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English Pages 475 [480] Year 1976
I FLA Publications 7
World Directory of Administrative Libraries A guide of libraries serving national, state, provincial, and länder-bodies, prepared for the Sub-Section of Administrative Libraries Edited by Otto Simmler
Verlag Dokumentation, Publishers, München 1976
IFLA Publications edited by W. R. H. Koops and P. Havard-Williams
Recommended catalog entry: World Directory of Administrative Libraries. A guide of libraries serving national, state, provincial, and Länder-bodies, prepared for the Sub-Section of Administrative Libraries. Edited by Otto Simmler. München: Verlag Dokumentation, 1976. 475 p.; 21 cm (IFLA Publications, 7) ISBN 3-7940-4427-4
Publisher: Verlag Dokumentation Saur KG, München D-8000 München 71, POB 71 10 09, Federal Republic of Germany © 1 9 7 6 by International Federation of Library Associations, The Hague, The Netherlands Printed and bound by Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg ISBN 3-7940-4427-4
Preface (English) Vorwort (German) Introduction (English)
7 27 47
Einleitung (German) Introduction (French) Introduction (Russian)
53 59 65
Explanatory Notes . . .
D i r e c t o r y
Indices Indéx of the Librarians Index of the Libraries Comparative List of the Official and the English Names Topographic Index
401 413 . 427 443
Questionnaire (Example)
At its 7th session h e l d in M a d r i d in 193^, the International Library Committee (Comité international des b i b l i o thèques, CIB; Internationaler Bibliotheks-Ausschuss)
IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations; F é d é r a t i o n internationale des associations de bibliothécaires, FIAB; Internationaler Verband der
discussed the organisation of the Second International L i b r a r y Congress. F o r the first time, the programme of the Congress provided for a grouping of the scheduled meetings and discussions b y types of libraries. Under this proposal submitted b y the organisers, special libraries
the following categories: 1. Company a n d business libraries
d'entreprises industrielles et commerciales); 2. a) Parliamentary libraries (Bibliothèques p a r l e mentaires) ; b) Administrative libraries
administratives). Subsequently, at the Second International Congress for Librarians and Bibliography held in M a d r i d and Barcelona in 1935, the Sub-Committee on Special Libraries
administrative libraries) as well as a separate
on Parliamentary Libraries were set up. 'This situation has repeated itself in 1976 in the discussions on the new IFLA constitution. Areas of especially urgent concern mentioned in this context included the cooperation of special
w i t h the "Institut international de documentation", and more particularly for administrative libraries, the rationalisation of legal
8 As the 'Actes du Comité international des bibliothèques' show, the work of "special libraries" has increasingly tended to shift towards science and technology; hence as early as 1938, the administrative libraries, in a resolution adopted at the 11th session of the CIB in Brussels, decided to join with the parliamentary libraries in a special Sous-Commission des Bibliothèques parlementaires et administratives. However, the report on that session is exclusively concerned with questions relating to parliamentary libraries. It was only at the 12th session of the CIB held in The Hague and Amsterdam in 1939 that J.FORCHER read a paper on French ministerial libraries, which thus became the first report on administrative libraries ever to be presented to IFLA. The structure of the Sub-Committee and its objectives remained unaltered at the 13th session of the CIB which took place in Oslo in 1947, so that administrative libraries continued to fall within the province of both Sub-Committees. The report presented by the Sous-Commission des bibliothèques parlementaires et administratives to the 14th session of the CIB held in London in 1948 proposed that close cooperation should be initiated between parliamentary libraries and administrative libraries, since in some countries parliamentary libraries were the only information channels towards the decentralised administrative libraries. Again, this Commission pattern has remained all but unchanged until 1976. However, administrative libraries have been permanently incorporated in the title of the "Sous-commission" since 1948. The recommendation concerning the future activities of the "Sous-commission" submitted by N.W. WILDING at the 14th session was transformed into a questionnaire by E.G.L. WE A T HERLE Y at the 15th session held in Basle in 1949. This 1st IFLA questionnaire on the activities of parliarrentary and administrative libraries read as follows :
1. Are you willing to become a m e m b e r of the IFLA Sub-Committee on P a r l i a m e n t a r y and Administrative libraries recognizing that it is desirable to link together the governmental a n d administrative
raries of the world? 2. Are y o u in a p o s i t i o n to: (a) Adopt IFLA's echeme for the international
of books and official publications? (b) Supply (1) photostat copies or (2) microfilms? (c) Advise where such books or publications m a y be obtained 3. Are y o u able to obviate the delays and erratic d e liveries to w h i c h the present international
of parliamentary and official publications is subject? If not, what suggestions can y o u offer? Are y o u p r e p a r e d to circulate among parliamentary and administrative libraries lists of duplicates or of books for w h i c h you have no further use? 5. M a n y embassies and legations issue publications in the language of the country to w h i c h they are attached, e.g. digests of the laws of their own country. Are y o u collecting these, or do y o u contemplate doing so? This questionnaire was sent to 61 parliamentary libraries, of which, according to Weatherley's report 19 h a d responded b y 1950 w h e n the CIB met in L o n d o n for its 1 6 t h session. As its 18th session in Copenhagen in 1952, the CIB decided to keep the questionnaire project going. At the 19th session of the "Conseil de la FIAB" carries on the numbering of its predecessor's
h e l d in Vienna in 1953, D. S T A R A C E stressed the great additional importance of administrative libraries for the exchange of official documents, and once more
attention to the extremely complex organisational patterns of administrative libraries in the various countries. As regards responses to the questionnaire, Starace was able to report to the 20th session of the "Conseil de la FIAB" held in Zagreb in 1954 that 126 administrative libraries from 8 countries had been cooperating. For the first time, administrative libraries dominated the activities of the Sub-Committee in quantitative terms. When the "Conseil" met for its 21st session under the auspices of the Third International Congress of Libraries in Brussels in 1955» the qualitative impact of the broader participation of administrative libraries in international library activities became apparent as well. F.CORNELIUS, F.PETITJEAN and K.PETERS began to study special issues raised by the role of administrative libraries in the field of education. In subsequent years, the Sub-Committee's work demonstrated with increasing clarity the differences in the functions and governmental status of parliamentary libraries and administrative libraries as well as their staffs. A resolution proposed by G. PORFIRIO at the 23rd session of the "Conseil" in Paris in 1957» and carried unanimously, provided that the chairman and his deputy should between them represent both types of libraries. The resolution also called on governments, the "International Institute of Administrative Sciences" and UNESCO to ensure better integration of administrative libraries and their staffs into government administrative structures and into the administrative sciences. For the first time, the resolution called attention to the work being done by parliamentary and administrative libraries in the field of political documentation. At its 24th session held in Madrid in 1958, the "Conseil" nominated K.G.WERNICKE to represent IFLA at the 1959 congress of the "International Institute of Administrative Sciences", his mission being to gain the Institute's support in surveying administrative
libraries and integrating them into governmental ministrative
On the contacts made b y h i m at this congress held in Wiesbaden Wernicke reported to the 25th session of the "Conseil" in Warsaw, 1959· At the same time, IFLA launched its 2nd questionnaire on administrative
raries. Over 60 national organisations of librarians were asked to send complete lists of their countries' administrative libraries to the
These lists were to contain the following data: 1. Address of the library; 2. Special functions and particular areas of collection; 3. Number of volumes; 4. Current periodicals. At the 26th session of the "Conseil" in Lund/Malmö, 1960, the Sub-Committee decided to compile and p u b l i s h the 1st directory of administrative libraries on the basis of the replies received in response to the
The Sub-Committee also decided to intensify cooperation w i t h the International Institute of Administrative
and to make contact w i t h the International A s s o c i a t i o n of Law Libraries. In view of the small number of responses to the second questionnaire, the Conseil decided at its 27th session in Edinburgh, 1961, to issue only a limited, provisional list of administrative libraries to be circulated to all national organisations of librarians and related institutions with the request to supplement and correct it. The Sub-Committee was rechristened Committee of Parliamentary, Administrative and International Libraries. Delegates also expressed the desire for a large-scale comparative study to be made of the organisational
of national and international administrative libraries. At the same time, national correspondents were to be nominated to facilitate the inclusion of otherwise
12 administrative
In 1962, at its 28th session held in Berne, the "Conseil" took note of the Provisional List of Parliamentary and Administrative Libraries compiled in the meantime. At the 29th session of the "Conseil" h e l d in S o f i a in 1963, what was now the Section of Parliamentary and Administrative Libraries drew the attention of IFLA to the difficulties involved in the compilation of the list of administrative libraries, asking the F e d e r a t i o n for financial assistance. The report presented b y S.FURLANI also requested the members of IFLA to set up national organisations of parliamentary and administrative w i t h a view to improving international
At its 30th session (Rome, 1964), the IFLA Council created a special W o r k i n g Group u n d e r K.I.L.M.PETERS to study the functions a n d services of administrative
UNESCO was asked for financial aid with the publication of the study. A preliminary report was presented b y Peters to the 32nd session of the IFLA Council (The H a g u e , 1966). D e s c r i b e d as a "provisional outline", it was entitled "Functions of ministerial libraries and services to be rendered". The report outlined the following topics as essential constituents of a final survey of the tasks of administrative
libraries: 1. Historical b a c k g r o u n d of problems relating to administrative libraries within the framework of IFLA; 2. Study to be restricted to ministerial libraries in their role as the basis of governmental
systems for decisionmakers in government and administration; 3· Ministerial libraries as integral constituents of administrative systems and hence information policy as part of government policy, w i t h special reference to the libraries of central departments
Despite t h e i r administrative integration,
tive libraries should be independent in technical respects w i t h i n each authority; 5. Administrative libraries should concentrate
special fields, works of reference and p r i n t e d matter, functioning as clearing houses for their departments w i t h respect to the procurement of documents from national and international
ces ; 6. P r o v i s i o n of legal, political and economic d o c u mentation services, from the edition of b i b l i o graphies to the listing of abstracts; 7. Information work through the anticipation and continuous scientific analysis of consumer needs b y information experts; 8. P u b l i c a t i o n of official documents in b i b l i o g r a phies, journals, reports a n d in information retrieval format ; 9. National and international cooperation b e t w e e n administrative libraries and other
institutions. The Section took note of this list of topics and asked its author to submit the final report as soon as possible and in particular to make practical proposals regarding international cooperation between administrative libraries. Moreover, delegates expressed the v i e w that a special S u b - S e c t i o n of Administrative
should be set up u n d e r the auspices of the joint S e c tion of Parliamentary and Administrative
At the 33rd session of the IFLA Council (Toronto, 1967), the new chairman, K.G.WERNICKE, again stressed the n e e d for the publication of a Guide of Parliamentary and A d ministrative Libraries. It was suggested that a list
of parliamentary libraries should be compiled as a first step towards this aim. Another subject discussed was the question of cooperation between parliamentary libraries and administrative libraries. At the 35th session of the General Council of IFLA held in Copenhagen in 1969, the questionnaire project launched in Toronto was reduced in scope, the aim now being to compile only a Guide to Parliamentary Libraries. As a result of another report by Peters ("The promotion of functioning and bibliographic co-operation of MILIC") a new Working Party was set up to study the status of administrative libraries throughout the world. At the 36th session of the General Council of IFLA (Moscow, 1970), the two new members of this Working Party, G.SILVESTRI and 0.SIMMLER, stated their views on how to achieve better coordination and cooperation between the different types of administrative libraries in the various member countries of IFLA. They proposed to launch a 4th questionnaire limited to administrative libraries, with a pattern of questions oriented ab initio towards the objectives of a future functional analysis of administrative libraries as outlined in the Peters report. With a view to these activities and given the many other problems specific to each of the two types of libraries, a Sub-Section of Administrative Libraries was established, with 0.SIMMLER being elected its chairman. As an example of a functional analysis on the national scale, Peters reported to the 37th session of the General Council (Liverpool, 1971) on relevant work done in the Netherlands. The Meeting decided that the Sub-Section should deal with the following problems in the year to come: 1. Demarcation of the Sub-Section from the various Sub-Sections devoted to special libraries;
2. Status of administrative libraries within government information systems; 3. Training of qualified administrative
Moreover, the following contents of the questionnaire planned in Moscow were submitted by Silvestri and adopted unanimously: Ί. Official name of the library; 2. Name in English translation; 3. Country, place, exact postal address of the
4. Telephone and telex numbers; 5. Important areas of collection;
6. Holdings (a) total holdings in volumes; (b) number of regularly carried periodicals; (c) other materials administered by the library; 7. Name and title of the chief librarian; 8. Number of staff; 9· Important services offered by the
(a) participation in international lending schemes; (b) copying
(c) documentation services; (dJ literature research; 10. Does the library have, or does it plan to acquire, an electronic data processing facility? 11. Is a functional analysis of the tasks of the library available? On the basis of this resolution, Simuler designed the questionnaire printed in the annex and at the same time wrote a computer evaluation programme. Hence it is now possible not only to publish a register of administrative libraries but also to set up an information system on international administrative libraries which is readily accessible to enquiries and supplementation at any time. Moreover, offprints of the register compiled on widely
v a r y i n g sets of criteria can be regularly supplied to IFLA members. The questionnaire, in E n g l i s h , was sent out in two groups on 1 August, 1972. In Group 1, a letter v;as sent to the libraries of all m e m b e r countries of IFLA asking t h e m to distribute the questionnaires to administrative libraries k n o w n to them. In Group 2, all individual administrative libraries and/or librarians k n o w n to the Sub-Section were invited to complete the
Of a total of 700 questionnaires dispatched, 71 were returned w i t h i n a month. W i t h respect to individual questions, there was some confusion in the answers to Q u e s t i o n 10, "Personnel", since m a n y countries do not distinguish between documentalists, a n d information
It was therefore decided at the General Council's 38th session held in Budapest in 1972 that these items of the questionnaire should only be completed b y those countries w h i c h make this distinction in the training and job d e s c r i p t i o n of the personnel concerned. It w a s intended to evaluate the c o m p l e t e d questionnaires
early 1973, w i t h the Standing Advisory Committee of the Sub-section of Administrative Libraries set up in Budapest supervising the final editing. This body, known as the SAC, is composed of the following members: BRUZELIUS, M a r i a Luise (Arbejdgs- og Socialministerierne, Biblioteket
Slotsholmsgade 12, 1216 K / b e n h a v n ,
DE HEGT, W.F. (Ministerie v a n Oderwijs en Weteiischappen; Nieuwe U i t e l e g 1, 's Gravenhage,
KRINGLEN, S t e i n (Ministry of C o n s u m e r - and Administrative Affairs; Akersgt. 4-2 - Oslo-Dep.N-Oslo 1, Norway) MALLABER, K.A. (Board of Trade Library Service; 1 Victoria Street S.W.1, London, Great Britain)
SILVESTRI, Gerhard (Bundesministerium für Unterricht u n d Kunst; P o s t f a c h 65, A-1014- Wien,
SIMULER, Otto (Administrative Bibliothek u n d Österreichische Rechtsdokumentation im Bundeskanzleramt;, Herrengasse
A-1010 Wien, Austria) SPICER, Erik (Library of P a r l i a m e n t , Ottawa, Canada)
In addition, Bruzelius, de Regt, Kringlen and Simmler represent the Sub-Section in the SAC of the S e c t i o n of P a r liamentary and Administrative Libraries. Simmler's paper on "The Function of Administrative Libraries w i t h i n the F r a m e work of Government Information Systems" should be seen as the beginning of a discussion on participation in departmental, national and international information networks. At the 39th session of the General Council
1973), Simmler was able to report that a total of 92 distribution agencies had b e e n approached, of w h i c h 38 had responded. B y 15 August, 1973, 560, or about 75 % of the questionnaires h a d b e e n returned. Questionnaires were received from 38 countries throughout the world; in percentage terms, the list was headed by the E u r o p e a n countries, followed b y America, Asia, Australia and Africa. In connection w i t h these statistics, however, we must also mention the correspondence conducted b y the Sub-Section w i t h the distributing agencies and individual libraries. This consisted of over 200 letters, some of them of considerable lenght. It is particularly important to m e n t i o n this, since the
majority of inquiries from the v e r y beginning related to the definition of the term "administrative
It was for that reason that the chairman of the
discussed the functions of administrative libraries at the Budapest meeting, setting these libraries in the context of government information systems.
From statements made by many libraries exercising official functions, from information supplied by fellowlibrarians and from queries submitted by many public authorities in connection with the questionnaire, it was found that the functions in question are fulfilled by various types of libraries in various countries. Two main types may be distinguished. These functions may be exercised by: 1. special libraries created for the purpose; normally these libraries are attached to administrative authorities; or 2. libraries which also serve other purposes, such as parliamentary, national or university libraries. Hence it is suggested that future studies on the specific problems of administrative libraries should concentrate on Type 1, with reference to Type 2 wherever the libraries concerned furnish regular information services on a considerable scale to important public authorities. Information supplied to authorities is, of course, the decisive criterion for this choice, and in this respect the functions of the two types are, to say the least, very similar. Libraries which do not have their own documentation and information personnel should not be included in these studies, since they do not meet the information criterion. Responsibility for keeping books ready for use by officials does not in itself constitute a sufficient criterion for an information service. Or to put it more explicitly: a library which exercises only library, but not documentation and information functions is not an administrative library. In other words, on the basis of the replies to the questionnaire, the future work of the Sub-Section should
concentrate, not o n the libraries b y themselves but on all the functions of libraries w h i c h provide
tation and information services to agencies of central government departments or, in countries w i t h a federal constitution, to agencies of the central departments of states or provinces. Hence the core of the problem lies in the demands m a d e b y the public authorities on the
libraries. However, the final evaluation of the
could not be a t t e m p t e d u n t i l positive or negative
h a d b e e n received f r o m all d i s t r i b u t i o n agencies. It was therefore p r o p o s e d that the S u b - S e c t i o n should issue an urgent r e m i n d e r to all tardy agencies. In addition, the Sub-Section w a s to ask all national library a s s o ciations for their support. I n some countries, such as the U n i t e d States, national questionnaire projects were in progress, whose results h a d b e e n promised to the Sub-Section. In view of the great importance of the p u b l i c a t i o n of a W o r l d Directory of Administrative Libraries f o r the future development of libraries providing national, state and provincial authorities w i t h library services, the Sub-Section of Administrative Libraries
the Executive B o a r d to support the publication of such a Guide. Consequently, the General Council meeting in Grenoble in 1973 unanimously adopted the following resolution: "In view of the importance for the future
of a W o r l d Directory of Libraries serving national,
provincial and lander bodies, the Sub-section of A d ministrative Libraries requests the support of the E x e cutive Board in publishing such a Guide." The resolution adopted in Grenoble in 1973 and endorsed by the General Assembly w h i c h called on the Executive Board to support the p u b l i c a t i o n of a w o r l d -
wide register of administrative libraries remained without effect. By the time the General Council of IFLA met for its 40th session in Washington in 1974-, only 20 libraries had responded to the Sub-Section's reminder. As a result, information was lacking in particular on the Socialist countries and many nations in the Third World. The evaluation of the questionnaires and the related correspondence had shown that, although all IFLA member countries were willing to cooperate in the Directory, considerable difficulties continued to exist with respect to the definition of administrative libraries. These difficulties stem from the different tasks assigned to administrative libraries within the various national library systems. Hence Simmler, with the assistance of his own agency (the Administrative Library and Austrian Legal Documentation Service in the Austrian Federal Chancellery), made a survey of national yearbooks and other official directories with a view to extracting relevant information. A report on his findings was presented to the Sub-Section in Washington. This report was approved unanimously. At the same time, it was decided to compare its findings as regards administrative libraries with a number of national library registers. Any new aspects emerging from these studies (including addresses of libraries) were to be incorporated into a new questionnaire to be sent out in February 1975 to member countries from which no responses had as yet been received. It was decided that the SAC should meet in Vienna in 1975 to compile all data already on hand and expected to arrive in response to the new questionnaire, and to write a preface containing an exhaustive definition, for international purposes, of the functions of administrative libraries. Travel and living costs for the foreign participants in this interim meeting were assured by grants from the Austrian federal administration. After the
meeting, its results would be discussed w i t h the publisher V e r l a g Dokumentation w i t h a view to publication of the guide b y the firm. In this way, it would be possible to present a draft of the guide in manuscript format in Oslo in 1975· This mode of procedure was also approved unanimously. Further, the Sub-Section, b o t h in the meeting of its SAC and in its plenary session, discussed the reorganisation draft submitted b y the Program Development Group. It was decided unanimously to endorse the r e solution adopted b y the SAC and plenary session of the Section of Parliamentary and Administrative
To add further support, a reasoning was drafted and unanimously
The resolution adopted b y the Section and the Sub-Section and unanimously carried in the General Assembly reads as follows: "Whereas the S e c t i o n of Parliamentary and Administrative Libraries was asked to comment on the proposals put forth regarding the reorganization of IFLA and whereas the members of the S e c t i o n of Parliamentary and Administrative Libraries are more knowledgeable about the nature of these libraries than any other group or individuals w i t h i n IFLA, or outside IFLA, the Section of Parliamentary and A d ministrative Libraries confirms the decisions taken, after considerable discussion, b y the SAC of the Section of P a r liamentary and Administrative Libraries and the SAC of the Sub-Section of Administrative Libraries and recommends that: 1. The existing section of parliamentary and administrative libraries be divided into two separate
a) a parliamentary library section b) an administrative or governmental library section 2. A Section of Parliamentary libraries become
"b" of the p r o p o s e d new General Research Libraries Division
3. A Section of Administrative or Governmental Libraries become section "a" of the Specialized Research Libraries Division It is recommended that a favorable decision be confirmed in this regard without undue delay or modification." The reasoning adopted by the Sub-Section for the above resolution and for the Oslo talks had the following English wording (the text in the other IPLA languages was uncontested): "The Administrative or Governmental Libraries are specialized libraries, whose primary purpose it is to serve the state on governmental level." At the interim meeting of the SAC held in Vienna from 3 to 5 June, 1975, at the invitation of the chairman of the Sub-Section, 0. Simmler, and with financial assistance from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research, it was decided to complete the editorial work on the world directory of administrative libraries in time for the Oslo meeting. Under another item in the agenda, the SAC discussed in depth the technical Introduction to the Directory, where it was intended to provide a definition demarcating administrative libraries from other IPLA libraries. The English text was unanimously adopted as the authentic wording of this technical definition. Also at the Vienna meeting, the Secretary of the SAC, G. Silvestri, resigned and M.L.Bruzelius was chosen to succeed him. In the discussion on the future position of the Sub-Section within IFLA, it was decided to propose the following amendment of Article 20 of the Draft Statutes: Divisions: Art. 20
There shall be the following Divisions: If IFLA is willing to change the name of the
S p e c i a l i s e d Libraries into Specialised R e search Libraries, the existing
of Administrative L i b r a r i e s want to be a subdivision of this division. The time b e t w e e n the V i e n n a SAC m e e t i n g and Oslo, 1975i was used to prepare the German, F r e n c h and R u s s i a n t r a n s l a tions of the I n t r o d u c t i o n to the W o r l d Directory, and to complete the manuscript b y 1 August, 1975· I n Oslo, the Sub-Section of Administrative
reversing the W a s h i n g t o n and V i e n n a decisions, in all meetings seconded the proposal put forward b y the Section f o r Parliamentary a n d Administrative Libraries to aim for a separate "Division for Parliamentary,
and Judicial Libraries." The reason is that these libraries, unlike the rest of the IFLA libraries, are direct servants of the State. As information systems, they are therefore integral parts of their organisations. This is reflected in the fact that the three types of libraries m e n t i o n e d above c a n only be seen in the context of the organisations w h i c h maintain them, and have to f u r n i s h t h e i r information services w i t h i n the framework of these organisations. Should IFLA f i n d itself unable to agree to such a 5th Division, the S u b - S e c t i o n intends to revive the decisions a d o p t e d in W a s h i n g t o n and Vienna, i.e. the separation of parliamentary libraries and
libraries. It w o u l d then be acceptable to group the a d ministrative libraries w i t h the Special Libraries as a separate
The Directory was p r e s e n t e d to the Oslo meeting in all its manuscript variants. Decisions were taken w i t h respect to the f o r m and length of entries, the subject index, the four-language technical Introduction into the problems of administrative libraries, and a Preface b y the editor,0. Simmler.
24 I n a letter dated 12 December, 1975, the Publications Committee of IFLA stated its intention to have the Directory published b y Verlag D o k u m e n t a t i o n under the title
W o r l d Directory of Administrative Libraries" as volume 7 of IFLA Publications. Sincere thanks are due for this d e c i s i o n to the members of the Publications Committee
the publisher, Verlag Dokumentation. The chairman of the S u b - S e c t i o n owes a particular debt of gratitude to all m e m b e r s of the SAC for their constant and d e v o t e d c o o p e r a t i o n and, not least, for sharing w i t h the editor the responsibility for the p u b lication of the Directory in its present form w h i c h must be seen against the backdrop of the case-history of d i f f i culties outlined earlier. More especially, the following points should be noted: 1. The "World Directory of Administrative is not a complete listing of all
libraries in all IFLA member countries but the first edition of a work of reference on all accessible administrative libraries. Hence it is fully realised that this e d i t i o n is incomplete .It should be regarded as a n invitation to all governments and institutions
libraries as well as to all library associations and to the administrative libraries
to contribute to the second edition. In view of the m a n i f o l d efforts undertaken in the past few decades w i t h relatively little success, the S u b - S e c t i o n hopes that this approach will be more rewarding in terms of future international r a t i o n in the field of administrative
in t h e i r role as one of the nillars of government information systems. 2. I n the past, the m a i n problem in the analysis a n d
bibliographic treatment of the questionnaire data has been the different interpretation of the functions and services of administrative libraries in the cultural, legal and administrative systems of the member countries of IFLA. The purpose of the four-language Introduction (with authentic German and English texts and French and Russian translations) is therefore to provide an internationally comparable study in definitions of administrative libraries. 3· All data contained in the Introduction, the entries and the registers are stored in a computer where they can be recalled, corrected and supplemented at any time. Any such alterations will, of course, be incorporated in future editions. They should be communicated to the editor, 0. Simmler, at the following address:
SektRat Dir.Dr.Otto SIMMLER Herrengasse 23 A-1010 Vienna/Austria
Head, Information Policy Department, Federal Chancellery, Vienna Director, Administrative Library and Austrian Legal Documentation Service, Federal Chancellery Lecturer in information sciences, University of Linz Chairman of the Sub-Section for Administrative Libraries of IFLA
VORWORT Der Internationale Bibliotheks-Ausschuß (Comité
tional des bibliothèques, CIB; International L i b r a r y C o m mittee) von IFLA (Fédération internationale des a s s o c i a tions de bibliothécaires, FIAB; International
of Library Associations; Internationaler V e r b a n d der B i b liothekar-Vereine) hat sich in seiner 7· Sitzung in M a d r i d , 1934, mit der Organisation des 2. Internationalen B i b liotheks-Kongresses befaßt. E r s t m a l s enthielt das K o n g r e ß programm eine fachliche Gliederung der V e r a n s t a l t u n g e n nach Bibliothekstypen. N a c h diesem umfaßten die
1. Betriebs- und Wirtschaftsbibliotheken
thèques d'entreprises industrielles et c o m m e r ciales) 2. a) Parlamentsbibliotheken
(Bibliothèques p a r l e -
mentaires) b) Behördenbibliotheken (Bibliothèques
stratives) . Auf dem 2. Internationalen K o n g r e ß für Bibliothekare und Bibliographie in Madrid und Barcelona, 1955, sodann, sind das Sub-Committee on Special Libraries, das a u c h die Behördenbibliotheken betreute, u n d ein eigenes
on Parliamentary Libraries gegründet worden. Diese
nerzeitige Situation wiederholt s i c h in der Gegenwart wieder in der Diskussion u m die n e u e n IFLA-Statuten 1976. Als besonders vordringlich wurde für die
theken die Zusammenarbeit mit dem "Institut
de documentation" und insbesondere, was auch die B e h ö r d e n bibliotheken anbelangt, die Rationalisierung der R e c h t s dokumentation bezeichnet.
Wie aus den 'Actes du Comité international des b i b l i o ) thèques hervorgeht, hat sich die Arbeit der Spezialbibliotheken immer m e h r auf den naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Bereich verlagert, sodaß die B e hördenbibliotheken sich schon in einer R e s o l u t i o n der 11. Sitzung des CIB in Brüssel, 1938, als eigene Sous-Commission des Bibliothèques parlementaires et administratives mit den P a r l a m e n t s b i b l i o t h e k e n
sammenschließen. Der Bericht dieser S i t z u n g b e h a n delt jedoch ausschließlich F r a g e n der P a r l a m e n t s bibliotheken. Erst in der 12. Sitzung des C I B in den Haag und Amsterdam, 1939, gibt J. P O R C H E R einen Bericht über die französischen Ministerialbibliotheken, der damit der erste Bericht ü b e r
innerhalb v o n IFLA geworden ist. A u c h im Verlauf der 13. Sitzung des CIB in Oslo, 1947, hat sich in der Struktur des Sub-Committees u n d in dessen Zielsetzungen nichts geändert, sodaß die B e hördenbibliotheken weiterhin fachlich b e i d e n S u b committees zugeordnet erscheinen. Im Bericht der Sous-Commission des bibliothèques
et administratives auf der 14·. Sitzung des C I B in London, 1948, w i r d vorgeschlagen, daß eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen den P a r l a m e n t s - u n d Behördenbibliotheken beginnen sollte, da die P a r l a m e n t s b i b l i o t h e k e n in einzelnen S t a a t e n die e i n z i g e n Informationsverbindungen zu d e n dezentralisierten B e hördenbibliotheken bilden. A u c h in dieser Kommissionsstruktur hat sich bis zum Jahre 1976 fast nichts geändert. Die Behördenbibliotheken sind aber seit 194-8 in den Titel der Sous-commission endgültig
worden. Die in dieser 14. S i t z u n g für die weitere Arbeit der Sous-commission v o n N.W. WILDING v o r g e legte Empfehlung wurde auf der 15· Sitzung in Basel, 1949, v o n E.G.L. WEATHERLEY in einen F r a g e b o g e n umgearbeitet.
29 Dieser 1. Fragebogen von IFLA zur Erfassung der Aktivitäten von Parlaments- und Behördenbibliotheken hatte folgenden Wortlaut: 1. Are you willing to become a member of the IFLA Sub-Committee on Parliamentary and Administrative libraries recognizing that it is desirable to link together the governmental and administrative libraries of the world? 2. Are you in a position to: (a) Adopt IFLA's scheme for the international loan of books and official publications? (b) Supply (1) photostat copies or (2) microfilms? (c) Advise where such books or publications may be obtained? 3. Are you able to obviate the delays and erratic deliveries to which the present international exchange of parliamentary and official publications is subject? If not, what suggestions can you offer? 4-. Are you prepared to circulate among parliamentary and administrative libraries lists of duplicates or of books for which you have no further use? 5· Many embassies and legations issue publications in the language of the country to which they are attached, e.g. digests of the laws of their own country. Are you collecting these, or do you contemplate doing so? Dieser Fragebogen wurde an 61 Parlamentsbibliotheken versandt, wovon bis zur 16. Sitzung des OIB in London, 1950, gemäß Weatherley's Bericht 19 Bibliotheken geantwortet haben.
Die Fortsetzung der Fragebogenaktion wurde dann auf der 18. Sitzung des CIB in Kopenhagen, 1952, beschlossen. Auf der fortgezählten 19· Sitzung des Conseil de la FIAB in Wien, 1953, hob D. STARACE die große zusätzliche Bedeutung der Behördenbibliotheken für den Austausch der Amtsschriften hervor und verwies von neuem auf die überaus komplizierte Organisation der Behördenbibliotheken in den einzelnen Staaten. Als Reaktion auf die Fragebogenaktion konnte Starace auf der 20. Sitzung des Conseil de la FIAB in Zagreb, 1954-» auf die Mitarbeit von 126 Behördenbibliotheken aus 8 Staaten verweisen. Die Behördenbibliotheken sind erstmals quantitativer Schwerpunkt des Sub-Committees geworden. Im Rahmen des 3· International Congress of Libraries zur 21. Sitzung des Conseil in Brüssel, 1955> haben sich dann auch qualitative Ergebnisse der breiteren Beteiligung von Behördenbibliotheken an der internationalen Bibliotheksarbeit niedergeschlagen. F. CORNELIUS, F. PETITJEAN und K. PETERS haben sich mit Spezialfragen der Behördenbibliotheken auf dem Gebiete des Erziehungswesens beschäftigt. In den folgenden Jahren hat sich immer deutlicher in der Kommissionsarbeit der Unterschied in den Aufgaben und und in der staatlichen Stellung der Parlaments- und Behördenbibliotheken sowie ihres Personals abgezeichnet. Die auf der 23. Sitzung des Conseil in Paris, 1957i von G. PORFIRIO eingebrachte und einstimmig verabschiedete Resolution , sah die jeweilige Kopplung des Vorsitzenden und seines Stellvertreters für beide Bibliothekstypen vor und beinhaltete materiell das Ersuchen an die einzelnen Regierungen, an das'International Institute of Administrative Sciences und an UNESCOydie Behördenbibliotheken und ihr Personal intensiver in die
staatliche Verwaltung und in die Verwaltungswissenschaften zu integrieren. Erstmals enthält diese Resolution auch einen Hinweis auf die Durchführung von politischer Dokumentation durch die Parlaments- und Behördenbibliotheken. Anläßlich der 24-. Sitzung des Conseil in Madrid, 1958, wurde K.G. WERNICKE als Vertreter von IFLA zum 1959 vom International Institute of Administrative Sciences abgehaltenen Kongreß entsandt, mit der Aufgabe, dieses Institut bei der Erfassung der Behördenbibliotheken und ihrer behördlichen Integration zu gewinnen. Uber seine Kontakte auf diesem Kongreß in Wiesbaden, 1959, berichtete Wernicke in der 25· Sitzung des Conseil in Warschau, 1959· Gleichzeitig wurde in Warschau die 2. Fragebogenaktion von IFLA über Behördenbibliotheken begonnen, dadurch,daß damals mehr als 60 nationale Bibliothekar-Vereine gebeten wurden, entsprechend ausgefüllte Listen ihrer Behördenbibliotheken an das Sub-Committee zu senden. Diese Liste sollte enthalten: 1. Bibliotheksadresse 2. Spezialaufgaben und Sondersammelgebiete 3. Bandzahl 4. Laufende Periodika Das Sub-Committee beschloß daraufhin in der 26. Sitzung des Conseil in Lund/Malmö, 1960, die Ergebnisse der genannten Aktion zu einem 1. Behördenbibliotheks-Verzeichnis zusammenzufassen und zu veröffentlichen. Weiterhin wurde die engere ZusammenarI
beit mit dem International Institute of Administrative Sciences und die Aufnahme der Beziehungen zur'international Association of Law Libraries beschlossen. Im Hinblick auf die geringe Antwortquote bei der 2. Fragebogenaktion wurde in der 27· Sitzung des Conseil in Edinburgh, 1961, beschlossen, nur eine begrenzte und
vorläufige Behördenbibliotheksliste herauszugeben, sie zirkulieren zu lassen u n d alle nationalen BibliothekarVereine und verwandten Institutionen zu ersuchen, E r gänzungen und K o r r e k t u r e n vorzunehmen. D e r Name des Committee wurde auf Committee of Parliamentary, A d ministrative and International Libraries
Es wurde der W u n s c h ausgedrückt, eine großangelegte Vergleichsstudie der Organisation von n a t i o n a l e n und internationalen Behördenbibliotheken
Gleichzeitig sollten nationale Korrespondenten die Erfassung v o n nicht erreichbaren
erleichtern. Die provisorische Liste der Parlaments- u n d B e hördenbibliotheken (Provisional List of the P a r l i a mentary and Administrative Libraries) war dann in der 28. Sitzung des Conseil in Bern, 1962, zur K e n n t nis genommen worden. Die Schwierigkeiten bei der Herausgabe des B e hördenbibliotheksverzeichnisses wurden in der 29. Sitzung des Conseil in Sofia, 1963, v o n der nunmehrigen S e c t i o n of Parliamentary and Administrative an IFLA mit dem Ersuchen u m finanzielle
herangebracht. Der Bericht v o n S. FURLANI beinhaltete auch das E r s u c h e n an die nationale P a r l a m e n t s - u n d
IFLA-Mitgliedsvereinigungen Behördenbibliotheksorga-
nisationen zu etablieren, damit die
Koordination verbessert w e r d e n kann. In der Jo. Sitzung des IFLA-Council in Rom, 1964, wurde zur Untersuchung der A u f g a b e n u n d Dienstleistungen v o n B e h ö r d e n bibliotheken eine eigene Arbeitsgruppe
(Working Group)
unter K.I.L.M. PETERS eingesetzt u n d UNESCO u m finanzielle Hilfe bei der Veröffentlichung
D e n ersten Bericht legte dann Peters in der 32. Sitzung des IFLA-Council in d e n Haag, 1966, mit der
Bezeichnung "Functions of ministerial libraries and services to be rendered." als Inhaltsentwurf (Provisional outline) vor. Dieser Inhaltsentwurf skizzierte folgende Themen als für den endgültigen Bericht über die Aufgabenstellung der Behördenbibliotheken als notwendig. 1. Historische Entwicklung der Behördenbibliotheksprobleme in IFLA. 2. Begrenzung auf Ministerialbibliotheken als Grundlage von Eegierungsinformationssystemen für die Entscheidungsträger in Regierung und Verwaltung. 3. Ministerialbibliotheken als integrierende Bestandteile von Verwaltungssystemen und daher Informationspolitik als Teil der Regierungspolitik mit besonderer Bezugnahme auf die Bibliotheken der Zentralstellen (Ministerien). 4. Trotz administrativer Integration fachlich selbständige Organisation innerhalb der jeweiligen Behörde. 5. Besondere Beschränkung auf Sondersammelgebiete, Nachschlagewerke und Druckwerke als Clearingstelle für nationale und internationale Dokumentenbeschaffung der eigenen Zentralstelle. 6. Rechtliche, politische und wirtschaftliche Dokumentation von der Herausgabe von Bibliographien bis zur Erfassung von Abstracts. 7· Informationsarbeit durch Vorwegnahme und laufende wissenschaftliche Analyse der Benützerbedürfnisse durch Informationsexperten. 8. Veröffentlichung von Amtsschriften in Bibliographien, Zeitschriften, Reports und in Information Retrieval-Form.
9. Nationale und internationale Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Behördenbibliotheken und anderen gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Institutionen. Diese Themen wurden von der Sektion mit dem Ersuchen zur Kenntnis genommen, ehebaldigst den endgültigen Bericht vorzulegen und insbesondere praktische Vorschläge zur internationalen Zusammenarbeit der Behördenbibliotheken zu unterbreiten. Überdies wurde die Auffassung vertreten, daß eine eigene Sub-section of Administrative Libraries im Rahmen der gemeinsamen Sektion für Parlaments- und Behördenbibliotheken geschaffen werden sollte. In der 33. Sitzung des IFLA Council in Toronto, 1967, unterstrich der neue Vorsitzende K.G.WERNICKE neuerlich die Notwendigkeit der Herausgabe eines Guide of parliamentary and administrative libraries, wobei als erster Schritt eine Liste der Parlamentsbibliotheken erfaßt werden sollte. Auch die Zusammenarbeit'Parlaments- und Behördenbibliotheken war Diskussionsgegenstand. In der 35· Sitzung des General Council of IFLA in Kopenhagen, 1969, wurde die in Toronto eingeleitete Fragebogenaktion auf die Herausgabe eines Guide to Parliamentary Libraries reduziert. Auf Grund eines weiBerichtes von Peters über "The promotion of functioning and bibliographic co-operation of MILIC" wurde eine neue Arbeitsgruppe (Working Party) zur Untersuchung der Stellung der Behördenbibliotheken in der Welt zusammengestellt. Die beiden neuen Mitglieder dieser Working Party G.SILVESTRI und 0. SIMMLER berichteten in der 36. Sitzung des General Council of IFLA in Moskau, 1970, über ihre Vorstellungen, die verschiedenen Behördenbibliothekstypen der einzelnen IFLA-Mitgliedsländer zu einer besseren Koordination und Kooperation zu bringen und schlugen vor, eine Fragebogenaktion, die sich nur auf die Behördenbibliotheken bezieht, zu beginnen und bereits im Fragenaufbau die Ziel-
Vorstellungen einer künftigen Funkt i ons analys e der Behördenbibliotheken, wie sie im Peters-Bericht skizziert sind, zu berücksichtigen. Im Hinblick auf diese Arbeiten und die vielfältigen anderen eigenständigen Problemkreise beider Bibliothekstypen wurde eine Sub-section of administrative Libraries gegründet und 0.SIMMLER zum Vorsitzenden gewählt. Als Beispiel einer Funktionsanalyse im nationalen Bereich, brachte Peters in der 37· Sitzimg des General Council in Liverpool, 1971, die Arbeiten der Niederlande zur Kenntnis. Es wurden als Aufgaben der Sub-section für die folgenden Jahre nachstehende Problemkreise beschlossen: 1. Abgrenzung der Sub-section von den einzelnen Sub-sections der Spezialbibliotheken 2. Stellung der Behördenbibliotheken innerhalb von Regierungsinformationssystemen 3. Ausbildung von qualifiziertem
Darüber hinaus wurde der folgende Inhalt des in Moskau geplanten Fragebogens von Silvestri vorgelegt und einstimmig beschlossen: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Offizieller Name der Bibliothek Name in englischer Übersetzung Land, Ort, genaue Postanschrift der Bibliothek Telefon und Telexnummer
5. Wichtige Sammelgebiete 6. Bestandsangabe a) Gesamtbestand in Bänden b) Anzahl der laufend geführten Zeitschriften c) sonstiges von der Bibliothek verwaltetes Material 7· Name und Titel des Leiters
8. Anzahl der Mitarbeiter
9· Wichtige Dienste d e r Bibliothek a) Teilnahme am internationalen Leihverkehr b) K o p i e r a n l a g e n c)
d) L i t e r a t u r r e s e a r c h 10. Verfügt die Bibliothek über eine EDV-Anlage oder ist eine solche geplant? 11. Liegt eine Funktionsanalyse für die Aufgaben der Bibliothek vor? Simmler hat auf Grund dieser Resolution den im A n hang ersichtlichen Fragebogen entworfen u n d
ein Computer-Auswertungsprogramm geschrieben. Es ist daher möglich, nicht nur ein Verzeichnis der Behördenbibliotheken zu veröffentlichen, sondern ein Informationssystem über internationale
einzurichten, das jederzeit abfragbar und ergänzbar ist. Darüber hinaus k ö n n e n Registerausdrueke, n a c h v e r schiedensten Sachkriterien zusammengestellt, den einzelnen IFLA-Mitgliedern laufend zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die F r a g e b o g e n w u r d e n in englischer Sprache abgefaßt u n d am 1. 8. 1972 in zwei Gruppen ausgesandt. In d e r Gruppe 1 wurden die Bibliotheken a l l e r M i t gliedsländer v o n IFLA angeschrieben u n d gebeten, die weitere Verteilung der F r a g e b o g e n an die ihnen b e k a n n t e n Behördenbibliotheken vorzunehmen. In der Gruppe 2 w u r d e n alle 1er Sub-Sektion bekanntgewordenen e i n z e l n e n bibliotheken bzw. Behördenbibliothekare des Fragebogens
zur Ausfüllung
V o n d e n insgesamt 700 ausgesandten F r a g e b o g e n sind n a c h einem Monat 71
Bei den einzelnen F r a g e n b e s t a n d U n k l a r h e i t in der Beantwortung der Frage 10 "Personnel", da in vielen Staaten zwischen Bibliothekaren, D o k u m e n t a r e n u n d Informatikern
nicht unterschieden wird. Es wurde daher in der 38. Sitzung des General Council in Budapest, 1972, beschlossen, diese Fragen nur dort auszufüllen, wo diese Unterscheidung in der Ausbildung und im Berufsbild vorhanden sind. Die Auswertung der ausgefüllten Fragebogen sollte Anfang 1973 vorgenommen werden, wobei das in Budapest gegründete Standing Advisory Committee der Sub-section of Administrative Libraries die Endredaktion zu überwachen gehabt hätte. Das genannte SAC setzt sich aus folgenden Persönlichkeiten zusammen: BRUZELIUS, Maria Luise (Arbejds- og Socialministerierne, Biblioteket; Slotsholmsgade 12, 1216 K^behhavn, Dänemark) DE REGT, W.F. (Ministerie van Oderwijs en Wetenschappen; Nieuwe Uiteleg 1, 'S-Gravenhage, Niederlande) KRINGLEN, Stein (Ministry of Consumer- and Administrative Affairs; Akersgt. 42 - Oslo-Dep. N-Oslo 1, Norwegen) MALLABER, K.A. (Board of Trade Library Service; 1 Victoria St, S.W.1, London, Großbritannien) SILVESTRI, Gerhard (Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kunst ;Postfach 65, A-1014 Wien, Österreich) SIMMLER, Otto (Administrative Bibliothek und Österreichische Rechtsdokumentation im Bundeskanzleramt; Herrengasse 23, A-1014 Wien, Österreich) SPICER, Erik (Library of Parliament,Ottawa, Canada) Weiters ist die Sub-section im SAC der Sektion für Parlaments- und Behördenbibliotheken durch Bruzelius, de Regt, Kringlen und Simmler vertreten. Das Referat von Simmler über die "Funktion der Behördenbibliotheken im Rahmen von Regierungsinformationssystemen" sollte als Beginn einer Diskussion über die Beteiligung in behörd-
liehen, n a t i o n a l e n u n d internationalen
n e t z e n betrachtet w e r d e n . In der 39· Sitzung des General Council i n Grenoble, 19735 konnte der Vorsitzende Simmler b e r i c h t e n , daß insgesamt 92 V e r t e i l u n g s s t e l l e n angeschrieben w o r d e n sind u n d davon 38 Stellen geantwortet haben. Es w a r e n mit Stand 15. 8. 1973 bereits 560, das sind r u n d 75 % der Fragebogen(rückgelangt. Die eingelangten F r a g e b o g e n verteilten sich auf alle 5 Erdteile u n d kommen aus 38 Staaten; in P r o z e n t s ä t z e n liegen die europäischen Staaten an der Spitze, gefolgt v o n Amerika, Asien, A u s t r a l i e n u n d Afrika. Zu dieser statistischen Aufzählung gehört aber auch die Korrespondenz, die die Sub-Sektion mit d e n V e r t e i l u n g s stellen u n d mit einzelnen Bibliotheken geführt hat, es sind über 200 zum Teil recht ausführliche
Das ist b e s o n d e r s w i c h t i g zu erwähnen, w e i l die ü b e r wiegende Mehrzahl der A n f r a g e n sich schon v o n Anfang an auf die Definition der Behördenbibliotheken b e z o g e n hat. Der Präsident der Sub-Sektion hat d a h e r i n Budapest die F u n k t i o n der Behördenbibliotheken b e s p r o c h e n und sie in d e n R a h m e n v o n Regierungsinformationssystemen gestellt. Aus d e n Stellungnahmen vieler Bibliotheken mit b e h ö r d l i c h e n Aufgaben, v o n F a c h k o l l e g e n und v i e l e r B e h ö r d e n selbst in Form v o n R ü c k f r a g e n im R a h m e n der F r a gebogenaktion, w a r ersichtlich, daß die F u n k t i o n e n i n verschiedenen L ä n d e r n v o n verschiedenen Bibliotheken, die in 2 H a u p t t y p e n zusammengefaßt w e r d e n können, ausgeübt w e r d e n . Es k a n n diese Funktionen 1. einer eigenen zu diesem Zweck g e s c h a f f e n e n Bibliothek ü b e r t r a g e n w o r d e n sein, die dann in der Regel einer Verwaltungsbehörde
ist oder es k a n n diese Funktion 2. v o n solchen Bibliotheken besorgt werden, die
auch anderen Zwecken dienen, wie z.B. Parlaments·, National- oder Universitätsbibliotheken. Für die weitere eigenständige Behandlung der Probleme der Behördenbibliotheken wird daher der Typus 1 vorgeschlagen und der Typus 2 insoweit, als die von diesen Bibliotheken zu leistenden Informationsdienste an wichtige Behörden regelmäßig und in einem beträchtlichen Ausmaß geleistet werden. Diese Auswahl muß natürlich unter dem Informationsaspekt für die Behörden gesehen werden und unter diesem Aspekt sind die Punktionen beider Typen zumindest sehr ähnlich. Bibliotheken, die über kein eigenes Dokumentationsund Informationspersonal verfügen, sollten nicht in die Untersuchungen aufgenommen werden, da hier der Informationsaspekt wegfällt. Die Funktion der Bücherbereitstellung für das Behördenpersonal allein ist nicht ausreichend für ein Informationsservice, noch genauer, eine Bibliothek, die nur Bibliotheks- aber keine Dokumentations- und Informationsfunktionen ausübt, ist keine Behördenbibliothek. Mit anderen Worten ausgedrückt, sollte sich die Sub-Sektion auf Grund der Ergebnisse der Stellungnahmen zur Fragebogenaktion künftighin nicht mit den Bibliotheken allein, sondern mit allen Funktionen von Bibliotheken befassen, die Dokumentations- und Informationsleistungen für die Behörden der Zentralstellen oder in Staaten mit föderalistischer Verfassung auch für die Behörden der Zentralstellen der Teilstaaten leisten. Die Problematik liegt somit in den Anforderungen der Behörden an die Behördenbibliotheken. Der Abschluß der Fragebogenaktion war aber erst dann vorzunehmen, wenn von allen Verteilungsstellen positive oder negative Antworten eingelangt waren.
Es wurde daher vorgeschlagen, daß die S u b - S e k t i o n alle ausständigen Stellen urgiert u n d darüber h i n a u s alle n a t i o n a l e n Bibliotheksvereinigungen u m Unterstützung b i t t e t . In einigen Staaten, so in d e n USA, w a r e n n a tionale Fragebogenaktionen im Gange, deren Ergebnisse der Sub-Sektion zugesichert w o r d e n waren. Im Hinblick auf die große Bedeutung, die die H e r a u s gabe eines Weltführers der Behördenbibliotheken für die weitere Entwicklung der Bibliotheken, die
teilstaatliche u n d P r o v i n z i a l b e h ö r d e n mit
diensten versehen, ersuchte die S u b - S e k t i o n für Behördenbibliotheken den Executive Board, die V e r ö f f e n t l i c h u n g
solchen Führers zu unterstützen. Das General Council M e e t i n g , Grenoble, 1973» hat daraufhin folgende R e s o l u t i o n einstimmig v e r abschiedet : In view of the importance for the future d e v e l o p m e n t of a W o r l d Directory of Libraries serving national,
provincial and lander bodies, the Sub-section of A d ministrative L i b r a r i e s requests the support of the Executive Board i n publishing s u c h a Guide. Die in Grenoble 1973 b e s c h l o s s e n e u n d v o n der Generalversammlung angenommene R e s o l u t i o n , die H e r a u s gabe eines w e l t w e i t e n V e r z e i c h n i s s e s der B e h ö r d e n b i b l i o t h e k e n v o m Executive B o a r d h e r zu unterstützen, hat sich in der Folge nicht a u s g e w i r k t .
Auf die
Urgenzaktion zur Einbringung w e i t e r e r Fragebogen, h a b e n b i s zur 40. Sitzung des General Council of IFLA in Washington, 1974-, n u r 20 B i b l i o t h e k e n reagiert, sodaß vor allem die sozialistischen L ä n d e r und viele Länder der Dritten W e l t nicht a u f s c h e i n e n . Die Auswertung der Fragebogen und die damit v e r b u n d e n e Korrespondenz hatte jedoch ergeben, daß in allen I F L A - M i t g l i e d s l ä n d e r n wohl die Bereitwilligkeit gegeben i s t , a m Verzeichnis m i t zuarbeiten, es aber n o c h immer s e h r große
keiten bei der Definition von Behördenbibliotheken gibt. Diese Schwierigkeiten ergeben sich aus der Verschiedenheit der Aufgaben von Behördenbibliotheken in den einzelnen nationalen Bibliothekssystemen. Vom Vorsitzenden Simmler wurde daher mit Hilfe seiner Dienststelle (Administrative Bibliothek und österreichische Rechtsdokumentation im Bundeskanzleramt) eine Auswertung der nationalen Amtskalender und Behördenverzeichnisse vorgenommen und der Bericht darüber in der Sitzung der Sub-section in Washington vorgelegt. Dieser Bericht wurde einstimmig angenommen und gleichzeitig beschlossen, die erzielten Ergebnisse, was die Behördenbibliotheken betrifft, mit nationalen Bibliotheksverzeichnissen zu vergleichen. Die auf Grund dieser Arbeiten sich ergebenden neuen Aspekte bzw. Bibliotheksadressen sollten dann in einen neuen Fragebogen eingearbeitet werden, der im Laufe des Monats Februar 1975 an die noch ausständigen Mitgliedsländer versandt werden sollte. Die Zusammenstellung aller bereits eingelangten und durch diese Aktion noch erwarteten Daten sowie die Verfassung eines Vorworts, das ausführlich die Funktionen von Behördenbiblioth'eken für den internationalen Gebrauch definiert, sollte 1975 vom SAC in Wien durchgeführt werden. Die Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten für die ausländischen Teilnehmer dieser Interimssitzung waren durch Zuwendungen von Seiten der österreichischen Bundesverwaltung gedeckt. Die Ergebnisse aus dieser Sitzung sollten dann anschließend mit dem Verlag Dokumentation im Hinblick auf eine Herausgabe dieses Führers in diesem Verlag besprochen werden, sodaß in Oslo 1975 das Konzept dieses Führers in Manuskriptform vorgestellt werden hätte können. Diese Vorgangsweise wurde ebenfalls einstimmig gebilligt.
Die Sub-Sektion hat weiters in der Sitzung ihres SAC
sowie i n der Vollsitzung den Reorganisationsent-
wurf der Program.
Development Group diskutiert u n d
einstimmig beschlossen, die v o m SAC und v o n der V o l l sitzung der Sektion für P a r l a m e n t s - u n d Behördenbibliotheken beschlossene Resolution zu unterstützen u n d zur w e i t e r e n Untermauerung auch eine Motivation dafür ausgearbeitet u n d einstimmig
Die v o n der Sektion u n d v o n der Sub-Sektion b e schlossene u n d in der Generalversammlung
verabschiedete R e s o l u t i o n hat folgenden Wortlaut: "Im Hinblick darauf, daß die Sektion für Parlaments- u n d Behördenbibliotheken aufgefordert w o r d e n ist,zu den R e organisierungsvorschlägen v o n IFLA Stellung zu n e h m e n u n d unter Rücksicht darauf, daß die Mitglieder dieser Sektion am b e s t e n über ihre Bibliotheken in und außerhalb von IFLA Bescheid w i s s e n , unterstützt die Sektion die Beschlüsse der b e i d e n SAC der Parlaments- und Behördenbibliotheken u n d d e r Behördenbibliotheken und schlägt vor: 1. Die Sektion P a r l a m e n t s - und
zu trennen u n d die Sektion Parlamentsbibliotheken als Sektion "b" der neuvorgeschlagenen General Research Libraries Division I zu bezeichnen. 2. Gleichzeitig eine Sektion Behördenbibliotheken (Administrative or Governmental Libraries) als Sektion "a" der Specialized R e s e a r c h Libraries Division II einzurichten. Ks wird vorgeschlagen, eine entsprechende
dung ohne weitere Abänderung zu treffen." Die v o n der Sub-Sektion beschlossene
für diese Resolution und für die Verhandlungen in Oslo hatte
folgenden englischen Wortlaut (die Texte der
ü b r i g e n IF'LA-Sprachen standen außer Streit): "The Administrative or Governmental Libraries are specialized libraries, whose p r i m e r l y purpose it is to serve the state on governmental
In der endgültig v o m 3 - - 5 - u n i 1975 auf E i n l a dung des P r ä s i d e n t e n der Sub-Sektion, 0.Simmler, u n d mit finanzieller Unterstützung des
Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft und Forschung i n W i e n abgehaltenen Interimssitzung des SAC wurde der Abschluß der Redaktionsarbeiten des Weltführers f ü r Behördenbibliotheken für Oslo beschlossen. In einem w e i t e r e n Tagesordnungspunkt w u r d e die fachliche Einleitung für d i e s e n Führer als Abgrenzung der D e finition der Behördenbibliotheken v o n d e n ü b r i g e n IFLA-Bibliotheken eingehendst diskutiert und d e r englische Text als Originalfassung im Sinne einer Fachdefinition einstimmig beschlossen. In der Sitzung in W i e n ist weiters der bisherige
Silvestri zurückgetreten u n d als neuer Sekretär M . L . Bruzelius b e s t e l l t worden. In der Diskussion über die zukünftige P o s i t i o n der Sub-Sektion innerhalb IFLA wurde beschlossen, die Abänderung des Artikel 20 der Draft Statutes wie folgt
Divisions : Art. 20
There shall be the following Divisions: If IFLA is willing to change the name of the Specialised Libraries into Specialised H e search Libraries, the existing
of Administrative Libraries w a n t to be a subdivision of this division. Der Zeitraum zwischen der Wiener SAC-Sitzung und Oslo, 1975, wurde dazu benützt, die deutsche, f r a n zösische und russische Übersetzung der Einleitung des Weltführers herzustellen und das Manuskript mit
Stichtag 1. August 1975 abzuschließen. In A b ä n d e r u n g zu den B e s c h l ü s s e n in W a s h i n g t o n u n d Wien hat sich die S u b - S e k t i o n für Behördenbibliotheken in Oslo in allen Sitzungen dem Vorschlag d e r Section for Parliamentary and Administrative Libraries
eine eigene "Division für Parlamentsbibliotheken, denbibliotheken u n d Gerichtsbibliotheken"
Die Begründung dafür ist, daß diese Bibliotheken zum U n terschied v o n a l l e n ü b r i g e n IFLA-Bibliotheken dem Staatszweck dienen u n d d a h e r als
integrierende Teile ihrer Organisationen sind. Diese T a t sache drückt sich dadurch aus, daß die 3 genannten B i bliothekstypen nur in Zusammenhang mit ihren Trägerorganisationen gesehen werden k ö n n e n und a u c h ihre Informationsdienste in Zusammenhang mit diesen Organisationen durchzuführen haben. Im F a l l e , daß sich IFLA zu einer solchen 5· Division nicht entschließen kann, würde die S u b - Sektion auf die bereits in W a s h i n g t o n u n d W i e n g e faßten Beschlüsse, nämlich der Trennung der Parlamentsu n d Behördenbibliotheken zurückgreifen u n d die Behördenbibliotheken als eine eigene Sub-Division bei den Spezialbibliotheken sehen können. Der Behördenbibliotheksführer konnte in allen Manuskriptvarianten vorgestellt werden. Es w u r d e n die F o r m u n d der U m f a n g der Eintragungen, die Sachregister, die fachliche Einführung in die Thematik d e r Behördenbibliotheken in 4 Sprachen u n d ein Vorwort des H e r a u s gebers 0. Simmler beschlossen. Mit S c h r e i b e n vom 12. 12.1975 hat das Publications Committee v o n IFLA mitgeteilt, den Behördenbibliotheksführer unter dem Titel "0.SIMMLER: W o r l d Directory of Administrative Libraries" als Band 7 der IFLA P u b l i cations b e i m V e r l a g Dokumentation erscheinen zu lassen. Dafür gebührt den M i t g l i e d e r n des Publications Committee sowie dem V e r l a g Dokumentation ehrlicher Dank.
Zu besonderem Dank verpflichtet ist der Vorsitzende der Sub-section allen K i t g l i e d e r n des CAC für ihre
u n d sehr engagierte Hitarbeit und nicht zuletzt für die Zustimmung, die Verausgabe dieses Werkes
ten, w e n n Bedingungen damit erfüllt w e r d e n können, die die Voraussetzungen seiner Veröffentlichung im H i n t e r grund der geschilderten h i s t o r i s c h e n
sein müssen: 1. Das "World Directory of Administrative
ist kein vollständiges Verzeichnis aller Behcrdenbibliotheken
aller IFLA-Kitgliedsländer,
die erste Ausgabe eines Nachschlagewerkes ü b e r alle erreichbaren
Diese Ausgabe ist somit bewußt unvollständig u n d darf als Einladung betrachtet werden, sowohl für alle R e g i e r u n g e n u n d Institutionen als Bibliotheksträger als auch für alle
u n d einzelne ßehördenbibliotheken, sich an der 2. Ausgabe zu b e t e i l i g e n . Da jahrzehntelange Bemühungen verschiedenster Art b i s h e r relativ erfolglos waren, verspricht sich die Sub-section mit einer solchen Aktion mehr E r f o l g für eine künftige internationale K o o p e r a t i o n auf dem Gebiete des Behördenbibliothekswesens als eine der Grundlagen v o n
2. Das Hauptproblem bei der Erfassung und b i b l i o graphischen Behandlung der Erhebungsdaten aus den Fragebögen w a r b i s h e r immer die verschiedene
fassung v o n A u f g a b e n und Dienstleistungen der B e hördenbibliotheken in den einzelnen Kultur-, R e c h t s u n d Verwaltungsbereichen der
Die 4-sprachige Einleitung mit
deutschen und englischen T e x t e n sowie französischen und russischen Übersetzungen
soll daher k ü n f t i g h i n
als vergleichbare internationale DefinitionsStudie für Behördenbibliotheken angesehen werden. 3· Alle Daten aus der Einleitung, aus den Eintragungen und aus den Registern sind computergespeichert und daher jederzeit abrufbar, korrigierbar und ergänzbar in der dafür eingerichteten Datenbank und für weitere Ausgaben, und zwar unter der Adresse des Herausgebers: SektRat Dir.Dr.Otto SIMMLER Herrengasse 23 A-1010 Wien/Austria Tel.: 0222/6615/2842
Leiter des Präsidiums Referat Eachinformation im Bundeskanzleramt, Wien Direktor der Administrativen Bibliothek und österreichischen Rechtsdokumentation im Bundeskanzleramt Universitätslektor für Informatik an der Universität Linz Präsident der IFLA-Sub-Sektion für Behördenbibliotheken
The Administrative or Governmental Libraries are libraries, whose primary purpose it is to serve the state on governmental level. Their unique status originates from three distinct library functions: 1. Establishment and development of the collection Acquisition of literature and documents which do not easily fit into general collections are almost exclusively done by government libraries. This official literature comprises legal gazettes and regulations from at home and abroad, publications, m e m o randa, submissions, information sheets and all pamphlet literature published non-commercially. 2. Making the collection accessible Unlike general libraries government
have to perform a greater in-depth processing of their collections; therefore they pursue a m u c h more extensive recording of documents and information. 3. Use of collection The emphasis in government libraries is on an active user service. Here their tasks are clearly differentiated from those of most general libraries by: a) immediate handling of all requests, including telephone and written ones b) circulation of periodicals and accessions lists c) literature searches till positive results are obtained
48 d) reference lists for current legislative,
tive and judicial activities. Other research libraries may also perform these functions. Government libraries are distinguished from all other libraries, however, by their affiliation to a government agency. This combination makes this type of library unique. Government agencies are executive agents of the judiciary and administration, entrusted with legal powers, but affecting culture and civilization indirectly b y their actions. All judiciaries are, therefore, b y their nature government
The administration, on the other hand, establishes institutions for the promotion of culture and science, which serve culture directly and create and make available culturally valid assets. These libraries are therefore either public institutions or governmental
Government libraries however, are auxiliary services of government agencies and therefore incorporated into or subordinated to the agencies' administration. The numerous book collections of middle and lower government offices which combine statutes and commentaries, official gazettes, reference works, etc. in reference collections are not considered to be governmental libraries because of their size and usage. Libraries of learned institutions, public archives, museums and national research institutions are here considered special libraries. The organisation of government libraries follows the structure of government
The two executive functions of government are
the judiciary and the administration; we therefore speak of judicial and administrative
The representatives of government
are the territorial authorities and certain other public corporations. The government conducts its public administration directly through its own agencies or authorizes other agencies to conduct public affairs indirectly; the most important of these latter agencies are the self-governing bodies. They are to be regarded as government agencies as far as their authority is concerned. The vertical organization of territorial administrations also has to be considered in many countries with federal constitutions. Government libraries within their respective agencies are organized accordingly.We distinguish between libraries of municipal,
state or provincial, federal or other autonomous administrations. The unique nature of government libraries, that is their association with various agencies, their own library functions and most of all their depending administrative structure, which is determined b y the frovernment's objectives, is the reason for their wide-spread organized existence. This is the reason why they are now being developed as a basic network of government information systems. As well as the normal library functions a government information system for documents has to fullfill the following tasks: 1. Information input A modern documentation and information system has to absorb all types of documents according to the same input standards and index their contents as well. It will then be possible to exchange all processed data. If users of press releases
50 use other information sources, e.g. legal material, they will receive the information processed in the usual way. A subject-coordinated input using compatible and general indexing facilities m a y cut costs. This is equally true for centralized or decentralized systems. 2. Information processing If optimum in-depth searching is the object, processing such a vast volume of information for the use of the public executive is not feasible without electronic data processing. The task of processing all information objectively and rapidly can only be fullfilled by centralized information processing of all types of documents required. 3· Consolidation of information Whether collecting and processing of information is centralized or decentralized, data must be fed into a computerized data base. Only than is a correlated information storage possible, which can be retrieved b y all user groups. Information storage The storage of information and the storage of the documents containing this information has to be integrated in such a way that the system is able to retrieve information from the data base and to correlate it with the related full text obtained from the document storage for verification. 5· Coordination of information Data obtained from documents is of greatest value to the user if he has comparative data at his disposa. The complexity of public decision-making p r o -
cesses and the rapidly changing social conditions which the public executive has to consider make it imperative that he compare the latest current information with the "historical data", that is p r e viously entered data, and control and circumstancial data. This data comparison and the correlation of information derived from it is only possible by means of computerized documentation. 6. Information service A government documentation system must be capable of converting data for the user from all documents in such a way that the user who needs this information receives it at the right moment. Eventually, a government information system for documents should also function as "political memory". It should p r o vide all pertinent recorded and therefore documented information concerning a user's request.
Die Behördenbibliotheken sind Bibliotheken, für die der Staatszweck allein maßgebend ist. Ihre Eigenständigkeit ergibt sich aus ihren Besonderheiten in den drei bibliothekarischen Punktionen: 1. Aufbau und Vermehrung des Bestandes Die Anschaffung von Dokumenten, die nicht in den herkömmlichen Sammlungsrahmen von Bibliotheken passen, so das gesamte amtliche Schrifttum, Gesetzund Verordnungsblätter des In- und Auslandes, Materialien, Akten, Verlautbarungen und das sogenannte Kleinschrifttum außerhalb des Buchhandels, geschieht fast allein durch die Behördenbibliotheken. 2. Erschließung des Bestandes Die Behördenbibliotheken haben eine intensivere Aufbereitung ihrer Bestände zu leisten; sie betreiben somit eine umfangreichere Dokumentationsund Informationsarbeit als die Allgemeinbibliotheken. 3. Benützung des Bestandes Der Schwerpunkt der bibliothekarischen Aufgaben liegt bei den Behördenbibliotheken auf dem aktiven Benützerservice. Hier unterscheiden sich ihre Aufgaben deutlich von den Allgemeinbibliotheken durch: a) schnelle Erledigung, auch telephonischer und schriftlicher Anfragen b) Zeitschriftenumlauf und Neuerwerbungslisten c) Literaturrecherchen bis zur positiven Erledigung d) Materialzusammenstellungen für die laufende Gesetzgebungs-, Verwaltungs- und Gerichtstätigkeit.
54 Viele dieser Spezialfunktionen sind auch an den übrigen wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken, vor allem an den Spezialbibliotheken, zu finden. Doch die Behördenbibliotheken unterscheiden sich von allen anderen Bibliothekstypen noch durch ihre Zuordnung zu einer Behörde, so daß sie tatsächlich einen eigenen Bibliothekstyp bilden. Die Behörden sind Organe der Vollziehung, also der Gerichtsbarkeit und der Verwaltung, die mit Rechtsetzung betraut sind und durch ihre Staatsakte nur mittelbar dem Kulturzweck dienen. Wesensnotwendig sind daher alle Gerichtsorgane Behörden, während die Verwaltung für Betätigungen wissenschaftlicher und kultureller Art sogenannte Anstalten eingerichtet hat, die durch ihre Leistungen unmittelbar dem Kulturzwecke dienen, d.h. kulturell wertvolle Güter schaffen oder bereithalten, wie es eben auch die wissenschaftlichen
tun. Diese Bibliotheken sind daher staatsrechtlich wissenschaftliche Anstalten, soferne sie nicht überhaupt zu den Volksbüchereien bzw. Public Libraries im anglikanischen Bereich zählen. Die Behördenbibliotheken dagegen sind Hilfsorgane der Behörden und folglich den Dienststellen der Behörden administrativ eingegliedert oder nachgeordnet. Die zahlreichen Büchersammlungen der mittleren und unteren staatlichen Dienststellen, die Gesetzestexte und -kommentare, Verordnungsblätter, Nachschlagewerke etc. in Form von Handapparaten vereinigen, werden ihrer Größe und ihrem Verbrauchscharakter entsprechend nicht zu den Behördenbibliotheken gerechnet. Dasselbe gilt für Bibliotheken der wissenschaftlichen Anstalten, der staatlichen Archive
55 und Museen und der staatlichen
die ihren Beständen und ihrem Benutzerkreise n a c h Spezialbibliotheken sind. Die Organisation der Behördenbibliotheken
der Struktur der staatlichen Verwaltung. Angelehnt an die beiden staatlichen Funktionen der Vollziehung sprechen wir von Gerichtsbibliotheken und Verwaltungsbibliotheken. Die Rechtsträger der staatlichen Verwaltung sind territoriale Körperschaften und bestimmte andere öffentlich-rechtliche Körperschaften. Der Staat führt die Aufgaben der öffentlichen Verwaltung entweder durch eigene Organe in unmittelbarer
Verwaltung oder ermächtigt andere Institutionen und Organisationen zur Führung bestimmter Angelegenheiten in mittelbarer Staatsverwaltung, deren bedeutsamster Zweig die Selbstverwaltung darstellt. Die Organe dieser Selbstverwaltungskörper führen ein den staatlichen Behörden nachgebildetes
durch und sind, soweit ihre Zuständigkeit reicht, als Behörden anzusehen. Dazu kommt noch die vertikale Gliederung der territorialen Verwaltung in vielen Staaten, die föderalistische Verfassungen haben. Das drückt sich auch im Aufbau der den entsprechenden Dienststellen zugeordneten
aus. Man unterscheidet daher Bibliotheken der Gemeindeverwaltung, Bibliotheken der Landes- oder Provinzialverwaltung, Bibliotheken der Zentralverwaltung und Bibliotheken der beruflichen, kulturellen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Selbstverwaltung. Die ¿igenheiten der Behördenbibliotheken,
ihre Zuordnung zu verschiedenen Behörden, ihre Besonderheiten in den bibliothekarischen Funktionen
56 und vor allem ihre durch den Staatszweck bedingte a d ministrative Struktur sind der Grund für ihre v e r zweigte Organisation, aber auch der Grund dafür, sie als Basiseinrichtungen für Regierungsinformationssysteme bei der Planung v o n nationalen Netzwerken zu verwenden. Zur Mitarbeit in einem
system für Dokumente haben daher die Behördenbibliotheken zusätzlich zu den traditionellen bibliothekarischen Aufgaben folgende Funktionen zu erfüllen: 1. Informationsaufnähme Unterschiedlich zur bisherigen Praxis hat ein m o dernes Dokumentations- und Informationssystem alle Dokumentarten, -formen und -typen n a c h denselben Regeln der formalen Erfassung und inhaltlichen E r schließung auszuwerten. Es ist dann möglich, die gewonnenen Daten auszutauschen, so daß Presseagenturen, wenn sie gelegentlich andere Informationsquellen wie Rechtsmaterialien z.B. - benützen, die Informationen im gewohnten Format erhalten. Es braucht nicht erläutert zu werden, daß eine solche Auswertung
auf Grund eines allgemein anwendbaren
Kategorienschemas und eines allgemein anwendbaren E r schließungsregelwerkes (Klassifikation, Thesaurus oder automatisches genormtes Indexing) kosteneinsparend ist, und zwar gleichgültig, ob man sich für eine zentrale oder dezentralisierte Erfassung entschieden hat. 2. Informationsverarbeitung Die intensive und gezielte Verarbeitung der Informationen in großen Mengen
ist, wenn man von den Prin-
zipien der Aktualität und Vollständigkeit
ohne automatisierte Datenverarbeitung nicht durchführbar. Die Aufgabe, nämlich alle Informationen objektiv und in kürzestem Zeitraum zu erarbeiten, kann nur im Rahmen einer zentralen Informationsverarbeitung aller erforderlichen Dokumenteinheiten gefunden werden. 3. Informationskonzentration Gleichgültig, ob die Erfassung und Bearbeitung der Information zentral oder dezentralisiert geschieht, müssen die Informationen in eine Elektronische Datenverarbeitungsanlage geleitet werden, denn nur dort ist eine kombinierbare und von allen Benützergruppen abrufbare Informationsspeicherung möglich. Informationsspeicherung Die Speicherung von Informationen und die Speicherung der Dokumente, die diese Informationen enthalten, müssen so miteinander kombiniert werden, daß das System jeder Fragestellung einerseits durch die Kombination der Informationen im Datenspeicher und andererseits durch die Belegbarkeit der Volltextzusammenhänge aus dem Dokumentenspeicher gerecht werden kann. 5- Informationskombination Die aus den Dokumenten gewonnenen Daten werden nur dann zu Informationen für den Benützer, wenn er Vergleichsdaten zur Verfügung hat. Die Komplexität des Entscheidungsprozesses in der Vollziehung sowie der rasche Wandel der gesellschaftlichen Umweltbedingungen, auf die der Entscheidungsträger zu reagieren hat, machen es erforderlich, daß er jede neu einlangende aktuelle Information mit den "historischen Daten", also den Daten bis gestern, und den Kontroll- und Umweltdaten vergleichen kann. Dieser Datenvergleich und die daraus resultierende Informationskombination ist nur mittels
58 maschineller Dokumentation durchführbar. 6.
Ein Regierungsinformationssystem muß in der Lage sein, alle aus den einlangenden Dokumenten gewonnenen Daten für die Benützer so zu Informationen zu verarbeiten, daß nur der Benützer, der diese Informationen gerade benötigt, sie zum richtigen Zeitpunkt erhält. Darüber hinaus sollte ein Regierungsinformationssystem
Dokumente n a c h einiger Zeit als "politisches Gedächtnis" fungieren u n d auf Benützeranfrage alle diese Anfrage betreffenden protokollierten und daher beweisbaren Informationen zur Verfügung stellen können.
Les bibliothèques administratives ou gouvernementales sont des bibliothèques ayant pour tâche essentielle de servir l'Etat en matière administrative. Leur statut particulier repose sur les trois fonctions bien distinctes qu'elle exercent en tant que bibliothèques: 1. Etablissement et développement de la collection L'acquisition de publications et de documents qui ne s'insèrent pas facilement dans les collections générales est presque exclusivement le fait des bibliothèques administratives. Cette littérature officielle comprend des journaux officiels et des ordonnances en provenance du pays même et de l'étranger, des publications, des mémorandums, des modèles, des fiches d'information et l'ensemble des écrits sous forme de tracts publiés sur une base non commerciale. 2. L'accès à la collection A la différence des bibliothèques générales, les bibliothèques administratives doivent réaliser un classement plus vaste et plus approfondi de leurs collections; c'est la raison pour laquelle elles procèdent à un enregistrement beaucoup plus détaillé des documents et informations. 3. Utilisation de la collection Dans les bibliothèques administratives l'accent est mis sur un service actif à l'intention de l'usager. Ainsi, les fonctions assumées par ces bibliothèques se distinguent nettement de celles qu'accomplissent
60 la majorité des bibliothèques générales, et ceci par les caractéristique 3
a) réalisation immédiate de toutes les demandes présentées, y compris des demandes téléphoniques et écrites; b) circulation des publications périodiques et des nouveautés ; c) recherche de bibliographie jusqu'à ce qu'elles aient obtenu des résultats positifs; d) listes de référence visant les activités législatives, administratives et judiciaires en cours. Autres bibliothèques scientifiques assurent aussi ces fonctions spécifiques. Or, les bibliothèques administratives se distinguent de toutes les autres bibliothèques par le fait qu'elles sont rattachées à une autorité
Les autorités administratives sont les organes exécutifs de la juridiction et de
chargés d'un pouvoir légal mais n'exerçant par leurs actions qu'une influence indirecte sur la culture et la civilisation. Tout organe juridique est donc par sa nature même une autorité administrative. D'autre part, le gouvernement a créé des institutions destinées à promouvoir la culture et les sciences et qui servent directement la culture en réalisant et rendant accessibles des valeurs culturelles solidement ancrées. Ces bibliothèques sont donc des institutions publiques ou des bibliothèques
Les bibliothèques administratives sont cependant des services auxiliaires qui assistent les autorités administratives et qui, par conséquent, sont intégrées ou subordonnées à celles-ci. Les nombreuses
de livres existant à l'échelon des services administratifs intermédiaires et inférieurs et réunissant dans des collections de référence des statuts et commentaires, des journaux officiels, des encyclopédies, etc. ne sont pas considérées comme des bibliothèques
tives spécifiques compte tenu de leur importance r é duite et de leur utilisation. Les bibliothèques des institutions scientifiques, les archives publics, les musées et les instituts de recherche nationaux sont exclusivement des bibliothèques
L'organisation des bibliothèques
est analogue à la structure de l'administration de l'État. Les deux fonctions exécutives d u gouvernement sont la justice et l'administration; il y a donc lieu de parler de bibliothèques juridiques et administratives.
Les représentants de l'administration de l'Etat sont les services des "Länder" et certaines autres personnes morales publiques. Le gouvernement assure son administration publique directement par ses propres organes ou autorise d'autres organes d'administrer de façon indirecte les affaires publiques; les plus importants parmi ces derniers sont les organes de gestion autonome. Ils doivent être considérés comme autorités administratives dans la mesure où ils ont reçu u n pouvoir propre. Il convient de prendre également en considération l'organisation verticale des services des "Länder" étant donné les nombreux / Etats à constitution fédérale. Les bibliothèques administratives rattachées aux différents
respectifs sont donc organisées e n conséauence. Nous distinguons entre les bibliothèques des m u n i c i -
palités, des "Länder" ou provinces, des administrations fédérales et d'autres administrations autonomes. La nature particulière des bibliothèques administratives, à savoir leur rattachement aux différents organes, leurs fonctions spéciales en tant que bibliothèques et la majeure partie de leur structure administrative dans son ensemble, qui est déterminée par les objectifs de l'administration, sont la raison de leur vaste organisation; voilà pourquoi on entend les développer pour en faire un réseau de base des systèmes d'information de l'administration. Un système d'information de l'administration est supposée d'assurer les tâches suivantes: 1. Entrée de l'information Un système de documentation et d'information moderne doit être conçu de manière à pouvoir enregistrer tous les types de documents selon les mêmes règles d'entrée et doit également être susceptible d'indexer le contenu, ce qui permettra d'échanger toutes les données traitées. Si les usagers de l'agence de presse ont également recours à d'autres sources d'informations qu'ils joignent aux nouvelles distribuées à une occasion donnée, telles que matières législatives, ils reçoivent alors des informations qui ont été traitées de manière habituelle. Une entrée portant sur un certain sujet et utilisant des possibilités d'indexation générales et généralement compatibles peut sans doute occasioner des frais. Ceci vaut aussi bien pour les systèmes centralisés que pour les systèmes décentralisés. 2. Traitement de l'information Si l'objectif fixé est d'assurer une recherche aussi complète que possible à partir d'une telle quantité d'informations destinées à l'usage de l'administra-
63 tion publique, il n'est guère réalisable sans installations électroniques de traitement. La tâche de procurer rapidement et objectivement toutes les informations requises ne peut être assurée que par un traitement centralisé de l'information s'appliquant à tous les types de documents demandés. 3. C ondens at i on de 1'inf ormat i on La collection et le traitement des informations peuvent se faire de façon centralisée ou décentralisée, toutes les données doivent être emmagasinées dans une banque des données gérée par un ordinateur. C'est dans ce cadre seulement qu'il est possible d'emmagasiner des informations mises en corrélation auxquelles tous les groupes d'usagers peuvent avoir accès. 4. Emmagasinage d'informations L'emmagasinage des informations et l'emmagasinage des documents contenant ces informations doivent être intégrés de façon à permettre au système de retrouver une information dans la banque des données et de la mettre en relation avec des textes complets similaires qui lui ont été soumis pour examen par la mémoire où se trouvent enregistrés les documents. 5· Coordination de l'information Les données que l'usager a reçu à partir des documents ne sont pour lui d'une grande valeur que s'il dispose de données de comparaison. La complexité du processus de prise de décision de la part des pouvoirs publics et le changement rapide des conditions sociales que l'administration publique doit prendre en considération rendent nécessaire la com-
64 paraison de la dernière information en circulation avec les "données historiques", c'est-à-dire les données enregistrées à une date antérieure ainsi que les données de contrôle et les données se rapportant aux détails. Cette comparaison des données et l'enchaînement de l'information qui en est déduit ne peuvent être effectués qu'avec une documentation traitée à l'aide d'ordinateurs. 6. Service d'information U n système de documentation de l'administration doit être en mesure de convertir les données de tous les documents disponibles pour l'usager de manière à assurer que seul l'usager qui a besoin de cette information la reçoive en temps utile. Enfin, un système d'information de l'administration pour documents doit également avoir fonction de "mémoire politique". Il doit procurer toute information entrée et donc documentée qui se réfère à la demande de l'usager.
Λ/ι π
B β h h bi 8
m HHocTpaHHbie
KQTopbie Ηχ
m c n o / i b s y ιοτ c b
r o c y fl a ρ c τ β e η η bix
3 a κ ο η ofl a τ e η b c h m e
m a τ e ρ m a .nu ,
r t B M o p a H f l y Mbi ,
• ch o s e .
B e f l o n c t BeHHbie CBOw Η GM
o6c/iywM BaHMio flOCTynHbix
o c y i n B c t β jir ιατ
6h6/imotbkm HHTaTe/ien.
yflB/iHioT Mx
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/iMTspaTypu, β)
c o c T a B jiBHHBM
ρe η • me hñ a τ β πb ηy χ
3 a H 0 H Q f l a T S /lbCH Ο M ,
y κ a 3 a τ β /ι β μ
aflM M H M C Τ ρ a Τ Μ Β Η Ο Μ
TeKymePi flB
Η T e JlbH O C T M .
φ y Η Η 14 H Μ
Μ Ha
cosfla/ia ΗΒ cy τ
Τ . fl. ,
B B f l O M C T B 8 H HbIMM Hay^HUX
apxn BOB
y H pBWflB H MM,
aflli M H M C Τ ρ a U M M .
flapa/i/iB/ibHo pas/iMHaeM
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( n y 6 /1MH H U M )
ΠΟ C B l U a B Μ O C T M
Ηay κ Μ
τ . e .
Β006ΐ1) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
Pnamos Lorid.es
The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not been made
not in planning
CZECHOSLOVAKIA Official name of the library
U s t r e d n a Ekonomickâ K n i z n i c a
Name in English translation
Central Economic Library
Bratislava, Palisa'dy 36, Czechoslovakia
Telefon-number: 33/+54· Bratislava The library is joined to a university The library is
copyright library
The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) documentation 2) public administration 3) law 4) other head subjects Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Kumber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b)
printed or similarly reproduced m a tßriäls
photographic materials
acustic information storage materials
e) Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
more than 50
ing. Boris Prochazka
The library is offering the following special a) participation in international
t) participation in national and/or international information ν j τ · j. · networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in operation The function analysis has been made by Prochazka, Kimlicka, Nemeskal in 1970/72
168 DENMARK Official name of the library
Kjábenhavns Radhusbibliotek
Käme in English translation
The City Hall Library Copenhagen
DK 1599 Copenhagen V. , City Hall Square, Denmark
Telex-number: Telefon-number:
(01) 15 38 00
The library is joined to an administrative The library is not a copyright The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) public
2) law 3) economics 4) history Inventory
1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) dumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
K i r s t e n Jt^lln
The library is offering the following special
a) o) participation in national information n e t w o r k s c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not b e e n made
169 DENMARK Official name of the library Udenrigsministeriets Bibliotek Name in English translation
Foreign Office Library
Adress! 1218 Copenhagen Κ., Christiansborg, Denmark Telex-number : Telefon-number:
(01) 15 08 25
The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a
copyright library
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) law 2) international relations •j) politics other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
more than 10
Dr. Kirsten Heils
The library is offering the following special services: a) To)
c) d) e)
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not been made
not in planning
DENMARK Official name of the library
Folketingets Bibliotek og oplysningstjeneste
Käme in English translation
Library and Information Service of the Danish Parliament
Adress: 1218 Copenhagen, Christiansborg, Denmark Telex-number : Telefon-number: 01 11 66 00 The library is joined to
The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) politics 3) economics 4) Inventory
1) Number of books -
more than 2 5 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals
less t h a n 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) printed or similarly reproduced m a c) photographic materials
d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
K r i s t i a n Hvidt
The library is offering the following special
) participation in international lending b) participation in national and/or international
c) duplication services
d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has
b e e n made b y K r i s t i a n Hvidt in 1973
DENMARK Official name of the library
Κ/íbenhavns statistike kontor biblioteket
líame in English translation
Library of the Copenhagen Statistical Office
Adress: 1602 Copenhagen, V., Nyropsgade 14, Denmark Telex-number: Telefon-number: 01 115100 The library is joined to
another public institution
The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1)
2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) dumber of books -
less than 10 000
2) Kuaber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
more than 10
Dion 0rnvold
The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has
not been made
not in planning
172 DENMARK Official ríase of the library Arbejdstilsynets Käme in English translation
Library of the D a n i s h Labour Inspection
Adress: 2100, Copenhagen, Rosenvangets Alle 16-18, Denmark Telex-numbers Tslefon-number: (01) 76 4-5 01 The library is joined to another public The library is not a copyright
The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) medicine 3) nature 4) other head subjects Inventory
1) Number of books -
more than 10 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is Grethe J e n s e n The library is offering the following special
a) b) c) documentation services d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is 1 1 0 ^ i n planning The function analysis has not b e e n made
DENMARK Official name of the library Arbejds og Socialministeriernes Name in English translation
Library of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Adress: 1216 Κ Copenhagen, Slotsholmsgade 12, Denmark Telex-number: Telefon-number:12 25 17 The library is joined to another public The library is not a
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1)
copyright library public
other head subjects
1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) o) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
t h a n 10
The head of the library is Marie Louise Bruzelius The library is offering the following special a) participation in international
o) participation in national information networks o) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not i n planning The function analysis has not b e e n made
174 DENMARK Official nace of the library
Denmarks Statistiks Bibliotek
Name in English translation
Library of the Statistics of Denmark
. DK-1220, Copenhagen, Frederiksholm Kanal 27, Denmark
Telex-number: Telefon-number:
12 16 75
The library is joined to The library is not a
an administrative
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) public
2) economics 3) 4) other head subjects Inventory
1) Kucber of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more t h a n 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
more than 10
Inger Malmtorp
The library is offering the following special a) p a r t i c i p a t i o n in international
b) c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not b e e n made
not in planning
DENMARK Official nane of the library Sundhedsstyrelsen Biblioteket Käme in English translation
National Health Service Denmark, Library
Adress: DK-1264 Copenhagen K, 1, St. Kongensgade, Denmark Telex-numbers Telefon-number: 14 10 11 The library is joined to an administrative "board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1)
other head subjects
Inventory description 1) Kusber of books -
more than 10 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) o) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
more than 10
Inga K/rfllgard
The library is offering the following special services; a) participation in international lending b) participation in national and/or international information ν π η· . . • networks c) duplication services v/J.»·«, d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not been made
i n planning
176 DENMABK Official name of the library Det Kongelige Bibliotek „ . . Name in English
The Royal Library
Adress: DK-1219 K , Copenhagen, Christians Brygge 8, Denmark Telex-number:
(01) 15 01 11
The library is joined to a n administrative b o a r d The library is a
copyright library
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1)
other head subjects
1) Nusber of books -
t h a n
5 000
2) Number of the titles of journals açd periodicals more t h a n 1000 3) Special items -
b) c) d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists
e than 50
The head of the library is The library is offering the following special a) p a r t i c i p a t i o n in international
o) participation in national information networks c) duplication services ¡3) documentation services e) The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not b e e n made
not in planning
FINLAND Official name of the library
Satatieteellinen Keskus-Kirjasto
Käme in English translation
Central Library of Military Research
00170 Helsinki 17, M a u r i n k a t u 1, Finland
Telex-number: Telefon-number: 12681/203 The library is joined to The library is not a The library is a
another public institution
copyright library
special research library
The library is collecting 1) 2)
history general sciences
3) 4) Inventory
1) Number of books -
more than 2 5 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals
more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) 0) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
Karin Kerkkonen
The library is offering the following special
a) o) participation in national information networks c) d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
FINLAND Official name of the library Heisingin Kauppakorkeakoulum Kirjasto Käme in English translation
Helsinki School of Economics Library
Adress: Helsinki 10, Rumebergimk. 22-24, Finland Telex-number: 122220 ecom Telefon-number: 441 291 The library is joined to a university The library i s n o t a
copyright library
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) economics 2) public administration 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) dumber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
less than 50
The head of the library is Henri Broms The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending o) participation in national and/or international information c) duplication services
d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is
in operation
The function analysis has been made by Hyytiä & Miettimen in 1973
FINLAND Official name of the library
H e i s i n g i n Yliopiston Kirjasto
Name in English translation
Helsinki University L i b r a r y
OO17O Helsinki 17, Unionink. 36, Finland
121538 hyk sf
Telefon-number: 1 7 5 211 The library is joined to The library is
a university
copyright library
The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2)
documentation culture
other h e a d subjects
1) Number of books - m o r e than 25 OOO 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals
more than 1000 3) Special items -
p r i n t e d or similarly reproduced m a -
c) d)
photographic materials
e) Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is
Dr. I. Vallinkoski
The library is offering the following special a) participation in international
b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is in operation The function analysis has been made b y a working group in 1 9 7 1
FINLAND Official name of the library
Heisingin Yliopiston oikeus tieteellisen tiedekunnan Kirjasto
Käme in English translation
Law Library, Helsinki University
Adress: 00100 Helsinki, Hallituskatu 11-13, Finland Telex-number: Telefon-nunber: 17 52 11 The library is joined to a university The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1)law 2)T 5) 4) Inventory description 1) Nuaber of books - more than 25 000 2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
less than 10
The head of the library is Tauno Ellilä The library is offering the following special services: a) o) participation in national information networks c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is i n planning The function analysis has been made by Paovo Nikula
181 FINLAND Official name of the library
E d u s k u n n a n Kirjasto
Käme in English translation
Library of Parliament
SF-00102, Helsinki, Eduskuntatalo, Finland
12 - 1464 E K I R J S F
4 4 00 51
The library is joined to The library is The library is a
a parliament
copyright library general research library
The library is collecting 1)
other h e a d subjects
1) Number of books -
m o r e
than 2 5 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
b) o)
photographic materials
d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists more t h a n 10 The head of the library is
Henrik S c h a u m a n
The library is offering the following special a)
participation in international
b) participation in national information networks o)
duplication services
documentation services
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is not i n planning The function analysis has not b e e n made
FINLAND Official name of the library Tilastokeskuksen Kirjasto Name in English translation Adress:
Library of the Central Statistical Office of Finland
00100 Helsinki 10, Annankatu 44, Finland
Telex-number: Telefon-number: 90 - 645 121/236 The library is joined to another public institution The library is a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) economics 2) population 3) 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is
Hellevi Yrjölä
The library is offering the following spe-cial servic-e«* a) participation in international lending b) c) duplication services d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
FINLAND Official name of the library
Svenska Social-och Kommunalhögskolans Bibliothek
Name in English translation
Library of the Swedish School for Social Work and Local Administration
Adressi 00250 Helsinki, Topeliusgatan 16, Finland Telex-number : Telefon-number: 90 - 445683 The library is joined to a university The library is a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) documentation 2) public administration 3) population 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - m o r e than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is
Susanna Gulin
The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has been made by Susanna Gulin in 1975
FINLAND Official name of the library
Tampereen Yliopiston Kirjasto
Name in English translation
Library of the University of Tamper
A d r e s s :
33100, Tampere 10, Kalevantie 4-, Finland
Telex-number: 22 - 263 TAYK SF Telefon-number: 35 500 The library is Joined to a university The library is not a copyright library The library is a generalr-esearch library The library is collecting 1) documentation 2) public administration 3) law 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced ma\ terisls c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is Arvo Seppälä The library is offering the following special .sejryieesi a) participation in international lending b) c) duplication services d)
«) The use of electronic data processing systems i.s in planning The function analysis has been made by Kirsti Tainio in 1968
FORMOSA Official name of the library Name in English translation F e n g Ghia College library Adress: 400 Taichung, Taiwan, Formosa Telex-number: Telefon-number: The library is joined to another public institution The library is n o t a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) dumber of books - m o r e than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
more than 10
The head of the library is Chen Peng The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) duplication services d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning ~he function analysis has not been made
FORMOSA Official name of the library Name in English translation
Library, College of Engineering National Chiao Tung University
Adresss 300 Hsinchu, Po Ai Street, Taiwan, Formosa Telex-number: Telefon-number: 25 1 46 The The The The
library library library library
is joined to a university is a copyright library is a special research library is collecting 1) natural sciences 2) technics 3) mathematics 4) sciences, general Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
more than 10
Lin Shuh
The library is offering the following special services: a) 0) 0) d) e)
participation in national information networks duplication services
The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
FOHMOSA Official name of the library
The Library, National Chung-Hsing University
Käme in English translation
The Library, National Chung-Hsing University
Adress: 400 Taichung, Kuo Kuang Road, Taiwan, Formosa Telex-number : Telefon-number: (042) 23 0 37 - 311 The library is joined to a university The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
more than 10
The head of the library is Charles Che-ye Chen The library is offering the following special services: a) o) participation in national information networks c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not been made
in planning
FORMOSA Official name of the library Name in English translation
National Central Library
Adresss 107 Taipei, 4-3, Nan Hai Road, Republic of China Telex-number : Telefon-numbers 3113981 The library is joined to an international organization The library is a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) c) photographic materials a) e) other materials
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is
Dr. William C. Ju
The library is offering the following special services: a) c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not beend made
18Θ FORMOSA Official name of the library Name in English translation National Cheng-chi University Library Adress: 116 Taipei, Taiwan, Formosa Telex-number: Telefon-number: 93 30 91 The library is joined to a university The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) international relations 2) politics 3) 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialist s less than 50 The head of the library is
Chao Lai-Lung
The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) duplication services d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
FORMOSA Official name of the library Name in English translation
National Cheng Kung University Library
Adress: 700 Tainan, 6 Ta Hsuek Road, Formosa Telex-number : Telefon-number: 24 141 - 211 The library is joined to a university The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) NuEber of books - more than 25 000 2) KuEber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is
Nai-Cheng Lu
The library is offering the following special services: a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
FORMOSA Official name of the library
National Taiwan Normal UniversityLibrary
Name in English translation
National Taiwan Normal University Library
Adress: 106, Taipei, Hoping E. Hoad Section 1, Taiwan, Formosa Telex-number: Telefon-number: 321 - 9916 The library is joined to a university The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) education 2) culture 3) general sciences 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 50 The head of the library is Chen-ku Wang The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) duplication services d) documentation servicés e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
FORMOSA Official name of the library
The National Taiwan University Library
Name in English translation
The National Taiwan University Library
107 Taipei, Taiwan, Roosevelt Road Section IV, Republic of
Telex-numbers Telefon-number:
The library is joined to a university The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) other head eubjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
more than 50
The head of the library is Dr. Jih - Zan Yang The library is offering the following special services s a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
FORMOSA Official name of the library Scientific Documentation and Instrumentation Centre Library Käme in English translation
Scientific Documefitation and Instrumentation Centre Library
Adress: 300 Hsinchu, 855 Kuang Fu Road, Taiwan, Formosa Telex-number: Telefon-number: 24 13I The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4)
Inventory description 1) Number of books -
less than 1000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
FRANCE Official name of the library
Bibliothèque Centrale d u Ministère d u Développement industriel et scientifique Central Library of the Ministry of the Development of industry and science
Name in English translation Adress:
75007 Paris, 101, Hue de Grenelle, France
Telex-number: Telefon-number:
555 93 00
The library is joined t o a n administrative The library is not a
The library is a special
The library is collecting 1)
library library
general research
1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
The library is offering the following special
a) b) c) d)
documentation services
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is in operation The function analysis has
not b e e n made
FRANCE Official name of the library
Bibliothèque du Conseil de l'Europe
Käme in English translation
Council of Europe, Library
Adress: 67 000 Strasbourg, Avenue de l'Europe, France Telex-number: 87 943 Telefon-number: (88) 35 70 35 The library is joined to an international organization The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) international relations 3) politics 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is
Jean Baby
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
196 FRANCE Official name of the library
Bibliothèque du Sénat
Käme in English translation
Library of the Senate
Adress: 75 291 Paris, Cedex 6, 15 Hue de Vaugirard, France Telex-number: Telefon-number : BAB 08 - 12 et ODE 95 00 The library is joined to a parliament The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) politics 2) law 3) economics 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) printed or similarly reproduced materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 50
The library is offering the following special services: a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d ) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
FRANCE Official name of the library
Bibliothèque National
Name in English translation
National Library
Adress! 75084- Paris Cedex 02, 58, Rue de Richelieu Telex-number: Telefon-number: 7^2 - 02 - 51 The library is joined to another institution The library is a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) politics 4) other field subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending b) participation in national and/or international c) duplication services information networks d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has been made
FRANCE Official name of the library UNESCO Library Name in English translation
UMESCO Library
Adress: 75 700 Paris, 7» Place de Fontenoy, France Telex-number: Telefon-number: 566-57-57 The library is joined to an international organization The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) education 2) culture 3) general sciences 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) β)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is
Benjamin T. Pierce
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending o) c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is in operation The function analysis has not been made
GERMANY (BHD) Official name of the library Name in English translation Adress:
Bundesverfassungsgericht-Bibliothek Federal Constitutional Court-Library
D 75 Karlsruhe, Schloßbezirk 3i Germany
Telef on-nur.ber:
(0721) 14-91
The library is joined to another public institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) international relations 4) politics Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is
Dr. Josef Mackert
The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c)
duplication services
documentation services
e) The use of electronic data processing systems is
in planning
The function analysis has been made by Josef Mackert in 1971
200 GERMANY (BRD) Official naie of the library
Statistisches Bundesamt Bibliothek, Archiv, Dokumentation
Name in English translation
Federal Statistical Office Library, Archive, Documentation
Adress: D 6200 Wiesbaden, Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 11, Germany Telex-number: 04-186511 stb d Telefon-number: (06121) 7051 The The The The
library library library library
is is is is
joined to another public institution not a copyright library a special research library collecting 1) documentation 2) public administration 3) law 4) other head subjects
Inventory description 1) Number of books - m o r e
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Dr. Hans K. Kullmer The library is offering the following special services ι a
) participation in international lending
c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is i n planning The function analysis has tben made by Würzberger in 1970
GERMANY (BRD) Official name of the library
Bibliothek des Deutschen Bundestags
Name in English translation
Library of the Federal German Parliament
Adrese s d 53OO Bonn, Görresstr. 16, Germany Telex-numbers 0886/808 Telefon-number: (02221) 161 The library is joined to a parliament The library is a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) politics 3) economics 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items a) b) printed or similarly reproduced matGriâls c)\ photographic materials d) acuBtic information storage materials e) Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is Wolfgang Dietz The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
202 GERMANY (BRD) Official name of the library Bibliothek des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Wissenschaft und des Bundesministeriums für Forschung und Technologie Käme in English translation Library of the Federal Ministry for Education and Science and of the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology Adress: D 53 Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Stresemannstr. 2, Germany Telex-number: 885666 Telefon-number: 57 30 75 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a
copyright library
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) politics 2) economics 3) 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Kucber of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) 0) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is The library is offering the following special services! a) b) c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
Official name of the library
Käme in English translation
Library of the Senate
D 1000 Berlin, Straße des 17.Juni 12, Germany
Telex-numbers Telefon-number: (030) 34 100 The library is joined to an administrative The library is not a
copyright library
The library is a special
The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) politics 4) Inventory
1) Number of books -
more than 10 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals
more than 1000 a)
3) Special items -
b) o) d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
more than 50
Dr. Rainer Stromeyer
The library is offering the following special
participation in international
participation in national information networks
duplication services
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has b e e n made b y Dr. Stromeyer in 1974/75
GERMANY (BRD) Official name of the library
Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Name in English translation
State Library of Prussian Culture Property
Adresss D 1000 Berlin, Postfach 1407, Germany Telex-numbers 183160 Telefon-number! 0311/266-1 The library is joined to another public institution The library is a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is
Dr. Ekkehard Vesper
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending c) duplication services d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has been made by a working-group in 1970
Official name of the library
Bibliothek des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts
Käme in English translation
Supreme Court for Administrative Affairs of the Federal Republic of Ge rmany,Library Adress: D 1000 Berlin 12, Hardenbergstr.31, Western Germany Telex-number: Telefon-number: 31 97 259 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) public
3) 4) Inventory
1) Number of books -
than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
more than 10
The head of the library is Gunnar Stehr The library is offering the following special
a) b) c) 3) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not been made
not in planning
206 GHANA Official name of the library Ghana Institute of Management & Public Administration LibraryName in English translation
Ghana Institute of Management & Public Administration Library
Adress: Achimota, P.O.Box 50, Greenhill, Ghana Telex-numbers Telefon-number : 77625/14-5-147 The library is joined to another public institution The library isnot a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) economics 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d)
photographic materials acustic information storage materi
e) Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is
Edward Seth Asiedu
The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
207 GREAT BRITAIN Official name of the library
Board of Inland Revenue Library-
Name in English translation
Board of Inland Revenue Library
Adress: WC 2 R ILB, London, Somerset House Strand, Great Britain Telex-number : Telefon-nutnber: 01-856-2407-325 The library is joined to another public institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) economics 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) printed or similarly reproduced ,, materials c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
more than 10
Raymond F. Knight
The library is offering the following special services! a) b) c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not been made
not in planning
208 GREAT BRITAIN Official name of the library
Central Management Library
Käme in English translation
Central Management Library
Adresss SW 1A 2 AZ London, Whitehall, Great Britain Telex-number: Telefon-number: 01 836 7733 The library is joined to another public institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) politics 3) law 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 10 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
manuscripts printed or similarly reproduced photographic m a t e r i a l l a t e r i a l s acustic information storage materials other materials
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is B. M. Howard The library is offering the following special services: a) b) o)
e) The use of electronic data processing systems is in operation The function analysis has not been made
GHEAT BEITAIN Official name of the library
Department of Employment Library
Same in English translation
Department of Employment Library
Adress: SWIY 4-LL London, 12 St. James's Square, Great Britain Telex-number: Telefon-number: 01-930-6200 The library is joined to a parliament The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) economics 3) medicine 4) education Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 5) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is H. E. Brooks The library is offering the following special services i a) participation in international lending b) participation in national information networks c) d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
GBEAT BRITAIN Official name of the library Department of Health and Social Security Library Name in English translation Adress: S E 1 6BX Telex-number:
Department of Health and Social Security Library
London, Alexander Fleming House, Elephant and Castle, Great Britain
Telefon-nunber : 01 407 5522 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) population 3) medicine 4) economics Inventory description 1) Nunber of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced c) photographic materials materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 50 The head of the library is The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
GREAT BRITAIN Official name of the library
Department of Industry Library-
Name in English translation
Department of Industry Library
Adress: SW1H OET London, 1, Victoria Street, Great Britain Telex-number: 27366 DTI London Telefon-number: 01 - 215 3000 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) economics 2) technics 3) international relations 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is Kenneth A. Mallaber The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending b) participation in national information networks c) d) e)information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
GREAT BRITAIN Official name of the library Department of the Environment Library Käme in English translation
Department of the Environment Library
Adresss SW1 3EB London, 2 Marsham Street, England Telex-number: 22801 Telefon-number: 01 - 212 - 4844 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) nature 3) technics 4) arts Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) fc) printed or similarly reproduced o) photographic materials maten: d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is W. Pearson The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending b) participation in national and/or international information c) duplication services networks d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
GREAT BRITAIN Official name of the library
Foreign and Commonwealth Office Library
Name in English translation
Foreign and Commonwealth Office Library
Adress: SW 1P 3 BZ London, Great Smith Street, Great Britain Telex-number : Telefon-numbers 01 - 839 1710 Ext. 253 The The The The
library library library library
is is is is
joined to an administrative board not a copyright library a special research library collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) international relations 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced c) photographic materials m a , t e r l a l s d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is E. C. Blayney The library is offering the following special services: a) b) o) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
GREAT BRITAIN Official name of the library
Greater London Council Library
Name in English translation
Greater London Council Library
Adress: SEI 7PB London, County Hall Room 114, Great Britain Telex-number : Telefon-nunber: 01 - 633 - 6759 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) history 2) public administration 5) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is H. 0. Wilson The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
GREAT BRITAIN Official name of the library
H . M . Customs & Excise Library-
Name in English translation
H . M . Customs & Excise Library
Adress: EC3R 7HE L o n d o n , Mark Lane, Great Britain Telex-number: 88 62 31 Telefon-number: 01-626-1515 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) public
2) law 3) economics 4) Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is
E.A. Carson
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending b) participation in national and/or international c) duplication services
information networks
d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not b e e n made
216 GKEAT BRITAIN Official name of the library
H . M . Treasury and Cabinet Office Library
Name in English translation
H . M. Treasury and Cabinet Office Library
Adress : SWIP3AG London, Great George Street, Great Britain Telex-number:
Telefon-number: 01 - 930 - 1234· The library is joined t o a n administrative b o a r d The library is not a
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) public
2) economics 3) politics 4) mathematics Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 2 5 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less t h a n 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is P . K i r w a n The library is offering the following special
a) b) c) duplication services d)documentation
e ) i n f o r m a t i o n services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not b e e n made
Official name of the library
Home Office Library
Name in English translation
Home Office Library
SWIA 2 AP London, Whitehall, Great Britain
Telex-number:24986 Telefon-number:01 - 930 - 8100 The library is joined toan administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting l)law 2) politics 3)public administration 4)other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is D. B. Gibson The library is offering the following special
a) b) o)
duplication services
d) e)
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems isnot in planning The function analysis has not been made
218 GREAT BRITAIN Official name of the library House of Commons Library Name in English translation
House of Commons Library
Adress: SWI A OAA London, Great Britain Telex-number : Telefon-nutr.ber: 01 219 The library is joined toa parliament The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) documentation 2) law 3) international relations 4) politics Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals -„ more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is David Holland The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has been made by A. Barker & M. Rush in 197^
GREAT BRITAIN Official name of the library
The Labour Party Library
Käme in English translation
The Labour Party Library
Adresss SW 1P 3JA London, Transport House Smith Square, Great Telex-number: Britain Telefon-number: 01 834 9434 The library is joined to a parliament The library is a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) politics 3) economics 4 ) education Inventory description 1) Number of books -
less than 10 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is Irene Wagner The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending b) participation in national and/or international c) duplication services information networks d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
220 GREAT BRITAIN Official name of the library
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food Library
Käme in English translation
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food Library
Adress: SW1 A 2HH London, Whitehall Place, Great Britain Telex-number: 22124Telefon-number: 01 839 7711 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a
copyright library
The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1 ) agriculture 2 ) nutrition 3) natural sciences 4)nature Inventory description 1) Number of books - less than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c)photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 50 The head of the library is Frank G. Kirst The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending ο) participation in national and/or international information c) duplication services
d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
GREAT BRITAIN Official name of the library Ministry of Defence, Procurement Executive-Information and Library Service Name in English translation Ministry of Defence, Procurement Executive-Information and Library Service Adress! WC2H 8LD London St. Gilles Court 1-13, Great Britain Telex-number: 22241 Telefon-number: 01 - 636 - 3644· The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) technics 2) general sciences 3) general research 4) public administration Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) ν c) d)
printed or similarly reproduced ,. , . materials , . photographic materials acustic information storage materials
e) Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is Geoffrey A. Barnes The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
222 GREAT BRITAIN Official name of the library
Office of Population Censuses and Surveys Library
Name in English translation
Office of Population Censuses and Surveys Library
Adresss WC2B 6JP London, St. Catherines House, 10 Kingsway, Great
Telefon-number: 01 - 242 0262 The library is joined to another public institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) population 2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is B. D. Chater The library is offering the following special services: a) b) o) duplication services d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
223 GREAT BRITAIN Official name of the library
Property Services Agency Library
Name in English translation
Property Services Agency Library
Adresss SE1 7SB, Lambeth Bridge House, London, Great Britain Telex-number: 22221/2/3 Telefon-number: 01 211 7236 The The The The
library library library library
is is is is
joined to another institution not a copyright library a special research library collecting 1) technics 2)
3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced mac) photographic materials teria d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
more than 50
The head of the library is C.D. Overton The library is offering the following special services: a) c) d) e
participation in international lending participation in national and/or international information duplication services networks documentation services
) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
224 GREAT BRITAIN Official name of the library
Scottish Office Library
Name in English translation
Scottish Office Library
Adress: EH1 3DH Edinburgh, St. Andrew's House, Scotland Telex-number: 72202 Telefon-number: 031 - 556 - 8501 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) medicine 3) agriculture 4) education Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is
A.G. Brown
The library is offering the following special services« a) b) c) duplication services d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
225 GREAT 3 H I T A I N Official name of the library
State P a p e r Room, Deptm. of Printed Books
Name in English translation
State P a p e r Room, Deptm. of Printed Books
Adrese: WC13 D E London, Great Russel Street, Great Britain Telex-number:21462 Telefon-number : 01-636-1555 The library is joined to another public The library is
copyright library
The library is a general
research library
The library is collecting 1 ) documentation 2) 3) 4) Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 2 5 000 2) Kumber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
more than 10
The head of the library is K . B . Gardner &. E.H. Spinneey The library is offering the following special a) participation in international
b) participation in national and/or international
c) duplication services
d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has b e e n made b y Maurice Line in 1972
226 GREAT BRITAIN Official name of the library
W e l s h Office Library
Käme in English translation
W e l s h Office Library
Cardiff, Cathays P a r k , Wales
Telex-number: 49 228 Telefon-nunber: 0222 28 0 66 The library is joined to an administrative
The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1)public
2)medicine 3)nature 4)education Inventory
1) lîusber of books - more than 10 000 2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
less than 10
The head of the library is M.C. Ransson The library is offering the following special
a) c)
participation in national information networks
c) d) e)
information networks
The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
227 HUNGARY Official name of the library
Tanâcsakadémia Tanacs - Igazgata'si Szervezêsi int
Name in English translation
Academy of Councils, Institution of Administration and Organization
Budapest, Cházár 3, Hungary
Telex-number: Telefon-number:
227- 655
The library is joined to
an administrative "board
The library is no'; a copyright library The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1)
3) 4) Inventory
1) Number of books - less than 10 0 0 0 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced mated) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
M a r i a Kakuszi
The library is offering the following special a) participation in international
c) c) d) documentation
e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
HUNGARY Official name of the library
A Jôzsef Attila Tudományegyetem Központi Könyvtara
Name in English translation
Central Library of the Attila Józeef University
Adress: Szeged, Dugonics ter 13, Hungary Telex-numbers Telefon-number: 12 - 4-62 The library is joined to a university The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) mathematics 2) natural sciences 3) law 4) history Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is
Dr.Zoltán Havasi
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
229 HUNGARY Official name of the library
Eötvös Lorând Tudomânyegyetem Allam-és Jogtudomâny K a r Konyvtár
Name in English translation
Faculty of Law Library University of "Eötvös Loránd"
Budapest, V. Egyetem ter 1-3, Hungary
Telex-number: Telefon-number s 180-820/254-259 The library is joined to The library is not a
a university
copyright library
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) law 2) politics 3) international relations 4)public Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 2 5 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
b) o) d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists
less than 10
The head of the library is dr. Agnes B. Mike The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending c) participation in national information networks e) d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not b e e n made
230 HUNGAKT Official name of the library
Országgyúlési Konyvtár
Käme in English translation
Library of the H u n g a r i a n Parliament
Budapest V·, K o s s u t h L a j o s tér 1 - 3 ,
Telex-number: Telefon-nuober:
314 - 199
The library is joined t o a parliament The library is not a The library is a
copyright library
special research library
The library is collecting 1) public
2) law 3 ) international relations 4)politics Inventory
1) Number of books - more t h a n 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b ) p r i n t e d or similarly reproduced materials c)
a) e) Personnel staff of information specialists
more than 50
The head of the library is Gabor Valyi The library is offering the following special a) participation in international
b) p a r t i c i p a t i o n in national information networks c) duplication
3) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis hasnot b e e n made
HUNGARY Official ríame of the library Picei Egyetemi Könyvtar Name in English translation
University Library of Pecs
Adrese: 7641 Pécs, Leonardo da Vinci 3» Hungary Telex-number: Telefon-number: 13 - 838 The library is joined to a university The library is a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) history 3) politics 4) general sciences Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) o)photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 50 The head of the library is Dr. Fênyes Kiklós The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending c) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
232 ICELAND Official name of the library
Hâskôlabôkasafn, v/Sudurgötu Reykjavik, Islandi
Name in English translation
University Library of Sudurgotu Reykjavik, Iceland
Adress: Reykjavik, v/Sudurgötu, Iceland Telex-number : Telefon-number:
91 - 25088
The library is joined to The library is
a university
copyright library
The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) sciences, general 3) research, general 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists i e s s than 10 The head of the library is
o r . Björn Sigfûsson
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending b) c) duplication services d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing s.ystens is not in planning The function analysis has been made in 197*1
233 IRAN Official name of the library
KetàbKhàne-ye Bânk-e Markazi-ye Iran
Käme in English translation
Central Bank of Iran, L i b r a r y
Tehran, Ferdowsi, Iran
2503, 2359
310100 - 109
The library is joined to The library is not a
another public institution
copyright library
The library is a general
research library
The library is collecting 1) law 2) politics 3) economics 4) Inventory
1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
b) c) d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less t h a n 10
F. Gowharian
The library is offering the following special
a) b) c)
duplication services
d) e)
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has
not b e e n made
234 IRAN Official name of the library
KetábKháne-ye Sazeman-e Omur-e Edari v a EsteKhdami-ye Keshvar
Name in English translation
The Library of State Organization for Administration and Employment Affairs
Adress: Tehran, Esfanéiari, I r a n Telex-number: Telefon-number:
The library is joined t o a n administrative b o a r d The library is not a
copyright library
The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1)
2) public administration
1) Number of books - more than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less t h a n 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) N c) d)
printed or similarly reproduced m a terials
e) Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is
A . Malek-Madani
The library is offering the following special
a) b) participation in national information networks c) d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
235 IRAN Official name of the library
KetâbKhâne-ye Mo'assese-ye Standard. v a Tahqiquat-e Sanati
Name in English translation
The L i b r a r y of the Institute of S t a n dards a n d Industrial R e s e a r c h of Iran
Karaj, Iran
Telex-number : Telefon-number:
1151 2913 16
The library is joined to The library is not a
another public
The library is a general
research library
The library is collecting 1)
copyright library agriculture
general sciences
other h e a d subjects
1) Number of books - less than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals ar.à periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
less t h a n 10
The head of the library is F. Hazep The library is offering the following special
a) b) c)
duplication services
d) e)
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
236 IRAN Official name of the library
Library of the Iranian Documentation Centre
Name in English translation
Library of the Iranian Documentation Centre
Adress: P.O.Box 11-1387! Tehran, Shahreza Avenue., K a k h Corner,Iran Telex-number:
Telefon-number: 66 22 54 The library is joined to another public
The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) documentation 2) general sciences 3) economics 4) education Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of jourr.&ls and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced ma\ ^ . · . τ terials c) photographic materials d) acustic information storage materials e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
more than 10
Mehrangis Hariri
The library is offering the following special services: a) b) participation in national and/or international , j .. . c) duplication services
information networks
d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has
not b e e n made
237 IRAN Official n&me of the library
Ket'abKhâne-ye Majles-e Showra-ye Melli-ye Iran
Name in English translation
The Library of the Iranian Parliament
Adress: Tehran, Baharestan Square, Iran Telex-number : Telefon-number:
The library is joined to a parliament The library is not a
copyright library
The library is a general
research library
The library is collecting 1 ) documentation 2) public administration 3) law 4 ) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is P. Rastkar The library is offering the following special
a) b) c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has
not been made
IRAN Official name of the library
KetâbKhàne-ye DaneshKade-ye
Name in English translation
Library of the Military Academy
Tehran, Sepah, Iran
Telex-number: Telefon-number:
4-1 14 7
The library is joined to a university The library is not a
copyright library
The library is a general
research library
The library is collecting 1) economics 2) history 3) general sciences 4) other h e a d subjects Inventory
1) Number of books -
more than 10 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
A. Khatami
The library is offering the following special
a) b) c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has
not b e e n made
239 IRAN Official rtame of the library KetabKhane-ye Vezarat-e Âbadani v a Maskan Name in English translation
The library of the Ministry of Development a n d H o u s i n g
Adrese: Tehran, Varzesh, Iran Telex-number : Telefon-number: 66 83 11-19 The library is joined to another public
The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1)
2) 3) 4) Inventory
other head subjects
1) Number of books - less than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced m a > terials c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is
Mahvash Mehr
The library is offering the following special
a) b) c) duplication services d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
Official name of the library
KetäbKhäne-ye Vezärat-e Equitezad
Name in English translation
The Library of the Ministry of Econo
Tehran, Davar Ave, Iran
Telex-number : Telefon-nuEber: 53 39 91 - 9 The library is joined to another public institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) documentation 2) public administration 3) law 4) economics Inventory description 1) Uusber of books -
less than 10 000
2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced matsrlâls c ) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is
L. Karmgar-Parsi
The library is offering the following special services: a) b) participation in national information networks c) d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
IRAN Official name of the library
KetäbKhäne-ye Vezärat-e Omur-e Kharajek
Käme in English translation
Library of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tehran, Saht Ave., Iran
Telex-r.umber : Telefon-number:
32 12 50
The library is joined toanother public institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) politics 2)
4 ) law Inventory
1) Nuaber of books - more than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a)manuscripts b)printed or similarly reproduced materials c)photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
less than 10
The head of the library is M . Namdar The library is offering the following special
a) b) c) d) e)information
The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
242 IRAN Official name of the library
KetabKhane-ye Vezarat-e
Name in English transla.tion
Library of the Ministry of Information
Adress: Tehran, A r c k Square, Iran Telex-number : Telefon-number:
53 01 61 - 65
The library is joined to another public
The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research
The library is collecting 1)
3) 4) Inventory
1) Number of books - m o r e than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
less than 10
The head of the library is M . Bshardust The library is offering the following specinü
a) b) c ) documentation services d) e ) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not b e e n made
243 IRAN Official' name of the library
KetabKhäne-ye Vezarat-e Dad Gostari
Name in English translation
The Library of the Ministry of Justice
Tehran, Khayam Ave. Arck Square, Iran
Telex-number: Telefon-number:
The library is joined to The library is not a
another public institution
copyright library
The library is a general
research library
The library is collecting 1) law 2) 3) 4) Inventory
1) Number of books -
less than 10 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) o) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
M.Gh.Son Avi
The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) d) e)
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has
not been made
not in planning
244 IRAN O f f i c i a l name of the library
KetabKhane-ye Vezarat-e Kar v a Omur-e ejtema'i
N a m e in E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n
L i b r a r y of t h e M i n i s t r y of L a b o u r a n d Social Affairs
Tehran, Eisenhower,
Telex-numbers Telefon-number:
93 0031-39
The library is joined to a n o t h e r p u b l i c The library is n o t a The library is a
general research
The library is c o l l e c t i n g 1) 2)
library library
economics law
other head subjects
1) N u m b e r of b o o k s - less t h a n 1 0 0 0 0 2) N u m b e r of the titles of journals and p e r i o d i c a l s
less t h a n 1 0 0 0 3) Special items -
a) b) p r i n t e d or s i m i l a r l y r e p r o d u c e d m a > terials c) d) e)
P e r s o n n e l staff of i n f o r m a t i o n s p e c i a l i s t s
less t h a n 10
The h e a d of the library is M e h d i M o j t a b a v i The library is o f f e r i n g the f o l l o w i n g special
a) b) c) d) e) i n f o r m a t i o n
The use of e l e c t r o n i c d a t a p r o c e s s i n g systems is n o t in p l a n n i n g The f u n c t i o n a n a l y s i s has n o t b e e n m a d e
245 IRAN Official' name of the library
KetâbKhàne-ye Däneshgäh-e Polis
Name in English translation
The Library of the Police-University
Tehran, Daneshgah-e Police, Iran
Telex-number: Telefon-number:
84 30 43
The library is joined to a university The library is
not a copyright library
The library is a
general research library
The library is collecting 1) law 2) natural sciences 3) history 4) other head subjects Inventory
1) Number of books - less than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced mated) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is M. Varzi The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) d) e)
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has
n o t been made
t in planning
246 IRAN Official name of the library
KetabKhane-ye Sazeman-e
Name in English translation
P l a n Organization of Iran Library
Adress: Tehran, D a n e s h Kadeh, Iran Telex-number : Telefon-number: 30 77 06 The library is joined to another public
The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) economics 2) agriculture 3) technics 4) other head subjects Inventory
1) Number of books -
less than 10 000
2) Number of the titles of jourr.&ls and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is
A. Bayanfar
The library is offering the following special a) b) c ) duplication services
d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has
not been made
IRAN Official "name of the library
KetabKhane-ye Majles-e S e n a
Name in English translation
The Senate Library
Adress: Tehran, Kakh, Iran Telex-number: Telefon-number:
66 4-8 51
The library is joined to a parliament The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) philosophy 2) history 3) philology 4) other head subjects Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is Jahandari The library is offering the following special
a) b) c) d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
248 IRELAND Official name of the library Oireachtas Library Name in English translation
Library of the National Parliament
Adress: 2 Dublin, Kildare Street, Ireland Telex-number : Telefon-nurcber: 6114-1 The library is joined to 0
The library is Π· ^
copyright library
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) l a w 2) international relations 3) politics 4)
other head subjects
Inventory description 1) dumber of books -
than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
less than 10
The head of the library is The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has
not been made
not in planning
249 IRELAND Official'name of the library
Boyal Dublin Society
Name in English translation
° y a l Dublin Society
Adressi Dublin, Ballsbridge, Ireland Telex-number: Telefon-number: 68 06 4-5 The library is joined to another public institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) history 2) agriculture 3) general sciences 4) technics Inventory description 1) lîucber of books more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) printed or similarly reproduced . materials o) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
more than 10
The head of the library is The library is offering the following special services: a participation in international lending ο participation in national/international information networks c)duplication services d)documentation services e)information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
250 IRELAND Official name of the library
Trinity College Library, University of Dublin
Name in English translation
Trinity College Library, University of Dublin
Adress: D u b l i n 2, College Street, Ireland Telex-number:
Telefon-number: 77 29 41 The library is joined to The library is
The library is a
copyright library generalresearch library
The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) Inventory
1) KuEber of books -
more than 25 000
2) Kunber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) printed or similarly reproduced material c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
more than 50
Peter Brown
The library is offering the following special a) participation in international
o) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) e)
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has
not b e e n made
i-n operation
251 ISRAEL Official name of the library
Sifriat Haknesset
Name in English translation
Knesset L i b r a r y
Adress! 91999 Jerusalem, Hakiria, Israel Telex-number : Telefon-number: 61211 The library is joined to a parliament The library is a
copyright library
The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1)
public administration
other head subjects
1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced materials c) d) e)
other materials
Personnel staff of information specialists
more than 10
The head of the library is E r i k a Yeshaiahu The library is offering the following special a) b) o)
duplication services
documentation services
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not b e e n made
not in planning
252 ITALY Official name of the library Name in English translation
EURATOM CCR Ispra Biblioteca EURATOM CCR Ispra Library
21020 Ispra (Va), Casella postale 1, Italy AaresS S Telex-number: Telefon-number:
38042-38058 EURATOM 0039 332 780131 - 35
The library is joined to
an international
The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4)
nature natural sciences technics mathematics
Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced mate c)
photographic materials
d) e)
other materials
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
more than 10
Ursula Mayer
The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not been made
in operation
253 ITALY Official ñame of the library
Biblioteca Centrale I.Ν.Α.M.
Name in English translation
I.N.A.M. Central Library
00100 Rome, Cristoforo Colombo, 212, Italy
Telex-number: Telefon-number:
The library is joined to another public
The library is not a copyright library The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) 2)
economics medicine
3) 4) Inventory
1) Number of books -
more than 10 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
Giovanna Bitto
The library is offering the following special
a) b) c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has
not b e e n made
i n planning
254 ITALY Official name of the library Biblioteca dell'I.Ν.A.I.L. Name in English translation Library of I.N.A.I.L. Adresss
00100 Rome, Via Quattro Novembre 14-4, Italy
Telex-number ! Telefon-number: 6 8 30 41 The library is ¿joined to another public institution The library is not a
copyright library
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1)
2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has
not been made
266 ITALY Official'name of the library Biblioteca Banca d'Italia , „ ,. . ^ Name in English translation Adresss
Library of the Bank of Italy
00100 Some, Via Nazionale No. 91, Italy
Telex-number : Telefon-number:
The library is joined to another public institution The library is not a
copyright library
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) economics 2)
3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) 0 ) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
less than 10
The head of the library is Franco Lorenzani The library is offering the following special services: a) b) o) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has
been made by a work-group in 1965
256 ITALY Official name of the library Ministero Bilancio e della Programmazione economica Käme in English translation
Library of the Ministry of Budget and economic Planning
Adresss 00100 Rome, Via XX Settembre, η. 97, Italy Telex-number : Telefon-number: 4681 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1)
2) 3) 4) Inventory
1) Number of books -
less than 10 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
less than 10
The head of the library is Francesco Castracene The library is offering the following special services: a) b) participation in national and international information . . . . . . networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
257 ITALY Official name of the library Biblioteca del Ministero dell' Industria Commercio e Artigianato Name in English translation Library of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Craft Adress: 00100 Rome, Via Molise, η. 6, Italy Telex-number: Telefon-number: 4985 The library is joined toan administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) law 2)
3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproducid materials c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
Spartaco Matrisciano
The library is offering the following special services: a) b) o) d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
ITALY Official name of the library
Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia
Name in English translation
Library of the Ministry of Justice
0 0 1 0 0
Via Arenula 20, Italy
Telex-number: Telefon-number: 654 23 61 The library is joined to a n administrative
The library is not a copyright library The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) law 2)
3) 4) Inventory
1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced materials c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
than 50
The head of the library is Antonio S e s s a The library is offering the following special
a) b) c) d) e)
The use of electronic data processing systems is ^ ^ The function analysis has not b e e n made
25» ITALY Official ríame of the library Biblioteca del Ministero del lavoro e d e l l a previdenza sociale Name in English translation
Library of the Ministry of L a b o u r and social Security
Adresss 00100 Rome, V i a F l a v i a 6, Italy Telex-numbers Telefon-number:
The library is joined to a n administrative board The library is
not acopyright library
The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1)
2) 3) 4) Inventory
1) Number of books -
more than 10 000
2) Kumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
l e s s than 10
Marcella Ferrari
The library is offering the following special
a) b) c) duplication services d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has
not b e e n made
260 ITALY Official name of the library Biblioteca del Ministero delle Partecipazioni statali Name in English translation Adress:
Library of the Ministry of Nationalized Industries
00100 Rome, Via Sallustiana, n.53, Italy
Telex-numbers Telefon-nuEber: 4-7 83 54The library is joined to an administrative b o a r d The library is not a
copyright library
The library is aspecial
research library
The library is collecting 1)
2) 3) 4) Inventory
1) Number of books - less than 10 000 2) Kumber of the titles of journals and periodicals
less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced m a terials c; d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is M a r i a P i a Luzi Hogari The library is offering the following special
a) b) c)
a) e) The use of electronic data processing systems isnot in planning The function analysis has not b e e n made
261 ITALY Official' name of the library Biblioteca del Ministero delle Poste e telecomunicazioni „ ·, . u * 14.· Käme in English translation Adress:
Library of the Ministry of Posts and
° Rome, Via del Seminario, Italy
Telex-numbers Telefon-number: The library is joined to The library is not a
an administrative board
copyright library
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1)
2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) . c)
printed or similarly reproduced materials
d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is
Giulia Laudati
The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) duplication services d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is i n planning The function analysis has been made by Lydia Barbera
262 ITALY Official name of the library
Biblioteca Centrale del Ministero Pubblica Istruzione
Name in English translation
Library of the Ministry of Public Education
00153 Rome, Viale Trastevere 76 A, Italy
Telex-number : Telefon-number: 5800150 The library is joined to The library is not a
an administrative board
copyright library
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) education 4) other head subjects Inventory
1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is
Maria Angela Motta Rabotti
The library is offering the following special services« a) c)
o) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has
t been made
263 ITALY Official name of the library
Biblioteca del Ministero del lavori pubblici
Name in English translation
Library of the Ministry of Public Works
00100 Rome, Via Nomentana, n. 2, Italy
Telex-number: Telefon-number:
The library is joined to an administrative The library is not a
copyright library
The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) public
2) law 3) nature 4) technics Inventory
1) Nuaber of books -
more than 25 000
2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
b) . o)
printed or similarly reproduced m a terials
d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists
more than 10
The head of the library is Gustavo Maciocie The library is offering the following special
a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has
not been made
2Θ4 ITALY Official name of the library Biblioteca del Ministero del transporti Ferrovie dello Stato Käme ir English tranalation Adressi
Library of the Ministry of Transport and State Railways
00100 Rome, Piazza Croce Rossa, η. 2, Italy
Telex-r.umber: Telefon-nunber:
The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1)
2) 3) 4) Inventory
1) Nuaber of books - more than 25 000 2) dumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less t h a n 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced m a . terials o) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less t h a n 10
Bruno Derme
The library is offering the following special
a) •o) c) ¡J) documentation services e)
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not b e e n made
' t i-n planning
265 ITALY Official name of the library
Biblioteca Provinciale Tommasi", L'Aquila
Name in English translation
Public Library "Salvatore Tommasi" of the Province of L'Aquila
Adrese: 67100 L'Aquila, Piazza Palazzo, Italy Telex-number: Telefon-number: 22381 The library is joined to another public institution The library is a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2)
3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
b) c) d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
Roberto Sihari
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending b) participation in national and international information ν . networks c; duplication services d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not been made
i n planning
266 JAPAN Official name of the library
Gyosei Kanri-cho Toshokan
Name in English translation
Administrative Management Agency, Library
Adressi 100 Tokyo, 3-1-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-numbers Telefon-number: 580 - 4810 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1)public administration 2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a)manuscripts b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is Eiichi Kimura The library is offering the following special servicest a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
JAPAN Officiali name of the library
Kogyo-Gijyutsuin Toshokan
Name in English translation
Agency of Industry and Technology, Library
Adressi Tokyo, 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-number: Telefor-number: 501 - 1511 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) natural sciences 2) technics 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
less than 10
The head of the library is Kiichi Takahashi The library is offering the following special services« a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
Official name of the library
Kakei Kensa_in Toshokan
Name in English translation
Board of Audit, Library
Adrese: Tokyo, 3-2-1 Kasumigaseky, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-number: Telefon-nuiaber: 581 - 3251 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) economics 2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Kumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is
Sohei Moriya
The library is offering the following special services» a) c) participation in national information networks c) duplication services i) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
JAPAN Official name of the library
Naikaku Hosei-kyoku Toshokan
Käme in English translation
Cabinet Legislation Bureau, Library
Adress: Tokyo, 3-1-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-number: Telefon-nunber: 581 - 9640 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) O Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 10 000 2) Kumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is The library is offering the following special services: a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
Official name of the library
Name in English translation
Cabinet Library
Adress: 102 Tokyo, 3-2 Kitanomaru-koen, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-numbers Telefon-nunber: 214 - 0621 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) culture 2) history 3) philosophy 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Kazuo Miura The library is offering the following special services» a) c) participation in national information networks c) d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
JAPAN Official name of the library
Boei-cho Toshokan
Name in English translation
Defence Agency Library
Adress:i07 Tokyo, 9-7-45 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Japan Telex-number: Telefon-number: 408 - 5211 The library is joined to an administrative board. The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) international relations 2) politics 3) 4)
economics natural sciences
Inventory description 1) Number of books - m o r e than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
Teruo Suganuma
The library is offering the following special services« a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information servcies The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
272 JAPAN Official name of the library
Boei Shisetsu-cho Toshokan
Name in English translation
Defence Facilities Administration Agency, Library
Adreas: 107 Tokyo, 9-7-4-5» Akasaka, Minato-ku, Japan Telex-number* Telefon-nunber: 4-08 - 5211 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2)
3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Kazuo Tateishi The library is offering the following special services« a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
273 JAPAN Official name of the library
Keizai Kikaku-cho Toshokan
Name in English translation
Economic Planning Agency, Library
Tokyo, 3-1-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Japan
Telex-numoer: Telefon-nunber s 581 - 1530 The library is joined to The library is not a
a n administrative b o a r d
copyright library
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1)
2) 3) 4) Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Kumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
less than 10
The head of the library is Takao Sasaki The library is offering the following special
a) b) participation in national information networks c)
duplication services
documentation services
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is not i n planning The function analysis has not b e e n made
274 JAPAN Official name of the library
Kunai-cho Toshokan
Name in English translation
Imperial Household Agency, Library
Adrese: 100 Tokyo, 1-1 Chiyoda, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-number: Telefon-number: 213 - 1111 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) history 2) culture 3) 4
Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Kumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialistsmore than 10 The head of the library is Tyoji Udo The library is offering the following special services: a) c) participation in national information networks c) d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
275 JAPAN Official rtame of the library
Sori-fu Tokei-kyoku Toshokan
Name in English translation
library of Statistics Bureau
Adrese s 162 Tokyo, 95 Wakamatsu-cho, Shinjyku-ku, Japan Telex-number : Telefon-number: 202 1111 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) economics 3) population 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 50 The head of the library is
Ryozo Kawaguchi
The library is offering the following special services» a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
276 JAPAN Official name of the library Kaijo-Ho-ancho Toshokan Name in English translation
Maritime Safety Agency, Library
Adress: Tokyo, 2-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-numbers Telefon-nunbers 591 - 6361 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is Tsuneo Yoshijlma The library is offering the following special services: a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
Official nàme of the library
Kisho-sho Toshokan
Name in English translation
Meteorological Agency, Library
Tokyo, 1-3-4 Otomachi, Chiyoda-ku, Japan
Telex-numbers Telefon-number:
212 - 8341
The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a general
research library
The library is collecting 1) natural sciences 2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is
Uichiro Imura
The library is offering the following special services« a) c) c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not been made
i n planning
Official name of the library
Norin-sho Toshokan
Käme in English translation
Ministry of Agriculture and Fore Library
Adres8: 100 Tokyo, 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-number : Telefon-nunber: 501 - 3732 The library is Joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) economics 3) natural sciences 4) technics Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Kumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is The library is offering the following special services: a) c) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
Official "name of the library
Kensetsu-sho Toshokan
Name in English translation
Ministry of Construction, Library
Adress: Tokyo, 2-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-number: Telefon-number: 580 - 4-311 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced ma. terials c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Tsutomu Kono The library is offering the following special services« a) c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
Official name of the library
Moniiu-elio Toshokan
Name in English translation
Ministry of Education, Library
Adress! 100 Tokyo, 3-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-number: Telefon-number: 581-4211 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) culture 4) arts Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Kumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items a) b) c) photographic materials d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Akira Okamoto The library is offering the following special services: a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
Official 'name of the library
Okurasche Bunko
Name in English translation
Ministry of Finance, Library
Adrese: 100 Tokyo, 3-1-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-number : Telefon-nunber:
581 - 4111
The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) economics 2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is
Kiyoshi Higashi
The library is offering the following special services: a) b)participation in national information networks c)duplication services d)documentation services e)information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
JAPAN Official name of the library
Gaimu-sho Toshokan
Name in English translation
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Library
Adress: 100 Tokyo, 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-number : Telefon-number: 588 - 3311 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) international relations 3) politics 4) economics Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c)
e) Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is Chikara Kuroda The library is offering the following special services: a) c) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
Official náme of the library
Kosei-sho Toshokan
Name in English translation
Ministry of Health and Welfare, Library
Adress: 100 Tokyo, 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-number: Telefon-nunber: 503 - 1711 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) medicine 2) nutrition 3) nature 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) o) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is The library is offering the following special servi ces s a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems isnot in planning The function analysis has not been made
JAPAN Official name of the library
Isichi-sho Toshokan
Name in English translation
Ministry of Home Affairs, Library
Adrese! Tokyo, 2-1-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-numbers Telefon-number: 581 - 5311 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items a) b) c)
e) Personnel staff of information specialists
less than 10
The head of the library is Yoichiro Akiyama The library is offering the following special services: a) c) c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
JAPAN Official hame of the library
Tsusho-Syngyo-sho Toshokan
Käme in English translation
Ministry of International Trade, Library
Adress: Tokyo, 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-numbers Telefon-nunber: 501 - 1511 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1)international relations 2)politics 3)economics 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is The library is offering the following special services: a) c) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
JAPAN Official name of the library
Homu Toshokan
Name in English translation
Ministry of Justice, Library
Adress: Tokyo, 1-1-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-number: Telefon-nuober: 100 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) o) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Makoto Kanzaki The library is offering the following special services« a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
JAPAN Official 'name of the library
Rodo-sho Foshokan
Name in English translation
Ministry of Labour, Library
Adress: Tokyo, 1-3-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-number: Telefon-nuraber : 211 - 74-51 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
Shigeaki Perazono
The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is »he function analysis has not been made
not in planning
Official name of the library
Yusei-sho Toshokan
Name in English translation
Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Library
Adresss Tokyo, 1 - 3 - 2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, J a p a n Telex-number: Telefon-nunber:
504 - 4155
The library is joined to
an administrative b o a r d
The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
Jiro Nakamatsu
The library is offering the following special
a) b) c)
duplication services
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has
not been made
Official hame of the library
Un-yu-sho Toshokan
Name in English translation
Ministry of Transportation, Library
Adressi 100 Tokyo, 2-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, J a p a n Telex-number: Telefon-number: 580 - 3111 The library is joined to a n administrative
The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) economics 4
1) Number of books - more than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) o) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is Tadashi Arao The library is offering the following special
a) c) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
Official name of the library
K o k u r i t s u Kokkai Toshokan
Name in English translation
National Diet Library
Adress; 100 Tokyo, 1-10-1, Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-number: Telefon-nuBber: 03 - 581 - 2331 The library is joined to a parliament The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) other head subjects Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
printed or similarly reproduced m a -
photographic materials
acustic information storage materials
+·ρτιΐ β 1
e) Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is Tsuyoshi Saito The library is offering the following special
a) participation in international lending c) participation in national and/or international
c) duplication services
d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has been made b y Yasumasa Oda in 1970
JAPAN Official' name of the library
Jinjjl-in Toshokan
Name in English translation
National Personnel Authority, Library
Adress: 100 Tokyo, 2-1-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-number: Telefon-number: 581 - 5311 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) 3) O Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) o) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Yukio Hashizume The library is offering the following special services» a) b) participation in international information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
JAPAN Official name of the library
Keisatsu-cho Toshokan
Name in English translation
National Police Agency, Library
Adress: 100 Tokyo, 2-1-2 Kasumigaseki, Chyoda-ku, Japan Telex-number: Telefon-number: 581 - 0141 The library is joined to an administrative board The library isnot a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3)
Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
less than 10
The head of the library is Rokuro Yoshida The library is offering the following special servicest a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
293 JAPAN Official "name of the library
Tokkyo-cho Toshokan
Name in English translation
Patent Office Library
Adress: Tokyo, 3-4—1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-number: Telefon-number: The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4)
other head subjects
Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c)
a) β) Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is Teiichi Hayashi The library is offering the following special services« a) c)
participation in national information networks
duplication services
documentation services
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
JAPAN Official name of the library
Kagaku Gijyutsu-cho Toshokan
Name in English translation
Science and Technics Agency, Library
Adrese: 100 Tokyo, 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Japan Telex-number: Telefon-nuEber: 581 - 5271 The library is joined to an administrative hoard The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) nature 2) general sciences 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Kuaber of books - more than 25 000 2) Kumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is Yoshio Yorimizu The library is offering the following special services: a) c) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
JAPAN Official name of the library
Nihon Gakujyutsu Kaigi Toshokan
Name in English translation
Science Council of Japan, Library
Adrese s 106 Tokyo, 7-22-34- Eoppongi, Minato-ku, Japan Telex-numbers Telefon-number: 403 - 6291 The library is Joined to an administrative board. The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2)
3) A) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
Yoshiro Hara
The library is offering the following special services: a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
296 ΚΕΝΥΑ Official name of the library
Ministry of Finance and Planning Library
Name in English translation
Ministry of Finance and Planning Library
Adress: P.O.Box 30266, Nairobi, Kenya Telex-number : Telefon-nunber: 33970 The The The The
library library library library
is is is is
joined to another public institution not a copyright library a special research library collecting 1) economics 2) population 3) public administration 4) agriculture
Inventory description 1) dumber of books -
less than 25 000
2) Kumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 5) Special items -
a) b) c) d) β)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is Raymond Scrivens The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) duplication services
a) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
KOREA Official name of the library Käme in English translation
Administrative Library of Seoul National University
Aclresa: Seoul, 199 Dongsung dong, Chongro - ku, Korea Telex-number : Telefon-number: 72-1125 The library is joined to a university The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 10 000 2) Kumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is Dr. In-Jeong Hwang The library is offering the following special services: a) b) o) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
298 KOREA. Official name of the library
Koryo Daehakkyo Dosoekwan
Name in English translation
Korea University Library
Adress: 132 Seoul, 1 Anam-dong, Korea Telex-number: Telefon-number: 92 - 2601 - 9 The library is joined to a univeréity The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) international relations 2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) printed or similarly reproduced c) photographic materials materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is
Seung-Jong Hyun
The library is offering the following special services» a) c) participation in international information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has been made by Chun-jae Lee in 1972
299 KOREA Official náme of the library Name in English translation
National Assembly Library
Adress: 100 Seoul, 6 1 - 1 , Taepyung-ro, Choong-ku, Republic - , of Korea Telex-number: Telefon-nuober: 75 - 7171/9 The library is joined to a parliament The library is a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) politics 3) economics 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) printed or similarly reproduced c) photographic materials
dì acusti.c information storage materials e) other materials Personnel staff of information specialists
more than 50
The head of the library is Chu-chin Kang The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending b) participation in national and international information c) duplication services networks d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
300 KOREA. Official name of the library Name in English translation
Yonsei University Library
Adress: Seoul 120, 134· Sinchon, Korea Telex-number! Telefon-number: (33) 2925 The library is joined to a university The library is a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Horace G. Underwood The library is offering the following special services« a) t) c)
e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
301 LAOS Official name of the library
National Library of Lao Kingdom
Name in English translation
National Library of Lao Kingdom
Adressi Box 704, Vientiane, Lan Xang Road, Laos Telex-number : Telefon-nucber: 2843 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is
copyright library
The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) documentation 2) law 3) economics 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is
Prachith Soulisak
The library is offering the following special services: a) •e) c) d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has been made by Prachith Soulisak in 1959
302 LUXEMBOUBG Official name of the library
The Library
Name in English translation
The Library
AdresstCase postale 1601, Luxembourg, Kirchberg, Grand-Duchy of Telex-number:
Telefon-nuEber: 4 77 11 The library is joined to a parliament The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) politics 2) law 3) economics 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is
A.S. Heid, M. Hebrant-Macevicius
The library is offering the following special services! a) participation in international lending c) c) duplication services' d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not. in planning The function analysis has not been made
303 LUXEMBOURG Official nème of the library
Bibliothèque de la Chambre dee Deputes du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg
Name in English translation
Library of the Parliament of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
Adress : Luxembourg 19, Rue du Marchê-aux Herbes, Grand-Duchy of Telex-number: Luxembourg Telefon-number ¡ 202 - 22 The library is joined to a parliament The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) general sciences 3) general research 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - less than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is The library is offering the following special services: a) c) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning îhe function analysis has not been made
304 MONGOLIAN REPUBLIC Official name of the library
Gosudarstvennaja Publi¿na¿ja Biblioteka MNR
Name in English translation
State Public Library of the Mongolian People's Republic
Adress: Ulan Bator, ul. Lenina, Mongolian Republic Telex-number : Telefon-nunbers 23 100 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2)
3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) printed or similarly reproduced materials c/ d) e) other materials
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is
Massar^avyn Bajanzul
The library is offering the following special services: a)participation in international lending b)participation in national information networks c)duplication services a) e)documentation services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
MOROCCO Official name of the library
Bibliothèque Generale et Archives du Maroc
Käme in English translation
Central Library and Archive of Morocco
Adresss Rabat, Ave. Moulay Cherif, Morocco Telex-number : Telefon-number: 233 - 63 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) documentation 2) law 3) philology 4) history Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialistsmore than 50 The head of the library is
Muhammad Muhiedin al-Machrafi
The library is offering the following special services s a) participation in international lending t) c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has been made by a working-group in 1931
NETHERLANDS Official name of the library
Bureau Documentatie en Bibliotheek v.h. Min.v.Volkshuisvestingen Huimt,Ordening
Käme in English translation Adressi
Bureau Documentation and Library of the M i n i s t r y of Housing and Physical Planning The Hague, V a n Alkemadelaan 85, Netherlands
Telex-number: Telefon-nur.ber:
26 - 42 - 01
The library is joined to The library is
an administrative board
copyright library
The library is a general
research library
The library is collecting 1) law 2) technics 3) 4) other head subjects Inventory
1) Number of books -
more than 10 000
2) dumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) printed or similarly reproduced materials cj d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is
A. van Kleef
The library is offering the following special services s a) b)
participation in national information networks
duplication services
documentation services
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
NETHERLANDS Official 'name of the library
Centrale Bibliotheek en Documentatie Ministerie van Justitie
Käme in English translation
Central Library and Documentation Ministry of Justice
Adress: The Hague, Plein 2 Β, Netherlands Telex-number: Telefon-number: (070) - 61 4-3 11 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) o) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is
The library is offering the following special services: a)participation in international lending b) c)duplication services d)documentation services e)information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has been made by W.A.Kelder in 1965
308 NETHERLANDS Official name of the library
Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat Afdeling Documentatie en Bibliotheek
Name in English translation
Department of Documentation and Library of the Ministry of Transport and Electricity Adressi The Hague, Plesmanweg 1-6, Netherlands Telex-number : Telefon-nunber: 74 70 49 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) international relations 3) economics 4) technics Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 50 The head of the library isT.H. Bosmann The library is offering the following special services: a) b) participation in national and/or international information networks 0) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
309 NETHERLANDS Afdeling Documentatie en Bibliotheek Ministerie van Cultuur, Eecreatie en Maatschappelijk Werk Name in English translation Documentation and Library Department, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Recreation and Social Welfare Adrese : Rijswijk (ZH), Steenvoordelaan 370, Netherlands Telex-number: TX 31680 CRM Telefon-number: (070) 94 92 33 The library is Joined to another public institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) culture Official 'name of the library
3) 4.) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - m o r e than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
more than 10
The library is offering the following special services ι a) participation in international lending b) participation in national and/or international information s j π. . . networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has been made
310 NETHERLANDS Official name of the library Name in English translation Adress:
Afdeling Documentatie en Bibliotheek v a n h e t Ministerie v a n Binnenland.se Zaken Documentation and Library Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs
The Hague, Binnenhof 19, Netherlands
Telex-number: Telefon-number:
070 - 62 4-8 81
The library is joined to another public
The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) 4) other head subjects Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 2 5 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less t h a n 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced m a t e c) photographic materials
d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists less than 50 The head of the library is Th.H.J. Verharen The library is offering the following special a) participation in international
c) participation in national information networks e) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in operation The function analysis has not been made
NETHERLANDS Official name of the library
Bibliotheek en Documentatie centrum Economische Voorlichtingsdienst
Käme in English translation
Library and Documentation Centre of the Economic Information Service
Adress: The Hague 151» Bezuidenhoutseweg, Telex-number:
070 - 81 41 11
The library is joined to an administrative board The library is
copyright library
The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) economics 2) public administration 3) international
4) agriculture Inventory
1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) o) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is
G.M. van Andel
The library is offering the following special
a) participation in international lending c) participation in national and/or international
c) duplication services
d) documentation
e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has
not been made
in operation
312 NETHERLANDS Official name of the library
Bibliotheek en Documentatie Ministerie v a n Sociale Zaken
Name in English translation
Library a n d Documentation Ministry of Social Affairs
Adress: The Hague, A.Paulownastraat 38/36, Netherlands Telex-number: Telefon-nur.ber :
28 32 20
The library is joined to another public institution The library is not a
copyright library
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1)
2) public administration 3)
4) Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) dumber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b)
c) d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is j.
v a n
less than 50
The library is offering the following special a)
participation in international
o) participation in national information networks c) d)
documentation services
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has
not b e e n made
Official nSme of the library
Bibliotheek en documentatie v a n Nederlands Gemeenten
Käme in English translation
Library and Documentation U n i o n of Netherlands Municipalities
The Hague, Nassaulaan 12, Netherlands
Telex-number: Telefon-nunber:
070 - 624721
The library is joined to The library is not a
another public
copyright library
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) economics 4) Inventory
1) Number of books -
more than 10 000
2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
The library is offering the following special
a) o) participation in national information networks c) ¡3) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not i n planning -he function analysis has
not been made
NETHERLANDS Official name of the library
Bibliotheek v.h.Ministerie v. Landbouw
Käme in English translation
Library Ministry of Agriculture
Adresss The Hague, Boschstr. 4, Netherlands Telex-numbers 32040 Telefon-nunber: 81 41 41 - 2080 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) agriculture 2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Nusber of books -
more than 25 000
2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) . o) d)
printed or similarly reproduced materials
e) Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is
E.S. Segers
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending b) c) d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
315 HETHEELAITDS Official nàme of the library
Bibliotheek v a n hot Ministerie v a n Defensic
Name in English translation
Library of the Ministry of Defence
The Hague, P l e i n 4-, Netherlands
Telex-number: Telefon-nunber:
070 - 72 12 35
The library is joined to The library is
a n administrative board
not a copyright, library
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) international relations 4) politics Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 1000 2) Number of the titles of Journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 50
H.A. v a n der M e e r
The library is offering the following special
a) b) c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has
not been made
not in planning
NETHERLANDS Official name of the library
Bibliotheek van de Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst
Name in English translation
Library of the Netherlands Inform a t i o n Service
The Hague, Noordeinde 43, Netherlands
Telex-r.umber :
Telefon-number: 070 - 18 38 30 The library is joined to an administrative "board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) politics 4) Inventory
1) Number of books -
more t h a n 10 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced m a . terials c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
E. G ü t l i c h
The library is offering the following special
a) o)
participation in national information networks
a) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has
not b e e n made
in planning
317 NETHERLANDS Official nbme of the library
Bibliotheek v a n de Tweede K a m e r der Staten-Generaal
Käme in English translation
Library of the Second C h a m b e r of the General State
Adress! The Hague, Binnenhof ΊΑ, Netherlands Telex-number: Telefon-nuraber:
61 49 11
The library is joined to a parliament The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting
l)law 2) international
3)politics 4)economics Inventory
1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
b) printed or similarly reproduced m a _> terials c) d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
Sophia Blaauw
The library is offering the following special
a) b) o) duplication services d ) documentation
e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has
not been made
not in planning
NETHERLANDS Official name of the library
Ministerie van Onderwijs en Wetenschappen Afdeling Documentatie
Name in English translation
Ministry of Education and Sciences Documentation Department
Adressi The Hague, 1 Nieuwe Uitleg, Netherlands Telex-numbers 32 63 6 Telefon-number: 070 - 74 21 03 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) education
Inventory description 1) Number of books -
3) 4)
general sciences
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) o) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 50 The head of the library is
W.F. de Regt
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending o) participation in national and/or international informati > networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has been made by a working-group in 1968
319 NEW Ζ£AlAND Official hame of the library Name in English Adress:
General Assembly Library General Assembly Library
Wellington 1, Parliament House, New Zealand
Telex-number : Telefon-number:
4-9 090
The library is joined to a parliament The library is
copyright library
The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) international
3) politics 4) economics Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 10 000 3) Special items -
a) b) o)
photographic materials
d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists less than 50 The head of the library is Hillas de Sailley, Cecil M a c L e a n The library is offering the following special
a) b)
participation in national information networks
duplication services
d) e)
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has
not been made
320 NEW ZEALAND Official name of the library Municipal Reference Library „ ,. , , Name in English translation
Municipal Reference Library
Auckland City Council, Private Bag, Wellesley Street Post Office, New Zealand Telex-numbers Telefon-number:
74 650/7^5
The library is joined to another public institution The library is no't
copyright library
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) public administration 2 ) arts 3) Inventory description
4) other head subjects
1) Number of books - i e s s t h a n 10 000 2) „Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
less than 10
The head of the library is T.M. walker The library is offering the following special services: a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
321 NORWAY Official'name of the library
Sentraladministrasjonens Bibliotektjeneste
Name in English translation
The Administrative Library and Documentation Service
Adress: N-Oslo 1, Akersgt. 4-2, Norway Telex-numbers Telefon-number:
99 70
The library is joined to a n administrative
The library is not a copyright library The library is aspecial
research library
The library is collecting 1)
2) public 3) law 4) Inventory
1) Number of books -
less than 10 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced materials c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
s t e i n
more than 10
The library is offering the following special services : a) b) c)
duplication services
¿J documentation services e)
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has b e e n made by S t e i n Kringlen in 1969
322 NORWAY Official name of the libraryStatistisk Sentralbyas Bibliotek Name in English translation Adress:
Central Bureau of Statistics, Library
> Dronningensgt. 16, Norway
Telex-number : Telefon-number:
58 20
The library is joined to The library is
administrative board
copyright library
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) 2)
economics population
3) 4)
other head subjects
Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
more than 10
Randi Gran
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending b) participation in national information networks c)) duplication services d e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not been made
323 NORWAY Officiai name of the library Fiskeridirektoratet
Name in English translation Directorate of Fisheries, Library A d r e s s : N 5000 Bergen, Nordnesparken 2, Norway Telex-number : Telefon-number:
21 77 60
The library is joined to an administrative The library is not a
copyright library
The library is a s P e c i a ^ ·
research library
The library is collecting 1)
2) 3) 4) Inventory
other head subjects
1) Number of books - l e s s than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
than 10
e i f Takvam
The library is offering the following special
a) b) c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
324 NORWAY Official name of the library
Käme in English translation Library of the N o r w e g i a n Parliament Adressi
Oslo 1, Karl Johans Gate 22, Norway
Telex-number : Telefon-number:
4-1 38 10 a
The library is joined to The library is not a
copyright library
The library is a general
research library
The library is collecting 1)
4) Inventory
1) Number of books -
25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more t h a n 10 The head of the library is
Olaf Chr. Torp
The library is offering the following special services: a) p a r t i c i p a t i o n in international lending b) duplication services d) * information services e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has
not b e e n made
325 NORWAY Official ríame of the library Norsk Rikskringkasting Biblioteket Name in English translation Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, Library Adress: Oslo, BJ. Bj/rfrnsons Plass, Norway Telex-number: 16820 NRUTL Ν Telefon-number: ^6 98 60 The library is Joined to another public institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) general sciences 3) general research 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
nore than 10
Kaare Berg
The library i s offering the following special services! a) participation in international lending b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
326 NORWAY Official name of the libraryStyret for det industrielle rettsvern Biblioteket Name in English translation
The Norwegian Patent Office Library
Adress: Oslo, Middelthuns gate 15 h, Norway Telex-number: Telefon-number:
472 4-6 19 00
The library is joined to
an administrative board
The library is not a copyright library The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1)
3) 4)
other head subjects
1) Number of books - more than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced . materials c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
more than 50
Eva Swensen
The library is offering the following special
a) participation in international lending b) c) duplication services d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not been made
not in planning
327 NORWAY Official name of the library
Teledirektoratets Biblioteket
Käme in English translation
Norwegian Telecommunication Administration, Library
1 Oslo, Universitetsgt. 2, Norway
Telex-r.umber : Telef on-nur.ber:
11203 4-8 81 28
The library is Joined to another public institution The library is
copyright library
The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) international relations 2) technics 3) general sciences 4) Inventory description 1) Nuaber of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is
Ingebj/irg Boy
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending o) participation in national and/or international information c) duplication services
d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in plannihg -he function analysis has been made by the Teledirektoratet in 1967
328 POLAND Official name of the library
Centralna Biblioteka Narodowego Banku Polskiego
Name in English translation
Central Library of the National Bank of Poland
Adrese: 00-950 Warsaw, ul. Swietokrzyska 11/21, Poland Telex-number: 81 53 24 Telefon-nunber: 26 77 86 The The The The
library library library library
is is is is
joined to another public institution not a copyright library a special research library collecting 1) economics 2) 3) 4)
Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced materials d) acustic information storage materials e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is
Urszula Suchozebrska
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending c) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
329 POLAND Official 'name of the library
Centralna Biblioteka Statystyczna
Name in English translation
Central Statistical Library
Adreas: 00-925 Warsaw, Al. Niepodlegoèci 208, Poland Telex-number : Telefon-nuober: 25 03 45 The The The The
library library library library
is joined to another public institution is not a copyright library is a special research library is collecting 1) public admiristration 2 ) economics 3) population 4 ) documentation
Inventory description 1) Nusber of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Andrzej Jopkiewicz The library is offering the following special services» a) participation in international lending b) participation in national and/or international information s . ,. .. . networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
Official name of the library
Biblioteka Sejmowa
Name in English translation
Library of the Diet
Adreas: 00 - 902 Warsaw, ul. Wiejska 4-, Poland Telex-number! Telefon-number : 28 73 09 The library is joined to a parliament The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting l)law 2) international relations 3) politics 4) history Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced . ' materials c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Tadeusz Kozanecki The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending fc) participation in national and/or international \ information networks c) d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in operation The function analysis has been made by Maria Jasinska in 1972
POLAND Official nàme of the library
Biblioteka Instytutu Finansôw
Name in English translation
Library of the Institute óf Finance
Adressi 00-912 Warsaw, Swietkorzyska 12, Poland Telex-number: Telefon-number: 20 - 03 - 11 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) economics 2) politics 3) law 4) international relations Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is Teresa Hajewska The library is offering the following special services« a) c) participation in national information networks o) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning ?he function analysis has been made by Teresa Majewska in 1973
332 SINGAPORE Official name of the library
National Library, Singapore
Name in English translation
National Library, Singapore
Adrese! 6 Singapore, Stamford Road, Singapore Telex-number: NATLIB Telefon-nuobers 327355 The library is joined to another institution The library is a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) printed or similarly reproduced c) photographic materials m a t e r i a l s d) e) other materials
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is Hedwig Anuar The library is offering the following special services« a) participation in international lending c) participation in national and/or international informât . . networls N c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has been made by the Management-Services Department in 1975
333 SOUTH AFRICA Official name of the library
Central Agricultural Library
Käme in English translation
Central Agricultural Library
Adreas: Private Box X 116, Pretoria, Beatrix Street, South Africa Telex-number : Telefon-numbers 2 - 9761 The library is joined to another public institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) agriculture 2) natural sciences 3) economics 4) nutrition Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of Journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items a) b) printed or similarly reproduced materials d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is
S. A. Brink
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has been made by Van Aardt in 1970
334 SOUTH AFRICA Official name of the library
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Library-
Name in English translation
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Library
Adrese i Pretoria, PO Box 595, South Africa Telex-number: 44 - 630 S A Telefon-number: 74 60 11 The The The The
library library library library
is is is is
joined to an administrative board not a copyright library a general research library collecting 1) natural sciences 2) technics 3) general sciences 4) general research
Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced o) photographic materials materials
a) e) Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is The library is offering the following special services« a) participation in international lending b) participation in national and/or international informati c) duplication services networks d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in operation The function analysis has not been made
335 SOUTH AFRICA Official name of the library
Department of National Education Library-
Name in English translation
Department of National Education Library
Adress: Pretoria, Schoeman Street, South Africa Telex-number: Telefon-number: 482901 The library is joined to another public institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) education 2) general sciences 3) philology 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is
A. Loubser
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
336 SOUTH AFRICA Official name of the library
Name in English translation
Library of Parliament
Adresss Cape Town, Parliament Street, South Africa Telex-number: Telefon-nuober: 2 - 1025 The library is joined to a parliament The library is a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) international relations 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of Journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) printed or similarly reproduced . materials ) c
d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists less than 50 The head of the library is T.C. Quinton The library is offering the following special services! a) c) duplication services d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
SOUTH APRICA Official'name of the library
Suid-Afrikaanse Biblioteek
Name in English translation
South African Library
Adrese s Cape Town, Queen Victoria Street, South Africa Telex-number : Telefon-nunber: 43 - 1132 The The The The
library library library library
is is is is
joined to another institution a copyright library a general research library collecting 1) culture 2) arts 3) history 4) other head subjects
Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Kumber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) printed or similarly reproduced c) photographic materials ma terials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is
A.M. Lewin Robinso
The library is offering the following special services« a) participation in international lending c) duplication services
e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning ?he function analysis has not been made
338 SOUTH AFRICA Official name of the library
The State Library-
Name in English translation
The State Library
Adrese ¡ED.Box 397» Pretoria, Vermeuten Street, South Africa Telex-number: 4-4-778 Telefon-nunber: 48 39 20 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) KuEber of books - more than 25 000 2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is Dr. H. J. Aschenborn The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending c) participation in national and/or international information . networks c) duplication services i) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
339 SEI LANKA Official name of the library
Pusthakalaya-paripalana Abyasa Ayathanaya
Käme in English translation
Academy of Administrative Studi e s, Library
Adreas: Colombo 7> 28/10 Longden Place, Sri Lanka Telex-number: Telefon-numbers 82181 The The The The
library library library library
is is is is
joined to an administrative board not a copyright library a special research library collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) international relations 4) other head subjects
Inventory description 1) Number of books - less than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of Journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) .i d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is
G.N. Fernando
The library is offering the following special services ι a) b) o) 3) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
340 SEI LANKA Official name of the library
Jâtika Lekhanâraksaka Depàrthamêntuwé Pustakâlaya
Name in English translation
Department of National Archives
Adreass Colombo, 7» Reid Avenne, Sri Lanka Telex-number : Telefon-number: 94-523 The The The The
library library library library
is is is is
joined to an administrative board not a copyright library a special research library collecting 1) 2) 3) history 4) other head subjects
Inventory description 1) Number of books - less than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 100 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
SWEDEN Official ríame of the library
Statistiska centralbyrans biblioteket
Käme in English translation
Library of the National Central Bureau of Statistics
Adress: S-102 50 Stockholm, Karlavägen 100, Sweden Telex-r.umber: Telefon-nunber: 08/14- 05 60 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) mathematics 2) population 3) medicine 4) education Inventory description 1) Nusber of books -
more than 25 000
2) Sumber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) o) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Malkon Lindmark The library is offering the following special services; a) participation in international lending b) c) duplication services d) documentation services e) The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning -he function analysis has not been made
SWEDEN Official name of the library
Käme in English translation
The Parliamentary Library
100 12, Stockholm 46, Drottninggatatn 30, Sweden
Telefon-nuKber: 08/11 70 06 The library is joined to a parliament The library is
copyright library
The library is a general
research library
The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) international
4) politics Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) printed or similarly reproduced mated) β)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 50 The head of the library is
Dr. Lars Frykholm
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending c) c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not b e e n made
343 SWEDEN Official'name of the library SPRI-Sjukvardens och socialvardene planerings-och rationaliseringsinstitut, Biblioteket Name in English translation SPRI - Swedish Planning and Rationalization Institute of the Health and Social Services, Library Adress: S 11181 Stockholm, Kungsgata 74, Sweden Telex-number: Telefon-nunber:08/23 57 60 The library is joined toan administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1)medicine 2) public administration 3) nutrition 4) general research Inventory description 1) Number of books - l e s s than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of Journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
less than 10
The head of the library is Margareta Bowallius The library is offering the following special services« a) participation in international lending c) participation in national and/or international information c) duplication services networks d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
344 SWEDEN Official name of the library
Svea hovrätts biblioteket
Name in English translation
Svea Superior Court Library
Adress: 10310 Stockholm 2, 3irger Jarls Torg 16, Sweden Telex-number: Telefon-number: 06/236800/230 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) economics 3) 4)
Inventory description 1) Nuaber of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) printed or similarly reproduced materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Kerstin Rnutsen-Gy The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
345 SWEDEN Official náme of the library
Name in English translation
Swedish A g e n c y for Administrative Development, Library
Adress: 10310 Stockholm 2, Birger Jarls T o r g 10, Sweden Telex-number: Telefon-number: 03/22 08 60 The library is joined to a n administrative b o a r d The library is n o t a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) documentation 2) public administration 3) politics 4) other head subjects Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) o) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Gertrude Hallvig The library is offering the following special
a) •o) o) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems isnot in planning The function analysis has not been made
346 SWEDEN Official name of the library
Name in English translation
Swedish State Railways, Central Administration Library
Centralförvaltning, Biblioteket
Adrese ι S IO55O Stockholm, Central Station, Sweden Telex-number: 1410 SJSCST S Telefon-nucbers 08-22 64 20 The library is Joined to an administration board The library is not a copyright library The library is a general reeearch library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) economics 3) technics 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than25 000 2) Number of the titles of Journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) 0) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is The library is offering the following special services» a) participation in international lending b) participation in international information networks 0) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has been made by Britt Engström-Johansson in 1972
347 SWITZERLAND Official'name of the library Handelsabteilung E.V.D. Bibliothek/ Dokumentation Name in English translation
Division of Commerce Ministry of Public Economy Library/Documentation
Adrese : CH-3003 Berne (Bundeshaus-Ost), Switzerland Telex-number: Telefon-number:
? 33
The library is joined to n
The library is ° t
a n
administrative board
copyright library
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1)
2) 3) 4) Inventory
1) Number of books -
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists .. . . » .. , ., The head of the library is
less than 10
Roland R. Wiedmer
The library is offering the following special services! a)b p a r t i c i p a t i o n in national information networks c) d documentation services e)information services The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has
not been made
in planning
Official name of the library
Dokumentationsdienst der Schweizer Bundesbahnen
Name in English translation
Documentation service of the Swiss Federal Railways
Adress! 3000 Berne, Mittelstr. 4-3, Switzerland Telex-number: 3 2 500 Telefon-nuober: 031/60 25 11 The The The The
library library library library
is is is is
joined to an administrative board not a copyright library a general research library collecting 1) technics 2) economics 3) law 4)
Inventory description 1) Nuxber of books -
more than 25 000
2) ¿Cumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
more than 10
Walter Hölzer
The library is offering the following special services! a) participation in international lending c) participation in national and/or international information \ , ,. , . . networks c; duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
349 SWITZERLAND Official name of the library Eidgenössisches Statistisches Amt, Bibliothek u n d Dokumentation Käme in English translation
Federal B u r e a u of Statistics Library
Adress: C H - 3003 Berne, Hallwylstr. 15, Switzerland Telex-number:SIBBE CH 32 526 Telefon-number: 61 ?2 09 The library is joined t o a n administrative The library isnot a
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) 2)
copyright library law politics
1) Nuaber of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
Marius Hammer
The library is offering the •following special a)
participation in international
•0 ) participation in national information networks c) 3 ) documentation services e)
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has
not b e e n made
350 SWITZERLAND Official name of the library
Eidgenössische Parlaments- und Zentralbibliothek
Käme in English translation
Federal Parliamentary and Central Library
Adress: 3OO3 Berne, Bundesgasse, Switzerland Telex-number: Telefon-number: 03I - 61 - 2490 The library is joined to a n administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) international relations 4·) politics Inventory description 1) dumber of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
than 10
Wax Boesch
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending t) c)
duplication services
documentation services
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
351 SWITZERLAND Official náme of the library
Generaldirektion PTT - Bibliothek und Dokumentation
Name in English translation
General Directorate PTT - Library and Documentation
Adress: 3 ° 0 0
33, Viktoriastr. 21, Switzerland
Telex-number: Ptt: c h Telefon-nunber: ° 3 V 62 27 49 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a
copyright library
The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration
other head subjects
1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 50 The head of the library is Karl Zumstein The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending c) . c) d)
participation in national and international
information services
information networks
documentation services
The use of electronic data processing systems is i n operation The function analysis has been made by a working group in 1972
352 SWITZERLAND Official name of the library
Bibliothek des üidgenössischen Politischen Departements
Name in English translation
Library of the Federal Political Department
Adreas! 3003 Berne, Bundeshaus - West, Switzerland Telex-numbers Telefon-number: 0 3 I / 6 I 22 13 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) 3) 4)
international relations politics
Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is Hanni Maria Kleeb The library is offering the following special services: a) b ) participation in national information networks 0) d)documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
353 SWITZERLAND Official name of the libraryBibliothek der Eidgenössischen Steuerverwaltung Name in English translation Library of the Federal Tax Administration Adress: CH-3003 Berne, Bundesgasse 32, Switzerland Telex-number : Telefon-nuEber: 031/61 30 62 The library is joined to The library isnot a
an administrative board
copyright library
The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) economics 2) 3) i) Inventory description 1) Number of books -
less than 10 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
less than 10
The head of the library is Dr. Karl Haenecke The library is offering the following special services: a) b) participation in national information networks c) d ) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has
not been made
not in planning
354 SWITZERLAND Official name of the library Bibliothek des eidgenössischen Amtes für geistiges Eigentum Name in English translation Adressi
Library of the Office for Intellectual Property
3003 Berne, Eschmannstr. 3, Switzerland
A G OH 33130
The library is joined to a n administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1)
1) Nuxber of books -
less than 10 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
ur. £iise
less t h a n 10
The library is offering the following special services s a) b) 0)
duplication services
documentation services
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not b e e n made
not in planning
355 SWITZERLAND Official'name of the library . - υ u * ix· i,ame in English tranalation
Library of the World. Intellectual Property Organization Library of the World Intellectual Organization
P r o p e r .£ y
Adress: 1211 Geneva 20, 32 chemin des Colombettes, Switzerland Telex-number: 2 23 76 Telefon-number: (022) 34 63 00 The library is joined to an international organization The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) l a w 2) international relations 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) 0) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists l e s s than 10 The head of the library is
Mireille Zarb
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending To)
c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not been made
not in planning
356 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Official name of the library
Court of Appeal Library
Name in English translation
Court of Appeal Library
P.O.Box 494-, Port-of-Spain, St.Vincent Street, Trinidad
Telex-r.umber: Telefon-nunber:
62 - 31767
The library is joined to The library is not a
another public
copyright library
The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) law 2) 3) 4) Inventory
1) Number of books -
less than 10 000
2) à'umber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
Norma A. Glaude
The library is offering the following special services» a) b) participation in national information networks 0) d) e)
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has
not been made^
not in planning
357 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Official nafte of the library
Parliament Library
Name in English translation
Parliament Library
Adress: Port-of-Spain, St.Vincent Street, Trinidad Telex-number : Telefon-number: 62 32 971 The library is joined to a parliament The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) politics 4) economics Inventory description 1) Nuaber of books -
less than 1000
2) dumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is
Rhona Stephenson
The library is offering the following special services: a) o) participation in national information networks c) d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
358 TUNESIA Official name of the library
Bibliothèque Nationale
Name in English translation
National Library
Tunis, Souk el Attarine 20, Tunesia
Telex-number : Telefon-nunber:
24-5 338
The library is joined to an administrative board The library is
copyright library
The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) documentation 2) public administration 3) law 4) other head subjects Inventory
1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) printed or similarly reproduced matec) photographic materials
d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is Béchir El Fani The library is offering the following special services: a)
participation in international lending
participation in national and/or international information
duplication services
documentation services
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
Official' name of the library Milli Kütüphane Genel Müdürlügü Käme in English translation
General Directory of National Library
Adress: Ankara, Kumrular Sokak Nr. 3, Turkey Telex-r.umber : Telefon-nur.bers 12 31 30 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) printed or similarly reproduced matec) photographic materials
d) acustic information storage materials e) Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is Miijgan Cunbur The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending c) participation in national and/or international information c) duplication services networks d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
360 TURKEY Official name of the library Türkiye Biiyiik Millet M e d i s i Kütüphanesi Name in English translation Adress:
Library of the Grand National Assembly
Ankara, Bakanliklar, Turkey
Telex-number : Telefon-nunber: 25 13 52 The library is joined to a parliament The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1)
4) public administration Inventory
1) Nusber of books - more than 25 000 2) dumber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a)manuscripts b ) p r i n t e d or similarly reproduced matec)photographic materials rials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
less than 50
The head of the library is M e l i h Ege The library is offering the following special
a) b) c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not been made
in planning
361 TURKEY Official Yiame of the library
Ankara Universitesi Huhuk Fakültesi Kütüphanesi
Name in English translation
University of Ankara, Library of Law Faculty
Ankara, Turkey
Telex-number : Telefon-nucber: 19 11 51/20 The library is joined to a university The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) politics 2) public administration 3) economics 4) history Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) dumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is The library is offering the following special a) participation in international
b) o) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
362 UGANDA Official name of the library
Library and Documentation Centre, Institute of Public Administration
Käme in English translation
Library and Documentation Centre, Institute of Public Administration
Adress: P.O.Box 20131 Kampala, Jinja Hoad, Uganda Telex-number: INPAD Telefon-nucber: 59 581-3 The The The The
library library library library
is is is is
joined to another public institution not a copyright library a special research library collecting 1) documentation 2) public administration 3) economics 4) other head subjects
Inventory description 1) Number öf books - less than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is Evelyn Kisuule The library is offering the following special services! a) o) participation in national information networks c) d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
363 UGANDA Official hame of the library Makerere University Library Name in English translation
Makerere University Library
Adress: P.O.Box 16002 Kampala, Uganda Telex-number: Telefon-nunber:31041/2 The library is joined to a university The library is
copyright library
The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) 3) 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Nunber of books - more than 25 000 2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is
Rucker R. Lwanga
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending o) participation in national and/or international information o) duplication services networks d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
364 U.S.A. Official name of the library
Bureau of Government Library-
Name in English translation
Bureau of Government Library
Adressi 48104· Ann Arbor, Michigan, 100 Rackham Building, U.S Telex-number : Telefon-number: 763 - 3185 The library is joined to a university The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1)public administration 2) law 3)politics 4)economics Inventory description 1) Nuaber of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) β)
Personnel staff of information specialists
less than 10
The head of the library is Gertrude Stolper The library is offering the following special services« a) c) duplication services d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
365 U.S.A. Official name of the library
California State Library
Name in English translation
California State Library
95809 Sacramento, Library and Courts Building, U.S.A.
TWX 910-367-3553
Telefon-nuBber: (916) 4 4 5 - 4 0 2 7 The library is joined to a n administrative b o a r d The library is not a copyright library The library is a special
research library
The library is collecting 1) law 2) economics 3) agriculture 4) other head subjects Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Kumber of the titles of journals and periodicals more t h a n 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced m a "t θ l'i 3.1 ' c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is The library is offering the following special a) participation in international
b) c) duplication services d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
366 U.S.A. Official name of the library
Connecticut State Library-
Name in English translation
Connecticut State Library
06115 Hartfort, Connecticut, 231 Capitol Ave., U.S.A.
Telex-number : Telefon-nuEber:
655 - 454-4-
The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) 2)
5) 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced matec) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Walter Brahm The library is offering the following special servicest a) participation in international lending c) participation in international information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in operation The function analysis has not been made
367 U.S.A. Official name of the library
Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Department Library
Name in English translation
Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Department Library
Adress: 20201 Washington D.C.330 Independence Ave., S.W., U.S.A Telex-numbers Telefon-nunber: Area Code 202 963 3631 The library is joined to another public institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) documentation 2) public administration 3) law 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is
Kanardy L. Taylor
The library is offering the following special services« a) c) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
Official name of the library
Hawaii State Archives Library
Käme in English translation
Hawaii State Archives Library
Adress: 96813 Honolulu, Hawaii, Iolani Palace Ground, U.S.A. Telex-numbers Telefon-nuEber: (808) - 548 - 7600 The library is joined to another public institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1)
2) 3) 4) Inventory
1) Nuxber of books - less than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less t h a n 1000 3) Special items -
a) manuscripts b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Agnes Conrad The library is offering the following special
a) 0) c) duplication services d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems i s n o t in planning The function analysis has not been made
U.S.A. Official 1 name of the library
Illinois State Library
Name in English translation
Illinois State Library
Adress: 62756 Springfield, Illinois, U.S.A. Telex-number: Telefon-number: The library is joined to another public institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) documentation 2) public administration 3) education 4
Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced c) photographic materials m a t e r i - a l s d) acustic information storage materials e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending c) participation in national information networks c) duplication services
a) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has not been made
U.S.A. Official name of the library
Institute of Governmental Affairs, Library
Name in English translation
Institute of Governmental Affairs, Library
Adress: 95616 Davis, California, U.S.A. Telex-number: Telefon-nunber: 752 - 204-5 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting l)public administration 2)nature 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - less than 10 000 2) dumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) a) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Dr. ITedjelko D. ¿uljak The library is offering the following special services: a) b) 0) 1) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is i n operation The function analysis has not been made
371 U.S.A. Offioial'name of the library
Iowa Legislative Service Bureau
Name in English tranalation
Iowa Legislative Service Bureau
Adress: 50319 State House, Des Moines, Iowa, U.S.A. Telex-number: Telefon-number: (515) 281 - 3566 The library is joined to a parliament The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) general sciences 3) general research 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Nuaber of books - less than 10 000 2) Kumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is
Serge H. Garrison
The library is offering the following special services: a) c) participation in national information networks c) d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has been made by Ruth D. Mc Ghee in 1972
372 U.S.A. Official name of the library
Isabella Bronk Library
Name in English translation
Isabella Bronk Library
Adresas 19105 Philadelphia, 59th and Walnut Streets, U.S.A. Telex-number : Telefon-nuEber: 215 - 594 - 8218 The library is joined to a university The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) economics 3) politics 4) education Inventory description 1) Number of books - less than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is
Nancy K. Smith
The library is offering the following special services: a) c) c) duplication services d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems isnot in planning The function analysis has not been made
373 U.S.A. Official name of the library
Joint Reference Library
Name in English translation
Joint Reference Library
Adrese: 60037 Chicago, Illinois, 1313 E . 6 0 t h Street, U.S.A. Telex-number: Telefon-number: 312 - F24 - 3400 The library is joined to another institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public
2) politics 3)
4) other head subjects Inventory
1) Number of books -
more than 2 5 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Joseph Benson The library is offering the following special a) participation in international
c) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has b e e n made by Orin F. Nolting in 1968
U.S.A. Official neme of the library
Legislative Affairs Reference Library
Name in English translation
Legislative Affairs Reference Library
Adrese: 99801 Tuneau Alaska, Pouch Y-Capitol Building, U.S.A. Telex-number: Telefon-nunber: (907) 586 - 5297 The library is joined to a parliament The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) public administration 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - less than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less thanIO The head of the library is John M. Elliott The library is offering the following special services: a) •o) o) d) e)information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
375 U.S.A. Official name of the library Legislative Council Committee, Library Name in English translation Adress:
Legislative Council Committee, Library
37219 Nashville, Tennessee, State Capitol, U.S.A.
Telex-number: Telefon-number: 615 7^1 3511 The library is joined to a parliament The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2 ) law 3)
4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books -
less than 10 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
more than 10
Julie J. McCown
The library is offering the following special services: a) c) c) d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems i s n o t The function analysis has
not been made
U.S.A. Official name of the library Legislative Library Services Division of the Florida Joint Legislative Management Committee Name in English translation Legislative Library Services Division of the Florida Joint Legislative Management Committee Adress: 32304- Tallahassee, Florida, Room 2, Holland Building, Telex-number: U.S.A. Telefon-nuEber: (904) 224 - 9111 The library is joined to another public institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) law 3) economics 4-) education Inventory description 1) Number of books - less than 10 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information
specialists less
than 10
The head of the library is David V. Kerns The library is offering the following special services: a) c) participation in national information networks c) duplication services
a) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
U.S.A. Official'name of .the library
Legislative Reference Library
„ , I«ame in English translation
Legislative Reference Library
. 78711 Austin, Texas, P.O. Box 12488 Capitol Station, U.S.A. ιΛ AQreSS· Telex-number: Telefon-nunber: (512) *75 - 4626 The library is joined to a parliament The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) politics 2) law 3) 4)
public administration
Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 10 000 2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is James R. Sanders The library is offering the following special services» a) t) c) i)
e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
U.S.A. Official name of the library Louisiana Legislative Council Library Name in English translation
Louisiana Legislative Council Library
Adreaa· 70808 Baton Rouge, Louisiana, P. 0. Box 44012, Capitol Station, U.S.A. Telex-number: Telefon-nunber: 504 389 6141 The library is joined to 110
The library is '·'
copyright library
The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - less than 10 000 2) Kumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 10
Suzanne Hughes
The library is offering the following special services ι a) •c) participation in national information networks c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
U.S.A. Official nahe of the library
Maine State Library
ν _ j ,, , . u ^ , . . Name in English translation
Maine State Library
Augusta, Maine, U.S.A.
Telex-number: ? 1 0
Telefon-number: 207 289 3561 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) general sciences 3) general research 4.) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
J· & a r y Nichols
The library is offering the following special services! a) participation in international lending c) participation in national information networks c) d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has not been made
380 U.S.A. Official name of the library
M o n t a n a State Library-
Name in English translation
M o n t a n a State Library
59601 Helena, Montana, 930 East Lyndale A v e . , U.S.A.
Telex-number: Telefon-nunber:
406 - 449 - 3004
The library is joined to an administrative b o a r d The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) Inventory
other head subjects
1) Number of books - more than 2 5 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) o) photographic materials d) acustic information storage materials e)
Personnel staff of information specialists less than 50 The head of the library is
David E. Hoffman
The library is offering the following special a) participation in international
c) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not b e e n made
381 U.S.A. Official 'name of the library
Municipal Reference Library-
Name in English translation
Municipal Reference L i b r a r y
Adress: ¿4-8226 Detroit, Michigan, 1004 City-County Building, U.S.A. Telex-number: Telefon-number:
224 - 3885
The library is joined to another public
The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) nature 3) population 4) nutrition Inventory
1) Nusber of books -
more than 25 000
2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Gertrude P i n k n e y The library is offering the following special
a) c) c) d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not b e e n made
382 U.S.A. Official name of the library
Nebraska Library Commission
Name in English translation
Nebraska Library Commission
Adress: 68509 Lincoln, Nebraska, State Capitol, U.S.A. Telex-number: 910-621-8119 Telefon-number: 402 - 471 - 204-5 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) documentation 2) 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Dr. Robert E. Kemper The library is offering the following special services: a) b) c) d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in operation The function analysis has not been made
383 U.S.A. Official name of the library
New Hampshire State L i b r a r y New Hampshire State Library
Name in English translation
Adress: 03301 Concord, N.H., 20 P a r k Street, U.S.A. Telex-number: 710 361 6467 Telefon-nunber:
603 271 2392
The library is joined to a n administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) public 2)
o Inventory
administration research
1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
b) 0)
photographic materials
d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 50
· Allen
The library is offering the following special
a) •c) c ) duplication services d) e)
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has b e e n made by Emil W. Allen in 1972
384 U.S.A. Official name of the library New Jersey State Library „ . _ ,. , . , . . Name in English translation .. Aares s »
New Jersey State L i b r a r y J
08625 Trenton, New Jersey, 185 West State Street, U.S.A.
Telex-number : Telefon-nuEber:
2< 2
The library is joined to
another public
The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1)
1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c)
photographic materials
acustic information storage materials
other materials
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is Hoger H. McDonough The library is offering the following special
a) c)
participation in national information networks
duplication services
documentation services
e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not b e e n made
385 U.S.A. O f f i c i a l name of the library
New Mexico State
_ ,. . ^ , ^. N a m e in E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n
N e w M e x i c o State
. Au re s s s
87501 S a n t a Fe, N e w M e x i c o , 300 D o n G a s p a r , U . S . A .
Telex-number : T e l e f o n - n u E b e r : (505) 8 2 7 2103 The library is joined to a n a d m i n i s t r a t i v e board. The library is
The library is a
The library is c o l l e c t i n g 1)
general research
other head
1) N u m b e r of books -
more t h a n 2 5 0 0 0
2) N u m b e r of the t i t l e s of journals and periodicals m o r e t h a n 1000 3) S p e c i a l items -
a) b) c)
manuscripts p r i n t e d or s i m i l a r l y r e p r o d u c e d , . ,. . . , material photographic materials
d) e)
other materials
P e r s o n n e l staff of i n f o r m a t i o n s p e c i a l i s t s The head of the library
m o r e
t h a n
1 0
The library is offering the f o l l o w i n g s p e c i a l
a) b) c)
duplication services
d) e)
information services
The use of e l e c t r o n i c d a t a p r o c e s s i n g s y s t e m s is not in p l a n n i n g The f u n c t i o n a n a l y s i s has
b e e n made b y A r t h u r D . L i t t l e i n 1 9 7 0
386 U.S.A. Official name of the library
N o r t h Carolina State L i b r a r y
Name in English translation
N o r t h Carolina State Library
Adress: 27611 Raleigh, 109 East Jones Street, U.S.A. Telex-number: 510 - 928 - 1830 Telefon-number: 919 - 829 - 3270 The library is joined to another public
The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1)
1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists
more than 50
The head of the library is Philip S. Ogilvie The library is offering the following special
a) participation in international lending c) participation in national information networks c) d) documentation services e)
information services
The use of electronic data processing systems is The function analysis has
not Tbeen made
not in planning
U.S.A. Official name of the library
Office of Management and Budget Library
Name in English translation
Office of Management and Budget Library
Adress: 20503 Washington D.O. 726 Jackson Place, N.W., U.S.A. Telex-number: Telefon-nuober: 202 - 395 - 4-690 The library is joined to another public institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) international relations 3) law 4) economics Inventory description 1) Number of books -
more than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is
Elisabeth S. Knauff
The library is offering the following special services« a) b) c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
388 U.S.A. Official name of the library
Oregon State Library-
Name in English translation
Oregon State Library
Adressi 97310 Salem, Oregon, State Library Building, U.S.A. Telex-number : Telefon-nunber: 503-378-4274 The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) documentation 2) public administration 3) 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced c) photographic materials m a t e r l a l e d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is Aloise Q. Ebert The library is offering the following special services: a) t) c) d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
389 U.S.A. Official hame of the library
Public Law Division - Library Indiana Legislative Council
Name in English translation
Public Law Division - Library Indiana Legislative Council
Adress: 46204, Rm 302 State House, Indianapolis, U.S.A. Telex-number: Telefon-nunber: 317 269 3550 The library is joined to a parliament The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) law 2)
Inventory description 1) lîuœber of books - less thanIO 000 2) Kumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b)
manuscripts printed or similarly reproduced mate-
d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists
more than 10
The head of the library is The library is offering the following special services: a) c) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
390 U.S.A. Official name of the library
The South Carolina State Library
Käme in English translation
The South Carolina State Library
Adress: 29211 Columbia C, 1500 Senate Street, U.S.A. Telex-number! TWX 810 666 214-8 Telefon-nunber: 758 3181 The library is joined to another institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) general research 3) 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 50
Estellene P. Walker
The library is offering the following special services: a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
U.S.A. Official 1 name of the library
South Dakota State Library
Name in English translation
South Dakota State Library
57501 Pierre, 322 S. Port St., U.S.A.
Telex-number: Telefon-number:
TWX 910 - 668 - 2222 605 - 224 - 3131
The library is joined to an administrative board The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) 2) 3) 4) Inventory
1) Nuaber of books - m o r e than 25 000 2) Xumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced matec) photographic materials rials d) acustic information storage materials e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is H.V. Anderson The library is offering the following special
a) b) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has
b e e n made b y John Corbin i n 1973
392 U.S.A.
Official name of the library
State Library of Massachusetts
Käme in English translation
State Library of Massachusetts
Adress: 02133 Boston, Massachusetts, 34-1 State House, U.S.A. Telex-number : Telefon-nur.ber: 617 - 727 - 2592 The library is joined to an administrative b o a r d The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1)public
2) law 3)politics 4)history Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) dumber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a)manuscripts b ) p r i n t e d or similarly reproduced c)photographic materials
d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
less than 50
A . Hunter Rineer
The library is offering the following special
a) c) duplication services d) e) The use of electronic data processing systems is not i n planning The function analysis has not b e e n made
U.S.A. Official name of the library
University of California, Institute of Governmental Studies, Library
Name in English translation
University of California, Institute of Governmental Studies, Library
Adresss 94120 Berkeley 109 Moses Hall, U.S.A. Telex-number : Telefon-nunberi (415) 642 - 6722 The library is joined to a university The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) public administration 2) population 3) politics 4) Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) dumber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) photographic materials d) e)
Personnel staff of information specialists more than 10 The head of the library is Jack Leister The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending b) c) duplication d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has not been made
394 U.S.A. Official name of the library
Vermont Department of Libraries, Law and Documents Unit
Name in English translation
Vermont Department of Libraries, Law and Documents Unit
Adresss 05602 Kontpelier, Vermont, 111 State Street, U.S.A. Telex-number:
710 225 1772
Telefon-nunber s 828 3268 The library is joined to a n administrative b o a r d The library is not a copyright library The library is a special research library The library is collecting 1) law 2) 3) 4) other head subjects Inventory
1) Number of books - more than 2 5 000 2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) p r i n t e d or similarly reproduced m a t e c) photographic materials
d) e) Personnel staff of information specialists
less t h a n 10
The head of the library is V i v i a n Bryan The library is offering the following special a) participation in international
ο) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has n o t b e e n made
U.S.A. Official name of the library
Virginia State Library-
Name in English translation
Virginia State Library
23219 Richmond, Virginia, Capitol Street, U.S.A.
Telex-number: 7 1 0 - 956 - 0044 Telefon-number: (703) 770 - 2332 The library is joined to another institution The library is not a copyright library The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) history 2) culture 3) politics 4) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books - more than 25 000 2) dumber of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items a) manuscripts b) printed or similarly reproduced 0) photographic materials materia "'" E d) e) other materials Personnel staff of information specialists more than 50 The head of the library is Donald R. Haynes The library is offering the following special services: a) 0) participation in national information networks 0) duplication services d) e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is not in planning The function analysis has been made by Arthur D. Little in 1968
Official name of the library Washington State Library Washington State Library
Käme in English translation
Adresss 98501 Olympia, Washington, U.S.A. Telex-number: Telefon-number:
753 5592
The library is joined to The library is
administrative board
copyright library
The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) documentation 2) public administration politics other head subjects Inventory description 1) Nuaber of books -
than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals more than 1000 3) Special items -
b) c) photographic materials d) acustic information storage materials e) Personnel staff of information specialists The head of the library is
more than 50
Maryan E. Reynolds
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending c) c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is
in operation
The function analysis has been mady by Gene ^ismuti in 1972
397 U.S.A. Official name of the library
Wyoming State Library state
Name in English translation
. 82001 Cheyenne, Supreme Court and State Library Building · U.S.A. Telex-numbers TWX 910 949 4787
307 777 7281
The library is joined to an administrative board The library is
copyright library
The library is a general
research library
The library is collecting 1) public administration 2)
general sciences
general research
other head subjects
Inventory description 1) Number of books -
less than 25 000
2) dumber of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) printed or similarly reproduced c) photographic materials
d) e) other materials Personnel staff of information specialists less than 50 The head of the library is
William H. Williams
The library is offering the following special services: a) participation in international lending c) participation in national information networks c) duplication services d) documentation services e) information services The use of electronic data processing systems is in planning The function analysis has been made by Janice S. Kee in 1966
398 YUGOSLAVIA Official name of the library
Biblioteka Skupstine SFRJ
Name in English translation
Library of Assembly of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Adress: Belgrade, Trg Marksa i Engelsa br. 13, Yugoàavia Telex-numbers Telefon-nuEber:
339 - 877
the library is joined to a parliament The library is
copyright library
The library is a general research library The library is collecting 1) documentation 2) public administration 5) law 4.) other head subjects Inventory description 1) Number of books -
less than 25 000
2) Number of the titles of journals and periodicals less than 1000 3) Special items -
a) b) c) d) e)
Personnel staff of .information specialists less than 10 The head of the library is The library is offering the following special services s a) •o) c) d) e) _ The use of electronic data processing systems is in operation The function analysis has not been made
Akiyama, Yoichiro Allen, Emil W. Andel, G.M. van Anderson, H.V. Andrade, Lilian Thomé Anuar, Hedwig Arao, Tadashi Aschenborn, H.J. Asiedu, Edward Seth Ayala, Adriana Maria Therza Papini
210 309 237 327 44 258 215 264 132 45
Β Baby, Jean Bahardust, M. Bajanzul, MassarSavyn Balke, M.N. Bannenberg, R.J.N. Barnes, Geoffrey A. Bayanfar, A. Benson, Joseph Bitto, Giovanna Blaauw, Sophia Blayney, E.C. Boesch, Max Boese, Helmut Bosmann, T.H. Bouyaed, Mahmoud Bowallius, Margareta
121 168 230 79 14 147 172 299 179 243 139 276 31 234 2 269
page Boy, Ingeb¿j¿rg Brahm, Walter Brink, S.A. Broms, Henri Brooks, H.E. Brown, A.G. Brown, J.E. Brown, Peter Bruzelius, Marie Louise Bryan, Vivian Bütler, Elise
253 292 259 104 135 150 80 176 99 320 280 C
Carson, Ε.Α. Castracene, Francesco Chao Lai-Lung Chater, B.D. Chaudoreille Chen Peng Chen-ku Wang Che-ye Chen, Charles Chu-chin Kang Cogswell, D. Combaz, Clementine Conrad, Agnes Cooper, Luise Cope, R.L. Cunbur, Miijgan
141 182 115 148 120 111 117 113 225 88 65 294 62 13 285
D Dam, J. van Danceva, Jacquline Nikolova
238 49
403 page Dawe, Audrey E. Denholm, J. Derme, Bruno Dietz, Wolfgang Dobreva, Tatjana Feodorovna Drexler, Elfriede Driedgen, Florence Duncan, M.D. Duque, Maruja Lemos de
67 19 190 127 51 24 59 82 89 E
Ebert, Eloise Q. Ege, Melih El Fani, Béchir Ellilä, Tauno Elliott, John M. Ernst, August
314 286 284 106 300 25 F
Fernando, G.Ν. Ferrari, Marcella Fingerote, Barbara Frykholm, Lars
265 185 75 268 G
Galrao, Margarida Maria Gardiner, Margaret Gardner, K.B. Garrison, Serge H. Gashell, Eric
41 76 151 297 36
page Geerts, P. Gibson, D.B. Glaude, Norma A. Glynn, L.C Gowharian, Έ.
35 143 282 12 159 248
Gran, Randi Griffin, G.
15 242
Gütlich, Gulin, Susanna
109 H
Haenecke, Karl Hallvig, Gertrude Hammer, Marius Hara, Yoshiro Hariri, Mehrangis Hashizume, Yukio Havasi, Zoltán Hayashi, Teiichi Haynes, Donald R. Hazep, F. Hebrant-Macevicius M. Hegedüs, Johann Heils, Kirsten Hekimian, G. Hier, H.J. Higashi, Kiyoshi Hirst, Frank C. Hoffman, David R. Holland, David Hölzer, Walter Howard, B.M. Hughes, Suzanne Hvidt, Kristian
279 271 275 221 162 217 154 219 321 161 228 32 95 4 239 207 146 306 144 274 134 304 96
page I
Imura, Uichiro
In-Jeong Hwang
Ireland, W.E.
J Jahandari
Jensen, Grethe
J i h - Z a n Yang
Jimenez-Canossa, S a l v a d o r
Jopkiewicz, Andrzej
Ju, W i l l i a m C.
114 Κ
K a i n z , Christine
Kakuszi, Mâria
K a n z a k i , Makoto
Karmgar-Parsi, L.
K a w a g u c h i , Ryozo
K e l d e r , W.A.
Kemper, Robert E.
Kerfoot, Jean R.
Kerkkonen, Karin
K e r n s , David V.
K h a t a m i , A.
K i m , Yong C.
Kimura, Eiichi
K i r w a n , P.
Kisuule, E v e l y n
K l e e b , Hanni M a r i a
Kleef, A. v a n
Knauff, E l i s a b e t h S.
page Knight, Raymond F. Knutsen-Gy, Kerstin K^llgard, Inga Krflln, Kirsten Kono, Tsutomu Kozanecki, Tadeusz Kringlen, Stein Krumov, Stefan Kullmer, Hans K. Kuroda, Chikara
Laudati, Giulia Leister, Jack Lemon, E.K. Lin Shuh Lindmark, Malkon Lorenzani, Franco Lorides, Priamos Loubser, A. Luffman, Pauline Lwanga, Rucker R.
Maciocie, Gustavo Mackert, Josef Mac Lean, Cecil Maes, Marcel Majewska, Teresa Malek-Madani, A. Mallaber, Kenneth Α. Malmtorp, Inger
133 270 101
94 205
256 247
50 126 208
187 319 61 112 267 181
92 261 57 289
189 125
245 39 257 160
137 100
page Marriott, Wendy Mason, Iris
20 78
Matrisciano, Spartaco Mayer, Ursula
183 178
Mc Cown, Julie J. Mc Donald, Christine Me Donough, Roger H. Meer, H.A. van der Mehr, Mahvash
301 64 310 241 165
Mika, Agnes Β. Miklôs, Fényes Miller, Beatrice
155 157 72
Minchin, Lorraine
Miura, Kazuo Montatavi, Mehdi Moriya, Sohei
196 170 194
Muhiedin al-Machrafi, Muhammad MutafÄieva, Anastasija
231 48
Nai-Cheng Lu
Nakamatsu, Jiro Namdar, M.
214 167
Nichols, J. Gary
305 0
0rnvold, Dion Ogilvie, Philip S. Okamoto, Akira Olding, Raymond Knox
97 312 206 17
Oliveira, H e l e n a Soares Brandao de Overton, C.D.
46 149
P a i n e , F.H.
P a t z e r , Franz
P e a r s o n , W.
Peckham, Gloria
P e r a z o n o , Shigeaki
P e t k o v a , Lilia
P e v e t z , Werner
P h e l a n , Georgia
P h i l i p s , A.
P i c h u p , Eric
P i e r c e , Benjamin T.
P i n k n e y , Gertrude
Portigal, Marietta
P o w e l l , Claudia Brigitte
P r i b a c , Humbert Victor
P r o c h a z k a , Boris
Prochazka, Otto
29 Q
Quinton, T.C.
262 R
Rabotti, Maria Angela Motta Ralenkova, C v e t a n k a Sabeva
188 54-
Ransson, M.C.
Rastkar, F.
Regt, W.F. de
409 page Reid, A.S.
Reynolds, M a r y a n E.
Reynolds, N.N.
Richardson, G.D.
Rineer, A. Hunter
Robinso, A.M. L e w i n
Rocha, Juracy
Roelants, Jean
Rogari, M a r i a P i a Luzi
Ryan, S.L.
Sailley, Hillas de
Saito, Tsuyoshi
Sanders, James R.
Sasaki, Takao
Schäkel, A.J.M.
Schauman, Henrik
Schober, M a x i m i l i a n Scott, Donalt J.
33 84
Scrivens, R a y m o n d
Segers, E.S.
Seppälä, Arvo
Sessa, Antonio
Seung-Jong H y u n
Sharr, F.A.
Shepherd, A.P.
Siebert, Marjorie
Sigfússon, Björn
Sihari, Roberto
Simmler, Otto Sivarova, Savka Smigarowski, M .
23 22 53 86
page Smith, Nancy K.
S o n Avi, M . G h .
Soulisak, P r a c h i t h
Spicer, Erik J.
Spinneey, E . H .
Stehr, Gunnar
Stephanov, Costas D.
Stephenson, R h o n a
Stöhr, T h e o d o r
Stolper, Gertrude
Stromeyer, Rainer
Suchozebrska, U r s z u l a
Suganuma, Teruo
Suljak, Nedjelko D.
Sunder-Raj, P . E .
Sutherland, D.M.
Swensen, E v a
Takahashi, K i i c h i
T a k v a m , Leif
Tateishi, Kazuo
Taylor, K a n a r d y L.
T o r p , Olaf Chr.
T r u a x , K.L.
83 U
Udo, Tyoji
Underwood, Horace G.
V Vallinkoski, I.
Valyi, Gábor Vanderstraeten, Hugo Varzi, M. Verharen, Th.H.J. Vesper, E k k e h a r d Vincenot Volpini, E l t o n Eugenio
Wade, R o ñ a Wagner, Hans Wagner, Irene Walker, Estellene P. Walker, Τ.Ν. Watson, Margaret R. Wiedmer, Roland R. Williams, William H. Wilson, H.O. W i t c h a r d , J.
Yeshaiahu, E r i k a Yorimizu, Yoshio Yoshida, Rokuro Yoshijima, Tsuneo Yrjölä, Hellevi
Zarb, Mireille Zarlatti Zumstein, Karl
ALGERIA National Library of Algeria
AUSTRALIA Attorney - General's Department Library Australia Department of Education Library Bureau of Transport Economics Central Office Library - Department Commonwealth Department of Health Central Office Library Department of Agriculture, Library Department of Trade and Industry, Central Library The Library Board of Western Australia Library of New South Wales New South Wales Supreme Court Library NSW Parliamentary Library Queensland Parliamentary Library Reference Library, State Library of Tasmania State Library of Queensland State Library of South Australia State Office Block Library State Office Library Tasmanian Mines Department Library Tasmanien Parliamentary Library
3 ^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21
AUSTRIA Administrative Library in the Federal Chancellor's Board
page Administrative Library of the Federal Ministry of Education and the Arts and of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research Central Administrative Library for Economics and Technics Head-Library of Burgenland Information and Documentation Library, Institute of Agricultural Economics of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Library of Parliament
23 24 25 26 27 28
Library of the Economic Chamber of Austria
Library of the Federal Ministries of Social Administration, Health and Environmental Protection Library of the Federal Ministry of Defence
30 31
Library of the Federal Ministry of Finance Library of the General Management of the Austrian Federal Railways
Vienna City Library
BELGIUM Central Library of Ministry of Finance
Central Library of the Commission of the European Communities
Central Library Quetelet Funds Council of the European Communities, General Secretariat, Library
Library of the Ministry of Education Library of the Ministry of the Interior
39 40
BRAZIL Brazilian Institute of Bibliography and Documentation Library Central Library of the University of Brasilia Library Division of the Documentation and Information Centre of the Legislative Directory of the House of Representatives Library of Ministry of External Relations Library of the Documentation Section of the General Procuracy of the National Finance
41 42 43 44 45
page Library of the Ministry of Finance "Mario de Andrade" Public Library
46 47
BULGARIA Library of the Ministry of Forestry and Environmental Protection Library of the Ministry of Justice Library of the National Assembly and of the State Council Library of the National Committee for Bulgarian Soviet Friendship Library of the State Planning Committee
51 52
Ministry of Foreign Trade Library
Scientific Library of the Research Institute of Trade - Union Problems at the Central Council of the Bulgarian
48 49 50
CAMEROUN Cameroun National Library
CANADA Canada Department of Agriculture, Library Department of Health and Social Development Library Department of Mines and Petroleum Resources Library
Department of Social Services Library
Departmental Library, Department of Indian Affairs & Northern Development Forest Servile Library Labour Research Library
60 61 62
Legislative Library
Legislative Library
57 58
Legislative Library of Manitoba
Library, Geological Survey of Canada
Library, National Museums of Canada
page L i b r a r y of the Alcoholism C o m m i s s i o n of Saskatchewan
Library of the M i n i s t r y of Treasury, E c o n o m i c s a n d Intergovernmental Affairs
L i b r a r y of the Parliament
The Library-Department of M a n p o w e r & Immigration
M a n i t o b a Department of Agriculture Library
M a n i t o b a Department of E d u c a t i o n Library
M a n i t o b a Department of Industry and Commerce R e s e a r c h Library
M a n i t o b a Department of Mines Resources & E n v i r o n m e n t a l Management Library
M a n i t o b a Hydro Electric B o a r d Library
Mines Branch Library, D e p a r t m e n t of Energy, M i n e s and Resources
M i n i s t r y of Colleges and Universities Library
National G a l l e r y Library
National Science Library of C a n a d a
Ontario Legislative Library
Ontario M i n i s t r y Labour L i b r a r y
Ontario M i n i s t r y of Community and Social Services
Provincial L i b r a r y
Provincial L i b r a r y Victoria
Public H e a l t h Library
Statistics C a n a d a Library
W a t e r Resources Service L i b r a r y
COLOMBIA L i b r a r y of Congress National of Colombia R o o m Caro
COSTA RICA National A s s e m b l y Library
CYPRUS L i b r a r y Pedagogical Academy
page Public Information Office Library
CZECHOSLOVAKIA Central Economic Library DENMARK The City Hall Library Copenhagen Foreign Office Library Library and Information Service of the Danish Parliament Library of the Copenhagen Statistical Office Library of the Danish Labour Inspection Library of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Library of the Statistics of Denmark National Health Service Denmark, Library The Royal Library
9495 96 97 98 99 100 101 102
FINLAND Central Library of Military Research Helsinki School of Economics Library Helsinki University Library Law Library, Helsinki University Library of Parliament Library of the Central Statistical Office of Finland Library of the Swedish School for Social Work and Local Administration
103 104105 106 107
Library of the University of Tampere
FORMOSA Feng Chia College Library Library, College of Engineering National Chiao Tung University The Library, National Chung-Hsing University National Central Library
108 109
111 112 113 114
page National Cheng-chi University Library
National Cheng R u n g U n i v e r s i t y Library
National T a i w a n Normal U n i v e r s i t y Library
The National T a i w a n University Library
Scientific Documentation a n d Instrumentation Centre Library
FRANCE Central L i b r a r y of the M i n i s t r y of the D e v e l o p ment of Industry and Science
Council of E u r o p e , Library
L i b r a r y of the Senate
National Library
UNESCO Library
GERMANY (BRD) Federal Constitutional Court-Library
Federal Statistical Office L i b r a r y , Archive, Documentation
Library of the Federal German Parliament
Library of the Federal M i n i s t r y for E d u c a t i o n and Science and of the Federal M i n i s t r y for R e s e a r c h a n d Technology
Library of the Senate
State Library of Prussian Culture Property
Supreme Court for Administrative Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany, Library
GHANA G h a n a Institute of Management & Public A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Library
GREAT BRITAIN B o a r d of Inland Revenue L i b r a r y
Central Management Library
Department of Employment L i b r a r y
Department of H e a l t h and Social Security L i b r a r y
page Department of Industry Library Department of the Environment Library Foreign and Commonwealth Office Library Greater London Council Library H.M. Customs & Excise Library H.M. Treasury and Cabinet Office Library Home Office Library House of Commons Library
137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144
The Labour Party Library Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food Library Ministry of Defence, Procurement Executive-Information and Library Service
145 146
Office of Population Censuses and Surveys Library Property Services Agency Library Scottish Office Library
148 149 150
State Paper Room, Deptm. of Printed Books Welsh Office Library
151 152
HUNGARY Academy of Councils, Institution of Administration and Organization Central Library of the Attila Jôzsef University
153 154
Faculty of Law Library University of "Eötvös Loránd" Library of the Hungarian Parliament
155 156
University Library of Pêcs
ICELAND University Library of Sudurgötu Reykjavik,Iceland»
IRAN Central Bank of Iran, Library The Library of State Organization for Administration and Employment Affairs The Library of the Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran
159 160 161
page Library of the Iranian Documentation Centre The Library of the Iranian Parliament Library of the Military Academy The Library of the Ministry of Development and Housing The Library of the Ministry of Economy The Library of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Library of the Ministry of Information The Library of the Ministry of Justice Library of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs The Library of the Police-University Plan Organization of Iran Library The Senate Library
162 163 164165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173
IRELAND Library of the National Parliament Royal Dublin Society Trinity College Library, University of Dublin
174 175 176
ISRAEL Knesset Library
ITALY EURATOM CCR Ispra Library I.N.A.M. Central Library Library of I.N.A.I.L. Library of the Bank of Italy Library of the Ministry of Budget and economic Planning Library of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Craft Library of the Ministry of Justice Library of the Ministry of Labour and social Security Library of the Ministry of Nationalized Industries Library of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187
page Library of the Library of the Library of the Hailways Public Library of L'Aquila
Ministry of Public Education Ministry of Public Works Ministry of Transport and. State "Salvatore Tommasi" of the Province
188 189 190 191
JAPAN Administrative Management Agency, Library Agency of Industry and Technology, Library Board of Audit, Library
192 193 194-
Cabinet Legislation Bureau, Library
Cabinet Library Defence Agency Library
196 197
Defence Facilities Administration Agency, Library
Economic Planning Agency, Library Imperial Household Agency, Library Library of Statistics Bureau
199 200 201
Maritime Safety Agency, Library
Meteorological Agency, Library Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Library
203 204·
Ministry of Construction, Library Ministry of Education, Library Ministry of Finance, Library
205 206 207
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Library Ministry of Health and Welfare, Library
208 209
Ministry of Home Affairs, Library Ministry of International Trade, Library
210 211
Ministry of Justice, Library
Ministry of Labour, Library
Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Library Ministry of Transportation, Library
214 215
National Diet Library National Personnel Authority, Library
216 217
National Police Agency, Library
page Patent Office Library
Science and Technics Agency, Library
Science Council of Japan, L i b r a r y
KENYA M i n i s t r y of Finance and P l a n n i n g , Library
KOREA Administrative Library of Seoul National University
K o r e a University Library
National Assembly Library
Yonsei University Library
LAOS National Library of Lao K i n g d o m
Library of the Parliament of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
M O N G O L I A N REPUBLIC State Public Library of the M o n g o l i a n People's Republic
MOROCCO Central L i b r a r y a n d Archivs of Morocco
NETHERLANDS B u r e a u Documentation and L i b r a r y of the M i n i s t r y of Housing and Physical P l a n n i n g
Central Library and Documentation Ministry of Justice
page Department of D o c u m e n t a t i o n and L i b r a r y of the M i n i s t r y of Transport and E l e c t r i c i t y
Documentation and L i b r a r y Department, M i n i s t r y Cultural Affairs, Recreation and Social Welfare
Documentation and Library Department of the M i n i s t r y of Home Affairs
Library and Documentation Centre of the Economic Information Service
L i b r a r y and Documentation M i n i s t r y of Social Affairs
L i b r a r y and Documentation Union of Netherlands Municipalities
Library Ministry of Agriculture
L i b r a r y of the M i n i s t r y of Defence
L i b r a r y of the Netherlands Information Service
Library of the Second Chamber of the General State
M i n i s t r y of E d u c a t i o n and Sciences Department
NEW ZEALAND General Assembly L i b r a r y
M u n i c i p a l Reference Library
NORWAY The Administrative Library a n d D o c u m e n t a t i o n Service
Central Bureau of Statistics, L i b r a r y
Directorate of Fisheries, Library
Library of the N o r w e g i a n Parliament
N o r w e g i a n Broadcasting Corporation, Library
The N o r w e g i a n Patent Office Library
N o r w e g i a n Telecommunication Administration,Library
POLAND Central Library of the National Bank of Poland
Central Statistical Library
Library of the Diet
page Library of the Institute of Finance
SINGAPORE National Library, Singapore SOUTH AFRICA Central Agricultural Library Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Library Department of National Education Library Library of Parliament South African Library The State Library
259 260 261 262 265 264
SRI LANKA Academy of Administrative Studies, Library Department of National Archives
265 266
SWEDEN Library of the National Central Bureau of Statistics The Parliamentary Library SPRI-Swedish Planning and Rationalization Institute of the Health and Social Services, Library Svea Superior Court Library Swedish Agency for Administrative Development, Library Swedish State Railways, Central Administration Library
267 268 269 270 271 272
SWITZERLAND Division of Commerce Ministry of Public Economy Library/Documentation Documentation service of the Swiss Federal Railways Federal Bureau of Statistics Library
275 274 275
page Federal Parliamentary and Central Library
General Directorate PTT - Library and Documentation
Library of the Federal Political Department
Library of the Federal Tax Administration
Library of the Office for Intellectual Property Library of the World Intellectual Property Organization
280 281
THINIDAD AND TOBAGO Court of Appeal Library Parliament Library
282 283
TUNESIA National Library
TURKEY General Directory of National Library Library of the Grand National Assembly University of Ankara Library of Law Faculty
285 286 287
UGANDA Library and Documentation Centre, Institute of Public Administration
Makerere University Library
U.S.A. Bureau of Government Library
California State Library
Connecticut State Library Department of Health, Education and Welfare,
Department Library
Hawaii State Archives Library Illinois State Library Institute of Governmental Affairs, Library
294 295 296
Iowa Legislative Service Bureau
426 page Isabella Bronk L i b r a r y
Joint Reference Library Legislative Affairs Reference
299 300
Legislative Council Committee, Library
Legislative L i b r a r y Services Division of the F l o r i d a Joint Legislative M a n a g e m e n t Committee
Legislative Reference
L o u i s i a n a Legislative C o u n c i l Library
303 304
Maine State L i b r a r y
M o n t a n a State Library
M u n i c i p a l Reference Library
307 308
Nebraska Library Commission New Hampshire State Library New Jersey State Library New Mexico State Library N o r t h Carolina State Library Office of Management and Budget Library O r e g o n State Library Public Law D i v i s i o n - L i b r a r y Indiana Legislative Council The South C a r o l i n a State L i b r a r y S o u t h Dakota State Library
309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316
State Library of M a s s a c h u s e t t s
317 318
University of California, Institute of G o v e r n m e n tal Studies, L i b r a r y
Vermont Department of Libraries, Law and Documents Unit
V i r g i n i a State Library
W a s h i n g t o n State Library
Wyoming State Library
YUGOSLAVIA Library" of Assembly of the Socialist Federal R e public of Y u g o s l a v i a
Administrative Bibliothek im Bundeskanzleramt
Administrative Library in the Federai Chancellor's Board
Administrative Library of Seoul National University
Administrative Library of Seoul National University
Afdeling Documentatie en Bibliotheek Ministerie van Cultuur, Recreatie en Maatschappelijk
Documentation and Library Department, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Recreation and Social Welfare
Afdeling Documentatie en Bibliotheek van het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken
Documentation and Library Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs
Amtsbibliothek des Bundesministeriums für Unterricht und Kunst und des Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft und Forschung
Administrative Library of the Federal Ministry of Education and the Arts and of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research
Ankara Universitetsi Huhuk Fakültesi Kütüphanesi
University of Ankara, Library of Law Faculty
Arbejds og Socialministeriernes Bibliotek
Library of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Arbejdstilsynets Bibliotek
Library of the Danish Labour Inspection
Attorney - General's Department Library
Attorney - General's Department Library
Australia Department of Education Library
Australia Department of Education Library
Biblioteca Banca d'Italia
Library of the Bank of Italy
Biblioteca Central da Universidade de Brasilia
Central Library of the University of Brasilia
Biblioteca Centrale del Ministero Pubblica Istruzione
Library of the Ministry of Public Education
Biblioteca Centrale I.N.A.M.
I.N.A.M. Central Library
Biblioteca Da SeçSo de Documentaçâo da Frocuradoria ¿eral da Fazenda Nacional
Library of the Documentation Section of the General Procuracy of the National Finance
Biblioteca de la Asamblea Legislativa
National Assembly Library
Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Colombia Salon Caro
Library of Congress National of Colombia Room Caro
Biblioteca del Ministero del lavori pubblici
Library of the Ministry of Public Works
Biblioteca del Ministero del lavoro e della previdenza sociale
Library of the Ministry of Labour and social Security
Biblioteca del Ministero del transporti Ferrovie dello Stato
•library of the Ministry of Transport and State Railways
Biblioteca del Ministero dell' Industria Commercio e Artigianato
Library of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Craft
Biblioteca del Ministero delle Partecipazioni statali
Library of the Ministry of Nationalized Industries
Biblioteca del Ministero delle Poste e telecomunicazioni
Library of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
Biblioteca dell'I.N.A.I.L.
Library of I.N.A.I.L.
Biblioteca do Instituto Brasileiro de Bibliografia e Documentatilo
Brazilian Institute of Bibliography and Documentation Library
Biblioteca do Ministério da Fazenda no Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Library of the Ministry of Finance
Biblioteca do Ministério das Relaç5es Exteriores
Library of Ministry of External Relations
Biblioteca municipal "Mario de Andrade"
"Mario de Andrade" Public Library
Biblioteca Provinciale "Salvatore Tommasi", L'Aquila
Public Library "Salvatore Tommasi" of the Province of L'Aquila
Biblioteca Instytutu Finansòw
Library of the Institute of Finance
Biblioteka Kombetare
National Library
Biblioteca na Narodnoto stsranie i Duríavnija suvet
Library of the National Assembly and of the State Council
Biblioteka na Obétonarodnija komitet Library of the National Committee za balgaro - savetska druzba for Bulgarian - Soviet Friendship Biblioteka pri Dârèavnija komitet za planirane
Library of the State Planning Committee
Biblioteka pri Ministerstvoto na gorite i opazvane na okolnata sreda
Library of the Ministry of Forestry and Environmental Protection
Biblioteka pri Ministerstvoto na pravosadieto
Library of the Ministry of Justice
Bibliotèka pri Ministerstvoto na Vánánata tárgovija
Ministry of Foreign Trade Library
Bibliotèka Sejmova
Library of the Diet
Bibliotèka Skupátine SFRJ
Library of Assembly of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Bibliotheek en Documentatie centrum Economische Voorlichtingsdienst
Library and Documentation Centre of the Economic Information Service
Bibliotheek en Documentatie Ministerie van Sociale Zaken
Library and Documentation Ministry of Social Affairs
Bibliotheek en Documentatie Vereniging van Nederlands Gemeenten
Library and Documentation Union of Netherlands Municipalities
Bibliotheek v.h.Ministerie v. Landbouw
Library Ministry o'f Agriculture
Bibliotheek van de Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst
Library of the "etherlands Information Service
Bibliotheek van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal
Library of the Second Chamber of the General State
Bibliotheek van hot Ministerie van Defensic
Library of the Ministry of Defence
Bibliothek der Bundeskammer der gewerblichen Wirtschaft
Library of the Economic Chamber of Austria
Bibliothek der Eidgenössischen Steuerverwaltung
Library of the Federal Tax Administration
Bibliothek der Generaldirektion der Österreichischen Bundesbahnen
Library of the General Management of the Austrian Federal Railways
Bibliothek des Agrarwirtschaftlichen Library, Institute of Agricultural Instituts des Bundesministeriums für Economics of the Austrian Federal Land- und Forstwirtschaft Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Bibliothek des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Wissenschaft und des Bundesministeriums für Forschung und Technologie
Library of the Federal Ministry for Education and Science and of the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology
Bibliothek des Bundesministeriums für Landesverteidigung
Library of the Federal Ministry of Defence
Bibliothek des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts
Supreme Court for Administrative Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany, Library
Bibliothek des Deutschen Bundestags
Library of the Federal German Parliament
Bibliothek des eidgenössischen Amtes für geistiges Eigentum
Library of the Office for Intellectual Property
Bibliothek des Eidgenössischen Politischen Departements
Library of the Federal Political Department
Bibliothèque Centrale du Ministère des Finance
Central Library of Ministry of Finance
Bibliothèque Centrale du Ministère du Développement industriel et scientifique
Central Library of the Ministry of Development of Industry and Science
Bibliothèque Centrale Fonds Quetelet
Central Library Quetelet Funds
Bibliothèque de la Chambre des Deputes du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg
Library of the Parliament of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
Bibliothèque de la Galerie nationale National Gallery Library du Canada Bibliothèque du Conseil de 1'Europe
Council of Europe, Library
Bibliothèque du Sénat
Library of the Senate
Bibliothèque Generale et Archives du Maroc
Central Library and Archivs of Morocco
Bibliothèque Nationale
National Library
Bibliothèque Nationale
National Library
Bibliothèque Nationale D'Algeria
National Library of Algeria
Bibliothèque Nationale du Cameroun
Cameroun National Library
Bibliothèque, Nationaux Musées du Canada
Library, National Museums of Canada
Board of Inland Hevenue Library
Board of Inland Revenue Library
Boei Shisetsu-cho Toshokan
Defence Facilities Administration Agency, Library
Boei-cho Toshokan
Defence Agency Library
Federal Constitutional CourtLibrary
Bureau Dbcumentatie en Bibliotheek v.h.Min.v.Volkshuisvestingen Huimt, Ordening
Bureau Documentation and Library of the Ministry of Housing and Physical Planning
Bureau of Government, Library
Bureau of Government, Library
Bureau of Transport Economics
Bureau of Transport Economics
Head-Library of Burgenland
California State Library
California State Library
Central Agricultural Library
Central Agricultural Library
Central Library of the Commission of the European Communities
Central Library of the Commission of the European Communities
Central Management Library
Central Management Library
Central Office Library - Department
Central Office Library - Department
Centrala Biblioteek van het Ministerie van Nationale Opvoeding en Cultuur
Library of the Ministry of Education
Centrale Bibliotheek en Documentation Ministry of Justice
Central Library and Documentation Ministry
Centralna Biblioteka Narodowego Banku Polskiego
Central Library of the National Bank of Poland
Centralna Biblioteka Statystyczna
Central Statistical Library
Commonwealth Department of Health Central Office Library
Commonwealth Department of Health Central Office Library
Connecticut State Library
Connecticut State Library
Conseil des Dominunautés Européennes, Council of the European Communities, General Secretariat, Library Secrétariat Général, Bibliothèque Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Library
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Library
Court of Appeal Library
Court of Appeal Library
Denmarks Statistiks Bibliotek
Library of the Statistics of Denmark
Departmental Library, Department of Indian Affairs & Northern Development
Departmental Library, Department of Indian Affairs & Northern Development
Department of Agriculture, Library
Department of Agriculture, Library
Department of Employment Library-
Department of Employment Library
Department of Health and Social Development Library
Department of Health and Social Development Library
Department of Health and Social Security Library
Department of Health and Social Security Library
Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Department Library
Department of Health, Education and Weifare, Department Library
Department of Industry Library
Department of Industry Library
Department of Mines and Petroleum Resources Library
Department of Mines and Petroleum Resources Library
Department of National Education Library
Department of National Education Library
Department of Social Services Library
Department of Social Services Library
Department of the Environment Library
Department of the Environment Library
Department of Trade and Industry, Central Library
Department of Trade and Industry, Central Library
Divis&o de Biblioteca do Centro de Documentaçao e Informaçào da Directoría Legislativia da Cámara dos Deputados
Library Division of the Documentation and Information Centre of the Legislative Directory of the House of Representatives
Dokumentationdienst der Schweizer Bundesbahnen
Documentation service of the Swiss Federal Railways
Eduskunnan Kirjasto
Library of Parliament
Eidgenössische Parlaments- und Zentralbibliothek
Federal Parliamentary and Central Library
Eidgenössisches Statistisches Amt, Bibliothek und Dokumentation
Federal Bureau of Statistics Library
Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Allam-és Jogtudomány Kar Könyvtär
Faculty of Law Library University of "Eötvös Loránd"
EURATOM CCE Ispra Biblioteca
EURATOM CCR Ispra Library
P e n g Chia College Library
F e n g Chia College Library
Directorate of Fisheries, Library
Folketingets Bibliotek og oplysningstjeneste
Library and Information Service of the Danish Parliament
Foreign and.1 Commonwealth Office Library-
Foreign and Commonwealth Office Library
Forest Servile Library
Forest Servile Library
Gaimu-sho Toshokan
Ministry of Foreign Äffairs, Library-
General Assembly Library
General ,'issembly Library
Generaldirektion PTT - Bibliothek und Dokumentation
General Directorate PTT - Library and Documentation
Ghana Institute of Management & Public Administration Library
Ghana Institute of Management &, Public Administration Library
Gosudarstvennaja Publiänaja Biblioteka M N R
State Public Library of the Mongolian People's Rermblic
Greater London Council Library
Greater London Council Library
Gyosei Kanri-cho Toshokan
Administrative Management Agency, Library
H.H. Customs & Excise Library
H.M. Customs & Excise Library
H.N. Treasury and Cabinet Office Library
H.M. Treasury and Cabinet Office Library
Handelsabteilung Dokumentation
Division of Commerce Ministry of Public Economy Library/Documentation
Hàskólabòkasafn, v/Sudurgötu Reykjavik Islandi
University Library of Sudurgotu Reykjavik, Iceland
Hawaii State Archives Library
Hawaii State Archives Library
Heisingin Kauppakorkeakoulum K i r jasto
Helsinki School of Economics Library
Heisingin Yliopiston Kirjasto
Helsinki University Library
Heisingin Yliopiston oikeus tieteellisen tiedekunnan Kirjasto
Law Library, Helsinki University
Home Office Library
Home Office Library
Homu Toshokan
Ministry of Justice, Library
House of Commons Library
House of Commons Library
Illiùois State Library
Illinois State Library
Information und Dokumentation
Information and Documentation
Institute of Governmental Affairs, Library
Institute of Governmental Affairs, Library
Iowa Legislative Service Bureau
Iowa Legislative Service Bureau
Isabella Bronk Library
Isabella Bronk Library
Isichi-sho Toshokan
Ministry of Home Affairs, Library
Jätika Lekhanâraksaka Depàrthamëntuwê Pustakälaya
Department of National Archives
Jinjl-in Toshokan
National Personnel Authority, Library
Joint Reference Library
Joint Reference Library
A József Attila Tudományegyetem Κοζροητ.ι Könyvtara
Central Library of the Attila József University
Kagaku Gijytsu-cho Toshokan
Science and Technics Agency, Library
Kaijo-Ho-ancho Toshokan
Maritime Safety Agency, Library
Kakei Kensa-in Toshokan
Board of Audit, Library
Keisatsu-cho Toshokan
National Police Agency, Library
Keizai Kikaku-cho Toshokan
Economic Planning Agency, Library
Kensetsu-sho Toshokan
Ministry of Construction, Library
KetàbKhâne-ye Bànke-e Markazi-ye Iran
Central Bank of Iran, Library
KetàbKhàne-ye Dàneshgàh-e Polis
The Library of the Police-University
KetàbKhâne-ye DànesKade-ye Afsari
Library of the Military Academy
KetäbKhäne-ye Majles-e Sena
The Senate Library
KetäbKhäne-ye Majles-e Showra-ye Melli-ye Iran
The Library of the Iranian Parliament
KetàbKhâne-ye Mo ' assese-ye Standard, The Library of the Institute of va Tahqiquat-e Sanati Standards and Industrial Research of Iran KetàbKhàne-ye Sàzeman-e Barnameh
Flan Organization or Iran Library
KetàbKhâne-ye Sâzemàn-e Oinur-e Edari va EsteKhdami-ye Keshvar
The Library of State Organization for Administration and Employment Affairs
KetâbKhâne-ye Vezarât-e Àbâdâni va Maskan
The Library of the Ministry of Development and Housing
KetâbKhâne-ye Vezarât-e Dad. Gostari
The Library of the Ministry of Justice
KetâbKhâne-ye Vezarât-e Equitezâd
The Library of the Ministry of Economy
KetâbKhâne-ye Vezarât-e Ettela'at
Library of the Ministry of Information
KetâbKhâne-ye Vezarât-e K â r v a Omur-e ejtema'i
Library of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
KetâbKhâne-ye Vezarât-e Omur-e Kharajek
The Library of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Kisho-sho Toshokan
Meteorological Agency, Library
K/íbenhavns Radhusbïbliotek
The City Hall Library Copenhagen
Κ/íbenhavns statistike kontor biblioteket
Library of the Copenhagen Statistical Office
Kogyo-Gijyutsuin Toshokan
Agency of Industry and Technology, Library
Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan
National Diet Library
Det Kongelige Bibliotek
The Royal Library
Koryo Daehakkyo Dosoekwan
Korea University Library
Kosei-sho Toshokan
Ministry of Health and Welfare, Library
Kunai-cho Toshokan
Imperial Household Agency, Library
The Labour Party Library
The Labour Party Library
Labour Research Library
Labour Research Library
Legislative Affairs Reference Library
Legislative Affairs Reference Library
Legislative Council Committee, Library
Legislative Council Committee, Library
Legislative Library, Fredericton
Legislative Library, Fredericton
Legislative Library of Manitoba
Legislative Library of Manitoba
Legislative Library, Regina
Legislative Library, Regina
Legislative Library Services Division of the Florida Joint Legislative Management Committee
Legislative Library Services Division of the Florida Joint Legislative Management Committee
Legislative Reference Library-
Legislative Reference Library
The Library
The Library
Library and Documentation Centre, Institute of Public Administration
Library and Documentation Centre, Institute of Public Administration
The Library Board of Western Australia
The Library Board of Western Australia
Library, College of Engineering National Chia Tung University
Library, College of Engineering National Chia Tung University
Library, Geological Survey of Canada
Library, Geological Survey of Canada
The Library, National Chung-Hsing University
The Library, National Chung-Hsing University
Library of New South Wales
Library of New South Wales
Library of the Alcoholism Commission Library of the Alcoholism Commission of Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Library of the Iranian Documentation Centre
Library of the Iranian Documentation Centre
Library of the Ministry of Treasury, Library of the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs Affairs Library of the Parliament
Library of the Parliament
Library of the V.orld Intellectual Property Organization
Library of the World Intellectual Property Organization
The Library-Department of Manpower & Immigration
The Library-Department of Manpower & Immigration
Louisiana Legislative Council Library
Louisiana Legislative Council Library
Maine State Library
Maine State Library
Makerere University Library
Makerere University Library
Manitoba Department of Agriculture, Library
Manitoba Department of Agriculture , Library
Manitoba Department of Education Library
Manitoba Department of Education Library
Manitoba Department of Industry and Commerce Research Library
Manitoba Department of Industry and Commerce Research Library
Manitoba Department of Mines Resources & Environmental Management Library
Manitoba Department of Mines Resources & Environmental Management Library
Manitoba Hydro Electric Board Library
Manitoba Hydro Electric Board Library
Milli Kütüphane Genel Müdürlügü
General Directory of National Library
Mines Branch Library, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources
Mines Branch Library, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources
Ministère de l'agriculture du Canada, Bibliothèque
Canada Department of Agriculture, Library
Ministère de l'Interieur, Bibliothèque
Library of the Ministry of the Interior
Ministerialbibliothek des Bundesministeriums für Finanzen
Library of the Federal Ministry of Finance
Ministerialbibliothek des Bundesministeriums für soziale Verwaltung und für Gesundheit und Umweltschutz
Library of the Federal Ministries of Social Administration, Health and Environmental Protection
Ministerie van Onderwijs en Wetenschappen Afdeling Documentatie
Ministry of Education and Sciences Documentation Department
Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat Afdeling Documentatie en Bibliotheek
Department of Documentation and Library of the Ministry of Transport and Electricity
Ministerio Bilancio e della Programmazione economica
Library of the Ministry of Budget and economic planning
Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia
Library of the Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food Library
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food Library
Ministry of Colleges and Universities Library
Ministry of Colleges and Universities Library
Ministry of Defence, Procurement Executive-Information and Library Service
Ministry of Defence, Procurement Executive-Information and Library Service
Ministry of Finance and Planning, Library
Ministry of Finance and Planning, Library
Honhu-sho Toshokan
Ministry of Education, Library
Montana State Library
Montana State Library
Municipal Reference Library,Auckland Municipal Reference Library,Auckland Municipal Reference Library,Detroit
Municipal Reference Library,Detroit
Naikaku Bunko
Cabinet Library
Naikaku Hosei-kyoku Toshokan
Cabinet Legislation Bureau, Library
National Assembly Library
National Assembly Library
National Central Library
National Central Library
National Cheng Kung University Library
National Cheng Kung University Library
National Cheng-chi University Library
National Cheng-chi University Library
National Library of Lao Kingdom
National Library of Lao Kingdom
National Library, Singapore
National Library, Singapore
National Science Library of Canada
National Science Library of Canada
National Taiwan Normal University Library
National Taiwan Normal University Library
The National Taiwan University Library
The National Taiwan University Library
Nauina biblioteca käm Nauiínoizsledovatelskija institut po provsá, uzni problème kàm
Scientific Library of the Research Institute of Trade, Union Problems at the Central Council of Bulgarian
Nebraska Library Commission
Nebraska Library Commisssion
New Hampshire State Library
New Hampshire State Library
New Jersey State Library
New Jersey State Library
New Mexico State Library
New Mexico State Library
New South Wales Supreme Court Library
New South Wales Supreme Court Library
Nihon Gakujyutsu Kaigi Toshokan
Science Council of Japan, Library
Norin-sho T?oshokan
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Library
Norsk Hikskringkasting Biblioteket
Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, Library
North Carolina State Library
North Carolina State Library
NSW Parliamentary Library
NSlv Parliamentary Library
Office of Management and Budget Library
Office of Management and Budget Library
Office of Population Censuses and Surveys Library
Office of Population Censuses and Surveys Library
Oireachtas Library
Library of the National Parliament
Okurasche Bunko
Ministry of Finance, Library
Ontario Legislative Library
Ontario Legislative Library
Ontario Ministry Labour Library
Ontario Ministry Labour Library
Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services
Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services
Oregon State Library
Oregon State Library
Országgülési Konyvtár
Library of the Hungarian Parliament
Library of Parliament
Library of Parliament
Parliament Library
Parliament Library
Pécsi Egyetemi Konyvtár
University Library of Pécs
Property Services Agency Library
Property Services Agency Library
Provincial Library
Provincial Library
Provincial Library Victoria
Provincial Library Victoria
Public Health Library
Public Health Library
Public Information Office Library
Public Information Office Library
Public Law Division - Library Indiana Legislative Council
Public Law Division - Library Indiana Legislative Council
Pusthakalaya-paripalana Abyasa Ayathanaya
Academy of Administrative Studies, Library
Queensland Parliamentary Library
Queensland Parliamentary Library
Reference Library, State Library of Tasmania
Reference Library, State Library of Tasmania
The Parliamentary Library
Rodo-sho Toshokan
Ministry of Labour, Library
Royal Dublin Society
Royal Dublin Society
Satatieteellinen Keskus-Kirjasto
Central Library of Military Research
Scientific Documentation and Instrumentation Centre Library
Scientific Documentation and Instrumentation Centre Library
Scottish Office Library
Scottish Office Library Library of the Senate
Senatsbibliothek Berlin Sentraladministrasjonens tektjeneste
Knesset Library-
Sifriat Haknesset SJ Centralförvaltning,
The Administrative Library and Documentation Service
Swedish State Railways, Central Administration Library
Sori-fu Tokei-kyoku Toshokan
Library of Statistics Bureau
The South Carolina State Library
The South Carolina State Library
South Dakota State Library
South Dakota State Library
SPRI-Sjukvardens och socialvardens planerings-och rationaliseringsinstitut, Biblioteket
SPRI-Swedish Planning and Rationalization Institute of Health and Social Services
Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kultur- State Library of Prussian Culture Property besitz The State Library
The State Library
State Library of Massachusetts
State Library of Massachusetts
State Library of Queensland
State Library of Queensland
State Library of South Australia
State Library of South Australia
State Office Block Library
State Office Block Library
State Office Library
State Office Library
State P a p e r Room, Deptm. of Printed Books
State Paper Room, Deptm. of P r i n ted Books
Statistics Canada Library
Statistics Canada Library
Statistisches Bundesamt Bibliothek, Archiv, Dokumentation
Federal Statistical Office Library, Archiv, Documentation
Statistisk Sentralbyas Bibliotek
Central Bureau of Statistical, Library
Statistiska centralbyrans biblioteket
Library of the National Central Bureau of Statistics
Statskontorets Biblioteket
Swedish Agency for Administrative Development, Library
Library of the Norwegian Parliament
Styret for det industrielle rettsvern Biblioteket
The Norwegian Patent Office Library
South African Library
Sundhedsstyrelsen Biblioteket
National Health Service Denmark, Library
Svea hovrätts biblioteket
Svea Superior Court Library
Svenska Social-och Kommunalhögskolans Bibliothek
Library of the Swedish School for Social Work and Local Administration
Tampereen Yliopiston Kirjasto
Library of the University of Tampere
Tanácsakadémia Tana6s - Igazgata'si Szervezési int
Academy of Councils, Institution of Administration and Organization
Tasmanian Nines Department Library
Tasmanian Mines Department Library
Tasmanian Parliamentary Library
Tasmanian Parliamentary Library
Norwegian Telecommunication Administration, Library
Tilastokeskuksen Kirjasto
Library of the Central Statistical Office of Finland
Tokkyo-cho Toshokan
Patent Office Library
Trinity College Library, University of Dublin
Trinity College Library, University of Dublin
Tsusho-Syngyo-sho Toshokan
Ministry of International Trade, Library
Tiirkiye Büyük Millet M e d i s i
Library of the Grand National Assembly
Foreign Office Library
UNESCO Library
UNESCO Library
University of California, Institute of Governmental Studies, Library
University of California, Institute of Governmental Studies, Library
Un-yu-sho Toshokan
Ministry of Transportation,Library
Ustredna Ekonomickâ Kniznica
Central Economic Library
Vermont Department of Libraries, Law and Documents Unit
Vermont Department of Libraries, Law and Documents Unit
Virginia State Library
Virginia State Library
Vivliothiki Pädagogikis Akademias
Library Pedagogical Academy
Washington State Library
Washington State Library
Water Resources Service Library
Water Resources Service Library
Welsh Office Library
Welsh Office Library
Wiener Stadtbibliothek
Vienna City Library
Wyoming State Library
Wyoming State Library
Yonsei University Library
Yonsei University Library
Yusei-sho Toshokan
Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Library
Zentrale Verwaltungsbibliothek für Wirtschaft und Technik
Central Administrative Library for Economics and Technics
TOPOGRAPHIC INDEX page Achimota G h a n a Institute of Management & Public Administration Library
Adelaide State Library of S o u t h Australia
Alger National Library of Algeria
Ankara General Directory of National Library
Library of the Grand National Assembly
University of Ankara, Library of Law Faculty
A n n Arbor B u r e a u of Government Library
L'Aquila Public Library "Salvatore Tommasi" of the Province of L'Aquila
Auckland M u n i c i p a l Reference Library
Augusta Maine State Library
Austin Legislative Reference Library
B a t o n Rouge L o u i s i a n a Legislative Council Library
Belgrade Library of the Socialist Federal Republic ofof Assembly Yugoslavia
444 page Berken Directorate of Fisheries, L i b r a r y
Berkeley University of California, Institute of G o v e r n mental Studies, Library
Berlin Library of the Senate
State Library of Prussian Culture P r o p e r t y
Supreme Court for Administrative Affairs of the F e d e r a l Republic of Germany, Library
Berne Division of Commerce M i n i s t r y of Public E c o n o m y Library/Documentation
Documentation service of the Swiss Federal Railways
Federal B u r e a u of Statistics Library
F e d e r a l Parliamentary and C e n t r a l Library
General Directorate PTT - L i b r a r y and D o c u m e n t a t i o n
Library of the Federal P o l i t i c a l Department
Library of the Federal T a x Administration
Library of the Office for Intellectual P r o p e r t y
Bogota Library of Congress National of Colombia R o o m Caro
Bonn Library of the Federal G e r m a n Parliament Library of the Federal M i n i s t r y for E d u c a t i o n and Science and of the Federal M i n i s t r y for R e s e a r c h
and Technology
Boston State Library of Massachusetts
Brasilia Central L i b r a r y of the University of B r a s i l i a 4-2 Library D i v i s i o n of the Documentation and Information Centre of the Legislative Directory of the House of Representatives 4-3
page Library of Ministry of External Relations
Bratislava Central Economic Library
Brisbane Queensland Parliamentary Library
State Library of Queensland
Brussels Central Library of Ministry of Finance
Central Library of the Commission of the European Communities Central Library Quetelet Funds
36 37
Council of the European Communities, General Secretariat, Library Library of the Ministry of Education Library of the Ministry of the Interior
38 39 40
Budapest Academy of Councils, Institution of Administration and Organization 153 Faculty of Law Library University of "Eötvös Loránd" 155 Library of the Hungarian Parliament
Canberra Attorney - General's Department Library
Australia Department of Education Library Bureau of Transport Economics Central Office Library - Department Commonwealth Department of Health Central Office Library
4 5 6 7
Department of Trade and Industry, Central Library
Cape Town Library of Parliament
South African Library
Cardiff Welsh Office Library
page Charlotte-town Provincial L i b r a r y
Cheyenne Wyoming State Library
Chicago Joint Reference Library
Colombo Academy of Administrative Studies, Library
Department of National Archives
Columbia The S o u t h Carolina State L i b r a r y
Concord New Hampshire State Library
Copenhagen The City Hall L i b r a r y C o p e n h a g e n
F o r e i g n Office Library
Library and Information Service of the D a n i s h Parliament
Library of the Copenhagen Statistical Office
Library of the D a n i s h Labour Inspection
Library of the M i n i s t r y of L a b o u r and Social Affairs
Library of the Statistics of Denmark
National H e a l t h Service Denmark, Library
The Royal L i b r a r y
Davis Institute of Governmental Affairs, Library
Pes Moines I o w a Legislat i ve Service B u r e a u
Detroit M u n i c i p a l Reference Library
447 page Dublin L i b r a r y of the National Parliament
R o y a l D u b l i n Society
175 176
T r i n i t y College Library, University- of Dublin Edinburgh
S c o t t i s h Office L i b r a r y Eisenstadt H e a d - L i b r a r y of B u r g e n l a n d
*Fredericton Legislative
Geneva L i b r a r y of the W o r l d Intellectual P r o p e r t y Organization
The Hague B u r e a u Documentation a n d Library of the M i n i s t r y of H o u s i n g and Physical Planning
Central Library and Documentation M i n i s t r y of Justice
Department of Documentation and L i b r a r y of the M i n i s t r y of Transport and Electricity
D o c u m e n t a t i o n and L i b r a r y Department of the M i n i s t r y of Home Affairs
L i b r a r y a n d D o c u m e n t a t i o n Centre of the Economic Information Service
Library and D o c u m e n t a t i o n M i n i s t r y of Social Affairs
L i b r a r y and D o c u m e n t a t i o n Union of Netherlands Municipalities
L i b r a r y Ministry of Agriculture
L i b r a r y of the M i n i s t r y of Defence
Library of the Netherlands Information Service
L i b r a r y of the Second Chamber of the General State
M i n i s t r y of E d u c a t i o n and Sciences Department
page Hartfort Connecticut State Library
Helena M o n t a n a State Library
Helsinki Central L i b r a r y of Military Research
Helsinki School of Economics Library
Helsinki U n i v e r s i t y Library
Law Library, Helsinki University
Library of Parliament
Library of the Central Statistical Office of Finland 108 Library of the Swedish School for Social W o r k and Local Administration
Hobart Reference Library, State L i b r a r y of Tasmania
State Office Library
Tasmanian M i n e s Department Library
T a s m a n i a n Parliamentary L i b r a r y
Honolulu Hawaii State Archives L i b r a r y
Hsinchu Library, College of Engineering National Chiao Tung U n i v e r s i t y
Scientific Documentation and Centre Library
Indianapolis Public Law D i v i s i o n - Library Indiana L e g i s l a tive Council
Ispra EURATOM CCR Ispra Library
Jerusalem Knesset Library
449 page Kampala Library and Documentation Centre, Institute of Public Administration
Makerere University Library
Kara.j The Library of the Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran
Karlsruhe Federal Constitutional Court-Library
Lincoln Nebraska Library Commission
London Board of Inland Revenue Library
Central Management Library Department of Employment Library Department of Health and Social Security Library Department of Industry Library Department of the Environment Library Foreign and Commonwealth Office Library Greater London Council Library H.M.Customs & Excise Library H.M.Treasury and Cabinet Office Library
134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142
Home Office Library House of Commons Library
143 144
The Labour Party Library Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food Library Ministry of Defence, Procurement Executive-Information and Library Service
145 146 147
Office of Population Censuses and Surveys Library
Property Services Agency Library
State Paper Room, Deptm. of Printed Books
Luxembourg The Library Library of the Parliament of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
228 229
Montpelier Vermont Department of Libraries, Law and Documents Unit
Nairobi Ministry of Finance and Flanning, Library
Nashville Legislative Council Committee, Library
New Town Department of Agriculture, Library
Nicosia Library Pedagogical Academy Public Information Office Library
91 92
Oslo The Administrative Library and Documentation Service Central Bureau of Statistics, Library Library of the Norwegian Parliament Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, Library The Norwegian Patent Office Library Norwegian Telecommunication Administration,
24-7 248 250 251 252
Ottawa Canada Department of Agriculture, Library Departmental Library, Department of Indian Affairs & Northern Development Library, Geological Survey of Canada
56 60 66
Library, National Museums of Canada
Library of the Parliament The Library-Department of Manpower & Immigration Mines Branch Library, Department of Energy, Mines
70 71
and Resources
National Gallery Library National Science Library of Canada
79 80
Statistics Canada Library
page Paria Central Library of the Ministry of the Development of Industry and Science library of the Senate National Library
120 122 123
UNESCO Library
Pécs University Library of Pécs
Perth The Library Board of Western Australia
Philadelphia Isabella Bronk Library
Pierre South Dakota State Library
Port-of-Spain Court of Appeal Library Parliament Library
282 283
Pretoria Central Agricultural Library Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Library Department of National Education Library
259 260 261
The State Library
Rabat Central Library and Archivs of Morocco
Raleigh North Carolina State Library
Regina Department of Social Services Library Legislative Library Library of the Alcoholism Commission of Saskatchewan Public Health Library
59 64 68 86
page Reykjavik University Library of Sudurgötu Reykjavi,Iceland
Richmond Virginia State Library
Ri.jswi.jk Documentation and Library Department, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Recreation and Social Welfare
Rio de Janeiro Brazilian Institute of Bibliography and Documentation Library
Library of the Documentation Section of the General Procuracy of the National Finance
Library of the Ministry of Finance
Rome I.N.A.M. Central Library
Library of I.N.A.I.L. Library of the Bank of Italy
180 181
Library of the Ministry of Budget and economic Planning
Library of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Craft Library of the Ministry of Justice Library of the Ministry of Labour and social Security Library of the Ministry of Nationalized Industries Library of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications Library of the Ministry of Public Education Library of the Ministry of Public Works Library of the Ministry of Transport and State Railways
183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190
Sacramento California State Library
Salem Oregon State Library
453 page San Jose National Assembly Library
Santa Fe New Mexico State Library
Säo Paulo "Mario de Andrade" Public Library
Seoul Administrative Library of Seoul National University Korea University Library National Assembly Library
223 224 225
Yonsei University Library
Sidney Library of New South Wales New South Wales Supreme Court Library NSW Parliamentary Library
11 12 13
State Office Block Library
Singapore National Library, Singapore
Sofia Library of the Ministry of Forestry and Environmental Protection Library of the Ministry of Justice Library of the National Assembly and of the State Council Library of the National Committee for Bulgarian Soviet Friendship Library of the State Planning Committee Ministry of Foreign Trade Library
48 49 50 51 52 53
Scientific Library of the Research Institute of Trade - Union Problems at the Central Council of the Bulgarian
Springfield Illinois State Library
Stockholm L i b r a r y of the National C e n t r a l Bureau of Statistics
The Parliamentary Library
SPRI-Swedish P l a n n i n g and Rationalization Institute of the H e a l t h and Social Services, Library
Svea Superior Court Library
S w e d i s h A g e n c y for Administrative Library
S w e d i s h State Railways, C e n t r a l Administration Library
271 272
Strasbourg; Council of E u r o p e , Library
Szeged Central Library of the A t t i l a Jôzsef U n i v e r s i t y
Taichung P e n g Chia College Library
The Library, National Chung-Hsing University
Tainan National Cheng K u n g University Library
Taipei National Central Library
National Cheng-chi University Library
National Taiwan Normal U n i v e r s i t y Library
The National Taiwan University Library
Tallahassee Legislative L i b r a r y Services D i v i s i o n of the Florida Joint Legislative Management Committee
Tampere Library of the University of Tampere
page Tehran Central Bank of Iran, Library
The L i b r a r y of State Organization for A d m i n i s t r a t i o n and Employment Affairs
L i b r a r y of the Iranian Documentation Centre
The Library of the Iranian Parliament
L i b r a r y of the Military A c a d e m y
The Library of the M i n i s t r y of Development and Housing
The Library of the M i n i s t r y of E c o n o m y
The L i b r a r y of the M i n i s t r y of F o r e i g n Affairs
Library of the M i n i s t r y of Information
The L i b r a r y of the Ministry of Justice
L i b r a r y of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
The Library of the Police-University
P l a n Organization of Iran Library
The Senate Library
Tirana National Library
Tokyo Administrative Management Agency, Library
Agency of Industry and Technology, Library
B o a r d of Audit, Library
Cabinet Legislation Bureau, Library
Cabinet Library
Defence Agency Library
Defence Facilities Administration Agency, Library
Economic Planning Agency, Library
Imperial Household Agency, Library
L i b r a r y of Statistics B u r e a u
Maritime Safety Agency, Library
Meteorological Agency, Library
M i n i s t r y of Agriculture and Forestry, Library
456 page Ministry of Construction, Library
Ministry of Education, Library
M i n i s t r y of Finance, Library
Ministry of F o r e i g n Affairs, Library
Ministry of H e a l t h and Welfare, Library
M i n i s t r y of Home Affairs, L i b r a r y
Ministry of International T r a d e , Library
Ministry of Justice, L i b r a r y
Ministry of Labour, library
M i n i s t r y of Fost and Telecommunications,Library
Ministry of Transportation, Library
National Diet Library
National P e r s o n n e l Authority, Library
National Police Agency, L i b r a r y
Patent Office Library
Science and Technics Agency, Library
Science Council of Japan, L i b r a r y
Toronto L i b r a r y of the M i n i s t r y of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs
Ministry of Colleges and Universities
Ontario Legislative Library
Ontario M i n i s t r y Labour L i b r a r y
Ontario M i n i s t r y of Community and Social Services
Trenton N e w Jersey State Library
T u n e a u Alaska Legislative Affairs Reference Library
Tunis National L i b r a r y
U l a n Bator State Public L i b r a r y of the Mongolian People's Republic
Victoria Department of M i n e s a n d Petroleum Resources Library-
Forest Servile L i b r a r y
P r o v i n c i a l L i b r a r y Victoria
water Resources Service Library
Vienna Administrative L i b r a r y in the Federal Chancellor's B o a r d
Administrative L i b r a r y of the F e d e r a l M i n i s t r y of E d u c a t i o n and the Arts and of the Federal M i n i s t r y of Science and R e s e a r c h
C e n t r a l Administrative Library for Economics and Technics
Information and D o c u m e n t a t i o n
L i b r a r y , Institute of Agricultural Economics of the A u s t r i a n F e d e r a l M i n i s t r y of Agriculture and Forestry
L i b r a r y of Parliament
L i b r a r y of the E c o n o m i c Chamber of A u s t r i a
L i b r a r y of the Federal Ministries of Social Administration, H e a l t h and Environmental P r o t e c t i o n
L i b r a r y of the Federal Ministry of Defence
L i b r a r y of the Federal M i n i s t r y of Finance
L i b r a r y of the General Management of the Austrian Federal Railways
V i e n n a C i t y Library
Vientiane N a t i o n a l Library of Lao Kingdom
Warsaw C e n t r a l Library of the National Bank of P o l a n d
Central Statistical Library
L i b r a r y of the Diet
L i b r a r y of the Institute of Finance
Washington Department of Health, E d u c a t i o n a n d Welfare Department Library
Office of Management and Budget Library
W a s h i n g t o n State Library
Wellington General Assembly Library
Wiesbaden Federal Statistical Office Library, Archive, Documentation
Winnipeg Department of H e a l t h and Social Development Library
L a b o u r Research Library
Legislative L i b r a r y of M a n i t o b a
M a n i t o b a Department of Agriculture Library
M a n i t o b a Department of E d u c a t i o n
M a n i t o b a Department of Industry a n d Commerce Research Library
M a n i t o b a Department of Mines Resources & E n v i r o n m e n t a l Management Library
M a n i t o b a Hydro Electric B o a r d L i b r a r y
Yaounde C a m e r o u n National Library
I FLA m i International Federation of Library Aaaoolatlona Sub-section of Administrative Libraries Sub-section des Bibliothèques Administratives Chairman: Staatebibliothekar Mr. O. Simmler Address: A-1014 Wien. Herrengasse 23, Austria
QUESTIONNAIRE concerning status and functions of Administrative Libraries (drafted according to a resolution adopted at the IF LA-conference In Liverpool on Sept 2nd, 1971)
Sub-section of Administrative Libraries
Official name of the library: ι—ι—r—ι—τ—ι—τ 2.
Name in English translation:
Address :
postal zone (zip code)
country Telex - number: jj. Telephon - nurober: Is the library joined to any public institution? to a parliament to an administrative board to a university
^ Ç)
to an international organization to another public institution
* Do not make any entries1
/Λ w
Name in English translation:
Sub-section of Administrative Libraries
Fields of collecting a) Is there an obligation to copyright deposits concerning your library? b) Is your field of collecting generally unlimited?
A esp.
field ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ esp.
* Before answering this question study the scheme of fields of collecting (last page of this questionnaire). Enter only key-nunbers into (just one into each 1).
Sub-section of Administrative Libraries
Books : Number of volumes
up to
O o o o o
up to
more than
up to
3 •t
O o o l· o o 5
Journals and periodicals: Number of bound units up to "
5oo looo
Number of titles up to It "
5o loo 2oo 3oo
O o o o o o o o o
more than
up to
more than
looo looo
o o o« o o o o o o 5
5 b
Sub-section of Administrative Libraries
Other items: manuscripts
^ ^ 1 esp.
printed or similarly reproduced ma- .λ terials QJl
esp. charts or maps
-I number
photographic materials
1 esp. photographs
Ί extent
filmstrips microfilm
acustic information storage^» materials (J'' esp. tape
extent ι extent
4 extent
ι 1 other materials^) esp. video-cartridges
Ί extent
Sub-eection of Administrative Libraries
Head of the library:
name 10.
Personnel: total number
librarian staff:
up to
lo Q
up to
2o Q
ζ more than So
up to
number of fully qualified librarians: up to
up to
up to
lo O
more than lo Q
number of personnel specially trained in documentation: up to
up to
Cx to a university to an international organization to another public institution
Do n o t make any entries I
Name in English translation:
Fields of
Sub-scction of Administrative Libraries
.·*) Is there an o b l i g a t i o n to copyright ^ deposits concerning your l i b r a r y l · - ' ^