Guides to the Sources for the History of the Nations. 3rd Series: Part 1 Sources of the History of North Africa, Asia and Oceania in Denmark [Reprint 2011 ed.] 9783110970364, 9783598214745

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English Pages 842 [848] Year 1980

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Table of contents :
Chapter I: Copenhagen. Private Library of Her Majesty, and National Archives
The Private Library of Her Majesty the Queen – Hendes Majestæt Dronningens Håndbibliotek
Collection of manuscripts
Collection of maps and charts
Views of towns
The Collection of King Christian IX
Works on geography
Collection of pictures, photographs, etc
Danish National Archives – Rigsarkivet
The Royal House – Kongehuset
Court Officials – Hofetaterne
Supreme Court of Judicature – Højesteret
The Privy Council – Geheimekonseillet 1670–1770
Danish Chancery – Danske Kancelli
The Mission Board – Missionskollegiet 1714–1859
The Chamber of Finance (The Exchequer) – Rentekammeret
The Commission for the Collection of Statistical Tables – Kommissionen for det statistiske tabelværk 1833–1849
Supreme Inland Revenue Department – Overskattedirektionen 1762–1782
Board of Finance – Finanskollegiet 1771–1816
Deputation of Finance – Finansdeputationen 1816–1848
The National Debt Commission – Direktionen for Statsgælden 1816–1848
The Ad Usos Publicos Fund – Fonden ad usos publicos 1765–1842
The Internal Department of the German Chancery before 1770 – Tyske Kancelli. Indenrigske afdeling indtil 1770
The Foreign Department of the German Chancery before 1770 – Tyske Kancelli. Udenrigske afdeling indtil 1770
The Department of Foreign Affairs – Departementet for udenlandske anliggender 1771–1848
The Royal African Consular Directorate – Den kgl. Afrikanske Konsulatsdirektion 1800–1837
The Board of Trade – Kommercekollegiet 1735–1816
The Board of Customs and Trade – General-Toldkammer- og Kommercekollegiet 1816–1848
The Danish Trade Company for Manufactures – Den danske Manufakturhandel 1792 (1788)–1807
The Land Forces before 1848
Naval Archives before 1655
The Navy – Søkrigsmagten 1655–1848
The East India Company 1668–ab. 1720, The Societies ad interim for the China and India Trade 1729–1740, and The Asiatic Company 1732–1845 – Ostindisk Kompagni 1668–c. 1720, Interimssocieteterne for handelen på Kina og Indien 1729–1740, og Asiatisk Kompagni 1732–1845
The Royal East India Government – Det kgl. ostindiske Guvernement 1778–1845
The West Indian – Guinean Company – Det vestindisk–guineiske Kompagni 1680 (1671)–1754
The Royal Chartered General Trading Company – Det kgl. oktrojerede almindelige Handelskompagni 1747–1775
The Royal Chartered West Indian Trading Company – Det kgl. oktroyerede vestindiske Handelsselskab 1778–1816 (1824)
The Royal Chartered Danish, Norwegian, Slesvig and Holstein United Trade and Canal Company – Handels- og Kanalkompagniet 1782–1814
Ministries after 1848:
Prime Minister’s Department – Statsministeriet: Committee for Danish cultural work abroad – Komiteen for dansk kultur arbejde i udlandet 1951–1974
Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Udenrigsministeriet 1848–1945
Danish International Development Agency (Danida) – Styrelsen for internationalt udviklingssamarbejde
Ministry of Finance – Finansministeriet
Ministry of Economic Affairs – Økonomiministeriet
Ministry of Naval Affairs – Marineministeriet 1848–1950
Archives of the Army (Third Department of the National Archives) – Hærens Arkiv (Rigsarkivets 3. Afdeling)
Ministry of Defence – Forsvarsministeriet
Ministry of Justice – Justitsministeriet
Ministry of the Interior – Indenrigsministeriet 1849–
Ministry of Public Works – Ministeriet for offentlige arbejder
Ministry of Commerce – Handelsministeriet
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs – Arbejds- og Socialministeriet
Ministry of Labour – Arbejdsministeriet
Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs and Public Instruction – Ministeriet for kirke- og undervisningsvæsenet (Kultusministeriet) 1848–1916
Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs – Kirkeministeriet 1916 onwards
Ministry of Education – Undervisningministeriet 1916 onwards
Ministry of Cultural Affairs – Ministeriet for kulturelle anliggender
Danmarks Radio – Statsradiofonien
Private Archives
Archives of private persons
Supplement Private Archives of the Third Department – 3. Afdelings (Hærens Arkivs) Privatarkiver
Archives of private institutions and organizations
Danish branches of international organizations
Other organizations for international co-operation and allied national organizations
Church-, missionary and other clerical organizations
Scientific expeditions and congresses
Various associations of Danes abroad
Insurance companies
Various archives and collections:
Various audited accounts 1660–1848
Manuscript collection of the National Archives
Supplement: Manuscript collection of the Third Department (The Army Archives)
The Map Collection of the National Archives – Rigsarkivets kortsamling
Records of foreign provenance
The Photograph Collection – Fotografisamlingen
The Film Collection – Filmsamlingen
Chapter II: Copenhagen. Archives outside the Private Library of Her Majesty the Queen and the National Archives
The Royal Library – Det kongelige Bibliotek
Department of Manuskripts – Håndskriftafdelingen
Judaic Department – Judaistisk afdeling
Department of maps and prints – Kort- og Billedsamlingen
Collection of prints – Billedsamlingen
Collection of maps – Kortafdelingen
Oriental Department – Orientalsk afdeling
The Provincial Archives of Sealand, Lolland-Falster and Bornholm – Landsarkivet for Sjælland, Lolland-Falster og Bornholm
The Episcopal Archives of the Diocese of Sealand – Sjællands stifts bispearkiv
Ministerial Registers (Church Registers) – Ministerialbøger (Kirkebøger)
Private schools. Danish School at Antung, China – Private Skoler. Den danske skole i Antung, Kina
Maritime Courts – Søretter
Shipping Offices – Forhyringskontorer
The Classen Foundation – Det Classenske Fideikommis
Private Archives – Privatarkiver
The Copenhagen Shipmasters’ Guild 1634–1863. The Copenhagen Shipmasters’ Association 1863 –. – Københavns Skipperlav 1634–1863. Københavns Skipperforening. 1863–
The City Archives, Copenhagen – Københavns Stadsarkiv
The Library of the Royal Danish Marine – Marinens Bibliotek
The Naval Lieutenants’ Association – Søe-Lieutenant-Selskabet
Nautical Section of the Directorate of Inland Waters – Farvandsdirektoratets nautiske afdeling
The Arnamagnean Institute – Det Arnamagnæanske Institut
The Danish Folklore Archives. Ethno-Musicological Section – Dansk Folkemindesamling. Etno-musikologisk afdeling
The Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies (SIAS) – Centraiinstitut for Nordisk Asienforskning (CINA)
The Danish Veterinary and Agricultural Library – Danmarks Veterinær- og Jordbrugsbibliotek
The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters – Det kongelige danske Videnskabernes Selskab
The National Museum – Nationalmuseet
National Museum Department II – Nationalmuseets 2. afdeling
National Museum Department IV. Ethnographical Department – Nationalmuseets 4. afdeling. Den etnografiske Afdeling
National Museum Department V. Collection of Antiques – Nationalmuseets 5. afdeling. Antiksamlingen
National Museum Department VI. The Royal Coin and Medal Collection – Nationalmuseets 6. afdeling. Den kgl. mønt- og medaillesamling
The Royal Arsenal Museum – Tøjhusmuseet
The Botanical Museum – Botanisk Museum
The Botanical Garden of the University of Copenhagen – Botanisk Have
Central Botanical Library of the University of Copenhagen – Botanisk Centralbibliotek
Mineralogical Museum of the University of Copenhagen – Universitetets geologiske og mineralogiske Institut, Mineralogisk-geologisk Museum
Zoological Museum of the University of Copenhagen – Københavns Universitets Zoologiske Museum
Institute of Classical and Near East Archaeology – Institut for klassisk og nærorientalsk arkæologi
Institute of Greek and Latin Mediaeval Philology – Institut for græsk og latinsk middelalderfilologi
Institute of Linguistics – Institut for lingvistik
The Niels Bohr Institute – Niels Bohr Institutet
The Royal Academy of Fine Arts – Kunstakademiet
The Museum of Decorative Art – Kunstindustrimuseet
C. L. David Collection – C. L. Davids Samling
The Danish Film Museum – Det danske Film Museum
The Danish Government Film Office – Statens Film Central (SFC)
The Trade and Industries Film Centre – Erhvervenes Filmcenter
The National Centre of Educational Material – Landscentralen for undervisningsmidler
Danmarks Radio
Archive of Recorded Sound – Stemmearkivet
The Film Booking Office – Filmkontoret
Historical Collection – Historisk Arkiv
Private Persons’ Archives outside public collections
Private Institutions and Organizations outside the National Archives:
Danish branches of international organizations
Other organizations for international co-operation and allied national unions
Church- and Missionary Organizations
Danish Business Organizations, Shipping Companies, etc
Chapter III: Sealand outside Copenhagen
The Danish Maritime Museum, Kronborg Castle – Handels- og Søfartsmuseet pa Kronborg
The Library of Sorø Academy – Sorø Akademis bibliotek, Sorø
Bregentved Manor, Haslev
Chapter IV: Funen and Adjacent Islands
The Provincial Archives of Funen – Landsarkivet for Fyn, Odense
Karen Brahe’s Library – Karen Brahes Bibliotek, Odense
Hans Christian Andersen House – H. C. Andersens Hus, Odense
Danish Church Abroad – Dansk Kirke i Udlandet, Odense
The Association for International Contacts – Foreningen for mellemfolkelige kontakter, Næsby
Ravnholt Manor
The Museum of Marstal and Environs – Marstal og Omegns Museum, Marstal
The Maritime Museum – Søfartssamlingerne ved Svendborgsund, Troense
Chapter V: North Jutland
Danish Worldwide Archives – Det danske Udvandrerarkiv, Ålborg
The Industrial Mission in Armenia – Industrimissionen i Armenien, Ålborg
The Museum of Hals and Surroundings – Museet for Hals og Omegn, Hals
The Provincial Archives of Jutland – Landsarkivet for Nørrejylland, Viborg
The Danish National Business Archives – Erhvervsarkivet. Statens erhvervshistoriske Arkiver, Århus
Business organizations, etc.:
The Chamber of Commerce of Copenhagen – Grosserersocietetet, København
The Agricultural Council – Landbrugsrådet
Federation of Danish Industries – Industrirådet
Scandinavian Co-operative Wholesale Society – Nordisk Andelsforbund
Scandinavian Co-operative Wholesale Society (of Copenhagen), London Office – Nordisk Andelsforbunds London-Kontor
Jacob Holm & Sons Ltd. Copenhagen – Jacob Holm & Sønner A/S, København
Shipping Companies
Private Archives
The State and University Library in Århus – Statsbiblioteket i Århus, Århus
The University of Århus. Institute of Prehistoric Archaeology and Ethnography, Århus – Århus Universitet. Institut for forhistorisk arkæologi og etnografi
The Society for Support of the Pakistani Lutheran Church – Selskabet til støtte for Pakistans lutherske kirke, Århus
Private Persons’ Archives outside Public Collections in Århus
The Foreign Missions of the Mission Covenant Church of Denmark – Det danske Missionsforbunds Ydremission, Odder
Fanø Shipowners’ Association ’ Fanø Skibsrederiforening, Nordby on Fanø
The Marine Insurance Company at Nordby on Fanø – Søassuranceforeningen i Nordby på Fanø
Chapter VI: North Slesvig
The Moravian Church in Denmark – Brødremenigheden, Christiansfeld
The Danish Israel Mission – Den danske Israelsmission, Christiansfeld
The Provincial Archives of North Slesvig – Landsarkivet for de sønderjyske landsdele, Åbenrå
Municipal archives
Topographical collection – Topografica
Archives of private persons
The Maritime Section – Søfartsafdelingen
Åbenrå Museum, Åbenrå
Rhederi M. Jebsen A/S, Åbenrå
Private Persons’ Archives outside Public Collections
The Museum at Sønderborg Castle – Museet på Sønderborg Slot, Sønderborg
Association of the Friends of the Breklum Mission in North Slesvig – Foreningen af Breklum missionens venner i Nordslesvig
List of Danish Governors in the Colonial Territories in Asia
Index to Archives and Collections
Index to Personal, Geographical and other Names
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Guides to the Sources for the History of the Nations. 3rd Series: Part 1 Sources of the History of North Africa, Asia and Oceania in Denmark [Reprint 2011 ed.]
 9783110970364, 9783598214745

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Guides to the Sources for the History of the Nations

Guides des Sources de l'Histoire des Nations

3rd Series: North Africa, Asia and Oceania

3eme Serie: Afrique du Nord, Asie et Oceinie

Volume 3: Sources of the History of North Africa, Asia and Oceania in Scandinavia

Volume 3: Sources de l'Histoire de l'Afrique du Nord, d'Asie et d'Oceanie conservees en Scandinane

Part I: Denmark

Part I: Le Danemark

The Danish National Archives

Sources of the History of North Africa, Asia and Oceania in Denmark Compiled by C. Rise Hansen

Κ G Saur München · New York · London · Paris 1980

Compiled by C. Rise Hansen Translated from Danish into English by Mogens Miller and others Published under the auspices of UNESCO

K. G. SAUR Verlag KG Pössenbacherstr. 2 b, POB 7110 09 D-8000 München 71 Federal Republic of Germany Tel. (089) 79 89 01 Telex 5212067 saur d

K.G. SAUR Editeur S.a.r.l. 38, rue dc Bassano F-7S008 Paris France Tel. 72355-18 Telex Iso Bur 630144

ISBN 3 - 5 9 8 - 2 1 4 7 4 - X

CIP-Kurztitelaufnahme der Deutschen Bibliothek Hansen, Carl Rise: Sources of the history of North Africa, Asia and Oceania in Denmark / comp, by C. Rise Hansen. Danish National Archives. [Transl. from Danish into Engl, by Mogens Mueller and others], - München, New York, London, Paris : Saur, 1980. (Guides to the sources for the history of the nations : Ser. 3, North Africa, Asia and Oceania : Vol. 3, Sources of the history of North Africa, Asia and Oceania in Scandinavia ; Pt. 1) ISBN 3-598-21474-X

K.G. SAUR Publishing, Inc. 45 N. Broad Street Ridgewood, N.J. 07450 USA Tel. (201) 652-6360 Telex 130596

CL1VE BINGLEY Ltd. & K.G. SAUR Ltd. 1-19 New Oxford Street London WC1A 1NE United Kingdom Tel. 01-404 48 18 Telex 24902 binglc g

©1980 by K. G. Saur Verlag KG, München Type setting by Satzstudio Frohberg, Freigericht 1 Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany by Hain-Druck KG, Meisenheim/Glan Bound by Thomas-Buchbinderei GmbH, Augsburg


Introduction Chapter I:

11 Copenhagen. Private Library of Her Majesty, and National Archives

The Private Library of Her Majesty the Queen - Hendes Majestaet Dronningens Händbibliotek


Collection of manuscripts


Collection of maps and charts


Views of towns


The Collection of King Christian IX


Works on geography


Collection of pictures, photographs, etc


Danish National Archives - Rigsarkivet


The Royal House - Kongehuset


Court Officials - Hofetaterne


Supreme Court of Judicature - Hojesteret


The Privy Council - Geheimekonseillet 1 6 7 0 - 1 7 7 0


Danish Chancery — Danske Kancelli


The Mission Board - Missionskollegiet 1 7 1 4 - 1 8 5 9


The Chamber of Finance (The Exchequer) - Rentekammeret


The Commission for the Collection of Statistical Tables - Kommissionen for det statistiske tabelvaerk 1 8 3 3 - 1 8 4 9 Supreme Inland Revenue Department - Overskattedirektionen 1 7 6 2 - 1 7 8 2

66 ...

Board of Finance - Finanskollegiet 1 7 7 1 - 1 8 1 6


Deputation of Finance — Finansdeputationen 1816—1848 The National Debt Commission - Direktionen for Statsgaelden 1 8 1 6 - 1 8 4 8

67 68


The Ad UsosPublicos Fund - Fonden ad usos publicos 1 7 6 5 - 1 8 4 2 The Internal Department of the German Chancery before 1770 - Tyske Kancelli. Indenrigske afdeling indtil 1770 The Foreign Department of the German Chancery before 1770 - Tyske Kancelli. Udenrigske afdeling indtil 1770 The Department of Foreign Affairs - Departementet for udenlandske anliggender 1 7 7 1 - 1 8 4 8 The Royal African Consular Directorate — Den kgl. Afrikanske Konsulatsdirektion 1 8 0 0 - 1 8 3 7 The Board of Trade - Kommercekollegiet 1 7 3 5 - 1 8 1 6

68 68 70 70 75 82 84

The Board of Customs and Trade — General-Toldkammer- og Kommercekollegiet 1816-1848 101 The Danish Trade Company for Manufactures — Den danske Manufakturhandel 1792 ( 1 7 8 8 ) - 1 8 0 7


The Land Forces before 1848 Naval Archives before 1655 The Navy - Sokrigsmagten 1655-1848 The East India Company 1668-ab. 1720, The Societies ad interim for the China and India Trade 1729-1740, and The Asiatic Company 1732-1845 Ostindisk Kompagni 1668-c. 1720, Interimssocieteterne for handelen ρέ Kina og Indien 1729-1740, og Asiatisk Kompagni 1732-1845 The Royal East India Government — Det kgl. ostindiske Guvernement 1778-1845 The West Indian — Guinean Company — Det vestindisk—guineiske Kompagni 1680 (1671)—1754 The Royal Chartered General Trading Company — Det kgl. oktrojerede almindelige Handelskompagni 1747-1775 The Royal Chartered West Indian Trading Company — Det kgl. oktroyerede vestindiske Handelsselskab 1778-1816 (1824) The Royal Chartered Danish, Norwegian, Slesvig and Holstein United Trade and Canal Company — Handels-og Kanalkompagniet 1782-1814 . . . .

107 108 108

122 155 163 163 164 166

Ministries after 1848 : Prime Minister's Department — Statsministeriet: Committee for Danish cultural work abroad — Komiteen for dansk kultur arbejde i udlandet 1951 — 1974 . . . Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Udenrigsministeriet 1848-1945 Danish International Development Agency (Danida) - Styrelsen for internationalt udviklingssamarbejde Ministry of Finance — Finansministeriet Ministry of Economic Affairs — ©konomiministeriet Ministry of Naval Affairs - Marineministeriet 1848-1950 Archives of the Army (Third Department of the National Archives) — Haerens Arkiv (Rigsarkivets 3. Afdeling) Ministry of Defence — Forsvarsministeriet Ministry of Justice - Justitsministeriet Ministry of the Interior — Indenrigsministeriet 1849— Ministry of Public Works - Ministeriet for offentlige arbejder Ministry of Commerce — Handelsministeriet Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs - Arbejds- og Socialministeriet Ministry of Labour — Arbejdsministeriet Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs and Public Instruction - Ministeriet for kirke-og undervisningsvaesenet (Kultusministeriet) 1848—1916 Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs - Kirkeministeriet 1916 onwards Ministry of Education — Undervisningministeriet 1916 onwards Ministry of Cultural Affairs - Ministeriet for kulturelle anliggender Danmarks Radio - Statsradiofonien Private Archives Archives of private persons

167 168 232 233 235 235 236 237 239 239 240 241 245 245 246 247 247 248 251 253

Supplement Private Archives of the Third Department - 3. Afdelings (Haerens Arkivs) Privatarkiver Archives of private institutions and organizations Danish branches of international organizations Other organizations for international co-operation and allied national organizations Church-, missionary and other clerical organizations Scientific expeditions and congresses Various associations of Danes abroad Insurance companies Various archives and collections: Various audited accounts 1660-1848 Manuscript collection of the National Archives Supplement: Manuscript collection of the Third Department (The Army Archives) The Map Collection of the National Archives - Rigsarkivets kortsamling Records of foreign provenance The Photograph Collection - Fotografisamlingen The Film Collection - Filmsamlingen

285 285 286 292 293 307 309 311 313 314 316 317 318 319 319

Chapter II: Copenhagen. Archives outside the Private Library of Her Majesty the Queen and the National Archives The Royal Library - Det kongelige Bibliotek Department of Manuskripts - Handskriftafdelingen Judaic Department - Judaistisk afdeling Department of maps and prints — Kort- og Billedsamlingen Collection of prints - Billedsamlingen Collection of maps - Kortafdelingen Oriental Department - Orientalsk afdeling The Provincial Archives of Sealand, Lolland-Falster and Bornholm Landsarkivet for Sjaelland, Lolland-Falster og Bornholm The Episcopal Archives of the Diocese of Sealand - Sjaellands stifts bispearkiv Ministerial Registers (Church Registers) — Ministerialboger (Kirkeboger) Private schools. Danish School at Antung, China - Private Skoler. Den danske skole i Antung, Kina Maritime Courts - Saretter Shipping Offices — Forhyringskontorer The Classen Foundation - Det Classenske Fideikommis Private Archives - Privatarkiver The Copenhagen Shipmasters' Guild 1634-1863. The Copenhagen Shipmasters' Association 1863 - . - Kobenhavns Skipperlav 1634-1863. Kobenhavns Skipperforening. 1863—

321 322 360 365 365 372 416 434 434 435 436 436 439 440 441


The City Archives, Copenhagen — Kebenhavns Stadsarkiv The Library of the Royal Danish Marine - Marinens Bibliotek The Naval Lieutenants' Association — See-Lieutenant-Selskabet

446 449 452

Nautical Section of the Directorate of Inland Waters - Farvandsdirektoratets nautiske afdeling The Arnamagnean Institute - Det Arnamagnaeanske Institut The Danish Folklore Archives. Ethno-Musicological Section - Dansk Folkemindesamling. Etno-musikologisk afdeling The Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies (SIAS) - Centraiinstitut for Nordisk Asienforskning (CINA) The Danish Veterinary and Agricultural Library - Danmarks Veterinaer- og Jordbrugsbibliotek The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters - Det kongelige danske Videnskabernes Selskab

453 460 461 463 464 465

The National Museum — Nationalmuseet


National Museum Department II - Nationalmuseets 2. afdeling


National Museum Department IV. Ethnographical Department — Nationalmuseets 4. afdeling. Den etnografiske Afdeling


National Museum Department V. Collection of Antiques — Nationalmuseets 5. afdeling. Antiksamlingen


National Museum Department VI. The Royal Coin and Medal Collection Nationalmuseets 6. afdeling. Den kgl. mont- og medaillesamling


The Royal Arsenal Museum — Tßjhusmuseet


The Botanical Museum — Botanisk Museum


The Botanical Garden of the University of Copenhagen - Botanisk Have


Central Botanical Library of the University of Copenhagen — Botanisk Centralbibliotek Mineralogical Museum of the University of Copenhagen — Universitetets geologiske og mineralogiske Institut, Mineralogisk-geologisk Museum

507 509

Zoological Museum of the University of Copenhagen — Kobenhavns Universitets Zoologiske Museum


Institute of Classical and Near East Archaeology — Institut for klassisk og naerorientalsk arkaeologi


Institute of Greek and Latin Mediaeval Philology - Institut for graesk og latinsk middelalderfilologi


Institute of Linguistics — Institut for lingvistik


The Niels Bohr Institute - Niels Bohr Institutet


The Royal Academy of Fine Arts - Kunstakademiet


The Museum of Decorative Art - Kunstindustrimuseet


C.L.David C o l l e c t i o n - C . L . D a v i d s Sämling


The Danish Film Museum - Det danske Film Museum


The Danish Government Film Office - Statens Film Central (SFC)


The Trade and Industries Film Centre - Erhvervenes Filmcenter


The National Centre of Educational Material - Landscentralen for undervisningsmidler


Danmarks Radio


Archive of Recorded Sound - Stemmearkivet


The Film Booking Office - Filmkontoret


Historical Collection - Historisk Arkiv


Private Persons' Archives outside public collections


Private Institutions and Organizations outside the National Archives:


Danish branches of international organizations


Other organizations for international co-operation and allied national u n i o n s . . .


Church- and Missionary Organizations


Danish Business Organizations, Shipping Companies, etc


Chapter III: Sealand outside Copenhagen The Danish Maritime Museum, Kronborg Castle - Handels- og Sofartsmuseet pä Kronborg


The Library of Soro Academy - Soro Akademis bibliotek, Soro


Bregentved Manor, Haslev


Chapter IV: Funen and Adjacent Islands The Provincial Archives of Funen — Landsarkivet for Fyn, Odense


Karen Brahe's Library — Karen Brahes Bibliotek, Odense


Hans Christian Andersen House — H.C. Andersens Hus, Odense


Danish Church Abroad - Dansk Kirke i Udlandet, Odense


The Association for International Contacts — Foreningen for mellemfolkelige kontakter, Naesby Ravnholt Manor The Museum of Marstal and Environs — Marstal og Omegns Museum, Marstal The Maritime Museum — Sofartssamlingerne ved Svendborgsund, Troense

629 629 630 632

Chapter V: North Jutland Danish Worldwide Archives - Det danske Udvandrerarkiv, Alborg The Industrial Mission in Armenia - Industrimissionen i Armenien, Alborg

641 641

The Museum of Hals and Surroundings - Museet for Hals og Omegn, Hals The Provincial Archives of Jutland - Landsarkivet for Norrejylland, Viborg The Danish National Business Archives — Erhvervsarkivet. Statens erhvervshistoriske Arkiver, Arhus

642 642 643

Business organizations, etc.: The Chamber of Commerce of Copenhagen — Grosserersocietetet, Kobenhavn . . The Agricultural Council - Landbrugsrädet Federation of Danish Industries — Industrirädet

643 644 647

Scandinavian Co-operative Wholesale Society - Nordisk Andelsforbund


Scandinavian Co-operative Wholesale Society (of Copenhagen), London Office - Nordisk Andelsforbunds London-Kontor


Jacob Holm & Sons Ltd. Copenhagen — Jacob Holm & Senner A/S, Kebenhavn Shipping Companies Private Archives The State and University Library in Ärhus — Statsbiblioteket i Arhus, Arhus The University of Arhus. Institute of Prehistoric Archaeology and Ethnography, Arhus - Arhus Universitet. Institut for forhistorisk arkaeologi og etnografi The Society for Support of the Pakistani Lutheran Church — Selskabet til statte for Pakistans lutherske kirke, Arhus Private Persons' Archives outside Public Collections in Arhus The Foreign Missions of the Mission Covenant Church of Denmark — Det danske Missionsforbunds Ydremission, Odder Fane Shipowners' Association - Fane Skibsrederiforening, Nordby on Fane The Marine Insurance Company at Nordby on Fano — Seassuranceforeningen i Nordby pa Fane

648 649 656 661

666 670 670 671 671 672

Chapter VI: North Slesvig The Moravian Church in Denmark — Bredremenigheden, Christiansfeld 673 The Danish Israel Mission - Den danske Israelsmission, Christiansfeld 675 The Provincial Archives of North Slesvig — Landsarkivet for de sendeijyske landsdele, Abenrä 676 Municipal archives 676 Topographical collection — Topografica 677 Archives of private persons 678 The Maritime Section - Sefartsafdelingen 680 Abenrä Museum, Abenrä 690 Rhederi M. Jebsen A/S, Abenrä 696 Private Persons' Archives outside Public Collections 696 The Museum at Senderborg Castle — Museet pä Senderborg Slot, Senderborg . . . . 697 Association of the Friends of the Breklum Mission in North Slesvig Foreningen af Breklum missionens venner i Nordslesvig 701 List of Danish Governors in the Colonial Territories in Asia




Index to Archives and Collections


Index to Personal, Geographical and other Names



The Territory of the Danish Monarchy

The Kingdom of Denmark has in historical times from A.D. 950 comprised present Denmark as well as Slesvig to the Eider and to the east Scania, Halland and Blekinge. These last-mentioned East Danish provinces were in 1660 finally ceded to Sweden. Slesvig (also called South-Jutland) from c. 1100 became an entire or partial principality under the Danish King, but was ruled by an Earl or Duke. In 1460 the Danish King Christian I was elected Duke of Slesvig and Count (later Duke) of Holstein. The two duchies, to which the Duchy of Lauenburg was added in 1814 on the cession of Norway, were in 1864 conquered by Prussia and Austria and in 1867 incorporated in Prussia. After a plebiscite in 1920 the Danish-speaking North Slesvig was retroceded to Denmark. In 1381 Norway, to which the Faroes, Iceland and Greenland belonged, formed a personal union with Denmark, and in changing forms this connection was maintained until 1814, when Sweden and Norway were united; the Faroes, Greenland and Iceland, however, continuing to belong to Denmark. From 1919 Iceland formed a personal union with Denmark until final secession in 1944. Whereas the North Atlantic parts of the Danish monarchy were called dependencies, the monarchy also possessed colonies, all of which in the tropics. The colonies in India were from 1620 the district of Tranquebar (a fief under the Naik, later the Rajah of Tanjore), and in Bengal at first Dannemarksnagore at the Hooghly river 1698-1714 and Serampore (formerly Frederiksnagore) from 1755; the colonies on the Indian continent originally belonged to trading companies, at last to The Asiatic Company, but in 1777 they were taken over by the Crown; in 1845 they were sold. This sale did not include the Nicobars, but the right of sovereignty was relinquished in the 1860s. The Danish colonies on the coast of Guinea were in 1849 sold to England, the Danish West Indies (now The Virgin Islands), comprising St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix, were in 1917 sold to the U.S.A. The non-Asiatic tropical colonies are of indirect importance only to this guide; but it is essential to users of the guide to fully realize, which territories the Danish monarchy at certain times comprised. Despite exchange of records in modern times there is still a large number of sources concerning relations between the foreign continents covered by the guide and the now separated parts of the Danish monarchy.

Danish relations with North Africa, Asia and Oceania Within historical times the viking raids in 858 to the Arabic Spain and Morocco, as well as the Scandinavian (especially Swedish) expeditions to the east through Russia to the regions around the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea; from the south Arab travellers came, among their number Al-Ghazal (died 860), who presumably visited a Danish island, as well as At-Tartushi who passed through Schleswig (formerly Hedeby). c. 960. From the early 11

Introduction Middle Ages pilgrimages start; the Danish King Erik Ejegod died in Cyprus in 1103 en route to Jerusalem; Queen Bodil reaching the Holy Land. Among Danish prelates Bishop Svend of Viborg and his brother Eskil died c. 1153 in the Holy Land, Bishop Svend Normand of Roskilde in 1088 on Rodhos (Rhodes); Archbishop Eskil of Lund visited Jerusalem in the 1160s. Temporal persons also went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem; Jens Sunesen. knight, died here c. 1200; Lord High Constable Jens Ebbesen in 1232 at Ako (Acre). A Dano-Norwegian group of crusaders did not reach Jerusalem until after the armistice in 1192 (the account of the journey 'Profectio Danorum', presumably before 1202). King Valdemar surnamed Atterday visited Jerusalem in 1347, King Erik of Pomerania in the 1420s. There are several medieval Danish accounts (itineraries) of routes. Journeys to the Holy Land are made until the end of the Middle Ages (Holger Gregersen Ulfstand and Johan Oxe in 1518; Henrik Nielsen Rosenkrantz and Mogens Gyldenstierne in 1522), as well as after the Reformation, thus Jakob Ulfeldt's journey c. 1590 to Constantinople (now Istanbul), Greece, Syria and Egypt. From the 16th century the dreaded Algerians ('Turks') were prominent among the pirates, in 1627 abducting 300 persons from Iceland, as well as 30 women from the Faroes in 1629. They attacked merchantmen of all nations and captured these for North Africa, where the prisoners were sold as slaves, if they were not ransomed (a 'Slave Fund' with money raised for ransom was in 1715 established in Copenhagen). This disorder continued, until treaties with the North African states and the arrangement with the so-called Algerian sea passes from the mid-eighteenth century effected the freedom of the Mediterranean as well as the Atlantic south of Cabo de Finisterre. A consular service of appointed consuls with status as diplomats was established in the Barbary states (Tripoli, Tunis, Alger and Morocco) from c. 1750, from 1821 accredited the heads of these states as consuls-general. 1 8 0 0 - 3 7 this consular service was under a special Royal African Consular Direction. On several occasions the Dano-Norwegian Navy had squadrons in the Mediterranean and off the coast of Morocco in order to show power during conflicts with the Barbary states (an unsuccessful expedition to Alger in 1770) as well as on account of the wars between the powers of Europe. A chartered African Trading Company was in 1755 established for Morocco trade especially, being abolished in 1768; its archives have been lost. Levant trade caused the establishment of diplomatic relations with Turkey in 1756, here and in the neighbouring provinces subject to Turkey a system of honorary consuls and vice-consuls also evolved. In the latter half of the 17th century the Danish King corresponded with the Crimea Tatars. In the East Indies and later in China trade was - according to foreign examples - organized as a single trading company, the East India Company, established in 1616; from Tranquebar (held as a fief under the Naik of Tanjore) with Fort Dansborg it carried on trade with India as well as with Further India and Indonesia (Java (Banten)), later with Sumatra (Achin, now province of Sumatera Utara)). Its activities ceased in 1643, but the possession of Tranquebar was — despite attempts at sale — maintained, until a new East India Company was established in 1668. The India and as well as now China trade was in 1732 organized under the Asiatic Company, which also administered the settlements Tranquebar and Frederiksnagore (now Serampore). In 1777 their administration passed to the Danish State, and free trade with the Indian colonies was permitted. The Company was dissolved 1838-45, and in 1845 the Danish settlements on the Indian continent were 12

Introduction transferred to the British East India Company. The archives of the Asiatic Company, which are in a good state of preservation, have been transferred to the Danish National Archives together with those parts of the local archives which were sent home. State management of the settlements was after the takeover in 1777 carried out locally through The Royal Danish Government, in Copenhagen through the Board of Trade until 1816 and the Board of Customs and Trade 1816—48. The archives of the Government were also to a great extent sent home. After 1777 other chartered trading companies had certain interests in East India trade, thus The Royal Chartered West Indian Trading Company and The Royal Chartered Danish, Norwegian, Slesvig and Holstein United Trading and Canal Company. The Royal Chartered General Trading Company whaled and fished in the North Atlantic dependencies as well as carrying on trade and shipping in the Mediterranean; it also attended to the forwarding of presents to North African rulers. The Dano-Norwegian Navy seldom took part in expeditions to the East Indies with warships, more often, however, with naval officers; warships were on the other hand (see above) frequently sent to the Mediterranean, especially in the second half of the 18th century, when the Dano-Norwegian Navy was still of considerable size and strength. In the mid-nineteenth century relations with foreign countries in many ways changed, thus by the sale of the colonies in Africa and Asia, the dissolution of the Asiatic Company and administratively by the 1848-change of the 1660-board system into an administration organized in ministries led by popularly elected ministers. In the archives of the central administration a more or less radical dividing line of 1848 is thus often to be found, this is consequently also noticeable in the groupings of the guide. — Danish shipping in East Asian and South East Asian waters increased during the 1850s, especially to be noticed are ships registered in the Duchies of Slesvig (Äbenrä and Flensburg) and Holstein; an extension of Danish consular service in the Far East takes place from 1845 onward, whereas permanent embassies here belong to the 20th century, as Danish trade gradually manifested itself in these regions. The cession of the Duchies of Slesvig and Holstein to Prussia (and Austria) in 1864 meant a recession in Danish shipping, which was not overcome until much later. Whereas the archives of the chartered trading companies, to the extent in which they were preserved, have been transferred to the National Archives, keeping of archives is within own discretion of modern trade. As regards this guide, it has not been possible to examine and register trade archives in private ownership; several refusals on applications hereon were discouraging at the start of work at the guide. On the other hand the guide has in a high degree profited from the Danish National Business Archives, which have at Arhus collected archives of trade organizations and firms. The Danish Maritime Museum in Kronborg Castle, as well as the maritime museums atMarstal andatTroense also possess records relating to shipping. Both here and in the museums at Äbenrä and Sonderborg there are furthermore extensive collections of pictorial material (paintings of ships, waterfronts, etc.). In the State archives work abroad by the trades and industries is increasingly reflected (Ministry· of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Commerce with institutions placed under it, Statistics of Denmark, etc.). When missionary work, begun at Tranquebar in 1706, was in this place in 1845 entrusted to the Lutheran Missionary Society in Leipzig, Denmark has through the Danish 13

Introduction Missionary Society, founded in 1821, been working to further Christian missions. Originally this society supported other missionary societies, from 1863, however, getting its own mission field in Southern India, from the 1890s in China too, and from the 1930s in East Jeypore. In more recent times older societies as Danish Church Mission in Arabia, Danish Mission to the Orient and the Pathan Mission were affiliated. The Danish Santal Mission is a missionary society, from the 1860s in collaboration with Norwegian, Swedish and North American Santal Missions, working among Santals, Boros and Bengali in North Eastern India and Bangla Desh. The Indo-Danish Mission of Porto Novo, the Society for the Support of the Church in Pakistan, Women Missionary Workers and the Danish Israel Missions are on a smaller scale. The said societies are almost without exception belonging to the established church and have to a great extent transferred their older records to the National Archives for keeping, just as several missionaries did with their private archives. Circles not belonging to the established church also missionize; it has been difficult to get information and records as regards those. Connected with the said archives of missions are the archives of the Danish Missionary Council and the Nordic Missionary Council, from which older records are transferred to the National Archives. From other church and Christian institutions with international activities the National Archives often also receives records of no current use. The same holds good of international organizations such as the Red Cross. Other international relief organizations have as yet not determined on this. The recent emigrations and immigrations, partly in the form of refugees, have resulted in a great many records in both State offices as well as in private organizations, which have in several places been mentioned in the guide. It has, however, often been difficult to give anything like exact information on these quite recent records. The same applies to the State relief work in the developing countries, which is undertaken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through DANIDA (Danish International Development Agency). Danish exploration in North Africa, Asia and Oceania has been carried on during more than 200 years, for instance by travels of Norden in Egypt and of C. Niebuhr in Arabia, Rasmus Rask's travel to India, etc.; in recent times Danish scholars have excavated in the Near East; languages, music, etc. were tape-recorded. Manuscripts, notes, letters and tapes respecting this are especially to be found in the collections of the Royal Library, the National Archives, the National Museum and various university institutes. Kindred collections of tapes, gramophone records and especially Danish produced films are to be found in Danmarks Radio, the Danish Government Film Office, the Film Museum and the like, having been for enlightenment and entertainment. It has been impossible to examine corresponding film material of the private film companies. Aids for scholarly work are extensive collections of atlases, maps and charts kept in The Private Library of Her Majesty the Queen, The Department of Maps and Prints of the Royal Library and in The Nautical Section of the Directorate of Inland Waters. Private correspondence has occasionally been mentioned above, such letters are according to their nature not under obligation of transfer. In many cases they will, however, be in the keeping of public collections. The National Archives thus, besides the letters of the Royal House, receives a large number of archives of private persons as gifts or commodata, especially archives left by persons having been of importance in political and social life, whereas collection of letters from writers and men of learning are normally to be sought in the Royal Library. It is, however, impossible to make a well-defined distinc14

Introduction tion; persona] wishes may also make themselves felt, when own private papers or those of relations are to be transferred. Finally is to be added that The Danish National Business Archives at Arhus collects archives from persons connected with trade. The State & University Library at Arhus, just as several other libraries, possesses collections of letters and MSS. The Provincial Archives also have collections of private archives; especially the Provincial Archives at Äbenrä have - owing to its particular locality - important groups of such archives.

General observations Above was attempted to outline some principal sources for the history of North Africa, Asia and Oceania; weight being attached to the fact that the series of guides published by the International Council on Archives, according to the plan envisages the inclusion of not alone manuscript sources but also for instance sources as films, and tape records, which are perhaps more than the greater part of the Danish manuscript material comprehensible for e.g. the population of developing countries. The Danish part of the guide has to a very small extent only been based on reports obtained from institutions, persons, etc., because it has from the very first been difficult to get replies to such inquiries; when answers were in a few cases returned, they were usually unsatisfactory. It was therefore almost invariably necessary for the editor to pay visits to many different places. This permitted an explanation of the purpose of the guide during a talk, after which access to lists, indexes, etc. was almost everywhere free. It was often asserted that the institutions could not, owing to their burden of labour, undertake to work out suitable surveys. In many respects it may have been an advantage that the editor has himself got the opportunity to make or elaborate surveys, which have then been included in the Danish part of the guide; but on the other hand the editor has of course not been able to get the desirable intimate knowledge of a possible comprehensible, more or less well-ordered archival material during the often strictly limited space of time which could be afforded for each separate institution; mistakes have been inevitable, and as regards certain more recent institutions and organizations it has in too many cases been only possible to indicate some lines as to what can be found from the nature of the archives. It has, however, been considered worth-while to draw attention to the existence of these archives, especially on the ground that it will presumably be a long time until a revised edition of this part of the guide is to be published. The general time limit of access is 50 years, in the case of some (especially personal) files the rules are even stricter, but bona fide researchers may often get access on more easy terms, and as there is reason to hope that the guide will moreover, errors and omissions excepted, prove to be of use for many years, the particulars of the guide have consequently been brought down to the years after 1945. It has been a great advantage that not only the archives of Government offices proper but also archives of private institutions and organizations are to such a great extent transferred to the State archives; the editor could here often take advantage of existing goodwill towards the National Archives. It is, however, absolutely certain that collecting might have been pursued further, yet lack of time hindered this. The translation into English, which has chiefly been done by Mr. Mogens Moller, M.A., permanent translator of the National Archives, has been difficult. For centuries Danish 15

Introduction Civil Service has to a much higher degree been affected by German tradition than by English; several archival terms have thus been almost untranslatable. It therefore stood in good stead that Mr. Peter Walne, County Archivist, Hertford, kindly undertook to go through large parts of the manuscript in the translation into English; his recommendations both as regards English usuage and layout have to a very great extent been followed. Nevertheless the Danish editor is solely responsible for linguistic errors and imperfections in the translation, just as regards the layout, even if he with pleasure acknowledges that Mr. Walne has been an excellent teacher and begs him to accept best thanks. The guides of the series published until now have been diligently consulted, especially the Belgian guide on North Africa, Asia and Oceania has at several points been useful. The working out of the Danish part of the guide was originally assigned to the late Mr. Aage Rasch, chief archivist, who was unfortunately killed in an air crash in 1972; at his death preparatory work had been made, primarily a complete translation by Mogens Moller of the inventory of the East India Company, Asiatic Company, and The Royal East Indian Government, Tranquebar (Vejledende Arkivregistraturer XIV), edited by Rasch; this translation is the basis of the sections in question. Other preliminary sections have on the other hand been completely revised, but existing preliminary work has been used for the bibliography. The editor of the Danish part of the guide is C. Rise Hansen, archivist, who is very grateful to the late Dr. Johan Hvidtfeldt, Director of the National Archives, because he permitted the protracted elaboration to form part of the daily work of the Danish National Archives. Thanks also to those who have aided by translating and typing at various stages and to those who have kindly received and helped the editor in his visits to the institutions and organizations in question.



THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN HENDES MAJEST/ET DRONNINGENS HAANDBIBLIOTEK Christiansborg Castle, 1218 Copenhagen K. The Library is not open to the public, but material can by special permission usually granted to scholars, be consulted in the Danish National Archives or the Royal Library. Application for such permission must in each individual case be sent to the Lord Chamberlain's Department, Amalienborg, 1257 Copenhagen K. Besides a book collection of 80-85 thousand volumes, which ist steadily increasing on account of purchase and gifts, the library comprises a collection of manuscripts, a collection of maps as well as architectural drawings, drawn by hand, the Juliane Marie Atlas (a collection of maps and prospects, mainly engraved, formerly belonging to Queen Juliane Marie (1729-96)), a collection of single maps and charts: Geographical maps (topographically arranged), 'Historical maps' (Hist.) and 'Charts', mostly from the 19th century, some of these drawn by hand, see below the special group 'Maps charts and architectural drawings, etc., drawn by hand'. A few drawings are to be found in the special 'Christian IX's Collection'. The library possesses some atlasses and a collection of pictures, photographs, etc. ('Billedsamlingen').

Collection of Manuscripts Inventory in the library and in the National Archives. Theology Louis Fraenkel, Political Zionism, 1907. 15 leaves. 4°. (Η - 1) Burda, a praise of Mohammed by Al-Busiri (died 1294). Translated into Danish by Ove Christian Krarup, 1914. Folio (H - 2)

Geography and Travels B. Jaeger, 'Über die transkaukasischen Länder. Auszug aus der noch ungedruckten Reise von St. Petersburg in die Krimm und die Länder des Kaukasus', undated. Folio. (H - 14) 17

Priv. Library of Her Majesty

F.T. v. Lichtenstein, 'Proposal for the Colonization of the Nicobars', 1801. Folio. (H - 14) Poul Lovenom, 'Diary Kept during the Graciously Ordered Expedition and Task in Morocco and Further in the Years 1771 and 1772'. 4°. (H - 14) Peter Carl v. Reylen, 'Reise nach Marocco mit den königlichen Dänischen Schiffen Anno 1751 und 1766'. Folio. (H - 14) 'Journal of Occurences from My First Arrival in Morocco (no day) Nov. 1772 u n t i l . . . ' . Folio. (H - 15). Danish, but with passages in French: 'Moeurs des Arabes', 'Religion et coutumes superstitieuses', 'Description de la cour et de l'empereur', 'L'armde de l'empereur'. (H — 15) Poul de Levenern, 'Account of the Voyage of an Embassy to Emperor Muley Jaziid of Morocco', made in the year 1791, annexed also the order and letter book kept during the voyage. 4? (H - 15) H.L.R. Thalbitzer, Ά Cruise in China and Japan' (extracts from Thalbitzer's report to the Ministry of Naval Affairs. M.M. Kommandosager: 1 8 6 5 - 6 7 , pag. A 63 in the National Archives). No place or date ( 1 8 6 5 - 6 7 ) . (H - 15) History Asia 'Veritable description de la province Mecque, faite par un gentilhomme, qui y a et6 quelques ann6es et a en occasion d'approfondir tout ce, qui a rapport ä cette province'. 2 vols. 4°. (H - 19). Tome I. Copenhagen, 1783. Inscribed to King Christian VII by Baron d'Aurange. Including 'Carte de la province de Mecque'. 45,8 χ 66,1 cm, and 'Perspective cavaliere de la grande mosqude ou du Kiab6 de Mecque'. 50,6 χ 42,8 cm. (both coloured), and Tome II. Copenhagen, 1784. Inscribed to Crown Prince Frederik by Baron d'Aurange. At the back plans and profiles especially of buildings at Medina, sewn in. 82,0 χ 56,0 cm. Coloured. H. Rink, 'Account of the Result of the Geognostic Studies Made during the Expedition to the Nicobars'. Copenhagen 1847. 8°. (H - 9) Denmark Ch. Catzefils, versified New Year's greetings in Arabic to Christian IX. Tripoli, 1896. 4°. (H - 37) Poems, oriental 'Ein moralisches Gedicht aus dem Orient, selbst verfasst in dem Hebräischen. Ins Deutsche übersetzt von Joseph Levissohn, 1821'. 8°. (H - 52)

Collection of Maps and Charts Maps, charts, and architectural drawings, etc., drawn by hand The maps, etc. in question are placed in 'Collection of Single Sheets' (see below). The measures given in cm. indicate the outside dimensions of the map-sheets (or cartsheets) in this library. 18

Maps drawn by hand

'Environs of Tranquebar'. By C.A. v. Passow, January 1756. Col. 1 scale. 30,6 χ 35,5 cm. (8 no. 10) 'Environs of Tranquebar': Drawn plan. N.d. Col. 38 χ 54 cm. (8 no. 11) 'Tranquebar with the territory belonging to it and the other environs'. Drawn by Olsen. Col. No scale. 61,0 χ 49,1 cm (8 no. 12) 'The old terrain of Tranquebar together with the districts leased from the Rajah of Tanjore'. Surveyed by Mathias Mühldorff. N.d. (1789). 100,0 χ 87,6 cm. (8 no.13) 'The Danish colony Tranquebar on the Coromandel Coast in the East Indies including its old and recently leased districts'. Surveyed by Captain Mühldorff. Improved and prepared by P. Anker in 1798. Col. 108,7 χ 71,3 cm. (8 no. 14) 'Godown in Dronningens Gade, Tranquebar. Plan and profiles'. Surveyed by C.A. v. Passow, March 21, 1755. Col. 53,3 χ 36,8 cm. (8 no. 15) 'The Danish Asiatic Company's lodge Friedrichsnagore'. Plan of development, drawn by Windekilde and Knudsen, dated Friedrichsnagore Jan. 30, 1762. 132,7 χ 46,2 cm. (8 no. 8) 'Frederichsnagore or Serampore'. Topographical plan. With elevations & views. 1827. Surveyed, protracted and drawn by James Thompson. Col. 2 scales. 68,6 χ 58,6 cm. (8 no. 8a) 'Serampore College, Bengal'. N.d. Col.: Elevation. 1 scale. 36,5 χ 74,3 cm. (8 no. 9 sheet 3); Plans (Ground floor, Upper floor). 32,8 χ 48,5 cm. (8 no. 9 sheet 1); Transverse Section. 48,5 χ 34,2 cm. (8 no. 9 sheet 2) 'Map of some of the Nicobars'. By R. Ailing, shipmaster, April 30, 1757. No scale. Uncol. 84,4 χ 112,6 cm (Charts 2 no. 27) 'Map of Nicobar and Nancowry'. With description. Presumably surveyed by R. Ailing, 1757. 1 scale. Col. 48,7 χ 59,8 cm. (Charts 2 no. 28) 'Chart of Frederich's Bay and the natural harbour on the South Island Nye Danmark, formerly called the Nicobar'. Surveyed 1756 on the ship 'Kongen af Danmark' by D. Bagger and H.G. Ziervogel. 1 scale. Uncol. 97,6 X 120,1 cm. (Charts 2 no. 30) Bibliography: Larsen, Kay, Det forste danske Nikobar-Foretagende 1 7 5 5 - 6 0 (The First Danish Nicobar Scheme 1755-60), Tidsskrift for Swxsen. 78th vol., 1907. 'Panorama de Constantinople pris de la Tour de Galata'. By P. Sebak. Photograph. N.d. (c. 1900). 136,5 χ 46,2 cm. (28 no. 5e) 'Chart of the Caspian Sea'. With special map of the flow of the Volga into the sea. Russian text. Enclosed 2 charts (from the Black Sea? ) with Russian text. 42,5 χ 63,3 cm. + 63,9 χ 28,8 cm. Including 'Notice sur les Mers Noire & Caspienne'. N.d. No scale. 62,2 χ 99,8 cm. (Charts 3 no. 23) 'Special chart of Alexandria's 2 harbours'. Surveyed and drawn in the spring to 1817 by C.T. Falbe. (Charts 2 no. 31) 'Mouillages de Tripoli de Barbarie'. N.d. (18th century) 1 scale. Col. 53,4 χ 40,9 cm. (31 no. 25) 'Sketch map of the port and town of Tripoli in Barbary'. Copied and improved by own observations in the year 1802 by F.C. Holsten. Col. 54,2 χ 38,9 cm. (31 ad no. 25) 'Tripoli in Barbary. Taken August 2, 1802 about noon, in the sunny, clear weather, half a Danish mile from the coast'. By F.C. Holsten. Col. 53,3 χ 39,0 cm. (31 no. 25)


Priv. Library of Her Majesty

Collection of printed maps and charts Single sheets The Globe etc. General maps and charts The Globe (Two hemispheres) ('Jordkloden (2 halvkugler')). Map for mutual education. 'Geographitabel no. 24'. Lithography by Mansa. (Copenhagen). N.d. (19th century, beginning). Graticule. Col. 60,5 c 42,7 cm. (1 no. 12) Map for examination of the globe (the two hemispheres) ('Eksaminationskort over jordkloden' (de to halvkugler)). For the mutual education ('Kort til indbyrdes undervisning'). 'Geographitabel no. 30'. Litography by Mansa. (Copenhagen). N.d. (19th century, beginning). Graticule. Col. 62,1 χ 45,3 cm. (1 no. 12) The newest map of the Eastern hemisphere of the globe ('Nyeste kort over jordens ostlige halvkugle'). Revised by J. Riise. (Copenhagen). 1820. Graticule. Col. 41,0 χ 33,3 cm. (1 no. 11 bl. 1). The newest map of the Western hemisphere of the globe ('Nyeste kort over ostlige halvkugle'). Revised by J. Riise. (Copenhagen). 1820. Graticule Col. 41,0 χ 33,3 cm. (1 no. 11 bl. 2) 'Geographisk atlas aflagt efter stereographiske regier og de nyeste opdagelser samt et kort udtog af geographien og genealogien'. 'Atlas geographique dressd selon les regies st6r6ographiques et selon les plus nouvelles ddcouvertes avec un abregi de geographie et de g6n6alogie'. By P. Falk. Copenhagen. 1779. Col. 128 χ 196,5 cm. (1 no. 5) The hemispheres of the globe. Printed with Arabian script. Graticule. N.d. (19th cent.) 2 sheets: 119,5 χ 126,0 cm.; 121,0 χ 125,5 cm. (1 no. 7) 'Die oestliche Halbkugel nach den zuverlässigsten und neuesten Nachrichten besonders aber nach der 2ten Ausgabe von Arrowsmiths Weltkarte'. Entworfen von S . . . n. Nürnberg bey Adam Gottl. Schneider u. Weigel. 1805. Col. Graticule. 69,5 χ 58,9 cm. (1 no. 18) 'Mappe-Monde sur la projection de Mercator. Carte encyprotype'. By Η. Bru6. 1816. Graticule. Uncol. 155 χ 110,5 cm. (1 no. 6) 'Mappe Monde ou carte g6nerale du globe terrestre, dessinee suivant les regies de la projection des cartes r6duites'. By Robert de Vaugondy. Paris, 1817. Graticule. Col. 4 sheets (2 each at 65,3 χ 54,0 cm; 2 each at 51,5 χ 54,0 cm). (1 no. 8) 'Mappe-Monde en deux h6mispheres prisentant l'itat actuel de la göographie'. By A.H. Brue. Paris. June 1820. Graticule. Col. 2 sheets each at 91 χ 101 cm. (1 no. 9) 'Mappemonde comparative ou Nouveau Planisphere'. By Denaix. 1828. Engraved by Richard Wahl. Including 'Rapports g6n6raux giographiques et statistiques'. Graticule. Uncol. 76,8 χ 102,1 cm. (1 no. 14) 'Mappemonde en deux h6mispheres suivant l'6tat actuel des connaissances g6ographiques et derniers voyages autour du monde'. By J. Andriveau-Goujon. Paris. 1848. Engraved by Flahaut. Graticule. Col. 2 sheets: 91,5 χ 72,0 cm + 72,0 cm + 91,5 χ 71,7 cm. (1 no. 15) 'Oestliche und westliche Halbkugel'. By J.L. Grimm. N.d. Col. 2 sheets: 102,2 χ 101,2; 101,0 χ 101,5 cm. (1 no. 10) 'Weltcharte in Mercators Projection'. By Chr. Gottlieb Reichard. Nürnberg at Fr. Campe. 1825. With information of the great explorers' voyages. Graticule. Uncol. 124,6 χ 179 cm. (1 no. 13)


Printed Maps 'Map of the Countries between England & India. Designed to shew the Over-Land and Sea-Routes to the East and the relative position of Russia to England & Hindostan'. By James Wyld. N.d. With a special map: 'Sketch from England to China'. 11 scales. Col. 82,8 χ 68,2;small pieces of carton pasted on the sheet: 5,8 χ 14,0 + 9 , 5 x 3 4 , 7 cm. (1 no. 20) 'Tableau comparatif des hauteurs des principales montagnes et lieux remarquables du globe au dessus du niveau de la mer'. By A.M. Perrot. Paris. (1826). Uncol. 8 9 , 2 x 6 0 , 4 cm. (1 no. 19) 'Charte von der Verbreitung der nutzbarsten Pflanzen über den Erdkörper'. By Philipp Baron von Canstein. Berlin. 1834. Graticule. Col. 82,4 χ 62,8 cm. (1 no. 16) 'Dr. Edvard Stolle's Uebersichtskarte der Zuckerproduction der ganzen Erde'. Berlin. 1853. Graticule. Col. 71,6 χ 51,5 cm. (1 no. 17) 'Dr. Edvard Stolle's Uebersichtskarte der Rübenzucker-Industrie. Zweite, nach offiziell. Mitteilungen verb. Ausgabe'. Berlin. 1853. (Dr. Ed. Stolle's Industrie-Atlas. Bl. II). Graticule. Col. 75,8 χ 32,4 cm. (1 no. 17)

Asia General maps and charts 'Accuratissima totius Asiae Tabula'. By Fredericus de Witt. Amsterdam. No scale. N.d. Col. 60,4 χ 51,1 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 3) Ά New Map of Ancient Asia'. Dedicated to William Duke of Gloucester. Delin: M. Burg, sculp.: Univ. Oxon. N.d. 2 scales. Col. 57,6 χ 47,2 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 1) Ά New Map of Present Asia'. Dedicated to William Duke of Gloucester. Delin.: M. Burg, sculp.: Univ. Oxon. N.d. 2 scales. Col. 56,3 χ 47,3 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 1) 'Asia and its Islands according to d'Anville. Divided into Empires, Kingdoms, States, Regions, &c. and the European Possessions and Settlements in the East Indies and an Exact Delineation of all the Discoveries... under Captain Cook'. London. 1794. Laurie & Whittle. No scale. Col. 2 sheets: each at 61,0 χ 105,7 cm. (29 no. 2) 'Asia'. Dedicated to Major James Rennel. By Arrowsmith. (London). 1801. No scale. Col. 145,2 χ 103,8 cm. (29 no. 3) Asia. Map for examination in the mutual education ('Asien. Indbyrdes underviisning. Examinationskort'). Skeleton map. 'Geographitabel No. 26'. Engraved by Mansa. (Copenhagen). N.d. (19th century, beginning). 1 scale. Col. 43,5 χ 34,7 cm. (1 no. 12) Asia. Map for the mutual education ('Asien. (Kort til) Indbyrdes underviisning'). 'Geographitabel No. 20'. Showing European possesions in East India and the Islands. Engraved by Mansa. (Copenhagen). N.d. (19th century, beginning). Col. 4 3 , 2 x 3 3 , 8 cm. (1 no. 12) 'Carte physique et politique de l'Asie'. By A.H. Bru6. Paris. 1822. 5 scales. Col. 91,4 χ 62,5 cm. (29 no. 4) 'Karte von Asien'. By F. Fried. Wien. 1864. 5 scales. Col. 48,8 χ 23,6 cm. (29 no. 4 a) 'Berghaus's Atlas von Asia', including: No. 2 'Karte von China und Japan'. Gotha. 1843. 101,2 χ 67,5 cm. No. 5. 'Karte von Syrien. Gotha. 1835. 1 : 450.000. With special map 1.800.000. 63,8 χ 89,8 cm. 21

Priv. Library of Her Majesty

No. 6. 'Arabia und das Nil-Land'. Gotha. 1835. 1 : 400.000. With special maps. 88,9 χ 63,9 cm. No. 7. 'General Karte von Vorderindien zur Uebersicht der Hauptverhältnisse'. Gotha. 1836. 1 : 4.000.000. With special maps. 63,1 χ 91,1 cm. No. 8. 'Hinterindien'. Gotha. 1832. 1 : 4.000.000. 63,1 χ 90,1 cm. No. 9. 'Karte von Assam und seinen Nachbar-Ländern'. Gotha, 1834.1 : 4.000.000. With special map, views, etc. 95,1 χ 64,2 cm. No. 10. 'Spezial Karte vom Himalaya in Kumaon, Gurhwal, Sirmur & c.'. Gotha. 1835. 1 : 600.000. 87,1 χ 66,0 cm. No. 11. 'Karte von der Insel Sumatra'. Gotha. 1837. Graticule. With special maps. 95,8 χ 62,9 cm. No. 12. 'Reduzirte Karte vom Persischen G o l f . Gotha. 1832. Graticule. With special maps and views. 79,3 χ 55,2 cm. No. 13. 'Reduzirte Karte von den Philippinen und den Sulu Inseln'. Gotha. 1832. Graticule. With special maps and views. 63,3 χ 89,8 cm. No. 14. 'Reduzirte Karte vom Chinesischen Meere, lstes oder südliches Blatt'. Gotha. 1835. Graticule. With special map. 93,8 χ 65,3 cm. No. 15. 'Reduzirte Karte vom Chinesischen Meere. 2tes Blatt den nördlichen Theil enthaltend'. Gotha. 1835. Graticule. With special map. 65,8 χ 90,2 cm. No. 16. 'Die Chinesische Küste der Provinz Kuang-tung, zu beiden Seiten des Meridians von Macao'. Gotha. 1834. Graticule. With special maps, views, etc. 95,8 χ 63,8 cm. No. 17. 'Reduzirte Karte vom Sunda oder Borneo-Meere'. Gotha. 1835. Graticule. With special maps, views, etc. 95,8 χ 63,3 cm. No. 19. 'Karte vom Ural Gebirge'. Gotha. 1837. With special map. 1 : 2.000.000. 77,3 χ 58,8 cm. The maps are coloured. (29 no. 5) 'Karte von Asien'. By F. Handtke. Glogau. 1848.1 : 18.886.000. 5 scales. Col. 67,8 χ 56,0 cm. (29 no. 4 b) 'Premiere partie de la carte d'Asie contenant la Turquie, l'Arabie, la Perse, l'lnde, en deca du Gange et de la Tartarie'. By d'Anville. 1751. 12 scales. Col. 84,7 χ 84,6 cm. (29 no. 1) 'Seconde partie de la carte d'Asie, contenant la Chine et partie de la Tartarie, l'lnde au delä du Gange, les isles Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Moluques, Philippines et du Japon'. By d'Anville. 1752. 7 scales. Col. 82,2 χ 101,9 cm. (29 no. 1) 'Troisieme partie de la carte d'Asie, contenant la Sib6rie, et quelques autres parties de la Tartarie'. By d'Anville. Paris. 1753. 3 scales. Col. 122,0 χ 56,7 cm. (29 no. 1) Ά New Chart of the Indian and Pacific Oceans between the Cape of Good Hope, New Holland, and Japan . . . with the Tracks of the English, French, Spanish, & Dutch Discoverers'. With special map. London. 1789. No scale. Uncol. 113,0 χ 76,5 cm. (Charts 3 no. 26) In ink is indicated the track of the Danish Asiatic Company's ship 'Castellet Dansborg', 1791, and of the Danish Asiatic Company's ship 'Prinsen af Augustenborg', 1793. Endorsed: P.N. Selling, the name of the captain of the mentioned ships. Ά New and Correct C h a r t . . . Exhibiting the Whole of the Atlantic or Western Ocean and the Greatest Part of the Ethiopic or Southern Ocean'. With various special charts


Printed Maps and views. London. 1794. Laurie and Whittle. Graticule. Uncol. 107,5 χ 144,5 cm. (Charts 3 no. 29) In red ink is indicated the track of the two Danish naval ships Oldenborg' and 'Ditmarsken', 1 7 9 8 - 9 9 . 'West-Indische Paskaert,. . . vertonende behalven Europaes zuydelijcste alle de Zeekusten van Africa en America . . . ' . By Pieter Goos. Amsterdam. At G. van Keulen. N.d. (17th cent.) Graticule. 99,3 χ 83,6 cm. (Charts 3 no. 28) 'Dislocations-Karte der Indo-Britischen Streitkräfte in Ost-Indien und der Russischen Streitkräfte in Asien nebst tabellarischer Uebersicht der Organisation dieser Streitkräfte im Frieden und Kriege'. By Eugen Schuler. With special maps. Wien 1892. Artaria & Co. 1 : 7.500.000. 3 scales. Col. 75,0 χ 98,0 cm. (Hist. 2 no. 57a) The Middle East and Armenia Ά New Map of the Western Parts of Asia Minor Largely taken'. Dedicated to William Duke of Gloucester. 1 scale. Col. 58,1 χ 48,0 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 1) Ά New Map of the Eastern Parts of Asia Minor Largely taken: As Also of Syria, Armenia, Mesopotamia, &c.' Dedicated to William Duke of Gloucester. R. Spofforth sculp. 1 scale. Col. 59,8 χ 47,8 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 1) Ά New Map Shewing all the severall Countries, Cities, Towns and other Places mentioned in the New Testament'. Dedicated to William Duke of Gloucester. Sutton Nicholls sculp. No scale. Col. 56,7 χ 50,7 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 1) Outlines of the Countries between Delhi and Constantinople'. By A. Arrowsmith. Addition to 1817. Col. 4 sheets. (29 no. 8) 'Map of the Countries Lying between the Euphrates and Indus on the East and West and the Oxus and Terek and Indian Ocean on the North and South'. By John Macdonald Kinneir. London. 1813. A. Arrowsmith. No scale. Col. 2 sheets each of 64,0 χ 92,0 cm. (29 no. 9) 'Arabia et Arabicus Sinus'. Tab. XVI in Reichardi Orbis Terrarum Antiquus, D. Campio ed. Nürnberg. 1829. 9 scales. Uncol. (Hist. 2 no. 57) 'Terrae Yemen maxima pars seu Imperii Imami, Principatus Kaukabän nec non ditionum Harschid u Bekil, Nehhm, Chaulän, Abu Arisch et Aden'. By C. Niebuhr. 3 scales. N.d. Col. 42,9 χ 63,0 cm. (29 no. 13) Palestine. Israel. Jerusalem Ά New Map of the Land of Canaan and Parts adjoining, Shewing the Division thereof among the twelwe Tribes of Israel'. Dedicated to William Duke of Gloucester. Sutton Nicholls sculp. With special map of Syria. No scale. Col. 59,9 χ 54,2 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 1) 'Terra Sancta, sive Promissionis, olim Palestina, recens delineata'. By Fr. de Wit. Amsterdam. 2 scales. N.d. (17th cent.). Col. 59,7 χ 48,4 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 3) 'Karte von dem Gelobten Lande und der 40jährigen Reise der Kinder Israels'. By Heinrich Schneeweisz. Rostock. 1830. J.G. Tiedemann. 2 scales. Uncol. 53,4 χ 37,2 cm. (Hist. 2 no. 53a) Ά New Map Shewing the Travels of the Patriarchs, As also of the Children of Israel, from Egypt through the Wilderness to the Land of Canaan'. Sutton Nicholls sculp. Dedicated to William Duke of Gloucester. No scale. Col. 58,5 χ 47,4 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 1) 23

Priv. Library of Her Majesty

'Fünf und zwanzig Karten von Palästina, enthaltend alle in den vier heiligen Evangelien angedeutete Wege Unseres Herrn Jesu Christi'. By Judor Max Wellner. Prag. 1898. Col. 21,0 χ 34,5 cm. (29 no. 6a) 'Palaestina nach den zuverlässigsten alten und neuen Quellen'. With special maps. By Κ. v. Raumer and F. v. Stülpnagel. Gotha. 1844. 2 scales. Uncol. 48,8 χ 38,3 cm. (Hist. 2 no. 53b) 'Ierusalem, cum suburbiis, prout tempore Christi floruit'. By Matth. Seutter. (Also with German text). No scale. N.d. (18th cent.). Col. 60,3 χ 52,2 cm. (Hist. 2 no. 54a) 'Prospectus Sanctae olim et Celeberrimae Urbis Hierosolymae'. With view of the city seen from North. (Also with German text). By Matth. Seutter. Augsburg. No scale. N.d. (18th cent.). Col. 60,3 χ 52,2 cm. (Hist. 2 no. 54b) Turkey Ά New Map of the Islands of the /Egaean Sea, together with the Island of Crete, and the Adjoining Isles'. Dedicated to William Duke of Gloucester. Sutton Nicholls sculp. 2 scales. N.d. Col. 54,2 χ 57,6 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 1) Ά New Map of Antient Thrace as also of the Northern Parts of Old Greece, viz. Macedonia, and Thessalia'. Dedicated to William Duke of Gloucester. Sutton Nicholls sculp. 2 scales. N.d. Col. 59,4 χ 47,7 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 1) 'New Chart of the Greek Islands and Adjacent Coasts'. By A. Arrowsmith. Additions to 1812. No scale. Graticule. Uncol. 2 sheets each of 65,4 χ 80,8 cm. (Charts 3 no. 19a) 'Outlines of Greece and Adjacent Countries with Modern and Antient Names'. By A. Arrowsmith. 1821.1 scale. Col. 4 sheets: 98,5 χ 98,5 cm, 96,0 χ 98,8 cm, 95.5 χ 79,8 cm, 94,8 χ 79,2 cm. (28 no. 2) Ά New Map of Turky (!) in Europe and Parts adjoyning. Shewing their Principal Divisions and Cheife Cities, Towns, Rivers, Mountains, & c.'. Dedicated to William Duke of Gloucester. Ed. Smith sculp. 2 scales. N.d. Col. 55,9 χ 47,3 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 1) Ά New Map of Antient Greece, Thrace, Moesia, Illyricum and the Isles adjoyning'. Dedicated to William Duke of Gloucester. Ed. Smith sculp. 2 scales. N.d. Col. 58,0 χ 47,3 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 1) 'Das Osmannische Reich in Europa mit einem Theile desselben in Asien . . .'.1828. München. J.G. Cotta. 3 scales. Uncol. 117,8 χ 139,3 cm. (28 no. 4) 'Carte der Europaeischen Türkey nebst einem Theile von Kleinasien in XXI Blaettern'. By Franz von Weiss. 1829. K.K. öster. Generalquartiermeisterstab. 6 scales. Col. 22 sheets (various size). (28 no. 5) The Eastern Part of the Mediterranean Sea with The Black Sea. With special charts inter alia of Bosporus, the Dardanelles, the Bay of Izmir (Smyrna), Beirut, Alexandria. Published in 1864 by the Royal Danish Hydrographie Department. Scales on the special charts. Col. 69,9 χ 101,7 cm. (Charts 1 no. 26a) 'Chart of Greek Islands and Adjacent Coasts from Smyrna to Lagos'. By A. Arrowsmith, London. Additions to 1812. No scale. Graticule. Uncol. 65,7 χ 83,3 cm. (Charts 3 no. 19c) 'General-Karte des Türkischen Reichs (in Europa und Asien) nebst dem Königreiche Griechenland und den Jonischen Inseln'. Wien. 1853. Artaria und Comp. 4 scales. 58.6 χ 45,6 cm. (28 no. 5a) 24

Printed Maps 'Karte des Türkischen Reichs in Asien'. By Η. Kiepert. Berlin. 1 8 4 4 . 4 scales. Col. 2 sheets, each of 53,7 χ 68,7 cm. (29 no. 11) 'Natoliae, olim Asiae minoris Tabula'. By Matth. Seutter. Augsburg. N.d. (18th cent.). 4 scales. Uncol. 57,8 χ 50,1 cm. (Hist. 2 no. 55) Rödhos (Rhodes) and the Coast of Asia Minor. With special map: 'Sketch of Fineca Bay. 1801'. No scale. Uncol. 40,0 χ 43,4 cm. (Charts 3 no. 19a) 'Bentheografische Karte des Meeres zwischen Tenedos und dem Festlande'. By P.W. Forchhammer. Kiel. 1856. No scale. Uncol. 23,6 χ 29,4 cm. (Charts 3 no. 21) 'Die Ebene von Troia'. By Τ. Spratt and P.W. Forchhammer. Kiel. 1850. 2 scales. Uncol. 5 2 , 4 x 5 1 , 5 cm. (Hist. 2 no. 56) 'Chart of the Navigation between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea'. By A. Arrowsmith. London. 1807. No scale. Uncol. 100,1 χ 54,4 cm. (Charts 3 no. 19d) 'General-Karte des Schwarzen Meeres mit den Karten des Bosporus und der Dardanellenstrasse'. With special maps of Bosporus, the Dardanelles and the port of Sevastopol. By F. Handtke. Glogau. 1877. Graticule. 87,8 χ 71,2 cm. (28 no. 5c) 'Das gesammte Osmannische Reich so wie die Besitzungen des Paschas von Aegypten in Europa, Asia und Africa'. By C.F. Weiland. Weimar. 1853. Col. 63,3 χ 50,4 cm. (28 no. 6a) 'Plan de Constantinople, du Bosphore & du Canal de la Mer Noire'. By F. Fried. Wien. 1821. Artaria & Co. 1 scale. Uncol. 55,8 χ 74,5 cm. (28 no. 12) 'Carte Topographique du Bosphore, de Trace et des environs de Constantinople'. With a special map of the Seraglio. By Thomassin, Vincent and de Moreton-Chabrillant. Paris. 1828. 2 scales. Uncol. 69,8 χ 51,8 cm. (28 no. 13) 'Karte des nördlichen befestigten Theils des Bosphorus von den Hissaren bis zu den Leuchtthürmen am Schwarzen Meer'. By Freiherr v. Moltke 1 8 3 6 - 3 7 . Published Berlin, 1849. 1 : 25.000. Col. 4 sheets each of 39,5 χ 44,7 cm. (28 no. 14) 'Channel of Constantinople'. By A. Arrowsmith. (London). 1807. 1 scale. Uncol. 2 sheets: 72,2 χ 51,5 cm, 72,2 χ 51,2 cm. (Charts 3 no. 19e) Plan of the Dardanelles, the Channel of Constantinople (Istanbul), etc. Russian text. 1807. 2 scales. Uncol. 2 sheets: 74,6 χ 75,8 cm; 74,8 χ 46,4 cm. (Charts 3 no. 20) Ά Map of the Environs of Constantinople'. By A. Arrowsmith. 1801 and 1804. Graticule. Col. 159,0 χ 127,0 cm. (28 no. 1) 'Carte des environs de Constantinople'. D6pöt gönöral de la guerre. Paris. 1829. 3 scales. 5 3 , 8 x 4 6 , 8 cm. (28 no. 11) 'Chart of the Black Sea'. With special maps. Graticule. By A. Arrowsmith. 1801. Uncol. 80,9 χ 63,8 cm. (Charts 3 no. 19f) 'Carte de la Mer Noire, d'Azof et de Marmora'. By A. Wilbrecht. D6pöt Imperial des Cartes. 1804. Graticule. Uncol. 2 sheets, each at 54,7 χ 75,5 cm. (Charts 3 no. 22) Persia, Afghanistan 'Opulentissimi Regni Persiae juxta suas provincias recentissima et accuratissima designatio'. By T.C. Lotter. 2 scales. N.d. (18th cent.). Col. 61,6 χ 64,0 cm. (29 no. 12) Map of the borders between Russia, Turkey and Persia. N.d. 1 scale. Col. 53,1 χ 42,5 cm. (29 no. 10) 'Karte des westlichen Hochlandes von Mittel-Asien oder die Staaten von Iran und Turan, enthaltend Persien, Afghanistan, Belutschistan, Turkestan u.s.w.'. By I.B. Roost. München. 1839.5 scales. Col. 55,5 χ 47,0 cm. (29 no. 12a) 25

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'Iran. Östliche Hälfte enthaltend Afghanistan, Balutschistan und die Özbeghischen Khanate am Oxus'. By H. Kiepert. 1876. Berlin. 1878. 1 : 3.000.000. Col. 50,5 x 6 8 , 1 cm. (29 no. 12d) 'Chart of the Persian Gulph'. By A. Arrowsmith. With special maps: 'Busheer, Muscat und Mutrah, Congoon Bay by Charles Mailand'. Additions to 1813. Graticule, on the special maps scales. Uncol. 85,9 χ 64,0 cm. (Charts 3 no. 24) Central Asia.


'Carte ginerale de la Russie d'Europe et du Royaume de Pologne'. By A.M. Βπιέ. Paris. August 1821. 3 scales. Col. 21,0 χ 55,0 cm. (27 no. 7(a)) 'Carte de la Partie Europienne de l'Empire de Russie'. Depot topografique militaire de l'Etat Major Imperial. 1818. 1 scale. 12 sheets each at 43,0 χ 54,5 cm. (27 no. 6) 'Karte des europäisch- und eines Theils des asiatisch-russischen Reichs'. By Iwan Danielow. Wien. 1812. 2 scales. Uncol. 1 sheet with 2 minor pieces pasted on: 131,8 χ 147,5 cm.+ 36,0 χ 13,0 cm. + 44,2 χ 20,2 cm. (27 no. 4) 'General Karte vom europäischen Russland'. By C.F. Weiland. Weimar. 4 scales. 4 sheets each of 56 χ 71 cm. (27 no. 8a) 'General Charte des Russischen Reichs in Europa, Asien und America'. By C.F. Weiland. Weimar 1828. 2 scales. Col. 73,8 χ 51,7 cm. (27 no. 8) 'Carte gin^rale de la Russie d'Asie et des Regions Polaires Boriales'. With special map: 'Compl6ment des Regions Polaires Boreales'. By A.M. Brue. Paris. 1821. Col. 7 3 , 0 x 55,7 cm. (27 no. 7b) 'Carte gönerale de l'Empire de Russie divise en quarante et un gouvernemens'. With a special map: 'Carte de la cöte nord ouest de l'Amerique Septentrionale depuis la presqu'isle Aliaska jusqu'a l'entree de Nootka'. 1800. 4 scales. 3 sheets each at 57 χ 74 cm. (27 no. 3) 'Totius Imperii Russici tabula generalis'. By A.Fr. Büsching. Berlin. 1769. 2 scales. Col. 3 sheets each at 54,8 χ 63,6 cm. (27 no. 1) Map of the Russian Empire. Russian text and print. 1786. 2 scales. Col. 190,0 χ 92,5 cm. (27 no. 2) 'Special-Karte vom Europäischen Russland, der Statthalterschaft Kaukasus und den angrenzenden Theilen der europäischen und asiatischen Türkei, etc.' By Arnd. Weimar. 1877. 1 : 3.000.000. 4 sheets each at 60 χ 73 cm. (27 no. 9a) 'Uebersichts-Karte der Russischen Provinzen nördlich und südlich vom Kaukasus'. N.d. München. 2 scales. Col. 58 χ 51 cm. (27 no. 24) Map of the regions between the Black Sea and The Caspian Sea. Russian print and text. 1819. 1 scale. Col. 58,5 χ 62,0 cm. (27 no. 22) 'Uebersichts-Karte der Länder zwischen dem Schwarzen und Caspischen Meere'. Basel. 1825. 1 scale. Col. 53,5 χ 50,2 cm. (27 no. 23) 'Karte vom Kamtschatka'. With views. By Ν. Erman und K.v. Reinhard. Berlin. 1838. 1 scale. Uncol. 60,4 χ 94,2 cm. (29 no. 7) General map of Russian Asia. Russian print and text. 1825. 1 scale. Col. 130,2 χ 67,5 cm. (29 no. 6) Ά new Map of Great Tartary, and China, with the adjoyning Parts of Asia, taken from M.r. de Fer's Map of Asia'. Dedicated to William Duke of Gloucester. Sutton Nicholls sculp. 2 scales. Col. 55,2 χ 49,5 cm. (Hist. 1 nr. 1)


Printed Maps

India 'India, quae Orientalis dicitur, et Insulae adiacentes'. Dedicated to D. Christopherus Thisius by Henricus Hondius. Amsterdam. G. Valk and P. Schenk. N.d. (c. 1700). 1 scale. Col. 58,9 χ 48,1 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 2) Ά New Map of the East Indies, Taken from M.r. de Fer's Map of Asia'. Dedicated to William Duke of Gloucester. Sutton Nicholls sculp. 2 scales. Col. 56,7 χ 48,5 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 1) Ά Map of Hindoostan or the Mogul Empire'. By J. Rennell. London. 1788. 4 scales. Col. 131,5 χ 104,6 cm. (30 no. 2) 'Map of India'. By A. Arrowsmith. (London). 1804. Graticule. Col. 159,2 χ 187,0 cm. (30 no. 3) Ά New and Improved Map of India'. By Black, Kingsbury, Parbury and Allen. London 1820. Additions to 1822. 2 scales. Col. 64,5 χ 93,5 cm. (30 no. 4) 'Map of India illustrating the Localities in the Plantae Asiaticae Rariores and in the Lithographic Catalogue of the Company's Herbarium in the Museum of the Linnean Society'. By N. Wallich. The voyages of Wallich are indicated on the map. With special map. N.d. (19th cent.). Graticule. Col. 72,7 χ 59,3 cm. (30 no. 1) •'Vorderindien'. With a special map. By C.F. Weiland. Weimar. 1857. 3 scales. Col. 59,9 χ 73,2 cm. (30 no. 5a) 'Map of India . . . with reference to the Civil and Military Stations'. Arranged under the direction of Captain R.M. Grindlay. By James Wyld. 1846. 8 scales. Col. 68,2 χ 103,2 cm. (30 no. 5) Ά chart of the Mouth of Hoogly River'. From the Surveys of John Ritchie and of Benjamin Lacam. With special map: Ά Part of Hoogly River commonly called the Calcutta River'. London 1785. Scale for the special map. Uncol. 2 sheets each at 70,5 χ 51,8 cm. (Charts 3 no. 25) Plan of Calcutta and Environs. Dedicated to the Committee for Improving Calcutta, 'Shewing their latest Improvements'. By J. Schalch, Superintendent of Canals and Bridges. 1825. Engraved and published by E. de la Combe. Calcutta. 1 scale. 1 6 1 x 8 2 cm. (30 no. 7) Map of the Nicobar Islands ('Kaart over Nicobar eerne'). With special map of the Ganges' port ('Ganges' Havn') on the North Side of Great Nicobar, the South Bay of Great Nicobar and Pulo Milo. (Copenhagen? ). 1846. Scale in the special map. Uncol. 61 χ 86,3 cm. (Charts 2 no. 29) The Danish Possessions in East India, West India and the Coast of Guinea ('De danske besiddelser i Ostindien, Vestindien og paa Kysten Guinea'), 5 maps on one sheet. For the mutual education. 'Geographitabel no. 31'. Lithography by Mansa. N.d. (19th cent., beginning). Scales in each map. Col. 4 3 χ 34 cm. (1 no. 12) The Danish Possessions in East India, West India and the Coast of Guinea ('De danske besiddelser i Ostindien, Vestindien og paa Kysten Guinea'), 5 maps on one sheet. Examination map without names. For the mutual education. Lithography by Mansa. (Copenhagen). N.d. (19th cent., beginning). Scales in each map. Col. 41,5 χ 33,8 cm. (1 no. 12)

Sri Lanka (Ceylon) 'Map of the Island of Ceylon'. By A. Arrowsmith. 1805. Graticule. Col. 61,8 χ 95,5 cm. (30 no. 6) 27

Priv. Library of Her Majesty South East Asia (Insulinde, see Oceania and


'Map of the Burmese Empire, constructed from a drawing compiled in the Surveyor General's Office, Calcutta, and other Authentic Documents'. By James Wyld. 1826. 1 scale. Col. 63,8 χ 79,3 cm. (30 nr. 8)

Oceania and Indonesia General maps and charts 'Tabula Hydrographica Maris Australis vulgo del Zur, ductum navigationis Wilhelmi Schouten et terras ac insulas ab eo ibiden (!) detectas demonstrans'. (Also with German and French text. Relating to the voyages of Wilhelm Schouten 1616). No scale. N.d. (17th cent.). 46,6 χ 22,2 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 6) 'Carte de l'Ocian Pacifique au Nord de l'Equateur, et des cotes qui bornent des deux cötes'. (Also with German text). T.A. Mann. 1781. By T.C. Lotter. Augsburg. Graticule. Col. 52,8 χ 49,2 cm. (Hist. 2 no. 3) 'Description de las Indias del Poniente (Yslas del Maluco, Yslas Philippinas, Yslas de los Ladrones'). Graticule. N.d. Uncol. 37,5 χ 32,2 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 5) 'Karte von Australien oder Polynesien nach den Zeichnungen, Reisebeschreibungen und Tagebücher der vorzüglichsten Seefahrer bis 1789, entworffen im Jahr 1792'. Nürnberg, Weigel und Schneiderschen Handlung. Graticule. Col. 70,7 χ 51,0 cm. (33 no. 1) 'Karte des grossen Oceans gewöhnlich Das Süd Meer genannt, nebst allen neuen Entdeckungen in Australien'. By D.F. Sotzmann. 1809. Hamburg. 1810. Graticule. Uncol. 86,0 χ 63,1 cm. (33 no. 2) Map of Australia, extracted from the Best and Newest English and French Maps and Travel Books for Use at Schools ('Kaart over Australien . . . ' ) . Edited by the Royal Danish Hydrographical Department. Copenhagen. 1818. No scale. Col. 61,1 χ 52,5 cm. (33 no. 3) Australia (and the South Sea). Map for the mutual education. Map for examination. ('Australien. Indbyrdes underviisning). 'Geographitabel no. 23'. Lithography by Mansa. (Copenhagen). N.d. (19th cent., beginning). 1 scale. Col. 43 χ 33,2 cm. (1 no. 12) Australia (and the South Sea). Map for the mutual education. Map for examination ('Australien. Indbyrdes underviisning. Examinationskort'). 'Geographitabel no. 29'. Lithography by Mansa. (Copenhagen). N.d. (19th cent, beginning). 1 scale. Col. 4 3 , 5 x 33,8 cm. (1 no. 12) Map of Indonesia, the Philippines and part of the Asiatic Continent. No title. N.d. (c. 1700). No scale. Uncol. 36,5 χ 31,9 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 8) Partial Maps and Charts 'Spezial-Karte der Samoa-Inseln. Mit Plänen der Häfen von Apia, (1 : 50.000) und Saluafata (1 : 50.000)'. By Otto Herkt. Glogau. N.d. 1 : 850.000. 2 scales. Col. 54,6 χ 25,4 cm. (33 no. 5a) 'Western Australia from the latest Documents received in The Colonial Office 1832'. Published for the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society. London. 1832. Graticule. Uncol. 35,7 χ 42,4 cm. (33 no. 4)


Printed Maps Ά Chart of Part of the Interior of New South Wales'. By John Oxley. Sydney N.S.W., 1824. With special maps of 'New Holland' and of 'Port Jackson and Botany Bay'. 1825. 1 scale. Col. 95,7 χ 133,9 cm. (33 no. 5) 'Novae Guineae Tabula novissime lustratae et conscriptae a Wilhelmo Schouten Hornano Batavo'. Also with German and French text. Relating to the voyages of Wilhelm Schouten from Horn to New Guinea in 1616. N.d. (17th cent.). No scale. Uncol. 29,4 χ 19,2 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 6) 'Algemeene Kaart van Nederlandsch Oostindie'. By G.F. Baron von Derfelden van Hinderstein, J.C. Baud and G.A. Tindal. 1842. 7 scales. Col. 9 sheets (including title sheet and general map) each at 63,5 χ 87,8 cm. (30 no. 9) 'Kaart van het Eiland Java'. With a special map: 'Kaart van Baiavia en omliggende Landen'. Engraved by C. van Baarsel en Zoon. N.d. 1 scale. Uncol. 59,1 χ 47,5 cm. (30 no. 10) 'Kaart van het westelijke gedeelle van Timor, bevattende de bezittingen der Nederlanders en van hunne bondgenoeten aldaar'. With special map. By Sal. Müller. 1841. 2 scales. Col. 45 χ 30,8 cm. (30 no. 10a)

North Africa General maps. Africa 'Africae Magna Pars ad Illustrationem Historiae Ecclesiasticae'. By M.Seutter.2 scales. N.d. (18th cent.). Col. 61,1 χ 52,1 cm. (Hist. 2 no. 58) 'Afrique'. By d'Anville. 1749. 7 scales. Col. 100,2 χ 99,2 cm. (31 no. 1) Ά New Map of Libya or old Africk (!) Shewing its general Divisions, most remarkable Countries or People, Cities,.. ., & c'.-Dedicated to . . . William Duke of Gloucester. R. Spofforth sculp. 1 scale. N.d. Col. 56,1 χ 47,5 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 1) Ά New Map of the North Part of Antient Africa, Shewing the Chiefe People, Cities, & c., in Mauritania, Numidia, Africa Propria, Libya Propria and Egypt'. Dedicated to William Duke of Gloucester. R. Spofforth sculp. No scale. N.d. Col. 56,2 χ 48,0 cm. (Hist. 1 no. 1) 'Africa Connata secundum Observationes Membror. Acad. Regal. Scientiarum per G. de l'Isle'. At T.C. Lotter. Augsburg. N.d. (18th cent.). 4 scales. N.d. Col. 59,8 χ 46,9 cm. (31 no. 2) 'Africa with all its States, Kingdoms, Republics, Regions, Islands, & c. Improved and enlarged from d'Anville's Map. to which has been added a particular Chart of the Gold Coast'. (With special map). By S. Boulton. London. 1794. 7 scales. Col. 124,7x104,8 cm. (31 no. 3) 'Africa nach Robert Vaugondy, Rennell's und Sotzmann's Skizze des nördlichen Theils von Africa'. (With 1 special map). Nürnberg. 1794. No scale. Col. 63,3 χ 57,4 cm. (31 no. 4) 'Africa'. By A. Arrowsmith. 1802. No scale. Col. 146,0 χ 126,5 cm. (in 4 sheets). (31 no. 5) Map of Africa for the Use of Schools ('Kaart over Africa til brug for skoler'). Edited by the Royal Danish Hydrographie Department (Sakortarkivet). 1815. No scale. Col. 52,8 x 4 7 , 7 cm. (31 no. 6) 'Karte von Afrika'. 1824 by Heinrich Berghaus. Hrsg. Cotta. Stuttgart. 1826. 4 scales. Uncol. 77,2 χ 63,3 cm. (31 no. 7)


Priv. Library of Her Majesty 'Carte G6nerale d'Afrique'. By Lapie. Paris. N.d. (1827? ). No scale. Uncol. 63,2 χ 57,2 cm. (31 no. 8) 'Carte physique et politique de l'Afrique'. By A.H. Brue. Paris. 1827. 4 scales. Uncol. 87,7 χ 59,2 cm. (31 no. 9) Africa. Map for the mutual education ('Africa. (Kort til) indbyrdes underviisning'). 'Geographitabel no. 21'. Showing European colonies. Engraved by Mansa. (Copenhagen). N.d. (19th cent., beginning). 43 χ 33,8 cm. (1 no. 12) Africa. Map for examination in the mutual education ('Africa. Eksaminationskort til indbyrdes underviisning')- Skeleton map. 'Geographitabel no. 27'. Engraved by Mansa. (Copenhagen). N.d. (19 cent., beginning). 1 scale. Col. 43,5 χ 34,0 cm. (1 no. 12) North-West


Mercator's Chart ('Voxende kaart') including Madeira, Isias Canarias (Canary Islands), and the European Coast from Cape de S. Vicente to the Strait of Gibraltar together with the African Coast from there to Boca del Rio. With a special view of Funchal. Edited by the Royal Danish Hydrographie Department (Sekortarkivet). 1821. No scale. Uncol. 61,8 χ 43,8 cm. (Charts 1 no. 29) Mercator's Chart ('Voxende kaart') of the Coasts of Spain and Portugal with Isias Baleares (the Balearic Islands) and the Coast of Africa from Cape Spartel (Espartel) to Cape Bugie. Extracts of the Spanish Sea-Chart. With a description including charts of the harbours and views. Edited by the Royal Danish Hydrographie Department. 1819. No scale. Uncol. 122,5 χ 97,2 cm. (Charts 1 no. 27) 'Spanske Seen' (The Atlantic Ocean from the Faroes to Madeira with the coasts of Western Europe and Morocco). Edited by the Royal Danish Hydrographie Department. 1830. No scale. Uncol. 61,5 χ 94,2 cm. (Charts 1 no. 26) Chart of the Strait of Gibraltar (with the African coast). Plate Ε in Sämling af kaart over havne og ankerpladse, tilligemed fortoninger; henharende til beskrivelsen over den spanske og portugisiske kyst (Collection of Charts of Harbours and Anchoring Places, as well as Views, Appertaining to the Description of the Spanish and Portuguese Coast). Edited by the Royal Danish Hydrographie Department. 1819. No scale. Uncol. 44,2 χ 26,8 cm. (Charts 1 no. 28) The Western Part of the Mediterranean Sea including the Adriatic Sea (with special charts inter alia of Bougie, Alger, the roads of Tunis and Tripoli). Edited by the Royal Danish Hydrographie Department. 1864. (Special charts with scales.) Col. 2 sheets: 69,1 χ 102,2 cm. + 69,1 χ 102,7 cm. (Charts 1 no. 26a) 'Das nordwestliche Africa. Verarbeitet von Adolf G r a f . Weimar. Geographisches Institut. (1862). 2 scales. Col. 59,7 χ 72,0 cm. (31 no. 10) 'Nordwest-Africa'. With special charts: 'Senegambien', 'Sierra Leone Küste', 'Gold- & Sklaven-Küste'. Von A. Petermann. Gotha. Justus Perthes. 1879. (Stieler's HandAtlas No. 69). 1 : 12.500.000 3 scales. Col. 44,3 χ 36,7 cm. (31 no. 12c) 'Cöte de Barbarie'. By Le Rouge. Paris. 1 7 7 5 - 7 6 . 8 sheets, nos. 1 - 7 each with a scale. Sheet 1: Tunis; sheet 2: Bizerte; sheet 3: La Calle and Pecheurs de Corail; sheet 4: Constantine, Böne and Gigery; sheet 5: 'Environs d'Alger' (with a special chart: 'Baie d'Alger'); sheet 6: 'Plan d'Alger'; sheet 7: 'Plan du port d'Alger et d'une partie de la ville. Par un ingenieur hollandois' (with a special chart: 'Fort de Babasson'); sheet 8: 'Plan de Gigery. Aux Algeriens'. Uncol. Each sheet: 3 3 , 6 x 2 3 , 1 cm. (31 no. 12) 30

Printed Maps North-East


'Das nordöstliche Africa'. By G. Lejean and A. Gräf. (1862). 2 scales. 1 : 8.000.000. Col. 59,5 x 72,3 cm. (31 no. 10) 'Das Mittelländische Meer und Nord-Afrika. (Östliches Blatt)'. By Α. Petermann. Gotha. Justus Perthes. 1880. (Stieler's Hand-Atlas No. 14). 2 scales. 1 : 7.500.000. Col. 43,2 χ 36,0 cm. (31 no. 12d) Morocco 'Carta del Moghrib-ul-Acsa, ossia dell'impero di Marocco formata e descritta de Jacopo Gräberg di Hemsö'. Firenze. 1834. With special chart: 'Spaccato, ο taglio dell'impero di Marocco in una direzione N.e.S. passando per 9° 40 di Long.'. 1 scale. Uncol. 4 5 , 3 x 4 2 , 8 cm. (31 no. 11) Algeria 'Carte c o m p a r e des regences d'Alger et de Tunis'. With special maps: 'Plan de la ville et d'une partie des environs d'Alger'. 'Carte des environs d'Alger'. By Lapie. Paris. 1829. 8 scales. Col. 102,2 χ 70,1 cm. (31 no. 13) 'Algier und das Mittelmeer'. Die Cotta'sche Geografische Anstalt by E.H. Michaelis'. (With special maps: 'Ansicht u. Plan der Stadt Algier'. 'Algier und Tunis'. 'Ansicht und topograph. Skizze von Algier's Golf und Umgebungen'). München. 1830. 4 scales. Col. 7 7 , 8 x 6 1 , 7 cm. (31 no. 14) 'Carte de L'Algerie' (including Tunisia). Paris. Depot general de la guerre. 1838. 1 : 1.000.000. 4 scales. Uncol. 3 sheets each of c. 51 χ 71 cm. (31 no. 15) 'Carte de territoire d'Alger'. Paris. Depot general de la guerre. 1834. 1 : 50.000. 3 scales. Uncol. 95,0 χ 61,9 cm. (31 no. 19) 'Carte r o u t i n e du territoire d'Alger'. Paris. D6pöt general de la guerre. N.d. 1 : 200.000. 2 scales. Uncol. 46,0 χ 37,8 cm. (31 no. 18) 'Algirie'. By Dufour. Paris. 1846. 1 : 1.400.000. 7 scales. Col. 90,2 χ 61,8 cm. (31 no. 16) 'Carte de l'Alg6rie' (including Tunisia). Paris. Ddpöt gönöral de la guerre. December 1846. 1 : 1.500.000. 4 scales. Col. 99,3 χ 65,8 cm. (31 no. 17) 'Carte de la province d'Alger'. Paris. Döpöt göneral de la guerre. December 1847. 1 : 400.000. 7 scales. Col. 2 sheets: 93,1 χ 63,2 cm. + 91,2 χ 61,2 cm. (31 no. 17) 'Alg6rie-Tunisie' (with special map: 'Environs d'Alger'). Fume, Jouvet et Cie editeurs. (Atlas St. Cyr). 1 : 2.000.000. 1 scale. Col. 65,2 χ 42,4 cm. (31 no. 17a) 'Algercum Munita Metropolis Regni Algeriani in Littore Africano Barbariae' (with German text). Matth. Seutter. N.d. (18th cent.) Col. 60,1 χ 51,8 cm. (31 no. 21) 'Vue et plan de la ville d'Alger. Carte de la province tiree de l'Atlas manuscript de M.J.G. Barbii du Bocage'. 1830. Imprimerie du David. 5 scales. Uncol. 51,8 χ 61,3 cm. (31 no. 22) 'Plan d'Alger et des environs'. Paris. Depot general de la guerre. 1832. With 'Noms des rues d'Alger'. 1 : 2500. 4 scales. Uncol. 98,8 χ 66,3 cm. (31 no. 23) 'Carte de la province de Constantine'. Paris. Depöt gineral de la guerre. 1847. 1 : 400.000. 4 scales. Col. 2 sheets: 94,1 χ 60,6 cm. + 93,0 χ 29,2 cm. (31 no. 17) 'Carte de la province d'Oran'. Paris. Depöt general de la guerre. August 1847. 1 : 400.000. 7 scales. Col. 3 sheets: 92,3 χ 58,3 cm. + 97,8 χ 60,1 cm. + 95,9 χ 30,7 cm. (31 no. 17)


Priv. Library of Her Majesty

'Environ de Blidah'. D6pöt general de la guerre. 1 : 2 0 . 0 0 0 . 2 scales. Uncol. 44,6 χ 4 0 . 0 cm. (31 no. 18) 'Carte des environs de Böne'. Paris. Depot general de la guerre. 1837. N o scale. Uncol. 8 9 , 9 x 6 0 , 6 cm. (31 no. 20). 'Environs de Böne'. Depot general de la guerre. N.d. (c. 1840). 1 : 20.000. 2 scales. Uncol. 53,8 χ 48,3 cm. (31 no. 18) 'Environs de Bougie'. Depöt general de la guerre. N.d. (c. 1840). 1 : 20.000. 2 scales. Uncol. 50,0 χ 40,6 cm. (31 no. 18) 'Environs de Constantine'. Depot general de la guerre. N . d . (c. 1840). 1 : 10.000. 2 scales. Uncol. 16,3 χ 38,9 cm. (31 no. 18) 'Environs de Kolean'. D6pöt general de la guerre. N.d. (c. 1840). 1 : 20.000. 2 scales. Uncol. 38,9 χ 45,7 cm. (31 no. 18) 'Environs de La Calle'. Depöt general de la guerre. N.d. (c. 1840). 1 : 20.000. 2 scales. Uncol. 4 8 , 2 χ 39,6 cm. (31 no. 18) 'Environs de Mostaganem'. Depot general de la guerre. N.d. (c. 1840). 1 : 10.000. 2 scales. Uncol. 4 5 , 2 χ 39,9 cm. (31 no. 18) 'Environs d'Oran'. Depöt general de la guerre. N.d. (c. 1840). 1 : 25.000. 2 scales. Uncol. 5 4 , 8 x 39,8 cm. (31 no. 18) 'Environs de Stora et de Philippeville'. D e p ö t general de la guerre. N.d. (c. 1840). 1 : 10.000. 2 scales. Uncol. 6 0 , 3 χ 50,2 cm. ( 3 1 n o . 18) Tunisia 'Carte de la Regence de Tunis'. Paris. D e p o t general de la guerre. D'apres les observations . . . de Μ. Falbe, de M . P r i c o t S t e Marie, e t c . Paris. 1 8 4 2 . 1 : 4 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 7 scales. Uncol. 96,2 χ 95,4 c m . (31 n o . 24 in 2 sheets) 'Carte de la Rdgence de Tunis'. By Garnier Freres. Paris. N.d. (c. 1840). 1 χ 5 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 1 scale. 83,2 χ 56,5 cm. (31 no. 24b) 'Carte de la Rigence de Tunis dressee d'apres les cartes n a u t i q u e s de la marine Anglaise, les cartes de l'Algerie et de la Tunisie publiees par le d e p ö t de la guerre Franpais et les itineraries des voyageurs Europeens, s u r t o u t de feu M. Wilmanns'. By Henri Kiepert. Berlin. 1881. Dietrich Reimer. 1 : 8 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 1 scale. 58,3 χ 45,7 c m . (31 no. 24a) 'Facies Carthaginis Tyriae juxta labulam auctoris itinerarii T u n c t a n i : Ragguaglio del

viaggio di un dilettante, etc.'. Milano. 1804. 8. delineata, c u m ejusdem scala VI mill. Haaviae (Copenhagen). 1821. Sculp, a C. Henchel. 1 scale. Uncol. 31,1 χ 25,4 cm. (Hist. 2 n o . 59) Egypt 'Egypte nomm£e dans le pays Missir'. By d'Anville. 1765. 8 scales. Uncol. 42,8 χ 71,1 cm. (31 no. 26) 'Map of Egypt'. By W.M. Leake. With special m a p s : ' S u p p l e m e n t to the Map of E g y p t or Course of the Nile f r o m Essouan t o the C o n f i n e s of Dongola' and 'Bay of Cosseir'. L o n d o n . 1818. Arrowsmith. Graticule. Col. 75,6 χ 126,7 c m . (31 no. 27) 'Carte gäographique de l'Egypte et des pays environnans, reduite d'apres la carte topographique, levee pendant l'exp6dition de l'arm6e frangaise . . B y M. Jacotin. Paris. 1818. 1 : 1.000.000. 3 scales. 3 sheets: 95,5 χ 5 7 , 3 c m . ; 9 3 , 7 χ 6 0 , 2 cm.; 9 5 , 0 x 6 0 , 9 cm. (31 no. 28) 32

Juliane Marie Atl. Ά New Plan of Egypt Shewing the Entrances to the Nile, etc.'. Drawn by W. Heather. Published (London) 1801. 1 scale. Col. 95,3 χ 68,1 cm. (31 no. 29) 'Plan des deux ports d'Alexandrie en Egypte'. By Falbe. 1817. Enclosed Remarques sur la navigation des deux ports d'Alexandrie en Egypte . Ιβνέε en 1817. By Falbe. Livorno, 1818. 2 scales. Uncol. 46,6 χ 29,8 cm. (Charts 2 no. 31) 'Aegypten und Sues-Canal'. With special maps: 'Nil-Delta und Landenge von Sues' and 'Deutsche Consulate' (in the Mediterranean Countries and the Near East). Gotha. 1882. Justus Perthes. 1 : 3.500.000. Col. 47,1 χ 39,0 cm. (31 no. 29a) 'Der Kriegsschauplatz im Aegyptischen Sudan, 1883 & 1884', including 'Uebersichtskarte des Aegyptischen Reiches im Februar 1884', 1 : 12.500.000; 'Umgegend von Suakin' (1 : 1.000.000) with 'Hafen von Suakin' (1 : 50.000); Oestlicher Sudan & Abessinien' (1 : 7.500.000); 'Umgegend von Chartum' (1 : 250.000). By Bruno Hassenstein. Gotha. 1884. Justus Perthes. Col. 50,4 χ 37,0 cm. (31 no. 29c)

Maps of Europe or European Countries with parts of Africa and/or Asia 'Premiere partie de la carte d'Europe contenant la France, l'Alemagne, l'ltalie, l'Espagne & les Isles Britanniques'. By d'Anville. 1754. 12 scales. Col. 2 sheets each at c. 85 x 57,5 cm. (2 no. 1) 'Seconde partie de la carte d'Europe contenant le Danemark et le Norwege, la Suede et la Russie (ä l'exception de l'Ukraine)'. By d'Anville. 1758.8 scales. Col. 2 sheets each at c. 84,5x 58 cm. (2 no. 1) 'Troisieme partie de la carte d'Europe contenant le midi de la Russie, la Pologne et la Hongrie, la Turquie y compris celle d'Asie presqu'entiere'. By d'Anville. 1760. 7 scales. Col. 2 sheets each at c. 85 χ 57,5 cm. (2 no. 1) 'Partes confines Trium Magnorum Imperiorum Austriaci, Russici et Osmanici'. By J.C. Rhode. 1785. 5 scales. 133,3 χ 92,8 cm. (1 no. 21) 'Europe divided into its empires, kingdoms, states, republics, &c.\ By Thomas Kitchin. London. 1795. 7 scales. Col. 124,2 χ 101,8 cm. (2 no. 2) 'Newest map of Europe. ('Nyeste kort over Europa'). By I. Riise. (Copenhagen). 1820. 1 scale. Col. 32,7 χ 35,6 cm. (1 no. 11 bl. 3) Europe. With parts of North Africa, Palestine, Asia Minor, the Caucasus and Siberia and with a special chart of the strait at Constantinople. Text and indication of geographical names with Arabic script (in Turkish). N.d. (c. 1850? ). 13 scales. Col. 9 sheets each at ca. 80 χ 60 cm. (2 no. 3)

The 'Juliane Marie Atlas' The collection belonged once to Queen Juliane Marie (1729-96), who in 1752 married King Frederik the Fifth (died 1766). It consists of 37 volumes, including 2798 sheets, most of which are engraved, with 194 manuscript sheets. In the 37 volumes the sheets are geographically arranged, e.g. vol. 1 Key maps, terrestrial and astronomical, vol. 2 Historical maps, vol. 3 Portugal and Spain, vol. 31 Russia, vol. 32 Hungary, the Balkans and Turkey, vol. 33 Asia and Africa. 33

Priv. Library of Her Majesty Interspersed among the sheets are views of towns and buildings, usually in two copies, one coloured and one uncoloured. Inventory of the sheets in the library. Bibliography: Kiaer, H.F., The 'Juliane Marie Atlas' in Copenhagen, Imago Mundi. A Review of Early Cartography, XX. Amsterdam, 1966, p. 8 2 - 8 4 .

General maps and charts 'Planiglobii Terrestris Mappa Universalis, utrumque Hemisphaerium Orient, et Occidentale'. By Hass and G.M. Lowitz. At Homann. Hered. 1746. With Latin and French text. Col. c. 65,0 χ 53,0 cm. (II nos. 9, 12, 13, 14 and III, 1 (4 items)) 'Planiglobii Terrestris Mappa Universalis utrumque Hemisphaerium Orient, et Occidentale'. By Hass and G.M. Lowitz. 1746. Sebast. Dorn, sculp. Col. 63,0 χ 50,6 cm. (II no. 11,111 no. 1)) 'Planisphaerium Terrestre sive Terrarum Orbis Planisphaerice constructi. . . ' . By C. Allard. Amsterdam. With Latin and Dutch text. N.d. (c. 1700). 63,5 χ 54,5 cm. (II no. 6) 'Diversi Globi Terr-Aqvei Statione Variante et Visu Intercedente'. By Μ. Seutter. With Latin text. N.d. (18th cent.). Col. 68,6 χ 52,3 cm. (II no. 8) Orbis Vetus cum Origine Magnarum in eo Gentium a Filiis et Nepotibus Noe'. By C. Danckwerth. Chr. Rothgiesser, Husum sculp. 1651. With Latin text. Col. 54.2 χ 45,9 cm. (II no. 4) Orbis Veteribus Noti Tabula Nova'. By G. Delisle. I. Stemmers Junior sculp. N.d. (18th cent.). Uncol. 38,2 χ 41,0 cm. (II no. 5) 'Nova Orbis Tabula'. By F. de Wit. Amsterdam. N.d. (17th cent.). Latin text. Col. 64.3 χ 54,5 cm. (II no. 10) 'Theatrum Historicum ad annum Christi quadringentesimum'. 'Pars occidentalis'. Latin text. By G. Delisle, Amsterdam at P. Mortier. N.d. (17th cent.). 4 scales. Col. 62.5 χ 54,0 cm. (II no. 16) 'Theatrum Historicum ad annum Christi quadringentesimum'. 'Pars orientalis'. Latin text. By G. Delisle. Amsterdam at P. Mortier. N.d. (c. 1700). 3 scales. Col. 63,2 χ 52,6 cm. (II no. 17) 'Typus /Etiologicus I. Sistens uno obtutu fundamenta positionum et distantiarum urbium ex regulis criticae electarum'. N.d. (18th cent.). 9 scales. Uncol. Officiana Homanniana. Nürnberg. 60,0 χ 53,7 cm. (XXXIII no. 31) 'Typus Etiologicus II. Sistens uno obtutu. Ductum totius itineris Xenophontaei, et Stathmorum Parthicorum Isidori Characeni, juncta descriptione Ponti Evxini juxta Arrianum, litoris Persici et Peripli Nearchi juxta eundem Arrianum et Marcianum Heracleotam'. Officiana Homanniana. Nürnberg. 6 scales. N.d. (18th cent.). Col. 59.6 χ 53,1 cm. (XXXIII no. 32 & 33)

Asia General Maps 'Asia cum Omnibus Imperils, Provinciis, Statibus et Insulis . . . ' . By M. Seutter. Augsburg. Graticule. N.d. (18th cent.). Col. 62,8 χ 54,0 cm. (XXXIII no. 3) 34

Juliane Marie Atl. 'Asia secundum legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae regulas. . . ' . By J.M. Hassius and A.G. Boehmius. At Homann. Hered. 1744. 7 scales. N.d. Col. 60,5 χ 53,2 cm. (XXXIII no. 2, 4 - 7 & 9 ) 'Accuratissima totius Asiae Tabula in Omnes Partes divisa, de novo correcta . . . ' . By F. de Witt. Amsterdam. At Officina I. Covens et C. Mortier. N.d. (c. 1700). Graticule. Col. 64,2 χ 50,7 cm. ( X X X I I I no. 8 ) 'Exactissima Asiae Delineatio, in praecipuas Regiones Caeterasque Partes divisa . . .'. With a special map of North East Asia. By C. Allard. Amsterdam. N.d. (17th cent.). Graticule. Col. 63,1 χ 53,2 cm. ( X X X I I I no. 1) Palestine. Israel. Jerusalem 'Terra Sancta sive Promissionis, olim Palestina'. By F. de Wit, Amsterdam. 2 scales. N.d. (17th cent.). Col. 61,5 χ 52,2 cm. ( X X X I I I no. 4 4 ) 'Terra Sancta sive Promissionis, olim Palestina'. By F. de Wit, Amsterdam. Printed by I. Covens and C. Mortier. 2 scales. N.d. (c. 1700) Uncol. 66,3 χ 53,- cm. ( X X X I I I no. 4 5 ) 'Carte de la terre des Hebreux ou Israelites partagee selon l'ordre de Dieu aux douze t r i b u s . . .'. By Robert. Paris. 1745. 2 scales. Col. 72,1 χ 54,5 cm. ( X X X I I I no. 4 8 ) 'Voyage des Enfans d'Israel dans le Desert depuis leur sortie d'Egypte par la Mer Rouge jusques au Pays de Canaan.' By P. Mortier. Also with Dutch text. No scale. N.d. 60,5 χ 52,4 cm. ( X X X I I I no. 5 2 ) 'Palaestina seu Terra a Mose et Iosua occupata et inter Iudaeos distributa per XII Tribus vulgo Sancta adpellata'. By Joh. Christoph. Harenberg. Μ. Seutter sculp. 1 scale. N.d. Col. 6 1 , 8 χ 54,2 cm. ( X X X I I I no. 6 0 ) 'Palaestina seu Terra olim Sancta tunc Duodecim Tribubus distributa'. Also with French text. By J.C. Harenberg. At Hered . Homann. 1744. Graticule. Col. 58,3 χ 53,2 cm. (XXXIII no. 6 2 ) 'Palaestina in XII Tribus divisa cum Terris Adiacentibus denuo revisa & copiosior reddita'. By Joh. Christoph. Harenberg. At Homann. Hered. Nürnberg. 1750. 5 scales. Col. 59,5 χ 54,2 cm. ( X X X I I I no. 53, 58, 64, 6 6 ) 'Regio Canaan seu Terra Promissionis, postea Iudea vel Palaestina nominata, hodie Terra Sancta vocata'. By M. Seutter. Augsburg. N.d. (18th cent.). 4 scales. Col. 64,2 χ 54,4 cm. ( X X X I I I no. 4 9 ) 'Carte de la Situation du Paradis Terrestre, et de Pais habitez par les Patriarches'. By Pierre Daniel Huet. Amsterdam. At P. Mortier. N.d. 3 scales. Col. 62,3 χ 52,4 cm. ( X X X I I I no. 5 1 ) 'Regni Davidici et Salomonaei Descriptio Geographica cum vicinis regionibus Syriae et ΛΕgypti. Mappa principalis'. Schema I—III. By J.M. Hasius. At Hered. Homann. N.d. (18th cent.). 7 scales. Col. c. 6 0 χ 54 cm. ( X X X I I I no. 2 5 - 3 0 ) 'Palaestinae accurata descriptio geographica . . . ' . By M. Seutter. Engraved by T.C. Lotter. N.d. (18th cent.). 4 scales. Col. 6 3 , 6 χ 54,5 cm. ( X X X I I I no. 5 5 ) 'Jerusalem, cum suburbiis, prout tempore Christi f l o u r i t . . . juxta designationem Christiani Adrichomii delineata'. Also with German text. By M. Seutter. N.d. (18th cent.). No scale. Col. 54,3 χ 6 3 , 3 cm. ( X X X I I I no. 5 4 ) Turkey etc. 'Magni Turcarum Dominatoris Imperium per Europam, Asiam et Africam'. By M. Seutter. N.d. (18. cent.). 3 scales. Col. 6 4 , 2 χ 54,3 cm. ( X X X I I no. 4 5 )


Priv. Library of Her Majesty

'Turcicum Imperium'. By J. Lhulier. Amsterdam. N.d. 1 scale. Uncol. 58,7 χ 49,2 cm. (XXXII no. 47) 'Turcicum Imperium sive Magni Turcarum Sultani Status in Europa, Asia et in Africa'. With a special map: Occidentalior Pars Maris Mediterranei'. By F. de Witt. Amsterdam. N.d. (17th cent.). 3 scales. Col. 61,0 χ 52,5 cm. (XXXII no. 43) 'Imperium Turcicum in Europa, Asia et Africa'. By I.M. Hass after Delisle. At J.B. Homann. Nürnberg. 1737. 3 scales. Col. 62,5 χ 53,0 cm. (XXXII nos. 44, 46, 48 u n d 50) 'Imperium Turcicum in Europa, Asia et Africa'. At J.B. Homann. Nürnberg. N.d. (18. cent.). 3 scales. Col. 58,9 χ 53,7 cm. (XXXII no. 52) 'Nova Persiae, Armeniae, Natoliae et Arabiae Descriptio'. By F. de Witt. N.d. (17th cent.). 1 scale. Uncol. 57,9 χ 49,8 cm. (XXXIII no. 75) 'Tabula Nova Geographica Natoliae et Asiae Minoris'. By J. Cantelli. By N. Visscher. Amsterdam. N.d. (17th cent.). 2 scales. Col. 61,5 χ 52,8 cm. (XXXIII no. 15) 'Asiae Minoris Veteris et Novae, itemque Ponti Euxini et Paludis Maeotidis Mappa vel Tabula'. By J.M. Hass. At Homann. Hered. Nürnberg 1743. 5 scales. Col. 61,5 χ 50,3 cm. (XXXIII nos. 1 4 , 1 6 , 18, 20) 'Imperii Turcici Europaei Terra'. Including Asia Minor, Egypt, etc. By J.C. Harenberg. At Homann. Hered. 1741. 4 scales. Col. 60,5 χ 54,3 cm. (XXXII nos. 64, 6 7 and 69) 'Fluviorum in Europa principis Danubii cum adiacentibus regnis nec non totius Graeciae et Archipelagi Novissima Tabula'. By J.B. Homann. Nürnberg. N.d. (18th cent.). 3 scales. Col. 59,3 χ 54,5 cm. (XXXII nos. 31 and 37) 'Theatrum Belli sive Novissima Tabula qua Maxima Pars Danubii et praesertim Hungaria cum aliis adiacentibus regnis, nec non Graecia, Morea, et Archipelagi Insulae'. By M. Seutter. Augsburg. N.d. (18th cent.). 3 scales. Col. 63,2 χ 54,4 cm. (XXXII no. 32) 'Tabula Synoptica Totius Fluminis Danubii'. Including The Black Sea and parts of Asia Minor. By M. Seutter. Augsburg. N.d. (18th cent.). 4 scales. Col. 176,0 χ 54,5 cm. (XXXII nos. 3 3 - 3 5 ) 'Danubii Fluvii sive Turcici Imperii in Europa Nova Tabula'. Including parts of Asia Minor. By F. de Witt. Amsterdam. N.d. (17th cent.). 3 scales. Col. 63,6 χ 53,2 cm. XXXII no. 36) 'Accurata totius Archipelagi et Graeciae Universae Tabula'. By F. de Wit. N.d. (17th cent.). 3 scales. Col. 62.5 χ 52.5 cm. (XXXII no. 68) 'Accurata totius Archipelagi et Graeciae Universae Tabula'. By F. de Wit. Amsterdam. At I. Covens and C. Mortier. N.d. (c. 1700). 3 scales. Col. 61,8 χ 52,8 cm. (XXXII no. 65) 'Hellas seu Graecia Universa'. By J. Laurenberg. Engraved by N. Visscher. N.d. (17th cent.). 2 scales. Uncol. 60,0 χ 50,2 cm. (XXXII no. 66) 'Graeciae Antiquae Tabula Nova. Graeciae Pars Meridionalis'. By G. Delisle. N.d. (c. 1700). No scale. Uncol. 51,5 χ 42,0 cm. (XXXII no. 71) 'Graeciae Pars Septentrionalis'. By G. Delisle. Including a part of Asia Minor. N.d. (c. 1700). 2 scales. Uncol. 52,0 χ 42,5 cm. (XXXII no. 73) 'Graecia Nova et Mare yCgeum seu Archipelagus'. Including the West and South coast of Asia Minor. By M. Seutter. N.d. (18th cent.). 2 scales. Col. 62,0 χ 54,3 cm. (XXXII no. 72) 'Carte de la Grece dressee sur un grand nombre de memoires anciens et nouveaux . . .'. Including the greater part of Asia Minor. By G. Delisle. Paris. Privilege 1707 and 1745. 3 scales. Col. 67,5 χ 51,5 cm. (XXXII no. 70) 36

Juliane Marie Atl. 'Accurate Vorstellung d e r . . . Haupt- u n d Residenz-Stadt C o n s t a n t i n o p e l . . W i t h 'Prospect der Türgkisch Haupt- u n d Residenz-Stadt Stambul oder Constantinopel von Mitternacht anzusehen' and 'Prospectivische Vorstellung der Dardanellen vor Constantinopel'. Edited by I.B. Homann. Nürnberg. N.d. ( 1 8 t h cent.). 1 scale. Col. 6 4 , 5 χ 54,4 cm. (XXXII no. 54) 'Plan de Constantinople, de son Port, Canal et Environs'. With a prospect of the city and a special m a p : 'Accurates Landkärtlein vom Königreich Ungarn, der Turckey and angränzenden Provincien, Gegenden u n d Ländern'. Also with German text. By Μ. Seutter and J.J. Andelfinger. N.d. ( 1 8 t h cent.). 1 scale. 6 1 , 0 χ 50,4 cm. (XXXII n o . 56) Persia 'Imperii Persici in omnes suas provincias . . . exacte divisi Nova Tabula Geographica'. By I.B. H o m a n n . Nürnberg. N.d. (18th cent.). 3 scales. Col. 56,8 χ 52,9 cm. (XXXIII nos. 69, 7 2 and 77) 'Opulentissimi Regni Persiae j u x t a suas Provincias recentissima et accuratissima Designatio'. By M. Seutter. N.d. (18th cent.). 2 scales. Col. 64,4 χ 54,3 cm. (XXXIII n o . 70) 'Nova Imperii Persici Delineatio'. By M. Seutter. Augsburg. N.d. ( 1 8 t h cent.). 2 scales. Col. 61,4 χ 53,5 cm. (XXXIII no. 74) 'Provinciarum Persicarum Kilaniae nempe Chirvaniae, Dagestaniae aliarumque vicinarum regionum partium Nova Geographica Tabula'. With 'Prospect der Russischen Stadt u n d Vestung Tercki'. By I.B. H o m a n n and Son. Nürnberg. 1728. 3 scales. Col. 6 5 , 2 χ 54,4 cm. (XXXIII no. 78) 'Carte de Perse'. By G. Delisle, Paris. Privilege 1724 and 1745. 3 scales. Col. 67,1 χ 53,1 cm. (XXXIII no. 71) Central Asia, Russia,


'Generalis totius Imperii Moscovitici Novissima Tabula . . , . cum via Czaricae nuper Legat i o n s ex u r b e Moscua per universam Tartariam ad magnum Chinae I m p e r a t o r e m ' . By Conatibus Homanni. Nürnberg. N.d. ( 1 8 t h cent.). 2 scales. Col. 6 1 , 0 χ 54,0 cm. (XXXI n o . 1) 'Moscoviae seu Russiae Magnae Generalis Tabula'. By M. Seutter. Augsburg. N.d. ( 1 8 t h cent.). 2 scales. Col. 63,2 χ 54,1 cm. (XXXI no. 14) 'Imperii Russici et Tartariae Universae, tarn majoris et Asiaticae quam Minores et Europaeae Tabula'. By J.M. Hass. At H o m a n n . Hered. Nürnberg. 1730. 3 scales. Col. 6 1 , 8 χ 54,1 cm. (XXXI nos. 31 and 3 4 ) 'Imperii Russici et Tatariae Universae tam majoris et Asiaticae q u a m minoris et Europaeae Tabula'. By J.M. Hass. At H o m a n n . Hered. Nürnberg. 1739. 3 scales. Col. 6 1 . 8 χ 54,1 c m . (XXXI nos. 28 and 3 2 - 3 3 ) 'Vkrania quae et Terra Cosaccorum cum vicinis Walachiae, Moldaviae, Minorisque Tartariae Provinciis'. By J.B. H o m a n n . Nürnberg. N.d. ( 1 8 t h cent.). 2 scales. Col. 63,5 χ 54,5 cm. (XXXI nos. 18, 20 and 22) 'Partie de l'Empire de Russie comprise en Asie'. By d'Anville. 1759. 3 scales. Col. 52.9 χ 3 3 , 8 cm. (XXXI no. 30) 'Tabula Geographica qua Pars Russiae Magnae, P o n t u s Euxinus seu Mare Nigrum et Tartaria Minor c u m Finitimis Bulgariae, Romaniae et Natoliae Provinciis e x h i b e n t u r ' . By 37

Priv. Library of Her Majesty J.B. H o m a n n . Nürnberg. N.d. ( 1 8 t h cent.)· 4 scales. Col. 54,1 χ 6 1 , 0 c m . (XXXI nos. 7, 12 and 15) 'Nova et accurata Tartariae Europaeae seu Minoris et in speciae Crimeae Delineatio Geographica cum omnibus circa P o n t u m E u x i n u m et Paludem Maeotidem j a c e n t i b u s Provinciis'. By M. Seutter. Augsburg. N.d. ( 1 8 t h cent.). 2 scales. Col. 63,5 χ 54,1 cm. (XXXI no. 25 and XXXII no. 88) 'Nova et accuratissima Maris C a s p i i . . . ac Regionum a d j a c e n t i u m Delineatio'. By M. Seutter. Augsburg. N.d. (18th cent.). 3 scales. Col. 65,6 χ 54,2 cm. (XXXI no. 24) 'Nova Maris Caspii et Regionis Usbeck cum Provinciis a d j a c e n t i u m vera Delineatio'. By A. Maas. 1735. At H o m a n n . Hered. Nürnberg. 1 scale. Col. 65,1 χ 54,3 c m . (XXXIII n o . 79) 'Magnae Tartariae, Magni Mogolis Imperii, Iaponiae et Chinae Nova Descriptio'. By F. de Witt. Amsterdam. N.d. ( 1 7 t h cent.). Graticule. Col. 6 9 , 8 χ 53,6 cm. (XXXIII no. 107) 'Magni Mogolis Imperium de novo correctum et divisum'. By F. de Witt. A m s t e r d a m . At I. Covens & C . Mortier. N.d. (c. 1700). 2 scales. Col. 6 0 , 9 χ 53,7 c m . (XXXIII n o . 84) 'Geographica Nova ex Oriente Gratiosissima, d u a b u s tabulis specialissimis c o n t e n t a , q u a r u m una Mare Caspium, altera Kamtzadaliam seu Terram Jedso curiose e x h i b e n t ' . By J.B. H o m a n n . Nürnberg. N.d. ( 1 8 t h cent.). N o scale. Col. 6 3 , 2 χ 54,0 cm. (XXXI no. 35) India 'Carte des Indes et de la Chine'. By G. Delisle. At Pierre Mortier. A m s t e r d a m . N.d. (18th cent.). 4 scales. Col. 65,2 χ 62,1 cm. (XXXIII no. 9 7 ) 'Carte des Indes Orientales': I. 'Les Indes dega la riviere de Ganges, le Golfe de Bengale, Siam, Malacca, Sumatra . . . . ' , and II. 'Les Isles de S o n d e , l'Archipel des Philippines & les Isles M o l o q u e s . . .'. (Two maps pasted together). By T o b i e Mayer. At Heredes H o m a n n . Nürnberg. Privilege 1748. 4 scales. Col. 53 χ 9 5 c m . (XXXIII nos. 8 2 - 8 3 a n d 85) 'Imperii Magni Mogolis sive Indici Padschach j u x t a recentissimas navigationes accurata Delineatio Geographica'. By M. Seutter. Engraved by Albrecht Carl S e u t t e r . N.d. ( 1 8 t h cent.). 2 scales. Col. 6 1 , 4 χ 54,2 c m . (XXXIII n o . 8 6 ) 'India Orientalis, cum Adjacentibus lnsulis Nova Delineatio'. By M. Seutter, Augsburg. N.d. ( 1 8 t h cent.). 2 scales. Col. 63,1 χ 54,2 c m . (XXXIII n o . 8 0 ) 'Carte von Ost-Indien oder desjenigen Theils von Asien worinn verschiedene Europaeische Maechte Colonien besitzen . . . zur Erläuterung der Geschichten des gegenwärtigen Krieges dienlich, wie solches zu Anfang des 1764 J a h r e s gestanden . . .'. Also with F r e n c h t e x t . N o scale. Col. 18,2 χ 28,2 c m . (XXXIII n o . 117) 'Peninsula Indiae citra Gangen, hoch est Orae celeberrimae Malabar & C o r o m a n d e l c u m adjacente Insula non minus celebratissima C e y l o n ' . A f t e r Delisle by Heredes H o m a n n . Nürnberg. 1733. 4 scales. Col. 53,2 χ 58,1 c m . (XXXIII nos. 87 a n d 93-94) 'Grund-Riss u n d Prospect d e r . . . Vestung u n d S t a d t Dansburg u n d T r a n k e n b a r nach dem geometrischen Entwurf derer Königl. Dänischen Evangelischen Missionarien alda in gegenwärtiger Carte vorgestellet. .,. verlegt von Matthaeus S e u t t e r , . . . Augsburg'. With 'Prospect der Königl. Dänischen Vestung u n d S t a d t Dansburg u n d T r a n k e n b a r in Ost-Indien'. N.d. ( 1 8 t h cent.). N o scale. 5 9 , 8 χ 54,3 c m . (XXXIII no. 9 0 ) 38

Juliane Marie Atl. 'Accurater geographischer Entwurf d e r . .,. Stadt und Vestung Trankenbar oder Tarangenbadi u n d Dansburg nebst denen dazu gehörigen Flecken und Dörfern auch etlichen angräntzenden Orten u n d Gegenden des Königl. Tanschaurchen Gebiets aus denen eingesandten Berichten der Königl. Dänisch. Evangel. Missionarien in Ost-Indien . . . geometrisch verfertiget. ... verleget von Matthaeus Seutter, Augsburg'. With a special sheet in German and Latin describing Tranquebar. 1 scale. N.d. (18th cent.). Col. 58,1 χ 54,2 cm. (XXXIII no. 91) 'Geografische u n d Historische Beschreibung dieser Geometrischen Charte von der Königlichen Dänischen Colonie Trankenbar Grund und Boden und der Küste ChoromandeF, a descriptive text in German and Latin. Appurtenant to the above map XXXIII no. 91). Uncol. (XXXIII no. 92) 'Grundriss von Pondicheri im Iahre 1761'. 1 scale. Col. 20,3 χ 29,0 cm. (XXXIII no. 18) Sri Lanka


'Ceylon olim Taprobana incolis Tenarisin et Lekawn dicta'. By M. Seutter, Augsburg. N.d. (18th cent.). 3 scales. Col. 61,2 χ 54,2 cm. (XXXIII no. 96) China 'Neue Landkarte von dem Keyserthum China und angraenzenden Landen'. By Ionas Körte. Altona. N.d. 2 scales. Uncol. 38,5 χ 34,1 cm. (XXXIII no. 101) 'Opulentissimum Sinarum Imperium j u x t a recentissimam Delineationem in suas Provincias disterminatum'. By Μ. Seutter. N.d. (18th cent.). 2 scales. Col. 63,0 χ 62,8 cm. (XXXIII no. 103) 'Regni Sinae vel Sinae Propriae Mappa et Descriptio Geographica ex mappis particularibus, quas Sinarum Rex Cang Hi opera patrum missionariorum . . . . concinnari fecit perfecta'. By J.M. Hass after maps of R.P. du Halde and d'Anville. At Homann. Hered. N.d. (18th cent.). 4 scales. Col. 54,5 χ 60,9 cm. (XXXIII nos. 98, 100, 102, 104, 106) 'Tatariae Sinensis Mappa geographica ex tabulis specialibus R.R. P.P. Iesuitarum nec non relationibus R.P. Gerbillon per Dom. d'Anville . . . primum anno 1732, nunc secundum . . . per Tobiam Mayer'. At Homann. Hered. 1749. 7 scales. Col. 82,2 χ 54,4 cm. (XXXIII nos. 1 0 8 - 1 0 9 ) Japan 'Regni Japoniae Nova Mappa geographica ex indigenarum observationibus delineata'. By Engelbert Kaempfer and M. Seutter. N.d. (18th cent.). 2 scales. Col. 62,1 χ 54,3 cm. (XXXIII n o . 113) The Philippines 'Carte Hydrographique & Chorographique des Isles Philippines'. By Pierre Murillo Velarde. Manila. 1734. Reduced by G.M. Lowitz, Nürnberg. 1750. Published by Homann's heirs. 1760. 3 scales. Col. 59,5 χ 98,8 cm. (XXXIV nos. 1 6 6 - 1 6 7 ) Java 'Der Hollaendisch-Ostindianischen Compagnie Weltberühmte Haupt- Handels- und Niederlags-Stadt Batavia . . . nach ihren Grund-Ris und Prospect'. By Homann's heirs, Nürnberg. 1733. No scale. Col. 59,1 χ 54,2 cm. (XXXIII no. 119)


Priv. Library of Her Majesty Africa General maps 'Novissima et perfectissima Africae Descriptio'. By C. Allard. Amsterdam. N.d. Graticule. Col. 63,2 χ 53,5 cm. (XXXIII no. 124) 'Africa secundum legitimas projectionis stereographicae regulas'. By J.M. Hass. At Homann. Hered. N.d. (18th cent.). Graticule. Col. 57,3 χ 53,3 cm. (XXXIII nos. 122, 126, 132, 136, 139) 'Accuratissima totius Africae Tabula'. By Jac. de Sandrart. Nürnberg. Engraved by J.B. Homann. N.d. (18th cent.). Graticule. Col. 63,0 χ 54,2 cm. (XXXIII no. 130) 'Totius Africae Accuratissima Tabula denuo correcta revisa'. By F. de Witt. Amsterdam. At Covens et Mortier. N.d. (c. 1700). Graticule. Col. 63,1 χ 54,2 cm. (XXXIII no. 134) 'Africa iuxta Navigationes et Observationes Recentissimas aucta, correcta . . . ' . By M. Seutter, Augsburg. N.d. (18th cent.). Graticule. 63,2 χ 52,0 cm. (XXXIII no. 138) 'Africae magna pars ad Illustrationem Historiae Ecclesiasticae'. By M. Seutter. Augsburg. N.d. (18th cent.). 2 scales. Col. 61,5 χ 54,4 cm. (XXXIII no. 168) North


'Barbaria'.With a map of the entire coast of North Africa. By F. de Witt, Amsterdam. At I. Covens et C. Mortier. N.d. (18th cent.). No scale. Col. 64,2 χ 52,7 cm. (XXXIII no. 142) 'Statuum Maroccanorum Regnorum nempe Fessani, Maroccani, Tafiletani et Segelomessani secundum suas provincias accurate divisorum Typus generalis novus.' By J.C. Homann. Nürnberg. 1728. With prospects of Morocco and Meknes (Mequinetz). 1 scale. Col. 58,3 χ 52,8 cm. (XXXIII nos. 145, 147, 149) 'Algercum Munita Metropolis Regni Algeriani'. (Also with a German text). With a prospect. By M. Seutter. N.d. (18th cent.). No scale. Col. 62,7 χ 54,3 cm. (XXXIII no. 146) 'Topographica Repraesentatio Barbarici Portus et Urbis Munita Oran'. With 'Prospect von der Küste um Oran'. By Chr. Gebhart. At Homann. Hered. 1732. (Also with German text). 2 scales. Col. 59,3 χ 54,2 cm. (XXXIII no. 150) 'Oran munita Urbs'. With a prospect: 'Die Küste von Oran'. By M. Seutter. N.d. (18th cent.). 1 scale. Col. 63,0 χ 54,3 cm. (XXXIII no. 151) 'Carte de l'Egypte, de la Nubie, de l'Abessinie, & c.'. By G. Delisle. Paris. 1707. 3 scales. Col. 64,7 χ 53,0 cm. (XXXIII no. 156) '/Egyptus Hodierna. Ex itinerario . . . Paulli Lucae Franci desumta'. Also with German text. By J.C. Homann. Nürnberg. N.d. (18th cent.). No scale. 54,3 χ 64,2 cm. (XXXIII nos. 155, 157, 159, 161) 'Deserta ./Egypti, Thebaidis, Arabiae, Syriae, etc., ubi accurate notata sunt loca inhabitata per Sanctos Patres Anachoretas'. By M. Seutter. Engraved by G. Rog. N.d. (18th cent.). 1 scale. 63,0 χ 54,2 cm. (XXXIII no. 158)


Juliane Marie Atl. Maps of Europe and European Countries with parts of Africa and/or Asia 'Accuratissima Europae Tabula'. By C. Allard. With parts of North Africa and Asia Minor. N.d. (c. 1700). Graticule. Col. 64,1 χ 50,3 cm. (II no. 45) 'Europa secundum legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae Regulas et juxta recentissimas observationes aeque ac relationes.. . descripta'. By I.M. Has. At Homann. Hered. With parts of North Africa and Asia. 1743. 10 scales. Col. 60,7 χ 53,5 cm. (II nos. 47, 50, 52) 'Europa Christiani Orbis Domina in sua imperia, regna et status exacte divisa'. By J.B. Homann. Nürnberg. N.d. (18th cent.). Graticule. Col. 62,5 χ 53,2 cm. (II nos 51 and 53). 'Europa in partes suas X methodicas a primariis regnis denominatas divisa'. By J.M. Has. At Hered. Homann. With parts of North Africa and Asia. N.d. (18th cent.). 11 scales. Col. 115,5 χ 98,0 cm. (II nos. 5 4 - 5 7 , one map) 'Europa Religionis Christianae, Morum et Pacis ac Belli Artium Cultu Omnium Terrarum Orbis Partium Praestantiss.'. By M. Seutter. Augsburg. With parts of North Africa and Asia. N.d. (18th cent.). Graticule. Col. 64,2 χ 54,5 cm. (II no. 49) 'Novissima et Accuratissima Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae Tabula'. By F. de Witt, Amsterdam. At I. Covens and Mortier. With a part of North-West Africa. N.d. (18th cent.). 3 scales. Col. 68,8 χ 54,5 cm. (Ill no. 19) 'Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae Tabula generalis de l'lsliana aucta'. By I.B. Homann. Nürnberg. With parts of North Africa. Also with Spanish text. N.d. (18th cent.). 3 scales. Col. 66,1 χ 52,8 cm. (Ill no. 27) 'Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae Tabula generalis de l'lsliana aucta'. By I.B. Homann, Nürnberg. With parts of North Africa. Also with Spanish text. (Revised edition of III no. 27). N.d. (18th cent.). 4 scales. Col. 64,5 χ 53,0 cm. (Ill nos. 28 and 30) 'Hispania ex Archetype Roderici Mendez Sylvae'. By G. Delisle. At M. Seutter. Augsburg. With the coastal regions of North-West Africa. N.d. (18th cent.). 5 scales. Col. 68,8 χ 54,6 cm. (Ill no. 29) 'Accurata Designatio Celebris Freti prope Andalusiae Castellum Gibraltar inter in Europam et Africam cum circumjacentibus Portubus et Castellis'. With inter alia a special map 'Accurata Delineatio Hispanici Castelli Ceuta'. N.d. (18th cent.). 4 scales. Col. 65,2 χ 54,8 cm. (Ill no. 40) 'Situation und curieuse Abbildung d e r . . . Gibraltar'. With German text. Of the North African coast is only Ceuta included. N.d. (18th cent.). No scale. Uncol. 44.0 χ 54,5 cm. (Ill no. 43) 'Carte Topografique des Pays et C6tes Maritimes que forment le Detroit de Gibraltar'. With a special chart showing Western Europe and the routes of the ships to the Mediterranean. Also with German text. By Les Heritiers de Homan. 1756. 1 scale. Col. 64,3 χ 54,2 cm. (Ill no. 44) 'Carte nouvelle de l'Isle de Cadix & du Detroit de Gibraltar'. By Jean de Petit. Published by Weidler. Wittenberg. At Heritiers de Homann. N.d. (18th cent.). 4 scales. Col. 54.1 χ 61,0 cm. (Ill no. 46) 'Novissima et Accuratissima Regnorum et Insularum Siciliae et Sardiniae Hydro-Geographica Exhibitio'. By J.A. Rizzi Zannoni. At Homann. Hered. Nürnberg. 1762. Also with Italian text. With part of North Africa. 2 scales. Col. 62,5 χ 54,2 cm. (XIII nos 76 and 80) 41

Priv. Library of Her Majesty 'Siciliae Regnum cum adjacente Insula Sardinia et maxima parte Regni Neapolitani accuratissime Delineat.'. By M. Seutter. Augsburg. With a part of North Africa. N.d. (18th cent.). 3 scales. Col. 62,5 χ 54,4 cm. (XIII no. 77) 'Insularum Melitae vulgo Maltae, Gozae et Comini Correctissima Descriptio'. By F. de Witt. Amsterdam. Privilege 1707. With a special chart showing the geographic position of the islands to the coast of Africa, etc. 3 scales. Col. 64,2 χ 53,4 cm. (XIII no. 83)

Views ('Prospecter') of towns 'Aleppo, een vermaerde Stadt in Syrien'. N.d. Uncol. 35,0 χ 29,2 cm. (XXXIII no. 34) 'Tripolis in Syrien volgens de Afteeckening gedaen in t'laer 1638' (? ). (XXXIII no. 35) 'Ingressus in Templum Solis Palmirae, ab orientem partem*. By G.B. Probst. Augsburg. Uncol. 52,5 χ 38,0 cm. (XXXIII no. 36) and Col. 48,0 χ 34,9 cm. (XXXIII no. 37) 'Ruinae magni Templi Palmirae ab occidentem partem'. By J.J. Stelzer and G.B. Probst. Augsburg. Uncol. 51,1 χ 37,1 cm. (XXXIII no. 38) and Col. 47,9 χ 35,3 cm. (XXXIII no. 39) 'Prospectus generalis Palmirae, ab partis Septentrionalis'. By G.B. Probst. Augsburg. Uncol. 51,5 χ 37,6 cm. (XXXIII no. 40), and Col. 48,2 χ 35,3 cm. (XXXIII no. 41) 'Urbs antiqua Palmira sicut stat usque hoc tempore'. By G.B. Probst. Augsburg. Uncol. 37,8 χ 52,2 cm. (XXXIII no. 42) and Col., 48,3 χ 34,6 cm. (XXXIII no. 43) 'Ierusalem'. With explanation in German. N.d. Col. 110,5 χ 51,5 cm. (XXXIII no. 59) 'Ierusalem'. By I.P. Wolffes seel. Erben. N.d. Uncol. 38,9 χ 34,5 cm. (XXXIII no. 63) 'Bassura' (Basra). N.d. Uncol. 36,4 χ 23,8 cm. (XXXIII no. 66) 'Verschiedene Prospecte der Vornemsten Städten in Persien samt vorderst einer unfern dem Caspischen Meer, dem Russischen Reich zugehörig, gelegenen Stadt'. Edited by I.B. Homann. N.d. (18th cent.). With 15 views. Col. 63,4 χ 54,2 cm. (XXXIII no. 76) 'Ierusalem, cum suberbiis, prout tempore Christi floruit'. By M. Seutter. Augsburg. With an explanation in German. N.d. (18th cent.). Col. 62,0 χ 54,3 cm. (XXXIII no. 54) 'Ierusalem, hodierna'. By G.P. Fabbroni and Probst. With an explanation in German. N.d. (18th cent.). Uncol. 90,4 χ 43,3 cm. (XXXIII nos. 57 and 61) 'Constantinopolis. Prospect'. By F.B. Werner Siles. N.d. (18th (? ) cent.). 111,8 χ 46,3 cm. Uncol. (XXII no. 55) and Col. (XXII no. 57)

The Collection of King Christian IX 'Recherches sur l'emplacement de Carthage'. PI. I - V . By C.T. Falbe. Paris. 'Imprim6 par autorisation du Roi ä l'lmprimerie Royale'. N.d. (1840s). (15 no. 5 a - e ) 'Une rue a Yeddo'. 1868. By A. de Neuville et A. Masson. Gilquin fils impr. des Fosses, Paris. (15 no. 15)


Works on Geography

Works on Geography ('Geografiske Vaerker') A collection of atlases and maps. Only items published before 1850 are included. No. 1 is a collection of single maps published by the firm of J.B. Homann, Nürnberg, and later on his heirs and successors. The atlases (volumes) are divided (see below) into Universal Atlases and Other Atlases (including Historical Atlases)

The special Collection of Homann's Maps (G.V. no. 1) 'Planiglobii Terrestris Mappa Universalis utrumque Hemisphaerium Orient, et Occidentale repraesentens'. By Hass and G.M. Lowitz. At Homann. Hered. 1746. Graticule. Col. 65,5 χ 54,7 cm. 'Neue Welt-Karte welche auf zwoo Kugelflaechen die Haupt-Theile der Erde . . . enthält'. At Homann. Erben. Nürnberg. 1784. Graticule etc. Col. 50 χ 59,6 cm. 'Imperium Turcicum in Europa, Asia et Africa Regiones Proprias, Tributarias, Clientelares . . .'. By J.B. Homann. Nürnberg. 3 scales. N.d. (18th cent.). Col. 63,7 χ 54 cm. 'Totius Danubii cum Adjacentibus Regnis nec non Totius Graeciae et Archipelagi Novissima Tabula'. By A.G. Boehmius. Nürnberg. 1766. At Homann. Hered. With parts of Africa and Asia Minor. 61 χ 52 cm. 'Charte vom Osmanischen Reiche in Europa, gemeinlich die Europäische Türkey genannt'. With a part of Asia Minor. By F.S. Güssefeld. Nürnberg. 1802. At the Homann. Erben. 7 scales. Col. 57,5 χ 48,8 cm. 'Asia . . . in partes suas methodicas IX divisa a I. Matth. Hasio . . . designata a M. August Gottlob Boehmio'. At Homann. Hered. 1744. 7 scales. Col. 65 χ 53,9 cm. 'Asiae Minoris Veteris et Novae itemque Ponti Euxini et Paludis Maeotidis Mappa vel Tabula'. By I.M. Hass. At Homann. Hered. 1745. 5 scales. Col. 62,5 χ 52,2 cm. 'Palaestina Ίη XII Tribus divisa, cum terris adiacentibus'. Revised by Johs. Christoph. Harenbergh. At Homann. Hered. Nürnberg. 1750. 5 scales. Col. 65 χ 54,8 cm. 'Judaea seu Palaestina ob sacratissima Redemtoris vestigia hodie dicta Terra Sancta'. By I.B. Homann after G. Sanson. N.d. (18th cent.). 4 scales. Col. 59,6 χ 50,5 cm. 'Tabula Geographica qua Pars Russiae Magnae, Pontus Euxinus seu Mare Nigrum et Tartaria Minor'. By J.B. Homann. Nürnberg. 4 scales. N.d. (18th cent.). Col. 54,3 χ 64,5 cm. 'Charte das Russische Reich und die von den Tatarn bewohnten Länder in Europa und Asia enthaltend'. By F.L. Güssefeld. Nürnberg. 1786. At Homännische Erben. 4 scales. Col. 63,7 χ 50,3 cm. 'östlicher Theil des Russischen Reiches oder Sibirien mit den Kurilischen, Aleutischen und Fuchs-Inseln'. With a special chart of the two last mentioned groups of islands. By F.L. Güssefeld. Nürnberg. 1812. At Homanns Erben, now Christoph Fembo. 1813. 3 scales. Col. 62 χ 50 cm. 'Tartariae Maioris sive Asiaticae Tabula, quae praesertim complectit Tartariam Russicam, Tartariam Sinensem et Tartariam Independentem sive Reliquam'. By I.M. Hass. At Homann. Hered. Nürnberg. 1730. 3 scales. Col. 63,8 χ 56,2 cm. 'Regni Sinae vel Sinae Propriae Mappa et Descriptio Geographica'. By I.M. Hass. At Homann. Hered. N.d. (18th cent.). 4 scales. Col. 56,4 χ 62,4 cm.


Priv. Library of Her Majesty 'Africa secundum legitimas projectionis stereographicae regulas'. By I.M. Hass. At Homann. Haered. N.d. (18th cent.). 4 scales. Col. 64,9 χ 54,6 cm. 'Charte von Africa'. By F.L. Güssefeld. Nürnberg. 1797. At Homannische Erben. 6 scales. Col. 57 χ 50,5 cm. 'Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae Tabula generalis ad statum hodiernum'. With a part of Northwest Africa. By D.T. Lopez and F.L. Güssefeld. At Homann. Haered. 1782. 5 scales. Col. 64,5 χ 54,7 cm. The same m a p published in 1812. At Homann. Haered., now Christoph. Fembo. 1813. 64,6 χ 50,4 cm.

Universal Atlases Atlas Manualis Scholasticus et Itinerarius complectens Novae Geographiae Tabulas L (50). Engraved by Christoph. Weigel, Nürnberg. Edited by I.D. Koeler. N.d. (G.V. no. 2) Atlas Universel. By Robert and Robert Vaugondy, his son. Paris, 1757. (G.V. no. 3) Allgemeine Abbildung des Erdbodens in zwanzig Landchärtlein für die Anfänger in der Geographie. By Johann Michael Franz. Nürnberg, 1764. (G.V. no. 4 ) Charte göographique et minöralogique de la route de Brest ä Paris et de Paris ä Tobolsk en Siberie. By Chappe d'Auteroche. 1769. (G.V. no. 16) Regelmaessig Planisphaerium og geografisk hydrographisk Haandatlas (Regular Planisphere and Geographie and Hydrographie Handatlas). By Η. Hansen. Copenhagen, 1790. (G.V. no. 6) Atlas de toutes les parties connues du globe terrestre, dresse pour l'histoire philosophique et politique des Etablissements et du commerce des Europeens dans les Deux Indes. N.d. (c. 1790). (G.V. no. 5) Grosser Deutscher Atlas über die Welt. By Franz J o h . Jos. von Reilly. Wien, 1795. (G.V. no. 3a) Allgemeiner Handatlas der ganzen Erde. Wien and Pesth, 1807. (G.V. no. 7) Atlas universel de göographie physique, politique, statistique et mineralogique. Litographed by Ode. Edited by Vandermaelen. Brussels, 1827. (G.V. no. 8) Haand-Atlas til brug for laerde, borger- og almue-skoler (Handatlas intended to meet the Want of Grammar Schools, Primary and Middle Class Schools). By Th. Gliemann. 3rd edition by J. Riise. Copenhagen, 1827. (G.V. no. 9) Essais de giographie m6thodique et comparative ou cours de geographie generale, naturelle, physique, politique, historique et militaire. Edited by M.A. Denaix. Paris, 1829. (G.V. no. 10) Atlas isaer med hensyn til ungdommens undervisning (Atlas particularly for the young). By Olsen and Blankensteiner. Copenhagen, 1844. (G.V. no. 12) Atlas isaer med hensyn til ungdommens undervisning (Atlas particularly for the young). By O.N. Olsen and C.V. Rimestad. Copenhagen, n.d. (G.V. no. 12a) Vollständiger Universal-Handatlas der neueren Erdbeschreibung über alle Theile der Erde in 110 Blättern. By Κ. Sohr und F. Handtke. Leipzig u n d Glogau, 1846. (G.V. no. 13)

Other Atlases Individual Countries, Parts of Continents, Regions


Atlas R u s s i c u s . . . vastissimum Imperium Russicum cum adiacentibus r e g i o n i b u s . . .


Works on Geography delineatum exhibens. By Academia Imperialis Scientiarum Petropolitana. St. Petersb u r g , 1 7 4 5 - 5 2 . Also with French text. (G.V. 1 0 6 ) Atlas ginöral et 61ementaire de l'Empire de toutes les Russies. By Ancelin and Le Grand. Moskwa, 1795. ( G . V . 1 0 7 a - b ) Atlas göographique de l'Empire de Russie, du Royaume de Pologne et du Grand Duch6 de Finlande. By Pedischeff. 1 8 2 1 . With Russian and French text. Incomplete. (G.V. 108) Kriegsstrassenkarte von Russland. No date (19th century) or place. 14 maps. Including European Russia with Caucasus. (G.V. 108a) Russia in Europe and the Ural Mountains chiefly coloured from geological researches. By R.I. Murchison, M.E. de Verneuil et Count A. v. Keyserling, assisted by Lieut. Koksharof. London, 1845. 2 maps. (G.V. 109a) General-Karte von einem Theil des Russischen Reichs, in Gouvernements eingetheilt, worauf die Post- und andere Hauptstrassen angezeigt. Translated from the Russian. By Reymann. Berlin, 1802. ( G . V . 1 0 9 ) Carte de l'Empire Ottoman en Europe, en Asie et en Afrique, avec les pays limitrophes. By Lapie. Engraved and published by J . A . Orgiazzi. Paris, 1822. (G.V. 1 1 4 ) Carte generale de la Turquie d'Europe ä la droite du Danube ou des Beglerbeglik de Roum Jli, Bosna et Morie. With special maps o f 'Environs de Constantinople', 'Carte du Canal des Dardanelles' and 'Carte de Thermopiles'. By F. Guillaume de Vaudoucourt. 2. edition. Munich, 1821. (G.V. 115) Carte generale de la Turquie d'Europe. By Lapie. Paris, 1822. (G.V. 1 1 6 ) Recueil de cartes giographiques pour la description de l'lndostan. By J . Rennell. Revised by Buache. Paris, 1 8 0 0 (G.V. 1 1 8 ) Chart of the Nicobar Islands. By Harold Lewis. With special maps and views. Dedicated to Christian VIII. No date or place. (G.V. 118b) Kaart over Nicobar ©erne (Chart o f the Nicobar Islands). 1846. (G.V. 118a) Map o f the North Western Frontier o f British India . . . together with Sind and Rajpootana, the Indus River, and part of Beloochistan. By J . B . Tassin. Calcutta, 1838. (G.V. 119) Carte topographique de l'Egypte et de plusieurs parties des pays limitrophes, levee pendant l'expedition Frangaise. Döpöt de la guerre by Jacotin. Paris, 1 8 1 8 . (G.V. 120) Chart of Van Diemen's Land. By George Will. Evans. Hobart Town, 1821. (G.V. 1 2 4 )

Historical Atlases ('Historiske Vcerker') Collection o f old maps, partly o f the ancient, partly o f the more recent world, mostly with Latin, but partly with Dutch text. No date or place. 4 6 maps, of which one is lacking (17th century). Some o f them have the note 'Auctore Phil. Cluverio'. (H.V. 1) Atlas antiqvus Danvillianus. 1 7 6 0 - 7 9 . By d'Anville. (H.V. 2) Tablettes giographiques, ou Recueil des principales cartes generates et particulieres. Paris, 1665. At Hubert Jaillot. (H.V. 5 ) Atlas gineral, civil et eccl6siastique, methodique & elimentaire pour l'itude de la göographie et de l'histoire. Vols. 1 and 3 - 7 (Vols. 2 and 8 missing). By Brion and Desnos. 3 editions. Paris, 1 7 6 5 - 6 8 . (H.V. 6 )


Priv. Library of Her Majesty Topographisch-historischer Atlas von Hellas und den Hellenischen Colonien. By H. Kiepert. Berlin, 1846. (H.V. 15) Charts ('Sokort- Vcerker') A new Mediterranean Pilot or Collection of Charts from England to the Straits and the Archipelago. By Laurie & Whittle. London, 1744. (Sokort-Vaerker 7) The New East India Pilot being an elegant and useful Collection of Charts both general and particular, for the navigation from the British Islands to the Brazil, the East Indies, and China. By Laurie & Whittle. London, 1796. (Sokort-Vaerker 11)

Collection of Pictures, Photographs, etc. Inventory in the Library Handpainted Chinese Pictures. (I 3) 'Description de l'Egypte'. (IV 1) Views from Turkey (Photographs etc.). (IV 1) Views from Cairo (Photographs etc.). (IV 1) Werner, Karl, 'Nilbilder'. (Incomplete). (IV 1) Historical pictures inter alia from Turkey. (V 2) Leitner, G.W., Photographs from India. (V 3) To King Christian IX and Queen Louise from Store Nordiske Telegrafselskab (Great Northern Telegraph Company). 26 May 1892. Drawings from the Sphere of Activities of the Company. (VII 1) To King Christian VIII, former the August President of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, from the Members of the Academy, 1840. (Accompanying Parcel no. 3) Including Rorbye: Ά Turkish Kiosk'. (No. 25)




Rigsdagsgärden 9, DK-1218, Copenhagen K. Telephone: 01-12 38 78 Hours of the reading room of the First Department: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and from 1 May to 30 September, Saturday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. only (closed 15 June 15 August); the reading room of the Third Department (Army Archives): Monday to Friday only 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Sundays and public holidays, as well as Easter Eve, 5 June (Constitution Day), 24 December and 31 December. The Reading Room is accessible to all Danish and foreign visitors. Photographic Service: Provision of microfilm, enlargements from them, photographs in larger sizes and xerocopies. Smaller orders of photocopies can be executed immediately. Introductory remarks In the Middle Ages, the archives of the Danish kings were kept in the royal castles, especially at Vordingborg and Kaiundborg; c. 1582, the most important of these archives were gathered in Copenhagen Castle; from 1663, the archives of the State and the King made up special archives, until 1889 called the Royal Archives ('Gehejmearkivet'), from then part of the National Archives ('Rigsarkivet')· The civil ministries until 1861 had their own archives, which were united in that year in the Archives of the Kingdom ('Kongerigets Arkiv'), becoming in 1889, however, part of the newly established National Archives. The army had special archives, from 1921 called the Army Archives ('Haerens Arkiv'), the archives of the air force were gradually included. In 1971, the Army Archives became the Third Department of the National Archives. The Royal Archives were in 1720 transferred to the then new-built building of the Royal Archives. About 1910, the National Archives took over the former buildings of the Royal Library. The National Archives house the Archives of the Royal House, keeping the archives of the Danish kings until 1947, together with archives of the central administration, ministries, directorates, central institutions such as the Supreme Court and the Royal Theatre, and of more than 5000 archives of private persons, especially statesmen and politicians, government officials and intellectual leaders. A considerable number of private institutions have also transferred their archives to the National Archives. The number of private archives is steadily increasing. Records are not only taken to mean archival documents on parchment or paper, but also maps, drawings, films, etc. The Collection of Seals comprises both original seals and casts of seals. The Collection of Maps and Drawings relates not only to the present Kingdom of Denmark, but also to the former Duchies of Slesvig and Holstein as well as to the Danish colonies. The Film Collection comprises security films of material in the National Archives and the Provincial Archives as well as of material in Danish country houses and the like; it also includes films of records in foreign archives and libraries to illustrate Danish history; this 47

National Archives collection, known as Danica-films, is steadily increasing; inventories published or in preparation. For the use of the films, there are special microfilm reading rooms. There is also an allied Collection of Photographs, which is now at least partially being worked into the collections of private archives and the Collection of Manuscripts, the latter often also comprises preparatory studies for treatises or copies of unpublished works. The Collection of Tape Recordings and Magnetic Tapes has come into being by transfers from the administration of some electronic data processing tapes, regarded as archival documents and arranged according to provenance. In addition to these there are some tape recordings, especially from private sources. The Library comprises c. 60.000 vols., part of which is placed in the reading room. Regarding accessibility of the records the following regulations apply: Most records from the central administration are accessible, when they are 50 years old. There are, however, exceptions to this principal rule for instance as regards records of a more private character, the limit here being generally 80 years. In most cases scholars will, however, obtain permission to use more recent records for research. For Private Archives the general limit is 80 years, but the person or organization presenting the archives, a person nominated by them, or possibly the Director of the National Archives may permit scholars to use more recent records. The older records of the Royal House are freely accessible. The archives of Kings Frederik VI (died 1839), Christian VIII (died 1848) and Frederik VII (died 1863) are accessible with the permission of the Director of the National Archives. Her Majesty the Queen gives permission to use the archives after 1863. Inventories have been prepared to facilitate use. Some of them are printed in Vejledende Arkivregistraturer, vols. 1—20, others are stencilled or printed in offset with the titles Forebbige Arkivregistraturer, Specialregistraturer or Interne Arkivfortegnelser. A very great number of unprinted inventories is to be found in the inventory room next to the reading room in the form of bound volumes or as card indexes.

Bibliography: Om Rigsarkivet (On the National Archives). Published by the National Archives. Copenhagen, 1914, Sädan er Rigsarkivet (Thus the National Archives Is). Published by the National Archives for the orientation of new collaborators. Copenhagen, 1974;Hvidtfeldt, Johan, Danish Archives, in The New Danish Archives. Rigsarkivet, 1970, p. 9—18; Erslev, Kr., Rigsarkivet og hjcelpemidlerne til dets benyttelse. En oversigt (The National Archives and the Aids to Its Use. A Survey). Copenhagen, 1926 (now partly obsolete); Aarsberetningerfra det kgl. Geheimearchiv (Annual Reports from the Old Royal Archives) I—VII. Copenhagen, 1 8 5 2 - 1 8 8 3 ; Meddelelser fra Rentekammerarchivet 1871-78 (Reports of the Archives of the Chamber of Finance (the Exchequer) 1 8 7 1 - 7 8 ) . Copenhagen, no date;Meddelelser fra det kgl. Geheimearchiv ogdet dermed forenede Kongerigets Arkiv (Reports of the Royal Archives & the Archives of the Kingdom), 1 8 8 3 - 8 6 , 1889. Copenhagen, 1886—89;Meddelelser om Rigsarkivet 1889-1900 (Reports of the National Archives 1 8 8 9 - 1 9 0 0 ) . Copenhagen, 1 8 9 2 - 1 9 0 1 ; Meddelelser fra det danske Rigsarkiv (Reports of the Danish National Archives), I, 1 - 1 3 . Copenhagen, 1 9 0 6 - 1 8 ; M e d d e l e l s e r om Rigsarkivet med Landsarkiverne 1906-20 (Reports of the National Archives with the Provincial Archives 1 9 0 6 - 2 0 ) . Copenhagen, 1 9 2 0 - 2 2 ; M e d d e l e l s e r om Rigsarkivet 1921-55 (Reports of the National Archives 1 9 2 1 - 5 5 ) . Copenhagen, 1958\ Meddelelser om Rigsarkivet og landsarkiverne 1956-60 (Reports of the National Archives and the


Royal House Provincial Archives 1956-60). Copenhagen, 1961; the same, 1961-65. Copenhagen, 1968 (the series is continued); Jorgensen, A.D., Udsigt over de danske rigsarkivers historie (Survey of the History of the Danish National Archives). Copenhagen, 1884 (and photographic reprint); Fra Rigsarkivets Samlinger (From the Collections of the National Archives) II. Gehejmearkivet. Gengivelser af Aktstykker og Breve (The Royal Archives. Reproductions of Records and Letters). By H. Hjelholt. Copenhagen, 1939; Linvald, Axel, Dansk Arkivvcesen (Danish Archives). Copenhagen, 1935,NordiskArkivnyt (Nordic Archives News) 1956 onwards; Jorgensen, Η., Rigsarkivets tjenestemcend 1889-1953 (Officials of the National Archives 1889-1953 Copenhagen, 1953.

The Royal House -


Inventory: Kongehusarkivet fra kongerne Frederik VI's, Christian VIII's og Frederik VII's tid (Archives of the Royal House from the Kings Frederik VI, Christian VIII and Frederik VII). Vejledende Arkivregistraturer XIII. By Velio Helk. Copenhagen, 1963.

King Christian VIII Letters from public authorities, institutions and others, 1805-47. (Bundle no. 116) Including a letter from the Government of Tranquebar, 1839. Letters from and about societies and institutions of sciences and letters, 1809-47. (Bundle no. 119) Including reports from H.C. Orsted as secretary of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 1839-47 (with enclosures relating to the 'Galathea' expedition 1845, inter alia letters to the King from W.H.F. Behn, professor, Georg Weber, M.D., Kiel, as well as from C.F. Kiellerup, entomologist). Letters from various persons, 1794—1848. (43 bundles, nos. 121—63) Including P.O. Brondsted, archaeologist, 1813-42 and n.d. (many); J.A. Carstensen, consul-general, Morocco, 1832—33, 1841; Chr. Τ. Falbe, archaeologist, consul in Tunis, 1842—47 (many); A.C. Gierlew, consul, Tunis, 1816—17; the officer Johs. Harbou, 1846 (enclosed a letter from the governor-general of Algeria, Marshal d'Isly); Andreas Holsten, consul, Algiers, 1816-17;Naval officer Fr. Chr. Holsten, 1816; J. Jongh, consul at Smyrna, 1829. Files relating to the Colonies, 1803-34 (various years). (Bundle no. 247) IncludingC. Ewald's report on the Nicobar Islands, 1803, letters from O.R. Sehested and L. Christensen, Tranquebar, on Guinea, the Nicobar Islands and Tranquebar, 1831.

King Frederik VII Letters from various princes and heads of States, 1841, 1848-63. (Bundle no. 12) Including a letter from Muhammed es-Sadok, Bey of Tunis, 1862. 49

National Archives

Court Officials -


The Cabinet (The Cabinet Secretariat) - Kabinettet (Kabinetssekretariatet) The Cabinet (The Cabinet Secretariat) emerged in the 18th century, all boards sending their representations to it, at first all letters addressed to the King were also received by it (being subsequently distributed to the boards), furthermore it got projects and reports of several kinds. From 1808, journals, etc. were kept regularly. Inventory: Card index in the reading room and folio inventory no. 158.

Cabinet archives of King Christan VII In-letters, 1766-84, including: Report by Simon Hooglant, rear-admiral, on his arrival in the Mediterranean, Nov. 2, 1770; Count J.H.E. Bernstorffs defence of the expedition to Algiers in 1770, Feb. 28, 1771; Andreas ytreboe's diary from a stay in Morocco, 5—21, June 1778 (Copy).

Cabinet Archives of Crown Prince Frederik


In-letters, 1784-1808, including: Letter from the Asiatic Company, Dec. 24, 1791;Poul Levenorn's aide-memoire on Morocco, Jan. 21, 1792; request for military protection of East India trade from Ryberg & Co. as well as other commercial firms, Jan. 5, 1799. For the period 1808 onwards, see the existing series of journals, registers, etc.

Illuminated addresses to King Christian IX and Queen Louise On the occasion of the jubilee, Nov. 15, 1888: From Danes at Christchurch in New Zealand (B no. 55) On the occasion of the golden wedding, 1892: From Danes in New Zealand, May 26, 1892 (A no. 32); from Danish consuls in foreign countries (C no. 97); from Danes at Auckland (C no. 98)

Illuminated addresses to King Christian X and Queen


On the occasion of the jubilee, May 15, 1937: From Danes and Danish consuls in Australia and New Zealand as well as the Fiji Islands (no. 62)


Supreme Court The Lord High Steward's Department - Overhofmarskallatet Inventory: Card index and folio inventory no. 135. 1848-52 (1844-47). Commission on the Distribution of Christian VIII's Private Collections. 1 bundle. (II Q. 19) Including 4. Files relating to C.T. Falbe's work on African numismatics, 1844, 1850-52. 1897. Records relating to the visit of the King of Siam. 1 bundle. (III. 0 . 3)

Supreme Court of Judicature — Hojesteret Established 1661 as the final court of appeal from High Courts of Justice in Denmark, (until 1814) in Norway and (until 1921) in Iceland, as well as in the Danish colonies in the West Indies and the East Indies. A court of first instance in some cases concerning the nobility. From 1781 to 1826 the court of appeal from the High Court of Justice (Overretten) at Tranquebar, later from the city courts at Tranquebar and Frederiksnagore (Serampore). Before 1781, appeals from the Board of Directors of the East India, later the Asiatic, Company in Copenhagen (the Company Court) as regards sentences of death and matters of personal honour for the staff of the Company might be heard before this court. Besides the appealed cases from the East Indies and the Company Court, cases relating to trade and navigation in North Africa and Asia are also to be found, mainly among those appealed from the Copenhagen courts. The archives of the Supreme Court are extensive and difficult to use, owing to the fact that a considerable part was destroyed by fire in 1794 and 1884. The limit of access to these archives is 80 years. The archives after 1915 are still (1976) in the custody of the Court. Inventory: Register (in folio) 107 no. 2 and (on index slips) in the reading room of the National Archives; register (in folio) of the law-suits 1794-1900 (2 vols, in the same place). Cf. Aa. Rasch, Hojesterets Arkiv, Hajesteret 1661-1961. Copenhagen, II, 1961, p. 543-552. Bibliography: Hojesteret 1661-1961,1—II, 1961, especially Ellehej, Svend, Rettens geografiske Virkefelt, I, p. 53-127 (reg. the East Indies p. 100-103); Vedel, S., Den dansknorske Hoiesterets Historie under Enevcelden fra 1661 indtil 1790. Copenhagen, 1888; Jorgensen, Troels GDanmark-Norges Hofesteret 1790-1814. Copenhagen, 1930; Hojesteretstidende 1857-1958 prints the judgments of the court; from the year 1959 printed in Ugeskrift for Retsveesen, Section A. The main series are: Books of writs ('Staevningsbager') (with writs and decisions as well as indexes), 1662-99, 1778-84, 1791, 1794-1800, continued in a special sort of registers ('Domprotokoller') 1801-1900 (now without indexes). 263 volumes.


National Archives The Supreme Court's Printed Orders of cases fixed for the Court ('Hejesteretsordener'), 1681-1849 (with gaps) including a valuable survey of the appealed cases, arranged according to the courts and commissions, by which appeals were made, e.g. from the Board of Directors of the East India Company, in 1765 ff. from the Court of the Asiatic Company, are placed at the end of the books, and so are from 1785 (1786) East India affairs appealed from The High Court of Justice (at Tranquebar). Registers of judgments ('Dombeger'), with reports on the hearing of the case, including writ and former judgment in the case, evidence by the parties, judgment (but no deliberation of judgment by the judges), 1 6 6 2 - 9 9 (1667, 1669 and 1682 missing) (with indexes of names), 1794-1915, in recent time only giving the judgment. Minutes of judges' deliberations ('Voteringsboger'), 1661-1915, from the 1780's with decisions; two special minute books of East India cases, 1696-97. The series has no gaps in the 18th century and was kept in two specimens, only one of these has been lost by fire; for the years 1 7 0 0 - 9 4 these volumes are thus of inestimable value. Judgment papers ('Domsakter'), 1 6 6 1 - 1 9 1 5 ( 1 6 6 1 - 1 7 2 6 , drafts and enclosures of cases), in general only continuously preserved from 1794 ( 1 6 6 1 - 1 8 6 0 in total 1828 bdls.). Including: Deliberations in 2 cases against the former governor of Tranquebar, Axel Juel, heard by the Supreme Court, Dec. 23, 1690; Deliberation in a case against the former governor, Mouritz Hartmann, heard by the Supreme Court, May 14, 1697, the two cases appealed from commission judgments; Records of the law-suit Councillor Jacob Edvard Colbiomsen versus Rama Suamin, appeal from the High Court of Justice at Tranquebar, adjudged April 6, 1799; Records of the law-suit Armuga Pulle versus the Government of Tranquebar, appeal from the High Court of Justice at Tranquebar, adjudged February 2, 1801; Records of the law-suit The widow Singarammal versus Kasturir Rengapa Nain and Suppiramannien about a stone-built house and plot at Tranquebar, appeal from the High Court of Justice at Tranquebar of a case originally adjudged by the Black Court ('Sorteretten') at Tranquebar, adjudged June 19,1807. Among cases conducted in Denmark e.g. Agent Christian Wilh. Duntzfeldt & Co. versus the Board of the Asiatic Company as to importation of nankeen from China, appeal from the Copenhagen City Court, adjudged February 21, 1799; and Captain P.A. Janssen and others versus the West Indian Trading Company, appeal of commission judgment. - The records of this case comprise 4 bundles, supplementing material in the archives of the West Indian Trading Company (which see) — and including information on an unsuccessful trade voyage to the East Indies by the 'Heinrich Carl'; they include letter book of Captain Janssen and the assistants, 1783-88; letter book of the assistants, D.A.G. Christian! and Lassen, 1783-84; cashbook, 1 7 8 4 - 8 6 ; trade journal, 1 7 8 4 - 8 6 ; lists of expenditure, 1783-88; payroll, 1783-85; register of belongings of deceased or deserted sailors and other members of the crew, sold at auctions, 1783—86; consumption list with inventory of the ship's provisions; statements of European and Bengal goods and parts of the cargo sold in Bengal, 1 7 8 3 - 8 6 ; statements of cargo from Tranquebar to the Nicobars and Pegu, 1785. 52

Privy Council

The Privy Council - Geheimekonseillet 1 6 7 0 - 1 7 7 0 From 1670 a Privy Council had existed, soon becoming an essential part of the discharge of foreign affairs, an intermediate authority between the Chancery and the King, in which foreign affairs were dealt with, often in the presence of the King. Minutes were at times kept of these meetings, seldom, however, relating to North Africa and Asia. Inventory: Tyske Kancelli II (German Chancery II), Vejledende Arkivregistraturer XI, by Arthur G. Hasse and Erik Kroman with introduction by Carl S. Christiansen. Copenhagen, 1962, p. 7 - 1 3 , 2 3 - 3 2 . English (abridged) edition: Danish Department of Foreign Affairs until 1770, Vejledende Arkivregistraturer XVI, by Arthur G. Hasso and Erik Kroman. Translated by Mogens Moller. Copenhagen, 1973, p. 3 and 7 - 1 1 . A more detailed card index in the reading room. 1670-85, 1692-1708. Minute books of the Privy Council on foreign affairs. 9 vols. (nos. 1-9) 1703-07. Minute books on foreign affairs ('Protocollum Consilii Regii Sanctions'). 5 vols. (nos. 10—14) 1714-58. Minute books on foreign affairs ('Protocollum Consilii Regii Sanctions'). 11 vols. (nos. 1 5 - 2 5 ) The character of these volumes diverges to some extent from the above mentioned. 1705-45. Minute books on the conferences of the Privy Council with foreign envoys ('Protocollum Conferentiarum Secretions Consilii Regii'). 4 vols. (nos. 2 6 - 2 9 ) 1675-76. Minute books kept in the Privy Council and elsewhere ('Protocolla holden udj Geheime Raad og andensteds'). 1 bundle (no. 30) 1 6 8 0 - 1 7 1 1 , 1 7 5 9 and undated. Draft notes on and documents from negotiations of the Council. 1 bundle (no. 38) 1647-68. Opinions, relations and letters from Privy Councillors and others 1 bundle, (no. 42) Including e.g. Report of Nov. 12, 1751 by J.L. Holstein, C.A. v. Berckentin, F.L. v. Dehn and J.H.E. Bernstorff relating to negotiation with the Emperor of Morocco.

Danish Chancery — Danske Kancelli Until the establishment of the Board of Trade in 1735 matters concerning the Danish East India Company and its possessions were dealt with by the Danish Chancery. Supervision of Christian missionary activities in the East Indies was, however, transferred to the Mission Board on its establishment in 1714. Older treaties concerning the East Indies are to be sought in the groups Treaties: East Indies and Persia (Traktater: Ostindien og Persien) (which see). Even after 1735, church and school matters (including matters regarding chaplains both for the East Indies and China) as well as mission matters of importance and finally certain aspects of the administration of justice in the East Indies came 53

National Archives under the Danish Chancery. For the period after 1800 the general series of volumes and bundles must be studied. Some information from the period before 1572 can also be found in the archives of the Chancery. - The Danish Chancery was abolished 1848. Inventory: Danske Kancelli og de dermed beslcegtede institutioner (The Danish Chancery and Kindred Institutions), second ed., Copenhagen, 1943. Vejledende Arkivregistraturer I, by Bjorn Kornerup, p. 1-129, with introduction; see also: Oversigt over forretningsgangen og de af denne fremgaaede arkivalier i Kancelliet og de dermed beslaegtede institutioner (Survey of the Procedure and the Records resulting from it in the Chancery and the Kindred Institutions), Meddelelser fra det kgl. Geheimearkiv ogdet dermed forenede Kongerigets Arkivfor 1883-85 (Reports of the Royal Archives and the Archives of the Kingdom for the Years 1883-85). Copenhagen, 1886, p. 65-155. A detailed card index is available in the reading room. Chancery Department 1572-1660 Letter books, drafts, enclosures, etc. Copies of royal letters relating to the East Indies were until 1660 mainly entered in the volumes for Sealand (the main series). 1572-1660. Sealand registers of letters patent ('Sjaellandske Registre'). 14 vols. (B 54) 1572-1660. Sealand letter books for letters close ('Sjaellandske Tegnelser'). 23 vols. (B 57) The drafts of these letters are in the series: 1572-1650. Drafts of Sealand registers for letters patent. 7 bundles. (B 55) 1572-1650. Drafts of Sealand letter books for letters close. 21 bundles. (B 58) 1651 — 1660. Drafts and enclosures of Sealand registers for letters patent. 9 bundles. (B 56) 1651-1660. Drafts and enclosures of Sealand letter books for letters close. 28 bundles. (B 59) Letters received in the series. 1572-1650. Enclosures of registers for letters patent ('Registre') and letter books for letters close ('Tegnelser') as well as matters ('Henlagte sager') without (final) answer (from Scania, Sealand, Funen, Lolland with Falster ('Smälandene') and Jutland). 54 bundles. (B 160) For the enclosures, a card index is available in the reading room (Letters received and enclosures. Denmark, 1481 — 1660), with a register in 2 vols, of personal names and place names in the enclosures as well as the matters shelved ('Henlagte sager') 1481-1650, see especially here under the headings: Ostindien (East Indies), 1618-39; Ostindisk handel (East India Trade), 1621-30; Ostindiske skibe (East India ships), 1622—41, and Ostindisk Kompagni (East India Company), 1619-50; Algier, fanger i (Algiers, captives in), 1633; Tyrkiet, fanger i (Turkey, captives in), 1630-50; Persien, handel (Persia, trade), 1641. Extracts from royal letters, issued out of the Danish Chancery, printed in Kancelliets Brevb0ger 1551-1645. Copenhagen, 1885-1968. 24 vols. As regards matters concerning Norway, Iceland and the Faroes details on e.g. slave raids and buccaneering expeditions carried out by Turks and especially Algerians must often be sought in: 1572-1660. Norwegian registers for letters patent ('Norske Registre'). 9 vols. (B 84) 54

Danish Chancery 1 5 7 2 - 1 6 6 0 . Norwegian letter books for letters close ('Norske Tegnelser'). 10 vols. (B 88) Enclosures to Norwegian and Icelandic files have been handed over to the National Archives of the countries in question. Card index of the transferred records in the reading room of the Danish National Archives. Extracts or complete copies of royal letters concerning Norway, Iceland and the Faroes, issued through the Danish Chancery, printed in Norske Rigs-Registranter tildeels i uddrag. 1523-1660, vols. I - X . Christiania, 1 8 6 1 - 9 1 . 1 6 1 6 - 1 6 3 9 . Various royal dispatches relating to the East India Company. 1 bundle. (B 144) 1616—1660. Various letters, documents and files relating to the East India Company. I - I V . 1 bundle. (B 169) Comprising: I. Royal letters patent and letters to the Chancellor, 1 6 1 8 - 2 6 . II. Letters received, etc., 1 6 1 6 - 3 9 , 1 6 5 0 - 5 8 . Including e.g. ship's articles, Nov. 1618 and a few letters from the East Indies. III. Various documents, including e.g. 2. Short report on how Indian trade has been founded and caused, with extracts of the treaty of alliance with the Emperor of Ceylon and of the privileges of the Company, s.d. (c. 1618); 3. The basis of Danish trade in India, 1620; 4. The Emperor of Ceylon's power of attorney for Marchelis, Prince of Migomme, March 2 2 , 1 6 1 8 (in Danish translation); 5. Danish and German translations of a letter on gold foil from Ragunada, the Naik of Tanjore, to the Ministers of the Danish King, 1620; 6. Estimate of East Indian equipment, 1622; 7. A short extract of the progress of the Indian voyage by Ove Giedde, presented to the Chancellor, May 1623 (Copy); 8. Ove Giedde's report, presented on royal order, on his voyage to the Indian countries, negotiations with the Emperor of Ceylon and the Naik of Tanjore, 1 6 1 8 - 2 2 , presented to the Chancellor, May 1 , 1 6 2 3 . 294 p. Printed in Schlegel, J.H., Samlung zur Dänischen Geschichte, I, 3, 1772, p. 2 9 - 1 2 5 . IV. Various documents from the Company's archives in Copenhagen and from Tranquebar. Including: 1. Treaty between the King of Denmark and the Emperor of Ceylon, August 2, 1618 (German fair copy on parchment); 2. Extract of letters received from the East India fleet as well as various letters, 1619, etc.; 4. Berent Pessart's archives as President of the Danish trading company on the Coromandel Coast including copy of Roland Crapp6's power of attorney, Nov. 9, 1636 (German); Copies of letters to the Spanish governor of the Philippines, March 1, 1638 (Dutch and Portuguese), and a letter from P. Lützen, April 17, 1643 (German); 5. Instructions for Jakob v. Stachelberg at the fort of Dansborg, Jan. 18, 1642 as well as letters to him, 1 6 3 7 - 4 3 (Dutch); 6. Instructions for Jens Hansen at Bantam, Oct. 9, 1638; 7. Page from the minutes of proceedings of ship's council on board the 'St. Jacob' Oct. 4, 1638-April 12, 1639, 8. Letter to Niels Andersen, chaplain at the fort of Dansborg, June 3, 1643.

Department of Finance-Rentekammerafdelingen 1 5 8 8 - 1 6 6 0

Various assignments 1 6 3 3 - 3 8 . Contract book. 1 vol. (B 189a) Including estimates of provisions for East India voyages.


National Archives Papers relating to the East India Trading Company, etc. 1617-48. East India Company. 5 bundles. (B 244) I. Original royal missives, and orders to the treasurers (rentemestrene), 1630-36. II. Records concerning the King's account with the Company: 1. Various extracts of expenditure and lists, 1617-38; 2. Various accounts of expenditure, 1618-24, 1629. III. Accounts of the Company: 1. Accounts of the stores manager (incomplete), 1617-20. 2. Records relating to auditing of the Company's accounts 1618-33 by the Department of Finance. 3. Various accounts, 1618-48, including a contract for the supply of pepper from Bantam, undated (before 1650) (Javanese language and characters). IV. Records relating to Roland Crapp6, commandant of Dansborg (Tranquebar), 1622-45. V. Equipment of ships: 1. His Majesty's ships 'Elephanten' and 'David' as well as the burghers's ships 'Köppenhagen' and 'Christianus IV', 1618. 2. Sloop 'Neptun', 29 Jan.—3 March 1619. 3. 'Perlen', 3 May 1 6 2 1 - 9 Nov. 1622; 4. 'Christianshavn', 14 Aug.—8 Oct. 1622; 5. Various estimates and calculations for the equipment of ships, 1621-1622; 6. 'Sanct Anna', 1634-38 (Equipment accounts, 1634-35, with vouchers; accounts of monthly allowances, board-wages and allowance, 1634-35; various records, 1634-38); 7. 'Den forgyldte Sol' and 'Christianshavn', 1636-42 (Various records, 1636-38; equipment accounts, 1639-42, with vouchers). 1639-50. Accounts relating to Claus Rytter's East India voyage in 'Den forgyldte Sol'. 2 bundles. (B 245) 1. Accounts 22 Oct. 1639-29 Oct. 1643 partly with vouchers; 2. Accounts of income and expenditure in Brazil, 18 March-12 May 1644, with vouchers; 3. Accounts of income and expenditure in England, 7 July, 1644—21 March 1646, with vouchers; 4. Account of a loan raised, March 14, 1646 in London; 5. Abstract of accounts and audit records (Auditor's comments with replies, etc.), 1650 and n.d.; 6. Journal and ledger regarding the crew of 'Den forgyldte Sol', 1639—45; 7. Original wills drawn up by the crew of 'Den forgyldte Sol', 1 6 4 0 - 4 4 ; 8. Records as to settling of accounts between the treasurer and the crew of 'Den forgyldte Sol', 1646-47; 9. Varia: a. Statement of account with Abraham Oschrin, assistant, 1640-43; b. Statement of account with Kei Zernalla, 1641-42; c. Account current between Claus Rytter and Herman Clausen at Bantam for sale of goods etc. to the benefit of the East India Company, March 21, 1643; d. Two receipts for rent at Bantam, 1642—43 (Javanese language and characters); e. Documents relating to Claus Rytter, n.d; f. Letter to Claus Rytter relating to Willum Leyel, April 17, 1643.

Papers left by Officials Archives of Willum Leyel, commandant of Dansborg (Tranquebar) (died 1654) 1639-48. Correspondence and accounts. 3 bundles. (B 246) A. Correspondence and various records: I. Documents regarding Willum Leyel's archives and his suspected defrauding, May—December 1648. 56

Danish Chancery II. Correspondence (in Danish, German and English): 1. Letter book of letters to the store-keepers of the East India Company in Denmark, March 18, 1640-Nov. 15, 1646; 2. Drafts of letters sent, 1 6 4 0 - 4 7 ; 3. Letters received, 1 6 4 1 - 4 8 . III. Various Danish records and instructions: 1. Various records, 1 6 3 9 - 4 7 ; 2. Instructions, 1644—47. IV. Correspondence with Indian princes, 1645—47 (chiefly in Portuguese), including 3 letters in Arabic characters and wordlists. V. Correspondence and various records in Dutch: 1. Drafts of letters, 1640—47; 2. Letters received, 1 6 3 9 - 4 8 ; 3. Various records, 1 6 3 9 - 4 7 . VI. Correspondence and various records in Portuguese and Spanish: 1. Drafts of letters, 1 6 4 5 - 4 8 ; 2. Letters received, 1 6 4 3 - 4 8 ; 3. Various records, 1643—48. B. Accounts: I. 1 6 3 9 - 4 4 ('Christianshavn'): I. Equipment account, 29 Oct.—12 Nov., 1639; 2. Accounts of receipts and expenditure, March 3, 1 6 4 0 - F e b . 7, 1643 ; 3. Four statements of receipts and expenditure, Oct. 28, 1639—March 29, 1642; 4. List of goods, Nov. 27, 1642; 5. List of captured Bengali goods and slaves, Dec. 14, 1 6 4 3 - J a n . 21, 1644. II. The fortress of Dansborg June 1 6 4 4 - J a n . 1648: 1. Account of receipts, June 22, 1 6 4 4 - J a n . 31, 1648; 2. Receipts and expenditure for the estate of Herman Clausen, Sept. 4, 1644; 3. Settlement of accounts with Lambert Jannsson, July 3 1 , 1 6 4 6 ; 4. List of expenditure ( i n Dutch), Sept. 12, 1646—Aug. 3, 1647 (incl. 3 vouchers (in Dutch)); 5. Account of receipts and expenditure for customs, Sept. 1, 1646-Aug. 15, 1647; 6. Muster roll of His Majesty's servants in India, Dec. 12, 1645 (including a separate roll of the original crew of 'Christianshavn', 1639—47); 7. Accounts of monthly wages and salaries with maintenance paid, Juli 1, 1 6 4 4 - S e p t . 30, 1645; 8. List of salaries and monthly wages paid, Nov. 27, 1647; 9. Invoice of merchandise and groceries purchased, Sept. 1 , 1 6 4 4 - J a n . 1, 1645, Oct. 1646; 10. Lists of goods in the house of the commandant, Oct. 9, 1645—Aug. 11, 1647; 11. Inventory and list of materials and munitions, delivered to Poul Hansen, merchant, Oct. 18, 1645; 12. List of merchandise and groceries delivered to Henrik Hansen, Aug. 27, 1647; 13. List of cash delivered to Poul Hansen Korser, merchant, August 28 and 29, 1647. III. Equipment of ships and statements of account for merchant vessels August 1644—March 1648: 1. All ships: a) List of canvas, munitions etc. delivered to the ships, Aug. 2 0 - 2 3 , 1644; b) List of arrack loaded in the ships, M a y - J u n e 1645; c) Settlement of accounts with the ships finished, Aug. 28, 1647; 2. 'Christianshavn' 1645—47; 3. 'St. Michael', Sept., 1645; 4. Sloop 'St. Peder og St. Poul', 1 6 4 6 - 4 7 ; 5. 'Christiania', Sept. 19, 1 6 4 7 - J a n . 4, 1648; 6. Various commercial accounts, 1645-48. IV. Various undated accounts (6 pieces). Amn\ex to Willum Ley el's archives Mainly comprising Leyel's archives from the East Indies, sent home c. 1648. (In Danish, German, Dutch, English and especially Portuguese): 1639—48. Correspondence and various records. 1 bundle. (B 247a) Drafts of letters sent, 1639—46 and undated (mainly in Portuguese). 57

National Archives Letters received, 1640—46 and undated. Letters received by other persons than Leyel, 1641—47 and n.d. Correspondence with the Dutch Governor Arnold Henssen at Palliacatte (Fort Geldna), 1644-46. Instructions, 1642—46 and n.d. Manifesto of August 24, 1644 against injustices committed by the native Muslim princes in Bengal to subjects of the King of Denmark. (3 copies in Portuguese as well as one copy in Arabic characters). Records relating to the sentences of the chaplains Christen Storm and Niels Andersen Udbyneder 1 6 4 2 - 4 6 . Various records, 1642—46 and undated. Extracts of correspondence and copies, 1 6 4 0 - 4 6 . Original letters by Willum Leyel and other documents, signed by him, 1 6 4 1 - 4 6 . 1 6 3 9 - 4 8 . Accounts. 1 bundle. (B 247 b) Ledger kept on board the 'Christianshavn' during a voyage to Tranquebar, Oct. 29, 1639 - Sept. 8, 1643. Ledger of receipts and expenditure reg. the crew of the 'Christianshavn' on a voyage to Tranquebar, at the time when the ship was lying off Tenerife (with enclosed vouchers), March 16, 1640 - Feb. 8, 1643. Account of skipper Jörgen Hansen, 1 6 4 0 - 4 2 . Correspondence with Leonardo de Beer as well as account with him, 1641—43. Receipts for money received, acknowledgements of debt etc., 1640—46 and undated. Various accounts, 1641—43. Various accounts and crew lists, 1644—48. 1 6 3 8 - 4 8 . Accounts. 1 bundle. (B 247c) Various drafts of accounts and lists of the cre.w and ship's stores for the 'Christianshavn' and the fort of Dansborg with the small craft belonging there. Accounts of expenditure, kept by Christian Clausen during the voyage to Bengal by the 'Christianshavn' and other ships (including the sloops 'St. Peder og St. PouF and 'Valdby'). (Drafts and fair copies). Wills made by the members of the crew of the 'Christianshavn' and the garrison of the fort of Dansborg, 1 6 4 3 - 4 7 . Concerning the fort of Dansborg, 1640—46. Expenses at the fort of Dansborg, 1. Oct. 1645 — Aug. 31, 1646. Concerning the 'Christianshavn', 1641—48 and n.d. Accounts of expenditure: The 'Christianshavn', 8th Jan. - 15th June 1642; the sloop 'Corser', 1638; 'Solen', undated; the sloop 'St. Peder og St. Poul', 1 6 4 7 ^ 8 ; Adrian Jacobsen's accounts of receipts and expenditure during a voyage to Ceylon, 1644-48.

Period 1660-1699 Royal decrees and letters issued 1668—99. East Indian matters (Letter book of letters patent and missives). 1 vol. (C 22) 1 6 6 8 - 9 9 . Drafts and enclosures of East Indian matters. 1 bundle. (C 23) Including original letter from Chinaby, the Sultan of Bantam's shahbandor 58

Danish Chancery (minister), to King Christian V, Jan. 28, 1672 (Malay in Javanese characters) as well as an original letter from the Sultan of Bantam, undated (Malay in Arabic characters). Records of interest are, however, also to be found in the other series of the Chancery's letter books, especially: 1660-99. Sealand registers of letters patent ('Sjaellandske Registre'). 16 vols. (C 6) Including e.g. many royal licences for the collection of money for the ransom of prisoners in Turkish ('Algerian') captivity. 1660-99. Drafts and enclosures of Sealand registers. 51 bundles. (C 7) 1660-99. Sealand letter book of letters close ('Sjaellandske Tegnelser'). 16 vols. (C 8) Including e.g. a royal missive of May 2, 1665 on the equipment of a galiot to the East Indies as well as missives of May 23, 1665 to Eskil Andersen Kongsbakke, commander of Dansborg, and to other officers on various matters. 1660-99. Drafts and enclosures of Sealand letter book of letters close. 55 bundles. (C 9)

Administration of the business of the Board of Chancery 1670-74. Minute books of the Chancery. 2 vols. (C 53) 1676-79. Minute books of the Board of Chancery. 29 vols. + 29 fasc. (C 58) With account of business handled. Shelved matters ('Henlagte sager'j and various 1660-99. Shelved matters ('Henlagte sager', without (final) answer) in chronological order. 13 bundles. (C 61) 1660-99. Shelved matters ('Henlagte sager', without (final) answer), undated. 1 bundle. (C 62) Comprising drafts, original letters received and other records not grouped with the series of copies of letters dispatched, including frequently documents of interest to colonial history, thus W.H. Kalnein's relation of Sept. 14, 1686 of the commission of inquiry at Tranquebar ordered by him; petition of Nov. 12, 1688 for the excommandant of Dansborg, Axel Juel, about the decree of the commission with reply from the Board of Directors of the East India Company ; instructions, Dansborg Oct. 7, 1687 (rejected draft) for Captain Jorgen Bjern as commandant of Dansborg and the town of Tranquebar. 1660-99. Various letters, documents and files arranged according to subjects. 2 vols, and 2 bundles. (C 63) Including East India trade (file III. 2): a. Copy, Dutch memorial, Dec. 22, 1666; b. Copy, letter of King Christian V to the Great Mogul of Hindostan demanding damages for violence and harm caused to Danish subjects in Bengal, Nov. 19, 1672; c. Original letter from the Sultan of Bantam to King Christian V with enclosures, 1674-75, Including original, Bantam, Feb. 15, 1675. (Malay in Arabic characters).


National Archives

Period 1699-1771 Royal decrees and letters issued 1699-1771. East India matters (Letter books of letters patent and missives). 2 vols. (D 34) Including continuation, 1773—98. 1699—1771. Drafts and enclosures for East India matters. 3 bundles. (D 35) 1729. Enclosures to East India missives, Oct. 21, 1729 (Nos. 5 - 8 ) relating to the handing over of the fort of Dansborg and the town of Tranquebar to Commandant Mühlenfort (including extracts of books kept at Tranquebar, 1655-72). 1 bundle. (D 55) Records of interest, however, also to be found in other series, especially in: 1699-1771. Sealand registers of letters patent ('Sjaellandske Registre'). 30 vols. (D 18) Including, at least until the establishment of the Slave Fund in 1715, copies of royal licences for the collection of money for the ransom of prisoners in Turkish slavery. 1699-1771. Drafts and enclosures of Sealand registers. 121 bundles. (D 19) 1699-1771. Sealand letter books of letters close ('Sjaellandske Tegnelser'). 36 vols. (D 20) Including copies of some royal missives e.g. from April 12, 1715 on the introduction of dues on ships and a slave fund for the ransom of captive seamen kept slaves in Algiers. 1699-1771. Drafts and enclosures of Sealand letter books of letters close. 131 bundles.

(D 21) As part of enclosures nos. 174—75 and 177, an application by the Bishop of Sealand Christen Worm April 5, 1715, with a plan for the ransom of Danish and Norwegian seamen caught at see and enslaved in Algiers, enclosing list of 85 persons being kept prisoners in Algiers in the Barbary States on Sept. 22, 1713, (see above under D 20 and the archives of the Slave Fund (Archives of the Bishop of Sealand) in the Provincial Archives of Sealand). Administration

of the business of the Chancery and the Council

1701-71. Minute books of the Chancery. 75 vols. (D 106) Books of extracts and decrees on matters dealt with by the Board of Chancery as well as by the Council. 1699-1771. Supplications ('Suppliqver'). 116 vols. (D 109) Books of extracts and decrees with detailed account of the matters entered, decrees of the Board of Chancery and the Council, account of possible declarations, etc. Shelved matters ('Henlagte sager'j without final answer 1699-1771. Shelved matters ('Henlagte sager')· 23 bundles (D 113) Including an application, June 22, 1725, from the Board of Directors of the East India Company for a deferment of payment of 8000 rix-dollars to the King. 1699-1730. Shelved matters ('Henlagte sager') without (final) answer and year. 1 bundle. (D 114) Including report (German) on the Danish East India Company, n.d. (c. 1729-30); proposal to the King reg. the China trade (German), n.d. (c. 1729-30, presumably written by Pieter Backer from Bremen).


Danish Chancery The Commission reg. the transfer of Esmarck Archives (1730—61.) Records relating to the Asiatic Company (From the archives of A.G. Moltke as Chairman of the Company's Board of Directors). 1 bundle. (D 147) 1753-57. Privy Councillor A.G. Moltke's copies of auction books for cargoes sold from the ships of the Asiatic Company. 1 bundle. (D 148) (1730-63.) Various files. 2 bundles. (D 149) Including file 10: Congratulatory letter to King Frederik V from the missionaries at Tranquebar, Oct. 5, 1748 (in German).

Struensee period April 20, 1771 - March 4,1773 During the Years 1771-73 matters were dealt with by 4 Departments, mainly according to provinces. The 4th department (the Colonial Department) took over matters concerning Iceland, Greenland and the colonies, as well as matters relating to entailed estates. Royal decrees and letters issued 1771-73. 4th Department's letters patent and letters close. 1 vol. (B 15) 1771—73. Drafts and enclosures of 4th Department's missives and letters patent. 1 bundle. (B 16) Chancery letters 1771-73. Chancery letters of 4th Department. 1 bundle (E 24) Administration

of the business of the Board of Chancery

1771-73. 'Icelandic and Colony Supplications'. 2 vols. (E 30) Register of correspondence received 1771-73. Journals of 4th Department. 3 vols. (E 34)

Period 1773-1799. Royal assents and letters issued 1773-99. 'Rotuli' (extracts) of the Chancery's representations to the King. 27 vols. (F 3) Including an extract, Oct. 28, 1785, about an astronomical observer at Tranquebar. 1773-88. Extracts of the Chancery's representations related in the Privy Council. 32 vols. (F 4) 1790-99. Chancery's representations. 46 vols. (F 5) 1773-98. East India matters (Letter book of letters patent and missives relating to the East Indies) see above D 34 East India matters 1699-1771. 1773-99. Drafts and enclosures of 'East India matters'. 1 bundle (F 25) 1773-99. Letter books (copies of letters sent). 41 vols. (F 40)


National Archives 1773-99. Letters (drafts and enclosures of letters drawn up). 626 bundles. Including correspondence with the Mission Board, about the astronomical observer at Tranquebar, 1785, no. 2180 (draft) and no. 2269 (enclosure with original representation).

Period 1800-1848 From 1800 the Chancery was again divided into departments, the Church and School Department (1st Department) dealing with churches and schools as well as some important matters concerning the mission. A small number of other business (e.g. aspects of the justice) in the East Indies was also handled by other departments of the Chancery: from 1800 till abt. July 1, 1804 by the Sealand Department of Justice and Police (2nd Department), from abt. July 1,1804 till June 16, 1814 by the Norwegian Department of Justice and Police (3rd Department), from June 17, 1814 onwards by the Jutland and Funen Department of Justice and Police (the new 3rd Department).

The Church and School Department (1st Department) Royal decrees and letters issued 1800—07. Rotuli (original signed extracts with royal decrees). 8 vols. (Η 1) 1800-48. Representations with royal assents. 62 vols. (H 2 - 6 ) 1800—48. Registers (letter books of missives and letters patent). 15 vols. (H 7) Including appointments and discharges of clergy. 1800-48. Drafts, in-letters and other papers to the Registers. 171 bundles. (H 8) Chancery-documents issued 1800-48. Out-letter books. 84 vols. (H 17) 1800-47. In-letters (drafts and other papers to the letter books). 859 bundles. (H 18) Including e.g. communications about the reorganization of the ecclesiastical, missionary and educational system of Tranquebar (file no. 1451/1825; about the abolition of church collections for the ransom of Danish slaves in Turkey (Algiers) (file no. 1464/1830), and about the transfer of the Danish mission at Tranquebar to the Missionary Society in Dresden (file no. 2150-51/1847). 1845. Enclosure to Chancery letters of Jan. 11, 1845 (letter no. 153-60) relating to the missionary and educational system in the East Indies and Greenland. 1 bundle. (H 25) Administration of the business of the Board of Chancery 1800-21. Supplications ('Suppliquer') (from 1804 Books of extracts). 66 vols. + 1 bundle. (H 33) Registers of letters received 1800-48. Journals. 57 vols. (H 4 2 - 4 4 )


Mission Board Shelved matters ('Henlagte sager') and various 1800-48. Shelved matters ('Henlagte sager') without (final) answer (arranged according to journal numbers). 31 bundles. (H 45) 1834, 1838. Reports on the state of the missionary and educational system at Tranquebar, 1833 and 1837. 1 bundle. (H 52) ( 1 8 0 0 - 4 8 . ) Various matters (not journalized). 1 bundle. (H 53) Including original Chancery letter, Feb. 1, 1817, relating to a commission to deliberate what to do with the East India mission, with the copy certified by the commissioners and the Mission Board's representation of April 28, 1802 as to the missionary system in the East Indies, Finmark and Greenland. The Sealand Department of Justice and Police (2nd


The Jutland and Funen Department of Justice and Police (3rd, later: 5 th


The Norwegian Department of Justice and Police (3rd Department) until 1814 The main series of volumes and bundles mentioned under the heading: The Church and School Department (1 st Department) correspond to such series in the above department.

The Mission Board — Missionskollegiet 1714—1859 Collegium de cursu evangelii promovendo Established in 1714, after King Frederik IV assumed responsibility for Christian missionary work at Tranquebar in 1705, and the missionaries Ziegenbalg and Pliitschau had been sent there in 1706. From Tranquebar considerable missionary work was carried out in collaboration with A.H. Francke and others from Halle and with the English Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, even outside Danish colonial territory. From 1720 to 1814, the Board also was responsible for control of missions in Finnmark and Lappland; from 1737 onwards, in Greenland; from 1791 to 1797, in the Danish West Indies and from 1761 to 1797 for control of a Mission to Seamen in Smyrna. The Board was abolished in 1859. In 1847, supervision of the East Indian Mission had passed to the Missionary Society in Dresden (Leipzig). The Board's archives suffered some loss by fire in 1795. Inventory: Danske Kancelli og de dermed beslcegtede institutioner (Danish Chancery and Kindred Institutions), second ed., Copenhagen 1943, Vejledende Arkivregistraturer I, by Bjam Kornerup, p. 1 5 2 - 5 4 . A detailed card index is available in the reading room. Bibliography: Stample, L., Missionskollegiet (The Mission Board), Nordisk Missionstidsskrift, 75th year, 1964, p. 2 2 5 - 4 1 . 1735-74, 1784-1859. Minutes of proceedings of the Board ('Missions-Collegii Protocol'). 6 vols. (no. 1) With extracts of matters dealt with and subsequent ordinances. — Partly with indexes. - Continued under the Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs and Public Instruction, 1 8 5 9 - 6 7 (which see). 63

National Archives 1717-1811. Inventory, lists of records transferred and lists of documents. 1 bundle, (no. 2) Including: I. 'Verzeichnis aller Bücher, Tractätchen und anderer Sachen, welche sich beym Missions-Inventario finden' (Inventory of all books, tracts, etc. in the possession of the Mission Board), July 24, 1721; II. Lists of letters, etc. relating to the East Indian, Greenland, Finnmark and West Indian Mission transferred March, 1793 and April 27, 1811; III. List of documents relating to the East Indian mission (1705)-1811. (1712)-1810. Royal ordinances and letters from boards. 2 bundles, (no. 3) 1765-1854. Out-letter books of the East Indian Mission. With indexes. (3 vols.) (no. 4) For 1 8 5 5 - 5 6 vide letter books of Greenland Mission below. 1785-1856. Out-letter books of the Greenland Mission. 6 vols. (no. 5) The last volume 1 8 5 1 - 5 6 of this series also relates to the East Indian mission in 1855-56. 1857-59. Mission out-letter book. With index. 1 vol. (no. 6) Continued under the Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs and Public Instruction, 1 8 5 9 - 6 2 (which see). 1744-1810. Extracts and deliberations as well as drafts of outletters, etc., relating to the missions. 2 bundles, (no. 7) 1738—1808. Letters received relating to the East Indian mission. 9 bundles, (no. 9) The letters from Halle and the letters from Tranquebar have been collected in special files for each year. Often in German, but also some letters in Tamil. 1716—1803. Various documents relating to the Mission Board. 1 bundle, (no. 10) Including copies of royal ordinances relating to the East Indian and Greenland mission, etc. (1705)-1784. 1811-29. General matters and matters relating to the Mission Funds. 1 bundle, (no. 12) 1811—29. Mission matters (letters received, drafts of outward mail, etc.) 1 bundle, (no. 13) For each year divided into special files for the East Indian and Greenland mission. 1829—59. Matters for the minutes of proceedings of the Mission Board. 11 bundles, (no. 14) The matters numbered according to the minutes. 1829-59. Shelved ('henlagte') matters without (final) answers relating to the Mission Board. 1 bundle, (no. 16) Including inter alia general matters, 1 8 3 2 - 5 5 ; matters regarding the East Indian mission, the Zion Fund and the Bonsack Foundation, 1 8 2 9 - 5 6 ; detailed report of the retired missionary Hans Knudsen, prepared according to royal order, O n South Indian Missionary Work with Special Regard to Tranquebar', Copenhagen, Jan. 28, 1843, with a lithographed 'Map of Tranquebar and its Territory', n.d. (c. 1830). 1856-59. Ledger of the Mission, Stistrup and Zion bonds. 1 vol. (no. 17) Continued under the Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs and Public Instruction until 1860 (which see) 1741-1818/19. Drafts of accounts of the East Indian and the Greenland mission. 1 bundle, (no. 18) Including accounts of the East Indian mission, 1741 - the first half of 1754, 1801/02, 1803/04, the first half of 1813, 1813/14-1818/19. 1715-1853/54. Accounts of the East Indian mission. 5 bundles, (no. 19) Original fair copies, notations, answers and decisions, from 1830 usually with vouchers. 64

Chamber of Finance (Exchequer) 1827/28-38/39. 'Current Accounts' from the royal mission at Tranquebar (with vouchers). 1 bundle, (no. 20) 1854/55-57/58. Mission accounts (with vouchers). 2 bundles, (no. 22) Comprising accounts of the East Indian as well as the Greenland mission.

The Chamber of Finance (The Exchequer) - Rentekammeret The chamber was abolished by royal order of Nov. 24, 1848. Inventory: Rentekammeret I. Danske og norske afdelinger 1660-1848 (The Chamber of Finance (The Exchequer) I. Danish and Norwegian Departments 1660-1848). Vejledende Arkivregistraturer XII. By Jens Holmgaard. Copenhagen, 1964.

The Chamber of Finance (The Exchequer) in general Rentekammeret i almindelighed c. 1776-86. Copies of petitions, reports, applications, etc. with information on inter alia the India trade, Iceland, the Faroes, Greenland and the Nordlands (Norway). 1 vol. (Sign. 14.14)

Records from the Offices — Sager under kontorordningen The Treasury - Skatkammeret 1660-79 Before 1660-79. Statements of account (relating to the dept of the Crown and its payment, with vouchers mainly before 1660). 107 bundles. (Sign. 216.182-288) An index of personal names, places names and subjects in the reading room. Statements of account relating to the East Indies, e.g.: Settlings of account with naval officers and the personnel of the navy. (Sign. 216.213-15) Including IV.21: Nov. 8, 1639 — Nov. 3, 1655 with shipmaster Jergen Hansen from Ribe for service on the ship 'Christianshavn' (on a voyage to the East Indies) as well as in the fort Dansborg. Settlings of account with inland private persons for the delivery of goods, etc. (Sign. 216.224-52) Including VIII.68: 1638-53 with Hans Haveman in Copenhagen and copartners: Claim for the Japanese (i.e. East India) Company's ship 'Den forgyldte Sol', which was purchased by the Crown, yet on the return voyage from the East Indies arrested in England; and VIII.190: 2nd June - July 12, 1618 with Hans Steen, chemist in Copenhagen, relating to supply of medicaments to warships sailing to the East Indies. 65

National Archives

The Chancery Chamber - Kammeikancelliet 1679-1771 Letters from the Lord High Steward's Department, the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Board of Finance, J.H.E. Bernstorff and Masting, as well as various boards, departments and commissions. 1 bundle. (Sign. 2214.39) Including letter from the Board of Directors of the East India Company, 1706. 1747-62. Correspondence and matters of accountancy relating to the Slave Fund. 1 bundle. (Sign. 2216.1) 1747-57. Relations and accounts relating to the Slave Fund. 1 bundle. (Sign. 2216.2) 1757-71. Designations of the amount of collections at Church services for the Slave Fund. 1 bundle. (Sign. 2216.3) The Slave Fund was established for the ransom of Danish or Norwegian seamen brought as slaves to the Barbary States, see also Danish Chancery and the Provincial Archives of Sealand: The Episcopal Archives of the Diocese of Sealand. 1681-1769. Various inland claims on the Crown and others. 2 bundles. (Sign. 222.833) Including the East India Company's claim, 1684, for salpetre. 1755-70. Letters and matters of accountancy relating to Moroccan affairs and the African Company. 1 bundle. (Sign. 222.892)

Records outside the offices - Sager uden for kontorordningen Icelandic, Greenland and Faroese matters — Islandske, grenlandske og faereske sager Various matters, Iceland 1787—1841. Issued Icelandic, 'Algerian', Faroese and Greenland sea passes. 1 vol. (Sign. 373.121) See also The Board of Trade: The Sea Pass Office 1782-97 and 1797-1816, as well as The Board of Customs and Trade: The Sea Pass section.

The Commission for the Collection of Statistical Tables — Kommissionen for det statistiske tabelvaerk 1833—1849 Appointed by royal decree of Nov. 27, 1833 to procure a comprehensive collection of statistical tables. From Jan. 1, 1850 continuing as the Statistical Office (Statistisk Bureau), later the Statistical Department (which see). Inventory: Rentekammeret I, Danske og norske afdelinger 1660-1848 (The Chamber of Finance (The Exchequer) I. Danish and Norwegian Departments 1660-1848). Vejledende Arkivregistraturer XII. By Jens Holmgaard, 1964, p. 213-19. 66

Board of Finance 1833-48 (49). Letter book (with index). 2 vols. (Sign. 351.2-3) 1833-48 (50). Journal 1 vol. (Sign. 351.4) 1833-48. Journal files. 2 bundles. (Sign. 351.5-6) 1835. The census Tranquebar (Table of the natives belonging to the Lutheran Church and to the Catholic faith. Records for the town of Tranquebar as well as for Catechery, Poreiar, Tillali and Oluganmangalam). 2 bundles. 1840. The census. Frederiksnagore (Perrapore and Serampore). Notes. 2 bundles.

Supreme Inland Revenue Department — Overskattedirektionen, from 1778 Statsbalanceog Overskattedirektionen, 1762—82 Established by royal decree of Sept. 23, 1762 as a department for the imposition of a new extra tax and for the payment of interest and the paying off on the national debt. Abolished April 8, 1782; the business of the department distributed among other departments, e.g. the Board of Finance (which see). Inventory: Card index in the reading room. 1772-82. Correspondence A - C . 103 bundles. Including: Department of Foreign Affairs, 1772-82 (A V); the Mission Board (Missionskollegiet) and the Board of Church Inspection (General-Kirkeinspektionskollegiet), 1773, 1775, 1779 (A X); the Military Boards (A XI), the Asiatic Company, 1764-80 (A XXXVI 4); Personalia, e.g. Gerner, Henrik, relating to shipbuilding (C). Various letters, documents and files relating to trade, shipping and manufacture. 2 bundles. Including: Letters, documents and files relating to the account of a consignment of Chinese and East Indian goods which Peschier, merchant, transferred to the Bank Office, 1779-80 (VII). Abstracts and calculations of goods shipped to the West Indies (St. Croix, St. Thomas and St. Eustace), Guinea und the East Indies (Tranquebar). 1 — 10. 2 bundles. Including: The East Indies (Tranquebar), 1778-82 (file no. 10). Documents and files relating to shipbuilding and the sale of ships. I-IX. 1 bundle. Including the East-Indiaman 'Den gode Hensigt', May 6, 1780 (VIII). Relating to a ship wrecked by fire before departure from Copenhagen.

The Board of Finance — Finanskollegiet 1771 — 1816 Established by royal decree of May 29, 1777 and royal ordinance of June 2, 1784. Abolished Feb. 9, 1816. Inventory: Finansarkiverne 1660-1848. Generalpostdirektionens Arkiv 1711-1848 (The Finance Archives 1660-1848. Archives of the Post Office 1711-1848), Vejledende Arkivregistraturer III. By J. Bloch. Copenhagen, 1900, p. 67-83. 67

National Archives Reference to the registers of representations with royal assents, journals and letter books and especially to the following files: 1771. Papers relating to the royal shares in The African Company. 1 bundle. 1806—12. Schimmelmanniana, comprising royal ordinances and assents relating to The African Company. 1 bundle.

The Deputation of Finance — Finansdeputationen 1816—48 Established by royal ordinance of Feb. 9, 1816. Abolished by royal order of Nov. 24, 1848. Inventory: Finansarkiverne 1660-1848. Generalpostdirektionens Arkiv 1711-1848 (The Finance Archives 1660-1848. Archives of the Post Office 1711-1848), Vejledende Arkivregistraturer III, by J. Bloch. Copenhagen, 1900, p. 1 5 6 - 6 0 . Reference to the registers of representations with royal assents, letter books and journals and especially to: Receipts and expenditure of the Mission Board. July 1, 1845 - June 30, 1846. 1 bundle.

The National Debt Commission — Direktionen for Statsgaelden 1816—48 Established by royal ordinance of Feb. 9, 1816. Abolished by royal order of Nov. 24, 1848. Inventory: Finansarkiverne 1660-1848. Generalpostdirektionens Arkiv 1711-1848 (The Finance Archives 1660-1848. Archives of the Post Office 1711-1848), Vejledende Arkivregistraturer III, by J. Bloch. Copenhagen. 1900, p. 1 6 1 - 8 1 . Reference to the registers of representations with royal assents, letter books and journals as well as ledgers and especially to: Asset book, 1782-84, etc. (with supplement, 1781-1802), relating to several trading companies). 1 vol. Inter alia relating to the Asiatic Company, 1790—95. Various shares in the Asiatic Company, 1794. With additions of dividend and interest per 1839. 1 bundle. Ledgers of the department for the management of the national debt, 1816-48. 475 vols. Inter alia relating to retired officials of the Asiatic Company with a list of these, 1841-42.

The Ad Usos Publicos Fund — Fonden ad usos publicos 1765—1842 Established by royal decree of Jan. 15, 1765. Abolished Feb. 26, 1842. Its original purpose was to grant extraordinary financial aid to deserving officials and to pay the 68

Ad Usos Publicos Fund expenses of public practical measures, later the chief purpose was support of the humanities and science, literature and art. Receipts were primarily capital without heirs, extraordinary mulcts and confiscations, export duties on inheritance, other property or assets from the realm as well as moneys paid on the attainment of titles and rank. Bibliography: Fonden ad usos publicos. Aktmcessige bidrag til belysning af dens virksomhed (The Ad Usos Publicos Fund. Documentary Contributions to Illustrate Its Activities). I—III. Copenhagen, 1897-1947. Inventory: Finansarkiverne 1660-1848. Generalpostdirektionens arkiv 1711-1848 (The Finance Archives 1660-1848. Archives of the Post Office 1711-1848), Vejledende Arkivregistraturer III. By J. Bloch. Copenhagen, 1900, p. 1 8 7 - 8 9 (now obsolete); (in the reading room) Inventory 169 a 1 (in folio). By H. Glarbo. Among grants of interest for this guide: 1806 to N. Wallich, surgeon, Frederiksnagore (Serampore, Bengal) for the purchase of botanical aids, 1807 for the erection of a church at Frederiksnagore; 1810 and later to various scholars for the study of Oriental languages, thus 1814 for the translation of Arabic and the registration of Persian manuscripts in the Royal Library; 1818 ff. to Rasmus Rask's travels to the Caucasus and India; 1828 to Professor J. Olshausen for the study of Oriental philology; 1830 to L.N. Boisen, rector, for the printing of an Arabic grammar in continuation of former travelling bursaries; 1837 to Chr.T. Falbe, consul-general, for participation in a Franco-English expedition of Dureau de Lamalle and Sir Grenville Temple to Algeria and Tunisia; 1839 to P. Moller, ship's doctor, for outfit for a whaling expedition to the South Sea; the same year to David Rosen, ex-missionary, for the publishing of a book on the Nicobar Islands; 1841 to N.L. Westergaard for a travel in Asia to study Indian languages and literature in the homeland.

Royal instructions Royal assents (and ordinances). 1765-1829. 30 bundles. Index of royal assents. 1765-1802. 1 vol. Representations and royal assents. 1830-42. 3 vols. Loose royal assents and ordinances. 1832-42. 1 bundle. Drafts of representations. 1785—1827. 3 bundles. Correspondence Books of missives. With indexes. 1782—1842. 13 vols. Letter book. 1803-17. 1 vol. Journals. With indexes. 1789 (1785)—1842. 10 vols. Journal files. 1789-1842. 66 bundles. Unjoumalized files (chronologically arranged). 1765—1842 and n.d. 3 bundles.

Various files In-letters relating to the Royal Collection of Coins and Medals. 1782-93. 1 bundle. Sundries relating to the history of the Fund. 1765-1842. 1 bundle.


National Archives

Accountancy, inter alia: Receipt books, 1793-1842. 6 vols. Books of expenditure. 1777-1842. 11 vols. Ledgers of assets and liabilities. 1812-41. 4 vols. Accounts with vouchers. 1765-94. 17 bundles. Accounts. 1795-1841. 46 books. Vouchers for the accounts. 1795-1841. 48 bundles.

The Internal Department of the German Chancery Before 1770 Tyske Kancelli. Indenrigske Afdeling indtil 1770 The Duchies of Slesvig and Holstein, the latter of which was part of the Holy Roman Empire, were administered by the above department. Files relating to Holstein and the now German South Schleswig have to a great extent been handed over to Prussia and must be sought in Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein, Schloß Gottorf. Inventory: Tyske Kancelli I (German Chancery I), Vejledende Arkivregistraturer VII. Copenhagen, 1946, p. 3 - 2 0 . Regarding letter books, the general reference is to Letters Patent ('Patenten') and Letters Close ('Inländische Registratur') with drafts. Both series of letter books with extensive gaps. For further mention only: 1618-59. Various records relating to The East India Company and Guinea. 1 bundle.

The Foreign Department of the German Chancery Before 1770 — Tyske Kancelli. Udenrigske Afdeling indtil 1770 After 1640, a special German Chancery began to envolve, which took over correspondence with Germany and the Western Powers in Europe, whereas the Danish Chancery retained correspondence with Sweden and Russia, being conducted in Danish. From 1676 the administration of foreign affairs was concentrated in the Foreign Department of the German Chancery, which according to a royal decree of Dec. 24,1770 was formally abolished, being reorganized as the Department of Foreign Affairs (see below). Inventory: Card index in the reading room of the National Archives. In a somewhat abridged form it is the basis of: Tyske Kancelli II (German Chancery II). Vejledende Arkivregistraturer XI. By Arthur G. Hasse and Erik Kroman with introduction by Carl S. Christiansen. Copenhagen, 1962, p. 1 - 2 1 and 36-390. English edition (abridged): Danish Department of Foreign Affairs until 1770. Vejledende Arkivregistraturer XVI. By Arthur G. Hasso and Erik Kroman. Translated by Mogens Möller. Copenhagen, 1973, p. 1 - 5 and 17-193. 70

German Chancery: Foreign Dept. General Part General p a r t b e f o r e 1 6 7 6 The letters sent were to be registered, i.e. entered in letter books. The oldest preserved is a Latin letter book from 1506-12 and a German one from 1537-38, but a regular series kept in German starts in 1540. A corresponding series of Latin letter books starts in 1563. At times special letter books of the correspondence with particular countries were kept. The most important series are: 1563-1661. Letter book 'Latina'. 8 vols. (Nos. 6 - 1 3 ) In vol. 1652-1661 are copies of the Danish King's replies to the Tartar Khan in the Crimea and other persons of rank there. 1567-1661. Drafts of Latin dispatches which have been entered in 'Latina'. 1 bundle. (No. 14) 1662-69. Drafts of Latin dispatches which do not seem to have been entered. 1 bundle. (No. 15) 1615—40. Drafts of Latin dispatches which have not been entered in existing 'Latina'. 1 bundle. (No. 16) 1657,1667,1668. Fragments of letter books of foreign Latin dispatches. 1 bundle. (No. 17) 1540-1676. Foreign Register ('Ausländisch Registrant'). 57 vols., 2 bundles. (Nos. 19-77) Letter book of outgoing dispatches in German relating to foreign countries, e.g. also with the Spanish Government in the Netherlands and with Spain. The volumes 1565-66 and 1660-61 are missing. The volumes 1540 and 1541—42 have indexes. 1538-1676. Drafts of letters in the Foreign Register ('Ausländisch Registrant'). 24 bundles. (Nos. 7 8 - 1 0 1 ) 1538-1676. Drafts of letters and Chancery dispatches relating to foreign affairs not found in the existing letter books. 1 bundle. (No. 102) 1509 (?)—1676. Drafts of letters and Chancery dispatches relating to foreign affairs not entered in the existing letter books of the Chancery. 6 bundles. (Nos. 103—08) 1539-1671. Letter books of instructions, memorials, commissions, warrants and credentials. 6 vols., 1 bundle. (Nos. 1 1 1 - 1 7 ) General p a r t 1 6 7 6 - 1 7 7 0 1677-1756. Foreign Register ('Ausländisch Registrant'). 14 vols. (Nos.1-14) 1676-1754. Drafts of and enclosures to letters in the Foreign Register ('Ausländisch Registrant'). 15 bundles. (Nos. 1 5 - 2 9 ) 1754—69. Registered and unregistered drafts on foreign affairs which have not been entered in any existing letter book. 1 bundle. (No. 30) 1737-50. Summaries of foreign, non-confidential dispatches. 1 vol. (No. 31) Summaries of dispatches entered in the Foreign Register ('Ausländisch Registrant'). With an index. 1751-67. 'Foreign rescripts and summaries, 1 7 5 1 - 6 6 ' ('Ausländisch Rescripten Extracten de 1751-1766'). 1 vol. (No. 32) Goes beyond the last year of the existing volumes of the Foreign Register ('Ausländisch Registrant'). With an index. 71

National Archives 1676-1770. Secret correspondence ('Geheime Registratur')· 123 vols. (Nos. 33-155) Letters on political matters to foreign princes, envoys and high civil servants. 1676-1770. Enclosures and drafts of letters, Secret Correspondence. 178 vols. (Nos. 156-333) General Part: Sundries before 1770 1255-1773. 'Realia: Litra A-0'. 36 bundles. (Nos. 2 - 3 7 ) Including files relating to: Carsten Niebuhr's Arabian Journey: 1756-62. Arabian Journey I. 1 bundle. (No. 3) 1763-70. Arabian Journey II. 1 bundle. (No. 4) Comprising correspondence between the German Chancery (J.H.E. Bernstorff) and the company of travellers (Fr. Chr. v. Haven, Pehr Forsskäl, Carsten Niebuhr, Chr. Carl Cramer and Georg Vilh. Baurenfeind, scholars, envoys (especially S.W. Gähler in Constantinople), consuls and business people besides A.G. Moltke, Danish boards as well as the office of the Keeper of the King's Purse. - In Gähler's letters to Bernstorff often also enclosed letters from the company of travellers to himself. 1761—68. Arabian Journey III. 1 bundle. (No. 5) Comprising letters from the company of travellers to the Danish diplomats in Constantinople, 1761-68; drafts of letters from Gähler to the company of travellers, 1761—66; letters from consuls and business people relating to the company of travellers, 1763-64; drafts of letters from Gähler to consuls and business people relating to the company of travellers, 1761-64 and undated; report on a journey from Suez to Djebel el-Mokateb and to Gebel Musa, 6th - 25th Sept., ended 11th Oct. (1762). Bibliography: Niebuhr, C., Beschreibung von Arabien, 1772, Dutch and French editions, 1773—74; the same: Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Ländern. I—III, 1774— 1837, later Dutch, French, Danish and English editions; Christensen, C., Naturforskeren Pehr Forsskäl, hans rejse til Aegypten og Arabien 1761 -63 og hans botaniske arbejder og samlinger (The Naturalist P. Forsskäl, his Journey to Egypt and Arabia, 1761—63 and his Botanical Works and Collections), 1918. 1683-1757. Commerce, Dano-Norwegian. 1 bundle. (No. 12) Including letters and drafts from Calzabigi, agent for La Compagnie du Canal de Provence, to J.H.E. Bernstorff relating to Mediterranean trade, 1749-55. 1734-68. Consuls, Dano-Norwegian, abroad. 1 bundle. (No. 18) c. 1745-57. East Indies: Correspondence relating to Achin, c. 1745 (German, French), as well as to Tranquebar, 1755-57 (German, partly copies). 1 file. (No. 22) No date (before 1648). Copies of letters in Arabic and Kanarese (?) after originals in Willum Leyel's archives (cf. Danish Chancery bundle Β 246). 1 file. (No. 22) 1564-1768. Prize matters. 1 bundle. (No. 24) Including records relating to Tranquebar. 1583-1769. Personal matters of the staff of the German Chancery and those of Danish and foreign envoys and consuls. 1 bundle. (No. 55) Including file relating to J.A. Horn, secretary of legation in Constantinople, 1769.


German Chancery: Foreign Dept. Special Part Germany: Brandenburg-Prussia 1626-69. Political relations with Brandenburg. 1 bundle. (No. Α. II 21) Including records relating to the negotiations for the sale of Dansborg in the East Indies, 1650-52. England 1649-59. Political relations with England. 1 bundle. (No. A II 16) Including records on the Danish envoy Simon Petkum's negotiations for the sale of Dansborg in the East Indies to the English East India Company, 1658. 1432-1762. Trade and shipping, sundry documents and copies. 14 bundles. (Nos. A III 38-51) Including a large body of information about ships seized during the wars in the 17th and 18th centuries and about payment of damages for such. France 1537-1769. Trade and shipping, sundries, printed matter. 2 bundles. (Nos. A III 2 6 - 2 7 ) Comprising documents relating to arrested ships. Netherlands 1683 (1533—85). Negotiations for a tariff convention and treaty of commerce, 1683-85; concerning the 'Bantam* dispute, 1683, and the measurement of tonnage, 1684. 1 bundle. (No. A II 20) 1690-97. Capture of Dano-Norwegian and Dutch ships. 1 bundle. (No. Α. II23) 1689-1705. Documents relating to Danish ships arrested during the war between France and England-Holland, 1688-97. 5 bundles. (Nos. A III 2 8 - 3 2 ) 1702-38. Mutual Danish and Dutch claims on account of ships arrested during the War of the Spanish Succession ('The Liquidation Case'). 5 bundles. (Nos. A III 3 3 - 3 7 ) 1511—1769. Papers about trade and shipping besides private and public claims, petitions and letters from various persons. 1 bundle. (No. A III 39) Including 2 letters from the Dutch East India Company to Paul de Willom, 1619, and to King Christian IV, 1620. Spain 1670-1768. Political relations with Spain. 1 bundle. (No. A III 3) Some letters relating to the Danish East India Company and trade with the Philippines, 1674. Henrik Villumsen Rosenvinge's legation archives 1642—51. Correspondence relating to the ransom of Danish, Norwegian and Icelandic prisoners from Algeria and Livorno. 1 bundle. (No. C 38) Turkey 1751-70. Staff documents relating to the envoys General S.W. v. Gähler and Fr. Chr. v. Goessel, counsellor of legation, and the secretaries of legation J.A. Horn and J.L. Garboe. 1 bundle. (No. A II 1) 73

National Archives 1 7 5 1 - 6 6 . Original credentials for the envoys S.W. v. Gähler and Fr. Chr. v. Gössel. 1 bundle. (No. A II 2) 1 7 5 2 - 5 7 . The treaty of amity, navigation and commerce of October 14, 1756. 1 bundle. (No. A II 3) 1594—1762. Correspondence relating to trade and navigation. 1 bundle. (No. A III 4) Including letters from A. Conturier, Constantinople to J.H.E. Bernstorff, 1 7 5 6 - 6 2 (copies). 1752-66. Relations from S.W. v. Gähler. 5 bundles. (Nos. Β 5 - 9 ) 1 7 6 6 - 6 7 . Relations from J.A. Horn. 1 bundle. (No. Β 10) 1 7 6 7 - 7 0 . Relations from Fr. Chr. v. Gössel. 2 bundles. (Nos. Β 1 1 - 1 2 ) Legation archives of S.W. v. Gähler and J.A. Horn 1 7 5 2 - 6 7 . Orders, partly with enclosures. 1 bundle. (No. C 13) 1 7 5 8 - 6 6 . In-letters, partly with enclosures and drafts of answers, from Danish and foreign envoys (the British, French, Netherlands, Swedish, and Vatican ministers in Constantinople). 1 bundle, (no. C 14) 1 7 5 8 - 6 6 . In-letters, partly with enclosures and drafts of answers, from the Danish consuls, e.g. at Malta, Algiers, Tripoli, and Tunis. 1 bundle. (No. C 15) 1 7 5 7 - 6 7 . In-letters, partly with enclosures and drafts of answers, from the consuls at Arta, Chios, the Dardanelles, Kea, Negropont, Patras, and Salonika. 1 bundle. (No. C 16) 1759—67. In-letters, partly with enclosures and drafts of answers, from the consuls in Crete and Cyprus. 1 bundle. (No. C 17) 1 7 5 9 - 6 7 . In-letters, partly with enclosures and drafts of answers, from the consulate at Aleppo. 1 bundle. (No. C. 18) 1756—67. In-letters, partly with enclosures and drafts of answers, from the consulate at Smyrna. 1 bundle. (No. 19) 1758—66. In-letters, partly with enclosures and drafts of answers, from Giovanni Homero, dragoman at Smyrna. 1 bundle. (No. C 20) 1 7 6 0 - 6 7 . In letters, partly with enclosures and drafts of answers, from the chaplain Chr.W. Lüdecke and J.Th. Biemann at Smyrna. 1 bundle. (No. C 21) 1 7 6 3 - 6 7 . In-letters from Ako, Beirut and Sidon. 1 bundle. (No. C 22) 1 7 5 8 - 6 7 . In-letters, partly with enclosures and drafts of answers, from the Danish agent at Alexandria, Gian Francesco Marion. 1 bundle. (No. C. 23) 1 7 5 6 - 6 6 and n.d. Drafts of letters to the Porte, the Sultan, Turkish officials and others, e.g. the pashas at Negro-Kama and Djedda, 1 7 5 8 - 6 2 . 1 bundle. (No. C 24) 1 7 5 2 - 6 7 . Letter books of relations. 3 vols. (Nos. C 2 5 - 2 7 ) 1 7 5 1 - 6 7 . In-letters and various papers. 1 vol. (No. C 28) Including in-letters from the dragoman (? ) Giovanni Collimachi to the envoy S.W. v. Gähler and his dragoman, Paul Eremian, 1757 and n.d.; from The 'Almindelige Handelskompagni', 1 7 5 8 - 6 5 ; 'Note des vaisseaux Danois entres et sortis du port de Constantinople', 1 7 6 0 - 6 2 ; Register of the royal Danish legation chancery in Constantinople ('Protocoll der Königl. Dänischen Kanzlei zu Constantinopel'), 1758—67; 'Protocole du Ceremonial', 1758, 1760; contracts and others papers made for the envoy, 1 7 6 0 - 6 6 ; original manifestos about Russia's breach of the peace (Turkish, and French copies). Legation archives of Fr. Chr. v. Gössel 1 7 6 7 - 7 0 . Orders, partly with enclosures. 1 bundle. (No. C 29) 74

Dept. of Foreign Affairs The Barbary States 1616, 1631, 1643, 1736, 1747-52, 1769-71. Papers relating to Danish subjects being kept prisoners in Algeria, the Danish consulate there and the dispute with Algeria, 1770. 1 bundle. (No. 1) 1751-53. Missions relating to the conclusion of the treaty of peace and commerce with Morocco of June 18, 1753. 1 bundle. (No. 2) Including relations from the ambassador J.B. des Carrieres de Longueville, 1751-53, and from commander Simon Hooglant, 1751-53. 1752-61. Missions relating to the conclusion of the above-mentioned treaty. 1 bundle. (No. 3) Including relations from commander A. Fr. Lützow, 1752-53; from commander Fr. Chr. Kaas, 1754; and about his expedition, 1755, to the Barbary States, 1756; and from de Paz about the events in Morocco, 1754-57, 1759. 1754,1759-60, 1767. The Dano-Norwegian consulate in Morocco and a Moroccan mission to Denmark. 1 bundle. (No. 4) Including a journal kept by Andreas /Ereboe during the stay of the Moroccan ambassador in Copenhagen, 1759-60. 1765-68. Political relations with Morocco, especially the renewed treaty of peace and commerce of July 25, 1767. 1 bundle. (No. 5)

The Department of Foreign Affairs — Departementet for udenlandske anliggender 1771—1848 According to a royal decree of December 24, 1770, the Foreign Department of the German Chancery was reorganized as the Department of Foreign Affairs, which existed until 1848, when it was changed into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with extended activities. By royal ordinance of February 28, 1837, matters formerly belonging under the Royal African Consular Directorate (which see) were as from 1 st April the same year placed under the Department. Inventory: Card indexes (in the reading room) General Part Royal decrees and dispatches 1770-1847. Representations with original royal assents. 50 vols. 1781 — 1848. Representations with endorsed royal assents. 2 bundles. 1771 — 1803. Representations (without royal assents). 7 bundles. 1798-1800. Drafts of representations. 1 bundle. 1781-1846. Royal ordinances. 1 bundle. 1771-89. Extracts of dispatches. 4 bundles. Correspondence etc. 1771-1847. Copybooks for secret correspondence ('Gehejmeregistratur'). 113 vols. 1771-1838. Drafts of secret correspondence. 159 bundles. 75

National Archives 1771 — 1824. Various drafts and enclosures to the copybooks for secret correspondence ('Gehejmeregistratur'). 1 bundle. 1773—84. Unregistered drafts of out-letters with enclosures. 1 bundle. 1 8 2 1 - 4 7 . Departmental Register. 30 vols. Letter books of nonpolitical correspondence. 1 7 7 1 - 1 8 4 7 . Summaries of protocols. 77 vols. Lists of letters with registers. To 1820 inclusive belonging to the secret correspondence, from 1821 comprising only letters in the Departmental Register. 1 8 4 2 - 4 5 . Index of names for out-letters. 4 vols. 1 8 2 8 - 4 8 . Lists of letters. 3 vols. 1 7 8 5 - 1 8 4 7 . Letter books of matters received ('Manualprotokoller'). 71 vols. 1 8 3 4 - 4 7 . Index of names for matters received. 10 vols. Registers for the 'Manualprotokoller'. 1 7 7 1 - 1 8 4 8 . Correspondence relating to the Department's staff. 3 bundles. 1800—46. Correspondence relating to the Royal African Consular Direction. 1 bundle. General correspondence


1770—1846. Correspondence files 'Litr. A'. 1 bundle. Including 2. TTie Algerian Expedition, 1 7 7 0 - 7 1 . 1 7 7 1 - 1 8 4 6 . Correspondence files 'Litr. A': Deduction of legislation. 8 bundles. Relating to imposts on inheritance to foreign countries and vice versa, emigration, etc., as well as relating to the conclusion of conventions on repeal. Including VIII: 58. Tunis, 1835. 1 7 9 8 - 1 8 4 7 . Blockade matters. 3 bundles. Herein as III. England's blockade of the Dardanelles and Smyrna, 1807. 1 8 2 5 - 4 7 . Matters relating to Danish consuls abroad. 'Specialia'. 1 bundle. Including 4. China, 1847, 5. The East Indies and Australia, 1829, as well as 11. The Sandwich Islands, 1846. c. 1848. 'Curialia'. 1 bundle. Including form letters for foreign princes, mostly arranged according to the names of the countries, among these the North African countries and Turkey. 1 7 9 5 - 1 8 2 5 . The 'exequator' of foreign consuls in the East Indies and West Indies. 1 bundle. 1 7 9 5 - 1 8 2 5 . Records relating to the capture of the royal possessions in the East Indies and West Indies, 1801, and the return of the same. 1 bundle. 1 7 7 9 - 1 8 4 6 . Correspondence relating to the East Indies. 3 bundles. Including I. Tranquebar, 1 7 8 0 - 9 9 ; II. Tranquebar, 1 8 0 0 - 4 6 ; III. The Nicobars, 1 7 7 9 - 9 0 , 1845 and Frederiksnagore, 1 8 2 3 - 3 2 . 1 7 7 1 - 1 8 4 6 . General correspondence files. 'Litr. Μ'. 1 bundle. Including 1. Manila trade, 1 7 7 4 - 8 9 , and 9. Possible acquisition of the town of Muscat in Arabia, n.d. 1 7 8 3 - 1 8 4 7 . Naval files. 5 bundles. Bundles I—IV comprising general correspondence files ('Generalia'); bundle V 'Specialia', including 1. The frigate 'Thetis', cruise to the Mediterranean and the Levant, 1842 and 1 8 4 3 - 4 5 , as well as the brig O m e n ' s ' cruise to South America, 1843-44.


Dept. of Foreign Affairs 1782-1846. General correspondence files. 'Litr. Ν'. 1 bundle. Including 6. The capture 1781 to St. Maurice of the 'Nicobar' coming from Tranquebar, 1782-90. 1771-1827. Prize court matters. 9 bundles. Bundles I - I V comprising general correspondence files ('Generalia'), the other ones 'Specialia', including VIII: 4 relating to the 1781 to Ceuta captured ship called 'Speculation', belonging to Giert Torreson's Widow & Co. at Mandal, 1782. 1771-1847. Qurantine matters. 13 bundles. 1772—1847. General correspondence files 'Litr. Τ'. 1 bundle. Including 9. Turks and Persians, 1772—99. 1771-1847. Treaties. 5 bundles. Mainly printed treaties but also a few correspondence files relating to treaties, including 10. Turkey. Special Part Austria Embassy archives: Wien (Vienna) 1787-89. Correspondence with the Danish embassy in Constantinople. 1 bundle. England 1807-46. Correspondence relating to the ships captures by the English. 2 bundles. 1814-21. Correspondence relating to the return of the Danish colonies in the East Indies and West Indies after the conclusion of peace, 1814. 1 bundle. 1800. J.J.W. Schlegel: Juridical opinion on some London Admiralty Court judgments. 1 bundle. 1782-1821. Correspondence relating to Danish claims on England. 6 bundles. Including lists of the ships captured by England, 1793-1801. Embassy archives: London 1 8 1 8 - 2 5 , 1 8 4 2 - 4 6 . Correspondence relating to the Danish possessions in the East Indies. 1 bundle. c. 1800. Printed English records relating to cases of captured ships. 1 vol. Danish Commisioners Office, London Comprehensive archives with information about captured Danish and Norwegian ships, 1807 onwards. - Card index in the reading room. France 1771-1848. Correspondence relating to the Danish consulates in France. 3 bundles. In bundle III reports with a few drafts reg. consuls, e.g. in lie de France (Mauritius), 1708-1800. 1793-1817. Correspondence relating to Danish subjects' claims in France on account of captured ships. 3 bundles. 1798-1816. Correspondence ralating to shipping matters. 1 bundle. Including 1. Danish subjects' claims on the French Government on account of the French naval expedition to Egypt in the year 1798, 1799-1816. 77

National Archives Embassy archives: Paris 1801-08. Records relating to consul Pilgrom at the consulate in lie de France (Mauritius). 1 bundle. 1796 onwards. Claims relating to captures Danish ships. 24 bundles. 1779-1825. Various claims relating to captured Danish ships. 4 bundles. 1766-1848. Various correspondence files. 4 bundles. Including 36. Correspondence relating to the firm of Duntzfeldt & Co. 's claim on the naturalist Mace for transport, etc. in India, 1801-02, and 50. Correspondence relating to the estate of Jens Lem, vice-consul in lie de France (Mauritius), 1796-1809. The Netherlands 1749-1847. Correspondence relating to Danish consuls in Dutch ports. 1 bundle. Including records relating to the consulate at Batavia, 1798 and 1840. 1783-1803. Correspondence relating to Dutch East-Indiamen. 1 bundle. Portugal 1799. Copies of Portuguese treaties with Tunis and Tripoli. 1 bundle. Russia Embassy archives: St. Petersburg 1732—c. 1830. 'Departementalia Litr. A - Z ' . 13 bundles. Including 'Litr. Q: Pieces relatives aux affaires de Turquie', 1821-1822, and 'Litr. X: Pieces relatives a la guerre de Turquie'. 1828—1830. 1825-39. Correspondence with the Danish embassy in Constantinople. 1 bundle. Sweden 1844—45. Preliminary records for the maritime defence convention with Sweden against Morocco, February 15, 1845. 1 bundle. Turkey 1774—1810. Correspondence relating to Turkish accessions to the throne. 1 bundle. 1771-1847. Correspondence relating to the Danish embassy in Constantinople. 1 bundle. Including 1. Royal agents and minister residents, 1771-1847, and 2. Royal interpreters, 1773-1845. 1816—48. Correspondence relating to the Danish embassy in Constantinople. 1 bundle. Including 1. Alfons Hübsch, secretary of legation, 1846; 2. Interpreters, 1816-48; 3. Janissaries, 1821, and 4. Interpreters' apprentices, 1821. 1771-1848. Correspondence relating to the embassy's extraordinary disbursements. 3 bundles. 1779-1841. Correspondence relating to Danish consuls in the Levant. 1 bundle. 1796-1843. Correspondence relating to captured Danish ships. 1 bundle. 1804—27. Correspondence relating to negotiations for Danish ships' access to the Black Sea. 2 bundles. 1817-37. 'Departementalia'. 1 bundle. 78

Dept. of Foreign Affairs 1763-1840. Various correspondence. 1 bundle. Including 1. The evangelical community at Smyrna, 1763—74; 2. The embassy archives, 1770-73, and 3. The plague hospital at Pera, 1805-40. 1771-1838. Dispatches. 12 bundles. Embassy archives: Constantinople 1771-1848. Orders. 1 bundle. 1831 - 4 9 . Letter book of departmental letters. 1 vol. 1831-48. Letters to the Board of Customs and Trade. 1 vol. 1771-1846. Various drafts. 1 bundle. 1836-48. Letter books of dispatches. 2 vols. 1819-48. In-letters from the Board of Customs and Trade. 1 bundle. 1823-48. Turkish in-letters from the Sublime Porte, partly with enclosed translation. 2 bundles. 1828—48. In-letters from various Danish diplomats. 1 bundle. 1789-1842. In-letters from various foreign diplomats. 1 bundle. 1793-1839. Letters from Count O. Blome, Danish envoy in St. Petersburg, to Baron v. Hübsch, Danish envoy in Constantinople. 1 bundle. 1830-40. Drafts of letters from Baron v. Hübsch to Count O. Blome, Danish envoy in St. Petersburg. 1 bundle. 1824-27. Correspondence relating to negotiations for Danish ships' access to the Black Sea. 1 bundle. 1844-48. Correspondence relating to Danish ships and sailors in Turkish waters. 1 bundle. 1 7 7 1 , 1 8 0 9 - 4 8 . Various matters. 1 bundle. 1748-1841. Various printed matter. 1 bundle. 1840-56. Translations of Turkish letters. 1 vol. For 1 8 4 8 - 1 8 5 6 , see Embassy Archives: Constantinople, 1848 onwards. - A number of records which from the period before 1848 run on after 1848 has been placed together with the records from the embassy in Constantinople 1848 onwards (which see). Non-European States The Barbary States in general 1790-1833. Treaties between the Barbary states and foreign powers. 1 bundle. Relating to the treaties between France and Algiers, 1790; Portugal and TunisTripoli, 1800, and France and Tunis-Tripoli, 1830. 1733-1845. Correspondence relating to the consulates in the Barbary states. 1 bundle. Including 1. Indemnity for the royal consuls-general in the Barbary states on account of loss of enemy attack, fire, etc., 1845; 2. Royal consulate buildings in the Barbary states, 1798—1840; 3. Salaries; and other incomes of the royal consuls in the Barbary states, 1 7 7 3 - 8 8 and 4. Drafts of instructions, commissions, forms of oaths, etc. 1773-92 (1855). Exchange of presents with the Barbary states. 1 bundle. Including 1. Presents from the Barbary states to the Danish Government, 1773-97; 2. Presents from the Emperor of Morocco to the Danish King, 1789; 3. Presents to the Barbary states in general together with a special computation of amounts for 79

National Archives the same, 1778-87; 4. Barbary present matters, 1792; and 5. Trinkets and clocks belonging to the Department, 1806-45, 1845-55. 1 7 8 3 , 1 7 9 6 - 1 8 0 0 . Expeditions to the Barbary states. 1 bundle. 1771 — 1835. Relations with the Barbary states. 1 bundle. Including 1. Barbary states in general, 1771-1781, 1800, 1814-29; 2. Drafts for negotiations relating to the Barbary states together with general information and treatises concerning the same, n.d. and 1835; 3. Circulars for the consulates in the Barbary states, 1 7 7 1 - 9 8 ; 4 . Barbary states' chartering of Danish ships, 1781. 5. Covering letters to and from The African Consular Directorate, 1802—11. 1799-1800. Correspondence and relating to captured Danish ships. 1 bundle. Algiers 1772-97. Correspondence between the King of Denmark and the Dey of Algiers. 1 bundle. 1772—1839. Danish consulate-general in Algiers and its staff. 1 bundle. 1780-1804. Johan Rehbinder's discharge of his official duties as Danish consul in Algiers. 1 bundle. 1771-1838. Relations with Algiers. 1 bundle. 1772-1824. Presents to the Dey of Algiers. 1 bundle. 1769—73. Breach of the peace with Algiers. 1 bundle. 1770-1839. Various correspondence. 1 bundle. Including correspondence relating to 1. 'Algerian' sea passes, 1771-1839; 2. Danish subjects' enslavement in Algiers, 1783; 3. Consuls' responsibility for slaves in Algiers, 1783; 4. Danish ship's capture to Algiers, 1783; 5. The Jew Bacri's claim, 1799—1800; 6. The conquest of Algiers, 1830; 7. Soldiers belonging to the Dey of Algiers who were in 1795 with the Danish ship 'Johanne Margrethe', captured by a Neapolitan frigate and taken to Bajae, 1795-98. 1770-99. Dispatches. 2 bundles. Morocco 'Documents arabes relatifs au Maroc. Inventaire' (French). 1 bundle. An inventory compiled 1926 in Paris by de Castries, comprising all records relating to Morocco in Arabic characters kept in the Danish National Archives. 1772-1802. Letters from the Emperor of Morocco. 1 bundle. 1843-45. Preliminary records for the commercial treaty with Morocco, April 5, 1845. 1 bundle. 1771-1809, 1846. Correspondence relating to the Danish consuls-general and the consular staff in Morocco. 1 bundle. 1771-1845. Correspondence with and about the Danish consulate-general in Morocco. 1 bundle. Including 1. General correspondence, 1771-1845; 2. Consuls' travels to the court in Morocco, 1775—78; 3. Credits for consuls at Cadiz, 1772-78; 4. Extraordinary expenses of the consulate at Tangiers, 1771—79. 5. The consulate-residence in Morocco, 1772-73. 1836—48. Correspondence relating to accounts of expenses of the consulate at Tangiers. 1 bundle.


Dept. of Foreign Affairs 1 7 9 1 - 9 2 , 1798. Extraordinary embassies to Morocco. 1 bundle. Including sending out of Poul Lavenern, aide-de-camp, 1 7 9 1 - 0 2 . Drafts with enclosures; Matters received; Dispatches f r o m P. Lovenorn; Lovenorn's diary from the mission; Steen Andersen Bille's mission 1798 (drafts with enclosures); Dispatches from St. A. Bille. 1 7 7 2 - 1 8 4 2 . Correspondence relating to the interpreter David ben Moyel. 1 bundle. 1 7 7 2 - 1 8 0 4 . Presents for Morocco. 1 bundle. Including 1. General correspondence, 1 7 7 2 - 9 5 ; 2. Export of piastres from Spain on account of the yearly present to Morocco, 1 7 7 5 - 8 9 ; 3. Sending of Falbe to Morocco, 1 7 8 3 - 9 1 . 1843—45. Abolition of the yearly tribute to Morocco. 1 bundle. 1 7 7 4 - 8 8 and 1839. The inheritance from the Jew, Abraham Sumbel. 1 bundle. 1771—94. Various correspondence. 1 bundle. Including 1. Sending out of gardeners, stone cutters, mining experts and other persons to Morocco for employment in the Emperor's service, 1 7 7 1 - 9 5 ; 2. Pensions for Moroccans, 1772; 3. Prohibition of taking on Moroccan subjects in European ships, 1772—82; 4. Planned convention with Morocco on the release of prisoners in case of war, 1778; 5. Danish ships in Moroccan waters, 1778, 1781; 6. Moroccan cargos of grain, 1787; 7. Effects inquired for by Talib Omar Tub, 1 8 0 3 - 0 4 ; 8. Miscellaneous, 1 7 7 1 - 9 4 . 1 7 7 1 - 9 8 . Dispatches. 4. bundles. Embassy archives: Morocco 1 7 8 5 - 1 8 4 8 . Orders. 3 bundles. Relating to orders for the years 1 7 7 3 - 7 6 , see the private archives of P. Chr. Schumacher in the National Archives among the letters from A.P. Bernstorff. 1 7 9 2 - 9 3 , 1 8 0 0 - 3 2 . Drafts of reports. 3 bundles. 1832—49. Letter book of dispatches from the consulate at Tangiers. 3 vols. 1 8 3 2 - 4 9 . Account book of expenses of the Danish consulate in Morocco, February 26, 1 8 3 2 - J u l y 1, 1849. 1 vol. 1 7 9 3 - 1 8 2 0 , 1849. Various matters. 1 bundle. Including 1. Expense account, 1793 and inventory, 1793; 2. Expense account, 1st July - 24th August, 1798; 3. Designation of records delivered, January, 1794; 4. Designation of records and inventory on occasion of the handing over of the consulate, 1798; 5. Letter book of reports t o the African Consular Directorate, 1801; 7. Draft, May 6, 1792; 8. In-letter dated April 4, 1820; 9. In-letters, 1849. Tripoli 1771 onwards. Letters from the Pasha of Tripoli to the Danish King. 1 bundle. 1 7 9 6 - 9 7 , 1 8 0 0 , 1 8 2 6 - 3 1 . Correspondence relating to Tripolitan treaties. 1 bundle. 1770—77. Correspondence relating to Tripolitan embassies, 1 7 7 3 - 7 4 . 1 bundle. 1 7 7 9 - 8 3 . Correspondence relating to Tripolitan embassy, 1780. 1 bundle. 1 7 7 1 - 1 8 3 6 . Correspondence relating to royal consuls in Tripoli. 1 bundle. 1 7 9 6 - 9 8 . Breach of the peace and the conclusion of peace with Tripoli. 1 bundle. 1 7 7 1 - 1 8 0 5 . Presents for Tripoli. 1 bundle. 1828. Records of the lawsuit, Farfarra in Livorno versus Fellus, Montefieri as well as Barda in Tripoli. 1 bundle. Possibly in connection with presents for Tripoli. 81

National Archives 1770-99. Various correspondence. 1 bundle. Including 1. Moroccan princes' travel through Tripoli, 1772—83; 2. Swedish salt trade in Tripoli, 1774; 3. Capture of Danish ships and ill-treatment by Tripolitans, 1770-90. 1786-1829. General correspondence. 1 bundle. 1771-98. Dispatches. 1 bundle. Embassy archives: Tripoli 1752-1829. 'Cancellarij Boek' (Records of the consular court). 1 vol. 1780-1822. 'Livre des manifestes'. 1 vol. Statements made by captains as regards their cargos. Undated. Tops of sea passes as identification when confronted with Tripolitan corsairs. 1 bundle. Tunisia 1771-1840. Correspondence relating to the consuls and staff of the Danish consulate in Tunis. 1 bundle. 1837-48. Correspondence relating to disbursements of the consulate in Tunis. 1 bundle. 1772-99. Correspondence relating to presents for Tunisia. 1 bundle. 1773-1837. Correspondence relating to Tunisia. 1 bundle. 1771-1847. Various correspondence relating to Tunisia. 1 bundle. Including 1. Breach of the peace with Tunisia, 1 7 7 1 - 7 2 ; 2. Tunisian embassy, 1781; 3. Notifications, 1782 and other years; 4. Display of flags from the Danish consulate, 1784-85; 5. Claims, 1790-1824; 6. Letting of the consulate building to the Belgian consulate, salary of Gaspary, vice-consul, the salute fired in honour of the King's birthday, 1847. 1771-1849. Dispatches. 3 bundles

The Royal African Consular Directorate — Den Kgl. Afrikanske Konsulatsdirektion 1800—1837 By royal ordinance of May 30, 1800 matters relating to Moroccan, Algerian, Tunisian and Tripolitan governments were transferred from the Board of Trade to a special African Consular Directorate. The latter was abolished by royal ordinance of February 28,1837 (with effect from 1st April), its affairs subsequently being placed under the Department of Foreign Affairs. Inventory: Card index in the reading room of the National Archives. Bibliography: Wandel, C.F., Danmark og Barbareskerne 1746-1845 Barbary States 1746-1845). Copenhagen 1919. 1800—28. Representations with royal assents. 4 vols. 1829—37. Representations with royal assents. 1 bundle. 1800-37. Index of representations. 1 bundle. 1800-37. Drafts of representations. 4 bundles. 82

(Denmark and the

African Consular Directorate c. 1800—22. Commissions, instructions and oaths of office. 1 bundle. Including drafts of commissions and passports, 1801—03, drafts and copies of instructions, c. 1800-22, oaths of office taken 1801-02, 1804-05, 1814. 1800-37. Registers of out-letters. 11 vols. 1800-37. Drafts of dispatches. 11 bundles. 1800-02. Tripolitan consular journal. 1 vol. For previous volume, see the Board of Trade, 1797-1816, 1800-02. Business for the Tripolitan consular journal. 1 bundle. 1800-02. Tunisian consular journal. 1 vol. For previous volume, see the Board of Trade, 1797-1816. Continued as Journal of general and Moroccan business 1800—02 (see below). 1800-02. Business for the Tunisian consular journal. 3 bundles. 1800-02. Algerian consular journal. 1 vol. For previous volume, see the Board of Trade, 1797-1816. 1800-02. Business for the Algerian consular journal. 2 bundles. 1800-02. Journal of general and Moroccan business. 1 vol. For previous volume of Moroccan business, see the Board of Trade, 1797-1816. In this journal also the continuation of the above journal of Tunisian consular business from March 1802. 1800-02. Business for the general and Moroccan journal. 2 bundles. 1803-41. Journals of correspondence received. 17 vols. 1803-37. Letters received. 32 bundles. 1816-20. Correspondence concerning Stuhr. 1 bundle. Relating to the Tripolitan seizure of the ship 'Danäe', belonging to N.P. Stuhr, merchant and shipowner at Friedrichstadt, Slesvig. 1800-31. Miscellaneous records. 1 bundle. Including lists of the stock of trinkets and clocks, 1817-31. 1800-06. Protocol of amounts assigned by the Direction. 1 vol. 1825-35. Book of accounts settled with the Deputation of Finance. 1 vol. 1800-11. Bill book. 1 vol. 1 7 9 1 , 1 8 9 3 - 9 9 , 1 8 0 3 - 0 7 , 1810-15. Correspondence relating to bills drawn by the royal consulates in the Barbary States on the banks in Copenhagen and Altona. 2 bundles. 1800-06. Drafts on various African consular accounts. 1 bundle. 1794-1832. Calculations and invoices relating to the presents to the rulers of Algiers, Morocco, Tunis and Tripoli. 1 bundle. Comprising: Calculation of expenditure on the Barbary States, 1816-19; Accounts with invoices of expenses at the consulate in Morocco, 1794—1832; Invoices and lists of presents for the ruler of Tunis, 1820-25. 1799-1838. Moroccan consular accounts. 1 bundle. 1800-21. Tripolitan consular accounts. 1 bundle. 1 8 0 2 - 2 2 , 1 8 2 4 - 3 8 . Tunisian consular accounts. 1 bundle. 1 8 0 2 - 2 0 , 1 8 2 2 - 3 1 . Algerian consular accounts. 1 bundle. 1823-36. Drafts of letters and some in-letters. 1 bundle.


National Archives The Board of Trade — Kommercekollegiet 1 7 3 5 — 1 8 1 6 The Board of Trade is the joint designation for General-Landets-Okonomi- og Kommercekollegiet, 1 7 3 5 - 6 8 ; General-Kommercekollegiet, 1 7 6 8 - 7 1 ; Kommercedeputationen, 1 7 7 1 - 7 3 and Generallandokonomi- og Kommercekollegiet, 1773-1816. The Board of Trade was established in 1735 and was in 1816 united with the former Board of Customs (Det vestindisk-guineiske Rente- og General-Toldkammer) to form the Board of Customs and Trade (which see). The Board of Trade's sphere was the whole monarchy (Denmark, Norway, and the Duchies of Slesvig and Holstein) as well as the Danish East Indian possessions Tranquebar, Frederiksnagore (Serampore) and the Nicobars. Until 1797, the Board's functions were topographically divided. The Dano-Norwegian Secretariat (Dansk — Norske Sekretariat) was responsible for some matters within the field of the Guide, e.g. the charter of the African Company, Algerian pirates, etc. The consular service (including the consuls in the Barbary States) was under the German Secretariat (Tyske Sekretariat) until 1777, when the special Foreign and Consular Secretariat (Udenlandske og Konsulatssekretariat) was established. In the same year, the East India Secretariat (Ostindisk Sekretariat) was also established, after the Danish State taking over the East Indian colonies. In 1782, a special Sea Pass Office (Sepaskontor) was added. In 1797, the Board was reorganized according to the subject matter of the files into 1) The Secretariat of Production and Fishing (Produktions- og Fiskerifagets Sekretariat) (under which the Sea Pass Office belonged until 1810, when it passed to the Secretariat of the Trade and Consulates; 2) The Secretariat of Industries and Factories (Industri- og Fabrikfagets Sekretariat); 3 ) The Secretariat of the Trade and Consulates (Handels- og Konsulatsfagets Sekretariat), and 4 ) The East India Secretariat (Ostindisk Sekretariat). Records from the secretariats mentioned under 3) and 4 ) above are of special importance to the Guide. By royal decree of May 2, 1800 relations with Moroccan, Algerian, Tunisian and Tripolitan Governments were placed under a special, newly-established Royal African Consular Directorate (Den kongelige Afrikanske Konsulats-direction) (which see).

Inventory: Vejledende ArkivregistraturerII. Rentekammeret, Kommercekollegiet, partly obsolete).




By J. Bloch. Copenhagen, 1892, p. 2 4 7 - 3 3 3 (now

Kommercekollegiet 1 7 3 5 - 1 7 9 7 . Inventory no. 215 (in the reading room). By J.O. BroJerrgensen and M. Westrup. Type script and microcard. Kommercekollegiet 1 7 9 7 - 1 8 1 6 . Typed card index (in the reading room). By Morten Westrup.

Board of Trade


The Dano-Norwegian Secretariat - Dansk-Norske Sekretariat 1 7 3 5 - 1 7 7 0

Royal assents and dispatches 1 7 3 6 - 7 0 . Representations with royal assents. 13 vols. ( 1 - 1 3 ) Register to Danish and Norwegian representations of the Board of Trade, 1 7 3 6 - 7 1 ,


Board of Trade as well as to commercial representations relating to Denmark, Norway and the Duchies. 1771-72. Representations with royal assents. 1 vol. (14) 1735-70. Ordinances. 2 vols. (16-17) 1735-70. Royal orders, missives and decrees. 1 vol. (18) Journals of concessions and privileges. With indexes. 5 vols. (20-24) Administration

of the business of the Board

Petition registers ('Supplikprotokoller'). With indexes. 3 vols. ( 3 1 - 3 3 ) Journals of advice on the petitions ('Deliberationsprotokoller til supplikprotokoller'). 3 vols. ( 3 4 - 3 6 ) Correspondence 1735-71. Out-letter books. With indexes. 8 vols. (41-48) 1736-71. Journals. With indexes. 14 vols. ( 4 9 - 6 2 ) 1736-71. Journal files. 82 bundles. (63-144)

The German Secretariat - Tyske Sekretariat 1735-1770 Records of this secretariat are mainly in German. Royal assents and dispatches 1736-70. Representations with royal assents. 30 vols. (147-76) Comprising all activities of the German Secretariat, including consular matters. Items relating to Asiatic and North African countries make up only a small percentage of the total number of entries. In some cases, however, e.g. North African matters were handled by the Dano-Norwegian Secretariat (which see). 1736-72. Register of the royal assents. 2 vols. (177-78) Index of names and subjects for vols. nos. 147-76. 1737-70. Extracts of the representations. 10 vols. (179-88) 1737-70. Original and draft representations. 1 bundle. (189) 1747-71. Protocols of 'Algerian' Sea Passes. 8 vols. (195-202) Registers of sea passes issued to Danish ships, according to the peace treaty of August 10,1746 between the Danish King and the Dey of Algiers, for Mediterranean trade or voyages south of Africa to the East. Administration of the business of the Board 1736-65. Extract protocols Litra A - G . With indexes. 7 vols. (203-09) 1746-53. In-letters for the extract protocol litr. F pages 306-652. 1 bundle. (210) 1736—65. Deliberation journals. 3 vols. (211 — 13) Correspondence 1735-50. Protocol of orders and letters. With indexes. 4 vols. (214-17) 1750-71. Out-letter books. With indexes. 13 vols. (218-30) 85

National Archives 1735-45, 1 7 5 4 - 7 7 . Journals. With indexes. 20 vols. ( 2 3 1 - 5 0 ) 1735-45, 1754-77. Journal files. 98 bundles. ( 2 5 1 - 3 4 8 ) For the period Dec., 1745-1753, see above no. 210. 1745-57. Lists of the ships registered in the Duchies, Slesvig and Holstein. 1 bundle. (357) General files: Consular service and foreign trade 1670-1756. Commercial treaties, etc. 1 bundle. (359) Indluding the treaties with Algiers, 1746, Tripoli, 1752 and Turkey, 1756. 1 7 5 6 - 5 8 , 1 7 6 4 - 6 5 (67). In-letters, relations with Turkey. 1 bundle. (362) 1 7 4 4 , 1 7 4 8 - 6 9 and 1771. In-letters, relations with Algiers. 5 bundles. ( 3 6 3 - 6 7 ) 1753-70. In-letters, relations with Morocco. 4 bundles. ( 3 6 8 - 7 1 ) 1753-68. Accounts, Morocco. 1 bundle. (372) 1749-50, 1752-61 and 1764-70. In-letters relations with Tripoli. 1 bundle. (373) 1751-53, 1755-71. In-letters, relations with Tunis. 2 bundles. ( 3 7 4 - 7 5 ) 1746-51. Documents relating to 'Algerian' sea passes. 1 bundle. (376) 1730-68. Various files, trade and shipping. 1 bundle. (407) Including the African Company, 1756-57; Asiatic Company, 1 7 3 0 - 6 8 ; Levant trade, 1757—63 and undated; reports by Morten Munck and Mossoni Verrayon; capture and seizure of Danish ships, 1 7 4 8 - 5 8 ; release of sailors from Turkish captivity, 1749 and 1751; Danish consuls and consulates, 1 7 4 8 - 5 3 .

Bureau of Commercial Deputies - Kommercedeputationen 1771 — 1773 1770-73. Representations with royal assents, commercial matters. 1 vol. (411) 1771-72. Representations with royal assents. 1 bundle. (412) Including draft representations and the royal proclamation on the charter of the Asia Company. 1772. 1772-73. German letter book. With index. 1 vol. (419) Including consular matters. 1772-73. German journal Litra A. With index. 1 vol. (420) 1772-73. In-letters to German journal Litra A. 4 bundles. ( 4 2 1 - 2 4 ) (1680, 1732), 1769-72. Renewal of the charter of the Asiatic Company. 1772. 1 bundle. (425) 1771-72. In-letters, Barbary States. 1 bundle. (428)





The German Secretariat - Tyske Sekretariat 1 7 7 3 - 1 7 9 7 From 1777, the consular service was removed and placed under a special office, Foreign and Consular Secretariat (see below). Representations and royal decrees 1773—76. Representations with royal assents. 4 vols. (757—60) 1773—76. Extracts of the representations. 4 vols. (766—69) 86

Board of Trade 1776-77. Ordinances, decrees, grants, etc. 1 vol. (772) For 1776, dispatches relating to consulates. Correspondence 1774-76. Chancery registers of dispatches. 2 vols. ( 7 7 7 - 7 8 ) 1774-76. Chancery register of in-letters. 1 vol. (780) 1773-77. German register of dispatches (out-letter books). 2 vols. ( 7 8 1 - 8 2 ) 1773-77. Journals. 2 vols. ( 8 0 1 - 0 2 ) 1773-76. Journal files. 8 bundles. ( 8 2 3 - 3 0 ) Various 1779, 1790, 1793-94, 1796. Lists of merchant vessels sailing from Copenhagen. 1 bundle. (911) 1 7 7 4 - 9 2 and undated. Various. 1 bundle. (915)

East India Secretariat - Ostindisk Sekretariat 1777-1797 Royal assents and


1777-97. East India representations with royal assents. With indexes. 6 vols. (916—21) Besides representations and assents also comprising several other issues, e.g. decrees, and until 1784 some Orders in Council and letters from Prince Frederik, heir presumptive. 1777-97. Drafts of representations. 3 bundles. ( 9 2 2 - 2 4 ) 1777-95. East India decrees, commissions and credentials. With indexes. 3 vols. (925-27) Letter books of royal orders, including decrees, licences, deeds of institution, instructions, regulations and passports. For the period 1796—97, see the registers of royal transactions 1 7 9 6 - 9 8 in the Board of Trade, 1797-1816: East India Secretariat. 1777 - May 1797. Drafts of royal orders. 1 bundle. (928) Correspondence 1777-97. 1779-95. 1777-97. 1777-97. 1779-96.

Out-letter books. With indexes. 17 vols. ( 9 2 9 - 4 5 ) Drafts of out-letters. 1 bundle. (946) Journals. With indexes. 17 vols. ( 9 4 7 - 6 3 ) Journal files. 71 bundles. ( 9 6 4 - 1 0 3 4 ) Journal files, Nicobar Islands. 2 bundles. ( 1 0 3 5 - 3 6 )

Various 1779-95. Abstracts of reports from the Tranquebar Government, etc. 1 bundle. (1037) Containing: 1. Abstracts of reports on political events in East Indies, 1779-91, 1795; 2. Abstracts of reports on finances, political matters, the Civil Service and the fighting services, etc. in East Indies, 1782-83, 1786 and 1792; 3. Abstract of the Royal Government's report on the case against senior lieutenant Moller at Fre87

National Archives deriksnagore, 1791—93; 4. Abstract of memorials of individual tradesmen as to security of East India return cargoes, undated; 5. Abstract of the Asiatic Company's claim on the Board of Trade up to Dec. 4, 1792. 1792—94. Disputes between Frederiksnagore officials. Abstracts of the Government's report with enclosures. 1 bundle. (1038) 1777—80. Commission proceedings, inventories, etc. relating to the transfer of records from the Asiatic Company. 1 bundle. (1039) ( 1 7 5 2 - ) 1789-90. Records of the Commission for the Regulation of the Charter of the Asiatic Company. 1 vol. + 1 bundle. ( 1 0 4 0 - 4 1 ) 1785-97. Enactments on East India trade and shipping. 1 bundle. (1042) Containing: 1. Draft of regulations for individual trading expeditions to the East Indies and back, July 25, 1785 and undated; 2. Drafts and letters relating to the Asiatic Company's charter, 1789-92; 3. Preparatory work on ship's rules for the Asiatic Company, April 9, 1794 and undated; 4. Drafts of decree as to East India trade, June 16, 1797 and undated. ( 1 7 7 2 - ) 1775-97. Information, calculations, reports etc., East India and China trade and shipping. 1 bundle. (1043) 1781-83, 1790. Valuations etc., relating to the inhabitants of Tranquebar and neighbouring districts. 1 vol. (1044) Compiled by the commission for assessing the inhabitants according to their house property, estates and personalty. 1780-95. Tranquebar fortifications. 1 bundle. (1045) 1779—81. Lieutenant-Colonel v. RestorfPs papers as to the recruiting and equipment of the royal East India troops. 1 bundle. (1046) 1790. Inventory of the Archives of the Government of Tranquebar. 1 vol. (1047) Compiled in 1790 by the Rev. Henning Engelhardt, comprising the documents which the Asiatic Company handed over according to the deed of conveyance of Aug. 1,1777. 1773-96. Various files, not journalized. 1 bundle. (1048) Including printed regulations and decree on the administration of justice at Tranquebar and in India, 1773; petition from Galenus Jacobus Vick at Negapatam, 1779; representation without royal decree relating to the annual tribute to the Indian princes for the establishments Tranquebar and Frederiksnagore, 1782. 1778—79 (—1780). Account-books of the Government ad interim. With index. 1 vol. (1049) 1779—81. Account-books of the Royal Government. With indexes. 3 vols. ( 1 0 5 0 - 5 2 ) 1777-1801. East India cashbook. 1 vol. (1053) Kept in the East India Secretariat, 1777-91. 1777-91. Register of debits and credits in the East India cashbook. 1 bundle. (1054) 1779—89 and 1795. Cash orders on the East India fund of the Pay-Office, etc. 2 bundles. ( 1 0 5 5 - 5 6 ) Besides the cash orders, which are drafts, some bills and receipts. 1782—83 (95). Bills of exchange and letters of advice, submitted by the Tranquebar Government. 1 bundle. (1057) 1778-95. Various East India accounts. 1 bundle. (1058) 1779-82. The Government's audit of accounts from Sept. 1, 1778 to the end of July 1781. 1 vol. (1059)


Board of Trade Foreign and Consular Secretariat — Udenlandske og Konsulatssekretariat 1777—1797 Royal assents and instructions 1777-93 ( - 9 7 ) . Representations with royal assents. 3 vols. (1060-62) 1794-97, see Board of Trade, 1797-1816. 1784-97. Representations with royal assents, the Barbary States. 1 bundle. (1063) Containing representations concerning Algiers, 1786, 1796-97; Morocco 1794-95; Tripoli, 1796 and Tunis, 1794. 1773-96. Drafts of representations and royal instructions. 1 bundle. (1064) Including consular matters. Correspondence 1773-97. Out-letter books. With indexes. 22 vols. (1066-87) 1776-97. Drafts. 1 bundle. (1088) Mainly drafts of dispatches concerning relations with Algiers, Morocco, Tripoli and Tunis. 1783-87, 1789-97. Journals. With indexes. 26 vols. (1089-1114) Journals of consular business received. 1773-97. Journal files. 52 bundles. (1115-66) 1773-97. Unjournalized correspondence, consular business. 1 bundle. (1167) 1775—82. Letter book, consular business, Algiers, Morocco, Tripoli and Tunis. With index. 1 vol. (1168) Mostly documents concerning gifts to the rulers of these states. 1775-82. Drafts and enclosures to the letter book of consular business, Algiers, Morocco, Tripoli and Tunis. 1 bundle. (1169) 1774-78. Journal of correspondence concerning gifts to Algerian rulers. With index. 1 vol. (1170) 1774-78. Journal files, gifts to Algerian rulers. 1 bundle. (1171) 1781-83. Journal of correspondence concerning gifts to Algerian rulers. With index. 1 vol. (1172) 1781-93. Journal files, gifts to Algerian rulers. 1 bundle. (1173) 1791—83. Journal of correspondence concerning gifts to Algerian rulers. With index. 1 vol. (1174) 1791-97. Journal files, gifts to Algerian rulers. 1 bundle. (1175) 1773-97. Various files, not journalized, the Barbary States (mostly Algiers). 1 bundle. (1176) 1793—96. Register of letters sent and received, Algiers, Morocco, Tripoli and Tunis. 1 bundle. (1177) Various 1773—80. Summary abstracts of audited accounts with royal receipts, consulate in Morocco. 1 bundle. (1178) 1773—82. Various files of 'Algerian' sea passes. 1 bundle. (1179) Including: 1. Accounts and lists of 'Algerian' and Latin sea passes issued, 1773—81; 2. Various documents and letters as to the issue, renewal and return of 'Algerian' sea passes.


National Archives The Sea Pass Office - Sopaskontoret 1782-1797 The issue of sea passes and the administration of related business were by royal ordinance of April 8, 1782, placed under a special Sea Pass Office. Latin sea passes were required for voyages in the North and West Sea and beyond including the East and West Indies as well as Guinea. 'Algerian* (or Turkish) sea passes were required for voyages to the Mediterranean. For such a voyage, both a Latin and an 'Algerian' sea pass had thus generally to be issued. The passes were only valid for a single voyage. 1790-96. Representations with royal assents as well as a few royal orders. 1 bundle. (1180) 1782—86. Registers of Latin sea passes for Denmark (fragment). With index of the names of the ships. 1 vol. (1181) 1793-96. Registers of Latin sea passes. With indexes of the names of the ships. 4 vols. (1182-85) 1778—96. Registers of 'Algerian' sea passes. With indexes of the names of the ships. 5 vols. ( 1 1 8 6 - 9 0 ) 1796-97, May, see the Board of Trade, 1797-1816. 1782-95. Journals. With indexes. 4 vols. ( 1 1 9 6 - 9 9 ) The index of the last volume (for the period 1795 Jan. 2 — Aug. 14) also comprises letters received during the last months of the year, originally entered in a lost supplementary volume. 1796-1797 May, see the Board of Trade, 1797-1816. 1783-95 ( 1 7 8 4 - 9 0 missing). Journal files. 3 bundles. ( 1 2 0 0 - 0 2 ) Mainly accounts with vouchers on the 'Algerian' and Latin sea passes issued, forwarded by prefects in Norway and the Prefect of Altona. 1782-96. 'Algerian' and Latin sea passes. 1 bundle. (1203)




1 7 9 7 - 1 81 6

The Secretariat of the Trade and Consulates Handels- og Konsulatsfagets Sekretariat 1797—1816 Royal assents and expeditions 1808-13. Journals of royal orders and decrees. With indexes. 5 vols. 1806-15. Royal decrees ('Reskripter'). 1 bundle. 1794—1815. Representations with royal assents. With indexes. 14 vols. 1797—1812. German representations with royal assents. 1 vol. 1797—1816. Representations·with royal assents. 1 bundle. Including 1. Representations with royal assents, Sea Pass Administration, 1797-1800, 1803, 1807, (when it was under the Secretariat of Production and Fishing), 2. Representations and royal decrees, Barbary States, 1797-1800. 1796—1811. Tabular summaries to the representations, trade and shipping conditions. 1 bundle. 1797-1815. Drafts of representations. 1 bundle. 1797-1815. Patents and commissions for consuls. 1 bundle. 1798-1814. Rough and faircopy drafts of decrees. 1 bundle.


Board of Trade Correspondence 1797-1815. Out-letter books. With indexes. 25 vols. For 1816, see the Board of Customs and Trade, 1816-48. 1801, 1803, 1806, 1814-16. Drafts for the letter books. 3 bundles. 1807-08. Interim letter books for the Board of Trade section at Kolding and Rendsburg. 2 vols. 1807—08. Drafts for the interim letter books for the Board of Trade section at Kolding and Rendsburg. 1 bundle. 1797-1815. Journals. With indexes. 27 vols. For 1816, see the Board of Customs and Trade, 1816-48. 1807-08. Interim journals for the Board of Trade section at Kolding and Rendsburg. 3 vols. Among the letters from internal local authorities and institutions the following ones deserve special mention: 1807-08. Letters from the Board of Trade section at Kolding and Rendsburg. 1 bundle. 1797—1816. Letters from the Department of Foreign Affairs. 5 bundles. 1800-15. Letters from the Quarantine Directorate. 1 bundle. 1800-15. Letters from the African Consular Directorate. 1 bundle. 1800—15. Letters from the Board of Finance. 2 bundles. 1797-1815. Letters from the Admiralty and Commissariat Board. 2 bundles. 1800—16. Letters from the Corporation of Copenhagen. 2 bundles. 1798-1815. Letters from the Merchants' Guild (of Copenhagen). 1 bundle. Among the reports from the consulates the following ones deserve special mention: 1803—16. Reports from the consulate in Constantinople and Smyrna. 1 bundle. From Constantinople for the years 1 8 0 6 - 0 7 only. 1801-15. Reports from the consulates in Algiers, Morocco and Tunis. 1 bundle. Including reports from the consulate in Algiers, 1 8 0 1 - 1 1 and 1814—15; from the consulate in Morocco, 1801—08 and from the consulate in Tunis, 1802—15. By royal decree of May 30, 1800 control of the consulates in the Barbary States was transferred to the newly established African Consular Directorate; consular reports dealing with trade only were, however, still sent directly to the Board of Trade. 1799-1807. Reports from the consulate in Tripoli. 1 bundle. 1799—1810. Complaints against the consuls. 2 bundles. 1797-1815. Lists of ships registered in Denmark and the Duchies of Slesvig and Holstein. 3 bundles. Containing: I. 1797, 1 8 0 0 - 0 1 , 1803, 1810, 1 8 1 3 - 1 5 Lists of the ships registered in Copenhagen. - II. 1813—15 List of the ships registered in Denmark outside Copenhagen. - III. 1798, 1801, 1804, 1806, 1808, 1810, 1 8 1 3 - 1 5 Lists of the ships registered in the Duchies of Slesvig and Holstein. 1803—06. Outward clearance of Danish ships. 1 bundle. 1793—1804. Capture of Danish ships in French waters with shipowners' claims on the French Government. 1 bundle. 1807 1st Dec. - 7th June 1815. 'Schedule of Danish Ships and Vessels captured subsequent to the 1st of December 1807 and adjudicated in the High Court of Admiralty of England between that period and the date h e r e o f . 1 vol. Containing information about the name of the ship and the captain, date of 91

National Archives capture, voyage from and to, cargo and date and details of the judgment. With index. 1807, 1810-11 and undated. Lists of Danish ships captured in England. 1 bundle. 1807—08. Letters from the Board of Trade in Copenhagen to its section at Kolding and Rendsburg. 2 bundles. Various matters, Barbary States 1797-98, 1800. Drafts of letters, Barbary States. 1 bundle. Drafts of letters entered in the general letter book of the Secretariat until the introduction of the special letter book for the Barbary States. 1797-99. Barbary States. 1 bundle. Business entered in the general journals of the Secretariat until the introduction of special journals for the Barbary States. 1799-1800. Out-letter book, Barbary States. With index. 1 vol. 1799-1800. Drafts of letters, Barbary States. 1 bundle. 1798-1800. Algerian journal. With index. 1 vol. 1798-1800. Moroccan journal. With index. 1 vol. 1798-1800. Business for the Algerian and the Moroccan journal. 1 bundle. 1797-1800. Tripolitan journal. 1 vol. 1798-1800. Business for the Tripolitan journal. 1 bundle. 1797-1800. Tunisian journal. 1 vol. 1797-1800. Business for the Tunisian journal. 1 bundle. 1797-1800. Various unjournalized business, Barbary States. 1 bundle. Comprising unjournalized consular reports and the like as well as bills, vouchers, etc. for gifts to the heads of the Barbary States.

The East India Secretariat — Ostindisk Sekretariat 1797-1816 Royal assents and instructions 1798-1815. Representations with royal assents. With indexes. 4 vols. 1798 -1815. Draft representations. 2 bundles. 1796-1812 (1809-11 missing). Registers of royal transactions. 2 vols. Comprising copies of decrees, orders, regulations, licences, commissions, instructions, deeds of institution, passports, etc. - For 1814-1816, see the Board of Customs and Trade, 1816-48. 1797-1808, 1812, 1814-15. Drafts of royal orders. 1 bundle. Correspondence 1797-1814. Out-letter books. With indexes. 14 vols. For 1815-16, see the Board of Customs and Trade, 1816-48. 1805, 1815-16. Drafts. 1 bundle. 1798-1815. Journals. With indexes. 15 vols. 1798-1816. Journal files. 33 bundles.


Board of Trade Various 1801-04. Extracts of the Tranquebar Government's register of deliberations and decrees. 2 bundles. 1798. Duplicates of original dispatches from the Government at Tranquebar. 1 bundle. 1806-10. Disputes between the acting governor of Tranquebar P. Hermansen and N. Chr. Lindgreen, presiding judge. 1 bundle. 1770-1808, 1816. The Nicobars. 1 bundle. Including: 1. Journal files, 1798-1808 and 1816, e.g. Captain N. Moller's Survey of the Nicobars with a plan for the cultivation of the said islands, Dec. 24, 1798; 2. Unjournalized matters, 1770-1807, e.g. an anonymous draft of a description of the attempts at colonization, 1755 — c. 1790 as well as a journal on the surveying of the Nicobars, 1791. 1797-1802. Rebellion of the castes in Tranquebar as well as their complaints against Suppremania Setty, dubash. 1 bundle. Including transcripts from the minutes of the commission of inquiry of August 29, 1787 as well as from the tribunal of Sept. 14, 1789. 1795—1802. Records relating to the Indian Sennapa Naik, arriving in Copenhagen from Tranquebar, as well as his complaints against Peter Anker, governor of Tranquebar. 1 bundle. 1781—98. Records relating to the commission of inquiry into Lieutenant-Colonel Ole Bie's farming of the customs at the lodge of Frederiksnagore (Serampore). 3 bundles. The commission was appointed by royal decree of March 24, 1783 and abolished 1786. 1813-15. Administration of the estate of Jens Wuldem, factor. 1 bundle. (1732—) 1796-1808. Lists of East Indian cargoes. 3 bundles. Forwarded to the Board of Trade by the Copenhagen custom house. — Including: I 1. Copy register of outward-bound and returned ships, 1732-96; I 2. Customs clerk's monthly lists of the clearance of East Indian goods, 1804-08. - II 1. Statements and estimates of customs and duties of cargoes arriving from the East Indies, ( 1 7 9 5 - ) 1804-07; II 2. The customs officers' statements of East Indian return cargoes, 1796—1801. — III. The customs officers' statements of East Indian return cargoes, 1802, 1804-07. 1808—14 and undated. Unjournalized matters, Asiatic Company and East Indian trade. 1 bundle. ( 1 8 0 1 - ) 1802-05. Documents relating to the provisioning and sending home of the Indian crew engaged on the stranded ship 'Christianus Septimus'. 1 bundle. Comprising: 1. Copies of the documents produced in the Copenhagen Maritime Court(with a copy of the judgment), 1802-05; 2. Documents produced in court by the litigants: The Board of Trade and the shipowner, the commercial house of Harrop & Stevenson at Tranquebar; 3. Accounts of the money spent on provisions. 1798 and undated. Cipher keys. 1 bundle. Ciphering and deciphering keys for the Council at Frederiksnagore (Serampore) and for the Government of Tranquebar (undated). 1797-1806, 1810 and undated. Various unjournalized matters. 1 bundle. Including letters received, drafts, etc. relating to trade and navigation as well as the government of the colonies. 93

National Archives 1796—1802. Commission of inquiry into the presumed improper use of the sea passes issued by the government in the East Indies. 1 bundle. The commission was appointed in 1799 and abolished in 1802. - Including: 1. Original mandate of June 21, 1799; 2. Minutes of proceedings, July 6, 1799 — Oct. 4, 1800; 3. Letters to the commission, 1799 - 1802; 4. Remitted journal files, 1796-1802; 5. Drafts, etc., 1797 - 1802 and undated.

The Sea Pass Office - Sepasekspeditionen 1797-1816 1797-1807. Latin pass registers. With indexes of ship's names. 11 vols. 1797-1814. 'Algerian' pass registers. With indexes of ship's names. 5 vols. For 1815-16 February, see the Board of Customs and Trade, 1816-48. 1796-1815. Letter books. With indexes. 15 vols. For 6. Jan. - 6. Feb. 1816, see the Board of Customs and Trade, 1816-48. 1796-1815. Journals. With indexes. 8 vols. 1797-1816. Journal files. 21 bundles. 1801-07 (1810). Journals of pass extensions. With indexes. 3 vols. Comprising reports on extensions of passes and other ship's papers in the ports of the Danish monarchy. 1804-07. Matters pertaining to the journals of pass extensions. 1 bundle. 1787-1816. Accounts. 1 bundle. 1797—1815. Unjournalized matters. 1 bundle. 1796-1816. Various. 2 bundles. Comprising: I. Oaths taken by shipowners and captains, declarations by the corporation, returned sea passes, etc., 1797—1815. — II. Forms of various sea pass documents, as well as translations, drafts, 1796—1816 and undated, registers and lists of passes issued and extended as well as of captains, 1796-97; loading capacity of the ships, 1801-05, etc.

The Freight Duty Office - Fragtafgiftsekspeditionen 1796-1816 Owing to the heavy expenditure on protection of overseas trade, supplementary duties were by a decree of February 24, 1796 imposed upon freights, depending upon the capacity of the ships and the length of the voyages. From Danish consuls in foreign ports, information was sent to the Board of Trade. According to a decree of April 21,1797, the duty was also imposed upon unloading of cargo in non-European ports in the Mediterranean. 1796-1812. Letter books. With indexes. 8 vols. For 1813-16 Feb., see the Board of Customs and Trade, 1816-48. 1796-1797, 1799. Drafts. 1 bundle. 1807—08. Interim letter book for the Board of Trade section at Kolding and Rendsburg. With index. 1 vol. 1796-1812. Journals. With indexes. 10 vols. For Jan. 1 8 1 3 - F e b . 1816, see the Board of Customs and Trade, 1816-48. 1796-1800, 1803-16. Journal files. 20 bundles.


Board of Trade 1807-08. Interim journal for the Board of Trade section at Kolding and Rendsburg. 1 vol. 1796-1812. Ledgers. 6 vols. Relating to the freight duty declarations sent in by consuls and forwarded to the corporations of the towns of the monarchy in order to secure collection of the amounts due. From 1803 onward, the charges for sea passes are also entered. The volumes are arranged according to the authorities collecting the charges. - For 1813-16, see the Board of Customs and Trade, 1816-48. 1807. 2. Sept. - 31. Dec. Interim ledger of Board of Trade section at Kolding and Rendsburg of freight duty declarations. 1 vol. 1804-06. Ledgers of ight declarations sent in. With indexes. 3 vols. Relating to the freight duty declarations sent in by the consuls according to the decree of Feb. 1, 1804, for cargoes for which the duties had been paid in home ports. The volumes are arranged according to the ports of registry of the ships. 1798, 1802, 1813-16. Custom houses' shipping lists of outward-bound vessels with freight, with special lists of ships for which the duties upon freights had been paid in home ports. 7 bundles. 1796-1816 (1817). Various accounts, etc. 1 bundle.

Papers left by Officials - Efterladte embedspapirer Ove Ramel Sehested (1757-1838),

Deputy of the Board of Trade

Papers, 1790 to 1815 including. 1 bundle. e.g. 5. Letters and records relating to the East Indies and the Nicobars c. 1700-1800. J.H.E. Bernstorff (1712- 72), Foreign Minister, and his secretary, J. Wasserschiebe (1709-87) Papers relating to manufacturing, stamping of cards as well as trade and navigation, etc., 1746, 1750 to 1764. 1 bundle. Papers relating to Mossoni Verrayon and Levant trade 1756 to 1766. 2 bundles. Including records and accounts regarding the attempt at starting Levant trade; among the letter writers are S.W. Gähler, envoy in Constantinople, J .A. Horn, secretary of legation in the same place, C.A. v. Johnn, envoy in Hamburg, Just Fabritius, Joost v. Hemert and Morten Münk, merchants. — In 1760 a letter in Turkish. Chr. Ewald, Deputy of the Board of Trade From 1804 to 1816, Chr. Ewald was Deputy of the Board of Trade, having formerly been Second Government Councillor at Tranquebar, 1801-03 (1802). Died 1829. The papers mainly comprise copies of the Board of Trade's representations with royal assents, as well as of letters received, most often grouped around a special business, person or event relating to the Danish colonial possessions in the East Indies. Here and there, however, notes in Ewald's own hand and a few original letters to him or others. File VII: 41 with letters etc. from Chr. Soetmann, superintendent at Porto Novo, 1796-97, is presumably of other provenance. 95

National Archives

Among these papers the following are relevant: I. A. 1 bundle. Military business at Tranquebar: 1. Representations with royal assents as well as orders relating to the military service, 1780—1815; 2. Condition of the pension fund for soldiers having finished their service in the East Indies, 1815; 3. East Indian equipment, 1807, 1814; 4. Organizing of the military force in the East Indies, 1814; 5. East Indian recruitment, 1792, 1805-06, 1814; 6. Use of rifles with bayonets by the artillery company of Tranquebar, 1806; 7. Establishment of the military tribunal at Tranquebar and the penal code for the East Indian troops, 1807; 8. Military chief command in the governor's absence, 1806; 9. Powder mül at Tranquebar, 1777-1806; 10. Death sentence of musketeer Jens Andersen, 1806, 1814; 11. Pensions of soldiers and sepoys dismissed and returned from the East Indies, 1804-08; 12. Instructions that all troops in the East Indies (excepting the sepoys) should be close-cropped, 1805; 13. Regulations concerning the military force, 1805; 14. The widow of sergeant Moore at Tranquebar, 1804; 15. Reorganization of the military force in the East Indian establishments; 16. Payment of wages in Danish current money to soldiers after 5 years' service, 1782; 17. Purchases for royal use in the East Indies, 1791; 18. The Board's letter to the government relating to the sending of recruits, 1814; 19. Crown Prince Frederik's orders and the Boards reports to him, 1804-08; [20. Missing]; 21. The Board's letters to Crown Prince Frederik relating to military service, 1804-07; 22. Military payroll for Tranquebar, 1802; 23. Proposal for a new scale of paying soldiers at Tranquebar, undated; 24. Government Councillor Hermansen's letter relating to military matters, 1814; 25. List of the Danish prisoners of war sent from Tranquebar to England, 1812; 26. Petition from the Tranquebar prisoners of war in England, 1812; 27. Letters and petitions relating to military service in India, 1794-1807; 28. Equipment delivered to the East Indies from the arsenal and the military stores, 1815; 29. Admiral Bille's report on military matters at Tranquebar, 1816; 30. Tranquebar fortifications, public buildings, armament, accoutrements and defence, 1780-1805; 31. Military matters in India, 1802-14; 32. Appointments and promotions with the military force of Tranquebar. I. B, C and D. 1 bundle. B. Commissioned and non-commissioned officers at Tranquebar, 1791—1816. C. Surrender of Tranquebar 1801 and the return 1802: 1. The Board's representations hereon, 1801-03; 2. Major-General Anker's letters on these subjects, 1802; 3. Miscellanea relating to the occupation of Tranquebar, 1801-03, including a diary kept in the prison at Ponnamalee near Madras by Christopher Klinderup, soldier. D. Occupation of Tranquebar 1808 as well as the return of it 1814,1808-16: 1. Royal decrees on these subjects; 2. The English Government's order of return; 3. Return of the East Indian possessions 1814 (1816); 4. Admiral Bille's reports on that subject; 5. Annexes to reports to the Board by Government Councillor Hermansen. I. Ε - F. 1 bundle. E. English occupation of the lodge Frederiksnagore (Serampore), 1801: 1. Colonel Bie's reports on that subject; 2. Colonel Bie's report on the return 1801; 3. Occupation of Frederiksnagore 1808, (1808-11) and 1816. F. Frederiksnagore etc., 96

Board of Trade 1777—1815: la. Royal decrees etc. relating to Frederiksnagore (Serampore), 1778-98; lb. Regulations for Frederiksnagore, Patna and Balasore, 1798; 2. Board letters relating to Frederiksnagore, 1803-05, 1814; 3. Lodges at Calicut etc., 1778-99; 4. The catchery at Frederiksnagore, 1805; 5. Money and weights at Frederiksnagore, undated; 6. Letters to the Board from Frederiksnagore, 1805-13; 7. Abstracts of letters from the Frederiksnagore, 1794-1816; 9. Krefting, recorder, 1794, 1806; 10. Captain Wickede, 1792-1814; 11. Captain Meiler, 1797; 12. Wallich, surgeon, 1806; 13. Lieutenant Pingel, 1815. I. G. 1 bundle. Papers relating to the East Indian packet service, 1802-14; 1. Royal assents and the Board's representations, 1801-06; 2. Proposals and reports, 1802; 3. Letters from the Board of Trade, the Board of Finance and the Danish Trade Company for Manufactures, 1805-06; 4. The packet boat 'Hanna', Captain Jansen, 1805-06; 5. The packet boat 'De twe Gijsbert', Captain Holtermann, 1804-10; 6. The packet boat 'De twe Gijsbert', Captain Holtermann, 1804-10; 6. The packet boat 'Kronprindsesse Marie', Captain Kruse, 1804-10; 7. The packet boat 'De 3 Sostre', Captain Nissen, 1805-14; 8. The packet boat 'Faedres Minde', Captain Risbricht, 1808, 1814; 9. Further documents relating to the packet service, 1802,1805. [10. Missing]. II. 1 bundle. Papers relating to the Nicobars, 1753-1819: 1. Royal decrees, the Board's representations and reports hereon, 1759-94; 2. Letters from the Board to the governor of Tranquebar, 1805-06; 3. The governor's letters regarding the Nicobars, 1785, 1787; 4. Accounting for the Nicobars, undated; 5. Occupation of the Nicobars, by Austrians, 1778-90; 6. Judge Herbs about the Nicobars, 1805; 7. Chaplain Engelhardt hereon, 1785; 8. Captain Stibolt hereon, 1783; 9. Captain N. Ackeleie hereon, 1804; 10. Government Councillor F.T.v. Lichtenstein hereon, 1790-91, 1801; 11. Resident J.C. Pipping hereon (German), undated; 12. A. Eschels Kroon hereon, 1785. Printed report to Crown Prince Frederik Allerunterthänigster Bericht an Seiner Königlichen Hoheit, den Prinzen Friderich, Kronprinz ... wegen die königliche dänische Insuln, die Nicobaren, oder jetzt genannte Friderichs-Insuln, gelegen zwischen der Strasse Malacca und dem Golf von Bengalen in Asien ..., Kopenhagen [1783]; 13. Daniel Huusfeldt on the Nicobars, 1753; 14. R. Alling hereon, 1757; 15. J.B. Tanck hereon, 1756; 16. Captain N.C. Meiler hereon, 1798; 17. Report hereon (with sketch map) by Panck, mate, 1756; 18. C.F. Lund hereon, 1756; 19. C. Soetmann, 1787, 1792; 20. M.(? ) Rasmussen's report on his voyage to the Nicobars, dated Achin Dec. 18,1757; 21. Reports by Moravian Brethren, partly in German and in original, 1770-1813; 22. Several other reports etc. on the Nicobars, 1756-87, 1806; 23. Ά chart of the Nicobar Island in the Gulf of Bengal' (with inset), undated, on 2 scales, size 32,0 χ 46,7 cm; 24. On the establishment of colonies, 1794, 1819 and undated. III. 1 bundle. Papers relating to the Royal Danish Asiatic Company: 1. The Board's representations and royal assents, 1771-1812; 2. The Asiatic Company's petitions to the King, 1812-16; 3. The Board's letters with replies, 1815-16; 4. Balance of account and calculations of the situation of the Asiatic Company, etc., 1790; 5. Statement 97

National Archives

of affairs of the Company, 1790; 6. Tea duty, 1809-15; 7. The Board of Trade's letters relating to the Company, 1791, 1804-15; 8. The Company's letters to the Board, 1789-90, 1810; 9. The Board's outstanding account with the Company, 1799, 1812; 10. The Company's cession of Tranquebar and the East Indian establishments, 1771,1779; 11. Several records relating to the Company, 1785-1814; 12. Commission appointed, March 6, 1810, relating to the prolongation of the Company's charter, c. 1810-12. IV. 1 bundle. Papers relating to appointments to the Civil Service at Tranquebar as well as instructions for the functionaries: A. 1. /Ereboe, inspector of customs, 1814; 2. Representation relating to the organizing of the government administration at Tranquebar, 1814; 3. C.F.C. Mansbach, 1814; 4. Lorentz, Government Secretary, 1814; 5. Representations relating to disputes in the government, 1807; 6. Appointments of Pheiff and Hoff, 1805. Β. Further decrees and representations relating to civil servants as well as further measures ordered, 1777—1805, 1810. C. Instructions and regulations for the governors, the Black Court, the garrison adjutant, the Adiagar, the government and others, 1789. V. A. 1 bundle. Papers relating to the East Indies: A. 1. Extract of Ewald's reports on the Danish establishments in India, 1803, 1806—07; 2. Political and economic state of the East Indian establishments and lodges, 1782-83,1786; 3. Extract of the government's reports on the political events in India, 1788-89; 4. Stamped paper in the Danish East Indian establishments; 5. General Peter Anker's proposal for new regulations, 1792; 6. Royal authorization of foreign residents etc., 1802—03; 7. Ceremonies and rights of the castes, 1789, 1803; 8. Heritage of akin in the East Indies, 1796; 9. The Widows' and Post Pension Fund as regards the East Indies, 1795—96; 10. Patronage in the East Indies, 1788, 1790, 1809; 11. Auction fees, 1809; 12. Legal matters, 1802, 1806; 13. Secretariat deeds and accompanying stamp privilege, 1804—05; 14. The Black Court, 1789, 1802-04; 15. The Conciliation Board ('Forligelseskommissionerne'), 1805-07; 16. The Courbon case, 1805-08; 17. The trial of Routier, 1806-07; 18. The Public Trustee's Office ('Overformynderiet') at Tranquebar, 1788-1805; 19. The Visiador, 1798; 20. Bottomry bonds, 1787 21. Complaints and petitions to the government and the Finance Council, 1802; 22. Complaint by Magnates with the government's report, 1802-03; 23. Proclamations, 1753, 1790-1805. V. Β. 1 bundle. Papers relating to the East Indies: Β. 1. The Rajah of Tanjore and Tanjore matters, 1780-81, 1799-1803; 2. English possessions in India, 1799; 3. Instructions for the English collectors, undated; 4. Further records relating to the English possessions in India, 1805-06; 5. The East Indian letter post, 1803-11; 6. Representations by the Board of Trade with royal assents regarding the East Indian establishments, 1777-1807; 7. Discharge and home voyage of East Indian officials appointed under the Royal Seal as well as soldiers, 1780-1809; 8. Census papers, 1802; 9. East India Secretariat, 1806-10; 10. Confiscated letters conc. English India, 1807-08; 11. Tables and lists regarding receipts and expenditure of the East Indian establishments, 1779-1801; 12. Representation with royal assent regarding the history of 98

Board of Trade Danish East India Trade by Hennings, 1783; 13. The Board's representation relating to the discharge of C.J. Boalth and Mathias 0vre, secretaries, 1814. V. C - F . 1 bundle. Papers relating to the East Indies: C. 1. The Board's representation regarding East India trade, etc., 1777; 2. Expedition to the East Indies, 1814—16; 3. Prisoners of war from the Danish East Indies in England, 1809, 1813; 4. Coffee, tea and other East Indian goods, 1807-08, 1815; 5. Convoy to the East and West Indies, 1793, 1798-99; 6. Royal ordinance on East India trade, 1797; 7. Private expeditions to the East Indies, 1781; 8. Baltic Company ('Det Osterseiske Kompagni'), 1781; 9. Duty on East Indian goods, 1795-96; 10. Calculation of charges on the cargo and light dues, 1806; 11. Capture of prizes as well as navigation between the hostile colonies in the East Indies, 1806-07; 12. Rules of East India trade, 1797; 13. Imports by foreign ships, 1796; 14. Surcharge on imports, 1798-99; 15. Exemptions granted to Captains Whitford and Lay as regards passes, 1795; 16. Order from Prince Frederik to the Board of Customs, 1776; 17. Customs duty and freight charges for the East Indies, 1799-1811; 18. The carrying service in the East Indies, 1797; 19. Relating to Captain Müller at Altona, 1797; 20. Draft of the decree on the East India trade, 1797. D. On the consulates in the East Indies etc.: 1. Consul Johannes Witte at the Cape of Good Hope, 1800; 2. Government Councillor Colbiernsen at the Cape of Good Hope, 1797; 4. Consul Pilgrom on the De de France, 1796,1802; 5. Consulate in Batavia, 1798, 1800. Ε. 1. The archives at Tranquebar, 1789; 2. Native Indian sailors, 1780-98; 3. An Indian route and the regular troops of Sultan Bacha, undated; 4. Cochin China, 1803; 5. Subscriptions collected at Tranquebar for the royal palace, the navy and the victims of the fire in Copenhagen, 1797; 6. Indian passes, 1780-1807; 7. Escape of the castes, 1798; 8. List of the records relating to the East Indies transferred from the Royal Archives ('Geheimearkivet'), 1798. F. Matters relating to the East India Secretariat: 1. Report on the budget for 1813; 2. The Board of Trade's representation conc. the establishment of the East India Secretariat, with royal assent, 1777; 3. Tables on the work in the East India Secretariat, 1812-15; 4. Regarding J.C. Testman, 1800-15; 5. F.W. Leschly, 1804-09; 6. C. Boeckmann, 1813; 7. Hagerup, secretary, 1800, 1806; 8. Didrichsen, supernumerary, 1806; 9. Counsellor Hoist, 1799, 1804; 10. J.D. v. Bergen and others, 1795, 1802: 11. Royal decrees regarding the East India Secretariat, 1781, 1806. VI. A. 1 bundle. I. Description of Tranquebar, the Nicobars as well as more relating to the East Indies with appendix, handed in by B. Prahl, Sept. 1798; 2. Scheme for the management of public finance at Tranquebar, undated; 3. Current price of goods sold in the bazaars, 1802; 4. The main treaty with the King of Tanjore, 1620-79. 5. Several questions regarding Tranquebar put by Ewald with some answers hereto, 1802; 6. Civil payroll for the Indian functionaries at Tranquebar, 1802; 7. Extract of the government's reports from Tranquebar, 1801-06; 8. The government's letters from Tranquebar to the Board, 1789-1816; 9. The Board's letters to the government of Tranquebar, 1802-14; 10. Decrees to the government of Tranquebar, 1777-1814; I I . Several records relating to India, especially Tranquebar, 1802 and undated; 12. Treatises on Tranquebar, 1788-1800; 13. Revenues of Tanjore and Tranquebar, 99

National Archives 1802 and undated; 14. Survey and registration of the territory of Tranquebar, 1793-95, 1801; 15. Village of Sandirapadi, undated; 16. Coinage and the 'troquedors' [changing agents], 1792-1805; 17. Zion Church and Poor Relief Fund 1784-1806; 18. Customs authorities at Tranquebar as well as the farming, 1735-1805; 19. Several records regarding the population of the East Indies, 1789-1801. VI. B-D. 1 bundle. B. Description of Tranquebar with plans for the advancement of its trade etc.: 1. Excerpts from: Berichte der dänischen Missionairen (Reports by Danish missionaries), c. 1709-23 with a map of Tranquebar in print, c. 1730; 2. Lichtenstein's views about the ways and means to advance Tranquebar trade and manufacture, 1792, 1795; 3. Bredstrup on the national character of the Malabars or Tamils, undated; 4. Distribution of various kinds of rice to the soldiers, 1802. C. Cash account of Tranquebar: 1. Debit of the morradors, 1800-02; 2. Tranquebar accountancy, 1788-1809; 3. Accounts of the treasurer at Tranquebar, 1802; 4. Receipts and expenditure of Tranquebar, 1802-04; 5. Gratuities for functionaries in the East Indies, 1796, 1802; 6. Sending of piastres to the East Indies for exchange or minting, 1803; 7. Percentage of saving, 1791, 1802-04; 8. Deposits in the Royal Treasury at Tranquebar, 1800—04; 9. The stock of pharmaceutical products, 1805; 10. The East Indian Fund, 1808-11. D. The clergy of Tranquebar: 1. Sacristan Carl Ludvig Runge, 1800-12; 2. Sacristan J.J. Wodschou, 1806; 3. Missionary August Caemerer, 1806; 4. Pastor N.S. Fuglsang, 1792-1804; 5. Pastor E.P.H. Stegman, 1798-1812; 6. J.H. Deichmann, schoolmaster, 1802—03; 7. Dr. Samuel John, missionary, 1805-07; 8. The evangelical mission at Tranquebar, 1799—1806, herein an original letter from the missionaries at Tranquebar to Ewald 1802; 9. The Roman Catholic priest at Tranquebar, 1806-07. VII nos. 1-29. 1 bundle. 1. Letters to the Board of Trade by P. Hermanson, Government Councillor, 1799, 1812, 1814; 2. Letter by the same to the government of Tranquebar, 1806; 3. Proposal by the same for a new scale of pay for the soldiers and the civil servants at Tranquebar, undated; 4. Letters by the same relating to Tranquebar 1802-08; 5. Various regarding Governor Peter Anker, (1788, 1792) 1799-1811; 6. H. Hanke, merchant, the Cape of Good Hope, 1810; 7. Pierre Tenaud, merchant at Tranquebar, c. 1806-07;8. Prahl, former recorder of Tranquebar, 1793-1811; 9. The estate of deceased customs official, FJP. Andresen, 1802; 10. The bankrupt estate of L.H. Thomsen, clothier, 1801; l l . L . Meyer, principal, 1800, 1804; 12. Wodschou, government principal, 1809, 1811; 13. J.G. Meinhardt, treasurer, 1816; 14. Jens Boalth, former principal, 1793; 15. Secretaries C.T. Boalth and 0vre 1803, 1814; 16. Caspar Top, factor, 1804; 17. P.R. Lindam, factor, 1796; 18. D.G. Wilkens, merchant, 1802, 1812; 19. John Cochran's project for direct trade between the East Indies and St. Thomas; 20. Widow of M.A. Fugl, former consul in Batavia, 1804; 21. John Irwin, merchant at Tranquebar, 1801; 22. General Foringham and factor Malcolm, from Vizagapatam, recommended for the gold medal 'Pro mentis', 1799,1805; 23. Bernhard August Wickede's and Mrs. Helmich's petition for money transmitted from India 1813; 24. Harrop & Stevenson's debt, 1803; 25. Tutein 100

Board of Customs and Trade Bros. 1807, 1814-15; 26. Duntzfeldt & Co., 1791, 1800; 27. Ryberg & Co., 1810; 28. de Coninck & Co., 1796,1800, 1811; 29. Fabricius & Wewer, 1799. VII nos. 30-41. 1 bundle. 30. Commercial house of Black's Widow & Co. (Black's Enke og Co.), 1796-1807; 31. B.G. Niebuhr, assessor in the East India Secretariat, 1800, 1806; 32. J.F.W. v. Jessen, town judge at Frederiksnagore, 1798-1811; 33. Retirement of Hellfried, chief of section, 1777; 34. H.F. Schlegel, commissioner, 1801-16; 35. Koefoed, assistent bookkeeper at Tranquebar, 1809-14; 36. Rehling, town judge, 1804, 1806-07; 37. Wedege, judge at Frederiksnagore, 1802, 1804, 1815; 38. Admiral G.S. Bille, 1815-16; 39. Nie. Chr. Lindgreen, President of the Court of Tranquebar, 1806-16; 40. Frans Lichtenstein, Government Councillor, 1792-1805; 41. Retirement of Chr. Soetmann, superintendent at Porto Novo, 1796-97 (including original letters to S.). Among the other bundles are to be mentioned: XI. The consulate Section. 1 bundle. Henrik Fr. Schlegel (1749-1822),

Commissioner of the Board of Trade

Papers, 1780 to 1799. 1 bundle. Including records relating to East Indian matters, inter alia a list of names of 106 persons saved from the ship 'Helsingor', wrecked 1794, many of whom being Indians. The Counts Schimmelmann Papers left by Count Heinrich Carl Schimmelmann, Treasurer, (died 1782) and his son, Count Heinrich Ernst Schimmelmann, Privy Councillor, (died 1831). See also Private Archives in the National Archives. Papers relating to trade and navigation 1.1763 to 1797. 1 bundle. Including papers relating to Levant trade, 1769. Papers relating to Tranquebar, the Asiatic Company and the East India trade, 1782 to 1824. 1 bundle.

The Board of Customs and Trade — General-Toldkammer- og Kommercekollegiet 1816—1848 Established according to ordinance of February 9, 1816 by uniting the Board of Customs with the Board of Trade. Abolished by ordinance of November 24, 1848. Records relating to the field of the guide must be sought in the Secretariat of the reconstructed board as well as in the Trade and Consular Office, 1816-41 and in the India Office, 1816-41; these two offices were in 1841 united in the Colonial and Trade Office, from which a special Colonial Audit Office was at the same time separated. Inventory: Vejledende Arkivregistraturer II. Rentekammeret, Generaltoldkammeret og Kommercekollegiet, 1660-1848. By J. Bloch, 1892, p. 247-333 (now partly obsolete). 101

National Archives The Secretariat - Sekretariatet 1816-1848 1808-39. Frederiks VI's decrees and ordinances relating to the affairs of the Board of Customs and from 1816 the Board of Customs and Trade. 1 vol. 1839-48. Christian VIII's decrees and ordinances relating to the affairs of the Board of Customs and Trade. 1 vol. 1828—47. Extracts of ordinances. 2 vols. 1816—30. Ordinances for the President of the Board, Privy Councillor O.R. Sehested (partly with enclosures). 1 bundle. 1830—48. Decrees and representations (at first kept secret). 1 bundle. 1816-38. Lists ('Fortegnelser') of matters to be dealt with by the King in Council or to be directly handed to the King. 15 vols. 1816-41. Danish representations and assents. 16 vols. 1813-41. Indexes to Danish representations and assents. 5 vols. 1816—43. Drafts of Danish representations. 37 bundles. 1816-48. West Indian (from 1824 Indian) representations and assents. 28 vols. Relating to the Danish possessions in the East Indies, Guinea and the West Indies. 1817-45. Drafts of Indian representations. 6 bundles. 1733-1865. Indian Register. 3 vols. 1816-48. Registers of commissions ('Bestallingsprotokoller') for Denmark. 2 vols. Including commissions for consuls. 1838-1908. Register of commissions for the Indies ('Bestallingsprotokol for Indierne')· 1 vol. Comprising the Danish colonies in the East Indies, Guinea as well as the West Indies.

The Trade and Consular Office - Handels- og Konsulatskontoret 1816—1841 1816—41. Letter books of consular matters dispatches. 21 vols. 1816-41. Drafts of consular matters dispatches. 17 bundles. 1837-42. List of dispatches ('Postbog') from the consular journal. 1 vol. 1816—41. Journals of incoming consular business. 26 vols. 1816—41. Business for the consular journal. 26 vols. 1777-1865. 'Selected files' ('Samlede sager'), see under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 1816-41. Shipping lists received from the consulates abroad. 11 bundles. 1816-20, 1826-35. General shipping lists from consulates. 5 bundles. 1832-41. Tabular summaries of Danish foreign-going shipping. 1 bundle. 1816-29. Letters received from the Board of Customs and Trade. 1 bundle. 1816—28. Letters received from the Department of Foreign Affairs. 1 bundle. 1816—26. Letters received from the combined Admiralty and Commissariat Board. 1 bundle. 1816-26. Letters from the African Consular Directorate. 1 bundle. 1816-26. Letters from the Deputation of Finance ('Finansdeputationen'). 1 bundle. 1816—25. Letters from the Quarantine Directorate ('Karantaenedirektionen'). 1 bundle. 1816—26. Letters from the Corporation ('Magistrat') of Copenhagen. 1 bundle. 1816 ff. Letters from the Committee of the Merchants' Guild of Copenhagen ('Grosserersocietetets Körnitz i Kebenhavn'). 1 bundle. 102

Board of Customs and Trade

1816 -35. Reports received from the consulates in Turkey and Egypt (Constantinople, 1817-31; Smyrna, 1816-24; Alexandria, 1820-35). 3 bundles. 1816-30. Reports from the consulates in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Tripolitania. 1 bundle. 1825-36. Auditor's records about the consular accounts. 1 vol. 1836-41. Records on ships registered in Denmark. 1 bundle. Reports from the local authorities on the name of the ship, port of registry, shipyard, tonnage, as well as name of owner and captain and statement of the size of the crew.

The Sea Pass Section - Sepasvssenet 1816-35. Letter books of pass matters attended to. 6 vols. 1836-41, see Colonial and Trade Office, 1841-48. 1832-40. Drafts of pass matters attended to. 2 bundles. 1816-40. Journals of pass matters received. 10 vols. 1816-40. Matters for the pass journal. 26 bundles. 1815-38. Algerian sea pass registers. 8 vols. 1839-48, see the Colonial and Trade Office, 1841-48. 1838-40 (1844). Returned 'Algerian' sea passes. 3 bundles. 1815-17. Pass registers. 1 vol. 1814-18. German pass register. 1 vol. 1816-20. Latin sea pass registers, lettered A-C. 3 vols. 1823. Latin sea pass register. 1 vol. 1823. Latin sea passes. 1 vol. 1823. Oaths taken by captains for Latin sea passes. 1 vol. 1823. Pass translations and certificates. 1 vol. 1826-28. List of'Algerian' sea passes issued. 1 bundle. 1816-36. Various papers relating to sea passes. 1 bundle. 1822-37. Journals of pass extensions. 2 vols. 1839-40. Pass requests. 2 bundles.

The Freight Duty Section - Fragtafgiftsekspeditionen 1813-23. Letters books. 3 vols. 1813-23. Journals. 4 vols. 1816—22. Enclosures for the journal of freight duty. 9 bundles, c. 1820-25. Journalized and unjournalized freight duty matters. 1 bundle. 1816-17. Reports on the freight duty in the Duchy of Slesvig (including Rendsburg). 1 bundle. 1813-21. Freight duty ledgers. 3 vols. 1816—17. Audit of Danish freight duty accounts. 1 bundle. 1810-16. List of the remuneration due to consuls for declarations furnished. 1 vol.


National Archives The India Office - Indiske Kontor 1816-1841 Royal decrees and other letters issued 1814—26. Register of royal ordinances 1814—15 and copies of royal ordinances and decrees 1816-26. 1 vol. 1827 ff. Journal of East Indian royal decrees, see the Ministry of Finance: The Colonial Office. 1827 ff. Journal of royal decrees relating to the Nicobars, see the Colonial and Trade Office, 1841-48. 1777-1826. Index of the East Indian royal decrees and ordinances. 1 vol. Index 1827-43, see the Colonial and Trade Office, 1841 - 4 8 . 1799—1826. Registers of decrees, ordinances and commissions. 2 vols. Correspondence 1816-39. East Indian letter books. With indexes. 8 vols. 1840-42, see the Colonial and Trade Office, 1841-48. 1816-41. Drafts of Indian letters. 7 bundles. 1816-41. East India journals. With indexes. 9 vols. 1816-41. East India journal files. 36 bundles. 1816-36. Files for the East India journal, relating to the Nicobars. 1 bundle. 1828-69. Letter book for the Nicobars, see the Ministry of Finance: The Colonial Office. 1828-69. Nicobar-Journal, see the Colonial and Trade Office, 1841-48. 1827-38. Files for the Nicobar-Journal. 1 bundle. 1839 ff. see the Colonial and Trade Office, 1841-48. Various 1808-47. The charter of the Asiatic Company (including records relating to the commissions of March 6, 1810 and Jan. 29, 1817). 1 bundle. 1817-36. Commission records relating to the commission appointed by the King Jan. 29, 1817 for the working out of a new charter for the Asiatic Company. 1 bundle. 1787-1818. Records relating to the Black Court ('Sorteretten') at Tranquebar. 1 bundle. 1817—36. Various journal files. 1 bundle. 1827-38. Records relating to Nicobar-Expeditions. 1 bundle. 1824-45. Probate papers from Tranquebar and Frederiksnagore (Serampore). 1 bundle. Various East Indian samples of patterns, etc. 1 bundle. 1782—1802. D.A.G. Christiani, commercial assistant, regarding his business relations with the West Indian Trading Company. 1 bundle. 1829—39. Extracts from the East Indian Government's registers of deliberations and decrees. 1 bundle. 1838—46. Copies of registers of deliberations and decrees from Tranquebar and Frederiksnagore (Serampore). 1 bundle. 1805-38. Authorized book for letters and parcels destined for Frederiksnagore (Serampore). 1 vol. 104

Board of Customs and Trade East Indian tables of rates of exchange for Tranquebar: Silver to Company Rupee and vice versa, and for Frederiksnagore (Serampore): Silver to Company Rupee and vice versa, silver to Sicca Rupee and vice versa, as well as Sicca Rupee to Company Rupee and vice versa. 1 vol. East Indian regulations, instructions as well as various unjournalized files and records. 1 bundle. 1781—1836. East Indian printed papers. 1 bundle.

The Colonial and Trade Office - Kolonial-og Handelskontoret 1841-1848 Business relating to the Danish colonies were in 1848 placed under the Colonial Office (under the Ministry of Finance, which see), whereas trade and consular business passed to the Department of Trade and Consular Matters under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (which see). Relating to Danish trade and


1842-48. Register of decrees and ordinances relating to trade and consular matters. 1 vol. 1842—48. Representations with royal assents and ordinances. 2 bundles. 1842-48. Out-letter books of consular business. 7 vols. 1842-48. Drafts of consular business. 5 bundles. 1843-48. Lists (Post books) of dispatches from the consular journal. 1 bundle. 1846—49. Proposals for decisions. 1 bundle. Lists of proposals as to how each incoming matter should be attended to. 1842—48. Journals of incoming consular letters. 7 vols. 1842—48. Files for the consular journal. 12 bundles. 'Selected files' ('Samlede sager'), see the Department of Trade and Consular Affairs, 1848-66 under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 1842-48. Shipping lists received from the consulates abroad. 8 bundles. 1840—48. Danish consuls abroad and foreign consuls in Denmark. 1 bundle. Relating to the appointment and exequatur of consuls. As regards Danish consuls abroad, only those in Turkey are listed. 1842-48. Records on ships registered in Denmark. 1 bundle. Including reports from the local authorities on the name of the ship, port of registry, shipyard, tonnage, as well as names of owner and captain and statement of the size of the crew. 1845-47. Reimbursements of consular bills. Draft accounts of consular expenses refunded. 1 bundle. 1836-48. Letter book of pass matters attended to. 1 vol. 1841-48. Drafts of pass matters attended to. 2 bundles. 1835-42. Lists (Post books) of pass matters attended to. 1 vul. 1840-51. Pass register. 1 vol. 1841-48. Pass journal. 1 vol. 1841. Index of the pass journal. 1 vol. 1841-48. Files for the pass journal. 2 bundles. 105

National Archives 1839-48. 'Algerian' sea pass register. 1 vol. Including a table of sea passes issued for overseas trade, inter alia stating the name of the ship, port of registry, port of destination, port of departure, owner, captain, tonnage. 1843. Sea pass book (with enclosures). 1 vol. Relating to the Danish colonies: 1827—50. Journal of East India royal decrees, see the Ministry of Finance. The Colonial Office. 1827—48. Journal of royal decrees relating to the Nicobars. 1 vol. 1840-46. East India letter books. With indexes. 2 vols. 1847-48, see the Ministry of Finance: The Colonial Office. 1842 ff. East India drafts of letters, see the Ministry of Finance: The Colonial Office. 1842-46. East India journal. With indexes. 2 vols. 1847-48, see the Ministry of Finance: The Colonial Office. 1842-48. East India journal files. 6 bundles. 1828—69. Letter book for the Nicobars, see the Ministry of Finance: The Colonial Office. 1828-46. Nicobar-Journal. 1 vol. 1847 ff., see the Ministry of Finance: The Colonial Office. 1839-48. Files for the Nicobar-Journal. 1 bundle. 1845-69. Files relating to the voyage of the corvette 'Galathea' and the abandonment of the Nicobars. 1 bundle. Including papers left by Bernhard Caspar Kamphovener (died 1846), member of the 'Galathea' -expedition.

The Colonial Audit Office — Kolonialrevisionskontoret 1841-1848 From 1849 ff. the office belonged under the Ministry of Finance: The Directorate of Indirect Taxes. 1841-50. Register of out-letters. 2 vols. 1841-52. List of letters dispatched('Brevbog'). 1 vol. 1841-50. Journals. 3 vols. 1841-49. Journal files. 8 bundles. 1835—46. Account book. 1 vol.

Papers left by Officials - Efterladte embedspapirer Peter Hansen (1798-1880),

Governor of Tranquebar


Collections for the history of the Asiatic Company and the Danish East India colonies. 1 bundle. Including volumes comprising extracts of the Government's report books 1753-1800. 106

Land Forces — 1848 Papers relating to Tranquebar and Serampore (Papers from the estate of P. Hansen). 2 bundles. Papers relating to 1) The cession of the colonies 1843-48 and 2) The voyage to China (Papers from the estate of P. Hansen). 1 bundle.

The Danish Trade Company for Manufactures — Den Danske Manufakturhandel 1 7 9 2 ( 1 7 8 8 ) - 1 8 0 7 The trade in domestic manufactures, which had been started by the Trade and Canal Company, was in 1788 placed as a separate institution under the Board of Trade and according to royal decree of June 13, 1792 named 'Den danske manufakturhandel'. Its activities came to an end by royal decree of July 2, 1817. - By royal decree of December 29, 1802, a packet service was established under the Danish Trade Company for Manufactures, comprising 4 ships with departures twice a year from Copenhagen to Tranquebar and Frederiksnagore (Serampore) in the East Indies, starting in 1803. The packet service stopped in 1807. Inventory: Rentekammeret, Generaltoldkammeret og Kommercekollegiet 1660-1848 (Department of Finance, Board of Customs and Board of Trade, 1660-1848), Vejledende Arkivregistraturer II, by J. Bloch. Copenhagen, 1892, p. 339. 1803-16. Letter book of outgoing mail relating to the East India packet service. 1 vol. 1803-18. Book of extracts of letters(journal) relating to the East India packet service. 1 vol. 1803-18. Letters relating to the East India packet service. 3 bundles. 1803-18. Ledger for the East India packet service. 1 vol. 1803-05. Payroll for the packet 'De tre Söst re', bound for the East Indies. 1 vol. 1804-06. Payroll for the packet 'Kronprindsesse Maria', bound for India. 1 vol. 1805-06. Payroll for the packet 'Kronprinds Friderich', bound for the East Indies. 1 vol. Various account books, vouchers etc., p.t. (1976) not listed. As regards 2 log books for the packet 'Hanne', see the archives of the Copenhagen Shipmasters' Guild (Kobenhavns Skipperlav) (The Provincial Archives of Sealand).

The Land Forces before 1848 - Landetaten for 1848 Ripers left by officials - Militaere embedsmaends arkiver Hans Helmuth Castonier (1722-61),

major, commander of the East Indian troops

Various letters and accounts, 1752—60. 1 bundle. Archives of military units - Militaere afdelingers arkiver Records relating to the troops sent to Tranquebar 1751-c. 1759 Lettersand documents, 1755-57. 1 bundle. 107

National Archives Seniority lists and rolls ('Anciennitetsruller og zahlruller'), 1755-56. 1 bundle. Records of the military court ('Justitsprotokol'), 1752-53. 1 vol. Probate cases of the soldiery in the East Indies, 1752-58. 1 bundle.

Naval Archives before 1655 — Marinearkivet for 1655 1631-39. Accounts of supplies to the (Danish) East India Company. 1 vol. Statement of the King's outstanding account against the Company inter alia relating to the fitting out of the ship 'Christianshavn'.

The Navy — Sokrigsmagten 1655—1848 The sphere of the navy was the whole monarchy: Denmark, (until 1814) Norway and (until 1864) the Duchies of Slesvig and Holstein. Inventory: Card index in the reading room. A summary here of in: Erslev, Kr., Rigsarkivet og hjdelpemidlerne til dets benyttelse. En oversigt (The National Archives and the Aids for their Use. A Summary). Copenhagen, 1923, p. 74-79. The files on that subject have with a few exceptions not been placed according to subjects, but chronologically entered by numbers under the head of the following departments: Intendant (Surintendant) de Marine, 1736—46, 1766-70, the supreme commander of the Navy in the period; The Naval War Chancery, a secretariat sometimes common for the land and naval forces; The Admiralty Office; The Commissariat Office, a department for the economic administration of the Navy, shipbuilding and repairs, etc. Furthermore the archives of some other departments and certain officials are of interest. Apart from some volumes with removed files relating to special subjects it is impossible here to give more than general information about the main series of records.

Intendant (Surintendant) de Marine 1 7 3 6 - 4 6 , 1 7 6 6 - 7 0 1736-46,1766—70. Royal orders and assents (partly with enclosures). 5 bundles. 1736-46, 1766—67 and 1769. Letter books of royal orders and resolutions. 5 vols, 3 bundles. 1743—46. Royal secret orders, e.g. concerning the peace with Algiers. 1 bundle.

The Naval War Chancery, Sekrigskancelliet, or 1771-84 and 1788-90 The Dispatch Department, Depechekontoret, 1790-1847 The Book-Keeping and Dispatch Department - Bogholder- og depechekontoret 1721-1865. Index of names and systematic register by Klingberg and others. 53 vols. 1770—75, 1778—87. Abstracts of reported affairs with endorsed royal assents. 19 vols. 108

Navy: Offices 1767—1841. Copies of abstracts of reports. 9 vols., 13 bundles. 1671 — 1750. Drafts of royal orders and resolutions, partly with enclosures. 95 bundles. 1727-1847. Royal resolutions and dispatches (letter books). 117 vols., 3 bundles. 1671-1807. Inventories ('Registerbager') of royal resolutions and dispatches. 28 vols. 1701-1820. Index of the inventories of royal dispatches. 6 vols., 8 bundles. 1735-1847. Letter books of Chancery dispatches. 27 vols., 1 bundle. 1772-1847. Drafts for the letter books, partly with enclosures. 12 bundles. 1659-1763, 1841-47. In-letters. 63 bundles. 1702-93. Directories of officers ('Etater'). 52 vols. From 1759 onwards lists of equipped ships and their officers. 1745-80. 'The King's Handbooks' (Directories and ship's registers). 28 vols. The Admiralty Office, 1st Department (under the Admiralty and Commissariat Department) — Admiralitetskontoret, 1791-1848 1. departement under Admiralitets- og Kommissariatsdepartementet 1666-1847. Presentations with royal assents. 139 bundles. 1679—1804. Letter books ('Registerbager') of royal resolutions. 28 vols. 1665-79, 1736-42, 1746-53, 1766-67. Minutes of the proceedings in the Admiralty. 8 vols. 1666-1848. Letter books. 120 vols. 1784-1848. Journals. 92 vols. 1672-1848. In-letters. 519 bundles. 1845-48. Reports from the 'Galathea' and the Nicobars. 1 vol. The Commissariat Office, 2nd Department (under the Admiralty and Commissariat Department) - Kommissariatskontoret, 1791-1848 2. departement under Admiralitetsog Kommissariatsdepartementet 1685-1845. Books of royal orders (letter books). 50 vols. 1 6 8 3 - 1 7 4 6 , 1 7 5 1 - 7 0 , 1 7 8 1 - 8 4 . Royal resolutions. 68 bundles. (For the years lacking, For the years lacking, see the Admiralty Office. 1685-1848. Letter books. 144 vols. 1695-1749. German letter books. 23 vols. 1781-1847. Journals. In-letters ('Decisionsbeger'). 118 vols. Among the in-letters inter alia: 1683-1847. In-letters. Danish. 1148 bundles. The Audit Department — Revisionskontoret 1771-73. Affairs relating to the Algerian expedition. 1 bundle. Audited accounts of the Navy, see p. 121. Commissions - Kommissioner 1771-72. The Commission of Sept. 26, 1770 concerning the Algerian expedition. 1 bundle. 109

National Archives The Squadron Clerks — Eskadreskriverne 1770. Letter book kept during the Algerian expedition. 1 vol.

The Naval Architect — Fabrikmesteren pä Holmen 1730-52. Copies of letters etc. relating to the Greenland, East and West Indian, China and Guinea trade. 1 bundle. Ships' Archives, Casebooks by ships' doctors, Naval justice records, Defaulters' books, and The Naval Dockyard, see below.

Papers left by Officials — Efterladte embedspapirer Frederik Christian Kaas (1725-1803),


Official archives. 1 bundle. Including papers relating to the embassies of Kaas to Morocco, 1758-60 and the report concerning his expedition to the Mediterranean, especially to Algiers, 1769-71. Poul Lovewrn


naval officer

Letter book of in- and outgoing dispatches from his expedition to Morocco, 1790—92, 1794. 1 vol. Ships' Archives of the Navy - Marinens Skibsarkiver 1725—1952 This group comprises records such as protocols, etc., which were transferred to the central naval authorities from ships laid up after cruises, in more recent times to the Ministry of Naval Affairs, at present the Ministry of Defence. — This very comprehensive and fairly completely preserved series starts in 1675; transfers have taken place until 1970. The major part of the ships' archives comprises log books, at an early stage supplemented with order books, account books, defaulters' books and (from the last decades of the 19th century) engine room logs. Certain kinds of these protocols have in recent times been separated in special series, e.g. defaulters' books (see below). From an early date the accounts were submitted for audit, they make up a special series, though few accounts only have been preserved (see below: Audited accounts of the Navy). The casebooks by ships' doctors are placed under: The Navy Medical Service (see below). Only on rare occasions did Danish warships cruise to India and Eastern Asia. In the latter half of the 18th century, they generally acted as convoy in the Mediterranean to ships from the Danish Monarchy for their protection against warships of European powers as well as from the Barbary States. During the 18th century some naval officers on leave participated in voyages to the Danish colonies in India and in the China trade: 7 log books kept by such naval officers are registered as a special group below (Ships of the East India Company or the Asiatic Company). 110

Navy: Ships' Archives Inventory: Protocol no. 85 b2. List of ships'journals 1675-1830 (Nos. 1-992); Protocol no. 85 b3. List of ships'journals 1757-1897 (Nos. 478-3053); Protocol no. 85 d, pages 3 5 - 5 7 . Ships' journals 1870-99 (Nos. 1470-3111 B); Card index 1830—69 (Nos. 994—1469 D); all of which in the reading room. - Lists of more recent ships' journals in the Transfers Jounalfiles of the Second Department. Bibliography: Garde, H.G., Efterretninger om den danske og norske soemagt (Information abt. the Danish and Norwegian Navy). I - I V , 1832-35; Schultz, J.H., Den danske marine 1814-1848 (The Danish Navy 1814-1848). I - I V . 1930-50; Degenkolv, H„ Oplysninger vedwrende den danske flaades skibe i sidste aarhundrede (Information abt. the ships of the Danish Navy during the last century). 1906. Ships of the East India Company or the Asiatic Company Log Books kept by Naval Officers 1725-27. 'Grev Laurvig'. To Tranquebar and back. Kept by Captain Did. Mühlenfort. Illustrated with drawings of Tranquebar (with Dansborg) and the Cape of Good Hope. (No. 348 B.d.) 1725-27. The same ship and cruise. Kept by Midshipman F. Zimmer. (No. 348 B.d.) 1729-31. 'Dronning Anna Sophia'. To Tranquebar and back. Kept by Midshipman H.Chr. Huusmand. (No. 359) 1730-33. 'Kronprins Christian'. To Canton and back. Kept by H.R. Schumacher, naval lieutenant. (No. 368 B) 1732-35. 'Grev Laurvig'. To Tranquebar and back. Kept by Midshipman DP.E. Klog. (No. 378 A) 1733-35. 'Fridericus Quartus'. To Tranquebar and back. Kept by Midshipman F.C. Adelaer. (No. 378 A) 1734-36. 'Cron-Princen'. To Tranquebar and back. Kept by Midshipman P.E. Mohrsen. (No. 378 A) Warships 1746. The ship of the line Oldenborg' (Commander Ulrik Ad. Danneskiold-Samsoe). To Algiers and back. Log book, order book. (No. 342) 1746. The ship of the line 'Sydermanland' (Commander Benj. Fontenay). To Algiers and back. Log book, log book (kept by a midshipman), order book. (No. 433) 1746. The ship of the line 'Delmenhorst' (Commander Fr. Günthelberg). To Algiers and back. Log book, order book. (No. 434) 1745-46. The frigate 'Falster' (Commander J. Reichardt). To Algiers and back. Log books (2 vols.), order book. (No. 435) 1747. The frigate 'Falster' (Commander Joh. Christopher Hoist). Convoying of the gift ship to Algiers and back. Log book, order book. (No. 439) 1751. The frigate 'Docquen' (Commander Conrad v. Schindel). To the Mediterranean. Log books (2 vols.). (No. 455) 1751-54. The ship of the line 'Nellebladet' (Commander J. Reichardt (died), later Ole Hansen). To the East Indies (Tranquebar) and back. Log books (3 vols.), order books (2 vols.). (No. 460) 1752-53. The frigate 'Docquen' (Commander Conrad v. Schindel). To Morocco and back. Log books (4 vols.), order book. (No. 462) 111

National Archives

1752-53. The frigate 'Christiansborg' (Commander J.C. Hoist (died), later C.J. Gedde, D C. Rumohr, A.F. Lützow). To Morocco and back. Log books (3 vols.), order book. (No.463) 1752-53. The frigate 'Blaa Hejre' (Commander C. Fr. Fontenay). To Morocco and back. Log books (2 vols.). (No. 464) 1753. The armed merchantman 'Frederik og Lovise' (Commander L. Fisker). To Morocco and back. Log book, order book. (No. 465) 1751-54. The frigate 'Bornholm' (Commander G. Sivers (died), later A.N. Fontenay). To the East Indies (Tranquebar) and back. Log book (copy), order book, account books (2 vols.). (No. 467 A & B) 1755. The ship of the line 'Fyen' (Commander Fr. Zimmer). To Algiers and back. Log book, order book, defaulters' book. (No. 471) 1755-57. The ship of the line 'Slesvig' (Commander Fr. Chr. Kaas). To Morocco and back. Log books (2 vols.), defaulters' book, order book (under no. 500). (No. 473 & 479) 1757-58. The ship of the line 'Island' (Commander A.F. Lützow (died), later Chr.O. Willars). To Constantinople and back. Log books (2 vols.), order books (2 vols.). (No. 484 A & B) 1757-58. The ship of the line 'Neptunus' (Commander L. Fisker). To Constantinople and back. Log book. (No. 484 A) 1758. The frigate 'Hvide 0rn' (Commander Em. Meyer). To Morocco and back. Log book. (No. 485) 1758. The frigate 'Moen' (Commander Ole Stephansen, later F.C. Kaas). The North Sea and to Morocco and back. Log book, order book. (No. 486) 1760. The ship of the line 'Sejeren' (Commander F.C. Kaas). To Morocco and back. Log book, order book. (No. 510) 1771-72. The ship of the line 'Sejeren' (Commander Ole Stephansen). To the Mediterranean and back. Log book, order book, defaulters' book. (No. 523 A) 1770-73. The ship of the line 'Grönland' (Commander Adam Ferd. Moltke). To the Mediterranean and back. Commander's book, log books (2 vols.). (No. 523 B) 1769-72. The frigate 'Havfruen' (Commander Niels Krabbe Juel). To the Mediterranean and back. Commander's books (2 vols.), Chief Officer's books (2 vols.), order book, account book. (No. 524 A & B) 1771-73. The frigate 'Alsen' (Commander Hans Schiennebal). To the Mediterranean and back. Log books (3 vols.), order book. (No. 527) 1779-80. The ship of the line 'Holsteen' (Commander Ulrich Chr. Kaas). Convoying of East-Indiamen from the Cape of Good Hope and back. Log books (2 vols.), Chief Officer's books (2 vols.), order book, defaulters' book. (No. 531 A & B) 1780-81. The ship of the line 'Indfedsretten' (Commander Jens Gerner). Convoying of Chinamen and East-Indiamen to and from the Cape of Good Hope and back. Log books (2 vols.), order book, account books (2 vols.), defaulters' books (2 vols.). (No. 537 A & B) 1791-92. The ship of the line 'Gerner' (Commander Poul Lovenern). To Morocco and back. Log book. (No. 606 B) 1797-98. The frigate 'Thetis' (Commander L. Fisker). To the Mediterranean and back. Log books (2 vols.), order book, account book, cooperage account. (No. 674)


Navy: Ships' Archives

1798. The ship of the line Oldenborg' (Commander Anthon Fr. Lützow). Convoying of East-Indiamen to and from St. Helena. Log books (2 vols.), order book, account book, defaulters' book. (No. 682) 1797-98. The frigate 'Najaden' (Commander Steen Andersen Bille). To the Mediterranean and back. Log books (9 vols.), order book, account books (2 vols.), defaulters' book. (No. 690) 1797-98. The frigate 'Thetis' (Commander P. Riegelsen). To the Mediterranean and back. Log books (4 vols.), order book, account book, defaulters' book. (No. 691 A & B) 1798-99. The ship of the line 'Ditmarsken' (Commander Just Bille). Convoying of EastIndiamen to and from St. Helena. Log books (4 vols.), order book, account book, defaulters' book. (No. 700) 1797-99. The frigate 'Triton' (Commander A.G. v. Ellbrecht). To the Mediterranean and back. Log books (4 vols.), order book, account books (2 vols.). (No. 706 A & B) 1796-99. The brig 'Sarpen' (Commander C. Chr. Hoick). To the Mediterranean and back. Commander's books (4 vols.), Chief Officer's books (3 vols.), order books (2 vols.), account books (2 vols.), signal book. (No. 710 A—C) 1797-99. The brig 'Lougen' (Commander Jens Schou Fabricius). To the Mediterranean and back. Log books (2 vols.), order books (2 vols.), account books (2 vols.). (No. 711) 1798-1800. The brig 'Nid-Elven' (Commander Hans Holsten). To the Mediterranean and back. Log books (5 vols.), order book, account book. (No. 718 B) 1799-1800. The ship of the line 'Oldenborg' (Commander Johan Olfert Fischer). Convoying of East-Indiamen, shipwrecked at Cape Town. Log books (3 vols.), order book, account book, defaulters' book. (No. 726 A & B) 1799-1800. The frigate 'Iris' (Commander P. Riegelsen). To the East Indies (Tranquebar) and back. Log books (4 vols.), order book, account book, defaulters' book (No. 731 A &B) 1801—03. The commander-in-chief of the squadron in the Mediterranean Georg Albrecht Koefoed. Correspondence books (3 vols.). (No. 732 Β & C) 1798-1801. The frigate 'Najaden' (Commander J.C. Krieger). To the Mediterranean and back. Log books (10 vols.), order books (2 vols.), defaulters' book. (No. 742 A-C) 1800—01. The ship of the line 'Sejeren' (Commander Ove Obelitz). To the Mediterranean and back. Log books (6 vols.), order book, defaulters' book, account book. (No. 750 A & B) 1799-1801. The frigate 'Havfruen' (Commander Jost van Dockum). To the Mediterranean and back. Log books (8 vols.), order book, account books (2 vols.). (No. 751 A - C ) 1800-01. The frigate 'Freja' (Commander P.G. Krabbe). To the Mediterranean and back. Log books (4 vols.), order books (2 vols.), account books (2 vols.), defaulters' book. (No. 752 A & B) 1799-1801. The brig 'Glommen' (Commander Fr. Chr. Motzfeldt). To the Mediterranean. Log books (6 vols.), order book, account book, defaulters' book. (No. 760 A & B) 1800-02. The frigate 'Triton' (Commander Joh. Hartv. v. Berger). To the Mediterranean. Log books (4 vols.), order book, account books (2 vols.). (No. 770 A & B) 1800-02. The frigate 'Thetis' (Commander A.G. v. Ellbrecht). To the Mediterranean and back. Log books (6 vols.), book of commands, account books (2 vols.), defaulters' book. (No. 776 A B) 113

National Archives 1802—03. The frigate 'Rota' (Commander Lorentz Fjelderup Lassen). To the Mediterranean and back. Log books (6 vols.), order book, account book, defaulters' book. (No. 789) 1803. The frigate 'Freja' and the frigate 'Iris' (Commander E.O.K. Branth). To the Mediterranean and back. Log books (4 vols.), order book, account book, defaulters' book. (No. 790) 1804. The frigate 'Najaden' (Commander Fr. Chr. Fisker). To the Mediterranean and back. Log books (4 vols.), order book, account book, defaulters' book. (No. 801) 1807-09. The frigate 'Diana' (Commander Chr. Nie. Meyer). To the Mediterranean, seized by Spain 1808 at Cartagena. Log books (4 vols.), journals (4 vols.), Chief Officer's books (5 vols.), order book, account book, defaulters' book. (No. 853) 1815-17. The brig 'Bornholm' (Commander U.A. Schonheyder). To the Mediterranean, the West Indies and back. Log books (2 vols.), order books and account books (4 vols.). (No. 922) 1818. The frigate 'Nymphen' (Commander Joh. Christopher Hoppe). To the Mediterranean and back. Log books (2 vols.), order book, account book, defaulters' book. (No. 926) 1817-18. The frigate 'Minerva' (Commander Joh. Krieger (died), later Joh. Joachim Uldall). To the Mediterranean and the West Indies and back. Log books (5 vols.), order book, account books (3 vols.), defaulters' book. (No. 927 A & B) 1833. The corvette 'Galathea' (Commander Joh. Wilh. Corn. Krieger). Inter alia to Tangier and Tunis and back. Log book, order book, account book, defaulters' book. (No. 1021) 1842. The frigate 'Thetis' (Commander Chr. Christopher Zahrtmann). To the Mediterranean (inter alia Tangier, Algiers, Tunis, Smyrna, Alexandria) and back. Log books (6 vols.), order book, account books (2 vols.), defaulters' book. (No. 1110 A & B) 1842. The corvette 'Flora' (Commander F.A. Paludan). Inter alia to Tangier (training ship for naval cadets). Journal, log book, order book, account book. (No. 1115) 1843-45. The brig '0rnen' (Commander A.C. Polder). To the Strait of Gibraltar, South America and back. Log books (2 vols.), order book, account book, defaulters' book. (No. 1123) 1844. The frigate 'Thetis' (Commander H. Aschehoug). To Tangier, the Mediterranean and back. Journal, log book, order book, account book. (No. 1125) 1844. The frigate 'Gefion' (Commander H.G. Garde). To the Faroes, Tangier, the Mediterranean and back. Log books (10 vols.), order books of commands (3 vols.), account book, defaulters' book. (No. 1126 A & B) 1843-45. The brig 'Mercurius' (Commander John Christmas). To the West Indies, Tangier and back. Log books (8 vols.), books of orders and correspondence (3 vols.), defaulters' books (2 vols.). (No. 1130 A & B) 1844-45. The naval steamer 'Hekla' (Commander Konrad Emil Mourier). To Gibraltar, Tangier and back. Log books (10 vols.), books of outgoing order and account matters (2 vols.), books of incoming order and account matters (2 vols.), defaulters' book. (No. 1131 A &B) 1845-46. The brig '©men' (Commander H.E. Krenchel). To Tangier, the Gulf of Guinea and the West Indies. Log books (4 vols.), order book, account book. (No. 1147 A) 1845-48. The steamer 'Ganges' (Commander Richard Aschlund). Calcutta - the Nicobars and the Bay of Bengal. Log book. (No. 1147 C) 114

Navy: Ships' Archives 1845—47. The corvette 'Galathea' (Commander Steen Andersen Bille). Circumnavigation of the globe (Copenhagen - Madeira - Tranquebar - Madras - Calcutta - the Nicobars — Penang - Singapore - Batavia - Manila — Canton - Shanghai - Jedo Bay - the Sandwich Islands - Tahiti - Callao - Montevideo - Copenhagen). Book of inward mail, book of outward mail, account book, books with rough drafts of reports (2 vols.), register of collected scientific specimens. (No. 1151) Bibliography: Bille, St. Α., Beretning om corvetten 'Galathea's rejse omkring jorden / - / / / . First edition. Copenhagen, 1849-51. 1848. The schooner 'Nancowry' (Commander Richard Aschlund). The Bay of Bengal the Nicobars - Penang. Log book. (No. 1178) 1847-48. The corvette 'Valkyrien' (Commander M.P. Secher). Copenhagen - Rio de Janeiro - Madras - Penang - Singapore - the China Sea - Batavia - the Indian Ocean - St. Helena - Copenhagen. Log books (4 vols.), order book, account book, defaulters' book. (No. 1182 & 1162 B) 1859. The screw corvette 'Thor' (Commander J.P.F. Wulff)· To the Mediterranean (inter alia Tangier, Algiers, Constantinople, Smyrna, Beirut) and back. Log books (4 vols.), book of correspondence. (No. 1326) 1860-61. The screw corvette 'Heimdal' (Commander A.C. Schultz). To the Mediterranean (inter alia Algiers) and the Danish West Indies and back. Log books (2 vols.), order books (2 vols.), account book. (No. 1350) 1865. The screw frigate 'Niels Juel' (Commander E. Suenson). To the Mediterranean (inter alia Algiers) and back. Log books (2 vols.), order book, account book. (No. 1438) 1868-69. The screw frigate 'Jylland' (Commander E. Schultz). To the Mediterranean (inter alia Ceuta and Algiers) and back. Log books (4 vols.), book of training, account book. (No. 1469 B) 1869-70. The screw frigate 'Sjaelland' (Commander R.C.M. Bruun). To the opening of the Suez Canal (Port Said, Alexandria) and back. Log books (2 vols.), drafts of log books (2 vols.), journal. (No. 1471) 1870-72. The frigate 'Tordenskjold' (Commander F.E.A. Lund). To Eastern Asia (Port Said, Aden, Singapore, Hong Kong, Woosung, Nagasaki, Yokohama, Jedo, Vladivostok, Amoy and back). Log books (7 vols.), drafts of log books (7 vols.), journal. (No. 1484) 1883-84. The screw corvette 'Dagmar' (Commander L.A. Mourier). To the Mediterranean (inter alia Algiers) and the West Indies and back. Log books (2 vols.), drafts of log books (2 vols.). (No. 1714) 1884-85. The screw schooner 'Fylla' (Commander H.L.R. Thalbitzer). To the Mediterranean (inter alia Jaffa, Beirut, Constantinople) and back. Log books (2 vols.), order books (2 vols.), account book, engine room logs (2 vols.). (No. 1743) 1885-86. The cruiser frigate 'Fyen' (Commander H.G.F. Garde (died), later Mac Dougall). To the Mediterranean (inter alia Alexandria) and back. Log books (2 vols.), order books (2 vols.), account book, engine room logs (2 vols.). (No. 1769 A) 1887-88. The screw corvette 'Dagmar' (Commander C.A. Bruun). To the Mediterranean (e.g. Smyrna) and back. Log books (2 vols.), order books (2 vols.), account book, engine room logs (2 vols.). (No. 1833) 1891. The screw corvette 'Dagmar' (Commander W.A. Carstensen). To the Atlantic (inter alia Tangier) and back. Log book (draft of log book), journal, order books (2 vols.), engine room log. (No. 1926) 115

National Archives 1892-93. The screw schooner 'St. Thomas' (Commander S. Bojesen). To the Mediterranean (inter alia Tunis and Algiers) and back. Log books (2 vols.), order books (2 vols.), engine room logs (2 vols.). (No. 1979) 1894-95. The screw corvette 'Dagmar' (Commander J.E.V. Hansen). To the Atlantic and the Mediterranean (inter alia Dar el Baida (Casablanca) and Constantinople) and back. Log books (2 vols.), order books of commands (2 vols.), engine room logs (2 vols.). (No. 2043) 1896-97. The cruiser 'Heimdal' (Commander C.A.P. Schultz). To the Mediterranean (inter alia Algiers, Bizerte, Tunis, Alexandria, Smyrna) and back. Log books (2 vols.), account book, book of inward mail, books of outward mail (2 vols.), engine room logs (2 vols.). (No. 3012) 1898-99. The cruiser frigate 'Fyen' (Commander C.F. Wandel). To the Mediterranean (inter alia Algiers, Tunis) and back. Log books (2 vols.), engine room logs (2 vols.), book of inward mail, book of outward mail. (No. 3084) 1899-1900. The cruiser corvette 'Valkyrien' (Commander H.R.H. Prince Valdemar). To Eastern Asia via Suez Canal, Colombo, Singapore, Gulf of Siam, Saigon, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, Hong Kong, Batavia, etc.). Log books (3 vols.), engine room logs (3 vols.), book of inward mail, book of outward mail. (No. 3111 A) 1903-04. The cruiser 'Heimdal' (Commander C.G. Schack). To the Mediterranean (inter alia Algiers, Alexandria) and back. Log books (2 vols.), book of inward mail, book of outward mail, engine room logs (2 vols.). (No. 3226) 1904-05. The cruiser 'Heimdal' (Commander A.F.M. Evers). To the Mediterranean (inter alia Algiers, Tunis) and back. Log books (2 vols.), book of inward mail, book of outward mail, copy books (2 vols.), engine room logs (2 vols.). (No. 3263) 1908-09. The cruiser 'Heimdal' (Commander J.H. Schultz). To the Mediterranean and Constantinople and back. Log books, etc. (No. 3367) 1911. The cruiser 'Heimdal' (Commander H.F. Kiaer). To Tangier and back. Log books (2 vols.), books of outward mail (4 vols.), correspondence, engine room logs (2 vols.). (No. 3429) 1913-14. The cruiser corvette 'Valkyrien' (Commander A.F.M. Evers). To the Mediterranean (inter alia Algiers) and back. Log books (2 vols.), inward mail (1 bundle), copy books (2 vols.), engine room logs (2 vols.). (No. 3522) 1919. The cruiser corvette 'Valkyrien' (Commander H.F. Kiaer). To the Mediterranean (inter alia Alexandria, repatriation of Slesvig prisoners of war) and back. Log books (2 vols.), inward mail (1 bundle), engine room logs (2 vols.). (No. 3673) 1920—21. The screw schooner 'Ingolf (Commander A. Bojesen). To the Mediterranean (inter alia Algiers) and back. Log books (2 vols.), inward mail and copies of outward mail (1 bundle), engine room logs (2 vols.). (No. 3721) 1927. The cruiser 'Heimdal' (Commander F.H. Trap). To the Mediterranean (inter alia Oran) as well as Dar el Baida and back. Log books (2 vols.), inward mail and copies of outward mail (1 bundle), engine room logs (2 vols.). (No. 3943) 1929. The coast-defence vessel 'Niels Juel' (Commander H.C. Gad). To the Mediterranean (inter alia Tripoli) and back. Log books (2 vols.), inward and outward mail (1 bundle), engine room logs (2 vols.). (No. 3999) 1931. The coast-defence vessel 'Niels Juel' (Commander G. Hansen). To the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (inter alia Constantinople, Algiers) and back. Engine room logs (2 vols.), inward and outward mail (1 bundle). (No. 4062)


Navy Medical Service 1 9 5 0 - 5 2 . The frigate 'Galathea' (Commander C.H. Madsen, later Greve). Circumnavigation of the globe (South Africa - Madagascar - the Seychelles - Sri Lanka - India — the Nicobars - Singapore — Bangkok — the Philippines — Indonesia — Thursday Island — New Guinea — the Solomon Islands — Australia — New Zealand — Campbell Island — Sunday Island — Tonga — Samoa — Hawaii — through the Panama Canal and back). Log books (4 vols.). (No. 5046) See also Westergaard, I.A.R., 'Galathea's jordomsejling. Sejlads og navigation set fra broen, Tidsskrift for Sovcesen, 124th year, 1953, p. 1 - 2 6 (with 3 maps, including a track chart). - Cf. National Archives. Private Institutions: The Committee for the Danish Deep Sea Expedition 1950-52.

The Navy Medical Service — Sevaernets laegevaesen 1796—1911 Casebooks of Ships' Doctors -


Inventory: Survey of casebooks of ships' doctors from Dano-Norwegian warships before 1814, see (typewritten) Survey of sources by Oivind Larsen, Oslo, 1967, in the reading room. — On casebooks of ships' doctors, 1848 onwards, see card index in the National Archives, Second department. Casebooks less than 100 years old may only be consulted with special permission. Casebooks of: 1796-99. The brig 'Sarpen' cruising the Mediterranean. 1797. Rathsack, senior surgeon, from the brig 'Lougen' cruising the Mediterranean. 1799-1800. Hammer, senior surgeon, from the frigate 'Havfruen' cruising the Mediterranean. 1799-1800. Otto, senior surgeon, from the frigate 'Iris' cruising the East Indies. 1799-1801. Lotze, senior surgeon, from the brig 'Glommen' cruising the Mediterranean. 1800-01. Westphal, senior surgeon, from the frigate 'Freja' cruising the Mediterranean. 1800—02. Herholdt, senior surgeon, from the frigate 'Thetis' cruising the Mediterranean. 1802-03. Wagner, senior surgeon, from the frigate 'Rota' cruising the Mediterranean. 1803. Lewerentz, senior surgeon, from the frigate 'Freja' cruising the Mediterranean. 1804. Herholdt, senior surgeon, from the frigate 'Najaden' cruising the Mediterranean. 1833. Dollner, senior surgeon, from the corvette 'Galathea' cruising the Mediterranean. 1842. Courlaender, senior surgeon, from the frigate 'Thetis' cruising the Mediterranean. 1842. M.P. Friis, senior surgeon, from the corvette 'Flora' cruising the Mediterranean. 1843-45. Friis, senior surgeon, from the brig 'Mercurius' cruising the West Indies and the Mediterranean. 1844. H.I. Matthiesen, senior surgeon, from the frigate 'Thetis' cruising the Mediterranean. 1844. Silfverberg, senior surgeon, from the frigate 'Gefion' cruising Scotland, the Faroes and the Mediterranean. 1844-45. Homemann, senior surgeon, from the paddle steamer 'Hekla' cruising Atlantic and Tangier. 1845-46. E. Morville, ship's doctor, from the brig O r n e n ' cruising Tangier, the Gulf of Guinea and the West Indies. 1859. Lütken, ship's doctor, from the corvette 'Thor' cruising the Mediterranean. (No. 124) 117

National Archives 1860—61. Stybe, ship's doctor, from the corvette 'Heimdal' cruising the Mediterranean. (No. 130) 1862-63. H.F. Brenniche, ship's doctor, from the corvette 'Dagmar' cruising the Mediterranean and the West Indies. (No. 149) 1865. H.F. Branniche, chief physician, from the frigate 'Niels Juel' cruising the Mediterranean. (No. 193) 1868—69. H.F. Bronniche, chief physician, from the frigate 'Jylland' cruising the Mediterranean. (No. 215) 1869—70. V.J. Branner, chief physician, from the frigate 'Sjaelland' cruising to Egypt. (No. 221) 1870—72. C.A. Hägen, ship's doctor, from the frigate 'Tordenskjold' cruising Eastern Asia. (No. 223) 1875—76. H.F. Brenniche, chief physician, from the corvette 'Dagmar' cruising the Mediterranean. (No. 279) 1877-78. H.F. Bronniche, chief physician, from the corvette 'Dagmar' cruising the Mediterranean. (No. 290) 1881—82. H.S.C. Strom, ship's doctor, from the screw schooner 'St. Thomas' cruising the Mediterranean. (No. 345) 1883-84.1. Meyer, ship's doctor, from the corvette 'Dagmar' cruising the Mediterranean and the West Indies. (No. 365) 1884-85. S.M.H. Arntz, ship's doctor, from the brigantine 'Fylla' cruising the Mediterranean. (No. 388) 1885-86. F. Halberg, chief physician, from the frigate 'Fyen' cruising the Mediterranean. (No.403) 1887-88. P. Mortensen, chief physician, from the corvette 'Dagmar' cruising the Mediterranean. (No. 427) 1891. L. Hornemann, chief physician, from the corvette 'Dagmar' cruising the Mediterranean. (No. 480) 1892-93. F. Halberg, chief physician, from the schooner 'St. Thomas' cruising the Mediterranean. (No. 497) 1894-95.1. Meyer, chief physician, from the corvette 'Dagmar' cruising the Mediterranean. (No. 517) 1898-99.1. Meyer, chief physician, from the frigate 'Fyen' cruising the Mediterranean. (No. 576) 1899-1900. H.A. Breuning, chief physician, from the cruiser corvette 'Valkyrien' cruising South and Eastern Asia. (No. 609) 1903-04. A.O. Hecht-Pedersen, ship's doctor, from the cruiser 'Heimdal' cruising the Mediterranean. (No. 648) 1904-05. R.F. Bentzen, ship's doctor, from the cruiser 'Heimdal' cruising the Mediterranean. (No. 6 5 7 - 6 5 8 ) 1911.1. Brinck-Eliassen, ship's doctor, from the cruiser 'Heimdal' cruising to Algiers. (No. 746)


Navy Court Records The Navy's Court Records and Defaulters' Books - Marinens Justitsprotokoller og straffejournaler 1845-1931 Card index in the National Archives - Second Department. For the period before 1848 the court records must be sought in the Ships' Archives (which see). As regards the cruises of the ships cf. also the Ships' Archives. The limit of access to these archives is 100 years. 1845-47. Court Records for the corvette 'Galathea' (with abstracts of the defaulters' book). (No. 3) 1845-46. Defaulters' book for the brig 'Omen'. (No. 4) 1859. Defaulters' book for the screw corvette 'Thor'. (No. 112) 1860-61. Defaulters' book for the screw corvette 'Heimdal'. (No. 120) 1862-63. Defaulters' book for the screw corvette 'Dagmar'. (No. 146) 1865. Defaulters' book for the screw frigate 'Niels Juel'. (No. 180) 1868-69. Defaulters' book for the screw frigate 'Jylland'. 1869-70. Defaulters' book for the screw frigate 'Sjaelland'. (No. 205) 1870-71. Defaulters' book for the frigate 'Tordenskjold'. (No. 212) 1875-76. Defaulters' book for the screw corvette 'Dagmar'. (No. 255) 1877-78. Defaulters' book for the screw corvette 'Dagmar'. (No. 278) 1881-82. Defaulters' book for the screw schooner 'St. Thomas'. (No. 348a) 1883. Defaulters' book for the screw corvette 'Dagmar'. (No. 394) 1884. Defaulters' book for the schooner 'Fylla'. (No. 416) 1885. Defaulters' book for the cruiser corvette 'Fyen'. (No. 441) 1887-88. Defaulters' book for the screw corvette 'Dagmar'. (No. 487) 1891. Defaulters' book for the screw corvette 'Dagmar'. (No. 553) 1892-93. Defaulters' book for the cruiser corvette 'St. Thomas'. (No. 602) 1894. Defaulters' book for the cruiser corvette 'Dagmar'. (No. 627) 1896. Defaulters' book for the cruiser 'Heimdal'. (No. 699) 1898. Defaulters' book for the cruiser corvette 'Fyen'. (No. 747) 1899. Defaulters' book for the cruiser corvette 'Valkyrien'. (No. 772) 1903-04. Defaulters' book for the cruiser 'Heimdal'. 1904. Defaulters' book for the cruiser 'Heimdal'. 1913. Defaulters' book for the cruiser 'Valkyrien'. (No. 1229) 1919. Defaulters' book for the cruiser 'Valkyrien'. (No. 1503) 1920-22. Defaulters' book for the screw schooner 'Ingolf. 1926-30. Defaulters' book for the cruiser 'Heimdal'. 1926-29. Defaulters' book for the warship 'Niels Juel'. 1929-31. Defaulters' book for the warship 'Niels Juel'.

1859. Court records for the screw schooner 'Thor'. 1865. Court records for the screw frigate 'Niels Juel'. 1868-69. Court records for the screw frigate 'Jylland'. 1869-70. Court records for the screw frigate 'Sjaelland'. 1870-71. Court records for the frigate 'Tordenskjold'. 1875-76. Court records for the screw corvette 'Dagmar'. 1896-97. Court records for the cruiser 'Heimdal'. 119

National Archives 1898-99. Court records for the cruiser corvette 'Fyen'. 1899-1900. Court records for the cruiser 'Valkyrien'. 1919. Court records for the cruiser 'Valkyrien'. The Naval Dockyard - Orlogsvaerftet The Naval Dockyard, which from c. 1550 was situated at Bremer- or Gammelholm, was in 1692 extended with a shipyard at Nyholm, where the naval yard ('Flädens Leje') still is. The Naval Dockyard was transferred in the mid-nineteenth century to Nyholm. In the Naval Dockyard a great number of warships was built for the often large Dano-Norwegian navy of the 18th century. Shipbuilding continued during the following period, and from 1851 an engine factory was added. Bibliography: Skibsbygning og maskinvoesen ved Orlogsvaerftet pa Nyholm, Frederiksholm og Dok0en gennem 350 dr. 1692. 6. oktober. 1942 (Shipbuilding and Mechanical Engineering in the Naval Dockyard at Nyholm, Frederiksholm and the Doke during 350 Years. 1692. 6th October. 1942). Copenhagen, 1942. Inventories: Inventory no. 154a (now partly obsolete); for the period until c. 1850, instead modern lists on loose leaves, partly of ship designs, partly of technical and machine designs (in preparation). - Lists relating to the latest transfers in the Second Department. Ship Designs Foreign ships Algerian chebek (with Danish text, latter half of the 18th century). (XXXV) Turkish armoured frigates (copies of designs from Gowan Yard, Glasgow, made 1865 by A.HJ.B. Miinter). 7 pieces. (XXXVIII. Folder F; 151 a-g) Chinese gunboat, 1887. Armoured conning tower (with French text). (XXXVIII. Folder M;347) Designs of Projected Ships Inventories: In the Second Department of the National Archives. Proposed gunboat for the Royal Siamese Navy, December, 1932. 11 designs. (P 24) Proposed training ship for the Royal Siamese Navy, May, 1935. 1 design. (Unnumbered, with Ρ 24) Proposed minelayer for Siam, November, 1934. 3 designs. (P 34) Calculations Transfer 1964. In volumes nos. 2, 3, and 4. Torpedo boat for Siam, 1934 and 1935 (Envelope no. 26) Submarine for Turkey, 1924 (Envelope no. 29) Minelayer for Siam, 1934 (Envelope no. 30 a - b ) Artillery ship for Siam (Siamese designs). Training ship for naval cadets for Siam (Siamese designs). Torpedo boat for Siam (Siamese designs). (Envelope No. 34) Training ship for naval cadets for Siam. (Envelope no. 35a - 35b) Gunboat for Siam. (Envelope no. 76) 120

Navy: Audited Accounts Confidential designs and letters In volume no. 14/1964 Torpedo boat for Siam, built in Italy. (Envelope no. 15) Torpedo boat for Siam, 310 tons. (Envelope no. 20) Information to Lieutenant Commander Salicath concerning projects for Siam, 1934—35. (Envelope no. 43)

Audited Accounts of the Navy — Marinens reviderede regnskaber - 1848 Inventories in the reading room. As regards the cruises of the ships, see Ships' Archives. 1 7 6 9 - 7 2 . The frigate 'Havfruen' and some small craft. Catering expenses for ship's officers. (Bundle 1) 1 7 7 0 - 7 2 . The ship of the line 'Slesvig' and some small craft. Accounts of board-wages ('Kahyt-kostpenge-regnskab') (during the cruise to Algiers). (Bundle 4) 1 7 7 1 - 7 2 . The ship of line 'Sejeren'. Cash account (during the cruise to Algiers). (Bundle 7) 1 7 7 1 - 7 2 . The frigate 'Falster'. Cash account (during the cruise to Algiers). (Bundle 13) 1 7 7 1 - 7 3 . The frigate 'Alsen'. Cash account. (Bundle 16) 1 7 7 1 - 7 3 . The frigate 'Faero'. Cash account. (Bundle 17) 1 7 9 8 - 1 8 0 1 . The frigate 'Najaden'. Accounts of Commander J.C. Krieger. (Bundle 1458) 1 8 4 3 - 4 5 . The brig 'Mercurius'. Victualling accounts. (Bundles 5 3 9 1 - 9 2 ) 1843—45. The same. Equipment accounts. (Bundles 5464—66) 1 8 4 3 - 4 7 . The same. Artillery accounts. (Bundle 5488) 1 8 4 3 - 4 6 . The brig '0rnen'. Victualling accounts. (Bundles 5 3 9 3 - 9 4 ) 1 8 4 3 - 4 6 . The same. Various accounts. (Bundles 5 4 7 3 - 7 6 ) 1 8 4 3 - 4 6 . The same. Artillery accounts. (Bundle 5487) 1 8 4 4 - 4 6 . The frigate 'Gefion'. Victualling accounts. (Bundles 5 3 9 5 - 9 6 ) 1844, 1846. The same. Artillery accounts. (Bundles 5 4 6 7 - 6 8 ) 1 8 4 4 - 4 6 . The same. Equipment accounts. (Bundles 5 4 6 7 - 6 8 ) 1 8 4 5 - 4 7 . The corvette 'Galathea'. Victualling accounts. (Bundle 5397) 1 8 4 5 - 4 7 . The same. Equipment accounts. (Bundle 5470) 1 8 4 5 - 4 7 . The same. Artillery accounts. (Bundle 5490) 1845—48. S.S. 'Ganges' and the schooner 'Nancowry'. Accounts of the gunner. (Bundle 5398) 1 8 4 5 - 4 8 . The same. Accounts of the gunner and the boatswain. (Bundle 5469) 1 8 4 5 - 4 8 . The same. Artillery accounts. (Bundle 5491) 1847. The corvette 'Valkyrien'. Victualling accounts. (Bundle 5399) 1847. The same. Equipment accounts. (Bundle 5472) 1847. The same. Artillery accounts. (Bundle 5491) 1 8 4 4 - 4 5 . The naval steamer 'Hekla'. Victualling accounts. (Bundle 5401) 1 8 4 4 - 4 6 . The same. Artillery accounts. (Bundle 5494) 1843, 1 8 4 5 - 4 6 . The same. Equipment (engine) accounts. (Bundle 5510) 1842. The frigate 'Thetis'. Equipment accounts. (Bundle 5462) 1842,1844. The same. Artillery accounts. (Bundle 5486)


National Archives

The East India Company 1668—ab. 1720, the. Societies ad Interim for the China and India Trade 1729—40, and the Asiatic Company 1732—1845 — Ostindisk Kompagni 1668— ab 1720, 'Interimssocieteterne for handelen pä Kina og Indien' 1729-1740, og Asiatisk Kompagni 1732-1845 The oldest Danish East India Company, established in 1616 by King Christian IV, ceased its activities in 1643, but a Danish governor did, however, retain Tranquebar in Danish hands. Of this first company only a few records have been preserved, listed with the records of the Danish Chancery (which see), especially the bundles Β nos. 244—47. A new Danish East India Company was established in 1668, and from the following year it carried on trade in India from Tranquebar and, 1698-1714, from a factory (lodge) at Dannemarksnagore (close to the present Chandernagore) in Bengal. About 1720, the Company got into trouble, and its activities ceased. Few of the archives of its Copenhagen office has been preserved; more is intact from the Tranquebar Government, but often in bad condition. Between 1729 and 1732, private societies (societies ad interim) carried out some trade expeditions to India as well as to China, some records of which have been preserved. In 1732, the Asiatic Company was established with a 40 year monopoly of the East India and China trade, carrying on shipping and trade until its cessation of business at the beginning of the 1840s, after the Danish-English war, 1807-14, however, only to a very small extent. Besides Tranquebar with the factories (lodges) at Calicut (Kozhikode) and Colachel (College), established in 1752 and 1755, as well as at Porto Novo (Parangipettai), the Company in Bengal had Frederiksnagore (Serampore) established in 1755, with the factories (lodges) at Balasore and Patna (established in 1773, sold in 1828). In the Nicobar Islands, the Company or the Danish State several times tried colonization in 1 7 5 6 - 5 7 , 1 7 6 8 - 8 7 , 1 8 3 1 - 3 4 and 1 8 4 6 - 4 8 but in vain. When India trade (but not China trade) had been permitted for all subjects of the Danish Monarchy against payment of a duty on imported and exported goods to the Company, the Danish State in 1777 took over the Indian colonies, the government of which was placed under the Board of Trade (which see), from 1816 under the Board of Customs and Trade (which see). To the Company now only belonged trade matters proper. The factory in Tranquebar was abolished in 1796, the Bengal section in 1820. Several of the chief archival series of the Asiatic Company have been preserved in toto, but in those series having been kept in India for a long time, many volumes have been damaged by damp. From the Chinamen, there is a series of accounts preserved of the China trade with Canton during the periods in which the Company had a resident factor there. The Company's archives were, in 1840s, transferred to the State archives, the records of the Company's Indian Government having already been transferred to the State at the time of the cession of the colonies; and parts of them were sent to Copenhagen, but certain series of records remained at Tranquebar especially from the period after 1778. In the present inventories, no complete separation between the records of the various companies has been made, neither between those of the royal (State) Government and the copies sent to Copenhagen. Information in the Guide is based on the available inventories, and is not quite correct as regards provenance. Research is, therefore, advisable in several places, even if the present listing has to some extent references and cross-reference to the section on the archives of the Royal East India Government. 122

East India Company Inventory: Bro-Jorgensen, J.O., & Rasch, Aage, Asiatiske, vestindiske ogguineiske handelskompagnier (Asiatic, West Indian and Guinean Trading Companies). Copenhagen, 1969 (Vejledende Arkivregistraturer XIV), p. 1 - 1 3 0 . Linvald, Axel (i.e. Rasch, Aage), Records of Indian Interest in the Danish Archives, Indian Historical Records Commission, Proceedings Vol. XXX. Part II. Hyderabad, 1954, p. 7 5 - 8 6 , especially p. 81 onwards. Bibliography: Brands ted, Johs., (ed.), Voregamle tropekolonier (Our Old Tropical Colonies), Sec. ed., vols. 1 - 8 . Copenhagen, 1966-68; Feldbaek, Ole, India Trade under the Danish Flag 1772-1808, Copenhagen, 1969 (Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograph Series); the same, The Danish Trade in Bengal 1777—1808. An Interim Account, Scandinavian Economic History Review, XII, Copenhagen, 1964, p. 2 6 - 6 0 ; Glamann, K., The Danish Asiatic Company 1732-1772, Scandinavian Economic History Review, VIII. Copenhagen, 1960, p. 109-49; the same, Bengal and World Trade about 1700, Bengal Past and Present, LXXVI, Calcutta, 1957; the same, Studie i Asiatisk Kompagnis ekonomiske historie 1732-1772 (Study in the Economic History of the Asiatic Company 1732-1772), (Dansk) Historisk Tidsskrift, Ser. 11, Vol. 2, p. 3 5 1 - 4 0 4 ; Larsen, K., De dansk-ostindiske koloniers historie (History of the Danish East Indian Colonies), I—II. Copenhagen, 1907-08; the same, Den danske Kinafart (The Danish China Trade). Copenhagen, 1932; the same, Guv ermrer, residenter og chefer samt enkelte andre fremtrcedende personer i de tidligere danske tropekolonier (Governors, Residents, Commandants and Commanding Officers, as well as Some Other Prominent Persons in the Former Danish Tropical Colonies), Copenhagen, 1940; Petersen, Sophie, Danmarksgamle tropekolonier (Denmark's Old Tropical Colonies). Copenhagen, 1946 (Det kongelige danske geografiske Selskabs kulturgeografiske skrifter bd. 4); Rasch, Aa., & Sveistrup, PP., Asiatisk Kompagni i den florissante periode 1772-92 (The Asiatic Company in the Palmy Days of Danish Overseas Trade 1772-92). Copenhagen, 1948; Thaarup, F., Historiske og statistiske efterretninger om det kongelige oktrojerede danske Asiatiske Kompagni (Historical and Statistical Information on the Royal Chartered Danish Asiatic Company). First Part. Copenhagen, 1824.

The East India Company — Ostindisk Kompagni The Copenhagen Office - Afdelingen i Kobenhavn 1688-1836. Charters (partly with copies of preceding documents), royal confirmations and licenses, ships' rules and conventions. 1 bundle. (AsK 7a) 1681 - c. 1839. Various documents. 1 bundle. (AsK 206b) Including muster rolls of the Company's servants in India, approx. 1685; itemization of the venture goods, 1699; deed of agreement of November 23, 1713 between the Company and the Persian merchants di Aveticq (Dutch); instructions for the commander and others at Tranquebar, 1725; regulations for the venture goods, 1730-31. 1688 (1679)—93. The East India Company's outstanding accounts with the King. 1 vol. (AsK 386a) 123

National Archives The Tranquebar Government - Afdelingen i Tranquebar Archives Inventories 1790. Inventory of the archives of the government of Tranquebar (by the Rev. Henning Engelhardt). 1 vol. (AsK 1230) 1691, 1699, 1703 and n.d. Various archives inventories. 1 bundle. (AsK 1230a) 1702 and 1777-80. Various archives inventories. 1 bundle. (AsK 1231) Containing: 1. Inventory of the archives at Tranquebar, Sept. 16, 1702; 2. Lists of records which the Asiatic Company transferred to the Board of Trade, 1777-79; 3. List of records which the Company at Tranquebar transferred to the government officials, c. 1780. Minute Books and Out-Letters of the Secret Council 1690/91-94/95 (1693/94 missing). Minute books. 1 bundle. (AsK 1252a) 1695/96-1699/1700 (1697/98 missing). Minute books. 1 bundle. (AsK 1252b) 1700/01-09/10 (1701/02, 1703/04 and 1706/07-09/10 missing). Minute books. 1 bundle. (AsK 1253) 1710/11-17/18 (1715/16 missing). Minute books. 1 bundle. (AsK 1254) 1718/.19-29/30 (1720/21-21/22 missing). Minute books. 1 bundle. (AsK 1255) 1704-32 (1722 and 1730 missing). The Council's books of dispatches to the board of directors. 2 vols. (AsK 1397-98) c. 1685-1777. Drafts and copies of dispatches to the board of directors. 1 bundle. (AsK 1400) 1700/01-19/20. The Council's books of dispatches sent. 1 bundle. (AsK 1411) Books or fragments from the years 1700/01, 1702/03, 1707/08, 1710/11, 1712/13, 1715, 1717 and 1719/20. 1720/21-31/32 (1723/24 and 1725/26 missing). The Council's books of dispatches sent. 1 bundle. (AsK 1412a) Chronicles of the Council and Letters Received The chronicles ('Rapportboger') were a sort of annals in which important events in the colony of Tranquebar were entered. 1695-1703 (1698-1701 missing). Chronicles. 1 bundle. (AsK 1267a) 1703-09 (1705/06-07/08 missing). Chronicles. 1 bundle. (AsK 1267b) 1716/17-18/19 (1717/18 and 1718/19 missing). Chronicles. 1 bundle. (AsK 1268a) 1719/20-22/23 (1721/22 missing). Chronicles. 1 bundle. (AsK 1268b) 1730/31-32/33. Chronicles. 1 bundle. (AsK 1269) c. 1690-1757 and 1777. Various fragments of letter books, chronicles, etc. 1 bundle. (AsK 1318b) Containing: 1. Letter book, c. 1690; 2. Auditor's report (? ), 1697; 3. Letter book (? ), 1699; 4. Letter book, 1700; 5. Letter book, 1713; 6. Letter book, July, 1714; 7. Letter book, June, 1718; 8. Chronicle, Dec., 1726 - Dec. 1727; 9. Letter book, c. 1728; 10. Book of letters received, 1738; 11. Book of letters sent, Oct. 15, 1739 - Sept. 23, 1740; 12. Book of letters sent and received, May 1757; 13. Fragment of book of correspondence with Calicut, 1777; 14. Undated fragments. 124

East India Company 1 7 0 5 - 2 2 ( 1 7 0 7 - 1 1 and 1 7 1 3 - 1 6 missing). In-letter books. 1 bundle. (AsK 1351) 1 7 0 5 - 0 6 and 1712 fragments only. 1 7 2 2 - 3 2 ( 1 7 2 5 - 2 6 missing). In-letter books. 1 bundle. (AsK 1352) 1 7 2 3 - 2 4 and 1 7 2 6 - 2 7 in duplicate. 1 6 7 0 - 1 7 3 4 . 'European Documents'. 7 bundles. (AsK 1232a-1232g) Letters received from the authorities in Copenhagen or the Company's board of directors ('General Letters'). 1 6 7 4 - 1 7 7 8 . 'Bengal Documents'. 1 bundle. (AsK 2034b) The series is far from complete. The letters are almost exclusively reports from Bengal to the Tranquebar authorities. 1 6 2 0 - 1 7 7 8 . 'Tanjore Documents'. 1 bundle. (AsK 2183a) Many of the documents especially the older ones, are copies. 1673—1787 and undated. Letters in Persian and in Indian languages as well as translations. 1 bundle. (AsK 2186c) Containing: 1. Persian documents; some of the letters with dates in Arabic numerals on the back, viz. 1 7 1 2 - 6 6 ; 2. Letters in Indian languages, especially in Tamil, one letter marked 1776,3. Translations of letters from Indian princes, 1 6 7 3 - 1 7 8 7 and undated. 1684—1774 (various years). Correspondence about and receipts for the tribute to Tanjore. 1 bundle. (AsK 2311) A few letters in Indian languages, the rest translations. 1 7 0 0 - 6 3 . Letters received by the Tranquebar Council, not journalized. 1 bundle. (AsK 1396ai) Various Documents 1 6 7 1 - 1 7 7 8 . 'Tranquebar Documents'. 3 bundles. (AsK 1 4 4 8 - 4 9 , 1450b2) A collection of various documents, e.g. instructions, valuations, inventories, rolls, payrolls, muster rolls of servants, evidence and various accounts. 1682—1778 (various years). Carnatic, Golconda, Bengali, Marathi, Tamil and Mokha documents. 1 bundle. (AsK 2186b) Containing: 1. Carnatic documents, 1683—1778; 2. Golconda documents, c. 1684; 3. Documents relating to Dannemarksnagore in Bengal, 1705 and undated; 4. Marathi and Tamil documents; 5. Mokha documents, 1682. 1 6 8 0 - 1 7 7 8 . Achin documents. 1 bundle. (AsK 2188a) 1 6 8 2 - 1 7 7 6 . Documents relating to Pegu, Siam, Kedah, Johore, Cambodia and Manila. 1 bundle. (AsK 2188b) Administration

of Justice

As far as can be seen from the oldest, rather defective records, this series until c. 1720 contains both proceedings of the City Court, Court Martial papers and maritime cases; after that date, almost exclusively the two latter categories, whereas proceedings of the City Court have been separated as a special series. 1 6 9 0 - 9 1 and 1 6 9 4 - 9 6 . Tranquebar court records. 1 bundle. (AsK 1454) 1699/1700-1703/05. Tranquebar court records. 1 bundle. (AsK 1455) 1 7 0 7 - 1 6 (1709 missing). Tranquebar court records. 1 bundle. (AsK 1456) 1 7 1 6 - 2 2 (1718 missing). Tranquebar court records. 1 bundle. (AsK 1457) 1 7 2 5 - 3 2 . Tranquebar court records. 1 bundle. (AsK 1458) 125

National Archives 1706-07. Papers of Tranquebar Court of Probate and Auctions, 1 bundle. (AsK 1487) 1707-96. Fragments of records of the Tranquebar courts. 1 bundle. (AsK 1488) Containing: 1. Fragments of papers of Court of Probate, 1707; 2. Fragments of papers of Court of Probate, 1751; 3. Two transcripts of City Court's Proceedings, 1756-57; 4. Fragments of City Court's Proceedings, 1712; 5. Fragments of title deeds, 1760; 6. Fragments of the report of the commission of Nov. 10, 1796. 1723-73. Documents from City Court's proceedings. 1 bundle. (AsK 1493c) 1683. Report of the commission of inquiry into a dispute between the East India Company and inhabitants of Porto Novo. 1 vol. (AsK 1487)

The Societies ad Interim for the China and India Trade — Interimssocieteterne for Handelen pä Kina og Indien 1729—40 1730-40. 'The Commissioners of the societies for the Tranquebar and China trade, Original records of their board of directors'. 1 vol. (AsK 28) 1729-30 (1831). Matters relating to the societies ad interim for the China and India trade. 1 bundle. (AsK 28a)

The Asiatic Company — Asiatisk Kompagni The Copenhagen Office - Afdelingen i Kebenhavn Archives Inventories 'Inventory of the D.A.C. archives until 1772' (Authorized December 24, 1785). 1 vol. (AsK 1) 'Supplement to Inventory of the D.A.C. archives until 1772'. 1 vol. 'Inventory of the D.A.C. archives until 1792'. 1 vol. (AsK 3) Inventory, 1792-1804 (Authorized April 12, 1801). 1 vol. (AsK 4) 'Inventory of the D.A.C. archives, begun in the year 1804'. 1 vol. (AsK 5a) Seems to be regularly kept until c. 1807. Furthermore several entries until c. 1816, finally some few from the 1830s. 'Asiat. Co. archives Inventory No. 5' 1804. 1 vol. (AsK 5b) Table of contents of the previous volume. - The first 35 pages only have been completed. 'Inventory of documents in the keeping of the board of directors 1802'. 1 vol. (AsK 6) The first entry dated April 14, 1803, the last one February 19, 1840 Minutes of the Proceedings of the General Meeting with Pertinent


1730-1836. Minutes of the proceedings of the General Meeting. 18 vols. (AsK 8 - 2 5 ) 1775-78. Record of the Commission. 1 vol. (AsK 239b) Record of the commisssion which according to a resolution of the general meeting of Dec. 13,1775, was appointed to draw up a new convention for the Company as 126

Asiatic Company

well as to decide on the auditors' objections against the transactions of the board of directors, 1774. 1784. 'Most Humble Report from the Commission of Inquiry into the Defalcation, appointed June 26, 1784, and the Report of the Audit Commission of June 18, 1784'. 1 vol. (AsK 254c) April 8, 1791 - Jan. 24,1798. 'Record' A. - For the Commission on Account of the Expiration of the Charter 1792; B. For the Commission for Working out a New Convention on the Same Occasion; C. For The Same Commission for Working out New Instructions for the Company's Local Assistants'. 1 vol. (AsK 239c) 1822—39. Various documents, submitted to the General Meetings of the Asiatic Company. 1 bundle. (AsK 26b) Containing: 1. Letters received from: A. The King, 1837 and 1840. - B. The Admiralty Board of Supplies, 1840; The Department of Foreign Affairs, 1817 and 1819—22; The Board of Customs and Trade, 1838; The Municipal Corporation of Copenhagen, 1841, 1843 and 1845. - C. Private persons; 2. Reports of commissions appointed by the Company; 3. Papers relating to the pensioning of the Company's staff; 4. Powers of attorney. 1838. Documents relating to the voting occasioned by the proposal for the cessation and realization of the Asiatic Company, made in the General Meeting, Dec. 27, 1838. 1 bundle. (AsK 26a) Records of Consultations of the Board of Directors and Records of the Standing Committee 1732-1839. Records of consultations of the board of directors. 64 vols. (AsK 29-92) 1778-1845. Committee records. 16 vols. (AsK 240-54b) Records of the 'Standing Committee', according to the convention of 1778 and composed of the Company's auditors and deciders. Letter Books of Outgoing Mail 1732-59. Letter books of inland and foreign mail. 5 vols. (AsK 93-97) Copies of outgoing mail to Denmark and Europe, but not to the administration in the colonies. Furthermore many copies of bills of exchange. 1760-72. Letter book of inland mail. With index. 1 vol. (AsK 98) Copies of letters to addressees in Denmark, Norway and the Duchies of Slesvig and Holstein. 1773-1845. Letter books of European mail. 56 vols. (AsK 99-154) Letters to addressees in Europe, including the Kingdom of Denmark. Partly with index. 1760-72. Letter books of foreign mail. With indexes. 4 vols. (AsK 155-58) Letters to addressees in Europe outside the Kingdom of Denmark, including letters to the Company's ships in European ports as well as to Altona. 1757-1840. Indian and Chinese letter books. 10 vols. (AsK 159-67) Books of Instructions and Commissions 1732 and 1753. Instructions for the Governor and the Council of Tranquebar. 1 vol. (AsK 168) 127

National Archives

1732-64. Letter book of Indian transactions. 4 vols. (AsK 1 6 9 - 7 2 ) Letters to the officials in India, letters of appointment for governors, chaplains, etc., as well as royal confirmations of these, instructions for shipmasters, regulations for ships and colonies and promises on oath. 1735-62. Letter book of Chinese transactions. 4 vols. (AsK 1 8 4 - 8 7 ) Instructions for captains, supercargoes and other employees on Chinamen. 1757-70. Book of instructions for captains in the China trade. 1 vol. (AsK 188) 1763-76. Book of instructions for supercargoes in the China trade. 1 vol. (AsK 189) 1757-71. Book of instructions for ships' assistants in the China trade. 1 vol. (AsK 190) 1758—71. Book of instructions for chaplains in the China trade. 1 vol. (AsK 191) 1757—71. Book of instructions for chief surgeons and surgeon lieutenants in the China trade. 1 vol. (AsK 192) 1777-96. Book of instructions for the China trade etc. 1 vol. (AsK 193) Instructions for captains, supercargoes and assistants in the China, India and Batavia trade and regulations of April 29, 1795 for housekeeping in China. 1796-1805. 'Book of instructions for the assistants in the China trade'. 1 vol. (AsK 194a) For supercargoes and assistants in the China and Batavia trade. Instructions for captains in the Tranquebar trade. (Including a charter party of Aug. 5, 1783 for the 'Lucie Emerentze'). 1 Bundle. (AsK 194b) 1765-72. Book of instructions for the captains in the Tranquebar and Bengal trade. 1 vol. (AsK 173) 1758—67. Book of instructions for the captains in the Surat, China, Tranquebar and Bengal trade as well as for the supercargo and the merchants in the Tranquebar and Bengal trade. 1 vol. (AsK 174) 1757-71. Book of instructions for the assistants in the East Indies trade. 1 vol. (AsK 175) 1757-71. Book of instructions for the chaplains in the East Indies trade. 1 vol. (AsK 176) 1757-71. Book of instructions for chief surgeons and surgeon lieutenants in the East Indies trade. 1 vol. (AsK 177) 1758. Book of instructions for supercargoes and assistants in the Surat and the Canton trade. 1 vol. (AsK 178) 1772-83. Book of orders and instructions. With index. 1 vol. (AsK 179) Instructions for the Company's employees. Furthermore copies of bonds and bills of exchange, issued by the board of directors, and a key to the Company's cipher code. 1787-94. Book of instructions. 1 vol. (AsK 180) 1785—97. Book of instructions for captains and others relating to loading and unloading. 1 vol. (AsK 195) 1798-1834. Book of European instructions (i.e. for the Copenhagen staff). With index. 1 vol. (AsK 181) 1806-33. Book of instructions for commercial transactions on the ships and for the factors at Canton. 1 vol. (AsK 182) 1770. Book of separate instructions for the captain, the supercargo and the assistant on the ship 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 183)


Asiatic Company Journals and Letters Received 1834-40. Diary of letters received. 1 vol. (AsK 195b) 1733-78. Letters (so-called 'General Letters') from the Government of Tranquebar. 5 vols., 3 bundles. (AsK 196-203) 1754-65. Letters received from governors of Tranquebar. 1 bundle. (AsK 204) 1779-97. Letters received from the factory at Tranquebar. 10 bundles. (AsK 209-18) 1739-66 (various years). Various letters from Tranquebar. 1 bundle. (AsK 205) Letters from the Company's officials in India. 1773-1820 (1775-77, 1779-80 and 1813-17 missing). Letters received from the factory in Bengal. 14 bundles. (AsK 219-32a) Mostly letters from the Company's officials. 1773-82, 1790. Letters received from Berner, factor at Patna, and his wife. 1 bundle. (AsK 233) 1773-91. Letters received from the factory at Canton. 6 bundles. (AsK 234-38) 1830-40. Foreign letters. 1 bundle. (AsK 239a) Including letters from the 'Frederik den Siette' on the voyage from Canton to Copenhagen and a few letters from Denmark 1830. Various Papers 1737-1845. Various letters received. 1 bundle. (AsK 206a) Including records relating to the disputes in the Company after the discovery of the defalcation 1783. 1681 - c. 1839. Various documents. 1 bundle. (AsK 206b) Including regulations for the venture goods 1730, 1731,1734,1739 and 1740; regulations for ships 1739; documents relating to the French East India Company 1759—60; valuation of the Company's assets, 1785; letters and accounts relating to Carsten Anker's negotiations in England, 1801-05; papers concerning Wilder's Plads, 1803—39; matters concerning the return of the Company's property in Bengal, c. 1807-23; communications relating to the stockpile, August 1808. 1830-45. Various documents. 1 bundle. (AsK 206c) Relating to the Company's cessation including the conveyance of the real property to the firm of Jacob Holm & Sons, 1839-41. 1688-1836. Charters. 1 bundle. (AsK 7a) For the contents see above The East India Company. 1772-98. Printed charters and conventions. 1 bundle. (AsK 7b) 1746-50. Building of the Asiatic Company's warehouse at Christianshavn. 1 bundle. (AsK 207a) 1751. Establishment of a new factory (lodge) in Bengal. 1 bundle. (AsK 208a) c. 1820—30. The Asiatic Company's legal proceedings against various persons. 1 bundle. (AsK 207b) 1728,1783, 1786 and 1836-40. Various printed items relating to the Asiatic Company. 1 bundle. (AsK 27) Copper plate for the printing of cash orders and three seals. 1 bundle. (AsK 262b) Balance-Sheets and Valuations 1732/33-1840/41. Balance of ledgers of the Asiatic Company. 7 vols. (AsK 263b-69) 1732/33-1815/16 with references to the ledgers. The annual balances 1822/23. 129

National Archives 1828/29, 1831/32 and 1836/37 are missing as well as 1839/40 in the trial balances. A list of debtors as on April 11, 1837 enclosed. 1790-1835 (various years). Valuations (i.e. Balance books). 15 vols. (AsK 2 7 1 - 8 5 ) Ledgers, Journals, Cashbooks and Subsidiary Books 1732-1840. Ledgers. With indexes. 49 vols. (AsK 5 1 4 - 6 2 ) The ledgers 1732-41 and 1773-1840 with references to the journals. 1732-49, 1755-69, 1 7 7 3 - 9 6 , 1 7 9 7 - 1 8 4 1 . Trade account-books ('Negotie-journaler'). 78 vols. (AsK 563-640) Under this name in contradistinction to the ship's journals and the cashbooks. With references to the ledgers. 1732-72 and 1838-40. Cashbooks. 13 vols. (AsK 2 8 6 - 9 8 ) In the cashbooks, 1732—72, the credit side has only summary entries of the contributions received from the participants until 1756 as well as of the proceeds of sales, finally of the silver reserves and foreign currency. Later the amount of the loans raised. The debit side 1732—72 was not specified. 1769-1840. Cashbooks. 87 vols. (AsK 299-385) Differ from the above-mentioned ones, having also specifications of proceeds as well as of purchases and the holding of bills. These cashbooks include frequent statements of the total cash balance (cash in hand, bills and bank deposit). May 26,1829 - Jan. 26,1839. Bill Book ('Kobe-Veksel bog'). 1 vol. (AsK 386b) Containing also information on remitted amounts, thus being rather a bill account. 1830-39. Copybook of bills. 1 vol. (AsK 387) 1819-41. Passbooks with the National Bank. 1 bundle. (AsK 388a 1 - 3 ) 1832-39. Copybook of deeds of agreement for the letting of the Company's yards, shipyard and warehouses. 1 vol. (AsK 388b) 1769-1835. Accounts of dubious debtors. With index. 1 vol. (AsK 390b) 1822-40. Current accounts (with inland firms). 1 vol. (AsK 391a) 1832-40. Current accounts ledger (with foreign firms only as well as with Altona). 1 vol. (AsK 391b) 1804-33. Invoice book. 1 vol. (AsK 426) Invoices for the money and goods sent to China and India and the captains' receipts. 1821-39. Stock book of masts and spars. 1 vol. (AsK 427) Auction and Stock Books 1786, 1793-1800 and 1839. Auction accounts of goods arrived from the East Indies and China. 5 bundles. (AsK 416a-20h) Accounts of the ships: 416. 'Providentia', Sept. 25, 1786; — 416a. 'Carl, Prins af Hessen', July 24, 1793; - 416b. 'Johanne & Marie', July 28, 1794; - 416c. 'Cron-Princesse Maria', July 28, 1794; - 416d I. 'Elisabeth' Aug. 6,1794; - 416d II. 'Norge', Aug. 6, 1794; 416e. 'Johanne & Marie'. Aug. 27, 1794; - 416f. 'Minerva', Sept. 4,1794; - 416g. 'CronPrincesse Maria', Sept. 5,1794; - 416h. 'Bergen', Sept. 8, 1794; - 416i. 'Norge', 'CronPrincesse Maria' and others, Sept. 15, 1794; - 416k. 'Minerva', Sept. 29,1794; - 4161. 'Juliane', Oct. 15, 1794; - 416m. 'Minerva', Oct. 15, 1794; - 416n. 'Bergen', Oct. 29, 1794; 416o. 'Juliane'. March 4,1795; - 416p. 'Charlotte Amalia', March 4,1795; 130

Asiatic Company 416q + r. 'Mariane', March 18 and April 8, 1795; - 416s + t. 'Alexander' and 'Princesse Friderica'. July 15, 1795; - 416u. 'Princesse Friderica', July 15 and Aug. 19, 1795; 416v. 'Bellona', Aug. 12,1795; - 416x + y. 'Princesse Friderica' and 'Alexander', Aug. 19 and 31. 1795; - 416z. 'Princesse Friderica', Sept. 2, 1795; - 416ae. Various, Sept. 10, 1795; - 416a. 'Hercules', Sept. 23, 1795; - 416aa. 'Johanne & Marie', Oct. 1 4 , 1 7 9 5 ; 416ab. 'Hercules', Nov. 4 , 1 7 9 5 ; - 417a. 'Cron-Princesse Maria' and 'Cronborg', Feb. 24, 1796; - 417b. 'Cronborg' and 'Bergen', March 2 , 1 7 9 6 ; - 417c. Various, March 9, 1796; - 417d. 'Cron-Princesse Maria' and 'Bergen', March 2 1 , 1 7 9 6 ; - 417e + f. 'Skatmester Grev Schimmelmann', April 6 and June 2, 1796; - 417g. 'Aurora', June 2 0 , 1 7 9 6 ; 417h. 'Juliane' and 'Skienheden', June 20, 1796; - 417i. 'Juliane', June 22, 1796; 417k. 'Dannemark', July 27, 1796; - 4171. 'Juliane' and 'Skienheden' Aug. 1, 1796; 417m. 'Cronborg' and 'Bergen', Aug. 4, 1796; - 417n. 'Printzen af Augustenborg', Aug. 10, 1796; - 417o. 'Anna & Lovisa', Aug. 24, 1796; - 417p. 'Minerva' and 'Prinds Christian Frederik', Sept. 14, 1796; - 417q + r. 'Johanne', Sept. 28, 1796; - 417s. 'Printzen af Augustenborg', Oct. 5, 1796; - 417t. 'Johanne', Oct. 13, 1796; - 417u. 'Johanne' and 'Schimmelmann', Oct. 13, 1796; - 418a. 'Dannebrog' and others, March 15,1797; - 418b + c. 'Commercen', June 14 and 21, 1 7 9 7 ; - 4 1 8 d . 'Marianne', July 5, 1797; - 418e I + II. 'Marianne' and 'Johanne & Marie', Aug. 2, 1797; - 418f. 'Marianne', Aug. 7, 1797; - 418g. 'Norske Lave', Aug. 9, 1797; - 418h I + II. 'Norske Lave' and 'Cronborg', Sept. 25, 1797; - 418i. 'Norske Love' and others, Sept. 28, 1797; - 418k I + 11. 'Elisa', Oct. 25, 1797; - 4181. Duplicate of preceding no. etc., Oct. 25, 1797; 418m. 'Kiebenhavn' and 'Dannemark', Oct. 25, 1797; - 418n. 'Amalienborg', Nov. 22, 1797; - 418o.'Fanny\ Jan. 3 , 1 7 9 8 ; - 418p + q. 'Elisa', March 14 and 16, 1798; - 418r. 'Roeskilde', Nov. 2 1 , 1 7 9 8 ; - 419a. 'Roeskilde' and others, March 2 0 , 1 7 9 9 ; - 419b. 'Stavanger', July 10,1799; - 419c. 'Dronninggaard' and'Naesset', July 11, 1799; - 419d. 'Nancy', July 15, 1799; - 419e. 'Norske Love', July 17, 1799; - 419f. 'Stavanger' and 'Norske Love', July 17, 1799; - 419g. 'Cronborg', July 3 1 , 1 7 9 9 ; - 419h. 'Bellona', Aug. 6 , 1 7 9 9 ; - 419i. 'Fredensborg', Aug. 6, 1799; - 419k. 'Bellona', Aug. 28, 1799; - 4191. 'Fredensborg', Sept. 4 , 1 7 9 9 ; - 419m. 'Johanne & Henriette', Sept. 4 , 1 7 9 9 ; - 419n. 'Fredensborg', Sept. 4 , 1 7 9 9 ; - 419o. 'Christianssand', 'Speculationen' and 'Providentia', Sept. 1 9 , 1 7 9 9 ; - 419p I + II and 419q. 'Johanne & Henriette', Sept. 2 5 , 1 7 9 9 ; - 420a. 'Lisette', March 3, 1800; - 420b. 'America', 'Dronninggaard' and 'Naesset', May 28, 1800; - 420c. 'Den lille Catharina', May 28, 1800; - 420d. 'Neptunus', June 2 3 , 1 8 0 0 ; 420e. 'Ganges', June 25, 1800; - 420f. 'Charlotta', July 7 , 1 8 0 0 ; - 420g. I + II. 'General Abbestee' and others, Oct. 8 , 1 8 0 0 ; - 420h. For sale of various Chinese goods, Sept. 25, 1839. 1 8 3 1 - 3 9 . Account books of auctions. With indexes. 21 vols. (AsK 3 9 2 - 4 1 2 ) 1 8 3 7 - 4 0 . Copybooks of auction bills. 3 vols. (AsK 4 1 3 - 1 5 ) 1 7 9 8 - 1 8 3 9 . Book of mortgages. 1 vol. (AsK 389) Statements of securities, which the auction buyers deposited as security for goods bought at the auctions. 1 7 9 8 - 1 8 3 9 . Receipt book of mortgages. 1 vol. (AsK 390a) 1 8 3 8 - 4 0 . The cashier's delivery books. 3 vols. (AsK 4 2 1 - 2 3 ) Statements of daily payments by the auction buyers and delivery of goods to these. 1 8 2 7 - 4 0 . Books of unsold East Indian and Chinese goods. With indexes. 2 vols. (AsK 424-25) Accounts for separate goods, listed according to the ships in which they were brought home.


National Archives Registers of Shareholders and Stock Ledgers 1793-1841. Ledgers of the capital accounts of the partners. 5 vols. (AsK 441—45) Accounts of all partners stating which shares they possessed. 1786-1841. Indexes of partners. 12 vols. (AsK 428-39) A series of statements of the partners' holding of shares, made at various intervals. The names are in alphabetic order, c. 1840. Inventory of the Company's shares in numerical order, stating the holders. 1 vol. (AsK 440) 1773-1808. Dividend distribution books. 27 vols. (AsK 448-74) 1791 missing because no dividend was declared. 1824-39. Dividend distribution books. 2 vols. (AsK 484-85) A kind of continuation of the receipt books. Dec. 11, 1840 'Account book of a dividend of 500 rixdollars per share . . . according to resolution of the General Meeting of Aug. 20,1840'. 1 vol. (AsK 446) June 11, 1841. 'Account book of a further liquidation dividend . . . according to resolution of the General Meeting of April 5, 1841'. 1 vol. (AsK 447) 1824-38. 'Redeemed Shares'. 5 vols. (AsK 500-04) Shares which were purchased by the board of directors on the Company's account. 1776-1841. Registers of transfer of shares. 9 vols. (AsK 475-83) 1792-1832. Letters received, relating to transfer of shares. 16 bundles. (AsK 486-99) Letters from Sept. 12, 1793-July 1,1794 missing. 1813-39. Debenture ledgers. 3 vols. (AsK 505b-07) Inventory of the Company's debentures issued after 1781 and still unredeemed 1813 (entered in numerical order), with endorsements about eventual later transfer or redemption. Further copies of statements to the public relating to the debentures as well as lists of the debenture holders of a new loan 1826-27. 1838-39. Receipt books for interest paid on the Company's debentures. 6 vols. (AsK 508-13) Staff and Pension Books 1772-1833. 'Alphabetic List of the Principal Sailors and Assistants'. 2 vols. (AsK 641-42) These volumes include: Captains, mates, surgeons, stewards, boatswains and gunners, assistants, supercargoes, chaplains, carpenters, sailmakers, coopers, corporals and apprentices. For each person his length of service is stated. 1723-1833. Muster rolls ('Rulleboger'). 10 vols. (AsK 646-55) Lists of crews, stating wages and sums advanced. 1808-17, no ships were sent out. 1819-33 (various years). Conduct books. 4 vols. (AsK 656-59) 1813-23,1832-41. Pension books. 2 vols. (AsK 643-44) 1812 and 1840-45. Pensioners of the Poor Relief Fund. 1 vol. (AsK 645a) 1744-54, 1835-41. Poor Relief Fund accounts with enclosures. 1 bundle. (AsK 645b) Various Account Papers 1813-14. Book-keeper Hielte's project for conversion of the Company's debtors and creditors and approved conversion of these. 1 bundle. (AsK 390c) 1839-46. Copybook for the book-keeper. 1 vol. (AsK 263a) 132

Asiatic Company Diaries by the Supercargoes from East Indiamen


Diaries ('Skibsprotokoller') kept by the supercargoes, containing notes of all occurrences, but no nautical entries. — Enclosed some other records relating to the diaries. 1733-35. Various ship diaries for ships to the East Indies. 1 bundle. (AsK 6 6 0 - 6 2 ) Containing 1733 Diary during the voyage of the 'Greve Laurvig' to Achin and back; 1734-35 Diary during the voyage of the 'Fridericus Quartus' to Achin and back; 1735 Diary for the 'Greve Laurvig', end of a voyage until return to Copenhagen. Diaries for the following ships: 1739-41. 'Princesse Charlotta Amalia'. 1 vol. (AsK 663) 1741-43. 'Princesse Charlotta Amalia'. 1 vol. (AsK 664) 1742-44. Extract of the diary of'Kongen af Dannemark' from Copenhagen to False Bay. 1 vol. (AsK 664b) 1743-44. 'Princesse Lovisa' from Copenhagen to India (wrecked). 1 vol. (AsK 665) Enclosed a diary for the ship from its departure from Copenhagen until the return of the survivors. Further a chronicle 1743—44, kept on 'Dronningen af Dannemark' during a voyage to China. 1744 -45. 'Princesse Charlotta Amalia'. 1 vol. (AsK 666) 1745-47. 'Cron-Princessen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 667) 1747-49. 'Docqven'. 1 vol. (AsK 668) 1748-50. 'Cron-Princessen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 669) 1750-51. 'Elephanten'. 1 vol. (AsK 669b) From Tranquebar to South Africa (wrecked). 1750-53. 'Cron-Princessen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 670) To Tranquebar and South Africa (wrecked). 1751-53. 'Princesse Wilhelmine Caroline'. 1 vol. (AsK 671) 1753-54. 'De tre Princesser'. 1 vol. (AsK 672) 1753-55. 'Sydermanland'. 1 vol. (AsK 673) 1753-56. 'Tranquebar'. 1 vol. (AsK 674) 1753-56. 'Friderich & Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 675a) 1753-56. Documents for the diary of the 'Friderich & Lovisa'. 1 bundle. (AsK 675b) 1754-56. 'De tre Princesser'. 1 vol. (AsK 676) 1756-59. 'Greve Moltke'. 1 vol. (AsK 677) 1757-59. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 678) 1761 -63. 'Greve Moltke'. 1 vol. (AsK 679) 1761-65. 'Debora'. 1 vol. (AsK 680) 1765-67. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 681) 1768-70. 'Grevinde Moltke'. 1 vol. (AsK 682) 1770-72. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 683) 1770-71. Diary, expence book and other papers relating to the 'Princesse Louise'. 1 bundle. (AsK 684a-85) 1771-73. 'Dronning Caroline Mathilde'. 1 vol. (AsK 2306) 1771-73. 'Consumption lists from the 'Dronning Caroline Mathilde'. 1 vol. (AsK 2307) 1772-74. 'Rigernes Onske'. 1 vol. (AsK 686) 1774-76. 'Tranquebar'. 1 vol. (AsK 687) 1775-76. 'Tranquebar'. 1 vol. (AsK 688) 1773-75. 'Ganges'. 1 vol. (AsK 689) 1775-77. 'Rigernes 0nske'. 1 vol. (AsK 690) 133

National Archives 1 7 7 5 - 8 0 . 'Friderichsnagor'. 1 vol. ( A s K 6 9 1 ) The ship made several voyages in the East. 1 7 7 6 - 7 8 . 'Castellet Dansborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 6 9 2 ) 1 7 7 7 - 7 8 . 'Tranquebar'. 1 vol. (AsK 6 9 3 ) 1 7 7 7 - 7 9 . 'Rigernes Onske'. 1 vol. (AsK 6 9 4 ) 1 7 7 8 - 8 0 . 'Holsteen'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 4 1 ) 1 7 7 9 - 8 0 . 'CasteUet Dansborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 6 9 6 ) 1 7 7 9 - 8 1 . 'Rigernes Onske'. 1 vol. (AsK 6 9 7 ) 1 7 8 1 - 8 3 . 'Tranquebar'. 1 vol. (AsK 6 9 8 ) 1 7 8 0 - 8 2 . 'CasteUet Dansborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 6 9 9 ) 1 7 8 2 - 8 4 . 'Friderichsnagor'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 0 0 ) 1 7 8 2 - 8 4 . 'Rigernes Onske'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 0 1 ) 1 7 8 2 - 8 5 . 'Ganges'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 0 2 ) 1 7 8 3 - 8 4 . 'Castellet Dansborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 0 3 ) 1 7 8 3 - 8 5 . 'Tranquebar'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 0 4 ) 1 7 8 4 - 8 6 . 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 0 5 ) 1785 - 8 7 . 'Castellet Dansborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 0 6 ) 1 7 8 5 - 8 7 . 'Disco'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 0 7 ) 1 7 8 6 - 8 7 . 'Tranquebar'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 0 8 ) Ends in Bengal. 1 7 8 6 - 8 8 . 'Dannebrog'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 0 9 ) 1 7 8 6 - 8 8 . 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 1 0 ) 1 7 8 8 - 8 9 . 'CasteUet Dansborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 1 1 ) 1 7 8 7 - 8 9 . 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 1 2 ) 1 7 8 8 - 9 0 . 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 1 3 ) 1 7 8 8 - 9 1 . 'Dannebrog'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 1 4 ) 1 7 8 9 - 9 1 . 'Disco'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 1 5 ) 1 7 8 9 - 9 1 . 'Printzen af Augustenborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 1 6 ) 1 7 9 1 - 9 2 . 'Printzen af Augustenborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 1 7 ) 1 7 9 0 - 9 2 . 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 1 8 ) 1 7 9 0 - 9 2 . 'CasteUet Dansborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 1 9 ) 1 7 9 1 - 9 3 . 'Princesse Lovise Augusta', 1 vol. (AsK 7 2 0 - 2 1 ) 1 7 9 1 - 9 3 . 'Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 2 2 ) 1 7 9 2 - 9 3 . 'Dannebrog'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 2 3 ) 1 7 9 2 - 9 4 . 'Disco'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 2 4 ) 1 7 9 3 - 9 4 . 'Printzen af Augustenborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 2 5 ) 1 7 9 4 - 9 5 . 'Juliane Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 2 6 ) 1 7 9 4 - 9 5 . 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 2 7 ) 1 7 9 5 - 9 6 . 'Printzen af Augustenborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 2 8 ) 1 7 9 5 - 9 6 . Diary and other papers relating to the 'Dannebrog'. 1 bundle. (AsK 7 2 9 a - d ) 1 7 9 5 - 9 7 . 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 3 0 ) 1 7 9 6 - 9 7 . 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 3 1 a ) 1 7 9 7 - 9 8 . 'Dannebrog'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 3 1 b ) 1 7 9 7 - 9 9 . 'Printzen af Augustenborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 3 2 ) 1 7 9 8 - 9 9 . 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 3 3 ) 1 7 9 8 - 9 9 . 'Norge'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 3 4 ) 1 7 9 8 - 1 8 0 0 . 'Cron-Princesse Marie'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 3 5 ) 1 7 9 9 - 1 8 0 0 . 'Dannebrog'. 1 vol. (AsK 7 3 6 )


Asiatic Company 1 8 0 0 - 0 1 . 'Printzen af Augustenborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 737) 1 7 9 9 - 1 8 0 1 . 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 738) 1 8 0 0 - 0 2 . 'Norge'. 1 vol. (AsK 739) 1802. 'Norge'. 1 vol. (AsK 740) 1 8 0 1 - 0 3 . 'Holsteen'. 1 vol. (AsK 754a) 1 8 0 1 - 0 3 . 'Kiobenhavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 742) 1 8 0 2 - 0 3 . 'Printzen af Augustenborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 743) 1 8 0 2 - 0 4 . 'Dannebrog'. 1 vol. (AsK 744) 1802 - 0 4 . 'Princesse Lovise Augusta' (missing) (AsK 745) 1 8 0 3 - 0 5 . 'Kronprindsessen'. 1 vol. (AsK 746) 1805. 'Kronprindsessen'. 1 vol. (AsK 747) 1803. 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 748) 1 8 0 3 - 0 5 . 'Holsteen'. 1 vol. (AsK 749) 1 8 0 4 - 0 5 . 'Kiobenhavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 750) 1 8 0 4 - 0 6 . 'Dannebrog'. 1 vol. (AsK 751) 1 8 0 4 - 0 6 . 'Printzen af Augustenborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 752) 1 8 0 5 - 0 7 . 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 753) 1 8 0 6 - 0 7 . 'Holsteen'. 1 vol. (AsK 754a) 1 8 0 6 - 0 8 . 'Holsteen' (formerly 'Warren Hastings'). 1 vol. (AsK 754b) 1 8 0 7 - 1 0 . 'Printzen af Augustenborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 755) The voyage ended in Bengal January 1808; the ship was detained by the English. 1 8 1 8 - 2 0 . 'Kronprindsessen'. 1 vol. (AsK 756) To Batavia. 1 8 0 7 - 1 1 . 'Kron-Prindsen'. 1 vol. (AsK 757) Ship Journals for East-Indiamen


The ship journals were kept by captains or mates. They contain both general notes of work and occurences on board and nautical notes of wind, weather and position. For the following ships: 1 7 3 4 - 3 6 . 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 758) 1 7 3 5 - 3 7 . 'Wendela'. 1 vol. (AsK 759a) 1735. 'Fridericus Quartus'. (English). 1 vol. (AsK 759b) 1735. 'Fridericus Quartus'. (English). 1 vol. (AsK 759c) 1 7 3 7 - 3 8 . 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 760) 1 7 3 8 - 4 0 . 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 761) 1 7 3 9 - 4 1 . 'Princesse Charlotta Amalia'. 1 vol. (AsK 762) 1 7 4 0 - 4 2 . 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 763) 1 7 4 1 - 4 3 . 'Princesse Charlotta Amalia'. 1 vol. (AsK 764) 1 7 4 2 - 4 3 . 'Docqven'. Ι,νοΐ. (AsK 765) Voyage from Copenhagen to Tranquebar. 1 7 4 4 - 4 5 . 'Princesse Charlotta Amalia'. 1 vol. (AsK 766) 1 7 4 5 - 4 6 . 'Docqven'. 1 vol. (AsK 767) 1 7 4 5 - 4 7 . 'Cron-Princessen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 768) 1 7 4 6 - 4 8 . 'Elephanten'. 1 vol. (AsK 769) 1 7 4 7 - 4 9 . 'Docqven'. 1 vol. (AsK 770) 1 7 4 8 - 5 0 . 'Elephanten'. 1 vol. (AsK 771) Round voyage to South Africa, where the ship was wrecked. 135

National Archives 1 7 4 8 - 5 0 . 'Cron-Princessen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 772). 1 7 5 0 - 5 2 . 'Cron-Princessen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 773a) Round voyage to South Africa, where the ship was wrecked. 1 7 5 0 - 5 3 . 'Cron-Princessen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 773b) Relating to the stay in South Africa until the crew's home voyage. 1 7 5 1 - 5 3 . 'Princesse Wilhelmine Caroline'. 1 vol. (AsK 774) 1 7 5 3 - 5 4 . 'De tre Princesser'. 1 vol. (AsK 775) 1 7 5 3 - 5 5 . 'Sydermanland'. 1 vol. (AsK 776) 1 7 5 3 - 5 6 . 'Tranquebar'. 1 vol. (AsK 777) 1 7 5 4 - 5 5 . 'Ebenetzer'. 1 vol. (AsK 778) Voyage from Copenhagen to Tranquebar, where the ship was stationed. 1 7 5 4 - 5 6 . 'De tre Princesser'. 1 vol. (AsK 779) 1 7 5 5 - 5 6 . 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 780) 1 7 5 5 - 5 8 . 'Kiebenhavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 781) 1 7 5 6 - 5 9 . 'Greve Moltke'. 1 vol. (AsK 782) 1 7 5 7 - 5 9 . 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 783) 1 7 5 9 - 6 1 . 'Tranquebar'. 1 vol. (AsK 784) 1 7 6 0 - 6 2 . 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 785) 1 7 6 1 - 6 5 . 'Debora'. 1 vol. (AsK 786a) Voyage from Copenhagen to Tranquebar and between various ports in India. 1765. 'Debora'. 1 vol. (AsK 786b) Voyage from Tranquebar to Copenhagen. 1 7 6 4 - 6 6 . 'Grevinde Moltke'. 1 vol. (AsK 787) 1 7 6 5 - 6 7 . 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 788) 1 7 6 6 - 6 9 . 'Rigernes 0nske'. 1 vol. (AsK 789) 1 7 6 7 - 6 9 . 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 790) 1 7 6 8 - 7 0 . 'Grevinde Moltke'. 1 vol. (AsK 791) Voyage to India and the greater part of the home voyage. 1 7 6 9 - 7 1 . 'Dronning Caroline Mathilde'. 1 vol. (AsK 792) 1 7 7 0 - 7 2 . 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 793) 1 7 7 0 - 7 2 . 'Rigernes Onske'. 1 vol. (AsK 794) 1 7 7 1 - 7 3 . 'Dronning Caroline Mathilde'. 1 vol. (AsK 795) 1 7 7 2 - 7 4 . 'Rigernes Onske'. 1 vol. (AsK 796) 1 7 7 3 - 7 5 . 'Ganges'. 1 vol. (AsK 797) 1 7 7 4 - 7 6 . 'Castellet Dansborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 798) 1 7 7 5 - 7 7 . 'Friderichsnagor'. 1 vol. (AsK 799) Voyage from Copenhagen to Tranquebar, voyages in India, to China and back to Tranquebar. 1 7 7 5 - 7 7 . 'Rigernes Onske'. 1 vol. (AsK 800) 1 7 7 6 - 7 7 . 'Ganges'. 1 vol. (AsK 801) 1 7 7 6 - 7 8 . 'Castellet Dansborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 802) 1 7 7 7 - 7 8 . 'Tranquebar'. 1 vol. (AsK 803) 1 7 7 7 - 7 9 . 'Rigernes Onske'. 1 vol. (AsK 804) 1 7 7 8 - 8 0 . 'Ganges'. 1 vol. (AsK 805) 1 7 7 9 - 8 1 . 'Tranquebar'. 1 vol. (AsK 806) 1 7 7 9 - 8 0 . 'Castellet Dansborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 807) 1 7 7 7 - 7 9 . 'Friderichsnagor'. 1 vol. (AsK 808) Various voyages between ports in India. 136

Asiatic Company 1779-80. 'Friderichsnagor'. 1 vol. (AsK 809) Voyage from Tranquebar to Copenhagen. 1779-80. 'Friderichsnagor'. 1 vol. (AsK 810) 1779-81. 'Rigernes Onske'. 1 vol. (AsK 811) 1780-82. 'Castellet Dansborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 812) 1780-82. 'Ganges'. 1 vol. (AsK 813) 1781-83. 'Tranquebar'. 1 vol. (AsK 814) 1782-84. 'Friderichsnagor'. 1 vol. (AsK 815) 1782-84. 'Rigernes Onske'. 1 vol. (AsK 816) 1782-85. 'Ganges'. 1 vol. (AsK 817) 1783-84. 'Castellet Dansborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 818) 1783-85. 'Tranquebar'. 1 vol. (AsK 819) 1784-86. 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 820) 1785-87. 'Castellet Dansborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 821) 1785-87. 'Disco'. 1 vol. (AsK 822) 1786. 'Tranquebar'. 1 vol. (AsK 823) Voyage to Frederiksnagore. 1786-88. 'Dannebrog'. 1 vol. (AsK 824) 1786-88. 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 825) 1787-89. 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 826) 1788-89. 'Castellet Dansborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 827) 1788-90. 'Princesse Lovisa Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 828) 1788-91. 'Dannebrog'. 1 vol. (AsK 829) 1789-91. 'Disco'. 1 vol. (AsK 830) 1789-92. 'Printzen af Augustenborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 831) 1790-92. 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 832) 1790-92. 'Castellet Dansborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 833) Voyage from Copenhagen to India and return voyage until the Bay of Biscay. 1791-93. 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 834) 1791-93. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 835) 1792-93. 'Dannebrog'. 1 vol. (AsK 836) 1792-94. 'Disco'. 1 vol. (AsK 837) 1793-94. 'Printzen af Augustenborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 838) 1794-95. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 839) 1794-95. 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 840) 1794-95. 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 841) 1796-97. 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 842) 1797-98. 'Dannebrog'. 1 vol. (AsK 843) 1797-99. 'Printzen af Augustenborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 844) 1798-99. 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 845) 1798-99. 'Norge'. 1 vol. (AsK 846) 1798-1800. 'Cron-Princesse Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 847) 1799-1800. 'Dannebrog'. 1 vol. (AsK 848) 1799-1801. 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 849) 1800-01. 'Printzen af Augustenborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 850) 1800-02. 'Norge'. 1 vol. (AsK 851) 1800-02. 'Norge'. 1 vol. (AsK 852) 1801-03. 'Holsteen'. 1 vol. (AsK 853) 137

National Archives 1801-03. 'Kiobenhavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 854) 1802-03. 'Printzen af Augustenborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 855) 1802-04. 'Dannebrog'. 1 vol. (AsK 856) 1803-05. 'Kronprindsessen'. 1 vol. (AsK 857) 1803-05. 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 858) 1803-05. 'Holsteen'. 1 vol. (AsK 859) 1804-05. 'Kiobenhavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 860) 1804-06. 'Dannebrog'. 1 vol. (AsK 861) 1804-06. 'Printzen af Augustenborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 862) 1805-07. 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 863) 1806-08. 'Holsteen'. 1 vol. (AsK 864) The voyage ended in India, the ship was seized. 1806-08. 'Norge'. 1 vol. (AsK 865) The voyage ended in India, the ship was seized. 1807-08. 'Printzen af Augustenborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 866) The voyage ended in India, the ship was seized. 1806-08. 'Kiobenhavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 867) The voyage ended in India, the ship was seized. 1818-20. 'Kronprindsessen'. 1 vol. (AsK 868) Various Records from East-Indiamen 1760-1820

(various years)

1760-62. Trade account book for 'Cron-Princen' (af Dannemark). 1 vol. (AsK 869) Instructions for the supercargo, invoice for outward cargo, diary with entries of purchase and sale of goods as well as copies of letters sent and received. 1765-67. Diary and letter book for 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 870) As no. 869 apart from the instructions. 1762-64. Trade account book, diary and chronicle for the 'Tranquebar'. 1 vol. (AsK 871a) As no. 869. 1763. Ledger and diary for the 'Greve Moltke'. 1 vol. (AsK 871b) The ship was destroyed by fire in India. 1767-69. Ledger for 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 872) 1770-72. Trade account books for 'Cron-Princen'. (Dutch). 2 vols. (AsK 8 7 3 - 7 4 ) 1804-06. Trade account book for 'Printzen af Augustenborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 875) As no. 869. 1806-09. Trade account book for the 'Kiobenhavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 876) As no. 869 but only a few letters. 1806-09. Out-letter book for the 'Kiobenhavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 876b) 1807-13. Trade account book for 'Kron-Prindsen'. 1 vol. (AsK 877) Enclosed a 'continuation' Jan. 9, 1814 - May 15, 1816. 1818-20. Trade account book for 'Kronprindsessen'. 1 vol. (AsK 878a) Records relating to West Indiamen


1759-60. Ship diary kept on the 'Kiobenhavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 878b) Some letters and accounts enclosed. 1759-60. Ship journal kept on the 'Kiobenhavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 878c) 138

Asiatic Company Diaries by the Supercargoes from Chinamen 1738-1834 Diaries (Skibsprotokoller) kept by the supercargoes, containing notes of all occurences, but no nautical entries. Enclosed some other records relating to the diaries. For the following ships: 1738-39. 'Kongen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 879a) 1738-39. Cost book for 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 879b) Account of expenses in China, excluding purchase of goods. 1739-40. 'Slesvig'. 1 vol. (AsK 880) 1741. 'Slesvig'. 1 vol. (AsK 881) 1742. Appendix to the ship diary kept on 'Dronningen af Dannemark' on the return voyage from Canton in China. 1 vol. (AsK 882) 1742-44. 'Dronningen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 883) 1742-46. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 884) The ship had to be repaired 1743—44 in Ireland, continued to the Cape and was sold there. 1744-45. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 885) For the voyage from Copenhagen to Ireland and the ship's stop there. 1745. Continuation of the ship diary of the 'Christiansborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 886) The preceding diary has not been preserved. 1745-46. 'Kiebenhavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 887) 1745-47. 'Christiansborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 888) Enclosed: Daily cost accounts 1744-45. 1746-48. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 889a) 1746-47. Cost accounts for the 'Fyen' in Canton. 1 bundle. (AsK 889b) 1747-48. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 890) 1747-49. 'Christiansborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 891) 1748-50. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 892) 1748-50. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 892) Enclosed: Cost accounts for the stay in China Aug. 22, 1749 - Feb. 18, 1750. 1749-51. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 893) 1749-51. 'Fyen'. 1 vol. (AsK 894) 1750-52. 'Dronningen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 895) 1751-53. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 896) 1751-53. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 897) 1752-54. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 898) 1752-54. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 899) 1753-54. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 900) 1754-56. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 901) 1756-58. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 902) 1757-59. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 903) 1758-60. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 904) 1758-60. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 905) 1758-60. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 906) 1759-61. 'Greve Moltke'. 1 vol. (AsK 907) 1760-61. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 908) 1760-63. 'Prince Friderich af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 909) 1761-62. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 910) 139

National Archives 1762-63. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalene'. 1 vol. (AsK 911) 1761-64. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 912) 1762-64. 'Kongen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 913) 1763-64. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 914) 1763-65. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 915) 1764-66. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 916) 1764-66. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 917) 1765-67. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 918) 1766-68. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 919) 1766-68. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 920) 1767-69. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 921) 1768-69. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 922) In the Cattegat the ship was wrecked on the Swedish coast. 1768-70. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 923) 1769-71. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 924) 1769-71. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 925) 1770-72. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 926) Enclosed: Cost accounts for the stay in China July-Dec. 1771. 1771-73. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 927) 1771-73. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 928) 1772-74. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 929) 1772-74. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 930) 1773-75. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 931) 1774-76. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 932) 1775-76. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 933) 1775-77. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 934) 1775-79. 'Kongen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 935) 1776-78. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 936) 1777-78. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 937) 1777-79. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 938) 1778-80. 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 940) 1779-80. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 941) 1779-81. 'Disco'. 1 vol. (AsK 942) 1779-81. 'Kongen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 943) 1780-82. 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 944) 1780-82. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 945) 1781-83. 'Mars'. 1 vol. (AsK 946) 1781-83. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 947) 1781-83. 'Princesse Charlotte Amalia'. 1 vol. (AsK 948) 1782-83. 'Disco'. 1 vol. (AsK 949) 1782-83. 'Kongen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 950) 1782-84. 'Princesse Sophia Magdalena'. 2 vols. (AsK 9 5 1 - 5 2 ) 1782-84. 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 953) 1783-85. 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 954) 1783-85. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 955) 1783-85. 'Disco'. 1 vol. (AsK 956) 1784-86. 'Mars'. 1 vol. (AsK 957) 1784-86. 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 958) 140

Asiatic Company 1 7 8 4 - 8 6 . 'Princesse Charlotta Amalia'. 1 vol. (AsK 959) 1 7 8 6 - 8 7 . 'Princesse Charlotta Amalia'. 1 vol. (AsK 960) 1 7 8 5 - 8 7 . 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 961) 1 7 8 5 - 8 8 . 'Princesse Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 962) 1 7 8 6 - 8 8 . 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 963) 1 7 8 6 - 8 8 . 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 964) 1 7 8 7 - 8 9 . 'Princesse Charlotta Amalia'. 1 vol. (AsK 965) 1 7 8 7 - 8 9 . 'Mars'. 1 vol. (AsK 966) 1 7 8 9 - 9 0 . 'Kongen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 967) 1 7 8 9 - 9 1 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 968) 1 7 9 1 - 9 3 . 'Cron-Princen'. 11 vol. (AsK 969) 1 7 9 4 - 9 5 . 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 970) 1 7 9 5 - 9 7 . 'Köngen af Danmark'. 1 vol. (AsK 971) 1 7 9 5 - 9 8 . 'Princesse Charlotta Amalia'. 2 vols. (AsK 9 7 2 - 7 3 ) 1 7 9 6 - 9 8 . 'Cron-Princesse Marie'. 1 vol. (AsK 974) 1 7 9 7 - 9 8 . 'Kronprindsen'. 1 vol. (AsK 975) The ship had to return after having been wrecked near Norway on the outward voyage. 1 7 9 8 - 1 8 0 0 . 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 976) 1 7 9 8 - 1 8 0 0 . 'Kron-Prindsen'. 2 vols. (AsK 9 7 7 - 7 8 ) 1 8 0 0 - 0 2 . 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 979) 1 8 0 0 - 0 2 . 'Christianshavn'. 2 vols. (AsK 9 8 0 - 8 1 ) 1 8 0 1 - 0 3 . 'Köngen af Danmark'. 2 vols. (AsK 9 8 2 - 8 3 ) 1 8 0 2 - 0 3 . 'Kron-Prindsen'. 1 vol. (AsK 984a) 1 8 0 2 - 0 4 . 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 984b) 1 8 0 3 - 0 5 . 'Christianshavn'. 2 vols. (AsK 985a+b) 1 8 0 4 - 0 5 . 'Kron-Prindsen'. 1 vol. (AsK 986a+b) 1 8 0 4 - 0 6 . 'Norge'. 2 vols. (AsK 987a+b) The ship entered a Norwegian port on the home voyage. 1 8 0 5 - 0 6 . 'Arve-Prindsen'. 1 vol. (AsK 987c) 1 8 0 5 - 0 6 . 'Princesse Lovise Augusta. 1 vol. (AsK 988) 1 8 0 6 - 0 7 . 'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 989) 1 8 1 9 - 2 1 . 'Christianshavn'. 2 vols. (AsK 9 9 0 - 9 1 ) 1 8 2 2 - 2 3 . 'Kronprindsessen'. 1 vol. (AsK 992) 1 8 2 6 - 2 7 . 'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 993) 1 8 2 9 - 3 0 . 'Frederik den Siette'. 1 vol. (AsK 994) 1 8 3 3 - 3 4 . 'Frederik den Siette'. 1 vol. (AsK 995) Ship Journals for Chinamen


The ship journals contain b o t h general notes of work and occurences on board and nautical notes of wind, weather and conditions. For the following ships: 1 7 3 3 - 3 5 . 'Slesvig'. 1 vol. (AsK 996) 1 7 3 6 - 3 7 . 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 997) 1 7 3 6 - 3 8 . 'Slesvig'. (Dutch). 1 vol. (AsK 998) 1 7 3 8 - 3 9 . 'Köngen af Dannemark'. (Dutch). 1 vol. (AsK 999)


National Archives 1739-40. 'Slesvig'. 1 vol. (AsK 1000) Voyage from Copenhagen to Canton and return voyage until St. Helena. 1741. 'Slesvig'. 1 vol. (AsK 1001) 1739-40. 'Dronningen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1002) 1742-44. 'Dronningen af Dannemark'. (Dutch). 1 vol. (AsK 1003) 1742-44. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1004) 1744-45. 'Christiansborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 1005) 1742-46. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1006) 1745-47. 'Christiansborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 1007) 1745-47. 'Fyen'.l vol. (AsK 1008) 1746-48. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1009) 1747-48. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1010) 1747-49. 'Fyen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1011) 1748-50. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1012) 1748-50. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1013) 1749-51. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1014) 1749-51. 'Fyen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1015) 1750-51. 'Christiansborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 1016) Enclosed a payroll of the crew. On the outward voyage the ship was wrecked in the Cattegat. 1750-52. 'Dronningen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1017) 1751-53. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 1018) 1751-52. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1019) 1751-53. 'Köngen af Danmark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1020) 1752-53. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1021) 1752-54. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 1022) 1753-54. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1023) 1753-55. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 1024) 1754-56. 'Dronning Juliane Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1025) 1755-57. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1026) 1756-58. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 1027) 1757-59. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1028) 1758-60. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1029) 1758-60. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 1030) 1759-61. 'Greve Moltke'. 1 vol. (AsK 1031) 1760-61. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1032) 1761-62. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1033) 1760-63. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 1034) 1762-63. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 1035) 1761-64. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 1036) 1762-64. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1037) 1762-64. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1038) 1763-65. 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1039) 1763-65. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 1040) 1764-66. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 1041) 1764-66. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 1042) 1765-67. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 1043) 1766-68. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 1044) 142

Asiatic Company 1 7 6 6 - 6 8 . 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 1045) 1767-69. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 1046) 1767-69. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 1047) On the outward voyage the ship was wrecked in the Cattegat. 1 7 6 8 - 7 0 . 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 1048) 1 7 6 9 - 7 1 . 'Kongen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1049) 1 7 6 9 - 7 1 . 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 1050) 1 7 7 0 - 7 2 . 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 1051) 1771-73. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 1052) 1771-73. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1053) 1 7 7 2 - 7 4 . 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 1054) 1 7 7 2 - 7 4 . 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 1055) 1 7 7 3 - 7 5 . 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1056) 1773-75. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1057) 1 7 7 4 - 7 6 . 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 1058) 1 7 7 5 - 7 6 . 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 1059) 1775-77. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1060) 1775-77. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1061) 1776-78. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 1062) 1777-78. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 1063) 1777-79. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1064) 1777-80. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1065) 1778-80. 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1066) 1779-81. 'Disco'. 1 vol. (AsK 1067) 1779-81. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1068) 1780-82. 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1069) 1780-82. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1070) 1781-83. 'Mars'. 1 vol. (AsK 1071) 1781-83. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 1072) 1781-83. 'Princesse Charlotta Amalia'. 1 vol. (AsK 1073) 1782-83. 'Disco'. 1 vol. (AsK 1074) 1782-83. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1075) 1782-84. 'Princesse Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 1076) 1782-84. 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1077) 1783-85. 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1078) 1783-85. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1079) 1783-85. 'Disco'. 1 vol. (AsK 1080) 1784-86. 'Mars'. 1 vol. (AsK 1081) 1784-87. 'Princesse Charlotte Amalia'. 1 vol. (AsK 1082) 1784-87. 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1083) 1785-87. 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1084) 1785-88. 'Princesse Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 1085) 1786-88. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1086a) 1786-88. 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1086b) 1787-89. 'Princesse Charlotta Amalia'. 1 vol. (AsK 1087a) 1787-89. 'Mars'. 1 vol. (AsK 1087b) 1789-90. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1088) 1789-91. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1089) 143

National Archives 1 7 9 1 - 9 3 . 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1090) 1 7 9 4 - 9 5 . 'Dannemark'. 2 vols. (AsK 1091a+b) 1 7 9 5 - 9 7 . 'Kongen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1092) 1 7 9 6 - 9 8 . 'Cron-Princesse Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1093) 1 7 9 7 - 9 8 . 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1094) The ship had to return, having on the outward voyage been wrecked on the coast of Norway. 1 7 9 7 - 9 8 . 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1095) 1798-1800. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1096) 1798-1801. 'Kron-Prindsen'. 2 vols. (AsK 1 0 9 7 - 9 8 ) 1 8 0 0 - 0 1 . 'Dannemark'. 2 vols. (AsK 1 0 9 9 - 1 1 0 0 ) 1 8 0 0 - 0 2 . 'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 1101) 1 8 0 1 - 0 3 . 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 2 vols. (AsK 1 1 0 2 - 0 3 ) 1 8 0 2 - 0 3 . 'Kron-Prindsen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1104) 1 8 0 2 - 0 4 . 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 1105) 1 8 0 3 - 0 5 . 'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 1106) 1 8 0 4 - 0 5 . 'Kron-Prindsen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1107) 1 8 0 4 - 0 6 . 'Norge'. 1 vol. (AsK 1108) 1 8 0 5 - 0 6 . 'Arve-Prindsen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1109) 1 8 0 5 - 0 6 . 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 1110) 1 8 0 6 - 0 7 . 'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 1111) 1 8 1 9 - 2 1 . 'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 1112) 1 8 2 2 - 2 3 . 'Kronprindsessen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1113) 1 8 2 6 - 2 7 . 'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 1114) 1 8 2 9 - 3 0 . 'Frederik den Siette'. 1 vol. (AsK 1115)

Trade Account Books ('Negotieprotokoller'j

for Chinamen


The trade account books were kept by the supercargo ('skibsassistent'). Comprising instructions for the supercargo and the captain; regulations for the keeping of the book; invoices for the cargo from Copenhagen and the cargo taken in from China; short diary relating important events aboard and the purchase and sale of the goods; often copies of incoming and outgoing letters; sometimes lists of rates of exchange, weights and measures in China and price sheets important to trading. For the following ships: 1 7 3 5 - 3 7 . 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1116) 1 7 3 7 - 3 8 . 'Slesvig'. 1 vol. (AsK 1117) 1 7 3 8 - 3 9 . 'Köngen af Dannemark'. With index. 1 vol. (AsK 1118) 1 7 4 0 - 4 1 . 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 2 vols. (AsK 1 1 1 9 - 2 0 ) 1 7 4 1 - 4 3 . 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1121) 1 7 4 4 - 4 5 . 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1122) 1 7 4 4 - 4 5 . 'Christiansborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 1123) 1 7 4 5 - 4 7 . 'Christiansborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 1124) 1 7 4 5 - 4 7 . 'Fyen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1125) 1747-49. 'Christansborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 1126) 1 7 4 8 - 5 0 . 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1127) 1 7 4 9 - 5 1 . 'Fyen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1128)


Asiatic Company 1750-52. 'Dronningen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1129) 1 7 5 1 - 5 3 . 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1130) 1751-53. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark' and 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1131) 1753-54. 'Dronning Juliana Maria' and 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 1133) 1754-55. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 1134) 1 7 5 4 - 5 6 . 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1135) 1755-57. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1136) 1756-58. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 1137) 1757-59. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1138) 1759. Various accounts concerning 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1138b) 1758-59. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1139) 1759-60. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1140) 1758-60. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 2 vols. (AsK 1141-42) 1759-61. 'Greve Moltke'. 1 vol. (AsK 1143) 1758-60. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 1144) 1759-61. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1145) 1760-62. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1146) 1761-64. 'Princesse Lovisa'. (Dutch). 1 vol. (AsK 1147) 1760-63. 'Prince Friderich af Dannemark'. 2 vols. (AsK 1148a + b) 1762-63. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. AsK 1149) 1762-64. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1150) 1763-64. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1151) 1763-65. 'Prince Friderich af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1152) 1763-65. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1153a) 1764. Documents and enclosures to No. 1153a. 1 bundle. (AsK 1153b) 1764-66. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 1154) 1744-66. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1155) 1765-67. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 1156a) 1766 and n.d. Documents and enclosures to No. 1156a. 1 bundle. (AsK 1156b) 1766-68. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 3 vols. (AsK 1157-59) 1766-68. 'Prince Friderich'. 2 vol. (AsK 1160-61) 1767-69. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 1162) 1769. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 1163) Kept in the repair yard at Gothenburg. 1769. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 1164) 1768-70. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 1165) 1769-71. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 1166) 1769-71. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1167) 1771-73. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 1168) 1771-73. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1169) 1772-74. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 1170) 1772-74. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 1171) 1773-75. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1172) Also entries relating to 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1774-76. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 1173) 1775-76. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 1174) 1775-77. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1175) 145

National Archives 1775-76. 'Kongen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1176) 1776-78. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 1177) 1777-78. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (ASK 1178) 1777-79. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1179) 1777-79. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1180) 1778-80. 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1181) 1779-80. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 1182) 1779-81. 'Disco'. 1 vol. (AsK 1183) 1780-81. 'Princesse Sophia Friderica'. 1 vol. (AsK 1184) 1780-82. 'Cron-Princen'. A sheet explaining how the account book was lost. 1 bundle. (AsK 1184b) 1781-82. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1185) 1781-83. 'Mars'. 1 vol. (AsK 1186) 1781-83. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 1187) 1781—83. 'Princesse Charlotta Amalia'. (A sheet explaining how the account book was lost). 1 bundle. (AsK 1188) 1782-83.'Disco'. 1 vol. (AsK 1189) 1782-83. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1190) 1782-84. 'Princesse Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 1191) 1782-84. 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1192) 1783-85. 'Dannemark'. 2 vols. (AsK 1193-94) 1783-85. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1195) 1783-85. 'Disco'. 1 vol. (AsK 1196) 1784-86. 'Mars'. 1 vol. (AsK 1197) 1784-86. 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1198) 1784-87. 'Princesse Charlotta Amalia'. 1 vol. (AsK 1199) 1785-87. 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1200) 1785-88. 'Princesse Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 1201) 1786-88. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1202) 1787-89. 'Princesse Charlotta Amalia'. 1 vol. (AsK 1203) 1787-89. 'Mars'. 1 vol. (AsK 1204) 1789-90. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1205) 1789-91. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1206) 1792-93. 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1207) 1794-95. 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1208) 1795-97. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1209) 1795-98. 'Princesse Charlotta Amalia'. 1 vol. (AsK 1210) 1796-98. 'Cron-Princesse Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 1211) 1798-1800. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1212) 1798-1801. 'Cron-Princen'. 2 vols. (AsK 1 2 1 3 - 1 4 ) 1800-01. 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1215) 1801-03. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 1216) 1802-03. 'Kron-Prindsen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1217) 1802-04. 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 1218) 1803-05. 'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 1219) 1804-06. 'Norge'. 1 vol. (AsK 1220) 1804-05. 'Kron-Prindsen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1221) 1805-06. 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 1222) 146

Asiatic Company 1806-07. 1806-08. 1819-21. 1822-23. 1826-27. 1829-30. 1833-34.

'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 1223) 'Norge'. 1 vol. (AsK 1224) 'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 1225) 'Kronprindsessen'. 1 vol. (AsK 1226) 'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 1227) 'Frederik den Siette'. 1 vol. (ASK 1228) 'Frederik den Siette'. 1 vol. (AsK 1229)

Cashbooks and Ledgers from Chinamen in the Roads of Canton mainly


For the following ships: 1734. 'Slesvig'. 1 vol. (AsK 2190) 1737. 'Slesvig'. 1 vol. (AsK 2191) 1738. 'Kongen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 2192) 1739. 'Slesvig'. 1 vol. (AsK 2193) 1744. 'Christiansborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 2194) 1745. 'Kiobenhavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 2195) 1745—46. Inventory of the estate of the late captain Claus Passe, sales lists and list of purchases for return cargo. 1 vol. (AsK 2196) 1746. 'Fyen'. 1 vol. (AsK 2197) 1746. 'Christansborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 2198) 1747. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 2199) 1748. 'Fyen'. 1 vol. (AsK 2200) 1748. 'Christiansborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 2201) 1749. 'Dronningen af Dannemark '. 1 vol. (AsK 2202) 1750. 'Fyen'. 1 vol. (AsK 2203) 1750. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 2204) 1752. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 2205) 1752. 'Cronprinsen'. 1 vol. (AsK 2206) 1753. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 2207) 1753. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 2208) 1754. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 2209a) 1755. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 2209b) 1757. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 2210) 1758. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 2211) 1758-59. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 2 vols. (AsK 2212-13) Including account of trade before arrival in China and in China. 1759. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 2214) 1759. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 2215) 1760. 'Greve Moltke'. 1 vol. (AsK 2216) 1760. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 2217) 1761. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 2218) 1761-62. 'Cron-Princen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 2219) Account of trade in India. 1762. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 2220) 1762. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 2 vols. (AsK 2221-22) 1763. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 2223) 1763-64. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 2224)


National Archives 1763. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 2225) 1763. 'Princesse Lovisa'. 1 vol. (AsK 2226) 1764. 'Cron-Princen '. 1 vol. (AsK 2227) 1764.' Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 2228) 1765. 'Dronning Juliana Maria'. 1 vol. (AsK 2229) 1765. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 2230) 1766. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 2231) 1767. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 2232) 1767. 'Prince Friderich'. 1 vol. (AsK 2233) 1768. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 2234) 1769. 'Dronning Sophia Magdalena'. 1 vol. (AsK 2235) 1770. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 2236) 1770. 'Kongen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 2237) 1772. 'Kongen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 2238) 1772. 'Fredensborg Slot'. 1 vol. (AsK 2239) Ledgers for Voyages to China and other Places in Eastern Asia


Some ledgers with entries from voyage in Indian waters. 1 7 8 2 - 9 0 , 1 7 9 2 , 1 7 9 6 - 9 7 . 12 vols. (AsK 2 2 4 0 - 5 1 ) . And for the following ships: 1799. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 2252) 1799. 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 2253) 1800. 'Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 2254) 1801-02. 'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 2255) With index. The ship also visited Batavia. 1802-03. 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 2256) 1802-03. 'Kron-Prindsen'. 1 vol. (AsK 2257) 1803. 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 2258) 1803.' Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 2259) 1804. 'Kron-Prindsen'. 1 vol. (AsK 2260) 1805. 'Norge'. 1 vol. (AsK 2261) 1805. 'Dannebrog' to the Cape and lie de France (Mauritius). 1 vol. (AsK 2262) 1805-06. 'Printzen af Augustenborg'. 1 vol. (AsK 2263) 1806. 'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 2264) 1807. 'Kiebenhavn' to Tranquebar, lie de France (Mauritius) and Bengal. 1 vol. (AsK 2265) 1818. 'Kronprindsessen' to the East Indies. With index. 1 vol. (AsK 2266) 1819. 'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 2267) 1822. 'Kronprindsessen'. 1 vol. (AsK 2268) 1826. 'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 2269) 1829. 'Frederik den Siette'. 1 vol. (AsK 2270) 1833. 'Frederik den Siette'. 1 vol. (AsK 2271) Account Books for Voyages to China and other Places in Eastern Asia 1782 - 1833 (various years) For the following ships: 1 7 8 2 - 8 4 , 1 7 8 6 - 9 2 , 1 7 9 4 , 1796. Various ships. 17 vols. (AsK 2272-88) 148

Asiatic Company 1799. 'Kongen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 2289) 1799. 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 2290) 1 8 0 1 - 0 2 . 'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 2291) 1 8 0 2 - 0 3 . 'Köngen af Dannemark'. 1 vol. (AsK 2292) 1 8 0 2 - 0 3 . 'Cron-Princen'. 1 vol. (AsK 2293) 1 8 0 3 - 0 4 . 'Princesse Lovise Augusta'. 1 vol. (AsK 2294) 1 8 0 3 - 0 5 . 'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 2295) 1 8 0 4 - 0 5 . 'Kron-Prindsen'. 1 vol. (AsK 2296) 1805. 'Norge'. 1 vol. (AsK 2297) 1806. 'Christianshavn' 1 vol. (AsK 2298) 1818. 'Kronprindsessen' to India. 1 vol. (AsK 2299) 1819. 'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 2300) 1822. 'Kron-Prindsen'. 1 vol. (AsK 2301) 1826. 'Christianshavn'. 1 vol. (AsK 2302) 1829. 'Frederik den Siette'. 1 vol. (AsK 2303) 1833. 'Frederik den Siette'. 1 vol. (AsK 2304) Various Matters Relating to the Ships 1753—64. Chronicle kept by Hiernee, as Commissioner relating to the capture of the 'Tranquebar' to Goa. 1 vol. (AsK 208b) 1 7 8 0 - 8 3 . Fire, wreck or capture of various ships. 1 bundle. (AsK 208c) Contains documents relating to: 1. The shipboard fire on the 'Princesse Sophia Friderica' in Canton, 1780; 2. The capture of 'Castellet Dansborg' at the Cape, 1782; 3. The wreck of the 'Nicobar' at the Cape, 1783. Scrutiny of Accounts and Decisions 1785-1845. Decision books. 4 vols. (AsK 2 5 5 a - d ) 1809—45. Comments and auditors' reports on the European accounts of the Asiatic Company, submitted to the Board of Directors. 1 vol. (AsK 255e) Including auditors' reports and comments on the accounts of the Bengal factory, 1803-04. Administration

of Justice

1736-93. The Asiatic Company's Protocols of Justice. 6 vols. (AsK 2 5 6 - 6 1 )

The Tranquebar Government 1 7 3 2 - 7 7 Archives Inventories, see The East India Company. Minute Books of the Secret Council 1762-66. Records of consultations. 1 vol. (AsK 2310) 1 7 3 0 - 4 5 ( 1 7 3 3 / 3 4 , 1 7 3 5 / 3 6 - 3 9 / 4 0 , 1 7 4 2 / 4 3 and 1744/45 missing). Minute Books ('Sekretprotokoller'). 1 bundle. (AsK 1256) 1745. Minute Book concerning the expedition to the Philippine Islands (Manila). 1 bundle. (AsK 1256b) 1733. Provisional Minute Book (Copy). 1 vol. (AsK 1257)


National Archives 1733/34-1743/44. Minute Books (Copies). 1 vol. (AsK 1258) 1744/45-1753/54. Minute Books (Copies). 1 vol. (AsK 1259) 1754/55-1770. Minute Books (Copies). 1 vol. (AsK 1260) 1747-48. Extract of the Minute Book (Copy). 1 vol. (AsK 1261) 1733-34. Continuation of the Minute Book (Copy). 1 vol. (AsK 1262) 1733-43. Continuations (Copies). 1 vol. (AsK 1263) 1744/45-53/54. Continuations (Copies). 1 vol. (AsK 1264) Containing a complete copy of the 1744/45 volume, the others only for the period 1st August - c. 15th June of each accounting year. 1754/55-58/59. Continuations (Copies). 1 vol. (AsK 1265) Letter Books with Pertinent


1733-79. The Council's books of dispatches. 17 vols., 1 bundle. (AsK 1412b-1428) 1734/35,1736/37-1739/40, 1744/45 and 1746/47-1747/48 missing. 1752-77. Documents for the Council's books of dispatches sent. 4 bundles. (AsK 1430-33) Almost exclusively drafts. 1738-58. Continuations of books of dispatches sent. 1 vol. (AsK 1429) Copies of the dispatches sent in the period between the end of the accounting year 31st August and the departure of the last ship for Europe at the end of the year. 1751-58. The Council's books of dispatches to the board of directors. 1 bundle. (AsK 1399) c. 1685-1777. Drafts and copies of dispatches from the Tranquebar Council to the Board of directors. 1 vol. (AsK 1400) 1755-59. Separate letter books ('Aparte protokoller'). 1 bundle. (AsK 1499-1507) Correspondence between the Governor and the Commander of the royal troops as well as complaints from native inhabitants. Book of Letters Received, Chronicles and Pertinent


1735-78 (1738 missing, 1743-44 fragmentary). In-letter books. 18 vols., 1 bundle. (AsK 1353—1370a) 1746. Separate letter book concerning the pepper bought at Negapatam. 1 vol. (AsK 1370b) 1733-49 (1738 fragmentary, 1746-47 missing). Original chronicles ('Rapportbager'). 3 bundles. (AsK 1270-72) For the contents, see The East India Company. 1733-78. Chronicles ('Rapportboger') of Tranquebar. 4 vols., 1 bundle. (AsK 1273-1312 1733-60 (61) (various years). Continuations of the chronicles. 1 vol., 4 bundles. (AsK 1313-17) 1774-76. Drafts of chronicle. 1 vol. (AsK 1318a) c. 1690—1757 and 1777. Various fragments of letter books, chronicles etc. 1 bundle. (AsK 1318b) For the contents see the East India Company. 1741-49. Letters received by the Council. 4 bundles. (AsK 1319a-20b) Mainly letters received, but also some drafts of letter sent. From 1749 only letters from the latter half of the year. 150

Asiatic Company 1 7 5 0 - 7 8 . Letters received by the Council. 14 bundles. (AsK 1321a-27b) From 1755, arranged according to the day of entry, often together with a numbering referring to the chronicles. 1750—78 (1763 and 1766 missing). Letters received by the Council. 11 bundles. (AsK 1371a—77b) Containing the letters which are wholly or in part entered in the letter books. Arranged according to the day of entry. 1684-1774 (various years). Correspondence about and receipts for the tribute to Tanjore. 1 bundle. (AsK 2311) A few Indian letters, the rest translations. 1700-77 and n.d. Letters received by the Council at Tranquebar, not journalized. 2 bundles. (AsK 1396al-a2) Containing a series of fragments difficult to determine and partly very decayed. 1756. Letter book of correspondence with the King of Tamoor on the Malabar Coast. 1 bundle. (AsK 2183c) Relating to the conveying of a piece of land to the Company. 1726-1804. Treaties, cartels and correspondence with powers in India. 1 bundle. (AsK 1378c) Including: 1. Two cipher keys for the Governor of Tranquebar; 2. Treaties and cartels with the Dutch at Negapatam, 1726-27, with the English, 1752 and with the French, 1737 and 1765; 3. Letters from the English Admiral Sir Edward Hughes to Major-General Herman Abbestee, 1780; 4. Instructions for Governor Peter Anker as to a negotiation for privileges for the East India trade, especially in Bengal, 1787; 7. Letters and reports relating to the embassy which was sent to the Rajah of Tanjore, 1800; 8. Correspondence with some native princes and their subjects, 1788,1791 and n.d.; 10. General Peter Anker's correspondence with English collectors in Tanjore, 1790—92; 11. Documents on the occasion of a trial before a maritime court of some sailors accused of desertion form the 'Warren Hastings', Captain Whitford, 1792; 12. General Peter Anker's correspondence with William Blackburn, Resident at Tanjore, 1803-04. 1753—70. Various letters received by the Tranquebar Council. 1 bundle. (AsK 1378a) Partly with drafts of answers, including: 2. Letters from Seidu Gammadu Mastri, the King of Travancore's merchant at College, 1753-54; 3. Letters from J.C. Soetmann, representative in Bengal, 1753-54; 4. From C.L. Hagemester at Palicat, 1758; 5. Correspondence from Sir Eyre Coote, Lieut. - Col., 1760 (Copies); 6. From Demarches and Murat, 1762; 7. From the Nawab Basalat Jang, the French Government at Pondichery, and others, 1757—70. 1673-1787 and n.d. Letters in Persian and in Indian languages as well as translations. 1 vol. (AsK 2186c) For the contents, see The East India Company. Various Documents, Especially Relating to the Dependencies outside Tranquebar 1620-1778. 'Tanjore documents'. 1 bundle. (AsK 2183a) For the contents, see The East India Company. 1671-1778. 'Tranquebar documents'. 3 bundles. (AsK 1448-50b) For the contents, see The East India Company. 1674-1778. 'Bengal documents'. 1 bundle. (AsK 2034b) For the contents, see The East India Company. 151

National Archives 1 6 8 0 - 1 7 7 8 . Achin-documents. 1 bundle. (AsK 2188a) 1 6 8 2 - 1 7 7 8 . Carnatic, Golconda, Bengali, Marathi, Tamil and Mokha documents. 1 bundle. (AsK 2186b) For the contents, see The East India Company. 1682—1776. Documents concerning Pegu, Siam, Kedah, Johore, Cambodia and Manila. 1 bundle. (AsK 1288b) 1735—77. 'European Documents'. 8 bundles. (AsK 1 2 3 2 a - 3 5 ) For the contents, see The East India Company. 1749. J.C. Soetmann's report from the voyage from Tranquebar to the Malabar Coast and back. 1 vol. (AsK 2156) 1 7 4 9 - 7 8 . 'Malabar Coast documents, Calicut'. 2 bundles. (AsK 2 1 7 1 - 7 2 ) 1 7 5 2 - 5 3 . Records for the Commission on a possible expedition to Bengal and the acquisition of colonies there, kept by Captain Gerhard Sievers and the Tranquebar Government. 1 bundle. (AsK 1498) 1 7 5 3 - 5 4 . Report on J.C. Soetmann's expedition to Bengal relating to the establishment of a factory (lodge). 2 vols. (AsK 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 ) 1 7 5 4 - 5 5 . Report from Bengal, drawn up at Chandernagore. 2 vols. (AsK 2 0 2 1 - 2 2 ) Signed by Soetman and Ziegenbalg. 1 7 5 3 - 7 7 . 'Malabar Coast documents, College'. 2 bundles. (AsK 2 1 8 2 a - b ) Containing instructions, letters received, journals, reports and some inventories of effects. 1 7 5 3 - 6 0 . 'Nicobar documents'. 1 bundle. (AsK 2187a) 1 7 5 5 - 7 1 . Various records relating to the Nicobar Islands. 1 bundle. (AsK 2187b) Containing: 1. Chronicle ('Rapportbog'), Oct. 15, 1755 - Aug. 31, 1756; 2. Chronicle ('Rapportbog'), Jan. 11, 1757 - Jan. 31, 1758; 3. Minutes of consultations on the ship 'Köngen' on a voyage to the Nicobar Islands, Oct. 4, 1755 - Jan. 15, 1756; 4. Nicobar trade account-book ('Negotiajournal'), Sept. 1, 1768 Jan. 2 0 , 1 7 6 9 ; 5. Nicobar cashbook, Sept. 1 , 1 7 6 8 - March 15, 1769; 6. Report from the Nicobar Islands, Feb. 7, 1769; 7. Cost accounts, 1771. 1 7 5 4 - 5 9 . Papers relating to the royal troops in India. 1 bundle. (AsK 1450a) 1772—94 and n.d. Various correspondence, mainly copies abut the factory (lodge) at Calicut (now Kozhikode). 1 bundle. (AsK 2183f) 1776. Government Councillor Ole Bie's report on an audience with Nawab Muhammad Ali of the Carnatic in Madras. 1 bundle. (AsK 2186al) Accounts 1 7 3 3 - 7 8 . Ledgers with registers. 46 vols. (AsK 1 8 0 0 - 4 5 ) Containing items regarding the administration of the colony, and the revenues as well as accounts relating to trade, expense accounts of the ships and accounts of goods. The accounting year is 1st August - end of July. 1 7 7 3 - 7 8 . Account books. 45 vols. (AsK 1 8 7 2 - 1 9 1 5 ) Containing items relating to the administration of the colony as well as to the trade of the Company. 1 7 3 3 - 7 8 . Cashbooks. 19 vois. (AsK 1 9 5 9 - 7 7 ) 1 7 3 5 - 5 8 . Separate Fund cashbooks. 1 vol. (AsK 2017a) Mainly entries of purchase of goods. 1 7 6 0 - 6 2 . Shipping documents. 1 vol. (AsK 2018) 152

Asiatic Company 1 7 7 3 - 8 1 . East Indian list of prices current. 1 vol. (AsK 2305) 1 7 6 0 - 6 1 . Fragments of accounts. 1 bundle. (AsK 2312) 1 7 6 1 - 1 8 0 0 (various years). Accounts of the treasure of fines, 1 7 6 1 - 8 7 ; documents relating to the mintage of pagodas, 1789, and delivery orders as well as payable orders to the warehouse, 1799/1800. 1 bundle. (AsK 1387e) Administration

of Justice

1 7 5 6 - 5 8 . Report of the commission in the trial of Coneri Setti, man servant of Governor Bonsach. 1 bundle. (AsK 1508) 1759—60. Records (with enclosures) of the commission in the trial of Governor Krog. 1 bundle. (AsK 1509) 1 7 3 3 - 3 7 . Military Court records. 1 bundle. (AsK 1459a) 1 7 3 3 - 5 1 . Military Court records. 1 bundle. (AsK 1459b) Copies sent to Copenhagen, 1 7 3 3 - 5 1 , 1 7 4 3 - 4 4 , 1 7 4 5 - 4 6 , 1746, 1 7 4 7 - 5 1 , 1 7 4 8 , 1733-49. 1 7 5 2 - 7 6 (1780). Military Court records. 1 bundle. (AsK 1460a) Several volumes and booklets in which the entries are not strictly chronological: 1 7 5 2 - 5 3 : Aug. 11, 1755; Oct. 13, 1756; 1 7 5 6 - 5 9 , 1 7 5 8 - 5 9 (copy), 1 7 5 9 - 6 3 , 1 7 6 1 - 6 8 , 1 7 6 3 - 7 1 , 1771, 1 7 7 3 - 7 6 , 1776, 1780. 1 7 3 1 - 7 7 . Records of the City Court. 14 vols., 6 bundles. (AsK 1 4 6 1 - 8 6 ) Partly copies sent to Copenhagen. 1 7 2 3 - 7 3 . Documents from City Court's proceedings. 1 bundle. (AsK 1493c) 1 7 5 9 - 6 0 . Transcript of the Tranquebar City Court proceedings: In re Just Bonsach versus Friis. 1 vol. (AsK 1489) 1774—75. Transcript of-the Tranquebar City Court proceedings: In re Mrs. Johanna Voigt versus Johan Steinberg. 1 vol. (AsK 1491a) 1 7 3 6 - 7 9 . Documents relating to the 'Black Court' at Tranquebar. 1 bundle. (AsK 1493a) Mainly enclosures to the records of the court. 1 7 6 2 - 6 7 . Records of the 'Black Court'. 1 vol. (AsK 1495b) 1750—60. Documents relating to the military courts at Tranquebar. 1 bundle. (AsK 1493b) Mainly enclosure? to the records of the courts. 1 7 0 7 - 9 6 . Fragments of records of the Tranquebar Court. 1 bundle. (AsK 1488) For the contents, see The East India Company. 1 7 6 2 - 6 6 . Minutes of resolutions. 1 bundle. (AsK 2310) A chronicle of lawsuits and judicial decisions.

The Frederiksnagore Government and the Factories (Lodges) until 1777 Frederiksnagore


1 7 5 6 - 6 4 . Chronicles ('Rapportb0ger').»7 vols. (AsK 2 0 2 3 - 2 9 ) 1 7 7 6 - 7 7 . Out-letter books. 1 bundle. (AsK 2035a) Containing a book, Oct. 1, - Dec. 30, 1776, where content corresponds more to a chronicle. 1 7 7 6 - 7 7 . In-letter books. 1 bundle. (AsK 2833a) Including fragments, 1 7 7 2 - 7 5 . 153

National Archives 1 7 6 2 - 7 8 (various years). Ledgers. 9 vols. (AsK 2 0 5 9 - 6 7 ) Nos. 2 0 5 9 - 6 0 containing only items relating to trade, the following nos. also items concerning the administration of the factory (lodge). 1 7 6 2 - 6 5 and 1772-78. Account books. 10 vols. (AsK 2107-2115b) Corresponding to the ledgers nos. 2059-67. 1 7 5 5 - 7 0 . Cashbook. 1 vol. (AsK 2153) 1 7 7 0 - 7 3 , 1 7 9 1 - 1 8 0 6 , 1 8 1 5 - 2 2 and 1825-26. Cashbooks. 1 bundle. (AsK 2154) The Factory (Lodge) Calicut (now Kozhikodej


(Cp. p. 162)

1751—77 (various years). Chronicles ('Rapportboger'). 3 vols., 3 bundles. (AsK 2157—62al) 1756-64. Ledger with indexes, 1756-57, 1758-59 and 1759-60. 1 vol. (AsK 2168) 1 7 6 5 - 6 9 and 1771. Ledgers. 1 bundle. (AsK 2169a) 1 7 7 2 - 7 3 and 1775-76. Ledgers. 1 bundle. (AsK 2169b) 1 7 5 6 - 7 3 and 1775-77. Account books. 1 bundle. (AsK 2170) 1 7 5 2 - 7 2 and 1775-77. Cashbooks. 2 bundles. (AsK 2 1 6 6 - 6 7 ) 1 7 6 0 - 7 0 . Stock books. 1 bundle. (AsK 2165) 1 7 5 2 - 5 7 . Building accounts. 1 bundle. (AsK 2 1 6 3 - 6 4 ) 1 7 7 2 - 8 3 (various years). Various valuations and accounts. 1 bundle. (AsK 2162c) The Factory (Lodge) Colachel (College) 1753- 77 (Cp. p. 1 6 2 - 6 3 ) 1 7 5 3 - 7 0 and 1775-77. Journals. 3 vols. (AsK 2 1 7 3 - 7 6 ) Diaries of occurring events, corresponding to the chronicles from the other colonies. 1775 and 1769-79. Files for the journal. 1 bundle. (AsK 2181) Letters received and drafts of letters sent. 1 7 5 5 - 8 1 . Various accounts. 1 bundle. (AsK 2179) Including: Draft of ledger, 1778; cost accounts, 1755-60 and 1765-81; balance sheets, 1763; various vouchers, 1776-80.

The Factory Archives after 1778 The Factory at Tranquebar


1778-1803. Records of consultations (Copies). 2 bundles. (AsK 1783-84) 1771-1803. Out-letter books. 25 vols. (AsK 1798a-991) 1779-1803. In-letter books. 23 vols. (AsK 1785-97k) 1778—86 (various years). Letters received from the factory at Frederiksnagore (Copies). 1 bundle. (AsK 2037) 1778-1801. Ledgers. 27 vols. (AsK 1 8 4 6 - 7 l b ) 1778-1801. Account books. 33 vols. (AsK 1916-58) 1778-1801. Cashbooks. 39 vols. (AsK 1978-2016) The Factories at Frederiksnagore and Patna


1797-1808 and 1815-1824. Records of consultations (Copies). 2 bundles. (AsK 2031-32a) 154

East India Government 1788-1826 (various years). Out-letters. 2 bundles. (AsK 2036-37a) 1779-1825 (various years). Copies of in-letters. 2 bundles. (AsK 2033b-2034a) 1778-1827. Ledgers. 38 vols. (AsK 2068-97 and 2099-2106) 1778-1827. Account books. 37 vols. (AsK 2116-52) 1770-1826 (various years). Cashbooks. 1 bundle. (AsK 2154) Containing cashbooks for the years 1791-1806, 1815-22, 1825-26. 1802-03,1804-08 and 1815-27. Auditor's report on the accounts of the factory at Frederiksnagore. 1 bundle. (AsK 2155) 1777-91. Letter books and accounts from the factory at Patna. 1 bundle. (AsK 2185a) Copies of letters received and sent, 1777-78; accounts, 1786-87 and 1790-91.

The Royal East India Government — Det kgl. ostindiske Guvernement 1778 - 1845 In 1777, the Danish colonies in India, Tranquebar with the factories (lodges) at Calicut (now Kozhikode) and Colachel (College) as well as those in Bengal Frederiksnagore (Serampore) with the factories (lodges) at Balasore and Patna and finally the Nicobar Islands, passed from the administration of the Asiatic Company to that of the Danish State; often the officials of the Company, however, entered public service, and existing series of journals were, in many cases, continued without any great changes. There are several gaps in the series of records, especially out-letter books, journals and in-letters. The Indian colonies were governed through the Board of Trade (which see) and from 1816, the Board of Customs and Trade (which see). On the cession of the colonies to the English East India Company in 1845, records of permanent interest for the administration of colonies remained at Tranquebar, especially registers of deeds and mortgages, land registers, some records of judgments (sentences) from the City Court and the Black Court, auction and estate administrators' books, bailiff registers, etc., including some letter books. These are now kept in the Madras Record Office. Some documents were, in the 1840s, as specimens, transferred to the then Ethnographic Museum, now the Ethnographic department of the National Museum in Copenhagen, from which some of these were handed over to the Maritime Museum, Kronborg. Not until 1868 did Denmark relinquish its rights to the Nicobar Islands, whereupon Great Britain annexed them in 1869. Inventory: Bro-Jergensen, J.O., & Rasch, Aa., Asiatiske, vestindiske ogguineiske handelskompagnier (Asiatic, West Indian and Guinean Trading Companies). Copenhagen, 1969 (Vejledende Arkivregistraturer XIV), p. 131-57; Madras Record Office. Catalogue of Danish Records. Madras 1952; Linvald, Axel, (i.e. Rasch, Aage), 'Records of Indian Interest in the Danish Archives', Indian Historical Commission, Proceedings. Vol. XXX Part II. Hyderabad, 1954, p. 75-86, especially p. 81 onwards. Bibliography: Brondsted, Johs., (ed.), Voregamle tropekolonier (Our Old Tropical Colonies), Sec. ed., vols. 1 - 8 (esp. vol. 7). Copenhagen, 1966-68; Larsen, K., De dansk-ostindiske koloniers historie (History of the Danish East Indian Colonies) I—II. Copenhagen, 1907-08; Nerregaard, G., 'Englands kob af de danske besiddelser i 155

National Archives Ostindien og Afrika 1845 og 1850 (The English Purchase of the Danish Possessions in the East Indies and Africa 1845 and 1850), (Dansk) Historisk Tidsskrift, Ser. 10, Vol. 3. Copenhagen, 1936, p. 3 3 5 - 4 1 2 ; Petersen, Sophie, Danmarks gamle tropekolonier (Denmark's Old Tropical Colonies). Copenhagen, 1946 (Det kongelige danske geografiske Selskabs kulturgeografiske skrifter bd. 4).

Tlie Tranquebar Colony 1778-1845 Minute Books and Out-Letters of the Tranquebar


1778-80. Minute book by the royal Government ad interim. 1 vol. (AsK 1266a) 1778-1845. The royal Government's minute books. 24 vols. (AsK 1328-50 and 1266b) 1786—93 and undated. Drafts and notes for the royal Government's minute books. 1 bundle. (AsK 1266c) 1801-03. Book of Dispatches from the royal Government to the Board of Trade. 1 vol. (AsK 1404) 1816-46. Books of dispatches from the royal Government to the Board of Customs and Trade. 6 vols. (AsK 1405-10) 1814-46. Out-letter books of the Governor. With indexes. 6 vols. (AsK 1434-39a) 1824-46. Out-letter books of the Governor. 5 vols., 1 bundle. (AsK 1401-03c) Especially containing letters to the Government in Copenhagen as well as to Danish and British authorities in India. 1828-46. Book of Chancery dispatches by order of the King, passports, licenses, etc. Issued by the royal Tranquebar Government (Copies). 1 vol. (AsK 1251) 1829-46. The royal Government's out-letter books. With indexes. 6 vols. (AsK 1440-45) 1795. Governor P. Anker's report to the Board of Trade. 1 bundle. (AsK 1439c) 1832-38. Book of reports to the King and the Board, belonging to Governor K.E. Mourier. 1 vol. (AsK 1403d) 1832-38. Governor K.E. Mourier's copybook of his official letters. 1 vol. (AsK 1439b) Letters Received by the Governor and the Royal Tranquebar


1777-1833. Original ordinances to the royal Government. 2 vols. (AsK 1237-38a) 1814-44. Dispatches from the Board of Trade and (from 1816) the Board of Customs and Trade to the Government. 10 vols. (AsK 1239-48) 1842-46. The royal Government's journal, lettered BB. 1 vol. (AsK 1388) Containing letters received by the royal Government, i.e. the Council, in contradistinction to the Governor only. All preceeding journals are (apparently) lost. 1837-45. Letters received by the Tranquebar royal Government. 8 bundles. (AsK 1389-95) Letters received, arranged according to the numbers on the royal Government's journals, of these journals no. 1388 only has been preserved. 1778-1837 (various years). Files received by the Tranquebar royal Government. 2 bundles. (AsK 1 3 9 6 b l - b 2 ) Some journalized files for the lost journals as well as some notes and unregistered letters. 156

East India Government

1789—96 and undated. Letters in Tamil received from Viraraghava Aiyangar. Only a few with European dating. Many letters relate to the war between Tippu and the British. 1 bundle. (AsK 2183d) Modern abstracts in English prepared for the Guide by Dr. R. Panneerselvam. A list of the abstracts in the Danish National Archives. Various Correspondence 1673-1787 and undated. Letters in Persian and in Indian languages as well as translations. 1 bundle. (AsK 2186c) For the contents, see The East India Company. 1726-1804. Treaties ('Karteller') and correspondence with powers in India. 1 bundle. (AsK 1378c) For the contents, see The Asiatic Company. The Tranquebar Government. 1 7 7 2 - 9 4 and undated. Various correspondence about the factory (lodge) at Calicut (mainly copies). 1 bundle. (AsK 2183f) 1777-1837. Instructions, service regulations and ordinances mainly for public officers in the East Indies colonies. 1 bundle. (AsK 1283b) 1 7 7 8 - 7 9 ( - 1 7 9 4 ) . Records of the commission relating to the transfer of the colonies to the King. 1 bundle. (AsK 1510) 1779-87. In-letters relating to the Nicobar Islands. 1 bundle. (AsK 2187c) Including correspondence about the Austrian claims of sovereignty and the difficulties of the Moravian Brethren. 1 8 2 9 - 4 1 . Dispatches from the Board of Customs and Trade to the Governor. 1 vol. (AsK 1249) 1832-34. Duplicates of dispatches from the Board of Customs and Trade. 1 vol. (AsK 1250) 1787—1804. Correspondence with British and French colonial officials. 1 bundle. (AsK 1378d) Containing correspondence: 1. Between Major-General Abbestee and Alex. Macleod, resident, Tanjore, on Selasela Setty, 1787-89; 2. From French governors and chiefs at Pondichery, Karical and other places, 1788-89, 1791,1793 and 1795; 3. With Governor-General, Charles, 1st Marquis Cornwallis as well as with the Governor and the Government in Madras relating to the Nawab of the Carnatic's debt to the Danish Asiatic Company, 1788, 1790-91; 4. With Governor-General, Charles 1st Marquis Cornwallis, 1789, 1793; 5. From the three governors ad interim in Madras: Lieutenant-General Lord George Harris, Sir Charles Oakely and Mr. Williams, 1790—91,1798; 6. With the Madras Government relating to the seizure of the Danish ship 'Dorothea Elisabeth', 1794; 7. With Commodore Peter Rainer and Captain Doling relating to the guns in the Danish grab 'Tranquebars Kiobmand' from lie de France (Mauritius), 1794-95; 8. Relating to the French privateer Deschiens and his sailors, 1795-96; 9. With Governor-General Richard Colley, Earl of Mornington, Marquess Wellesley, during his stay in Madras, relating to Captain Dubuc and Tippu Sahib's mission, 1799; 10. With the Governor-General in Calcutta, Richard Colley, Earl of Mornington, Marquess Wellesley, 1800; 11. With Lord Edward Clive, 1st Earl Powis, Governor of Madras, relating to the appointment of a British resident at Tranquebar, 1801; 12. From the Board of Trade concerning the sea fight against England, 1801; 13. From Lord William Cavendish Bentinck 157

National Archives (Governor of Madras and Governor-General) on account of the Armenian, Anthony Babick's, protection, 1803 (with answer); 14. From Colonel L. Binot and Decaen, captain-general, at lie de France (Mauritius) (with drafts of answers), 1 8 0 3 - 0 4 ; 15. With Lord William Cavendish Bentinck, Governor of Madras, relating to the illegal imprisonment of a burgher and inhabitant of Tranquebar by the name Tenaud, 1804. 1840-45. Journal of letters sent to the royal governor. Lettered D. 1 vol. (AsK 1379) 1841-45. Supplement to the journal. 1 vol. (AsK 1380) Especially letters from Danish and British authorities. 1831-45. Letters received by the Governor of Tranquebar. 7 bundles. (AsK 1381-87) Arranged according to journal numbers. Only 3 of the journals themselves have been preserved, nos. 1379 and 1380. Nos. 1381—85 belong to the lost journals A - C . The 1837 files are missing. 1 7 7 9 - 8 8 , 1 7 9 1 - 9 3 , 1 8 0 2 , 1805-06 and n.d. Correspondence with the Rajahs of Tanjore. 1 bundle. (AsK 2183b) 1779-1815 (various years). Various documents relating to Frederiksnagore (Copies). 1 bundle. (AsK 2309) 1 7 8 0 - 8 7 . Report on embassies to as well as correspondence with Indian princes (e.g. Ayder Aly Bahader, Hyder Aly Chan, Amadar Singh). 1 bundle. (AsK 2186a2) 1780, 1789-91. Various documents relating to the factory (lodge) at Porto Novo. 1 bundle. (AsK 2184b) 1782. Gowan Harrop's memorial ot the capture of the factory (lodge) at Porto Novo, 1780. 1 vol. (AsK 2184a) 1 7 8 3 - 8 4 and undated. Letters in Tamil from Daniel, the interpreter, in Tanjore to the Governor in Tranquebar and to Piragasam Pillar, assistant interpreter in Tranquebar, relating, inter alia, to the villages being in pawn. 1 bundle. (AsK 2183c) Modern abstracts in English prepared for the guide by Dr. R. Panneerselvam. A list of abstracts in the Danish National Archives. 1789-92. Letters in Tamil from the Wakil Gulan Muhammad during his mission to the Nawab of Arcot. 1 bundle. (AsK 2158b) Relating to the Company's claims on the Nawab of 'Madras' (presumably Muhammad Ali of the Carnatic). — Modern abstracts in English prepared for the guide by Dr. R. Panneerselvam. - A list of abstracts in the Danish National Archives. 1 7 9 6 - 9 8 . Correspondence between the King of Cochin China and Governor Anker. 1 bundle. (AsK 1378b) 1 8 0 1 - 0 3 . Letters and documents relating to the British occupation of Tranquebar. 1 bundle. (AsK 13780 1808, 1814-17. Records relating to the British occupation, 1808-15. 1 bundle. (AsK 1378g) 1 8 1 5 - 1 6 . Report of the commission which took over Tranquebar after the British occupation. 1 bundle. (AsK 1378h) 1778. A Tamil - Latin dictionary. 1 vol. (AsK 1450b) Stated to contain c. 9000 Tamil words. Perhaps compiled by Joh. Friedrich Koenig, medical missionary. Enclosed some notes in North African — Arabic language, dated Fort Christiansborg on the Coast of Guinea Sept. 18, 1779.


East India Government Ledgers and Journals, Account Books and Cashbooks 1 7 7 8 - 1 8 0 8 , 1 8 1 5 - 4 5 . The royal Government's ledgers (Copies). 65 vols. (AsK 1521-77) The nos. 1527-29b, called ledgers, are rather abstracts compiled after the end of the accounting year. 1785/86-1807/08, 1815/16-45. The royal Government's account books. 53 vols. (AsK 1582-1634) 1 7 7 9 - 1 8 0 7 / 0 8 , 1 8 1 5 / 1 6 - 4 9 . The royal Government's cashbooks. 63 vols. (AsK 1636a-98) 1778-95, 1823-49. Vouchers for the royal Government's cash accounts (partly copies). 13 bundles. (AsK 1699-1707b) 1792/93-1803/04 (1799/1800-1801/02 missing). Abstracts of the Tranquebar accounts. 1 bundle. (AsK 1635) 1815/16-1846. Comments on the royal Government's ledgers. 4 bundles. (AsK 1578-80) 1815/16-1845. Drafts for comments on the ledgers. 1 bundle. (AsK 1581) 1789/90-1807/08, 1815/16-1818/19 (various years). Lists of the rate of exchange of Indian coins as well as cashbooks of payments in such coins. 1 bundle. (AsK 1708) Various Accounts 1778-1807 and 1815-23. Sea-Customers' accounts ('Sotoldboger') (Copies). 37 vols. (AsK 1709—44a) 1789-1805 (various years). Various enclosures to the Sea-Customers' accounts. 1 bundle. (AsK 1744b) 1785-89. Accounts of the 'Land-Tax' ('Landtolden'). 2 bundles. (AsK 1 7 5 5 - 5 8 ) The 'Land-Tax' was a consumption tax paid at the Tranquebar 'Landport'. 1778/79-1806/07, 1815/16-45. Civil and military salaries accounts. 8 bundles. (AsK 1772-79) 1778-85. Consumption ledgers (Copies). 10 vols. (AsK 1 7 4 5 - 5 4 ) Accounts of the consumption of material. 1778/79-1806/07, 1815/16-45. Accounts of the provider ('Providitoren'). 5 bundles. (AsK 1759a—e) The provider was a native store clerk. The first volumes are incomplete; 1801—02 and 1 8 0 5 - 0 6 missing. 1 7 8 1 / 8 2 - 1 8 0 7 / 0 8 , 1 8 1 5 / 1 6 - 4 5 . Accounts of the Manyaker ('Maniagaren'). 2 bundles. (AsK 1761a-b) The Manyaker was the village bailiff. 1782-1845 (various years). Inventories and accounts. 2 bundles. (AsK 1 7 6 2 - 6 3 ) (1769) 1 7 8 5 - 8 6 and 1818-19. Accounts of the engineer. 1 bundle. (AsK 1764) 1785/86-1819/20 (various years). Accounts of the stores manager ('Materialforvalteren'). 1 bundle. (AsK 1766) 1785/86-1845 (various years). Accounts of the bombardier ('Overkonstablen'). 2 bundles. (AsK 1768a-b) 1785/86-1844. Accounts of the quartermaster ('Rustmesteren'). 2 bundles. (AsK 1767a-b) 1781/82-1823/24 (various years). Accounts of the equipment committee ('Munderingskommissionen'). 1 bundle. (AsK 1769) 159

National Archives 1 7 9 1 / 9 2 - 1 7 9 9 / 1 8 0 0 . Accounts of the keeper of the nellu-store. 1 bundle. (AsK 1760) Nellu is brown unpolished rice. 1 8 2 1 - 4 5 . Accounts of the superintendent of public buildings and roads. 1 bundle. (AsK 1765) 1 7 8 1 / 8 2 - 1 8 4 8 (1805/06 missing). Accounts of the Zion Church and Poor Relief Fund. 4 bundles. (AsK 1 7 7 0 a - d ) 1 8 3 5 - 4 6 . Various accounts relating to Christian mission. 1 bundle. (AsK 1771) 1 7 6 1 - 1 8 0 0 (various years). Accounts of the treasury of fines, 1 7 6 1 - 8 7 ; papers relating to the mintage of pagodas, 1789 and delivery orders as well as payable orders to the warehouse, 1799/1800. 1 bundle. (AsK 1378e) 1 7 8 6 - 1 8 2 9 . Various accounts. 1 bundle. (AsK 1780) Including: 1. Accounts of perquisites, 1 7 8 8 / 8 9 - 1 8 2 3 (various years); 2. Accounts of the cooperage, 1 7 9 1 / 9 2 - 1 8 0 6 / 0 7 (various years); 3. Accounts of scavenger duty and police revenue, 1 7 9 6 / 9 7 - 1 8 2 2 / 2 3 (various years). 1 8 3 5 - 4 5 . Various accounts. 1 bundle. (AsK 1781) Including: 1. Accounts of the farm of the sale of tobacco and betel, 1 8 3 8 - 4 5 ; 2. Accounts of the farm of money-changing, 1 8 3 8 - 4 5 ; 3. Accounts of the poor-lawauthorities, 1831—44; 4. Accounts of the industrial commission, 1831—42; 5. Accounts of the judiciary treasury ('Justitskassen'), 1838—45; 6. Accounts of the police-fund, 1 8 3 8 - 4 5 ; 7. Accounts of the dockyard superintendent's ('Ekvipagemesterens') perquisites, 1839 — 45; 8. Other accounts, 1835 — 45. 1 7 8 1 - 1 8 2 4 (various years). Auditors reports and decisions. 1 bundle. (AsK 1782) Military Rolls and Census Papers 1 7 7 9 - 9 1 . Muster Rolls of the troops at Tranquebar. 3 vols., 2 bundles. (AsK 1 4 4 6 a - e ) 1790. Census of the inhabitants of the town of Tranquebar and the villages. 1 vol., 1 bundle. (AsK 1 4 4 7 a - b ) Administration

of Justice and Police

1 7 7 9 - 8 7 , 1 7 9 0 - 9 8 . Registers of judgments of the High Court ofiJustice (Overretten'). 2 vols. (AsK 1 4 5 1 - 5 2 ) 1795. Extract of the records of the High Court of Justice in re Rama Sami Brahmin versus Colbiornsen. 1 vol. (AsK 1453) 1 7 7 9 - 8 1 . Register of judgements of the Black Court ('Sorteretten'). 1 bundle. (AsK 1496a) 1808. Records of Black Court ('Sorterets') settlements (in Tamil). 1 bundle. (AsK 1496b) 1 8 0 5 - 0 7 . Register of judgements of the Black Court ('Sorteretten') (in Tamil). 1 vol. (AsK 1495a) 1780. Military courtrecords, see The Asiatic Company. 1837—40. Register of judgements of the military court for the Tranquebar garrison. 1 vol. (AsK 1460b) 1 7 0 7 - 9 6 . Fragments of registers of the Tranquebar court of justice. 1 bundle. (AsK 1488) 1 7 7 9 - 1 8 2 2 , 1 8 4 1 and n.d. Various documents for the Tranquebar court of justice registers. 1 bundle. (AsK 1493d) Mainly enclosures of City Court Proceedings, but also of the notarial register and other registers. 160

East India Government 1782. Transcript of City Court Proceedings in re Asiatic Company versus Sevelinga Pulle. 1 bundle. (AsK 1491b) 1782-85. Transcripts of three City Court lawsuits and one High Court lawsuit of Hoist, quartermaster, versus his wife. 1 vol. (AsK 1492a) 1788—89 and 1796. Reports of the commission on inquiry into the rights of the castes. 1 bundle. (AsK 1512) The report from 1796 a fragment only. 1788. Report of the commission and documents in re Nagu and Velatal versus Chatte Apen, provider. 1 bundle. (AsK 1511) 1789-82. Report of the commission for rendering account of the confiscated and sold property of runaway natives. 1 vol. (AsK 1513) 1789-94. Report of the commission (with enclosures) in the lawsuits against Suppremania Setty, merchant, and others. 1 vol., 1 bundle. (AsK 1514a-b) 1792. Records of and documents relating to the Consistory Court case against Runge, sexton. 1 bundle. (AsK 1515) 1793-94. Documents concerning the Tranquebar public trustee's office. 1 bundle. (AsK 1519) Copies, mainly of the correspondence. 1796. Administration of the estate of the deceased Captain Peter Ogelbye Mouritzen, original and duplicate. 1 bundle. (AsK 1494a) 1799. Transcript of the Admiralty Court case concerning a ship seized by the French Captain de la Vigne. 1 bundle. (AsK 1492b) 1800. Report of the inquisitorial examination on account of the disturbances created at the Malabar Wajapure's wedding festivities. 1 vol. (AsK 1490) 1803. Report of the commission of inquiry into complaints of the Maganates. 1 vol. (AsK 1516) 1822-23. Report and documents of the commission relating to the disturbances 1822 and the rights of the castes. 2 bundles. (AsK 1517-18) 1834—37. Records of the commission relating to the inpost of the Sandiraspadi region. 1 bundle. (AsK 1520) 1833. Tranquebar police regulations. 1 bundle. (AsK 1494b)

The Frederiksnagore Colony 1 7 7 8 - 1 8 4 5 Records of Consultations 1823-38 (various years). Records of consultations ('Resolutionsprotokoller'). 1 bundle. (AsK 2032b) For the intervals March 29, 1823 - Sept. 22, 1825, Jan. 10, 1828 - July 30, 1829, 1830/31-1834/35, Aug. 1 - Dec. 17,1835, Dec. 24, 1835 - Dec. 1,1836, Dec. 6, 1837 - July 12,1838. 1779-81. Books of dispatches sent. 1 bundle. (AsK 2035b) 1780-82. Chronicles ('Rapportbeger'). 1 bundle. (AsK 2030) For the intervals Aug. 1, 1780 - July 31, 1781 and Aug. 1, 1780 - July 31, 1782. For the contents, see The Asiatic Company.


National Archives Accounts 1781/82, 1785/86-1793/94. Ledgers. 1 bundle. (AsK 2038) 1799/1800-1806/07, 1815/16-1819/20. Ledgers. 1 bundle. (AsK 2039) 1820/21-1833/34. Ledgers. 1 bundle. (AsK 2040) 1834/35-1845. Ledgers. 1 bundle. (AsK 2041) 1781/82, 1785/86-1793/94. Account books. 1 bundle. (AsK 2042) 1799/1800-1806/07,1815/16-1820/21. Account books. 1 bundle. (AsK 2043) 1821/22-1845. Account books. 1 bundle. (AsK 2044) 1781-1824 (various years). Principal cash books. 1 bundle. (AsK 2045) Several duplicates 1782/83-1784/85, 1794/95-1798/99 and 1808/09-1814/15 missing. 1785-1845 (various years). Cash books. 1 bundle. (AsK 2046) Several duplicates 1794/95-1798/99, 1801/02 and 1808/09-1814/15 missing. 1815-45. Vouchers. 7 bundles. (AsK 2 0 5 1 - 5 7 ) Mainly vouchers for the principal cash books and the cash books, including some payrolls, etc. Missing for the year 1824/25. 1781-1845 (various years). Payrolls. 2 bundles. (AsK 2048a-b) 1782/83-1783/34, 1785/86, 1792/93-1799/1800-1801/02, 1807/08-1816/17, 1818/19-1823/24 and 1836/37 missing. 1781-1833. Various accounts. 1 bundle. (AsK 2050) Mainly copies sent to Copenhagen, including: Annual balance of profit and expenditure, 1807/08; cost accounts, 1781/82-1806/07 (various years); military accounts, 1781/82-1806/07 (various years); the 'Dorbar's', accounts, 1781/82-1806/07; accounts of the judiciary treasury ('Justitskassen'), 1824/25-1832/33; church accounts, 1825/26-1829/30; the chief manyakar (Overmaniagaren')'s accounts, July 1792; accounts of the superintendent of roads, 1830/31; building accounts as well as fittings' and fixtures' accounts, 1781, 1826, 1828/29 and 1830/31. 1824/25-1830/31. Accounts of the stamp-duty. 1 bundle. (AsK 2049) 1 8 2 6 - 4 4 (1828/29 missing). Inventories of effects. 1 bundle. (AsK 2048) 1815-45 (various years). Comments on the accounts. 1 bundle. (AsK 2058) With drafts. The Factories (Lodges) after 1778 Calicut 1778-1786 1778-83. Chronicles ('Rapportboger'). 1 bundle. (AsK 2162a2) Originals as well as copies, some in duplicate. — For the contents see The Asiatic Company. 1779-80. Fragment of (draft of) chronicle ('Rapportbog'). 1 bundle. (AsK 2162bb) 1781-86. Letters received and drafts of letters sent. 1 bundle. (AsK 2162ba) Letters received, 1781-85. - Drafts of letters sent, 1783-86 and undated. Colachel (College)


1779-92. Chronicles ('Rapportbeger'). 1 bundle. (AsK 2177) For the contents, see The Asiatic Company. 1779-81. Drafts of chronicle ('Rapportbog'). 1 bundle. (AsK 2180)


West Indian — Guinean Company 1 7 8 5 - 9 2 . Cashbooks. 1 bundle. (AsK 2178) 1788/89-1789/90 missing. 1778/80. Various accounts, etc. 1 bundle. (AsK 2179) For the contents, see The Asiatic Company. Balasore


1781-82, 1 7 8 5 - 9 1 and 1831-34. Accounts. 1 bundle. (AsK 2308) Copies sent to Copenhagen.

The West Indian-Guinean Company — Det vestindisk-guineiske Kompagni 1680 (1671)—1754 Established 1671 under the name of The West Indian Company, from 1680 The West Indian-Guinean Company. Taken over by the Danish State, 1754. Inventory: Asiatiske, vestindiske ogguineiske handelskompagnier (Asiatic, West Indian and Guinean Trading Companies), Vejledende Arkivregistraturer XIV. By J.O. Bro-Jorgensen and Aa. Rasch. Copenhagen, 1969, p. 159-257. 1725—38. The archives of Charles Barrington taken home with 'Grevinden af Laurwigen'. I - I V . 4 bundles. (Nos. 2 1 9 - 2 2 2 ) Including: c. 1725-38. 1 bundle. (No. 221. Ill) Inter alia comprising records partly relating to the expedition to Madagascar, partly to Barrington's former activities at Tranquebar and in the service of the Swedish East India Company. 1729. 1 bundle. (No. 222. IV) Herein 6 certified parchment copies of court documents relating to Barrington's dismissal from the service of the English East India Company and removal from the post as chief at Madraspatnam, 1729.

The Royal Chartered General Trading Company — Det kgl. oktrojerede almindelige Handelskompagni 1747—75 Royal charter of September 4 , 1 7 4 7 to be in force for 40 years as regards navigation and trade in the Western Seas and the Mediterranean, etc., including the forwarding of presents to rulers of the North African States, as well as continuation of whaling and establishment of offices and factories for the promotion of fish trade. The Iceland and the Finnmark trade was from 1764 also transferred to it. 1774 the Supreme Inland Revenue Department (Overskattedirektionen) took over the shares of the Company. Inventory: Register (in folio) no. 140, p. 3 - 5 (in the reading room). 1747-74. Minutes of the general meeting. 2 vols. 1747—73. The board of directors' books of decrees. 2 vols. 163

National Archives 1747-73. Inland letter books. 4 vols. 1747-73. Foreign letter books. 8 vols. 1 7 4 7 - 7 0 . Register of shareholders. 1 vol. 1 7 4 7 - 7 3 . Cashbooks ('Kasse-journaler'). 21 vols. 1757-64. Journal of the Levant trade. 1 vol. 1747-72. Ledger of partners. 1 vol. 1 7 5 0 - 7 3 . Ledgers. 7 vol. 1 7 5 7 - 6 4 . Ledger of the Levant trade. 1 vol. 1 7 4 7 - 7 3 . Cashbooks ('Kasseboger'). 12 vols. 1758—66. Foreign account book. 1 vol. 1751-59. Book of various stores. 1 vol. 1762—68. Inventories of the warehouse office. 7 vols. 1768—71. Inventories of the Company's warehouses. 2 vols. 1771. Victualling book of the warehouse office. 1 vol.

The Royal Chartered West Indian Trading Company — Det kongelige oktroyerede vestindiske Handelsselskab 1778—1816 (1824) Established by charter of May 11,1778, entitling it to trade with Europe as well as all other parts of the world, where no special interfering regulations existed as e.g. regarding trade with China, the (Danish) Asiatic Company enjoying the monopoly. Taken over by the Danish State by royal decree of December 7, 1785, continuing until February 1816, the winding up completed 1824. Inventory: Asiatiske, vestindiske ogguineiske handelskompagnier (Asiatic, West Indian and Guinea Trading Companies). Vejledende Arkivregistraturer XIV. By J.O. BroJergensen and Aa. Rasch. Copenhagen, 1969, p. 2 9 9 - 3 3 1 . Bibliography: Sveistrup, P.P.: Det kongelige octroyerede vestindiske handelsselskab (The Royal Chartered West Indian Trading Company), Historisk Tidsskrift (Danish Historical Review), 10th series vol. VI, 1942-44, p. 3 8 5 - 4 2 7 ; Feldbaek,01 e, India Trade under the Danish Flag 1772-1808, 1969 (Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies, Monograph Series No. 2),p. 108 ff.;Degn. Chr., Mit 'Heinrich Carl' nach Ostindien, Nordelbingen, vol. 41. Heide in Holstein, 1972, p. 2 1 3 - 3 4 . Minute


1 7 7 8 - 8 8 , 1 7 9 2 and 1800-1824. Minute books of the deliberations and decisions of the board of directors. 6 vols. (2—7) Correspondence 1778-1824. 'European documents'. 24 vols. ( 9 - 3 2 ) In-letters, drafts and other papers to the above minute books. Letter books and journals 1778-1820. 'European letter books'. 24 vols. Copies of out-letters to addressees in Europe including the Danish Monarchy. See,


West Indian Trading Company however, below concerning letters in French, and for letters to addressees in Copenhagen and for addressees in other regions of Denmark, Norway and the Duchies. 1 7 8 0 - 8 5 'French letter books'. 5 vols. ( 7 4 - 7 8 ) Copies of out-letters French, especially to firms in France, Belgium and England. 1 7 8 5 - 1 8 2 3 . 'Copenhagen letter books'. 3 vols. ( 8 1 - 8 3 ) Copies of out-letters to addressees in Copenhagen. 1 7 8 0 - 1 8 1 9 . Letter books for the provinces of the Danish Monarchy ('Provinskopiboger'). 26 vols. ( 8 4 - 1 0 9 ) Copies of out-letters to addressees in Denmark-Norway and the Duchies. 1 7 8 3 - 8 5 . Journals ('Brevextraktbeger'). 4 vols. ( 1 1 0 - 1 3 ) Abstracts of in-letters from correspondents in the Danish Monarchy and Europe. 1778—83. Journals ('Brev-korrespondance-journaler'). 4 vols. (114—17) Various 1 7 8 9 - 9 0 . Report of the commission concerning the bankrupt estate of Peter Baettger at Tranquebar. 1 vol. (142) 1 7 8 5 - 1 8 1 8 . Correspondence concerning the bankrupt estate of Peter Baettger at Tranquebar. 1 bundle (143) 1795. Judgment in the lawsuit: West Indian Trading Company versus Captain P.A. Janssen and others. 3 vols. ( 1 4 8 - 1 5 0 ) Inter alia concerning the voyage of the 'Heinrich Carl' to the East Indies 1782 (See also National Archives. Supreme Court of Judicature). 1 8 0 1 - 0 2 . Lawsuits: West Indian Trading Company versus Captain P.A. Janssen. 2 vols., 1 bundle. ( 1 5 3 - 1 5 5 ) 1 7 8 1 - 9 1 . Records relating to the 'Lucie Emerentze's voyage to the East Indies. 10 vols., 1 bundle. ( 3 9 6 - 4 0 6 ) Including: Register kept by the supercargo relating to the voyage C o p e n h a g e n Calcutta. Without nautical information, 1 7 8 3 - 8 5 (396); Trade journal kept by the supercargo relating to business conditions, 1 7 8 4 - 8 5 (397); Letter book, 1783—86 (398); Ledger, 1 7 8 3 - 8 7 (399); Account book (Regnskabsjournal), 1 7 8 3 - 8 7 (400); Commercial memorandum book, 1 7 8 3 - 8 7 (401); Cash book, 1 7 8 3 - 8 7 (402); Copy book for invoices, 1785 (403); Salary roll, 1 7 8 3 - 8 6 (404); Registration book, 1 7 8 3 - 8 6 (405); Letters, various accounts, etc., 1 7 8 1 - 9 1 (406) 1 7 8 2 - 8 9 . Letters, accounts, etc., relating to the voyage of the 'Heinrich Carl' to India. 1 vol., 1 bundle. ( 4 0 7 - 0 8 ) Including a trade journal, 1 7 8 3 - 8 4 , kept by the supercargo. 1 7 8 1 - 1 8 0 0 . Records relating to the voyage of the 'St. Thomas' to the East Indies, 11 vols., 1 bundle. ( 4 1 0 - 2 1 ) Including: Diary ('Protocol') kept by the supercargo during the voyage to the East Indies, 1 7 8 3 - 8 5 (410); Letter book, 1 7 8 3 - 8 5 (411); Ledger, 1 7 8 3 - 8 7 (412); Draft of ledger (with index enclosed), 1 7 8 3 - 8 7 (413); Trade journal, 1 7 8 3 - 8 7 (414); Cash book of expenditure ('Expence bog'), 1 7 8 3 - 8 5 (415); Invoice book of the cargo, 1783 (416); Consumption book (Accounts of provisions and equipment), 1 7 8 3 - 8 5 ( ? ) (417); Payroll, 1 7 8 3 - 8 5 (418); List of deceased persons'property with subsequent sales, 1 7 8 3 - 8 5 (419); Case book by Sebastian Heinrich Hübner, surgeon and ship's doctor,.! 7 8 3 - 8 5 (420); Account, etc., 1 7 8 1 - 1 8 0 0 (421) 165

National Archives 1 7 7 8 - 8 5 . Marine insurance policies, 2 vols. ( 4 5 4 - 5 5 ) Including some policies from voyages to the East Indies. The archives of the company contain a material of commercial news: 1 7 7 8 - 1 8 0 7 (various years). Lists of private cargoes arrived in the Copenhagen port. 3 bundles. ( 3 3 8 - 4 0 ) Including only a few cargoes from the East Indies. 1 7 7 9 - 1 8 1 4 (various years). Lists of ships arriving and leaving the port of Copenhagen ('Kobenhavnske bomsedler'). 27 bundles. ( 3 4 1 - 6 7 ) 1 8 0 1 - 1 1 . Lists of merchandises imported to Hamburg. 5 bundles. ( 3 7 2 - 7 6 ) 1781, 1786, 1 7 9 2 , 1 8 0 0 - 1 3 , 1815-16. Sales catalogues relating to merchandise sold in Copenhagen. 12 bundles. ( 3 7 7 - 8 8 ) See special inventory in the reading room (Box 56).

The Royal Chartered Danish, Norwegian, Slesvig and Holstein United Trade and Canal Company Handels- og Kanalkompagniet 1782—1814 Officially established according to a charter of May 10, 1782. The company had, however, been operating for several months. The domicile of the board of directors was in Copenhagen, whereas the day-to-day business was managed by two administrations, one of which in Copenhagen, the other one at Altona. The archives of the latter have not been preserved. The charter entitled the company to trade and navigation in the waters of all allowed trading centres, including the East Indies but excepting China. 1783-85 the company had its own ship in the East Indies. According to a royal decree of Sept. 8, 1784, the State paid off the partners of the company with royal bonds. According to a royal decree of May 28, 1788, the realization started, from 1792 onward managed by a special committee. Inventory: Card index in the reading room of the National Archives. Bibliography: Feldbask, Ole, India Trade under the Danish Flag 1772-1808, 105, 108, 111 ff., 119,277.

1969, p.

I b. The Board of Directors 1 7 8 2 - 9 7 . Deliberation books. 2 vols. 1 7 8 4 - 9 7 . Letter book of outgoing mail. 1 vol.

II. The Copenhagen Administration 1782—89. Letter books of outgoing non-local mail. 3 vols. 1782—90. Letter book of mail of the administration to departments etc. in Copenhagen. 1 vol. 166

Prime Minister's Dept. 1782—85. Abstract record books of letters received by the administration. 3 vols. 1 7 8 2 - 8 9 . Letters received for the abstract record books. 18 bundles. The greater part of the letters from 1787 lacking. 1782-1805. Ledgers. 2 vols. 1 7 8 4 - 9 0 . Current books. 2 vols. 1782-1800. Journals. 3 vols. 1782-92. Cashbooks. 8 vols. 1782-92. Books of outgoing invoices. 3 vols. 1782-91. Books of invoices received. 3 vols. 1782-90. Memorandum books. 2 vols. 1782-83. Instructions for the supercargoes and ship's assistants on board the ships 'General Clausen' (voyage Guinea - the Danish West Indies - Copenhagen) and 'CronPrincessen' (voyage to Tranquebar and other places in the East Indies). 1 bundle.

III. The Realization Committee From the records of the committee this bundle only has been included. 1787-1805. Various account-matters. 1 bundle. Inter alia containing records concerning the consignment of cochineal which at the unloading in Hamburg of the cargo of the ship 'Cron-Princessen', commanded by Cornells Dircksen, shipmaster, was found to be spoiled, 1 7 8 7 - 9 2 (Section 5).

Ministries After 1848

Prime Minister's Department — Statsministeriet. The Committee for Danish Cultural Work Abroad Samvirkerädet for dansk kulturarbejde i udlandet Established under the Prime Minister's Department, March 16, 1951. Dissolved, 1974. Aim: To ensure co-operation between institutions, associations, etc., which in various forms and ways promote knowledge of Denmark and Danish conditions abroad, especially as regards nation-wide movements and in the cultural sphere. 1952-53. Letter book. 1 vol. (A 1) 1954-73. Copies of letters. 2 bundles. (A 2 - 3 ) 1952-74. Journals. 2 vols. (B 1 - 2 ) Subject index to the journal. 1 bundle. ( C I ) 1952-74. Journal files. 12 bundles. (D 1 - 1 2 ) 1952-67. Minutes. 1 bundle. (Ε 1) 167

National Archives

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs — Udenrigsministeriet The Ministry was organized by royal decree of August 8, 1848, succeeding the Department of Foreign Affairs. According to royal decree of November 24, 1848 the consular matters from Board of Customs and Trade (Ministry of Trade) were placed under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and by royal decree of December 11, that year it was laid down that all commercial administration directly dealing with trade relations with foreign countries, formerly handled partly by the Department of Foreign Affairs, partly by the Board of Customs and Trade, was also to be transferred to the Ministry. Consequently a special Department of Trade and Consulates was established January 1, 1849; by royal decree of March 28, 1866 it was abolished with effect from April 1st the same year. In 1909 the journal system was rearranged. The records are here divided into the main section 1848-56, the main section 1856-1909 (1910) and the main section 1909-45, the special Department of Trade and Consulates 1849—66 as well as the Embassy archives and the Consulate archives.

Main Section 1848-56 Royal assents, letter books and journals 1848—56. Royal assents on departmental reports or petitions. 9 vols. 1848—56. Royal assents (loose sheets). 1 bundle. 1848 — April 1856. 'Secret correspondence' ('Gehejmeregistratur'), i.e. letter books. 9 vols. 1848 - April 1856. The Department's letter books ('Registratur'). 9 vols. 1848 — April 1856. Index of names for the Department's out-letters. 10 vols. 1848 - April 1856. Journals ('Manualprotokol'). 9 vols. Dispatches (Political reports from Danish envoys) 1848-56. Turkey. 1 bundle. Correspondence, general 1849. The Nicobars. On the financing of governor P. Hansen's travel to London in connection with the negotiations for the surrender of the islands. 1 file. 1853-56. The oriental question (i.e. the Turkish Empire). 1 bundle. 1853-54. Papers concerning emigration (e.g. to Algeria). 1 file. Correspondence, Specialia 1854-56. Turkey. 2 files.

Main Section 1856-1909 In 1856 a new journal system was introduced. 168

Min. Foreign Affairs 1 8 5 6 - 1 9 0 9 Royal assents, letter books, journals,


1 8 5 7 - 1 9 0 9 . Royal assents on departmental petitions. 53 vols. 1 8 9 2 - 1 9 0 3 . Indexes of royal assents. 1 vol. 1 8 5 6 - 1 9 0 2 . Letter books ('Registratur'). 48 vols. 1884 - Nov. 19,1908. Letter books. 288 vols. Nov. 10, 1908 - Dec. 31, 1909. Letter books of First Department. 13 vols. Nov. 2 0 , 1 9 0 8 - Dec. 3 1 , 1 9 0 9 . Letter books of Second Department. 13 vols. 1 8 6 1 - 1 9 0 8 . Letters issued ('Ekspeditioner'). 21 vols. 1 8 5 6 - 6 9 . Register of in-letters. 16 vols. 1 8 7 0 - 9 0 . Register of in-letters. Series A. 21 vols. 1 8 9 1 - 1 9 0 8 . Register of in- and out-letters. Series A. 36 vols. 1 8 6 7 - 9 0 . Register of in-letters from consulates. Series B. 24 vols. 1 8 9 1 - 1 9 0 8 . Register of in-letters from and out-letters to consulates. Series B. 36 vols. 1 8 5 6 - 6 1 . Journal of First Department. 5 vols. Systematic register of the Journal of First Department. 1 vol. 1856—61. Journal of Second Department. 3 vols. 1856-1880's. Journal A. 20 vols. Index of names for Journal A. 2 vols. Subject index of Journal A. 2 vols. 1880's - c. 1905. Journal B. 20 vols. Index of names for Journal Β. 1 vol. Subject index of Journal Β. 1 vol. c. 1 9 0 5 - 1 9 0 9 (1910). Journal C. 5 vols. Index of names for Journal C. 1 vol. Subject index for Journal C. 1 vol. 1909. Outstanding account between consulates and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 1 vol. Correspondence

(Files placed in numerical


1856—1880's. Journal files. Series A. 452 bundles. 1880's - c. 1905. Journal files. Series B. 651 bundles, c. 1 9 0 5 - 1 9 0 9 (1910). Journal files. Series C. 210 bundles. Despatches (Political reports from Danish


1868-1910. Japan. 4 bundles. 1856-64. Turkey. 1 bundle. Selected files ('Samlede


1860-1910. Reports from abroad relating to epidemics. 38 bundles. 1863-1910. Greece. Internal affairs. 1 bundle. Including matters relating to the war against Turkey, 1897. 1867-1910. Trade reports. 81 bundles. Danish consuls' annual reports on conditions in their district. 1867—81. Hawaii. Commercial treaty. 1 bundle. Relating to Hawaii's denouncement of the treaty of 1846 and negotiations for the conclusion of a new commercial treaty, signed 1869, but never ratified. 169

National Archives 1898-1910. Naturalization and forfeiture of Danish citizenship. 4 bundles. By the Act No. 42 of March 19, 1898, it was laid down that Danes residing abroad should within 10 years declare, if they wished to preserve their Danish citizenship. The enactment was abolished in 1908. 1858—1910. Japan. Commercial treaty. 7 bundles. Negotiations relating to the treaty of 1867 and its revision with files relating to revision of treaties with Japan by other states. 1860-1910. China. Denmark's representation and The Great Northern Telegraph Company. 5 bundles. 1864-1904. China. Commercial treaty. 1 bundle. Including files relating to the treaty of 1863 between China and Denmark and to the agreement on a new Chinese customs tariff, 1904, as well as to the visit of an extraordinary Chinese legation to Denmark, 1869. 1868—1910. Instructions for consuls. 7 bundles. Until c. 1871 comprising instructions as well as matters relating to consular fees; the last-mentioned then form a special series (which see). 1871-1909. Consular fees: Correspondence, etc. 2 bundles. Many files from the 1880's till c. 1905 are missing. For the period 1868 til c. 1871, see the Instructions for consuls above. 1896-1906. Lists of consular fees. 5 bundles. Copies of journals of consular fees, sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Relating to receipts from authentication of signatures, translations, maritime inquiries, etc. Chronologically arranged according to countries in alphabetical order. 1905-10. Abstracts of consulate journals. 3 bundles. Many abstracts are missing. Statistical reports on consulate activities, 1 9 0 5 - 0 6 , are included. 1856-1909. Consulates: Correspondence relating to appointment and discharge of Danish consuls, substitutes taking over the consular business during the absence of the consul, etc. Including the following consulates within the field of the guide: Adelaide, Aden, Akyab (later Rangoon, which see), Aleppo, Alexandria (see also Cairo), Alger, Amoy, Auckland (see also Wellington and Christchurch), Bangkok, Batavia (Djakarta), Beirut, Bombay, Brisbane, Cairo (see also Alexandria), Calcutta, Canton, Christchurch, Colombo, Constantinople, Foo-Chow, Fremantle (formerly Perth, see also Melbourne), Hakodate, Hiogo, Hong Kong, Honolulu, Japan, Madras, Manila, Melbourne (see also Fremantle), Morocco, Nagasaki, Pondichöry, Port Louis (Mauritius), Rangoon (see also Akyab), Saigon, Shanghai, Singapore, Smyrna (Izmir), Swatow, Sydney, Tahiti, Taiwan, Tangier, Tientsin, Tunis, Wellington (see also Auckland and Christchurch), Yokohama. 1886—88. Signatures and seals sent in by the consuls. 3 bundles. 1856—1904. Naval officers, Danish, in foreign active service. 6 bundles. Relating to junior naval officers' active service on board foreign warships, especially in the French, English, Italian and Russian Navies. 1859-85. Files relating to neutrality. 5 bundles. Including files relating to the Danish endeavours to remain neutral during the Russo-Turkish war, 1877; to the possible sale of an armoured frigate to China, 1864, and torpedo equipment, and to the declaration of neutrality on the occasion of the frigate 'Tordenskjold' 's cruise to China, 1870.


Min. Foreign Affairs 1856-1909 1870—1910. Danish officers'journeys abroad on Government service. 6 bundles. 1868—1910. Danish warships' cruises and visits to foreign ports. 7 bundles. 1856—1910. Passports and domicile certificates. 7 bundles. 1856-1909. Staff matters ('Personalesager'). 16 bundles. Some of the matters concern envoys, etc. to states within the field of the guide, e.g. Fr. Ferdinand Haxthausen, Waldemar Rud. Raasloff and Jul. Fr. Sick. 1856-1909. Accounts. 65 bundles. The Ministry's accounts were kept as 4 accounts; account Β of which relating to the embassies and account C to consulates. 1866-1908. Danes in Siam. 2 bundles. 1857-1910. The Suez Canal. 2 bundles. 1861 — 1910. Danish representation in Turkey. 3 bundles. A Danish embassy in Constantinople war re-established in 1851 but abolished in 1865. Affairs were in 1866 handed over to the Swedo-Norwegian embassy there. 1868-1910. Turkey's internal affairs. 3 bundles. Also relating to Egypt's internal affairs. Cf. also the Suez Canal. 1856-1883. Sound (Oresund) Dues. 20 bundles. Relating to the commutation of the Sound Dues former paid at Elsinore on passing through the Sound. Including a file with the special convention with Turkey. 1866—1903. Shipping lists received from the consulates abroad. 41 bundles. Within the bundles alphabetically arranged according to geography (see the list below). For the period 1849-1865, see the Department of Trade and Consulates 1848—1865 and for the preceding period see under the Board of Customs and Trade. Alphabetic list of consulates in North Africa, Asia and Oceania from which shipping lists were sent in during the period 1849-1903 Inventory: Typed register (sized A 4) in the Second Department of the National Archives. From the beginning of the 19th century the consuls, either quarterly or yearly, sent abstracts of the journals kept by the consulates on Danish ships and before 1814 also on Norwegian ships calling at the ports. From 1849, such abstracts were sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The most detailed ones state the name of the ship, port of departure, port of destination, kind and quantity of the cargo, as well as the names of captain and shipowner. The most summary ones (so-called 'generalskibslister', especially from 1894) only state the yearly Danish shipping trade with the port in question. The latest shipping lists sent in (for the year 1904) have not been worked into the tabular summary below, as they have been destroyed. Shipping lists for the following years have only sporadically been sent in and are not separated, they must be sought in the Foreign Ministry B- and C-journal files, at least until 1910. The file material forming the basis of the lists has only partly been preserved and must be sought in the consulate archives. There are furthermore gaps in the lists sent in, thus no lists for e.g. 1860 exist, and the lists for 1858-59 and 1861—62 have only partly been preserved. The lists are divided according to groups which in the list below are stated in brackets. Only lists from consulates inside the field of the guide have, however, been included her: Adelaide (Australia), 1864, 1877-79, 1887, 1889-91, 1 8 9 3 - 9 4 , 1 8 9 6 , 1 8 9 9 , 1 9 0 1 - 0 2 . Aden (East Asia), 1889. Akyab (East Asia), 1856-57, 1863-66, 1868-70, 1873, 1880, 1883, 1891,1893. 171

National Archives Alexandria (Turkey and Egypt), 1855-58, 1863-74, 1876, 1878-1903. Algiers (France), 1863-65 and (Africa), 1868-69, 1872, 1897-1903. Amoy (East Asia), 1858-59, 1 8 6 1 - 6 4 , 1 8 6 6 - 8 2 , 1885-88, 1895-98. Auckland (Australia), 1866, 1886-88, 1895. Bangkok (East Asia), 1861-78, 1881-82, 1893-94, 1897-99, 1901-03. Batavia (East Asia), 1857, 1861, 1863-66, 1869-71, 1874-76, 1885, 1893, 1896-1902. Batumi (Russia and Finland), 1888-97. Beirut (Turkey and Egypt), 1901-02. Bizerte (Africa), 1896-1900, 1902. Bombay (East Asia), 1888,1901, 1903. Bone (Africa), 1897-1903. Bougie (Africa), 1897. Brisbane (Australia). 1889, 1891-94, 1896-97, 1900-02. Calcutta (East Asia), 1849-53, 1855-56, 1863-65, 1868, 1874, 1878, 1885-88, 1 8 9 0 - 9 3 , 1 8 9 6 - 9 9 , 1901-03. Canton (East Asia), 1 8 6 1 - 6 4 , 1869-74, 1876-80, 1884-91, 1895. Casablanca see Dar el Baida. Chefoo see Tschifu. Chinkiang (East Asia), 1880,1886. Christchurch (Australia), 1897-98. Colombo (Sri Lanka) (East Asia), 1891, 1899-1903. Constantinople see Istanbul Cyprus (Turkey and Egypt), 1886-87, 1889. Dar el Baida (Casablanca) (Africa), 1874-76, 1888, 1892-1903. De Kastri (East Asia), 1861-62. Djakarta see Batavia. Dunedin (Australia), 1864, 1899. Foochow (East Asia), 1 8 6 1 , 1 8 6 3 - 6 4 , 1866-76. Fremantle (Australia), 1899, 1902-03. Gorontalo (Sulawesi) (East Asia), 1896. Hakodate (East Asia), 1867-71. Helensville (Australia), 1886. Hiogo (Japan) (East Asia), 1869, 1882. Hobart (Tasmania) (Australia), 1903. Hobson Bay (Australia), 1854-55. Hong Kong (East Asia), 1849, 1 8 5 0 - 5 3 , 1 8 5 5 - 5 7 , 1 8 6 3 - 7 9 , 1 8 8 7 - 9 1 , 1894, 1 8 9 7 1903. Honolulu (North America), 1849-51, 1855, 1874. Istanbul (Turkey and Egypt), 1849-53, 1855-57, 1860-62, 1867, 1869, 1873, 1 8 7 5 79,1882,1884,1888-1903. Izmir see Smyrna. Kanagawa (East Asia), 1868, 1882. Larache (Morocco) (Africa), 1 8 7 4 - 7 6 , 1 8 9 6 , 1 8 9 9 , 1 9 0 1 - 1 9 0 2 . Lyttelton Harbour (Australia), 1886, 1895. Makasar (East Asia) 1894, 1896-99. Manila (East Asia), 1863-72, 1874, 1 8 7 7 - 7 8 , 1 8 8 8 - 8 9 , 1897, 1899, 1901-02. Mauritius (England), 1863-65, 1868-83, 1886-89, 1891, 1893-97, 1899-1903. 172

Min. Foreign Affairs 1856-1909 Mazagan (Morocco) (Africa), 1875, 1888, 1896, 1898-1903. Melbourne (Australia), 1855-57, 1 8 6 3 - 6 6 , 1 8 6 8 - 7 4 , 1 8 7 6 - 7 8 , 1 8 8 1 , 1889-92, 1894-95, 1898-1903. Menado (Sulawesi) (East Asia), 1889-1902. Mogador (Africa), 1 8 9 2 - 9 4 , 1 8 9 6 , 1898. Moulmein (East Asia), 1863. Nagasaki (East Asia), 1869, 1876,1878,1886, 1888, 1902-03. Newcastle N.S.W. (Australia), 1863, 1870, 1873-74, 1876-80, 1883, 1891-92, 1 8 9 5 1903. Newchwang (East Asia), 1876-78, 1880, 1882-83. Nikolayevsk-na-Amure (East Asia), 1861-63, 1881. Ningpo (China) (East Asia), 1869-70. Oran (Africa), 1897-1903. Padang (East Asia), 1887, 1891, 1894, 1898-1900, 1902-03. Penang (East Asia), 1898-99, 1901-02. Port Jackson (Australia), 1864, 1869-80. Port Said (Turkey and Egypt), 1890-91, 1894-95, 1898, 1900-02. Rabat (Africa), 1901. Rangoon (East Asia), 1 8 6 2 - 6 3 , 1 8 7 3 , 1879, 1883-84, 1889, 1 8 9 2 - 9 4 , 1896-97, 1902. Safi (Africa), 1 8 6 5 - 6 6 , 1 8 7 5 , 1892-1903. Saigon (East Asia), 1870, 1 8 7 3 - 7 9 , 1881, 1883, 1886, 1 8 8 8 - 9 0 , 1892, 1895, 1898, 1900-03. Semarang (East Asia), 1876, 1886,1894, 1897-98, 1900-02. Sfax (Africa), 1897-1903. Shanghai (East Asia), 1855-57, 1 8 6 2 - 7 3 , 1 8 7 5 - 8 3 , 1885-88, 1895, 1899-1903. Singapore (East Asia), 1849-53, 1855-57, 1863-83, 1885-86, 1891, 1897-1903. Smyrna (Turkey and Egypt), 1851-53, 1855-57, 1863-65, 1867-70, 1874, 1876-77, 1879-81, 1883-84, 1886-1901. Sousse (Africa), 1897-1900, 1902-03. Sumalata (East Asia), 1898. Surabaya (East Asia), 1876, 1892-94, 1896-1902. Swatow (East Asia), 1862-64, 1866-74, 1876, 1878-82, 1886-87. Sydney (Australia), 1857,1863, 1866, 1868, 1871, 1 8 7 3 - 7 6 , 1 8 7 8 - 8 3 , 1885, 1 8 8 7 1902. Tahiti (Australia), 1875, 1885, 1887-93. Taiwan (East Asia), 1864, 1870-71, 1878, 1882. Taku (East Asia), 1878. Tangier (Africa), 1875-76, 1902. Tanshui (Tamsuy) (East Asia), 1864. Tientsin (East Asia), 1 8 6 6 - 7 4 , 1 8 8 6 - 8 8 . Trabzon (Turkey and Egypt), 1888-98. Tschifu (Cheefoo) (East Asia), 1865, 1867-71, 1873, 1876-77. Tunis (Africa), 1 8 7 0 - 7 2 , 1 8 8 9 , 1 8 9 3 - 1 9 0 3 . Vladivostok (East Asia), 1881. Wellington (Australia), 1886-88, 1892, 1903. Yokohama (East Asia), 1 8 6 9 - 7 1 , 1 8 7 3 - 7 7 , 1880, 1884-88, 1 8 9 3 - 9 4 , 1 8 9 8 - 1 9 0 3 . Zarzis (Africa), 1898,1900.


National Archives The Department of Trade and Consulates — Departemente for handels- og konsulatssager 1849-1866 Royal assents, letter books, journals,


1817(? )-1856(? ). Office lists and registers. 1 bundle. 1849—64. Original petitions with royal decrees as well as original royal ordinances. 5 vols. 1849-66. Letter books of dispatched consular matters. 17 vols. 1849-66. Drafts of dispatched consular matters. 5 bundles. 1859-72. Lists of letters to consuls. 1 bundle. Schematic lists, alphabetically arranged according to the names of the consulates, each out-letter entered under number and date. 1849-50, 1853-66. Mail books. 7 vols. 1849—51. Book of commissions, etc. for Danish consuls abroad as well as for some officials in the Department of Trade and Consulates. 1 vol. 1849—51. Drafts of commissions, etc. for Danish consuls abroad as well as for some officials in the Department of Trade and Consulates. 1 vol. 1850-51. Petitions for decrees. 1 bundle. Lists of proposals for steps to be taken in each incoming matter. 1849-66. Journals of consular matters received. 17 vols. 1849—66. Files for the Consular Journal. 76 bundles. Selected Files Inventory: Forelobige Arkivregistraturer Serie 1 Nr. 1. Udenrigsministeriet (Kommercekollegiet). Samlede Sager (1762j-1866. Sager til konsulatsjournal (Preliminary inventory Series 1 No. 1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (The Board of Trade). Selected Files (1762)-1866. Files for the Consular Journal). Published by the Danish National Archives. Copenhagen, 1963. Among the files, the following ones concern the field of the guide. 1762-1863. Index of'Selected Files' ('Samlede Sager'). 1 vol. Comprising nos. 1 - 6 8 6 . 1762 - c. 1866. Index of'Selected Files' ('Samlede Sager'). 1 vol. Comprising all nos. (1-1206). 1762-1866. 'Selected Files' ('Samlede Sager') relating to Danish shipping and foreign trade. 95 bundles. Files removed from the general series of the Consular Journal. The series was apparently started c. 1817 and rearranged c. 1848—49. If the files are at present missing, journals and letter books can to some extent give information about their contents. 1762, 1803. Morten Munck, merchant, Copenhagen, his direction, Feb. 1, 1752, for Danish and Norwegian merchants as regards Levant trade, counsellor of legation C.L. Pelt's plan, April, 1803, for mariners and tradesmen in the Mediterranean. (No.l) 1802-04. Captain M.W. Bahnsen's bills on a timber cargo, the delivery of which was not accepted in Tunis. (No. 10) c. 1800. Dispute at Smyrna between the commercial house of Guill Hoeling & Co. and Ottesen, shipmaster. (No. 18) 1796-1802. The billbroker Bacri's claim (Including reports from Rehbinder, consul in Algiers, and from St. A. Bille's expedition to Algiers, 1799; copies of letters from the Bey of Algeria Hassan Bascia, the Bey of Oran, etc.). (No. 71) 174

Foreign Affairs: Trade and Consulates 1818. Georg Fore, shipmaster, and his forged 'Algerian' pass. (No. 75) 1 8 1 6 - 1 8 . The St. Thomas burgher, Guilio Tini's, right to get 'Algerian' passes for his ship 'Therese'. (No. 86) 1 8 1 3 - 5 7 . Establishment of a consulate at Aleppo and the appointment of E. Picciotto as consul there. (No. 94) 1819. Petitions from Robert Wilkinson, consul-general at Smyrna, for a yearly salary. (No. 96) 1818. Captain Simon Arfsten Edwards' petition to be allowed to fly the Danish flag on his ship 'Louise' and get 'Algerian' passes for it. (No. 99) 1 8 2 0 - 2 1 . Lawsuit against the firm of Chapman, Brown & Duncan at Elsinore on account of malpractices in acquiring Danish papers, especially an 'Algerian' pass for the ship 'Grant'. (No. 118) 1 8 1 8 - 4 1 . Assignment of the Levant vice-consulates in 1816 to the consulates-general in Constantinople and Smyrna; claim of these consulates for charges of 2 per cent of the value of inward and outward cargoes of Danish ships. (No. 128) 1816—41. Placing of the consulate-general at Smyrna under the consulate-general in Constantinople; I. de Jongh's appointment as consul (later consul-general) at Smyrna and Daniel Dumreicher's appointment as consul (later consul-general) for the pashalic of Egypt. (No. 138) The gift of 2 bronze fieldpieces to Mehemet Ali, pasha of Egypt. (No. 146) (The file missing 1962) 1 8 1 5 - 2 1 . Captain Christen Jensen's improper use of the 'Algerian' pass issued for the ship 'Petrea Metelina'; decision of the Supreme Court on him. (No. 197) 1 8 2 4 - 2 8 . Dispute between C.T. Falbe, consul-general in Tunis, and Cazalis Tutein, consul at Marseilles. No. 174) 1 8 2 2 - 5 0 . Inevitable expenses for the consulate at Smyrna and their repayment. (No. 195) 1 8 2 9 - 3 1 . Reduction to one third of the fees for 'Algerian' passes. (No. 233) 1831-37. Establishment of a commercial consulate in Algiers and the appointment of J.C. Wallich, consul. (No. 250) 1831—34. Right of the Prefect's Office at Altona to issue 'Algerian' passes in certain circumstances; its wish to regain its former authority to issue 'Algerian' passes for ships from Altona. (No. 257) 1 8 3 1 - 3 5 . 'Algerian' pass formerly issued to Captain H. Dallner for the ship 'Wilhelmine' belonging to him; his trade licence in Copenhagen. (No. 286) 1 8 1 9 - 4 0 . Tariff agreement with the Ottoman Porte of March, 1818; its intimation and the abolition of the so-called 'droit de Messeterie', an additional tax. (No. 296) 1 8 3 4 - 3 5 . Claim on Collaco, Portuguese consul, from the estate of P.K.A. Schousboe, consul-general in Morocco. (No. 301) 1 8 3 5 - 3 7 . Freedom of trade with the colonies of Great Britain, granted by the Goverment of Great Britan by Act of Parliament of August 28, 1833 and by Order-inCouncil of April 1 , 1 8 3 5 . (No. 319) Survey of the Danish consulates in the Levant and the means to arrange for better organization, handed in 1815 by Baron Schubart, trade commissioner general. (No. 332). 1836. Appointment of a Danish consul in Tripoli. (No. 339) 1 8 3 6 - 3 7 . Desirability of appointing Danish commercial agents in Moroccan ports on account of Danish trade and shipping. (No. 357)


National Archives

1837-43. Dispatch of a royal warship to Levant waters and to the sending of the frigate 'Thetis' to the Mediterranean and Levant in 1852 for the encouragement of Danish carrying trade to those ports, according to royal decree of January 17, 1842. (No. 358) c. 1834—38. Establishment of a marine insurance company at Altona. (No. 360). (The file missing 1962) 1833-37. The ship 'Perlen', belonging to Stiphout d'Allen and abandoned at Batavia; remission of the tax on its subsequent sale. (No. 361) 1836. Quarantine system established at the foreign consulates in Egypt; action to be taken in the case of Danish subjects' offences against it. (No. 376) 1837-40. Exemption for the Portuguese consul-general at Altona, Joze Ribeiro dos Santos, partner of the House of Santos and Monteiro in Altona, from taking out at 'Algerian' sea pass for a voyage round Cape Finisterre. (No. 405) 1837-41. Establishment of a consulate-general in the Philippines and the appointment of William Kierulf, Manila. (No. 416) 1840-50. Proposal to establish a Danish consulate in Batavia (now Djakarta). (No. 482) 1841-42. Establishment of a vice-consulate at Suez. (No. 507) 1842. Conclusion of a commercial treaty with the Ottoman Porte (No. 511) 1840-42. Litigation concerning the succession of the late Reichardt, a smith from Itzehoe, treated by the consulates-general in Alexandria and Constantinople. (No. 512) 1821—49. Naturalization tax for the ship 'Syden' belonging to Captain Burd, and complaints that the Danish flag was used by foreign ships in East Indian waters. Appointment of James Mattheson as consul in China. The ship 'The Maid of Australia' commanded by Captain J. Basker. China trade. (No. 515) 1838-46. Bounties and bills of protection for the ships 'Concordia' and 'St. Croix', belonging to respectively Jacob Holm & Sons in Copenhagen and agent Jensen at Flensburg and destined for whaling in the South Seas. Later deliberations on the granting of bounties to such expeditions in general and on the issue of bills of protection generally. (No. 544) 1840-43. Licenses issued to Danish ships engaged in the carrying trade with the East Indies and China. (No. 537) 1843-45. Establishment of a Danish consulate at Calcutta and the appointment of Donald Campbell Mackey. (No. 574) 1832-46. Appointment of consular secretary M.P. Marcussen as consul-general in Morocco. (No. 582) 1842-52. Ferdinand Wolffs appointment as consul at Manila and his discharge. (No. 591) 1841-54. E. Lichtlin's appointment as consul in Algiers and his discharge. (No. 593) 1849-50. E.A. Süwerkrop's appointment as consul in the Sandwich Islands, his discharge, and the appointment of L.H. Anthon, merchant. (No. 631) Commercial treaty concluded with the Sandwich Islands. (The file missing 1962). (No. 632) 1847-50. Discharge of consul-general, M.P. Marcussen, Morocco; entrusting of the affairs of the consulate-general to Drummond Hay, charge d'affaires and consul-general of Great Britain. (No. 642) 1832-35. Appointment of the French vice-consul, Joseph Gaspary, as head of the Danish consulate-general in Tunis and the discharge of Henrik Scheel, consular secretary. (No. 644) 176

Min. Foreign Affairs: Trade and Consulates 1 8 5 0 - 5 1 . Appointment of John Vans Agnew as consul in Madras. (No. 649) 1 8 4 4 - 4 7 . The 'Galathea' expedition. 2 bundles. (No. 658) 1848—55. Papers concerning a boat belonging to the embassy in Constantinople. (No. 671) 1 8 1 4 - 5 4 . Post as minister resident in Constantinople and the abolition of the legation, 1848; taking over of affairs by the Swedo-Norwegian charge d'affaires, A. Testa, 1849 and the reinstatement of Alfons Hübsch, 1852. (No. 677) 1847. Settlement of Captain Harbou's debts in Algiers. (No. 682) 1836—62. Pension of ex-consul-general at Tangier P.K.A. Schousboe's widow, Antonia. (No. 717) 1850. Pensions for former Danish assistants at Frederiksnagore (East Indies). (No. 723) Jurisdiction in criminal cases for the royal legation in Constantinople, occasioned by a murderous attack on the Danish subject, J.F. Greisen. (The file missing 1962). (No. 759) 1850—51. Establishment of a consulate in the island of Mauritius (lie de France). (No. 760) 1851. Exemption from military service for the 'kavas' ('gendarmes') employed by the consulate at Aleppo. (No. 767) 1847-49. Commercial relations between Denmark and Tunisia. (No. 769) 1824-50. Fee for 'Algerian' sea passes; records on Danish relations with Morocco as regards the obligation of Danish shipmasters to be provided with such passes. (No. 772) 1851. Pensioning of former Danish officials in the Danish East Indian colonies. (No. 785) 1851. Negotiations for the conclusion of commercial treaties carried on 1851 between the Turkish Government and various foreign states. (No. 792) 1851. Danish legation in Constantinople, its claim on the Turkish Government for a robbery with violence on de Jongh, consul-general at Smyrna. (No. 799) 1851—52. Projected steamship service from Chagres (Panama) to the Pacific Ocean and the actions taken by the Governments of France, Great Britain and the United States to establish such a trade route. (No. 808) Action for a debt judged between the Austrian subject, Eid, and the Danish subject, Meseh, by the consulate-general at Alexandria as lower court and the embassy in Constantinople as court of appeal. (The file missing 1962). (No. 816) 1842-59. Petition from the commercial firm of A. Christiansen's Widow at Flensburg to be allowed to fly the Danish swallow-tailed flag and pennant during an expedition from Altona to Tranquebar, Batavia, Singapore, Manila and Canton. (No. 849) 1850-54. Establishment of a consulate at Melbourne; planned establishment of one at Port Adelaide, 1845; appointment of I.B. Were as consul at Melbourne. (No. 873) 1845. The Spanish Government's decision of 1845 as regards giving consuls the 'exequatur' in Spanish colonies (No. 890) 1845. The Turkish Government's increase of anchorage dues for foreign ships calling at Turkish ports. (No. 891) 1845-46. Establishment of a consulate in the Sandwich Islands. (No. 902) 1842-47. Travel to Smyrna in 1843 by the Rev. L.D. Hass on behalf of the Danish Missionary Society. (No. 936) 1848. Petition from the commercial firm of Jacob Holm & Sons that the ship 'Anna Margretha', returning from the East Indies as well as its cargo at the inward clearance, should be examined according to the ordinance of June 16, 1797. (No. 955) 177

National Archives 1845—47. Medal on the occasion of the construction of the Nile dam. (No. 972) 1 8 4 5 - 4 9 . Appointment of Danish consuls in the East Indies and China. (No. 975b) 1830—35. Danish consulate-general in Morocco, especially reports from it to the Department of Foreign Affairs, 1830-35. (No. 976a 1) 1853—55. The Turkish Government's unwillingness to accept Turkish subjects as viceconsuls of foreign powers. (No. 987) Decision by the consulate in Galati (Galatz) (Rumania) in a legal dispute between two Austrian subjects and the Danish subject, H.C. Clausen, (ship 'Mathilde Christina'); appeal of the decision to the consulate-general in Constantinople. (No. 993) (The file missing 1962). 1853. Relations between the colonists in Australia and the Government of Great Britain, especially the provisions for acquisition of land in this part of the world. (No. 1001) 1 8 4 8 - 5 0 . Appointment of A.F. Dumreicher, merchant, as consul at Alexandria as well as consul-general in Egypt. (No. 1025) 1854. Voyage to the empire of Japan by the American ship 'Lady Pierce' (No. 1038) 1854—60. Royal decree on remission of the fee for the commission issued to consul Wolff in Manila; total abolition of the commission fee. (No. 1043) Emigration of Chinese labourers and their colonization in the Danish West Indies. (The file missing 1962). (No. 1045) 1853—60. Conferring of the Order of the Dannebrog on various Danish consuls, including A. de Colon at Pondichiry. (No. 1048) An attempted colonization of the Nicobars. (No. 1055) (The file missing 1962). 1862. 'Tarif des douanes Ottomanes arrete en conformite du traite de commerce du 13. mars 1862 entre le Danemark et la Turquie'. (No. 1091) 1855—63. Appointment of Fr. H. Block as consul in Hong Kong. (No. 1097) 1853—56. Appointment of J. Jarvie as consul at Singapore. (No. 1098) 1855—63. Appointment of de Jongh as consul at Smyrna. (No. 1105) 1856—59. Appointment of Boursier as consul in Algiers. (No. 1107) 1856—59. Appointment of Thomas Hampden Mullens as consul in the island of Mauritius. (No.1117) 1856—59. Appointment of William Henry Green as consul at Foo-Chow-Foo. (No. 1119) c. 1859. Netherlands Government's practice as regards the appointment of vice-consuls in the colonies. (No. 1121) 1853—59. J.O. Hay's appointment as consul at Akyab. (No. 1133) 1850—59. Conferring of the Order of the Dannebrog on Dumreicher, consul-general at Alexandria. (No. 1135) 1858—60. Appointment of Picciotto as consul at Aleppo. (No. 1148) 1853—60. Appointment of J. Whittall as consul in Shanghai. (No. 1149) 1857—60. Appointment of R. Paddy as consul at Singapore. (No. 1154) 1859—65. Appointment of D.K. Mason as consul in Bangkok, as well as his discharge, and the appointment of R.S. Scott as consul here. (No. 1155) 1 8 5 4 - 6 0 . Appointment of Ogden E. Edwards as consul in Manila. (No. 1156) 1860—61. Appointment of Th. C. Henck, merchant, as consul in the Sandwich Islands. (No. 1173) 1860—62. Establishment of a consulate at Swatow and entrusting it to H.A. Dirchs. (No. 1177) 1860—62. Discharge of C. Boursier as consul in Algiers and the appointment of Rouget de St. Hermine to this post. (No. 1178) 178

Min. Foreign Affairs 1 9 0 9 - 4 5 1 8 6 0 - 6 2 . Establishment of a consulate in Amurskaya Oblast at Nikolayevsk-na-Amure. (No. 1185) 1 8 4 9 - 6 2 . Consulate at Canton; the appointment of Rob. Jardine and his discharge; appointment of Herbert St. Löger Magniac as consul. (No. 1188) 1 8 6 4 - 6 6 . Seized enemy ships or captured Danish ships; Danish ships in Chinese waters captured by the Prussians. 1 bundle. (No. 1207) 1 8 4 9 - 6 3 . Danish vice-consuls abroad, inter alia in Burma (Akyab), China (Amoy), Tunisia and Turkey. 3 bundles. (No. 1208) 1 8 4 9 - 6 6 . Trade reports (yearly or more frequent) from consuls on the economic condition of their respective consulate districts. 1 bundle. (No. 1211) 1 8 5 8 - 6 4 . Accounts of consulates. 7 bundles. (No. 1212) 1 8 5 5 - 6 1 . Commercial treaty concluded with Siam May 21, 1858. 1 bundle. (No. 1214) 1 8 6 0 - 6 5 . Commercial treaty between Denmark and China concluded July 13, 1863. 1 bundle. (No. 1215) 1851, 1 8 6 1 - 6 6 , 1 8 6 8 . Lists of ships sailing from Copenhagen in foreign trade, their names, names of the shipmasters, etc. 8 vols. 1 8 4 9 - 6 5 . Incoming shipping lists from consulates abroad. 12 bundles. Each bundle geographically alphabetized. - For specified lists of the consulates inside the field of the guide, from which reports have been preserved, see above under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 1 8 4 6 - 6 1 . Auditor's records on consulate accounts. 2 vols. Latin sea passes and ship's certificates


1 8 0 3 - 5 6 . Preliminaries for the renewal of the ordinance of May 4, 1803 on the issue of Latin sea passes and ship's certificates by order of April 20, 1854. 1 bundle. 1854—55. Journal and letter book of correspondence relating to the issue of Latin sea passes and ships' certificates according to the order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of April 2 0 , 1 8 5 4 . 1 vol. 1 8 5 4 - 5 5 . Correspondence files and oaths taken, relating to the issue of Latin sea passes and ship's certificates. 1 bundle. 1854—56. In-letters relating to Latin sea passes and ship's certificates, including reports on passes issued. 2 bundles. 1 8 5 4 - 5 7 . Reports on the issue of Latin sea passes and ships' certificates in the Duchies of Slesvig and Holstein, as well as in Iceland and the West Indies. 1 bundle. 1 8 5 4 - 5 6 . Latin sea pass registers. 2 vols. Schematically arranged, divided into sections for the City of Copenhagen, the Kingdom of Denmark proper (except Copenhagen), the Duchy of Slesvig, the Duchy of Holstein, the Danish possessions in the West Indies, and Iceland. 1 8 5 4 - 5 6 . Matters for the Latin sea pass register. 4 bundles. Requests for Latin sea passes. 1 8 5 4 - 5 6 . Used and returned original sea passes. 1 bundle.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Period 1 9 0 9 - 4 5 From September 1,1909, the archives of the Ministry were rearranged in a file or classed system, in which all files were, according to their subject, classified in specific main groups (designated by a number), each of which was then divided into sections (desig179

National Archives nated by a letter); these are further divided into separate files (designated by a number), and with the necessary supplements and changes, this system is still used. Immediately after arrival in the Ministry, letters are filed and entered in a series of registers of inletters; in the same way, out-letters are entered. No journals are kept. Each section has, however, an index card, a list of all the files kept in the section with statement of the number and title of each single file. (These cards were, in the early sixties, photoprinted and bound for keeping in the National Archives). In some sections, files are divided according to countries (with re-arrangement of older files), or they have been grouped according to year, in the case of very comprehensive sections. It is to be noted that files before 1909 have often been filed into the new system. The arrangement is not entirely systematic, e.g. groups 79, 83 and 87, comprising records relating to World War I and World War II. After 1945 the great international organizations such as the United Nations Organization (U.N.O.), the Organization for European Economic Co-operation (O.E.E.C.), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (O.E.C.D.), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (N.A.T.O.) have also caused problems, the tendency being to give each of these institutions and its sphere a special group number. Under group number 104, records relating to Danida (Danish International Development Agency) are filed. Letter books are no longer kept. For both departments of the Ministry, they exist for 1910-18 (220 vols.) and for the Law Division ('Retsafdelingen') for 1 9 2 1 - 2 2 (16 vols.). Representations to the King with royal assent are available in a series of volumes. Original reports (dispatches) from Danish envoys are placed in series for the various countries, whereas copies are placed in the files to which they belong according to their subject. Among the older series can be mentioned: Bangkok (Thailand) from 1922, Cairo (Egypt) from 1922, Constantinople (Istanbul/Ankara - Turkey), from 1909, Peking (Peiping China) from 1911-35, 1951 onwards, Shanghai 1 9 3 6 - 5 0 and Tokyo (Japan), from 1901. The original treaties from this period - and earlier ones - form a special Treaty Collection (which see). The archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to 1945 inclusive, are at present (1977) being transferred to the National Archives. Instructions on the filing of records are given in Udenrigsministeriets Arkivsystem (Archives System of the Foreign Service), originally printed without year, later in March 1942 in (stencilled) up-to-date edition. From the turn of the year 1 9 7 5 - 7 6 , the new upto-date Udenrigsministeriets Arkivsystem (Archives System of the Foreign Service), 1975, came into operation, being issued in loose leaf form. The new system has much information on closed sections and possible continuations under other numbers and letters, as well as on eliminations. In the information on files 1909-45 given below, the greatest importance has been attached to main groups, sections and single files, estimated to be of interest to readers of the Guide, the period before c. 1930 having been given prominence to. Often the years of many separate files are lacking, because they are not to be found in the index cards. When the lists of the files transferred to the National Archives have eventually been worked out, they should, by giving the date range, enable statements as to the period covered by any single file.


Min. Foreign Affairs 1 9 0 9 - 4 5

Addenda The Series of registers of in-letters to 1945 inclusive and the Series of registers of outletters to 1945 inclusive (see ante) have now (1977) been transferred from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the National Archives.

Main groups, sections and files 1. The Royal House D. Audiences, including: For the Korean Prince Chin Ri and his consort, 1927 (I.D.85). R. Letters and supplications to the King, including: Letter from the King to the King of Siam (1.R.3). 2. Foreign Princely Houses and Heads of States C. Notifications (permanent numbers), including: Turkey (2.C.51); China, 1913—44 (2.C.200); Iran, 1910-41 (2.C.206-08); Korea (2.C.212); Hawaii (2.C.213). E. Ceremonies, including: Japan. The coronation of Emperor Yoshihito, Nov. 1914, 1913-20 (2.E.13); Royal coronations in Siam, 1915-39 (2.R.48); Imperial coronations in Japan, 1927-29 (2.E.54). F. Journeys of foreign heads of states and princes. P. Personal files, including: Rama Vajiravudh, King of Siam, 1917-22 (2.P.15); The Ex-Emperor of China, 1924-25 (2.P.45); King Prajadhipok of Siam, 1935 (2.P.48); The Sultan of Johore, 1928 (2.P.55). T. Titles of foreign heads of states, including: Manchuria: The title of the Emperor, 1942 (2.T.9). 3. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Representations

sent out

E. The Ministry's organization and sphere, including correspondence relating to the individual representations sent out: The Commission on the Reorganization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Danish representation abroad, appointed 1906 (3.E.2—17); The Act of April 1, 1912 dealing with the establishment of the legation in Peking and the post as commercial attach^ in Russia, 1911-12 (3.E.23); Consular representation in the Caucasus (Baku), 1920 (3.E.40); Commission of September 3, 1919 on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (3.E.68). F. The legations and the other representations sent out (also buildings), alphabetically arranged according to the names of the towns of residence with subnumbers, including: Ankara: The envoy, 1903-25 (3.F. Ankara. 2); Conduct of foreign representations, 1914-15 (3.F. Ankara. 5a); Clerks and other paid help, 1891-1945 (3.F. Ankara. 8)\Bangkok: Temporary conduct of the legation, 1899-1945 (3.F. Bangkok. 5b); Batavia: Establishment and organization of the consulate, 1921 (3.F. Batavia. 1); Other employees sent out, 1924 (3.F. Batavia. 3); Cairo: Conduct of foreign representations, 1 9 2 3 - 3 2 (3.F. Cairo. 5a)\Hsinking: The establishment, organization, etc., 1933-42 (3.F. Hsinking. 1),Morocco: Representation, 1921-25 (3.F. Morocco, no number); Peking (Peiping): Conduct of foreign representations, 1924-34 (3.F. Peking (Peiping). 5a); Temporary conduct of the legation, 1 9 1 1 - 2 1 (3.F. Peking (Peiping) 5b); The legation premises, 1911-21 (3.F. Peking (Peiping). 181

N a t i o n a l Archives

\Q)\Shanghai: Conduct of foreign representations, 1905-21 (3.F. Shanghai. 6); Clerks and other salaried staff, 1922-42 (3.F. Shanghai. 8); Lease of premises, 1 8 9 7 - 1 8 3 5 (3.F. Shanghai. 10)•, Sydney: The consul-general, 1908-17 (3.F. Sydney. 2); Chancellery, 1904-38 (3.F. Sydney. 6); Tokyo: Conduct of foreign representations, 1925-39 (3.F. Tokio. 5a); Chancellery, 1905-39 (3.F. Tokio. 6). G. Personal files of the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (alphabetically arranged according to surnames). I. Couriers and courier service, including: Courier with Turkey, 1916—25 (3.1.18b); To Bangkok, 1917-23 (3.1.24); Courier from Siberia (3.1.45). K. Instructions concerning the conduct of the official duties of the legations: Report c o n cerning Turkey, 1926 (3.K.25). L. The taking over of the diplomatic representation of foreign countries, including: Austrian interests in Russia, 1914-18 (3.L.4a); The legation in Petrograd and its winding up office in Copenhagen (3.L.5b); 3.L.5, with subspecifications relating to the employees of section Β of the Petrograd legation, thus H. Kehler (including cashbook for the delegation at Tomsk) (3.L.5/9); O.D. Krebs (3.L.5/10); 3.L.13, with subnumbers. Treatment and repatriation of prisoners of war and civilian captives, including: The camps at Tobol'sk, Khabarovsk and Tomsk (3.L.13/6); The camp at Beresovka (East Siberia) (3.L.13/15); The camp on the island of Nargin (Baku) (3.L.13/16); The officers in Siberia invoke assistance (3.L.13/22); The camp in Turkestan (3.L. 13/23); 3.L.17.A. Assistance to prisoners of war and civilian captives in Siberia: The sending out, work, winding up, etc. of the delegations, c. 1919, including: The sending out of the delegations and minister Cramer's preparations for work in Siberia until his departure in March, 1919 (3.L.17.A/1); 3.L.17.B. Financial affairs relating to relief measures, including: The Sibirian Company (Sibirisk Kompagni) (3.L.17.B/5); Transference of 12 million roubles from the legation in Petrograd to the prisoner of war service in East Russia and Siberia (3.L.17.B/6); Accounts relating to the delegates (3.L.17.B/9); Accounts from Baku (3.L.17.B/10); 3.L.17.C. The prisoners. Including: The beginning of relief work in Siberia until minister Cramer's departure in March 1919 (3.L.17.C/1); The situation of the prisoners of war (3.L.17.C/2); Joint convoy of prisoners of war from Siberia (3.L.17.C/5); 3.L.17.F. Special correspondence of Frits Cramer, minister resident in special mission to East Russia and Siberia 1918—19 to manage the Danish relief action for Austro-Hungarian prisoners of war and civilian captives. 3.L.17.G. Reports relating to the work. 3.L.20-58: Conduct of Chinese interests in Germany (3.L.20); Conduct of Chinese interests in Austria—Hungary (3.L.21); Conduct of Chinese interests in Turkey (3.L.22); Chinese subjects (students) in Germany during the First World War (3.L.25); Chinese subjects in Russia during the First World War (3.L.26); Conduct of Siamese interests in Germany and Austria (3.L.27); Conduct of Siamese interests; in Russia (3.L.29); Conduct of Greek interest in Turkey (3.L.36); Conduct of French and Chinese interests in Russia (3.L.40); Conduct of Austro-Hungarian interests in Turkey (3.L.43); Conduct of the interests of Holland, Germany and Austria in Siam (3.L.48); Conduct of Hungarian interests in South Russia and Tur182

Min. Foreign Affairs 1909-45 kestan (3.L.49); Conduct of the interests of several foreign countries by the legation in Bangkok, 1 9 2 2 - 2 3 (3.L.54); Danish conduct of Turkish interest outside Turkey, 1922 (3.L.55); Danish conduct of Greek interests in China, 1929 (3.L.58). S. Dispatches from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the representations, including: Sending of dispatches to Peking, 1911-14 (3.S.11); Sending of political dispatches to Constantinople, 1914 (3.S.12). U. Extraterritorial jurisdiction of Danish legations and consulates as well as violations hereof, including: Turkey. Protection of Danish legation in Constantinople (3.U.6). 4. The Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Representations as well as Corps Diplomatique in Denmark

abroad of Foreign Countries

E. Foreign offices of foreign countries: Organization, budget, representations abroad, etc., alphabetically arranged according to the names of the countries. F. Foreign legations in Denmark, alphabetically arranged according to the names of the countries, including: Georgian Republic (Georg.): Legation, 1918—20; Iran, 1908 onwards; Japan, 1901 onwards; China (Kina): Representation here, 1911—26; Thailand, 1893-1924; Turkey, 1916 onwards. G. Personal records of foreign diplomats and consul-generals in foreign countries, placed under their names; yet Diplomats and diplomacy in general (4.G.6). L. Conduct of interests in foreign countries during war. In general, 1914 ( Q Extraordinary missions to Denmark, thus Chinese commission for the study of agricultural matters, 1910(4.0.5) U. Violation of the extraterritorial jurisdiction: Incivilities, including: China: Affronts to neutral heads of missions, c. 1918 (4.U.18). 5. World Politics B. International conferences, including: International conference at Bern 1894 on a joint organization for the announcement of treaties (5.B.2); International agreements on the recognition of states, 1 9 1 9 - 2 0 (5.B.3); Conference in Washington 1 9 2 1 - 2 2 on the reduction of armaments, etc. The Disarmament, Orient and Pacific Conference I—VI, + bundle of annexes, 1 9 2 1 - 3 5 (5.B.8); International conference i n ' s Gravenhage 1922—23 on the Russian credit, debt and private property question, 1922—23 (1925) I—II + bundle of annexes and newspaper cuttings (5.B.12); The archives of the Danish delegation on Abolition of foreign subjects' rights of extraterritoriality in China, 1921-46 (5.B.23a); Abolition of Danish subjects' rights of extraterritoriality at the Danish consular court in China, 1932—45 (5.B.23b); Negotiations on the joint treaty policy of the powers in China, 1 9 2 7 - 2 8 (5.B.24). C. International institutions, including: 'Recueil g£n£ral de t r a i l s ' , 1 9 0 8 - 1 3 (5.C.1). D. The foreign policy of Denmark, including: Treaty between Denmark and Siam on the abolition of the right of extraterritoriality, 1913 (3 bundles + Prints, copies, etc.) (5.D.1); Denmark and other powers: Abolition of the Capitulations in Turkey, 1926 (5.D.24); Denmark-Georgia, 1 9 2 1 - 2 2 (5.D.42); Denmark-Japan: Political relations, 1923-45 (5.D.48a); Denmark-Afghanistan: Possible friendship treaty and political relations, 1928-45 (5.D.58); Denmark-China: Political relations, 1928-45 (5.D.60); Denmark-Iran: Political relations, 1939-45 (5.D.68a). E. General world politics, relations between the Great Powers, including: Japan-England: Political relations, 1911-39 (5.E.4); Possible League of Asiatic Nations, 1926 183

National Archives (5.E.38); Relations of England and other powers with China, 1926-37 (5.E.39); The minority problem generally, 1920-37 (5.E.40a). I. Mediterranean questions (Spain and Portugal, Morocco, Italy, Tripolitania, Egypt), including: Spain-Morocco: Treaty of Nov. 16, 1910 and political relations, 1 9 1 0 - 3 4 (5.1.1); The Morocco affair, 1911-12, and the Morocco question with the Algeciras conference, 1904-26 (5.1.4); Crete's constitutional status as to Turkey (5.1.10); Morocco negotiations, 1 9 1 1 - 1 3 (5.1.11); France-England: Treaty of April 8, 1904 on Egypt—Morocco, 1911—23 (5.1.12); France—Italy: Convention on mutual recognition of rights in Morocco and Libya (Tripolitania), 1 9 1 2 - 2 0 (5.1.14); EnglandEgypt: Political relations, 1922-45 (with annexes) (5.1.19); The Tangier question, 1921—45 (with annexes) (5.1.20); Italy—England—Egypt: The frontier problem between Jaghbub and Cyrenaica, 1914-34 (5.1.28). K. Eastern European questions, including: The Confederate Caucasian Republics, 1921—34 (5.K.18); Poland—Manchukuo: Political relations, 1938 (5.K.78); Estonia-China: Treaty of Friendship, 1938 (5.K.80). L. The Balkans and Turkish questions, including: The Baghdad Railway, 1911 (5.L.1); The closing of the Dardanelles to warships, 1 9 1 1 - 2 2 (5.L.4); Russia-Turkey: Political relations, 1911-45 (5.L.5); Turkey and the German military mission, 1913 (5.L.10); Greece-Turkey: Political relations, 1 9 1 4 - 3 3 (5.L.15); The World War, 1914-18,1—XII + newspaper cuttings I—II (5.L.16); Allied and associate • powers' relations with Turkey, 1920-22 (5.L.19); The Angora (Ankara) Government: Foreign policy, etc., 1921-27 (5.L.25); Exchange of minorities inside the former Turkish Empire, 1923-35,1—II (with annexes, 1923-26) (5.L.26. (A)); France-Turkey: Political relations 1 9 2 1 - 3 9 (5.L.27); Britain-Turkey: Political relations, 1 9 2 3 - 3 9 (5.L.28); Greece-Turkey: Boundary commission, 1923-24 (5.L.29); Turkey: Foreign policy, 1923-45 (5.L.30); Germany-Turkey: Political relations, 1 9 2 4 - 4 4 (5.L.34a); Holland-Turkey: Friendship treaty and political relations, 1924-25 (5.L.36); Italy-Turkey: Political relations, 1926-37 (5.L.48); Oriental friendship treaty and non-aggression pact between Turkey-AfghanistanIran-Iraq (The Saadabad Pact), 1937-38 (5.L.61). N. Southern Asian and Western Asian questions, including: Iran-U.S.S.R.: Political relations, 1911-45 (5.N.1); Britain-Russia: Treaty 1907 on Persia, 1912 (5.N.2.); The Sultanate of Muscat, 1914 (5.N.3); Thailand (Siam): Treaty negotiations, 1936 (5.Ν.4); Thailand: Foreign policy, 1 9 1 8 - 4 2 (5.N.5); Iran-Britain: Political relations, 1919 onwards (5.N.6); France-Britain: Agreements on petroleum production in Mesopotamia, North Africa, Rumania and other places, 1920—33 (5.N.7); Relations between France and the Orient, 1 9 1 6 - 2 0 (5.N.9); BritainFrance—Italy: Treaty on mandates in Western Asia and negotiations on its division into spheres of influence, 1 9 2 0 - 2 3 (5.N.10); Britain-Thailand: Political relations, 1922-41 (5.N.12); Belgium-Afghanistan: Conventions, diplomatic representation, etc., 1923 (5.N.13); The Mosul question, 1926-27 (5.N.15); Iran-Turkey: Political relations, 1926—37 (5.N.16); France—Turkey: Friendship treaty on Syria, 1926—32 (5.N.17a); Danish president of the Franco-Turkish boundary commission, 1926-33,1—II (5.N. 17b); Persia: Denunciation of the Capitulations, 1927 (5.N.20); Iraq-Britain: Political relations, 1 9 2 7 - 4 1 (5.N.23); Germany-Hedjas (Arabia): Friendship treaty, 1 9 2 9 - 3 0 (5.N.28); The U.S.A.-Iraq: Political relations, 1 9 3 0 - 3 1 (5.N.35); Iran-Yemen: Political relations, 1936 (5.N.46); France 184

Min. F o r e i g n Affairs 1 9 0 9 — 4 5

Syria: Friendship treaty and the resulting dispute between France and Turkey, 1936-39 as well as the Sandjak question, 1 9 3 7 - 3 9 (5.N.47). (0. North and East Asian questions, including 1. China—Russia: Political relations, 1911-45 + newspaper cuttings and annexes, 1 9 2 9 - 3 7 (5.0.1); Manchurian railways, 1 9 2 2 - 4 0 ( 5 . 0 . 2 ) ; Japan-China: Political relations, 1 9 1 1 - 4 4 , 1 - I X A + bundles of annexes, 1922-40 + newspaper cuttings I—II, 1931-33 and I - I V , 1936-40 (5.0.3); Boycott of Japanese goods on occasion of the Japanese-Chinese conflict, 1938 (5.0.3b); Japan-Russia: Political relations, 1911-45 (5.0.5); Japan: Foreign policy in general, 1911-45 (5.0.6); Mongolia, 1 9 1 2 - 3 3 (5.0.7); Japanese exchange of notes with the U.S.A. regarding China, 1 9 1 7 - 2 3 (5.0.10); China: Treaty matters (5.0.12); China—France and other countries: Agreement of July, 1922 concerning indemnity on account of the Boxer Rising, 1923-28 (5.0.13); Japan-Thailand: Political relations, 1 9 2 3 - 4 2 (5.0.14); Japan-Germany: Political relations, 1927-42 (5.0.19a). Q. African questions, including: Italy-Britain: Agreement on dependencies in Africa, 1924-37, + annexes (5.Q.9). T. The U.S.A. and American politics in general, including: U.S.A.: and: Political negotiations, 1911-39 (5.T.2); U.S.A.: Foreign policy, 1911-45 (5.T.3); Alaska, 1921-38 + bundle of annexes (5.T.8); U.S.A. sovereignty over American Samoa, 1925 (5.T.10). Z. Australia and the islands in the Pacific, including: The New Hebrides: Anglo-French protocol, signed 1914 in London, 1 9 2 2 - 3 2 (5.Z.2); Norwegian occupation of islands and territory in the Antarctic Ocean, 1928-39 + cuttings and annexes, 1928-35 (5.Z.7); Britain - The Netherlands: Agreement on the boundary line in Borneo, 1930 (5.Z.8). 6. War B. International conferences and agreements, especially relating to the Red Cross from the conference in Geneva, 1864 onwards, including: Special negotiations for Turkey's use of the Red Crescent instead of the Red Cross (6.B.5). C. International institutions and organizations, including: Conference in Geneva, 1863 (6.C.1); Japanese section of the Red Cross (6.C.17). D. Danish legislation, etc., including: Instruction over the Russo-Japanese war, 1904-05 (6.D.9). E. Legislation of foreign countries, including: Siam (Thailand): Acts for the observance of the provisions in the Geneva Convention (6.E.13); Japan: Ditto (6.E.19); Russia: Regulations during the war against Japan, 1904-05 (6.E.22); Japan: Regulations during the war against Russia, 1904-05 (6.E.23); Agreement: Australia-Germany of January 17, 1930 on property of German subjects (6.E.52); Agreement between the U.S.A. and Turkey of October 25, 1934 on American subjects' claims in Turkey (6.E.56). F. Wars (reports etc.), including: The Sino-Japanese war, 1894-95 (6.F.7); The RussoJapanese war, 1904-05 (6.F.8); The Italian-Turkish war, 1911-1912 (6.F.10a+b); Information about Danes in Egypt during the First World War (6.F.25); French military operations in Morocco (6.F.28). G. Peace efforts during wars and peace negotiations, including: The Russo-Japanese war, 1904-05 (6.G.9);The Italian-Turkish war 1912 (6.G.10);The peace of London 185

National Archives (First Balkan War) (6.G.11); The peace of Nis (Second Balkan War) (6.G.12); Bulgaria, Turkey: Peace negotiations, 1 9 1 8 - 2 0 (6.G.29); Negotiations of the Allies with Turkey, 1 9 2 0 - 2 2 (6.G.50); Soviet Russia-China: Peace negotiations, 1920 (6.G.60); Germany-China: Peace treaty of May 20, 1921 (6.G.66); Georgia-Soviet Russia: Peace treaty of May 7, 1922 (6.G.80); Conference at Mudania between the Allies and the Angora (Ankara) Government, 1 9 2 2 - 2 3 (6.G.83); Turkey-Greece: Peace conference in Lausanne, 1922—27 + bundle of annexes and newspaper cuttings (6.G.84). H. Breaches of the international rules of warfare, including: The Dogger Bank affair and the Japanese at the Skaw, 1905 (6.H.7); Complaints against Japan, 1904 (6.H.9); Turkish complaints against Italy, November, 1911 (6.H.10); Turkey: Complaints against breaches in international law, 1914 onwards, I—III (6.H.18); Arabia: Ditto (6.H.22); Egypt: Treatment of the Bulgarian consul-general in Alexandria (First World War) (6.H.29); Soviet Russia: Atrocities committed by Greek troops in Asia Minor, 1921 (6.H.36). I. Change of merchant ships into warships, hospital ships, including: During the RussoJapanese war, 1904-05 (6.1.9); During the Balkan war, 1912 (6.J.11); During World War I (6.1.12). K. Blockade, including: During the Russo-Japanese war, 1904-05 (6.K.9); During the Italian-Turkish war, 1911 (6.K.10). L. Prize courts and treatment of prizes, including: During the Italian-Turkish war 1911 (6.L.10); Turkey: Prize court rules, 1912 (6.L.12). M. Findings of prize courts (prize court cases), including: Findings of prize courts during the Russo-Japanese war, 1904 (6.M.1); Finding concerning the Russian-East Asiatic Company's S.S. 'Manchuria' (6.M.3); Finding concerning the East Asiatic Company's S.S. 'Prinsesse Marie' (6.M.4); Alexandria: Assistance of the consulate by prize court cases (6.M.8); 'Silesia', 'China' and 'Bohemia' in China (6.M.26). N. Seizure of Danish ships and cargoes occasioned by war (with card index). O. Seizure of foreign ships, complaints about. P. Measures by belligerent and neutral powers relating to navigation and shipping, including: During the Russo-Japanese war, 1904-05 (6.P.9); During the Italian-Turkish war, 1911 (6.P.10); Turkey: Seizure of goods in transit for the army during the First World War (6.P. 26); Australia: Bunkers (6.P.114); Raising of the blockade of Turkey, c. 1918 (6.P.148); Danish shipping eompanies' raising of freight rates and marine and transport insurance in the China and Japan trade, 1938-39 (6.P.178). Q. Contraband of war. R. Observers and war correspondents, including: Files relating to the Russo-Japanese war (6.R.5—8);The Italian-Turkish war (6.R.10); The First Balkan War, 1 9 1 2 - 1 3 (6.R.11). S. Spies and agents, including: During the Russo-Japanese war, 1904-05 (6.S.9). T. Volunteers, including: During the Russo-Japanese war, 1904-05 (6.T.2). U. Care of the wounded, treatment of prisoners of war, humanitarian efforts during various wars (the Red Cross), including: Comite Internationale de la Croix Rouge, Geneve. Protection of Austro-Hungarian prisoners of war in Siberia, 1 9 1 9 - 2 0 (6.U.251); Repatriation of prisoners of war from Siberia under the patronage of the League of Nations (Frithiof Nansen) (6.U.263); The Red Cross: Assistance as regards the tracing of parents of children transferred from Siberia to the U.S.A. (6.U.272); Siam: The Red Cross, 1922-26 (6.U.298x); The U.S.A.: Relief work in 186

Min. Foreign Affairs 1909-45 the Near East, 1923 (6.U.299); Aid to displaced persons from Smyrna, September-October, 1922 (1925) (6.U.300); Helleno-Turkish exchange of prisoners of war, January, 1923 (6.U.301); Danes in Siberian prisoner of war camps, 1925-26 (6.U.306). Y. Claims for damages on account of war, including: Danish claims for damages against Russia: Disbursements, 1919-25, + annexes, (6.Y.23); The Commission for the Consideration of Danish Claims for Damages against Russia, 1918—45,1—IX + annexes (6.Y.23a); International conference on claims for damages against Russia I—II + annexes, 1920-33 (6.Y.23b); The Society for the Protection of Danish Claimants' Interests in Russia, 1922—46,1—II (6.Y.23c); Questions of restoration of Danish property in Russia or compensation for it, 1923-37 (6.Y.23e); Statements of claims against Russia (after 1928, August) (6.Y.23f); The Siberian Company's branch at Harbin (6.Y.212). 7. Slesvig Questions T. Problems at the return of North Slesvig (from 1919), including: List of Slesvigers interned in England and in British possessions I—V (7.T.13/B)i Ditto in Japan and Siberia (7.T.13/E); Ditto in Java and Sumatra (7.T.13/L); Ditto in Soviet Russia (7.T.13/T). 8. The Faroes, Greenland and the former Danish colonies in the West Indies 9. Iceland 10. Neutrality E. Neutrality of foreign countries, including: Neutral states: War between China and Japan, 1894-95 (10.E.4); Neutral states: SpanishAmerican War, 1898 (10.E.5); China's neutrality during the Russo-Japanese war, 1904-05 (10.E.7); France's neutrality during the same, 1904-05 (10.E.8); Foreign countries' declarations and measures of neutrality during the Russo-Japanese war, 1904 (10.E.9); The Italian-Turkish war: Foreign countries' declarations of neutrality, 1911 (10.E.10); The Balkan war: Ditto, 1912 (10.E.11). F. Interpretation of the principle of neutrality, including: Neutrality of the Suez Canal (10.F.6). G. Denmark's observance of neutrality, including: Danish pilotage of Russian fleet, 1904-05 (10.G.8); Denmark's observance of neutrality: The Russo-Japanese war, 1904-05 (10.G.9); Ditto: The Italian-Turkish war, 1911 (10.G.10); Ditto: The Balkan war, 1912. (10.G.11). 11. The League of Nations E. Individual countries (exclusive Denmark) and the League of Nations. Arranged alphabetically, including: Armenia: Proposal about its admission to the League, 1920-21 (11.E. Arm. 4). 12. Arbitration Q. Interpretation of arbitral decisions, etc., including: Japan versus Britain, France and Germany, 1902, 1905 (12.Q.3); Russia versus Turkey, 1910 (12.Q.11). 187

National Archives 13. Land


X. The Foreign Legion and other army corps, including: Service in the Foreign Legion and other army corps, individual files ( 1 3 . X . 4 - 1 1 ) ; Condemned Danes in the Foreign Legion in Morocco I—III (13.X.12); Attitude of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to joining the Foreign Legions (the French and the Spanish), 1 9 1 4 - 3 2 (13.X.12/A); Sending home of Danes from the Foreign Legion, 1 9 2 0 - 2 9 I—III (13.X. 12/B); Service in the Foreign Legion, individual files nos. 1 - 2 4 9 (13.X.12/C); Sending of a Danish representative to Casablanca: Investigation i n t o conditions of the Foreign Legion, 1921 (13.X.12/D); Sending home of Danes f r o m the Foreign Legion. Payments, 1 9 2 1 - 2 6 (13.X.12/E); Ditto: Fundamental case, 1 9 2 0 - 3 2 I—II and newspaper cuttings 1 9 2 0 - 3 0 (2 bundles) (13.X.12/F); Parents' association, 1 9 2 1 - 2 4 (13.X.12/G); Lists of legionaries, 1 9 2 3 - 2 4 (13.X.12/H); Payment of the sending home of legionaries' corpses, 1 9 2 4 - 2 5 (13.X.12/I); The Dutch Foreign Legion (13.X.33); Shanghai Volunteer Corps (13.X.35). 14. Maritime


T. Official journeys of Danish naval officers (generally individual files). U. Foreign naval officers' stay in Denmark (generally individual files). 15. Constitutional

and Administrative


C. International institutions, including: The Interparliamentary Union Congresses, 1 9 1 9 - 4 6 (15.C.1); International Woman Suffrage Alliance, 1 9 2 0 - 3 9 (15.C.6). E. The constitution and the administration of foreign countries, including: Siam (Thailand): Central government, 1931 (15.E.41); H. Parliaments, including: Egypt, 1924 (15.H.26); Japan, 1936 (15.H.49). 16. Citizenship and Allegiance


D. Danish legislation, including: Termination of protection of Danish citizens in Spanish Morocco (16.D.13). F. Applications for preservation of Danish citizenship from persons born abroad of Danish parents (Act of April 8, 1925, section six). G. Option matters. H. Applications for certificates of domicile. I. Inquiries about citizenship and the issue of certificates of nationality. K. Applications for Danish citizenship. L. Naturalization in Denmark as provided by yearly acts of naturalization. V. Applications for release from various countries. X. Danish citizens and proteges in Turkey and other countries, including yearly lists of Danish citizens and proteges: Turkey, 1 8 8 9 - 1 9 3 6 (16.X.1); Beirut, 1 8 8 9 - 1 9 1 0 (16.X.2); The Dardanelles, 1 8 8 9 - 1 9 0 6 (16.X.3); Smyrna, 1 β 8 9 - 1 9 2 2 (16.X.4); Cairo, 1 8 8 9 - 1 9 3 5 (1950) (16.X.5); Alexandria, 1 8 8 8 - 1 9 2 8 (1950) (16.X.6); Port Said, 1 8 8 9 - 1 9 2 8 (16.X.7); Suez, 1 8 9 9 - 1 9 2 8 (16.X.8); Morocco, 1 9 0 4 - 1 3 (16.X.9); Lists of Danish citizens from several countries, 1 9 1 1 - 1 4 (16.X.10); Relating to various families, 1 8 5 4 - 1 9 2 3 ( 1 6 . X . 1 1 - 4 4 and 4 6 - 4 9 ) ; Registration of Danish citizens in Siam, 1 9 1 1 - 3 8 (16.X.45); Danes in India, 1914 (16.X.51); Issue of passports to Jewish proteges from Constantinople, 1918 (16.X.56); China: Legal 188

Min. Foreign Affairs 1 9 0 9 - 4 5 status of Danish proteges, 1922 (16.X.60); Expulsion f r o m Egypt of Danish citizens and proteges, 1 9 2 3 - 2 9 (16.X.63); A l t a d u k o f f , Ismail, director, Rossia, Shanghai (16.X.64).

17. Protection of Citizens and their Associations in Foreign Countries B. International agreements and conferences, including: Russian and Armenian refugees, May 12, 1926 (17.B. 4a+b+f+annexes); Ditto, J u n e 30, 1928, 1 9 2 7 - 4 6 (17.B.6). E. Agreements between foreign countries, including: T u r k e y : Legal status of foreigners, 1 9 2 6 - 2 7 (17.E.76); Indo-China: A d m i t t a n c e of foreigners, 1 9 2 9 - 3 0 (17.E.85); Egypt: The legal status of German citizens, 1 9 2 3 - 3 8 ( 1 7 . E . 5 8 ) ; Egypt: The legal status of Austrian citizens, treaty Oct. 14, 1929 ( 1 7 . E . 8 6 ) ; Syria: Property of foreigners, 1931 (17.E.89); France—Britain: Sending h o m e of expelled aliens f r o m Asia (17.E.92). F. Mutual intercourse between Danes in all countries, including: Central association of Danes abroad ( 1 7 . F . 1 1 ) ; Intercourse between Danes in the Netherlands Indies, 1922 (17.F.17); Association of Danes in China, 1923 ( 1 7 . F . 18). H. Danish associations abroad, including: Singapore: Danish Relief F u n d , 1921 (17.H.43); Japan: Danish Society, 1 9 2 7 - 2 8 (17.H.65); M. Protection of Danes in E u r o p e , including: Danish citizens in Western Siberia, 1 9 1 9 - 2 4 , 1 - I I (17.M.382). N. Requisitions and seizure of Danish p r o p e r t y abroad, including: Churches and hospitals at Tranquebar and other places seized by Britain (17.N.158); The Caucasian Oil C o m p a n y . English authorities' seizure of oil at Batumi ( 1 7 . N . 1 9 8 ) ; - (Many cases relating to seizure of p r o p e r t y , etc., in Siberia and China). O. Protection of Danes in Asia, including: China: Danish claims for fire and plundering, 1911 ( 1 7 . 0 . 2 ) ; T u r k e y : Protection of Danes under the consulate in Smyrna, 1 9 1 6 - 2 3 ( 1 7 . 0 . 3 ) ; Manchuria: Protection of Danes, 1 9 3 3 - 3 6 ( 1 7 . 0 . 6 ) ; China: Ditto, 1934 ( 1 7 . 0 . 7 ) ; J a p a n : The right for foreigners t o buy landed p r o p e r t y , 1910—37 ( 1 7 . 0 . Jap. 2); British colonies and dependencies overseas: The access and residence of foreigners, 1 9 1 4 - 4 5 ( 1 7 . 0 . Stb. kol. 1); Thailand: A c t on expulsion f r o m the c o u n t r y , 1 9 1 2 - 1 3 ( 1 7 . 0 . Thai. 3); T u r k e y : The trades and industries of foreign citizens and their landed properties, 1924—25 ( 1 7 . 0 . Tyr. 3).

18. Jurisdiction and Sovereignty over Danes and other Aliens in Countries where they Enjoy Total or Partial Extraterritoriality (This group instituted 1927 with retrospective e f f e c t ) B. International conventions, including: International agreement a b o u t transformation of the courts in China, 1 9 2 9 - 3 3 (18.B.1). D. Danish legislation etc. relating t o consular jurisdiction, including: Register of jurisdiction as regards Danish citizens in Siam, 1 9 2 4 - 3 7 (18.D.7); Interpretation of consular competence, especially regarding matrimonial cases, 1925—36 (18.D.8); Appeal f r o m the consular c o u r t , 1 9 2 6 - 2 9 (18.D.9); Registration of marriage settlements between Danes living in countries with consular jurisdiction, 1926 (18.D.10); Inquiries about and legislation relating to Danish consular jurisdiction in China, 1 9 2 9 - 3 6 (18.D.11). 189

National Archives Ε. Agreements of foreign countries as regards consular jurisdiction, including: Treaty between Siam and England, and the U.S.A. 1 9 0 9 - 2 3 (18.E.5); Germany: Legislation on consular jurisdiction, 1 9 0 1 - 2 5 (18.E.7); Norway: Consular jurisdiction, 1 9 2 2 - 2 7 (18.E.8); Austria: Legislation relating to consular courts, 1 8 9 7 - 1 9 2 2 (18.E.9); Jurisdiction of Swedish consuls in certain non-Christian countries, 1909 (18.E.10). F. Civil proceedings (except concerning the law of wills and succession) at the consular court in China, 1925 onwards. G. Criminal cases at the consular court in China, 1 9 2 2 - 4 5 . L. Criminal cases at the consular court in Egypt, 1 9 0 1 - 3 7 . Q. Powers of the consuls in Egypt, including: Competence of the consular court in criminal cases, 1930. S. Recognition and supervision of Danish companies (as provided by Act No. 36 of February 15, 1895), including: Hong Kong: Registration of foreign companies, 1933 (18.S.1); The Bangkok Tramway Co. (18.S.5); The Siam Electricity Co., 1 8 9 8 - 1 9 2 7 (18.S.6); The Buket Tengale Coconut Estate Ltd. (18.S.7); Fog & Co., Shanghai, Ltd., 1 9 2 1 - 3 6 (18.S.8); Sphinx Dye Works (J. Rosenstand), Alexandria (18.S.9); Rossia Genforsikring A/S (Rossia Insurance Ltd.), activities in China and Egypt, 1 9 2 3 - 2 4 (18.S.10);The Oriental Commercial Co., recognition as Danish joint-stock company in Shanghai, 1 9 2 7 - 2 8 (18.S.13); United Export Co. Ltd., recognition as Danish in Tientsin, 1 9 2 8 - 3 3 (18.S.14); Jebsen & Co., Hong Kong, 1 9 3 3 - 4 0 (18.S.17);A.P. Möller: Branch in Shanghai, 1937 (18.S.20). M . Activities of the consular courts: Annual surveys, including: Shanghai, 1 9 1 0 - 4 6 (18./E.5); Bangkok, 1 9 0 9 - 2 6 (18./E.6). 0 . The consular courts' sending in of copies of the judgments and sentences, including 1925(18.0.5).

19. National Law E. Foreign civil legislation and law, including: Turkey: Act on real properties, n.d. (19.E.4); Queensland: Provisions for competence, n.d. (19.E.5); Turkey: Judical reform, 1916 (19.E.5); Egypt: Bankruptcy legislation, 1924 (19.E. 106); Turkey: Legislation regarding bills of exchange, 1 9 2 5 - 2 6 (19.E.114);Siam: Enactments on munitions, 1928 (19.E.147);China: Civil legislation, 1 9 2 9 - 3 6 (19.E.153);China: Legislation on observance of feast-days, 1 9 3 0 - 3 1 (19.E.162); Japan: Civil legislation, 1929 (19.E.164); Siam: Civil legislation, 1 9 3 1 - 3 7 (19.E.166). G. Criminal law, including: Siam: Penalties for the possession of firearms, n.d. (19.G.1 2); Japan: Criminal law, 1936 (19.G.46). R. Providing of information in civil cases, including: Siberian Company: Information for a lawcase in Batum, 1921 (19.R.6).

20. Private International Law E. Legislation in countries outside Scandinavia, including: Iran: The legal status of foreigners, 1927 (20.E.93), Palestine: The legal status of foreigners, 1 9 3 1 - 3 3 (20.E.139); Japan—Switzerland: Treaty about legal aid in criminal cases, 1937 (20.E.171); I r a n - T u r k e y : Legal aid in civil and commercial cases, 1937 (20.E.172).

21. Matters Concerning Laws of Domestic Relations and Laws of Capacity Outside the Scope of Group 22 190

Min. Foreign Affairs 1909—45 D. Danish legislation, including: Marriage at the consulate obligatory for Danes in China? , 1919-35 (21.D.23); Church wedding of Danes in China, 1926-33 (21.D.29). K. The contracting of marriages subject to confirmation by Danish consuls (from 1920 see 21.0), including: separate files (21.K.1-6). L. The contracting of marriages subject to confirmation by Danish consuls and legations in Thailand 1.-66., 1903-46. M. Ditto in China 1.-309. Until 1945. N. Ditto in Japan 1.-22. 1922-44. O. The contracting of marriages subject to confirmation by Danish consuls and legations in the rest of the world, 1.-278. Until 1945 (1946). 22. Dissolution of Marriages as well as Affiliation


N. Dissolution of marriages: Individual cases outside Europe and America. U. Affiliation orders, excepting Europe and America. 25. Danish civil proceedings 26. Inheritance and Probate Cases Q. Inheritance from Africa. R. Asia (Ditto). S. Australia (Ditto). T. Foreign Legionaries and other volunteers (Ditto). V. Seamen (Ditto). 27. Criminal Cases and


N. Extradition to and from Asia and Africa. 28. Social and Moral Questions B. International conferences and agreements, including: The conference in Geneva, November 1924 - February 1925 on opium, etc. (28.B.16a). E. Foreign legislation, including: Russia—China: Agreement on suppression of liquor traffic in North Manchuria, 1917 (28.E.25);Siam (Thailand): Legislation against obscene publications, 1929 (28.E.53). 0 . Problems of alcoholism, including: Australia, 1922-26 (28.0.31); Turkey, 1923-26 (28.0.32). Q. Opium, morphia, cocaine and other narcotics, including: China. Control upon trade and import of opium, 1 9 1 0 - 3 7 (28.Q.6); Egypt: Ditto, 1 9 3 0 - 3 7 (28.Q.7); Denmark: Smuggling trade in morphia, cocaine, etc. to China and India, 1922-28 (28.Q.15); Control upon Danish citizens's trade in opium, etc. in China, 1 9 2 3 - 2 7 (28.Q.19); Siam (Thailand): Legislation concerning opium, 1930 (28.Q.23). 30. System of Taxation D. Danish agreements, e.g. on double taxation, including: Denmark—Siam (Thailand): Exemption from taxation of students, 1 9 3 9 - 4 0 (30.D.111); Newer files arranged 191

National Archives according to countries, including: The Philippines: Taxes and duties, 1 9 2 7 - 3 3 (1949) (30.D. U.S.A. 30/1). 31. System of Pensions, Grants, etc. F. Foundations (Establishment of trusts for these), including: The Laurits Andersen Foundation, 1 9 2 8 - 3 4 I—II (31.F.42). R. Disbursement of Danish grants and pensions, including: Disbursement from Mrs. Hasle's endowed charity to the Anglican church in Nagasaki I, 1 9 0 9 - 3 3 (31.R.5); Laurits Andersen's charitable trust for needy persons in China. Disbursements I— III, 1 9 2 9 - 5 1 (31.R.54). S. Pensions etc. to Danes from abroad, 1 9 0 0 - 6 5 . 32. Insurance H. The business of Danish companies, including: Insurance business in China and Japan, 1 9 1 8 - 2 9 (32.H.13);The business of Danish insurance companies in China and Japan, 1 9 2 1 - 2 5 (32.H.34); Ditto: Australia, 1929 (32.H.38); Ditto: Japan, 1931 (32.H.42). — Newer files have been classified according to countries, including: Australia: Insurance companies, etc., 1922 (32.H. Aust. 10); Algeria: Insurance and insurance legislation, 1932 (32.H. Fra. 31); China: Insurance Companies, etc., 1934 (32.H. Kin. 10); The Nederlands Indies: Insurance Organization and legislation, 1 9 2 4 - 2 7 (32.H. Ned. 41). 33. Poor Relief E. Legislation in foreign countries, including: French mandates and colonies: Treatment of poor foreigners, 1939 (33.E.31). 34. Letters of


35. Assistance to as well as Information 36. Passport

about Danes Abroad


E. Treaties of foreign countries. U. Passport and visa applications. 37. Assistance to as well as Information tries 40. Literary and artistic

about Foreigners in Denmark and Other Coun-


E. Translation of foreign literature into Danish and vice versa, including: Japanese literature: Translation into Danish, 1 9 2 9 - 3 0 (40.F.26). 41. Sciences and Arts Q. Publications of various kinds, including: Literature on Iran by Danish scholars, 1935 (41.Q.48). 192

Min. Foreign Affairs 1909-45 R. Research and expeditions, including: Excavations in Rhodes, 1899-1927 (41.R.1); Excavation in the 'Midan city', Phrygia, 1912 (41.R.2); Excavations in Palestine, 1914-33 (41.R.5); Geographical expedition to the Sahara, 1922 and to Senegal, 1927 (41.R.7). U. Borrowing from archives, libraries and collections, including: de Castries: Borrowing from the Danish National Archives (Arabic records) (41 .U.78); Account of Bering's voyage of discovery, found in Siberia (41.U.93). V. Presents and acquisition in branches of science and scholarship. Z. Foreign lectures in Denmark and Danish ones abroad. Now arranged according to countries. 42. Educational system and sports 43. Religious Matters F. Danish missionary work, including: Syria 1914-43 (43.F.5); Afghanistan, 1925 (43 .F.7); Armenia, 1926-44 (43 .F.9). H. The religious situation in various countries, including: Turkey, 1923-25 (43.H.6); Afghanistan, 1924 (43.H.11). K. Cemeteries and graves of Danes abroad, including: Tangier, 1877-1904 (43.K.1); Istanbul, 1852-91 (43.K.5); Shanghai, 1922-23 (43.K.17); Bali, 1927-28 (43.K.26); Constantine, 1931 (43.K.34). L. Cemeteries and burial places of foreigners in Denmark. M. Danish churches and religious communities abroad, including: Shanghai, 1926—33 (43.M.19) N. Foreign churches and religious communities in Denmark. 44. Congresses E. Natural science, including: Geographical congresses, 1904-14 (44.E.3); Ornitologjcal congresses, 1890-1941 (44.E.7); Oceanography and Hydrography: Congresses, 1928-51 (44.E.25). 45. Celebrations and Sports Festivals E. Festivals on state occasions, including: Japan: 30 years jubilee for the constitution, 1919 (45 .E.9); Algeria: Centennial jubilee as French possession, 1930 (45.E.29). 46. Natural Resources and Natural Phenomena B. International conferences and agreements, including files relating to protection of whales: Committee in Geneva, 1932-38 (46.B. 12b); Convention London, 1937-39 (46.B. 16). C. International institutions, including: Bureau international de vulcanographie, 1924-34 (46 .C .3). G. Physiconditions of foreign countries and institutions for their observation, including: Observatoire physique central, Leningrad, 1922-23 (46.G.12). H. Earthquakes, floods and other catastrophes of nature, etc., including: China: River regulation, 1918 (46.H.13); Japan: Earthquakes, etc., 1923 (46.H.23); Java: Earthquakes, etc., 1924-31 (46.H.29); Japan: Earthquakes, 1925-28 (46.H.34); New Zealand: Catastrophes of nature, 1927-31 (46.H.52). 193

National Archives I. Conflagrations, including: Oil fire in the harbour of Algiers (46.1.7); Hong Kong: Hotel fire, 1929 (46.1.11). N. Nature conservation, including: Soviet Russia, 1934 (46.N.12). Q. Measuring and mapping, including: Turkey, 1 9 3 0 - 3 4 (46.Q.22). R. Geographic and scientific expeditions, including: Denmark: J.H. Davidsen and Barclay Raunkjaer to Oman and Hadhramaut, Oct., 1911 (46.R.4); Scott's expedition to the South Pole, 1913 (46.R.8); R.E. Byrd's expedition to the South Pole, 1 9 2 8 - 2 9 (46.R.29); Kaj Birket-Smith's excavations in Alaska, 1 9 3 0 - 3 4 (46.R.36); The Soviet Union's arctic and Pacific expeditions, 1 9 3 2 - 3 9 (46.R.42); Knud Paludan and C.G. Feilberg to Persia, 1 9 3 5 - 3 6 (46.R.51). 48. Danish Orders 49. Foreign Decorations. Mainly arranged according to


50. Danish Consular Service D. Danish consular agreements with foreign countries. Dan. Danish acts and regulations, etc. relating to Danish consular service (consulate districts, etc.), including: The commission's circular of July 31, 1906 relating to consulate districts (50. Dan. 1); Supervision and management of the consular service (50. Dan. 5); Where Denmark is without consular representation (50. Dan. 8); China: English conduct of Danish consular service, 1 8 6 3 - 9 4 (50. Dan. 17.1); China. Russian conduct of Danish consular service from 1894 (50. Dan. 17.11); F. Special authority of the consuls, including: The authority to extend protests on oath (50.F.1); Circular of Feb. 1 , 1 9 0 9 on notarial authority of envoys and consuls (50.F.51). K. Consular jurisdiction (now filed on group 18). 51. Danish Consular


F. Interpretation of the consular instruction of 1932. I. Amendments to the consular instruction of 1912. L.—O. Interpretations of the various sections and subsections of the consular instruction of 1912. 52. Danish


A. General Files on Danish consuls, including: Information about consuls and consular representations in general (52.A.7). Subsequently files by consulates in alphabetical order with the following subdivision: 1. Establishment, organization, and abolition; 2. Personal records of consuls (names and terms of office); 3. Vacancies; 4. Leaves of absence; 5. Management of foreign consulates; 6. Chancelleries; 7. Office expenses; 8. Secretary; 9. Abstracts of journals; 13a. Archives of the consulate; 13b. Archives of the vice-consulates; 16 onwards. Viceconsulates. 53. Foreign Consular Service E. Foreign countries' legislation on consulates and agreements about consuls, including: Syria and Lebanon, 1 9 2 4 - 2 6 (53.E.105).


Min. Foreign Affairs 1909—45 S . Legislation on fees, including: Palestine: Excise regulations (53.S.49); China: Fees for passports (53.S.54).

54. Foreign Consulates in Denmark D . Foreign consuls in Denmark (Association, meetings, travels). The consulate records are generally alphabetically arranged according to countries.

55. The State's Sovereignty of the Seas (Flags, Arms) E. Foreign countries' rules of territorial waters, including: Turkey: Rules of access of the the police to foreign merchant ships (55.E.30). L. Danish warships' cruises and visits of military aeroplanes, including: 'Valkyrien' in the Mediterranean, 1 9 1 3 - 1 4 (55.L.26). Q. Saluting batteries and saluting rules, including: Japan (55.Q.7); Turkey (55.Q.15); Egypt (55.Q.15); China (55.Q.19). Also files relating to the State's sovereignty to the the seas (flags and arms) arranged according to countries.

56. Navigation and its Aids (Lights and Buoys Service as well as Pilote Service) B. International conferences and agreements, including: Agreement between China and foreign treaty powers on pilotage service, 1868: The Chinese Government's Provisional Orders of 1933 on the taking over of the pilotage service in contravention of the convention (56.B.16). E. Foreign countries' legislation and agreements, including: Turkey: Concession of the lighthouse company (56.E.22). G. Foreign lighthouses, including: Melbourne (56.G.6); Turkey (56.G. 10);China (56.G.52). H. Other navigation marks and notices to mariners as well as nautical aids. P. Salvage, including: The right of salvage and towage in Turkish waters (56.P.3); Algiers: Assistance to Svitzer (56.P.6b). Q. Pilotage service, including: Thailand, 1 9 2 1 - 4 1 (56.Q.23);The Philippines, 1939 (56.Q.45)

57. Law of the Sea and General Maritime Legislation B. International conferences and conventions. E. Foreign countries' legislation and conventions, including: Siam: Law on navigation, 1912 (57.E.8); Turkey (57.E.41). F. Institutions, including: Turkey: La Chambre Maritime (57.F.2). K. Claims f o r violations of international shipping legislation.

59. Ships F. Sale of Danish ships to foreign countries. G. Purchase of foreign ships (from Jan. 1, 1963 filed under 59. Y). I. Foreign ships, stranded and wrecked in Denmark, arranged according to year. K. Danish ships' collisions, etc. in non-Danish waters (from Jan. 1, 1963 filed under 59. Y). L. Wrecks of Danish ships (from Feb. 1, 1963 filed under 61. L). M. Wrecks of foreign ships outside Danish Waters. 195

National Archives P. Wrecks of Danish ships ( f r o m 1924 arranged according to year, and from Jan. 1, 1963 filed under 59. Y). Q. Letters of thanks and rewards for assistance furnished at sea (from March 15, 1963 filed under 61. T). R. Salvaged ships (from Jan. 1, 1963 filed under 59. Y). T. Captain's protests relating to cargoes of Danish ships (from Jan. 1, 1963 filed under 59. Y). U. Seizure of Danish ships in foreign ports. V. Arrest and seizure of foreign ships in Danish ports. Y. Control of Danish ships' papers.

60. Navigation and Shipping Affairs in General A. Shipping affairs in general, including: Survey of shipping subsidies in various countries (60.A.10). C. International institutions, including: The Straits Commission (the Dardanelles) (60.C.13). E. Mutual agreements of foreign countries relating to shipping, including: ManchukuoRussia: Agreement on river navigation (60.E.10). M. Danish steamship lines and companies, including: Danish shipping routes to Japan (60.M.15); Danish shipping routes to Greece and Turkey (60.M.16); Danish shipping routes to the Persian Gulf (60.M.24); Direct shipping route Denmark—New Zealand (60.M.36); 6 0 . Int. International waters, canals and rivers, including: The Suez Canal (60.M. Int. la). With a grouping according to countries.

61. Seamen and the Safeguard of their interests, including Control of their Discharge Books B. International conferences. D. Danish legislation and agreements, including: Denmark—Netherlands Indies: Treatment of sick seamen (61 .D.25); Denmark—Turkey: Treatment of deserters (6 I.D.38). E. Legislation and agreements of foreign countries, including: Australia (61 .E.47); Persia (61 .E.60); Egypt (61 .E.71). F. Engagement and discharge, including: China, etc. (61.F.27); Calcutta (61.F.36); Japan (61.F.40);Egypt (61.F.47). G. Desertions in general, including: Australia: Desertions of Danish seamen (61.G.10); The Philippines: Ditto (61.G.11); Hong Kong: Ditto (61.G.13). I. Maritime declarations on unrest and muting (cf. 62. N). L. Loss of Danish ships (until Feb. 1, 1963 filed under 59. L). M. Regulations for the admittance of foreign seamen (formerly filed under 62. E), including: India (61.M.5); Australia (61.M.6); Algeria (61.M.8); Morocco (61.M.12); Japan (61.M.23);New Zealand (61.M.26);The Philippines (61.M.27);Hong Kong (61 .M.29); The Netherlands (including possessions beyond the seas) (61.M.30); Thailand (61.M.32);Pakistan (61.M.34); Sri Lanka (Ceylon) (61.M.35); French colonies (61.M.36); Indonesia (61.M.40); The United Arab Republic, Egypt (61.Μ .42); Tunisia (61.M.48). N. Nursing, funeral and repatriation of seamen. General cases. 0 . Accidents of seamen (from July 15, 1948 filed under 61. K). 196

Min. Foreign Affairs 1 9 0 9 - 4 5 Q. Seamen's homes, churches, and hospitals, including: Constantinople: Scandinavian seamen's home (61.Q.7); Shanghai (6.Q.66); Hong Kong (61.Q.68); Kobe (61.Q.71); Yokohama: The Seamen's Club (61.Q.74); Istanbul, establishment of a Scandinavian seamen's club (61.Q.84). S. Ministers to seamen, including: The Danish Seamen's Church. The sending out of ministers, including: Japan ( 6 1 . S . l f ) · U. Training of seamen. Training ships. Z. Changes of shipmasters (from Jan. 1, 1963 filed under 59. Y).

62. State Control with Ships and their Crews B. International conferences and agreements, including: International conference about precautionary measures during the transport of dangerous cargoes, Brussels, 1910 (62.B.2); Convention of Jan. 1, 1914, revised 1929, about salvage at sea (62.B.4. and 14.); Convention of load-lines, 1930 (62.B.11). D. Danish legislation and agreements relating to load-lines, including: Denmark—Japan: Mutual recognition of load-line regulations (62.D.36); Denmark—Australia: Ditto (62.D.42); D e n m a r k - H o n g Kong: Recognition of trade certificates (62.D.52). E. Legislation of foreign countries (load-lines), including: British India: Legislation on survey of foreign merchant ships (62.E.35); Japan: State control of papers of foreign ships (precautionary measures) (62.E.47); The Suez Canal: Navigation regulations for ships with dangerous cargoes, 1922 (62.E.51); China: Precautionary measures for the transport and storing of inflammables (62.E.57). F. Danish legislation and agreements relating to measurement of ship's tonnage, including: D e n m a r k - J a p a n , 1922 (62.F.25); D e n m a r k - T u r k e y , 1 8 9 3 - 9 5 (62.F.27); Denmark-China (62.F.65); D e n m a r k - I n d i a (62.F.66); Denmark-Australia (62.F.68). G. Foreign countries' legislation and agreements relating to measurement of ship's tonnage, including: Japan (62.N.13). N. Unrest and mutiny on board ( f r o m 1929 transferred t o 61.1). 0 . Control of the papers of the ships ( f r o m 1929 filed under 61. K). P. Certificates of ship's officers (change of master and the like) (formerly filed under 59. N). S. Measurement of ship's tonnage: Particular cases (originally filed under 59. S).

63. Hunting and Fisheries 64. Commercial Treaties B. International conferences and agreements, including: Treatment of citizens from Aand B-mandates (64.B.5). D. Danish legislation and regulations relating to commercial treaties, including: Meetings of the committee of commercial treaties in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1 9 1 2 - 1 3 , meetings of the subcommittee (64.D.1); Tables of Danish commercial treaties (64.D.3); Surveys of Danish treaty situation (64.D.4); The commission on commercial treaties (64.D.12);The commercial policy of Denmark (64.D.25). E. Legislation and regulations of foreign countries relating to commercial treaties.


National Archives 65. Trade and Business. Commercial


Α. Business conditions in general in various countries, including: General surveys of world economy (65.A.1); Syria (65.A.17); Siam (65.A. 18); Egypt (65.A.19). B. International conferences and agreements. C. International institutions, including: International court of arbitration in commercial cases (65.C.9); International chamber of commerce at Smyrna (65.C.11). D. Danish agreements, including: Denmark-Philippines: Mutual right to carry on trade (65.D.57). F. Trade institutions and associations. Classified according to countries, including: Dan. Regarding holders of commercial bursaries (individual files) (65.F. Dan. 20); India. Chambers of Commerce (65.F. India. 1); Trade museum in Calcutta (65.F. India. 2); Bombay Chamber of Commerce (65.F. India. 3); Indian Standardization Board in New Delhi (65.F. India. 4); Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Division for Indian handicrafts (65.F. India. 5); Calcutta Jute Shippers' Association (65.F. India. 7). French Morocco. Trade organizations (65.F. Fransk Marokko. 1); British Chamber of Commerce (65.F. Fransk Marokko. 2); Scandinavian Chamber of Commerce in Morocco (65.F. Fransk Marokko. 3); Union Marocaine du Commerce de l'Industrie et de l'Artisanat (65.F. Fransk Marokko 4). International. Japanese proposal to establish an international meat federation (65.F. International. 13). H. Yearly trade reports from the consuls (ceasing c. 1925) - Classified according to countries. I. Danish trade with foreign countries and towns. Classified according to countries, ceasing c. 1925. Dan., including: Catalogues from Danish export firms, e.g. Issuing of a joint catalogue for the Middle East, worked out by I. Boisen, managing director, as well as the film 'Made in Denmark' (65.1. Dan. 14/13); and Measures to promote export. General files with subnumbers, including: Export advisers (65.1. Dan. 17h/2). K. Danish commercial enterprises, including: The East Asiatic Company (65.K.1); The Siam Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. (65.K.11); Siberian Company (65.K.17); Aarhus Oil Mill. (The group continued as 70. T. from Jan. 1, 1966). (65.K.18). / £ . Danish trade abroad, including: General files relating to the establishment of branches abroad (65.ΛΪ.1); Rules of establishment. Single files arranged by the year until 1965, when filing according to countries was introduced. 66. Production

and Commodity

Trade (The group abolished March 31, 1963)

G. Various animal products, including: Preparation of wool in Syria, Russia with Siberia, 1 9 1 1 - 1 2 (66.G.2); China: Production of silk, 1920 (66.G.19). H. Textiles and paper, including: Import of paper to India, 1911 (66.H.1); China: Import of European cloth, 1912 (66.H.4). L. Building materials, timber, wood, etc., including: Export of cement, e.g., to Baku, 1911 —12 (66.L.1); India: Export of wood, 1915 (66.L.17). M. Trade in machines and tools, including: Denmark: Export of pianos to Australia, 1911 (66.M.l); China: Import of machines, 1916 (66.M.25); Turkey: Import of agricultural machinery, 1 9 1 6 - 2 0 (66.M.26). N. Minerals, including: Russia: Production and export of iron, 1911 (66.N.2).


Min. Foreign Affairs 1909—45

P. Petroleum, including: Possible concession (Danish) of oil fields in Persia, 1926-27 (66P.32). Q. Oils and fats, including: Norway: Import of oil, 1920-22 (66.Q.22); Morocco: Export of olive oil, 1926 (66.Q.31). R. Fruit, including: Palestine: Export of oranges, 1913-14 (66.R. 10); Turkey: Export of figs, raisins and currants, 1914 (66.R.12); Australia: Fruit trade, 1923-24 (66.R.37). S. Sugar production and trade, including: Hawaii: Sugar industry, 1911-16 (66.S.1); Java: Experiments on sugar cane growing, 1909-16 (66.S.7); India: Sugar production and trade, 1911 (66.S.8); Australia: Sugar production, 1925 (66.S.10). U. Coffee, including: Java: The Dutch Government's sale of coffee, 1911 — 15 (66.S.2). V. Vegetable raw products, including: Soya beans, 1910 (66.V.1); China: Export of linseed, 1912 (66.V.15); Denmark: Import of rice (66.V.24); Copra in world trade, 1921-26 (66.V.37); The Caucasus: Import of seed from Denmark, 1921 (66.V.41); Morocco: Export of phosphate, 1925 (66.V.60); China: Growing of soya beans, 1928 (66.V.74). 67. Industrial Proprietary Rights D. Danish agreements hereon, including: Denmark-Japan, 1897. Now filing according to countries (67.D.8). 69. Exhibitions F.World exhibitions, including: Tokyo, 1912, 1917 (69.F.3); Peking, 1920 (69.F.10); Tokyo, 1922 (peace exhibition), 1921-22 (69.F.14); Dunedin, New Zealand, 1923-26 (69.F.19). G. National and town exhibitions of a general character, including: Tokyo, 1914: The Tokyo Taisho Exhibition (69.G. 17). H. Trade exhibitions and fairs, including: Beirut: Foire de Beyrouth, 1921 (69.H.49); Australia and New Zealand: Butter exhibition, 1925-27 (69.H.76). I. Special industrial exhibitions, including: Surabaya (Jawa), 1911, Exhibition (and congress) of fibrous plants and raw products as well as their industrial use (69.1.6); Semarang: Colonial exhibition, 1914 (69.1.22); Bandung (Jawa): Yearly industrial exhibition (69.1.31). L. Agricultural and horticultural shows, including: Omsk, 1910 (69.L.5); Bangkok, 1910 (69.L.6); Sydney (butter), 1911 (69.L. 15); Tunis (agricultural machinery), 1921 (69.L.40). O. Exhibitions of inventions and technology, including: Baku: Exhibition of engines, 1912(69.0.13). S. Sports, tourist and travel exhibitions, including: Tokyo tourist exhibition, 1927. From c. 1928, filed according to countries within the letters. 70. Commercial


D. In Denmark. E. In other countries.


National Archives 71. Time, Currency, Weights and Measures C. International institutions, including: International Bureau of Weights and Measures (71.C.3). E. Legislation of foreign countries, including: Turkey: Coinage (71.E.6); Turkey: Calendar reform (71.E.10); Siberia (71.E.25); Siam: Weights and measures (71.E.37); Siam: Coinage (7I.E.50);Morocco: Coinage (71.E.51); China: Weights and measures, the Standards Department (71.E.56); Japan: Coinage (71.E.68); India: Hallmarking of precious metals (7 I.E.74); Turkey: Weights and measures (71.E.77); Netherlands Indies: Hallmarking of precious metals (7I.E.78); French Morocco: Weights and measures (7I.E.79);Persia: Time (7I.E.80);Manchukuo: Weights and measures (71.E.81); Persia: Weights and measures (71.E.84); Manchukuo: Time (71.E.86); Egypt: Weights and measures (71.E.90);New Zealand: Weights and measures (7I.E.97); Egypt: Marking of base metals (71.E.100); India: Coinage (7I.E. 106);Sri Lanka (Ceylon): Weights and measures (71.E.109); Iraq: Weights and measures (71.E.110); Lebanon: Hallmarking of precious metals (71.E.111); Pakistan: Weights and measures (17.E.115); Korea: Weights and measures (71.E.119); Mutual agreements of foreign countries (71.E. 121); Kuwait: Weights and measures (7I.E. 123). - Many files transferred to group 73 and classified according to countries. 72. Tariff Systems.


D. Danish agreements, including: Tariff treaty with China, 1904 (72.D.3); Negotiations for a tariff treaty with China, 1913 (72.D.11). E. Mutual tariff agreements of foreign countries. 73. Finances B. Economic and financial conferences and conventions. C. International institutions, including: Chinese consortium (73.C.1). - In this group the great international relief actions and common measures after 1945. D. Danish agreements, including: Exchange of goods with Turkey (also separate files) (73.D.19). - Later, such files are arranged according to countries. H. Savings banks and credit banks. Arranged according to countries, including: India. 74. Trade and Industry F. Industrial institutions, associations, boards (groups F - Y now arranged according to countries, besides Denmark, including Sri Lanka (Ceylon), India and China, as well as a general group International). K. Danish industry: Export, including: Measures for the promotion of Danish industrial export (74.K.2a); The Federation of Danish Industries' awarding of prizes on market reports (74.K.2b); Export bursars sent out by the Ministry of Commerce for the sale of industrial products, e.g. to Baghdad, Calcutta, Damascus, Djakarta, Hong Kong, Rangoon, Singapore, Tehran, Tokyo and Tripoli (74.K.2c); Industrial attachis (general matters) (74.K.5). Y. Export credits (general matters, furthermore classification according to countries as well as a group: International).


Min. Foreign Affairs 1909—45 75. Agriculture A. Questionnaires etc., including: Harvest prospects in various parts of the world, c. 1921 (75.A.6). K. Agricultury dairying and forestry. Denmark, including: Agricultural attachis in general (75.K.5); Foreign comments on Danish agriculture (75.K.15). L. Agriculture, dairy industry and forestry. Foreign countries: Files classified according to countries, including: India: Agriculture, animal husbandry, dairying (75.L. India. 1); Cooperative movement (75.L. India. 7); Agricultural printed papers (75.L. India. 8); Sugar-production (75.L. India. 9); Dairying (75.L. India. 10); Meat production (75.L. India. 13); Potato growing (75.L. India. 14); Animal husbandry (75.L. India. 22); Forestry (75.L. India. 25); Tea, coffee and cocoa (75.L. India. 26); Spices (75.L. India. 34). - See also the International-group. 76. Agricultural Imports and Exports (The group ceased to exist before World War II, now filed under group 66) N. English imports and exports, including: Import of pork from China (76.N.5); Import of butter from Australia and New Zealand. X. Asia, Africa, Australia: Agricultural imports and meat inspection, including: New South Wales: Import of dairy cattle from Denmark (76.X.2); Victoria: Export of butter (76.X.3);Sri Lanka (Ceylon): Import of condensed milk and butter (76.X.4); Palestine: Import of condensed milk (76.X.5); Tunisia: Import of butter from Denmark (76.X.9); Australia: Agricultural export (76.X. 10); Morocco: Import of potatoes (76.X.15); China: Import of butter (76.X. 16); Australia: Import of butter from Denmark (76.X.17); New Zealand: Agricultural export of butter (76.X. 18). 77. Veterinary Services and Combating of Plant Diseases. (Now filed according to countries) A. Questionnaires, including: On measures regarding the importation of horses from Russia in Europe and Russia in Asia. (77.A.1). C. International institutions, including: International Bureau for the Combating of Epizootics (Office international des Epizooties) (77.C.2); International Information Office on locusts (77.C.3). 78. Foodstuffs E. Foreign legislation and agreements. Filed according to countries. 79. Impact of World War I on Trade and Shipping H. Financial measures, including: Turkey: Banking measures, 1914 (79.H.10); Turkey: Moratory legislation, 1914 (79.H.33); Egypt: Moratory legislation, 1914 (79.H.34); Tunisia: Moratory legislation, 1914 (79.H.35): Japan: Prohibition of trade with the enemy (79.H.44); Turkey: Loans and payments to hostile countries (79.H.55); Turkey-England: Provisions for enemy property in England (79.H.59-60); Siberia: Capital tax and income tax (79.H.99). I. Price regulations and securing of Supplies, including: Turkey: Requisitions for the General Headquarters (79.1.38); Turkey: Securing of supplies (79.1.58).


National Archives Κ. Communications, including: The Siberian Railway (79.K.15); Turkey, etc.: The Balkan Express (79.K.20). U. The world outside Europe: Import and export prohibitions with exemptions, including: British dependencies: Export prohibitions (79.U.1); Egypt (79.U.4); Further India: Feedstuffs, import to Denmark (79.U.8); India: Declarations for products to Denmark (79.U.9); Australia: Export prohibitions (79.U.12); Japan: Export prohibitions (79.U. 13); The Netherlands East Indies: Export prohibition on tobacco (79.U.14). 80. Import and Export


B. International conferences, including: Concerning the annulment of import and export prohibitions (80.B.2). X. Import and export prohibitions. Asia, including: Japan: Import regulations (80.X.1); China (80.X. 11); Siberia (80.X.21). Y. Australia: Import and export regulations. Now partially filed according to countries. 82. Health Services, Medical Institutions and ζQuarantine System C. International institutions, including: Alexandria. International Health Board. Organization (82.C.1); Danish right of representation in the Board (82.C.2); Danish delegates to the Board (82.C.3); Tangier. International Health Board (82.C.4); Constantinople. International Health Board. Danish right of representation (82.C.7); Tehran. International Health Board. Danish delegation (82.C.8);Paris. International Health Bureau (82.C.9A); Communications from the bureau about quarantine measures, etc. (82.C.9B); Jerusalem. International Health Office (82.C.16). Health files are mostly arranged according to countries, with a group: International. 84. Denmark during the German 85. Labour (Performance and



87. The Liberation of Denmark, 1945. Relations with the Allied Forces, etc. 88. Production of Goods and Commodity


B. International agreements, including: Conference on petroleum, Paris, 1922 (88.B.7). C. International commissions, including: The Petroleum Commission (88.C.3); Bureau international de Caf6, Madrid (88.C.5). 90. Railway Service and Transport in General. Tourist Service (Now often filed according to countries). 91. Postal Services B. Conferences and conventions, including: The creation of the Universal Postal Union, 1874-75 (91.B.l);The Universal Postal Union: The Convention of June 1, 1878, Paris (91 .B.2); World postal congress in Cairo, 1934 with preceding conference in Ottawa, 1933 (91.B.27).


Min. Foreign Affairs 1909-45 C. International institutions, including: Bureau international de l'Union postale universelle (91.C.2). D. Danish postal agreements, including: Denmark - British colonies (The Straits Settlements), 1923, 1930, 1934 (91.D.34); Denmark-Morocco: C.O.D. parcels (91.D.38). G. Foreign postal services, including: Turkey: Abolition of foreign post offices (91.G.6); Postal censorship abroad (91.G.98). T. Transport of mail and postal communications, including: The Russo-Japanese war: Transport of mail to Danes (91 .T.6); Denmark-Turkey : Postal service, 1914 (91 .T.21); Denmark-Egypt: Transport of mail (91.T.38); Denmark-China: Postal service (91.T.55); Denmark-Siberia: Postal service (91.T.58); Denmark-Japan: Postal service (91.T.104). - From May 1, 1935, this and other subgroups are filed according to countries and with a special subdivision. 92. Telegraph and Telephone Services C. International institutions. Filed according to countries. Under Denmark, including: Telegraph companies, The Great Northern Telegraph Company with subnumbering, e.g.: Surveys of the Company's cables (92.C.5/1); Great Northern - Eastern Extension Company : Convention of July 11, 1896 and additional provision of Dec. 22, 1913 and other concessions in China (92.C.5/2); Negotiations about the new Chinese Governments' recognition of the agreements formerly made with Imperial Government (92.C.5/11); Sale of cables China-Japan (92.C.5/12); Loan to the Chinese telegraph administration (92.C.5/16); Russia-China: Settlement of tariff charge in Mongolia for the Peking-Kiachta line (92.C.5/17); Russian request for Russian staff in the Great Northern Telegraph Company (92.C.5/21); Premises of the Great Northern Telegraph Company in China and the protection of these and the staff (92.C.5/30); The Great Northern Telegraph Company's claim for settling on the gold standard against the Japanese Government (92.C.5/46). 93. Air Services D. Danish air navigation conventions. Filing is according to the country and in a group International air traffic 93. Int., including: International equatorial flights round the world (93.D.4); International air competitions (93.D.5); International air-race: London-Melbourne (Michael Hansen's participation), 1934 (93.D.5/1); ChinaEurope (Captain Botved's plan) (93.D.5/29). 93. Dan. 9 has subnumbers e.g. Captain Botved's overland flight to Japan, 1926 (93. Dan. 9/2); Michael Hansen: Flight L o n d o n - T o k y o - S o u t h Africa (93. Dan. 9/4); Scandinavian Aero-Industry Ltd.: Presentation flight to the East with a sports plane flown by Lieutenant Count Krag-Juel-Vind-Frijs and Fritz Rasmussen (93. Dan. 9/5). 94. Roads and Cars 95. OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and


96. Migration A. Questionnaires, including: Granting of entry and residence permits in various countries (96 .A.14). 203

National Archives Β. International conferences on migration problems, Rome, 1924 onwards. E. Legislation o f foreign countries, including: England with colonies: Migration legislation ( 9 6 . E . 1 9 ) ; The Netherlands with colonies: Migration legislation ( 9 6 . E . 2 2 ) ; Australia: Immigrations legislation ( 9 6 . E . 2 8 ) . — Filing is now according to countries. T. Danes in foreign Government service (except doctors and Foreign Legionaries), including: The Netherlands Indies: Engineers for the construction o f railway and irrigation systems in Sumatra, Celebes, etc., 1911 ( 9 6 . T . 1 ) ; Prospects o f Danish businessmen abroad ( 9 6 . T . 1 0 ) ; Egypt: Non-commissioned officers in the medical service ( 9 6 . T . 17); Persia: Gendarmerie ( 9 6 . T . 19); China: Coastal customs service ( 9 6 . T . 2 0 ) ; China: Gendarmerie ( 9 6 . T . 2 1 ) ; Turkey: Gendarmerie ( 9 6 . T . 2 3 ) ; Egypt: Veterinary bacteriologists ( 9 6 . T . 2 4 ) ; Turkey: Engineers ( 9 6 . T . 2 5 ) ; China: Telephone engineers ( 9 6 . T . 3 5 ) ; Danes employed by the Chinese customs authorities ( 9 6 . T . 3 6 ) ; S i a m : Danes in Siamese administration ( 9 6 . T . 4 5 ) ; Siam: Employment o f Danish veterinary surgeons ( 9 6 . T . 4 7 ) ; Survey o f Danes in China and in Chinese Government service ( 9 6 . T . 5 0 ) ; Turkey : Employment of experts in Turkish central administration ( 9 6 . T . 5 2 ) ; Siam: Prospects for Danish architects ( 9 6 . T . 5 6 ) ; Danes in Siamese military service ( 9 6 . T . 5 8 ) ; Egypt: Engineers ( 9 6 . T . 6 1 ) ; The Netherlands Indies: Danish Masters of Forestry ( 9 6 . T . 7 3 ) ; Employment o f ship's officers in Chinese shipping ( 9 6 . T . 7 4 ) ; Posts with forestry authorities in the Netherlands Indies ( 9 6 . T . 8 7 ) ; Employment of Danish entomologists in British service ( 9 6 . T . 1 0 0 ) ; India: Employment of Danish fishermen ( 9 6 . T . 1 0 3 ) .

97. GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 98. ΕFT A (European Free Trade Associationj 99. Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs F. Private archives and other archives deposited with the Ministry o f Foreign Affairs. 5/ with subnumbers. Archives emanating from commissions, delegations, etc., connected with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including: Archives o f the Market Committee ( 9 9 . F . 5 / 7 ) ; Archives of the delegations to the League of Nations (99.F.5/8). 61 with subnumbers. Archives emanating from commissions, etc., unconnected with the Ministry o f Foreign Affairs, including: The Syrian-Turkish Delimitation Commission ( 9 9 . F . 6 / 4 ) . H. Inquiries and archival research, including: Information about Serampore under Danish rule (99.H.18).

100. Library of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 101. Exchange of Printed Matter U. V. X. Y.

With With With With

Japan. the rest o f Asia. Australia. Africa.

102. Accounts 204

Min. F o r e i g n Affairs 1909—45

104. The Danish Secretariat for International Development Assistance (Danida) (see special information below) G. The National Committee on Technical Assistance (Regeringsudvalget for teknisk Instand), appointed in February, 1951, abolished 1962. U. The Government's Special Committee on the Future Organization of Technical Assistance, abolished 1961.

105. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 106. OEEC (Organization for European Economic Co-operation) 108. EEC (European Economic


110. Press Bureaus, Danish and Foreign D. The Press Bureau of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. V. Press meetings, tours of journalists, foreign journalists' associations, etc., including: World press congress in Honolulu, 1921 (110.V.26). W. Denmark during the First World War 1 9 1 4 - 1 8 , including: Censorship. Japan (Ί 10.W.31.t); Turkish embassy in Copenhagen f l 10.W.l 11); Zionism (110.W.142); Russian Trading Company (110.W.159); Chinese embassy (110.W.l71); Denmark and Turkey (110.W.215); Transatlantic Company (110.W.221); Siamese embassy (110.W.247); The Great Northern Telegraph Company (110.W.265); Japanese news agency in Copenhagen (110.W.348). X. Censorship. 0 . Political information, grouped according to countries, including: Georgia f l 10.0.191); Siberia ( 1 1 0 . 0 . 1 9 7 ) ; China's policy ( 1 1 0 . 0 . 2 7 9 ) ; India ( 1 1 0 . 0 . 3 0 0 ) ; Oriental states ( 1 0 0 . 0 . 3 0 1 ) ; Turkey ( 1 1 0 . 0 . 3 2 5 ) ; Japan ( 1 1 0 . 0 . 3 3 0 ) ; Armenia ( 1 1 0 . 0 . 3 3 5 ) ; Australia ( 1 1 0 . 0 . 3 9 4 ) . - Files from 110 have partly been refiled under group 111 and troup 112).

111. Danish Press and Danish Journalists O. Danish periodicals abroad, including: Danish Australian Trade Review (111.0.9); Norden (Melbourne) (111.0.15).

112. Foreign and International Press and Journalists A. In general, including correspondents of foreign countries: Turkey (112.A.22); Egypt (112.A.28); Japan (112.A.36). F. Foreign press organizations, journalists' associations, etc., now arranged according to countries, including: Australia, Turkey. T. Newspapers from other continents. U. Press conferences and press tours, including: Japanese journalist to Denmark (111.U.13); International newspaper exhibition in Singapore, 1947 (112.U.45).


National Archives 113. Information


Ε. Danish information service abroad, including: Information service in connection with the Vitus Bering anniversary (113.E.86). - From 1951, filed according to countries. L. Information service of foreign countries in Denmark, including: The Netherlands with colonies (113.L.6); China (113.L.16); Turkey (113.L.26); Siam (113.L.28). From 1951, filed according to countries. 114. Telephone and Telegraph in Relation to the Press N. Danish wireless telegraphy, including: Wireless telegraphic connection Denmark-China (114.N.31). P. Wireless telephony. Now filed according to countries, including: Turkey: The broadcasting service (114.P.1). U. Telegraph, including: The Great Northern Telegraph Company (114.U.3). 115. Films. Photographs (The Photo


A. Films in general, including: Chinese film industry (115.A.14). F. Films, including: The Danish flight to Japan (115.F.9); Danish film propaganda during the cruise of'Niels Juel' in the Mediterranean, 1931 (115.F. 19); Film propaganda in Australia (115.F. 110); Ditto in Siam (115.F. 113); Ditto in China f 115.F. 114); Ditto in Japan (115.F. 130); Ditto in Turkey (115.F. 136); Ditto in Persia (115.F.138); Ditto in India (115.F.146); Ditto in Egypt (115.F.147); Ditto in New Zealand (115.F. 150). G. Lantern slides, including: Sending of slides to Asia (115.G.75); Use of slides sent to Asia (115.G.76); Sending of slides to Australia (115.G.91); Use of slides sent to Australia (115.G.92); Danish slide propaganda in Japan (115.G.96). H. Photographs. Filed according to countries. K. Negotiations with institutions, etc., for the procurement of material, including: The Committee for the Thüle Expedition (115.K.25); The East Asiatic Company (115.K.31). L. Film congresses. R. Pictorial propaganda of foreign countries, including: Siamese pictorial progaganda in Denmark (115.R.6); Australian pictorial propaganda in other countries than Denmark (115.R. 106); New Zealand ditto (115.R.116). 116. Press Material Relating to Home A [fairs, etc., in Denmark L. Danes abroad, including: China (116.L.7); Asia Minor (116.L.8); India (and the Dutch East Indies) (116.L.9); Siam (116.L.10); Siberia (116.L.11); Australia and New Zealand (116.L.15); Turkey (116.L. 16); Japan (116.L.20); Persia (116.L.31); Iraq (116.L.32); Algeria (116.L.36); Tunisia (116.L.38); Morocco (116.L.40). S. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Foreign Service, including: The consulategeneral in Melbourne (116.S.21);The embassy in Bangkok (116.S.36);The embassy in Tokyo (116.S.42); The embassy in Istanbul (Constantinople) (116.S.51); The consulate at Kozhikode (Calicut) (116.S.52); The embassy in Ankara (116.S.57). 119. The United



Min. Foreign Affairs 1 9 0 9 - 4 5

120. Denmark D. Internal affairs. G. Personal files at politicians and public characters.

121 onwards. Home Politics of Foreign Countries Framework of the groups relating to home politics of the countries: B. International agreements. C. International institutions. D. The general trend of home politics, ministerial changes, elections in chronologic order. E. Political treaties with individual countries. F. Financial policy in general. G. Personal files of politicians and public characters. I. Special conditions of individual provinces and cities. K. Colonies. L. Government and municipal loans (Termination Jan. 1, 1950). M. Censuses and national statistics. N. Questions of nationality. R. Language disputes. S. General statistics (Termination of the group, 1933).

123. France B. Political treaties, including: F r a n c e - T u r k e y : Boundary treaty concerning Cilicia (123.B.6). K. Colonies, including: Algeria: Home affairs, etc. (123.K. Algeria. 3a)

125. Italy K. Colonies. In N o r t h Africa.

129. The Netherlands K. Colonies, including: The Netherlands Indies (The Indonesian Republic filed under a new n u m b e r ) ( 1 2 9 . K . l a ) ; T h e conference in Delhi ( 1 2 9 . K . l b ) ; T h e Moluccas ( A m b o n ) (129.K.2). M. Censuses. The Netherlands Indies (129.M.l).

133. Russia

D. Home politics, including: White Russians in China (133.D.14). F. Financial policy, including: China-Russia: Claims for damages (133.F.18). I. Conditions of various provinces, including: Information about various regions (133.1.6); Northern Russia: Situation of the Eskimos (133.1.7); The Magadanskaya Oblast' in Eastern Siberia (133.1.8). N. Questions of nationality in Russia, including: Admission of foreigners to Central Asia and the Rayon of the Amur Railway (133.N.5); Caucasia (Georgia): National situation after the fall of the Tsarist regime (133.N. 14); Siberia and Northern Russia (Chita - Far Eastern Republic) (133.N.15);The Republic Azerbaydzhan


National Archives (133.N.20); Transcaucasia (133.N.23); Turkestan (133.N.30); Armenia (133.N.31); The Kalmucks (133.N.32). 137. England K. Colonies, including: Malaya (137.K.8); Cyprus (137.K.9); Fiji Islands (137.K. 13); Burma (137.K.17); Sri Lanka (Ceylon) (137.K.18); The Maldive Islands (137.K.19); Tonga (137.K.20); Singapore (137.K.24); Aden (137.K.25); Muscat and Oman (137.K.27); Brunei (137.K.29); Gilbert Islands and Ellice Islands (137.K.31); British Antarctic Territory (137.K.34); Mauritius (137.K.35); The Seychelles (137.K.36); Hong Kong (137.K.38); Solomon Islands (137.K.41); British Indian Ocean Territory (137.K.42). (On the colonies becoming independent states, files are arranged under new nos.). N. Great Britain and Ireland, National questions, including: The British Empire (Commonwealth) (137.N ,3a); The Ottawa conference, 1932 (137.N.3b); Negotiations with the Dominions for the continuation of the Ottawa conference during the Royal Jubilee, 1935 (137.N.3c); Empire agricultural conference in Sydney (137.N.3d); The Colombo Plan (Support of East Asian countries) (137.N.8). 139.


C. International institutions, including: European legal advisers as provided in the declaration signed at Lausanne, July 24, 1923 (139.C.1). D. Internal affairs, including: Home politics (139.D.1); Ban on playing cards with pictures of the sultan (139.D.2); Constantinople: Economic aid (139.D.3); Election Act (139.D.4);The Political, Military and other Uniforms Act (139.D.7);The Press Act (139.D.8); Bolshevism and Communism (139.D.9); Ankara. Recognition (139.D. 10); Constitution (139.D. 11); Turkish names of towns (139.D. 12). G. Turkish personalities, including: Djavid Bey, Minister of Finance, 1911 (139.G.1); Mustafa Kemal (Atatyrk), President (139.G.2); Possible visit of the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs (139.G.3); Inönü, Ismet, Prime Minister (139.G.4). L. Government and municipal loans, including: Government loan (139.L.3). N. National questions, including: Persecution of the Armenians (139.N.1.); Persecution of Greeks (139.N.2); Maronites and other ethnic groups in Syria (139.N.3); Persecution of Jews in Palestine (Zionism) (139.N.4); Suppression of gipsies (139.N.5); Exchange of minorities (= 5.L.26) (139.N.6). M. Censuses and national statistics, including: Census and statistics (139.M.l). 171. India (formerly British India) D. Internal affairs, including: Home politics (171.D.1); 'The Free India' (Bose), established Oct. 21, 1943 (171.D.2); Constitution (171.D.3); Language ( 1 7 1 D . 4 ) . F. Financial policy in general, including: Financial policy and budget (171.F.1). G. Statesmen, including: Gandhi ( 1 7 1 . G . l ) ; Panikkar, K.M. (171.G.2); Nehru, Pandit (171.G.3); Shastri, Shri Lai Bahadur (171.G.4). I. Special conditions of various districts, including: Kerala (171.1.1); Bhutan (171.1.2); Sikkim (171.1.3). L. Government and municipal loans, including: Loans (171.L.1). M. Censuses and national statistics (171.M.1).


Min. Foreign Affairs 1 9 0 9 - 4 5 172. Japan D. Internal affairs, including: Home politics (172.D.1); Constitution (172.D.3); Bolshevism (172.D.4); Acts in the defence of the State (Espionage, etc.) (172.D.5); Information Bulletin, Tokyo (172.D.6). F. Financial policy in general, including: Budget and general financial policy (172.F.1); Annual report of the Ministry of Finance (172.F.2); Autarchic policy (172.F.3). G. Statesmen, including: Katzura, Marquis (172.G.l);Nitob