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William Jervis Jones German Lexicography in the European Context
Studia Linguistica Germanica
Herausgegeben von Stefan Sonderegger und Oskar Reichmann
Walter de Gruyter · Berlin · New York 2000
William Jervis Jones
German Lexicography in the European Context A descriptive bibliography of printed dictionaries and word lists containing German language (1600-1700)
Walter de Gruyter · Berlin · New York
© Printed on acid-free paper which falls within the guidelines of the ANSI to ensure permanence and durability.
IJbrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication-Data
Jones, William Jervis, 1941 German lexicography in the European context : a descriptive bibliography of printed dictionaries and word lists containing German language (1600 — 1700) / William Jervis Jones p. cm. - (Studia linguistica Germanica ; 58) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 3 11 016517 1 (alk. paper) 1. German language - Dictionaries — Bibliography. I. Tide. II. Series. Z2235.D6 J66 2000 [PF3611] 016.433'09'032-dc21
Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufiiahme
Jones, William Jervis: German lexicography in the European context : a descriptive bibliography of printed dictionaries and word lists containing German language (1600-1700) / William Jervis Jones. - Berlin ; New York : de Gruyter, 2000 (Studia linguistica Germanica ; 58) ISBN 3-11-016517-1
© Copyright 2000 by Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, D-10785 Berlin. All rights reserved, including those of translation into foreign languages. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in Germany Cover design: Christopher Schneider, Berlin Printing: Werner Hildebrand, Berlin Binding: Lüderitz & Bauer-GmbH, Berlin
To Peter Ganz
Preface List of libraries List of sources Bibliography: anonymous works Bibliography: authors
Index of languages
Index of classified dictionaries
Index of publishers and printers
Index of titles
Preface 1. Aims and principles This bibliography offers information on German-language dictionaries and word lists which appeared in print during the years 1600 to 1700 inclusive. Its provisional character needs immediately to be stressed, with regard to what it contains and what it lacks. As is well known, a bibliographer can hope, at best, to create an instrument that assists more often than it misleads, and to stimulate a process of improvement. But the present field, even to an experienced language historian, has proved to be of unexpected richness and complexity. Realistically, we can expect that for years ahead new items, new editions, and new or discrepant copies of known items, will continue to surface as scholars come to know this field better. My personal hope is that a second edition may yet allow me to expunge some of the shortcomings of the first. Meanwhile, like the Latin-German lexicographer Erich Weismann, I can only defer to the reader's better knowledge: 'Si quicquam irrepsit vitiorum, Candide Lector, Ipsemet squanimo corrige judicio' (Lexicon bipartitum, 1692). As this bibliography aims to show, German lexicography reached a high level of quality and quantity during the seventeenth century. In contact with broad European traditions, it drew especially on those of Italy, France and the Low Countries, extending polyglot and bilingual lexicography from these bases and applying it to German. Many works of the period clearly demonstrate this receptive process, whilst in other cases a growing measure of autonomy and innovation can be discerned. To be considered also is the role of German lexicography, as a catalyst and as a practical basis, for the description and codification of Scandinavian, East European and other languages. Thus, whilst focusing on dictionaries which contain German language material, this work by its very nature has assumed a strongly international character, in which the monolingual German dictionary is at this stage a rarity, and bi- or multilingualism the norm. We find ourselves dealing with some works in which the German component is of secondary importance, works which on the other hand may be of primary interest in other language disciplines that include Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, English, Hungarian, the Scandinavian, Baltic and Slavic languages,
Arabic and Turkish, and some more remote languages. Occasionally, the bibliography can be seen pointing well beyond Europe (even to Greenland and equatorial Africa), but the European context of its title is still at this stage decisive. Of over 30 languages listed alongside German in this period, the most frequent by far is Latin, followed by French and Italian. A variety of functions is evident in these works, spanning educational requirements, artistic aims, specialist usage, and practical everyday needs. Our lexicographical sources take on significance, not only as more or less descriptive reflections of older stages of language, and as testimonies to the evolution of linguistic and educational theory and method, but also as instruments working within their own time for stability and change, dissemination and mobility, and now historically relevant in fields such as epistemology, pedagogics, rhetoric, stylistics, language planning and standardisation. Classified dictionaries reveal widely varying attempts to structure the lexis according to semantic, grammatical or morphological criteria, as the relevant index at the end of this volume will show. A series of greater and lesser works gives us, through their prefaces and their internal structure, detailed insight into the aims and methods of teaching Latin and other languages. Our list includes some milestones in lexicography, monuments to language, as well as exemplars of the lexicographer's art and science. But reflected too are specific needs of practical language users, including traders, travellers and the growing body of specialists in a range of fields. Despite the acknowledged importance of our theme, scholars have been conscious for many years of the lack of a comprehensive history of Germanlanguage lexicography, and of serious inadequacies in the bibliographical coverage which must be its prerequisite. There are some notable exceptions, including the early researches of William Marsden (1796, 1827) and Johann Severin Vater (1847). Information on some 858 dictionaries printed before 1600 has long been available in Franz Claes's work of 1977, whilst for the period 1700-1800 a major source is the Bio-bibliographisches Handbuch edited by Herbert E. Brekle and his colleagues. Beyond 1800 again, a vast amount remains to be done in German lexicographical bibliography, despite some admirable items of more specific character. For the seventeenth century, there are many signs of weakness. Wolfram Zaunmüller's classic work of 1958, covering an immense range of languages in all periods, listed only about 50 items relevant to German from the years 1600-1700. Peter Kühn's classified bibliography of German dictionaries (1978) gave brief details of 2,703 works from earliest times to the present, but covering only some 30 of our items from the seventeenth century, so that even major lexicographers such as Levin Hulsius and Matthias Kramer are thinly represented. The reasons for such a deficiency in research are intrinsic, the subject proving intractable for a number of reasons, including the rarity and inacces-
sibility of copies. Dictionaries form a special case, with patterns of publication which are in some ways markedly different from most other text types. The prevalence of composite volumes and multiple (multilingual) titlepages complicates the bibliographer's task, since the same work may be found variously catalogued in different libraries. We note a significant number of anonymous works (about 15% of the total), and in many cases a lengthy series of (in part posthumously published) editions. Patterns of preservation are also distinctive. Designed often for use in practical circumstances, dictionaries were apt to disappear through wear and tear as well as theft, and older editions, if not worn out, were likely to have been discarded as newer ones became available. School texts and other humbler (but arguably more influential) publications have suffered badly in this way, whilst many of the more monumental works have survived relatively well. Both aspects of preservation must be allowed to weigh, if we are to form a balanced view of dictionary production and use. In general a research tool is needed, to provide the bibliographical infrastructure from which scholars might be encouraged to approach, or examine more fully, some advanced issues, for example the theoretical and pedagogic basis of these works, the processes of creation and revision which underlie them, questions of readership, function, distribution, reception and influence. For further discussion of some aspects, see Jones (1999a) and (1999b), though it should be noted that the appendix of short titles contained in the latter article (written in 1997) is now superseded. Included in the present bibliography are seventeenth-century editions of works which had already appeared prior to 1600. Excluded, on the other hand, are post-1700 editions of works listed here, though brief reference to later editions is included in the descriptions. The periodisation by century has no kind of programmatic basis: the inclusive time-span 1600-1700 has been adopted here only for reasons of practical convenience in a reference work. Powerful continuities exist, crossing the entire period from the fifteenth century onwards, so that it becomes one of the aims of our work to assist in clarifying such questions, by more fully documenting the inception and extinction of lexicographical traditions within the chosen time-frame, and by improving the basis from which affiliations and adaptations can be traced, and the history of lexicography gradually deduced. Much remains to be examined by scholars of the future, including the close comparison of entire works with a view to establishing indebtedness, revision, and print history. Repeatedly, the project has opened up avenues which, in the interests of its progress, I have had to defer exploring despite their promise: insights into lexicographical method and typology; internal macro- and microstructure; comparison of lemmata; questions of source and adaptation; print histories of specific works; studies of individual lexicographers; the dictionary
as a publisher's commodity; ownership, provenance and use of individual copies; dictionary preservation in libraries; the use made of dictionaries in schools. This bibliography is, of course, not intended to provide a descriptive and analytical history of dictionaries, necessary though this must remain, but rather to contribute to an inventarisation preparatory to that end. The concept of a 'lexicographical work' has been defined here rather generously. As a distinctive feature, but also as a matter of principle, this bibliography seeks to include, not only the integral dictionaries, but also the many larger or smaller word lists with a German component which appeared non-autonomously, contained within printed works of the period. Most of these are lists simply matching German lexis with that from another language, or defining German lexis in German or some other metalanguage. They command interest for various reasons, including the peculiar nature of the lexical subsets, and the context within which the lists were published. Attention has also been given to works of linguistically reflective or pedagogic character containing multilingual word indexes which include German. Included, therefore, are language teaching manuals with internal German word lists or word indexes, the key point being that such indexes were often advertised as serving the user 'in place of a dictionary', and sometimes even developed into true bi- or multilingual dictionaries. Word lists are included where they appear as running text, as well as when tabulated in conventional dictionary format with headwords. Excluded, on the other hand, are encyclopaedias where a specifically linguistic function is not apparent, also dictionaries of proper names, and dictionaries of proverbs and sentences, rather than words. In the descriptions, the term dictionary has been adopted as a generic, with the phrase word list sometimes used as the designation for a shorter listing of lexis. A more detailed typology, though it forms a research desideratum, has not been attempted here, as it was felt to be premature in an inventory of this kind. Thematically or grammatically classified dictionaries and word lists (traditionally called nomenclators) have been regularly included in the bibliography together with brief information on their internal structure, as an aid to identifying their provenance and affiliations, and perhaps also some aspects of their educational function. For objectivity and categorial simplicity, I have avoided the terms glossary, thesaurus and vocabulary in the descriptions. Alongside these purely practical measures, we should perhaps be reminded of an older typology, defined by Matthias Kramer, Allgemeiner Schau-Platz, 1672, fol. )(5 r (Wolfenbüttel HAB: Xb 2972): Wörter-Bücher seynd viererley: die Nomenclatura, das Dictionanum, das Lexicon, die Phraseologia (obschon Lexicon im Griechischen und Dictionarium im Lateinischen ein Ding bedeutet.)
Eine Nomenclatura ist / darinn die Wort / nach einer gewissen doch nicht alphabetischen Ordnung / ohne ein Particular-Register zu dem End ausgeführt seyn / damit der Schüler sich darinnen belesen / und sich allgemach dero angeregten Wörter bemächtigen solle / diese aber müssen / so viel möglich ist / einfache / unabgeleitete und ungedoppelte Stamm-Wörter seyn. Ein Dictionarium ist / worinnen alle / so wol einfache als gedoppelte Stamm- und abgeleitete / Schertz- und Ernst- Red- und Dicht- neue und alte Wörter nach alphabetischer Ordnung durcheinander angeführet sind / jedoch nicht zu dem End / damit einer darinn studire / sondern auf daß man der unbewusten und zweiffelhafftigen Wort-Bedeutung nachschlagen könne. Ein Lexicon ist / worinnen die einfache Stamm-Wörter nach dem A.B.C. eingerichtet seyn / aber unter ein jedes sein Aus- [fol. )(5V] wachs von abgeleiteten und gedoppelten Worten / beygesetzt wird / zu dem End / damit der Sprach-begierige sich darinnen ersehe / auch dergleichen in allen Begebenheiten nach bewährter Analogia formiren lerne / ein solches hat im Lateinischen gethan Andreas Corvinus, und im Griechischen Joannes Scapula. Eine Phraseologia ist / worinnen nicht alle / sondern nur gewisse Kern-Wörter nach alphabetischer Ordnung verzeichnet seynd / und bey einem jeden nicht nur schlechtlich gemeldt wird / was sie eigentlich und proprie bedeuten (denn das geschieht bey den obigen) sondern zu waserley Bedeutung und Gebrauch sie von ihren Lands-Leuten gezogen werden. Item was es für Sprüchwörter / Politische / Historische / und andere denckwürdige Stücke hierüber gibt / und was sonsten für Raritäten und Artlichkeiten die Sprache mit sich bringt: dieses Buch mag der Sprach-Kern genennet werden. Perceived movement across typological boundaries, as well as sensitivity to competing works, will be apparent from some titlepages. Ambrosius Calepinus's dictionary in the edition of Gendve and Lyon 1620 claims to have been augmented, 'adeö vt nunc, nouum hoc opus nouum nomen postulet, & iam, non CALEPINI DICTIONARIVM, sed THESAVRVS LINGVO L A T I N S dici mereatur'. Johannes Frisius's Dictionarium (Zürich 1666 and later) advertises itself as 'ita auctum, ut tum magni Dictionarii Frisiani aliquatenus, tum verö Lexici Janualis vicem ρΐεηέ explere possit'. The immense variety of dictionary types will be evident from the bibliography itself. Even in this early period, we find dictionaries of synonyms, word-families, phrases, rhymes, dialect, jargon, so-called foreign words, and specialised lexis (for example, theological, medical, philosophical, legal, musical, military, commercial, metallurgical, zoological and botanical). Further details are accessible in this bibliography through the appended index of languages. With regard to the German component, a broad varietal spectrum is evident from the titlepages, though such claims will always require substantiation in the work itself. Revealing also are the many cases where authors or publishers have combined dictionaries with other (in part
metalinguistic) text types, including grammars, conversations, technical works, and programmatic or moral tracts. Other insights will emerge almost unbidden from these pages, and only a few random examples can be cited: -
the multitude of unfamiliar lexicographical names;
the prolific output of Nathanael Duez, which is represented by over 50 issues, and, even so, has only been partly catalogued here (in its relevance to German);
some neglected works by Matthias Kramer and Kaspar Stieler;
some little-known High German and Low German editions of Nathan Chytraeus;
the variety of specialist German word lists;
the near-omnipresence of Latin;
the early inception of strong eighteenth-century traditions (e.g. Erich Weismann);
the role of Jesuit lexicographers (e.g. Paul Aler, Gregor Cnapius, Jakob Gretser, Francois Pomey, Wolfgang Schönsleder).
Generally, we gain a more balanced view of lexicographical interests and productivity across southern Germany, Switzerland and Austria, as well as in the north and centre of the German speech community. Titlepages to school texts often show them to have been intended for use in specific localities, including Augsburg, Bern, Görlitz, Gotha, Hamburg, Linz, Lübeck, Lüneburg, Merseburg, St Gallen, Strasbourg, Stuttgart, Wroclaw and Zürich. Special types of school dictionary come into focus, for instance the tradition of metrical, rhymed Latin-German dictionaries here represented by Johann Hilner, Gottfried Lange, Lucas Martini and Valentin Goetzius. The structuring of classified dictionaries (see the relevant index, pp. 726-8) is worthy of further consideration as a guide to pedagogic practice. For the first time in these listings, we can form a coherent picture of successive editions of standard texts, such as Basilius Faber's Thesaurus, Wolfgang Schönsleder's Promptuarium, and Joachim Zehner's Nomenclator. We can now recognise over 20 seventeenth-century editions of Petrus Dasypodius's Dictionarium, and fuller detail is available on other leading bi- and multilingual works of the period (e.g. the works of Levin Hulsius, Matthias Kramer, Georg Friedrich Messerschmid, Nicolas Mez, Francois Pomey, Giovanni di Veneroni), some of which had a complex print history, others of which are known only from one edition. Collations show much disparity in
length between the different parts of these works, with conclusions to be drawn about the relative status of the languages, and the intended function of the dictionary in the processes of encoding and decoding. Evidence has accumulated for massive publishing activity in the field of lexicography during these early years, including some lengthy print histories, the long-standing commitment of many printers and publishers, and some clear cases of (and reactions to) plagiarism. On numerous occasions it has been possible for us to differentiate variant editions of the same place and year, and to detect reissues of older editions. The incidence of titlepage variants should now lead us to investigate the underlying reasons (e.g. stoppress correction; re-setting; decisions taken during printing to increase the number of copies), and to examine specific cases with a view to deciding how far the observed variations continue into the body of the work. Finer bibliographical research of this kind can be expected to illuminate earlier processes of dictionary production and correction, under circumstances often obscure, but in some ways radically different from more modern expectations. The typesetting of a large dictionary, for example, would inevitably have been interrupted many times by pressure of more urgent work; and the use of standing type from one issue to the next was marginal, since no printer could afford to keep more than a few sheets in type at any one time. Further questions concern the economics of printing and marketing dictionaries, for example the sources of funding, the number of copies printed, the process of costing, and the selling price.
2. Bibliographical procedure We turn now to some practical aspects of our bibliographical procedure. The first section of the bibliography (pp. 1-92) is devoted to anonymous works. Then, under each author, the known (and reported) editions are normally listed in chronological order, though for clarity in the most extensive cases (Johann Amos Comenius, Nathanael Duez) it seemed preferable to list firstly by titles, and secondarily by date of publication. A similar procedure has been adopted with the six-, seven- and eight-language editions of the Colloquia et dictionariolum, the tradition of which stems from Noel de Barlaimont in the sixteenth century, though the extended versions of the work are here listed as anonymous, as they were generally marketed and perceived in the seventeenth century. My aim has been to examine at least one copy of each edition in the original, or, failing this, by (partial) photographic copy. In practice, I have frequently seen more than one copy of a particular edition. Autopsy is indicated by the symbol i r against the name of the holding library (or against the
shelfmark, if that library holds more than one copy). About 1,200 volumes were so examined. Where it was necessary to use photographic copies, these are indicated with the symbol · , which occurs in approximately 550 cases. If neither of these signs appears in the list of libraries believed to be holding the work in question, the entry relies on secondary sources only, and in such instances (some 180 in number, or 15% of entries), the titles are enclosed in angle brackets ( ); moreover, in about 115 of these cases, no copy whatever is as yet known to me. Multiple copies in holding libraries are normally indicated by linking the shelfmarks with [and]. Compilation of the bibliography has made use of many secondary sources, including earlier bibliographies, library catalogues, and scholarly monographs and articles; references are given in the entries themselves, and in the list of sources. The following computer catalogues were of particular service: COPAC Gemeinsamer Bibliotheksverbund (GBV) Verbundkatalog Nordrhein-Westfalen Hochschulbibliothekszentrum des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (HBZ) Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund (SWB) (from BSZ) Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog (KVK) Bibliotheksverbund Bayern (BVB) Hessisches Bibliotheks-Informationssystem (HEBIS). Alphabetischer Zentralkatalog Zürich (AZK). Important microfiche catalogues were consulted, especially for the Staatsbibliothek Berlin, Franckesche Stiftungen Halle, Det Kongelige Biblioteek K0benhavn, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, and Universitätsbibliothek Wien (published by Olms Verlag, Hildesheim). The hoped-for completion of the project VD17 can be expected to add much to our knowledge of the lexicographical field, and take us well beyond this bibliography. Special acknowledgement is due to the published bibliographies and catalogues of Nicole Bingen, Martin Bircher, Gerhard Dünnhaupt, Albert Labarre, Claudine Moulin-Fankhänel, Karl F. Otto, David Paisey, Kurt Pilz, Gabriele Stein and Emma Urbänkovä, also to the Catalogue generale des livres imprints de la BibliotMque Nationale and the National Union Catalogue. Information on library locations and shelfmarks has been partly derived from secondary sources (postal enquiries; printed, microfiche and electronic catalogues; selected secondary literature), and it is therefore to be treated with caution, even though I have sifted and discarded some old and unreliable location references. Except where they are here shown to have been corroborated by personal inspection or photographic copies, the listings of holding libraries are to be regarded as summarising and supplementing the state of existing information, rather than as a definitive statement. By no means all of the
libraries named have been searched systematically, and some items will have been wrongly reported, or will since have gone missing. In only a very few libraries have I had the privilege of searching the book stacks themselves. With regard to the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, I have included information from the old author catalogue (abbreviation: AK1) and the Alter Realkatalog (ARK) as a bibliographical record, but in the knowledge that many of these works have been destroyed or lost - and in the hope that some of these items may one day be restored to this library. Where copies do survive in the Staatsbibliothek, I have indicated their present location using the labels 'Haus 1' (Unter den Linden) and 'Haus 2' (Potsdamer Straße); otherwise, I have used the label [formerly]. The following standard abbreviations were used: acc. ca. cat. cf. col., cols. e.g. ff. fol., fols. i.e. n.d. n.p. no., nos. p., pp. pr. publ. vol., vols.
according (to) circa catalogue compare column(s) for example (and) following folio(s), leaves that is no date no place number(s) page(s) printer(s) publisher(s) volume(s).
In about 10% of cases, no copy has been found. It must be left to future researchers to judge how many of these are older or newer bibliographical ghosts resulting from inaccurate information, and how many are genuine editions. I confess that my credulity on this point has grown in the course of this project. So many lexicographical works have been found to exist marginally in very few copies, and in our present state of knowledge we may be too ready to dismiss unattested editions as illusory. Our coverage of modest and regionally specific school texts, for example, is doubtless still very incomplete, as is that of the 'hidden', non-autonomous word lists. At least, the bibliography should assist a more targeted approach to such cases. I have also included the negative results of some of my searches, to save future duplication of effort.
In the short-title headings (bold), places of publication have been arbitrarily and perhaps anachronistically standardised using their present-day local forms. In transcripts of the titlepages themselves, the imprints are, of course, reproduced as in the original texts, where available. Titlepages have been cited selectively in some lengthier cases. The phrase 'engraved titlepage' is used to cover copperplate and xylographic titles, including those with some text in letterpress. Other decorative devices, rules and illustrations, the use of red and black type, and running titles, have in general been ignored. Abbreviations such as [F-G-I-L] are used to denote the various parts of a multilingual dictionary (in this case French-German-Italian-Latin). Titles and colophons printed mostly in Fraktur have been reproduced in roman type, with italics employed to denote the contrasting use of roman or italic. The sign q; has been resolved as q[ue]. In roman dates, a turned C appears as D . Square brackets in the original have been reproduced as double brackets [ and 1. Single square brackets [ ] are reserved for editorial comments. In Fraktur, capital I and J have both been transcribed as I or J in accordance with modern conventions. No attempt has been made to distinguish inverted r or long s, nor to replicate ligatures and swash italics, nor to differentiate between the single and double hyphen, nor to reproduce different type sizes, except that a larger I (standing for the termination -II as in ALTDORFI) has been rendered in bold (so ALTDORFI). The older abbreviation for 'etc.' with a special inverted r has been reproduced as: rc. Line breaks are indicated with the symbol j. Hyphenation in the transcription of titlepages reflects that of the original using the symbol ~ but in addition it has occasionally been necessary for typographical reasons to split longer words; in such cases a normal hyphen - is used. The symbol = has been used to separate contrasting textual variants where these are relevant in the descriptions. Collations, when available, have been presented in a simplified form, primarily using page, folio or column numbers, and only in other cases using signatures. Preliminary matter that is unnumbered and signed non-alphabetically (for example with asterisks, brackets, pilcrows or other special sorts) has been indicated using page counts in square brackets. Indexes have been described separately. Collations obtained at second hand have the source appended in brackets. For the description of languages, and in the index of languages, Flemish and Netherlandic Dutch have been labelled indifferently as Dutch. Low German has been flagged as a distinct language where this is clear from the work itself. Listings of secondary literature are certainly not intended as exhaustive; they function rather as an acknowledgement of the sources partly used in constructing the bibliographical entry, or in providing supporting material for it.
The provisional state of the bibliography is reflected in different levels of cataloguing detail (with the relevant percentage of entries added in brackets): (1)
description based on autopsy (64%)
titlepages photographed; collation derived from secondary sources (or absent) (21%)
information (including reported location) derived from secondary sources (5%)
information from secondary sources; no copy as yet located (10%).
It is my hope that detail can be strengthened, and greater uniformity achieved, in a later edition of this work, which should be augmented with a supplementary volume of facsimile titlepages and 'fingerprint' extracts from the works. Also planned is an electronic version of these listings.
3. Acknowledgements This project has made intensive and troublesome demands on the staff of a large number of libraries. I am glad here to acknowledge their unfailing patience, courtesy and co-operation in making works available in their libraries, sometimes at very short notice, and in dealing so promptly and generously with postal, photographic and other requests. I am greatly indebted to the professionalism and friendliness of staff in those libraries in which I have worked most intensively, including the Staatsbibliothek (Berlin), Sächsische Landes- und Universitätsbibliothek (Dresden), Niedersächsische Staatsund Universitätsbibliothek (Göttingen), British Library (London), Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Universitätsbibliothek(Munich), Württembergische Landesbibliothek(Stuttgart),ÖsterreichischeNationalbibliothek(Vienna), Universitätsbibliothek (Vienna) and Herzog August Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel). Also of central importance to the project was the support and encouragement received from colleagues at the Institute of Germanic Studies, University of London, including its Librarian, Mr William Abbey, and its Deputy Director, Professor John L. Flood. Space does not allow me to thank individually the staff of many other libraries who have actively helped me, and to whom bibliographical enquiries of this kind are cumulatively no less of a burden. I regret, but can for the most part well understand, that in a few cases no response to my enquiries was found possible. Information was gratefully received from a number of regional catalogues: Zentralkatalog Baden-Württemberg; Bayerischer Zentralkatalog; Berliner Ge-
samtkatalog; Norddeutscher Zentralkatalog; Hessischer Zentralkatalog; Zentralkatalog Nordrhein-Westfalen; Zentralkatalog Dresden; Zentralkatalog Sachsen-Anhalt; Thüringer Zentralkatalog Jena. I am grateful to the following persons who have supplied information and given practical support to the project in various ways: Frau Astrid Acheampong (Hameln), Professor Jeremy Adler and Mrs Eva Adler (London), Frau Mareile Alferi (Halle), Dr Mark Allinson (London), Mrs Jean Archibald (Edinburgh), Dr Anezka Badurova (Prague), Ms Judith Baläzs (Budapest), Mr Bart Op de Beeck (Brussels), Prälat Dr. S. Benker (Freising), Dr Nicholas Bennett (Lincoln), PhDr. Eva Berndorffovä (Prague), Frau Karin Berst (Darmstadt), Dr Karl-Ferdinand Besselmann (Cologne), M. Bruno Blasselle (Paris), Frau Anne Boeck (Trier), Mr Wilco van den Brink (The Hague), Herr Η. Burckhardt (Konstanz), Sgr. Giusi Ceresoli (Bergamo), Frau Cordula Cibis-Spicale (Cologne), Dr Cyntha (Clausthal), Professor Martin Durrell (Manchester), Sg.ra Paola Errani (Bergamo), Miss Suzanne M. Eward (Salisbury), Frau Soelve Faja (Leipzig), Dr Leonardo Farinelli (Parma), Frau Gerlinde Frank (Erlangen-Nürnberg), Dr Berthold Friemel (Berlin), Professor Dr Udo Fries (Zürich), Dr Andreas Gardt (Heidelberg), Frau C. Gärtner (Braunschweig), Frau Dagmar Gengnagel (Jena), Frau Annette Gerlach (Gotha), Dr Thomas Gloning (Giessen), Mrs Sarah A. L. Gray (Canterbury), Dr Stephen Gundle (London), Herr Rolf Μ. Hasse (Hannover), Dr Winfried Hagenmaier (Freiburg), P. Franz Karl Heinemann (Hennef), Herr OStR Η. Hesse (Konstanz), Mrs Sheila Hingley (Canterbury), Mrs Luisa Hodgkinson (London), Herr Henrik Hofer (Berlin), Herr Christian Hogrefe (Wolfenbüttel), Frau Gisela Holzhüter (Donaueschingen), Professor Werner Hüllen (Essen), Ms Jill Hughes (Oxford), Dr Stanislaw Kaminski (Warsaw), Mgr E. Kazmierczak (Wroclaw), Frau M. Kerader (Xanten), Dr Rainer-Maria Kiel (Bayreuth), Professor Alan C. Kirkness (Auckland), Frau Monica Klaus (Bonn), I. Klekere (Riga), Frau Felicitas Knoppke (Stralsund), Frau Sigrid Kohlmann (Erlangen), Frau Gisela Krause (Tübingen), Herr Krause (Leipzig), Frau L. Künstling (Leipzig), Ms Margaret Kulis (Chicago), Mme Jacqueline Labaste (Paris), Dr Andrzej Ladomirski (Wroclaw), Frau Roswitha Lambertz (Überlingen), Dr Lotti Lamprecht (Zürich), Frau Katrin Lehmann (Weimar), Herr Wolf-Dieter Lepiorz (Witten), Herr Hanno Lietz (Rostock), Professor Leonhard Lipka (Munich), Herr Walter Lipp (Amberg), Frau G. Lobe-Röder (Fulda), Mme Marie-Claude Loup (Geneva), Dott.ssa Vera Martinoli (Florence), Frau Andrea Mielke (Lübeck), Ms Susan Moore (London), Frau Anke Müller (Halle), Herr R. Müller (Lüneburg), Frau C. Müllmann (Münster), PhDr FrantiSek Noväk (Brno), Frau Ottermann (Mainz), Frau Angelika Pabel (Würzburg), Dr Marta Parnowska (Warsaw), Dott. Carlo Pastena (Palermo), Dr Maria Pelczar (Gdaüsk), Dr Christine Petrick (Greifswald), Dr hab. Zdzislaw Pietrzyk (Kraköw), Professor Dr lipo T. Piirainen (Münster),
Herr Jürgen Porkert (Wiesbaden), Frau Inga Post (Hannover), Mr Duncan Powell (Reading), Dr Felicity J. Rash (London), Mag. Lotte Riedlsperger (Salzburg), Frau Corinna Roeder (Emden), Dr Hermann Rolke (Ellwangen), Dott. Marco Salerno (Palermo), Ms Katie Sambrook (London), Herr Manfred Sawallich (Aachen), Dr Edith Schipper (Munich), Herr Hermann-Josef Schmalor (Paderborn), Frau Gabi Schwitalla (Weimar), Herr Marius Schulten (Bad Münstereifel), Ms Ann Simmons (Dublin), Dr Anna Simoni (London), Dr Eberhard Slenczka (Nürnberg), Herr Michael Stanske (Heidelberg), Mr Christopher Stanwood (Philadelphia), Professor Dr Gabriele Stein (Heidelberg), Frau Sigrid Stein (Dresden), Frau Ellen Stöckle (Karlsruhe), Frau Carmen Strobel (Rostock), Frau Anke Strohmeier (Rastatt), Dott.ssa Rosalba Suriano (Padua), Ms Mimi Tashiro (Stanford), Frau Karin Teichmann (Heidelberg), Mr Ted Teodoro (New York), Mr Peter Thomas (Exeter), Dr David E. Vancil (Terre Haute), Mr Dennis J. Vetrovec (Terre Haute), Rev. David J. Wartluft (Philadelphia), Dr Rolf-Jürgen Wegener (Schwerin), Frau Sandra Weidmann (Zürich), Mr Christopher J. Wells (Oxford), Dr Jon West (Newcastle upon Tyne), Herr Werner Wiele (Berlin), Dr Else M. Wischermann (Kiel), Dr Agnes Wojtilla-Salgö (Budapest), Dr David N. Yeandle (London), Frau Inis Zürner (Zwickau). My work was assisted by substantial grants for study leave and research expenses from the Arts and Humanities Research Board, the British Academy, and the University of London Central Research Fund. For enabling me to take study leave, and for encouraging and assisting my research in many other ways, my warm thanks go to my Head of Department, Mäire Davies, and to all our colleagues in the Department of German, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London. In preparing this work for publication, it has been a pleasure to receive the support of Dr Volker Gebhardt, Herr Peter Franzkowiak, Frau Susanne Rade, Dr Brigitte Schöning and their colleagues at Walter de Gruyter Verlag. As always, I am deeply indebted to my wife Val for her patience and support during the compilation of this bibliography. Writing now late in the twentieth century, and late in an academic career, I would like to offer the volume, however imperfect, as a small contribution to the massive process of international reconstruction, which the century's sad history has continued to render necessary, but also given us in its closing decade new technical means and increased opportunities to pursue. December 1999
William Jervis Jones Royal Holloway and Bedford New College University of London
List of libraries Aachen, Bibliothek der Technischen Hochschule = BTH Aachen, Öffentliche Bibliothek = ÖB Aalen, Fachhochschule, Bibliothek = FHS Aarau, Aargauische Kantonsbibliothek = KB Aberdeen, University Library = UL Admont, Stiftsbibliothek = SB Ajaccio, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Alengon, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Amberg, Staatliche Bibliothek (Provinzialbibliothek) = SB Amiens, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Amsterdam, Theosofische Vereniging = TV Amsterdam, Universiteitsbibliotheek = UB Angers, Bibliotheque de la Ville = BV Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Library = UML Ansbach, Staatliche Bibliothek = SB Antwerpen, Museum Plantin-Moretus, Bibliotheek = MPM Antwerpen, Ruusbroecgenootschap = RG Antwerpen, Stadsbibliotheek = SB Aschaffenburg, Hofbibliothek = HB Athina, Ethnike Bibliotheke tes Hellados = EB Augsburg, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek = SSB Augsburg, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Aurich, Ostfriesische Landschaftsbibliothek = OLB Austin, University of Texas, Library = UTL Auxerre, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Avignon, Bibliotheque Calvet, see Avignon BM Avignon, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Avranches, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Bad Münstereifel, Lehrerbücherei des St Michael-Gymnasiums = LG Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University, Library = JHUL Baltimore, Peabody Institute = PI Bamberg, Bibliotheca Tiliana = BT Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek = SB Bamberg, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Barcelona, Arxiu Historie de la Ciutat, Biblioteca = BAH Barcelona, Biblioteca Central de la Diputacion Provincial de Barcelona (Biblioteca de Cataluna) = BC Barcelona, Biblioteca Universitaria = BU
List of libraries
Bari, Biblioteca Nazionale Sagarriga Visconti Volpi = BN Basel, Öffentliche Bibliothek der Universität = ÖBU Bayeux, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Bayreuth, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Beaune, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Beltsville (Maryland), National Agricultural Library = NAL Bergamo, Biblioteca Civica Angelo Mai = BC Berkeley, University of California at Berkeley, Library = UCL Berlin, Bibliothek der Freien Universität = FUB Berlin, Bibliothek der Humboldt-Universität = HUB Berlin, Kunstbibliothek der Staatlichen Museen, Preußischer Kulturbesitz = KSM Berlin, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz = SB (Haus 1, Haus 2) Bern, Eidgenössische Militärbibliothek = EMB Bern, Schweizerische Landesbibliothek = SLB Bern, Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek = SUB Bernay, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Besanfon, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Bethesda (Maryland), National Library of Medicine = NLM Bethlehem (Pennsylvania), Lehigh University Library = LUL Beziers, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Bielefeld, Bibliothek des Städtischen Ratsgymnasiums = BSR Blois, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Bloomington, Indiana University Libraries = IUL Bloomington, Wesleyan University, Library = WUL Bologna, Biblioteca Communale = BC Bologna, Biblioteca del Conservatorio = BdC Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria = BU Bonn, Universität, Forschungsstelle Frühneuhochdeutsch = FF Bonn, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek = ULB Bordeaux, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Bordeaux, Bibliotheque de l'Universite = BU Boston, Athenaeum = Ath. Boston, Public Library = PL Boulder, University of Colorado, Library = UCL Boulogne-sur-Mer, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Bourg-en-Bresse, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Bourges, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Bourges, Societe d'Archeologie et d'Histoire du Berry = SA Bratislava, Slovenskä akademia vied, Ustredna kniznica = SAV Bratislava, Slovenskä pedagogickä kniznica = SPK Bratislava, Univerzitnä kniznica = UK Braunschweig, Stadtbibliothek = SB Braunschweig, Bibliothek der Technischen Universität = TUB Bremen, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek = SUB Brescia, Biblioteca Queriniana = BQ Brest, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM
List of libraries
Bristol, University Library = UL Brno, Archiv mesta = AM Brno, Moravsky zemsky archiv = MZA Brno, Moravskä zemskä knihovna = MZK Brno, Slovansky seminar Masarykovy university = SS Brugge, Stadsbibliotheek = SB Brunswick (Maine), Bowdoin College Library = BCL Brüssel, Bibliotheque du Conservatoire Royal de Musique = BCRM Brüssel, Koninklijke Bibliotheek van Belgie - Bibliotheque Royale de Belgique = KB Bryn Athyn (Pennsylvania), Academy of the New Church = ANC Budapest, Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia Könyvtara = MTA Budapest, Orszägos Szechenyi Könyvtar = OSK Budapest, Eötvös Loränd Tudomänyegyetem, Egyetemi Könyvtar = TK Buffalo and Erie County Public Library, Grosvenor Reference Division = PL Burgsteinfurt, Bibliothek des Gymnasium Arnoldinum = BGA Bydgoszcz, Wojewodzka i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna = MB Cagliari, Biblioteca Universitaria = BU Cahors, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM California (Berkeley), see Berkeley California State Library, see Sacramento Cambridge, Emmanuel College = EC Cambridge, Pembroke College = PC Cambridge, Queens' College = QC Cambridge, St John's College = SJC Cambridge, Trinity College = TC Cambridge, University Library = UL Cambridge (Massachusetts), see Harvard Camerino, Liceo Classico = LC Canberra, National Library of Australia = NLA Canterbury, Cathedral Library = CL Carpentras, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Carlisle (England), Cathedral Library = CL Carlisle (Pennsylvania), Dickinson College = DC Catania, Biblioteca Comunale = BC Celle, Bibliothek des Oberlandesgerichtes = BOLG Cesena, Istituzione Biblioteca Malatestiana = BM Chalon-sur-Saöne, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Chantilly (Gouvieux), Bibliotheque des Seminaires 'Les Fontaines' = LF Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina, Library = UNCL Charlottesville, University of Virginia, Library = UVL Chateauroux, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Chaumont, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Chicago, Center for Research Libraries = CRL Chicago, Regenstein Library, University of Chicago = CUR Chicago, John Crerar Library = JCR Chicago, Newberry Library = NL
List of libraries
Chicago, University Library = UL Chicago Circle, University of Illinois, Library = UIL Chichester, Cathedral Library = CL Chur, Kantonsbibliothek Graubünden = KBG Cincinnati, Hebrew Union College = HUC Cincinnati, Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County = PL Claremont (California), College Libraries = CL Clausthal. Kirchenbibliothek (Calvörsche Bibliothek) = KB Clausthal, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Cleveland (Ohio), Case Western Reserve University, Library = CWRUL Cleveland (Ohio), Public Library = PL Cluj-Napoca, Biblioteca Centralä Universitarä = BU Coburg, Landesbibliothek = LB Coimbra, Universidade, Biblioteca = BU Cologny, Bibliotheca Bodmeriana = BB Columbia, University of Missouri, Library = UML Columbia University (New York), see New York, Columbia University Library Columbus, Ohio State University, Library = OSUL Cornell (Ithaca), University Library = UL Corvallis, Oregon State University Library = OSUL Courtrai, see Kortrijk Cremona, Biblioteca Governativa = BG Darmstadt, Hessische Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek = HLHB Davis, University of California, Library = UCL Debrecen, Kossuth Lajos Tudomänyegyetem, Könyvtara = TK Debrecen, Tiszäntuli Reformätus Egyhäzkerület Nagykönyvtara = TREN Delaware, University of, see Newark Denver (Colorado), Public Library = PL Detmold, Lippische Landesbibliothek = LLB Detroit, Wayne State University, Library = WSUL Dillingen, Studienbibliothek = SB Dole, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Donaueschingen, Fürstlich Fürstenbergische Hofbibliothek = FFHB Dortmund, Bibliothek des Landesoberbergamtes = BLO Dortmund, Stadt- und Landesbibliothek = SLB Dortmund, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Draguignan, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Dresden, Militärbibliothek = MB Dresden, Sächsische Landes- und Universitätsbibliothek = SLUB Dublin, Archbishop Marsh's Library = ML Dublin, Trinity College = TC Duisburg, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Duke University (Durham, North Carolina), Library = UL Durham (England), Cathedral Library = CL Durham (England), Palace Green Library = PGL Durham (England), University Library = UL
List of libraries
Durham (England), Ushaw College = UC Durham (North Carolina), see Duke UL Düsseldorf, Bibliothek des Städtischen Görres-Gymnasiums = BSGG Düsseldorf, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek = ULB Düsseldorf, Zentralbibliothek der Bundeswehr, see now Dresden MB East Lansing, see Michigan Edinburgh, Advocates' Library = AL Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland = NL Edinburgh, Reid Library = RL Edinburgh, University Library = UL Eichstätt, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Einsiedeln, Stiftsbibliothek = SB Ellwangen, Peutinger-Gymnasium = PG Ely, Cathedral Library = CL Emden, Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek, Große Kirche = BGK Enid (Oklahoma), Graduate Seminary Library = GSL Erfurt, Wissenschaftliche Allgemeinbibliothek der Stadt = WAB Erlangen, Institut für Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft = IAS Erlangen-Nürnberg, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Escorial, see San Lorenzo Essen, Bergbau-Bücherei = BB Essen, Stadtbibliothek = SB Eugene (Oregon), Oregon University Library = OUL Evanston (Illinois), Northwestern University, Library = NWUL Exeter, Cathedral Library = CL Fano, Biblioteca Comunale Federiciana = BC Fermo, Biblioteca Comunale = BC Ferrara, Biblioteca Comunale Ariostea = BC Firenze, Biblioteca Marucelliana = BMar Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea = BMed Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale = BNC Firenze, Biblioteca Riccardiana = BR Firenze, Universita, Biblioteca = BU Frankfurt am Main, Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Freiberg (Thüringen), Bergakademie = BA Freiburg im Breisgau, Universität, Romanisches Seminar = RS Freiburg im Breisgau, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Freising, Dombibliothek (Diözesanbibliothek des Erzbistums München und Freising) = DB Fulda, Hessische Landesbibliothek = HLB Gdansk, Biblioteka Gdafiska - Polska Akademia Nauk = BPAN Geneve, Bibliotheque d'Art et Archeologie = BAA Geneve, Bibliotheque des Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la Ville = BCJB Geneve, Bibliotheque Publique et Universitaire = BPU Genova, Biblioteca Civica = BC Genova, Biblioteca Universitaria = BU
List of libraries
Gent, Bibliotheek der Universiteit = BU Gießen, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Glasgow, Euing Musical Library = EML Glasgow, University Library = UL Gloucester, Cathedral Library = CL Goslar, Marktkirchenbibliothek = MK Göteborg, Stadsbibliotek = SB Göteborg, Universitetsbibliotek = UB Gotha, Forschungs- und Landesbibliothek = F L B Göttingen, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek = NSUB 's-Gravenhage, see Haag Graz, Steiermärkische Landesbibliothek = SLB Graz, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Greifswald, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Grenoble, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Groningen, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit = BR Haag, Gemeente Museum = GM Haag, Koninklijke Bibliotheek = KB Haarlem, Stadsbibliotheek = SB Halle, Hauptbibliothek der Franckeschen Stiftungen = FS Halle, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt = ULB Hamburg, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek = SUB Hameln, Bibliothek der Schiller-Schule = BSS Hameln, Stadtbücherei = SB Hannover, Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek = NSLB Hannover, Stadtbibliothek = SB Hannover, Universitätsbibliothek - Technische Informationsbibliothek = UB/TIB Hannover, Wehrbereichsbibliothek = WBB Harvard University, Arnold Arboretum = A A Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration, Library = GSBA Harvard University, Law School Library = LSL Harvard University Library = UL Heilbronn, Musiksammlung, Stadtarchiv = SA/MS Heidelberg, Deutsches Apothekenmuseum = DAM Heidelberg, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Helmstedt, Ehem. Universitätsbibliothek im Juleum = UBJ Helsinki, Yliopiston Kiijasto = Y K Hennef, Bibliothek der Philosophisch-Theologischen Hochschule CSsR = BPTH Herborn, Bibliothek des Evangelisch-Theologischen Seminars = BETS Hereford, Cathedral Library = CL 's-Hertogenbosch, Provinciaal Genootschap van Künsten en Wetenschappen in NoordBrabant = PGKW Hildesheim, Dombibliothek = DB Hildesheim, Stadtarchiv = SA Hildesheim, Stadtbibliothek = SB Hildesheim/Holzminden, Fachhochschule, Bibliothek = FHS
List of libraries
Hof/Saale, Bibliothek des Jean-Paul-Gymnasiums = BJPG Houston (Texas), Rice University Library = R U L Ia§i, Universitatea, Biblioteca = BU Indiana State University Library, see Terre Haute Indiana University Libraries, see Bloomington Innsbruck, Servitenkloster = S K Innsbruck, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Iowa City, Iowa University Library = IUL Ipswich, Public Library = PL Ithaca, see Cornell Jena, Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek = T U L B Kaliningrad, Kaliningradskij Gosudarstvennyi Universitet, Nauenaya Biblioteka = NB Kamenz, Stadtarchiv = SA Kansas, see Lawrence Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek = B L B Kassel, Gesamthochschul-Bibliothek, Landesbibliothek = GHS/LB Kent (Ohio), State University Library = SUL Kevelaer, Oratorianer-Bibliothek = OB Kezmarok, Evanjelicky a.v. Cirkevny Zbor, Lyceälna kniznica = K E L Kiel, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Kielce, Biblioteka Seminarium Duchownego = BSD Klagenfurt, Bundesstaatliche Studienbibliothek = BSB Klosterneuburg, Stiftsbibliothek = SB Knoxville, University of Tennessee, Library = UTL Kebenhavn, Carl Claudius' musikhistoriske samling = CMS K0benhavn, Det Kongelige Biblioteek = KB Kabenhavn, Universitetsbiblioteek = UB Koblenz, Stadtbibliothek = SB Köln, Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Medizin = DZBM Köln, Diözesan- und Dombibliothek = DDB Köln, Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek = USB Konstanz, Heinrich-Suso-Gymnasium = HSG Konstanz, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Kornik, Polska Akademia Nauk - Biblioteka Kornicka = BK Kortrijk, Stedelijke Openbare Bibliotheek = SOB Krakow, Uniwersytet Jagiellodska, Biblioteka Jagiellofiska = BJ Krakow, Biblioteka Czartoryskich, Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie = B M C Krakow, Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, Biblioteka = Β NM Kremsmünster, Stiftsbibliothek = SB La Rochelle, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Laon, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Latrobe, Saint Vincent College and Archabbey, Library = SVC Laubach, Gräflich Solms-Laubach'sche Bibliothek = GSLB Lausanne, Bibliotheque Cantonale et Universitaire = BCU Lawrence, University of Kansas, Library = UKL Le Havre, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM
List of libraries
Le Mans, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Leeds, Brotherton Library, see Leeds UL Leeds, University Library = UL Leeuwarden, Provinciale Bibliotheek (Friesland) = PB Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit = BR Leiden, Bibliotheca Thysiana = BT Leiden, Bibliotheek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde = M N L Leipzig, Comenius-Bücherei, see Leipzig UB Leipzig, Städtische Bibliotheken - Musikbibliothek = MB Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Leningrad, see St Petersburg Levoca, Evanjelickä Cirkevna Kniznica = ECK Lexington (Kentucky), University of Kentucky, Library = UKL Lichfield, Cathedral Library = C L Liege, Bibliotheque du Conservatoire = BC Liege, Bibliotheque de l'Universite = BU Lille, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Lille, Bibliotheque Universitäre = BU Lincoln, Cathedral Library = C L Lindau, Stadtbibliothek = SB Linköping, Stifts- och landsbibliotek = SLB Linköping, Universitetsbibliotek = UB Linz, Bundesstaatliche Studienbibliothek = BSB Linz, Kapuzinerbibliothek, Museum der Stadt Linz = MSL Lisboa, Academia = AS Lisboa, Instituto da Biblioteca Nacional e do Livro = BN Liverpool, Public Library = PL Liverpool, University Library = UL Ljubljana, Narodna in Univerzitetna Knjiznica = NUK Lodi, Biblioteca Comunale Laudense = BC Lodz, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka = BU London, British Library = B L London, Dulwich College, Library = DC London, Dr. Williams' Library = DWL London, Guildhall Library = GL London, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Library = ICAEW London, Institute of Germanic Studies, School of Advanced Study = IGS London, King's College Library = KC London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, Library = QMW London, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, Library = RHBNC London, Society of Antiquaries = SA London, Sion College, Library = SC London, University of London Library, Senate House = SH London, St Paul's Cathedral Library = SPCL London, University College Library = UC London, Wellcome Historical Medical Library = WHML
List of libraries
London, Warburg Institute = WI Los Angeles, University of California, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library = CML Los Angeles, University of California, Library = UCL Los Angeles, University of South California, Library = USCL Louvain, Bibliotheque de l'Universite Catholique = BUC Lübeck, Bibliothek der Hansestadt = BH Lucca, Biblioteca Governativa = BG Lucca, Biblioteca Statale = BS Lugano, Biblioteca Cantonale = BC Lund, Universitetsbibliotek = UB Lüneburg, Ratsbücherei = RB Luxembourg, Bibliotheque Nationale = BN Luzern, Zentralbibliothek = ZB Lyon, Bibliotheque Municipale (Bibliotheque de la Ville) = BM Maastricht, Gementearchief = GA Madison, University of Wisconsin, Library = UWL Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional = BN Mainz, Stadtbibliothek = SB Manchester, Chetham's School, Library = CSL Manchester, City Central Reference Library = CCRL Manchester, Deansgate Library, see Manchester JRUL Manchester, John Rylands University Library = JRUL Manchester, Public Library, see Manchester CCRL Mannheim, Institut für deutsche Sprache = IDS Mannheim, Stadtbücherei = SB Mannheim, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Mantova, Biblioteca Comunale = BC Marburg, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Martin, Matica Slovenskä, Slovenskä Närodnä Kniznica = MS Meadville (Pennsylvania), Allegheny College = AC Melk, Stiftsbibliothek = SB Mende, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Messina, Biblioteca Universitaria = BU Metten, Bibliothek der Abtei = BA Michigan, see Ann Arbor Michigan State University Library, East Lansing = SUL Middelburg, Provinciale Bibliotheek = PB Middletown (Connecticut), Wesleyan University, Library = WUL Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana = BA Milano, Biblioteca Civica = BC Milano, Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense = BNB Milano, Biblioteca Trivulziana = BT Milano, Biblioteca Universitaria = BU Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Library = UML Mississippi State University, Library = SUL
List of libraries
Mlada Boleslav, Mestsky archiv = MA Modena, Biblioteca Estense = BE Möns, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Möns, Universite, Bibliotheque = BU Montauban, Bibliotheque de la Faculte de Theologie Protestante = BFTP Montbeliard, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Montpellier, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Montpellier, Bibliotheque Universitaire = BU München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek = BSB München, Stadtbibliothek = SB München, Technische Universität, Bibliothek = TUB München, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Münster, Santini-Bibliothek im Bischöflichen Priesterseminar = SB/BPS Münster, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek = ULB Namur, Bibliotheque Universitaire Moretus Plantin = BUMP Nancy, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Nancy, Tresor de la Langue Fran?aise = TLF Nantes, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III = BN Napoli, Biblioteca Universitaria = BU Nashville (Tennessee), Joint University Libraries = JUL Nettetal, Bibliothek des ehemaligen Birgittenklosters Nettetal-Kaldenkirchen = BBK Neuburg/Donau, Staatliche Bibliothek - Provinzialbibliothek = SB/PB Newark, University of Delaware, Library = UDL Newark (New Jersey), Public Library = PL Newcastle upon Tyne, King's College Library = KCL Newcastle upon Tyne, Public Library = PL Newcastle upon Tyne, University Library = UL New Brunswick, Rutgers University, Library = RUL New Brunswick, Theological Seminary = TS New Haven, see Yale New York, Academy of Medicine = AM New York, Botanical Garden = BG New York, Columbia University, Library = CUL New York, Columbia University Teachers' College, Library = CUTC New York, Hispanic Society of America = HSA New York, Public Library = PL New York, Pierpont Morgan Library = PML Nijmegen, Bibliotheek der Universiteit = BU Nijmegen, Collegium Berchmanianum = CB Nimes, Bibliotheque Seguier = BS Niort, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Norman, Oklahoma University Library = OUL Northampton (Massachusetts), Smith College = SC Novara, Biblioteca Civica = BC Nürnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Bibliothek = GNM
List of libraries
Nürnberg, Landeskirchliches Archiv der Ev.-Luth. Kirche in Bayern, Bibliothek = LA Nürnberg, Stadtbibliothek = SB Oakland (California), Mills College Library = MCL Oberlin (Ohio), Oberlin College Library = CL Offenburg, Stadtbücherei = SB Ohio State University Library, see Columbus Oklahoma University Library, see Norman Oldenburg, Landesbibliothek = LB Olomouc, Statni vedeckä knihovna = SVK Olomouc, Universitni knihovna = UK Olomouc, Vysokä skola pedagogickä = VSP Orleans, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Oslo, Universitetsbiblioteket = UB Oxford, All Souls' College = ASC Oxford, Balliol College = BC Oxford, Bodleian Library = BL Oxford, Brasenose College = BNC Oxford, Corpus Christi College = CCC Oxford, Jesus College = JC Oxford, Lincoln College = LC Oxford, Magdalen College = MC Oxford, New College = NC Oxford, Plant Sciences, Library = PS Oxford, Taylor Institute = TI Oxford, University College = UC Oxford, Wadham College = Wdh Oxford, Worcester College = Wore Oxford (Ohio), Miami University Library = MUL Paderborn, Erzbischöfliche Akademische Bibliothek = EAB Padova, Biblioteca Antoniana = BA Padova, Biblioteca Universitaria = BU Padova, Biblioteca del Seminario Vescovile = BSV Padova, Museo Civico = MC Palermo, Biblioteca Centrale della Regione Siciliana (formerly Biblioteca Nazionale) = BC Pannonhalma, Szent Benedekrend Központi Könyvtara = SBKK Paris, Bibliotheque de l'Assemblee Nationale = AN Paris, Bibliotheque de Γ Arsenal = BA Paris, Bibliotheque de l'Institut de France = BIF Paris, Bibliotheque Mazarine = BM Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale de France = BN Paris, Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve = BSG Paris, Bibliotheque de la Sorbonne = BSorb Paris, Ecole Normale Superieure, Bibliotheque = ENS Paris, Institut National de Recherche Pedagogique, Bibliotheque = INRP
List of libraries
Parma, Biblioteca Palatina = BP Passau, Staatliche Bibliothek = SB Passau, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Pau, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Pennsylvania State University, Library = SUL Perigueux, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Perpignan, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Perugia, Biblioteca Augusta del Comune = BC Peterborough, Cathedral Library = C L Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences = ANS Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society = APS Philadelphia, Athenaeum = Ath. Philadelphia, College of Physicians = CP Philadelphia, Franklin Institute = FI Philadelphia, Free Library = F L Philadelphia, Library Company = L C Philadelphia, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Krauth Memorial Library = LTS Philadelphia, Rosenbach Foundation = RF Philadelphia, Temple University, Library = T U L Philadelphia, Union Library Catalogue of Pennsylvania = ULCP Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Library = UPL Piacenza, Biblioteca Comunale = BC Pinerolo, Biblioteca Comunale = BC Pisa, Biblioteca Universitaria = BU Pistoia, Biblioteca Comunale = BC Plzen, Knihovna mestskeho historickeho musea - Zäpadoceske muzeum = KMHM Pommersfelden, Schönbornsche Bibliothek = SB Porto, Biblioteca Piiblica Municipal = BPM Poznan, Biblioteka Poznaüskiego Towarzystwa Przyjacio! Nauk = BPTPN Poznaü, Biblioteka Raczynskich = BR Poznaü, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka = BU Praha, Akademie ved Ceske republiky, Knihovna = Ak. Praha, Knihovna närodniho muzea = KNM Praha, Narodni knihovna Ceske republiky = NUK Praha, Knihovna krälovske kanonie premonsträtü na Strahove (Strahovskä knihovna) = SK Praha, Statni knihovna, see Praha NUK Praha, Statni pedagogickä knihovna Komenskeho = SPKK Praha, Universitni knihovna, see Praha NUK Praha, Zäkladni knihovna, Ceskoslovenskä akademie ved, see Praha Ak. Prerov, Okresni muzeum J. A. Komenskeho = MK Presov, Kniznica evanjelickeho kolegia = K E K Presov, Statna vedeckä kniznica = S V K Princeton (New Jersey), University Library = UL Providence (Rhode Island), Brown University, Library = BUL Providence, John Carter Brown Library = J C B L
List of libraries
Providence, Public Library = PL Rastatt, Historische Bibliothek des Ludwig-Wilhelm-Gymnasiums = LWG Reading, University Library = UL Regensburg, Fürstlich Thum und Taxis'sche Hofbibliothek = HB Regensburg, Proskesche Musikbibliothek = PMB Regensburg, Staatliche Bibliothek = SB Regensburg, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Reims, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Rein, Zisterzienserstift = ZS Rennes, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Reutlingen, Hochschulbibliothek = HSB Reutlingen, Stadtbibliothek = SB Rice University Library, see Houston (Texas) Richmond, Virginia State Library = VSL Riga, Latvijas Akademiskä Biblioteka = LAB Riga, Latvijas Nacionälä Biblioteka = LNB Rimini, Biblioteca Civica Gambalunga = BC Rochelle, see La Rochelle Rochester (England), Cathedral Library = CL Rochester (New York), Sibley Music Library, Eastman School of Music = SML Rochester (New York), University of Rochester Library = URL Roma, Biblioteca Angelica = BAng Roma, Biblioteca Casanetense = BC Roma, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II = BNC Roma, Universita, Biblioteca Alessandrina = BUA Roma, Biblioteca Vallicelliana = BVal Roma, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana = Β Vat Rostock, Archiv der Hansestadt = AH Rostock, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Rotterdam, Bibliotheek en Leeszalen der Gemeente = BLG Rottweil, Albertus-Magnus-Gymnasium = AMG Rouen, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Saarbrücken, Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek = SULB Sacramento, California State Library = CSL St Andrews, University Library = UL St Asaph, Cathedral Library = CL St Florian, Stiftsbibliothek = SB St Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek = SB St Louis, Missouri Botanical Garden = MBG St Louis, St Louis University Library = UL St Louis, Washington University Library = WUL St Petersburg, Biblioteka Akademie Nauk = BAN Saintes, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Salamanca, Universidad, Biblioteca = BU Salisbury, Cathedral Library = CL Salzburg, Bundesstaatliche Studienbibliothek = BSB
List of libraries
Salzburg, Universitätsbibliothek = UB San Lorenzo, Escorial, Biblioteca = EB San Marino (California), Henry E. Huntington Library = HL Santiago de Compostela, Biblioteca Universitaria = BU Sassari, Universita, Biblioteca = BU Schaffhausen, Stadtbibliothek = SB Schwäbisch Hall, Ratsbibliothek beim Stadtarchiv = R B S A Schwerin, Landesbibliothek Mecklenburg-Vorpommern = LB Seattle, Public Library = PL Seattle, University of Washington, Library = U W L Senden-Bösensell, Bibliothek Nünning = BN Siena, Biblioteca Comunale = BC Sigmaringen, Fürstlich Hohenzollernsche Bibliothek = FHB Sion, Bibliotheque Cantonale du Valais = B C V Skara, Stifts- och landsbiblioteket = S L B Soest, Stadtarchiv und Wissenschaftliche Stadtbibliothek = SB Soissons, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek = Z B Southampton, University Library = UL Speyer, Pfalzische Landesbibliothek = PLB Spokane, Gonzaga University, Library = GUL Stanford University Libraries = UL Steinfurt, see Burgsteinfurt Stockholm, Apotekarsocieteten = AS Stockholm, Kungliga Biblioteket = KB Stockholm, Kungliga Musikaliska Akademiens Bibliotek = K M A B Stralsund, Stadtarchiv der Hansestadt = SA Stralsund, Stadtbibliothek = SB Strängnäs, Stifts- och Landsbiblioteket = SLB Strasbourg, Bibliotheque Nationale et Universitaire = BNU Strasbourg, Institut de Musicologie = IM Stuttgart, Evangelischer Oberkirchenrat, Bibliothek = EOK Stuttgart, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek = W L B Tenbury, St. Michael's College = S M C Terre Haute, Indiana State University, Cunningham Memorial Library = ISUL Texas, see Austin Tirgu-Mure§, Biblioteca Documentarä Teleki §i Bolyai = BD Torino, Biblioteca Civica Centrale = BC Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria = BNU Toronto, Public Library = PL Toronto, University Library = UL Τοηιή, Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika = BU Toulouse, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Tours, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Tours, Bibliotheque Universitaire = BU
List of libraries
Trento, Biblioteca Comunale = BC Treviso, Biblioteca Comunale = BC Trier, Bibliothek des Priesterseminars = BPS Trier, Stadtbibliothek = SB Trier, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Trieste, Biblioteca Civica = BC Troyes, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Tübingen, Universität, Fachbereichsbibliothek Neuphilologie = FN Tübingen, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Überlingen, Leopold-Sophien-Bibliothek = L S B Udine, Biblioteca Comunale = BC Uhersky Brod, Muzeum J. A. Komenskeho = MK Ulm, Stadtbibliothek = SB Uppsala, Universitetsbiblioteket = UB Urbana, University of Illinois, Libraries = UIL Urbino, Biblioteca Universitaria = BU Utrecht, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit = BR Vancouver, University of British Columbia, Library = U B C L Vannes, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Vaticana, see Roma Växjö, Stiftsbiblioteket = SB Vendome, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana = BNM Venezia, Biblioteca Querini Stampalia = BQS Versailles, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Vesoul, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Vicenza, Biblioteca Comunale Bertoliana = B C B Villanova (Pennsylvania), Villanova College, Library = CL Vitre, Bibliotheque Municipale = BM Walberberg, Bibliothek St Albert = BSA Warendorf, Pfarr-Bibliothek Milte = PBM Warszawa, Biblioteka Narodowa = BN Warszawa, Biblioteka Publiczna M. St. Warszawy, Biblioteka Glowna = BP Warszawa, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka = BU Warszawa, Muzeum Literatury imenia Adama Mickiewicza = MM Washington, Catholic University of America, Library = C U A L Washington, Folger Shakespeare Library = FSL Washington, Library of Congress = L C Washington, Smithsonian Institution Library = SIL Weimar, Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek, Stiftung Weimarer Klassik = H A A B Wellesley (Massachusetts), Wellesley College = WC Wien, Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde = GM Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek = ÖNB Wien, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Wiesbaden, Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache, Bibliothek = GDSB Wiesbaden, Hessische Landesbibliothek = HLB
List of libraries
Winchester, Cathedral Library = C L Winchester School Library = S L Winterthur, Stadtbibliothek = SB Wisconsin, see Madison Witten, Bibliothek des Vereins für Orts- und Heimatkunde in der Grafschaft Mark = BVOH Wittenberg, Evangelisches Predigerseminar = EP Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek = HAB Wolfenbüttel, Niedersächsisches Staatsarchiv = NSA Worcester (England), Cathedral Library = C L Worcester (Massachusetts), American Antiquarian Society = A A S Wroclaw, Biblioteka Zakladu Narodowego im. Ossolinskich Polskiej Akademii Nauk = BO Wroclaw, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka = BU Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Wissenschaftliche Stadtbibliothek = SB Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek = UB Xanten, Stiftsbibliothek = SB Yale (New Haven, Connecticut), University Library = UL Yale University, Medical School Library = MSL Yale University, School of Music Library = SML York, Minster Library = M L Zagreb, Nacionalna i sveucilisna biblioteka = NSB Znojmo, Jihomoravske museum = J M Zofingen, Stadtbibliothek = SB Zürich, Bibliothek der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule = BETH Zürich, Schweizerdeutsches Wörterbuch = SW Zürich, Zentralbibliothek = Z B Zweibrücken, Bibliotheca Bipontina - Öffentliche Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek = BB Zwickau, Ratsschulbibliothek = RSB
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List of sources
BB (1964-75). Bibliotheca Belgica. Bibliographie generale des Pays-Bas. Fondee par Ferdinand van der Haeghen. Reeditee sous la direction de Marie-Therese Lenger [...]. [7 vols.] Bruxelles: Culture et Civilisation 1964-75. BBHS (1992-98). Brekle, Herbert E., Edeltraud Dobnig-Jülch, Hans Jürgen Höller and Helmut Weiß (editors) (1992-98). Bio-bibliographisches Handbuch zur Sprachwissenschaft des 18. Jahrhunderts. Die Grammatiker, Lexikographen und Sprachtheoretiker des deutschsprachigen Raums mit Beschreibungen ihrer Werke. Tübingen: Niemeyer 1992-98. Beaulieux, Charles (1904). Liste des dictionnaires, lexiques et vocabulaires fran