International Resource Book for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons 9783110933338, 9783598218262

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Table of contents :
Dedication to Anne M. Galler
The IFLA Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons, 1931-2001: A Seventy Year Retrospective
LSDP Papers Presented at Annual Conferences 1965-2001
LSDP Professional Reports
Library Services to the Deaf: A bibliography, 1970-2000
Library Services to the Elderly: A bibliography, 1970-2000
Use and Development of Easy-to-Read Publications. A bibliography, 1970-2000
Hospital Patient Libraries: A bibliography, 1970-2000
Prison Libraries: A bibliography, 1970-2000
Author Index to LSDP Section Conference Papers and Professional Reports
Subject Index to Bibliographies
Recommend Papers

International Resource Book for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons
 9783110933338, 9783598218262

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International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Fédération Internationale des Associations de Bibliothécaires et des Bibliothèques Internationaler Verband der bibliothekarischen Vereine und Institutionen MejKAyHapoAHan eflepaunji E H Ö / I M O T C H H M X AccoiwauHB H Y I P O K Ä C H H F T Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Bibliotecarios y Bibliotecas

IFLA Publications 96

International Resource Book for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons

Joanne Locke and Nancy M. Panella

With the assistance of Margaret Girolami

K G - Saur München 2001

IFLA Publications edited by Carol Henry

Recommended catalogue entry: International resource book for libraries serving disadvantaged persons / Joanne Locke and Nancy M. Panella. With the assistance of Margaret Girolami. München : Saur, 2001, XII, 249 p. 21 cm (IFLA publications ; 96) ISBN 3-598-21826-5

Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Locke, Joanne: International resource book for libraries serving disadvantaged persons / Joanne Locke and Nancy M. Panella. With the assistance of Margaret Girolami. München : Saur, 2001 (IFLA publications ; 96) ISBN 3-598-21826-5

Printed on acid-free paper The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences - Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48.1984. © 2001 by International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, The Hague, The Netherlands Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All Rights Strictly Reserved K. G Saur Verlag GmbH München 2001 Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system of any nature, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed / Bound by Strauss Offsetdruck, Mörlenbach ISBN 3-598-21826-5 ISSN 0344-6891 (IFLA Publications)

CONTENTS Page Dedication to Anne M. Galler




The IFLA Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons 1931-2001 : A Seventy Year Retrospective


LSDP Papers Presented at Annual Conferences


1965-2001 LSDP Professional Reports


Library Services to the Deaf: A bibliography, 1970-2000


Library Services to the Elderly: A bibliography, 1970-2000


Use and Development of Easy-to-Read Publications


A bibliography, 1970-2000 Hospital Patient Libraries: A bibliography, 1970-2000


Prison Libraries: A bibliography, 1970-2000


Author and Index to LSDP Section Conference Papers Professional Reports


Subject Index to Bibliographies




Anne M. Galler 1931-1999 This work is dedicated to the memory of Anne M. Galler, a past Chair of the Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons, whose original proposal for compilation of a resource book was the catalyst for the text which you now have in hand. Anne's involvement with IFLA was extensive, beginning with her attendance at the Annual Conference convened in Montreal, Canada in 1982. Realizing the valuable work done by IFLA and the contribution which she felt she could make, Anne became involved in the only way she knew how, to actively participate. During her eighteen years of association, she held many formal and informal positions including Official Representative to the International Association of School Librarianship (1985), Chair of the Standing Committee on Libraries Serving the Disadvantaged (1989-91), Chair of the Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (1991-93), Information Coordinator for the Standing Committee on Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons, and Honorary Advisor to the Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. In addition to having held these positions, Anne presented papers on a regular basis at IFLA conferences and co-authored, with her friend and colleague Joan Coulter, the IFLA Professional Report entitled Managing School Libraries. subsequently translated into both French and Spanish. In spirit, this work is Anne's gift to the Section on its seventieth anniversary.


INTRODUCTION Background The International Resource Book for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons was proposed in 1998 by Anne M. Galler, a former Chair of the IFLA Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP). Work on the Resource Book was to begin in August 1998 and was to continue for two years. The Book's overall guiding objectives would be: to raise awareness internationally of LSDP's dynamic, evolving history and its activities within the international library community; and to bring together a collection of citations to the literature in the form of related bibliographies that would span the period 1970 to 2000. Mrs. Galler's sudden illness in the Spring of 1999 and her untimely death in November 1999, temporarily suspended the project. Eventually, though, her colleague, Ms. Joanne Locke, Associate Professor, Concordia University in Montreal and Dr. Nancy Panella, Medical Library Director, St. Luke's Hospital in New York City, reactivated it: Ms. Locke worked on compiling the extensive bibliographies while Dr. Panella, an LSDP Standing Committee member, compiled the Section's history.reactivated Though the Resource Book's original goals and objectives have been modified somewhat, its main purpose - to raise awareness of the Section and its work in promoting library services for disadvantaged groups - has remained the guiding principle. The Resource Book is divided into several sections: A Seventy Year Retrospective Section Papers Presented at IFLA Annual Conferences, 19652000.

Section Professional Reports Library Services to the Deaf: A bibliography, 1970-2000 Library Services to the Elderly: A bibliography, 1970-2000 Use and Development of Easy to Read Publications: A bibliography, 1970-2000 Library Services to Hospital Patients: A bibliography, 1970-2000 Prison Libraries: A bibliography, 1970-2000 Author Index to Section Conference Papers and Professional Reports Subject index to Bibliographies Following is a brief explanation of the sources, arrangements and entries for each of these sections.


A Seventy Year Retrospective The Retrospective begins as a narrative and documents the reasons for LSDP's formation as well as its founding premises and early activities. The years 1934 through 2001 are written in profile form with sidebars highlighting the more significant events (it was hoped that profile format would facilitate reading through LSDP's very long history). The Retrospective is liberally footnoted, with some of the notes containing much detail on particular points. Section Papers Presented at IFLA Annual Conferences, 1965-2000. Section Papers is arranged chronologically. Besides an annual conference number and location, each entry provides the name(s) of the individual(s) responsible for the paper and the paper's title. Information for Section Papers was gathered from: the IFLA Annual series; issues of IFLA Journal·, issues of the Newsletter, the Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged persons] IFLA's website; the Retrospective: copies of programs from various IFLA conferences; and informal documents found in Mrs. Galler's files.

Section Professional Reports Professional Reports included in this list were written by LSDP members and are designated as reports of the Section. Extracted from IFLA's website, the listing is arranged by Report number.

The Bibliographies The topics of the five international bibliographies - the Deaf, the Elderly, Hospital Patients, Prisons, and Easy-to-Read materials - were, in the original project proposal, approved as topics integral to LSDP's business or 'terms of reference.' As envisioned by Mrs. Galler, the bibliographies would be starting points for gathering literature in these specialized areas. Although many of the citations are references to brief articles, these entries are interesting in that they reveal just how active and innovative libraries have been in the serving of disadvantaged persons over a sustained period of time. While, in assembling the bibliographies, every effort was made to be as comprehensive and accurate as possible, error will occur. Similarly, though significant attempts were made to gather and insert the appropriate accents in the variety of languages represented, minor errors and omissions may become evident. Finally, since the alphabetization of all languages has been Anglicized, some inconvenience in using the bibliographies and indexes might occur.


Sincere apologies are made for any of these discrepancies or problems. The editors welcome comments in order that an addendum be compiled. Besides the references and sources cited in the many documents examined by the compilers, the following indexing/abstracting tools and bibliographies were used to identify bibliographic entries. Library Literature (all bibliographies) Library and Information Science Abstracts (all bibliographies) National Library of Canada. AMICUS (all bibliographies) Library of Congress (all bibliographies) Hospital Literature Index (hospital patient libraries) HealthStar (hospital patient libraries) ERIC (Easy to Read) AgeLine (elderly) Entries in each of the bibliographies are arranged alphabetically. Preference has been given to an author/editor main entry. Users will notice that each entry has been assigned a unique number to coordinate it with a subject heading through the Subject Index to Bibliographies. Bibliographical detail for each entry includes the following (as available): Monographs: Author main entry, date of publication, title, foreign language title in brackets, edition, series statement in parentheses, place of publication, publisher. Journal articles with continuous pagination: Author main entry, date of publication, article title, foreign language title in brackets, journal name underlined, journal volume underlined, paging of article. Journal articles without continuous pagination: Author main entry, date of publication, article title, foreign language title in brackets, journal name underlined, journal volume underlined, journal number in parentheses, paging of article. Magazine articles: Author main entry, date of publication including month and in some cases day, article title, foreign language title in brackets, journal name underlined, journal volume underlined, journal number in parentheses, paging of article. Dissertations, theses, research papers: Author main entry, date, title of paper, degree qualification, school, place of school, name of school.


Chapter in another work: Author main entry, date, title of chapter, editors of host work, title of host work underlined, pages on which the chapter appears in parentheses, place of publication, publisher. In addition, a Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) abstract number has been given to each entry when available.

Indexes In order to provide increased access and ease of use, two indexes are included. The first index found on pages 227 to 231 provides author (both personal and corporate) access to the Section Papers Presented at the Annual Conferences, 1965-2000 which are listed in chronological sequence. The second index comprising pages 232 to 236 provides a broad subject access to the five subject bibliographies. The subject headings, which are general in nature, are meant as a guide to the contents of the bibliographies. The user will note that many entries may appear under one broad heading; however attempts have been made to be as precise as possible. In a great many cases, the original article was not available to the compilers for perusal.

Acknowledgements Financial support for this project was provided by IFLA. It was used to aid in the compilation of the indexes and the bibliographies and in the word processing of the manuscript supplied to K. G. Saur. Sincere gratitude is extended to Margaret Girolami who spent countless hours evaluating and constructing bibliographic citations and subject headings; to Diane O'Donnell who prepared the manuscript through endless revisions; and to Melanie Graziani who worked through all of the original files in the wake of Anne Gaiter's death. Finally, thanks and gratitude to Mr. John Day, Chair, Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (1999- ) for his support, encouragement and management of the project through its transition, and for solving many of the problems associated with a work of this magnitude.



Retrospective 3


The Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP) celebrates its seventieth birthday this year. Established August 29,1931 1 - four years after IFLA's founding - it enjoys a continuous and impressive history of activity within the international library community. LSDP was created as the Sub-committee on Hospital Libraries (patients' libraries). It was the seventh sub-committee IFLA formed2 and the first to focus on library services for a specific user group. Since its chronology spans so many decades and entails so much expansion, it may be helpful here to outline its developmental characteristics. They include: Original name Sub-Committee on Hospital Libraries (1931); Subsequent names Committee on Hospital Libraries (1952) Hospital Libraries Sub-Section (1962) Libraries in Hospitals Sub-Section (1966) Section of Library Services to Hospital Patients and Handicapped Readers (1977) Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (1984); Original concerns libraries and library services for hospital patients; Subsequent additional concerns the unique needs of hospitalized disabled people, the needs of the disabled within or without the hospital including the blind, the deaf, "mentally retarded' children, and those needing "easy reader" materials, eventually, those unable to use conventional library materials and services, for example, people in hospitals and prisons, the homebound, the elderly in residencies and care facilities, the deaf, and the physically and developmentally disabled. Presidents I Rapporteur Générais I Chairs Henri Lemaître (France): 1931 - 1946 Paul Poindron (France): 1946 - 1953 Irmgard Schmid-Schädelin (Switzerland): 1953 - 1963 Frank Gardner (UK): 1963 - 1969 M. Joy Lewis (UK): 1969- 1972 Petra Leeuwenburgh (The Netherlands): 1972 - 1977

4 Retrospective

Jean M. Clarke (UK): 1977-1981 Phyllis Noaks (UK): 1981 - 1985 Gunilla Malmgren-Neale (Sweden): 1985 - 1989 Anne M. Galler (Canada): 1989-1993 Frances Kaiser (The Netherlands): 1993 - 1995 Kjerstin Thulin (Sweden): 1995 - 1997 Sue Lithgow (UK): 1997- 1999 John Michael Day (USA): 1999Background The late 1920s I early 1930s were remarkably ready for formation of an international hospital libraries group: the era had been witnessing growing multinational interest in library services for hospital patients,3 a phenomenon fueled in part by the positive effect books and reading had on hospitalized military personnel during and after World War I;4 coincidentally, thanks to unrelenting multi-national efforts beginning roughly in the late 1800s, that era was also witnessing the dawn of organized international collaboration in librarianship, at the heart of which was the founding of IFLA.5 Formation of what would ultimately be an IFLA sub-committee was proposed by Marjorie E. Roberts, at the time, organizing secretary for the British Red Cross and Order of St. John Hospital Library.6 Roberts was an energetic, politically astute woman who was deeply passionate about the need to provide hospital patients with reading material. Because she realized that library work in hospitals required unique expertise - particularly where reading was used as a therapeutic tool - she was also a zealous advocate of specialized training in the field. Finally, knowing something of the often vastly different ways in which hospital library services were organized nation to nation, she saw the worth of an international forum where methods could be studied and ideas exchanged. The catalyst for Roberts' petition to IFLA came through a (British) Library Association conference in Cambridge, in 1930. The Association's first session on hospital libraries was held there7, and with Roberts as Chief Steward,8 it included descriptions of patients' libraries I services in Denmark, the United Kingdom (UK), and the United States (US).9 Subsequent Informal talks among the session's attendees included reviews of patients' library work in Germany and Sweden, and together with information from the formal session, seems to have given the group a sense of the benefits multi-national collaboration could bring: by discussion's end, they had agreed to form an international alliance,10 one that would, as Roberts later noted, fill the need for the "collection of information and exchange of opinion internationally."11 While it is unclear whether Roberts or the group as a whole chose to pursue affiliation with IFLA, nonetheless, that organization must have seemed the perfect venue: it was an international body and, as such, offered widespread routes to existing patients' libraries and for the promotion of such libraries where none existed; it was a way to be in touch with municipal libraries, which in some countries bore (or potentially bore) the responsibility for hospital library services; and, it had an education sub-committee, probably especially important to Roberts.

Retrospective 5

The Cambridge discussions also led to formation of a hospital library subcommittee within the International Hospital Association (IHA).12 While here, too, it is unclear whether Roberts or the group as a whole chose that affiliation, the benefit seems clear: IHA offered a direct means of promoting patients' libraries to hospital authorities, one of the audiences most able to institute them. Not one to leave a base uncovered, Roberts also became secretary of the IHA Sub-committee. In terms of focus, it ran side-by-side with the IFLA Sub-committee for many years and is, for that reason, important to this retrospective. The Sub-committee's Formation In August, 1931, at IFLA's annual conference, that year held in Cheltenham, the International Library Committee (ILC, subsequently IFLA Council13) considered Roberts' proposal, a "Memorandum on the Need for an International Sub-Committee on Hospital Library Services."14 In part, the proposal stipulated that the subcommittee would work to: - collect information regarding methods of conducting the hospital library service in whatever countries it may exist; - undertake such publicity as may seem desirable so that the principle of hospital libraries - in so far as it concerns librarians internationally - may become better known, and more widely established; - ...[draw] up a recommendation with regard to the organisation of Hospital Libraries, based on its own study of existing systems. The proposal was quickly approved and, beyond its own merits, two prior events may have contributed to that. First, in a letter written the previous March to Henri Lemaître - ILC member and later the Sub-committee's first president - Roberts had talked at length about the importance of libraries for hospital patients. She somehow knew that Lemaître was about to attend a congress in Algiers on public libraries, and she hoped to persuade him to collaborate there on a discussion of that topic.16 Second, Carl Milam - chair of IFLA's Public Library Sub-committee and secretary of the American Library Association (ALA) - had become keenly aware of interests in providing reading materials to hospital patients: he had seen it in the US growing out of ALA's work with hospitalized military personnel,17 and his international public library exposure had shown him that same concern outside of the US.18 So it seems that Robert's proposal went to IFLA with considerable advantage: two ILC members already had first-hand exposure to the concept's growing popularity. As noted, Henri Lemaître became president of the newly-formed subcommittee; Roberts - whose work in promoting hospital libraries Lemaître deeply admired - was appointed secretary; and Dr. Rene Sand, technical counselor to the League of Red Cross Societies, was made representative at large of the medical and hospital interests.19 Early Years The Sub-committee's initial work centered on enlisting correspondents (members) and collecting as much current information on the field as was possible. To do both, it developed and sent a hospital library / services questionnaire to

6 Retrospective

representatives of library, health, or medical institutions in: Australia; Austria; Belgium; Bulgaria; Czechoslovakia; China; Denmark; Egypt; Finland; France; Germany; Great Britain; India; Italy; Japan; Latvia; Lithuania; The Netherlands; New Zealand; Poland; Romania; South Africa; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; the US, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). As far as is known, that was the first major survey conducted by an IFLA subcommittee. The response rate was impressive: nineteen of the twenty-seven nations queried answered, and nineteen people representing eighteen countries agreed to be correspondents.20 Including Roberts, then, the group totaled twenty making it the largest of IFLA's sub-committees. It would remain so for some time. In 1932, at the Sub-committee's first official meeting, IFLA's fifth annual conference (Berne), Lemaître presented the survey's findings, an extensive report occupying more than twenty pages in IFLA's conference proceedings for the year.21 Besides providing foundational information (where, when and how library services were or were not being provided to hospital patients), the findings also revealed widespread physician interest in hospital libraries, and Lemaître was encouraged by that. Hoping to maintain close contact with medical authorities, he subsequently recommended that the Sub-committee establish a collaborative relationship with the League of Nation's Health Section, an idea quickly supported by William W. Bishop, IFLA's president. Bishop suggested that, as a start, copies of the survey report be sent to the Health Section's director. He also asked Dr. Tietse Pieter Sevensma, IFLA Secretary General and League Librarian, to discuss with the director "the possibilities of collaboration."22 Regarding the survey results overall, Lemaître felt they showed that the movement towards establishing "libraries for the sick" had a future and was a goal towards which competent authorities were working "with more or less success [and] in various degrees of development."23 As such, he asked that the Sub-committee: 1) encourage any non-responding nations to complete and return their surveys; 2) suggest to countries not yet having a hospital library service ways in which they might do so; and 3) study the ways in which improvements could be made in less developed patient library services, for example, in libraries for mental hospital patients. (At the time, it seemed that only the US was systematically providing library services to mental patients.)24 At about the same time as that 1932 meeting, Roberts, whom Lemaître once termed the "tireless propagandist,25" published a report of the survey in a preeminent hospital journal. To her, the results showed what she had suspected all along, that there was a "more or less universal...need for closer study of certain questions regarding library work with hospital patients.26 The following year, at IFLA's annual conference (sixth, Chicago; Avignon), Lemaître reported that the International Red Cross had distributed copies of the survey's findings to national Red Cross societies.27 That distribution seems fitting, since Red Cross societies had been instrumental in instituting library services to hospital patients in many of the countries surveyed.28 Lemaître also reported that, thanks to Roberts, the international "campaign" for

Retrospective 7

patients' libraries had continued - in particular, Roberts had succeeded in having a set of hospital library resolutions adopted at IHA's annual conference in Knocke (Belgium). In part, those resolutions noted: - that a library for patients is an essential part of every hospital (including mental hospitals, sanatoria and convalescent homes); - that all hospitals should provide the necessary space to maintain a central library for patients; - that books should be distributed to patients on a regular basis; - that each country should supply books to hospital patients according to the methods most suitable to it; - that special attention be paid to books/libraries in mental hospitals and sanatoria Finally, Lemaître concluded his 1933 report with notes on: the importance of specialized training for hospital library work; the special personal characteristics that hospital librarians should have; the growing interest among medical authorities in library services to mental hospital patients and the critical need for libraries for those patients; and updated news of hospital libraries in Australia, Canada, Finland, France, India, Norway, and New Zealand.29 The last significant event of the Sub-committee's cornerstone years occurred shortly thereafter when Roberts formed, in England, the Guild of Hospital Librarians.30 In part, the Guild's goals were similar to the Sub-committee's: to promote the establishment of patients' libraries; to further their better organization and administration; and to promote specialized education for the field.31 There was, however, a major difference between the two groups: while the Sub-committees' membership consisted mainly of practicing professionals, for example, librarians, medical and hospital authorities, the Guild's membership was to include anyone working in any capacity with - or even those simply interested in - patient library services; in essence, it would form a "link between professionals and volunteers and all other persons interested in that essential work."32 As did the IHA Aub-committee cited earlier, in terms of focus, the Guild ran side-by-side with the IFLA Sub-committee for many years, again with Roberts as the main liaison. These, then, were LSDP's beginnings. From proposal, to sub-committee formation, to landmark survey, to the establishment of ties to similarly interested groups - the chain of events moved quickly and purposefully. Through it all, Roberts was the Sub-committee's driving force, and she was to remain so for several years. 1934-2001 To facilitate reading through LSDP'S very long history, the years 1934 to 2001 are given in profile form, with sidebars highlighting the more significant events. Unless otherwise noted, material in the chronology was drawn from IFLA's annual conference reports, that is, from the Actes (through 1968,) and the IFLA Annuals (from

8 Retrospective

1969). The second date listed in each yearly cycle corresponds with the date of the annual report containing the information, for example, material for 1934-35 will be found in the 1935 Actes.

Mid- to late 1930s - During this period, the Sub-committee continued to solicit and/or receive information on hospital library activities worldwide. It also considered - but took no action on - extending its terms of reference to include homes for elderly men and prisons. Roberts herself was very active: twice again, she succeeded in having hospital library resolutions adopted by the I HA; she continued to lead the Guild of Hospital Librarians; and she continued to speak and write extensively on hospital libraries. 1934-35:

The president presented reports received on hospital libraries in: Austria; Denmark; Germany; Holland; India; New 33 Zealand; and Switzerland Mrs. Roberts was again responsible for passage of hospital library resolutions at an International Hospital Association Congress (Rome, 1935). In part, the resolutions noted:

IHA and IFLA resolutions passed

1935- 36:

International Guild of Hospital Librarians

- that the work of the hospital librarían, whether paid or unpaid, ¡s a profession for which definite training is desirable; - that closer study should be given to methods of cooperation between hospitals and municipal libraries in supplying patients with books; - that earnest consideration be given to including mental hospitals in any scheme of providing books to hospitals; - that books in braille should be provided in every hospital where there are blind patients; - that every hospital should have a library committee of which the priest or chaplain and the librarian are members, and that the librarian should have the final decision regarding the book supply. Similar resolutions were adopted IFLA's annual conference (Madrid, 1935)34 The president submitted reports received on hospital library services in: Australia and New Zealand; Denmark; Finland; France; Great Britain; India; Portugal; Spain; Switzerland; and the US. He also reported on a paper he presented at the Guild of Hospital Librarians' first international conference (Paris, 1936), in which he spoke of the IFLA Sub-committee's origins and work in promoting hospital libraries.35 That same conference saw the Guild pass several resolutions, among them, one changing its name to the International Guild of Hospital Librarians: it hoped that the new name would more accurately reflect its international character.36

Retrospective 9


Third set of IHA resolutions passed

Homes for older men

Prison libraries

The president reported on hospital library activity in: Belgium; China; Denmark; France; Germany; Great Britain; and Ireland. He also reported on the substance of the Guild's 1936 conference. Finally, he spoke of hospital library resolutions passed at the IHA Congress (Paris, 1936). In part, they were: - every hospital should provide a room that will function as a library; - in building new hospitals, or in enlarging existing ones, a room for use as a library should be planned (this resolution was to be sent to the Press, to professional architectural associations, and to hospital administrators); - every hospital budget should provide for the library, especially for the purchase of books and a librarian's salary (if the librarian is a volunteer, his/her traveling expenses and meals while on duty should be paid). One Sub-committee member noted that hospital library work should include "hospices for old men," but no action was taken at that time. Prison libraries were proposed for coverage in the Subcommittee's terms of reference (in many countries, prisons were served by the same public library unit serving hospital patients, so the extended focus seemed fitting). Consideration was subsequently given to organizing a sub-committee on penitentiary libraries, but no action was taken at that time. Roberts published a lengthy article, "The hospital library movement," in a widely-circulated adult education journal; in it, she described conditions in: Australia; Canada; China; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Holland; India; New Zealand; Norway; Poland; South Africa; Sweden; and the US. 37

First international organization to join IFLA

The International Guild of Hospital Librarians joined IFLA; 38 it is said to have been the first international organization to hold such membership,39

International Guild of Hospital Librarians' report

The Guild gave its first report to the Sub-committee, citing in particular its "pioneer work in mental hospitals" and its promotion of training centers for hospital librarians. It asked that IFLA members let the appropriate authorities in their respective countries know of its existence and work; it also asked them to help establish hospital libraries in their countries.

10 Retrospective

1937 - 38:

The president reported on the International Guild of Hospital Librarian's activities, in particular its 2nd annual conference (Berne, 193840). Mrs. Roberts presented the Guild's report to the Sub-committee. In it, she noted that progress in establishing/promoting hospital libraries had been made in: Great Britain; the British Empire; European countries, specifically France, Belgium, Romania, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Germany; the US; Japan; and China.

1938 - 39:

The president's report included discussion of a landmark book, Hospital Libraries, recently published in the US by ALA and written by Edith Kathleen Jones (a prolific writer and advocate of patients' library services). His report also included summaries of hospital libraries in: Africa, England, France, Ireland, and Wales. Finally, he spoke briefly of hospital library work in Toronto, the site of a planned upcoming IHA Congress. Mrs. Roberts' report on the International Guild stressed especially that it was up to hospital authorities to take the initiative in establishing library services for patients.

1940 - 46:

World War II suspended Sub-committee activities.

Later 1940s - This was a period of remarkable activity, due largely to the abundant energy of a new officer - a 'rapporteur général.' He spearheaded a second major international survey; he assembled and presented lengthy reports on the organization and work of hospital libraries and on training for hospital librarianship; and he set forth a number of precise wishes and recommendations regarding hospital libraries that were, in effect, among the earliest standards for the field. He believed deeply in the merits of bibliotherapy for mental hospital patients and was successful in having his recommendations in that area widely supported.

1946 - 47:

Second International survey

Upon the death of the president (194641), a new officer - a 'rapporteur général' - was elected. His immediate task was to re-organize Sub-committee members post WW II and, in so doing, he conducted a major survey of library services to hospital patients, not only among IFLA member countries, but also among nations not affiliated with IFLA. He also thanked

Retrospective 11

the International/National Red Cross societies and the Guild of Hospital Librarians for their work in promoting hospital libraries worldwide. Finally, he gave lengthy reports on: the organization and work of hospital libraries (stressing that they were an integral part of hospitals/care institutions and should have a budget adequate to cover staff and materials expenses); the qualifications and training of hospital librarians; the merits of bibliotherapy as a therapeutic tool; and progress in hospital libraries in Czechoslovakia and Great Britain. Book contamination

Guild of Hospital Librarians

1947-48: Major reports

Early recommendations for hospital libraries

The potential dangers of contamination from books circulated between public libraries and hospitals began to be debated. For unclear reasons, the International Guild of Hospital Librarians reverted to the Guild of Hospital Librarians, and a new entity - The International Association of Hospital Librarians - took shape. Mrs. Roberts, secretary of the former International Guild, became secretary of the newly named International Association.

The annual conference witnessed several major reports by the rapporteur général. First, he set forth a number of "wishes and recommendations" worked out by the Sub-committee. They centered on the belief that libraries for patients should be an integral part of any institution devoted to the cure and/or care of patients (hospitals, hospices, preventoriums, sanatoriums, and rehabilitation homes). He gave precise recommendations for library space, size of the collections, bookcarts and bookcart visits to patient floors, budget, the involvement of public library staff, services to mental hospitals and tuberculosis sanatoria, and relations with public libraries. These recommendations were intended as a basis for discussion by "various committees in interested countries; their comments would be consolidated and presented back to the Sub-committee for approval within the year.42 The rapporteur général also reported on: the relationship that should exist between hospital libraries and public libraries; ways to promote hospital libraries; education and training for hospital librarianship; the different kinds of bookcarts and ceiling projectors currently available; and hospital library activities in Belgium, France and Switzerland.


Finally, he again discussed the value of therapeutic reading for mentally ill patients, affirming that: - ...every mental hospital should possess a library at the

12 Retrospective disposal of their patients; - ...the methods used in the USA, the United Kingdom and the Scandinavian countries should be brought to the attention of doctors and administrators of mental hospitals. International bibliography needed

The Sub-committee agreed on the need for an international bibliography on hospital librarianship. (Developed, finally, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and published in 1977, the bibliography was perhaps LSDP's most ambitious project.)

1948 - 49:

The rapporteur général discussed progress on the international bibliography of hospital libraries and work in the area of therapeutic reading for mental patients.

1949 - 50:

Lengthy reports focused on developments in libraries for patients in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.

Need for interchange with other "cultural" associations

Once again, emphasis began to be placed on interchange with other international organizations that might be interested in libraries for patients. The Sub-committee felt that, especially in long-term care institutions, there should be a strong link between the patients' library and any professional associations providing the institution's other "cultural activities."

1 9 5 0 s - During this decade, the Sub-committee continued to promote hospital libraries internationally and to survey the field for updated information. It also: greatly strengthened its relationship with the IHF; looked more closely at, and made subsequent recommendations on, the role of public libraries in providing library materials to patients; passed explicit resolution concerning the availability, reproduction, and international exchange of microfilmed books for the disabled; and issued proposals for training in hospital librarianship. As were the other I FLA subcommittees, it was redesignated a 'Committee.' Its Standing Advisory Committee (subsequently Standing Committee) was created. And its leadership passed to a new officer.

1950 - 51:

No Sub-committee reports were given at the annual conference in 1951 (Rome).

1951 - 52:

The rapporteur général's report included an account of an International Hospital Federation (IHF, successor to the IHA43) Congress he attended in Brussels in July, 1951. The sessions on hospital libraries held there included a "lively" exchange of

Retrospective 13

iHF/the Sub-committee First joint session planned

opinions among the Belgian, Dutch, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Swiss, and Syrian delegates. Perhaps the most important result of the sessions was a strengthening of the relationship between the Sub-committee and the IHF. As a part of that, the two groups agreed to jointly prepare a program for IFLA's 1953 conference. The rapporteur général also noted that a small number of associations were represented at the Sub-committee's annual IFLA conference meetings because their delegates, often few in number, gave priority to more general-interest meetings. On the other hand, associations interested in only hospital libraries hesitated to send delegates to the conference for just one or two Sub-committee meetings.

Standing Advisory Committee Name change


Third international survey planned

New IFLA statues were adopted. As a result: - Standing Advisory Committees were created; - Sub-committees were renamed committees, thus the SubCommittee on Hospital Libraries became the Committee On Hospital Libraries.

This year, the Committee reported as the Joint Committee on Hospital Libraries (indicating the stronger relationship between it and the IHF). Towards broadcasting its existence and, at the same time, gathering updated information on the field, the Committee voted to develop a questionnaire to be sent to library associations and "other bodies" interested in hospital libraries. In large part, the survey was proposed because the rapporteur général had resigned, and the Committee felt that, before proceeding with his many recommendations (see 1947-48), more information on the field was needed. An acting rapporteur général was appointed. Finally, lengthy reports were received on: the Red Cross hospital and sanatorium libraries in Belgium; the St. John and Red Cross Hospital Libraries in the UK.

Guild of Hospital Librarians closes

Due to financial instability, the Guild of Hospital Librarians failed. It was superseded by formation within the Library Association (UK) of a section of hospital librarians.44

14 Retrospective


Cooperation between public libraries and hospitals

1954 - 55:

A preliminary report on the upcoming Third International Congress of Libraries (Brussels, 1955) was received and discussed; noted especially was that the report set out the "whole structure" and duties of hospital libraries. The Committee discussed the cooperation that should exist between public libraries and hospitals, noting that public libraries should either accept responsibility for work in hospitals or lend books and offer professional help. The practice of setting up public library branches in hospitals was noted with approval.

There were no Committee reports at IFLA's annual meeting (Brussels, 1955). However, the Actes carried proposals on hospital libraries set forth at the Third International Congress of Libraries. In part, they recommended: - an exchange of documentation concerning the activities of hospital libraries in all countries; - the exchange of annotated catalogues or lists of books specially suitable for patients; a - the production of microfilmed books in various languages for the use of seriously injured or ill patients; b - a unified standard of microfilms (35mm or 16mm); c - the general exchange of these microfilms; The International Congress also supported the Committee's belief in the therapeutic value of reading as expressed in its 1948 annual report (see 1947-48).

1955 - 56:

"Promotional" paper proposed

1956 - 57: Draft recommendations

As a result of discussions on a study written by the rapporteur général - "Study of the systems of hospital libraries in use in different countries" - the Committee voted to compile a paper promoting patients' libraries. It was to be a set of recommendations that would, among other things, indicate ways of providing hospital library services. It would be circulated to library representatives in different countries and to those responsible for the organization of hospitals with the goal of promoting hospital libraries.

A draft of recommendations for hospital libraries was discussed (it emphasized the therapeutic value of patients' libraries, their book collection requirements, their space and personnel requirements, and methods of financing). The Committee

Retrospective 15


eventually decided that additional discussion of the draft was needed, especially among interested associations. The Committee noted (with a degree of pride) that it had influenced the recent development of libraries for hospital patients in Belgium, Frankfurt, and Amsterdam.

1957 - 58:

Microfilmed books; exemptions of copyright and customs restrictions

Technical reading aids project

Regarding microfilmed books for the disabled, the Committee resolved that: - microfilmed books in various languages should be created for severely handicapped readers; the size of these microfilms should be standardized preferably in 35 mm; - member states of UNESCO should obtain from their governments a general exemption, a) of copyright for the reproduction of microfilmed books for the disabled, and b) of carriages and custom dues for the exchange from country to country of microfilmed books intended for the projectors reserved for the use of handicapped patients; - the committee should collect not only information about bibliography of library work in hospitals but also about new technical apparatus for hospital libraries. Following suggestions received, the Committee voted to revise the "Recommendations for Hospital Libraries" into a more concentrated form.

1958- 59:

The "Recommendations for Hospital Libraries" were adopted.

Proposals for professional training

The Committee set forth specific recommendations for training for hospital librarianship; its goal was to try to establish international uniformity in that area.

1959 - 60:

The Committee adopted a resolution that public libraries should "take over" the work of providing library services to hospital patients; where such services did not exist, the public library should work with hospital authorities to create them.

Public libraries/ hospital patients

1960s - The 1960s were years of vigorous activity. The Committee: published its first two sets of standards for hospital libraries; formally recognized the need for patient health information and began assembling lists of related patient-oriented titles (patient health information was to be the subject of papers presented at future conferences); passed resolutions concerning the exchange of recordings for the blind; began work on an international bibliography of hospital libraries, a major

16 Retrospective project that had been considered for several years; started preparing lists of foreign language books for use by hospital librarians representative of the literature of each correspondent's country; held its first joint session with another IFLA sub-section; debated and subsequently changed its terms of reference, notably to include the disabled; and considered the need for a glossary of the terminology of the field.

1960 - 61:

Support of health information for patients

First published standards

1961 - 6 2 :

Recordings for the blind


The Committee voted to "diffuse" immediately and as widely as possible, its 1958 resolution concerning microfilmed books. It also voted that: -the medical associations of the respective member countries will be asked to prepare lists of popular books which will allow patients to know more about the state of their health. These books shall never be given to sick persons without the assentmeht of the consultant doctors. Issued as "Memoire indicateur sur les bibliothèques d'hôpitaux"45, the Committee's first standards, among IFLA's eartiest, were published. They contained explicit recommendations for the book collection, distribution of books to patients, staffing, equipment, budget, and services to hospital staff. A shorter version of the standards were published in Hospital Abstracts, 1961-1963.

Prompted by a communication from the State Library of Pretoria concerning exchange of recordings for the blind, the Committee resolved: - that enquiries be made of the various agencies producing such records with a view to the issue of a world list of such agencies; - that investigations be made of the possibility of making available master recordings for the benefit of other countries, particularly those with same national languages, on making their purchase as cheap as possible. It also passed resolutions concerning: bookstalls in hospitals and the compilation of the international bibliography on hospital libraries. It resolved that its long-term program would concern compilation of a manual of hospital librarianship, while its short-term program would focus on organizing an international conference of hospital librarians. Finally, the Committee officially hoped that the study of professional training would be continued

Retrospective 17


Manual on hospital libraries

Name change

A new chair was appointed. From the UK, he reinforced the idea that hospital libraries should be administered by qualified people and that the standard of the book collection should "not be lower than that of the public library."46 A draft for an international manual on hospital libraries was discussed "point by point." Lengthy regulations for patients' libraries in Czechoslovakia were also considered. IFLA's new statues created Sections and Sub-sections. As a result, the Hospital Libraries Committee became the Hospital Libraries Sub-section within the Public Libraries Section.


No Sub-section meetings were held at IFLA's 1964 annual (Rome).


The Sub-section held a joint session with the Children's Subsection. Papers on book provision for children in hospitals were presented by M. Joy Lewis (UK, and an upcoming sub-section chair) and Mrs. Barbro Boldt (Finland). Other conferences papers read were: 1 - Finish Hospital Library Provision - Ms. M. Nyberg 2 - Hospital Library Services in Germany - Dr. G. Gelderblom

Joint session with the Children's Sub-section



Additional correspondents and further information sought

The international manual was put on hold in favor of developing new international standards. The Sub-section voted to ask IFLA member countries to nominate correspondents for membership in the Hospital Libraries Sub-section. When found, the correspondents would be asked to complete a survey questionnaire on the provision of hospital library services in their countries.47

Reading Around the World project begun

The difficulties in obtaining suitable foreign language materials for hospital patients was discussed.. Subsequently, the Subsection voted to ask correspondents to submit a list of 100 titles likely to remain in print that would be representative of their country's literature. The aim was to produce a selection tool that hospital librarians could use to build collections for foreign language patients.48


As a result of contacting IFLA members, additional

18 Retrospective correspondents were found in twenty countries. Second



Inclusion of medical libraries considered Name change

Following a discussion of the correspondents' survey findings, the Sub-section voted to proceed with new standards and to publish them in three languages. The Sub-section considered extending its terms of reference to include hospital medical libraries. It ultimately decided, though, that the time was not yet ripe for that, but instead agreed to a subtle name change - from Hospital Libraries Subsection ('hospital library' had become synonymous with 'patient's library) to Libraries in H o s p i t a l s S u b - s e c t i o n , thus making it clear that any type of library in a hospital could be included in the Sub-section's focus.49


Discussions continued on producing an international bibliography on hospital libraries.

News Bulletin

The News Bulletin was inaugurated; initially issued annually


Reading Around the World

1966 - 67:

Terminology study needed


Lists of books having been received from sixteen countries, the Sub-section resolved to ask IFLA's Executive Board to publish the compilation as an I FLA document or with assistance from UNESCO.

The Sub-section held a joint meeting with the Public Libraries Section on "The Role of the Public Library in Hospital Library Provision." Papers read centered on public library services to hospital patients in: Canada; the US; and Scandinavia. The Sub-section's second session dealt with "integrated' libraries in the hospital and ultimately led to discussion of how the terminology of the field differed so worldwide.51 A proposal was subsequently made to study the problem and issue a related statement or paper. Beginning this year, many of the papers read at the IFLA annual conferences - including those of the sub-section - were 52 to appear in the new journal, International Library Review.

1967 - 68: Second joint session

The annual conference business meeting was held jointly with the Public Libraries Section and the Sub-section for Library Work with Children. A draft constitution outlining the Sub-section's area and scope was approved by the IFLA General Council. It noted that:

Retrospective 19

New Constitution outlines areas of

responsibility, including

the disabled and medical


Terminology project




directory proposed



- the Sub-section should be concerned with library services (of a general nature) to hospital patients and staff; it will also be concerned with library services to disabled and handicapped readers (the blind, partially-sighted, physically handicapped), where special reading needs are involved, both inside and outside the hospital; - the Sub-section may be concerned with medical library services in non-teaching hospitals where small medical collections are administratively organized by the same librarian responsible for the general library service. This would be from an organizational viewpoint only, and would not include the specific problems of medical bibliography. (That arrangement reflected the pattern of development in many countries.) - the Sub-section, even though a sub-section of the Public Libraries Section, shall be concerned with all types of service within its area of responsibility, not just those that are public library-based. Resolutions passed at the meeting included preparing a statement on hospital library terminology for international use. The Sub-section discussed compiling an international directory of reading aids, that is, equipment manufactured to assist handicapped people in reading.53 M. Joy Lewis, Sub-section secretary, was awarded the 1967 Sevensma Prize for her essay, "Libraries for the handicapped." Papers read at the annual conference (Frankfurt): 1 - Hospital libraries in Denmark and the training of hospital librariansHelga Nielsen 2 - Education and training for hospital librarians in Belgium - I.G. Du Monceau De Bergendal 3 - The training of hospital librarians in the US - Henry Gartland 4 - Hospital libraries in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1960 1968- Hannelore Schmidt,54







the World published

The Sub-section had twenty-one correspondents in twenty-one countries. IFLA Standards for Libraries in Hospitals was published in the UNESCO Bulletin for Libraries 23 (1969): 70-75. Related articles published in the same Bulletin were: Equipment for hospital libraries and allied service points (p. 84-87): Organization of library services for hospital patients (p. 77-83) K Reading round the world: a set of international reading lists compiled by members of the International Federation of Library Associations. (London, Clive Bingley, 1969) was published. The compilation represented titles from the

20 Retrospective

literature of twenty-two countries. Within the year, 1000 copies had been sold. Terminology project deferred

Compiling an international glossary of terminology for hospital librarianship was again discussed. Since IFLA's Executive Board was itself considering a comprehensive terminology project, the Sub-section decided to defer that activity.56 Papers read at the annual conference (Copenhagen, 1969): 1 - Library service to old people's homes in Finland - Mirjam Nyberg 2 - The visually handicapped reader - print for partial sight Alison Shaw 3 - Library service to housebound readers - Kjerstin Thulin 4 - Hospital library services in Denmark - Aase Bjerre

1969 - 70:

Reports were given on the Sub-section's progress, notably on: the International Bibliography on Hospital Librarianship; the International Terminology on Hospital Librarianship; and the International Directory of Reading Aids. Emphasis was again place on the importance of having 'quality' books for patients, and it was suggested that a "love of knowledge of books" should be developed in all who contribute to patient care - especially, doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel.

Music therapy

For the first time, music therapy was mentioned as an adjunct to patient care. Papers read at the annual conference (Moscow, 1970): 1 - Libraries in hospital institutions and sanatoriums in the U.S.S.R. - A.M. Miller 2 - The development of patients' libraries in the German Democratic Republic - Anita Rinkeit 3 - Organization of hospital libraries in Hungary - Anne Toma

1970s - During this very active decade, the Sub-section held its first International Institute on Hospital Librarianship. It also completed and published: its third set of standards for hospital libraries; its Directory of Technical Reading Aids; its landmark bibliography on hospital library services; and National Statements on hospital libraries. The Sub-section also: incorporated libraries for the blind in its proceedings, and subsequently worked towards giving those libraries heightened visibility within I FLA; changed its name to reflect a widening sphere of interest; and expanded work on behalf of library services to mentally handicapped children.

Retrospective 21

1970 - 71:

international institute held

The Sub-section co-sponsored with the School of Librarianship, Polytechnic of North London, an International Institute in Hospital Librarianship. Held in London, it drew participants from: Denmark, Finland, France, West Germany, Iceland, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden and the US. The Institute was given mention in IFLA Progress Report, 1971-72,57 Papers read at the annual conference (Liverpool, 1971): 1 - Psychiatric hospitals and their need for library services David Boorer 2 - Statement on the Hospital Libraries and Handicapped Readers Group of the Library Association (UK) - Wylva W. Partington 3 - Current developments in hospital libraries in the United Kingdom - Loma. V. Paulin 4 - A voluntary librarian organisation: the Hospital Librarian Association of Lyon ("A.B.H.") - Jacqueline Peillon 5 - Hospital librarianship in New Zealand, the professional and the volunteer - Mary A. Ronnie

1971 - 72:

During the year, the Sub-section spent much of its time preparing standards for the provision of handicapped readers and also a statement on handicapped readers for revision of UNESCO's Public Library Manifesto. Papers read at the annual conference (Budapest, 1972): 1 - Directives to the organization of Hungarian hospital library supply - Eva Bereczky 2 - Library surveys: their application and value to hospital libraries - Eileen Cumming 3 - The Stockholm Public Library: patients' libraries and work with the disabled - Lisbet Höök

1972 - 73: Terms of reference Third standards published

The Sub-section's concerns remained library services to patients and staff in hospitals and to handicapped readers (the blind, partially sighted, physically handicapped) both within and without the hospital. The Sub-section published Standards for hospital libraries in the Public Libraries Section's Standards for Public Libraries.58 The standards contained paragraphs on hospital libraries, services to the elderly and housebound, and physically and mentally handicapped readers.59 Papers read at the annual conference (Grenoble, 1973): 1 - Report of hospital libraries in France - Genevieve Bourdin 2 - Relations between hospital libraries and public libraries Jacqueline Guenbaud 3 - Reading and hospital libraries - M. Ballandras

22 Retrospective

1973 - 74:

The Sub-section began a 'National Statements' survey whereby it asked its correspondents to provide details on hospital National Statements and institution libraries and services to the handicapped in survey their countries International Directory of Reading Aids

Libraries for the blind

The International Directory of Technical Reading Aids was completed. It was assembled from a questionnaire sent to all correspondents regarding aids to assist handicapped people. in reading. 6 0

The chief of the Division for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, the Library of Congress (US), asked the Subsection for help in establishing "an international platform for libraries for the blind within IFLA" 61 (IFLA met in Washington, D.C. that year.) Papers read at the annual conference (Washington, D.C., 1974): 1 - Bibliotherapy: trends in the United States - Margaret E. Monroe and Rhea Rubin 2 - Use of bibliotherapy in the recreational therapy programme of Saint Elizabeth's Hospital - Judith Lombard 3 - Poetry therapy in psychiatric nursing - Catherine J. Anderson 4 - Bibliotherapy in the circulating library at Saint Elizabeth's Hospital - Arleen Hynes 5 - Great literature as a teaching tool in the education of mental health professionals - Kenneth Gorelith

1974 - 75:

Libraries for the blind

Following the Library of Congress's 1974 proposal regarding libraries for the blind, the Sub-section voted to determine if sufficient support was likely to be forthcoming. Concerning that, Jean M. Clarke, Section chair 1977-1981, wrote: The (Sub) Section...wrote to correspondents who, in their turn, contacted libraries for the blind in their countries. When it appeared there was sufficient interest in the idea the Section [included] a session on libraries for the blind at its meeting in Brussels, 1977. At that meeting members formally voted to recommend to the Professional Board that a Working Party be set up.62 Papers read at the annual meeting (Oslo, 1975): 1 - Outreach library service in Norway - Bjarg Heie

1975 - 76:

Re-drafting of the IFLA statues caused the Sub-section to re-think its terms of reference, specifically - to "avoid

Retrospective 23

Overlapping Section focus Standing committees created

overlapping" - whether or not certain disadvantaged groups should be covered by some of the other new Sections being established. Via the new statues, the work of the Sub-section was to be carried out by a Standing Committee from which a chair and secretary were to be elected. The Sub-section subsequently voted to propose that the Standing Committee (previously Standing Advisory Committee) be comprised of 10 members. Papers read at the annual Conference (Lausanne, 1976): 1 - Hospital libraries in Switzerland and the service offered to the District Hospital in Geneva - Carine Hoffmann Joint meeting with the Sub-section on Library Work with Children: 2 - Bibliotherapy by means of picture books for speechspeech-handicapped children - Gisela Freytag 3 - The children's librarian and the handicapped child child - Margaret Marshall 4 - Work with children by the Italian library for the blind at Monza - Dr. Amaris Ammannato

1976 - 77: New sections created Name change

Terms of reference

Exclusion of medical libraries

IFLA's new statues established a Professional Board and also set up Divisions and Sections. As a result, the Sub-section on Hospital Libraries became a full section under the newly created Division of Libraries serving the General Public. At the same time, the Sub-section revised its terms of reference, and, accordingly, took on a new name, the Section of Library Services to Hospital Patients and Handicapped Readers. The Section's new terms of reference were: - to consider matters concerning library services, of a general nature, to the staff, patients, and residents of hospitals and similar institutions; - to consider matters concerning library services to the housebound and handicapped readers who are unable to use normal public library sen/ices. (Disadvantaged persons prisoners, the illiterate - were not included in the terms of reference, since it was felt that, even though in some countries services to those groups were provided by the same public librarians in charge of services to hospitals / the handicapped, they should really be the Public Libraries Section's concern.) Beyond wider focus, it was hoped that the new name, together with the establishment of the Biological and Medical Sciences Libraries Section, would end the confusion as to whether hospital medical libraries were included in the Section.63



Libraries for the blind working



National made

Statements available

International bibliography published

At the annual conference, the Section included a session on library services to the blind and subsequently recommended to the Professional Board that a libraries for the blind working group be set up. The Section reproduced, in photocopy form. National Statements, a collection of information from various countries detailing the laws, organization, and bookstock of hospital libraries. Hospital and welfare library services: an international bibliography (London: the Library Association, 1977) was finally published. It was the culmination of years of work by many of the Section's members and correspondents. Arranged chronologically, with author, geographic and subject indexes, its 2164 entries covered the years 1863-1972. Papers read at the annual meeting (Brussels, 1977): 1 - Coordinated library services for the blind - Dr. Heleen Rosskopf 2 - A proposal for international co-ordination of library service blind and physically handicapped individuals - Frank Kurt Cylke 3 - Staffing and management of hospital and welfare libraries M. Joy Lewis 4 - Reading for the senior citizen - psychology of the reader, psychology of the librarian - Dr. H. Bain

1977 - 78: Libraries for the blind working group


Standards revision voted

Project for mentally handicapped children

Membership was thirty-five people representing nineteen countries. The Professional Board approved the Section's recommendation to form a libraries for the blind working group. The working group's chair became a member of the Section's Standing Committee.

Section members were queried regarding their views on revising and expanding the standards for hospital libraries. A decision was made, finally, to revise the standards and expand them to include services to the housebound, institutions, day centers, and the like. A joint session was held with the Children's Section at which time consideration was given to books and library services for mentally handicapped children. The two sections agreed to produce a pamphlet that would include: expansion of the criteria of mental handicaps; a list of suitable books; and sources of information.

Retrospective 25

Papers read at the annual meeting (Strbské Pleso, 1978): 1 - International standards - a discussion paper on the need for their possible expansion and revision - Jean M. Clarke Joint Session with the Children's Section: 2 - Report of the committee Books for mentally handicapped people, of the Dutch Centre for Public Libraries and Literature (NBLC) - Sancia Simone-Rupert and F. Hersch-van-der-Stoel 3 - Provision of books for the mentally handicapped child some points for possible discussion - Margaret Marshall * Mrs. Clarke's paper noted that medical library services should not be included in the standards except to note that, in some countries the two types of library services to patients and to staff - are linked.

1978 - 79: Libraries for the blind round table formed

Membership was forty-nine people from twenty-four countries. Liaison with the libraries for the blind working group was maintained throughout the year. At some point, though, the working group was made a round table. Work continued on the joint publication with the Children's Section (books for mentally handicapped children). Papers read at the annual conference (Copenhagen, 1979): 1 - Music lending and listening in hospitals, with particular reference to the services offered at Heriev Hospital, Copenhagen Birgitte Goldberg and Merete Sorensen 2 - Library service to the handicapped in reading - Jes Petersen

1979 - 80:

Section membership grew to fifty-four people from twenty-five countries. The Standing Committee voted not to revise the International Directory of Technical Reading Aids because of the many problems the project involved. No papers were read at the annual conference (Manila, 1980) (No Standing Committee members were able to attend the conference, as was the case with many SCs that year.)

1980s - This decade saw the Section dramatically redefine and expand its terms of reference. Accordingly, it changed its name to pave the way for inclusion of additional disadvantaged groups and set up working groups on prisons libraries, the library needs of the deaf, and 'easy reader' publications. It also: organized and cosponsored its second international course on hospital librarianship; published, as the first two entries in IFLA's new Professional Reports series, a) a list of books for the

26 Retrospective

mentally handicapped, and b) new hospital library guidelines; held joint annual conference meetings with other IFLA sections; and co-sponsored seminars and a satellite meeting. 1980-81:

Membership increased to seventy people from thirty-five countries. At the annual conference, the Section held two open meetings and a joint session with the Public Libraries Section.

Prison libraries

Once again, a proposal was made to extend the Section's terms of reference to include prisons. Delegates were in favor of the proposal but felt that the Section's name should be changed to reflect that inclusion. The libraries for the blind round table sent an annual report to the section, noting that it planned to ask the Coordinating Board for section status.

Library service to the deaf

The Section voted to look at ways of improving library services for the deaf, individuals who it felt "were a large group of handicapped readers... neglected by librarians in the past." Papers read at the annual conference (Leipzig, 1981): 1 - Libraries and the deaf - the hidden society - William Anderson 2 - Development and activities of hospital libraries and library services to patients on the basis of the regulations of the Ministry of Health of the German Democratic Republic Anita Rimkeit At the Joint meeting with the Public Libraries Section: 3 - Libraries and the International Year of the Disabled - Jes Peterson

1981 - 82:

Library needs of the deaf working group


A composite article consisting of papers presented at the 1981 conference meetings of the Section and the Round Table of Libraries for the Blind (seven articles) were scheduled for for publication in IFLA Journal, vol. 8, no. 3. The Professional Board approved the Section's request to set up a working group to identify the library needs of the deaf Papers read at the annual conference (Montreal, 1982): 1 - The hospital library networks of Paris: organization and future prospects - Georgette Rappaport (paper read by Ms. Peillon) 2 - The deaf patron and the library - Karen Hopkins 3 - From hospital to home: perspectives in healthy living - M. Flower 4 - Patient information: implications for library service - J. Marshall

Retrospective 27


Week-long international course co-sponsored

The Section organized and co-sponsored a one week International Course on Library Services to Hospital Patients and Disabled People. The course was held in Stockholm, In September, 1982. Forty out of a total of fifty applicants were selected, in all, representing seventeen countries. Thanks to grants from the Swedish Institute, four librarians from underdeveloped countries were able to attendi64

Section on libraries for the blind

The Section's chair was pleased to note that the Round Table of Libraries for the Blind became a full section (January, 1983).

Library needs of the deaf working group

The working group to identify the library needs of the deaf held its first open meeting at the annual conference. It was attended by twenty-eight delegates from twelve countries. Papers read at the annual conference (Munich, 1983): 1 - Education and training for health care librarianship - Antonia J. Bunch 2 - Mobile library home services in the Federal Republic of Germany in general and in Munich in particular - Beate Dräger 3 - Hospital libraries in the Federal Republic of Germany and in Munich in particular - Hannelore Schmidt

1983 - 84: Name change

Deaf Newsletter published First publications in iFLA's Professional Report Series

The Section had voted to extend its terms of reference to include those in penal institutions; as such, the Professional Board suggested a name change to indicate the wider field of interest. The Section chose the name Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Phyllis Noaks, the Section's chair, would later write that she was "given our lunch break at a CB meeting to come up with [the new] name."65 The working group on the library needs of the deaf published Deaf Newsletter (March, 1984) and distributed it to journal editors and relevant national and international organizations. The Section published: Books for the mentally handicapped. A guide to selection (a joint project with the Children's Section) ; Guidelines for libraries serving hospital patients and disabled people in the community. These were the first two publications in IFLA's new Professional Reports series. Papers read at the annual conference (Nairobi 1984): Joint meeting with the Round Table on National Centres for

28 Retrospective Library Services 1 - Public library service to the disabled: their information needs and special materials - Ongare Ovvino and Edward W. Muya 2 - Central library service to the disabled - Dick Reumer 3 - Guidelines for libraries serving hospital patients and disabled people in the community - a tool to improve library services - Gunnar Westgârd and Bjorg Heie

1984 - 85:

SC given special status

Prison libraries working group established

Draft deaf training manual

The Section had twenty-three members. The Standing Committee consisted of only seven members and two corresponding members. Due to a dearth of people to servet, IFLA's Secretary General granted it a "special status," allowing current members to extend their terms of office. The Section held a double session at the annual conference on prison library services, primarily to discuss and set up a working group on prison libraries. The working group to identify the library needs of the deaf developed and circulated a draft training manual; it was to be revised according to comments received with the goal of eventual publication. Papers read at the annual conference (Chicago, 1985): 1 - Prison library services - a responsibility for the public libraries B. Heie 2 - Library services in prisons/correctional institutions - Phyllis Dalton Joint meeting with the Section of Libraries for the Blind 3 - A foot in both camps - a librarian's experience in publishing - Tom D. F. Barnard 4 - The legibility of large print - Linda Jansen and Paulli Thomsen 5 - Commercial large print - the international scene - Bruce Massis

1985 - 86:

Standing Committee membership increased to twelve. The Section's new terms of reference, approved by the Professional Board in 1986, were:

New terms of reference

- the promotion of services to those members of the community who are unable to use library services available to others, e.g., hospital patients and prisoners; - the promotion of services to those who have difficulty using available library services, e.g., housebound people, and elderly people using centres or living in residential homes; - the promotion of library services to people who are handicapped and who live in the community, e.g, the mentally and physically handicapped, including the deaf;

Retrospective 29

- to improve libraries in hospitals and to promote professionalism in this field; - to provide a forum for discussion on the reading problems of the handicapped.

Deaf working group open session

The working group to identify the library needs of the deaf held its second open session at an annual conference.

Prison libraries open session

The prison libraries working group held its first open session at an annual conference.

Easy reader group deferred

Plans to establish an easy reader publications working group were deferred until funds became available. As regards easy reader publications, the Section's chair would later note: " is of utmost importance to promote the publication of easy readers. The pre-lingually deaf need easy-to-read books. So do many other handicapped and disadvantaged persons, e.g., the mentally retarded, people suffering from aphasia, dyslexia, concentration difficulties due to illness, medication, tiredness or old age, newly arrived immigrants, semi-illiterates etc.68 Papers from the Section's Course on Library Services to Hospital Patients and Disabled People (1983) were published in INSPEL, the Journal of the Special Libraries Division. Papers read at the annual conference (Tokyo, 1986): 1 - Hospital libraries in Poland - Francizek Czajkowski 2 - On bibliotherapy - Masamoto Higuchi 3 - How to publish easy reader books: a model - B. Lundstrom and E. Bellander (the Chair's summary). 4 - The information needs of inmates and the prison library S. M. Mailinger 5 - The hearing impaired persons and libraries: the status quo in Japan - Shuuichi Matsunobu 6 - A production system of captioned videotapes using Japanese word processors - Satoshi Nishikawa Joint meeting with the Round Table on Audiovisual Media 7 - The use of audio-visual materials in library services to people with handicaps - Catherine Pinion At the Libraries for the Blind session 8 - Library services to visually handicapped in Norway Else Granheim and Ka-Jo Carisen

1986 - 87:

Section membership was seventy-four. SC membership was thirteen, still below the recommended twenty, thus the Professional Board extended the SC's "special status" for two more years.


The seeming cross-classification of the aims and objectives of

30 Retrospective work of IFLA Sections

some of the Division's Sections were a major concern, particularly since that resulted in duplication of work and also confusion for new members as to which Section to join. Plans were made to update the Section's information on hospital library services via an international survey.

Prison libraries pre-conference seminar

The prison libraries working group held a joint pre-conference seminar and distributed the results of its informational survey "Prison Library Services: Brief Facts and Issues; An International View 1986/1987." The easy reader working group held its first meeting at the annual conference, its aims were:

Easy reader working group: initial aims

1 - to outline the essential criteria for an Easy Reader book; 2 - to determine an internationally acceptable logo; 3 - to compile a list of interested publishers; 4 - to make a survey of the current status; 5 - to launch a pilot project on co-production. Papers read at the annual conference (Brighton, 1987): 1 - Libraries at the crossroads: how library services for disadvantaged people can stimulate services for everyone William Anderson 2 - Health information and the community - Robert Gann 3 - "All you ever wanted to know about medicine but never dared to ask:" health information services for patients - Sally Knight 4 - Matched texts for children - John Wheeler 5 - Library education in Canadian prisons: a model - Anne M. Galler and Joanne Locke 6 - The use of audiovisual materials in prisons - B. C. Wright 7 - The development and future of easy readers for adults in the U.K. - Stephen A. Hoy Pre-conference seminar on Prison Library Services 8 - A rationale for library services in today's prison - M. Albert


Library needs of the deaf working group conference World Federation of the Deaf

The SC consisted of eleven members and four correspondents. During the year, the library needs of the deaf working group sponsored a conference entitled "Opening doors for closed ears." Held in March, 1988, at the New South Wales State Library, it drew 145 delegates and aimed: "raise the awareness of librarians to the library and information needs of the deaf and hearing impaired; to encourage the use of libraries by the deaf community." Subsequently, at the annual conference that year, the Section voted to draft a resolution that the World Federation of the Deaf be offered consultive status within IFLA.

Retrospective 31 Prison libraries working group

The prison libraries working group held an open meeting, a half day workshop, and a study tour of prison libraries. Also held was a full-day workshop on "Library Services to People with Language Limitations," during which short papers were read on: speech and language; language limitations of the deaf and hearing impaired; stroke victims and the learning disabled; alternative methods of communication; and the librarian's role in these.67

Prison Library papers

1988 - 89:

Easy reader seminar

Papers read at the annual conference (Sydney, 1988): 1 - How to develop and maintain library sen/ices in hospitals on a professional basis - Gunilla Malmgren-Neale 2 - Multi-type library networks - is there a need? - Frances Bluhdom At the prison library working group's open meeting: 3 - Prison library services and standards in Australia - P. J. Roberts 4 - Library education in Canadian prisons: a model - Anne M. Galler At the workshop on standards for prison library services: 5 - Canadian library association standards for prison library library services - Donna Duncan 6 - Current trends on prison library services in New Zealand Anna Chalmers 7 - Gaining community support - V. Young Section membership declined slightly, to sixty. SC membership totaled fifteen plus five correspondents. The easy reader working group arranged an international seminar in Tilburg (The Netherlands), December, 1988. Papers were presented on different aspects of producing and distributing 'ER' materials.68 The seminar's overall objectives were: to create an awareness among libraries and I FLA Sections of the need for 'ER' material; and to provide a forum for the exchange of information on 'ER' publications.69

Library needs of the deaf working group

The working group to identify the library needs of the deaf met at the annual conference, primarily to discuss the draft guidelines for library services to deaf people.

Prison libraries pre-conference

The prison libraries working group organized a pre-conference seminar on Prison Library Services.


Papers read at the annual conference (Paris, 1989): 1 - Library and school for young children and handicapped children: an original cooperation - Myriam Lott-Deschamps 2 - Television and visiophonie - therapy and mass media jean-Pierre Seguin

32 Retrospective

3 - Inmates adopt-a-scholar: a case study in New York State prison library programming to develop critical thinking skills Myra Albert 4 - Library services in Dutch custodial institutions; description, standards, prospects for the future - Frances E. Kaiser

Deaf Guidelines

Guidelines for library services to deaf people was presented and adopted at the annual meeting

Prison Library Guidelines

The prison libraries working group presented its final draft of Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners.

Easy Reader Guide

The easy reader working group was completing its Guide to Easy Reader Publications.


The Section's "Information Brochure," a bilingual information folder, was distributed during the Stockholm Conference.

Two-day satellite meeting co-sponsored Co-sponsored seminar Prison libraries / easy reader workshop

The Section co-sponsored with the Section of Libraries for the Blind and the Round Table on Audiovisual Media a satellite conference in Uppsala (Sweden). Its theme was "Breaking down communications barriers: library service for people unable to read inkprint books.". The Section also co-sponsored, with the Section of Biological and Medical Sciences Libraries, a full-day seminar at the library of the city hospital in Falun (the seminar stressed the advantages of combining hospitals' staff and patient libraries). The prisons libraries and easy reader working groups co-sponsored a workshop on models for administering prison libraries. The workshop featured models from various countries. Its theme was: "Build a child and you don't have to repair an adult." Papers read at the annual conference (Stockholm, 1990): 1 - How to provide elderly and disabled persons with library service through health care staff and associations for disabled: examples from the County of örebro and Ostergötland - Brita Molin 2 - Services to the elderly: at home and in the library - Heleen Wagenaar 3 - The evolution of library and information services for special groups: the role of performance review and the user William Anderson

Chair's paper

The Section's outgoing chair gave a presentation at the Open Forum, Division of Libraries Serving the General Public, on LSDP's history.70

Retrospective 33

1991 - 2001 - During this truly remarkable decade, LSDP issued guidelines in five of its areas of specialization. They were: guidelines for library services to the deaf, to prisoners, to hospital patients, to dyslexies, and guidelines for easy reader publications. Within that same period, LSDP issued a second edition of the deaf guidelines and a revised edition of the prison guidelines, thus it actually produced seven sets of guidelines during that time. Among its other activities, LSDP: established a working group for library services to the elderly; conducted an international survey on the inclusion of disadvantaged groups in library school curricula and subsequently published the findings; considered a name change; developed a new LSDP informational brochure; produced a Resource Book for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons, a major work that included the Section's history, a bibliography of its conference papers and related articles, and annotated subject bibliographies relating to disadvantaged groups. Through its chair, it is participating in an international copyright initiative, the goal of which is passage of copyright legislation that addresses the needs of the disadvantaged. Finally, LSDP presented a number of proposals to the Coordinating Board, among them the need for inter-Divisional collaboration and an IFLA Core Programme on Literacy.

1990 - 1991:

Efforts within IFLA in the late 1980s to assemble information on the state of library services to the elderly eventually Working group dwindled and, for some reason, LSDP inherited what work on the elderly had been done - primarily reportings from individual countries. formed Hoping to continue the project, the SC agreed to form a working group on library services for the elderly.71 The group was formed, finally, at the SC's mid-year meeting.72 Easy reader As a follow-up, members from other IFLA Sections who joint meeting were interested in library services for the elderly met jointly on the elderly at the annual conference with the easy reader working group to discuss future project directions.73 Guidelines for deaf people

Guidelines for library services to deaf people was published as IFLA Professional Report no. 24. Papers read at the annual conference (Moscow, 1991): 1 - Guidelines for library services to deaf people: developments and interpretation - John M. Day 2 - Library services to multicultural groups in Dutch prisons - Frances E. Kaiser 3 - Soviet book lovers for disadvantaged persons - Sergei Shuvalov

34 Retrospective

1991 - 1992:

Prison library guidelines published

Both the easy reader and prison libraries working groups held meetings at the annual conference, the former in part to discuss services to the elderly and the later in part to discuss the draft of its planned guidelines. Guidelines for library services to prisoners was published as IFLA Professional Report no. 34. Meant to serve as a guide in developing national guidelines for prison libraries, the document included sections on: personnel; collections; physical facilities; equipment; funding and budget; and services. Towards deciding if updated hospital library guidelines were needed, a survey questionnaire on the topic was developed; due to lack of funds, though, its distribution was limited. Compilation of a selected, annotated bibliography on publications for the elderly was begun. Papers read at the annual conference (New Dehli, 1992): 1 - An introduction to the International Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners - Francis E. Kaiser 2 - An overview of library services in an ageing society: emphasis on new trends in Scandinavian countries - Ka Jo Carlsen; Kjerstin Thulin 3 - The importance of library and reading in the rehabilitation process of disabled people - Franciszek Czajkowski74

1992 - 1993:

The easy reader, prison libraries, and elderly working groups all held their own meetings at the annual conference. Papers read at the annual conference (Barcelona, 1993): Workshop on Specialized Library Services: 1 - Services to the blind patron - Marie-Jose Poitevin 2 - Services to the deaf patron - Anne Feiler 3 - En France: le profil l'un bibliothécaire en mileu hospitalier - Geneviève Chavanis 4 - Profile of a prison librarian - Lise Van Ruler 5 - Sen/ices to the disadvantaged in Spain - Aurora Rodriguez Alonso Workshop on the interaction between library schools and specialized library services, joint with the sections on Education and Training and Libraries for the blind: 6 - Education for outreach activities: the Swedish experience Inga Lalloo 7 - The Australian scene: serving people with ail kinds of disabilities: what has been achieved and what is still necessary - Susanne Bruhn 8 - The Canadian scene: serving people with all kinds of disabilities: what has been achieved and what is still

Retrospective 35

necessary - Beth Hovius 9 - Profiles of librarians serving the disadvantaged: a summary - Anne M. Galler

1993 - 1994:

Inter-Divisional collaboration needed

Literacy Core Programme proposed

The SC made several major proposals to the Coordinating Board, Division of Libraries Serving the General Public, among them: - that the Division would benefit greatly by moving away from its current subject specialization and specific client focus to a more issue driven focus; the SC particularly noted that the Division's Sections tended to work in isolation - perhaps even competition - without divisional level coordination; - that the Division as a whole operate on a 'project' basis whereby the Division would develop annual meeting themes on which all sections would work cooperatively; - that IFLA consider loosening Section membership requirements to allow members to belong to several Sections, thereby increasing cross-fertilization and inter-divisional cooperation; - that IFLA more clearly acknowledge the importance of libraries to world literacy, currently recognized only under the general umbrellas two Core Programmes; it recommended that IFLA establish a sixth Core Programme - The Advancement of Literacy In the World and the Promotion of Reading - and through it expand and develop strategies to support literacy; - that, because the Easy-to-Read Working Group's focus was important to several of the Division's sections, it become a crossDivisional Round Table.75 Papers read at the annual conference (Havana, 1994): 1 - Equalizing opportunity for disabled students: the contribution of the National Library of Canada and Canadian University Libraries - Diane Bays 2 - L'émancipation par l'information: le rôle du bibliothécaire d'hôpital et le droit du patient à l'information - Jean-Philippe Accart 3 - A rewarding encounter - mentally handicapped adults make acquaintance with the Easy-to-Read and newspapers Lisbeth Rosenschöld; Lotta Rosenstrûm 4 - Prisoner's right of access to the courts: law libraries in US prisons -Vibeke Lehmann 5 - Empowerment through information: the transfer of control of library services to first nation government in Ontario Maureen Cubberley

1994 - 1995: The Professional Board recommended that IFLA adopt LSDP's Literacy Core proposal for a Core Programme on literacy. It suggested the Programme sought title: The Promotion of Literacy and Reading Through Libraries.76

36 Retrospective Prison guidelines published

Guidelines for library service to prisoners, revised edition, was published as IFLA Professional Report no. 46.

Draft hospital guidelines

Draft guidelines for library services to hospital patients were approved by the SC. Work would continue on the project for several years.

The goal of developing guidelines for library service to Elderly library the elderly and housebound in cooperation with other services project IFLA Sections within the Public Library Division failed for lack discontinued of interest on the part of the Sections. A survey questionnaire on inclusion of the disadvantaged in library school curricula was developed and was to be translated into the IFLA languages and "circulated widely." It was hoped that the survey would: Library school curricula survey planned

- raise awareness among library school personnel of the needs of the disadvantaged; - enable library school students to identify those special groups and to respond to their needs; - facilitate the preparation of guidelines for an inclusive curriculum suggesting the best ways to respond to the needs of the disadvantaged; - stimulate preparation of special materials.77 Papers read at the annual conference (Istanbul, 1995) Joint with Public Libraries, Libraries for the Blind, and INTAMEL 1 - Portuguese public libraries network - Luis Olivería Machado 2 - The library of the future: public libraries and the Internet Chris Batt 3 - Vom Bibliothekar zum Cybarian - die Zukunft des Berufs in der virtuellen Bibliothek - Claudia Lux 4 - Strategies to educate librarians to introduce new technologies to users, especially disadvantaged ones Anne Galler 5 - New technologies - new opportunities? The virtual library in a prison situation - Frances Kaiser 6 - Electronic books for the visually impaired: the Norwegian project - Grete Knudson; Eivind Knudsen 7 - The Canadian information highway: special needs addressed - Mary Frances Laughton 8 - Extra large: large print on demand - Marij Schols 9 - The information highway and the print handicapped Norman Coombs

1995 - 1996:

New name

Hoping to change its name to one evoking more positive associations and also one incorporating all of its aims, the Section proposed a new title - "Section for Libraries with Specialized and Outreach Services." However, the Professional Board rejected it, in part, because the name

Retrospective 37


internet access to the Newsletter

suggested affiliation with the Division of Special Libraries. Subsequently, the SC also realized that "specialized" and "outreach" have different meanings in various countries and in other languages, hence the idea was temporarily tabled. Agreeing that the Section's Newsletter was the "most important connection and source of information for the members," the SC planned to have it distributed on IFLA-NET for those who have Internet access. The exchange of mailing lists on IFLA-NET was also considered. 78 New projects proposed for the coming year(s) included producing a subject bibliography on library and information services for the disadvantaged and an investigation of the disadvantaged elderly's access to information. Papers read at the annual conference (Beijing, 1996): 1 - The investigation and consideration about reading conditions of juvenile offenders - Xiong Zhongqi 2 - East-to-read: an important part in reading promotion and in the fight against illiteracy - Bror Tronbacke 3 - Talking newspapers and magazines for visually impaired and other people with print disabilities: an international perspective - Peter Craddock Open Forum, Division of Libraries Serving the General Public 4 - New roles, new skills: library and information services to disadvantaged users - Sue D. Lithgow79

1996 - 1997:

The Professional Board set up a working group on literacy to study issues and make related recommendations. 80 The Section co-sponsored a full-day workshop entitled "Access to Information: Serving Persons With Dyslexia." Topics included: recent research in dyslexia; library materials and services for weak readers; and multimedia for dyslexic people. Papers read at the annual conference (Copenhagen, 1997): Joint with Reading, the European Dyslexia Association, and the Professional Group of Outreach Library Services (Denmark): 1 - Introduction of European Dyslexia Association, EDA and dyslexia - Robin Salter 2 - Dsylexia: recent research - Carsten Elbro 3 - Library sen/ice and materials for weak readers - Gyda Skat Nielsen 4 - The Swedish Dyslexia campaign 1996/97 - Birgitta Irvall 5 - Multimedia for dyslexic persons - Keld Lund Jensen Joint with Libraries for the Blind: 6 - Global greying: successful strategies for bridging information gaps with the elderly population - Allan M. Kleiman 7 - Bulgarian libraries bridging information gaps to

38 Retrospective

disadvantaged persons - Dimitrijka Stefanova 8 - The WWW as an information resource for the deaf community - John Day 9 - The Danish model of library services to the printhandicapped - Johannes Balslev 10 - Share the vision - Peter Craddock 11 - VISUNET: a vision of virtual library service for the blind Rosemary Kavanagh; Barbara Freeze81

1 9 9 7 - 1998:

LSDP Resource Book planned

NCLS grant

Easy-to-Read Guidelines published

Section brochure

Following extensive preliminary study, the SC proposed to the Coordinating Board production of an International Resource Book for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Planned as a two year project, the monograph would include: the Section's history; a bibliography of its relevant conference papers and articles; and, annotated subject bibliographies relating to individual disadvantaged groups." LSDP was awarded a grant by the US National Committee on Libraries and Information Science (NCLS) to develop a workshop for librarians working with disadvantaged people. Plans were to present the workshop in either a South American or eastern European country.82 Guidelines for easy-to-read materials was published as I FLA Professional Report no. 54. The Guidelines aimed to: 1) describe the nature of and the need for easy-to-read products and to identify target user groups, and 2) make suggestions for publishers of easy-to-read materials as well as organizations and agencies that serve the reading disabled. The Guidelines covered topics such as editorial work; design; layout; the publications process; and marketing information. The Section's recently-designed brochure, already available in English, French, and Spanish, was translated into German. Translation into Russian was anticipated. 83 Papers read at the annual conference (Amsterdam, 1998): 1 - New information technologies and disabilities - Teresa Pages 2 - The contribution of public libraries to higher education opportunities for the socially and economically deprived in rural societies - Joe Hendry Joint with the Libraries for the Blind section: 3 - The implications for a public library sen/ice of the Disability Discrimination Act and the needs of special users - Cathy Evans 4 - The information needs of the deaf blind reader - Satoshi Fukushina 5 - Large print in the Netherlands - Marij Schols 6 - Les lecteurs déficients visuels dans les bibliothèques

Retrospective 39

publiques - Mane-Pierre Tallec 7 - Reading representatives: a model which creates reading opportunities despite severe reading disabilities - Lotta Rosenstrom 8 - Current situations and issues of the deaf-blind community in Japan - Shin Kadokawa84

1998 - 1999: Dyslexia poster session presented

Dyslexia guidelines planned

Dyslexia - a silent learning disorder that effects roughly eight percent of the world's population - was again highlighted at the annual conference, this time via a poster session that aimed to increase awareness of the disorder among library professionals. The session also presented ideas for enhancing services to those with reading difficulties. Funding was approved for the development of guidelines for library service to persons with dyslexia. Through an LSDP member's efforts, IFLA granted the European Dyslexia Association consultive status.85 Papers read at the annual conference (Bangkok, 1999): 1 - Prison librarians needed: a challenging career for those with the right professional and human skills - Vibeke Lehmann 2 - Enhancing the skills of school library staff to cater for individual student needs - Janet Murray 3 - Information services to the disadvantaged person: a challenge for information professionals in Thailand - Sujin Butdisuwan 4 - Voice of India's disabled: demanding equality in library services - Rangashri Kishore Open Forum, Division of Libraries Serving the General Public 5 - Library and information services to disadvantaged users: the way forward - Sue D. Lithgow (read by Vibeke Lehmann.)86

1999-2000: Guidelines for library service to hospital patients published

Guidelines for library services to hospital patients and the eiderty and disabled in long-term care institutions was published as IFLA Professional Report no. 61. Though aiming to portray levels to which library services for patients should aspire, the Guidelines were designed as flexible sets of recommendations that would be useful in most situations, regardless of financial or other resource restrictions. They covered topics such as: clients; organization; physical facility (location, space, Ifurnishings, equipment); staffing; budget; collections; programs and services; publicity; and external resources. A brief history of patients' libraries was included.

40 Retrospective

Library Services to Deaf People published

Guidelines for library services to deaf people, 2d ed, was published as IFLA Professional Report no. 62. This edition took into account advances in communication, such as the Internet / World Wide Web, which greatly affect deaf people. Beyond giving recommendations, it aimed to inform librarians of the deaf community's unique library and information needs. The guidelines pertain to any library having the deaf among its clients, thus they apply to a variety of service targets - schools and other institutions, communities, and the like. The draft Dyslexia guidelines were distributed for expert review in Scandinavia; comments were also solicited from the European Dyslexia Association and the International Dyslexia Association.

Worldwide copyright initiative

The chair reported on a copyright initiative through which library associations, government agencies, and advocacy groups actively participate in developing model copyright legislation that considers the needs of disabled people. The chair is playing a major role in this initiative, the ultimate goal of which is passage of relevant legislation worldwide.87 Papers read at the annual conference (Jerusalem, 2000): 1 - Current trends in developing contemporary public librajv service to deaf and hard of hearing persons in Denmark - Miette Van Der Leith; Anita Otte Clausen 2 - Hospital libraries and the public library system in France: how can they work together? - Claudie Guerin

2000 - 2001: Dyslexia guidelines

This year will see publication of guidelines for library services to people with dyslexia. The guidelines follow recurring LSDP dyslexia activity in recent years: both a poster session and an open session on the topic were held at annual conferences, and, via the Section, IFLA granted consultive status to the European Dyslexia Association. LSDP will co-sponsor an open session with the Association at IFLA Boston, 2001. This year will also see publication in the Saur Verlag series of LSDP's Resource Book for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. As noted earlier, the monograph will include annotated subject bibliographies relating to individual disadvantaged groups and, as such, will continue the Section's International bibliography (1863-1972) published in 1977.

Today and Tomorrow LSDP has evolved from a Sub-committee focusing on library services for

Retrospective 41

hospital patients to a Section dedicated to improving library systems, resources and services for a range of disadvantaged groups. Its current Standing Committee consists of sixteen regular members, three corresponding members, and a senior advisor; together they represent eleven nations and three continents. SC members also represent a variety of professional settings - public, biomedical, and special libraries, schools of library and information studies, and organizations whose clients or concerns are the disadvantaged. The Committee is and has been blessed with people who are highly experienced - in many cases, internationally distinguished - in their fields. Almost by tradition, it is a remarkably cohesive and congenial group. Through the 1990s, LSDP's aims have been: - to improve the availability of all forms of library materials to disadvantaged persons; - to provide a forum for discussion of the reading problems and information needs of disadvantaged persons; - to raise the awareness of professional librarians and aid in the development of educational and training materials for their use; - to develop guidelines for specific types of services; - to promote libraries in hospitals, prisons and other institutions, and professionalism in this area of librarianship. As such, it systematically monitors: - advances in aids to reading and communication; - various kinds of legislation, whether regional, national or international, that might bear upon library services to disadvantaged groups; - through surveys, reviews of the literature, and the like, current conditions and trends in library services to the disadvantaged; - through IFLA and non-IFLA meetings and conferences, the library community's awareness of disadvantaged people's needs. In its immediate future, LSDP will continue to: promote copyright legislation that addresses the library-related needs of disadvantaged people; pursue joint ventures with the World Federation of the Deaf, the European Dyslexia Association, and other bodies whose focus is one or more disadvantaged groups; work with other IFLA Sections in improving library-related resources and services for disadvantaged people; and speak and write in its areas of concern. To conserve space, the ACTES' main entry, Fédération Internationale des Associations de Bibliothécaires, is not used past note no. 1. Also, where a particular year's ACTES is cited more than once, the subsequent citations are abbreviated to include only place, date, and page.

1. Fédération Internationale des Associations de Bibliothécaires. "Project de création d'une Sous-Commission pour les bibliothèques d'hôpitaux" [Plan to form a subcommittee for libraries in hospitals], in Actes du Comité International des Bibliothèques, III, 4me session Cheltenham, 1931 (Genève: Albert Kundig, 1931): 18-

42 Retrospective

19. 2. In 1928, IFLA formed six sub-committees - sometimes referred to as committees whose purpose was supervision of international congress content. While the fate of four of those sub-committees is unclear, two - the sub-committees on popular (public) libraries and professional education - appear to have evolved into more permanent sub-committees whose responsibilities went beyond international congresses. It is that second sub-committee structure that underlies LSDP's formation. By 1931, then, when the Sub-Committee on Hospital Libraries was created, six other permanent sub-committees had been formed. They were: 1) Exchange of librarians, 2) Statistics on printed matter, 3) Professional education, 4) Library statistics, 5) Exchange of university theses, and 6) Popular libraries. For formation of the international congress sub-committees, see: Actes du Comité International des Bibliothèques, 1ère session Rome, 31 Mars 1928 (Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells, 1931): 28-29; Actes du Comité International des Bibliothèques, 2e session Rome, Juin, 1929 (Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells, 1931): 33-34 For formation of the permanent sub-committees, see: Actes du Comité International des Bibliothèques, I, 2e session Venise, 1929 (Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells, 1931): 44; Actes du Comité International des Bibliothèques, II, 3e session Stockholm, 1930 (Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells, 1930): 15-16,19, Annexe IV, 43-44; Actes du Comité International des Bibliothèques, III, 4me session Cheltenham, 1931 (Genève: Albert Kundig, 1931): 18-19. For a listing of the permanent subcommittees' members, see: Actes du Comité International des Bibliothèques, V, 6me session Chicago, Avignon, 1933 (La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 1934): 9-11. 3. While no one published source comprehensively describes the growing interest in hospital patients' libraries during that era, a sense of the movement can be had by perusing citations in Cumming's international bibliography, particularly for the years 1908 through 1931. See: Eileen E. Cumming, Hospital and Welfare Library Services (London: The Library Association, 1977). See also note no. 4. 4. National programs to provide reading matter to military personnel - including those who were hospitalized - sprang into existence during and at the close of World War I. Beyond their immediate benefit, the programs carried the unexpected value of demonstrating on a widespread basis that books and reading can hold therapeutic value for sick people. Two of the more highly publicized systems were Britain's War Library and the Untied States' War Service Program. Detailed descriptions of these can be found in: Theodore Wesley Koch, Books in the war the romance of library war service (Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1919); Theodore Wesley Koch, Books in camp, trench and hospital... (London: J.M. Dent & Sons, 1917); Books for Sammies: The American Library Association and Worid War I (Pittsburgh [USA]: Beta Phi Mu, 1981); Helen Mary Gaskell, The Red Cross and Order of St. John War Library (London: 1917), 8 pp.



For a very brief picture of both programs, see: "The development of libraries for hospital patients," in Guidelines for libraries serving hospital patients and the elderly and disabled in long-term care institutions (The Hague: IFLA, 2000), 2-3. 5. An overview of early attempts at international cooperation in librarianship can be found in: Margarita I. Rudomino, 'The Prehistory of IFLA," in Willem R. H. Koops and Joachim Wieder, eds., IFLA's First Fifty Years: Achievements and challenge in international librarianship (München: Verlag Dokumentation, 1977): 66-79. 6. The Library was an outgrowth of Britain's War Library; post-war, it became the primary means of providing reading materials to hospital patients within the United Kingdom. See: Mrs. (Helen Mary) Gaskell, "Hospital libraries past and present," The Book Trolley 1(1937): 203-207. 7. E(dith) Kathleen Jones, Hospital Libraries (Chicago: American Library Association, 1939): 141 8. As Chief Steward, Roberts would have been responsible for managing meeting details. Library Association Archives, email correspondence, November 13, 2000. 9. Library Association, "Proceedings of the Fifty-Third Annual Conference of the Library Association...September 22nd-27th, 1930." Supplement to the Libr Assoc Ree, 33(Third Series, vol. i, no. 1, 1931): Ί Χ - Χ * . See also: "Hospital Libraries: Cambridge Conference," The Lancet {Od. 4,1930): 777-8. 10. E(dith) Kathleen Jones, 141-3. 11. Marjorre E. Roberts, "Libraries for Hospital Patients the World Over," Hosp Manag 34(1932): 35. 12. E(dith) Kathleen Jones, 142. 13. The International Library Committee, IFLA's executive branch, was reorganized as IFLA Council in 1952. See: William R. Kroops and Joachim Wieder, 31. 14. Fédération internationale des Associations de Bibliothécaires, Annexe VI, 44-7. 15. Ibid., 44. 16. H(enri) Lemaître, "Bibliothèques d'Hôpitaux," The Book Trolley, 1(July, 1936): 614. 17. See, for example: Cari H. Milam, "What a Hospital Library Service May Accomplish," The Nation's Health 111(1921): 627-29. 18. As one example, see: Actes..,3e session Stockholm, 1930, Annexe IV, 43-44.

44 Retrospective

19. Perrie Jones, "International Hospital Group," ALA Bull 26(1932): 451. 20. Actes du Comité International des Bibliothèques IV, 5me session Berne, 1932. (La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 1932): 27-8; Annexe V, 66-67 21. Ibid., 66-87. 22. Ibid., 27. 23. Johanna L. de Vries, "The history of the International Federation of Library Associations, from its creation to the Second World War, 1927-1940" (master's thesis, Loughborough University of Technology, 1976), 51. 24. Actes...Beme, 1932, Annexe V, 86-87. 25. H(enri) Lemaître, 62. 26. MarjorieE. Roberts, 35-6,41. 27. Actes...Chicago; Avignon, 1933, Annexe XX, 155. 28. As one example, see: Actes...Berne, 1932, Annexe V, 66-87. 29. Actes...Chicago; Avignon, 1933, Annexe XX, 155-159. 30. H(enri) Lemaître, 62-63 31. "The Guild of Hospital Librarians," The Book Trolley 1 (October, 1935): 32. 32. Ronald Sturt, "History of hospital libraries," in Mona E. Going, ed., Hospital libraries and work with the disabled (London: The Library Association, 1963): 27. 33. "Conference of the International Federation of Libraries," The Book Trolley 1(July, 1935): 14 34. The Book Trolley 1 (July, 1935): 9-10. 35. H(enri) Lemaître, 61-64. 36. "Abridged Report of the Conference of the International Guild of Hospital Librarians," The Book Trolley 1(July, 1936): 54. 37. Marjorie E. Roberts, "The Hospital Library Movement" World Assoc Adult Educ Bull 8(February, 1937): 26-31 38. Actes du Comité International Des Bibliothèques, IX, 10me Session Paris, 24-25 août, 1937 (La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 1938): 18

Retrospective 45

39. William R. Kroops and Joachim Wieder, 23. 40. A summary of conference activities can be found in: "Second International Conference of the International Guild of Hospital Librarians," The Book Trolley 2(July, 1938): 21-26. 41. "Henri Lemaître," The Book Trolley 5(January, 1947): 189. 42. "I.F.L.A. Committee Meeting," The Book Trolley, 5(January, 1949): 342-344. 43. "International Hospital Federation." (March 6,2001). 44. Ronald Sturt, 27. 45. "Mémoire indicateur sure les bibliothèques d'hôpitaux" [Memorandum on hospital libraries], in Libri 10(1960): 141-146. 46. Gunilla Malmgren-Neale, "IFLA's Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons, A Presentation," 6 June 1989,1. (LSDP Archives.) 47. M. Joy Lewis, The libraries in hospitals sub-section of the International Federation of Library Associations," in Libraries for Health and Welfare: Papers given to the Hospital Libraries and Handicapped Readers Group Conferences in 1968 and 1969 (London: The Library Association, 1971): 50-51. 48. Ibid., 51. 49. Ibid., 52. 50. Jean M. Clarke, "Section of Library Services to Hospital Patients and Handicapped Readers," IFLA Journal 4(1978): 253. 51. M. Joy Lewis, 53. 52. Ibid. 53. Jean M. Clarke, 254. 54. M. Joy Lewis, "The International Scene," in Mona E. Going, Hospital Libraries and work with the disabled, 2d ed (London: The Library Association, 1973): 259-260. 55. Ibid., 263. 56. Ibid., 263-264. 57. "IFLA Progress Report, July 1971 - July 1972" (Holland: The Hague,

46 Retrospective

[1972]): 6. 58. Published by Verlag Dokumentation, 1973. 59. Jean M. Clarke, "The International Scene," in Mona E. Going, comp, and ed., Hospital Libraries and Work With the Disabled in the Community (London: The Library Association, 1981): 290. 60. Jean M. Clarke, "Section of Library Services to Hospital Patients and Handicapped Readers," 254. 61. Ibid., 252. 62. Ibid. 63. Ibid. 64. Gunilla Malmgren-Neale, "IFLA's Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged People," in International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons, Newsletter, No. 30, May, 1960: 7. 65. "Miss P. Noaks to Mrs. A Galler, 13 January 1999." (Personal correspondence. LSDP Archives.) 66. Gunilla Malmgren-Neale, "IFLA's Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons, A Presentation," 4. 67. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Newsletter, no. 29, February, 1989: 5. 68. Ibid., 6. 69. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Newsletter, no. 30, May, 1990: 3. 70. Gunilla Malmgren-Neale, "IFLA's Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons, A Presentation." 71. International Federation of Library Associations. Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Newsletter, no. 32, Spring, 1991: 6. 72. IFLA Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Minutes of the Standing Committee meetings held on Thursday, April 11, 1991...and Friday, April 12. 73. IFLA Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Minutes of the Standing Committee meetings held Saturday, August 17, 1991 and Wednesday, August 21.

Retrospective 47

74. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Newsletter, no, 35, Autumn, 1992. 75. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Newsletter, no. 39, Fall, 1994. 76. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Newsletter, no. 40, Spring, 1995. 77. Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Annual Report 1994-1995. (LSDP Archives) 78. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Newsletter, no. 42, May, 1966:1-2. 79. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. IFLA Newsletter, no. 43, Fall, 1966: 7. 80. IFLA Journal 23(5/6)1977: 397-398. 81. 63rd IFLA General Conference.. .August 31 -September 5, 1997. Proceedings: 24 (


82. IFLA. Standing Committee, Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Minutes, Annual Conference in Bangkok, August 21 and 27, 1999. (LSDP Archives). 83. Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Annual Report 1998 (LSDP Archives). 84. 64th IFLA General Conference...August 16 -August 21, 1998. Conference Proceedings: 20, 36-7. ( 85. IFLA. Standing Committee, Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Minutes, Mid-winter meeting in Washington, D.C., March 5-7, 1999. (LSDP Archives). 86. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Newsletter, no.49, Fall, 1999: 3-4. 87. International Federation of Library Associations. Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Newsletter, no. 49, Fall, 1999: 3-4. _

48 Section Papers

SECTION OF LIBRARIES SERVING DISADVANTAGED PERSONS PAPERS PRESENTED AT THE ANNUAL CONFERENCES 31st Council and General Conference Helsinki. Finland: 1965 Boldt, B. (1965). Provision of books for children in hospitals. Gelderblom, G. (1965). Hospital library services in the German Federal Republic. Lewis, M. M. (1965). Reading needs of children in hospital [The hospital librarian and the child], Nyberg, M. (1965). Finnish hospital library provision.

32nd Council and General Conference The Hague: Netherlands: 1966 No papers given

33rd Council and General Conference Toronto, Canada: 1967 Campbell, H., C., & Ludlow, V.F. (1967). The Canadian library scene. Gardner, F. M. (1967). England [The integrated hospital library]. Holmström, Β. (1967). Scandinavia [The hospital library], Johnson, B. C. (1967). The U.S.A. [The integrated hospital library]. Lucioli. C.E.. & Baker. E. (1967). The role of the public library in hospital provision.


34th Council and General Conference Frankfurt Germany: 1968 Countess I.G., du Monceau de Bergendal. (1968). Education and training for hospital librarians in Belgium. Gartland, H.J. (1968). The training of hospital librarians in the United States.

Section Papers 4 9

Nielsen, H. (1968). Hospital libraries in Denmark and the training of hospital librarians. Schmidt, H. (1968). Hospital libraries in the Federal Republic of 1960-1968.


35th Council and General Conference Copenhagen. Denmark: 1969 Bjerre, A. (1969). Hospital library services in Denmark, [and library services of social care], Nyberg, M. (1969). Library service to old people's homes in Finland. Shaw, A. (1969). The visually handicapped reader: Print for partial sight. Thulin, K. (1969). Library services for housebound readers.

36th Council and General Conference Moscow. U.S.S.R.: 1970 Miller, A.M. (1970). The reading matter of patients and sanatoria. (USSR). Rimkeit, A. (1970). The development of patients' libraries in the German Democratic Republic. Toma, A. (1970). The organization of hospital libraries in Hungary.

37th Council and General Conference Liverpool. U.K.: 1971 Boorer, D. L. (1971). Psychiatric hospitals and their need for library services. Partington, W.W. (1971). Statement on the Hospital Libraries and Handicapped Readers Group of the Library Association (U.K.). Paulin, L. V. (1971). Current developments in hospital libraries in the United Kingdom. Peillon, J. (1971). A voluntary librarian organisation: The Hospital Librarian Association of Lyon ("A.B.H.").

50 Section Papers

Ronnie, M. A. (1971,). Hospital librarianship in New Zealand: the professional and the volunteer.

38th Council and General Conference Budapest. Hungary: 1972 Bereczky, E. (1972). Directives to the organization of Hungarian hospital library supply. Cumming, E.E. (1972). Library surveys: Their application and value to hospital libraries. Höök, L. (1972). The Stockholm Public Library: Patients' libraries and work with the disabled.

39th Council and General Conference Grenoble. France: 1973 Ballandras, M. (1973). Lecture et animation dans les hôpitaux [Reading and animation in hospitals], Bourdin, G. (1973). Rapport sur les bibliothèques d'hôpitaux en France [French hospital libraries according to the 1973 survey], Guenebaud, J. (1973). Relation entre les bibliothèques d'hôpitaux et les bibliothèques publiques [Relations between hospital libraries and public libraries].

40th Council and General Conference Washington. P.C.: 1974 Anderson, C. J. (1974). Poetry therapy in psychiatric nursing. Gorelith, Κ. (1974). Great literature as a teaching tool in the education of mental health professionals. Hynes, A. (1974). Bibliotherapy in the circulating library at Saint Elizabeth's Hospital. Lombard, J. (1974). Use of bibliotherapy in the recreational therapy programme of Saint Elizabeth's Hospital. Monroe, Μ. E., & Rubin, R. (1974). Bibliotherapy. Trends in the United States.

Section Papere 51

41st Council and General Conference Oslo. Norway: 1975 Heie, B. (1975). Outreach library service in Norway.

42nd Council and General Conference Lausanne. Switzerland: 1976 Ammannato, A. (1976). Work with children by the Italian Library for the Blind at Monza. [Italy]. Freytag, G. (1976). Bibliotherapie mit dem Bilderbuch beivarwieaendaprachaestörten Kindern [Bibliotherapy by means of picture books for speech- handicapped children]. Hoffmann, C. (1976). Les bibliothèques d'hôpitaux en Suisse et le service fait à la hôpital cantonal à Genève [Hospital libraries in Switzerland and the service offered to the district hospital in Geneva]. Marshall, M. R. (1976). The children's librarian and the handicapped child.

43rd Council and General Conference Bruxelles. Belgium: 1977 Bain, H. (1977). La lecture du troisième âge: Psychologie du lecteur, psychologie du bibliothécaire [Reading for the senior citizen: Psychology of the reader, psychology of the librarian]. Cylke, F.K. (1977). A proposal for international coordination of library service for blind and physically handicapped individuals. Lewis, M. J. (1977). Staffing and management of hospital and welfare libraries. Rosskopf, H., (1977). Coordinated library services for blind students.

44th Council and General Conference Strbské Pleso. Czechoslovakia: 1978 Clarke, J. M. (1978). International standards: A discussion paper on the need for their possible expansion and revision.

52 Section Papers

Marshall, M. (1978). Provision of books for the mentally handicapped child some points for possible discussion. Simone-Rupert, S., & Hersch-van-der-Stoel, F. (1978). Report of the committee Books for mentally handicapped people, of the Dutch Centre for Public Libraries and Literature (NBLC).

45th Council and General Conference Copenhagen. Denmark: 1979 Goldberg, B, & Sorensen, M. (1979). Music lending and listening in hospitals, with particular reference to the services offered at Herlev HospitalCopenhagen. Peterson, J. (1979). Library service to the handicapped in reading [The handicapped in reading and the public libraries].

46th Council and General Conference Manila. Philippines: 1980 No papers given

47th Council and General Conference Leipzig. East Germany: 1981 Anderson, W. (1981). Libraries and the deaf - the hidden society. Petersen, J. (1981). Die Bibliotheken und das Internationale Jahr der Behinderten fLibraries and the International Year of the Disabled]. Rimkeit, A. (1981). Development and activities of hospital libraries and library services to patients on the basis of the regulations of the Ministry of Health of the German Democratic Republic [Libraries for hospital patients in the GDR].

48th Council and General Conference Montreal. Canada: 1982 Flower, M. (1982). From hospital to home: Perspectives in healthy living.

Section Papers 53

Hopkins, K. (1982). The deaf patron and the library [Library needs of the deaf], Marshall, J. (1982). Patient information: Implications for library service. Rappaport, G. Le réseau des bibliothèques hospitalières de Paris. Organisation et perspectives d'avenir [The library networks of Paris. Organization and future prospects].

49th Council and General Conference Munich. Germany: 1983 Bunch, A. J. (1983). Education and training for health care librarianship. Dräger, Β. (1983). Mobile Bücherhausdienste in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im allgemeinen und in München im besonderen [Mobile library home services in the Federal Republic of Germany in general and in Munich in particular]. Schmidt, H. (1983). Krankenhausbibliotheken in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im allgemeinen und in München im besonderen [Hospital libraries in the Federal Republic of Germany and in Munich in particular].

50th Council and General Conference Nairobi. Kenya: 1984 Owino, 0., & Muya, E.W. (1984). Public library service to the disabled: Their information needs and special materials. Reumer, D. (1984). Central library service to the disabled. Westgârd, G., & Heie, Β. (1984). Guidelines for libraries serving hospital patients and disabled people in the community - a tool to improve library service.

51st Council and General Conference Chicago. U.S.A.: 1985 Barnard, T. D. F. (1985). A foot in both camps - a librarian's experiences in publishing. Dalton, P. (1985). Library services in prisons/correctional institutions. Heie, B. (1985). Prison library services - a responsibility for the public libraries.

54 Section Papers

Jansen, L, & Thomsen, P. (1985). The legibility of large print. Massis, Β. E. (1985). Commercial large print - the international scene.

52nd Council and General Conference Tokyo. Japan: 1986 Czajkowski, F. (1986). Hospital libraries in Poland. Granheim, E., & Carlsen, K-J. (1986). Library services to visually handicapped in Norway. Higuchi, M. (1986). On bibliotherapy. Lundstrom, B., & Bellander, E. (1986). How to publish easy reader books: A model. Mailinger, S. M. (1986). The information needs of inmates and the prison library. Matsunobu, S. (1986). The hearing impaired persons and libraries: The status guo in Japan. Nishikawa, S. (1986). A production system of captioned videotapes using Japanese word processors. Pinion, C.F. (1986). The use of audio-visual materials in library services to people with handicaps [Audiovisual media and libraries for people with disabilities].

53rd Council and General Conference Brighton. U.K.: 1987 Albert, M. (1987). A rationale for library services in today's prisons. Anderson, W. (1987). Libraries at the crossroads: How library services for disadvantaged people can stimulate services for everyone. Galler, A.M., & Locke, J. (1987). Library education in Canadian prisons: A model. Gann, R. (1987). Health information and the community. Hoy, S. (1987). The development and future of easy reader publications for adults in the U. K.

Section Papers 55

Knight, S. (1987). "All vou ever wanted to know about medicine but never dared to ask": Health information services for patients. Wheeler, J. (1987). Matched texts for deaf children. Wright, B. C. (1987). The use of audiovisual materials in prisons.

54th Council and General Conference Sydney. Australia: 1988 Bluhdorn, F. L. (1988). Multi-type library networks - is there a need? Chalmers, A. (1988). Current trends in prison library service in New Zealand. Duncan, D. (1988). Canadian Library Association standards for prison library services. Galler, A. M. (1988). Library education in Canadian prisons - a model - a followÜE¿ Malgrem-Neale, G. (1988). How to develop and maintain library services in hospitals on a professional basis: The Swedish experience. Roberts, P. J. (1988J. Prison library service and standards in Australia. Young, V. (1988). Gaining community support.

55th Council and General Conference Paris. France: 1989 Albert, M. (1989). Inmates Adopt-A-Scholar: A case study in New York state prison library programming to develop critical thinking skills. Kaiser, F. E. (1989). Library services in Dutch custodial institutions: descriptions. Lott-Deschamps, M. (1989). Bibliothègue et école au service des enfants et adolescents handicapés: une expérience originale de coopération [Library and school for young children and handicapped children: An original cooperation]. Séguin, J. P. (1989). Télévision et visiophonie: moyens de communication et agents thérapeutigues: l'expérience de Trousseau, hôpital pour enfants malades à Paris [Television and visiophone - therapy and mass media].

56 Section Papers

56th Council and General Conference Stockholm. Sweden: 1990 Anderson, W. (1990). The evolution of library and information services for special groups: The role of performance review and the user. Molin, Β. (1990). How to provide elderly and disabled persons with library service through health care staff and associations for disabled: Examples from the County of örebro and Österqötland. Wagenaar, Η. (1990). Services to the elderly: At home and in the library.

57th Council and General Conference Moscow. U.S.S.R.: 1991 Day, J. M. (1991). Guidelines for library services to deaf people: Development and interpretation. Kaiser, F. E. (1991). Library service for multicultural groups in Dutch prisons. Shuvalov, S. (1991). Soviet book lovers for disadvantaged persons.

58th Council and General Conference New Delhi. India: 1992 Carlsen, K-J., &Thulin, K. (1992). An overview of library services in an ageing society: emphasis on new trends in Scandinavian countries. Czajkowski, F. (1992). The importance of library and reading in the rehabilitation process of disabled people. Kaiser, F. E. (1992). An introduction to the international guidelines for library services to prisoners [Ze zitted hier niet voor hun zweetvoeten].

59th Council and General Conference Barcelona, Spain: 1993 Alonso, A.R. (1993). Los servicios especiales en España: Las bibliotecas de hospitales ν las bibliotecas de prisiones [Services to the disadvantaged in Spain]. Bruhn, S. (1993). The Australian scene: Serving people with all kinds of disabilities: What has been achieved and what is still necessary.

Section Papers 57

Chavanis, G. (1993). En France: le profil d'un bibliothécaire en milieu hospitalier. Feiler, A. (1993). Services to the deaf patron. Galler, Α. M. (1993). Profiles of librarians serving the disadvantaged: A summary. Hovius, B. (1993). The Canadian scene: Serving people with all kinds of disabilities: What has been achieved and what is still necessary. Karp, R. S. (1993). Library services to disadvantaged patrons. Lalloo, I. (1993). Education for outreach activities: The Swedish experience. Poitevin, M.J. (1993). Le profil du bibliothécaire au service des handicapés visuels [Services to the blind patron]. Van Ruler Havenstraat, L. (1993). Profile of a prison librarian.

60th Council and General Conference Havana. Cuba: 1994 Accart, J-P. (1994). L'émancipation par l'information: le rôle du bibliothécaire d'hôpital et le droit du patient à l'information. Bays, D. (1994). Egualizing opportunity for disabled students: The contribution of the National Library of Canada and Canadian university libraries. Cubberley, M., & Skrzeszewski, S. (1994). Library and information service for native communities. Lehmann, V. (1994). Prisoners' right of access to the courts: Law libraries in US prisons. Rosenschöld, L., & Rosenström, L. (1994). A rewarding encounter - mentally handicapped adults make acguaintance with the easv-to-read book and newspaper.

61st Council and General Conference Istanbul. Turkey: 1995 Batt, C. (1995). The library of the future: Public libraries and the internet. Coombs, N. (1995). The information highway and the print handicapped.

58 Section Papers

Galler, Α. M. (1995). Strategies to educate librarians to introduce new technologies to users, especially disadvantaged ones. Kaiser, F. E. (1995). New technologies - new opportunities? The virtual library in a prison situation. Knudsen, G., & Knudsen, E. (1995). Electronic books for the visually impaired: The Norwegian project. Laughton, M. F. (1995). Canadian information highway: Special needs addressed. Lux, C. (1995). Vom bibliothekar zum Cvbrarian - die Zukunft des Berufs in der Virtuellen Bibliothek. Machado, L. 0. (1995). Portuguese Public Libraries Network. Schols, M. (1995). Extra large: Large print on demand.

62nd Council and General Conference Beijing. China: 1996 Craddock, P. (1996). Talking newspapers and magazines for visually impaired and other people with print disabilities: An international perspective. Lithgow, S. D. (1996). New roles, new skills: Library and information services to disadvantaged users. Tronbacke, B. (1996). Easv-to-read: An important part in reading promotion and in the fight against illiteracy. Zhongqi, X. (1996). The investigation and consideration about reading conditions of juvenile offenders. 63rd Council and General Conference Copenhagen. Denmark: 1997 Balslev, J. (1997). The Danish model of library services to the print-handicapped Craddock, P. (1997). Share the vision. Day, J. (1997). The World Wide Web as an information resource for the deaf community.

Section Papers 59

Elbro, C. (1997). Dyslexia: Recent research. Irvall, B. (1997). The Swedish Dyslexia campaign 1996/97. Jensen, K. L. (1997). Multimedia for dyslexic persons. Kavanagh, R., & Freeze, B. (1997). VISUNET: A vision of virtual library service for the blind. Kleiman, A. M. (1997). Global graving: Successful strategies for bridging information gaps with the elderly population. Nielsen, G. (1997). Library service and materials for weak readers. Salter, R. (1997). Introduction of European Dyslexia Association. (EDA) and dyslexia. Stefanova, D. N. (1997). Bulgarian libraries bridging information gaps to disadvantaged persons. 64th Council and General Conference Amsterdam. Holland: 1998 Evans, C. (1998). The implications for a public library service of the Disability Discrimination Act and the needs of special users. Fukushina, S. (1998). The information needs of the deaf blind reader. Hendry, J. D. (1998). The contribution of public libraries to higher education opportunities for the socially and economically deprived in rural societies. Kadokawa, S. (1998). Current situations and issues of the deaf-blind community in Japan. Pages, T. (1998). On new information technologies and disabilities. Rosenstrom, L. (1998). Reading representatives: A model which creates reading opportunities despite severe reading disabilities. Schols, M. (1998). Large print in the Netherlands. Tallec, M P . (1998). Les lecteurs déficients visuels dans les bibliothèques publiques: L'exemple de la Salle Louis-Braille à la médiathèque de la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie.

60 Section Papers

65th Council and General Conference Bangkok. Thailand: 1999 Butdisuwan, S. (1999). Information services to the disadvantaged person: A challenge for information professionals in Thailand. Kishore, R. (1999). Voice of India's disabled: Demanding egualitv in library services. Lehmann, V. (1999). Prison librarians needed: A challenging career for those with the right professional and human skills. Lithgow, S. D. (1999). Library and information services to disadvantaged users: The wav forward. Murray, J. (1999). Enhancing the skills of school library staff to cater for individual student needs.

66th Council and General Conference Jerusalem. Israel: 2000 Guerin, C. (2000). Hospital libraries and the public library system in France: How can thev work together? Van der Leith, M., & Clausen, A. O. (2000). Current trends in developing contemporary public library service to deaf and hard of hearing persons in Denmark.

Professional Reports 61

LSDP PROFESSIONAL REPORTS Report No. 2 Guidelines for Libraries Serving Hospital Patients and Disabled People in the Community. Compiled by a Working Group chaired by Jean M. Clarke. 1984. ISBN 90-70916-02-9 Report No. 24 Guidelines for Library Services to Deaf People. By John Michael Day under the Auspices of the Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. 1991. ISBN 90-70916-28-2 Report No. 34 Guidelines for Libraries Services to Prisoners. Edited by Frances E. Kaiser. 1992. ISBN 90-70916-42-8. (Revised edition available - see Professional Report No. 46) Report No. 37 Pautas para Servicios Bibliotecarios para Prisioneros. Editadas by Frances E. Kaiser. Traducidas al español por Monica Allmand. 1993. ISBN 90-70916-46-0. (Spanish translation of Professional Report No. 34) Report No. 45 Richtlinien für Bibliotheksdienstleistungen für Gehörlose. Von John Michael Day. 1995. ISBN 90-70916-54-1. (German translation of Professional Report No. 24) Report No. 46 Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners. Edited by Frances E. Kaiser. 1995. ISBN 90-70916-55-X. (Revised edition of Professional Report No. 34) Report No. 47 Richtlinien zur Bibliotheksversorgung van Häftlingen. Von Frances E. Kaiser. 1995. ISBN 90-70916-56-8. (German translation of Professional Report No. 46)

62 Professional Reports

Report No. 54 Guidelines for Easy-to-Read Materials. Compiled and edited by Bror I. Tronbacke. 1997. ISBN 90-70916-6-49 Report No. 56 Pautas para materiales de Lectura Fácil. Compiled and edited by Bror I. Tronbacke. 1998. ISBN 90-70916-67-3. (Spanish translation of Professional Report No. 54) Report No. 57 Richtlinien für Easy-Reader Material. Compiled and edited by Bror I. Tronbacke. 1999. ISBN 90-70916-68-1. (German translation of Professional Report No. 54) Report No. 59 Directives pour les documents faciles-à-lire. Compiled and edited by Bror I. Tronbacke. 1999. ISBN 90-70916-71-1. (French translation of Professional Report No. 54) Report No. 60 Guidelines for Easy-to-Read Materials. [Text in Russian] Compiled and edited by Bror I. Tronbacke. 1999. ISBN 90-70916-72-X. (Russian translation of Professional Report No. 54) Report No. 61 Guidelines for Libraries Serving Hospital Patients and the Elderly and Disabled in Long-Term Care Facilities. Compiled by a working group chaired by Nancy Mary Panella under the auspices of the Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. 2000.

ISBN 90-70916-73-8 Report No. 62 Guidelines for Library Sen/ices to Deaf People. 2nd Edition. Edited by John Michael Day. 2000. ISBN 90-70916-74-6 Report No. 63 Guidelines for Library Services to Deaf People. 2nd Edition. [Text in Russian]

Professional Reports 63

Edited by John Michael Day. 2000. ISBN 90-70916-75-4. (Russian translation of Professional Report No. 62) Report No. 64 Lineamientos para los Servicios Bibliotecarios para Persons Sordas. 2?d Edition. Edited by John Michael Day. 2000. ISBN 90-70916-76-2. (Spanish translation of Professional Report No. 62) Report No. 65 Directives Destinées aux Services de Bibliothèque, pour les sourds. 2eme Édition. Rédacteur John Michael Day. 2000. ISBN 90-70916-77-0. (French translation of Professional Report No. 62) Report No. 66 Richtlinien für Bibliotheksdienstleistungen für Gehörlose. Zweite Auflage. Herausgegeben Von John Michael Day. 2000. ISBN 90-70916-78-9. (German translation of Professional Report No. 62) Report No. 67 Guidelines for Libraries Serving Hospital Patients and the Elderly and Disabled in Long-Term Care Facilities. [Text in Russian] Compiled by a working group chaired by Nancy Mary Panella under the auspices of the Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. ISBN 90-70916-79-7. (Russian translation of Professional Report No. 61)



Services to the Deaf 67

LIBRARY SERVICES TO THE DEAF: A BIBLIOGRAPHY, 1970-2000 Aagaard, L. (1985). Bibliotekerne og de horehandicappede [Libraries and the hearing handicapped]. Booens Verden. 67(1). 54. "DF001 Access: Deaf patrons in the library [Videorecording] (1983). National Academy of Gallaudet College. "DF002 Adelskold, E. (1976). Biblioteken och de handikappade [Libraries and the handicapped], Biblioteksbladet. 61(14). 218, 220. (LISA/7603224) "DF003 Allen, K. W., & Frazer, G. (1977). Providing mediated services for the handicapped - a community college learning resources center perspective. Illinois Libraries. 59. 500-503. "DF004 Amdursky, S. J. (1975). Reach the deaf. Illinois Libraries. 57.468-470. "DF005 American Library Association. Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies. Standards Review Committee. (1981). Techniques for library service to the deaf and hard of hearing. Interface. 4. 2-3. **DF006 American Library Association. Committee on Library Service to the Deaf (ad hoc). (1978). Report of the ALA committee on library service to the deaf. HRLSD Journal. 3.17-18. "DF007 Anderson, M. (2000). Ί can't hear without my glasses'. Impact. 3(9). 137-138. "DF008 Andersen, T. (1998). Dove far beker pa eget sprak [The deaf get books in their language (videos with sign language)]. Bok oq Bibliotek. 65(1), 30-31. **DF009 Anderson, W. (1984). Sleeping giants: Towards an understanding of the needs of deaf people. Health Libraries Review. 1(2). 83-87. (LISA/8504982) "DF010 Anderson, W. (1984). Serving deaf people in libraries. New Library World. 85. 170-172. **DF011 Andresen, T. (Comp.). (1977). Books for storytelling to young deaf children. Boise, ID: Sandy Point. "DF012

68 Services to the Deaf

Annear, T. (1992). Access for deaf and hearing impaired people in libraries. LinkUßj. (77), 10-12. (LISA/9302854) "DF013 Ask it with a teletype: For deaf library patrons of the Akron-Summit Company (Ohio). (1976). Wilson Library Bulletin. 50. 574. "DF014 Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies. (1996). Guidelines for library and information services for the American deaf community. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. **DF015 Baerenholdt, M., Olesen, S., & Poulsen, Ε. M. (1982). De hgrehandicappede οα bibliotkerne: forslaq til betieninq. (Danmarks biblioteksskoles A4-serie, 0105-3485, nr. 22). Kebenhavn, Danmarks biblioteksskole. " D F 0 1 6 Baerenholdt, M., Olesen, S., & Poulsen, E. (1982). Deve og bibliotekerne videomediets muligheder [The deaf and libraries - the possibilities of the video medium], Bibliotek 70. (10). 288-289. (LISA/8301698) " D F 0 1 7 Barbelivien, C. (1998). Personnes sourdes: l'exemple de Massy [Deaf people: The example of Massy]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français. (181), 47-49. (LISA/83369) "DF018 Barclay, A. (1988). Ryde Municipal Council Library Service and the deaf and hearing impaired community. L i n k ^ (52), 13-17. (LISA/8902419) "DF019 Barron, J. (1978). Library service for the deaf. Wisconsin Library Bulletin. 74. 215-216. **DF020 Batt, Sister D. (1976). Hearing impaired child in the library. In B.H. Baskin and K.H. Harris (Eds.). Special child in the library (pp. 14-15). Chicago: American Library Association. "DF021 Beck, S. G. (1995). A galaxy of rustling stars: Places on the web and other library and information paths for the deaf. Library Hi Tech. 13(4). 93-100. (LISA/9604589) "DF022 Beck, S. G. (1995). Technology for the deaf: Remembering to accommodate an invisible disability. Library HiTech. 13(1-2). 109-122. (LISA/9604214) "DF023 Biehl, J. (1978). Storyhours for the deaf. Ohio Media Spectrum. 30, 43-46. "DF024 Books for hearing impaired on loan in Nassau libraries. (1974). Library Journal. 99,2694. **DF025

Services to the Deaf 69

. Also appears in School Library Journal. 21.66. **DF026 Bosca, D. (1974). Library of the Mississippi school for the deaf. Mississippi Library News. 38. 78-80. "DF027 Brewer, K., & McClaskey, H. C. (1976). Survey of state library agencies. HRLSD Journal. 2. 3. "DF028 Broman, Κ. (1985). Utláning av teckenspráksvideogram - folkbibliotekens service till barndomsöva [Lending of videos in sign language - public libraries' service to those born deaf). Biblioteksbladet. 70(9). 212. (LISA/8700137) "DF029 Burgess, N. (1981). Library service to hearing impaired children. Australian School Librarian. 18(31 100-103. (USA/8204563) " D F 0 3 0 Burgoyne, Μ. B. (1984). Public library services for hearing-impaired and deaf children. In Festschrift in honor of Dr. Arnulfo P. Treio. Phoenix, AZ: University of Arizona, Graduate Library School. "DF031 Bushman, A. G. (1977). Barrier free. American Libraries, 8(6). 303-304. (LISA/7702246) "DF032 California program for deaf wins national award. (1980). Library Journal. 105. 2014. **DF033 Call, N. (1993). Text telephone reference services in California Public Libraries. Master's thesis, San José State University, San José, California. "DF034 Carlsen, K-J. (1991). Deve og bibliotek [The deaf and the library], Bokoq Bibliotek. 58(7). 24. "DF035 Carter, W. A. (1982). Library media centers in public day schools for the deaf. Doctoral dissertation, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma. "DF036 Catenazzi, N. et al. (1997). The evaluation of electronic book guidelines from two practical experiences. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia. 6(1), 91-114. "DF037 Cawthorne, E. O., & Wolfson, B. A. (1973). Library kits for the deaf. Library Journal. 98. 3128. "DF038 . Also appears in School Library Journal. 20. 98. **DF039

70 Services to the Deaf

Chelín, J. (2000). Whose information is it anyway? Access to information libraries in higher education. Managing Information. 7(3). 62-65. (LISA/102454) "DF040 Chrisfield, T. (1996, September). Equity and access at La Trobe University Library. Link-up. 17-18. (LISA/9700185) "DF041 Coast to coast: New services for the deaf. (1978). Wilson Library Bulletin. 52. 611-612. " D F 0 4 2 Coats, R. (1974). Library services with deaf people. The Unabashed Librarian. Í12L. 17-18. "DF043 Cohen, S. F. (1986). United but accessible system meets library needs of deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals. Illinois Libraries. 68. 555-559. "DF044 Cohen, S. F. (1990). A celebration of deaf awareness, culture and history: A selected bibliography for young adults. Voice of Youth Advocates. 13. 271. "DF045 Conference for the deaf attracts visitors from around the world. (1989). Library Journal. 114(14). 126. "DF046 Coombs, N., & Castorina, C. (1993). Opportunities: Equal access to electronic library services for patrons with disabilities. Washington, DC: EDUCOM/EUIT's Project EASI. "DF047 Courses and equipment aid deaf at Library [of Congress]. (1975). Library of Congress Information Bulletin. 34.176-177. "DF048 Crafford, Α., & Kruger, J. A. (1991). Die mediasentrum en die opvoeding van die gehoorgestremde leerling [The media centre and the education of hearingimpaired pupils], Mousaion. 9(1). 55-74. (LISA/9202533) "DF049 Cripps, J., & Small, A. (1999). American sign language literature and deaf literature resources. Feliciter, 45(5). 302-304. "DF050 Crowlie, C., & Franco, C. (1984). Captioned TV, libraries and the hearing impaired. Library Journal. 109(1). 56-57. (LISA/8500707) "DF051 Czajkowski, F. (1988). Literatura "Katwa w czytaniu" - problemy i radzieje ["Easy to Read" literature - Problems and expectations], Bibliotekarz. 55(1-2). 3133. "DF052

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Czajkowski, F. (1995). Knihy lahke na citanie - problem vcelku riesitelny [Easy to read books - an issue which can be resolved]. Kniznice a Informacie, 27(1), 6-9. (LISA/9509758) "DF053 DCPL listens to the deaf. (1975). Wilson Library Bulletin. 49.419. "DF054 Dallas public library expands service to deaf. (1979). Texas Libraries. 41.107. **DF055 Dalton, P. I. (1974). Library service to the hearing impaired: Gallaudet college workshop. Association of Hospital and Institution Libraries Quarterly. 14. 17-18. " D F 0 5 6 Dalton, P. I. (1975). Are you listening? Illinois Libraries. 57.473-475. "DF057 Dalton, P. I. (1981). Library service to the deaf and hearing impaired. Library Technology Report. 17.491-493. "DF058 Dalton, P. I. (1985). Library service to the deaf and hearing impaired. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press. "DF059 Dalton, P. I. (1986). Periodical resources on deafness and hearing impairment. The Serials Librarian. 10. 61-68. "DF060 Daniel, R. (1971). Audioloov: A faceted classification of deafness and other communication disorders. London: North-Western Polytechnic, School of Librarianship. "DF061 Dansky, Y. D. (1979). Services for the deaf. Catholic Library World. 51. 22-24. "DF062 Darcy, R., & Burns, M. (1985). Idaho state school for the deaf and blind. Idaho Librarian. 37. 32-33. "DF063 DaRold, J., & Bray, B. (1976). Service to the deaf. News Notes of California Libraries. 71(1). 15-20. "DF064 Day, J. M. (1988). Tertiary library services for hearing impaired students. Link-up. (50), 11-17. (LISA/8901181) "DF065 Day, J. M. (1992). Guidelines for library services to deaf people: Development and interpretation. IFLA Journal. 18(1), 31-36. (LISA/9205549) " D F 0 6 6 Day, J. M. (1997). Guidelines for library services to deaf people. The Hague: IFLA Headquarters. "DF067

72 Services to the Deaf

Day, J. Μ. (1999). Online deafness and deaf culture information resources: Web sites. Education Libraries. 23(1). 5-8. "DF068 Deaf and hearing impaired individuals: The invisible handicap. (1979). In K. C. Wright, Library and information services for handicapped individuals (pp. 57-73). Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited. "DF069 Deaf awareness week was observed by the District of Columbia public library. (1974). The Unabashed Librarian. (13), 32. "DF070 Deaf patrons in Jackson, Michigan enjoy captioned vidéocassettes. (1984). Library Journal. 109.844. "DF071 Deafness information center planned. (1974). Information: Part 1: News/Sources/Profiles. 6.134. "DF072 DeNaples, K. (1986). How New Jersey libraries are improving their services to deaf and hearing impaired individuals. Illinois Libraries, 68. 552-555. "DF073 Dequin, H. C. (1986). The role of the school library media professional in the education of hearing impaired children. Mousaion, 4(1). 17-25. (LISA/8700088) "DF074 Donavin, D. P., & McCray, N. (1991). Breaking the soundless barrier: A resource guide to deafness and hearing loss. The Booklist. 87.1940-1942. "DF075 D'Ottavio, S. M. (1983). Cooperative serving of the disabled person...or...Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. Dikta. 8(3). 100-103. **DF076 Douglas, L. (1983). Service for the hearing impaired preschooler. Manitoba Library Association Bulletin. 13(4114-16. (LISA/8405178) "DF077 Douglass, H. H. (1980). Libraries for the disabled in the community. In Study School and National Conference: LA Proceedings. Nottingham. 1979 (PP. 42-44). London: Library Association. (LISA/8004286) "DF078 Dugan, B. (1980). Library services to the deaf...a perspective. Bay State Librarian. 69.15-17. "DF079 Duke, D. (1986). The librarian's role in fulfilling the needs of the hearing-impaired child. Kentucky Libraries. 50. 3-4+. "DF080

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Dun, G. (1977). Home Library for deaf children: A Breakthrough Trust project. Hearing (Rovai National Institute for the Deaf). 32(3). 97-99. (LISA/7702625) "DF081 Dun, G. (1977). Proven need for simple books. Library Association Record. 79(7), 367. (LISA/7702626) "DF082 Dutcher, M. L. (1980). Signs of the time [services to the deaf program.] Nebraska Library Association Quarterly. 11.10-11. "DF083 Erratum. (1980). Nebraska Library Association Quarterly. 11. inside front cover. "DF084 Dyckman, C. (1982). Creating a film list for combined viewing by hearing impaired and hearing young people. Film Library Quarterly. 15(1). 20-25. **DF085 Edwards, F. (1980). The Gallaudet College Library: Its use of technology. American Annals of the Deaf. 125(6). 769-774. "DF086 Edwards, F. L. (1974). Individual access to nonprint information for deaf students. Catholic Library World. 46(2). 68-70. (LISA/7403413) "DF087 . Also appears in M. G. Strom (Ed.). (1977). Library services to the blind and physically handicapped (pp. 80-84). Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press. "DF088 Edwards, S. (1990). Computer technology: Breakthroughs for the hearing-and speech-impaired. OCLC Micro. 6. 27-34. "DF089 Eijk, A. v. d„ Haye, G., Pijfers, L., & Veldman, L. (1995). Literatuurtekort gecompenseerd door voorlezen in gebarentaal: boek in kaart: literatuuronderwijs aan dove kinderen [Compensating for a lack of literature through reading aloud in the mother tongue: The book as a map: Teaching deaf children the pleasure of reading], Bibliotheek en Samenlevina. 23(2). 14-17. (LISA/9509021) "DF090 Eijkelenboom, H., Sermonis, S., & LeGrand, M. (1982). Boeken voordove kinderen: gesprek met Maaike Le Grand [Books for deaf children: An interview with Maaike Le Grand], Bibliotheek en Samenlevinq. 10(11), 339-343. (LISA/8306757) "DF091 Engelbert, A. (1982). In sight out: Library service to the deaf and hearing impaired. Show-Me Libraries. 33. 20-24. "DF092

74 Services to the Deaf

Ericson, A. (1998). Video books in sign language. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 31(3). 21-24. (LISA/79737) "DF093 Esteves, R. (1982). Video opens libraries to the deaf. American Libraries. 13(1). 36-38. (LISA/8304298) "DF094 Eyre, G. (1985). Reading and the deaf child: A resource guide for teachersparents. and librarians. Sheffield: Sheffield City Libraries. "DF095 Facts about the deaf. (1980). Interface. 3.6-8. "DF096 Ferrandiz, S. (1981). Modest beginnings to service for disabled persons. Canadian Library Journal. 38(5). 287-294. (LISA/8205617) "DF097 Festschrift in honor of Dr. Anulfo P. Treio. Phoenix, AZ: University of Arizona, Graduate Library School. "DF098 Fischer, L. J. (1979). Deaf and archival research: Some problems and solutions. American Archivist, 42.463-464. "DF099 Fletcher, P. (1985). See hear: The difficulties deaf people face with libraries. Assistant Librarian. 78(1). 8-10. (LISA/8601196) "DF100 Flowers, T., & Warden, M. (1984). Library services for deaf children. Library Service of Western Australia Newsletter. (151). 16-17. (LISA/8501775) "DF101 Forrest, M. E. S. (1997). Communicating with deaf people: Deaf awareness for librarians. Health Libraries Review. 14(1). 23-31. (LISA/9707752) "DF102 Freese, M. (1986). Awareness project for library service for the hearing impaired. [Theme issuel. Illinois Libraries. 68. "DF103 Freese, M. (1986). Resource information for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals. Illinois Libraries. 68. 563-622. "DF104 Gateshead guides the way: [A new] Euro-project to produce sign language phrase guides. (1995). Library Association Record. 97(11). 587. "DF105 Gilbert L. J. (1975). Materials, program suggestions for hearing-impaired children. School Media Quarterly. 4. 263-268. "DF106 Gill, P., & Preedy, N. (1990). Library services for the deaf in Warwickshire. Library Association Record. 92(5). 371. (LISA/9100090) "DF107

Services to the Deaf 75

Goddard, M. L. (1996). Guidelines for library and information services for the American deaf community. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. "DF108 Goldberg, L. M. (1979). Communications technology for the hearing impaired. American Society for Information Science Bulletin. 5.12-13. **DF109 Goldmann, W. R., & Mallory, J. R. (1992). Overcoming communication barriers: Communicating with deaf people. Library Trends. 41(1). 21-30. (LISA/9301355) "DF110 Gonen, M. S. (1992). Picture story books and children who are hard of hearing. Bookbird. 30. 7-8. "DF111 Goss, T. C. (1978). Model library services for the hearing-handicapped. Fort Lauderdale, FL: Nova University. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 167 163) "DF112 Gover, H. (1986). December: National closed-captioned television month. Reference Services Review. 14.113-117. "DF113 Groff, P. J. (1976). Children's fiction and the psychology of deafness. School Librarian. 24.196-202. **DF114 Guidelines for serving persons with a hearing impairment [in Japanese]. (1995). Toshokan Zasshi TLibrarv Journal!. 89(10). 814-818. (LISA/9601522) **DF115 Gupta, S. (1985). Library-resources and services for the deaf children in the secondary schools of Ibadan - a survey. International Library Movement. 7(3), 129-140. (USA/8605595) "DF116 Haberer, I. J. (1972). Reading and the hard of hearing. Library Association Record. 74 (9). 162-164. (USA/7202320) "DF117 Hagemeyer, A. (1975). Deaf awareness handbook for public librarians. Washington, DC: Public Library of the District of Columbia. "DF118 Hagemeyer, A. (1975). The public library talks to vou. Washington. DC: Gallaudet College Center for Continuing Education. "DF119 Hagemeyer, A. (1976). Alice Hagemeyer: Librarian for the deaf. American Libraries. 7. 354-355. "DF120

76 Services to the Deaf

Hagemeyer, Α. (1979). Special needs of the deaf patron. In R. A.Velleman, Serving physically disabled people (pp. 140-161). New York: Bowker. "DF121 Hagemeyer, A. (1980). The red notebook: Communicating with hearing people. Silver Spring, MD: National Association for the Deaf. "DF122 Hagemeyer, A. (1981). Library service to the deaf and outreach programs for the deaf. Illinois Libraries. 63. 530-534. " D F 1 2 3 Hagemeyer, A. (1982). Deaf awareness: An understanding of deaf people's library needs. Information: Reports and Bibliographies. 11(3). 20-21. **DF124 Hagemeyer, A. (1982). Library service and outreach programs for the deaf. Wyoming Library Roundup, 38.15-21. "DF125 Hagemeyer, A. (1982). New library for deaf action. Information: Reports and Bibliographies. 11(31 21-22. "DF126 Hagemeyer, A. (1988). Library and information services for the deaf community in the USA. Link-up. (50), 7-11. (LISA/8901180) "DF127 Hagemeyer, A. (1991). The legacy and leadership of the deaf community: A resource guide for librarians and library programs. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. **DF128 Hagemeyer, A. (1991). Public library collection development policy on deaf people and deafness. Link-up. (71), 18-21. "DF129 Hagemeyer, A. (1992). We have come a long way. Library Trends. 41(1). 4-20. (LISA/9301350) "DF130 Harrington, T. R. (1994). Video services for the deaf. In G. P. Handman (Ed.), Video collection development in multi-type libraries (pp. 127-153). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. "DF131 Harrington, T. R. (1998). The deaf collection at the Gallaudet University Library. Education Libraries. 22(3). 3-12. "DF132 Hear with your hands: A program of stories for both hearing and nonhearing children. (1974). American Libraries. 5. 597. "DF133 Hearing aid system for library programs. (1985). Library Journal. 110(16). 24. **DF134

Services to the Deaf 77

Hecker-Cain, J. (1997). Deaf and hard of hearing patrons: Special indeed! New Jersey Libraries. 31(3). 4-6. "DF135 Heie, B. (1976). Literature and library services for the handicapped in Norway. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 9(3-4). 92-97. (LISA/7701367) "DF136 Heie, B. (1977). Litteratur og bibliotektjeneste for funksjonshemmede i Norge [Literature and library service for the handicapped in Norway], Bok og Bibliotek. 44(1 Bl. 40-43. (LISA/7702767) "DF137 Heilman, J. M. (1988). Libraries are for deaf and hearing impaired people too [sound recording], Ballwin, MO: Acts. "DF138 Hodock, I. (1970). Indiana School for the Deaf library. Library Occurrent, 23. 297298. "DF139 Hodock, I. (1971). Services to the deaf. Focus on Indiana Libraries. 25.160-163. "DF140 Holán, J. (1981). Adapting and addressing educational goals in the library at the Austine school. Current Studies in Librarianship, 5(1&2). 1-14. (LISA/8202606) "DF141 Hollander, P. (1995). Deaf advocacy at Queens Borough PL. American Libraries. 26(6), 560-562. (LISA/9512613) "DF142 Holste-Flinspach, K. (1990). Ausbildung einer Schwerhörigen zur Assistentin an Bibliotheken [Training the hard of hearing student as an assistant in libraries!. Buch und Bibliothek. 42. 354+. "DF143 Houlahan, J. M. (1988). Serving the silent minority. Iowa Library Quarterly. 25. 46-55. **DF144 How the library service can assist deaf people. (1987). Library Association Record. 89.169. "DF145 Huff, A. (1973). Instructional media center in Apple Pie hall. Wisconsin Library Bulletin. 69. 281-283. "DF146 Humanities $$ go to SFPL for deaf history programming. (1982). Library Journal. 107,1368. "DF147 Huston, P. (1972). Storytelling. Volta Review. 74.100-104. " D F 1 4 8

78 Services to the Deaf

. Also appears in B. H. Baskin and K. H. Harris (Eds.), Special child in the library (1976) (pp. 112-114). Chicago IL: American Library Association. **DF149 Inmates, aging & deaf are targets of outreach. (1975). Library Journal. 100. 257258. " D F 1 5 0 Jackson, W. D. (1966). Educational media in teaching the deaf child. Audiovisual Instruction. 11. 715-718. "DF151 . Also appears in B. H. Baskin and K. H. Harris (Eds.), Special child in the library (1976) (pp. 63-65). Chicago: American Library Association. "DF152 Jahr, M. H. (1995). Det visuelle spráket [The visual language]. Bok oq Bibliotek. 62(2), 44. "DF153 Jail, 0 . (1993). Danish library services to people who are deaf and blind. Link-up. (80), 5-6. (LISA/9307097) "DF154 Janssen, Β. (2000). Burenhulp leidt tot unieke dovencollectie in Bibliotheek Alkmaar [Helping the neighbour leads to a unique collection of material for the hard-of-hearing at Alkmaar Public Library], BibliotheekBlad. 4(16/17). 30-31. (LISA/105112) "DF155 Jeal, Y. (1996). Taking steps to ensure a service for all. Library Association Record. 98(4). 322. "DF156 Jeal, Y., Roper, V. d. P., & Ansell, E. (1996). Deaf people and libraries: Should there be special considerations? Part 1 : Traditional services. New Library World. 97 (1125). 12-21. (LISA/9605006) "DF157 Jeal, Y„ Roper, V. d. P., & Ansell, E. (1996). Deaf people and libraries: Should there be special considerations? Part 2: Material and technological developments. New Library World. 97(1126). 13-18. (LISA/9606238) **DF158 Jensen, J. C. (1973). House of many books. Illinois Libraries. 55. 37-38. "DF159 Jensen, J. C. (1974). Library and the deaf child. Catholic Library World. 45.426428. " D F 1 6 0 . Also appears in M. G. Strom (Ed.), (1977). Library services to the blind and physically handicapped (pp. 76-79). Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press. "DF161

Services to the Deaf 79

. Comment by Sister M. Lanton [letter], (1975). Catholic Library World. 46. 274. "DF162 Johnson, D. (2000). ASL access: Sign language videos for public libraries. Library Hi Tech News. 17(10). 19-20. "DF163 Johnson, S. (1978). Sign of the times - library service to the hearing impaired. Louisiana Library Association Bulletin. 41. 4-6. **DF164 Jones, C. (1992). Deafness-related materials: Collection development and information retrieval. Library Trends. 41(1). 31-41. (LISA/9301592) **DF165 Junor, C. L., & Taylor, C. M. (1984). The integration of hearing-impaired students into regular education programs: Some ramifications for library-resource personnel. Australian Library Journal. 33(4). 29-35. (LISA/8503354) "DF166 Kacena, C. (1987). Hiring the hidden handicapped: Employment of the deaf in libraries. Journal of Library Administration. 8(1 V 69-75. (LISA/8802960) **DF167 Karuth, L., & Clymer, E. W. (1983). NTID student guide to Wallace Memorial Library. Rochester, NY: Rochester Institute of Technology. National Technical Institute for the Deaf. "DF168 Kelly, R. R. (1972). Has educational technology misplaced the deaf learner? American Annals of the Deaf. 11.427-430. **DF169 . Also appears in B. H. Baskin and K. H. Harris (Eds.). Special child in the library (1976) (pp. 86-89). Chicago IL: American Library Association. "DF170 Kemp, L. M. (1980). Library services for the deaf. Texas Library Journal. 56.7-8. **DF171 Kim, R. A. (1976). Public library service to the deaf and hearing impaired. (Research Paper). Columbia, MO: University of Missouri. "DF172 Kits for deaf children. (1971). Library Journal. 96. 3800-3801. " D F 1 7 3 . Also appears in School Library Journal. 18.14-15. **DF174 Korniak, B. (1987). Literacki fascynacje nieslyszacych [Literary fascinations of the deaf], Bibliotekarz. 54(6). 16-18. (LISA/8900318) " D F 1 7 5

80 Services to the Deaf

Kovalik, G. L. (1992). "Silent" films revisited: Captioned films for the deaf. Library Trends. 41(1). 100-117. "DF176 Kretschmer, R. E. (1981). Living with a hearing impairment. Illinois Libraries. 63. 515-520. "DF177 Kundert, J. J. (1970). Media services and captioned films. Educational Technology. 10. 40-42. "DF178 . Also appears in B. H. Baskin and K. H. Harris (Eds.), Special child in the library (1976) (pp. 179-181). Chicago, IL: American Library Association. **DF179 Kylberg, A. M. (1981). Ringa med texttelefon-nàgot för biblioteken? [Using the text telephone - something for libraries?] Biblioteksbladet. 66(12). 234235. (LISA/8204932) " D F 1 8 0 LC staff assists Smithsonian with new aids for blind, deaf visitors. (1975). Library of Congress Information Bulletin. 34. 333+. **DF181 Latshaw, P. H. (1978). Special services for the deaf. Ohio Library Association Bulletin. 49. 22-25. "DF182 Lawton, B. (1989). Library instruction needs assessment: Designing survey instruments. Research Strategies. 7.119-128. "DF183 Lechtreck, R. (1977). Incoming mail: A way libraries can better serve us in the future [letterl. Idaho Librarian. 29.46. "DF184 Lechtreck, R. (1977). Twelve million people in this country are hard of hearing, but not deaf [letter]. Pennsylvania Library Association Bulletin. 32.47. "DF185 Lewis, F. (1978). Serving deaf people in the public library. (Research paper). Albany, NY: State University of New York. "DF186 Lewis, P. (1988). Breaking silence - reaching out to persons who are deaf and hearing impaired. The Bookmark (Albany. N. Y.). 46. 252-255. " D F 1 8 7 Library services for the deaf and hearing-impaired individuals [in Arabic], (1984). Rissalat Al-Maktaba [The Message of the Librarvi. 19(4). 13-18. (LISA/8604976) "DF188 Library services for the deaf [library book review on cable TV]. (1979). Ontario Library Review. 63. 345. "DF189

Services to the Deaf 81

Library services to deaf and hearing impaired people: A select bibliography. (1985). Canberra: National Library of Australia. "DF190 Linderberg, Κ. (1981). Video - a revolution for the deaf. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 14(2). 56-57. (LISA/8201612) "DF191 Linderberg, Κ. (1981). Videon - revolution för döva! [Video - revolution for the deafΠ Biblioteksbladet. 66(6). 111. "DF192 Lopinot, M. L. (1990). Closeout report for: Deaf Awareness, Storytelling, and Sign Language Project (DASSL): LSCA grant report. Illinois Libraries. 72. 371372. " D F 1 9 3 Lovejoy, E. G. (1982). Library service to deaf and hard of hearing persons in Ohio. Ohio Library Association Bulletin. 52. 29-34. "DF194 Low, K. (1985). Telecommunication devices for the deaf. American Libraries. 16. 746. "DF195 Low, K. (1989). Telecommunication devices for the deaf. Addendum. American Libraries. 20. 446. "DF196 Loysen, G. J., Heffernan, P. K., & Parrish, R. (1980). The support services of library-media, curriculum, and reading at the Rochester School for the Deaf. American Annals of the Deaf. 125(6). 662-673. " D F 1 9 7 Lundstrom, B. (1985). Access to literature and information for the deaf. INSPEL. 19(4), 269-276. "DF198 Lundstrom, B. (1993). Transcription service for deaf-blind people in Sweden: Much more than brailling a text. Link-up.(80). 1-5. (LISA/9307095) **DF199 Lyons, A. (1996, September). Captions for television and video. Link-up. 20-21. "DF200 Mates, Β. T. (1993). I can see what you're saying. Computers in Libraries. 13(9). 20-22. (LISA/9402926) "DF201 Matic-Zupancic, J. (1999). Potrebe gluhih in naglusnih kot izhodisce za oblikovanje storitev javne knjiznice [The needs of the deaf and hard-ofhearing as a frame for special services in a public library]. Kniiznica. 43(2/3), 77-91. (LISA/95094) "DF202

82 Services to the Deaf

Matthews, K. (1985). Survey of public library services for deaf people. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 43.138-143. "DF203 McCarty, E. H. (1984). Reaching out to the hearing impaired. CLIC Quarterly. 3. 29-32. "DF204 McCray, P. (1982). Missouri school for the deaf library: Its past and present. Show-Me Libraries. 33. 25-28. "DF205 McDaniel, J. A. (1992). They can't hear us does not mean that we can't serve them. Journal of Library Administration 16(4). 131-141. (USA/9300681) "DF206 McDermott, J. (1977). HRLSD program [conference, 1977, Detroit, Michigan]. Library of Congress Information Bulletin. 36. 571-572. "DF207 McEwan, J. (1984). Can you hear me? Assistant Librarian. 77(2). 25-28. (LISA/8404608) "DF208 McQuigg, K., & Khan, J. (1996, June). The Helping Hands Project: Exploring public library services for the deaf and hearing impaired. Link-up. 7-11. (LISA/9612334) "DF209 Messelheiser, J. (1996, December). Interactive multimedia reader education for the deaf. Link-up. 17-21. (LISA/9702459) "DF210 Metcalf, M. (1993). 'Hello, Media Center. May I Help You?' Reaching out from the Illinois School for the Deaf Media Center. Illinois Libraries. 75.289-291. **DF211 Metcalf, M. J. (1979). Helping hearing impaired students. School Library Journal. 25(5), 27-29. (LISA/7903328) "DF212 Metcalf, M. J. (1981). Library services for the hearing impaired. Illinois Libraries. 63,626-633. "DF213 Meyers, Sister E. M. (1979). Teaching library skills to deaf children. Catholic Library World. 51. 58-60. "DF214 Miller, J. (1992). The rustle of a star: An annotated bibliography of deaf characters in fiction. Library Trends. 41(1). 42-60. " D F 2 1 5 Miller, L. (1976). Interview with Larry Miller, director of the Volta bureau library. Volta Review. 78. 183-185. "DF216

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Miller, R. T. (1981). In sight out: Library services with deaf people. Show-Me Libraries. 32. 34-35. "DF217 Modica, M. (1987-1988). The captioned film/video program for the deaf. Siahtlines. 21.6-7. "DF218 Mohr, M. (1984). Library services to the hearing-impaired adult. In Festschrift in honor of Dr. Amulfo P. Treio. Phoenix, AZ: University of Arizona, Graduate Library School. "DF219 Monroe, J. W. (1987). Focus on youth: Improving services to the deaf. Collection Building. 8(3). 37-40. "DF220 Moon, V. (1988). Libraries and the deaf: Taking up the challenge. Riverina Library Review. 5(3). 177-180. (LISA/8902773) "DF221 Mularski, C. (1987). Academic library service to deaf students: Survey and recommendations. RQ. 26(4). 477-486. (LISA/8801712) "DF222 Needham, G. M. (1987). Special needs, special resources. Ohio Library Association Bulletin. 57. 26-28+. "DF223 New service for the deaf at Newark public. (1983). Wilson Library Bulletin. 57. 634. **DF224 New York Library Association. (1992). Guidelines for libraries serving persons with a hearing impairment. Library Trends, 41(1), 164-172. (LISA/9301352) "DF225 New York Library Association. Roundtable for Libraries Serving Special Populations. (1987). Guidelines for Libraries Serving Persons with a Hearing Impairment or a Visual Impairment. New York: New York Library Association. "DF226 Nieminen, R. (1970). Kuulovammaisten kirjastopalvelusta [Library service to persons with defective hearing], Kiriastolehti. 63(9). 259-260. (USA/7100097) "DF227 Niewlaczyn, K. (1976). Biblioteki szkolne dia dzieci niewidomych [School libraries for mute and deaf children], Bibliotekarz. 43(7-8). 181-188. **DF228 Nixon, G., & Skinner, H. (1995). Access to information and video services for the deaf community in Cheshire. Audiovisual Librarian, 21(4), 261-264. (LISA/9601966) "DF229

84 Services to the Deaf

Nixon, J. (1994). Equality of access to information for the deaf community in Cheshire. Library Technology News. (13). 1-3. (LISA/9409895) " D F 2 3 0 Nixon, J. (1997). Face to face: Videophones and equality of access to information for deaf people in Cheshire. Vine. (106), 23-28. (LISA/76335) "DF231 Norton, M. J. (1992). Effective bibliographic instruction for deaf and hearingimpaired college students. Library Trends. 41(1). 118-150. (LISA/9301382) "DF232 Norton, M. J., & Kovalik, G. L. (Eds.). (1992). Libraries serving an underserved population: Deaf and hearing-impaired patrons [Theme issue]. Library Trends. 41(1). "DF233 Not loud, but clear [teletypewriter that allows persons with hearing impairments to call the library and make use of reference services], (1979). Wilson Library Bulletin. 54.153. "DF234 O'Donnell, R. (1992). Electronic aids for the hearing impaired. Library Journal. 117(14). 156-157. (LISA/9301351) "DF235 Odien, J. M. (1992). Standards for library media centers in schools for the deaf: An updated perspective. Library Trends. 41(1). 85-99. (LISA/9301354) **DF236 Ohio library staffs learn sign language. (1978). School Library Journal. 24.10. "DF237 Onondaga helps deaf adults' literacy. (1993). Wilson Library Bulletin. 67.13. **DF238 Opening Doors for Closed Ears' conference on Library Services for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired People. (1988). Link-up. (50). 7-17. (LISA/8901179) **DF239 Opening Doors for Closed Ears Conference - summary. (1988). Link-up. (52), 17-19. (LISA/8902271) "DF240 Opocensky, V. B. L. (1975). A comparison of library-media centers in schools for the deaf. Doctoral dissertation, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. "DF241 O'Sickey, B. (1996). Libs. Hardly hearing?: [A] national drive to make libraries more accessible to the hard of hearing is having difficulty. Library Journal. 121(14). 118. "DF242

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Owen, D., & Henry, M. (1983). Technology opens a new world for the blind and the deaf. Library Association Record. 85.458-459. "DF243 Padello, M. (1996). Making the web accessible for the deaf, hearing, and mobility impaired. Florida Libraries. 39. 83+. "DF244 Parlato, S. J. (1976-1977). Using non-verbal films with the deaf and languageimpaired. SightìinesJCL 10-12. **DF245 Parlato, S. J. (1978). Captioned and nonverbal films for the hearing-impaired. Library Trends. 27(1). 59-63. (LISA/7900759) "DF246 People first: Serving & employing people with disabilities [Videorecording], (1990). Baltimore, MD: Library Video Network. "DF247 People with hearing difficulties and revision of the copyright law [in Japanese], (1989). Toshokan Zasshi [Library Journal!. 83(4). 204-207. (LISA/9002634) "DF248 Peterson, J. (1992). Nordic cooperation on video for deaf people. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 25(3). 13-14. (LISA/9301439) "DF249 Philippoff, M. (1977). Serving the deaf child. Georgia Librarian. 14. 39-40. "DF250 Pijfers, L. (1989). De nieuwe informatietechnologie en gehandicapten—wordt de kloof breder of smaller? Computertoepassingen voor doofgeborenen en afatici [The new information technology and handicapped users - is the gap getting wider or smaller? Computer applications for the deaf and for aphasies], Bibliotheek en Samenlevino. 17(7/8). 251-254. (LISA/9002954) "DF251 Pinion, C. F. (1984). Deaf people in libraries. Audiovisual Librarian. 10(1). 45-46. (LISA/8403381) "DF252 Plackett, M. (1977). Staff awareness is not automatic. Library Association Record. 79(7). 366-367. (LISA/7702088) "DF253 Plackett, M. (1982). Libraries and the hearing-impaired. In M. E. Going (Ed.), Hospital libraries and work with the disabled in the community (3 ed.) (pp. 261-266). London: Library Association. "DF254 Planck, J. (1982). Mainstreaming of hearing impaired students. Journal of the School Library Association of Queensland. 14(1). 4-7. (LISA/8306089) **DF255

86 Services to the Deaf

Posell, E. Z. (1977). Libraries and the deaf patron. Wilson Library Bulletin. 51(5). 402-404. (LISA/7701368) "DF256 . Comment by R. L. Edwards [letter], Wilson Library Bulletin. 51(8). 639640. " D F 2 5 7 Poulsen, M. (1974). Biblioteksbetjening af horehaemmede born [Library services to hard-of-hearing children]. Bibliotek 70. (1), 31-32. "DF258 Prevratil, J. (1985). Library service to the hard-of-hearing: A workshop report. The Unabashed Librarian. 55.11. **DF259 Prine, S., & Wright, K. C. (1982). Standards for the visually and hearing impaired. Library Trends. 31.93-108. "DF260 Public library services to the deaf and hard of hearing community. (1989). Baltimore, MD: Maryland State Dept. Of Education, Division of Library Development and Services. **DF261 Putnam, L. (1975). Library services and hearing impaired older Americans. Illinois Libraries. 57.470-473. "DF262 Putnam, L., Brewer, K., & McClaskey, H. C. (1976). Information needs of hearing impaired people. Health and Rehabilitative Library Services Division Journal. 2(1). 2-14. (LISA/7602016) "DF263 Quota club in Wayne county (1978). Library Journal. 103. 2041. "DF264 Raphael, M. (1976). Deaf awareness at the District of Columbia public library. Ρ LA Newsletter. 15.10-11. "DF265 Raphael, M. (1979). Serving the deaf: A new section strong. Interface. 2.4-6. "DF266 Reagan, T. G., & Wilson, S. A. (1994). American sign language and deaf cultural studies. Choice. 31.1069-1077. "DF267 Ritter, A. (1981). College library serving hearing impaired students. The Bookmark (Albany, i m 40. 21-24. "DF268 Roper, V. d. P., Ansell, E., Jeal, Y„ & Gibson, J. (1996). The hearing impaired library user within North-West England. (Research and Innovation Report, No. 36). London: British Library. (LISA/9709975) " D F 2 6 9

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Sadoski, M. J., & Sadoski, D. C. (1978). Sign language films for library users. California Librarian. 39. 56-58. "DF270 Sangster, C. (1979). Library service to the deaf. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 38. 59-63. **DF271 Sangster, C. (1981). Library service for the hearing impaired. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 40. 25-29. "DF272 Sangster, C. (1986). Guidelines for library services to hearing-impaired persons. The Bookmark (Albany. NY>. 44.104-108. "DF273 Schuler, C., & Meek, S. (1992). Sharing traditional and contemporary literature with deaf children. Library Trends. 41(1). 61-84. (LISA/9301346) " D F 2 7 4 Service to the deaf: TTY [teletypewriter] reference. (1976). Library Journal. 101. 1372. "DF275 Serving the deaf. (1974). American Libraries. 5.177. "DF276 Shah, A. A. (1979). The role of the library in the education of the deaf: An Indian case study. Unesco Journal of Information Science. Librarianship and Archives Administration. 1(4). 249-251. (LISA/8100180) " D F 2 7 7 Shah, A. A. ( 1993). Collection development by deaf students. A novel experiment. In Proceedings of the 19th All India Conference of the IASLIC (pp. 145-149). Calcutta: Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres. (LISA/9411317) "DF278 Shaposhnikov, A. E. (1975). Ob obsluzhivanii chitatelei ν bibliotekakh dlia glukhikh; po materialam odnogo issledovaniia [On library service to the deaf and dumb; results of a study]. Sovetskoe Bibliotekovedenie. (3), 8391. **DF279 Shaposhnikov, A. (1976). I govoryashchie knigi, i 'brail', a diapozitivy [Both talking books and Braille and slides]. Bibliotekar. (8), 65-69. (LISA/7602644) "DF280 Shaposhnikov, A. E. (1992). Bibliotechnoe obsluzhivanie invalidov: istorila, sovremennost, tendentsii. Moskva: [s.n.]. "DF281 Sharpe, W. (1985). Library services for deaf students. North Carolina Libraries. 43,143-145. "DF282 Sievers, C. (1989). Serving hearing impaired people at Bettendorf Library. Iowa Library Quarterly. 26(4). 21-27. "DF283

88 Services to the Deaf

Simple language books for deaf kids needed. (1977). Library Journal. 102, 2209. "DF284 Skaliczki, J. (1994). Konyvtári szolgáltatás egy nem megfeleloen ellátott réteg számára: a siket és hallássérült konyvtárhasználók szemle [Library services to an under-supplied group: Users who are deaf or hard of hearing], Konwtári Fiavelo. 4(2). 225-233. "DF285 Siegers, C., & Knuckey, J. (2000). Use of online services by a deaf community. Assignation. 17(2). 8-12. **DF286 Slijkerman, H. (1989). Dave jongeren enthousiaste televisiekijkers: onderzoek naar mogelijkheden speelfilms voor doven [Young deaf persons are enthusiastic TV viewers: A study of the subtitling of films for the deaf]. Bibliotheek en Samenlevina. 17(7/8). 257-258. (LISA/9002716) " D F 2 8 7 Slijkerman, H. (1990). Lezen en schrijven voor de meeste doven haalbaar: alfabetiseving van prelinguaal doven [Writing and reading is possible for most deaf people: Literacy for the pre-lingual deaf], Bibliotheek en Samenlevina. 18(6). 221-222. "DF288 Smith, A. J., & Mercer, P. M. (1992). To lighten doubt and drive away despair historic sources and current resources at the New York State Library. Library Trends. 41(1). 151-163. (LISA/9301353) " D F 2 8 9 Smith, M. D. (1995). Professional guidelines for library and information services to deaf children in public schools. MLS thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. "DF290 Special recordings allow hearing impaired to enjoy music. (1989). Library Journal. 114(10). 26. "DF291 Steskal, B. (1979). Library service to the deaf. Nebraska Library Association Quarterly. 10. 11. "DF292 Story hours for deaf kids. (1977). Library Journal. 102.2121-2122. " D F 2 9 3 Storytelling to the deaf. (1976). Library Association Record. 78. 297. "DF294 Teaching the deaf with photography. (1969). Audiovisual Instruction. 14. 47-49. **DF295 . Also appears in B. H. Baskin & Κ. Η. Harris (Eds.) (1976). Special child in the library (pp.77-79). Chicago, IL: American Library Association. **DF296

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TDDS [telecommunications devices for the deaf]: What to consider when buying. (1982). Interface. 4. 2-3. "DF297 Tekst og illustrasjoner i b0ker for syn-og horselskadede [Text and illustrations of books for the deaf and mentally handicapped], (1978). Bok oq Bibliotek. 45(6), 314-315. **DF298 Teletypewriter service for deaf. (1979). The Unabashed Librarian. (31), 4. **DF299 Thomas, J. L., & Thomas, C. H. (Eds.). (1982). Library services for the handicapped adult. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press. "DF300 Tomasik, E. (1991). Praca ζ dziecmi uposledzonymi umyslowo, gluchymi i niewidomymi [Working with mentally handicapped, deaf and blind children!· Bibliotekarz. 58(9). 16-18. "DF301 Truett, D. (1983). Library services for elderly patrons. South Carolina Librarian. 27,9-11. "DF302 TTY [teletype machine] phone service for deaf. (1976). American Libraries, 7. 465-466. "DF303 Tucson theatrical series reaches out to hearing impaired. (1982). Library Journal. 107. 846. "DF304 TV captioned for the deaf offered by Salt Lake county. (1980). Library Journal, 105J698. "DF305 Van Vliet, V. (1978). Serving deaf children in the library. In Review. 12(2), 8-16. (LISA/7900699) "DF306 Van Vliet, V. (1981). Library services for deaf children. Emergency Librarian. 9. 15-18. "DF307 Varsi, T. (1979). Funksjonshemmede i samfunnet [The handicapped in the community!. Bok oa Bibliotek. 46(4). 174-176. (LISA/8001759) "DF308 Venetis, M. J. (2000). Diversity: The latest buzzword in the library world. Texas Library Journal. 76(1). 28-30. "DF309 Vesely, M., & Galloway, S. (1988). Library service to the hearing impaired people. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 46. 255-256. "DF310

90 Services to the Deaf

Vesely, M., & Galloway, S. (1989). Library service to the hearing impaired. The Unabashed Librarian. (72). 21-23. " D F 3 1 1 Visser, Β. (1993). Ontdek die wereld in die biblioteek [Discover the world in the library]. Cape Librarian. 37(9). 14-16. (LISA/9407910) " D F 3 1 2 Waltz, A. (1976). Special Populations Task Force report, including blind and visually impaired, deaf, aged and elderly, physically handicapped, library support to educational programs in correctional institutions. Olympia, WA: Washington State Library. " D F 3 1 3 Warwickshire's video for the deaf community is judged a big success. (1991 ). Library Association Record. 93. 596. " D F 3 1 4 Weir, G., & Law, C. (1986). Quiet, please! Deaf people are coming: How to make libraries accessible for people with a hearing impairment. Canberra: National Library of Australia. " D F 3 1 5 Weir, G. (1988). What deaf and hearing impaired people want from libraries. Link-up. (51). 10-16. (LISA/8902289) " D F 3 1 6 Whyte, B. (1995). Opening up learning to reach deaf people: Open Learning for Deaf Adults Project. Library Association Record, 97. 23. " D F 3 1 7 Wisuri, G. (1984). The library of the Borgaa School for the Deaf, Finland. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 17(2), 41-42. (LISA/8501774) "DF318 Wright, K. C. (1975). Deafness information center. Special Libraries. 66. 74-78. **DF319 Wright, K. C., & Davie, J. F. (1989). Deaf and hearing-impaired individuals. In K. C. Wright and J. F. Davie (Eds.), Library and information services for handicapped individuals (3 rd ed.). Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited. "DF320 Wright, L. M. (1977). Look behind the wall of silence. Ohio Library Association Bulletin. 47. 6-9. " D F 3 2 1 Wright, L. M. (1978). Library at Ohio school for the deaf. Ohio Media Spectrum. 30,37-42. " D F 3 2 2 Wright, L. M. (1980). Puppets and the deaf. Ohio Library Association Bulletin. 50. 26-28. " D F 3 2 3

Services to the Deaf 91

Wyman, R. (1969). Progress report on the visual response system. American Annals of the Deaf. 114. 838-840. "DF324 . Also appears in B. H. Baskin and K. H. Harris (Eds.), Special child in the library (1976) (pp.84-86). Chicago, IL: American Library Association. **DF325 Yamega, M. G. (1981). Library services for the disabled, with special emphasis on the deaf, the physically and visually handicapped. Fiji Library Association Journal. 6.46-59. "DF326 Yoshida, A. (1993). Library development plan for the disabled: My 2 year experience in Tsukuba College of Technology [in Japanese], Toshokan Zasshi (Library Journal). 87(7). 453-455. (LISA/9401481) "DF327

92 Services to the Elderly

Library Services to the Elderly: A Bibliography, 1970-2000 Active agina: Planning, promoting· and presenting public library programs of interest to older adults. (1990). Toronto, ON: Ministry of Culture and Communications. "SR001 Adams, K. C. (1975). Serving senior citizens in Monroe county. NYLA Bulletin. 23,6-7. "SR002 Adams, K. C. (1979). Serving the elderly: A golden opportunity for the public library. Catholic Library World. 50(7). 285-288. "SR003 Aging individuals. (1979). In K. C. Wright, Library and information services for handicapped individuals. (3rd ed.). (pp. 99-114). Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited. "SR004 Des aines en mouvement: Planification, organisation et mise en valeur de programmes de bibliothèque destinés aux aines. (1990). Toronto, ON: Ministère de la culture et des communications. " S R 0 0 5 'Aktiv im Alter' [Active old age: Interview with 3 librarians: Fredrich Andrae, Johannes Schultheis, and Irmgard Andrae]. (1991). Buch und Bibliothek. 43(3), 234-240. "SR006 AL aside - ideas: Oh doo-dah day. (1994). American Libraries. 25.219. **SR007 Alam, Α., Creelman, J., & Parsons, R. (1988). Public library service to senior citizens: An annotated bibliography of sources. 1979-1987. London, ON: School of Library and Information Science, University of Western Ontario. **SR008 Albertsen, J. (1993). Fra kortkatalog til edb-skaerm [From card catalogue to computer screen!. Bibliotek 70.4.111-112. (LISA/9306562) **SR009 Alekseeva, A. et al. (1974). Dosug - eto i nasha zabota [Leisure is also our concern], Bibliotekar. 4. 56-61. **SR010 Allen, B., & Wilkinson, M. A. (1990). What do our 'senior citizens' want from public libraries? Canadian Library Journal. 47(2). 105-110. (LISA/9006379) "SR011

Services to the Elderly 93

American Library Association. Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies. Library Service to the Impaired Elderly Section. (1982). In touch. Interface. 4. 3. "SR012 American Library Association. Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies. (1979). Equal access: A manual of procedures for initiating a public library home service program. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. "SR013 American Library Association. Office for Library Outreach Services. (1981). How public libraries serve the aging. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. "SR014 American Library Association. Reference and Adult Services Division. Committee on Library Services to an Aging Population. (1975). Guidelines for library services to an aging population. RQ. 14(3), 237-239. (LISA/7502123) "SR015 American Library Association. Reference and Adult Services Division. Library Services to an Aging Population Committee. (1989). The age wave and its potential effect on the public library. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. "SR016 American Library Association. Reference and Adult Services Division. Library Services to an Aging Population Committee. (1987). Guidelines for library service to older adults. RQ. 26. 444-447. **SR017 American Library Association. Reference and Adult Services Division. Library Service to an Aging Population Committee. (1981). The library's responsibility to the aging. RQ. 21.27. "SR018 Anderson, A. J. (1994). How do you manage: Case Study: Latchkey adults. Library Journal. 119(12). 58-59. (LISA/9410948) "SR019 Anslow, E. P. (1976). Retirement planning: A resource book for librarians serving an aging population. Thesis (Specialist in Librarianship), University of Wisconsin at Madison, Madison, Wisconsin. **SR020 Appel, J., & Casini, Β. P. (1979). Library and information services for older adults. [Theme issue]. Drexel Library Quarterly. 15(21 (LISA/8100971) "SR021 Armour, J. (1975). Library services to the elderly. Assistant Librarian. 68(10). 166-169. (LISA/7503414) "SR022

94 Services to the Elderly

Balkema, J. B. (1976). Older adults, Library services to. In The ALA yearbook: A review of library events. 1975 (p. 255). Chicago, IL: American Library Association. " S R 0 2 3 Balkema, J. B. (1979). Interagency cooperation for service to older adults. Drexel Library Quarterly. 15(2). 29-42. (USA/8101111) "SR024 Balkema, J. B. (1980). Library services for older adults. Catholic Library World. 51286-289. "SR025 Balkema, J. (Ed.) (1983). Aging: A Guide to Resources. Syracuse, NY: Gaylord. "SR026 Baruchson-Arbib, S. (1996). Libraries in senior housing in Israel: Findings of a survey. Information and Librarianship. 22(1). 13-18. (LISA/9609624) "SR027 Baykan, M., & Collins, S. (1985). Senior citizens: A bridge for community involvement. School Library Journal. 31(5). 31-33. (LISA/8601996) "SR028 Bedient, D., & Angelis, J. (1987). Meeting information need of older adults. Illinois Libraries. 69. 57-59. "SR029 Benjámin, J., & Bolgár, Á. (1981). Id osek és betegek kônwtàri ellátása: szakirodalmi szemle. Budapest: Országos Széchényi Konyvtár: Konyvtártudományi és Módszertani Központ. "SR030 Bereczky, L. (1987). A hátranyos helyzetu olvasók és a házhoz szállitás [Handicapped readers and the home delivery service], Kônwtàri Fiavelö. 33(5), 535-544. (LISA/8900097) "SR031 Betancourt, I. (1988). Gente Y Cuentos [People and stories]. New Jersey Libraries. 21. 4-8. "SR032 Bewley, L. M., & Crooks, S. (1984). Urban public library service for the aging in Canada. (Occasional papers series: (Dalhousie University Libraries) 34). Halifax, NS: Dalhousie University, School of Library Service. **SR033 Bibliotheekvoorzieningen in bejaardentehuizen [Library provision in old people's homes], (1980). Bibliotheek en Samenleving. 8(1). 10-12. (LISA/8003616) "SR034

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Bichot, N. (1998). Les groupes de parole en gériatrie [Speech groups in geriatrics]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français. (1811 70-72. (LISA/833376) " S R 0 3 5 Blake, M. (1998). Libraries, the Internet and older people. New Review of Information Networking. 4. 23-38. (LISA/87818) " S R 0 3 6 Blake, M. (1998). The Internet and older people. (British library research and innovation report 97). London: The British Library Board. " S R 0 3 7 Blake, M. (1999). Internet access for older people. Aslib Proceedings. 50(10). 308-315. " S R 0 3 8 Blakely, D. (1970). Milwaukee library goes to the elderly. Wisconsin Library Bulletin. 66. 209-210. "SR039 Boehm Moore, B., & Young, C.C. (1985). Library/information services and the nation's elderly. Journal of the American Society for Information Science. 36(6), 364-368. (LISA/8604977) "SR040 Boknikova, L. (1994). Kniha - priatel cloveka aj ν starobe [Books - a man's friend even in old age], Kniznice a Informacie. 26(7). 314-315. (LISA/9409899) **SR041 Bolin, Ν. C. (1978). Training volunteers to work with the confined elderly: The design of a model project workshop for a rural area. Thesis (Specialist in Librarianship), University of Wisconsin at Madison, Madison, Wisconsin. "SR042 Bolin, Ν. C. (1980). Library service to older people: The history and the challenge. Ohio Library Association Bulletin. 50.13-16. " S R 0 4 3 Bolin, Ν. C. (1982). Giving up of enthusiasm and the wrinkling of souls: The library as a deterrent. Catholic Library World. 53(7). 279-282. " S R 0 4 4 Borchardt, P. (1989). Bibliotheksangebote für altere Menschen - sinnvoll oder überflüssig? Ergebnisse einer Umfrage der DBI-Kommission für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [Library provision for older people - sensible or superfluous? Results of a survey by the DBI Committee on Public Relations], Bibliotheksdienst. 23(12). 1289-1299. (LISA/ 9007153) **SR045 Bos, T. (1989). Publieksvriendelijkheid voor ouderen - een kwestie van mentaliteit: ervaringen in Velsen [User-friendliness for the elderly - a question of attitude of mind: Experiences at Velsen]. Bibliotheek en Samenlevino. 17(11). 379-381. (USA/9007159) " S R 0 4 6

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Bosa, R. (1972). Citizens considered 'marginal' in library policy. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association Canadienne Bibliothécaire de Langue Français. 18(3). 198-200. (LISA/7300113) "SR047 Bourne, C. P., Rosenberg, V., Bates, M. J , & Perolman, G. R. (1973). Preliminary investigation of present and potential library and information service needs: Final report. Berkeley, CA: University of California, Institute of Library Research. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 073 786). **SR048 Bow, J. et al. (1988). Elder-berries: Library programs for older adults. Columbus, OH: Ohio Library Association. "SR049 Bowen, J. (1981). Services to a new reader group. Information and Library Manager. 1(3). 81-82. (LISA/8301087) "SR050 Bowen, J., & Dee, M. (1984). Senior citizens. Providing library and informational services for older people: The impact of social policy. Information and Library Manager. 4(1). 13-16. (LISA/8503356) "SR051 Bowen, J., & Dee, M. (1986). Recognizing the variety of need - library services to older people. Health Libraries Review. 3(2). 101-104. (LISA/8700089) "SR052 Bowen, J., & Pearce, C. (1987). Bridging the gap: Library contributions to retirement education. London: British Library. (USA/8802797) **SR053 Bowron, A. (1988). Old people: Serving special needs. Canadian Library Journal, 45(3), 137-138. (LISA/8805607) "SR054 Bramley, G. (1978). Outreach: Library services for the institutionalised, the elderly, and the physically handicapped. London: C. Bingley. " S R 0 5 5 Brazil, C., & LaBorde, P. (1997). See you at the senior fair. Alki. 13(3). 20-21. **SR056 Brazoria County Library system distributes catalog for large-print books. (1989). Texas Libraries. 50.102. "SR057 Bretschneider, N. (1995). Lee County (Fla.) library system's alternative library access project for the elderly. Interface. 17(4). 1-3. (USA/9604017) "SR058

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Bridgland, A. C., & Hert, T. A. J. (1985). Library and information service to the aged in Tasmania and Victoria. Australian Library Journal. 34(4114-20. (LISA/8701181) "SR059 Brocks, I., & Gil, C.L. (1977). Der 'Fahrende Bücherdienst' in Fellbach [The traveling library service in Fellbach]. Buch und Bibliothek. 29(5). 401-407. (LISA/7800136) "SR060 Brooklyn, N. Y. hires aging to reach senior citizens. (1978). Library Journal. 103. 1906. "SR061 Brothers, S. C. (1976). Special report: How to start a library when there is no librarian, no room, no books and no budget. Wilson Library Bulletin. 51 (2). 119-121. (LISA/7603226) "SR062 Browning, P. A. (1995). Should old acquaintance be forgot? Library services for the older adults. Florida Libraries. 38.4-5. "SR063 Bryden, D. P. (1974). Services to senior citizens and handicapped people in the Dundas public library. Ontario Library Review. 58.198-199. **SR064 Budinska, S. (1996). Kniznicne sluzby pre obcanov ν procese starnutia a ν starobe [Library services for senior citizens], Kniznice a Informacie. 28(6). 277-278. (LISA/9610929) "SR065 Buxton, K. (1989). Intergenerational library programs. California State Library Foundation Bulletin. 28.21-22. "SR066 Caban, B„ & Shahbodaghi, K. (1989). Targeting the older adult: Project Super Seniors, Whetstone Branch Library. New Library Scene. 8.17. " S R 0 6 7 Caban, Β., & Shahbodaghi, Κ. (1990). Targeting the older adult: Project Super Seniors; at Columbus Metropolitan Library. RQ. 30.177-179. " S R 0 6 8 Cabrera, M. (1974). Alternative format materials in languages other than English. Link-up. 74. 8-10. (LISA/9204393) "SR069 Campbell-Hayes, C. (1988). Reminiscence work and the library. Assistant Librarian. 81(12). 181-183. (LISA/8905670) **SR070 Carlsen, K-J. (1979). Folkebibliotek-lydbiblioteket. Hvilken service oenskes? [Public library-talking book library. Which service is wanted?]. Bok oq Bibliotek. 46(5). 243-244. (LISA/8004702) "SR071 Carlsen, K-J. (1992). Hvordan ná aktive eidre? [How to reach the active elderly], Bok Qg Bibliotek. 59(7-8). 54. "SR072

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Carpenter, A. (1982). Springfield-Greene county library's Elderfest [variety of activities by and for older people], Show-Me Libraries. 33.17-21. " S R 0 7 3 Casey, G. M. (1971). Public library service to the aging: ASD special report. American Libraries. 2(9). 999-1004. (LISA/7200159) "SR074 Casey, G. M. (1973). Staffing library services to the aging. Library Trends. 21(3). 413-430. **SR075 Casey, G. M. (1974). Services to the disadvantaged. Library Trends. 23(2). 271285. (LISA/7500196) " S R 0 7 6 Casey, G. M. (1980). Risking the creative leap. Ohio Library Association Bulletin, 50,24-25. **SR077 Casey, G. M. (1984). Library services for the aging. Hamden, CT: Library Professional Publications. "SR078 Casey, G. M. (1985). Library services to the aging: The intellectual competence of older adults. Show-Me Libraries. 36(9112-18. (LISA/8700683) "SR079 Casini, Β. P., & Appel, J. (1979). Some introductory remarks on library and information services for older adults. Drexel Library Quarterly. 15(2). 1-4. (LISA/8100974) "SR080 Chach, M., & Camp, B. (1984). Efla's film and video services. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 42(2). 119-123. "SR081 The challenge of an aging society fVideorecordingl· (1985). Madison, Wl: BiFokal Productions. "SR082 Changing faces, changing times: Newsletter of the CLA Interest Group on Library and Information Services for the Aging. (1988). Vancouver, BC: Canadian Library Association Interest Group. " S R 0 8 3 Chatman, E. A. (1991). Channels to a larger social world: Older women staying in contact with the great society. Library and Information Science Research. 13. 281-300. *SR084 Chatman, E. A. (1993). The information world of retired women. (New Directions in Information Management No. 29). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. **SR085

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Chrétien, C„ & Couraudon, H. (1998). Les médiathèques en hôpitaux de gériatrie [Media centers in geriatric hospitals]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français. (181). 66-67. (LISA/83374) "SR086 Clark, J. M. (1976). Library services to the aging: A proposed resource curriculum. Thesis (Specialist in Librarianship), University of Wisconsin at Madison, Madison, Wisconsin. "SR087 Clarke, J. M. (1988). Users with special needs. In D. W. Bromley and A. M. Allott, British librarianship and information work 1981-1985: Vol. 1. General libraries and the profession (pp. 168-185). London: Library Association. "SR088 Clarkson, T., & Bradford, S. (2001). It's never too late to learn how to surf the net. Library Association Record. 103(21110-111. "SR089 Cloete, A-M. (1999). Ouer gebruikers: Dienste aan en ven huile [Older users: Services to and from them]. Cape Librarian. 43(5). 10-11. (LISA/96154) "SR090 Coburn, S. I. (1985). Older adults: How many? How well served? Ohio Library Association Bulletin. 55. 26-27. "SR091 Coelln, A. von. (1972). Büchereiarbeit für alte Menschen [Library work for the elderly]. Buch und Bibliotek. 24. 348-351. "SR092 Collins, M.E. (1987). Attitudes of public service academic librarians toward the elderly. RQ. 26(3). 354-362. (LISA/8800625) "SR093 Collison, J. (1996). Reaching out: Library services for Stockport day centers. Assistant Librarian. 89(2). 25-26. (LISA/9612301) "SR094 Collison, J. (1997). First and third age: Stockport community initiative award for service to the elderly. Public Library Journal. 12. 9-10. "SR095 Community Services Group in Scotland. (1986). Opening doors: Library services for later life: Conference proceedings of the Community Services Group in Scotland weekend school. 3I October - 2 November 1986 held at the Rovai Hotel. Bridge of Allan. Glasgow: Community Services Group in Scotland. "SR096 Cooke, G.W. (1994). Building local history collections through guided autobiography. American Libraries. 25(9). 825-828. (LISA/9504452) "SR097

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Cornanicova, R. (1996). Starutie populacie ako vyzva pre kinznice [Services for senior citizens: A challenge for libraries], Kniznice a Informacie, 28(8/9). 329-333. (LISA/9612303) "SR098 Cornn, J. (1988). Libraries and the "graying of America". The Southeastern Librarian. 38.19-20. "SR099 Corts, A. (1980). Literatuurlijst bibliotheekwerk voor bejaarden, zieken en gehandicapten [Reading list on library work with the elderly, the sick and the handicapped]. Bibliotheek en Samenlevinq. 8(1), 31-37. (LISA/8100965) " S R 1 0 0 Coster, K., & Webb, B. (1979). Gray and growing. Program packages for the older adult. A manual and a supplement manual. Towson, MD: Baltimore County Public Library. (LISA/8202082) "SR101 Coster, K., Webb, B., & Marciniak, D. L. (Eds.). Gray & growing: Program packages for the older adult. (1982). Towson, MD: Baltimore County Public Library. "SR102 Crammond, G. (1986). STIRDEL: Stirling district libraries' information database for the elderly. SLA News. (193), 22-23. (LISA/8705801) "SR103 Crook, D.A. (1980). The provision of information to people approaching retirement, with particular reference to the role of libraries. Sheffield: University of Sheffield. (LISA/8303734) " S R 104 Crooks, S. (1989). Public library shut-in service for Canada's urban elderly. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Library Association. "SR105 Crosby, B. S. (1992). Multisensory programming: Fun and challenging. Texas Libraries. 53. 20-23. "SR106 Crosby, G. (1996). Information revolution. Generations Review. 6(1). 14-15. **SR107 Cullen, J. (1997). The library and information needs of older people: Positive services for an active retirement. An Leabharlann, 13(3/4). 107-115. (LISA/78462) " S R 1 0 8 Cuyahoga serves the aged with system-wide programs. (1983). Library Journal. 108,2008. "SR109 Czajkowski, F. (1986). Das Literaturangebot der öffentlichen bibliotheken in Polen für blinde sehschwache und alte Menschen [Literature provided at

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public libraries in Poland for the blind, partially sighted and old people]. Bibliothekar. 40(61 246-249. (LISA/8703311) " S R 1 1 0 Czudnochowski-Pelz, I. (2000). Vom ehrenamt zur selbsthilfe. Die bibliothek als Werkstatt fur produktives Altern [From volunteering to self-help. The library as workshop for productive aging]. Buch und Bibliothek. 52(1). 2229. (LISA/96433) "SR111 Daffem, Β. Α. (1973). Patterns of library service to residents of senior citizen apartment complexes. AHIL [Association of Hospital and Institution Libraries Quarterlvl. 13(3/41 35-43. (USA/7401332Ì " S R 1 1 2 Daily-Brothers, K. (1997). Computing for seniors at the Brownsburg Public Library. Indiana Libraries. 16(11 21-23. "SR113 De Ravinel, H. (1973). Le livre, accessible à tous: La condition du viellard dans la société d'aujourd'hui [Book, available to all: The condition of aged people in today's society]. In L'Association canadienne des bibliothécaires de langue française Conference. 1972. Québec (pp. 48-54). Montréal, QC: Association canadienne des bibliothécaires de langue française. **SR114 De Roubaix, E. (1990). Grootdrukboeke [Large print books]. Cape Librarian. 34(10), 7. (LISA/9102972) "SR115 Dee, M., & Bowen, J. (1986). Library services to older people. London: British Library. (LISA/8604415) "SR116 Denis, L. G., & Nauratil, M. J. (1984). Library science students' commitment to library service for older adults. Journal of Education for Librarianship. 24, 183-188. **SR117 Denton, A. (1988). Older and wiser. New Jersey Libraries. 21.9-11. "SR118 Derks-Simons, E. (1989). De BEZIG-afdeling - franje of speerpunt?: Onderwaardering in Zeist voor het bibliotheekwerk voor de groeiende groep oudere gebruikers [The BEZIG department - a fringe or a main activity?: Undervaluing of library services to the growing group of older library users in Zeist]. Bibliotheek en Samenlevinq. 17(11), 397-400. (LISA/9007160) "SR119 Derlak, M. (1994). Pilnie poszerzyc oferte dia niepelnosprawnych [An urgent need for the expansion of services to the handicapped, elderly, and incapacitated], Poradnik Bibliotekarza. (3), 6-9. (LISA/9602661) " S R 1 2 0 Detroit library gets grants for service to elderly. (1973). Library Journal. 98. 2956. "SR121

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Dietrich, J. M. (1984). Library use instruction for older adults. Canadian Library Journal. 41(4). 203-208. (LISA/8501440) "SR122 Dittmer, A. (1998). Computer tutors put vets on the Net! Illinois Libraries. 80(1). 32-35. **SR123 Dixon Halls Day centre library [Scotland], (1981). SLA News. (164). 297. **SR124 Dobrez, C. K. (1987). Sharing and preserving family stories. School Library Journal. 33.40. "SR125 Dodson, J. (1976). Foster grandparents in Los Lunas. New Mexico Library Association Newsletter. 4. 2. "SR126 Doing away with stereotypes on aging. (1980). Texas Library Journal. 56.15. "SR127 Donahue, G. (1980). In training to program [Programming for older adults project! Interface. 2.12+. "SR128 Donegani, K., & Lee, G. (1991). Directing of domiciliary library services: Provided by English public library authorities. Loughborough, Leistershire: Instant Library Ltd. (LISA/9201878) "SR129 Donnally, A. (1988). Rip Van Winkle at the reference desk? Public library's role as a referral center, a significant service to older adults. North Carolina Libraries. 46. 223-227. "SR130 Donohue, D. A. (1973). Investigation of library services for the elderly. institutionalized mentally ill to arrive at an optimum program through the establishment of a library for 1.000 residents with no present service: Final report. Providence, RI: Rhode Island Department of State Library Services. "SR131 Dooghe, G. (1991). Typologie, feiten, en mythen van 55 - plussers [Typology, facets and myths concerning the 55 plus age group], Bibliotheek - en Archiefoids. 67(1). 13-24. (LISA/9202536) "SR132 Dousset, E. (1998). La bibliothèque à domicile [The library at home]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Francais. (181). 16-18. (LISA/83362) "SR133

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Driet, P. (1989). De seniorenmarkt: Het bereiken van de oudere consument vereist een andere stijl van produktpromotie [The senior citizen's market: Reaching the older consumer requires a different marketing style]. Bibliotheek en Samenleving. 17(11). 387-388. (LISA/9007437) " S R 1 3 4 Duesterbeck, F. (1991). Programming for 55 plus: A selective bibliography. Regina, SK: Regina Provincial Library. **SR135 Dupas, Brenda. (1975). A study of the South Parkdale area in order to determine the needs and interests of senior citizens with regard to library programming and services by the Parkdale Public Library. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto, Faculty of Library Science. **SR136 Durrant, J. (1974). A library service to geriatric patients in hospital. Health and Welfare Libraries Quarterly. 1(4). 87-89. (LISA/7500848) "SR137 Edmonds, D. J. (1991). Bound to serve? A report on public library provision for elderly and disabled people. Loughborough, Leicestershire: Instant Library Ltd. (LISA/9201877) "SR138 Eggink, G., & Jansen, Κ. (1994). Kansen voor bibliotheekwerk voor ouderen: openbare bibliotheek moet creatief inspelen op ontwikkelingen in de ouderenzorg [Opportunities for library service with the elderly: The public library must focus on developments in services for the elderly], Bibliotheek en Samenleving. 22(9). 13-16. (USA/9410943) " S R 139 Eisman, H. L. (1979). Public library programs for the elderly. Wilson Library Bulletin. 53(8). 564-569. (LISA/8000859) "SR140 . Comment by B. G. Lloyd [letter], Wilson Library Bulletin, 53. 677+. "SR141 Elderly library centers project, (1971). Newport, VT: Orleans County Council of Social Agencies. "SR142 Enquête sur les motivations de lecture des malades hospitalisés [Enquiry into reading motivation in hospital patients]. (1976). Lecture et Bibliothègues, (37), 11-12. (LISA/7603261) "SR143 Ensley, R. F. (1987). Involving older adults in education: The Illinois intergenerational initiative. Illinois Libraries. 69(5), 325-327. "SR144 Erickson, L. M. (1988). Serving older adults with programs and visits. Library Outreach Reporter. 1(6). 14. "SR145

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Erickson, L. M. & Leide, Κ. (1983). Remembering school days: A program manual. (2nd rev. ed.). Blue Mounds, Wl: Bi-Folkal Productions. **SR146 Erk, I. 0 . van. (1992). The library as the engine in local cultural work: Project for the elderly in Kalix inititated by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 25(3). 11-12. " S R 147 Espinosa [Ricardo], Β. C„ Consuelo, Β., & Torres, [V.], M. L. (1990). La biblioteca pública: Un servicio de asistencia social para la tercera edad. [The public library: A social assistance service for the third age]. Revista Interamericana de bibliotecoloaia. 13(1127-30. (LISA/9103521) " S R 1 4 8 Evans, C. M. (1971). Library and the senior citizen. Pennsylvania Library Association Bulletin. 26. 315-325. "SR149 Farina, V. (1979). Library and information services for older adults: An annotated bibliography. Drexel Library Quarterly. 15(2). 83-91. (LISA/8100973). "SR150 Farley, H. T. (1984). Senior citizens' needs: A legislative focus. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 42(2). 75-76. "SR151 Feisty Friedan delights audience at preconference on aging. (1995). American Libraries. 26(4). 357. "SR152 Ferstl, K. L. (1974). Indiana libraries and services to the elderly: As reported in the National survey of library services to the aging. (1971-1972). Focus. 28,14-19. "SR153 Ferstl, K. L. (1975). On serving older Americans: some perspectives for librarians. Focus. 29. 7+. "'SR154 Ferstl, K. L. (1977). On aging, attitudes, and action: Library services to older people. Catholic Library World. 48. 319-321. "SR155 Ferstl, K. L. (1977). Public librarians and service to the aging: A study of attitudes. Doctoral dissertation, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. "SR156 Fischer, M. W. (1979). The needs of older adults: Materials and access. Drexel Library Quarterly. 15(2). 20-28. (LISA/8100972) "SR157 Flatten, K., Haddock, S., Clarkson, T., & Bradford, S. (2000). Internet access for older adults in public libraries. (British Library. Library and Information

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Commission Research Report, 50). London: British Library. (LISA/98835) "SR158 Flattened yellow boxes: an Ohio program sampler for older adults. [1980], Columbia, OH: Ohio Library Association. "SR159 Fleming, L. D. (1979). Who are the aging? Library services for older adults. Catholic Library World. 50(7). 272-275. "SR160 Florida. Division of Library and Information Services. (1994). Library service to Florida's elders: A state-wide continuing education project. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Dept. Of State, Division of Library and Information Services. "SR161 Florida retirees give help with homework & library use. (1985). Library Journal. 110(15), 22, 26. "SR162 Forschungs auftrag: Technische hilfsmittel für krankenhausbibliotheken', abschlussbericht [Research lecture: Technical aids in hospital libraries', a final report], (1976). Bibliotheksdienst· (2), 84-96. (LISA/7601598) "SR163 Fortin, J. L. (1981). La proportion de lecteurs dans la population âgée du Québec et du Canada [The proportion of readers in the elderly population of Quebec and of Canada], Argus. 10(5). 93-98. (LISA/8204599) "SR164 Fournier, R. (1990). Groupes sociaux défavorisés lecture et bibliothèques [Underprivileged social groups, reading and libraries]. ARBIDO-Bulletin, 5(4), 99-111. (USA/9104636) "SR165 Franklin, H.R. (1994). Customer service and the older adult: Conversation with recently retired RASD executive director Andrew M. Hansen. American Libraries. 25. 591. "SR166 Frauns, A. (1985). Rheda-Wiedenbrück: Soziale bibliotheksarbeit in einer Mittelstadt [Rheda-Wiedenbrück: Social library work in a medium-sized townl. Buch und Bibliothek. 37(41 333-335. (LISA/8604970) " S R 1 6 7 Frederiksen, L. (1992). Health and culture - An interdisciplinary project. Scandanavian Public Library Quarterly. 25(3). 8-9. **SR168 Freedman, G. (1984). Albany Public Library - A viable option for the older citizen. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 42(2). 92-94. "SR169 Freezer, H. (1975). Keuze van leven, keuze van lezen, of: Hoe openbaar is de openbare bibliotheek? [Choice of life, choice of reading: How public is the

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public library?] In Bibliotheekwerk voor beiaarden. zieken en aehandicapten: zeven inleidinaen. aehouden op de bibliotheekdaa voor het beiaardenwerk. het ziekenhuiswezen en de aehandicaptenzora. 16 Oktober 1974 fLibrarv work with the old, sick and handicapped: Seven papers presented at the one-dav library conference on the aged, hospitals and care of the handicapped. 16 October 19741 (pp. 21-23). 'sGravenhage, Nederlands Bibliotheek on Lektuur Centrum. **SR170 Friese, Β. et al. (1978). Bibliotheksarbeit mit alten Menschen. (AfB-Materialien 22). Berlin: Deutscher Bibliotheksverband, Arbeitsstelle das Bibliothekswesen. " S R 1 7 1 Fuehrer, D. (1973). Grand generation. Nebraska Library Association Quarterly. 4. 6-7. " S R 172 Garcia, Α. T. (1994). Grandparents reading to kids & video = $. The Unabashed Librarian. (92). 13. " S R 1 7 3 Gerity, L. P. (1986). Alzheimer's disease: Addressing the information needs of the public. Reference Services Review, 14. 7-15. " S R 1 7 4 Gillard, E. (1982). Story telling for seniors. Cape Librarian. 26(2). 6-7. " S R 1 7 5 Gillard, E. (1987). Library in focus: Fish Hoek - a senior service. Cape Librarian. 21(4), 10-12. (LISA/8704882) " S R 1 7 6 Going, M. E. (Ed.). (1973). Special Problems. In Hospital libraries and work with the disabled. (2nd ed.) (pp. 199-256). London: Library Association. "SR177 Going, M. E. (Ed.). (1982). Pattern of care in old age. In Hospital libraries and work with the disabled in the community. (3rd ed.) (pp. 243-245). London: Library Association. **SR178 Goldberg, B„ & Thuesen, N. (1974). Hvornâr spiller man Rigoletto? Interview med Grethe Mittet [When one plays Rigoletto; interview with Grethe Mittetl. Bibliotek 70. 1.33-34. " S R 1 7 9 Golian, L. M., & Wiler, L. L. (1996). Older adults: Problems and needs. In B. McNeil and D. J. Johnson (Eds.) Patron behavior in libraries: A handbook of positive approaches to negative situations (pp. 55-64). Chicago, IL: American Library Association. " S R 1 8 0

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Gollop, C. J. (1993). Health information-seeking behavior of urban, older, African American women. Doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. "SR181 Gollop, C. J. (1997). Health information-seeking behavior and older African American women. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 85(2). 141146. "SR182 Gomez, F. J. G., & Grau, A. D. (1999). Diseno de un programa de formación de usuarios aplicado al sector de poblacion de la tercera edad: propuesta metodologica [Designing a user training programme for the third age population: Proposed methodology]. Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios. 14(57). 23-38. (LISA/98526) "SR183 Gonda, M. (1996). Sluzby a pomoc starsim obcanom ζ hladiska socialnych funcii kniznice [Services and help to the elderly as a social function of library workl. Kniznice a Informacie. 28(4). 172-174. (LISA/9609625) " S R 184 Gosling, S. (1990). A service to senior citizens. Cape Librarian. 34(10). 2-10. (LISA/9102912) "SR185 Grandparents' award links generations through books: Nursing home residents select winning titles. (1988). Library Journal. 113(7). 20. **SR186 Green, Μ. V. (1981). Interoenerational programming in libraries: A manual based on the experiences of the South Bay Cooperative Library System. 19791981. Santa Clara, CA: South Bay Cooperative Library System. " S R 1 8 7 Griebel, R. (1998). When I'm 64: Libraries and the age wave. Feliciten 44(2). 1419. (USA/72076) "SR188 Growing better together: Technology and information for aging adults [sound recording], (1991). Ballwin, MO: Acts. "SR189 Haimakainen, T. (1984). Growing numbers of old people - increasing need for library services. Scandanavian Public Library Quarterly. 17(1), 8-10. (LISA/8502302) "SR190 Hales, C. E. (1982). Planning for the Information Needs of the Aging. Doctoral dissertation, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. **SR191 Hales, C. E. (1985). How should the information needs of the aging be met? a Delphi response. Gerontoloaist. 25(2). 172-176. **SR192

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Hales, C. (1987). How should the information needs of the aging be met? Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Libraries. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 294 582). "SR193 Hales, C. (1988). Basic ways to communicate with elders. In J. P. Lang (Ed.), Uneoual Access to Information Resources: Problems and Needs of the World's Information Poor: Proceedings of the Congress for Librarians. February 17,1986. Division of Library and Information Sciences. St. John's University. Jamaica. New York (pp. 113-117). Ann Arbor, Ml: Perian Press. " S R 194 Hales-Malbry, C. E. (1990). Serving the older adult. Reference Librarian, (31), 69-76. (LISA/9200356) "SR195 Hales-Malbry, C. E. (1993). The world of the aging information needs and choices. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. **SR196 Hales-Malbry, C.E. (1995). Getting ready for the expanding older population. Public Libraries. 34. 356-360. **SR197 Hansch, G. (1980). Schwellenangst oder Aspekte der Bibliotheksplanung für Ältere und Behinderte [Threshold fear or aspects of library planning for the elderly and handicapped]. Buch und Bibliotek. 32. 791-796+. " S R 1 9 8 Harrell, C. (1987). "A labor of love" [State library patrons residing in an Austin retirement community], Texas Libraries, 48, 87-88. "SR199 Harris, D. L. (1989). Uplifting not depressing: Bookmobile service to nursing homes. Ohio Libraries, 2, 9. "SR200 Hatchett, M. D. (1994). Senior adult storytimes: Worth the investment. Virginia Librarian. 40.15-16. "SR201 Havdal, M. (1991). Pensjonisttreff i Trondheim folkebibliotek [Pensionists at Trondheim Public Library]. Bok og Bibliotek. 58(6). 22-23. "SR202 Havens, C. (1988). The case for aging: A bibliographic essay. Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian. 6(3/4). 1-8. (LISA/8902272) "SR203 Haws, R. (1978). Practicing librarian: Ice breakers to serve the elderly. Library Journal. 103. 622-623. "SR204 Haynes, J. (1978). Film service to the elderly. Library Trends. 27(1), 51-58. (LISA/7900760) "SR205

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Hecht, J. M. (1977). Library services to the handicapped and elderly. PLA Bulletin. 32(3). 55, 66. (USA/7800137) "SR206 Hedemann, A. G. (1970). Et skritt pä rett veg [A step in the right direction], Bok OQ Bibliotek. 37(1). 34-38. (LISA/7000990) "SR207 Heeks, P., & Kempson, E. (Eds.). (1985). Meeting the Needs of Elderly People The Public Library's Role: Proceedings of a British Library Seminar Held on November 30.1984. Winchester, England: Public Libraries Research Group. " S R 2 0 8 Hennepin County Library services to seniors' task force report. (1988). Hennepin, MN: Hennepin County Library. "SR209 Herr, T., & Bridgland, A. (1989). Serving our elderly users: The library perspective. Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services. 2(3). 131-146. (LISA/9102915) "SR210 Hilbert, R. L. (1988). Senior happenings in Livingston. New Jersey Libraries. 21, 15-17. **SR211 Hill, J. (1982). Library services for the aged: Johannesburg Public Library. Cape Librarian. 26(2). 1-4. (LISA/8300076) "SR212 Hirsch, Ε. Β. (1984). Homebound and senior citizen service at the Allard K. Lowenstein Public Library. The Bookmark (Albany. N.Y.Ì. 42(2). 99-101. "SR213 Hobman, D. (1985). Serving elderly and housebound people. Library Association Record. 87. 361. "SR214 Holmes, Α., & Robertson, S. (Eds.). (1988). The aged, ethnicity and information: Proceedings of a three day pre IFLA seminar held at St. Mary's College. University of Melbourne. 22-24 August. Melbourne: Working Groups on Multicultural Library Services. "SR215 Holmqvist, A. (1974). När kommer den àlderdomsvânliga boken [When are we going to get book friendly to the aged], Biblioteksbladet, 59(6). 91-92+. **SR216 Hook, L. (1985). Library services to hospital patients and the elderly and disabled in Stockholm. INSPEL. 19(4). 240-245. "SR217 Horrocks, G.J. (1993). Appropriate terminology: Implications for elderly and disabled people. Assignation. 10(3). 7-14. (LISA/9400338) " S R 2 1 8

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Hoy, S. (1985). Age concern Leicester - a library for elderly people. Service Point. (31), 20-21. (LISA/8701180) " S R 2 1 9 Hoy, S. (1991). Nooitte oud om te lezen: bibliotheken in Leicestershire pallen activities voor ouderen serieus aan [Never too old to read: Libraries in Leicestershire take their activities for the elderly seriously]. Bibliotheek en Samenlevina. 19(6). 221-224. (LISA/9105984) " S R 2 2 0 Hoy, S. (1991). Nooit te oud on te lezen [Never too old to read], Bibliotheek - en Archiefaids. 67(1). 25-36. (LISA/9202537) " S R 2 2 1 Hynes, A. M. (1979). Bibliotherapy and the aging. Catholic Library World. 50(7). 280-284. " S R 2 2 2 Illinois State Library. Task Force for Library Services to the Aging. (1981). Services for the elderly in Illinois public libraries: A survey. (Illinois state library report no. 6). Springfield, IL: Illinois State Library. " S R 2 2 3 Ip, L. L. (1989). Public library services to older people in Pennsylvania: A survey. M.A. Thesis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. **SR224 Ip, L. L. (1992). Public library services to older Pennsylvanians: A decade review. Public Library Quarterly. 12(1). 41-61. (LISA/9303447) " S R 2 2 5 IYC [International year of the child] in Indiana, Pa.: Seniors reach to kids. (1980) Library Journal. 107. N.e. 1051.462. " S R 2 2 6 Jackson, M. J. (1971). Library services to the aged. Washington. DC: Catholic University of America. " S R 2 2 7 James, H. F. (1996). Across the generations: Selecting and using intergenerational resources. Ft. Atkinson, Wl: Highsmith Press. " S R 2 2 8 Jansen, Κ. (1995). In het Brengwald splen ouderen bingo mettaal: PBC Gelderland gaat samenwerking aan met zorgproject [In the Brengwald district the elderly play language-bingo: The Gelderland Provincial Library Centre in cooperation with a project for caring for the elderly]. Bibliotheek en Samenlevino. 23(4). 13-14. (LISA/9509022) " S R 2 2 9 Javelin, M. C. (1970). Services to the senior citizen: Libraries in the therapeutic society. American Libraries. 1(2). 133-137. (LISA/7001420) " S R 2 3 0 Javelin, M. C. (1973). How library service to the aging has developed. Library Trends. 21(3). 367-389. (LISA/7302221) " S R 2 3 1

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Jeffries, S. R. (1977). A model for services to the elderly by the small/medium sized public library. Denton, TX: North Texas State University. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 176 794). (LISA/8100975) "SR232 Johnson, D., & Burnham, M. (1981). Storytelling to the elderly. Wilson Library Bulletin. 55(8). 593-595. (LISA/8105666) "SR233 Johnson, W. B., Gulley, E., & Scholtes, F. (1996). Senior services and libraries. Mississippi Libraries. 60. 3-6. "SR234 Josey, E. J. (1984). In perspective: Serving the aging in New York's libraries. The Bookmark (Albany. NY1. 42(21. 74. "SR235 Josey, E. J. (Ed.). (1984). Library service to the aging. (Theme issue). The Bookmark (Albany. NY1. 42(2). "SR236 Jurewicz, L. (1999). The Internet co-pilot project. Indiana Libraries. 18(Supplement 1), 36. "SR237 Kahlert, M. (1995, June). Housebound services with a difference: Midland Public Library's response. Link-Up. 14-16. (LISA/9511507) "SR238 Kalb, P. (1997). Seniors' L.I.F.E. in the library: Learning, information, fun and events at South Orange Public Library. New Jersey Libraries. 31 fi.e. 301(3), 9-11. "SR239 Kamin, J. (1984). How older adults use books and the public library: A review of the literature. (Occasional papers. University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. Graduate School of Library and Information Science No. 165). Champaign, IL: University of Illinois, Graduate School of Library and Information Science. "SR240 Kanner, E. E. (1972). Impact of gerontological concepts on principles of librarianship. Doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Madison, Wisconsin. "SR241 Kanner, E. E. (1984). Library service to older adults: Progress in research applications. Public Libraries. 23(31. 93-95. (LISA/8503355) "SR242 Kanner, E. E. (1987). Library service to older adults: A national overview. Illinois Libraries. 69(51. 328-331. "SR243 Karpas, B. (1995). Sidekicks: An intergenerational proqram.Voice of Youth Advocates. 18.12. "SR244

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Kasalova, K. (2000). Skusenosti ζ prace s postihnutymi detmi a so starsimi ludmi [Work with handicapped children and the elderly], Kniznice a Informacie. 32(6), 230-231. (LISA/103426) "SR245 Kazama, T. (1997). Public library services for the aged in Japan: A national survey. (In Japanese). Library and Information Science. (37), 55-70. (LISA/84500) "SR246 Kempson, E., & Dee, M. (Eds.). (1987). A future aae: A practical handbook for librarians working with older adults. Newcastle-under-Lyme, England: AAL Publishing. "SR247 Kendall, M. (1996). Public library services for older adults. Library Review. 45(1). 16-29. (LISA/9606234) "SR248 Kennedy, M. E. (1980). Service to older adult users of academic libraries: A study of librarian attitudes. Doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. (LISA/8201574) "SR249 Keppell, J. (1994, June). Fellowship to study library services to seniors and the housebound. Link-Up. 24-25. (LISA/9410949) "SR250 Kern, S. (1987). Older adult needs assessment survey. New Jersey Libraries. 20. 18-20. **SR251 Kerssies-Kick, C. C., & Timmner-Schuring, H. A. (1989). 'Door de studiekring kreeg ik weer ritme in mijn leven - op maandagmorgen kon ik makkelijker mijn bed uit': Educatief werk met ourderen - studiekringen als voorbeeld van een eigentijdse aanpak ['Through the study group I put some meaning back in my life - on Monday mornings it's easier to get out of bed': Educational work with the elderly - study circles as an example of a contemporary approach], Bibliotheek en Samenleving. 17(11). 389-394. (LISA/9007197) "SR252 Ketchum, S. D. (1988). A circuit rider on the seniors' beat: Researching a new library career. Infomediarv. 2(3/4). 205-215. (LISA/8905605) "SR253 Ketelaars, F. (1993). Bibliotheek helpt bij herbeleving en verwerking van verlenden: dagopvang voor Indische en Molukse ouderen in Tilburg [The library helps readers recall the past: A day's activities for the elderly from the Indonesian and Molukkan communities in Tilburg], Bibliotheek en Samenleving. 21(7/81 245-247. (LISA/9400334) "SR254 Kiefer, M. L. (1987). Cooperative outreach services for seniors. Illinois Libraries. 69,716-719. "SR255

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Kinney, M. M. (1978). The institutionalized adult's needs for library service. Library Trends. 26(3). 361-369. (USA/7803404) "SR256 Kipling, G. (1988). Cleveland bookbus. Service Point. (39), 21-22. (LISA/8900625) "SR257 Klapuri, M., & Toivola, L. (1986). Vanhukset. lukeminen ia kiriastonkävttö: elämäntapatutkimus. Helsinki: Kirjastopalvelu. **SR258 Kleiman, A. M. (1983). Brooklyn's SAGE program: Providing library service to all the elderly. Library Journal. 108(6). 556-557. (LISA/8401096) "SR259 Kleiman, A. M. (1984). SAGE: Brooklyn's response to the aging. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 42(2). 77-82. "SR260 Kleiman, A. M. (1988). Information for Older Adults: The Library's Challenge for the 1990s. In J. P. Lang (Ed.), Unequal access to information resources: Problems and needs of the world's information poor: Proceedings of the Congress for Librarians. February 17.1986. Ann Arbor. Ml: Perian Press. "SR261 Kleiman, A. M. (1995). The aging agenda: Redefining library services for a graying population. Library Journal. 120(7). 32-34. (LISA/9511467) "SR262 Kleiman, A. M. (1997). Planning your retirement collection. Library Journal. 122(18), 51-53. "SR263 Kliphuis, C. (1991). Ouderenducate: leefwereld is belnagrijker dan leeftyd [Education for the elderly: The world we live in is more important than our age], Bibliotheek en Samenlevinq. 19(7/8). 274-278. (LISA/9204947) **SR264 Kliphuis, C., & Staal, P. (1989). Hebben bibliotheken ook een beleid voor vitale ouderen? ouder worden - een aparte levensfase met eigen mogelijkheden [Do libraries have a policy for old people who are healthy? Growing old - a separate period of life with its own opportunities], Bibliotheek en Samenleving. 17(11). 371-374. (LISA/9007156) "SR265 Knight, L. (1977). Study on special library services to senior citizens. Bismarck, ND: North Dakota State Library Commission. (LISA/7903330) "SR266 Knihovnické sluzby starvm lidem a vychova k úcte ke stárí [Library services for old people and education towards esteem for old age], (1982). Ctenár. 34(12), 418-419. (LISA/8402272) "SR267

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Knoxville-Knox county public library is now better serving the area's older Americans through library service to the senior nutrition program. (1976) Tennessee Librarian. 28.113. "SR268 Konings, P. (1980). Projekt Pensioen in Zieht [The project on approaching retirement], Bibliotheek en Samenlevinq, 8(5), 155-158. (LISA/8004289) "SR269 Koppa, A. (1992). Library services for the elderly: Experiences and plans in Tampere. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 25(3). 4-7. (LISA/9301358) "SR270 Köster, Α., & Spijkerboer, W. (1989). En dan heb je de fictie dat we zo'n dure dienst zijn...: een interview met Petra Leewenburgh [And then there's the idea that we spend a lot of money...: An interview with Petra Leeuwenburgh]. Bibliotheek en Samenlevinq, 17(11). 401-404. (LISA/9007158) "SR271 Kramberger, D. (1992). Splo_noizobravevalna knyiznica in uporabniki ν tretjem Zivljenjskem obdolju [Public library and users in the third life period]. Kniiznica. 36(1). 19-28. (LISA/9204967) "SR272 Kramberger, D., & Perko, M. (1997). Sozitje splo_ne knjiznice ζ univerzo za tretje zivljenjsko obdobje [Cooperation of a public library with the University of the Third Age], Kniiznica. 41(2/3). 171-183. (LISA/67608) " S R 2 7 3 Kramer, M. W. (1973). A selected bibliography on the aging and the role of the library in serving them. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois, Graduate school of library science. "SR274 Krestan, F. (1971). Mysleme na staré ctenáre n a j c h knihoven [Consideration for senior readers in our libraries], Ctenár. 23(8). 268-271. (LISA/7101874) **SR275 Krivinková, J. (1981). Vice pozornosti ctenárum vyssích vekovych kategorii [More attention to senior readers], Ctenár. 33(12). 367-369. (LISA/8204564) "SR276 Krivinková, J. (1982). Pomoc knihoven ν umení stárnout co nejpomuleji [How can libraries help in the art of growing old as slowly as possible], Ctenár. 34(21. 40-44. (LISA/8303848) "SR277 Kuehn, M. (1971). Library services casebook: Minot serves aged. American Libraries. 2(11). 1198. (LISA/7200745) "SR278

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Kultgen, P. (1995). Aging people with developmental disabilities. In L. L. Walling & M. M. Irwin (Eds.), Information services for people with developmental disabilities: The library manager's handbook (pp. 119-127). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. "SR279 Kvasnickova, A. (1994). Κ specifikam citania starych ludi [Specific features of reading requirements of the elderly]. Kniznice a Informacie. 26(7). 289290. (LISA/9409948) "SR280 Landau, E. (1984). The challenge of film programming for older adults. The Bookmark (Albany. N Y l 42(2). 102-103. "SR281 Landgraf, Μ. Ν. (1991). Library cards for the homeless. American Libraries. 22(10), 946-947, 949. (LISA/9200684) "SR282 Lang, J. P. (Ed.). (1988). Unequal access to information resources: Problems and needs of the world's information poor: proceedings of the Congress for Librarians. February 17.1986. Division of Library and Information Science. St. John's University. Jamaica. New York. Ann Arbor, Ml: Pierian Press. "SR283 Larkin-Lieffers, P. A. (2000). The older adult and public library computer technology: A pilot study in a Canadian setting. Libri. 50(4). 225-234. "SR284 Larsen, P. D. (1994). Fra landsby til forstad [From village to suburb], Bibliotek 70. (19), 566-567. (LISA/9507729) "SR285 Lauderdale, J. A. (1978). Special report: The answer is "yes": Consumer education for senior adults. Wilson Library Bulletin. 53.126-127. "SR286 Lawson, P. (1973). Tape cassettes; use with older and visually impaired library patrons. Booklist. 70.436. "SR287 Leatherman, D. G. (1989). Reaching out to the community: Outreach division at the Arlington Public Library. Texas Libraries. 50.61-66. "SR288 Leonard, G„ Evans, J., & Hoebelheinrich, N. (1987). Read aloud programs for the elderly project. Seattle, WA: Seattle Public Library. "SR289 Leonhardt, M. D. (1984). Dealing with the aging at the Schenectady County Public Library. The Bookmark (Albany. N.Y.I 42(2). 95-98. "SR290

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Levinson, R. (1996). Expanding I & R services for older adults in public libraries: Senior Connections (1984-1995). Information and Referral. 18, 21-39. (LISA/9706994) "SR291 Levinson, R. W. (1987). Senior connections: An interdisciplinary training project to help elderly through library-based information/referral services. Springfield, VA: National Technical Information Service. "SR292 Levinson, R. W. (1988). New I & R teams in library-based services: Librarians, social workers, and older volunteers. The Reference Librarian. (21), 121134. "SR293 Lewis, M. J. (1974). The elderly reader: A study of the reading needs of. and the scope for library services to. the elderly. London [s.n.]. "SR294 Libraries respond to elders. (1992). Perspective on Aging. 21(4-5). 13-14+. "SR295 Libraries & senior citizens: Special programs announced. (1974). Library Journal. 99,2930. "SR296 Library aides demonstration project. [1971], Newport, VT: Orleans County Council of Social Agencies. "SR297 Library Association. Medical, Health and Welfare Libraries Group. Domiciliary Services Subject Group of the Library Association. (1991). Guidelines for library services to people who are housebound. London: Library Association Publishing. "SR298 "Library comfort level" checklist for serving older adults. (1987). American Libraries. 18. 690. "SR299 Library expands senior citizen services through project TOTE [transportation of the elderly] designation. (1978). Unabashed Librarian. (26). 31. **SR300 Library front-liners: Judy Tate, a library's extension service. (1972). Wilson Library Bulletin. 46. 506-508. "SR301 Library Link in Bedfordshire. (1995). Service Point. (64), 4, 6. (LISA/9605008) "SR302 Library Outreach Reporter. (1987). Brooklyn, NY: A. M. Kleiman. " S R 3 0 3

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Library services for the elderly. (1978). In G. Bramley, Outreach: Library services for the institutionalised, the elderly, and the physically handicapped (pp. 99-116). London: C. Bingley. "SR304 Library services for the golden years. (1995). Library Journal. 120(5). 16, 20, 22. **SR305 Library services for the older adult. (Theme issue). (1979). Catholic Library World. **SR306 Library services funded for senior citizens. (1973). American Libraries. 4.410. "SR307 Library services to older adults' guidelines. (1999). Reference and User Services Quarterly. 39(1). 25-27. (LISA/95005) "SR308 Life review: Linking bibliotherapy and multimedia programming for the elderly [sound recording], (1991). Ballwin, MO: Acts. " S R 3 0 9 The life spectrum programming: A community model plan. (1993). Illinois Libraries. 75. 323-327. "SR310 Lillicrap, M. (1971). Elderly Library Centers Project: Final report. Newport, VT: Orleans County Council of Social Agencies. "SR311 Lipton, E. (1973). Senior citizen services at the Coolidge Corner branch library, Brookline, Massachusetts. Library Scene. 2. 35-37. **SR312 Liroff, S. R., & Van Fleet, C. (1992). Silver Editions 2: Humanities programming for older adults. RQ. 31(4). 473-476. (LISA/9204948) "SR313 Logsdon, R. (1980). Division for the blind and physically handicapped and the aging community. Library Occurrent. 26. 355-361. "SR314 Long, F. (1973). Research in the field of aging and its relation to public library services. Library Trends. 21(3). 431-440. (LISA/7302219) "SR315 Loomis, Z. (1972). Birds of a feather. Texas Library Journal. 48.171-173+. **SR316 Lotrean, M. (1988). Library service to the ethnic elderly at Dandenong Valley. Multicultural Libraries. 9(1/21 8-9. (LISA/8905631) "SR317 LSCA Projects - serving our senior citizens. Illinois Libraries. 69(5). 332-352. "SR318

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Lucas, L. (1987). Library service and the generation gap among older adults. Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences. 24(2). 130-145. (LISA/8703855) "SR319 Lucas, L. S. (1980). Information needs of the aging. Southeastern Librarian. 30. 183-186. " S R 3 2 0 Lucas, P. (1993). Library use by elderly people. Public Library Journal. 8(3). 6164. (LISA/9307087) "SR321 Lucioli, C. E. (1980). Grow old along with me. Ohio Library Association Bulletin. 50,19-23. **SR322 Luck, C. (1979). Information and referral services for older adults. Drexel Library Quarterly. 15(2). 60-70. (LISA/8101462) "SR323 Ludlow, F. (1975). Libraries and the older adult: How well are they served? Canadian Library Journal. 32(11 7-10. (LISA/7500847) "SR324 Lundahl, J. C. (1976). Call for action on library services to older Pennsylvanians. Pennsylvania Library Association Bulletin. 31.45. "SR325 Lutz, Ν. (1976). Elements of information and referral services for public libraries to offer the aging. Thesis (Specialist in Librarianship), University of Wisconsin at Madison, Madison, Wisconsin. "SR326 Lyons, G. J. (1976). Library service to the impaired elderly. Health and Rehabilitative Library Services Division Journal. 2(2). 13-15. (LISA/7700147) "SR327 MacDonald, K. (1992). Sutton's new home library service wins 'state of the art' award. Service Point. (55), 42-43. (LISA/9301359) "SR328 Madison Heights (Michigan) public library has the right idea in busing senior citizens to the library. (1971). American Libraries. 2. 335. " S R 3 2 9 Mahoodi, S. H. (1983-1984). Challenges of aging: Providing for the informational needs of older Americans, a project. Minnesota Libraries. 27. 215-218. **SR330 Majerska, M. (1994). Praca so starsimi citatelmi ν knizniciach verejneho typu [Public library work with the elderly]. Kniznice a Informacie. 26(7), 315316. (LISA/9409894) "SR331

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Manakos, P. G. (1974). Promoting library services for the elderly. Pennvslvania Library Association Bulletin. 29.155-157. "SR332 Mangelfullt bibliotektilbud i helseinstitusjonene [Poor library service in health care institutions], (1981). Bok oa Bibliotek. 48(6). 453-455. (LISA/8300579) **SR333 Manheimer, R. J. (1984). Developing arts and humanities programming for and with the elderly. (Adult services in action No. 2). Chicago, IL: American Library Association, Reference and Adult Services Division. **SR334 Marler, C. (1998). Radio Library is on the air! Missouri Library World. 3(2). 4-5. (LISA/77831) **SR335 Martausová, A. (1976). Stari l'udia a citanie [Senior citizens and reading]. Citatel. 25(7/8), 255-257. (LISA/7602609) "SR336 Mârtensson, E. (1974). At läsa och lä ra pâ äldre dar [To read and to learn when one is old]. Biblioteksbladet. 59(7). 101-102+. "SR337 Masciusko, K. L. (Ed.). (1989). Challenging age: Library services for an aging population. Cleveland, OH: Cuyahoga County Public Library. " S R 3 3 8 Mates, B. T., Wakefield, D., & Dixon, J. M. (2000). Adaptive technology for the Internet: Making electronic resources accessible to all. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. **SR339 Mathews, V. (1981). Libraries: Aids to life satisfaction for older women. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Office of Libraries and Learning Technologies. "SR340 Matthaeidesova, M. (1994). Problematika kniznicno-informacnych sluzieb pre pouzivatelov starsieho veku [Library and information services for the elderly], Kniznice a Informacie. 26(7). 285-288. (LISA/9409893) "SR341 Matthaeidesova, M. (1996). Kniznicno-informacne sluzby pre pouzivatelov starsieho veku [Library and information services for senior citizens]. Kniznice a Informacie. 28(8/91 333-338. (LISA/9612302) "SR342 Matthews, A. M. (1990). 'n Diens aan senior burgers [A service to senior citizens]. Cape Librarian. 34(10). 2-3. (LISA/9102913) " S R 3 4 3 May, C. (1990). Senior booktalking. Wilson Library Bulletin. 65. 2-3. "SR344

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McCormick, E. (1999). Seniors aim to raise $1 million for new library. American Libraries. 30(3). 16. "SR345 Meyers, A. S. (1971). The unseen and unheard elderly. American Libraries. 2(8), 793-796. (LISA/7200160) "SR346 Mielke, L. (1980). New library services for older adults. Catholic Library World. 52(4), 172-174. "SR347 Mielke, L., Menz, K. E., & Rogers, J. (1990). Mobile services and the aging population. In C. S. Alloway (Ed.), The book stops here: New directions in bookmobile service (pp. 284-290). Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow. " S R 3 4 8 Miles, W. A. (1984). The aged, the elderly, the senior citizen: We serve them all. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 42(2). 83-86. "SR349 Militello, P. (1988). Bibliotherapy exchange: Aging. Ohio Libraries. 1. 21-22. "SR350 Miller, R. T. (1980). [In SIGHT out:] Library services to an aging population. Show-Me Libraries. 31. 25-26. "SR351 Mitcheson, E. (1988). Landfall Llandudno. Assistant Librarian. 81(8). 116-119. (LISA/8904928) "SR352 Modigh, B. (1982). Glöm inte bort boken I äldreomsorgen! [Don't forget the book in the care of the elderly!]. Biblioteksbladet. 67(10). 186-187. (LISA/8302227) "SR353 Monroe, M. E. (1978). The use of print and other media in nursing homes of Wisconsin in 1975 and a related survey of public library service to older adults. Madison, Wl: Wisconsin University, Faye McBeath Institute on Aging and Adult Life. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 184 548). **SR354 Monroe, M. E. (1976-1979). Specialist Program on Library Service to Aging [interim report]. Madison, Wl: Wisconsin University, Faye McBeath Institute on Aging and Adult Life. "SR355 Monroe, M. E. (1979). Continuing education for older adults. Drexel Library Quarterly. 15(2). 71-82. (LISA/8101009) "SR356 Monroe, M. E. (1984). Growth of library services to older adults in Wisconsin: A segment of history. Wisconsin Library Bulletin. 79.128-31. "SR357

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Montag, L. (1975). Lesegemeinschaft für ältere Menschen in der Stadtbücherei Biberach an der Riss; ein Bericht aus der Praxis [Reading circle for older people in the municipal library in Biberach an der Riss; a report of the practice]. Buch und Bibliotek. 27. 863-864. "SR358 Montgomery, J. (1990). A case study of the leisure activities and self-directed learning patterns of two senior center bridge classes. MSLS Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. "SR359 Moon, I. B. (1982). Free and inexpensive materials on nutrition for the elderly. Collection Building. 4(3). 75-82. "SR360 Moore, B. B., & Fisk, C. F. (1988). Improving library services to the aging. Library Journal. 113(7). 46-47. (LISA/8900638) "SR361 Moore, B. B., & Young, C. C. (1985). Library/information services and the nation's elderly. Journal of the American Society for Information Science. 36(6). 364-368. "SR362 Mosbach, G. (1992). Das projekt "Erzähl doch mal..."; Senioren lesen für Kinder/Kinder lesen für Senioren [The project "Tell us a story..."; seniors read to children/children read to seniors]. Buch und Bibliothek. 44,562565. **SR363 Mucci, F. (1984). La bibliothèque: Une ressource adaptable pour les personnes âgées [The library: A resource that can be adapted for the aged]. Bulletin ABQ/QLA Bulletin. 25(1). 7-10. (LISA/8500654) "SR364 Mulder, L. (1975). Granny Epps' video birthday. Film Library Quarterly. 8(2). 26+. "SR365 Mullen, C. B. (1971). Arkansas regional White House conference on aging. Arkansas Libraries. 27.18-19. **SR366 Müller-Caroli, E. (1975). Kulturelle Bestrebungen in der Altenhilfe: Das Recht des alten Menschen auf ein Buch [Cultural efforts in the social services for old people: The elderly person's right to a book]. Buch und Bibliotek. 27(9), 790-797. (LISA/7503415) "SR367 Mullin, K. (1979). Wayne Oakland federated library system homebound service van. The Unabashed Librarian. (30), 6. "SR368 . Addendum. The Unabashed Librarian. (33), 5. " S R 3 6 9

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Murphy, T. H. (1988). Some new twists on book discussions. New Jersey Libraries. 26.12-14. "SR370 Nagel, M. (1975). Überlegungen zu einer Altenpolitik der öffentlichen Bibliotheken; das Lesen im Kontext der Freizeitaktivitäten alter Menschen [Reflections on public library policy towards old people: Reading seen in the context of old people's leisure activities]. Buch und Bibliothek. 27(9). 781-789. (LISA/7503413) "SR371 Nassau finds that elders thrive on using their "lively minds." (1989). Library Journal. 114(4). 14. "SR372 Nauratil, M. J. (1981). The public library and an ageing population. Ontario Library Review. 65(41 235-241. (LISA/8204566) " S R 3 7 3 Nauratil, M. J. (1982). An investigation into congruence/incongruence between espoused theory and theory-in-use relating to public library service to older adults in Ontario and New York. Doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. "SR374 Nauratil, M. J. (1985). Public libraries and nontraditional clienteles: The politics of special services. (New directions in librarianship No. 8). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. " S R 3 7 5 Nauratil, M. J. (1986). Serving seniors: Commitment or cop-out?, dissertation summary. Canadian Library Journal. 43(4). 265-266. " S R 3 7 6 NCLIS & Agency on Aging sign memo to work together. (1985). Library Journal. 110(9). 11. "SR377 Needham, G. (1997). Institutions changing under the force of new information technology. Generations. 21(3). 11-14. "SR378 Needs of elderly readers. (1980). Library Association Record. 82. 5. **SR379 A network of library services for older adults (1987,1988 grant recipients). New Jersey Libraries. 21.19-22. **SR380 Neuber, M. (1975). ORIFLAMME. (Older residents involved from library activity in mass media experiment): the inland library system's outreach service to the elderly. News Notes of California Libraries. 70(1-4). 18-23. " S R 3 8 1 New library service to homes in Essex. (1996). Service Point. (67), 18. (LISA/9701434) "SR382

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New York senior citizens serve the aging. (1981). Library Journal. 106.1866+. **SR383 Niemann, H. (1975). Bibliotheksarbeit im Altenheim; ein Experiment bei den Hamburger öffentlichen Bücherhallen [Library work in the old people's home; an experiment by Hamburg Public Libraries], Buch und Bibliothek. 27(4), 393-398. (USA/7501433) "SR384 Nixon, J. L. (1996). Paving the way for future generations. Journal of Youth Services in Libraries. 9(3). 233-237. "SR385 North Dakota library pioneers with aged. (1971). Library Journal. 96.1557. "SR386 Nowicki, T., & Denton, L. (1989). Give us books, give us wings: Seniors sharing books with children. Colorado Libraries. 15.13. "SR387 Obohacovanie zivota starsich ludi [Enriching the life of the elderly]. (1994). Kniznice a Informacie. 26m. 316-317. (LISA/9409898) "SR388 Odescalchi, E. K. (1974). Adventures of a shut-in librarian. Wilson Library Bulletin. 48(8). 668-671. (LISA/7401331) "SR389 Odeschalchi, E. K. (1979) Library extension services for older adults. Catholic Library World. 50(7). 290-291. "SR390 O'Donnell, P. (1972). Senior power! Svnerav. 37.15-22. "SR391 . Also appears in W. A. Katz & J. Klaessig (Eds.). (1973). Library lit 3 - the best of 1972 (pp. 437-446). Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press. "SR392 Ohashi, K. (1989). On library services for the aged [in Japanese]. Toshokan-Kai (The Library World). 40(5). 228-235. (LISA/9002635) "SR393 Oklahoma libraries stand ready to serve aged & their agencies. (1983). Library Journal. 108.1305. "SR394 Old folks teach young in Columbia, Md. programs. (1982). Library Journal. 107. 506. **SR395 Olsson, B. (1982). Library services for senior citizens. In M. Beaujean (Ed. and Comp.), Metropolitan libraries on their way into the eighties: Festschrift JÜRGEN EYSSEN zum 60. Geburtstag (DP. 123-128). München: Saur. "SR396

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101 ideas for serving the impaired elderly. (1989). Chicago, IL: American Library Association. "SR397 Overwien, W. (1976). Bibliothekarbeit für alte Menschen; Fortbildungstagung in Bonn [Library work for the aged; continuing education conference in Bonnl. Buch und Bibliotek. 28.415. "SR398 Palmer, J. L. (1988). Large-print books: Public library services to older adults. Educational Gerontology. 14(3). 211-220. "SR399 Palmore, S.N. (1986). Senior literacy circles: An enrichment program for extended care facilities. RQ. 26(1). 90-96. (LISA/8702813) " S R 4 0 0 Paparella, J. B. (1973). Library service for the aging. Catholic Library World. 44(9), 540-544. (LISA/7301712) "SR401 Parker, J., & Cannon, E. (1989). Work with older people in the community. Library Association Record. 91.40-41. "SR402 Parsons, S., & Coe, N. (1989). Time on their hands? Library services for the over 50s and the housebound. Library Association Record. 91.103. " S R 4 0 3 Paul, B. A. (1987). What's in it for you: Special library service for special people. Illinois Libraries. 69(1). 60-63. "SR404 Pearson, L. R. (1988). NCLIS/RSVP pilot project to aid latchkey children. American Libraries. 19. 745-746. "SR405 Pennsylvania's statewide initiative links libraries, services, elders. (1994). Perspective on Aging. 23(3). 19-20. "SR406 Peters, M. (1976). Altenbücherdienst Bonn: ein Zustelldienst für alte und kranke Menschen [Library services for old people in Bonn: A delivery service for elderly and sick people]. Buch und Bibliothek. 28(5). 410-413. (LISA/7601377) "SR407 Phinney, E. (Ed.). (1973). Library services to the aging. [Theme issue]. Library Trends. 21(3). (USA/7302216) "SR408 Pilkama, A. (1974). Haasteena vanhukset [The elderly as a challenge], Kiriastolehti. 67(3). 99-101. (LISA/7401330) "SR409 Polk, W. B. (1987). Senior citizens and human resources. Illinois Libraries. 69(5). 324. " S R 4 1 0

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Porter, V. (1979). I can read again. Mature Years. 11(2121+. "SR411 Preconference on service to elders. (1995). Wilson Library Bulletin. 69(8), 55. "SR412 Preuit, R., & Bird, L. (1974). Many of our best friends and patrons are older people. Wyoming Library Roundup. 29. 50-51. "SR413 Price, D. M., & Gallagher, H. (1974). Austin public library's services to the elderly program. Texas Library Journal. 50.69-70+. "SR414 Prime time after 60. (1976). Bay State Librarian. 65.14. "SR415 Programs [from small and medium sized libraries for impaired elderly]. (1981). Interface. 3. 8-10. "SR416 Puacz, J. H., & Bradfield, C. (2000). Surfs up for seniors! Introducing older patrons to the Web. Computers in Libraries. 20(8). 50-53. (LISA/103622) "SR417 Public library services for the aged. [1984]. In Libraries: After 1984. proceedings of the LAA/NZLA Conference. Australia (pp. 430-437). [no publisher], (LISA/8700665) "SR418 Pullin, R. (Comp.). (1984). Library services and older Americans. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 42(21104-111. "SR419 Puryear, D. S. (1988). Lively minds: The traveling library learning program. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 46. 224-228. "SR420 Putnam, L. (1975). Library services and hearing impaired older Americans. Illinois Libraries. 57. 470^473. "SR421 Rait, S. K. (1989). Reading & information needs of elderly Punjabis. Library Association Record. 91. 279-280+. **SR422 Ravnaas, K. (1995). Bibliotek for elder - ikke bare lupelamper og rosa litteratur [Library for the elderly - not just magnifying glasses and rosy literature]. Bok oo Bibliotek. 61 fi.e. 621(51 5. "SR423 Rawsthorne, L. (1990). Large print books and the public library. Public Library Journal. 5.19-24. "SR424 Reed, E. W. (1973). Library programs and activities: Serving the aging directly. Library Trends. 21(31 404-412. (LISA/7302218) "SR425

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Resolutions from the National pre-White House conference on aging, Philadelphia, Pa., February 1995. (1995). RQ. 34.471-472. "SR426 Retief, H .J. M. (1970). Die Openbare Biblioteek en sy Gebruikers: Bejaardes [The public library and its users: The aged]. South African Libraries. 38(3). 184-191. (USA/7100098) "SR427 Retief, H. J. M. (1982). Die senior burger en sy biblioteekbehoeftes [The senior citizen and his library needs]. South African Journal for Librarianship and Information Science. 50(2). 45-48. (LISA/8302824) "SR428 Reuben, S. (1976). Funding: The way L. A. county did it. California Librarian. 37. 32-34. "SR429 Reuter, V. (1981). Bibliotheksarbeit mit alten und behinderten Menschen [Library work with the elderly and handicapped], Mitteilungsblatt (Verband der Bibliotheken des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen). 31(3). 280-282. (LISA/8203613) "SR430 Revelli, C. (1993). Lettori in difficolta - 2 [Readers with difficulties - 2], Biblioteche Οααϊ. 11(11). 76-81. (USA/9511471) "SR431 Rice, C. (1982). Adult learning in self-help groups. Show-Me Libraries. 33(11). 28-33. (LISA/8401896) "SR432 Rickert, C., & Zeller, M. J. (1988). A multi-purpose senior center - one community's experience. Library Outreach Reporter. 1(6). 12-13. **SR433 Ring, A. M. (1986). Establishing a state-of-the-art library in a nursing home. Journal of Education and Media and Library Sciences. 23(3). 254-270. (LISA/8605596) "SR434 Ring, A. M. (1987). Winchester House Library [Basic library services at a nursing home!. Illinois Libraries. 69. 42-54. "SR435 Ring, A. M. (1991). Read easv: Large print libraries for older adults: Planning guide, operations manual, sample forms. Seattle, WA: Caresource Program Development. "SR436 Ring, A. M. (1998). Intergenerational library programs in nursing homes. Illinois Libraries. 80(1). 15-17. (LISA/76005) "SR437

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Risacher, J. (1995). The age of confidence: [Intergenerational programming at Clermont County]. School Library Journal. 41(4). 50. (LISA/9509019) "SR438 Rizzo, G. (1991). "Grand-ma" comes to a branch library: A foster grandparent makes her mark. American Libraries. 22(9). 904. **SR439 Robinson, W. (1979). Meeting the psychological and social needs of older adults: The library's role. Drexel Library Quarterly. 15(21 5-19. (LISA/8100976) "SR440 Rogers, H. F. (1989). Library services for seniors: A selective bibliography [Services de bibliothèque aux personnes âgées: une bibliographie selective], Ottawa, ON: National Library of Canada. "SR441 Romani, D. (1970). Guidelines for library service to the institutionalized aging: Libraries in the therapeutic society. American Libraries. 1(3). 286-289. (LISA/7001419) "SR442 Romani, D. (1973). Reading interests and needs of older people. Library Trends. 21(3), 390-403. (LISA/7302217) "SR443 Rottcher, G. (1976). Büchereiarbeit mit alten Menschen: Versuch einer Orientierung am Befund wissenschaftlicher Forschungsergebnisse [Library work with old people: An attempt to assess the findings of scientific research]. Buch und Bibliothek. 28(5). 366-378. (LISA/7601380) »SR444 Rousseau, A. (1990). 'n diens aan bejaardes [A service to the elderly]. Cape Librarian. 34(10). 9. (LISA/9102914) "SR445 The "RSVP Intergenerational Library Assistance Project" will help public libraries in four major cities provide assistance to children who use libraries after school. (1988). Journal of Youth Services in Libraries. 2.10. "SR446 Rubery, N. M. (1990). A grand idea: Activities in which senior citizens and young people can participate. School Library Journal. 36(1 V 42. (LISA/9006653) "SR447 Rubin, R. J. (1978). Bibliotherapy with older adults in the library context [with discussion]. In M. E. Monroe (Ed.), Seminar on Bibliotherapy: Proceedings of sessions. June 21-23.1978 in Madison. Wisconsin (pp. 65-82). Madison, Wl: University of Wisconsin Library School. "SR448

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Rubin, R. J. (1993). Interaenerational Programming: A how-to-do-it manual for librarians. (How-to-do-it manuals for libraries No. 36). New York, NY: Neal-Schuman. "SR449 Rubin, R.J., & Bostic, L. (1979). Packaging programs: New mode of library service to older adults. Public Library Quarterly. 1(3). 271-280. (LISA/8105287) "SR450 Rubin, R. J., & McGovern, G. J. (1988). Working with older adults: A handbook for libraries (2nd ed.). Sacramento, CA: California State Library Foundation. "SR451 Rubin, R. J., & McGovern, G. J. (1990). Working with older adults: A handbook for libraries (3rd ed). Sacramento, CA: California State Library Foundation. "SR452 Ruizevel, K. (1989). Op de hurken een boek inkijken is voor ouderen een acrobatentoer: ervaringen van oudere bibliotheekgebruikers [For the elderly getting down on one's knees to look for books is a job for acrobats: The experiences of older library users]. Bibliotheek en Samenleving. 17(11), 383-385. (LISA/9007154) "SR453 Rulander, E. (1975). Expanding library services to the elderly. Morehead, KY: Morehead State University, Appalachian Adult Education Center. "SR454 Rutgers announces new curriculum in services for older adults. (1980). Public Libraries. 19. 68. "SR455 Sakalova, E. (1994). Starsi ludia a rozvijanie citatelskych aktivit deti [The elderly and development of reading habits of children], Kniznice a Informacie. 26(7), 291-293. (LISA/9409926) "SR456 Sakalova, E. (1996). Kniznice ν procese starnutia a staroby [The role of libraries in alleviating the ageing process]. Kniznice a Informacie. 28(8/9). 339-347. (LISA/9612304) "SR457 Sandham, W. (1984). Meeting the needs of elderly people - a one day seminar: A personal view. Housecall. 6. 6-7. (LISA/8602259) "SR458 Saunders, K. (1992). Expanding outreach service to seniors. American Libraries. 23(2), 176+. **SR459 Scanlon, J. (1980). Shepherd's center and its training service library. Show-Me Libraries. 31. 23-24. "SR460

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Schmidt, H. (1972). Die Sonderbüchereien der Stadt München: Bericht aus der Praxis [Special libraries in Munich; report on the practical aspects]. Buch und Bibliotek. 24. 344-347. "SR461 Schmidt, L. M. (1972). Aging and the aged (excerpts from a speech presented at the Institute on Specialized Library Services). Library Occurrent. 24, 7-12. "SR462 Schmidt, L. M. (Ed.). (1972). Library service to the aging. (Theme issue). Association of Hospital and Institution Libraries Quarterly. Spring/Summer. "SR463 Schonebaum, Α., & Van der Poort, Ε. M. (1970). Bijeenkomst van de leden van het Studiecentrum voor openbare bibliotheken: gewijd aan de lectuurvoorziening voor bejaarden en zieken [Book provision for the aged and sick people], Openbare Bibliotheche. 13(2). 39-45. (LISA/7001424) "SR464 Schonemann, H. (1990). Biblioteksbetjening af de nye aeldre I Svinninge: aktivitet, trivsel og velvaere [Library service to the new elderly in Svinninge: Activity, growth and well-being], Bibliotek 70. (9), 282-283. (LISA/9101751) "SR465 Schräder, Β. (1987). Service to older Americans, Murphysboro, Illinois (SOAMI). Illinois Libraries. 69. 723-727, "SR466 Schrevens, F. (1973). Lecturer in het leven van de bejaarde [Lecture on the lives of the aged], Bibliotheekaids. 49. 2-24. "SR467 Schuiten, I. (1989). Dienstverlening aan ouderen integreren in het reguliere bibliotheekwerk: uitwisseling van informatie en personeel gewenst [Integrating services to the elderly into normal library work: An exchange of information and staff is helpful], Bibliotheek en Samenlevinq. 17(11), 375-376. (LISA/9007157) "SR468 Sedláková, L. (1982). Κ problémum ctenáru vyssich vekovych kategorii [On the problems of readers of a higher-age group], Ctenàr. 34(12). 405-406. (LISA/8402271) "SR469 Seguin, M. M., & Jarlsberg, J. (1976). Vintage volunteers in the library. Catholic Library World. 48. 109-111. "SR470 Seide, S. D. (1978). The 'Afternoon Library Club': Discussions and activities by and for mature adults. Ontario Library Review. 62(4), 274-277. (LISA/7901019) "SR471

130 Services to the Elderly

Semkow, J. (Comp.). (1976). Film programs for senior citizens. Booklist. 12. 1344-1348. " S R 4 7 2 Service to the aging: Field project reports, 1977, by students at University of Wisconsin, Madison, Library school. (1978). Wisconsin Library Bulletin. 74,232-234. " S R 4 7 3 Services to old people (Theme issue). (1989). Bibliotheek en Samenlevina. 17(11). (LISA/9007155) " S R 4 7 4 Serving our senior citizens. [Theme issue], (1987). Illinois Libraries. 69(5). "SR475 Shepherd, J. (1973). Report on summer project for Prince Edward Island libraries. APLA Bulletin. 37.10-12. " S R 4 7 6 Shepherd, J. (1989). "As I remember it"...the writer-in-residence and reminiscence work; Leicestershire Libraries and Information Service. Library Association Record. 91. 716+. " S R 4 7 7 Shilts, T. (1990). Library services and older Americans. Clarion, PA: Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Dept. Of Library Science, Center for the Study of Rural Librarianship. " S R 4 7 8 Simpson, M. S., & Blosveren, B. (1996). Books build bridges: An intergenerational read-in. Voice of Youth Advocates. 18. 351-355. "SR479 Siskova, H. (1994). Sluzby verejnych kniznic ve vztahu k starsim ludom [Public library services for the elderly], Kniznice a Informacie. 26(7). 312-313. (LISA/9409897) " S R 4 8 0 Sit, R. A. (1998). Online library catalog search performance by older adult users. Library & Information Science Research. 20(2). 115-131. " S R 4 8 1 Slaninka, L. (1977). Outreach to nursing homes. Ohio Library Association Bulletin. 47. 33-34. " S R 4 8 2 Smith, E. T. (1979). Library education responds to needs of older adults. Catholic Library World. 50(7). 276-279. " S R 4 8 3 Smith, E. T. (1981). Information needs and reading interests of older adults. [Presented at the 1981 CLA Conference], Catholic Library World. 53(1). 27-31. " S R 4 8 4

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Smith, N. J. (1986). Humanizing the computer for the older adult. Ohio Library Association Bulletin. 56. 25-26. "SR485 So alt, wie ich bin: alte Menschen und Bibliotheken [42nd annual meeting, 23-27 May, 1990, Regensburg]. VBB-Verein der Bibliothekare an öffentlichen Bibliotheken, e.V. (1992). Köln: Kuratorium Deutsche Altershilfe. **SR486 Somers, J. (1984). A rural library system reaches out to older adults. The Bookmark (Albany. NY1.42(2). 87-91. "SR487 South, J. Α., & Drennan, H. (1973). The 1971 White House Conference on Aging: Implications for library services. Library Trends. 21(3). 441-458. (LISA/7302220) "SR488 Speak, M. (1990). A survey of reading patterns of elderly people using the Age Concern Centre Library, Leicester. Health Libraries Review. 7(1). 8-13. (LISA/9005612) "SR489 Spear, J. (1983). Over by the memories [library school assignment]. Wisconsin Library Bulletin. 78.119-121. "SR490 Special people: Library service for nursing home residents [Videorecording], (1981). Baltimore, MD: Library Video Network. "SR491 Speer-Brisjiford, I. L. (1989). Senior connections: An information referral service for the elderly. Argus. 18(2). 58-63. (LISA/9006380) "SR492 Speer-Brisfjord, I. L. (1990). Informatievoorziening voor oudere allochtonen: een Amerikaans initiatief [Information services for elderly immigrants: An American initiative]. Bibliotheek en Samenlevino. 18(1). 11-12. (LISA/9006398) "SR493 Spijkerboer, W. (1987). Ontwikkelingen in het ouderenbeleid en de consequenties voor de openbare bibliotheek [Developments in policies for the elderly and the consequences for public libraries]. Bibliotheek en Samenlevino. 15(12). 361-363. (LISA/8805609) "SR494 Stanley-Dunham, J. (1989). St. John's forum on seniors: Designing library services for the aging: Toward the 21st century. Wilson Library Bulletin. 63. 10+. " S R 4 9 5 Statistics on disability. (1989). Link-Up. (55), 3-4. (LISA/9000072) "SR496 Strain, E. W. (1975). Outreach: A dialogue for better understanding. Oklahoma Librarian. 25.14-16. "SR497

132 Services to the Elderly

Strand, R. (1976). Library services for the aging: An in-service training program for Hennepin county librarians. Thesis (Specialist in Librarianship), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. "SR498 Street, P. (1994). National provision to the elderly in public libraries: Preliminary results of a postal survey conducted in 1993. Library Management. 15(8). 28-32. (LISA/9505451) "SR499 Strickland, C. (1990). Intergenerational reading: Encouraging the grandlap. (1995). Wilson Library Bulletin. 65.46-48+. "SR500 Su, S. S., & Conaway, C. W. (1995). Information and a forgotten minority: Elderly Chinese immigrants. Library and Information Science Research. 17(1). 6986. (LISA/9510206) "SR501 Sullivan, K. S. (1993). Lifelong learning for everyone. Alki, 9. 5-6. "SR502 Suvak, D. E. (1979). Library service to the long-living. Ohio Library Association Bulletin. 49. 9-12. "SR503 Svensson, Α., & Wibergh, A. (1999). 'Utan bocker skulle tillvaron bli gra for manga' - en undersokning om bibliotekets uppsokande verksamhet och vardpersonalens attityder till biblioteksverksamhet inom aldreomsorgen I tva kommuner ['Without books life would be grey for many' - a study of the library outreach service and medical nursing staffs attitudes to library service in nursing homes for the elderly in two communities]. M.A. Thesis, University College of Boräs, Boräs, Sweden. (LISA/6773) "SR504 Symphony for seniors co-sponsored by Green Gold system. (1975). Louisana Library Association Bulletin. 38. 42. "SR505 Szudy, T. (1987). Moments of glad grace: A profile of older people and their service needs. Ohio Library Association Bulletin. 57. 22-25. "SR506 Takashima, R. (1991). Library services to the aging in the USA [In Japanese]. Toshokan-Kai (The Library World). 43(31 138-149. (LISA/9202539) "SR507 Takashima, R. (1993). Library services to the aging [In Japanese], Toshokan-Kai (The Library World). 45(1). 73-78. (LISA/9405988) **SR508 Takashima, R. (1994). Public library services to the elderly in Japan. Educational Gerontology· 20(5). 483^93. "SR509

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Takashima, R. (2000). Report on the service to the aging at Brooklyn Public Library [In Japanese]. Toshokan-Kai (The Library World). 52(3). 148-154. (LISA/104595) "SR510 Tanner, M. C. (1976). Mondovi [public library] reached out. Wisconsin Library Bulletin. 72.124. "SR511 Ten Hove, M. (1989). En nu...contributievrijdom voor ouderen: in Katwijk betalen ouderen al ruim zeven jaar geen contributie meer [And now...exemption from membership charges for the elderly: In Katwijk the elderly have enjoyed freedom from charges for almost 7 years]. Bibliotheek en Samenlevina. 17(11). 377-378. (LISA/9007331) "SR512 Tevis, J. Α., & Crawley, B. (1988). Reaching out to older adults. Library Journal. 113(8). 37-40. (LISA/8900099) "SR513 Thauberger, P. C. (1975). Involvement with the elderly: Development programmes needed. Canadian Library Journal. 32(3). 233-235, 237. (LISA/7502122) "SR514 Thauberger, P. C. et al. (1976). Solid turnout greets new Regina programs. Feliciter. 22. 8. "SR515 Thompson, D. G. (1988). Serving older adults in North Carolina public libraries: A survey. North Carolina Libraries. 46.163-180. "SR516 Tinker, Α., McCreadie, C., & Salvage, A. (1994). The information needs of elderly people: An exploratory study. Assignation. 11(3). 44-46. (LISA/9500414) **SR517 Toward the 1995 White House Conference on aging: Priorities and policies for library and information services for older adults: Proceedings of a National Pre-White House Conference on Aging. February 3.1995. PhiladelphiaPennsylvania. (1995). Washington, DC: U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science. "SR518 Truett, D. (1983). Library services for elderly patrons: With notes on hearing impairments. South Carolina Librarian. 27. 9-11. " S R 5 1 9 Tucker, S. (1987). Libraries serve senior citizens - and vice versa. New Jersey Libraries. 20. 22-23. "SR520 Tumulty, P. (1988). New Jersey State library grant programs for services to the aging community. New Jersey Libraries. 21.18. "SR521

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Turock, B. (1980). Rutgers courses on services for older adults. New Jersey Libraries. 13. 4-5. " S R 5 2 2 Turock, B. J. (1981). Planning services for older adults. Public Libraries. 20(2). 48-49. (LISA/8201073) " S R 5 2 3 Turock, B. J. (1981). Public library services for aging in the eighties. (A 1981 White House Conference on Aging Background Paper). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Office of Libraries and Learning Technologies. " S R 5 2 4 Turock, B. J. (1981). Public library services for aging in the eighties, executive summary. (A 1981 White House Conference on Aging Background Paper). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Office of Libraries and Learning Technologies. " S R 5 2 5 Turock, B. J. (1982). Public library services for the aging in the eighties [adapted from a 1981 White House conference on the aging background paper]. In J. O'Hare & Β. Sun (Eds. & Comps.). The Bowker Annual of library and book trade information (27 th ed.) (pp. 43-52). New York: Bowker. " S R 5 2 6 Turock, B. J. (1982). Serving the older adult: A guide to library programs and information sources. New York: Bowker. (LISA/8305286) " S R 5 2 7 Turock, B. J. (1987). Public library service for older adults: Update 1984. Library Quarterly. 57(2). 137-170. (LISA/8801184) " S R 5 2 8 Turock, B. J. (Ed.). (1988). Library services to older adults [Theme issue]. New Jersey Libraries. 21. " S R 5 2 9 Turock, B. J. (Ed.). (1988). Information and aging: Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual symposium of the graduate alumni and faculty of the Rutgers School of Communication. Information, and Library Studies. New Brunswick. NJ. 9 April 1987. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. " S R 5 3 0 Turock, B. J. (1995). Obsluzhivanie pozhilykh chitatelei [Services to elderly readers]. Bibliotekovedenie. (4/5), 95-106. " S R 5 3 1 Union, B. (1996). Reading to seniors. Journal of Youth Services in Libraries. 9(4). 381-384. **SR532 United States. Congress. Senate. Special Committee on Aging. (1998). Older Americans and the Worldwide Web: The new wave of Internet users: Forum before the Special Committee on Aging. United States Senate.

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One Hundred Fifth Congress, second session. Washington. DC. July 16. 1998. Washington. DC: U.S. G.P.O. " S R 5 3 3 Van Amelsvoört, F. (1976). Gekoordineerd bejaardenwerk; mogelijkheden tot samenwerking met het openbare bibliotheekwerk [Coordinated work with old people: Possibilities of cooperation with public libraries]. Bibliotheek en Samenlevina, 4(6). 297-304. (LISA/7602610) "SR534 Van Fleet, C. (1995). Public libraries, lifelong learning, and older adults: Background and recommendations. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, National Institute on Postsecondary Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 385 259). "SR535 Van Fleet, C. J. (1989). Public library service to older adults: Survey findings and implications; Adult Services in the Eighties (ASE) Project. Public Libraries. 28,107-111. "SR536 Van Fleet, C. J. (1995). A matter of focus: Reference services for older adults. The Reference Librarian. 49/50.147-164. "SR537 Van Hal-van Erp, G. (1990). Een onbekende kant van de biblioteek. 2: wat rieht de bibliothecaris aan? [An unknown side to the library. 2: What can the librarian offer?]. Bibliotheek en Samenlevino. 18(3). 95-98. (LISA/9101186) "SR538 Van Tiggelen, N. (1999). Inspireren, stimuleren en activeren: leesbevordering voor ouderen in Noord Brabant [To inspire, stimulate and motivate: The North Brabant project to interest the elderly in reading]. BibliotheekBlad. 3(12), 30-31. (LISA/88097) "SR539 Van Tiggelen, N. (2000). Voorlezen voor ouderen past prima in beleid instellingen [Reading to the elderly fits naturally into the policy towards community organizations]. BibliotheekBlad. 4(13). 12-13. (LISA/102918) "SR540 Van Vaerenbergh, J. (1987). Bijzondere dienstverlening in verzorgingsinstellingen: twee hoopvolle berichten [Special services in hospitals and medical institutes: Two messages of hope], Bibliotheek - en Archiefgids. 63(2). 145-151. (LISA/8802798) "SR541 Van Vaerenbergh, J. (1991). De vergrijzing [Aging], Bibliotheek - en Archiefgids. 67(1), 11-12. (LISA/9202535) "SR542

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Van Vaerenbergh, J. (1991). Ouderen: de trend van de tockomst [The elderly: The trend of the future], Bibliotheek - en Archiefgids. 67(1). 46-50. (LISA/9202538) "SR543 Van Vaerenbergh, J. (1993). Ouderen in bibliotheek [The elderly and libraries], Bibliotheek - en Archiefgids. 69(4). 154-157. (LISA/9401470) " S R 5 4 4 Veblen, M. E. (1971). One year later: A survey of the activities generated from the information and insight gained by participants of the Institute on Library Service to the Aging. American Library Association Adult Services Division Newsletter. 8. 26-27. "SR545 Verbeek-Luts, M. CI. (1977). Bibliotheekwerking voor bejaarden, zieken en gehandicapten [Library work for the aged, the sick and the handicapped], Bibliotheekoids, 53. 209-220. "SR546 Video fundraiser [Video-tapes of grandparents reading to children], (1989). The Unabashed Librarian. (73), 22. (LISA/7090) "SR547 Vingtdeux, N., & Souchu, P. (1998). Culture bleue: la Bibliothèque Départementale de Prêt de l'Ardèche propose une offre culturelle inédite pour les seniors [The Blue Culture Programme: The Ardèche departmental lending library proposes an innovative cultural programme for seniors]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français. (181). 5-15. (LISA/83361) "SR548 Visiting library services: A survey of Ontario's public libraries. (1981). Ontario Library Review. 65(4). 242-251. (LISA/8204565) "SR549 Vlasova, A. (1988). "Pomniu, ia eshche molodushkoi byla..." ["I remember, I was still a young woman..."]. Bibliotekar (Moscow. Soviet Union). (1), 35. **SR550 Vydrová, H. (1977). Cesty za citatel'mi [Ways to reach readers], Citatel. 26(12), 434-435. (LISA/7802727) "SR551 Waddicor, J. (1975). Library service to nursing homes: A regional study. Library Journal, 100(18). 1892-1895. (LISA/7600177) "SR552 Wagenaar, H. (1991). Dutch library services to disadvantaged persons. Health Libraries Review. 8(3). 142-149, "SR553 Waltz, A. (1976). Special Populations Task Force report, including blind and visually impaired, deaf, aged and elderly, physically handicapped, library

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support to educational programs in correctional institutions. Olympia, WA: Washington State Library. "SR554 Wash, P. (1978). Librarians serving older people. Occupational Outlook Quarterly. 22(1149-52. "SR555 Watkin, A. (1988). New opportunities: Library services to the over 50s - your opportunity. Assistant Librarian. 81(3). 37-38. (LISA/8805608) " S R 5 5 6 Watkin, Α., & Potter, S. (1992). Reminiscing in Clwvd. Assistant Librarian. 85(9). 132-136. (LISA/9301685) "SR557 Watson, K. F. (1980). Leisure reading habits: A survey of the leisure reading habits of Canadian adults with some international comparisons. Ottawa, ON: Infoscan. "SR558 Watson, T. (1987). Reading aloud in Seattle: A good idea getting better. Wilson Library Bulletin. 61. 20-22. "SR559 Wauters, R. (1991). Nieuwgebouwde bibliotheken: ook aantrekkelijk voor ouderen [New library buildings: Attractive to the elderly]. Bibliotheek - en Archiefoids. 67. 37-45. "SR560 Webb, B. (1979).Gray and growing: Programming with older adults. Drexel Library Quarterly. 15(2). 43-59. (LISA/8100977) "SR561 Webb, B. (1979). Today's public libraries work to bring the elderly in. Perspective on Aoino. 8(4). 12-13+. "SR562 Weis, I. J. (1978). Libraries - services to the aged: A bibliography. (Council of Planning Librarians - Exchange bibliography 1433). Monticello, IL: Council of planning librarians. "SR563 Weisbjerg, B , Nielsen, A. M., & Pedersen, B. J. (1990). Projekt: Bibliotekethenter i Odense (Project: The library collects in Odense). Bibliotek 70, (15), 470-471. (LISA/9102907) "SR564 Weitkemper, L. D. (1976). Survey of reading interest of senior citizens using the outreach services of the Daniel Boone regional library. (Research Paper). University of Missouri at Columbia, Columbia, Missouri. **SR565 Wiederspan, Ν. (1973). Service to the 65+ group. Nebraska Library Association Quarterly. 4. 8-9. "SR566 Wigmore, H. (1988). The captive reader: A study of the housebound reader service in Harrow. Cranfield, England: Cranfield Press. "SR567

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Wiley, M. D. (1975). Psychological problems of normal agino: Implications for public library service. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University. **SR568 Wilkinson, M. A. (1988). Report on public library service to seniors in southwestern Ontario. May 1988. London, ON: University of Western Ontario, School of Library and Information Science. "SR569 Wilkinson, Μ. Α., & Allen, B. L. (1991). What are users' views on seniors in the public library? Library & Information Science Research. 13.103-130. "SR570 Will, J., Fabian, T. & Straka, G. A. (1990). Mediennutzung älterer Menschen [Use of the media by elderly persons]. Buch und Bibliothek. 42. 822-828. "SR571 Williamson, Κ. (1999). The role of research in professional practice: With reference to the assessment of the information and library needs of older people. Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services. 12(4). 145153. (LISA/95647) "SR572 Williamson, K., & Stayner, R. (1980). Information and library needs of the aged. Australian Library Journal. 29(41 188-195. (LISA/8104038) "SR573 Williamson, K., Bow, Α., & Wale, K. (1997, March). Older people and the Internet. jJnMJß, 9-12. (LISA/9706831) "SR574 Williford, P.S. (1988). Study in gray: A survey of information needs and information-seeking behavior among older adults in Shelby County, Tennessee. MSLS Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. "SR575 Winnick, P. (1978). Serving the seniors. American Education. 14(6), 18-20. **SR576 Winooski memorial library's French collection. (1975). Vermont Libraries. 4,111. "SR577 Winston, E. (1978). How libraries serve older adults [address delivered September 23,1976 in Winston-Salem at a conference sponsored by the N.C. state library]. North Carolina Libraries, 36.7-15. "SR578 Wolliscroft, M. (1984). Library services to elderly people. In Libraries: after 1984 proceedings of the LAA/NZLA Conference. Australia (pp. 418-429). [no publisher], (LISA/8700664) "SR579

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Wood, J. M. (1995). Intergenerational work thrives at Pekin Public Library. Ohio Libraries. 8(3). 20-21. (LISA/68921) " S R 5 8 0 Wood, J. M. (1996). Interagency cooperation: Benefits of intergenerational programming [Speech delivered at the 1995 Preconference Institute on Initiating New Paths to Library Service]. Journal of Youth Services in Libraries. 9.237-241. "SR581 Wood, J. M. (1999). Stone soup: A recipe for successful coalitions. Illinois Libraries. 81(1). 25-28. "SR582 Wright, K. C. (1979). Library and information services for handicapped individuals. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited. " S R 5 8 3 Wright, K. C., & Davie, J. F. (1983). Library and information services for handicapped individuals (2nd ed.). Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited. "SR584 Wright, K. C., & Davie, J. F. (1989). Library and information services for handicapped individuals (3rd ed.). Englewood, CO; Libraries Unlimited. "SR585 Yamamoto, T. (2000). Learning and the health of older people [in Japanese]. Toshokan Zasshi (The Library Journal). 94(9). 713-715. "SR586 Yamauchi, K., Shirane, K., Ito, T., Yamaguchi, K., Tanaka, M., Miyahara, M., Tada, C., Kasai, N., & Urakawa, T. (1999). What services are wanted for the aged now? [In Japanese], Toshokan Zasshi (The Library Journal). 93(7), 524-537. (LISA/91842) "SR587 Zabel, D. (Ed.). (1999). Look who's fifty: Building a collection for your aging baby boomers. Reference and User Services Quarterly. 39(2). 128-135. "SR588 Zeitler, Β. E. (1974). Focus on senior adults: Marathon county programs offer enjoyment and help. Wisconsin Library Bulletin. 70. 299-300. " S R 5 8 9

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Use and Development of Easy to Read Publications: A Bibliography, 1970-2000 Advisory list of instructional media: Easy books (1977). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State Dept. Of Public Instruction, Division of Educational Media. **EY001 Alkenbrack, B., Makue, T., & Norton, D. (1992). Publishing learner writings. Cape Librarian. 36(2). 17-19. (LISA/9204239) "EY002 American Library Association. Young Adult Services Division. High-interest/lowliteracy Level Materials Evaluation Committee. (1985). High-interest lowreading level booklist. Booklist. 81.1452-1453. " E Y 0 0 3 American Library Association. Young Adult Services Division. High-interest/lowliteracy Level Materials Evaluation Committee. (1986). High-interest lowreading level booklist. Booklist. 82.1534. **EY004 An annotated bibliography of adult basic education and related library materials. (1972). Austin, TX: University of Texas, Extension Teaching and Field Service Bureau. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 069 279). **EY005 Archer, M. P. (1972). Minorities in easy reading through third grade. Elementary English. 49(5). 746-749. "ΈΥ006 Armbruster, Β. Β., & Anderson, T. H. (1985). Producing "considerate" expository text: Or easy reading is damned hard writing. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 17(3). 247-263. *EY007 Bannon, S. H., & Haglund, Κ. E. (1991). Unlocking the easy collection: A key to literature across the curriculum. School Library Media Annual. 9.13-19. **EY008 Bates, B. S. (1977). Identifying high interest/low reading level books. School Library Journal. 24.19-21. "EY009 Beckman, J. (1984). Turning reluctant readers into lifetime readers. English Journal. 73(1). 84-86. "EY010 Bhola, H.S. (1989). Reading materials for post-literacy: The development and testing of a model of social writing. International Review of Education. 35(4), 463-478. "EY011

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Biblioteket - et sted for alle [The library - a place for all]. (1979). Bok oq Bibliotek. 46(5), 236-239. (LISA/8004279) "EY012 Birgisdottir, I. L., & Bjornsdottir, M. (1994). Barna-og unglingaboekur 1993: Urval [Juvenile literature published in Iceland 1993: A selection], Bokasafnid. (18), 10-12. (LISA/9502441) "EY013 Brandt, A-M. (1986). Lettleste boker [Books easy to read]. Bok oq Bibliotek. 53(7), 333-334. "EY014 Bruhn, S. (1990). Scandinavian developments in easy-to-read publications. Link1 ^ ( 6 5 ) , 11-15. (USA/9103984) "EY015 Cairney, T. H. (1993). Easy books for adult readers. Link-Up. (83), 15-17. (LISA/9405693) *ΈΥ016 Cameron, J. (1995, September). Ά good read': Books for adult new readers. Link-Up. 3-5. (LISA/9602947) "EY017 Carb, A. (1980, February 29). Hi/Ιο books: High aims and high odds. Publishers Weekly. 217. 83-84. "EY018 Carlsson, B. (1981). Gör biblioteken tillgängliga for alia! [Make libraries accessible to all!]. Biblioteksbladet. 66(6). 108-110. (USA/8200571) "EY019 Carlsson, B. (1981). On the reader's own terms: Literature for readers who have difficulty in understanding, difficulty in persisting, or who have another language. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 14(2). 43-45. (LISA/8201971) *ΈΥ020 Carter, B., & Abrahamson, R. F. (1986). The best of the hi/Ιο books for young adults: A critical evaluation. Journal of Reading. 30(3). 204-211. "EY021 Carver, R. P., & Leibert, R. E. (1995). The effect of reading library books at different levels of difficulty upon gain in reading ability. Reading Research Quarterly. 30(1). 26-48. "EY022 Colhapp, B., & Miller, L. (1994). Carver County Library System. Final Performance Report for Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) Title VI. Library Literacy Program. Chaska, MN: Carver County Library System. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 415 875). **EY023 Cox, C. (1995). 20 ways to use your readers! Basic Skills. 6-9. "EY024

142 Easy-to-Read Cunningham, P. (1981). The clip sheet: Books for beginners. Reading Teacher. 34(8), 952-954. "EY025 Cunningham, P. (1982). The clip sheet: "More" books for beginners. Reading Teacher. 35(5). 608-610. "EY026 Czajkowski, F. (1988). Literatura 'latwa w czytaniu': Problemy i nadzieje ['Easy to read' literature: Problems and expectations], Bibliotekarz, 55(1/2). 31-33. (LISA/9001147) "EY027 Czajkowski, F. (1989). Relacja ζ miedzynarodowej konferencji w Tilburgu na temat ksiazek 'latwych w czytaniu' [Report from the international conference in Tilburg on 'easy to read' books], Bibliotekarz. 56(6). 5-7. **EY028 Czajkowski, F. (1995). Knihy lahke na cltanie - problem vcelku riesitelny [Easy to read books - an issue which can be resolved], Kniznice a Informacie. 27(1), 6-9. (LISA/9509758) "EY029 Dalgaard, L. (1983). Barns lässvärigheter [Children's reading difficulties]. Barn och Kultur. 29(5). 102-105. (LISA/8500680) "EY030 De Jong, S. (1989). Reguliere en aangepaste materialen beter op elkaar afstemmen: Verslag symposium 'Makkelijk lezen' [Bringing normal and special materials together: A report on the 'Easy to Read' symposium], Bibliotheek en Samenleving. 17(7/8). 245-246. (LISA/9002668) "EY031 Dube, S. R. (1982). The Swedish library scene: Report of a study tour. Zimbabwe Librarian. 14(3/4). 54-55. (LISA/8400467) *ΈΥ032 Easily comprehensible news: A discussion of suitable channels. (1989). Link-Up. (56), 7-9. (LISA/9001323) "EY033 Easy adult reading materials: A bibliography of bibliographies. (1973). RQ. 13(1). 43-47. **EY034 Easy reading. (1995- ). Booklist. 96- . [Column which appears quarterly from October 1,1995 to the present], "EY035 Easy-to-read. [Papers presented at the Easy to Read Seminar, National Library of Australia, 28 September 1993].(1993). Link-Up. (83). (LISA/9405696) "EY036 Easy-to-read books (ER-books) on the readers' own terms. (1985). INSPEL. 19(4), 277-282. "EY037

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Easy readers recommended for consideration by public libraries. (1991). Oklahoma State Department of Libraries, Oklahoma City. Office of Library Development. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 353 986). "EY038 Eggink, G. (1989). 'Dankzij jullie is mijn kind gaan lezen': Bibliothecarissen over het werk met en voor leesgehandicapten [Thanks to you my child has started to read': librarians discuss services to backward readers]. Bibliotheek en Samenlevina. 17(7/8). 269-272. (LISA/9002665) " E Y 0 3 9 Elwell-Gavins, V. (1993). The Australian Language and Literacy Policy, libraries and easy-to-read documentation. Link-Up. (83), 13-15. (LISA/9405694) "EY040 Fedorowicz, M. (1997). Specjalne materialy czytelnicze - pròba zdefiniowania oraz charakterystyki [Special reading materials - a tentative definition and description!. Bibliotekarz. 64. (1116-19. (LISA/64020) "EY041 Gend, C.V. (1996). Easy readers for adults. Cape Librarian. 40(2). 30-31. (LISA/9702120) "EY042 Gertz, Β. (1991). Serving the newly literate - start an ERA bookshelf. Cape Librarian. 35(1). 25. (LISA/9201309) "EY043 Goldberger, J. M. (Comp.). (1975-76). Easy reading. Booklist. 72. [Appears in second monthly issue beginning September 15,1975 to July 15,1976], "EY044 Goldberger, J. M. (1976). Easy to read: Hard to review. Booklist. 73. 480-481. "EY045 Gotsick, P., & Moore, S. (1973). Life coping skills - Bibliography. The interrelating of library and basic education services for disadvantaged adults: A demonstration of four alternative working models. (4 vols.). Moorehead, KY: Appalachian Adult Education Center, Moorehead State University. "EY046 Halvorsen, C. (1985). Adult interest/low reading level materials: Cataloguing, housing and displaying. Ohio Library Association Bulletin. 55. 25+. "EY047 Harley, A. (1999). The role of the public libraries in adult basic education in South Africa. Mousaion. 17(1). 28-47. (LISA/102484) "EY048 Hatcher, B. (1980). Cultural journalism publications for reluctant readers. Journal of Reading. 23(5). 424-429. "EY049

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High-interest/low reading level booklist; annual listing. (1977-1986). Booklist, 7482, " E Y 0 5 0 Hoefnagel, M. (1997). Meer dus graag, veel meer!: tekort aan makkelijk lezen boeken leidt tot succesvol experiment met manuscripten [More please, much more!: A shortage of easy to read books leads to a successful experiment with manuscripts]. BibliotheekBlad, 1(13). 22-23. (USA/64508) "ΈΥ051 Howard, G. S. (1982). High/low collection building. School Library Journal. 29(2). 120-121. **EY052 Huss, P. (1990). The news bulletin '8 pages'. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 23(1). 22-23. (LISA/9006994) " E Y 0 5 3 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Division for Libraries Serving the General Public. Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged People. (1986). Papers presented at the IFLA General Conference. 1986. The Hague: IFLA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 280 487). " E Y 0 5 4 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Division for Libraries Serving the General Public. Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged People. (1987). Papers presented a the IFLA General Conference, 1987. The Hague: IFLA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 300 003). " E Y 0 5 5 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). Standing Committee for Public Libraries. (1989). Functional illiteracy: What public libraries can do to help people with reading and writing problems. An ideas pamphlet. The Hague: IFLA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 328 270). **EY056 International Institute for Adult Literacy Methods. (1977). Publishers of easv-toread materials: A survey. Tehran. IIALM. " E Y 0 5 7 Jail, O. (1993). Danish library services to people who are deaf and blind. Link-up, (80), 5-6. (LISA/9307097) " E Y 0 5 8 Kaikow, R. E. (1981). Special solution [for handling high/low materials; letter]. School Library Journal. 27. 4. "ΈΥ059 Kolberg, G. (1977). LL (lett leselige)-b0ker: ikke B-litteratur; referai fra det internordiske seminar om "Lättlästa böcker för vuxna" pâ Nordens folkliga akademi i Kungälv, 7-11 mars 1977 [Easy to read books: Not B-literature;

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report from the inter-Scandinavian seminar on easy to read books for adults at the National Academy of Scandinavia in Kungälv, March 7-11, 1977], Bok OQ Bibliotek. 44(6). 345-347. " E Y 0 6 0 Laughlin, M. K. (1973). The readability of the easy-to-read trade books. Doctoral dissertation, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma. **EY061 Law, C. (1986). Cliff Law's visit to Sweden and Denmark. Link-Up. (38), 1-5. (LISA/8703912). " E Y 0 6 2 Lawson, P. (1973). In search of HILRL: High interest, low reading level books. Wilson Library Bulletin 47.691-695. **EY063 Erratum. (1973). Wilson Library Bulletin. 47. 824. " E Y 0 6 4 LiBretto, E. V. (Ed. and Comp.). (1981) High/low handbook: Books, materials and services for the teenage problem reader. New York, NY: Bowker. "EY065 LiBretto, E. V. (Ed. and Comp.). (1985). High/low handbook: Books, materials. and services for the problem reader (2nd ed.). New York. NY: Bowker. "EY066 Linderberg, Κ. (1977). LL-litteraturen: en naturlig del av litteraturen [Easy-to-read adult literature: A natural part of literature], Biblioteksbladet. 62(10). 168170. **EY067 Linderberg, Κ. (1978). Sö:s arbetsgrupp för lättlästa böcker - 1 0 ár [The School Board's Working Party on Easy Readers: 10 years old]. Biblioteksbladet, 63(13), 257-258. (LISA/7902566) " E Y 0 6 8 Lodge, S. (1997, October 27). Ί Can Read' books turns 40. Publishers Weekly, 244(44), 33-34. (LISA/68039) " E Y 0 6 9 Lundstrom, B., & Bellander, E. (1987). How to publish easy reader books. LinkUß, (46), 11-17. (LISA/8802673) " E Y 0 7 0 Malmgren-Neale, G. (1974). Lätt-lästi; Danmark [Easy readers in Denmark], Biblioteksbladet. 59(13). 236-237. (LISA/7403383) "EY071 Malmgren-Neale, G. (1977). Hur mycket 'Kultur ât alla'? (How much 'Culture for all'?). Biblioteksbladet. 62(13). 234, 236. (LISA/7802725) " E Y 0 7 2 Martinez, M., & Nash, M. F. (1991). Books for good beginnings (Bookalogues). Language Arts. 68(3). 241-247. " E Y 0 7 3

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Martinez, M., & Nash, M. F. (1993). Transition books: Bridges from one type of reading to another. (Bookalogues). Language Arts. 70(5). 417-423. "EY074 Matthaeidesova, M. (1996). Kniznicno-informacne sluzby pre pouzivatelov starsieho veku [Library and information services for senior citizens], Kniznice a Informacie. 28(8/9). 333-338. (LISA/9612302) "EY075 Matthews, D. (Ed.).(1988). High interest easy reading for iunior and senior high school students. (5th ed.). Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English. "EY076 McBee, S. (1973). A program that works. Saturday Review: Education. 1(1). 28. **EY077 McBride, W. G. (Ed.). (1990). High interest easy reading: A booklist for iunior and senior high school students. (6th ed.). Urbana. IL: National Council of Teachers of English. " E Y 0 7 8 McGill-Franzen, A. (1993). "I could read the words!" Selecting good books for inexperienced readers (Literacy for all children). Reading Teacher. 46(5), 424-426. "EY079 Memory, D. M., & McGowan, T. M. (1985). Using multilevel textbooks in social studies classes. Social Studies. 76(4). 174-179. "EY080 Memory, D. M„ & Uhlhorn, Κ. W. (1991). Multilevel textbooks at different readability levels in the science classroom. School Science and Mathematics. 91(2). 64-72. "EY081 Modigh, B. (1981). LL-böcker— inte nâgon B-litteratur for utslagna [Easy books no second-class literature for dropouts], Biblioteksbladet. 66(9). 161-162. "EY082 Munat, F. H. (1981). Checklist for high/low books for young adults. School Library Journal. 27(8). 23-27. "EY083 . Discussion, School Library Journal. 27(10). 3. "EY084 New York Public Library. (1979), Easv-to-read books for teenagers. 1979 a selected list. New York, NY: New York Public Library. "EY085 New York Public Library. (1981). Easv-to-read books for young adults. New York, NY: New York Public Library. "EY086

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New York Public Library. (1987). Easv-to-read books for teenagers. 1987 a selected list. New York, NY: New York Public Library. " E Y 0 8 7 New York Public Library. (1988). Easv-to-read books for teenagers. 1988 a selected list. New York, NY: New York Public Library. *ΈΥ088 New York Public Library. (1989). Easv-to-read books for teenagers. 1989 a selected list. New York, NY: New York Public Library. "EY089 Nielsen, G. S. (1998). Bibliotekerne og de svage brugere i globalt perspektiv [Libraries and the disadvantaged users in a global perspective], Bibliotekspressen. (20), 628-629. (LISA/81282) "EY090 Nielsen, G. S. (1998). Les personnes dyslexiques, des étrangers dans nos bibliothèques [People with dyslexia, strangers in our libraries]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français. (181). 57-61. (LISA/83372) "EY091 Nong, B., & Thumbadoo, B. (1993). Filling the gap for much-needed easy readers. Artes Natales. 12(1). 20-21. (LISA/9508534) "EY092 Ny betaenkning om bibliotekerne og de laesehandicappede [New report on libraries and those with a reading handicap]. (1979). Born and Booer. 32(2), 93-94. (LISA/7903327). "EY093 Palmer, J. L. (1988). Large-print books: Public library services to older adults. Educational Gerontology. 14(31 211-220. "EY094 Pather, P. (1995). Literacy in South Africa and the role of libraries: An overview. KWAZNAPLIS. 1(4). 3-7. (LISA/9605031) "EY095 Perritt, P. H. (1983). High interest/low reading level materials. In N. B. Pillon (Ed.), Reaching young people through media (pp. 60-68). Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited. "EY096 Petersen, J. (1981). Bibliotekerne og FN's internationale handicapàr [Libraries and the UN's International Year of the Disabled]. Biblioteksbladet. 66(13). 252, 254-256, 258. (LISA/8204556) "EY097 Phelan, P. (Ed.). (1996). High interest - easy reading: An annotated booklist for middle school and senior high school. (7th Ed.). Urbana. IL: National Council of Teachers of English. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 323 517) "EY098

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Pratt, S. (1980). Using student-produced [high-interest, low vocabulary] materials: A report from Britain. Ontario Library Review. 64.120-124. "EY099 Resolusjon til Nordisk râds kulturutvalg fra det inter-nordiske seminar om "Lättlästa böcker för vuxna" i Kungälv. 7 til 11 mars 1977 [Resolution to the Scandinavian council's selection from the inter-Scandinavian seminar on "easy to read books for adults" in Kungälv, March 7 to 11,1977). (1977V Bok oa Bibliotek. 44(4). 261-262. *ΈΥ100 Rowland, V. (1993). Easy-to-read seminar. Link-Up. (83), 1-4. (LISA/9405695) *ΈΥ101 Rowland, V. (1993). The easy to read seminar: National Library of Australia, September 28th, 1993. Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services. 6(4). 145-150. (LISA/9405672) "EY102 Scates, D. K. (1999). How do adult new readers locate high-interest, easy-toread books? Public Libraries. 38(5), 294-298. "ΈΥ103 Schon, I. (1990). Recent noteworthy books in Spanish for adolescent and reluctant readers. Hispania, 73(2), 502-505. *ΈΥ104 Schulz, C. (2000). Makkelijk Lezen Plein? [Easy Reading Corner?]. BibliotheekBlad. 4(21). 9. "EY105 Shiomi, N. (1987). Current concerns for public libraries [in Japanese], ToshokanKai (The Library World). 39(3). 124-126. (LISA/8805439) "EY106 Sless, D. (1993). Accessible reading? Link-Up. (83), 17-18. (LISA/9405692) **EY107 Slijkerman, H. (1989). Makkelijk lezen in internationaal perspectief: Seminar 'Easy to Read' in Tilburgse Universiteit [An international viewpoint on making reading easy: The 'Easy to Read' Seminar at Tilburg University]. Bibliotheek en Samenlevina. 17(7/8). 241-243. (LISA/9002667) "EY108 Spooner, G., & Cretini, Β. (1982). High-low books at the Louisiana state library. Louisiana Library Association Bulletin. 45. 17-18. **EY109 $38,000 for Akron-Summit for easy-to-read books. (1985). Library Journal. 110(17). 16. *ΈΥ110 Thwaits, Μ. B. (1979). Academic library instruction program for developmentallv disabled adults. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University Libraries. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 205 220). **EY111

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Thypin, M. (1979). Selection of books of high interest and low reading level. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 12,428-430. "EY112 Tronbacke, B. (1993). Easy to read publishing. Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services. 6(4). 151-159. (LISA/9405698) " E Y 1 1 3 Tronbacke, B. (1993). Easy-to-read publishing. Link-Up, (83), 6-12. (LISA/9405697) "ΈΥ114 Tronbacke, Β. I. (1997). Easy-to-read: An important part of reading promotion and in the fight against illiteracy. IFLA Journal. 23(3). 185-191. (LISA/9708544) "EY115 Weintraub, G. (1990). Literacy update. Cape Librarian. 34(6). 38-39. (LISA/9103530) "EY116 Williams, H. E. (1980). High/low consensus. Williamsport, PA: Bro-Dart. " E Y 1 1 7 Wilson, R. (1993). Flagging of easy to read materials. International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control. 22(1). 17-18. (LISA/9304486) " E Y 1 1 8 Winkel, L. (1998). I can read! School Library Media Activities Monthly. 14(5), 3435. "EY119 Woolley, L., & French, K. (1993). Publishing for new literatures. Cape Librarian. 37(8), 24-25. (LISA/9408560) "EY120 Zvirin, S. (1979). High-low perspective [excerpts from a talk at the 1979 ALA conference]. Booklist. 76.111-112. "EY121

150 Hospital Patient Libraries

HOSPITAL PATIENT LIBRARIES: A BIBLIOGRAPHY, 1970-2000 Aaberg, U. (1973). Ögonfröjd till lâns: sjukhusartotek [A feast for the eyes for loan: Art library service to hospitals]. Biblioteksbladet. 58(4). 77-78. (LISA/7301269) " H P 0 0 1 Aalto, R. (1970). The book selection problem in a mental hospital. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 3(31A). 168-175. (LISA/7102287) " H P 0 0 2 Abbott, D., & MacRae, R. (1993). Cataloguing patient education materials. Leadership in Health Services. 2(5). 44-45. " H P 0 0 3 Allenbach, Ν. (1974). Person to person: Communicating with hospitalized and handicapped library patrons. AHIL [Association of Hospital and Institution Libraries! Quarterly. 14.15-17. " H P 0 0 4 Alptuna, A. (1998). Une pionnière de la bibliothérapie: Sadie Peterson Delaney [A pioneer of bibliotherapy: Sadie Peterson Delaney]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français. (181), 73-74. (LISA/83377) " H P 0 0 5 Altshuler, A. (1973). Children's books on hospitalisation. Library Journal. 98. 1018-1021. **HP006 American Library Association. Association of Hospital and Institution Libraries. Hospital Library Standards Committee. (1970). Standards for library services in health care institutions. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. "ΉΡ007 Anderson, C. J. (1975). Poetry therapy in psychiatric nursing. Libri. 25(2). 133137. (LISA/7502770) " H P 0 0 8 Anderson, M. F. (1986). Children and books in pediatric hospitals. Horn Book. 62,787-788. *HP009 Anderson, M. F. (1988). Books and children in pediatric settings: A guide to caregivers and librarians. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press. **HP010 Anderson, M. F. (1992). Hospitalized children and books: A guide for librariansfamilies. and caregivers. (2 nd ed.). Metuchen. NJ: Scarecrow Press. "HP011 Ardis, B. (1977). Audiovisuals in the library, why? Part 1. Hospital Libraries. 2(A). 9-10. **HP012

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Baber, Α. (1970). Patient's library, Logansport State Hospital. Library Occurrent. 21292+. "HP013 Baldwin, E. (1974). Library of Mississippi State Hospital. Mississippi Library News. 38. 22-24. "HP014 Ballandras, M. (1974). IFLA hospital library studies: (3) Reading in hospitals. International Library Review. 6(4). 407-409. (LISA/7403342) " H P 0 1 5 Bandy, M. (1994). Health information for the community: The hospital library response. Colorado Libraries. 20(2). 11-15. (LISA/9510574) *HP016 Banks, R. (1988). Services rendered by Ontario Ministry of Health psychiatric hospital libraries: Summary of a 1986 survey. Bibliotheca Medica Canadiana. 9(3). 158-162. (LISA/8802792) "HP017 Baranovsky, L. V., & Jurieva, K. A. (1981). Developing a model for health education interventions in the hospital setting. International Journal of Health Education. 24(1). 33-38. "HP018 Barkefors, L. (1984). Music in hospital service - the role of the hospital library. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 17(3). 83-84. (LISA/8502899) "HP019 Baruchson-Arbib, S. (1999). The public library and the problem of hospital libraries for patients - the case of Israel. Public Library Quarterly. 17(3). 79-88. " H P 0 2 0 Batari, G. (1975). Elso kisertek betegek korhazi konyvtaranak letrehozasara Pesten [First attempts at the foundation of a hospital library for patients at Pesti. Orvosi Hetilap. 116(4). 211-212. "HP021 Bayens, E. (1988). Bibliotheekwerk voor psychiatrische patienten [Library services for psychiatric patients], Bibliotheek en Samenlevinq. 16(2). 5659. (LISA/8804398) "HP022 Becker, Sr. M. J. (1970). Book power! Libraries for the mentally retarded. AHIL [Association of Hospital and Institution Libraries Quarterlvl. 10.73-74. "HP023 Bereczky, E. (1970). Javaslat a betegek kónwtári ellátására [Proposal for providing the patients with a librarvi. Budapest: Centre for Library Science and Methodology. "HP024

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Bereczky, E. (1974). IFLA hospital librarian studies: (5) The organisation of Hungarian hospital libraries. International Library Review. 6(4). 415-417. (LISA/7403339) " H P 0 2 5 Berg, V. G. (1975). Barnkulturen: barn pâ sjukhus [Children's culture: Children in hospitall. Biblioteksbladet. 60(8). 129-131. (USA/7502119) "HP026 Berry, A. (1984). Todmorden Hospital's toy library. Ark [Journal of Toy Libraries Associationl. 10. (USA/8503414) "HP027 Better library service for hospital patients. (1973). New Zealand Hospital. 25. 2930. " H P 0 2 8 Bibliothèques d'hôpitaux [Hospital libraries]. (1974). Lecture et bibliothèques. (29), 15-30. (LISA/7403340) "HP029 Bibliothèques d'hôpitaux: journée d'étude du 4 mars 1976 [Hospital libraries: A study day 4 March 1976]. (1976). Lecture et Bibliothèques. (37), 9-16. (LISA/7603221) "HP030 Bichot, Ν. (1998). Les groupes de parole en gériatrie [Speech groups in geriatrics]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français. (181). 70-72. (USA/83376) "HP031 Bille, D. A. (1976). The librarian as facilitator of patient education. Hospital Libraries. 1(8). 6-7. "HP032 Bolton, V., & Brittain, M. (1994). Patient information provision: Its effect on patient anxiety and the role of health information services and libraries. Health Libraries Review. 11(2). 117-132. "HP033 Boorer, D. (1970). The challenge of the psychiatric hospital. Assistant Librarian. 63(10), 150-152. (LISA/7002337) "HP9034 Boorer, D. (1972). Do mentally handicapped people need books? Book Trolley. 3(5), 11-13. (LISA/7201173) "HP035 Boorer, D. (1972). IFLA. Libraries in Hospitals Sub-section. Hospital library studies 1967-71 (7) United Kingdom, 1971: (c) Psychiatric hospitals and their need for library services. International Library Review. 4(3). 383-386. (LISA/7201694) "HP036 Boorer, D. (1972). Serving the mentally ill. Assistant Librarian. 65(7). 104-106. **HP037

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. Comment by S. J. Best [letter]. (1973). Assistant Librarian. 66(2). 28. "HP038 . Comment by L. Manwaring [letter], (1973). Assistant Librarian. 66(4). 64. "HP039 Bosch, M. 0., & Valla, M. C. (1983). Bibliothécaire à l'hôpital: une action culturelle qui soutient la thérapeutique [The Librarian in the hospital: A cultural action supporting the therapeutic]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français. (120), 23-25. (USA/8405722) "HP040 Bourdin, G. (1974). IFLA hospital library studies: (4) French hospital libraries according to the 1973 survey. International Library Review. 6(4). 411-414. (USA/7403341) "HP041 Bowe, M. A. (1978). The medical librarian and the patients' library: What is her role? Hospital Libraries. 3(5). 4-5. "HP042 Bramley, G. (1978). Outreach: Library services for the institutionalised, the elderly, and the physically handicapped. London: C. Bingley. " H P 0 4 3 Brummerstedt, V. (1989). Styrk patientinformationen: opret sundhedsbiblioteker! [Support information to patients: Establish health care libraries!] Bibliotek 70,(19), 580-582. (LISA/9005589) "HP044 Büttner, R. (1976). Entwicklung und Probleme der deutschen Krankenhausbüchereien: ein Beitrag zur kulturellen und psychischen Betreuung der Patienten in den allgemeinen Krankenhäusern. Thesis, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany. "HP045 Cahn, H. (1979). A library service to patients in hospitals and health institutions. New Zealand Nursing Forum. 7(1). 11-12. "HP046 Cain, Ν. J., & Fuller, H. J. (1999). The hospital library online - a point of service for consumers and hospital staff: A case study. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 87(3). 261-263. "HP047 Campfield, M., & Marsh, J. (1972). Carryover of familiar service: The patients' library at the Winnebago State Hospital. Wisconsin Library Bulletin. 68. 167-170. **HP048 Capital Planning Information Ltd. (1993). Library services to hospital patients: Report to the order of St. John of Jerusalem and British Red Cross Society Joint Committee, Hertfordshire Libraries. Arts and Information and

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the Healthcare Management Information Consortium. Stamford, Lincolnshire: Capital Planning Information. "HP049 Carlsen, K-J. (1983). Godt sykehusbibliotek gir kortere opphold og raskere bedring [A good hospital library produces shorter stay and faster recovery], Bok og Bibliotek. 50(1). 36-37. "HP050 Carlsen, K-J. (1985). Bibliotektjeneste i statlige helseinstitusjoner: barnebibliotek pá Rikshospitalet [Library service in state health institutions: Children's library in a national hospital]. Bok og Bibliotek. 52(4). 171. *ΉΡ051 Carver, J. (1983). A survey of hospital audiovisual services. Journal of Biocommunication. 10(4). 33-37. "HP052 Cheeseman, M. (1970). Institutional library programs. AHIL [Association of Hospital and Institution Libraries Quarterlvl. 10. 64-66. "ΉΡ053 Children's ward library big success. (1974). Sourdough. 11.14. "HP054 Chrétien, C., & Couraudon, H. (1998). Les médiathèques en hôpitaux de gériatrie [Media centres in geriatric hospitals]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français. (181), 66-67. (LISA/83374) "HP055 Cieplucha, E. (1984). Co dalej? [What next?] Bibliotekarz. 51(9-10). 234-235. (LISA/8601736) "HP056 Clancy, P. Α. (2000). Using focus groups to identify patient needs in the implementation of a patient health library. Master's thesis, Wilmington College, Division of Nursing. **HP057 Clark, D. F. (1972). Reading in the mental subnormality hospital. Book Trolley. 3. 3-8. "HP058 Clarke, J. M. (1981). IFLA and the handicapped reader. Unesco Journal of Information Science. Librarianship and Archives Administration. 3(3). 182184. (LISA/8301646). "HP059 Clarke, J. M. (1989). Planning the accessible hospital library for patients. Health Libraries Review. 6(2). 111-113. (USA/9001340) " H P 0 6 0 Clarke, J. M., & Going, M. E. (Eds.). (1990). Hospital libraries and community care (4th ed.). London: Library Association. "HP061

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Coggan, J. M. (1993). Funding a patient education collection; at Shands Teaching Hospital. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 81.435437. "HP062 Collins, B. W., & Sasser, A. B. (1998). Medical self-managing - the hospital librarian's role. Medical Reference Services Quarterly. 17(3). 59-70. "HP063 Collins, J. (1981). Library services to patients in Scottish hospitals: An expatient's view. SLA News. 165. 313-314. (See also Ferro, Ε. Α.) "HP064 Collison, J., Ryder, J., & Saw, J. (1984). Directory of domiciliary and hospital patients' library services in the United Kingdom. Manchester: Manchester Polytechnic, Department of Library and Information Studies. "ΉΡ065 Conaway, Sister M. C. (1977). Patient/family education: Reaching out to wellness. Catholic Library World. 48. 328-331. "HP066 Connor, J. J. (1992). Prescribed reading: Patients' libraries in North American tuberculosis institutions. Libraries & Culture. 27(3). 252-278. (LISA/9300082) "HP067 Coomaraswamy, S. D. (1975). Therapeutic aspects of a library service to hospital patients. Health and Welfare Libraries Quarterly. 2(2.3,4), 29-32. (LISA/7600823) "HP068 Cooper, B. (1974). Library services at Rampton Hospital. Health and Welfare Libraries Quarterly. 1(3). 46-59. (LISA/7500841) " H P 0 6 9 Cooper, B. (1977). O f these shall my songs be fashioned, my tales be told.' In The Library Association Centenary Conference Proceedings (pp. 69-72). London: Library Association. (LISA/7703488) "HP070 Cormier, J. (1978). Two projects for patients' libraries. Hospital Libraries. 3(5). 7. "HP071 Cosgrove, T. L. (1994). Planetree health information services: Public access to the health information people want. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 82. 57-63. "HP072 Council of National Library Associations. Joint Committee on Library Service in Hospitals (Comp.). (1971). Basic list of guides and information sources for professional and patients' libraries in hospitals. (7th ed.). Chicago: IL: American Hospital Association Library. "HP073

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Council of National Library Associations. Joint Committee on Library Service in Hospitals (Comp.). (1973). Basic list of guides and information sources for professional and patients' libraries in hospitals. (8lh ed.). Chicago. IL: [American Hospital Association Library]. "HP074 Cumming, E. E. (1971). Children in hospital: Do they need a library service? Book Trolley. 3(3). 3-9. (USA/7102302) "HP075 Cumming, E. E. (1972). Reading for the mentally handicapped: A selective bibliography. Book Trolley. 3(5). 14-15. (USA/7201172) "HP076 Cumming, E. E., & Going, M. E. (Eds. and Comps.).(1977) Hospital and welfare library services: an international bibliography. London: Library Association. (LISA/7800132) "HP077 Cunningham, T. (1975). Role of the bibliotherapist in a sanatorium. Oklahoma Librarian. 25. 22-23+. " H P 0 7 8 Czajkowski, F. (1997). Wokól koncepcji biblioteki publicznej [Regarding the concept of a public library], Bibliotekarz. (6), 12-15. (LISA/71421) *ΉΡ079 D'Alessandro, M. P., Galvin, J. R., Erkonen, W. E., Curry, D. S., Flanagan, J. R., D'Alessandro, D. M., Lacey, D. L„ & Wagner, J. R. (1996). The Virtual Hospital: An IAIMS integrating continuing education into the work flow. M. D. Computing. 13(4). 323-329. "HP080 . Comment, 295-297. "HP081 Die Krankenhausbücherei: Referate d. Fortbildungslehrgang für Bibliothekare an Krankenhausbüchereien. Düsseldorf. 1971. [1973], Köln, Germany: Greven. "HP082 Die Patientenbibliothek: ein Beitrag zur Humanitat im Krankenhaus Referate einer Fortbildungstagung des Deutschen Bibliotheksinstituts Mai 1981 fThe patient's library: A contribution to humaneness in the hospital: reports of a conference of the German Library Institute. May 19811. (1982). (DBIMaterialien II). Berlin: Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut. "HP083 Dobberstein, Κ. (1986). Start your own library. American Journal of Nursing. 86(3), 312. "HP084 Dolenc, I., & Kemal, I. (1990). Bolnisnicne splosnoizobrazevalne knjiznice in njihova terapevtska vloga ν procesu zdravljenja [Hospital libraries and their role in the process of medical treatment]. Kniiznica. 34(1-2). 45-61. (LISA/9200681) "ΉΡ085

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Domin, W. (1975). Dzialalno czytelnicza i organizacyjna biblioteki dia pacjentów w Sanatorium Chorób Plue w Sokolowsku [Reading and organisational activities of the library for the patients in the Sokolowsko Lung Sanatorium], Poradnik Bibliotekarza. 27(4-6). 120-122. (LISA/7600780) "HP086 Domney, J. M., & Tooker, G. C. (1971). Metropolitan state hospital's "in-depth book collection" project. News Notes of California Libraries. 66.420-422. **HP087 Doverspike, D. E. (1985). The patients' library at Cherry Hospital. North Carolina Libraries. 43.147-148. "HP088 Dowton, J. (1995). Haven of activity in the hospital. Library Association Record. 97(1), 38-39. (LISA/9504220) "HP089 Dralle, D. (1979). Libraries are for patients, too. Bookmark. 38. 64-67. " H P 0 9 0 Dubuc, P. (1979). La matériathèque de l'Hôpital Sainte-Justine [The materials collection at the Sainte-Justine Hospital]. Argus. 8(6). 10-14. (LISA/8002752) *HP091 Duncan, B. (1981). A library service to psychiatric patients. Library Service of Western Australia Newsletter. (131112-15. (LISA/8303277) "HP092 Dunkel, L. M. (1976). Library to patient: New role for the patients' librarian. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 64(4). 418-419. (LISA/7701732) "HP093 Dunkel, L. M. (1983). Moral and humane: Patients' libraries in early nineteenthcentury American mental hospitals. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 71(3). 274-281. (LISA/8405193) "HP094 Dunnagan, L. Α., & Orebaugh, M. G. (1989). Patients need books: How librarians make it work. Indiana Media Journal. 11, 3-8. "HP095 Durrant, J. (I974). A library service to geriatric patients in hospital. Health and Welfare Libraries Quarterly. 1(41 87-89. (LISA/7500848) " H P 0 9 6 Dupont, M., & Ronnov, L..(1982). IFLA kursus om biblioteksbetjening af hospitalspatienter og invalider, Stockholm, September 1982 [IFLA course on library service for hospital patients and invalids, Stockholm, September 19821. Boaens Verden. 64.497. "HP097

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Eakin, D., Jackson, S. J, & Hannigan, G. G. (1980). Consumer health information: Libraries as partners. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 68(2). 220-229. "HP098 Ebisawa, H. (1988). The hospital service of Shinagawa Ward library [in Japanese]. Toshokan Zasshi (Library Journal). 82(5). 261-263 (LISA/8904405) "HP099 Eggink, G., & Jansen, Κ. (1994). De buitenwereld naar binnen halen: ziekenhuis Rijnstate wil isolement van patienten doorbreken [Bringing the outside world inside: The Rijnstate hospital attempts to break through patients' isolation], Bibliotheek en Samenleving. 22(4), 28-29. (LISA/9408966) **HP100 Eisenstein, E. F., & Faust, J. Β. (1986). The consumer health information library in the hospital setting. Medical Reference Services Quarterly. 5.63-74. "ΉΡ101 Ellefsen, Κ. M. (1991). Syke gár ikke i tog [The sick do not march], Bokoq Bibliotek. 58(4). 36-37. "HP102 Encouraging patients to use the hospital library. (1984). Patient Education and Counseling. 6(4). 147-148. "HP103 Enquête sur les motivations de lecture des malades hospitalisés [Enquiry into reading motivation in hospital patients], (1976). Lecture et Bibliothèques. (37), 11-12. (LISA/7603261) "HP104 Esdale, Α., & Harris, H. L. (1985). Evaluation of a closed circuit television patient education program: Structure, process and outcome. Patient Education and Counseling. 7(2). 193-215. "HP105 Fagerström, Β., & Himpel, Β. (1976). Nu kommer Rondradions bibliotekskvart [The Ward Radio announces the 'Library's fifteen minutes']. Biblioteksbladet. 61(6). 93-94. (LISA/7601608) " H P 1 0 6 Ferro, Ε. Α., & Collins, J. (1981). Library services to patients in Scottish hospitals. SLA News. 165. 309-314. (LISA/8205612) "HP107 Fiches complémentaires de lecture [Reading continuation cards], (1976). Lecture et Bibliothèoues, (37). 15-16. (LISA/7603265) " H P 1 0 8 Fieler, V. Κ., & Borch, Α. (1996). Results of a patient education project using a touch-screen computer. Cancer Practice 4(6). 341-345. " H P 1 0 9

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Fierberg, J. et al. (1983). Hospital library as a focus of patient education activities and resources. [Presented at the 82nd annual meeting of the Medical Library Association], Medical Library Association Bulletin. 71.224-226. "HP110 Fischer, J. Α. Α., Kimmel, Α., & Spijkerboer, F. W. (1972). Ziekenhuizen en de kans om te lezen [Hospitals and the chance to read]. De Qpenbare Bibliotheek. 15(31. 86-94. (LISA/7201171) "HP111 Flake, D. B. (1986). The National Health Service and medical libraries in England. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 74(1). 6-11. "HP112 Folmer, H. (1996). Lyst, laekkert og lukningstruet [Bright, attractive and threatened with closure]. Bibliotekspressen. (4), 117-119. (LISA/9607414) "HP113 Forrest, M. E. S. (1998). Fifty years of patients' libraries. Health Libraries Review. 15(4), 267-278. (LISA/81131) "HP114 Forrest, M. E. S. (1990). Reminiscence therapy in a Scottish hospital. Health Libraries Review. 7(2). 69-72. (LISA/9106036) "HP115 Franks, C. (1992). The Doncaster Child Health Information Centre. Reading Therapy Newsletter. 4(3). 18-20. (USA/9306532) "HP116 Frauns, A-M. (1985). Rheda-Wiedenbrück: soziale bibliotheksarbeit in einer Mittelstadt [Rheda-Wiedenbruck: Social library work in a medium-sized town]. Buch und Bibliothek. 37(4). 333-335. (LISA/8604970) "HP117 Frisvold, O. (1989). Men Nancy Drew var ikke dod; en collage med synspunkter til innvortes bruk [But Nancy Drew was not dead; a collage of viewpoints for internal use]. Bok oq Bibliotek, 56(8). 7-8+. "HP118 Gage, S. R. (1976). Volunteers and patients' libraries. Catholic Library World. 48. 116-118. "HP119 Gale, S. R. (1973). Neglected truth about patients' libraries. Volunteer Leader. 14,16-19. "HP120 Gale, S. R. (1977). [Prescription] for ailing patients' libraries. NYLA Bulletin, 25. 1+. "HP121 Gassner, Β. (1988). Krankenhauspatienten als Bibliotheksbenutzer psychologische Hilfen für die bibliothekarische Arbeit in Krankenhäusern: Kommunikation—Rollenverhalten—Handeln fHospital patients as library users: psychological aids for library work in hospitals:

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communication—role assumption—actionl. (DBI-Materialien 80). Berlin: Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut· "HP122 Going, M. E. (1971). On the receiving end. Book Trolley. 3(2). 9-11. (USA/7101369) "HP123 Going, M. E. (Ed. and Comp.). (1973). Hospital libraries and work with the disabled (2nd ed.). London: Library Association. " H P 124 Going, Μ. E. (1982). Hospital libraries in England and Wales 1960-1972. In Μ. E. Going & J. M. Clarke, Hospital libraries and work with the disabled in the community (3rd ed.). (pp. 60-67). London: Library Association. "ΉΡ125 Going, Μ. E., & Clarke, J. M. (Eds. and Comps.). (1982). Hospital libraries and work with the disabled in the community (3rd ed.). London: Library Association. **HP126 Goldberg, B., & Sorensen, M. (1979). Music lending and listening in hospitals with particular reference to the services offered at Herlev HospitalCopenhagen. Arlington. VA: Educational Resources Information Center. (LISA/8200143) **HP127 Green, W. (1975). Hospital library services and music. New Zealand Libraries. 38(4), 209-217. (LISA/7503474) "HP128 Grumbach, A.(1985). Le rôle du livre à l'hôpital [The role of books in the hospital]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français. (127), 9. (LISA/8602796) "HP129 Guenebaud, J. (1974). IFLA hospital library studies : (2) Relations between hospital libraries and public libraries - France (1973). International Library Review. 6(4). 403-405. (LISA/7403456) "HP130 Guérin, C. (1997). Les bibliothèques d'hôpitaux pour enfants [Hospital libraries for children]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Francais. (177). 14-17. (LISA/73340) "HP131 Guérin, C. (1998). De l'importance de la médiathèque en milieu hospitalier [About the importance of the media centre in the hospital milieu]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français. (181), 63-65. (LISA/83373) "HP132 Gustavsson, T. (1976). Inntrykk og erfaringer fra arbeid i et sykehusbibliotek [Impressions and experiences of work in a hospital library], Bok og Bibliotek. 43(5). 270-272. (LISA/7603222) "HP133

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Hafner, A. W. (1994). A survey of patient access to hospital and medical school libraries. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 82(1) 64-65. "HP134 Hafner, A. W. (1994). Medical libraries and patient information services. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 82.43-66. "HP135 Halgasová, L. (1976). Pacientské kniznice pre deti [Hospital patient libraries for children], Citatel. 25(2). 49-51. (LISA/7601372) "HP136 Hamajima, N., Tajima, K., Morishita, M., Hyodo, C., Sakakibara, N., Kawai, C., & Moritaka, S. (1996). Patients' expectations of information provided at cancer hospitals in Japan. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology. 26(5). 362-367. "HP137 Hamelberg, J. (1980). Bibliotheekwerk in een kinderziekenhuis [Library provision in a children's hospital]. Bibliotheek en Samenlevina. 8(1). 13-14. (LISA/8004296) "HP138 Hansen, L. F., Holst, S., & Hummelshoj, M. (1977). Biblioteksbetieninq af àndssvaae born: en rapport om biblioteksforsgqet Dà Bgrnehospitalet i Vanaede, 1975 ÍLibrarv service to mentally handicapped children: a report on the library experiment at the Children's Hospital in Vanaede. 19751. Copenhagen: Danmarks Biblioteksskole. (LISA/7801469) "HP139 Harman, S. E. (1983). Patient health information services: New frontier for hospital libraries in Maryland. Maryland State Medical Journal. 32(9). 676677. "HP140 Harris, C. L. (1978). Hospital-based patient education programs and the role of the hospital librarian. Medical Library Association Bulletin. 66.210-217. "HP141 Harrison, C. (1994). Obtaining a consumer health grant for a small hospital library. Colorado Libraries. 20.18-19. "HP142 Haynes, D. E. (1989). The switch library: New service in rehabilitation librarianship. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 77(1). 15-18. (LISA/8904404) "HP143 Heie, B. (1981). Viktig á satse pà at bibliotektilbudene nâr de svake [Important to ensure that the library services reach the weak], Bok oq Bibliotek. 48(2). 120-121, 129. (LISA/8301647) "HP144 Heie, B. (1983). Aktiv prioritering av bibliotektjeneste i helseinstitusjonene [Giving active priority to library service in health institutions], Bok oq Bibliotek, 50(1), 2-5. "HP145

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Heie, B. (1984). Upgrading of library services in health institutions in Norway. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 17(1). 18-21. (LISA/8501767) **HP146 Heine, J. (1987). Bibliotheekwerk van en voor patienten: de patientenbibliotheek van de Dr Henri van der Hoeven Kliniek [A library run by and for patients: The Dr. Henri van der Hoeven Clinic library]. Bibliotheek en Samenlevinq. 15(6), 202-204. (LISA/8802270) "HP147 Hewitt, J. (1993). The hospital patients' library: A joint approach scheme in Norfolk; St. John and Red Cross Hospital Library and Norfolk County Library and Information Service. Reading Therapy Newsletter. 5(1). 5-7. (LISA/9400487) "HP148 Hilliard, J. (1971). Patient's library, Central State Hospital. Focus. 25.124-125. **HP149 Hinthorne, R. Α., & Jones, R. (1978). Coordinating patient education in the hospital. Hospitals. 52f11i. 85-86, 88. "HP150 Hirst, J. E. (1991). Library sen/ice to pediatric hospital patients. MSLS Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina. "HP151 Hodick, E. (1978). Bibliotheksdienst für Behinderte in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Ergebnisse aus der kirchlichen Büchereiarbeit [Library services for the handicapped in West Germany: Results of work by the church libraries!. Bibliotheksdienst· (2). 101-114. (LISA/7803375) "ΉΡ152 Hodick, E. (1978). Katholische Krankenhausbüchereien - Hilfen zum 'Menschsein im Krankenhaus' [Catholic hospital libraries - help for people in hospital]. Unsere Sammlung. (2), 56-62. (LISA/7901484) "HP153 Hoegh, H. (1973). Hospitalsbiblioteksarbejde uden for Skandinavien [Library work in hospitals outside Scandinavia], Boqens Verden. 55(6). 320. (LISA/7302213) "HP154 Holm, E. (1980). Utvecklingslinjer inom sjukvârden - särskilt lângvârden [Developments within hospital care - especially long-term care], Biblioteksbladet. 65(91.159-161. (LISA/8103147) " H P 1 5 5 Holmesland, L. (1981). Inntrykk fra en triiletur pâ et sykehus [Impressions from a book truck tour of a hospital]. Bok oo Bibliotek. 48(2V 122-123. " H P 1 5 6

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Holmesland, L. (1983). Forsvarfor pasientbibliotekene [Defense of patient libraries!. Bok οα Bibliotek. 50(6). 261. "HP157 Holmquist, Β., Schutzer, J., & Weinmann, G. (1994). Patientinformation - inget nytt for sjukhus-biblioteken [Patient information - nothing new for hospital libraries] [letter]. Lakartidninaen. 91 (50V 4723. "HP158 Holst, S. (1977). Forsog med biblioteksbetjening af ándsvage born [Experiment with library service to mentally retarded children]. Bibliotek 70. (4), 74-75. (LISA/7702770) "HP159 Holst, S. (1979). Biblioteksbetjening af aandssvage boern [Library service to mentally subnormal children], Boaens Verden. 61(5). 200-201. (LISA/8000858) "HP160 Höök, L. (1974). IFLA hospital library studies: (6) The Stockholm Public Library: Patients' libraries and work with the disabled. International Library Review. 6(4), 419-426. "HP161 Hook, S. A. (1986). Hospital libraries in West Germany: An overview of reference services. Medical Reference Services Quarterly. 5(3). 75-84. (LISA/8704397) "HP162 Hospital's education center encourages self-care in style. (1997). Healthcare Demand and Disease Management. 3(8). 127-128. "HP163 Hynes, A. H. (1975). Bibliotherapie in der Leihbücherei des Saint Elizabeths Hospital. In International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Section of Hospital Libraries, Bibliotherapie und Krankenhausbibliothek (pp. 29-35). Berlin: Deutscher Bibliotheksverband, Arbeitsstelle für das Bibliothekswesen. "HP164 Hynes, Α. H. (1975). Bibliotherapy at St. Elizabeth's Hospital. Health and Rehabilitative Library Services Division Journal. 1(2). 18-19. (LISA/7600224) "HP165 Hynes, Α. H. (1975). Bibliotherapy in the Circulating Library at Saint Elizabeth's Hospital. Libri. 25(2). 144-148. (LISA/7502721) " H P 1 6 6 . Also appears in R. J. Rubin (Ed.). (1978). Bibliotherapy Sourcebook (pp. 300-304). Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press. "HP167 Hynes, J. C. (1972). Library work with brain damaged patients: A new mode of bibliotherapy. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 60(2). 333-339. (LISA/7202362) "HP168

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Iroka, L. A. (1988). Hospital libraries in patient's education. International Library Review. 20.111-114. *ΉΡ169 Jackson, W. S. (1970). Beatty resident library. Library Occurrent. 23. 295-296. "HP170 Jacobsen, L., Nordqvist, S., & Lundin, E. S. (1981). Children in hospital. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 14(4). 141-144. (LISA/8205614) **HP171 Jacobsen, L., Nordqvist, S., & Lundin, E. S. (1984). The children's library - an important part of the Children's Hospital. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 17(1). 2-4. (LISA/8501765) "HP172 Jakubiec, H. (1975). Co slychac w bibliotekach szpitalnych w olsztynskiem [What's new in the hospital libraries in the Olsztyn region], Bibliotekarz, 42(5-6), 120-123. (LISA/7600167) "HP173 Jakubiec, H. (1989). Biblioteki dia chorych w województwie olsztynskim [Libraries for the infirm in Olsztyn province]. Poradnik Bibliotekarza. (5), 12-14. (LISA/9004195) "HP174 Jansson, G., & Almroth, I. (1983). Lekterapeuter och várdpersonal - bibliotekets förlängda arm [Play therapists and nursing staff - the library's extended armi. Biblioteksbladet. 68(6). 139-141. (LISA/8501213) "HP175 Johansen, A. (1970). Biblioteksarbejde blandt syge og handicappede born [Library work among sick and handicapped children], Boaens Verden. 52(3-4), 262-263. "ΗΡ176 Jullian, C. (1985) L'évolution des bibliothèques d'hôpitaux [The evolution of hospital libraries]. Bulletin d'Information de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français, (127). 13-14. (LISA/8602797) "HP177 Kaluzsa, T. (1986). Library services to children in hospitals. Top of the News. 42. 273-277. "HP178 Kaminska, H. (1976). Biblioteki szpitaine-nowa perspektywa organizacyjna [New plans for the management of hospital libraries in Poland], Bibliotekarz. 43(5), 115-119. (LISA/7700759) "HP179 Kan, L. B., & Yan, A. S. W. (1988). Helping patients in hospitals: The Red Cross Library Service. Journal of the Hong Kong Library Association. (12), 1113. (LISA/8904927) "HP180

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Kania to toshokan [Libraries for patientsl. íKikuchi. Y., & Sugawara, I., Eds.]. (1983). Sendai-shi, Japan: Meisosha. "HP181 Kantz, B., Wandel, J., Fladger, Α., Folcarelli, P., Burger, S., & Clifford, J. C. (1998). Developing patient and family education services. Innovations for the changing healthcare environment. Journal of Nursing Administration. 28(2), 11-18. **HP182 Kehler, D. (1981). Detforslag har sygehusudvalget aldrig fàet [Hospital committee never received this proposal]. Boqens Verden. 63(6). 446-447. "HP183 Kehrs, A. (1994). Rheinland-Pfalz: Patientenbibliotheken in allgemeinen Krankenhäusern [Rhineland-Palatinate: Patient libraries in the general hospitals]. Buch und Bibliothek. 46(3). 263-268. "HP184 Kelly, L. (1994). Delivering a library service in a psychiatric unit. Assistant Librarian. 87(2). 29-31. (LISA/9408970) "HP185 Kenchington, S. (1971). The National Hospital for Nervous Diseases and the Gowers Library. Book Trolley. 3(2). 11-13. (LISA/7101368) " H P 1 8 6 Kikuchi, Y. (1976). A survey of hospital libraries in the USA [in Japanese]. Toshokan-Kai fThe Library Worldl 28(4). 151-162. (LISA/7701360) "HP187 Kikuchi, Y. (1987). Hospital patients' libraries [in Japanese]. Toshokan-Kai [The Library Worldl. 38(5). 242-245. (LISA/8800080) "HP188 Kikuchi, Y. (1987). Hospital patients' libraries in the United States 1985-1986 [in Japanese], Toshokan-Kai IThe Library Worldl. 39(4). 137-149. (LISA/8900093) "HP189 Kikuchi, Y. (1995). Hospital patients' libraries in Japan: A national survey 1994 [in Japanese]. Toshokan-Kai [The Library Worldl 46(6). 231-244. (LISA/9505449) "HP190 Kikuchi, Y. (1998). New trend of library service in a hospital in USA: Provision health and medical information to patients and families [in Japanese]. Toshokan-Kai [The Library Worldl. 50(1). 2-16. (USA/74354) "HP191 Kikuchi, Y. (1998). Recent developments in American hospital libraries: Provision of medical information to patients [in Japanese], Toshokan Zasshi [The Library Journal!· 92(1). 54-56. (LISA/70843) "HP192

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Kikuchi, Y. (2000). Hospital patient's library service in UK: Health and medical information provision [in Japanese]. Toshokan-Kai [The Library Worldl. 51(6), 378-388. (LISA/98606) "HP193 Kikuchi, Y., Wake, T., Shinohara, S., Naoe, M., Arita, Y., Tosaka, Z., & Kawashima, M. (1996). How medical and nursing information should be provided [in Japanese]. Toshokan Zasshi [Library Journal!. 90(3). 152165. (LISA/9609608) "HP194 Kilarova, I. (2000). Nemocnicne kniznice vo svetle medzinarodnych kniznicnych predpisov [Hospital libraries in the light of international library guidelines], Kniznice a Informacie. 32(2). 72-76. (LISA/ 99006) "HP195 King's Fund Centre. A library service for the mentally handicapped. (1973). London: King's Fund Centre. *ΉΡ196 Kinmayer, J. (1975). Patientenbücherei im Kinderkrankenhaus, Berlin-Wedding [Patient library at the Children's hospital, Berlin-Wedding]. Buch und Biblioteken. 27. 73-74. **HP197 Klages, W. (1976). Bibliotherapie bij psychiatrische patiënten: reikwijdte en grenzen [Bibliotherapy for psychiatric patients]. Bibliotheek en Samenlevina. 4(3). 115-121. (LISA/7601429) " H P 198 Knippel, A. (1981). Si l'humanisation des hôpitaux n'existait faudrait se décider à l'inventer [If hospitals weren't friendly places...we'd have to do something about it]. Médiathèques Publiques. (59), 32-34. (LISA/8200565) **HP199 Kohler, D. (1981). Det forslag har sygehusudvalget aldrig fáet [Hospital committee never received this proposal]. Boaens Verden. 63(6). 446-447. **HP200 Kosciów, J. (1971). Wbibliotekach szpitalnych Opolszczyzny [In the hospital libraries of Qpolel. Bibliotekarz. 38(5). 146-149. "HP201 Kosciów, J. (1976). Co dalej ζ rozwojem bibliotek szpitalnych? [Next step in the development of hospital libraries?] Bibliotekarz. 43(3). 55-58. (LISA/7700758) "HP202 Kotaniemi, A. (1978). Kirjasto hoitoyhteisössä [The library in a therapeutic community], Kiriastolehti. 71(9). 322-324, 353. (LISA/7902067) "HP203 Krasniewska, K. (1972). Spoleczne ramy biblioterapii [Social sphere of bibliotherapy], Bibliotekarz, 39(5), 149-152. (LISA/7202854) "HP204

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Krivinková, J. (1971). Die Entwicklung der Patientenbibliotheken in der CSSR. Referat, gehalten auf der 7. Mitgliederversammlung der Untersektion Patientenbibliotheken des DBV in Dresden. 23-24. 9.1971 [Development of patients' libraries in CSSR: Paper...Dresden 19711. Berlin: HumboldtUniversität, Bereich Medizin, Charité, Patienten-u. Gewerkschaftsbibliothek. **HP205 Krogh, K. (1990). Odense Sygehus ferst med informationscenter [Odense Hospital - first with an information centre]. Bibliotek 70. (22). 707-708. (LISA/9105977) "HP206 Kronenfeld, M. R., & Hebert, F. (1997). Electronic "library without walls" in a hospital library. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 85(2). 198-201. "HP207 Kupstas, K. (1978). Library programs for long-term chronic psychiatric patients. Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania State Library. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 167 079). (LISA/8002751) "HP208 Lambremont, J. A. (1997). Consumer health information services in the hospital setting. Medical Reference Services Quarterly. 16.61-67. "HP209 Lech, Z. (1986). Biblioteka w Busku-Zdroju [The library in Busko-Zdroj]. Bibliotekarz. 53(4-517-11. "HP210 Lemke, H. H. (1984). Krank, aber nicht leseunfähig: Bibliotheksarbeit im Krankenhaus [Sick, but still able to read: Hospital library work]. Buch und Bibliothek. 36(91. 696, 698-699. (LISA/8502299) "HP211 Lerner, J. C. (1997). The National Patient Library: Evidence-based information for consumers. Paper presented at the ECRI Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Conference on Healthcare Technology Choices Under Managed Care: Communicating Directly with Patients and Their Clinicians, 1996. Plymouth Meeting, PA. "HP212 Lerner, J. C. (1998). The National Patient Library. Evidence-based information for consumers. Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 14(1), 81-96. "HP213 The librarian's role in the provision of consumer health information and patient education. (1996). Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 84(2). 238239. "HP214 Library Association. Hospital libraries and Handicapped Readers' Group. (1971). Libraries for health and welfare: papers given to the hospital libraries and

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handicapped readers' conferences in 1968 and 1969. (Library Association pamphlet 35). London: Library Association. **HP215 Library resources for patient education. (1971). A H IL fAssociation of Hospital and Institution Libraries Quarterlvl. II. 11-15. " H P 2 1 6 Lindner, K. (1986). The evolution of a hospital library patient education literature program. Patient Education and Counseling. 8(1). 73-80. " H P 2 1 7 Logan, M. (1971). With a little help among friends: The Atascadero State Hospital library program. News Notes of California Libraries. 6 6 . 4 0 4 - 4 0 8 . **HP218 Lombard, J. (1975). Die Anwendung von Bibliotherapie im ErholungstherapieProgramm des Saint Elisabeths Hospital. In International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Section of Hospital Libraries. Bibliotherapie und Krankenhausbibliothek (pp. 39-47). Berlin: Deutscher Bibliotheksverband, Arbeitsstelle für das Bibliothekswesen. " H P 2 1 9 Lombard, J. (1975). Use of bibliotherapy in the recreational therapy program of St. Elizabeth's Hospital. Libri. 25(2). 149-155. (LISA/7502722) " H P 2 2 0 Lowery, C. (1981). For parents and children only: A parent-child educational library. Child Health Care. 1 0 ( 2 1 6 3 - 6 4 . " H P 2 2 1 Lucioli, C. E. (1977). Out of isolation. In M. G. Strom (Ed.), Library services to the blind and physically handicapped (pp. 201-207). Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press. " H P 2 2 2 Lucioli, C. E., & Baker, E. M. (1972). IFLA. Libraries in Hospitals Sub-section. Hospital library studies 1967-1971: (8) USA, 1967: The role of the public library in hospital library provision. International Library Review, 4(3). 387391. (LISA7201690) " H P 2 2 3 Maarsingh, H. (1977). De bewonersbibliotheek nog nader bekeken [Some more aspects of a mental home's library], Bibliotheek en Samenlevino. 5(2). 3538. (LISA/7702769) " H P 2 2 4 Maarsingh, H. (1978). Die Bewohnerbibliothek: Holländische Erfahrungen mit geistig Behinderten [The patients' library: Experience with the mentally handicapped in Holland]. Buch und Bibliothek. 30(5). 332-340. (LISA/7900116) " H P 2 2 5 Machell, J. (1984). A county library service to the elderly, sick and disabled. Health Libraries Review. 1(11 24-28. (LISA/8405723) " H P 2 2 6

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Macinick, J. W., & Macinick, C. G. (1986). Perspectives on patient libraries in state psychiatric centers. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 44.109-111. **HP227 MacKenzie, P. (1982). Hospital library service for mentally handicapped people and those who care for them. In M. E. Going & J. M. Clarke, Hospital libraries and work with the disabled in the community. (3rd ed.). (pp. 131144). London: Library Association. "HP228 MacLean, F. (1971). Patients as library assistants. In Libraries for health and welfare: Papers given to the Hospital Libraries and Handicapped Readers Group conferences in 1968 and 1969. London: Library Association. **HP229 Madsen, C., & Hegh, H. (1970). Patientbiblioteket pâ Statshospitaiet i Glostrup [The patients' library at the Mental Hospital in Glostrup]. Unqdom oq Boger (4), 4-7. "HP230 Malpani, A. N. (1993). Patient education libraries [letter]. World Health Forum. 14(3), 295-296. "HP231 Mangelfullt bibliotektilbud i helseinstitusjonene [Poor library service in health care institutions], (1981). Bok oq Bibliotek. 48(6). 453-455. (LISA/8300579) "HP232 Manual tells how to build library for sick children & their parents. (1983). Library Journal. 108. 942. "HP233 Marshall, J. G. (1979). The information needs of patients with Crohn's disease. Patient Counselling and Health Education. 1(4). 142-145. "HP234 Marshall, J. G. (1980). Patient use of health sciences libraries. Ontario Library Review. 64. 35-37. "HP235 Marshall, J. G., & Haynes, R. B. (1983). Patient education and health outcomes: Implications for library service. Medical Library Association Bulletin. 71. 259-262. "HP236 Martin, M. R. d. C. (1993). La Biblioteca Infantil del Hospital Virgen de las Nieves [The Children's library of the Virgin de las Nieves Hospital]. Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios. 9(30). 37-41. (LISA/9400298) "HP237 Matthews, D. Α., & Lonsdale, R. (1990). Library and book services to children in hospital [microform], (British Library R&D report; 6004). Aberystwyth:

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University College of Wales, Dept. of Information and Library Studies. "HP238 Matthews, D. Α., & Lonsdale, R. (1991). Children in hospital: 1. Survey of library and book provision. Health Libraries Review. 8(4). 210-219. (LISA/9204339) "HP239 Matthews, D. Α., & Lonsdale, R. (1991). Library services to children in hospital: A tale of two surveys. Library Association Record. 93.455-456. **HP240 May, B. (1990). The Groote Schuur Hospital experience. Cape Librarian. 34(1). 23-24. (LISA/9103543) "HP241 Mayo, K. (1975). Patient library in action: Florida state hospital. Illinois Libraries. 57,493-496. "HP242 McClaskey, H. C. (Ed.). (1975). Health education. (Theme issue). Health and Rehabilitative Library Services. "HP243 McCullough, F. S. (1970). Patients' library. Catholic Library World. 41. 531-533. **HP244 McDowell, D. J. (1971). Bibliotherapy in a patients' library. Medical Library Association Bulletin. 59 450-457. "HP245 McGee, P. (1999). The patient library service in England. Health Libraries Review. 16(3). 204-207. "HP246 McKnight, M. (1996). Building a useful hospital library book collection. National Network. 21(1). 10-11. "HP247 McKnight, M. (1997). Patient education or health information service: What's the difference? National Network. 21(3110. "HP248 McOuat, G. (1985). The librarian as rehabilitator. Bibliotheca Medica Canadiana. 7(3), 117-118. (USA/8603913) "HP249 Medlicott, R. W. (1975). Bibliotherapy. New Zealand Libraries. 38(41 205-208. (LISA/7503439) "HP250 Memin, C. (1985). Lecture et personnes âgées en établissements de gériatrie [Reading and aged persons in geriatric institutions]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association Bibliothécaires Français. (127V 10. "HP251 Merkblatt zu Teil I der 'Anleitung zur Büchereiverwaltung' (Ausgabe 1976): Krankenhausbücherei (Patientenbücherei). [Memorandum to Part 1 of

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Introduction to library administration (1976 edition): The hospital library (the patients' library], (1978). Unsere Sammlung. (2), 63-68. (LISA/7901485) " H P 2 5 2 Meulenbroeks, F. (1988). Een bewonersbibliotheek [A library for the residents], Bibliotheek en Samenlevina. 16(117-9. (LISA/8901698) " H P 2 5 3 Miller, A. M. (1972). IFLA. Libraries in Hospitals Sub-section. Hospital library studies 1967-1971: (6) USSR, 1970: The reading matter of patients. International Library Review. 4(3). 373-377. (LISA/7201725) " H P 2 5 4 . Also appears in R. J. Rubin (Ed.). (1978). Bibliotherapv Sourcebook, (pp. 366-370). Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press. " H P 2 5 5 Moeller, K. A. (1997). Consumer health libraries: A new diagnosis. Library Journal. 122. 36-38. " H P 2 5 6 Mofford, C., & Munro, S. (1996). Brave new world: Establishing family resource libraries in medical settings. Bibliotheca Medica Canadiana. 17(3). 105108. (LISA/9607386) " H P 2 5 7 Monroe, M. E. (1978). The use of print and other media in nursing homes of Wisconsin in 1975 and a related survey of public library service to older adults. Madison, Wl: Wisconsin University, Faye McBeath Institute on Aging and Adult Life. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 184 548). (LISA/8201074) " H P 2 5 8 Monroe, M. E. (1978). Report to the Wisconsin Veterans Home (King. Wisconsin). Study of resident's reading and media interests as a basis for the developing program of library service. Madison, Wl: Wisconsin University, Library School. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 184 545). (LISA/8201565) "HP259 Monroe, M. E„ & Rubin, R. J. (1975). Bibliotherapy: Trends in the United States. Health and Rehabilitative Library Services Division Journal. 1(2), 15-17. (LISA/7600223) "HP260 Morin, C. N. (1971). L'organisation d'une bibliothèque pour les patients dans les hôpitaux. Sherbrooke, QC: [n.p.]. "HP261 Müller, M. (1980). De funktie van de bibliotheek in de psychiatrische inrichting [The role of libraries in mental hospitals]. Bibliotheek en Samenlevinq. 8(10), 299-301. (LISA/8101971) "HP262 Nagl, M. (1986). Gesellschaftliche und klinische Aspekte zur Bedeutung der Patientenbibliothek [Social and clinical aspects of the importance of

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patients librariesl. Buch und Bibliotek. 38(2). 158-163. (LISA/8701711) "HP263 Nagórska, I. (1977). O czyteinictwie chorych w Szpitalu im Kopernika w Lodzi [Reading interests of patients of Kopernik hospital in Lodz], Bibliotekarz. 44(3), 85-89. "HP264 Nicholas, R. M. (1971). The Day Hospital at Pembury and an experiment on the therapeutic use of the talking book. Book Trolley. 3(3). 12-13. (LISA/7102314) **HP265 Nielsen, H. (1972). IFLA. Libraries in Hospitals Sub-section. Hospital library studies 1967-1971: (1) Denmark, 1968: Danish hospital libraries and the training of hospital librarians. International Library Review. 4(3). 351-355. (LISA/7201688) "HP266 Nikodem, B. (1977). Literatur für kranke Kinder; Kritik einer bibliothekarischen Empfehlungsliste [Literature for sick children; criticism of a list of recommended books]. Buch und Bibliotek. 29. 802-804. "ΉΡ267 Nilsen, S. (1978). Pasientbibliotekene i sekelyset [Spotlight on patients' libraries]. Bokoo Bibliotek. 45(71 344-345. (LISA/7902068) " H P 2 6 8 Norderheim, T. (1975). Specialgruppsdag: Barn pá sjukhus [Special group day: Children in hospitals], Biblioteksbladet. 60(14). 260-262. (LISA/7503408) "HP269 Nordnes, S. E. (1987). Biblioteket som medisin; bibliotekvirksomhet for barn og unge pá sykehus [The library as medicine; library work with children and youth in the hospital], Bok oa Bibliotek. 54(6). 206-207. "HP270 Nyeng, P. (1994). Sygeplejerske og bibliotekar star skulder ved skulder [Nurse and librarian stand shoulder to shoulder], Bibliotek 70. (19). 574-577. (LISA/9507806) "HP271 NZLA submissions to the Caucus Committee on Hospital Services. (1975). New Zealand Libraries. 38(4). 197-201. (USA/7503407) "HP272 Obrador, S. (1974). Vikten att nâ kontakt: frân ett sjukhusbibliotek [The importance of establishing contact: From a hospital library]. Biblioteksbladet. 59(15). 273-274. (LISA/7500195) " H P 2 7 3 Older, P. (1991). Patient libraries in hospitals for the insane in the United States, 1810-1861. Libraries & Culture. 26(3). 511-531. (LISA/9200112) "HP274

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Organization, description of work and statistics of library services in hospitals, institutions and for the handicapped in Australia. Belgium. Denmark. F. D. R.. Finland. New Zealand. Poland. Sweden. (1977). The Hague: IFLA Libraries in Hospitals Sub section. (LISA/7800131) " H P 2 7 5 Panella, Ν. M. (1992). A study of library services for patients in large voluntary general teaching hospitals in the Northeastern United States. Health Information and Libraries. 3(4). 187-223. (LISA/9307082) " H P 2 7 6 Panella, Ν. M. (1992). Patients' libraries: An exploratory study of cases in selected large voluntary teaching hospitals in the Northeastern United States. Doctoral dissertation, Columbia University, New York, NY. (LISA/9603163) **HP277 Panella, Ν. M. (1996). The patients' library movement: An overview of early efforts in the United States to establish organized libraries for hospital patients. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 84(1). 52-62. (LISA/9606231) " H P 2 7 8 Partington, W. W. (1970). The Southern Hospital Library: Reminiscences of an assistant. Book Trolley. 2(11). 7-10. (USA/7002812) " H P 2 7 9 Partington, W. W. (1972). IFLA. Libraries in Hospitals Sub-section. Hospital library studies 1967-71: (7) United Kingdon, 1971: (a) the LA Hospital Libraries and Handicapped Readers Group. International Library Review. 4(3), 379-380. (LISA/7201680) "HP280 Partington, W. W. (1975). Queen Elizabeth II Hospital Library, Hertfordshire library service. New Zealand Libraries. 38.190-196. "HP281 Patientenbibliotheken in der DDR [Patient libraries in the German Democratic Republic]. (1972). Buch und Bibliotek. 24. 347-348. "HP282 Patterson, L. (1997). Providing children with health information. Nursing Times. 93(38), 48-50. *ΉΡ283 Paulin, L. V. (1972). IFLA. Libraries in Hospitals Sub-section. Hospital library studies 1967-71: (7) United Kingdom, 1971: (b) current developments in hospital libraries. International Library Review. 4(3), 380-383. (LISA/7201682) "HP284 Peilion, J. (1972). IFLA. Libraries in Hospitals Sub-section. Hospital library studies 1967-1971: (2) France, 1971: A voluntary library organization in Lyon and its region. International Library Review. 4(3). 357-360. (LISA/7201687) "HP285

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Perez, Κ. R. (1989). Library media programs for hospitalized children: A description of the FDLRS Chronic Illness Program at the University of South Florida. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System. **HP286 Petkus, D., & Peacock, J. (1971). Book explosion at Beatty Memorial Hospital. Focus. 25. 119-121. "HP287 Pétursdóttir, Κ. Η. (1971). Library services to the sick and handicapped in Iceland. Book Trolley. 3(3). 9-12. (LISA/7102284) " H P 2 8 8 Phillips, S. Α., & Zorn, M. J. (1994). Assessing consumer health information needs in a community hospital. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 82,288-293. " H P 2 8 9 Phinney, E. (Ed.). (1977). The librarian and the patient: An introduction to library services for patients in health care institutions. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. (LISA/7801463) "HP290 Phinney, E. (1979). Library materials for patients. In P. Van Orden & Ε. Β. Phillips (Eds.), Background readings in building library collections (2nd ed.). (pp. 148-157). Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press. "HP291 Pinz, Α. V. (1998). Psyk-info i Arhus vokser med behovet [Psyk-info in Arhus grows with the demand]. Bibliotekspressen. (9), 266-267. (LISA/75798) "HP292 Ploman, M. (1971). Biblioteket pâ Vipeholm [The library at Vipeholm], Biblioteksbladet. 56(2-3). 63-64. (LISA/7101375) " H P 2 9 3 Poisson, Ε. H. (1983). Libraries and the provision of health information to the public. (Doctoral dissertation, Columbia University). **HP294 Pollack, L-O., & Holmqvist, B. (1980). Väntrumslitteratur [Literature for waiting rooms], Biblioteksbladet. 65(12). 254-256. (LISA/8300278) " H P 2 9 5 Powell, P. (1984). Outfoxing overdues in the hospital library. Library & Archival Security. 6(2/31 77-81. (LISA/8504726) "HP296 Pranov, S., & Knudsen, P. (1979). Biblioteksservice til born pâ hospital [Library service to children in hospitals]. Bibliotek 70, (21), 620-622. (LISA/8003630) "HP297 Puyn, U. (1973). Die Situation des Krankenhauspatienten aus der Sicht des Arztes [The situation of the hospital patient from the doctor's point of view]. In Die Krankenhausbücherei: Referate des Fortbildungslehrgangs

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für Bibliothekare an Krankenhausbüchereien. Düsseldorf. 1971 [The Hospital Library: Lectures from the Further Education Course for Librarians at Hospital Libraries. Düsseldorf. 19711 (pp. 17-38). Cologne: Greven. (USA/7500894) *ΉΡ298 Ramin, Α. (1982). Le Ministère de la Santé et les bibliothèques d'hôpitaux [The Ministry of Health and hospital libraries]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français. (115). 36. (LISA/8406445) "HP299 Rappaport, G. (1982). L'accès au livre en milieu de santé [Access to books in the health field]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français. (115). 33-34. (USA/8406300) " H P 3 0 0 Richtlinien für öffentliche Krankenhausbibliotheken /: zusammengestellt vom Arbeitskreis "Öffentliche Krankenhausbibliotheken" in der Kommission des Deutschen Bibliotheksinstituts für besondere Benutzerqruppen: Redaktion: Hannelore Schmidt [Guidelines for open hospital librariesl. (1983). (DBI-Materialien 26). Berlin: Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut. "HP301 Rickards, D. J. (1978). Providing health care information to patients in a small hospital. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 66(31 342-344. (LISA7902925) "HP302 Rikshospitalets pasientbibliotek [National hospital's patient library]. (1990). Bok oa Bibliotek. 57(21 33. "HP303 Rimkeit, A. (1972). IFLA. Libraries in Hospitals Sub-section. Hospital library studies 1967-1971: (3) German Democratic Republic, 1970: The development of patients' libraries. International Library Review. 4(3). 361364. (LISA/7201685) "HP304 Rimkeit, A. (1972). Patientenbibliotheken in der DDR [Patients' libraries in the German Democratic Republic], Bibliothekar. 26(11). 728-732. (USA/7300109) "HP305 . Also appears in Buch und Bibliotek. 24.1102-1105. "HP306 Rimkeit, A. (1981). Entwicklung und Tätigkeit von Krankenhausbibliotheken und Bibliotheksdiensten für Patienten auf der Grundlage der Regelung des Ministeriums für Gesundheitswesen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik [The development and work of hospital libraries and library services for patients, as based on the regulations of the Ministry of Health in the German Democratic Republic]. Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. 95(11), 485-488. (LISA/8204553) "HP307

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Ring, A. (1986). Establishing a state-of-the-art library in a nursing home; how I did it. Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences. 23(3). 254-270. (LISA/8605596) "HP308 Roberto, E. A. (1979). Health education: "Sharing - the only way to go". Hospital Topics. 57(4). 22-25. " H P 3 0 9 Ronnie, M. A. (1972). IFLA. Libraries in Hospitals Sub-section. Hospital library studies 1967-1971: (5) New Zealand, 1971: The professional and the volunteer. International Library Review. 4(3). 369-372. (LISA/7201689) **HP310 Ronnie, M. A. (1974). Hospital and housebound services. New Zealand Libraries. 37(4), 211-219. (LISA/7500191) "HP311 Ronnie, M. A. (1972). IFLA standards: Service to hospitals and handicapped readers. New Zealand Libraries. 35(5). 295-299. (LISA/7300107) "ΉΡ312 Ronnie, M. A. (1978). Standards for library services in health authorities. New Zealand Libraries. 41(2). 55-56. (LISA/7900696) "HP313 Roth, B. G. (1978). Health information for patients: The hospital library's role. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 66(1). 14-18. (LISA/7803578) "HP314 . Comment by Ms. L. Elsesser [letter], with rejoinder. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 66(3). 362-363. "HP315 . Comment by L. D. Morris [letter]. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 66(3). 363. "HP316 Rumford (Maine) Community Hospital asks visitors to select books for patients. (1970). Public Relations Newsletter 19.4. "HP317 Russell, J. (1972). Hospital story-telling for children. Book Trolley. 3. 7-9. "HP318 Russell, L. H. (1982). Patient education for the mentally ill. Library Trends. 30(4). 631-645. (LISA/8303284) "HP319 Sabroe, B. (1975). Hospitalsbiblioteket i teori og praksis [The hospital library in theory and practice]. Boqens Verden. 57(1). 10-22. (LISA/7502118) **HP320

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Sahler, O. J., Satterwhite, B. B., & Reynolds, J. D. (1981). The pediatric familypatient health education library: The issue of access to information. Pediatrics. 68(3). 374-378. "HP321 Savage, E. (1976). St. John and Red Cross Hospital Library Service. Nursing Mirror. 143. 65. "HP322 Schlenther, E. (1988). Miffv and others in hospital: Library service to a children's ward. Manchester, England: Haigh & Hochland. "HP323 Schmidt, H. (1972). Die Sonderbüchereien der Stadt München: Bericht aus der Praxis [Special libraries: Libraries in hospitals and in homes for the elderly in Munich. Report on practice]. Buch und Bibliothek. 24(3), 344-347. "HP324 Schmidt, H. (Comp.). (1974). Romanliteratur für Patientenbibliotheken: eine Empfehlungsliste fFiction for patient libraries: A list of recommended books!. (5th ed.). Berlin: Deutscher Bibliotheksverband, Arbeitsstelle für das Bibliothekswesen. "HP325 Schmidt, H. (Comp.). (1974). Sachliteratur für Patientenbibliotheken: eine Empfehlungsliste fNon-fiction literature for patient libraries: A list of recommended booksl. (3rd ed.). Berlin: Deutscher Bibliotheksverband· Arbeitsstelle für das Bibliothekswesen. "HP326 Schmidt, H. (1976). Forschungs auftrag: 'Technische Hilfsmittel für Krankenhausbibliotheken', Abschlussbericht [Research lecture: Technical aids in hospital libraries', a final report]. Bibliotheksdienst· (2), 84-96. (LISA/7601598) "HP327 Schultheis, J. (1991). Der Wechsel [The change]. Buch und Bibliothek, 43, 236238. "HP328 Schultz, J., & Posner, R. (1978). Library/media center in a children's hospital. School Media Quarterly. 6. 274-276. "HP329 Schwarz, D. (Ed. & Comp.). (1995). Richlinien für Patientenbibliotheken: erarbeitet von einer Expertengruppe der Kommission für Besondere Benutzergruppen des Deutschen Bibliotheksinstituts· Berlin: Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut. "HP330 Secchi, M. (1970). 'Zelo zelatus sum...': Reminiscences of a hospital librarian. Book Trolley. 2(11), 3-7, (LISA/7002813) "HP331 Seidelin, S. (1984). Library service to the mentally handicapped. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly, 17(1), 24-28. (LISA/8501776) "HP332

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Sewall, L. (1981). ...and would you care for a picture? Hospital library service in Sweden. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 14(4). 139-140. (LISA/8205613) "HP333 Shands, Α., & Latture-Leasure, C. (1993). Arkansas Children's Hospital Family Resource Library. Arkansas Libraries. 50. 9-10. "HP334 Shaw, Ε. Α., Smith, E., & Smith, J. E. (1987). A report on the provision of library services to children in hospital. [Manchester]: Manchester Polytechnic. "HP335 Sick and handicapped children. (1974). Health and Welfare Libraries Quarterly. 1(1), 12-16. (LISA7401321) "HP336 Simon, L. (1984). Library services to patients in psychiatric hospitals. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 17(1). 22-23. (LISA/8501766) **HP337 Siukhusbibliotek: en oversvn av de allmanna bibliotekens verksamhet. organisation och arbetsformer [Hospital libraries: A survey of the activitiesorganisation and work routines of general hospital libraries], (1976). Lund: Bibliotekstjanst. (LISA/7700144) "HP338 Slang, L. (1989). Og debatten var heller ikke dod [And the debate was not dead either], Bok og Bibliotek. 56(8). 8-9. "HP339 Smith, D. (1974). Basingstoke District Hospital Library. Health Welfare Library Quarterly. 1. 6-9. "HP340 Snider, J. (1991). Creating and implementing an online patient education catalog. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 79. 321-323. *ΉΡ341 Sohnlein, G. (1983). Buchvermittlung am Krankenbett. Kultur statt KULTuhr in der Klinik [Provision of books at the bedside. Culture instead of 'cult hour' in the hospital]. Krankenpflege Journal. 21(12). 11-13. "HP342 Sorensen, B., Berg Rasmussen, 0., & Pedersen, E. (1988). Vedr. patientbiblioteker pa landets sygehuse [Patient libraries in the nation's hospitals], Bogens Verden. 70(6). 340. "HP343 Sorrentino, S., Fierberg, J., & Goodchild, E. Y. (1978). CATLINE as an acquisitions tool for health and patient education materials. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 66(4). 458^460. "HP344

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Soth, Ν. (1986). The patient-centered bibliography: Uniting library services with the mission of the psychiatric hospital. Psychiatric Hospital. 17(2). 91-94. "HP345 Stange, R. H. (1993). Dagens situasjon for pasientbibliotek [Today's situation in the patient library], Bok oo Bibliotek. 60. 38. " H P 3 4 6 Steele, U. M. (1970). Services available to the hospitalized from the Regional libraries for the blind and handicapped: An untapped resource? AHIL [Association of Hospital and Institution Libraries] Quarterly. 10. 36-38. "HP347 Stoltenberg, E. R. (1979). Leestherapie in het ziekenhuis [Bibliotherapy in a hospital], Bibliotheek en Samenlevinq. 7(5). 143-146. (LISA/7903364) **HP348 Stolzenberg, R. (1979). Ärzte und Bibliothekare entscheiden gemeinsam; eine integrierte Krankenhausbibliothek in Bremen [Doctors and librarians make joint decisions: An integrated hospital library in Bremen]. Buch und Bibliothek. 31(5). 436,438-440. (LISA/8000127) " H P 3 4 9 Stout, R. J. (1980). Children's hospital libraries: A report on average 1980 collection size and budget. Medical Library Association Bulletin. 68. 373375. " H P 3 5 0 Sutou, Y. (1998). Public library services for the hospital [in Japanese]. ToshokanKai [The Library World!. 49(61 300-305. (LISA/73387) " H P 3 5 1 Swezey, A. M., & Kaufman, A. (1977). Library cart service provides information for clinic patients. Hospitals. 51(17165-67. " H P 3 5 2 Tabor, R. (1981). Information for health: Informing patients and public. In M. Carmel (Ed.), Medical librarianship (pp. 52-66). London: Library Association. " H P 3 5 3 Takada, T. (1993). Welcomed by patients: Experience of Asunaro Library, Ogaki City Hospital in Gifu Prefecture [in Japanese], Toshokan Zasshi [Library Journal!. 87(7). 4 4 3 4 4 5 . (LISA/9401387) " H P 3 5 4 Talerioo, C. (1973). litica State Hospital LSCA Title I Federal Grant Project: Summary report, November 1973. AHIL [Association of Hospital and Institution Libraries! Quarterly, 13(3/4). 28-29. (LISA/7401328) " H P 3 5 5 Tarby, W „ & Hogan, K. (1997). Hospital-based patient information service: A model for collaboration. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 85(2). 158-166. (LISA/9708215) " H P 3 5 6

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Thacker, Β., & Fountaine, C. A. (1988). A program evaluation of the Veterans Administration's library service. Washington. DC: Associate Deputy Administrator for Management, Office of Program Analysis and Evaluation Studies and Evaluation Service. "HP357 This medical library is not for doctors only. (1992). Profiles in Healthcare Marketing. (46). 48-50. "HP358 Toma, A. (1972). IFLA. Libraries in Hospitals Sub-section. Hospital library studies 1967-1971: (4) Hungary, 1970: The organization of hospital libraries. International Library Review. 4(3). 365-368. (LISA/7201686) **HP359 Tomlin, A. C. (1998). Cheaper by the dozen: Low cost consumer health resources. National Network. 23(2). 9-10. **HP360 Tristate hospital assembly, 1970: Educational conference on library services. (1971). AHIL [Association of Hospital and Institution Libraries 1 Quarterly. 1 1 1 1 - 1 5 . **HP361 Truccolo, I., Ciolfi, L., Annunziata, Μ. Α., Piani, Β., Turrin, O., & Venturelli, M. (1998). Quando l'utente e un paziente [When the user is a patient]. Biblioteche Oggi. 16(71. 26-30. (LISA/82753) "HP362 Unique service at Gateshead hospital. (1994). Library Association Record. 96(8). 405. " H P 3 6 3 Vaillancourt, P. M. (1979). Librarian and patient's information. Catholic Library World. 50. 393-396. "HP364 Valla, M. C. et al. (1994). Les bibliothèques pour les enfants hospitalisés [Libraries for children in hospital]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français. (165). 45-48. (LISA/9506596) " H P 3 6 5 Vandepitte, M-A. (1976). Prêt de reproductions d'art [Lending of art reproductions!. Lecture et Bibliothèques. (37). 12-14. (USA/7603294) "HP366 Vernon, D. T. A. (1971). Information seeking in a natural stress situation: Tuberculosis patients' use of books in the patient library. Journal of Applied Psychology. 55. 359-363. "HP367 Vidale, C. (1986). Biblioteche per degenti [Libraries for patients]. Biblioteche Oggi. 4(3). 61-73. (LISA/8703309) "HP368

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Vokroj, M. (1973). Zvukové knihy [Literary recordings in hospitals], Ctenar. 25(11), 370-373. (LISA/7400231) "HP369 Voznicka, V. (1987). Pacienti ν knihovn_ [Patients in a library], Ctenár, 39(7-8), 297-299. (LISA/8901176) **HP370 Wagenaar, H. (1991). Dutch library services to disadvantaged persons. Health Libraries Review. 8(3). 142-149. "HP371 Wakeley, P. J , Marshall, S. B., & Foster, E. C. (1985). Health science library and information services in the hospital. Hospital and Health Services Administration. 30(4). 112-123. "HP372 Walker, Μ. E., & Jones, J. (1986). When children die: Death in current children's literature and its use in a library. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 74(1). 16-18. (LISA/8603430) "HP373 Wallström, Κ. (1977). Biblioteket och de psykiskt sjuka [The library and the mentally ill]. Biblioteksbladet. 62(1). 8-9. (LISA/7702768) *ΉΡ374 Walsh, M. (1988). Hospital outreach programme at the Montreal Children's Library. Bulletin ABQ/QLA Bulletin. 30(1). 21-22. (LISA/8803854) "HP375 Watkin, B. (1981). Patient services: Blotting out the boredom of a long stay in hospital. Health and Social Service Journal. 91(4732). 225-227. " H P 3 7 6 Watson, A. C., McDade, E. H„ & Turman, L. U. (1994). How to develop a patient - family resource library. Cancer Practice. 2(5), 380-382. "HP377 . Comments, 327. "HP378 Weber, S. J., & Satterwhite, Β. B. (1983). Medical librarianship on the pediatric floor. AB Bookmans' Weekly. 71. 3370+. "HP379 Wiehle, M. (1978). Kooperation zwischen staatlichen Allgemeinbibliotheken und Patientenbibliotheken [Cooperation between public libraries and patient libraries!. Bibliothekar. 32. 225-229. "HP380 Willis, A. (1989). Working for patients: Some initial thoughts on implications for library services arising from the government's White Paper on the NHS. Library Association Record. 91(11). 655. "HP381 Wolff, H. (1973). Aspekte einer Therapie mit dem Buch am Krankenbett [Aspects of therapy with the book at the hospital bed]. In Die Krankenhausbiicherei: Referate des Fortbildunaslehrganas für Bibliothekare an

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Krankenhausbüchereien. Düsseldorf. 1971. In The Hospital Library: Lectures from the Further Education Course for Librarians at Hospital Libraries. Düsseldorf. 1971 (pp. 39-64).Cologne: Greven. (LISA/7500893) "HP382 Wolff, H. (1973). Büchereipraxis im Krankenhaus; Lesegeräte und Spiel-Ausleihe [Library practice in the hospital: The lending of reading machines and games!. Buch und Bibliotek. 25.473-474. "HP383 Work of hospital libraries in Denmark. (1974). Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 7(1). 29-30. "HP384 Wörwag, H. (1975). 40 Jahre Stadtbücherei Universitätskliniken Düsseldorf [40 years of the municipal library at the university hospitals in Düsseldorf], Buch und Bibliotek. 27. 862. "HP385 Yamamuro, M. (1989). Hospital libraries today and Kyoto Southern Hospital's book service [in Japanese]. Toshokan Zasshi [Library Journal!. 83(6). 322323. (LISA/9003411) "HP386 Yamaski, B. (1973). Library staff survey reading preferences of hospital inpatients. Hospital and Community Psychiatry. 24. 750-751. "HP387 Zalik, A. (1985). Ζ ksiazka wsród chorych [Books for the sick], Bibliotekarz. 52(1). 30-32 & 52(6), 30-31. "HP388

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PRISON LIBRARIES: A BIBLIOGRAPHY, 1970-2000 Adams, R. E., Nicol, J., Blunt, P., & Douglass, H. H. (n.d.). Prison libraries. How can we improve them. London: Library Association. (LISA/8103995) "PR001 Adamson, E. (1974). Information for prisoners: Committee calls for standards in prison libraries. Feliciter. 20.14-15. "PR002 . (1975). Comment by F. White [letter], Feliciter. 21.10. "PR003 Adamson, E. (1974). Prison libraries are everybody's business. Ontario Library Review. 58. 31-32. "PR004 Alasaukko oja, P. (1974). Kirjasto kiven sisässa [The Library of Helsinki Central Prison], Kiriastolehti. 67(31. 94-95,112. (LISA/7401324) "PR005 Albert, M. (1984). Being a prison librarian. CLIC Quarterly. 3, 46-49. " P R 0 0 6 Albert, M. (1986). Redirecting library services for state correctional prisons. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 44. 81-88. "PR007 Amberchele, J. C. (1990). One hour, once a week. The Unabashed Librarian. (74), 17-18. [Erratum (75),2], "PR008 American Association of Law Libraries. (1974). Recommended collections for prison law libraries. Illinois Libraries. 56. 574-581. " P R 0 0 9 American Association of Law Libraries. (1980). Recommended collections for prison and other institution law libraries. (1980). Chicago, IL: American Association of Law Libraries. "PR010 American Association of Law Libraries. (1982). Providing legal services for prisoners: A tool for correctional administrators. (Rev. ed.). College Park, MD: American Correctional Association. "PR011 American Association of Law Libraries. (1985). Recommended collections for prison and other institution law libraries. Chicago, IL: American Association of Law Libraries. "PR012 American Association of Law Libraries. Committee on Law Library Service to Prisoners. (1972). Recommended collections for prison law libraries. Law Library Journal. 65. 367-371. "PR013

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American Association of Law Libraries. Committee on Law Library Service to Prisoners. (1973). What vou can do to help prison law libraries. Chicago, IL: American Association of Law Libraries. "PR014 American Association of Law Libraries. Committee on Law Library Service to Prisoners. (1975). Recommended collections for prison law libraries. (Rev. ed.). Chicago, IL: American Library Association. "PR015 American Association of Law Libraries. Contemporary Social Problems and Special Interest Section. (1990). Recommended collections for prison and other institution law libraries. (Rev. ed.). Chicago, IL: American Association of Law Libraries. **PR016 American Association of Law Libraries. Standing Committee on Law Library Service to Institution Residents. (1991). Correctional facility law libraries: An A to Ζ resource guide. Laurel, MD: American Correctional Association. "PR017 American Correctional Association. (1973) Guidelines for legal reference service in correctional institutions: A tool for correctional administrators. College Park, MD: American Correctional Association. **PR018 American Correctional Association. (1973). Library Services. Chicago, IL: Association of Hospital and Institution Libraries. "PR019 American Correctional Association. (1975) Guidelines for legal reference service in correctional institutions: A tool for correctional administrators. (2nd ed.) (1975). College Park, MD: American Correctional Association. **PR020 American Correctional Association. (1981). Standards for adult correctional institutions. (2nd ed.) College Park, MD: American Correctional Association. "PR021 American Correctional Association. Committee on Institutional Libraries. (1971). Magazines suggested for use in correctional resident libraries. College Park, MD: American Correctional Association. **PR022 American Library Association. (1980). Survey of library service in local correctional facilities. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 221 169) "PR023 American Library Association. Association of Hospital and Institution Libraries, Special Committee on Library Service to Prisoners. (1974). Jails need libraries too: Guidelines for library service programs to jails. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. (LISA/7500843) "PR024

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Anderson, W. (1991). The evolution of library and information services for special groups: The role of performance review and the user. I FLA Journal. 17(2), 135-141. (USA/9106155) "PR025 . Also appears in Inspel, 25(1), 37-46. **PR026 Andrews, F. E. (1973). Prison libraries: How do they fit in? Special Libraries, 64(7), 270-272. (LISA/7302699) "PR027 . Comment by M. E. Love [letter]. Special Libraries. 64. 8A. **PR028 Apfel, J. (1996). Playing inside. Play Matters. (10). 16-17. (LISA/9612305) "PR029 Appleby, S. E. (1989). The effect of Bounds v. Smith on the prison library system. MSLS Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. "PR030 Arlt, J. (1999). Neue Wege für die Brandenburger Gefangnisbibliotheken [New ways for the Brandenburg prison libraries]. Buch und Bibliothek, 51(7/8). 494-496. (LISA/92090) "PR031 Armitage, T. E. (1975). Investigation of the possibilities for prison library reform during the 1960's. (Research paper). Columbia, MO: University of Missouri. "PR032 Arnold, J. 0. (1995). Libraries in correctional facilities. Nebraska Library Association Quarterly. 26(4). 24-28. (LISA/9706539) "PR033 Aronson, R. (1979). Problems and opportunities: Statewide coordination of library services in state prisons. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 38.68-71. **PR034 Aronson, R., & Read, M. (1982). You've gotta have a plan. CLIC Quarterly, 1(2), 23-26. (LISA/8402448) "PR035 Aronson, S. (1982). User needs at the Eastern Correctional Facility Library. CLIC Quarterly. 1(2). 27-29. (LISA/8402295) "PR036 Association of American Publishers appraises prison project: National expansion urged. (1974). Library Journal. 99.1654+. "PR037 Artinian, B. (1989). Anavlsis. Correctional Service of Canada institutional library service: Current status, issues and recommendations. Burnaby, BC: Correctional Service of Canada. "PR038

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Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies. (1981). Library standards for jails and detention facilities. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. " P R 0 3 9 Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies. (1992). Library standards for adult correctional institutions. 1992. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. "PR040 Attica project. (1973). The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 32. 92. "PR041 Australian Library and Information Association. (1990). Australian prison libraries: Minimum standard guidelines. Canberra, Australia: Australian Library and Information Association. "PR042 Bailey, A. (1972). Standards for library service in institutions: In the correctional setting. Library Trends. 21. 261-266. "PR043 Baird, D. N. (1979). Long-range plan for the development of library services in the Tennessee correctional facilities. EdS Thesis, George Peabody College for Teachers. "PR044 Barclay, R. L. (1978). Jail service by a small public library. Wilson Library Bulletin. 53(1). 31-33. (LISA/7901487) "PR045 Barlow, N. L. (1994). Libraries behind bars - the Arkansas Department of Correction Library System. Arkansas Libraries. 51.15-16. **PR046 Barone, R. M. (1977). De-programming prison libraries. Special Libraries. 68(9). 293-298. (LISA/7802723) "PR047 Bay area SRRT files brief in law library case. (1972). Library Journal. 97.2331. "PR048 Bayley, L., Greenfield, L., & Nogueira, F. (1981). Jail library service: A guide for librarians and iail administrators. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. (LISA/8203609) "PR049 Belton, G., & Cooke, M. (1977). Prison library provision in Leicestershire: A report. 1976-1977. (Occasional paper Leicester, England. Libraries and Information Service; no. 1). Leicester: Leicestershire County Council, Libraries and Information Service. "PR050 Bequette, V. L. (1987). The Missouri Training Center for Men Library. Show-Me Libraries. 38. 21-22. "PR051

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Berndtson, M. (1973). Koulukotien kirjastot [Libraries in juvenile reformatories]. Kiriastolehti 66.(4). 147-149. "PR052 Berry, J. (1991). Prison libraries: A selective bibliography. Bedford, England: The Library Association. "PR053 Bibliotheekwerk voor gedetineerden: Stand van zaken [Prison library services: The present position]. (1985). Bibliotheek en Samenlevinq. 13(1). 11-14. (LISA/8505612) "PR054 Biemiller, R. C. (1971, December 12). Last word: Prisoners in, books out. New York Times Book Review. 47. "PR055 Blunt, P. (1994). Prison library services: The prison library [service] perspective. Public Library Journal. 9(61.163-165. (LISA/9504221) "PR056 Bedtker, M. L. (1992). Fristed for fanger [Sanctuary for prisoners], Bok oq Bibliotek. 59(4). 37-38. "PR057 Book donations benefit prison library. (1992). School Library Journal. 38.16. "PR058 Books for prisoners project being organized by Association of American Publishers. (1972, August 21). Publishers Weekly. 202. 59-60. " P R 0 5 9 Books for prisoners project launched by Association of American Publishers. (1973V Library Journal. 98.1533. "PR060 Boswell, D. (1977). Prisoners, seamen and military establishments. In H. A. Whatley (Ed.) British Librarianship and Information Work (pp. 297-301). London: Library Association. (LISA/7703490) "PR061 Botta, J. C. (1990). Inmate access to the courts and more through New York State's prison law libraries. The Bookmark (Albany. NYÌ. 48. 296-299. "PR062 Bottrill, P. J., Dolan, M., Pearson, Α., & Parker, D. (1984). Prison libraries - value for money. Prison Libraries Group Newsletter. (2). 32-33. (LISA/8500651) **PR063 Bouchard, J., & Winnicki, A. (2000). "You found what in a book?" Contraband control in the prison library. Library and Archival Security. 16(1). 47-61. (LISA/104682) "PR064 Bowe, C. (1997). Enlightened service is central to positive prison life. Library Association Record. 99(12). 669. "PR065

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Braden, J. (1973). Alltag des Strafvollzugs [Everyday life in serving a prison sentence]. Bibliotheksdienst. Beiheft [Supplementi. (91), 31-37. (LISA/7302701) "PR066 Bradley, P. (1984). Library services behind the wall for prisoners: An everpresent challenge. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 43. 38-40. "PR067 Bramley, G. (1978). Outreach: Library services for the institutionalised, the elderly, and the physically handicapped. London: C. Bingley. **PR068 Bratt, L. (1996). Birthplace of my redemption. American Libraries. 27(6). 65-66. (LISA/9609627) "PR069 Brenda Vogel: LJ Librarian of the year, 1989. (1990). Library Journal, 115(1). 4648. **PR070 Brenneman, M. (1979). Creating a library's identity within the correctional facility. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 38. 84-86. "PR071 Brockhurst, C. J. (1992). Humberside chief slams jail provision. Library Association Record, 94, 763. "PR072 Brooks, R. J. (1972). Designs for correctional libraries. In Library Buildings Institute. 1967, San Francisco. Library buildings: Innovation for changing needs (pp. 271-274). Chicago, IL: American Library Association. " P R 0 7 3 Brown, T. (1995). The facility and equipment. In R. J. Rubin & D. Suvak (Eds). Libraries inside: A practical guide for prison librarians (pp. 156-176). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. "PR074 Brugière, G. (1992). Réponse à la commission "loi" [Response to the ABF legal commission] [concerning prison libraries]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Francais. (155). 71. **PR075 Brugière, G. (1998). Du caritatif au militantisme, du militantisme au service public [From charity to social action, from social action to public service]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Francais. (181). 28-31. (LISA/83365) "PR076 Bryant, M., Mckenzie, E., & Fenton, R. (1982). Magazines in stir: A survey of periodicals at Arohata Youth Institution, Tawa. New Zealand Libraries. 43. 205-206. (LISA/8304763) "PR077

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Buhl Anderson, G., Ropeid Arildsen, Α., & Bylling, A. (1977). Biblioteksbetienina af provinsens arresthuse. (Danmarks biblioteksskoles A4-serie; nr. 3). Kobenhavn: Danmarks biblioteksskole. "PR078 Burt, L. N. (1977). Information needs of inmates. Library Trends. 26(1). 27-38. (LISA/7800793) "PR079 Cali, Κ. L. (1977). Heart of the institution: California Youth Authority libraries. California Librarian. 38.49-52. "PR080 California Department of Youth Authority. (1976). Law libraries in California Youth Authority: Right to legal assistance: Final report. Sacramento, CA: California Youth Authority. *PR081 California Library Association. Blue Ribbon Committee on Correctional Library Services. (1973). Report to the director of the California Department of Corrections. July 1973. Sacramento, CA: California Library Association. **PR082 Carlsen, K-J. (1989). Vellykket fengselsforsek. [Successful prison experiment], Bok QQ Bibliotek. 56(7). 37. "PR083 Carnes, P. et al. (1981). Day in the life of prison libraries. Connecticut Libraries. 23,29-30. **PR084 Cams, B. (1989). Locked up libraries. Colorado Libraries. 15.17-18. " P R 0 8 5 Cheeseman, M. (1977). Library service to young people and children in correctional facilities. Library Trends. 26. 125-137. "PR086 Chepesiuk, R. (1995). S. C. scraps innovative prison library system. American Libraries. 26. 501+. "PR087 Chesley, T. (1988). Library instruction in Illinois correctional institutions. Illinois Libraries. 70. 659-663. "PR088 Chesley, T. (1991). Illinois Department of Corrections adult prison and youth center library services: An overview. Illinois Libraries. 73. 568-569. **PR089 Chesley, T., & Rideau, W. (1993). An insider's take on prison libraries, from Angolite editor Wilbert Rideau. Interface. 15(4). 3-4. (LISA/9500421) "PR090 Childress, M. (1985). I work in a prison. North Carolina Libraries. 43.158-159. **PR091

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Christensen, R. (1975). Prison library: An aid to rehabilitation. Wisconsin Library Bulletin. 71.151-152. "PR092 Chwastek, A. (1980). Studia nad czvtelnictwem wie'zniów [Study on reading among prisoners]. (Prace Wroclawskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego, Seria A, nr. 216). Wroclaw: Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossoli'nskich. "PR093 Ciincy, D. (1996). Correctional law libraries. Mississippi Libraries. 60.11-12. "PR094 Clontz, W. (1974). Prison libraries: A time for change. American Libraries, 5. 9. "PR095 Coe, D. A. (1983). Acquisitions for prison libraries. Library Acquisitions. 7(1). 2933. (LISA/8306416) "PR096 Cogdell, C. R. (1981). The library service in penal establishments in Kent. Maidstone, Kent: Kent County Library. (LISA/8204554) "PR097 Cogdell, C. (1984). Hague text. Prison Libraries Group Newsletter. (2). 9-14. (LISA/8500653) "PR098 Cogdell, C., & Pearce, J. (1982). It's easy when you know how. Assistant Librarian. 75(11). 144-146. (LISA/8304447) "PR099 Collins Bay library wins award. (1974). Ontario Library Review. 58. 55-56. "PR100 Collis, R„ & Boden, L. (Eds.). (1997). Guidelines for prison libraries (2nd ed.). London: Library Association. "PR101 Commissioners back prison library proposal. (1972). Bay State Librarian. 61. 8. "PR102 Constitutional victories strengthen inmates' freedom to read. (1970). American Library Association Intellectual Freedom Newsletter. 19. 82-83. " P R 1 0 3 Coons, W. R. (1972). Books and people behind bars at Attica: A recent inmate recalls. Wilson Library Bulletin. 46(7). 614-619. (LISA/7200739) " P R 1 0 4 Cooper, B. (1977). O f these shall my songs be fashioned, my tales be told'. In The Library Association Centenary Conference: Proceedings (pp. 69-72). London: Library Association. (LISA/7703488) "PR105 County clink bares uncut collection. (1978). American Libraries. 9.504. " P R 1 0 6

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Court annuls prison library ruling. (1996). American Libraries. 27. 17.


Coyle, W. J. (1987). Libraries in prisons: A blending of institutions. (New Directions in Information Management No 15). New York: Greenwood Press. " P R 1 0 8 Coyle, W. J. (1989). Reforming prison libraries. Library Journal. 114(18). 66-67. (LISA/9002632) "PR109 Coyle, W. J. (1990). They want our attention and we want theirs. Colorado Libraries. 16. 7-8. "PR110 Crell, B. (1986). Developing detention libraries. Voice of Youth Advocates. 9(3.4). 124,133. (LISA/8800606) "PR111 Crowell, J. R. (1996). Correctional law libraries: Operations, standards and case law. Littleton, CO: F. B. Rothman. **PR112 Curro, C. (1970). Refurbished library provides an oasis for inmates of Erie county penitentiary. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 29. 330-331. **PR113 Czajkowski, F. (1997). Wokól koncepcji biblioteki publicznej [Regarding the concept of a public library]. Bibliotekarz. (6), 12-15. (LISA/71421) "PR114 Dalton, P. I. (1977). Library services to correctional facilities in other countries. Library Trends. 26(1). 97-117. (LISA/7800791) "PR115 Dalton, P. I. (1982). American correctional association and IFLA. Interface. 5.1112. "PR116 Dalton, P. I. (1988). Prison library service from an international viewpoint. IFLA Journal. 14(2). 155-161. (LISA/8805603) "PR117 Davis, V. (1976). Survey of state prison law libraries in Texas: Where are we now? Where should we be going? Texas Libran/ Journal. 52.159-162. "PR118 De Carolis, E. (2000). Diritto di lettura: l'esperienza della biblioteca carceraria [The right to read: The experience of prison libraries]. Bollettino AIB. 40. (3), 347-363. " P R 1 1 9 Dedham, Mass. jail library reopens after fire. (1980). Library Journal. 107. [i.e. 1051.668. "PR120

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Desmond, Y. (1991). Recreation and education: A combined approach in Wheatfield Place of Detention, Dublin. An Leabharlann, 7(4). 127-135. (USA/9105210) "PR121 Dickey, W. J. (1984). The importance of libraries in corrections. Wisconsin Library Bulletin. 79. 30-31. "PR122 Discover your library: Its relevance in your life today and in your future. (1989). New York, NY: New York State Department of Correctional Services. "PR123 Donahoo, N. (1981). Australian prison librarianship. Watsonia. Victoria: Library, Department Of Community Welfare Services. **PR124 Dora, B. (1987). Public libraries in penal institutions. Konwtári Fiavelö. 33(1). 4752. (LISA/8802271) **PR125 Dornfeldt, J. (1970). To make the fullest use of time. Wisconsin Library Bulletin, 66. 335-338. "PR126 Douglass, H. H. (1971). Durham Prison Library. Book Trolley. 3(4). 8-9. (LISA/7200156) "PR127 Dow, T. G. (1974). Read-abilitation. Pennsylvania Library Association Bulletin. 29,20-22. "PR128 Drewitt, D. A. (1983). Librarianship in the New York State Department of Correctional Services for the 1980's. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 41. 167-169. "PR129 Drewitt, D. A. (1986). Prison programs and library services. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 44. 112-113. "PR130 Eaton, R. (1983). Prison libraries study school. Library Association Record. 85. 265-266. **PR131 . Also appears in Prison Service Journal, 52. 8-10. **PR132 Einenkel, J. (1971). Intellectual freedom in prisons. (Research paper). Albany, NY: State University of New York. " P R 1 3 3 Eisenberg, Η. Β. (1977). The long arm of the library: Prison law collections. Wilson Library Bulletin. 51(6). 514-518. (USA/7701364) "PR134

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Enge, L. (1972). Hall och Hàga, biblioteket och framtiden [Hall and Haaga, the library and the future]. Biblioteksbladet. 57(11V 299-300. (LISA/7301193) "PR135 Enge, L. (1975). Two prison libraries in Sweden. In W. Martin (Ed.), Library services to the disadvantaged (pp. 150-160). Hamden, CT: Linnet Books. (LISA/7600170) "PR136 Engelbarts, R. (1972). Books in stir: a bibliographic essay about prison libraries and about books written by prisoners and prison employees. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press. "PR137 Englebert, A. (1980). New Mexico [prison] riot. Show-Me Libraries. 31. 9-10. **PR138 Engelbert, A. (1982). In sight out: Freeing the prison. Show-Me Libraries. 33. 2932. "PR139 Engstrom, A. (1975). Ungdomarna och fängelsebiblioteken [Young people and prison libraries], Biblioteksbladet. 60(1). 3-4. "PR140 Ensley, R. F. (1984). Synopsis: An evaluation of system-provided library services to state correctional centers in Illinois. Illinois Libraries. 66. 29-35. **PR141 Evans, C. (1985). Service extension that is proving captivating. Prison Libraries Group Newsletter. (4). (LISA/8603881 ) "PR142 Evans, M., & Jones, P. (1991). Books behind bars in Norfolk. Library Association Record. 93. 384+. "PR143 Favero, A. D. (1972). Importance of good physical facilities. In Library buildings institute, 1967, San Francisco. Library buildings: innovation for changing needs (pp. 275-276). Chicago, IL: American Library Association. **PR144 Feds ban gay lit in prisons. (1977). American Libraries. 8. 526. **PR145 Fernandez, C. M. i. (1991). Servicos bibliotecarios en las cárceles de Barcelona y provincia [Prison library services in Barcelona province]. Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios. 7(23). 15-28. (LISA/9204946) "PR146 Figge, Κ. (1975). Lesen im Knast: über die Benutzung von Gefängnisbibliotheken [Reading in the clink; on the use of prison libraries]. Buch und Bibliotek. 27. 855-857. "PR147

194 Prison Libraries

Flageat, M. C. (1998). Un exemple d'intervention de bibliothécaires en prison: la maison d'arrêt des Yvelines [An example of librarian intervention in prison: The Yvelines remand centre]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français. (181V 36-40. (LISA/83367) " P R 1 4 8 Flores, A. A. (1984-1985). Bounds and reality: Lawbooks alone do not a lawyer make. Law Library Journal. 77(2). 275-287. (LISA/8600651) " P R 1 4 9 Flores, A. A. (1990). Werner's manual for prison law libraries (2 nd ed.). (AALL publications series; no. 36). Littleton, CO: F. B. Rothman. " P R 1 5 0 Florida library conference: First prison program. (1973). Library Journal. 98. 2956. " P R 1 5 1 Forsberg, Α., & Sallberg, R. (1976). Fängelsebibliotek: Rapport frán konferens [Prison libraries: Report of a conference]. Biblioteksbladet. 61 (2). 44-46. (LISA/7601375) " P R 1 5 2 Franik, E. (1989). Ksiazka i czytelnictwo w obozie óswiecimskim [Books and reading in the camp at Auschwitz], Poradnik Bibliotekarza. (7-8-9), 27-32. (LISA/9005590) " P R 1 5 3 Fridriksdottir, B. (1995). Bokasafnspjonusta fyrirfanga a Islandi [Library services to Icelandic prisoners], Bokasafnid. (19), 91-92. (LISA/9512784) " P R 1 5 4 Frisvold, 0 . (1977). Beker i fengsel [Books in prison]. Bok oq Bibliotek. 44(3). 169-172. (LISA/7703491) " P R 1 5 5 . Also appears in Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 10(2). 52-56. (LISA/7800211) " P R 1 5 6 Fritz, J. M. (1970). Inside story. Library Occurrent. 23. 287-289. " P R 1 5 7 From archives to cell block: Virginia Mounce. (1973). American Libraries. 4. 200. **PR158 Fyfe, J. (1992). Books behind bars: The role of books, reading, and libraries in British prison reform. 1701-1911. (Contributions in Librarianship and Information Science, 0084-9243; no. 72). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. " P R 1 5 9 Galler, A. M., & Locke, J. (1987). Library education in Canadian prisons. Library Association Record. 89. 520-521. " P R 160

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Galler, Α. M., & Locke, J. (1991). L'état des bibliothèques dans les pénitenciers fédéraux du Québec [The state of libraries in the federal prisons of Québec]. Arcus. 20(1). 27-33. (LISA/9202531) "PR161 Ganter, J. (2000). Capture the power of reading. Illinois Libraries. 82(3). 176-180. " P R 162 Gaston, M. (1977). Jail library programs: Meeting the challenge. PNLA Quarterly, 41.28-31. " P R 163 Gaughan, T. M. (1992). Federal court orders D,C. to ensure inmates' library access. American Libraries. 23. 11. "PR164 Gaughan, T. M. (1995). Raunchy "prison classics" pulled from prison libraries. American Libraries. 26. 128-129. "PR165 Genazino, W. (1990). Einschluss, meine Herren! Literarische Arbeit mit Strafgefangenen [Lockup, gentlemen! Literary work with convicts]. Buch und Bibliothek. 42. 26-39. "PR166 Gholston, Β. J., & Lancaster, P. T. (1985). A prison's library - a look inside. North Carolina Libraries. 43. 160-161. "PR167 Gillespie, D. M. (1970). Prison libraries: Bibliography. Glenville, W. VA: Glenville State College. "PR168 Golay, A. (1990). Une bibliothèque ordinaire dans un cadre extraordinaire: la bibliothèque de la Prison de Champ-Dollon (Genève) [An ordinary library in an extraordinary setting: The library of the Champ-Dollon Prison in Geneva], ArbiDo-Revue. 5(3). 84-89. (LISA/9102906) "PR169 Goldberg, B. (1991). Federal court affirms library rights for inmates. American Libraries. 22. 835+. "PR170 Good news in prison library reform. (1971). Wilson Library Bulletin. 46.222+. "PR171 Goranson, A. (1979). Bedford Hills correctional facility library. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 38. 92-94. "PR172 Gorsegner, R. H. (1976). Are inmates a special public? The Eau Claire county jail has special library service. Wisconsin Library Bulletin. 72.123-124. "PR173

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Gosse, O. (1998). Extrait de "Lignes de fuite" [Excerpt from "Lines of flight"]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français. (181), 41-42. "PR174 Grant supports libraries for Pennsylvania prisons. (1972). Library Journal. 97. 2686. **PR175 Graening, P. (1977). Library serves women's prison. Oklahoma Librarian. 27. 2122. **PR176 Great Britain. Prison Department. (1978). Library facilities for people in custody. London: H.M. Stationery Office. "PR177 Great Britain. Standing Committee on Prison Libraries. [1991-1993]. Prison libraries: Roles and responsibilities. [London]: Home Office, HM Prison Service. **PR178 Green, H. W. (1976, March 29). Prison libraries struggle to survive (letter). Publisher's Weekly. 209. 7. "PR179 Griffen, A. M. (1974). Some insights into access: The problem of prison libraries. Illinois Libraries. 56. 504-506. "PR180 . Also appears in Workshop on library and information services for prison populations. San José, California. March 2-3.1973. (n.d., pp. 5-8). Santa Cruz, CA: University of California. "PR181 . Also appears in W. A. Katz, & R. Burgess (Eds.). (1975). Library lit. 5 the best of 1974. (pp. 390-394). Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press. "PR182 Gruensfelder, R. C. (1977). The law enforcers lend a hand. Wilson Library Bulletin. 51(6). 510-513. (USA/7701362) "PR183 Guidelines for iail library in Oregon. (1977). Salem, OR: Oregon Library Association. **PR184 Guidelines for legal reference service in correctional institutions: A tool for correctional administrators. (1973). College Park, MD: American Correctional Association. "PR185 Guidelines for legal reference service in correctional institutions: A tool for correctional administrators. (2nd ed.). (1975). College Park. MD: American Correctional Association. "PR186

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Guild, Α., & Ford, D. (1990). We will find a way. Colorado Libraries. 16. 9-10. "PR187 Guilhem, G., & Benichou-Levy, J. (1998). Être bibliothécaire en prison. [To be a librarian in prison]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français. (181). 32-35. (USA/83366) "PR188 Gulker, V. (1973). Books behind bars. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press. **PR189 Gulker, V. (1976). Prison libraries and the myth of rehabilitation. Catholic Library World. 47. 326-327. "PR190 Gulliver, K. (1979). The library: Lifeline for inmates in higher education. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 38. 72-73. "PR191 Hale, A. (1974). Videotape: Added impact for correctional library programs. Illinois Libraries. 56. 566-569. "PR192 Hall, G. (1982). Prison libraries - a consumer's point of view. Assistant Librarian. 75(11), 147-148. (LISA/8304245) " P R 1 9 3 Hallema, A. (1970). Gevangenislectur in heden en verlenden [Reading-matter for prisons past and present]. Open. 2(3). 171-177. (LISA/7001407) "PR194 Haller, S. (1977). Guidelines for jail library service in Oregon. Salem, OR: Oregon Library Association. " P R 195 Hallonsten, S. (1972). Att trampa etablissemanget pâ tárna [Treading on the toes of the establishment], Biblioteksbladet. 57(11). 291-292. (LISA/7301191) "PR196 Hallonsten, S. (1974). At köra huvudet i betongen [To run one's head against concrete!. Bibliothek 70.(11.17-18. "PR197 Hallonsten, S., Anders, E., & Meijer, S. (1972). Samtal pà Hall: att hálla ambitionerna vid liv [Conversation at Hall: Keeping ambitions alive], Biblioteksbladet. 57(11). 292-296. (LISA/7301194) "PR198 Hamon, P. G., & Hamon, A. M. (1974). Books behind bars: Recommendations on library service to jails. Wisconsin Library Bulletin. 70. 229-230. " P R 1 9 9 Hannigan, M. C. (1972). Legal research materials. Association of State Library Agencies President's Newsletter. 2.4. " P R 2 0 0 Harby, A. (1992). Nederland; et foregangsland i Europa [The Netherlands; a pioneer in Europe], Bok oo Bibliotek. 59(7-8). 18. "PR201

198 Prison Libraries

Harby, A. (1995). Fengselsbiblioteket er vel anvendte penger! [Prison libraries are money well spent], Bokoq Bibliotek. 61. fi.e.621. (3), 5. "PR202 Hardie, S. H. (1989). Oregon's jail and prison libraries: Is rehabilitation possible? PNLA Quarterly. 53. 5-6. "PR203 Hartz, F. R. (1974). Library in the correctional setting: A selected bibliography, 1964-1973. Catholic Library World. 46. 218-225. "PR204 Hartz, F. R. (1984). The library in the correctional setting: A selective, annotated. classified bibliography of the literature of prison librarianship. 1958-1983. Lyons, GA: Rue Chien Press. "PR205 Hartz, F. R. (1988). Prison libraries - the realities. Catholic Library World. 59. 258-261. "PR206 Hartz, F. R , Krimmel, Μ. Β., & Hartz, Ε. Κ. (1987). Prison librarianship: A selective, annotated, classified bibliography. 1945-1985. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. "PR207 Haug, T. (1984). Library services in Norwegian prisons. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 17(11.14-17. (LISA/8501208) "PR208 Haymann-Diaz, B. (1989). Establishing a selection process model for an ethnic collection in a prison library. Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian. 8(1/2), 33-49. (USA/9005956) "PR209 Healy, Sister M. V. (1974). Prison libraries: An overview. Catholic Library World, 45. 432-434. "PR210 Heaney, J. (1973). Ireland's first prison library. Library History. 3(2). 59-62. (LISA/7400142) "PR211 Hedin, Y. (1974). Värt behov av kommunikation [Our need to communicate], Biblioteksbladet, 59(15), 272-273. (LISA/7500519) "PR212 Hegn, S., & Nyeng, P. (1972). 70-100 udlàn pr. indsat: interview med Lennart Enge [70-100 books per prisoner: Interview with Lennart Enge], Bibliotek ZSL(8), 179-180. "PR213 Heie, B. (1981). Vellykket fors0ksprosjekt i gang i fire fengsler [Successful pilot project under way in four prisons], Bok og Bibliotek. 48(1). 27-28. (LISA/8300072) "PR214

Prison Libraries 199

Heie, B. (1985). Internasjonal arbeidsgruppe for a fremme bibliotekarbeid i fengsler [International working group to promote library service in prisons]. Bok oa Bibliotek. 52(81 380. "PR215 Heie, B. (1986). Les bibliothèques des établissements pénitentiaires en Norvège [Libraries in penitentiary establishments in Norway]. Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français. (131), 31-35. (LISA/8701175) "PR216 Heie, B. (1986). Library service to prisons - a new responsibility of the Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. IFLA Journal. 12(1). 38-39. **PR217 Helo, M. (1990). Incarcerated librarian. The Unabashed Librarian. 76.19-20. "PR218 Hemp, S. J. (1996). Transparent walls: Library services to prisoners. Against the Gain. 8.46-47+ "PR219 Hendry, J. (1984). Where hope has gone. New Library World. (85), 97-99. (LISA/8500103) "PR220 Henwood, P. (1974). La lecture en milieu carcéral [Reading in the prison environment]. Bulletin Bibliothèque de France. 19. 307-313. "PR221 Hewitt, D. (1987-1988). The L.I.F.E. program in the New Jersey State Prison at Trenton. New Jersey Libraries. 20.12-14. "PR222 Hiemel, K. (1974). Hail to thee, blithe library! Illinois Libraries. 56. 572-574. "PR223 Hinkle, J. (1976). Library services at Oklahoma state prison. Oklahoma Librarian. 26,36-38. "PR224 Him, S. (1987). Kaltereitten takana [Library behind bars]. Kiriastolehti. 80(11), 521. **PR225 Hjertsater, B. A. (1974). Böcker som läkemedel: läsning i trängmäl [Books as medicine: Reading in a tight corner], Biblioteksbladet. 59(15). 270-271. (LISA/7500192) "PR226 H. M. Prison Ford - Library: A professional review. (1985). West Sussex: West Sussex County Councils, Library Services. **PR227 Holbert, C. (1979). Feet off the circulation desk. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 38. 95-98. "PR228

200 Prison Libraries

Hopkins, L. (1994). Prison library services: the public library [authorities] perspective. Public Library Journal. 9 (6). 159-161. (LISA/9504317) **PR229 House, A. (1975). Developing a library for use. Adult Leadership. 23, 361-364. "PR230 House, C. (1977). A bibliotherapy project in Texas. Wilson Library Bulletin. 51(6). 530-533. (LISA/7701405) "PR231 How to run your library: A guide for prison officer librarians and inmate helpers. [n.d.]. Maidstone, Kent: Kent County Library. (LISA/8200094) " P R 2 3 2 Hoy, S. (1989). Bars to books: Prison libraries in Leicestershire: A review of services, [n.p.]: Leicestershire Libraries and Information Service. " P R 2 3 3 Huffman, R. D. (1976). Robert Palmer, prison librarian: Guys tell me: "if I couldn't read, I'd go bugs." American Libraries. 7. 350-351. "PR234 Hugo, N. (1996). Library services to prisoners in South Africa: Their contribution towards rehabilitation and improving the quality of inmates' lives. KWAZNAPLIS. 2(3). 3-6. (LISA/67048) "PR235 Hundrieser, D. (1976). Gefängnisbibliotheken: Untersuchungen zur Bibliotheksarbeit in Justizvollzugsanstalten [Prison libraries: Investigations into library work in institutions for accomplishing the administration of the law], (Bibliotheksdienst. Beiheft; 119). Berlin: Deutscher Bibliotheksverband Arbeitsstelle für das Bibliothekswesen. (LISA/7602604) "PR236 Ihrig, J. M. (1995). Providing legal access. In R. J. Rubin & D. Suvak (Eds.), Libraries Inside: A practical guide for prison librarians (pp. 195-204). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. **PR237 Illinois. State library. Springfield. (1975). Library recommendations for county jail standards. Illinois Libraries. 57. 312-317. "PR238 Illinois. State library. Springfield. (1977). Illinois State library & Illinois Department of Corrections joint statement on library service. Illinois Libraries. 59. 285287. **PR239 Illinois prison experiment: Countywide cooperation. (1977). Library Journal. 102, 974-975. "PR240

Prison Libraries 201

Illinois prison libraries lauded by consultant study. (1984). Library Journal. 109. 416. **PR241 litis, J. (Ed.) (1987). Seminar for Librarians in the Criminal Justice SystemProceedings of the Fifth Seminar for Librarians in the Criminal Justice System. 15-18 April 1986. Phillip, A.C.T.: Australian Institute of Criminology. **PR242 Ingham, D., Valentine, P., Thompson, M., Jones, P., & Darbishire, B. (1992). Prison libraries in Norfolk: A review. Norwich: Norwich City College, Library. (LISA/9602023) "PR243 Inmates' info needs explored at Maryland meet. (1976). Library Journal. 101. 2131. **PR244 Inns, M. (1993). It's the place to go to plan a new life. Library Association Record. 95,681. "PR245 lnside...looking out. (1977). Wilson Library Bulletin, 51(6), 506-509. (LISA/7701447) "PR246 Inside Louisiana's correctional institution libraries. (1970). Louisiana Library Association Bulletin. 32.156-163. "PR247 Inside/outside: A newsletter on library services to youth and adults in prisons, jails and detention centers. Berkeley. CA: Inside/Outside, v. 1, No. 1-[?], Oct. 1974-[n.d.]. "PR248 Institutions and young adults. (1976). Ohio Library Association Bulletin. 46.1213. "PR249 Iowa jail experience: Revamping the library. (1980). Library Journal. 105,1458. "PR250 Jackson, L. (1993). A nest for legal eagles. Texas Libraries. 54. 54-56. **PR251 Jacobsen, J. P. (1972). Büchereiarbeit in Hamburger Strafanstalten - ein unvollständiger Erfahrungsbericht [Library work in Hamburg penal institutions - a progress report]. Buch und Bibliothek. 24(3). 282-285. (LISA/7200740) "PR252 Jacobsen, J. P. (1972). Zur Büchereiarbeit in Strafanstalten: 20. Fachkonferenz der Büchereistellen in Hamburg [Library work in penitentiaries: 20th technical conference of the regional library centers in Hamburg], Buch und Bibliotek. 24.1188-1189. "PR253

202 Prison Libraries

Jacobsen, J. P. (1973). Fachstellenarbeit in Hamburger Strafanstalten [Professional library work in Hamburg prisons]. Bibliotheksdienst. Beiheft (Supplement). (91). 39^42. (LISA/7302703) "PR254 Jacobsen, J. P., & Steinaecker, C. v. (1979). Zehn Jahre Gefangenenbüchereiarbeit in Hamburg [Ten years of prison library work in Hamburg], Buch und Bibliothek. 31 MV 66-68. (USA/7902727) " P R 2 5 5 Jail service project launched by ASCLA. (1980). Library Journal. 105.142-143. **PR256 Jails on the move [Institute on library service to jail populations], (1980). Interface. 2,1. "PR257 Jeffries, S. R. (1975). In case of fire, throw this book in!! Catholic Library World. 46(10), 434-437. (LISA/7503409) "PR258 Joel, A. (1990). The prison branch library. Library Association Record. 92(11). 850-851. (LISA/9104043) "PR259 Johnson, B. G. (1973). Prison libraries. Nebraska Library Association Quarterly, 4,24-27. "PR260 Johnson, M., & Morris, S. K. (1985). Organizing and establishing a prison library. North Carolina Libraries. 43. 151-155. "PR261 Jones, M. D. (1994). Information needs of African Americans in the prison system. In E. J. Josey (Ed.), The black librarian in America revisited. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press. "PR262 Kaesberg-Krause, R. (1983). Bibliothekarische Arbeit mit Gefangenen; das DBIProjekJ, Bibliotheksarbeit in Justizvollzugsanstalten [Library work with prisoners; German Library Institute project, library work in penitentiaries]. Buch und Bibliothek. 35(7/8). 579-582. (LISA/8402744) " P R 2 6 3 Kaiser, F. (1986). De gevangenisbibliotheek in Nederland; van boekwinkel tot bibliotheek [Prison libraries in the Netherlands: From bookshop to library service]. Bibliotheek en Samenleving. 14(12). 393-395. (LISA/8704881) "PR264 Kaiser, F. E. (1993). De bibliotheek achter tralies: bibliotheekwerk in gevangenissen, huizen van bewaring, inrichtingen voor ter beschikking gestelden en jeugdinrichtingen [The library behind bars: Library services in prisons, detention centres and young offenders' remand institutions]. Open. 25(3). 94-100. (LISA/9400341) "PR265

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Kaiser, F. E. (1993). Guidelines for library services to prisons. IFLA Journal. 19(1), 67-73. (LISA/9303449) "PR266 Kallqvist, G. (1970). Fänqelsebibliotek i norden [Prison libraries in Scandinavia], Lund, Sweden: Bibliotekstjänst. "PR267 Kallqvist, G. (1970). Prison libraries in Sweden. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 3(1). 28-36. (USA/7002320) "PR268 Kappus, H. (1984). Literatur (Lesungen) im Knast: Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus Hamburg [Literature (readings) in the knot: A report on experiences from Hamburg]. Buch und Bibliothek. 36(4). 303-304, 306-308. (LISA/8500652) "PR269 Kappus, H. (1988). Library service for the unemployed, socially disadvantaged and minorities in Hamburg. New Library World. 89(1051V 4-6. (LISA/8804936) "PR270 Karhunmaa, M. (1974). Laki ja laitokset [Law and institutions]. Kiriastolehti, 67(3), 86, 113. (LISA/7401325) "PR271 Karpis, A. (1971). I was a librarian at Alcatraz. British Columbia Library Quarterly 35. 37+. " P R 2 7 2 Käufer, Η. E., & Kaesberg-Krause, R. (1986). Bibliotheksarbeit in Justizvollzugsanstalten [Library work in penitentiaries]. Berlin: Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut. "PR273 Kawakami, T. S. (1974). American experience [Japanese internment camp libraries]. Ohio Library Association Bulletin. 44.4-8. "PR274 . Also appears in W. A. Katz and R. Burgess (Eds.). (1975). Library lit. 5 the best of 1974 (pp. 36-43). Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow. "PR275 Kelling, H. (1972). Aus der heilen Welt der Gefängnisbüchereien: Eine RundfunkReportage [From the safe world of the prison library: A radio commentary]. Buch und Bibliotek. 24. 275-281. "PR276 Killick, J. (1982). From rags to riches. Assistant Librarian. 75(11). 141-142. (LISA/8304244) "PR277 Kintzel, L. A. (1975). Activities: Perfume, pants, but no pornography at Richmond City iail. Virginia Librarian. 21.7. "PR278

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Kirby, C. L. (1980). Of jails and books and making it work. Show-Me Libraries. 32,36-38. **PR279 Kirby, G. (1975). Library service to prisons in Australia. In W. Martin (Ed.), Library services to the disadvantaged (pp.130-149). London: Clive Bingley. (LISA/7600168) "PR280 Kirby, P., & Letterly, E. (1991). At Logan Correctional Center: Where's the love pomes? Illinois Libraries. 73. 580-582. "PR281 Kitlinska, Ε. B. (1982). Biblioteki wiezienne: Zainteresowania czytelnicze Wiezniów [Prison libraries: The reading interests of prisoners]. Przealad Bibliotecznv. 50(3/4). 235-245. (LISA/8405737) "PR282 Kniffel, L. (1994). Prisons say rulings won't affect inmates' access to libraries. American Libraries. 25. 707-708. "PR283 Kniffel, L. (1999). Iowa may close prison law libraries. American Libraries. 30(4). 18+. "PR284 Knoll, J. F. (1980). Prolegomenon on the maintenance of a county jail library [Bexar County], Show-Me Libraries. 32, 25-30. "PR285 Knudsen, M. (2000). How my library affects my life in prison. Education Libraries. 24(1), 20. **PR286 Koegler, M. L. (1975). Inside: New Jersey training school for boys. New Jersey Libraries. 8.11-12. "PR287 Koons, P. L. (1979). Correctional libraries study: Recommendations for improving Wisconsin services. Wisconsin Library Bulletin, 75.289-290. " P R 2 8 8 Koons, P. (1988). Lest we forget: Prison libraries. Library Journal. 113(9). 51-53. (LISA/8805605) "PR289 Kurki, H., & Sipilä, S. (1987). Vankilassa painettu sana tulee liki [Printed word comes close in prison], Kiriastolehti. 80(11). 531-533. "PR290 Laangille, K. J. (1972). Kuusi kysmystä [Prison libraries in focus]. Kiriastolehti. 65(10), 356-358. (LISA/7300678) "PR291 Lance, K. C., & Eaton, B. (1987). Statistics and input-output measures for Colorado correctional libraries. 1986-1987. Denver: Colorado State Library. "PR292

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Laureen, R. (1974). Importance of a good library in prison as seen through the eyes of one of its thankful users. Illinois Libraries. 56, 542-543. " P R 2 9 3 LeDonne M. E. (n.d.). Interim report on library research concerning problems of serving the population in correctional institutions with library service. In Workshop on Library and Information Services for Prison Populations. San José. California. March 2-3.1973 (PP. 10-11). Santa Cruz, CA: University of California. "PR294 LeDonne, M. E. (1973). Summary of court decisions relating to the provision of library services in correctional institutions. Association of Hospital and Institution Libraries Quarterly. 13. 3-11. "PR295 LeDonne, M. E. (1974). Court decisions affecting library services in prison. In Bowker annual of library and book trade information (19th ed.) (pp. 91102). New York: Bowker. "PR296 LeDonne, M. E. (1974). Role of the library in a correctional institution. In J. I. Smith (Ed.), Library and information services for special groups (pp. 261306). New York: Science Association/International. **PR297 LeDonne, M. E. et al. (1974). Survey of library and information problems in correctional institutions. [Washington, DC]: U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Education. "PR298 LeDonne, M. E. (1977). California youth authority library program. News Notes of California Libraries. 72(31 3-10. "PR299 LeDonne, M. E. (1977). Survey of library and informational problems in correctional facilities: A retrospective review. Library Trends. 26(1). 53-70. (LISA/7800794) "PR300 LeDonne, M. E. (1979). Inside institutions—playing the censorship game. News Notes of California Libraries. 74(2). 16-22. "PR301 Lefebvre, J. (1988). Courses offer hope to inmates. Canadian Library Journal. 45(2), 84-89. (LISA/8804935) "PR302 Leffers, M. J. (1990). Prison library - one day. Special Libraries. 81(3). 242-246. (LISA/9100080) "PR303 Lehmann, V. (1995). Automation. In R. J. Rubin & D. Suvak (Eds). Libraries inside: A practical guide for prison librarians (pp. 177-194). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. "PR304

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Lehmann, V. (2000). Prison librarians needed: A challenging career for those with the right professional and human skills. IFLA Journal, 26(2), 123-128. (LISA/98671) " P R 3 0 5 Lehmann, V. (2000). The prison library: A vital link to education, rehabilitation, and recreation. Education Libraries. 24(1). 5-10. " P R 3 0 6 Lektuurvoorziening voor gedetineerden; een gespeek in de Bijlmerbajes [Library services for prisoners]. (1979). Bibliotheek en Samenlevino. 7(6). 159-163. (LISA/8000853) "PR307 Lemon, M. (1997). Prison libraries change lives. Information Outlook, 1(11), 3638. (LISA/68060) "PR308 Lessun, W. (1979). Joy of prison librarianship. Ohio Library Association Bulletin, 49,13-15. "PR309 Lette, M. (1973). Le livre, accessible à tous: vivre en prison [Book, available to all: Life in prison]. (Association canadienne des bibliothécaires de langue française, Conference, 1972, Québec). In Le livre, centre de la documentation, accessible à tous (pp. 43-47). Montréal, QC: Association canadienne des bibliothécaires de langue française. "PR310 Librarian ponders future in wake of prison horrors. (1980). American Libraries. I L 134. **PR311 Libraries. (1972). In D. C. Tompkins (Comp.), Prison and the prisoner (pp. 7983). Berkeley, CA: University of California, Institute of Governmental Studies. **PR312 Libraries for state prisons: Guidelines. (1981). New York, NY: New York Library Association. "PR313 Libraries in Danish prisons. (1973). Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 6(1), 31. **PR314 Library facilities for people in custody. (1978). London: Home Office Prison Department. (LISA/7902726) "PR315 Library front-liners: Dorothy Carter, prison librarian emeritus. (1972). Wilson Library Bulletin. 46. 408-410. "PR316 Library grant benefits prisoners. (1993). Wilson Library Bulletin. 68. 15. " P R 3 1 7 Library prison service covered by newsletter. (1974). Library Journal. 99. 3094. "PR318

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Library project at the Nassau county jail. (1972). The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 31. 182. "PR319 Library service a keynote at National jailers' meet. (1974). Library Journal. 99. 327-328. "PR320 The library service to prisons in Lancashire. (1982). Preston: Lancashire Library. (LISA/8403377) "PR321 Liggett, J. M. (1996). Survey of Ohio's prison libraries. Journal of Interlibrarv Loan. Document Delivery and Information Supply. 7(11. 31-45. (LISA/9706540) "PR322 Lindoe, R. (1994). Boker gir livet mening; innsatte ved ána kretsfengsel leser mest i Hâ kommune [Books give life meaning; those in county jail read most in Ha community]. Bok oq Bibliotek. 61(5-6). 22-23. " P R 3 2 3 Lindsey, E. (1982). Needs assessment report on Michigan correctional facility libraries. 1981-1982. Lansing, Ml: State Department of Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 232 664). **PR324 Lire & écrire en prison: La Presse: colloque. Bordeaux. 8 octobre 1993. (1995). Bordeaux: Coopération des bibliothèques en Aquitaine. **PR325 List of essential titles. (1973). In V. Gulker, Books behind bars (pp. 66-100). Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press. "PR326 Lithgow, S., & Hepworth, J. B. (1993). Performance measurement in prison libraries: Research methods, problems and perspectives. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. 25(2). 61-69. (LISA/9302308) "PR327 Lithgow, S. D. (1996). New roles, new skills: Library and information services to disadvantaged users. Education Libraries. 20(1-2). 10-12. **PR328 Lithgow, S. D. (1999). Swedish prison libraries conference, 9-10 November 1998, Stockholm. Library Management. 20(2). 130-131. "PR329 Little, D. (1977). Locked-in. Connecticut Libraries. 19(2). 13. " P R 3 3 0 Locke, J., & Galler, A. M. (1988). Innovative prison project: Breaking out with books. Canadian Library Journal. 45(2). 77-81. (LISA/8804915) **PR331 London, D. J. (2000). Conduit for restoration: The prison library; an inmate's view. Education Libraries. 24(1). 21-22. "PR332

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Losi, P. (1979). Institution library service at Buffalo and Erie County or Yo! Library man. The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 38.79-83. "PR333 Louisiana. State library. (1970). Breakthrough with books. A booklist for adult correctional institutional libraries. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisana State Library. "PR334 Lovett, H. F. (1975). Jailhouse libraries. Illinois Libraries 57. 513-514. " P R 3 3 5 Lovett, H. F., & Robinson, E. (1973). Right to read in prison. Pennsylvania Library Association Bulletin. 28.159-161. "PR336 Lucas, L. (1990). Educating prison librarians. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science. 30(31 218-225. (LISA/9005553) "PR337 Luciano, K. W. (1980). National institute on library service to jail populations. West Virginia Libraries. 33. 27-28. "PR338 Lutas, Κ. M. (1971). Strangeways Prison Library. Book Trolley. 3(4). 3-7. (LISA/7200157) "PR339 Lydecker, T. (1974). Inside a prison library. Cornell University Library Bulletin. (189), 15-18. "PR340 Lynch, Β. E. (1977). For felons: An open door. Wisconsin Library Bulletin. 73. 6970. "PR341 MacCormick, A. H. (1970). A brief history of libraries in American correctional institutions. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. "PR342 MacLean, M. (1978). 'Daddy's in a prison'. Concern. (29), 10-14. (LISA/7902777) "PR343 MacLeod, C. (1972). Prison law libraries and you. Library Journal. 97(19). 35393545. (LISA/7300111) "PR344 . (1973). Comment by M. LeDonne [letter]. Library Journal. 98. 483-484. "PR345 Madden, S. (1974). Library in lock-up. Illinois Libraries. 56. 562-564. **PR346 Madden, S. B. (1979). The rights of young adults in correctional institutions. Top of the News. 35(3). 247-255. (LISA/8000131) "PR347

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Madsen, C. (1982). Biblioteket i Vestre Faengsel: Slip bogerne los! [The library in Vestre Prison: Release the books!] Bibliotek 70. (4), 90-99. (LISA/8300071) " P R 3 4 8 Makinen, I. (1993). Libraries in hell: Cultural activities in Soviet prisons and labor camps from the 1930s to the 1950s. Libraries & Culture. 28(2). 117-142. (LISA/9304190) " P R 3 4 9 Mallinger, S. (1980). Career information center within the walls. In S. Fine (Ed.), Developing career information centers: A guide to collection building and counselling (DP. 127-131). New York, NY: Neal-Schuman. " P R 3 5 0 Maliinger, S. M. (1995). The inmate staff. In R. J. Rubin & D. Suvak (Eds)., Libraries inside: A practical guide for prison librarians (pp. 59-68). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. " P R 3 5 1 Manganelli, V. (1989). Le biblioteche carcerarie [Prison libraries]. Biblioteche Oggi. 7(6). 731-736. (LISA/9004196) " P R 3 5 2 Marthinsen, Κ. (1982). Bibliotektjeneste i fengsel - en utfordring til bibliotekaren [Library service in prison - a challenge to the librarian], Bok og Bibliotek. 49(6), 433-434. (USA/8402354) " P R 3 5 3 Martin, E. (1976). Women in Toronto Don jail. Ontario Library Review. 60. 54-55. "PR354 Martin, W. (Ed.). (1975). Library services to the disadvantaged. Hamden, CT: Linnet Books. " P R 3 5 5 Massachusetts prison libraries. (1971). Bay State Librarian. 60.17-19+. " P R 3 5 6 Mathai, M. (1985). Bibliotherapy: Its potential in Kenya prisons. MLS Thesis, Loughborough University of Technology, Department of Library and Information Studies, Loughborough, England. (LISA/8500124) " P R 3 5 7 Mattsson, I. (1972). Hall och Hàgarapporten [The report on Hall and Haaga], Biblioteksbladet. 57(11). 289-291. (USA/7301190) " P R 3 5 8 Maxwell, S. (1973). Taking library service into the detention home. Pennsylvania Library Association Bulletin. 28. 64-66. " P R 3 5 9 McClaskey, H. C. (1977). Training and research in correctional librarianship. Library Trends. 26(1 ). 39-52. (LISA/7800710) " P R 3 6 0 McCormick, E. (1995). Prison librarian fired in reprisal for giving access to law library. American Libraries. 2 6 . 1 0 . " P R 3 6 1

210 Prison Librarles

McCormick, E. (1997). Arizona shuts down its prison libraries. American Libraries. 28. 21. "PR362 Medina, L. D. (2000). The importance of prison libraries; an inmate's view. Education Libraries. 24(1 V 17. "PR363 Meyerskötter, H. (1980). Bibliotheksarbeit in Gefängnissen [Library work in prisons]. Buch und Bibliothek. 32(9). 803-806, 808-809. (LISA/8103996) "PR364 Michaud, J. (1985). Finding the line. North Carolina Libraries. 43.156-157. **PR365 Michigan's Kent county jail gets paperbacks. (1972). Library Journal. 97. 3111. **PR366 Miller, H. E. (1980). Jail library: Media center closed by fire one week after opening. Library & Archival Security. 3(2). 41-43. (LISA/8200710) "PR367 Miller, R. T. (1980). Breaking bars: Improving jail library service. Show-Me Libraries. 31.11-15. "PR368 Miller, R. T. (1980). Libraries limited: Library services to the imprisoned. Catholic Library World. 52.167-171. "PR369 Miller, R. T. (1982). Standards for library services to people in institutions. Library Trends. 31.109-124. "PR370 Milton, A. (1990). Into the nineties: Prison Libraries Group study school. Library Association Record. 92. 590. "PR371 Milton, A. (1991). The arts and prisons: Prison Libraries Group annual study school, University of Kent, Canterbury, 10-12 April 1991. Library Association Record. 93. 831. "PR372 Milton, A. (1992). Changing times for the prison library service; Prison Libraries Group study school, University of Reading, April 1992. Library Association Record. 94. 607. "PR373 Mitchell, L. J. (1971). Prison library service on the Isle of Wight. Book Trolley. 3(4), 7-8. (LISA/7200155) "PR374 Mitchell, Z. O. (1990). No street address. Colorado Libraries. 16. 22-23. "PR375

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Mitchell, Z. 0 . (2000). The paralibrarian, prison and the future. Colorado Libraries. 26(1). 8-10. (LISA/104219) "PR376 Modigh, B. (1974). Ruotsin malliin [The Swedish pattern]. Kiriastolehti. 67(3). 9092. (LISA/7401326) "PR377 Modigh, B. (1975). Ekvationen gâr inte ihop [Equation does not coincide], Biblioteksbladet. 60(1). 2. "PR378 Moen, A. et ai. (Eds.). (1980). Summary of cases relating to jail library services. Huntsville, TX: National Institute on Library Service to Jail Populations. "PR379 Moen, A. J. (1982). Selected summaries of court decisions relating to the provisions of library sen/ices in institutions. Chicago, IL: Association of Specialized & Cooperative Library Agencies. "PR380 Molz, R. K. (1972). Burning yourself out: The prisoner's right to read. Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom. 21.143-146. "PR381 Mongelli, W. D. (1994). De-mystifying legal research for prisoners [blueprint for implementing a course for adult prisoners]. Law Library Journal. 86. 277298. **PR382 Moore, C. J. (1984). Guest editorial. Dikta. 9(1). 1-3. (LISA/8600224) " P R 3 8 3 Moore, M. (1984). Detention halls, schools, libraries: A great town. Voice of Youth Advocates. 7(4). 182. (LISA/8600811) "PR384 More freedom for inmates. (1970). American Library Association Intellectual Freedom News. 19.102-103. "PR385 Morrison, J. (1977). Serving Illinois inmates. Wilson Library Bulletin. 51(6). 522525. (LISA/7701366) "PR386 Morrow, R. (1980). A college library in prison. Wilson Library Bulletin. 55(4). 276278. (LISA/8103150) " P R 3 8 7 Mounce, V. A. (1972). Honorary deputy sheriffs, a new role for librarians: Library service to the inmates in the Bexar County jail. Texas Library Journal. 48. 19-21+. " P R 3 8 8 Muller, R. (1990). Die Bibliothek des Zuchthauses Brandenburg-Görden in den Jahren 1933 bis 1945 [The library of the Brandenburg-Gördon penitentiary from 1933 to 1945], Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. 104. 206-212. "PR389

212 Prison Libraries

Munchow, 0 . von. (1992). Baker bak murene [Books behind the walls]. Bokoq Bibliotek. 59(2). 20-21. "PR390 Murdoch, R. R. (1971). Prison libraries and the right to read. Utah Libraries. 14. 9-12. **PR391 Mutka, M. L. (1994). Vankilakirjastojen huominen [Future of prison libraries]. Kiriastolehti. 87(51160-161. "PR392 Myrtle, J. (Ed.). (1988). Australian criminal justice and welfare librarians seminar: Proceedings of the sixth seminar for librarians in the criminal justice system (incorporating the First Welfare Information Network Seminar), 1922 April 1988. (AIC Seminar. Proceedings, 0813-7005; no. 25). Canberra, ACT: Australian Institute of Criminology. "PR393 Nason, C. M. (1981). Report on institutional library service. Ottawa, ON: Correctional Service of Canada. "PR394 National Resource Center on Correctional Law and Legal Services. The right of inmates to a law library [microform]. (1972?). Washington, DC: National Resource Center on Correctional Law and Legal Services. "PR395 Needham, G. M. (1987). Special needs, special resources. Ohio Library Association Bulletin. 57. 26-28+. "PR396 Nelsen, W. D. (1976). High court hears arguments on prison law libraries. Wilson Library Bulletin. 51. 286-287. "PR397 Nelsen, W. D. (1976). Must prisons provide inmate law libraries? Supreme Court ponders. Wilson Library Bulletin. 50. 435+. "PR398 Nelsen, W. D. (1977). High court reaffirms need for prison law libraries. Wilson Library Bulletin. 51. 857-858. "PR399 Neuquelman, Y. (1978). Les bibliothèques et la lecture en milieu pénitentiaire [Libraries and reading in a prison environment], Médiathegues Publiques, (48), 5-26. (USA/7902070) "PR400 N. J. college matches grant for reformatory library. (1972). Library Journal. 97. 963. **PR401 New Jersey State Library. (1982). Recommended list of books for law libraries for New Jersey county jails. Trenton, NJ: New Jersey State Library. "PR402

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NY correctional libraries threatened; Commission on Corrections recommends cutting books and MLS requirement. (1996). Library Journal. 121.16. **PR403 New York Library Association. Guidelines for library services to local jails and detention centers in New York State. (1981). New York, NY: New York Library Association. "PR404 New York county librarians volunteer in prison efforts. (1972). Library Journal 97, 3950. "PR405 Nielsen, J., & Nyeng, P. (1982). Kultur bag tremmer [Culture behind bars]. Bibliotek 70. (7). 196-200. (LISA/8301648) "PR406 Nikkila, L. (1974). Vankilan vaikeudet [Difficulties of prisons], Kirjastolehti, 67(3), 87-89. (LISA/7401323) "PR407 Nyeng, P. (1972). Forsegsordning pá Horsens forvaringsanstalt: interview med Hanne Hermann [Experiment at the Horsens prison: Interview with Hanne Hermann], Bibliotek 70. (12), 259-260. "PR408 Nyeng, P. (1998). Library days behind bars. Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly. 31(1). 8-11. (LISA/79700) "PR409 Oakley, R. L. (1972). Access to the law. Cornell University Library Bulletin, (176), 7-8. **PR410 . Also appears in The Bookmark (Albany. NY). 32. 7-8. "PR411 Oasis within the Bronx house of detention, N. Y. (1972). Wilson Library Bulletin, 46,684. "PR412 Ochsner, F. (Comp.). (1970). Gefänanisbüchereien in Schweden: zehn schwedische beitrage [Prison libraries in Sweden; 10 Swedish contributions]. Berlin: Deutscher Büchereiverband, Arbeitsstelle für das Büchereiwesen. **PR413 Oder, N. (1996). Court ruling could hurt prison libs. Library Journal, 121(16). 16. "PR414 öffentliche Bibliotheken und Strafanstaltsbüchereien: 20. Fachkonferenz der Staatlichen Büchereistellen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 9-12 Oktober 1972 in Hamburg. [Public Libraries and Prison Libraries: 20th Special Conference of the State Public Library Offices, Federal Republic of Germany, 9-12 October 1972 in Hamburg], (1973). Bibliotheksdienst, Beiheft [Supplementi. (91). (LISA/7302700) "PR415

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Ohio prison library automated. (1987). Library Journal. 112(6). 19. "PR416 Opipare, S., Porter, P., & Reed, I. (1971). Breaking into jail: Setting up a library in the county jail. Library Journal. 96(16). 2734-2736. (LISA/7102285) **PR417 Osterhout library board to upgrade prison library. (1972). Library Journal. 97. 1660-1661. **PR418 Ozaki, H. (1986). Library services to prisoners in Canada: A bibliography· Ottawa, ON: National Library of Canada. "PR419 Pa's Workplace gets funds to continue job info guidance. (1989). Library Journal. 114(14). 126. "PR420 Packages of freedom [Prison libraries subject group's three-day study school]. (1984). Library Association Record, 86. 335. "PR421 Parchman library. (1973). Mississippi Library News. 37. 22-24. "PR422 Pearson, A. (1972). Libraries and educational facilities in prisons. Book Trolley. 3(7), 3-12. (LISA/7300112) "PR423 Pearson, A. (1981). Libraries in prison department establishments. State Librarian. 29(2). 16-18, 21. (LISA/8201567) "PR424 Pearson, A. (1982). Books behind bars. Assistant Librarian. 75(11). 138-140. (LISA/8304243) "PR425 Pearson, A. (1984). Assessing prison libraries. Library Association Record. 86(9). 346. (LISA/8500741) "PR426 Peat, Marwick and Partners. Review of institutional library services report: Correctional Service of Canada. (1984). Ottawa, ON: Peat, Marwick and Partners. "PR427 P. Ε. N. calls for end to censorship in prisons. (1972). New York Library Association Bulletin. 20. 4. "PR428 Penney, D. (1984). Collection development in prison libraries. CLIC Quarterly. 3. 36-45. "PR429 Peschers, G., & Skopp, Κ. J. (1994). Nordrhein-Westfalen: Bibliotheksarbeit im Strafvollzug [North Rhine-Westphalia: Library service in the prisons]. Buch und Bibliothek, 46(3), 256-262, "PR430

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Petersen, J. (1974). Faengselsbiblioteker i Danmark: kontakt til samfundet uden for murene [Prison libraries in Denmark: Contact with the society outside of the walls]. BiWiotek70(1), 15-16. "PR431 Piascik, A. (1995). Literacy. In R. J. Rubin and D. Suvak (Eds.), Libraries inside: A practical guide for prison librarians (pp. 119-139). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. "PR432 Pieper, H. (1973). Die Situation des Strafvollzugs heute [The situation regarding imprisonment today], Bibliotheksdienst. Beiheft fSupplementI (91), 21-30. (LISA/7302702) "PR433 Pioneering jail co-op library ruined in Massachusetts fire. (1979). Library Journal. 104,145. "PR434 Pitchford, J. (1999). Prison libraries: A light in the darkness. Alki. 15(3). 8+. "PR435 Pitts, N. A. (1995). Programs. In R. J. Rubin and D. Suvak (Eds.), Libraries inside: A practical guide for prison librarians (PP. 105-118). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. "PR436 Plotnik, A. (1974). Four librarians in prison nightmare. Wilson Library Bulletin. 49. 18. **PR437 Podgóreczny, J. (1987). Biblioteki i czytelnictwo w obozie jenieckim [Libraries and reading in P. O. W. camps]. Przeolad Bibliotecznv. 55(2). 171-179. (LISA/8900096) "PR438 Poe, Ε. H. (1973). A spark of hope for prisoners. Law Library Journal. 66(1). 5962. (LISA/7301189) "PR439 Pool, J. (Ed.). (1977). Library services to correctional facilities. (Theme issue). Library Trends. 26(1). "PR440 Pool, J. (1977). Public library services to correctional facilities. Library Trends. 26(1), 139-152. (LISA/7800797) "PR441 Pool, J. (1985). Library services to correctional facilities. Catholic Library World. 56(9), 387-389. (LISA/8602798) "PR442 Portland Borstal: A review of the library provision. (1981). [n.p.]: Dorset County Library. (LISA/8305278) "PR443

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Prison information project presses for reform. (1972). Library Journal. 97. 3532. "PR444 Prison law library service: Questions and models. (1979). Law Library Journal. 72,598-611. "PR445 Prison legal libraries: Idea into reality: (1972). Berkeley, CA: University of California. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 067 139) "PR446 Prison libraries. (1982). Assistant Librarian. 75(11). 138-142,144-148. (LISA/8304242) "PR447 Prison libraries: Escaping the stereotype. (1989). Wilson Library Bulletin. 64. 2538+. **PR448 Prison libraries: Library association guidelines for library provision in prison department establishments. (1981). London: Library Association. "PR449 Prison libraries: Organisation and administration. (1978). In G. Bramley, Outreach: Library services for the institutionalised, the elderly, and the physically handicapped (pp. 83-98). London: C. Bingley. "PR450 Prison libraries policy. (1979). Library Association Record. 81. 316. **PR451 Prison libraries: The historical background. (1978). In G. Bramley, Outreach: Library services for the institutionalised, the elderly, and the physically handicapped (pp. 56-82). London: C. Bingley. "PR452 Prison Libraries Study School, 1979: Papers presented at the 3-dav Study School. Eliot College. University of Canterbury. 26-28 March, 1979. [n.p.]: Library Association, Medical, Health and Welfare Libraries Group, Prison Libraries Subject Group. "PR453 Prison Libraries Study School, 1980: Papers presented at the 3-dav Study School. Ashburne Hall. University of Manchester. 15-17 April, 1980. [n.p.]: Library Association, Medical, Health and Welfare Libraries Group, Prison Libraries Subject Group. "PR454 Prison Libraries Study School, 1981: Papers presented at the 3-dav Study School. Hiatt Baker Hall. University of Bristol. 6-8 April. 1981. [n.p.]: Library Association, Medical, Health and Welfare Libraries Group, Prison Libraries Subject Group. "PR455

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Prison Libraries Study School, 1982: Papers presented at the 3-dav Study School. Cavendish Hall. University of Nottingham. 29-31 March. 1982. [Dorchester, England]: Library Association, Medical, Health and Welfare Libraries Group, Prison Libraries Subject Group. "PR456 Prison Libraries Study School, 1983: Papers presented at the 3-dav Study School. Brunei University. 4-6 May. 1983. [Wigston, Leicester]: Library Association, Medical, Health and Welfare Libraries Group, Prison Libraries Subject Group. "PR457 Prison Libraries Study School, 1984: Papers presented at the 3-dav Study School. York University. 4-6 April. 1984. [London]: Library Association, Medical, Health and Welfare Libraries Group, Prison Libraries Subject Group. (LISA/8505611) "PR458 Prison Libraries Study School, 1985: Papers presented at the 3-dav Study School. University College of Swansea. 17-19 April. 1985. [Wigston, Leicester]: Library Association, Medical, Health and Welfare Libraries Group, Prison Libraries Subject Group. **PR459 Prison Libraries Study School, 1986: Papers presented at the 3-dav Study School. University of Loughborough. 9-11 April. 1986. [Bloxwich, Walsall]: Library Association, Medical, Health and Welfare Libraries Group, Prison Libraries Subject Group. (LISA/8705427) "PR460 Prison Libraries Study School, 1987: Papers presented at the 3-dav Study School. University of Sussex. Brighton. 1-3 April. 1987. [Wakefield, Yorkshire]: Library Association, Medical, Health and Welfare Libraries Group, Prison Libraries Subject Group. **PR461 Prison Libraries Study School, 1988: Papers presented at the 3-dav Study School. University of Durham. 11-13 April. 1988. [Bedford, England]: Library Association, Medical, Health and Welfare Libraries Group, Prison Libraries Subject Group. "PR462 Prison Libraries Study School, 1989: Papers presented at the 3-dav Study School. University of Birmingham. 10-12 April. 1989. [Bedford, England]: Library Association, Medical, Health and Welfare Libraries Group, Prison Libraries Subject Group. "PR463 Prison library funds sought. (1974). American Libraries. 5. 351. "PR464 Prison library possibility: Funding news from Virginia. (1973). Library Journal. 98. 1746. "PR465

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Prisoner reading records: Privacy rights backed. (1979). Library Journal. 104. 1204. **PR466 Prisoners select books for U.S. penitentiary. (1973). Library Journal. 98.495. **PR467 Prisoners sue for right to law library. (1973). American Libraries. 4. 593. "PR468 Prisons and other correctional institutions. (1975). In E. R. Brown, Bibliotherapy and its widening applications (pp. 151-179). Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press. " P R 4 6 9 Private prison goes it alone. (1992). Library Association Record. 94. 621. **PR470 Provision of legal research services for inmates in Wisconsin correctional institutions. (1973). Association of Hospital and Institution Libraries Quarterly. 13.11-12. "PR471 Purifoy, R. (2000). You are here: A guided tour of the Oshkosh Correctional Institution prison library. Education Libraries. 24(1). 18-19. " P R 4 7 2 Raffle, J. (1971). Recreational reading program at Soledad correctional training facility. News Notes of California Libraries. 66.412. "PR473 Ramirez, P. (1980). Prison libraries in Hunterdon. New Jersey Libraries. 13. 5-8. "PR474 Ranger, L. S. (1972). LSCA Title I goes to prison. Hawaii Library Association Journal. 29.18-19. " P R 4 7 5 Rapking, D. (1974). Philosophy and reality. Illinois Libraries. 56. 506-508. **PR476 Rapking, D. (1983). Thirteen is not unlucky. West Virginia Libraries. 36(3). 16-19. (LISA/8403499) "PR477 Recommended collections for prison and other institution law libraries. (1980). Chicago, IL: American Association of Law Libraries. **PR478 Recommended collections for prison and other institution law libraries. (1990). Chicago, IL: American Association of Law Libraries. "PR479 Reed, C. R. (1971).-lf it doesn't fit, change it: Prison, a social responsibility. Pennsylvania Library Association Bulletin. 26. 355+. "PR480

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Reese, D. (1995). Collection development. In R. J. Rubin and D. Suvak (Eds.), Libraries inside: A practical guide for prison librarians (pp. 69-88). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. "PR481 Reese, D. (2000). Behind the walls. Colorado Libraries. 26(2). 45. "PR482 Reitz, P. A. G. (1970). Die Plek wat die Openbare Biblioteek inneem in die Behandelingsprogram van Gevangenes [The place of the public library in the programme for the treatment of prisoners]. South African Libraries. 38(3), 176-183. (LISA/7100095) "PR483 Rempel, S. P. (1977). Recommended collections for Canadian prison law libraries. Edmonton: University of Alberta Law Library. "PR484 Rempel, S. P. (1979). Recommended collections for Canadian prison law libraries. Edmonton: University of Alberta Law Library. "PR485 Repenning, T. (1987). Planning for jail service in Frederick County, Virginia: A study. Rural Libraries. 7(11 43-62. (LISA/9004197) " P R 4 8 6 A report on the prison library service in Buckinghamshire. (1979). [n.p.]: Buckinghamshire County Library. (LISA/8103148) " P R 4 8 7 Revelli, C. (1996). Biblioteche carcerarie [Prison libraries]. Biblioteche Oggi. 14(7), 42-46. (LISA/9709977) "PR488 A review of the library service to H. M. Borstal. Lowdham Grange. (1977). Nottingham: Nottinghamshire County Council, Leisure Services Dept. (LISA/7901486) "PR489 Reynolds, R. C. (1973). The role of librarianship in penal institutions: A historical review and a survey of contemporary training programs. Master's thesis, California State University, San José, California. "PR490 Rhodes, J. (1973). New life for a tired system - the prison library. Canadian Library Journal. 30(31 246-249. (LISA/7301709) "PR491 Rhodes, J. (1975). Federal penitentiary library survey: A survey of library facilities in the Canadian federal correctional institutions in the Eastern Ontario region. (1975). Kingston: [s.p.]. "PR492 Richter, Κ. (1988). Bibliotheksarbeit im Ghetto Theresienstadt [Library activities in the Theresienstadt ghetto], Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. 102. 97103. "PR493

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Ritchie, G. (1971). Room for escape. Utah Libraries. 14, 6-9. "PR494 Rittenhouse, D. C. (1971). Our other customers: Prisoners, patients and public libraries. Wilson Library Bulletin. 45(5). 490-493. (LISA/7100449) **PR495 Roberts, Κ. M. (1990). A view between the bars: A look at the Fremont Correctional Facility Library. Colorado Libraries. 16.49-50. " P R 4 9 6 Robertson, C. (1992). Books behind bars: The role of books, reading and libraries in British prison reform. Ottawa: National Library of Canada. (LISA/9603169) "PR497 Robotham, J. S., & LaFleur, L. (1981). Library programs: How to select plan and produce them. (2nd ed.). Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press. "PR498 Robson, E. (1991). Reference service at the Danville Correctional Center Library; or, How to get by with limited help, funds, and time. Illinois Libraries. 73, 567-568. "PR499 Ross, G. (1975). Library. Wyoming state penitentiary. Wyoming Library Roundup. 3ÇL38-39. "PR500 Ross, G. (1975). Wyoming state penitentiary trustee library renovated. Wyoming Library Roundup. 30. 59. "PR501 Rost, Ν., Vorwort, A. S., & Nachwort, Ε. Α. (1981). Goethe in Dachau. Hamburg: Konkret Literatur Verlag. "PR502 Rubin, R. J. (1973). U. S. Prison library services and their theoretical bases. (Occasional Papers No. 110). Urbana-Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Graduate School of Library Science. "PR503 Rubin, R. J. (1974). Libraries in the Cook County jails. Illinois Libraries. 56. 537539. **PR504 Rubin, R. J. (1974). Prison libraries: Focus 2 service to the ex-advantaged. Catholic Library World. 45. 438-439+. "PR505 Rubin, R. J. (1981). Library services to correctional facilities. American Library Association Yearbook. 6. 61. "PR506 Rubin, R. J. (1983). Correctional facilities libraries in Illinois - and in other states, too. Illinois Libraries. 65. 261-263. "PR507

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Rubin, R. J. (1983). An evaluation of system-provided library services to state correctional centers in Illinois. Springfield, IL: Illinois State Library. "PR508 Rubin, R. J. (1983). Keeping professional librarians in prison. RQ. 23(1). 40-46. (LISA/8402901) **PR509 Rubin, R. J. (1995). The planning process. In R. J. Rubin & D. Suvak (Eds.), Libraries inside: A practical guide for prison librarians (pp. 23-41). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. "PR510 Rubin, R. J., & House, C. (1983). Library service in U. S. Jails: Issues, questions, trends. Library Journal. 108.173-177. "PR511 Rubin, R. J., Madden, S. B., & Kirby, C. L. (1977). Breaking in: Library service to prisoners. Wilson Library Bulletin. 51(6). 496-533. (LISA/7701361) **PR512 Rubin, R. J., & Souza, S. J. (1989). The challenge continues: Prison librarianship in the 1980s. Library Journal. 114(4). 47-51. (LISA/8903853) " P R 5 1 3 Rubin, R. J., & Suvak, D. (Eds.) (1995). Libraries inside: A practical guide for prison librarians. Jefferson. NC: McFarland. "PR514 Rubin, R. J., & Suvak, D. (1995). A reading list for prison librarians. In R. J. Rubin and D. Suvak (Eds.), Libraries inside: A practical guide for prison librarians (pp. 221-224). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. "PR515 Rubin, R. J., & Suvak, D. (1995). Services. In R. J. Rubin and D. Suvak (Eds)., Libraries inside: A practical guide for prison librarians (pp. 89-104). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. "PR516 Ruebens, G., & Jacobs, R. (1999). Gevangenisbibliotheken: een pilootproject in Brugge [Prison libraries: A pilot project in Bruges], Bibliotheek en Archiefoids. 75(1). 33-45. (LISA/84858) "PR517 Sandblad, H. (1976). Experiment med service till ungdomsvárdsskolor [An experiment with services to schools for juvenile offenders]. Biblioteksbladet. 61(6). 90-93. (LISA/7602603) "PR518 Sanders, J. H., Sasmor, L., & Natiello, T. A. (1976). An evaluation of the impact of communications technology and improved medical protocol on health care delivery in penal institutions. (Vol. 2). Coral Gables, FL: Miami University. (LISA/8002109) "PR519

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Sawyer, M. (1989). Automation goes to prison. Computers in Libraries. 9(51.4, 6, 8-10. (LISA/9002163) "PR520 Sawyer, M. (1989). Inmates do ask questions: Automation and reference service in a correctional setting. Reference Services Review. 17(4). 49-54. (LISA/9005030) "PR521 Sawyer, M. (1991). I know what's best for you: Censorship in prison. Ohio Libraries. 4. 8-11. "PR522 Scally, Sister M. A. (1973). Jail-house librarian. Catholic Library World. 44. 530. "PR523 Schexnaydre, L., & Robbins, K. (1981). Workshops for jail library service: A planning manual. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. (LISA/8203608) "PR524 Schindler, F. (1971). West Side university library. Focus. 25.154-155. "PR525 Schneider, J. (1996). Prison libraries change lives. American Libraries. 27(10). 46-48. (LISA/9701272) "PR526 Schrink, J. L. (1970). State correction department in search of a library policy. Library Occurrent. 23. 283-285. "PR527 Schwarz, D. (1985). Bibliotheken und Resozialisierung: gesellschaftspolitische Aspekte der Bücherejarbeit in Justizvollzugsanstalten [Libraries and resocialization; sociopolitical aspects of library work in penal institutions. Buch und Bibliothek. 37. 22-24+. "PR528 Schweyer, T. (1989). Scared? The truth about jail libraries. Ohio Libraries. 2.12. "PR529 Scott, S. (1976). LSCA funds used to brighten state penitentiary library. New Mexico Library Association Newsletter. 4, 5. "PR530 Scott, S. (1976). Miracles seldom occur; this time one did. New Mexico Library Association Newsletter. 4. Γ71. "PR531 Seeger, Frank. (1988). Bibliotheksbenutzung und leseinteresse in der Justizvollzugsanstalt Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel. Eine empirische Untersuchung [The use of the library and reading interests at the Justizvollzugsanstalt Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel. An empirical study]. Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis. 12(2). 162-171. (LISA/8905601) "PR532

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Seela, T. (1988). Entstehung und Entwicklung von Büchereien in Konzentrationslagern [Beginnings and development of libraries in concentration camps]. Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. 102. 337-345. **PR533 Seela, T. (1988). Der Katalog der Haftlings-Bucherei des KZ Buchenwald [The catalog of the prisoner library in the Buchenwald concentration camp], Zentralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen. 102.104-108. "PR534 Seela, T. (1992). Bücher und Bibliotheken in nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslagern: das gedruckte Wort im antifaschistischen Widerstand der Häftlinge. (Beiträge zur Bibliothekstheorie und Bibliotheksgeschichte; Bd. 7.) München: K. G. Saur. "PR535 Seidenberg, E. (1977). Library service to prisoners section: Past, present, and future. HRLSD Journal. 3. 3-4. "PR536 Selection of books. (1973). In V. Gulker, Books behind bars (pp. 18-43). Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press. "PR537 A Sentence to read: A review of library services to penal establishments in Nottinghamshire. (1990). Nottingham, England: Nottingham County Council. "PR538 Service level agreement for HMP Birmingham. (1994). Library Association Record. 96. 250. "PR539 Severo, R. (1971, May 8). Tombs library has lots of books but little to read. New York Times, p. 31. "PR540 Shakuri, A. (1978). Prison libraries, [in Persian], Iranian Library Association Bulletin. 11(1). [n.p.] (LISA/7802722) "PR541 Shavit, D. (1982). Jewish libraries in the Polish ghettos during the Nazi era. Library Quarterly. 52.103-121. "PR542 Shimmon, R. (1992). Major prison libraries report is launched. Library Association Record. 94.497. "PR543 Siess, J. A. (1999). Prison or jail librarians: An OPL profile. One-Person Library. 16(2), 5-7. (LISA/95752) "PR544 Siiro, J. R., & Goldstein, B. R. (1975). Survey of jail law libraries: A research paper, presented to the faculty of the Graduate School of Librarianship, University of Denver. M.A. Thesis, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado. "PR545

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Singer, G. (2000). Prison libraries inside out. Education Libraries, 24(1). 11-16. "PR546 Singleton, P. A. (1997). Institutional library service. New Jersey Libraries. 31 fi.e. 301(3), 13-16. "PR547 Slanker, B. 0., & Bostwick, J. (1974). Regional library system based library service to residents of the state correctional facilities: An evaluation of the project. Illinois Libraries. 56. 517-535. "PR548 Smith, C. E. (1987). Improving the use of prison law libraries: A modest proposal. Law Library Journal. 79(2V 227-239. (LISA/8801365) "PR549 Smitton, S. (1985). Library provision in Prison Department establishments. Prison Libraries Group Newsletter. (4Ì. (L1SA/8603882Ì "PR550 Snape, R., & Curtis, M. (1980). Librarians behind bars. Library Association Record. 82(5). 230-231. (LISA/8004281) "PR551 Snell, P. J. (1984). The library officer. Prison Libraries Group Newsletter. (2), 30. (LISA/8500236) "PR552 Souza, S. J. (1977). Providing for prisoners in Massachusetts. Wilson Library Bulletin. 51(6). 526-529. (LISA/7701363) "PR553 Souza, S. J. (1989). Real libraries, real librarians. Wilson Library Bulletin. 64(2). 37-38. (LISA/9002049) "PR554 Souza, S. J. (1995). The professional staff. In R. J. Rubin and D. Suvak (Eds.), Libraries inside: A practical guide for prison librarians (pp. 42-58). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. "PR555 Speakers on prison libraries organized by ALA's ASCLA. (1983). Library Journal. 108. 858. "PR556 Special Libraries Association. Minnesota Chapter. Social Responsibilities Committee. (1972). Position paper with guidelines and recommendations to develop and improve Minnesota correctional institutional libraries. Special Libraries. 63.411-412. "PR557 Stadius, D. E. (1971). A rounddelay for Attica and other prison libraries based on an old song. Wilson Library Bulletin. 46(3). 246-247. (LISA/7200154) "PR558

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Staut, J. Α., & Turitz, G. (1977). Outside.Jooking in. Wilson Library Bulletin. 51(6), 499-505. (LISA/7701365) "PR559 Steinaecker, C., & Meyerskötter, H. (1980). Betrifft: Projekt Gefängnisbüchereien [Concerns: Prison library project]. Buch und Bibliotek. 32. 986. **PR560 Steinbower, C. (1990). Juvenile corrections libraries: Serving kids' information needs. Ohio Libraries. 3.16. "PR561 Stevens, T. (1993). The role of the prison library in the reform and rehabilitation process. Library and Information Research News. 16(57), 13-15. (LISA/9307088) "PR562 Stevens, T., & Usherwood, B. (1993). Getting better all the time? The prison library and its role in the reform and rehabilitation process. Prison Service Journal. (91). 31-33. (LISA/9406827) "PR563 Stevens, T., & Usherwood, B. (1995). The development of the prison library and its role within the models of rehabilitation. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. 34(1). 45-63. (LISA/9506610) "PR564 Strain, E. W. (1971). Prison escape: A paperback book fair provides one means of extending library service to prison inmates. Library Journal. 96.169170. **PR565 Stromstedt, L. (1972). Fängelsebibliotek och kriminalpolitik [Prison library and penal policy]. Biblioteksbladet. 57(11). 297-298. (LISA/7301192) " P R 5 6 6 Study school 1983 report. (1984). Prison Libraries Group Newsletter. (2), 18-19. (LISA/8500650) "PR567 Suit for prisoners' rights. (1974). American Libraries. 5.121. " P R 5 6 8 Sullivan, L. (1989). Between empty covers: Prison libraries in historical perspective. Wilson Library Bulletin. 64(2). 26-28. (LISA/9001868) "PR569 Sullivan, L. E. (1998). Reading in American prisons: Structures and strictures. Libraries & Culture. 33(1). 113-119. (LISA/77143) " P R 5 7 0 Sullivan, L. E. (2000). The least of our brethren: Library service to prisoners. American Libraries. 31(5). 56-58. (LISA/107518) "PR571 Sun, C., Kelly, E. S., & Davis, V. (1979). Prison law library service: Questions and models. Law Library Journal. 72(4). 598-611. (LISA/8103149) "PR572

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Survey of library and information problems in correctional institutions. (1974). Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Health Education and Welfare, Office of Education. " P R 5 7 3 Survey of library and information problems of prison libraries. (1972). MountainPlains Library Quarterly. 16 Π.β.171.12. "PR574 Suvak, D. E. (1972). Prison inmate attitudes toward reading and library. (Research Paper). Kent, OH: Kent State University. " P R 5 7 5 Suvak, D. E. (1973). Realities of prison libraries: Library service inside and out. Ohio Library Association Bulletin. 43. 8-9. "PR576 Suvak, D. E. (1977). Federal prison libraries: The quiet collapse. Library Journal. 102(12). 1341-1344. (LISA/7702085) "PR577 . Comment by R. M. Barone. Prison library standards [letter]. Library Journal. 102. 2098. "PR578 Suvak, D. (1978). Images of libraries in prison diaries. Library Journal. 103(4). 429-431. (USA/7802080) "PR579 Suvak, D. (1989). Pen and ink: Writing standards for prison libraries. Wilson Library Bulletin. 64(2). 29-30. (LISA/9001866) "PR580 Suvak, D. (1989). 'Throw the book at 'em': The change-based model for prison libraries. Wilson Library Bulletin. 64(2). 31-33. (LISA/9001918) "PR581 Suvak, D. (1993). Evaluating LSCA: The evidence from prison libraries. Public Libraries. 32. 86-90. "PR582 Suvak, D. (1995). Budgeting. In R. J. Rubin & D. Suvak (Eds.), Libraries inside: A practical guide for prison librarians (pp. 140-155). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. "PR583 Suvak, D. (1995). The prison community. In R. J. Rubin & D. Suvak (Eds.), Libraries inside: A practical guide for prison librarians (pp. 3-22). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. "PR584 Swaton, I. W. (1974). Prison libraries: Focus. Books by mail to Attica. Catholic Library World. 45. 435-437. "PR585 Swickard, J. (1975). School librarians tum pom prince into nonsmut king. American Libraries. 6.282. "PR586

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. Comment [letters], American Libraries. 6.420-421. "PR587 Szocki, J. (1996). Ksiazka i czasopismo w srodowisku wieziennym [Books and periodicals in a prison environment]. Poradnik Bibliotekarza, (7/8), 18-19. (LISA/9703581) "PR588 Teitelbaum, G. (1989). Inspecting a prison law library. Holmes Beach, FL: Wm. W. Gaunt. "PR589 Tenma, R. (1987). A study of prison libraries [in Japanese]. Toshokan-Kai fThe Library Worldl. 38(5). 245-250. (LISA/8800081) "PR590 Tenma, R. (1987). Considerations on prison libraries [in Japanese]. ToshokanKai fThe Library Worldl. 39(3). 122-124. (LISA/8805604) "PR591 Trygstad, H. (1992). Bibliotek bak murene - kriminalomsorg i fengsel? [Library behind walls - criminal care in prison], Bok oq Bibliotek. 59(4). 38-39. "PR592 Turbet, R. (1976). The prison service library. New Library World. 77(908V 35-37. (LISA/7600169) "PR593 Turitz, G. (1975). Patrons you won't see in San Francisco. American Libraries. 6. 302. "PR594 Turitz, G. (1976). Inside/outside: Library service to prisoners. Emergency Librarian. 3. 21-24. "PR595 Turner, T. (1983). Prison libraries (continued). Assistant Librarian. 76(4). 50-51. (USA/8305277) "PR596 Turnross, Ν. (1996). Libraries in nineteenth-century Victorian prison. In B. J. McMullin (Ed.), Proceedings of the 6th Australian Library History Forum. Monash University. 1 November 1995 (pp. 189-200). Melbourne: Ancora Press. (LISA/9704557) "PR597 Two library projects launched in Ν. Y. prisons. (1972). Library Journal. 97.13741376. "PR598 Udbygning af faengselsbiblioteker [Development of prison libraries]. (1972). Bibliotek 70.12. 259. "PR599 Upgrade prison libraries SRRT asks candidates & ALA. (1972). Library Journal. 97J370. "PR600

228 Prison Libraries

Valdes, R. (1992). High notes behind bars. Wilson Library Bulletin. 67. 32-33+. "PR601 Van Drisse, S. (1975). Prison library steps forward. Wisconsin Library Bulletin. 7 1 J 5 0 - 1 5 1 . **PR602 Van Drisse, S. (1978). Law libraries serve inmates: Wisconsin state prison trains residents as paralegals. Wisconsin Library Bulletin. 74,227-228. **PR603 VanPelt, D. J. (1974). One prison library: Yesterday and today. Illinois Libraries. 5QJ535-5Z7. " P R 6 0 4 A veritable oasis. (1989). Library Work. (4), 12-13. (LISA/9001867) " P R 6 0 5 Visitation, Sister M. (1974). Prison libraries: An overview. Catholic Library World. 45,432-434. " P R 6 0 6 Vogel, Β. (1976). Inmate informational needs survey. Baltimore, MD: Maryland State Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services. (LISA/8001801) " P R 6 0 7 Vogel, Β. (1989). In preparation for a visit to a smaller planet. Wilson Library Bulletin. 64(21 34-36. (LISA/9002007) " P R 6 0 8 Vogel, Β. (1995). Down for the count: A prison library handbook. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press. **PR609 Vogel, Β. (1997). Bailing out prison libraries. Library Journal. 122(19). 35-37. (LISA/70121) **PR610 Vosloo, J. (1993). 'n Vergete gemeenskap: korrektiewe dienste [A forgotten community: Corrective services]. Cape Librarian. 37(9), 12-13. (LISA/9407912) " P R 6 1 1 Voss, Κ. (1984). Library at the Jackson county detention facility. Show-Me Libraries. 35. 32-33. " P R 6 1 2 Vreeburg, K. (1996). Filiaal zonder collecties: Pénitentiaire inrichting besteedt bibliotheekwerk uit aan OB Lelystad [A branch without collections: A prison service provides work for Lelystad Public Library], Bibliotheek en Samenlevina. 24(3). 15-20. (LISA/9702439) " P R 6 1 3 Vreeburg, K. (1996). Openbare bibliotheek kan beter buiten de bajes blijven: Haken en ogen aan bibliotheekwerk in pénitentiaire inrichtingen [Public libraries should stay out of jail: Getting down to the brass tacks of library

Prison Libraries 229

services in prisons.] Bibliotheek en Samenlevina. 24(2). 25-27. (LISA/9606241) "PR614 Wagner, S. (1974, June 17). Books for prisoners. Publishers Weekly, 205. 38-40. **PR615 . (1974, July 8). Comment by A. F. Nussbaum [letter]. Publishers Weekly. 205,14. **PR616 . (1974, July 22). Comment by D. E. Cox [letter]. Publishers Weekly. 206, 9. "PR617 Wallace, M. (1988). Breaking out! Library service to penal institutions. Scottish Libraries. (7). 3, 5. (LISA/8803855) "PR618 Waltz, A. (1976). Special Populations Task Force report, including blind and visually impaired, deaf, aged and elderly, physically handicapped, library support to educational program in correctional institutions. Olympia, WA: Washington State Library. "PR619 Wand, F. R., Blackett, D., Dilworth, Α., Ramsbottom, M., & Saksena, J. (1982). The library service to prisons in Lancashire. Preston: Lancashire Library. (LISA/9602025) " P R 6 2 0 Werner, 0 . J. (1970). Law library service to prisoners - the responsibility of nonprison libraries. Law Library Journal. 63(2). 231-240. (LISA/7001902) "PR621 Werner, O. J. (1973). The present legal status and conditions of prison law libraries. Law Library Journal. 66(3). 259-271. (LISA/7400143) "PR622 Werner, O. J. (1976). Manual for prison law libraries. (AALL publication service No. 12). So. Hackensack, NJ: F. B. Rothman. "PR623 Werner, 0 . J. (1977). Law libraries for correctional facilities. Library Trends. 26(1), 71-96. (LISA/7800796) "PR624 Werner, W. (1972). Die Bibliothek der Strafanstalt: Anmerkungen eines Beatroffenen [Library in the penitentiary: Remarks of one affected]. Buch und Bibliothek. 24. 839-840. "PR625 Westwood, Κ. (1994). Prison law librarianship: A lesson in service for all libraries. American Libraries. 25(2). 152-154. (LISA/9408971) " P R 6 2 6 Westwood, Κ. (1998). "Meaningful access to the courts" and law libraries: Where are we now? Law Library Journal. 90(2). 193-207. "PR627

230 Prison Libraries

W E S T L Y N X roars into prison. (1990). Library Journal. 115 (16), 26. " P R 6 2 8 White, T. R. (1971). Title IV-A program at California Men's Colony, Los Padres. News Notes of California Libraries. 6 6 . 4 1 1 . " P R 6 2 9 Wilhelmus, D. W . (1999). A new emphasis for correctional facilities' libraries; college programs in prison systems. The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 25(2). 114-120. " P R 6 3 0 Wilhelmus, D. W . (1999). The influence of Casey v. Lewis on academic collections located in Indiana prison libraries. Indiana Libraries. 17(2), 1320. " P R 6 3 1 Wilhelmus, D. W., & Wilhelmus, H. (1999). The state of library services supporting university programs located in Indiana correctional facilities. Indiana Libraries. 17(2). 1-8. " P R 6 3 2 Wilkins, B. (1977). The correctional facility library: History and standards. Library Trends. 26(1). 119-123. (LISA/7800795) " P R 6 3 3 Williams, J., & King, G. (1979). Library services in H. M. Prisons in Staffordshire. [n.p.]: Staffordshire County Library. (LISA/8000128) " P R 6 3 4 Wise, 0 . B., & MacGregor Smith, J. (1976). Planning a legal reference library for a correctional institution. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois. " P R 6 3 5 Witchlow, M. V., Sage, P., & Scott, M. B. (1983). Prison service - appraisal of the library service given to penal establishments in East Sussex. Lewes, England: East Sussex County Library. (LISA/9602024) " P R 6 3 6 Womboh, B. S. H. (1991). Nigerian prison library services: Status and needs. Focus on International & Comparative Librarianship. 22(1 V 10-15. (LISA/9203120) " P R 6 3 7 Womboh, B. S. H. (1995). Research summary: an assessment of Nigerian prison libraries. Third World Libraries. 5(2). 74-75. (LISA/9601516) " P R 6 3 8 Workshop on libraries and information services for prison populations. San JoséCalifornia. March 2 - 3 . 1 9 7 3 . [n.d.]: Santa Cruz, CA: University of California. " P R 6 3 9 Wood, L. (1985). Looking at special libraries in the United States. Information and Library Manager. 5(1 V 19-25. (LISA/8603883) " P R 6 4 0

Prison Libraries 231

Wright, B. C. (1987). Library services to UK penal establishments: A comparative study. London: The Library Association. "PR641 Wright, B. C., Snape, R. J., Carless, E., Evans, A. R„ Brown, J., Bryon, J. F. W., Pearson, Α., Pearce, J., Broome, M., & Case, W. C. [n.d.1. Prison libraries. Standards for the eighties. [Papers presented at the 3-day seminar and workshop, Ashburne Hall, University of Manchester, 15-17 April 1980], London: Library Association. (LISA/8101962) "PR642 Wright, B. C. (1988). Use of audiovisual materials in prison. Audiovisual Librarian. 14(2). 68-72. (LISA/8805678) "PR643 Wright, M. (1974). Prison libraries [letter]. Library Association Record. 76. 57. "PR644 Zabel, J. M. (1976). Prison libraries. Special Libraries. 67(1) 1-7. (LISA/7600783) **PR645 . Comment [letter] by J. E. Bostwick, Progress Noted. Special Libraries. 67(8), 5A. "PR646 . Comment [letter] by B. Wilkins, Disappointed. Special Libraries. 67(12). 6A. "PR647 . Rejoinder to B. Wilkins [letter], Reply. Special Libraries. 67(12). 6A-7A. "PR648 Zamacona, J. C. (1970). Looking toward release. Wisconsin Library Bulletin. 66. 340-341. "PR649 Zamacona, J. C. (1972). Hidden citizens need service. Wisconsin Library Bulletin. 68. 236-238. "PR650 Zybert, Ε. B. (1986). Ζ problemów bibliotek wieziennych [Some problems of prison libraries]. Poradnik Bibliotekarza. (10), 3-5, 23. (LISA/8802793) **PR651

232 Author Index

AUTHOR INDEX TO SECTION CONFERENCE PAPERS AND PROFESSIONAL REPORTS Accart, J-P. Albert, M. Albert, M. Alonso, A. R. Ammannato, A. Anderson, C. J. Anderson, W. Anderson, W. Anderson, W.

Havana, 1994 Brighton, 1987 Paris, 1989 Barcelona, 1993 Lausanne, 1976 Washington, 1974 Leipzig, 1981 Brighton, 1987 Stockholm, 1990

Bain, H. Baker, E. Ballandras, M. Balslev, J. Barnard, T. D. F. Batt, C. Bays, D. Bellander, E. Bereczky, E. Bjerre, A. Bluhdorn, F. L. Boldt, B. Boorer, D. L. Bourdln, G. Bruhn, S. Bunch, A. J. Butdisuwan, S.

Bruxelles, 1977 Toronto, 1967 Grenoble, 1973 Copenhagen, 1997 Chicago, 1985 Istanbul, 1995 Havana, 1994 Tokyo, 1986 Budapest, 1972 Copenhagen, 1969 Sydney, 1988 Helsinki, 1965 Liverpool, 1971 Grenoble, 1973 Barcelona, 1993 Munich, 1983 Bangkok, 1999

Campbell, H. C. Carlsen, K-J. Carlsen, K-J. Chalmers, A. Chavanis, G. Clarke, J. M. Clarke, J. M. Clausen, A. 0 . Coombs, N. Craddock, P. Craddock, P. Cubberley, M.

Toronto, 1967 Tokyo, 1986 New Delhi, 1992 Sydney, 1988 Barcelona, 1993 Strbské Pleso, 1978 Report No. 2 Jerusalem 2000 Istanbul, 1995 Beijing, 1996 Copenhagen, 1997 Havana, 1994

Author Index 233

Cumming, E. E. Cylke, F. Κ. Czajkowski, F. Czajkowski, F.

Budapest, 1972 Bruxelles, 1977 Tokyo, 1986 New Delhi, 1992

Dalton, P. Day, J. M. Day, J. M. Day, J. M. Day, J. M. Day, J. M. Day, J. M. Day, J. M. Day, J. M. Day, J. M. Dräger, Β. Du Monceau de Bergendal, Countess 1. G. Duncan, D.

Chicago, 1985 Moscow, 1991 Copenhagen, 1997 Report No. 24 Report No. 45 Report No. 62 Report No. 63 Report No. 64 Report No. 65 Report No. 66 Munich, 1983 Frankfurt, 1968 Sydney, 1988

Elbro, C. Evans, C.

Copenhagen, 1997 Amsterdam, 1998

Feiler, A. Flower, M. Freeze, Β. Freytag, G. Fukushina, S.

Barcelona, 1993 Montreal, 1982 Copenhagen, 1997 Lausanne, 1976 Amsterdam, 1998

Galler, Α. M. Galler, Α. M. Galler, Α. M. Galler, Α. M. Gann, R. Gardner, F. M. Gartland, H. J. Gelderblom, G. Goldberg, Β. Gorelith, Κ. Granheim, E. Guenebaud, J. Guerin, C.

Sydney, 1988 Barcelona, 1993 Istanbul, 1995 Brighton, 1987 Brighton, 1987 Toronto, 1967 Frankfurt, 1968 Helsinki, 1965 Copenhagen, 1979 Washington, 1974 Tokyo, 1986 Grenoble, 1973 Jerusalem, 2000

Heie, Β Heie, B. Heie, B. Hendry, J. D.

Oslo, 1975 Nairobi, 1984 Chicago, 1985 Amsterdam, 1998

234 Author Index

Hersch-van-der-Stoel, F. Higuchi, M. Hoffmann, C. Holmström, Β. Höök, L. Hopkins, K. Hovius, B. Hoy, S. Hynes, Α.

Strbské Pleso, 1978 Tokyo, 1986 Lausanne, 1976 Toronto, 1967 Budapest, 1972 Montreal, 1982 Barcelona, 1993 Brighton, 1987 Washington, 1974

Irvall, Β.

Copenhagen, 1997

Jansen, L. Jensen, K. L. Johnson, B. C.

Chicago, 1985 Copenhagen, 1997 Toronto, 1967

Kadokawa, S. Kaiser, F. E. Kaiser, F. E. Kaiser, F. E. Kaiser, F. E. Kaiser, F. E. Kaiser, F. E. Kaiser, F. E. Kaiser, F. E. Karp, R. S. Kavanagh, R. Kishore, R. Kleiman, Α. M. Knight, S. Knudsen, G.

Amsterdam, 1998 Paris, 1989 Moscow, 1991 New Delhi, 1992 Istanbul, 1995 Report No. 34 Report No. 37 Report No. 46 Report No. 47 Barcelona, 1993 Copenhagen, 1997 Bangkok, 1999 Copenhagen, 1997 Brighton, 1987 Istanbul, 1995

Lalloo, 1. Laughton, M. F. Lehmann, V. Lehmann, V. Lewis, M. J. Lewis, M. M. Lithgow, S. D. Lithgow, S. D. Locke, J. Lombard, J. Lott-Deschamps, M. Lucioli, C. E. Ludlow, V. F. Lundstrom, B.

Barcelona, 1993 Istanbul, 1995 Havana, 1994 Bangkok, 1999 Bruxelles, 1977 Helsinki, 1965 Beijing, 1996 Bangkok, 1999 Brighton, 1987 Washington, 1974 Paris, 1989 Toronto, 1967 Toronto, 1967 Tokyo, 1986

Author Index 235

Lux, C.

Istanbul, 1995

Machado, L. 0 . Malgrem-Neale, G. Mailinger, S. M. Marshall, J. Marshall, M. Marshall, M. R. Massis, B. E. Matsunobu, S. Miller, A. M. Molin, B. Monroe, M. E. Murray, J. Muya, E. W.

Istanbul, 1995 Sydney, 1988 Tokyo, 1986 Montreal, 1982 Strbské Pleso, 1978 Lausanne, 1976 Chicago, 1985 Tokyo, 1986 Moscow, 1970 Stockholm, 1990 Washington, 1974 Bangkok, 1999 Nairobi, 1984

Nielsen, G. Nielsen, H. Nishikawa, S. Nyberg, M. Nyberg, M.

Copenhagen, 1997 Frankfurt, 1968 Tokyo, 1986 Helsinki, 1965 Copenhagen, 1969

Owino, 0 .

Nairobi, 1984

Pages, T. Panella, N. A. Panella, N. M. Partington, W. W. Paulin, L. V. Peilion, J. Petersen, J. Peterson, J. Pinion, C. F. Poitevin, M. J.

Amsterdam, 1998 Report No. 61 Report No. 67 Liverpool, 1971 Liverpool, 1971 Liverpool, 1971 Leipzig, 1981 Copenhagen, 1979 Tokyo, 1986 Barcelona, 1993

Rappaport, G. Reumer, D. Rimkeit, A. Rimkeit, A. Roberts, P. J. Ronnie, Μ. Α. Rosenschöld, L. Rosenström, L. Rosenstrom, L. Rosskopf, H. Rubin, R.

Montreal, 1982 Nairobi, 1984 Moscow, 1970 Leipzig, 1981 Sydney, 1988 Liverpool, 1971 Havana, 1994 Havana, 1994 Amsterdam, 1998 Bruxelles, 1977 Washington, 1974

236 Author Index

Salter, R. Schmidt, H. Schmidt, H. Schols, M. Schols, M. Séguin, J. P. Shaw, A. Shuvalov, S. Simone-Rupert, S. Skrzeszewski, S. Sorensen, M. Stefanova, D. N.

Copenhagen, 1997 Frankfurt, 1968 Munich, 1983 Istanbul, 1995 Amsterdam, 1998 Paris, 1989 Copenhagen, 1969 Moscow, 1991 Strbské Pleso, 1978 Havana, 1994 Copenhagen, 1979 Copenhagen, 1997

Tallec, M. P. Thomsen, P. Thulin, K. Thulin, K. Toma, A. Tronbacke, B. Tronbacke, B. 1. Tronbacke, B. 1. Tronbacke, B. 1. Tronbacke, B. 1. Tronbacke, B. 1.

Amsterdam, 1998 Chicago, 1985 Copenhagen, 1969 New Delhi, 1992 Moscow, 1970 Beijing, 1996 Report No. 54 Report No. 56 Report No. 57 Report No. 59 Report No. 60

Van der Leith, M. Van Ruler Havenstraat, L.

Jerusalem, 2000 Barcelona, 1993

Wagenaar, H. Westgârd, G. Wheeler, J. Wright, B. C.

Stockholm, 1990 Nairobi, 1984 Brighton, 1987 Brighton, 1987

Young, V.

Sydney, 1988

Zhongqi, X.

Beijing, 1996

Subject Index 237

SUBJECT INDEXES TO BIBLIOGRAPHIES Subject Index to the Bibliography on Library Services to the Deaf Bibliographies DF045, DF050, DF085, DF190, DF215, DF289 Biography DF120 Collections and collection development DF009, DF012, DF017, DF025, DF026, DF029, DF038, DF039, DF052, DF053, DF060, DF071, DF082, DF087, DF088, DF093, DF094, DF106, DF111, DF114, DF129, DF131, DF132, DF135, DF136, DF137, DF151, DF152, DF155, DF159, DF163, DF165, DF173, DF174, DF176, DF178, DF179, DF191, DF192, DF198, DF218, DF245, DF246, DF249, DF255, DF264, DF269, DF270, DF278, DF280, DF284, DF286, DF291, DF298, DF314, DF323, Guidelines DF015, DF061, DF066, DF067, DF108, DF115, DF225, DF226, DF273, DF290 Libraries for the deaf DF008, DF027, DF063, DF072, DF126, DF139, DF168, DF205, DF241, DF242, DF277, DF318, DF319, DF322, DF327 Library design and architecture DF032, DF315 Library instruction DF048, DF183, DF210, DF214, DF232 Library servicos DF001, DF002, DF003, DF005, DF007, DF011, DF016, DR019, DF020, DF024, DF033, DF034, DF035, DF042, DF043, DF046, DF054, DF055, DF056, DF057, DF058, DF059, DF062, DF064, DF069, DF070, DF073, DF076, DF078, DF079, DF083, DF084, DF092, DF096, DF097, DF098, DF099, DF103, DF105, DF107, DF110, DF112, DF113, DF117, DF119, DF122, DF123, DF125, DF127, DF130, DF136, DF138, DF140, DF142, DF144, DF145, DF147, DF148, DF149, DF150, DF153, DF154, DF156, DF157, DF161, DF162, DF164, DF171, DF172, DF175, DF177, DF182, DF184, DF185, DF186, DF187, DF188, DF189, DF193, DF194, DF197, DF199, DF201, DF206, DF207, DF208, DF209, DF211, DF213, DF217, DF219, DF223, DF224, DF227, DF233, DF238, DF239, DF240, DF241, DF247, DF248, DF252, DF254, DF256, DF259, DF261, DF265, DF266, DF271, DF272, DF267, DF276, DF279, DF281, DF283, DF285, DF288, DF292, DF294, DF295, DF296, DF300, DF304, DF305, DF308, DF309, DF310, DF311, DF312, DF313, DF317, DF320, DF321, DF326

238 Subject Index

Library services - children DF012, DF018, DF021, DF030, DF031, DF036, DF07, DF080, DF081, DF090, DF091, DF095, DF101, DF106, DF111, DF114, DF133, DF151, DF152, DF160, DF169, DF170, DF178, DF179, DF214, DF220, DF221, DF250, DF258, DF274, DF284, DF287, DF301, DF306, DF307, DF324, DF325 Library services - elderly DF262, DF302 Library services - students (colleges and universities) DF004, DF166, DF232 Library services - students (schools) DF049, DF065, DF074, DF087, DF088, DF116, DF141, DF146, DF222, DF228, DF255, DF282, DF290 Resource guides DF068, DF075, DF095, DF104, DF128, DF206 Staff and staff training DF013, DF074, DF080, DF102, DF118, DF143, DF167, DF216, DF237, DF247, DF253, DF256, DF257 Standards DF006, DF236, DF260 Surveys DF028, DF203 User dids DF013, DF014, DF023, DF034, DF040, DF041, DF044, DF047, DF048, DF051, DF086, DF089, DF109, DF134, DF158, DF180, DF181, DF195, DF196, DF200, DF201, DF202, DF210, DF229, DF230, DF231, DF234, DF235, DF243, DF244, DF251, DF275, DF297, DF299, DF303, DF315, DF324, DF325 User needs DF010, DF100.DF121, DF124, DF263, DF269, DF316

Subject Index 239

Subject Index to the Bibliography on Library Services to the Elderly Administration SR047, SR198, SR364, SR378, SR468, SR512 Aging SR462, SR467, SR530, SR542, SR543, SR550, SR568 Attitudes towards the elderly SR156, SR249, SR570 Bibliographies SR008, SR026, SR100, SR135, SR150, SR203, SR240, SR274, SR441, SR563 Bibliotherapy SR222, SR309, SR350, SR448 Collections and collection development SR041, SR069, SR071, SR110, SR115, SR170, SR186, SR360, SR424, SR436, SR564, SR577, SR588 Funding SR062, SR121, SR307, SR345, SR429, SR521 Government/social policy SR018, SR052, SR114, SR184, SR261, SR265, SR283, SR366, SR367, SR371, SR377, SR406, SR426, SR488, SR494, SR518, SR524, SR525, SR526 Guidelines SR015, SR017, SR298, SR308, SR442 Handbooks and manuals SR247, SR436, SR451, SR452, SR527 History SR043, SR097, SR225, SR231, SR357 Intergenerational programmes SR066, SR144, SR173, SR186, SR187, SR226, SR228, SR310, SR363, SR387, SR395, SR405, SR437, SR438, SR439, SR446, SR447, SR449, SR456, SR500, SR532, SR547, SR580, SR581, SR582 Internet SR036, SR037, SR038, SR089, SR123, SR158, SR237, SR339, SR417, SR533, SR574 Interviews SR006, SR179, SR271 Librarianship SR087, SR117, SR241, SR455, SR490, SR498, SR522, SR538, SR555, SR556, SR572 Library design and architecture SR453, SR560 Library instruction SR009, SR122, SR284, SR292

240 Subject Index

Library services SR002, SR003, SR014, SR016, SR021, SR022, SR023, SR024, SR025, SR030, SR032, SR033, SR039, SR040, SR046, SR044, SR050, SR054, SR056, SR059, SR063, SR064, SR065, SR067, SR068, SR072, SR074, SR076, SR078, SR079, SR080, SR081, SR082, SR083, SR086, SR090, SR092, SR096, SR098, SR099, SR103, SR107, SR109, SR116, SR118, SR119, SR120, SR124, SR127, SR130, SR131, SR132, SR134, SR137, SR138, SR139, SR148, SR149, SR152, SR153, SR154, SR155, SR160, SR161, SR163, SR166, SR167, SR169, SR171, SR172, SR174, SR177, SR178, SR185, SR188, SR189, SR190, SR194, SR195, SR197, SR202, SR204, SR205, SR206, SR207, SR209, SR210, SR212, SR215, SR218, SR219, SR227, SR230, SR232, SR234, SR235, SR236, SR242, SR245, SR248, SR243, SR258, SR259, SR260, SR262, SR266, SR270, SR272, SR273, SR275, SR276, SR278, SR279, SR282, SR277, SR290, SR291, SR293, SR295, SR299, SR304, SR305, SR306, SR312, SR314, SR316, SR317, SR318, SR319, SR323, SR324, SR325, SR326, SR327, SR331, SR332, SR333, SR338, SR341, SR342, SR343, SR346, SR347, SR349, SR351, SR352, SR353, SR355, SR361, SR362, SR373, SR374, SR375, SR376, SR380, SR386, SR388, SR385, SR391, SR392, SR393, SR394, SR396, SR397, SR399, SR401, SR403, SR404, SR408, SR409, SR411, SR412, SR413, SR414, SR415, SR418, SR419, SR421, SR423, SR427, SR430, SR431, SR433, SR445, SR457, SR460, SR461, SR463, SR464, SR465, SR466, SR486, SR492, SR493, SR495, SR496, SR501, SR503, SR506, SR507, SR508, SR509, SR510, SR519, SR523, SR531, SR534, SR537, SR544, SR546, SR553, SR554, SR562, SR566, SR569, SR571, SR576, SR578, SR579, SR583, SR584, SR585, SR587, SR589 Library services - disadvantaged SR004, SR012 Lifelong learning SR252, SR264, SR267, SR286, SR313, SR337, SR356, SR372, SR390, SR398, SR432, SR535, SR586 Outreach SR013, SR027, SR031, SR034, SR055, SR057, SR058, SR060, SR094, SR095, SR105, SR112, SR129, SR133, SR145, SR199, SR200, SR213, SR214, SR217, SR238, SR250, SR255, SR256, SR257, SR285, SR288, SR298, SR300, SR301, SR302, SR303, SR328, SR329, SR333, SR348, SR354, SR368, SR369, SR381, SR382, SR384, SR389, SR400, SR402, SR403, SR407, SR420, SR434, SR435, SR437, SR454, SR459, SR482, SR487, SR491, SR497, SR504, SR511, SR513, SR541, SR552, SR567 Programmes and activities SR001, SR005, SR007, SR010, SR019, SR035, SR049, SR070, SR073, SR077, SR101, SR102, SR106, SR113, SR125, SR128, SR136, SR140, SR141, SR142, SR146, SR147, SR159, SR168, SR175, SR176, SR201, SR211, SR220, SR229, SR233, SR239, SR254, SR252, SR268, SR268, SR281, SR287, SR289, SR296, SR311, SR322, SR334, SR335, SR344,

Subject Index 241

SR358, SR365, SR370, SR416, SR425, SR433, SR450, SR505, SR515, SR527, SR528, SR529, SR540, SR548, SR551, SR557, SR559, SR561 Reading and reading promotion SR143, SR165, SR216, SR220, SR221, SR280, SR294, SR336, SR353, SR371, SR431, SR489, SR539, SR558, SR565, SR Retirement SR020, SR053, SR085, SR104, SR108, SR263, SR269 Staff and staff training SR061, SR075, SR100, SR183, SR253, SR297, SR410, SR498, SR538, SR555 Studies SR164, SR315, SR359, SR444, SR504 Surveys SR027, SR045, SR091, SR192, SR223, SR224, SR246, SR251, SR321, SR499, SR516, SR536, SR545, SR549, SR565 Technology in the library SR481, SR485 User needs SR011, SR029, SR048, SR052, SR088, SR108, SR136, SR151, SR157, SR174, SR180, SR191, SR192, SR193, SR196, SR320, SR330, SR379, SR422, SR428, SR440, SR443, SR458, SR483, SR484, SR514, SR517, SR572, SR573, SR575 Volunteers SR028, SR042, SR111, SR162, SR173, SR383, SR520 Women SR084, SR085, SR181, SR182, SR340

242 Subject Index

Subject Index to the Bibliography on Easy-to-Read Authoring EY007, EY016, EY099 Bibliographies EY001, EY003, EY004, EY005, EY013, EY017, EY021, EY025, EY026, EY034, EY035, EY038, EY044, EY046, EY049, EY050, EY078, EY083, EY084, EY085, EY086, RY087, EY088, EY089, EY098, EY104 Characteristics and evaluation EY009, EY012, EY016, EY041, EY045, EY061, EY068 Collections and collection development EY047, EY052, EY059, EY103, EY112, EY118, EY110 Dyslexia EY091 Easy readers EY011, EY014, EY018, EY024, EY028, EY031, EY033, EY036, EY037, EY054, EY055, EY063, EY064, EY066, EY074, EY077, EY082, EY090, EY096, EY105, EY106, EY109, EY117, EY121 Easy readers for adults EY005, EY017, EY042, EY060, EY067, EY071, EY093, EY095, EY097, EY100, EY111 Easy readers for children EY006, EY013, EY030, EY039, EY069, EY073, EY079, EY119, Easy readers for the blind/partially sighted EY058, EY062 Easy readers for the disadvantaged EY027, EY072 Easy readers for the elderly EY075, EY094 Easy readers for the hearing impaired EY029, EY058 Easy readers for young adults EY003, EY004, EY021, EY065, EY076, EY078, EY083, EY084, EY085, EY086, EY087, EY088, EY089, EY098, EY104 Government/social policy EY019, EY023, EY032, EY040 Guidelines EY090 Instructional materials EY001, EY008, EY080, EY081 Literacy EY048, EY056, EY095, EY097, EY108, EY115, EY116 Newspapers EY033, EY053

Subject Index 243

Publishing EY002, EY015, EY020, EY051, EY057, EY068, EY069, EY070, EY092, EY101, EY102, EY107, EY113, EY114, EY120 Reading and reading promotion EY010, EY022, EY043, EY065, EY071, EY108, EY116

244 Subject Index

Subject Index to the Bibliography on Hospital Patient Libraries Administration HP003, HP025, HP060, HP084, HP179, HP233, HP252, HP261, HP271, HP275, HP296, HP338, HP350 Art HP001, HP333, HP366 Bibliographies HP073, HP074, HP076, HP267, HP325, HP326, HP345 Bibliotherapy HP005, HP078, HP164, HP165, HP166, HP167, HP168, HP198, HP202, HP204, HP219, HP220, HP245, HP250, HP254, HP255, HP260, HP298, HP348, HP373 Biography HP005, HP077, HP331 Collections and collection development HP002, HP006, HP012, HP052, HP062, HP087, HP091, HP127, HP247, HP287, HP291, HP295, HP317, HP369, HP388 Directories HP065 Evaluation HP357 Government/social policy HP381 Guidelines HP146, HP195, HP330 Handbooks and manuals HP010, HP011, HP073, HP074, HP233 History HP094, HP114, HP125, HP205, HP274, HP278 Library services HP049, HP064, HP067, HP069, HP071, HP068, HP089, HP097, HP103, HP156, HP162, HP177, HP180, HP199, HP207, HP226, HP232, HP272, HP276, HP288, HP290, HP300, HP307, HP342, HP361, HP371, HP372, HP376, HP383 Library services - children HP006, HP009, HP010, HP011, HP026, HP040, HP051, HP054, HP075, HP095, HP099, HP160, HP131, HP136, HP138, HP139, HP151, HP159, HP160, HP171, HP172, HP176, HP178, HP197, HP233, HP237, HP238, HP239, HP240, HP269, HP270, HP283, HP286, HP297, HP318, HP323, HP329, HP335, HP336, HP350, HP365, HP373, HP379 Library services - disadvantaged HP002, HP004, HP008, HP017, HP022, HP023, HP034, HP035, HP036, HP037, HP038, HP039, HP045, HP059, HP058, HP070, HP076, HP085, HP092, HP094, HP124, HP126, HP139, HP147, HP159, HP160, HP161,

Subject Index 245

HP185, HP196, HP208, HP215, HP224, HP225, HP228, HP253, HP262, HP273, HP280, HP288, HP292, HP293, HP312, HP319, HP332, HP337, HP347, HP371, HP374 Library services - elderly HP031, HP055, HP096, HP251, HP324, HP327 Library services - homes for the elderly HP308, HP324 Library services - long term care HP155 Library services - tuberculosis patients HP067, HP367 Medical/hospital librarianship HP042, HP063, HP093, HP143, HP249, HP266, HP290, HP310, HP382, HP379 Music HP019, HP127, HP128 Outreach HP043, HP148, HP311, HP375 Patient/family education HP016, HP018, HP032, HP033, HP047, HP062, HP066, HP072, HP098, HP101, HP105, HP109, HP110, HP135, HP137, HP140, HP141, HP142, HP150, HP158, HP169, HP182, HP191, HP192, HP193I HP194, HP209, HP212, HP213, HP214, HP216, HP217, HP221, HP231, HP234, HP235, HP236, HP243, HP248, HP256, HP257, HP283, HP289, HP294, HP302, HP309, HP314, HP315, HP316, HP321, HP334, HP341, HP344, HP352, HP353, HP356, HP360, HP362, HP364, HP377, HP378 Patient libraries HP013, HP014, HP021, HP024, HP028, HP029, HP030, HP041, HP044, HP046, HP048, HP050, HP053, HP056, HP061, HP079, HP080, HP081, HP082, HP083, HP088, HP090, HP100, HP102, HP106, HP112, HP113, HP116, HP117, HP118, HP120, HP121, HP123, HP124, HP129, HP132, HP133, HP144, HP145, HP149, HP152, HP153, HP154, HP157, HP163, HP170, HP173, HP174, HP181, HP183, HP184, HP186, HP188, HP189, HP200, HP201, HP205, HP206, HP210, HP211, HP218, HP222, HP227, HP230, HP242, HP244, HP246, HP263, HP268, HP277, HP279, HP281, HP282, HP284, HP285, HP299, HP301, HP303, HP304, HP305, HP306, HP320, HP322, HP328, HP339, HP340, HP343, HP346, HP349, HP354, HP355, HP358, HP359, HP363, HP368, HP370, HP384, HP385, HP386 Public library service HP020, HP130, HP223, HP351, HP380 Programmes and activities HP019, HP086 Reading and reading promotion HP015, HP058, HP108, HP111, HP104, HP129, HP241, HP251, HP264, HP387

246 Subject Index

Rehabilitation HP143, HP249 Staff and staff training HP080, HP081, HP122, HP147, HP229 Standards HP007, HP313 Studies HP259, HP276, HP277 Surveys HP017, HP041, HP052, HP064, HP104, HP107, HP134, HP187, HP190, HP203, HP239, HP240, HP258, HP338, HP387 Therapy - play HP175 Therapy - poetry HP008 Therapy - reminiscence HP115 Therapy - talking books HP265 Toys HP027 User needs HP057 Users HP122

Volunteers HP119, HP310

Subject Index 247

Subject Index to the Bibliography on Prison Libraries Administration PR007, PR033, PR034, PR044, PR063, PR178, PR230, PR261, PR277, PR304, PR406, PR416, PR417, PR450, PR451, PR510, PR513, PR520, PR524, PR527, PR609, PR628 Bibliographies PR053, PR137, PR168, PR204, PR207, PR205, PR326, PR334, PR402, PR419, PR478, PR479, PR484, PR485, PR515 Bibliotherapy PR231, PR357, PR469 Biography PR070, PR158, PR234, PR316 Censorship PR145, PR165, PR278, PR301, PR428, PR522, PR581 Collections and collection development PR009, PR011, PR012, PR013, PR015, PR016, PR018, PR058, PR059, PR060, PR077, PR096, PR106, PR134, PR192, PR194, PR209, PR278, PR350, PR366, PR375, PR429, PR467, PR481, PR565, PR570, PR588, PR615, PR616, PR617, PR631, PR643 Education PR099, PR125, PR142, PR160, PR191, PR222, PR302, PR306, PR308, PR337, PR387, PR423, PR619, PR630, PR632 Evaluation PR025, PR026, PR141, PR227, PR243, PR292, PR327, PR426, PR427, PR443, PR487, PR489, PR508, PR519, PR538, PR540, PR543, PR548, PR622, PR636, PR638 Funding PR175, PR317, PR464, PR465, PR477, PR530, PR583 Government /social policy PR001, PR030, PR075, PR076, PR082, PR103, PR107, PR164, PR170, PR239, PR283, PR289, PR295, PR296, PR352, PR379, PR380, PR393, PR397, PR398, PR399, PR403, PR414, PR470, PR475, PR480, PR566, PR568, PR610, PR618, PR629 Guidelines PR019, PR021, PR023, PR042, PR101, PR178, PR184, PR185, PR186, PR195, PR266, PR313, PR404, PR449 Handbooks and manuals PR049, PR150, PR232, PR514, PR524, PR557 History PR063, PR125, PR153, PR159, PR211, PR255, PR274, PR275, PR282, PR342, PR349, PR389, PR438, PR490, PR497, PR502, PR533, PR534, PR535, PR536, PR542, PR569, PR570, PR577, PR597, PR633 Intellectual freedom PR119, PR133, PR336, PR381, PR385, PR391, PR466

248 Subject Index

Interviews PR213, PR408 Legal services/ prison law libraries PR009, PR009, PR010, PR011, PR012, PR013, PR014, PR015, PR016, PR017, PR048, PR062, PR081, PR094, PR112, PR118, PR134, PR149, PR150, PR185, PR186, PR200, PR237, PR242, PR251, PR284, PR344, PR345, PR361, PR382, PR395, PR410, PR411, PR402, PR445, PR446, PR468, PR471, PR549, PR572, PR589, PR603, PR621, PR622, PR623, PR624, PR626, PR627, PR631, PR635 Library design and architecture PR073, PR074, PR144 Library instruction PR088 Library services PR020, PR035, PR044, PR050, PR054, PR056, PR065, PR067, PR068, PR110, PR115, PR117, PR130, PR135, PR136, PR147, PR208, PR219, PR224, PR229, PR233, PR257, PR265, PR270, PR280, PR288, PR307, PR315, PR321, PR325, PR328, PR350, PR368, PR369, PR388, PR406, PR420, PR440, PR442, PR444, PR499, PR503, PR506, PR512, PR516, PR521, PR536, PR547, PR553, PR560, PR585, PR601, PR639 Literacy PR146, PR187, PR432 Prison librarianship PR006, PR124, PR129, PR188, PR205, PR254, PR272, PR273, PR305, PR309, PR360, PR393, PR403, PR409, PR482, PR509, PR515, PR523, PR544, PR551, PR554, PR555 Prison libraries PR004, PR005, PR008, PR027, PR028, PR029, PR032, PR037, PR041, PR046, PR051, PR055, PR057, PR061, PR066, PR071, PR072, PR078, PR083, PR084, PR085, PR087, PR095, PR098, PR100, PR102, PR105, PR108, PR109, PR113, PR116, PR114, PR120, PR122, PR123, PR126, PR127, PR131, PR132, PR139, PR143, PR151, PR152, PR155, PR156, PR157, PR163, PR166, PR167, PR169, PR171, PR172, PR173, PR177, PR179, PR180, PR181, PR182, PR183, PR189, PR196, PR197, PR198, PR199, PR201, PR202, PR206, PR210, PR212, PR214, PR215, PR216, PR217, PR218, PR220, PR223, PR225, PR228, PR240, PR246, PR247, PR250, PR252, PR253, PR256, PR258, PR259, PR260, PR264, PR267, PR268, PR271, PR276, PR279, PR281, PR285, PR290, PR291, PR297, PR303, PR310, PR312, PR314, PR318, PR319, PR320, PR329, PR330, PR333, PR335, PR338, PR339, PR340, PR346, PR348, PR353, PR355, PR356, PR358, PR362, PR364, PR365, PR371, PR372, PR373, PR374, PR377, PR378, PR386, PR390, PR392, PR394, PR396, PR407, PR413, PR415, PR418, PR421, PR422, PR424, PR425, PR430, PR431, PR433, PR435, PR439, PR447, PR448, PR453, PR454, PR455, PR456, PR457, PR458, PR459, PR460, PR461, PR462, PR463, PR472, PR474, PR476, PR486, PR488, PR491, PR494, PR496, PR500, PR501, PR504, PR505,

Subject Index 249

PR507, PR511, PR517, PR525, PR526, PR529, PR531, PR537, PR539, PR541, PR546, PR550, PR556, PR558, PR567, PR571, PR576, PR582, PR586, PR587, PR591, PR592, PR593, PR594, PR595, PR596, PR599, PR600, PR602, PR604, PR605, PR606, PR608, PR611, PR612, PR620, PR634, PR637, PR640, PR644, PR645, PR646, PR647, PR648, PR649, PR651 Programmes and activities PR029, PR436, PR493, PR498, PR560, PR598 Public library service PR045, PR125, PR441, PR483, PR495, PR559, PR613, PR614 Reading and reading promotion PR128, PR162, PR221, PR282, PR400, PR473, PR532, PR575 Rehabiliation PR047, PR069, PR092, PR121, PR128, PR190, PR203, PR226, PR235, PR245, PR306, PR308, PR341, PR528, PR562, PR563, PR564 Resource guides PR017 Security PR064, PR138, PR311, PR367, PR434, PR437 Staff and staff training PR091, PR160, PR174, PR289, PR331, PR351, PR376, PR509, PR552, PR555 Standards PR002, PR003, PR022, PR031, PR039, PR040, PR043, PR178, PR238, PR263, PR370, PR452, PR578, PR580, PR618, PR642 Studies PR038, PR093, PR242, PR288, PR294, PR532, PR590, PR641 Surveys PR024, PR036, PR077, PR097, PR118, PR148, PR154, PR161, PR236, PR269, PR298, PR300, PR322, PR492, PR545, PR573, PR574, PR607, PR632 User needs PR036, PR079, PR244, PR262, PR324, PR325, PR554, PR607 Users PR090, PR104, PR193, PR286, PR293, PR332, PR343, PR363, PR575, PR579, PR584, PR602, PR625, PR650 Volunteers PR174, PR383, PR405 Women PR176, PR354 Young offenders PR052, PR080, PR086, PR089, PR111, PR140, PR248, PR249, PR265, PR277, PR287, PR299, PR347, PR359, PR384, PR401, PR518, PR561,