Hawaiian Language Imprints, 1822–1899: A Bibliography 9780824892616

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Table of contents :
Preface and Acknowledgments
Historical Note
Selected Historical Bibliography
Explanatory Notes
Libraries and Collections (with Abbreviations Used)
Sources (with Abbreviations Used)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
About the Compilers
Production Notes
Recommend Papers

Hawaiian Language Imprints, 1822–1899: A Bibliography

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Hawaiian Language Imprints, 1822-1899 A Bibliography

compiled by Bernice J u d d J a n e t E . Bell Clare G. Murdoch

The Hawaiian Mission Children's Society and The University Press of Hawaii Honolulu

Copyright © 1978 by The University Press of Hawaii All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Manufactured in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Judd, Bernice. Hawaiian language imprints, 1822-1899 A bibliography. Includes index. 1. Hawaiian imprints. I. Bell, Janet E., 1910joint author. II. Murdoch, Clare G., joint author. III. Title. Z7112.H38J84 Oil 77-21295 ISBN 0-8248-0529-1

In memory


Bernice Judd 1903-1971


Preface and Acknowledgments Historical Note


Selected Historical Bibliography Explanatory Notes




Libraries and Collections (with Abbreviations Used) Sources (with Abbreviations Used)


Hawaiian Language Imprints, 1822-1899 Index





Preface and Acknowledgments

This bibliography includes all known titles published in the Hawaiian language anywhere in the world between 1822 and the end of the century. The only items not listed are one-page broadsides, government documents, serials, sheet music, and programs for events such as concerts, royal functions, and the like. The work was begun in 1938 by Bernice Judd of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society Library at the suggestion of Dr. Clarence Brigham, director of the American Antiquarian Society. The original plan was simply to prepare a revision of Howard Ballou's 1908 bibliography. As the work progressed, however, it became evident that a mere revision was not practical, and a completely new bibliography was begun. Holdings recorded at that time were limited to those in libraries in Hawaii. When I undertook completion of the project in 1963, I decided to include additional information on each item and to recheck the local holdings, because most collections had grown considerably since 1938. Subsequently, I was able to add information on holdings of Hawaiian-language titles in libraries all over the world. In 1971 Clare Murdoch joined me in the project. Together, we finished the work on the Bishop Museum holdings. Then came the tedious task of editing and double-checking.


Preface and Acknowledgments It is interesting that a number of libraries outside Hawaii have large collections of Hawaiian imprints. We know how some of these came into being. In Sydney, Australia, collections in the Library of New South Wales were assembled by David S. Mitchell and Sir William Dixson. These men collected Pacificana in the early 1900s and were able to acquire an amazing number of early Hawaiianlanguage books. In the National Library of Australia in Canberra the large Sir John A. Ferguson Collection includes a sizeable section of Pacificana, including Hawaiian imprints. In Wellington, New Zealand, the Alexander Turnbull Library contains a large quantity of Pacific material, also including many Hawaiian titles. One of the largest collections outside Hawaii is the one at the Alanson B. Houghton Library at Harvard University in Massachusetts. It consists mostly of samples of the Hawaiian-language books that were sent to the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions by the missionaries in Hawaii as the books came off the presses. It also incorporates the holdings of the Andover Theological Seminary Library at Harvard. The Edward E. Ayer collection in the Walter L. Newberry Library in Chicago consists of approximately 300 Hawaiian-language books, which are a part of the library's early Americana collection. In the course of developing this bibliography, the compilers have incurred a debt of gratitude to dozens of people who have assisted in multitudinous ways. It would be impossible to acknowledge them all individually. In the first place, we cannot be sure that we know of all the people who helped Bernice Judd. While we have some of her notes, we are sure there must be persons she did not mention, as she had not yet prepared a final acknowledgment list before her death. Then, too, the roster of those who have given assistance to us who took over the project is an exceedingly long one, including as it does members of the staffs of the thirty-five libraries whose holdings we recorded. The persons who were instructed to give us access to the Hawaiian collections of these libraries were uniformly most courteous and generous in their cooperation—and often anonymous. Real appreciation goes to them and to their superiors, who delegated the work to them. However, the librarians of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society Library, Elizabeth Larsen and Lela Goodell, should receive special acknowledgment for continuous unstinting and untiring help and advice; for it is in this library that most of the work of verification, correction, and compilation of data was done. As the library contains not only the most complete collection of Hawaiian imprints but also


Preface and Acknowledgments almost all the historical material needed to verify information on each title of the bibliography, the librarians were frequently called upon for assistance. Barbara Dunn, too, of the Hawaiian Historical Society Library, aided us time and again, as did Agnes Conrad, archivist of the State of Hawaii. I would like particularly to thank Mabel Wilcox, who at the time of recording held the largest collection of Hawaiian imprints in the possession of an individual (a collection now in the Kauai Regional Library at Lihue, Kauai), and Sophie Judd Cluff, both of Grove Farm, Kauai, for their generous help, not only in giving access to the collection but also in dispensing typical Grove Farm hospitality. The original English translations of the Hawaiian titles in Ballou's bibliography came, we believe, from Father Yzendoorn, then librarian of the Roman Catholic Mission Library, who had a good knowledge of the Hawaiian language. However, rechecking was done for us at various times by Hawaiian scholars Mary Kawena Pukui, Samuel H. Elbert, Esther Mookini, and Helen Topham. Translations of title pages and prefaces of Japanese-Hawaiian-English dictionaries were made by Utako Walsh, Mary Muraoka, and Yasuto Kaihara of Hamilton Library, University of Hawaii. To all of these we are most grateful. Authoritative information on Lahainaluna printing was generously furnished by Peter Morse, who is compiling a comprehensive inventory of Lahainaluna engravings for future publication. We also wish to thank Jean Chariot, the noted artist who, while translating the diaries of the Catholic scholar Father Maigret from Hawaiian and French into English, shared information with us about early Catholic publishing—information that we had been unable to find anywhere else. Albertine Loomis, the great-granddaughter of the first missionary printer, Elisha Loomis, was helpful in many ways, especially in providing facts about Hawaiian printing. Esther Mookini, mentioned already in connection with translations, did a yeoman's job of twice typing the entire bibliography—more than 650 items—and the index as well. Further, she discovered numerous errors in the old Hawaiian texts as printed, thus preventing the perpetuation of the original mistakes. We are very grateful. We would also like to acknowledge general assistance given by Miriam Sinclair and Verna Young throughout the project. Financial assistance was provided by the University of Hawaii Foundation, the Mclnerny Foundation, the Mabel I. Wilcox Foundation, and a number of interested individuals—Gerald Berg, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Carter, Sophie J. Cluff, Dorothy Judd Jackson, Albert F. Judd III, Paul M. Kahn, Yasuto Kaihara, Mr. and Mrs. David E.


Preface and Acknowledgments Larsen, Albertine Loomis, John H. R. Plews, Julie H. Riker, Albert J. Schiitz, and Don and Betty Lou Severson. Without this generous assistance the bibliography could never have been published. Elizabeth Bushnell has been a patient editor, ever helpful with suggestions. We are exceedingly grateful to her. All of the illustrations are from the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society Library, whose permission to reproduce them here is gratefully acknowledged. To all the above and the numerous others whom we have failed to name goes our sincere appreciation for service and aid rendered. Mahalo! Janet E. Bell




The first chapter in the history of Hawaiian printing becomes primarily a resumé of the linguistic efforts of the early missionaries to the Sandwich Islands. To a researcher perhaps the most remarkable feature of the story is that the missionaries began their printing activities even before they had settled on a standard alphabet and orthography for the hitherto unwritten Hawaiian language. The members of the Sandwich Islands Mission sent from Boston by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions had arrived at Kawaihae armed with zeal, press, and printer, on March 30, 1820, and in Honolulu the following April 19. To their collective mind it was absolutely essential to have printed material available as soon as possible to reinforce their efforts in disseminating the gospel among the widely scattered communities of the island group. Consequently, as the oral language had to be converted to writing before any printing could be done, intolerable delay would be inevitable if the men of God were to wait until their studies became definitive. So they set to work almost immediately and in only two years completed the complicated task of developing a preliminary written language. However, the final decisions in choice between t and k, b and p, r and I, v and w were made later, only after prolonged discussion among the members of the group and their native informants. Agreement was reached in 1826, when the Hawaiian alphabet was established with twelve letters: a, e, i, o, u, h, k, I, m, n, p, w.


Historical Note Nevertheless, four years earlier, on January 7, 1822, the first piece of printing, using a purely tentative alphabet, had come off their small press. It was a spelling lesson published as a broadside, six by four inches, entitled "Lesson I." Of this broadside, we know of only three copies (none of which now survive), although more were probably printed and distributed. The material subsequently reappeared as the second and third pages of a sixteen-page speller-primer, of which the first eight pages were issued later that same January and the second eight in February. These sixteen pages, together, are recognized as the first Hawaiian imprint—entry number 1 in this bibliography. Thereafter, printing on the first press, a second-hand Ramage, went on continuously for six years, until in 1828 an additional press was sent from Boston. The original press, still operative, was acquired by the missionary school at Lahainaluna on Maui in 1834. There, it helped print textbooks in Hawaiian until, after several years, it wore out—the end of a long and varied career. It was perhaps given to Lorrin Andrews when he retired as principal of the school in 1842, to use in printing copper engravings. His son is said to have played with whatever was left of it years later in Honolulu. In the meantime, a Wells-model press arrived at Lahainaluna in 1832 and it carried the major load of the printing there. Elisha Loomis, a member of the Pioneer Company, was the first printer of Hawaiian material. With the help of native apprentices, he worked at his trade in Honolulu until 1827, when, health failing, he returned to America. There he recovered sufficiently to continue printing Hawaiian books in New York State, many for the American Bible Society and the American Tract Society. These books were sent to the Sandwich Islands with later missionary companies. Other dedicated Congregational missionaries replaced Loomis in Honolulu. They worked under very difficult conditions, trying to keep up with the insatiable demand for reading matter in the Hawaiian language. The presses of the Sandwich Islands Mission in Honolulu and Lahainaluna were the major printers of books in Hawaiian in the Islands until 1858, when the work of printing for the Mission was handed over on a business basis to Henry M. Whitney, a missionary son. He continued to handle the Hawaiian-language books for the Hawaiian Evangelical Association, which had superseded the Sandwich Islands Mission in 1854. The Bible was translated from the original Greek and Hebrew by the combined efforts of Hiram Bingham and Asa Thurston of the Pioneer Company, Artemas Bishop and James Ely of the Second Company, William Richards, Lorrin Andrews, Jonathan Green, and


Historical Note Ephraim Clark of the Third Company, and Sheldon Dibble of the Fourth Company. Although the work was begun in 1822, the first segment of the Bible, the Gospel of Luke, did not come off the press until 1827. The rest of the New Testament was completed by 1832 and the Old Testament in 1839 (although the date given on the title page is 1838). The Roman Catholics did not begin printing in Hawaii until 1840, when they produced a broadside. Late arrivals, after the Congregationalists were well entrenched, they had been banished in 1831, during the reign of Kamehameha III. They withdrew to Macao, where they translated and had printed two Hawaiian catechisms which they sent to Hawaii in 1832. In 1836, when opposition to their presence had diminished somewhat, Catholic missionaries returned to the Islands. There, several local Hawaiian presses printed texts for the priests until the latter set up a press of their own. This press produced the Catholics' materials from 1841 to 1889. Catholic printing made use of t and v instead of k and w in Hawaiian, probably because k's and w's occur infrequently in the French language, and consequently the font sent out to the priests from their homeland contained few of these letters. Another reason, however, may have been the influence of their earlier experiences in Mangareva, where the t and v sounds prevailed. Mangareva at that time was an important station of the Roman Catholic Mission in the Pacific. Printing in the Hawaiian language was by no means restricted to the Sandwich Islands. In fact it became quite widespread. The first two Catholic works translated and printed by the banished fathers in Macao in 1831 were supplemented by two more in 1847 from Valparaiso, where the translation was done by Father Louis Maigret, who was in South America to be consecrated as Bishop of Arathia. In addition, various other Catholic texts in Hawaiian were published in Paris. The American Tract Society and the American Bible Society were responsible for most of the Hawaiian-language printing in New York State. This consisted of catechisms, primers, bibles, and tracts. Elisha Loomis, after his health improved, printed parts of the Bible and catechisms in Utica and Rochester. William Williams printed primers and religious tracts on his press for Loomis. Salt Lake City and San Francisco were the centers for printing Mormon texts. Mormon missionaries arrived in Hawaii in 1850 but developed no press of their own in the Islands. In London and Oxford several editions in Hawaiian of the Book of Common Prayer were published for the Church of England. Texts


Historical Note published in Hiroshima included two editions of a HawaiianJapanese-English dictionary to assist the contract laborers in adjusting to the new life that awaited them in the Islands. While most of the books published in Hawaiian were of a religious nature, such as sermons, tracts, and bibles, other books on as diverse subjects as language, anatomy, arithmetic, and history were published. Although our project does not include government documents, it must be noted that great quantities were printed throughout the latter part of the century. After 1899 publication of Hawaiianlanguage materials declined, and consisted mainly of hymnals, periodicals, newpapers, and government documents. The most prolific of all the presses was the Hawaii-based Mission Press, which during its first twenty years, from 1822 to 1842, put out more than one hundred million pages, even in the face of wornout presses, paper shortages, and bouts with insufficient supplies of kys and a's, in which the Hawaiian language abounds. While the volume of printing never again approached this level in any commensurate time period, there was still a surprising amount of publishing done in the Hawaiian language until the end of the century. In recent years a resurgence of local interest in Hawaiian has occurred, and many ethno-conscious students are now studying the language both at the college level and in the lower grades. Very little new material has been published, but this bibliography will serve as a guide to what came earlier and where it is available. For those interested in additional background information, the following historical bibliography will be useful.


Selected Historical Bibliography

Allen, Riley H. "Hawaii's pioneer in journalism." (Paper read before the Social Science Association of Honolulu on Monday evening, January 7, 1929.) Hawaiian Historical Society Annual Report, 1928, pp. 69-103. Ballou, Howard M. "Bibliography of books in the native Hawaiian language." Boston and Honolulu, 1908. Typescript. Ballou, Howard M., and Carter, George R. The history of the Hawaiian Mission Press, with a bibliography of the earlier publications. Papers of the Hawaiian Historical Society, no. 14 (1908):9-44. Day, A. Grove. "Pioneer presses of Hawaii." Journal of the American Institute of Graphic Arts 4 (5):33-40. 1952. Day, A. Grove, and Loomis, Albertine. Ka pa'i palapala, early printing in Hawaii. Honolulu: Printing Industries of Hawaii, 1973. Dutton, Meiric K. Henry M. Whitney. Honolulu: Loomis House Press, 1955. The Hawaiian Bible and other early printing in the islands. Honolulu: Club of Printing Craftsmen, 1949. Kuykendall, Ralph Simpson. The Hawaiian kingdom 1778-1854: Foundation and transformation. Honolulu: University of Hawaii, 1938. (Reprinted 1968, University of Hawaii Press.) Pukui, Mary K., and Elbert, Samuel H. Hawaiian dictionary. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1971.


Selected Historical Bibliography Spaulding, Thomas M. "The adoption of the Hawaiian alphabet." Papers of the Hawaiian Historical Society, no. 17 (1930):28-33. Spaulding, Thomas M. "The first printing in Hawaii." Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 50 (1956):313-327. Yzendoorn, Reginald. "Bibliography of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands." Honolulu, 1912. Typescript. Yzendoorn, Reginald. History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands. Honolulu: Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 1912.


Explanatory Notes

The arrangement of entries in the bibliography is chronological, by imprint date taken from the title page or wherever a date could be found. If an item was published in parts over a period of several years, it will be found listed under the earliest date. We have used the date given in the imprint even for those books that we know from other sources were actually published later. If no date was given at all, we have supplied one if possible, derived from an authoritative source. When we could neither find nor deduce a date, the item was placed in a "no-date" section at the end of the chronological list. Some of these no-date items may have been published after 1899, but they are included because we were not able to find proof to this effect. On the other hand, we may have omitted some pre-1899 books, but for these no proof was available of their having been published in the prescribed period. Also, we may have inadvertently included an occasional government document where there was no statement or evidence of its having been issued by the government. Entries are arranged alphabetically by title under each year. Following usual filing practice, we disregard the articles ka and ke, ta and te (i.e., the), and he (i.e., a), but we do alphabetize under the particle na, indicating a plural. Title pages are copied exactly as printed except for capitalization, but including punctuation, however eccentric. When no title page


Explanatory Notes was printed, we have used the caption title taken from the first pages of the text or the cover title taken from the front cover of the book. Slashes between words of the title indicate ends of printed lines on the title page. These were necessary because some editions differ only in arrangement of parts of the title. Capitalization was revised by the translators to help distinguish proper names. As is customary, square brackets [ ] indicate that supplementary information has been added. Where square brackets occur on the original title page, we have substituted diamond brackets < >. Since a cut (an illustrative printing device) is sometimes the only distinguishing feature between different editions, we have noted them, but only thus: [cut]. For V.C.J.S. (Vivat cor Jesu sacratissimum, motto of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts) or other non-essential information at the beginning of any title we have instead placed a three dot symbol ... , and information as to what has been deleted is included in the notes. We have omitted long biblical quotations, because they do not furnish significant bibliographical information. Macrons (long marks over vowels; e.g., kauna) and hamzas (indicating glottal stops; e.g., ka'uka'u) are used only when they actually appear on a title page. Collation, that part of an entry which describes the book (source of title, number of pages, illustrations, size, etc.) we have kept as simple as possible, mostly following Library of Congress rules. Original documents were used as primary sources for supplementary data in most cases, but copies (typed or photo-reproduced) were often used for convenience or to prevent wear and tear on fragile manuscript material. For example, we used typed copies of the missionary letters. We have done our best to distinguish separate publications and have ignored "bound-withs," because individual librarians have had material bound differently to suit different purposes. Some entries do not include full bibliographic information; these represent books that we did not actually see. For them we have cited the source of our information and have noted, for holdings, " n o n e located." Conversely, we have learned that several items are no longer located where we saw them. Holdings for such items are noted as " p r e s e n t location unknown." Information on holdings was correct at the time we examined and recorded the books in the thirty-six collections we visited, but obviously changes will take place. Updated information will be gratefully received. For detailed illustration and explanation of the elements of an entry, see the following page.


-Ö e



o e oo 55. e •S3 2


SP o.

•g £ «* e -*e I He ui / no ka olelo a ke Akua. I [Colophon: Oahu: Printed at the Mission Press.—June, 1825.] caption title, 8 p.

1 7 x 8 cm.

Catechism concerning the word of God. [Colophon: Oahu: Printed at the Mission Press.—June, 1825.] By H. Bingham: HMCS, p. 41. Total of 9,500 copies printed of both 1825 editions: Miss lets (typed), v. 3, p. 830. Total of 11,500 copies printed of both 1825 editions: ABCFM, 1827, p. 86. Editions: 1825(2), 1827, 1828, 1831, 1832. Title variations: 1825 (2), 1827, 1828, 1831, < N o . 3 > He ui no ka olelo a ke Akua; 1832, He ui no ka olelo a ke Akua. Holdings: CSSC, FLP, HMCS (5), LC, N, PS, T 13

[ He ui no ka olelo a ke Akua. Colophon: Oahu: Printed at the Mission Press, December, 1825.] caption title, 8 p. [ Catechism concerning the word of God. Colophon: Oahu: Printed at the Mission Press, December 1825.] By H. Bingham: HMCS, p. 41. Source: Ballou & Carter, 24. Total of 9,500 copies printed of both 1825 editions: Miss lets (typed), v. 3, p. 830. Total of 11,500 copies printed of both 1825 editions: ABCFM, 1827, p. 86. Editions: 1825(2), 1827, 1828, 1831, 1832. Title variations: 1825 (2), 1827, 1828, 1831, < N o . 3.> He ui no ka olelo a ke Akua; 1832, He ui no ka olelo a ke Akua. Holdings: none located


I Ke kanawai o Iehova. I [Oahu, Mission Press, Dec. 1825] caption title, 4 p.

14.5 x 9.5 cm.

< N o . 4.> The law of Jehovah. [Oahu, Mission Press, Dec. 1825] Imprint: Miss lets (typed), v. 3, p. 830. 3,000 copies printed: Miss lets (typed), v. 3, p. 830. Editions: 1825, 1826 (2), 1827. Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS (2), LC


1826 15

< N o . 5 . > I K a manao o na alii. I [Oahu, Mission Press, Dec. 1825] caption title, 8 p.

14.5 x 9.5 cm.

< N o . 5 . > Thoughts of the chiefs. [Oahu, Mission Press, Dec. 1825] Signed by Liholiho, Kauikeaouli, Kalaimoku, Kaahumanu, Nahienaena and Poki. Imprint: Miss lets (typed), v. 3, p. 830. 3,000 copies printed: Miss lets (typed), v. 3, p. 830. Editions: 1825, 1827. Holdings: LC, N, UH

1826 16

He I mau himeni, l e i ori ia Iehova, I i I ke Akua mau. I ... I O ka lua keia o ke pai ana. I Oahu: I Paiia i ka Mea Pai Palapala a ke I Poe Misionari. I 1826. / 60 p.

14 x 7.5 cm.

Hymns, sung to Jehovah, the true God ... This is the second printing. Oahu: Press of the Missionaries. 1826. By W. Ellis and H. Bingham: ABCFM, 1824, p. 101. 10,000 copies printed: ABCFM, 1827, p. 86. Editions: 1823, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1830. Title variations: 1823, Na himeni Hawaii; 1826, He mau himeni; 1827, 1828, 1830, He mau himeni Hawaii. Holdings: CSSC, HMCS (2), LC


[ A E I O U a e i o u . Honolulu, Mission Press, July 1826] caption title, 8 p. Source: Ballou & Carter, 28. 22,000 copies printed: Ballou & Carter, 28. Editions: 1825(2), 1826(2), 1827(3), 1828, 1830, 1830-31 (2), 1831, 1833. Holdings: none located


1826 18

< N o . l . > A E I O U a e i o u / [Colophon: Oahu: Printed at the Mission Press.—August, 1826] caption title, 8 p.

15 x 10 cm.

Editions: 1825 (2), 1826 (2), 1827 (3), 1828, 1830, 1830-31 (2), 1831, 1833. Holdings: F L P 19

< N o . 4 . > I Ke kanawai o Iehova. I [Colophon: Oahu: Printed at the Mission Press.—Jan. 1826.] caption title, 4 p.

15 x 10 cm.

< N o . 4 . > The law of Jehovah. [Colophon: Oahu: Printed at the Mission Press.—Jan. 1826.] 3,000 copies printed: Loomis Jours, J a n . 30, 1826. Editions: 1825, 1826 (2), 1827. Holdings: HMCS (2), PS 20

[ Ke kanawai o Iehova. Honolulu, Mission Press, July,


4 p. [ The law of Jehovah. Honolulu, Mission Press, July, 1826] Source: Ballou & Carter, 29. 6,000 copies printed: Ballou & Carter, 29. Editions: 1825, 1826(2), 1827. Holdings: PC

1827 21

K a I Euanelio I a Luka: I oia ka moo olelo hemolele I no ko kakou Haku e Ola'i, I no I Iesu Kristo; I i laweia I i olelo Hawaii. I ... I [cut] I Oahu: I I paiia ma ka Mea Pai Palapala a ka Poe Misionari. I 1827. / 72 p. incl. map

18 x 10.5 cm.

The Gospel of Luke: these are the sacred writings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; brought into Hawaiian ... [cut]


1827 Oahu: Printed at Press of the Missionaries. 1827. Trans, by H. Bingham: Dibble, p. 418. 20,000 copies printed: ABCFM, 1829, p. 48. Editions: 1827, 1830 (2). Holdings: AAS, HMCS(lacks p. 13-72), M, PS (2, 1 lacks p. 71-72, 1 lacks p. 37-72, both lack map) 22

He mau I himeni Hawaii: I he I mea hoolea'i I i I ke Akua mau, I ia I Iehova. I ... I Akolu ke pai ana i mahuahua'e. I Oahu: I Paiia i ka Mea Pai Palapala a ka I Poe Misionari. I 1827. I 108 p.

12 x 6.5 cm.

Hawaiian hymns: praising the everlasting God, Jehovah ... Third printing and thriving. Oahu: Printed at the Press of the Missionaries. 1827. Colophon: Mission Press, Oahu: Ed. 10,000. Editions: 1823, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1830. Title variations: 1823, Na himeni Hawaii; 1826, He mau himeni; 1827, 1828, 1830, He mau himeni Hawaii. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (2, 1 lacks p. 73-108) 23

/ A E I O U a e i o u / [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, Mar. 1827. 3. ed. 20000. Total 83000.] caption title, 8 p.

15 x 10 cm.

Editions: 1825 (2), 1826 (2), 1827 (3), 1828, 1830, 1830-31 (2), 1831, 1833. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, PC 24

[ A E I O U a e i o u . Honolulu, Mission Press, April and May, 1827] caption title, 8 p. Source: Ballou & Carter, 39. 17,500 copies printed: Ballou & Carter, 39. Editions: 1825(2), 1826(2), 1827(3), 1828, 1830, 1830-31 (2), 1831, 1833. Holdings: none located


1827 25

< N o . l . > I A E I 0 U a e i o u I [Colophon: Ed. 2 0 , 0 0 0 . W. Williams, pr. Utica, N.Y., 1827] caption title, 8 p.

15.5 x 10 cm.

Editions: 1825 (2), 1826 (2), 1827 (3), 1828, 1830, 1830-31 (2), 1831, 1833. Holdings: BM 26

< N o . 2 . > He mau olelo, I i waeia maloko mai o ka Palapala Hemolele. I [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, Apr. 1827. 2 ed. 10,000, total 17,000.] cover title, 4 p.

15 x 9.5 cm.

< N o . 2 . > A few quotations, selected from within the Holy Scriptures. [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, Apr. 1827. 2 ed. 10,000, total 17,000.] Editions: 1825 (2), 1827, 1828. Title variations: 1825 (2), 1828, < N o . 2 . > He olelo a ke Akua; 1827, < N o . 2 . > He mau olelo, i waeia maloko mai. Holdings: BM, HHS, PC 27

< N o . 3 . > He ui I no ka olelo a ke Akua. I [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, May, 1827 - 3 ed. 13,500. Total 25,000] caption title, 8 p.

15 x 9.5 cm.

< N o . 3 . > Catechism concerning the word of God. [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, May, 1827 - 3 ed. 13,500. Total 25,000] By H. Bingham: HMCS, p. 41. Editions: 1825 (2), 1827, 1828, 1831, 1832. Title variations: 1825(2), 1827, 1828, 1831, < N o . 3 > He ui no ka olelo a ke Akua; 1832, He ui no ka olelo a ke Akua. Holdings: BM, HHS, PC 28

< N o . 4 . > Ke kanawai o Iehova. I [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, Apr. 1827, 3 ed. 10,000, total 20,000] caption title, 4 p.

17.5 x 9.5 cm.

< N o . 4 . > The law of Jehovah. [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, Apr. 1827, 3 ed. 10,000, total 20,000] Editions: 1825, 1826(2), 1827. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS 12

1828 29

Ka manao o na alii. I [Colophon: Ed. 20,000.— W. Williams, pr. Utica, N.Y. 1827] caption title, 8 p.

14 x 10.5 cm.

Thoughts of the chiefs. [Colophon: Ed. 20,000.—W. Williams, pr. Utica, N.Y. 1827] Signed by Liholiho, Kauikeaouli, Kalaimoku, Kaahumanu, Nahienaena and Poki. Editions: 1825, 1827. Holdings: BM, CSSC, HHS, HMCS, N, PC, PS 30

I Ka I olelo a Iesu ma ka mauna, I i kakauia'i e Mataio I [Colophon: Oahu: Printed at the Mission Press, Feb. 1827. ed. 18,000.] caption title, 16 p.

15 x 9.5 cm.

Jesus' sermon on the mount, recorded by Matthew [Colophon: Oahu: Printed at the Mission Press, Feb. 1827. ed. 18,000.] Editions: 1827, 1828. Holdings: BM (lacks p. 9-16), HHS, HMCS (lacks p. 9-16), LC (lacks p. 9-16), PS, W (lacks p. 9-16)

1828 31

Ka I Euanelio I a Mataio: I oia ka moo olelo hemolele no ko kakou I Haku e Ola'i I no I Iesu Kristo, I i laweia i olelo Hawaii. I Hookahi keia 0 ke pai ana. / Rochester, N.Y. I Paiia ma ka Mea Pai Palapala a Lumiki. I 1828. I 69 p.

18 x 10 cm.

The Gospel of Matthew: these are the sacred writings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, brought into Hawaiian. This is the first printing. Rochester, N.Y. Printed at the Printing Press of Loomis. 1828. Trans, by H. Bingham, A. Thurston, A. Bishop, and W. Richards: Dibble, p. 418. 15,000 copies printed: ABS, 1828/29, p. 448. Holdings: AAS, ECH, HHS (3), HMCS (4), HarU, PC, S, SH, UH, W 13

1828 32

He mau I himeni Hawaii: I he I mea hoolea'i I i I ke Akua mau, I ia Iehova. I ... Aha ke pai ana i mahuahua'e. I Oahu: I Paiia i ka Mea Pai Palapala a ka Poe Misionan, I 1828. I 108 p.

14 x 9 cm.

Hawaiian hymns: praising the true God, Jehovah ... The fourth printing and thriving. Oahu: Press of the Missionaries, 1828. Colophon: Mission Press, Oahu, 1828, 4th ed. 10,000. Editions: 1823, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1830. Title variations: 1823, Na himeni Hawaii; 1826, He mau himeni; 1827, 1828, 1830, He mau himeni Hawaii. Holdings: AAS, HarU, T


/ A E I O U a e i o u / [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, Nov. 1 8 2 8 - 5 Ed. 20,000. Total 120,000.] caption title, 8 p.

14 x 9.5 cm.

Editions: 1825(2), 1826(2), 1827(3), 1828, 1830, 1830-31 (2), 1831, 1833. Holdings: HMCS, LC


I He hope no ka pi-a-pa. I [Oahu, Mission Press, 1828] caption title, 8 p.

15.5 x 10 cm.

Supplement to the speller. [Oahu, Mission Press, 1828] Imprint: Ballou & Carter, 53. By L. Andrews: Ballou & Carter, 53. 1,000 copies printed: Ballou & Carter, 53. Editions: 1828, 1829, 1830. Title variations: 1828, 1829, He hope no ka pi-apa; 1830, He hope no ka pi-a-pa. Holdings: CSSC, PS


1828 35

< N o . 2 > / He olelo a ke Akua. I [Colophon: New York, 1828.—Ed. 20,000] caption title, 4 p.

15.5 x 10 cm.

< N o . 2 . > A word of God. [Colophon: New York, 1828.—Ed. 20,000] Printed by the American Tract Society: Miss lets, Oct. 30, 1827, p. 7. This edition varies from 1825: r, t, and v become 1, k, and w. Editions: 1825 (2), 1827, 1828. Title variations: 1825 (2), 1828, < N o . 2 > He olelo a ke Akua: 1827, < N o . 2 . > He mau olelo, i waeia maloko mai. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, LC, UH


No. 3. I He ui / no ka olelo a ke Akua. I [n.p., 1828?] caption title, 8 p.

15 x 9.5 cm.

No. 3. Catechism concerning the word of God. [n.p., 1828?] Believed to be the edition printed in New York during 1827 or 1828: Miss lets, E. Loomis, Oct. 30, 1827, p. 8. By H. Bingham: HMCS, p. 41. 20,000 copies printed: Miss lets, E. Loomis, Oct. 30, 1827, p. 8. Editions: 1825(2), 1827, 1828, 1831, 1832. Title variations: 1825 (2), 1827, 1828, 1831, < N o . 3 > He ui no ka olelo a ke Akua; 1832, He ui no ka olelo a ke Akua. Holdings: AAS, LC, UH


< N o . 6 . > I Ka I olelo a Iesu ma ka mauna, I i kakauia'i e Mataio. I [Colophon: New York. Printed by The American Tract Society, 1828.—Ed. 25,000.] caption title, 16 p.

15 x 9.5 cm.

< N o . 6 . > Jesus' sermon on the mount, recorded by Matthew. [Colophon: New York. Printed by the American Tract Society, 1828.—Ed. 25,000.] Editions: 1827, 1828. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (3), LC, N, PC, PS, W


1828 38

No. 7. I Aritemetika: I oia I ka hoike helu. I [Oahu, Mission Press] M, DCCC, XXVIII. I caption title, 8 p.

15 x 9.5 cm.

" No. 7. Arithmetic: that is the explanation of numbers. [Oahu, Mission Press] M, DCCC, XXVIII. By A. Bishop: Miss lets, J. Goodrich, Dec. 13, 1827. 5,000 copies printed: Ballou & Carter, 49. Editions: 1828(2). Holdings: BM, HHS 39

No. 7. I Aritemetika: I oia ka hoike helu I [Colophon: Oahu: Printed at the Mission Press, Jan. 1828.] caption title, 12 p.

15.5 x 10 cm.

No. 7. Arithmetic: that is the explanation of numbers [Colophon: Oahu: Printed at the Mission Press, Jan. 1828.] By A. Bishop: Miss lets, J. Goodrich, Dec. 13, 1827. Editions: 1828(2). Holdings: PS 40

I Ka I moo olelo no Iosepa, I i kakauia'i e Mose I [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, April, 1828.— Edition 16,000.] caption title, 32 p.

18 x 11 cm.

< N o . 8.> The story of Joseph, written by Moses [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, April, 1828.—Edition 16,000.] Trans, by A. Thurston and A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 418. Editions: 1828, 1830. Title variations: 1828, < N o . 8.> Ka moo olelo no Iosepa; 1830, Ka hope o ka mooolelo kinohi. Holdings: BM (2), HHS, HMCS (2), LC, N, PS, T, UH



1829 41

Ka I Euanelio I a Ioane: I oia ka olelo hemolele a ko kakou Haku, I a I Iesu Kristo, / i laweia i olelo Hawaii. I Hookahi keia o ke pai ana. / Rochester, N.Y. I Paiia i ka Mea Pai Palapala a Lumiki. I 1829. I [1], 118-171 p.

1 8 x 1 0 . 5 cm.

The Gospel of John: these are the sacred writings of our Lord, Jesus Christ, brought into Hawaiian. This is the first printing. Rochester, N.Y. Printed at the Printing Press of Loomis, 1829. Trans, by A. Thurston, A. Bishop, and J. Ely: Miss lets, E. Loomis, June 6, 1828, p. 34. 15,000 copies printed: Ballou & Carter, 56. Holdings: ECH, HHS (3), HMCS (4), HarU, S, SH, UH, W 42

Ka I Euanelio I a Marako: I oia ka moo olelo hemolele no ko kakou I Haku e Ola'i, I no I Iesu Kristo, I i laweia i olelo Hawaii. I Hookahi keia o ke pai ana. I Rochester, N.Y. / Paiia i ka Mea Pai Palapala a Lumiki. I 1829. I 1 p.l., 73-115 p.

1 8 x l l cm.

The Gospel of Mark: these are the sacred writings of our Lord and Savior, of Jesus Christ, brought into Hawaiian. This is the first printing. Rochester, N.Y. Printed at the Printing Press of Loomis. 1829. Trans, by W. Richards: Dibble, p. 418. 15,000 copies printed: Ballou & Carter, 55. Holdings: ECH, HHS (3), HMCS (3), HarU, N (lacks t.p.), S, SH, UH, W 43

[No. 1] He hope no ka pi-a-pa. I [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, 1829, 2d Ed. 20,000.-Total 21,000.] caption title, 8 p.

14 x 10 cm.

[No. 1] Supplement to the speller. [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, 1829, 2d Ed. 20,000.-Total 21,000.] At bottom of page 1: Editions: 1828, 1829, 1830. Title variations: 1828, 1829, He hope no ka pi-apa; 1830, He hope no ka pi-a-pa. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, LC, PC 17

1829 44

< N o . 9 . > K a Moo olelo i Kinohi, I i kakauia'i e Mose. I [Oahu, Mission Press, 1829] caption title, 8 p.

1 5 x 9 cm.

< N o . 9 . > The Story of Creation, written by Moses. [Oahu, Mission Press, 1829] Trans, by A. Thurston and A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 418. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1830, p. 17. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1830, p. 17. Editions: 1829 (2), 1836. Title variations: 1829, < N o . 9 > K a Moo olelo i Kinohi; 1829, Ka Mooolelo Kinohi; 1836, Ka Mooolelo Kinohi. Holdings: CSSC, HMCS, UH 45

< N o . [9]> Ka Mooolelo Kinohi, / i waeia noloko ae o ka palapala I mua a Mose. I [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, Dec. 1829, Ed. 10,000.] caption title, 104 p.

15.5 x 9 cm.

< N o . [9]> The Story of Creation, taken out of the first writings of Moses. [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, Dec. 1829, Ed. 10,000.] At head of title: < N o . 7 . > a misprint for < N o . 9 . > Trans, by A. Thurston and A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 418. Editions: 1829 (2), 1836. Title variations: 1829, < N o . 9 . > K a Mooolelo i Kinohi; < N o . [9]> Ka Mooolelo Kinohi; 1836, K a Mooolelo Kinohi. Holdings: BM, HMCS (3), HarU, LC, N, PC, PS (lacks p. 89-104), V, W 46

< N o . 10.> Ka Puka ana. / I kakauia'i e Mose. / [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, Oct. 1829, Ed. 10,000.] caption title, 112 p.

17 x 9.5 cm.

Exodus. Written by Moses. [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, Oct. 1829, Ed. 10,000.] Trans, by W. Richards: Dibble, p. 418. Holdings: AAS, BM (2), CSSC, HHS, HMCS (3), HarU, LC (2), N, PC, UH


1830 47

Ka Oihana I a ka Poe Lunaolelo I na Iesu Kristo. / [Oahu, Mission Press, August 28, 1829] caption title, 64 p.

18 x 11 cm.

The Acts of the Apostles of Jesus Christ. [Oahu, Mission Press, August 28, 1829.] Trans, by W. Richards: Miss lets (typed), v. 3, p. 824. Imprint: Miss lets (typed), v. 3, p. 824. 10,000 copies printed: Miss lets (typed), v. 3, p. 826. Editions: 1829, 1832, 1833. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, N, PC, UH 48

[He palapala mua na na kamalii, e naauao ai i ko lakou wa opiopio. Oahu: Na na Misionari i Pai. Dec. 1829.] 36 p. [The first book for children, to educate them in their youth. Oahu: Mission Press. Dec. 1829.] By H. Bingham: SIM Ex, 1830, p. 20 Source: Ballou & Carter, 64. 2,000 copies printed: Ballou & Carter, 64. Editions: 1829, 1830(2), 1831, 1833, 1835. Holdings: none located

1830 49

Ka I Euanelio I a Luka: I oia ka mooolelo hemolele I no ko I kakou Haku e Ola'i, I no I Iesu Kristo; I i laweia i olelo Hawaii. I ... I Alua pai ana. I Oahu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1830. I 71, [1] p. incl. map.

20.5 x 13 cm.

The Gospel of Luke: these are the sacred writings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; translated into Hawaiian ... 2d ed. Oahu: Mission Press. 1830. Trans, by H. Bingham: Dibble, p. 418. 10,000 copies printed: ABCFM, 1829, p. 48. Editions: 1827, 1830 (2). Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (3), UH, W (lacks t.p.)


1830 50

Ka I Euanelio I a Luka: I oia ka mooolelo hemolele I no ko I kakou Haku e Ola'i, / no I Iesu Kristo; I i laweia i olelo Hawaii. I ... I Alua pai ana. I Oahu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1830 I 72 p. incl. map

17.5 x 10.5 cm.

The Gospel of Luke: these are the sacred writings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; translated into Hawaiian ... 2d ed. Oahu: Mission Press. 1830. Trans, by H. Bingham: Dibble, p. 418. 10,000 copies printed: ABCFM, 1829, p. 48. Editions: 1827, 1830(2). Holdings: HMCS 51

He hope no ka pi-a-pa. I [Colophon: Oahu; Mission Press, 1830, 3d Ed. 10,000.—Total 31,000.] caption title, 8 p.

17.5 x 10.5 cm.

Supplement to the speller. [Colophon: Oahu; Mission Press, 1830, 3d Ed. 10,000—Total 31,000.] Editions: 1828, 1829, 1830. Title variations: 1828, 1829, He hope no ka pi-apa; 1830, He hope no ka pi-a-pa. Holdings: BM, HMCS (4), HarU 52

He mau I Halelu a Davida. I I I laweia i olelo Hawaii. I [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, June, 1830; Ed. 10,000.] caption title, 24 p.

20 x 12.5 cm.

Psalms of David. Taken into Hawaiian. [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, June, 1830; Ed. 10,000.] Trans, by H. Bingham: Dibble, p. 419. Holdings: AAS, BM, HMCS (3), HarU, PC, PS (lacks p. 1324), W 53

He mau I himeni Hawaii: I he I mea hoolea'i I i I ke Akua mau, I ia I Iehova. I ... I Alima ke pai ana. I Oahu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1830. I 108 p.

12.5 x 7.5 cm.


1830 Hawaiian hymns: praising the true God, Jehovah ... 5th ed. Oahu: Mission Press. 1830. Trans, by H. Bingham: Dibble, p. 417. Colophon: Mission Press, Oahu, 1830: 5 Ed. 10,000. Editions: 1823, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1830. Title variations: 1823, Na himeni Hawaii; 1826, He mau himeni; 1827, 1828, 1830, He mau himeni Hawaii. Holdings: AAS (2), AN, BM (2), HHS (2), HMCS (4), HarU (2), LC, LH, PC, W, YU 54

He I ninauhoike I no ka moo olelo / o ka / Palapala Hemolele. I I ikea ia I ka hana ana a ke Akua a me na kanaka, mai ke I kumu mai a hiki i ka wa o ka Iesu I mau lunaolelo: I he mea e pono ai na makua, a me na keiki, I a me na kula. I [cut] I ... Oahu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1830. I 192 p.

illus. (3 woodcuts)

15.5 x 9 cm.

An historical catechism of the Holy Scriptures. Explaining the works of God and man, from the beginning to the time of Jesus and his disciples: suitable for adults, children, and schools, [cut] ... Oahu: Mission Press. 1830. By H. Bingham: SIM Ex, 1830, p. 20. Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, March, 1831: Ed. 10,000 Editions: 1830, 1832, 1864. Title variations: 1830, 1832, He ninauhoike no ka mooolelo o ka Palapala Hemolele; 1864, He ninau hoike no ka mooolelo. Holdings: AAS, BM, HHS, HMCS (2), HarU, LH, N, SI, W (lacks p. 105-192), YU 55

/ A E I 0 U a e i o u / [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, Feb. 1 8 3 0 - 6 Ed. 12,000. Total, 132,000.] caption title, 8 p.

16 x 10 cm.

Editions: 1825(2), 1826(2), 1827(3), 1828, 1830, 1830-31 (2), 1831, 1833. Holdings: HMCS 56

[ A E I O U a e i o u. Oahu, Mission Press, 1830-31] 8 p.


1830 Source: Ballou, 73. 38,000 copies of two 1830-31 editions printed: Ballou, 73. Editions: 1825(2), 1826(2), 1827(3), 1828, 1830, 1830-31 (2), 1831, 1833. Holdings: none located 57

[ A E I O U a e i o u. Oahu: Mission Press, 1830-31] 8 p. Source: Ballou, 73. 38,000 copies of two 1830-31 editions printed: Ballou, 73. Editions: 1825 (2), 1826 (2), 1827 (3), 1828, 1830, 1830-31 (2), 1831, 1833. Holdings: none located


I Ka hope I o / Ka Mooolelo Kinohi, / oia hoi ka mooolelo I no Iosepa, I i kakauia'i e Mose. I [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, Aug. 1830.—Ed. 10,000.] caption title, 60 p.

15.5 x 9 cm.

The end of The Book of Genesis, that is the story of Joseph, as written by Moses. [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, Aug. 1830.-Ed. 10,000.] Trans, by A. Thurston and A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 418. Editions: 1828, 1830. Title variations: 1828, Ka Moo olelo no Iosepa: 1830, Ka hope o Ka Mooolelo Kinohi. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (5), HarU, N, PC, V 59

O k e l kauoha maikai I a I ke Alii o Beritania, I a I Wiliama IV. I ka Haleahaolelo, Iune 28, 1830. I [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, April, 1830.] caption title, 4 p.

16.5 x 9.5 cm.

The fine decree of the King of Great Britain, William IV. to Parliament, June 28, 1830. [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, April, 1830.] Holdings: HHS, HMCS (3), PS


1831 60

[He palapala mua na na kamalii, e naauao ai i ko lakou wa opiopio. 2d ed. Oahu, Mission Press, 1830] 36 p. [A first book for children, to educate them in their youth. 2d ed. Oahu, Mission Press, 1830] Source: Ballou & Carter, 66. Trans, by H. Bingham: SIM Ex, 1830, p. 20. 13,000 copies printed: Ballou & Carter, 66. Editions: 1829, 1830(2), 1831, 1833, 1835. Holdings: none located


He / palapala mua / na I na kamalii, / e naauao ai i ko lakou wa opiopio. I [cut] I ... Oahu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1830. I Mission Press; 3 ed. 10,000 to 25,000. / cover title, 36 p. illus. (woodcuts)

14 x 8.5 cm.

A first book for children, to educate them in their youth, [cut] ... Oahu: Mission Press. 1830. By H. Bingham: SIM Ex, 1830, p. 20. Editions: 1829, 1830(2), 1831, 1833, 1835. Holdings: AAS, HMCS, HarU, S, W

1831 62

Ka I berita hoolilo I o ka I ekalesia Hawaii. I [Oahu, Mission Press, 1831?] caption title, 4 p.

20.5 x 12.5 cm.

The covenant constituting the Hawaiian church. [Oahu, Mission Press, 1831?] Imprint: Miss lets (typed), v. 5 p. 1359. Trans, by H. Bingham: Miss lets (typed), v. 5, p. 1359. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, LC, M, N, UH 63

Constitution I of the I original Hawaiian church. I [Oahu, Mission Press, 1831?] caption title, 4 p.

20.5 x 12.5 cm.


1831 Imperfect: p. 1 and 4 in English, p. 2 and 3 in Hawaiian. Edition in Hawaiian under title: Ka berita hoolilo. Imprint: Miss lets (typed), v. 5, p. 1359. Trans, by H. Bingham: Miss lets (typed), v. 5, p. 1359. Holdings: HMCS (2) 64

Ka Mooolelo I na Iosua. I [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, May, 1 8 3 1 . - E d . 10,000.] caption title, 64 p.

1 5 x 9 cm.

The Story of Joshua. [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, May, 1831—Ed. 10,000.] Trans, by W. Richards and J . Green: Dibble, p. 419. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (3), PC, S, UH 65

< N o . l . > A E I O U a e i o u / [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, Mar. 1831 - 9 ed. 20,000. Total, 170,000.] caption title, 8 p.

16.5 * 10.5 cm.

These pages are used as a cover for the Hawaiian Historical Society Library copy of Ai o ka la, no. 1, 1833, 2d ed. Editions: 1825(2), 1826(2), 1827(3), 1828, 1830, 1830-31 (2), 1831, 1833. Holdings: HHS (lacks p. 3 - 6 ) 66

No. 3. I He ui I no ka olelo a ke Akua. / [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, Mar. 1 8 3 1 - 4 ed. 10,000, Total 35,000] caption title, 8 p.

17 x 10.5 cm.

No. 3. A catechism concerning the word of God. [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, Mar. 1831—4 ed. 10,000, Total 35,000] By H. Bingham: HMCS, p. 41. Editions: 1825 (2), 1827, 1828, 1831, 1832. Title variations: 1825 (2), 1827, 1828, 1831, < N o . 3 > He ui no ka olelo a ke Akua; 1832, He ui no ka olelo a ke Akua. Holdings: BM, FLP, HHS (2), HMCS (50), LC, M, N, T , UH (2), W


1831 67

[ 0 ka olelo hoolilo i ka hale pule, a me ka hooulu i ka pono: na Kauikeaouli, ke Alii o ko Hawaii nei pae aina. Waimea, Feb. 3, 1831. Oahu, Mission Press, 1831] 4 p.

21.5 x 1 3 cm.

[Words delivered in the church, and the inspiration for righteousness: by Kauikeaouli, the King of the Hawaiian archipelago. Waimea, Feb. 3, 1831. Oahu, Mission Press, 1831.] Source: Ballou, 74. 400 copies printed: Colophon 2d ed. Editions: 1831 (2). Holdings: none locatéd


0 ka I olelo hoolilo i ka hale pule, I a me / ka hooulu i ka pono: I na Kauikeaouli, I ke Alii o ko Hawaii nei pae aina. I Waimea, Feb. 3, 1831. I [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, April, 1831, 2d Ed. 5,000, to . 5,400.] caption title, 4 p.

21.5 x 13 cm.

Words delivered in the church, and the inspiration for righteousness: by Kauikeaouli, the King of the Hawaiian archipelago. Waimea, Feb. 3, 1831. [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, April, 1831, 2d Ed. 5,000, to . 5,400.] Editions: 1831 (2). Holdings: HHS, HMCS (2), LC (2), N, T, UH


O ke ao ana Kristiano. I I. I No ka po akahi i ke kakahiaka. I [Macao, China, 1831?] caption title, 20 p.

21 x 13 cm.

Christian doctrine. I. For Monday morning. [Macao, China, 1831?] Trans, by A. Bachelot: Yzendoorn, 1. Imprint: Yzendoorn, 1. 1,000 copies printed: Yzendoorn, 1. Holdings: FSH, HMCS



> i




A k n » akahi.

tea. ke keiki,




He Uhaee


A l e n e a f c o t a i km


a me ke Uhaoe Bemoiele.



Aele ekolo

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Akua U u n


ekolu i

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Hoi k e A k u a i




taken ka






poe ( J l n n e , a «ne lui

K e k a lep* k e kino e k e kanaka i

k a Ivi M t o o k e k a a n k e k i n o o k a w a b i n c . make nhane.


ke oi




a me ko ke kanaka i banaia'i e ke


kin*) akn

no He

maikai o k a poe Uhane, la a pan i k e na men


I hana ¡ho la k e A k u a


takou i ola ae U k o o ì k e ola maikai pan ole osa. He


maikai i n k

Ubane i hanaia'i a pan.

i kieohi ka

N e i loa a l a k e s

poe roahepe

First page of the earliest Hawaiian-language Catholic catechism, published in Macao in 1831. (Entry 69)

1831 70

He olelo hoonaau ao I i ke kanaka i ka ke Akua; e like me ke ano I no ka ke Akua olelo i haawi mai la na kahuna I nui no ko Iesu Kristo Ekalesia, mai Iesu Kristo I mai, a keia manawa. I He mea hoike i na mea e manao io aku ai ke I kanaka, a e hana mai hoi ia i malama pono ai I i ke Akua. / ... I Macao. I 1831. I 48 p.

17 x 12.5 cm.

Instructions to man concerning the things of God; in accordance with the word of God as it was transmitted by the fathers of the Church, from the time of Jesus Christ, till now. It shows what man believes, and does to serve God correctly ... Macao. 1831. Trans, by A. Bachelot: Yzendoorn, 2. 1,000 copies printed: Annales, v. 8, p. 23. Editions: 1831, 1841. Title variations: 1831, He olelo hoonaau ao i ke kanaka i ka ke Akua; 1841, Ninau ma ke ao ana Kiritiano. Holdings: CSSC, HMCS (2), N, W


Ka Palapala I a Paulo a ka Lunaolelo i ko I roma. I [2d title, p. 27] Ka Palapala mua I a Paulo na ko I Korineto. I [3d title, p. 54] Ka Palapala lua I a Paulo na ko I Korineto. I [Oahu, Mission Press, 1831?] caption title, 71 p.

19 x 10 cm.

The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans. [2d title] The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. [3d title] The Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. [Oahu, Mission Press, 1831?] Romans trans, by A. Thurston and A. Bishop; I Corinthians by W. Richards; II Corinthians by L. Thurston and A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 418. Imprint: Dibble, p. 418. Editions: 1831, 1833. Title variations: 1831, Ka Palapala a Paulo a ka Lunaolelo i ko Roma; 1833, Ka Palapala a Paulo i ko Roma. Holdings: AAS, BM, HHS, HMCS (2), LC, UH, W (lacks t.p.)


1831 72

Ka Palapala I a Paulo na ko / Galatia. I [2d title, p. 10] K a Palapala a Paulo I na ko I Epeso. I [3d title, p. 19] Ka Palapala-a Paulo I i ko I Pilipi. I [4th title, p. 25] 0 ka episetole a Paulo I i ko / Kolosa. I [5th title, p. 31] 0 ka episetole mua a Paulo I i ko Tesalonike. I [6th title, p. 37] 0 ka episetole lua a Paulo I i ko I Tesalonike. I [7th title, p. 41] Ka Episetole mua a Paulo I ia I Timoteo. I [8th title, p. 48] 0 ka episetole lua a Paulo / ia Timoteo. / [9th title, p. 53] 0 ka episetole a Paulo I ia Tito. I [10th title, p. 56] 0 ka episetole a Paulo I ia I Pilemona. I [11th title, p\ 58] 0 ka episetole a Paulo I i ka poe I Hebera I [12th title, p. 78] Ka Palapala a Iakobo. / [Oahu, Mission Press, 1831?] caption title, 84 p.

18 x 10 cm.

The Epistle of Paul to the Calatians. [2d title] The Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians. [3d title] The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians. [4th title] The Epistle of Paul to the Colossians. [5th title] The First epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians. [6th title] The Second epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians. [7th title] The First epistle of Paul to Timothy. [8th title] The Second epistle of Paul to Timothy. [9th title] The Epistle of Paul to Titus: [10th title] The Epistle of Paul to Philemon. [11th title] The Epistle of Paul to the Hebrews. [12th title] The Epistle of James. [Oahu, Mission Press, 1831?] Calatians through Philippians, trans, by A. Thurston and A. Bishop; Colossians through Hebrews, by H. Bingham'; James, by W. Richards and L. Andrews: Dibble, p. 418. Imprint: Dibble, p. 418. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (3), LC, UH (2), W (lacks t.p.) 73

He I palapala mua I na I na kamalii, / e naauao ai i ko lakou wa opiopio. I [cut] I ... I Aha pai ana. I Oahu, Na na Misionari i Pai / 1831. I 36 p. illus.(woodcuts)

15 x 9.5 cm.

A first book for children, to be taught when young, [cut] ... 4th ed. Oahu, Mission Press 1831. Trans, by H. Bingham: Dibble, p. 416. Colophon: Mission Press, 1831, 4th ed. 10,000: total 35,000. Editions: 1829, 1830(2), 1831, 1833, 1835. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, HarU


1832 1832 74

He I helu I kamalii, I oia ka mea e I ao aku ai i na keiki, I ma I na ui ao mua o ke I aritemetika. I I unuhiia mai loko ae o ke aritemetika a I Wiliama Fowle. I Oahu: I Na na Misionan i Pai. I 1832. / 60 p.

1 3 x 8 . 5 cm.

A child's arithmetic, this teaches the children the first problems of the arithmetic. Translated from the arithmetic of William Fowle. Oahu: Mission Press, 1832. Trans, by A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 416. 3,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1833, p. 18. Editions: 1832, 1833, 1837, 1838(2), 1840, 1843, 1847, 1853, 1859. Holdings: AAS, HMCS (2), HarU (2), N, UH, V, W, Yu


He I hoikehonua, I he mea ia e hoakaka'i i I ke ano o ka honua nei, / a me na mea / maluna iho: / ... / Oahu: / Na na Misionan i Pai. / 1832. / xi, 204 p.

18 x 10.5 cm.

A geography, something describing the form of the earth, and things on it: ... Oahu: Mission Press. 1832. Prepared by S. Whitney and W. Richards: Dibble, p. 416. 5,500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1832, p. 4. Editions: 1832, 1836, 1845. Holdings: AAS, HHS (2), HMCS (3), HarU, LC, M, N, PS, T (2), W


Na I himeni kamalii. I ... / [cut] Oahu. I Na na Misionari i Pai. I Ianuari I 1832 I cover title, 12 p.

1 3 x 8 cm.

Hymns for children ... [cut] Oahu. Mission Press. January 1832 Trans, by L. Lyons: HMCS, p. 144. 3,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1832, p. 6. Editions: 1832, 1837, 1842. Holdings: AAS, HHS, HMCS, HarU (lacks t.p.), N


1832 77

He I ninauhoike I no ka I mooolelo o ka I Palapala Hemolele. I I ikea ai I ka hana ana a ke Akua a me na kanaka, mai I ke kumu mai a hiki i ka wa o ka I Iesu mau lunaolelo: I he mea e pono ai na makua, a me na I keiki, a me na kula. I ... I Alua pai ana. I Oahu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1832. I 216 p. illus.(woodcuts)

15 x 10 cm.

An historical catechism of the Holy Scriptures. Explaining the works of God and man, from the beginning to the time of Jesus and his disciples: suitable for adults, children, and schools ... 2d ed. Oahu: Mission Press. 1832. Trans, by H. Bingham: Dibble, p. 416. 10,000 copies printed: Ballou, 91. Editions: 1830, 1832, 1864. Title variations: 1830, 1832, He ninauhoike no ka mooolelo o ka Palapala Hemolele; 1864, He ninau hoike no ka mooolelo. Holdings: AAS, AP, BM (3), F L P , HHS, HMCS (5), HarU (3), LC (2), M, MU, N, PS, SH, T , UH (2), W, YU


O ka I büke hua mua/ e ao ai I i ka heluhelu palapala, I i ike ai hoi I na haumana Hawaii nei I i ka pono maoli. I ... I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1832. I 108 p.

15 x 9 cm.

First reading book, to teach Hawaiian pupils what is right... Oahu: Mission Press. 1832. 16,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1833, p. 18. Holdings: AAS, GF, HHS, HMCS (4), HarU, LC, LH, M, N, PS, S, UH, W, YU


Ka Oihana I a ka Poe Lunaolelo I [Oahu, Mission Press, 1832] caption title, 59, [1] p.

17 x 10 cm.

The Acts of the Apostles [Oahu, Mission Press, 1832] Trans, by W. Richards: Dibble, p. 418. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1832, p. 6. 5,500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1832, p. 6. Editions: 1829, 1832, 1833. Holdings: W


1832 80

Ka Palapala mua I a Petero. I [2d title, p. 8] Ka Palapala lua I a Petero. / [3d title, p. 13] Ka Palapala mua I a Ioane. I [4th title, p. 20] Ka Palapala lua I a Ioane. / [5th title, p. 21] Ka Palapala kolu I a Ioane. I [6th title, p. 22] Ka Palapala / a Iuda. I [7th title, p. 25] Ka Hoikeana I a Ioane a ke kaula haipule. I [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, May, 1832; Ed. 10,000.] caption title, 56 p.

18 x 10 cm.

The First epistle of Peter. [2d title] The Second epistle of Peter. [3d title] The First epistle of John. [4th title] The Second epistle of John. [5th title] The Third epistle of John. [6th title] The Epistle of Jude. [7th title] The Revelation of John the pious prophet. [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, May, 1832; Ed.


I and II Peter trans, by W. Richards; I, II and III John and Jude, by W. Richards and L. Andrews; Revelations, by W. Richards: Dibble, p. 418. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (2), LC, N, UH, W 81

He ui I no ka I mooolelo kahiko a ke Akua, I he I mea e ao aku ai I i I na kamalii. I Oahu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1832. I 56 p.

14 x 10 cm.

Catechism of ancient history of God, to be taught to the children. Oahu: Mission Press. 1832. By S. Ruggles: Dibble, p. 416. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1833, p. 18. Holdings: AAS, HHS, HMCS (3), HarU (2), LC (2), LH, M, N, PS, T, UH (2), YU 82

He ui I no ka olelo a ke Akua. I [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, 1832, 5th ed. 10,000, Total 45,000.] caption title, 8 p.

16 x 10.5 cm.

A catechism concerning the word of God. [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, 1832, 5th ed. 10,000, Total 45,000] By H. Bingham: HMCS, p. 41. Editions: 1825 (2), 1827, 1828, 1831, 1832. Title variations: 1825(2), 1827, 1828, 1831, He ui no ka olelo a ke Akua; 1832, He ui no ka olelo a ke Akua. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (2)


1833 1833 83

He I helu kamalii, I oia ka mea I e ao aku ai i na keiki I ma na ui I ao mua o ke aritemetika. I I unuhiia mai loko ae o ke aritemetika a I Wiliama Fowle. I Alua pai ana. I Oahu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1833. I 48 p.

15.5. x 7.5 cm.

A child's arithmetic, this teaches the children the first problems of the arithmetic. Translated from the arithmetic of William Fowle. 2d ed. Oahu: Mission Press. 1833. Trans, by A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 416. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1833, p. 18. Editions: 1832, 1833, 1837, 1838 (2), 1840, 1843, 1847, 1853, 1859. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, LH 84

He I helunaau, I he mea / e maa'i ke kanaka, I i ka I helu i na mea a pau I ma ka I noonoo wale no. I Na olelo ao mua keia a Warren Colburn. I Oahu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1833. I 64 p.

18 x 10.5 cm.

An intellectual arithmetic, teaching men, to calculate everything by thinking only. These are the first lessons by Warren Colburn. Oahu: Mission Press. 1833. Trans, by A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 416. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1833, p. 18. Editions: 1833, 1836, 1841, 1843 (2), 1847 (5). Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS, M 85

Ke I Kanawailua; I oia ka lima o ka buke i kakauia'i e Mose. I [Oahu. Mission Press, 1833] caption title, 75 p.

20.5 x 13 cm.

Deuteronomy; this is' the fifth book written by Moses. [Oahu, Mission Press, 1833] Trans, by A. Thurston: Dibble, p. 419. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1833, p. 18. Editions: 1833 (2). Holdings: HMCS (30), M, PS


1833 86

Ke Kanawailua; I oia na lima o ka buke i kakauia'i e Mose. / [Colophon: Oahu, Mission Press: I October, 1833, 2d edition 2,500, total 12,500.] caption title, 143 p.

15 x 9 cm.

Deuteronomy; this is the fifth book written by Moses. [Colophon: Oahu, Mission Press: October, 1833, 2d edition 2,500, total 12,500.] Trans, by A. Thurston: Dibble, p. 419. Editions: 1833(2). Holdings: HHS, HMCS (3), PC 87

Na helu; I oia ka ha o ka büke i kakauia'i e Mose. I [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, Jan. 1833; Edition 10,000.] caption title, 80 p.

16 x 9.5 cm.

Numbers; the fourth book written by Moses. [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, Jan. 1833; Edition 10,000.] Trans, by A. Thurston: Dibble, p. 419. Holdings: HHS (3), HMCS (3), LC, N, PC, PS 88

[No. 1. A E I O U a e i o u . Oahu, ante June 5, 1833] 8 p. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1833, p. 18. Source: Ballou, 110. Editions: 1825 (2), 1826 (2), 1827 (3), 1828, 1830, 1830-31 (2), 1831, 1833. Holdings: none located


O ke I anahonua, I he mea ia I e ao ai i ke ana I i na mea a pau. I [cut] I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1833. I 61, [2] p. illus.(diagrs.)


Geometry, teaching how to measure all things, [cut] Oahu: Mission Press. 1833. Holbrook's Geometry, trans, by L. Andrews: Miss lets (typed), v. 6, p. 1864.


1833 3,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1834, p. 6. Editions: 1833, 1854. Holdings: AAS, AH, BM (2), F L P , HHS, HMCS (2), HarU, LC, LH, M, N, W, YU 90

Ka I Oihana a ka Poe Lunaolelo I na Iesu Kristo. I [Oahu, Mission Press, 1833] caption title, 64 p.

20 x 13 cm.

The Acts of the Apostles of Jesus Christ. [Oahu, Mission Press, 1833] Trans, by W. Richards: Dibble, p. 418. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1833, p. 18. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1833, p. 18. Editions: 1829, 1832, 1833. Holdings: BM, HMCS (2), HarU 91

He I olelo ninau I no ka / palapala honua. I [Oahu, Mission Press, 1833] 24 p.

17 x 12 cm.

Questions on geography. [Oahu, Mission Press, 1833] Imprint: SIM Ex, 1833, p. 18. 4,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1833, p. 18. Editions: 1833, n.d. Holdings: HMCS (2) 92

He olelo I no ka mare ana. I [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, March, 1 8 3 3 ; - E d i t i o n , 10,000.] caption title, 12 p.

20 x 13 cm.

A word about marriage. [Colophon: Oahu: Mission Press, March, 1833;—Edition, 10,000.] Trans, by E. Clark: Dibble, p. 416. Holdings: AAS, BM, F L P , HHS, HMCS (4), N, PS, T 93

Ka Palapala a Paulo I i ko I Roma. [2d title, p. 28] Ka Palapala mua a Paulo / na ko I Korineto. I [3d title, p. 55] Ka Palapala lua a Paulo I na ko I Korineto. / [Oahu, Mission Press, 1833.]


1834 caption title, 72 p.

17.5 x 10.5 cm.

The Epistle of Paul to the Romans. [2d title] The First epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. [3d title] The Second epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. [Oahu, Mission Press, 1833.] Trans, by A. Thurston, W. Richards, and A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 418. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1833, p. 18. Editions: 1831, 1833. Title variations: 1831, Ka Palapala a Paulo a ka Lunaolelo i ko Roma; 1833, Ka Palapala a Paulo i ko Roma. Holdings: BM, HHS (3), HMCS (44), HarU, LC, M, N, PS, T, UH, W


He I palapala mua I na I na kamalii, I e naauao ai i ko lakou wa opiopio. I [cut] / Alima pai ana. I Oahu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1833. I cover title, 36 p. illus. (woodcuts)

16.5 x 10 cm.

A first book for children, to educate them in their youth, [cut] 5th ed. Oahu: Mission Press. 1833. Trans, by H. Bingham: Dibble, p. 416. Editions: 1829, 1830(2), 1831, 1833, 1835. Holdings: M, PS

1834 95

Alemanaka Hawaii, I no ka makahiki o ko kakou Haku I 0 Iesu Kristo I 1835. I Ua hanaia no ka meridiana o Lahainaluna, latitu 20 degere I 52 minute, lonitu 156 degere 24 minute. I [cut] Oahu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1834. I 4, [12] p.

23 x 15 cm.

Hawaiian almanac, for the year of our Lord Jesus Christ 1835. Made for the meridian of Lahainaluna, latitude 20 degrees 52 minutes, longitude 156 degrees 24 minutes, [cut] Oahu: Mission Press. 1834. Trans, by E. Clark and W. Richards: Dibble, p. 416. 500 copies printed: Ballou, 133. Editions: 1834 (2). Holdings: BM (3), FLP, HMCS, HarU, N, T, UH, W


1834 96

Alemanaka Hawaii, I no ka makahiki o ko kakou Haku I o Iesu Kristo I 1835. I Ua hanaia no ka meridiana o Lahainaluna, latitu 20 degere I 52 minute, lonitu 156 degere 24 minute. I [cut] Oahu: Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1834. I 4, [12] p.

22 x 14.5 cm.

Hawaiian almanac, for the, year of our Lord Jesus Christ 1835. Made for the meridian of Lahainaluna, latitude 20 degrees 52 minutes, longitude 156 degrees 24 minutes, [cut] Oahu: Mission Press. 1834. Trans, by E. Clark and W. Richards: Dibble, p. 416. Colophon: O a h u : - M i s s i o n Press. Dec. 1834, Ed. 2,000. Editions: 1834(2). Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (2), HarU (2), LH, PS, UH, V


[Ke anahonua. Oia ka mea e ike ai ke kumu o ke ana aina a me ka holo moku he mea ia e pono ai ke kulanui. Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1834.] 48 p. woodcut diagrs.

12.5 x 14 cm.

[The geometry. Teaching the principles of surveying and of navigation useful for the high school. Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1834.] By L. Andrews: HMCS, p. 25. The first 48 pages and the first 64 pages were issued and bound prior to the completion of the whole work: Windley, L.5. Contents: Ke anahonua (geometry), p. 3-22; Anahuinakolu (trigonometry), p. 22-48. Editions: 1834(5). Holdings: none located


Ke I anahonua. I Oia ka mea e ike ai I ke kumu o I ke ana aina a me ka holo moku I he mea ia e pono ai ke kulanui. I Lahainaluna. I [Press of the High School] 1834. / 64 p. woodcut diagrs.

12.5 x 14 cm.

The geometry. Teaching the principles of surveying and of navigation useful for the high school. Lahainaluna. [Press of the High School] 1834. By L. Andrews: HMCS, p. 25. The first 48 pages and the first 64 pages were issued and bound prior to the completion of the whole work: Windley, L.5. 36

1834 Contents: Ke anahonua (geometry), p. 3-22; Anahuinakolu (trigonometry), p. 22-46; No ke anakiekie a me ke analoa (measuring heights and lengths), p. 49-64. Editions: 1834(5). Holdings: HHS, HMCS (2), HarU 99

Ke anahonua. I Oia ka mea e ike ai I ke kumu o I ke ana aina a me ka holo moku I he mea ia e pono ai ke kulanui. I Lahainaluna. I [Press of the High School] 1834. I 82, [2] p. illus.(woodcut diagrs.)

21.5 x 14 cm.

The geometry. Teaching the principles of surveying and of navigation useful for the high school. Lahainaluna. [Press of the High School]1834. By L. Andrews: HMCS, p. 25. The first 48 pages and the first 64 pages were issued and bound prior to the completion of the whole work: Windley, L.5. Contents: Ke anahonua (geometry), p. 3-22; Anahuinakolu (trigonometry), p. 22-48; No ke anakiekie a me ke analoa (measuring heights and lengths), p. 49-64; Ke anaaina (land measurements or surveying), p. 65-82. Editions: 1834 (5). Holdings: HMCS 100

Ke I anahonua. I Oia ka mea e ike ai I ke kumu o I ke ana aina a me ka holo moku I he mea ia e pono ai ke kulanui. I Lahainaluna. I [Press of the High School] 1834. I 122 p. woodcut diagrs., 7 numb, plates (engr. diagrs.) 21.5 x 14 cm. The geometry. Teaching the principles of surveying and of navigation useful for the high school. Lahainaluna. [Press of the High School] 1834. By L. Andrews: HMCS, p.25. The first 48 pages and the first 64 pages were bound and issued prior to the completion of the whole work: Windley, L.5. Contents: Ke anahonua (geometry) p. 3-22; Anahuinakolu (trigonometry), p. 22-48; No ke anakiekie a me ke analoa (measuring heights and lengths), p. 49-64: Ke anaaina (land measurements or surveying), p. 65-82; Ke kumu o ka holoholomoku (the principles of sailing in ships or navigation), p. 83-122. Editions: 1834(5). Holdings: UH 37

1834 101

Ke I anahonua. I Oia ka mea e ike ai I ke kumu o I ke ana aina a me ka holo moku I he mea ia e pono ai ke kulanui. I Lahainaluna. / [Press of the High School] 1834. I 122, 45 p. woodcut diagrs., 7 numb, plates (engr. diagrs.) 21.5 x 14 cm. The geometry. Teaching the principles of surveying and of navigation useful for the high school. Lahainaluna. [Press of the High School] 1834. By L. Andrews: HMCS, p. 25. The first 4 8 pages and the first 64 pages were issued and bound prior to the completion of the whole work: Windley, L.5. Contents: Ke anahonua (geometry), p. 3 - 2 2 ; Anahuinakolu (trigonometry), p. 2 2 - 4 8 ; No ke anakiekie a me ke analoa (measuring heights and lengths), p. 4 9 - 6 4 ; Ke anaaina (land measurements or surveying), p. 6 5 - 8 2 ; Ke kumu o ka holoholomoku (the principles of sailing in ships or navigation), p. 8 3 - 1 2 2 ; Ka papa latitu a me ka lonitu (tables of latitude and longitude), p. 1-45. Editions: 1834(5). Holdings: AAS, AH, AP, BM, F L P , GF, HHS, HMCS (4), HarU (2), LC (2), LH, M, N, PS (2), S, SH, T, UH, W


K a I Buke mua I a Samuela. I [2d title, p. 68] K a Buke lua a Samuela. I [Oahu, Mission Press, 1834] caption title, 108, 139-156, [1] p.

17.5 x 11 cm.

The First book of Samuel. [2d title] The Second book of Samuel. [Oahu, Mission Press, 1834] Buke I trans, by A. Thurston, Buke II by A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 419. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 5. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 5. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (20), LC, M, N, PC, PS, T


He I hoikehonua I no ka I Palapala Hemolele, I he mea ia e akaka'i I ke ano o na wahi I i haiia mai ai ma ka olelo a ke I Akua. I Lahainaluna, Ianuari. I 1834. I 99 p.

16 x 13 cm.


1834 A geography of the Holy Scriptures, which explains the characteristics of areas spoken by the word of God. Lahainaluna, January. 1834. Worcester's Geography of the Bible: SIM Ex, 1834, p. 9. Trans, by A. Thurston: Dibble, p. 416. 200 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1834, p. 9. Editions: 1834, 1839(2). Holdings: HMCS, V 104

He I kuhikuhi I no ka I Palapala Hemolele; I he mea ia e pono ai I na haumana o na Kula Sabati. I [Buke 1] Maui, Lahainaluna. [Press of the High School] 1834. I 6 p.

1 4 X 1 1 . 5 cm.

Guide to the Holy Scripture; useful for pupils of the Sunday Schools. [Book 1] Maui, Lahainaluna. [Press of the High School] 1834. Trans, by L. Andrews: Dibble, p. 416. Book 1 of Abbott and Fiske's Bible class book: Dibble, p. 416. 200 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1834, p. 9. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (2), N 105

He I mau papa huhuihelu I he mea ia e pono ai I ka anaaina a me ka holo moku. [cut] I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1834. I 62, 47 p.

29 x 20.5 cm.

Perpetual tables for use in surveying and navigation, [cut] Oahu: Mission Press. 1834. 1,500 copies printed: Ballou, 132. Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS (3), HarU (lacks p. 1-47), PS, T (lacks p. 53-60), UH (2), W, YU 106

He I mooolelo I no na I holoholona wawae eha. I He olelo ia e hoakaka'i i ke ano o na holoholona I eha wawae, a me ko lakou wahi noho ai, a I me ka lakou hana ana. I Ua pai pu ia na kii o na holoholona a pau i hoakakaia; o ke I kii hoi kekahi mea e akaka loa ai ke ano. I Lahainaluna. I Paiia no ke Kulanui. I 1834. I


1834 192 p. (with folio of 24 woodcuts on 16 1. 30 x 23 cm.) 1 7 . 5 x 1 1 . 5 cm. A history of quadrupeds. A description of the animals with four legs, the places they live in, and what they do. The illustrations of all the animals as explained; here printed for the pictures help to make their appearance understood. Lahainaluna. Printed for the High School. 1834. Comstock's History of quadrupeds, trans, by W. Richards. Dibble, p. 416. 1,500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. Holdings: AIM, BM, HHS, HMCS (3, 1 copy of folio), HarU (2), LC (3), M (lacks folio), N, PS (2), T, W


Na I Lunakanawai. I [2d title, 2d p. 42: ] Ka Mooolelo no Ruta. I [Oahu, Mission Press, 1834] caption title, 1-4B, 39-49 p.

17 x 11 cm.

Judges. [2d title, 2d p. 42:] The Story of Ruth. [Oahu, Mission Press, 1834] The " N a " at head of title seems to have worn out during printing and in some copies it is very faint or missing. Trans, by W. Richards: Dibble, p. 419. Imprint: SIM Ex. 1835, p. 5. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 5. Holdings: AAS, HHS (3), HMCS (22), LC, M, N, PS, T (3)


Notes grammaticales I sur I la langue Sandwichoise, I suivies I d'une collection de mots I de la même langue. I Paris, I Imprimerie de Decourchant, I 1834. I 76, [1], p.

18 x 12.5 cm.

Grammatical notes on the Sandwich Islands language, followed by a collection of words in the same language. Paris, Decourchant Printing House, 1834. At end of pref.: VCJS. By A. Bachelot: Yzendoorn, 3. Holdings: M, T


1835 109

0 ke I kumu leomele, I no na I himeni a me na halelu I e hoolea aku ai / i ke Akua. / Oahu: I Na na Misionari. I 1834. I 56 p.


13 x 10.5 cm.

The rules of music, for hymns and psalms to praise God. Oahu: Mission Press. 1834. By H. Bingham: Anderson, p. 394. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1834, p. 6. Editions: 1834(2). Holdings: FLP, HHS, HMC§ 110

0 ke I kumu leomele, I no na I himeni a me na halelu I e hoolea aku ai I i ke Akua. I Oahu: I Na na Misionari. I 1834. I [2d title, p. 57] Na I himeni Hawaii, I me I na leomele; I oia ka lua o na hapa I o ke / kumu leomele. I Oahu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1834. I 360 p.


14 x 9.5 cm.

The rules of music, for hymns and psalms to praise God. Oahu: Mission Press. 1834. [2d title] Hawaiian hymns, with their music; the second part of the rules of music. Oahu: Mission Press. 1834. By H. Bingham and others: Dibble, p. 417. 10,000 copies printed: HEA, 1863/64, p. 24. Editions: 1834 (2). Holdings: AAS, AP, BM (2), D, GF (4), HHS (4), HMCS (7), HarU (3), LC (3), LH, LHM, M, MU, N, PC, PM, PS (3), SH, T, UH, V, W 1835 111

He haiao. [1] / Mataio 22; 12. I ... I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1835] caption title, 8 p.

17.5 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon. [1] Matthew 22; 12 ... [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1835] By J. Green: Na haiao, p. 135. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS (2) 41

1835 112

Haiao 2. I Mat. 6; 33. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1835] caption title, 8 p.

17.5 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon 2. Mat. 6; 33. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1835] By L. Andrews: Na haiao, p. 72. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (2) 113

Haiao 3. I Mat. 12: 30. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1835] caption title, 8 p.

17.5 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon 3. Mat. 12: 30. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1835] Imprint: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (2) 114

Haiao 4. I ... I Hoikeana 1: 7. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1835] caption title, 8 p.

17.5 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon 4 ... Revelations 1: 7. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1835] Imprint: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (2) 115

Haiao 5. I ... I Roma 8: 6. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1835] caption title, 8 p.

17.5 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon 5 ... Romans 8: 6. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1835] Imprint: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (2)


1835 116

Haiao 6. I ... I Roma 12: 2. / [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1835] caption title, 8 p.

17.5 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon 6 ... Romans 12: 2. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1835] Imprint: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (2) 117

Haiao 7. I Kanawailua 32: 29. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1835] caption title, 8 p.

17.5 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon 7. Deuteronomy 32: 29. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1835] By J . Green: Na haiao, p. 288. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (2) 118

Haiao 8. I Hoikeana 16: 7. I ... I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1835] caption title, 8 p.

17.5 x 11.5cm.

Sermon 8. Revelations 16: 7 ... [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1835] Imprint: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (2) 119

[He haiao oia ke kahi olelo a na misionari i hai aku ai i ka la Sabati. Ua paiia i mea e pono ai na kanaka. Haiao 2. Lahainaluna, Maui, 1835.] cover title, 8 p.

17.5 x 11.5 cm.

[A sermon preached by the missionaries on the Sabbath day. Printed in order to benefit the people. Sermon 2. Lahainaluna, Maui.] Source: Ballou, 148. Holdings: none located


1835 120

He I haiao I oia I kekahi olelo a ka poe misionari I i hai aku ai I i ka la Sabati: I ua paiia i mea e pono ai I na kanaka. I K a haiao 1. I Lahainaluna, Maui I 1835. I cover title, 8 p.

17.5 x 11.5 cm.

A sermon that is certain words of the missionaries spoken on the Sabbath day: printed for the good of the people. Sermon 1. Lahainaluna, Maui 1835. By J. Green: Na haiao, p. 135. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. Holdings: AAS, BM (2), HHS, HMCS, HarU 121

He I hoikeholoholona I na na I kamalii. I Lahainaluna: I Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kula Nui I 1835. I 84 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

17 x 11.5 cm.

Stories about animals for children. Lahainaluna: Press of the High School 1835. By S. Dibble: Dibble, p. 416. 1,500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. Editions: 1835 (2), 1837. Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS (2), HarU (2), LC, NYP, PS 122

He hoikeholoholona I na na I kamalii. I [cut] I Elua pai ana. I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1835. I 76 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

1 8 x 1 1 cm.

Stories about animals for children, [cut]. 2d ed. Oahu: Mission Press. 1835. By S. Dibble: Dibble, p. 415. A portion of the edition has cut of a lion instead of a tiger on the title-page. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1836, p. 4. Editions: 1835 (2), 1837. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (2), LC (2), M, N, PS, S, T (2), W, YU 123

K a I hope no I ka helunaau: I oia na ui / e hanaia'i ma I ka I papapohaku. I Na Warren Colburn. I Oahu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1835.


1835 116 p.

1 8 x 1 2 cm.

The sequel to the intellectual arithmetic: problems to be worked out on the slate. By Warren Colburn. Oahu: Mission Press. 1835. By A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 416. 2,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 5. Editions: 1835, 1841, 1845. Holdings: AAS, BM, HHS, HMCS (2), HarU, LC (2), M (2), S, SH, UH, W 124

Ke I kakaulima; I he mea ia e pono ai na kula. I Lahainaluna. I 1835. I [6] p.

illus. (12 engrs.)

10 x 19 cm.

Penmanship; something for the good of the schools. Lahainaluna. 1835. By L. Chamberlain: Ballou, 170. 500 copies printed: Windley, L.20. Holdings: HHS (lacks p. 3-4, 8 engravings), HMCS (2), LC 125

Ke I Kauoha Hou I a I ko kakou Haku e Ola'i, I a Iesu Kristo: I oia ka I olelo hemolele no ke ola, I a na lunaolelo i kakau ai. I Ua unuhiia, mai ka olelo Helene. I Oahu: I Na na Misionan i Pai. I 1835. 340, [180] p.

17.5 x 10.5 cm.

The New Testament of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ: this is the sacred word of life, written by the apostles. Translated, from the Greek. Oahu: Mission Press. 1835. There are variations of this edition of the New Testament, easily noted in the confused numbering of the signatures and in the paging. The total number of pages in every copy seen is 520. Presumably to correct errors, 150 copies were made of a reprint of 7 signatures of the Bible: SIM Ex, 1840, p. 4-5. Various translators. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 19. Editions: 1835, 1837, 1841, 1843(2), 1849, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1868, 1869, 1871 (2), 1884. Holdings: AAS, BM, HHS, HMCS (3), HarU (2), M (2), N, PC, PS, S, T, V


1835 126

Ka I mooolelo I no / ka ekalesia o Iesu Kristo. I Ko kakou Haku e Ola'i; mai ka wa o ko Iesu I hanau ana mai a hiki loa mai i keia wa e noho I nei kakou, i ka makahiki o ka Haku 1835. I Lahainaluna. I 1835. I 95 p.

16 x 9.5 cm.

The history of the church of Jesus Christ. Our Lord and Savior; from the time of the birth of Jesus till the times we live in, in the year of the Lord 1835. Lahainaluna. 1835. By J . Green: SIM Ex, 1831, p. 7. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. Editions: 1835, 1841, 1861, 1863. Holdings: HHS (3), HMCS (3), HarU, LC (2), M, MU (2), N, PC, PS, SH, T (2), UH 127

No / ka la Sabati. I Ua hanaia ka Sabati no ke kanaka. I Na Iesu Kristo I Lahainaluna. I Maraki, 1835. I 12 p.

17.5 x 10.5 cm.

On the Sabbath day. The Sabbath was made for man. By Jesus Christ Lahainaluna. March, 1835. By J . Green: Dibble, p. 417. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. Editions: 1835, 1842. Holdings: HMCS (2), LC 128

0 ka I hoikehonua I no ka I Palapala Hemolele. I Lahainaluna: I Me Pai Palapala no ke Kula Nui I 1835. I 2 p. 1., 84 p.

17 x 10.5 cm.

Geography of the Holy Scriptures. Lahainaluna: Press of the High School 1835. Comp. by S. Dibble: Dibble, p. 416. 1,500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 21. Editions: 1835, 1838. Holdings: AAS, BM (2), HHS, HMCS (5), HarU, LC M, N, PS (2), SH, W 129

O ka I huliano, I he I olelo niele no ia e moakaka ai ke ano I o ka I Palapala Hemolele. I He mea ia e pono ai na Kula Sabati. I Buke 1. I No ka mooolelo no Iesu a me I kana mau hana mana. I Lahainaluna Maui. I 1835. I


1835 [4], 156 p.

14 x 9 cm.

The inquiry, questions illustrating the meaning of the Holy Scriptures. A good thing for Sunday Schools. Book I. About the story of Jesus and his miracles. Lahainaluna Maui. 1835. By S. Dibble: Anderson, p. 391. 1,200 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. Editions: 1835, 1836. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (lacks p. 17-32, 77-156), HarU, LC, N 130

0 ka I ikemua, / he palapala ia e ao aku ai I i na I kamalii, I i ka / heluhelu ana a me ke ano I no hoi / o na olelo a lakou e heluhelu ai. I Lahainaluna, Maui I 1835. I 48 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

21 x 13 cm.

The primer, a book instructing children, in reading and in the meaning of the words they read. Lahainaluna, Maui 1835. By S. Dibble: Dibble, p. 417. 1,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. Editions: 1835 (2), 1837, 1840. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, PS, UH 131

0 ka I ikemua, I he palapala ia e ao aku ai I i na kamalii, I i ka I heluhelu ana a me ke ano / no hoi I o na olelo a lakou e heluhelu ai. I K a lua o ka pai ana. I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1835. I 48 p. illus. (woodcuts)

19 x 12 cm.

The primer, a book instructing children, in reading and the meaning of the words they read. 2d ed. Oahu: Mission Press. 1835. By S. Dibble: Dibble, p. 417. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 5. Editions: 1835 (2), 1837, 1840. Holdings: AAS, HHS, HMCS (2), HarU, LC (2), N, UH 132

0 ka Palapala I a Nehemia. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1835] caption title, 31 p.

18.5 x 11 cm.

The Book of Nehemiah. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School,1835]


1835 Trans, by S. Dibble: Dibble, p. 419. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. 1,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 12. Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS (2), N, PS


0 ke I kumumua I na I na kamalii; I he palapala e ao aku ai i na kamalii ike I ole i ka I heluhelu palapala. I Oahu: I I mea Pai Palapala na na Misionari. I 1835. I 16 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

15.5 x 10 cm.

First lessons for children; a book teaching the children who do not know how to read books. Oahu: Mission Press. 1835. By J. Emerson: Dibble, p. 417. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1836, p. 4. Editions: 1835, 1837(2), 1840, 1844. Holdings: HMCS (2), HarU, M, N, PS, W


He I palapala mua I na / na kamalii, I e naauao ai i ko lakou wa opiopio. I [cut] ... I Eono pai ana. I Oahu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1835. I 36 p. illus. (woodcuts)

13 x 8 cm.

A first book for children, to educate them in their youth, [cut] ... 6th ed. Oahu: Mission Press. 1835. Colophon: Mission Press, 1835. 6th ed. 10,000: total 55,000. By H. Bingham: Dibble, p. 416. Editions: 1829, 1830(2), 1831, 1833, 1835. Holdings: HHS, LC, N


Pi-a-pa I [Honolulu, Mission Press, 1835?] caption title, 12 p.

13 x 7.5 cm.

Spelling book [Honolulu, Mission Press, 1835?] Imprint: SIM Ex, 1836, p. 4. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1836, p. 4. Holdings: BM, FLP, HHS, HMCS (3), LC, N, V



i836 136

Haiao 9. I Isaia 3: 11. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1836?] caption title, l i p .

17.5 * 11.5 cm.

Sermon 9. Isaiah 3: 11. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1836?] 500 copies each of Haiao 1-8, 10, 13-16 published by Lahainaluna Press, 1835-1838; Haiao 8 published in 1835, 10 in 1837. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (2) 137

He I helunaau, I he mea I e maa'i ke kanaka, I i ka I helu i na mea a pau I ma ka I noonoo wale no. I Na olelo ao mua keia a Warren Colburn. I Alua pai ana. I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1836. / 132 p.

15.5 x 10 cm.

An intellectual arithmetic, teaching men, to calculate everything by thinking only. These are the first lessons by Warren Colburn. 2d ed. Oahu: Mission Press. 1836. Trans, by A. Bishop: Anderson, p. 394. 7,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1836, p. 4. Editions: 1833, 1836, 1841, 1843 (2), 1847 (5). Holdings: AAS, GF, HHS, HMCS (2), LC, N, PM, W, YU 138

He I hoikehonua, I he mea ia e hoakaka'i i I ke ano o ka honua nei, I a me na mea I maluna iho. I [cut] I Ua unuhi ia noloko mai o ka hoikehonua a W. C. Woodbridge. I ... I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1836. I vii, 203 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

18 x 11 cm.

A geography, something describing the form of the earth, and things on it. [cut] Translated from the geography of W. C. Woodbridge ... Oahu: Mission Press. 1836. Trans, by S. Whitney: Dibble, p. 417. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1836, p. 4. The 1836 census of Hawaii on the back cover. Editions: 1832, 1836, 1845. Holdings: AAS, HHS, HMCS (2), HarU (4), LC, M (2), N, PS, S (3), T (lacks cover), UH, W 49

1836 139

Ka Mooolelo Kinohi, i kakauia'i e Mose. I [Oahu, Mission Press, 1836] caption title, 84 p.

18 x 10.5 cm.

The Story of Creation, as written by Moses. [Oahu, Mission Press, 1836] Trans, by A. Thurston and A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 418. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1836, p. 4. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1836, p. 4. Editions: 1829 (2), 1836. Title variations: 1829, Ka Moo olelo i Kinohi; 1829, Ka Mooolelo Kinohi; 1836, Ka Mooolelo Kinohi. Holdings: PS


O ka I huliano, I he / olelo niele ia e moakaka ai ke ano I o ka I Palapala Hemolele. I He mea ia e pono ai na Kula Sabati. I Buke I. I No ka mooolelo no Iesu a me kana mau hana mana. I Elua pai ana. / Oahu: Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1836. I 152 p.

14 x 9 cm.

The inquiry, questions illustrating the meaning of the Holy Scriptures. A good thing for Sunday Schools. Book I. About the story of Jesus and his miracles. 2d ed. Oahu: Mission Press. 1836. Trans, by S. Dibble: Anderson, p. 391. 3,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 5. Editions: 1835, 1836. Holdings: AAS, HHS, HMCS (3), LC, MU, N, SH (lacks t.p.), T, W


O ka Palapala I a Nehemia. I [2d title, p. 31:] Ka Mooolelo no Esetera. I [Oahu, Mission Press, 1836] caption title, 47 p.

18 x H cm.

The Book of Nehemiah. [2d title] The Story of Esther. [Oahu, Mission Press, 1836] Nehemiah trans, by S. Dibble; Esther by W. Richards: Dibble, p. 419.


1837 Imprint: SIM Ex, 1836, p. 4. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1836, p. 4. Holdings: HMCS (5), MU 142

A I vocabulary I of words I in the I Hawaiian language. I Lahainaluna: I Press of the High School. I 1836. I iv, 132 p.

23 x 14 cm.

Pref. signed: L. Andrews. 1,000 copies printed: Windley, L. 25. Holdings: AIM, BM (4), FLP, GF(2), HHS, HMCS (3), HarU (5), LH(2), LHM, M (3), N, PC (2), PM, PS (2), S, T, UH (2), V, W

1837 143

Haiao 10. / ... Ioane 5: 40. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1837] caption title, 8 p.

17.5 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon 10 ... John 5: 40. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1937] Imprint: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 7. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 7. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (2) 144

He I helu kamalii, I oia ka mea I e ao aku ai i na keiki I ma na ui I ao mua o ke aritemetika. I I unuhiia mai loko ae 0 ke aritemetika a I Wiliama Fowle. I Ke kolu o ke pai ana. I Honolulu: I Mea Pai Palapala na na Misionari. I 1837. I 48 p.

14 x 8 cm.

A child's arithmetic, this teaches the children the first problems of the arithmetic. Translated from the arithmetic of William Fowle. 3d ed. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1837. Trans, by A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 416. 12,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 5. Editions: 1832, 1833, 1837, 1838 (2), 1840, 1843, 1847, 1853, 1859. Holdings: AAS, HHS, HMCS (2), HarU (2), LH, N, UH (2), W, YU


1837 145

He I hoikeholoholona I na na I kamalii. I [cut] I Ekolu pai ana. I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1837. / 76 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

18 x 10.5 cm.

Stories about animals for children, [cut] 3d ed. Oahu: Mission Press. 1837. By S. Dibble: Dibble, p. 416. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 5. Editions: 1835 (2), 1837. Holdings: AAS, BM, FLP, HHS, HMCS, LC, LH (2), M, N, PS, S, T, UH, W 146

Ke I Kauoha Hou I a I ko kakou Haku e Ola'i, I a Iesu Kristo: I oia ka I olelo hemolele no ke ola, I a na lunaolelo i kakau ai. I Ua unuhiia, mai ka olelo Helene. I Ua paiia na ko Amerika poe i huiia e hoolaha i ka Baibala. I Honolulu: I Ka na Misionari Mea Pai. I 1837. 520 p.

20.5 x 13.5 cm.

The New Testament of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ: this is the sacred word of life, written by the apostles. Translated, from the Greek. Printed for the American Bible Society. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1837. Various translators. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 19. Editions: 1835, 1837, 1841, 1843(2), 1849, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1868, 1869, 1871 (2), 1884. Holdings: AAS, AH (2), AIM, BM (3), BY, D, GF, HHS, HMCS (3), HarU (5), LC (2), LH, LHM, M, N, PC, SH, T, UH, V, W, YU 147

Ke I kumu kahiki: I oia ka mea / e ao ai i na hua I a me I ka hookui, I a me ka heluhelu ana I i ka I olelo Beretania. I Lahainaluna: I Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kula Nui. / 1837. I 36 p.

18.5 x 12.5 cm.

The foreign teacher: this is the thing to teach the letters and spelling, and reading in the English language. Lahainaluna: Press of the High School. 1837. By L. Andrews: Dibble, p. 417. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 7. Editions: 1837, 1844. Holdings: BM, HMCS (2), HarU, LC, N, W 52

1837 148

Na I himeni hoolea. I He mau mele ma ka uhane, I e hoolea ai na kanaka, na keiki, na ohana, I na kula, na ekalesia, I ia I Iehova, ke Akua e ola'i. I Honolulu: I Ka na Misionari Mea Pai. I 1837. I viii, 184 p.

13.5 x 8 cm.

Hymns of praise. Spiritual songs, for men, children, families, schools, churches, to praise Jehovah, the eternal God. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1837. Trans, by H. Bingham and others: Dibble, p. 417. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 5. Editions: 1837, 1839, 1847, 1855, 1859, 1864, 1867. Holdings: AAS, BM (2), HHS, HMCS, HarU (4), LC, N, PS


Na I himeni kamalii: I na mea I e ao ai, a e hoolea aku ai I na kamalii I i ke Akua. I ... I Honolulu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1837. I 72 p.

13.5x7.5 cm

Hymns for children: something for children to learn, and praise about God ... Honolulu: Mission Press. 1837. Trans, by L. Lyons: SIM Ex, 1836, p. 14. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 5. Editions: 1832, 1837, 1842. Holdings: AAS, BM (2), FLP, HHS (3), HMCS (3), HarU (3), LC (2), N


0 ka I hoikemanawa I a me I ke kuhikuhi I no ka mooolelo hemolele. I Lahainaluna: I Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kula Nui. I 1837. I 216 p.

1 7 x 1 1 cm.

Chronology and index to sacred history. Lahainaluna: Press of the High School. 1837. By S. Dibble: Dibble, p. 417. 1,500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 21. Chronology and index published separately in 1838 as 0 ka hoikemanawa no ka mooolelo hemolele and 0 ke kuhikuhi no ka mooolelo hemolele. Holdings: AAS, BM, HHS (2), HMCS (5), LC, M, N, PS, SH, W 53

1837 150a 0 ka I hoikemanawa I no ka I palapala hemolele. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1837?] caption title, [5]-24 p.

20 x 5 cm.

Chronology of the holy scriptures. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1837?] Text and type face same as 1837 0 ka hoikemanawa a me ke kuhikuhi no ka mooolelo hemolele (Chronology and index to sacred history) except type setting differs on p. 18-21. Text is same except for ommission of one note. On p. 20, headline reads: Ka W V Mua. Page 24 ends in divided word. Holdings: HMCS


O ka I ikemua, I he palapala ia e ao aku ai I i na kamalii, I i ka I heluhelu ana a me ke ano I no hoi I o na olelo e a lakou e heluhelu ai. I Ke kolu o ka pai ana. I Honolulu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1837. I 48 p.

illus. (woodcuts)


The primer, a book instructing children, in reading and in the meaning of the words they read. 3d ed. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1837. By S. Dibble: Dibble, p. 417. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 5. Editions: 1835 (2), 1837, 1840. Holdings: AAS, BM (2), FLP, GF, HHS, HMCS (7), LC (7), LH (2), LHM, M, N, PS, S, T, UH, W


0 ke I akeakamai I no I na kamalii. I Oia ka mea i hoike mai i ke ano o na mea i I ike makaia. I Ua unuhiia noloko mai o ke akeakamai o I Jacob Abbott. I Lahainaluna: I Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kulanui. I 1837. I 24 p.

16.5x11 cm.

Philosophy for children. This is the thing which shows the meaning of common knowledge. Translated from the philosophy of Jacob Abbott. Lahainaluna: Press of the High School. 1837.


1837 Trans, by E. Clark: Dibble, p. 417. First 24 pages issued before completion of entire book: Dibble, p. 417. 2,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 7. Editions: 1837(3). Holdings: AH, AIM, BM, HHS, HMCS (3), PS (2), T


0 ke I akeakamai I no I na kamalii. I Oia ka mea i hoike mai i ke ano o na mea i I ike makaia. I Ua unuhiia noloko mai o ke akeakamai o / Jacob Abbott. I Lahainaluna: I Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kulanui. I 1837. I 32 p.

1 7 . 5 x 1 1 cm.

Philosophy for children. This is the thing which shows the meaning of common knowledge. Translated from the philosophy of Jacob Abbott. Lahainaluna: Press of the High School. 1837. Trans, by E. Clark: Dibble, p. 417. 2,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 7. First 24 pages issued before completion of entire book: Dibble, p. 417. Editions: 1837 (3). Holdings: BM, HMCS, T


0 ke I akeakamai I no I na kamalii. I Oia ka mea i hoike mai i ke ano o na mea i I ike makaia. I Ua unuhiia noloko mai o ke akeakamai o I Jacob Abbott. I Lahainaluna: I Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kulanui. I 1837. I 39 p.

1 7 . 5 x 1 1 cm.

Philosophy for children. This is the thing which shows the meaning of common knowledge. Translated from the philosophy of Jacob Abbott. Lahainaluna: Press of the High School. 1837. Trans, by E. Clark: Dibble, p. 417. First 24 pages issued before completion of entire book: Dibble, p. 417. 2,000 copies printed: Ballou, 247. Editions: 1837(3). Holdings: BM, GF, HHS, HMCS (5), HarU, LHM, N, W


1837 155

0 ke I aohoku: I oia ka mea I e akaka'i ke ano o ka la I a me ka I honua, a me na hoku I [Colophon: Lahainaluna:—Mea Paipalapala no ke Kulanui.] [1837] caption title, 12 p.

20.5 x 13 cm.

Astronomy: this is an explanation of the nature of the sun and the earth, and the stars. [Colophon: Lahainaluna:—Press of the High School.] [1837] By E. Clark: Dibble, p. 417. 2,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 7. Date: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 7. Holdings: BM (2), HHS (2), HMCS (7), LC (5), N, PC, PS, T (2), V


0 ke I kumumua I na I na kamalii; I he palapala e ao aku ai i na kamalii ike I ole i ka I heluhelu palapala. I Elua pai ana. I Oahu: / Mea Pai Palapala na na Misionari. / 1837. / 32 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

14.5 x 11 cm.

First lessons for children; a book teaching the children who do not know how to read books. 2d ed. Oahu: Mission Press. 1837. By J. Emerson: Dibble, p. 417. 12,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 5. Editions: 1835, 1837 (2), 1840, 1844. Holdings: AAS, FLP, HMCS, HarU, LC, N, PS, S, W, YU


0 ke I kumumua I na I na kamalii; I he palapala e ao aku ai i na kamalii ike I ole i ka I heluhelu palapala. I Ekolu pai ana. I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala na na Misionari. I 1837. I 32 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

14.5 x 11 cm.

First lessons for children; a book teaching the children who do not know how to read books. 3d ed. Oahu: Mission Press. 1837. By J. Emerson: Dibble, p. 417. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 19. Editions: 1835, 1837 (2), 1840, 1844. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS, LC


1837 158

Oihanaalii II. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1837] caption title, 71, [1] p.

18 * 11 cm.

II Chronicles. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1837] Trans, by J. Green: Dibble, p. 419. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 21. 1,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 21. Holdings: HMCS (2), PS, T 159

He I olelo hoomoakaka i ka wahahee, I a me I ka pono o ka haalele i ka wahahee. I [Oahu, Mission Press, 1837] caption title, 8 p.

18 x 11 cm.

Explaining falsehood, and the good of forsaking falsehood. [Oahu, Mission Press, 1837] By D. Lyman: Dibble, p. 417. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 19. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 20. Holdings: BM (4), HHS, HMCS (4), PS, T 160

He I palapala hoakaka I i ke ano ino I o I na mea ona. I Honolulu: I Mea Paipalapala a na Misionari. I 1837. I Edwin 0 . Hall, Printer. / cover title, 27 p.

18 x 11 cm.

A publication showing the evils of intoxicating drinks. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1837. Edwin 0 . Hall, Printer. By D. Baldwin: Anderson, p. 393. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 20. Holdings: AAS, AP, BM (3), D, HHS (5), HMCS (9), HarU (2), LC (4), LH, M (2), MU, N, PS (2), T, UH (2), W 161

He I piliolelo I no ka I olelo Beritania. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1837] caption title, 40 p.

fold, table

21 x 13 cm.

A grammar of the English language. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1837]


1837 Trans, by L. Andrews: Dibble, p. 417. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 7. 300 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 7. One copy at Bishop Museum has a folded table which is identical with the folded table in L. Andrews Grammar ... 1854. It is assumed that this was added in binding. Holdings: BM (2), HHS, HMCS (4), HarU, LC, LH, MU, PS, UH, W


Über die I Hawaiische spräche. I Von I Adelbert v. Chamisso. I No Geremania. I —Ina i ike ole kekahi i ka Hebera I a me ke Gereka, a me kekahi olelo e ae, aole I manao lakou, ua naauao. I Hoikehonua. Oahu 1832. Aoao 73. I Vorgelegt der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin / am 12. Januar 1837. / Leipzig, / in der Weidmannischen Buchhandlung. / 1837. / 79 p.

28.5 x 23.5 cm.

On the Hawaiian language. By Adelbert v. Chamisso. Of Germany.—If one does not know Hebrew and Greek, and other foreign languages, he does not feel himself educated. Geography. Oahu 1832. Page 73. Published by the Royal Academy of Science in Berlin, January 12, 1837. Leipzig, Weidmann's Bookstore. 1837. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (lacks t.p.), M, N, T, UH


He I wahi manao kumu I no na mea nui I maloko o ka ke I Akua olelo. I Na Davida Malo. I Lahainaluna: / Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kula Nui. I 1837. I 2,000 ka pai ana. I 32 p.

11.5 x 7 cm.

Some instructions about the great things in the word of God. By David Malo. Lahainaluna: Press of the High School. 1837. 2,000 copies printed. Editions: 1837, 1861, 1865. Title variations: 1837, He wahi manao kumu; 1861, Helu 13. He wahi manao kumu; 1865, He wahi kumu-manao. Holdings: AAS, BM, FLP, HHS, HMCS (3), HarU, LC, LH, PS, UH, W, YU


1838 164

[He wahi mau niele no ka palapala honua. Lahainaluna: Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kula Nui, 1837] 44 p. [Some questions on geography. Lahainaluna: Press of the High School, 1837] By L. Andrews: Dibble, p. 417. Source: Ballou, 224. 100 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 7. Editions: 1837(2). Holdings: none located


He I wahi mau I niele I no ka I palapala honua. I Elua pai ana. I Lahainaluna: I Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kula Nui. I 1837. / 4, 44 p.

19x11.5 cm.

Some questions on geography. 2d printing. Lahainaluna: Press of the High School. 1837. By L. Andrews: Dibble, p. 417. 1,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 7. Editions: 1837(2). Holdings: HHS, HMCS, LC, N, PS, T, W

1838 166

Anatomia. I He palapala ia e hoike ai I i ke ano I 0 ko ke kanaka kino. I Ua kakauia ma ka olelo Hawaii, i mea e ao ai na haumana o ke kula I nui, ma Lahainaluna. I Oahu: / Mea Paipalapala a na Misionari. I 1838. I 60 p.

illus. (19 copperplate engrs.)

17 x 11 cm.

Anatomy. A book showing the explanation of man's body. Written in the Hawaiian language, to teach the pupils of the high school, at Lahainaluna. Oahu: Mission Press. 1838. By G. Judd: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 18. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 19. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (3), HarU (2), LC, LH (2), M, W






Va kakauia ma ka alelo Hawaii, i mea e so ai na ha umana o ke Kula Nili, ma LahaìAaltuuu



Title page of Anatomia, a textbook printed on the Mission Press in 1838 "to teach the pupils of the school, at Lahainaluna." (Entry 166)

Illustration from Anatomia, published in 1838. Even the skeletons knelt in prayer. (Entry 166)

1838 167

Haiao [11] I... Ioane 1: 13. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1838?] caption title, 11 p.

17.5 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon [11] ... John 1: 13. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1838?] At head of title: Haiao 6, which is a misprint for Haiao 11. 500 copies each of Haiao 1-8, 10, 13-16 published by Lahainaluna Press, 1835-1838; Haiao 10 published in 1837, 12 in 1838. Holdings: BM, HHS (2) HMCS (2)


Haiao 12. I Ioane 6. 37. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1838?] caption title, 8 p.

17.5 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon 12. John 6. 37. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1838?] 500 copies each of Haiao 1-8, 10, 13-16 published by Lahainaluna Press, 1835-1838; Haiao 11 published in 1838, 13 in 1838. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (2)


Haiao 13. I... 1 Timoteo 2: 8. I [2d title, p. 12] Haiao 14. I... 1 Timoteo 1: 8. I [3d title, p. 20] Haiao 15. I ... Halelu 14: 1. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1838] caption title, 32 p.

17.5 x l l . 5 cm.

Sermon 13 ... 1 Timothy 2: 8. [2d title] Sermon 14 ... 1 Timothy 1: 8. [3d title] Sermon 15 ... Psalm 14: 1. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1838] Sermon 15 by David Malo: Na haiao, p. [1] Imprint: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 21. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 21. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (2)


1838 170

Haiao 16. I ... Roma 1: 16. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1838?] caption title, 8 p.

17.5 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon 16 ... Romans 1: 16. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1838?] By J. Green: Na haiao, p. 63. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (2)


He I helu kamalii, I oia ka mea I e ao aku ai i na keiki, I ma na ui I ao mua o ke aritemetika. I I unuhiia mai loko ae o ke aritemetika a I Wiliama Fowle. I Ke kolu o ke pai ana. I Honolulu: I Mea Pai Palapala na na Misionari. I 1838. I 4« p.

1 3 . 5 x 8 cm.

A child's arithmetic, this teaches the children, the first problems of the arithmetic. Translated from the arithmetic of William Fowle. 3d ed. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1838. Trans, by A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 416. 12,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 5. Editions: 1832, 1833, 1837, 1838 (2), 1840, 1843, 1847, 1853, 1859. Holdings: AAS


He I helu kamalii, I oia ka mea I e ao aku ai i na keiki, I ma na ui I ao mua o ke aritemetika. I I unuhiia mai loko ae o ke aritemetika a I Wiliama Fowle. I Ka ha o ke pai ana. I Honolulu: I Mea Pai Palapala na na Misionari. I 1838. I 48 p.

1 3 . 5 x 8 cm.

A child's arithmetic, this teaches the children, the first problems of the arithmetic. Translated from the arithmetic of William Fowle. 4th ed. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1838. Trans, by A. Bishop: Dibble, p 416. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1839, p. 9. Editions: 1832, 1833, 1837, 1838 (2), 1840, 1843, 1847, 1853, 1859. Holdings: LC


1838 173

He I hoailona helu. I Na Warren Colburn. I Lahainaluna: I Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kulanui. I 1838. I 44 p.

18 x 12 cm.

An algebra. By Warren Colburn. Lahainaluna: Press of the High School. 1838. Trans, by A. Bishop: Anderson, p. 394. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 21. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (4), HarU, MU, N, PS, T , UH 174

Kekahuna. I [2d title, p. 17] Ke Mele a Solomona. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1838?] caption title, 1 - 2 4 , 26, [3] p.

18 x 11 cm.

Ecclesiastes. [2d title] The Song of Solomon. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1838?] By J . Green: Dibble, p. 419. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 21. 1,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 21. Holdings: HMCS (2), PS, T 175

Ka manaoio, a me ka berita a ka eka- I lesia. I [Honolulu, Mission Press, 1838] caption title, 4 p.

18 x 10.5 cm.

The faith, and covenant of the church. [Honolulu, Mission Press, 1838] Imprint: SIM Ex, 1839, p. 9. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1839, p. 9. Editions: 1838, 1839, 1843. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (2) 176

He mau ninau I no ka poe e noonoo ana ia lakou iho. I [Colophon: Lahainaluna:—Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kulanui. 1838.] cover title, l i p .

18 x 12 cm.

Questions for people who meditate in themselves. [Colophon: Lahainaluna:—Press of the High School. 1838.] 3,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1839, p. 10. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (2), PS, T


1838 177

K a I mooolelo Hawaii. I I kakauia e kekahi mau haumana o I ke kulanui, a i hooponoponoia I e kekahi kumu o ia kula. I Lahainaluna: I Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kulanui. / 1838. I 2 p i , 116 p.

1 7 . 5 X 1 1 cm.

The history of Hawaii. Written by some scholars of the high school, and corrected by one of the teachers of this school. Lahainaluna: Press of the High School. 1838. Corrected by S. Dibble: Windley, L. 57. 1,500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 21. Holdings: AAS, AH, BM, GF, H H S (3), H M C S (2), L C (2), LH, N, PS, T, UH, W 178

K a I Mooolelo no Estera. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1838] caption title, 16 p.

18.5 x 11 cm.

The Story of Esther. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1838] Trans, by W. Richards: Dibble, p. 419. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 21. 1,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 21. Holdings: H M C S (2), PS, T 179

Na I haawina kamalii. I Na mea I e ao ai na kamalii, I ma I ke Kula Sabati. I ... I Honolulu: I Paipalapala a na Misionan. I 1838. I 152 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

18 x 11 cm.

Lessons for children. Instructions for children, in Sunday School ... Honolulu: Mission Press. 1838. Trans, by L. Lyons: Dibble, p. 417. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 19. Holdings: AAS, BM (2), F L P , H H S (2), H M C S (5), HarU, LC, MU, N, S, T, UH, V (2), W (2), YU 180

Na olelo akamai a Solomona. / [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1838] caption title, 61, [1] p.

18 x 11 cm.

The wise sayings of Solomon. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1838]


1838 Trans, by L. Andrews: Dibble, 419. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 21. 1,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 21. Holdings: HMCS (2), T 181

0 ka I hailoaa I o ka I hope o ka I helunaau. I No na kumu wale no keia palapala. I Lahainaluna. I Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kulanui. I 1838. I 87 p.

12. x cm.

Key to the sequel of the intellectual arithmetic. This text is for teachers only. Lahainaluna. Press of the High School. 1838. Trans, by A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 416. Key to W. Colburn's Sequel. Editions: 1838, 1842. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, N 182

0 ka I hoikehonua I no ka I Palapala Hemolele. I Elua pai ana.—2,000 pepa. I Lahainaluna: I Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kula Nui. I 1838. I 63 p.

1 8 x 1 1 cm.

Geography of the Holy Scriptures. 2d printing.—2,000 copies. Lahainaluna: Press of the High School. 1838. Trans, by S. Dibble: Dibble, p. 416. Editions: 1835, 1838. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (5), HarU(2), LC (2), M, N, PS (2), W 183

0 ka I hoikemanawa I no ka I mooolelo hemolele. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1838?] caption title, 13 p.

18 x 11 cm.

Chronology of sacred history. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1838?] All copies seen lack p. 9-10. By S. Dibble: Dibble, p. 417. Also published with Index to sacred history in 1837 as 0 ka hoikemanawa a me ke kuhikuhi no ka mooolelo hemolele. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, LC (2), M, N, PS, W


1838 184

0 ke I kuhikuhi I no ka I mooolelo hemolele. I Lahainaluna: I Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kula Nui. I 1838. I 204 p. illus. (woodcuts)

17.5 x 11 cm.

Index to sacred history. Lahainaluna: Press of the High School. 1838. By S. Dibble: Dibble, p. 417. Also published with Chronology of sacred history in 1837 as 0 ka hoikemanawa a me ke kuhikuhi no ka mooolelo hemolele. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, HarU (2), LC (2), M, N, PS, T, W


O ke I kumu kahakaha: I oia ka mea e hoike ai I i ke a kaha kii ana. I He mea ia e pono ai ke kulanui. I Lahainaluna: I Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kulanui. I 1838. I 36 p.

illus. (12 engrs., 1 fold.)

18 x 11.5 cm.

The guide to drawing: showing how to draw pictures: Useful for the high school. Lahainaluna: Press of the High School. 1838. By L. Andrews: Anderson, p. 395. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1839, p. 10. Holdings: AH, BM, HHS (2), HMCS (2), HarU, PS, W


Ka Palapala Hemolele I a / Iehova ko kakou Akua. I 0 ke Kauoha Kahiko i unuhiia mai ka olelo Hebera. I Buke I. I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1838. I 2 p.l., 924 p.

20 x 13 cm.

The Holy Scripture of Jehovah our God. The Old Testament translated from the Hebrew. Book I. Printed for the American Bible Society. Oahu: Mission Press. 1838. Various translators. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1837, p. 5. Holdings: AAS, AH, AIM, BM (5), BY, D (2), GF (2), HHS, HMCS (4), HarU (4), LH, LHM, M, PS, SH, T, UH, V, W, YU


1838 187

Ka I Palapala Hemolele I a I Iehova ko kakou Akua. I 0 ke Kauoha Kahiko i unuhiia mai ka olelo Hebera. I Buke II. I Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala. I Oahu: I Na na Misionari i Pai I 1838. I 887 p.

20 x 13 cm.

The Holy Scripture of Jehovah our God. The Old Testament translated from the Hebrew. Book II. Printed for the American Bible Society. Oahu: Mission Press. 1838. Various translators. Colophon: May 10th. 1839. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1839, p. 9. Holdings: AAS, AH, AIM AN, BM (5), BY, D (2), GF, HHS, HMCS (4), HarU (3), LH, LHM, M, PC, SH, SI, T, UH, V, W 188

Ka Wanana a Isaia. I [2d title, p. 159] Ka Wanana a Ieremia. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1838?] caption title, 228 p.

18 x 11 cm.

The Prophecy of Isaiah. [2d title] The Prophecy of Jeremiah. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1838?] Trans, by W. Richards: Dibble, p. 419. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 21. 1,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1838, p. 21. Jeremiah ends with a divided word. Holdings: HMCS (2), PC, PS, T 1839 189

Hoike uhane: I he kamaiilio e moakaka ai I ka uhane o kanaka. / T. H. Gallaudet, i unuhiia. I Buke I. I Honolulu: Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1839. I 65 p.

15 x 9 cm.

Explaining spiritual things: a conversation about the soul of man. T. H. Gallaudet, translated. Book I. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1839. Trans, by S. Whitney: SIM Ex, 1835, p. 18. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1840, p. 4 Holdings: AAS, BM (2), FLP, HHS (3), HMCS (12), HarU (2), LC (3), N, PS, S, SH, T (2), UH, W (2), YU





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A X i KIIIOJUll I VAI. I 1 Title page of the first complete Bible in the Hawaiian language. Parts were printed in 1838, though the whole was not available until May 1839. (Entry 187)

1839 190

He I hoikehonua I no ka I Palapala Hemolele, I he mea ia e akaka'i ke ano o na wahi i haiia mai ai I ma ka I olelo a ke Akua. I Alua pai ana. I Honolulu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1839. I cm.

[3], 6-52 p.

6 maps (copperplate, incl. 2 fold.)

23 x 14

Geography of the Holy Scriptures, this will clarify the things mentioned in the word of God. 2d printing. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1839. Worcester's Geography of the Bible: SIM Ex, 1834, p. 9. Trans, by A. Thurston: Dibble, p. 416. 5,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1839, p. 9. A second p. 51 follows p. 52. Editions: 1834, 1839 (2). Holdings: HHS, HMCS, LC, N, W 191

He I hoikehonua I no ka I Palapala Hemolele, I he mea ia e akaka'i ke ano o na wahi i haiia mai ai I ma ka I olelo a ke Akua. I Alua pai ana. I Honolulu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1839. I [3], 6-52 p.

23 x 14 cm.

Geography of the Holy Scriptures, this will clarify the things mentioned in the word of God. 2d. printing. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1839. Worcester's Geography of the Bible: SIM Ex, 1834, p. 9. Trans, by A. Thurston: Dibble, p. 416. 5,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1839, p. 9. Printed without maps. Editions: 1834, 1839 (2). Holdings: HMCS (3), LH, T 192

He I kuhikuhi / no ka I Palapala Hemolele; I no na mea e pono ai ke kanaka ke hana. I Buke 2. I Lahainaluna. I 1839. I 35 p.

1 7 . 5 x 1 1 cm.

A guide to the Holy Scriptures; a good thing for men to use. Book 2. Lahainaluna. 1839. Book 2 of Abbott and Fiske's Bible class book. Trans, by S. Whitney: Dibble, p. 417. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1840, p. 6. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (2), HarU (2), LC, N, PS 70

1839 193

He manao ao i na ekalesia. I Honolulu, Iune 11, 1839. I [Honolulu, Mission Press, 1839] caption title, 12 p.

18 x 11 cm.

Thoughts of wisdom to those in the church. Honolulu, June 11, 1839. [Honolulu, Mission Press, 1839] Holdings: HHS, HMCS (2) 194

Ka I manaoio I a me ka I berita I a ka I ekalesia. I Ka lua o ke pai ana,—10,000. I Honolulu: I [Mission Press] 1839. I [2], 13 p.

11X7 cm.

The faith and covenant of the church. The second of the printings,—10,000. Honolulu: [Mission Press] 1839. Publisher: SIM Ex, 1839, p. 9. Editions: 1838, 1839, 1843. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (3), N (lacks p. 13), T 195

Na I himeni hoolea. I He mau mele ma ka uhane, I e hoolea ai na kanaka, na keiki, na ohana, I na kula, na ekalesia, I ia I Iehova, ke Akua e ola'i. I Honolulu: I Ka na Misionari Mea Pai. I 1839. / viii, 184 p.

14 X 8 cm.

Hymns of praise. Spiritual songs, for men, children, families, schools, churches, to praise Jehovah, the eternal God. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1839. Trans, by H. Bingham and others: Dibble, p. 417. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1840, p. 4. Editions: 1837, 1839, 1847, 1855, 1859, 1864, 1867. Holdings: AAS, AH (2, 1 lacks p. 181-184), GF, HHS (2), HMCS, HarU (2), LC, LH, MU, N, PC, W 196

Na manao eono I e I paipai i na kumu Kula Sabati, I e I hooikaika mau. I [Colophon: Honolulu: Mea Paipalapala a na Misionari. 1839.] caption title, 2 p.

22 x 14.5 cm.

Six thoughts to help teachers of Sunday Schools, and some encouragement. [Colophon: Honolulu: Mission Press. 1839.] 35,600 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1840, p. 4. Holdings: BM, HMCS (2) 71

1839 197

No ke kalaiaina. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1839-1840] caption title, 256 p.

21 x 14 cm.

Of political economy. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1839-1840] W a y l a n d ' s Political economy trans, by W. Richards: Richards, p. 151. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1840, p. 6. 400 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1840, p. 6. Holdings: BM (lacks p. 1 - 1 6 , 169-256), H H S (2, both lack p. 1 - 1 6 , 169-256), H M C S (lacks p. 1-16, 169-176, 201-208, 225-232, 249-256), HarU (lacks p. 1 - 1 6 , 169-256) UH (lacks p. 1 - 1 6 , 169-256) 198

No ta / Hoku Loa Kalavina!!! (O ta mea lanatila, o to tatou manaoio ia.) [Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika. 1859Okatoba 1859.] caption title, 12 p.

2 7 x 2 1 cm.

Concerning the Protestant Hoku Loa!!! (Victorious is our faith.) [Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1859-October 1859.] Imprint: bottom of every 4th page. Issued in 3 parts. Holdings: BM, CC, HHS, H M C S ( 2 ) , . U H (Note: This entry is out of place. It should follow



1840 199

He I helu kamalii, I oia ka mea I e ao aku ai i na keiki, I ma na ui I ao m u a o ke aritemetika. I I unuhiia mai loko ae o ke aritemetika I a Wiliama Fowle. I Ka lima o ke pai ana. I Honolulu: Mea Pai Palapala ha na Misionari. I 1840. I 48 p.

1 4 x 9 cm.

A child's arithmetic, this teaches the children, the first problems of the arithmetic. Translated f r o m the arithmetic of William Fowle. 5th ed. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1840. Trans, by A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 416. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1840, p. 4. Editions: 1832, 1833, 1837, 1838 (2), 1840, 1843, 1847, 1853, 1859. Holdings: HHS, H M C S (2) P S 72

1840 200

Hoike Akua. I He palapala ia I e hoike ana ma na mea i hanaia I aia no he Akua, I he mana loa Kona a me ka ike kupanaha. I Na T. H. Gallaudet i kakau. / Na S. Dibble hoi i unuhi. I ... I Lahainaluna: I Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kulanui. I 1840. / 178 p.

illus. (13 copperplate engrs.)

18 x 11 cm.

Explaining God. This is a book showing the things which God has made, His mighty powers and wonderful knowledge. Written by T. H. Gallaudet. Translated by S. Dibble ... Lahainaluna: Press of the High School. 1840. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. Editions: 1840, 1842. Holdings: BM, GF, HHS, HMCS, HarU, LC, M, PC, PS, SH 201

He I kuhikuhi I no ka I Palapala Hemolele; I no na mea e pono ai ke kanaka ke hana. I Buke 3. I Lahainaluna: I 1840. I 40 p.

18 x 12 cm.

A guide to the Holy Scriptures; a good thing for men to use. Book 3. Lahainaluna: 1840. Trans by S. Whitney: Dibble, p. 417. Book 3 of Abbott and Fiske's Bible class book. 100 copies printed: Windley, L.69. Holding: HHS, HMCS (4), LC (2), N, PS, T 202

He mau I palapala aina, I a me / na niele e pili ana. / [Left column:] K a poepoe. Hawaii. Ainamoana. Amerika Akau. [Right column:] Amerika Huipuia. Amerika Hema. Europa. Asia. [Below and between columns:] Aferika. I Hookahi ke pai ana. I Lahainaluna: I 1840. I 14 p. 10 partly hand col. engrs. (9 maps, incl. 3 double, 1 chart) 28.5 x 23.5 cm. Maps, and questions concerning the same. [Left column:] The sphere. Hawaii. Ocean lands. North America. [Right column:] United States of America. South America. Europe. Asia. [Below and between columns:] Africa. 1st ed. Lahainaluna: 1840. 1,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1839, p. 6. Editions: 1840, 1842. Holdings: AAS, HHS, HMCS (3, 1 lakes t.p. and 1 map), HarU, PS, W 73

1840 203

He mau I palapala aina I a me na I niele I no ka hoikehonua. I No na kamalii. I Lahainaluna: 1840. I 16 p. 7 hand col. engraved maps (incl. 2 double) 13.5x11.5 cm. Maps and geographical questions. For children. Lahainaluna: 1840. 1,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1941, p. 5. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (4), LC (3), PS, S (2), T, W


Na I haawina I Palapala Hemolele I no ke I Kula Sabati. I Honolulu: I Na na Misionan i Pai. I 1840. I [1], 6-83, p.

illus. (woodcuts)

18 x 11 cm.

Holy Bible lessons for the Sunday School. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1840. 2,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1840, p. 4. Holdings: AAS, FLP, HHS (2), HMCS, HarU, LC, W


O ka I ikemua, I he palapala ia e ao aku ai I i na kamalii, I i ka I heluhelu ana a me ke ano I no hoi I o na olelo a lakou e heluhelu ai. I Ka ha o ke pai ana. I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionan. I 1840. I 48 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

21 x 14 cm.

The primer, a book instructing children, in reading and in the meaning of the words they read. 4th ed. Oahu: Mission Press. 1840. By S. Dibble: Dibble, p. 417. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1840, p. 4. Editions: 1835 (2), 1837, 1840. Holdings: AAS, BM, D, FLP, HHS, HMCS (4), HarU (2), N, PS, T, UH, V, W


0 ke I kumumua I na I na kamalii, I he palapala e ao aku ai i na kamalii I ike ole i ka I heluhelu palapala. I Ka ha o ke pai ana. I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1840. I 32 p.

14.5x11 cm. 74

1841 First lessons for children, a book teaching the children who do not know how to read books. 4th ed. Oahu: Mission Press. 1840. By J. Emerson: Dibble, p. 417. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 4. Editions: 1835, 1837 (2), 1840, 1844. Holdings: LC (4)

1841 207

Ke I ano 0 ke Akua oiaio I i hoakakaia'e, I he kumu o ke aloha aku a me ka malama aku ia la. I Na Binamu i hoike. I [Colophon: Oahu:—Mission Press. Printed for the Am. Tract Society.] [1841] caption title, 12 p.

17.5 x 10.5 cm.

The love of the true God explained, why we should love and serve Him. Explained by Bingham. [Colophon: Oahu:—Mission Press. Printed for the Am. Tact Society.] [1841] 10,000 copies printed: SIM, Ex, 1841, p. 4. Date: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 4. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS, N 208

He I ao ana Kiritiano I he olelo hoonaau ao I i ke kanaka i ka ke Akua; e like me ke ano no ka ke Akua I olelo i haavi mai la na kahuna nui no ko Ieto Kirito Eka- I letia, mai Ieto Kirito mai, a hiki i keia manava. I He mea hoike i na mea e manao io aku ai ke kanaka, a e I hana mai hoi ia i malama pono ai i ke Akua. I ... I Ex Typis Catholicis Migne, in vico dicto Montrouge, juxta Portam Inferni Parisiorum, I Gallicè: près la barrière d'Enfer de Paris. / 1841. / 20 p.

1 3 x 9 cm.

A Christian doctrine an instruction for men in the things concerning God; in conformity with the word of God as the fathers of the Church of Jesus Christ, have delivered it from Jesus Christ, down till our times. An explanation of what men must believe, and do to serve God faithfully ... Ex Typis Catholicis Migne, in vico dicto Montrouge, juxta Portam Inferni Parisiorum, Gallicè: près la barrière d'Enfer de Paris. 1841. Holdings: AAS, HMCS 75

1841 209

Haiao. I [Helu I] I Kanawailua 32: 35. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1841] caption title, 10 p.

18 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon. [Number I] Deuteronomy 32: 35. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1841] By S. Dibble: Na haiao, p. 88. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. 200 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS (2)


Haiao. I [Helu II] I Halelu 51: 4. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1841] caption title, 12 p.

18 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon. [Number II] Psalm 51: 4. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1841] By S. Dibble: Na haiao, p. 50. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. 200 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS (2)



Haiao. I [Helu III] I Ioane 3: 14,15. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1841] caption title, 7 p.

18 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon. [Number III] John 3: 14,15. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1841] By S. Dibble: Na haiao, p. 214. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. 200 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS (2)


Haiao. I [Helu IV] I Oihana 4: 11,12. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1841] caption title, l i p .

18 x 11.5 cm.


1841 Sermon. [Number IV] Acts 4: 11,12. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1841] By S. Dibble: Na haiao, p. 17. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. 200 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS (2)


Haiao. I [Helu V] I Hoikeana 3: 15,16,17. I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1841] caption title, 12 p.

18 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon. [Number V] Revelations 3: 15,16,17. [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1841] By S. Dibble: Na haiao, p. 154. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. 200 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS (2)


Haiao. I Helu VI. I Solomona 14: 9. ... / [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1841] caption title, 10 p.

18 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon. Number VI. Proverbs 14: 9. ... [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1841] By S. Dibble: Na haiao, p. 276. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. 200 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS (2)


Haiao. I Helu VII. I Mataio 23: 33. ... I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1841] caption title, 8 p.

18 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon. Number VII. Matthew 23: 33. ... [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1841] Imprint: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. 200 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. Holdings: HHS (3), HMCS (2)


1841 216

Haiao. I Helu V I I I . I Roma 5: 6,7,8. ... [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1841] caption title, 8 p.

18 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon. Number VIII. Romans 5: 6,7,8. ... [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1841] By S. Dibble: Na haiao, p. 222. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. 200 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS (2)


Haiao. I Helu IX. I 1 Korineto. 11, 2 3 - 2 7 . I [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1841] caption title, 8 p.

18 x 11.5 cm.

Sermon. Number IX. I Corinthians. 11, 2 3 - 2 7 . [Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1841] By S. Dibble: Na haiao, p. 232. Imprint: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. 200 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 5. Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS (2)


He I helunaau, I he mea I e maa'i ke kanaka, I i ka I helu i na mea a pau I ma ka I noonoo wale no. I Na olelo ao mua keia a Warren Colburn. I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1841. I 184 p.

14 x 8 cm.

An intellectual arithmetic, teaching man, to calculate everything by thinking only. These are the first lessons by Warren Colburn. Oahu: Mission Press. 1841. Trans, by A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 416. 12,000 copies p. 1 - 1 7 2 printed in 1841: SIM Ex, 1842, p. 4. 12,000 copies p. 7 3 - 9 6 printed in 1840: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 4. 6,000 copies p. 9 7 - 1 8 4 printed in 1842: SIM Ex, 1842, p. 4. Editions: 1833, 1836, 1841, 1843(2), 1847(5). Holdings: HHS, HMCS, M, PS, YU


1841 219

Ka I hope no ka helunaau: I oia na ui I e hanaia'i ma ka papapohaku. I Na Warren Colburn. I Oahu: / Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. / 1841. I 188 p.

14 x 8 cm.

The sequel to the intellectual arithmetic: problems to be worked out on the slate. By Warren Colburn. Oahu: Mission Press. 1841. 6,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1842, p. 4. Editions: 1835, 1841, 1845. Holdings: FLP, HHS (2), HMCS (2), LC, PS, T, UH


Ka I hulikanaka. I ... I Na Limaikaika i kakau. I Honolulu, Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1841. I iv, 215 p.

1 8 x 1 1 cm.

The search into man... Written by Armstrong. Honolulu, Oahu: Mission Press. 1841. 2,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1842, p. 4. Parts of this work were printed at Lahainaluna: SIM Ex, 1840, p. 6, 1841, p. 5. Based on F. Wayland's Moral philosophy: cf. Foreword. Editions: 1841, 1847, n.d. Title variations: 1841, Ka hulikanaka; 1847, n.d., Ka wehewehehala. Holdings: HHS (6), HMCS (3), SH, W, YU


Ke I Kauoha Hou I a I ko kakou Haku e Ola'i, I a Iesu Kristo: I oia ka I olelo hemolele no ke ola, I a na lunaolelo i kakau ai. I Ua unuhiia, mai ka olelo Helene. I Ua paiia na ko Amerika Poe i huiia e hoolaha i ka Baibala. I Honolulu: I Ka na Misionari Mea Pai. I 1841. I 423 p.

1 9 x 1 1 cm.

The New Testament of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ: this is the sacred word of life, written by the apostles. Translated, from the Greek. Printed for the American Bible Society. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1841. On verso of title page: < K e kolu o ka pai a n a . > (The 3rd printing)


1841 Various translators. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1842, p. 4. Editions: 1835, 1837, 1841, 1843 (2), 1849, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1868, 1869, 1871 (2), 1884. Holdings: AAS, HHS, T, UH, W 222

He mau I haawina I no I ka olelo Beretania. I Lahainaluna: I Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kulanui. I 1841. I 40 p.

14 x 11 cm.

A few lessons in English. Lahainaluna: Press of the High School. 1841. By L. Andrews: Dibble, p. 417. 200 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 6. Editions: 1841, 1844. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, HarU 223

Ka I mooolelo I no ka I ekalesia o Iesu Kristo, I ko kakou Haku e Ola'i; I mai ka wa o ko Iesu hanau ana mai a hiki I loa mai i keia wa e noho nei kakou, I i ka makahiki o ka Haku 1841 ... I Lahainaluna. / Paiia ma ka Mea Paipalapala o ke Kulanui. I 1841. I 340, [1] p.

18 x 10.5 cm.

History of the church of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior; from the time of the birth of Jesus till the times we live in, in the year of the Lord 1841 ... Lahainaluna. Press of the High School. 1841. By J. Green: SIM Ex, 1831, p. 7. 2,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 6. Editions: 1835, 1841, 1861, 1863. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (3), MU, N, SH (2), T (lacks p. [1] ), UH, W (2, 1 lacks p. [1] ), YU 224

Na haiao I i kakauia e na misionari I ma I Hawaii nei. I ... I Honolulu: I Na na Misionari Mea Pai. I 1841. I iv, 297 p.

1 8 x 1 1 cm.

Sermons written by the missionaries in Hawaii ... Honolulu: Mission Press. 1841.


1841 5,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1842, p. 4. Holdings: AAS, AIM, AP, BM (2), GF, HHS (2), HMCS (10), HarU (2), LC, M, MU, N, PS, S, SH, T, UH, W 225

Na I olelo-pule I no ka poe Kiritiano I o ko Havaii Pae Aina. I He pono ke pule mau, I aole e hoonavalivali. I Ex Typis Catholicis Migne, I in vico dicto Montrouge, Juxta Portam Inferni Parisiorum, I Gallicè: près la barrière d'Enfer de Paris. / 1841. / 88 p.

1 3 x 9 cm.

Prayers for the Christians of the Hawaiian Archipelago. It is right to pray steadfastly, not faintheartedly. Ex Typis Catholicis Migne, in vico dicto Montrouge, Juxta Portam Inferni Parisiorum, Gallicè; près la barrière d'Enfer de Paris. 1841. Probably prepared by A. Bachelot: Yzendoorn, 9. Holdings: AAS, HMCS, W 226

He / ninau ma ke ao / ana Kiritiano, / i hooponopono hou ia ma / kekahi vahi. / Na Aleki Bakelo i kakau. / Ex Typis Catholicis Migne, / in vico dicto Montrouge, juxta Portam Inferni Parisiorum, / Gallicè: près la barrière d'Enfer de Paris. / 1841. / cover title, 56 p.

14 x 10 cm.

A question on the Christian doctrine, corrected in some places. Written by Alexis Bachelot. Ex Typis Catholicis Migne, in vico dicto Montrouge, juxta Portam Inferni Parisiorum, Gallicè: près la barrière d'Enfer de Paris. 1841. Editions: 1831, 1841. Title variations: 1831, He olelo hoonaau ao i ke kanaka i ka ke Akua; 1841, He ninau ma ke ao ana Kiritiano. Holdings: AAS, HMCS (2), W 227

He / ninauhoike / no / na kakerema ahiku / na Aleki Bakelo i kakau, / a i hooponopono hou ia ma kekahi vahi. / [eut] / Ex Typis Catholicis Migne, / in vico dicto Montrouge, juxta Portam Inferni Parisiorum, / Gallicè: près la barrière d'Enfer de Paris. / 1841. / 48 p.

1 3 x 9 cm.


1841 Catechism of the seven sacraments written by Alexis Bachelot, and again corrected in some places, [cut] Ex Typis Catholicis Migne, in vico dicto Montrouge, juxta Portam Inferni Parisiorum, Gallicè: près la barrière d'Enfer de Paris. 1841. Holdings: AAS, HMCS, N, W


0 ka / hulipoepoe; I he mea ia e ao ai i kekahi ano o I ka honua nei, a ma na mea I i ikea mai ma ke aouli. I Paiia no ke Kulanui. I Lahainaluna: I 1841. I 80 p.

13 x 11 cm.

The globe; it is something for teaching about this earth, and some things seen in the sky. Printed for the High School. Lahainaluna: 1841. Keith's Study of the globes, trans, by L. Andrews: Dibble, p. 417. 200 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1842, p. 6. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (2), LHM, PC, W


0 ka I mane lani, I ka ai na ka uhane: I he pule, a he olelo hoopomaikai no keia la no kela I la o ka makahiki, i houluuluia mai o I ka Palapala Hemolele a I ke Akua. / [cut] Hoolahaia'i e ka A. T. Socaieti. I Honolulu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1841. I 6 9 p.

14 x 8 cm.

The heavenly manna, the food of the soul: a prayer, and a blessing for every day in the year, gathered from God's Holy Writ, [cut] Distributed by the A. [merican] T. [ract] Society. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1841. By H. Bingham: Hawaiian Mission Children's Society has MS forwarded from Tahiti to Honolulu in 1840 by Bingham, he having given it final revision on the passage from Honolulu to Tahiti on way to the United States. 15,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 4. Holdings: AAS, AN, BM (5), D (2), GF, HHS (2), HMCS (26), HarU (2), LHM, M, MU, N, PC, PS (2), SH, UH (5), W


1841 230

He olelo I no ka hooponopono ana I i na I ekalesia lunakahiko I ma ko Hawaii Nei Pae Aina. I Ua hooiaia mai keia olelo no ka hooponopono ana i na eka- I lesia lunahakiho ma ko Hawaii Nei Pae Aina, e ka ahaole- I lolunakahiko o Kauai, Feberuari, 1841. I [Honolulu, Mission Press, 1841?] caption title, 20 p.

18 x 11 cm.

A word concerning the regulation of the church elders in the Hawaiian Archipelago. As approved by the conference of church elders of the Hawaiian Archipelago, in their meeting on Kauai, February, 1841. [Honolulu, Mission Press, 1841?] 200 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1842, p. 4. 1841 edition was for Presbyterians, later editions were for Congregationalists: cf. pref., 1887 ed. p. [4]. Editions: 1841, 1866, 1868, 1887. Title variations: 1841, He olelo no ka hooponopono ana i na ekalesia lunakahiko ma ko Hawaii Nei Pae Aina; 1866, K a buke lawe lima a ke kahuekalesia; 1868, He buke lawe lima no na kahu-ekalesia; 1887, K a buke lawe lima o ke kahuekalesia. Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS (2), LC, PS, T, W


K a palapala a Binamu i kona mau hoaaloha, I ma ko Hawaii Pae Aina. I Nu Ioka Maraki 26. 1841. I [Oahu, Mission Press, 1841] caption title, 4 p.

21 x 12.5 cm.

A letter of Bingham to his friends, in the Hawaiian Archipelago. New York March 26. 1841. [Oahu, Mission Press, 1841] Holdings: HHS, HMCS (4), W


K a pono I o ka I malama keiki i bapetisoia, I no ka Haku. I [Colophon: Honolulu: Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. 1841. Ed. 5000.] caption title, l i p .

18.5 x 11.5 cm.

The duty of having children baptized, for the Lord. [Colophon: Honolulu: Mission Press. 1841. Ed. 5000.] Holdings: HHS (4), HMCS (2), LC, N, PS, T


1841 233

He I ui I e hoakaka'na i na mea e I manaoioia'ai [sic] I ma ka ekalesia o Iesu Kristo; I a me I na pauku ma ka olelo a ke Akua I e hoike mai i na mea I i kakauia maanei. I Pela e naauao ai ka poe i bapetizoia I iloko o ko Iesu inoa. I ... I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1841. / 31 p.

1 3 . 5 x 8 . 5 cm.

A catechism explaining the things which are believed by the church of Jesus Christ; and verses from the word of God showing the things therein written. Thus are instructed the people who are baptized in the name of Jesus ... Oahu: Mission Press. 1841. By C. Forbes: SIM Ex, 1840, P. 24: 6,500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1842, p. 4. Editions: 1841, 1842. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (2), N 234

... I He vahi hoike / Katolika. I ... I Honolulu I Oahu I Pai Palapala Katolika I 1841. I 40 p.

17 x 12 cm.

... An explanation of the Catholic religion... Honolulu Oahu Catholic Press 1841. At head of title: V.C.J.S. By L. Maigret: Yzendoorn, 11. 2,000 copies printed: Yzendoorn Hist., p. 193. Editions: 1841, 1850, 1887. Holdings: AAS, HHS, HMCS (2), N, UH (lacks p. 33-40), W 235

He wahi I hoikepope. I Na Limaikaika i kakau. I [Honolulu, Mission Press, 1841] caption title, 23 p.

1 8 x 1 0 . 5 cm.

Popery exposed. Written by Armstrong. [Honolulu, Mission Press, 1841] Imprint: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 4. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1841, p. 4. Editions: 1841, 1867. Title variations: 1841, He wahi hoikepope; 1867, He hoike pope. ^ Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS (4), LC, PS, T, UH (3), W




W t. c , J. F




l i f D M M ,

£t maJcaulau lit at oulcou e hootuctnpopo akti t k.d poe e ni nan mai ia vukou i ke kumu v ka lana ana a Jco o&kou ntanao.

1 JPti.


( ; ) kikokoma. ( : ) kolona. ( . ) kikokahi. ( ? ) kikoninau. ( ! ) kikopuiwa. ( — ) kahamaha. ('- ) kikomoe. ( " - " ) kaunakoma. ( ' ) komaluna. ( ) apowaena.

[ ] kahaapo. S C y limakubi. j




* t I I ! § he mau kabakubi. § palena. A\ puumana. —• kahalalo.

The first page of the two editions of Ao Kiko, 1843 (left) and 1844 (above). Note the minor differences, especially the pointing finger and cuff. (Entries 252, 268)

1843 254

He I helu kamalii, I oia ka mea I e ao aku ai i na keiki, I ma na ui I ao mua o ke aritemetika. I I unuhiia mai loko ae o ke aritemetika I a Wiliama Fowle. I Ke ono o ke pai ana. I Honolulu: I Mea Pai Palapala na na Misionari. I 1843. I 48 p.

14 x 7.5 cm.

A child's arithmetic, this teaches the children, the first problems of the arithmetic. Translated from the arithmetic of William Fowle. 6th ed. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1843. Trans, by A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 416. 12,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1844, p. 5. Editions: 1832, 1833, 1837, 1838 (2), 1840, 1843, 1847, 1853, 1859. Holdings: AAS, HMCS, T 255

He / helunaau, I he mea I e maa'i ke kanaka, I i ka / helu i na mea a pau I ma ka / noonoo wale no. I Na olelo ao mua keia a Warren Colburn. I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1843. I 95 p.

15 x 8 cm.

An intellectual arithmetic, teaching man, to calculate everything by thinking only. These are the first lessons by Warren Colburn. Oahu: Mission Press. 1843. Trans, by A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 416. 12,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1844, p. 5. Editions: 1833, 1836, 1841, 1843(2), 1847(5). Holdings: HHS, UH 256

He I helunaau, I he mea I e maa'i ke kanaka, I i ka I helu i na mea a pau I ma ka I noonoo wale no. I Na olelo ao mua kaia a Warren Colburn. I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1843. I 186 p.

14 x 8 cm.

An intellectual arithmetic, teaching man, to calculate everything by thinking only. These are the first lessons by Warren Colburn. Oahu: Mission Press. 1843. Trans, by A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 416. Editions: 1833, 1836, 1841, 1843 (2), 1847 (5). Holdings: BM, HMCS, SH, UH


1843 257

Ke I Kauoha Hou / a I ko kakou Haku e Ola'i I a Iesu Kristo: I oia ka / olelo hemolele no ke ola, I a na lunaolelo i kakau ai. I Ua unuhiia, mai ka olelo Helene. I Ua paiia no ko Amerika Poe i huiia e Hoolaha i ka Baibala. / Honolulu: I Ka na Misionari Mea i Pai. / 1843. I 501 p.

1 9 x 1 1 . 5 cm.

The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: this is the sacred word of life, written by the apostles. Translated, from the Greek. Printed for the American Bible Society. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1843. On verso of t.p.: < K a ha o ka pai a n a > (4th printing). Various translators. Editions: 1835, 1837, 1841, 1843(2), 1849, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1868, 1869, 1871 (2), 1884. Holdings: BM, HMCS, HarU, W 258

Ke I Kauoha Hou I a ko kakou Haku e Ola'i I a Iesu Kristo I oia ka I olelo hemolele no ke ola, I a na lunaolelo i kakau ai. I Ua unuhiia, mai ka olelo Helene. I Ua paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala. I Honolulu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1843. I [2], 1131-1451 p.

2 3 . 5 x 1 4 cm.

The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: this is the sacred word of life, written by the apostles. Translated, from the Greek. Printed for the American Bible Society. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1843. Various translators. 2,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1844, p. 5. Editions: 1835, 1837, 1841, 1843(2), 1849, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1868, 1869, 1871 (2), 1884. Holdings: CSSC, HHS (3), HMCS (2), HarU, LH, UH, W 259

Kumulua. I [cut] I Honolulu, Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1843. I 32 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

14.5 x 11.5 cm.

Second teacher, [cut] Honolulu, Oahu: Mission Press. 1843. 12,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1844, p. 5. Editions: 1843, 1848. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (4), LC, LH, M, N, T, W


1843 260

Kumumua. I [cut] Honolulu, Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1843. I 16 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

16.5 x 12.5 cm.

First teacher, [cut] Honolulu, Oahu: Mission Press. 1843. Trans, by J. Emerson: Dibble, p. 417. 12,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1843, p. 5. Editions: 1843, 1844, 1846. Holdings: AAS, HMCS (2), N, S 261

Ka I manaoio I a me ka / berita I a ka I ekalesia. I Ke kolu o ke pai ana.—10,000. I Honolulu: I [Mission Press] I 1843. I 14 p.

1 1 . 5 x 8 cm. -

The faith and the covenant of the church. 3d ed.—10,000. Honolulu: [Mission Press]1843. Editions: 1838, 1839, 1843. Holdings: BM (2), HHS, HMCS (3), LC (2), N, PS, T 262

Na haawina mua I o ka I hoailona helu, I a me I ka anahonua, I ka anahuinakolu, I ka ana aina, I a me ke kumu holoholomoku. Lahainaluna. I [Press of the High School] 1843 /.' 1 p. 1., 158, 122, 45 p. 24 x 14 cm.

illus. (inc. tables), 7 plates.

First lessons in algebra, and geometry, trigonometry, surveying, and the principles of navigation. Lahainaluna. [Press of the High School] 1843 Algebra by E. Bailey, trans, by A. Bishop (158 p.): Dibble, p. 418. Geometry, teaching the principles of surveying and of navigation, by L. Andrews (122 p.): Windley, L. 5. 1,000 copies printed: Windley, L. 114. O na mole o ke anahonua (About the roots of geometry), by A. M Legendre often -bound in. Holdings: AAS (lacks 122, 45 p.), AP (lacks 122, 45 p.), HHS (2), HMCS (3), HarU, LH, MU, N (lacks 122, 45 p.), S, SH, UH (lacks 122, 45 p.), W 263

O ke I kokua I no ko I Hawaii poe kamalii I e ao ana i / ka olelo Beritania. I Lahainaluna: I Mea Pai Palapala no ke Kulanui. I 1843. I


1843 104 p.

1 4 x 1 1 . 5 cm.

The asistant for Hawaiian youths in learning the English language. Lahainaluna: Press of the High School. 1843. By L. Andrews: Windley, L. 111. 400 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1844, p. 5. Holdings: FLP, GF HHS, HMCS (2), HarU, LC, N, PM, T, V, W 264

0 na mole l e i ke anahonua. I A. M. Legendre i unuhiia. I Lahainaluna. I [Press of the High School]1843. I 108 p. diagms.

23 x 14 cm.

About the roots of geometry. A. M. Legendre translated. Lahainaluna. [Press of the High School] 1843. Trans, by W. P. Alexander: Alexander, p. 505. 1,500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1844, p. 5. Often bound with Na haawina mua o ka hoailona (First lessons in algebra). Holdings: AAS, AP, BM (lacks p. 97-108), FLP, HHS (3), HMCS (3), HarU, LH, MU, N, PS, S, SH, UH, W, YU 265

Ka I Palapala Hemolele I a Iehova ko kakou Akua I o ke Kauoha Kahiko I a me ke Kauoha Hou I i unuhiia mailoko mai I o na olelo kahiko. / Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala. I Oahu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. / 1843. I [2d title, p. 1129:] Ke I Kauoha Hou I a ko kakou Haku e Ola'i I a Iesu » Kristo I oia ka I olelo hemolele no ke ola,* I a na lunaolelo i kakau ai. I Ua unuhiia, mai ka olelo Helene. I Ua paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala. I Honolulu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1843. I 1451 p.

24.5 x 14 cm.

The Holy Scriptures of Jehovah our God the Old Testament and the New Testament translated from the ancient languages. Printed for the American Bible Society. Oahu: Mission Press. 1843. [2d title] The New Testment of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ this is the sacred word of life, written by the apostles. Translated, from the Greek. Printed for the American Bible Society. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1843. Various translators. On verso of first p.: < K a lua o ke pai a n a . > (The second printing.)


1843 10,000 copies printed: HEA, 1866/67, p. 11. Editions: 1843 (2). Holdings: AAS, AN, BM (2), BY, HHS, HMCS (5), HarU, K, M, N, PS, SH, SI, T, UH 266

Ka / Palapala Hemolele / a Iehova ko kakou Akua / o ke / Kauoha Kahiko a me ke Kauoha Hou; / i unuhiia mailoko mai / o na olelo kahiko. / Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala. / Honolulu, Oahu: / Mea Paipalapala na na Misionari. / 1843. / [2d title, p. 1129:] Ke / Kauoha Hou / a ko kakou Haku e Ola'i / a Iesu Kristo / oia ka / olelo hemolele no ke ola, / a na lunaolelo i kakau ai. / Ua unuhiia, mai ka olelo / Helene. / Ua paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala. / Honolulu: / Na na Misionari i Pai. / 1843. / 1451 p.

27.5 x 21 cm.

The Holy Scriptures of Jehovah our God the Old Testament and the New Testament; translated from the ancient languages. Printed for the American Bible Society. Honolulu, Oahu: Mission Press. 1843. [2d title] The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ this is the sacred word of life, written by the apostles. Translated, from the Greek. Printed for the American Bible Society. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1843. Various translators. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1843, p. 5. On verso of t.p.: (The third printing.) Editions: 1843 (2) Holdings: AN, BM (2), GF, HHS, HMCS (5), PC 267

[Palapala hoikemanawa. Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1843] 6 charts, 3 p.

31 x 3.5 cm.

[Chronological documents. Lahainaluna, Press of the High School, 1843] Six biblical chronologies followed by three pages of "He Mau Ninau" or questions. Some charts hand colored. Imprint: Dibble, p. 418. 1,500 copies printed: Ballou, 400. Holdings: AH (2), GF, HHS, HMCS (10), HarU, LHM, MU, PC, PS, T, W



1844 268

Ao kiko; I oia ke ao ana i ke kau ana i na / kiko, a me ka hookomo ana i I na hua nui ma ka olelo. I [Honolulu, Mission Press, 1844?] caption title, 24 p.

20 x 12.5 cm.

Treatise on punctuation; instruction as to punctuation, and insertions of capital letters in the language. [Honolulu, Mission Press, 1844?] As reported in Extracts from the Minutes of the General Meeting of the Sandwich Islands Mission, held at Honolulu, May and June 1843, p. 6., 1944, p. 5, and 1848, p. 20, the following editions were published: 1843, 200 copies at Lahainaluna 1844, 2,000 copies on Oahu 1846 or 7, 10,000 copies on Oahu. The obvious distinction between the Lahainaluna and Oahu editions is the sketch of a pointing hand on p. 1. The Lahainaluna hand has an oval line representing a cuff. The Oahu cuff is represented by several horizontal lines. The 1844 edition has a misprint on p. 9, line 1, " P L I I " for " P I L I " . The 1846 or 7 edition corrects this and has small differences in punctuation and line endings. Holdings: AH, BM (8), D, HHS (7), HMCS (9), HarU, LC, LMH (2), PS, SH, T (2), UH, W 269

Ke I ao spela; I he I palapala ia e ao aku / ai i na kamalii I [cut] I i ka mahele pono ana o na hua- I olelo, a me ka hai pololei I ana o na hua. I Honolulu, Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1844. I 46 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

18 x 12 cm.

The speller; a book to teach children [cut] in the division of words, and in the correct pronunciation of words. Honolulu, Oahu: Mission Press. 1844. By E. Johnson: SIM Ex, 1844, p. 24. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1846, p. 13. Holdings: BM, HHS (3), HMCS (4), N, T, UH, W 270

Kumu kahiko. I [Honolulu, Mission Press, 1844] caption title, 32 p.

17.5 x 10.5 cm.

Foreign teacher. [Honolulu, Mission Press, 1844] Imprint: SIM Ex, 1844, p. 5.


1844 By L. Andrews: Anderson, p. 397. 1,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1844, p. 5. Editions: 1837, 1844. Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS, PS 271

Kumumua. I [cut] I Honolulu, Oahu: / Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1844. I 16 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

1 4 x 1 1 . 5 cm.

Primer, [cut] Honolulu, Oahu: Mission Press. 1844. Trans, by H. Bingham: Anderson, p. 391. 12,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1846, p. 13. Editions: 1843, 1844, 1846. Holdings: BM, HHS, PC 272

Ka lira Hawaii: I he I mau leomele I no na I ekalesia o Hawaii nei. / Honolulu, Oahu: I Mea Paipalapala a na Misonari. I 1844. / 72 p.

14 x 24 cm.


The lyrics of Hawaii: a selection of songs for the church of Hawaii. Honolulu, Oahu: Mission Press. 1844. By E. Hall, R. Armstrong, A. Bishop, L. Smith, and L. Lyons: SIM Ex, 1844, p. 24. 4,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1846, p. 13. Editions: 1844, 1848, 1855 (2), n.d. Holdings: AAS, AH, BM (4 p. of chants at end), HHS (2), HMCS (5), PS (3) 273

He mau / haawina I no ka I olelo Beritania. I Ka lua o ka pai ana. I Honolulu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. / 1844 I 36 p.

17 x 10.5 cm.

A few lessons in English. 2d ed. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1844 By L. Andrews: Dibble, p. 417. Editions: 1841, 1844. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (8), HarU, N, PS, T, W


1844 274

Na / palapala aina, / a me na I niele e pili ana. I [Left hand column:] Ka poepoe. / Hawaii. / Amerika Akau. I Amerika Hema. / [Right hand column:] Amerika Huipuia. / Europa. / Asia. I Aferika. / [cut] I Honolulu, Oahu: / Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1844. I 5 p., 8 maps, (incl. 3 double, partly hand-col.)

29 x 24 cm.

Maps, and some question concerning them. [Left hand column:] The sphere. Hawaii. North America. South America. [Right hand column:] United States of America. Europe. Asia. Africa, [cut] Honolulu, Oahu: Mission Press. 1844. Holdings: HMCS, PS 275

0 ke I kumumua I na na kamalii. I He palapala e ao aku ai i na kamalii I ike ole i ka I heluhelu palapala. I Ka lima o ke pai ana. / Honolulu, Oahu: / Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1844. I 32 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

14.5 x 10.5 cm.

First lesson for children. A book teaching the children who do not know how to read books. 5th ed. Honolulu, Oahu: Mission Press. 1844. By J. Emerson: Dibble, p. 417. 12,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1846, p. 13. Editions: 1835, 1837 (2), 1840, 1944. Holdings: M 276

[School atlas. Lahainaluna, 1844] 8 hand col. engr. maps (incl. 2 double)

21 x 2 4 cm.

On cover of Hawaiian Mission Children's Society copy in Lorrin Andrews' handwriting: School Atlass [sic] copied from the Boston School Atlas by Kapohone at Lahainaluna in 1844 at an Expense of $75.00. Forty copies only were printed, then the plates were sold for Old Copper. L. Andrews. Holdings: HMCS


1845 1845 277

He I hoakakaolelo I no na I huaolelo Beritania, I i mea kokua i I na kanaka Hawaii I e ao ana ia olelo. I Lahainaluna: I Mea Pai Palapala o ke Kulanui. I 1845. I x, 184 p.

23 x 14 cm.

A dictionary of English words, something to assist the men of Hawaii in learning that language. Lahainaluna: Press of the High School. 1845. By J. Emerson and A Bishop: cf. pref. 600 copies printed: Windley, L.117. Holdings: AAS, AIM, BM (3), D (2), GF, HHS (2), HMCS (6), HarU, LH, M (2), MU (2), N, PC, PM, PS, S, T, UH (2), V, W 278

He / hoikehonua, I he mea ia e hoakaka'i i / ke ano o ka honua nei, / a me na mea / maluna iho. / [cut] / Ua unuhiia noloko mai o ka hoikehonua a W. C. Woodbridge. / ... / Oahu: / Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionan. / 1845. / vii, [6], 8-197 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

17.5 x 11.5 cm.

A geography, something describing the form of the earth, and things on it. [cut] Translated from the geography of W. C. Woodbridge ... Oahu: Mission Press. 1845. Trans, by S. Whitney: Dibble, p. 417. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1846, p. 13. Editions: 1832, 1836, 1845. Holdings: AAS, AP, BM (4), D, GF (2), HHS, HMCS (4), HarU (3), LC, LH, LHM, M, N, S, SH, UH (2), V, W 279

K a I hope no I ka helunaau. I Oia na ui I e kakauia'i ma I ka I papapohaku. I Na Warren Colburn. / I unuhiia e Bihopa. I Oahu: I Na na Misionan i Pai. I 1845. I 4, 116 p.

2 1 x 1 3 cm.

The sequel to the intellectual arithmetic. Problems to be written out on slate. By Warren Colburn. Translated by Bishop. Oahu: Mission Press. 1845. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1846, p. 13. Editions: 1835, 1841, 1845. Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS (2), LC (2), N, S, SH, T



1846 280

Ao kiko; I oia ke ao ana i ke kau ana i na / kiko, a me ka hookomo ana i I na hua nui ma ka olelo. I [Honolulu, Mission Press, 1846 or 7?] caption title, 24 p.

17.5 x 11.5 cm.

Treatise on punctuation; instruction as to punctuation, and insertion of capital letters in the language. [Honolulu, Mission Press, 1846 or 7?] As reported in Extracts from the Minutes of the General Meeting of the Sandwich Islands Mission, held at Honolulu, May and June 1843, p. 6., 1844, p. 5, and 1848, p. 20, the following editions were published: 1843, 200 copies at Lahainaluna 1844, 2,000 copies on Oahu 1846 or 7, 10,000 copies on Oahu. The obvious distinction between the Lahainaluna and Oahu editions is the sketch of a pointing hand on p. 1. The Lahainaluna hand has an oval line representing a cuff. The Oahu cuff is represented by several horizontal lines. The 1844 edition has a misprint on p. 9, line 1, " P L I I " for " P I L I " . The 1846 or 7 edition corrects this and has small differences in punctuation and line endings. Holdings: HMCS 281

Ka I hoailona helu. I E. Bailey, i unuhiia e Mi Bihopa. / Lahainaluna; I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1846. I 158 p.

23 x 13 cm.

Algebra. E. Bailey, translated by Mr. Bishop. Lahainaluna; Press of the Missionaries. 1846. Holdings: HHS, HMCS 282

Kumumua. I [cut] I Honolulu. I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1846 I 16 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

14 x 10.5 cm.

Primer, [cut] Honolulu. Mission Press. 1846 Trans, by J . Emerson: Dibble, p. 417. 12,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1846, p. 13. Editions: 1843, 1844, 1846. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (3), PC, PS



1847 283

He I helu kamalii, I oia ka mea I e ao aku ai i na keiki, I ma na ui I ao mua o ke aritemetika. I I unuhiia mai loko ae o ke aritemetika I a Wiliama Fowle. I Ka hiku o ke pai ana. I Honolulu: I Mea Pai Palapala na na Misionari. I 1847. I 48 p.

14 x 7.5 cm.

A child's arithmetic, this teaches the children, the first problems of the arithmetic. Translated from the arithmetic of William Fowle. 7th ed. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1847. Trans, by A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 416. 15,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1848, p. 20. Editions: 1832, 1833, 1837, 1838(2), 1840, 1843, 1847, 1853, 1859. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (5), LC (2), M, N, S, W 284

He I helunaau, I he mea I e maa'i ke kanaka, I i ka I helu i na mea a pau / ma ka noonoo wale no. I Na olelo ao mua keia a Warren Colburn. I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1847. I 24 p.

1 3 x 8 cm.

An intellectual arithmetic, teaching man, to calculate everything by thinking only. These are the first lessons by Warren Colburn. Oahu: Mission Press. 1847. Trans, by A. Bishop: HMCS, p. 47. Editions: 1833, 1836, 1841, 1843(2), 1847(5). Holdings: HMCS 285

He I helunaau, I he mea / e maa'i ke kanaka, I i ka I helu i na mea a pau I ma ka I noonoo wale no. I Na olelo ao mua keia a Warren Colburn. I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1847. I 48 p.

1 3 x 8 cm.

An intellectual arithmetic, teaching man, to calculate everything by thinking only. These are the first lessons by Warren Colburn. Oahu: Mission Press. 1847. Trans, by A. Bishop: HMCS, p. 47. 15,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1848, p. 20. Editions: 1833, 1836, 1841, 1843(2), 1847(5). Holdings: PC, UH, W


1847 286

He / helunaau, I he mea I e maa'i ke kanaka, I i ka I helu i na mea a pau I ma ka / noonoo wale no. I Na olelo ao mua keia a Warren Colburn. I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1847. / 120 p.

1 3 x 8 cm.

An intellectual arithmetic, teaching man, to calculate everything by thinking only. These are the first lessons by Warren Colburn. Oahu: Mission Press. 1847. Trans, by A. Bishop: HMCS, p. 47. Editions: 1833, 1836, 1841, 1843(2), 1847(5). Holdings: HHS, HMCS, LH


He I helunaau, I he mea I e maa'i ke kanaka, I i ka I helu i na mea a pau I ma ka I noonoo wale no. I Na olelo ao mua keia a Warren Colburn. I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1847. I 144 p.

1 3 x 8 cm.

An intellectual arithmetic, teaching man, to calculate everything by thinking only. These are the first lessons by Warren Colburn. Oahu: Mission Press. 1847. Trans, by A. Bishop: HMCS, p. 47. Editions: 1833, 1836, 1841, 1843 (2), 1847 (5). Holdings: HHS


He I helunaau, I he mea I e maa'i ke kanaka, I i ka I helu i na mea a pau I ma ka I noonoo wale no. I Na olelo ao mua keia a Warren Colburn. I Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1847. I 192 p.

1 3 x 8 cm.

An intellectual arithmetic, teaching man, to calculate everything by thinking only. These are the first lessons by Warren Colburn. Oahu: Mission Press. 1847. Trans, by A. Bishop: HMCS, p. 47. Editions: 1833, 1836, 1841, 1843(2), 1847(5). Holdings: BM (2), HHS, HMCS (3), HarU (3), N, PC, PS (2), SH, UH 105

1847 289

Na I himeni hoolea. / He mau I mele ma ka uhane, I e hoolea ai I na kanaka, na keiki, na ohana, na ekalesia, I ia Iehova, I ke Akua e ola'i. I Honolulu: I K a na Misionari Mea Pai. I 1847. I vii, [9]-263, [1] p.

13.5 x 7.5 cm.

Hymns of praise. Spiritual songs, for men, children, families, churches, to praise Jehovah, the eternal God. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1847. Trans, by H. Bingham and others: Dibble, p. 417. 15,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1848, p. 20. Editions: 1837, 1839, 1847, 1855, 1859, 1864, 1867. Holdings: AAS, AN BM (2), GF (3), HHS, HMCS (2), HarU (2), LH, LHM, M, N, PC, SH, SI, T, UH, V, W 290

... I 0 ka livere mua o ka I Hahai ana mamuli I o Jetu Kirito I i unuhiia no ka poe Kotolika I o Havaii. / [cut] I Valaparaito: I Pai Palapala o ko Europa. I Novemapa, 1847. I 64 p.

15 x 10 cm.

...The first book of the Imitation of Jesus Christ translated for the Catholics of Hawaii, [cut] Valparaiso: Press of the Europeans. November, 1847. At head of title: V.C.J.S. Trans, by L. Maigret: Yzendoorn, 18. Editions: 1847 (1st book), 1886. Title variations: 1847, ... 0 ka livere mua o ka Hahai ana mamuli o Jetu Kirito; 1886, Hahai ana mamuli o Jetu Kirito. Holdings: AIM, CSSC, HMCS (2, 1 lacks t.p.), M, N, T, W 291

... I 0 na I oihana e pili ana I i ka I hoolaa ana i I ka epikopo. I [cut] I Valaparaito: I Pai Palapala o ko Europa. I 1847. I 31 p.

1 3 x 1 0 cm.

...The ceremonies which take place at the consecration of a bishop, [cut] Valparaiso: Press of the Europeans. 1847. At head of title: V.C.J.S. By L. Maigret: Yzendoorn, 17. Holdings: AIM, CSSC, HMCS (2), M, T (3)


1847 292

... I He I vahi katekimo I a me I ke kahi mau pule I Katolika. I [cut] / Honolulu, Pai Palapala Katolika, 1847. I 126 p.

13 x 9 cm.

... A catechism and some Catholic prayers, [cut] Honolulu, Catholic Press, 1847. At head of title: V.C.J.S. Editions: 1842, 1847. Title variations: 1842, ... He vahi katekimo a me kekahi mau pule i heluheluia'i e ka poe Katolika o keia pae aina; 1847, ... He vahi katekimo a me ke kahi mau pule Katolika. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS, N


... I Vahi katekimo I mooolelo I i maheleia i na apaña elua, I ka epitome I o ka mooolelo hemolele I a me ka epitome I o ke ao Kiritiano. I [cut] I Honolulu. I Pai Palapala Katolika / 1847. I 1 p.l., 126 p.

1 3 x 9 cm.

... A historical catechism divided into two parts, the epitome of sacred history and the epitome of Christian doctrine. [cut] Honolulu. Catholic Press 1847. At head of title: V.C.J.S. Editions: 1847, 1848. Holdings: AAS, AIM, CSSC, HMCS (3), N, SH (3), T (2), UH, W


He /wahi mooolelo I no I Batimea Puaaiki, I no Wailuku, Maui. I Na J. S. Gelina, i kakau. I Honolulu, Oahu; I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1847. 59 p.

17 x 12 cm.

Memoir of Bartimeus Puaaiki, of Wailuku, Maui. Written by J. S. Green. Honolulu, Oahu; Mission Press. 1847. 5,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 184«, p. 20. Editions: 1847, 1865. Holdings: AN, CCH, D, HHS, HMCS (4), HarU (2>, LC, M (2), N, PC, T, UH (2), W


1847 295

Ka I wehewehehala, / oia hoi ka I hulikanaka. I Na Limaikaika i kakau I na laua me Dibela e hooponopono hou. I Honolulu, Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1847. I 208 p.

1 8 x 1 1 cm.

The remission of sins, that is the moral philosophy. Written by Armstrong nearly finished by Dibble and revised again. Honolulu, Oahu: Mission Press, 1847. 7,000 copies printed: HEA, 1863/64, p. 24. Based on Francis Wayland's Moral philosophy: cf. Foreword, 1841 ed. Editions: 1841, 1847, n.d. Title variations: 1841, Ka hulikanaka; 1847, n.d., Ka wehewehehala. Holdings: AAS, AH (2, 1 lacks t.p.), AIM, AP, BM (9), D, GF (2), HHS, HMCS (14), HarU (3), LC, LH, LHM, M (2), N, PC, PS (2), SH, T (2), UH (4), W

1848 296

Kumulua. I [cut] I Honolulu, Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. / 1848. / 32 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

1 4 . 5 x 1 1 . 5 cm.

Second primer, [cut] Honolulu, Oahu: Mission Press. 1848. Colophon: (Second ed. 5,000 copies; first ed. 10,000.) Editions: 1843, 1848. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS, N 297

Ka lira Hawaii: I he / mau leomele I no na I ekalesia 0 Hawaii nei. I Honolulu, Oahu: I Mea Paipalapala a na Misionari. I 1848.I 95, [9] p.


16 x 25 cm.

The harp of Hawaii: a selection of songs for the churches of Hawaii. Honolulu, Oahu: Mission Press. 1848. Last p. incorrectly numbered 108. 12,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1849, p. 18. Editions: 1844, 1848, 1855 (2), n.d. Holdings: AAS, AH, AN, AP, BM (3), GF (2), HHS (2), HMCS (10), HarU, LHM, M, MU, N, P, PC, PS, T, UH, W, YU


1848 298

... I 0 na I hooluolu I a me ka I jupile. I Honolulu I Pai Palapala Katolika. I 1848. I 45 p.

13 x 9 cm.

... Feast days and the jubilee. Honolulu Catholic Press. 1848. At head of title: V.C.J.S. Trans, by L. Maigret: Yzendoorn, 21. Holdings: AIM, HMCS (2), LC, SH


0 na I mea o ka manaoia I o ko I Kaluaaha ekalesia, I a me ka berita. I Honolulu, Oahu; I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1848. / 12 p.

13.5 x 9 cm.

Articles of faith of Kaluaaha church, and the covenant. Honolulu, Oahu; Mission Press. 1848. Holdings: HMCS (2)


He I olelo no ko ke Akua ano, I a me na mea I ana i kauoha mai ai i kanaka: I i unuhiia I mai noloko mai o ka Baibala. I Na W. P. Alexander. I Honolulu: I Na na Misionari i Pai. I 1848. I vii, 219 p.

17.5 x U.5 cm.

A treatise concerning God's character, and things which he has commanded men to do: extracted out of the Bible. By W. P. Alexander. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1848. 500 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1849, p. 18. Editions: 1848, 1861. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS, HarU, PS, W


He I ui no ke Akua, I a me I na kanaka. I Ua kupono i na kanaka makua I a me na kamalii. I [cut] I Na Limaikaika i kakau. I Honolulu, Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionan. I 1848. / 64 p.


14 x 11 cm.


1848 A catechism on Cod, and man. Suitable for adults and for children, [cut] Written by Armstrong. Honolulu, Oahu: Mission Press, 1848. Printed for the American Bible Society: Colophon, 2d ed. 5,000 copies printed: Colophon, 2d ed. Editions: 1848 (2), 1854, 1860, 1862, 1865. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (3), N 302

He I ui no ke Akua, I a me I na kanaka; I ua kupono i na kanaka makua a me I na kamalii. I [cut] Na Limaikaika i kakau. I Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Palapala. I Honolulu, Oahu, H.I. I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. 11848. I 47 p.

17.5x11 cm.

A catechism on God, and man; suitable for adults and for children, [cut] Written by Armstrong. Printed for the American Tract Society. Honolulu, Oahu, H.I. Mission Press. 1848. Colophon: 2d Ed. A.[merican] T.[ract] Society—10,000. 1st. Ed. A.[merican] B.[ible Society]—5,000. Editions: 1848 (2), 1854, 1860, 1862, 1865. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (2), LC (2), N, PS, T, W 303

... I Vahi katekimo I mooolelo I i maheleia i na apana elua, I ka epitome I o ka mooolelo hemolele I a me ka epitome ke ao Kiritiano I [cut] I Honolulu. I Pai Palapala Katoloka I 1848. I [2], 126 p.

13 x 9.5 cm.

... A historical catechism divided into two parts, the epitome of sacred history and the epitome of Christian doctrine [cut] Honolulu. Catholic Press 1848. At head of title: V.C.J.S. Editions: 1847, 1848. Holdings: AIM, HMCS (2), N, SH, T (3), W



1849 304

Ke / Kauoha Hou I a I ko kakou Haku e Ola'i / a Iesu Kristo: I oia ka I olelo hemolele no ke ola, I a na lunaolelo i kakau ai. I Ua unuhiia, mai ka olelo Helene. I Ua paiia no ko Amerika Poe i huiia e hoolaha i ka Baibala. I Honolulu: I Ka na Misionari Mea i Pai. I 1849. I 406 p.

2 0 . 5 x 1 3 cm.

The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: this is the sacred word of life, written by the apostles. Translated, from the Greek. Printed for the American Bible Society. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1849. Various translators. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1851, p. 34. On verso of t.p.: (5th printing.) Editions: 1835, 1837, 1841, 1843(2), 1849, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1868, 1869, 1871 (2), 1884. Holdings: AIM, BM, HHS, HMCS (6), HarU, PS, SH, T 305

He I mau mele I no I na kamalii I Puali Inuwai. I ... I Honolulu, Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1849. I 24 p.

13.5 x 9 cm.

Songs for the children of the Temperance Union... Honolulu, Oahu: Mission Press. 1849. 5,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1851, p. 34. Holdings: AP, BM (3), FLP, HHS (3), HMCS (4), LC, PS 306

Na I hoike I e ikea'i o ka olelo, i kapaia I o ka Palapala Hemolele, I o ka olelo ia I a ke Akua. I He mau olelo i hoikeia'ku i na haumana o ke Kula I Nui i Lahainaluna. I Na Alekanedero. I Honolulu: I Mea Paipalapala a na Misionari. I 1849. I 114, [2] p.

1 9 x 1 1 . 5 cm.

Arguments to show that the word, which is called the Holy Writ, is the word of God. Lectures given to the pupils of Lahainaluna High School. By Alexander. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1849.


1850 500 copies printed: Ballou, 464. Editions: 1849, 1863. Title variations: 1849, Na hoike e ikea'i o ka olelo; 1863, Na hoike e ikeia'i o ka olelo. Holdings: AAS, AIM, BM, HHS, HMCS (3), HarU (2), N, PS (2), T, W 1850 307

... I He I vahi hoike I Katolika. I ... I Honolulu. I Pai Palapala Katolika. I 1850. I 36 p.

14 x 8.5 cm.

... An explanation of the Catholic religion... Honolulu. Catholic Press, 1850. At head of title: V.C.J.S. Trans, by L. Maigret: Yzendoorn, 22. Editions: 1841, 1850, 1887. Holdings: AIM, HHS, HMCS, LC, N, T, W 308

He vahi katekimo. I [n.p., 1850?] caption title, 24 p.

1 3 x 9 cm.

A catechism, [n.p., 1850?] Date: Yzendoorn, 23. The first 12 pages are a reprint of He vahi Katekimo a me ke kahi mau pule Katolika omitting the Latin creed: Yzendoorn, 23. Holdings: HMCS

1851 309

... I He vahi I hoikehoriua I he mea ia I e hoakaka'i i ke ano I o ka honua nei. I Honolulu. I Pai Palapala Katolika I 1851. I 52 p.

1 3 x 9 cm.

... A geography a treatise explaining what this earth looks like. Honolulu. Catholic Press 1851. At head of title: V.C.J.S. Editions: 1842, 1851. Holdings: AIM, CSSC, HMCS, LC, N, T, W


1852 i852 310

... I Epitome I o I ta mooolelo hemolele, no na I kula Katolika o Hawaii, I i unuhiia noloto mai o ta palapala o I C. F. Lhomond. I Honolulu. I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1852. I 143 p.

1 3 x 1 0 cm.

... An epitome of biblical history, for the Catholic schools of Hawaii, translated from work of C. F. Lhomond. Honolulu. Catholic Press. 1852. At head of title: V.C.J.S. Editions: 1852, 1871. Title variations: 1852, ... Epitome o ta mooolelo hemolele; 1871, ... Epitome o ka moolelo hemolele. Holdings: HHS (2), M, N


He I huinahelu: I oia ka I helunaau me ka helukakau, / i huiia. I Na George Leonard. I Na Bihopa i lawe i olelo Hawaii. I Honolulu: I Ka na Misionari Mea Pai. I 1852. I 204 p.

1 7 . 5 x 1 1 cm.

A combined arithmetic: that is the mental arithmetic and the written arithmetic, together. By George Leonard. Translated by Bishop into the Hawaiian language. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1852. 12,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1853, p. 21. Holdings: AAS, AP, BM (3), CCH (lacks t.p.), HHS (3), HMCS (2), HarU (3), LH, N, PS, SH, T, UH, W, YU


He mau I hana li hanaia I e I tetahi mau luna o te aupuni I ma na mea e pili ana i ta oihana kula, I oihana pule paha. I Honolulu. I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1852. I cover title, 16 p.

28 x 21 cm.

Works that have been done by some government overseers with regard to school, and church affairs. Honolulu. Catholic Press. 1852. Holdings: BM (lacks t.p.), CSSC, HHS, HMCS, SH, T, W


1852 313

Na I haawina Baibala. I Na mea / e ao ai na kamalii, I a me I na kanaka makua / ma I na Kula Sabati. I Na Laiana i kakau. I ... I Honolulu: Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1852. I 132 p.

1 8 x 1 1 cm.

Bible lessons. For the purpose of teaching children, and grown people in Sunday Schools. Written by Lyons ... Honolulu: Mission Press. 1852. Some copies lack " i " in Baibala in title. 10,000 copies printed: SIM Ex, 1853, p. 21. Holdings: AAS, AH (2), AIM, BM, GF, HHS (5), HMCS (12), HarU, LC, M, N, PS, T, UH (2), W, YU


... I Palapala himeni / no / na halepule a me na halekula I Katolika I o Hawaii. I ... I Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1852. / xvi, 98, [2] p.

14 x 8.5 cm.

... Hymnbook for the Catholic churches and schools of Hawaii ... Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1852. At head of title: V.C.J.S. Editions: 1852(3). Holdings: HMCS, SH


... I Palapala himeni I no / na halepule a me na halekula I Katolika I o Havaii. I ... I Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1852. / xvi, 126 p.

1 3 x 9 cm.

... Hymnbook for the Catholic churches and schools of Hawaii ... Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1852. At head of title: V.C.J.S. Editions: 1852(3). Holdings: HMCS


1853 316

... I Palapala himeni I no I na halepule a me na halekula I Katolika I o Havaii. I ... I Honolulu, I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1852. I xvi, [16], 98, [2], 99-140p.

14 x 8 cm.

... Hymnbook for the Catholic churches and schools of Hawaii ... Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1852. At head of title: V.C.J.S. Editions: 1852(3). Holdings: HarU, N, W 1853 317

Evanelio Hemolele I e lite me ta Mateo. I [Honolulu, Pai Palapala Katolika, 1853?] caption title, 12 p.

29 x 20.5 cm.

Holy Gospel according to Matthew. [Honolulu, Catholic Press, 1853?] Copy incomplete, p. 12 ends with Chapter XXVII: 22: Yzendoorn, 33. Imprint: Yzendoorn, 33. Editions: 1853 (3). Title variations: 12 p. ed., Evanelio Hemolele e lite me ta Mateo; other eds., To Jesu Kirito Evanelio Hemolele e lite me ta Mateo. Holdings: HMCS 318

He I helu kamalii, I oia ka mea I e ao aku ai i na keiki, I ma na ui I ao mua o ke aritemetika. I I unuhiia mai loko ae o ke aritemetika I a Wiliama Fowle. I K a walu o ke pai ana. I Honolulu: I Mea Pai Palapala na na Misionari. I 1853. I 48 p.

15 x 8 cm.

A child's arithmetic, this teaches the children, the first problems of the arithmetic. Translated from the arithmetic of William Fowle. 8th ed. Honolulu: Mission Press. 1853. Trans, by A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 416. Editions: 1832, 1833, 1837, 1838 (2), 1840, 1843, 1847, 1853, 1859. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (3), LC (2), LHM (2), N, UH, W


1853 319

To Jesu Kirito I Evanelio Hemolele I e lite me ta Mateo. I [Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika, 1853?] caption title, 51 p.

14 x 9.5 cm.

The Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew. [Honolulu, Catholic Press, 1853?] On the bottom of p. 51 three errata are noted: Yzendoorn, 34. Imprint: Yzendoorn, 34. Editions: 1853(3). Title variations: 12 p. ed., Evanelio Hemolele e lite me ta Mateo; other eds., To Jesu Evanelio Hemolele e lite me ta Mateo. Holdings: HMCS (3)


To I Jesu Kirito I Evanelio Hemolele I e lite me ta Mateo, / i unuhiia noloto mai o ta Vulgata. / [cut] I Honolulu. I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1853. / [2], 204 p.

9.5 x 6.5 cm.

The Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew, translated from the Vulgate, [cut ]Honolulu. Catholic Press. 1853. "According to Bishop Maigret's journal this edition in 32mo is the second edition. Of the two following editions which are probably struck from the same type, it is not known which is the first and which the third edition": Yzendoorn, 32. Editions: 1853(3). Title variations: 12 p. ed., Evanelio Hemolele e lite me ta Mateo; other eds., To Jesu Kirito Evanelio Hemolele e lite me ta Mateo. Holdings: AIM (lacks t.p.), HMCS (lacks t.p. and p. 63-64), HarU, N, T (lacks t.p.)

1854 321

Alakai mua. I No I na kamalii. I [cut] / Honolulu, Oahu. I Mea Paipalapala a na Mikionari, I 1854. I 16 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

14.5 x 10 cm.


1854 First guide. For children, [cut] Honolulu, Oahu. Mission Press, 1854. By J. Emerson: SIM Ex, 1851, p. 31. 15,000 copies printed: HEA, 1853/54, p. 25. Holdings: BM, GF, HHS, HMCS(16), HarU, LC (3), LHM (7), MU, N, PC, S, T, W 322

English I and I Hawaiian I words and phrases, I for the use I of I learners in both languages. I By A. Bishop. I Honolulu I Published by Henry M. Whitney. I 1854 I 112 p.

1 4 . 5 x 1 1 cm.

Verso of t.p.: Polynesian Press. Holdings: HMCS, LH, M, MU, N, PM, UH 323

The I Gospel I according to John, I in I parallel columns: I English and Hawaiian. I Ka I Euanelio I i I kakauia e Ioane. I Printed for the A.[merican] B.[ible] Society. I Mission Press, I Honolulu: I 1854. I 101 p.

18 x 12 cm.

Rev. by E. Clark: HEA, 1853/54, p. 29. 5,000 copies printed: HEA, 1854/55, p. 18. Holdings: AAS (2), AIM, BM (5), D (2), GF (2), HHS (3), HMCS (28), HarU, LC, LHM (2), M, N, PS (3), T, UH (4), W, YU 324

Grammar I of I the Hawaiian language. I By L. Andrews. I Honolulu: I Printed at the Mission Press. I 1854. I 1 p.l., iv, iii, [9] - 156 p.

fold, table.

23.5 x 14.5 cm.

1,500 copies printed: Ballou, 498. Editions: 1854, 1885. Holdings: AH (2, 1 lacks fold, table), AIM, BM (9, 6 lack fold, table), BY, CC (lacks fold, table), GF (3, lack fold, table), HHS (lacks fold, table), HMCS (8, 3 lack fold, table), HarU (2), LC (lacks fold, table), LH (3, 2 lack fold, table), LHM, M (3), MU (lacks fold, table), N, PC, SH , T, UH (3, 1 lacks fold, table), V, W


1854 325

Haimanao, I i I oleloia i ka la 4 o Iulai, 1854, I ma Honolulu, I e I Hon. David L. Gregg, I Komisina o Amerika Huipuia. I Honolulu. I 1854. I 18 p.

21 x 14 cm.

Oration, delivered July 4, 1854, at Honolulu, by Hon. David L. Gregg, U.S. Commissioner. Honolulu. 1854. Holdings: PS, W 326

... I Manuale I no ta poe Katolika I ma Havaii nei, I i mea e aoia'i latou ma ta pule a me I na mea e ae e pili ana i to latou manaoio. I [cut] I Honolulu, I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1854. I 1 p.l., 202 p.

15 x 10.5 cm.

... Manual for the Catholic people in Hawaii, instructing them in prayer and in the things concerning their faith, [cut] Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1854. At head of title: V.C.J.S. Editions: 1854, 1857 (5), 1866, 1874. Title variations: 1854, 1857, ... Manuale no ta poe Katolika ma Havaii nei; 1866, Manuale Katolika no ta poe Havaii; 1874, ... Manuale no ka poe Katolika. Holdings: BM (lacks p. 197-202), HMCS 327

Na huaolelo I a me / na olelo kikeke I ma ka Beritania, I a me ka I olelo Hawaii, I no na haumana I e ao ana I i kela a me keia: / na A. Bihopa. I Honolulu. I Paiia na Henry M. Whitney. I 1854. I 112 p.

15x11.5 cm.

Words and conversation in the English, and Hawaiian languages, for students who will be learning one or the other: by A. Bishop. Honolulu. Printed by Henry M. Whitney. 1854. Verso of t.p.: Mea Pai Polunesia. (Printed by the Polynesian.) Editions: 1854, 1871, 1878, 1881, 1884, 1893. Title variations: 1854, Na huaolelo a me na olelo kikeke ma ka Beritania, a me ka olelo Hawaii; 1871, 1878, 1881, 1884, 1893, Hawaiian phrase book. Holdings: AAS (2), BY, D, GF, HHS, HMCS (2), HarU (3), LH, M (3), MU, SH, T, V, W


1854 328

O ke / anahonua, / he mea ia / e ao ai i ke ana / i na mea a pau. / [cut] I Oahu: / Mea Pa[i] Palapala a na Misionari / 1854 / 46, [2] p.

illus., diagrs.

19 x 11 cm.

Geometry, teaching how to measure all things, [cut] Oahu: Mission Press 1854 Holbrook's geometry, trans, by L. Andrews: Miss lets (typed), v.6, p. 1864. 5,000 copies printed: HEA, 1854/55, p. 18. Editions: 1833, 1854. Holdings: AH, AN, BM, D (2), GF, HHS (2), HMCS (12), HarU (2), LH, LHM, M (2), N, PC, PS (2), SH, T, UH (2)


Ta Pohatu hoopa I o I ta Poe Hoolepope, I oia to latou Baibala e hoole ana ia latou. I [Colophon: Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika. 1854.] caption title, 23, [1] p.

15 x 11 cm.

The Touchstone of the Protestants, that is the Bible which denies them. [Colophon: Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1854.] At bottom of p. 23: Ua unuhiia ta nui o teia palapala noloto mai o Te Touchstone o RR. Richard Challoner, D.D.V.A. (Translated in full for this paper from The Touchstone of Richard Challoner). Trans, by L. Maigret: Yzendoorn, 38. Editions: 1854, 1859. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (3), LC, N, T


He I ui no ke Akua, I a me I na kanaka; I ua kupono i na kanaka makua a me I na kamalii. I Na Limaikaika i kakau. I Honolulu, Oahu, . H. I. I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I 1854. I 47 p.

1 8 x 1 1 cm.

A catechism on God, and men; suitable for adults and for children. Written by Armstrong. Honolulu, Oahu, . H. I. Mission Press. 1854.


1854 Colophon: 1st Ed. A.[merican] B.[ible Society]—5,000. 2d Ed. A.[merican] T.[ract Society]-100,000 [erron., 10,000]. 3 Ed. A.[merican] B.[ible Society]—500 [erron., 5,000]. Editions: 1848(2), 1854, 1860, 1862, 1865. Holdings: GF, HHS, HMCS, LC, LH, LHM, PS (2), SH, UH, W 331

He vahi palapala / o / Kaimikuokoa / i kona mau makamaka e manao nui ana i ke kuokoa ana I o ke aupuni Havaii. I Honolulu. I [Pai-palapala Katolika] 1854. I cover title, 8 p.

22 x 14 cm.

A letter of The-Seeker-of-Independence to his friends who think much of the independence of the Hawaiian kingdom. Honolulu. [Catholic Press] 1854. Publisher: Yzendoorn, 37. Holdings: BM, CC, HHS, HMCS, HarU, LC, N, PC, SH, T, UH

1855 332

Ka I Buke a Moramona: I he mooolelo I i kakauia e ka lima o Moramona, / maluna iho o na papa I i laweia mailoko mai 0 na papa e Nepai. I ... I I unuhiia ma ka olelo Beritania e Josepa Samika, opio. I Na Geogi Q. Pukuniahi i unuhi ma ka olelo Hawaii. I San Francisco: I Paiia e Geogi Q. Pukuniahi. I 1855. I 1 p.l., xii, 520 p.

2 2 x 1 5 cm.

The Book of Mormon: a history written by the hand of Mormon, on plates taken from the plates of Nephi ... Translated into English by Joseph Smith, Jr. Translated into Hawaiian by George Q. Cannon. San Francisco: Printed by George Q. Cannon. 1855. Holdings: BM, BY, CCH, N 333

Ka I lira Hawaii. I He mau mele himeni I a me na I mele oli halelu, I no na / ekalesia o Hawaii nei, I pai hou ia a mahuahua, I Honolulu. I [Hawaiian Evangelical Association] 1855. I 161, [15] p.


14 x 2 4 cm.


1855 Hawaiian lyrics. A selection of hymns and psalms, for the churches of Hawaii, new and enlarged edition, Honolulu. [Hawaiian Evangelical Association] 1855. Prepared by G. Rowell: HEA, 1855/56, p. 20. Publisher: HEA, 1855/56, p. 20. 20,000 copies printed on both 1855 editions: HEA, 1863/64, p. 24. Editions: 1844, 1848, 1855 (2), n.d. Holdings: HHS (lacks p. ii-xxvi), HMCS, HarU, PS, UH, W 334

Ka / lira Hawaii. / He mau mele himeni I a me na / mele oli halelu, I no na I ekalesia o Hawaii nei, / pai hou ia a mahuahua, I Honolulu. I [Hawaiian Evangelical Association] 1855. I 160, 89-96, [8] p.


14 x 24 cm.

Hawaiian lyrics. A selection of hymns and psalms, for the churches of Hawaii, new and enlarged edition, Honolulu. [Hawaiian Evangelical Association] 1855. Prepared by G. Rowell: HEA, 1855/56, p. 20. Publisher: HEA, 1855/56, p. 20. 20,000 copies printed of both 1855 editions: HEA, 1863/64, p. 24. Editions: 1844, 1848, 1855 (2), n.d. Holdings: AAS, BM (2), HHS, HMCS, LH, N, YU 335

Na himeni hoolea. I He mau I mele ma ka uhane, I e hoolea ai I na kanaka, na keiki, na ohana, na I ekalesia, I ia Iehova. I Ke Akua e ola'i. / Ka na Misionari Mea Pai. I Honolulu: I 1855. I 308, [1] p.

13.5 x 7.5 cm.

Hymns of praise. Spiritual songs, for men, children, families, churches, to praise Jehovah. The eternal God. Mission Press. Honolulu: 1855. Trans, by L. Lyons: Hyde. 5,000 copies printed: HEA, 1854/55, p. 18. Editions: 1837, 1839, 1847, 1855, 1859, 1864, 1867. Holdings: AAS, BM, HHS, HMCS (3), HarU (2), LC, LHM, M, PC, T


1855 336

He I olelo hoolaha I i na hoahanau o ka Ekalesia o Iesu Kristo o ka Poe Hoano o I na La Hope nei, ma ko Hawaii Pae Aina; a i na kanaka a I pau i aloha i ka oiaio. I ... I [San Francisco, 1855] caption title, 8 p.

23 x 15 cm.

A publication to the brethren of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in the Hawaiian Archipelago; and to all who embrace the truth... [San Francisco, 1855] Signed: Georgi Q. Pukuniaha (George Q. Cannon). San Francisco, Deke. 27, 1855. Holdings: BY

1856 337

No ka aoao Moremona. I He palapala a Mi Ioane Hide, he luna Moremona, i I haalele i ko laila aoao, e hoike ana i na Moremona I Hawaii i ka oiaio ole o ka manao Moremona. I [p. 15: Honolulu, Okatoba, 1856.] caption title, 16 p.

20 x 11.5 cm.

On the Mormon religion. A pamphlet by Mr. John Hyde, a Mormon leader, who has forsaken the said religion, showing to the Hawaiian Mormons the falsity of Mormonism. [p. 15: Honolulu, October, 1856.] Partial contents: He palapala haalele Moremona a J.W.H. Kauwahi (A pamphlet on deserting Mormonism by J. W. H. Kauwahi) Honolulu, Dekemaba, 1856, p. 15-16. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (2), LC, MU, N, PS, T, UH 338

He palapala I a ta Epikopo I i na tahuna a me na hoahanau Katolika I o Havaii nei, no ta Hapai Paumaele Ole la Ana I o ta Virigine Hemolele. I Honolulu, I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1856. I [2], 6 p.

21.5x12.5 cm.

A document of the Bishop to the priests and all Catholic brethren of Hawaii, concerning the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin. Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1856. Holdings: HMCS (lacks t.p.), HarU


1857 339

He palapala apotolo I a to tatou Hatu Hemolele loa, a / Pio IX, I he Tumutauoha ma ta oihana Atua, I no ta hoatata pau ana, ma te ano dogema, I i ta Hapai Paumaele Ole la Ana o ta I Virigine Hanau-Atua. I (Ua unuhiia noloto mai o ta olelo Roma.) I [cut] / Honolulu, I Pai-palapala Katolika, I 1856. I cover title, 8 p.

21.5 x 12.5 cm.

An apostolic letter of our most Holy Lord, Pius IX, Pope by the grace of God, on the definition of the dogma, of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mother-of-God. (Translated from the Latin.) [cut] Honolulu, Catholic Press, 1856. Holdings: CSSC, HMCS, HarU, SH (2)

1857 340

Ke I Kauoha Hou I a ko kakou I Haku e Ola'i a Iesu Kristo: I ua unuhiia I mai ka olelo Helene; / a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, I i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I 1857. I [2d t.p.:] The / New Testament I of our I Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I translated out of I the original Greek, I and with the former / translations diligently compared and revised. I New York: I American Bible Society, I instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. / 1857. I 727 p.

19.5 x 13 cm.

Hawaiian and English. Editions: 1835, 1837, 1841, 1843(2), 1849, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1868, 1869, 1871 (2), 1884. Holdings: AIM, BM, GF (2), HMCS (4), HarU, LHM (2), S, UH, W


He I kuhikuhi 0 ke kanaka Hawaii, I oia I ka mea e ao mai ai i ke kanaka i ka ike i ke kakau ana I i na I palapala ae like, palapala hoopaa, palapala kuai a moraki I no ka waiwai lewa, palapala hoolilo a moraki no ka wai-1 wai paa,


1857 palapala hoolilo waiwai loaa, palapala hoa- I ie, palapala hookaa, palapala hui waiwai, palapa- I la hoolilo hope, palapala hookuu, a haalele I kuleana, palapala haalele waiwai o ka wa- I hine iloko o ka waiwai o kana kane, pa- I lapala kauoha a ka mea make, pala- I pala hoopii, na kanawai e pili ana I i kekahi mau pono nui o ke ka- / naka Hawaii, a me ke ano o I ke kakau ana i ka buke I kakau waiwai, a pela I aku. I Ua kakauia e I J. W. H. Kauwahi. I Honolulu: I Paiia e H. M. Wini, I 1857. I 243 p.

2 1 . 5 x 1 1 cm.

A guide for Hawaiians, that is teaching people to learn to write various kinds of documents, insurance policy, bill of sale and personal property mortgage, real estate deed and mortgage, inheritance deed, promisory note, receipt, corporation paper, quit claim deed, certificate of release and rejecting property, a document giving up a woman's property from her husband, last will of the deceased, warrant, laws relating to the benefit of Hawaiians, and the way of keeping accounts, and so forth. Written by J. W. H. Kauwahi. Honolulu: Printed by H. M. Whitney, 1857. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS, SH, YU


... I Manuale I no ta poe Katolika I ma Havaii nei, I i mea e aoia'i latou ma ta pule a me na mea I e ae e pili ana i to latou manaoio. / Honolulu, / Pai-palapala Katolika. / 1857 I [20], 452, [8] p.

illus. (woodcuts)

15.5 x 10 cm.

... Manual for Catholics in Hawaii, in order for them to learn prayers and other things relating to their faith. Honolulu, Catholic Press, 1857 At head of title: V.C.J.S. Verso of t.p.: L.B. Imprimeur de Mgr. L. Maigret, Evêque d'Arathie, Vc. Ap. des îles Sandwich à Honolulu. (Oahu.) Time table begins 1858. Na miterio o te rosario, p. [1.-8] at end. Editions: 1854, 1857 (5), 1866, 1874. Title variations: 1854, 1857, ... Manuale no ta poe Katolika ma Havaii nei; 1866, Manuale Katolika no ta poe Havaii; 1874, ... Manuale no ka poe Katolika. Holdings: HHS


1857 343

... I Manuale I no ta poe Katolika I ma Havaii nei, I i mea e aoia'i latou ma ta pule a me na mea I e ae e pili ana i to latou manaoio. I Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika. / 1857 I [20], 604, x p. illus. (woodcuts)

15.5 x 10 cm.

... Manual for the Catholics in Hawaii, in order for them to learn prayers and other things relating to their faith. Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1857. At head of title: V.C.J.S. Verso of t.p.: L.B. Imprimeur de Mgr. L. Maigret, Evêque d'Arathie, Ve. Ap. des îles Sandwich à Honolulu. (Oahu.) Time table begins 1854. He mau himeni (Hymns), p. 453-604, x. Editions: 1854, 1857 (5), 1866, 1874. Title variations: 1854, 1857, ... Manuale no ta poe Katolika ma Havaii nei; 1866, Manuale Katolika no ta poe Havaii; 1874, ... Manuale no ka poe Katolika. Holdings: HMCS 344

... I Manuale I no ta poe Katolika I ma Havaii nei, I i mea e aoia'i latou ma ta pule a me na mea / e ae e pili ana i to latou manaoio. I Honolulu, I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1857 I [20], 604, 6, ix-x p.

illus. (woodcuts)

15.5 x 10 cm.

... Manual for Catholics in Hawaii, in order for them to learn prayers and other things relating to their faith. Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1857 At head of title: V.C.J.S. Verso of t.p.: L.B. Imprimeur de Mgr. L. Maigret, Evêque d'Arathie, Ve. Ap. dès îles Sandwich à Honolulu. (Oahu.) Time table begins 1858. He mau himeni (Hymns), p. 453-604, 6, x. Editions: 1854, 1857 (5), 1866, 1874. Title variations: 1854, 1857, ... Manuale no ta poe Katolika ma Havaii nei; 1866, Manuale Katolika no ta poe Havaii; 1874, ... Manuale no ka poe Katolika. Holdings: BM, CSSC, HMCS, SH, T 345

... I Manuale no ta poe Katolika I ma Havaii nei, I i mea e aoia'i latou ma ta pule a me na mea / e ae e pili ana i to latou manaoio. I Honolulu, I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1857 I


1857 [20], 604, xxxx [i.e. xxxxii], x p.

15.5 x 10 cm.

... Manual for Catholics in Hawaii, in order for them to learn prayers and other things relating to their faith. Honolulu, Catholic Press, 1857 At head of title: V.C.J.S. Verso of t.p.: Imprimeur de Mgr. L. Maigret, Evêque d'Arathie, Vc. Ap. des îles Sandwich à Honolulu. (Oahu.) Time table begins 1858. He mau himeni (Hymns), p. 453-604, xxxxii, x. Editions: 1854, 1857 (5), 1866, 1874. Title variations: 1854, 1857, ... Manuale no ta poe Katolika ma Havaii nei; 1866, Manuale Katolika no ta poe Havaii; 1874, ... Manuale no ka poe Katolika. Holdings: HHS


... I Manuale I no ta poe Katolika I ma Havaii nei, I i mea e aoia'i latou ma ta pule a me na mea I e ae e pili ana i to latou manaoio. I Honolulu, I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1857 I [20], 604, 8 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

15.5 x 10 cm.

... Manual for Catholics in Hawaii, in order for them to learn prayers and other things relating to their faith. Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1857 At head of title: V.C.J.S. Time table begins 1861. He mau himeni (Hymns), p. 453-604, 8. Editions: 1854, 1857 (5), 1866, 1874. Title variations: 1854, 1857, ... Manuale no ta poe Katolika ma Havaii nei; 1866, Manuale Katolika no ta poe Havaii; 1874, ... Manuale no ka poe Katolika. Holdings: HarU, SH


He mele katekimo. [Honolulu, Catholic Press, 1857?] caption title, 7 p.


14 x 10 cm.

A catechism in song. [Honolulu, Catholic Press, 1857?] Imprint: Yzendoorn, 46. Holdings: AIM, HMCS, LC, M, W 126

1858 348

Pule-mesa. I Elua leo. I [Honolulu, Catholic Press, 1857?] caption title, xxxx [i.e. xxxxii] p.


15.5 x 10.5 cm.

Mass. Two voices. [Honolulu, Catholic Press, 1857?] Imprint: Yzendoorn, 45. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, HarU, W 349

... I He vahi mooolelo I no I ta hoomainoino ia ana o ta poe I Kiritiano I ma te aupuni Anamita, I mai ta hoolaha ana o ta evanelio malaila I a hiti i teia va. I [cut] I Honolulu. I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1857 I [2], 20 p.

20.5 x 13 cm.

... A history of the persectuions of the Christian people in the kingdom of Annam, from the establishment of the church there until now. [cut] Honolulu. Catholic Press. 1857 At head of title: V.C.J.S. Trans, by L. Maigret: Yzendoorn, 41. Contents: Olelo haimua. (Foreward), p. l-2.-Ta mainoino no ta hoolaha ana i ta evanelio ma na aina o Kokinakina a me Tonekino. (The cruelty during the spread of the church in Cochin China and Tonkin), p. [3]—16.—Ta mooolelo o ta hoolaha'na o ta pule Katolika ma Koree mai tona hoomata'na a hiti i ta matahiti o ta Hatu 1847. (The history of the spread of the Catholic church in Korea from its beginning till the year of the Lord 1847), p. [17]-20. Holdings: AIM, BM (lacks t.p.), CC (lacks t.p.), CSSC, HHS (lacks t.p.), HMCS, HarU, LC, N (lacks t.p.), SH, T (3), UH (lacks t.p.), W

1858 350

Te Aniani. I Halavai 1. I I pau ta hoopalaimata a me te I tuhiheva, i tuu mea iini. I [Colophon: Honolulu, Paipalapala Katolika. Julai 1858.] caption title, 19 p.

23 x 15 cm.

The Mirror. Meeting 1. Stop your lies and deception, you who are high up in a religious way. [Colophon: Honolulu, Catholic Press. July 1858.] Includes Halavai II, p. 10-19. Holdings: BM, CC, HHS, HMCS (3), N, PC, SH, T, UH


1858 351

Ka ekalesia I o I ta Hatu. / [Colophon: Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika. 1858] caption title, 16 p.

22 x 13 cm.

The church of the Lord. [Colophon: Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1858] Holdings: HHS, HMCS, HarU, SH, UH


Haimanava I no ta oihana Katolika I ma I Havaii nei. I [Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika, Januari 1858-Dekemaba 1859] caption title, 152 p.

21 x 13 cm.

Chronology of Catholic affairs in Hawaii. [Honolulu, Catholic Press, January 1858-December 1859] By L. Maigret: Yzendoorn, 52. Imprint: bottom of every 8th page. Issued in 19 parts or " p e p a " . Pepa 1-12, monthly J a n . Dec. 1858, Pepa 13-14, Jan, 1859, Pepa 15, Mar. 1859, Pepa 16, Apr. 1859, Pepa 17, Sept. 1859, Pepa 18, Oct. 1859, Pepa 19, Dec. 1859. Holdings: BM, CC, HHS, HMCS, HarU (lacks Oct. 1858-Dec. 1859), PC, SH, W (lacks Apr.-Dec. 1859)


Hooiliili Havaii. I He mau hana, olelo, manao, I e pili ana I i to Havaii nei I [Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika. Augate, 1858-Januari, 1860] caption title, 30, [2] p.

20.5 x 13.5 cm.

Hawaiian collection. Doings, words, thoughts, concerning Hawaii [Honolulu, Catholic Press. August, 1858-January 1860] By Kepelino: Yzendoorn, 53. Imprint: bottom of every 8th page. Issued in four parts or " p e p a " . Pepa I, Aug. 1858, Pepa II, Feb. 1859, Pepa III, March 1859, Pepa IV, Jan. 1860. Title varies: Pepa III-IV, Hoiliili Havaii. Holdings: BM, CC (2), HHS (lacks p. 17-24), HMCS, HarU (lacks p. 9-30, [2]), LC, N, SH, T (2, 1 copy lacks p. 27-30, [2])


1858 354

Ta moo-Atua I a me na taao o ta honua nei. I [Colophon: Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika. 1858.] caption title, 20 p.

23 x 15 cm.

The story of God and legends of the earth. [Colophon: Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1858.] Holdings: BM, CC, HHS, HMCS (2), HarU, N, PC, SH, T, UH 355

Na I haawina mua I o ka I hoailona helu. / I unuhiia I e A. Bihopa, I mai ka hoailona helu. I A I Ebenezer Bailey. I Pai muaia ma Lahainaluna, / 1843; I a pai houia ma Bosetona, I 1858. I 160 p.

20 x 12 cm.

First lessons in algebra. Translated by A. Bishop, from the algebra. By Ebenezer Bailey. First printed at Lahainaluna, 1843; reprinted at Boston, 1858. Editions: 1843 (3), 1858, 1865. Holdings: AAS, BM, GF (2), HHS, HMCS, HarU, LHM, PS, UH, V, W 356

No ta hae Havaii. I [Colophon: Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika. I Julai 1858.] caption title, 8 p.

20 x 13 cm.

Concerning the Hawaiian flag. [Colophon: Honolulu, Catholic Press. July 1858.] Holdings: HarU 357

0 na olelo hoopomaikai I o ka I Palapala Hemolele, I i hoouluuluia e kekahi kahunapule o Beritania, I o Samuel Clarke, D.D. / ... I Paia [sic] e ko Amerika Poe Tract Soc. I 150 Nassau-Street, New York. I 1858. / 309 p.

15 x 9.5 cm.

Blessed words of the Holy Scripture, put together by an English minister Samuel Clarke, D.D. ... Printed by the American Tract Soc. 150 Nassau-Street, New York. 1858. Preface signed: D. Baluina (D. Baldwin) Holdings: BM (2), HHS, HMCS, HarU, T, W (lacks p. 267-308), YU



1859 358

Helu 1. I No ke aha la oukou e make ai? Eze. 18:31. I [Honolulu, 1859] caption title, 4 p.

18.5 x 10.5 cm.

Number 1. Why will ye die? Eze. 18:31. [Honolulu, 1859] By T. Coan: H B & T S , p. 7. Place and date: H B & T S , p. 7. Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii. (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii.) 5,000 copies printed: H B & T S , p. 12. Holdings: BM (4), HHS (2), HMCS (3), W


Helu 2. I Ua pono anei ka pule ia Maria? I [Honolulu, 1859] caption title, 4 p.

18.5 x 10.5 cm.

Number 2. Is it right to pray to Mary? [Honolulu, 1859] By R. Armstrong: H B & T S , p. 8. Place and date: H B & T S , p. 8. Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii. (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii.) 5,000 copies printed: H B & T S , p. 12. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (4), W


Helu 3. I No ka mare ana o na kahuna pule. I [Honolulu, 1859] caption title, 4 p.

18.5 x 10.5 cm.

Number 3. Relating to the marriage of priests. [Honolulu, 1859] By L. Smith: H B & T S , p. 9. Place and date: H B & T S , p. 9. Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii. (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii.) 5,000 copies printed: H B & T S , p. 12. Holdings: BM (25), HHS, HMCS (4), W


1859 361

I Makemake anei oe i ke ola? / [Honolulu, 1859] caption title, 4 p.

20 x 12 cm.

Do you wish life? [Honolulu, 1859] Trans, by L. Smith: HB&TS, p. 11-12. Place and date: HM&TS, p. 11-12. Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii. (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii) 5,000 copies printed: HB&TS, p. 12. Editions: 1859, 1866. Holdings: BM (3), HHS (2), HMCS, W


Helu 5. I Makemake anei oe i haumana Pope, a i Kristiano paha? I [Honolulu, 1859] caption title, 8 p.

18.5 x 10.5 cm.

Number 5. Do you wish to be a disciple of the Pope, or a Christian? [Honolulu, 1859] By E. Corwin: HB&TS, p. 12. Date and place: HB&TS, p. 12. Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii. (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii.) 5,000 copies printed: HB&TS, p. 12. Holdings: BM (2), HHS (2), HMCS (3), W


Helu 6. I E hele io Kristo la. I [Honolulu, 1859] caption title, 4 p.

18.5 x 10.5 cm.

Number 6. Go to Jesus. [Honolulu, 1859] Place and date: HB&TS, p. 12. Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii. (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii.) 5,000 copies printed: HB&TS, p. 12. Editions: 1859, 1866. Holdings: BM (2), HHS (2), HMCS (3), W


1859 364

Helu 7. I K a hoi ana mai o ke keiki uhauha. I [Honolulu, 1859] caption title, 4 p.

18.5 x 10.5 cm.

Number 7. The return of the prodigal son. [Honolulu, 1859] Place and date: H B & T S , p. 12. Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii. (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii.) 5,000 copies printed: H B & T S , p. 12. Editions: 1859, 1866. Holdings: HHS, HMCS


Helu 8. I No ka manawalea. I [Honolulu, 1859] caption title, 4 p.

19 x 12 cm.

Number 8. The richest gift. [Honolulu, 1859] By E. Bond: H B & T S , p. 11. Place and date: H B & T S , p. 11. Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii. (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii.) 5,000 copies printed: H B & T S , p. 12. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS 366

He I helu kamalii, I oia ka mea I e ao aku ai i na keiki, I ma na ui I ao mua o ke aritemetika. I I unuhiia mailoko ae o ke aritemetika a I Wiliama Fowle. I Ka walu o ke pai ana. I Honolulu. I 1859. I caption title, 48 p.

13.5 x 8 cm.

A child's arithmetic, this teaches the children, the first problems of the arithmetic. Translated from the arithmetic of William Fowle. 8th ed. Honolulu, 1859. Trans, by A. Bishop: Dibble, p. 416. A reprint of the 1853, 8th ed. Editions: 1832, 1833, 1837, 1838 (2), 1840, 1943, 1847, 1853, 1859. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, LC


1859 367

Ke I Kauoha Hou I a ko kakou I Haku e Ola'i a Iesu Kristo: I ua unuhiia / mai ka olelo Helene; I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, I i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I 1859. I [2d t.p.:] The I New Testament I of our I Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I translated out of / the original Greek, I and with the former I translations diligently compared and revised. I New York: I American Bible Society, / instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. I 1859.1 727 p.

18.5 x 13 cm.

On verso of t.p.: 2d Edition. Hawaiian and English. Editions: 1835, 1837, 1841, 1843(2), 1849, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1868, 1869, 1871 (2), 1884. Holdings: AN, BM, HHS, HMCS, LHM, M (2), PC, SH, UH


He mau hana I i hana mau ia iloto o ta ekalesia I o I ta Hatu. I [Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika. 1859.] caption title, 40 p.

23 x 15 cm.

Works always done in the church of the Lord. [Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1859.] Imprint: bottom of every 8th page. Issued in 5 parts. Holdings: BM (lacks p. 1-8), CC (lacks p. 1-8), HHS (2), HMCS, N, PC, SH, T, UH


He mau manao, I no ta I Hotu Loa Kalavina, a ia mea atu ia mea atu. I [Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika. Sepetemaba 1859,-Dekemaba 1859.] caption title, 16 p.

27 x 21 cm.

Thoughts, on the Great Protestant Star, and other things. [Honolulu, Catholic Press. September 1859.-December 1859.] Imprint: bottom of every 4th page. Issued in 4 parts. Holdings: BM, CC, HHS, HMCS, T


1859 370

Na I helu Kalavina. I [Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika. Augate, 1859-Mei, 1860] caption title, 32 p.

22.5 x 14 cm.

The Congregational numbers. [Honolulu, Catholic Press. August, 1859-May, 1860] Imprint: bottom of every 8th page. Issued in 4 parts: Augate, Novem. 1859, Januari, Mei 1860. Holdings: BM (lacks p. 1-8), CC (lacks p. 25-32), HHS, HMCS (3, 1 lacks p. 1-8), N, PC, T, UH 371

Na / himeni hoolea. I He mau I mele ma ka uhane, I e hoolea ai I na kanaka, na keiki, na ohana, na I ekalesia, I ia Iehova, I ke Akua e ola'i. I Honolulu: I Paiia e H. M. Whitney. I 1859. I 307 p, [1] p.

14 x 7.5 cm.

Hymns of praise. Spiritual songs, for men, children, families, churches, to praise Jehovah, the eternal God. Honolulu: Press of H. M. Whitney. 1859. Trans, by H. Bingham and others: Dibble, p. 417. Editions: 1837, 1839, 1847, 1855, 1859, 1864, 1867. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (2), MU (See entry 198.) 372

Ta Pohatu hoopa I o I ta Poe Hoolepope, oia to latou Baibala I e hoole ana ia latou. I [Colophon: Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika. 1859] caption title, 14, [1] p.

23 x 14 cm.

The Touchstone of the Protestants, that is the Bible which denies them. [Colophon: Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1859] At bottom of p. 14: Ua unuhiia ta nui o teia palapala noloto mai o Te Touchstone o RR. Richard Challoner, D.D.V.A. (Translated in full for this paper from The Touchstone of Richard Challoner.) Trans, by L. Maigret: Yzendoorn, 38. Editions: 1854, 1859. Holdings: BM, CC, HHS, HMCS (2), N, PC, SH, T (2), UH



i860 373

He I aloha Kristiano, I i ka poe / i manaoio ia Iesu Kristo, I ma / na Pae Aina Hawaii. I Na William Forster, I o Noriwiki, Enelani. I Honolulu: I Ua Paiia e H. M. Wini. I 1860. I lip.

1 8 x 1 2 cm.

A Christian greeting, to the people who believe in Jesus Christ, in the Hawaiian Archipelago. By William Forster, of Norwich, England. Honolulu: Printed by H. M. Whitney. 1860. Pref. signed: Na Kalaka (By Clark). Holdings: AIM, BM (3), GF, HHS (5), HMCS (6), LC, N, T, UH, W 374

Helu 9. I Pule mehameha. I [Honolulu, 1860] caption title, 4 p.

18.5 x 10.5 cm.

Number 9. Secret prayer. [Honolulu, 1860] Place and date: H B & T S , p. 14. Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii). 5,000 copies printed: H B & T S , p. 12. Holdings: BM (8), HHS (2), HMCS (3), W 375

Helu 10. I No ka hoomana anaina. I [Honolulu, 1860] caption title, 4 p.

18 x 10.5 cm.

Number 10. Meeting together for worship. [Honolulu, 1860] Place and date: H B & T S , p. 14. Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii). 5,000 copies printed: H B & T S , p. 12. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (4), W 376

Helu 11. I No ka hoohiki wahahee i ke Akua. I [Honolulu, 1860] caption title, 4 p.

19.5 x 12.5 cm.

Number 11. On Swearing falsely before God. [Honolulu, 1860]


1860 By R. Armstrong: H B & T S , p. 14. Place and date: H B & T S , p. 14. Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii). 5,000 copies printed: H B & T S , p. 12. Editions: 1860, 1866. Holdings: BM (20), HHS (2), HMCS (5), W 377

Hoiliili Havaii. I He mau hana, olelo, manao, e pili ana I i ko I Havaii nei, 1860. I Pepa 1-3. [Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika. 1860] caption title, 11, [1] p.

22 x 13.5 cm.

Hawaiian collection. Doings, words, thoughts, concerning Hawaii, 1860. Paper 1-3. [Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1860] Imprint: bottom of p. 4. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, N, SH 378

Ke I Kauoha Hou I a ko kakou I Haku e Ola'i a Iesu Kristo: I ua unuhiia I mai ka olelo Helene; I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, I i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I 1860. I [2d t.p.:] The I New Testament I of our I Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I translated out of I the original Greek, I and with the former / translations diligently compared and revised. / New York: I American Bible Society, / instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. / Hawaiian & Eng. 1860. / 727 p.

1 9 x 1 3 cm.

Various translators. Bottom of p. 4: 3d Edition. 6,000 copies printed: HEA, 1863/64, p. 24. Editions: 1835, 1837, 1841, 1843(2), 1849, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1868, 1869, 1871 (2), 1884. Holdings: AAS, BM (6), HHS, HMCS (5), HarU, LC (2), LHM, M, N, PS, SH, UH (2) 379

Langue Havaienne. I [Honolulu, Catholic Press, 1860] 8 p.

20 x 1 3 . 5 cm.


1860 Hawaiian language. [Honolulu, Catholic Press, 1860] By L. Maigret: Yzendoorn, 59. Colophon: Honolulu, Mars. 1860. Publisher: Yzendoorn, 59. Holdings: BM, CSSC, HMCS (2), SH 380

Olelo hooakaka. I [n.p., I860?] caption title, 27 p.

17.5 x 11 cm.

Word of explanation, [n.p., I860?] Editions: 1860, 1867. Title variations: 1860, Olelo hooakaka; 1867, Olelo hoakaka. Holdings: AAS, HMCS (8), HarU (lacks p. 13-27), T, W(2) 381

... I He pule keia I e I hoolilo ai ia kakou iho I i ka Puuwai Hemolele o Jesu. I [Honolulu, Catholic Press, I860?] caption title, 8 p.

18 x 11 cm.

... Prayers dedicating ourselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. [Honolulu, Catholic Press, I860?] At head of title: V.C.J.S. Imprint: Yzendoorn, 57. Holdings: HMCS 382

He I ui no ke Akua, I a me I na kanaka: I ua kupono i na kanaka makua a me na kamalii. I Honolulu: I Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii. I 1860. I 48 p.

1 8 x 1 2 cm.

A catechism on Cod, and man: suitable for adults and children. Honolulu: Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii. 1860. Colophon: 1st Ed. A.[merican] B.[ible Society]—5,000. 2d Ed. A.[merican] T.[ract Society]-100,000 [erron., 10,000]. 3d Ed. A.[merican] B.[ible Society]-500 [erron., 5,000]. 4th Ed. H.[awaiian] B.[ible] & T.[ract Society]-5,000. Editions: 1848 (2), 1854, 1860, 1862, 1865. Holdings: AAS, BM, HHS (4), HMCS, HarU, M, N, PS, T, UH


1861 i86i 383

Helu 12. I Nakai. I Owai o Nakai? a heaha hoi kona ano? I [Honolulu, 1861] caption title, 4 p.

19 x 12 cm.

Number 12. Nakai. Who was Nakai? and what did he do? [Honolulu, 1861] By T. Coan: H B & T S , p. 17. Place and date: H B & T S , p. 17. Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii) 5,000 copies printed: H B & T S , p. 17. Holdings: BM (3), HHS (2), HMCS (2)


Helu 13. I He wahi manao kumu I no na mea nui maloko o ka ke Akua olelo. I Na Davida Malo. I [Honolulu, 1861] caption title, 8 p.

19.5 x 12 cm.

Number 13. Some instructions about the great things in the word of God. By David Malo. [Honolulu, 1861] Place and date: H B & T S , p. 17. Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii.) 5,000 copies printed: H B & T S , p. 17. Editions: 1837, 1861, 1865. Title variations: 1837, He wahi manao kumu; 1861, Helu 13. He wahi manao kumu; 1865, He wahi kumu-manao. Holdings: BM (3), HHS (2), HMCS (4), W


Helu 14. I Kumu manao. I Ko Hawaii mau kahuna lapaau, e lapaau nei ma ka aoao I kahiko me ka puaa hiwa, ka manu keokeo, a me na mea I like; kohu pono anei ia hana i ka mea manaoio ia Iesu. I [Honolulu, Hawaiian Bible and Tract Society, 1861] caption title, 11 p.

18.5 x 12 cm.


1861 Number 14. Fundamental thought. Hawaii's medical priests, are still treating the sick in the old way with black pig, white fowl, and the like; is this proper to one who believes in Jesus. [Honolulu, Hawaiian Bible and Tract Society, 1861] By Aholo: HB&TS, p. 17. 4,000 copies printed: HB&TS, p. 17. Imprint: HB&TS, p. 17. Holdings: BM (2), HHS (3), HMCS (2), LC, PS, T, UH, W 386

Ka I mooolelo no ka ekalesia I o I Iesu Kristo, ko kakou Haku e Ola'i; I mai ka wa mai o kona hanau ana, a hiki i ka I makahiki o ka Haku, 1860. I ... I Elua paiana. I Hooponopono hou ia, a pai papapai ia, me na kiihoakaka. I Hoolahaia e / ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Palapala, I 150 Al. Nasau, Nu Ioka. I 1861. I 305 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

18.5 x 11 cm.

History of the church of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior; from the time of his birth, till the year of the Lord, 1860... 2d ed. Revised again, and printed, with pictures for explanation. Distributed by the American Tract Society, 150 Nassau St., New York. 1861. By J. Green, enl. by H. Bingham: HEA, 1863/64, p. 11. 500 copies printed: HEA, 1861/62, p. 24. Editions: 1835, 1841, 1861, 1863. Holdings: BM, GF, HHS, HMCS (2), HarU, LH (lacks t.p.), UH, W 387

He I olelo no ko ke Akua ano, I a me na mea / ana i kauoha mai ai i kanaka: I i unuhiia I mai noloko mai o ka Baibala. I Na W. P. Alexander. I Honolulu: I Paiia e Henry M. Whitney. I 1861. I vii, 219 p.

20.5 x 13 cm.

Words on God's nature, and the things he commanded men: translated from the Bible. By W. P. Alexander. Honolulu: Printed by Henry M. Whitney. 1861. 4,500 copies printed: HEA, 1863/64, p. 24. Editions: 1848, 1861. Holdings: AIM, AN, AP, BM (5), CC, D, HHS (2), HMCS (6), HarU (2), LC, M, N, SH (2), T, UH, W, YU



1862 388

Ka Buke I o ka I Pule Ana a me ka hooko ana I i na I kauoha hemolele, I e like me ka mea i kauohaia no ka haipule ana ma ka I Pae Aina Hawaii. I Ua huiia hoi me na I Halelu a Davida, I i hookaawaleia i mea e himeni ai a heluhelu ai I paha iloko o na I halepule. I Honolulu: I Polynesian Book and Job Print. I 1862. I 36 p.

1 9 x 1 1 . 5 cm.

The Book of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments, according to the rites prescribed for the churches in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Together with the Psalms of David, divided for the purpose of being sung or read in the churches. Honolulu: Polynesian Book and Job Print. 1862. Trans, by Kamehameha IV: Dutton, p. 3. Issued before completion of the whole: Dutton, p. 3. Editions: 1862 (2), 1866, 1867, 1869, 1883. Title variations: 1862, 1867, 1869, 1883, K a Buke o ka Pule Ana; 1866, Ka Buke Hoomana. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, MU 389

K a Buke I o ka I Pule Ana a me ka hooko ana / i na I kauoha hemolele, I e like me ka mea i kauohaia no ka haipule ana ma ka I Pae Aina Hawaii. I Ua huiia hoi me na I Halelu a Davida, I i hookaawaleia i mea e himeni ai a heluhelu ai I paha iloko o na I halepule. / Honolulu: I Polynesian Book and Job Print. I 1862. / 397 p.

1 9 x 1 1 cm.

The Book of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments, according to the rites prescribed for the churches in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Together with the Psalms of David, divided for the purpose of being sung or read in the churches. Honolulu: Polynesian Book and Job Print. 1862. Trans, by Kamehameha IV: Dutton, p. 3. First 36 p. issued before completion of whole: Dutton, p. 3. Editions: 1862 (2), 1866, 1867, 1869, 1883. Title variations: 1862, 1867, 1869, 1883, Ka Buke o ka Pule Ana; 1866, K a Buke Hoomana. Holdings: AN, BM, D, ECH, HHS (2), HMCS (2), LH, M, PC, SH, T, UH




Lira kamalii. I Oia na I himeni haipule I me na / himeni walea / pai pu ia me na mele, I no na I kamalii Hawaii. I Paiia e ka Ahahui Taraka Amerika, I Nu Ioka. I [1862] 192 p.


15 x 10 cm.

Children's lyre. Devout hymns and popular hymns printed together with the tunes, for the Hawaiian children. Printed by the American Tract Society, New York. [1862] Hymns edited by E. Bond, tunes arranged by G. Rowell: Hyde. Date: HEA, 1863/64, p. 24. 3,000 copies printed: HEA, 1863/64, p. 24. Holdings: AAS, AIM, AN, AP, BM, D, GF (2), HHS (6), HMCS (11), HarU, LH, LHM, M (2), SH, T, UH (3), W, YU


Ka I mooolelo Hawaii I Histoire I de I l'Archipel Havaiien I (lies Sandwich) I texte et traduction I précédés d'une introduction sur l'etat physique, moral I et politique du pay. / Par I Jules Remy I (Lipalani) I [left hand column:] Paris I Librairie A. Franck I 67, Rue de Richelieu I Alb. L. Herold, successeur I [right hand column:] Leipzig I Franck'sehe Verlags-Buchhandlung I 10, 11, Querstrasse I Albert L. Herold I [bottom line:] 1862 [2d title, p. 2] Ka mooolelo I Hawaii I i kakauia e kekahi I mau haumana o ke Kulanui I a i hooponoponoia I e kekahi kumu o ia kula I Palika I Mea Pai Palapala o J. Claye I ma ke Alanui o Saint-Benoit, 7 I 1861 I [3d title, p. 3:] Histoire I Havaiienne I rédigée par des élèves I de la grande école (de Lahainaluna) / mise en ordre I par un des professeurs I Paris / Imprimerie de J. Claye I Rue Saint-Benoit, 7 / 1861 I

LXXV, [1], 254 p.

22.5 x 15 cm.

The history of Hawaii History of the Hawaiian Archipelago (Sandwich Islands) text and translation preceded by an introduction on the physical, moral and political state of the country. By Jules Remy (Remy) [left hand column:] Paris Libraririe A. Franck 67, Rue de Richelieu Alb. L. Herold, successeur [right hand column:] Leipzig Franck'sche VerlagsBuchhandlung 10, 11, Querstrasse Albert L. Herold [bottom line:] 1862 [2d title, p. 2:] The history of Hawaii written by


1862 some students of the high school and corrected by one of the teachers of this school Paris Press of J . Claye at Rue SaintBenoit, 7 1861 [3d title, p. 3:] Hawaiian history written by some pupils of the high school (of Lahainaluna) put in order by one of the professors Paris Imprimerie de J. Claye Rue SaintBenoit, 7 1861 Holdings: AN, BM, D, HHS, HMCS, HarU, LH, M, N 392

He I ui no ke Akua, I a me I na kanaka: I ua kupono i na kanaka makua a me na kamalii. I Honolulu: I Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii. I 1862. I 52 p.

19 x 10.5 cm.

A catechism on God, and man: suitable for adults and children. Honolulu: Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii. 1862. Colophon: 1st. Ed. A.[merican] B.[ible Society]—5,000. 2d Ed. A.[merican] T.[ract Society]—10,000. 3d. Ed. A.[merican] B.fible Society]—5,000. 4th Ed. A.[merican] B.[ible Society]—5,000. 5th Ed. A.[merican] B.[ible Society]—5,000. Editions: 1848(2), 1854, 1860, 1862, 1865. Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS (2), HarU, N, S

1863 393

He buke himeni I no ka I Ekalesia Katolika Hawaii. I Ua aeia e ka I Bihopa 0 Honolulu. I Honolulu: I Paipalapala Polynesian. I 1863. I cover title, 32 p.

14 x 9 cm.

A hymn book of the [Anglican] Catholic Church of Hawaii. Authorized by the Bishop of Honolulu. Honolulu: Polynesian Press. 1863. Editions: 1863, 1866. Holdings: HMCS, UH 394

Helu 15. I Heaha ka aihue? I [Honolulu, Hawaiian Bible and Tract Society, 1863] caption title, 6 p.

19 x 11 cm.


1863 Number 15. What is theft? [Honolulu, Hawaiian Bible and Tract Society, 1863] By C. Forbes: H B & T S , p. 18. Imprint: H B & T S , p. 18. 5,000 copies printed: H B & T S , p. 12. Holdings: BM(15), HHS(2), HMCS(4), W


K a kaao I o / Laieikawai: ka I hiwahiwa o Paliuli. I Kawahineokaliula. I Kakauia mailoko mai o na moolelo kahiko o Hawaii nei. I Kakauia e S. N. Haleole. I Honolulu, Oahu: I Paiia e Henry M. Whitney, I lunapai o ke Kuokoa. I 1863. I [4], viii, [9]-214 p.

1 8 x 1 2 cm.

The legend of Laieikawai: the beloved one of Paliuli. TheLady-of-the-Twilight. Copied from the ancient history of Hawaii. Written by S. N. Haleole. Honolulu, Oahu: Printed by Henry M. Whitney, editor of the Kuokoa. 1863. Holdings: AAS, AIM, AN, AP, BM (2), D, HHS, HMCS (2), HarU, LH, M, MU, N, PC, PS, T, UH, YU


[He mau himeni ma ka olelo Roma, n.p., 1863] 32 p.


[Hymns in Latin, n.p., 1863] Source: Yzendoorn, 63. Editions: 1863, 1871. Holdings: none located


He I mau olelo ao I i na I wahine o Hawaii. I Na E. H. Anesona. I Honolulu: I Paiia e H. M. Whitney. I 1863. I 12 p.

12 x 7.5 cm.

A few words of instruction to the women of Hawaii. By E. H. Anderson. Honolulu: Printed by H. M. Whitney. 1863. 3,000 copies printed: HEA, 1863/64, p. 24. Holdings: AAS, AN, BM, HHS (2), HMCS (6), HarU, LC (2), N, S, T, W (2)


1863 398

Ka I mooolelo no ka ekalesia I o I Iesu Kristo, ko kakou Haku e Ola'i; I mai ka wa mai o kona hanau ana, a hiki i ka I makahiki o ka Haku, 1860. I ... I Elua paiana. I Hooponopono hou ia, a pai papapai ia, me na kiihoakaka. I Hoolahaia e I ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha P a l a p a l a , I 150 Al. Nasau, Nu Ioka. I 1863. I 305 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

19 x 12 cm.

History of the church of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior; from the time of his birth, till the year of the Lord, 1860 ... 2d ed. Revised again, and printed, with pictures for explanation. Distributed by the American Tract Society, 150 Nassau St., New York. 1863. By J. Green, enl. by H. Bingham: HEA, 1863/64, p. 11. 1,250 copies printed: HEA, 1863/64, p. 24. Editions: 1835, 1841, 1861, 1863. Holdings: AAS, AIM, AN, AP, BM (5), D, HHS (3), HMCS (8), HarU, LC, LH, N, PS (2), SH, T, UH (3), W, YU 399

Mooolelo / o ka I ekalesia Katolika. I [n.p., 1863?] 56 p. (incomplete)

25.5 x 18 cm.

History of the Catholic church, [n.p., 1863?] "Summarized translation of Rohrbacher's Histoire de l'Eglise until the times of Noah. I found only one fragment running from p. 3 - 5 4 ... As parts of this history appear in the Hae Kiritiano of 1862, it has perhaps been put in bookform in the following year.": Yzendoorn, 62. Holdings: HMCS (56 p. only) 400

Na I hoike I e ikeia'i o ka olelo i kapaia I o ka I Palapala Hemolele, / o ka olelo ia I a ke Akua. I He mau olelo i hoikeia'ku i na haumana o ke I kula nui i Lahainaluna. I Na Alekanedero. I Honolulu: I Paiia e Henele M. Wini. / 1863. I iii, [1], 114 p.

1 9 x 1 2 cm.

Arguments to show that the word which is called the Holy Writ, is the word of God. Words explained to the students of the high school at Lahainaluna. By Alexander. Honolulu: Printed by Henry M. Whitney. 1863.


1864 1,000 copies printed: HEA, 1863/64, p. 10. Editions: 1849, 1863. Title variations: 1849, Na hoike e ikea'i o ka olelo; 1863, Na hoike e ikeia'i o ka olelo. Holdings: AN, BM (3), HHS, HMCS (4), HarU (2), M, N, T, UH (2), W, YU


Na mea e hana ia ai / e na hoahanau / o ka ekalesia. / [Honolulu, 1863?] caption title, 12 p.

15 x 10 cm.

Practices of the brethren of the church. [Honolulu, 1863?] Imprint: Ballou, 593. Holdings: HMCS 402

O ke I kumumuà hou. I [cut] I American Tract Society. I 150 Nassau-Street, New York. I [1863?] 80p. incl. front., illus. (woodcuts)

15.5 x 10 cm.

The new primer, [cut] American Tract Society. 150 NassauStreet, New York. [1863?] Trans, by E. Bond: HEA, 1863/64, p. 11. 3,000 copies printed: HEA, 1863/64, p. 24. Date: HEA, 1862/63, p. 28. P. 1: Haw. Tr. Primer. Editions: 1863, 1866. Holdings: GF, HHS, HMCS (22), LHM, MU, UH (5), W

1864 403

[Jesu mau Lunaolelo. X X X . Oahu Paiia no na Misionari. 1864.] 189 p. [Apostles of Jesus. X X X . Oahu Printed by the Missionaries. 1864.] Source: Ballou, 598. Holdings: none located


1864 404

[... Lira Katolika (büke akahi) He mau mesa a he mau himeni kekahi ma ka olelo Roma, no ka hoomaikai ana o ke Sakarema Hemolele-loa. [cut] Honolulu Pai-palapala Katolika. 1864.] [6], 88 p. [... Catholic lyrics (book one) Masses and hymns in the Latin tongue, for the benediction of the most Blessed Sacrament. [cut] Honolulu Catholic Press. 1864.] At head of title: V.C.J.S. Source: Yzendoorn, 65. Editions: 1864. v. 1, v. 2, suppl., 2 v. in 1 with suppl.; 1886, 2 v. in 1. Holdings: none located


[... Lira Katolika. (büke alua) He mau himeni. No na la hoano, no ka mesa, no ke korona &. &... [cut] Honolulu: Paipalapala Katolika, 1864.] 1 p. 1., 77 p., [1] p.


21 x 26 cm.

[... Catholic lyrics (book two) Hymns. For the feast days, for the mass, for the rosary &. &... [cut] Honolulu: Catholic Press , 1864.] At head of title: V.C.J.S. Source: Yzendoorn, 67. Editions: 1864, v. 1, v. 2, suppl., 2 v. in 1 with suppl.; 1886, 2 v. in 1. Holdings: none located 406

... I Lira Katolika / (büke akahi.) He mau mesa I a he mau himeni kekahi, ma ka olelo Roma, I no ka hoomaikai ana I o ke Sakarema Hemolele-loa. I [cut] I Honolulu Paipalapala Katolika. I 1864. I [2d title:] ... I Suplementum. I Hookuina o ka büke akahi i ka I Lira Katolika. / I ka hoomaikai ana o ke Sakarema-Hmoleele-loa [sic], I [cut] I Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1864. I [3d title:] ... Lira Katolika. I (büke alua.) I He mau himeni. I No na la hoano, no ka mesa, no ke korona &. & ... I [cut] Honolulu, Paipalapala Katolika. I 1864. I [6], 88, [2], 40 p., 1 1., 77, [1] p.



21 x 26 cm.

1864 ... Catholic lyrics (book one.) Masses and hymns, in the Latin tongue, for the benediction of the most Blessed Sacrament. [cut] Honolulu Catholic Press. 1864. [2d title:] ... Supplement. To the first book of the Catholic lyrics. For the benediction of the most Blessed Sacrament, [cut] Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1864. [3d title:] ... Catholic lyrics, (book two.) Hymns. For the feast days, for the mass, for the rosary &. & ... [cut] Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1864. At head of titles: V.C.J.S. Editions: 1864. v. 1, v. 2, suppl., 2 v. in 1 with suppl.; 1886, 2 v. in 1. Holdings: BM (lacks Suplementum), HMCS (lacks t.p., [2], p. 19-26, 61-68, 73-76, 87-88, [l]-39, 3-4, 43-46, 75-76) 407

Na I himeni hoolea, I he mau I mele ma ka uhane, I e hoolea ai I na kanaka, na keiki, na ohana, na I ekalesia, ia Iehova, ke I Akua e ola'i. I Honolulu: I Paiia e H. M. Whitney. I 1864. I v, [2], 8-400 p.

14 x 8 cm.

Hymns of praise, spiritual songs, for men, children, families, churches, to praise Jehovah, the eternal God. Honolulu: Printed by H. M. Whitney. 1864. By L. Lyons: HEA, 1863/64. p. 11. 3,000 copies printed: HEA, 1866/67, p. 11. Editions: 1837, 1839, 1847, 1855, 1859, 1864, 1867. Holdings: AAS, AH, AIM, BM (2), BY, GF, HHS (2), HMCS (2), HarU (3), LHM, M, PC, T, UH (4), W 408

He I ninau hoike I no ka I mooolelo o ka I Palapala Hemolele. I I ikea ai I ka hana ana a ke Akua a me na kanaka, mai ke I kumu mai a hiki i ka wa o ka I Iesu mau lunaolelo: I he mea e pono ai na makua, a me na I keiki, a me na kula I ... / Ke kolu o ke pai ana. I Oahu. I Paiia no na Misionari. I 1864. I 189 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

15 x 9 cm.

An historical catechism of the Holy Scripture. Explaining the work of God and man, from the beginning to the time of Jesus and his disciples: suitable for adults, children, and schools ... 3d ed. Oahu. Mission Press. 1864.


1864 By H. Bingham: HEA, 1863/64, p. 11. 3,000 copies printed: HEA, 1865/66, p. 24. Editions: 1830, 1832, 1864. Title variations: 1830, 1832, He ninauhoike no ka mooolelo o ka Palapala Hemolelé; 1864, He ninau hoike no ka mooolelo o ka Palapala Hemolele. Holdings: AIM, AN, BM (12), D, GF, HHS(2), H M C S ( l l ) , HarU (3), LC, LH (2), LHM, M, S, SH, UH (6), W


A I short synopsis I of the I most essential points I in I Hawaiian grammar: I for the use of the pupils I of I Oahu College. I [Part I] By W. D. Alexander. I Honolulu: I Printed by H. M. Whitney. I 1864. I 19 p.

20 x 12 cm.

Editions: 1864, v. 1, v. 2; 1871, 1891, 2 v. in 1. Title variations: 1864, v. 1, 1871, 1891, A short synopsis of the most essential points in Hawaiian grammar; 1864, v. 2, A short synopsis of Hawaiian grammar. Holdings: AH, BM, HHS, HMCS (2), PS, T


A / short synopsis I of I Hawaiian grammar. I Part II. I Hawaiian syntax. I For I the use of the pupils of Oahu College. I By W. D. Alexander. I Honolulu: I Printed by H. M. Whitney. I 1864. I 34 p.

20 x 12 cm.

Editions: 1864, v. 1, v. 2; 1871, 1891, 2 v. in 1. Title variations: 1864, v. 1, 1871, 1891, A short synopsis of the most essential points in Hawaiian grammar; 1864, v. 2, A short synopsis of Hawaiian grammar. Holdings: GF, HHS, HMCS (2), LH (2), M, N, PS, T, UH, V


... I Suplementum. I Hookuina o ka buke akahi i ka I Lira Katolika. I I ka hoomaikai ana o ke Sakarema-Hmoleele-loa [sic]. I [cut] I Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1864. I 40 p.


22 x 27.5 cm.


1865 ... Supplement. Accompanying the first book of the Catholic lyrics. For the benediction of the most Blessed Sacrament. [cut] Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1864. At head of title: V.C.J.S. Editions: 1864 (2, 1 in Lira Katolika 2 v. in 1) Holdings: AN, CSSC, HHS, HMCS, HarU, T (2) 412

He ui, I a me I kekahi mau mea e ae i makemakeia e hoomaopopo, I no ka hoike ana i ka I manaoio a me ka hoomana ana I o kela lala o ka I Ekalekia Kakolika Hemolele I o Kristo, / i kukuluia ma Hawaii Nei e na I Bihopa o Enelani a me Amelika. I Honolulu: I Pai ia no ka Halepule. I 1864. I 60 p.

15 x 10 cm.

A catechism, and some other things which one wants to know, to show the faith and the worship of that branch of the Holy Catholic Church of Christ, which was founded here in Hawaii by the Bishops of England and America. Honolulu: Printed for the Church. 1864. Holdings: HHS, HMCS

1865 413

A I dictionary I of the I Hawaiian language, I to which is appended an I English-Hawaiian vocabulary I and a I chronological table of remarkable events. I By Lorrin Andrews. I Honolulu, H. I. I Printed by Henry M. Whitney. I 1865. I 559 p.

23.5 x 15 cm.

Editions: 1865, 1893. Holdings: AH (lacks t.p., p. i-vi, 521-559), AIM, AP, BM, CC, ECH, GF, HHS, HMCS, HarU (2), LH (5), MU, N, PM, PS, T (3), UH (3), W (lacks p. vii-viii, 559) 414

Na I olelo ao liilii. I Helu I. I [cut] I Hoopukaia e ka Papa Hawaii. I Honolulu: I Paiia e H. M. Wini. I 1865. I 32 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

15 x 10 cm.


1865 Words teaching little by little. Number I. [cut] Published by the Hawaiian Board. Honolulu: Printed by H. M. Whitney. 1865. 3,000 copies printed: HEA, 1865/66, p. 24. Holdings: AIM, AN, BM (2), GF, HHS, HMCS (13), HarU, LC (2), N, SH, T, UH, W


He I ui kamalii I no na I Kula Sabati. / [Helu 1] ... I Honolulu: I Hoopukaia e ka Papa Hawaii. I Paiia e H. M. Wini. I 1865. I 140 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

18 x 10.5 cm.

A child's catechism for Sunday Schools. [No. 1] ... Honolulu: Published by the Hawaiian Board. Printed by H. M. Whitney. 1865. By E. Bond: Anderson, p. 392. ( Editions: 1865 (no. 1), 1866 (no. 2), 1868 (no. 3), 1869 (no. 4), 1870 (no. 5). Title variations: 1865 (no. 1), 1866 (no. 2), 1868 (no. 3), He . ui kamalii no na Kula Sabati; 1869 (no. 4), 1870 (no. 5), Ui Kula Sabati. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (3), HarU (3), LC, N, S, T, W, YU


He / ui no ke Akua, / a me I na kanaka: / ua kupono i na kanaka makua a me na kamalii. I Hoopukaia e ka Papa Hawaii. I Honolulu. I Paiia e H. M. Wini. I 1865. I 52 p.

2 0 x 1 1 cm.

A catechism on God, and man: suitable for adults and for children. Published by the Hawaiian Board. Honolulu. Printed by H. M. Whitney. 1865. Colophon: 1st Ed. A.[merican] B.[ible Society]—5,000, 2d Ed. A.[merican] T.[ract Society]—10,000. 3d Ed. A.[merican] B.fible Society]—5,000. 4th Ed. A.[merican],B.[ible Society]—5,000, 5th Ed. A.fmerican] B.[ible Society]-5,000. 6th Ed.—3,000. Editions: 1848(2), 1854, 1860, 1862, 1865. Holdings: AN, AP, BM (7), D, GF, HHS (4), HMCS (41), HarU (2), LHM, LC, M, N, PS, T, UH (2), W


1866 417

He I wahi kumu-manao I no na mea nui I maloko o ka ke I Akua olelo. I Na Davida Malo. I Honolulu, Oahu. I 1865. I 32 p.

1 2 x 7 cm.

Some instructions about the great things in the word of God. By David Malo. Honolulu, Oahu. 1865. 5,000 copies printed: HEA, 1865/66, p. 24. Editions: 1837, 1861, 1865. Title variations: 1837, He wahi manao kumu; 1861, Helu 13. He wahi manao kumu; 1865, He wahi kumu-manao. Holdings: AAS, BM, HHS (3), HMCS (4), HarU, N, T, UH, YU


He I wahi mooolelo I no I Batimea Puaaiki, I no Wailuku, Maui, I na J. S. Gelina, i kakau. I Honolulu, Oahu: I Hoopukaia e ka Papa Hawaii. I Paiia e Heneri M. Wini. I 1865. I 64 p.

14 x 10 cm.

A memoir of Bartimeus Puaaiki, of Wailuku, Maui, written by J. S. Green. Honolulu, Oahu: Published by the Hawaiian Board. Printed by Henry M. Whitney. 1865. 5,000 copies printed: HEA, 1865/66, p. 24. Editions: 1847, 1865. Holdings: AN, BM (7), GF, HHS (3), HMCS (127), HarU (3), LC (2), LH (2), N, PS, T, UH (3), V, W

1866 419

He büke himeni I no ka I Ekalesia Katolika Hawaii. I Ua aeia e ka I Bihopa o Honolulu. I Honolulu: I J. H. Black, Mea Pai. I 1866. I 57 p.

14.5 x 10 cm.

Hymn book of the [Anglican] Catholic Church of Hawaii. Approved by the Bishop of Honolulu. Honolulu: J. H. Black, Printer. 1866. Editions: 1863, 1866. Holdings: BM, GF, HHS, HMCS (3), PS, W


1866 420

Ka Buke Hoomana I o I kela la keia la I i hoonohonohoia no ka I pula kakahiaka ame pule ahiahi I a me ka lawelawe ana o ke I anaina sakarema hemolele I a ka Haku, ka mea e hana mau ia ana I iloko o ka lala o ko Kristo I Ekalesia Katolika Hemolele, I i kukuluia ma ko Hawaii Nei Pae Aina e na bishopa o I Enelani a me Amerika Huipuia, a me na I halelu, na himeni, a me na mea e ae I e kupono ai ke hana ia, no I ka hoomana ana'ku I i ke Akua. I Honolulu: I James H. Black, Printer. I 1866. I 134 p.

14.5 x 10 cm.

The Book of Common Prayer arranged for morning and evening prayer and the administration of the sacraments of Our Lord, with the ceremonies in the branch of the Holy Catholic Church, established in the Hawaiian Archipelago by the bishops of England and the United States of America, and psalms, hymns, and other things, useful in the worship of God. Honolulu: James H. Black, Printer. 1866. Editions: 1862 (2), 1866, 1867, 1869, 1883. Title variations: 1862(2), 1867, 1869, 1883, Ka Buke o ka Pule Ana; 1866, Ka Buke Hoomana. Holdings: AP, BM (lacks p. [iii]-14), GF (lacks t.p.), HHS (2), HMCS (3), PS, W (lacks t.p.) 421

He I büke lawe lima I a ke I kahuekalesia. I Hoopukaia e ka ahalunakahiko o na mokupuni o Maui. I Honolulu: I Paiia e Henere M. Wini. I 1866. I 44 p.

1 6 x 1 2 cm.

A handbook of the pastor. Published by the elders of the island of Maui. Honolulu: Printed by Henry M. Whitney. 1866. 1841 edition was for Presbyterians, later editions were for Congregationalists: cf. Pref., 1887 edition p. [4]. Editions: 1841, 1866, 1868, 1887. Title variations: 1841, He olelo no ka hooponopono ana i na ekalesia lunakahiko ma ko Hawaii Nei Pae Aina; 1866, Ka büke lawe lima a ke kahuekalesia; 1868, He büke lawe lima no na kahu-ekalesiä; 1887, Ka büke lawe lima o ke kahuekalesia. Holdings: AIM, AP, BM (5), GF, HHS (2), HMCS (8), HarU, LC, T, UH, W, YU 422

He / haawina kamalii I no na / keiki opiopio. I [Buke I] Hoopukaia e ka Papa Hawaii. I Honolulu: I Paiia e Henele M. Wini. I 1866. I 152

1866 114 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

1 8 . 5 x 1 1 cm.

Children's lessons for the young. [Book I] Published by the Hawaiian Board. Honolulu: Printed by Henry M. Whitney. 1866. 2,000 copies printed: HEA, 1867/68 (English ed., p. 62). Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (2), HarU (2), LC, N, YU


He I haawina kamalii I no na I keiki opiopio. I Buke II. I Ke Kauoha Hou. I Hoopukaia e ka Papa Hawaii. I Honolulu: I Paiia e Henere M. Wini. I 1866. I 60 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

1 8 x 1 1 cm.

Children's lessons for the young. Book II. The New Testament. Published by the Hawaiian Board. Honolulu: Printed by Henry M. Whitney. 1866. 2,000 copies printed: HEA, 1867/68 (English ed., p. 62). Holdings: AAS, BM, HHS (2), HMCS (3), HarU (2), LC, N


I Makemake anei oe i ke ola? I [Honolulu, 1866] caption title, 4 p.

20 x 12 cm.

Do you wish life? [Honolulu, 1866] Trans, by L. Smith: H B & T S , p. 11-12. Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii. Second Edition, 5,000 — 1866. (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii. Second Edition, 5,000 — 1866). Place: HEA, 1865/66 (English ed., p. 50) Editions: 1859, 1866. Holdings: BM (3), HHS (2), HMCS (3), W


I E hele io Kristo la. I [Honolulu, 1866] caption title, 4 p.

20 x 12 cm.

Go to Jesus. [Honolulu, 1866] Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii. Second Edition, 5,000 — 1866. (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii. Second Edition, 5,000 — 1866) 153

1866 Place: HB&TS, p. 12. Editions: 1859, 1866. Holdings: BM (6), HHS, HMCS (7) 426

I Ka hoi ana mai o ke keiki uhauha. I [Honolulu, 1866] caption title, 4 p.

18.5 x 10.5 cm.

The return of the prodigal son. [Honolulu,


Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii. Second Edition, 5,000 — 1866. (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii. Second Edition, 5,000 — 1866) Place: HB&TS, p. 12. Editions: 1859, 1866. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (3), UH, W 427

I No ka hoohiki wahahee i ke Akua. I [Honolulu, 1866?] caption title, 4 p.

20 x 12 cm.

On swearing falsely before God. [Honolulu, 1866?] By R. Armstrong: HB&TS, p. 14. Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii. (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii) Date of publication has been assigned on the basis that type face and format are consistent with other publications in the series published in 1866. Editions: 1860, 1866. Holdings: BM (6), HMCS (2) 428

I Ka eehia ana o ka ahaaina a ka Haku, I a me ka papetiko ana. I [Honolulu, 1866?] caption title, 5 p.

19.5 x 12 cm.

The reverence for the Lord's supper, and baptism. [Honolulu, 1866?]


1866 Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii. (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii) Date of publication has been assigned on the basis that typeface and format are consistent with other publications in the series published in 1866. Holdings: BM (9), HHS (2), HMCS (5), W 429

I Mai hana ino i na holoholona. I ... I [Honolulu,


caption title, 4 p.

19.5 x 11.5 cm.

Don't overwork animals ... [Honolulu, 1866?] By T. Coan: HEA, 1866/67, p. 10-11. Colophon: Paiia e ka Poe Hoolaha Baibala me na Palapala e ae o Hawaii. (Printed by the Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii) Place and date: HEA, 1866/67, p. 10-11. 5,000 copies printed: HEA, 1867/68, p. 62. Holdings: BM (5), HHS (2), HMCS (4), W 430

I No ka mahi ana, kuai ana, a me ka inu I ana i ka awa. I [Honolulu, Hawaiian Bible and Tract Society, 1866] caption title, 4 p.

19 x 11.5 cm.

On cultivating, trading, and drinking awa. [Honolulu, Hawaiian Bible and Tract Society, 1866] By M. Kuaea: HEA, 1866/67, p. 11. Imprint: HEA, 1866/67, p. 11. 5,000 copies printed: HEA, 1867/68 (English ed., p. 62) Some copies have title with a different line ending, i.e. No ka I mahi ana, kuai ana, a me ka inu I ana i ka awa. I Holdings: B M ( l l ) , HHS (2), HMCS (12), W 431

Manuale Katolika I no ta poe Havaii I i mea e aoia'i latou ma ta pule a me na mea e ae I e pili ana i to latou manaoio. I Honolulu, I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1866. I [20], 48, 174 p.

illus. (woodcuts)


17 x 10.5 cm.

1866 Catholic manual for the people of Hawaii in order for them to learn the prayers and other things regarding their faith. Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1866. Slight variations in paging. Editions: 1854, 1857 (5), 1866, 1874. Title variations: 1854, 1857, ... Manuale no ta poe Katolika ma Havaii nei; 1866, Manuale Katolika no ta poe Havaii; 1874, ... Manuale no ka poe Katolika. Holdings: CSSC, HMCS (2), M 432

... I 0 ke I kumumua hou. I [cut] I American Tract Society. I 150 Nassau-Street, New York. I [1866] 80 p. incl. front., illus. (woodcuts)

15.5 x 10 cm.

... The new primer, [cut] American Tract Society. 150 Nassau-Street, New York. [1866] At bottom of p. 1: Haw. Tr. Primer. At head of front.: p. 2, Hawaiian Tr. Primer. At head of t.: Hawaiian Title, p. 3. Trans, by E. Bond: HEA, 1863/64, p. 11. 2,000 copies printed: HEA, 1866/67, p. 10. Editions: 1863, 1866. Holdings: AAS, AIM, AN, BM (3), D, HHS, HMCS, HarU (3), LH, M, PS, UH 433

[Ui kamalii no na Kula Sabati. Helu II. Honolulu: Hoopukaia e ka Papa Hawaii. Paiia e H. M. Wini. 1866?] 174 p. [A child's catechism for Sunday Schools. Number II. Honolulu: Issued by the Hawaiian Board. Published by H. M. Whitney. 1866?] By E. Bond: Anderson, p. 392. Source: HEA, 1867/68 (English ed., p. 62) 2,000 copies printed: HEA, 1867/68 (English ed., p. 62) Editions: 1865 (no. 1), 1866 (no. 2), 1868 (no. 3), 1869 (no. 4), 1870 (no. 5). Title variations: 1865 (no. 1), 1866 (no. 2), 1868 (no. 3), He ui kamalii no na Kula Sabati; 1869 (no. 4), 1870 (no. 5), Ui Kula Sabati. Holdings: none located



1867 434

Ka Buke I o ka I Pule Ana a me ka hooko ana I i na / kauoha hemolele, / e like me ka mea i kauohaia no ka haipule / ana ma ka I Pae Aina Hawaii. / Ua huiia hoi me na I Halelu a Davida, I i kikoia i mea e himeni ai a heluhelu ai paha I iloko o na I halepule. I London: I [Colophon: W. W. Watts, Crown Court, Temple Bar] 1867. I xxiv, 477 p.

14 x 9 cm.

The Book of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments, according to the rites prescribed for the churches in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Together with the Psalms of David, paraphrased into hymns for singing or reading in the churches. London: [Colophon: W. W. Watts, Crown Court, Temple Bar] 1867. Editions: 1862 (2), 1866, 1867, 1869, 1883. Title variations: 1862, 1867, 1869, 1883, Ka Buke o ka Pule Ana; 1866, Ka Buke Hoomana. Holdings: ECH (3), FSH, HHS, HMCS (2), M (2) 435

Ka I ekalesia oiaio. I Na Rev. J. F. Pogue I i kakau. I Hoopukaia e ka Papa Hawaii. I Honolulu: / Paiia e Henele M. Wini. I 1867. I 26 p.

19 x 12 cm.

The true church. By Rev. J. F. Pogue. Published by the Hawaiian Board. Honolulu: Printed by Henry M. Whitney. 1867. 3,000 copies printed: HEA, 1867/68 (English ed., p. 62) Holdings: BM (3), HHS (4), HMCS (6), LC, M, N, PC, T, UH, W 436

Ka I hoike ana o ka manaoio I a ka I Ahahui Euanelio o ko Hawaii Pae Aina, I Iune, 1867. I Honolulu: I Paiia e Henry M. Whitney. I 1867. I 41 p.

14 x 9.5 cm.

Explanations of the belief of the Evangelical Association of the Hawaiian Archipelago, June, 1867. Honolulu: Printed by Henry M. Whitney. 1867. Holdings: AIM, BM, HHS, HMCS (2), N, W


1867 437

He I hoike-pope. I Na Limaikaika i kakau. I [Honolulu, Hawaiian Evangelical Association, 1867] caption title, 23 p.

21 x 12.5 cm.

A report on popery. Written by Armstrong. [Honolulu, Hawaiian Evangelical Association, 1867] Imprint: HEA, 1866/67, p. 11. 3,000 copies printed: HEA, 1867/68 (English ed., p. 62) Editions: 1841, 1867. Title variations: 1841, He wahi hoikepope; 1867, He hoikepope. Holdings: AIM, AN, BM (5), HHS (9), HMCS (7), LC, LH, M, MU, N, T, UH, W


He I mau wahi manao I no I ka aoao pope. I Na Rev. J. F. Pokue / i kakau. I Hoopukaia e ka Papa Hawaii. I Honolulu: I Paiia e Henele M. Wini. I 1867. I 56 p.

19 x 12 cm.

Thoughts on the papist side. By Rev. J. F. Pogue. Published by the Hawaiian Board. Honolulu: Printed by Henry M. Whitney. 1867. 3,000 copies printed: HEA, 1867/68 (English ed., p. 62) Holdings: AN, BM (2), HHS (2), HMCS (5), LC, LH, M, N, PC, SH (lacks p. 51-56), T, UH, V, W


Ka moolelo I o I Heneri Opukahaia, I ua hanauia ma Hawaii, M. H. 1787, I a I ua make ma Amerika, I Feberuari 17, 1818. I Oia ka hua mua o Hawaii nei. I Paiia e I ko Amerika Ahahui Teraka, I Nu Ioka. I 1867. I 103 p.

front, (port.)

15 x 10 cm.

The history of Henry Obookiah, born in Hawaii, year 1787, and died in America, February 17, 1818. The first fruit of Hawaii. Printed by the American Tract Society, New York, 1867. Corrections and additions by S. W. Papaula: cf. Foreword. 2,000 copies printed: HEA, 1867/68 (English ed., p. 62) Holdings: AIM, AN, AP, BM (6), D, GF, HHS (4), HMCS (7), HarU, LC (2), LHM, N, PC, S, T, UH (5), V (10), W, YU


1868 440

Na I himeni hoolea, I he mau I mele ma ka uhane, I e hoolea ai I na kanaka, na keiki, na ohana, I na ekalesia, ia Iehova, I ke Akua e ola'i. I Ka lua o ka pai ana. I Honolulu: I Pai ia e Henry M. Whitney. I 1867. I 408 p.

13.5 x 7.5 cm.

Hymns of praise, spiritual songs, for men, children, families, churches, to praise Jehovah, the eternal God. 2d printing. Honolulu: Printed by Henry M. Whitney. 1867. Trans, by H. Bingham and others: Dibble, p. 417. Ka lua o ka pai ana (2d printing) is in error. 3,000 copies printed: HEA, 1867/68, p. 10. Editions: 1837, 1839, 1847, 1855, 1859, 1864, 1867. Holdings: BM (2), HHS (2), HMCS, HarU, S, W 441

Olelo hoakaka. I [n.p., 1867?] caption title, 32 p.

7.5 x 11.5 cm.

Word of explanation, [n.p., 1867?] Caption title on p. [28]: He mau ui no ka Pae Aina o Hawaii, i hooponopono ia e Hon. A. Fornander. M. H. 1867. (Questions on the Hawaiian Archipelago, edited by Hon. A. Fornander. In the year 1867) Editions: 1860, 1867. Title variations: 1860, Olelo hooakaka; 1867, Olelo hoakaka. Holdings: AAS, BM (3), FLP, HHS (3), HMCS, M, PC, SH, T

1868 442

Ka I Baibala Hemolele I o ke I Kauoha Kahiko a me ke Kauoha Hou; I i unuhiia mailoko mai I o na olelo kahiko, I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, I i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I 1868. I [2d title, p. 1133:] Ke I Kauoha Hou I a ko kakou I Haku e Ola'i a Iesu Kristo, I i unuhiia I mai ka olelo Helene; I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, I i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I CHawaiian Ref. 8vo.> 1868. I 1456 p.

28 x 21 cm.


1868 The Holy Bible of the Old Testament and the New Testament; translated from ancient tongues, and revised. New York: Printed by the American Bible Society, founded in the year 1816. 1868. [2d title:] The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, translated from the Greek; and revised. New York: Printed for the American Bible Society, founded in the year 1816. 1868. Note at bottom of p. 3: 1st Edition. 440 copies printed: HEA, 1868/69, p. 12. Editions: 1868, 1872, 1881, 1883, 1884, 1886. Holdings: AAS, BM (2), ECH, HHS (2), HMCS (10), LHM, M (2), PC, SH (2), T


He I büke lawe lima I no na I kahu-ekalesia. I Honolulu: I Paiia e Henere M. Wini. I 1868. I 104 p.

1 4 x 1 1 cm.

A handbook for pastors. Honolulu: Printed by Henry M. Whitney. 1868. 500 copies printed: HEA, 1868/69, p. 12. 1841 edition was for Presbyterians, later editions for Congregationalists: cf. Pref., 1887 edition, p. [4] Editions: 1841, 1866, 1868, 1887. Title variations: 1841, He olelo no ka hooponopono ana i na ekalesia lunakahiko ma ko Hawaii Nei Pae Aina; 1866, Ka büke lawe lima a ke kahuekalesia; 1868, He büke lawe lima no na kahu-ekalesia; 1887, Ka büke lawe lima o ke kahuekalesia. Holdings: AIM, BM, HHS (2), HMCS (2), UH


Ke I Kauoha Hou I a ko kakou I Haku e Ola'i a Iesu Kristo, I i unuhiia I mai ka olelo Helene; I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, I i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I 1868. I [2], 1135-1456 p.

23 x 1 4 . 5 cm.

The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, translated from the Greek; and revised. New York: Printed by the American Bible Society, founded in the year 1816. < Hawaiian Ref. 8vo.> 1868.


1869 Verso of t.p.: 1st Edition. 425 copies printed: HEA, 1868/69, p. 12. Editions: 1835, 1837, 1841, 1843 (2), 1849, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1868, 1869, 1871 (2), 1884. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (4), LHM, M, SH (2) 445

He I ui kamalii I no na I Kula Sabati. I Helu III. I Hoopukaia e ka Papa Hawaii. I Honolulu. I Paiia e H. M. Wini. I 1868 I 132 p.

18.5x11.5 cm.

A child's catechism for Sunday Schools. Number III. Published by the Hawaiian Board. Honolulu. Printed by H. M. Whitney. 1868 Trans, by E. Bond: HEA, 1868/69, p. 11. 3,000 copies printed: HEA, 1868/69, p. 12. Editions: 1865 (no. 1), 1866 (no 2), 1868 (no. 3), 1869 (no. 4), 1870 (no. 5) Title variations: 1865 (no. 1), 1866 (no. 2), 1868 (no. 3), He ui kamalii no na Kula Sabati; 1869 (no. 4), 1870 (no. 5), Ui Kula Sabati. Holdings: BM, HHS (3), HMCS (12), N, T, W, YU

1869 446

Ka Buke I 0 ka I Pule Ana a me ka hooko ana I i na I kauoha hemolele, I e like me ka mea i kauohaia no ka haipula I ana ma ka I Pae Aina Hawaii. I Ua huiia hoi me na I Halelu a Davida, I i kikoia i mea e himeni ai a heluhelu ai paha I iloko o na I halepule. I Oxford: I 1869. I xxiv, 477 p.

14 x 8 cm.

The Book of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments, according to the rites prescribed for the churches in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Together with the Psalms of David, arranged for the purpose of being sung or read in the churches. Oxford: 1869. Editions: 1862 (2), 1866, 1867, 1869, 1883. Title variations: 1862, 1867, 1869, 1883, Ka Buke o ka Pule Ana; 1866, Ka Buke Hoomana. Holdings: AN, ECH, HHS, HMCS, PC, UH (2)


1869 447

K a Buke I o I na Halelu, I i unuhiia I mai ka olelo Hebera; I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia e ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, I i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I 1869. I 115 p.

1 6 x 1 0 cm.

The Book of Psalms, translated from the Hebrew; and revised. New York: Printed by the American Bible Society, founded in the year 1816. 1869. 210 copies printed: HEA, 1869/70, p. 13. Editions: 1869, 1871. Holdings: AN, BM (2), HHS, HMCS (8), LC, LHM, UH, V 448

Ke I Kauoha Hou I a ko kakou I Haku e Ola'i a Iesu Kristo, I i unuhiia I mai ka olelo Helene; I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia e ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, / i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I CHawaiian 18mo.> 1869. 339 p.

15.5 x 10 cm.

The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, translated from the Greek; and revised. New York: Printed by the American Bible Society, established in the year 1816. 1869. Verso of t.p.: 1st Edition. 800 copies printed: HEA, 1869/70, p. 13. Editions: 1835, 1837, 1841, 1843(2), 1849, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1868, 1869, 1871 (2), 1884. Holdings: AAS, BM, HHS (2), HMCS (4), LHM 449

Ke keiki paionia: I or Pioneer boy I i lilo i I Peresidena no Amerika Huipuia; I i unuhiia a i kakauia e I Samuel C. Andrews, I Lahainaluna. I Nu Yoka: I Paiia e William B. Bodge. I 1869. I 306 p.

front, (port.), plates

19 x 12 cm.

The pioneer boy; who became President of the United States of America; translated and written by Samuel C. Andrews, Lahainaluna. New York: Printed by William B. Bodge. 1869. A translation of a biography of Abraham Lincoln by William M. Thayer, originally published in 1864. 162

1869 Holdings: AN, AP, BM (3), D, GF, HHS (2), HMCS (2), LC, LH (2), N, T, UH (3), V, W 450

He mau / mele Kula Sabati, / i hakuia e / Rev. L. Laiana. / Me kekahi mau haawina, / i paiia no na Kula Sabati o Kawaiahao a / me Kaumakapili. / Honolulu, Oahu. / 1869. / 30 p.

15 x 10 cm.

Sunday School songs, composed by Rev. L. Lyons. With some lessons, printed for the Sunday Schools of Kawaiahao and Kaumakapili. Honolulu, Oahu, 1869. Verso of t.p.: (Printing house of H. M Whitney) Holdings: HHS, HMCS (3), LC, W 451

Na olelo hoakaka a me na hooholo I o ka I Ahahui Hana-LimaIke Hawaii, I me I ke kumumanao I i heluheluia e ka peresidena i ka halawai o ka la I 22 o Novemaba, 1869. I [Honolulu?, 1869] cover title, 16 p.

19.5 x 13 cm.

Instructions and resolutions of the Society for Hawaiian Industrial Training, with the address of the president at its meeting of November 22, 1869. [Honolulu?, 1869] Holdings: HHS, HMCS 452

Ui Kula Sabati. I Helu IV. I Hoopukaia e ka Papa Hawaii. I Honolulu: I Paiia e Henry M. Whitney. I 1869. I 12 p.

1 9 x 1 1 cm.

Sunday School catechism. Number IV. Published by the Hawaiian Board. Honolulu: Printed by Henry M. Whitney. 1869. Trans, by W. P. Alexander: HEA, 1868/69, p. 11. 3,000 copies printed: HEA, 1868/69, p. 12. Editions: 1865 (no. 1), 1866 (no. 2), 1868 (no. 3), 1869 (no. 4), 1870 (no. 5) Title variations: 1856 (no. 1), 1866 (no. 2), 1868 (no. 3), He ui kamalii no na Kula Sabati; 1869 (no. 4), 1870 (no. 5), Ui Kula Sabati. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (6), LC, PC, W 163

1870 1870 453

Ka hae hoonani. I Oia na I mele a pau i pai pu ia me na leo I maloko 0 " K e Alaula", I mai ka hoomaka ana a hiki i keia wa. I Hoopukaia e ka Papa Euanelio Hawaii. I Paiia ma ka Hale Pai " K u o k o a " . I Honolulu. I [1870.] cover title, 36 p., 2 1.


17 x 18 cm.

The banner of praise. All the songs printed with music found in " T h e Alaula", from the beginning up to now. Published by the Hawaiian Evangelical Board. Printed at the Printed House of " K u o k o a " . Honolulu. [1870] 1,000 copies printed: HEA, 1870/71, p. 14. Editions: 1870, 1872, 1874. Holdings: BM, HHS 454

... / He mele ewanelio. / No na I Katolika. I Ma Hawaii nei, / [cut] I Honolulu. Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1870. I ii, 45, [1] p.

12 x 8 cm.

Gospel songs. For Catholics. In Hawaii, [cut] Honolulu. Catholic Press. 1870. At head of title: V.C.J.S. Errata on verso of p. 45. Editions: 1870, n.d. Holdings: AN, HHS, W 455

He I ui Kula Sabati. I Helu V. I No na I kula pokii o na keiki liilii. I Hoomakaukauia e I O.K. Kulika. / Hoopukaia e ka Papa Hawaii. I Honolulu: I Paiia e Henry M. Whitney. I 1870. / 103 p.

illus. (woodcuts)


A Sunday School catechism. Number V. For the elementary schools of little children. Prepared by 0 . H. Gulick. Published by the Hawaiian Board. Honolulu: Printed by Henry M. Whitney, Whitney. 1870. 3,000 copies printed: HEA, 1869/70, p. 13. Editions: 1865 (no. 1), 1866 (no. 2), 1868 (no. 3), 1869 (no. 4), 1870 (no. 5) Title variations: 1865 (no. 1), 1866 (no. 2), 1868 (no. 3), He ui kamalii no na Kula Sabati; 1869 (no. 4), 1870 (no. 5), Ui Kula Sabati. Holdings: BM, HHS (2), HMCS (6), SH, W



1871 456

K a I Buke I 0 I na Halelu, I i unuhiia / mai ka olelo Hebera; I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia e ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, / i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I Hawaiian 18mo. 1871. I 115 p.

1 7 x 1 0 cm.

The Book of Psalms, translated from the Hebrew; and revised. New York: Printed by the American Bible Society, founded in the year 1816. Hawaiian 18mo. 1871. 253 copies printed: HEA, 1870/71, p. 14. Editions: 1869, 1871. Holdings: AAS, AIM, BM, HHS, HMCS, LH (4), SI, UH (2), W


... I Epitome I o ka / moolelo hemolele, I no na I kula Katolika o Hawaii, I i unuhiia noloko mai o ka palapala o I C. F. Lhomond. I Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1871. I [2], 112 p.

1 3 . 5 x 8 cm.

... Epitome of sacred history, for the Catholic schools of Hawaii, translated from the work of C. F. Lhomond. Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1871. At head of title: V.C.J.S. Editions: 1852, 1871. Title variations: 1852, ... Epitome o ta mooolelo hemolele; 1871, ... Epitome o ka moolelo hemolele. Holdings: CSSH, FSH, HMCS, LC, SH, T


Hawaiian phrase book. I Na huaolelo I a me I na olelo kikeke I ma ka olelo Beretania, I a me I ka olelo Hawaii. I By Rev. A. Bishop. I Second edition, revised. I Honolulu: I Published by Henry M. Whitney. I 1871. I 120 p.

15 x 10.5 cm.

Hawaiian phrase book. Words and phrases in the English, and Hawaiian languages. By Rev. A. Bishop. 2d ed., rev. Honolulu: Published by Henry M. Whitney. 1871. Verso of t.p.: Printed by Black and Auld, Printers, Honolulu, H. I. 165

1871 Editions: 1854, 1871, 1878, 1881, 1884, 1893. Title variations: 1854, Na huaolelo a me na olelo kikeke ma ka Beritania, a me ka olelo Hawaii; 1871, 1878, 1881, 1884, 1893, Hawaiian phrase book. Holdings: AAS, BM, CCL (2, both lack t.p.), M, N


Ke I Kauoha Hou I a ko kakou I Haku e Ola'a a Iesu Kristo, I i unuhiia I mai ka olelo Helene; I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia e ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, I i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. / 1871. 339 p.

16 x 10 cm.

The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, translated from the Greek; and revised. New York: Printed by the American Bible Society, founded in the year 1816. 1871. Verso of t.p.: 2d edition. 797 copies printed: HEA, 1870/71, p. 14. Editions: 1835, 1837, 1841, 1843 (2), 1849, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1868, 1869, 1871 (2), 1884. Holdings: AAS, AN, BM (3), ECH (4), HHS (2), HMCS (3), HarU, M (2), MU, PC, S, SH, SI, UH (2), V, W


Ke I Kauoha Hou I a ko kakou I Haku e Ola'i a Iesu Kristo, I i unuhiia I mai ka olelo Helene; I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia e ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, I i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I 1871. I 339 p.

16 x 10 cm.

The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, translated from the Greek; and revised. New York: Printed by the American Bible Society, founded in the year 1816. 1871. Verso of t.p.: 3d edition. 2,000 copies printed: HEA, 1871/72, p. 12. Editions: 1835, 1837, 1841, 1843(2), 1849, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1868, 1869, 1871 (2), 1884. Holdings: AN, CCH (2), HHS, HMCS, HarU, LH, M, PC, SH 166

1872 461

He mau himeni I ma ka olelo Roma. I [1871?] caption title, 96 p.

14 x 9 cm.

Hymns in Latin. [1871?] Date: Yzendoorn, 75. Colophon: Procédés de Tantenstein et Cordel, 92 Rue de la Harpe.— Paris. Editions: 1863, 1871. Holdings: HarU, W 462

A short synopsis I of the I most essential points / in I Hawaiian grammar: I for the use of the pupils I of I Oahu College. I By Prof. W. D. Alexander. I Honolulu: I Published by H. M. Whitney. I 1871. I 52 p.

18.5x11 cm.

Editions: 1864, v. 1, v. 2; 1871, 1891, 2 v. in 1. Title variations: 1864, v. 1, 1871, 1891, A short synopsis of the most essential points in Hawaiian grammar; 1864, v. 2, A short synopsis of Hawaiian grammar. Holdings: BM, CC, HHS, HMCS, LH, M, T, UH, W

1872 463

Ka I Baibala Hemolele I o ke I Kauoha Kahiko a me ke Kauoha Hou; I i unuhiia mailoko mai I o na olelo kahiko, I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, / i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I 1872. I [2d title, p. 1133:] Ke I Kauoha Hou I a ko kakou / Haku e Ola'i a Iesu Kristo, I i unuhiia I mai ka olelo Helene; I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, I i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I 1872. / 1456 p.

24 x 16 cm.

The Holy Bible of the Old and New Testaments; translated from the ancient languages, and revised. New York: Printed for the American Bible Society, founded in the year 1816. CHawaiian Ref. 8vo.> 1872. [2d title, p. 1133:] The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, translated from the Greek; and revised. New York: Printed for the American Bible 167

1872 Society, founded in the year 1816. 1872. Page 3: 2d Edition. 722 copies printed: HEA, 1870/71, p. 14. Editions: 1868, 1872, 1881, 1883, 1884, 1886. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (4), M, W, YU


Ka I büke himeni Hawaii I i hooponoponoia. I E I Rev. L. Laiana I ma I ke kauohaia a me ka hoaponoia, l e i ka Papa o ka Aha Euanalio Hawaii. I Paiia e I ko Amerika Ahahui Teraka, I 150 Nassau-Street, New York. I 1872. I 716 p.

15 x 10 cm.

The Hawaiian hymn book arranged. By Rev. L. Lyons by the order and with the approval, of the Board of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association. Printed by the American Tract Society, 150 Nassau-Street, New York. 1872. By L. Lyons, rev. by H. Parker and A. Forbes: HEA, 1870/ 71, p. 12. 2,927 copies printed: HEA, 1872/73, p. 13. All editions have pref. dated 1870. Editions: 1872, 1875, 1880, 1885, 1888, 1897, n.d. Holdings: AAS, BM (3), HHS, HMCS (4), HarU (2), LC, LHM, PC, SH, T, UH (2), V, W


He I buke wehewehe I huaolelo Baibala: I me I na palapala-aina a me na kii; i unuhiia I e I Rev. E. W. Clark. I Paiia e I ko Amerika Ahahui Teraka, Nu Yoka, 1872. I 408 p.

fronts. (5 col. maps, 1 double), illus.

19.5 x 13 cm.

A book explaining the words of the Bible: with maps and illustrations; translated by Rev. E. W. Clark. Printed by the American Tract Society, New York, 1872. W. W. Rand's dictionary of the Holy Bible. Editions: 1872 (2), 1892. Title variations: 1872, He buke wehewehe huaolelo Baibala; 1872 (2d printing?), 1892, He buke wehiwehi huaolelo Baibala. Holdings: HHS, MU, SH


1872 466

Buke / weheweheano / o / ka Euanelio / i kakauia / e / Mataio. / E huli oukou i ka Palapala Hemolele. Joane 5:39. / Paiia e / ko Amerika Ahahui Teraka, / Nu Yoka, / 1872. / 180 p.

fronts. (2 col. maps, 1 double), tables

20 x 13 cm.

Book explanatory of the Gospel written by Matthew. Search the Scriptures. John 5:39. Printed by the American Tract Society, New York, 1872. By J. Pogue: HEA, 1867/68. p. 11. 480 copies printed: HEA, 1872/73, p. 13. Holdings: AAS, AN, AP, BM (5), D, HHS, HMCS (5), HarU, LC, M, SH, UH (2, 1 lacks t.p. and maps), W, YU 467

He I büke wehiwehi I huaolelo Baibala: I me I na palapalaaina a me na kii; I i unuhiia I e I Rev. E. W. Clark. I Paiia e I ko Amerika Ahahui Teraka, I Nu Yoka. I 1872. I 408 p.

fronts. (5 col. maps, 1 double), illus.

19.5 x 13 cm.

A book explaining the words of the Bible: with maps and illustrations; translated by Rev. E. W. Clark. Printed by the American Tract Society, New York. 1872. W. W. Rand's dictionary of the Holy Bible. Editions: 1872(2), 1892. Title variations: 1872, He büke wehewehe huaolelo Baibala; 1872 (2d printing?), 1892, He büke wehiwehi huaolelo Baibala. Holdings: AAS, BM (2), HHS, HMCS (3), HarU, W, YU 468

Ka I hae hoonani; I oia na I mele a pau i pai pu ia me na leo I maloko o "Ke Alaula," I mai ka hoomaka ana a hiki i ka makahiki 1871. I Hoopukaia e ka Papa Euanelio Hawaii. I Paiia ma Nu Yoka: I 1872. I A. S. Barnes and Company, Publishers. I 1 p.l., 36, [1] p.


16 x 18 cm.

The banner of praise; all the songs printed with music found in " T h e Alaula", from its commencement to the year 1871. Published by the Hawaiian Evangelical Board. Printed in New York: 1872. A. S. Barnes and Company, Publishers. 1,000 copies printed: HEA, 1871/72. p. 12. Editions: 1870, 1872, 1874. Holdings: BM (2), HHS, HMCS (3), T 169

1872 469

Katekimo katekumeno. I [Honolulu, Catholic Press, 1872?] caption title, 32 p.

14 x 9.5 cm.

Catechism for catechumens. [Honolulu, Catholic Press, 1872?] Imprint: Yzendoorn, 78. Editions: 1872, 1889, 1893. Title variations: 1872, Katekimo katekumeno; 1889, Katekimo no ka poe katekumeno; 1893, Kakekimo. Holdings: HHS, HMCS

1873 470

Kamakamailio I ma ka olelo I Beritania, Hawaii a me Farani. I 11 hooponoponoia no na haumana o ke kula I 0 I Ahuimanu. / [cut] / Honolulu, / Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1873. / [2], 38 p.

22 x 16.5 cm.

Conversations in the English, Hawaiian and French languages. Prepared for the pupils of the school of Ahuimanu. [cut] Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1873. Attributed to Father Lievin Van Heteren: Yzendoorn, 79. Editions: 1873, 1875. Holdings: FSH, HHS (2), HMCS (4), HarU, SI, T (2), W

1874 471

Ka I büke himeni I o ka I Ekalesia Katolika Anglicana I i kukuluia I ma ko Hawaii Nei Pae Aina. I Honolulu, H. I. I Printed at the Gazette Office. I 1874. I 84 p.

14.5 x 9.5 cm.

The hymn book of the Anglican Catholic Church established in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Honolulu, H. I. Printed at the Gazette Office. 1874. Editions: 1874, 1880, 1898. Title variations: 1874, Ka büke himeni o ka Ekalesia Katolika Anglicana; 1880, Na himeni o ka Ekalesia Anglicana; 1898, He mau himeni o ka Ekalesia Enelani. Holdings: AAS, HHS, HMCS


1874 472

Ka I hae hoonani; I oia na I mele a pau i pai pu ia me na leo I maloko o " K e Alaula," I mai ka hoomaka ana a hiki i ka makahiki 1871. I Hoopukaia e ka Papa Euanelio Hawaii. I Paiia ma Nu Yoka: I 1874. I A. S. Barnes and Company, Publishers. I 1 p.l., 36, [1] p.


16 x 18 cm.

The banner of praise; all the songs printed with music found in " T h e Alaula", from the beginning until the year 1871. Published by the Hawaiian Evangelical Board. Printed in New York: 1874. A. S. Barnes and Company, Publishers. 1,000 copies printed: HEA, 1874/75, p. 15. Editions: 1870, 1872, 1874. Holdings: BM, HHS, HarU, M, N, PC


Ka leo hoomana I [Honolulu, 1874?] cover title, 27 p.


15 x 18 cm.

The voice of worship [Honolulu, 1874?] Imprint: Ballou, 704. Holdings: BM (2), HHS, HMCS (4), HarU, W, YU


... I Manuale I no ka poe Katolika I i mea e aoia'i lakou ma ka pule a I me na mea e ae pili ana i ko I lakou manaoio. I [cut] I Honolulu, I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1874 I [20], 344, [2], 23-309, [1] p. (port.) 14 x 9 cm.

illus. (woodcuts, engrs.), plate

... Manual for the Catholic people instructing them in prayer and other things regarding their faith, [cut] Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1874 At head of title: V.C.J.S. Editions: 1854, 1857 (5), 1866, 1874. Title variations: 1854, 1857, ... Manuale no ta poe Katolika ma Havaii nei; 1866, Manuale Katolika no ta poe Havaii; 1874, ... Manuale no ka poe Katolika. Holdings: BM, CSSC, HMCS (2), T


1874 475

" N a liu o ka waiwai." / He haiolelo / a ka Rev. W. Frear, ma ka halepule o Kau- / keano, Honolulu, Mei 17, 1874. / [Honolulu, 1874] caption title, 8 p.

23 x 13 cm.

" T h e peculiar property of wealth." A sermon preached by Rev. W. Frear, at Kaukeano church, Honolulu, May 17, 1874. [Honolulu, 1874] Imprint: Ballou, 707. Holdings: AAS, HHS, HMCS


Ka I robina gula, I oia I he mau mele a he mau himeni I laulaha i houluuluia. I Paiia a hoopukaia e H. M. Whitney. I Honolulu, Oahu: I 1874. I cover title, 56 p.

21 x 14.5 cm.

The golden robin, songs and hymns well-known and collected. Printed and published by H. M. Whitney. Honolulu, Oahu: 1874. Trans, and ed. by L. Lyons: Doyle. Editions: 1874, 1875. Holdings: HHS (3), HMCS, T

1875 477

Ka I büke himeni Hawaii I i I hooponoponoia. I E I Rev. L. Laiana I ma I ke kauohaia a me ka hoaponoia, l e i ka Papa 0 ka Aha Euanalio Hawaii. I Paiia e I ko Amerika Ahahui Teraka, I 150 Nassau-Street, New York. / 1875. I 716 p.

14.5 x 10 cm.

The Hawaiian hymn book arranged. By Rev. L. Lyons by the order and with the approval, of the Board of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association. Printed by the American Tract Society, 150 Nassau-Street, New York. 1875. All editions have pref. dated 1870. Editions: 1872, 1875, 1880, 1885, 1888, 1897, n.d. Holdings: AAS, LHM, N, YU


1875 478

Hele mai ia Iesu. / Kakauia e I Newman Hall, D. D. I Unuhiia mailoko ae o ka olelo Beretania I no ka I lahui Hawaii. / 1875. I American Tract Society, I 150 Nassau Street, New York. I Come to Jesus. Hawaiian. I cover title, 64 p.

14.5 x 10 cm.

Come to Jesus. Written by Newman Hall, D. D. Translated from the English for the people of Hawaii. 1875. American Tract Society, 150 Nassau Street, New York. Come to Jesus. Hawaiian. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (3), HarU (2), N


Kamakamailio I ma ka olelo / Beritania, Hawaii a me Farani, I i hooponoponoia no na haumana o ke kula o Ahuimanu. I Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1875. I 1 p.l., 38 p.

23 x 17 cm.

Conversations in the English, Hawaiian and French languages prepared for the pupils of the school of Ahuimanu. Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1875. Editions: 1873, 1875. Holdings: W


Na kanawai I o ka I Oihana Hoohanohano I o I Kamehameha I. I I hookumuia e I Kamehameha V, 1865. I Honolulu: I Black & Auld, Printers. I 1875. I 16 p.

17.5 x 12 cm.

Statutes of the Royal Order of Kamehameha I. Instituted by Kamehameha V, 1865. Honolulu: Black & Auld, Printers. 1875. Holdings: HMCS, PS


Palapala I a I Lui [Maigret] Epikopo Aratia, a vikario apotolo o ko I Havaii Pae-aina, I i na kahuna, a me na hoahanau Katolika o keia I mau mokupuni. I Honolulu, Sepetemaba 24, A . D . 1875. I caption title, 8 p.

19.5 x 13 cm.


1875 Letter of Louis [Maigret] Bishop Arathea, vicar apostolic to the Hawaiian Archipelago, to the priests, and the Catholic members of these islands. Honolulu, September 24, A.D. 1875. Holdings: HMCS 482

Palapala hoolaha a Pio IX kumukauoha ma ke garatia o ke Akua i na Pateriaka, I Perimata, Akiepikopo, Epikopo a me na lunakiai e ae e noho ana I oluolu a me ke kuikahi me ka noho-hemolele, / a me na Kiritiano a pau. I Pio IX. Kumukauoha. I [Honolulu, Catholic Press, 1875] caption title, 8 p.

19.5 x 18 cm.

Publication of Pius IX fundamental laws through the grace of God for the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, Bishops and other representatives that are living in kindness and peace and in holiness, and all Christians. Pius IX. Fundamental laws. [Honolulu, Catholic Press, 1875] Imprint: Yzendoorn, 83. Holdings: HMCS 483

[Ka robina gula, oia he mau mele a he mau himeni laulaha i houluuluia. Paiia a hoopukaia e H. M. Whitney. Honolulu, Oahu, 1875] 56 p. [The golden robin, songs and hymns well known and collected. Printed and published by H. M. Whitney. Honolulu, Oahu, 1875] Source: Ballou, 719. Trans, and ed. by L. Lyons: Doyle. Editions: 1874, 1875. Holdings: none located


He vahi I katekimo. I E I hoopaa naauia'i. I [cut] I Honolulu, I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1875 I 14 p.

1 4 x 8 cm.

A catechism. To be learned by heart, [cut] Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1875 Holdings: AIM, AN, CSSC, HHS, HMCS (3), N, SH (2), T, W


1878 1876 485

... I Katekimo I no ka poe Katolika I i mea e aoia'i lakou ma ka pule a I me na mea e ae pili ana i ko I lakou manaoio. I [cut] I Honolulu, I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1876 I [4], 124 p.

illus. (front.)

14.5 x 9 cm.

... Catechism for Catholics to instruct them in prayer and in the things pertaining to their faith, [cut] Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1876 At head of title: V.C.J.S. Attributed to A. Bouillon: Yzendoorn, 86. Editions: 1876, 1880. Holdings: HMCS (lacks p. 3-16, 33-60), PC

485a ... I Katekimo I no ka poe Katolika I i mea e aoia'i lakou ma ka pule a I me na mea e ae pili ana i ko lakou manaoio. I [cut] I Honolulu. I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1876 I [3], 344, [1] p. front.

14.5 x 9 cm.

... Catechism for Catholics to instruct them in prayer and in the things pertaining to their faith, [cut] Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1876 At head of title: V.C.J.S. Editions: 1854, 1857 (5), 1866, 1874, 1876. Title variations: 1854, 1857 (5), ... Manuale no ta poe Katolika ma Havaii nei; 1866, Manuale Katolika no ta poe Havaii; 1874, ... Manulae no ka poe Katolika; 1876, Katekimo no ka poe Katolika. Holdings: PC

1878 486

Hawaiian phrase book I Na huaolelo I a me I na olelo kikeke / ma ka olelo Beritania, I a me I ka olelo Hawaii. I Third edition, revised. I Honolulu: I Printed and published by Henry M. Whitney. I 1878. I 122 p.

17 x 10 cm.


1878 Hawaiian phrase book Words and phrases in the English, and Hawaiian languages. 3d ed., rev. Honolulu: Printed and published by Henry M. Whitney. 1878. By A. Bishop: 1854 ed. Editions: 1854, 1871, 1878, 1881, 1884, 1893. Title variations: 1854, Na huaolelo a me na olelo kikeke ma ka Beritania, a me ka olelo Hawaii; 1871, 1878, 1881, 1884, 1893, Hawaiian phrase book. Holdings: HMCS (2), LH, UH, W


Ka lei alii. / He I büke mele no na Kula Sabati I i hoomakaukauia e I L. Laiana. I Hoopukaia e I Henry M. Whitney. I Honolulu Oahu, H. I. 1878. I 160 p.


13 x 18 cm.

The royal crown. A song book for the Sunday Schools prepared by L. Lyons. Published by Henry M. Whitney. Honolulu Oahu, H. I. 1878. Editions: 1878, 1884, 1893. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, HarU (2) PC, V


Lyrae Catholicae I pars prima I cantiones lingua vulgari dicta kanaka I Opus typis m a n d a t u m / annuente I DD. Maigret I a pud [sic] Insulas Sandwichianas I in Oceania I vicario apostolico I Parisus, anno 1878. I (N. B. Auctor ut proprias sibi reservat cantiones P. [ater] M. [edard] K. [aiser] inscriptas) / 304 p.


16.5 x 12.5 cm.

The Catholic Lyre's first part songs in the so-called kanaka vernacular Printed by Permission of DD. Maigret vicar apostolic at the Sandwich Islands in Oceania Paris, 1878. (N. B. The author copyrights the songs which are signed P. [ater] M. [edard] K. [aiser]) Colophon: Paris, Imp. Fouquet 26 rue du Delta. Holdings: BM, CSSC, HMCS, HarU, LH, N, PC, SH (3), T


1880 18/9 489

Na I kumukanawai I a me I na rula I o ka I Ahahui Poola, I i hooponopono hou ia i ka I M. H. 1879. / Honolulu: / Paiia e J. H. Black, I 1879. I 18 p.

14 x 9.5 cm.

Constitution and rules of the Poola Society, revised in the year 1879. Honolulu: Printed by J. H. Black, 1879. Holdings: HHS


Na rula I o na I ahahui lunakahiko I i hooholoia e I ka Ahahui Lunakahiko I o na mokupuni o I Maui a me Molokai. I 1879. I Honolulu, H. I. I Hawaiian Gazette Print, Merchant Street. I 1879. I cover title, 11 p.

14.5 x 10.5 cm.

Rules for the elders passed upon the Association of Elders of the islands of Maui and Molokai. 1879. Honolulu, H. I. Hawaiian Gazette Print, Merchant Street. 1879. Holdings: HHS, HMCS

1880 491

Ka I büke himeni Hawaii I i I hooponoponoia. I E I Rev. L. Laiana I ma I ke kauohaia a me ka hoaponoia, l e i ka Papa o ka Aha Euanalio Hawaii. I Paiia e I ko Amerika Ahahui Teraka, I 150 Nassau-Street, New York. I 1880. I 716 p.

1 5 x 1 0 cm.

The Hawaiian hymn book arranged. By Rev. L. Lyons by the order and with the approval, of the Board of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association. Printed by the American Tract Society, 150 Nassau-Street, New York. 1880. All editions have pref. dated 1870. Editions: 1872, 1875, 1880, 1885, 1888, 1897, n.d. Holdings: BM (2), HHS, HMCS (2)


1880 492

... I Katekimo I no ka poe Katolika I i mea e aoia'i lakou ma ka pule a I me na mea e ae e pili ana i ko I lakou manaoio. I [cut] I Honolulu, I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1880 I [2], 165, [1], 6 p.

14.5 x 8 cm.

... Catechism for Catholics instructing them in prayer and other things regarding their faith, [cut] Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1880 At head of title: V.C.J.S. Editions: 1876, 1880. Holdings: AIM, AN, HMCS (2, 1 lacks last 6 p.), N, SH (lacks last 6 p.), T


Mele evanelio. I Oia no na mea pili ia Jesu Kirito I mai kona hapai ia mai a I hiki aku i kona pii I ana'ku ma ka luni [sic]. I Unuhiia mai loko mai o na Evanelio eha I o I Mateo, Marako, Luka a me Joane. I Honolulu. I Paipalapala Katolika. I 1880 I 70 p.

14.5 x 9.5 cm.

Gospel songs. To wit the things concerning Jesus Christ from his conception until his ascension into heaven. Translated from the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Honolulu. Catholic Press. 1880 By P. Dosithée Desvault: Yzendoorn, 92. Holdings: AIM, AN, CSSC, HMCS (3), SH, T 494

Na himeni I o ka I Ekalesia Anglicana I i kukuluia I ma ko Hawaii Nei Pae Aina. I ... I Honolulu: I Paiia ma / Kula Nui Iolani I 1880. I 256 p.

1 3 x 9 . 5 cm.

Hymns of the Anglican Church established in the Hawaiian Archipelago ... Honolulu: Printed at Iolani College 1880. Editions: 1874, 1880, 1898. Title variations: 1874, Ka büke himeni o ka Ekalesia Katolika Anglicana; 1880, Na himeni o ka Ekalesia Anglicana; 1898, He mau himeni o ka Ekalesia Enelani. Holdings: HHS, S


1881 495

Pane i na haiolelo I a I elua a na kuhina. I [Honolulu, 1880] cover title, 18 p.

24 x 15 cm.

Answers to speeches of two cabinet members. [Honolulu, 1880] Signed, p. 17: Robert Hoapili Baker, Lutanela o na Koa Kiai Alii, a Hoa o ka Hale Ahaolelo. Honolulu, Maraki 6, 1880. (Robert Hoapili Baker, Lieutenant of Household Guards, and Member Elect for Legislature. Honolulu, March 6, 1880) Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS 496

Ka / uwea telegarapa Pacifika, I i hapaiia e I Celso Caesar Moreno, I ma Wasinetona, D. C., 1869. I [Honolulu?, 1880?] cover title, 28 p.

22 x 14 C m.

The trans-Pacific cable, as projected by Celso Caesar Moreno, at Washington, D. C., 1869. [Honolulu?, 1880?] Date: cf. p. 3. Holdings: HMCS

l88l 497

Ka I Baibala Hemolele I o ke I Kauoha Kahiko a me ke Kauoha Hou; I i unuhiia mailoko mai I o na olelo kahiko, I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka; I Ua Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, I i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I 1881. I [2d title, p. 1133:] Ke I Kauoha Hou I a ko kakou I Haku e Ola'i a Iesu Kristo, I i unuhiia I mai ka olelo Helene; I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, I i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I CHawaiian Ref. 8vo.> 1881. I 1456 p.

24.5 x 18 cm.

The Holy Bible of the Old Testament and the New Testament; translated from the ancient languages, and revised. New York: Printed for the American Bible Society, established in the year 1816. CHawaiian Ref. 8vo.> 1881. [2d title, p. 1133:] The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, translated from the Greek; and revised. New York: Printed for the American Bible Society, established in the year 1816. CHawaiian Ref. 8vo.> 1881.


1881 Page [3]: 3d Edition. Editions: 1868, 1872, 1881, 1883, 1884, 1886. Holdings: HMCS. LHM


Hawaiian phrase book I Na huaolelo I a me I na olelo kikeke I ma ka olelo Beritania, I a me I ka olelo Hawaii. I Fourth edition, revised. I Honolulu: I Whitney & Roberts, Publishers and Stationers, I 1881. I 123 p.

15.5 x 10 cm.

Hawaiian phrase book Words and phrases in the English, and Hawaiian languages. 4th ed., rev. Honolulu: Whitney & Roberts, Publishers and Stationers, 1881. By A. Bishop: 1854 ed. Editions: 1854, 1871, 1878, 1881, 1884, 1893. Title variations: 1854, Na huaolelo a me na olelo kikeke ma ka Beritania, a me ka olelo Hawaii; 1871, 1878, 1881, 1884, 1893, Hawaiian phrase book. Holdings: AN, LH (2), M


Hoku ao nani. I He I büke mele no na Kula Sabati, I no na I aha haipule, I no na I anaina hoomana, I no na I aha hoike makahiki, &c., &c. I Na L. Laiana. I Hoopukaia e L. Laiana: I Paiia e Biglow & Main, I New York. I [1881] 304 p.


14 x 17 cm.

Bright morning star. A hymnbook for the Sabbath School, for church service, for any sacred assemblies, for the yearly exhibition, &c., &c. By L. Lyons. Published by L. Lyons: Printed by Biglow & Main, New York. [1881] Date: Pref. p. 2. Holdings: BM (5), HHS (2), HMCS (7), HarU (2), LC, N, PM. PS, S, UH, W (lacks p. 303-4)



1882 500

Ke alakai, I oia hoi, I he büke e hoakaka mai ana i na I kumu manaoio I o / ka Gkalesia o Iesu Kristo o ka I Poe Hoano o Na La Hope Nei. I Unuhiia e Iosepa H. Dina. I Paiia ma ka / Juvenile Instructor Office, / Kulanakauhale o Lokopaakai, Utah, Amerika Hui Puia. I 1882. I [6], 108 p.


16.5 x 1 1 c m .

The guide, namely, a book clarifying basic truths of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Translated by Joseph H. Dina. Printed at the Juvenile Instructor Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. 1882. Holdings: CCH (2)


[Na himeni euanelio, i unuhiia'i L. Laiana mamuli o Moody and Sankey. Hoopukaia'e ka Papa Hawaii. Honolulu, 1882. Thos. G. Thrum, Printer] 65 p.

15 x 11 cm.

[Gospel hymns, translated by L. Lyons from Moody and Sankey. Published by the Hawaiian Board. Honolulu, 1882. Thos. G. Thrum, Printer] Source: Ballou, 759. Editions: 1882(2), 1883(2), 1884(2), 1886, 1889, 1892, 1898. Holdings: none located


Na I himeni euanelio, I i unuhiia e I L. Laiana, I mamuli o I Moody and Sankey. / Hoopukaia e I ka Papa Hawaii, I Honolulu: I 1882. I Thos. G. Thrum, Printer. I cover title, [66] p.

14 x 11 cm.

Gospel hymns, translated by L. Lyons, from Moody and Sankey. Published by the Hawaiian Board, Honolulu: 1882. Thos. G. Thrum, Printer. Editions: 1882(2), 1883(2), 1884(2), 1886, 1889, 1892, 1898. Holdings: AIM, BM, HHS (lacks p. [64-66]), HMCS(9), N, T, W



i883 503

Ka I Baibala Hemolele I o ke I Kauoha Kahiko a me ke Kauoha Hou; I i unuhiia mailoko mai I o na olelo kahiko, I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. / Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, I i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I 1883. I [2d title, p. 1133:] Ke I Kauoha Hou I a ko kakou I Haku e Ola'i a Iesu Kristo, I i unuhiia I mai ka olelo Helene: I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, I i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I CHawaiian Ref. 8 v o > 1883. I 1456 p.

24.5 x 16.5 cm.

The Holy Bible the Old Testament and the New Testament; translated from the ancient languages, and revised. New York: Printed for the American Bible Society, established in the year 1816. 1883. [2d title, p. 1133:] The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, translated from the Greek: and revised. New York: Printed for the American Bible Society, established in the year 1816. CHawaiian Ref. 8vo.> 1883. Page 3: 3d Edition. Editions: 1868, 1872, 1881, 1883, 1884, 1886. Holdings: HMCS


Ka Buke I o ka I Pule Ana a me ka hooko ana I i ka I lawelawe ana i na sakarema a me I na oihana e ae o ka ekalesia I e like me ka mea i kauohaia e ka Ekalesia I Enelani, I a me I ke ano a me ka oihana o ka hoolilo ana, ka poni I ana, a me ka hoolaa ana i na bihopa, na I kahuna, a me na diakona, I i unuhiia iloko o ka olelo Hawaii no ka ekalesia / ma ka I Pae Aina Hawaii. I Na I Halelu a Davida, I i kikoia i mea e himeni ai a heluhelu ai paha I iloko o na halepule. I Ladana: I Ka Ahahui no ka I Hoolaha ana i ka Naauao Kristiano, I Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross. I 1883. I xliii p., 11., 468 p.

13.5 x 8 cm.


1883 The Book of Common Prayer and the handling of the sacrament and other duties of the church according to the Church of England, and the way of anointing, the consecration of the bishops, priests, and deacons, translated into the Hawaiian language for the church in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Psalms of David, paraphrased into hymns for singing or reading in the church. London: The Society for Spreading Christian Enlightment, Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross. 1883. Editions: 1862 (2), 1866, 1867, 1869, 1883. Title variations: 1862, 1867, 1869, 1883, Ka Buke o ka Pule Ana; 1866, Ka Buke Hoomana. Holdings: AN, BM (3), ECH, HMCS, M, MU, N, S, T


Na haawina Kula Sabati I no ka hapaha mua. I Mai Ianuari 6, a Ianuari 30, 1884. I Honolulu: I Thos. G. Thrum. Printer. I 1883. I 28 p.

14.5 x 10 cm.

Sunday School lessons for the first quarter. From January 6, to January 30, 1884. Honolulu: Thos. G. Thrum. Printer. 1883. By L. Laiana: Foreword. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, LC 506

Na I himeni euanelio, I i unuhuia [sic] e I L. Laiana, I mamuli o I Moody me Sankey. I Ka lua o ke pai ana. I Hoopukaia e I ka Papa Hawaii, I Honolulu [Paiia e Thos. G. Thrum] 1883. I 76 p.

14.5 x 10 cm.

Gospel hymns, translated by L. Lyons, from Moody and Sankey. 2d ed. Published by the Hawaiian Board, Honolulu [Printed by Thos. G. Thrum] 1883. Printer: p. 2. Editions: 1882(2), 1883(2), 1884(2), 1886, 1889, 1892, 1898. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (7), HarU, N, T, UH, W


1883 507

Na I himeni euanelio, I i unuhiia e I L. Laiana, I mamuli o I Moody me Sankey I Ke kolu o ke pai ana. I Hoopukaia e I ka t a p a Hawaii, I Honolulu [Paiia e Thos. G. Thrum] 1883. I 3 p.l., 87 p.

14.5x10 cm.

Gospel hymns, translated by L. Lyons, from Moody and Sankey 3d ed. Published by the Hawaiian Board, Honolulu [Printed by Thos. G. Thrum] 1883. Printer: verso of t.p. Editions: 1882(2), 1883(2), 1884(2), 1886, 1889, 1892, 1898. Holdings: AIM, HMCS (10), LC, N, UH, W 508

... I He palapala na ka Epikopo. I No ka rosario. I Heremano, ma ke garatia o ke Akua, a me ka oluolu o ka Noho Apokolo, Epikopo o Olba I Vikario Apotolika no ko Hawaii Paeaina. [Colophon: Honolulu, Imp. de la Mission Cath. 8 Sept. 1883.] caption title, 4 p.

24 x 16.5 cm.

... Words of the Bishop. On the rosary. Herman, by the grace of God, and the kindness of the Apostolic Seat, Bishop of Olba Vicar Apostolic of the Hawaiian Archipelago. [Colophon: Honolulu, Press of the Catholic Mission. Sept. 8, 1883.] At head of title: V.C.J.S. Holdings: HMCS, PS

1884 509

Ka I Baibala Hemolele I o ke I Kauoha Kahiko a me ke Kauoha Hou; I i unuhiia mailoko mai I o na olelo kahiko, I a hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, I i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I 1884. I CHawaiian Bible, 18mo.> I [2d t.p.:] Ke I Kauoha Hou I a ko kakou I Haku e Ola'i a Iesu Kristo, I i unuhiia I mai ka olelo Helene; I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia e ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, I i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I 1884. I 2 p.l., 1199, 339 p.

fronts, (col. maps)


16 x 11 cm.

1884 The Holy Bible the Old Testament and the New Testament; translated from the ancient languages, and revised. New York: Printed for the American Bible Society, established in the year 1816. 1884. [2d t.p.:] The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, translated from the Greek; and revised. New York: Printed for the American Bible Society, established in the year 1816. 1884. Page [3]: 1st Edition. Verso of New Testament t.p.: 4th Edition. Editions: 1868, 1872, 1881, 1883, 1884, 1886. Holdings: AH, BM, GH, HHS, HMCS (2), LH, SI, T


E laikini ia ana anei ka opiuma? I Ka opiuma ma Hawaii Nei. I CKakauia e Wm. R. Kakela> I [Honolulu, n.p., 1884] caption title, 12 p.

20 x 14.5 cm.

Shall opium be licensed? Opium in Hawaii. [Honolulu, n.p., 1884] Colophon: Honolulu, Mei 1, 1884. Holdings: HHS (4), HMCS (3), MU, T(2) 511

English lessons I for I Hawaiians, I by I Rev. Wm. B. Oleson, Princ. Hilo Boarding School. / Hawaiian revised by Rev. A. 0 . Forbes. I Honolulu, H. I.: I Thos. G. Thrum, Printer and Stationer. I 1884. I 1 p.l., [2], 31, [1] p.

1 8 x 1 6 cm.

On cover: Schmidt Label & Lith. Co. San Francisco. Holdings: AH, BM (2), CC, HHS, HMCS, LH, LHM, UH, W 512

Hawaiian phrase book. I Na huaolelo I a me I na olelo kikeke I ma ka olelo Beritania, I a me I ka olelo Hawaii. I Fifth edition, revised. I Copyrighted according to law. I Published by J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., Stationers and I News Dealers, Honolulu, H. I. I Honolulu: I Printed by R. Grieve & Co. I 1884. I 124 p.

1 7 x 1 1 cm.


1884 Hawaiian phrase book. Words and phrases in the English language, and the Hawaiian language. 5th ed., rev. Copyrighted according to law. Published by J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., Stationers and News Dealers, Honolulu, H. I. Honolulu: Printed by R. Grieve & Co. 1884. By A. Bishop: 1854 ed. Editions: 1854, 1871, 1878, 1881, 1884, 1893. Title variations: 1854, Na huaolelo a me na olelo kikeke ma ka Beritania, a me ka olelo Hawaii; 1871, 1878, 1881, 1884, 1893, Hawaiian phrase book. Holdings: AAS, AN, HHS, HMCS (3), HarU (2), LH, PC


[Ke Kauoha Hou a ko kakou Haku e Ola'i a Iesu Kristo, i unuhiia mai ka olelo Helene; a ua hooponopono hou ia. Nu Yoka: Ua Paiia e ka Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI 1884.] 339 p.

1 6 . 5 x 1 1 . 5 cm.

The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, translated from the Greek; and revised. New York: Printed by the American Bible Society established in the year 1816 1884. Source: Ballou, 775. Editions: 1835, 1837, 1841, 1843(2), 1849, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1868, 1869, 1871 (2), 1884. Holdings: none located


Kumukanawai I o na I Ahahui Imi Pono Kristiano I o na apana. I Honolulu: I Paiia e Thos. G. Thrum. I 1884. I cover title, 11 p.

12.5 x 8 cm.

Constitution of the Christian Endeavor Society of the districts. Honolulu: Printed by Thos. G. Thrum. 1884. Editions: 1884, 1896. Holdings: BM, HMCS (4), PS (7)


Ka lei alii. I He I büke mele no na Kula Sabati I i hoomakaukauia e I L. Laiana. I Hoopukaia e I ka Papa Hawaii. I Honolulu Oahu, H. I. I 1884. I 160 p.


13.5 x 17.5 cm. 186

1884 The royal crown. A song book for the Sunday Schools prepared by L. Lyons. Published by the Hawaiian Board. Honolulu Oahu, H. I. 1884. Editions: 1878, 1884, 1893. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS 516

He mau olelo hoikeike I no ka I Hui Ramie. I Honolulu: I Paiia e Thos. G. Thrum. I 1884. I cover title, l i p .

14.5 x 10 cm.

Prospectus of the Ramie Company. Honolulu: Printed by Thos. G. Thrum. 1884. Holdings: HMCS 517

Na I himeni euanelio, I büke 1 me 2 I i huiia. I I unuhiia e I L. Laiana, I mamuli o I Moody me Sankey. I Ke pai mua ana. / Hoopukaia e / ka Papa Hawaii. I Honolulu, 1884. I Thrum, Pai Palapala. I cover title, 76 p., 2 1., 87, v p.

15 x 10 cm.

Gospel hymns, book 1 and 2 together. Translated by L. Lyons, from Moody and Sankey. First printing. Published by the Hawaiian Board. Honolulu, 1884. Thrum, Printer. 3d ed. Book 1 printed together with 1st ed. Book 2: HEA, 1883/84, p. 15. 2,000 coopies printed: HEA, 1883/84, p. 15. Editions: 1882(2), 1883(2), 1884(2), 1886, 1889, 1892, 1898. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (5), T, UH 518

Na I himeni euanelio, I büke II, I i unuhiia e I L. Laiana, I mamuli o I Moody me Sankey I Ke pai mua ana. I Hoopukaia e I ka Papa Hawaii. I Honolulu, [Paiia e T. G. Thrum] 1884. I 2 p.l., 87 p.

1 5 x 1 0 cm.

Gospel hymns, book II, translated by L. Lyons, from Moody and Sankey First edition. Published by the Hawaiian Board. Honolulu, [Printed by T. G. Thrum] 1884. 1,000 copies printed: HEA, 1883/84, p. 15. Printer: front cover. Editions: 1882 (2), 1883 (2), 1884 (2), 1886, 1889, 1892, 1898. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (7), HarU, LC (2), N, UH (3) 187


i885 519

Ka aiokala I oia I ke kuleana pule I a me / ke katekimo no ke ao Kiritiano ana. I ... I [cut] I Nantes I Imprimerie Bourgeois I Rue Saint-Clément, 57. I [1885] 144 p.

1 6 x 1 0 . 5 cm.

Daily food that is the responsibility of prayer and the catechism of the Christian doctrine...[cut] Nantes Bourgeois Press Rue Saint-Clément, 57. [1885] Date: Yzendoorn, 96. Pref. by A. Bouillon: Yzendoorn, 96. Holdings: AN, CSSC, HMCS, HarU, N, PS, SH, T, W


Ke alanui o ka lani I oia I ka manuale Katolika / i paiia ma ke kauoha / o / Rt. Rev. Heremano Epikopo. I ... I S. Ameberosio. I [cut] I Nantes I Imprimerie Bourgeois, Rue Saint-Clement, 57. I [1885?] 626, [4] p.

illus. (woodcuts)

1 6 x 1 0 cm.

The way to heaven a Catholic manual printed by the order of Rt. Rev. Herman Bishop ... St. Ambrose, [cut] Nantes Bourgeois Press, Rue Saint-Clement, 57. [1885?] Date: Yzendoorn, 98. Editions: 1885, 1896. Holdings: BM, CSSC, FSH


Ka I buke himeni Hawaii I i I hooponoponoia. I E I Rev. L. Laiana I ma I ke kauohaia a me ka hoaponoia, / e I ka Papa o ka Aha Euanalio Hawaii. I Paiia e I ko Amerika Ahahui Teraka, I 150 Nassau-Street, New York. / 1885. I 716 p.

15 x 10 cm.

The Hawaiian hymn book arranged. By Rev. L. Lyons by the order and with the approval of the Board of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association. Printed by the American Tract Society, 150 Nassau-Street, New York. 1885. All editions have pref. dated 1870. Editions: 1872, 1875, 1880, 1885, 1888, 1897, n.d. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (2), LC, SH, W


1886 522

Grammar I of the I Hawaiian language I by I L. Andrews. I Honolulu: I Printed at the Mission Press. I 1854. I [Honolulu] Thos. G. Thrum, Bookseller and Stationer. I [1885?] 156 p.

23 x 14 cm.

Date: Richey. Remainders, lacking title page, re-issued with reproduced title page over imprint of T. G. Thrum: Richey. Editions: 1854, 1885. Holdings: BM, HMCS (3), PS (4), V 523

Hoakaka ana I no na I laau lapaau ohana I i hoomakaukauia e I Kauka J . C. Ayer ma, I me I na olelo ao no ka lawelawe ana. I [cut] I Hoolahaia e I Kauka J. C. Ayer ma, I Lowell, Mass., U.S.A. / Hawaiian. I [1885?] cover title, [2], 8, [2] p.


18.5 x 12 cm.

Explanation of the home medicines prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer and company, and words showing how to use them, [cut] Distributed by Dr. J. C. Ayer and company, Lowell, Mass., U.S.A. Hawaiian. [1885?] Date: back cover. Editions: 1885, 1891, 1892. Title variations: 1885, Hoakaka ana no na laau lapaau ohana; 1891, 1892, K a Ayer buke paalima. Holdings: HHS, HMCS

1886 524

K a I Baibala Hemolele I o ke I Kauoha Kahiko a me ke Kauoha Hou; I i unuhiia mailoko mai I o na olelo kahiko, I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, / i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI, I 1886. I [2d t., p. 1133:] Ke I Kauoha Hou I a ko kakou I Haku e Ola'i a Iesu Kristo, I i unuhiia I mai ka olelo Helene; I a I ua hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala, I i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDCCCXVI. I CHawaiian Ref. 8vo.> 1886. I 1456 p.

23.5 x 16 cm.


1886 The Holy Bible the Old Testament and the New Testament; translated from the ancient languages, and revised. New York: Printed for the American Bible Society, established in the year 1816. 1886. [2d t., p. 1133:] The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, translated from the Greek; and revised. New York: Printed for the American Bible Society, established in the year 1816. 1886. Editions: 1868, 1872, 1881, 1883, 1884, 1886. Holdings: BM, HMCS, LHM, SH 525

Ka I büke alemanaka I a me na I rula hookeonimana I no ka pomaikai o ka I lahui Hawaii. I [cut] I Honolulu: I Papapai Mahu P. C. Advertiser. I 1886. I xliv, [4], 80 p.

23 x 14.5 cm.

The almanac with rules for gentlemen for the good of the Hawaiian people, [cut] Honolulu: Steam Press P. C. Advertiser. 1886. Foreword signed: Thos. P. Spencer. Honolulu, Ianuari 31, 1887. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (2), W 526

... I Hahai ana mamuli I o I Jesu-Kirito. I Unuhiia no ka poe Katolika o Hawaii I [cut] I Honolulu. I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1886 I [2], 78 p.

13 x 9.5 cm.

... Imitation of Jesus-Christ. Translated for the Catholics of Hawaii [cut] Honolulu. Catholic Press. 1886 At head of title: V.C.J.S. Trans, by L. Maigret: Yzendoorn, 101. Editions: 1847 (1st book), 1886. Title variations: 1847, 0 ka livere mua o ka Hahai ana marnili o Jetu Kirito; 1886, Hahai ana mamuli o Jesu-Kirito. Holdings: AIM, AN, HHS, HMCS, SH (3), W 527

[He kanawai no ka himeni. Montbéliard (France), Imprimerie P. Hoffman, 1886] 28 p.

25 x 18 cm.


1886 [Rules for singing. Montbéliard (France), P. Hoffman Press, 1886] Source: Ballou, 785. Holdings: none located 528

[La hanau o ka moi. Nov. 16, 1886. He mele inoa no Aikanaka. Honolulu: 1886] 310 p.

21 x 14 cm.

[Birthday of the king. Nov. 16, 1886. A name song for Aikanaka. Honolulu: 1886] Source: Ballou, 803. Holdings: none located 529

Lira Katolika I no na I hoahanau o ko Hawaii Pae-Aina I i I hooponopono houia a i hoomahuahuaia I ma ke kauoha I o I Rt Rev. Hermann Koeckemann I Epicopo o Olba I Vicario Apostolico o ko Hawaii Pae Aina I e I Rev. P. Boniface Schaefer I kahunapule misionari I [cut] I Paipalapala a P. Hoffmann ma Montbéliard I (Farani) I 1886 I [2d t.p.:] Lira Katolika I Buke akahi. I (Ma ka olelo Latina) I na mesa I ka hoolewa'na,-ka hebedoma hemolele I a me na himeni no ka hoomaikai ana I o ke I Sakarema Hemolele loa. I ... I [cut] I Paipalapala a P. Hoffmann ma Montbéliard, (Farani). I 1886 I [3d t.p.:] Lira Katolika I (Buke alua) I He mau himeni I ma ka olelo Hawaii I no na la hoano o ka ekalesia, no ka mesa, no ke korona, etc. I ... I [cut] I Paipalapala a P. Hoffmann ma Montbéliard I Farani. I xxviii, 288, 159, [289]-292 p.

25 x 18 cm.

Catholic lyrics for the faithful of the Hawaiian Archipelago revised and increased by order of Rt Rev. Herman Koeckemann Bishop of Olba Vicar Apostolic of the Hawaiian Archipelago by Rev. P. Boniface Schaefer missionary priest [cut] Press of P. Hoffmann at Montbéliard (France) 1886 [2d t.p.:] Catholic lyrics Book one. (In the Latin tongue) funeral masses, -the holy week and hymns for the benediction of the most Blessed Sacrament ... [cut] Press of P. Hoffmann at Montbéliard, (France). 1886 [3d t.p.:] Catholic lyrics (Book two) Some hymns in the Hawaiian language for holy days of the church, for the mass, for the rosary, etc ... [cut] Press of P. Hoffmann at Montbéliard France.


1886 Editions: 1864, v. 1, v. 2, suppl., 2 v. in 1 with suppl.; 1886, 2 v. in 1. Holdings: AN, CSSC, HHS, HMCS (2), N, S, SH (2) 530

He moolelo I no kekahi mau I koa kaulana I i huipuia me Ke Kanaka iloko o / ka moeuhane pahaohao. I [cut] I Honolulu: I Paiia e ka Papapai Mahu Kalepa. I 1886. / [2d t.p.:] He mau hoikeike I no ke / Duke o Welinetona I ma ke I kaua o Watalu. I [3d t.p.:] He moolelo I no I Mikaela Ne, I ilamuku o Farani. I Duke o Elasigena, —Keiki Alii o na I Mosekowa. I Ke kanaka nona ka puuwai i kapaia / ka wiwo ole o na wiwo ole I [4th t.p.:] He moolelo I no I Arona Hekana I ke kanaka iloko o ka I moeuhane pahaohao. I xiv, 73, 73, 58 p.

22.5 x 14.5 cm.

A history of some famous soldiers bound with The Man in a mysterious dream, [cut] Honolulu: Printed by the Steam Press Publishing Co. 1886. [2d t.p.:] A detailed account of the Duke of Wellington at the battle of Waterloo. [3d t.p.:] Memoirs of Michel Ney, a marshal of France. Duke Elchingen,—Prince of Moscow. A man that was called the bravest of the brave [4th t.p.:] Memoirs of Arona Hekana the man in a mysterious dream. Pref. signed: T. P. Spencer. Holdings: AH, BM, HMCS, SH 531

Na I himeni euanelio I na büke 1, 2, me 3, i huiia. I I unuhiia e I L. Laiana I mamuli o I Moody me Sankey. I Ka pai mua ana. I Hoopukaia e I ka Papa Hawaii. I Honolulu, 1886. I 76, 2 1., 87, 78 p.

13 x 10 cm.

Gospel hymns books 1, 2, and 3, together. Translated by L. Lyons from Moody and Sankey. 1st ed. Published by the Hawaiian Board. Honolulu, 1886. Books 2 and 3 have separate title pages. Verso of 1st and 3d title pages: Paiia e ke Gazette Publishing Co. Honolulu, 1885. (Printed by the Gazette Publishing Co. Honolulu, 1885.) Imprint date on 2d t.p., 1884. Ka pai mua ana (First edition) of books 1, 2 and 3 together.


1887 Editions: 1882 (2), 1883 (2), 1884 (2), 1886, 1889, 1892, 1898. Holdings: BM (2), HHS(2), HMCS(IO), HarU, N, T, UH 532

Na I mele aimoku, I na I mele kupuna, I a me na I mele ponoi I o ka I Moi Kalakaua I. I A ua pai ia no ka la hanau o ka moi, I ke kanalima ponoi o kona mau makahiki. I [Honolulu, n.p., 1886] cover title, 311 p.

20 x 13 cm.

Chants for rulers, ancestral chants, and personal chants of the King Kalakaua I. That were published for the birthday of the King, when he was exactly fifty years of age. [Honolulu, n.p., 1886] Date: caption title. Holdings: AIM, BM (2), HHS, HMCS(2, 1 lacks t.p., p. 311), PC (lacks p. 307-311), SH (lacks p. 309-311), V

1887 533

Ka I büke lawe lima I o ke I kahuekalesia: / oia no ka mea kuhikuhi i ke ano hana o na I oihana ekalesia. I Hoopukaia e ka Papa Hawaii. I Ka ha o ke pai ana. I Honolulu: / Paiia e ka Press Publishing Company. I 1887. I 69 p.

1 7 x 1 1 cm.

The handbook of the pastor: with instruction in the way the church services should be conducted. Published by the Hawaiian Board. 4th ed. Honolulu: Printed by the Press Publishing Company. 1887. 1841 edition was for Presbyterians, later editions were for Congregationalists: cf. Pref., 1887 edition, p. [4] Editions: 1841, 1866, 1868, 1887. Title variations: 1841, He olelo no ka hooponopono ana i na ekalesia lunakahiko ma ko Hawaii nei Pae Aina; 1866, Ka büke lawe lima a ke kahuekalesia; 1868, He büke lawe lima no na kahu-ekalesia; 1887, Ka büke lawe lima o ke kahuekalesia. Holdings: AN, BM (7), HHS (4), HMCS (11), LC, PC, UH (4), V(5), W


1887 534

He I büke moolélo I no I ka makai kiu Uila I kakauia I no ka pomaikai I o ka I lahui Hawaii. I [cut] I Honolulu. I Papapai Mahu P. C. Advertiser. I 1887. I 118 p.

2 1 x 1 3 cm.

A story book of the detective Lightning written for the benefit of the Hawaiians. [cut] Honolulu. P. C. Advertiser Steam Press. 1887. Pref. signed: Jas. H. Bolster. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (2) 535

Buke moolelo I o ka I Haku Nelekona / me kekah'i mau I kanaka kaulana I [Honolulu: Papapai Mahu Nupepa Kelepa. 1887.] 176,132 p.

2 3 . 5 x 1 4 . 5 cm.

Stories of Lord Nelson and some other famous men. [Honolulu: Commercial Advertiser Steam Press. 1887.] Imprint: Verso of t.p. Pref. signed: T. P. Spencer. Holdings: BM 536

He büke no ke I ola kino I no na kamalii I e pili ana i na poino i loaa i ke kino o na kanaka ma na wai I ona a me na laau hoohiamoa I aponoia e ke I Komite Hoonaauao o ka I Ahahui Wahine Keristiano Hoole Waiona / o / Amerika Huipuia / A. S. Barnes & Company I New York and Chicago I 1887 I 143 p. incl.' front., illus.

18 x 12 cm.

• A book on the health of the body for children with regard to the evils caused to the body of men by ardent spirits and soporifics approved by the Educational Committee of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of the United States of America A. S. Barnes & Company New York and Chicago 1887 Trans, by E. Beckley and H. Green and corrected by W. D. Alexander: cf. Foreword. Verso of t.p.: translated for the W.C.T.U. of the Hawaiian Islands, and accepted by the Board of Education. W. D. Alexander. Holdings: AN, AP, BM (4), CC (2), GF, HHS, HMCS (5), LH, LHM, PC, PS, UH (6), V (4), W


1887 537

Kulu wai liilii: I he mau I mele hoole waiona. I Published by the / Woman's Christian Temperance Union I of the I Hawaiian Islands. I Honolulu: I Press Publishing Co. Print. I 1887. I 79 p.

1 7 x 1 1 . 5 cm.

Little drops of water: prohibition songs. Published by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of the Hawaiian Islands. Honolulu: Press Publishing Co. Print. 1887. Some copies have 3 p. Papa kuhikuhi (Index) Holdings: HHS, HMCS (5), T 538

Likelike. [Honolulu, A. S. Cleghorn, May, 1887] cover title, xiii, [ l l ] - 8 5 p.

21 x 13 cm.

Caption title: Na leta Hoalohaloha a me na olelo hooholo. (Letters of condolence and resolutions.) Imprint: cf. Pref. Holdings: HHS, HMCS (2), LH (2), PS, W 539

Mau mele kanikau I no ka I Mea Kiekie ke Kama'liiwahine I Miriam Likelike I [cut] I haku ia a mele ia iloko o ka walohia luuluu, / a iloko hoi o ke kaumaha I paumako e ka I Hui Himeni Kaohuokalani. I [Honolulu, n.p., 1887] cover title, 24 p.

port, (photo) on cover.

15.5 x 11.5 cm.

Dirges for Her Highness Princess Miriam Likelike [cut] arranged and sung with sorrow, and deep grief by the Kaohuokalani Singing Association. [Honolulu, n.p., 1887] Holdings: HMCS 540

... Palapala o ka Epikopo. / No ka oihana apotolo o ka pule I Heremano, ma ke garatia o ke Akua, I a me ka oluolu o ka Noho Apokolo, Epikopo o Olba I Vikario Apotoliko no ko Hawaii Paeaina. I [Honolulu?, Catholic Press?, 1887] caption title, 3 p.

24.5 x 14.5 cm.

... Words of the Bishop. Pertaining to the apostleship of worship Herman, by the grace of God, and the kindness of the Apostolic Seat, Bishop of Olba Vicar Apostolic of the Hawaiian Archipelago. [Honolulu?, Catholic Press?, 1887]


1887 At head of title: V.C.J.S. P. 3: Ma ke kauoha o ka Epik. F. Clement kakauolelo June 1887 (By the order of the Bp. F. Clement scribe June 1887) Holdings: HMCS 541

... He I vahi hoike I Katolika. I [cut]/ Honolulu, I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1887 I 40. p.

13 x 9.5 cm.

... An explanation of the Catholic religion, [cut] Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1887 At head of title: V.C.J.S. By L. Maigret: Yzendoorn, 105. Editions: 1841, 1850, 1887. Holdings: AIM, HMCS, T, W

l888 542

Ka / Buke himeni Hawaii I i I hooponoponoia. I E I Rev. L. Laiana I ma I ke kauohaia a me ka hoaponoia, l e i ka Papa o ka Aha Euanalio Hawaii. I Paiia e I ko Amerika Ahahui Teraka, / 150 Nassau-Street, New York. I 1888. / 716. p.

15 x 10 cm.

The Hawaiian hymn book arranged. By Rev. L. Lyons by the order and with the approval, of the Board of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association. Printed by the American Tract Society, 150 Nassau-Street, New York. 1888. All editions have pref. dated 1870. Editions: 1872, 1875, 1880, 1885, 1888, 1897, n.d. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS, PS, UH 543

Ka büke I o na I leo mele Hawaii / no ka pono a me ka pomaikai I o na I home Hawaii, / na anaina hoolaulea a me na aha I mele hoonanea. I Hoomakaukau a pai ia e I Keakaokalani a me J. M. Bright. I Honolulu: I Hale Pai Mahu P. C. Advertiser, I 1888. 100 p.

18.5x11 cm.


1888 The book of Hawaiian songs for the good and the happiness of Hawaiian homes for friendly gatherings and for musical assemblies. Prepared and printed by Keakaokalani and J . M. Bright. Honolulu: P. C. Advertiser's Printing Office, 1888. Holdings: AN, BM (2), HMCS (2) 544

K a elele euanelio. I He buke e hoakaka pokole ana i na kumu manaoio o I ka Ekalesia o Iesu Kristo I o ka I Poe Hoano o na La Hope Nei. I He kuhikuhi pauku Baibala no hoi, me ke-1 kahi mau mea hoomanao e ae. I Na J . H. Dina. I ... I Honolulu: I Press Publishing Company Steam Print. I 1888. I cover title, 54 p.

17 x 12 cm.

The gospel messenger. A book briefly explaining the fundamental truths of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints. With texts from the Bible, and some other things to be learned by heart. By J . H. Dina ... Honolulu: Press Publishing Company Steam Print. 1888. Holdings: BM, HHS 545

Na kumu manaoio I o ka I Ekalesia o Iesu Kristo I o ka Poe Hoano o na La Hope Nei. I Na Elder John Morgan. I Unuhiia e J. H. Dina. I [n.p., 1888?] 54 p.

1 6 . 5 x 1 1 cm.

Basic truths of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. By Elder John Morgan. Translated by J . H. Dina. [n.p.,


Date: p. 52. Holdings: BYU 546

K a waihona buke Hawaii. I K a moolelo o I Laieikawai; I a o ka mea i kapa ia I Kawahineikaliula. I I hooponopono a hoopuka hou ia e I Sol. Meheula a me Jas. Henry Bolster I no ka pomaikai a me ka holomua o na hanauna hou I o ka lahui Hawaii. I [cut] I Honolulu: I Papa Pai Mahu "Bulletin." / 1888.1 130, [1] p.

21 x 14 cm.


1889 Hawaiian collection. The story of Laieikawai; the person who was called The-Lady-of-the-Twilight. Revised and published again by Sol. Meheula and J a s . Henry Bolster for the blessing and progress of the new generations of the people of Hawaii, [cut] Honolulu: Printed by " B u l l e t i n " Steam Press. 1888. Editions: 1863, 1888. Title variations: 1863, K a kaao o Laieikawai; 1888, K a waihona buke Hawaii. K a moolelo o Laieikawai. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (2)

1889 547

Haiolelo a ka Hon. A. F. Judd I no ka I iubile Baibala Hawaii I imua o I ka Ahahui Euanelio Hawaii I ma ka I Luakini o Kawaiahao, I ahiahi Sabati, Iune 9, 1889. I [cut] I Honolulu: I Papapai Mahu Press Publishing Co. I 1889. I 15 p.

17 x 11 cm.

Address of the Hon. A. F. J u d d for the jubilee of the Hawaiian Bible before the Hawaiian Evangelical Association in the Kawaiahao Church, Sunday evening, June 9, 1889. [cut] Honolulu: Steam Press Publishing Co. 1889. Holdings: AAS, AN, BM, HHS (3), HMCS (9), LH, MU, PC, SH, T(4), UH, W


... I Katekimo I no ka poe katekumeno. / [cut] / Honolulu, I Pai-palapala Katolika. I 1889. I 32 p.


14.5 x 10.5 cm.

... Catechism for catechumens, [cut] Honolulu, Catholic Press. 1889. At head of title: V.C.J.S. Editions: 1872, 1889, 1893. Title variations: 1872, Katekimo katekumeno; 1889, Katekimo no ka poe katekumeno; 1893, Kakekimo. Holdings: AIM, AN HMCS, SH, W


1889 549

Keena o ka Papa Hawaii, I Honolulu, Feberuari 4, 1889. I [Honolulu, n.p., 1889] caption title, 3 p.

26 x 20.5 cm.

Office of the Hawaiian Board, Honolulu, Feburary 4, 1889. [Honolulu, n.p., 1889] Chronology of church history, 1820-1888; p. 3. Holdings: HMCS 550

Kumukanawai I a me I na rula I o ka Hui Kuai Aina o Ulumalu, I Hamakualoa, I Mokupuni o Maui. I Honolulu: I Paiia e ka Hawaiian Gazette Co. I 1889. I 19 p.

13 x 9.5 cm.

By-laws and rules of the Land Buying Organization of Ulumalu, Hamakualoa, Island of Maui. Honolulu: Printed by the Hawaiian Gazette Co. 1889. Holdings: HMCS 551

Na I himeni euanelio I na büke 1, 2, me 3, i huiia. I I unuhiia e I L. Laiana I mamuli o I Moody me Sankey. I Hoopukaia e I ka Pap[a] Hawaii. / Honolulu, 1889. I 226 p.

1 5 x 1 1 cm.

Gospel hymns books 1, 2, and 3, together. Translated by L. Lyons from Moody and Sankey. Published by the Hawaiian Board. Honolulu, 1889. Verso of t.p.: New York and San Francisco, Pacific Press Publishing Company, Oakland, Cai., Printers, Electrotypers, and Binders. Editions: 1882(2), 1883(2), 1884(2), 1886, 1889, 1892, 1898. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS, LHM 552

Na wehewehe I o ka I Buke o Hoikeana I ke I ki nana e uwehe I i ka I nani pohihihi o ka Baibala I [cut] I Honolulu: I Papa-pai Mahu Press Publishing Co. I 1889. I 126 p.

21 x 14 cm.


1889 Commentary on the Book of Revelations a key unlocking the beautiful mysteries of the Bible [cut] Honolulu: Steam Press Publishing Co. 1889. Pref. signed: William A. Kiha. Holdings: BM, CCH (lacks t.p., p. 125-126), HHS, HMCS, W 553

Palapala ae hoohui I a me ka / kumukanawai I o ka I Hui Kalepa Hawaii. I Hoohui a kukulu ia Iulai 25, 1889. I Pai ia ma ka Halepai o ka Hui Elele, I Honolulu, P.[ae] A.[ina] H. I [awaii, 1889?] cover title, 40 p.

12 x 9.5 cm.'

Charter of incorporation and constitution of the Hawaii Commercial Company. Incorporated and established July 25, 1889. Printed at the Printing House of the Elele Company, Honolulu, H[awaiian] A[rchipelago, 1889?] Holdings: HMCS 554

... I Palpala o ka Epikopo. I Heremano, ma ke garatia o ke Akua, I a me ka oluolu o ka Noho Apokolo, Epikopo Olba. / Vikario Apotoliko no ko Hawaii Paeaina. I [Honolulu?, Catholic Press, 1889] caption title, 4 p.

24 x 15 cm.

... Words of the Bishop. Herman, by the grace of God, and the kindness of the Apostolic Seat, Bishop of Olba. Vicar Apostolic of the Hawaiian Archipelago. [Honolulu?, Catholic Press, 1889] At head of title: V.C.J.S. Imprint: Yzendoorn, 106. Holdings: HMCS 555

He pule hoolaa alii. I He kumulipo I no I Ka-I-Imamao, I a ia I Alapai Wahine. I Honolulu: Pa'iia e ka Hui Pa'ipalapala Elele. I 1889. I cover title, 68 p.

21 x 14 cm.

A prayer consecrating a chief. A creation chant belonging to Ka-I-Imamao, and passed on to Alapai Wahine. Honolulu: Printed at the Elele Printing Company. 1889. Holdings: AH (2), AN, BM (30), BY, GF (3), HHS (6), HMCS (6), LH, LHM, UH, W



i8go 556

He I buke alakai / no ka I luna-euanelio I i kakauia na ka Ahahui Heluhelu Baibala a me ke I kinai ana i na mea hoomanamana. I Honolulu: I Paiia e ka "Press Publishing Company." I 1890. / 16 p.

15 x 11 cm.

Guide for the gospel-superintendent written for the Bible Reading Association and the extinction of idolatry. Honolulu: Printed by the "Press Publishing Company." 1890. Holdings: BM, HHS (4), HMCS, UH 557

Ka buke moolelo I o I Hon. Robert William Wilikoki. I Kona mau la opio; a ka hale ahaolelo; a ka imi naauao I i Italia; hipuuia me ko Italia ewe alii; hooia ia I he aliikoa e ke aupuni o Italia; hookohuia i I alihikaua no Italia; huli hoi mai no ka I aina hanau; ke ala ana o ke aloha aina; I ke kaua makee aina o Iulai; ohohia I ka lahui a koho ia i lunamaka- I ainana; kona mau inoa i I mele ia a puni ka I pae aina. I Haku a hooponoponoia e Thos. K. Nakanaela. I [cut] I Lake me Nakanaela, na luna hoopuka. I Honolulu, K.[a] H.jawaiian] P.[aeaina]: I 1890. I 128, xx p.

2 fronts., illus.

22 x 14 cm.

The memoirs of Hon. Robert William Wilcox. His young days; in the legislature; education in Italy; in good graces of Italian royalty; as an officer in the Italian army; as a commander in the Italian army; his return to his birthplace; the beginning of patriotism; the war of loyalists in July; the enthusiasm of the race in electing him representative; songs composed for him were sung throughout the islands. Compiled and edited by Thos. K. Nakanaela. [cut] Lake and Nakanaela, Publishers. Honolulu, T.[he] H.[awaiian] A.[rchipelago]: 1890. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS, S 558

Ke koko. I He haiao kaulana loa I na I D. L. Moody, I ka hai euanelio hoohulihuli. I Na Rev. "C. M. Hyde, D. D., i unuhi. I Hoholulu [sic]: I I Hoopukaia e ka Papa Hawaii. I 1890. / 19 p.

19 x 12 cm.


1890 The blood. A very famous sermon by D. L. Moody, the evangelist. Translated by Rev. C. M. Hyde, D. D. Hoholulu [sic]: Published by the Hawaiian Board. 1890. Verso of t.p.: Hawaiian Gazette Press. Holdings: AN, BM, HHS (2), HMCS (20), PC, SH, T, W 559

Ka leo I kukala ekolu. I I ka mea Hanohano C. J. McCarthy, I Luna hoomalu o ke Komite Oihana Koa, a me na I keonimana o ke komite. I [Honolulu?, n.p., 1890] caption title, 16 p.

23 x 14.5 cm.

The third warning voice. To the Honorable Noble C. J. McCarthy, Chairman of the Committee upon Military Matters, and gentlemen composing the committee. [Honolulu?, n.p., 1890] Signed by Robert H. Baker: p. 16. Date: 1890 only session in which C. J. McCarthy served as a noble. Holdings: AH (2), HMCS (2), MU 560

Ka momi I o ke I Kiritiano I i paiia ma ke kauoha I o I Rt Rev. Heremano Epikopo I ... I [cut] I Nantes Imprimerle Bourgeois, Rue Saint-Clement, 57 I [1890] 441, [14] p.

1 0 x 6 . 5 cm.

The pearl of the Christian printed by the authority of the Rt Rev. Herman Bishop .. [cut] Nantes Bourgeois Press, Rue Saint-Clement, 57 [1890] Date: Yzendoorn, 107. Editions: 1890, 1899. Holdings: BM, HMCS (2, both lack t.p.) 561

Sankoku kwaiwa. I [Tokyo, Airindo, 1890] 2 p. 1., 114, [1] p.

1 7 x 1 2 cm.

Three languages dictionary. [Tokyo, Airindo, 1890] Compiled by Nobujiro Fukuoka and Tetsutaro Taki. In English, Hawaiian and Japanese. Editions: 1890, 1898. Holdings: UH


1891 l8 562



Ke alakai I o ke I kanaka Hawaii, I he buke no I na olelo hooholo o ka Aha Kiekie I i kuhikuhiia ma ka buke kanawai kivila hou, i hooponoponoia I ai e ka Hon. L. McCully, a me kekahi mau olelo I hooholo e ae he nui: I na rula I aha hookolokolo o ko Hawaii Paeaina, i hooponopono hou ia; I a me I na hoakaka kanawai I i kakau mua ia e ka Hon. A. Francis Judd, Lunakanawai Kiekie I a kaulike o ke aupuni, a i hooponoponoia a I hoomahuahua hou ia hoi. I Unuhiia, houluuluia a hooponopono hou ia e I Joseph M. Poepoe, I hoa o ka Papa Loio Hawaii. I Buke I., Ekolu mahele. I Honolulu: I Paiia e ka Hawaiian Gazette Co. I 1891. I xiv, 304, 21, 118, p.

22 x 14.5 cm.

A guide for the Hawaiian man, a book concerning the decisions of the Supreme Court as explained by the new civil laws, edited by the Hon. L. McCully, together with many other decisions: the rules of the courts of the Hawaiian Archipelago recently amended; and the expositions of the law written by the Hon. A. Francis Judd, Chief Justice of the government, arranged and expanded again. Translated, expanded and edited by Joseph M. Poepoe, a member of the Bar of Hawaii. Book I., Three parts. Honolulu: Printed by the Hawaiian Gazette Co. 1891. Holdings: HMCS, PS 563

Anaina haipule I no ka hoolewa o ke alii ka I Moi Kalakaua I Feberuari 15, 1891. I [n.p., 1891] cover title, 8 p.

20 x 15 cm.

The prayer meeting of the funeral of the chief the King Kalakaua February 15, 1891. [n.p., 1891] Holdings: UH 564

[Ka Ayer buke paalima; e wehewehe ana i ke ano o ka lawelawe ana o na laau lapaau ohana o Kauka Ayer; a e kuhikuhi ana i ka mea pono e hana ia i ka manawa e loaa ai na ulia poino a e hoike ana i kekahi mau mea waiwai nui e ae. Hoolahaia e Kauka J . C. Ayer ma. Lowell: Masekuseka, U.S.A., 1891]


1891 16 p.

1 8 x 1 2 . 5 cm.

[The Ayer handbook; explaining the use of the home remedies of Doctor Ayer; explaining what to do in case of accidents and showing moreover some other valuable hints. Published by Dr. J . C. Ayer Co. Lowell: Massachusetts, U.S.A., 1891] Source: Ballou, 855. Editions: 1885, 1891, 1892. Title variations: 1885, Hoakaka ana no na laau lapaau ohana; 1891, 1892, K a Ayer buke paalima. Holdings: none located


K a I büke akeakamai I a o / ke ki gula. I No kekahi mau mea huna pohihihi i huliia e ka I noonoo o ke kanaka. I Honolulu: I 1891. I 76 p.

22.5 x 14.5 cm.

The book of science and the golden key. Concerning some secret things searched out by the mind of man. Honolulu: 1891. Holdings: BM


K a moolelo I o ka I Moi Kalakaua I. I K a hanau ana — ke kaapuni honua — ka I moolelo piha o kona mau la hope I ma Kaleponi, Amerika Huipuia — I na hoike a Adimarala Ba- I raunu me na kauka, I etc., etc., etc. I Hoohiwahiwaia me na kii. I [Honolulu, n.p., 1891] [2], 74 p.

port., plate, illus.

23 x l 5 cm.

The history of King Kalakaua I. His birth — trip around the world — the complete story of his last days in California, U.S.A. — reports of Admiral Brown and the doctors, etc., etc., etc. Beautifully illustrated. [Honolulu, n.p., 1791] Date: Ballou, 857. Pref. signed: Joseph M. Poepoe. Holdings: AH, BM, CC, GF, HHS (lacks t.p.), HMCS, LH, UH, W


1891 567

0 ke aloha I ka makana kiekie. I Oia ka mea kiekie loa oi aku mamua I o na mea eae o ke ao nei. I Kakauia e Henry Drummond, F.R.E.F.G.S. I Maheleia e Rev. W. D. Westervelt. I 0 keia büke oia ke makana aloha no ka poe Hawaii mai I ka mea mahele ana, a me na missionari, Mrs. M. S. Rice, a I me Mrs. M. E. Parker. I Fleming H. Revell Company I Chicago: I 148-150 Madison Street. I New York: I 80 Union Square East. I Publisher of evangelical literature I [1891?] 38 p.p.

18 x 12 cm.

Love is the greatest gift. It is the greatest thing in the world. Written by Henry Drummond, F.R.E.F.G.S. Translated by Rev. W. D. Westervelt. This book is a gift of love for the Hawaiian people from the translator, and the missionaries, Mrs. M. R. Rice, and Mrs. M. E. Parker. Fleming H. Revell Company Chicago: 148-150 Madison Street. New York: 80 Union Square East. Publisher of evangelical literature, [1891?] Date: Ballou, 859. Holdings: AN, AP, BM, HHS (3), HMCS (7), HarU, LC (2), LH, N, T, UH (2), V (10), W 568

Prospectus I of the I Kona Coffee & Fruit Company. I (Limited.) I K a olelo hoakaka I o ka I Hui Kope me Hua-ai o Kona. I (Kaupalenaia.) I Honolulu: I R. Grieve Steam Book & J o b Printer. — Paiia e Grieve, Alanui Kalepa. I 1891. I cover title, 9, 9 p.

22.5 x 14.5 cm.

Holdings: HMCS 569

K a puali Kuresia; I a i oleia, ka I wiwo ole a wiwo ole I < H e moolelo no ka puali i kuni ia ko lakou mau umauma I me ke ahi-lalapa o ka wiwo ole — ka I puali kahiko.> I [Honolulu, 1891] 128 p.

illus. (port.)

21 x 14 cm.

The Crusader army; that was said to be the bravest of the brave < A tale of the army whose chests were burned with the flame of bravery, — the ancient army.> [Honolulu, 1891] Pref. signed: T. P. Spencer, (Kamaki) (Thomas). Honolulu, Mei, 1891. Holdings: AN, HHS (4), HMCS (2), MU, N, PS, T, UH, V, W 205

1891 570

A short synopsis I of the I most essential points I in I Hawaiian grammar. I By W. D. Alexander. I Honolulu: I Press Publishing Company Print. I 1891. I 59 p.

18.5 x 12 cm.

Editions: 1864, v. 1, v. 2; 1871, 1891, 2 v. in 1. Title variations: 1864, v. 1, 1871, 1891, A short synopsis of the most essential points in Hawaiian grammar; 1864, v. 2, A short synopsis of Hawaiian grammar. Holdings: D, HHS, HMCS, HarU, LH (2), LHM, PS, W

1892 571

Ka Ayer I buke paalima: I e wehewehe ana i ke ano o ka lawelawe ana o na I laau lapaau ohana a Kauka Ayer; I a e kuhikuhi ana i ka I mea pono e hana ia i ka manawa e loaa ai na ulia poino, I a e hoike ana i kekahi I mau mea waiwai nui e ae. I Hoolahaia e I Kauka J. C. Ayer ma. I Lowell, Masekuseka, U.S.A. I [1892?] cover title, 20 p.


19.5 x 12.5 cm.

The Ayer handbook: explaining the use of the home remedies of Dr. Ayer; and explaining what to do in case of accidents, and showing moreover some other valuable hints. Published by Dr. J. C. Ayer Company. Lowell, Massachusetts, U.S.A. [1892?] Date: Ballou, 864. Editions: 1885, 1891, 1892. Title variations: 1885, Hoakaka ana no na laau lapaau ohana; 1891, 1892, Ka Ayer buke paalima. Holdings: HHS, HMCS


Buke Kula Sabati o Waimanalo I i kapaia ka I Lei Momi I ma ka huli ana i ka manao o ka I Palapala Hemolele. I I ... I Honolulu: I Papapai o ka Nupepa Elele. I 1892. I 4,202, xii p.

22.5 x 14.5 cm.


1892 Sunday School book of Waimanalo called the Pearl Lei for searching out the thoughts of the Holy Scripture. ... Honolulu: Printing-press of the Elele Newspaper. 1892. Holdings: HMCS 573

He I büke wehiwehi I huaolelo Baibala: I me I na palapala-aina a me na kii; I i unuhiia I e I Rev. E. W. Clark. I Paiia e I ko Amerika Ahuhui Teraka. I Nu Yoka. I 1892. I 408 p.

fronts. (5 col. maps, 1 double), illus.

20 x 13.5 cm.

A book explaining the words of the Bible: with maps and illustrations; translated by Rev. E. W. Clark. Printed by the American Tract Society. New York. 1892. W. W. Rand's Dictionary of the Holy Bible. Editions: 1872 (2), 1892. Title variations: 1872, He büke wehewehe huaolelo Baibala; 1872 (2d printing?), 1892, He büke wehiwehi huaolelo Baibala. Holdings: AAS, BM, HMCS (2) 574

Hawaiian, Japanese, I and I English phrase-book. I [2d ed. Tokyo, Shusai Byoin, 1892] caption title, [3], 123 p., 11.

18 x 12 cm.

Edited by Saku Arai. Holdings: MU, UH 575

Na I himeni euanelio I na büke 1, 2, me 3, i huiia. I I unuhiia e I L. Laiana I mamuli o I Moody me Sankey. I Ke koluo [sic] ke pai ana. I Hoopukaia e I ka Papa Hawaii, I Honolulu, 1892. I 226 p.

14.5 x 10.5 cm.

Gospel hymns books 1, 2, and 3, together. Translated by L. Lyons from Moody and Sankey. 3d printing. Published by the Hawaiian Board, Honolulu, 1892. Verso of t.p.: New York and San Francisco, Pacific Press Publishing Company, Oakland, Cal., Printers, Electrotypers, and Binders.


1893 Ke koluo [sic] ke pai ana (3d printing) of books 1, 2, and 3 together. Editions: 1882 (2), 1883 (2), 1884 (2), 1886, 1889, 1892, 1898. Holdings: BM (3), HMCS, PC

1893 576

Ka buke I o I na berita ame na kauoha I o ka I Ekalesia 0 Iesu Karisto no na Poe I Hoano 0 na La Hope. I W a e akaheleia mai na olelo hoike mai a ke Akua I a hoonohoia ma na manawa o ko I lakou haawiia ana. I Honolulu: I Hawaiian Gazette Electric Press. I 1893. I 420 p.

18 x 12 cm.

The book of the covenant and the commandments of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints. Carefully selected from God's revelations and put down at the time they were given. Honolulu: Hawaiian Gazette Electric Press. 1893. Foreword signed: Joseph M. Poepoe, translator. Holdings: B M 577

Dictionary I of the I Hawaiian language I to which is appended an I English-Hawaiian vocabulary, I and a I chronological table of remarkable events, I 1716-1864, I by Lorin [sic] Andrews. I Printed by Henry M. Whitney, I 1865. I Thos. G. Thrum, Bookseller and Stationer. I Honolulu, H. I. I [1893?] 559 p.

22 x 14.5 cm.

Publication date taken from first appearance of dictionary in advertisement for Thrum's Book Store in the Hawaiian Annual for 1893. Editions: 1865, 1893. Holdings: HMCS 578

Hawaiian phrase book. I Na huaolelo I a me I na olelo kikeke I ma ka olelo Beritania, I a me I ka olelo Hawaii. I Fifth edition, revised. I Honolulu: I Robert Grieve, Steam Book and J o b Printer, Merchant St. I 1893. I


1893 123 p.

16 x 10.5 cm.

Hawaiian phrase book. Words and phrases in the English, and Hawaiian languages. 5th ed., rev. Honolulu: Robert Grieve, Steam Book and J o b Printer, Merchant St. 1893. By A. Bishop: 1854 ed. Editions: 1854, 1871, 1878, 1881, 1884, 1893. Title variations: 1854, Na huaolelo a me na olelo kikeke ma ka Beritania, a me ka olelo Hawaii; 1871, 1878, 1881, 1884, 1893, Hawaiian phrase book. Holdings: B M ( 2 ) , HMCS(2), M, PC, UH, V


Ka hoike piha a ke Kuhina Willis, I o kana koi kaulana I i ke Aupuni Kuikawa, e haalele i ko lakou ku- I lana aupuni a e hoihoi ae ia Liliuokalani. [2d title, p. 5:] K a olelo pane a Peresidena Dole, I he hoole keonimana ana i ka Peresidena I Cleveland noi. I [Honolulu?, n.p., 1893?] caption title, 19 p.

20 x 14 cm.

Full report of Bishop Willis, plea to the Provisional Government, to lay aside their positions and restore Liliuokalani. [2d title:] President Dole's reply, refusing as a gentleman President Cleveland's request. [Honolulu?, n.p., 1893?] Date: Liliuokalani deposed in 1893. Holdings: AH, BM 580

... I Kakekimo. I (Catechism.) I No ka poe makemake i ka bapakema I (Kakekumeno.) I Ma ke kauoha a ka Epikopo. I Ekalekia Kakolika. I Hawaii. I 1893. / 46 p.

1 4 . 5 x 1 1 cm.

... Catechism. (Catechism.) For those who wish to be baptized (Catechumens.) By order of the Bishop. Catholic Church. Hawaii. 1893. At head of title: V.C.J.S. Editions: 1872, 1889, 1893. Title variations: 1872, Katekimo katekumeno; 1889, Katekimo no ka poe katekumeno; 1893, Kakekimo. Holdings: HMCS, T (2), W


1893 581

K a lei alii. I He / buke mele no na Kula Sabati I i hoomakaukauia e I L. Laiana. I Hoopukaia e I ka Papa Hawaii. I Honolulu Oahu, H. I. I 1893.1 160 p.


13 x 18 cm.

The royal crown. A song book for the Sunday Schools prepared by L. Lyons. Published by the Hawaiian Board. Honolulu Oahu, H. I. 1893. Editions: 1878, 1884, 1893. Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (2), N, PS


He moolelo hooniua puuwai I no I Olando Kaaka I ka opio noho waonahele, I ka olali o ka pu raifela, I a o.l ka puuwai waipahe me ka wiwo ole. I Unuhiia a hooponoponoia e F. Metcalf, o ka hui hoolaha I buke Hawaii. I Honolulu: I Paiia ma ka Halepai Mahu o Robert Grieve, 25 me 27 Alanui Kelapa (maluna). I 1893. I 132 p.

21 x 14 cm.

A heart stirring tale of Orlando Kaaka the youth that dwelt in the wilderness, skilled in the use of rifles, tender hearted and brave. Translated and edited by F. Metcalf, of the company that published Hawaiian books. Honolulu: Printed at the Steam Print Shop of Robert Grieve, 25 and 27 Merchant Street (upstairs). 1893. Holdings: HHS (2), HMCS (3), LH, N, PS, UH


K a oiaio a pau no ka hoohui aina I [Honolulu?, n.p., 1893?] cover title, 24 p.

20.5 x 14 cm.

All the truth about annexation [Honolulu? n.p., 1893?] Holdings: BM, HMCS, UH, W



1894 584

Ka I hiki hou ana mai o Karisto I a I he wehewehe pokole ana I o I Mataio mokuna XXIV. I ... I Oakland, California. I Halepai Papapai Pakipika, Alanui 12 & Castro. I 1894. I 80 p.

18 x 12 cm.

The second advent of Christ a short explanation of Matthew chapter XXIV... Oakland, California. Pacific Press Publishing Co., 12th & Castro Sts. 1894. Holdings: BM, HMCS, MU 585

Papa haawina I no na I hui-opio me Kula Sabati I Iloko o I ka Ekalesia o Iesu Kristo o ka Poe I Hoano o na La Hope nei, ma ko I Hawaii Nei Paeaina. I Hoomakaukau ia e I Makaio Noala. I A hooponoponoia e kekahi komite i koho ia ma Laie, I ma ka hui o Aperila, M.[aka] H.[iki] 1894. I [n.p., 1894?] 75 p.

14.5x11.5 cm.

Table of lessons for the youth-clubs and Sunday School of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Prepared by Matthew Noel. And edited by the committee elected by Laie, at the meeting of April, 1894. [n.p., 1894?] Holdings: SH 1895 586

Buke I mele lahui I hoomakaukau, I houluulu, hoakoakoa a hooponoponoia I mai na mele i hoopukaia ma ka I nupepa " K a Makaainana" a me kahi I mau nupepa e ae, e I F. J. Testa (Hoke). I Alanaia i ka lahui oiwi I Honolulu: I Paiia ma ka Halepai Makaainana. I 1895. I XIV, [2] 122 p.

1 4 x 1 0 cm.

Song book of the nation prepared, collected, assembled and corrected from the songs published in the newspaper "Ka Makaainana" and other newspapers, by F. J. Testa (Jose). Offered to the native born race Honolulu: Printed by the People's Publishing House. 1895. Holdings: HMCS


1895 587

Buke oihana lapaau / me na / apu-laau Hawaii / he alakai no na home Hawaii i ka / oihana kahuna, i kukulu a hoolaa / ia e na kupuna o Hawaii lahui no / ka makee i ke olakino. / [Honolulu, 1895] 120, [1] p.

20 x 12 cm.

Book of medical practices and Hawaiian prescriptions a guide for Hawaiian homes in the arts of the kahuna, founded and dedicated by the ancestors of the Hawaiians who prized bodily-health. [Honolulu, 1895] Pref. signed: Thos. P. Spencer, (Kamaki) (Thomas) Honolulu, Sepatemaba, 1895. Holdings: BM (lacks p. [1]), CC, HMCS (2), UH (lacks p. [1]), V 588

Ka hookahuli aupuni I kaulana o 1893. I Kaua kuloko ma Honolulu I Ianuari 7, 1895. I Ka hoao ana e hookahuli i ka Repubalika Hawaii, I aupuni hou ko Hawaii Paeaina. / Hoohiwahiwaia me na kii. I Honolulu: I Papapai Mahu Press Publishing Co. I 1895. I [10], 136, [6] p.


22 x 14.5 cm.

The famous revolution of 1893. Civil war in Honolulu January 7, 1895. The attempt to overthrow the Hawaiian Republic, the new government of the Hawaiian Archipelago. Beautifully illustrated. Honolulu: Steam Press Publishing Co. 1895. Pref. signed: Thos. P. Spencer, Lunahooponopono (Editor). Holdings; BM, HMCS, W

1896 589

Ke alanui o ka lani I oia I ka manuale Kakolika I i paiia ma ke kauoha I o I Gulekana I Ep. o Panopolis, vie. ap. / ... I S. Ameberosio. I [cut] I Paiia ma Parika / 1896 I 449, [3] p.

illus. (engrs.)

16 x 10 cm.

The way to heaven a Catholic manual printed by order of Gulstan Bp. of Panopolis, vie ap ... St. Ambrose, [cut] Printed at Paris 1896 Editions: 1885, 1896. Holdings: AIM, BM, CSSC, FSH, HMCS, LH (2), SH (3), T, UH (2)


1896 590

Kakekimo I no I ke ao Kirikiano ana I e like me ke kakekimo i hoomakaukau I ia ma ke kauoha o na Epikopo ma ko lakou I akoakoa ekolu ana ma Baltimore I a ua unuhi ia ma ka olelo Hawaii ma ke kauoha o K a Haku Epikopo I Gulekana o Panopolis I vie. ap. H. Isl. [cut] I Paiia ma Parika I [Colophon: Saint-Cloud-Imprimerie Belin Frères] 1896 I 116 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

16.5 x 10.5 cm.

Catechism of the Christian doctrine in accordance with the catechism prepared by order of the Bishops of the third council of Baltimore and translated into the Hawaiian language by order of His Lordship Bishop Culstan of Panopolis vie. ap. H. Isl. [cut] Printed at Paris [Colophon: Saint-Cloud Belin Brothers Press] 1896 Trans, by W. Moeller: Yzendoorn, 109. Holdings: AAS, CSSC, FSH, HMCS, SH (14), T


Kumukanawai I o na I Ahahui Imi Pono Kristiano I o na apaña. I Honolulu: I Paiia ma ka Press Publishing Co. I 1896. I 18 p.

12.5 x 8 cm.

Constitution of the Christian Endeavor Society of the districts. Honolulu: Printed at the Press Publishing Co. 1896. Editions: 1884, 1896. Holdings: BM


He wahi olelo ao I no ka I piliolelo Hawaii I i hakuia e I Rev. C. M. Hyde, D. D. I E kuaiia ma ke keena o ka Papa Hawaii. I 1896. I 41 p.


18 x 12 cm.

Some words about Hawaiian grammar composed by Rev. C. M. Hyde, D. D. Sold at the Hawaiian Board rooms. 1896. Verso of t.p.: Honolulu, Paiia e ka Hawaiian Gazette Company. (Honolulu, Printed by the Hawaiian Gazette Company) Holdings: BM (4), GF, HHS (2), HMCS (6), N, PS, SH, UH (2), W, YU


1897 1897 593

Ka I büke himeni Hawaii I i / hooponoponoia. I E I Rev. L. Laiana I ma I ke kauohaia a me ka hoaponoia, l e i ka Papa o ka Aha Euanalio Hawaii. I Paiia e I ko Amerika Ahahui Teraka, / 10 East 23d Street, New York. I 1897. I 716 p.

15.5 x 10.5 cm.

The Hawaiian hymn book arranged. By Rev. L. Lyons by the order and with the approval, of the Board of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association. Printed by the American Tract Society, 10 East 23d Street, New York. 1897. All editions have pref. dated 1870. Editions: 1872, 1875, 1880, 1885, 1888, 1897, n.d. Holdings: CC (lacks p. 707-716), HMCS 594

Ka büke mele I o na / himeni Hawaii I i haku a meleia I e Na Kahuli Leolea I o ka Aina I o na I Home Hawaii Ponoi. I Copyright by / Ed. C. Holstein. I Published by the I Hawaiian News Co. Ltd. I Honolulu: I Paiia e Robert Grieve, 118 Alanui Kalepa. I 1897. I 187 p.

18 x 10.5 cm.

Song book of Hawaiian hymns composed and sung by Sweet Voiced Landshells of the Land of True Hawaiian Homes. Copyright by Ed. C. Holstein. Published by the Hawaiian News Co. Ltd. Honolulu: Printed by Robert Grieve, 118 Merchant Street. 1897. Holdings: BM, SH

1898 595

... I Ka ai 0 ka uhane I (Ua aponoia e Ka Haku Epikopo.) I San Iakimo, Haleaha. I Honolulu: I Paiia e ka Halepai Makaainana. I 1898. I 22 p.

14.5 x 10.5 cm.

... The food of the soul (Approved by His Lordship the Bishop.) San Joaquin, Assembly Hall. Honolulu: Printed at the People's Publishing House, 1898. At head of title: I.[esu] M.[aria] I.[osere] (Jesus, Mary, Joseph.) By C. Andrews: Yzendoorn, 111a. Holdings: HMCS, PC 214

1898 596

He mau himeni I o ka / Ekalesia Enelani I i hooponoponoia / e I ka Bihopa o Honolulu I ... I Ladana I 1898 I 352 p.

15 x 10 cm.

Hymns of the Church of England edited by the Bishop of Honolulu ... London 1898 Verso of t.p.: Richard Clay & Sons, Limited, London & Bungay. Editions: 1874, 1880, 1898. Title variations: 1874, K a büke himeni o ka Ekalesia Katolika Anglicana; 1880, Na himeni o ke Ekalesia Anglicana; 1898, He mau himeni o ka Ekalesia Enelani. Holdings: HMCS, UH (lacks t.p. and p. 349-352) 597

Na I himeni euanelio / na büke 1, 2, me 3, i huiia. I I unuhiia e I L. Laiana I mamuli o I Moody me Sankey. I Hoopukaia e I ka Papa Hawaii. I Honolulu, 1898. I Paiia e ka Hawaiian Gazette Co. I 226 p.

15 x 12 cm.

Gospel hymns books 1, 2, and 3, together. Translated by L. Lyons from Moody and Sankey. Published by the Hawaiian Board. Honolulu, 1898. Printed by the Hawaiian Gazette Co. Editions: 1882 (2), 1883 (2), 1884 (2), 1886, 1889, 1892, 1898. Holdings: HMCS 598

Sankoku kwaiwa. I [Hiroshima, Yasukichi Toda, 1898] 2 p. 1., 113, [1] p.

1 7 x 1 3 cm.

Three languages dictionary. [Hiroshima, Yasukichi Toda, 1898] Compiled by Nobujiro Fukuoka and Tetsutaro Taki. In English, Hawaiian and Japanese. Editions: 1890, 1898. Holdings: V


1899 1899 599

Ka elele euanelio I he buke e hoakaka pokole ana i ma na I kumu manaoio 0 ka Ekalesia 0 Iesu Kristo I o ka I Poe Hoano 0 na La Hope Nei I he kuhikuhi pauku baibala no hoi me I kekahi mau mea hoomanao e ae, I na J . H. Dina. I Honolulu: I R. Grieve, Electric Book and J o b Printer, 118 Merchant St. I 1899 I cover title, 63 p.

17 x 11.5 cm.

The gospel messenger a book and a short explanation as to the basic truths of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints a biblical reference paragraph and other thoughts, by J . H. Dina. Honolulu: R. Grieve, Electric Book and Job Printer, 118 Merchant St. 1899 Holdings: SH 600

He hoike no na kuhihewa I 0 ka I hoomana Moremona. I Unuhiia no loko mai o ka I Missionary Review o Nov. 1899. I [n.p., 1899?] caption title, 8 p.

24 x 14.5 cm.

A report on the misconceptions of Mormonism. Translated from the Missionary Review of Nov. 1899. [n.p., 1899?] " Holdings: HMCS 601

K a momi I 0 ke I Kiritiano I i paiia ma ke kauoha I o I Rt Rev. Kulekano Epikopo I ... I [cut] I Saint-Cloud I Imprimerie Belin Frères I 3 Rue du Calvaire, 3 I 1899 I 444, [4] p.

10.5 x 6.5 cm.

The pearl of the Christian printed by order of the Rt Rev. Bishop Gulstan... [cut] Saint-Cloud Belin Brothers Press 3, Rue du Calvaire, 3 1899 Editions: 1890, 1899. Holdings: BM, CSSC, HMCS (2), S



No date 602

[Atlas, n.p., n.d.] 12 col. maps (inc. 3 double)

30 x 25 cm.

Holdings: BM, GF, HMCS, W 603

[Atlas of sacred geography. Lahainaluna, n.d.] 5 engr. maps (4 double)

38 x 27.5 cm.

Holdings: HMCS 604

Ka I büke himeni Hawaii I i I hooponoponoia. I E I Rev. L. Laiana I ma I ke kauohaia a me ka hoaponoia, / e / ka Papa o ka Aha Euanalio Hawaii. I Paiia e I ko Amerika Ahahui Teraka, I 150 Nassau Street, New York. I [n.d.] 716 p.

14.5 x 10 cm.

The Hawaiian hymn book arranged. By Rev. L. Lyons by the order and with the approval, of the Board of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association. Printed by the American Tract Society, 150 Nassau Street, New York, [n.d.] All editions have pref. dated 1870. Editions: 1872, 1875, 1880, 1885, 1888, 1897, n.d. Holdings: LH, UH, V 605

Ka buke hoike kuhikuhi I wili humuhumu I "Dometika." I Me ke ao kumu ole ia. I A. L. Smith, (Kamika opio,) agena. I Alanui Papu, helu 83, Honolulu, H. I. I 0 ke ka wili humuhumu helu ekahi i hoea mai ma ka Paeaina Hawaii / Nei e hele nui mai i ka halekuai kaulana o ka oukou I makamaka, a e ike maka auanei oukou. I [n.p., n.d.] 29, [1] p.

18 x 14 cm.

The book of directions for the "Domestic" sewing machine. Learning without a teacher. A. L. Smith, (Smith junior,) agent. Fort Street, number 83, Honolulu, H. I. The number one sewing machine to arrive in the Hawaiian Archipelago Come to the famous shop of your friend, to see for yourselves, [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: HHS


n.d. 606

Buke mele Hawaii / ka / hoonanea o na home. / [Honolulu?, n.p., n.d.] cover title, 12 p.

19.5 x 11.5 cm.

Book of Hawaiian songs the quiet entertainment for homes. [Honolulu?, n.p., n.d.] Inside front cover: Hoomakaukau a pai ia e John Keakaokalani Ailau. (Prepared for printing by John Keakaokalani Ailau) Holdings: HMCS, UH 607

Elua omole kini. I Na olelo eehia a Lunakanawai Makale. I [Honolulu?, n.p., n.d.] caption title, 4 p.

20 x 11.5 cm.

Two bottles of gin. An awesome talk by Judge McCully. [Honolulu?, n.p., n.d.] Foreword by Mele Kelina (Mary Green) Imprint: Ballou, 938. Holdings: HHS, HMCS, W 608

Hawaiian lessons by W. J. Coelho. I [n.p., n.d.] 21 p.

19 x 16 cm.

Holdings: LHM, N 609

Helu 19. I E hemolele kakou. I [Honolulu, Hawaiian Bible and Tract Society, n.d.] caption title, 4 p.

18 x 11 cm.

Number 19. Let us be holy. [Honolulu, Hawaiian Bible and Tract Society, n.d.] Holdings: BM (7), HHS (2), HMCS (3), W 610

Helu 20. I Ua makaukau anei oe? I [Honolulu, Hawaiian Bible and Tract Society, n.d.] caption title, 4 p.

18.5 x 11 cm.

Number 20. Are you ready? [Honolulu, Hawaiian Bible and Tract Society, n.d.] Holdings: BM (4), HHS (2), HMCS (3), W 218

n.d. 611

K a / hoikeike moeuhane: I a o ka I buke oihana kilokilo I na hihio o ka manawa. I [Honolulu?, n.p., n.d.] 44 p.

22 x 14.5 cm.

A dictionary of dreams: and a book predicting the future from the signs of the time. [Honolulu? n.p., n.d.] Imprint: Ballou, 992. Holdings: BM 612

K a hookolokolo. I A, me na hoailona-ala a Daniela i ke Kulanakauhale I Hemolele. I [Colophon: Signs of the Times, Oakland, Cal. Or, Review and Herald, Battle Creek, Mich.] [n.d.] caption title, 16 p.

17 x 11.5 cm.

The trial. And, the visions that Daniel saw in the Holy City. [Colophon: Signs of the Times, Oakland, Cal. Or, Review and Herald, Battle Creek, Mich.] [n.d.] Holdings: HHS, HMCS 613

He katekimo. I [n.p., n.d.] caption title, [1], 48 p.

17.5 x 10.5 cm.

A catechism, [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: HMCS 614

Ke I kumu kanawai I a me I na rula I o ka Hale Naua. I [Honolulu?, n.p., n.d.] cover title 22 p.

fold, table

13.5 x 9 cm.

The constitution and by-laws of the Hale Naua. [Honolulu?, n.p., n.d.] Holdings: BM, HMCS, SH (lacks t.p.) 615

Kumukanawai I o I America huipuia. I [Honolulu?, n.p., n.d.] caption title, 32 p.

17 x 11.5 cm.

Constitution of the United States of America. [Honolulu?, n.p., n.d.] Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS (2), PC, SH 219

n.d. 616

Kumukanawai I o ka I Ahahui Hoohuiaina I Hawaii. I [n.p., n.d.] cover title, [4] p.

10.5 x 14.5 cm.

Constitution of the Annexation Club of Hawaii, [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: HHS


Kumukanawai o ka Ahahui I Nui o na Opiopio Imi Po- I no Karistiano o ko I Hawaii Pae Aina. I [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 22 p.

13.5 x 9 cm.

Constitution of the Great Club of Youths in the Hawaiian Archipelago Seeking Christian Goodness, [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: HMCS, W


Kumukanawai I o na hui maialo o ka hui nui, I I. O. G. T. I Paiia e Black and Auld, Honolulu. I [n.d.] cover title, 15 p.

18 x 11 cm.

Constitution of a branch of the main society, I n t e r n a tional] 0.[rder] of G.[ood] T.[emplars] Printed by Black and Auld, Honolulu, [n.d.] Holdings: HHS


K a la Sabati I ko I Karisto ano iloko o ke Sabati I [cut] I ... I Pacific Press Publishing Co., Oakland, Cal. I Christ's presence in the Sabbath. I [n.d.] 64 p.

17.5 x 12 cm.

The Sabbath day Christ in the Sabbath [cut]...Pacific Press Publishing Co., Oakland, Cal. Christ's presence in the Sabbath, [n.d.] Holdings: BM


Linahome Vila I ke I kiu hanu meheu pohihihi I a o ka I olali hoolele leo kupaianaha. I [Honolulu?, n.p., n.d.] 82, 6 p.

21 x 14 cm.


n.d. Linahome Vila the detective who could scent puzzling footprints and who was a skilled ventriloquist. [Honolulu?, n.p., n.d.] Pref. signed: Peter Davis. Holdings: HMCS 621

[Ka lira Hawaii. Honolulu?, n.p., n.d.] 161, [9] p.


14 x 23 cm.

[Hawaiian lyrics. Honolulu?, n.p., n.d.] Editions: 1844, 1848, 1855 (2), n.d. Holdings: UH (lacks t.p.)


He mau hana mamua iho / o I ta lave ana i ta Eukaritia. I [Honolulu, Pai-palapala Katolika, n.d.] 8 p.

13 x 8.5 cm.

Duties before carrying out the Eucharist. [Honolulu, Catholic Press, n.d.] Imprint: Yzendoorn, 43. Editions: n.d. (2). Holdings: BM, HMCS


He mau hana mamua iho I o I ta lawe ana i ta Eukaritia I [n.p., n.d.] 24 p.

1 3 x 1 1 cm.

Duties before carrying out the Eucharist [n.p., n.d.] Editions: n.d. (2). Holdings: HHS, N


He mau himeni ia Maria [n.p., n.d.] 12 p.

13.5 x 9 cm.

Hymns to Mary [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: N


n.d. 625

He mau kuhikuhi I pili euanelio I i hooponopono ia no na misionari o ka Ekalesia o Iesu I Karisto o ka Poe Hoano o na La Hope nei, I e I Lewis K. Kelsch, I i unuhiia e Samuel E. Woolley. I [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 32 p.

15.5 x 11.5 cm.

Instructions pertaining to the church compiled for the missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, by Lewis K. Kelsch, translated by Samuel E. Woolley. [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: BM, BYH 626

He mau ninau no ka ona ana, i wehewehe ia noloko / mai o ka Baibala. I [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 4 p.

21 x 14.5 cm.

Questions concerning intoxicating drinks, as explained in the Bible, [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: HMCS 627

He mau poropoleme. I [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 29, [1] p.

1 3 x 9 cm.

[Mathematical] problems, [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: HMCS


He mau pule. I Na mea e hanaia ai e I na hoahanau o ka ekalesia. I [n.p., n.d.] cover title, 12 p.

14 x 9 cm.

Prayers. Things to be done by the brethren of the church, [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: HHS, HMCS


He mau pule, I tupono no te tatahiata a me te ahiahi. I [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 80 p.

15 x 10.5 cm.

Prayers, suitable for morning and evening, [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: HMCS


n.d. 630

He mea paipai I i na mukuwahine [sic] mea keiki, e ao pono aku lakou i I na kamalii. [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 4 p.

22 x 13.5 cm.

Urging mothers of children, to teach their children properly. [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: BM, HMCS (3) 631

He mele ewanelio. I No na I Katolika. I [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 32 p.

13.5 x 8 cm.

Gospel songs. For Catholics, [n.p., n.d.] Editions: 1870, n.d. Holdings: AIM, CSSC, HMCS (2), LC, SH, T, UH 632

Na I haiolelo kue waiona I i heluheluia me kekahi I halawai kue waiona. I [n.p., n.d.] cover title, 23 p.

14 x 8 cm.

Speeches opposing intoxicating liquor read at a temperance meeting, [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: AN, HHS (7), HMCS, MU 633

Na I halelu hoano. I He mau himeni no na Kula Sabati I ame I na halawai e ae. I Hoakoakoaia ia I Frederika Bikale. I Paiia I ma ka Juvenile Instruction Office, I Lokopaakai, Uta. I [n.d.] 31, [1] p.

12 x 8.5 cm.

Sacred psalms. Hymns for the Sunday Schools and other meetings. Collected by Frederick Beckley. Printed by the Juvenile Instruction Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, [n.d.] Holdings: BM (3), MU 634

Na kumu o kuu hoole ana aole au e I ae e lilo i Moremona. I [n.p., n.d.] [4] p.

2 4 x 1 6 cm.

Reasons for my refusal to become a Mormon, [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: HMCS, W 223

n.d. 635

Na manao hope o kakahi poe hooma- I loka a me kekahi poe manaoio. I [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 38 p.

17.5 x 11 cm.

The last thoughts of some unbelievers and some believers, [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: HMCS 636

Na miterio o te rosario. I [n. p., n.d.] caption title, 8 p.

18 x 11.5 cm.

Mysteries of the rosary, [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: AIM, AN, HMCS 637

Na mooolelo hui. / [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 60 p.

21 x 13.5 cm.

History of society, [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: HHS, HMCS (3), LC 638

No ka bapetizo. I Hoolahaia e ka Ekalesia i Hoala Hou ia o Iesu Karisto / no na Poe Hoano o na La Hope. I [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 24 p.

23 x 16 cm.

On baptism. Published by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: BM (2), HHS, T 639

No I ka mihi. I [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 8 p.

21 x 12.5 cm.

Concerning repentance, [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: BM(13), HHS, HMCS (4), PS, T , W 640

No ke I kahakaha: I he mea ia e hoike ai i ke ano o kela I mea keia mea ma ke kaha ana. I [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 7 p.

18.5 x 11 cm.


n.d. Concerning engraving: it is something that shows what that and this thing is like in the drawing, [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: HHS, HMCS, LC, PS 641

No na kula pokii. I He wahi olelo ao i na kumu kula. I [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 103 p.

illus. (woodcuts)

18 x 11.5 cm.

Concerning schools for the young. Instructions for the teachers, [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: W (lacks t.p.) 642

0 ka la hea kau e malama nei? I A no keaha? I [Colophon: Signs of the Times, Oakland, Cal.] [n.d.] caption title, 7 p.

17.5 x 11 cm.

Which day do you keep? And why? [Colophon: Signs of the Times, Oakland, Cal.] [n.d.] Holdings: BM, HHS (9), HMCS, T 643

0 na I laau lapaau I a I Dr. D. Jayne, I me na olelo hoakaka i ke ano o ka ai ana, a me I ka inu ana paha i ua mau laau lapaau nei. I [cut] I (Hale hana laau lapaau o Dr. Jayne ma Piladelepia.) I A catalogue I of I Dr. D. Jayne's family medicines. I With directions for their use. I [n.p., n.d.] cover title, 7 p.

25 x 15.5 cm.

The medicines of Dr. D. Jayne, and explanations as to the kind of food, and drink on the aforementioned medicines, [cut] (Headquarters of Dr. Jayne in Philadelphia.) A catalogue of Dr. D. Jayne's family medicines. With directions for their use. [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: HMCS 644

Ka I olelo ae like I a na makuwahine huiia I ma I [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 4 p.

19.5 x 12 cm.

Agreement or by-laws of the mothers' meeting [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: BM (2), HMCS


n.d. 645

He I olelo kike I no ka olelo a Hawaii nei. I [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 32 p.

25.5 x 16 cm.

A dialogue concerning the language of Hawaii, [n.p., n.d.] No complete copy seen. Page 32 ends in an incomplete sentence. Holdings: HMCS


He I olelo ninau I no ka I palapala honua. I [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 40 p.

18.5 x 11.5 cm.

Questions on geography, [n.p., n.d.] Editions: 1833, n.d. Holdings: HHS, LC, PS 647

Ka olelo I no na I holoholona o ka honua, / a me na I olelo ninau. I [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 9, [2] p.

illus. (woodcuts)

18.5 x 11.5 cm.

Explanations of the beasts of the earth, with questions. [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: HMCS 648

Pakui I no ka I buke mele I ka I hoonanea o na home Hawaii I Hoomakaukau a paiia e J. K. Ailau. [n.p., n.d.] cover title, 9 p.

1 9 x 1 1 cm.

Supplement to the book of songs the quiet entertainment for Hawaiian homes Prepared for printing by J. K. Ailau. [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: UH


Ke panihakahaka no ka oihana kaula a me I ka oihana peresidena no ka ekalesia. I [Colophon: Kakauia keia e Lunakahiko A. Haws o ka Ekalesia i Hoala Hou ia o Iesu Karisto no na Poe Hoano o na La Hope ... ] [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 20 p.

24 x 15 cm.


n.d. Those who take the place of the prophets and the president of the church. [Colophon: This is written by Elder A. Haws of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints...] [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: BM, HHS, HMCS 650

Ka papa o ka ahahui. > < Helu hou 1. I 0 ka hanau hou e pono ai. I Ke kamailio ana o Wiliama a me Ioane. I [n.p., n.d.] caption title, 4 p.

19 x 11 cm.

Series of the [Hawaiian Bible and Tract] Society. > < New number 1. It is better to be re-born. The conversation of William and John, [n.p., n.d.] Holdings: BM (5), HHS (14), HMCS (3) 651

Pule i kauohaia e ka Makua I Hemolele. I [Honolulu?, Catholic Press?, n.d.] caption title, 2 p.

14.5 x 10 cm.

Prayer commanded by the Holy Father. [Honolulu?, Catholic Press?, n.d.] Holdings: HMCS 652

[Spencer Vance. Ka makai kiu puuwai hao kila o Amerika a o ka olali o na kapakai o Nu Ioka. New York: Halstead & Davis, n.d.] 62 p.

29 x 22 cm.

[Spencer Vance. The steelhearted detective of America and of the glory of the seashores of New York. New York: Halstead & Davis, n.d.] Source: Ballou, 965. Holdings: none located 653

Ua hiki anei ia kakou ke hoo- I maopopo? I [Colophon: Oakland, Calif., Signs of the Times.] [n.d.] caption title, 15 p.

1 7 x 1 1 cm.


Can we understand or not? [Colophon: Oakland, Calif., Signs of the Times.] [n.d.] Holdings: BM (2), HHS (2), T K a I wehewehehala, I oia hoi ka I hulikanaka. I Na Limaikaika i kakau. I Na laua me Dibela e hooponopono hou. I Honolulu, Oahu: I Mea Pai Palapala a na Misionari. I [n.d.] 2 p.l., 2-208 p.

1 8 . 5 x 1 1 . 5 cm.

The remission of sin, that is the moral philosophy. Written by Armstrong. Nearly finished by Dibble and revised. Honolulu, Oahu: Mission Press, [n.d.] Based on Francis Wayland's Moral Philosophy: cf. Foreword, 1841 ed. Editions: 1841, 1847, n.d. Title variations: 1841, K a hulikanaka; 1847, n.d., K a wehewehehala. Holdings: BM, HMCS, V



A E a , e / ? 0 i ' o, 3 AE I 0 U.See A E I 0 U A. S. Barnes and Co., Publishers, N.Y. See Barnes (A. S.) and Co., Publishers, N.Y. Abbott, J., 104, 152-154, 192, 201 Abstinence. See Temperance Advertiser, Pacific Commercial. See Pacific Commercial Advertiser Steam Press Agreements. See Contracts Ahahui Imi Pono Kristiano. See Christian Endeavor Society Ahahui Nui o na Opiopio Imi Pono Karistiano o ko Hawaii Pae Aina. See Great Club of Youths in the Hawaiian Archipelago Seeking Christian Goodness Aholo, 385 Ka ai o ka uhane, 595 Aikanaka, 528 Ailau, J., 606, 648 Ka aiokala, 519 Airindo, Tokyo, 561 Ke alahai, 500 Alakai mua, 321 Ke alakai o ke kanaka Hawaii, 562 Ke alanui o ka lam, 520, 589 Alapai Wahine, 555

Alekanedero. See Alexander, W. P. Alekanekelo. See Alexander. W. P. Alekanekero. See Alexander, W. P. Alemanaka Hawaii, 95-96 Alexander, W. D., 409-410, 462, 570 Alexander, W. P., 264, 300, 306, 387, 400, 452 Algebra, 173, 262, 281, 355 Almanacs, 95-96 He aloha Kristiano, 373 The alphabet, 1 - 2 Alphabet books. See Primers American Bible Society, N.Y. Bible, 265-266, 442, 463, 497, 503, 509, 524 Bible, New Testament, 221, 257-258, 304, 323, 340, 367, 378, 444, 448, 459-460, 513 Bible, Old Testament, 186-187, 447, 456 Catechisms, 301, 330, 392 American Tract Society, N.Y. Bible, 465, 467, 573 Bible, New Testament, 466 Bible, study, 35 Catechisms, 302 Hymns, 244, 390, 464, 477, 491, 521, 542, 593, 604 Primers, 402, 432


Index Sermons, 37 Others, 207, 229, 237, 357, 386, 398, 439, 478 Ke anahonua, 97-101 Anaina haipule, 563 Anatomia, 166 Anatomy, 166 Ancient history. See History, ancient Anderson, E., 397 Andrews, C., 595 Andrews, L., 34, 72, 80, 89, 97-101, 104, 112, 142, 147, 161, 164-165, 180, 185, 222, 228, 236, 239, 262-263, 270, 273, 324, 328, 413, 522, 577 Andrews, S., 449 Aneru. See Andrews, L. Anglican church. See Church of England Te Aniani, 350 Animals, 106, 122, 145, 429, 647 Annexation Club of Hawaii, 616 Ke ano o ke Akua oiaio, 207 He ao ana Kiritiano, 208 Ke ao heluhelu, 236 Ao kiko, 252, 268, 280 Ke ao spela, 269 Arai, S., 574 Aritemetika. See Ao. 7. Aritemetika Arithmetic, 38-39, 74, 83-84, 123, 137, 144, 171-172, 181, 199, 218-219, 246, 254-256, 279, 283-288, 311, 318, 366 Armies. See Hawaiian Islands, army Armstrong, R., 220, 235, 272, 295, 301-302, 330, 359, 376, 427, 437, 654 Art. See Engraving Astronomy, 155. See also Almanacs Atlas, 602 Atlas of sacred geography, 603 Atlases, 276, 602. See also Bible, geography Awa, 430 Ka Ayer büke paalima, 564, 571 Ayer (J. C.) Co., Lowell, 523, 564, 571 Bachelot, A., 69-70, 108, 225-227 Ka Baibala Hemolele, 442, 463, 497, 503, 509, 524 Bailey, E., 262, 281, 355 Bakelo, Aleki. See Bachelot, A. Baker, R„ 495, 559 Balauina. See Baldwin, D. Balauwina. See Baldwin, D.

Balawina. See Baldwin, D. Baldwin, D., 160, 357 Baluina. See Baldwin, D. Baptism, 232, 428, 638 Barnes (A. S.) and Co., Publishers, N.Y., 468, 472, 536 Battle Creek, 612 Ka be-a-ba, 5 - 7 Beasts. See Animals Beckley, F., 633 Belin Brothers Press, Paris, 590, 601 Ka berita hoolilo, 62 Berlin, 162 Bible, 265-266, 442, 463, 497, 503, 509, 524 chronology, 150, 183-184, 267 dictionaries, 465, 467, 573 geography, 103, 128, 182, 190-191, 239, 603 history, 310, 457, 547 maps. See Bible, geography study, 10-11, 14, 19-20, 26, 28, 35, 104, 129, 140, 163, 192, 201, 204, 313, 384, 417 Bible, New Testament, 125, 146, 221, 257-258, 304, 340, 367, 378, 444, 448, 459-460, 513 Acts, 47, 79, 90, 403 Colossians, 72 1 Corinthians, 71, 93 2 Corinthians, 71, 93 Ephesians, 72 Calatians, 72 Hebrews, 72 James, 72 John, 41, 323 1 John, 80 2 John, 80 3 John, 80 Jude, 80 Luke, 21, 49-50 Mark, 42 Matthew, 31, 317, 319-320, 466 1 Peter, 80 2 Peter, 80 Philemon, 72 Philippians, 72 Revelation, 80, 552 Romans, 71, 93 1 Thessalonians, 72 2 Thessalonians, 72 1 Timothy, 72 2 Timothy, 72


Index Titus, 72 Bible, Old Testament, 186-187 2 Chronicals, 158 Deuteronomy, 85-86 Ecclesiastes, 174 Esther, 141, 178 Exodus, 46 Genesis, 40, 44-45, 58, 139 Isaiah, 188 Jeremiah, 188 Joshua, 64 Judges, 107 Nehemiah, 132, 141 Numbers, 87 Psalms, 52, 447, 456 Ruth, 107 1 Samuel, 102 Song of Solomon, 174 Bible and Tract Society of Hawaii. See Hawaiian Bible and Tract Society Bible classes. See Sunday schools Bible Reading Association, 556 Biglow Main, N.Y., 499 Bihopa. See Bishop, A. Bikale. See Beckley, F. Binamu. See Bingham, H. Bingham, H., 4-6, 16, 21, 31, 36, 48-50, 52-54, 60-63, 66, 73, 77, 82, 94, 109-110, 134, 148, 195, 207, 229, 231, 271, 289, 371, 386, 398, 408, 440 Bishop, A., 31, 38-41, 44-45, 58, 71-72, 74, 83-84, 93, 102, 123, 137, 139, 144, 171-173, 181, 199, 218, 237, v 246, 254-256, 262, 272, 277, 281, 283-288, 311, 318, 322, 327, 355-356, 458, 486, 498, 512, 578 Black and Auld, Printers, 458, 480, 618 Black (J. H.), Printer, 419-420, 489 Bodge (W. B.) Printer, N.Y., 449 Boki, 15, 29 Bolster, J., 534, 546 Bona. See Bond, E. Bond, E., 365, 390, 402, 415, 432-433, 445 Boston, 355 Bouillon, A., 485, 519 Bourgeois Press, Nantes, 519-520, 560 Bright, J., 543 Brown, G., 566 Ka Buke a Moramona, 332 Ka buhe aheahamai, 565 He büke alakai, 556

Ka büke alemanaka, 525 Ka büke himeni Hawaii,. 464, 477, 491, 521, 542, 593, 604 He büke himeni no ka Ekalesia Katolika Hawaii, 393, 419 Ka büke himeni o ka Ekalesia Katolika Anglicana, 471 Ka büke hoike kuhikuhi, 605 Ka Buke Hoomana, 420 Buke Kula Sabati, 572 Ka büke lawe lima, 421, 443, 533 Ka büke mete, 594 Buke mele Hawaii, 606 Buke mele lahui, 586 He büke moolelo no ka makai kiu Uila, 534 Ka büke moolelo o Hon. Robert William Wilikoki, 557 Buke moolelo o ka Haku Nelekona, 535 Ka Buke mua a Samuela, 102 He büke no ke ola kino, 536 Ka Buke o ka Pule Ana, 388-389, 434, 446, 504 Ka büke o na berita, 576 Ka Buke o na Halelu, 447, 456 Ka büke o na leo mele Hawaii, 543 Buke oihana lapaau, 587 He büke wehewehe huaolelo Baibala, 465 Buke weheweheano o ka Euanelio, 466 He büke wehiwehi huaolelo Baibala, 467, 573 "Bulletin" Steam Press, 546 Bunyan, J „ 237

Cables, submarine, 496 Cannon, G., 332, 336 Castle, W., 510 Catechisms, 12-13, 27, 36, 54, 66, 77, 81-82, 227, 233, 248, 250, 292-293, 301-303, 308, 330, 347, 382, 392, 408, 412, 415-416, 433, 445, 452, 455, 469, 484-485, 492, 548, 580, 590, 613 Catholic church, 69-70, 198, 234-235, 240-242, 291, 298, 307, 310, 312, 326, 338-339, 342-346, 349, 351, 353, 368, 399, 431, 457, 474, 481-482, 508, 519-520, 540-541, 554, 560, 589, 595, 601, 636. See also Mass. chronology, 352


Index doctrinal and controversial works, 329, 369-370, 372, 437-438 Catholic literature, 290, 526 Catholic Press Bible, 310, 317, 319-320 Bible, history, 457 catechisms, 250, 292-293, 303, 347, 469, 484-485, 492 geography, 249, 309 Hawaiian language, 379, 470, 479 hymns, 314-316, 404-406, 411, 493 prayers, 381, 651 songs, 377, 454 others, 198, 234, 240-242, 298, 307, 312, 326, 329, 331, 338-339, 342-346, 348-354, 356, 368-370, 372, 482, 508, 526, 540-541, 554, 622 Catholic Press of Migne, 208, 225-227 Challoner, R., 329, 372 Chamberlain, L., 124 Chamisso, A., 162 Chants, Hawaiian, 532, 555. See also Songs, Hawaiian Chicago, 567 Children. See Parent and child Christ. See Jesus Christ Christening. See Baptism Christian Endeavor Society, 514, 591 Christian ethics, 59, 67-70, 78, 176, 193, 220, 295, 609, 654 Christianity, 15, 29, 226, 306, 357, 363, 373, 400, 425, 610, 635, 639, 650. See also Church; Catholic church; Protestantism; God; Jesus Christ Chronology. See Catholic church, chronology; Church, chronology Chronology, biblical. See Bible, chronology Church, 62-63, 175, 194, 230, 261, 299, 421, 435, 443, 490, 533. See also Christianity, chronology, 549 Church history, 126, 223, 386, 398-399. See also Protestantism Church of England, 388-389, 401, 412, 419-420, 434, 446, 471, 504 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. See Mormons and Mormonism Church work, 556. See also Sunday schools

Clark, E., 92, 95-96, 152-155, 323, 373, 465, 467, 573 Clarke, S., 357 Clay (R.) and Sons, Ltd., London, 596 Claye (J.), Printer, Paris, 391 Cleghorn, A. S., 538 Cleveland, G., 579 Coan, T., 358, 383, 429 Coelho, W., 608 Coffee, 568 Colburn, W., 84, 123, 137, 173, 181, 218-219, 246, 255-256, 279, 284-288 Commercial Advertiser Steam Print, See Pacific Commercial Advertiser Steam Press Comstock, J., 106 Constellations. See Astronomy Constitution. See U.S. Constitution Constitution of the original Hawaiian church, 63 Contracts, 341 Corwin, E., 362 Courts, Hawaiian islands, 562 Davis, P., 620 Death, 358 Decourchant Printing House, Paris, 108 Desvault, D., 493 Detective stories, See Mystery and detective stories Devotion, See Worship Devotional literature, 229 Dibble, S., 121-122, 128-132, 140-141, 145, 150-151, 177, 182-184, 200, 205, 209-214, 216-217, 238, 295, 654 Dibela. See Dibble, S. Dictionaries. See English language, dictionaries; Hawaiian language, dictionaries; Japanese language, dictionaries A dictionary of the Hawaiian language, 413, 577 Dina, J., 500, 544-545, 599 Documents relating to the restoration of the Sandwich Islands flag, 253 Dole, S., 579 Drawing, 185 Dreams, 611 Drummond, H., 567 Drunkenness. See Temperance


Index E hele io Kristo la. See Helu 6. E hele io Kristo la E hemolele kakou. See Helu 19. E hemolele kakou E laikini ia ana anei ka opiuma?, 510 Economics, 197 Education. See Teaching Ka eehia ana. See KHelu 16. Ka eehia ana Ka ekalesia o ta Hatu, 351 Ka ekalesia oiaio, 435 Ka elele euanelio, 544, 599 Elele Printing Co., 553, 555, 572 Ellis, W., 4-6, 16 Elua omole kini, 607 Ely, J., 41 Emekona. See Emerson, J. Emerson, J., 133, 156-157, 206, 260, 275, 277, 282, 321 Emesona. See Emerson, J. English and Hawaiian words and phrases, 322 English language, 222, 263, 273 conversation and phrase books, 470, 479 dictionaries, 277, 413, 561, 577, 598 grammar, 161 study and teaching, 511 terms and phrases, 322, 327, 458, 486, 498, 512, 574, 578 English lessons for Hawaiians, 511 Engraving, 640 Episcopal church. See Church of England Epitome o ka moolelo hemolele, 457 Epitome o ta mooolelo hemolele, 310 Ethics, Christian. See Christian ethics. Ka Euanelio a Ioane, 41 Ka Euanelio a Luka, 21, 49-50 Ka Euanelio a Marako, 42 Ka Euanelio a Mataio, 31 Eucharist. See Lord's Supper Evanelio Hemolele e lite me ta Mateo, 317 Evangelistic work. See Church work

F. H. Revell Co., Chicago. See Revell (F. H.) Co., Chicago Falsehood. See Truthfulness and falsehood Family. See Parent and child Fathers. See Parent and child

Fiction, 237, 569, 582. See also Mystery and detective stories Fiske, 104, 192, 201 Flag, Hawaiian, 253, 356 Forbes, A., 464, 511 Forbes, C„ 233, 248, 394 Forebe. See Forbes, A. Fornander, A., 441 Forster, W., 373 Fouquet, Printer, Paris, 488 Fowle, W„ 74, 83, 144, 171-172, 199, 254, 283, 318, 366 Frear, W., 475 French language conversation and phrase books, 470, 479 grammar, 108 Fruit, 568 Fukuoka, N., 561, 598

Gallaudet, T„ 189, 200, 238 Gazette office. See Hawaiian Gazette Co. Gazette Publishing Co. See Hawaiian Gazette Co. Gelina. See Green, J. Geographical atlases. See Atlases Geography, 75, 91, 138, 164-165, 228, 249, 278, 309, 380, 441, 646. See also Surveying; Maps; Atlases biblical. See Bible, geography Geometry, 89, 97-101, 262, 264, 328. See also Trigometry German language, 162 God, 200, 207-208, 238, 300, 354, 387. See also Christianity; Jesus Christ The Gospel according to John, 323 Government. See U.S. politics and government; Hawaiian islands, politics and government Grammar. See Hawaiian language, grammar; English language, grammar; French language, grammar. Grammar of the Hawaiian language, 324, 522 Great Club of Youths in the Hawaiian Archipelago Seeking Christian Goodness, 617 Green, J., 64, 111, 117, 120, 126-127, 158, 170, 174, 223, 236, 245, 247, 294, 386, 398, 418 Green, M., 607


Index Gregg, D„ 325 Grieve (R.) and Co., 512, 568, 578, 582, 594, 599 Gulick, O., 455 Gulika. See Gulick, 0 . Gulina. See Green, J. Gulsten, Bishop. See Ropert, G. H. M. Whitney Press. See Whitney (H. M.) Press He haawina hamalii, 422-423 Ka hae hoonani, 453, 468, 472 Hahai ana mamuli o Jesu-Kirito, 526 He haiao. [1], 111 Haiao 2, 112, Haiao 3, 113 Haiao 4, 114 Haiao 5, 115 Haiao 6, 116. See also Haiao [ i i ] Haiao 7, 117 Haiao 8, 118 Haiao 9, 136 Haiao 10, 143 Haiao [11], 167 Haiao 12, 168 Haiao 13-15, 169 Haiao 16, 170 Haiao. [Helu 1], 209 Haiao. [Helu II], 210 Haiao. [Helu III], 211 Haiao. [Helu IV], 212 Haiao. [Helu F], 213 Haiao. Helu VI, 214 Haiao. Helu VII, 215 Haiao. Helu VIII, 216 Haiao. Helu IX, 217 He haiao oia he kahi olelo a na misionan, 119 He haiao oia kekahi olelo a ka poe misionan, 120 Haida. See Hyde, C. Haimanao, 325 Haimanava, 352 Haiolelo a ka Hon. A F. Judd, 547? Hale naua, 614 Haleole, S., 395 Hall, E., 272 Hall, N., 478 Halstead and Davis, N.Y., 652 Hawaii commercial company, 553 Hawaiian Bible and Tract Society, 358-365, 374-376, 382-385, 394, 424-430, 609-610, 650

Hawaiian Board of Missions catechisms, 415-416, 433, 445, 452, 455 hymns, 464, 477, 491, 501-502, 506-507, 517-518, 521, 531, 542, 551, 575, 593, 597, 604 primers, 414, 422-423 sermons, 558 songs, 453, 468, 472, 515, 581 others, 418, 435, 438, 533, 549 Hawaiian Evangelical Association, 333-334, 436-437, 547. See also Hawaiian Board of Missions Hawaiian Evangelical Board. See Hawaiian Board of Missions Hawaiian flag. See Flag, Hawaiian Hawaiian Gazette Co., 471, 490, 531, 550, 558, 562, 576, 592, 597 Hawaiian Gazette Electric Press. See Hawaiian Gazette Co. Hawaiian Gazette Press. See Hawaiian Gazette Co. Hawaiian Industrial Training Society. See Society for Hawaiian Industrial Training Hawaiian islands army, 559 history, 177, 253, 391, 579, 583, 588 politics and government, 331, 495 social life and customs, 525 Hawaiian, Japanese, and English phrasebook, 574 Hawaiian language, 162, 379, 645 conversation and phrase books, 470, 479 dictionaries, 142, 413, 561, 577, 598 grammar, 108, 324, 409-410, 462, 522, 570, 592 study and teaching, 608 terms and phrases, 322, 327, 458, 486, 498, 512, 574, 578 Hawaiian lessons, 608 Hawaiian News Co., Ltd., 594 Hawaiian phrase book, 458, 486, 498, 512, 578 Hawaiian Ramie Company, 516 Hawaiian Tract Society. See Hawaiian Bible and Tract Society Haws, A., 649 Heaha ka aihue?. See Helu 15. Heaha ka aihue? Hele mai ia Iesu, 478 Ka hele malihini ana, 237


Index Helu 1. No ke aha la oukou e make ai? 358 Helu 2. Ua pono anei ka pule ia Maria? 359 Helu 3. No ka mare ana, 360 Makemake anei oe i ke ola?, 361, 424 Helu 5. Makemake anei oe i haumana Pope, 362 Helu 6. E hele io Kristo la, 363, 425 Helu 7. Ka hoi ana mai, 364, 426 Helu 8. No ka manawalea, 365 Helu 9. Pule mehameha, 374 Helu 10. No ka hoomana anaina, 375 Helu 11. No ka hoohiki wahahee i ke Akua, 376, 427 Helu 12. Nakai, 383 Helu 13. He wahi manao kumu, 384 Helu 14. Kumu manao, 385 Helu 15. Heaha ka aihue?, 394