop of Holar (Coventry 1942). [For further references, consult Islandica I, XXIV? and XXXVIII, cf. I S L E N D I N G A SOGUR.]
G L A R U S SAGA see COURT L I T E R A T U R E . CODEX FRISIANUS C. R. Unger (ed.), Codex Frisianus (Christiania 1871). Halldor Hermannsson (ed.), Codex Frisianus (Sagas of the Kings of Norway). MS. No. 45 Fol. in the Arnamagncean Collection . . . (CCI IV; Copenhagen 1932). [Facsimile edition.] Cf. K O N U N G A SOGUR.
CODEX REGIUS (GicS 2365,4°) see EDDIG POETRY. CODEX REGIUS (GitS 2367,4°) see S N O R R A EDDA. CODEX S G A R D E N S I S see SAINTS' LIVES. COURT L I T E R A T U R E Gustaf Cederschiold (ed.), Fornsogur Sudrlanda. Magus saga jarls, KonraSs saga, Baerings saga, Flovents saga, Bevers saga . . . (Lund 1884). 23
Court Literature
Eugen Kolbing (ed.), Riddarasogur. Parcevals saga. Valvers J>attr. I vents saga. Mirmans saga . . . (Strassburg 1872). C L A R U S SAGA: Gustaf Cederschiold (ed.) ? Clarus saga . . . (Lund 1879). Cldrisaga (ASB XII; Halle 1907). Alfred Jakobsen, Studier i Glarus saga. Til sporsmalet om sagaens norske proveniens (Bergen 1964). KLNM VIII, 450-51 (Alfred Jakobsen). ELIS SAGA: Eugen Kolbing (ed.), Elis saga ok Rosamundu. Mit Einleitung? deutscher Ubersetzung und Anmerkungen . . . (Heilbronn 1881). E R E X SAGA: Gustaf Gederschiold (ed.), Erex saga (SUGNL III; Copenhagen 1880). Foster W. Blaisdell (ed.) 3 Erex saga Artuskappa (EdAM B XIX; Copenhagen 1965). [With an English translation by the editor.] ,,Names in the Erex saga" JEGP LXII: i (1963) 1
»The Composition of the Interpolated Chapter in the Erex Saga," SS XXXVI: 2 (1964) 118-26.
Court Literature
FLORES SAGA OK B L A N K I F L U R : Eugen Kolbing (ed.), Flores saga ok Blankiflur (ASB V; Halle 1896). IVEN(T)S SAGA: Eugen Kolbing (ed.), Ivens saga (ASB VII; Halle 1898). [Also in Riddarasdgur (see above).] K A R L A M A G N U S SAGA: G. R. Unger (ed.) 3 Karlamagnus saga ok kappa hans . . . (Christiania 1860). E. F. Halvorsen, The Norse Version of the Chanson de Roland (BiblAM XIX; Copenhagen 1959). Peter G. Foote, The Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle in Iceland (London 1959). STRENGLEIKAR: R. Keyser and G. R. Unger (ed.), Strengleikar eoa Ljodabok (Christiania 1850). Rudolf Meissner, Die Strengleikar. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der altnordischen Prosalitteratur (Halle 1902).
T R I S T R A M S SAGA: Gisli Brynjulfsson (ed.) 3 Saga af Tristram ok Isbnd samt Mdttuls saga (Copenhagen 1878). Eugen Kolbing (ed.), Tristrams saga ok Isondar . . . (Heilbronn 1878).
Court Literature
Paul Schach, ,,Some Observations on Tristrams saga" SBVSXV:i-2 (1957-59) 102-29. ,,Tristan and Isolde in Scandinavian Ballad and Folktale/' SS XXXVI14 (1964) 281-97. ,,The Style and Structure of Tristrams saga1/ Scandinavian Studies, Essays Presented to Dr. Henry Goddard Leach on the Occasion of His Eighty-fifth Birthday (Seattle, Washington 1965) 63-86. [H.G.Leach's Angevin Britain ... and Margaret Schlauch's Romance in Iceland (cf. Section III) are relevant for the study of Court Literature. See further:] Phillip M. Mitchell, ^Scandinavian Literature/' Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages . . . ed. by Roger Sherman Loomis (Oxford 1959) 462-71. KLNM VII, 308-13 (E. F. Halvorsen). D U N S T A N U S SAGA SCC SAINTS' LlVES. ECCLESIASTICAL AND LEARNED LITERATURE Porvaldur Bjarnarson (ed.), Leifar fornra kristinna frceda islenzkra ... (Copenhagen 1878). [Fragments of Gregory's Dialogues and Homilies in translation, and various other fragments.] Lilli Gjerl0w (ed.), Adoratio Cruets (Oslo 1961). Ole Widding (ed.), Alkuin i norsk-islandsk overlevering (EdAM A IV; Copenhagen 1960).
Ecclesiastical Literature
Hreinn Benediktsson (ed.), The Life of St. Gregory and his Dialogues (EdAM B IV; Copenhagen 1963). Oluf Kolsrud (ed.), Messuskyringar (Oslo 1952). Halldor Hermannsson (ed.), The Icelandic Physiologus. Facsimile Edition with an Introduction [and a Transcription] (Islandica XXVII; Ithaca, N. Y. 1938). Didrik Arup Seip (ed.), The Arna-Magncean Manuscript 677,4°. Pseudo-Cyprian Fragments. Prospers Epigrams. Gregory's Homilies and Dialogues (CCI XVIII; Copenhagen 1949). [Facsimile edition.] See also E L U C I D A R I U S , G R A M M A T I C A L TREATISES, HOMILIES, SAINTS' LIVES, STJORN. EDDIG P O E T R Y Gustav Neckel (ed.), Die Lieder des Codex Regius nebst verwandten Denkmdlern. I. Text. 4., umgearbeitete Aufl. von Hans Kuhn (Heidelberg 1962). [A revised ed. of II (Kommentierendes Glossar] is forthcoming.] Jon Helgason (ed.), Eddadigte. I. Vgluspd. Hdvamdl (NF IV; 2nd ed., 2nd reprint, Copenhagen 1962). Eddadigte. II. Gudedigte (NF VII; 3rd ed., 3rd reprint, Copenhagen 1962). Eddadigte. HI. Heltedigte (NF VIII; 2nd ed., 3rd reprint, Copenhagen 1962). [
Eddadigte. IV is forthcoming.]
Eddie Poetry
Frederic T. Wood (ed.), Eddie Lays. Selected and edited ([Charlottesville, Va.] 1940). [With glossary.] Andreas Heusler (ed.), Codex Regius of the Elder Edda. MS No. 2365 4to in the Old Royal Collection in the Royal Library of Copenhagen (CCI X; Copenhagen 1937). [Facsimile edition.] Elias Wessen (ed.), Fragments of the Elder and the Younger Edda, AM 748 I and II 4:0 (CCI XVII; Copenhagen 1945). [Facsimile edition.] Lee M. Hollander (transl.), The Poetic Edda. Transl. with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes . . . (2nd ed. revised, Austin, Texas 1962). Halldor Hermannsson, Bibliography of the Eddas (Islandica XIII; Ithaca, N. Y. 1920). Johann S. Hannesson, Bibliography of the Eddas. A Supplement to Bibliography of the Eddas (Islandica XIII) . . . (Islandica XXXVII; Ithaca, N. Y. 1955). Jon Helgason, Tvcer kvidur fornar. Volundarkvida og AtlakviSa med skyringum (Reykjavik 1962). Gustaf Lindblad, Studier i Codex Regius av Aldre Eddan (Lundastudier i nordisk sprdkvetenskap X; Lund 1954). KLNM III, 480-88; V, 531-36; VI, 314-18; VI 412-19 (Anne Holtsmark). [Eddie poetry is treated in some of the handbooks or surveys in Section III, see e. g. Helgason and Jonsson. For special dictionaries, see H. Gering, Vollstdndiges Wdrterbuch . . . and Finnur Jonsson, Lexicon poeticum . . . in Section II (b) above.]
EGILS SAGA see ISLENDINGA SOGUR. E l R I K S SAGA R A U D A See AMERICA, DISCOVERY OF. EIRSPENNILL Finnur Jonsson (ed.), Eirspennill - Am 47 fol. - Noregs konunga sygur (Kristiania 1916). Gf. KONUNGA SOGUR.
ELIS SAGA see COURT LITERATURE. ELUCIDARIUS [The translation of Elucidarius is not found in any single edition. For references, see KLNM III, 598-602 (Astrid Salvesen). One version is found in HAUKSBOK.] Jon Helgason (ed.), The Arna-Magncean Manuscript 674 A, 4to. Elucidarius (MI IV; Copenhagen 1957). [Facsimile edition.] EREX SAGA see C O U R T LITERATURE. E X E M P L A see /EVINTYRI. E Y R B Y G G J A SAGA see ISLENDINGA SOGUR. F A G R S K I N N A see K O N U N G A SOGUR. FAMILY SAGAS see ISLENDINGA SOGUR. F^REYINGA
Finnur Jonsson (ed.), Fcereyingasaga, Den islandske saga om Fceringerne . . . (Copenhagen 1927).
[Facsimile in CCI I, see FLATEYJARBOK.]
Muriel A. C. Press (transl.), The Saga of the Faroe Islanders (London 1934). P. G. Foote, On the Saga of the Faroe Islanders. An Inaugural Lecture Delivered at University College London 12 November 1964 (London 1965). [A new edition (by Olafur Halldorsson) and an English translation (by George Johnston) are forthcoming, cf. Foote in the paper above.] FLATEYJARBOK G. R. Unger and G. Vigfusson (ed.), Flateyjarbok. En Sanding af norske Konge-Sagaer . . . I-III (Ghristiania 1860-68). SigurSur Nordal (ed.), Flateyjarbok I-IV (Akranes 1944-
45)Finnur Jonsson (ed.), Flateyjarbok (Codex Flateyensis). MS. No. /ooj fol. in the Old Royal Collection in the Royal Library of Copenhagen (CCI I; Copenhagen 1930). [Facsimile edition.] Flateyjarbok. Published by the Royal Danish General Staff, Topographical Department (Copenhagen 1893). [Extracts of F. in a facsimile edition with transcription, and Danish and English translations.] Cf. K O N U N G A S O G U R .
C. C. Rafn (ed.), Fornaldar sdgur Norftrlanda . . . I-III (Copenhagen 1829-30).
Fornaldar sogur
GuSni Jonsson (ed.) 3 Fornaldar sogur Norfiurlanda I—IV (Islendingasagnautgdfan; Akureyri 1954). Jon Helgason (ed.), The Saga Manuscript 2845., ^to in the Old Royal Collection in the Royal Library of Copenhagen (MI II; Copenhagen 1955). [Facsimile edition of Bandamanna saga and various fornaldar sogur.] HEIDREKS SAGA: Jon Helgason (ed.), Heidreks saga. Hervarar saga ok Heidreks konungs (SUGNL XLVIII; Copenhagen 1924)Christopher Tolkien (ed. and transl.), Saga Heidreks Konungs ins Vitra. The Saga of King Heidrek the Wise . . . (Nelson's Icelandic Texts; London 1960). [Versions of this saga are found in the facsimile editions of GkS 2845,4° (cf. above) and HAUKSBOK.] HROLFS SAGA K R A K A : Finnur Jonsson (ed.), Hrolfs saga kraka og Bjarkarimur . . . (SUGNL XXXII; Copenhagen 1904). Desmond Slay (ed.), Hrolfs saga kraka (EdAM B I; Copenhagen 1960). Stella M. Mills (transl.), The Saga of Hrolf Kraki (Oxford 1933). [With an introduction by E. V. Gordon.] Desmond Slay, The Manuscripts of Hrolfs saga kraka (BiblAM XXIV; Copenhagen 1961).
Fornaldar sogiir
ORVAR-ODDS S A G A : R.G.Boer (ed.), Orvar-Odds saga (Leiden 1888). Orvar-Odds saga (ASB II; Halle 1892). J>|DREKS S A G A : Henrik Bertelsen (ed.), Pifiriks saga af Bern . . . I-II (SUGNL XXXIV; Copenhagen 1905-11). Dietrich von Kralik, Die Uberlieferung und Entstehung der Thidrekssaga (Rheinische Beitrdge XIX; Halle 1930William J. Paff, The Geographical and Ethnic Names in the Pidriks saga. A Study in Germanic Heroic Legend (Harvard Germanic Studies II; Cambridge, Mass. 1959)Roswitha Wisniewski^ Die Darstellung des Niflungenunterganges in der Thidrekssaga. Eine quellenkritische Untersuchung (Tubingen 1961). VOLSUNGA SAGA: Magnus Olsen (ed.), Vglsunga saga ok Ragnars saga lodbrokar . . . (SUGNL XXXVI; Copenhagen 190608). R. G. Finch (ed. and transl.), Vglsunga saga. The Saga of the Volsungs (Nelson's Icelandic Texts] London 1965). Margaret Schlauch (transl.). The Saga of the Volsungs, the Saga of Ragnar Lodbrok together with the Lay of Kraka (New York 1930; 3rd printing 1964).
Fornaldar sogur
Per Wieselgren, Quellenstudien zur Vblsungasaga (Tartu r
Halldor Hermannsson, Bibliography of the MythicalHeroic Sagas (Fornaldarsogur] (Islandica V; Ithaca, N. Y. 1912). The Sagas of the Kings (Konunga sogur} and the Mythical-Heroic Sagas (Fornaldar sogur). Two Bibliographical Supplements (Islandica XXVI; Ithaca, N. Y. 1937). Anne Holtsmark, ,,Heroic Poetry and Legendary Sagas/' Bibliography of Old Norse-Icelandic Studies 1965 (Copenhagen 1966) 9-21. KLNM IV, 499-507 (Einar Olafur Sveinsson). F O S T B R C E D R A S A G A S6C I S L E N D I N G A S O G U R .
G f s L A S A G A see I S L E N D I N G A S O G U R . G R A G A S see LAWS. GRAMMATICAL TREATISES Verner Dahlerup and Finnur Jonsson (ed.), Den forste og anden grammatiske Afhandling i Snorres Edda . . . (SUGNL XVI; Copenhagen 1886). Bjorn Magnusson Olsen (ed.), Den tredje og fjcerde grammatiske Afhandling i Snorres Edda tilligemed de grammatiske Afhandlingers Prolog og to andre Tillceg . . . (SUGNL XII; Copenhagen 1884).
Grammatical Treatises
Einar Haugen (ed. and transl.), First Grammatical Treatise. The Earliest Germanic Phonology ... (Language Monograph no. 25, Supplement to Language XXVI14; Baltimore 1950). Hreinn Benediktsson (ed.), Fyrsta mdlfrcediritgerfiin i Snorra Eddu. (AM 242, fol.) (Reykjavik 1960). [Facsimile edition.] Anne Holtsmark, En islandsk scholasticus fra det 12. arhundre (Oslo 1936). Magnus Olsen, ,,Den forste grammatiske avhandling. Til kommentaren og om forfatteren," Fra norron filologi (Oslo 1949) 223-55. [First printed in ANF LIII (1937) 109-46.] [The grammatical treatises are also found in the complete editions of SNORRA EDDA.] G R E G O R I U S SAGA see SAINTS' LIVES. GREGORY'S D I A L O G U E S see E C C L E S I A S T I C A L . . . LITERATURE. GRETTIS SAGA see ISLENDINGA SOGUR. G R C E N L E N D I N G A SAGA see AMERICA, D I S C O V E R Y OF. G U N N L A U G S S A G A See I S L E N D I N G A SOGUR. G Y D I N G A SAGA Gu5mundur Porlaksson (ed.), Gydinga saga .. . (SUGNL VI; Copenhagen 1881).
KLNM V, 604-05 (Bjarne Berulfsen). H A K O N A R SAGA H A K O N A R S O N A R see K O N U N G A SOGUR. HALLFREBAR SAGA see ISLENDINGA SOGUR. H A R D A R SAGA see I S L E N D I N G A SOGUR. HAUKSBOK Eirikur Jonsson and Finnur Jonsson (ed.) 5 Hauksbok udg. efter de Arnamagnceanske Hdndskrifter No. 371, 544 og 675>40 - - - (Copenhagen 1892-96). Jon Porkelsson (ed.) 5 Nokkur blob ur Hauksbok . . . (Reykjavik 1865). Jon Helgason (ed.), Hauksbok. The Arna-Magncean Manuscript sji, ^to, 544., 4to, and 675, 410 (MI V; Copenhagen 1960). [Facsimile edition.] Marius Kristensen, ^Nokkur blob ur Hauksbok" Et fcerosk Hdndskrift fra c. 1300 undersogt og bestemt med Hensyn til dets Sprogform (Copenhagen 1925). Jon Helgason, ,}Til Hauksboks historic i det 77. drhundrede" Opuscula I (BiblAM XX; Copenhagen 1960) 1-48. KLNM VI, 250-51 (Jakob Benediktsson). H A V A M A L see EDDIG POETRY. H E I L A G R A M A N N A SOGUR see SAINTS' LIVES.
H E I M S K R I N G L A see K O N U N G A SOGUR. H O M I L I E S A N D SERMONS I C E L A N D I C BOOK OF HOMILIES: Theodor Wisen (ed.) 3 Homiliu-bok . . . (Lund 1872).
Fredrik Paasche (ed.) 3 Homiliu-bok (Icelandic Sermons). Perg. ^to No. 75 in the Royal Library, Stockholm (CCI VIII; Copenhagen 1935). [Facsimile edition.] N O R W E G I A N BOOK OF HOMILIES: George T. Flom (ed.), Codex AM. 6/9 quarto. Old Norwegian Book of Homilies . . . (Urbana, 111. 1929). Gustav Indreb0 (ed.) ? Gamal norsk homiliebok (Oslo 1931). Trygve Knudsen (ed.) 3 Gammelnorsk homiliebok etter AM 6/9 qv. (CCN Qvarto serie I; Oslo 1952). [Facsimile edition.] [The best bibliography for this category of literature is found in KLNM VI, 657-66 (Trygve Knudsen).] Gf. E C C L E S I A S T I C A L . . . L I T E R A T U R E . H R A F N K E L S S A G A see I S L E N D I N G A SOGUR.
Anne Holtsmark (ed.) 5 Ari hinn frodi Porgilsson: tslendingabok (NFV; Copenhagen 1952). Halldor Hermannsson (ed. and transl.), The Book of the Icelanders (Islendingabok) by Ari Thorgilsson . . . (Islandica XX; Ithaca, N. Y. 1930). Finnur Jonsson (ed.), Are hinn frode Porgilsson: Islendingabok . . . (Copenhagen 1930). [With a facsimile of AM 113 b, fol] Wolfgang Golther (ed.) 3 Ares Isldnderbuch. 2te neu bearbeitete Aufl. (ASB I; Halle 1923). Jon Johannesson (ed.), tslendingabok Ara froda. AM 113 a and 113 b, fol. (Islenzk handrit. Icelandic Manuscripts I; Reykjavik 1956). [Facsimile edition.] Bjorn Sigfusson, Um Islendingabok (Reykjavik 1944). KLNM VII, 493-95 (Bjorn Sigfusson). ISLENDINGA
[The principal collections (e. g. IF and Islendingasagnautgdfan) are listed in Section I (c).] 4
Islendinga sogur
B A N D A M A N N A SAGA: Hallvard Mager0y (ed.), Bandamanna saga LXVII; Copenhagen 1956).
GuSni Jonsson (ed.) 3 ,,Bandamanna saga/' Grettis saga . . . (IF VII; Reykjavik 1936) 293-363. Jon Helgason (ed.) 5 The Saga Manuscript 2845, ^to in the Old Royal Collection in the Royal Library of Copenhagen (MI II; Copenhagen 1955). [Facsimile edition of Bandamanna saga and various fornaldar sogur.] Einar 61. Sveinsson (ed.) 3 Modruvallabok (Codex Modruvallensis). MS. No. 132 fol. in the Arnamagncean Collection . . . (CCI V; Copenhagen 1933). [Facsimile edition of Bandamanna saga, Egils saga, Fostbrceftra saga, HallfreSar saga, Kormdks sagay Laxdoela saga, Njdls saga, Viga-Glums saga and others.] Margaret Schlauch (transl.), ,,The Saga of the eight Confederates: Bandamanna saga/' Three Icelandic Sagas (New York 1950) 47-93. Hallvard Mager0y? Studiar i Bandamanna saga (BiblAM XVIII; Copenhagen 1957). KLNM I, 332-33 (Hallvard Mager0y). B j A R N A R S A G A Hf TDGEL AK APP A:
SigurSur Nordal and GuSni Jonsson (ed.) 3 ,,Bjarnar saga Hitdcelakappa/' Borgfirftinga sggur (IF III; Reykjavik 1938) I I I - 2 I I .
Bjarni Einarsson, Skdldasogur (Reykjavik 1961) 234-56.
Islendinga sogur
SigurSur Nordal (ed.), Egils saga Skalla-Grimssonar II; Reykjavik 1933; reprint 1955).
Finnur Jonsson (ed.) 3 Egils saga Skallagrimssonar nebst den grosseren Gedichten Egils . . . 2te neu bearbeitete Aufl. (ASBIII; Halle 1924). Einar 61. Sveinsson (ed.), Modruvallabok . . . (cf. above: B A N D A M A N N A SAGA). [Facsimile edition.] Jon Helgason (ed.) 3 The Saga Manuscript 9. 10. Aug. ^to in the Herzog August Library Wolfenbiittel (MI III; Copenhagen 1956). [Facsimile edition, also contains Eyrbyggja saga.] Gwyn Jones (transl.), Egils saga (Syracuse 1960). Per Wieselgren, Forjatterskapet till Eigla (Lund 1927). Konstantin Reichardt., ,,Die entstehungsgeschichte von Egils Hofuolausn;' ZDA LXVI (1929) 267-72. Olafur Larusson^ /Ett Egils Halldorssonar og Egils saga (Studia Islandica II; Reykjavik 1937). Jon Helgason, ,,Athuganir um nokkur handrit Egils sogu/' Nordcela. Afmceliskvefija til Sigurdar Nordals (Reykjavik 1956) i10-48. Peter Hallberg^ Snorri Sturluson och Egils saga Skallagrimssonar. Ett forsok till sprdklig forfattarbestdmning (Studia Islandica XX; Reykjavik 1962). KLNM III, 522-24 (Bjorn Sigfusson). 4
Islendinga sogur
E Y R B Y G G J A SAGA: Einar 61. Sveinsson (ed.) 5 Eyrbyggja saga . . . (IF IV; Reykjavik 1935). Hugo Gering (ed.) ? Eyrbyggja saga (ASB VI; Halle
Jon Helgason (ed.), The Saga Manuscript . . . (cf. above: EGILS SAGA). [Facsimile edition.] Paul Schach (transl.), Eyrbyggja saga (Nebraska 1959). [Introduction and verse translations by Lee M. Hollander.] G. N. Garmonswavj 5,Eyrbyggja saga," SBVS XII (1940) 81-92. KLNM IV, 104 (Bjorn Sigfusson). FOSTBRCEDRA SAGA:
Bjorn K. Porolfsson (ed.) 3 Fostbrceftra saga XLIX; Copenhagen 1925-27).
GuSni Jonsson (ed.) 3 ,,F6stbrce3ra saga/' Vestfirfiinga sggur (IF VI; Reykjavik 1943) 121-276. [Introduction to the saga by SigurSur Nordal.] Einar 61. Sveinsson (ed.) 3 Modruvallabok . . . (cf. above: B A N D A M A N N A S A G A ) . [Other versions of the saga are found in the facsimile editions of F L A T E Y J A R B O K and HAUKSBOK.] Lee M. Hollander (transl.), The Sagas of Kormdk and the Sworn Brothers (New York 1949) 73-176.
Islendinga sogur
Jacoba M. G. Kroesen, Over de compositie der Fostbrcedra saga (Leiden 1962). KLNM IV3 541-43 (Bjorn Sigfusson). GISLA SAGA S U R S S O N A R : Agnete Loth (ed.) 3 Gisla saga Surssonar (NF XI; ist ed., 2nd reprint Copenhagen 1963). Bjorn K. ]>6r61fsson (ed.), ,,Gisla saga Surssonar/' Vestfirfiinga spgur (IF VI; Reykjavik 1943) 3-118. George Johnston (transl.). The Saga of Gisli (Toronto 1963). [With notes and an essay by Peter Foote.] Anne Holtsmark, Studies in the Gisla saga (Studia Norvegica VI; Oslo 1961).
KLNMV, 326-27 (Bjorn Sigfusson). GRETTIS SAGA: Gu5ni Jonsson (ed.), Grettis saga Asmundarsonar . . . (IF VII; Reykjavik 1936). R. G. Boer (ed.), Grettis saga Asmundarsonar (ASB VIII; Halle 1900). Jon Helgason (ed.)> The Arna-Magncean Manuscript 557 A, 4to. Bdrdar saga. Viglundar saga. Grettis saga (MI I; Copenhagen 1954). [Facsimile edition.] George Ainslie Hight (transl.)., The Saga of Grettir the Strong . . . (London., New York 1914).
Islendinga sogur
SigurSur Nordal, Sturla Pordarson og Grettis saga (Studia Islandica IV; Reykjavik 1938). KLNM V, 460-61 (Bjorn Sigfusson).
SigurSur Nordal and GuSni Jonsson (ed.), ,,Gunnlaugs saga ormstungUj" Borgfirdinga sggur (IF III; Reykjavik 1938) 51-107. P. G. Foote (ed.) and Randolph Quirk (transl.), Gunnlaugs Saga Ormstungu. The Saga of Gunnlaug SerpentTongue (Nelson's Icelandic Texts; London 1957). Dag Stromback (ed.). The Arna-Magncean Manuscript 557 4to, containing inter alia The History of the first Discovery of America (CCI XIII; Copenhagen 1940). [Facsimile edition of Gunnlaugs saga, Hallfrefiar saga, and other sagas.] M. H. Scargill (transl.), ,,A Poet's Love. The Saga of Gunnlaug and Hrafn: Gunnlaugs saga ormstungu",, Three Icelandic Sagas (New York 1950) 1-46. Bjarni Einarsson, Skdldasogur (Reykjavik 1961) 257-70. KLNM V, 599-600 (Bjarni Einarsson).
H A L L F R E D A R SAGA V A N D R ^ D A S K A L D S : Bjarni Einarsson (ed.), Hallfredar saga (SUGNL LXIV; Copenhagen 1953).
hlendinga sogur
Einar 61. Sveinsson (ed.), ,,HallfreSar saga", Vatnsdcela saga, Hallfredar saga . . . (IF VIII; Reykjavik 1939) 133-200. Dag Stromback (ed.), The Arna-Magncean Manuscript 557 410 . . . (cf. above: G U N N L A U G S S A G A ) . [Facsimile edition.] Einar Ol. Sveinsson (ed.), Moftruvallabok . . . (cf. above: BAND A M A N N A S A G A ) . [Facsimile edition.] KLNM VI, 62-63 (Bjarni Einarsson). HARDAR
Sture Hast (ed.) 3 Harfiar saga (Ed AM A VI; Copenhagen 1960). - Pappershandskrifterna XXIII; Copenhagen 1960).
till Harfiar saga (BiblAM
KLNM VI, 229-30 (Bjorn Sigfusson). S A G A : SigurSur Nordal and GuSni Jonsson (ed.) 5 ,,Hei3arviga saga," Borgfirdinga sggur (IF III; Reykjavik 1938) 215-326. Kr. Kalund (ed.), Heidarviga saga . . . (SUGNL XXXI; Copenhagen 1904). Jon Helgason, ,,Bla3 Landsbokasafns ur HeiSarviga sogu," Landsbokasafn Islands. Arbok VII-VIII (1950-51) 1
Islendinga sogur
KLNM VI, 292-93 (Bjorn Sigfusson). H R A F N K E L S SAGA F R E Y S G O B A : Jon Helgason (ed.), Hrafnkels saga Freysgofta (NF II; 3rd ed., 3rd printing revised Copenhagen 1964). Jon Johannesson (ed.), ,,Hrafnkels saga FreysgoSa," Austfirdinga sggur (IF XI; Reykjavik 1950) 97-133. [This edition is reprinted in E. V. Gordon, An Introduction to Old Norse . . . (cf. above: Section II (a)).] Gwyn Jones (transl.), ,,Hrafnkel Freysgodi's Saga,u Four Icelandic Sagas (New York 1935) 37-61. E. V. Gordon, ,,On Hrafnkels saga FreysgoSa," MM VIII (1939) 1-32. SigurSur Nordal, Hrafnkatla (Studia Islandica VII; Reykjavik 1940). [Translated into English by R.George Thomas as Hrafnkels saga Freysgofta (Cardiff 1958).] Pierre Halleux, Aspects litteraires de la Saga de Hrafnkel. Etude accompagnee du texte islandais et d'une traduction frangaise (Paris 1963). KLNM VII, 16 (Bjorn Sigfusson). K O R M A K S SAGA: Einar 61. Sveinsson (ed.), ,,Kormaks saga," Vatnsdcela saga (IF VIII; Reykjavik 1939) 201-302. Modruvallabok . . . (cf. above: B A N D A M A N N A SAGA). [Facsimile edition.]
Islendinga sogur
Lee M. Hollander (transl.), The Sagas of Kormdk and the Sworn Brothers (New York 1949). Bjarni Einarsson, Skdldasogur (Reykjavik 1961) 52-164. KLNM IX, 142-44 (Bjarni Einarsson).
LAXDCELA SAGA: Kr.Kalund (ed.) 5 Laxdcela saga (SUGNL XIX; Copenhagen 1889-91). Einar Ol. Sveinsson (ed.), Laxdoela saga . . . (IF V; Reykjavik 1934; reprint 1943). Kr.Kalund (ed.), Laxdcela saga (ASB IV; Halle 1896). Einar 61. Sveinsson (ed.), Mofiruvallabok . . . (cf. above: B A N D A M A N N A S A G A ) . [Facsimile edition.] A. Margaret Arent (transl.). The Laxdoela Saga (Seattle 1964). Bjorn M. Olsen, ,,Landnama og Laxdaela saga/' ANOH (1908) 151-232. Rolf Heller,, Literarisches Schaffen (Halle 1960).
in der Laxdoela saga
Rolf Heller., Laxdoela Saga und Kdnigssagas (Halle 1961). Peter Hallberg,, Olafr Porftarson hvitaskdld, Knytlinga saga och Laxdcela saga. Ett forsok till sprdklig forfattarbestamning (Studia Islandica XXII; Reykjavik 1963).
Islendinga sogur
Oscar Maurer, „William Morris and Laxdcela Saga" Texas Studies in Literature and Language V:3 (1963) 422-37. Gosta Franzen, Laxdcelabygdens ortnamn. The PlaceNames of the Laxdcela Region (Uppsala 1964). KLNM X, 368-70 (Bjorn Sigfusson). N J A L S SAGA: Einar 61. Sveinsson (ed.), Brennu-Njdls saga (IF XII; Reykjavik 1954). Finnur Jonsson (ed.)> Brennu-Njdls saga (Njdla} XIII; Halle 1908).
KonraS Gislason (ed.), Njdla udg. efter gamle Hdndskrifter . . . I-II (Copenhagen 1875-89). Jon Helgason (ed.), Njdls saga. The Arna-Magncean Manuscript 468,^0 (Reykjabok) (MI VI; Copenhagen 1962). [Facsimile edition.] Einar 61. Sveinsson (ed.) 5 Modruvallabok . . . (cf. above: BAND AM ANN A S A G A ) . [Facsimile edition.] Magnus Magnusson and Hermann Palsson (transl.), NjaVs Saga (The Penguin Classics; Harmondsworth, Middlesex 1960). Anna C. Kersbergen, Litteraire motieven in de Njdla (Rotterdam 1927). Einar Olafur Sveinsson, Um Njdlu I (Reykjavik 1933).
Islendinga sogur
A Njdlsbud. Bok um mikift listaverk (Reykjavik 1943). [Translated into Norwegian by Ludvig HolmOlsen as Njdls saga (Bergen, Oslo 1959).] ,,Njals saga/' Scripta Islandica I (Uppsala 1950), 5-30-
Studies in the Manuscript Tradition of Njdlssaga (Studia Islandica XIII; Reykjavik 1953). BarSi GuSmundsson^ Hofundur Njdlu (Reykjavik 1958). [Selected essays.] Denton Fox, }3Njdls Saga and the Western Literary Tradition/' Comparative Literature XV14 (1963) 289-310. VATNSDGELA SAGA: Einar Ol. Sveinsson (ed.), Vatnsdcela saga . . . (IF VIII; Reykjavik 1939). Gwyn Jones (transl.) The Vatnsdalers3 Saga (New York 1944). V I G A - G L U M S SAGA: G. Turville-Petre (ed.), Viga-Glums saga (Oxford 1940; 2nd ed. 1960). Einar Ol. Sveinsson (ed.), Mbdruvallabok . . . (cf. above: B A N D A M A N N A SAGA). [Facsimile edition.] Edmund Head (transl.), Viga-Glumys Saga. The Story of Viga-Glum (London 1866).
Islendinga sbgur
Halldor Hermannsson, Bibliography of the Icelandic Sagas and Minor Tales (Islandica I; Ithaca, N. Y. 1908). The Sagas of Icelanders (Islendinga sogur) . . . (Islandica XXIV; Ithaca, N. Y. 1935). [Supplement to Islandica I.] Johann S. Hannesson, The Sagas of Icelanders (Islendinga sogur) . . . (Islandica XXXVIII; Ithaca, N. Y. 1957). [Supplement to Islandica I and XXIV.] KLNM VII, 496-513 (Einar 61. Sveinsson). [Islendinga sogur are treated in most of the works in Section III. A brief summary of the discussion of this genre is:] P. G. Foote, ,,Some Account of the Present State of SagaResearch/' Scandinavica IV: 2 (1965 115-26. I V E N ( T ) S SAGA see COURT LITERATURE. JOMSviKINGA
N.F.Blake (ed. and transl.), Jomsvikinga Saga - The Saga of the Jomsvikings (Nelson's Icelandic Texts; London 1962). K A R L A M A G N U S SAGA see C O U R T LITERATURE. K N Y T L I N G A SAGA Carl af Petersens and Emil Olson (ed.) 5 Sggur Danakonunga . . . (SUGNL XLVI; Copenhagen 1919-25).
Islendinga sogur
Gustav Albeck, Knytlinga, Sagaerne om Danmarks Konger (Copenhagen 1946). Peter Hallberg, Olafr Pordarson hvitaskdld, Knytlinga saga och Laxdcela saga. Ett forsok till sprdklig forfattarbestdmning (Studia Islandica XXII; Reykjavik 1963). KLNM VIII, 615-17 (Gustav Albeck). KONUNGA SOGUR
[G. G. Rafn et al. (ed.) J Fornmanna sogur eptir gomlum handritum . . . I-XII (Copenhagen 1825-37). [A collection of konunga sogur.] [Sveinbjorn Egilsson (transl.)J Scripta historica Islandorum de rebus gestis veterum Borealium . . . I-XII (Copenhagen 1828-46). [A translation into Latin of the preceding collection.] A GRIP: Finnur Jonsson (ed.), Agrip af Ndregs konunga sogum (ASB XVIII; Halle 1929). KLNM I, 60-61 (Torfinn Tobiassen). FAGRSKINNA: Finnur Jonsson (ed.), Fagrskinna ... (SUGNL XXX; Copenhagen 1902-03). Gustav Indreb0, Fagrskinna (Kristiania 1917). KLNM IV, 139-40 (Eyvind Fjeld Halvorsen).
Konunga sogur
H A K O N A R SAGA H A K O N A R S O N A R : [Versions of this saga are found in CODEX FRISIANUS, EIRSPENNILL, and SKALHOLTSBOK YNGSTA.] KLNM VI, 51-53 (Knut Helle). HEIMSKRINGLA: Finnur Jonsson (ed..}, Heimskringla. Noregs konunga sogur af Snorri Sturluson I-IV (SUGNL XXIII; Copenhagen 1893-1901). Bjarni ASalbjarnarson (ed.) 3 Heimskringla . . . I-III (IF XXVI-XXVIII; Reykjavik 1951-53). Lee M. Hollander (transl.), Heimskringla. History of the Kings of Norway (Austin, Texas 1964). SigurSur Nordal, Snorri Sturluson (Reykjavik 1920). Fredrik Paasche, Snorre Sturlason og Sturlungerne (Kristiania 1922; reprint Oslo 1948). Elias Wessen, ,,Om Snorres Prologus till Heimskringla och till den sarskilda Olovssagaen",, APS III (1928) 52-62. Hallvard Lie, Studier i Heimskringlas stil. Dialogene og talene (Oslo 1937). Jakob Benediktsson, ,,Hvar var Snorri nefndur hofundur Heimskringlu/' Skirnir CXXIX (1955) 118-27. Gudmund Sandvik, Hovding og konge i Heimskringla (Oslo 1955).
Konunga sogur
Peter Hallberg, Snorri Sturluson och Egils saga Skallagrimssonar. Ett forsok till sprdklig forfattarbestdmning (Studia Islandica XX; Reykjavik 1962). KLNM VI, 299-302 (Hallvard Lie). OLAFS S A G A H E L G A : [Only separate sagas about King Olafr Haraldsson, the saint, are listed here; other sagas are found in HEIMSK R I N G L A and similar collections.] Oscar Albert Johnsen (ed.), Olafs saga hins helga. Efter pergamenthaandskrift i Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek, Delagardieske samling nr. 8 II (Kristiania 1922). Oscar Albert Johnsen and Jon Helgason (ed.) 3 Den store saga om Olav den hellige . . . I-II (Oslo 1941). Jon Helgason (ed.) 5 Oldfs saga ens helga MS Perg. ^to No 2 in the Royal Library of Stockholm (CCI XV; Copenhagen 1942). [Facsimile edition of Den store saga . . . (above).]
Anne Holtsmark (ed.) ? Legendarisk Olavssaga . . . (CCN, Qvarto serie II; Oslo 1956). [Facsimile edition of Olafs saga hins helga . . . (above).] SigurSur Nordal, Om Olav den helliges Saga. En kritisk Undersogelse (Copenhagen 1914). Johan Schreiner, Tradisjon og saga om Olav den Hellige (Oslo 1926). Bruce Dickins, ,,The Cult of S. Olave in the British Isles/' SBVSXII-.z (1940) 53-80.
Konunga sogur
Anne Holtsmark, ,,Sankt Olavs liv og mirakler," Studier i norron diktning (Oslo 1956) 15-24. Reprint from Festskrift til Francis Bull (Oslo 1937) 121-33.] OLAFS SAGA T R Y G G V A S O N A R : [Two sagas are listed here; more material about King Olafr Tryggvason is found in H E I M S K R I N G L A and similar collections.] Finnur Jonsson (ed.) 5 Saga Olafs Tryggvasonar af Oddr Snorrason munk (Copenhagen 1932). P. Groth (ed.) 3 Det Arnamagnceanske Haandskrift qvarto. Saga Olafs konungs Tryggvasonar er ritafii Oddr muncr . . . (Ghristiania 1895). Olafur Halldorsson (ed.) 3 Olafs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta I-II (Ed AM A I-II; Copenhagen 1958-61. In progress). Lars Lonnroth^ „ Studier i Olaf Tryggvasons saga/' SamlarenLXKXIV (1963) 54-94. SVERRIS SAGA: Gustav Indreb0 (ed.) 3 Sverris saga etter Cod. AM 327,4° (Kristiania 1920). [Versions of this saga are also found in EIRSPENNILL and S K A L H O L T S B O K YNGSTA.] Fredrik Paasche, Kong Sverre (Kristiania 1920; reprint Oslo 1948). Ludvig Holm-Olsen, Studier i Sverres saga (Oslo 1953).
Konunga sogur
G. M. Gathorne-Hardy, A Royal Impostor. King Sverre of Norway (London and Oslo 1956). Egil Nygaard Brekke; Sverresagaens opphav (Oslo 1958). Halldor Hermannsson, Bibliography of the Sagas of the Kings of Norway . . . (Islandica III; Ithaca, N. Y. 1910). The Sagas of the Kings (Konunga sogur) and the Mythical-Heroic Sagas (Fornaldar sogur). Two Bibliographical Supplements (Islandica XXVI; Ithaca, N. Y. 1937)Bjarni ASalbjarnarson, Om de norske kongers sagaer (Oslo 1937). Siegfried Beyschlag, Konungasdgur. Untersuchungen zur Konigssaga bis Snorri. Die dlteren Ubersichtswerke samt Ynglingasaga (BiblAM VIII; Copenhagen 1950). Rolf Heller, Laxdcela Saga und Konigssagas (Halle 1961). Svend Elleh0j, Studier over den celdste norrone Historieskrivning (BiblAM XXVI; Copenhagen 1965). KLNM IX, 41-46 (Anne Holtsmark). See also BERGSBOK, CODEX FRISIANUS, E I R S P E N N I L L , FLATEYJARBOK, MORKINSKINNA, SKALHOLTSBOK YNGSTA.
Konungs skuggsjd
Ludvig Holm-Olsen (ed.), Konungs skuggsjd (Oslo 1945). Finnur Jonsson (ed.), Konungs skuggsjd. Speculum regale . .. (Copenhagen 1920). George T. Flom (ed.), The Arnamagnean Manuscript 243 ...Ba, folio . . . The Main Manuscript of Konungs skuggsjd in Phototypic Reproduction with Diplomatic Text (Urbana 5 Ill. 1916). Didrik Arup Seip and Ludvig Holm-Olsen (ed.), Konungs skuggsid. Speculum Regale . . . (Oslo 1947). [Facsimile edition.] Laurence Marcellus Larson (transl.), The King's Mirror (New York 1917). George T. Flom, The Language of the Konungs skuggsjd . . . (Urbana, 111. 1921-23). Ludvig Holm-Olsen, Hdndskriftene av Konungs skuggsjd (BiblAM XIII; Copenhagen 1952). KLNM IX, 61-68 (Anne Holtsmark). K O R M A K S SAGA SCC I s L E N D I N G A SOGUR. LANDNAMABOK Finnur Jonsson (ed.), Landndmabok. I-III. Hauksbok. Sturlubok. Melabok m. m. . . . (Copenhagen 1900). Jon Helgason (ed.), Fortcellinger fra Landndmabok (NF III; ist ed., 2nd printing revised Copenhagen 1963).
T. Ellwood (transl.), The Book of the Settlement of Iceland (Kendal 1898). Jon Johannesson, Gerfiir 1941).
Landndmabokar (Reykjavik
KLNM X, 214-17 (Jakob Benediktsson). LAWS R. Keyser3 P. A. Munch, Gustav Storm, and Ebbe Hertzberg (ed.) 5 Norges gamle Love indtil 1387 . . . I-V (Ghristiania 1846-95). [Vocabulary in vol. V.] Vilhjalmur Finsen (ed.) 3 Grdgds, Islcendernes Lovbog i Frist at stiden, udgivet efter det kongelige Bibliotheks Haandskrift og oversat .. . I-II, III-IV (Copenhagen 1852-70). Grdgds efter det Arnamagnceanske Haandskrift Nr. 334 fol.} Stadarholsbok . . . (Copenhagen 1879). - Grdgds. Stykker, som findes i det Arnamagnceanske Haandskrift Nr. 357 fol.} Skdlholtsbok . . . (Copenhagen 1883). Pall Eggert Olason (ed.), Grdgds . . . (CGI III; Copen- . hagen 1932). [Facsimile edition of GkS 1157 fol.] Olafur Larusson (ed.) 5 Stadarholsbok. The Ancient Lawbooks, Grdgds and Jdrnsida . . . (CGI IX; Copenhagen 1936). [Facsimile edition of AM 334 fol.] (Maf ur Halldorsson (ed.), Jonsbok . . . (Copenhagen 1904). 5
Jakob Benediktsson (ed.), Skardsbok. Jonsbok and Other Laws and Precepts . . . (CCI XVI; Copenhagen 1943). [Facsimile edition.] Didrik Arup Seip (ed.), Oslo bylov etter middelalderlige hdndskrifter . . . (CCN Folio serie I; Oslo 1950). [Facsimile edition.] Thorsten Eken (ed.), Gammalnorske membranfragment i Riksarkivet. Band I, 1-12 Lovtekster (Oslo 1963). [Fragments of legal codices in a facsimile edition.] Halldor Hermannsson, The Ancient Laws of Norway and Iceland (Islandica IV; Ithaca, N. Y. 1911). [Bibliography.] Olafur Larusson, Grdgds og logbcekurnar (Reykjavik 1923). Halldor Hermannsson, Illuminated Manuscripts of the Jonsbok (Islandica XXVIII; Ithaca, N. Y. 1940). Olafur Larusson, Lov og ting (Bergen and Oslo 1960). [Selected essays in Norwegian translation by Knut Helle.] L A X D C E L A S A G A see I S L E N D I N G A SOGUR. L I L J A see S K A L D I G POETRY. L Y G I S O G U R see R O M A N C E S . M A R f u SAGA see SAINTS' LIVES.
Medical Miscellany
MEDICAL MISCELLANY Henning Larsen (ed.) 3 An Old Icelandic Medical Miscellany. MS Royal Irish Academy 23D43 with Supplement from MS Trinity College (Dublin) L-2-2? . . . (Oslo 1931). MoDRtJVALLABOK
Einar 61. Sveinsson (ed.)> Modruvallabok (Codex Modruvallensis). MS. No. 132 fol. in the Arnamagncean Collection . . . (CCI V; Copenhagen 1933). [Facsimile edition of various Is LENDING A SOGUR.] MORKINSKINNA
Finnur Jonsson (ed.), Morkinskinna . . . (SUGNL LIII; Copenhagen 1932). Jon Helgason (ed.), Morkinskinna. MS. No. 1009 fol. in the Old Royal Collection of The Royal Library, Copenhagen (CCI VI; Copenhagen 1934). [Facsimile edition.] Cf. K O N U N G A
Orkneyinga saga
O R K N E Y I N G A SAGA SigurSur Nordal (ed.) 3 Orkneyinga saga . . . XL; Copenhagen 1913-16).
Finnbogi GuSmundsson (ed.) 3 Orkneyinga saga . . . (IF XXXIV; Reykjavik 1965). [Facsimile in F L A T E Y J A R B O K (CCI I).] Alexander Burt Taylor (transl.), The Orkneyinga Saga . . . (Edinburgh 1938). Einar Ol. Sveinsson, Sagnaritun Oddaverja . . . (Studia Islandica I; Reykjavik 1937). O R V A R - O D D S S A G A see F O R N A L D A R SOGUR. P H Y S I O L O G U S see E C C L E S I A S T I C A L . . . L I T E R A T U R E . POSTOLA SOGUR
Finnur Jonsson (ed.), Rimnasajn. Samling af de celdste islandske rimer ... I-II (SUGNL XXV; Copenhagen 1905-22). William A. Craigie (ed.) 3 Synisbok islenzkra rimna Specimens of Icelandic Rimur . . . I-III (London and Reykjavik 1952).
Early Icelandic Rimur. MS No. 604, ^to of the Arna Magncean Collection . . . (CCI XI; Copenhagen 1938). [Facsimile edition.] Bjorn Karel Eorolfsson, Rimur fyrir 1600 (Safn fjelagsins . . . IX; Copenhagen 1934).
[A dictionary for this genre is Finnur Jonsson, Ordbog til . . . Rimur (cf. Section II (b)).] ROMANCES Agnete Loth (ed.). Late Medieval Icelandic Romances I-V (EdAM B XX-XXIV; Copenhagen 1962-65). [With summaries in English.] Ake Lagerholm (ed.), Drei Lygisggur. Egils saga einhenda ok Asmundar berserk job ana; Ala flekks saga; Flores saga konungs ok sona hans (ASB XVII; Halle 1927). Jonas Kristjansson (ed.) ? Riddarasogur I-II (Reykjavik 1960-64. In progress). Einar 61. Sveinsson3 ,,Viktors saga ok Blavus. Sources and Characteristics/' Riddarasogur II (cf. above) cix-ccx. [See also H. G. Leach, Angevin Britain . . . and Margaret Schlauch, Romance in Iceland (cf. Section III).] SAGAS OF THE I C E L A N D E R S see I S L E N D I N G A SOGUR. SAGAS OF THE K I N G S see K O N U N G A SOGUR. SAINTS' LIVES C. R. Unger (ed.)> Heilagra Manna Sogur I-II (Christiania 1877).
Saints' Lives
Postola Sogur (Ghristiania 1874). D. Slay (ed.). Codex Scardensis . . . (EIM II; Copenhagen 1960). [Facsimile edition of a collection of Lives of the Apostles.] P. G. Foote (ed.) 3 Lives of Saints, Perg. fol. nr. 2 in the Royal Library, Stockholm (EIM IV; Copenhagen 1962). [Facsimile edition.] B A R L A A M S SAGA OK JOSAPHATS: R. Keyser and C. R. Unger (ed.) 3 Barlaams ok Josaphats Saga (Christiania 1851). Ole Widding, ,,Et norsk fragment af Barlaams saga. Et bidrag til Barlaamsagaens tekstkritik," MM (1963) 37-
46. KLNM I, 342-44 (Hallvard Mager0y). D U N S T A N U S SAGA:
Christine Elizabeth Fell (ed.) 3 Dunstanus saga (EdAM B V; Copenhagen 1963). Lenore Harty, ,,The Icelandic Life of St. Dunstan," SBVS XV:4 (1961) 263-93. G R E G O R I U S SAGA: Hreinn Benediktsson (ed.). The Life of St. Gregory and his Dialogues . . . (EdAM B IV; Copenhagen 1963). G U D M U N D A R S A G A SC6 B l S K U P A
Saints' Lives
J O N S S A G A H E L G A SCC B l S K U P A S O G U R .
M A R I U SAGA: C. R. Unger (ed.) 3 Mariu Saga (Christiania 1871). [Life and miracles.] Ole Widding and Hans Bekker-Nielsen (ed.), ,,An Old Norse Translation of the Transitus Mariae'," MS XXIII (1961) 324-33. G. Turville-Petre, ,,The Old-Norse Homily on the Assumption and the Mariu Saga/4 MS IX (1947) 131-40. Ole Widding, ,,Om de norr0ne Marialegender," Opuscula II: i (BiblAM XXV: i ; Copenhagen 1961) 1-9. Ole Widding and Hans Bekker-Nielsen, ,,The Virgin bares her Breast," Opuscula II :i (BiblAM XXV: i; Copenhagen 1961) 76-79. - ,,The fifteen Steps of the Temple. A Problem in the Mariu saga", Opuscula II: I (BiblAM XXV: i ; Copenhagen i 96 i ) 80—9 i . KLNM XI, 363-67 (Hans Bekker-Nielsen and Ole Widding) ; XI, 378-80; XI, 396-98 (Hans Bekker-Nielsen) ; XI, 401-04 (Ole Widding). OLAFS SAGA HELGA see K O N U N G A SOGUR. THOMAS SAGA ERKIBISKUPS: C. R. Unger (ed.), Thomas Saga Erkibyskups (Christiania 1869).
Saints' Lives
Eirikr Magnusson (ed.), Thomas saga erkibyskups. A Life of Archbishop Thomas Becket, in Icelandic, with English Translation, Notes and Glossary I-II (London
Agnete Loth (ed.), Thomasskinna. Gl. kgl. Saml. 1008 fol. in the Royal Library, Copenhagen (EIM VI; Copenhagen 1964). [Facsimile edition.] Peter G. Foote, ,,On the Fragmentary Text concerning St Thomas Becket in Stock. Perg. Fol. Nr. 2," SBVS XV: 4 (1961) 403-50. P O R L A K S S A G A H E L G A SCC B l S K U P A S O G U R .
Ole Widding, Hans Bekker-Nielsen and L. K. Shook, G. S. B., ,,The Lives of the Saints in Old Norse Prose. A Handlist/' MS XXV (1963) 294-337. [Bibliography.] Hans Bekker-Nielsen, ,,On a Handlist of Saints' Lives in Old Norse", MS XXIV (1962) 323-334. [Introduction to ,,The Lives of the Saints ..." above.] Ole Widding and Hans Bekker-Nielsen, ,,Low German Influence on Late Icelandic Hagiography," GR XXXVII14 (1962) 237-62. KLNM I, 177-78 (Ludvig Holm-Olsen); VI; 350-53 (Hallvard Mageroy); X, 421-23 (Ole Widding and Hans Bekker-Nielsen). SKALDIG POETRY Finnur Jonsson (ed.), Den norsk-islandske skjaldedigtning . . . A. Tekst efter handskrifterne I-II. B. Rettet tekst I-II (Copenhagen 1912-15).
Skaldic Poetry
Carmina Scaldica . . . 2. gennemsete udgave (Copenhagen 1929). Jon Helgason (ed.), Skjaldevers (NF XII; ist ed., 2nd reprint Copenhagen 1962). Lee M. Hollander, The Skalds. A Selection of their Poems, with Introductions and Notes (New York 1945). [W. A. Craigie, The Art of Poetry . . . and W. Lange, Studien zur christlichen Dichtung . . . (cf. Section III) should be consulted, as should the literary histories. A special dictionary is Finnur Jonsson, Lexicon poeticum . . . (Section II (b) above). An introduction to and survey of kennings is found in R. Meissner, Die Kenningar . . . (cf. Section II (c) above).] Hallvard Lie, ,,NaturiC og })unaturec i skaldekunsten (Oslo 1957). Lee M. Hollander, A Bibliography of Skaldic Studies (Copenhagen 1958).
LILJA: Eirikr Magnusson (ed.), Lilja (The Lily] ... with Metrical Translation, Notes and Glossary (London 1870). [Included in Carmina Scaldica, 92-111, cf. above.] Charles Venn Pilcher (transl.), Icelandic Christian Classics. The Lay of the Sun, The Lily . . . (Melbourne 1950).
Skdlholtsbok yngsta
SKALHOLTSBOK YNGSTA A. Kjaer og L. Holm-Olsen (ed.) 3 Det Arnamagnceanske Haandskrift 81 a Fol. (Skdlholtsbok yngsta), indeholdende Sverris saga, Bbglunga sogur, Hdkonar saga Hdkonarsonar, fasc. 1-4 (Kristiania 1910-11, Oslo 1926-47. In progress). L. Holm-Olsen (ed.) 3 The Sagas of King Sverrir and King Hdkon the Old. Manuscript No. 81 a fol. in the Arnamagnoean Collection (EIM III; Copenhagen 1961). [Facsimile edition.] Gf. KONUNGA SOGUR.
SNORRA EDDA Finnur Jonsson (ed.) 3 Edda Snorra Sturlusonar udg. efter hdndskrifterne . . . (Copenhagen 1931). Anne Holtsmark and Jon Helgason (ed.)> Snorri Sturluson: Edda. Gylfaginning og prosafortellingene av Skdldskaparmdl (NF I; 2nd ed, 3rd printing Copenhagen 1962). SigurSur Nordal (ed.) 3 Codex Wormianus. (The Younger Edda.) MS. No. 242 fol. in The Arnamagnean Collection ... (CCI II; Copenhagen 1931). [Facsimile edition.] Elias Wessen (ed.), Codex Regius of the Younger Edda. MS No 2367 ^to in the Old Royal Collection in the Royal Library of Copenhagen (CCI XIV; Copenhagen 1940). [Facsimile edition.]
Snorra Edda
Fragments of the Elder and the Younger Edda, AM 748 I and II 4:0 (CCI XVII; Copenhagen 1945). [Facsimile edition.] Anders Grape (ed.), Snorre Sturlasons Edda. Uppsalahandskriften DG n . . . (Uppsala 1962). [Facsimile edition.] Arthur G. Brodeur (transl.), The Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson (New York 1916; 4th printing 1946). Jean I. Young (transl.), The Prose Edda of Snorri Sturluson. Tales from Norse Mythology . . . (2nd. printing Berkeley, Cal. 1964). Halldor Hermannsson, Bibliography of the Eddas (Islandica XIII; Ithaca, N. Y. 1920). Johann S. Hannesson, Bibliography of the Eddas. A Supplement to Bibliography of the Eddas (Islandica XIII}. . . . (Islandica XXXVIII; Ithaca, N. Y. 1955). Walter Baetke, Die Gotterlehre der Snorra-Edda (Berlin 1950)/ Ernst A. Philippson, Die Genealogie der Goiter in germanischer Religion, Mythologie und Theologie (Urbana, 111. 1953). Anne Holtsmark, Studier i Snorres mytologi (Oslo 1964). E. O. G. Turville-Petre, Myth and Religion of the North. The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia (London 1964). KLNM III, 475-80 (Anne Holtsmark).
SPECULUM R E G A L E see KONUNGS SKUGGSJA. STJORN G. R. Unger (ed.), Stjorn. Gammelnorsk Bibelhistorie fra Verdens Skabelse til det babyloniske Fangenskab (Ghristiania 1862). Didrik Arup Seip (ed.), Stjorn ... (CGI XX; Copenhagen 1956). [Facsimile edition of AM 22 J fol.] KLNM I, 520 (D. A. Seip). S T R E N G L E I K A R see C O U R T L I T E R A T U R E . S T U R L U N G A SAGA Kr. Kalund (ed.), Sturlunga saga . . . I-II 1906-1i).
Jon Johannesson, Magnus Finnbogason and Kristj an Eldjarn (ed.) ? Sturlunga saga I-II (Reykjavik 1946). Jakob Benediktsson (ed.), Sturlunga saga . . . (EIM I; Copenhagen 1958). [Facsimile edition of AM 122 a fol.} Ursula Brown (ed.), Porgils saga ok Haflida 1952).
Halldor Hermannsson (ed.) 3 The Saga of Thorgils and Haflidi (Porgils saga ok Haflida) (Islandica XXXI; Ithaca, N. Y. 1945). Petur SigurSsson, Um Islendinga sbgu Sturlu Pordarsonar (SSI VI: 2; Reykjavik 1933-35)-
Trojumanna saga
[See also Einar Ol. Sveinsson, The Age of the Sturlungs . . . and Hermann Palsson, Sagnaskemmtun . . . (cf. Section III).] S V E R R I S S A G A SCC K . O N U N G A S O G U R . P l D R E K S S A G A SCC F o R N A L D A R SOGUR.
T R I S T R A M S SAGA see C O U R T LITERATURE. TROJUMANNA SAGA Jonna Louis-Jensen (ed.), Trojumanna saga (EdAM A VIII; Copenhagen 1963). Lars Lonnroth, ,,Det litterara portrattet i latinsk historiografi och islandsk sagaskrivning - en komparativ studie," APS XXVII: 1-2 (1965) 68-117. VARNARRCEDA Anne Holtsmark (ed.) 3 En tale mot biskopene. En sproglig-historisk undersokelse . . . (Oslo 1931). V A T N S D C E L A S A G A see I S L E N D I N G A SOGUR.
Veraldar saga
V E R A L D A R SAGA Jakob Benediktsson (ed.), Veraldarsaga . . . LXI; Copenhagen 1944). VI'GA-GLUMS SAGA see IISLENDINGA SOGUR. V O L S U N G A S A G A SCC F o R N A L D A R
Background Material The following section gives references to a number of books or articles which the compiler has found useful. It would be possible to add many more titles to the list for the benefit of the student of Old Norse-Icelandic language and literature; however, the following selection will, it is hoped, contain tempting material for further study of areas not covered elsewhere in the bibliography. Holger Arbman, The Vikings. Transl. and ed. with an introduction by Alan Binns (London 1961). Anders Baeksted, Guder og helte i Nor den (Copenhagen 1963)Hans Bekker-Nielsen and Ole Widding, Arne Magnusson. Den store hdndskriftsamler. I ^oo-aret for hans jodsel (Copenhagen 1963). J. Belsheim, Af Bibelen paa norsk-islandsk (norrond] Middelalderen (Christiania 1884).
Bjarne Berulfsen, Kulturtradisjon fra en storhetstid (Oslo 1948). Daniel Bruun, Fortidsminder og Nutidshjem paa Island. Ny omarbejdet og foroget Udg. (Copenhagen 1928). Johannes Br0ndsted, The Vikings (Harmondsworth, Middlesex 1960; rev. edition 1965). 6
Background Material
H. R. Ellis Davidson, Gods and Myths of Northern Europe (Harmondsworth, Middlesex 1964). Early English and Norse Studies. Presented to Hugh Smith in Honour of his Sixtieth Birthday. Ed. by Arthur Brown and Peter Foote (London 1963). (Mafia Einarsdottir, Studier i kronologisk metode i tidlig islandsk historieskrivning (Stockholm 1964). Kristjan Eldjarn, Kuml og haugfe ur heifinum sift a Islandi (Reykjavik 1956). Hjalmar Falk^ ,,Altnordisches Seewesen," Wdrter und Sachen IV (Heidelberg 1912) 1-122. Altnordische Waffenkunde
(Kristiania 1914).
Altwestnordische Kleiderkunde (Kristiania 1919). G. N. Garmonsway, Canute and his Empire. The Dorothea Coke Memorial Lecture . . . 1963 (London 1964). Knut Gjerset, History of Iceland (New York 1924). Valtyr GuSmundsson, Island i Fristatstiden (Copenhagen 1924)Jon Helgason, Islands Kirke fra dens Grundlceggelse til Reformationen (Copenhagen 1925). Jon Helgason, Ritgerdakorn og rcefiustufar
1959). Halldor Hermannsson, Scemund Sigfusson and the Oddaverjar (Islandica XXII; Ithaca, N. Y. 1932).
Background Material
Old Icelandic Literature. A Bibliographical Essay (Islandica XXIII; Ithaca, N. Y. 1933). Anne Holtsmark, Studier i norron diktning (Oslo 1956). Jon Johannesson, ,,Timatal Gerlands i islenzkum ritum fra PjoSveldisold," Sklrnir CXXVI (1952) 76-93. Islendinga saga I-II (Reykjavik 1956-58). Finnur Jonsson, Udsigt over den norsk-islandske filologis historie (Copenhagen 1918). Norsk-islandske kultur- og sprogforhold i 9. og 10. drh. (Copenhagen 1921). [
] Festskrift til Finnur Jonsson 29. Maj 1928 (Copenhagen 1928).
GuSbrandur Jonsson, Domkirkjan a Holum i Hjaltadal (SSIV-.6; Reykjavik 1919-29). Kr. Kalund, Bidrag til en historisk-topografisk Beskrivelse af Island I-II (Copenhagen 1877-82). Halvdan Koht, Innhog og utsyn i norsk historie (Kristiania 1921). Menu i historia (Oslo 1963). Nye innhog og utsyn (Oslo 1964). Oluf Kolsrud, Noregs kyrkjesoga (Oslo 1958). Magnus Mar Larusson^ ,,Islenzkar maelieiningar," Skirnir CXXXII (1958) 208-45. 6
Background Material
Marchen, Mythos, Dichtung. Festschrift zum go. Geburtstag Friedrich von der Leyens am 19. August 1963. Herausgegeben von Hugo Kuhn und Kurt Schier (Miinchen 1963). Konrad Maurer, Die Bekehrung des norwegischen Stammes zum Christenthume . . . I—II (Miinchen 1855—56. Reprint Osnabriick 1965). Bogi Th. MelsteSj Ferftir, siglingar og samgdngur milli Islands og annarra landa a dogum pjodveldisins (SSI IV; Copenhagen 1912-14). Lucien Musset, Les peuples scandinaves au moyen age (Paris 1951). Nordcela. AfmceliskveSja til . . . Sigurftar Nordals . . . (Reykjavik 1956). Pall Eggert Olason^ Islenzkar ceviskrdr I—V (Reykjavik 1948-52). Magnus Olsen, Norrone studier (Oslo 1938). Fra norron filologi (Oslo 1949). Emil Olmer, Boksamlingar pa Island 1179—1490 . . . (Goteborgs Hogskolas arsskrift 1902. II; Goteborg 1902). Scandinavian Studies. Essays Presented to Dr. Henry Goddard Leach on the Occasion of His Eighty-fifth Birthday. Ed. by Carl F. Bayerschmidt and Erik ]. Friis (Seattle, Washington 1965). Haakon Shetelig and Hjalmar Falk, Scandinavian Archaeology. Translated by E. V. Gordon (Oxford 1937).
Background Material
Dag Stromback, Sejd. Textstudier i nordisk religionshistoria (Nordiska texter och undersokningar V; Stockholm 1935). Einar 61. Sveinsson, Handritamdlid (Reykjavik 1959). Porhallur Porgilsson, Drog ad skrd um ritverk a islenzku ad fornu og nyju af latneskum efta romonskum uppruna I-II (Reykjavik 1954-58)Jon Porkelsson, Islenzkar drtiSaskrdr (Copenhagen 189396). G. Turville-PetrCj The Heroic Age of Scandinavia (London 1951). [Undervisningsministeriets kommissionj Betcenkning vedrorende de i Danmark beroende islandske hdndskrifter og museumsgenstande (Copenhagen 1951). Vdrt folks historic I-III (Oslo 1962-63). Jan de Vries,, Altgermanische Religionsgeschichte. 2., vol-
lig neu bearbeitete Aufl. I-II (Grundriss 12; Berlin 1956–57). Heroic Song and Heroic Legend. Translated by B. J. Timmer (Oxford 1963). Kleine Schriften. Hrsg. von Klaas Heeroma und Andries Kylstra (Berlin 1965).
INDEX Aðalbjarnarson? Bjarni 62, 65. Albeck, Gustav 61. Almqvist, Bo 26. Andersson., Theodore M. 26. Arbman, Holger 81. Arent, A. Margaret 57. Bæksted, Anders 81. Baetke, Walter 17, 26, 77. Bayerschmidt, Carl F. 84. Bekker-Nielsen, Hans 26, 73 f., 81. Belsheim, J. 81. Benediktsson, Hreinn 23, 39, 46, 72. Benediktsson, Jakob 47, 62, 67 f., 78, 80. Bertelsen, Henrik 44. Berulfsen,, Bjarne 47, 81. Beyschlag, Siegfried 65. Binns, Alan 81. Bjarnar, Vilhjálmur 28. Bjarnarson, Þorvaldur 38. Blaisdell, Foster W. 36. Blake, N. F. 60. Blondal, Lárus H. 25. Blöndal, Sigfús 28. B0dker, L. 34. Böðvarsson, Árni 21. Boer, R. C. 44, 53. Brekke, Egil Nygaard 65.
Brodeur, Arthur G. 77. Br0ndsted, Johannes 81. Brown, Arthur 82. Brown, Ursula 78. Bruun, Daniel 81. Brynjúlfsson, Gísli 37. Bull, Francis 64. Cederschiöld, Gustaf 35 f. Chapman, Kenneth G. 20, 22. Cleasby, Richard 21. Craigie, William A. 21, 26, 70 f., 75. Dahlerup, Verner 45. Davidson, H. R. Ellis 82. Dickins, Bruce 63. Egilsson, Sveinbjörn 22, 61. Einarsdóttir, Ólafìa 82. Einarsson, Bjarni 26, 50, 54 f., 57. Einarsson, Stefán 20, 26. Eken, Thorsten 68. Eldjárn, Kristján 78, 82. Ellehøj, Svend 65. Ellwood, T. 67. Falk, Hjalmar 82, 84. Fell, Christine Elizabeth 72. Finch, R. G. 44. Finnbogason, Magnús 78. Finsen, Vilhjálmur 67. Fischer, Frank 21.
Fiske, Willard 15. Flom, George T. 48, 66. Foote, Peter G. 37, 42, 53 f., 60, 72, 74, 82. Fox, Denton 59. Franzén, Gösta 58. Friis, Erik J. 84. Fritzner, Johan 21. Garmonsway, G. N. 20, 52, 82. Gathorne-Hardy, G. M. 65. Gering, Hugo 21, 33, 40, 52. Gíslason, Konráð 58. Gjerløw, Lilli 38. Gjerset, Knut 82. Golther, Wolfgang 49. Gordon, E. V. 20, 43, 56, 84. Grape, Anders 77. Groth, P. 64. Guðmundsson, Barði 59. Guðmundsson, Finnbogi 70. Guðmundsson, Valtýr 82. Hallberg, Peter 27, 51, 57, 61, 63. Halldórsson, Ólafur (1855-1930) 67. Halldórsson, Ólafur (1920-) 24, 42, 64. Halleux, Pierre 56. Halvorsen, Eyvind Fjeld 37 f., 61. Hannesson, Jóhann S. 29, 40, 60, 77. Harty, Lenore 72. Hast, Sture 55. Haugen, Einar 21, 46. Head, Edmund 59.
Heeroma, Klaas 85. Helgason, Jón (1866-1942) 82. Helgason, Jón (1899-) 24, 27, 34, 39 ff., 43, 47, 50 ff., 55 f., 58, 63, 66, 69, 75 f, 82. Helle, Knut 62, 68. Heller, Rolf 57, 65. Hermannsson, Halldór 15, 32 f., 35, 39 f., 45, 49, 60, 65, 68, 77 f, 82 f. Hertzberg, Ebbe 67. Heusler, Andreas 20, 22, 27, 40. Hight, George Ainslie 53. Hollander, Lee M. 40, 52, 57, 62, 75. Holm-Olsen, Ludvig 31, 59, 64, 66, 74, 76. Holthausen, Ferdinand 21. Holtsmark, Anne 21, 27 f., 32, 34, 40, 45 f., 49, 53, 63 ff., ?6 f., 79, 83. Indrebø, Gustav 48, 61, 64. Ings tad, Helge 33. Jakobsen, Alfred 36. Jayne, A. G. 28. Jóhannesson, Alexander 21. Jóhannesson, Jon 33, 49, 56, 67, 78. Johnsen, Oscar Albert 63. Johnston, George 42, 53. Jones, Gwyn 32, 51, 56, 59. Jónsson, Eiríkur 47. Jónsson, Finnur 22, 27, 31, 40 ff., 45, 47, 49, 51, 58, 61 f., 64, 66, 69 ff., 74 ff., 83. Jónsson, Guðbrandur 83. Jónsson, Guðni 34, 43, 50, 52 ff.
Kålund, Kristian 24, 55, 57, 78, 83. Ker, W. P. 27. Kersbergen, Anna G. 58. Keyser, R. 37, 67, 72. Kjær, A. 76. Klose, Olaf 15. Knudsen, Trygve 48. Kölbing, Eugen 36 f. Koht, Halvdan 27, 83. Kolsrud, Oluf 39, 83. Kralik, Dietrich von 44. Krause, Wolfgang 20. Kristensen, Marius 47. Kristjánsson, Jónas 71. Kroesen, Jacoba M. G. 53. Kuhn, Hans 39. Kuhn, Hugo 84. Kylstra, Andries 85. Lagerholm, Åke 71. Lange, Wolfgang 27, 75. Larsen, Henning 69. Larson, Laurence Marcellus 66. Larsson, Ludvig 22, 31. Lárusson, Magnus Mar 83. Lárusson, Ólafur 51, 67 f. Leach, Henry Goddard 27, 38, 71, 84. Lehmann, Paul 28. Lehmann, Winfred P. 22. Leyen, Friedrich von der 30, 84. Lie, Hallvard 62 f., 75. Liestøl, Knut 28.
Lind, E. H. 22. Lindblad, Gustaf 24, 34, 40. Lönnroth, Lars 64, 79. Loomis, Roger Sherman 38. Loth, Agnete 53, 71, 74. Louis-Jensen, Jonna 79. Mager0y, Hallvard 50, 72, 74. Magnússon, Eiríkur 19, 74 f. Magnusson, Magnus 32, 58. Marston, Thomas £.33. Maurer, Konrad 84. Maurer, Oscar 58. Meissner, Rudolf 23, 37, 75. Melsteð, Bogi Th. 84. Mitchell, P. M. 38. Mills, Stella M. 43. Morris, William 19, 58. Munch, P. A. 67. Musset, Lucien 84. Neckel, Gustav 39. Nordal, Sigurður 28, 42, 50 ff., 54 ff., 62 f., 70, 76, 84. Noreen, Adolf 20, 23. Nygaard, M. 23. (Mason, Páll Eggert 24, 67, 84. Oleson, Tryggvi J. 33. Olmer, Emil 84. Ólsen, Björn M. 28, 45, 57. Olsen, Magnus 44, 46, 84. Olsen, Thorkil Damsgaard 26.
Olson, Emil 60. Olszewska, E. S. 35. Paasche, Fredrik 28, 48, 62, 64. Paff, William J. 44. Painter, George D. 33. Pálsson, Hermann 29, 32, 58, 79. Petersens, Carl af 60. Philippson, Ernst A. 77. Phillpotts, Bertha 29. Pilcher, Charles Venn 75. Press, Muriel A. C. 42. Quirk, Randolph 54. Rafn, C. C. 42, 61. Reeves, Arthur Middleton 32. Reichardt, Konstantin 51. Rubow, Paul V. 29. Salvesen, Astrid 41. Sandvik, Gudmund 62. Scargill, M. H. 54. Schach, Paul 27, 29, 38, 52. Schier, Kurt 84. Schlauch, Margaret 29, 38, 44, 50, 71. Schreiner, Johan 63. Seip, Didrik Arup 23, 25, 39, 66, 68, 78. Shetelig, Haakon 84. Shook, L. K. 74. Sigfússon, Björn 49, 51 ff., 58. Sigurðsson, Jon 34.
Sigurðsson, Pétur 78. Skard, Vemund 23. Skelton, R. A. 33. Skulerud, Olai 25. Slay, Desmond 43, 72. Smith, Hugh 82. Spehr, Harald 25. Stefánsson, Vilhjálmur 33. Storm, Gustav 67. Strömbäck, Dag 29, 32, 54 f., 85. Stroh, Friedrich 23. Sveinsson, Einar Ó1. 28 f., 45, 50 ff., 55 ff., 69 ff., 79, 85. Taylor, A. B. 70. Taylor, A. R. 20. Thomas, R. George 56. Þórðarson, Matthías 32 f. Þorgilsson, Þórhallur 85. Þorkelsson, Jón (1822-1904) 47. Þorkelsson, Jón (1859-1924) 29, 85. Þorláksson, Guðmundur 46. Pórólfsson, Björn Karel 52 f., 71. Timmer, B. J. 85. Tobiassen, Torfinn 61. Tolkien, Christopher 43. Turville-Petre, E. O. G. 29, 35, 59, 73, 77, 85. Unger, C. R. 35, 37, 42, 71 ff., 78. Victor, Alexander O. 33. Vigfússon, Guðbrandur 21, 34, 42. Vries, Jan de 22, 30, 85.
Walthers, Thorstina J. 33. Wessén, Elias 20, 23, 40, 62, 76 f. Westergård-Nielsen, Chr. 22. Widding, Ole 26, 38, 72 ff., 81. Wieselgren, Per 45, 51. Wisén, Theodor 48. Wisniewski, Roswitha 44. Wood, Frederic T. 40. Young, Jean I. 77. Zoëga, Geir T. 21.
THE DEVICE OF THE CENTRE FOR MEDIEVAL STUDIES The Orb and Four was widely used as a device of early printers. The Orb is of southern origin and is also called mundus, pomum imperiale, ball, or globe; it stood for the world and was commonly part of the regalia of medieval kings. The Orb is a schematic map pa mundi with the bottom half representing Asia, and the upper quadrants, Africa and Europe. The Four was widely used as a trade mark, especially on bales belonging to merchants of the staple, and also as a mark of craftsmen. It was of northern origin and is thought to come from the D-rune. The number four had wide significance in the Middle Ages: the four elements, the four humours, the four cardinal virtues, the fourfold exegesis of the Bible, the quadrivium of the four sciences, geometry, astronomy, arithmetic and music. The three rods form a double-barred cross and stand for the Trinity; the number three also had wide significance: the three theological virtues, the trivium of grammar, logic and rhetoric. The trivium and the quadrivium constitute the seven liberal arts of the medieval university. Seven, the sum of three and four, is the number of the planets in the Ptolemaic universe and of the deadly sins. Twelve, the multiple of three and four, is the number of the months, of the signs of the zodiac, of the Apostles and is the Germanic base of counting, hence dozen and Charlemagne's doze per. The full symbolism of the Four, but lightly sketched here, extends to the whole world, the Orb on which it rests.