Echoes and Imitations of Early Epic in Apollonius Rhodius 9004065032, 9789004065031

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Table of contents :
Liber 1
Liber 2
Liber 3
Liber 4
Index Locorum
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Echoes and Imitations of Early Epic in Apollonius Rhodius
 9004065032, 9789004065031

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The author wishes to thank the University of St. Andrews and the Jowett Copyright Trustees for the award of generous subsidies towards the costs of publication.

ISBN Copyright I 98 I by E.

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j. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands

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CONTENTS Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Liber 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Liber 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Liber 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Liber 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Proecdosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Index Locorum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


PREFACE Apollonius' poem is in sore need of a fresh tnJection of comparative material. I offer here a set of phraseological and (chiefly for the less familiar books 1-2) thematic correspondences drawn from the confined but crucial area of epic from Homer to Panyasis, with the inclusion of Stesichorus. I have devoted some space to phonetic reminiscences and general similarities of form, but have not thought it desirable to add to the bulk of an already unwieldy collection by listing individual words with their location in the verse; most would in any case be better served by collective analysis. The following abbreviations may be noted: A (a) (i)

(a) (ii)

1-4 = Ap. Rhod. Arg. A-0 ot·W = Hom. II. Od. Th. = Hes. Theog. Op.= Opera et Dies Sc. = Scutum Heraclis FH = Fragmenta Hesiodea, ed. Merkelbach-West Di., De., Ap., He., 5-33 = Hymni Homerici Cypr(ia), cetera: v. LSJ; Index Loe., IV St= Stesichorus, Poetae Melici Graeci St (S) = Supplementum Lyricis Gra~cis St U) = PLille, ed. Parsons, ZPE xxvi, 1977, 14-19

Ar. = Aristarchus Arph. = Aristophanes Ze. = Zenodotus (b) West= The Ptolemaic Papyri of Homer, ed. Stephanie West, 1967

B (a) co. = codices e.c. = et circa em. = emendat(us) e.s. = et sim. pa.= passim s. = seq. vu.= vulgo (b)

> = cf. ad/vide ad

• = eodem v. loco

( c)

'M 72 + ' i.e. exstant iii exempla vel plura (sive apud Homerum ipsum sive apud ceteras) (d) 'vEtxo~ .. tµ~otAE' = unum verbum om1ssum ... = ii vel plura .... = i versus vel plures


1 1-2 32.18-9 crfo o' apx6µtvo~ xAicx cpwtwv/~aoµcxt ~µt8iwv WV... 11524 tWV 1tp6cr8tv .. xAicx avopwv/ Th. 100 xAdcx 1tpotipwv av8pc:>1twv/; De. 113 1tcxAcxrytviwv av8pc:l1twv/ 2 t441 * 1tOtcxµoto XCXtlX crt6µcx (IT349 avix crt6µcx xcxi xcxtix ptvcx~/); cf. 4.1002 3 ~cxcr ... IT./ >3.390 4 'Y13 l1hptxcx~ ~Acxcrcxv Y1t1tou~/ 5 Th. 488 w~ o! oit(crcrw/ 6-7 P421 µoipcx 1tcxp' avipt t00t ocxµTjvcxt/ IT434 /µoip' u1to ... ocxµTjvcxt/ cf. y269 6 'Y78-9 x~p/aµcpixcxvt crtuytp~ toGo' avipo~ > 1. 703 M333 tL ttv' loot to/ 9 P27 1t60tcrcrt ... XLOVtcx/; xuµ.: >3.67 10 318 u1t' tAUO~ 10-11 M92 /aAAov ... xaAAt1ttV P535 OE xcxt' cxu8t A(mv OtOcx'iyµivov A99 A(ittV cxu8t 12 u372 /{xtto o' l~ ITdpcxtov e.s. 13-14 Cf.1534-6 t412* 1tcxtpiIToauoawvt y333 ITocruoawvt(Z259, N818 Ati 1tcxtpi) xcxi aAAot~ a8cxvatotcrtv/ 1t264-5 xcxi aAAot~/ ... 8tofot/ A130 /pi~cx~ ... ITocruoawvt ~251 /8tofotv .. pi~uv e.s. 14 He. 557 em. o' -o~ oux aAiyt~tv/ 15 0352 /tov o' ... lowv lcppacrcrcxto 15-7 Cf. t36 (aAAOOCX1tti) 37 (v6crtov .. 1t0Aux7Joi'); ~350 (ai8Awv/) -51 (1toAux7JOicx v6crt0v/) 15-6 w89 t1ttVtUVOVtCXL at8Acx/ 16 0821, 1t367 ~ (aAA') lvi 1t6vtep/; cf. 3.744; 2.1190, 4.1707; 4.771 16-7 ~329-30 ocpp' .... oAfoan/ t274 /wAtcrt ... lvi .. 1t6vtep/ ~68 /wAtcrt .. v6crtov 17 0382 + /ixvopcx~ .. aAAOOCX1tOU~. Cf. 3.892; 1. 779-80, 4.1021 P445* + (-otcrt) µtt' avopacrt(v) cf. 1.648 + 189 /vTjcx .... xcxµ. > 1.111 18 0780 /vTjcx µEv ouv o! 1tp6cr8tv -xAd-: cf. 1524 cx338 XAtfoucrtv aotooU; cf. 1.59 19 0412 (e.c.) 1t233 U1to87Jµoauvncrtv 'A8~VTj~/ 20 187 /cxutixp iyw ytvt~V Op. 10 lyw XtV ... µu87Jcrcx(µ7Jv/ r235 (xtv .. ) -yvo(T}v xcx( t' ouvoµcx µu87Jcrcx(µ7Jv/; cf. 2. 762-3 21 µ259* (ocrcr' lµ6ncrcx) 1t6pou~ ixA6~. Cf. 1.361; 1.986, 4.586, 1556 21-2 K49 loaa' .. lppt~t e.s. y105-6 ocrcx ... /1tAcx~6µtvot 23 35, F.H. 171. 7 t6v pa 1tot' cxut6~/ 24-5 0387 cpcxcrtv ... ttxfo8cxt/ 26 'Y35 /cxutixp t6vyt il6141titpnCILV lv ouptcrtv 27 P749 itotcxµwv .. pit8pcx/ Ap. 383 OE pit8pcx/ 35-6 H9-10 -ov, OV xopuv~tTj~/ydvcxt' 38 1169 Arcx~ tt µiycx~ xcxi Oto~ 'Ooucrcrtu~/ 40 µ444* o' l1ti tofot 41 X500 /'Acrtuavcx~, o~ 1tpiv µiv 43-4 Cf. T164 (8uµ0 ... 1t0Atµ(~m/) -165 (yuicx ~cxpuvttcxt) 44 A593 o'ht 8uµ6~ E806 (8uµov ... ), X250 (fo ... ) + to 1tapo~ ittp/ 45 x447 (cf. 1.1063) /ouoE µEv EupuAoxo~ ... AiAtt1tto /( ... yap) B700 uAaxn lAiAu1tto/ 47-8 E509, N329 0~ (fl)µtv avwyu/ A301-2 tOU~ yap avwyu/ ... xAovitcr8cxt 6µ()..ep/ 534 B565 ltofot o' exµ' EupucxAo~ tpltcxto~ x(tv u185 ltofot o' l1ti tplto~ ~A8t tAoltto~ 56 020 + ltw o' cxut' 57-8 B746 Kopwvou Kcxtvdocxo/ 58 Cf. X158 (µEv fo8)..6~ ... aµdvwv/) X500 foG ... 1tcxtp6~/ A404 OU 1tCXtpo~ aµt(vwv/ 59 0749* ~w6~ mp XA.a./ > 1.18 60 5. 79 ofo~ a1t' aAAwv/



oi ...




64 Sc. 189-90 cruvcxfyoriv .... 0../ 128 0643 l111tpwtotm Mux7J11a(w11* (Th. 713 *lvt 1tpwtotcrL} 1.30 K391 * (11. ijyayt11) + , 1.323•, 4.102· (ixym11to 7t.) 1tapex 116011 1.3.3 B643 + !tci> o' l1tl 1.34 0123 ETJII KAut6117Jo.; 1.36-7 F.H. 43 (a) 68 tixt .. Ilocruoaw11L Cf. 1.180-1 Sc. 6 t€xo11 tu117J9tfoat/, >2.991-2; cf. 1.626 1.38 y282-3 /p611w .. o.; lxa(wto ... /11rja xu~tp11rjcrat 9252-3 7ttptytyv6µt9' ixAAw11/11auttAt"(l ( > 1.101) 1.3940 B681 OO'O'Ot ... "Apyo.; Ellat011/ 140 X280 llx dto.; ~EtOTj 1.835) 295s. Cf. Z486s. 0522s. 549s. + 296 *K79 +, 1. 794, 4.1489 (q.v.) l1td ou µiv 297 F.H. 204.105 atAyoc; l1t' atAyu/ 3130 li:p' tAxEttAxoc; atpTJ'tCXt/ 298 De. 111*, 31.19* 9toi 9VTJ'tOfotv F.H. 273.1-2 9v7J'tofotv fvuµocv/ cx.9ixvoc-.ot 299 A136* + xcx-.ex 9uµ6v 270, x87 /9uµ cx.vtix,wv 0361 cx.xfoucrix 1tEp tµ1t7Jc;/ e.s. (> 1.251) 300 -7Jµocruvncrtv 'A./ > 1.19 303s. Cf. Z490s. (et µotpcxv 488 - 1. 299) 303 Al 27 + /ex.Hex au µev vuv 7)300* µE-.' cx.µi:pm6A0tcrt 303-4 0194-5 ex.Hex EXT)AO 2.921-2 323 1t. v6ov > 1.130 324-5 K23-4, 177 (wµotcrtv )-8 oipµoc .... -Oto 1t007JVEXEc;* Op. 513 Aixxvn oipµoc XCX'tlXIJXtoV, ex.Hix .. . 324 ,225 ixµ1tEXEV wµouc;/ 325-6 -.241-2 Ot7tACXXCX (owxcx)/xcxAT)V 327 u311 * /cx.H' eµ1t7Jc; .. µiv K432 -'tO( 13tE/,;EpEEcr9E EXCXcr'tcx/ 328 A646 + l13ptixoccr9oct ivwyEv/ 329-31 1t344-5 ocu-.ou oe 1tpo1tixp0t9E 9upixwv l13pt6wv-.o.hofotv o' Eupuµocxoc; IloM~ou 1t!Xtc; ixpx' cx.yopEUEtV (et sq.) 329 µ424 -tv ri13e xoct 1cr-.6v/(l,6µEvoc; 426) 331 13773 + hofotv o' ... µE-.fomv/ A73 + cri:ptv lui:ppoviwv cx.yopT)croc-.o xoci µE'tEEmEv/; cf. 2.437 332 A572 + /iHoc µiv 333 -.93 !1t1XV'tCX yexp EU A48* + EU XCX'tex x6crµov 334 B250 + hw oux OtV 335 t139 lm1tvEucrwcrtv CX.Tj'tCXtl 336 Il544, 2.423, 3.553 /ex.Hex i:ptAot 336-7 > 3.173 338 E822 +, 2.642, 1128 houVEXCX \IUV *K236 +, 1.1285, 2.15, 4.805 -.ov atptcr-.ov 340 B376 µE-.' ... vdxEcx ~&Hui 341 /we; l:plX'tO pa.: sq.: 2.254 'tOU 13' A396 + ; 1.1103, 1261, 3.145 't 13' .:1208 +; 2.419 'tOV 13' oV. ad loc.; 3.1077 'tOV OE Z166 +; 3.540 'tOLcrt OE B142 +; 3.681 -.fjc; 13' 13703 +; 3.724, 1131 "TI 13' f395 +; 2.648 xoc£ E899 +




343 445 342 8281 /~µtvot lv µfoaotatv M209 /xtCµtvov lv µfoa0tat aTjµaCvwv t1ttnAAtv/ 343-4 T76-7 µt'ttu1ttv ... /a1h68tv l~ tOpTJ~ (lv µfoamatv ibid.) 344 a258 /ot~t'ttPTJV ... xttpa cf. 3137* /o ... xttp' Alcmaeonis 1.2 &vex xttpa 'totVUaaa~/ 't481 -uaaot'tO (j)WVT}OtV n/; cf. ad 1.1331, 2.21, 1218, 3. 770, 4.855, 1553, 1748 3450110• 'toot xGoo~ H205 + xGoo~ Im-/ cf.1.511 Ll374+, 3.513, 4.747 ou 1 expt1 w1 E/ 348 /~pot (xa() pa.: sq.: 1.363 tl~ cf. f310 +; 2.1168 Ex 200 + A296 + µi1a ippoviwv. Cf. 2.19; 3.517 f461 tipot't' 'A'tpE°LOT}~ E7tt o' TIVEOV IXAAOt 'Axaw(, sim. µ294, 352; cf. 3.947 '¥539 w~ tipot8', o[ o' ixpot 1tavn~ E1tTIVEOV lx0.EUEV 349 (ta'tot't' TI:) TI166 EV o' ixpot 'tOfotv cxpT)to~ ta'tot't' 'AxtAAEu~/ v56 &vex o' ta'tot'tO oto~ 'OouaaEu~/; cf. 2.122 352 8259 (Id ... )+ /µT}Xt't' fom' 354-y33, p182 (~oGv 181) /oat't' tV'tUVOµEVOt pl 75 tV'tUVWµE8ot Oott'tot/ 356 He. 379 e.?..aaaa ~6a~ e.s. ~108 Eu xpCva~ cf. 0408* 357 A141 vrja .. lpuaaoµEv d~ &).a e.s. 125 tfow &M~ ( .. x6hov/); cf. 1.372, 390 L409 + 01tAot 'tt 1tav'tot/ 358 E579* ·£ Xot'tex XAT}Wot 837 t7tt XA7Jtatv lpt'tµa/ 360 t201 'A1t6AAwvo~· ooi µm 3611t.O:A. > 1.21 362 A114 OU i8tv. Cf. 4.1471 363-4 884-5 lw~ ixpa ipwvT)aot~ ... / o[ o' t1totVta'tT}aotv 1ttC8ov't6 'tE 363 /~ ... > 1. 348 Op. 316 /tl~ tpjOV 'tpt~ot~ (cf. 2.884) f422, 'f53 t7tt tpjot 'tpa1tOV'tO (·WV'tott)/ 365 He. 128 /).dep t7tt 7tAot'totµwvt 367-8 8780 + /vrja ... 1taµ1tpW'tOV TI67 /v7Juaiv lmxpot'ttw~ 368 ~346 /01tAep lua'tptipit 369 t386 /&~aµtvot lxanp8t 369-70 EU cxpotpoCot'tO -y.l > 2.614, 3.1324; E361 ooupot't' ... 3.607 402 0299, 2.1268 /lv8tv o' au 405 0645* + a'topfootL 't' t(j)U7ttp8t 407 He. 405* ouw ~OE 408-10-y444-6 [ > l.425s.) -yipwv o' ... /xipvL~a 't' OUAOXU'tot~ n Xot'tapxtw, 7tOAAex o' 'A8TJVTIIEUXE't' cx1tapx6µEVO~ (~oG~ 430s.); A449-51 OUAOXU'tot~ cxvtAOV'to/ ... EUXE'tO ... /xAG8L µEG .. , 0~ ... et sq. 410 0346-7, 0368-9 X£XAOµtv0t .... EUXE'tOWV'tO 410-11 TI513-4 ltuxoµtvo~ ... £L1tEV ..






'A1t6AAww /xA.G9t &va~. 0~ ... cf. t444-5 412 0~ µOL u1t./ >4.89 413 Cf. 979s. {'A1t6AAwv, Tiu9or, XP7Ja6µtvo~; et xptlwv - 1.360, o9' u1tip~TJ - 1.209) 414 II172 /07Jµa(vuv· au"to~ oi 415 9142, 443 /au"topuv A141 /vuv o' &1 t vija ... 0199* &,t vija v43 auv a.pnµitaat q,LAOLOLVI 422-3 v77 1ttfoµa o' t?.uaav, cf. 1.652, 2.536, 4.1731; A.u-med. 1.1013-4, 1109, 2.166 423 ota µijm >2.75 E1t. o' &:/ >1.335 424 8381 +w~ E1tL 1tOV"tOV EAtuaoµaL (-ataL) 1x9u6tv"ta/ 425s. 1 447s. (> 1.408-10): 447 tu~av"to xat ouA.oxu"ta~ 1tpo~ 3 .1348) ~251, 5 .186 (v .I. -1t0tc;) au o' ... tEL1ttc;/ 0693 1tcxµ1t0t\l 1Xtcxa80tAOV; cf. 8166 OU XOtAO\I fo1ttc;· 1Xt0ta8cx).C\) ixvopl fotx0tc;/ 481s. Cf. >.313s. 484 M410 + xal 1q>8(µC(.) (-ov-wv) mp i6vtt (·0t-wv)/ 485 Op. 59 /we; t(j)Ott', lx o' iyl>.0taat /we; t(j)Ott' pa.: sq.: 1.697 EV o' 8343 (ol); 4.1755 ouo' B166+; 2.60, 443 OtUt 1.1172s. A415* (/w~ o' 01:t ... )ooh' ELO"t 1186, :E569 cp6pµtyyt AtyEttJ/ Sc. 278 Atyupwv crup[yywv 5781t219 /w~ ixpot ,:o[y' 0708 ouo' ixpot w(yt/; cf. 2.128, 3.1362 579 1t366 /ot1tv E7tot0"0"1J'ttpot 583 Cf. N 14 (EcpotL\IE'tO ... ) /cpotL\IE'tO Ot Ilpicxµoto 7t0At~ 584-5 v234-5 cxxi:ii/ ... 711tdpoto/, >3.312 585 :E522 /fv8' iipot ,:o(y'. Cf. 1.913 589-90 '11'267 lotui:ixp i:ci> i:pti:cxi:~ H468 i:ix~ 1tpoi7Jxtv, sc. vriot~ 592 i62 + /fv8tvoi1tpo1:€pw 593 8855 /Kpwµvcxvi:' A1yiotA6nt(ctr. 2.942; v. Allen.) 595 0740 l1tO\l't~ XEXAtµivot 8435 µ7Jo' fo 07]p6v/; cf. 4.1680 em. 596 25* 1toi:otµoto .. -oto p€t8pot/; cf. 4.227; 1302 598 Cf. A315 /"Ocrcrotv l1t' OuMµ1t~ ... otui:ixp l1t' ... r273 + , 1.1058, 2.1044t, 4. 760 otU'tiXp E7tU'tot/ 6001tv. cxv. >1.1013 601-2 Ap. 33 /8p7]LXto~ .. 'A86w~ ("A8w~ co.) 602-3 0356-7 1:60-0-ov ixvtu8' ocrcrov i:t 1totv7Jµtp(7] 1 Aotcpup~ VT]ii~/-ijwcrtv . . . 604 A499 + /cxxpo1:cii:t1 xopucpTi 605-6 ~420-1 oupov ... , /cxxpotri Zicpupov. Cf. 4.1223-4 605 1 176 /wpi:o ... oupo~ cxiiµtvm, sim. 1 183; cf. 2.900, 1228, 4.768 A475* + Xott E7tt xvicpot~ 606 M165, ~367 /1tcxrxu µci).' Ap. 406 Aoti'cpo~ \17]0~ 609 Yl66* + 1t1i~ oriµo~ 611 v44-5 yuvoti'Xot~/xouptOtot~. Cf. 1.804-5 614 1436* + l1td xoAo~ X94 xoAo~ ot1v6~/ 615 8228* ouvtxcx µiv E7tt 07]p6v: cf. *P41 v.l., 1.870, 2.517, 3.950; ctr. 1415, 1.1072 + 618 Z357 w~ Xott 07tLO"O"w/ 619 't.cxµ./ >4.1353 620 1330* :E431 * EX 7tot0"EW\I 621 t6* Xot'tlX oriµov 622 120 ... 7t000~ ~XE cp€ptcr8ott/ 623 ~184 /~ (v.l. tr} XE cpuytJ Xott H 118, 17 3 otl XE cpuytJcrt/ 625-6 8304 hov p' ... 'tEXE 3444* (ov iipa) vuµcp7] 'tEXE [cf. 3.242) VT]L~ v356 /vuµcpott VT]tCXOE~. 't. tuv./ > 1.137 627 (Th. 445 em. /~ouxoA(ot~ oi ~owv i:t. Cf. 1422 e.s.) 627-8 Op. 150 0




X 1.635, 1025, 4.206, 1180 628 3122-3 apoupixtlm1pocp6p0t 629 'A8 ... tpy.l > 1.551 6.30 Cf. 0641 o[ o' IXLEt 1tEpi \IEXpov oµ(AEO\I, O'tE µutixt &Udt ... > 2.1252 6.31s. Cf. X460s. (µixtv 3.49 792 2343 ho11 o' .. µu0otcrt 1tpOOT)UOIX 790 0377 /&11,(ix OE07t0L\1Tj~ µuA1xlotcrt11/, >1.711 793 B299* (µd11ix't') + l1tt xp611011. Cf. 4.1257; 4.962, 1547 µ(µ .... EX't. 1t.l > 1.659-60 794 A133-4, 11336-7 ixl'.hw~/~cr0ixt (~cr,ixt); cf. 1.1290, 3.423 E7tEL ou µiv> 1.296 *2453, 0513 (xupo'ttpotcrt11/), 2.1011, 4.1760 (TupcrTj\lOlat\1/) u1t' IXIIOpacrt 797 't"487Y11ix "(IIWtl~ f235 EU "(\IOtTj\l e.s. 798 0413 7tlX't~p lµo~ (et al.; cf. 3.1027)







EµPacrO-EuE/ 801 M72 + IEx \l'TjW\I 802 0145, 205 /oEup' IX')'E Al-2 /µrjvLV ... /ouAoµiv'T}\I 803 5.2 /Ku1tptOO~ ~ n M44 /~ acpLII ... vdxo~ .. lµPaAE T88 /ot 'tt µot ... cppEatv lµPaAov ix1 pt011 IX't'Tj\1/ cf. 4.449 804-5 xoup ..... ')'UV.I> 1.611 805 x79 /~µE't&PTI µa'tL'(l (cf. 4.367) d26 lei, 0uµ~ EL~aaa 807-8 K106-7 EL xEv .... µE-,;aa-,;pi4.522 886 A351, 11355 ~p~crot'tO xe.tpot~ ope.,vu~ (cxvcxcrxwv)/ 0126 xupo~ EAOUcrot/ 887 't204* hrj~ o' ... pie. oixxpucx T323-4 oiixpuov e.i.'13u/x~'te.°L .. uto~ 888 11693* + cre. 8w( 890 Th. 702 !otihw~ cf. X125; 11145 /fp~O\I 07tW~ i8l).u~ xcx( 'tOL cp().011 ... ('tot cp. 3337• + cf. 3.979) 891 C308* + 7tot'tpo~ iµofo, > 1.829 A343 + xcxt 01ticrcrw/ 893 Sc. 472 xcxt Aoto~ cxm(pwv/ De. 296 1t0Aum(po11cx Aot611/ B664 + Acxov cx,e.ipcx~ 1- 2.520, 4.5481 -w-w11-e.11-cx111 (Op. 652 .. 894 w418 l~ ci).).iiwv 1t0Aiw11 B131 et ( ... cx1 e.(pcx~/) 1544 /1to).).lw11 ix 1t0Aiw11 897 cr166* foo~ 'tO xe. 898 X297* fi µii).cx o~ µe. 8w( 1135-6, 277-8 d ... . 8wt owwcr' (cf. 1.1293) De. 135-6 uµrv ... 'OMµmcx owµot't' EXOll'tE.~/oore.11 .. . 'tEX\lot 'tE.Xfo8cxt/ 899 Cf. 1.1336, 2.885 h7111 o' otU't' pa.; H37 h7111 o' otU'tE. 1tpocrium11 ... ut6~ Y86 hov o' otu't' (f437 h7111 ot) .. -6µe.vo~ 1tpocrle.tm11/ 900 µ3 7 hotu'tot µiv OU'tW 1t1X\l'tot 026 'ta OE •.• µe.'tTJOpot 7tlX\l'tot 1 ivot'to / (cf. 1. 502) 903 11321 fi6c; µe. 8wt xcxxO'tTJ'tO~ tAucrcxv/ 904 6558 + 1tot'tp(ocx 1 cxrotv !xfo8cxt/; cf. 2.891; 4.1570; > 3. 775 906 Z168 + /1tiµm oi µtv 907 1 209 /1tot'tp( 't' lµ~ xcx( 5.138 {/1tiµqicxt .... ) 1tot'tp( 't' iµ~ xcxt µ7J'tEpt 3502, C51 /1tot'tpL cp().C() XotL µTj'tpt 907-8 ,256 e.1 Cw611 r' Ar,tcr8011 E\IL µe.,ixp0tcrt11 E'tE.'tµe.11 (cf. etiam 015) A458* (Id .. ) fo Cwov'to~. Cf. 4.537 908 A322 + (-ex) 'tofo CX\lotX'tOc;/ 909 A76 /crcpotcrtv ivt µqixpotcrt, > 1.285 910 6779 /~av o' .. E7tL vrjot* e.s. N665 ).534 E7tL IITJO~ E~ott11e./ 910-11 E364-5 (/w~ (j)IX'tO 363) /71 o' ... E~ott\lE. ... /mxp oi o! Tlpt~ E~ott\lE. XotL Tj\ltot AixCe.'tO xe.pcr(v ~200 OE XotL ci).).ot/







H327 + 'tE xext ciO..).ot &ptcr'trjE~ cf. Kl 912-3 ~418 (/f(E'tO ... ) + 1tpuµv7Jcrt t?-.ucrexv/; cf. 4.857; d 78 + 913 ev0' ... > 1.585 914 µ172 i(oµEvot AEUXext\10\1 uowp ~EO"'ttj~ EAIX'ttlO"LV, cf. OtAex 'tU7t'tOV EpE'tµot~/ 916 ex85 + , 4.521 /vrjcrov i~ oqipex o./: cf. 2.470 adn. (et 8299) 918 umtp OtAex > 1.236 919 E417* fo 1tpo'tipw 1texpexv-fi~oµext ~151 * oux .. µu0-ficroµext, &Hix A650 + &Uti xext exu'to~/ 921 IT796 µEv OU 0iµt~ 3386* OU 0iµt~. Cf. 4.387; 3.981 922 079 µELAexvt 7tOV't 1.652 1021 >4.561 1022 &~ av./ > 2.913 1023 N225• + &nix 1tou 1025 x201 hw o' l~ 'ttuxta ouvn. cr. 1.635 Xtip. a../ >2.14 1026s. Cf. M47s. (sim. 061s.): 447 /cruv p' E~ 1.598 1059s. Cf. 'YI 3s. 250s. 257s.; 2 .835s., 4.1532s. 1059 Cf. 4.1535, 1644 X251 hpl~ 1tEpi XI 65 -rpl~ .. 1t6At11 m:pt Ot11Tj8~-rri11/ ( .. 1t60taat 166 cf. 4.1644) TT663-4 + Ell'tE{0t) .. (.)/xaAXEOt "E220 +, 2.1221 (adn.), 3.176, 4.1535 (4.1124 -LY) au11 f11nat 1060 0145, 184 1tdpria0tt (-~aoµ') cxi0Aw11/ 1061 /~ 0. > 1.517 E87" + &µ m.0(011 1062 Cf. 2.842 A75-6 /crijµ0t ... XEUOtt .... x0tl laaoµ€11otat 1tu0fo00tt/ • H89, ~202, 3. 545 'tOOE arjµ0t p265" Ap. 415* XOtL ( .. )-otaL\I 1ofo00tt/ 2176 crijµ0t 1ofo00tt/ 106.3-4 /ouOE µEll ... AEA./ > 1.45; 8700 aAoxo~ .. EAEAELmo/ Op. 284 µt-r6ma0E AEAum0tt/ e.s. 1064 ~150 1t6aw~ ou 0483, ri216 xu11npo11 &Ho/ 1065 A278 /a~OtµEYTj ~p6xo11 ( .. ixq:i' .. µEAa0pou/ cf. 3.789) 1067 0514 /x0ti o[ IX7t0 1tp0t1ttOW\I o 114 /Mxpu o' IX7t0 ~AEq:iapw11 x0tµaOL~ ~aAE P619 + ( ·Ot) XEUE\I fp0t~EI 1068 0579 0wt .. nu~0t11 ~11 x. / > 4.175 1070 µ258 /orx-rta-ro11 o~ XE1'110 1071 8197" 2.196" lx ~t6~ (~93 11µ€p0tt lx ~t6d p606 t7t~Au0t .. T)µ0tp/ 1071-2 K25, ~266 ouOE 1 ixp 0tu-rci> (-6~)/ Sc. 431-2 ouo€ n~ OtU'tOYIE'tATj x384 'tAOtiTj 1taaa0ta80tt" EOTj'tUO~ (~OE) 1074 /&U' Ot. > 1.877 ~17 ·EOXO\I EOO\l'tE~/ 1075 He. 125 /w~ fo \IU\I. Cf. 4.1770 1076 F. H. 294.4 fµ1tEOO\I 0tld/ 1077 ri104, F.H. 337 ixAE'tpEUO\/OL µuATj~ E7tt .. x0tp1t611/ 1079 >4.1386-7 1081-2 Kl-3 /aAAOL (wAA-Ze.) µE111t0tp1X11Tj\/C1LIIIXpta'trjE~ .. ltuoo11 ... otoµriµ€11ot u1t11C\)•1&n· ... 0677-9 laAAOL µ€11 pet ... 1tuoo11 ... OEO. U7t\lC\)'IIXAA' ... cf. 81-2 108.3 Sc. 181 /Mo~O\I -r' 'Aµ1tUXtOTj\l (cf. 4.1502), Tt'tOtp~atO\I (cf. 1.65) 1086 14 a11tµot ... opiYE'tO\I E501•' £1tEtjoµ€11w11 &11€µw11 1087 0t282 + oaaOt\l IXXOUO"(l~ ( -aw . aOtt ·W) /; cf. 1.1095 1088 A758" OtU'tL~ ix1t€-rp0t1tE 1089 'Y369 ixi~0taxE µt-r~op0t 1090-1 -110.34 K157-8 (pt11011 ~06~ 155) ho111t0tpa't1X~ IXIIEjELpE ... IAix~ 1tool XL\l~aOt~, O'tp\i\lE n - K162 w~ q:ia0', o o' l~ U7t\lOLO µaAOt xp0tL1t\lW~ &116pouaE ... 1090 y38 /xwtaL\I l11 µ0tA0tXOlaL\I u142 XWEOLV olwvl 1094 14.1 /µTj'tEpOt .. 1taV'tW\I .. 0twv De. 303 µ0txapwv ... a1tav-rwv/ 1095 A663 l-yw vfov -r270" 1.1260" l-yw ... axoua0t/ H53 lw~ j!Xp EjWV 01t' axouaOt He. 443 j!Xp .. VE~(j)Ot'tOV oaa0tv ixxouw/ (cf. 1.1087 adn.) 1097 µ165 'tlX EXOtO'tOt ... 1ttq:i0tuaxo11/; cf. 3.1165, 4.1346 1098-9 Th. 894 /lx yixp 'trj~. Cf. 2.424(?) A15 7 • 0aAOtaaa 'tE Th. 84 7 OE x0wv 1t1ia0t XOtL oup0t110~ ~OE 0aA0tcra,0t / 15. 7 eoo~ VL(j)OEV'tO~ 'OAuµ1tou/ (jOtlOt\l .. ~OE 0aA0taa0tv/ 4) 0144, De. 341 eoo~ OuMµ1toto/ 1100 TT392, x303 ll~ op€wv. Cf. 2.400, 976 A497" (&v€~ri) µ€1 0tv oup0tv6v 1101 ~188 /2tu~ o' 0tu't6~ 8111" + /2tu~ ... Kpov(ori~ 1101-2 d63-4, N524-5 aAAot/ix0avOt'tOL 1102 Op. 706, Sc. 79 ix00tva'tW\I (-ou~) µ0txapwv (-0td 2380, 385 OEL\l~\I 0tov [A&axOV'tOtt/ 110.3 i.q. 3.145




8295 !we; (j)IX'tO, tTI o' IX0'7tCXO't0\I (cf. 4.1450) 7]343 !we; (j) 1.1146; Ap. 279 Atot; oux &Aiyovnt; ... vatE'taaaxov/ 1221 ~11 x./ >4.175 1223 µ318 Nuµcpiwv .. xopot E6 µiAE yap o1 P213 acpiat 1tt; OE axEOO\I fotOE 1230 >3.444-5 1231-2 32.8 - 11 l:EA~IITJI .... oix6µ7JVOt; 1231 3258* + &1t' a18€.pot; 1232 x298 'tW\I OE cppEVEt; E7t'tOi7J8t11/ 1233 >3.634 1234 > 1.265, 268 1235 El00-1 uowp/exa1tE'tO\I (E~paxE\I u. cf. P54?) 1236 0137 em. /au'ttXa o' ~YE 1238-9 cp410 /oE~t'tEPTI o' .. XEtpt, > 2 .108 1239 M206 -t, µfoep o' E\lt xa~~aA' oµtAep/ Sc. 462 ... xa~~aAE µfoan/ (116 ~a8dn o' Eµ~aAE 0€1111/ 1240 A463 1-t-ptt; o' ex'(tv 1axov'tOt;. Cf. 1.1260 1242 N711 /01t1tO'tE ... txot'to/ 1243s. Cf. A546s.; infr. 1247 adn. 1243 ~IJ'tE .. 8~p/ > 2.44-5 1244 A106 ... /&ypfou, 0\1 pa 7t0't' ... 1245 Op. 363 at'001ta Atµ6v/ cf. F.H. 43 (a) 5-6 1246 ~504* 4.487* Evi \/Wat




a,1X8µotaL 1247 Cf. P658 imi iip XE. xcxµnaL e.c. 1248 K16*, qi247* µt)'IX o' fo, 1249 473* µiAe.ov OE o[ e.416 µe.AET) OE µm foae.'tlXL opµ~/ 3158*, He. 117* 0EOtE7tAE.'tO x273*, 5.130* -~oiµoLt1tAe.,' A466Yxe.,'cxu,~/ Ar.: -E.'tO qiwv~/ vu. 1250 A190 (!)CXO)'IXVOV o~u ipuaacxµe.vo~ X306-7 e.1puaalX'tO (!)IXO)'IXVOV o~u/ ... µt)'IX 'Y824 µt)'IX (!)CXO)'IXVOV (cf. 4.696) wp,o o./ > 1.156 1251 e.473 (/odow) µ~ 8~pe.aaLV EAwp ... yivwµIXLI v208 µ~ 7tW~ .. &Awp .. yivT),IXLI cf. E487-8 1252 /µ. ion' > 1.99; 0670 µLV 1Xu,ov 16v,IX Aox~aoµIXL 1253 3231 /lv8' "Y1tvep ~uµ~AT)'tO XIX- [231a /ipxoµEvep XIX'ta (!)UAIX cf. infr.) 1254s. Cf. P682s. (700- 1.1264) 1254-5 A526 -o~· e.i:i OE µLV tyvwv/ v188 OUOE µLV tyvw/ cf. 7)39-40 EVOT)OIXvlipx6µe.vov XIX'ta OLa O(!)EIX~ 1258 y268* + TpotT)VOe. XLWV 1259 De. 125 AT)Latijpe.~ cx1t~)'IX)'OV 1260 8564 iywv E.L7tOV'tO~ iixoua1X/, > 1.1095, 1240 1261 - 1263 ~80 w~ (!)IX'tO xwoµe.vo~. 7tO'tt Ot axij1t,pov ~CXAE. )'IXt'{l 1261 /w~ ... o' > 1.341 1261-2 N705, 'Y507 7t0Au~ (o') CXVIXXT)XtE.L (cxve.x~XLE.V) [opw~/ 1262 Sc. 173-4 XE.AIXLVOVIIXIµ' cf. A303 + F.H. dub. 343.13* u1to a1tACX)'XVOL~ 'Hom.' ap. Arist. EN, 1116b 26s. r, 1Xtµ1X 1263 X· ~cxAe.v > 4.876 1265s. Cf. x299s. 1265 f33 + o' che. ,(~ 'tE. Y403 O'tE. 't1Xiipo~/ 1265-6 5.66 /ae.UIX,' ... 1tpoAL· 1toiia' (67 1tp~aaoua1X xEAe.u8ov/ - 1.1267) 1266 1t27 ouM voµij1X~/ 1267 0107 /ouo' (3.94 oux) 08e.,1XL He. 203 ooov 1tp~aaouaLV 1270 K358 + A.IXL· ~T)pa 0t )'OUVIX,' lvwµ1X/ 1273 De. 382 IXXpLe.~ foxe.8ov v93 cxa,~p umpfoxe. µ11 cxxpO'tlX'tT) (codd. pier.) 1tp0Ex' cxx,~/ 1276 d03 (100-1 xe.AOµT)V .... VT)WV im~IXLVEµe.v) + /o[ o' IXW 1278 ,ijAe. X'tA: > 3.1335-6 1280 >proecd. 1.516 1282 M283 /x1Xt mo(Ot AW'tOUV'tlX (Ar.: ·E.UV'tlX vu.; ·OE.V'tlX A.R.?) He. 96 /xlXt 1te.oi' cxv8e.µ6e.V'tlX 32.5 !0tL)'AT)~ A1Xµ1tOUOT)~ 1284 K435 + /iv OE O(!)LV A575 /iv Gt .. xoAep6v 1285 ,ov ixp. > 1.338 1286 0441 /uµe.,Epwv hcxpwv 1288s. x378-80 XIX,' ixp' E'E.IXL foo~ CXVIXUO(p, /8uµov lowv ... /~ nvcx 1tou o6Aov oie.lXL ... 1288-9 B111, 118 ix,n .. ~1Xpdn/ Th. 567-8 ocxxe.v ... vu68L 8uµ6v/ ... ixoAwae. OE .. . 1289 Ll23 + XOAO~ ... ijpul I:322 xoAo~ 1Xtpe.U ('II.' A2 test. Aristox. XOAO~ .. EAE. IlT)AE.LWVIX/); cf. 2. 1920 1290 /~a' IXU,. > 1. 794; v423-4 EXT)Ao~/~a'tlXL ( cf. 4.390) A416 /~a81XL, i1td vu 'tOL 3340* P647* imi vu 'tOL Op. 424 µcxAIX yap vu 'tOL ixpµe.vov o(hw/ 1292 1395* + cxv' 'EAAcxOIX IX344 + XAEO~ .. X1X8' 'EAACXOIX 1293 e.169 l1XLXE. 8e.o( y' l8iAwaL, > 1.898 U7t. OLX. > 2.442 1294 I:80 cxAAa ,( µm 'tWV ~oo~. imi qi(Ao~ wAe.8' E't1Xtpo~; Cf. 3.314 0367 v6aqiLv E,1Xipwv/ 1296-7 N616 + 'tW OE o[ oaae./ (T365 - 366 /)..1Xµ1tfo87lv e.r n 1tupo~ GEA.IX~) 1297 µ. 1tup6~ > 1. 734 1298 f373 +, 4.20, 1305 /x1X( vu xe.v 158* + E7tt )'OttlXV ( > 4.1536) 1299 A308 cxviµou .. 1wij~/ 1300 0 .... B./ > 4.1484 1301 Op. 186 ( v. I.) XOtAE.7tOt~ ~CX,OV'tE.~ t7tE.OOLV / 'f489 + X1XAE.7tOtaLV (cxµE.L~1Xa81XL sim.) E7tEe.aaLV/ B75 ipTJ,UE.LV i1tie.aaLv/ 1302 /axi,ALoL· ~ n, > 4.916; P38 /~ xi aqiLv X 19 ,iaLV ... 01tiaaw I 1303 B3 74 + /xe.paiv uqi' 1304 'Y6 79-







80 T)A9t Of.OOU1t6'to~ Olom6ocxo/i~ 'tCX(j?OII. Cf. 4.557 IX~&./ >2.913 1305 Ap. 27 / A~A~ Ell &µ3.1030 1347 0363 + Eupucr9rjo~ &i9Aw11/ 1348 0271 + cxun.; 1w11 1350 0552-3 ,wo.; ... I~£ 9cx11w11 pl 15 1,woG OUOE 9cx11611-.o.; 1351-2 0666 xp£11cx.; .. IXIIOt orjµo11 &p(cr-.ou~/ cf. 0530, 936; A328-9 o~µou &p(cr-.w/ufa, cf. M447; Z158 EX o~µou 0211 /uficx~ ... &pfo-.ou~/ 1358 0356 1tcx11riµtp(ri .. 11riG~/ 1358-9 A156* a11tµo.; 1.338 (~108 .. xp(va~) 18 Cf. Z458 xpa,tp~ (o' lmxdcrt,') cxvixrxri/, al. 19 µ. cpp. > 1.348 19-20 d23 + x6Ao~ oi µw exrpw~ [cf. 4.512] flpu/, > 1.1289 20 105 mpi o' au II- 21 X272* + lµwv hixpwv ,248 /wv E,3.580 180* µw 'tU~E 1tap' r368 Ar. ouo' lMµaacra/ cf. E138 30 I1477 /fv8' au ~ap1triowv µiv 30-1 t230-1 + (/) cpapo~ ... /)..t1t,6v 31-2 Yl46 /u~T)Aov, ,6 pix o[ T- N416 pix o[ w1tacra K269 et (h6v .. o[ .. owxt) A20 owxt ~uv~wv t!vaLI 32 v224 /0(1t,uxov ... Aw1triv/ 34 0646 h~v .. cpopitcrxt 7tOOT)VEXi' N372*, 398* ov cpopitcrXE 36 x203* o(xa 7tLV ... 137-8 0163* o 0€ 0-(j)LO"LV lyyu0Ev cf. 7]205; P554, X295 (o!) lyyu8Ev ~Ev/ d 79 + 1t'ijµcx ... ciUo/ 139 A749* + (lµ~) u1to ooupi. Cf. 3.1187 140 ~8 + IX7tOLXOµ€votO civcxxwc;/ 142 0470, u347, 3.1054, 1354 /o! o' 7]07] 143 L4645 µijAcx ... /1t0Uix 1tEpL'tpo1tfov'tE4.943-4 Ad corr. cf. 'Y366* 'tE VE(f!O~ CXAAtX ... > 2 .1252 174 A391 Et x' ... focxupn/ cf. N733 (fo0A6v) 178 ~183, TJ68 otxov EXTJ'tOV (-ouaw)/ 180-1 F.H. 132 IELVEX 2 .123 279 p295* /aI,a~ ... 1tp6xa~, ctr. r24 et (272 xuvE~) 0271 ri e.?..acpov xe.paov ri .. aI,a/ 280 Cf. X23 8€-ricrt tttatvoµE\10~ 281 Sc. 249 iipa~EUO'at 000\lta~/ 282-3 II356 /w~ Aavaot Tpwe.crcrtv l1tixpaov 282 E607* + , 2 .1097* µixAa axe.oov 284 H273 + /xai vu xe. o~ a79* + , 2. 797* atXT]tt 8e.wv 285 x3 l1tAwtfl lvt v~O'C\' 286 f374 + /d µ~ ixp' cf. 2.865 +; 2.993 ixp' lx 0715 8786 + wxia Tlpt~/ 286-7 T351 /oupavoii EX xatEmiAtO ot' a18ipo~ - St. 209.1.3-4 wpav68e.v ot' a18tpo (~) .. Xatt7taAtO 287 0771 1tapatcpa~ E1toµ6crcrn/) 3271 oµocrO'O\I .. LtUjO~ uowp/ 037-8 + (e.187 /µ~ ... ) LtUjO~ uowp, 0~ tt µtjtO'to~/opxo~ OEt\lOtat6~ tE 7tEAEt µax 3 .1146-7 299


lw~ ...





o839 ~ o' ... cx116pouat11/ 300 Th. 269 /wxtfnc; 7t'tEpuytaaL" µmixp6vtcXL ... 301 o,y./ >4.1438 302-3 [p./µ. >2.1170; x532, A45 /µi'jAa, 'tcx 304-10 y470-4 /o[ o' imt ... , /oa£vuv9' iC6µtVOL .... /a1hixp E7tEL 1t6aLOc; xat EOTJ'tUOc; i~ tpov E\l'tO, hofoL OE µu9wv ~PXt . . . 304 µ. o. > 2 . 15 7; 188 'tl9tll't0 .. o6p1tO\I (vu.: -a Ar.) *A396 + , 3. 305, 4 .1085 ivi µt1 1.1332-3 0143* + iiLoc; 116011 314 Op. 294*, He. 462* xat le; 'tiAoc; 316 y147 9u7.>v .. 1160c; y48 9u7.>v xa'tfoua' ix118pw1t0Li (- 4.1557 /ix118pw1toL xa'tfouaw) 317s. Cf. µ37s.; A100s. 317 8577 /vi'jac; µEv 1tciµ1tpw'to11 319s. Cf. µ66s. 319 K331 ai q)T}µL OLaµmpEc; cxyAai:da8 2.244-5 320 Th. 812 p£CnaL .. cxpTjpwc;/ cf. M134 321-2 M46, 060 le; xwpov E\l(X ~vL6\l'ttc; x89 E\l(X\l'tL(XL CXAATJAnaLv/ 322 17 /xop9ut't2.230-1 (0478* +, 2.642* ouo' ttXt) 342 E136* 'tptp6aaov 344 x508 IITJL (oL' cf. 4.457) .. mpiJanc;/; cf. 3.1072, 4.283 346 Th. 96Hvoo9L 1t6ll'toc;/ 347 > 1.930 348, 350 Ap. 501 /da6xt .. LX7Ja8011 349 E598* wxup6ep 7tO'taµ4J. Cf. 2.650 350 11101 opµou µi'tpov LXW\l't(XL/; cf. 2.728, 4.1678 353 x513 /ev9a µEv de; A- 0367* + de; 'A(oao 354 x89 /cxx'tat oE 1tpo~Ai'j'ttc;, >2.366 357 x205, w502 hofoL o' l1t' cxrx(µoAO\I 358-9 B572 "AopTja'toc; 1tpw't' lµ~aa().EUt\1/ 359 at tu.I > 1.231-2 360 /fo'tL ... > 1.936s. 361 Cf. E306; x305 363 ~116, q:,196, 4.1001 /wot µci)..' *t330, Th. 190, 2.808, 1089 &µ 1tiAayoc; 365 i1tt 1t. >3.679-80 366 7.3 (2 CX'tpU"(E'tOLo/) /cxx'tfl E7tt 1tpo~Ai'j'tL, V. 2.354 poat .. 1t.l > 2.936-7 367 t403 (402 ~7tttpoLO/) /ouvov lptuy6µt11011. Cf. 4. 790 'Y354 µt'tlX 'tO\I oi 368 Th. 791 o(vnc; cxpyupinc; EtALyµivoc; de; IXA 1.930 376 B614, t67 (-L) 9aAciaaLa epya µtµTJAEL (-tv)/ 377 1154 + \l(XLOUaL 1t0Aupp7j11tc; 382 C310 hov 1tapaµuqiciµt11oc; 383 'Y313-4




µfi·ttv ... l1t0tV'totTJV. Cf. 3.548 A158 µiy' civ0ttoii; 385 1 270, µ351 vficrov (-ep) lpTjµTjV (-n)/; cf. 2.672, 3.324 385-6 ~10 VTJOU1.140 K425+ ocppexoexdw/(ex261Ze.ocppex oexdri/); cf. 1.916 471 1t77, u335 xexl 7tAE.LO''tex 7tOp'(lO'tV/ 472 E136 +, 4.1209 /o~ ,6n µtv 475 A281 +, 2.1055 /ii).,).,' oye. 8662*, F.H. 43 (a) 56* 7tex,po~ fofo ,.ii./ >4.1353 476 :E250* + o yixp ofo~ A479*, 2.1100* lv oupe.crt A88 hciµvwv oivope.ex 479 367 /~ em (- 4.383) 1tona 480 Ap. 295* OtTjVtxk exu,cip 483 8525 /ixcrn'i xexl 'tE.XEE.O'O'tV f301 /exu,wv xexl nxiwv 485-6 A727 pi~exvn~ .. [e.pci e.s. cf. 2.523 ~504 +, 3.1057 l1t' exu,~/ 487 He. 252 /ev8' l1td i~- 0502* 0235* fxcpuye. xrjpex 487-8 A261 OU7tO'tE, µ' oYy' ii8ipt~ov/, > 1.840 488 1537 Ze. /lx)..ci8e.,' ouo' tVOTjO'E.V 488-9 :E240 /1tiµcjie.v ... IXEXOV'tex t461 7tiµm 8upex~e./ 489 1247* d µiµovci~ ye.. Cf. 3.434 490-1 Ap. 3 lmcrxe.Mv (l1tl crxe.Mv) lpxoµivow/ K440 /~)..u8' EXWV 862, 471 lnu8e.v TJA8e.v ixywv 491s. Cf. f267s. 494,389 /[~e,v l1t' ( v. I.) foxexp6cptv cf. e.59 vfov ... cf. ,519; He. 197, 3 71 495 190 ,(8u µe.vouxfo oexr,ex/ v23 oexr,' ii)..iyuvov/; cf. 1.979 496 a408 /ii).,).,' e.u oextcrciµe.vm 7t,v./ > 1.652 497 cji299 /exu,ol o' E.UV 1.1152 722 T313 • 1t0Aiµou crt6µix e.441 1totixµoto .. crt6µix -owl 724 B711 -(oix A(µvriv/ 725 u1to 7t. > 1.1308 726 /01tA1X te. .. 1t 1.357; Ap. 403 'tLIIIXO"O"E. OE IITjtlX ooupix/ 728 ~296 /ixcr1t4.1781; op. Yx./ >2.350 730 /de; ii. >1.938 730-11t.lA. >4.922 732 ~315 xuµix XUAL\10011, tl 4 7 xuµixtlX .. XUAt11o6µe.11ix, A307 xuµix XUALIIOE.tlXt e.s. cf. 4.152-3; M25 (xuµix)/xipcr2.363 809 0783* t1tma 1tpo aa,e.o~ 810 -apo,- .. 7tE.o. ,aµ./> 1.868 811 A601 + 1&~ ,o'tE. µiv( ... oa(vuv,' sim.) 812 ~407* + E7tL vrja Xa'tTjAU9ov 813 HI 73, 3.1256 /xai o' au,6~ B588 /lv o' auto~ xie.v 813-4 Cf. 3.909-10 µupC .. /owpa >4.1420-1; w283 /owpa ... , µupC 07tCX~wv/ 'l-"151 07tCXCJaLµL cp£pe.a9aL/ F.H. 240.11 /owpa cpipwv 814 ol 9* o6µwv EX u361 o6µou EX1tiµcjiacr9e. 598 EX1te.µ1tE. v£e.a9aL/ 816-7 Cf. B859-60 (EOCXµTj); E53s. (Exixacr,o/ 54); 4.1503-4 816 L509 µav'tOCJUVtJ EXEX2.468 878 't"ofo OE 9. >3.396-7; Th. 641, F.H. 31 7 ai~E't"O 9uµ6~ 8 79 > 1. 656 880 /o ... \I\) > 3. 711 P633 aU't"W~ .. hwcrta 881 't"277 /oi µi.v .. oAovw (ohov oA./ > 2.326) 882 H73 /uµtv µi.v (vu.: o' iv Ar.) yap £Mt\/ aptcr't"i'jE~ ... 883 H232 (/~µEt~ 231) K171 (dcr( 170) /xai 1toAiE~ 't"w µ71 't"t > 1.1320 884 d~ E. > 1. 363 885 > 1.1336 886 9557 XU~EPIITJ't"i'jpE~ tacrtv/ 887 MOS (aµEivovE~) + Eux6µE9' dvat/ 888 0403 /acrxaA6wcrt .. OtOE 889 (v.l. 121 xaXT)V IX't"TJII) 891 0150, 179 (ubi ~E TI) ~OE xal au't"t~/ 'E. y. U > 1.904 893 Hom. xaxov ohov• (>3.527) 894 A717 µaA' focruµivou~ 894-5 ~387 vi'ja 9071v· o 1tp6qipwv u1tiOEX't"o/; /v.9. > 2.533; cf. 0634 /vi'ja ... iiywv e.s. 895 P546 OT) yap \100~ hpam't"' auwiJ/ 9499 opµTj9d~ 9EOiJ 896 0261 + ltov OE µE't"' 897 TI552 19u~ .. k AtT}µivot .. o' iipa crqitv/ 900 crqitv ... -o~ ii./ > 3.688; ou. ii.I > 1.605 901 A435, 0497 /xap1taA(µw~ ... -crav ipE't"µot~/ 904 1t.1t./ > 2.402 910 L487 + i1tLXATJGl\l xaAfoucrtv/ Ap. 373 xaAfoucrt\l i1twwµo11 912 N63 + lo~ pa't"' Z501 + ix1t0Aiµ0to/ 913T290 /lx~avt0iJcr'.Cf. 1.1022, 1304 914 A191, 206 ~AT)µEVO~ 1iiJ, cf. 0514 915 0448, E211 /ou µiv 9TJV 'Y490* 1tpo't"ipw E't"' 915-6 A.226 ~Au9ov, O't"pUVE\I yap ayau'Tj TTEpcrEqlO\IEta (v.l. Ep-) L168 (~A9E .... ) 1tpo yap ~xi µtv "HpTj/ e.s. B309 au't"O~ .. ~XE 919 L105 +, 4.1603 ltofo~ iwv oto~ B872* 7t0AEµ6vo' LEV 919-20 N805 /aµqii oi ... ·E't"O 1tT)ATJ~I 921 1634 +, 3.119 + /xa( p' 6 µiv N239 + o µEv au't"t~ E~TJ A63 au,t~ EOU 921-2 076-7 Ot OE 1o6vn~/9aµ~Tjcrav. Cf. 1.322; > 2.269, 4.184 925 M22• iv a1ytaA2.397 968 .1215* A236* ~watrjpex 1texvex(0Aov 969 3477 /&µcpi X2.543 980 ~138* o' iiUuotc; IXAATJ, > 4.513 X321 07t'Q tL~m µcxAtO'tex/ 985 0131 + /xex( vu Xt 986 P363 ouo' ... &vextµwtt jt µcxxovto/ w532 /we; XtV &vextµwt( jt 987 t215 outt 0iµtatexc;/ Th. 235 ouot 0tµtatwv/ 989 Op. 145-6 ofow "ApTJoc;/lpr' tµtAt O'tOVOtVtex xext u~pttc; id. 238 /oic; .. u~ptc; µiµT)At .. xexi .. tpjex/ B614 tpjex µtµT}Att/ 990 0225 jtVt~V .. MtA3.113 993 /d ... lx >2.286; Op. 765*, 1.518* proecd. lx .lt60tv 994 1t453 /~)..u0tv· o[ o' 996 0176 µ(exv 1t6Aw 997 B362 /xptv' iivopexc; xextix cpGAex B655 &µcptviµovto OtlX tpixex xoaµ7J8ivttc;/ 1002-4 x98 tv0ex µtv outt ~owv out' &vopwv cpexivtto tpjex d 22 out' iipex 1to(µvnatv xextex'faxttext out expototatv 1002 exl 59 /toutmaw µtv .. µiAu 1003 w489* + attOLO (o6p1tow) µtA(cppovoc; 1006-7 Sc. 310-11 -ov, ouoi 7t0tE acptv/v(x7J cf. 0562 1007 Tj325 IXttp xexµcxtOW 1009 0147 + /touc; Of, µtt'; exut. fo. >2.593 1011 P658* + l1td iip xt {/tv0' l1td pa.; >2.487) 0554 lm( xt tixwat toxrjtc;/ x324 + tixvex ttxfo0ext (-da0ext) / 7J68 ruvextxtc; U7t' &vop 3. 209; ~301 (-ex - 4. 651) tofot tituxtext/ 1019 L295 + lvt OT}µC(.) / 1020 *A257 +, 3.697, 4.234 t 1.809-10 1022 Y254 µfo7Jv le; IXjUtexv 1023-4 A413 O'Utc; we; x243 oiex O'Utc; xexµexttuV 1.960 f233 01t6'tE Kpii't7J8Ev txotw/ 1175 [Ep 1. 1313 1213 24 72 * + ix1to xpa't6~ 1214 De. 17 IN ucrtov .. 7tEOtOV 1216 f35 wxp6~ 'tE µtv E0..E 1tapEta~/ 1218 /8.l. > 2.639; De. 118* t7tEEO'O'tV ixµd~E'tO Y199 (v. infr.) + 1X1taµd~E'tO (pWVTjO'EV n/ N3 73 E7tEU~a'tO 2.950; 0843 lvt cpptalv opµexivovnc;/ 20-1 036, 467 /~ouA~v ... TJ 'tLc; ov7Jau/ Hl 73 8uµov ov7Ja&'texL 22s. Cf. .120s. 0457s. 22 /fi xext l1t' > 1.306 f217 xex'tcx x8ovoc; oµµex'tex 1t7J~exc;/ cf. 3.422; 1. 784 25 2128 /otih' foµtv ~83 foµtv µt'tcx 1texw' 26 K270 + ~ 1texLOL P654-5 /o'tpuvov ... / d1t&tv A791 tt7tOLc; ... extxt 1ti87J'texL/ cf. A420 27 A42 aotaL ~EA&aaw/ 28-9 xt59* 't6v .. oiw/ E894 a' oiw xtlvTjc; 't 1.1027 44 ril 12 a-yxt 8up!iwv/ 45 -uµivri wµoti;/ > 4.179 46 t62 )(PUatL"{l Xtpx(o' 47 3176 7tAOx!iµoui; E7tAt~t 47-8 K476 1-tov o' .. 1tpo1t!ipm8tV 1owv (cf. 4.482) A645-6 /r:ov OE. 1owv ... 3.8 K57 /xdv 2.61 108 K192 + /oui:w vGv 0373 /oui:w ... wi; &roptuur;/, > 2.23 109 cp310




µT]O' EptOIXL\IE 110 w33* ( ... 07ttaaw/) + a~ 7tlXLO( 111 ix125 we; EL7tW\I ~yErtl', ~ o' Ea7tE'tO TiixUcxc; 'A8TjllT] 112 wl l /1tcxp o' LOIX\I 11.3-5 E167-9 /~ij o' (p': > 1.843) [µEv .... Er 7t0U EcpEupm· IEupE, cf. .:l88-9 (88 EUpE oh6110EI Ze. om. 89, cf. West 68), N760-1; E794 IEupE OE 'tOIIYE w226 'tO\I o' ofov 7tlX'ttp' EUpEII EUX'tLµivn Ell IXAwfl 11.3 A 77 XIX'tCX 7t'tUX1Xt; ( cf. 2. 992) OuA.uµ1tmo/ 114 ~293 'tE8ixA.uta .. IXAWTj/ 115 ~84 /oux o[T]II, &µix ... xix( e.s. 'tO\I pix 7tO'tE > 1.23; TI644 7tO'tE 2Euc;/ 115-7 5.202-3 rixwµTjOEIX .. 2Euc;/7jp7t1XOE\I 0\1 OLCX xaUoc; tv' ix8ix11a'tOLOL µE'tEtT], cf. Y235 117 '¥88* ixµcp' IXO'tplXyaAOLOL 122 Xl 41 o o' Eyyu8EII o~u AEAT]Xwc;/ 12.3 '¥268 AEUXO\I E't' IXU'twc;/ 125 x264* Em 7tpO'ttpOLOL 126 x42 \ILOOOµE81X XEIIEcxc; GUii XEtpixc; !:xovnc;/ E665 + ouo' EIIOTJOE11/ 127 P31 * + IXll'ttoc; LO'tlXa' 128 A441, 585 xix( µt11 1tpoafo1tE11/ 129s. Cf. He. 155s. 1.31s. Cf. 3235s. 1.31 2376, 0832 /do' ixyE µm A77* µm 1tp6cppw11 B361 + XE\I d1twl ('t378 ii.U' ixyE .. -oc; O't'tL ... ) 1.32-.3 8430 /xix( o[ .. 'tOO' IXAUOO\I .. 7tEpLXIXAAtc; 01tcxaawl He. 323 + .:ltoc; 1tEpLXIXAAtlX 'ttx\llX/ He. 32 'tOOE XIXAOII ix8upµix/ 0363 7tOLTjOt) ix8upµix'tlX 117Jminat11/ E452* o[ 7tOtT]OE - 8373 't'Tjll acptv TI6A.u~oc; 7tOtT]OE, sc. acpixtpixv ~361 + cptAT]'tpocpoc; EupuxA.uix/; cf. 1.668 1.34 /ix. Ell >4.1131 1.37 I:375 XPUOEIX oi acp' U7t0 XUXAIX EXCXO't(p 1tu8µi11t 8ijXE\I N22* lxpuaEIX -IX 'tE'tEUXIX'tlXL 140 104 Eµflc; Ell XEpai ~CXAt)Ot/ 141 2295, 0108 /ixa't~p o' we; T381 ixa't~p we; 142 K294 hriv 'tOL Eyw 8430 /xix( o[ Eyw ... 01tcxaaw/ 144 M458 ixcpixup6npo11 ~iA.oc; E[T]/ 145 i.q. 1.1103 146-7 Cf. TI7s. X492s. 146 E244 hrxoat o' EX~IXAE 7t 2.1043; 1559 •IX\l'ttO\I Ei?..E'tO 'tO~ov/ 158 De. 281 /~ij OE OLEX (µEyapwv) µ . .:l. > 1.1315 7]122, w221 7tOAUX1Xp1toc; (-ou) IXAWTj (-ijc;) 159 A422 + /ixu'tcxp E7tU'tlX 0411 7tUAtJOL .. OuA.uµ1tow/; cf. E749s. 161-2 Ctr. ~123 !:xoua' opiwv .. xapT]IIIXI; 27 .6-7 xap7]111X/u2.1127 193 12 ... z. >2.1131-2; 1t403 ~to~ .. 8iµta'tE~/; cf. 4.700 194 Th. 664 lw~ cpcx't'' E7ttJIITJC10t\l OE 8wi. Cf. 3.555, 4.503 196 /xah6't' ixp' > 2.118 197-8 ~416tAE OE axrj1t'tpo11 198-9 IITJO~ .... i~. >3.326-7 198 y300 + n xal uowp/ 199 K160 + i1tl 8pwaµ~ 1tEoioto/ 200 H281 'tO')'E o~ x529, µ127 t118a OE 1toAAaU 201 350* 1t'tEAiat 'tE xal hiat (cf. x510) 202 019 /aup~v ... xpEµcxaavn~/ 204 361 1tupl xat6µEvo~, ctr. !138 (lv); 'l-"183* (TI)1tupl xaiµEv, cf. West 182 ivl y./ > 2.666 ('t200 ouo' l1tl y./) 205 K466* i1tl aijµa Z419 fol aijµ' txm 206 u142 /ii).).' lv IXOE~~'tC\) ~OETI Ap. 487 xcx8E't011 Auaall'tE ~oda~/ 207 !151 l{1t1tW\I l~ 1.237 212 µ. L > 4.646 213 lx 1t. > 3.1365 ol 74* 1t6At11 xal owµa't' 214 A63* 'tO'tE o' O(U'tt~ 215 8325, x220 /fo'tall o' Ell 1tpo8up0tcrt w392 /fo'tall M µE')' 210s. 221 307 + /u~6a' (cf. West 154] ixup6µEvo~ (-ot -wv) K465, 505 u~6a' et u~oG (Ar. OLXW~) IXEipa~/ 222 Op. 595 /xp~IITJ~ .. IXEll 2. 784; 3. 443) p213, U174 7tlXcrL µE'tt7tpE7tO\I etl1t0Afotcrtv/ 247 Hom. /o'i o' E'.xov 249 0275, xt40, 3.671/lx 8etAcxµou 250 384 "Hp71 j'!Xp lpuxetXE Ap. 99 /"Hp71~ ... f\ µtv tpuxt/ 1tpi11 o' OU'tL >2.336; 1:386+ 1tcxpo~ 1 E µtv ou'tL 8etµ(~u~/ 251 1 213+ /lv µE1 cxpot~ 252 E511 71 ycxp pet 1t£AE11 E77-8 o~ pet .. /&pTJ't~P M'tux'to 253 19_39• loEv 253-4 P256 o~u o' axoucrtv ... Aret~I 254-6 cf. 1:28-30 /oµ~eti o' .... tetxov, EX 6t 8upet~Eltopetµov ... Of, 7tlXCJett/ ... ; X447-9 254 p357 7t00W\I 1tpo1tcxpot8E11 255 x446 CXOAAtE~ (~)..8011) cfoetcretLI 256 De.·188 /topetµov, 71 o' dtp' ... ; 71 o' ... > 1.637-8 256-7 L294-5 CX11Ecrx£8oµE11 .. xdpet~/ ... op6wv'tt~ K461 /u~6cr' cxvfoxE8E xup( (>4.593-4) 258-9 6.15-6 o( o' ~(J7t(X~O\l't0 lo611n~lxEpcr( 't' loE~L6wvw (v.l. n OE~-) 259 393 +, 3.974 cpcx'to µG8011/ (~384 + -etµEIITJ cp.) 260 L475· oux dtp' tµEAAE~ e.s. 262 /o.l.> 1.279 265 x79 /71µE'tEPTI µet'tLTI 266 f167 /ocrn~ oo' 267 ~195 /µT}'ttp' l7111 268 0572, cp388 (-o~) &ho 8upet~E/ 269 8588 /lv o' etU'tO~ XLE\I w492 lx o' ... XLE\I (cf. 1.207; 3.650) 269-70 w47-8 l~ .. ~A8E ... ICXj'j'EALTJ~ cxfoucret· ~o~ o' 270-1 Cf. 857 (et seq.) /1tArjll'tO o' ... tpXEet 271-2 P389 'tetupow .. µqcxAoto. Cf. 4.468 272 364· cr308· (309 XEXEetcrµivet XetAX~/) ~1JAet XCXj'· Xet\let, Cf. 1.1182 273 0610, 4.976 OUOE n~ ~Ev/ 275 ot' ~£po~ t~E\I > 1. 777 277 011 'tE ... xA. > 3.1003 278 't.'t./ > 1.993-4 279s . .:ll 16-8, 122 ['tet\/UcrcrcxµE\10~ 112 I cruAet 1twµet cpetpE'tpTJ~, lx O' EAE't, 1611' /cx~Arj'tet ... e'pµ, OOU\ICXW\I' I ett~et o' t7tt \IEUpfl Xet'tEx6crµu .. OtCJ'tO\I I . . .. ie'AXE o' .. 1 Aucp(oet~ ... Xett \IEUpet (cf. cp419 - 420 ~XE o') 0323-4 cpetpE'tPTJ~ t~E0..E't0 .. OLcr,611/8ijxE o' l1ti vtupfl 279 0451 • 1tOA1Jcr'to110~ .. 16~/ 280 IT342 1tocri xetp1tetA(µotcrL/ e.s. Th. 749 cxµu~6µElletL .. ouo611/; cf. 3.647 281 t433· U7t0 .. tAucr8d~/ 284 P695, 0704 /0~11 OE µtv cxµcpetcrLTJ t7ttW\I ACX~E 3475, 'Y468 E.AAet~E 8uµ611/ 285 2377 +, 3.442, 4.1121, 1222 lx µqcxpow/ 287 N688·, 4.173· (j)AOj't ttXEAov 288-9 Cf. 386 K95 /cr,718£w11 lx- 3294 7tUXL\IIX~ cppivet~. Cf. 4.1018 289 cp70 OUOE m' OtAATj\1/ 290 E152 Xet'tEL~E'tO Of. j'AUXU~ etlwv/







291s. Cf. E488s.; M433s. (- 4.1062s.) 'tE .. "(U\I~ XEP\IT)'tt~ -8523 OE "(U\IT} 292 E67* 'tflow ... tpyix µiµ7JAE11/ (>4.794) µ116 1toAEµ71tix tpyix µiµTjAE\1/ 294 'f760, 't301 /a.rxt µciA' 296 0430 ·E'tO Acx8pn/; cf. 3.1369 297 I:123 7t1XpEtCXW\I CX7t1XACXW\I/ 298 A272, Op. 685 !Xtopdncrt \IOOto/ 300 Op. 753 AOU'tp~ (xpoix cf. 3.832) cp1Xt0pU11Ecr8ixt/ 301 E95, ~111 TJPIXPE 8uµcl\l lowofl/ 302 q,199 /lx oE 'toii 304 0214 /1tixtoo~ Eµoii 304-5 K88, F.H. 70.39 'tO\l 7tEpt 1tCX\l'tw11/ I:81 'tO\I .. mpi 1tCX\l'tW\l 'tfo11 hix(pw11/ (cf. Th. 411-12) P583-4 cx1tci11'tw11/~d11w11. Cf. 3.585-6 305 A396 l11i µEycip0tcrt11 a.xoucrix/ e.s. ( > 2.304) y186 l11i µEycipmcrt .. 71µE'ttp0tcrt11/ 308 u64" 1tpocpipoucrix (xix't') .. xiAtu8ix/ 0389, x539 µi'tpix XEAEu8ou/ 309 De. 431" E\I ixpµixcrt 312 w378 IIXX't~\I ~1tdp0to. Cf. 4.850 ( > 1.584-5) 313 0811 • µciAix 1toAA0111X1t61tpo8t .. \IIXLEt~ /cf. 'f832 B162 + 7t1X'tp(oo~ IXLTj~/ 314 > 1.1294 315 w329 ... EL7tE 1Xptcpp1XOE~ 315-6 0138-9 OL'tL\IE~ oloEl1X\IOpw11 316 t548" + yAixcpuprj~ EX \ITjO~ (cf. 4.582) 11116 EX \ITjO~ ~CX\l'tE~ 319 Tjl55-6, A342-3 µnEEt1tE ... , /o~ 0~ ... 1tpoyE11fonpo~ T)E\1/ B555 o yap 7t. Tj./ 320s. Cf. t283s. 320 y456 µt11 OtEXEl>IX\I, a.cpixp o' .. . 321 (?) ~474 U7t0 'tEUXEcrL 1tE7t'tTJW'tE~/ 322 E402 xiiµix 7t0'tt ~Ep611* 't278 ho11 o' ... EX~IXAE xiiµ' E7tt xipcrou/ 323 > 4.917-8 324 Ep ... 11./ >2.385 325-6 t216-7 ouoi µt11 f110011/ dipoµE11, IXAA' 326-7 µ306-7 l~ix1tt~7]crix11 .. h7J6~ (cf. 3.198-9) 11319 /117]0~ lµrj~ 327 5 /T\µix'tL .. 1tpo'ttp

3.1195 (209, 246 oo't' ... ~pwcrL\I TJ238, 296 ELµix't' EOWXE\1/ 1t389" IXAL~ .. EOWµE11/ e.s. 331 'f312 cri8E\I IXU'tOU 332 1429", 692" ~\I WtAt)crL\I E816 + ouo' (oux) lmxEucrw/, >4.1104-5 335 >2.784 336081tiµ1tE\IEEcr8ixt/e.s., >3.376 IXµ.,ouo' >2.681-2; A451, M327 ouo' U7tCXAl>~IX~-iXL/ (4.1261 -L~/) 337-8 E34" + dto~ ... µrj11L11/ d513 + XOAO\I 8uµixAyfo 0122 (dt6~ ibid.) XOAO~ XIXt µrj11L~ ['II.' A2 test. Aristox. µrj11(~ n xoAo~ 8'] I:108 /xixi XOAO~ 338 3483 -OLO YE 1tot1171 1 340 /11rjix ... x. > 1.111 K275 + mixna~ 'A87J111XLTJ 341-2 ~292 dcri .. \IT)E~/ - 294 hciw11 ... 343 IA.ii. >1.541 A531" 11439* -'tE ott'tµixyE11· 71 344 E292 1tcicrix~ ... IXEAAix~/ y320 1X1tocrcp71Awcrt11 a.EAAixt/ 345 l~ IX.: cf. E865* A308" 0302 1X11tpE~ a.AAot/ 346 0287-8 xe.pcri .. /11wAEµiw~ 1122 cr1tEpxo(ix't' lpE'tµor~/ 348-9 081, ol 76 1t6AA' E1t1XATJ8d~/ 0492, 'tl 70 /1toAAa .. E7tt'tE' IXAWµE\10~ 349 E335 + CXAO~ .. 7tE.ACXyEcrcrL (/) 350 Ap. 75 T\ XE\/ IXOt) oU (136 yap LXIX\IE/ 351 u383" •E\I XE 'tOL ?i.~to\l, cf. 'f562, 8405 353 2159 o( U7t0 crx711t'tp

tW\IOL n (-





4.277) TT449 /u(ie.~ &8a11citw11 368 cp. ~-1 >3.638 371 0607-8 tw o( oaae./Aaµ1tfo87J11 .. t'.m' ocppuaw* 374 - 377 p447-8 /at~0' ... lµ~~ 1.649 402 Th. 44 /0e.wv yivo~ t267 (e.l ... ) p5 77 ~E xat 2.1268 410'f"217-8cpA.6y't~aAAO\I, /cpuaW\ltE~.Cf. 3.496, 1303 412 a374 /utpciyuov ... &p6tpep/ N707 tiµu (tiµve.t vu.) ... t&AaO\I 413 N322 + l1T]µ~tEpo~ ( .. ) 3.22 423 /~.a.> 1. 794 De. 198 cxcp0oyyo~ .. ~a-.' cf. id. 282






(xp6vov) 424 B343 + 7tOAUV xp6vov 424-5 ITl 10-11 ouoi 1t"(l Etxev/ixµ1tVEUO"O(l 425 x79 l1td .. (pOttVE'tO x408, De. 351 i1td µiya ELO"LOEV (µ~oe,at) fpyov/ [cf. 1.662] M416, xl 49 µiya ... cpa(ve,o fpyov/ 426 0706 /o~E OE ... ixµu~oµEVT] 1tpocrfo1ttv/ 427 'Y543 /w 'Axihii, µciAOt 'tOL ... (OLX"(l 542, at8Aov/ 544) 428 ~261 * 'tOV at8Aov 429 T421 µm µ6pot; .. o).fo80tt/ 429-.30 Z411 + OU yixp E't' CtAAT] (-ov) / Op. 157 E't' ano id. 703 ... XOtXTjt; OU p(ywv aUo/ ( .. 1J ,' ... ) 430 Z458 xp0t'tEpTJ o' imXELO"E't' IXV2.489 4.35 1134 + /d OE IJ'1Jj'' 437-8 8241 ocppa XOtL &Uc.ii/ ~400 /ocppa XOtL aAAO 2.255 485 > 1.1337; 3.34; 3.405



486 0336 /~ixax' t8t XCXL r23 µu9otat .. 7tUXt\lOLO't\l/ 492-3 A569 + cp0.011 xijp/ Il585 xe.x6Awao .. xijp e.s. 493-4 txcxa,cx .... otup. > 4. 730 493 ou vu ,t > 2.333; 0373, 466 ouol ,t ,lxµwp/ 495 0608 /cpij ootw 7t.,. 'A. > 2.1268 496 > 3.410 499 x,a.,. > 1.241, 627-8 502s., 516s. Cf. H92s., 161s. · 502-5 129-31 (sim. id. 693s.) lwr:, tcpcx9', oi o' apex 1tix11.e.r:, ... /01J11 o' ave.ep ... /o~E OE .. µe.,fo1te., >2.408-10 503 0633, u373 lr:, &HiiAour:, op6w11.e.r:,/ 0484 lr:, &HiiAour:, OE toov.o/ 505 A516* + µe.,cx 1taat11 (cf. 3.544) .. EU1te.11/, >4.189 H184* 1taCJt111.1162 508C.~>3.1052 511-12 K99, Op. 264 l1tt 7tlXjXU Aix0wv,cxt (-e.a9e.)/ P329 7tE.7tOt96,cxr:, ~IIOPETI 512 He. 275-6 µii,' cxu,or:,* ... /µrin w' aAAOII E827 + µri,e. 'ttll' aAAov/ 513 T105 + hwv &11opw11. Cf. 4.278 OU ... > 1.345 514 2462 ·OIi EO'O'E.'tCXt CXAjor:,/ cf. ~193 515-6 P123 lwr:, Ecpcx,', AtCX\l'tt OE .. 9uµov opwe./ e.s. E29 + !1taat11 op(1187J 9uµ6r:, He. 304 wr:, cpix9'· o o' cxu,' &116pouae. 9owr:, KuUrivwr:, 'Epµijr:, 516-7 u185 hofot o' l1tt ,p(,or:, ~A9e. H1634 h~ o' l1tt .. wp,o ... hofot o' l1t', sim. 'Y290s. 517 µ.cp. > 1.348 518-9 '¥432 cxlCrior:. .. &vrip e.s. cf. 3.1336-7 (adn.) 519 A319-20 louAour:,/&118ijacxt 521 /oi ... e.t. > 1.1049; .:1429 oi o' cxAAot 2.172 528 F.H. 165.6 /xoup7J)11 o'[l]v µe.j!XpotO't\l .. ,ptcpe.11, De. 164-5 u[or:, lvt µqixpep .... ,picpe.,cxt e.s. 530 A741 cpixpµcxxcx .. oacx ,plcpu .. x9wv/ Th. 582 /xvwocxA' oa' 7]7tE.Lpor:, .. ,picpu ~OE 81XACXO'O'CX/, cf. 5.5, Cypr. 7 .12 531 Th. 566* &xcxµix.ow 1tupor:, .. cxu11111/ H410 1tupor:, µe.tAtaalµe.11 wxcx/ 1t290,,91tupor:,-e..'&u,µ11/ He.137*1tupor:, .. &u,µii/(cf.1.734) 532 Th. 367 1to,cxµot xcxVCXXTJO 4. 754 U./> 1. 712 535-6 5. 7, 33 ouvcx'tcxL 1te.m8d11 535 He. 552 XCXO'Ljll· Tj'tCXL jE.jCXULCXLI 536 x464 /µTj'tEpL 9' riµe.'tEp'{l 537-8 1363 /-ijµcxn XE. 'tpt,IX't(p ... lxo(µ7J11/ 7}326 /-ijµcx'tL -~ CXU't~ ('t~o·: > 2. 797); a353 £(, 00µ011 rxu/ 539 N676 'tlXXCX o' (X\I A792* 0403* OU\I ocx(µovL A386 O'U\I 'tE.UXE.CJL 1te.tp7J8drir:,/ 540 /wr:, ... ol>l.341 .:1320* + 8e.oto6acx11 541s. Cf.0247s.; X139s.[>1.104950); o525s. 541 X140 + 'tPYIPWIICX 7tEAUCXIII (cf. 2.533-4) 493 cpUjE.11 wpe. 7tEAucx/ 542 0508 + tµ1te.O'e. 1t611'tep/ 543-4 B322 /KixAxcxr:. o' CXU'ttX' .. 8e.o1tp01tEW\I &y6pe.ue./ 545 't.O'. > 1.1062, CJ .... ,./ >4.1476 T9* + 8e.w11 lo'tTJ,L 546 2267 + ouoi 1tTI EO"tt(/) x140 ouoi 1t-n an 11 ; ,555-6 ou 1twr:, fo,tv u1toxp(11cxa8cxt 011upo11/cxAA'{l (X7t0XAL\ICX\lt 547-8 jl 18-9 -oµe.11 &µcptE7tOIIW;/ 7tCX\l'tOLOtO't OOAOtO't (/µ.1t. > 2 .383) 548 oux &./ > 1.840 549 /e.l he.611




> 2.325 (cf. M217-8 e.1 lu6v ye./ .. oo' opvL~, id. 228 - 3.546) 551-2 25234 'tO o' lµov xijp/ .. EV 8uµc;> Y195 + lvi 8uµc;>/ e.389 7tOAAa OE o( xpexo(11 1tpo,L6acm', cf. ~219 (8uµ6~) 553 /ii.cp. > 1.336 554 A456 +, 4.495, 1371 /~011 vuv 555 >3.194 555-6 De. 358 -rjo~ lcpe.,µrj~/ Op. 298 µe.µv11µivo~ .. lcpe.,µij~/, >2.1051 557 µ.o. > 1.462 558s. Cf. B235s., H96s., 235-6, M237-8 558 349, '1"103 lw 1t61tOL, ~ pex 560 L607* (-oto µ.) + µiyex a8ivo~ 562 385* µ110' ixµµw µ116 ,OL 1toAE.µT)Lex lpyex µiµ11Ae./ 563 E349 yuvextxex~ IXV 3.428 620 w261, 4.1334 /ou,L µ&).' 622 p509 /l).8iµe.v, ocppex ,( µLv (,ov ~e.tvov 508); >4.438 Sc. 90 acpi,e.pov .. o6µov 043 e.larjyov .. o6µov 623 0587, He. 390 iiµcpi ~6e.aaLv/ 626 ~-~- > 3.1052 0667 IXAA/ 627 St. 219.2 (de Clyt. somnio) lx o' apex wu A737 t1tAe.,o ve.txo~/ 629






.:1319, x416 lwr; tµtv wr; Lµ.cp. >2.950 6.30 TJ227* + 'tov ~dvov 6.31 T374 ltlAt'tO, 'tOU o'. 'tOU(', o' .. axor. A. >4.749 6.32 Cf. a199 /cp86nC\' .. · 't~\I OE .. U1t\lO(', avrjxt/ (et seq.) 6.3.3-4 x23-4 &v6pouaav ... , /1t1X\l'tOat 1tlX1t'tCtt\lO\l'tt(', .. 1tO't\ 'toixour;/ P760 mp( 't' &µcp( 'tt 't4.1748 6.36 /o.l. > 1.279 6.37 0541, N828 TJµipTJ T\ot xaxov cpiptL 6.38 f108 cppivtr; ~tpi8ov'tetL/; cf. 3.368 6.39 cp160-1 m' .. 'AxaL"iciowv .. /µvcia8w ~34 at µvWV'tlXL .. XCt'tlX oijµov/ ~101 * + XCt'tlX oijµov ('AxixL°Lcxowv) 641 X300 ouo' t't' avtu8tv/ 642 E279* 1tUp7JaoµetL Ctt Xt Il590 1tupwµtvor; ~ EV &i8AC\)/ 644 N346 + aAytet Auypci/ 645 289 /oliaaa .. 8upar; .. o6µoLO/ x230* + /Tj o' .. E~tA8ouaa 8upar; WL~t 647 o.&./ > 3.280 648 201 * OE Xet't' etu't68L Att1ttv 2119* etU'to8L µdvt, v.l. µ(µvt 0673, 0302 EV 1tpoo6µC\) .. IXU't68L ( lvt 1t. > 4 .4 71) 648-9 8324 µivov a!oot OLXOL 649 A199* µt'tlX o' hpci1tt't' IXU'tt(xet) µ437-8 01t(aawl ... CtU'tL(',, cf. 4.439 650 lx ... xfav >3.269, 1346 651 Z514* ('tetXitr;) oi 1t6otr; cpipov (>4.66, 1121) t330 cpipov tv8a xat tv8a/ 652 Kl 1 ( ... &8p7Jam/) + /7\'tOL ih' A591 hwv 01t6't' 18uau' 654 'Y817* hptr; µiv .. 'tptr; oi e.s. 176-7 hptr; µiv ... hptr; OE ... 'to OE 'tE'tpet'tov Z435 hptr; ... t1ttLp7Jaav8' 655 t374* 1tp7Jv~r; cxAt XCX1t1ttat 656 lwr; ... 'tL(', >2.541 0190* 8aAtpor;1t6aLr; 657et170+ ~OE 'tOXrjtr;/ 658 8252 +, 4.262 /ouoi 'tt 1tW Cf. ~241 lmµiayt'tCtL aV'tL8imaLV/ - &µcpfaoAOL 239, 1tCX\l'tW\I 240 660-1 0399 /xTjOtaL\I aAATjAW\I np1twµt8et 66.3 1t87 lµTj µLV xwtoµiwaLv 664 sc. 193 hn 1xiATJ 666 025 loµC\)cxwv T\ ... 669 H263 + /&U' ouo' wr; 670-2 ~15-16 /~ij o' tµtv lr; 8cxAaµov .. t\lL XOUPTJ [cf. 2.937] /xmµa't' 671 llx 8. > 3.249 672 Sc. 243 XCt'tlX o' lopu1t'tO\l'tO 1tixpucir;/ cf. ~153 67.3 2294 lwr; o' lotv p103, 't596 ocixpua' .. 1ttcpupµiv7J cpwv7Jaiv µLv/: fort. ex Hom. xa( µLv cpwv7Jaetr; (t1ttet 7t'ttp6tv'tet 1tpoa7JUOet) 674-5 A404+ /w µm lyw ('t() N88+ ocixpuet At$ov (-wv)/ A362, I:73 'tt xAa(ur;; 'tt oi at cppivar; LXt'tO 1tiv8or;;/ 676 E812 /7\ vu at 678 X345 µ7JOE 'tOXTJWV/ 679-80 N565 + l1tt ya(7Jr;/ 5.227 /vatt ... fol 1tttpetaL "fCtLTJ(', /cf. L284; 4.1567; 2.365 + 680 0710 LI/Ct µ7Jo' ovoµ' ... 681 lwr; ... o' > 1.341 P695, 0704 /o~v oi µLv 68.3 A566 /Arar; o' aAAO'tt µiv e.s. l1t' &. >2.1251-2 684 0303 + Xet'tlX O"'trj8or; 685 Il349* X452* &vix O"'t6µa 688 Cf. 386 atpLV E\I\ cpptat 8uµor; a7J'to/ - 4.1673 µoL lvi cpptat 8ciµ~or; a7J'tetLI, 2.900 atpLV ... ·O(', r,(Tj'tO/ 691 L142* + 'tL(', 8t6(', 69,3 /cp.p. >3.382 - 385; qi181 lwr; ap' tcpTJ 1t6aLO(', 1tupwµEVTJ. Cf. 2.638 694 Ctr. A67 aV'tLCXaetr; ... &µuvaL/; 8525 'ttXEtaaLV &µuvwv II265 &µuvu ofoL 'ttxtaaL/ M222 'ttXEtaaL\I fotaLv/ 696 >2.255, 3.484 697 't.1t. >2.1020 699 ~373 /&U' oµoaov 2174* + yatciv n xat oupav6v 700 Z524* + , 4.1111 * lv 8uµ{il 701-2 X338-9 Afoaoµ' U1tEp 3.985 702 xaxn .. XTJp(




> 2.116 703 '1"594· ~ OOLj'E 460 OU\l 7tj'Epa~ o' .. 'Epwii~/ ~135 O"tl>j'Epa~ &.p~crE"t' lpwii~/ T259· xcxi 'EptVIJE~ cx'i... 713 830 Eµ1tEOO\I EL\ICXll 714-6 De. 259 f{a"tW yap 8EW\I opxo~ 036 + ta"tW \IU\I "tOOE ("t!XOE) fcxtcx xcxi Oupcxvo~ Eupu~ U7tEp8Ev 715-6 E750* + µEj'CX~ oupcxv6~ .:l186-7, 215-6 (-o~) rio' U7tEVEp8E/~wµcx. Ctr. f278 1cxtcx xcxi o'i u1tEvEp8e. ... µ242 (sim. Ap. 118) u1tEve.p8E ot 1cxtcx (cf. 3.864) 716 Op. 563 /yrj 1t1XV"twv µ~"'TIP 30.t7• (El~ frjv) 8e.wv µ~"'TIP Ap. 268* a8E\IO~ &a"t( 716-7 Cf. qi127-8 718 De. 145 /cprj pcx .. "t'Tj\l o' .. &.µe.i~e."tO 7tCX· p8Evo~ 719 f52 /oux /xv OTJ µe.ivucx~ e.s. vlO µtv OTJ ~E.L\IC\) 720 t422 o6Aou~ xcxi µrj"tl\l ("t.µ. >2.225) 721 A174* 0170* EL\IEX' lµEto cx409 "too' LXIX\IU/ 723 U/ > 1. 712 724 lw~ ... o' > 1.341 725 E354 + xpocx xcxA6v(/) 725-6 E696, TI344 XCX"ta o' .. XEXU"t' cixAu~/ t372-3 xao OE µw U7t\lO~/ijpu 726 µ.L/ pa.; >2.1276, 4.1127 727 uµµt cp. >3.104 0392 -6v "te. "tEWX"tcxt/, >2.292 728 B364 EP~n~ e.s. 0294* + E\I ocp8cxAµofol\l y2 ·OlOl cpcxe.ivot/ 729 P681 ·0\1 E"tt ~WO\l"t(X LOOt"to/ 732 w107 ·Ot xcxi oµ~AlXe.~OUOE xe.v ixUw~/ 732-3 > 4.368-9 734s. Cf. "t482s. (crt1 '5 502 - 3. 736; ~e.~~xu/ 503 - 3. 740) 735 8564 7tO"tE 7tCX"tp0~ lywv .. ixxoucrcx/ 1t241 CXtt\l ,ixxouov/ 736ri30(crl1 '5)+ /ciU't'!h 736-7"t./).. >3.779 738-9~3298uµocp86pcx cpixpµcxx' lve.ixn/ 739 cx105 /e.looµE\IT} ~E.L\IC\) f87 + ("toii EL\IE.XCX) \IELXO~ opwpe.v/, cf. H372s. He. 269 "tOOE \IELXO~ hux8ri/ 740 ~109 lw~ ~r· Ap. 331 * lw~ ... x(e. cf. Pl 13; 0149, 1tl 77 ITJ µtv ixp' w~ d1toiicrcx (Ep~cxcrcx) 1tixAtv xie.(v) f142• + Ex 8cx).ixµot0 740-1 Th. 162 xcxi E1tEcppcxoe. 1tcxtcri 742-3 De. 190 hTJv o' cxlow~ u ... lot .. ofo~ Et).e.v/ cf. 0657-8; "''Tl" OE µLv: i.q. Al 17 CXU"t'Tj\l .. µLv X"tA (46, E430 OE µw CXU"tl~/) 742 0386-7 µouvw8Ev"tcx .... AIX~ov 743 ou 7t. >3.598 Op. 559• fo' civEpl 744 0351 E7tL xvEcpcx~ ~).u8qcxtcxv/ *).18, µ381, 4.183 E1ti 1 cxtcxv lvi 1t./ > 1.16 744-5 0203 /o( OE "tOt EL~ 'EALXT}\I u xcxi ... 746 0213• + EX \IT}W\I 747 066* /~OT} ... -o~ EEAOE."tCXl 747-8 1633 7tCXl00~ .. u8vriww~/ e.s. 748 cr201 µcxACXXO\l 7ttpi xwµ' EXIXAuqie.v/ cf. 3359, Th. 798 749 M37 /ou ... ~E\I 8p6o~ 751s. B241 /ciUa µii).' oux 'AxlArjl ... 07-8 TT}AEµcxxov o' oux U7t\lO~ EXE. j'AUXIJ~, ci).).' lvi 8uµ4J/ ... µEAEO~µcx"tcx 1tcx"tpo~ E1 upe.v/ K3-4, 9 /ci).).' oux .. 'AycxµEµvovcx .. . /u1t\lO~ EXE j'AUxe.po~ 7tOAAa cppe.criv opµCXL\10\l"t(X .... lw~ 7tUXL\I' lv O"t~8e.crcrl\l .. . N470 /ci).).' oux 'looµEvrjcx cp6~o~ AIX~E 751 E472 j'AUXe.po~ ... U7t\10~ &7tEA8n/ 0793 l1t~Au8E v~ouµo~ u1tvo~/ c.v.l. E7tEAACX~E cf. x31 (v. West 252), v282 753 Th. 832 hcxupou .. µE\10~ (cicrxE"tOU) H38* + xpcxupov µE\10~ 753-4






085-6 -voe;, oc; OL EµtUt/q>8(ata8' EV, v .I. q>8(a81XL M 756 o45-6, 7]84-5 /we; 'tE yap ~EAtot> 1XLYA7J 1ttAEV ... /owµix xix8' ... ; cf. 4.167 /we; OE aEA7]111Xt7] 1.251 784 t460 /).wq>71am xixxwv 786 041 oL' Eµ~v i6't7]'t1X. Cf. 3.1116 787 ~397 1ivixt, o8t µot q>(Aov E1tAE'tO 8uµ~/ e.s. 788 /ix.l. > 3.177 822 xixt EX'ttAfomv cxi8Aouc;/ 789 > 1.1065 791 /cx.x. we; > 1. 978 µ. E1t. > 4.389 792 Il69 Tpwwv oE 1t6Atc; l1tt miaix ~t~7Jxt/ 793-801 Cf. Z459465; Z348 e.c. 793-4 f411-12 (Helena) Tpepixt oi µ' .. l1taaixt µwµ71aoV'tlXL 794 a.a. >4.513 795 ~219 /cxvopt .. CXAAOOIX1t~ 798-9 Cf. Z410-11 E201 + 7J 't' &v 1tOAU xipowv TJEIII X108 't6't' &111tOAU xipOLOV ELT]I 799 u88' htjot ... WX'tL 1:251 EV WX'tL (ixu'ttj > 1.1038) 800 E787' + xax' EAEYXEIX 0260* EAEYXEIX 1taV'tlX 801 F.H. 33 (a) 18 oux ovoµixa'ta 802 0228 /Tj, xixt q>Wptixµwv . . . 802-3 'Y210 fl E\IL XEL'tiXt/ 0230 q>apµixxix 7tOAAa µEv fo8).a µt· µLyµivix, 7tOAAa OE Auypa 804s. Cf. q>55-6 e.c. 804-5 1570 OEUOV'tO OE oixxpuaL x6A1t0t/ 806 x44 7 /ixtv' 0Aoq>up6µt111XL (oixxpu ibid.) 'tov iov µ. > 1.140 807 ~329 8uµoq>86pix q>apµixx' 809 IE.µ. > 4.1050 810 /o.o. >3.1301 0368 a'tt>ytpoii 'A(oixo/ 061 ', 5.57' XIX'ta q>pivixc; 811 28.14' 07]p011 xp6vov x471 ·OIi, cxµq>t OE 1taaixtc;/ 815-6 B453, A13, 'tOfot o' aq>ixp 1t6Atµoc; yAux(wv yivt't' ~E vita8ixt 816 d E'tE6v yt > 1.154 818 Th. 494 /fix(7]c; Ewta(nat. Cf. 4.646 820 De. 168 8pt1t'tTJptix oo(7J/ 822 0455 CX\IIXOLytaxov .. XAT]LOIX 8upawv/ 823 K35' -vn· 't~ o' cxcmaaLOc;... 825 609 /µdvixt E't' 3119, 0508 µEv IXU't68t µdvt p582 µdvixt avwytv ).356 cxvwy0t't'





ouh68t µ(µvuv/ 826 H447* v6ov xod µ~·nv f202* o6Aouc; x0ti µ~ot0t 827 P706 /0tu-roc; o' 0tu-r' l1t( ( > 2.813) Ap. 448 /av8tv o' 0tu-r' l1ti v~0t ( > 1.832-3) v125 /0tu-roi o' OtlJ ... XLO\I 828 X475 + /~ o' l1tti OIJ\I y34, w391 /o[ o' we; OIJ\I .. loov 5.185 we; -rdt 1tpw-r0t .. loov (M420 l1td -rdt 1tpw-r0t) 829s. Cf. 3170s. 832 > 3.300 832-3 0292-4 1ttptx0tAAEOt 1tE1tAO\I, /1to(xtAO\I' lv o' cip' EOOt\l 1ttp6v0tt .... XAT]roLV luyvciµ1t-r0t 3.1374 895 ~119 (ou .. m' ... ) hciwv a'i 1tcipo~ 896 ~467 + , 4. 743 /&U' l1td ouv 897s. Cf. De. 5s. 897 /d o' dtyt pa. 998, ~28 xtxopiJµt9a (xoptaa(a,o) 9uµ6v(/) 898 ,.dt.1t./ > 1.1143 900 o.Y./> 2.442 901 /7\.,. > 2. 797 904 E653 + /l~ lµi9tv 905 v52 + hov ~tLVOV (cf. 3.619) p53 /~tLVOV O'tL~ 907 f290 +, u213* µt xiAov,aL p472, He. 236 1ttpi ~oua(v. Cf. 4.551 E715* 'tOV µu9ov B335 /µii9ov foawiJaavn~ 4.415, 805 /au,cxp lyw 8673* + l1tflvtov 110(€) 2306 T)Ot xat au,6v/ 908 Yl88 ~owv dt1to µoiivov lov,a/; cf. 3.913 909 A368 /xat 'tel µtv tu OCXO'O'aV'tO µt,CX O'q)tO'LV, > 2.534 909-10 o. /o.q>. > 2 .813-4 910-11 .:llO* 'tL xaAfoaa~/, v. supr. 908 914 De. 284 xaa(yvTj,aL .. taaxouaav 916 .:l274* cxµa OE .. tt7tt't0 :E234 µt,CX OE O'q)L .. tt7tt,' 'AXLAAtu~/ 919-20 B553 't346-7 /ou9' OO'O'OL ... /ou9' OO'O'OL .. . 920-1 dt./ix. > 1.858-9 922 B482 'tOLOV dtp' 'A,pt"LOTJV 9ijxt 2tu~ 7\µa,L xdvep Nosti 6.1 Araova 9ijxt* 923 > 1.875-6 927 /t.O.'t. > l.936s. De. 355 tvoo9LVTJOUI 928 II. Parv. 6.2 xpuadm~ q)UAAOLO'LV ixyavofoLV xoµ6waav 928-9 t64-6 aryupo~ . . . /tv9a ... opvL9t~ .. tuvciCov,o/ ... xopwvaL Op. 747 lq>tCoµEVTJ .. AaxlpuCa xopwvTj/ cf. 936 Cf. Al06, 931 N12 /uqioii l1t' IXXpO'tCX'tTJ~- Cf. 4.941 F.H. 304.1 '¥483; 0164 /tppt, xax'Tj YATJVTJ 939 Yl29 9twv EX .. oµq>ij~/ e.s. 940 Th. 191 't 3.434 953 x24 /1tCXV'tOO't 1ta1t,a(vovn~ e.s. 954-5 o./ .. 7t00. > 3.1038-9; p480 /~ 7t000~ 7\ 956 U./ >2.1285 957s. Cf. E5s. ('ilxtavofo/); X26s. (ixp(CTJAOLX,A; 30-1-3.9589); P549-50 0~ pan .... , µijAa 8t xiJou/ 957 N140 /uqiL o' ixva9p~axwv 958 K316 lo~ OT) 'tOL ttOO~ µlv (cf. 4.285) p307 /xaAo~ µlv, V. infr. 960 959




1:218 atixp TpwE3.259 975 /t.µ. >3.464 L410 oiov l6vta/; µ297 (/EupuAox' ... µE ~LCX~E'tE µoiivov l6vta/) fort. ~LCX~EOtL oiov leg. Ap. (~LCX~EOtL oiov v.l.; ~LCX~Ecr8' oiov Ze.) 976 Pl 75 /ou tOL lywv v223* OLOL'tE ... tacrLV/ f168 /7JtOL ... ·Et;OtAAOLtacrLV/ 977 2319, 323 /ouo'otE7tEp 0480 lvi 7tCXtpn/ 978 t549 lria 1tcxpot; x349* tw µ-fi µt AL· 979 tOL cp. > 1.890 981 P54 /xwpC!) EV [ > 4.1398] o101t6AC!), 08' B722 / A-fiµvC!) EV rira8in, o8L e.s. ( cf. 4.1131) 2386 t~ o' OU 8iµLt; E 1.921) ~56 OU .. 8iµLt; fot' 982 /a.a. > 1.475; a284* (EA8t) XOtl ElpEO 983-4 A267 wt; to 1tpwwv U7ttat7]V vl33 fod cru 1tpwtov U7tE2.1131-3, 1132-3 986He. 551 /xaiAL6t; 7]164-5, 1801 .ltt .... ot; 0· ixitncrw ... 01t1J0Erl 1419-20, 686-7 Ztut;lxErpa l~v u1ttpfoxE e.s. 987 w114* ~ELVOt; OE tOL 7]24 (~ELVOt; .. ) + lv8cxo' (xcxvw/ 988 057 /xpuor avayxa(n 989 Sc. 127* crwv6tvtat; .. ai8Aoui;/ 990 0437 /crot o' &v E)'W 0695, x319 xcxpLt; µEt6mcr8' EUEpyiwv/ 991 /fl 8. > 1.517 u293, w481 wt; E7tEOLXEVI 994-5 B136-7 /a( OE 7tOU -fiµinpa( t' OtAOXOL XOtl .. tEXV0tl7J0tt' EVl µEycxpOLt; 7tOtLoqµivaL d56, 158 ri°L6VE 2 .99) aU' dtµuoL~ .. 7taV'tlX~, > 4.25; 8394 1taV'tlX .. 80tA.µwv aµ0tpuy0tU 1019-21 '1"597-8 (locus vexatus) 't"Ofo Ot 8uµ6~/1av8T} ( cf. id. 600) EL 'tE 7tEpt CJ't"IXXUECJCJLV UpCJTj. Cf. 1"205s. 1022 0530 + l0tAAO'tE µiv 'tE (464 'tEI) 1024 N88" +, 4.547" u1t' oq>puaL (0608" ·fiCJLV u1t' -LV) De. 357-8 µdOTjCJEV ... /oq>puc:nv 1025 H94 + /opa~EO viiv (Ap. 325a µ~ 't"Ot 'tL XIXXOV µTj'ttaoµ'o1tfoaw/) 1027 >1.683; 1.798 1029x195vUX'tlXl'flUAa~u~/e.s., >2.631 1030 0669 + A.oiiaov (sim.) 1tO't0tµofo pofiaL/ 560 AOEacraµEVO~ 1tO't0tµoto/; cf. 3.877, 1203 1031 X39 /ofo~dtvEu8'&Uwv 1032s. x517-8 P68pov opu~IXL ocrov 'tE 7tU)"OUCJLOV (cf. 3.1207] fv80t XIXt EV80t, /aµq>' IXU't0 Ot ... 527-8 fv8' OLV apvuov pi~ELV 8ijA.uv 'tE µiAIXLVIXVI . . . IXU'tO~ o' 1X1tov6aq>L 'tp0t1tfo80tLI 535 /0tu'tO~ 3t ~(q>o~ o~u ... Cf. A.25s. 1032 Th. 191" 't0 o' EVL 1034 0322 /1tiip .. EU VTjfj 1.839 (cf. 012) 1042 x287 't60E q>apµ0txov 1043-4 P212, 499 /ahij~ XIXt cr8ivw~ 8136 µiy0t 'tE a8ivo~· ouoi 'tL ~PT}~/ ( > 1. 531) ouol X.q>. I > 2. 171-2 1045 µ 11 7• 8wfoLV .. a80tva'tOLCJLV / 1046 X184 aaxo~ ... 7tE7tlXAIX)"µivov• 1047 f18 +, 3.1282 (q.v.) /x0ti ~(l'flO~ d223 /fv8' oux 2.485-6 1058-9 A530, :El 72 (/)ixAA~AOU~ OA£XOU 1.251 1143-4 '1"190-1 µ~ 1tpiv µivo~ ~EALOLOlcrx~Au' '1"154 (tou 3.446-7 1152 t399 1tocrtv .. lmP~vcxL/; 1152-5 >3.869-74 N25-7, 29 YEV'tO o' 1µacr8A71v/xpucrEL7JV >3.869-74 EU'tUX'tOV, EOG o' lmP~crE'tO OL4.1118 1156 De. 77 /cxxvuµiv71v 7tEpt 7tCXLOL 1157-8 x189+ /xixAU'tE .. µu8wv. Ctr. K47 ouo' EXAUOV cxuo~crcxv'to~/ 1159 t338, p339 II~E o' l1t( 1161 UL >2.49 1162 A429 /ofov ... lµ~crCX'tO tpyov CXELXt~/ cf. cr221; Th. 158 XCXXC\) ... tpy~/ 1163 N240 /'IooµEVEU~ o' O'tE 0~ e.s. cf. 3.1278 r209/ &n· O'tE 0~ ... tµLx8Ev/ E134 Tuodo71~ o' t~CXU'tL~ lwv (cf. 1165 Sc. 40 /wp't' livcxL M280, Ap. 444 3.1223) 1tpoµax0Lcrtv lµ(x871 (-oLcrL) m 1.1097 1166 p590* (/µv7Jcr't~pwv) + l~ oµLAOV. Cf. 1.109, 4.183 A828* + l1tt V~(X 1167 ~381 lyw oi µLv cxµ3.258-9 M208* (/TpwE~ o' lpp(y71crcxv, cf. 3.1293) + 07tW~ toov x 109 (/o[ OE .. -ov) + EX 't' lpfov'to I 1168 / CXU'tCXp ... 1t. > 1.265 x289 (lpiw .. ) O~VECX K(px71~/ ~20 oiµvLCX xoup71~/; cf. 4.1 1169-70 H39 (-focrE'tCXL cf. 2.28), 226 o168Ev ofo~/; cf. 2.28, 4.418, 1198 De. 27-8 o OE vocr2.139 1189 P641 ITTTjAt"tOTI, E7ttt OU µLv o(oµcxL 7t.iX./ > 2.411 1190 Op. 581 l1tl ,uycx ~oual 't19TjaLv/ id. 434 l1tl ~ouai ~cD.ow/ 1191-2 Cf. cx23-4 1191 L241, He. 68 l~i).w~ µEv tou (E8uvt xcx't2.180-1 1207 Ll148* +, 4.1495* o' ap' E7tU'tCX cp120 't3.1032s. 1209 ~193 tu xcx9ump9tv tpe,~cx/ Ll112* tu XCX't£9T}Xt 'tCXWaaaµtvo~ 'f"761 tu ... 'tCXVUaan/ l213 lcpump9t 't4.1754) 1214 0153 &µcpl oi µLv ... foncpavw'to/ E739 (/om~v.) ~v 7ttpl ... foncp 1. 970 1234 0179 (-o~l.) + EVCXV'tL~LOV7tOAtµ(~wv (-(,wv -m)/ 1235 0440 h 1.14 7 1236- 7 v75 &v OE xcxt CXU'tO~ l~~at'to y481 //xv






o' ... ~~O"t'tO OL 1.308 E199 &pµcxcrtll lµ (31.9 /{,mot~ lµ~t~cxw~) 1242 B506, Ap. 230 /'Orxricr-.611 ... TTocrto~to11 .. dtAcro~/ 1243 Ml 1911foo11-.o O"UII L1t1totcrt11 1245 H211 hoto~ dtp' Arcx~ e.s.; cf. 3.1262, 1380 d265* KpTj'tWII ixy6~ e.s. 1248 ~3* + 1ttpl OE ~L(pO~ K151 +, 3.1347 ixµ3.1245 1263 22 /1toAAa o' dtp' tv9cx xcxt tv9' 1264 M294-5 IX0"1tLOCX .... XCXAXELTjll N163 /ix0"1tLOCX 'tCXUptLTjll 281 * 104* Ell Xtpcr( 1265 r220 / 2 .427 1267 /i.v. > 2 .1084 1268 ,-(xuµtp(ncrtv/ 222) A478+, 1.803 proecd. /xcxl-.6-.' tmt-.' 1270 >1.387, 2.1268; Kll* l~ 1tt0LOV 'tO Tpwtx6v 1272-3 0358-9 00"011 -.· l1tl ooupo~ lpw~/y(yvt'tCXl, 01t1t6't' ... 1273-4 w88-9 on xiv 1t0't' 1X1to2.790, 3.232 1286-7 x516 fou9' .. xptµ4.564; y293 de; ciAa 1tt,pT)/ 1294-5 N836 tµtvov .. lm611,ae; 1296 E300, P7 /1tp6a8t oi o[ o6pu ,' E 3.410 1304 Th. 40 llx a,oµci,wv Th. 696 w:ie; o' iiµcpt1tt8tpµoe; &u,µ~/ 1305 > 4.184-5 1306-8 Cf. He. 116-8 1306 19.30 /xa( p' or' A377* OE~mpoto 1too6e; 081 * (&ypauA)oLO ~ooe; xipae; 1307 'Y863 /~xtv lmxpa,iwe; 1308 Sc. 462* (l1ti ot) x8ovl xci~~aAE 1310 E357* yvu~ lpmoGaa, >2.96 1311 A527* /tupu ... acixoe; 1312 Sc. 210 'tTI xai 'tTI 1312-13 ,228 /iv 1tpo,ipOLaL 1t6otaaL .. EXE 1313 *1468, 'Y33, 4.874 OLa cpAoy6e; 1473 tt8ap .. OL' oua,oe; 1314 308* a8€11oe; cxvipoe; 1315 1t280* -aL· o~ ycip acpL 1ta- X301 ~ ycip pa 1tciAaL ,6-yt cp(Aupov ~EV/ 1316 ~178 ooe; ... &µcpL~aAfo8aL/ 1318 cp46 -a 8owe; IX7tEAUaE (v.l. 8orje; &1tixAuat) xopwvT)e;/ cf. a441; cpl 38, 165 1319 l.11. I > 2. 295 1320-1 0474 iAwv ... acixoe; A545 om8t11 .. acixoe; ~cihv 1321-2 N241 yiv,o ooGpt/ 1324 H339 + EU &papu(ae; (-aL)/; cf. 1.369 1326 M141 lo[ o' ~'tOL ~oe; µiv. Cf. 2.132; 4.285 - ,dwe; µiv 1t139* codd. pier. (0277 Ze.); cf. 4.1687 De.362oua8uµawt .. 7tEpLWGLOV 1327>3.231,708,1292 1328 x20* -E ~UX'tCXWV &11€µ.wv ES oe; 'tE µ.ciALa,a/ e.s. 1331-2 Sc. 286-7 cxpo,rjpte;/~puxov x86va 1332 a25* ,aupwv n De. 475 n ~(11* .. 8' -opL 1333-4x.w. >3.1054; a374 ... ~wAoe;&p6,p~/ 1335-6 TI117, 'Y880,rjAE o' cx1t' [cf. 1.1278] au'tOG/ X468 hrjAE o' CX7t0 (xpa,oe;) ~ 3.1248 1348 Kl 90 8cipau11E .. µu8~/ l:252* µ.u8maw, oo' t462* -aLV" oo' lx 1to,aµoto x529 1to,aµ.oto pociwv rs + -oto pociwv/ 1350 'Y731 y6vu yvaµq,tv E122 + /yuta o' t8T)XEV &Aacppci 1350-1 L296 µtyCXAT)II lµ1tA~aa,o IIT)OUII/ X312 µivtoe; o' lµ1tA~aa'tO 8uµ611/ 1496, Ap. 204 8uµov µiyav 1351-3 N4 71, 4 74-5 we; O'tE ,Le; aue; .. cxhl 7tE7tOL8we;/ .... au,tip oo6v,ae;/8~yu cxAi~aa8aL µtµ.awe; ... iivopae;/ Sc. 386-90/ ofoe; o' ... /xci1tpoe; .. cppovfo 8uµ.~ µaxfoaa8aL/cx11opciaL 8Tjptu,Tie; [cf. M41 - 42], 8~-yu OE 'tE AEUXO\I oo6v,a/ .. , cxcppoe; OE mpl a,6µ.a .. /Ad~t'taL 1351 .:1253, P28·1 aut EtXEAoe; (cxh~v/) f61*+ oe;pcin(,''Y517co.);cf.4.1338 1352l7t'cx. >3.405 1352-3 Th. 190-1 &µcpl ot Atux6e;/cxcppoe; cx1t' .. xpooe; wpvu,o Th. 97, 25.5 CX7t0 a,6µa't0e; pfo P438* L290* xaµcioLe; pit 'Y385 cx1t' ocp8aAµ.wv xu,o ocixpua xwoµivmo/ 1354 lo[ o' ~- >2.142 A68 xa,' iipoupav/ 1355-7 N339 tcppL~EV OE µ 1.777 1359s. Cf. 0555s., M278s. 1359 /we; o' 01t. > 1.575 3174* + lc; yatav 'Y5211t0Afoc; 1ttO(ow 8fovwc;/ 0330, A250 --cow 1ttcr6vwc;/ 1361-2 P356 -t· 'tao' &8p6a 1tCXV't3.1168 2ixl*tVVE7ttMoifoix(,supr.) A202*+ dLop€xo~(31.1 d:t. apxto Moucrix/) ol 52 /dmtv· ~ jCXp tµOLjE 3-4 TI435-6, 438 opµixtVOV'tL/ij µLv .... /~ ... 5 LK./ >2.1225 6s. Cf. ,:ls. 6 /iji:OL o µiv > 1. 73 A328, M447 cxvipt o~µou cxpfoi:w/ (cf. B198) 8214 µti:' cxvopacrLV ocrcrOL / 12-13 E555 ~ix8ttT)~ ,:apcptcrLV UAT)~/ 0606 ~ix8ET)~ lv ,:apcptcrLV UAT)~/ A415, 573 ~ix8ttT)~ lx ~uA6xow/ 13 1t162-3 xuvt~ .... cp6~T)8tv/ 14 i:390 /ixui:(xix jCXp xixi:cx 8uµov o(crix,:o µ~ l 15 0132 cxvix1tA~crix~ xixxci 16-17 x247-8 lv OE Ot ocrcrt/oixxpu6cp;v 1tLµ1tAixv1:o ( > 4.1543-5) µ417, ~307 /lv OE .. 1tATj1:o 20 - 22 /xix( vu xtv > 1.1298; ~241-2 /xix( vu x' ... /d µ~ ... 8tci* t436-7 tv8ix XE 0~ OUO'tT)VO~ U7tEp µ6pov [cf. 1.1030) WA.ti:' 'Ooucrcrtu~, /d µ~ ... 21 E401 cpcipµixxix1tcicrcrwv/ e.s. 22 cruv 1t. >3.703 22-3 Z41, 4 cxw,6µtvm cpo~fovi:o/ 23-4 l 45 * o[ lv cpptcr( 0202 + lv cpptcri 8uµ6~/ '1"597-8 oE 8uµ6~/1civ8TJ 0321, 0165 lvi cpptcri 8uµo~ 1civ8T)/ 24-5 cx8p6ix .. l1t. > 3.1361-2; M385, µ413 /1tcivi:' aµuoL~ 26 Y170 'tE xixi 1crx(ix cxµcpoi:€pw8tv/ 27-8 xt48-9 xtpcr( n* .. /µixxpci 2176 /m~ixµivT) )(tpcri 1tAoxciµou~ ... 29 f161-ixi:ocpwvn/ 31~79+ /µijnplµ~ 33>3.775 34He.278/w~ap' E(j)T) xixi .. cx1to ~Atcpcipwv P43 7-8 ocixpuix xixi:cx ~Atcpcipwv .. pit TI3 (cf. A413 +) /ocixpuix .. )(EWV e.s. 7)286 OE .. xix,:' .. XEUEVI 37 /ouoi V.7t. > 1.973; -y23* /ouoi ,:( 1tW .. 7tE7tELpT)µIXL 38 K493 cx~8tcrcrov .. [,:' 39 N395* U7t0 xtrpix~ 41 cp47 8up€wv o' CXVEX07t'tEV oxijix~/ x91 Ot ttim 8upciwv 43 '1"622-3 7tOOtcrcrLl8tucrtixL e.s. 44 0102, '1"396 µ€1:w1tov l1t' ocppucrL*, > 4.1300 45 i:208* xixACX 1tixp~Lix 47-8 Tl 15 /xixp1tixA(µw~ o' i'xti:' 47 t.1t.l > 1.659-60 48 w468 acrno~ tupuxopow/ 0691 OUOE 'tL~ t-yvw/ 49 14 77 Aix8wv cpuAixxix~ (tupux6pow/ 4 78) 0566 tpUACXXOU~ A.a8m (jLjVWOXW 563, oxijix/ ... 8upciwv 566-7) 53 o.1t. >4.752 54 A391 h~v vfov


oi ....





XAtO'tT]8tv ... 55 y438 8ta xtxcipot'tO 1ooi:iaix/ 56 µ.2.950; x553* 2.397 867J196 /1tpl11yt'to11 ... lmp71µe11ixt Sc. 40* 1tp(11 r' ... lmp71µt111Xt K529 E1ttPiicrt'tO o' L1t1tW\II 87 1147 lyw o' ... Owcrw/ e.s.; >3.404 89 E715 µu8011 u1tfo't7Jµe11 T243 ou~ o! u1tfo'tTJI. Cf. 1.412 92-3 Th. 173 (cxttXEIX 172) /w~ 4.903) 115 ~2 (cf. K362) /xwpov &11' UA7IE\l'tlX Ap. 501




xwpov .. tv' 116 E848* + o9L 1tpW'tO\I yL/ > 1.1174 118 3493, P47 ·Oto 9tµE9Aa/ 119 IT153 h6v pci 1to-r' .1106 + 0\1 pci 1to-r' 120-1v251-2 Ot EEL7tE\IIITa).).cx~ 'A9riva(ri w259-60 w~ µm EEL7tE\I / ... ~uµp).~µE\10~ lv9cio' ... 123 f263 hw OE OLCX ~321-2 xat -rot XAU'tO\I aAao~ LXO\l'tO /(p6v, >4.100 124-5 µ422-3 l1t' au-r~/ .. PiPATj'tO -r58 E7tL .. pcxnE'tO xwa~/ 125 N242 &.a-rEpo1trj lva).(-yxw~, ~\In, cf. De. 101 (~ n) 125-6 0538, X135 (/)~EA(ou CX\ILO\l'to~(/), > 1.725; K547 &.x-rLvEaatv .. ~EA(mo/, >3.163 127 µ90 OELpat 7tEpLµ~XEE~ 128-9 E393 /o~u .. 1tpOLOW\I P756 1tpolowatv 16v-ra/ 129-30 > 1.521 131-2 o'i ... > 2.504-5 0740 lxcx~ .. 1ta-rploo~ atri~/; cf. 4.568 134 Lp. > 2.515 135 M19, 133 :E576 1to-raµov XEACXOO\l'ta. Cf. 1.501 x351 iiAaOE 1tpopfouaL/ 136-8 ~207-8 &.µcpt ot XEtpa~/ .. Pei).).' e.s. cf. 4.95960 B337-8 1taLGL\I ... /vrimcixoL~ or~ X502-3 ... \ITj7tLaXEUW\I, ltuOEax' ... E\I &.yxaALOEaaL 3213 + lv &.-yxo(vuaLv lau(ud/ 139s. Cf. :E207s. (522s.) 142 Cf.(?) 'Y369 cx(~aaxE µE-r~opa 143 /w~ -r. >3.1391 146 Cf. 3233 T258* + -a 9Ewv u1ta-ro~ De. 21 /xExAoµlvri .. Kpov(oriv u1ta-rov 152 1447 +, 4.1062 /ofov O'tE 152-3 316 /w~ o' on 1topcpupu 7ttAayo~ .. xuµa-rL xwcp~/; XUA ... /x.µ. > 1.257, 2.732 153 &.).).ex ... >2.1252 154 µ91 /aµEpoaAiri xtcpaA~ K80 xEcpaA~v l1tatlpa~/ 158 E659* + xa-r' ocp9aAµwv Th. 848* + 7tEpL -r' &.µcp( n Op. 511 -n v~pL-ro~ uAril 159-60 cp366 9rjxE .. au-en E\IL xwpu/ ~436 /9rjXE\I £7tEU~CXµE\IO~, 'tCX~ o' IX· IT736 /~xE o' lpuacxµE\10~ 160 Il710 1to).).ov 01t(aawl 162 X126* (X7t() opu6~ 163 De. 27 /xoupri~ XE· XAoµt\lTj~ (sq. 6 OE .. /~a'tO) p463-4 6 o' fo-rci9ri ... /fµ1tEOO\I 164 A666, Il455 (/)daoxE o~ 165 T277, 'Y3 l~v l1tt vrja (1taALv-rpo1tciaa9aL, non 1tciAtv -rpw1t1ia9at, Nicias Il95) 167 5.89 ot aEA~vri/, > 3. 756 168 Cf. x297-8 (?) 169-70 A188 +, 4.1066 lv o[ ~-cop/ '¥647 xa(pu 0£ µm ~-cop/ 170 w~ -r. >3.1403 171 -r58 µ£-ya .. xwa~/; cf. 4.184, 439 He. 295 &.upoµEvo~ (µE-rcx) XEpa(v/ 172 ~107 ~ot µ£-rw1ta/ 173 cpA. E. > 3.287 174 Y276 ptvo~ Poo~ K292, y382 Poiiv ~\lt\l, cf. 293-4 + f24 + ~ tAacpov (-ot) 175 045 /y(-yvt-rat, ~ -r' X29 /ov n ... xaAfouaw/ :E487* + ~v ... xaAfouaLv/ (cf. 1.1068, 1221) 176 h. ETj\l > 1.1193 177 1t4 74 IPEPpl9u ot acixEaat P360 atµa-rt ot x9wv/ 179 E595 /cpoha o' anon µ£v e.s. 0308 /dµlvo~ wµott\l 180 K24*, 178* ·OLO 7t00Tj\lEXt~ a. o' a./ >3.165 181-2 x96* (µ~ 'tt~ 'AxaLwv/) + 7tEpt ycxp OLE De. 131 ocppa XEµ~ µEl ri16/ µ~ 'tt~ at~XW\I .. CX\l'ttPoA~aa~/, > 4.1754 182 N632, T96 /&.vopwv ~Of. 9EW\I 183-4 B48 /~w~ µ£v pa 01 /~w~ µtv .. lxiova-ro 1taaav l1t' afav/ cf. 0695 696 /o( o' l~ ... yl, 4-5 l~D,w~ o' &.v6pouaE .... /o[ Of. IluAO\I ... /t~O\I' -rot o' ... 183 E7tL 'Y· >3.744 184 0483 9ciµPriaE\I X462 ~E\I oµtAov/, >3.1166 lowv, >2.921-2 µ.x. >4.171 184-5 Y45-6opwv-ro .... Aaµ1t6µE\IO\I .. foov "Aprit/ K154, A66 /).ciµcp' w~ 'tE a-rEp07t~ (cf. 3.1305; 2.267) .. .1t6~ Sc. 322 IEtXEAo~ &.anpo1trj (cf. 3386) .. dt6~ 185 B451 wpaEv txcia-r

2.144 190 B435 +, 4.856 /µT)XE'tL vuv l:254* cppci~ta8t cpO..oL T330 81T)VOE vita8cxL/ 191-2 /~:y. >3.57 v263 'trj~ EtVEX' 389 'Tj~ EtVEX' OL~uoµEv 194-5 A183, ).87 h~v µiv lyw. £)"WV l8. > 4.1021 y272 't~V o' l8€Awv l8EAOUO3.587; De. 445* o1 xoupT)v 2.3.3 'tl 17* 8uµov £VL7tAT)an~ 2.34 't.7t. > 2.1020 .l161-2 CX7tE'tELO 3. 769 2.37 379 lpuacxiµt8cx vrjcx~ e.s. Op.





808* apµEva VTJUO( 238-9 f392-3 ouoi XE qia(7J~/ ... 2.171-2 239-40 Cf. 8459s. A453 an· olwvo(/ 241 317, 0620 aviµwv Aauj,7Jpcx (xiAw9a/) E4 78 + aviµwv ... aiv-cwv/ 242 Hom. -ao OOµOLaLv/, >2.1151 243 E26+ 1ta-cp(oa -yarav tx7J-caLI 244 0195 -cpL-ca-cn M 1t.v.u > t.965, 3.1278 246 9396 apEaaaa9w E7tiEaaLv/ 249 Z444, ~90 (/)ouo' EµE 9uµ6~ 945 9uµo~ E7tO"tpuvn3.181 277 T408* fo vGv p434• µivu eµmoov (>2.135) A813 jE µEv eµmoo~ uL n/ >3.365-6 278 /-c.a. >3.513 279 X12 + /o'i 0~ "COL 280Th. 738,8091tav-cwv1t7Jjalxat1tdpa-c'foaw/ 281 /u-yp~~--- >2.544-5 282 A722 /fo-cL oi "CL~ 1to-caµ6~ (> 1.936s.) Di. 8 /fo-cL oi "CL~ Nu2.209 294 295 A22*, 376* 1tavn~ E7tE\i(j)~µ7Jaav 0168* (tqi7JvE) 9Eo~ -cipa~. >2.446 298 qi90 xa-c' au-c69L -c6~a AL7tOV"tEI 7J65 1taLOa AL7tOV-ca/ 299 u.&. > 1. 236 302 ~85 -ofo p6ov .. txov-co/ .305 Th. 147 /aAAOL o' au o9 ofow avaaaEv/ 306 K375*, Th. 65* OE OLcx a-c6µa (cf. 4.649) .308 125 Efow IXAO~ .. x6A1tov/ .309 7J244* -CL~ v~ao~ .311 > 1.521 .31.3 E281 -a· -c~~ Ot OLa1tp6/ 315 N12 /u~oG E1t' axpo-ca-c7J~ Y52 xa-c' axpo,a-c7J~ 316-7 Cf. 0630-3 .317 ~162, Th. 26 /1tmµivE~ a-ypauAoL 318 1 158 µE1 ax~na 1t6v-rov/ 319 A262 /ou -yap 7tW .. loov e.s. 325 'Y561 y 1tipL N374 mpi 0~ (cf. 4.1031, 1383) E327 p6ov ev9a xai ev9a/ 326 Kl 1* mo(ov -co Tpwtx6v, > 2 .1268 .327 /o~ pa "t. > 1.563 .329 N721 * / o[ o' om9Ev .. EAav9avov .3.31 3272*, 71 * hipn µiv .334 IX~ ... .:1. >4.1733; -y42* v300* xoup7JV dLO~ .3.34-5 a[ ... a./




> 3.1170/1172; M454 /at pa 1tuAa~ 1:Xpuvto 375 dpuataL (citrxL) 0aAixcra1J~/; > 1.21 (1t6pou~ ~AO~) 337 A817 + xat 1tatpioor, aLTj~/ 338 N723 /lv0a XE AwyaAiw~ 339 N739 /1taup6tEpoL1tAEO\IECJCJL 3.186 340cr264*, Th. 87* µEyavEtxo~ 341 TI549* + (-ov) l1tdcripLcrtv 343-4a296, A120~E OOA~ TJ 4 .1004) De. 171 1tatpo~ txovto .. ooµov 350 o412 / autixp l1tT}v mxcra~ mµmxcrcrEtaL, > 1.394 351 De. 40 /o~u oi µLv xpaOLTj\l citxo~ f.AAa~E\I 352-3 0529 ltov OE .. hixpwv 1.1294) Ap. 110-11 /aut(x' ... /lx1tpoxaAEcrcraµEVTJ 355 tiva t. > 1.463 356 0153 + /4.203 362 0662 -E0a, tTjA00t o' UATj/ 363 A276* +, 4.1321 * xatix 1t0\lt0\I (0510 lip6pu) 367 l.µ. > 1.805 367-8 A433-4 xat' afoxo~ EXEUE ... /0riAutEp'(lcrt yuvat~i 050 xatix o' ~€pa 1touAuv EXEUEv/ 368-9 Cf. Z429-30 (xacr(yvrito~; 431 -:--4.370); 3.732-3 370-1 Cf. 3357 1t120 /µoGvov lµ' ... )..(mv, cf. A68 372 /a.a. > 1.877 0521 ipuAaXT} OE tL~ lµ1tEOO~ fotw/ A314 ·O, ~LTJ OE tOL Eµ1tEOO~ ELTj/ 372-3 t215 o(xa~ ... OUtE 0EµLcrta~/ 373 E812 OU cruy' E1tmcx/ 374 ~34 Ar. Aatµov 1.1288-9 380 X347 oia [µ' co.] fopya~/ 381 au OE XE\I >3.35 v.L/ >4.901 381-2 ol 11-12 \IOCJtO\I .... ZEu~ tEAfomv .. 1t0CJL~ "Hpri~/ (ALO~ .. cit./: > 1.996-7) p399, u344 µTj tOGto 0Eo~ tEAfom/ 383 /~ Em >2.479 0461-2 xa( 1tot' ... /µv~crn lµEt' 385 II327* + d~ "EpE~O~ 387 t 1.921 388 K374 + !lv ya(n Th. 400* µEyav .. 389 1394, 1t91 e~v µm all µot lmn(,OtJ(JL\l 1X1ta\ltE~/ (cf. 3.791) opxov/ 390 L EU. > 1.1290 Ctr. t86 YE EXTjtLI 391 ~-X· > 4.1082-3 392 1653 0322 -at OLIX tE ~uAa oavix xatix tE crµG~aL 1tupi vrja~/, V. I. ant. tE q>AE~aL xEixcrcraLI; (?) ~227* + lµ1tEOa 1tixvta 393 Y316* 375* µaAEpci> 1tup(, cf. Sc. 18 µ ... xataipAE~aL (v. supr.) 1t. 393-4 > 1.293-4 395 L421, q,253 ~o' lµoi aut/, > 1.675 396 3129 -wµE0a OTjLOtrjt0~/ 397-8 P253 tOCJCJTj ... OEOTJEVI Z328-9 crfo o' EL\IEX' IXUt~ .... ixµq>LOEOTJE IT66 Tpwwv \IEipO~ ixµipL~E~TJXEI 397 0288* oucrµEVEW\I 4.572 Ap. 431 (l1tt ... ) x6A.7toc; (X7tttpwv/ 634 M25 tu p6ov· UE o' iipcx Ztuc;/ 635-6 Cypr. 7.11, Ap: 21 &v' ~7tttpov 636 µ282 lv8cx XEV cxun/ Op. 187 ouoi XEV oYyt/ 638-9 Ctr. vl 13 /[v8' oYy' daiAcxacxv 1tptv do6nc; 639-40 µ71-2 /xcx( vu XE .. [v8' ... /&).).' "Hp71 ... 641 A195, 208 /oupcxv68tv· 1tpo ... 642 /1t.o. > 1.475 M20 /omov o' t~pcxxt (iiAto 419); cf. 7.45 /omoc; ... , µiycx o' E~PCXXEV 643 1:280 /&qi 7t!XALV 646 /"H.l. > 3.818 A.632 [8vt' .. µup(cx Vtxpwv/ 647-8 7114-15 &µcpt o' 'A8fiv71/ .. ~ipcx XEUE e.s. v189 mpi ycxp 8toc; ~ipcx xtut/ v352 8tcx(axiocxa') ~ipcx 648 5.28* 7tlXVt' ~µcxtcx ( .. 8tixwv/) 649 P391 * o' iipcx tOtj'E OLCX- K375* + OLCX at6µcx, > 4.306 u382 (lv) v71t .. ~cxAovnc;/ 650-1 33.1, 9 dLoc; xoupouc;, >4.1099 651 A808 OT) .. G(j)L .. lnnuxcxto ~wµoU p210 ~wµoc; ... tEtUXto/; -ex t.t./ >2.1018 652 p464 /lµ1ttoov, ouo' M196 xoupoL t7t0Vto/ 653 dl66, 1236 /Ztuc; OE G(j)L Op. 379 7t0pOL Ztuc; x394 G(j)LV 1t6pt f353* + (-L) xcxt oqiLj'OVWV 658 co. 0358 + llv oi. ALµfiv 659 - 661 Ap. 281-2 /[v8tv xcxp1tcxA(µwc; 1tpoai~71c; ... /{xto o' 661 x87, 0472 (le;) ALµivcx xAutov (~A8oµtv) 662 TI807* axto68tv ~IXAE 665 P51 /cxYµcxt( o[ (otuovto) 857 tt xcxt Epxtcx* xcxt o6µoL 667 µ40 cxv8pw1touc; 80.youaLV OtLc; acpicxc; dacxqi(x71tCXL 669 2107 Arj~cxv OE. Cj)OVOLO! A71, TI771 oAooto cp6~mo/ 670 t401 amAixotaaL 8cxAixaa7Jc;/ 671 5.85* co., 232* tt XCXL uµcxtcx 672s. Cf. x212s. 672-3 ~21 * (xuvtc;) 8fiptaaLV EOLXOtEc; x120* oux civoptaaLV EOLXOtEc; 285 oiµcxc; o' iivoptaaLV i(xt71v/ 673 /ouoi. µi.v ouo' > 1.224 0244 + &1t' cxAAwv/ 674 338* + xfov cx8p6m 674-5 B87 (aALc; 90) 573 /~utE .. tfoL (ix). Cf. N492-3 680 B687* (a. 71-y-) + E7tL atlxcxc; 682 cp299 /~pwcxc; o' cxxoc; ELAE, >2.681 682-3 3507 + /1tix1tt71VEV oi. fxcxat0c; 683 /K.t. >4.691 684 x137 (K(px71) /cxutoxcxaLj'VT)t71 .. A1fitcxo/ T96 + qicxa' lµµEVCXL 685 cx332 + /71 o' OtE OT) 686 E214 + /cxut(x' E1tELt' µ142-3 cxut(xcx ... , /71 µi.v t1tm' ... 3.1361-2; 3171 IAuµa't3.896 744 v434, ~342 2 .367 790s. Cf. 059s. ( > 806-8) 790 'Y607, De. 69 /&Hix au yixp 0~ 791,482 E'tptipti; IXU't~/ (cf. ~141) 2202, 303 ,piipo11 ~o· IX'tL'taH011/ q,214 -011, wo' 1XjlX1tT]CJIXI 792-3 2194 + t~oxo11 1XHw11/ I:432-3 /lx ... &Haw11 .... t,A7J11 .. tu11~11/ 792 &111 > 1.830-1 793 Ap. 344 tu11~11 ~Loi; 794 E876 ali11 &~auAa epya µiµ7JAt11/ ( > 3 .292) 2348* + ,ixot tp1 a 795 w47, 55 au11 ix8a11ix,"(li; 796 K123 /ii).).' lµi ,' daop6w11 xai ... 7]218 -6µ&11011 xai l11i ipptai 1ti118oi; EXOll'ta/ 1t75* ,527* ,' alooµt117] p188 /&Hix 'tOII alofoµaL xai OELOLIX 797 2240* +, 4.1747* o o' E1tEL'tlX 'Y42, Ap. 83 opxo11 oµoaat11/. 798 2268+ XEXATja9aL IXXOL'tLIII (I:87 + -ta9aL IXXOL'tLIII) 799 E191 /[µ1t7Ji; o' oux 800 1591 o( xa,iAE~E11 &1ta11,a/ 801 5.116 lwi; o~ 'tOL &.1t.i.l > 1.58, 225 802 Y239 ,txE 1tatoa/ e.s. 'Y308* ,w xa( at 803-4 Cf. Th. 461s. (- 464 /0G11txix o( 1tfopw,o ... 1t1XLOL, v. supr.), 892s. Th. 883, 885 ix11ixaatL11/ .... /ix8a11ix,w11 803 A514 &11,ix~wi; 1XHw11/ 804 Cf. M214 805-6 /a.l. >3.907; M3 /xai yixp lyw aoi OWXIX 805 'tOII IX. > 1.338; 15.1-2 1XpLC!'tOII/ .. lmx8011(w11 E414 1t0CJLII, 'tOII 1XpLC!'t011 'AxaLw11/ a15 + 1t0C!LII E\IIIXLI 806-8 062 (v. supr. 790s.) /1tix11ni; o' IXll'tLIXIXC!9E 9wi yixµou (63 /oa(w') M356 oippa 1t0110LO ... IXll'tLIXC!T]'tOII/ 807 y4•, 16* 9wui; .. XIXAEC!C!IXL (-ai;) / y420* ( cf. He. 480*) 9wu li; OIXL'tlX Op. 342 l1ti OIXL'tlX XIXAELII 808 P422, 0775 l1t1Xll't1Xi; oµwi; De. 52 'Ex1X't7] aiAai; £11 XELPEC!C!LII exouaa/, cf. Hom. xttpai; IXIIECJXOIII 809 ~70, 117 -011oi; ELIIEXIX 'tLµTji;/ 810 A62 /ii).).' IXjE o~ 'tLIIIX IT37 /xa( 'tLIIIX 'tOL A492 /ii).).' &yt µm ... µu8011 Ma1tti;/ (µ. Mq,w/: > 3. 780) t97-8 't0Li117Jµtp,iwi; 'tOII µu8011 EIILC!1t~CJW, > 3. 780; 1.832-3 811 0563* li; 'HAuaLOll 1tEOLOII 812s.

t ,·





Cf. A (831-)832 (/ov Xe(pwv ... Kwtixupwv/); F.H. 204.87s. 814 >3.153, 1107 815 He. 386 ... 1ttp e.6V'tL· au o' .. apriye/ 817 Cf. T95 (ubi accus. Zijv' codd.) De. 258 /xixi au yap ... &acr0ri,;/ 819 B4151tpijcrixL .. 1tupo,; .. 0upt'tpix/ Z182* +, 4.834* 1tupo,; µivo,; 819-20 x2 /Ato).o,; 'l1t1to'taori,;, x36 A16Aou .. 'l1t1tO'ta01Xo/ 820-1 Th. 869-70 &viµwv ... /v6crcpL ... Zecpupou 822 µ.v./ > 4. 739 825 K237 /µriot cruy' 5.188 /µTl ... Man,;! 826s. µ122-5 µT} a' .. e.cpopµri0etaix x(xnaL/ ... lx cpw'tix,; tAT)'tlXL.!ixUa ... EAalXV ... Kpa'tlXL°Lv,/ ... ~ µLv 'ttXE ... ; cf. id. 83s., 99s., 240s. 828 ).322* 6).o6cppovo,; ~v 12 .1 riv 'ttXt 829 't. 't .x. > 3 .1003 8.H Op. 499 1tpoatAi~IX'tO 0uµci>/ 834-5 Nl 11 do~ ... t'tT}Wµov Op. 414 AT}yu µivo,; ~eA(mo/; µixA. 1t.µ. > 1.734, 4.819 N39 + ~t 0uiU-n (-ix)/ 835-7 ~ ... tywye/ >3.34; N95-6 uµµLv fywyt/ .. 1tfom8ix aixwaiµevixL viix,; 837 0567 Zecpupow AL'fU ().(yix Strab. 29) 1tVELOV'tO,; (v.l. -ix,;) 838 n XIX\ a. >2.819 839-40 a232 e.µot ... datv &pwyoU .1235 foat't' &pwy6,;/ 840 vrio,; .. 1t.&./ > 1.965 841 v.i./ >4.901 842-3 - 849 - 851 t50-1 i~ ix10ipo,; tµmcrt 1t6V't(l'. /att>IX't' E1tm' e.1tl xGµix 55 &cp(xt'tO 58 't~V o' .. 'tt'tµtv 842 >4.1337 844 L52 XIXaL'(VT)'tlXL Nripri(oe,;* 844-5 H423 o[ o' ~\l'ttoV aAATjAOLcrLV/ 845 A495 0fo,; o' OU ATj0t't' e.cpt'tµiwv/ 849 /a.r. >2.540 Titanom. 4.2* OL' UOIX'tO,; 849-50 036 ax't~V .. &cp(XT)IXLI; /ax't~V ... ~./ >3.312 851-2 H382-3 hou,; o' eup' (cf. N761) ... lvrit 1tapix A329 ((xfo0riv/ 328) K74 hov o' eupov (-ev) 1t1Xpa ... VT)L 1186 (1xfo0riv/ 185) hov o' tupov .. np1t6µevov cp6pµLyyL B54* o/28* 1tixpa VT)L. Cf. 4.1124* 1t1Xpcx .. a6A(l' ... OLa'twvh.: cf. B773-5 852s. Cf. A197s. 852 > 1.1330-1 853 L433 /A1ixx(on IlT)ArjL P554 MtvtAIXO\I, oyap pa OL lyyu0ev ~ev/ 854 wl59*, 170* /ouoi 'tL,; .. Ot>VIX'tO T14-15 ouoi 'tL,; E'tAT)I .. daLOfov, &U' Il520 OU ouvixµIXL axttv tµ1ttOO\I 855 Il616 lxwaix'tO cpwvriaiv n/ e.s. 856 /µ.v. >4.190 (x489 ... µ(µven) 0439 /~a'to µivoua' o/128 /~ix't' ... µivovn,; 857 0 .... v.l > 1.912-13, 965; 2.1045 860 µ61 /IT).ixyx'tcx,; ... xixAfouaL/ v104*, 348* ix'i .. XIXAtoV'tlXLI 862 1600 /&Ua au µTj µoL 863 F.H. 45.3 ]116(!' Eixe ( a20 (µT} ... ) µqoAwan,;/ 864 > 1. 254 865-6 q,366 /~ pix XIX\ ... E.Ot>at'tO o425 + /w,; d1toiia' (-wv) U1t0 1t6V'tOV louat'tO (~.1t./ > 1.922) Tl25 lw,; cpa'to, 'tO\I o' axo,; o~u XIX't(X cppivix wq,t T307 axo,; ix1v6v 866 (325* imt 1tapo,; (ou1to't') 867 A221 * 1tpW'tlX AL1tTI A.0. > 1. 978; 0263* (voaq)Laaixµivriv) 0aAixµ6v n K408 + n XIX\ EUVIXL (-T} -a,;)/ 868 1107 lxwoµivou 'AXLAijo,; P557* 'AXLAijo,; &yixuoG 869s. Cf. De. 237s. (237 lxp(eax' &µ~poa(n 239 /vt>X'tlX,; ... 1tup6,; 242 &0aVIX'tO\I 251 XOAwaixµivri 252 l1t1XtOIX cpLAO\I 253 0ijxt 1tioovoe/ 281 /~ij 6t OLEX µeyapwv 289 &cr1tix(pov't1XI) 870 050 /vt>X'tlX OL 1.1118 872 a't ... y. > 1.684 873 /ix.o.i. > 1.265; X190* + i~ euvij,;, cf. 1.1104, 2.1236 873-4 0700-1




ELO'IXIIIXPIXO'IX ipO.ov 7tlX'tEp' EtO'EV6TjO'EVI fo't1X6't' (703 /xwxuaEv) IT460 + /1t1XWIX ipO.ov 874 oux ipAoy6~ >3.1313 875 IT46* (v.fJ), Op. 131 * (-wv µ..) µ.€yix v-fimo~ 876 H190* hov µ.tv ... xixµ.aoL~ PaAE, cf. 0114 (1.1263 -Ev) 877 ~20 /~ o' av€µ.ou 7tl/OL~ (t7tEO'O'U't0) A222 ~th' ovupo~ A207 O'XLTI ELXEAOII 71 XIXt OVELpC()/ 877-8 He. 146-7 µ.Eyapmo Ota xA-fit9pov EOUIIEVl!Xupu 01tc.upw"5 lvixA(yxw~ ~th' oµ.(xA71/ 878 3188, ix441 IPii p' iµ.Ev (> 1.843) lx 9ixAaµ.oLO 064 7* + lx µ.EyapoLO 880 aAAa ... > 2 .1252 881 1t340 7t!XO'IXII lip71µ.00"1JVTjll a1tEEL1tE11/ 882 0659 (xa9ta)ixv XIXt 7tlXUO'IXII a€9Awv/ 883 /l., o .... a./: cf. '1'55, ~347; 0444 884 y49o, 0188 vux't' ocEaixv w~ ... > 1.254 885 068, 8400 /fJµ.o~ o' ... oupix11611 ( ... ~w~/ > 1.516 proecd.) 887 a.x. >2.964 proecd. 888-9 OCAAIX 't.1t./ > 1.1209; Th. 639, Sc. 84 ocpµ.EVIX 1tall't1X(/) He. 138 1taV'tlX XIX'ta xpfo~* TJIIUO'E, > 2.1127 891 ~253, 299 (v.l. Eu-) av€µ.(() axpixf( (oc.ip. > 1.1358-9) 891-2 t146 vijaov EO'EOpiXXEII F.H. 27 /vijaov .. 'Av9Eµ.6EO'O'IXII, LI/IX... 892s. Cf. µ.39s. (µ.170 µ.71pua1XV'tO/, cf. 4.889): 40 9iAyouaw O'tL~ O'!pEIX~ ELO'IX!ptXTj'tlXt/ 44 LELpijvE~ AL"'fUPTI 9€Ayouatv amon/ 52 01t' ( cf. 160, 185) - 187 µ.EA(y71puv a1to a'tOµ.a'tC.UII 01t' axouaixt/, 192 LELO'IXL 07tlX 159 Auµ.wv' av9Eµ.6EV'tiX/. Cf. etiam 48 /x71pov .. µ.EALT)OEIX 199 x71po11 EAOll'tO 4.901; 175 tlXtVE'tO x71p6~ - 4.914 896 ct>85 /ydvixw Aixo9671 897 x106, 0364 /9uyix't€p' 1cp9(µ.u 898-9 Th. 142 'ta µ.tv OCAAIX 9tot~ lvixA(yxLOL TJO'IXV/; 7t1Xp. lv. > 4.1737 901 E691, IT655 7t0AEWII o' a1to 9uµ.ov EAOt'tO/ IT82 (a1to) v60''t011 tAWll'tlXLI (cf. 4.381; 4.841) AlOO /1160"tOII .. µ.EALT)OEIX 903 f152 07tlX Aupt6EO'O'IXII LELO'L/ r221 07tlX ... lx O''tT)9EO~ EY71/; lx O''t. > 3.1304; 4.911 ~278, 7.6 a1to 11716~/ 905 B609* 'Ayxixfoto 1tat~ 906 x332 Ell XELPEO'O'LII f'.xwv ip6pµ.L"'()'IX 910-11 t485, µ.421 ipEpE xuµ.ix/ 3394-5 xuµ.ix ... l1tOll't69Ev opvuµ.Evov 911 9505* 'tOt o' ocxpL'tlX . . . Sc. 278 hoi ... LEO'IXII ixuo-fiv/ (279 /l~ .. O''tOµ.a'tC.UV, cf. 4.903) 912 > 1.978; 2. 703-4 913 079 /tv9opE .. 1t6ll't(() 914 µ.52 01t' .. LEtp-fivotlV/ ~47 9uµ.ov la11871~/ 915 E399 /vijxE o' ... lmpijvixt/ E666 oipp' lmPix(71/ 916 L13 laxE'tALO~· fJ ... (> 1.253); cf. 4.1524; 1.1302; (4.739) P236 /v-fimot· fJ 'tE 1t6AEaaw .. . 9uµ.ov a1t71upix/ 11132 1160-'tOII OE o[ ... a1t71upwv/ 917-8 0290 /aUa 'tL~ •• 9EWII lppUO'IX'tO XIXL foac.uO'EII [cf. 3.323]/ o/548 /d OE µ.LV OLX'tELpEL~ 917 5.292, 10.4 9Ea Ku1tpot0 (LixAixµ.tvod .. µ.EOEOUO'IX/ 920 0358 /~ o' OCXE°L A279* OCXE°L axoµ.€1171 .1292 + wu~ ( -cov 't~v) µ.tv Ai1tE11 920-1 ocUix ... /x. > 1.1064 922-3 µ.235-6 tv9Ev yap (µ.tv yap vu.) LXUAAT), h€pw9L OE otix XapuPot~/ .. a11Eppo(po71aE 922 E412* x4* ALO'~ ... 7tE'tp7j/-:, µ.79 l1tE'tp7j .. A(~ Scyllae 924-5 µ.59-60 /f'.v9Ev ... 7tE'tp1XL (ITAixyX'tlX() .. 7tp0'tt o' IXU'ta~/xuµ.ix µ.€yix pox9tt (cf. E402) E320*, 393* µ.qaAou U7t0 xuµ.IX'tO~ 925 't553 TJXL 1tapo~ 1ttp/ 926 µ.238-9 u~60'E o' ocx1171/ocxpmat O'X07tEAOLO'LII l1t' .. t7tL7t'tEV/ 927 0556 t7tAE't0 .. ixl9-fip/ 927-8 IT188 ~EAfou LOEV IXuya~/ De. 34-5 IAEUO'O'E ... /ixuya~ .. ~EA(ou P181 + ixuya~ ~EA(mo/, > 1.647-8 929 A266 fo 9Epµ.6v Th. 696, He. 110




8tpµor, &u-rµ~/ t455 81XAIXO'O'IX .. X~XtE 930 > 1.843, 926 931 B316* 7ttEpu-yor, AIX~E\I 933 22 lwr, o' U7t0 OEA.cptvor, ... 934 µ418, ~308 7ttpi \l~IX 935 L472 + /ot>.AO'tE µiv E595 ixAAO'tE µEv 1tp6a8' .. ixAAot' oma8tv/ 936 De. 269 x&pµix -ri-rux-rixt/ 937 lwr. ix1 >4.1303 939 A22 &11ix1tAtuata8ixt EµtUov/e.s. 940t401* cp55* -otr,l1ti-youvixat 941 >3.931; 4.514 943 IT474 a1t€xoqit 1tixp~opo11 943-4 A481 + aµcpi oE xuµix/ 0624-5 xuµix ... IA&~pov (cf. 2. [ 173] 594) 326-7 xuµix ... /fotixt' &up6µtvov 945-6 L599 - 602 /o[ o' O'tE µEv .... /ixAAO'tE o' 1t209 /ixUott fJ.E\I 7t'tWX0 lvixA(-yxtov, ixUon o' ... 946 q,204* G1to 1tu8µ€11' L375 u1to ... 1tu8µ€11t* F.H. 240. 7 1tu8µ€11t cpTj-you/ Th. 931-2 9ixA&aaTjt;,/ 1tu8µ€11' 948s. Cf. 0362s., (100s., 8374s. 948 - 953 De. 174 /ix[ o' wat' ~ ... - 176 !wt;, IXL (xtA - 4.940) 950 0448 IXL µEv E7tutiX/ 951 Th. 800 lixAAot;, o' l~ ixnou OEXE'tlXL 952 T923 OU .. l1t' ouou/1ttA\IIX'tlXL 953 !wt;, IXL> 4.1303; 1188 !wt;,~ p(µcpix 8fouaix (v~IX 8. >2.1035) ix.ix./> 1.843 954 M28 XUfJ.IXO'L 1t€µm/ 955 365 (it o' uowp/ 959-60 L203-4 .:lti cpO.or,· aµcpi o' 'A8~vTJ/ ... ~&)..' ... , >4.136-8 960 x160* µtv EXEV µivor, 0142 ai~ixr, µ' EXEL t1aop6waixv/ cf. f342 + 961 a367, x30l wn1 iv dixpwfl Ott t' ~µIXtlX µixxpix 7tEAO\l'tlXL 962 0670 + 'tOO'O'O\I xp6vov (l1tl X· > 1.793) 964s. Cf. µ127s. 965 µ343 + 'HtAioto ~owv 966-7 t352-3 (cf. id. 337) lr, 1t611to11 louatto .. /ix19u(-n l°Lxutix 966 w386 IE118' ot µtv L38*, 49* (ix'i x.) xixtix ~€v8or, 967 12.3 /ZTjvor, ... ixAoxov 499 &Mxotat .:lt6r,. Cf. 4. 753 0593* + .:ltor, ... lcpttµ&r,/ 968-9 µ265-6 /µuxTj9µou t' ~XOUO'IX ~OW\I .. /olwv tt ~A.TJX~\/ 968 ot' ~-t. > 1. 777 969 o.L/ > 2.553-4 971 -y465, TJ58 (/)01tAot1XtTJ 9u-y&tTJp 973 He. 316* l1tl ~oua(v Sc. 122 opux&hoto cpixmou/ 975-6 0691 7t0tlXµov mipix ~oaxoµtvciwv/ IT151 /~oaxoµivTJ Auµwvt 1tixpix p6ov 976 ~474 /&v o6vixxixr, xixl tAot;, /&µ 7t. > 2. 514 ouoL .. > 3. 273 977 0732 * µttix tflat 977-8 x304 -yciAixxtt OE ELXEA.011 980 T267 cxAot;, .. µ€-yix AixTtµix/ 8561 AixTtµix .. cxAor, tX7tEpOWO'L\I/, cf. d 74 + K463 &nix XIXL IXUttr,/ 981 He. 184 !~wt;, o' ~pt"'(E\IELIX cp6wr, ... , >3.1224 982-3 0354-5 /v~aor, .. ttt;, fott .. lvi 1t6Vt 1. 936s.) /fott OE 'tt(, \1~0'0(, .. cxA.( TJ244 'tt(, \1~0'0(, .. EL\I CXAL ( > 4.564) XEL'tiXt/; ti 72-3 /Kp~tTj 'tL(, -yixt' fott .. lvl .. 7t0\ltt'.\)/ ... 1t(Etp1X 985 .:l300 + oux i8€Awv 985-6 Th. 180- 1 a1to µ~OEIX 7t1Xtp6r,/ .. ~µTjaE id. 188 /µ~OEIX ... a1totµ~~IX(, 992 xt 9 /ixt'µixtot;, &vopoµfoto 994 YI 4* o450* (TJA8' l~) l~ &Mr, a-yixv. xtA: cf. 1499 995-6 TJ70-2 'Ahtv6mo/xixl AIXW\I ... /ouoixixtlXL .. . 6.6 /oi~IX\lt' a0'7tlXO'iwr,, mpl o' .. . 997 Sc. 380 /miaix ... 7t0AL(, cp.x. > 3.1265 998 M272, cpl 10 /xixl o' IXUtO( 999-1000 Cf. x419-20 Op. 535 lt0 LXEA.ot L591 1t0 LXEAO\I ofov 1001 /w.µ. > 2.363 1002 > 1.2 1004 X492*, 4.1079* lr, 1tixtp6r, 1005 )..383 O''tO\IOEO'IJIX\I aut~\I I 1008 B 704 + , 4. 1308 / aAA.IX acptixt;, ix3 15 XIXtEpUXE AtAIXLOµtv6v 7tEp oooto/ (- 049 t7ttt-yoµ€vour, mp oooto/); cf. T 142, 189




( > 3.1385) 1009 0382 + /'AAx(voe. xpEtov. Cf. 4.1069 1010 3205, 304 -ex Aucrw/ (cf. TJ74, de Arete) 1011-12 Ap. 303 -(, 1toAAa µtv 3.1143-4) 1021 0449 EYwv l0iAoucrcx ix.ix./ > 1.17 102.3-4 µ403 + ouoi 'tt~ ixAATJI v279-80 ouoi n~ .... µvijcr'tt~ ETJV 't157-8 OU'tE. m' IXAATjv/µij'ttV 1024-5 1t33 µot E't' EV µe.yapot~ .. µive.t Tj3 7t 1.250 1029-.30 0660 youvouµe.vo~ ixvopcx facxcrwv/ cf. H424+ 10.31 IT21 + /w ... u1i (-4.1383), µiycxcpip'tcx't' H2891tipt ... cpip't4.737; A416* + µ(vuv0a 1te.p (OU'tt) 1061 De. 436 ixxiwv o' ixm1tcxue.'to 0uµ6~/ 1062s. Cf. 0522s.; u25s.; > 3 .291 s. 1062 /ofov O'te. > 4.152; .1141 * /w~ o' on ... yuv~ 106.3 Op. 330 opcpcxva 'ttxvcx/ 1064 0794 (lµupoµe.vot ... ; cf. P437-8) + oaxpu 1tcxpuwv/ cf. 0522 (supr.) 1064 - 1066 't204 pie. oaxpucx, 208 /w~ 'tij~ 't~XE.'tO X 4.1099 1076 E532* + o' oih' ixp L23 vaLt't 2.23 1103 TJ315 /tr x' l80,wv 1104 PlOO hw µ' ).186 E7ttoLXt otxacr1104-5 025 TJ'tL~ .. a.p(O"'tTJ (P62 + TJ'tL~ a.p(cr'tTJI) u163 o'i foav µt'tix 7t(XQ"LV ixpLO"'tot/ Op. 279-80 a.v8pw1totO"L o' EOWXt OLXTJV, ~ 1tonov a.pLO"'tTj/y(yvt'taL Op. 39 OLXTJV .. OLX 1. 517 1131 Th. 483 /ixV'tpep EV ~AL~ 3.981 0239-40 't08L ... /vatiµtvaL 0226 1to't' evatt e.s. 1134 ,197• o~ 1tixµ1tpw'ta 1135-6 3223, De. 286 lci°) .. x6A1t~/ Z483, De. 231 oi~a'to x6A1t~/ Ap. 320




/oi~ex:w xexl µt- u69* xexl µiAm 1137 E396 +, 4.1542 /tu,i µtv De. 407 /tu-ci µot 'Epµijc; t380* cpipov EX 1tup6c; 1138 055 /-cov OE xoAwcrexµEVTJ ... "HpTJ/e.s. F.H.165.13yijc;E~~Aexcrt1tixcrTJc;/ 1139P464+ ttpci>M v103-4, 347-8 av-cpov ... /[p6v. Cf. 4.1153 11401t.o. >2.1182 1141 x142 /F'.v9ex ,6-c' i- 1141-2 u2-3 cr-c6ptcr', exu-cap u1ttp9t/xwtex 1t47 xwexc; ump9tv/ ,101 xwexc; rpexntv/ e.s. 1142-3 o.1t.l > 1.1118; 2357-8 we; .... 1ttAwµt9' &olotµm 1146 Sc. 225-6 9ucrexvm ... /xpucruot 1147-8 0657 -6v· raxt yap ex1owc;/ x409 foxt9tv ttµEVTJV 7ttp/ Op. 20* &1taAexµ6v 7ttp oµwc; E7tl .. . 1150 Nl 79 /~ ,' opwc; xopucpTI 1152 2.a. > 1.996-7 1153 ttpov .. "A./ > 4 .1139 1155-6 cp399-400 ivl XtpcrUvwµ~ ( > 4. 202) Sc. 462 /ooupex,t vwµ~crexc; 1156-7 > 1.678 1157 9216-7 6µ()..C\'/&vopwv oucrµtviwv 1t29, 303 /&vopwv ... aLOTJAOV oµtAov/ 1161 Tjl 32*, 4.1724* EV 'AAxtv6oto F.H. 211.5-6 hiAtcrcrtv / .. y[a]µov, cf. id. 204.85; 19.35 1162 1t.e..l > 1.225 1163 > 1. 79, 3.2 1165 5.3 cpGAex xex-cex9v7J-cwv &v9pw1twv/ 1166-7 Id . .... iu.: cf. 52 072-3 (cf. ~11) ~ yap o[ ex1d/µ~-cTJp 1texpµiµPAwxtv (156 /ex1Ev lucppocruvncrtv . . . 1168 9271 -oµivouc; cptAO"tTj"tt/ 1170s. Cf. 91s. 1171 E310, A356 XtAextv~ vu~. Cf. 4.1631 cr320 ex[ o' EyEAexcrcrexv 1174 De. 344 ~ o' a1tO"tTJAOG/ 1177-8 2318-9, 0493-4 EV o' apex XtLpUtrxoc; EX' 1:557 + /crxrj1t-cpov EXWV A91 /xpucrwv crxrj1t-cpov EXWV 1178-9 A237-8 µtv (crxrj1t-cpov) . . . /iv 1texAaµnc; cpopfoucrt Otxexcr1t6A0t, Ot u 9iµtcr,exc; . . . 1156, 298 u1to crx~1t•PC\' At1texpac; ,tAfoucrt 9iµtcr,exc; / Th. 84-6 AexoU .. le; exu-cov opwcrt Otexxp(vov-cex 9iµtcr-cexc;/19dncrt o(xncrtv 1179 f245* + &va (XCJ"tl> 1180 H193 7t0Atµ~tex "ttuxtex ouw/ 1181 991, 108 /ext~XWV o[ aptcr"tot 0277, P730 oµtAexoov exLEV E7tOV"tO/ (cf. 1.655) B92-3 Ecr"tLXOWV"tO/ 1Aexo6v Sc. 170 /-cwv xexl oµtAexoov cr,(xtc; ~tcrexv 1182 x446 ex[ OE yuvextxtc; aoAAitc;* ~)..9ov L1t./ > 1.659-60 1183 1:515 lcptcr,ex6uc;, µt-ca o' &viptc;* A549, 0272 &viptc; &ypotw,ext/ 1185-6 L550-1 (cf. t432) /&pvuov ... /µ~Awv ... t~oxex t444 ... &pvuoc; µ~Awv 1193s. Cf. Sc. 274s. 1193 144* lv oi crcptcrtv 1194 cp406* cp6pµtyyoc; .. xexl &moijc;/ 1196 Tjl 38 OU µv7Jcrex(ex-co xohou/ 1197 aAAo-ct ... > 3.165 1198 /o.o. > 3.1169-70 1:372 EAtcrcr6µtvov mpl cpucrexc;/ e.s. M2971-tpl xuxAov/ 1199 A55 yap i1tl cpptcrl 9ijxt )..146 (v.l.), Ap. 534 xexl i1tl cpptcrl 9~crw/ 1200 A788* cpacr9ext 1tuxLvov fooc; (1t.L al.; cf. 4.1111; 2.462, 3.946); cp.t. >3.384 1201 > 1.265, 268 1201-2 o(xT}c; ... /1. >2.1027; '1"350 ixacr-cou 1tdpex-c' tumv/ 1202 u74 ,iAoc; .. yaµoto (ctr. p476 1tpo yaµmo ,iAoc; ... ) 1203 E284* + otexµmpic;, ouoi 1207 A238-9 9iµtcr-cexc;/ ... dpuex-cext 1208 TT395 (t1tl) vijexc; Etpyt 1209 /o.-c.µ. > 2.472 M02 /ex1otcr9dc; PcxcrLArjoc; EVt7t~V 1211 A416 + µaAex o~v/ (3 + ext~XWV &vopwv 0611 * ( > 1.17) -tcrcrt µt-c' &vopacrt Th. 592 µtt &vopacrt vexmaoucrtv/ 1218-9 p210-11 Pwµoc; ... /vuµcpawv 1218 Noµ(oto ... 'A./: v. F.H. 216 1219-20 > t.846 1221-2 Ctr. 9433 'Ap~,TJ oE µt,a




(oµep'5crt11) 1166 /'ApT)'tTj ... Ol oµepa~ &µ' fmµm (01t0tcrcrE 68) x424 haw\/ OWOEXOt SC. oµepott 8637 t7t0\l't0 OUWOEXOt e.s. 1221 E408 -iOt OWXE\I 1ofo00tt/ 1222 -r60* oµepai .. EX µEyapoto/, >3.285 1223 µ399, 0477 E~Ooµov fiµap 1223-4 ou./o:. > 1.605-6 1224-5 o:./7t. > 1.1013; 355 /1t110L'5 'tEtpoµE\IOL 7t- 1226 0274 + (ouo' ... ) 0tfotµo11 TjEIII 1227 T70 /ocpp' fo ~Ot( 1228 P687 + li\ori µ£11 1229 4>371 * li\ori ... x06va 1232-4 0515-6 -ron ... 0:110tp1ta~0tcr0t 0uEAAOtht611't0\I E1t' .. cpipEII x48 cip1ta~0tcr0t cpipEII 7t0\l't0110E 8uEAA0t/ 2346 XOtX~ &:viµoto 0uEAAOt/ 1233-4 w60 E\l\ltOt 7t(Xll0tt Th. 722, 724 IEwfo .. (.) \IUX'tOt~ n xai ijµOt'tOt (cf. L340 + ) x28 IEwrjµ0tp .. oµw~ .. \IUX"COt~ n XOtL fiµap/ (cf. 073, w63) 1235s. Cf. y319s. 1235 y241 ouxfo 116cr-ro~ 1237 Mt 77 + !1ta11-r-ri yap 1240 µ62* ouol 1to-rri-ra 1tapipxE-rat 1242 l.&:.I >4.631 1243 0293 /M~pov E1t- ... -raxtcr-ra/ 1244 ~210, He. 164 µa).a 1t0tGp0t 1245 0726 Ol o' ... opoucr0t11/ M83* 0:7t0 .. opoucr0t\l Ap. 440* EX \ITjO~ opoucrE\I (o:1to \I, > 4.903) iixo~ o' EAE\I > 1.449; r342, i),,79 0aµ~o~ o' EXE\/ dcrop6wll't0t~/ 1246-7 H321, ~437 /11w-rmcrt11 .. OtTj\lEXEEcrcrt 1247 11257 h71AoG U7ttp 1250 ~331 + /,i).).o~ o' Otu-r' (EfmcrxE) 1251 Cf. Hom. 'tL~ 1t68E11 d~ &:11opw11; 1t68t rn 1t6At~ ~u -roxrjE~; ~383 ~u11£a~a11 aEnat/ 1253 M225 au-ra x£).w0a/ 1254 P321 -011 xat u1tlp !),,to~ 0tfo0t11/ 1255 Cf. X3045 0511 /~iA-rEpov .. 0:7tOAfo00tt KlOl µE\IOL\IT)crWcrt µaxEcr80tt/ 1256 T90 /&:).).a -r( XE\/ pi~0ttµt; 1257 K65 + /au0t µivm (µivm ... l.x. > 1. 793) 1261 133 0AiEcr80tt XOtXO\I µ6po11 L465 µ6po~ 0t1116~ 1261-2 X270 /ou ... fo0' U7taAU~t~, > 3.336 1262 'Y160 1t0tpa o' ... iiµµt 1267 E898, u222 /xa( XE\/ 0~ 1taA0tt 1267-8 µ387-8 11rj0t .... XEacratµt e.s. 1268 Cf. t542 1269 t486 /1t).71µupt~ lx 1t611-roto (cpipE 485) 1271 > 4.1426 1272 ~388 -rou11Ex' E"fW 1275-6 0t9 + 116cr-rtµo11 fiµap/ x144 fiµap .. 'ttAEcr' Ll 16, X366 /2Eu~ WiATI 'tEAfoOtt 1276 ~417 T)µt-cEpov xaµ0t'tO\I 1277 A357, w438 /w~ cpa-ro Mxpu xiwv 1278 K301 /ocrcrot fo0t11 Tpwwv, cf. F.H. 205.4 1278-9 Pl 1112 'tOU o' Ell cppEcriv .. fi-rop/1t0tXIIOU'tOtt 1281-3 P548-50 'ttpOt~ .. ~ 7t0Atµoto/~ XOtL xuµwvo~ .. /j~ pa 'tE fpyw11/&:118pw1tou~ O:\lt7tOtUcrE\I (cf. 4.1630) 1281-2 f291 -riAo~ 1t0Aiµow 450* x323* µtcr0ofo (116cr-roto) -riAo~ A61 1t6AEµo~ ... XOtL Aotµ6~ 1282-3 N139 &:cr1tt't(p oµ~pep 1283 p298* 'tE ~OW\/ x98* -'tE ~owv ... fpya/ 1284-5 .:1451 + piE .. atµa-rt 2268 + /aYµa-rt xa( 1286 T259* -r276* xat~£).w~ Ap. 441*, He. 17* µfoepijµa-rt 1286-7Th. 176 \IUX't' E1tayw11 .. Oup0t116~ Op. 242 oup0t1168E11 .. E7tT)jOtjE 'Y188-9 E7tL .. vicpo~ TJjOtjE ... /oup0t1168E11 1287 /),,75, 77 &:cr-ripa .... /).aµ1tp611 E5-6 /&:cr-rip' ... /).aµ1tp011 1t0tµcp0t(llt]llt 8555-6 3.1176, 4.513




1294 892 xp&,ix xixA.u~ciµEvo,;* 0796 7tE7tAOLOL xixM~ixvn,; µixA.ixxofow/ 1295 1296 A412*, w34* T346 exxµrivo,; xixi ex1tixa,o,;/ 0788 /xd,' ... ex1tixa,o,; OLX'tLO't(1' 8ixvlX't(1' 1298s. Cf. B311s. 1298-:- 1300-:- 1303 He. 43 /w,; o' 61t6,' 45 /~ O'tE .46 lw,; &µ' .. . 1298-9 494-5 7tE'tpYjvlxripixµ6v 1299 1323 CX7t'tTjOL VEOOOOfoL 1300 A528* + l1t' oq,puaL. Cf. 1.178; 4.44 1301s. Cf. B460s. (xuxvwv, pEE8pix/, aµixpixyEI OE n AELµwv, lw,; ... ) 1301 8298, 5.234 /ouoE n XLVTjOixL µEAEWV ... cx.o.A../ > 1.880 1302 > 1.596; 238 + xixA.a pEE8pix/ 352 xixA.a pEE8pix .. 1to,ixµofo 1303 De. 176 lw,; ix( lm-; cf. 4. 93 7, 953 I1795-6 µLciv8riaixv .. EGupixL/ ... xoviticrL 1305-6 /xix( vu xEv > 1.1298 259-60 1tcivn,;/ .. l~ix1toA.o(ix,' CXXT}OEa'tOL xixi exq,ixv,m/ 1307 .1260 + /'Apydwv o( expLO'tOL > 4.1181 1tl 11 CXVY)VUO't(1' l1ti tpy{1'/ A.548 -~o' l1t' CXE8A(1'/ 1308 /ex.a. >4.1008 1309 B547 ·Tj'tOpo,;, ov 1to,' 'A8iivril 1310 0641 * lx 1tix,p6,; He. 274* 1tix,po,; XEq:>ixAT}V (5.27 XEq:>ixATj,; 1tix,p6,;); 28 [e.1,; 'A8riv&v]. 5-6 lx XEq:>ixA.Tj,; (cf. Th. 924) .... 1tixµq,ixv6wv,ix Ctr. He. 20 E7tEL .. µri,po,; cx1t' .. 86pE yu(wv/ 1312 y180, E262 hE,pix,ov 7Jµixp EY)V 1312-13 P371-2 7tE7t,ix,o o' ixurrilriEA.iou o~Etix, > t.647-8 1313-14 ~211 ix1 o' fo,ixv 1314 2302 7tE7tAOV lA.ouaix 1315-16 /ix.o.E. > 1.265; 1tl 79 ,ixp~riaix,; o' hEpWOE ~ci)..' oµµix,ix µ~ 8Eo,; ELY) He. 381 ix1ofoµixL ... oix(µovix,; 1316 Al 17 ixu,~v ycip µw 245 + o€ µw ixu,6v/ 1317 > 1.293-4; 4.393-4 1318-24 Cf. x456 (exrxL a,aaix 455 - 4.1313-14) -60 1318 E339 /xciµµopE 'tt7t'tE A.474 /axE,ALE, 'tt1t,' fo µd~ov L403 ht7t'tE 'tOOOV 1319-21 µ189-91 ILOµEv ... miv8' oa' .... µ6yriaixv· /i.oµEv o' oaaix .. l1ti x8ov( . . . 1319 E62* E7tOLXOµEVYj xpucrEiti . . . a228, u309 oIBix e'.xixa,ix/ 1320 0441 /uµE,Epwv hcipwv. Cf. 4.1776 K27 + lq,' uypriv/ 1320-1 y105-7 oaix ... l1t' .. 1t6v,ov/1tA.ix~6µEvOL xix,a A.Yj(8' ... lrio' oaix .. 7tEpi exa'tU . . . 1321 X.7t. > 4.363 1323 2238, A.227, 4.1358 TjOt 8uyix,pE,;/ 1322 x136 + 8Eo,; ixuoiiEaaix/ 1324-5 :El 78 /cxU' exvix µrio' fo xdao Kl 75-6 /cxU' l'lh ... u!6v/exva'tY)OOV 064 6 o' CXVO'tT}OEL OV hixrpov/ o/848, µ170 /cxva,civ,E,; o' e'.,ixpm 1326 /& ... lu. >4.1355-6 1327 >1.563, 4.1353 1329A.111 /xix(xEVE,'e.1,;'18cixriv ... i'xma8EI 1330 f161 + /w,; exp' Eq:>ixv 1332 y406* + xix,' exp' t~E't' E7tt 1333 De. 179* xuop~v 8Eciv 1334 /ou,L µ. > 3.620 1334-5 f47 hcipou,; .. cxydpix,;/ 1335-6 0373-4, 466-7 n 'tEXµwp/ EUpEµEvixL 1418, 685 OTjE'tE ,faµwp/ 1336 Cf. K224s. K226, o/590 AE7t't~ OE 'tE µ7J,L,;/ 0509 µTj,L,; cxµdvwv/ M412 7tAEOVWV OE 'tE (,OL co.) tpyov exµuvov/ 1337s. Cf. :E318s. 1337 0440, 621 /Tj, xixi cxvixt~ix,; (cf. 3.36, 4.842) L288* cxvix'l~ix,; hcipm,; l7t( E101 + l1ti µixxpov exuaE Y50 µixxpov cxum/ 1338 E299* + AEWV w,; o,; pci ,' >3.1351 1339-40 i257 q,86yyov .. ~ixpuv 1341 He. 567 cxypixuA.ou,; .. ~ou,;/ e.s. (cf. 4.551) 1406* ,E ~6E,; 1346 v37 mq,ixuaxoµEvo,; q,ci,o µu8ov/, > 1.1097, 3.1165 1347 B56, ~495 /xA.u,E q,iAm .. µm 0722 /xA.un q,iAm· 1tEpqcipµm 0187,p515hpd,;ycip µmcxv.>3.1137-8 1349Hom.riun




XOUpTj/ 1350 B20 + /a'trj o' iip' U7tEp XEcpcxArj.; (cf. 2.578) 1351 Th. 33 (edd.) /xix(µ' lxiAov9' 1353 µ382 'tLaouaL .. lmuxi' aµoL~~v/; cf. 4.1327; 1.619, 2.475 1355-6 0438 + lu'tpoxov apµcx. Cf. 4.1326 1358 ~.9./ >4.1323 1360 -µEVIXt EU.I> 1.231-2 1361-2 0668 vicpo.; axMo.; P243 vicpo.; ... XIXAU7tnt/ 1363 0638 /we; tcpcx9', o! o' &va 9uµov Wixµ~EOII, >3.83 1364 B155 /ev9cx .. 'ApjELOtO'tv .. 1/00''tO 4. 781; Ap. 506 /lx o' &Mc; ~7tEtp6voE, V. ITA485 (West 33) 1367 0514 IX7t0 jUtwv/ 1368 De. 389 /3.554 Z482* &A6xoto cptATj 3 .1227 1372 He. 154 /µTj'tEplX o' oux IX· A260 ~€ 7tEp uµTv/ e.s. 1373-4 P412-13 (cf. 257-8) cxld ... exo11u.;/11wAEµi.; P385 /ixpjlXAtTj2.1285 1417 /!Epov ... p. >2.515 1418 d ... >2.413 1419 A254 (!xixvu/) + 'AxcxL(ocx 1 cxfov(/), cf. 3.601, 775 1420-1 1699 /µup(cx owpcx Otoou.; (cf. 2.813-4) T140, 147 /owpcx ... 1t1XpcxaxiµE11. Cf. 11358 owpcx 1tcxpi~oµE11 Arph. (:otowaoµEv; /vuµcpcxt 356) 1422 Il46 /we; (j)IX'tO ALO'O'oµEvo.; De. 67 aOL\17)11 lfo' (~492 oAtjTI 01t(} 1422-3 De. 76-7 ~o' tAEIXtpw /ax11uµi11Tj\l 1423-4 3347 x9wv .. (j)UE\I .. 7tOLTjll/ (u~6a' 349), > 1.1142-3 1425 P53, 55 epvo.; .... 'tT)AE9ixov 11196 oivopEcx 'tT)Aio9ixov'tcx/ 1426 N200* U7tEp jlXLTj 1.293-4; 0706, 't214 fotacnv &µu~oµiv7J* ).81* + i1titaaw &µu~oµivw (-o~) 1432 /~ iitpcx o~ >2.438 o444 + µiy' ovucxp/, cf. T56 ed. Chia, ~ atp .. &µcpo'ttpOtO'LV ovucxp/ 1434 1t.µ. >4.1397 ,1436 ~262 x8i~o~ 8to~ ~).u8t~ 0459 (cf. 0223) /~).u8' &v~p K204* + 'tt~ &v~p 1437 x240 /xod oiµcx~, CXU'totp ... A104* + OO'O'E OE Ot ( .. Acxµ1tE'tOWV'tt) 0607-8 'tW OE Ot OO'O'E/).cxµ1tfo871v ~AOO'Up'5crtv u1t' ocppucrtv (&µcpl oe ... ) Sc. 147 ~AoO'Upofo µt'tw1tou/ - 142 u1t0Acxµ1t€~ - 145 oaamcrtv .. Aaµ1toµ€votcrt 1438 K23 /&µcpl o' ... Hcraa'tO oipµa AEOV'tO~/ cf. id. 177; 1.1195; Pany. 2 mAwpou oipµcx AEOV'to~/ 1442 541 /o(~"(j xcxpxcxAfot 1444 y293 ltcr'tt o€ 'tt~ ... 1tt'tp7J/ Ap. 280 ·"(I KTJcptaioo~ iyyu8t ).(µv7]~/ 1445 'Y300 h~v oy' U7t0 ... 1446 K158, 045 /).Qt~ 1too( 'Y764'tU7t'tE 7t00EO'O't 1447 Ll523* N549* iitµcpw XEtpt 1448 p210* + ix 1tE'tp7]~ 1450 > 1.1103 'Y138 /o! o' ... 08( crcptcrt 7tEcppcxo' 'Axintu~/ B206 + tV(X crcp(crt K127 t'va yexp crcptv l1t€cppaoov 1451 -1454 Cf. TI825 l1tiocxxo~ &µcp' o).(y7J~ 1452 /w~ o' o. >2.1083 1453 -1455-6 TI641, 644 w~ O'tE µutcxt/ .... /w~ iitpcx 'tOt mpt vtxpov oµ(AEOV 1453 Sc. 421 (w~ O'tE ... ) ~ O'tE 7tE1JX7]/ 1454 u69* µ€Am j"AUXtpcTi 1455 'tO't' >3.1403 1457 cr382 /xa( 7t01J 'tt~ 01458 cp131 /w 1t61tot, ~ xcx( t430 crwov'tE~ haipou~/ 1460 De. 130* -(X Ot' ~m(pow. Cf. 2.399, 4.1474 1461 K39 'tOOE fpyov/ 1462 >4.513 1463 N71 /{xvtcx yexp 1465 /uft o. > 1.163-4 M256* 'ttpexEO'crt m1tot86n~, > 4.110 Nl 58 /xoiicpa 1tocri .. . 1466-7 Ctr. 'Y4 77 o~u'tcx'tov ... ocrcrt/; A44 /o~E(X' 'trjAE ... 1467 t335 1ttµ1t'tO~ µt'tot 'tOtO'tV (µ.cr. > 2.534) 1468 5.166 8u.iv ... cxrcr"(l/ P329 ~vopt"(l 'tt/ 1469 ~348 /wpcrtv, t'v' cx373* t'v' ... IX7t7]AEj"EW~ 1470 516 /µiµ~AE'tO yexp o! 1471 /ou t8tv > 1.362 ~128 EXM't(X µt't(X).).~/ 1473 E167-8 /~rj .... Ot~~µEvo~ 1474 A358 hrjAE Otex (ot' ~- > 4.1460) 0481 t~LXE'tO orjµov/ 1475 r101 • + X(Xt µotpa ~119 (i.µ.) x413 µotpa ocxµcxcrcrE 1476 I 156 /xcx( o! U7t0 w234 U7t0 ~).w8p~v• Oj"XVT]V (cf. N389-90) X30 + crrjµa 'ti'tuxwt/ 1477 TI573, De. 451 IX'totp 'tO'tE y' 1480 p51 l (~t .. ) /~ loev 1481 X492 OtVEtcrt .. l~ .. ha(pou~/ 1481-2 F. H. 204.80 µ~ m' t't' ,¥~).oy ~138-9 01.i yotp t't' iit).).ov/ ... xix~croµat 1482 E520 + (-iµev·) o! OE xai (XU'tOU 1483 P676* et ( .. ~A8t/) ~2· 1t6oa~ 'tCXXU~ 1484 Op. 553 0p71txiou Bopiw. Ctr. 1.214, 1300; 2.427 1487 d../ >3.1221-3 1488-9 0759+ (~ihcrcrtv) i1tmx6µevo~ xa'ttmcpvev/ £128 XIX'tE7tEcpVE ~aAwv .. XtpauvcTi/ (- id. 124) I1737, 739 ~exAE .... Aiit/ Y437 /ooupt ~CXAWV, i1td ... 1489 imi OU µiv> 1.296 (A264 .. y', ubi µtv Arph., vu.); 011 * -wv, i1td OU µtv &cpcxupO'ttX'tO~ (~ex).') E402, 901 OU µev ... -6~ j"E 'tE'tUX'tO/ ul 10 &cpcxupo'tex't7] o' i'tE'tUX'tOI 1491-2 5.21 cx1ooi"(j XOUp"(l ).322-3 xoup7]V M(vwo~ OAo6cppovo~. 7]V 7tO'tE 071atu~/ ... i~ youvov ... B629 lo~ 7tO'tE .. IX7tEVexO'crCX'tO I185-6 xoup7jv/ .. 1X1tovexcrcrwcrtv 1492 ~295 Ii~ At~UT]V µ' i1ti v1493 E843 + IXj"ACXOV u16v/ (cf. 'II.' A3 test. Aristox.) 1495 o' iitp' L





> 3 .1207 He. 7 + /vuµcp'!] .. µicryfoxt'tO (µiyrjvexi/) 1497 N344 + /o~ 'tO'tE Sc. 57* /o~ .. Kuxvov E7tEcpVEV 1498 N395 ( ... XEtpex~ IXAU~ex~/) + /ouo' oy' 1499 otov L > 4. 4 75 P72 4 * vixuv extpOV'tex~ ( vv. II. cxpexv'tex~ extpexv'texd; Etoov'to ibid.; omcr0t/ 723) 1501 ).,35• 'tlX OE µrjAex De. 349* µt'tlX crcpiex~ 1502 'A .... M./ >1.1083 1503-4 >2.816-7 1503 Ctr. x245 &owxfo 1t6'tµov/ 1505-6 v284 l1ti qiexµ4.1137; 3345 /ou'tEXexio~u'tex'tOV7tiAELcp4.1572 1547l1tix. >1.793 1548't.µ. >4.528 0391 EX'to0ivriwv/ 1549 Ap. 46, 137 o1x(ex 0fo0exi/ 1551-2 x277-8 µm 'Epµdex~ .. IXV'tE~OATjcrtv/ ... VETjvi-n ixvopi loixw~/ Il715-6 Ot .. 1texpicr'tex'to o$o~ .. /ixvipL dcr 2. 54 J 1557 /cx.x. > 2. 316 1558 0461* )' 4.211 1578 ~300 u1ttp KpT}"tTJc; 1578-9 x./8. >3.1067-8 1579 Ap. 417 de; oIBµ' &Arnv 1581-2 "t470 hipwa' lxAi9TJ e.s. 1586 P233 /we; Ecpex8', o[ 8' ... E~Tjaexv/ N665, ).534 t7tL \IT)Oc; E~exwt/ 1588 B818* •0\l"tO µe.µex6nc; w162 /ex1hcxp O "trjoc; ("tiwc; µiv co.) 1589 "t.µ. > 4.528 1590 d46 /[118' oii "tL2.919 (1ttp: cf. v.l. p133] 1604s. Cf. 1181s. ( > 3 .1259-64) 1604 E597 + /we; 8' O"t' IXIITjp 'Y258 tupuv &-ywvex/ 1605 IT314, 322 /fcp9Tj opt~cxµtvoc; 1606 9375* o 8' ... 1XEp9Eic;/ 'Y821 l1t' exuxivL 1609 De. 176 /we; ex[ lmax6µt11exL 1610 - 1612 5.55 8iµexc; a8ex11CX"tOLOL\I toLxwc;/ 8796 + 8iµexc; 8' ~LX"tO B58* (j)UT)\I ... lciixul cf. Arph. 3474 1612 E819 µexxcxpEOOL .. 1.1151 162.3-4 > 1.930; M239 t7tL 8t~i' 1624 T415 7tll0Lfj 2tcpupoLO 8foLµt11/ 1627-8 -16.34 µ426-7 /[118' ~ "tOL 2icpupoc; µtv l1texuaex"to ... /~).8E 8' l1tl N6"toc; - 429 /1texwuxrnc; cptp6µ7J11 1628 A306, 334 (/)apyta"taO N6wrn(/) De. 458 XEXCXPTJll"tO 8t 9uµ~/ 1629-.31 A4 75-6 ~µoc; 8' ~iArnc; xex"ti8u xexi l1ti xvicpexc; ~A8E, /8TJ "tO"tE ( > l.450s.) :E241 /~iArnc; µtv [8u 1629-.30 A62-3 a11excpexi11t"texL ou?.rnc; 4.1281-3 16.31 El 14 /8TJ "tO"t' f1tm' x.11. > 4.1171 16.32-.3 0496-7 AUO\I LO"ttex, xcx8 8' EAO\I 1a"t611/ ... 1tpoiptaaex11 tpE"tµorc;/ 11107 [awl .. 7tEpLµTjXEEc; 16.3.3 H5 lu~fo"t-nc; lAcx"t-naw/ 16.34 TJ288 1texwuxrnc; xexi l1t' ~w xexl .. ~µexp/ 0137 l1t' ~µexp (cxr-naL) Sc. 257 ex1foc; 1ouaexd 16.35-6 Ap. 43 Kcxp1tex8oc; ~11tµ6taaex/ - 39 /1texmexA6uc; 16.37 1514 hLµT}v, ~ "t' &Uwv (mp ... ) Ap. 38 Xioc;, ~ \IT}OW\I Amexpw"tCX"tTJ E111 ixAl XEL"tm/, > 1.830-1, 4.564 16.38s. Cf. L481s. 1641 Th. 879 + xexµexLyt11iw11 &118pw1tw11/ De. 113 1texAexL-yt11iw11 1642 cp310 (cf. L96; > 1.17) µt"t' a118pCXOL XOUpO"tipOLaL\1/; > 1.548 164.3 X7 1t6pt11 .. dvexL 405 h6v p' ... 8foex11 fµµtvexL oupov apoup7Jc;/ 1644 > 1.1059 1645-6 A211 + /aU' ~"tOL .. µiv 'Y454-5 "tO µtv CXAAO "tOOO\I (8iµexc; Ap. Soph.) .. ~\I, t\l 8t .... "ti"tUX"tO 1646 x4 /xcxAXEO\I cxppTJX"tO\I 1646-7 P290 1texpcx acpupov &µcpl "ti\lO\l"texc;/ 1647 B267 /aµw8L~ hr~ A.R.?) 8' ex1µex"tOEOOex µt"tex- 1647-8 HlOl-2 exu"tcxp* .... 7tttpex"t' EXOll"texL lv a8ex11CX"tOLOL ... 1651




0217 + /xcx( vu x' ( ... /El µ-fi) 1652 MO, L365 /aµ3.580; fl 67, 192 (t6vo(t) ... ) (/)ocrtL~ oo' fot(v(/) no2ouo'E11tCXjXIXAxEO~ EUXEtCXL dvcxt/ 1656 .1478-9, P302-3 o[ cx1wv/t1tAt8' E685, 71224 At1t0L cx1wv/ 1657 0445 /&U' EXEt' µ204-5 E3.1325 1688 / >4.1685 1689 N453, Th. 480 /Kp-fitti lv 1690 l.~.I > 1.1151 1691 ~322 (aAcro~ .. /) /[pov 'A871vcx€71~Yv' ... 1692 Cf. t85, x56 1694s. Cf. ~301s. 1694 ~299-300 (v. supr.) E'.8m ... /µfocrov u1ttp Kp-fit71~ t260 + u1tEp µiycx Acxitµcx 8cxAiicrcr71~/ 1695 B813 ltriv ... xLxA-ficrxoucrw/ 1696 0567 vuxt' oAo-fiv 1697 Hom. ouoi tL~ aAA.71/ 1699 u.l./ >4.626 1701-2 cr99-100 &tap ... /xETpcx~ IX\ICXO"XOµEVOL 1702 µqixAtJ 0. > 1.462 170.3 N539 XCXta o' ... tppEE 1706 Z128, 71199 (jE) xcxt' oupcxvou (E1A-fiAou8CX~ ·E\II) qi327YxEt0 .. 1tEtpcx~ 8573Yxtoxwpcx~/ 1707l.1t.l>l.l6 1709 490 OE~mpfl ... CXl\ll>tO t6~cx I 2 7. 5 1tCXiXPUO"ECX t6~cx K461 /uqi6cr' avfoxt8E 1710-11 Cf. P650 1710 0623 Acxµ1t6µtvo~ mipl 1tixvto8tv ~270, p439 -~wv· mpt ... 1t1Xvt08Ev 1713 A436, 0498 /lx o' EU\la~ E~CXAO\I 0284* + xcxt foxt8Ev ~48 /cxutlxcx o' 'Hw~ K2.'il lnu8t o' ~w~I 1713-4 [TT iii p. C. xt97-8 ~pLjE\IELCX ... IA-ficru IXVEpxoµiv71 {:l1t-)] 1714-6 u277-8 tot o' ... /aAcro~ U1t0 4.522; 1.4223 1733 A21 l1X~6µtvot ~to,; [cf. 4.334) u16v He. 89,550 Ma(rii; .. u16i; (-i)/ t283ttcra't"0 1 apoU 1735Ctr. t246Atuxotoy&Aax't"Oi;/ 1736w211 /lvol yuv~ ... 7ttAtV A391 * oA(yov 7ttp i- He. 456 oA(yoi; mp iwv 1737 1120 /1tap8tvtxfl itxuta Th. 572, Op. 71 /1tap8ivct-i .. txtAov 8232 (µ(crytat) + iv qHAO't"Yj't"LI 1738 ~.x./ > 1.269 1739 E271 (cf. 0279-80) 1-toui; ... /XU't"O 1.647-8 1746 547 /iv .. OL xpao(TI 8&pcroi; ~&At, 1t0tp oi . .. A361 + EX 't"' ov6µa~t/ 1747 o ... > 4. 797 A385 8to1tpo1t(ai; 'Exa't"OLo/; cf. 1.958 1748 T314 o' IXOLVW4.1320 1777 P498+ /au't"L2.728


1 516 A477 + [cf. 1.1280, 4.885] /~µo~ o' ~pryivucx t;i&.1171 .. 'Hw~/ (- 0789 ltfiµo~ cip' ... ) Zl 75, mas 1&n· ihE o~ oExa.'tri lt;i&.11 71 .. 'Hw~/ E390 + 1&n· O'tE 0~ 'tp(wv ~µap .. 'tEAEo' 'Hw~/ Op. 102 E7tL \IIJX'tU ('tTIO' > 3. 799) 518 EX~. >2.993 519x118o1o'&(ov'tE~/ A532'tOLOE..&(onE~/ 10u~ ~~'t7JV P233 o1 o' 10u~ ... e~rioav/ e.s.


801 E556+ ~6a~xat .. µfj).a/ 803 /x.d. >3.1268 y215* + &vaofjµov 804 Cf. o712 oux ~ 'tL~ µw 0Eo~ wpopEII, ~E xat aU'tOU ... , al. x2 7 aU'tW\I ... &t;ipao(uow/


2 964 *E13 +, 4.104, 887 &1to x0ov6~ 1116 Ap. 138/w~owv ~m(pou 'tE, cf. Th. 964


4 539A 0381 'tU't0o~ EW\I 0226* 7tO't' E\laLE µ201 \ITjOO\I EAEi1toµE11 .. E1tma/


HOM. IL. OD. / 'HOM.'

A 1-2: 1.802 2: 1.259 6: 4.431; 3.38 9: 2.43 19: 1.1031 21: 4.1733 22: 4.295 33: 2.266 34: 1.967 35: 2.309 42: 3.27 48: 4.1508 49: 2.678 51: 4.566 52: 4.524 55: 4.1199 57: 2.67 61: 4.1281-2 62: 4.810 63: 2.525 66-7: 3.880 66: 1.171 67: 3.694 72: 2.180-1; 3.1226-7; 4.529 73: 1.331 76-7: 2.715 77: 3.131 78: 4.197 83: 3.1005 85: 2.769 89: 2.68-9 97: 1.1030; (Zen. codd.) 2.68-9 98: 4.1106; 4.689 103: 3.382 104: 4.1437 106: 3.936 108: 1.252 109: 1.1106 114: 1.362 115: 2.37 116: 1.978 118: 1.443 127: 1.303 133: 1.829 133-4: 1.794 136: 1.299 137: 3.377 140-1: 2.1165-6 141: 1.415; 1.357 155: 1.94 156: 2.756-7 157: 1.1098-9 158: 2.383 160: 4.357 162: 1.286 170: 1.829 174: 3.721 180: 3.391 183: 4.194-5 185-6: 3.437-8 188: 4.169-70 188-92: 3.396-400 190: 1.1250 192: 1.765 193: 3.451-2 194: 3.1381 195: 4.641 196: 3.1292 197sq.: 4.852sq. 199: 3.649; 4.698 202: 4.2 208: 4.641 209: 3.1292 211: 4.1645-6 216: 4.1 219: 1.306; 1.512; 2.91-2 220: 1.149 225: 2.49 227: 4.454; 1.70 237-8: 4.1178-9 238-9: 4.1207 239: 4.1084 254: 4.1749; 3.775; 4.1419 257: 2.1020 260: 3.57; 4.1372 261: 2.4878 262: 4.319 270: 2.400 278: 4.62 280: 1.232 281: 2.475; 4.765 282: 2.634 297: 2.256; 4. 784 298: 3.470; 4.1099 303: 1.1262 304: 2.448 308: 1.111 312: l.574cf.2.544-5 314: 4. 710 318: 3.6 325: 4.402-3 329: 4.851-2 333: 2.950 343: 1.891 348: 1.637-8 350codd.: 1.631 351: 1.886 353: 2.446 356: 3.175 357: 4.1277 361: 4.687; 4.1746 362: 3.674-5 365: 3.1096 368: 2.534; 3.909 376: 4.295 380: 3.566 382: 2.1044 385: 1.1106; 4.1747 386: 3.1037 391: 4.54 396: 2.304; 3.305 399: 3.38 401: 3.62; 3.997 404: 1.58 406: 2.820-1 412: 3.769 413: 4.34 415: 1.278 416: 1.1290; 4.1060; 4.1211 418: 2.66; 1.285 420: 3.26 430: 4.344-5 432-6: 2.1260sq. 432: 1.559; 2.549; 4.599 433: 1.1111 435: 2.901 436: 4.1713; 3.1278 437: 1.1110-11; 1.1004 441: 3.128 449-51: 1.408-10 456: 3.554; 1.816 458sq.: 1.425sq. 459: 4.1685 464: 2.1177 467: 1.1185 468,474: 1.1150sq. 473-4: 2.702-3 475-6: 4.162931 475: 1.450sq.; 1.605 476: 1.965 477: 1.516 proecd.; 2.449-50; 3.1224 478: 3.1268 480: 1.563sq. 481: 4.943-4 482: 1.525 -527; 1.544 483: 1.1015 485-6: 2.1282 485: 4.78 485pap.: 4.1365 492: 1.198 494: 1.237 495: 4.845 496: 2.580-1; 2.70-1 497: 1.1100 498: 1.397 499: 1.604 511: 4.737 513: 1.269 515: 1.639 516: 2.57-8; 3.505 522-3: 3.434sq. 526: 2.444 528: 4.1300 529: 2.676-7 531: 3.343; 3.1146-7 532: 1.938 533-4: 2.428-9 534: 2.681-2 542: 4.1104-5 550: 4.730 552: 3.780 553: 3.1079 562-3: 2.253 563: 4.402-3 565: 3.85 566: 2.1232 569: 3.492-3 570: 4.1111-2 572: 4.375 575: 1.1284 577: 1.675 578: 4.375 581: 1.384-5; 2.428-9 582: 3.14-15 584: 1.448 585: 3.128 587: 3.1115; 4.1619 590: 2.262 592: 2.530 593: 1.44 595: 3.100-1 597: 1.265 599: 3.381 601: 2.811; 2.945; 1.725 606: 4.514 607-8: 3.37



B 1-2: 1.1081-2 6, 8: 3.618 15: 2.245 20: 4. 1350 37: 1.547 38: 2.65-6 39: 4.446-7 42-3: 4.187-8 45: 3.1282 47: 3.1001 48: 4.183-4 54: 4.851-2 55: 4.492-3 56: 4.1347 57: 2.42 58: 4.1610-1612 73: 3.179 75: 1.1301 80: 2.57 84-5: 1.363-4 87: 4.674-5 87-91: 1.879sq. 92-3: 4.1181 93-4: 3.1111-2 101-8: 4.424-8 107pap.: 4.428 109: 2.773 ll0sq.: 2.622sq. 111: 1.1101; 1.274; 1.1288-9 125: 1.1128 127vulg.: 1.1153 130: 2.787; 1.247 131: 1.894; 2.468 136-7: 3.994-5 137: 1.809-10 139: 2.1192 140: 3.601 142: 1.341 144-5, 149: 4.214-5 -219 147: 1.879 155: 4.1364 161: 4.1034 162: 3.313 164: 3.78 166: 1.485 167-9: 1.1188-90 197: 1.1071 198: 4.6 200: 2.636 206: 4.1450 207: 1.1205 212: 1.197 214: 4.360 218: 2.732 222: 2.827 232: 4.1737 235sq.: 3.558sq. 236sq.: 1.872sq. 238: 3.181 241: 3. 751sq. 247: 2.22 248-9: 2.244-5 250: 1.334 252: 3.658 254: 2.324 256: 2.633 259: 1.352 261: 2.1168 266: 1.427-8 267: 4.1647 278: 1.247 290: 3.1139 291: 2.12 297: 2.1252 299: 1.793; 1.916 308-9: 3.1215 309: 3.408; 4.95; 2.915-6 311sq.: 4.1298sq. 311: 2.1 315: 1.268 316: 2.1035; 4.931 322: 2.593; 1.656; 3.543-4 333: 3.1370 335: 3.907 337-8: 4.136-8 339: 4.358-9; 4.1042 342: 4.85 343: 3.424 344: 2.46 353: 2.1275; 2.853 355: 3.374 360: 4.431 361: 3.131 362: 2.997 364: 3. 728 374: 1.1303 376: 1.340 379: 4.1722 380: 2.635 387: 1.543 391-2: 2.960 394(sq.): 3. 1370 396: 4.1681 397: 3. 771 402: 4.228 404: 1.229-30 415: 4.777; 4.819 417: 3.564 418: 3.1393-5 420Ar.: 2.649 421sq.: l.425sq. 433: 2.1178 435: 4.190; 1.595 436: 2.446 451: 4.185 453: 3.815-6 458: 3.1357-8 459sq.: 4.239-40 460sq.: 4.1301sq. 462-5: 1.879sq. 462: 2.1185 465: 1.635 476: 1. 222 478-9: 3.1282-3 482: 3.922 486: 4.1076-7 506: 2.658; 3.1242 512-3: 1.211-2 513: 1.148-9 517-8: 1.207-8 523: 1.116-7 535: 2.787; 4.1780 547: 4.1309 547-8: 1.761-2 553: 3.919-20 555: 3.319 560: 4.290 .565: 1.53-4 572: 2.358-9 579: 1.100 579vulg.: 3.246; 3.443 588: 2.813; 3.269 604: 4.517 609: 4.905 611: 2.1222 612: 1.968 614: 2.1086; 2.376; 2.989 615: 1.162-3 620-1: 1.71-2 625-6: 1.830-1; 2.686-7 626: 2.532 629: 4.1491-2 637: 3.881; 4.1221-2 643: 1.133 655: 2.997 660: 4.268 662: 2.475 663: 1.165-6 664: 1.893 665-6: 3.365-6 667: 1.265 669: 1.507; 4. 765 677: 4.553 681: 1.139-40 687: 4.680 688: 2.818 700: 4.430; 1.1063-4; 1.45 703: 1.224 704: 4.1008 708: 1. 1000 711: 2.504-5; 2. 724 722: 3.981 728: 1.761-2 746: 1.57-8 754: 4.626 773-5: 4.851-2 779:1.247 780:4.398 783:2.1211 786:2.286 796:2.708 798: 2.64 800: 4.1089; 4.216 807: 3.83 807-8: 1.708 809: 3.1239 810: 3.1274; 4.105 811-13: 3.1084-92 811: 1.936sq. 813: 4.1695 818: 4.1588 819: 2.7034; 3.241 820-1: 2.991-2 820: 1.761-2 821: 2.1210 824-5: 1.116 825: 1.940 827: 1.88 831: 1.975; 3.585-6 849: 2.1261 850: 2.40-1; 2.978 853, 855: 2.941sq. 854: 2.936-7 855: 1.593 859-60: 2.816-7 861: 3.168 872: 2.919;


r 3:2.1077-8 5:3.1348 12:3.507 13:2.679 17-8:3.1282 18:3.1047 23: 2.26 24: 2.279; 4.174 28: 1.1337-8 29: 1.241 33: 1.1265 35: 2.1216 38: 4.1725 45: 3.772 47: 1.549; 4.1334-5 50: 4.445 52: 3.719 53: 2.774 56: 1.103 58:2.1140 61:3.1351 72:4.400 73:1.1049 84-5:4.1409 85:3.90 86: 4.1654 87: 3.739 90: 3.1174 95: 3.83 97: 3.1402 101: 4.1475 107:



4.358-9 108: 1.992; 3.638 109: 2.453 112: 4.1630 116: 1.774 119-20: 3.1199-1200 126: 1.722 132: 1.497; 2.69 133: 3.1259 139: 4.429 140: 1.706-7; 3.985 141: 4.465-6 142: 3.740 143: 4.58 145: 4.630 150: 1.669 152: 4.903 161: 4.1330; 4.29 167: 3.266; 4.1655 168: 4.508; 3.976 173sq.: 4.361-2 173: 1.256 · 174: 1.978; 4.780 181: 2.419; 3.770 187: 2.958 192: 4.1655 198: 4.485-7 202: 3.592; 3.578; 3.826 209: 3.1163 212v.l.: 4.782 217: 1.155; 2.683; 3.22 218-9: 3.964-5 220: 3.1265 221: 1.462; 4.903 233: 2.1174 235: 1.797; 1.20 237: 4.588-9 242: 1.273 245: 4.1179 263: 4.123 267sq.: 2.491sq. 273: 1.598 278: 3.715-6 290: 3.907 291: 4.1281-2 2.1187-8 293: 1.784 301: 2.483 309: 1.104 310: 1.348 317: 2.328 328: 1.721 330: 1.395 331: 2.832-3 332: 3.868; 3.1225sq. 333: 4.460 335: 1.668; 3.1355-6 338: 1.957 342: 4.960; 4.1245 344: 1.529 345: 4.1055 351: 1.242 352: 3.1227 353: 3.437-8; 4.653 362pap.: 1.1033 368Ar.: 2.29 373: 1.1298; 2.819 374: 2.286 379: 1.265; 2.591 386: 3.72 392: 2.171-2 392-3: 4.238-9 394: 2.751 395: 1.341 406: 4.589 409: 1.308 411: 3.1128-9 411-2: 3. 793-4 417: 3.35; 3.64; 2.326 422: 3.843; 1.363 423: 3.9 426: 2.547 431: 1.505 -507 435: 2. 758 437: 1.899; 3.55 445: 4.580 449: 4.1058 453: 2.508 459: 3.376 461: 1.348

1: 3.168 6: 2.620-1 10: 3.910-11 11: 4.1166-7 20sq.: 3.22sq. 20: 3.8 23: 2.40; 1.1289; 2.19-20 31: 3.711 34: 3.435 43: 4.805-6 44: 1.544; 1.108 45: 3.1091-2 51: 2.373-4 60: 4.1652 63-4: 1.1101-2 75sq.: 3.1377sq. 75: 1.202 75, 77: 4.1287 79: 4.1245 86: 2.600 88-9(etZen.): 3.113-5 91: 1.1115 97: 4.1134 98: 2.1033-4 99: 3.774 104: 2.25 106: 1.1244; 4.119 112: 3.1209 113: 3.1296 116: 2.184 116-8, 122: 3.279sq. 118: 4.1404 124: 2.1043 130: 4.1531 137Zen. Aristoph.: 2.1129 141: 4.1062 146: 4.716 148: 3.1207 150: 3.1174 161-2: 4.234 163: 2.775, 777 166: 4.653 167: 1.219-20 170vulg.: 1.1035 177: 4.602 179: 1.680 180: 2.1102-3 185: 3.186 186-7: 3.715-6 208: 1.341 211: 4.6 212: 2.309 215: 2.968 215-6: 3.715-6 223: 3.1047 233: 2. 712 235: 3. 781; 4.839-40 237: 3.59-60 245: 3.565; 1.463 247: 2.1190 253: 3.1351 259-60vulg.: 1.1185 260: 4.1307 262: 1.472 264: 2.22 265: 3.1245 267: 3.983-4 269-70: 2.851-2 274: 3.916 275: 2.123 276: 4.363 277: 1.269 279: 1.509 280: 4.268 282: 3.1355-7 289: 3.396-7 292: 4.920 300: 4.985 301-2: 1.47-8 308: 1.982 314: 4.372 319: 3.629 320: 3.540 353: 3.404 363: 2.154; 3.1096 366: 3.878 374: 1.345 376: 2.147 384: 1.460 388: 4.427-8 390: 2.1208 392: 1.821; 4.464 397: 4.286 399: 2.43 402: 4.1209 405: 2.887 408: 2.499 420: 4.642 422: 2.123; 2.925 422,424: 2.70-1 422,426: 2.580-1 425: 2.732 426: 2.569-70 427: 4.1288-9 429: 3.521 42930: 4.238-9 437: 3.749 439: 1.109-10 442: 4.1685 443: 1.1312 444: 1.803; 3.1368; 4.1726-7 446: 2.321-2; 2.604 447sq.: l.1026sq. 451: 4.1284-5 455: 2.523 457sq.: 2.102sq. 470: 3.444 478-9: 4.1656 482sq.: 4.1682sq. 482: 1.1054 - 1056 484: 2. 732-3 487: 4.218 493: 3.459 494: 4.8-9 504: 2.485-6 508: 1.383 512: 2.1207 513: 3.337-8 515-6: 1.109-10 523: 4.1447 524: 4.472 525: 4.1125 529: 3.1286-7 535: 1.766 537: 1.73; l.923 538: 1.1026sq. 540: 2.1251

INDEX LocoRc:vi


E 5sq.: 3.957sq. 5-6: 4.1287 5: 3.1328 7: 4.1402 13: 2.964proecd.; 3.439 29: 3.515-6 34: 3.337-8 43sq.: 1. 1040sq. 53sq: 2.816-7 60: 3.42-3 61: 1.288 68: 2.96; 2.203-4; 3.1130 73: 3.763 74: 2.1187-8 77-8: 3.252 79-80: 1.755 81: 2.91-2 87: 1.1061 94: 3.1298 97: 2.1043 101: 4.1337 103: 2.796 105: 2.674 JH:4.1631 118:4.764 122:3.1350 130:4.588-9 134:3.1163 136: 2.472; 2.342 137: 1.774-5 138: 2.29 140sq.: 2.127sq. HJ: 3.708 146: 3.1253 151: 3.398 152-4: 1.99 156: 3.578 159: 2.241 161: 4.485-7 167-8: 4.1473 167-9:3.113-5 171:2.600 177:1.820 191:4.799 193:2.776 194: 4.749 199: 3.1241 201: 3.798-9 209: 2.1043 211: 4.1099 213: 3.36 214: 4.686 218,220,222: 2.1219sq. 220: 1.1059 226: 1.832-3 252: 3.1108 255: 3.1250 271: 4.1739 274: 2.448 275-6: 2.1121-2 279: 3.642 281: 4.313 284: 4.1203; 1.829 292: 3.378-9 297: 3.1279; 3.1288 299: 4.1338 300: 3.1296 301: 2.62b 302sq.: 3.1365sq. 303: 1.662 306: 2.361 310: 4.1171 314: 1.268 315: 4.1661-2 328: 3.1153 331: 2.438 335-6: 1.1330-1 338: 4.423-5 339-40: 3.853; 4.1679-80 347: 4.572 349: 3.563 350-2: 2.441-3 354: 3.725 357: 3.1310 364: 3.101 364-5: 1.910-11 371: 3.155 380: 2.156-7 391:1.1161 396:4.1137;1.1188 399:4.1067 401:4.21 402:4.1489 414: 4.805 416: 1.472 421: 3.475; 4.1673 427: 1.848 435: 1.635 452-3: 4.200-1 464: 2.288 478: 3.1368 479: 1.309 487-8: 1.1251 488: 4.518 490: 3.1079 501: 1.1086 502: 3.1403 506: 2.69 509: 1.47-8 511: 3.252 513: 3.760 516: 2.44-5 520: 4.1482 524: 3.8-9 524-5: 2.1098 527: 2.135 528: 4.1058; 1.555 532: 4.1076 533: 1.1047 544: 3.569 555: 4.12-13 556: 1.801 proecd. 557: 1.985 560: 3.967sq. 579: 1.358 584: 2.265 588: 2.107 590-1: 2.1102-3 593: 4.360 594: 3.1231; 4.1055; 4.223-4 595: 3.766; 4.179; 4.935 597: 4.1604 598: 2.349 599: 1.541-2 600: 3.1391; 4.230 601: 2.774 607: 2.282; 2.242 612: 1.126 633: 4.555 636: 2.853 636-7: 3.919-20 638: 4.272 640: 2.470 650: 3.233; 1.1337-8 652-3: 2.1197 653: 3.904 659: 4.158; 4.1525 665: 4.561; 3.126 666: 4.915 667: 2.649 674: 2.294 679-80: 2.864-5 683: 2.144 685: 4.1656 691: 2.454; 4.901 696: 3.725-6; 4.1525 697: 1.652 708: 2.226 709: 4.223-4 715: 3.907; 4.89 725: 1.220 735: 1.111 739: 3.1214 741: 4.1515 743-4: 3.1228-9 749sq.: 3.159 750: 3.715-6 752: 1.377 753: 1.397 757v.l.: 3.1132 762: 1.1332-3 769: 1.706-7 776: 3.210-11 779: 2.262 787: 3.800 794:3.113-5 796:4.1523 799:2.21 806: 1.44 808:2.1208 809:3.1 812: 3.676; 4.373 813: 1.560 815: 3.11 816: 2.247; 3.332 818: 2.1051 819: 1.507; 4.1612 822: 1.338 827: 3.512 835: 2.291 838-9: 1.389-90 842: 2.706 843:4.1493 844:2.602-3 848:4.116 851:4.224-5 864:2.1104-5 865: 3.345 872v.l.: 3.1132 876: 4.794 887: 3.848 894: 3.28-9 898: 4.1267 899: 1.341 901: 4.1489 904: 2.547 907: 3.36

z 2: 3.1263; 2.104 4: 1.309 4Ar.: 4.1572 7: 2.238 21-2: 1.211-12; 2.2-3 41: 4.22-3 52: 1.1120 54: 1.699 55: 1.1337 59-60: 4.1305-6 64: 2.111 66: 1.383 77: 3.91 81: 3.1264 84: 1.862 89: 3.645 92: 4.1048 93-4: 4.174 95: 1.1116 101: 4.601-2; 2.1206 107: 4.669 112Zen.: 1.816 117: 2.119-20 128: 4.1706 132: 4.540 136: 1.107 137: 2.575 HJ: 4.408 143: 4.1775 147: 4.216 153: 3.919-20 158: 1.1351-2 159: 3.353 161: 2.816 165: 3.180 166: 1.341; 4.749; 4.558 168: 1.906 173: 1.309 175: 1.516 proecd. 176: 1.145;



1.1062 182: 3.231; 4.819 187: 1.821; 3.599 193: 3.376 194: 1.858-9; 4.792-3 201: 2.1268 202: 3.1201-2 209: 1.548 211: 1.231-2 215: 2.1160; 3.359 217: 3.584-5 218-9: 4.422-3 231: 2.1160 232: 2.547 238sq.: 3.1125sq. 238: 4. 1323 240: 4. 797; 4.588-9 248 et circa: 3.236 259: 1.13-4 265: 3.407 267: 3.546 268: 4.1284-5 292: 3.473 295: 3.141 302: 4.1314 306: 3.907 308: 1.716 314: 1.70; 3.1378; 1.548; 4.6 318-9: 4.1177-8 328-9: 4.397-8 343: 1.792 346: 1.107; 4.1232-4 348: 4.794 348etcirca: 3.793-801 349: 4.217 351: 4. 1042-3 353: 2.455 357: 2.339; 1.618 357-8: 4.1142-3 362: 1.286 363: 3. 1059 367: 1.838 373: 4.605 376: 3.131 377: 3.285 378: 1.822 380: 1.1102 385: 1.1102 394sq.: l.557sq. 401: 2.40-1 401-2: 1.774-5 402sq.: 3.245-6 410-11: 3. 798-9 411: 3.429-30 414: 2.1181 419: 3.205 427: I. 1205 428: 2.776 429-31: 4.368-9 430: 3.1126-7 433: 4.1573 435: 3.654 438: 1.487 444: 4.249 446: 3.151 453: 1.794 458: 2.18; 3.430 459-465: 3.793801 462: 3.514 469-70: 2.1065 472: 2.1213 473: 1.1194 474: 2.45 482: 4. 1371 483: 1.167; 4.1135-6 486sq.: l.295sq. 486: 1.1332-3 488: 2.244-5 490sq.: l.303sq. 501: 1.1052; 2.912 505: 1.539 506sq.: 3.1259-64 506: 2.541 508: 3.1203-4 514: 3.651; 4.66 523-4: 3.551-2 524: 3.700 526: 4.290

H 5: 4.1633

7: 2. 1285 9-10: 1.35-6 23-4et33-4: 3.10-11-17-18 30: 4.1685 31-2Aristoph.: 3.104 37: 1.899 38: 3. 753 39: 3.1169-70 53: 1.1095 58: 3.8 62: 2.1072; 3.1355-7 66: 3.90 73vulg.: 2.882 75: 2.1147 76: 4.229 85: 1.281 86sq.: 2.84lsq. 86: 2.926 89: 1.1062 92sq.: 3.502sq. 516sq. 92-4: 3.422-6 94: 3. 1025 96sq.: 3.558sq. 101-2: 4. 1647-8 108: 1.313; 3.1067-8 118: 1.623 124: 3.775 127: 4.92-3 130: 1.248; 2.14 136: 2.21 144: 3.1143-4 146: 3.1226-7 147: 2.1169 148: 1.165-6 161sq.: 3.502sq. 516sq. 161: 1.875 1634: 3.516-7 164: 1.90 170: 2.640 173: 2.813; 3.20-1; 1.623 184: 3.505 188: 4.1562 189: 4.1126 190: 4.876 191: 3.171 193: 4.1180 196: 4.343-4 197: 4.1506 205: 1.345 211: 3.1245 212: 1.532-3 214codd.: 4.92-3 226: 3.116970 232: 2.883 235-6: 3.558sq. 237: 3.177 238: 1.930 255: 1.1169 262: 4.472-3; 1.541 263: 3.669 273: 2.284; 2.84 281: 3.200 289: 4.65; 4. 1031 292: 3.1129 321: 4.1246-7 324: 2.453 327: 1.910-11 329-30: 2.50 331: 3.1172 334:1.937 337-8:4.517 339:3.1324 343:1.678 353:4.9-10 370: 4.1068 372sq.: 3.739 375: 1.706 375-6: 4.766-7 382-3: 4.851-2 383-4: 2.207-8 387: 3.104 394: 1.715 403: 1.387 405: 2.118 407: 3.171 408: 3.405 410: 3.531 423: 4.844-5 424: 4.1029-30 433-4: 2.669-72 436-7: 4.517 443-4: 1.547 - 549-50 446: 1.1323 447: 3.826; 3.475 451: 3.854 455: 3.1106 465: 3.1407 468: 1.589-90 471: 1.968 478: 4. 7 480: 2. 191

0 1: 4.183-4 2: 3.576-7 12: 3.1041 14: 4.1391; 3.1396 19: 3.202 24: 2.788 26: 1.900 27: 2.57-8; 3.54 34: 3.527 36: 3.20-1 39: 2.333 43sq.: 3.869-74 48: 4.1715 50: 4.367-8; 3.210-11 51-2: 1.547 - 549-50 55: 1.653 57: 3.988 58: 3.1239 60: 2.321-2; 2.604 61sq.: 1.1026sq. 68: 4.885 75-6: 4.68-9 76: 4.482; 2.269 76-7: 2.921-2 77: 2.577-8 111: 1.468 116: 3.1153 118: 2.254 125: 2.1146 131: 2.985 143: 2.313 147: 3.464 156: 2.107 164: 3.936 190: 3.92; 3.656 197: 1.1018-9 202: 4.23-4 203: 3.744-5 213: 3.746 217: 4.1651 226: 4.273-4; 1.1198; 2.559; 1.1162 238: 4.1370 245: 1.250 247sq.: 3.541sq.



251: 2.206 261: 2.896 266: 1.993-4 270: 1.428 271: 1.1348 277: 1.994 285: 1.446-7 293: 3.1084 296: 1.1001 299: 4.601-2; 4.1393 303: 3.684 304: 1.625-6 306sq.: 3.1399sq. 306: 1.1027 320: 4.81 323-4: 3.279sq. 330: 2.780; 3.1359 335: 2.88 342: 2.1056 346-7: 1.410 349: 2.49 357: 3.17 363: 1.1347 367: 2.353 368: 4.1666; 3.810 369: 1.927 371: 1.1197 386: I.Ill 400: 3.183 411: 3.159 412: 1.1333-4 423: 2.646 424: 4.223-4 438: 4.1355-6 440: 3.1235 443: 1.532-3 448: 2.915 457sq.: 3.22sq. 460: 2.40 467: 3.20-1 477: 2.234; 3.391 478: 2.340 478-9: 2.418; 2.1260-1 483: 1.1064 484: 3.106 485: 1.506 488: 4.1058-9; 4.1289-90 489-91: 3.576-7 490: 2.503 492-3: 3.458 493-4: 4.1177-8 504: 1.455-6 507: 4.745 514: 2.914 520: 1.653 521: 4.372 529: 4.1046; 1.934 535: 4.1384 538: 4.125-6 541: 3.637 543: 2.665 544: 2.63-4 555sq.: 3. 1359sq. 555-6: 2.1104-5; 4.1287 556: 4.927; 2.162; 1.1154-5 557: 1.1112-14 558: 3.1196 560: 1.309

2: 2.607 4: 1.1086; 2.971 7: 2.322; 4.552 13: 1.653-4 18: 1.274; 1.1288-9 2lv.l.: 2.889 29-31: 2.408-10; 3.502-5 33: 1.1332-3 34-5: 1.1337-8 39: 1.158-9 40: 4.197 41: 2.23 42: 3.34 43: 1.553 48: 3.944-5 50: 1.387 77: 4.217 87: 1.653-4 88: 2.304 90: 2.495 93: 2.453 JOOsq.: 3.172sq. JOO: 3.384 107: 4.868 112sq.: 3.172sq. 112-3: 3.14-15 113: 4.1740 121: 2.10 134: 2.311 135: 2.1136 135-6: 1.898 139: 1.653 140: 2.40-1 147: 4.87 148: 1.248 154: 2.377 156: 4.1476; 4.1178-9 169: 1.38 172: 2.524 173-5: 4.1127-8 184: 3.382 186: 4.851-2; 1.577; I. 740 191: 4.455 193: 2.683 197: 3.52-3 200: 3.49 213: 3.1209 227: 4. 1555 231: 3.1256-7 231 et circa: 3. 75 236: 4.653 241sq.: 3.579sq. 241: 2.571-2 242: 1.734 243: 1.1002 247: 2.489 249: 2.444; 4.85 251: 1.490 252: 1.1337 254: 1.282 255-6: 4.1723 277: 2.1136 277-8: 1.898 282: 2.40-1 288: 2.55 297: 3.1124 298: 4.1178-9 302: 4.738 303: 4.205 311: 1.843 317: 4.462 323: 4.1299 325-7: 2.631-3 330: 1.620 344: 3. 104 348: 4. 718 355: 4.597 359: 3.404 363: 3.537-8 369-70: 1.475 375: 2.851-2 381: 2.1153 393: 2.442 394: 4.389 395: 1.1292 399: 3.243 403: 1.497; 2.1190 405: 1.536 406: 4.1341 415: 1.615 418: 4.1335-6 419-20: 3.986 420: 3.591 423: 1.463 429: 3.332 436: 1.614 437: 3.151 438: 2.463 444: 3.151 445: 3.480-1 447: 4.152; 1.723 454: 1.1176; 3.704; 468: 3.1313 469: 1.473 473: 4.471 474: 4.1058-9; 3.712 (460/: 1.273 4.1289-90 477: 4.49 482: 1.99 496: 3. 1350-1 499: 4.994 500: 2.692 504: 1.1122 514: 4.1637 518: 1.251 523: 2.336 524: I.I; 1.18 530: 4.535 531: 1.749 534-6: 1.13-14 537Zen.: 2.488 542: 1.502 544: 1.894 554: 1.477-8 559: 3.157 562: 3.245-6 566: 2.291-2 567: 4.467 570: 3.804-5 578: 1.788-9 580: 1.868 582: 2.1144 584-5: 1.1132-3 591: 4.800 600: 4.862; 2.256 6035: 3.1122-4 612: 2.561 613: 4.1099 614: 2.56 620: 2.948-50 625-6: 3.172 633: 3.747-8 633v.l.: 4.467 634: 2.921 639: 4.446-7; 4.566 653v.l.: 4.392 670: 2.1271 685: 4.1335-6 686-7: 3.986 687: 3.591 692: 3.332 693sq.: 3.502-5 693-6: 2.408-10 699: 4.1420-1 706: 2.44-5 709: 3.1059

K J-3: 1.1081-2

J: 1.910-11 3-4, 9: 3. 751sq. 4: 3.451-2 5-6, 9: 2.1083-8 5: 1.1201 6: 2.1115 7: 3.69 8: 4.275 9: 3. 760 JO: 1.384-5; 1.1313 JJ: 3.652; 3.1270; 4.326 16: 1.1248 23: 4.1438 23-4: 1.324-5 24: 4.180 25: 1.1071-2



27: 4.1320 33: 2.1233 35: 3.823 37: 2.1219sq. 38-9: 3.480-1 39: 4.1461 46: 1.1140 47: 3.1157-8 48: 2.451 49: 1.21-2 57: 3.91 62: 3.944-5 63: 3.970 65: 4.1257 66: 2.543 69: 1.1047-8 72-4: 1.1187sq. 74: 4.851-2 79: 1.296 BO: 4.154 81: 4.720-1 88: 3.304-5 94-5: 3.962 95: 3.288-9 99: 3.511-12 100: 4.1076-7 101: 4.1255 106-7: 1.807-8 118: 4.411; 4.760 123: 4.796 127: 4.1450 129: 3.105 133-4: 1.722 139: 4.1121 151: 3.1248 1523: 3.1286-7 154: 4.184-5 157-8: 1.1090-1 -1103-4 158: 4.1446 160: 3.199 162: 1.1090-1 -1103-4 169: 4.1073 171: 2.883 173: 1.694 175-6: 4.1324-5 177: 4.1438 177-8: 1.324-5 178: 4.180 187: 2.407 190: 3.1348 192: 3.108 192-3: 2.157-8 204: 2.468; 4.1436 208: 2.1278 214-5: 4.1516-17 215-6: 3.1199 217: 1.819 224sq., 226: 4.1336 235: 2.55 236: 1.338 237: 4.825 246: 1.470 251: 4.1713 253: 3.1340-1 256: 2.101-2; 1.855 257, 261: 2.106970 261: 3.1282 268-70: 4.425sq. 269: 2.31-2 270: 3.26 275: 3.340 282: 3.81 284: 4. 783 291: 3.1 292: 4.174 294: 3.142 300: 1.229-30; 2.99; 3.1012 301: 4.1278 302: 4.492-3 304: 2.799 316: 3.958 321: 3.1 329: 1.466; 2.948 331: 2.319 345: 2.126 353: 1.687 358: 1.1270 359: 4.1408-9 360-3: 2.278sq. 361: 2.696-7 362: 4.115 363: 1.1037 367: 3.608 368: 1.1209 374: 4.388 375: 4.306; 4.649 384: 2.1137; 3.1071 389: 3.1084 391: 1.130 408: 4.867 409: 2.1278 425: 2.470 432: 3.1096; 1.327 435: 1.1284 440: 2.490-1 443: 1.315 444: 2.6 448: 2.1167 454: 1.306 455-6: 1.429-30 461: 3.256-7; 4.593-4; 4.1709 463: 4.980 465(Ar.): 3.221 466: 3.205 476: 3.47-8 482: 2.613 493: 4.38 497: 2.75 505(Ar.): 3.221 519: 2.1236 520: 3.1201 523:4.1769 523-4:1.310-11 525:4.1719 528:4.81 529:4.86 535: 2.553-4 538: 2.1202; 4.1100 541: 3.448 546: 4.1754 547: 4.125-6 550: 3.891 551: 2.1222 567: 2.63-4 571: 4.505 J\

1-2: 4.1111-12

1: 1.186 2: 2.441 3-4: 1.773 4: 4.525 9: 4.273-4; 1.1198; 2.559;1.1162 10:1.383 11-12:4.11 13:3.815-6 19sq.:3.1225sq. 20:1.76970; 2.31-2 22: 4.939 26Aristoph.: 3.1215 36: 4.572 41: 3.1228-9 44: 4.14667 48: 1.333 52: 1.1027 62sq.: 1.239sq. 62: 1.307; 2.1104-5; 3.1377 62-3c.v.l.: 4.1629-30 63: 3.214; 2.921 64: 3.1300 66: 4.184-5 67: 1.536 68: 3.1354 70: 4.485-7 71: 4.669 72-3: 3.1154-5 75: 4.1778 76: 1.909; 3.228 77:3.113 80:1.813;2.28 86sq.:1.1172sq. 88:2.476 90:4.1384 99:1.1011; 1.315 117: 3.742-3; 4.1316 118: 2.547 136: 4.421-2 137: 4.1740 142: 1.816; 3. 74-5 146 et circa: 1.429-30 155sq.: I. 1027sq. 156: 1.1358-9 161: 2.666 172-3: 4.11-13 178: 2.1056 180: 2.867 186: 1.832-3 191: 2.914 192: 2.180-1 194: 3.1143-4 198: 3.878 201: 1.97 206: 2.914 223: 1.148-9 235: 1.555 236: 2.113; 2.968 238: 3.1368 239: 2.1036 240-1: 1.428 250: 2.780; 3.1359 266: 4.929 268 el 272: 1.262-3 279: 1.873 284: 4. 754 296: 2.309; 1.348 298: 2.971 306: 4.1628 307: 2.732; 2.569-70 308: 3.345; 1.1299 314: 3.1 322: 1.908 323: 2.462 328: 4.6 328-9: 1.1351-2 329: 1.975; 3.585-6 336: 1.926 343-4: 2.1102-3 346: 1.702 356: 4.1171 358: 4.1474 359: 2.88 377: 4.1519; 3.1306 380: 3.773 382: 3.359 386: 3.539 388: 4.1519 391: 2.174 396: 1.341 398: 3.761-2 404: 3.674-5 405: 1.491 407: 2.622 413: 2.755 414: 2.278sq. 415: 1.577; 4.12-13 419: 3.885 422: 3.159 433: 3.416 441: 2.244-5; 4.760 444: 2.797 446: 1.306 451: 3.336 452: 2.244-5 453: 2.260; 4.239-40 462-3: 4.75-6 463: 1.1240 466(Ar.): 1.1249 467: 1.99 478:



2.714 479: 2.476 480: 4.1714-16 488: 4.1377 492: 2.1083 495: 2.401 514: 4.803 526: 1.1254-5 527: 3.1311 530: 3.1058-9 532: 1.519 proecd. 534: 1.1026 537: 1.195 538: 1.1028 544, 546: 4.11-13 545: 3.1320-1 546sq.: l.1243sq. 547: 2.94 549: 4.109-10; 4.1183 551: 2.308 566: 3.683 572: 1.332 594: 2.62b 603: 3.568 606: 3.464 610: 4.411; 4. 760 612: 4. 746 614: 4.378 621-2: 2.86-7 645-6: 3.47-8 646: 1.328 650: 4.746; 1.919 663: 1.1095 666: 4.164 671: 1.492 684: 3.9 695: 3.583 701: 3.415 703: 4.103 708: 1.1058 709: l.634sq. 711: 1.936sq. 717-8: 1.169-71 717: 2.894 720: 4.220 722: 4.282; 2.744 724: 2.1225 726: 2.515 727: 2.485-6 732: 2.936-7 735: 4.1513 736: 3.183 737: 3.627 741: 3.530 744-5: 4.1521-2 745: 4.513 749: 2.139 758: 1.1088 761: 2.1173 763: 2.441-3 765: 1.1337 768: 2.1051 771: 1.1182 775: 2.158 776: 2.89 780: 2.307 781: 2.802; 4.686 785: 169-70 788: 4.1200 791: 3.26 792: 3.539 808: 4.651 813: 4.277 817: 4.337 827pap.: 3.456 828: 3.1166 829-30: 4.560 830: 3.876; 4.442 831-2: 4.812sq. 839: 1.705 842: 2.106 845-6: 4.560

M 7: 1.695 9: 3.894 11: 4.1028 19: 4. 135 23: 1.548 25: 4.634 28: 4.954 34Zen.: 1.1309 38: 2.864 40: 1.265 41: 4.110 41-2: 3.1351-3 43: 2.959 512: 3.1275-7 53: 4.283 54: 4.1666 55: 3.238 61: 3.58 72: 1.801 80: 1.697-8 83:4.1245 86c.v.l.:2.67 89:1.231 91:1.163-4 92:1.10-11 95:1.74-5 956: 1.163-4 113, 115-6: 1.78-9 119: 3.1243 131-5: 3.967sq. 134: 2.320 135: 4.110 141: 3.1326 148: 2.128 150: 4.347 153: 4.273-4 162: 1.563 165: 1.606 167: 3.1373 171: 2.135 176: 3.1012 177: 4.1237 184: 2.1069-70 185: 2.95-6 190: 4.207-8 192: 1.427-8 196: 4.652 197: 1.231 206: 1.1239 207: 2.1102-3; 1.1013 208: 3.1167 209: 1.342 214: 4.804 217: 2.646 217-8: 3.549 222: 3.694 225: 4.1253 228: 3.549 237-8: 3.558sq. 239: 4.1623-4 241: 1.1315 244-6: 3.479-80 248: 3.394 252-3: 4.578 256: 4.110; 4.1465 260: 4.480 262: 1.973 267: 4.1740 269: 2.465 272: 4.998 278sq.: 3.1359sq. 279: 2.124 280: 3.1165 282: 2.976-7 283: 1.1282 285: 1.1209 288: 1.260 292-3: 1.69-70 294-5: 3.1264 297: 4.1198 299: 1.843 305: 3.459 322: 3.485 327: 3.336 329: 1.149 330: 1.520 proecd. 333: 3.1284; 1.6 335: l.32f 342: 1.640-1 356: 4.806-8 377: 1.310-11 380sq.: 3.1365sq. 382v.l.: 4.695 385: 4.24-5; 1.764 393: 3.1195; 4.726 406: 4.9-10 407: 4.205 410: 1.484 412: 4.1336 416: 3.425 420: 3.828 421: 2.88-9 423: 3.945 425-6: 4.200-1 433sq.: 3.291sq. 435: 4.528 445sq.: 3.1365sq. 447: 1.1351-2; 4.6 448: 4. 726 452: 3.1153 453-5: 1.786-7 454: 4.334-5 457-8: 1.1198-9 458: 3.144

N 2:4.1387-8 8:2.1254 12:3.931;4.315 13-14:1.1112-14 14:1.583 17:1.553 18: 2.1239 18-19: 2.679-80; 3.1218 22: 3.137 25sq.: 3.869-74: 25-7, 29: 3.1152-5 28: 3.1213 30: 1.387 37: 1.561-2 39: 4.834-5 44: 1.572-3; 2.388 56: 2.574 62: 1.156 63: 2.912 71: 4.1463 75 et 78: 1.532-3 82: 4.1726-7; 1.820 85: 2.214 88: 3.1024; 3.674-5 89: 2.171-2; 3.608 95-6: 4.835-7 111: 3.358; 4.834-5 131: 4.199 133: 3.967 139: 4.1282-3 140: 3.957 146: 1.320 158: 4.1465 163: 3.1264 179: 4.1150 184-6: 2.92-5 190-1: 2.828-30 200: 4.1426 209: 3.578 219-20: 4.358-9 222: 2.612 225: 1.1023 228: 4.1514 239: 2.921; 3.1401 240: 3.1163 241: 3.1321-2 242: 4.125 250: 1.978 277:



4.454 281: 2.932 282: 3.962 284: 2.669 286: 4.402 294: 3.1286-7 297: 1.971 302: 3.971 314: 1.199-200 320: 4.1720-1 322: 3.413 323: 3.848 329: 1.47-8 336: 4.482 339, 341: 3.1355-7 341: 2.1069-70 342-3: 1.239-40 343: 1.310-11 344: 4.1497 346: 3.644 348v.l.: 4.9-10 356: 1.475 359v.l.: 2.104 363: 3.1180; 1.991 364Aristoph.: 2.754 366: 2.1149 368-9: 2.948-50 372: 2.34; 2.233 373: 1.1331; 2.1218 374: 4.325 375: 2.209 389-92: 4.1682sq. 389-90: 4.1476 395: 4.1498; 4.39 398: 2.34; 2.233 402: 2.242 407: 4.222 414: 2.48 416: 2.31-2 424: 1.174-5 438: 1.1033 446: 2.438 450-1: 3.1087-8 450: 3.1180 453: 4.1689 455-8: 3.396-400 469: 1.971 470: 3. 751sq. 471, 474-5: 3.1351-3 473: 4. 1398 492sq.: l.575sq. 492-3: 4.674-5 494: 4.1126 495: 1.460 496: 3.398 505: 1.1313 514: 1.199-200 515: 4.1121 517: 3.1068 524: 1.1345 524-5: 1.1101-2 525: 3.184 539: 4.1703 541-2: 1.1032-3 546, 548-9: 2.826-7 549: 4.1447 557: 3.951-2; 3.94 565: 3.679-80 570: 3.1286-7 592: 1.316 595: 4.223-4 598-600: 2.1039sq. 602-3: 2.817 614sq.:2.105sq. 616: 1.1296-7 626-7:4.194-5 629:3.1301 632:4.182 6534: 2.834 654: 4.472 658: 1.263 660: 4.8-9 661: 1.208 662: 3.566 664: 1.116 665: 1.445-7; 1.910; 4.1586 674: 2.65-6 676: 3.539 688: 3.287 696: 3.1367 703sq.: 2.662sq. 705: 1.1261-2 707: 3.1054; 3.412 711: 1.1242 721: 4.329 723: 4.338 733: 2.174 739: 4.339 748: 1.697-8 757: 2.1256 760-1: 3.113-5 761: 4.851-2 767: 1.480 779: 2.929 786: 2.1220 789: 3.1176 805: 1.219-20; 2.919-20 808: 2.561 810-11: 2.1219sq. 812: 4.1100 818: 1.13-14 823: 3.484 826: 1.1057 828: 3.637 830: 1.468 835: 1.387 836: 3.1294-5 11:1.225 14:1.783 16:4.152-3 17:4.241 20-3:3.396-400 21:3.434 32: 4.251 38: 4.674 39-40: 1.311-12 49: 3.558 57: 2.649 57-8: 4.1373-4 67: 2.479 75: 4.334-5 76-7: 2.1282 79: 4.237 85: 2.22; 3.562 89: 4.191-2 97: 3.1346 107: 3.475 117-8: 1.74-5 118: 1.829 119: 3.648; 3.825 122: 4.271 122-3: 1.628 124: 1.101 125: 1.763 128: 3.25 129: 2.90; 4.396 130: 1.297 132: 4.406 137: 1.344; 1.769 139-40: 1.477-8 151-2: 4.11 158: 1.1249 162: 4. 761 170sq.: 3.829sq. 171: 4. 710 174: 3.1359; 3.699 176: 4.27-8; 3.47 188sq.: 3.8sq. 188: 4.878 188-9: 4.1114 194sq.: 3.79sq. 195: 1.710 202: 4.791 205: 4.1010 213: 4.136-8 215: 1.234 220: 3.42-3 223: 4.1135-6 228: 1.549-50 230: 3.888 231(-231a): 1.1253 233: 4.146 235sq.: 3.131sq. 239: 3.37 241: 4.377 245: 1.1155 252: 3.171 253: 4.739 255: 3.31 258: 1.1231 263: 3.55 264-5: 1.463 268: 4.798 270-1: 1.485-7 271: 2.291sq. 272: 4.331 284-5: 2.679-80 287-8: 3.967sq. 288: 1. 777 290: 2.26; 3.858 294: 3.673; 3.288-9 295: 2.1025 296: 3. 779 303: 4. 791 304: 4.1010 308: 2.544-5 309: 4.398 310: 1.1332-3 313: 3.380 318: 2.1241 319: 3.977 321: 3.1097-8 323: 3.977 324: 1.122 325: 4.543 327: 3.701-2 335: 3.36 336: 2.1236 337: 1.890 340: 1.1290; 2.501-2; 3.1083 345: 4.1542-3 347: 1.1142-3; 4.1423-4 353: 1.276 357: 4.370-1 359: 3.748 360: 2.952 361: 4.1775 368: 1.1320 377: 1.746 386: 4.184-5; 1.921; 3.981 386-7: 4.402 387: 3.612 394-5: 4.91011 396-7: 3.1302 402-3: 1.1032-3 410: 4.201 421: 4.489 427: 3.186 433: 2.549 435: 1.1208-9 436: 3.1010 444: 1.625-6 454: 2.48 465: 2.664 465-6: 1.429-30 470: 3.1; 4.1565 474Aristoph.: 4.1610-1612 475: 4. 749; 3.284 477: 2.969 483: 3.338 493: 4.118 502: 1.907 507: 4.682-3 513sq.: l.1040sq. 520-2: 1.75-6 521: 3.836; 2.198



0 7: 1.783 11: 4.1489 20: 1.499 29: 3.61 -63 29-30: 3.2 36: 3.151; 3.714-6; 1.496 37-8: 2.291sq. 41: 3.786 52: 1.807-8 54: 3.434; 2.146 60-1: 3.761-2 61: 3.810 64: 4.1324-5 66: 1.215 80sq.: 2.541sq. 97: 3.606 98: 3.174 101: 4.1111-12 102: 4.44 103: 2.773 107: 1.1267 113: 1.485 116: 4.742 117: 2.1211 122: 3.337-8 126: 1.886 132: 4.15 138: 4.495-6 141: 4.1016 149: 3.740 150: 4.691-3 153: 3.1214 158, 160-1: 4.757-9 170, 172: 2.1083-8 171: 2.1229 175: 3.38 179: 3.1234 187: 4.1347 188: 3.862 192: 1.499 1945: 1.303-4 195: 4.244 196: 3.1124 198: 1.119 217: 2.257 -261 218-9: 1.1326-1329 221:3.434 227:3.1011 232-3:4.769 235:2.736-7 240:3.634 244: 4.673 252: 2.797; 1.124 254-5: 1.471 257: 1.80 263sq.: 3.1259-64 265: 3.1203-4 271: 2.279 272: 4.109-110; 4.1183 273: 2.736 274: 4.1226 277Zen.: 3.1326 277: 4.1181 280: 1.694 282-3: 1.199-200 290: 4.917-8 308: 4.179 321: 1.383 323sq.: 2.123sq. 323-4: 4.485-7 357-8: 1.545 358-9: 3.1272-3 360: 2. 750 362sq.: 4.948sq. 362: 1.67 363: 3.132-3 365: 4.1374 368-9: 1.410 382: 2.583 383: 3.209 391: 4.1548 393: 3.1140-1 403: 3.539 410: 3.582 412: 1.19 433: 2.95 441: 1.88 443: 1.993-4 443-4: 1.1194-5 451: 3.279 461: 2.325 470: 1.1005 472-3: 3.1120-1 473: 1.289 474: 3.13201 479: 1.721 509: 4.1336 510: 4.402 511: 4.1255 513: 1.794 537-8: 4.216 540: 1.95 543: 3.965-6 561: 4.1047-8 565-6: 4.1110-1111 584: 2.456-7 587: 3.623 593: 4.757; 4.967 594: 2.772 595: 1.287 600: 4.482 605: 1.244 606: 4.12-13 607-8: 3.371; 4.1437; 4.1543-5 608: 3.1024 611: 4.1211 618sq.: 3.1294-5 620: 4.241 621: 4.787-8 621v.l.: 4.631 622: 2.135 623: 4.1710 624-5: 4.943-4 624-5, 629: 2.70sq. 625: 2.173 627-8: 2.1106 -1113 628: 1.1166 630-3: 4.316-7 633: 1.1214 641: 4.1310 643: 1.128 644: 1.650 646: 2.34 647: 4.471 657: 4.1147-8 657-8: 3. 742-3 658: 4.463 660: 4.102930 661: 4.1047-8 663: 4.203 668: 2.259; 4.1361-2 677: 4.1055 681: 3.1365 691: 4.975-6 699: 2.1090 700: 3.608 708: 1.578 711: 4.1683-4 713: 4.696 718: 2.1063-4 726: 4.1245 728: 2.626; 2.1135 740: 1.595; 4.131-2 741: 2.333-4 745: 1.1001

n 3: 4.34

7sq.: 3.146-7 7: 1.269 11: 3.461-2 14: 1.69-70 16: 2.1150 21: 4.1031 29: 2.155-6 37: 4.810 39: 2.1028 46: 4.1422; 4.875; 2.116 47: 1.1189 53: 1.749 66: 4.397-8 67: 1.367-8 69: 3. 792 70-1: 2. 1069-70 78: 2.589 82: 4.901 85-6: 4.1491-2 86: 1.657 95Nicias: 4.165 98: 4.488 107: 1.499 109-ll0Macr.: 2.663-4 110-11: 3.424-5 111: 4.1081 117: 3.1335-6 127: 4.68-9 133sq.: 3.1225sq. 139: 1.957 144: 2.1188 151: 4.975-6; 1.217 153: 4.119 156sq.: 2.123sq. 159: 2.59 161: 2.791 166: 1.349 169vulg.: 1.728 172: 1.414 188: 4.927-8 194: 2.784 212-4: 2.1073-6 215: 4.199 217: 3.967 247-8: 3.1197-8 265: 3.694 278: 2.206 290: 4.1527 293: 3.849 298: 2.1098 299: 1.1112-4 300: 3.1196 310-11: 2.95-6 314et322: 4.1605 327: 4.385 329: 1.82 338-9: 1.1033-4 342: 3.280 344: 3.725-6; 4.1525 347: 1.745 349: 1.2; 3.685 352sq.: 2.123sq. 356: 2.282-3 364: 4.1541sq. 377: 3.1056 383: 1.1218 385: 1.541 392: 1.1100 394: 1.376 395: 4.1208 395-6: 4.601-2 397: 2.515 402: 4.219 406: 3.1197 411-12: 2.103-4 423: 1.703 430: 1.540 434: 1.6-7 435-6, 438: 4.3-4 449: 3.365-6 455: 4.164 456: 3.1126-7 459: 4.605-6 460: 4.873-4 473-4: 4.207-8 474: 4.943; 4.1395 477:



2.30 1-82-5: 4.1682sq. 1-91-: 3.1259 1-95: 4.704 507: 2.73 510: 2.243 51011: 4.1523 513-1-: 1.410-11 515: 1.536 518: 4.1067 520: 4.854 521-: 3.12213 531-: 1.77 51-0: 4.1292 51-1-: 1.336 51-9: 4.341 552: 2.897 567: 4.1696 573: 4.1477 577-8: 2.103-4 581: 2.852 585: 3.492-3 589: 1.1192 590: 3.999; 3.642 599: 4. 749' 602-3: 2.69 601-: 2.118 616: 4.855 633sq.: 2. 79sq. 636: 2.58 61-1: 1.630 61-1-2: 1.879 61-1, 61-1-: 4.1453 -1455-6 61-1-: 3.115 655: 2.454; 4.901 659: 2.135 663-1-: 1.1059 667: 3.1 669: 3.1030 687: 2.116 693: 1.888 697: 2.62a; 1.854 699: 2.867 710: 4.160 715-6: 4.1551-2 728: 2.502 731: 4.187 731-: 4.222-3; 3.1365 736: 4.159-60 737: 3.1176 737,739: 4.1488-9 71-8: 3.1280 756sq.: 2.88-9 770: 4.485-7 771: 4.669 791-: 3.71 795-6: 4.1303 796: 1.921; 1.960 800: 2.578 807: 4.662 BOB: 1.101 811: 3.1259 819: 3.1038 825: 4.1451-1454 81-6: 1.850 852: 3.392 861-: 3.1279 866: 1.1218

p 7: 3.1296 B: 2.62b 22: 3.1258 21-: 1.122 27: 1.9 28: 4.203 31: 3.127 37: 3.708 38:1.1302 1-lv.l.:1.615 1-7:3.1038;4.118 1-8:1.555 51:4.665;1.750 53sq.: 3.1399sq. 53: 1.1192 53, 55: 4.1425 51-: 3.981; 1.1235 55-6: 3.13756 55: 1.223 62: 4.1104-5 65: 1.843; 2.125 71: 1.141 86: 4.472-3 88: 2.827 89: 4.753 JOO: 4.1104 111-12: 4.1278-9 113: 3.740 116: 2.76 118: 4.11 120: 2.780 123: 3.515-6 11-1-: 3.1026; 1.490 158: 4.611 171-3: 1.830-1 175: 3.976 179: 3.1 206: 2.55 210-11: 3.1256-7 212: 3.1043-4 213: 1.1223 227: 1.1032-3 233: 1.520 proecd.; 2.254; 4.1586 236: 4.916 21-3: 4.1361-2 253: 4.397-8 256: 3.253-4 263: 3.67; 2.402 261--5: 1.521; 4.129-30 273: 2.979 279: 4.213 281: 3.1351 282: 3.858 290: 2.1041; 4.1646-7 293-1-: 4.468-9 299: 4.79 300: 2.94 302-3: 4.1656 305sq.: 2.92-5 309: 1.399 321: 4.1254 325: 1.508 329-30: 4.273-4 329: 3.511-12; 4.1468 356: 1.229-30; 1.555 360: 4.177 360-1: 1.750 363: 2.986 366-7: 4.238-9 370-1: 3.1170 -1172 371-2: 1.647-8; 4.1312-13 381--5: 1.773 385: 4.1373-4 386: 3.964-5 389: 3.271-2 391: 4.649 391-: 3.170 1-06: 4.9-10 1-11: 2.456-7 1-12-3: 4.1373-4 1-15: 1.869 1-21: 1.6-7 1-22: 4.808 1-26: 2.153 1-32: 1.631 1-31-: 4.277 1-37-8: 3.461-2; 4.34; 4.625-6; 4.1064 1-38: 3.1352-3 1-1-1: 4.738 1-1-5: 1.17 1-61-: 4.1139 1-97: 2.137 1-98: 4.1777 1-99: 3.1043-4 520sq.: 4.468sq. 522: 4.272 523: 4.223-4 51-6: 2.895; 4.620 51-8-50: 4.1281-3 51-9-50: 3.957sq. 551-: 535: 1.10-11 2.137-8; 4.853 557: 4.868 561-: 3.1084 566: 1.511 583-1-: 2.456-7; 3.304-5 583, 585: 4.1551-2 591-: 1.218 615: 2.720 619: 1.1067 620-1: 3.1365 633: 2.880 631-: 3.603-4 636: 4.98 61-1: 3.1189; 3.1079 61-1-: 1.1058; 3.1184 61-7: 1.1290 61-8: 1.250 650: 2.164; 3.1361-2; 4.1710-11 651--5: 3.26 655: 2.456-7 658 et circa: 1.1247 658: 2.1011 660: 2.308 667: 4.403 671-: 3.845 676: 4.1483 681: 4.537; 3.729 682sq.: l.1254sq. 682: 2.76 687: 4.1228 691--5: 2.408-10; 3.76 695: 3.681; 3.284 700: 4.1121 702: 3.948 701-: 4.1777 706: 3.827 709: 4.761 712: 3.603-4 721-: 2.206; 4.1499 725: 4.110 725-6: 4.1393 730: 4.1181 71-5: 1.1161; 2.47 71-9: 1.27 756: 4.128-9 760: 3.633-4 ~

2: 4.1483 13: 4.916 16: 2.955-6 17: 4.779 27: 1.281 28-30: 3.254-6 29: 3.869 31-Ar.: 4.374 37: 4.1527 38 et 1-9: 4.966 52: 4.844 51-: 1.279 68: 1.846 73: 3.674-5 77: 3.1080 79: 4.31 80: 1.1294 81: 3.304-5 87: 2.239;



4.798 90: 4.249 95: 3.711 99: 2.807 105: 2.919 108: 3.337-8 110: 2.44-5 116: 4.1275-6 117: 1.122 119: 4.1475 123: 1.1197; 3.297 124: 2.242 136: 4.497; 1.1362; 1.725 140sq.: 4. 770sq. 146: 4. 781 148: 4.66 I 52: 4.1659-60 153: 1.1158 159: 3.165 162: 4.317 168: 2.915-6 172: 3.1058-9 173: 1.749 178: 4.1324-5 182: 3.587 185-6: 4.1753-4 198: 1.877 203-4: 4.959-60 207sq.: 4.139sq. 212: 1.943 218: 3.959 228: 4.75-6 230: 2.743 232: 4.165960 233: 1.264 234: 3.916 240: 2.488-9; 2.936-7 241: 3.1191; 4.1629-31 245: 4.214 250: 2.476 251: 3. 799 252: 3. 1348 254: 2.423; 4.190 266: I. 774 273: 4.418 275: 1.786-7 280: 4.643 287: 1.659-60 295: 2.1019 317: 4.695 318sq.: 4.1337sq. 322: 1.1289 327: 3.3 329: 3.360 330-1: 3.584-5 340: 4.1233-4 344: 4.528 353: 2.932 365: 4.1652 372: 3.1275-7; 4.1198 375: 3.137; 4.946 378sq.: 1.730sq. 380-1: 4.778-780-1 385-6: 3.53-4 386: 3.250 396: 3.524 398-9: 1.503-4 400, 402: 3.42-3 409: 1.357 412: 4.763 415: 1.1008; 1.1312 416: 3.197-8 419: 2.950 424-5: 3.53-4 429: 2.438 431: 1.620; 2.1147 432-3: 4. 792-3 433: 4.853 436: 4.63 453: 2.530 454: 1.244 457: 2.1128 465: 4.1261 470sq.: 3.1299sq. 472: 4.935 476: 4.224-5 482(sq.): 1.729 483sq .. : l.496sq. 485: 4.261 487: 1.941; 2.910; 4.175 490: 1.752; 3.1088-9 495: 1.247 501: 4.690 504: 4.719 515: 4.1183 520-1: 3.168 522: 1.585 525sq.: 1.577sq. 525: 3.1289 - 1292 527: 4.489 535: 1.1028 557: 4.1177-8 558: 3.167; 1.1185 565: 2.975 569-72: 1.538-9 569: 1.577; 1.740 572: 1.574 573-4: 1.747 576: 4.133 587: 1.747 591: 4.999-1000 592: 1.742 599-602: 4.945-6 /604-5/: 1.569 607: 3.560 615: 3.964-5

T 9: 3.545 13: 3.42-3 14-15: 2.681-2; 4.854 16: 4.1543-5 17: 3.231 21: 2.433 23-4: 3.480-1 36: 3.1256-7 45: 1.199 47, 49: 1.669-70 50: 1.653-4 56ed.Chia: 4.1432 59: 3.773-4 62: 1.815 67: 3.102 70: 4.1227 71: 3.523 76-7: 1.343-4 77: 1.384-5 81: 2. 1077-8 88: 1.803 90: 4.1256 91-2: 2. 153 92-3: 4.952 95: 2.458; 4.817 96: 4.182; 4.684; 1.227 96Aristoph.: 2.855 98: 3.1065 JOO: 2.291-2 105: 3.513 112: 3.1150 115: 4.47-8 125: 4.749; 4.8656 130: 3.587 136: 4.412 140: 4.1420-1; 2.1136 142: 3.1385; 4.1008 144: 1.657 147: 4.1420-1; 1.1217 161: 2.44-5 164-5: 1.43-4 165: 4.1526 166: 4.1652 167: 2.1227 169: 1.477-8 171: 4.758-9 181: 2.81 189: 3.1385; 4.1008 195: 3.983-4 202: 2.44-5 205: 3.34 208: 2.157 212-3: 4.603 -605 227: 2.736-7 242: 4.103 243: 3.860; 4.89 249-50: 1.673 255: 1.1170 256: 2.1159 258:4.146 258-9,261:4.1019-1021 259:4.1286;3.712 261:4.346 266: 2.1187-8 267: 4.980 270: 4.1673 277: 4.165; 4.484 279: 1.523; 2.833 290: 2.913 298: 4. 1085 301: 1.269; 1.292-3 303: 2.450 306: 2.861-2 307: 1.1333; 4.865-6 313: 2.722 314: 4.1748 321: 1.286; 3.79; 3.910-11 323-4: 1.887 328: 2.147 330: 4.190 335: 3.526; 2.190 340: 4.738; 4.81 345: 3.1170 -1172 346: 4.1295 351: 2.286-7 365-6: 1.1296-7; 4.1543-5 366: 3.1292 367: 1.262-3 371sq.: 3.1225sq. 374: 3.631 375: 4.570; 4.482 377-8: 3.1113-4 381: 3.141 384-5: 2.45-6 391: 2.1188 403: 2.832 405: 2.582 408: 4.277 413: 1.119 415: 2.276; 4.1624 418: 1.512 420-1: 3.102-3 421: 3.429 422: 2.1252

y 4: 4.807

7: 2.972

14: 4.994

15: 1.1315

16: 4.807

27: 2.230

30: 1.1030


bioEx LocoRL·:-.1

31: 3.1386

34: 4.1621 45-6: 4.184-5 47: 3.434 50: 4.1337 52: 4.315 58: 2.1242-3 61: 3.862 62: 3.1387; 1.1314 68: 1.759 76: 1.195 80: 2.274-5 86: 1.899 99: 3.66 102: 4.1655 103: 1.1336 109: 2.639 129: 3.939 137: 3.1201-2 139: 4.409 146: 2.31-2 149: 4.567 151: 1.178 153-4: 4.492-3 164sq.: 2.26sq. 166: 1.609 170: 4.26 188: 3.908 193: 1.653 195: 3.551-2 199: 2.1218 200-1: 2.1219sq. 203: 3.354-5 221: 3.168 229etcirca: 1.182-4 235: 3.115-7 239: 4.802 241: 1.231-2 242: 1.467-8 246-7: 1.273 254: 2.1022 266:4.1676 276:4.174 279:2.666 285sq.:3.1365sq. 292:2.1276 304-5: 1.157 308: 4.1751-2 316: 4.393 321: 4.1525 324: 1. 753; 2.52 341: 4.109 369: 1.104 373: 1.320 386-7: 2.103-4 398: 2.1069-70 399: 2.95-6 403: 1.1265 405: 1.778 407: 3.1279 417: 2.203-4 428: 1.702-3 437: 4.14889 440: 3.565 441: 2.860 459: 3.1253 460: l.118sq. 462: 1.1229 473: 3.1313 480: 2.202 491: 2.697 495: 3.1052 499: 1.1026

3: 3.1345 4: 4.22-3 5: 3.327 6: 2.750; 3.210-11 7: 2.1061 12: 1.1027 22: 4.933 25: 1.596 30: 2.63-4 33: 2.262 35: 1.23 39: 1.251-2 40: 1.1150 46: 3.742-3 47: 1.820 58: 1.308 69: 2.666 71: 4.331 72: 1.769 74: 4.1014sq. 78: 4.746 79: 1.308 82: 1.281 85: 4.896 87: 2.1266-7 92: 1.291 93: 2.1712 104: 3.1264; 3.140 105: 2.20 109: 2.237 115-6: 3.378-9 120: 1.622 123: 4.560 125: 1.357; 4.308 133: 4.1261; 1.1001 137: 3.451-2 145: 4.23-4 158: 1.1298; 2.973 166-7: 3.1067-8 176-7: 3.654 180: 2.29; 4.1125 187: 1.20 189: 3.364 190: 2.936-7 198: 4.1100 200: 1.348 201: 3.648 219: 2.401 232: 1.450-2 233: 2.120 237: 2.88-9 238: 4.1302 240: 1.1327-8 245: 4.1316 270: 1.299 273: 3.1232 278-9: 3.773-4 282-3: 4.460-1 284-7: 1.1329-31 285: 4.672-3 293: 2.1128 307: 3.221; 1.383 308: 3.1314 316: 2.785 318: 1.10 326-7: 4.943-4 334: 4.1628 335: 4.578 350: 3.201; 4.1427-8 352: 4.1302 355: 4.1224-5; 1.851 361: 3.204 364: 3.272 365: 4.955 371: 3.365-6 375: 4.393 379: 3.386; 3.570 384: 3.250 385-6: 1.773 386: 4.500; 3.288-9; 3.688 387v. l.: 1.1051 391: 1.966; 4.1680 393: 3.259 401: 4.461 405: 4.1643 411: 2.1206 417c.v.l.: 3.634 423: 3.17 445: 1.343 450: 4.1281-2 456: 4.1088 460:3.703 464:3.1022 468:2.582 473:1.1249 478:4.737 485: 4.444 489: 4.1663 490: 4.1709 493: 3.541 494: 3.227 494-5: 4.1298-9 496: 2.832 499: 4.967 516: 4.1470; 4.1028 522sq.: 4.139sq. 523: 4.600 525: 3.578 527: 1.321 533: 1.469 537: 1.786-7 541: 4.1442; 3.473 . 547: 1.820; 4.1746 548vulg.: 2.68-9 549: 3.157 560: 3.1030 567: 3.377 573: 4.674-5; 4.12-13 583: 3.387; 4.197 586-7: 2.451 598: 2.814 604: 1.1166 609: 3.825

X 5:1.1038 12:4.279 13:2.294 16:4.1555 19:1.1302 23:2.280 26sq.: 3.957sq. 26-7: 1.774-5 29: 4.175 30: 4.1476 36: 2.78 37: 4.1290-1 39: 3.1031 44: 3.65 46: 1.185 49: 1.827-8 52: 3.461; 2.1151 54-5: 4.402-3 70: 3.866 74: 1.1312 79: 1.250 86: 2.1028 92: 2.107 93, 95-6: 4.1541sq. 94: 3.910-11; 1.614 102: 2.1120 107: 4.1384 108: 3.798-9 117: 3.404 125: 1.890 126:4.162 134-5:3.1229-30 135:1.725;4.125-6 138:2.106-7 139sq.: 1.1049-50; 3.541sq. 140: 3.541 141: 3.122 146: 3.874-5 149, 151-2: 3.223-7 150: 2.1164 153: 4.514 158: 1.58 159sq.: 1.1339-42 165-6: 1.1059 183: 2.333 190: 4.873 199: 1.290-1; 2.306 203: 3.587 221: 1.386 225: 1.320



242: 3.761-2 250: 1.44 251: 1.1059 261: 3.1105 262: 3.1123 270: 4.1261-2 272: 2.21 280: 1.140 282: 3.407 295: 2.137-8 297: 1.1337; 1.898 300: 3.641 301: 3.1315 304-5: 4.1255 306-7: 1.1250 309-10: 2.187 - 189 312: 3.1350-1 313: 3.1296 314-5: 3.1228-9 317: 3.1240 318: 2.40-1 320: 1.169 321: 2.980 322: 1.627-8 338: 2.634 338-9: 3. 701-2 345: 4. 747; 3.678 347: 4.380 358: 3. 79 366: 4.1275-6 371: 3.565 394: 2.1173 399: 1.266 406: 3.445 408: 3.885 410: 2.972 412: 2.243; 4.108 416: 4.1554 421: 4.63 428: 2.1054 431: 1.279 434-5: 2.756-7 439: 1.833 440: 1.646 441: 1.722 442: 3.838 443: 1.1118 445: 2.137 447-9: 3.254-6 449: 3.101 450: 4.61 452: 3.685 452-3: 3.964-5 456: 4.1052; 2.330 457: 1.1120; 2.150 460sq.: 1.631sq. 462: 4.183-4 468: 3.1335-6 475: 3.828 482: 4.440 483-4: 1.285 492sq.: 3.146-7 492: 4.1481; 4.1004 499: 1.811-12 500: 1.41; 1.58 502-3: 4.136-8 506sq.: 3.245-6 506: 2.506

'I" 1: 1.247 3: 4.165; 4.484 5: 4.1368-9 13sq.: 1.1059sq. 13-14: 4.1535 13: 1.4 14-16: 3.1064-5 18: 4.695 20: 2.24 20-1: 3.983-4 28: 4.851-2 29: 1.265; 2.207-8 33: 3.1313 35: 1.26 42: 4.797 44: 2.288 51: 1.452 53: 1.363 55: 4.883; 2.157 61: 2.680; 4.608-9 69: 3.93 72: 2.1273 74: 1.811-12 75: 2.8512 78: 4.492-3 78-9: 1.6 85-6: 1.69-70 88: 3.117 92: 3.1226-7 102: 1.884 103: 3.558 109-10: 4.1534-5 114: 4.1683-4 119: 4.225-6 122: 3.1259 126: 1.1165 128: 4.856 131: 1.637-8 138: 4.1450 147: 2.1170 151: 2.813-4 154: 3.1143-4 158: 3.1038 160: 4.1262 163: 2.155 163pap.: 2.528-9 169: 2.932 183pap.: 3.204 185-7: 4.870-2 186: 4.1386-7 188-9: 4.1286-7 190-1: 3.1143-4 197: 4.438 203: 4.774 210: 3.802-3 214-5: 2.1102-3 217-8: 3.410 224-5: 4.1288-9 226: 1.1172; 3.1374 227: 1.236 229: 1.825 233: 2.497 241: 4.1394 250sq.: 1.1059sq. 256: 4.1536 257sq.: 1.1059sq. 258: 4.1604 262-3: 3.1273-4 267: 1.589-90 268: 3.123 282: 3.860 290sq.: 3.516-7 293: 1.86 300: 4.1445 308: 4.802 310: 1.469 312: 3.331 313: 4.1073 313-4: 2.383 317: 2.533 320: 1.661 328: 3.1375-6 329: 4.1574 332: 3.919-20 334: 4.101 350: 2.309-10; 4.1201-2 354: 2.367 356: 4.1685 366: 2.173 367: 1.223 369: 1.1089et(?)4.142 370:4.1126 385:3.761;3.!352-3 388:2.537;4.753 391: 3.1149 396: 4.44 432: 3.518-9 434: 1.89; 1.772 437: 4.1772 454-5c.v.l.: 4.1645-6 455: 3.1225sq. 468: 3.284 477: 4.1466-7 483: 3.936 485: 3.757 486: 1.188 487: 1.797 489-91: 1.492-4 489: 1.1301; 2.255 490: 2.915 494: 1.185 507: 1.1261-2 510: 4.1395 514: 1.755 517codd.: 3.1351 519-20: 2.571-2 521: 4.581; 3.1359 526: 2.864-5 539: 1.348 540: 3.1015 542: 1.558 543 et circa: 3.427 548: 4.917-8 561: 4.325 562: 3.351 566-7: 4.8-9 570: 4.475 578: 4.1384 590: 4.1336 594: 3.703 597: 3.396-7 597-8: 3.1019-21; 4.23-4; 4.1591-2 599: 4.271 600: 3.1019-21; 4.1591-2 607: 4.790 612-13: 2.1168 613: 3.1280 622-3: 4.43 630-1: 3.1273-4 632-3: 3.919-20 645: 1.100 647: 4.169-70 650: 3.391 659: 3.1174 668: 2.244-5 673sq.: 2.62bsq. 673: 2.95-6 679-80: 1.1304 681sq.: 2.62bsq. 685: 1.425-6 687: 1.263 690: 2.95-6 690-1: 4.1680-1 -1686 692: 3. 1377 693: 1.257 703: 2.1278 708: 1.668 709: 1.494-5 712-13: 2.1073-6 730: 1.937; 3.1367 731: 3.1350 745: 4.425sq. 760: 3.294 761: 3.1209 764: 4.1446 777: 1.697 783: 1.268 794: 2.1140 799: 3.1240 804: 3.1146-7 807: 2.289-90 817: 3.654; 4.75-6 819: 4.1530 821: 4.1606 824: 1.1250 832: 3.313 835: 1.1172; 2.1164 848: 4.1324-5 863:



3.1307 877,879: 3.964-5 886: 3.1240

871-8: 3.1000-1001

880: 3.1335-6

882pap.: 1.1318

n 4-5: 2.157-8 10-11: 3.1393-5 11-12: 4.1288-9 25: 3.568 34: 2.691 36: 3.994 38:3.204 42:4.1375 45:4.175 51:3.207 54:2.1277 55:4.1138 59sq.: 4. 790sq. 62-3: 4.806-8 72-3: 4.1166-7 73: 4.1233-4 14sq.: 4. 757sq. 74: 4.782 75: 1.705 11sq.: 4.770sq. 79: 4.913; 1.922 81: 3.1306 85-6: 3.753-4 97: 1.846 104: 4.781 106: 1.666 110: 1.345 122: 1.213 124: 4.1409 12930: 2.861-2 144: 1.1098-9 150: 1.845; 2.891 162: 2.309 163: 1.264 165: 4.186 179: 2.891 192: 4.427-8 193-4: 4.94-5 198: 3.1084 200: 3.150 214: 3.304 216: 4.1045 218-9: 1.304 223: 3.100-1 224-5: 3.468-9 228: 3.802 231: 3.178 248: 3.450 260: 3.800 275: 3.249 279-80: 4.1739 288: 4.397 292: 3.llll-12 292-3: 2.456-7 294: 3.728 310: 3.1111-12 319: 1.219-20 320: 1.237 321: 4.23-4 328: 3.9 336: 3.486 343: 1.777 345: 1.1169 351: 3.744 352: 1.13-14 358: 2.561 361: 2.243 365: 2.630 367: 2.1090 373: 3.108 377: 2.325 381: 1.822 382: 1.17 391-2: 2.1054 401: 4.497 403: 2.888 425: 2.420 437: 3.990 440: 4. 1337 444: 4.883 450: 2.159 451: 1.1183 455: 3.822 460: 3.171 461: 4. 1558 471: 2.254 478: 3.706 480: 3.977 481: 4.1474 483: 4. 184 484: 3.503 487: 1.263 495: 1.118-9 496: 4.706 506: 2.805 507sq.: 3.705sq. 510: 1.276 513: 1.317 514: 1.1067; 4.1367 515: 4.llll-12; 3.47-8 516: 1.1312 522sq.: 1.295sq. 527: 4.529 530: 3.1022 535: I.IOI 541: 1.165-6 544: 3.1397 549sq.: l.295sq. 551: 2.222 561:4.270-1 566etcirca:4.49 572:3.268 588:3.1204-5;4.187-8 605: 2.678 608; 3.495 610: 3.273 613: 2.861-2 614: 1.26 621: 4.1337 622: 1.432 633: 3.503 645: 1.405 647: 4.848 648: 4.66 662: 4.362 670: 4.962 671: 2.243 671-2: 4.99-100 673: 3.648; 3.839 677-9: 1.1081-2 691: 4.48 695-6: 4.183-4 700-1: 4.873-4 115: 2.286 724: 1.739 732: 4.977 739: 1.489 741: 3.708 749: 1.59 752: 2.532 759: 4.1488-9 766: 1.866-7 771: 3.14-5; 2.287 775: 1.689 776: 2.675 783: 2.809 785 et 788-9: 1.516 proecd. 794: 4.1064 796: 4.423-5; 4.1294 ot

1: 4.2 9: 4.1275-6 JO: 4.1 15: 4.805 21: 2.1141 22, 25: 3.880 23-4: 3.1191-2 25: 3.1332 31: 4.471 33: 2.796 51: 1.94 79: 3.9; 2.284 82: 2.312 85: 1.916 90: 1.653-4 104: 2.202-3 105: 3.739 110: 1.1185 120: 2.264-5 125: 1.386; 3.111 145: 4.564 159: 2.1002 162: 1.830-1 170: 3.657 172: 1.231-2 174: 2.1137 185: 1.321-2 207: 1.224 208: 2.682 217: 3.773 220: 3.1099 225: 1.680 244: 3.441; 3.578 246: 2.942 257: 2.470 260: 2.1045 261Zen.: 2.470 269: 4.8 272-3: 1.848 280: 2. 1062 282: 1.1087 284: 3.982 296: 4.343-4 304: 2.836 307: 3.401; 2.389 313: 4.441 315: 4.1008 317: 4.1777 322: 1.254 332: 4.685 334: 3.445 335: 3.870 337: 4.1080; 3.33 338: 3.1003; 1.18 344: 1.1292 349: 3.415 351: 2.296 360v.l.: 3.450 362: 1.869; 1.292-3 368: 3.583 373: 4.1469 399: 1.67 409: 3.721 413: 2.776 423: 4.1289-90 433: 4.736-7 441: 4.878; 3.1318 3: 3.1248

14sq.: l.667sq.

37: 1.673

~ 41: 3.1402

60v.l.: 2.1091

68: 2.215sq.



70: 4.1554 80: 1.1261-1263 89: 4.741 92: 3.446-7 94: 1.563sq. 101: 3.639 104-5: 2.1100-1102 108: 2.144 114: 1.675 119: 3.895 123: 4.1026-7 127: 1.822 133: 1.772 135: 3.704 et 712 137: 3.780 151: 2.1035 153: 3.672 178: 1.657 181: 4.927-8 193: 3.514 194: 3.443 195: 3.267; 4.348 209: 3.58 227.): 4.392 231: 1.508 235: 4.419 249: 3.584 251: 1.480 259: 3.177 262: 4.1436 268: 1.257 275: 4.9-10 281: 3.1120-1; 3.174 282: 1.1146; 2.1180 284: 1.993 292-4: 3.341-2 306: 4.718 307: 1.548 312: 1.254 315: 3.383 318: 3.1176 322: 1.1185 329-30: 1.16-17 329: 3.738-9 et 807 331: 4.1250 332: 4.1117; 2.1184 343: 3.468; 1.259 348: 3.9 356: 3.1361-2 361: 3.132-3 369: 2.155 373: 3.699 375: 3.1113-4 384: 3.259 387: 2.894-5 388: 1.450-2 406: 1.741 407: 2.812 418: 1.912-13 420-1: 1.605-6 421: 2.721 423: 4.75-6 424sq.: 1.563sq. 424-5: 2.1262sq. 428: 1.525-527; 1.544 y

1, 4-5: 4.183-4 2: 3.728 9: 2.699-700 10-11: 2.1229-30; 2.1262sq. 17: 1.8323 18: 4.1660-1 22: 3.782 23: 4.37; 4.459; 3.486 32: 3.450 33: 1.354 34: 3.828 37sq.: l.453sq. 37: 1.458 38: 1.1090; 4.607 42: 4.334 48: 2.316 50: 3.404 70: 3.354-5 80: 4.721-2 - 730 83-4: 1.1212-13 84: 2.1037 87v.l.: 4.401 93: 4.736-7 95: 4.440 99: 3.81; 4.1389-90 103-4: 4.1387-8 105-6: 1.21-2 105-7: 4.1320-1 113: 4.446-7 117: 1.1340 118-9: 3.547-8 121: 2.863 126: 4.688 132: 4.739 147: 2.316; 4.620 149: 2.428-9 158: 1.1155; 4.318 160-1: 4.739 167: 1.1104 171: 4.580 174: 2.620 174-5: 4.225-6 175: 3.608 176: 1.566; 1.605 180: 4.1312 183: 1.605; 2.1098 186: 3.305 187: 1.692; 2.311-12; 4.1104-5 193: 2.1142 209: 1.907 213: 3.251 215: 1.803 proecd. 224: 4.488; 3.1112 241: 4.1235 255: 3.523 256: 1.907-8 258: 4.1536 260v.l.: 3.207 263: 3.1170-1172 268: 1.1258 269: 1.6-7 270: 2.385 271: 1.1010 272: 4.194-5 273: 2.699-700 281: 1.561-2; 1.658 282-3: 1.138 290: 4.787-8 293: 1.936sq.; 4.1444; 3.1294 295: 1.926 298: 2.1109 300: 3.198 306: 1.251-2 319sq.: 4.1235sq. 320: 3.344 321: 2.932 325-6: 2.422; 2.802sq. 329sq.: l.516sq. 333: 1.13-14 343: 2.598 347: 2.71 353: 4.1663 358: 2.338 360: 3.1117 372c. v. l.: 2.681 373: 2.419 380-1: 4.1026sq. 380: 2.693; 4.1411 382: 4.174 399: 3.39 405-6: 2.202 406: 4.1332 410: 1.165-6; 3.41 411, 412, 415: 1.86-7 414: 2.65 415: 1.781 420: 4.807 422: 1.627 427: 2.497 428: 1.974 435-6: 3.880 438: 4.55 444-6: 1.408-10 447sq.: 1.425sq. 450: 3.1218 456: 3.320 465: 4.971 470-4: 2.304-10 471sq.: 1.425sq. 471: 3.405 481: 3.1236-7 490: 4.884 495: 4.1396

0 7: 2.511

8: 3.336 9: 4.305 10-11: 1.148-9 17-18: 1.569 20: 1.56 33: 1.846 39: 2.665 43: 3.622 45-6: 3.756 61-2: 2.1123-4 63: 1.548 66: 2.249 79:4.772 81:3.348-9 87:2.70 109:4.1076-7 114-5:4.749-50 114: 1.1067; 4.876 116: 1.1197 117-9: 3.396-400 121: 3.839 129: 4.529 130: 3.1184 134-5: 2.678-9 137corr.: 1.1236 138-9: 3.315-6 142: 4.960 145: 1.182 153: 4.356 165: 4.785 170: 3.721; 1.1318 174: 3.213 176: 2.996 178-80, 183: 3.1129-31 186: 3.951-2 189: 4.471 192: 4.8 198: 1.979 211: 1.1351-2 223: 3.1118-9 225-6: 1.814 230: 3.802-3 232: 2.521 234: 3.10678; 3.55 242: 4.475; 3.189 249: 1.781 260-1: 3.1139 263: 4.361-2; 4.867; 4.1108 268: 1.970 271: 4.475; 3.189 276: 1.163-4 281: 1.342 284: 4.1713 38: 1.460



287-8: 3.346 292-3: 2.230-1 293: 3.962 302: 3.648 312: 3.52; 3.777 314: 1.487 323: 4.736-7 325: 4.440 329: 3.81; 4.1389-90 335: 1.575 348: 3.1051; 3.152 354-5: 4.982-3 355: 1.215 356-7: 1.602-3 356: 2.590; 1.1358 357: 1.566 358: 4.658 359: 1.1208-9 364: 3.72 367: 1.1294 370: 1.277 373: 3.493 373-4: 4.1335-6 380: 3.533 381: 1.424 387: 1.24-5 389: 3.308 392: 2.292; 3.727 393: 3.602; 4.525 395: 3.11 400-1: 1.450sq. 400: 4.885 401: 2.388 402: 1.1308 403: 2.202 408: 1.356 412: 4.350 413: 1.1340 418: 1.502 423: 4.1675 425: 4.865-6 427: 3.1405-6 439: 4.856 444: 4.1432 448: 4.950 450: 4.994 465Ar.: 3.1099 466: 3.493 466-7: 4.1335-6 469: 3.533 483: 4.525 493: 4.766-7 498: 4.1397 502: 2.487 503: 2.54 508: 3.825; 1.1168-9; 3.542 509: 4.412 510: 4.363 511: 1.1007 515-6: 1.1016-7; 3.1113-4; 4.1232-4 517: 1.94 519: 4.522 530: 1.1351-2 545: 3.1122 547: 3.35 548-9: 4.1591-2 552-3: 1.1350 557: 4.440 557-8: 2.232 558: 1.904 563: 4.811 567: 4.837 577: 2.317 584: 2.851-2; 4.517 596: 4.619 598: 3.1137-8 607-8: 1.830-1 611Crates: 4.559-60 615: 3.404 619: 3.180 624: 2.304 634: 2.894-5 638: 4.1363 642: 4.1565 647: 3.1104 649: 1.856 657: 4.1118 659: 4.882 661: 3.382 666: 1.1351-2 667: 3.626 670: 1.1252 673: 3.907 674: 3.219 688: 2.1142 691: 3.209; 4.694 693: 1.480 695: 3.990 703: 1.341 703-4: 3. 76 703-6: 2.408-10 704: 3.681; 3.284 706: 3.426; 4.1431 710: 3.680 712: 1.804 proecd. 714: 1.116-7 722: 4.1347 725: 2.816 729: 4.1047-8 730: 4.1111-12 744: 2.312 745-6: 1.456 746: 1.534 773: 1.331 774: 1.1333-4 775: 4.808 777: 2.605 779: 1.523; 1.910 780: 1.18; 1.367-8 782:1.523 788:4.1295 793v.l.:3.751 796:4.1610-1612 810:3.53-4 811: 2.863; 3.313 821: 1.16 823: 3.775 825: 2.1219sq. 828: 4.738 832: 3.131 836: 4.415; 1.649 839: 2.299 843: 3.18 844: 1.936sq.; 4.982-3 846-7:


J-2:4.1111-12 J: 1.186 3: 1.667 6: 1.1223 9: 1.508 24apap.:4.8 26:4.243 41: 1.1317 50-1, 55, 58: 4.842-3 -849-51 53: 2.1088 57: 3.940 58: 1.976 59: 2.494 62: 4.1319; 3.46 64-6: 3.928-9 67: 2.376; 3.292 69-70: 3.220-2 77: 3.1066 80: 4.555 87-8: 3.53-4 95: 3.301 97-8: 4.810 99: 1.1217 99100: 3.388-90 100-1: 1.1235 101: 2.291-2 114: 1.974; 2.854-5 119: 2.501 120: 1.1324-5 123: 1.537 124: 3.773-4 124-128: 4.1488-9 126: 1.805 151: 3.951-2 152: 3.290 156, 158: 3.994-5 162: 1.1003; 2.1187-8 168: 3.1122 169: 1.1293 174: 4.495-6; 4.980 178: 4.1086 179: 1.809; 2.137-8 184: 3.151 185-7: 2.291sq. 189: 2.1201 198: 4.720 201: 2.307 211: 2.915 215: 3.79; 3.467 230-1: 2.30-1 (230-)232Ar.: 3.834-5 234-5: 1.430 244: 3.146 248: 2.614 254: 2.1262sq. 255: 1.561-2 262: 3.1407; 4.1312 268-9: 4.572 270: 1.561-2 273: 1.941 277: 2.1266 283: 2.400; 4.1733; 2.582 284: 1.549 290: 3.1127 292: 3.344 296: 2.580-1 304: 1.841 314sq.: 1.1167sq. 317: 4.787-8 320: 4.924-5; 2.1118 325: 1.506 327: 4.325 329: 2.514 330: 2.363; 3.651 330v. l.: 1.1358-9 335: 3.349 337: 4.966-7 338: 3.1159 339: 4.1318 352-3: 4.966-7 353: 1.257 361: 1.369-70; 2.1202 363: 2.1189 366: 2.1102-3 370: 2.1126; 1.1003 374: 3.655 377: 1.1176 381: 4.772; 3.1071-2 382: 3.948 383: 3.533 389: 3.551-2 390: 1.516 proecd. 39Jsq.: 1.1154-7 393: 4.128-9; 4.924-5 396: 4.1680 399: 3.1152; 3.1385; 4.915 401: 4.670 402: 3.322; 4.924-5 403: 2.367 408: 4.1221 412: 4.922 416: 1.1249; 2.1280 417: 1.919;



2.864-5 422:4.781;1.458 428:1.1197 430:3.742-3 436-7:4.20-22 441: 1.2; 2.722 444-5: 1.410-11 450: 4.1025-6 452: 3.132-3 453: 4.599; 1.1174 454: 2.1212 455: 4.929 456-7: 4.1403 456-8: 2.205 -208 460: 2.936-7 462: 3.1348 466Ar.: 2.631 472: 3.751 473: 1.1251 475: 1.1188-90 478: 4.241 488sq.: 3.291sq. ~

2-3:3.1194-1197 3:4.1211 4:4.1759 9-10:3.1088-9 10:2.385-6 11:3.41 15-16: 3.670-2 16, 18-19: 3.838-40 18-19: 3.870 20: 4.877; 1.978; 3.1168 32: 3.942-3 34: 3.639 37: 3.842-3 41-2: 2.602-3 43: 1.520-1 43-4: 4.270-1 48: 4.1713 51: 1.907 52: 2.309 57: 3.838-841 57-8: 3.842-3 69, 71, 73: 3.838-841 78, 81-4: 3.869-74 83: 1.513sq. 84: 3.115; 4.1521-2 85: 1.1115; 4.302 97: 4.67 98: 3.1389-90 JOOsq.: 4.948sq. 102-10: 3.876-887 102v.l.: 4.444 107: 4.172 109: 3.740; 1.671-2 116: 1.1239 119: 3.589 120: 1.942 123: 3.161-2 136: 3.350 138: 2.980 149- 153: 4.1014s9. 156: 4.1166-7 159: 1.977 164-5: 1.771-2 165: 1.126 171: 1.107 175: 4.1025-6 177: 1.930 178: 3.1316 178-9: 2.1129 179: 1.712 180-1: 4.1026s9. 183: 2.178 188: 1.1101; 4.95 190: 4.63-4 198-9: 1.702-3 200: 3.603-4 209: 3.329 211: 4.1313-14 224: 1.265 225: 1.324 232: 2.541 237: 3.444-5 239-41: 3.658 245: 1.827-8; 2.463 246: 3.329 249-50: 2.305-6 251: 3.948 262: 3.887 263: 1.954 269: 1.534 278: 4.903 282: 1.254 292: 1.880 293: 3.114 297: 4.1118 301: 2.1018 308: 1.891 310: 2.382 310v. l.: 4.93 313sq.: 3.87sq. 316sq.: 3.869-74 321-2: 4.123 322: 4.1691 325: 4.866 329: 2.582 7j

3: 3.598; 4.1024-5; 1.785 JO: 3.246 14-15: 4.647-8 15sq.(-143): 3.210sq. 15: 2.540 16: 4.181-2 20: 4.1737 24: 3.987 30: 3. 736 36: 4.1017 39-40: 1.1254-5 41: 3.1213 42: 2.540 55: 4.1116-7 58: 4.971 62: 2.238 65: 4.298 68: 2.781; 2.1011; 2.178 70-2: 4.995-6 74: 4.1010 74v.l.ap.Eust.: 4.1115 75sq.: 3.87sq. 82-3: 3.451-2 84-5: 3. 756 91: 2.676-7 104: 1.1077 106: 1.1192 109:2.402;4.101 112:3.44 122:3.158 123-4:4.607 128:2.1176 129: 1.752 132: 1.768; 4.1161 138: 4.1196 142: 4.1012-13 147(sq.): 4.1026 153-4: 4.693-4 155-6: 3.319 162-3: 4.719-20 164-5: 3.986 169-71: 4.719-20 179: 4.1128 180-1: 3.986 196: 4.86; 1.706-7; 2.556 199: 4.1706 205: 2.137-8 206: 2.394 216: 1.1064 218: 4. 796 220: 2.698 224: 4.1656 227: 3.630 231: 4.1123 238: 3.329 244: 4.309; 4.564; 4.982-3 245-6: 4.574-5 252: 1.533 254-5: 4.574-5 259-60: 3. 1064-5 262: 3.452 263: 4.620 266: 4.572 269: 4.292-3 272v.l.: 3.533 276-7: 4.292-3 278: 2.680 286: 4.34 288: 4.1634 290: 1.813 296: 3.329 300: 1.303 307: 4.1089 315: 4.1103 325: 2.1007 326: 3.537-8 343: 1.1103

9 lsq.: 4.1170s9.

2: 1.1104 14: 3.1066 22: 3.788 30: 3.713 32: 2.612 36: 1.1351-2 37: 1.358 45: 4.249 53: 1.523 57: 3.270-1; 4.665 59: 2.1170 62: 2.490-1 79sq.: 1.413 90: 4.249 91: 4.1181; 2. 761 92: 4.1294; 1.264 96: 4.1368-9 98: 3.897 107: 1.199; 1.988 108: 4.1181 121: 2.562 123: 1.134 128: 3.464-5 130: 1.67; 1.202 132: 1.67 136: 1.531; 3.1043-4 142: 1.415; 1.848; 4. 773 144: 2. 78 145: 1.802; 1.1060 146 et circa: 2.11 148: 4.186 149:




156: 1.1173 157: 4.1116-7 160: 1.458; 1.679 166: 1.480 176: 3.1005 179: 1.255 182: 3.95 184: 1.1060 187,192: 3.1057 205: 1.802 211: 3.1040 212: 1.840 214: 4.6 216-7: 4.1157 223: 2.501 224sq.: 1.88-9 228: 1.615 230: 3.379 232: 2.1035 236: 3.401 241: 3.437-8 242: 3.1117 245: 1.976 252-3: 1.138 257: 3.431 · 261sq.: 1.536sq. 262: 4.603 -605 271: 4.1168 273: 3.41 276: 3.578; 4. 7 - 9 277: 3.39-40 280-1: 2.230-1 281: 3.89 283: 2.540 289: 1.1228 295: 1.1103 297: 3.229 298: 4.1301 303: 1.774 315: 3.783 317: 1.102 324: 3.648-9 325: 3.215 343: 1.485 347: 2.24 359-61: 3.40-1 373: 3.132-3 374sq.: 4.948sq. 375: 4.1606; 3.162 376: 4.1516 379-80: 4.1771-2 381:2.1178 382:4.1009 394:3.1012;4.202 396:4.246 402:1.963 403: 1.286 405: 3.351 408-9: l.1332sq. 409: 3.1113-4 415: 2.462; 3.846 417: 3.1407 425: 3.1091 426: 1.1327-8 430: 3.132-3 et 142 433: 3.90; 4.1221-2; 3.890 436: 3.225 441: 3.1091 443: 1.415 459: 1.814 461sq.: 3.1109sq. 461-2: 4.383 470: 2.142 471: 2.490-1 478: 3.782; 3.1104 489: 1.839 490: 4.733 498: 2.616 499: 2.895 504: 4.755 505: 4.911 506: 1.262 508: 2.404 510-11: 1.78-9 514: 1.496 522sq.: 4.1062sq. 522: 3.1064-5; 4. 1064 523: 3.291sq.; 1.269-70 525: 2.483; 3.694 531: 3.1118-9 537 et 542: 1.512 546: 2.292; 2.1132-3; 4.407; 4.694 547: 1.813 550: 4.1514 554: 2.1011 555: 3.1071 557: 2.886 561: 4.980 562: 2.1006-7 563: 1.639 564-5: 1.2789 564: 3.735; 1.1260 573: 4.1706 579: 1.1068

3: 3.523 6: 1.621 8-10: 1.455-7 22-3: 2.1204-5 23: 3.1091-2; 4.1076; 2.604 24: 2.942 35: 4.555; 4.1675 36-7: 1.15-17 36: 2.870 37: 4.1073 42: 2.56 45: 1.473 51: 4.216 60: 1.944 61: 3.468 62: 1.592 64: 2.537; 1.391 67sq.: 2.1098sq. 74: 2.738 75: 4.1395 85: 4.1692; 2.629-30 87: 2.307 89: 1.963 96: 4.1642 97: 1.280 103: 1.1276 107-8: 4.110 113: 3.161-2 117: 4.1092 119: 3.1201-2 122: 2.1002-4 126-7: 1.111 128-9: 2.541; 4.1556-7 137: 1.965 139: 1.335 142: 3.691 143: 1.1112-3 146: 4.1590; 4.891-2 147: 2.732 153, 155, 158: 2.695-8 156: 2.592 171: 4.189 172-4: 3.176-9 175-6: 2.1180 178: 1.912-13 181: 3.1201 182-3: 2.735-6 186: 3.967sq. 194: 3.607 201: 1.360 204-5: 2.1272 205-6: 2.821-2 214: 1.152 215: 4.372-3; 2.987 216-7: 3.325-6 234: 1.1208-9 242: 4. 726 246: 4.1735 248-9: 1.1208-9 257: 4.584-5; 4.133940 260: 4.1694 267: 4.427-8; 3.402 269-71: 2.1131-3 279: 4.1657 283sq.: 3.320sq. 284: 3.679-80 288: 4.1337 290: 3.1352-3 294-5: 3.256-7; 4.593-4 296: 3.1350-1 320: 1.1118 322: 1.1201 324: 1.1193 335: 4.1467 338: 4.85 364: 2.1139 367: 2.435 372Macrob.: 1.429 372-3: 3.725-6 380: 4.1137 386: 1.369 389: 2.109 391: 1.169 397: 2.59 403: 4.1318 410: 3.975 412: 1.1314 421: 4.395 422: 3.720 430: 4.1458 432: 4.1185-6 432pap.: 3.239 433: 3.281 444: 4.1185-6 449: 1.1143 460: 3.784 461: 2.488-9 464-5: 2.143 465: 2.295 475: 3.260; 1.465 481sq.: 4.1638sq. 485: 4.910-11 486: 4.1269 488-90: 2.588-90 491: 1.741 495: 4.1750 498: 1.1008; 2.597 509: 1.101; 2.816 511: 3.837 514: 1.152 533: 3.589 542: 4.1268 543: 2.1066 548: 3.316; 3.844; 3.1200 549: 2.56 550-1: 4.1185-6 553pap.: 2.1175 X

2: 4.819-20 4.621 - 624

3: 2.285; 4.1728 4: 4.1646; 4.922 7: 4.1643 9: 1.455-6 20: 3.1328 25: 2. 1098 26-7: 1.1309 27: 1.804 proecd.

11: 28:



4.1233-4 31v.l.: 3.751 36: 4.819-20 42: 3.126 48: 1.1016-7; 4.1232-4 49: 1.535 51: 4.1292; 1.640 56: 4.1692; 2.629-30 58: 2.307 62-3: 2.202-3 73: 4.1511 74: 3.580 79: 1.805; 3.265; 3.425 86: 2.543 87-124: l.942sq. 87: 4.661 89: 2.354; 2.321-2 92-3: 1.1006 96: 1.1109; 4.523 97: 1.999 98: 2.1002-4; 4.1283 99: 1.241 101: 1.963 106: 4.897 107-8: 1.957 109: 3.1167 115: 1.1324-5 118: 1.237; 1.519 proecd. 120: 4.672-3 126-7: 4.207-8 127: 1.652 128-30: 2.588-90 135: 3.1074 136: 1.976; 4.1322 137: 4.684; 4.731 138-9: 4.590-1 142: 4.1141 144: 4.1275-6 160: 4.960 161-2: 4.468-9 161-3: 1.427-8 189: 3.1157-8 192-3: 3.183-4 203: 2.36 210: 4. 752 212sq.: 4.672sq. 213: 3.910-11; 3.768 214: 3.405; 4.620 215: 1.1145 216: 2.278sq. 219: 3.1293; 1.996 220: 3.215 223: 3.615 230: 3.645 233: 1.788-9 240: 4.1437 243: 2.1023-4 245: 4.1503 246: 1.313-4 247: 3.446 247-8: 4.16-17 264: 3.706 264-5: 4.82 267: 3.394 268-9: 4.85-6 269: 4.1505-6 273: 1.1249 276: 4.1677 277-8: 4.1551-2 282: 4.590-1 287: 3.1042 289: 3.1168; 4.559 298: 1.166 302: 3.910-11 304: 3.854sq.; 4.977-8 305: 1.941; 2.361; 4.284 320: 2.636 339: 4.687 348sq.: 4. 711 348: 3.965-6 351: 4.135 354: 3.377 378-80: 1.1288sq. 379: 4.619 380: 3.12 384: 1.1071-2 385: 3.374 391: 2.563 392: 3.910-11 394: 4.653 395: 4.1408-9 409: 1.250 415-7: 2.441-3 416: 3.629 419-20: 4.999-1000 432: 4.691 440: 2.293 447: 1.45; 1.855 452: 3.155 455-60: 4.1318-24 459: 2.630 489: 4.856 505: 1.1320 508: 4.288; 2.344; 2.606 510: 3.201; 4.1427-8 513: 2.353 516: 3.1286-7 517-8: 3.1032sq. 525: 4.220 527-8: 3.1032sq. 529: 3.1348; 3.200 531: 2.555 532: 2.302-3 535: 3.1032sq. 539: 3.308 541: 1.485 545: 3.834-5 546: 3.177; 3.709 549: 1.654 553:4.56 554:3.782 556:2.1077-8;2.194 563:4.559 567:1.1057 569-70: 4.1537 ).

4-5: 1.1110-11 11: 2.1229-30 13: 4.1775 16: 3.163 18: 3.744 21: 1.217 25sq.: 3.1032sq. 33: 4.220 35: 4.1501 40: 3.1396 45: 2.302-3 68: 4.370-1 69: 2.609 75-6: 1.1062 81: 4.1431 87: 4.194-5 91: 4.1177-8 95: 3.1038 l00sq.: 2.317sq. 100: 4.901 111: 4.1329 120: 4.343-4 130: 1.13-14 136: 1.263 142: 2.1223 142-3: 1.875-6; 2.681-2 146v. l.: 4.1199 157: 4.227 164: 4.760 168: 2.632; 2.266 175-6: 1.678 177: 4.766-7 186: 4.1104 202: 1.286 207: 4.877 210: 4.1050 221: 3.579; 4.867 222: 3.446-7 226: 2.915-6 227: 4.1323 238: 3.1203-4 239: 2.973 242sq.: 4.616-7 242: 2. 743 243: 2.169 243-4: 2.580-1 260, 262-5: 1.735sq. 260: 2.947 264: 4.1489 267v.l.: 1.122 272: 1.662; 3.298 276: 2.1233 278: 1.1065 279: 4.920 287: 1.119 295: 1.688 297v. l.: 4. 757 302sq.: l.647sq. 308: 3.1097-8 313sq.: l .481sq. 315: 1.598 319-20: 3.519 321-2: 3.1097-8 322-3: 4.1491-2 322, 325: 4.433-4 322: 4.828 324: 3.773-4 324-5: 1.1305 325: 4.424-5 329: 3.994 342-3: 3.319 350: 1.1173 356: 2.463; 3.825 364: 3.617-8 365: 4.1509 369: 3.701-2 375: 1.1151 380: 3.394 383: 4.1005 402: 2.143 412: 4.1296 413: 2.1023-4 423: 2.14; 4.107; 4.228 429: 3.1162; 4.1090 433-4: 4.367-8 439: 4.421-2 442: 1.847 456: 3.57 458: 2.1142; 4.1560-1; 1.907-8 459: 1.537 474: 4.1318; 4.739 479: 2.1127 483: 3.964-5 486: 1.1320 488: 3.1130 492: 1.832-3 534: 1.910; 4.1586 536: 2.541 548: 4.1307 558-9: 2.612 572: 2.1240 575: 1.1169 576sq.: I. 760sq. 586-8: 1.1142sq. 591: 3.652 608: 1.739 618: 2.2445 625: 2.609 632: 4.646 634: 4.1515 635Ar.: 3. 704 636: 1.832-3



µ 1: 1.317; 1.217; 2.515 4: 1.84-5 11: 1.1273 17: 3.704 34-5: 4.719-21-730 37sq.: 2.317sq. 37: 1.900 39sq.: 4.892sq. 40: 4.667 43: 2.184 44: 1.515 48: 4.892sq. 52: 4.914 - 55: 4. 764 59-60: 4.924-5 61: 3.1090; 4.860 62: 4.1240 62-3: 2.533-4 66sq.: 2.319sq. 68: 1.107; 4.787-8 70: 2.1094 71-2: 4.639-40 72: 3.66; 4.454 74: 3.1217 77-8: 2.230-1 79: 4.922 83sq.: 4.826sq. 83-4: 3.1366-7 83: 4.461; 2.1168 89: 1.1318 90: 4.127 91: 4.154 98: 2.1173 99sq.: 4.826sq. 103: 2.843 112: 2.686; 3.1 116: 3.292; 3.562 117: 3.1045 122-5: 4.826sq. 126: 3.380 127sq.: 4.964sq. 127: 3.200 142-3: 4.686 143: 2.695 148: 2.273 159: 4.892sq. 161: 1.659-60 165: 1.1097 167: 4.1769 168-72: 1.1154-7 170: 4.1324-5; 4.892sq. 172: 1.914 175: 4.892sq. 189-91: 4.1319-21 199: 4.892sq. 201: 1.1152; 4.539A 204-5: 4.1657 206: 2,588; 4.199 214: 2.531-2 218: 1.401 232: 2.1104 235-6: 4.922-3 238: 2.569-70 238-9: 4.926 240sq.: 4.826sq. 242: 3.715-6 258: 1.1070 259: 1.21 260: 2.770 265-6: 4.968-9 268 et 273: 4.559 274-6: 2.388 276: 1.1156-7 282: 1.706-7; 4.636 284: 1.811-12 292: 1.319 294: 1.348 297c,v.l.: 3.975 299: 2.696-7 305: 4.1125 306-7: 3.326-7 318: 2.1; 1.1223 325: 1.926 333: 2.695 339: 3.11 343: 4.965 344: 2.156-7 351: 2.385 352: 1.348 356: 4.588-9 358: 1.658 359sq.: 1.425sq. 362-3: 4.1720-1 362: 1.534; 1.1133-4; 2.158 372: 1.477 381: 3.744 382: 4.1353 387-8: 4.1267-8 399: 4.1223 402: 1.563sq. 403: 1.1152; 4.1023-4 404: 1.496 405sq. -419: 2.1098sq. 41214: 1.427-8 413: 4.24-5 414: 4.80 417: 4.16-17 418: 4.934 419: 4.626 420: 4.199 421: 4.910-11 422-3: 4.124-5 424: 3.1292; 1.329 425: 2. 790 426-7429: 4.1627-8 - 1634 430: 4. 789-90 437-8: 3.649 438: 1.110 442: 4. 79; 3.378-9 444: 1.40 448-9: 4.574-5 V

7: 2.152 10: 3.719 16: 1.717; 3.34 22: 3.346 23: 2.495 31sq.: 1.1172sq. 32: 3.1284 37: 2.685; 4.1346 39: 2.969 42: 4.194-5 43: 1.415 44-5: 1.611 45: 4.1026sq. 50: 4.1128 52: 3.905 56: 1.349 61: 2.1163-4 66: 4.1221-2 75: 3.1236-7 77: 1.422-3 79: 2.407 81sq.: 4.1604sq. 86-7: 2.933 88: 4.953; 4.225-6 93: 1.1273; 1.239-40 94: 4.111 101: 2.350 103-4: 4.1139 104: 4,860 107: 4.1632-3 109: 3.860 113: 4.638-9 115: 4.210-11; 4.225-6 116: 3.316 122: 4.710 125: 3.827 130: 2.521 131: 4.1534-5 132: 4.916 133: 3.983-4 143:4.273-4;1.505-507 145:1.890 152et158:3.607 169:1.1112-3 180: 2.1201 186: 4.539 187: 1.538-9 188: 1.1254-5 189: 4.647-8 191: 3.354-5 196: 4.1425 204: 1.278 208: 1.1251 220: 4.1288-9 223: 3.976 224: 2.32 229: 4.1669 234-5: 1.584-5 251-2: 4.120-1 257: 2.271-2; 4.1247 263: 4.191-2 265: 4.1015 266: 2.636 267-8: 1.1172 273: 3.984 278: 4.1566 279: 1.1110 279-80: 4.1023-4 280: 2.1167 281: 4.114 282v.l.: 3.751 284: 4, 1505-6 292: 1. 4 70 293: 3. 1133 298: 1. 884 299: 1. 560 300: 4. 334 302: 1.104 318: 3.891 319: 3.326-7; 1.446-7 321: 1.903 322: 4.539 323: 4.108 325-6: 2.1049-50 328: 1.154 334: 1.174-5 336-7: 1.794 347-8: 4.1139 348: 4.860 349c. v. l.: 2. 735-6 352: 4.647-8 355: 1.886 356: 1.625-6 358Aristoph.: 4.1420-1 367: 1.1130 376: 1.490 384: 2.172 405, 407: 3.941 413: 1.281 422: 1.109 423-4: 1.1290 424: 2.293 434: 4.744 434-5: 3.1290-1 439:

3.343; 3.1146-7



!; 2: 4.115 3-4: 1.98 8: 2.140; 3.1273 11: 4.211 14: 1.728 17: 1.1074 21: 4.672-3 28: 3.897 37: 3.579 39: 4.446-7 46: 2.1227 52: 1.210 54: 2.257 56: 4.1511; 3.981 59: 3.209 70: 4.809 84: 4.1100 89: 2.1256 93: 1.1071 105: 2.451 108: 2.15; 1.356 109-10: 2.305-6 111: 3.301 115: 4.1741 116: 2.363 117: 4.809 127: 4.1113 128: 4.1471 138-9: 4.1481-2 141: 4.791 151: 1.919 155: 3.420 160: 3.152 176: 3.1106 184: 1.623 200: 1.910-11 201-2: 1.809-10 210: 4.1244 219: 3.551-2 221: 4.1658 238: 2.444 251: 1.13-14 253: 4.891 262: 1.1049 270: 4.1710 283-4: 2.1131-2; 4.700-1 285: 2.155 291: 4. 772 295: 4.1492 295Rhianus: 3.1000-1 299: 4.891 299-300: 4.1694 300: 4.1578 301sq.: 4.1694sq. 302: 1.496 303sq.: 2.1098sq. 307: 4.16-17 308: 4.934 309: 4.626 315: 2.732 337-8: 4.576-7 342: 4.744 345: 2.397 346: 1.368 347: 4.883 351: 4.472 363: 3.1079 367: 1.606 375: 4.463 381: 3.1167 383: 4.1251 388: 4.1272 396-7: 3.1173 397: 3.787 400: 3.437-8 413: 1.1187 415: 4.527 416: 4.1539-40 417: 4.1276 427: 4.93 436: 4.159-60 437: 4.1246-7 441: 4.1018 444: 2.688; 1.871 467: 3.896; 2.312 474: 4.976; 3.321 476-7: 2.737-8 479: 2.861 481: 3.526 492: 4.1422 494: 1.512 495: 4.1347 498: 1.171 504: 1.1246 528: 1.945 0

7-8: 3.751sq. 15: 1.907-8 16: 4.495-6 19: 1.468; 2.814; 4.710 25: 3.666; 4.1104-5 28: 3. 7 36: 4. 773; 4.849-50 45: 4.1446 49: 4.1008 50: 4. 780 53: 3.148-9 66: 3.747; 3.383; 2.1092 69: 1.1342 78: 1.287 82: 3.164 84: 3.757 108: 3.141 111-12: 4.381-2 115: 3.404 119: 3.180 147: 2.1009 152: 4.2 163: 2.137-8 165: 4.23-4 166: 2.610 168: 4.294 176: 3.348-9 182-3: 1.425-6 188: 4.884 198: 1.988; 4.356 199: 1.415 216: 1.785 223: 4.1436 225: 2.990 226: 4.539A; 4.1131 227: 1.1)6 233: 4.379-80 235: 2.487 239: 1.20910 239-40: 4.1131 260: 1.529; 3.945 263: 4.1565 267: 4.1741 269: 3.1148 285: 3.566; 3.594 285-6: 4.188-9 289sq.: l.563sq. 277: 3.1000-1 289-90: 2.1262sq. 293: 4.1243 294: 2.1035 299: 1.402 302: 3.345 322: 3.1034; 4.392 323: 1.433 358: 4.920 361: 1.299 364: 4.897; 1.119 374: 4.262 377: 1.790 378: 4.427-8 379: 2.306 381: 4.539A 382: 4.203 386-7: 3.742 399: 3.660-1 402-3, 406, 412: 3.1084-92 403: 3.362 413: 1.798 427: 1.750 428: 1.1172 430: 3.296 441: 1.1286; 4.1320 444: 4.507 445: 4.1657 449: 4.1021 452: 1.658 455: 1.862 459: 4.1436 461: 1.261-2 465: 4.750-1 472: 4.661 477: 4.1223 480: 1.1010 486: 4.1673 492: 3.348-9 496-7: 4.1632-3 497: 2.901 498: 4.1713; 3.1278 504: 3.592 506: 4.501 523: 4.95 525sq.: 3.541sq. 529: 3.913; 4.352-3 539-40: 1.702-3 547: 4.1537 552: 4.80 555: 3.1221-3; 4.66 557: 1.508 lt

10: 3.1038-9 13: 3.962 19: 1.99 23: 2.184 3.1115 33: 4.1024-5 33-4: 1.678 47: 4.1141-2 77: 2.471 82: 2.123 87: 3.663 91: 4.389

27: 1.1266 29: 4.1157 32: 66: 2.55 70: 4.450 75: 4.796 97: 1.479 100: 3.459 111: 4.1307 115:1.479 119:3.32 120:4.370-1;1.88 132:3.376 JJ9v./.:3.1326 144: 4.446-7 162-3: 4.13 163: 3.884 165: 2.202 176: 1.474 177: 3. 740; 3.1346 179: 4.1315-16 184: 2.693 191: 3.147 193: 2.1159 194: 3.389 196: 2.1020 207: 4.419; 1.551 209: 4.945-6 216: 1.269 219: 1.578; 3.1118-9



233: 1.19

241: 2.754; 3.735 253: 1.80 264: 4.707 264-5: 1.13-14 274-5: 1.477-8 279: 1.293-4 280: 3.1315 284-5: 1.266 290: 3.531 291: 2.222 302: 4.1086-7 307: 2.28 324: 1.559 335-6: 3.890 340: 4.881 341: 2.684 343: 2.202 344-5: 1.329-31 . 346: 3.891 353: 2.1262sq. 361: 3.456 366: 1.579 367: 1.16 368-9: 3.7 387: 3.34; 4.1381 389: 3.329; 1.249 403: 3.193 407: 3.219 408: 4.719 424: 2.777 426: 1.750 427: 3.1101 429: 1.372 453: 2.994 474: 4.177; 3.1355-6 p

4: 4.957 6: 1.166 38: 1.268 41: 2.184 51: 4.742 53: 3.905; 3.777 60: 4.742 67: 1.265 72-3: 4.620 102: 3.89 103: 3.673 115: 1.1350 133v.l.: 4. 1603 154: 2.312 175 et 182: 1.354 188: 4.796 210: 4.1448; 4.651; 3.237 210-11: 4.1218-9 213: 3.246 241: 1.434 244: 3.996; 2.447 263: 1.835 265: 1.1062 267-8: 1.786-7 279: 1.693 283: 3.1389-90 287: 1.1176 295: 2.696-7; 2.279 298: 4.1283 301: 2.958 302: 1.1145 307: 3.958 318: 3.95 335: 1.691 33840: 2.198-203-205 339: 3.1159 342: 1.740 356: 1.472 357: 3.254 363: 3.354-5 382: 2.851 389: 2.241 393: 2.256 398: 4.754 399: 4.381-2 400: 1.871 401: 4.1086-7 410: 4.496 431: 1.1049 439: 4.1710 442: 4.441 444: 2.713 446: 3.777 447-8: 3.374 - 377 463-4: 4.163 464: 4.652 470-2: 1.1339-42 472: 3.905 475: 3.776 476: 4.1202 479: 3.709 480: 3.954-5 487: 3.68 505: 1.260 509: 3.622 511: 4.1480 515: 4.1347; 1.1057 520: 4.399 520-1: l.513sq. 524: 2. 713 525: 1.386 531: 2.497 570: 3. 1389-90 577: 3.402 582: 3.825 584: 3.384 589: 1.260 590: 3.1166 597: 4.63 606: 1.1071


4: 2.785

5: 4.1514 11: 4.389 20: 4.863 21-2: 2.59 28-9: 2.785 48: 3.456 73: 2.116 85sq.: 4.1093sq. 96-8: 2.95-6 98: 2.785 99-100: 4.1701-2 JOO: 2.68-9 107: 1.82 121: 4.1553 128: 3.1006-7 137: 4.1634 139: 4.273-4 157: 3.455 164: 3.53-4 166: 1.897 172: 4.560; 3.149 180-1: 4.1040-1 182: 4.758-9 186: 3.1123 199(sq.): 3.632 201: 3.748 218: 2.1204 220: 3.772 221: 3.1162 225: 4.536 228: 2.212; 4.1319 232: 4.839-40 238: 4. 1068 248: 3.54 257: 3.1136 258: 1.344; 2.243 260: 3. 155 264: 4.340 275: 3.209 276: 4.591 282: 2.772 292-4: 3.832-3 293: 3.838; 4.1386-7 306: 4.1289-90 308-9: 3.272 310: 3.226 320: 4.1171; 3.100-1 332: 3.1121 338: 4.59 342: 1.636 353: 1.853; 3.537-8 354: 3.1216 356: 4.1601 367: 4.961 368: 3.1388 372: 1.576 374: 3.412; 3.1333-4 377: 4. 1040 382: 4.1457 385: 1.1361 392: 3.1121 395: 2.202 396-7: 4.99-100 408: 2.496 420: 3.619 422: 4.1127-8 62-3: 2.617


lsq.: 4.6sq. 9: 3.531 JO: 4.449 14: 1.558 24: 4.758-9 32: 1.1026 38: 3.216-7 46codd.:l.498 58:2.1164;4.124-5;4.171 60:4.1222 67:3.835 69: 2.198 74: 2.468 81-2: 2.447 82: 3.1006-7 86: 4.390 87: 3.894 93: 1.333 101: 4.1141-2 107: 2.230-1 117: 4.233 118: 3.102 157-8: 4.1023-4 170: 3.348-9 171-4, 178: 3.1084-92 172-3: 4.982-3 180: 1.829 188: 2.735-6 194sq.: 2.528sq. 199: 2.155; 4. 1386-7 200: 3.204 204: 1.887 204, 208: 4.1064-1066 205sq.: 3.1019-21 205-6, 208: 4.1682sq. 208: 4.45 211-12:



3.951-2 214: 4.1431 218-9: 3.454 221: 3.1070 227: 3.856 228: 3.1312-13 21-1-2: 1.325-6 248: 2.21 252: 3.55 254: 3.1123-4 270: 1.1095 274: 1.16-17 276: 4.1286 277: 2.881 278: 1.533; 3.322 283: 3.399-400 284: 3.589 301: 3.294 302: 2.289-90 325-6: 2.57-8 338: I. 723 352: 2.633 360: 2.1130 370: 1.972 377: 3.383 378: 3. 131 386: 3.1280 389: 2.494 390: 4.14 391: 3.615 393: 2.825 401: 4.940 408: 3.1123 414: 2.956; 1.748 419: 4.75-6 429: 2.125 439sq.: 2.818sq. 444: 2.125 448: 1.756 451: 2.826-7 459: 2.956 460: 1.657 462: 1.164 463-4: 4.719-21 -730 469: 1.566 470: 4.1581-2 479: 2.1187 481: 4.782; 1.344 482sq.: 3.734sq. 482: 4.791 493: 4.784 512: 4.1040 516-7: 3.617-8 519: 2.494 527: 4.796 537: 2.162 539-40: 2.97 540: 1.248 546: 3.1097-8 549: 3.978; 4.1026 553: 4.925 555-6: 3.546 562: 4.529; 4.630 571: 2.258 574: 1.1318 581: 1.290-1 589: 3.180 595: 3.89 596: 3.673 601: 4.1521-2. tJ

2-3: 4.1141-2 6: 2.466 6-7: 3.442 17: 1.1033 25sq.: 4.1062sq. 37: 3.467 42: 4.1087 55pap.: 4.686 58apap.: 3.521 64: 3.308; 2.628 69: 4.1135-6; 4.1454 74: 4.1202 84-5: 4.621 -624 87: 4.1040 88: 3.799 101: 1.1145-6 110: 2.292; 4.1489 112: 1.507 131: 4.65 138: 1.518 142: 3.206; 1.1090 159: 2.497 161: 1.292 162: 4.493 163: 4.1104-5 165: 3.385 174: 3.246 185: 1.53-4; 3.516-7 187: 4.81 190: 2.1134 197: 1.842; 2.108 209: 1.425 213: 3.905 222: 4.1267 252-3: 1.1185 273: 2.837 277-8: 4.1714-6 288: 1.94 291: 2.54 293: 3.991 300-2:-2.92-5 307: 2.925 309: 2.212; 4.1319 311: 1.327 332: 1.79 335: 2.471 344: 4.381-2 347: 2.142 356: 1.452 357: 2.1103-4 361: 2.814 371: 3.448 372: 1.12 373: 3.503 382: 4.649 383: 3.351 qi

8:3.450 11-12:1.1194-5 17:1.710 21:1.97 26:2.872 28:4.1047-8 32-3: 4.425sq. 46: 1.656; 3.1318 47: 4.41 48: 2.88-9 55-6 et circa: 3.804sq. 55: 4.940 58: 2.684 59-60: 1.1194-5 70: 3.289 79: 1.290-1 89: 2.198 90: 4.298 94: 2.1054 103: 4.65 107: 3.601 110: 4.998; 2.1047 119: 4.1392 120: 3.1207 122: 2.681 131: 4.1458 138: 3.1318 141v.l.: 1.930 160-1: 3.639 165: 3.1318 184: 3.1249 188: 1.90 193: 3.354-5 196: 2.363 209: 2.1092 211: 2.442 222: 2.633 229: 2.202 246: 4.1542-3; 3.1221 247: 1.1248 251: 3.1091-2 254-5: 1.993-4 267: 2.691 280: 1.871 291: 1.833 299: 1.449; 4.682 301: 4.56 305: 3.1005 310: 3. 109; 4. l642 316: 4.194-5; 4.97; 4.1085 331: 1.141 346-7: 3.920 362: 2.592 366: 4.159-60 366v.l.: 3.945 372: 3.1071-2 388: 3.268 399: 4.202 399-400: 4.1155-6 400: 3,771 406: 4.1194 410: 1.1238-9; 2.108; 3.1368 419-20: 3.279sq. 422: 2.198 429-30: 3.950 4334: 4.209-10 X

9: 3.1133 11-12: 1.817 11: 4.1047-8 13: 1.1127 19: 4.992 19-20: 2.106-7 21: 1.474 21-2: 4.1618-19 21-3: 2.428-9 23-4: 3.633-4 24: 3.953 32-3: 2.137 35: 2.442 39-40: 4. 1042-3 55: 4. 195 59: 2.336 63: 1.490 74: 4. 1056 84-5: 1.431 85v.l.: 2.1045 87: 1.299 88: 4.1525 91: 4.41 96: 4.181-2 109: 2.424 113: 4.1524 122: 3.73 131: 3.522 140: 3.249; 4.1654; 3.546 148-9:



4.27-8 149: 3.425 159: 3.28-9 171: 2.759 183: 3.1153; 2.535 183-4: 4.222-3 184: 3.1046 186: 4.1400 - 1403 195: 3.1029 197-8pap.: 4.1713-14 200: 1.992 201: 1.1025 205: 2.357 222: 3.602 223: 4. 753 224: 3.17 229: 2. 798 230: 3.1126 233: 3.1 237: 3.407 248 et 249: 3.95 250: 1.376 264: 3.125 269: 3.1393-5 281: 2.1072 297: 2.598 297-8: 4.168 298: 4.1096; 1.1232 299sq.: l.1265sq. 301: 4.961 303: 1.1100 319: 3.990 323: 1.249; 4.1281-2 324: 2.1011 332: 4.906 334: 2.522 349: 3.978 359: 4.1674; 4.550 372: 2.421 375: 4.750-1 378: 2.466 379: 2.522 383-4: 1.1054-1056 385: 1.635 386-7: 1.453-4 391: 4.1073 400-1: 1.1188-90 404: 2.82 408: 3.425 409: 4.1147-8 412: 3.405 413: 1.440; 4.1475 424: 4.1221-2 446: 4.1182; 3.255 447: 3.806; 1.250 464: 3.536 465: 1.652 467: 4.1516 469: 1.1027 471: 3.885; 3.811 480: 3.1119 ~ 7: 1.251 28: 1.809-10 32: 4.770 35: 3.1 44: 1.164; 1.97 47: 4.914 52: 4.1166-7 62: 4.1381 68: 1.16-17 69: 1.668 71: 2.309 83: 3.25 85-6: 3.4512 87: 1.1312; 3.378-9 99: 3.149 107: 2.209 127-8: 3.716-7 128: 2.1220 140: 2.145 142: 3.1203-4 144: 4.1193 150: 1.1064 159: 2.541 165: 4.1097 174: 1.840 178: 3.408 181: 3.693 188: 3.89 193: 3.1209; 2.159 199: 3.302 202: 1.1062 204: 4.946 207-8: 4.136-8 214: 4.791 219: 3.795 235: 1.953 237: 2.565-6 239: 3.960 241-2: 4.20 - 22 248: 2.411 248-9: 4.1775 253: 4.395 261: 3.428 266: 1.1071-2 276: 4.696 283: 1.263 286: 1.488 289et 291: 4.1130 295: 3.1346 296: 2.728; 4.1781 299: 2.497 303: 4.1157 306: 2.245 307: 4.733 310-341: l.499sq. 310: 1.503 314: 2.257 316-7: 4.579 327: 4.1706; 4. 786-7 332: 1.475 333: 2.1066 348: 4.1469 350: 2.411 350-1: 1.15-17 362: 1.1362; 1.725 366: 4.865-6 371: 4.1229 w

II: 3.112; 3.244 14: 2.1273 33: 3.110 34: 4.1296 46: 1.1057 47-8: 3.269-70 47 et 55: 4. 795 60 et 63: 4.1233-4 76: 4.481 88-9: 3.1273-4 88: 2.852 89: 1.15-16 97: 4.1371 104: 1.208 106: 3.1191 107: 3.732 112: 2.143 114: 3.987 124: 1.834 144: 2.144 150: 1.94 159: 4.854 161: 3.1389-90 162: 4.1588 165: 1.266 170: 4.854 204: 2.293 211: 4.1736 219: 1.266 221: 3.158 223: 4.620 226: 3.113-5 234: 4.1476 235-9: 3.396-400 240: 3.185 245: 1.662 250: 4.739 259-60: 4.120-1 260: 1.712 261: 3.620 273-4: 4.4223 277: 3.178 281: 3.1099 283: 2.813-4 286: 2.800-1 291: 3. 758 306: 3.389 311: 1.253 329: 3.315 347: 1.268 350: 3.1067-8 352: 2.325 378: 3.312 382Eust.: 2.639 386: 4.966 391: 3.828 392: 3.215 392-3: 1.293-4 397-8: 3.378-9 398: 1.313 405: 1.701 407: 2.411 409-10: 1.882-4 412: 2.304 418: 1.894 426: 3.891 434: 4.1674 436: 2.447 438: 4.1277 444: 3.9 458: 1.662 463, 465: 1.697-8 465: 4.1127-8 468: 4.48 470: 4.541 470-1: 1.78-9 474: 2.245 481: 3.991 484: 4.541; 4.699 489: 2.1003 491: 2.1030 492: 3.269 493: 1.1229 496: 1.637-8 502: 2.357 515: 4.1767 519et522: 2.119 532: 2.986 546: 2.273

'Homerus' (a) ap. Arist. EN: 1.1262; (b) 'II.' proem. test. Aristox.: 2: 1.1289; 3.337-8 4.1493






5: 3.1203-4 8: 1.385 15: 4.1621 21: 4.262 26: 4.317 33: 4.1351; 4.1773 34: 2.959; 1.288 40: 3.1304 42: 1.504 44: 3.402 65: 4.306 68: 1.237 70: 3.1038-9 79: 1.113 84-6: 4.1178-9 87: 4.340 90: 3.14-15 97: 3.1352-3 100: I.I J0Bsq.: 1.501sq. 108: 1.268 110: 3.1361-2 115: 2.126 124: 4.621624 129sq.: 1.501sq. 130: 2.1016 139sq.: 1.730sq. 139-41: 1.510-11 142: 4.898-9 146: 2.785 147: 4.305 150-3: 1.944-5 154-5: 1.157 158: 3.1162 162: 3.740-1 164: 4.1092 166: 4.739 167: 2.408 169: 1.711 172: 4.739 172-3: 4.92-3 176: 4.1286-7 178: 1.1313 178-9: 4.222-3 179: 2.599 180-1: 4.985-6 183-4: 4.1516-7 188: 4.985-6 190: 2.363 190-1: 3.1352-3 191: 3.1032; 3.940 194-5: 1.1142-3 208: 1.119 232: 4.1086 234: 1.157 235: 2.987 268-9: 2.276 269: 2.300 286: 1.510-11 300: 2.1259 303: 4.1038 304: 1.102 306: 2.1211 311: 2.1259; 4.1666 313-4: 4.1404 314-5: 1.996-7 316, 318: 1.1040 324: 3.231 328: 1.996-7 334: 3.864 335: 4.1397 340: 2.1261 358: 1.503-4 361: 1.113 362-3: 3.244; 1.157 367: 3.532 377: 3.443 385: 3.785 393: 2.6 400: 4.388 411-12: 3.304-5 418: 3.1211 421: 1.157 440-2: 2.695-8 445con.: 1.627 46Jsq.: 4.803-4 462: 3.376 467: 4.203 477sq.: 1.508sq. 478: 4.71 480: 4.1689 483: 4.1131 488: 1.5 490-1: 1.505-507 492-3: 2.44-5 494: 3.818 504sq.: 1.730sq. 517sq.: 4.1398sq. 521sq.: 2.1248sq. 531: 1.254 541: 1.434 547: 2.61 550: 3.382 - 385 552: 1.1309 553: 4.472 565: 1.202 566: 3.531 567-8: 1.1288-9 572: 4.1737 581: 1.729; 3.42-3 582: 3.530 592: 4.1211 594: 1.879 595: 4.229 604: 1.263; 1.684 614: 3.1086-7 615: 4.1082-3 616: 1.102 627: 4.755; 1.847 630: 1.157 639: 4.888-9 641:2.878 651:4.60 658:4.1115 661:2.1058 664:3.194 667-8: 1.547 668: 1.157 670: 2.110 671-3: 1.944-5 672: 3.174 685-6: 1.310-11 689: 2.23 693: 3.164 696: 3.1304; 4.929 697-8: 3.1048-9 702: 1.890 713: 1.128 722et 724: 4.1233-4 729: 1.507 738: 4.280 742-3: 4.586-7 746: 3.866 748sq.: 4.630 748: I. 702 749: 3.280 754: 3.944-5 760: 3.163 773: 1.634 778: 2.735-6 784sq. -793: 2.291sq. 789: 4.282 791: 2.368 797-8: 2.205-208 798: 3.748 800: 4.951 809: 4.280 812: 2.320 821: 4.1751-2 824: 4.1686-7; 1.743 825: 3.414 832: 3.753 841: 3.244 845: 1.510-11 847: 1.1098-9; 1.496 848: 4.158 862sq.: 3.1299sq. 866: 2.841-2 869-70: 4.820-1 874: 2.749 879: 4.1641 881: 1.317 883, 885et892sq.: 4.803-4 892: 3.376 894: 1.1098-9 9078: 1.503-4 924: 1.142-3; 4.1310 931: 4.1552 931-2: 4.946 947-8: 3.1097-8 956-7:4.590-1 958sq.:3.243sq. 964:2.1116proecd.;2.346 973:4.415 9823: 1.1305 992: 3.153 995-6: 3.390 997: 3.2 998-9: 2.211 1(101-2: 1.554 1011: 4.590-1 1015: 2.686-7 Op. 10: 1.20 11: 4.57 20: 4.1147-8 28: 3.98 39: 4.1104-5 41: 2.190 50: 1.202 59: 1.485 63: 3.1099 71: 4.1737 73: 4.423-5 74: 3.1216 79: 2.154 84: 1.164 [93}: 2.1130 102: 1.516 proecd. 129: 2.37 131: 4.875 137: 1.517 145-6: 2.989 150: 1.627-8 154: 1.950 157: 3.429-30 159-60: 1.548 159: 1.970; 4.553 176-7: 3.1079 177: 4.1374; 4.101 182sq.: 1.81.3sq. 186: 1.1301 187: 4.636 190: 3.1005 193: 3.438 204: 2.825 205: 4.1067 212: 1.1049-50 225-6: 2.1027 238: 2.989 242: 4.1286-7 264: 3.511-12 277: 1.1010 279-80:



4.1104-5 282: 4.1086 284: 1.1063-4 292: 4.501-2 294: 2.314 298: 3.555-6 306: 4.61 316: 1.363 322: 2.541 330: 2.246; 4.1063 338: 1.860 339: 4.1019 342: 4.807 363: 1.1245 378: 2.1151 379: 4.653; 2.1182; 2.1095 384: 3.2256 385: 2.526 394: 3.1040 405: 1.1217 414: 4.834-5 415-6: 3.1399 417: 2.523-4 421: 4.216 424: 1.1290 431: 2.614 432-3: 3.232 434: 3.1190 450: 2.1086 458: 1.683 459: 1.305 483: 3.328 499: 4.833 505: 3.892 511: 4.158 513: 1.324-5; 2.855 518: 2.1098 522: 3.1203-4 524: 2.124 535: 4.999-1000 551: 4.1426 553: 4.1484 559: 3.743 563: 3.716 566: 2.515; 4.1414 581: 3.1190 595: 3.222 598: 4.436 635: 1.935 642: 3.59-60; 4.492 652: 1.893 653: 2.1164 656: 3.1273-4 662: 2.161 678: 4.259 684: 2.855 685: 3.298 687-8: 1.693 693: 1.757 703: 3.429-30 706: 1.1102 711: 1.741; 2.413 713: 1.881-2 724: 3.1340-1 728: 1.725 747: 3.928-9 753: 3.300 755: 1.1133-4 765: 2.993 766: 1.266-7 800: 2.239 808: 4.237 821: 1.1360 Scut. 6: 1.136-7 11-12: 4.551 14: 1.116 15: 2.854-5 18: 4.1097; 4.393 22: 1.960 26: 2. 703-4 28: 1.463 34: 3.229 35: 1.1038 40: 3.1165; 4.86 57: 4.1497 74: 1.197 79-80: 3.891 79: 1.1102 84: 4.888-9 85: 4.694 88: 2.37 90: 3.622; 4.203 96: 2.641 97: 1.147 99: 4.100 107: 4.415 108: 4.206 110: 2.163 122: 4.973 124sq.: 3.1225sq. 127: 3.989 142, 145, 147: 4.1437 145: 4.466 149: 4.739 153: 4.534 154: 1.759 156: 1.1028 161: 1.735 170: 4.1181 173-4: 1.1262 181: 1.1083 184: 1.320 189-90: 1.64 198: 3.664 200: 3.1282 201: 2.595 203, 205-6: 2.704 203: 1.740; 2.161 204: 1.697 2078: 1.759 209: 4.1680 210: 3.1312 225-6: 4.1146 239-40etcirca: 1.749 243: 3.672 248: 1.1184 249: 2.281 257: 4.1634 274sq.: 4. l 193sq. 278: 1.577 278-9: 4.911 281: 2.943 286-7: 3.1331-2 305: 4.1031 310-11: 2.1006-7 317: 4.1615 322: 4.184-5 328: 1.507 331: 1.683 336 et circa: 3. 1038 339: 1.287 345: 4.482 358: 3. 183 359: 2.411 362: 1.428 363(sq.): 2.825 379: 1.497 380: 4.997 386-90: 3.1351-3 387: 2.820 402-3: 2.88-9 407: 2.696-7 413: 2.163 418-9: 1.429-30 421(sq.; c.v.l.): 4.1453; 4.1682sq. 431-2: 1.1071-2 434: 2.641 435: 2.242 451: 1.544-5 458: 1.122 462: 4.1155-6; 1.1239; 3.1308 472: 1.893 477-8: 3.67 478-9: 4.612

Fragm. 1.4: 1.288 1.6: 3,173 1.12: 2.408 7.2-3: 1.162-3 10.2: 3.360 25.3: 1.197 25.28: 2.1209 25.32-3: 1.858-9 26.29-30: 1.86 27: 4.891-2 30.17: 3.1132 30.18: 4.597 30.23: 1.731 30.31: 2.221 33(a)4: 1.398 33(a)l3sq.: 1.158-60 33(a)13: 1.88 33(a)18: 3.801 37.8-9: l.118sq. 43(a)5-6: 1.1245 43(a)39: 1.400 43(a)56: 2.475 43(a)59: 2.110 43(a)68: 1.136-7 43(a)Bl: 2.954 45.3: 4.863 60.2: 3.1132 62: 1.182-4 70.23: 4. 1541sq. 70.27: 4.1042-3 70.39: 3.304-5 75.17suppl.: 4.229 75.22: 1.147 132: 2.180-1 158: 3.1038-9 165.6: 3.528 165.13: 4.1138 170: 3.858 171.7: 1.23 180.5: 4.1762 196.7-8: 1.1489 197.3: 1.146-7 198.4: 1.675-6 199.2: 3.1107 204.49: 4.552 204.52: 1.77 204.80: 4.1481-2 204.85: 4.1161 204.87sq.: 4.812sq. 204.96: 3.229 204.105: 1.297 204.124: 3.1400 204.132, 135-6: 4.1505-6 205.4: 4.1278; 1.936 211.56: 4.1161 215.2: 2.500 216: 4.1218 231: 1.824 233.2: 2.856 235.4: 4.1028 240.1, 3: 3.1084-92 240.7: 4.946 240.11: 2.813-4 252.5: 2.954 273.1-2: 1.298 286.2: 2.1027 289: 1.1202 294.3: 2.274-5 294.4: 1.1076 301: 4.597



302.15: 4.590-1 304.1: 3.928-9 305.3: 1.819 317: 2.878 333: 4.217 337: 1.1077 Dub.: 343.5-6: 2.1235 343.12: 4.67; 4.269 343.13: 1.1262 343.1617corr.: 3.585-6 360: 4.1427-8 363: 4.282



Di. 8: 1.1117; 4.282; 1.553

14: 2.676-7

17: 4.1773-4

19: 3.1080

De. 5sq.: 3.897sq. 8-9: 1.1143 9: 2.154 17: 2.1214 20: 4.70 21: 4.146 27: 4.163 27-8: 3.1169-70 30: 3.28-9 34-5: 4.927-8 35: 1.647-8 38: 1.922 40: 1.262-3; 4.351; 4.749 46: 2.1080 52: 4.808 53: 4.1593 55: 4.1412 67: 4.1422 69: 4.790 76-7: 4.1422-3 77: 3.1156; 4.616 80: 3.442 82: 4.552 945: 2.821-2 101: 4.125 103: 4.347 106-7: 1.1207-9 111: 1.298 113: 1.1; 116: 3.244 118: 2.1218; 3.484 119: 2.1123-4 122: 4.1514 125: 4.1641 1.1259 130: 2.124-5; 4.1460 131: 4.181-2 135-6: 1.898 145: 3.382-385; 3.718 148: 2.542 149: 3.1051 163: 1.704 164-5: 3.528 168: 3.820 171: 4.348 174,176: 4.948-953 176: 4.1303; 4.1609 176-7: 3.874-5 179: 4.1333 182: 4.749 188: 3.256 190: 3.742-3 193: 1.788-9 194: 3.85 196: 3.834-5 198: 3.423 201: 1.286 205: 2.501-2 210: 2.433 214: 3.93 215: 4.347 217: 2.542 227: 3.783 231: 4.1135-6 237sq.: 4.869sq. 249: 3.708 258: 4.817; 1.1332-3 259: 3.714-6 269: 4.936 270-1: 2.694 281: 3.158 282: 3.423 284: 2.238; 3.914 285: 4.81 286: 4.1135-6 287: 4.595 293: 4. 752 296: 1.893 300: 1.443 303: 1.1094 304: 1.286 324: 4.1053 336: 3.14-15 339: 4.750 341: 1.1098-9 342: 4.537 344: 4.1174 349: 4.1501 349-51: 4.713-4 350: 4. 750 351: 3.425 354-6: 3.1169-70 355: 3.927 357-8: 3.1024 357: 3.862 358: 1.279; 3.555-6 362: 3.1326; 1.466 368: 4.1729-30 380sq.: 3.164sq. 380: 1.545 382: 1.1273 385: 1.307 389: 4.1368 395: 2.1181 407: 4.1137 414: 3.30; 2. 75 431: 3.309; 3.878 432: 4. 70 435: 2.306 436: 4.1061 441-2: 3.587 444: 2.948-50 445: 4.231 451: 4.1477 458: 4.1628 475: 3.1332 494: 4.1026-7; 1.249

Ap. 2: 3.884 3: 2.490-1 9: 1.788-9 16: 1.537 21: 4.635-6 24: 1.938 26: 4.580; 4.1728 27: 1.1305 29: 4.631 33: 1.601-2; 1.520 38: 1.830-1; 4.1637 3943: 4.1635-6 40: 1.308-9 46: 4.1549 75: 3.350 78: 4.273 80: 3.842 81: 2.245 83: 4.797 92: 4.508 99: 3.250 106: 2.462 110-11: 4.352-3 118: 3.715-6 120: 3.860 121-2: 4.187-8 132: 2.181-2 137: 4.1549 138: 2.1116 proecd. 142: 4.553 153: 2.761 153-4: 1.765 163: 2.152 171: 1.655 176: 3.358; 4.74 179: 2.213-4 179-81: 1.308-9 192: 3.772 194: 4.1411 196: 4.1406 202-3: 4.728-9 204: 3.1350-1 216: 4.770 218corr.: 3-.1114; 3.1135 225: 3.1179 226: 3.1178 229: 1.391 230: 3.1242 233: 1.507 236: 2.1176 237: 2.266 244: 1.209-10 265: 1.393; 1.147 268: 3.716 279: 1.1219 280: 4.1444 281-2: 4.659-661 286: 2.385-6 295: 2.480 303: 4.1011-12 307: 2.39-40 309v.l.: 1.1148 317: 1.669 319: 4.1599; 4.1743 320: 4.1135-6 322v.l.: 4.739; 4.744 325a: 3.1026; 4.744 328: 3.151 331: 3.740; 3.9 333: 2.108 338:2.275-6 341:3.164 342:2.1135 344:4.793 345-6:1.667 346:



4.492-3 354: 4.1081 373: 2.910; 3.245-6 380: 3.225 383: 1.27 384: 2.522-3; 4.1714-16 386: 2.1173 390: 1.536 394: 2.523 396: 2.166 403: 1.1163; 2.597; 2.726 406: 1.606 415: 1.943; 1.1062 417: 1.1014; 4.1579 420-1: 2.168 429: 2.942 431: 4.633 · 433-4: 1.1358-9 435: 2.1035 436: 4.686 440: 4.1245 441:4.1286 444:3.1165 445:3.1218 448:2.943;3.827 449:4.1551-2 456: 3.1374 476-7: 1.838 484: 4.1032 487: 3.206 488: 2.571 490: 2.531-2 501: 2.348-50; 4.115 503: 1.432; 4.200-1 506: 4.1365 506-7: 2.1282; 4. 165960 516sq.: 1.538-9 528(sq.): 1.685sq. 534: 4.1199 535: 2.108 541: 1.692 545: 2.213-4 546: 3.1110-11

He. 7: 4.1495 JO: 1.1315 15: 2.116 17: 4.1286 20: 4.1310 32: 2.713; 3.132-3 39: 4.472 40: 3.1346 43, 45, 46: 4.1298-:-- 1300-:-- 1303 45: 4.109; 3.1018-9 46: 4.103 60: 1.785 66: 4.7 66-7: 3.1197 68: 3.1191 89: 4.1733 96: 1.1282 99: 1.1228 110: 2. 736-7; 4.929 112: 3.1034 114corr.: 4. 763 116-8: 3. 1306-8 117: 1.1249 125: 1.1075 128: 1.365 137: 3.531 138: 2.1127; 4.888-9 1467: 4.877-8 154: 4.1372 155sq.: 3.129sq. 162: 3.31 164: 4.1244 172: 4.1131 182: 3.448; 1.260 184: 4.981 191: 3.1179 197: 1.924-5; 2.494 201: 2.419 203: 1.1267 236: 4.616; 3.905 241: 2.407 243: 2.257 246: 3.1284 252: 2.487 257: 2.681-2 262: 3.1179 269: 3.739 272: 4.551; 2.633 274: 4.1310 275-6: 3,512 275: 2.24 278: 4.34 284codd.: 4.498 295: 4.171 304: 3.515-6 313: 1.394 316: 4.973 317: 3.1140-1 323: 3.132-3 331: 2.1254 337: 3.858 348: 2.1049-50; 2.225 353: 4.112 357: 4.289 360: 4.1011-12 361: 3.1105 362: 1.656 371: 2.494 379: 1.356 380: 3.219 381: 4.1315-16 386: 4.815 390: 3.623 401: 3,1286-7 405: 1.407 410: 2.679; 1.1142-3 418: 2.1266 443: 1.1095 448: 1.1057 449: 2.407 454: 3.615 456: 4.1736 462: 3.152; 2.314 480: 3.219; 4.807 487: 2.417 491: 2.400 499: 2.1266 509: 4.1752 523-4: 4.612 533:3.1099 535:2.212 549:3.1176 550:4.1733 551:3.986 552: 3.535 556: 1.425 557(corr.): 1.813; 1.13-14 558(corr.): 1.881-2; 2.545 567: 4. 1341


2: 1.803; 1.850 3: 4.1165 5: 3.530 7: 3.535-6 20: 2.404 21: 4.1491-2 27: 4.1310 28: 4.648 33: 3.535-6 45: 4.11 55: 4.1610 -:-- 1612 57: 3.810 66(sq.): 1.1265-6 68sq.: 1.1144-5 69sq.: 3.883-4 70: 2.124 79: 1.60 82: 1.671-2 85codd.: 4.671 89: 4.167 95-6: 2.291-2 101: 2.522-3 110: 2.237 111: 3.362 116: 4.801 130: 1.1249 131: 2.215sq.; 3.985 138: 1.907 159: 1.168 166: 4.1468 168, 170: 1.1172sq. 185: 3.828 186: 1.480 187: 2.215sq. 188: 4.825 193: 2.1219sq.; 2.950 198-9: 3.464 202-3: 3.115-7 207: 2.65-6 217: 1.1158 227: 3.679-80 232: 4.671 233: 1.684 234: 4.1301 253: 4.412 261: 2.701 263: 2.1025 264: 3.1375-6 264, 266-7: 3.967sq. 277: 1.690 282: 2.113 290: 2.22 292: 4.917 6

3: 4.768

6: 4.995-6

15-16: 3.258-9

16: 1.884

17: 4.194-5

7 3: 2.366

4-5: 1.223

5: 3.1355-6

6, 8: 4.1760

6: 4.903

J 7: 1.463




4.430 44-5: 2.1251-2 4.1773-4

44: 4.1385

45: 4.642; 2.595

51: 2.339

52: 1.475


8: 1.283 10 4: 4.917 12

1: 4.828

3: 4.967


3: 2.704 14

1: 1.1094 15 1-2: 4.805

7: 1.1098-9

16 2: 4.616-7 19 3-4: 2.504-5

15: 3.69

19: 2.561

30: 3.1306

20 4: 2.44-5

8: 2.693

21 4: 1.288 22 3: 2.658 23

1: 4.558 25

5: 3.1352-3 26 5: 1.116-7 27 3: 3.1283

5: 4.1709

6-7: 3.161-2

16: 1.1205

35: 4.1161

39: 3.253




28 5-6: 4.1310

11: 1.524-5

11-12: 1.1327-8

14: 3.811

30 4: 1.283

17: 3.716

18: 4.1026-7

31 J: 4.2; 3.11

9: 3.1241

10: 3.1228-9

18-19: 1.548

19: 1.298

JO: 4.1377

18-19: 1.1-2

32 2: 4.753

5: 1.1282

8 -:--11: 1.1231-2

33 1, 9: 4.650-1

11-12: 4.1756-7

13: 2.561; 2.427



Alcmaeonis 1.1-2: 1.427-8

1.2: 1.344

3: 1.1122

Anon.epic.ap. Plut. 4.267-8 As.Sam. 2: 4.538 Cypria 7.3: 4.558

7.11: 4.635-6

7.12: 3.530

24.1: 1.996


1: 1.992 Eumelus 2.8: 1.174

Ad schol. 3.1372 v.Michelazzo, Prometheus, 1, 1975, 38-48

11.Parv. 4.1: 1.558

6.2: 3.928

12: 4.870

II.Pers. 5. 4: 2. 155-6

Nosti 6.J: 3.922 Panyas. 2: 4.1438

5: 1.1361

12.2: 1.473

12.16: 1.458

13.1: 4.1411

15.1: 1.183



Phoronis 2.3: 1.151

2.5: 1.851

Stes. PMG: 209.i.l: 4.1619 209.i.3-4: 2.286-7 219.2: 3.627 SLG: JJ. 116-17suppl.: 1.684 15.9: 1.443 19: 1.472-3 Stes.? PLille, v. 204: 2.452 241: 2.501

Titanomach. 4.2: 4.849

MNEMOSYNE Bibliotheca Classica Batava collegerunt A. D.







Supp/ementa 4. Leeman, A. D. A systematical bibliography of Sallust ( 1879-1964). Revised and augmented edition. 1965. (xii, 109 p.) [01467 5] Gld. 40.-

5. Lenz, F. W. (ed.). The Aristeides Prolegomena. 1959. (xi, 178 [73 Gr. t.] p.) [01468 3]

Gld. 48.-

6. McKay, K. J. The poet at play. Kallimachos, The Bath of Pallas. 1962. (x, 139 (4 Gr. t.] p.) [01469 I] Gld. 28.7. McKay, K. J. Erysichthon. A Callimachean comedy. 1962. (x, 202 p.) [01470 5] Gld. 48.8. Sweeney, R. D. Prolegomena to an edition of the scholia to Statius. 1969. (viii, 121 p.) (01471 3] Gld. 42.-

10. Witke, C. Enarratio Catulliana. Carmina L, XXX, LXV, LXVIII. 1968. (viii, 51 p.) [030794] Gld. 24.11. Rutilius Lupus. De Figuris Sententiarum et Elocutionis. Edited with ProGld. 60.legomena and Commentary by E. BROOKS. 1970. (xiii, 110 p.) 12. Smyth, W. R. (ed.). Thesaurus criticus ad Sexti Propertii text um. 1970. (xii, 197 p.) (01475 6] Gld. 68.13. Levin, D. N. Apollonius' Argonautica re-examined, I. The neglected first and second books. 1971. (viii, 268 p.) [02575 8] Gld. 96.14. Reinmuth, 0. W. The Ephebic inscriptions of the fourth century B.C. 1971. Gld. 96.(xii, 173 p., 31 pl.) [014764] 15. Young, D. C. Pindar Isthmian 7. Myth and exempla. 1971. (viii, 51 p., frontisp.) [01477 2] Gld. 32.16. Rose, K. F. C. The date and author of the Satyricon. With an introduction by J.P. SULUVAN. 1971. (xiv, 107 p.) (02578 2] Gld. 56.-

17. Segal, Ch. The theme of the mutilation of the corpse in the Iliad. 1971. (xii, 82 p.) [02579 OJ Gld. 36.18. Willis, J. De Martiano Capella emendando. 1971. (iv, 94 p.) [02580 4] Gld.44.19. Herington, C. J. (ed.). The older scholia on the Prometheus Bound. 1972. (x, 262 p.) [03455 2] Gld. 116.-

20. Thiel, H. van. Petron. Oberlieferung und Rekonstruktion. 1971. (viii, 78 p.) [02581 2J Gld. 44.21. Losada, L. A. The fift.h column in the Peloponnesian War. 1972. (viii, 148 p.) [03421 8J Gld. 60.22. Statius. Thebaidos Liber Decimus. Edited with a commentary by R. D. WILLIAMS. 1972. (xxiv, 139 p.) [03456 OJ Gld. 40.23. Brown, V. The textual transmission of Caesar's Civil War. 1972. (viii, 96 p.) [03457 9J Gld. 48.24. Loomis, J. W. Studies in Catullan verse. An analysis of word types and patterns in the polymetra. 1972. (xiv, 160 p.) [03429 3J Gld. 52.-

25. Pavlovskis, Z. Man in an artificial landscape. The marvels of civilization in imperial Roman literature. 1973. (vi, 53 p.) [03643 lJ Gld. 20.26. Parry, A. A. Blameless Aegisthus. A study of cxµuµwv and other Homeric epithets. 1973. (x, 292 p.) [03736 5J Gld. 96.-

27. George, E. V. Aeneid VIII and the Aitia of Callimachus. 1974. (x, 132 p., 3 tabl.) [03859 OJ Gld. 48.28. Scott, W. C. The oral nature of the Homeric simile. 1974. (x, 212 p., 2 pl.) [03789 6J Gld. 68.29. Bers, V. Enallage and Greek style. 1974. (xii, 81 p.) (03786 lJ

Gld. 52.-

30. Geffcken, K. A. Comedy in the Pro Caelio. With an appendix on the In C/odium et Curionem. 1973. (viii, 89 p.) [03782 9J Gld. 40.31. Starr, C. G. Political intelligence in classical Greece. 1974. (viii, 48 p.) [03830 2J Gld. 24.32. Boedeker, D. D. Aphrodite's entry into Greek epic. 1974. (viii, 97 p.) [03946 5J Gld. 44.-

33. Matthews, V. J. Panyassis of Halikarnassos. Text and commentary. 1974. (xii, 158 p.) [04001 3J Gld. 64.34. Poe, J. P. Heroism and divine justice in Sophocles' Philoctetes. 1974. (viii, 51 p.) (04165 6J Gld. 24.35. Eden, P. T. A commentary on Virgil: Aeneid VIII. 1975. (xxv, 211 p.) [04225 3J Gld. 72.36. Shannon, R. S. The arms of Achilles and Homeric compositional technique. 1975. (xii, 100 p.) [042490J Gld. 44.-

37. Smith, 0. L. Studies in the scholia on Aeschylus, I. The recensions of Demetrius Triclinius. 1975. (xiv, 288 p., 11 pl.) [04220 2J Gld. 116.38. Hijmans, 8. L. Inlaboratus et facilis. Aspects of structure in some letters of Seneca. 1976. (x, 182 p.) (04474 4J Gld. 40.-

39. Schmeling, G. L. and J. H. Stuckey. A bibliography of Petronius. 1977. (xii, Gld. 96.239 p., 2 col. pl., 13 fig.) [04753 OJ 40. Wallach, B. P. Lucretius and the diatribe against the fear of death. De rerum Gld. I/I 830-1094. 1976. (x, 134 p.) [04564 3J 41. Anderson, G. Lucian: Theme and variation in the Second Sophistic. 1976. (xii, 211 p.) [04735 2J Gld. 68.42. Clader, L. L. Helen: The evolution from divine to heroic in Greek epic tradiGld. 36.tion. 1976. (x, 90 p.) [04721 2J 43. Anderson, G. Studies in Lucian's comic fiction. 1976. [04760 3J

Gld. 48.-

44. Thompson, W. E. De Hagniae Hereditate. An Athenian inheritance case. 1976. (xiv, 107 p.) [04757 3J Gld. 44.45. McGushin, P. C. Sallustius Crispus, Bel/um Catilinae. A commentary. 1977. (xii, 317 p.) [04835 9J Gld. 80.46. Thornton, A. The living universe. Gods and men in Virgil's Aeneid. 1976. (xiv, 223 p.) [04579 IJ Gld. 64.47. Morgan, K. Ovid's art of imitation. Propertius in the Amores. 1977. (vi, 116 p.) [04858 8J Gld. 32.48. Brenk, F. E. In mist apparelled. Religious themes in Plutarch's Moralia and Lives. 1977. (xiv, 306 p.) [05241 OJ Gld. 64.49. Henry, A. S. The prescripts of Athenian decrees. 1977. (xiv, 120p.) [054294J Gld. 60.50. North, H. F. (ed.). Interpretations of Plato. A Swarthmore Symposium. 1977. (viii, 112 p.) [05262 3J Gld. 38.51. Sussman, L.A. The elder Seneca. 1978. (xii, 187 p.) [05759 5J

Gld. 52.-

52. Wender, D. The last scenes of the Odyssey. 1978. (x, 83 p.) [05710 2J Gld. 24.53. Newmyer, S. T. The Silvae of Statius. Structure and theme. 1979. (x, 135 p.) Gld. 40.[05849 4J 54. Boring, T. A. Literacy in ancient Sparta. I 979. (xiv, 114 p.) [05971 7J Gld. 36.55. Griffiths, F. T. Theocritus at court. 1979. (x, 135 p.) [05919 9)

Gld. 40.-

56. The letters of Apollonius of Tyana. A critical text with Prolegomena, translation and commentary by R. J. PENELLA. 1979. (x, 146 p.) [05972 5J Gld. 44.57. Boer, W. den. Private morality in Greece and Rome. Some historical Gld. 80.aspects. 1979. (xii, 305 p.) [059768J

58. Briggs, W.W. Narrative and simile from the Georgics in the Aeneid. 1980. Gld. 32.(viii, 109 p.) [06036 7] 59. Clayman, D. L. Callimachus' Iambi. 1980. (vii, 98 p.) [06063 4]

Gld. 28.-

60. Johnston, P. A. Vergil's agricultural Golden Age. A study of the Georgics. 1980. (x, 143 p.) [06111 8] Gld. 48.61. Hieronymus Liber de optima genere interpretandi (Epistula 57). Ein Kommentar von G. J.M. BARTELINK. 1980. (x, 133 p.) [06085 5) Gld. 44.62. Maehler, H. Die Lieder des Bakchylides, I. Die Siegeslieder.

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63. Hohendahl-Zoetelief, I. M. Manners in the Homeric epic. 1980. (viii, 191 p.) Gld. 48.[06223 8) 64. Harvey, R. A. A commentary on Persius. 1981. (xii, 213 p.) (06313 7) Gld. 72.65. Maxwell-Stuart, P. G. Studies in Greek colour terminology. I. 1Attux6i;. 1981. Gld. 84.(x, 254 p.) (06406 0) 66. Monti, R. C. The Dido episode and the Aeneid. Roman social and political Gld. 40.values in the epic. 1981. (xiv, 114 p.) [06328 5) 67. Maxwell-Stuart, P. G. Studies in Greek colour terminology. II. xttpo1t6i;. 1981. (viii, 99 p.) [06407 9] Gld. 36.68. Achard, G. Pratique rhetorique et ideologie politique dans Jes discours "Optimates" de Ciceron. 1981. (xi, 546 p.) (06374 9) Gld. 176.-

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